Alauge - DigiFind-It


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C t J c n i n

K U M B E B 2 , 1 8 2 N E W A R K , N . J . , W E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y 3 0 , 1 8 9 0 . P R I C E T W O C E N T I ^ ;

First Edition. r K ix c R O P * a PXTSB b f i d e m i c .

A C I T Y I N F L A M E S .


■ k .1 . n iM k , a t • a lM l .c . M I l f* u 4 Mm * •* IlM Bu Im * r . H i . a ol tk*

I I I , I . j l .h H . ■ T . l . . r . , h awl T«t*pliaM f a r . 1. . i a , ,« a 4 .4 .

■bm p* r * u * H. Y„ Joljr » . - n i , intTlIiH M* k u ow am d. TH Fiw Uuildiiif, a ta in t Ik , wnUiHi of whit'u ihno ot h a a jrwn *(■> •H k M raa t p M n t **• miuli', IbHIM ka aVfloa *i a In ir ip titli manliii, ao l u ■ l a n d tkat it k u alan k »'** * dHttlitr*,k

A l ia lalauiat after 1 a’aleek Hut imaiiltic a * baildloc, which wtf ducctl, entail* ■ aa i'i Open Huua a Fall aUam w a d im m e d Is he harolut Ik iBibariaad * gqiiira’i laatatuakL l ia fk w a ln u lc e ib a n u n a n ie tu a w u ea •re. H adnaiiikl but iM itaaUniSmd teen wvsld hare keao luflluii seua h r icfni, hat at f e'eterk u e Haait BlMDBs aial lurthiii s f the lows w a la■Ma a IB Baaiaa. Th* Few boildlnf waa in ack ab :, from bat ona/lda and the a tn a - pheie quloatj h * ea» » hot that tha t n a a a M aM Botaadan u.

NakT i r o a a n m pat n * iklasdld PhaDU b!»k, isnilTliitltks

M aiile iktbt piash th* elaetits nllw ar plaa:, a * peilsBea, * ip n a oHee, the prlat- to f *Wal)ll>hn«al, tha amritr, •wider- a a 'a fuiwltiu* waRinoisa aad tha Wealam UbIcb Tslsfiaiik ofloe, •acesBbad to th* ••mo* and witkls four how* tltoea *tara eaat ol It to th* ahaldao Hoek were nUoed.

Th* la ia a *praiif aeroa ih* •tn*l to Boaf** Optra UguM htlbre an hoar bad ptaad, and that a a t e sm n u d , with all of Fall ait**t M that «d* aa*t to Ih* Unidok Hack, whil* 01 lb* north ikle tk* 0»sp*r*il,* block wt* th* IlDlh On lUM orart th* •iiae* u to sd td to tnd to- aiiidad KtUoor'* llrerp *uihl«, hut *11 of hk aaek wt* aarad. The eonkrei*, wlik H ne *n>rsk'B*i* lOHt OD lail m pertr.’T n flren halo* Ihn* pcobablj beiat a Ihlt * r* n (t la- ■luaiioat,

■nTMan or t b i umbl n * Fhofllx block, |M,M)i alHtne Utkl

piaat, •iki OQO (oot whtol]r daitiof ed); kplreeter law , n,MU 1 J„hn*on btoct, IK.lin : Huw* block, tU.UOO 1 Itoikir hloi±. |da,tK]0 ; on IhoMon blook, 17,OW; Hsai HuMI d i n i t ^ prubably tln,0W; U s ^ a Optra Hocih and Mack, lU to n i Dauleli'i bh»k, |IS ,M ; ih* JOmw block, K<m 1 OrawcU Mock, H,B» 1 Mccaitto’* blook, M ,W i Killer blooi, tkOdP. In Bbu* *lr**t ib* llie h*a ai- toady lappad np ibc Hodwn Rant* and blaekamlih ehop, Georps'i baker ehopv ■kt»*t’t ttore, the McreiU block, Isclsdiuf OstotaF* Itqaor itcre, Hall'i o l ^ Ihctot,,

The Tew * *e B a n • Dral**«* ly iU to I* F ran a t fwrthar Blakaaaa.

Ipaelal to tha E rnnw Haw*.Thtomw. J a > M .- n a IhcultroIFnBortoa

OsUa,* a n touca aaarened U m i Ihe uato- toanu (hat bat* lena bretdeatt abanl Iben hnn tn iM h typhoid Iktar a t IitiMalcn. eaoa tha pubtioailoo at iha koti lha d * u of ih* eallot* kai racatrad UO lauen of iida lir Itoa lha pannia of lb* laesnln i fnthtoui olaa* abanl tb* daadar of ftilnn alakBaaa 1b each •aiiar aa aaasrlnf anawar la aaat that lha Ikw e a t t ta a Itat dlaappcailoc. A m T tw kw tid aU m pt wt* Bad* ni ooniradlol th* drn aiato, ■eahi *f Itw praaamnt apidamlo. Tha donlali a n la all oate* nrideanoiai of lha toon A BOW Itaka ant that the Btal* Board of Rrallh knew af the tRaablo aoTan wacka afo and Bail* ail aatttlldttltiD. Tbs oIBniii oi the tl*M boaid acraad wtih Ih* loetl lxitr.1 am to ,tr* Ike Baltar a a r publioKr. Th* 1*4 btue of the FrlatMloo Prru, in drayiix what It callj aewe papar ex inerallua, brloii new taou to Utbt ahont th* epIdeBki. It t a y i :

*1han w en iw seam of ijrphold Ik w ananf the eellei* etodenli, coolracted beion tb* eo:- taf* aloaad, and which bar* datalned tk* two Ben h e n nnlll now. Wblla lha otaat have baea ted ln * botb a n eonraliacenL It h ra- ponad that two or lan* uudeuU h e n bton tick at thali h sn e t abiiL lo ih* towa (ban b a n bean tonr saaea of typhoid tbrar, ilao one Okhd ^led. Rot, Gaoi)* H, Burroufh, who had lha taTtr, akn d ia l Ur. Uuyd. a Bilk- Baa. nppUed many cnHusiatt, and. tn- dacd, ftunlabad ih t sulk uajd lo a*ery lam- Uy waeta tha lavar Bad* a ludieuL'nt- In taob fkinily iban waa won than ooe ttrtokee. TbU h a nm aru tila last, tod polntotolh* Bilk aa IB* nadlBB of tba cootaftoa. yit IBat tuck la lha Oita la iMtalaaluieIr demonatnud.

Tb* rlfhet of IbeM laporti h*>, bowarar, Indlnctlf lean a bansdt toihaoollepe. lank much tbat It baa abaken up ibe old tows, wbtob la DOW about lo adopt a lyatcn ol drain- *i*. Foe a quarter of a oentury an atlonpl baa bee* Bade to b a n tba town a im pfo- tratotT* In tbli reapaci, and ttao pnanea of th* Ktot b u nail wd tha lupy element, and la a Aw daya Ihoy will formally adopt a lyitam now baliif adranlaad- Tb* coli^a nianaje- Bant load aqo put in a oomp-ota lyitwn of dtalnoie. but they feared Ihat an apldenilo would bnak out in tba town baotiut of the lack of pnpor ■tniiatiao,’'



•onto Taota Cawoamlad th* Clatitoa W hich B ad* th* A n e ad B e a l Per-

h id d iu i •peoial Leslalallea a F art • I Ih* 1 ta la ’* OrfBBl* Law,


Banna'i aaopnd-haod M m, CU nm lanndty'w’t Utoe ■Saoiaoa’a (hoe ibop. EcIIs r ' i UyeiT atahi*

and th* ,wo rear bouan n t i t ib trti^ w aen B td n la aew United.


C aB daa F ln u ia a Vwwarlaat I* 0*p*W ith th e Piaat*a~OBe B aa la ja rad .

Cunwn, July M —Fita broke eat In Ib* laiqa ban-llk* attabllitiinem of th* WaB Jap lay Rlateblnd Vorkt, tkxtb and Kecbula •Mela, laat aranlnt, Owiat to tha IsI b b - B*bl* BuMritl with which tlw butldloc waa tb indlh* hratnaa w en ntlorly poaerlawto eop* with Ihe StBar, and dentod tbtlt eatr- | 1t t to ta r in t tao anrnuiidtnf property. A n w of aaaU hoiitB naai th* worti, ItoaBlad by poor fkalUea, won badly aeorohed aad with th* ina taat dlllcaUy ttrad Ron daairoattoa.

Wkl * i te fin wt* at th* belfbt of Ha tary a tondeaptoBonoocumd. Kortlmar R W1I*m , ef MO Boutb B itb Kraal, who wa* eo lha dot ■nr, wa* kaoekaddown and u ta liiad a lad ■alp we«M, and n r a n bnnia on Iba h ^ and ateh. I t |* tnppaaad Ih* aipladon w« ■ ■■d by aoBtofth* Bany duoilaalt naad In Ih* fataacblPt b u d m n * Tha wonaJad draaaaa * ■ labaa to Cnopci HoapUal, when hi* bom war* iOQDd I* b t aeiton*, tU hnith •<■• d*cb- atrllyMtol.

A rr tB a h m a a W h* R a t th* IiaUneia a f a Wild I t^ a t .

FrrmnBo, Iniy M -T h b mlnliif Tlllita of Rtcbmaa, on tlw Toma Ban bnnrhof Ibe Flttenurv, Chaitian and Youkblcebcny Bail- load, la In a iiata of icrror and of Indianattoa. Htiaana Abaat CFBilan yeateiday reoalTcd a oompUlnt aome cttlaani of that r illa^ of a onme ao ilaitung 1 bat ho lipncdlttdy b rjtn an tnTcetlfttton, which will lead to tneali. Iha ooapltibu atow that a number of Italian and French BilHta ftom WalbaFa Villa i n In Ih* baMt of eoBqnfailnf a Htokwin and wifarlna bate en tbe ablUty of a Fnbctainan named Mi i i b * to eat Hr* anlmrla

Tbli fyenohnati li a amall, tblckKt man, wHh a bmtUh eounientuc*, wbtn It la aitcfad •ad Item Fnuce to ITOM ImprLiouinenl on eomplalat of tba homane aaoclatloo then. Be w ifeit tbhi be can aat any m a ll aalaial allra.

On tlie l*K oee«io* tba tpeciaton Ciinied a n o t aronikl k ta , «nd i t i UixiAiHlaed a M thianaft tcrtohlinf laboli and ba- ytu to eruneh Ha itpht farelbol. He at* hMe and alt, and In a tow inlaiilH hi* ornHah In- iltoei ao aanned Itoair that ha aroula hold tb* dytntanlBal to hla teeth and ahakaU Ilka* toiTtoe doaa a rat, all the Hiae yalilui la Inn ilid rata, while the blood of tbe rabWi eoratod hla toe* and abtrt and ipattarad orer tin eouatanawai *f th* ornnkan mrap wh* t*aad at h la .

Th* Ut* anIBal aalai wUhIa Of *an B inutu oanaimad all of th* an lsa l mt* it, hind lac% and than Ml ezhanatod to tha ttoond. B* 'had won hla wayat and hla baekan tiuliiad on halOf paid. Th* loaan wen unwUlint to •aHW, aad non th a n waa a finaral lybi, la which la n ra l of ibo pactMpanta wan badlr tojnnd, aad k n ln a w an naad, bat irltbout

n r X I O P B o a rA 'A U .

TO* angtn of tba tin It aa yat In donbt. Tb* iB i wUl aiaeant to batwaaa a tiht and len tI aaapunt to batwaaa atfht and len tbsii- ■ nd dollaiq and k partlallT aorand by In-


A Towag B aa M ard irad Bahlad a Ben Oar h r a ta raagar.

DtiuiTa, Xian., dniy M.~A brulrt m ndei « ■ MtoaUtad laK a n n ln i on th* dock at BaM W ef PtnlBTanu*, aaat,. A younf Ban. • x ra a tw in tba city, waa Mabtad totally by aa nnknown man apparently abonl ibety ywra afaf*. Haw** aiabbad WTan Um« with a baw-hladad knife abonl tba faoc, neck iito abdOBin. nw TtotlB laaboy aoanely twenty FbB»td*ffc

lb* Bnrdat waa wttneBad by a boy naiMd Mwacd MlUar. T hen waa a s rtragito acta. Ib* atabtHiig oeenmd behind a bnear. wbera Be Ttottm went nneuapaoHiiglf at the iBTlta- Ronotlhe anidemr.Tb* nmdirad mnawnaJiiK ahl* to eaelalB, •> taad Ibr a doctor T’ wbeo h* M l naeoBietoiB, Tb* Budattreaeaped. RMUaq waaCnad on lha paraen of too ylctta tzaopt a Dowapapar pnbUabed at WaUarloot lA RaU redtoiigeim ightobtlikaa toabat- phaL Tb* wbalt aour II abraondad la daap ByitarF. tb * B tudnar aad Ib* TtoUB wan aaau togattwr yauarday aanral tlBra.

B aih ad iita n f te n n a t lo a AdTeaata lb* O rgan laatlM a f ■nob laatltuHanA

Oonax O ta n , dnly » . - A coot*bUn wm bald hera-ytttoiday to to t Iniam t of ih* new hoanHal m onB ant at tba HatbodM Ipfaoopal Ctanroh. Rlihbp RowBU, of Bt. Loala 'ha aentor Btabep of Iho UetbodM Chnich. pea- M ed at tba u<ento( nadon to tb* AoditorluB. and daUrtrtd th* Ir it addteti. Uli nbtoct waa •‘ Cb’latlao Hotpiiala.” Rbt. I>r. B. W. tboma*, of to* Uetbodlat HotplMl In Fhlia- datphto, and Rea. Dr. Aanw SHtooliauai. inperfutendani of to* Ketluxiiiit Ueapital In Fklladclpbla, apoka in tb* aftaraooQ. Tb* cz- arcim w en pleaaanily dlretiUled alto ios(i by Cbirlca R Hale, a bHM boy. hem laoca*- ter, Chon.

In tba e m ilo f Dr. D. H. Bur, of toe Ocean tiny* Hyitootc laatuolat f a n a leoapttoo and anpi'ar to Ibo BCBbert of to* eoBalUat and tba ipeakert at th* Uyfkaie InailiaiA

A t erantof Matoon waa iddinaad tap Dr. C. X. Mllli, of lbs Volroialiy of Annaylranla, who apofct on iho hntpttal m to odneator.


n B o w x OX TUB w o b l d .

Tb* B y eu ry • a r n a a d la g a U ttl* WaifP m A la Phlliidalpkto I* Carneeltod.F x iu k c u n u , July H .-Th* ayitoiy aur-

lanadUg th* Ideattiy of a little waif frond to lh |*n Bqnat* a few weeti afoi tad who as Mnugly cataahlad Ihatdaai l i t ib Lord Mann- Raey ■ to ezdta popnlar ayapattay to hb be* half. •■ o n n o iU ad ynuniay by tbe loelaly to FnHtet ChUdreo Fiob Crnally,

IbalHU* lord b an UlrfHlaal* child ef In ilb h parentata, and aent to thii oouniry by hbheirtleBm oiber to b* n an d . Xn. Jan* Anfobli, to w hen b* waa titan , f nw Und ol bar ehaif* a lia tPbw montha, aodiamlltanan Rob ta fian d beooBlnf Intfu lir, aba au n - deued in* ohiid. Xn. Any slab w u aneaied leatofday. Sh* ay a tha child b Fnd Puller aad that hli h thar b a n aa uf waalto In Pay- laad, whlla hla aoibar b a wanan of redoo- Bant and intalUyaMe, allhouyh nalUiar panui batoagaio th*anatoeraey. Mb wlU b* g ln n a haartny ticday. ______

Tb* L * H B lg h w ay n aa Pad Thm agh th e Keae to K a tp B ln AKt i ,

MAkqnziT*,' bleb., July M.-Klybwayeian Rolibay, known a* "Black Bart," nowoun- •oed han to iha Btata Frboii, b kept cure by ton* alone. LaK rpitog ton* flnyen wen ahol Aon hli rlyht hand hy Warden TonpklM whUi Bbltliay w a to annad nbCUion atalnrt ■ntboeliy.

H n « iban h* h « inlkad. For to rn weaki ha Rated, loneblny no food wbqterer. Ha la now kept aUrc by a quart of milk dally, which b tolected thnoyb hb noeblb by tb* ffbon phydclan. Ttab h a been don* tor nearly a Ownth.


A S e n e n l A nneaiy to BaTolBUwntal* G n n ia d —lh a PrwaMant bMlgna,

PaibL Jnly Hi—Hbpatetaa noelTed h e n , • o a Boana Ayrn, dated M a m ln g ah, nonna that iba Qoraniuant fan yrantod a ganeralamnaaty to all periMt whoUokpart to the tommeUon which hnk* out on latnr- dkT-

Mzw Yoaz. July n - W . R. p. BixbiA B J a n a U Ward ACu, Ihb aan lagncN red n n b lk b y wayofLoadimftBa ihalr aycnia ui JtanaoaAyia. H ra id : "Rarolnttoa repoctad atopptd. T tBFnildani hu> B l(|*d . Bldaa • n adraiwtog." t h u b toa iflnraafliiltaiii- totBaUeu neelTad to ihb d ty about th* kiib- Rib to tha ArgandM Rapablto

• i n e k an Opea Iw iteh.IkitjZT F*kZ, July 80,-Tba Uantnl Rail­

road u iin Na Ml K nck an span iwitoh at A ith Aaiboy yaatantay auinluy, and only by Iba pcoapt aollon ot the engineer wm ■ friyht- fill ealamlty tTeftad, I t b a Ihnuyh aip ieu froB M n t FieaitaL Tb* train lait Loot Braooh i f 10:111 oictaok, and w a tnakiny up loK tlB*. toon after p - ’-g o n r the Uy Baritan R lnrdrawbrldi* toe auyloa atruck an open iw luh and the in to w u aldatrukad, andwunld h a rian iah ed into* loaal helybi toll h r tha enylneer, who iBBedlately applied tha alrbeakn and euecteded In bctoiiny hla Into to a atop, hardly half* m t bnyth fto a the tn to in Hunt ot h la . n o atop w a Oo loddw (hat Bany ol tba puatnyaia were thrown from iheb acab and m e ln d a pntty yoodahaklnyup. The span awltch b n ld to ba lha Roll ol oi» of to t trainman of Iht

.ftoight I h t paanneer In to TB to Chug* olBngtuor John Emokaou.

P n r a o r p A lifa u a In Xow Paragy, •paelat to th* R m n te Kgwi.

WffmiKiTD]i. July M ,-Ur. TBnar, aaetCtirr of Ihe X a^nal Paraon’ Ailbim, to a talk with toa-Rzwi caaeapondeBt yaaieidayMld that prapara-oa wan batug Bad* t* bagin th* work, of otgaa lXnp to Haw J tm y m x t Boslb, l a iqgudad tba Rate u an tarlttpg •aid tw tk* alitonoa, a n t U an) headway b

The prennl alteapt to aaend lha Mat* Ooallmtton a l b lo mlod lha Ret that the 1*K moTcageut to amand 11 m bbt hara baak dafiatad by aeetdeii. A Kioiif edbrt bad ban Bad* to the wloiar of 1070 to Btabibh a Oalhallc pfotaotory to tba Oula. A Mil loub- liig to that and w h Inboduced Into tk* Leyb- b tu n by Aia«iiablyB*n Heyla, of Newtrii. at lha loauma, it w u b U, of iba then Bltbop of tb* dtoeaaa. dlraollity to* couru to.Mod to rueb an InitHutloa all laftactory cblldm who w an Catbollct tbanualtn or whsae panab wan Ctttnlica, tad requirlnyibiiiHaiaautkiwt, Uu to pay o n r to It, out of tbelr rifotaatoiy appnipciiUDiu, a abaca of tba htata moDayi fee tbc.roduaitoa and malntananee.

Tha bfll had,,be*u peudiny for eoiac lima be- fbrj It aiiraoted attention. The Baueul III purpm wai nude known Iho Froteeianl lentl- inanl of tbe iHait attaekad It, and It bertaa ih i ebbi and unly toph of luleraK inyaetlad by Iha Legbtalln eaiendar of that MUlon. When a rot* w u H ally leactaid tba act ww dattand,

nraoira raznfara .Ko DM thought IbaO tha appeannea of >hb

bill In tho la-gklatiice at that rlma had any re- laitou to the Conetlm loual aaiaodaieDb, but It had. The oouimbiton ot rurlaen who h i tn U7I bod adrbed an aaiendment hrOMalng the dlyenlon ot toy pan ot the Hlate moneya to teoitrlan purpoeea Th. Lryltlalnre or ll7f had adopted It wlih lb* other amendaiasU pmpoacd. The Legblalur* of 1W6 were about to aoMpt u, and It war to ba lubmUtod to popular TOte Duyb feared dial If hb bill wan not adopted than lb enactmant would be barred by (be popnlar ecoopunn ol iba iBendmeut, But lha fact tbat oua of the pro- pond aukeudmeoli propoaed to make appro- prlallona of State uouaya fur HOIarUe pur poan Impoalbla aaaped popubr nolfcc till on the Tory ere of Ibd apecbl election.

Thai elecdon waa ordered to be held db one Tnaadsy early In Heptamber, 187!. On Ih* Mondsy praoedlng tbe dealgstltd TutHtay a ditpalch iToa tlomiuiwn annouucod that at all the church temce* on Hauday a letter from th* Bbkop bad b a n read from ihi t'athoHc pulptladlreciHif that toe tailhmi rote aytlurt Ibe ameudBenta, and defbat them becau,* of tho preaence auoog them of thb aotl-churcli •pproprtalloo clauH. Tuai ipaclal wai lopro- du ad In all the buie papan. Tb* reaull wai tbat tbe ipeclMl ebetlou, which bad been expects to go by deRult, aitnciad lha chuicb element to tba polb to droToa, tnd the UDcudmenb, one and all. wen adopted hy about!«.«» mijioilty.

ATauMciia cw tr i a f L iil u .Among ibf amendmenb which thta baatno

a part of tbe oryanlc law of the Hule wua ibb tbrUddlhg tpestal legblaUou b t oiilei, towm and oountm, which H b uow propoaed lo ra- PMI. That tmondment, wiib iL aialar tnrnd- Bont. behlddlng ip ed tl lailaUUun tor oorpot- ailont, w u peoaipied by tb* axteoi to which pnhllo and pttTaki nghci wan Invaded by tpeaial acin

Kx-Bdttof Job! F. Babcock, who w u on* of tha CoatKlinttonal Oeiainlietoden who toniu- latod th* imandBietitt, wntei to tn RVZiuito Hzwt nporiar that tb* raluue of theu ipeclal aou w u lo g tea that th* analso lava ot each yiac inqucntly mad* JiMO ptgu wnen gath- trad to pamphlet fonn. But thamoK leMuua upociof tba rttuattoa w u Ihtiocrecy with which It WH poadola lo plaee ibam on Ui* lUtoi* hooka Beery man who had any to- iMtaia worth pcotoodog had lo ba on guard th* whala Huhm to proiact them, laaiiji* pending In the ooutti w en alpad out by theu aecrel e u c u a to b ; pcoaety dtlei were Bad* laeeoun, and it w a nothing onuiual tor a town OB wtklM n|f Id itat Bomiay to Sod that a aptaW act of itae Leytilatuic, paiBd while Ua paopl* alapl, had mada a bHwdlaa n n k U to n u ilM ooM oetoflb mnatelpalat- la lta •

DinaiKRi in fo m .Aftlia to Jaruy City aad Rilzabelh u r r a f

to (nee public aitauiloii a p a ihaBahuanof Ibe laybUtlT* p n n v M n . Blaabeih bad, with lha aid of epaelsl tywq k m aeiaid by a ring of poWle m anorttn who took hor by too tbioaiand, uader th t auB* of Baking pubic iBprOTMicnla, atrahilad n*r into banknipicy. BiH Jciaoy n iy w u In area a wuiw coudiUon. Bapub.lcaa Hbamarn u bo aimed to ruch u e inaaoiy, bund It infpuulbla topiawlhtm- aelvu to oMua by popular role, and tboy lolro- dnead a rpocial not ncrganutny her uoder a MW ebarter. Tbia ohartor robbed her people of hoina rule, and put lo ihe pubiw pUm a gaog of ofioial* elected by the legiilauire to>0Ult BHlUlg.

The RepubllaH had theu recently ndti- (ilcied and nappurtkioad the Sum, and li w u aaay toe tbam I* cooltol to* Joist ueonup through the Joint cauoiu. Tba paopR chafed aptluntlM piuanoeoribaHiiuaeloamepoltu- ent Inradam. Tba m ue ao bacauH U t oOetali tmpuud on toass ran ttalnyi municipal with a high baud and toercutd too public dem uil it w u cqulralent lo twenty-dTa par cent, oi all lha u ia b la property to Ihe elty. But reygll WH fn i i le a The more the peopla proteaied the uoi* n ra they were to hara tolecled lot toem til Joint inceung tha local goranoit lhay Boat dlairauod.

n i a im iiz u T rum aiD ,The 0aatltu ilao |l Uommlealeu had IheB

two notabio oulgrowiba of Ibt tIm ufapedal leglilallon boR u toem wbeo they mot in 1171 to raiiea the Buie’a dhartrr. It a u teen that toe pobllc and prlT iu achesen who Bockad yaai alter year to tba halli of legnlaiioa with ■pectal acta of oot kind and laothar were atdad to tbelr achemu by tha recteoy with which anch ecu could be puud, auo ao WllliaB Btlukerboir and Dudley R Uiagoey, two BOBhan of tha oommlaiiao honi Jenay City, paupoud ihet no a p e ^ i«t ihould be ptBed without public noUoa.

Tbe publlDatUn In to * newipapcn of a no­tice that eutalu lagialadon w u to ba ukad wonld, U w u baHeved, put toe yuzidltua ot Ulacked lutmata on too deRuitva and arouu auAcloDt oppualtion to any ra lly bad propcal- tlon to u a u n lu delaat.

11 w u ataltd In th* Btzhwo Nbwi by » • Otnrernce B ran tbe other day tin t the in to , lainn did sot think that ihli w u a isfflciaDUy

^R eo tln eoenctire, and that that body luiaad pnpoaod ibat noKHCial tagtalatloo whaiarat •houid ha parmlttod he towst, oons tlu c* age- pamDcaa.

m tir r m m D zzmirAnomLTh* axpaotation on th t aduptlon of to*

amendmanla w u that lha leglaUtim would ba forced toto daTlalog yanaril Itwa toe tba goraniBiant ot tho town*, d t lu and counUu of th* Wat*; but It went to work Inlead dq. TMog m ean of ovadlng the saw reitriluR. Aota wan paaud that tazad lha layeouliy of lha oonrti, and It w u aon* Uao beion isy- thlog Hkt an IhtalUglbla baela of togitlatjon had b a n ulabUihed. Tb* eooita ban , how- aver, ounalniedtM elaau with llbanl bnadth.

M awarh Faaple wh* arw ■ B a m rla K Alaag Ih* CwaaL

Ipteltl to to* iToiUHi Mkwa • n u o Laxn July |D.-KiteaKT* *fe»g t-

Baala are talay Bad* 1st Ibw openlBg of a gnnd b ta u and tnllvtl lo-aioeraw night u to* Bl Aidnw'a Cburok. Th* Rattval will omltnua ton* daya and piomlau to b* a gnod aOhir. Tba u r f katRIng h a haea dt- ligblfUl tot to* r*K Rw day* and th* anrf b a buB orowdad whh buBen during hatolng bourn 8o Rr ton loaioa no acetdeoto haa* oceiwred. Aamig ih* yay balben non* it b o n TaalurraoB* and y n a ru l whan In to* O ff than MH Haeala AAtoit, lb* dangblar of Uoveronr Lmn Abbott B o la awppi sg a t tha MoBBsntb tgala tola aataon, w hen tho 1* Roqoantiy Jolgad by ker Riher. Fruml- nost tBong tbo Usiinunto U ona gnula a n William C. RapposhelBtr, lata Fpaaktr of Ihe Houae, and hla lair bride. Tn* tm oael't

a t a Rtand, (lesanl William F. Abbtti, M alta a w akly a<dooia*r bar*. Oenanl UmlityR M ala, of Oetsg*. k u quarion a t iba Hos- Boutb. Hit wlto icaoBpaatoa btai. A- F.

and Biany lawyan Inidw umi It li now pomibl* riutoi

H tthU ngH toar T hair Rathaa'a X m t* , (Rectal to tod X n n M Hawn

B iw BkoiawiaL July W.—Th* aontoB o m the Ttll of Charla Hattoisly, a woltoy g a - U toan whb Uved la thiaetty tororat toMy yi*i( bot wb« died a t bb ton Tbeaafa b K, • a a a tn Ttenton lau Kay, «zelm g ra t to- M in t BK aoH, Chaila and Thoiaat, a n MHKgRitaliBt thalr iKUr Jan*, whd an n iid m F.’BaBWk I t*- daya aftor her Rihae died. O M laK tB U B glw Ilh tba piWThloa e f to* w ItIM K he,ping U* bratotr, whoKtlnuK I r n a d In to t doonnant, ItK oktigad tout A iM kaiM l panel* nlaUiigto tottK ai* to* a%hl helaa to* lunetol i tool th* n to a a to gtreB ortnlM iidtoa tn n t« 4 toto* attatoi to*(|l,lM whtoh WM tat ahex h nhKBg; that to* win M datad baofci that kha.wBH hat hMlNad'a n aa* la Ui* wtll, to u auktag U b

i ln lh u dheeitoii to* ilU ana wlilaji- a n te all the B a u b tn for roelcoUaa. Mr. Tnnitr tfttod ih ti to* alllana txpteltd to----- -W------ ww. uua aa—• m*a—Hwu BB|^h.R^ tVh*T* u le*K fortT Bambtralo Ibanuy-tacond amgioB and that It would be able lo h ^ tb*k a la m of powar. Than to a npasM ami dlt- thw iaUlaHaof n e g n a in toe iotHta, which

.h a an aarollad atanbaaghlp of orer a afiUoii.

OB axeeutari that ah* w a a m iBftaiiiB hat lo n a a d U a. RtoeFt htBdwnUng and that ah*

to auk* a deed la b n Rt«r by wklob ah* gtto *B the pifpcrty la toto eltf.

A lauge «aw LaiR* Ra«e*i*(allrO*tLBpemai to to* BTaiw* Xawa.

F u o m a iik July M.—An Imsteiua oabng S S *1 the PnodIhel M d Hnehla* W otC Ttt thi* Kty. a t (

Bnacnon, t^ n a g u a la l l i* OfttagiaW lB WH p tnnR A UthatoMiad f e tB la often which MB to he a a d In to n - S L W * ^ gam (or to* MW navy at Tray, H. T. Tb* oiB taet Rr toe latoa w a Bfatdad lha Gaapaay bylhaBortni-aen ita tly In to* | ( t a « y t * r . ThMaytan anBftbtow U otato ooHpIttt to* eoalra t fee m .S BBt*e ataebanleal alkir. a iiiBbar af

wHWaadihaeiabIni Ol to* lath*.

tosacsnfbr any city tn to* gtale whutTtr leglalailaa It ean deoanlly u paoperly aik Aa ta d t h a whataru axcuao then may haea bean tn to t p m Re th* propoaed npeel of the dame, It dot* netaxiK low.

Two y a n age th* Hudioa Oooaty ring bR MBu tailT* In lb* taooeatent to s u n n to* n- au ra l af what Baay htlleT* to bt tba baaih- fni eoiiautottoatl raatralnla upon txatiriT* HUniclpal lagtolatien. I t to aoiitd abroad that there a n tolngi thay daain to *oaoB|Hlto In thalr Tawtaidlk* IneoatoD of Hb psklle plaau In lb* elty and daanty whlah tha OatatltniHa, In H apnaa l akape. b a a f to u then, llto ka- youd dHputa tkat a BaltUndt of aehesH* lhay baro bhd la oodiamplUloii within to* t*K Iwe y a m hara beta xoaM inpoailble by th* pfo- lee lag a a of too Coailtolloo i and it to aqnally wall knoato th a tnagg all ||i* advo- e a a o tU u n p a a ef to* c laua so oisa h a Man BUM *d|H*atT* add peBtotont than to aa liagBan.___________ ___________

M aalltag Adttokta r* w lto • B*1LIRaefa to to* Boxnito Hawa,

Ban Ba br July n - B a n y Lawto, the Mo- F**e«M aa* t t B taty Lawk cf (oobryTlU*, •ad m a a a llB g adORBlan w ]to*M lyaato^ day. B a b o y tn a to to t k tM lsfd itrta i * • tw R o a a fM ta n t r a y Bight Oathtooaat- toaa to* ball WM *«h Un e tO n of to* atM. • to d T h to b ta w to * uyiltatokdhM t, Tht l«d w « tonwni Aswb **1 te n d la t te le g B *i*laR tB datort*dto n a a n y . Whan ha wMW itoluaRw yard*of o Hm o Uw bnllab tooted hlB g a l* . Baity otaghl to* totort, a to ta id B iak f too toartatad w a to o w a la to* olr, m n S m a ooaniM oo tg iB aB tad

- « * * * ‘* ^" k t o tod

A •aBROBatoa l> to* (n * ttl* g Baaliaa**.H n « WelaoK A Un, eaauMiHM Alto groa

•totoboBataaoUatarMtHl* to N tJu i b«*a*----- hi* topoaB oa Into* dotUag toad* la

u to* pnbiiojDww tW Wakao'o

MB b* B*dR aadKrTaebliltBa to i____________ , ly BBto d M down to olaa toon to

w m C n ak * H*w » h b o « a o .teodal to to* Rvbbdu Hawt.

F u ia n a u ) , Jaly M.—A* oauryonoy toeaU tagoftooCm aeulAAgn* «M bald toat night 'RrilwpurpoMOftoklng tnunaduM actunln III* waitok of pioTfdlBg * UBporaiy otobboun R r l h a otolctt* loBoi a UB. wtaoM hano wm daatooyodbydn yacoedoy Bornlsg JAlng't Moll will b* U o*M tornttoad wltk naotaary dob aptottoaoBa* and a to* m t W a r za**lt*t*fttol**gaa,to to had gWadnaa-day to next weak, ptoM wtU b t Rraulatod toe to ta to a lU ao fa itw alab h au * byeiook aab-

ataafa a ntto R r to a a , t t maay buy to toy a n y M Adar* na*. Tnto watk to t ehoum lo a wnl to oBwad, ga yon wUl tot by th* band-

iMlpdMH. T h td a f naoit, o U 'lg Ihu tot ' ' ealB il toU ra* bad batCnaotoi Lktgnah b a a li

____ oM krad,iayan_______________eotkaonini adw bln* bhok and Racy

radK oWba, and lha baauUltd

tU to«to*BllitKd dn b tnaiM m aoM toL Tb* ptoptrty af Iba

i yim ed ad itB d i_____ CjiBlBik* ntaUUoa*, toown lathalr Broad ladltorkM s K d iltid o B te tW a pair, *TM If yoB tokol a , A or totto-tolmtoad

nHBiWDiw W ot H. to Watoan A T*AM w h g Uioy

Uato an*

liiai pcoTM to a* wtoTB. ____hall n ia e w u k tp lta a a c t t a plaoq am U* Hhadotod toll gttoM will b* OMilantd wHh-OBI tntoitupftoa.

UM of

M d » g g tR * _ * f i t T (* a* tf .In Ripply a d ta u m th a w ta a o N a o till

etoarwH* n wept toto onr oOMa d « ^

' •> to I

r m j i s m ., (a g ib yagiB M

•N jIM jladM '


A a la te m tlB g Work Malag P rep a redIw tk* Beeratary e f P laie 'e U B ee.

■pedal to toe Bvdiihq Niwa Tnxiitoli, July n~T bere la helcf pcepared

In tbe OeentUT of Raie'e offla tu Inlereatiogdaenmem, wHcli wUi be a coutnbui’uu to Ballot BaRc# lltyratun. Major Yard, tooodlUr of the KoanoafA Dnumif, la now part

of -th* Becntary’e offloe,ol too cleneal R m i tnd ho baa been uHimd lu prepare a haady book o fn le m c e on tba ocw tieetlon law. li will deflna tba dutia of ererybody connected with tba law, hum th* floveroor duwa tu the election uOlai*. It elU alto oontaln coplca of the Tkitoiu ocriUlcita, and will be a ready book to aziiult os all quretlona bearing on tbo •uhJoct.

The book wilt not be given to tb* publio until Beerstary ICaHey n iu n e from Europe, flnme part* of lha work are now In type. I t w u expected that Chairman Holiarl, of the Repub- lletn 8tote CoaimlUu, and Chairman Allan L HcDeraaoU would Beat tcgalbcr In cesRt. a n a and piepan tola loftannaliuo, but no g n m e n tw a * ntebad helweeh them. In tha aiaanwhlle Cbalnaan HcDermoti praptied hla Toraton of to* law, asd had It pobhahed to a Dotropoliian papA, Tha Republican* yaatar- day docidad ihu H would be well u hare a RepUblRaa totorprslalUn of toe Ttrtoni d u tia made, and locy bar* arcardtogly wrtuen to Putar X, VoorlHU to prepare fiir pabHcUlos M aiUcle or aerlu of an lc lu on the duU a ot * la n ia o n n » n who Brra u n d a to* new law, and how to do tbab work lOfiUy.

■ n aU rd e a Canaty** ■ itl* rl** l ■aelaty, •pedal to Ib* Etmuhi Hxwa i #

n toouuioa , July 10,—Tb* u n n a l gal* day of toe Umtlenlon County HKtonoa Boelely will he held to oonJuscUou wlto a harroK hoB* of th* ocoaiy a Sandy Rldga to^lay. The tpol choHD foe tola ja u 'i aaaioa of lha na ltty K rich with hlaUtlca noullocliou and aT*rytot*taellngand paitotU daaootiratUn will taauli. Bandy BUga K o m of too b « i qnatot bamleto oa to* Dolawaa Rlror. The hlatory of ih old chorch u aUv* with Berola- tUnoiy ineManta VaiHna papaB of oaUnlal IntaeaK will b* road by deaoBadaato of Ben pcoaalngl la ItorolnUoaaiT tlB a^ among totm batogihe Wtowig i " A Bkcteb of tbo H urllb ol Uusierdco Oonniy," b r W. T. Rbrope, of FreaohUwa: " BUgnphy o* Robart BlttonboiBa,” by J. W. tagaar, af Knwwmid | a nBtpailBM ot toduMrtol teboiHa to odoaul and modtra days by th* Rot. W. W. Bulloek, of lambauvlIK ; " UHtory of top gandy RMgt Chmeh," by Ooorgt B. LartaoB, Of tu n -btdTlU*,

B la w Fallot Caaai.Andrtw Chnaufel, of M Bodfoid itn e t , w a

■malad ibK a u n l g npoo to* ehaig* ofatoal- haa waartag ippanl h tg John H oalon, of to BmjmiM ftTioai.

A dueef (LN wai iBpoatd apen H Ichul Y tlbclakl, ot Jeflbiion Knai, by Juaitoe Rod* rigs tob iMlOtog. Hlchtal w u tn a to d laK Bigbt wbll* t iU g to a dboedwly o aano r m I bnyateto t __________________

Tawp AnraiOa* a a i ■*! Mb**.Ob Jun* B Hia Tony DatMaanoi o f BlTW

aliaal, ewon oot a waimal lot toa tnoK of taM babohd, npontoe ebarga of a ta tn li tn d hat- lafy. Tony ktptontafVgM nnlll iaU night, whaa DotaotlT* Cannll tneawd htoi altar a okaa e r a BTital R oeg When Detaitaaa w g trraigfitd biltm J o H a Boditgo tbb a u tn lg hla wita ntoaed to pcam too obargt aad b* WM laltiaad.

■ tn tk W lto P laaA M g .In JcattooBodflgt’a Mail laH Bight M a L .

' - of m nehoaor Mnot. appotiad

.„------- — “ " le o w W a w o o bboa* M l Alba

Ma o a H to M a w b omM la bat

btR bab ia i a litAooMawaiI v w te H i i r N»

T H a s K c h i ™ u l l e d . j^ s y l u m M A N A G E M E N T ,

i f Hitiokti, 4l il io lb«ri. •• li HichMl BirwM, of JliWiTl. K. Btlbftcb, Jr., Ot Miwirk, H i toMM irrtriL •! If onnouih Hdow with Ua tin llr , Mm t . 1a, Schfnek, i t i i of KiWirk, li u u k !i | o vMt hor« o*iod| fricndi. flhi li i t ihi Al IMM UouN.

Jibo Bruddir tnd of TiobIod, i r iOB<Bf tbe pfomliwwt lueFti reglsw.-red « ( the (Mrietoo Hoiut. Dr, t'birtei JobBUti te lier^ te ilm e ru o iie B w lt i ip tr ’r w «rtilthe BilUiilirea

r tr-JWa of Newark, li i t lb* Moo- Biriitb. Uf. 8theertr telu mt&j itortM of tbi em it CoBeaeUith flood tbit t r i thriUtaf iod esCv'edlBflr li)i«T«e(ii|. Ut w u i p ru n te ro n the |U-fkU4 d i j ixprME,u n iq f of wheat pu- UBiete wire kwt whtB U t louth Pvfc dtm fBfa wi|p.

helBiir hM not bito ooe whit behind bar lUler rteort, Spring Like, durln t the pul week. Ibe naMthcrowded, iiKii i t Bfitif if th t bottle tou ert brtu|b( IdIo ute etch nlfkl to BCCowiTtodett lie demeod Jbr etttping quitttrie C V. R- Policd, out of ib i locil Aifaeraen btity |u d t io tlc h o f i m iu ^ itln f ihvk one day laiMmek Uui m tu u n d etvei iod i b ilf tevi, end weighea lOO pAundt, The n>in-«iltr w u exhibited at AeUurj Perk, aad Poland rtaliN l oTerflO bon ib t oiich.

Mlu A. D. Ward, of Ntwarka ta a n o o f the eoitigtri here. ihd liaM lit D eonac Ootiact OD J ^ h lh tl. N. Doolllllt and (ktoilf,of Newark, art wdounien at tb t popular TiU' Byeoo UAtiRe, Andrew K aniham ukI daugh-" ter, alao Newarkcre, a n ed^oying a Kajr a l thM reaort. Prmtk & Van N«u aud wife, of New­ark. art alao Pert with bietidx. Aaron Ward, of Newark, h u hb fkmii]' hetw, Ker. Palher Fltmmi, of Newark, wfaooocupita the Ulvez View CoM i^ irtorned here on WodDewday, Ifl oompany with bln wen about tweaty yoong people of hit [wiiih. Henry buyait, of Newark, Biaouraodjrerof floe itMee, laapaod- n f a lew week! on tbe oouL

Aikiiay pajm„ July80.-i.«4HYfaL}—T b e tf tn t of th li week wai tbe i«rtfal deairucUon of FouDdtr JaiDM A. Hradlpy’a boardwalk alMtf tb t bttweeo Stoond and Fuuitb are-ones. Tbe damaged walk is dow repairtd tod heety bulkbeada erUl prereot aiuubtr breacb of itc walk and eurroundlog property*

The Newark popuiaooo imto are breatbitif Ttht«aD<«UHl«]ragalait tbu Weat Kcd Motel where ropei w m placed alodg the ptaaaa en- trsDoet to keep out all but ib t boarden of that bODM. Luc ntfbt ibtre bappeoed lo b« tome altracttoD iberc la the way of a diBote A QUBsbtr of Newark eotiaft paoplt were •troUlug p u t and tltaptcl en the TeriPda to look at ipmt IHenda wbo weredanctog. AIbofc Imintdlattly thtyeo- eonalercd a npe, and were forUddeu to pau by a ieryani, wbo lalbniif<l th«Bi tbat DObt but lam ediaii guetu of that bouit were al- kiwtd on the varaada When ihe cJerk and ^oprletor wert appraled to they oA^iwd to uU Uoktca at a quarter o( a dollar apieca tor the prlrfleft or amting }jt lundtog ou th t rtranda and witchlMf ih» daucaia. lJU dauoa w u BMTtly an laJ^tnal one, Tba loptus-out idea la ntw to Asbory Park.

Tha Rot. Ih , Lewb A. Dubd, of Cii«abeib; th t M?r. Dr. Qtorgt A. Mr.t, of FltBiiBgioo, and Um Rot. Dr. J. H. koowita, of Ntaark, flWBiatnoof iboologutu oa P iiu an artBiia,

^ ***<« uMetluaM Church boA to & ■ « Cotmiy, li a m m a rlg to O cas Uraes. X g R ou Bjck- maa and l^m Loub Backsian, of Nowark, are inumatiBg M a ElogMcy Knot Ooul, Mf. t a l Mn. Cfcarta H. Vortoh, of N em uR a n i t a Focrlh BTcnua n u rt. tCtm Cant* Dag, Mlu Bartka Clara and Uautg* F, Vralaiid. uf 6um. m l, u a new at Toe Alpda In Ooeos arev*. Mr. and Mn. i t i'. Witiell and lamlly arc yaiklng the lummtr on A.bury *T*nue In lha Uiuf a. br. Wiiiiil !■ till pri'p'luioe of a Ictlbei BUiufacUiry In Heiruk. Laron Bragdoo, dlRctor of the Rutnara Opllcge miuIcMl argunl- saltoni, b ipaoding hu elevenlii aeaaoo to Aihnrr Fuk.

The Hit . and lira 8. X. BehooL of tlie Kew- u k CoaRrenca, are n tiing n a u Ib* camp ground to Ocaan aron . Dr. E U. Buntlne, of Nawark, ta with Irtesda on Aatatty avenue. Thomu Jackaou, a Mewuk Baannlaoiunr, la amertatoed oo HcodikI avumn

Os to* bach pnimeoaua lu t night wai no- Head ABamhlymtsKeuben Trier, ol Kewuk. Jual hahlnd Um, tall and airalght, a m a Covnaellof Ocorge T. W*r(>, Morrletown'i Hayoi, A. N. Terpell, of Nawuk, ta aummu- I g tn Ailnry aranna. AaBoblymtn Thomu FoHoek, of Newuk. ta ik* g n a t ol M. H. Bmiih a hla oaliag* Is Ooaan Orova Hr. and Hn. R X. Dyar, of Orange, are ti(|oaralni at A Sprlg Lake hotel on Oosan avenue. A. H. Baldwin, of Kewani, la a n a n i artlval bare.

C raahad to ItaU k aa a b a tira a d b ridge.Tw* R aap* .

PkTtaaoH, July M .-A horrible e lagh tat oc- eumd H to* Erl* Railroad UMgr over tbe Finale River u IkM e'ctoct lu t e re n ig . F in ehlldnn n tu rn lg froa a blarkhefry ekpei'.l- tion toto Banen CkHisiy wllh well fllled barketa iiaried to rm * Ib* brklto oa ihrit way to River atmat, wbere UI ruM td la a lan* taneBini. Whan aaarty tcroa too bridge, wblcfa b wllboui n il or Cwtpalh, iba children •aw a train approaching on toe wrallonad ' UMk. They Kepped upon Ihe etuboun-l track to eeap*. but Rllod to DMIce a tu t paaeenger in la ek lf h Ju,l Iban, with whltUa actM Blg, u iH nahlDf towud iben.

b a g w u tm inaibb nniM they Junped Into lb* rlrar t h j Ret totow. Tkecblldnn were gniyaed with R v, and enurbad to- gflbardlrecliy g U n i g approaching train. Tketaglaur u w I Mb , to t d an not apply lbs B aku looinddanly, m thai eouna Bigbt kava MM Ihe train ikrough Ito heldg*. I t w u an iwlul maBanl Paopl* an to* U nki iV lha nver ahoutad to l b ehlldni to g l g iw u n to* liaoki, but thalr ertaa wan nulau. la an toaiini i g hairy tocoauHlv* auiich t b group g iln ta a n u a n d hnrlad Ibna of toqm upon tha o ig r trark dead. The englagr w a almool ovanoau u tb* appam g ngni. X* had Krangth tan, howevn, to Kick lo hte poal and ■top the In la u uou u It had cnoad to* tnsu* Tb* peuengan lift t b can to asoar- Ulutoa oauH of lb* iiop, and w en appalled M Iba nmalua of lb.-a ilaugbiend ebUdnn B U lh e irg aa

Jannie Draw*, aged thlrlean: Neill* Warns, agad ten, and Mamie Wamn, b u elstai, agiil alfbt, wen Ulled

Jase Werreo, aged tblrteeo, w u RlghHully Injured ; WHIia Warren h u burled Into tba river, w b n b* w u lound aliv* to t g u l a fool of watrr. Tba Wanes oblldtcn all b*. lo g to to* UB* Rmily.

i g nm alnt of t g lltua glcia w en carried lendarly lo toe tank and lipl ilde by elde to await to* arrival of i g Cuuniy Phyelctaii, and to* two Injured ctalldtsn w rn taken to t g Oesciu Hoipltal. Theu two will rveover.

W gn tbe parrnta of toe unfurtiuute cbll- dras weie gilded of t g calaiulty toon w u a •ad laina of ww. Iron iturdy g l l a a u a and birdrned undrrliikan wen mured Is tu n . Newaoi t g accident ip tu d npidly and bun- dnd i of g n o n i buianed to ibe loen* T g train which itruct i g llule co u w u tin 8:'JI bound lor Nswuk. inoniy pbyilclan Jubs- aon g , ordered g Inqu’vt. Tba bodlaa of too dead ebUdnu Ha to the m oifg.


p ia w g d had in* maditugaucoieafuily applied to tha wound on hla band,

lia u ia i.U Mo., July Ml—A Iniuud giong- t g to W. L. Plnkard, liriug r u t of Ibe city, maufSMtg ail irmpromi uf hydrophobia, w u kllM Ifonday aflat It bad u rg e ly aCtaeknd and Htten a womu tnd two ctaildniL J. Uiyner, h i g r ol on* of t g children Miles, am e to tbli city yuterday and secured a mad. Slog, i g m iy o g in t g oouply. l ib child, a twcira-year-old dagbier, wea btttea g the ITOI ItK F rigy , and Bunday oM of Xr, Flok. ttd ’ichudnn w u b tgn .

Ta gopply giBtluaary,The propcaab lor printing toe election booki

and g g n won ogried tu t nUbt by the tbm- BHin Ocuncil CommiUM n Hltliogry. T g goiract w u awarded to too towcat bidder, Amil Fiertou A On., tor flM.X.


A T a u s W tm aa Kill* a F a a lh e r a id B a ie n g B ar ch ild .

The wif* of Horrla K apgr, a ranehmao ownfog in axtehiive p i t a a a r H irro ld , Tex., bad an axeitlsg ad van tug with a large lemat* pentber. Her h n a g o d hail requuted her on toavlog th* h o n u a l din- her to H sd him g m * medicine, which he w u Inking a l n g n lu latcrvale, when Ib e g Intervale occurred, which e b t did, d itg teb to g her g o , | tey of niu* o r ten, lo hla father, wbo w u employed In hit vegeteble gardeo, tUoated about SCO Ret frum tha bong. Her gcond child, a Hill* girl of three, begged g v c rtl timea to go initead of bar beotber, g in t g cool of tbe evening U n . K ap g r, to gratify the obtid, g n t her fnitetd with the medicine,

Tha mother ifterw atd, followlug th* troll, which w u g rto c tly diitlnct, g o o a m t n g n a pnnthcr dtagplng tbo child by It* Kttle d reu along the groond, g t tba weight pravented tbe animal from going fu to r than a walk ; as, with out Ua detecting her, alia ran te d i to d a u g h t up tha bM th a t her huttend had left In tbe garden nod n to rned . Tha g a th e r had then dropped \^n child, but w u attll ttending over II, in d on tH iog H n . E ip - g r begnii to tn ii l , thow lnf Its pointed teeth.

Bb* ran np to it, when it tg iin Mined Ha prey in . It* teeth, g t th* h tro lc lady t e n hat child from lU grup, u d potting it hahlnd her, mat Ihe g a th e r u it roabed a t bar, infurlilod by the Iota a f it* booty, wllh a blow of th* h g which, whIR m iuing tha head, uvered it* loft g r from It.

Tb* g a l h t r g n in d In its attack on her, and bagtn to try tn re u b the wound wllh it* month, aereMnlng u d tearlag np the nartb, U n . K tppcr then bronght tbe b « down o g n i t t head wllh u o h f o m u to ernth It* iknil, and the next momenl tb* ailm U i iy d t id a t b tr R tL


H aS to d n a Dog In to Ih* A ir and I* B ardto K ill. .

Fnm to* boateraiia Banld.Bobeit J a a tt, a c | |t r ) |l man who l i n t

■ u r Handaiion, In Hangtoo Connty, told ahont • Ug m tU tankn hn klllnS a (aw day* ago, H* rtU iM Ihat ho w u in th* •eld i t t r b it hooM a work. B it dog u n r by w u harking a m b * ohjgl,* ta d M hn tn ra td to lack ho a w h b dog Jump ot leoat th n * (m l la the t i r and Ihao yallu If g ta lb lly hark Th* d c f .. aterted to hfan, to d whan wilhio a few m l hogan ton a t aad lUI, and In I t* m ia n ta b* woo dood. Th* R m of tbo dog w u aklnnod from tboT* the o^M dow i to tb* n o a by th* R a g o f Ih* Baddaoad a r g i L H* told h b boy to go to tbe h o n a to d got h b oholgun Old ^ lo ) . Whoa the boy i* . ta n o d they i ltr te d te look for th* oatko, hot eon Id no t locate k ia R r m m * tim*, h tbo n t t& loaad* u thoogh It w u ta o n ty diroollaa a th* a m * time,

Th« antk* w u b a n d and tho content* o f th o g n n died Into him ol abort nm gtt w U hiU U In hla ooll ready to o lr lk e in i* . Tho load did not atop him from m tlih ig , and th* pittel than p o t tw* te ll t through h li body; hot i t aid not dltulnioh th* alhglag IM lo u t U k They tn t l l |i g t two p « g la d had lo i t r l ta alH a l i u t a doiM b ird Mawi faoRre HR w m a tllh o k ffipjMdy WMH lOTfOU Ih* orawa of • d a rtv holt ( to gad • h tlf R at Io b r n d hod forty-two n ltlM u d a h a l t ^ a o k -

I h m u * M o n o f thdM la tiM la a . I t I* Ihn iM fO t Mak* kUtod ta ikR pOdt of


AUiiflxBl n iitte iu M A |B ta TBk*i thmAIra Hla

k«M«r IH J i « t i BilltiiA iB l Hl«irkl«r TiilUF*

P io p l i H lt t i i Ib llUiiilM b»4 M lsiia r i Dilag tliB HiAfeMBi.

DiXTCB, IIL, Juljr 10.—8iDoe Lait rtforti on« Hw of mad dog biU ha« bera iHatod bf th« Orton madNone. Tna Tloilm « u Otba WlU- Umi, ot Brown Cbunir. iHisedlatily aftar blttuc Hr. Wtiliaiu Ui9 dog Aid npoa the hiliwaix, and a pany itoon Maned In punniUp tDcrcaMog aa U want. Tba dog wbitmM illlfd lUl the Doxl dijr* aud Dot until b« hid UttiaflftMDothar dofi. Ur. WllliMoi hastauid lo Ihi/pl

TBWBtUlp H«*tt«c»The KxM Orange Towiuhlp CdaraiitM, at a

tpcciol moating lad Bight, rvicbad a daouloB Inlha mattar of plant fur tha propaiBd now High School balldlBg to be built oa W lw t Kraal, aad adopiad tha plana mbmluad br J, WuDir AUaiu a New Yurk acetallact Tba saabamqiMMUonadirtbe buUdiqg ^mld faa imtup mJiJiiii tba eelimatad ooM of f n ,000, aad t^oa Nr. Allan'• Bwiiaaoe that ba woQid, wiUfupt ccmpeimtloB, make Mich e h a i ^ tn tba Plaiw aa would bring lha nm wituin tbat tiT w ot If tha aamaalM axoaedad that aBDUfiL ilia dnUuntlfl i<k>lefl iba plana u r . Allan'M pTaiM)irofWaM>ribflll^pg Ib tba eompoaita Rjrit of artbUactura, c MBblnltig largalr lha aenaUmnee and the Eomaneaqua acboolr. Tbe dlaMd«iDc}iof tba building a n U2 laet front by T9 faat deap, wllh a mai q aeolral por- lloD aeTamr by ■aremynthrea Hat, aaUlng Lacx flight feti tram tba Mna of a wing ou Miher aula, ihlriy-alz flat flmn by lerenty feet deap. Tbe xida wallf of tbeflc wjngfl are broken ifildway by a ilighity fwrfMifng low tower, thrm^b the base of whirfa bi an antrauoe and itafrway. la the ceotn of the building t« a AendklMBM lower, flfteaB teel square and runniag up 120 feet, ind the iMCbirB' and vial* tor*' entranoa in through the bate of the tcwei’, with exterior atone Maps aod bittitemm.

AUaiKlaiit Thomaa FlligerBld wm Ib the wilMW chair yeaterday aflemuOD at the myiuv. inTflfliifadutt ba Biida a number of itaiemflBti about iha ooBdUiou ol aflkins at the BuyluBi whioB, if they wem irae, wo«kl be more aariou* than ibe ebtigea preferred by Fraebolder SnloaioQ De Joega. But tbe allagBR UoBi made by Firageraid while uudat atamiu* ation weie boI baltorad by Um corumlttea. tUbifwuoMNt bnd iMtliad that Filimerald was baadiag a eoMpiraoy ^litmUoB. i td wbeo b t denied Iba ehafga the oommitiM leM all eoiifldeBoe In taltTereelty. The eommltfee'a axaalntia aodearered to get Um wiloam lo coQlradlct h laerll aa well u tba ether wit- Bamre and by a crom ire of queaUoBi by Ur. Minmy and Nr. Lamb fltaiarald beoeme ao paaBifld Ihat bla repUea wei* of a eotifllnirm cbameler. II lequlrvd aome Uma lo Mralghian him out. InTha ihica ef tha Ungla of qua»> lloBtaod anawen Flligerald looked at Ur. Klamy and remarked :

" i d Uka to ha awoTB on Iheaa queatlona.'*'* Yob m ^ be before you a n tbrjugh*" waa

dhtiepiy.While FUagaraid waa heluf •xannnad Auper-

lutcudeEkt Hinckley walked BervouRiy up and does tba room, ocoeilooaliy alMPplitf toaug-ffltl Ib a whUpar loaneotaBoiharof thaax- BBilBen aquaatlmi te baaMiad the wiiMm- leiDral llm« ba Naned over and whitparad a eonlcBdletfeaefafllatemaDt ikade by Um wit- nep, and onoa be mid Ui a (one audible lo tbe perwua iliUog on tba oppmtte alda of tin labia t

exLUB a oowniUkD uam." That abowi him le be a eoDflrmad lUr.'^ TbeqiMtlMW and anaetri were fbHowlog

each other in qiick tuoaeaMon, aad it wm In - poambla U> tall what reply of lha wltnem had pruttptad tba auptrlBUudaBi to maha tha re­mark.

Fiiagerild waa la tbe wUdxi obair when tha NawiaaDUo pren yaatarday aflrttiooa and part of hjf teatlnony w u puUlabod. Itmtlnu- lug. he aokciowiedged Ibat when ha vlrfted Nr. D« Jonga he bed told him lltat tba imiitog aohoul wai a cauM of tha paiiautapoigaiUsff proper care. Nr. Lamb aaked Lha wltnma what reiaoB he had for tblahlDg *0.

'* Beoauaa tbe aiiandaoti mnnot study and at tbe m ue time f ire proper oare to the pa- Uants," waa tbe reply.

" Did U tre r ocour to you (bat It waa non* ol your Luilnem wbataar the tialolug acboo) washer* or ootf*

1 cuiiildar It was mv ImsliMH a* an boneat man 10 rouplalo If the peueaia were not prop- arly looked aflar.''^

" Why did pet you oonplala to lha luparla- taadaui r

** I did oompUlD, but b* mid If I did tkot Ilk* It I oould gu."

Tbe wtinem waa then aakrd if ha had aver had any irauble with attendariia. Ue lep it^ that b* bad qimrallad wlih Jenkiawd Lynoh. At en* time Jenki had Moo 1 up at tba laM lu feuoi of tbe patlenti aud oDered to ftgtu btu}.

Tbe wtinem waa askad It he bad talked wUh anyittaudauta wblla putaidaof Ihabutldiuig •bnat aShtra la the inailtuiion. Ue lepiiwU that h« had a a t Lynch oubiav.

BblPVTt OVBB ait aXTOlKTUEKT.*'ltwai about tha appolntmattt of auhlafgt-

taodabt that Dr. Hfaokiey bad made.'' 1m ooii- tiuued. "Lrncb tuggratai: ibai we should both rvFlgn u a pruleat against (be appoint­ment.''

Tba BaparlQitDdfBi* Fltigarald aakt, had angaged a oian flom Norrla piami Aarium aa chiel atteudaut, thus pemituc over ibe bmuli of mambari ot the traluiBg elam, "whlA -," be eonUhued, ‘'thowa that Dr. miiraley didn't think much oi the tmlnlug sobutu.'^

** Did y^u bay* any trouble In a mlooa with Hr, Black r '

'' YtP. fla wanted to flgbt me beeaum laald he ought aot lo be lu (ho mtUiuuuo. Ha ncar< )y munleied a paile&l'’

“ Did you report that f ' itimdhteD rtporied.^ i^ w 4td you know ihN iblng had oe-


IKMOlUlJTY ALLBQID.*'WelL there'* Imtnoralily foHii on here

anybuw. iM w am au coming out of a worn* an'a room al Uf o'cloek al night. I don't think tbat look* right I told Dr. Hinckley abrjut I t"

**Dld you tall lha doetor (bal tha mail aad wouab wen imarrfed V

" Yoa, bot^auM 1 havered It But 1 think U li no placw Ibra married rouple. There aruuo aoouiBiDodatloiM fur iBanind eoup^."

Nr. Klnaey then qucMionad Ibo wUneti about iiHitg to tee Nr. De Jonge, and aaked Why ba had gone to aae'hliQ Instead of aome other Freebolder, Hu lapty wa* Uiai U wh for the reason tbat Mr. Da Jonge'i recbleBoe WH Ibf nmreit.

"Gniniiaiaeii,” the wltoaai aatd, " I t b u beoh aald here tbat I waul lo ate Mr. De Jonge three ur four weeka ago, w bereuf dlda't go Bf'ar bho mull July I t "

He repodtaied (be Mra that bu had headed a ooDaptrauy. and prooeedad to duflrw the* maanibg ol oouapfracy. The Oiinmrte* cut bim abort and Nr. Da Jonge than made a ita tem ^ t

rBIBHOl.DlB PX SOWJh'l iraTKwgKt.About two montba iw ala weeks agFj a p*r-

Km came to aaa me. UbtoUoUed, and aald that tha paticnta did nui get lUfDcleui meat or flab. He esma igalD and made tha exprcpalon tbat "Ikey war* starved/ it hurt me u> tblbk that •0 murh monay wm b*ihg paid by (b« county and tba pailenta wtra not gattljif euotyh food. He aiao Infhrmad m« ibat a man lAtned Hang had heao fll-uaad abd hia dngar broken—ha'a a poor, aimpla fellow. Than 1 mw Dr. Tlmler and oaUod hla atteMtoo lo ihaae oooplaiDte. Ua mad* a dot* of them. I did not know tbat iflyihing bad baen dona to tecUfy ihctn ggiil after ifala.inveMIgatlon Marlfd. ] made th* ebargaa in the board wnan It w u propoaed 10 Inmaae tba MewartTs mlary. Now, {canahow by Ihe books ibai there wm not m murb meat or flih bmiiht ibla year Aw 600 patient* u iber* wm laat year for MO.*'

Nr. De JoDfe ibaB read a oomnarallve Mate- ZD«pt of maata and flsh furniihad to (he Instiiu- tton Id tb* mogtha of Nay in this year and lam Th* flggraa war*:

In Nay, IlM. 0.263 pODDda of fraib beef, 3g340 pounds of iamb a ^ veal, 1,79* pounda of oonwd b*ef. t.UI poofida of flab. iQ Hay, DM. S,U6 uCNiDdi of ireab beef, l.lte poundi of lanb and veal, 1,4IT pouoda of oomad bear, 1o?lN pounds ef flah. In June, IM* 0,192 pouoda offfeaci bc«^ l.M itounda of iunb and T«a), 1.060 poubdi of eonwd bear, i,Ml pottddi offl*h. In June;, IMN. 4,W7 poitndi of fresh beef, 1.1M puuuda (rf lamb and veal, LM9 pouDda ol oorned bnaf, 094 pousda of flah. .

Ua aald Ibat them flfuma ahowed tbat only all and two-fliib onoeaa of btaf per diem wav* fUrtuabed to eaeh pnilaot. Dr. Tlealer r*» laaikad tbat fnob t a amount w u graaMr Umo that funlabad in bmM liMtituitoui.

The Maward Mated tbat Mventy^flTt paltinia w«t* on epaelal di«t and did but get any maat, tharafbra tbe ti% and iwo-fifth oghoea apokiD of imalted feom g wroni caicu- Uoa

Tha wltsam fhrtlier ftafed that thN yaar the Mtlenti bad no atrawharrlai^ vbUg lait yaar I aOD quarta w«iw bouf ht*

n t m «im ckknimi potmo;** Now, r d Ilk* t« And (ha apring oblekana,'’

eogtlhgad Hr. D* Jeoge. and h* qumad from Ufa memoranda that oa Nay 9 two pair were bougbl, U 91.31 a.p tD ) 00 May Uona pair, ilt 91.601 on Hay 17 four andahaUpautHls, at forty eenta a poond; on May 90 (our aad ibno- quarter paaods, at tha mm* prieOj Bod oa Jud* M ODB ptlf, fer Il.Tfl.

"‘laay tb it N axtrBVBfBatg*' ocmolnded Hr* Oa fong*.

"BiewBt I KoUd w h Baked by Nr. PKk wbat bad baen dona wllh the aprtng ebtekana.

''Q lrtn (oa pauenl now dead," w u tba rmply. " They warn hooffat for that purpoae."

How about that m ja who bed hu ftogerhfokonr laked Mr* Se Jopgar tetmliii te Dr. Hin6hlar>

"T ham qB hedghaM tK kifl. The matter %H Hperiad HHl UiiHNirted al eiKB/* mpuid IhadMlar, i

"1 heaid M ia f IhHB tMngi,'* ftHBfhBd Ur* HtJoBterMrBhthaOMly.

* * lio v rd o « b t th a i 1 heew 7 r t * lm « »

All of ettamfei. Brery pnbUa Milker peel IMIwvt of thing.’*

Mr. De Jong* (ban icok tha Mend and iha ■MBibera aTiha eommlitee had fon w ithitm fora abtvl lime,bat they oowid lo t gal blm to my whobadflvaa h la Infotuattoo about aayltua adhln. ^ wm rxamigtd m Id bN rhatg* that a woman patknt bed commlUed •ulekia In iheaiylHm through oaiwle-iuam of tha at- leadBnta Ma aald that Bulhomlaa of Ihe Inid- lutkici had been nOiUfed that the women bad sulctdal mania aad prroautloM ahouid havt ba«B taka* lo pr*T*Dt her eanyteg eul bar lu- tontlona. Ha had do avManoa 10 allow that Boy *** w u to hlamOi

BuparlBtiBdeDi Hlnekky mid (bat iha fhetll- tlea tar suleld* wera such that every patwnl In lha insutuLlofl could commit suicide if to In- «I(Bod. Nib, Young had pcevkHMiy triad to drown h*rulf and ibert wa* fw reaaen k eui^ paaa thal ah* woald hang Im ih IC

ChartM ttagan, tb t baker, w u ealM In and quealtooBd as ta lha aiory that ha bad lited to iBtimIdai* wHna«afla. Ue mid ihM the only ihtBf ba bad tre r m4d was that If h* wera I11 J)r. Hinrklay's pliM he'd bouno* ivory oot uf tbe giumblm.

Nr. iW Jougt aald ha bed we mure wlirwaw



• b * CHf O o a a lu l o M n AtUa ■ ta w R i O o a tu i O r lo o rw to d VoloMteo* Aa«

OoBRallod to Tteld I* tb* Oonatr ■ w i..C o n * lr B*l* .« IM ,

Tb* iwaN* or to* ABaBinf daitboolRw• g « to* g g r o l coontjr uid K ir l u toto a g i . b l i g oliv ml* BlgoBb LlOiO. T ta ia f to* nuBlv w u I n d u . 0 4 laM fd*,.

Anar boi* to u n h e a to b a * < * a d a ta h i Rl which u tuaK lauienltttoa *od tg a e h w*» a a t ta d Rataraq to* OOBte Boud Of Ati*HM*7tttefd*r bIW m u BiatViA to Boctg to* vatuMto** B p K tn b d b r tow Aattttan on Hunda? lo t, to* nu* b t i ^ toaS M .■•4 tqr a uuhiBOU vote


¥■ tcnl*< rlU rrb i**dto ti«p< tt a r tb a a o a .

Blltoa *ppol*itd to i*«ii*Ui to* n i a i i i *■•; toaitan sT to* tiooh sT to* OniB* X alltad

M a ll .a n d to t B**lln( wm adjourntd to | S a a k , to t r a g n M n a la tg i te a * r * ta a a * a . Wednatdar of n i l Wall, whan totooBBlUM lotton fCoB i g pntidaal *1 to* R*w*wUI a i a n ig t g g u g of to* wfluou

F bL IC b BOARD WORK.iX**l*l U R otra’ L uM ataalM t RavakUL

A Fetrolasaw W aulasad*Oflear wmiaiB UoNlchoL of lb* Third Fm-

dnet, w u barer* the Foilc* Board laat nlgbt to answer tba chart* of b«1ng drunk on July 92 and fliillRt lo *Mw*r u roll ond Tba ao- cnoed pleaded ggiUy and *aplalD*d Ibat hi* will WM very Di that day etid h* had (aJtsQ Iwo drinks at whiakoy. Hc.Vlchol wai di» oilsMd rroaa lha teroa,

A<Tq»rdlnf io (be ngulaUooa nf tba depart- BiBDi Ibaspertal oBcwnar* compallad to raport a t beadquartera on iba socood Friday of Apnt and October oarb yqar upon penalty of hariog Ihetr ounaalHioga revoked Ibr rvrualug (u do ao. flpaolala FrwBk flararonL bow aarvlnf alghteea monllta' liuprWoQmtm for th* killing of Joaepb (kbmidt; OBeer SUgvBt tsmtieied of aamuIlfDf Nerbart l«y, and Frank Ron- koaky, (ha Potlab oourt interpreter, who w u yeaiavday ordettd in pgy fn per *eak for hla wtfe'i auppuit, w*i« reported as having (all*d lo appme Itt April and ibe:r name* wore dropped froan Ihe roll. (fliano*m*n NcNlnn w u itiid* a regular officer.

Frealdent Fraaa*, of ih« BuiId«m Naa'a ryrllug A^BodatUm, Iniervlawod the Oommlt- ifonert i«lallv* tu allowing biovcN riding In HlUUry l^ark. Nr. Fraaef aald lha ohalrmati of tha 1‘ubllcGruubds iJoBBilU** had rafUavd to allow ridatx Id Ihi pvk.

*l ibink I t l i j u u u proper (o allow a boy to ride on two wheel* in tha plaot u for bioi (o h* wbeaiad around in a ftH]^wbwlod laby carriag**" mid Hr. Frtaee. Ue was luf4vmt;d thal (he CoomlmloDan bad do juriadlctiofi in lha aiMlar.

BONN W ITH TBB TlhlTOR*Lwdge H em bera Helloved ef B7W Ih*

Froeoeda «*f nn Bwi*rl*l**a*DK*Crystal laodg* 341, Indeptodani Order of

Oood lemplarv, of Monlclatv, alecied them offl- oerv on Monday night: Chtaf templar, (’harim Harrington ; Di«tolilef'laDiplfln Gwrga liodiJ: vloe-kmplar. Lr*. laqac 8, Dodd : secreUiy, Jbibert liiompsufl : fluancl&l se<'maTy, Fred­erick Btofie ; (rruurcr, TLomu (■miner; cJiap- latn, Nra. Bsmual Wnrxlmg; auanl. Mm, Henry I'earne: marshal, William Ifirrlniiuii ; aentiuaU KnieM Hales: superlttteodenl uf Juveiill* templarfl, Mrs. Henry Js(;kBon An alecllon of detexalea to th* dUtrlct eonvenllon.

be bcl i al Woodiidr, AuguM 13. w u then beid, and Oeorte Dodd, WiUtea Harnimton, John Doracy, FredeilekHtonaand Nra. Henry Jackutei wer* chua^o. Al a reoLOt eniertam- meiiiof (be lodgu 97U w u takan by a visitor, wbo b u be*u giveu uotll Baiurday lorrlora (ba ttiunvT. and In (Ite av«nt of bh Ihltuia lo do ao ba will b« nmated.



"Ua (tltepatteni) ic^d tat bimaelf^ J mw lb* mam of bruL as myatJf; Dr. Kub told mo IPbad hetn re^v u d and BJnek told c«« ba did U iq ■tjf’dafeoee."

"Didn't you ibmk It ymir duly lo raport fgch matiara to itupailnia&iianl UioVley r*

"It wu no use. ' laplled J(1iiBer«ld.WHAT UB t(>LD DE iQiroB.

"W batdld you («D Nr. D aJo b ftf ' uk*d Nr. Kiutey.

" Ihat ibc old baker bad met two nmala al- tobdants and told (beat II ibaytiud anyihiog dcrogaiory to tb* iBstUutkm they would Imi difi'hatged,'' w u tn* reply*

" What elae dtd you tell blm F’"1 (old him the Awd w u gnod, but iher«

w u Do« a suffictenry of It, but that thoaa things bad baco recilfed.'*

" Did you tell him (bat th* ibortag* had been rcCiUad r

“ I did."'’Well, what iluT "The Wltnem hulterad, atemnertd a lUtl* a t

flni, uid (fiett blurted o u t:

ArraagaisieniB P erfaa ted Far l im a All Ar**»d*

Thl* afteftMion, between inehouriof i and fl O'clock* FfufeBigf Vom’a band will letidcr Lb* lollowinf programm* in Ndtiary Park (br Iba bcTtedt *)t the chli<lrea :

raoahABHLL Marrb, medley.............. ..........1 Ovi’rture, '■ Puelend fo a^Arvt"11. War Llule Ann>a kooiu'y'


ark was oMceded 19 iharm, Oraaffi 7t lfl*ld 41 Caldwell ^ UvlimeM u* OrangfAlfl* W*m oraAg* IQl 9*uih G ra ^ g r , , Moaidlaivi, Th* loaHaraJ ahar** wmaghiBiBai M , of whlah Vlrglnta held 9 i New Tmk l i and Brooklya 1 tt* reaaalndei m 4 b a te m * eowBtad for*

OMoniiHuaer Levy, In view a( fem i M Ih* rapoit manffettea an (Mraas*^ movaa <n i th* vaJuaiioDi aiau be iBarewmd in pragaMlafo N«**ra. OuloTi and Boder approved Ih* ld*m aad Namtf. D tcim h Babar, anmUtew ami Harria oppoaed II ilrtBuotMly.

Oommlifoeiier low f, alMr egmpUmawIte Nr. Coodli OQ theadmlrahl* nanwir hi m h iS ha had aoDompllshad hi* w a ^ bamaraviw observad ibat oq iha pterteOMlay lha Hairarfe aonliDgMt had traaiad |h*<roouaty hmiiBB with eoQikterabI* geiHmlty, wHmd tt*m , dlnad them, eir., and had *xpaated thal awm they would M mere traettaia aad la * p ^ paihy with th* pngaat foe UtamaalBg (ha val* UAttena Aasamgr Nnrphywuned lokM svIt the dlamtr had bf*D iiirwdad ai ■ inMiifemg tarworklag apoiat, te wkteh Hr. L o w riu plted In tb* aegitivA

bBTuunpEti oai AbratiMBWi. *'ThNqiMition moat bt a*iU*d BOBeUma^*

Nr. Lowy conliaved» *' aad If H la not daam ' ih layM ruw lu hay* to h* dooa a u ty a a ^ \ In Newark we bay* dog* eonadeatioim wm^ and lava plamd th* aiaemeaat a a a J H r i d ‘ fqttliabl* b**la"

"How much la Uf* aikad Amamv Bateifotea.

" T*n BlUlen*" w u tb* lapiy,«'Th*n i moT* ihat *D«thaf mtUtew hB

added te It** Ihe ttoitea wa* Mrt put, t i n aanr DtCamp eUuaMd ihat ih* v a l ^

UoM In Nawark tn manv Inatenom had aal baan eqoiiabte. Ua referrad to tha WUfctBaae A Uaddte building ai ih* oiwiwa of fa ir u d , Broad etreete m a cm* Ig pol*t Th* pmpMtev • ha Hid. had only b*tm aiNaaed M 986 ,9011 Karoely iblrty per c:'ot. of ite r*al vatee. n*te j wlthM andiDglheuaithaia ba«ia of lAy pat «*nt w u fuppoaed te bav* baas lU M ilr • adopted wllh reapeol lo all ammuteiHa,

Tbera w u no r*piy to Nr. DaChmpPi p m u Nr. Ham* remarkliic that from hli fhmillmtig with lb* InMltttitetta of Nawark ha WH qmla ODOddrntihataircat deal of preptvtr had only been aanmed at the thirty per eegi. rate*

Aa*e«Mir Davta ttovad, te order to k*lu tb* dlacimloD to aeloa*. Ihal iN vaJoailoWH r ^ poriad on Uonday b* adoptodv Tb* aaotiom WM lent by a vote of 19 to 1&. Oommiuoiteg | hidiarda proieated egalail tb* de teratead ; iUttd token by th* (owoahlp •memorq who ] bad erMeoity setUed In their own mlwfo th* quvetlon at Mue. It w u Appaitot that do 1w» 1 creeae ouuld imadbly be afleul^d al ih* pma* «nt Uma, b* Hid, but It w u hoped that ' aootbar year wnutd re n lt d tff i^ ily ,

WlMtt Nr. Richard* aat down everybody * lu got up, aod. Igiturlttg Amemor 0* (Nmp^a mm . Uup to adKMirtt. moved abooi th* oounrgoH u though disfUBied with th* progeedlnga.

TitiotiiQ is> vhb TQWMUtra.' ’ At CorqiDlaiKKMtlAwy'«auit*ttteD IheNaw*

ark Bwemoff rritred fov a law moiMBti te mtUfl ttpou a oouiHof actlOB. Tha toaMrawad J •aded in lavor of th* racafoiirawt tnwimhip ! peopte. tbe ooBrnNaionan agrwaliii that 1 tear dlacMsteu of lha Mibjagi would (uilto.

4. foanlsh Feadanao, ‘l>ie Ncvlm" Xyiophim aoU>.............


..Benwara ..0ulecu.'d.. Hiilllvab.

A. T- Van Wiukle.fl. giflecilon—"FttiaJore".... ....... .T. Anvil Co ka................ ..Pariuw.k De c p lYl.‘-•‘'lhe Fire Alani>",.,.MKa(Vta B. Fsmasle, "Th«Darkey'a Dieam Iteovea.

10. SlFiecflon-"Hik«du"................... foiiiivan.U. HoDgabd Dtoce, "C hlm m i Bells"

.......... r ..... ..................... RoIIiomud.12. K'c-re-Kee, polka...,,.,........„a...,..Hrrrman.

Oti Friday uight th* uauil oouoert will be helil.

Whaa lb* m**iii>g w h jaagtivanad Ootemfo» ttimiuuar Ruder explalgcd law te vtow *( ibq i (art tbat tb* dertred loorea** *ru avld««ilp ' out of the q*«sll(w bfl would mov* ihat th* valnaiioos u* aro*i’t*d h npvted. Otimmkk fluiHir Ltiwy teooDdad the motion, and th* pruniptadopUuQ of tb* valuatloni Ibliowacfe ARH sur llarri* moved a tea per oeatv radian iloit (Ml tbe poll*, wbieh wa" a'io adoutod, A re.M»iuiteg w u adopted adTucmlng an addfe liotMl month's BR-wb tha a .* .^------- payte lha uusaon for tbalpwork and a ibimi fn /h f term of offiem Bteueetiog then adjnarnad.

Tha 0**«»rt Fa»d.Plnoe tbe lu t ackoowlKlgirinent no July 13

91 b u been received from " A Fnend " lor lb* New* concert fond. The ruml new sU imI* :ITavluusly ait!kiio«l*dged.....................|77u BjA FrlcttU................................. .............. I DO

r0UNI> DEAD l i t BVlfo

Tottl........ , 1771 62

c d n d d c t o r a a l a h h e d .

Th* Coitfewlow *f T hra* e f Their N*m- b«r C****e * Fanle*

Foltowlng cioH npoB tb* confession ni ihre* or tbe coodiicbin of tbe Newark Mrs-st car Iluai to tbe iilagillRiato uae ol iianslcr tickclM a panic b u aelied uveral condiiclara. At lha Orange end ut tho line rnrwn coriductun gave up tbelr iNMiUoni and unriA<«<1 their depotiu. ifowrml oinara banded iu theD baLlgee *itd re- otlved back llicD deimalia

Thuse who Uilt tbelr cars ihruptiy arc afiauJ of proaacuilon, fliiperlDtandoni Akannan mya Transfer ticuia have iaiien off fifty ur Mvenly- flvepsrc4;ni. imoe (boatrwt* a&d exiHeuru have been male,

J* r«m lah r* r* jlb t • iNlT*riiiaHh» Stag guddaaly.

A man known u Jortmlih Forsyth, wbo bad> bean huMidlng al ibo bourn of Daniel Krulliw, 61 Railroad avenue, w u found dead to bad

yesterday afteroooD. Ha tolled teappaurfog '^ r u k f te t yesterday ooratef. Nvi. ArayllH

tried bii d«or aaverai timMdurtog lha day* Bba flaaliy becante alartsad and ooUflad hag buabaod, who fnreed an adtraoe* and fount Jeremiah lying dead upon *** of tba beda

He appeared lo have died natgral cauaea, 'Tha Asalstanl CbUDly Fbyaldao wim nij|il1''d. The deceased proved to have baem jeremLah Forsyth, employed *t Haycfifoeloix 00 tieelianle street. lie w u abonl fifty yuiff of sge and had a wifa, feum wbqoi be wm arp* aralv), living In Bosion. F'lnytb Badsawnl nsgVrled slsieni bvlng In Newark, a u j at dip forenl Um«* made bla-bome with tban.

A beot Ih* Drw*g*a*At 10:10 o'clock J u t night F'JilIlp

Pchwar^ who keepi a drygoodi stove ataos Main atreet, Orange, appeared at the Oranga Toilcu WanoD wub hia phlrl cuverei] w'lh blood, and complained that white slandmg to front of hU aP'Tv a ih<rrt ilmc pruviousiy a man bad paaEvd by and Mnick him a heavy (now Id the face. WiiiUm H. Winner, of iw i;j«ve- land struel. w u arrm i^ un suspicion, Robwarx Idcnllfled him as his usaUant Win­ner w u balled for eaa mi nation.

The ojfcn air oonceit m Ofaiige by Duffy A Jingrund'a Filth Kcglmant Band laM mgh( w u bean! by a Jargw crowd of people, wtnj gaib- ared In the Mreet arotjnil tbe bandstand on HlUUry lymirvoo. Too flrat part of (he pro- gfainme publlsbed ymterday was reiideriKl In rxoclkatsiyl*. Tlie tbower about o'cIim k druvg people to ihelfer In a bumei] manour, and made It leceasary to defer (ne aecoid part of (ha pff>gniiha)a

Peter Hardy, ef flootland atreei, Orange, w u yoatetday lined 910 un tbe complaint of Uie Buacd of llHllb flw allowinf bia eeasDOoi to overflow on the Hllroad track. Hardy die] not appear to defend blmMlf.

Alloa Rciliy, daughter of Nlchul KciJty, a prcvluoo daafer uf 81 Jackson klrect, Oratiae, has been mlMingfeom bur home since July 4. flhe Is about elghteco yaara of age and w u ein- piuyed as a rrlmmar lu one of itic Orange Val­iev hat fectorloa. No cauH 1- known for tbe young fln 'i atecttoe. Hr*. ItoiUy and D«- lacilve CoDroy ate searching for her.

The Orange DhtlJed Water foe Company h u Ua new plant In Oraoge now in good working tedar.

Irvington Note**Tbe Episcopal Church Runday-scbool wimt lo

HuoUey to-day on iiapicitlo. Tha Ma hodM Punday echooJ wUI bold a plcnio at th* aaiM place next Friday,

Tha Methodist Rpfacopal Church la to h* Iborougbly renovated. New paper and n*w dealgna will b'used, modemitiug tba inieflori Tbe sceffo d ia erooted and the work will tm puvhcd forward rapidly. Oobg, of Newarfo Will do tbe work.

Aa ’Farmer Ffck" Is expected 1* (own tkl* aucrrioon, en order ban bu n toeued to boiy a l haiclieti and have a gonial, lanaibla Um*.

I*sl funday etenlpf a Ikee flgbt Ufok ptoM oa hpriogiiuld arouue, near (he teitolgmi *f Iho bom; can, gpeuial PuUceman Altem rushed tu Uie spot and succeeded In am n |g e tho pariiii, but while he w u engaged and *d vulng ihsm tg qatt two mada a rmh km tho ear. t'harlw Uutefleid ami Trwtoi Oaborfo iio|iped the car and arrosted ibaa* Tbe party of three were locked up. President WoU WH notified and court w u held te to* Brfeh Academy. The piicofien gava tb«lr batnea u Jacob tonlth, IW UayM Mreat, New* a rk ; Haleb Browo, oomer of F ^ y fifth Mnak and TagibanoM , New York; PhilipRtiaMer, 110 EuiForty-fint itraet, New York, finllh and Brown were floed flCLAOeach. Runferwte diRCliatgud as be claimed to b* acting m A peaoamaker.

Btootnflald end Mwiitclalri At a DiMdiig of tb* HoDtciair Hook and

Ladder Company No. I, beki Monday night* A. C. Btuder WH dropped (rom the roll for non- payorstofduea fltuder N InceDied at thla acllan. Ue uyasbat the oompany owed him 97 for prlDtlDg, and be *gp*eted iho truaurer of tba oompany would deduet biBdUH,atuoucj(. ing to 99, from ibat. He wUl demand a le- Jostetoment.

WUltam a. Plereoo Poet Drum and Flfo Gotpa ol Btoomfleld. ac«>ffip*nled by MVtrai well-known cUImdi, Mart to-tnorrow on ibelr •Aooal rtambika a»d pleuiq to Pin* Hroob.

A wbfvlman's club wIlL bt otganlasd lo> teovrow night at tbe Opera Home, Honidalr.

Th* D**ni MjrHwry*August E Daorn, brother of Lena Daum, ihg

ycuiig girt who died at Yuungavitlf, N. Y.* *b Ruturday lu t lutdrr olrcuuMtauiM whteh, from the present koowg facto lnthae*ia,ap» p u r very myiterloua, b u not yot reiurned t* Orange, not bad anythirg Kimq beard (koim him lip te'noon to-day. Umll he returu <m writes notblDf more deflnltu etn be u id of iM c*H. Tbe relailVH and frtenda of th* girt a n nut wllUttf 10 accept Ihe story Ibat Ite g|f| d iid ofdiphibcrta as being aufllclent evldeote to dear up tbe lUTste^ anrroundiog beg death. News from Nr. Daum to b^ng aaEtew ly awalied lu Cringe, where tbe deepest totogs eil la being manlteated In the cue.

C I T V K U W B N O r a S L

Tho •xosmoD of th* IVath Wud (R m itaKsglMb ghoul left Newark M4«r.

Thor* will g * m totlsf of to* nunagw t l tho Haler lliisii to.niorrow *t 8 P, X. *| to* hntne, 3M g i lo ’ IIlo »*nti«.

Uenrr Polar O tan lg , * hoMelm M itatill

dl. tauTi Rplioagi Ctiuroh flnndsr.oohool, ol BsB ■ . . .

WM piotrd up loovie on t g K ta l p i ta id if jlUK.

Oni)k«, ir« pMuIcklg M Voinn* L«l* t(Hl*r. The CudwoU Pmbfierleu Church lohool went to Um um e ig*.

B o h g r f g C*ldw*1l.A bold Itafllibt robtarr w a oommitted m

CUdwtll, on t g R onand >«<, Monday tg t^ noon, to* Rmljy of J u a n KoUenry, of Hew York City, ta ls f th* tieUnu. Jewelry, * qutnilly of MtobiM *sd * i ia n g r ol etn*ll *rUol« wtre takes. The robgry wse com- mlttsil whJI* t g tamlty were In toe fruut yeid, t g tbletMi who *r« Ihnufht to g tranpe, h tyjnt nuntln by toe m itaren im ng Tbt 1<M M placed In Iho g li,bg rhaad ol (KM.

■flernaon tnd eeut to to* Connty Aivlaee.John Xehoe, *ted twentyoix ye*i^ g

hoine, WMgmltte.1 toto* City Hoi,4l*l kwl uighl. K th « broke om of bli te g In J t u o |^ off u to* w * |g on Blcer Kim I.

The West H tw uk taugoibaod ww n*. otqaiileed l a t ni«bt In A lg it B abu to ’l B*f VMw Fsrk BsU with thirty k Ut* s h k Imm Tg Rtiner Pwelr* n e a g n t a n *M* promiHd tg i r oa-opet*U*ii. K «u* Jatoi Voleotln end Steelier wsi* sppotoMd * o g mlltw to pnoutu * iligtoR dlrtetor

Cl*lfat*n g to sn i* * lavHllgatto***A eooimlties ww appointed *t tail ntzbl't

f|M*l*l seatlny of to* Cluthlnt talcfnitn'* Aieoetattou M *eo«t*ln whriM i « ortaln Btotd itr*«t etatoler bad InigUoaally ktpl hM ekm w ea « Mooday *7*010* s g e to* nresatlwd MW. ig M sn w a e M M e n ly R a R lnuM oftatJ efiM k *04 *nd of i ta «ta> p t o y a g n a w tx e i a ta*i t g mMo m b w*ra d*toi m e ta l wot* *ad wo* om m * a t ta f t t WMtMIM**.

R aw to l* s r« « * t g FnnM aalsc R*W4M' * r ■ IM Ior.

With * detennIsatiM to a r ty nototoy e e a tooeitieoMin wo g f * ni*d**iw e*plnt*a Is our lull deporttneol t(i*t will toipiy n I ibori onlor. Ao en Ijlaetnttoo 1

■ ■ ‘l.w *l ' ' ‘

f i

; ta tefoi *b9

_ _ „ __ _ yk Cheviotiinlls ttoia US lo li« ■.'•M*^rit-w«ri CaellweA to pistde, « g c U e g M rip e a U l*R«i RdneotbM widt w*lA B ta A T ^ to d Ooti MM VeK, b c a IMMiltl.

Men'e On- All.wdU Bliek Seq* ____(famllhto^lIP. Very suptrlDr lUMk C g tM


fcT, I X O I F T S U N D A Y S ,

I m r a iu u i i M i r ,. , j§t.l|(S.S«4 STREET,

M w f e .BtMtt- fiPH— «»— MMr. )

P D«|,iir»rf by evri«n In tny put e( tH* P P b m d Qnnc*> Htrrraon, Kwmy, Swn- ^ ' S y S d l*«^.^o «*«)*‘'' BiMMnricId, tnd

I in E iM « County.^ .BboaipOont, doll*™ i y ^ i .M t onto » month. po«t»c« fmo, Smflo

,twoe*nti. O*li»«*o by urrioft m „„wk. t*n « o U « w**'i .

Of^iMry idwrtittrMnti on third Aftd fcurth p«fM. U« c*nW • I.M *t*t*

id*oIti*oni*nl* undof *‘**d* of W*ntrt, To U*. for StI*. R*™on*f, ote, on* o*nt •

‘ bMd, but no chorfo l*M thin ton cwiti ■ 'dlpb’lMOftion.______ _ _ _ _ _ _

oot«ltb*Uodln( llnio *ll«l*‘* f****' **• 7>w ituMTkwi wouM biM th*8#ortll*- UoDOl t«*trleti*o» oompleUty itmoTod, •• th»t th* “ l« d lo f" p(D«m «o*W b* e*f- tM o« without banpcr and to lh« oott- pill* MtlirulloB of till lotderi.

Tb* rn w Amtriam, |*oir«lly p*t»Iotle, ■ od oiually o* tha aid* of Ib i paopla, by MB)* OBrurtoBal* clnuBitaoe* ladrlaaoto th* eboBpiooahtp of ■ bod e*o*o **d U o o rx h lM U o o o ffa M U y o«t tbamoter- tatia of II* oiii*l oont**.


N E W S or T H E H O E N IN O .

N E W S , W E D N B iB D A Y , J U L Y 3 0 . 1 8 ^ 0 .


IflO K tS D A T . J V L Y S f t lW O .



n o TWO 'BOOM'’ t m KVtMntQ H S m v i u ■■ OK tout *t to* mioti mnoooawavT'iRaon *t

iio in T raos. anaw*lo an u iio iA wmoio*,


B*o*(or Iniall* W trytof I* m w dah ood la loodjlog to U * Farnanr AUI**o*I mao H* baa l*trod*md, by nqaaal, ioaao •ilnoTdloaty bill* o* proTloo* OO' eoiiaar, bat oow ba btbart * bill " to **- UUlab *■ atacnllT* dapirtmaat of eom- mnniatton for tb*p»n[0*ooflr»»»mlltlo| tiitgnpbia *od Ulaphoit* Moinaaiot- Uooi fat th* poopio *t eoat."

Safer* tb* aaiitlo* I* tbronib tb* K*o**t 8 «B »U t will b* pr*p«d*f to ««u b ll«b • Natloo*) loitllatla* of *l**B«yn*TT boot- blfoklag *od eorry-oonblai for tb* purpot* of B c b «»!(lu ( tb* miBt baya**d*rao* Ibolr ytalH I* eem iH nl*! w ain*.


iJUrn R*wb w iu n * * 110 to m m *»*»■ - BM TB* c m *0* tb* »o»»m w * *

I a ■ *Bio. ratan * t* aovaiM

A •ATMTAOTOUT t a b k a t b . n * t** Bd* to N*w*ifc * l i y » r b»*

Tb*% B t x * d « t » l. lt * o t h * t liW . Tb* ^ ^ m * o t S ton* tbM It bai b**B

“ A iharkw ltb * oat of fala* teelb T la tb* lataat Fir* (il**d lab oaptur* yarn. Tb* tallow tb*t wort lb* t o U odvlntlly bad b**K dl|«*t«d.____________ _

•1]; Tb* tidb«rt*B ta tb* to p to S a iN ly M«g«««lBll»«t**«*l» aotn WMBto. S to W *1 <Bb*w*iiM*t I* nlmtlob* _ _ tlS,«D>*0lb *f *blab HO.000.000

m opai tb* Uxabto t*«*d '"Ib S«w*tk m i ♦ S.OOOOO* BpoB tb*

fSM SnOi *^*** **•‘ .M m S IfA H icb prepaity tb«l hio bor*' .'S IS h *M*p*d U(*tl** b « b*ta Mb-

11* o M H M B i Tb* 0 *mnl«MB«i(, ___ ) b*a* d illfiB l t> n * k l* i M t • otoa', LOl m wb* bml*f*r* b*T* nowielM

iinn^iT— -*■ -* P*bll« optato, j^ A o tb it rifbt *r wTHif, b*a Im idtd m

__ J in d o d f lif . aMMb*r*l«ntM«m’ T w n b i m l ir " * tb* t«wl**er‘ Si *«(if B t k t ^ fbU n U ta* with ttialti

S M on »tt*at*d by tb* nt* d«wd*d wy*B Ibli BaTBlaf.■ fS * n**td S b f**< **• *od win i»- • n a i >• bb* *i*dlt of tb*

. «Nf . Hlgb tu** »r* f*o*r*lly lb* 0H*llbiT *f ib ilA n o t idml*l«tr*tl*BorBmMNp*! bBatB*»iM*» wi*lT» oiptwil- toza, I aw n i i i tr* * *lg* *f b*tt*r iblofi ■ M *x*rt ■ > iBSatao* to t**d ipoatb***Vb*i* iS o * TMiT*' tb*nt*flT*b**dl*SHb ■ *»!■ * *f ■ ■ ■ Wp*l S*t*U-

WUb t l*W liS t*M, *ad tb* *o*U*|k*t N a l applitd M tb* iiita«l B**di *1 tb*

1 lb* biip*r*n Mb to l *nar*d tb*t SMT*bHolbodiwUlb* pl*Md tbi* ywir • m k m ibay will d* Ibb ohm ■ ••d."

It l i nfratbi*! to S*d * Bapobllan rrpr***Dt*tlT* wb* wlertato* lb* Id** tb*t • Ooifm*!*** oB|bl t* nw* bln - i* !f -j* * t» m tlb Hr. ttrubl*, of low*,It *x*etly *aoL *a M lrld o il, u d b* b«* ndnd tb* lUodttd *f n»*lt »|*IbM <*• *ntecr**y of Dlctbter Raed. Ur. Btrubl* b ii b«*a U y lif far *i|ht yitr* to get t X bit of pork ” out *f tb* poUie bolldlogt “ pork b*rr*l" to Rum* O ly. H* got hi* mauBr* tbroagh twle*. but tb*t dtotd- tbi DcBiorrat, 0 l*T*l*Dd, Ttle*d It *Mh tlBA Now that tb* B.p*btl«n path to, bad *T*a tbroogk, tb* Wbll* Be*** I* taoctb Bornally, Hr. StrobI* thlaki b* CBght to g*l bit wh»fk. B a t" Tino " B**d, *f Hal**, toad* Ilk* ■ ghe«t 1* kli way *bd ■ •■ •elagly warn* him back. B t n t t d oat yntardayi '‘ Meton*ofni p*or, enwanlly ftllowt etar h*r* h*a bo** ■ hi* to g*t raeogaltla* to moT* tb* *o»- aldtiallen of oat of lh**« blllt, and wt b*T« b*M inatwt *i If w* wcr* bay*.’’ A to r good'bniBOTtd eb*F at th* « - p«B*» of Speafcai B**d'l pirwiatl appmr- aa«*t Mr, Btnbl* e*a«liidod with lb* dw fltal ahlbbolatbi “ I m t o rcballlo* •gaiaat tbo n llo g of tba Spotktr.’’ Ur. StfnUo OTidantly noognlw* that whil* It 1* fbony to *M aaothcr fallow d»ne**a jig io hUoit th* petfarinuo* i* not *in iitli| wb*D p*r*M»11y applloi.

rnaMaot Marrltee *od W «* * »»b * »bllo*h lb* lAltatlo*.

PrtakjRrt lUMwia y*w*tb*r i*nl le O)*- gma t BMaaatr, a«ooip*al*d by * Wf*r hum l jstiuHter-^ iMral Wiui*ftt*k«'r, iw wfaWa i NigreM ii M»*rt to ih*» I >epMBDlNBOb pOV«r M VlU ^Ivrr foop«itoi tnm i»a>f Ui# Tb#prtwbtent Id kti n a w t* m m t

ll IM cffiKm of IM loMrftoi *•»CMffMd to the lhai ibt ft;f pofito pwwwi ftod « llcettto to o«»durt ft UjstUMi lb« cIMiftoi ilfttftft bsimuow«i]ftH to ftn>i r Iftfftl r«B»dlcft, nlRnl cMftrllMiftMlTto PfrospotulMlUj by itaft ^mufftlft|*iiiCTto ■NiTftfft wHblfttbftir rtftck ButtheftMBUROtto. Tbft p oplft o f ^ tbft Btftlftigre di bsurbed sod doirmwlgd. T h i “ toi of »oca«r o*rgd to Uto Mtfttot tor rbftrtftmm dftWQ r m tbft pftofito at ib« UftlUd bUtat, iM lb« Oftiiml UovfTDBtoftft. thrftOfb Hi fcftU •T*’ torn,is piftJg ibi tSbctHfft gnd ptuAtobto toftdUia of infgrraune bsiween tbft loUftfT eorapftof ftiMllUrwiiwi, IbftMftof Ibftiftftl** to quit*«• mnllftl to ttM ooot|>ftnleft •• BUift n*oentft. It would he pncttoftUy lift[AtiWft ftw tboftft ooapftntoi to ftiat if the wMft oBOft ftfroniftlly otoftfd afftto tbrt •O' ftetUgnmtoia mid rcwiUiftDrftft iheam td the maHft bf Utofti conpftntoft to ft pnwUtoiton oj fto ftcener ooly towndid to Mrr« pi»rpoftgft o« tofitlBftla todft ftod * diPWfll •ootfti fouiw. It to not nu anry, I m ftwrft, #of «• to fttt«B|il to port.-ftjr tbft jobbery ot tne p«w and ibt wUlmjifftftd oorruyfttoo ofpuldJ«‘ ftito }ft1yal* BorftJi, wbtrb are tbft ftbcweiy Iftrt- demi of ibftftft lortny ftcbftBftt.*'

Ibft BMiftffft funbftf fttatod Lhftt ft Tftto !>«*■ oftB wa» belftf earrtod «» w Waabtoftoo by aft«ntaoflbfttotr«ry eonrwbfr bod Uetf nipiitftr UiBCb had brill Wt by Oofifutnoul •Dipbiyftft. In oonclMioo, tb# Beatoge ftaja Uon|Ms*to«iftCtBoch law* •• wl»l !**• “ • rcRttoOM Darautmtflt powar to«TU»blbft#m and aho roguialft tb* wrylng #f letwa by tbjftilWMft Ofjm^laa ao ft* to ^t b ^ agpikoftt to Bfttntftla oocnBanltftUon bft*tw*«u ibft M iry oonpaslfta and Uh H afftota or coatoBMW to uitatr eutoft

la hia Iftltftf Mr. Wananftkftr «y* bft f*ftla eonpftltod. I* ftow of Uifl nrtfini ft#<wailMeft <■ Xbe cfttfti to ftottolpftia th* ftuaufti to ^gftrd Io Uftft of tbft Bfti'a by tb* Uwwftnb IftTT Oonpftny. Hft a«ya tbal, ootwUhaiaiiillrbf Uu dft«larattOQ (bit no tottori and concftrotog loll«naa eball U fftrriftd to tb* naila, and that puW!otfti»HBftntoi»dftmiiatft# IBs of tbft PoatoOlc# tor loCtory irurpoMt, ftfftry rftUwij poBal ear, alarronir, fconay ortor *ad rogWry ofltoa fa to artlf# dally n»ft by lb# Lo^ Istana liottary C topai y ; that tbft tootbold oftbftMwlnaiaaft«BUtoliftflr»ftT, m olwrftiwti*wWeraiNlltotntorpitoiaboldftr thfta # w birfta ThU raB buHMM la tortlWy dw jral- totog to tba puBai sftfwtoft,

Tbt poatoMftr-GfnMftl to foncitwton ftfttoithat M bft B uMfrly ponarlftB to aai. Hla pato- tk » ta ft buBlHa^toff <«•, «b «n bt eooiftia' pjaifti tbo tool ihal Ih# cntir* poatoftoa Dspftft* meot B. In |iotnt of tort, U»t principal aaftnl of tM U«BI*o» Wiiw lotWry WuBwny. *1111 tMt *T*rj «i1au*kn oC th* puW*l iy*t**i .pre**. tb. hmtful pow.r »od IoI m i k * *f 'b*i am - piny. II* p«t*iiU le* dmtt of * bill »hi«h, tr*mo<*l Into taw, will *n*bl* IM d*p*«t- ■wnl to f*t Ibl* bn.tnw* ondw eenliel.

Tti* bill It th* on* uportwl taw weak u> lb* Hotw. tma lb* Oewubltta* on Potto*ow *ad roAroeOt.

oanl, •• M*let S I p«r net. 1* CwonMleoar (owunuM :

"Owtug I* lb* luimacd gnealllr <f ■ pint* IBflrluoe*. moltieg 111 u loot**** 04 IM IU*t coUoewl fXim that MOie*. •• riHD|bHd elib Ih* r*<wlpti of the pnnluu*r**r, of mot* titaii r.tin.OtA tM aipeodUunitiir Ibatatartwof AcBt-lcHpen MUI IM fa** of g*ug**a w*ie Urtdr In (leam of Ua wKituI mllauM whan >b* apuroprtalloa w** met* Ibwoew. Tb* nanlt wm Ihrr* warn nut tundi anaigh to p*. all of lh*i* oNnn far tb* naulh >if Jum , IMO. to tb*l a targ* sitaMr of Uh b *n y*l unpaid tor their aarrlew imetaipd during IM month aliiia*. To in**t Ihl* rtadotaney *n*d- duiunai appreprtalion of tllh.OM h*i her* *a*d fc(, wblc* ita* bMi Intliidad 1* tb* oea* of oollreltan *buT* atatad. Imrlii* lb* ^ flatal y m •itmluUon. of th* o lB «.« •" Uilloeiid* of Intenml baraen* b»T« two w ™ *. irnuu**Uy a* wa* pmeibM with tba Itm it* numbiT ul rnraaiu agauta at my eomma^ and IM rrporiB of thrae aiamloaUom JodlcM a |*n«r*l)y i*U.f.rt<«T eondUhni of in* lonw* ibniugboul th* oountn."

Tata** appanlad M Ih* toporti .how tbal lb* noelpti 10 d*i*n dnrliw tha jrier. wbirh tr* oomiauad wlib th* pr*n><llDf year, weiam follow.; llpiniA BU.HT.tTb I ItientaW, rf.tit,- 1 « : uibaooo, m,IM.(*1 I IncraHO, ;tormenMl llgoun, gto.<H,bU : Inenau.R ,m ,M j oleomeiiinno. ; dertotae,iniy.Ht; btok* aed beokat* ITO 1 d renw , M.IM ; illnaltaaaett*. f l H ,U t ; iBoeew. W2,- Ml. Tb* rm ip u from chawlog and .ni'iklng loMoao taciwod i man •, and ftoii olgaraltM t«,rM . T*.*« worn paid dortog tb* tat* two Bm *I y***. ue 4.«r7.M*.m rlgai* xai,tM .«M dgantui, Kt- 018,8* talleu* of tplilta, **d T7,SS1,M4 |*UoDI uffamiatilad lta°er-

IN flK m ilT T o r CBAML

W ABT TO O U IS * ■ t A lB A

Barnet* Tba* ra rtt iM d e n W ill F**** filai Oa* ar tb* OaMwat.

Io IMI annltg'* Mo* ef IM Waablagtaa Miv tM tonewhif itatemanl wai nada i

" Tha ledlgBalluri of th* Itapablloao leadem of Ooeurr*. OTor Mr. Btalaa'a tnlarltraiK* In to* tar.g diapotMoo hat ranebad * balilf•rant •lata. It la pripoaad, tla«* tb* poblwallo* « bu laat latlar 10 driuilor Fry*, that M ib«U M totoad out of Ih* 0*Mn*l, and, tf puMble, out of tbft party.

'< It U ft matUr of fftOftml boowtodga tbit Ur. Bftftd baft no tova fbc Nr, Blaine, and H B

Mafin. fUr-f t f thatn u m d r Btiptcudriftoa McKtotoyp AliUoii and MMift otoar PriB*

rratftftOftg TbftMftftlvftft Froiw flaat by LMTftft Tbftir B*ek«b

Anintom lUit f u i lllnitrattog tli« In- fftDBifty ftbown by ftMrft than fto* ftpaclaa ofctaatftoftft to oooftftftltot th«nftelvMeaDft nuder B j Boiioft Uftt ftumftiftrg writ#* ■ •clentiit to Natora. Hartog dradged a Dumbar af tBpbtpodt, I plaead Ib cB to v vaataJi af taa watar golli I ooold aiamtoa ibftgftd

Amwg tb*m I noticad wb«t *Hn«d to b* * ptao* of dead *«»w**d twlmmlog rap­idly *b««t aod oceailooally AlHog U lb* bcttom. Eiatolwatloti *bow*d that the plica of wead WM aarrtad by *n ampbipod, which graiprd it by th* two t n l pain of w ilklai logL When It o s * t* tbo b*ttom tbo aalmal eeno**l*d Itaalf beaaath tb* w*«d, which WM targcT tb** ItnIL

1* connantloii with tbi* habit it m*y b* m**tlooad tbtl adotbar •peclaa ttMinbl*l tba dnt Buiad dilnuMly to *T*ry napael but an*—•*m*ly, lh»t th* Hi»t hM th* clow Innwiwly d*T*l*p*d, wbll* a* lb* biM of tbo ntzt joint *t* two « tbn* ftreag blo*t *pu*A *r Ub*r*l0A Into which tb* polal *1 tb* ctaw tta. Thti *pp«*n I* flT* tbo tailor aiweta* * great adrantag* or*r lu co*g**er1ngr*«plBg*B oldcot for pnrpoMi of eoooaaloKBk

Anatfair epecl*. baa tb* laator hlodmo* pair of tag* «l * *bntnk*n and ■ pp*re*tly almoat abartiT* form. They n*T*T *PP**r to b* naad lor walking, and ar* g«er*11y cnrrUd tnta«d *p on tb* b*ek, but lh*y *r*iou*tlm*iiitlllatd to carry th* t *It* of* tdralT* moltaik or*r th*lr badk*, nadar which they can iq**t *»d bid*.

From tbtaUli a* *My iraaaltlon Ihiongh Torkmi *tag*a to tb* beiinit crab* which eii*o*oM thUMtiTM aUogtibtr In n nnl- n iT * ibtll and nM ik* ourlontly abortlT* hind limb* to ding U tb* intid* whorl*. Uy friend, 8nrg*on Major Areh»r, b** aw* o(»be proUetlog thtmwiT**, iwobnbly from ill* toorchlng traptaal ann at low tido, on tko mod flat* *l Bligapor* by outytag targ* laona otct tkair buAi.

MmtwIwBtsS am m im w f •• ••Tto.

is :IC i i r .TvV Ilo P * R ,n O W * »1^ 1T ^ .T . ff.fyf'Xh m h ^ - a ^

MKA BLN. iT U L U B .^

j ? THJ0 'a £ l " . r i ' ' f e 5 . - i . -e . . , -IIM -

m>ABT>-nWBx'nnMBb iwwr* **• toe Groes, wt^ niiniiUsofaftdttonuH. Inrai'h or KsU luriilsbad roouia: iftr»*ft*M>

Aditret* BoatVBHr)NA I.AKR



IM Itoaotft L amanaatnift. Aadreea ^ «Ink ^ l U f U l l W O K , Varoea. K»w. <ta, W. J.

SIw iil Stottot* T o r B « l « -Koicit B im .m w o Ft/rm AHu ru Tv

I , irti M’mie M*i*. (rooii« M ^ViViSW*™ Foc^juileetai*. aeply la *; W. UB*BT. ^

S lo t i o w b o i ie l l o o n t o r o F n * * ^X ^ A I> * “ TRT„H ^T0 LCT. 1A » r W • * «; rrni <15 perImniftilwlftly. lotiulrs2*1 F L A N K __ _i_P

A LD W IN S Th IW -TO LBT, 4WWNH.R*1 >rnGKNaT..iii. u k a b b o it h ob*(«'» J l.r* .-T u l«. I inratreoma_________

B k o *d » t ., an -t o l k t , wKViiRai. f u b -1 ■ ■inl.n*d rowut; term, moo*..!*,

loini*ll.telr. _ __ TWO OOBWWCTIKa

Mwlp W oM tw S._________'T S o T lC ^ T r e a d a e t edTirttalew <• <b* ItKW n maat larmrlablrk* pwldtoelend*

TftBPftiNa aiwaanto « IH ^ epameA tor anato ]q« (i4 renleftin«at will Bft rftftftived eveir

tlw tftlpfttoftnft ftxrcfft ifcaa* ftftirt By laid urata*

TWO CXB iU»ADrwiint


A WANflCn. rOOKH, CHANUKRNAinto .amumciI bwiRSWork > aH natiuaaUGftft; aly

ipFii t , da i” ■I Utah 1-I »U»ISB8>1 HUUHKTO LKT-


AOW-wra W B N TK U FOR T H * n a I . » O Fait arkillir; M « wwi-am: lerij* R.rMm,r. naaOi It ; joA ImnaJurao. l.«lj *■S' ^ w l k v -iWb u h k * m -a t » , u ja

p O K A A LA -

lAEM 8 UPO.TtX>Ma, H. 1. IVA B H O l LOOQB


ooM n.]m i>T rnRirmnBA.'I t V B ACBIB lA ltn .

RIX * 0 N«>»BD FlegT W ATIB FIIOWT. Tbla haetoOA* eotiM*. wiKabla Air a Suollr ar a

WT,Jlirti “rtetia


a verydXH'V.Multkenr B

p i M T FUX1B-W1TH

I KKf^aftalayaTu'Hftc*. oooFM* BBftltovinaav.m


AOENTH ANDOOLLlirTniW--Ay .1 uj ,1 I tee*, emeijim / Jb f nml

F L A T -TO I.»T . f l a t o f • *OOMi IW tl,. a.iKtaom. raw row oe Motrlsaf*.; toquira^n

A HOOD rAt.lH.W jf\ it i^ v emulnymanL KtBHKN c M j Ji I i D H A H S lIh a TIllM M lK U y ^

tlM faiidiry oo li* corasr.

F l a t h —t o L iH’, r a b l r f l a t ^ s ix

taaaala loquir# U H lJO iY LAMG, **

F IaATm t o l iu t -K 'g k t LaROE b o o n s ._ai _ ...fCmwaa Sm.hmvMtlSnLS.

c4un,N ift iftttorAttoon AKD ■ ■ FTEltBBB.


_ all Haat. Mtb ana all IWHI*™ taipieveuienje-AppOrHlONKT FI..*xirBaollta. MO

F BOBT noOMH FUWBWUBP tor Muatkaaplei; rtal moderata,

J. w a b d b n i t m , •MEraad SI.. ItoOBf ■

lOH asr„ iTt-FVtolHHKO BOOM .two msn ; iftat l o w . ________

-L^QE ftALA OB BXOHAMOto-OooatrT wmL Uft aorta* nw Nftw Jamy Owlr^

boQM LironiDiiaCXrttaai, toraaboft haMa howat fu I nksiitd. stooa aaft toraliia UnpIftB i B a^ ( a a^iifttTUla, BaB Otaim Onaga.

to ME «a iftwa airt

r o u a n o r s e v k it ^

•tirra NoMJ to tofti

AAJWII t . OONBrr.m Broad « .

F o e flA L E -TB E ItB EAgT.OHdwtiltoft. I roeroa. witi improTtnaaia. i

hla, Mc.. lot loaifti:Inproverosnlt. Apply WEJOHWwOW AVfc top

I,T0a*ALB-|lW lAJTSoa F ltTM twMn M l and Tth aria I. A- BIBO,

[prUiTUiaL ____ T*l

Oanital npirant. an Jaalooa ol lb* auaatlon hi I* aiiiacUui at Ihlt tloH.

"Jutiai UutiBoeiaol Hr. Blatn* H loth* AUliod* af a glaot HAiidlog iluM twtora a taeaDI* army, lib* lb* (Silnta* In a glam fairy tala, and Ibar* ar* mbm lawir gtanla in IM army who think they o n deatny blu. U uu lUampt Io gel tb* patty In tbe Hum* to glr* Hr. BlalM o flap to tha mot ineeaaA. bt will h* ai ooee orowUad out of I ha Calilii*l. tniMt b* H already out From peeaimt Indication. It laeau proMU*. howtwr, tbal M will b* out of lb* Uataoet Mfort Hr. Baad and Hr. Ho. Xlnley gat a chaooa to aeon him m tba Uonaa."

.N LV PROOHNT WAT TO BUT A BOMB I do th* taalaittiant ptao. _^1 1 » puin.nK IWat a* m m thaa ttah II

bertmrdM. dwrlag term tor wblc* “ " W )•

WM* Biay Han, wt MW* aarWbtaMawiaaObll*. thawM Bt cfcwart. wmi**MaiuMMM>*»elUM**<-nH jita! Whaa *M Md UnUOraa. .M • > « tbaa OiMarlA

•dTimitd all payomol. <*a« Md mM^tae*.'*e»B™!!ed!. f " - “ ‘Brlriil'iadmiSTO!*, N* am Breed W.. aaeni I. BnwtUF iJto liA aodTromoau w pA

.8AI/JOII FOR B A L B -T H B T B B * B «T O R T. . . . . . . . . we. eta . a* n .... iroteabrlcE UDlldiag, Na. ItoK. 3. K. a an.* fhUA

__s bsftnawiloaa tor “ 5 we a a to U^ t a DO H.H.aTajuid IJo*riL>S.j5 i Fw^yanlwlibr^*pp1y to S. w - OEERY, TO

H OLbomi V- *1“ ' --Bodpna foavftnlsrKfta p r fw l| Fof partiruluftp apply to ^ Gl BraadM.

ro om e , w i t h“ “ :i«r ITkOAth,


A d ie u WASH KR W ANTED i k r s b t a ^rauA toft BKUAU hai>‘m«nL top

ABBttH-W^NTKT). YtG'NU NAN WITHJ Jftiw y*aFi ftiporlfti to rt FERRY wT. >70

B a B B E R - JOUHHEyMJ^ EAHBjjR wMtftd at N ltLEH 'N *#7 Broad to_____ m

B riof-KEKPER-W AHTED. VOURO HAM t>< Stprrlftticft aa torh w m>

1 rsl«r*u<4ft *od ^v* hoiiilfc Awrs*a s ih Iu r•F aac«*, BOOE-KIEFIR* i*oa L, Nft« •*n»w. -

BO N N A iO F iK A TW W W A R TB B lB TB A ^ wotb. J. KAT7,IMMu»iarrrta.

H OUSn • BIWMS TO L1CT; O O W T A M wng o*r||r Inqulio Tt BRVENJrt\____

■ n n v -V A N T E D AR OFFICE EOT, ORE R w bw He** wUh lil» parftnlft a ^ o*ft writ* aSir h - * "Kmjid sad la oorjftt'l ai ^uito* w m m y wa*E a S5jJ a WRRECT fox T, » * ^f t f n o a . _________________^


M A R K ITS T.. » - T t r LET,itora,ttftar the rottrthausa, dftpto M tort*

also drvt door, r fla* fftoma all impfOtftwftDW* ftaiamsal, dwpUi « toto.

‘*S%^1?AM0B, » Herbal H.J^ M H A B IO AT.. W-1 I-aBpK OOBIIBCT.

leg hinilHiad newAhoombaepihg. ______

iBllehl* (Or II"fiiMORTOR 8 T .,n -F0D R R 0 0Efl0 R FIRHT

1............LgearafaDrrtory boftfta.

N e w i t ., n ^rc E R is H E D b o o h fORtwo i ftsaand bath. ______ __ Eu

QUtTHARbouat, 1


„e, NT- ll -T n Lf?T IF____ _ u a n d W Avon,ft roewM. ftftoh Boor*

rant resannsbia inquli* JfOA ltOBHANR»rtaprlftftllftld ___________

■gyOV-WAtiTBD, AH O F F I « W T ; O llv ia i wlih permte pralbrrtd. Adde C w , B»i ». S.W. oBlea.________

B o tto r -u o lbwanted-, e ln •«• m l S►leyrr mechldfta L1RRE1T MFO. 00m


,£.’d E ? i'S iS r^ "i5 a "' o T - 06ii0» H *toMftotkanlcto

c ; j 5 L ™ » T r . ’ : . p £ B M £ gT n ^ t K. B. Oa . Be/d ta ■*

C ~ £ S ' ? 5 S r T B r w : M & '


■ MBH A T JA -

Oataede <*• heUaeW ead ee* {*”wha wteb. tltrieeu prtlerrtd. Apolr M T Iu mOev eSereoen oriuewitFAOTURIRU00..»W Breed at, Wg

lOLI.IMTOE WHO tJHDHV jTS bends: •■#

? s

gOMH TO t K T - T H l « E N I C R . ^ H J Irting^

ibf A flunlljr of aduUa NO. • IHVINOTOR bfttween Nyrtltaiid Uodat artoy

toa. RMiiBUMlrrsIft.

D E A T H S .10 HBB. -0 1 Toeadar, July ta BM. Men, **■

to m CAIM id Itearr tod i l a r a i ^ H/oaaA awtd . y w * a Ktiiili. 14 oepA tod

y U F f t t t lB .

. BARoAnr - FOR .nAt T n » OLD

trCtdS a5^tiapartiuiTr leroed.

A T T B U P T 1 9 BVHH * IK K H U H H T .


BatwMB wnlon bad noa-acloa atraat iwotpara tba Maw Yoikori And Afrty ■tdwatn Tbay bat* gat Baalli*. bnl not baatlHrib, yak

B H U f U n B I .4 IB S HOMOB.A m m a r **»*• DamWaihlagt**. I l ia

' 4 l tb* aWet Ibtb Saeratary af Itbta Btala*

■ Hying to *«niw pamaiaitm of * Wart M l * U U b A, at lb* aagu-pteAaciai to -

; rtgtr, to aa nanazAUon to lb* paatauloiu - wf Ibd D a M ItotoA Tkl* laUow, M

Brnk. bM art y rt ikoani any 4 r t i » I* lato dm taaexlag bnilnaa^ at any rato to

' S r to onrtylog fatonda art eaaaanad, aatfrit** in BBT dlraeUan llkaly to lond to xgBtangiiBg alliBnenA*

T h r t Otatoda mny drift Into Iba UaltH gaaaar w lab* H on* Iblog, and thrt alber gHaa « r Utileab ksowa M Lawar Ckllbrila , may h* aeiniiad **■* day I* anolher, ktil tb* Dnltod BiaSM baa lo t yet, and probably B O W arlll. grt bold of araudmathor S tU ta n V i Man that it la a good thing to go Boaing araand far any looi* lalaadn u d than iq u U ln f on Ibam, or buying them I t batgalD « l ( t at u n cx la g tbam mor* or liM foralbly. wttbont u y la gitliu w Jartl- SoitloB.

Thar* b a n btwn taporta that m b * ■yantah nammlaaioaara b an beu offarlag to mil Onha, b it that 1. kaawn to M both. It NMN to b* tne, bowarcr, that a » r t at ooBBlmloHor of to* n o B ln k u Bapab- h* bat b w to a llll Hr. Blalaa *1 Bai Harbor, and that eloia oa bli heoli Mr. Dongliaiarrind bar* from Haylliioth* batybadtat wiot H> kaaw " Wbal id Mr. K a ln o iir Well, h* tan't bnyiog Weal India tatandt nnbaknawn to Coainat. lo Ibar* ttally ia not math raOHn to botoai about what b* would Ilka to do.

A enrioni itoto of aiTaltt mnit o iiit In B n a ilu ao-eiUad " jonmaUatio" elrolat, w k u to* poIlM *1* oampallad to intorfar* wUb to* dramatic critim aad eompal tbam to atga a pltdg* B it to blaokBall tb* Iba- •tem and cantMl bill* batMftor. Tb* dtapntobwi atoto thrt X|hay at* alto n - qultad to u t o t jnto u agraameat to con- t M tbalr eamoMoti aoaceralnf all place, ot amnmmant to hglltm aU erltictimi of tha aularUlBBwta. Fanonaliltaa a n not nndar any alrcnBatonea* to b* parmitud, aad Ttolitlaat ot Ibom o tdtr. a n to b* pnniibad MTaraly." U la Impaiaibla to oxtoad u y aympatoy to tb* B o m Im aawi- papor m an) If tbay dm ern tnah dladptln. lag toty do not dtaarn ly a p a tb y ; if tbay do not nwrlt aaob polica tnatmeol, yat n b m it to It, lym ptthy would b* wailed npon to u t. Bonwhaw, ther* la a palofni aniplclon tb it they a n balag traatod aziclty In aeeorduoa wUh the TarltIm of tb* cam. W bal with tha " ntaeqbem " la Pari* aad tb* aabildlaad M lUm in 8L Pitarahnif. aad probably tb* oombinaor both alamanU In T lia n a aod Barlln, th* IbaaLra-golDg pabllo of Eorop h H mneb to ondnr*.

Itieam t then laaLakaTcbad in Afric*; wondar wkelkar it otnlalu mor* boon than to* Dalawan aarlatyT


Ooeopyiog lb* nnlqiM poaillon of being thnt lkt too only nawipaper in Iba Slat* af Daw Jaraay Io obamplan too oanm of Iba myatoriaai powar that loeka to do- p rin tot citiai and towu of a ueanra- bla ahjoymoat af Horn* Bol*. tbo TVaj AmertcaH of Tnolon la bound to allraot attontian and aecuta to llaelf a notoriety broadartbull <■ laudabln Tbo claim i aat fortfa by tbe Gtxn IMO Nawa tbal if tbe peoplaakaU fall Into Ibe trip aet for tbam by tba oyitotiout men wbo hope to enjoy too taanlU of a ebinge In tb* Coniti- tutio*, they will inrlt* diiailer, on InganiouilT met by tbe Deinucrallc O ip n of Hercar County. Ity way ot pre- Umlaary, the E txmiho Nbwb b u held that a nturn to tba met bod. of dflceo yean ago wonld bo to remecetboonly harrier between the communltlH aud tba apoeutaicre, wbc would rrjolee lo tbe now opportoalty to work their pnJecU through the too pllaut 01 too ooreleu logiilelurei. A ebwge In the Ceuetitutlon would make h - ewre la offle* tha men wbo are lUipcclod of baTlng origiuated tbit Idea of dellrer- log toe people over to Ibe unlimited de. triom of tbe jcbhor, tbe apeenlator and tbe •ohemer.wboire glrlag It hearty .upiiort.

Ttaoea eodtonUon. are mildly rejeclod by to* IVwe dewrteea ; they aie all hru.hed briekly away with inch argument u tbli;

Thl. demand bu beeu lo gieil that mum- dpallUu har* taken tin ink of uncuiutbu- tlunel Ian. ratbet Iban nol bare eoy, and to ootuequenc* Ibe italuie book-', are loaded wilb taw. which, pri'landlng to be Mneral, grant ■ pectal power to apectal munlcipelluee. fej- eey City, etaudlug In a ctaw with Newark, hu a new charter which dote not apply to New­ark 1 Uohokeo hw a taw to pey ^enomecal wagu l« hat poUn, whit* Treotoo, boloiigtng lo the mine clew, Hdaln heiulf Inim tbe lew by eoolhet taw mppoeed to be general, ffalon awiity wanta to build macadaiulied I cadi and got a taw which pUou Hrroor at tba mercy ol bar eitriTegtal Board of Ft«e- hoMan 1 Uereer wanti to build Ibe OUa^are. xue hfidge. and a law ti twiied which antho- tian Union to tntat oa almitai work wlib- fWt a dollar >* tot treaniry u d i»ii* u un- Itaallad BBOUDl ot booda And h on down toe andlaa Iluo of municipal demand, lb* (htagea might ha rung oa a .yatam which hu rodnoed our mnnicipal law to a ebaoA

Thl. iMDdiltaa and lliH tion* hai ereatad th* damaad for tot repeal of th* amoadmenl, aod tbe ntccebty (hr that retx;el le ic greet .1 m orat-baieiiae tea lo on* u y other oou. Hagtney which le likely to be met by ipeoiOc

~ - amaadwiat of to* Ooeettmileo,Aonoidlng to toll argil raant, lb* atotnto

book*, hotwitbitandlug to* atriet gpiuli- Inttona) Inhlbitlai, " art loadad with tawa w a a wbleb grant ipaelal pnwar toapaolal maniolpaUtlaa.” T o oUneb tb* ttotootion, (b t JViK ifewfcaa prooead. to f i n t gBmber of wbal It daoma laiqnil-

mqasuru pataad apaotally (or to* kbffiil bw cfll of oartoia ItaUttai. And

(I H m prlnng thrt Brittab oiplonn thould go and watdetlng through Ih* tradklam rogloaiof foreign conilneiita, while fklly en* million iqairo mile* of tb* nrta of Ctaada a n abaolntely uneiploted. Eren Ih* lake* and water eounei which •r* pot on tb* mapi ee (ringing tbli dark a m ar* looatad Ibara on Iba auihorlly of • Ur. Bearn, who, aomt 130 ycaia ago, meda taiiyitematic, OBMlaniiftc and uu. official pitgrlmatH, *1 toad tug DTer thre* year*. It 1* Uid that lu tha 300,000 tqutra Diilea of ih* Interior of Labrador, coocero- lug which the Eequltiiui a n Ibt aolt toareaa of Infurmatloa, then art many natural wouderi, lacluding Ibe falli of tbo Urend Rirer, which, if tbe EHtuimeu'i dcicriptloni miy bo creditod, muil be tbe hlgbut in tbe World. Tbete may b* mineral turpntef alto In tbow rcglont, aud M a beck trail could oailly be kept open It ia lurpriiluf that aome lyatometlo e(Turlt at eiplorallon bare not been made. It would bo fnnuy If a wagon oanvan of " pereonally conductod" CoOk’t tourlila thould be tbe In t to bring into netlot the woudera of tba interior of CauadA

A Ote* of twetadlarlem it g » l In Itaao,

An ttitmpt at tieon wm dHooyered In taige arMiocr brick lenaarem houta at IM WMlalt etreal, Kaw Toek, yaaicrday tflataoou.In tba room* of Polumou Wanebiuar, on tha tMoad Bom . Tw*nty-lwo Hnlltat l l n In tha huiwc, tu.1 tdjolulng h tnollitr boUdlag tan- uted by a hk* aumlwr.

Waricbuer H a IMIbb ellppar paddltr. about Bitty yaenold. Htalkially ronaleiicf hwwW, Keonah. and Bra yonng ehtldran, one a baba In amiA T M Wamheuait aiored into tot houte thoni da monih* ago.

WarH-baucr left hi* boam early InlM day. and atwtti 4 (/Mock yaatarday tfteriKiMi hli wlH took M r children n*4 aet out lor a walk. Taa intDORa aflftnrafd NlnnJft Earnftleliii Fo# Una on th* floor Mlow, n w a eloud of emoke Iwiint Bum benotto IM eorrUor doat taadlnf IBIO Wancluiiot'a noma Bht Mgan to ory

n n r lo lefror. tad at ibH HMturnt a ehatp tipkwloo w ii brant la Wtiachauet’e kiiohtn, tad a ebeal af imokatud hot air allot out Into ibaeunklM.

Betaama of latr from women In IMtwna* Hewdiiy twonghl MIp, aad two young man n n up Ih* itaui to Wimbaum'e raamt and More In Ih* door. TbtymaiidtMiBwInirao* to Bm* with aa loeeiiditry Bn wlilrk, U n had had a Hw mluatet mm* of baadway, moat bar* peorad dlaaalrouj to property and pwt>. ably uillH. Ae n wtt, lb* two man fliughl hard ter tuint Umt btloe* oao'Atrliif ih*flffimMS.

1 ho meat Ibofuuab ptaoa had barn mad* lu (Intbahouer. Than wi* a 8n under Iba b.d In the bntroom. anolhrr behind e doM in the ntiing iwut and * U>«d on Ih* hlicbtu tow. Thee* d m nil* In pile* of Mil of paper and light doth able* had been aaluraled with b.iiilne. niet o( the um* InBimmabiagnA If rtal wen uron tiro Itbtea In both tba klU'ben and ih* ■iltlnrP'Oin, and tralu of thin doth wakrd with banainaltd m m tba tnaoa iht floM to Ibara. , .

aboTO Ihe pita on eteb tabi* wm ntpended a green oa bladder Blled with atnul a g * U « oriientlna. Tha fluid Ifoni them wte akiwly dripping down upai Ui* table* fmm pmholta la IM bouma of tteh. A can ol baualiie, lo which wr.rml hula* bad been pane hid, w*t aim hung lo IM .llllni-ioom and wm drip- plot Ita eoaionU upon Iba carpet, whlcb bad becoma neked. In the klieben, to aid the prugreu of iha flamei, a Hd hut cual lira we. roanug In lb. rang*, on 11™ '°p of whlcb iluud *tai». I'd ul boll Ing-hol fat The heel In One num wei m Inienic that ll ll believed lo hare exploded Ihfl blAldfi b ioglri there beBm Ui* B.inet Horn toe table reeebad It

Il«iectlre. » ere pot ou Ihe cam, end abortly alter So'elM'k Ihey amaled Hm Wewhiiici If die wee relurulug home with her clilldr.ii. She » « . taken to the tletlon bouic, Ingcibcr with iM Inoondtary appamiui Binnd In her TiiomA When nueitioued, Ihe w m in clitmcd tu know iiolhiug ahiiut ihe lire iDd to lo on. Khle to talk Kiigbeh. Thepullce ere luoklug lur her hu.Uii'1 end e ip ot lo gel hltu Th* uimlre lor comniltllng tha deed le uol known.

TH * Fawar ot Hoag.From lha Baltlraon n a

(jongiiiiBien (oho Allen, cf Ifnaimlppl, In addition (0 belna ana of to* wita of to* Uuuae, ll ilM minetoiiig ol 4 "ptuoger" Iniocleiy. lie WM pieeent at a muatcnle giteu alto* gbunbtm by Mix Jeannatl* TbuiMr, and taUiM muelc witb a gotney tbal aelMiHlied loD* 01 tooaa wbo beard him. During too tvenlnf Mm Tburtor oogaged lha HlwLelppI foegreeaeiMi In eouTenalloci (Or • ta* mln- uia* and tnetdeotally Inquired If h* wte Ihmil- tat wiU Ibt eludy of mude.

" Ob, yee," mpllvd Mr. Alia*, proapllr, " 1 am wmatblng of a muiletan myiaU. lu (hel I am 10 Bmd of muflo tba* J Inuoduee It Into my avoryday Uta wdh Tory bunaflcial effiMk I control aiy wift and family, and gorain my anllra bowehold by IM power of my woHa

1 doo'i quil* wfflpcrtiaod ydn," anawaraa Itm Thuibei, fmUlng.

u Wall," laid Hr. Aitao, wMb a many twdnU* In bH aya “ II H Juai Hkl thH i Wbao traqocatmy wlfc or any roambar of my H b Hf io do an^thlag, aod tEftf TftRiHy I threaten to Hog. They imipodialely Itlenl and do my bhldliit tatber ihau boar ma."

sU«iKl Ibftlunanl. Irom toe T*.M.B«.in WIIIIm tarml, on Thunder at ir .H , latarmtnttaFtinaoail CtDoMftrr.

AB am aiw - f o k «kALX. ^pliati ukeo from IM fret brtdgr. at to

moteepleoA Itllial'a •* WTEVB T IB B H B I^ UerriMuavA, Harrlmii._________Pto

B l BDR-CIIXID BINOI WO CAN ABtlOJ, FJNHyeaug and lalhlnx parroia — — 'KKHF, IT Ferry

Ilaato fhalam Fold la BawarH T atalar hrHalrawallima (Jla laa. Cla.

Praia. AmtHariaiat Van Smburgb, IM peamla

mreat....„...... ............ . .18 | 1IB toWllllem uevl-ave-------------. » lie JJClurim F. naiuea la Heamu at----------» lu oerrherlmNet!«l,mCMirtta.,._......— . »Kanry Adam*, William ii— .to to to A iiX a L. BAnaifn. itam.. —

Our. Bread ead l larhal ma

Ib a Baghiaiag af tha Labby Oalaga.From the Trenton State QaaoilA

The |**m aftb* Btata, rrltoout dHtIncUen Ot party, la guBeraDy a fu n t to* propcaod Cm- dllolum.l Mandmem, tbal would opan to* fluodgelei loepertal legliUUoa lurmunlelpatl- IW . T M cooeerraUv* view w held Ihitto* precent rMlrlcUon upon lucb legHtallOh eerT* a wUoieaoia* puipoA and lhal to leopen to* Butt, to ll wuuM almply reaull mdilugtng overy lOiHca ot too Logletatur* witta huMioda ofecheinea and jDia. aud BU tbecdnUMi ef toe Btatabmua wllb an enny of lohbyleu and curmpdonHm. ____________

Tba UnltaA Btata* M n itr ln l In*, tia. Daafb Clalma FaM To-day.

Prato. AtokIrak, *4 t u tole at----------- H •« 78ifiW AlUlB.CBANJt. ITMtaeil.


1 ^ ft BOLL!• A BON,PtacUeai unaanakart

iroaina r....... . ..... ..ftvHnft ftvrrtUsft la GMktOfilcft aod Wsfftroaina Na ii R r i^ ftk; H«b» hHiary and Moriii% Koi • Jamftft ftt; lair»

Kttd j4«ntlshtBfftia rftduVftft'ti t'OftL KftftplBftCMtitf oftMblrMilftaftio ftut DP prtrss fttMl e*DtrDl our bmloftw, «• ar« ^iQ fspsdslraiMtotlM uXatsiaaeft. (NIE ravftclfNltf «(NloiM(LTsNpIkonft Ra. UR

^ Ba w o o d r u ff ,(rnnKRTARERq

OOem aad RMfft«aoa, Mi RHOaD IftREWT, Ntjsdftor bftl«w EvftBliic K««a oAffti________ _____ Hiia r

Parsoasl siWftdaoof dsy and elgkL Tftiftpbftaft No. XE,

/ “ OWR-iaOOD BtdOODlOOOWE FOREALE jrtrtap. NAT. EMITH. 0*d« aTA,

I i lN * r e c o r d -h a r d p a r l o r o e o a h' tor mte. HCSIC, Boa T, RftwioEft*. NS

FOURK O O H R -TO LET. - - MOftis, teU ftftd huDdiTx ft *rt



g'W XIE-W kBTXD, AiyOMdU)(-ook1iij«ra«rA A p p ly rtH E R D l^ ioTCE BKrtTAUiANT, iEMrtftftftf. m

ROOHH-TO RENT, TO A ^ L ; ^ , ttKHnft, iblrd floor. CWl Ml


STDRR RT.. 71. REAR IT H A A ^ -K I J » T snfl iMond floQia, 4 rvooift ia ftsrtL ipijju rft on BROAD tlTa

STORE ARDI ROOMB TO LET-IW LA F A ^ •ita It,', a Srsl-eh I jNMft Rr roafWtkMftiT

ry H«rft. lau lra ai maiMI bftokftUfftftr frooftry-------- — .-------------Pftfti floor.

C J 2 2 fta la S u * 5 -‘.£.wiU>toO«^^^Divfcfrtd. CXKibWELL, BOULTER RtXAaH


E e f e r ie r o r d o ir l m o r f o o tTOlia A AEKD, S Coaaniftrrtfti rt. Rfl

IU-11LF.R A T ,«i«v?,T£fA *liNftW York. Eg;flrsVrts* lund only*

lUillNS, IH WsStKih ftla.

G x a WAiacN A oa,

k S TO B It-T IIlK T.F im iTF IO O B A N D OBIcEhlar nr atov*. 11 m i M (Hm*i*r« to; m h*divided Into two etorto if deal red. W ILH iN df^.oa DOia A Oo., mr. Bnad end Fair ea. Dp

F inn FOR B A LH -FIB B IN O B ^ O C H B IlOf Bath blu* Bell tor. I“ .to

i*Bia aaeb. alia at whatatol* merkai pr*« 1 “ • Tear ebolc* i tor • tow day* ooljr ex U KAto LtV'BUOck.fttolofoanlrail. ii(|ototo(A AodaniD'a lea d «k . tbi

T “Lg rr-

U IH t, Prapici avA, naar lllawnliaM *T*.a munA am floor, wiu enlmarartmtatai potto*Ho* HuitodlaMly..

ipOH S A L H -O If.........................

__________ ACCOUNT OF IL Lhaallh. a bakery baemeto, Itofl j p - w P-r

weak; elan laiplatoaiito and wijas. For p -« to stor. Uumlri of J. A B, B. B H ITB . aummto N .(. tao

„ „ ______ ____________ _ HABDWAMB» end toekadoiik Iwidato, F w parjjmtare ad- dram IIABUW AHa , Box U.NawaoH oa AipFob BaLB-iAinH o h l t i

A .........................

Fo r r a l b - p a i b o f o o o dpslAiftii' tnii

„ _____ TR N -rO O TlyrloffiH aiA ELlN U tO R


CsltR R m JR B-F3R BALE. R EA R LT NEW r ftiinlturi ai rtfbLrofta Sfttujurskfftplaft: coal Dwwftr o w #l.ow>* ^*ii**^ for IflOD iT laksn m a whols snfl onn:^lale MWaloB lifftOa AfldrftBft B. H. Je. Do* R.

__________ _

K e f r iq k r a t o rfort oftdftfi pficft rta


V lm A M C tm i.

V O l e & S Y U O K n o w .

to Hileiu,


140 BIWEB. a im * FBO FITi.

_(chn K. McOooild ha* gone Hum.

Wcanpb W. S. Gardner la lumueiini at A* bury FArk.

-0. llabrmiig want to Budd'e Lake, Manto County, yeauntay.

-C ia ie n n K BmUb left tael night lot Ban Fi.uclaou tor Ike Xdlaon Genand ItoiOUle Com. pany.

•A. dtotaer, whs aalta for Oermanj today, WM landerad a reoeption by hH nteud. laat nigul-

-H M Mary MrWaeoy, of Lock tl*ert,Hxpchdltur bar vacalloo at Fort (aivlx, Drang* Couuly, N. T.

~Th* lamUy *1 C. K. UtDowtII, of Bknai- Bdlil. hm rtiumad (nan a tbmwwaahg itlp to Aibury Path.

~H|A Belma Wt|n*i, an to* ceeailim of bar Urthdty, waa laat night praaented with a Hand by the Liucoln GoirdA

— H u Blanche Eidt of Hootc’ialr, to In Kl* enach, Oermeny, itodying miulc wUh Herr Eugeii IFAIhert, tb* re a l plaatoL

-Be*. Georg* A. Itauil, of Ih* WealmSaitar Churcb, Bloumflekl, will tpond a good part of Ida *eoaCi» at hla old boma lo Deiawara.

-Rev. T . a Vroomaa, furmerly paxtotof tha Upper Homclalr Congregailmial Cbuich, hie artlvad in Buropa oo bu trip around tba world.

-M t. aod Mia Wiltlam H. TAylof, ol Moot- flair, reiunied honia toil morulug froni i threa weak*' trip to liar Hartoe, H*„ and New-




Saloonb- fo r s a i .r o r to LBT, HRV-eral newly flPedwy totaatola laM h ^ «

huaxlonA lauulra ef UlKk W. W IB D I ^ H A Y lia H I Uarkal to. ”

8.1A LOONB-FOB BAI.H A OORNHri LIQUOB marA with iwoat; atoo two BrmdwtotoaoA

Apoiy at l l FBUiKHSPANH BnjtWKBV, Fre* ■MO IL Tea



, ____ B A L B -W ITH F U L L L lHd good looellDB, -lolBf a BrU-clato Inqulraatw B m i-B V lL L B AVALHIq

4 A WON AKD F lB TU B M F O B B A L t N a Tie llirrievn av*. i aqe Ira Ma r t i n W if NS,k M Third HarrlioA

T l lK A R A P A B O l INVEBTHflart CO, lucarpotauA Capital, fhivwa

F. a H IL I , . . . . PreHflnV CHARH. WOODMAK, ■ • VlC*PreH4«ot.OHAB H. RAOC, - - Trtaamer.WM. LLO V a - ■ Bacreiary.FAA N B LIN PLATT. - • Cauiual


n rA S TB D -rt.M io to isyno w .i n t r d a t iVV per caol; amijla vacurity ! anly.

Addrwa U. T. UMl^U, rtol aatato, room No^.

dhT r f k r k r x n T O tAIAS OH BOND AKDS 1 O l/ .U U U »o rig p y «a . »4 .* .eedlaau. In euwui end lor period, to eult IM to ^ w fr ; lift bomift or coaniiolftiiDn rhsTyD-l. p,ftW to losit on chsttfti mortaftfw In iunw w Milt, wnhoul CHHunissliia. KDWa I ^ R. RLAJ-Ke oftaMstioJ•ll lAV, Brood OL, WMftaric. N. J.

O BO E, CANDY AND CEOAH RTORE FOB rt ia k ; fftsfton for sftllinfolhftr builniM.Sip JnqotmTft hOCTH OKAWOK A YE.0£*YAHtJB o r BODY BKUHWKL8. |M: OtiHftflftMsfl and strair mnUraift. H jalm ortw « . 47 OOLUUBIA Rf.® K / t W l L L EU T F IN E CARVED LEO ® 0 l/pinao Ukftn for dsbis <rf no na* to own*rlPt# VPIIWIO SfMSSq ITT USUb. uvww *** xeevirwi. ,

fof ftftythlnii Jtft vsIDa. Aflflr*M LAlb^AJeV, Hoxift, KfftttlngRftwa 7<ip

C r t T T t f o i *•*T i n H ~ i m 4 " Y R n w i nAJ BRRT Ito

forty (401 hftadwr'horftftftnn FiHdiUv Auiftifti■ ._.T_M I ill 1 1 I I mmu n ai fl Tinr BrtBccojpiW Of drtvtrft. dmogbi honwamM* 7w»M■•Itftd (ft ftJl ftftftftml oa*; iilal jtrftn sna oil tkonaa wsrraaiftflv fltJfolM tU to & CEN TR AL A V t . city. _____ ika

n u jn c L n f Me otaSEs ra Riftaa ftt. Nftwifki

T o LET'FlRflr-CLAflB PLAT, t mOOMR bollftr AMfl rsan, t t o/vuan it,

p<itt8ft,Trnwnsgl2lAdftmsAi#llH o ^ a t jiOftftTtilft* Booosft la oCbftr parto af

WM. A HOWELL,m ______________TOBroaflrta

* LET-B B IC K EOOHE, Ntt 1« EEBOIMjTSto Basr Boulh OrMWft afft.: ■stftn rooas and balbrlwaanil eold watar, fliy P 'iS JpJUftit aad air I aarftt ftm a Inqnira EC. H* a u t t t O R A R O E-------S AVE,

T O Lrr--H O UBK O F t ROOMR R ENT 114, Kdv

MrIrooBift. Aft Tleftwior su, rtfti w laqftlfft^.

ctfarNorti » Railroad ava ar M7Mnlbftrry iL

______ ROOMS AND_ dly waW, Ra H7K Konih ns ftt. ftftar taath

Oraftftft horse flora, m wI ll iftn ^ a rraamabhi Itm i Jnqalr* Na W S O yTH fTOaYO LBT-^HllUSB W ITH T

t "* -------------- --


T O u t r -P A n r oa t h e e n t i b e b u i l d -eX Mi MerkM ^ with J j » » jW .‘-S VtolA

For twrUrnlani lonulm * EHERMAN, H I Markrtfo.

lulm at STEliRBEBO Rrtf

T r> RKNT, EH F H lirT T ST .- B R j^ borne, I roonia ftsa, rftTjftft, hath ; awQ■ UVWHC, to PtaWAtoma a. a m..*—, ■ . - e

flrW bo-iftr. I m «na sphny srstor, taryn fronaMBlehlA UKO. t. lAIUli, iU Breed Ik ____

■ ^ A R iiB T ., a -P L K A ‘'-i.’? I.!2 'l !! I .^ “ ’l!L



Want a lobar, mdaxtrlaai nua to pato w«*1

m ut be a flrHdtoei taltow

Apply to


G H a WATEON R 00*.



Waot two gMj flALBBXEN.

for two KwnUftBoft « oonpfo fo* Uftht hooy- kftftpina. ________________ ^

„ „ e.X, mr LAROE ROONfl FOR [bt hoasftkftftRini j alift inaU oat for v a -w id i”


W A TER ; rtP

SIrtM H B B « n S B a a i t t H t l i k M t « f t .TXOOMB-WAKTRD, BY VOCKO LADY, lltw o uafhrnlidMd nwau with a rMpecteU*

Alan two brlaht young u m to Iton



Ikuilly o « t o M .r * .t j^ B r ^ H a ; retormwm Uroi. wndorato. AddrtoO MIW H. MUCTIK. >11 WaHiIngton *k _________-OOOM B-W AKTED. I Oft 4 ROOMS FOR Allto .r i lw l .uSidllromiii.hi*. Addrvei B . Box L Hawi o


LkflEBB-WAHTED, TWO oy,AZKR* O* 1‘Iftfart kid It ODOft. -Klfoabftls. N. J.

F. J. b l a t z a broil, m e

K D()M-WAIftTEl*. A LAROE (HEED VA- cantrontn with reBpaqUhlft ptoylalar yoani

utorlMPoaidA A d d ,« smmpwcA

M1PRIKI4 WAGON * " » W T OLD Lharoto. lor .ala chaap. JOHN IJUIKH, ta D iL, Oraoga ____________ »»■>


Apply at 114CLIF1DM A V I .

Y JDOIIY • FOB BALE.AK KLLIPTIC BPTIIKO J vhiHgy In flr«-claM otdprl n herein to torn

d h i n n r iA A T O L O e N O N b o .s d a n d SS l U O . U U U m n H g a f . nt f ead i p.t

..... — * ' — rlouaio

fljTA rofloar. Ayply al B U Y A N T^ s t ASLMR HMertwBloRe ________ ^

iiL to sunsaoiJ furptrli NORi (J* VH NOR COMM

w t(^ijO rrvM «n KXACTKD; Hij h h io n k :________ ,

M r a ^ r r liapert carttolly Ae FMCl£^, rouiifltllor at law, nift Broad iL Mfl

l^'OR S A L E - B L A C K r ^ B L Efor eny hnNnwei. ileo ledyi PWiy. will «■

cbaiuia bolh tor raed h o » F “ k N K B in - LBH, BMuJlegae pi.. MoatotalT, K. J. 87p

s i .Q 0 0 i^ f ,r .Mecm iY l.B B N. JACKBOK,

, , new TO LOAN OK jDorLftBfft'. no honua

c-ouBftftUor'at'irtw« y

r AF-exm.- arw.v ________ K E N TU C K Y* J theroufthhrwd ■sddl* Jiorftft, US hands hlfthi dsrk r>rowa, ftylWh, hsa alt Ihft ft^lftiNta, wH O R f l B - r O R B A BS-A

u .......................... ..

Ad Arizona mlQB boomor tried to play off **a four foot Tolu of solM braaft." i t cbokftd tbe deal*

Tbft lop|-ftxpftctod looToment In iba di­rection of obuiiilag apnrdoD lor "Boudkr’* Jaeboa baft bftea ftlftTUd. It la tli* nilural M<]iiftnCft of tbft dropping of tbe proacK u* ttodi agaiiut hii erfttthllft fligltiva aceoiu- pllceft, anil ran tliftrafor* bo mooted now with aftcmioi approprialacrift. I f s b it ib e j did 1ft Out puQlfbftble tbe Incarcftra- lion of Jaebne U an ootrage, for arotiment ■houid piay no part lo tb ii tuattor, nor •bould other alleged criminal pbaica of the prtKmarift record b« need to juaUfy hia pemrutloD. l l may be quite true, iu f i r i therft can be liltle doubt alhml ih that Jaobtie WBB a *' fence/' but ha b u not bceo put on trial for Terflring itolen Roods, nuil therefore the Imp!icailon ibould have no weight.

N K W TO ttK 'B LFaP EB IS O L A TE D .port. H I . _

— Cbariftft VulUenmlm, ot C«arki!oirB, N, V.,

sou bruad ita. NftwarkeTiPWAHD l o a n e d ON F^RRI;UPWARD LOANKD 0 « ------- ^

®*2t>tore. Knrstnoyal ;.prompL nrlYuiftanij relijtola; asiy rftpaynjsuta KftAH.4M

QSFX iFaTF gO. lamfi- tamm ma. anv m_S , hrMIe wlM and . perlact JomPa'.M"* will ? LMsouad.POl'nrkftandforUirrIalioruiatloaapply

toPIKItaON'fiucAL YARD, ta ile d I t . Kurt

do Faa.lblllly of Camiunnleailng tta* Fatal Ilia**** lo Othari.

Tha Maxlcan Irpar. Uaituel GamllA, who wax removed on Hisntay by the New Turk hetllh limner, frnin hi. bnetdlng-hcuu *i lh8 FAft Tweiity-aighih Kniek to in Ihe perthnuiie on North Dioilwr lelaud. boyuuil Ih* lawil- bl.lly of comiuuDlcilIng hli Ikial diKau.

OAfUlla I. a oilire ol Yucatan, who oenit lothl* country a yext ago 10 tloily, hlxlklhcrlia woalihy monhant QatutI* waa to lha bp.| of bealth, 10 all appaaranodA wlwn h* laft hli pxifiiiu in Yucatan, 'U * Mudind In N.w York fof a while, then wont to Chtiier, Pa., xnit receQIly went to Fluxhlug, L. L IVhlls In Uho-ter ha wx* wired with In- fliieiiH and nevet (hlly reeoreiwd. Two wwai ■go ho took bianl In K.vr York CUy and laiil tor hix paraotx to come to him, .tying he wm ilek. (oly M IT . Theodore C. Wlggluiwei called In tu atleiid Ihe young mail Al Drat ha Uiougbl ihe |iai lent will lUnplT deblllimed. bin i.Hio he tiOLCed ilraai'e xjiaiiiomi, which lliiilly convinced him he, wax aleiur.

Hr. iVIggloi leld Ibe CMC hefur* the lloxid o( Ilexllh. The Biircxu of I'onliigloo. IJiwaw. ntkeil boigeondleneiAl John tl, lUmlllon, of ibo I'micd fhxiei Marine Sar.lco, wbal Ihe (JoriTnincoi could do In Iho CA*# of a Icjirune lixllelil, IT. H.BlllIoil Mid h* ciiuW do noth­ing with a tc|er aln.iulv to the oontiUy. Tlie lieelib aiiihorlliti it*i-lde.| hi act a. In tha cum of any oiUft cuntigiuue dieeaxe.

_ graduaia of the Oerman Theuloglnt Nchoul 10 fl oomficht, to vixilln* old Uiend. lo the lit- I er iMoo lor a law weeke.

— The Ameiicxn File xnd Im m Oorpx, ot Ihli city, will be eiitertaliied t^ Utmn H. fUlemar and W. H. Ullell at tlio former') real- deuce In Irvington to-morrow nig h*.

— A lawn parly *■* held tail night In honor of lha blilhilay of U U Gnrtrud* L. Lyl* at her ru.tdeeoe on William meet, BoIlovUle. Hlai Lyle WM tba rccipiant of tereral qnudmioa pmentx.

— HiUTT A Uthler xnd Andiew A. Rotiell, ofiMNawafk Yacht Hub, and Iheodm W. Kaetngar and Uarry 8L Etiemao, of the Naw- ark N. A. G. C., were auioDf yfaleriliy'i ar- rivali at Ihe Pavoni* Yacht Club bouH.

_Oorg* A. Onddubi, a graduate ol the Gar- loao Tlieologlcal School to fgloomfluld, will he BurrlL'd next week lo M u Emma Angle* ot New York tTty. Hr. Godduhn and bit brida mil then Mil for Eimip*. aod wUl atlurward go to Alnea u ffiiialootrtoA

iTtora. or P. Hartflm, WamgeV^. J. K oi» but iheee who weal a flrvt-elaM hoiu will dud It worth their Umt to bother. Mp

Lothttroama W

• o M T S I n s .


___ ■ -------------

A a d d r a i MOM V Box O Jfa w to C ^YOUNG IA D T REEKING BOARD H A Y.. --------------------- -- _ --------


TmGenuui aafl Rlfo. wUb or wltoottl


1>AR K ftrr.,H-OOODBOAIlDAHDCHKFJt4 jS fo l rwoias, wllk bsto-_________________ TOTkOARDe BOOM AND W ^ H JR O JE If lH T Jr5p;ftris)fti(bft W. G Ax Bftsrd'na Homs J ot W n&to« Girls. H CLINTON ST.| |Uft to «MD per w*3s,, aooordtDf to toon.

•'nvt) o o m f o b t a b i .e mms, wltb bwifil, tor ftOTiWiftiifta. tBaCUR TO R "G’ta *1 . . . .

P n » i w * » » a p t

KTrifR o o H s ^ ’K i n T y f ^ ^euilbetnixt FHA.NK UBBU'rU.tU BfOj>d PrlCftHosiiU. TO

rOKEKE FOB SALE AND K TO B ANOHby A. L. TIPLIN,i U I — '*-------_________ssfl Ol Osfttrri ft¥i, ,

Mr* Aetlsft ftt*, Bftsir Ofttiial brlfliw Uftotral » ra kadHJsmftft rt*. N. Y.


_ _ _ -BATOilKLA,u -MV1 i)ocLrtbor>UB. muoai' too) liftftft land trunk* of our own lasnufoo-Hcare; rsiiairliif promptly•uondnd |i<(, nHuUi>ADOT.e01>po«iM wuk-*iUfU(4i Park.

H o b h k ~ f o b b a l e ,b ------------ - "

,«x.„a^-* ___ _ A MEDIUM-SIEEDi borsi’, ftCNXl worker 1 no oHfor ro-

liiquirft at lioUTU U TH hf. fftft

T T 0 H 8 R H -F 0 & BALE. TH B K B NOUNDg J iy o o a , boiM. t r t «

O FFICE OF TH K KKCKIVEB OF M’OOIk mlca.tWnnclly* CU-Take Itolloa, tint by. . a I. _ eV_ atXaX. n.1 VmiuanonforortlMOhsovwlfor Df U)» Btoto ol Rftw

Jemey (hr unifonlinftd ban Ixwn “ppoto^lM wwlvftr of all IK« propftrty and amtU ot MrOor mick. (kwmftllT * co-r ®nfl ikwMhfttMlfl Moiloraxlolf, Uonaelly A lx»,Bhuu}fl \ja prftMutod to him, »lu7r vwUloJ.wMhout tlelsy.

JAU/cB tSMlTH, JUa, Bocftlvftr, IfoiftdJuly tt, UftOh

...................... WAGON FOR B A L E -IN -[ttulrft 17 M CHOLE ST. orN O U A M B K I^

8T.Ho r a e a n d

^ - - -

UN TO N %T., ?|^LA r o e BROQN DSTOBV ,yrwm tor two, wUA ftoodhoarfl. Ho

COMMEBOEBTm lOft-DTOlRABLE ROOMB, hot and cold water 5 ftood board.________ “ “

F H AN K U N ETa1 - - ■' With bout.


..... 7 l-F 0 B N m H E D FRONTYawl back looflft, wilh or wttkoat board. Ho

/^R K FH HP., i i


ROVBBT..N^OORNEh MARKET, BEAR CuiiTibOBftft-'Board for a geotlomaa; f l ^

VrjANItaGMKLY F U ftS IB B ™ -M w lth or wlihmrt board, ai tbo HAKuloK fiuCBE. Mi fimad Ik

H ORHRR-FOR h a l e , f i v e BORhBB AMa bargain, at FlttHTaT,

MULBERRTaT^rtl-CISBIRABLE ROOME with or wllhool board Hummer prlco* 1

i r .rofto or Hw^ab rlrt for fansnl houiaftwart^ mwtAatcaofXHaswMlracomatoftdcd. Apply to SH NGRTH ELEV EN TH ST., COT. SftTftJito ftv^ RotovUla TOT k o u b k w o r k - o i r l w a n t e d , t ol Y eftoftfsj houftftwork ui prlvato fomlly; )

he flralrelBMwaifo«r and Ironftrand uodtrspiaib i-ookluft. Apply ih w a Ln ITt b t .,


H OUEBWORK-A OOMPSTKNTaKBMAM flrl waatftd for raaftrsi homworU In a KoallfoiiUly. tf BGUTJf MAPLE A V E . Xfttft

Oraops. He

■j j o u b e w o e k - w a n t e d ,

MpL fooftral bouMVOTk.

A O IB L f l A


■•work lo Mosil tatolly* Apply Ml“ h Oranfta, H. J, Hp


mOUftEWOftK * WAKTED, BY BtNOLHladF.rirl fftftX iu Mftws ofl


H U V iEW O h K -^m LFO B LIG H T WORK. bXM UOUftK tH broad i t lotiulra tora

daya 44p

S OUSKWORKBR-WAFTED. BEBPEClTAr blsftlrl; |0od homa; flualJy iw*. Apply mtoL 103 c e n t r a l A VE. • H

iL"RWRLLIEH-WAMTkD, GOOD ShTTBRN OD rlBft work. BTEBN hhJOtt. * OU. M ' ' at-e NSW York. Bp




PRRAT0B8 AND PUEPAEKHli W ANTED UD .mpii*s nM._shoca Tks J. F H E E M .^

:oK M*rG OU* Wstoftmiag. N. j.

E K LIA B LI m a n w a n t e d FOB RE- spoQslblft ODtoldt_poH(lone AddrsM, sritk r«for«noea, *‘8.,’' Itoz H, oarft Uftolog Ntws.STO


lu v n« a c a d j c m y s t .

OLD C. a, ANDCA N A 1)1 AN W l NS DOCGHT hy LuUJB I’f ipFER, B Law rruos st. 470

H o r s e AND w a g o n f o b s a i e , c h ^ p ._ i t ........... ..

O i7 N ftW «k .V .T ., opp«lto P-, L'^and W. B.

FIN E_t.VM .wv.e.-.-— .......................all Improirt^ istitft, modftrsto prtwft-GmM ULBEHRT i t ., 815-b o a RDINfl. .a

moms aod *

„9«rork. - - ■t,, Nftw York.

----- rY O D EN A BDDD, B, » AND t? DIVISION

S T A T E N O T B S b

4; U O im iN O T U A IN rA S S EN U K B i.


Cbicftgo zeftini to be bothered rI^ uI •rlectiiis a Fair litA Why ahi cIioom N on York t

Xiierft cornea a rumor from I ’ftrU that ex K uig Uilau of SorvU it aWut to marry ah Amorioia beiroM, who wiii p«F Lit RROiblliig and oihfir delta and fro« him from liui^orluDate crediUn. Itiftto be bopod that Dam# Humor ia in error (Lta tituft, for tbo reojnl of the ex-Kiog ii locb Ibftt DO raipoeUblft American vomaa ought to hivft ftuytblng to do wlib bitu. Even bli divorcft from bia mucb-ftbuifd wife, Queen Natallf, 1i a doubtfully trRti piooeftdlug, aod ao u -K lu g b u oo right to any ‘Uftfi-haod marrUgo*' priTilegea A libetrtioe, gambUr aod ftx-Riog !a out ibf huibftttd for a ftaU-raiportltig Amwl- can womto,

Yau Tahft No Rlehhi buying Hood'ftSanaparUlft, for it H trsiy* wboTft reMgnipftd as Ui* ftiArKlaril limidb)g-up mudkcloft ftod blood purlller. ll has wou lUway to Iba front iu own totruuM! meriu aud baft tba largeat iahi of any prepaxttiuu of iu ktDd. Any booesi drug>ri*t wilt conflmi tbli fttaleinenl. X( you di-i-i'fa to tak* llood'iiHaiftftparliJt do ool be laaui'ad to buy atiylbiiif alftft iDMftaiL Ba lur* to g«t Hood'a

Narar AftClaot a ooflftUpaiad oondiUoti af tha hawftlig oriftrioiu rtoullftiijrftiyat iitlaa, Impure blood and maiir cltrualc oom.piftiUtA ____jftjaady.-'AdT.

Blood Bitiftift la lha

Tw o M rn Covlly Walk IlirooBh Cara Taklftf I'p a Cellftelloo.

Twn young meu ol lha co« l-oy viuiplyal- tompti*d ibe role yf Jnw* Jftnn ft pui*r«ftilb ■ ly oo trsJo 8 on the Framont niid Elkborn Rtllrowl Oil NorKlAyeVffnlQi betwifto Long llnti niiA Arabian. Neb. TRe conductor had Jmt entorrd lha nw coach to eoitoi'i larva wfo'n iht two mtn, wi'tritig br(tad'brluiuit.d whlto hats and bivicig LaTKlIiftrrhle'fli oftvr thnlr facffl.ilepped from Ihbcloftftt. and, Ifttelliug tntlr raTOivirfi nt tiie cotld(lc(o^ i^mpellad him to march ithtad of ihem down tba olsla. Tba robber ia tbe rMT bad a mnall ftaubM ivmikf by a iirtp frr>ni UiftsbouldeT and Iniolhii lb« lauftftngers werft compftlled to throw tbclr valutUca

A hrakcmin whoantotod Ibroufh the rear dnoT wbUft tobbvn wen taking up ihoir colleCDou waft told lo Chrow up hli bands, but dodged ijut, aud a bullet w u aenttrivr hlui which want ihroofb tbft dooref tbe forward ilMper. Tbft ormductor v u tb«n oumpriJed toleadibc way Into ibeamoker, where the Mime proPCM WM fotift ibrough u with tbt {(AMCUgen In lb* other car.

1^0 Lraketoan In tbe mcantlmft fullad tha bell, and the robliert, tteling the (rain ilow op, Jumped off. laklng aofttber ban&leai ibol at (lift brakeinao M (hay did «o. Ibey clamlHited up n bank along tba (rack. They were vlalbla In tbe mnouiigbt, atri Ibe ootKlurtor tried to hriufi them down wKb a Wlnctbater rifle, foil being VQUtod to Ibft aoftpODg w m luublo to diKbargn It

HkllTlIif haring, accorrtmi lo ib* lavt een- •114, o m Kl.ftDO tuhaUliantA will liiYta lrM (tiliYcry ftyftU-Di wltnm a radaiiof oneinlift iK iulhe I^a uSeft.

Two hundred aad forty phoasatil oggf wtH be DBiclied out In ftw iocuLator on tbe Huiher- rmdciiatoat Aliamtnoby within a fowdaja The yuuug birdx will be k«pt tor breeding pu^

PIS ''la patoai oa..Seal anil naeM-n-F K** V——-T —-(.ktiiMlUiWoft rrew IH aM LW H A F K JT

otb •( da. (WO doom wtoi o< Broad 4Mahllihftd bouftft In Ukftftuto. '

ftv* y o i^ MLarlftinoa. itorman ftpokai. •

IA TK N TR -D R A K E 4t OOmHaUeltorft of Aioftrican and Foriln Patom

U’yi' la p ^ a i oaawi bnibra Uift U. K OouTO trhaiilcaianil Flactrtcat Enareftftm a ^

Y 'p A TB N TB ' ____■* FflEDEtllCK a FRAKNT7Els

(Boocaioor to (Bmpkftll A (to.)g l o b e BDfLDING,

8M BROAD BT. BpomftWaAJfr.

posvalion, J. N. I*ldcock and bla fob, who ban

eatcuftiftft fthaftp latoceata 10 JinoterdoQ loontyg nuldW.iMftbevManl )aiubft during tbcmuotb ol June, for a (otol of I277,fo>iea, or an average ni 14.92 per bead.

Dr. Slilppeo Wallace, of Burlington, State Cbemiat. bM (jDtDpIeted bta analyeli of Ihe Fiwnkfurtor oauftagaa foom the a(wk of John Wrigni. of Trenton, the oating ot vbicb wm

EVERYBODY TO bath! at MtU.KU^B. 9g7 Broad •».W AN TED. . . TA K E__

p t r H o n a l H «

......... -VI? (IFFIL'HrjlftjQOil ourafl by luuaa.I <iLIC4.^ROD|? O FFICII H WARREN ST.

Jl ............., ............................ ........ OUARANTEKDJlihOHMndft atoad ready totaeMlyln NftwarlLCt A T A R R H - tMJHE. . . . . . . . .

.P.vgftd lo ban |M>tftou<4 khft lamiiy oi WJlliua Bi'niiott, and baft ptonffti

J | A Y B UFf ER BI*AMElyuapMlf; Electrode win cure you.

iboed them unlalniodand hifiBieea.

^vfnty>two ribbon weartn aoiptofed Claj A UnmoftOk ai ratofftOQ art on itrlkft tot biahcr wagvA Ibey ftay they receive lei4 pay OidHtaWearcn In caber mllli for the tana cTim or work. Tba eame flm bad trcftibU a year

B KAFNKBB-DO VOD W^ANT t o H EA B t Uw Klrcir«d«. the oaly knuwa cure.

1; Y EB-UATARAOTS,[itygry dtoaaM of toft Offm «>TOI ty ElftoUufla}


it* •totiOB.CARBf AOKO. WAGONB, HANlnCdfl» R O BIE

a n d UOBfiE O LOTttIKaBnckboardisaurTay*yftift and EftaBiigtoiift. lArga and varied fttocke Low prkwa „

Alee bargalneln •econd'aand waaoaa ll

N EWBT., H -BOARD AND NICELYplahidfOOiBi(.a|l«?onVftmaacfta 0^

^ ________ MEW W ANTED - EKPERI-~ftnc»d In iht giUidlngq pfilUhUu aud rvpalripg al mean and cailuy. J. WLw * 7aHk v b r a l



^^^ .^tlU ilb o iM c a rlta a * nrtdraM UOHC, Boa y. NftWi oHoa ______________ >4pj

C (H tirr IBONRRS A T TROY riTY^xAUlT-e ~ d r y ; iready work and plaptjafltloBraLciaa IroMnonly. H8 Market «i, H MoKfCUN. Up

STA TE ST., SI--BOARD FOR TWO GKII' tleiuftft or niarrtod conpie; all oouvenleac^Ho

TTNBOOrEft WAW TKD-APPLY TO ft. J. M ARSUAUB, 4d Joba wl, EaH N«w>

Wa n t k d - t o b u v a t b a j c c o a l wkgnn Ift good ordftr, wftigblnit anywbftjft biiweftaiTMand Apply cool oiBva, W. K

UaiMluliarrUonava„BarilioiL •ftp

FAiic^vv 7B~PUEAflAffT BOOM,with board, for two youuf mao| torM

•oodarato . . .___ ™

’^ A L W U T BTy U BEFUL ___ -noath wUh board.


® O K W IL L BUY MORBE. BUGGY A K D ' ® o O h » r n M i; «1M cW fiK ort boTMftirrai

■ Mtdeteie*. XT LIVIKGSTUK BT. 71*

a i a r t r e W Ir t r t t B i .W A N ta a


ntuM be I

L » / j r W IL L BUY NICE FA M ILY RIG, • n o O tM t mAre, oarriage aad now harneftaj u^iieeil at out-o. Apply W FLaHEH S UouM, Valiftborg, Bouto Oroaf ftvft. HP

t ;i OARD w a n t e d b t y o u n g L A D T IN jTprlvato tomllj; caiitral loer* — — CESTKAL. Boa U, Nftvrft oWoft»


Y trA N TED -E X P EB lE N C B D HANDS A TVY MWlng by bandaml Douesltr loacJilOft on



i K u r t l H H

^ T l C T i o K s n l j e -

wui FMnc„.. — --------- ---A dflrftia, giving tonna, U H.oAoe. _________

W a n t e d ,A y o b n o m a n f o u k i t c h e nwork and to nuAn orders: alftoayfoing

man to help writer. tH M ARKET wf.: reaB*. Eu:

-w ^ U N Q LADY WOULD 1JKR TO TA K E X beorflwIthapriTaiotoinUy, - -


**u, wli.n et*;^^*e**r* • « » biebwlont l «N IL 'BA M IA , nR A D A Cn* AM

tlutai troubw. MiaJ bF KtacttM*.


Fraliiulaaer Heimrl *f l l . Oparellen* For ilM Fm X y .D f,

Cintmliatinict John W. Maxoii me cnbmltled to Hu Ueentary <if tbe ItaMnry *1 Wiiblnq. tun * pTeltmtb*77 repuxi of tb* op*f*fttai4 Ib* Itiluriial Haiaiiue Bumuaurln* Ut* l*et nwil )t*r. Tbo rouimliiiiiaiiet Ml* tbal Ui* loiai oolieiftom fTora alt KJurce* uf lolantai revaoB. .rai tlfl,bM.G>S,«nliHsnaH<iftll,7<ia,. atii, M eumiouml w>tb U'* ootlHillon. dutlnf U.a vrecediuK r*u. Ib . eon of coUetUon H eallmwnl *( HI0U.<W (emeluiv* of U* Mat ol ttemtal. Of • fleonUM of 8X0,WO h (vmptiad ullh Iba pi*e*diDi ja u . Tn i. ivmil.l in*k* lha |Hiroeiitx8ii ol curt of oulUiCiiou 8.8 par

tu u uiuntbA Tb* leaden ol the |Utafnl aHU. eullT lie tbcae who look tha vinkeiF place* at Ibtt lime. Tb* emploren Irixil lo emvi a (niupmmtM roatardajr, but tta« mon k IUk <1 to xnrept tna tarma osered A proUinscfl >irik* IxtxpeeteA__________

ILVLKCTIIGDE O F FIO H .ItJiiO l ---------------------------

P E l t S U M A U

U x a o x im r. BxKoaTUHyi tbit xha flodi tan iimM mon p lu io n In wrUtiB poalrr ib up»n*e-

FKiMciai Bb m a k k b u |oiH to Honbaif to tak. tba wrtan. flb* WIU raauln tbai* xevanl weak*

< (AR Alexxr» u plAjn tb* r»* ck bora,Qtieou Victoria tbe ntauo and attan *nl trloc* Albert Eilwud of WalM dall|bu to tbruoi Uu biitlo.

H (* H a u * A inO DinYi N xm x u i FoLumt wlituir of Ik* 1*1* B. A. Folleril, * •oulbeiii liblunan of xome Bala, lx rannlnt * brakaFi office Ibr IxdtH m KaW Ycrk,

FOTTR* Fa u ix * paj* Jiat Bka imfbodr aUa vrhen be makM h m of lb* mtanraiit te hH Ufboiel to Chloil*, but b* lea a m «* 8mn)it

■ haulaoil aiicmivB aarvle* irltfaaat tl*a ibao *b]r mbFr ciMicHDam O H fat wUhont tbam.

fixviD Cxui«BU.tiH) hi* vita, *frt ttxpa*.t llvalf elxhtvuavH H d *tfbirrtbrMt ban U.ed In Utuaon, Ind., ta UM Mm* bon*, for any yaan. TTm t b*v* ntvw b*n tan rnllu fromnoh otaar k r •tfbty.tbn* r**ta bti.lnf bean born vllhin 1(0 farda of • oUicr 10 Ktouffiky,


iptn dftiiy ued ftuuduy.ft a . M ^ lA G E PJ

g u n n e l melftdOi Ukifo

m u n t h l y , Dm

O TR A W R A T PRBSBntG-LADIEH CANhhev* avary .*»»

I.H. KEN*hncnsdyftd In rilcAloraniftfl ftlegftniiy :Miiur hftto dune evftfi ViOftl .to nftw. J.




K . J. frOOHIfOB, AneHonair.

WIU Mil rt MlMnUMi W BBO AD HIl,



tldOct.Drtffif>tUimi* naan,

EiilC Rata done over. e.|0*l — ------- -■ ^I a n , la WMbi*««in at., b*iw*M surkai ^

C o B t « n f t V t a im S .

J OBT-IL'.LY ATW*KII..T.“Ljof 11 end 1, a ellvar welcb lalvan m* by my

nirrlw iir. b* dW i. batviH " S a ' J ’K ' i i . Hammer uva. I^adw will lu n w ^ H byjMV- ^ ^ t at A fLA rtTtO TA B K liO TKL, W l ^ -

74*T O e r-O N fW D A T.rttlLY 1*. A BT. BItIt;I J u r d b lib , eiiev*t1ita H> “ • n*n>* “f Tlalllnt.

f T ^ a * *n*t '■ '.. _________ IbH del* will b* IVbMHiiM; •uiUaW* nwanl v llllu pat* iaibae ratatn t*w n ^ K S T . ____________ «»*

O W -A IW U T TH IlltH W K HK i AGO. ■ :uid upectacH* artta box,I Joan of sold upectacH* arliB box, .eoeaax

.room* aad MMUaaniMV Me. Xliidw vlU 01>« ivmtmaiiloa)* witbMAUJBOAlAI.iTi Broom. Hu dliy. ____ ? !


jo n H IH M . H m rdM fllii A R X n H T .___________ _


S K H i U r t L ,r A R B l lB LA n iB * IH V A LU A PLM HK-

ItailsrHalU In Bilk riMli,*io, cmarnhar Batta I* WaL, Uiarty *ad Oak.ktlMlTt If T l lT - T - — *■'* '* HdOak,Varr Bna r . r . riar and Xantel Mlrrort,

fnidta* Bafla, KilanHon, X . T. and otbar T*. biM, Bldaboard. Baraeiu. Waalutandx. Ctaelra ef All ktafl* Bock.ri, Dart, atiu, rtoui« caipaM In

ItixidaUA Vaim . KnuHla u d lafrala, Baiynw Bait, Mair Oarpate. Lbiolaaia, UHolstD, mra CHrlad Hair aad otaar )fxUn*ua,aorl**a, plemrM, HIriott. ata, ate. ________ **

Box F, Bvani^ hdw* a f l^AddrtM A. II., __________47*

iMrn letexniphj fcr pood puxitloML Pee. UrtllAta cell lit BHuA P BT. Mf

j f t r a t H M t o ik r t L Market iA N TED -J GOOD T IN AND RREKY Ufta Wftrkm KOWARTH BBOH., M4


RMiderwft c«r. Oftatrri nvA imfti Third •(.,Kftft»y,H4ye lift

I n t e r n a t i u n a l p a t e n t o r r iu E

^ gARrNKRMCtX,w m BROAD BT. Newftrk, M 7*

pAlftrftOQ offloft-TftWS Clftftk Baildkig.EQTTftWftft HeftArptorton, Dtftftdftv, Oftmtoftf. Speetol Dftpftruneiirt tor Utft SftIft w Ffttento.

t a m b b l . b a t r *

^ DEALER tN R EAL TOfATE.Apprfttoraiftiitt aod VftlUftilonft ft iMOlftlkFi


I r t H t m c t l c f i .

XIAKU AKD ai.YaiNa TW ffilfTY .rtV lOftBlftftlfttoOO. AflflrftM

— A c r —‘ ■TEACUEBt Bet F, N m oEo ft.

SHOBTHAKD-YOUKU HBK AMD LADIMB w enud ta Hera r to r t lu a d ; ntfvel* I'Utavd'

T HB A b w a b k a c a d b h y

win nesaa Baptamiiar Hi The baad mwtar wilt b«UHM A*aM M yw mart H U H * H « v l A . l f . tol P, If. daUr daitaf ta* onvIaiH MHk. mw H A . rARRAKD.


- ‘ --------------- N a *TEUCPrtONB ______ _ ^818 BROAD ST.. NEWARK, K, J* .MS DITiUatl.* Od M arV A W dRdtaM, AV, taa

Honift-fttolftAlL. ttolPxMrafttelFdMv E|

A s if v « 9 « f W r t

y -A A H ie O * VAN DUYME




W w it t e ir t

F a.•H.)AySd‘u ,.e .'V V •• -■ -*■ -v-aww.

iLDLNG b v d W A N ^R D .^V D R 1U B h Boi D, Newft oOoft.

/:iOQDKAFR WAN pricft AMi

N TED -M U S T BE C H t A Fi l O R Bok r , Rewi

W ia k t e d - a b e o o n d u a n d

. , ftftw, wHK or wiftkooft toiM: ilTft am tton sM pricft. A M m i RAW, Iw i tk i

W EAVBBS-W a n t e d * iH U B liIA TE L T . ___ Ajarit S^.thft. ESSEX y a r n a n dBLAN iffl- \i Ii IlR

Sereoth ftvfto,oernftf Samiaw


S l|||8 t9 t|n itw t

Ao a t iio l io w o m a n w o u l d l i k e a_ ilUintiDa In prirato tomlly; can douty s Im

ofbooftftwork; wllllogfobel^witb ehltdrftD nad •ftWlng, Addrtoi D., TOx K.llftWftoaufti Mw

A ffTEADY, BOSES MARRTBD Wft&tft ftitoriUnn ai driv«r; ittUtortory r ftiicei. Addreto KNOLtSflMAN. BoxK, Kftwt

A c b r aFrelftftUat toa

E TER T LADY, W ITH ONEHm ft pftrilton •• houMkftftper to

PrelftftUat to&lty. Cftll or addrem 447 BHOA 0

\RIVBR~OOLOREDirANW lSnBi SITU‘ /ftUonftft driver or IftklftgcatrftoIJtorieft.) n b C A M FlE LD riL lr

Vn tn

A I^ M tN lN d . WETTRWAiftUINa AlfO .♦twtiftiUng BfttokM put on woik ot reutugi

niMMhlBtafftlL AddrcMCHARLBUPENR.IB Arlington «U



W LrdaiUKG W d N TK O -B r iW O H A ll, inqnlta tyK iu lio m o H I T .

y OCMG BUTOHIR W lHBHl BITUAflOM l eaVaDcaifrataMd, dddiaaiBUltJBHIl, BM8.RMnomea « »

-V O U N G GIBL TO HR BSWIKO Hdri> I aad tank attar ontldei* *• rttaM InvaPd

f t iu t a R t a s f t i i B S f n m t t l M i ,

am na

N E W A R K E V E N T N Q N E W S , W E D N E S D A Y . J U L Y 8 0 . 1 8 9 0 .



L O C A L C H i r C B l t ■ P o i n t> «T X > D A T . T H lC fC L Ia AND U C T C b n .

' r

paiartaW M A k w t r w t U w 4RmiUMalac ■( laterML

. A .At « « a(4 bgr i hatir Hnai on WIUIw HtM. B.IUtlUA, dbplAJA A i.iurkAl.1* At- lictaiDut (at A .MAC Watk aaaAa A Uw WAtkl At« tk« trWDAT e( Uia tAlln., UpOA fAlAf to in uuikovAt, WAA iiiii>t>.Ad IS Me Dm boAd’ AblN HUikA (mpplAC cnl Utm mdtc dM OAt. Upon ArowluA Um lAtirr Um .aunt blntk AAikA vutound ealM up oo Mia qhA a JwiapuMT bod Ah a (.Ini- Pioddltif ibttAAkA NUbAUlelt U Alt n s thAtlti (All kid bwA AUi lA MHIAl l-tanA Af UaoUr UldA lUABAl-tiAiiit la ktll <hA npttiA

Ttie HiAki WA. tbniwn ool Islo the .Aid indwti lo m d litd . fcUewAil b. tbi CAl. wbkh AAii(<i)lT AAtr.'d U bark la lb . beuH, Aid, Alter dtpoilunK II Is tba pLtM wbWA U hod been fDood, tgitD oavend U wlik lit bod., WitiilUf to m b . oateoAM el tbli m adia aP UpbUMtilUieotDH Itn iht « l umnnlA.|rd,And |oln( to Uia hooM proeuTAd food led ptioed II span i plAii lud ten U « bet. fbe eel hMOAllT <>d. (AilUi kill., the amtm a h n i prliBd to .ri Me rel omsliit biwAtd Ihe fond aArr.ln| tb* n ik i b; tb. heel of bAtd. Alter depuilllni Ibt ielter to it D0u)d~ nnbb lb. food upuA Ibe plate, IhA caI tben btlpid ttwir. Whin boib bid iA,aD ibe IblisA ifain picked the iDike up iiid eirrlAd ti bAOk la Ibr autbwiH.

Tbii «M kepi ap until Ibi meki sw iblc lorinaL 8lnci lb«u II icr.iiBpAnlM Ike cil to be lel, ind dnrint tbedi. kill, ie the iiiAkt'i eeuiUuit oenpAuion. At Al|bi boAb to la Ibe oitluAue, ind After tbe inAke not eotled Itielf up ibi eit eunn It wilb 111 bal., uAil In ibb MADDir Ibe. pcM Ibe nlibi iu(«lber.

Wwld*! Pilr OeaVlMmitr Tboaii tnllb, lb OAineeUon with HU amooUIh lnlbeOlHp• ■l«klA, bwieMpted An tnvUiUaii w rUli Ibe On. u i^Aoe It Moux u t . ou ocubu T, ibe reiulAr MMUni o< tbe PoDiiuk#aa >o be beld lb I'btcAta Ibi sell de.. Air. Bmllb iillixiMi that Ibe suit la Ibt Biiutari oftbe pAlin Is Ibe miUer ei Ibe Mipllaa la Ibe ConnlMlaft' •n, of wbem Ibere ire maw in , will not all tuUiort er U ,00). Toe peliee In queillaa. WblehwUlU opeiAd en He|«eMbAr S, U de- •Ijned 10 be use ol Ibe ahwI natAl o( Maders itrueuatA It k 10 be t«lu iltei (be AnMo k .iA cOAUInt AX iiAA of AM iquAn feat u d iliuit to Ahelfbl oi m Mil, wblle lu oanpo- atna wiU be a u IuUtaI. oraaciL

• * «A prcsitu cue of Ibe HpArAltOA ol nun usd

wile bM OOme to ibe DMlee ol A Nxwi irpuriAr. AloU Huber, A eArpAulAr, wboM Ailbroid Aln.kt life oompAli blM la U n lx boAidini- booiei AXd who MMAtlmei itx.1 with bii brolber it tbO ^Ipwnl ivinue, bii a wife ABd tbriA oblldna in BwlInrlABd. Tbrei r u n ito be weal wilb bl. wile And lAaill. la bk AlpliM bona. Tba wuoiAn oboH to n- piAlA ibAiA And would Dot return lo Aniriiii Wilb bliK. Hr. Huber bii beex anktnt ■Uenuoxi eflbrti eret kxoa la ludnca bit will tojoloblm. VeiderdAT be poi a loner (kOM the bwlM UOO.UI m lx f ttalt ib m k xa lew la oonpel barto isme le Niwirk, Tbe deiemi- IxAtluo of Ibe wooAX lo m . In bwliietiXDd wkkhtrtbna olUldien k Inexplmbic, egn- iblerlut tbit li k uid rta k depeudnl ux Ibx -A—«>|— t i Um (loremxiant Mr. Uubti bxA A Icfic. of A few tbouMud dollAn eoMin| lu bln Iron ad lunl In bwUiAitAad ixd be fein IhAt bif wife B it UAkx tbe mOMf,

BAApte-iuater Jwpb* 0. Vin IdentlH, tt ear at IDA Boulb OnmAAccamnodAilan tnlni on IlHi Motrk tnd Bbax nnd, u teini lioxlied tinenu. fer tak pluok. land net A few d in 1( 0, wbiA ki lend a wodax I tw dMtb be- ■Atib tba wbeelj of ibe bAckettMowa AXpna. Birrlit Audenoo. wboB Uh biiiite-niiAlerm eiAd, lAiMd 10 HA IbA AutlAr la tho UtblIbu Otbon do. Von tdenUue wm Uudlnt near U » traek it tbe mUn eroBlnt lu Aoutb Orexie when “ Aunt Harriet’' «UM iloni tbe depot piillbria. Tbe warms, wbo k ooUfed, b u poor e.«l|bi. Abe AtteaplAd lo aoB tbi inck. pemaf i polnl ke- .oud Ike u M , wbkh w in lowmd. The expna w u ihundatlDt toward tba eniA- luf el tba ralA ot Bit. Bllei an hour. Tbi woBin WAi wnanmouA tt bar danin and pild no AttAWUoa to Ibo WAratu( orlB tbol

, wan iboxlAd ftiBi all itdoA Tba ApaeUUen ATpeetid to AH IbA old wnaan borkd lo deaih.

kuddenl. Van Idintlne nude a iTkw leap direct In tbe patrol tbe Dots. Be ctuibl Hra ADdenoo wkilA In Ike al^ and infU bar lx bii •rup tbnw blaeir oo iba grouiid bafoiid.

■' H . God, both ATI killed !*' exoUiBed ab.- AUnder, ai nanur and nrcuiit wara k il l i a Aloud ofduil tbrowD up b. tba B.lni eiprciA An IniUnt lAlAi iba binife-BAiur wu dk- eortrad boldls( tbe woman ua Iba raaduid, bolweei tbe eait and weitbouud tncin.

Am t HaitIm bitAlAd bar pak-pioed reiaier fee wbal Aba enxrUlArAd bk uDetreDoolooi treAiBADl of A lad., and want off and told tba nelxbbixA bow iba bad bua luliniAa.

Vui Idanilm’i Caoe # u ol an ubm bua lor an hour AftArward- Ha axpUtnad Ibal be bad acted on tor Impuke and mi led to iaaUaa Ibt ilih be ran uoUl oU w u one.

" Cot U3" k tbe bile ol*on inweent-bnUur ferine wblcb tlldH aboui Iba Bobobea .ordi o( tba Helawan, Laebawaxna and Woitam Ballniad.wltk t loOraiMUt poeulki to oolmak tn.i baft pawed Itaroutb aowie rAUArkabla ad- natniiA Tbk h i bat a neotil u a BaTiUtr. Ona Xllkt lait wHk tba kllna boarded a pea HDiar uilu at Boutb Oiaikk and pnpand for a kariie. lo Hoboken. A bextb In ear U l wu Abeieo, but Oradgetor dBttb «akk|r boonead tba Inirndtr.

HkemblploilnotiniA In asMoiicInf bla- Hirax Iki ferwird truck of tbi Hr, x h i tba dtawbHd. Tba boffate-muur u d b rit» xwD abetaptud to dklodge ibe oat, Ixjl tbe latiar defeuded blmoelf with elawa aod taatb. Perebad la bk lecan poaiUoa tba pluck, feline rude to Hobokeu, back I9 Motriiiows and luio Hobokan icain, 1 dlitaxH of men than etfhi. milea

At Hoboken he lell (ba train and paima- nentl. locaiid bluuiir In tbi .wd, Ua naw •eouiM bk baa la nBautuaUnf rati and pH- ln| iot tba adailrattoii of tba ratirDAdera

Tha Plano tbw Farortta, r t m tba NAW Tuik World.

Th m k tt t i little dainaBd lar add aod ox- wnal noflHl laxtruBanB, Tba aataihow

I tbit Uu piano k tba |t h I lamtUa, Peit Uw T ld ^ n u t Iba itutar and next tba Inta. A treat B io . ladlH took np llwinandoIlD lomi Hma atib but Iba man la almoat oomplatal.

* erar. If tba illhor WH not 10 ear. dilbcull to Mam It would be popular, and II k an InHiu- mant whieb will alwapibari aalow bstiuad. H la Tba ooniM b n loat 111 popularitj, and nnbod. entlbnifca oMHirlSf 1 French bon powndapk Braw liutiiiuieak and iba laxeral runalorebHtalfCodaanaoJd alBcftwboU. to uroferrlpnaia altboutb qulta a niitauar of Chtcw^ M k i ban bou^t i.lcpboua latcl.. Tkc ocarina li rnanl. a tor, iltnontb 1 laod u u . ol tbain ira k M, obM . lo poopie wbo know Dotblat about make. Tba nrloui n n h u lu l darlCH (dr irtodluf cut aiclod. aiwi. 1 baraa tUad.Hlfe wblcb, lodiad, )l lookiot np Ibk

A Dwad toMlar,Ha ikapi at laat-a ban of bk iiei.Dead I -and tbe slfbt Uh « f t l . 00 hit feci,

Wblla the feint imniaar tliB . Uke HiUntla Born abne bli looeir ruttuc plica A lOldta, .at lew loMier Itaan a maa- Who laTA to JuatlH what a HWkt o u 1

Ttia coartte ol bli arm, bli patient heart,And tba firi tout tbM lamed wbei^rani bfe

■XX, ,Not OBHi, Alexinder, Antonlne,Ho dHpot born of tba old warHor Una,

NapoleoH of UM iword, whole omal baadi Ciuftd at tba tbroat of tori upon tta abrltto— Bui OM wbo wonhlppod In tbaawMtar .laia Thou r l^ k ibat man ban lalaad with Uoad

aldtHiaiVboladbktiratH Uka a priailof man,

bt bk battlH with anomied ipean. r Hdpor MtMfXtert in lliwper'a

" ■ail. to had and aarl. to itn Maku 1 m u bHhh., wealibr u d wka,"

u . t tba oMao-tlmi nuiaar. it.aa, b u wa

'Mfert. to drtnk feou tba ftnntaln of haalth Will bnng boib tba wkdon aod mnob-ioafad-

ferwwalib,"and Ibat tonniain fe 10 ba lottnd In Dr. natu^a-

- lafewl Owa Allaalla Aaeaelatloa B ah i - , Otbar l Ba|nat--Tba Kaaia.

Ow aoconiu of Iba ntumi of OIh m d , of tba Wafelaitno Club, to Obt. Iba omplia'i > ider to take bk real wbik a dbpuk wu lo aaoimi, duitnp a osteil batwiH Bammor* and Wub- lon, at tba latter cU. .nirida . iftenHOO, Ibe time wu deoland ferfellad la BalllBore b. the Non ol 1 to t. aieuon bad bun declind out for loterferiut wMk an oppurlni,

Ike lami pwtpoued tnwa .BXerdi. w u Bflarward Tbe uoia b. IxnIWH 1Wublifton........ ...............0 1 1 1 ) t - tBaittinon.......... ....... l i l t 1— 1

Ban hlta-*Wub1o|inu t. Balttmora A Irrari — Wiaainalon I, DaltlBara 1 fiailenea-Pnil- Upa and Huirlk, Bakar and Tawaiand.

Tba chant pionthlp iimai .mtaida. to tba thru otbar lauuu ware:

XXTKIMri UUOUAAI Indlintpoili-Brook l]oi lA CkroUnd LAt C h in to -l’kierto 1 pmiidalphla t.AI tlnciDuiti—Uucinoail 11, B « l n A

ixcuctw iBoainoM.AI Phllidelptiia-AihloUe 7, Toladol,A i Syracurii— Bt, Lcuii A B.raruu A At Baibectoi- -Bochadar A LctuivUla A

rUTAM' LXJtOUfeAt Ckinto^'bleiaa A Bnwklra A At Bu<ilo~Phllidel|ibla a. DuBalo A At Cleralind—dareland IT, Boalaii A

iletdi. IA I HaBMWilli Park.

Tlit raon tl MauBouth Park . 1 aulted at follnwt:

Pint tUoa-rnukandlHp rwaiHliku of Ha Hoh, wMh n.Aa adcad, n r u turloap; Volxatair IL won, OiimtliU wcaod, Balia A tbliil; tun, l.AtA Port Baulat— ApalnU Vo'.uolHi H. I lo A Balia a a lo 1, Hcrldn I tot, aitoMldtttoL

Tba Boll.wood HaodtHp—A iWHpitatea lor two-raar-old llllei atIfiO eacA wlthfl,5(A added, tbru-quarter, oTa mile ; Cutalla woo Pair. HOOwl, squitr thud ; Hne, l.ltfi fmt Beiunt~-Aatlnil Pilr. A to A Aeokon >K to 1, ('uuila A to I, Bari. BIobod I lo 1, CariecDon 11 to I. Bqnllr If lo A Waxdawa. la 10 I, Annie, KlldHr, flarlUa aacb n to I, H i.- Bowar H le L

Tba Earttu Btakaa *w tbraa-uar-oMA at Ha aacb, wilb tl.EM added, one mlk and 1 qnartar; Judfa Ifocrow won, Keaiplaxd lao- ood, Altia'i Own tkirdi lime, I IA Peat Beiuiit— Fretto aon Jurlaa Morrow, ualu t Chkitain « lo 1, A lnri Uwi 1 lo 1, Aemplaud TIoL

Tbi NiTeftnk Hwdtcip, a iwMpitakM ot HOueb, with n a n addad, one mlk u d a half: lunii won. Tombo. Hocod; lima. 113 . Piwt Beitlnp—Brrao lo I on Eonw, laaiidt Toatba. A 101.

Plftb RaH-BwHpMakaA for lbrie-.Hr-oldt and apwinl. u flf aub, with 17H addad, aeuint ailowanoei, o « ulta aod 1 furloni; ■kinlnaa won, Tbndoain m nid. HIkado third I llmr, 301. Feat Battloi—IWn to T on lai|Ulmiii, iiilDit T b a « M « Iffelo 1, HIkado I w l , little Jim 13 lot.

BIcth Raoe— Ptu hoodlcap iweepitakei ol Ha aacb, with tl.lMO added, mile and a Ibr- looxi HIb Belle won, Ptstfud Mcond, Bon tblrd: Hma, l.nTA PM Bitiln(~A(alaB Biio and Bliiiianl each i In A Hki Balia I to A tu- ipaeioi A 13 to t

Othar KMUta.Tba manaceit ot Duadee Park, or, mora

piaporl. ipeakini, lha AOnbain Naw Jerie. Pair Aaoctitloo. wbow ttack k nur PaUrann, and wbo wan iba Int In Iba leU to prsioH a ran batwaad tba twa gnat feor-raar-olila Bunol U d Aitell, now mika a BHt llbaril prspoeltlon to tbe manefcia of iiieee Beet trot- tan. Tea. idht a Baki of na.HA antnuree flea, mtla back, beat Uiiea In Bra, tM winner 10 lake Ibe utu* anouk Tba dale ma. ba nrataall. amail opoo, me on), ■ilpclidoa beiiiB that It aball ba betweex Savtember 3) and OO'Obar 11.

K b Qiuen Ctt. Pull Mlk Oilrlnp Club bu ■acurid Bunol to trot araloat her noord lud Palo Alto to Irot iialau tba ilallkia ftooid at tba otub’a d h i Iii i ib leptambar.

TIm Orange Texwli TanraeHeaA A lumke WM In itcn Air ibon wbo at­

tended tbe lawi tconb toumement of the Oraage Lawn Taonk Club at Huntnwa reiter- da., tba teomd da. of lha tonroameni. W. V. Jotattion, wbo w u looked on m certain to tw la the luaLaud Ibt frubaUt wlunatof tbe asp fell as aar. rloam to tba pl*r of C. P. Waiioe. A Much kiget crowd ailended ibas os tba litt d i., u d tbe pk.lng war ibirp tbnmxboot A Ward and C. A Gooid a b u b itubbcra aima aod It w u probebl. ike BdhI ouiHt cf tbe aliamoao. Tbe Bnt u d teeoud round! were Bukbid. lud tbe Built will ba plaped wyda.. The mult of Iba ptay- !ng raatarda. w u : PliB round, A Ward but a A. Oould, a -t. a -^ ; taeand rmnd, C.F. WatMO baot W. V. JObnooD, •—A A~l 1D. W. CXudlar boat A Ward, B—A a—A


Ootdu Medical Dkootar., Uii worH-fenad naad. liw lapurltlu ol Uti Moed. It auH BuoftiloiH Boruami fweiihigi. BMx axd Baalp DinuM, IVitiar, Balirbannt axd lU bwo<f-

Pii ouhk, u m A uihtix, bnmahltk and aiwa . ttuMtiBa I^TboauPiBilaoint OA aad gat ' the groiiltta.—AdT. _________ _

Awonutn wbo k Ttaak, xarroni and akap- Mm, u d Who bu cold babda and fern, ownuot fnlandict Ilka a m U M c a . Oaita'aliPllkaqoallie thtclnnliaoB, naora namr


^ W I F r > t P E C I F l O

PPMPWfff # ■ / / !*' tUmimatini

A lt P t U t n i f iy m th tB ltn i, w k tH tir Iff K r ^ k U u t «P mtUttriAl ir lg b t,tU * m w iim k*t •# f f im /. •

*P»r itfU im rntnUtlkai m /a

tnatti t f faaf Jwwf >l.if<fa*A J H ifeaBxBf IM raMgr O t m * /funUttUt amar. I tmt S .B .B , tmd txif oxaMtr•■nif i|Aip kiiar c/<* dfffW

p a a McLBMgfeH/ArtfhrxBB IMP

Xxampla of Haw Hard Work W ill H.aB- toall. Lead le Faua.

IkcH tba Cbrktiu at Walk.T w u ( . - l r a . H U ago a few .agag mtn

la Laadoa nulra d ta a « t awefT a ^ i x g to uabiaga Idtia. The xna bH g r iA a ll. Ixcmard till U w u Deoaaur. to btra a room, Orowtag ambltliRiA fed'(arait, and n t o . propIt were bronghl to- gelhei. H ad. of th m xow Iran buk tbair MOHH to tbk affort at gtiaiag kaowladga.

Indchttgahla ludaitr. nupled with tba dM ln lor knewledge prodneed great ruulta. Wiltai BcdtA whia ba waa In a lawfat't oflea, epant bk aTesIxga to atud., John Britton, Uta asthor of •lehlteatnni waika n i d : “ I ttudicd in. booka In bed on winter arenlnga, becann too poor to iflbrd a Bra." He need aver, oppoitiolt. to raid ■, tbe booka bo picked op for a few Domaoto at tbe booka.alia hilpod bim, ha h . a Napoleon bod Is- doBltoblo p o iH rttu H nod eierg.. Dr. Ltrloiftono at tba igo of tea .oata, wepk- Ixg in a fector., boogbl wUb bit dial w itw a Latin grammar and iludied It nutU IS at xlghb Ba lUdied Virgil aod HorxH tba Htxa WXT. u d d n il ]. aatoitd oollaga aad w u gradnatad.

U u . will u k kow tbe. HB adtabco theBMlTH io knowledge. The lliil thing li deteimlMtlao j the next pemrfcrcaee Walter Scott fare tbii adriH to a .oxog man 1 “ Do io itu t l . whatoTu ti to bt dona, u d taka Iba bonn of ncruttoo iRor bnilnaM; nanr bofort lA” Boilntu moB often ta., " Tin a M mono..*' But It kinoretbxn tbit to tba .axog b m . If otad rigbtl. It it n l f ■ lapieramont, cnlttiie, ittM flh and growth of ohanetar. Tba habll of MlnaM it 0 hard « a ta gat tM eC. Tba babit ot rood- tag u .lb ia g u d OTer.lbiagli w n k u - log to tba Biod, Bookx aboMX u d raid with « n enlttnto tba Bind and ohir- actar. The bookx ;.e i toad iboxld riiio . o u thoagbli and upiratleOA itrugtboD .our tnerg. and help .on In .our work. Th x o k in . M .i : “ T r . to frrv iu t Iba eoH|wn. of .o « i battait. I i boaki u d In Htb fi«|iient that whiob it tba matt wboto- toBO looiat.t Iwrn to odBlra right!.. Nolo wbat g m t bo b biTo odmited; Ib t . odBirt gTHt tblop) n rro w ipirlti ad. mire buai. u d woiibtp m w n l..”

g O E H O B M Ig n H K

Mobil Tratta of Charxetor Tfexl ■wdaar • Mar to ftor feiAlaeti,

A fcaalxiBt Bpaalab atataanuii w u ukad tba otbar dp. to wbal bt attrlbotad the atruga feet tbit 1 w o b w , u d a tor- aigBtr, bald tba riix i of O o TO U B u t toe- o n iM l. la bar budx la a nooBtr. m bu- darBiBtd la Spaia b . politiHl latrigBp ta .! Ibt J V l Mill ffaarlla, Tba mitTOl, If iBtnal than ba,” w u Ibt Mplr, " H i ba oipliiaad lx tba lia plait n isnat t

' Tba gatoB BxiBtalM bar pM itin bo- HBOa iho It tba aixet oppoilta 0! an lo- Mgalag u d eanplrttg w a n u . Iba iaili no feluboodi, b u Betbing ol the b.pocrito about bor, la h naplo u d Bodiil u tba ta bonaalt and Ibaro it nobod. ta Spaia wboioBog OMTixaad that ibo trim to do bar bttl for tb* cooctr., Tba Q o tu 't popalarlljF— HptalaU. wUb lha woaau of Spain— It a tMl power whiob g ln i b u BBch of tba bold wblcb abe b u avar bar nbltelA Naluid toot, latolllganot andkiBdwtMtn*UH B to t^ tbo WHpOH b .wblcb O aan CbrlatlM itoiatabu bar potl. t in .

"Lika oBT owa Q i m Bi tka Qbmb Begonf of Spain b u w on jnooning oTor liaH Iht dwAh of hoc oobhcA u d ool. qbtu IbW . ^ hM bagn to wau Jowoii.

I b pobiia tba Qu h b , who la tb lrt.m a paati old, b p p h iio b I . With bat wa, Iba lIWo Klag, w tihw hm . ihotokH drlTH Ib Iho u ^b a rb o o d ol Itadrld, Tho Qnoob’l two daaghtnA _ lijc aod M T U tw gu t iw iy, talk I f u k h , Ftanab, Oaraian and Eag- ilih i kBitiy, bb4 wra bath 0*1. Bhosgud baBMbjr loBklBt BklldroB. Mb h It b u baaOMO kwaWB H ut tba Qaau aalli Al- phoMt X in . *BbH,* ill M B o r . t t b u Atutflia h u N , Bpuiab Indiu h a n ba- gBB to tall tbabahfldtM br tbgaiBfe wkiih IgnaiMt af ti* h b I darlniton f t m U rn , ttBy - Bhag M u t bapk to Iba

‘ ' ' l M H B , . ^ r B t .B M W iH M k M ^

Bamthtag Abewt lha Adnwtagea afBatb-tfee OrOloax. aad BalWW.

. Prom SL NLcboka Higuloa.Of all c.elat, tho Boot dxllgbtfnl it Ibt

ordiait. toll blcelrn If I wua a boy I wooM ride nothing ulto. Tboro lx x wr- txln twiug xr life about Ia a cutolo a.m- palh. batwHw tt u d tba r U u , i H to ba bad la u . other BUbtxo. Tba balgbA too, of tbo big whoaJ, iboTO which tbo rldtr tllA totkH U o m b i Ib h I u If bo won lying Ibroagh tho xlr; u d it ooBBtrlH whan bedgn tad walk an bigb, Buck b a h af tba Usdanpa n a be aau feoa Ito high porch tb u ham tho low oHt of a “ Hfat. ” or a Iricycte. But thaa, ob tba tall blc.clt you matt tl. W1 . 1 laki the ibk of “ biodtia.” Tho imallHt itaaa or ttick m i. uod .o s held. loBg laio the dait ar mud. 1 do oot tbiak 1 arar mliaad the tiucbery af tba “ «t- dlotry ” u itll o u da. when a tidei I kaow oama back from a rlda to tho lUlla towna Bcir Bomi with hit bom pilohod Bp wilb pcitagOMtaapi. A tla . iwig bed pltehai b is o r u u tbo hard road u d cut bk aoH badly. Io the saxt rillaga ba h b a Io than w u bo eoati- ptiilar Bor doctor 10 ba bad, and tba Til- lagan rcHmmandad tba pot(olD« 1 1 Ilia Bwat lik*l. plan to b » a bk wouuda at- laided to. Now, if that twig bid bua n tht ilnato of Bomfe ar within imaadlato iH ch of court- pluler, you Bay makx op your mind ba would bara riddu OTU it u tuily u yoB plaaao— tba bicycle waita autU it bu you III to itteir, lo brook your boon and H fcr you with cult. For loag toun ib in k u o tb o r ol^iotloo to It ) It will Bol o u t. eoafotiebly ortn tbo lu i l l imoXBl of faaggifo .off Will nood. And y it U r . StoTcaiiodooDO ob bit Jouroey ruBud Ibi woild; aad then a n m u y meu aad boytwbuWHld Bat glca It up fur u y B b i ayola that Hold bo laToatod.

Still tho ” ordlBUy ” la aat M raoch riddu H tt w u a few y u r t ago. Nowa- diyr, Id England, you will tea ton ” u ft- t lH ” tooiia “ ordinuy.” The “ H fe t.” li Ibt lllUa, low blcycla with tba two wheali af i Ib h I tba HBA t i n ; u d fur tbe lu t year or two, ona kind b u bees Bxda for girla to ride. If yoB bora bHB OB a tona-wbcolad BUbina aaly, tnd tbea try tba “ ufaty,” u I did lu t n a a c r, y*a wU! weadar atw you a »T wan willing to work inch a dead weight u 0 iricyda one good or tndiffir- ABl roadi. Tba ” Hlaty ” la H light i It It 1 liagla trick Bichiaa, lo tbit 00 ibe wotai toidi you CU nxnAlly rainiga to Bad o path; tt It no low tbit If you do tumble you will not hurt younclf (bow ollon did t roll OTor in ih i duiA Joit act lido of Dieppe, on my lin t trip, u d juinp op xoso tbo worn far III) aod It will carry x rapocubly Urge big. A ll tbua IkioiA you will toe, a n gru U y lx iti fxTor.

1 fiBcy I HX boar oobm gtri u k , ■< But bow o u wo OTor Bouot tt P* T b it the quntloo I Hktd Ixit wmmer wboa I modi B . ArM trial. BuA fortonotaly h r mo, a y aicbloo w u a tudeat, and th in w u KB o 0X0 to bold It atoody while I got on. By xxxtio*, howoTor, glrk cw Iw x — iBdoid, B u y b a n lexrxod plntdy moaal by ilaiding botwon the whaoU, putting out foot oTOr the fna o m to lb« deteoDdlng podtl, ituding M tbk, whieb of coum itarla tba aiocbioe, and than attllug on tba taddla aid riding away. Thera k t l wayi more ot Im dilRealty about tbit— a girl’i iklrlB tea to in her way, aod art likely to Caleb ; and yet, h h o b u abo k Mated, the a u it k n p ow going. Lately two ar tbraa manufartorera in Eaglind hart IxTcnted wbat Ibey call 1 nfely at. toehmeuA a contrlTUH by wbiob the ma­chine HB ba itcadfed u d kept at a ataod' Kill wblla the ridu mooBla u aailly u if it were a tTleyda.

I hare experlmeoted only on a Undem Hfety with a lidar bobiad mo to tUor it u d pot oB tbe bnko; bnt I bare xerer enjoyed riding to Buch. Od h . ob haTO atactod, Cba michlna le m i lo e in y yon x iu g with BO eflbil n youi p u l ; tt ' Bot rigid, like a tricycle, but twixgi and iw tyi with your OTory motioo.

But lor all thaA Ibo tricycle b u man. good polalo; tt la nfer t b u • " nfaty "1 ban o h x i ^ a Book of ibMp u tat, u d tba BBcblH did net ana apaal; it needi to attacbment to mtka it eaiy to monnl; In a crowded otraot j u o u brought to a ilinditiU witboat biTing to Jump off, u yon muit from “ lafety" or u " oidintry,*’— aadM I had to lu t inmmar, ooming dawn tbe crowded Boo do Biroli, in FtrlA when all the omnlbciu u d coirlagH In front a n a to a auddin halt. In a oountiy lane, if you with to raat far a wbilt in a pretty, abidy ipot, yon a a tit than quietly on your trieyeiu. Nowadiyfe the tiicycia made h light u d compact that you n o lidt almoat u fut on It ai on a “ ufety indted tome people toy that on a tricycle you make bettor time, 1a tba cad, limply bannu yoa nOTti biTa to dlomoont.

Then OHM m u y cyalo aiwufictaren In Eaglaud u d Amerla tbit bundreds of micbinH a n made which differ only la Hrtilu imall detallo. la making yocr choict floB iB o ig tbair nambot you muel ba guided cbleffy by your own ipcciil wantt, for if you go to a good mikec you will M ean a good machtoa ; t t it merely a quHtlon of decidiDg which oaa luita you beat.

After yon bata year maebtoa, the next thing . 0* muK do it to iH ru to tnoout tt propuly. Do bo aura to lu rn tfala lo the bogfunlug. If you acquln the babit of monoUng awkwardly you will aorer be rid of lA BaTA you oot aomctiniH won- dared to h o a nder of oiperkoci cllab IntohltH ddloM lf ba won itUmpllag tt for Ibt I n t tiBO T la A m n ia ridan pay moia aUADtiaa to thla tbaa they do In England, AmeriauA at a rule, though they may not rlda fettn tb u EaglfibBen, ride bettor.

FO0 I.XD IB P . UBtt-Ob*a h i f A.

rtoua body HmbiMlgad by ItoraaB u a toghl-iaglag Tear,

Praa Iba Chictio IVIbuBa.W b u wa w en Uoking at tba W glrtH

la Cklifortlt,’' h M P. T . Btruna In a ebnckliug way, " w* caae to eia that WU Uggtf tb u any af tb* athen. A piout lady It our party, M n. Fa»rc«— iba aitd to lira la Cbicaia— waatad tt Bauurad. 9ba w u Iba XHit leeiinta woman I a ru koaw. Her Word w u gHpa). Her hut- baad w u Dh h b Pbaroa. Mia. PaarHiqpk

ipoat af coital from bar ralicnla aad Mid la bar bnibaad, ‘ Pat yoar thumb on anatadafthkaaid aiHlbald It wblla I walk around the trra with the apeol aad

nrial the tbnad. I b that way wa will gat Ibt axicl MauaraiouA M H ta ba abla to tbow oar friaadt tba a lu witboat exciting tbelr ciadmllty.*

I xlwaya triad la fa* galluA to t Hid to H n- PiatH I would walk irauud tka tiM tor her, taking tb* apoal of Mttoa aad atOMrlog u I wooA

' No, air,’ aha nplltd, ‘ I don’t w u l any of yoar baabuggory In tbit muior*- meoA 1 w u l to got i t acmrtto. I koaw yon too well.’

She Bade tba B ra m n a u A broka alt tba itrlag u d wrapped tt urefally oboat bar t n l aod ootand BogicA put II into bor ralicnla ind n id s ' Tbare, whoa I auroU tbit aad abew tt to o*r friaodo ibay will baHara." At tba axM llaa aba iH ktd at




W* Btoried bank to tbo batol to a h our friiBdA Wbaa wa gat th«rt H ta P e tm begin toUiag af tba gnat treat. T b u aba took a Hill* baadla of tw iu *at of bar raUeulo n d told them aba would ibow Ibom tho BiatunBOLt obo bad tokw b ti- Hlf. The doaesa w u glrea o*« cad of tba itrlng u d told to walk antll ha bad goat lit length. Ha aurtod U M id Ibt room, which w u a large oaa, Wbaa bt reaebad tba door Hra. Peara w u lUll giTlng out itriig, Uo arolkod *ul of tbo door, out upoB tba Itwa u d down Iba retd notfl ba gaya w A

Tba people looked on with imiiaMaa A 'They bad lacb 1 high regard for the to- nelly of tbe dtacoo’a wife they dido'tiiy uylblag. W b u tba d U H n itopptd to tuA fail wife itlll bid iboat 900 yird i of ■trief In bar b u d . Sht looked at me, but I aeTcr belnycd any amotioB. I think iho tbougbl 1 bad Kulan bar BeuanaeBi from tbo ntlealo u d pat tt la my awn. She BOTot w u H natal after tbiA And her Tittclly in tba commanity w iu ’l wbat It bad heoB. And tba. u y I am a humbug,” cbncklod tba eld b u u bt walked away.

W H Y Y O U S H O U L D T A K E I T IM wfl flT* Toa 100 4(mw» Jot Wo.M* Uerntm »• prim go Uic of M ik Ik* lnimril*tit» of Cmctnt SiritFArtlU. ind

fCQ know }u*( whiit |Mi V* tAtiOf. No tuertej *• lo ib* lairtfii*mcMe Bk *oi>* w9 fuortai** to nruDd }uu jrour mootr U rM obwn ma boutAl tnm tokioi

CnwMtt temporiU*.B*0MU* (b* Ctmetmt Dnif « ao pn<r«r* Cmettat tertMorilU* *n tb* Uff«*l

ft*utl Dm alM iu IM HUM of N«w Mihef, *iul an K lU t^ *ud Mk* tbe rtpui*Uoo *ud In' Uvritr of ibeit tvUil tiurinen ou ih* a* ' T*«(wnt R*i*«n*ritlA.

Wbf, tberetoTB, will tou rooiliiu* to p*jr II. or errn TV.* fbr other puikei ot B*r**|*iriU* ■M •m*t-aDM Fetenl Sedfdiirc at winrh juu know no^blni wbMi xm tarn purcliM* CnacoDt temMTiiU lor bic. t buiik lod ktiow Jmtwb*! jrou *r* uklB(, *ad li«v« jrvur taouat nfuttUtd If jam tu** dlMUtlUil 1 C'ui toTthlbi b* t*»tvr tbin ibtif

M I s M i i l F n 8 LaMis Hal:NicWAii. .N. Lx lUy Utb. 13R

Orem*/ Pm§ Co., If.1 wtab lu ftdd n y lr«UiMkil*i t* the Many you hty* «UT«dir publUhed lortfa* woudorful

rui«4 eroociTbUtibod by Mmi'nrili*, 1 Id ib« *nploy or Mnm. Ueu. A. H*lioy ABoois UMiuiRTiamw end KnemelM lar* her, Hpcin Aekl eniiu*, eitr, end Ummtduly lo *U*i'd lo lb* flrai *nd bc>ii*t* iti tb« outluip-ruuui. I cmiihi * be*yy cold iniir wialer. and •ogd tbrr was iiucked with rhmtiiaibtD Hy llnib b*o*ii)i aud ton ih«l \ «. jgkl wuch only with Ih* ffrotm difflculiy tnd dlM-oiurnil, H«M>d 1 *«*coiapolkd rf‘biil& bt«M*f*ry Mbrr da.y, *• 1 «u0rml «ui'h * ^ y Id tb* bnller n»tia ibAt J onvrd tMJt do uy wurk* kinolly ay «*«• h**Mw*o bM (Aud mixllciu* did a* ou ycu^ ibw I went lo IbvCily for trau-wnx. iba phTaH'leni tb*r* tvrerribed far me. Mil i irew wore*. Thru I w rni to Si. If icb**l'i Ilui|dUI and WM iru«irt] ibr uy roMpUiinl by iw« of tM biwl phytMliDi tw ib* boiplttl. For * Irw day* I obulo^ kow iwMt, *ttd-apto*1 kq bMk to a r work, bui foual 1 wu ofdofDiiiny work. Tba « u « irwi u*>furiuiig lo d f . m my diriiy brvwd wudcAcufUrnt ou a i labor. By ibW Um* my kulhainy wu ltk<1**d Biwtt. I nmid imm alarpnlftbiK, aixfl ftiund thm I bad tori twealv-lbrtw poundi m drab In * iTrari liar, I bad wo app^nit, and boaki not ntalu food OB u y aiunaebe la tba Od»Rilafi I Oiuad for giyba to oou* ao tJul 1 inlf bt He*** and M Dlkkl when 1 eouid it«i no laML aod iuuad liouabiu in my bed, I looked toe tb* day *taia. AUe* lelbar 1 wa« In a wtarribir piifbt, and 1 « u atrw I wimtd Mf*rb* wall utm*. A tollaw work* u u Iw th* tkciunr uried ma to tfy I'w eot H«riaiparilla. but a* 1 wad UMd Ugodi Sarupariila •ol olh*r methnnei wubvut obtalniciiiauT ivllef Iruut tbom, ] wm loth to baffu taklia iT<-iceiu SaitoparlllAt plihoukh 1 know of a oiimberol pemm wbo li^ iiud U with rnat tonalo ibam. At toll { « aa pefnuadrd to try C'Naornt HAriaforUla, and Mur* I had iwed half a iio.ila 1 baipui to feel bettor. 1 hay* uud in all hwr IxAuml Uy rht»uni«u«ni bai kww, my appatlto hM n-

■ •irenyili and fleah dally, t am bark at my work hilnt MU Creaijetti Saratfarilla hu doM tbU. It

r X N lf « Y b V A ]I IA RAlLOOAlk-TItB •laadarO railway af Amefifw, protoiad

Uirouaboui bj ilia hiiarbo^ItM iwiioh aod bitH'k •laiuriyMeiB aod <ifiar/u.tally I'to* imln«i ^ l ton>e Uerkal Mreal atalk)a,«Nawprk. utoitowi: , ,

a » A. M. kiBl Hna wHJi 1‘wllman reatibula pir- Irr mnd ileep ai frt , dally tor Lkb.lumbua. iW'balAad ao4 O. L<Mli,;;itoily vnwpl Hnliinle* Uih'MU aarl 1 ole.Un

AtoP. H. W«Ri*rieipr««s wiiti ItotlaaiieMi UlKil* elMiplu* iMr« ewd dloina oar to f’iiil«d*l- iiWa d*l1y, tor Plitaheirc, i ‘hti«ka. einriaiuul aod A. dally exeapi foiurday tor itovw

Ir aarraM. wtOi PuHnoo «**!•• fly fW ‘

»ptHi WMnInj

land *ud lutedOv iiiflimnallyior% WMhlnjitoi. — — - - ....

A.U. iPmUd Kjprw, l^ll

k »p , u. p*i--btiie iiMplMffmrii UhI Mil Tutadn, dally •««•]

For ShUIiuui

... piUAifont. CUitWfo HMurday torl-levalaaiL

ton ond lit* WilUUl,

kaa iVt w Cm*. b M A. M. 1 ^ * *' *■2'* toieP- M. OH HiiKfiiy, JZ.4T, ufl ami IV A . i.iA ATT «i>d %H K M. For ilalUnior* aaly. ta,

Pkiliotolpiil*, KipraMiUf.AV JJmlled Pulhuan rtrlwcurttciito A.

M)a i i t i i« « M » t t i* >



O c o r g e T life tc iie r’x M in s t re ls ,Uoitor (bt maiufamaDt of Bleb tt lUrriA

Tha iiMwt lalanledx kau paM, beat payliil f banaotiI pl*ylh| \»

unett Iho eun,ftrafe onw i>o ht a at box oftoa.



JIx ttt rA k o n s *OK^IHfLKKA OK riWrilNQ K A lf U

KaraTAeanto Ftebaraen'i powilat id aniaS

ijA A »,u it Atn,e^ iMj- flrrTK#, Afr.dtTx imTia

r* aa.av h- me,* a-fem, a,,and U i P.M. no toimIMi A. K.:4.K ,AKUrai------

A «wm., \lM Ae M., AM owd TJi F. K.d v TAIP U.

Fur Tiwutoa. IXIT. ieUnnad

LIT. dK. f.i^ r.M t tL i k aiM ii.a

! « , liL «Ai. AJk d r. T•Jl, dTTI A, K-:TJi and

,r »i>d toll A.

. I.K P. M.

dBJi* K. HMrtday.iir.dtoaW d! K.;A»Vir.dldT.kjiu<l».K H. i T

KW AlUnUodiv. XU F. K* (WiUi ihrwitb Par< loMArfeiul Day ro«rh MUM'had > wank itoya

Fur tape- Hay, i .« F- U. weak dtra .For Ma 1*»* Ctiy oud Ooaaa nty.

Braaec, Klheroa, ( l « u <lro»o. Purlm ilfrt. MftiiJHkiiian, PalntltoaM-ant aad iiolnTi on t1»# Haw Yark and Ijpia Jtom naUroad ito T dK A. M.; Ilto lid ito dU and ’ .in'. K. daHy, uiwv*Matortlay enly 1.41 F. M- 'to HniKlay, d lL lA i A. M.anddaiP, H Ita mitOop afciaidow urSv ar Arieirt Nrkun'toiiday. „

Fer HtMtottt wunaui riubiu*. lUd A. U. waali daynand au P. M. lUUy. , ^

Tforhnieklya,N. Y. -All lhr«(ifh iralna oeW' aart al JirMp lily wUh hoaia af ** Brauaiyn Amiai.* attordini dlrart lfaaa**T lo and from riiltoiiilrML.aroldlaadauaUlirrUiaand Jour*" ' “ ™ l “ l!S iN X W TO B N

loan M frln MreK MaUoii. |.ik k «. tM

x »i,i4M u .iL to ito iid i H daAiK.d:«tdid ito ito XM. T.>a.'M 4 liOd ll.U ( iralna xiA,xrj.t ll.«l A. £ :}& « .

■ T.toU.' 11.00 _____iloiT. aJM-td dtt. to'iib m k tlto. fiM

turned, 1 i1o«p wall at htglit uni J am laiDfM iirmyib and fleah dally, t am bark at my work tnd fbel that i have a naw iatot of Ilia. Nothlnt um Croaortti loratfMrilla boo doM tala. It ban not only oured ma of eut iickum bui U It ha» anablfni t&a to mium to my week upon which Bay Urtuf dapeddoKl. AH or (ba wurkmeti in tbe hictory know ot tha fbeta in ihaeaat and Crifa-ftiiil 8ami>arllU ia l<eing tiiad tbrouf huut lha faerury with ax m UcoI rNfulto I h w iwlblai bni uraioa for U eVfWf a hare, la u oitoBdeol (hai Ido udi uil itlou*lnmtl| whan 1 ray thal

tad my life. KeUetlnf ibto I faai It uy duty lo m (ha puhlle know

M O R T A R : $ P O T J E D S K I NCavarad WHK Wealaa> Awtal Spaetsalwi

Carnd la rira Waakt by iba CaOrara llaiaiadlaa.

I am iclnt to talt you of tba axlrdoidlDary cure tour nrncvxA HcMKhiM pertomied on

About (ho let ai AfwiI latt I potkad aotuo ‘mplM like oumlM uui all over my body, ludflu DOthlQf ar U iiKiil lonM due later

oo, when ft b*|^n to look lika rpoti of uoruir ipotted <m, aM which cam* off in (ayera, aocompantod with ItcblDg. 1 wnuld Kralcb etcry nlghi upUl 1 wai raw, tben tba next oliiht the icaka. be* Ibg fnrTD(*d mranwhUe, were ■crafobod of afolh. In rain did I conaull all (he docturi In lha auunly, but wUheot aid. Aflar glvirit up aUhopee of leourery, 1 happeoed to aee An advertlaatuaDi Id tba uewa|»aper about your Cm*

CUBA Rkurdim, and purrhated laaiu from my dnmst, and obiatned alnrori fiDinadlate i^iat Ib e i^ to notiee that ibe nraly anip- (font gnuluwr dro|>ped ufT and dlHupearad one by one, until J bad been fhlty ciireo, 1 had the diw ane ihlrteou uiooUu betora 1 Iwftan tak • ] lug (lie HtMMbiES. amt Id foor or dre weeki WM euMrely cured. Uy dkaaae wai eeiama and paorUrii* I know of a great luani who have Uken tb* Rrxeluhi. uzki th*nk me fur tba knowledge of tbcui, fnprotaUy mofben who ) are bav« with ecaly erupUnn* un i hair beaiti inid bodfet. I canuot axpraw mr tbinki ti you. My body woi onrarra with teak*, and I wii ao awftil ■peetaefe to behold. Kow my akin la M clear as a babr*a.

QEQ. CQTEY, MerrlB, Wto -C u t lc i i r a R « A O lv « n t

Tha tew Bhwd and Skin PiiriAor ^nd fraataat of Hinpor Brmrotar. lutertially (to cieania the blood ot aU Impuriiia*, and ihua remoii’e tua eiiwrk aod Ccticttea, (ha great Skiu Out*, and CBTtcbSA Boap, an exquUita 8kla Bacui- tiflrt. nxlaraoltT (to clear tba ikin atid acalp aod reotora iba hair), cure every n>ec1ei of agonfxiiig, iicfalug, burnlDg, aealy ana pfmpJy dlaeatoi Mtha ikto,

<'re*oaDt Huraaparilla . .... . . . . . . . .. . ,how woDderfUl a cure Cmcem bartopariJla b* worked upoa toe. In JuiUoe lo you and fur lha iDfomuitins of othem who raiy, pi.‘rlia|n, ha lulfrrltig m J eiwaold. t Wfar you Ibw bl4nry ol my exparianoa with t rwicaui HanoparllU awd hwia that it may be Uia mewm of hidiFiiig otbar* lo alTaOaacaiUdatoapariJla a trioi. You amy MTemy ruU permholua tu publlah nr priulthte taa* llQioiital ai may feeeiD had to you. 1 aUu wub toMr that Uifailaatlmonlal ha* been oAwad by toa vcdttDtardy wlUwut aar tMlaltaitoa QQ your paii ftawawfuliy youito

PAMRIi llAYICn, tt Harper uraai

100 Doses, 50c. 100 Doses, 50c.Remember bat wa ara lauul dtunWa We carry am tba laigaM mlall drttg bMlnam

that li tranaactod Is our ouy, Nawark, New Jamoy. Wa maka a uaDdlni |uaraDt*a (u our Mon lo our cuitoman ul mooey raAindod If our gondf do not glva totii>laptl<4i." CouM anything b* Mrer than Iblat Wa oauixit recall aa liiManca during tha maDy yaan that wa hava bean Is bualnem of osa complaint aniuM our pmdueia Kemaoiber a'lo that our rcpuiaUuo and our tb* Ura ratolJ burins or* ai atoka It Cmmotirr aAOaAPARiLLA wUl nut do Just whal wa eioim Kw U. Tha Ibgradjami ora plainly prinlad on rvary bottia latwt lor all to read, ao lhal you know juat what you aid taking. No orvnej. ai la tb* <*m with otbar aaraoDarilla*. IQO Daaato #0 canid* Wby pay n* or arao T9 eanti, kc orbar mak4 of la/vaiMfil)* [tna IngnatiiaDii ol whU'ti you know iXAolQU when you oad purchoMa CraioMiit KampanUa for W ornta per b.iUla (with lha iDgra* dieati plalsly prinM on boula labalj. Wa clalia in atva mora than ihraa tlraai u much icol n»^iaha atKOjtih a* any otbar. and aaariy ihn f hundrod Umt< oa much or mart. Thla la eaMly giDTad by Iba quantity aad dual and mora aShotuoUy by tha wondarnol ourai parfbrmad tqr to

Ato auB. toai, lain, toto iiAfki., *H*P. Lto I uriw. Xto tM, Xtl. 4 uo,

4M Old «JII r.m. f-to t-to ato Ato %v, toto (am. tom r, toi itw uIi Iia

Ia4IV« timiM FtNwl MtatlOr “y.iT,T.«.VM,MAaM. am. 'A. u.; ULM, AIL im.LsA.aM.m7iB.xto '■Mwk,tto m V ii-x tx a w ito, Li l ai n 7.48. LIU, AIL 1*711.. HJ. , . jfti

Xto XK toor and MJt P. H.

a'difta'ald*^im ilSe.Vtotto ‘ito 1 «. M x .m 41^ *,«,

Jo.,a kturavU Hire., hm.uhi, XXI,' tiM, ItM .7.K t.* .t«l.l.a i"J3 a,Ul,bi.»; I..4 X, H.! .lS.I«.Xa* 1» ,X N .« 1,IU , I !,« . T.U, y.H, IB, *iS I'ltt p. N . *nc tiU alj

X.0, «*., IM, i.s. Kli. a.9 a M, Hii.iiia.Ma p. m .JiAHV* .KturorU Htruv^HMllgw LA4j Ato

' ‘4. XtottUliv

Aiinii.'ty, Aid hix AX X li lAll, ll 41 A, M ; Itll, llXi, 1.1 vxair^x xtl, AM l.m, Xto L4I, AU, All* MS, aw.»A)aail fl.M k K.FUUK MAItKMblHKICTaTATlnto

For tCIlufeliaUi and Itahwa/. i « , Xto 7-to7Al.Toto T.w iT . lt o 'X4A, 1 1 * 1 ■AUI,lAM. ■ •••i i • xM-id*y. 1147* Ito xm, XiLto xn. XIX «.

....... XXI--------- --------

>A.K.; Lto l.l\lii i

.... iTi.ito *xto tl.to___ _________Atx Lto Xto Xto Xto I to LW. AH Art. X'toair Aixxto Atof.07. * « ».x.,a4i,

1, 11.11 r. to. and 1X17 and limuijht hnn-------------*K toiA iatMi.mA.iA;

.to »to Ato X'W* T.II 7,toI. Atoand tik; P. M.

k, 17.17 nluliV Xat.7.ftl,TJAIA7.B».aiMnUl A. toj. 1-to X t^ to Xto

Acaruar AnyirT. wli'i new boilara and .. __Impronremeiti and pataaa aatoonx onbsdtoi wilb all tram* ft>r nrw York axerto ■ylvasla Ralimad. llcketo lor Uha Mnaaaam ba bid at iheibova rat* 01 tare at Bowlawa •uUoiMrr maw* Na t Party to, o^pnada tba dapto 8laai»ar Iratrea New lork CHy* Twanty Aittto, E**t Rjvar, T:m; BarktaanaXt Korn RJWi T;X i PWr i, Narih Rivto fclS Jl M Prerb ball, bA a buROii. Reftaahmeum al rttr pntm, Hrnty of dab migbt dally. Bm Uabla FUot. A L PUHTKK ^

Itn iN O OR CHOLRKAir w r day In tha waak. canto to

tonoeylvanla and tiraatiwoed Uke R ^ fuodA U e twL and oorniaodii M rmaWlkaJ lU-amw* J. K flchuylar. (*«** * 1/plan ohuva Choniban, laO A. M lake Ena branrh* 7;1A ar PMnaylroula I w rmd, 9>»7. Boll, (hhlna tackle arrt raftedb- md<i$i on boorl. J. W. flANtXJE. PtaaldmiX


By way ol 0 .ilrel Kallriwi ot Naw J PcnuiriHiila Railroad,

tick** .0 Hvith B w h Ha round Utfe Mrauiar PJIB ll■fh'a(. lyaiUi* 0-jr biochi ihuf* LlbHtl .UTOk lb:* A M., IM IJd and .Ml P. H, IbtncwcowB reaori.

The Mutual BenefitL IF E INSURANCE C 0 MPA.Ny.

NEWARIL H.J.A M II Donti, . . - ProoMoafeAroi*(maik*TaluatiJtD. l.lWI IftO l.lW HUibUiiML « . V. and Htai

BuruflU. IK*,** HfeniduiL b t femiM N.T. g U n d o id ___

t i h «**t KaMrrel L^fla * HF * ll* lM A k M ln i^ ^ M .-r* A lU M a Attar

loCAiaoruroiUMPidUtH C0Nn*B»»i| roAci M luqi u It! Talus will par lot ; m , a profeiTpd. aI*hl-op Policy fer I* hill vilueuk u id Id iiifbaBgf, _ __

A.Mr lha rerond yaar, PolMaa are iwoo* Tianu.fe n n w M ogaliwl lutsoitoa*! ftaua; awlagrerririloiii Mfereritfeocf. r a ta f -wci**'boa are renimd. . . . ____

I'ofN l-oiMi in mtdt In Iba axiani cl N pit caul, ol Ihi roMfTt Tahw, wbare »*llil »“ ■*; ■MU* of Ibi tVliaw. canM reada n oeUaMalMcurtty.

U m m paid houadlauly unplatM

kXtiKlu) Itw mI|^^ AtoitoixtoUiiian. tomp._i|i:

'nftifb'ridiE* awn^^hAntlwy.XijMdMVmtltol.totto“ Wnftiibr


50 Cents Per Bottle.100 DOSES - - - 50 CENTS.

F o r S a l e b y D r u g g i s t s E v e r y w h e r a

—.Lut. and Ml. A. M.I i.ib, tJU, au* a.* P. M

Fn> WfOnlb'iidnana re>r.hADttmy,ai.A, M : I* . CK U l. I * P, M.. nwl Itn a*M. Oil Hunday., * * P. M.

Piir las. H.lUbiiw :M A. M.| l l* U I , ia dMuP.H.,d«llr eT-»etaoBdaT. „

Pm Klai^fl aiul Roohy n.11, T*a A. M„ aad I’ unapt Huotap , _ , ., . _

For FhdLlMr ori, toMun and fciTWare. TAB i i* A. N ,»o in .a ,id r. H. wndir. i*)P. u.

iror Pkl.ltpriaia Hid Rnoua ally, U i P.^#■0. 1,1111. ^ . 1)*. T B Ih * A. Mb UloadBI7 F. H. ftandirTi**. H , . ______

For Kisn.iigtaa, l.tfe I. A A. M, IBi. bfe P. H„it* a.*.; ttfeWb

l,aiaailT.BF. M.,d«lly,*li*Biret*d*F.FW HonleMlwi. l*rlli.«luB**dOi»d*rot;ab

atlUHl.l.* A. H.; *-»*Dd 7.Il P.M,nlljr. nireiit Mndn, Ou wi**y, lan A.p « '5 inai*aaU.XMP.^wj*kd*Ta.Pot FnriiuUI, IirmlnflaM., H a l« ia n

■ilt.rt, V* Halimoo.h laast an, TJAiad I t* * .M .L U ,4.*I,*P. H. walk diya

I ORK "XI NBWABN. .For Nowirl. M*. I « , Wi, UO, B*,.!.*. 7M

1.*, I.*. III. a*. •.». 11.01, >0.* it"'. X.IO. ll.U ind HUB noao J.o* I.*. t* . I l l

bot > *. bv. un. t.*. tf t t-ki, 4.*, I » . j .aau,*.*, U.I1 11 It * P- *■ KiiHiii''""'loigm. twiidiFUKat, all. * * ail. a «, a * * * lA*.

, M.: laou noon l.ialb

e t t g ■.wUk*

O rriC K OY TURWmRKT COMMlMlomCRNewark* K. J., inly to Uto

Sf»l«d prnao^i win b^«a*va«l oiUia a M wmil 4 oVIoi'k P. Ml ai Tburwloy, Julyll, Mto for (wammoUiii r>*la1nlrm waiJaln

CAHUNldl PldAt’K.ABd giwdliifs rurMug, Boa log aad pavlag tka

Mtowinf If Abeat tha ORioufllat the wafK So ha dopr. sod tba matarlom u> ba ikrtiMbad Im lha iWumruolUbD aad iarnglailoa 0! oobt work ;

Thr<w buaJrad atni fUiy (SM) cdbic y»rda at idatie nioauiiT- ^

thauaoad ( I W egno'd Jrttda abiMg (ratoriva^unlrad (100> llnaal lb*l of to4anh ourto rtaa (hanianrt <S,aai aguata Ifei Maai flotflato

liiK'lMa iblrk.

Jl.uo, A. M.: IXOU Ijooa ; ia-* f,-u,X4VIJS, ia\. m x(u.L!>Lb , ao), ato 7a\


Ito Xto 7jS\ 7.*(

aim 1114 muh

, goal p and Uood.Beddevarrwhara Prioa. umevoA, KaiSdoi’.

sen.; RtBOLVBTt, IL Piipind by tb* Porrei bauo U D CHaaicu, Coiroaintu, Boidoo.

ga-t*Dd for "Uoir to Oun Blln PHIm m .'’ M pigi>. (0 UlwlnUiona. and UH IwtlaoBlaM, n i l l P L m blockhm* red, rougb duppsd I'lniiiidoUMilBc.iro^byO.iTB^B* rtoia__

^ ~ I C J i f T B I ^ A t H E .Cham Faina Sorenoia* Weaknato

Baoklng ('giidh. Aaihnx Fieortiy ond Inummatioo raiiavam la

_ wwa miawia by (h* OwUawra AaU'l^ala Ploalor, KotAuif like U /of Weak Lungg____________________________

M o d e r n S c i e n c ebm dliaoTfred ihsl all dUcLMN aid ooasad by MK'KOBUB ; tharalore oil dlocaaea eww ha aiirad by daaSraylwg throe UlcmbaA and tba only remadf oa aat id iboi will acoompilah (bli without harm to Iba paUsat M W m . I t a d n m ’ H M ic r o b e K i l le r .

I. H a tboroogb blood purlfirr, a wnndarfil in.lrep.lo, and nuUaning uo drug wbateyar, l> perlMtIy idle.

Tbo Mlerib* Millar 11 oompoaod of dl*tlllad wiiir, iroprogniicd wilb powtilul genn- dunoylni niM , wbicb pctoKiHi and purl- lei tb* anttn lyiuni.

Bold fer n r RoaliciTlia hlitarF or rel-eroboo. and dlaa*Tatr •fill* reoagarfal k * d-

' Iclao. Pn*.

r Latekt H im i,WKW Y O R K C IT Y .

Aik your druggist for tt. Robbira'i Phir- uicr, W B ioid iL ; (Icrmanlt Pbarmicy. IM Fpriudfleld iT t , Wm. Siable, HB BprlwISald ITO.; Wa, Henry 9*yri, »8 Oritigl it, igoti* Newifk, ,V. J. _________________

Yh* B h I trlih Bhnmrank.Fnmi AmerlcoD Nolos and Quorat . In Inland only ona ilmitock a koowo. It liaa Iwiitenoat apodal of cloror. wblcb traiii along Un iiDund amoog tba gnu In moidowa Tba ttafel) ieaTai an not mon than ona-lnartb Um itie of-tba ifealmt clonr 1 haya roan In AmerHg, lod i n pun tm a in color, without any of tb* brown ibadlng of wblio und pink clorera Tba cneptng nnu ti bud and flbroua and li dItUcult tu dulodgu frcoo Ibe oartb. On gt. Poiridk'i Day Uu Inw tbamTock bu to ba norcbed out ftoaii amoiit tbe giaii, for, ibougb ooupartllToly ptcDtifal at ibat n U od, itgrowi otoM 10 Iba giouDd. lAitr tt bean a Uuy “ wbitey-browa" bbremg. Tba luranuation Ibat itaiiBraok * tba Atwble word tot treroU miy ba of aerrlca Id iboia IbUMtud ia tba origin of tba Iriab moo. Tbt woid oould bayi bean iBlnduoad by tba MUtataat,« ft mar lornlita an irgumiut In nippon of ib* ointan- Uon tbit ona of tba liM Ian Wlbat of Iiriel h i - Oad la Inlaad, whiob boi btea n rlitd by tba pubUoKion of a raoaot book.

Pwaffwra t ( Cl*ttal«lg> rrom Iba Mnuwal gtoa

A enriooa aeddant whieb happeiwd ta Pirlt poluti out a j»mbla danger In iba wairing ot ooola aad Iganlau of aallulold. A Utile glri M down befere Uw t n to pnpaia bar leasoai. Har but waa kept back ty what w ii aailad a "enp * )n b "~ « ita|.djroulai conib af ctUn- M 4. Al bu biad w * b«it torwiid to Un ftrw, lb* baoima wariD, and auddaniy buret into lanaa Uw ehud'a balr waa parti r bum oK and iba tkla ol Iba bead lo Injured that MTcral Bonlba aflar, tbouah tbo burn w u haolrd, Iba dcitrii (omad-a wtalli ptlob on wbiob no balr would grow. Tba bnrnftig polul or BtUuloM la about IM dtgtati fklutn. bait, tad tha otaib m m by tbt girl bad at- laiaiid lha beat aa It Waa bald bafert tbe dta,

SUMMER HINTS.(fttdaaja.)

&a M l lax lha Qbfegi wilb My. Daaa*aa Ayald dnogb* (wbitbar Of lU at taa-walii)

wbaa panpiriag tmtaatlr.■aaatKbw Ibai Iba baatfe aabnuauag bt

eflbet aad that Iba Ufa boat wwt btioaialnad, Dnw wodinlaiy aa IM walaf-floaltr. Dilek

ilwwlr, la aauU nanllHaa and not liagnaaUr.Smti Kbat tiwi wbaa paapfilag, yaa «a

Habit la- oaloh a ohJU by t*Maa abaagi af MipantiM. A MouHi MH iiiNroibaor- iMthaakWlaNTM*

Wbaa ynafeal tba waakabtag aflM of IM baMlabaadrtak of gam whlikar laimitr. R fe «a M * n i«b a ia taaaiibmi laiiaiiaiit.■g agb* it wUl bare.

■aiw b ir NHt aaly jMw wbfefeir Madd ibao H l thawbldiv

InproTeiDtiit, tbe Promise of Cm.Nn array of words ean glva t dyipaptlo ona*

haU lha boi« Ibatoiaiias irom (he relief which oiwsyi rollow4 tba osa of BuMooK Blood Bitten, thd (ba pmulm of cur* is oairer hrekcii

'^Haring lUmiTad trrm djtpaaaia ftw two or tbra* jiatn, 1 djcldad to iry H, B B., oud*A«r laUng go* IxAtla 1 (ound myaolf to mash bfO'Tl gg( o&cMhBC bailie, and aA«r taklog that 1 hod Du mure Deed of madiettM.

“ ilRa O. C, WmTB, Tahort. N. V ’*pon'l pay dolly bread and t^ea gnviD

wiibdyipofMna wbaa a horila of to B. B. will life yuu reileC Rapaoted testa with uulforiD vueoeaa pcova ibot dyopepala ootiiwi wUhstoad B.B. B"

** 1 have Ukan the saaond botfla of B(l^ duck's Blood BUiero, and tt boa om«d ma ol dyncpalA. with which I auflknd lor itx yaon.

UAlllLTON. Lock Bataui Pm"


^ If ybnr dnigvM will oat supply ntlCiK.EKT BAIiRAFAltlLT.A. (haii coma dlnm((u out ttora aod purchaaa CRkBxJCXT SA RSAFAiULLjL AlMi Fair iwUto dr tLSS for Uirua botUax



6 2 9 a n d 6 3 1 B r o a d S t r e e t N e w a r k , N . J .

ay A.

ii.:iL MO, Xto «.is7ir.m !■; u>r Pirtlicr itifarniKUoi) oc« (<m«"1*hlaa to ba it tb* Uokal odlim Tlck«U hw all ^inta on IVmiNylvstiia HallFOwl oimI CQjinaruoiM, ona>Hlo«*ani1 iNunian rkack* attha nim- iNuiy's ullhw. Na 7« VUQ>*a M««aty ar at ttclivS vIDom «t MarkaiHirvaiHutlon.

J. ft Wtkiri. (tonarol PHPicniar AianX

CUREtick naodaebaanrl rallava all lha troublaa Hii- denl to a bilioim mala of tha ayatam, aueb ai BlEsinaao, Nauaao. Drawaloaaa. Dlaliwaa ofte* aariag. I^fn Id (taa Hlda* Ra. Wblla thdfmnm r*B«Jrb«talaaiiocr*i bM bean miown in ourlog

SICKHaadacba. pat CAonad Limm iaivvB P iu j ora aquaUy voJuabla ta ( ouailpAtlon, curing and preventing this onnnyln|- rompiaint. wlilla tiwy olao correct all (Usordors of tha mofoach, ilimtilata lb* llTor aad raguisia tha bawala ^a o if lacy only cured


JOHN M. MENTZ,6 8 5 B R O A D S T R E E T .

Gents’ Fnmisliing Goods Dep’t

Irha thOT wontd be olaioat prkwlaas to tboaaliw r .............................

i q ^ y . _ . --bara, and Choo# who on:a try ihrni wlU Andabo auImj( forttii

■ from thla distrearing cotnTrfalnt: liy tbair gnodiwat doai Oa coq

thorn llttSa pllfi valnabla (n ao many way* UioS Shay will aoi ba wilUng to do wlltaotil them. BuiofteriadJ olgk bead

ACHEfe tbg iMtae of M moor Un* that bon fewlMW wi make onr great Dooit. Our plU* cun N Wbii* ethon go noA-

CiiTta'* L m ut [A m P iu j are t t it ibm II omg nry euy to tak*. One or two nilli make e doee. They are .Irtcll, regeiaiile nrd do Botgripanr purgfe but by tbrirgeaU* oriion

" ' In Tloii 0.1 *11 wbo Ul* Uwin. tTWforfl

__________ __ at 961*1.1!Hold ererywhen, or lenl by mall

l A i m lOBUiin ffiw T n l


M gn 'i N t t u r il N o rm ti S h lH t in dD n w t n , lin g 38 to SO Inobsl.

Men’i Imported Bilbrlgggn Shirtg ind Drtw trg.

Mgn’g gnd B o yi' Outing Flghnel S h irti, from 3So. to tS .O O ; gibaa 13 to itOiocfaei.

Mgn't ond Boya* Whlto Lin«n Bhlrti,yrinfaroMl bnoame. Snnt rnnkr,BOo., 75o, gnd 9So.

Bhirtg mad# le order, flt guarentetd, $>.00 half dozen.

Local aa* Intam il Troaleaeal.In cidir ft) enre cilarrb It fe nMurore to il-

lay the InBtmmatkm of tba Iriitaiea uMm- broma wftb a nothing appilcni loo, ck<ann tb* held af the pftwitnt nncioiw Mcntloui, old beat (Ire diacuriii}g nice*. For cold In tha Head and nonl catarrh Doddo'i local ireetineal doei thla without tba ltd ol lanff, doochii w fb M t iribedfeMM boa aitended down- wort, offeeHqi Iba bronsblol tubei ot tnngi, digiMioB and bUMd, tbe la tw o ^ Iteauneni

PAPERS,S ic a !, H e i p , F la x ’ a n d . J n t e !


Harrison & Hoag,Hoe. irrfe lTO BALdBY gYBBYT.




/lBN'*‘RALBAlMUlAn(Jr MRW JICRhBV V ' A rraiiMuanta of trains commvpclng Juuw to INUX

KKWASK AHD KlJSABXTH BRANOK. loavB ItriiMl BuSwl Au Uvmi for MUtatetb

anil HuMlla at XIS. 7.M. 7.40 (X » jaisaltoDparl Aniri,a»,XtoXto.iato ixto nto, u.m a . h .; tlix«,X4a X4Q, (XSH Rliialrmi"Pin OTilrl,4.l7eXtoXto Xto Xto 7.14, 7to Xto

Vk IfLie, 11'A I'. M. Kungkfej'X 7.IX a «. ttoX' UA xax atoXM.xM.xsa.atoIM a ixxk iXMF. HAll Erttina flop St Serry atraai and Kllutaalli- lorltuid at KmkI >arry slrvci uo simial,

For l*talnfli>ld,7.W TM. Xto mm, Hto A. i-to 7.4*. 3« . xr. 4.04 xm xto oa, T.ts,7,toaxi,ato taia, iitoF. u,

Ffir Aunirrvlllx 7.IX XIX. MNl llto A. ¥.; Ito i .^ i « ,x « ,x !4T?ito Xto Ito. Ito mm. ii.zs‘'lor rfemlaiton.f.14 au A. U.; 1.1L UT, a*

fer H ill IJne N. J. f. h it , Brihl* Arm, AllfnU>W7i, Jliorh n»ank,aic

AM A. IL. jgc Volii LAufr H. J, U IMv.. lAktflniifeX-ojijE, lllxii nrid)(* )lr<u>4li, Ai^rniown, ncraiitoa, w|iliamapff> * Trirnsqaa. Mi>h»n<iy Minbury, tot. FuJlhmit liuffkt porter mi rfsw \ urk (uia Wnilomspigrt.

1.(K*r u.. M Kikin l laa to J. a Div.. Lak# Kopaavna, Ulgh RrMf* Hraikch, AU*h(uwi)| Moarli (liuak. sto

AM I’, k., MrIQ Ltf* to J,(X PIVro Maiirh rimiik, Kaa<1iui{, Harrlfburs, WlikaattarfSe tarrntiuin. Khafiiokin. «U\

x^ iv k., «rty Tgr Main IJa* to J. anv.* llijili liriiiss Hnuioh, HupolciKidt Lteatoa.Batliltorm, Allaiitowo. _

Xto P. If., fur !<ala l.1n* K. J, CL Ulv., Easton, AllriilowD. Aiaodlng, llArritlrunf Mtoto emuuk.?.M P. M. fir Easton, nalhliilipin sdX AllfD-*“wg; a* A. M.: Ibv T* i li.'a F * , « ' .nt 6 it-ur.iay nittUti fur HuDtHjry. JraMlitiurg «xmI Will* lainirwirt Hunilayx Xtfi r. M■uiid|arS|7.S^w*y ftt f«kt Hapnicma, Moiii'h Chimk non rcliNVUJc; X*i A- M„ ws)' fur iMbm* vrvillB.kto A. H.iftir aarnarvUls; n.U way far iRinPlteni IXm P. M.i way D>r nunsllt'rii i% M., war r>r taHiich (Viuiia mid l^r(ur1]is; xm 1’a M., War lor ntiiuprvlll* aibd KlamlniLm; X-W 1*. U.,for Umuch i'liUiik ; 7.ufi F. M., war Air IiUii- «lk>n ; l.m WAV for domarvUl*: liXS) P-XL. wsy rortemt ’FTtll*.

fhlrioM hundrad { ItoXl caMo ito Xsof aarNi fining and (wa (t) botiaa with soJig groaUa baods*

Jflddars will itet* (balr prinaa la wrUtaim ■■Min flottCM. .

BMdan mori ipsHfy la (M r pnpoaals ihaX mtoahi (ba staavn work k* swardvd tg thvm, UiajF will blfld tlMERMlvoa la liulsk and twutpAaia itaa iams wKhtn iwtnly llvs ognswAiUvt workup^ £ « plant aad Bpanlgcatactea af (tw wntS ambn fianilncd si (Jw oliH-pof tha Uiy karvainMa ruid uroiwaBls idi bs aoixnnpaiilnd liy tb* cniiteWX ♦m writma. nriwosaraitex akflabsit, ai$ta* Um at |iui ttes 4* BMi-b PfinisM Is. c|«uilfyM (a (ta«r reattouriblMiy in lbs ongouiil u4 sueb prepesel, ai^ hied tnsiijiptvwi Ibat, N (ba onutracl a* aw»ntaillo lbs pfrute or parsaM rnnklisc Nte pfnpoMl will, upan Ita baltw so awardfC Cw-umaMliligr tsvlr oursUas for ilia r>kltWal parforinaiKworaaldwark; and Itaol if (hs pof- MMi or panons omit ar raiitas la aaaouia so<m i'oiXrmcl ibsy win pay la tha riiy at \awitrk 007 dtflkraniv b*(w*a« Uw tuna to wblcb ba or ibajr wiHiid Jwvs bran calltlsd uwin tlm cgmiilrclafi« (hacofilnrl,ati(Ub»( vhlaVi (taarliyof NewoiR Bwr Ua utiilgad W pay llir Mrmn or pamoos tip wtiooi Stick laakrm'tfebail uaaiaeiiica.

Tha< ammhirt on Mrrais and ingbaayil^ Mrs* lo thanuMirrs tba right %o aorerix or to te^ any nr all pmposals for tba nbava wark. tbay muy rtmn bt«l for (Iw liiterasi ul Uir cW.

By Jlmaiun nf fttniMun ^umil. , IjYImAK K* KARRi

ChalrMsa ofmrwit i oaimiuaafo JOHN 1ll7NKftl9$B.

Il toraat (.'aajinlasAonax

/^rPlCXOrTHKrtTRRETO'tMliCtHPIONRK \ J NawMk.K. JyJnly toirtx^aated nrnpuaals will ba ratwlvrd at ttaw aMoauniU (o'lniN'k F. K. ot Huiulayg AuguMX UIXfor conbtrtitMng ■ Mirtr In

llKKUllN ANU niOMAH nTRCRTS, from AuiiUi swwat to KnUarry slraaLf*

Ytie fulJawhii faaboal ths amcmnlot thewnik lo ba dona, oniTtlta Biitsiiali folia furntsbadte tus uo«s4rurllg!i ujhI romptetinii nf b« m work t

Kour bUD(tr*d ifou. fsaLuf brW‘k«awfr,1.4aAX fnMrtor dlamatar; «. 1 tirM liundrad and •(■kly <an) fosi of lAlnsfo vlirlhad. sgllwlMSit Mwar pipa;

'Jlira* biiudrat (aoD) nw(ofl;i"UR!h p4|M:>ira >X> hasma wltii latUi frunlia tianda;n*«aii <78 manholto. tauadt and aovars wafftaa

lAM not isss thHii ikt poundi.Hkktsr:* will Kate ibetT prl'wa In wriLiog aa

wsll »*fn fisurao.Ibddsn snwni s|iai-ify In tbair praiKWHls ihoX

Bbnuiit lha aiiovavggirk iiaawnrdail foUiatM. (taapwill hln(UI>M"msrlv*N Lo IliiUb and iiud|i ete (ha

KnrFarihAtriUgy.aV. am; toto 11-K A. M.i " ' Cm. LW, Xto 7to 1*. ~

Ito A. K.1 XIUP. M.I XV t«l. tVL di s*

f'ur ynwhokl, T.U F. M

LW, Ato !____ M.!.», A. M.i

H. Pun>IJI, Xto 4.10,

»<iir Allsntbr IDslblandi vu Matawan and Kay, hurt. N.’yi, 11 2A A, M.I 4.U, b.SL 7.14 F. M* banilaya.aa Ae M. :X1UK. M.

har i/»n« Hrani'ti.00**0 (irova. ate.. X2fi,0.3X mtoll.^ A.M.: I.K. le . vn (XU Ibroujcn ¥S- pnswj, MO- XM P. H Hiindiya (S<dH|i$ fo iKWStiUroTa}.kU6 A. K.:LtuF. N.

Pur Toms mvsro&J Jlsriiogat, aS A. H.; I XV XU P. H.

Pur Vlnalor.d and lirMgalnn. l,u p, U.Tor UfcrwiNNl. a » A. M.: J.K. XM l\ to Ki>r AUhijLK' (lijr, 1 to F, M,Fur Flnltulrlphte anil Traritnn. T.M, Ort. 11.74 A.

U.; Ito Xto X(EL Xtl, kU T.Si. 11.24 F- U. tauiMlirxW.oX. Hto A. H.; VUV a<«, X44 iOR K M.

Pdir nalinijora ami WMblnstuu. sto, ILK A. M .:i4« ,140,X«3. It.MP. U. lfondayxt.WA. M.; Z.4I. Xto, 4 a p. H.

Imiwin i-rniMo oara on sU day dHlns and oii

ou(of< wlUtlntbhtyouiiaarntlva wivrk iiik daya Thaplsnsknd ibOW'Uloatioiia Of Lba worse__ _______ _ . rod

bo asHmIrwd aMits om<-a of iha oty ^urvayot; Oikl propoauli (13 tza si'ooiiipanted by ibr iwiissiii, la wnt ni, of iwn Burollra, who sbail. nl tbo Lima of putllnc Is BU4‘h pro|>mtls. at lu (balrraipatitihlMiy In (ha amoiini of such propobhlg ona hlDd tLamwlTos ibuX If (ba roiitract oa awarrlwl tel >ks asmoD or pcrwini makiniO^ propoui, Ihry witl, uiwn It* (wtr Dwamtashl* or tb«lr aurallsa 1

r iiiu .. . . . . . .lilDd tiirmwlT** ibuX If (ba roiitract oa

..trarrlwl te) Iks asmoD or pcrwini makin* Ute propoui, Ihry witl, uiwn It* twltw no awunted, Dafamtoshl* or tb«lr ■urallss for fch# foUhnl prrformanra or*»MI work :and Ibai If tht iwmoa or iiiTBOna emit or rofona tu 01*1*1110 mh^ roa- trm't, Mi*‘y will par to lb* rttv oF Nawart any dllforaiio* (ia(H-«aii (b* sums to wbk*h Iw or tkuy wouh) h«va Itaeii rijllilail upon (ha mmalctlua al thn ntnlrnrl, and that whirh tha rity or Nawark: nu>y booitlifoii t« \ioy uw portion ar pomans hf wteoni KK'h ornilrsi't staiil axs(-ui«il

Th« ConjinlteN on Hewsrs and ifralna/a to Mrvs Ul ttirmr*‘IVKi Ihn light lo ait'oul ar ra^Ml imr or sH | for tlis anov* wnnt, a* itaap nisjr itesni hr**i for tiie iiiten^L uf Ui* rUy.

Uy dirvutloii ul ( ‘ummon l ounHl,P. tt.UAhUlfi,

dialnnsn oTHawirCkmiraiitfox JOHN HIINKKVK.

U tteraat ('oiutntsnionarw


wiwiwa wawam. wwv pwwbulb rouKHTBi ftew. Iba lyitew noiwn, and by 1* bnlldingHia preyren m arertl aatuMlnmeilattba Iniaired ww*._gert fUTOUboob tnuing ow ealanlL ^FttHTEB,

leatterod **«t Send

HlLBUaK A 00., Proucieua, BuffUg; N. Y.■OUD >T


IQg Mora* gt, Qppt WaibiuWm, Hewoib. M. I,

PENHVnOVAL W AFtlll. .Tb, reuirtr *r a pU^Miu haw-

KUlg » rrera' *bealaM,ip«M i r tvale eiiwrienfw Ireaftag fe. lagmaaea Ii and aiuwtblT

wftb pieeatna mujam br uTer *,- m loilfew rwng lunfed or at

TMiJliLeer to*. tfuMaalyby^g s n T f lw f i r v Ou.. i*w,78ro S !!i* w fe ? io* * ftnieber, ow. c u m l iTw,ifed HerfeUiu, Miwotb, N. J.

WM. MUNGLE,B K f n T B K tiff

voBwaYi nniKn HadOtMi cofeu'i f ia t Mid JoUtife

(Huger O o rtl^^ . ,

Mountain Dew,■dlnboigb OobfeHL

ttlifeMw hMiHeA,MM a r t Twk Him.

O O M M B rM in . n O tiF IL Y mUVXMBD

W i . l O N G L A 7 4 B fU B TlU B A v a

I A M E 8 A . C O E & C O . ,


1 0 6 a n d 1 0 8 M u l b e r r y S t ,

I gfer. OI.1MTOH t r .


PRINTER2 0 4 M A R K E T S T .



| n iS

s w a s H


I K m I C .



Ir»i iwrnon iiliiht irulnn taiwean >>w York,OdBlphla, HaXlBiorr and W ahinj^n.

NkWAItK ANfANKW YtiHK.From RroKl ami F+rfy Mirant MUUooa-AS

LF). AM, X'ia. 7,un, 7.AL 7.40, XOO, N.9 , K40, S.n>l t.30, S,*L lAtei, Hlfo. II.Aia. H.SO A. M.I ll<^ M.riito i.M, i.i«. Xto im, xoai. xto i » . Xto XlA, kto lU., XTd s.«i.t«S 7.]li. 7.M, Xto. laXMlfl P, M.-. IXiti, lito nlRJit, Miiiidiiys- T.UO, B,(D. rui. M,«p. ri.<n A. U.; liw M.\ l.iO, X<».

LOO, Xto Xto 7.00, X0Q,S.U(V lUto iLOO, U.W'l4**v* NtiW Vork frojtifoolof Mh*rty»tr#a(—

AlA-toXUV LliD,7-to >.(L 7«», a.uu, H.IV H-3U. li.i V ulto m.i\ luto ii.oa, i i d a . M.; iiloo m.;

to i.a)-1-30, ini, iXi. xou, \ « : xu, xai, xxa. aim. K.'£t, XRl.Xto4 m Xto XiV 7.Q» XIA, UdQ. XVu (XbA, llLS.UOq P. M HijiMlsyn T.ui, Xto oto lu.uo, ii'X> n. Ua ixn> M.: i.iD. Xto Xto kuu, XUQ. 7,to Xto U.II1,1 to II.IV. it to 1'. u.

PopolafToNiAw York, Kuwhnrgi Hid'

,dfote)tni, Purt Jtrvis. kinfftaom' l-m. Owegg, Wavrrly Fjmlro, HncbniPT. Hufato Nlogsra Fallx riiaiitsrHiiuk Ukx Maod< TlilK, Hiadfbrt, Oil City, t>Ta.

tend, Aktpiv Uunsflald, UsIioD. Crbanx XMy Um, O.Ciuclnnatir f^htcagu, 9(, Itenls, KaDtai

Lily* tat, Pa(»»i Oiijatia And til p<i!hts in tha

Uultad blataSi CisnadlA aad MaiJea*Oommenclnf Kay 11. ttilto Solid Through El- prato HisepiiiK Ofswllhmit ebsux*lu Uocbaitfr, Culhilu, >ZU||br* Falls, Toronln Add (rbitofo- ]/XYt;i Hawsrk from bfoli 'b, Fuurth «Tc. and Pa*saic sx, every day 6:80 P. U.‘ orrlvas tUicbni-lsr 7:80 A. M., Biiiialo 6:4'<l A, Mm Nisgon yoJbi 7:Mk A. M., Turunfo U snofi, rtaliASgij 1D:4T P. U.

For tfokeui, bMgsgs etaaeJn, slecptiig cor kv ixtions, tjmutablea, maps and reUkMamfiwma* thjiLcaUa(l8Z MaikeLslraaior otdupuL cor> ncr Fcninu sva. and poualo iL. Kework, N. J.

ld*F, FARMRB,(foaentl Ptfarofi r ifent,

D O I B E ! f A D S V O R T H ,

P ra c tic a l O p t ic ia n ,


taMilfed proLwaaln wlli tw n»<'«tvad al> Uiteuttua unUi 4 (I'i'iUuK P, M. of Kiiuday, August X Isto for (vpstrui'liog a sawtr lii

BANK MTU PET.From 3!t>niari1iHi stiv«i lu Hnit.'a atrast

Tii« rulUjaliig ii NlKiat Liw< aivuum of Iho work (n Irt'iiuu*, iinn Ihu njutcriald lo iw riirntei.Hd l* tiw i<oimirti> tltiii and rotaiiiatlou uf Naid wnrk:

'J'wuhuiidroitSlid Ntvvrity iTTUf AvLof ifiucta YitrtetiKi, ■niL-stoiWi saM T pipoi ,

Tvs* hunrilnHl and thirty rJ3Q) fuct of H-Iuota<(! Qiaiilinlta, haadaand cuvars lo w«lghi

nut IcMthjin vu iHumdR; ami Two (•) iwftlnx with Boild gntnlta haada lUditars wIM aiAia ttaolr |irUw* tei wiKlag sg

w»il a« 1a figurfs.Hlddrrs nni«( In Ibsir jirnirMais Ihol,

•Ikei III (hv atxivf work (la awAnfad lu tlirni, thC]r wilt Iliad UianitiHivM U) flnlfekNinl luioplristita IMtu* witliill tWf>AV* <.*fmBt*-UtlVS woritmtc itnyK

'Mia plans aud itWi'lflOMlIuits of (lia wurs caa ha ataioioiNi St tliefiiTlia uf tha <1ly hm-Hcyof* Maid prupiNyilBtoli*iM'i'»IMji*iiiarl by lhr>i(j:iwmX Ik wrmog* of iwu turatit**. who bIihII. ub lha (line (if piAtUiiK tn ■lu'h jirupoNals, qmillfV os to UifeEi ii->tio.iamliiiy in lha nnimim uf Niu'h pro*, liiiii idml thamaalve* (liAb, if lit* i‘u itrac|Iw nibardou to Ilia parBoii ur p ro/ui* uiaklito Uia prii|h»aal.llmv will, up<m ite twin/ m> awardail hd*-oini< wa Ills'or (liatr KiraOmror l^ar•Tl1fo| iiorriAruiiiRiWIlf wid wurk; and iiiat irih«*]>ar Mil or parson* oiult or roAiwi tu ain't! iv ouota cunthi 'l tiidy will jiay lo Uia city orNawara any dtftarftai’e tirtw an tl>* Numa (n which ha at tht r winitd h«VH iw it antUted utioii Uw rom* |i»vikun of tbo i'onlr«u'’l, aid lhai wlili'li Iho (‘Ity ul Soivark limy (w uIdIgKl to i>igy tliti> iK<rvun or juTHuni by whom such contract iliall hs siw ciiiad,

'Ihu CiiMuiiMtBa on ftewarti atiil f>rittnsv4 ro- K-rv*. lu UiAtuwlVMi Uir rl-'hi lu ai'ttt't or nUoik tiny or *11 prufiosnh fnt ths ahntr« work, ns ib*y ruMy dtif’m itaw; for tha liarrMt ot Uia clly.

By ilrwit.uu grcouieiion (.auiirll,K. n. IIADIUH,

Ulialrnifti of sewar ('uiiinilttoa. JiUlN HC.NKKl.K.

41 tatrtwt Cuiunt'sBlunar.

A wA iw iHipItM

. OEIHNAKIJB KXmNiJINU TH E LO- .iwtlunorthB Iroi'k* Y r ib* railway of tha

.. pldTraacKBtraal Batlway Oantoiay af tha rtty of Newark. N. L ,

BaUonlainad.hy thaCommaDCoaDcnof tba r i^ of Nawark* kn follow*

f^lon I. Tb* )o(

>tOTICK 18 HKIIKUY <IIVEN TH AT TU * 1 1 oinoiliaiiuiirr* ht-rtitedViiwappoInfoil by lha Orctlll iouri i,if tbii Puuoiv of (u niaka an

ah*«i-Amc>iil ol liaiwilte (i|ynii ml] (be uwiirni al laud and real *§1*1* lu lha city ut Nawark pactie harly tftm'Hitiil tiy t|i* tuilowliig iniprovt-uisota IttNiidi-Uy mmialv:

Th* pAvlu-rof Un-hsrd slraiX foom L'liWitmil Blraatlo thnmrtHSlryaii

'I'htt grading and cnrMpg of Dawoon rtreax from JuliiiMun fetr*«l(o Huurh «trt‘» i ;

TKa coiisiructlim of a s*wi>r lu MX PruHpacI av*a|i* and MixLh avonuw, from thefeiiniuiilb iwai'ii lUnomnrId avynu* imd taiilb atanox lo coJiuoct Willi kh* tower Lu MU lb aventia a m Uarsidn streak:

Tha moninirtlon of k sower In Perry siraaX from Bowery *tia«‘i to r>X rlutrisa itreec:

Hav* Alitl their reitert af oABetHuiBnl for bart fit* In (Lie otfliaof ihw Clerk o( eaid t'ogrt. andthaltlieJudKaofanidk'oiArihai diwl the twenly>rsln(ti day of July, lesd, al iDoctoalt in (h* foremraii. In (tie Ciri-uU ( purt ro nil at lba Cotirtnuuos. Id too cUjr of Newark* os Liiollasa and piuiie uf hearing any objactiuoi iboi may ba Diodu lo Ibe bhIiI nisHMiiteni*.

Dated July 14. UK>. . _JOSEPH COUliT,gill cay vx»un*to


W ATC'RfaKW JtLM Iflti'oa KTCo

loti I. Tb* Imifonoftha tyooktofiha rall- ifUtaHanld Tra»*tt Biraft Railway Com' fiflbauliy of Nafrark, N. J., Is herahy *x«

. ...mJH S i follow*, thal It fo *ay t In Bargsa *irael fruiD Avon avenue to ctluiau avsnua, aod ih*nca

- lu Clinlon avcoiia to ik* bouodury Um batwMo Ih* dty ot Nawark and (ha townBhla of OUntun,

Avid Iheiald enmoany is berairy outhorlsad to coiiBtruiit, iDSintain and opsrata in (h* said por*

XTOrrCB IS IIKUKBY 01 YEN TH A T TUK Xw QDdaftiigDwl. oh behalf of (ha Miyoc aoidi ('omnniu i.'ounctl of iharltyof Newark, wlllfoa

-.............. - ................ -\%%Ala (hawuit

_________ ____ ... .. . ^ppolnintant ofI'oiDmtsbloiiani (ouiaka tn etlknuiVa oflhe btjiae Ateauoltnad by (ba followhig ImproTemaaixto w'l;

Tuesday, tha iwamy-nlolb day nf July, UMi o'clock In tha fonmnon, si th« Coartlifiuaa 1]hid lily, uiak* aaplxwtlon tu lha ClrctiTt

ofibsoouniy at obmi for Ik* api

tion* of said strerl* a dOQbla track otroat railway, {• MtruLXfoiwHfa all nacwMary and prop«r larnoota aod

aTenua, from Jtert street (o Murray iircat.~ Of a.eewer in Jay BireaX iMta


A i m ega4te|Ki.;| i k s o o t

Paints I Faints!to Qnootilfei K* (rtl til Buyaai Boa r U i

op to Oattom,A l i L C O L O t a S I

Aaff • Onpfe Wt M Avar W M lo ih IMkigfe Cceee and ree uia, ____ •

IW lO L B E S R T STBKErX w u A u n nvigBAT * iw.

837 BROAD 8T,Or*. Old Tran CioM. Now*10 , K /.

F I N E 8 I L V E B W A R E .

7 r E A t i E A N O O O M P O N T \ F O R T E N D E R F E E T .I t * L i f r lufllnnY-N a B E IA E ;JIHOUl. tiM fell (n U M n d U ) i^UUHUBg it im Y llllk* a

a T ^ y ajntaglaiad ^ #to lrf

OIIBOAO R . l i f Y A A J ,

swltchsa; mvldad, howavar, that khs parmlfo tkm hereby ifaalad ta glvan subfocl to all lloilialluns, (arms and oondltioos oat forth and ronUlnad In lha ordinaiu'e iucatlng tha VoaXi of laid railway, or sal forth anuT aun* Ulnad In the omiaanra nf tbs dly of Nawark ra* IsUng (a airsai ratlwi^ onaipaulei now la foroa, ar «biah may baraanar ba adopted* Ed^aet olio to (ha farms, iKDltattons and oon> dUloiti i]pnp whioh tlii and oampany li t 'f* mitted to oAs ttoa straate al lha mid city for I hi tracks htrstofora isJd hyll; aDiJ pruvidad forthar, thst ma sxtfiulona nsreby sutborlKad

' riiAlT 1M oompletod and AntsbM. sod ita roads authorised toTia built mil in ronning order with lo idx months Nou Ihs approval of ikU ora1> Mura, otberwlsa (ha same to be of uo foroa

roval of ikU ord1>ii«i>s , inbsrwiBa (haaome lo baof uo force aflMi to givltiir euiiiartty tomakaUiaaitansloa baraby aniborlsad*sr*by aniborlsad. **._* i_Hecttonl Till# urdiOMkCDsball lokaaAbct Im*

S f e s s . . : ^ s a r u r } . 5r i . ‘i J n s slott « d « r t tu . third

YinoifciM.;., J t i r A IM , «■

Thsconstruollou of a iewar to FauQBylvAnla. . .

.Xicn of a sewer in Jay bk twean U' ange >t Aei and Mnracx avanua •,

Ths coiiBlructfon of A sawrr lu Aduiua KraaX batweea LsfoyeUa street and Markelstraet:

Tbs ooustriu-lfon oi a sewer Iti Wsjlaca sirsaX bMwoaii Bank BirmarbtTblrtasntUaVMttSi.

Tha ronslnicllOD iri * »war la Bnioa terast, Ite Iwo« .TU ,h «MI,

City CuuuaLDated yawoTk, W. Joir to Ugll_______ M

OFFUR OF CITY HURVBTOK—HOTU3K file huoi eaUmxtaa lor lha follawiM esi triMti will bepravratad to the Ogwuaon poopeH

foTaooeptauoatiD Iteidtf .Aofusi 1, IM. vto.: Par oo«Binn.'(l(8iN the fojiowfij* oowars i

In Bniea stresi. irom Jafiivaua street lo Oteam etiaai: in LoisysUa etreex fro in Btiten alreai to I'Qlon uraot, and In Fifth avanua sad fiaaevllte avanUB, fram NarBi Davantb atmito Kswbald

ohJfriion* to lha mmswt nf mid esUraM BaMOtbanisd wltitante,ia wi^ng, M Of haorat p!1L af Hiuradoy. J^y IU JMT*

Baled July 21IMMmmiAMUU M, MWmA puMlpAg ^A M *»4M'

N E W A l t K E V E N I N G N E W S , W E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y 8 0 , 1 8 9 0 .

4 | U € B H 0 P A T C 0 f i G .


•* » • M wiaUla M n . i tIVkMV I ta a r fta tl

Fn » Hm tw c iu rtiic OUT AMp m - • lH n-C *a> T * CattacM*

%MIU •• (k* t m i M Kiw*.L .U BoriTODm, JtHT S .—Tim. ■Mm

Mm kM*T on U«)i«iKlt or ih« h«Ii« Itoi « n - h r t u 4 B « m il(» «)io n*!. hk tot on ib . ■hotM 01 Uk* HorvURiOT U»«i doxt uf pbjit- <ol TOn,iltaUoii t a i McKol mtHr,. TIh iHUii M W d n ( . Hid MM feni tk* Unotd and Ib' 4o>«nl BOB OMpkiUi oTtk. dimoioot nt Ur*M Ikli e k ,f* tii( . m w n m t Tk.t« ir* wtm U i ■ toitaxin bb4.BUUtiii ik o n .•tiH n liutor, lb* m M (or nJoTlM tk« M m iia tn o iknd Bn p i b , bM d rn n lM . IkalBk*. BMlincMO dipt wl'klD tha pn- Moilat B w aot ikttMiB tiMl aferupt » a B i t l ip Bl Moirli and b iw ti cwniitn, «Uh lit paCuHti u iA iip i ta d torauttoa, aforda d n p u o d j t a I k a ia w a t ik t ktaaiUki) ta d e W in tiu . la l o a n . iB d m td Iv «apn tud ptailBtaltt, aad doittd a , u a iaan n Plaad^ ihk P tf a l l - Mat tbaal at waM IninMHt an aapaet at laMBd b n u r at alt U n n plMthia. P m no fatal of aatuiTatlaa ata Ikt laat ta ta aa n a wkala. Ab p itad af ppaMwablt M iulhiAt, m IB altaptiad « p a alU uM nirt Ik t Um at W* P . tk a M P tiriTtl a lw tr. iw alB H tkal k a k n a a ta ikaW it la Ua aaitratT oaUI ka laoaditka klaad or aaaa aod lada a tkaatar Meat waw, liw d e n h eeftaae Maa ika lial, ftakap , auaiekad kaftn hJa. Tka tool «aa- ataUnaa r ik a a k w n r a a t f P t i a ta a ta ckals at ■ laattad Mkaa I t m ll l r Baka ap Ik t TOH kadrctw atarkB ow aatlpka Hapat aoin .

n t loaiM <f Iwait-aw aad aaouatalB. that t a , Baa ta li lalaod laa a n U Laka H<ipaldo<>« »aatap taadaakaak liaa iii laio a hnuUmi p tn aa . tk a , aakaiM lla clitiuia.

a u u a T aanm at,Tka igaanlki tn d ia m unaaolliw - flopat-

M kai'* wMi tka )taTttln»t lad lta t of Ika tp aaa tpoapp, inkt w«-t lap M 'lo a t ■<: laka kaMf «W aadwa. ” Hapainbaap" kaaaalat pipa wtiar) a n tka pdadpal tU laia af UtaNarttMaaiakaadaaBMnllM back In Ikt kPIt Ma klnapiaka IlK laal of Ikt ladlaa kdiM wko laada Now Jcnar tkali kuattai p eaad a bald hjrta.

Tka aatotpUtlBf Ckiapna tatadar ttoa 4m*a WUlita Chtnoopn aad aw daakT- iktBHd bratkait waataard, and MWtad tbali a n a livaiB top ihaM onaaf tka ktaaiinu laka.

Tkaiwb kailnatlai tad h lr tka w a le n ^ On laka a n lekla. Now tka, tpioar aad an , n o t ik , BtraMaad pitdJ, wUkoui tha n a - M aan ar a riaala ■ mw tka gnat t ip a m t of iM taa. loddaolf tad wHhout w trulai a ■HI h n a n thoeU fram tka aJultar at a Hf aaaaaadthaltkW a awiaot It kM iM ap lit kaak ia t i n i r faaUoo. ao to apaak. TM w arn aad am lii a n ten*, Bnaraa aad laappp, aod ■ala ttaal ha aa.Rdatd h , tka oooapaatt of tawkoala wka okaan to ki abroad to Ikaw partaM of foof haaoi, to amid dlnalar. At oo- aspaatadtp n Na a d n s i tka rstU d a n alai- MOH d o n aad all la paan fatta.

tattam too tha II adaop lakakitanti ar atkar nalkaal haalllar lo tka latloa ta kaud Ib kaattap tka laka at iiliat. Tkap kaow tka llM<HttoB 01 tha walaia, ttdl akUa wllUop lo la ta akaataa wllk tka aoqniUkli n a n l o M fHl Mi ahnadlT haa tha iboH aikaa a ttaa- ■a ar darkaaa aotonioda thaak Tka aolol- Walad will m a to n akniM, howairar, haadlcp a f tka M k thap run.

nffB ononirn w iran a r u t .Wllk aatnial adm attitii aiaalM br taw

tnlaad n ta t t t la tka Biti, ted with a oiilltrra aliliada af l,Mp hat abort ilda wa'ar, li k not •arpnatai tkal ta t. etouiiltlii laka la tm w lot In pnodaittr add kM tiiaadf aoiltTad t i aaUakia prattipa. Tka InproTtpaBP tkal kam lak ts p lan kait wllkla a pair | t n

I Dl oativpoiidlailp nptd imwui IB Iktproadnnikdara.

Tka laetooB lalaod Hohl la m of tho bow ftotuiaa t i k ti tPOB tonplated bat a few warba. Tkaabtaaof tin liland la tiold aad iMkp BBd hooit oa ^ f t a ka,. Haodartaa ■ap and Ik t laka ptopor. Tka kaltl h ooo- hollad kp a tioeb ooeipau, aad k erU aktlr to tkokn aew loNap. C. AWluiana. of W OaiBi*, la abowt oonplellBp a cottp ooliata aolaeocioNlalaad, Tkatlla of ikocuttaiok alaraeataoa. la Ika n a t of Iho bnlldlBf la k h aialr i aoek, la aaoBl, potatd a t aaolliar kapwaoaataai ti wmld anm Ikai hot allpk. t i t n l t a woaid ka nfoliad to toppla i t tala tbo laka. It It iTBlp ttatod, kowarw. P roa Ik t B uabn af rradad rooti kanabouia U t taUaM that lha Htaad w n aaaa Tlaltad bp a aalotate araption of ■ lihtp k to t. Othtr pitMa a t tka Itlaad a n i

c o tT u n m o n t to n a n a * • . Qtanw.’' anPHl bp ■m tit K. ta t-

k a tkaf B a lO r ta p r 'C n d f TkkUa,'' b ,P . E Maodiii; Iraok lra ; ‘’Baailata Folal,” bp laBk Taanaat, Bnoalph a id *' Oita Oatn,’' kp tha Bat. 0. P. Aadanoh df Boobawap, If. I B aka t Iiland. wblek bat aa an a a t tkirtp atnty kaa bata laataUp aarcbaaad bp a apn- fUoalB A aw u othtr nddoim a It Ika laka th an a n Wakar J, Kaipki’a eaUaft. ad- Jatnlop iba Aanrloao Noun ■, J. Knox FfcliUpla ‘•Kaamem.'' J . a Vaa naaPa “ WoodbtM," Haklon lo l tb ’aH a i Nonkaif a B. P. Protklnf. kam’a Lotta'i rUla, oa ML Arlinctoa ; E L- H a ac d fa "Wildwood,'' Sobart Dunlap'i, A taaa Ipoa 'a A A iatpaaofa A A. (Janl- a a fa Pm ph Qox'a " Iihaooll," Uaaip Altoa- h o n d 'a A 0. Peola'A Aupuit Poiiu 'a P. 0 . lUdMi'a Dr. W. E Vali’a A. Vao Dataau'a and " Booaloa Uadpa" la ren l oibar eotta** i n In praaea of rnaloN. C A. Briodlap and Itaatd Quaekanlnali, of Hawark, ham nu ieda aatian k tn h r Ike naaaa. Tka aw ti aoM M ikfciew a n tka knitk Onapa, ika Sortnod laload ta d Ika idUp Andkata

01 tka koaala tka Bnalla, In polot of n t f ■Ideonn oad aronloanea IdoN dowo from iko au n n lt of ML Arilnftoii. ih t aokaowl- adftd aw u iek of Um laka U oaali a praiip poao, to board a t thia kolal. Tha Amactcu Hmaa appaan to ka a Jkrurlta wild Nowwkna Tha ML Arllnpioii HaW aadTtka Vlow Uoun taa ataapa kualilai, tkali patron bolng eUefly Raw Yorkea Nolau'i Polnl Villa M oooduoled ail a ptao alaetlar lo tka Aaorloan Houm atpia aod paM om Uka qaalliln Ikr took aolopBtal a i laka ptalian aaUiiaUp attk.

a m LaaVi naiToaa.Aaong Iht guana of Mta laka at iha ABurl.

e u Uaun a n ; Mw Eflnda Babr, Praak PkittiaaE Alban L. Babcock and wlh, John f t b . 0 .M . OwlaD and hm ll,. U W. Comp oo and Ikn ll,, J. E Iktppf; Jr., Uerkort KnifkL Baorp Barkhora, Q#orga lappao, Nan ark j Id iM Whaaloo. Dap, Matldeo, Blowa. B ut O n a fa i E E Wood tod fanllp, Kaai OrtiHioi Cborla W, Jtag in and Hta. JargaiL Map flugba, lida M, Apgar, U. E R,drr, lAraaa Candao. Oaatoo I'bauTln, Mw Clare W. (HrpeDirr, (X H. biiwooJ, Hep V. Youot, O ow a Pailotur, Mka Maigatet Oinmo, Pln- derMi Mif, II. O. Honktop, Otim Nortk- ■WIL Mr. and Mia. 0. F. Ikckiaaoii aod Baiip Hotikrop. BubiibIi aod Harking Edgai A E Wartan, F. E (Jbuk, JettipCUp; Mr. and Mta W. E Crarellng and MW Laun C:btoI- Ib i, M. P. OtdemBk and Flunnoe Coleman. W. A UbitE c . W. Ckurchlil. 0. E Barceloa, J. Harklof and W. W. DinnporL

Tlwretleur t t ika Ranooa leland Bulel gape tw blowing namee taai week;

JobB A Cwbob and H. a W,ckoE Mobl alalr; CkarW Alin, H. J, Baaat and wUL T k o n u F. labneton end w lE MW tvellla Aokntloa, MW Annie HcCnim and I. J. Pneker, OeMge Bonbaud tud alio, J. frank Bowioa, Cbarln Dodluaii, Prank E Van N«t and M. D. Fline, Nnwarb ; William BaldwiB, Wllliaa Ckdmui, TIwum HcUowan, T. A UapaL JoKph C. HItckall aud Cbeibia duiib M d wile, BknKlald. A nunibct ufNew Yutk, Erooklpa. P a ,a im aud Connlon people tleo hold fip'.fa hriv.

Chief of Fo loe Bopnr and Police CommE MoDer btrabau, of Newark, tponi kniidi, at Kulin'i F ilm VUE oajoiid U. Wllop aud W. L. carter, «l OTeagi>, arc at Ikti hotel Tkomai A. Adtiun apd *Ue an booked far H vtnl WMke el the Villa.

New Yorken monopoUK tbe moat af lb* ML ArUaaion UoidL elikiiogh ilim ii uuHo a tiifleillng ol New J e w , laople ihcie. llujeo itflMaroa frea New Jena, a re:

Arthur Ituikeuecr, BiooeeBolil 1 1. J. O'Con- nor, lingo Ueniol, W. M. oleuiuayer aud wife J ' n J. C- uwlminrrlot,* P*' *- ' '“**■ J- J bcbmldt

‘o®’ Tickenor, Mia. I. Wllkko. Mn. A, J. Anlbcrlonl, A, J. Cniw. a ,, J. kkilib, f , U Btad, and Bobcit Ftlcn,

MVtfttK ; Conti, J, J. (-(luiioinn io<]iia inud£f rmitk, Mooiclitr ; J. J. Com , Jtr- ■tr dcjr I Mn. Brtjr. HoFfUtowa

utor»e Wildey ind Mr«. Wjtdej tod Emnh of fe'omb Onmse. ipendlug two

vocki at tA» Itbanoll. Alhart Shock aud w IT i of ISnnt anngo ; (?bar]« £, AiUu ami m l l f iikl Iralah baik of ikiuib Orauae, haTa pica trJo]liif itig hia^Hatity ortbaKuttb Of'

MatUnlbin Uobof and oUlen. TOOlcl P. Libby aud (amliy, Frank pnlardy, Maa Hany andoihanir>i<D Crtuta areli» n n w o u ol a cemr oettAft ou ib t RiTcr Siyx,

known m Boeca Vl«a.^ ctmplna: pirtlM iFuat

ikOfWMipart Cainpa l*artUce, WecQuaiitck. Ivasbw, BL

laad A l p l n ^ ^

n m §UWMM§ v M M tr r m m ,

CoBOMdla, Pkmoar, C^lvtnUa

H e d e n b e r g 's .

Htwark, IfWaeadop, Ja tt SO.

T h r e e m o r e b a r g a i n d a y s

— C L E A R I N G S A L E .

C o m e i n a n d s e e i f t h e r e i s

a n y t h i n g y o u w a n t N o

t r o u b l e t o s h o w g o o d s .

B l a c k D r e s s G o o d s , C l o a k s

a n d L a d i e s ’ O u t f i t t i n g s ,’ fW Eiurd MieeL

W . S , H c D E N liE K a & C o ,

Laat Mtflii^a Maalaa w S aa t O bw- C w b- l»lalatc awd PaMttMiN

It ww a oieiook leit aIgM befere tka ih m . I l f of Ike kewert and Dralnifa f aniialUM wta Mllad 10 order, A oeaaenteatloo wee ro. eelred A m Brower Aeeteer. woe Meled lAet Ike awM beein at •pdaite ld ipenat and BiBOtaUHl waa aol Itrge cnouab to earr, eW IM tu lu e watar. Oea of hw leitaeE t lobte- conteL be. had ble ehiok damegad to ika ea- tret of M l wfclrb inouiil be, Ite lnrr, had taen oumpellad lo vaha tuod. The n il i t i w « raleired lo tka Clip Burvtpoc and tlrmi CammtiHour a lU power lo lamed, ibe diR. m il,.

Tbe Orange etraai fewer quretloB wee ageln kiuagkt op A Mr, Topnii raid Ibit he bad eigned a peuiwa lOr a briok Mwor. bat wh wlilleg that a pipt Hwer thouKl ba r « . atruoied, A Hr. Andrrwo oppoacd lha pIpa ■wet OD Ibe ground tkal la eotdo leellnai Ih t, had p ro m iaadcqiieta. A ■o.loa la lap a pipe itwer wh loel bp a m e or I lo 1

Au oMlnaaoe for iba eoaUrucUoiiof Hwatt on JobnaoB aieiiM and JeE noa and A d tw euatti will be Inlredooed at Ibe a tx t meeiiig ef UnuiKll

Notloe ef. Inientlaa la taw ttw taM w afoa B ran ifTHi, Itoce O ran lo Aiii, Iheuoa ta Maw lanep Railroad e rnua , w a glrto.

It we. deetded to eanUrucl Mw.r twlo* el D an , Miuat aad Hamborg Meoe, Ollrer aad Pacille Mreeia, Boaloa ead nimpden iu m Il Rwlb Oieiiie eTenoe aad Mraooii Mthl ead eoraei of P o u n m ik iranua end CaoHlen HiaeL A autiee af IntenlUm wieordwad lo ba gitaa to* Iba ODaetrurllao ef e Hwar an Horrli artnaa, b m Baak atratt lo TnirlMntk am- Bat lo BrnetHKaL

WIIIUw CaaAaJd, of Tt Rtghib arrniia, tern- p ititadof eteeplng Hwer g u Ibiia Ibe nue. hoU ta float of hhi dwtilliig. Tee Clip E u ­re ,o r w a Initniiied to remad, the e t a

e t y a c e b d b y a t e a h f ,

A Ip a d h a ra t C iU m ia ■aB.UBtar triO i a D M peraia ttig h w ap aae .

Oacr Baeatnea, who Una a t i r L,ndboteL bad aa a ie llM Hoe with a in n p a t Uh U t. . .oad, aboTa lha J m t , Cll, workr oe Monda, eighL Hr. Bwaiman, who w a drti- leg, w a Mopped bp Iba B tA who Inquired Ibe dtMenea to Jen*, Clip. After girtog Ibe dalred iobmaiuon Hr. kwee non we. abonl lo drite OB. when the Iremp ipnag Into ibe weg«i, end, htibn the oocupeai of the rebl- ele could peepere fcw dereaoa, greeped bln drtnlp eboui the neck tad bryea toeing el bk welcta ehalB. Mr. Bweetmeu grappled with hie a tn d m end after a ehort ttniggie ■umerdad la lalaaalBg iba man', hold.

In ibaaie lte to .n tik t rein a .ie allowed to drop- Ib a hoiM became lilghiened end ran ewep. (Ittolndlnl of ib . danger ef brlog thiowa true ib i wagon derleg iba wild run Mr. Bweatnea oantlBued to Itgbl bn aullabL The man w ttt Mrugglmg Ar lupreaucp wb.n Ibe rtblHe rallldei with a tree end both war. thrown to the groeBd and rolled down the beak <0 tiM rlrai.

la faiUng Mr. fw aim aa 'i bead oaua In eoa- tort with 1 Ilmie BBd ba war randered um oo- MluoL Wbru ba reooiamd tba Inmp wa. gona, and an wee bli own welob end obein, Tbe b m kept up Iti wild run ubUI U reirhed h rac, where It atrlred wllb tbe aarrlege wrceied. Hr. Bweetaea enooeedad Id nark , log boae In a daiad aoadluoc,.


Tealardap'e COBtitt a a tkb Faaaala.Wtwaara aad Priaaa.

Tba lliit tw liaalng toumameet of Iba Nan- tUui Llab took plaoe paaleida, afiernooo. The oouiH ooTtied a dMaaoa of a mile and a half, b o a la lb a i'. iwlmmlng oaubUahmeiii lo ike Midland bridfa and bark. Baron oontoelaau itoftad atddlbifiilaek and arrlrad at tb . Mid­land btllga a Mtawe: E Bolmaon tJD. E •oaoaaeber drTS, Henuae' WaMe ASliL A Lulbar »M, Wlllla Lotbar drib, E Bchlen.r ddA Prank Earlo t:37. Onl, tbrea of tba con. ■eatanW Bade tbe lelunLidp, rE r Hobaann IrE A Lotbar TM. 11, ScbBlucbH T:U.

We a wmld probahip h a rt ooaa in tbird. but we. HUod wllb a cramp. Tba pnan wart dwtrtbuiad M AiUowfi Pim prljit, a gdd aadal, RuftoaBB; ieookd prtaa, a Itiga parlor lamp A Lolbar; third pilat, a box of elgan. lo Bcbnaiadwr.

Moarlelawn Joitlago.E MarYa Cbuicb idiub, numbarlag aboot

lwaui,-llra poung woman aid a o i, aeooa- paaled b , E-r. Fafber FIpnn, left NkwrMown petlMdip ftx a iwe w ake' outing at Ocean Eeack.

Tba camping parlp at tba Taung Hatfi Chitetlaa Aaomatiou of HciTlilawn. who hare dniliu tbe pam two waka bate enloitaa Ute a t AlItaiKbp Lato, scat Aaoketaiown, ra- turnod koino iHterdtp.

A rataiabla booa brtoojdni to Ua H la a Ford WM iloleB ftina their Bern at Normie. a few mt1« fiua Vornuawo, oe Bubdap n l^ t laa. I t le n p poed Ibal the enlael w a lakao bp loap*.

U ral Ibloreot le fating \eken ia eninging the " laid da, " of the Yooug Heo'i CbrMlaa Ai- tootolloD of Horrliiown. Ii b u earn droidod10 ba held Pridap, Aiiguet lA at IbciT atblotio gfouBda at Kaat Mewr atown. The pnigruBae will roiula ol UW-piidi dab. birpeta, wbaal- baiTow, lack and Ihne-laggcd racer, ell kladt of Jumping, tbrowbig welgbla aad rafloBi oibHiporlp

T. A Irnnalde, npenu lendnt of tbe Harkri Btrtot Mlalon, of Uarrttiowp bM been n a m ­ed e raaitoa, wbieb be will pea ai hie borne In HeaatcbBKllp A renrallu from Jereep Clip will mndncl the meeilngi el tbe aieeioa dorlae bit tbieiiee,

Tbe Odd Petlowf at MotrlaiowE end Monde wUl go oa Ibeu tooend anenai .looitloa to Conap Mend on Tueedap, Auguit U.

Tbo Neilonal Iron Bank, ol MorrMown, b a tailed a qnarierlp mpoiL wblco ihcwi Indl- rMual dapoahaaBountlaf to RM.liil.E The P lia Naiioaal Bank ehowi ladindual depalu aaounUng lo |ifi,nAdS bp Eolr qtitnorlp la- potL

Hrp Calherlna Relll,, af I! Jaaknn ttraol. Orange, adrctllan lu a Morrialowa aewipaptr lor bor leoawap danabler, AUm Rtlllp. aged •ereoHon pmm. TWeaip-Irt dollan nwaid11 oAcnd lor InAWmeiioo of tba glE

U ben, Couuoil IA fioldea Mar Praloralt,,bald ihcli regular DMling on Hoadap arenirg aad Fait Hodeialot Qeofge W. Bower, tnatoUed tbe Hwlp-oloelod ancen.

Cawgkt M ia Wllb Poppar,A tomllp llTlng on Wubinqtou arcnuc,

Bellcrlllt, bH none tin. rrao. growing in Imoi of tbo bouM. Of late tbo owner of Ibe dower, bed h a bcea ennoped b , bopa eotctlni the primtoH u night end eiteliiig ble cbalcrK producto Tbe other big lit tbe uwneriprtnkled capeoM popper orer tbe laig«t of ibt duwoie, aad amlug biaH ir wllb a whip look a aaat In ibt ballwap lo awall derclopmanla. About IIRI o'rJock iho watcher wh arouaea from a doM bp the found! of loud incraltig. Uurr,. log lo the door he Hw a bop bDldlng on to the fen« rainlp eadearorlng to rid ble ooatrUe of ab H ry in lN o f Ibe pepper. In another mo. mint Iba hoar, whip wai belnq piled upon tbe bep'f back. Between ble enrrera tbe bop begged plicouilp fur morep. Aft ■, the owner had aatbdied hlnuKlf upon E e mtdnlgbt ma- render be allowed tbe uotiirtunaio bop to go, carrpltig louf walU upon hie Uxtp which will tike weoka to beal.

H alf Ratae i t Cfaloage aad Eatorw-P « E e htnedi of tbo« dHirlng to rtill fbl-

cigo during the mecUbg of th» Palrtowhe Mllltabt ludepenleni Order of Odd PellowL Abgu.1 S to 1ft the FenntpLranIa Baltroad Compoap will n il oicunloa tlchela to t'huwgo •1 a ainglc fart lot tberooud trip Iickeli am be lold Augiwt a » ft relM ror return unui AuguM 11, IttW. Ticket! will not be bonored for rc urn pa»Ba fium Chicago belcra AiigUM T, aud tba purchiier muai bo Idenllllod end tbo Uckot atoiupeii at Cbleago to Taildaia Ee raturu ouiipool

HcOulgaBawd Nagli Hatebpd.A ca'eb-walght dpht. to uka place about

tbroo weak! hiiicc. faelweeo Fedil, Mctluigin, ol Harriwm, and Prank NigUi, ol Newark, wai ■greed upon toil nlgbL The puno U MOu, and It I. niideeldad whether ikln-itqbtor two- ounce gloTU will b. uiud. Hitiulgan h u ntTcr boon butonand ble MciidiireHtiguiac al luooeH______

T i Flap Out lha Baaeot.At Ual ulglji'a maating of Ee Newark Club

■nuranoH of enpport warngiran aod Eegamee will cDuHiiua a. eeheduled. To-day aud to- morrow tbe New.rka play the llarrabuigi al the WrlghlHreet ground,. A oalghbcir ol tbe UarrUlniigL tbo Utionoiu, hate flllad Iba niche loll Tacabt E tha AllanUo league bp E c wilbdiwwal of E e Wcnwtiei Club,

New Mape a t Nawarb and Vlalnitp.A. H. UoErook hai laued anew pocket

map Cll Newark omitalalUH all Ibeitrual. ol ■be clip and ut lltnleua, Kaarnp aud Arling- tun, wllb ibetr reenecilra localilln. Tba map alio embiwoee a llit of varbiue eurroundlng town! and rillagaa, ebowtui; ibu aronuiw Ictd- lu: lo Earn, toicEei wIE Ee new wird nnd emniblp dliMeCL __________

For Atreot Mottwap PxtaarloB,The Common CouneU CkMumlttea on Blroet

BbIIwbt Kileuloui inepeemd tbn pnipoeod new route in WoodMUe peeierdap efternoou. The company Intend lo lap a Mugla irtek while Ea propertyuiwncn want a double track. Thu cnmmiiieo will meat Ibla aiter- uoou al t:3ti o'clock to give tbe proiiertpmwnen anutber baarlug.

ioiuolllldg TVoadartul.Bcin Cmunfre Butler. Sft- per poiiad; Atk

huiirand ItllH Etuwckp Kye and Bourbon Wblikte-, d Team old. only Ni.Tl per gallon' f' and Ohio tvinca, tic, per gallon; u ,,^ blemlod Tcaft !3C. per pound, pm lip tnatin- land. Ttoraop A Hig; lifinu 'll M a r te tE iH

Women M E pale, oolonca leoei, who feet weak ^ dlaomimgad, will rcoIto laitb men. lalai^ bodily Tlgof by uilng Uarter’e Iron PtUa

Hade lo t E l blood, poryaaod t a »


Thip A n O l m OaJm I E i p t fi Mi ih r n n l i u l a a a M d k x I r lT lg l l l l .

P ioa tbo L id la ' H uai Jo am l.A n w i o i i o tra ioo i f a tao p T Aa

kCrioailTt i ie w t j to tb li g u n tl ia lo poarrcd ly i 1« b bp tb i | M t an jo rltp of

10. Bui, l lk i BHid a i iw m ilT M bp a e a t i qOMilaH .Abiul wdoou, thIa n i l alio ti iico irec t

H ta Batra ab ao d a it apportualtp to Judge a f Homcn; bat lhap n M n a av iil tben iM im ariL Tbap prefat, aa a rale, to aooept tba nplntoat wbliE thap b a ta la- kcrlted trau tk t i r Ik lto n aad gn iid - h iberi, which ate, m t o ip a k , la tba at* ■ saphan tb tp bnatbA One of tkeoo optaloBd la th a t OMiep doct w o a tn aa goad i Ib it thap ha ra aa laderM aadlaf of It, a id canaot bo aado le b a o i ; t b H to i do llitf torvM tk o a pnetteallp ta will u a haad n d . flieh phtaeii, or phnoM i f a l lk i tort, b io i la m n p u t i d tor g ia tn - tliB t la i n t p elolllied ooubtip a a tll n o n Itotilloa k i i f ro tra l i to tk i M a b la m i f irathi

All i f a t i n o n tl iB ilIp ko trln f tk li llag i, i t o ia U ia in p , l a d i ^ that a a a p i f aa icapoalp katlia IL Whaa wa da aatloa It, aad protoat agalial lu u U tnao t, b r n iu a It tolla to tallp witk oAt expirlM ei, • a a n apt to ba told l i a fippaa t toaa-" " I t l i t .M e a t th a t pa« kaawT#rp Hula ■bolt wooiii,’’ Mtot B in ia tw r tk ia - Mlfoi that ibop a n Tirp wIm m th it par* tle ila r fuhJaoL U iid ip a ip i f t h i a i n ; and lhap wba a n tha laaet wlai ata uaturallp t u n a f tbahr eaalM laioa.

H eap o a a trh l a r t fond of to lk la i abaat H enao’t nek laam aa t i ngard to s m e p a e n ip aoha ilb o n . Tkep a n to n ip lao o d of tba Uworp that t k ^ a m , g in Ibalr ilaton, o r lta or d a ig h ta n anp BbidcUI d iien ttoa . L aan ing wkat tbap waat, thap ilihof fufulth Ju it a a a i |k for Iho parcbeat, or pap tor It tbaBialvia. t'hui, to the w iaiaa a n not tn u ted with anp eurplut, th a n it mo wap of d o to ia li* lag k o i tb tp m if h t b h it. T h a p a u i t bate a ohaaea to plap tka apaodthrlft ba­to n Ibep oao ka ckirgod wllk tha kthiL

Soma mcB wilt got anplklag for tholi WIm, and ba a d ra m to giTlog tb a a menep, beltaoiog that, If E tp thoold g i r t It, II would ho w u ttd . B it how it It with O H wbo think u id act o therw la t Do Ihtp hold u p ouch opInloDil Do pou bear them habbltag abaut woiaaa iqntn- derlof taoiep, batrlat what thap do a c t can , ItUiBf B oiap tllp th n o g b their land, In n o tln I g i i n u e i nl what k a ba- o o n i a f i t t V n p n n i p , if iT tr. Bach mea'a In itlaoep ia to tbo axeot co a in rp . Ybap a n fret to a d a l l toal a wamaa ia h r D o n e ire ta l i f o io ip i h u tbap a n i that iha oaa a a k a It g i f t i r th ir ; c a t a n It gan irtllp with s o n tatalUgaaoi u d diooarnaaaL

In tba large oHIm i f thia eoaatip , aola- blp In New T erk , tha haadt of famllioi tiA for tho Moet part, aceuiloaiad lo ooninU to tbolr w lv a o n ttn d naactal chargo af tba In m ad tau houabold adkira T bati a r t tbo c i to n n , too bapeta tho dlraeton of tbo bonao d tpartm est; tha hniband bolBg oo aagtOHOd ta b u d a ia a t to h tra aa tlma, a ran If tb tp had tha lacllotUoa, to attoad to n a tto n itr lc ilp domHtiA Tha wItm oflaa keep hank icoonnta i f Ih ilr awa, n o a irlag a oar- tain n o t par x u a th for honaobold ox* poneea, mxklof dopoolte, dnw lug cbockA otam lalag and p e p l i | UIIa a rn a g i ig and n tilln g a iarp tb lag p roap tlp u d aiathod- loallp, flow Boold they do th li If thop n n e a n le a of n o io p , without tbo ■llghlnt ooapnboatlon of haeioeot, u It ■0 comaoDlp nllogodt Tbo aJIegatloa It apiclallp th n r d la tbo toot of loooutro- Tirtiblo o treiaatoaeM that proTt diraetlp tbe oppMito.

But a n th a n n a t w aatta e a n le a of B o aep t Yoa a a a p ', aad the c tu a a f ih tlr e a r t l u u i a ta daa h r lOH to thtm - t t l rw than to a m wka t r a l tham llko ohildrta, and thaa b l t a t tham for not acting Ilka a ia to n , naaonablo orti* taroA To lueh a o a g o a ta 'a aw aourp ognlM ioaa t i a foregoaa ooBcIanan, wkicb tbap u t on a t If II w a rt laglcal bepood qattUoaiag- Tbap a o n r take tbd allghtwl paint to iualrnct her Mnoorniog mooap, tha m a a t a r didloultp o faara lng IB Ita roletlon lo labor, n o n l i and tha moet Important la n w of llto- I i la not aaedfal, of cunreA that tha tbould m u te r pollllcaiactnom p; but It toa tod la l that ■ht ihonid haaa M a t degna of d a tacla l Intelllgaaco; eboald bo acqOAlaud with tha worth aod prloi of Ih ln g i; with bor fatber’A guardlaa'i or hutbond’t laeomA to that iba m b gaogt bar tx p m e a ac- M idlaglp.

H tEp and many a w tm ti dnot na t bnwata p ouDorpUon of Iba a t a n i e f bar uaar- H t k iiem to bp blood or m erritgat whether tb tp h tT l 16,000 or 160,000 a p M t | w bithor thqp a n eapiialliito or ■peialatore; wbalbar they a n on tba tide af protperltp or a l tbo leweal obb o f tor- tuDA Aod tbap will not toll bar, will not g in her a hint, aailone h abt map be fur lafurinalioa on tbo inl|)ooL They keep bor In piotoand darkaoaA 00 tbo tH um ptloa that lha cannot taa tba ligbi, whaa all light l i itudloiulp with baht. I t ia doabtleia inch a t lha wbu Ibrulik tha tormatioa of the itorloA alwapi g n a llp aiaggaraied, aboal WOHOB who top, " I don't w aat tha moBop ; g i r t ma a obeok.” " Why can’t you let ma h tp t $60 M well a t $S f ’ " I ipead Tcrp little aowadapA I n in tllp get credit, tiA , elA I f tbo tlorlee w en rig­idly poraclonA women wonid baidlp ho ooaeuiablA How oaa they be oapcctod to •bow anp intolllgenoe on a matter of which they a n kept In cpiitlauaua Igapr- anoA

Women a n toequrnllp tocouod of m in ­ing E e lr to tban and haibandt bp wilful oitraragaact, with ao am pbula on tha tdJec'lTA They probably do a u lit a t Ibeir downfall, In ropn ted Initanoei not fn m wlIfnluetA bu t ^ m lack of nndor- •tondlog of tho n tu a and n aa e f moutp. Tbe Idea a f any normal npreM ntotlTa woman bolng tu matignant, or rocklitA or incooildotato u lo g n tlfp her laito, her loTO of adoroneiil, or bar m b m of luxury, with to p m icinouC M oraniptcloo of tuch a m u tt , It pnpoitanUA «paelaJlp wbeu ih e ii luppoad to ettoem aad loTt lha meo ■ hadtiibentolp uadoeA Such a thing it M e o tin ip fontgn to bar n a lu n u to bo beyond hypotbalA She would not bo captblo of ll if tbo wota totally In- dlffcreut to tbo man- K oElog but tba deneoet eolfieboeiA or the dMpotl mallcA would furnlab tha m o ttn tot incb aa act, which I I aa a rule, moompatibla with wuman’t nature a t woman’i malhodk

At top n to ii It ac t an exception w btn a woman mine a mao Baaneiallp, orother- wlae, Indeed T He It r i r p rotdp to pre- cleim himaelf tnined bp her; be leema to think Ibal tbo obargo rellapoa him. Ho It to contlantip tbo cauao of bor ruin that ha it ao ilon i lo torn tbo tablet on bor. Aod to bo rniuod by a wamtn •ounde romectlA It cilcnlttad lo oxolU pity and tpm palbp, lo put him in tho poeitlou of a martyr, oiptciAlIp in E e epei of hie own h x . Hen almoit alwapt ra ia themealreA tu a monttoip h u m partlcu- lerlp, but lack the oouraga to a n w E Tbcir weak Data dattropa them, aod thap dliiika to acknowledge w iak n ea t tbop prefer lo g in It tba aama of Hmo pit- tureaqua wIckedoHi.

No woman, a t loall in AmerloA hta anp Mch ta lm t a t • man b u for ipeodlDg monep. Sbt tpoadt for what iha b t l l a ta to be beauty—(or n im ent, bookA Jowolt, decorattoB, fnrnllurA ploInrcA marUeo— r tn ip for what d o a her leriout harm. Ha ipcndi moat tor b it victA tor tba tb ln p Ibat h u rt him gteatlp, Ha It ip l to gumblA to tpocnltlA to bring n i l lo o lb tn from bit I o n of ploainre o r . r f gain. He will get rid i f m e n monep In ■ month th in tbe would In peaiA She woo Id, however Ig u o n n t Of It, bo appolted bp the rnmi bo diulpatoA Bbo it ovnstlia- tiouallp coBMrvttlve i big •Itlem entt of tup H rt arc likely to alarm her. Dnietl deaporall or freniled, ifae Invariably ttopa ihorl of oxtiemoA She trcm blu and turne pule wbora be, In E a flaib of ofot* Itm, moveaVindlitorbod,

Nurl.e eU lha tal^ .o t womta'a mtoIi n - n tw of monep It raallp NtlA Tha opinloa canoat ba lUtlaiaoA. I t it m alalp tba tuba af mbiapprohonMin. W han i k i la iven pirlinllp enlightoued o i tb i tihloct, •b l ii f ro m to b l a a ij e n t im t to lla AiA

Her tom panom ta l toadaM p to to tb i ip* pMito i f a n I t i a i M

Haa wbo b a i l wattod thaieandt i f dat- lart will tap—w bm alto baa baigbt a p n u p flag, t Ml a f lacA • nlea aegravlag that wilt H tk l ht* happy h r m iap t dgp —" Tkata w aaaa a a m r a n h i lu g h t th i V alii at m a tt f ,” A id to Moh iH in a M i E l iwM h ti i i j i t o npo to tU n.


D irk Y hirM igbtoriA U ligp Itm eiA M itlip C riw dl u d th M im d a I f Diga,A M ito tpoad til i f t h i Cblcagi TidliM

w rilit to tb i l il l iw lig to to ro tlag n to of Ib l Tirktoh capitol; S iaab m l, tho oMeit part i f C o iite tlio p lA to MOn intorettlig to M n ig ir t th a n U ila tm at F h a « b u t Ib l k il i l i t t i Mtottod u d th i hnlldlDgi to o n M tditn. H i m to S tu b e o l pm ptongi a t tn e t Into a labpileth af dark, wlodlig, d irty itfiaU , mtap af them w tth ii t a u m a aad ap- parm ilp taading law ham m parilcnltr, i i ab n p tip da thap t i m and aa OMtplitolp d l tb tp M ia to th i diatoaci to h i eland o p b p tb ih m M A i f which a w rlu rh H tpUp Hid th a t they w in droppid d iw i a ipw bort u d tb i p iop li l i l t to g il ronid E em 11 lhap omid. T h an honitA wbioh IM nadllp i f w u d , u d d ipm d n p ii light u d air f f i a tba lotorloc eoarl, pn - H i t 1 itO M tloa e f dtogp, d u d w illi to Ib l ipA With th i ix d p ito a i f A tow, whiM rage u d h n k m E n tto r t rtaw that wladowi w an totoodtd, aad which i » h aid Ib tn u AaaiicaB b llnard wmld tw H p t b i a diWB Ilka Im tM baton u u t i m a wild,

Tha ttr a it i a n emwdad with a m itlip m aH ofptoplA T i r k i u d OratkA S p r iu t u d E gpptluA and d ag i—300,000 of than, wa a n M d, u d thap m n E i tociHM i iu rp pHT. N l m t iw M Ib ta , u m p an Ik ia , iltheigA a m p toad thim, u d poB w lllo f tii am t b i a prowling t n u dI p ill of n f tM thm w a m t tor Ih tlr btoi-I I a t lying to Ih t a h U l t of E i iliM t m d m tho iMtwalkA wbtM p ta Hop o m E t n aod a rm n d t h t a and Hm atloM m E t a w IE Inponltp, tor Ihtp a n vary g a a d -n a^ n d and qultk • iM p t ifu ro lg b tto ll w bm E a ir p r im p It latrndad tp m bp m a a t E t i r kind. Thoto dofi llvt to wtrdA and • • Iba Nog- Itakaaa’i boata ia h it natlA to a Tnrkitb dog*! ward It b it fort, nad w«a to E a •trm ga otnlaa found aaar It E nlgbl, u d wot to E a tlrid to n rlti whoa a hattlt bt- Iwam E a In v n d a n u d Invaded It going on. 1 h m h a r d n o b • baltta and know w b arto fi wrlto.

Im v lng E a dogA af which I cennled M arly TOO to m t drlvA nn* $ n l vliit wni to E a aid tartgllo, which ttondt npoi t high irlangnlar peiat ovarlooktog E o k a ta d i t E a t i r t abject p e w m m p in in lir tb i hirbor, and tha Ih I aa p m toll away. I t wai built bp M obtam ad and It that In bp lofty wEIn u d gatoA u d wIE Hi lo itc t a f apartnanto, l i t B o iq u a u d gar- danA and toll epprttMA E l thrown toga tbv wIEont tbn la t i t Idea of baraanp or o id tr , l l oovert a ipioe nearly E m m llat to oirmafartnOA H a n tha aid Sul lane kept E a lr oonrt, or b a r ia , which wa w an told toaatlae toon - eletod of K to tE baadred wIvoa a goodly Bombar tor ana n u n ta o u ^ and i t It M l E r u g i tb E h it owM prlvato paltco Wat onu ld t lha gatoA w h in ba oonld lea for quiet and u h t p when tb a d o a tttlc opelonaA which a u i t o A u b a n anantd, w a n a t E E r ba lg h t BotnUaaA It wai w hlip tnd , whan a w lfi w u nA ictorp , a t ha w u t in d a l bar, tba w h h w E i p to oanvu and gnietlp dnppad avni tb i wiU to ll E a watore btlow, whhsb M l n t IE h nf t b i death ttrngglH E ap b a n w lta to id i t tba dying mMoi E a p b a n la a th a iid . OoctttoaiUp a bit- tor b i t , u Mtoi B ight think, tR Etod E a fE r n b il, who w u boitowid npm m i i f the BalUn’t l E e tn i lE e r u a n w ird oF H u l t « a p aa lE to m b t t a E ia n d lltUa which to E o l a p t t t o u m u whoM w nd w u lif t a t I t a E l i H B U p U onundi, B at E a b i n a i t m Im gar to tba tttagbA b t w b u tbo pEaoa w et burnid ll w u n* B o n d , aod It n o w u r in EaOeJdan Horn 11 E a Bodarn part of tb i oltp,

T b i H i iq i i i f SA Sopbto, which ito id i ih t 'v E u i e f ^ n o u E a old Mrnglto, Ia perhipe. E l m n t

InMiotting building to OonatmtlnoptA I t it In Ib l total i f a O n E oroiA m d E t oenital domi ii ISO t o i l . ih iv i tb i l « r , u d m ilt m e t b a n b u n moeh higher, u tb i glided oipala 010Id b l u m 100 a l l n M l a* aaa, u d Waa a too d aa rk tor Etpe eam lig Bp tha h irb ir . In E d i It la vary b u o tito l with t t oolnntoa of o a rU t a n d g r tn i to u d porphyry, n o t b n ig h l fn m Hollonoila u d B u lb ie u d A E u a and e th tn to ia E o T hap it of D Ia u at EphttaA N ta r tha m c ru o t ia E t a arU a b o n iE a w h en tha hU b h l w en w uhlog Ibaii toat, w b tn wa E e loMalA E tO ta t i l a dagA lbuSed abonl to lu g e toll ihoiA oloiBlp tollawid bp t t

‘a t tu d u A wba te aaed i« b a n a tp to lE aotlpathp to a p ia lf u tba only w a a u of (bo party. Ai a rale H ib t lh a a d u womoa a n not ndoUltod to tbo moaquA i id when E ly a n admitted t b ^ u n E lp E t to E l galltriH w IE IbE r h e u m i ld , u d n i p E E r bright i p n vialUi to the a a tc ttl la i brow. H on w i t i w E i iw n tln g pillar fn m HEU opoliA w b tE to tgBBiat to HmtUoM c o n r E wllb dropi a f w aitr, u d to which E ep told I t w m tba b a in i f BL John. To thia motqoa E l Bolton to oUlgad to oama oioa a pair, uC erto to to r ln n al tvorp (top u d looking j h i i older on kit n t u n , N aeota a n b it faan E a t tom i lE • f v lo lu o i will b l n tleap toJ upon hit putroi.

Tha b t u n a n vary ittnc tlT e, and to- pMiElp th i g n u d b u a r , which to n o M o n r , u d to ■ in ccu i lon of nerrow i t m t i u d puH gN gtp ip dcooratod with the WITH to bo h M. B i n u i otowdt of tonriito btrgito tog for good a while E a ailp-tongaad m eteJEata im ili u d llEtor a id offer tb im coffto and dgantlOA and alwapt tn d bp E u E u g th t a m a n or loo. tc n rd ln g to tba abnwd- u eu I t eradniitp o f tb i bapir, H m , HA a n m u p ‘T ark lth ladlH oloulp vE'ad, M aio u donkepa u d h i m u fooA ocouionallp a ttaad id bp a i i r v u A • part at whoai duty to to n p o r l u p Impropriitp to t b i maitot a t biPM, A t E m womu, H m i of w hoa i n v irp h u d i i a A Ntgllib u d A o ir lc u m i i t o n (etrlH ilp, wbllt tb i itlqu ttto i f E l U ih a m o id tn rcqiiret tb i t b l A all to rn hto ip e i awtp f to a bihalding tbp otaaroi which ba­lin g to hto neighbor; oooMquentlp 1 tto lin g lu c i t r two w hin E i w om u It fe lrtr than neoE to all ba d t n t to indulge in. Tba ItdleA how tvir, a n not to cun- ful, tnd their aptA which titou have a ooquelttoh iw iakla la Eom , ae if obE- lenging admiration, look eurlonjlj over E o vEli drawn aernM E t n m , u d which, ta Ibep a n oftou of lo o a wblUf' E in matorlil, tean e lp eonooE E t fn - tOTM E ep a n in iandid to hidA

Table EttqBatto-Do not III a Imi awap from E e table, oelEcr

Ei Jammed up tgEnil IL Do not H i toup Kom tho end Etbcenoaa,bnl

from ihe Edo. Do not draw la pour b ru E or tntlit oEat uoMh vbou tatiiM eoup

HoDottalftoL but Ewapa toko ptontpE Uh l

Avoid taking hogt mouEftil* or tlllo i poor mouE wiE loo muob Ibod.

NelEor pot poor knllb Into tho tnttoi. Etc E e Hit collar or Eto u p dleh.

Do am p itf wlU poor naphta, or poor goUaL cr pour lark or anp Mtaar amole ou Eo table.

Ahon ell avoid apu ttug whaa pout month la lull.

Pnm E a l u P iu e im ArgowaL Tnt Help armnd la Loadm E E a

fiuat h u riEtp b tm laaa. A wtH-kamn wcE ba J o t baion appearing Inaou tgE vau tbHirtoato. Hw u oM fnm d Etadlag loar E a ew irtna of bw dmEeg-nom. *b* grraiwl E h , bM b l mip tteak Ue h u d u d •Eked tw ir. Mbi to ined to i M at dap U E bar itload bad died E a ' tboogbi tha H I him.


M•g lg C lM l A M ticP M .

g a h a a t Ca. a n u ab rin g a ll h icla ad g u o p O ia le , Dry n u d e , M u 'a N udA-------- Y.-aptog f --------- -------------

•1 o tC ir•aad .

e rr f la ld i■ aoMelUM and i k i i -

A rE .le t, Y hraagkM l T k E rK E afc liakguA a t MiaMam Caaia H u b Thia W w k.Wa i n gEax to e lo a lb a nnumElr buy

macE a tta lr wiE a h u m a of baivuiu ibE will grtaUp IM ot la durlbutlag the tv p la ■tack E fvtrp departoani u trE p nEm a E Ua Hiala.

We n a n gone E nogb ivcit daiartmcal E E l MoiA and dllvea uatp In um veE Moot H And whE wa bavA and prepon m oaka tbem pouiA bp puiuag a mb’* m ibmMUKliE Iblngi that will ba na llo ta—Envtom eeala I

t t a nuE of buadieda E aitlcUa b u not booo ootuldarid, h itwWe aotbing poo map eatoct, vbaE H to Iba m m elan « In Iba baeeeaUiL lU i k marked tbe. hot wbal to a Ugbariam. Look to to t oontn Broad M iul window aad you will le a ra E a glaaea what E a Ntootoon Oeni Bargalna a n —m t oooa la E i ao n E g ,IfpoiMbto.

K b ahave gaibeitd b an e to a at E a aitmtoi wa eball oBbr: w i bopa to b a n toontta at•n rp E liit Aw trinbodp , b u d m 'l wEt u t i l

tael hour botora poonlcet Earn; buplia Dram iWchla.,6 P'to RuobE|L

FtariOnobtL Httol, toilioea

Leuiwt, WABlbboa, Woe, Bodm Bella

I, J H ip d a BJbboa,1 Eptot cblld'e moll

Bate aod CuA TU E t uata RualElOagA ia ie u DoKinf c u t H tiptoe Dora

a tU LX U pla IM lEML to elplM ImbrEderuaLtolM'e oceOid Wateto. Udtot’ CbrmlHUtAI LaHlet <Ebua < gmr Ltofli.II pttda Toteboo lane, ladlet' emb. at tocktd

U w a Aproim UdtoV ta lk Co r e

Oo re aladwe'MuUB D nw tn ladlH ' UI a t n a m

Amoh .Lm E w Sub Bonneto.CI M ld r o n 'a WbiitMcb'« oEand O iu n

HblHAla d k t' llbbad VtetA

plUn and (anev. Ladia' N Ebitofu and

Oaua VttiL Cblld'e mad. wEtht

Mortoo VeaW.Cblld't large Eh dauH,

aad OoenHer Vieta LedMd Hoh, Raiptot

muHLColkl't UctA all elHA

to MpItA nbbad u d piato.

UdHE and HlmaV BtU and Tatota Olona

g ladlaV AU-IEen H udlonblafe.

t ladloi' P l» KEI odbarefakfb Men'! Fun Llato

lEndbercblefL 1 Mcn'i Colored Bor-

der Haadkcrchtek.

Cblld'e la e t iMItta. Cblld'e aabopidtnd

Col lam« .|ncb Daaueh TowiL laiga Firing Fu a blDcb rpbtor. CiadlamobA TE T uF M A‘nnOuOtoFalABtOH TiapA Mack Tta PEIa- M IpIlaildA Flour ihikH .Hanp kioda NakelA Pio w hPoH and ga»

oaoLcant RroEvoiA tarfe Funalma With

Bh E aFaber bM a 'Fore. VegEaMa Dtob. Rarthan Flpkla, ForoEaE DleblA ongorfch Bawto Laigo M at PtoUoiA Round pEoaiEa DkbE Uiarp Boea feql FotmIEb FIteboT. Rooktogbaa wan Tba

FcLX ■ aad feqt Th pea Ourorad gbap DktoA ScElopad Dkaea l a ^ Uivend Bultn DUbm Coverad Rngar Derwia Fencp Cblua Flatoa Fanep daoontod Ftatoe Drflonted Marry Ditb. TaiFuM aud. Derorated Butter Dhb. Dac Cnpe aod Rauoete. V egtobit DhbH aad

China aud MkJ. Flloh-«A

Cotund Trull IHebeaColorHi Nut DIebiAIWvored F r o a o t r t

DnbecC o lo re d g q o a ro

DiebOAOEond epoou Betd-

Mon'i UEI hoK, Fancy Feet Black u d fial-

N««klll|ieM«&‘i tod 607^ iot"

ptDden,Ig 1 tod 8 Bon* Wind-

•Of D m.S *ftd I Ledlei' Untl

TIm44'lbch Hofk TttnfA. B teubtd T u t i t l i b

To»eLI to ik e r S*d KipkUu. I C9lof«J Boidor Nip-

klM.% 4m . •x tti ^ Tftbit

Ttbl* N«^

MmoM BoimqOi>Ter.

M"iiicb U nm B un taClofff.

JC0M1* or

Ciler7 M ml Fi j P ^ o a d Ifoilaid

Frolt 8U adi bw N tt SMiotrie GUM C o n p ^ tod

Cutort.Glmi ntcbon.Flnfor Bowli,OtSorod Lamp or 0«

OloOwSOfltFlMVWAiKwood KnU* Bozm. OzMiiod BUrer Flo*. OitdUod liiror Cuf

BqUom.8t SilT.CtShir BaUom. silfortii*l-pliiod Uof Bal>

tool.FaLCoStoMia W node a Umbplog

Bowk...nborPElam idBaEaA

Bread BnaidA L in o nlBtaoklng Box.

R b la e h tr , T t td Pal.Oav.datomBoaxA Priam. Cabbata Cutten.

Priiiiod Damtik Trap Zinc WaEboaidaCow ,

MoHlaftr Unan Trap C ow , Tied PriuA

Maninra Mnaia Tiap. iUmpad Nifbt Dm


lioylii.F ill iiAapM nUow*

rIm u i.I or 4-poekoi Vieo BkDotible Ob M o 80qj HMia Loaodit Bk - CoMploio BlMpitiK

OmAl W poktrr a Mi l l Uoo FUkow-

Flour SiotM.W a Tlmno.£3«t ood B«kBozK. CboQOAot OipUfii Whool H o Q M l^ O o t^ C k 4 ^ Um . Eztro qualltv Bnocni. SohOd Spooo And Fork.

Trtr*. QoklHl.

I dckt. Too Gopo Oofboiiut.

H odm Tidr.Faner with UmoL

Pluah Co&tro H iH y A r 4 Vplnloiorj

FrtDfo,3 iioM liuiilPHBororod

Fleeushitios,Shooki UoaGoubao!

Kowtk WoolH o t4 w e o d Whkk-

U ooa Boidfr.I dooeu ChooUio OmO’

BifOlll.8 U tls iMported Tlooel Bottlo JOUUON (Md

PotoLBoitto Eq iim I Pitiirt.

Lmmo’ B<m Support'

doo.__ _doo. Souowo

idook,« i7 M llooh plotK.

0 pitted TfO Bpoono,1 ftoei TAhIo K n im• RtoAl TAhloFuddUy 9lAbeoBstfA lATvo Toiloir

JtowloButter C i o ^B u n PeaOalkn biona Jog.I and l-blado bone,

honi.eaell and neail banded Knlrm

I lo t^dnob ttotlREi-

an, bandar iboaktor Phrh WEgliE

Shoe Ontoncor PoUtb Uo3kep WtCbcboA Nat CiaekoiA EtipenleiW gawA PtiellT Oloa Pot CaUdren'e Top gealH. Fencp fiui FapH.


Pm WlgeiA MIh D m BblaUlA Curling ImiL P trer KmreAbtoak BoobA Card CiKA R xm large

BookA Peoni B o m Otawlog SlaWA A , B , c ^ k a C n e E ^ Nlcktl. ■mliOH Eock et Ttpa L u ^ o noabar E

B n OomlnoM cr ChaoktcA

Extra Plavlag Cerda Cbockor BMid. T n a i m o a a t a r u d

gtormaiMALolglDolto.Top Furnliun, Eft Bannonlet.Bwq'io PlgtuH. Cbtnen Mateo Sofa. Hairpin BeoetverA C om b Caeea aad

Combe.All kludt E BraibH SpoogeA (Ihamula Skint Powder fioxa

F u a .Pnneh - plati B u d

Mlmmone - b ud to WbtokBroMa.

Bottie Fta« OoloinAr BottSt Ba7 Ruhl DOO. CbiDA BhATlfif

Mog-kfi4 Bctai

Booko.Mane Riilli,'iiove BotM.Pockfllbouki.Work Bosao JfiWAirr StAodA


w ipAMtNK BUkHoMtep"

IMrUfA.FoekMUAtoh BaIm,Fookot Jiik W«I1b.13 FAtif hnieOD thme G«a Fua, 8 tbmA.JflUr GaI a ftAAii Oihnwd OaIait

floUM.8b»oc(U k LtKkA.L trte AUnud b u ty

MihPAiu.13" a t GaIt. WaIm

3>qt FAiut VBe Bma spnoklort

OftiT.lAlrigerAtor P u .10-qL UUk StnlD.

F ilaBliMADd WtalU 8t u 1

Baompam.WiibloikerAi •Ur|A Baum Faoi.Tin DbhPiM.^ • q t ICettlcAe3"qL GlAM Oti Cad.Mb. Orea Fotu, wklh

bAlLH«Ary BroUen ad4

Btrtlnen.4qt, Vlimped lAqot

r u .CloihM SotiaklAn.

FaIIa.Set BpiK B a a I OD

fTAIAA.StAAtnetiL 1 ^ PoAChAII.Bnuf hAod Ump.C r u n b TrAy aad

BnuhefolilUlg LDD0k Boxaa.WliA BoldetA.CAtTIUf ltLl% Abd

ForkTjAfiAtlOAd OqaI BoflUlM

If you bATA fOM Ummib UM IIU wa imA only lAT^-donH mIm IbA giAAtAAt opForionliy of four life. F m deltTAriAA AltAOil ajm htitd. Fn»# Migei *AAi aU AAArnooa down (r«lai at IbA M. Aud E. DepoL Taloitlwue TVS.

lUhot) Abd On,*A l•AtM Jk-tiar, Unad, Hal- »ey, Xaw APd WaaI Ftfk AtrAtU.

ibwAAIWMi '"To All wboM It nay CDuoant.** I V itti

]¥hdob act fi>r Ib t M btat of KtidWia, tbalr widowA or parrabi, harUif booQM a law, Mt. Sb A'idort, of UlIa oUy, wHb ao ttipArienotof fhlrtoeo yaaiiAi Fepjtioa Attorbeye aniKmaocA lliAl bo lA -piAPArAd to tikA apphoAdoM fur peaihmiUAder tbhi ntw law, and villflTA AQf Id ft-rcAAiioa porUlniiif thjrAta tik dfliM ii No. 13 AcAdemy oirool <New Hoim oOkA), flzat Aoer, opMMH NtwAik F ast^o t, wbiiA Gm wIuiIa bifinnAMi 1* coapkelAd wttkottt lo iK to (bA CkwftboiMA.

My ^JAfolAD AaM I oould M t IfVAg m jUrer WAA 04it of ordor, ftiqueotly n m ttaErNDifb viMbi^ vkln jrAllow. dry

umon Ob ttomaob would ool rAfaln food. Buptock Blood MtMn cured v t . kra. Ad^aldoaBilADg tfSExobAuiAALrAA BuAte,

PietoTA rrAWAM^SwfeiBollaimhiAdwr. era (ary A Keniv, U2 Broad alrML, fbr yourfitomra mmiAa T V i^AAMAt and bett wimd urbeBtaiA. Full Hwa of Art MiitoriAla Qoiwty t f o A n A for kw#Alv yAarA.

M4IAA I MarlAd uAlnf Dr- Tbooitn'i JEo eetrtO Ofit have uo( bad as attAok. Hw m cuiai •Of t lliroAt al ODOA, Kra. LaUa (onrad. SUad"fab. lilob.BOotohArH list. ^

Gary A mAAaW m BitimM atrAAli Wp%dal low pnocA dunai foaiM r ou all iccUAmAbd fr»ntQj(' ~

Highest of ill in Leavening Power,— U. S, Gev't Report, Aug, 17 , 1 8%

j s m m A B S O I t f T E O r P U R E

McfVbirter & Wilson,

M a r k e t , N e a r B r o a d .

ClMflDf kU Of Beniuti, Odd LoU ud Oilfli PlociL

Iw tbA M v h lH wf ibAAA IMd* and Sadi fcrwiAt vrioM wrA AMlrwIr aai aC ih« aata- (lAWq aad tm k ta M t CAAddOTAd, T a lb# ■brwwdAiad liM wiBS e w e ibta ta


a a a a

Tho iD n o l U e t SiloAtilibUMf l M d f*bA MAOAt HKBAAdbi #f all Awr Btawket NwIaa, aad wby f Bacaaaa • f tbo AADABally »iir«AtlTA Atauwcior ^tba ASbHwwAMAAMwally attraetlvA teAtylAAig SM lItr M d »rkAA. T H IE T Y TOF IF T T r S E CBIiTa LS8M THAN WIB-T I E F E I C m m a MW M d KTA d#l* ta m AdA|MdtaiAA«rAAaatllebJUdfbr«

REFRIGERATORS.CioE ng them m l a t Hm E n a OBE. Rarg

a a i aatl wwtg. W a havaaM a IbU IIb s | u a to u la ih a a B w m to B iM liO R i w t p n - IbTHlItagbalaaBb sratBoh

A t • L o s srmibAT ibM bAld tboai ataa. Tbta ta aa« « Iftr-AAwt or dollar rodMlioui IttaweMla frfao AA dOAF WA wUI lUAWirA W pAAkhTA WT*taf wt AATwrwl dolliuw aw oweb pwiwImaaiTbta WA AwwrwaiAA.

Ba m Iw wind Awr Botaw aCwwao

IcWHIRTER tBiSala. A aalB

flLSOM,f it to f(& Itrkit Strut,



A Clearing

R %"> N 'll

O S S & E « I > S .


Bemnanti ot lUbboat,KOROAOtA of UllAQAg

BbADd of liblofig Nanli o t BocbiKfb

data of Laoaa,Nto ef BBtarobtarlAi,

Ta od TriBinliisA, • of VAlUKfv

MtauADli ol BaUrwBioriAnt4 of

MBAbtlOf VolTAtl N ibliof PlwbAa.Abb Af MAiUnsig

Ntt or ouflioiu,Tk at cuntutD ir

i o f Bt^ Klbdg

OOirAd Mr w ClotUii ot a

ms H Of fsicsIn E v e ry D ep artm en t.

C O M E E A B L T .£h ''CaU" of vrib SnOatolia


CIOM t F. M., Saianlap okaeE>6-

Teeth Have RiziOn accouat at tba g n a t rtoa la tba oaEE RlaUBi. wbtob to lha a*tocl|i«l atoment E « • I«oH la their muaUetiir*. Jual bolon tba ■tot w t w en (briunatoaiinuib Ibmouio Iwalvi bundrou atle at a nvtiig of one Ibooeaad SEian u bEwem tba pitoe natd aud tba tn w cal ntoll priea. Navoribelma wo bava coo- eluded 10 hnrot INSTEADOF RAISE oqrbrtca.

Hananet Bg (NO MORE) w i U ^ onr CHARnjMbt an unpH or lower lE of the

ad tbe Wilalagim DoatiiVERY BEST make ^Munfaoinriag Caananr'i----------- -------- tHib, L


A b i o l Q t e l T N o O l u u i j eM GflSB E T S A B B O B D E B B O .



L F. BaNRR F i u Rktogt Cm ,, C. H u i f t t N tW eu,

VTlP. and TMtl, I Niw York.

ICE I ICE I ICE IOne o o n bnak In ICE FinuWatorCha-

bda ICE Mft PK m DODiuli In qimnlUiHof IM gMiide or m a n : Ion than Mu inundi al toft Roi'Rm ponwdi. Fnllpeupplp al ^

JEROLOM AN’8,Oar. KrniMtl E t aad V nltoghapH a Ava.

T b ab ea tg n d ao rB A B D I.B B iaB TAT,- LKYOIIAI. B4.B0 p u Ion, dellvend to all garii <g the oltp.


gUea AeftpourdiunlMferlL__


H 10B |W

R w 'S k ^ ^ * * * * * '* ^ n T R n ig MNdh

MULLINS & CO,218 d 220 MABIET 8TEEET, Newark, N. J.

r»* ZwrgM i M S M Nrfialto CASH OB C BK D IT



PRICES REDUCED.To dtfpoM qnieUy of what is loft of onr IHHIilSI BfOOK, wn hnw

MARRD DOWN overy artida to within a firasttoa of COST B w whobnjof ns oauottkll to lan moiof. Waeany tholnAW and Snstt aMortnwt In tha world.

Elegant Parlor Suits, S35 and up.EandsoBH Bedroom Salta, US and np. Ourpets of aU Tarletli^ froa Om

tMit makan at the loweat prloei Complete aMOtuMBt Sard aai Rattan Fomltars, Babj Gi^agta Bef^ratom, Eta A hup Ita of Mattregoua, made in tbe bent ud moet workamiliko maumr few ILSb npward.

A vialt to onr large ud weU'Otoeked warerooni will envlBeeaqr <w that goods ou be pnrohssed from ns at Itn tb u from u j U ta honse In the trada

T> llwaa daairtoa CBEBIT w« a S tr iba bam a r m t a t iba M W B v T CASH M l

A L L G O O D S Q V A B A N T E E D A S B E P B E 8 B N T E D .

O p o n E T e n fn g s u n t i l 8 . B B to rd a p s 1 0 P . M . T e r e p h o a e 1

MULLINS & CO.218 and 220 Market Street, Newark.


Je rse y C ity .N . J . | P a te rso n , N. J . IB rookiyrj, N. Y.m , UtAUSNEWABJCAVa I 2U MAIN STREET. [ TK Mt B A U K Y M U AVA


FURNITUREH Micliii ii Prm l i t i 11 Sol!

C a r p e t s .26 piecog Tapestry Brotoeh Carpet, regnlAr prloe per yard 78c.; ledneed to Mto 16 pi«!ca T'aievtrp Hruveele Carpeh regular prioa pjr yard 05c ; reduned toeSa25 piven Extra Nuper All-woal lagnua Carpet, per yard mly 66c26 Antique Otk Bedroom eulto, regulat prioe f^ 6 7 ; reduoM to I1A601 26 Antmoa Oak Badtoom Suito, ngolai prioa |2T.60 ; rtdne^ to $lASeL 26 PnrloTSuit* ill flush, regular prtoe $60.00 : re d n ^ to $37.60.26 Failor Salto to Flnah, rignlar piiet $5600 ; redaood to $47.60.

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T h e B a r g a i n R o o m .Fnll Haa of Oupota, Parlor Salto and Bedroom Suita, Stoveg. Beddigg, CUiOL Extanston Tablei, Etc., Etc., taken fium my oaaip baUdioc aocl macked to i Wb fiKurea at half tbcii value to g«t rid of them.P B i t i e a i n P u r g o l t o f B a r s » l n a f T i l l B u y G o o d s m t V e r p L s v

P r i c e s b y O a l l l n g o n M o .

elevator to evert floor I TELEPHONE Na M

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B e a r C o u r t h o u s e . S K W J U t H , B . J .

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WN'S w at our Bitet. T twe tr* few Mom >b«*hfftdtoK nnlM goodautot rnartmto' ftoodel wIUi Initrlor JABS, Wt am n r v paiOralnr In nlectlng J aBE, n d M l mag wllb S t . t or other nnperioolloag, n t toa . gitanly UENDIHE eOOBft

In P l l m a v i m K E m n we ah* e u m

Iq t


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’___________ A . H. ROSS, Satefe Agent

^ ^ A W J A H E D i2 5 * M

A PIANOSroiTmiuinLiTvM O D B B A V B P B lG E S v

CAIW TKRMA IM C H A lim . M lvtiegtre* wUMato mDtoof MiwTaitomii

0>l4lM44 IWMviU O l ^ A i r i w « i r 4 « t h l N y



BOUNCER.llngveiW ili t t$ W

agS qgtoktp. '

^ e t t w r k ^ e mK UM BEB 2,182. NEW ARK^ N. J., W ED N ESD AY , J U L Y 30, 1890. PRICE T W O C E N T a

Third Edition. P B H C n O H > « VBTBS KPIBKIUO.

1 CITY’ IN FU M ES .M E A T F IR E A T S E N (0 A P A L L S .


W lw te B locli. .1 B a lU li« . M I t r . mmt. ■iMt . f t h . BaslM H F m Mm t* t M '

C ll , I . A*lM.--Tk. IiM iM BtU- ■ •■ M a t A baai

t a l K l flU A V. Y., Jo l, M.—n * to«Ttt.- ku k « oorunwL H u Nw BaiUlai. M iln t Ike tnoU aner wkick ikn* t r w h ,M n ifo ■ eh w n u ii ,M m I wit m d a ItallUtd Ut ■kttfun m « t r t tn p lUi n m l s t , tod U ti k t i t d ih t i II k ti liio p ie m td itik titp ^

A Hw mluulti tfitr I iftto tk Out M niliic Ikt koJidlnf, wkleh wti dUKtl, a |i,«U a B n f 'i 0 , e » Booit lo tkU atiott, w tt d lie tm td te k t Mnitiiw Id rw ktrttod t r tu lm 'i m ttiin a L la t h w nimHM tk i w a n im a a f t « t i to • n . HtS DtUftit tu t It* itull n k m d th en m o ld k tw b tm M Uat e to it fcr m i wt, kol t l T (Tohick Ikt Anait eoiuw r- M l ftrHoo e t Ikt Iowa w tt lo ■ M aierlQ laM i. Tkt h w ■aiMlBi w tt tp- la rfL lib it fiM but aM ilrtt ta d Iht tlwot- a h m q n le ll, b t iw t t t bot Ik tt th t d ita w t to a ld ao itiid u a iA

iitiiT i t o u t n n rim T ht ipltadld Fbnolx blkek, la w lila c tlw

tltaM e Ucbi flo tl, tb t titeu le r tl lw tr pltm, Ik t t l tw M i, ttp c tti eM t. Ikt Jbwlki ,rli,t- lo t ^ M tb lk k tttn t, Ikt CbarW, ltiidM> iH 'i h m lla it wtiaiaowA ta d Ih t Wtticm CaltB I t l t tn a h tOot, nKOOBibtd I t Ih t lltatA tod wltbln toiu k ta ii 4ttMD H em t t t l el tt to tb t kbtldsa tto tk w en rataad.

Tot ttoM t tfirtaf te ie ii iht ilita t to ■OMi't Opna Uoutt b t to t to bour ktd patted, tod Ib tiw tt tooMutMl, wlik all of PtU lu t t t «a UHit kda t t t l I t tb t kbaldiai b ite t, wkOt ea ib t BNlh iM t Ibt O o o p ^ l i t block w it tb t UmII. On ■ ittt l u t t i Ibd t u t t t ilto d td to ta d la- Oli,dtd S tlto fi’i IlftiT tlablti'bat all of bit Moak w tt itf td . Tbt auArail, with MOM tppaox a t i t ktoie ok iit> p ttptftf, t i t f l m kitow, ik t i t p n b tm btlnt t bUi t t t t t f t lo- a m u e t.

■ am uta oa n a u a n aTbt nean ta block, in,0to| alttttto Hfbt

akot, tHiNO (aM wbolt, dtaMred); ap lm te t n w , tiidM ; Ji knaon btocb, n A S n ; Rowa Mock, na,M 0; Dtikr bkwk, HADH 1 M Ibtldaii btMk, IT.IM) Bom Botol d ia ta a d prubtbljf tlBtllM; Hotd’i Open Hoaae ta d kloW, IM.0IM; Daiiltb’a hloek, IktJNm r buick, « ,« » ! ObWtU btoek, |t,W 0j McCbrllo'. btoOk, K W ) HUltr btoek, •liraL In l l t l t t l i t t l tb t I n h t t tl- a t d , topped np Ibt Hndita Bonn ta d bU etuillh O m n 'e k tttr ib o p , Ttraeti^i non , Ikt kottftu btoek, lacloditf O m b e i't bqiioc ew n Rtk’* fMHarr,H t n u 't teewd-band ttoie, Chliittt ItundfY, Veoitoa'i ibot tbop, K tlh tf’a llT tr, tUM t tod iBt two n t r hovM iwkt ihtnUh w hen Ike Alt it tow Uoitod.

A aw ti Ib t leaaaki wbo lett beta!!, a n Ibt J taraal uftet, Hunaold Brelbtia, KeUlt Jtt> siDia, R. 0. t t i r te , Jacob Allen, Jobs S. CiowtII, T. R. law nnet, SolUriwid k S qu in t M tddtn’i nawi tion, Htuiw B n lh ttf tio n ta d barbel tbop, Mit B tdief i millicef, ttoie, T to ICiteck k OUinait't d ra t n an , B ', ^ t d ra t tion , Hlil’i fiaotiT, Addb w ’t tbot Hon, Oorailr k Wtitor'i b u d w in tu n , TblUipt k Utwlcy'i b t i d t u t tton, Blodfelft d i p f ^ t man, Uowt’i h tl i tm , beaidtt n ta p Wntnli to Ib t n e a t tbn rt Ibt i l t n t

a a w w tm t to ta iB ocr.A i l t t ia t r e ta it b en Wtietlat t t tn altar

k t i t t ih l ta d taoiu d o'etook i tn la t t M In wUb a t i t a w r t t tn OeneTt An w i n tto tB U f t w tb t SUb, Worb wia t i n in tar- n e t , bteldet ik t Iwo r i l i t t t fto tnen . All Ihne M wiptpen a n burned out, ta d ib t tolM npb and telepkent tarrica it tm ptadtd, ^ i t (Heano k Baltor Weika wan wraial tltnet oa tre, bol Iht I t i a t t aeiq kipl d o n wUk lUUt lidurr. Tbt W nitrn U ttot T tlegnab Oon- p tae a n duliif bBtintn t l io t ta lln td n ttto a .

tb a u ta , K, Y_ Jni,toDi-A nport leetiiad h e n iratn Uotoa f t k nlaOM Ibt ton bgr I n ttwkt to il oMiwtortt A m e n f i n t n t e n t were bur.ied orir. eorind pribclptli, br tonw clorj brlek bnttdlntA________


C tn d e a f l n m a Powerleee I t Cope W ith Ih t f i a n e i -O ae Mae la lortdL

C u n B b Jn l, t t ~ f n e brake out to Ike to rn btca-llke eitcbllitiawai or Ibo W ra J e f ■I, B1etrblr>t Work., Pixtb end MeihtDle Meett, 'tat eeeaiat- Owi&t to Ike lo flta- neble u tlo iia l wUk wbicblba biiildintw et t l tod Ilia flnnien wait uUtrl, poaeileit to oept wltb ibe fltn tt, tad denied liitli cacr- fh a lo m i l t tb t n m a o d ln t piupen,. A raw at m tU booiai n t t r the wwkt, tonwied b , poor tou flln w an btdlp learabcd and wllk Ih t i n t u i t dlBcolt, n n d tto n d tu n ie tto a

W k l.t tb tR n w a ttt lb tb ti tb lo f M afbrpt tond exptottotl oeeaned. Kortimtr Bl W Htoo, a t HO Bouiafllxtb Hnti, w btw it e a tb tB it t ■oiw, w u kacokeddawa and tuttolneda bad an lp wnoDd, tod m a n b a n t eo ike head tbd neck. II It lappond tb t tipieotoo w tt ttaa td b , to m n r ib t a n a r ebwttetii n ttd lo Ibt btoteblpf btsIneM. Tbc wonadtd Oiamui w tt ttkon 10 Cboptr fiaptiai, w hen bit b u m won inond to In ttttouA tlltaoaib nut neeei- t ir llf ikitl.

Tba ontto of ibe flit h u r t l to donbk The toie will laoun t to betweto e ltbl and lea tbou- n e d doltotb tad la p in itU , ornwnd h r in- innuiei. ' ___________________


n « H p tl t ip k a m a e d la i a U l l l t W all f t a a d lo Phlladelpbla It UaniTalled,f m u B tm n t . Jelp W -The Bpitorr tor-

loobdliu Ibt idenlli, at a littlt waif lound to L ciai Bijutn a law wrakt anH aadw ho to itn ib ll , natnbtod Ibe ideal Utile la id faiui- t t t n , to In t i d l e pop&lti erraptitb, fb kla be­half, wat nan ititod Tteterdtp b , Ibe Baeletr to hwieet Cbttdna fieai CmUp,

Ib e M ilt told it to UltflUaialt ehlld ofBojUib pannU ft, tud atni to ibjt eonnir, b , to tju tr l l t i i Boiliti to bt n tn d . • H it, Jaut Antnoii, to wbeoi b t wai l i i tn , traw Iliad el b ir e lu i | t t l l e i t h a nonlhi, and nmlllaneet Iran Im iaiid baenoillit iR ttn ln , pba aban- daMd Ib t ehlld. H n Aniobdi wai am eted fetlentoT, She tart Ibt eaud k f n d lUitor tart tb ilb l i k ttb e rlttn w ae f waaHb In Bo|- laDd, w U lebk toolbar It a woman at ndna- Mam and InttUlienee, alibautk aalibti' paiant btioBta 10 tb t a m te rte ,- flkt will ka fleea a b a a r to tto-daf,

k R a R N tlN J f t UtoURBRCriON.

R B aaera l A B a a tt , la R aealallan talaO raa lad e -Ik a f r a tM ta l N a tito i.

fA tn ,' Jn l, l a —Blipttehti raotlftd b e n toiB Btwnot Ap»q deled letl eranliif. an- w aiaat toat iba Oorenueml hw pnotod a ■tlieiBlaaneiipto d l patieat whotookpart in the umrneiiqD wbleb broke eat eo ktiua- dap.

Haw Yo b l Jnip A ~ w . M. t . Hoiiut, e r j a s * L. Ward k r a , Ibli tocnUacraoelTed atobia bp wap ef lo ad w fron tbelf a f in u m ' t e n e t Apiea It n t d : "RteetnUea npenad ttoppad. t b t fiM ldtat b u n d (n td . Uidei a n adniKtof.'- -Hut h Ib t latoal dtflallt ia- hnw lloaiaetlradliitbltelW tbeiM Ilw iU tik- Nwn to tba kritoilw i Rtpubila M-

R n iM ag k d ta a in a wlkb n Boll. toothS to Ua Bvtotoie Wma

tU n B ins, Julp M.~Siipp law k, tb t ten- teaeold tea of Seaip ta in t, at fleobeppllto, b td tn M O ito c a iram onw tth tbuU pto tw - dap. Ibabop wh to tb i b a H ttfd rtrlo f a aier fton a pH hin tTWp nlflhl. On Uut ooea- Ikn tba boa w u near Iba enttre aftbafltld , and whan be law the hop ittaeked hba. Tht ltd wee tbiowo doeie end pond tti the lap. Be pot op eod Nailed (0 n k tw ap . W banbt wet wuoto atow ptrdi ef a hoee the bWi bb

' tooka; Up! eaela. B tnp eaupkt tba toltail- elad anlnal b , the bone aad w tt Ihrawn to the air, KUMop i erntdale nnenauU aad kod lnpan tba b m l’i bank. n a h o U ib o ab tba bop off eodiatltr t ed htte eptln, tbli Itaw poring blto to tb t Ikee, near Ibe toiaple, ewd Ibmwinf h 'B bear Ibt feoea AhbeeiihTtrp weak the bop wiiinted to pel a n t tbo tonoe and lU itad bomiwanL Ba bteaioa cxbaiiatod ao tba wap tad ewu flwod ■aaoptonrboan atlerward. Bh woondt a n T tir p tinn i, ikcngh M l itniiiia

S e a W llh ti la id to r S iP M iLa h a w , InL, la l f W -klw eD dar fieqir,

ef K tkw r d tp , Iw potePaatd Of In o k a k B etk at Ibli eaa tij, the iioittop n a n ^ fa Wlikct, whp item ipAiada a tpeonl ai Eaokt- bat, l i l , of IK iL Itoe poiebMe ptU t wee RUO. The a e ie w to .w n M toCMietoad, w keraetaw iniaiktopM tiw ef Bob fltowart aedpoU m pihU M ptoM eltoatoba tllit aat taUndad to n ee bpr psM tbe lodapwdence (Bn u ) toeettop, when W tw ittp aea to ttd to the H t laee t e towwtHPpMb

S row aak .to A O atom , i t o i h l M t o M i

T he Taw a to H o w a Dralaawa kpatotii to F r a m t Vwnbar Plabaaea.

■peeltl toibe ETimiM Miwa TbBnan, Jnip to -T b a feealtpel Pitoeatoa

rM topaannueb e ia ia u d aboai Ibeitato- iw n u Ibai b a i t peat bnadew abool Ib tn betop nioeb tppbcid h P tr at M teeton. Maea the puhtteauon ol the feek Ibt deaa of Iba eollcn b u notlpad IflO tolMie af toqalir b a n toepano tt ef toe laoMilni M tonaneU to a b a iltb ed u p e re f fntnri N iknw IWeaoh toller aa e tn itop uaw er b rant ikat Uw hw CHH a n IM dkappeaitw A Pacp awkward aUetoptwattoadtto ejnindlol Ibe Aral titia- neoia of tbo paoTolltoa apidotole. Tba denlola a n to a l l o im nrlPaallaat of tho heiL It BOW leakt oot tb il tbo M iu looid at Hiallb heow of Iba troobio itta a waaka epo and nado an toftallgatloa, Tbt oRean ol the Rato beanl epiHd wllk Ibe toeal boaid aol te ttre

toailaranp pokliellr. The laN Inue of the ftiaoaloa A w , n kHplop wbei It m i . aewe- paper exappaialKn, brtoft haw Iheu to UWI abooiUieaptdaaiie. tla ap ii

'T h e n watt iB oeiitte f ippbold h n r en o wIbe eoUapa Nuteola, eoeuiotod baton iba eol- topaelottd, aod wbleb-ban detained Ikt two

1 b en unttl now. While toe otaet b a it been todlooa, bolb a n eeartleaeauL II k n - polled Uut Iwo or Ikiw Nodeola hare been atok at tbeir honm eke. la tba town iban b a n been h n r ettta t f Ipphold k rtr , t l u ana ohtol died. Bar. Oaorpt U. Banoufh,'^wbo bad Ike m ar, ako died. He Uipd, a s llk - toAn, anppltod a u p eoHMien, aad. In- daed, flunialiad tba aiiik Had u trerp torn- tip w een ta t to n r m d t a lodienent. In l u l l hB tlp ib in wai tHie Ban one alrlokee. Tbit It a m u r u b la tool, tod poink lo to t milk u to t utdm m of Ibt eontofioa, pet to tt ■tub k the e ttt It noltlm laitlp deBooiUtlad.

Tbt i t o d of liittt nperla biu, howtitr, tndlnctlf botn a braeiu 10 to t eolltit. into- nneh tbal It b u ibaken np Uh old town, wbieli k now tbool l o t d ^ t tpaeni of drain- ape, h r a quular of t a t a t ^ an atumiit b u bten n e d t to b t n ■ to t town nw n pro- ■ntNia to Ibk nw tc i. and tb t pnttoca of Ibt h w b u rvoMd Ibt lofp itm enl, iild In a hw dapi tbtp wul h ro tllp tdopl a tp ilaa DOW baluf td i t n l t t ^ Tba wUaga au au a - Biant to s t ope pul to a aonip'oio tp itra of dn loaie , but (bep ftartd Ibat tn tptdemto would bnak out to tb t town b tou iu of tb t lack of proper uulUttoa.”


A m a o b m iu i Wha R at Iba la t t ln e li a f _____ a Wild Boaot.n MUIIno, Julp U.—H it Blnlnp plUaft of

Btokiun, on Ibt Tont Ron bnurb of' Ibt Ftuauurr, Ctaartien tod Yonibloabenp Ran- road, k to t unit of lem c u d or Inditultoo. B untna Axent (YKItti ptttontop noeiped t oonpltlol P o n mint cliiitni of Uitt pillipe of a enme to •tanlinc Ibu be taniaedlitelp bcpin an loTieUptUoii. wbleb will lead lo R i ^ , Ib e coBipialiitirtate ib tt tnumber ef Itobtit and Fnneb atm tit fiint W tibti'i Milk t n In Iht babll of onnpiiptlliif ai B tebw n tod w tf t i la i b tu on Ibe tbllUp of t fn n eb au a naoitd to u l lif t inlmf la

Ttili Frcocbmtn ta t until, tbiebnt man, wlib a bnitlih countananet, wbo, ll k allcftd led nom fn o c e to tra ld limpriraDiiwnt on nw ptoint or toe hanuiiie aatucialion tben. Be w tp tn Iba: be nan eat eap u ta ll anloM all TO

Onthe ItNoceuioe toe ipeeitloia tenied a ring enbod blm, end at t iknial Mtxlint u lird t IHabtteed. Irrcblliip iiboli and bt- r tn to eiui'ch lu Ilfbi torelbot. He tie blot ta d all. tu d In a kw miouiea hb brulltb lo- ■UociK uaerled ltit.f that b t wooU bold Ibe dpiop ta lm tl in nu teeib end ibtke It Itkt a terrlei dcM a rat, lU ibe ttme palUup In ttn u k d npe, while toe bknd ef the n b U t eoiaiad bk to n and ibut md iiwUtml oier Ib t n o D itn teeu at Iht o rankn m o p who piled t l him.

The U rt u in ia l taler within Pf ecu ulnDM 'eanaomad all of Ibe anbntl u i t U, bind leg., end Ibeu Ml eibauated |o the graond. Ut bed won hie w tfei and bk hteken lu tltitd on balof ptM. Tbe lottii wen nnwliliof to ■NiU, ta d toon then w u e gtoeial flgbi. In wbleb t t w a i Of to t putlelpaoii w en badlp Injund, tbd knlTW wen eaeJ, bat wUoout eertoni eib e t ___________


A te tu b lp a tn n Ulrieb I b n n te a a d w llb Tielawea bp aa b r a g a d P aliaaaian .

Speelal lo tb t BRNIPO Newl Pu m u L o , JoJp to.— Tbe bon exeUloc

raurt Heoe taaNed In Uik dtp foi jaa tt oe- ennad panerdtp, when AtaemblpBaB John nirleh w u Ibmatered with pamnal tlolenea bp Falriek Lpoeb, tn likb poUKBaa. Hr. Ulrich k a praaloent Rapnbllota tod w u at one tlatt Cttp Judge of pitlndeU. Uuitng bit. lenn d Ibt local jodldil bench b t tneomd Lpneb t tnn lip . YtNcnltp, lb opto aouit, wnllo t eaae w u btiup oondudod bp to t cuou- trllor, Lpoeb drapned a rcBtik. wbleb n - Peeiad ttitoutip npou the etaanclec of Ur. Uirleb'i Bouier u weif u upon btmaair. The latter fnetenllp latoUtted upon Lpoeb, who loeo worked blameif Into a paattoo ittilbie w beboM.

Thnwiag aP kta onUotm be ip ru if at Mr. Ulnob, nod attb a roltop of oatiu ibnatencd b la ptncnal eloltnoi in etaip pamiblt ibtpe. Hr. Oirteh eOntinoad to bk denuoditoiiii ef Lpoeb, ndwbbetondiDg'ibeoflloert Uuaatn until he bad esbiuried bk fund ef utauTOrp knoal-dpa of tbe crtteai'i u iu r . Lporbk rtga carrtod blot bepeod all bonnde of te>- pctolp, aud Ibe eenuntul nppUift ler erdtr bp Judge Ooddlogtou did tioi pnertu b la fleo tnuabiiif 1 labto wlln bk bu d Hia . Wben eeder w u flneilp leeiwed tod Ibe tbora«U p irtobtosad wUnceiu tiad beeo quitted, oTcr half tn hour w u kHtiid ta Jm e been uevoted to tba dkgraoeiul tnne.

Lpoeb b u been ooee tuipeuded lor tneb en oOnee. IlikioeoiMi tffd r k likely to u in o bit d liB httI n a n tbt f n a


A Tonag Man M ordtrad R eb ltd a B aa O ar bp a Ptraager,

Ddlotb, Ulna., Joly n —A bntol n n id tr w u entuBlUed toat treo ln i on tin dock at Ib e fn io r nm aT tona. wMk Apeuog Bae, a tiranger In the eitr, w u Nabbtd fttolip by tn unknown Ban appannWy them fluty y u r t of age. H tw u itobbad mtI o tlmai with a

.Jono-btodad knlto aboot Ibt toot, neck and R i n a t a . Tba etoitin u a bay teareely twenty yaaittfage.

Tbt tnurder w u wttoeand by a top otB td U w w d kUtor, Than wat no iliiB ile a-tn. Tbe Mtbtfng oceonad batalod a b a m , whan to t ptetlm weal outnqnethtlp U Uw uuintee- a i 'i torltiitan. The oitndeiad b u w u JuN lU e <0 eaelilm, “ Pend h r a doctor r when ba M l anrottelow Tba nntderer taoapaA Nctbliig w u bptnd oa Ut* patten tf to t TlellB txM pi a newipantr pubUthed at Waterloo, I i . J telkadkm geiH »tb tob ttok ta toabop pitol. Tba wbeta' mbit k ibnioded to deep niyNery. Tbe tauideier and the rletlni Wen m a tOfttonr ynNeidap e i i tn l Umra

1 — . *■■»— __________ _H L R T "SLA CK BART."

T k a Lana Bfphw ayaiaa Ned Tkroapk Ike Maaa ta^ R w p Blot AUre.

MAApDlTTa. U to^-Jnly H.—Btobwayautr Bolibay, k n o a a u “ BlMk Bm ," noweOo- Ancd n a n In tba Mata fikoa, k kept aUpabp iMte tioiMl. leap tp ib f tone Angan wen ibol float bit ilfb t htbd by Sardtn Toapklnt wUto Holibay wag In u a t d igbaUlOD tgtitml uibotliy .

H aet Ihen be tu t nlkad. h r th ru w ttki teBBdfl, lopehitine loDdkbtem r. Ut it now kept n lln by t qentl of milk datlr, wbleb k htjeotod toipngh bit noNrlk by the prlran pbyNetod. ip k b u beeo done Air nearly OBooth, _______

Aramed l£a^W arld tn f1fty-**ran Daya.Taooba, Wtih., Jaly f t-{ j« rg a h an ek

Train h u B a d i ananitaM ak with tba Tuoiaa JedpirtoBAkt u uMBiil to b u t Iba nooed t e a lUp aieond. tba world. Ho wtU leapt h e o u e AnpoN T « the N teBtr China, and o t e a l ^ ba a u Bake Ibt ettw lt el to t plobt la dftyeepu dtya

Bteade te A a tirla .ViteiU . Jnly n - T b t Hhitoh Ripra b u

oparflowtd I t i b u k i ta d loandaltd tbe ear- rauBdliif aaontry. Tbe nllamy ttotion at BkebohbM b k floadel Many ptiioM alow Ib t lin t uf iipet hope bttn dmwntd and tlMir boitMtditliayaA

— -------- - "'f ' " ■-A Bmfakalwa In UR c ie lb lM Rsktowa

ilM e WatoonA Ut, toBiMPoet thug pieal M Bt-unntl oloiin«-oai t i l t to m bar b e u a ecBptoie lutpaialoe tn tba M llilnf iMdt In tb li cily, u tbe pnbUe know to ri wakaD'a ienA ent paiBaeto e n tbe b t iiw an te tad ite ri fettebA ttlnf to ri cen be Badt, u dJrktb ibty B trk u e n down te elate th en k

Iw u ta n a h te to e D , u n itty bay to tor aprartePM um UB. fh k w ttk Ihe ebiPeaN to • wU ba oA rtd ,« pea mil lae by Iba hand- MBB aorktenwp, aoUd Mae, btoek u d toney IMfiA aad p i ^ t ohAbObd tbe beAuiilut ningurtonnd B te miwe paria l«»n% ibewa toite to S o id iiriA atke t ittierwto»ewi e t l i afiib ae e a U a o o B le r i ^ k to BUo-trtBBed .K gR p u i i t e tw e t tb l iw t f jB w atou A

•U O C R H R R P BT TMB PSA.Mawark Nnqpto w ka a re PaatuarHap

biw ap t i n Canal,Ipectol to Iba R p iann Hnwa

PPBiM Lakr July Ml—pAtonatpa arruge- B u k a n btlng Bade t e tbe opening of a piiad k aar and hettpal lo-amnow algkl at to t 11 Aadnw’t CbuRh. The hallptl will e u U a u three t e f and praaket to be a p iu d tPbir. Tbe w rf katblop b u bam da- lipbtftilte Iba peal h w 'd ty t u d U t t iu i f b u bem erawded wUh th ib e n duiini biibltg boun. lo .Br tbit t tu n o u teoldanto b tp t ooenrnd. ABonp Ih t gay baibta n u t It B on TtaluiHniH and gitufUl when In tot turf I b u HIB Utmto Abbetl, Ibt dtngbler af Uopernor Leon AbbtU. Ibe to Hopptop t l Ibe Uonuieaib tpato tola ttUon, w btn ib t k flcqunlly Jotaad by bar Pttber. rnm l- nent unoof th t M ontuuib UtoB gunu tie WiUltB C. HeppenbalBtr, late Speakir ol tbe Hauer, end bta lair brlda Tbe i to u e f t tom n flieuit, uenrrai WUlita f . Abbcit, la tk e t WMkly antoumcr hue. O uartl Itudlty A Stoeli, ef O iuge, b u qnuteie el toe Uon- Bnulk. - Hit wue ecooupulw blm. A P. Alciendar, of Hobokan, k alto then, u to Ulcbul Bwntt, of Newwk. R Bilbecb, Jr., ai Newark, to a la u n t im pe l el tke UoomDnUi UuOH With hii tmatiiy. Mm A L Bebenok, tko of Ntawk. It ataklnp a pklt ban atwng liitndi. Mit to t l to t Allaua Honat.

John Beoddbr ta d Mnily, of Tmilon, era tmcag tb t pnotlDcat fu t . l t itputend t l Ibt Ouletoa Uoutt. Or. Q iarlu Jobnun k ban Ibrtb tiaraap . Hh toBpemiy q u tnen a n ai toe Btlltoien.

belmw b u sot boon eoe wbll behind her iM at teaerl, Sprint la k a dnrinf Ibt pul WUk. Tba lUDiIk erawdtd. and t l n any ot tb t boteto eelt a n broufbi Into uee aacb nlfbt to acranmtodiit the deoiuid Ibr .icepinf q n tn u a C. V. A PMand, one ef ibt toeal Ptberman b tn , m td t a catch of a B u-etilog tberk one dtp l u w uk tb it meuoied upoa u d a bilf het, and wolf beu W). poniMlt. Tbe mao-uter w u cibiblled at AabuiT Puk, and h tan d rcaltret orerMO fram th i eilcb.

k k i A. O. Want, of Nawark, k amonf tba eollifert ban. t-hr k at tb t DeniuD Co toft an Etghlb tpcnnr. U. N. Ooolliilttad fonitlp, of Ntwark, t n icjourniri at tb t popular Ttn- npioa OotlMC. Andrew A arahtin u d daujh- tor, alto Newtrlirit, i n eujopmg t Map t l reto«. fmnk K V u Neu and wlfb, of New- uk , U t tiro ben with fheada Aaiub Ward, of Newuh, b u bk fkigtiy hen. Rer. Fttber Flemiiif, of N ew.r^ wbooceupiu Iba Rivet View G «u |ai leturnad b an oa WwiuMdtp. to rampRitp wltb blm w an u o u t twentp pounf pcoplt of bk ptrab. Uenrp SMptn, of Newiik, D tonftetunr of f lu ihutt, It tptad- tof a Itw w uka oa tb t coaat m

Attvap P tab , Julp SA—[Apeeint.]—Tbe erent of Ibu week a u tbe partial eeatnictton of Founder J tn m A Bndlep't boardwalk eloi g to t bueb belween Stcoiid and Fouitb ape- nnet. Tiie d iintfed walk li now repaired u d beapp bulkbcadi will prepent anoibertnucb t f the walk u d tu rrauU lof propenp.

Tea Newark u p a u u o a ban am breatbla penfHiim lod tp tgiInN the Wen End Hotel w b tn rapB w en placed tlong tba p lu ii ea- trenebi to keep oot ell but ihe boardera ol Uut boou. Lett aigbt than bappeued to be eome altncihiB there In the a tp of ed u ce . A Dumber of Newark euttga ptopto wen ilrolUnf p u t aod tiepped • m tba peraodt to took a t aoBt flicudi woo wen dweinf. Ainiow iBuedlalelp they en- eouelered a rape, and w en teMddeu lo pea bp tte tp in i. abo lafOrmed them tb it noot but iBBcdmle gurtit of ibat bouu were tH towed on tbe peimoda Wben the eietk tnd prapileior wen eppealed totbepoifend tOHll tlckete t l a qnerrer iri a dotlar aptect tor ibe prlpllcfi of touting QC ttu d ln g o n Ibe penndt u d witebliig tbe deecen. Tbe d tu e tw u Bonlp tnlafbtwui ona Tbt roplnt-uBt id u k MW lo A-burp Fkrk.

Tbe Her. Or. Lewk & Dunn, of Xlinbetb i Ike Rrp, Ur. Uforge A Ma A, of Flemiugiai), tbd tbt S«p. Or. J, B. Kuowiet, of NiaAtk, t e m t l r u o f ttwologiana go F itb iu t r u u i , Ooetp Ocora. John F. Phepn, a toadtr to Meibodkt Conreb woefc to E ntx .Oonnlp, tt rpmntcrlng la Oduo Urara V ia Bine B :a - ■ua u d UlB Louto B ecknu , at Newwk, tro uiBBCtiiif t t t KiMutep lUeM bocal. Hr. •B-l Uie. CbariM U. XorlOD. of Nrwuk, i n at a Foorib ATonm naort. Hlet Othia Dep, k k i Ikiina ci.xk u d Uauige F. VnttouA of Snin- B l', art nor at T u AJpba la O otua ivp t. Hr. and Hn. EL 1‘. Wi ib II tad ftmllp a n paNing tbe lunnier on Aibnrp tp tm u la tbe OroPa Hi .Wuiell I* Uit prupritiw of t leuber BUufectoTp In NewarA Lenn Brigdoo, dlneior at ibe Rulfen CoOtge n i i i ^ l aiginl- akttooA k rpudiD f b a titpenta teuun la Akbwta Pwk.

Tbe te r . and Mra. A M. BebouL of tbe New­ark Coufrieius, a n lu tldg near tba e tn p ground to O e tu Urove. Or. E. B. Bauliui, at Ntwark, k with U e n lt tn Akbuip tpenue. Tiwnt!i Jtcktoii, t Newwk m uttiie iun r, it antortuaed oa Seooad aptnue. * ^


Aa la te raallag gPork Being Freparad la the PeerwCarp a f ItotWe OMea,

Ipeeli) to tbe EpxHiHa Nxjn.Iktiiinii, Ju lpN i—Tbere It belr.g prtpued

In Iba StcBlwp of State'i dRu u leteceubf do'Dtnenl, whteb wUl be a ooetitbui'oa to Beilot Krfbrm llicn tun . NijDr Yard, Ibe fdllor of the Mawmovth JkmomiL k nuw pert ol ibewlencal iorae of toe Beenttup'i efflee, and b t b u been tu g n e d to p iep tn a bu d p book ef leletrnee on tbe new etectloo Itw. k rrlU dePne to t Outlet of trerpbedy eonoeoied with toe Itw, flora tb t Gopernor down to the t i te i lu ofllotm tt will t i n oontalo oo|Fh ef Ibt Ttilipii oerilPetlft, tod will b t a n ttip book to ocofuli on all qaentont bearing on tbenlfleot-

Tbe book will net be glpta to Ihe pnblle until SecreUrT. EeUrp remrna flora Bniope. S m epan to ftoa work a n u w In ippe. I t j u t expactnd tb tl C bairrau Uobcit, of the BepVb Uou Wale COBBlute, and c b ilrn iu Alton L VcUennotl wunld inett togeifaer to eoote- enct u d p n p in tbit laAmnitlon, bot u M iaem nilwu m ebed betwHn theia- In tbt matnwbllt Cbtinnan HcDuiaolt p n p tn d bk p tnun of tba law, and bad It publlibed lu a raetropoliiu paflcr. Tbt B ^punlctu puitr- dap deddtd that It wootd bt welt to taAPt a RepubUcan Intoiptabilkia of tbe parlaarentiei made, and map Pape ■■(oordliiflp wrlliia to Foatn H. Vooibcw to pnpare Pa pnbUcatlon a t wttcle or m-rtei of articlce on the dnllei of eltetloo adteeit wbo awre nnder J u u w tow. U d bnw to do ibtir work togellp.


Tba Bodfaa .a t N lnetp-alpbl N e ru a eKilled by a a Xxploatoa K am parad.

FkBA July •).—Tbe Feikiler ptt at St. Btlenu, to whteb anex p te t» of dndarap aa>, e u n d peNerdhy, k u beeo elteied.

Fuip-atu of IN pemou wPo w an at worb to toe pit wNn toe expkklou oeeurrel N ra bun leeoued. T N bodtoe of IN pWtttu of tbe nrioeioli, aaB tertap nlMty-eigbt, N pe t u n laeotend.______ ___________

B n te e d e a O oaatye B b to rie a l PaolalF.fpecto! to tbe Epiunaa Niwa

fUtontaToit, Juiy H.—T N aaautl g ilt dap of tto UunieidoB t'onntp Hlttoncal sodetp win N Nld In eoittnucthm with a barpett boBe of tbe eountp a t S udp Ridge lo-dap. TN ipot eboun lor tbla p u i 'i Huton of iN aoetrtp to rich with blatotlcal noiilleetloiii aod a parp totereatiDg u d p a t^ tlo daDontiatlon will n tn k Sandp Bldge to ow nf tba Beat qualat bamlali oa IN Datowan Riper. TN blatery of ik eld efcurah la allre wltb RcpoIii- ttoiinrp iD dduk, Varlooi papwa of ootoulil lotoleit will N n a d 'N deteanduto of b uJ>mnlD«Ql Iv B4TOlOtkRMlT Ub M tIBOSfIN b batoplN fliltbwlnf i " A Sketeb ef tN Sbarlflt ol H uniardu Counlp." bp W. T, Btarope, of ftm eblow n; " BtcgnpbP <1 Boborl Rttleebouie,'’ bp J. W, Lagner, of Ktogwood; loaopukenotlnilD itrtot acbooto to eotoaiii eed Bodeni dopa bp IN Rep. W, W. Bullock, ef Ltmtoilpllla; " Hklotp ef IN ttondy Bldga Chuteb," ^ Oetaia U, Larlaon, af Look barltlUa___________ >

t l n e k aP O paa RaHtefa.iO N T t e t e , J riy M i-Ttie‘OiitlteI Sail-

lu d train No. UI aiitiek u o p u awiteh at Fartta Ab N p paatirday aaerntog, and oalp bp tN praapt action o< IN tu p ln u r WB a JiMht- Ibl eelaaltf aperiid. It la e tbnupb axpiua froB M i l F ia u u t. Tba tnUn tott Loop Brwob at UOt if dack, and w u maktop op loit ueu. l o u attw puatov arer Ih t Up Rwiton Riper drawbridge IN Ngtae itn e k u cRU twlteb and tN tialii w u M etnekad, tn dv ju ld N p a iaU h e d tMwAloeal beight bot t e IN eeplneer, wbo iBBadUlalp eppUtd IN itiiB k B enfl noM aded to bctoplte bie u a lB lo tilo iih e rily taalfg ear to tetbflnm toe train I t te n t ef U b . T N Hat w u to •addrk tbet b m b ot IN piBiTigiie aw e Ibaown fle a UWt tgele aad leociTad a pnUp tuodibtklngap, T N oiton iwltota li add to tm uN fltolt of ow ' of toe tnunewa of too fleipbt, T N paiioS M C lntow u toebaipe ot ■optoeef John IriMlBoa.

A Oar X qnlpB anl C au p a wy l a e iep u a lefl leaalal lo lN Rpbbbw Nnwg. -

■uiajudn, duly lA -T ha Baa (hr teulp- B an io ea p u y iF goBarii tokb te iiF em ed b m today la iN Ooonfp Ctorifi eteib t t o

lykeiflial B pMaafl r i A ^fley# pud


ftovM O e^w releg th«WMrIi IIa4* Um Arnmmdm^mi

bM dlac LagtelaUee a IParttk* O rfkBla L«Wa

T N prfiHat attfiiapt to u ie o d Ik* lt*L* CocMtliattoa ttU* to mlad tli« toot Ui*c Ui* )*■! ittOTf Mtnt to *aeD4 It ak f bt b*T* \»tXL 44to*i«d br idldtQ t, A fUQiif 4fcrt lud b*wi a*d* tOpUu wlnwr of U7b to •UftlbaUo Pretoourf In Uu itoito. A UH kMh* iQf (0 ihto «nd «•* iDtnditotd loto ib* Lifl** Uintv b ; A u iab ljiu A Itorto, of lt«wute i t tlw imtoPtoi, ll i ru mU, of lb* titon BUbop of Um dkMMeg dlracttiif ran rti to m l lo•Mb lb tostiitittoo *11 rtftitotonr *hlhlf«n wbuw m r*tbcH«t UMtoMlfM or whou p*n*U w*n 0*Uk41c *Bd M^blrlDg kutbmivtl*f I* p*y 6f i r to Mil ef Ibflr rftonaalofr tppfOpCtoUOMr R lto ^O f tb* BUI* llMP«r> toe UuijrtdiMilkto *Qd m im tetno*.

Tbt bill b*d bma paodiof tar io a t iIzm bt* tofi ll ttm ctod ittonttoa. Tlu tounust tt* purp«M VM oudt kfiowB t lu Protortaai u a tt ' tor&t of tb* 8to<* *tt*ek*d ll, u d tt lb* chief *«d opir lopto or IniatMt lufimted b r ituLaftitaiif* onUadto aC U»*t seHlob. Wben*Totow**tito}lrrMck*d Ihe *H w«* dtoutod.

lu p m t TOB v u n .Mc «m tbcKiihl i ta t m e *p|>eir*DCt of ibh

Mil tn th* LrfUUtiin i t that ttine h«d in r to MiIOB to Uw CMWll(UliOO*l UUQdBMCit, il had. Tb* eoDitatikloa al r«fiiMii wbo tat la la ri bad adTiwd an aactkdment torbUdbif tb« <llr«nioii of U f |.an of tbe Biate moDcri h^iectarlin purpoaot, Th« Ltoi»*tiite of 1874 b u •dnpied It wUb lb* other amendioeuti pioptoed. Th*Jw|tiIiUir«cf 1*75 wertabjul lo loeapl U, *Dd It wai to b* mbaUWd to popular rota, itofle feered ibal If bta btlt wera tiol wlopwa iben in aiiactoiiaC. would ba baited by (be popular aoceptoOM ol the amCiidmeaL Bui ibe tool tbai om of tb* ^ poacd aB»eorlneDl9 .jpropoied lo isike bIPfu* prltUooi or 8iate Boner* Ibr sMiia^n fw* poM* impoMlble etcaped popnUr notlo* till on tbe very «t* of Uw ipecial aioctioj.

Tbal cUdloQ w u ordired to be held m om Toesday *aHr In Bepltu^btr, 1879. On tb* UoRdiy praoedlDf lb* duliD ilad Tuesdajr a dWpalch Qrom JiorrMtown aDnouaoad that at all to* church Mmoea oo Sunday a icUai from UwBJabopbad be«a read rwimiba (atholle pulplta dlrwUng that tb* tollbrul vote atainit Ibe ameiKlmento and defbat Uam becau * o( lb* pruaiMM a&MWf thani of tbli aDtUbaren ^propriatlob clause. Tbal apecial w u rtpb)- du-M In all Uu bUto pap*n. Tb«reeuit waa ibai tba ipedal aleetkuj. wbWb bad b*en expeeUKl U> yo by djbultg attractad lb* «burcb elemenl to kb* poll* lo druTta, and lb* ant iMlmetita,, one nnd *ii, war* adopsed by iboui 40,000 niBtorltye

AvauMCitai Ob ir ia iJ e toua.Amoni lb* aneodAwDl* wbkob ihui benaiiw

a part of tbe Dryaiiic law of ibe Stat* ww Ibu fi>rbl4dlDf apeeial teftalaUoi tot cdlea, Iowqi aud eouuaes, wbleb U la now proponed to re­peat. Tbal aBH'Qdmettt, wUh Ito iittor amrnd- maut, forblddiiig ipecUl taytalilloo tor ourpM' aiLL-iiL, w u proiupted by lb* ertaot to whlrh public and prtrato rifbta war* invaded by ■pecial acta.

EX'Edilor Jobs F, Babcock, who waa on* of tbe Oouatl-uUonal CammtailonerB wboJonnu- lated tba luaeadoienta, wptoe lo an Evrsino Kywi reporter mat tbe rolumo of 'beta apecui

w w ioirM i ibattM aeailoD U aaef *aeh roar fiwqo«Dt1y mad* ]WfH woea laib- end IQ |jaiup&wi forto. But 1M OMMrt lenoiu *ap*c;of lb* aiiuaUoa wai thaiocnoy aU i which It waji poaalula to ptoM them or tb* lUiur* book* Every man wbo bad any Id- toiaaii worth p j^M .l*s bad lo be onyuard tb* whole asulQQ lo ptoleet (hem. Iwun |.«Qdukg lu Uw oourli ware wiped out by ihue ••creieiiacitte&ta; propany liilu war* mad* lonouiay aad it WM mibltw uunaivl tor a townoo wakinc np In ibe uornip i lo flod tbal ft ipeekal act of (be Letoflalure, pewed wbll‘ its people toe pc. had made k b ii^ iaB levotuuon in IN eoadint at tto- Bunlciaat ri- toki.

owTAjita IN roiNT.AfklHln Jem y Oty aM E-iieNlh urVed

10 f '» e publie wtonlion upon ttaeea ibue ■ of IN leglitoure praraBtlva EllBNtb boil,, wiib In eld of ipiclal Inwe, becu. a ,ird by e nog of pnblle raenuvlen won took N . b r IN tiiroei end, uodet tN guke of meklng pub lo iBpraveraenti, rlnngScd te r Into barikrapury, Bui J .tw y illy w a lu evvit a worn co-tdiuoii. Bepub nan eetemeiA » bo eloied lo rvacb ber trcButy, louad II laipoubl* lopiuM beui- h Ivb lu uBee by popu xr vole, u d they Intro duoed a ryaoUl am le-rgentxiag her noder a newcbuler. T bkeN iter robbed ber people of home n ir , and te t In Ibe puboe plaein a gang at aRoiak eleeted tqr the Legialauin In tuiiil meetlng-

TN Republican bed iN u n o n tly t t i ^ Me ad end nApportloned i n Suie, end ll m i eery t e Ibem lo oouliol IN J<diil mcetiug Ihrongh Ibe Jclut eeuooe. Tbe , oupii ctaeted asilnn IN pnMUOe cd tbwe line cloninc poHU- eal Invadsn. TN n in e o LeoeUri tuofflclxle ImpUBd on INm n o thingi mubiclpal with a high b u ^ n d IncreoAd the pubife debt IIU It wee cqiiinleDt to tweatyAve p«r cent, ol ell iN la u b 'e propeny In IN city. Uut reraic woe Iniiilea. T N more tbe people prateeitd the mure ra n they w en to beve telecled t e tbrm iu Jo'.nt meetibg tbe loeat porernon Uity a m dk tra ile l «

TBX AKnostHT rxoneiD.Tn CODHltoilona] Conunketon bad thtB

two notable ootgrowtN of tbe rioi of ipadel lepttletloo NIbie Ibem wtau IN y m e tm lg n to icrtw Ibe SUlCa obutrr. l l a ee leeii ibii Ibe public and pilraie acN aeie who flocked year oHet year lu IN belle of topkletlou wiib epeclal acie ot ooe kind end eootber rn te eMed In tbeir eehcBee by tbe leiwcay wllh wbleb luch eete could N peered, I N eo WlUiem Brinkerboff and Dud,ey A tlregucy, two momNn of the eommlaeloBfliom Jetoey City, piopend Uiel no ipcdol act oUoUld N pe>M Wltbuut puhltc nntlis.

Tbo publicatluu In tbe newipape'i of a no- floe IN t eektalo l«f:ala'.lon woa to N liked would, II wee Nnerod, put Ibe Rier.itene ol otiaoked IntercMi on tbe Nfei.ilve end rrouee luiflcieat opuoeUlau to u y lu ily bed .roioel- tton to e in in lie deleei.

It woe Haled in IN Ktxhiho Niw i by i i - Goreraor O reu IN otter day (bot the Legfl- lotun did Pol think Iboi Ihti woe a tuflicieutly aleelire ceinc^ve. and t te t ih ii body Ineicad propooid Ibat no epjclol lofMlaibH] wNterer abonid N panaiuod for lowm, ooun U« or oot- pciaiteni.

neakroiXTu tin c tiT io ia .I N txpMiattoo on tbo- nditpHou of IN

OBeodinenti woi iN I tb t Leglalaiun would N Mteod Inlo devMlug grnerel lowi lor IN gonraBODt of IN towm, cltiea and oouUea of tN stotei tn i It wtbL to work iDMcad da- vtiliit roeoRi of eradlng IN n w leeNlak. Aek wen tmaie I tN t Uxed IN logennlty of IN eourti, and 11 w a ooma Urae Nlore any- thing UN au lotelllgltito boile of legielatlon bod b« n eeuiblkNd. T N eM tti bare, Nw- m r , DODiinKdiN eUnoe wltb llboial tetodtb, and many lawyer. IdAk ibat U te now ptmibla to oecuto for u y city lb IN State wbatern legnloiloa U can dm nUy e t properly u k t e and IN I wNtevor •ic iue iN n miy N re been In IN p N for tbe* pratneed npeel of IN etttoee, it doei oot exiit now.

Two y u i i ego IN U odeu Ooonly ring be- etBe loUre In IN aoreB en t to eecnre IN n- Borel ef wbei piahy Nltove to N IN keelUi. All oaoitlnNonu' leetnUnB upm eitM lve Bintalpnl togklattoa. II la naUed abroad IN I ih en an lh lngatN ydoe incoaoeoB p liib In tbeir rnNoi-UN inraetoo ef IN pnkUt plaim la IN ettr end eonotr wbleb i n OMHltoiMn, tn lit p n e n t oNpa. belt flom tNm. It k be­yond diepuie tbet aBnlillude of aebatnet Ibey bare bed le eMieaplotioa within CN laet two ytnii N ve been Bede lapoaiible b y tN pro- toe.lng itm of Uie CMatltuUoni and It k ’ eiiaally well tnown Ibnt im uof all i n tdro- eaiB o flN npeal of IN elauee no one hae -bom acee uppeetlve t u peotoeot than theoa

fflU K reei n Hew Clabbenoo, Ntootol to IN Rexoim Hiwe.

'F u o m iu i, July W.—An O Beipncy Boat- ing ef IN (N ieaal Leagm w a held lu t night te lN purpogeo fta tliia Itutedinie ecuonui IN nwitar or pravUliig a leniporary ckthhovae t e that Albletle aaeoiMUlea, wkoio boate wee dnlrayet by I n yiBeiday aornlnp. Lalng’i Hall wUl ta at earn flitnloNd with aoeeury elnbtpieiitenaDeaa, u f l at iN N i i ngiilu toeetUK of IN leopno, to N btid on Wodna- day of H i t week, plaM will N fteBUlaled t e tN eitcItoaofauw clnblieD at bytloek rob- kcrlptioae. T N fllil nport, atn:liif that iN Creaetnt Leegue'e baee boll Intcioek bod toB oU tbeir entte u d club opptitteiiuoea in IN are, prone to N unittite T N p r a p ^ of tN bill n iu weekepiln u r t N r ptiiM, tod tbe wbodntod NU gtUMi wUI N eoatlawd wilb- oot ttitdiiaiitton.

SM BoIN rae o f 4S Trotaaora.

to m i t jow iBM

T H R E E G H U aD R E N K IL L E D .

C n H b ti to P**th ■ m a ll to S Bride*.Tw* K*«*p*«

Patimom, JaiT Me—A borrlbk* •Uufht*T*e^ eurr*d <w UM IH« RAllnwd brtdp or«r Uw PiiMl* Riv*i i t 5:80 oVlork laat •nn liif. Fiv* eblldrto rttoralni from * bitokMury •iprYll- tion lata Barf** OMinIr with w*U-All*d b«ik*ci si»rt*4 hi tn m tb* kvldte o* (brir wiy te Uv«r toiMt. wb«i« ill n*ht«d lo * Uu* MMawiL Wb«Q i t i r l f mtoh tb« fandm*, wbleb b wUbokit M l «r footpaUi, Uw eblldrvn iiw b inlQ ippiMckltiff on tb* wMbouid track. lb *7 M*p|wd upon tb* MMboum] Inch to •M«p«. but totilid to iMMlc* a rail p*aie«|f r iniA which Jnsl kb*n, with wbksU* icfMmltif, **BM n * b l* | wwird ib«m.

■k *p* « m iMpowIbi* ttQl«»th«y Jumped l^tolb* rtfcr Aftr feet totaw. Ttw«biklreQ w*i* penlyaad with fear, and ftouciwd filhardlieeU r bator* ib* appm chbif tmi*. T&MR|in**f ■*« Ibem, but d*i« not apply tbe brvki* lootoddanty, *• ibat eoufi* ml|bt b«v* •ent lb* indn ihrcuth (b* Midi*. It wm tn •wmi B*to«Bk. Peopl* on tb* banki of tb* nv*f ibeoted to tb* chlldiwn to |*l b*iw*(« tb* »MkA bttt Ihcir ertaa w«r* ueci*** J* *■ ImteDt b**vy kiMnctlv* tinicb tb* |V(Mp of littl* « M and huri«d tbn* of ibemapen the other tnkcb d«*d. The *nfia**r m$t alminl oiBcMH at lb* «ppilllQg wftit. U* had Mraiiffib 1«f1y bwwever, t* ■Oek te bi* pcM and •tepthainJQ *e •oon u * lt bid <Toss*ed lb* treiu*. Tbe p*Mtif«ri l«A tb* can to aarer- lalA tb* eaiiM ^ in* at«p, and were *pp«ll*d a» IbateBaln* cf ibi*« alauitatmd chUdren m*i I hair ••an.

jMiTLle iNwwe, tfad tb irtton: K*lt(a Wamn, •fad uOd Hand* WtirfR, b*r iitUr. agid •if bty w«t* klU*4

Jaa* Warren, aged iblrttoQ. wai frtfbuuUf inJuTfil ; WlJll* Wartvn wai hurtid tetouw river, wbara b* wm taoDd abv* In about a fixd of water. Tb* Warren eblhircn all be- lockf to tbe torn* family. *

Ib* rrmalna of itw Hitt* glria w«ra carried taudf rly u> Uw bank add laid tklc ur tide I* awad Ik* anlT il cf ib* Couiiiy PtayUclatv aod Hw IWO Injured abtldren wem taa«ti m tb* (MwM Hcaplial. m *H tiro will teepw.

Whan tb* parmia of ib* iratormnato cbll* dr«n w«i« notlSed of tbe eiUmily tn*r* wh a iad aotn* of worn. Even etiirdy pollceiMD and hardKaed uudertakan were laoted to Uarse H*wi ol ttw iocident ipraid npwlir aixl *mi< drtsliof penobt battened to ibe pven* 1b« traiu t«|itch struck Uw llti m onei w u th« l;'A bound,ku Vewaik. OMiniy PbTMrtai) Jtmo- aw has ordered an Inquetl. Tba budM ot tba dead ebUdran Ui Id tb t morciw.

Ilf USED o r ■ObPITAt.f*

r t 0 A a o o u B r s i c B .

H atbad lite fa C oav tallaa Advaeato tba O rcaaleatlaa a f saeb laellta tU ata

Ociuit Qnovx, July 80.—A toaveniloa w*i b*td b«T* jettorday te tba lm«reil of iba d*w bMplUl movamrnt of tba Hatbodlat Epkeoopal Cbuith. Blahop Bowimd, of Bt, Lcmi* (be aeolor BHhop of ib* MrUiodM Cbureb. pn- •idod ai lb* BaonlDf scmIoti la ib* AudiUiritiin. and delivered itw irs t a^r«M. litv lubject waa "Lbciaiao fioipKala’' Sav. Dr. A W. TbMBa% of tba HetbodHI Hospital In Phtlt' dalphli, and Sar. Dr. Aim o KiUenhotia*, •uperlntaadint of tb* Methodlit Hospital in PbUadeIpbla, fpoka In the aflamooa, Th*exa •rciiae were pleasantly dlv«ra1fl*d with sooi* by Cbarlri £. Hale, a Mind boy, from Laucaa- t*r, Ooqa.

In tbe evenlDf Or. D, If. Ban, of tbe Ocean GhJV* Hygienic Initliate, gavea reoepllon and iupi«rin(Bti nii;iab^rf of tbe eonamillce anJ Uw ipewkci^ at the Hyafealc imUtui*.

The evemfii lOMlon wMwtdrv«a*t} by Dr. C, K- nu ll, of the Uolvarvlty of P(rDD«ylraala, wbo spok* oa ibe botplinl u an eduoalor.

▼ IC T im o r HABID 1>001*

FaapI* BiVtoa la Uilpoi* and MtieaarlUaing tba Maditonae

Dtamta- 111.. July 80.-Blfl*e last rarortione caaaofmsd dot bite has Lem treated by the Orton inaditou*. Trie Ticilm wasOtbaWill- limi, of Brown Ooun y. imtoedlatulr aiier MClni U r WiiiUma Uw dog lUd upon Uw b1iawar% and a party too* itened tn potiult, lorretainf aa u weal, lb* deg was not kUlid tUl Un n e tt day, and but unlit be bidVtteo fltowa olbvr dogs. Mr. WHitani hastaued to this place aad had tn* madiUite tpoceiafaily applM to tra wound ou bli band.

HitokALL, Mo., July n .—A houDd belooa- Ing to W. L. P^nkard, living east of Ibeetty. mauilflJllBff ikltympiomsoniydrcohobta, was killed Honday afrar H bad Mvageiy altacked and bitten a woman and two ebddreiL J. U aya« toiber ol one of tba ebUd ao hiiten, cam* to this city yesterday and saourrd a mad • SU'D*, the only oo* in lbs couniy. Bli eblld, e twelve ye*i-J^d dai^hier. was Mtteo oq tea arm last F'teay, and Sunday om of Hr. Pink* atd'iohUdrvD wm blUrB.

4HW8 IN RtIMllA.

The Appliealloa of tb* Edicts e f IfrSi . Agataal Hebrews Ordered.

Loirporr, July s a —The nnw *iaytt Tbe RuAlan Uorerninent bat ordert»d the appUca- (too Of lb* edicts or HH2 agalim rb* Jawa T b m adieu h ire buherto been held In abeianoa, Accirdteg to th 'B Jevrv miMt twocolonb rend* Id ceiUln towiw oaly. None wfli bs permmed to own land or hire It tor ■‘(licnJtDral puipuaaa. Toe order iDclndei wlibiD It! Hope towns and hundreds of villtgei tbal have larg,j Jaw lib populatlona

Ho Jaw wlU be allowed (0 bold aUgiM In or workB'Deia Tbt law llmitteg tb^lKldenc* ofJewi to itateen provteov* will be antoiead. No itabraw will be allowed to amer ihc army, to pracciss mvdicteeor Utw, lo ba'anem iaier or to ebler an? of tbe oiber profeanoai. They will Hso ba debarred from bolding pmti un-ler Ib* goverameoL The antarcemMit ol lb* edict! wlU r«suit In tbe aipuislou ot over 1,0IM,000 J*wi from tbe eountry.

Vtf h tta f O ra r Tfa«lk P nili*r'i Xalate#to tb* Em rura Nkwa.

Niw BmunawtcE, July 10 -T be ^ t c e t over tbe will uf -Cbarlea Uatteraly, a wealthy gen­tleman wbo lived In this city tor over tbiity yewt but who died at hl« son ThouiiVs mi« deco* ID Treoton last Hay, cieltei iraat In- terestv Ills aooi, Miitlee and Tbomsi, im dghHug rgalDit tbeir vlHer Jan*, who married Eb P. Bemid Ave dayi afrar her toilier dt«d. Chsriei H iaUided with tb* prorl tops of tbe will Initfi be'plQg his brother, who is alaKht Ignored In tbe dociimem. It la cbargiiid that Ja(M buioed papers reiaiing to ihe estate ibe plgbi belore the tunttnl; that ihe reluics te five any infsrmatlcm In regud to (be eelate; that fl.TOU which WM In a b-)z is mlismg; ibit the will If dated bieki test ibc-wniie h«r husband'i n iu e Id the wiiL (bus mshlng blm an executor; tbet ihe wm seen Imliallog her fbUtei'i baDdwntlng and (bit sbe eauied him to naka a deed la ber favor by wbleb she geu an Um properly In tbfe rity.

Farnaer*^ AJlIaoce la New Jersay.^melai to iba B m u te Kxwa.

WjUkikotoh, July Ml—Mr. Taroafg leeratary of tbe NaMoaal Farmen^ AiltaDoe, Id a talk with Ib t Mkwa toriespooden^eetaidij eald Uiat pfepani OM were belQg Wad* to begin Ibe work of argaaiiing la New Jersey n tlt moblb* Be regarded the fiate as an InvItlDg field tor tb* eliJanot, and If any lieadwiy if made In ibat dlieeilOQ tb* aiHanea whlsp- pTtae all ib* memtoTt tor re-slectloiL Hr. Ttfliar statad that tbe alllanoi expieted lo have at laas4 torty memberi In tbe Fitiy-Bcnod UongrtB end ibat it would lie able lo liold ibe balance ol power, Theri toe Mparalesbd dis­tinct alHanee of DCgroei Id the Soutb, whtcti taM IB eiwoJIed mcmberablp of over a mUUojj<

---- ----------------ALakg* Gan lA tlie ineoeaafullgCaat.

ipecial to Use Iru n w i NtwwPlaAiwymA, July 88.—Aa liameBN eeatiTig

wa* euocaHfriilf aooomplubed at the Itend Too) and M*ehiM Wocks, la this city, at 4 o'eioek yesterday artenon, wben ague lath* eoM tnttV iM *ka poured. The latbelaoM ofeaxleioftenw faiebare lobausedtetura- Ing tbe fNganiic guM tot tea oaw navy i t Troy, N. Yr TIm contract tor Um tatbae waa awatiSed (ba Fond Cbmpany by tba Ctovern nen t early In the pieseui year. Tbitoyaai* ai* give in which to compiita tbe ooolract tor tbemoMtar mecbanlcial albir. A non ber of offiotala were pneent and wiUitonij ibeoMt-

A iboU ag ieewe In Cenrt*Spatial (0 tb* SvtMiHQ Mtwa

E u ian tn i, July 80.>*a pa*baUc eoeu wm eoaetad this moroing in Uitloa Coumy Court her*. CbariM Lobenn tiUs Lobery, and WUbam Wamif, were each aeatanced to Ara year* te Slat* Friion tor Heailrit a bon* from Mr. Woodrufl of Elmora. 1/iiitos bM only batff mamed four montba while bis oompan- km bM baaa waddad a liiU* over a yoir. Both wiva* war* In aotui and bvoki mil lute tend waillnt wbtfl Mniaoea wm pronoanertL Tbe prlsawan wera deaply a ftd ed and ibed (aarij white Bm spectators in Ibe courtroom wera also vitibiy alEioted by tba ipadaole. tb e Itiaoom were qukokly lad away hy ib aU tn C

Haiaea Ownkll«g*e MeUr Bnriad*jBMiT Ckvt, Juki 18—tb a ruom l of lira

a a JHm I*, atster of lb* 1st* frimator Hosoua OMklioA look plac* tbii morning from^^r te ta ie i id e a « ,a iy e r i ia (n * l,ib H tit f AltO oTdeeh Bar. a M. Rtea pm ehad in appro- ptiaia and lauehlnt lenMm. THa friMeai wia a Monll aoe, laamiMb M It wm ferratag tea iMMtdiate taMfiy only baing praiana Tfetr*

^WUN* ap naUbaaviM. JM I M titipek tha wlftte bna >aHi|*lMd fahnabtaadkafe

WMfepMiMfad bOM JaMtf City to ib* Aunlly bWFUt flellfe <HeMioci Oaauitnb,lv«te-

Hearlwf la#Mi«isa In BnUo* HeiMWa Lawo T ba Fnplla.

Wb«D Colonel IL L. Piif*. chalmiao af Ib* to c k (Vaifity Deuoeralla arrivedM Ike Tiebuieal IchoaL building, where tee rjumlnatteos are bateff tMkI UU* aftemcon, ib rrt wera only abuul a doMB m m Idm* ^Meulv Tb* Cotentl a n a o u n ^ tbal be would wait a few ‘ mlnut«afor abaruifea. At 3:18 o’clock ba■eeted bimnlf st tee leaobeFa deck and pra- caedad le m l tba rolL Tbera wen only sli- teao of tbe toriyelx members of tee first elaas pneent H (hat Uma, but a baltdoaan mora atiegflad in whil* tb* mU waa bMpg cailad

Uitoori Ptioa made a ihort addm i te tba clam. IQ which 1m eald (bat tea new BaikH Aefeimltw M an lolrlcaia aod eomplioated law, tearatwe Inteltigeat man war* required tor tka aUcUon boaeda

*'lfwa<loaot have imalllgent man at tee polk^" ba said, mldakM may eoour wbicb would m u ll in ootaiderabk titabla '^

He aaplalMd tea maanar in wblata tea muBteallOM bad bean tueda aod aiplaUed tea method under which the axetelaea will ba eeaduoted.UoQ bUoke war* fUnWwd to each of tba asanbanoflbaeiaM aad they waca required to wnta tbvU anseara Tbere were 108 queatioM In all. Ttey partatead printipenj to ihs naw lailot-ntorm law.

Hoatofitea seboiar* in tea first tia ii wera under thiriv years of sga. Tba Mg bey '* of toe ciaii was a bald-beaded man wUb kmg wbt • whwkarfe u d bad appamitly boon lu te ll wicked wor^a tor sixty yaara

A good dH l af amuasuient was caused by a *'bHd b*y*’ of lily yaaii« wbo panlsied la loswerlDg onlly’ to tea quMtioni Mkad by Boboo-master Price, wbUa tea otban wroto te tir u iw pri on tba quamioo blank* Thei\)ioia*l called tea finy>ya*r-old boy to Yrder several Itisa* but U wss wu bout avail. Bren tee sdBoalitoa ol iba otbet aoM an bad w> affret.

” Put b ln out,'* eaUad enl Nvami of ib t'* boya'^

Oeilcioal Frio* want oa Mklng quetilont.M uoto on, tear* r ’ said lb* bad boy. Thal't

wb*ra you gli m e/' and tea old fellow look tba words oat of tea OoKmal'i mouth sud began readlog tea qutailoo. Tba VxAoml mopped bH brow aod triad In vali> lo luppreei Ibe " bad hoy." Tba old feUow penistedg bow- ever, in anawtrlfig atery qnestiou audibly.

" if yan lalk that way on efeoUMi day tha board will Mver gal teropgb," caa mau mid to iiM obsoxkHia sebota*

'*Ha wont ba ibtt%" rejoinad uotbar ioholar.

fievtiai BM itood MtBlda tba faulidUig wblia (ba first elan am In smHcd, and rnkmi every om wbo cam* out tf iba qnasilnu were e« tt gad If about tha eleo-Itoa law. Ibom man were anxioui memben of tea oteer oIim m in search of poioieia.


A Itranga Candlitan e f AAslra la an OhI* nitegao

TdlidOv 0 -, JulFfifi-'-A moel sxtraYwdlDary eOQduion of affiJrs prsvalli at Filrurtown, an aid vUlw* oa tb* Balllmora ami Ohio Rail­road, about filly oillM south of ihiioity. It has bad flva Inoeudlary fiim witein a week, and every buamam bouaa faM been da- ilrojad. The alleged aauM 1* (bis t Borne lime a |h autboiitlM paMtd an ordinance lor- hiddiitg tea sinkiDk uf any la t or til weLs uUbln tbc town Umita Hen wbo were bt>ld- Ipg lowDl.>(satblg prieca, bopiai to sell tbeni to oU men, thui found their Mplrstion* cbeckeL lleinarks wm* mad* ibat ^'wuat 1* below lb* vrouod la mora valuable ihau wbst H above U.'*

Tb* Idea teat a laottoa of a oomununlty, m is imlc.a.ed, woukJ deiUeraiely *fo lo work aud bnm up a loan wtib tbe view of oonvcitlDf tb* sJto Imo mi rroduclng Irnl ory i* tomeiblng ao siogDlu that one can traro* ly b* lav* ic m ta pomtOlag aod y«t tbil iiatamuot n pub.lcly laUmataJ by cllisani of te* doitroved vBIm *-

A CteoteoiU da’etUva named BurkeU wVnt (beta a lew d iy i ago and aoM dtclarad Ibat th* tiiiavni wire augi^ed tn • cooiptraey to (uro the town. Au Indigna Hon WM b 9bl and tti* ixeitamant beoaom lo inteuM that a HfaetDo was itoriad to iyncii biu. Tberi'Jbra no Aonday night ha wis lakrn Iro n the oilabouM ind taken to tba woods, where a rope wm placed around tale neck. It ll o’alrued U>al (hu cliject was simp v to frlffbiao (be feftow. but Hsyor Nmtwum raecbed Ib* Hao* of U* lyacblng nocta too soon, ai tin young lei^uw wm eveo (hen Imr g "Mned." Half daad wkh fright, he beggeO pi aously loi marey and pnNaiaad to Imvi tee town, _ _____

JrtKbCY O f i im TAX a n t y .

A Raw n f F a r •IgOOO-'Th* Ap- praprlattow i fur tba Tanr.

JkMCY CITY, N. J., July )o -"Ibe J:Ti>«y City Bo id of Pinaticj to-day made up th* tiHiuai budget and IDnouneed Ui* tax levy and arw proi>rutl<mv tor iha vartoui d*y boardu lor tb* fis-al year hrtinulDf Daoember 1, IMQ. Tit* ■pprfw^ailf>na, SI compared with tb* pm ent adowBPoea, ar* is taitowe ;

B(4'd«, IttA'fiO.Mtoet and water.,, ,... 868 3W fifi Me.Sto HAidtrmaa.... . 44,149 84 47,040 03PoU'w.N....... if r .n a to 4»9aiT iFue...... ....... ........... - lOUWfiSBducniloo............... 38S.449 fill 105,707 04Tlx Countsstua....... 18.000 00 ]5,a&0 40Free Libraiy......... I0,00l> 00 10,000 00Pli.ano* ............... . 833,178 48 ITT.m 80

Oraed totals...........II,798.851 80 |1.»814I5 03By deduciiog tb* moneys lo ba paio (Im eltv

byte* dtee tor k J ocIa and tea laxaUoti af rsllrgad and canal prot'*jiy, fhe u i levy flir city Ipuritnsae it n»duced to ^,400.719 Oi

lb* vaUiailoiM WlU riiu a Iwiuaen 177,000,- 000 and 178,000,000 mablQsi a la i rale of FK-M pi'i ft.OOQ. Tbir prmen*. tax rat* H tM. De­spite tb* r*duc«ton nt lb* lax rate, provisKm qm be«D midf for adduioaal polue, to ruoelvi 183 000 r*r year, and also lur a currespuudtiig Uicieasi In tbe Ara dL-partmenl fun*.

m t h h u a d n VNttvcOiEM rirjuA llav fla iid H aa Apparlntod M ambar of

tba Cnitom s A ppraU ara Board, fiperlal Dispatch lo Uie Nxwn

WAiHiNOTUir, Juiy ao.-Benator UeVbtrwon bis frilitd Id bti aiFort to aecufe in* ippijim* menl ot ai-Viyor Bonoat, of KtlsatMlh, as tha pimh ffifrabvr u| (be naw Board of t.'usiouu Appratsiri, tea Fresldeat (o-day nominating ■ T. A. Bharreiti, a local appmlselr of Baiumcm,

1 ha fiebt was (Inally whittled down betwecti ^ew Jeciay and Haryiand, tM lattar wlnnlDg throogb a '*daiU’ ef auua kind. Which b u not yat ooow to tba nrfaea.

R abrn ikn 'i Indapcndan t Rial* Tiekaf.LtxooDt, Neb-, July lU-—Tb* independent

giala cmivantlon did not aonciud* its labnri UDtUafUrl o'clock this uoriilqg, onacatidl. data tor Oetmnlsikmer of Pubilo l^ndi aud HultdiiiRa Dot b*l tg DouiDatad antll attar A (/clock. Tha fttlt Kckri ii M follows i l^ r Oovemor, J. il. Powers, of Hiitiiouch County; for UautoDant Oovernorg W. f . Deck, of gyuo- dt-rs; fe'cretiry of*, If. C. llayberry, of Pswnce ; Traawrfr, J. V. Wotfs, oftancMtor; Auditor, John BeaUr, of Holt; A(tomey-O«n- aral/Gvorgu W. B lg ^ n , ol Douilam; Com- muslooar of Public Lands and Bulldlngi. W, F. Wetfht, ot Nomsba' 6up'rtnteitdunt nf Pul he Inrnicllon. ITof«*wT D. AlmirtuJ, of Furoas. As toon u the fi:ata copveniioii bad idjFuroed ibe delegatoi to the First DIstriL'i CoogresHonal runvetitlon asseiDbltd sd-1 uii^n* Imouily nomluawd ax-fiODator C. U. Von Hyok (or Oongriwa.

TIgllant*# T h raa taa ln f t* A ttach ■ Ja il.FkMifo. Cil„ July 80,<»Vlf1iaatM nqmhair*

log flfly Of DOta mat o* Monday night oulsida oflbaoity. gheiiir Hiosley w u prlvateJytn- fonoadyaatardav of teelriDleiMled action. Hi secu^lDgiy ooiluoted tarty armed mao, T ^ f ih * ^ was *e*a at tea Jali i*m Dtgbl while m tea act ot taadlng kavaral Wlpcb*ai«rii, and bq> ncrtiboed bis Intofiiton of gtrlDg th«raoba warm racepl^on If they iftompted to attack Ihe )all H* was tetortned In lb* evaoltig t&at aa aiiack would be mad* aoma Uma dunng te* night, Tbera wera In Jell aigbt mctitshargcd Wltb murder, and tb* vtgHaptoa bad anuapnosd tea mlanttoo of bangiog ail of tham.

H urt by fwItlDg G irders. iMbfAXAfoui, iDd. July BOg^Aieiioui aoei>

d*Qt oootmod a i the A tlu Utogiaa Works yae- tordsy, A doMo man wera eugagtd in raislag sMiM beavy ghdorq wban tea nipDoris gave way aod Ibo gIrfaiV, wtigbiQg 800 pounds ta<^ bor* tea la b o rs to Ui* ground. E, L. lioug aod Cabal Em it ear* raially tejund and Faier AiMn, Allen Ilirrls aud au unknowD colored man were autouaiy Injured.

Tb* noDl* Diver** CaaaoLowpoii, July A0.-*Tbo (rial of tb i acllmi for

divorce brought by Vtsopunt Dunlo agalasl hii wife, who prerloos to ber maiYlag* was a Mjjg f tn the Ismdna music haliSp In which leadora WHthalmer was bajned M ooraipoo- d*Dt, emitfd to-day. A venikd for tb* dc< fendall WM ■______

iirn e k W ith a flaiadbag.Is Jm Um feodrig(fteDBrt hui night Jobnl*.

■robat, of 137 TIcbeDov atroeC appeared a«UMt BdwMd Maabiuig «l lllTloR«iwr tina t, abaming te* liH n toad split bn band. iMWafedMaabiili q n m M d a v a m if e i ld l- sarawd MMbaa ta altaged 4* bavt bit Jeba wltbaaandbagj MaJdag a badwtipwounA Tba aMaaad WM btid Ik ib i OMAd Jiny,


Tm r* y Tax** ib a l €*nMI laWgally b« ■ b itM o

Tba Begnilalfeu bagiin koma time sfo b*- tsreeo cuy Omaial Uwli and tea PrudenUal Inaurasoa GeMpany toohliK to lb* payoMnlol an locreaaad tax rata by tea la iitr eoDCara have ended Id a maoMr iialifying to tea (Itf, The spirK at felrwase shown the onm-

Knv, oonaMertiif Iba feet that 11 Hiiot legally und to reongnta* Hr. OoulTi rflbrti, as com*

BMdab*. Tba etiy Izaaaury wiU ba *u- rtabed by between 814,OM and 81^0U terougb tea ermpauy’a voluntary acUoo.-Tb* Mlowing eoDitnDMCattoa under dal* of

July }<, from John F. Drydao, pratident of iba Pnidauuai (loaipany, w u N n t to U(y DooDeat Coalt I *

" As you ara awara, doiiag tb* laat samlca a t tba I^bdate i* of Ibla Stale a bill fer taxa­tion of life tMurao** eottpanlM wm intro- dnoad tad paiaad. li w m geoaftily eoaoedea that tb t maanua rvferrad to waa tataodad a*< nrctally for tela oumiway. While tba bill wsa In eoaimlita* wa gave tea eabfiaci very cartful coKHtderastoa, tad tn a modidad f ain It fth aelvad onr amaut and support- AUbougb It WH urged bv tea rtpraMataUvaa of tea tily tea bill felled to rteaiva tea <)oTarq*r*k atiH pcovai. Tba same eoosidanittoss which nMtvad Dk CLTlginaily In amanliDA ta te* PKh poaad law now latHfy na of tea tipadiaucy cl tiaatlog tba Laglalatton la tea sam* mauM iaa ir It bi>i becooM a law.

* 1 baialort, wa daaira tb inform yea Ikat aa a raatUi of tea Hvarai aonferaaoM bald ^ tween youraolf, rvppaiCDtiSff Ib* eUy, and tba oAcani *1 tea oomyanir, are have ooni'liidfd to adopt Iba %wura« abova Indtaaiad, Muwly : To pay lases r,w IIM to tbo ally of Nawark on pracUaiy Iha h im bMla m provided in tba |iropoai(J law above mantloMd.

** In ordvr to sooottipUtb iba purpose wa wUI' Id daple time haod to tea Board of Asaaw meal and lUvfsion ot Tsxa* tea data tiaramary for Ibair aotton.*'

Id bw r?pty to Prasldcnt Dryflaa'i oommaui- catioft Hr. COuU aipresao* bliD*e(f as twlMg perfectly mUs(K<d «lte tea rcauUk. Hr alto rtfere to tb t period sood aRsr to* appotatmeni to tbo poiiUon of City Coonael, wnen, under b<i dlracUoii, ibawsamenlwM mad* by tb* T i i Buanl •aaloHlbaewaptny. A Itllgailoa fnitowed which andad in a ODaqunat kw tha CMDlMny In bulb tea feiproma Vuurtaad (ba (Vurt ot Krrurik Ba fimbar nniioM tea feet ibatsiDOa that Uma Um Cimpany has paal tazf* lo tea city oo a haws agretd npua, lub- atm oi to u ia tioo witeout taw. lu ootidu-

aloD Hr. Cuult u ys i* Waiving your prlvllafa under tb* law and

noi manlkog tba aiiueism po tOCaily made, vou mat m* ID a talr spirit ta regard to tew lu lled tad volautartly sgread to ba sasiaaMi tof la ic t <n lb* basis of id* bill of last wluier, aitbodgk It laUrd to broom* a taw, and oo-ier tbil agreatnaDt bavw aMoinail to pay a tarr* asmeincot. 1 foal 11 my duty u u ^ r tea nr- cumsianoat tomaka tela acknowiedamBtii to tea company In tapty to yobrcuminuDlcaU^p.'*


AvrDDgaiDonti Farfiaottii F ar m Gawdf iM* All Arowad,

This aftamooo, between tba hoar* of 4 aod t o'clock, Protaasai Vom i baud wUi raodar tba tallowing prugramma is Military Park for tba butatlt of tea chUdran :

ntoOSAHHAL Uarcb, medley.......................... ,ra..Rludlay,A Overiura, **Fuat ami Fi* allt'^„»..,.Hup<>a, A W ala *'Utua Anui* fo m tie v .U -w iltg A ^ n ta h FaadaDfu 'Loa NuTLos’*...ficnwaraA, xylupbuna «oIo....m...,m,.............,..Seiecti4.

A. T. Van Wiaktafi, ffelentoa—' ITaaiurt"..,ra........... HiilUvan,7. Anvil Po ka..... .................. ,»....a.ra..Par-ow,A Iw crlpuvL‘-'* I1to lire AUrm'’..... Hmvaa9. FVmtMie,'^Tk* Darkey’a Bteam'...Itorvea.

10. H-ieollon~*'Hlbado'\...„..,,,..... ..RulUvan,11. Bong and Baoca, '^Cblming B«ils*'

................... „...,.r....ltoilmson413. K n ir-Kae, polka...,,..,.................Herrman.

On Friday aigbt Iba nsual ooaoart wUl ba bald.

Tb« C*a«av4 Twad«SlDO* tba tarn aoksowladgmaDi na July U

U b u been ra«tivad from ** A Fnawd ** lor the NiwS CDooact Food. Tba fend now ataods iPrevinutiy achnnwlodgad. ........ 1798 87A Friand..... a„ hn«m..„h...... ..........— - i

ToUl...... rara 8707 87

Arrwitad io Naw Turk.nirodora C Laodmemer. of i hit gltyt who

was am stad lest Htioiday in Naw Y< rk chitfved with having approprtatad lao of ilia fuud» of the Hmaal Broutli Uia losuranoo <;otapaoy, of wbirb ha wss lortnerly aaora arv, damea ihe ebarr* Ha says,that h«jicvcr UMik iDONsy friJtn ibe Jiuiual ta-nrfii Ooiupsity arlibcoi auteorlty. H« tboaubt (be (wm ■gainsl him was am aitarot poUyepl.a, and fWt onufidani ibal ba would bt dlaotiargcd the mAim ni hli defence wm prearatad. Hh doua EKW tMlIvva teat tba (aatlmony given by biw 1 order ot Auonmy-GeDaral Tbbv bad inyihlng tu do Hlib deposing Praatdaut Xent fn m toe Hutusl Benefit Asauclailoo, Hie tMiiDMiiy. ha saya was raterr feV(»rable to that Dfflmal Ihaa Mberwiae. Tb* dompiaint lo tb* <waa Was uiDila by Elmar K Pannh«, tee sialstant ieo> K lary of tha cximpany, wbo sayi lu h*i afll- davli tliat tho sccusad li<ok the lauoay Itam tliir cMbdrswar, deprtiiluga check lor tb>«t amount i t tba time, wbleb was never aeuied. Prewlani Xan(, who ta ebsned with having ovtrdrawD hlsaocuuoii toibe extent of IU,- on, bMtahen bis ease to tb* Court of Appei.a Juatio* Wiuia will glvi lAudmea^eraa aum t- natlon KH J a v . ________

F «ur Haw OurpwrailunsoFour new com paatas fiiad arlicksof Inoor-

poraiui'n in the county Ctark’a oBce today. They were: Ihe lodu rated PI bra Pipe CUm- pany, of 5 erhaiilcwvilla. N, Yr* which purpoaei m«llring and iciilng pipm and draliM manu- f touired from paper pulp, on a oapltal ot 1100,- QS), wuo8<0,0nn paid id. The Incorporator* are John Weaver, Eih\*ay; Frank Ojchrao* and Adolpa II Itonumu New Y<irk City. Induriitwl Ihbr* indnstriM (’ompany. capital1100.400, to begin tiiMli.em with 810.4». In- rurpfirNiori, Frank Cochran* and Adolph II. BormAo, of New Yoik, ani Jrdin Weaver, Rah­way. This coficir'm will aim du busina*s In ULCbanlCkViito, N, Y., u d mska aibeiea frn n paper pulpi The Tbornsno Meier Cr»(or«ny, capital sionk 1400,000. to b ^ o businasB on 11,000, r>v Ibe Disking of fluid neten. Incor- poTMtora, Jnim Tbomeun, Frenk fAtnbail and Wllltua Ibiimsf^u. Brooklyn, N, Y,; KvereU L, Abbott, Jiibn UcElTMian, New York CUy. and TbcMM B. llagaroa, Newark. Tba llrgaia Protecllve Coiitpany, manufwluretii of bcaUh sppltsnoes and kindled eniclaa, capital etoak8100.400, wllh 81,000 paki in. litowporatori, Jiutui 0. Wirods and Jansaa H. Cairlugton, New York City, and Jobu B. Paimms, Mont- cialr,

Irfitriaa Oonrt CDaea#Ex-Judge Ooeken, administrator of the

t«lale ol Edward Stub, tha boar brewer, hraugbi luU th)a Bu>ruliig to recover lac from (Carles Ilurapbray for bear M d to defaudaiit nravtous lo Haiib's death. The defendant filed 'Irt olfwirof IS8 for work performed In carllni toe. coal and Ufiita, for which h* eialmad ba had not been paid, tUbongb he ack now Lud ted tbe claim against him. PiaioMT claimed that no bill hid 1fa«D prevented by tea defamlini un-il the artton to fecover bad begun. Judge Uitinr retarva t hit deeJsfoo.

C'alharlna Heebaabrifugbi suit In tee Beoond Drinot Court Ibis morniig to recover from AdoJpb Bebwan, of311 (burl street, |6 tor rent Irom July 17. Tba delanOant p rov^ Ibal h* bad olfer^ to and wa* soil wlllitig to pay the rent. BcbVari nrared to the stilsfaotton of tha .(Arturt te l l tw WH u'labie i^pay iba costa, Scbwars w uflvaQ oadl PiiOay to vacattr aud Mm, Meehan gets oothiag.

in lD f A OovsUbI**Plaadtuis wart fliad to-day In tba ClrcoK

Oourt at tua sail ot ( hi/;es B, Eaton, pialDiiff, tgalmi William WbateD, defondant, to recover l5Wdamag*'i. Wbatao, tbe dafendant, ta con- •table of lb* Becood Oiatrlei Court The prec- •a t aciloD artaH oat of tbaptisiur* ofeaiUln giiodi in an attaabment salt kroogbl in tua tatter court wharete E, a. White was plaintlfr and ChiriM B. Esioa detandawr. Baton oow dnifoithat Whtieo, In bli oapaelty of oonna- bta, has wftbbeld a gold watch, a gold ring and other ebatlais, m all valued at ffiOO. Eaton ataoeeeka to recover damages upon •DOtber coani In tb* dectaratloo cbarglng tbe oowta* bta with awwuJt aod Imt'erv. F ^nk If. Hr> JOennit will reprearnt comp ■toanl and C. E b, Thofu will loo* after the intoreiU of Wbafeu,

A New Ledg* Organiaed.Newark Lodge, Order of tba Royal Ark* wta

oiganlied i t library U allliit nlgbt with tec fulliiwlnf oOloeTi: Pm I prestdeat, C. J- Brown: proaldent. Uoary Uass} vioajiX'ildenl, Henry k March bank; eacratary, WlfHaa Btovensi tremurar, A tkxel; manbal, £. LcmUb ; cbip- taiu, John H. lUirIch; warden, P. F. LalUiolI aurgcoo, William Zalmkla; mediCM axialtiar, <1. E. Pottorj trtislecA W. U. CamAeid, J>aac Edwards and Beery E Hsrcbbank. Tba lodge will moot on Monday avaalDg nazL

A Cfeimna** llran g * 111n**p.wKarl Fkitmaa arrived In New York frnm

OennaDy tera* wfcke ngo and ea Monday cam* to Kciiark to look for work. Thta iftaiv noon on* of bta feltow-CDuntryMM) foiod Km I aUUiig Id MiBlary Park moanlug and ta pain. Hta fece waa fiuebed aod b* had avary iFpaa^ ADC* dfsoBlTiogfrQM Ota fim mafia *f Maall* M At loaitet fiatiiftete -tomdr -4fer tiaifoMt wnlktd fauman to polk* beafiABartaM. from whanc* h* wm amit to tea C K yM pilti ta l l* p itrtl wagtih

THE TAX RATE IS $L82L 'T 0 W N 8 M V A S S E S t O M S T U I t O M

» N cup O n a ra la a N M n R A o t ■ Ptarrir CoaiM t N r laaraBaaK TbIbbiIm o A ra

C » p B lla f l la YIbM Ib Ou C!b m ^ M aa-C B B atr K ara

oBiii iB n s ia r ra B ra a o B a i^o u b o B iN H a riS ra ia t MW N « L N iw m i n a o o M H bN ibb, OraataTU, Blaan-

M, CUOmll M . lATlapara IL M

I N r tn l t i r i l N i N B i f AtHNNMMI•Nw Iba g iM rtl 0001117 and all7 l u IBM la N 1.R tN o tlT talaa lO M la LMN. I N t r i IN oounl, waa Ixtfl Bi . IM TBBMfdar.

ANi aura ibaaBBiM art N aiad fltbtla. M ahlrb laruaii | — *—»-**an bad traaM M tuaaab w-ia roartad MaianK ttia draalir Board or AMBwaa latlafdflr aflaraara laarirad laaolwpi IN ToluaUoM a i pnoaaMd b rN a Am-aoi on Huntar loal, IN laM bMlp P ra t ol .MM bf a uualiaoaa raia.

flrciMa.7 Burla itad Um n p o il a t tN a a ih BIUM o ^ n l o d M oaetiMla IN a M o w ta a d kMailm of I N a Mb of IN Otbata 1'nlnaM BooLibt na«n baliw lb iN M ira t f aa loalloii floB IN t ark m i l•fid ___Oronpa ilL Wra I N a f t floolli ( f l ^ M i , Kotioiait L T N H au tra l .haiaa waia aMiad ai M , of ablcb VlrptuM NM H, Raw York Id aad bnuhlin fl Uw laaoalBdtt atk M M | » BMDiad for.

OooiBaifoatr Lowr, M ,law a f IN fool IN I Iba riaoii vaaUeaird an ta rru i i . MofadUwl Um n lna iM u alna N laorta tad la rniaiTlHa X-Bta OonJoii and Rndtr laararad INUOA and Uowa OtOaBa, N b tr , UaMlIim aad BoitIi oppoiod 11 -tiraaoualy.

OMakrioiMr Inwg, alMr OMapUsaalMp Hr. Coadll on iNodwiliabla ■ tn m r In wbMA N bod ir-oaiiillitaad bla work, biuraroaUr o b u m d Ibal » 1 N p i- i ls u td a , Um IM virk onliDiaDi bod itaotad tba-r oonatp bfOMiaa wllb oouUdonbla paMraWlr, wla-d ibtuk dUHd Umm. om., and bod aipooMd tbal MW tN i would N B c n traolabia o a d la M m paibf wllb IN proMal Mr laoiaaUoc UM a r i aouona I miukw K urphjw aa 'ed lokoowH IN dlonff bod kata laimdail a tublarllipa Mr workiai a poinA lo Wbkb Hr. U1W71W piud la (N Bog lira

bartaiiiifkD ou Ajuutnoora -Tbi- qnHtiaB igtm ba on liid -owo Ittafl*

Hi. Lowj raoiiBiMd, " aad tf U k a t | daaa ib liT M rttw m N w to N diaia atxiTaaa Id Rewark w t bara d w a ooawloDitaBi warL and b a n plao-d IN a on ■ ■ m l n a Mli aad rquhaUi b tu a"

" l l o w a u t b l - l i r lakad baM H r BaMiktoa.

“ T-b b IIIIoo, '' wto IN raplT- "T N b 1 MOW IN I aao lN r ■UUra N

oddod to u ." I N oioiloa woi aol pat.A n u m IkOiBp eUiBBd ibat i n raiato

Ikxu la Rawork lo bodt IbiMbow bod aol bran aqaiBbit. Ho lalorrad la IN WllkMraa A Uodlla boUdlnp ol IN onnor of Pair aad Broad HiwU M a caw lo paint. T N prnpaitf, N -aid, N d onl7 baan tiH aird ai MMIA anrailp iblrtp per ot u , rtaJ n la a , aol- wllbtiaadiDp Un laoi tbal a btola of M 7 poi nni. wt. luppot-d to N r t bw a pauMaiJj •dii|n«j wllb r«|Mat lo all o-oraataaia

Tim- war do ttplp to Hr. DaCbMpii paw ; Hr. Uoril- nm -itlBp Iboi ftira b k N lU liiltp • wltb tb . linUlpilura of H aw arkN wM qalM eonlilrni tb-l a |iwot doal ot pnM inr bad oolr boaa iM - t r i at Iba tblilT par m i . rato.

A rnw r Bark ao rad , la w d n to MliK IN dttcuMhw 10 a okra. Uial iN VtluatMra a t n . poriad 00 H a id tj ba tdoptad, T N war loti bj a rota of u to ui CoMBMIaaM Riebudi pcMttMd ipaliiM I N doWiMUad ■tand lokoa bp IN towooblp mhomu^ wN bid andaiillj HUloo la ibair own aUudi IN qiKrUoD l l Woo. tl wm 0|ipaiwBt Ibai ao IM CIHN doom roMlUr N OftOlod t l IN P-Ml ant lima, 'N -aid, but li wm bopad Ibitt aooUi-riMr would rrm ll dilkraoilp,

WNn Hr. Rlohuda oat dowa a-arpbadp a N pot up. and. tpoortap AfoaiHr Da OiBplB IM> UoD to odiouni. aiorad abutil I N eoi)itraiiM ■ iNupb dupauad wltb iN iirniitiillnqr

YicUHiKi ra TBI no waoun a AI roBBlMiuNr Lowj'i iiiipiH iai i n IMm

u k M uann nilrNI i n a Mw ountiiM to MUioDKotiinnitaofaoiliiB. TNooawrwKt •nd-d ID iBTor ol IN n ca la iraa l knnnUp piuiil,, Ibt onniakiioiitni apiwalop Ibal Am ib « dtoouBlou ol IN raljaei Would prwra luilla

Wb-a IN BMortap wm laooonoad O a ia la iBlaloow Rodu ixplaloed i ia t lu riow t l iN la a Ibat Uh deiirwl tueraoM wm aTidoadpou. or Ibt qiMkiioo N would Bkova tbal IN riluailw i M aroaiBid m i tp o rM Cb b b M rlouer Lovp wtMitMwJ iN mo loa, aod IN pniiilpt amqillu,i of Iba ralaatlow PUtoWld. tor Harris BonKl I ten par « n i . ladaw lion 0.1 ib« puilt. wDirb w v a 'M odoptod. A re oluilon wo, .diq.led -diKMaiInf onIltiDtl Bu.ulh'- I N t 10 IN — ------ fo, |p (kWuik .111 a Ibr*. pattii' toria or odloa TN iDwiilBf IN n adJuuiTwd.

Two C b tip m A p tla ii Rowr Womow.An unpnpo-iMtlop qDorloiM of feoialaa

'wood ptoknii." w N won lacwdnl «ntbd iltiow H arr Branb. mod twootr-iwo; KoM Hmlib, fortp-two I AiigaUu Laptnu Iblilp- ■•too, and Horton BoMfonn forip, til oTIM N u Kidbm Hrtri. won onoIgDcd bopm Job- lu t Viii Ni b tbw raornlnf o b iifn l wltb com duoiiua iiitBHtTa- In a dkoedarip m oaNr ou t u pnBiM ot Jimpb V. Borraii. oi l l AilM- TlIU tranur, and ul tb n N ip laa ibaamlTM to Hr. Buwotfi wood plla AU lour won aOM T|ci«l of tb t bm cbona tod wrra paid |P oaoBf Ibe Pimth woman pouip to JiU la dakiM of papaitot______

PrlT ito O-ttrlait la jarw il, *Twonir-ili BoBban ol IN Plnri Pcffhoal

want 10 BcaOlri rtaMrdop for itflo paeU ra Wliil, Prlvito (PBrloa, of CarapNp 0, wm •Bonilna on IN ItU-poid rtniA a doieailTt u n n u p . w N noN h'irpedtnnw upU w b iw tt of Iha ilflo, tort IN powdor flaw lultf IN «u«nl.Buui’( epot I t ottiiad preal pain and port of tba powdar wm rriiiorTd bp OurpouM W tllaotaod Alicia M loi ttictr pnmnoc IN poonp a u n mlptat N ra ioil bu UpbA ___________

A Bald bwcali Tbief.A bold ibicr •llboud An •ntranoo Into IN

lotimlry or llic bourn at. Ipb Oonldo atncl •hurup tn'oi* 11 o 'o iuk ib lt Bumtnp. Hia Lrwfl Ituih, who war tio n , lb IN N um. o ta it upon IN follow loiMniilp and xaTaoBolatak The I lilqj rprA np 1 hroufh Ibo wIdJ uw bp wbicA he N l onirnxl and laocNded lo ra ta liit foiod hli iwotpc. tahinp with hlra a quouUtp od ohilhinp. Tbc ccM wM rcpoitod to IN flecowp I*i«;iiKi Polloc Ulalton. __________

iiccth t t W lllla n O tw tlbcad .William lin tib rad . CtUitr ot Ncratarp Will-

loin E. am tnead, of iN Aqoadnot B o ti^ dfcP iwHaniy at bk boBH, U l Unloo ouect, Mia Bioralnp. l i t WH atrcB ip-H na po tn of cpw cm! wsi Imn In Rnpicnd. He WM lonBi tip cnpapi-d In tbc U'b boi b iu tnci. I N fluerri will Ilk - piece on Pildcr.

A flrcMMcn H adip Darned-WillieaUrinp‘. ln |tu l i i ;b ic e l r ' 'a i btobotra

mMurrUtud N ax Hoilmud av< a- a MB ak ld Cimrlm Hicliou, p rnaaaa of the ddacrCMw offloa, bnd I om I tndr eewerelp burned bp IN lenbrequiu on IN table eelcbinp flia.

F a ir t a d W arm er Te-wtorrww.Wirirar, rtlrwcolbar, w iihVnilberl| windi

It nrwiictad bp IN Iflealher Bareettlm Ib k ' lonlllp lo-morrow.

Iba nnpa ot IN H ap eraam n t IN leit Iwalre boun. acoiiidiiic 10 me retold oept bp Cbarlea nortdaten A Uo.‘a can Braed Mieel w; PA. U.,TI»: f A. iL .If 'l .P A . H-. «t°; U H .- W>j PF. M.. W°. ___________

V I T V N B W 8 M i m u .

TN aininlon of tbe Trotb ffeid a e « M Rpp^Uh bch.tol loll Newark lo-dap.

Tbrre will hi a DMilnp of tbe raanapan af Ibo Fuller tlooH to-Borrow t l B F- H. ol UM Nme, IM Bellerllle annue.

Two Irtloc ol twenlp-lwo eon iefl IN Btaaf IHii^i fliauon tbla BornliMi eoutalttap tbe X H. U. A. axcurtloolafo ft). Ocean Orara

lienrp Pater ONiilnp, a b o a tlfH atraaiM waa picked np inaena on IN a tne t pealeidii elloniuon and aeol to IN Cnifllp Aapliuo-

A pom, arldanUp Ihe prapeitr Of t pMM Ip PHdp dreunutaaon. and ooaUlnli« t laa ll «iB ol Bonap, w h piebad up «o a t i r t inriUBibc nioad litee t Matloa for n u a M leatndap, at I.PflP- H., bp CoubmIIoc Ctolw Bcltd, Ol HN Broad kuaet, w N ia i n owaw map call fbr It,

TN Weal Hewoit fMeBpciband wm m Orpoi'.lMd N t Blpbl la AINit HaeNrIe-t Bt) View Pirk Hall wllb thlrtp a rU n B a ia lH Tha tormer pofolra mainben bara aW promiaed Ibt-lr co-operailon. Baaata Joafl vtiL-min tnd Ptocbei were appolotad a ceM mlUse lo prooute a abpiiig dlraoMt,

Baw to la e rea te Iba FarahaalBg fW «« af a OoUar.

With t detarmlnaUoti to eanp aMblap oem tonailie tion we N re m edea aweeplBfaM lo cut rati dapartraeol met will eiap«p A M Ibort order. Aa en Uuiaunlkin:

BauW Sue AII-woarBMok M n t BoNoafl flam tu to tin Verp aupertoi Hwek CNrMP Sulk ttom t i6 IO n o ; One a l l - i ^ fN U N areA In platdr, ebeekicN urlpaaJIA M M : f i 0 foMionabU wMe wile BiaekW«U«ft

^ k S r t w w ' N d -U y ia lw e ie d M f lM R ^

tX C I P * T 8 U N O A T * .

leu FMsliiu CmuT,M No. BROAD STREET,

■ •w o rk , H. a .Ak-QfNi w w n M d i MoUir.)

■DtwHhtUnAtni th«M olltfod faclt, tk*TVm A tu r itm wcnM biT* tli* cM iUli* l l« » l fM trlttlasi c a n p i tb ir ttouiTnJ, M U » t t1j« "loodlti*’' procilM caiM be cor> r ie i o« wllhouV heaper end l« the com­plete Mtlefeelloa of the-loederi.

The TfiM itairweii, le w n llp petrlellc, tod naoell]’ on the etde of the prnple, hp loiae BDrortuneto eircuinXeBce ii dilTen (e the cbeaptoeeliip of ■ bed eeeee a«4 to ea eihibitloe of l i l e i l f oot chertcter- Utie of tte n iu tl eearee.

1s t

Oolhfoni by carrien In tny pert of the r, and O nnge , Harrieon, Koerny, Sum-, Betleeilla, Montclair. Bloomrield, and

O l Bointa in Eiaea County.I W H beciiptiona fi«o dollan a year, or

M b oan tt a monthjDoetige free. S n f te ceMoii two cent!. Delivered by carrion i*

, tart ceitte i week.Oidiitary advartiiemente on third and

I b r t l i p d tw . ten cento a tme effete Ad»at1l« iia in to under heidi of Wanted,

T o u t , For Sale, Reraonal, etc., one cent i • a id . but no charge lew than ten centi aach hteartian. .

WEONB8DAT, m V aO, laXlL


DcrwOT m a * 'iu io ii" m W X N lM

MBW9 trtiele !■ <M U U AT T U W mm m m » u ft9 W iA » o t at

JMSBT ria ip fU'UPO LAimiM M H uw ai, fpwravfisttBBAJIB.

iH B W ltn u l a eeii«> to r m r u ia a e - o n m Dtrr ro# rtta t i ie a n ee* M o v t t a M R S , re te a u t u eOTarHet


A U T n r A O T O H T T A X ■ a m Tbe lax rata far Newetk Ihia p w haa

t e a l i e d e t M.SI aa the ttOOk The at- a t l i le tte r thaa It bM beea la

inwawel peati,la d ie tla a la the la p a it te to a

, M dielr to a teaenU aC faew la aaM iiacatt. rial eakaaoM itat la ealaatloaa

•U,«M .«0O, af o b M | 10,DM.0a0 a t apaa tba ttiablaa faaad

■ a m r k aad apaa th e• r ip a t tbaae IItIb i la I

k ^ Hack propel IP that ka i hera- laaitla* baa baea aab' i t . The O oraleew B an

I keaa dlllfciit la earoklai e a t a elaae ea who hantofore keva reeaaellad n a i d e a i i i t e a b a t paMM apAalaa,

kK right e r Ofonc, hat btaadad te I l a t dedglaf, Boma hefeia aieaearea

. ' t l e a b taa adeplad ta c b ttk the tandeaep IgoeaM M k la g fall n to ro i with reeallt

't tH t era tUattaA bp the n i t daalded ■gaa tU i ■ araiag .

Tba laaeed b a faod e»e aad jrlU re- I le ad to tba acedll a t th eekp; BIgh taxei a n gaaen llp tba

a f ladHhraa*l td n la l i tn t l e a B tM fal hadaenaraxaeatlTa a ipaad l-

L e a taxee ere a alga a t belter thlage | m I B a r t ea l a f a tia a tbr feed apoo tbaae i’^ilaae e f t m caaepel tbeai le glTe bead ta

i B B a t te n e f nealolpal detatU W ith a tew tax n te , le d tbe e o a t la f is t

M apfUed ta tba aetaal aaede ot tbe J ig , tb e U ipapeie aea feel aeaatei th a t

^ iM lp a M Ie Ibnda win be phwal Ibli peer ^ where ibeg will da tbe a e i t leeA,*

r o f n a t

iM o a i.M f b i a g w i t B a v m . w x a n c a

Beaeler In f illi b trpinp ta m e H ih aad la toadplag le tbe F in a e ri' AllUaoa cteaea Ue bat lelrodaced, bp rtgaaet, ioiae e iln a rd io irp blllt ea praThnu eo- aeatvai, bat n e t be fetbert e bill '' te ee- Ublith an a ieoetirt d v p e rta iu t e f eoii- rnanicilloa lor tbe porpote of traneralltleg tnlegrapliie and lelepboolo cuaiBaBkar tinni for tbe people at eoet,*

Before the eaMloB le tbro ti|k tbe J ^ n i t f B ea |ta r will be p n p se la i la eitablieh a NeUooel loitititllaii a t a leeam yaarp boal- blacklnmndroirT-enoibliitfoTlbe parpen of urbealiiog tbe rarel bepieadenoa their elelte te ranitnerclel aeilree.

" A iberk with a eel ef fa in tiwtb I* It the leteit Fire lilaod fUfa capture pern. The fellow Wet wore tbe teeth orlglnillp bed been dlpreted. ___

I t tl refreebiai to Sod a Bepabllota repreoetitetiTa who e n te r ta lu Ih i Idea that a O o n |re ira ia o a fb t ta owe blm- n l f —;a i t a Illtla. Mr, 8trabl% e f Iowa, la exactlp each aa Indlrldiiil, tad ba baa tatted the tteadird of recolt i i i l n i t tbe ■atoenep ef Dictator Btod. Ur. Birubla

bean Irploi for eight p ta n to got a" U t of pork” oat of the pabllo balldtngi “ pork barrel” for Bieox Cliy. Ue |$ tbla Deruore through twioe, b at th a t dreod- fnl Demoerit, CleTeland, reload It etch tin e . New that tba Bepobllun path to, aad BTU Uroogb, tba W hite Uooee la aaiaoth norm llp , U r. Blrubte thlake ha ongbl le get hit wbark. But “ Tom ” Bead, ef Uelne, tlaad i like e gbeet to ble wap l t d ■eaaeioglp warei btm beck. Be n r a d out pttterdep i " Not one of ui poor, oowardlp MIowe oTrr bare hae beat ah it le get reoognttloa to noce tbe ooa- aidoratton of oae of tbaae bllla aod we bare beea U nled a t If wa Were bepa” After n a e good-baaiored ebeff a t tba ax- p eu n ef Speaker Beed'i peteoiel appn r- taa% Mr, BIruble eeaolnded with the do- fiaat ehlbboletbt ” I aSi for trbem oi • g a u i l tbe rullig e f tbe Bpeekei.” Hr. BiruUe* arfdaatly roaefaian th a t wkUa It le fn o a j to n o aaotber fallow d u c e a |lg la fa tten (he prifonaaoot It. not amnilug w het penoaellp tpp IM .

rreeM ea t H errleea aad W an eau k e r Atlaok the l-aileilae.

Pretldtul llerrlioa peeietder eeot to rnoa e uiewre, aoounipooled br e K'ttet (ri>iu I'oilmoiiter'lieiierel Waoemiin, In wht h I ‘leirreae l» aikril to glee lb- IVihifllee Dep irt- BK'uiruek poeetei will effimuallr >Oip lot- bur cuniiiaiiMa hum uitng the malla Tbo Fiveldeiil In bU iioMere :

” li Uie beuufui effecte of tbe lotitrlee were ouetned to tbe Hilire iliat g « e (be ootapiolee ixirpnraie pewen and a Ik e u i^ o OMiduot a l uriiieai ihe citinm of oiber fllatee, twine puWMlo-i to ipp lr legal lemedlee, mletil clear ibeiiwlTaiorrariioiuiUiitr by the uMOlHOb tnocal aaeaciar u ware witida tiieir n u b . But [be COM ta not ea Tbe people of all the Sietet am drlniu bed and delraudad, Tbe raw aumi of inuner oDrred lo tba aiaWi Pv rbaden ere drawn Innn the people of tbe V olted Haiia end the r.eiieni Ibifrrmnent. tbnugb lie mail are- Uuu.U oiadf tba effective and lamllable leedlum of Iniorouuma buiwiHio the lutlair «unpe"f aod 111 wctlma Tbe uaa of tba nal'-a^b quila aa m enlial to tba oumranb'i aaiba Stale IP ecnaa It waald be pftoUcailr lapoadble Wif Iboee nnnpin’ee to eiiM tf tbe TeiMIe mala were ooee elf> oiuall; eloaed agalnit their ad- Ti-rUernieniadM irnitmo'Wa TbeuH of tbe a l i a by ibae coinpnniee le a proatlietfim ot an agency only Intended u> airve purpoaei of Iciitlmaie trada and a deoeni aiclal inlrn ooiim. It a ant aeooiaary, 1 am ion. tor me to attempt to |«rtray iba lubbcry ol tbe poor end Ute wideepnad eurruptloa of public and pelrate morab, which are Ibe nacee-ary tnel- dema of ibMe hHtety echemea’'

The nmiiece flirther tilled that a raw bull- oaaa wa« bring carried on at WMblngtm by aaenboruie bn'err eompany, and ttiair eon ruiHlngtobcb bad taeo felt by Uorernmaiil ompkiyoa to nooclualua, Uu neetaga Hbi I'onireu to e,neei nicb Mwe n wl.l glre the IbKioOn Depaitmibl power to ctoth tno ertl, and alto rcgolaia iIh nairylng of letieii by Ihe iip n -a eunpinlei n a i lo ptvveni the me of tbuee eg -neiee to tnelnlale oonmunleiuloo bo* iweeii toe M ery rompeulea and their aginte Of euetOham In olbii elilea

In h a tenet Hr. W iuinaber aye he (rea ooeipeliod. 1* raw of tbe uiffeni oeremilei <d Ibe oa-A to n tte lp aa iM annual icpoii In re­gard to me of tbe ieii<a by Ibe [/niiilaut fat- lery tlnwipany. He leyi ihal, nolwlthamtid log the deeiatauon ibat no leuen and elmiliia cuneernlng mtartie [ball be a n te d In iha ■am, and Uial laihllo HuKoiemcaodenaatbe aaaoftue FeabifBee tet lottery purpoaea erery railway poaul ear, alar route, money order aod •uflatry c a n li in actire daily me by the l/m- lalaoa Lottery Canpiiiy ; Ibai tbe iortbold of tbe hdatuere eeema to lie (Inner, la opereilDoa wider and ilaenterpiliMliatdir (ban ecer be- fun. Tba ran buainea la terrIUy damoral- lung to the piwml rarrlea

Toe roetfUeear-Oraerel to conolualon itetoi that ae he a utirriy |wwerlM to eol HU paa)- ttoa a a bumtlmung oae, when ba oinieni- pleioe tbe Ibol Ihal the entire miaStne llepen- ■eni W, In polBt uf ibet, tbe ptlnrlpel aeeol of the LuubIum Well toiUVT t unneny, and tU t every exiebUoo uf Uia pielal ayiam ipreede th i burilul pciwir aod tnXueece of Ihal euat- pany. He pcewufe tbe draft of a biH wbwb, tf enacte I Into law, will enable ibo depart- mom to gel Util tm lneii bodcr otmtnl.

TtM bill a tbe ene rwpurted law week to the Uouee It-iB Ibe OemmlUee eo rualoUote aod FoeUoeda

A H M U K B a U IK K XBNOB- A tHMet fO M i IkoB WaihlagtoB. I t h

t i g Ibe c lbe t th a t Secretary af Stale Blaine ' U b v ia g ta a td u e poaiiiiili a a f a W ait

'U U a W m I , t f the •agar-ptadticlsi va- sligy. *■ aaaaxatla i to ike paeecmiMu

:« r tb a ‘DbImA Siatda. Tbli aatlea , ea .b a * , baa a a t pot ibawn ta p dteire ta go

K^'.isSa ibe aaaexlBg baelnait, a t aup rata la ^ y c f t f a i aatlp lag Ideadeare ooiaaraed, Boo

UBaal ta aap d lnetloa llkelp to lead to "eataag liB t iH tu e e a ''

T h a t Oeiiida n ay irlH lata tba U atM gMMT o r la tar b ana thing, aud th a t e ther

; iSHaa af U txlt% haowa aa I awit flalUbrala, IF ba aoqalrtd Mme dap ia anotbrr, but

ib a UiM id Statoa bm aet pet, and prebabtp a e re r will, get bald of Orand mother BrUabnia’t M et tbgl It b a good tblng to go Boaiat around for any looM hftudA aud tbea aqnattlag on tbaD, ar W ylag thatn a t bargala iai% o t la ie x ieg theta no r* o t 1m leroIMp, wltbeat ta p legUlaiata Jnetl-

Bottnoa n lo a a id non-naloa atroet iw eepen tba ‘Nei| Torkert dad dIrip atiwota, Tbty bara gat fiaattia, but not bettlUtdA p e t____ ________

A earioiM atale of affaire a tu it e i i i t ta Kueelaa Mtmlled ‘'J o a ta tlM lo ” olnlte, when tbe paHat a n m b palled to ia le rftre w ith the dramatic erltlee ta d oeapel th e n le alga a pledge aet to blaokmall tba the- atrea aad ooacert h t lb bateafUr. Tbe dltpalckee Mete that " tltap are alM ra- ^alred la eatai Inta aa ig n em en t ta eon- See Ibelr tanuDeata eaneeraloi all plaoai ot noueetBeat to I tt llin ia tt crtllcleoii ef tb a outerlalnBeate, rerrOBalitloe are oot nnder aap citcaBitancw to be p rra ilted , e a t rloleiieet of tbeee eeden a n to be pnoitbed leTerely.” I t It Impoecible le extend aap eyupatby to Iba Boailao newi- paper a m ; If they deeerca lucb dlecliifln- iag they do not deeerci ipoipatbp [ tf ibep da not B erit eacb polioa tneliaeiil, p a l aubmlt to ih lyaip itby woald ba w iattd upon tb e a . ' Somehow, there ia a pelofal (uipiofon that tbap a n b e ll i treated eiactlp In aeoordeaoe with Ibe yeritlea c f tbe oane. W hat with tbe " olanjaen ” in Faria aad tba eubaidlaid critlot ia S t FnleribBri. aad probabtp tbe combine of both olemoati la Vienna nad Berlin, tbe tbaaire-goleg pnblto of Europ b u BOoh to endure.

Ib e ra h a re beta nperia that Sponlik c ttnw la tie ten bare beea oflbrlng to tall Otba, but that h knows to be both. I t teeme la he trOA bowtruT, that a n r l of aam BlBloser e f tba Domlnlnau Bepnb- iM b u baea te c iiil Mr. Blaiaa a t Bar Harbor, aad ib a t eUoa oa bla boela Mr. DeuglaB u r ir e d bare from Bepti, an tb a baiffbodloi w i l t to kaow “ Wbat le H r. B lalaffatl” .Well, ba tia’I baylag W n t lad la M aadt anbeknown to OoDgrelA on there reallp la not uiocb h im d to bother abeat w hat ba weold Ilka to do.

A rU B A

I t B iB i tbero It a Laka Tcbad In A M u ; wonder wbetber It eontilo i Bore bonei than tba Delaware rarle lp I

A T T B H rr 1 0 HVBH A TrF.HXIlH*T,

A Otee of Ineead larliia to M eearered


Oooappiag tbe Ooiqno poiUlaa of being thua fbr Ibe ouly newipipet In- Iha State a f New J e r u p to efagoplan the oanie of tba a p t te f le u pewer tbal aoeka to do- p r i n tim dUee and townt of a mcaotirt- bla tajopm oot of Home BuIa tba TVw AmcrtMa of T n a to u la bound to a ttreal atteatioB and aecun Uf iteelf a uo to rijlp to o a d sr tb a n it It laudlblA The claim i ■at foetb bp tbo BriNtlfO Hxwa that If tba peopleebill fill into tbe (rep eet for them bp Uie mpetorioui men who Kope to enjop tb i reealU of a change In the Conett- ta lioa , Ibep will loclte d iru tr r , a n tufcnlonilp met by the Drmoeratlc organ of U e m t County. Ily w ip of pro- llB toarp, tbe E rax iiro Kawn b u held th a t a re tu rn to the meibvdi of uricen peon ago would be to remove Ibe only barrier between tbe commnelliee end tbe tpoeuiaterA Who Would rejoice in the new opportneltT to work tb ilrp ti'jec li through tbetoopUantoT too oue leu logieletnroA A change In theOanititotlon would nmke te- cure in offlee tfaAmen who ire euappeted of biTing originated t l ^ id u of dollVFr- Ing (be people over w tbe noilmtted de- yieia e f tbe Jjpbber, Ibe iperolitor and tbe fchaB ci, who are g lilog It hearty luppurl.

Tbeee oontonlioni a n mildly reiccted by the TVne Aiaeri<a«; they u e nil bruihed briekly away with inch argomerit an tb b :

Tnli-demtod b u beau to g a it , tin t mum- (IpeiUim bare taken tbe ruk o( uncuntLliu- ttaial lawi retbec Itaan not bore any, and In eonrequasoe tbe etaluia booki are loaded wUb torn wblcta, prcteuding to be general, graiic tpieial power to rpodal muolclpaliuiti. Jot- ley cup. atandlog In g olin ultb Hewerk, b u a new cbertar whieb duel not apply to New­ark i Hobokou baa a law to pay pbunomcoai wagaa to bar poUee, while TreoioA beio'iging to tba B B i eiiB, liulatoe bcrulf Irutu the law by aaotaei law nppoted to ba general, CabB OBOty waaii to bnlld mifartamlxcd •rede and a<A a law whkdi planea tiarocr at Iba niercy ol bar eitruTtgant Board of arrve- bolden i Heroet wanti to build ib« oidail aTo- xua bridfo, and a tew U pawid which auifao- riaca Unioo to entar os etnllar work wilb- ortl a dotirw In tba treasury arm k n a an nn- llBttad aaeoom ot botida And » on down the ead 'iB line ot mauletpal demandt tha ebangra might be rung on a eyrloB wblch bB rednoed ourBunlcipal towCoaebana

'Tbkt aoridiltoo aod this atone bae created Ike daw tad lot iba mpeal of tbe amendmeul, and Iba SeeMliy ti>r ibat npeal le eo groat gy to oTOt-kailanaa ton to oua any other non- UageiMy which b tlkely to be mot by epeclSo uaeodoenl of tbo Cmatltutlon.<Macardlof to tkU aitnm ant, Ib aa ta ta to

boakA n«twllbetond<vf tha i tn e t conatf- toUaaal tahibHIoa, " are loaded with lawi • • • which grant epadal pawat

-vlf ipaelal manlcipalnieA” To ellgcb tbn saa taa tiaa , tba IVae dBerieca proeeoda to g i f t a avsrttff of what IldM an lafqnlt-

; g*g EHiaBNa pnanad epaclallp far tha I baa a l l af oeriain loeaUUaA And

. I t It eurprtiing tk a l BrIUab eip toreri ihnnid go roving and wnaderlog lArough tha tnekieea reglooi of forelf u contlnentA while fully one million iquirn milee of tbe ira a of Cinpdn tre nbeolutety unexplored. Even the likee nnd water courtea which are pot on tbe mapa ai fringing (bla dork urea a r t located tbeia on Ibe aulboiUy of a Mr- Bearn, who, lorat 120 y e an agA m ida uniyatematiA nnwieniiSo and nn- offleltl ptlgrlmigee, e i tend log oyer tbren yean. I t la u ld that lu Iha 300,000 aquara nillM of tbe interior of Labrador, coneern- log which tbe EiKialuAUK tre the eole •ORiCM of InfidrcQUioii, there are ba u j DMurei woDdm, iodiKliDfi; the f«lU of the QriiDd EtTer, wbkh, If ibe £>quimiiQ'i deerfipUoni n t / b e credited, tuuit W Ibe bigbeit in tbe worlds Tbere u ie j be m inertl turprUoi aiio ta Iboie rfgloui, RDd u a, bick treil could eu ily bo kept opeu lU eiufpriiiog tbiit lome s^eteiueUo effbrti et eiploratioc hive out beeu mede. I t would be fuuiiy if a wigeu cniUTaikof

penoDilIj conducted^' (.kiok'i toartiU ibould be Ibe fliit to bring into uotlce tbe wondcri of tbe iuUrlor of CAUidt.

C m * of ln«»odl«rkA4ift toalait la I I mim

Ar «tt«»pt I t Artua w u dtoeorered l i A torge flTf”iiot7 brtok toieniein bouet alIH WUtoH Ptimtg New York, r«HrrdA]r eltordoon,

ibe rcoBri bf M w o u WftMbioor, oo tbe •coiMMi flour. TwoRijr-lwo toaliM life lit tbe

RDii AdjotolAg to AooUd«r kutuiDi im i> Aitied br A like oimber.

WRnuluuar to A l*Dlj»it ill prat p#d4 let. ebottl foctf ftMin tM, Uto toailJy (OMliij ol bw wlto, H a b h b , ADd Are reuog cblWteu, one a bob* to Rnat. Tbe VAnebeuen Bored laif Um koRM About Ua loojubi ega

Winr'bAucr Wt bto boiM fAiif iR tb« dRfe And Aboct 4 t/rlock ittoirdAjr iftetuoan bli wlJi look tier cblidreo eed eet out for a « aIIl T ra luluuui AttorwAnl Mlitito ikmiteliu wbo l i m mi the floor belewy m w t rUiul cf laota k m ii« ftum beuRAtb ihe coiritiordoOirtoA4lDg iDio WArBcliAVei i ruomi. tib« beems lo erj" 1 I" Id triroCe Ahd At ihto aom rot a iherp eil^CMioQ wAA bvArd IR WAnctiAikir'i kiivhtOy lad A ebeet of HRuk« Asd bet eir ibet out 1dmUm eorridor-

tteruAnii of feir Ihws w<hh«d Iq Um hottot ipuedikl itfougbl M p, ADd two fcung bmd rtu up ioa itoin to WAnobiotr'i roome eud fiOTe tb tbe door. Tbey luuodUMinirlTCifAoe to hoe wilO AD locoi:)d\e/7 Are whlrb, U n hed hid A hw mlDAlei more or bc«ttwA)r> bAve prured dtoAttroua lo property Aod prob> ALlrtoittoe Ai It wall (ba teo oi«m fuught hard (be KBaH liiM bilore nooJMriDg ibe flAmatk

tb e taoal llKirouab plaiu bad hern mAde to B ietbtbow r. Tbfcra waa a lire uDder Ike bM 111 bedroom, ADothfr behind a dour Id tbe iiUdV room end a ihud od (be kitflMU flEior, TtHiM fliuA A eru Id piiee.of Idli ol peper end llfthi clout ehicb bed been Mtureied with tMudiie. Illea of the m » u iuiiiimiBAi>«a leriAi were m on two tebiea in both ibe kht-bea adJ [bo iitiinforoom. A»d trelM uf Lhin doib auekHl with beiisiuc led from (be tiye or Uie flour to (beie.

AboTe Ibe pile on (web tobto waa mwifRded A gzi^d OA blAdder flitod with eboAt a kaUuo cifbeaiiiM. Ibefluldtrom theae wea tlowlr dripping dowR upGU tbe lAblaa from pinhoiea lu Ibe bouidR of each. A oen ol bmlneb to wbicll iicTbrAl botei had bwo functiHl, waa Alio bung lo tbe tUtlnt'roQa aod w u drlpo plui til RonleDle upua Iba oarpet, wbtoh bad bocome suaked. In the kUehen, to abl the p rngr^ ol Ibe fliwoA A n d but raeJ lire was toariiig In (be rmiitf. oq tbe lep Of vbU'b KoodA lAifa potof tnUlni[”hr< (ak T habM ltp thrtroom wAi H> intente that it 1c ^ l ie re o lo bATe expiodi-d ibti bladder iMnjtlng there beftee the PiDira fnrm the table reached It

lii ieeiiTce w ere pul on the. cam. viA ibortly AdarAo'alock iber irfviiDU Un. Waiwikeuer AH aha wei leluitiint hoit.e with her chIMrtn. Slie «M taken to the itatlmi-houte, loRcitier with the Incendiary •rp tnnw tbnnd In bet ■ooitHk When qitettton^. iba WfitniD elitmed to kijuw tiolhina ibuuuUa flra end to be uh- at»la u> taUk KnglUli. Trie podea are luoklug lor her huRl'aml and tt>get bltD. The mcMlve lur eomrotitlnf Iba daed la doI knowa

cent., aa acatwt A) per tm i.CommWIcAef omtiuur^ :

Owiog t« Ibe im-rawwd quanUty offiartla pmdtKfdg rraultiug lu ad tpoeeas of ibetaaeA oylleotfid ftojD that aoiinv*,. At riRnparcd with ti)« re'-eiptcof (be ifrevlitui year, rdmort ihao i.OOO tbe eapvedkUKei fur the Miiartiauf ffton kfwpcii era! tba feaa of laufeti were larauly m eaflaai of the emuuei eadiDA^td wben Iba api>fO)>riatioq waa maie th^rriir, Tbe recult waa there ware vA lundi aaoutb to pay All of tiftM «id1eart foa tna mmitb of JutM, ]AA0, BO that a large nun her ol then are y ti ijipald fer (belt aerrMMt rKudaiiM during the

cnunib otJoRe. To meet thia dwirlCRcy to ed- dlilunal a|^[iprla(i^n of fU&.000 haa been Aikod fut, M iub haa faaao lacluded le the ouat (< mlkcilou. abfiT# aUiad. burlng tbf »aat Aval year txaiulnath>ni of Wa oAcr* the i^fheeucra of Intarnel Rev^nua bATe baeR made aa CrsH)uentJf ea wee posellMe with (be UiBilad numbsTof lereaue igeoii at my eomna^Dd, and Ithe mtona of three aiamlnatlotM ludieato e generally aAllsTM-tory eoodmoo of ibe arnloe thronfboiil Iba enuntry."

Tahlae appended to tba reporto appw that Ihe rraelpta to d«tal1 doniit iba yetf. wblrb are coaumrad with tbe praredlng year, wereea followB ; SpiniA m.407,nBi; incrvAM*,

; tobaem, |R,tMi,Wl; (ncmaae, flrm^ntfHl llqofjii, |jS,Oift.4A4 ; Itkcmaaae, pi.M,aei 1 oleomarfanne, ; Hitermm,

benki and batikan, fP); deerraae, •B m : miecrlianaotii, IffS.tat; locieam, Ifflk” KA Tbe recaipu from ehewin^and amuhlng tohacoo Inmaaed ll,T4 ,riflt ; irocn elgari,

And fmm cigamllei •fO.TM. Taxea wen paid during tha tow two fliaal yean oa elgan, l,a>,MydaP dgarettea. lb,- bU,3ito calloiwof aplrlti, Md3?.0U,M4galkna ef formeuied Uquof.


Rweaara Tbat r a ie r Lw adm W uf Voww*h Ib O el of tba CRjtleeIn eTeaing'i tome of WaablngtooIn i

Mar tba foiiowltif itabmaDt waemaiteTbe In tignxtKHi ul (bn Rapuhiieen liHMlen

or UoncTr'ai (irar Mr. B1h1db*i Interlertiico In ihetatif dtoruaaloo baa raeebed a IjeillgTnht ■Ule. It li pffiipoaad, Moca tba puUlcatloD of bli teat ietter lo Hvnaior Frya, that ha ibali tm loread oot of tba Oablnal, aiiH, If puailhM, out of lb* M*

It la A metier of genera} koowledga that Air. Aicd baa no Jpae fbr Mr. Jtlainv, and It la T«ry icDcrRily uiipecbid that Muam- Har* rlaon, HciCletory AlitooivaDdaome other Pnal- dtatlal aipiraDiB era jaaloua ol tba AtleothJii

ia Ailracthig ai ibto lima.'J ite ia i tbu moaiem^ Mr. Rlalna la fn (ba

Aitliuda of a giant mandlog aii>tie bafun a boetlio army, Ilka the rblnaaa in a giant fatry (Ate, end Ihaie are aome teeier glbola lo the army who tbthk they cao deatroy blm. If tba atiempt to get the rwrtr In the flouaa to glae tor, blalne a alap In tht (boa Micceada be will be ei cape oroewad ot4 uf (be CaUuai, uoloie ha la Already out, Fruu preai&t iRdlcetMii U •oama prubeble, buwavar, (bat be will be oat of tbe UcbliMt bafljre Ur. Reed and Ur. U» Kiuley get a ebauct to adon b in ia, the UotMe.’*

iM O R u c n r o r c s a i m .

rpetw etleg TbamaMlvaa From B ee t by Lweroi « • fb e ir Beebo*

An hitereetleg fact lIluitratlD f the la* geoR tlj abuWD by mure tbiR od* apetiM of rruateceA iDCODoaahDg Ihemeclfaecauta uuder my notlaa laat eummcfF writea a ecianttat te A'efwra IlaTmg d re d g ^ r niunber of amphlpodt, 1 p la i^ ib e n hi r TAaeel o f ror walor rdUI 1 eould eAamloe them.

Among ib e n 1 noUcad wbat aeamed to b a a ploee o f dead aeewaod iw lom fng rap­idly About and oeoMfonally falling to tba bottom. Examination abowod th a t tbo piece of weed wia etrriod by eb empblped. brbicii greaped U by tbe twe flrit pelri of WAlklng i e ^ Wben It came to tb a belioai tbe anlnial ooDcaaled Itealf bonwatb the weedy wblch waa larggrtban Uaelf.

J a nnn ae tleo with th b habit U m a j be tuBUtloDed that Another epedea c ee ^ b lo i tbe flr it naaied minutely la aTary m p ec i b a t one—oemaljF that tha f i a t bea the claw lanew aalf daTalapcdg while tA tba b ia e o f tb e s a l t Joint era two o r three

• atreng b lont apiseag or tubercle^ Into wbleb the point ef the elaw fltc. Tbla eppean to fiv e the latter ipeeiea a graal idTantege over Ite congener u gneplRg an atultci fox pqypoaaa of DonoealmAai.

A aotber e p ^ a e bea tba laeter bindmeal pair o f Irga of a ibiuRken and a p p a m tiy a lao a t tlM rtlfa forms They noTay ippear to be naed far walklopARd ere fo a c n lly c trried U m ed Rp eo the back, but they are aomatimoi ntlHifd te oarry tbe t i Ita of A bivAlve moMuak oTor tbalr back*, Riidar which they n o iqaat and bide.

Fxom tbto It la an aaiy traniltloa tbrongb THiioua atagaa to the hermit ernba which eoioeDeathesaalTea altegather i» » not- taIta ibeU and um ihq eurlewily abertlTe bifid J ia b i to rliog le the ln«lda w horla My fklrnd, Burgeoti Ma)or Archer, baa aaefi oraba proteetlog IbeiDaelTia, pnfaably from the acorohleg tropleal aun a t lew tlda^ an th e mnd flato a t Singapore by earrylng large ItaTaa o m tbalr backt.

OflniRM hou««B in ilif OroT*. wKMn t>ir#« mlnuuw pf lUrtiVorlum. or torf#w«IUUfij|idMid ruom*: icrmiilBi-d 7<IwUmX« p ’rWBtk. Addrswa IPiX At. i iiBiun OriVB

Th« PowBr ef Soog.From Iba BAUimor mn,

CougmenuAu jutiD AllfD, uf MiBaiiattKA In eddUtuo to bilQi oab of tba wlta of tba Houaa, la aUu aomethlng ot a " pluocer** to aoelaiy. He WAi preaeDi at a inuaima ilven atitoe Hhorabiun bf Mra JeauMlte Tburbat. aad lathed sunlc wHb a fluenry that aalonlabad Aume w iboaa ebn baerd blm. tnuiug the eraaluf Un, Tburh.f aagaged tba HlieLwlppI CofigreiiUiaD m ahnreraAtleb fur a tow mlo- et«t, amt iDCldrntaily loqulrad ifh* waa Maul' lar With (At atoiiy uf moalc.

'*Oh. yea lepliad Mr. Allen, pfompiiy* * I am aomalhiDg of a moaidan mjialt. In (bet I am ao Ibnd of eiiuio that 1 luPodaM H into my oTcrfday Ilia wnh vary beneflilal aflket I ooritrol my elfa and toially, and govern my eutlre boivwhold by tba puwarof a y Duda**

” 1 duo’i quite ooapruhaiul yuu," anawered ton. Tbiirbar, anuiiof.

** Weli/ m M Mr. Alien, with a marry twinkle In bti aje '‘ It to Joat Hketbto: Whan 1 lequeat my wllb or any member of my (kmiiy lo de Aiifthlat, and tbay rvfoaa, 1 ibreeten lo ilnfo They immedml^Ly releai adJ do a y btdalng ratovr (ban bear mev'

Tb e Beslwnleg ef tba Lobby Datege.From Iba Tireloe flute Geautte.

Tba Teen uf the cflau, without dlaancllan of party, u generally againm Iba propoaad Coo- MilotK^al nmcudiaaQt, that would open the fliHwIgaUatoapaclal Icglalatloo tor uuuldpall' U'*a. Tba roowtraUva vmw ta hatd tbal tba prtaant rmtcicUuna ut<uu kucb lagtolatlou aurre a wbolaaoma purpuati, arid toat to rvopen tba Boon to tl would limply ranlt tndduglng every laailcm ol tbe LcgifUtura with buoarada ofnebamaf and Joba, and fUl ttMcoe^dun ct U ii flurahouw yitU an army of lobby Ula aud ourrapuouista.

r O J i l i H Y O U K N O W .

s^otin C. tocDoiiald bga gom to llolcQa, toORL

-'Joaaph W. fl, Gaxduar to luminarlDg at A ^ bury Park. '

As Arlaona mine buomar triad to play off " a four-foot veiu of loiid I tchoked the deals

Tbe lori-rxpectad moveaieDi m ihe dl- rertloD of obtaining a pardon for "Buodler” jMehua b u Lkmd lUrtod. I t ia the natural arqueuM of Ilia diopplDg of the proaoou* Uema agaiuBt hli arewbiU fiigUivo arcooi- pllcea, and can therofora ba mooted now with eaemiug apiirupriaUnekas. I f wbat they did is not puatibable the Incarura- liiin of Jathna U an dfitrtge, for leDtltuunt ^lould play uo part la tbto matler, nor iLonld oiber allogoi] erliAlrtal phafca of the prl«ouer’4r«<^rd ba u«ed lu ju itify hia pcrseuuiloiis U may be quite true, in fact there can ho HUle doubt about it, that JaobDQ was a 'Truce/'' hut be bai oulbroo put on tiial for rtceivlug iloloo goods, aud ibcrofura tlia iDiphcation aliould bave no weigliL


No PoaalbUlly of r uenmuokaUng Ihoyato l IXioaio to yjkora.

ij?r cThe toailL'AU Maanrl Qarulla, whowas rrrnt’Vt^ on Mutnlay by lUoNi'WY<'rk bcalib oiDoi'ra fiotn bis boardlng-bouM at JOb Hast Twenty-'Olgbib slroet, to lu Uio tH‘rthouaq on North Hrotber iNtaud, U- yoml (tie puisi- bl Hy of cumuiuulcatmg liia faialdiaeue.

OarutiDtoanaiivool YucAian, whociiroa to this iHMirttry a yenragi' to aiudy. till father la aweallhy tnerr'i vrH. Garuile waa lu iha best i)f1ieallbs ioaP aptwaMneoa, when he left bU paronta 1Q Yucatan, lie sludlpd in New Yurt for a wiiila, kheu want to Chotiur. Pa., A'ld Tcot'Dily went to Fliuhlug. k L \Mulle in fbe^tur lie waa aaiiod with In- fluenra and never fully rceovured. Two waaxa

-'ikio iiv took b anl la Naw York City and m it n,>r bti pareiiu lo oc'ma Id him, raylhg liu was alrb. July 14 i>r. Thacdohi C->Vlgg1na waa called in to aiU'nd tha young man. Atflraibe thought Ibc iwticui Whi simply daOllllatcd, but tw o bft noiifwi Mnaga whichh-.aily ("mvinocd blm ba waa a loper.

Dr. WiKgiUR laid ibe case befl ra (he Board of iii'aUU. Ib r Bureau of t'oniagloua liisaaacR uked fkir|MO'Hoiirtbl John i i llamllton, uf Him Vtuiwl 0 u l« .Miilne Service, wbatik^ flovcmTuent could >10 lu vhe cwr<>! hi' a laproua padeui. Dr. Ilatmlioo Inm Ite could do itotb> tug wtlh a Irprr alPMdr lu tha onuittry. Thu Ik'vUIi ftiiiliurltiui daddi'l loaul as lo tba caaa of Doy oU'Ui coiiiogiuin disease.



Chicago aoema to be betbered nU'Ut •elcctiug a Fair ilte. Wby not cliuoae Now Yotk t

There uomeapratnor fruoi Faria that ez'K iog Milan of Berrla la about to marry an ADierleau heiieii, who will pay bisguujbliDg and other debti aud free blm fiom iBifKirtuoala creditora. I t ia to be hoped th a t Dame Uumpr U in error thia liibe, for the rec<)rd of (be ex 'K ing is each that no retpocUbla Aiaericao woman ought to hare anything to do wUb bin). Even bis divorce fruui bla mdcb‘ahuacd with, Quuen KaUlle, li a douhtrully legal proceeding, aod aa ex-RlnEhas no right to nn , “ urt-lmnd m lriU gn” privllegux A llbenin^ tnmljlcr nod « -K in g li n , t 111* hn itinS for n nir-reipcuilug A u .r l- can wuntD.

T n T .k . Hu Bl.khbiivlnff Huwl’ieu B p u lll ,, fer IIH «verr-

Uilaiauiuid —• IMI. n<«o|nlBil u UiluauiUnl OulUlliw-uu Digdlcloa tsa UcKUl puiiOur. If In.. \vuu lu w ar to fh. front lir tu Own lutnuiilu laflfli- id I ------- ■ ■ *b « Uit larfMl H i, of anr pranraiioii' tU-kiDd. *n j buuiwi druggut »li! onuttnnIhH Ualnuvnl. Ir (ou decidt la itli. Jlood'i S a iu ^ U ia du not b . iDdUMd lu bur aiiriulng «IM Irulend. IH lu n lo gut Huod'a. •**

Havar nvglect a oonaUpklwl oaniHUou of tin oraailou ravuluauruly foHuvr, auutata pHui, ItDtntt blood UKl loanv olivuito | r l a l ^ Huidoot Blood lltlu n ta Ibtrvffudjr.-AdT.

Two M«n Coolly Walk Throngti C:ai'B Taking Tp a Collautlon,

Two young mou ol (be cuwLojr varleiyaL tompU-d (be rule uf JiwKt Jutm-a eufceaaru'.ly ou train 3 on Ibo Kiviuutil an*! l:]ikiiorii Ka.lroad On ftloudny «vanlni{ bcl warn Long and Amblaa, Nctx Tm I'undiucujr had Jial aijtaivd the brsi ctadi lo yotikH;l iaies whiiu the (wo itiao, neailut bnuid-Urttuuitd ehlto hau aud littViiUf lundkarcbk'G over (lielr faL’cs,aiai pud Irum the cloaei, aud, lawlluig toclr ravolvon at Iba ccDducto”, Cuuipi lifd him to march thuad of ibem dueo lUeautla. Tue rDbljer la Iba ruar liad a email aatotici.iwung l<v « airao rruan till sbouldaii, aud lutoUkto the poh»tugera wore ciiuiMulliKl lotlirow ibeir Talaul>lt>a

A br<^kemau whocuierud Ihiough Uiu rear duoT wlitia (ha rubbers wure taking up their nuJteciluii VrU told to throw up hit haud»i but diAigi'il (Hii, and a bullet waa atut altar hi*fi ebb.-hwfid lUrough iliaduuror tbafuraatd Deeper. lUa uuiiductur was then ouiutwlled tu loud the way lulo ibe stnoxor, where the lamu proceia waa gone through aa wtth tba pmaeugers In (ba other ear.

Tba brakamrui la the mrimtlina pulled tbo bell, atMl Ilia mbben, leafing she traits atow up, lumped off, tahihg anaihet karmleai ibot at (Ue brskemaci u they did lo. They eJambered up n bank along the tmek. They weiu vUibla 111 tbe roooidlghli and the conducicw triad lo bring Ihmu down wlih a Wlurbeater rlRe, but being uiiuMd to Ibe uiapoti, was unable to d i s c h a rg u U ._____ ___

—0. Habersaei went to Pudd'i Lake, Morrti Counly, yeatetday.

^ClarefioeE floiUh lefl laat night toraas Fraaclado for Uo Bliaoa Uoneral £1«etr1o Com* pauy.

**A. fltalnax,'whesatlafor Oennany today, waa leoderad a ruceptiuo by hii fnvoda lastDlfltt,

-K to i Mi{y MeWtony, of Lock airtit, to apcndlng har vicaUOD at Fort iervia, Oranaa CuuQty, N. Y,

—T»e family of C, S. UoDowatl, of Bloom* flcl'1, bM raiutued frora athree'Weekr trip lo Aibury Park.

v- Mra Bitona Wagner, ou tha occasion nf har Urltiday, w u laat ulj^l pcesenied with a aland by tbe Unroln Uuitda

—Uiia Blanche Krdt, of Montctalf, la In Ela* anacb, (JennaDy, atudylug nutlo with Uurr huguD D*Aibari, the gteat |>tanut,

—Rav. Georg* A I’aull, of the Weatmlnater Church, BlugoiAcld, wiU aiM ud a good p«irt of hia vacaiiou et nto old bume lo Delaware.

—Hev, r. B. Vrootnas, f«rii»er1y putorof tbe Upper Mc^tclalr IvOngregtilimaF ifhutrh, b u arnvad ta JOurope on bu trip aruund *tha world,

—Mr. and Mra. William kC, Taylor, ot Mont­clair. returned buma thti morning from a ilirae-weeik trip to Bar 'Uarbor, lle.,ai>dNew* (•on. EL 1.

—Cbattea Vpillentnlar, ol Clarkitown, M. T., a graduate of (Isa Uennan TheoluglMl School in B oomfli'ld, is vlBUljig old Irleuda la tba tab la r tvaoe tor a few wreka

—Tha ImcrlCAD File and Drum Corpe, at thli dty. will ba anirrlained by llemns. M. Oilvmar aud! Vi. U, Idtiall at the femer'a reap autica In trvleiitoQ to-morrow n g bL

—A lawn party was held leal Dlght la honor of Iha birthday UtoaGcrlnida L Lyle at her ^•tldenoeon Wllbaoi airaeL Bclltrflle. Mlai Lyle waa the rvclpient of aevergl baudsoiDe prMeflU. •

—Uarry K Uahlar and Andrew A. Ruaaell, of tbe Newark fucbl c]iio,and Tboodure W. Kasltigfrr aud Harry M. Eiacnian, uf ihe New­ark N. A. G. C. wer») kiiiong yNtenliy'i ar- rlrala At the PaTOule Yacht Club houaa,

—Gi-orgu A. Quddubn, a graduate ol the Ger- tnan Theolokical i:lobooJ In lyuornttuld, will be marrUid iietl week to Uiai Kmua Auglei, of Nuw York City. Mr. Uodduhn and bis bride willtbunsatl tor Burope, abd will afterward gu to AtrtCA as roiialnnirfas.

S T A T K N O T K g ,

MlllvUle bavlug, acrordiPf to thq laeteen- aus, over 10.XI0 {rihahlianti, wHl nave a ireeddivt'ry lyitoni wbnin a radius uf ouetuiia fri m tbo ufflue.

Two hundred aad forty pbcaaaut eggs wtU b* haicbud out lu ao luouLator ou the MuitII^ fiitd oa,ata at Allamancliy wliuie a Hcvt dayt. ‘i he yuuug birds a Hi be kept fur breeding pur- pioei.

Hod. J- M. Pldcock and hla aon, who bare e\tcns]vo Uieap lotorevtaid liunirrdon (JPunty, aolil fid, ifiO sheep aoil laiubi durusg tbp month ol Jtiur, tor a lolal of | 3T7,6M.t8, or au asvrage n fK lti per Head.

Dr. Bhippea Wallace, of BuMlogtOD, Slate Chctnlit, baa completed hii aanlyito of tbe Fraukfiirior sausages from tbo stuck of John Wrigiii, of TrroioQ, (be uatiug ot which e u tLeacd 10 bare prdsoued ihe family ui William Ikmii'tt, and has pruoouhcod Ibem uutalQioil aud liaimlcai.

Si'iTuty-twd ribbon weaveri employed by Clay A Grouoocb at Pateraou are on atrtka for hignci wagwk lliay aiy they racaive Ism pay tnau waaven In other mllla for the same clnsa ol werL The same Urm hadimubia a yearago, whan Mx^^WMVfn wen kicked out tut


F rallm laary Report uf Ha 0 |ia ra tl«ea For the T ea l TvR-r.

CcmmlPitonfr John W, Msson has submJUcd to tha hocroiary of tu« 'i'retaufy at W agington a preiimlDary report of tba i>twtallocucif the lutornal Baveinu] Uureau durbig die lastflacai >car. Tbe i omiahadoirer says tbal tba total ODltoi.'UoDS from all sources of laleraai rcveniu was fM'AA9t.4yB. aulucrvaBa of toig, aa compared with the dAiecUuai during the pracedlug year. The cost of coilootiou Is estimated at fiihO.OOO (vxciutiTe of ibe coat ot itompab ox edeereau of | 86,«K) aa roapaied With the preooduit year, Tbla woatd make Uie jwroeutiigi) of oust ef eoUqutUm AF per

tu i^on tU a The taiidon of rbe preuvul ulffl- c.iltr am lliou wlio took (ho ■iriken' Mann nr 1U.( (iioe, Tbo i-mpiovrn lrloi[ to onbrt a ruuDKiiuiB .M /rdaf, bu( ((m non tofem il lo •iviopi IDU (orma offoiod. A fooluagod iitilM ia axpoctoA _______

P E I W U N A L .

UastiaxxT T. Eaxunix b j i Qu ( i Im Unit,tun i.raoa noro ploaaurt in wilUiv potirr (ban pinv.

Fbiui'kB BmuxcK bBgouo te Hon burg (o (oko Ibo rvalrra tOia rvlU romtlB (boro Mvorol vrovka.

C u t A ixiixD U gloFf dio noxeb horn, Q UMU Vjoiurta (bo B>tQO *n4 orgau u d Prlnoo Albert biffard ol Waloa duUfbia (b (brUB tbo bairlo.

llBx M ixii AXTOiurm Na-nuiixPriLLjutD, •lilDW Of (bn lilt X A. Roitenl, n Mouilierabt.lonan of aorna note, (a runnlnf n ktokot-t ofllfo for Iwllol lb Nuvr Yofk. ■■

Fugrn fAUitx p«ri jual (Iko atiFborfv olao wbon bo Bokaa naa of (Ju roateivmnl (n bla big boiel In drloMpr, but bo goto * nuk* gruniiit and attoudvo Mrvloo nUbont Up, I h u naf other cuoioiioii o u |o l irtthont dttia.

UAVin C a u m u u d hta vrin, ngH ntpoe. l(FO<it oinhtT-Mvn u d n!gbi|4h ^ bFvn liTod (n Ulnboo, loA, tn ibo ntlno bouiE for ftflj wort. Tbft b a n ntvot

we#» NHliy waa alnt, wa giT* bar fWaSniia When Iba was a Child, aha rrtad lar Oaetarla W baa aae beowiaa Mias, abe obiaf i* iwaserim Wbeu aba oae uaiklrab aaa gava ibaia Caeorto.

D E A TH S .JONia(.-OR Toaartay. July tt, WM, M an, be-

‘ Margarrsb K. joaaa HalaUvea utA

levad oblid of Haai’f and agiiO 4 yr«fli 4 nxNithi U dayw IrtaR'* - - .......‘ .........*rianda era reaportfuLiy InvHad le aUand ttia(iiTberai, tmin th^ ra-fidatica, lit wiiiiaio anwat----- --------------- -----------------------onlliiiradayasSF. Mo loiariebat ia FatrauMal C'amatary.

Itoatk I'imJma Fold la Newdrli T w -ter bf fll«Sr«RellMa JAM Abe* Vm.

pram. AmiManmnrt VaR Embuitb, IH Pamaic

•iraet..... ........................................... U #t« toWlMkm }b xun, SM Dsvl • avrj_____ .«• 1 IS to(.'iisrlea V. Hemaa. MNamau at.,..__ M III toi 'harlaa Naft-i, 37 Ooirt -M i l toHaury Adaurt. Wllliara at..,.u .m a toAJJIdAfi 1. MAfidJCI'l, Hapk.

Oto. Mroadaad MarkMRla

Tb e Vrftlwd flleSee ledwettial leer IHwth ClatMa M M T«-d*y.


I^efQ, Ami.e ix h ,. . . ................KIIWAUD N. CKAoNIL rrMBdcnL

W B A t r l n k a r E .

E MLLE* * ION.__, Prartlunl Undariakan aim JCmbalmerA

Oflra and WoLmueiu Na It Bridga at.; Maan»_...................iitt ^ . ________ _____lactotj and MoTfuw No. toJamaa Nt; are Iniro dtsnlai noTeMaaia l>toa(a andi remlahlagaaSradwead prtcae Maap4agoutaf o«»biaaUoaste put bp pThwa aod taotrol our budnaae. waara ptabiMepardal ratal tor liaaraM and ouacoaaae ifltiRManddMaBoa. Oallaraapactreny eollMieiL TaMpboae No. UA


Odra aad tUtodanca. Ml BtoJAD (TTRCMfi Next door batow JCvanloc Nawa oflka.

Faraonal allairaSnaa day aad alghLTalephODa Na 3L

V lM E B C lB k .

A '

n . '

NSW p l a n fo b INVBRrrOBS-



P IC N IC S v r u h n a lakeIfTl____ _ . _ Pirfiio

_ irriMinda: food Hahlng. hathins, rr>alt(Hl.*«n>lnr«dnil*yn^h : t*nipffraaoaailukt; do niiexleat- Ids Kauera; griMindv frcf. AtIdrMBMk illHAN (VN>K. Varons, KiWS Oo.. N. J.

H c m I W o f S a l t o

PLO'rt ANu n r y ea W.C h o ic e b u i l i j I n g

iota tor ~-le ebaap. flroDtlag ee the new p<*rir- Fof pirtUillafa, e i ^ j to E W. UEEBT, T7I Bruadtt. Lb

J > 0B




n v s A c a n LANa niE HOoWDILEO F s r r w a t er front .

t u b hM d«ae oottoga. niloMa tor b towOlr er • Mab, la le M Ise


APfiFto/. WARD SinTHo

M Bread RA. Roobb I aod R^ ^ B ra le o r s e o h a n o b -

Oaentrr tobk tW ecree. m New U m r Caatral, hoeaa 14 rv«*BR i toUjra, toraalioaea. batna. heato fliraiatied, awaa and narmhig Implaaiaaia FOKRALE-

Lfita at UoaavIllA Bus Oraega, Oraaga, awl orh ra

HoDay w Mai In lu ia to ftot aa heM aadAARON F. OONDIT,

Tfi SraadSt‘P'WINSALS^TRRMB RARY.OHWHiLLET,_ dwalilng, a moma. with improveBaania. . bla,au\,lot U iito, alau dwffUiiM, * room's aHh Impravamanba. Apptf Ud J0HWlk)N AVE.MR

Ij^OHKALE -toto LOTH ON FIFTH MT.. B& ' Iwwaii Mb and TUi avta J. A. XING, EF orUitthaS.

U N L Y PBUpENT WAT TO BUY A HOME,_ UD lb# inituimeas Kaiy payrnaiiK M sora thaa rent. If

txirrewar dtoa darims sem tor whleb luoney It advaeoad all peyawDUi naMS aad motlgao >scaaialted. Furpcrilcularaandl ra(«e apply ti. E htlNVoN, No. toa Rnmd at, apntforUaliM BertTflty Uto laa aitoTruet r'Ok, aTPa, _______RSAtAXJN FOhHALB-THlTHRRB-STOBrn \ ■ ■■■ "■ ■■■■ —_ iirk'k bulMlit«, Ne. Ito N. J, H. H. ave., wUcb baa baea eaatcoa for yartriLli now lar aala II fTimu on A- H, ava and Llnariy aU IkOt toiTh, For panlmlara, apply to A w- OIRRT, 7TS BrAal^, Newark. * Mb


piMki laken from *be free brldae. al 10centi apiece, inralfe el NTBVR TiERNBY'S, UarrliiHiavA. Harrlvoa,

« m iis-ooo D RI no i n g c a n a r i va. f i n brounc aad lattlag parvolB KicHF, IT Parry

p S S -

r t -

O-IOOOU Bt-noDID OOW8 FOR BA (-■ ^•ap . NAT, SMITH, UfieD avaB Eavn^,

F in k SEIIONIVHAND p a r l o r o r g a n toraalA MUSIC, Boa T, Nawioftce. WpIttTi FOR AALK-riBHlrra BTRUONKR

_ nfrm b blue hah tor aale, cheap, from tola H centa each, aloe at wbolaaala markRtprlm ijakeF

M , HHkVyoarcbolre; tor a tow daya only at HKAth LRV'flDOCk.bioSofCRiitn^. alin ing RoseJA0 ■ a XFWvfiL, gtiv«un vaA Anderioa'a let doak.IrtOR BALB-ON AOOOVNT Of I lL

haaltb, a bakery baa Mat, tJM loaves par.------- *_ . . A --------- Fur parlto-week; alio imulaaieato and wavoo. ulara iDaaIre of j ; A A. B, BMlTfli N. J.


For SALR-i'ABH ONLY; HARTWAKB( .......................abd loi^iiiaUh btttInaaL Ferp«r(lciiMr«ad-

H A K DW A K Box U. Nawa offioa. top170H S A L H -P 4IR OF GOOD TEN-IN>OT .^paloterF truasRa; prloa H M ABLlNtiT^

FURHITURK-F^R B(LE, NEARLY NlcW' ■ .................................. . -_ ferattura elittiLnwra fmaae, cora picte tor heurekaepitta: roeS owner over |i.ton will tell tor MM It uketi aaa whale andatonra; inuae- dlaU hcHiBBRaloo flvaa. Addramh. M. J., Bux H, — ffto*.(Ilia en

KRKRlOfcRATOR _ tocioMar; price |1A

FUR S A L E -IN PBB-^ ^ ^ V b b o a d w .

QALOONH-FOH s a l e or TO LET. SKVi^eral newly OPed-ep aalooualn_feo<l buiduiM ItKWilBika J R » 1re of GEO. W. WIEDbN- MAVbR, Mb Market as. ^CiAljOCNSo^rnilSAIoFA, A OOKNKR LIQCoB k MiOt*, with reoiMaMo Swa flroactaa* wuMiWoeApply at FEIGJlN!4Fa N*S BASWKRY, FrewmaaaL Uk

SALOONIIcecae and


FOR s a l e -W IT H FULL L1- I Ibod tonalfon, ‘leiof a flnAclaaa



THE ARAPAHOE INVESTMENT CO, Inoorporawd. Capital, lauvoud.


• Freadent. • VIoa-PrentdenL

■ Treaaiiier, - fiecratarjo

* CeaiiaM.LOCK BOX 300, DENVER, OOL,

T^A N T RD -^eou to gveea w a n t e d a t s VT par cans: auiuM sacorily ; pnacipjla only.

AddiwM G. % SMITH, asUte, ruemNisX lio. I cwdar.(12 1 K l \ rkA A T O loOAN ON DONUANO *!!t 1 f/\r*\M .rL fttur(d ta^_at 4 i perDtaL,. In aanu ami ter partnda ie lu i( the borrow­er ; lie itoiaua ar cemmimloM ctiarf«<io |kuon to loainoti cdiauel mfirigag* la nuum toaullFa ii cdmixriwloo. EOWAHU K Bl.Ai.r^ at law, 7sa RrOaUi it . Newark. N. J.



raiii, Inaamaaiul torperiodslo suit ibeixirrower KU UoNt HNUKUUMMIMHIWN KXACtLL^ all^ l o o . o o o r n ^ r o rraiii, Inaamaaiul rarpenodsloauitiDrceeAtrrjHiueraMraiutlypraiiared, CitEKLtCH Ap FhlCK, counaellur as law, tU Broad at, Aid

S l . O O O d WrT'HUYI.KR a JACK

ttIMAitomeaeh other tor eighty-ibfee yevE bavliif b .......... ...been bom wUbla 100 yards ot each other la lUoifioky.

XHtAmeTGLOANON, murigide; no bouua ACKHON, coanaaUorwt't.iw

■ou lirtad WL, Newark. MyUPWARD LOANED ON FlTRNI.

iP a lO le ra . Nr removal: pronipi. private avd reltAla : aaay rapaymenU. K 4M Bmad


H u B i t t tB B S ta t l tE to *IJA 'rflROOM a-TAKr YOOR oo n kY iwl- IkakulbbatlvM at FRANK ORKU'CS, 4(1 Broad

PriiT i.'enta Tbo

M*i<Km.MACK ^SATCilKLB, IMCkethokfs maaonY tool baea |lnd trunka of our own manutoo-

uirei rfi'alrlnxpromptly allendml In. iMHtiiiADtn'.,oppoaHe Wash- ingliMi Burk.

O FFJCK OF TH U BKCEIVF.U OF M'COO- ailek, (Vmnelljr A Co.-Tako aotloe. that by

an ortlerof tlieOlmocenor of Uie State o( NowJemey tli« uudarelKnad bax Iteen aWi>olet«d ib*■ ■ ‘ - ... ........* olretvlvar of all lliv iironerty aud axaeU ol McOur- ruli-k, Coiinatly and that all claimslucalnalaaM MdvirdPk, CounMiy rE Ca ahnuld

' r i . ...............

ill III* propernatly

- . . McfvirflPk, . ^ ........... - .he preaentad to him, duly vertflri.wHbout delay.

JAMW SMITH, JK., Received Dated July 47a

r LuUlS PFUIFEK Lawreuiwat. 47a0 LD U. i toSnCANjtpiANOOI Sfl fiOUOET

1 '___X HMkdton of AjuerlcaD and F u re ^ FaUPtola XlBrAhl MHi mIhiC TF.BO A T E .N IH -D R A E B * OCX,

AU>b' i t Miabt cuaa iRtoto via t . B Oourta Mai-hanieal nod ElMrloal Kiumeera and Ei- pertA CuiiaultAWnih JW anU l<ja MAFKlT PT'oollbetbSde. two doom weak ol Broad ak Tfea ahtoss eeUkhUsbad boeaa Ip UtfflUhlto TW«tlF gveywirF«xperieuoe, UariAll S ^e -uJ>ATKN11I-

m E D B R IC K a FRAKNT/EIb (Sucd-aaior lo Qkifipbell A Oxl


W a n t e d — e v er y bo d y tob ................. —■ bulhial MILl.f!;H'H,IST Hraad atTA K R

| lE r» Q n A l» B

I vt.FfTRODE OFFICE, :iia.r* ■ ---------UHOM enradby Its uaa.M W AKllEN BT.

0 A T A H H^H 7 CUHB UUAliANYUEDi./llioiiaaadiataml ready toieatifyln Newark.


Kieetruda will oure you.l\F.AFNKSfl-Dt» YUO WANT Tu nEAB? J../tiaa KlfoUodt, She only kouwacunu

I.-^YEfr-CATARACTM nUNDNI-HE ANDV ‘ .....................I javery diaeaaa uf iria ayaa cured by Mleotrodaf

VTEURATAIIA, HEADACilS ANDI S r •I Uirtwi troublea cured by ElactrodOi

I iVLHCTRODK OKFFCJC, « WARREN tfV, !jop«i dally and Supday.lA. U. (ok p, M. Md

\ r A R R Y A H T t lA G l FA TEH M AILEDJVlfree. Ad ..................... “ToledOr Gbie.

. . „ .. , . .t IA G t _______ _______Addreaa ^LNNIlLIS MONTilLV,

I^TRAW HAT PBRSniNU-LADlES CAN ™haTTi every ?14W ahfli»e to aelert from;horni dyri In all cnidrs *i^ eirikutly fin lah^feata^bahiaoiMOTar, aquaJloMW. J .H . 11BN<

:<JAN. S 3 A’aahut|ioe ah, baiween Market aad

C o B t n n 6 ITo ttitfr*

I O AT--JCLY 21, BkTWERN T B B nOUBd Jai If ami 1, aailvor watch ^ v e n me by rag enii faofure ha died),' betwcee Hylvan ava. ana

samnivr are. Kinder will Iw raararded bf leav- ^ ^ I t at A TLA N TIC PARK flUTML, Wood-


To r t -UN FRinAy, ju l t i i . a rt . ek r --■ ............ - ■ “ ------- -. I ..Jnard bltrh, aiinwerhi* to (ha nant# gf Beilina: tf found after Uita aula will r i proeamtwl: a iuluble n>wnrd will be paid Ibrbar riturii to No. iu r a o Nk s t . npT OHT”>ABuUT TlIR R E W EEKE AGO. A-Jpalr of gnlft spactarlea with boa, corner Broome aad Monifoiuaryaia. Finder will pleaM coranunUwie wlih}l ACUBGALMri74 Ereerae at., «Hy. nw


VTARRIED^LADIEN INVALxrAlU.E BE. I v ld p e ; perfhoUy karmlMi; aaver '

4 M / ..........................


Ko. 4M Third at.. Ilarrieoa.ijHOEcSale;tip

CANDY AND ClflAHRTOBK FORreaaon tor Belling other businoai.


ibadsttiid ami aSraw nrailrais, M; ilrae*t 47 iGLUMItrA s r . top

fi»er/| W ILL BDY F IN E CARVED LEO ipO l/p ia iio taken ft* lebt; of nneaa teownfr:Xlof Xy iBXtM VBB Bli IIVUO, Off fj'f BVU *V Vw HT"X.will extdiauge tor aoytbliif )U valna Addreaa............. ... ------^LAltGAI^ Itox rt, KyaalttgNawa_

ifoF B E to^ e a r r i n g tE r J l t c .

Al b er t u t if l in w n x b r in g inforty 1401 bead ef boraeaon Prldj^, Auauvl

Lcompriad ef drivera, draeght horm aad harsaa eulted 10 all aeneral one; trial glvaa and all burtoawaTiWQtad. SCahkea &fitoSU CENTRAL I44PBING WAcioif AND LOT 0& ‘\.bam an for aaM vbaap, JOHN QUTNoY. T9 lail Ik, urangau


Y>UGGY~FOHftALE,ANELLTPlTC KPRINQ J arixfy lo flratelaa* order ; a twrualu to tba tirat ceiuer. Apply a t BHYANTbVrAiLEfl^

__ , fl>> MCI gFUsiuedtobely. liiquiiaLSI FLANF.ST.

AtOWlN RT-, lUC fU LKl , 4 lilAJM*'

J j r R O E N R T ..n 4. NEAR SOI"111 OBANG^1»0aVB. I'o let, I larReroufiut

HHOAD HTJ'., M7- TO LET. RKVEHAL FUIt- D-q ed ruuiiis; lar jus niiMeraie; poeaaaalou

ImraaAtaU-ly. MpRoad rt.. in * tw o csownbctinorsriiuf ; nicely furoialied 1 *ri and liaUi, lo-

geiher cr rape raw . epwowte Qariael Dapeh liqIUU7SE TU L E T -



Ii^LM ET,g !jree'“nireMiE•iw r 5»P


■fPIRNTFI/TOH-WlTK WATER: R E ffM * r 5»P __ ______ iRquIce M ELM IT .

17L A T -T 0 T.ET,r 1

Ff.AT OF I ROOMS IN (iM haadeosae rrew rew on Oauiral it*,, eear

Moarta ave.;iwareA'#i«eea; real lew. luRUire aaiiA toii-urry ee tbs ouraer. top‘li^LA TR -TO LKT. IiWHHARLE FLATS. MIX P rue mi :'riairaily Inoeted i tow .m t to inodA ruenw , fWWMBUr UWJWIH 1 I >vw ffwnn* wt tr r r ia IaH|Uire ul Uk-NEi LANG, 14 Arth — toeI^LATR TO LET-r»OHT LARGE KOOME.

' all itoliL betb and aJt luudeni improreraenta. Apply IBIDNNY FLuObr Bank at. Mb

i nmONT ST.,Te-TW U ROOMS FURNISHED 'to r heuaeheaplugi rent m ode-'* ' retor-

r i

H i g h st„ m f u r n i s h e d e g o m f o etwu naan : lent low. m

HOUSRE OP ERVKN W H S . W ITHraodera rwavantonrwiL fer SB tw> n^ath.

E. w 7 UKEEY, 774

f i t i t t * a « n i * a .N n T IC 'U ..T ru ,teu t u4 t,T tlite« l i tk*

NKWS ■■•( ta.TxH.Mrfc* faM (*rta.*f(> vawre*

Ne wccesRia w ill be epesefl flsr aseb*Ne a4 ver(k*«eiCBt will be fveelvefl wveF

Ibe talepb—e ascep t tbeee eeat by ae tber* (aed aereta.

A WANYKD. cooks, CHAMBKRMAinE, •gauerrl houwwork

ralored. Furitoa wlalnnx bala,couuiry or aaa- elfPrc, apply MlUi HAR^JA’}^EMFLl>\ME:'•T U FW cE. iMMifbM. tot

alt »H(woathtoa: aleebala,cou(ary

AGK.NTS WANTKD KOR THE SAl.K OF Diir fljrkiltor; aura vuiveie: larva proflu;

every houM naede I t : toet Ihypdered. Call aS Mire. THE RlLEY-tmJENEMfO.GU, ILliMulberry M.

A OKNTR ANDUOLI.WTTUHJS-ALTO k e f - {eaent IndoMrlal IswrarMW Cej beMtenn*: evpnlngiTe'Hoclw COOPER, UBalh'vlI.eav.Ha




1 >AKDKB^Wa NTKD. YittINGHAN W ITH J/O ueyaar^ extterte>ea. WKKEHYST. ITb

JU ^ _ R - jo u r n e y m a n BARBER »waaledatMlLtKH'H,«TRfaadat. Op

J^JOOE KKKPER-w a n t e d , YOUNQ MANof experteece aa mwIi who caa fbmlsh A Nto

1 raleratoea and give boada. Addreia, atallri BUOKKEEPEU, R o x ^ N«wirafhreiH've,


wurk.y.UPBSATORMWANTlDjBTRAUT 7. KATZ, AH Mulberry as. M»

For parlKmUiR appiV BreadMIIO U H M I JUX>HE TO LETjO<X)n YARD Jlandael>»r. lagulra 74 H EU lN BT. I«

M A h e Mr ST., M -T i) LET, FIN E CORN RR Menu Bear (La ronribeeea. daplb M toet

r»l mior. * "also RrtfbMamuet,

t Sb i rouraa all UttproiePMQtk depOi 42 fa^

j T w . I. ANOE, VMirkalM.X f ECH ANl(TnT„ W-'I LAMGN COi^Nieo^ iv l l i i f furnliibad roruna, aulLable (br ‘ 'boatakerping. ■Vi^ O H T O N ^..M-PUURRGuMEGN^FIJtfrP

I fkwr Ufa t)g-atory houaa.^ E W ET.. 4l~FUlUtlEnSD ROOM

I iw»: iaaiAdtietk

C 3|kkm. U and Id Bimra, • tdoow. eaHt s r i f ] r**nt paawaable. Inquire JOR. EOEMAMN.M S|w1ikftokl avA _______________to

OOMS TO LkT-THHES NICE RfRUlS- “ lyo................................................

M»too. JieniRiudtiriiiUP

l>OOM Jhfbrit PU, kau

iiThranyofadidiA NO; |* IHVlNOTuN waen Myritoaad Uuden avae, U v l^

JbOY-w a n t ed , a n o f f u ^ ro t , ONR>«be Uvea with hie perenta and e»a «r*toR ir hawi aed laoorraci »t Itoureaj waneato per

week. Addrara UUHRKCf, Eok Y. Bewe once._________________ * » i

Bo y - w a n t e d , a n o f f i c r b o y ; o n *livlny with parenU pretofrad. Addreia N,

L. Wh iktt s. N*wa offlee. HsUTTON-HOLR FINISH EES ClN 6HIETB

Srat ftiilihnra on No, 12 aad U N I W r MFO. 00.* 41 Me- .B '- - .

wanted; aMe SrataiPWT OlM lichan leak

-,-WANTRn, XXPIBIF^CKD yibulwrmtin hsmewteote Q X ueBKBNE * { ^ B M trk u k il l .* __________5 Jff~1AWX!fTX«i.-WAt(m>. t

(-1ABPKNW!»-WAItTffO. M KXH AT JAfl ^COUta-t) THXATXK, rVHlIlii.ta* B Ml

OOLLltCTOR WAIPTKI) WHO rifD rfc■IAII.1* Uv*biuliM UH l u l i n boiHli: Km

obo BWllt U»HI1»11 Applf ou J ' im* dav afierueoo or Frmur aorulog lothe RINGER MANUFAUTUHINu 00.,SM nroad it. itai

J ? '

OOM H^TO LET. FOUR FI.KASANT lb aad laandry, at S17 High al,

a A. FICLlBdB.Tb U O M S -TO RENT. TO ADULTS, l l rooms, (bird boor. CaH Ml gUITMil^


acto■ ,>,*** VI *» p I X* * T m,—FIttiSTand aecnml floora. 4 reoraa la each. Isqu're BUOAD bT. no

C T C N E S T . 7*. NEAR *IH A V R-

O TO llR A N D ! ROOMS TO LRT-114 La FAY- Oaito at.; a Srai^lue plara tor eutifhcUuaeiT

Inquire at H_ialto at.; a Srai^lue plara tor emifhd

and hoekawreer greuary alera, aextdoar. »TP

STO R K -T (7 LET* FIRST FL<X)RAND OS1> lar of atoae, 11 and 14 Canaaian-eaiijOM ^_ ___ . _____ IT I. VHIBJVgr M M U M

divided late two aM WILkINRON, GADDIS 4 o a . cor. Eroad aod Fair ela. npfJ IO L fT -

IM ML Preapeel nee., naev RtooeifMI ave.. I rposM Srat Sacw. with all IrapeevaeieBtoi paeaaw ilea tinraertiateJy.

FRANKL3 I M. OLM,7M Bread Mm SlawaffM

T O LBT-FtR ST-CLASS FLAT, • EOOlOt boltor and raaKt, iS Graage a t . r '

Neuae, T loeaia, i s Ackraa A , |j |.Houaaat iroeevHla.

Mta oliy.

Graage i t , ^Hrima la ribar parti r iWM. A. HOWELL,


aavan rooiaa i eUan* pwaiy laqetre MG

__ ___ ____________A M*. Bear Sooth Orange ava; aavan rooiaa aad

tw(E hot and eoiri water dgr oeUant pwaiy olll|h i and a ir : pavri tsOirrH OHANGE AVE

T O L R T-B G U aR O F I ROOMS, R ENT M4, B.JL ava; T m n a OB R |U ;a»*vi

1 roomv* bt Tlcbenor ah. rent fl4 Inqulj Hif.LKR, ekgeraiora, SIRaUread ave. or MTMuiberffM. 5H

W> L B T-lin U S R w i t h _7 ROOMS AND Betmi^ rity waiar. No. WIH South Ttb sL, bear

Orangeboraa«Ara,orwliiHeJlto aceed nanrat " ■ - Inquira Na a s SOUTH rTH

T O L R T -P A R T OR TH E ENTIR E BtflLD- ai an Market at, with Itoae fur iwe vw For jutrllnilarv Incihlre of tiTEilNBEAG

SNERHAN, m i M ^ e ta i

T n RKNT. SK KMMETT A T .- BRICK hoew, i rooma, gat, ran;;e, balb ; also Bioora-

field ho^er, D ruoraa n r ln i water. Uiye xrounda. Ruble. GKG F. IKiDD. UI9 JBTO mI ' iri

AHp BT.* I^PLREHAM'r PRUNTimMtor two guuilamea or couple tor Hiht EMai><

kvep^ng. Mp

llah? bourikaeplngST*. V'LAKGB KOOMS FOR

also amaU dm for gen- Mft

5RGGMS, w i t h a q u e d u c t n e t IE Apply ITT MUKttIA a V E


IH o u r e r a n f t I t a o m * t t a i t i s f t .

‘iJoOMH-WANTED, FT TOUNO LADY,. J ----------- .... _ --------_ .twu untornlibed roonu with a reapeotobta family Dear Marxet and Bnuid alA; refiEfearai ; torttia moderator Addnw M IW N. MIMTIN. l : l Warilocfon <t* C*PTXOOMS-WANTRn, I OR 4 ROOKS FOR AJ\ia* rrted couple; loq^tlon ^atra)_i tortriiB-rriWI wupi,!, iiHjgfcLiun fcvruil

oeable. Addiven E., Box 1*. Naweofloa. Iq

KOOM-WANTEff, A LAKOE S12KD VA' - - ------ - -__(.raiitroiBi with raepecLabia people by youngniavrfed ceaplc Ad>ireaatop M. L. w.. Box 1,'Nawa offlee.

S v a r d i t i g *

A LARGE HpUM. W ITH BOAJID: ALSO other rooma. 4JR PLANK ST. _______ 141

A YOrtNQ LADY SEEKING BOARD Ma IT addreea HOME, Box G.NaaraoAi'e. t4p


torany bualnafa. alao lady*a.pony, or will ax- chariga Mlb O f road horab. FRANK BUT- LIlK, 'a Munugua pi.. Moamlal N. J. Mp

J I thoroughbred aaddle borea. lllib u d i high, dark brown, atyilah, haa all tbe aaddla Kails, >• bridle wlw and apertoi.t Jqn'per.aud will guaraa* tM aund. For prliw and fltrthcr lofonnatlonapriy tn m R S O .v’H a>AL YARD, M iNUd at., KMt orahve, or F. H arblene. Wettdald, N. J. Nana but ihuea who wm l a flrei-claaa boraa wUt iud U worth tbalr Rme lo boibar.


Siaolaa Ml aed IM (bBiral ave-. era. AoUen at., near Oa:ml bridge ea Uaciwal avk

aad HI JaoDea ab. N. Y.

FOR b a l e , a MEDIUM-SIZED__ horae, good worker; no reaMunaiil# oObr r^fbaad. liiqulraaSiap^ HUUTll lOfU Hr, Ho

H o r s e s -F O R h a l e , t h r e e b o u n d , young boraee ; also t wo waenna Apoly pro IM M U 'H A l^ it T .


BT. Mp

H 0USE4 -F G K b a l e , F IV E H0B&8S A T a bargalia M FI HAT BT, r u


Q aDK N A RUDD. 21 » ANpT DIVISION'«L, Newark, JN. J., oppdelto D., L aDd W. H,


AND HOBBE ciArruiNQ.Farkbnarde. Rnrray-y^ta and Keoaingtou* lATge and varied iifMik, l.ifiw pricerr pricca

AlflO bUiatua In ■eeORd aand wstonaA TRAM GOAL

. . . walxhlnx anywhaie benmnlTdOariaiia. Ajrily coal - 11 and It HarrUoa avA, HarriaoA

\ it a n t k d - to buyTV wagon in good ordST,

benm ^T ri aod alia. Appi; «<.! . oMoA W, K., Hp

OftOrt n u t HORSE, BUUOY AND^ O O h arn ee t; alao eboapwork horaefbrM; rauMbeaeblatooca. 47 LIVINUBIW BT Tip

$65 WII-L b A NIOC FAHlLt lUO, f Hajfan mafe* eerrUge aoil new^ ... ____ _ •»B'i *r*»w lArnefa*

niUMaall at orkw. Apply WKLnHKR’H Rori Itouaa. ValiahMfE Bouth (Jraiigaaife______ Wp

^ a ^ u c t i a n J i a U * .^UO TIO N BALM-



Will aeU at anlearoom. M BROAD BT., TO-MOIUtOW (THUH0DAT) MGltNING,

a t U O’CLOCK.C1-1 Get, Uptlf hi Grand Plana,Parlor ttolU LaBUk Pluali.aio.. CtoainberRMlia ta WaL, Cbarry and Dak. MaiMVe Mriaira MadMeaila in WaL aod Oak* Vary flue 7. P. Pier a ri Maotai Mtrrora,

Foldibf ^ 1, Bxtonalon,'^ T. and other Ta­blet, sideboard, fiureioa* WaalivtanidA Chalra r i alt klRda Booktra, Deak, etc., about 4b Carpata In Wlhoa, Hoqaeue, Vetvtt, HruawG and lagralo, Bmyrea Ruga, Mafr Utrpatv, Llfielium, DUriolh, Pure curled Hair niM oibar MaRmanE BpriakS, Ftoturea. Mkrrora* etc., eta. CTp

I n a t r u c U o t t oAND "P IANO ____ - —

ceatf t lahMi.

b in g in g t w s n t y -f ik kAiidrem ^

TKACUKR, BOX P, Hawioaea.

junORTHAND^ young MEN AMD LADlla nwaetad to leant eborlliaod; btlvaia initruw ilrioBly, byepraotical rriorier; H yeark wu perieoce; uo lalFurei; etlueUpAi aacurad (bf pupils; aaud tor Uatoi nameaof

triad ^ New-_____ i1 beck and eirculariJIARRIBOM. gLMragrapher, Rl BrMd ark, N. LrjIHK NEWARK ACADEMY

wm leepen Eapleiber IE Tha biad aaatar wlUM a iU M A o ric ^ to a ^ lM A m AemitoM.

FntDINO I f D WANTMD, ADDRM 'H L. t t . Box. D, News edke,


‘VODNO GIRL *ro M m m a X awd toaft aitra o h iL K ae rito r i i

---------------- ,.. LAitiJnll MWfli fwiiB f ~<i

laAM K AT. U^FURNIHHRD BOOKS PGR J > genOaraan and wllM with er without board. ton

B ank st.,«a-ooDD board a n d c h b e ivfljl ntoma, with bath. 70s

T >0 _______ ____Jtjplaceai at the W. G A. Boriding tforaa tor Working Girls, M CLINTON ifT .llU dta


per week, scrtM-dlng lo room.

gr^OOK-WAMTBD, A. DINNERHtKJK, ONE |.,ttaed to rooklni ordart. Apt ly atHENDER- BON'R RKriTAPJiANT.iaiMerxataL MpriUTTKR-W ANTED. YOUNG MAN Ai ^^cuuar aa lutonta' waar, with adinearMrleeMRrvtorreA OMMWSLL, BGULTKK A Oa.J4

'araraiaL Mp

E x f r r t k n o r d g ir l b o n f o o t P R s nTuM hA R SED.f Comnwrcialil. M j

'IrtlLRR AT BADDLEHT HaRDWAB^ r drat-claw hand only. Apriy ta WILLIAJM HIGGINS. IB WaM BU lb, York* 4 ^





Want a toim, Utdttatgleaa man lo paaa work)

asAtt bt a JixiS’Ctada tsHra.

Apply to



t h i

b r o a d a n d m a r k i t i t .

C U m U E M ,

Want (wo foodpALEUSKN.

Alee two bright youeg raan to toare tba bodoaiA

Apply to


Fglra.* ktJai onra. F. J. BLATZ4 BROIL Rlltahftb, N. J.

Hi'UeEWORK-WANTKP, A OOOD OEIl- mao or Hwadlah ef rl tor general boutawoiiq

one lha^oan_ooine weR Tecommeeded. Apply to uiavo..B NORTH ELEV EN TH ST*, cor.

ItoravUlA no'nO U S EW O R K -G TR L WANTED. TO DO FT«vD«rai hooMworic m prlvas# family • m r

be nnirClaBawaaiiar and ironerand unriretned ptala cooking. Apply 1» WALNVT bT„ Rail umofa. Na

H OUSBWOKK-A OOUPETENTGREMAV girt warned tor gaaeral liotiseenrL In a atnafl toraUy. » HOUTH MAPLE A V E , Keaa

Omoge. H*JJODflEWORE-W ANTED*. ^ ----------- * A GIRL FOE__ UBeral boiuework.Mp - Na M WALNUT El!*

JTOUNKWORK - A GIRL FOR GENERAL Ih o o M In araMI totally. Apply ftl AIN RT*. orange, N. J. mp

TIpUSEWDllK-WANTED, RT flIRGLI X llM y.g1rI for ganeral hooaawDrit Addraai C., Boi S. Nawa ofllue. Kb

Cl in t o n “T. M“TWi> com fortableI ............. .../rooina. with bourd. tor gauMaraMi.

CILINTON ST.,r«-LARGKSRCOND4lTOHY .> room for (wo, with food board. Ha^IOMMEHCEST.. Hfi-DP»1RABLE BOOMR,

hot and cold water; good boars. Sto

F r a n k l in st« m- debiRa b l s roomsfrith board, 8lQ

g^lRKEN HT., TIt- f u r n is h e d I T and back mran arlib or without board.


Gr o v e st ..iv o o rn k k m a r k e t , r e a rCuUrthoiiia—IkNtrti tor agentloraan; t l par

week. ilqt t a n d s o m e l y f u r n is h e d ROOMV J lw i th or wUhout board, at the MANbtoN TIOUHK. Kit Broad ft.

M u l b e r r y s t .,is » - d e h t r a d l b room ilwith OR wUbout board tMuninar prkaa; r r i

Mu l b e r r y i t .. tu-BOAnniNo, r rooiusaod to»GoD« iloovo reoiu with ron-FINS

_____ ____ __________ . ___ ..b roiKnecUoPS, all Irapfovamento* moderate prloae*4Im

N RW aT*,to-»IAftD AND NICELY FUR- ___niabed roouu, all oonaeatencea_______ ^

ONRORTW Q g e n t l e m e n OANFIND A pleaaar ‘ * ‘ “nt room and board oaarr'uulb l^nrk,

coDvauioiit ta tliorMoaf llnee Addraai UUMU* Bex y, Neff* ofllri. . X4p

s ;T A T » ST., Xl-ftOARD FO§ TWO 0 KB- U«moo or married maple; an rfiiv«iieaea«.9o

Tjy'ALHUT BT*,.with .boerd,

tnodens(&^P^r/JIASANT ROOM.

' twd y e u ^ meo; M r^

f f e it v f t H f u t f s A .

ITRIJ iprlvato niniily; i ...... ......CBSTKAL, Bog 0, Nfwe effloa.B o a r d w a n t e d b y y o u n g l a d y i n

__lirivato tonillyj contrel leralMm. Addreia

-IYOOM9-WANTED. TWOUN/URMBHKD J Yrooina tn a pieeaant lomlUy tor a Teona miN ried oouplo (no cblidreii). with or wlUieutboard:-------------------------....-----------------B.--------

' htaA (Idreal* giving torme, L H* JL. -Box oAoe*

Y oung lady would u k i to t a k eboard with a private Bur “ - -Box K, EveniBxKaiwefflre.

Addreta A. G„ ♦Tp

t n :1 .

p r o l * » t a l a n « ( .


br o a d NTBKhT, NFWAIHt, N, J.Boa oor. Central ave, and Third at.l

Eearay. N* Lj n t j ^ a t Fo n a l h a t e n t o m o R

G A R rN lR A O G .7M-N4 BROAD NT., Newark, N. J.

PatAreoa oAoe—T'own Ctock Building.Ibirotifaa Rnadtuattorv, Dreadee. Oarmraur. Bperiaj DepArtmani tor the Rale off FauntA


DKA1.b r i n REAL IH T A T KAppralaaraento aud valuitioDi a apaiaiisHF* B^*- ---- ---- K IA D B * ^

R e m o v a l *-DR. URitVAN W OKDEOKI.


Heera-etoHA. M , lla g F. M., 6to IP. M.

attntaga?*.J J A lO U a O ll V a H D tITM «


Airtr IM K U l , ■ n -fc .n

_____» WtOAD »T.

e i i m t * a .

T Joy^^sw oK K -oun . Fob l iu b t w o k i:.BOUrrK B , Inaulr, iw*

XWfKCTA.1 bl* , ( r l ; ,o«1 faDiD*; femuj .w., Ab*,r tiMtIMal, KSClCWTlIAfe AVffl ^ ” j .

T I!W K l,L m ^ W A ? !TK D , OOOD I.......HKITRSa

I ABOW RA-W AKTER, TEN MEN A T JA* jOOtto^g TH EA TK E, Waahlnigum at Uq

^TFP IC R AS-f8TA N T W ANTED; CHANCR W fo radvantwoient, 33 CEDAR Sx Uq


Tb*. tot, t, m llt.B Bmirm tlW J.taiBuii; it - r u oo. w . iabmIi h n . j .

m a w W aWTED FOR H »^ w m n .111* MfeW, PMitiM. AiMraa, wlU. r*fcnmc*» B., Hoi ciot JCt . . 1d, WawaWb

Ba t o i i e l u a k k r s w a w t k d o sICRABTtiO * 00., M CiilMn., Sow r«rk.

MSB * uM

Bff(jB V K B A L WES Wa STKO - M tPEM - ‘ la » t frlaillnf, |»litbis( aad rundiirr, ^ •hwr* aad cutlEry. J. w K d * agw tA Broad it- «Pf^ n iR T IBONKRS A T TR O T H ITT LAUN- ^ d r y ; a l ^ y work and plenty of It to Ant«|araIjwiiieonl^ jW M adW at, B. McKIfiOlL 8rpiw R O O FER W a n t e d -A P P LY t o s. ji H AltoUALLi, M John 1 U lark.

T T f ^ f y i L . f o r H O T E L -m PERU tootui wito beard. 2gOEl>ABM T/^

W AITRESS Wa n t e d .np litlit MDLBSBRY ST*

W A ^K D -IC K PER IR R C Eb HANDS A T tawtngbf hand and Oomeftlr machina. ' - ^TT...B tf wviAia-Mr AHifccnina oa

t e n t ' s X K W d f c K EMBHOIDKBV WOKKfl|74BblpmaB iL ptoT ^ A N T K D * A TOUNQM a N f o b k i t c h e n Y v work and to malia cMtrii: al*>a young

maa (9 half waltar. tH M ARKET fTL; taurana


(l-tal.naBln, HHuAD HT,

W A S TB D -!(JO O D T I S ASD ■[(MKT- 1™ w*rfcm HOW ABTB »R (jh , b «j.n r.« l Id, - „ „

^ a N KO T H i 1*14 floraer itaKiraar andSavenUk avek floraer itaKiraar and H


A c a t j i o u c w o m a n w o u l d ’ k i T aMleaflhn la privsta hrolJy; can do any ktni

ornpuaework ; wimuglohalp wUb children and .aawlag. Arireaa 6^ Box K* Naea oflne. Hp

A W K A p T. BODE* ifAtiM KO .w HP uriTex 5 aeil

ancea. AddriM ihNOLiaHMA* Oflke, Alp

^OOI^ETKNT l a d y , WITH O N I


D HtV*B--pOU)llKD MAS WldHES gtTD- B10BM arlT«tir[.lciB(ar.afborw .. Okil

Bp IdO A M K IK fcurt^

K A IM M IS rS O . WltTTIEWASJIlIilO AMO «f*riUttB(l»lclH.IIUl 4B WAlfe JPT Mitliin

M rM vM .nl. mliw. AddtM. cH a b i .* « i-jEMJt,n Arllaffua ife

W A B H IN O -W ln ow WOMAir nr.daltf « M i l» . SH k I ' '

tun -. HUk. MITLAliBBT.I . STfek U tUKH H

W4S"'* *‘4:s?iiV,oVgiKsr*,;Y ooso ntrrcM Bn w iB n a B irp TA -n o M ,

r«(kn>ncifr*]alr*l Addnte BUTVI{RR„80. IA N .w . t

iI .




LOCAL CHIT-CHAT. i P O f t t t lE nT B R D A T . V ltlC lC L M AND IUCT4.LBi. r o o i r s p % ur. w i r i .

EuM rteM nv OwHif AbM« P*«pk« attA ■ ap iieeS W •* latorM t.

A o v o ^ bjr a b a U r UrtDa cm WllUiMi Bel^Tllla, dbplari • rematkabla M-

UcbaMfit lot It jtMDt Hark agaktb A i*wwci ki af6 tbc owttM «4 iha taliba, upoa C^M to •» uuih MCH!, w u lu riw l^ loaao U»a t>«a4 ciftha«iaA«<'n>pplbf oaitiom u*A*r ib toai. VjH’Q arouAlutf Uia tb* younf black•BLka wti louud eoilsd up on Uio tiMt ahara M1»>7 bad been lilnt. Pfoddnif ibatnaka viLb a (lick U aaa ifcti that H* tall bad baca aui In Mvuraa ulaoia. avhlfitttlf a i d i In ap al-liiai I to kill ib« rep^Ua.

Tii" 8iuik« wtu ibnmn oni iilo tba yard and wt» Itsua^lialL'lr ftibovf'} UJ ib i cat. vb ld i aaiufulli ca^r<d It back lu Iba bouaa, and, ihfu f daptalnua it tn iba placa vhera tt had b t-n biund. ajjajD eoTorad U wllb iti bodf. VV tJi.laf toii'-ctbaoalaodia of ibli tiraufa air Ut-hiBumtbcu*D«r Un iha dbi uiiaifl««ttdi and folnf 10 to# bocna proaurad fbud and B ia i^ It D|Hia a Plata and lalt U wacra tM aat Ik &>ua1ir (ad. ciulmf kiur, tha ownal n m •urpriaad to Ka (ba oat cxioliia Inward iba ft>Mt oarryluy tha Boaka b | tba baoi of Ita bciid. ancrdapoKKlnK tha Ultar ao it could lancu ilM Ibwl apon tba plata, iba oat tbau iMlyad HaaU. A'haa bo:k Lad M.«a tba fblina aiaiu picked ib t aiiako up and carrlad u back |o ihd otiiLooM.

TliU waa koptnpuutll tba anaka waa abta to ciawL Bimw then Jt aocunpaiitaa tba cal to ba el, and dnnnK tbadajr klUy li tba •rtaka'a oorouot o<»at«iiina, A; ntgbt both fo io lb a eulLunaa, and altar tbe iiaae baa celled Iraclf tip Ltaa cat ci-Tari U witi i lU bodj, and in Uiia maanar tba; ptaa iba nlf tn lotctbar.

■ ■ I O a a A lla a ita A aaaalaU an « a a aa -< la o t k a r L e e e a # e -T h a Raaaa»

On aaeouBt of Um rainaal of Olaaaoo, af tba Waahlsgtou Club, la ofear iba nisplrc’i rrdar In u k a hia teat wblla a dkpuia « m ib orofnMa, durlnf a ocateal batWfoa H^ilauira and Watb* ton. at tba iatiai a t r rdar aftemuon, tba |am a waa daolartd fbrrclted to BalUnora by tba aooaa oi I lo & Oleuou bad bean daeiaiwd out fbr Inierfarinf wUb tn opptaluf playtr.

'Hia Kama p<»tpDiia<l fnim yattardar aflarward pliyad. Tba acuta by Uiniata:WaahlfiRttm............. .......... *,.0 • I I 0 4>-4UaiUDon.............. .....U t i l

Raju blta—Wuhluiiino I, BaUlmoiw A Erron ^Waibinglon 1, BaUlnwn A Boitanaa'Pbll- llpa and Kiddla, Bikaraud Townaaad

Tba cbampioohblp ctniaa yaalarday In tba tb n t otiiaa laajruea w art:

RATIUIIAL LUOUl.Al Indlanapoiii-Brooklyn U, Clotaland A At Cblcafo-Ciiieafo A Pn|la<ielT>bla A At CiBelDuau~diu*muall 11, Boatod L

AMxaicAN jjaoaAiioir Al Phnadatpbia^Athiotlo T, TdadoO.Al Syracura-ni. Liiuki A Brranua L At kUx'hcitet-oilocbtMier % LouitvUia A

ft.tysaa' u to v A At Cblcafo—CbioiKO A nrooklyn A Al BudkiiK-PuiladdphU I, Buffiio A At ClcyaliDd^UeYStand IT, Button A

Wurld’i Fair Ooniulinuear Thooaa Bnltb, lo C'«nncctlon WUb bli kiauclaiai In iba Coni* BiMlon, baaacoeptad an laVttatUM to yAU^tba Co-tt Paiaoo al Skmi City on (VtubjrT, tba rcKiUvmeoiliidOl tba Uuuiatattou v f baM In I'Utoacu tba iiaxiday. Mr. Bmiib aatlnatea that tba coat to tba manaerr* of tba pala^ In tba iaai4aa oi tba laoepdoci lo tba CDUBlniioD* era, of wh'US Ibart a n aome IM, will not lall Ut hbort of bl.CNU. Toe palace hi quwtloii, vbUrh will ba epauad on HaptembariA M da- ititied 10 ba voa of Iba moat nuaai of modem ■tniciwen It M to ba built aUac tba Arabio ttyiA wfnrlDi an area of aqpar* iMt and rv^itif toabelfb i of 170 taaf, wbila iia oompo aiuoa wiU ba axelntiralr of oorn.

•am atittilc Akwwk Iba A dannlatM nfBoUi->tAa OrdUMPy nnd linfatr*

BrrwD 9 t Ntobolaa Maiaalna.Of all cjrcdaA tba moat da ll|k tfn i l i iba

ordiuarT UU blcTcla. I f I « a ta a boy I wunM rid i no tb ln i alia. Thata la a oar- tain iw ln f or Ufa aboni li, a eaTtain ly iu- p itb y batw aci i i a»d tba rldar, n e t to ba bad la ao f atbar macblDt. Tba b iifh l , too, of Iba b if wbaal, aboaa wUkb tba tidcc lilA m ika t it la aa almoyi aa If bo w art f i j ln f ib ito ih * l>* a ir; and In oowBtrtaa whtra bedioa a id walla ira b lfb , much moia of tha landicapa

A p.-^alti.r COM of flH wpVAlloo of mso u d wllu Iwi coDia to Uie uoiioe of ■ M«< rcpofiH. AJoti Hnb«, A nrpeoier, wbon ••fu iw l •111, 1* IlfA oomtali bim V> l l n tn boiidiu,- Im am tnd wbo iwaollinH Un,n with b1i bulb*, t t ‘X3 Bolmaiit ivtnuu, l iu ■ wlk tnd ihn* ootldito in Bwltierlaod. ThiM ,w f i *10 fit went *!ih hi, wlla lod tu h llj la bH Alpln* boiiia. Th* woiunh oboit to n - iBAtn iben nod would not nt.irn lo AmoiW with bfu. tir. Ilubar hi* bMo nuhliif ■tieoDOU* tflbrli evir hdoi to tuduo* hi* wlJ* toJ^Dbln). Y utoottf b* lot • latter from lh« 8«a* Caniul ilAlIaf th ^ Uier* 1* no Itw to connp*! b*r lo eooi* to N *.*rh Th* d*i*mi- loatton of lb* won*b to d*i in ewfiatrlnod w ltkhw thn* oblldran ti la rip tm b i* , coo- ■bleriut tb it Ii |1 u id ih* U d«|i*Dd*nt on ib* obuiUHoflbt’ fforeniiiionL Xr. llutier b*i n logic, of • tbw tbouubd dollui ctmiiaf to b ln from *u *uiU In bwinulUHl ind bo lHi>tb it bl* ml* m |r oKIrn tbAntontj.

Al MownoaU. Pntk.Th* rao«« *t Huanoalb rnrk riMcidn, r*>

•uliod H M low i;riiX R»M -It** b»udlc*p irw»ci*t*b8i of

Itu e*«b, with tt.lW iditid, tevin Ihrionti; Yoluntior II. won, Urluildl noood, B«!hi B. Ibtfd; Um*, 13l5d. ft« t H*Uln*-Ag*ttt.l Vo-iut**r U .tU ih B*ll*b.d to l, Xiwtdii i tO l.O rtm aldK lol.

Til* UuHywood Uiodktp—A •■•apMiliM tor two>,wn)td ante* altbO each, with lUbOO added, Ih tn -sa irlrr.o fao tllo ; t'ndall* won. r a i t , Koond, Equit, third | tin t, Fiat BatUng—AgtlnW F ill,* lo b , R H bonlH to l,( ailallA b to 1, Karl, Bloawini 8 lo I, Ouitocttoa lb to 1, S |uUf 15 to 1, WendaWtjr 9D to i, AnoW, Klldiar, n tT lI ti .u c b 80 to I. H ij- dom rM 10 L

* Tha RuiU n Rlilia*, Fir tbiaf-Taaradd* at mooarb. wllb 11.508 addnl, oo* lollt nod a quarter ! Judfi Morrow woo, K enplud «e- ODd, Klng-a Own third; Huhi. AIL Foal B*tttDH—FiTito Son JU'li* Hofrow, agiluit CbiafttlD 5 101, X lof • Own t Ui i. KeatFlaod. TIol.

TTm NiTMlnb Randteap. a iw»er«t*,n o( 850 *Mb, with 80,000 addad, one milt and a b l i t ; Eurui won. TonbOT Hcnnil; Una, LiSIil. Fiot Darting—ieren to 1 on Ettm , agaiuat Tombujr 5 to 1.

Fitlb Kaoa-BweeiiaUkan for ibraa-yaarKildi and apwaid. at 118 each, with 8150 addad, •elllng aJlowanoria. ona n lla and a rur'ong: Siqulinau wan, TbaoduUua teooDd, Mikado third ; lima, AOL Foit Datilng-Taa to T oo iHiuliaiia, iiilna l Tbeodoelua IX to 1. Mikado « to 1, UtUa Jim i l to 1

btith Race—Prea bindtcap iweepatabea of '890 aach, with 81,000 added, mlla and t fbr- ioBg; Miea Belle won, BluBgard raoond, Eon tb lrd ; llwia I.51X. Foal Batrliif-AxaliHt Eon and Blunard ateb 8 to I, MM Balia 8 lo t, lo- tpooior B. U to L__________

BaatMa-niaatar JMopb 0. Van Idanttna, of one ofUia South Orangaarcommodailop Irtlin on tba Momi and Bwai road, ii kalng Hontiad gtuenU , for bti pluck, conduct a lew data ago, wbaa ha Head a woman from dMtb bo- naotb tha wbeeb of iha hackettnown axpnm Harrlat Andnaon, whom tha baggaga-niitar taaouad, lailai to u a tha mattat la ih* light that othan do. ’ Van [den tin w u tiandlng oaar th* track at tba main cicealng In bouib Orange when “ Aunt Harriet" cam* along Ib* depot platform. Tb* Homan, who tanoMMd. tau poet *,a.lfbt. Bba altemptad w mom th* triok. paaalng a ,ialDl t » ,ond Iba itairat wblob won lowend. Tba ekpnai w u thandehog toward tb* onwi- log at lb* rat* of Bit, mile* aa hour. Tba wnmaa w u nnocwmiooa at hi* dangat and paid no atiauDoB lo the winiing that w en aboutad fl«n all M du Tb* apaotaloci aipenlad to i u tb* old woman bnclid to death.

Huddanl, Tan Identlna mod* a l,b ag Iwp d ln c t tn tb* path of the ttalii. Ha caught Mra Andaraon while In Iba air, and with bar lo bw gnop Itacew talmaalf on tba ground bayood.

■' M j God, both a n htiiad f taelauaed a b ,- alai’dar, u nacurr and rcecned watt kwt in a cloud of duet Ibrown up b, lb* lying a ip r tu An Inatant later ib* baggago-maitar waa d » eovetad bolding tha woman cat lb* roadtwd, bolweea tba e u t and weetbound iraeki.

Aunt Harriet taantad bet pate-peoed nanaec t n wbat eh* omitdand bla unottemonlaui IraaiiDantofalad,, and want olfaBl told tb* nalgbboa bow aha had bean nUauaad.

Van Id ea :b » 't fee* « u ot an aaban boa foe on bout anerward. Ua explmnod that h* bad acted on tb* Impnle* and lallad to nahaa tba ilak b* ran naui all w u near.

O thar KTaal*.Tb* narugen of Duoda* Fark. or, m an

proper], apcaklng, tbe Nonboru How Jerae, fW;r Amo^tlon. whoaa track la n u i Faterwai, and wbo wara Iba diet In tae laid to proioaa a ram balwaad tba two graal tbur-jaar-olda. SuBol aad Aktall, now inakt a moat Uboral jwopoallion to the manager* of tneio lea l leol- lin i Taa, olhr a aUk* ef 8W.0M, aninae* bee. mil* baalt, beat Ibrea In bra, th* wlunar 10- (aka the entln amount. Tba data naa, ba mntpall, agraed epoa, ina only aiipulatloa being that it ahaU b* batwaea Saptember SIanji O aobatll.

KieR a QiHen Ctt, Full Mil* Orlelng Club b u n ennd gcool lo not agalnai bar raoord and Palo Alto lo irni agaluM lb* atallloa record al the dubfa meetlug la It-plembar.

Tha Oraago Toiiala T onraam ant.A anrnctaB w u In atoc* for ttaoaa who at-

laadad Ib* lawn lacnh loumament of tbe Onng* lAwn Thobla Club at Monlrou reater- day, tha aecond Oa, oflba tonroament. W.V. Jobnaon, Who waa looked on u certain to ba la th* Inal, aad tb* probable wlneai of Ib* cnp. icll aa aaay eicum u> the Ida, of C. F. Wttioc. A mneh latier crowd tllonded ihgB ua Iba I n t day, and in* placing war ib iR thronaboul A Ward and C, A Oogid played a D(ut Blubbotn game, aud It w u probably iha Incat eoolcat of tb* itiei noon. Tbe Irtt and aeoDod rounda were lulabad. and tba InaU win b* playad Koday. Tba reault of tn* play­ing yealacday waa: Flrn nnad, I. Ward beat a A. Oonid, 8—t, l - i , 1~« ; aaeetid HMnd, C. F. Walaon beat W. V. Jobnaou, * -L 1 -1 .1 -1 ; Di W. Caodlar beat A Ward, t - L l - i .


" Oat U9” la tb* nU* oi tn innoeanplooklng feilna which glldca about Iba Uobokea parda of the Ueiawtra. Lackawaaua tad WaMem Ballioad.wtta a moramaot pacullu to aidmal* that baea ptaeed through aoia* racurkabl* ed- Mutucea. tbl* o tt tau a noetd u i Mwealler. On* alght Ihll week tb* lellue boardod a paa- •apget train at Botub Oreage and preparad lor a |ouro« to Uoinkan. A bent in ear i l l w u •brnea, hot Conductor' bmith qaloklF bounced the Inmidar.

Hit catablp Icitno llDM in euKonalug him- m ltoo the toward tn e k of Iha ear, a m tba drawbead. Th* baggage-muiar and brake, naan atiampiad to diilodm ib* eat, ^ t tba lauat delaoded hlmHctf wbh clawi and laalta. Perched In bM eacan poattwn iba plucky fhlln* rod* to Bobokan. back lo Morrnlown and Into llobokan i f ala, a dlatanc* of m en than clgbi, milea.

At Hoboken b*, lilt th* In la and parma- neuUy loeaiod hlmaalf In Uio yard. U* nowooenpla* hM Um* In muMlnttiDg rat* and pia- Ing t o tb* admiration of tb* nliroadeth

T t n P ta a o tb* M aeorlt* . from tb* Mew York World.

TlwntaTery lUU«demuid far odd nod tn - naual niMcal leMrunuaia. Tb* ulagabow

I that tha piano ia tb* g ru t ta.orho, n a il tb* TiuUn, Bait the gontr tod next U» Int*. A great many ItdM took np Iht mandoUn aom* tlm* ago, but tba c iau it almutt complafely oeer. If tb* altbar w u not ao eery diflienll to learn II would be papular, and It M aa Inatni- m rnt which will alwaytbtT* allow botitaadr u l a Tba cornel b u leM lu popnlarlty, and nidKidy arartbiiika of boring a fnnob bom Bowadiya kraal InMruincma and IbagM anl ran oi o iebu in l good* ate lold almoat WboUp to i.rolaHJoaaa, althougn quite annoinet e f Chicago ladiu bara bought xylepbonu lately. Tb* ocarina la merely a lor, tltbougb a good many of ihtm a n gold, cblely to peopi* who know botblnf about mnala Tbe yarKwe meehtnloal daeloea l a grinding out melody Uwaya baeoa Heady aaie, wblob, lodead, la lookint ap tnli icaioa.

A Dead io ld ler.He aloepa a t 1iat-a barn of bla nna.Deo41—and Iba night Hm aoltiy on bla Ihoa.

Whlla the Mlntaummar atua, Uha aaollBalA Borer aboee ble ton ly tmUif place.A Mddlor, yet Ima eoldler Uiaa a n i t l—8Vbu gcra to joitloe what a aoMlai e a t I

Tha oourag* of tale arm, bla paUeot htart, And tbe I n loul th u Biaad whan wrong be­

gan.Hot (kaur, Alaundar, ADtnato*|Mo dupot born tba c>ll warrior lino,

Mapidaes: bl tn* iwi»d, whoa* erual baada Caught at tba Ibrotl of lore tqwQ Iti tbrlBe— Bui 00, who woifblpped la tb* nraoter yaai* th o u itfbu that man b a n galnad with btood

•Bd towi jWho lad bla a m l« Ilka a priaat ot bcb.

And tougbl bia battlea wtUi anctnlad fp tuL —Cccrpr Mo^lffomerf I t fforpm* A

If ia u p l* o t Haw Hard 8Vorh 8V1H Kraw- toally l.*ad ta Fail.*,

Fm u Iba GhrlalUn at Work.T w onty-lr* yean ago a faw yanog mail

la Loodaa ta u lra d la maet araey araahaf to iictaaogaidaai. Th* aam bor gTadwIly Increaaed till i t ^wia nccaaaary to hire a room. Growing aiDbltlooB, they faired loo- torora, and many people were brought tn- gethar. Uany of tbam now Iran* back tboit aacoau to thla atfort a t galBlag knawladgn

ladelkilcable Indnstry con pled with tb* d u ll* for krawledge prod need groat rofulU. W tUat Scott, wbnn ho waa tn a law yai't oSco, apent bia areniaga la Itndy. Joba Briltnn, tha author of aicbitociDtil w eika u I d : “ I atudiod my hooka in bed on winter eeeninga, becanu too poor to afford a A n.” Ho uied eoery appoiUnUy W read ; the book* ha picked ap for a few mamenla air th* hooka alia belpad him, bo u y a Napoleoti had In- domltabla patMVaraaca and oneygy. Dr, L irlag itoao a t tha tga of ten yean , work­ing in a factory, hooght With hia f in t wagta a Latin gran mar and atndied It wntil IS at uIghL H ttiu d ie d Tlrgil and Hortoa tha u m a way. and flnally aatarad eollaga and w » gndnatad.

Many will aak hew they can id y u M (bemHlfM la kaowledg*. Th* f ln t th iig ia detarm ioatioa} the next penararoaoa W altai Soolt gar* thla adrica ta a yoaag man t *' Do ioatanily w ba tarir la to h^ dooA and lake lb* boart of rocreatfon after baalntar, oarer befan iL” Baaloaw mao nflon iiy , " Tima la ilo n a j.” But it ia more than that to th e yoang o^aa, I f naod rightly i t K u l f - Improraaiant, onUnra, ttreag ih and - growth of ohaiBotar. Tbo habit of Idtuaaa b a bard ona to gat rid oL Tb* bahil of raad- U f anylblag and arerytblog ia weakai- Ing to the Dtlod. Book* c h au n and n ad with oara ooUIt iI* iha m ind and ohar- aotar. Tha booka yoa read ahoBtl tail* yoar thoogbta ta d upliatlona, atreagthan y o a re o a rfy a n d batpyoo la y o u t work. Tkaekaray u y a : * I 87 ,lo Atequoat tbo yonr bettara. In hooka and in Ufa ficqaant Ihetw hich lath* moatwbola- aom* toclaly; lu rn to ad m in rightly. Hot* what g n a t men b a n adm ired; they td m ir t great ibinga; n iriow aplrlla ad­m in Imaoly and wnrahip mnioly.*'

eaa bo oM* f» m ita high parch than frum th* low a u t ef a " aafaly ” or a tricycle.B ot tkea. oo tb* u l t hlcyda yoa m u tt at- way* U ka Iba rlak of “ h tadart." Th* am allu t aton* or atick may u n d yoa head­long Into th* duat *r mod. Id o ne t th ink 1 o ra r ru ltaod the tm eh c ry e f th* *• or- dtoary * until oa* day when a rider 1 know cana buck from a rida to tba l i l t l i town! Bear Bom* with bla ooh patohad up with poatage-atampi. A tin y twig had pitched him o r t t on lb* bard road aad cut hi* uuae badly. In the nex t rillaga h* earn* to Ibet* w u nu court- plaator nor doctor to h i bad, and tha ril- lagara recouimaudao th* poilottoa a t tb* m utt likely p la « tu bay* nie wuunda at- u n d id .ta. Mow, if that twig bad hoM 0* th* atraato *f Bum*, ot wUbI* Immodiau lu e b of court- p lu te r, you may m ik i up your mind b* wuuM bar* ridden orer it a t e u ily u y u u plette—tbe bicycle wkiu u u tlH i b u you aM 10 ittclf, lo break your houet and oorer yon with cula. For long toure Ibera il another oideevtoo lo i t ; It will not carry com foitibly area th* tm ill am ount of bagiig* yuu will aaed. Aud ya l U r, Storcni red* uD* oa hie jouruey raond tba wcild-, tod thar* a r t tuauy men a*d buy* who wunld not gir* i t op for any u fa r eyel* that could b* Invaalod,

Still tbo "o rd in a ry '' It not 10 much ridd ta M It w u a few y u r t ago. Nowa- dayt, in Eugltnd, you will 10* ton " u fe - IIm " to Una " ordloaiy." Th* " ra fe ly " la lb* lltllo, low bicycl* with th* two whaala of almoat th* n u t tiaa ; and for tba l u t year or two, on* kind tau bean mad* for girl* to ride. If you b a re baea on a ibraa-wbaeled m tcblaa anly, and than try lb* '' n i t ty , ' ' u I did laM aumturr, yoiT wlU wonder how yon t ro r war* willing to work inch a dead Weight u a tricycle o r tr good o t indiffer- e a t rcada Tha “ n te ly ” It an ligh t ; it U 1 lio g lt track. michiDa, 13 th a t on the w o n t ruadawyon oaa minally m antga to And a p a th ; il it M low th a t i f you do tumbla yon will not hurt y a n rn lf (how, often did 1 roll o r t t lo tba dnit, ju a t ont- tide of Dieppe, on my Aral trip, aud jump np nona tha w orn for i l t j and i t will carry a ntapaclablj large hag. All tb a u tb lngi, you will ta t, a r t g ru t ly in lu furor.

I fancy I oaa hear aoma girl aak, “ But bow can wa a r e t , monat i l T T ha t tka queatioa I u k a d liat aummer when I raada my A nt trial. Dot, forlunalaiy fur me, pay uaebiu* waa a landeo, and there waa aom* ona to bold It ateady wblla I got on. By jn c lle* ,bow erer,g irli can laara— Indead, many k ir* laaratd already—lo m ount by itaodiug hctwaui whaalw patting on* foot over th* fram* on lo th* deacending padal, atandlag aa tbia, which a f o o n tu •tarta tha maclitne, and than a iltiog on tha u dd i* la d riding away. T hera la il. w ayt mora or leal difficalty abont tbia—a girl'a akirta are ao in bat way, and at* likely to catch j and yet, u iron aa aba la araicd, tbo mnat keep 00 going. Lately two ot thro* mgDaltclareta la Engtand bar* in ren u d wbat Iboy call a n fe ty al- tacbmeot, a coutririnoa by which the ma- ohlna can he atcadlcd aad kept a t 1 ataod' •till whlla th* rider muoala ae eaaily i t were a trIcyciA

1 bare cxparimcptod only on a tandem- •afety wllb a rider hefaiad me to iloer i t and pot on tbo brake; hot 1 b ar* ne re i 'enjoyed riding to mneh. One* you bar* itartad , th* michln* tecmi to carry you a Ja a g w iib n o effort on your p e r t ; I t ii no t rigid, like a tricycle, but agaiuga a*d •way* with your erery mutlou.

But (or ail that, Iha tricycle bag many good po in ttf it la u fa t than a " u t a i y " ;I b a n obatged a Acok of ilMop n u«w aad tba maebina did ac t a n a u p aa t; -it aeadi no aitaohnient to maka i l aaay to m o u o l; lo a crowded atraat yon can b* ^CD gbl ta a itandatilt w ithout b a r ln f to Jump off, M you mnat from 1 “ u f a ly " or an ''o r d in t r y / ’—und aa I bad to Uat annimer, coming down tba crowded Bua da Birotl, In Faria, whan all tba orouihutu and ctiriagaa In front came to a audden halt. In a couutry tana, if you wlah to netWor a wbila iu a p retty , Ihady apol, yen can ait there qniatly on your tricycle^ Nowadiyt, the tricycle la made eo light and compact th a t you can rid* a lm u t u lu t ou it aa ou a *' lafety." ludead aom* people u y that ou a tricycle yon make better time, in tba and, limply b teauu you oarer bara la dlamonat.

Tbar* tr* to many cycle m auufactarert in Englaud and America that bnndradi of m ichinaaar* mada.which diffaBionty in cartaio amall datiilL l a m aking your choice lYom among Iheit number yon niuit be gnlded obIcAy by yonr own apeclal want!, fbr if you g* to a good m aker you will teenr* a good pgachlne; It If meraly a queatlun of dacldiAg which oaa tn iia you beat.

After you bar* yonr marbine, the next th ing you mnat d o ll to learu u> m ount i t properly. Do be tare lo laarn-thla in the boginaing. I f you' irqoir* tha habit o t munbling aw k w ird lj 'y u n wiU no rer be rid of il> H are yoq not aomctlmea won­dered to te* a rider of aipcriecoa climb in to h it tidd le aa If b* were auem ptlng it for tbe A nt time 8 In America r id e n pay m o re ittea tjo a to thla tb aa they do m England, Amrrinana, t f a rnlA tbongh Ibey may not rjde teller tbaa Eogliihm en, rtda batter.

A F lau i Imdy HutubaxgaU by B araam a* a M tkt.aaalag Taur.

Froa Iba thicuga Trlbano." Wfaea w* wai* looking at tha b lg lrau

I* California,'* H id P. T. Iltrnum ia a ehnckliai way, " w* cam* to ou* that WM bigger than any o t th* olbai*. A ploui lady In our parly, H rt. Paarot—Iba naad to lira ia Chuago—wautad il maaaurad, Bb* w it tk* moat a cc u riu weman I t r e t

,k n aw .' Uar word Wl* goapal. Hat but- band w u Daacaa Furew Hi*. Fearcatook a apool oatloa from bar rallral* and aaid lo hoe hnibaad, ‘P u l y ear Ibumh an on* end af tbia eord and bold il whlla I walk around iho tir* w iih Ih* ipoal aud nnraal tb* thread. la th a t way w* will gel Ih* a iaet m auarem val, • • u ta h* abl* to ihow OUT trlaoda tb* *lM witbont «i c U1b| tUlir ciadnllty.”

“ I alwayi triad I* ba gallaal, M I u id to H ri. Pcaroi I would walk arouod Ib* tn * for her, taking tba apa*l of eoUoa and m euuring aa I waal.. " ' Na air,’ lb* rap liad ,' I don 't want any af your hniubufiery ia thla muaur*- maak I want to gat i l a c rn n iA 1 kaow yoD tan wall.*

" Sb* mad* th /m ru o rrm e n t, brake aff tb* itrlog aad wrapped it carefully alwul her Aral a id am end Augata, put it la ta ba t n l ic u li Mid u id 1 ' Tbara, when 1 unroll th a t and abow it lo oar foiinde tbay will baliera." At th* u m * lim a ib* looked *1 me.

" W* atarled back to th* hotel ta tea an t IcIandA Wbaa w* got thee* l i r a Pcaie* beyau talllo I of tba g n a t tre*A Than aba touk a Hula bnodla of twin* ool of bar reticula aad laid Ibam ah* would ihuw tb a u tba m auuram aLt ah* bad tak ia bar- u lf . Tba daacun waa g lra* ana and of tb* airing tod lold la walk nnlll b* had gone III lengih. R* atarlod aronud tha rnob), whfcfarwu a large oba Wbaa b* reachail tba duar XrA Paitc* w u itill glriug put atnng. H* walked out of iha door, cu t upon Iba lawn and down tba road oatit ha g tra oak

" Tba people lookt-d on with atuiiauiea k They bad inch a high n g t rd for iba ra- raclty of tba deacoo’a wife ibey didu’taay aoyihiDg. When tb* d u s a n llopprd to cu t, tail wlfa Itill bad about 200 yardt uf airiog iu bar band, Sb* lookad a t me, but X oarer betrayed any amotion. 1 think aha tbouxht 1 had ilolan her m euuram aol from tba ralieal* and put it tn my owo, Bba aavet w u aa grutal aAer tb ik And her rrracliy in tba commanity w uu’t what it bad bean. And they u y 1 am a bumbng,'* cbnckled th* old man aa b* walked away.

CRESCENT CRESCENT W 8i l l y « i i i « *

P E H i r t r i v a H iA B *ii.noai> -TH »«*aiMkr« Mllwujp tjf AAbrri'«. ^ruMil«d ■'j iw l l rhthnNiubnai i>r tiit 1uU>rlo(*klnc wllfb

ttin y IIU lUkd aaHitr Ju.8* tt,



W H Y Y O U S IIO U L O T A K U I T Il i t . m (lT«yntt tcodnui lorWa«dp we I'HiU on the label of hoeito iL* Inrreilltnii of Cmtont

reu kMW Jutt what you «ra Utint- Nu leertcr « to ih« InfraUlenia,tfil. hNwiM w« fuainiDtoa U) (vfuud yon iMir nonay If obula ao toneiH froM laklnf

OMcrat Manapai^la.4*l». tb» Onwirnt rn if wao iw pan CkWRCcml AanMarilW. af» ibt lar|«al

Raiall PrucftoM In iha itoM of New JerMer* umI are iwllaLU; and ttato ih« r^uiaUua aud In' k ^ j r Q( ibvir N>tad boatneM oo Ui« mariiA oi i 'n w m Baraaiiani it.

will la*va Markat M rm Bcatloii. Ne«a*-rk. a» toJlQwa;asr A. M. IMt I1n« with ral inan TMUbula p tr' k'T ami a« inra. <Uhy frtr i'UulMir«. iin- luiubaa iklaland ami Hl ieouikldall/ HaturUikV tor Utli'tgn aud luiwiu.

Atti H. M. Waaleruetbffws wilh PuPmaa faa*llhula dVtra anil dmiiif uar Ui Hi>Mafiaki>bla tinMy. fbr I'hli'^aa. Uai'lanailaiiiiihk Liiui*, ilaMy- vinapi Baititday kdi i.lave' laud Hlid 'Igtetto. _ ,AH p. M. PH'tflc eipmaK. wKh Puilnfen wall-Lwiei^eapliit*'«w. ‘*"‘r iMIanura, Cli i ^ e jn*t fiTiaiSi.dMdy eTt*i<|»(»<4iurdaj (or VlavalamL

i JP Ralilmwii, WaaiMHilio I aibd Ih#A. M. OJni'toa itKurea . 1*ulk wan Paru>f i ’ara. lu.* A. M. ; i,a<i,il*attd iLjer M. «m Su»>d.tjr, 1 11?. ami l^TAeM.# *.M. i I 7 an«1 K'9 P M- ft* llaiUmor# onir.

Mff.iniWM UftilM KapMwa. PuUinab twraj.n.Danil kl» V. M. i»n HuiOiO'e l u i A. M .:i.m 4 l\*.tiaii«r*a*P-

AUAVflie, 111 «b -A. M .to l u0d loll P. M.! .» T.aa. f A 4 M* AW,

Muitiadl I Me • *»m1 JJ .41 A. MjIX *L L», k II. LX. LM S.M. I » . € 17. TA* Wk » r. M. Hm.rtay. kff aiKl lft*l A.

' ~ L 7 J l and a. A P. W.

F k ft


MATIhEE AUUUST) aad t, O r n r i iH T h a t c l i e r ’a M l i i i t m l i ,

Under Iha mtoaxamant of Klcb A tlerrM. Tb* ma>iiafonteil, l«it laid, beat paying a a t

ba t ptaying baoa ot mmalnMin i^ r the huo. *

keati now uD aat* at box offtet. UM

JlX tU rM lD toM h

ty. ilWrV*, k tf.lD .

C flf>LK K4 OR r to r t iN U RA M MiU1l> r- Kan 75 c«alL Flahr nueft'l fApttlat

iieatuar Anfen, a l i i naw Loliart and all niN iniiTOTi'iDe'ito utd palaM Mtoofia, nmwoli Wl b «iJ iraiM tor New Yurk ei«eft aylvanla J<B1l^wd. llc k tii lor tba ba bid u ibvahot* m e oi tan to Uowtowa MMitoury auwti, No. 3 Ftrry a . n^potiu rde(#>l. SiMinar Ifavea New

OaiwweTwenty d m a t . E*M Ikrer, 7:» ; Baekman Raat hi ear. Ties ; Pier L N anb Hiref, *;15V M. Itreb 0*11, 5*. a biinou. Hefraebm- uta *8M. l-rreb 0*11, 5*. a -H lep fin i. Plemr of dan u ag b l dally Ilabl* Hint. Al, rOsTKB

Why, therelnn, will you rinlinua 'O pay 81. or iTaii f5c., t o other naheaotSanfjwnll* aail aearel uiod* Fatenl Madlctiuo, uf which______ ____ _ you kinief un-^lng whon you eao iturcltao*C iw ent Hureaparili* to bv. a buil'l* and liiuo jiutw ou yuu tin latlBm and har* ytiUi launoy miuudad If yuu ui* dlautlilladr i ’ao an,thtag ba iniret than Iblif

M Tlis HiDlal Froi a lirii Mi:NAWAax. oN. May Uib. 1841

f>rwff fk., A'nanrk, Y.1 wUb lo add my U'ttimonitt to ibr' m asyfou bayi almdT imbllafaitd tor tha wondarfttl

niiWH arooaitdUbail by I'p - coi ItoraKbapMiR, I am Ib (b# rmpUiy ot W«ant. U«ik. A. flaiipy M mina, Mauula«(urtin« of Pau'nl aiid ^lamaliad U«a bar, riprtnibrkl avvDu#a miv. and Uiaiwf duly lu ailabdl in iba diwakud iHilier-t iiitlui vnilb»'*ru»m, ] oauibt a bMTy cold iLii u iotor. and •iHKi a f io r r a iifavked «uh rbcutuatlFUi Uy llrutw Wcania WFttillt and Ihul t uukl wurk i.uty wUb vba iirtatnrt diAicuity and diaiaMul^. ftmi I naa crwui'f'lli'it to tt'iaaln bttitt#atary (Hbvr daXi ttol iiwh bnlJBr ronia tb*i I on«)d otd do ray wurk. Piually tur

bvoasi# sii bad (anrfipodloinM did ^ no Riwt 1 waul to iba I'lly I'oabitot li# iroai- mr-Ql, The phyairlana thrr# t*rvrrila*d nw Qi#. Cul I irrw WiwM Tli«n I wrnl to m. MwoaeKi J{i»1>lial aud vrat civalrd luf luy inniiptalnl by two nt tba tMit pbyatetaba In lb# biwiniil. Fur a t(*w day* I otxain?d rubm rfher. and aiii uiviad lo vi> Lark to a x wttfk, but touiiti 1 waa Inrababi* ofdnlnK my work, Thi« aw* a ar«at luhftfitubo lu iae« ai ray daily bread wwdrpendvnt on i&f latinr. »y iblatiTna my wa Indewi areal Ifunld not ik fp aiHi 1 f>uii<t ibai 1hrai loii twentf lbrtw puutdii m draii lu aanort llm#. I bad im appolit#, abd roiikl nul l^Uiri food oa myatiiiaarb. In in t niorniurt 1 { r «icli4Mo miur au Uiat 1 in^bl ideoii, and atpltbl wbt>u ]


f Mtou. Alimf>r toclKMo Oi m tiiy brd. 1

1 1 wituid n»*’.... .................... . . ..r.wparllJa, L o! Ollier modicina wiibtiiu obtain>0# any N'linf irwit f wa* loita lo bryinleiher 1 w rat in a miMTiblr t*M8lM, «ihI T wm afraid t wituid ra-Tcr ^ well an ln . A rniuw wruk* ----- iD the fariory urm l roa to [ry C'r«>A'«ni Fkkr.iaparlUa, Lut a* 1 bad twrd HootU BanapartllA

Wllb' ■- * ................. a . . . ............................. ... ...tb«ia.Banttparllla, alibrjurb i kru'W of anuml>r'rot pnnKiul who bad iiaed U wUb krusalano

Al laal 1 v a t porauanled to try ('ntawm panaiianlla, belora 1 hwl UMd half abu Ua I botraatolMlMHtor- I hava uacd to all tmir biitn'W. bty rbruiuaUaio ftmi#, ray appadt# lia* rwlu rird, ] alvT'p wvU at iiif i>i and i am xatoitia airvnftAi and Brah daily. ' I irq bark to ray work and Awl UjaI I have i u«w ivBia of lito. NWhlnq tnii Crtwoni HariapMiUa bai douw tbia It

. (itfiaL hut il It bai enabitsd rue U> ruium to iny work Ujtou which All of Uia wr.rkrawn to ibe factory know ot the faotam ihectww and CnuF

MORTAR-SPOTTED SKINCwrerfd VMth t^alwt* AwfwJ Ipeetaele*

Cwrad Iw U t* tkw #k« h j iL# Cntirurw Kwiawdtaa.

I am irolnf lo tell you of Ihe extraordinary cure your I'uTiMvaA Kawtutwi pertonoral rra me. About tbe tat of Apiii la*t I ooilced rime redjiimplaa Uk# coraiiu onl ad orer my body, buRhfutrbi DOtUloff cn It uiilU totne Uib# Uu>r

on. when It beftn to lotoi like fpo;e of OKiriar ipoticd

and wbicta cinie off In layera, oconmpanted with Itcblug. 1 wtmld aentob every niRh( until I wai raw. then Ibe next niabt the Mwdea, be­ing foniuHi meanwblie, were Miwlehed off acattie In vain did 1 I’unauU all ttiedoctun in tbe eouuty, but without •Ida AAergivfna upalthupuft of reeuvery, 1 hapiwned to aee an ralvertlMmetit in the tiewapaprr about yuorCtti-

(KUt RtoioiBn. and purrtuuied them (turn

baft rwA tmly runNl ms.* ol mv »l<*kii ray Urltifi dfl|>#i»fl»J. All of Iha wl rent SariaiMUiila IB (wtoa litod itirungltnut (he facitHy wiili exeollent reniUa I heiur nothing but iwwiea tin* U evrryaheru. t au (Motf>lBul that I do no' to*t i| lou ttruugly whun I ray (bat i ruBoent Hunaiwritia lavwl laf Ufa. B'dlHving ibia 1 teal U ray duty to iw tha pubite know how wohdcKul a cur# Cnw'eni Lanttpanila Uar wurked upon iu#. 1& Juttioe to you and Air ihe Infnrmatloti nfochri# whu rut/, perlupi. he iqlfi rliig le I onoioid. I oner you ihle bMurv ot my expertencfl wtlb ('iw«iiiU Kar tparMto aii<) buiie that li may bft the mean* of Induing nibrra to ■Ive (Tiwrent laraeparillB a trial, Ymi may have my biU parraledou to puhiufa or prinithhi lee* limonlal aa vav afem beat to yrai. I aiao wub to mv that tl>li tostltooDlai hat been ottwed Lj ■M vuluaUfily without way wltoitaikNi oo your pati HeipeoiAjUr ymn^

I)ANIK[j IiAYESi 7t Mercer at reek

u ,. kks u r . I..........-wKi>r* P M. 1WIU» thrwuL Pae*

tor I'wTBhd Jiay Coacii aUa>'h#iii werk diura toiPtwprklay.l.w/ M.waekaayafo r hea laia (lifatMl Uowm Cltr» LP P-X*

*T^i**Sri4 brara-h, KHwroa* oq«w *lrer^ Pwrtng Jattue, Mat u lrl. Uaitaw)uan, ikUnt riaara aii( ami umiita an N«*w York an«i I Ham-h Hallruad iiu, T.M, wan A. M . UP. XU.

ktoalMTeWi 1*Waliirdaf Only 1-« P.A M .a iid h to r .lT Jtonotatop «r Aairury IVrk OR iWimlay. ^ . ...

Kor ]u>atoiii#’lti>eni I'Wufl*. Uto A. M. week dayMMid AW r II. dHlIp.

Kur Hrtwklyn. N. V. All tUrraub traliwc’un IU.-1 U Jariax Uljf with ho*la of -Hroojlyn Aimae,” alTiitillai dine* irinalee lo tn .1 fimu Fulluii etnal, •< oliliiia .luunla Mrrtai* Mil jour-"•’•“ ^ “’•U'.'liHKW YOKE

lu n iH O o n cM t»i-*uA b a s k ^^'itevVViUT In'tb* w*ck. onlf Igcsoi

frFaoaif iTaiila nml Onanwout U ka I nwlo. Ib tm a itiv l ooumudiiiua rauMU •turner, 1. B. Scliujrlci, l* « u r j ^ H u ■ i-luti *hoT< ChamCM^ • 8* ^ ■* lata Krta branrh, T:», cr Perooi)lTanl* mart. 8;,7. Balt, fohltif foclll* matilB nu boanl. X W, RANOOX, fraaldant

Ham* HAllniall tuu, f.m, HM A. M --------- ---------- _ _ _

, . . 1 , . , . SOUTH beach

IMT* M .rhrt Htr»tt_-l.Ho», AlA 117, AJtin .T *17.11, TV. t.iAT.u im ,A ic.^ia 'Ju , a « . 5,a7,iUA AM, c W, i<iua,l"JA n'-*'-, mTH m L a, I.Ul, I », I t v l i o , ! ^i- . - . ,4a.mi.»,«OAAIA *»<. 1*I,*UA-0 * 1Aa a . tSAAM. 7j«k 7.f). T.a, T.m. MA am s a , iMi, lllit. InAl 11.11 F. M .anil l lU lillhk Mimliur traii.a all. a i7. auA am A:*, louA iA*t m u ».«( ii.ti A.M.11117, tu t i.i7r ig i . i» i , ih . j a , t i» , *.». ai* a u M i 7,<u, T.u T.m. 7j a a i a i u AW.m u IU u, lAci F. M.. 110) iiiiha____ ^ .

1 r.v# f mure7.17, T.B.tAA am. a u IB . 'A. it'. t'UA i .u iT i t lA 'm 'a iL A U y ij^ a uAH A.VI. 7.U 7.U AU AH, Uol and «* l F- M.wrwu dji/a. .. .l.rvtvnriie«Niiit Hlrvrl Ntatloe, L llAM, A.U. n x 7.A fair. €U7, kP. * 41, 147. e.:* M.iw.nuj, A ,> •

Ji, IA . t t t lA'W, 1»WntilUiy.lLtA, n ts HJU|

k-IA € 10,€*b- kiM,kU,€tr€-W ,€8l. T.i«,4 U. OI. 4 A hlL€< iliiD a .,

ly.ktAkOsitw'UifaM, tap , k to l l . .I'ill. il^e i.M liA kit. M€

81 . n .itnil lieiiilKni. tap , toLS_ii-«i

100 Doses, 50c. 100 Doses, 50c.We earry ra tbe laiwaat

We make a ttandittg tvarmtitee In our Morea I'.Lialil ■n*8h4aiu hU^lall drng bnttlMfito r Rawiember hat wa are rvtall dntrgtxta.

tbto la iranaacted in our cdy. Ni«wark, New leraoy. ,lo our raiatom*r« ol money rvi mutol if our goutu do aut give mUtokettou. Cuuld anything b* fkim than tbia? W'a oettoiH icvaU ad luitai>ce diimig the many yean that we have N an la bu|lt)fp ofone oumplatotagalUfi OUT pruducM Keraaaiijcr Aw that our repuiattoa and our on* t in retail buiHuow ere aifltiiJto irCHnH'gzrTflauarKiiiLU will rad do Jiut what we ciala tor it. Tha ingredMun are plainly priiiiei nn i-very hottie label lor al! In n>tA, •<> thel you know but wtvet yuu ere teklnf. Noe^'crvi'j, a»U ibe oaae wiib Mber eereapaiilLM. lOO Uoaeew eOeeNte> W hypayp, or even 75 retiM (r.r o ihcrm ikfitrfw m bedlU line bigiwdleiui ofwbioh youlrunw jMithhig) wbpii yon can purchara CrrMwiii Sanapenlto forM onuta per b<>ule (with the IngTe* dieuii ^ iD ly printed on Louie lel«l). We cielm o rive luore (uan three Uinui ae much me) Bedictoe etreoktU •• euy nib'^r end waarly thrwi> bundroil tlme«a» much eiium e Title laeaiUy prorod by the <|ueutiiy and dute mura cfirotually by the wonderfol curei perfbrmed by le

my druggbi. en4 obiained almcwt iramedla^e relief, f to notice that tha ecaly enip-

I If

tlooa erodu^lv dropped off and dbaupearM one by one, troUl J had been tolly eured. 1 had the diararo thirteen inoathfl before 1 beiteh tok- lag ibe RkMsniiw. and iu Inur or dre week* wae entirely cured. My dltwaae wa* prMina and ptoriojil*. I know of a ar««t ratny wbu bavetekeaUieRkifEbiitt a&l (hrfnkmeUirthe knowledge of them, f*peo:ally raoilierv who I ave habra with lealy ertipiloiia oDlhetr hetda end hodhw. I cannot gxprtM mv thenki to you. My body waa coreced with roake, and 1 waa an awtol apootacto io bebold. Now ray akin U u clear aa a babv'a.



50 Cents Per Bottle.100 DOSES - - - 50 CENTS.

For Sato by Druggists Everywhere.

• l«.«.|i, 7 lie aM,to,SlHn(iU.A 1’. M-1 »^va KmntfU hiPi»rt rwallnn. €M. WA*

a M. T *t. T.WI. I • '-A w €1 *•*.■». * M. end tl.-iS >, U.; i::.A IW.t'H k'M€74. < li IP . AM K.«. 7.ia,r4a. aM SH nn-l lU-l jiWhi.Amul .V.a.l| hAI,€-X€U. I«.», 1141 Ml l | l \ IXU, 144,€i>. k'i4. 4A 4A4.a< l,€1».«4 liTJAAMV-SiaiidJI.M k M. __ ^

KU4»M MAHKKTKTIlKKTRTATinN.^.. Fur Kl1»aiii»lli ajHi Hnhwny. tP , .-.14.7.11,

TJK r.M* Mi.eiA 'aiM i.M 1(41 A. V,- K i . n , f.R <•**, 1*1K A.oo.i.r«n. &.W. .\M, k-Ae.'H, t.*7, €1T. € 12. e « AM I.nt. 7 M * a.’. k4i igei, | P. M., and HIT aiMl l l 4Tii'<hr *Mi»-

U.47, 4 M ItM € H IiUlJl.HA.M i....................€MLWa " M € 1 *1i 4‘ S4i ^an . aRV aa am, took io.4a>r«i ii,i._ri

KOI, a*a 1.0, T.ut T.sFar Naw ilnirBwiftli, ItrT nlirlit, H*.7.€>.tA€

A87, • M. m U 11 *v a. W: lAm I.'*. 1 1 \ A a i*-»8 AtA AW, AH, Air, AH T.a, i*), .wl ka iF . M. MilII,III'. tilaliA Au A87. 8.M. mil lull A. M.|HIA, I.M, A.».MAf-*.A«l,»ria AWF. M.

For WHrtillrt-lilia ana l*r1tiAil)lii»..Aal m AIAU A, M.. IM, AW, adI.7.07 F. M.. aiiU CllailliA Oil nuDbay-. 10.00 F- M,

Fur )H t UlllUon* 7.W A. M.| 1LH AM,nU

B. WOT oi flaniral Hnltfiiw) of Ifaw Icnar nM Fcr-a.naul* Kallniad. , ^

TlckoM 10 Ni'rtb Beach 50u. raJiUI Him Wi-aioar Kiiu tlmi.-oi, luaylnf 1> 7 .truat, l « kA rtt alii.a i.lfaany Ftn>*A I5H5 A. U„ IHE 8;im ■ml - :l5 P. M. The m-w WFAn


KKWASKc H.J.ilM Il DOOn, u • . • _ rreMdewAAweta (market valuee) Jan. LiPO l4&;a€,M6 a i UetiUiMW. K Y. and Maei

Ktandaro........... . *■" ^ bTtorraerMaY. PandaM

t*rtei. Alkat4H pTf irn i. ReeerTol 8.lW8,fll» I TeU elea Abew iiiiely Nww-rorCelUWe AIM^(Ara.

•eckond Tear.In CASi o r iaaiD tbe iViicy la (mniiiuiJi nt

loiura jW loira h 111 value wDl pa*' to r; or. If Metorred. a f^kl-up iBUrd in rxrbange.

up tor Ui full yeljgitlUXHi 8u iTAE nnaiWe,Aiitr Hi* aewiiiil jaw , FoHolao *i» n*o»i Brriatx aicaiH u anluM Intcm louai Iraud |TnTiBLX axcapi u analoM 1

OHII o« Mtrufoiiu aiiu rwAharc, *7m *w 'trapm

I'AtH Ijitm ar* mart* to Ib* extant of SO pai cauA ol tba DW M yalua. whara »*Uil *■«*; m atitaiiribaFiJlaiUcaaM mad* u ooHatml

* T n » ii t>al-l tmraciHnWT •»*• U«|>l**t«and apptoYhl of ptnom

# l t | t

............ fiockjr IfilA IJ» A. !!,.*■*ipl"Ker HiilllpWurc, >;i

Fur KlUgUra ami Ml.daily,l^illIpWurc, Vaaie..

J IJI A. H.,«ad XM. € i7 P. M.

.. . .lorky IIeacaptuunflay ^ ^

ion and Batvldere. TJO A, mi.,a.~u..a.«a M. >8epdev. ktoP. U.

^ FhMlIiw'rarg and Kaehoa onl/, i P P.^ # ‘or l,awii^rlIle,TIO, ll-W A* M., IW, kPand€ » K M. Miuday.ito *». Ji __ . “ «

Kor KiefUlioriMU. I.'O, U.M A. Mo* end € • P. M.,T u AM. .AM A. M.; l .a . lH

k»ai.dT .«F . M.,il*lly,*«i*U»«lMlAF. ,Kor Hordentowra Hnrlto|t4M and Oinilen. AM

€17 aiKl 11.44 A. li t . 14€ €»aud 7.* P. ^ lly , axiejii Uaiidav On MuiUayi liUl A. Hn

OTri(;XOrTURI>riRKIf:riK>MMItHlONCftNawark. M. J .. J iii /M Id*

■ealed pr^^poule wlU ta rweivad etthia ptoea until 4Q’*'lra’V 1*. M ol Thurailajr, 3oly *li fbr oanatructliw rvUtnlui walla Inand crading, ntrMng, daM'Wf paxlof 4hd earaal lm tollnwinr U about the atuMBt ef tbe w M tebeditno, audtlte matertal# to be tornlaiiM In Uier<8i>Mru<'UnB and 4*erapleiinn O' raid work :

I brae buaiir#a aud a i a t / c u k a e yard# eljtoH# m i«»nry. _ . ..,

iHii ihmwiiaid (l,eoe) agnaid yarde otokMg m mrook ueviiig

Five hundred (In .au ..u..*..T^ *100) liweai tw t of ie4nA e u ^ Iva thodiand tlaStdi aynara M ( kioet Baggla^

llurhea Ibli'k.lltlrvien hundred n.wra cnlrte yardaor ' baim i “ -

beadii,nihng aud two (Ij , WlU eulM graalle

•q r If your drugxifi will tint winply CRRUCEHT SAMArATULbA^ then come dlreiM to odt itotesrat p u rc lm X am iEN T lAMArAUlLlaA.


50*. Far boUio. or 81.95 for Ibna boitlu


. .Iv, axu(Aradea oaU, t li P. K , week Aaya

For Freekoto. Iarlulnf‘lal^ MaiitflqMaa and lea Ulrl. via HonAiouili Juact On, TJO aad 11.1* A-M .il4i9,€niP U.weekdaya. .

\Uh_k'*ONKWARlC. _For NewoTk, €» . €W, UO, €40.T.», 7 to

T.», 7.40.« i€ kle. 4to told., iiJk A .ll.; laie aad i t s Ro»np.e€ tix tJu,. . . __ _ bl# anu jaw 8n*iFJi , i.Mm. i." €40. ina. 4.10. €», ate. i t o J to *«■!»€ € to€ to .l-to€ 4a ,€ to € 10.€A‘i*-€«.kto 7-W.7»* €»,>8.iLiat* il.nn U.4I P. M.amUUl.t raidmghu Mmday irala^ All-<9 € 1*. €40. Ikto iittoII uo, A. K.: 11 Ov iiuon ; ll-to 1 ni, I4 i. €>4 J,4 J D €01, 4.J0.€ 'U .€ tr€ tt,l .« , € 4i . m 7-*l. €0d €to €iOi kW, tol*. ii.oe P- M. aud 1ft I* ini8V

fni* Liriliar {nfbrinatleR acw Prae*tabl................ - ____ -___ ___ -iblilL (0hiurai the U(!kei offlieii. Tlckete tor all w b U

---- w'tmM.a

g"^»rtrRALHAn.RiiAimp wkw / kh-«hyfArraugeineataorualnxooauiwaulug Jum S,

C i i t i c n tH It«<fMylTenl The ftrw Bkp(vl and Skin Ehirder aird greatott nf Humor Ri-raeaira', Iblefukliy (t* Cioanu the bloud ol all Itiipnrluea, Sid tb tie remove the oaiN#) and CvriLTAA, ihu great Fkm Cure, and CTTicnu Doap* an cz({ub>ite kkm fbwu" tlDf r, fxternaHy (to dear the ikin and ecalp


the r#mi«yl>aii)a ElMlirAad and ooDnacimiui, and b#MH'i.a#<’liridi*ndhag«B4te r-backa at (be com- paiiVa efiliw, No. TW Rread ttm t, or at Uckal uQlo# al MarkalHirveiHtaUtm.

J. R. WlXlll. (lanaral Pitmprtiar Aaent

HtddeiW wUl au4e Uelr prloaa In wrIUDg ae waM**liW^ra'ro«ai eperily In lh#fr propoiata t h ^ ihoelu the above work Id awardad to Uiam. tkeff will hind thenueivaa I t tliilab amlvomplew Ug lama wiUlu iweai/-flve eDiuecwUTe worklifdaya., he plana and ajdi’lflrat'oRB of the wdHt Old be etaniinad at me pgt<'c pf the lily narreioc,Hald pro{Kjaaia b« aAi-ompanlvd by me i-v€«ea€ In a litma, ofiwo aumtlf#, who ahttil, at the t>iM ol iiuttiii# ■ aU' h iwupoieto qualify at le ihelr

■] euallulKiy Id Id# amoiiDl ol mrh piupotaft .J Iflnd thfmaciTn# ihal, II U# eotilTMdl |

awaMeilio th# p#rwm er per#pn# making tte prnporal. Ibey win, ypou tie twin# #e awardiA be<x>m#aa hUor Ikelr eurettoe ter tld fMiinltd ptufUriiuMK-v uf aaU work ; and that If U i |auijur iwr'Pn* omil or iwina* U #jie(Mi# attrto i-outract they will pay to the Hljr of 5 ewark a a / difterent'# lwi«#ea Hi# auma lo wblek h# nr U t f W(»u:d have txvn #nlitl«d upoa Ua ruDiDlvtloe m

........................ Ih (h# otijr of Newaritthe (Hintrart, und that wb'eh (h# otijrmaj-lieilfdilfwi w» pay |h#iwraotiRT iieranea b /

• - .........* M aaecutofl.whom Mioh roiurai tttball — — ,T1m» 1 oaoiaUi## PR vtrtaia amt iJieliaaya

•erve lo Iben8##lvfe th# right m itoW'pl orl#8*tan/oral! pnipo*oUi tot tha alaive work.•. . . -------------------------**t.-..ll.

NKWAKK AND KUJlABhTR nnV*Clf.- - . - ..................... lll«ih#th1 ralna teav# Bniad ttuwt s taikin tor ami Howll# at € 11, 7.1/ 7AO lit* kHlaalwkiipurt only),€«,Aft^€lV tow, iQft\, 11.1* A. M.; m i I te. t uiftra. €40, 4 m (4.M KURa><4rtii-

and roHor^i ibe hair), cure every aiioi’ler of RRonliltig, Kr'hlng, bum ln t, acalir a iu plmpiy diMOM# of tbe tkm , aoaipand blood.

Sold evert where* PHu#, CimcukA* A0c.;8axp, 26o.; HISOLVIWT, lb rrep*r«l by ibe F o m i DkVU AND CUSVlCAt# fOAFtHLATlUTf. Ikwlon.

for *'How to CtJiw hkln [H eaMg.** 6t pdge"i U lurtratP^ and iOO tetUraoniM.n iU riiE B . btarkbepchk nsd, reugb. cbkpped 1 •^•hiiltedbyOrncvKA tSnxf.

1 G A N T B EE A T H B .Oieei Faina. Soreaeae. Woakneto,

Heckliig Astbma, PkiiriayInflamraetloa relieved la

_ eae aaiewte br tba Coiiewra Ab u - ra le Pliw ter, Motbug like It lor W«at Luob€ , ______

M o d e r n S c i e n c ehr« ditcovered ibai all dlttweei are cauted by M1CR0 BR8 : there*ore ull dlet'ani eeu be euved by deaSroyfng three NirroUft and tha pulr lemedv on earth iluet wDl aococspit'di tbli without barm to tbe patleui le W n i t l i A d a m ’ 9 M i c r o b e K il le r*

If u a tboroufh bipod puriller, a wouderfileatiwpllc. end oonuuning &o drug wbatever,


g tm c K o B B im j iB .

i> Uarly to Led hod ewriy to rtae Mukaa t to n beahbyr wealihv end wMe,**

koyi tba Odarailra* Boraery rbyne, bot ww thiiik uaet** Herly to drink from the founttln of beellh YyiU bnog both the wtodom eiid miralMoiifad-

fat weeiihg*'nn l ib*t touulnlD M to 8* wnuE in Bu. Ptan^A Ooidno MeOfonl BtMpnrr, ib* worbl-tUn*d tun^T furin itiu rltlera l lb* bfood. I t b w u

iMin BontnO'l gwHiluiA Btln tud Bcnlp aniirtienm H d All bwod-



FHobblA enuPi AMhiu, brooebllM And eon tb n e t UM Dt. Tbonuufi Bel«c:na OH, u a ■*!

- id f .tbv t*nuln«.-* womnn «bo M veM. mna

- icoldbAndi And__ _ nnd who b u cold ljAnd« Ana M l, w n o tfoe! tud K t Ulw A well puKTk CnfWr'iIfm PUli equnlln th* airealincn, lem an nnmuM »«» rad g irt i!T*ntth Hid w«t.—Adr,

k w i r r s s P E c i p i o

aU PaixM s fram tha Shod. w luUur a f ttra fa U tu

' w uU riat e iif i»,tU a a n tim taa na a ftitt. •' .

*P tr ataiiam mattha t ka i aaa ) uM bf u w «M Aiu <mgiu lama traataa t t fouf ktal fkaaiHana, ta t iHaima w aaHaf tta aam graAiatlf gram aaaraa. I paaUf ta * S. & S , atua waa aa*aat aaradaflanuiMta/aWtaialatff C A M c L u n n l ,


Jfohl* Trait* o f OboFUter T h a i Msdaax ■ * r M B*f lata^M *.

X p icD iniM t S g tn ith MAtnimnD waa

u k id t t t olb*T dny t* whid kn njtribnled thn Atrang* foot Ih it n ironAa, wtd • for- tlfUAT, held Ib* ttioA *f OnTAninAiit *no- OAntfullj ia bar b*ndt In » eo an lrt *• no- dernglned u S|>nin br poUlinU intrigue, U |A tb* JMU Jrab QaaeOa, “ t b * BMT*>, If UATFAl ib«i« b*,” m i thn n p t f , *' cm b* « ld* ln*d in tb* liAiptaAt D u n e r t

"H M Q B H n oainfolni fair potitina b*- « Q H th* i* Um gxnct oppotll* t l na In. trigaiag AndMaupIriag m a u . Bb* te ili no fnlAahondit !>*■ avthidg ol tbo hppocrito nbnnt lur, I* M •inpl* n n l aiodetb m ibn i t b o au t, nad tb « n It nobadr in 8pnln wb» It not conTinotl. tbn l the t i l u to do b*r b u t for tb* coontijr. Tb* Q o u n ’i popBlnrttr-^TAVMMlg with th* w o ttn i of •pain—it a t u l p * m r which g i r u hot mneh of Ih* hold wbloh thn h i t o re r her. AubjraiL •KniunU tael, lnt*UIg«n«* nad k in d a tu a n nb* ABong th* w u p o i t bp wbloh ()u**a CbglitHn te^Blnla* b a t pul-thuL

" U b * oni ow i Quwii, tb* #a*en X*t*at of Bpihi bag w o n m oaraiag *r«r i ia c t th* d u tb of hat ooniort, and oolp quit* laUlp lb* b u bfgaa t* w**i Jtw*1iT ea B U Intoew iK a In pnblli tba Qo**i, who if tb lr^H w a p la n old, appoationlp liitb boroH , tb* llttl* K la i; with w bau i b t la k u l i i t u la tb* aalghborbood *t HAdrid. tb * Qoua'A t m . dtngbtUH AfAd Ux M d MT*a rupaatlTUp, talk •paniib , r ia a th , G em aB ta d lo g HA Aapadlp, aad t t t both t i n K n a g and baaltfap-Iaoklat aU ldtaa. W lu il. tau h m u a baaara th a t tb* # a * ia ta l l i AK ph*M8* X in . "Ibibi,*’ la W B t tp o f bar A u tr ia a haua, 8 ia i# A l a i t u I w a ba-

t e i « a # 8bflfatM b r w * ataaa, I t I f Ua u b l darltaU M

B M u b H ^ d b *

Tb* B**l Ir ltb bbAmreek,Prom Auerlcen Hotel end Quenei.

In Inland onlp ou* tbe&uock u tnow a. Il Hen iDdigeUbut DpeciH « l eiorcr, which (n lu elong the gronnO einoor Ibt | » u in meaduwi. tti* irelMI lenTM ire not nimv Iben one fourtb tbo tlia of tbe tm iiiait cioTer 1 b are teen In Ameno, and i n putt g m n in color, Wrttaout eup of the lAowo tbodiDg of wblie ttid pinh oloten. The creepini itaiu U bu d end dbrotu end It ditfiCuU tn diilodge from ibe rartb. On gt. FiUick'i D*t tb* true abanuaek b u to b*leercbed out imm itnong ibu ■ tut, for, ibongh

II gramOlOi* lo Ibo gicund. L fttr' U be*n a Uap " wbltap'farown" bfoaom. Tb* im bratllon Itaat tbinunck M Ui* AfoMo word tw ItefoU n * f be of u r r i a lo Ibou tnlinotecl In tb* onglo of th* Irlih r»c*. Tbe wort oonid b a n b**n iBtmduood hr lb* HUuHuu, or II m*r rtreah *n •rgniuent in fuppoH of Ib* eonlen- tlon Ibet on* *1 tbo Icil Mo tribe* of Iireul uw tied In iNltnd, wbicb tau bien re tired bp th* pnblleetloii of a teoeal bock.

D e a fe n of Deltalotd,Prom I b f IliiOIr**! tu r .

A cnrloniaceldeDl wbicb beppeopd in F u ll poloM out a pouibte d en^r in Ib* wearing of oomU and Mecoleti of oollnlold. A Uttt* giri u t down befon the dr* to pnp it* twr loteoni Her heir w « kept b ic t hp wbat Am* onllAd i -'onp eonb"—* Hiiii'drcolar raubofeeliiF laid. Al bet bend w u bent Ibrwert to Ufo Ore, IbH bAoeiqA wenn. And Auddtnlp. bunt info InotA I b t ablld'i beta- W u putlp imtqt »S and Ibt ikbi ot tbe bend to tajured that u re ra t nontlu otter, tbongb tb* buiu w u heided, the etcetrli Ibkmed t whit* peteta on wblob DO lu lt would grow. The bernln* point ofoeUulold it ebont tU degre** Febieti- biN, aad lb* loub w en hp th* girl hed el- laiatd tb* heat H it WM b4M before tb* dr*.


Da aol tax the ipMiAt with tnp exeiuAa A nid dnniblA (wbetbit of elr or touwatn)

wbea pAnpirint ptobaelp. )B eueB bu tbet th* baetH debilluilag la

*Agt aad ibat Iba lift fornu a ia tl he anaialnel Itraw Dodnatelp on tb* water-eoelu. Drink

Mnwip, i t euiUquaaUUw ead ant beqneailp.Bta Mu bar that w b a peapbtnf, pea

Itehl* to 0* ^ a eUU hp toddeo tdung* oi leupeiauiie. A tnmner aoid M s e n aaaep- iBftlina a wtnnrea*.

.tn aa p o B k e lth a m a k ta ltf ethat nf tk* beet, take a drink of pw* w lM ap lawatof. H ttw aadoffolw hata hoallhlaF aadiaM

li oerirctlpur*.Tbo JMIcrob* H iller It componod of dll.

liliud nattr, imprrfnaleJ wllb powerfut gerin- dntmping m e#, which petmeetH and purl- flu tbe eoUre tpituio.

•en d (hr our D**k a lr le * h l .n rp * f Mt- e rabra , end f Itrorerp •fih l* wondarlhl ■•*- icie*. Fre*.


6 2 9 a n d 6 3 1 B r o a d S tr e e t , N e w a r k , N . J .


CURE Gtits' FamisMiiG Goods Dep'ttick Hykdkdm €od iwJleve *11 the troubteg leiil- deut to * biliuus it*t« of llie ajitem, sucb *■ UixxiiMmg, N*usml, UrowNlnron. Diatives *ftcr rauinff. Fain In lit* HH#, Ac Wblla tlMlr moto fezn e ru b te moocm ba# beca showB lu curtog

SICKMan'8 N atural

D rtw are , tiiNorm al S h tr ti tn d

ta 38 to 60 larhea.

n*ad*ch* pM C.BTea't I.iTnx U r n F iu* *rw raimUly vDluehl# tn CutuiupAiiuii# curing•nd piwveRtlng Uils ftniioylng ironnitelnl, whitettwy eleo correct nil rthtoi-derK nf tn# itfinuwh*

M en’i Im poriad B albrigqan Shirt* aiid D rtw »r*.

^A u te tw til* liver sed regul*** (he beweto Mvea If they only mirtid

y L elght Iktreei, HBW*YOHK (I tT *

Auk yonr druggUt for it, nobblin's rbv< inkcy,JIIWJW, LIE'ffo'-A wte I . •**«*■•« « uni uiuwj,Hprlntdeld Wm. Hielilo, 959 Hprlnitlteld tv r.: Wm, Henrp dapnrtOg Onuig* u „ ***011, Hcwiik.N. J.

Im p ro n m e D t, tbe Promiss ef Core.K'l *rr«y of words cen givs kdyips^o <m-

h€lf 111# hotte ihsUxmee irnra Ibu rvitef which kiM'sys follovri tb# lUMi of Burduefc BImkI Bitter#, end lb* proniU# <if cure iru tv er

” H ivirf lalftTwl from dyiwtelk tor twn ot throe) eiri, I do<'1d«ij tn try ». U D., dmI tfier i«kinf am buttio 1 totrad m m if so muchbetter f got euoLher Uxiltoittid Dfler tekU^ Ib tt i uo more Bend (d medlolito

•'MRS. i}, a WHITE, Teherg, N. T ” pey fot dully brej#] *nd thon groNa

with dytpepeii wh#* * biAtte of B. B, D. will live you relict BepestM teste with unlfurn Kuercra uqW thet d/ipepsto CMOOl wlUuuud IS. A. a,

'< I hsTs token the •etvmd bo4lte nf Boh dock's Diooit TMtim, U bis curod toe «f djiperste, wub which 1 MUfNred ter il€ ye*i€

” W .^ . UAMILTON, Lock HeveB. F*.”

HEADAeli* they would iw *lmont prioeteM to 5 i«te who kuYer from Ihle d lttn ^n ir corapltilnti but fortunetely tbeir goodheiw (lom not md

- Uirhi win find____ ___ ... ___ , iwiT w#y#will not be willing to'du '

Men*! in d Boyi* Outing f tinne l ShlrtVp from SSc. to $3 *0 0 ; *u«* 13 lo 30


port milVl.4a7,€i»,€n. €45, «». 7.L\ 7.H. € '« tTu. toie, ]i Jk y. M. tiu'mayl, i-ao, #4€ soi\€-te

A. M.: UOl. t-to €•€ €U €€to ,lU ,€4€€lAh 7JU ,€ to ft3ilA likteF. W

Aii Urtliiii'•Ifhii «i y#ri7 Mr#e4 end Ktlxebetiv lo rt HDiliii KhhI Keriv mtrvrl on lUiutl. _

Kor Flxlnfl-M, 7.10 f to € to WlU, il.tei A. lf.J I til, 1.K* 7.40, I d. 4.V1. 417. €te, €lu €U. S«. T#L4, t.» . ti*u, mkb, tolu. ll .» K >1.

>»r Kni.i^yttiiie7.UlL S4A turn. n.M A.M.; 1(15,1.4l ^ t t o € 40.ti i7, Vto €W. TJI€ € » , WI4. l l .a

Vor FtemlMton.l-to €U A, M.; I.Q€ ite, €te F, M.

yji)'A. M.,, tor Hein I.ioeN. g. f*. itlr., lleliite- lirni. AJIvtilowh. Muufh l^harik.Aic

kMA. M#, tor Mttiit l.lDk N. J .iL D lr , Leke Iliiiint'Orix. Hldb hriiix* Uram'h, Al’Aniowo to>r4<iifm, wiiMiOii'fpo'^^ 1' nJMqiie, lfKli#n<ir Olty, Heetiliur/, Hf'. PulJaieii l>iiriki pertor u#r /iew Votktutd WiillabiuipiirL

l.m F. M., tor teHin th ie N, J. C. Dlv.. r^ke ilufiHb'cHiXi Itlgli Brides BmrH'-h* AJteiitewn, MhUi-Ii 4.'liu»k, vie.

€40 1*. 14., aiiiiD IJrv N, J, QL Divu MeiK'h riiuiik. ueadliiK, Hurrliburg, WllkiHberr^IkTaTiUin. tUi'Etitovin, #!<*.

€3T 1'. Mn W8iy tor Mein Md# K, J. C I)lv.p ni#h Mriil## Hrancli, Itek# lJo|ielmuf, keetua*

Alteomwn. _n.U F. bl.. Air Xnln Lin# N. J. 0. Blv.. Keaton.

Allentown, bfieillac, llerrl'eiurg end teuucb ttiunk.

7,Ml P. M., tor Keilen, B#lhlp1>i-ra end AllSit- town.

€U A - U,; IA5. t . t t (IVib P. M.. #ir#ut “ tt* nniMV nijEtii) tor Htiiiiiiirv. lAwisimrg #mi WIU- teiiisiMirt etirnley*. aia i*. it

huii(1h/# ,7.S\ WHr fbr I e^# FTopHtoenr. Meum Gliiiiilt luifi I'ljlikviile: €«1 a . M.. w«v fur hutn* orvltie. €UA A, M„ tor homervlll#; w«v tor ]iuiH-lt*ni llOb F. M., w#y ftir lKiti#]]rii; b(.,WHV hir Miuirlu'hwiEii #11*1 Fiiiuvlllfli^l!) I’a M .wAylnr Krirn^^rvliln #<m1 KI#mln(Um: €-te Iv BI„|or Mibuah i tninfe ; 7GU F. M.* w.iv tor lam- i!if‘n i I.4A wev for ttoraervlll# Ukte r# U.. wey for hfiemrvlll#.

For l>rth Amboy, lUH, A», Kite, tl.lS A. M.I « , Z.4U, 4.ftt €14. 6.W. *.«), €;i€ 7 ........... " "de8' u.nA A. u.: t ie p. M#

Pivr Frmhold. €J€ A. M.*.«. €;i€ 7J 5 V. M.

ti\ in . €l€

then# little plltevelneJil# In lo nieny weyithel they will not be willing to db without t'Um Bfler ell tick heed

ACHEIs tb* bene of so nieav lives thet her# ts w hen we mske our Freot bosst# Our plUs uure m whits others do not#

Littlm r#irv€ PiLi* *r« verr smell Md very eeiiy to Uks. fine or two pill# raeks M dose# Tiiey *re itricily vegfubiecmri do

— * - •------(le ectloB*1 emit;

•#nLbyo i i m im io o n oo#, b*v Tork.

Men'* tn d Boy*' W hit* Linen Shirt*,irtDfarfed bnaom*, finwt tnake, BOo,, 7 Bo. and SSo.

7.U F. H.Fftr A tienttn IHghUsdii vm M eUwen nnA K sr,

porl.HSl. 1> » A. W.: 1-.1S f.te, €S0p 7.H P. U# hurideye €06 A# U. ; I*. M.

For i.nii-T Mrm»rli,6NvHH rjrof#. #(r„ AT#. 9.75, IO.'J4.Ji.2>t A. M.; l.€>. 11», 4.*i2 Ibruiiiiii I'S- rr(mi,S.ra. €21 P. M hLimteyi tu (.JivuriUrf>Viii.l.06 A. H. if in p M.

FnrTfiniK Kivoreud tteri)#f#t, AV A. U.; lU, 4 €‘i 4>.B(.For enrt BrlABnton I.S6 j». M

Ff>r I#ek##iKi4l, Afti A. M.i I.J5. LX i’..U# l•■)r APUiUK-liiV.ift'i 1'. V

.*y ni«y d##m Imw* for (be inteiw^i ^ Ui# city. By dLfsclluB of Cumrao* ttouiirii.

e#y m a n jc. k a n b , Cb4dmi»ii of ntr##t f ommiuiMt

JOHN Hl' Bu#et CsiutniraioBStt

Or/tCILUKTllUHTRRrr&iMNf werk. N.. J , Jeiy p ,

n##t#d proposelB wm bs rwWlvtg el (hiB oAew S(ifcU4a'i’'m"4 V. U.ut Moud*yt IteRfor oouHtroiliti# # Mwar In ___

HFHMtiN AMI riKiM Ah HTRBXTte ITem Nmtti street lo Maliisrry flrv#L

1 b# toliuwliis Is el#iiil tb# enmuet nf (b# wntll (olwdnn#, emflb# nii*isr)el< to h# tornlnh#d leUiH oi<ii«trui;iteii Htui g-ompl«iloM uftitld wfirK i

>uur bumir#tJ (€iV( frei uf urkh Mnwer, J.liA.4 Initrlur dlMmsuir;

Tbre# livmirwl nnd nlshtr (teSl fo«t of l^ indl vliriHMi, Ntlt'Sl'Uisd Newer pine:.....................of li-ijit1 iir## UuiMliSii ttaul a............ .KIvl* fl' biiNiiiit, wlin iOlid griboltfi utteilBi

j-ljirfa pip#:X I VD Ifo <l».wi ll<?, u llll n##... ,H#>'#1I •TMriATiimto#, bnadi end envera weigte

las n<it Iran than SiC poiMiile MUiiteri will Biel# (bvir prUv# in wrliULg m

wail HN III lldiiridkHid<t«r# murt *pW‘>ry *1 br#i‘ONBli (htft

•hituiu ill# eVov# Mfirk lH'#wufil#ii iulb#iu, (baywill toml ih>‘uiNilV(*98Uifl>itob end I'umpcUtbe mum wiFihi iblity mmisw'uHv# workiUi dnye

IJ b# pirnt Hiul wmhJrtre'ioii# of thi- wurkre b# #iif8m1ii#<1 #( 111# wifi*'# uf 1

wiirit-rui iy^uri.ryor,mill iiruptiBeli to 1># ercuni)>:uu«i) br Cii# >.-uiind^ la wrii ns. of iwn MirellM, wliniin*iU, et Ih# tlinsof DuUlns in uii^b pro)ifuieta. qu-iltl.v n« io theirn.iBnnuiy Hi lb# tuii'iUDt of tuch (iropuSAL

>lnd ti.ruiwlv## lUitW If His Cu<iirH*a beewerdM) ir>thi> penmfl or perwbiiB raBklhH i iir*8p4)*BJ. iIm/ will, urea U# Ih'Iiiji bd ewordr Lei'fitii# e t bu ur tli/lr BurHllH# Air Uia toltnitwrAiriiiH'vw of #elil work ; erwl ibst 11 ch# n«i- . __ _ u.__ #. ------ - -• -•Tl

JSior iwi-#oi'B omit or rvAiNa to •xwuie —irifti, tlivy will per to th# I'Uv <*f NewxiifHn/ dllii>r#iic# b#i'wi*«n Ih# siMiiv ip wblcii liaor lAeyw-oiibl liav# bnprt fDilileii umin tli# ffimptoUna’uif llm nmirMrl, ami I lu t wbicb ihn city uf NawarBnuy Iwfobligwt 1(1 |«y lue parNoii or perhoni by wbPiii NUCh onolrAiiehull lie ai# mt* C

The t'uimniU## on M*'W«ini mmI Hfulns/i rw- ##rvB to ibvmPviviHt (b# right nr rteee*any or ell pTopoulator lit# igfifir# wi>rk. es tb i / limy (lA#i II lK-8it fbr Hie tiitorcst irf (|i# #lLy.

tty dtrK'liun oN.uuHnou i ouudl.K. H. liAPlHB#

Cbelrmen of hewer cii>raroltt«% JOHN HUNKl::i#l';

H Htreal (lummlwioaer.

d \ 7 F1CB0 F TU K HT tlKKT Ci iMMlAhlONra \ ) NtwHTk, N# J.VJuIytl, lte€

Fur FnilMlrllibleeiiil Treutnn. ?,6n. €r€. Il.te A. M.; \.Wi. 10\ 1+A 4 02..S.I*. I!.'4 |- “kto'ndiiyli, k.m, tl.m a . M.:

For HeliiNior# BniJ Wm IiIrsUii K4i,M.

0*1, Am. A» €iw I* W." IL2S A.

kf; hUDdejfl, €06 A tf#:

bct gripe or ptrrgto hut by their trrrtle iSiMiau ell who tm Uiem. In vteUi et 9b i

ve f<ir Si ■ BoM «v«ywhere, cr s#nL byO i i m MSllOOn oo#, B*v Tork.

SsalE kilSstk SisdlPriogbo a s b t a f u l l u n b o r

D O D P ri CATAMIkll S V Illi

Loeel Ittlwm*! Treelmsitt*IB order tc rare ceterrta It 1* hscesiery te sL. ____ isw ery

ley the lufluDDstten of the Irriieicu bnrass with a soothing eppnceilon, elMat# the

Manila Wrapping and RopePAPERS,

Sical, Eeinp, Flai and JntaTWINES,

S h irts m id « to o rd e r, S t g u srsn tesd , 13*00 hftlf dozen.

te .;7(«,7.4n . |0A.II.J5 l' tflt. €05. 4,U F. W. . .

l^rMWinr-roiorn fierann all nuy ttolnNand sl##p- ln#i*eriiou nlitbi truliu laSlwecrt New Yurk, j'liu-

* ' ' ' itelUpiim- Bull W 'Nblnj(Uiii.-4MVAHK ANUNKW YOliK-

KrCbv Hn»:id end Perry Kir##t hwHuTie-At€.€^Ate,€ff «.*». T,in,T,#tt, 7-40 €141. AS, N*«l...................... * ‘ii.*i, II.lO, l l , » A. M.; I-A'd


h ie^d f th t plluggluc'niiiouus sscredoiu, and heal Uto dlscoartlDt________ ulCTA For cold In tbe

aiteraeisl catarrh Dodds's teoaKTeatineat does tbte w i tb ^ the ate ol uraffg duoohii erfrauci. If the (ttesee* bus eaundte duwQ- ward, lUNetiing tba brcncbiel tubs* or luBiS*

anif bteod, tnterngl (MdraeoiteMtlon am f bteod, tb» tntenuri (MUiueal batbisraovnafrora die lyttira tbs •eettsrsdpeijoa, e ^ ^ itsbuUJtng-opp'ropfiTteiafWlstB ttetore in reatarlng tbe Iraprarad parte Bswl for ow lioox tienan* oi. ortetrb, I W I ja , HILBlISMb CO., Fluirtelan, BuOhlo, H. Y,


*KtTHKC*aV.108 MnrtAt 8t , C^p. WiAblaeton, Newfot, K. f.

KMNVROVAb WA8 IM .Th« ram rtr Of tuurdcltn b r

In* » ja w r rMnlUIt, •8*0.1 p- priTeis szperieDui irsaUni1lUymate dteeea#€ Is omi meeihry with pleeteng buccm by osar esc ledteto ycaag married *r irt ehange. Ooaraelerl sete, al*----------------- m:(A {t ^ .

pv* Bold enljrtwfol* Mq enr# Bowifry a te

M,: H. Osfr O on., cor. Bowery a te HoU tt.| 0*1 * pm ciiar, nor- O m ia l *t* **< notatik M,iffi'iiLi'ffifini iBrUlO e ti.^ -^ --- Nswrark, M. J.


l(e«*niif* FtanonUlrn'iInfogfoMI ladliH

- i j s r S i a - *iponHnd ^DM Jute*,Honnlnlnl ,■

nair pm « U * t r ihMM laaM A .n*w M ab«r

'*•* "Fecb Baim f n iS B i n m i t n t o H m T d iu v x s e o

W B I D N & L f t 7 6 lU b T lU B A v # M B t r N # A m n # i m A A 0#

A T L O W E S T r m C E g .

Harrison & Hoag,No*. I V * 1T» H A L tB T ITRBM T.



106 and 108 Mulberry Si,C or. OLINTOM *T.


PRINTER2 0 4 M A R K E T S T .


Pakts I Faints IL IT C O L O lU S IA L L

AM a Brnik (HreB awat Viib b o b Mkagfo Om a ind ••• a i i t

I M B O L B E B R T B W tg L *■: < -w u - u a e M V A U T .* o » .

iHOT MD COLD I UEATft16RAVIES,{ fSAUDS, |S0UPS,| |6MI£,|nshimsH iRAieiTS,'

€ 20, €4U. laui, Ib.ra iii.*i, - ____________M.: iXiBJ. I,II}. i-«. 7,110. lep, €W, 4.U,6-l€ fl.n €'X. D.SI. fl SV, 7 W. fi.ll, ».«l, U..m’i. 1U.}|,II'J0 F. te.: i€i«, i:t.-tb nlfbt, HimdayN- 7 iM. €ic. 1U.UV iLiiu A- te.‘, iluu M.; Link lo\5. *W. l.iC, i.ei. l#iXI, 7.*I0, €00. 1.OA. PLOX U-OU, llU* V. M.

l>iBVuNew York n-omAwbof l.|lj#riy#tr#«t— AU.:*0. flQ€ IV aT.'IU, 7.16, T.m, H,0i>, H.t»,Ml, Hull. tO.lL KlYI, lino, H 40 A. M.i t:.on M.;Vi-iO. I e>. i.ra.l'tt. r.‘Bi.){. w; A.M, a €i, <m . m « ,6. « , frit, ifla. I IU, ft iu, CAi, l ow. 7-m. v'c. v «,Hb€>, il,i6 ,r.MlQ KM HuMAy#-7.11), B.i«. IHC,}b(ii),ii ai A. M.; 11*11 M.; l.iS, .-.Oj, 7.00, 4.<N. fr.iM ftCU- 7.b0. fr <9. 1 UC, 11,00. IX CC F. ,M.

rtC[>fAfublft will Im retnelved et Itil* uBlc* PulU4 u'rD<-k F. M, uf MuiiilMy, AUHtul i, Ulft. fur IUIittrU<tlliK h M‘8Y#' 111

BANK HTHKI-rr.froiij UmiipnldKi in |lni. u aiiMt

'i'll# tolbiwliipr 1** etKiut Itfi* utimiiiil of tti# wurli lu U' (luim, hiMl t)i# iiiiitprUli lu iw funiH mil le III# (*uaBtru liiiij Mini (imiiplrtlrm uf Aebl work :

'I'wuhUKilimi Nii'i e-VHNt> 8 / fnetuf In-tiiCb vUrlO«;if, aelL-ifinrel e-wvr pipp;Tk'u iiuiulfwi uMl thirty uf HlD>ub

a-maiiltol#N. h#iAii#en<l cuvera to walgb not i##H tnian ViO fioiiiidiHi aimI

'I'tto ril} besiTH* witii tolU Kfantte UsedA HiilflurB will alAte ttieir prli'M Id Wiillug si Well NN U Aeur>*v

illiMpr* must ijMciry in lh#‘r prup'iauiN (heft sliuuhl Ih# Htjuv# work iw iiw#n1#«j ut Hiera. Ihvf wIllbiDiil iLpfniu*lvMtn liiilnbADd ioju|it4'i«ttie inuju wIHjIB t##u# uuMBuniilve ivurkiKb* itAye

'I'ii# |i>]An« ■lui Apsc'lfluiitluua or Hm wurk ceB t>e«iiiuiiii#*l ai ih#uin<e of Ibe i1iy i-orvnyur. HeUi |>r"(MNMklS lo 1<u ef'rli||l)uill«it by ttl»i u.iNSllft In writlaiUi of IM'U tnriUii.v, wbu aliell^Al Hi#tirupofn^iltbiN lu wvlt pru himIa, rjiiAllfv ea

‘ -ill,-" - -............. *- -llicir ft" frtj iMullliy All til* huiOliUI uf niii'h pro*KMk MIMA l-lnti tbi’iinfiivNa tbeir if (be i*u>i(recfr

un-er b-o tu H>e |4.>rHf>n vr p rauui iuaWIiis (heiirniiuF'il.lhuywm. ii|i"ii Ibi b*th/ to e w iin l^ irtHOiuP M Ilia ur Hi#>r fuir#ilp<8 for tl-a rn<iliral jtprruriiiuiM'eof miIiI wurk; mhI |bel irib»|w^hOii or iWhfo.iiP omli uf rufuie to CXCK'iiieauch (Tintriu-t tl#«y will pay tu Ui# i4ty ufhvi'erite*i y dl t’Si i-hf-a N<twi>«ii I li# Fuma to whl:h li# et thpy wuiAbt hev# Inniu #iiliirle>l uiiOti Hm coin* pb'ilon gr*li#iHtiiirNrt, Mni Huil wbirli Hiorliyu( Newark iiuiy i>e obUaiyl m u.iy ilm iiprMAri ct

wl.c ■■ ■ ■ ■ ‘roNi Biicb (-onlraot ihell lie eira

Populir PasttHgHT RoatsloNiiW York, Wewburg, Hid*dlelcwn, l*ort Jsrvlii, glnvuara- b.n. uwvH<k F#iiulr%HiK'hrtd'cr, ’ buffalc, Klegara Fella, riiautaiujna Uk«^ Mnail-

. vlifo,'lliailftml, Oil City, n#TB* teDd, Akrciv Viru.^#lii liallun* Vrhaiuk Oay*

ifpreutia bycnii#il. •'llm <'itmm1l'l#e nn lH*wert end ilralner* re* Nprv# (0 IhuiriBUlvp* |bn riitliC (u lun'iitor rpjsctuiiy sr ell pro|iuaeffl for Ih# sIkiva* work, ea (hey nifiy ilM III iwii tor th# iniprtn-t ot lb# iTty.

Ur il;rr 41011 uft^iuulOD nHlIii'll.# k, a liADprs,tJielrinTn of H#w#r»'ummlHiSL

J mHN MUI4KKLK.41 btsM* Cunilui-H*iCb#r.

■anaeeUm, 0#Cluelenmlt* Chkege, B4. f-4inl€

C ly* ht* I'Aul, Oiunlb*Aud tn points m the

DoUvd Metes. C'eoede end Mexice* CemsDencing May H, IftlO, Solid Thiuogh Kft*

X ’^HTIt;i£ IH HKJlJlpiV HIVK.S THAT T i l li \ ( oiniiiiMiom'ra h#r#Uir<Ft4i iippuinted by tMi'lrGUiKiiuri of tli#i''iiiniDr pf Ke-,«jt to mak# rb KfoMi-.HinUbt ut leiteMia uliqu all tlm uwimr# eC iiuiil null r#iil #»to1e iu 1ht* nty ol Niewnrk pnem Harly iieiicfited hy iii# toiluwibg init’rovfiRientS In B4id r(iy naRiHiT i ‘

Th# M«viiicof Hn-herd str«*t. from (.liestnde fctn-'ttu Iburoiwetnmt:

Th# eradjiie oJid niruiTiv of iiawson rir##ft from Jubuera Mtreei to Houih atrrut;

Ttt# uojii{rur4li»n uf e Mwar in Mt. i'ru'ped avunu# uiid Hivlh evmm#, fium tlmaimim 1 1.»

IHoobiHi'I't nvi*hu#:iiid H'lU) aTP'iiif to coiiiiRi't wliii ill# i#v,'i'c In nlxtb ariMiu# eod iiRrBlilcRirr«t;

The (TOUrttrucilcn of a ae^'er In Ferry iireai ■ from Buw#ry sirei'i rnfC i:heM#ittr##t;

ilHV#llliHi Umlr iHUorK ot Awiewuhmt for lianto UreuI IheO rK uf S(*i*.l court, Hud

Ereta, iTiiiTcaa hlrep'iDtf A'an withqiil ^UanK# )Bocb4stVr Buffalo, 24L • -[oUocbestVr Buffalo, Niagara JrillA Tormilo

an # Chicago. I-^avu# Kewark fr itn rUtho, I'oiirih eve. raid fe-ft'O At, ever) day fl:301' M.iarrivea Boche-ter’7:fti A. H., Biiffkiofi:4‘i A- M„ Kiflgera Vulli *;te A. €L, Turonto l i t)obn,Arbioago IhA i P. M#

For Ufikeu, bAzgage rheckft sleeplni car lo- eat^ciM, tlraelahlea, rasps and reUeDtemlnnuA'

Hgfiatore OB ertpy hottls ef tbsfenmne ft origltedAlO H M U N C A N ’S SONS,NEW YORK.

Ufin,cral aUltS Market ilreet or al depot, oo^ ' r VouTtii a?€ and Tastaiiii tC# Newark, '

6ia m III# ulUi'i

N.J,u p* ffARkirBi

tieDcral ParacoFCr Agent.

IhalHie.rUflEiof iiahUViiiriba* lUedth« tw«niy-tilj]lli day uf July, IteO, at lOo'i iocX in 111# ft»reii»m>. In tti# t'lV.-ulvi'ourl roum «i Dm

A H OBlilNANHK ItXTKNmffH TllK I/V xVcatlua of ih# trarka i f ihs ntllwey of Hie l t‘>pld TTancilHtrBet TUllway Ihmipany of Ih#

Ty of Newark, N. J.B« It oniniiied# by iH Ooraman Coanclt of tb*

diy of .Sawark.aii teUow#; mrtlon i. 'i'lj# Io<*elton or the tnmkii of lb# rail-

L D0IBE1 VADSIQRTH,w*rgftb*itepid -rnnilt Htr«« Hail»«f Uom-

till d l f of R*»»fX, N. X,

Practical Optician,■PIICTACI.IM, 88ATrH*(LE V K H U im m , JKWKl.KTf,b tA n O K M , OT(J-. ■IW.

837 BROAD ST.ore- OM Town CkAX. H m rau , K 1.

. . . ____foMowi'Histif toiay: InBerrenilrtflfrom Avon ev«>Df]«to Cl^>lou#TenQ^end ibuiK *Id Uinlou avenue to Ih# bauudary iiu# um city ol.Nswark and Ui« townshiu of Clintoik

And (lisiNlct ('oDiDanyislmreliy euiborliMd to pnnMrturi, melnteln and operate in the aeltt pur*

Conrlliuu*#. IB (li# cUy of Newark, m tbettiae and piaw of huuriitg 'iny otiJe tluua Unit may be meito to Ih# N ht uwwwiimota

ijMted July Jl. teSO.pamama. , JOBBPH CriULT,gtb City UnuriNl.

XTOTICB IB nKRFHY UIVEN THAT T H l J > und«r^lirn#i1. on bululf i>f.ih« Ugror endCuiumub Cuurti-il of tlievUyuf Nawark. wtlLoB TtiNfodey. th# tw«uly-nlntliday uf July, USO, a\ i» u'cluck In ihs foranuan, hi th# Conrihraia# ta said cKy. rank# aBviu*etlon to lli# nri-nii i

te the1# anviu*etlon to Die ilraU l Courl

orthaco.ibiy ol for lb# eppominieat ofC'oinmfBalrm«r* to raek# eu^eMlraai# of the bene* Hte ooaterrte by tb# folluwlug ieiproremahta, 4

* F I N E S l l V E B W A l i B *

f E A O E A N D C O M F O R T F O R T E N D E R F E E T ,

ttonii of Mid BtrurtMa a dnubte track slt#*t railway. W'Hi al) aeuewary and'prtip«r larnouls and aw lichee: provkted, however# that the permira alou liorehy granied te given lubjaci to all Itraliettuna.Ierma and ooaditlona aei forth and coulainte In the ordinance loatJng the triw'ki uf laid raiiwey, or sal torth eni] ooit- lalneq In tKa ordinaaca ut ibe city of Kawark re- lAtlttg to Street railway onuiptiuiei now te toroA or whtoh teay bemartBr be adoptod Bobject alio to the lerms, limitaHona and ca» dlilutia iitHtn wbloh Hi# aaul company U p**r- routed to use Ibe mreats ol ih# said i‘ity for tha tracks iisreiofore laid by it; aud provided fhrthar, tb it tha •xienxluna hereby autliufisedfhail ba ooiapl«Mid and finished, aed the rfwUs authoriaed to built *'

IB i t e r BvIlifen-NO HJUUE* IVQIK, floe leA e te iw te M -------- t TIlUkeB

IL uut in runnlnjturdar with- ih^approval of

M lafrClIKAHUfol ib(xn,

M mou> Kh m**A

Ip tek moulte f'Oiu Ih# approval <BAiX'e, otb#rwlns the same Lo hSof eflM ln^viDf autoDriiyloaakeUiesateDSJoe

lakefflbc* laraDMdiatoly. „ . .The for«teirtf erdieeBiw wa# read •#.. "- -njnQu Council 00 Juljr, tft UB^ADdtlm# In Ouramuu ------------------- .*u"Ir nrtf«.Ttn * foW j j ^ l r ^

an.' i*wufc,v./»»ira>MUJBAIVCT*atjF

wU;Tiieconalrootlou o f___ ____

avaime, from Vert tiiwet to Mumeowerln Peuitsrlvanl*

jir««t to Murray atraat t The rohst-riu-Hnii of a rawer In Jay street, be>

tween O ange skifwl and Hiiaeox avaoue iTba (.^iistructlun of a sewrr i» Adams strselq

between l*afay«te street mwl Market *tr<w4 .Tli#(*oniiructinn ut asewar hi wallau# streeA hetweeu Bnnk sireelate Tblrtraidh aimnite;

Th# uooatrucHun of a rawer In Brora a t r ^ ora twHn TilrtM ulN

CllyOuUMLDated Newark, K. l.r July l€> telft IB

VFFIIE riF CITY BURVttTOR-HHTlOAO j 'b # Hnal eralmatee lor thefeltewtte eera tracts willbeBrewflted to tha ponlraun for AficepUuoe na Frldu^,August L IlM* vl*. * F it oubvtrucUnir the follawrnf rawer* i _ . , „ ^

, fr«iI d iiruoaltretLfrotu J afkrelte alrH* 10 dr#** street; In lafaysfte Mi*Mon'tire»k au¥In tilth ' ate(*ue MBoaevHle avenue, iTOa Norlb BeveuiB urselia Nswhaw

All oidectluM to the pavrataatefseMtie filed with ! « * ■ ' » . e« pr betersd .

p.TZ ef T^upi^jTuly M. UMT^Dated J hI/ t€, lAft JU H IJW

NEW A B E EVroONG EEW 8, W EDEE8D A T, J P I T 80, 1890.


AWtW»»« m w in iM A(«l* TmkM ih* A tii Of4al«aa>.rrM -

k*M«t D« J m i « i a ^ r la - • o A m ■lacfetaj T * rl(r .

kM kM f Mkad Hr. Da t a n , t n l n m DkR i n l t a .

' n * m a bad a t a # Inka*. Tha laaMat aia npenait aod la rartifalad al •wa,'* MaUadtha ikelar.' '■ I araid M i nf thcaa lhla«i,“ n m rk ad tir. D atata . aannibailraDr.

“ 1 d n '( danW thiL I taew r t « a lunaa- ftilo tnaiaM , RramwOUe aCcw nainlai'pan taat w n of Mina.'

Mr. Da J,a \it ihan uok Um Hand aad tba

WhUa Attaadaal Thonai rUtaniA waa In Ifea wHiaa akair raatarday aftanHw at Iba arflin laanaUamliiii ha auda a nuaibai nf tannaB li atool ika aDadliiaa si a A m ai ika ah Mai hhlA. u Aar * •» uoa, wouU A Aan n im n Aaa lha aharfsa prahind hr ~ ‘ ' I Da Jonae. 9A lA allafa-

I a ta a br n ta n n id aluls iwdat naarJa. I wan hot A A n d s r Ma somaima. wwttashaa had WMllnd ta u riitivtald h aa ttif a i>aiap<iai't a fa in i taa A-

ilaw, a a i whan A team) A aaie (A anamiiiaa M l all

A hfa A Uaaaraelir. T n aanniliMa’i M MaanAaaand la aal tha arlinaaa M ■Aal Mnarir as wall as lA a*Ai wls

ja a aah A y ad a— lioaa A M*. Mr. la n h lUiaanId kaaaha as

■■■MIMai Aa npHaa wata of a eo a lln lA MaaaaM. Ir laqnmd am a IMa la atnlabiaa M k n t la As ikMi of Uu Mwla al auaa. A h ia A amwata FUaiBtaid IsnkA a> Hr. KM araadraawrAd :

" rd tua to A aworn w A aaa quaaHnna.'.'* Yaw n a r A baton r n ara A ijaab," waa

AanplY.•A la m A snId waa balat a u n la ad A laa^

hUaidaA Miaekkr wsltad aarraiadr npaad •awn lA nnst, scsaatonllr abapfin A tw - ta * Inaw kM ar isoM sr aaoibaa A lA ax- antwan aaaaatloB n A ss A d An wttaa«. Aaninl Onaa ba laanad oraf awd whl>aand a •aaim dM taiafasM anaM aw ds b rU n w A aas^aadanaato ia ld la a ta ia aMihia A lA j w n * MMai aa tha A A iili aMa nf lA

u iu B a a a m tim uaa.■ That a h m h ta t n A a sanlm nd Har."t t o anaattana sad aaaiian wan foltsA A

aaah sAat Is qaisb tuaenhon, and II was laa-panhbla la Ml anal n p ir sf lha wUaan had

' I lA wparAtsudaA Is n a A lA la-

fMMtoaM wai la As Alwwa nhalr whsB lA Hawa a aal is praa* jaatodar altarasaa and M afiila iaailh«rw M »uU JaM d. daaltnu- tor. A aotaowlsdtid lA t whaa Aabdiad Mr. Or t a ( n A bad laM b in Aal lA tiwUag sAacI waaacaiin A lA ih ilab u sa tla ttliH I t a s i aan. Ha Laab aA A Aa wllMaa Wbal aanm A bad isf tnlablik m

■‘ ■ snuntA alU B A aia aaaasl ab ilr and M i a aana tiiw (Ira fwapsi « n in Aa aa. I t a n , ' w aalA nplr.

x Dm II aaar ascUMs ran that II waa a m A f a n bAlBWi wbalbar i a ualalat Wbaal k n h a n w a a t r

■'laaaMdarU waa na baaiMH as aa hsaan ■ha w aanpWa U IA fsliaaif wan asi pmp- n tr Mtod aflar."

•‘ •k rd W iM riH i aowi|iialB Is lA aaparta-■hdaat f*" * j

•* ld M a n sU s . bat A Mid i n did aal Uha M lasaU to .'’

Ta Wliian was thaw mb A If A had a m had aar tinabk wlA anaadanla Ha npllsd Ibal A bad q a n r 'l 'A wt h Jaabi aad Dr A h d l aaa Una Jaa A A n sMo i A at tA lasn AOaat M IA Allaals aad odarsd Is ^ a t bln.

TA A ta n i waa aakad It ba BA lalkrd A lh o r aaaadaah whA sulhda of IA bBlMiaa absal a tom la lA Ihbliuuna. Hn nm iA t a l A h A n a l laraab soliMa.

AMwra a m aa m w a tM m .■B waa absal On aa»«BlaHiii sf a A tafal.

to idaat that A . Htaakiar BA nada." A aao- UBwad. -LuMh iA dnaiac ihal wa abwUd hathmlgB aaa fnaasl a«slaat IA appuUH-

TA AArtstaadasl, ntafainld bald, hA aatafid a h a s t o n Mania f,aiaa Aarluia aa A lat tltaA aat. ibaa A to A a m IA baada sfn an k M sf IA IraluUif slaai, '■ wbla A •aatlauad, "abawa lA l U . UDraiar dldMI thlak awA at lA tn liilH asbaoL"

“ Md ridi A aa u f unubla la a n l a « wllh Mb MAh r

“Um, 'A w u M d ls I fU m b a M B h ln ld A ia fta la a i laA la tA iaa lU au sa . A aaar- M aan toad q faitoii'*

■‘U d p m r 'A n th a t r*' I t A d b an iwBnhd."“ Mow did m know ihfa ibtaf b A a

. s a m d r*' Ua (1A A t ta l ) Md a n khanlM 1 aaw

tA n a a n b ia b a in ia s i r i A. Mmh und n a It hA baas rifsand and Mlaak told ■# A did U la wlfdaiawek*

'a d h ' l r w tbiak It |war datr ta m n n A * n a to n la A psA M a t a t tUeklar Y'

“ H waa A MS. - lam iA m attn ld .wasT Ml TOW-M Mask.

■Whatdid fsa Ml A . D a t a f t r mAdMr. Krtwy.

<■ n M .A aid babaa hat a a l two taasals ai- la iilMlaaA IBM lA is If ibsraald A rib la f •traianiiY u lA latuiultoi ihsr wwaM A •A ha iaA ,'' WBi tA laplr.

■ WAl aA ubi ran l.-II b A f■1 Md bua IA dhd s a t is« d bat than

•aa aat h aalM aiar s f li, t a that Iboas IhliHibait haaa ns.lttd .*

" l u yi« Ml UiB iBal tA ahsttlfa hA bA n m l A d r '

"Id id .“■Hali, w b a l s A rYA w tln n banund, i lu n a a n d ■ 111 A at

tn i , and ib n U unAmasasUTY A xbsid.

■ lA ia'ia tmaaoralitr csiA A ban Arbuw. iH w a a iA am ataourof aw uu . aa‘t n ssi at I t ifclMk at nif b'. 1 don't ihi uk J t a tak a ntbL I isid Dr. Utueklar nUxil

"DU foa tail lA dnctatlhsl ih a a u n a A WaoAS wan narrla iir

“ T a a ban I A llaaA It. Bin I latnk It b A plaaa ftir a au iriA roapla. T A n a n ha aatsomiolBtkHH Isr morrlU wmplw."

hr. K lanr tkes qimUnaad lha wltaan aboottoliK to a n Hr. MJon«a. A d aahA •b y A A d aona Is n a btai InanA at auuia s iA t fneho'dar. Ub itp ir w u lA l It w u t o IA nasoB I A i Mr. Da t a t a ’i nsUanoa •a s lha aaansl.

"OtBliaiioB," l u wllotn uM , “ ttb m Aan A d A n Ihu I m o l to aaa hr. Da t a a a tbnaortonr woaA Sfo, wharaw I didu'l so aaar bin u t l r foly id."

ila rainidltiA lA Idrt lA l ba h A naA A a waaiiliaqr. atal procwdA Is A b A IA anaiilBi A ocmplnay. TA a Amliiaa mU a m ioAi,aad Hr, Da Jooia tbca madoa IMtaHnt.

n u n o u s a oa roaufy A r n a u n .

naanAii A lA sonialttn hA Ibo wllh bin to n AiiititaM.Al tAyosowi astdat hlia loatT who hA f l’an hln laromuillsa aAol aaylam atoll*. Ha wm aaanliiA aa Is hh thtiaa lA t a nuaiu ptiirnt hid aonailuA aoldda la Iba uyluiB itarnodh nrala-inan ot lA ai- landaati, Ha nM thal siilbomtn A IA laatl- tuUoB bad Aan aoUAd that lA womaa Ad aakddal n aan and pranuUsna ahouid Aaa Ass laksB la pnniii A r sanylnf out Ar la. tasUonh Ilf BA so trlA ost to aAw Ibal Ay ana waa to blaaw.

luparlntsAcai illiHhIsr aald Ibal IA Ibclll- A i to aalcUa wtra anrb iAI aanry paAnl la IA InAiuHoa uaild sonant ta idA U ro In. clioA. Hn Yaaaf bA pnalsusly. irtod ta diswa Aiaaif and lA n naa no naaao to aup. pan Ibal lA would A a A nall

cbarln M an , lA Ahar, wm sallA In sad aBtaUaoA m ta lA storyUai A bad trlA la InUsIdata A Hitam . Ha aald Ihal IA soly thlBf A hA a m aald wm that If A w an lu Di. Utiu'kiay*i plaot A 'd bntiMa a n iy am of IA in n b la ra

Hr. A JiHip aaM A bA A B sn wltsanm to sail, had Uu naailnf wm adJouiwA to WAwnday A A l t wmb, whan tA oonnimaa will azamina IA booka^ itaa mylum

FAIR LAKB HOP ATCONG.tNOREAlIM IN p o p u l a r it y .


Liwt M l(bt'a A aalsa a b a s r O aa-C am .A alal* aad ra lltlM f.

II wm t tfelaak last nlfbl A rm Iba nsaU I f f A tA towara had lA Ina ft IWiBailllaa wm sal IA to order. A n m n a a le tH n was la. aalaA lima Bnwar KasUisr, w A stolA lA I IA nwar A na ai BpriAAld taanm a A ■iBOfKnalwm ao lla iif aaouih toaatry off lA A lla n waUr. Oa A bla b aaala, a lobao- a w M ,b w b A bis atocb to a im d to lA m - i t a A t t o t ' woiM abwlinl A Kiidmr, bad baas ooniAllad to aaakf sand. TA mauti wmialarrad to tA (Hy IqrTayor and mwat (ABBiAtoiisr wUh Awar to lanady iA ddl- sally.

Tha O nnat alraai nwar qanttoa wm apala bnnflil up. A Ur. topato aald lA l A had al(*ind A AtIuoB t o a bnsk aawar, bat wm wtUlA tom a A A •*•<* abouU A asu- ta to a d . A Hr. AodanoB oppoaad lA plA •awar n lA in a o d ihai In auma aaouou lA y had p.nTCB laadaquto. A Boiuiu to lay a P ta n w a t am IM IA a aaia M f to l.

An oralbausa lar IA csoairurlioo A nw an aa Jahaaen an an a and JaSriaon and Adarni aiiaata will A lauwdAad at lA nasi m aaita of 0.KIA1I.

Msttaa of Intaalloo Is nsitrooi a mwar a Bm a titsai, to n Utaan to Km, thanw to Haw Jsiisy lUlIrssd a v rsA wm (iTas.

l l wm dacMad to sooitrusl nw ar hmlas at Daray ntual and HaatArp Aasa, OUyar sad Yasifcatnaia. Boaun aud Nmnpdaa aliwala, Auth Oranp s n sn a a A Baaouu alraai, a A avnat s f fouA aaih aranus s A Candan •inai. A BtA A of Inwatisa wm ardatA la A (.aao to lA eooairuMtoo sf t mwsr so Horrh bTanu, torn A ak auwwl to Tbutotaih aaa- S A IS B nasattm .

wiaiam CthAbl. s f ■ Hiihto I r in a , aan. pfalnA A asnp lA nw ar (a t t o n lA nao-A to ln rro n i A h a d w a llta T A C b y b u .TWA waa latoaA A tofaaaAy IA mil.

Qllnpaaa A tha M saa ta la H alraal W hara Hawy Thaaaaada A a i Haltof

f r a n th a dwaliarlB ( City A laiaa. phsra—C a n p a a * O A lafaa.

hfT dO H H U « I A tU A M F.

A D yadharat OiUasa’a Hasswabaa W ith a D a s A n la ■ i(b w a y n a s ,

O nat hwaalnaB. who H m naai LyAhniat h A A txeltln( lima with a uaiap n lA ■ im road, aboTS lA to n y a iy warki, oa Hunday a u b t Hr. baaaitaan, w A am driy. I*Wt w natopA d by tA man, w A lA sln d lh a d h ta n n to ianay Cliy. ,A fltr '(la lA lA d ifto d latomAtun Hr. tw n n aa wm abooi todrlaasu , whan IA iraap ipraA ioio lA wiftHi, and, A M a IA eaauMBl A IA «ahi. Ola oanld prapacu t o Aranaa, (rm p-d him dimly ahcni i a amk and ha«aa to ivlto al t a waloh thaiB. Hr. iw aA tatn p ap p M with ha aimiluH and afiaf a tb sn tuoAila noofadA IB nlaaalw lA n an 'i kotd.

A IA nettaaiaBi iba rataa w m allowA Is dmn. Tha a m banma IrlfhiaMd and n a away. VamlAlul of lA danp r of aalA thiown toiB IA wapo a o r ta lA wild ma Ur. dw m m an asaU nA d to A u bii aaHilant. ^ a « w m Mmnl n ( t o sapacaaacy wb>a lA Tchmla wllM al wttn a Itw and hath wan tarawii to tA m o ad aM tolled dowa lA haaa la t in flaar.

I t latttnd H r •waatmaa’a haad aama la ooa- tool with A aiBA a A A WM landand amoa* aelmiA Wa s A noutand Iba iramp wm (ona BA is w u hhown waleh and sA la TA A rm kapl np ila wild ran uoul it nartaad A iaa, whom It itrlaad wiia tha w m iya w iA sal. Hr. Swaatmao usosadad la n a ^ . la t hoSMIBidaaai aoaiUUoi,.

1HH ■ W IH N laS TUDHKAHINT. faawrdBy’a F a a u la

"dbuut U o raonuuiw tadaak. ato a ptr- WitonA, and mid thatMd Mm* lo •H« met UQRf}ik<ftod, wid aild that

tha Ailaula did art (tlrslfl<Ani matt or Ah Be Ama oftln and inda IDs uprra<loa toat MBay wan Marred,' It hurt ma to think that nm orB rnoA r wasAlaa a U A ll» aoiinty ana im palleta wrfa no* aaltloa aouuyh food. Ba alas Inforata a n Ihat s man nimad Jdai.o had beoo Hhdbcd a A hli In ter bnikan—A ’la poor. Bioplt fcllow. Tbrn I mw Dr. Tin at tod sallad Bla stirntloa to than nanplunta. Ha m ail a note of tliaia. 1 did not know ihw aayihlui had bran done to lartlly th ru uaiH after tob tofMIfation alanad I made Iho s A i in In tba board whan It wm propnacd to iBonan iha Award'a atlary. How^l cim ibnw by lha bmiki 'h it tboi* wm not u niuoh mvat «f tah houfA this year for Md patienU m than was laii yaai for MO."

Hr. Do Joufa ihsn rrad a nommratlic alile- manl nf loaau lA a.h iiirauhad lo Iba luiiitu- ttoi In Ibaaion'A of Hay to tola year and leal TA dpiTua w an ;

la Hay, UW, dK l pound* of ftaih beef, t,U 0 puuadi of lamb and vaal, 1,73a puandi of Aniad beat 1,M1 pound* of Ah, laH iy , UM. e,au iwuWi of train heoj, l.tlH pound* ol Iamb and real, l,*dT puuuA of odard hoof.1,10* puundi uT Ah. In June, IftjO * UJ

■ • ■

Cawlwal wo A a W laaan aad Fiiia*.

TA Bra* •alB nlny tonrumeot ol IA Mau. nlueUuhtook plaaa yeatn day ararnooa, Tha nonna corored adW aoM ofam llaandaA l^ Itnra lo lA r 'i Bwlmoiix aatahliabmoiii lo lA Hidund bridii' iA bank. Aaen otmlaiianbi >1 irtcd al l.'Oa o'olook l A artlvA at Iba Hul. laA b .l lp m io lla m : K llotniann (rlO. H hCBunarher tr.!D Bar.nin WcM liTtto, 8 ttanar i m . Wlllia U ih v *M. H. bchluftar IM . PrAk A ria 1:37. Only thraa'bf lA ooo- imiaD'i mAa tba m om itip, via.! Hoimann

H LotharTiO*. II. febumaaber 7:1b..Wa m would pro Ably b a n « m s in Alrd,

ta ' wi> afM.-d wbb a ^!^am^ Tha prias. ware d atniiu ad aa fl.llom: TIm pyiaa, a (old

“ ulannB i aaeood pci*", a larva parlor letup, A Isrtber i Ihird pi to DchuiuaiiMr.

prin, a box Ol cicue

O llftU D tJ^H a ALhHMKO.

Tha Csnlaaitaa a t Three af Their Non- bar O aotat e ran is.

follDWta dtoaiiipon lha conhnaloe of thraa or ihs eosduutor. of tha Nawerk atroai car l t a « to Ute lllrfitlmato iim ol iram ur Inbela a Maulo heasrlaA aenral ronducuiia. At lha Oranpa end of IA Una Ihrsa eonduclora give up their poalUotu and laertflMd ihrir depot it. Avrnil olhart b tA A lo lA lr bAaea eiul n- M ltA hank thair Apoalia

Tbo«> who loll inoir fer. abruptly ere elitid ol priwermlon, Buprrlntondani Akoruitn leya .Tcenalbr iioiala have leilaoolf fifty or aatenly. flvuArnunl. iiSM thaarrsA andaxpcauraa heva Aau niele.

fouoA or ITrin beef, I,ir,"j«unda ol lamb end n e t, I,HO pouudi ol rorui d heel, 1,236 pound* of kb . In Junf,'lWI), l ,«7 poundi of lieib beat 1.1M pui. Ji of limb lA Yril, 1.4D3 fmod* ol eomed hrai. *in pouA* ol fl*h.

UemMiheilhiiaolIjiuita abosA ibelonly Hk ead two-Bllb oaaoat of beef por diaui were lanuaAd lo aiab a A di. Dr. Tlraiar ra- mar A d Ihelrasfa an eraouut wm graalar lA u that furnlaAd in moat toaU jiiiotn.

Tba ateaard aUted ib it Mianly.flra fetlaai* war* on apralal dial and did md gel toy nael, Ihtrafom toe ila end two-Bltb aBaeaaapokanofietaUadftuin e wrong mlcu.

TA witneu ftrriher iltiA toat toll year IAjW ^ lib A A tlrawbciTlta, wtaHalaiiyAi

> (wrH wan hougbi.y s i anifflo cuicggMi m s n

" How, I'd Ilka to Bnd lha spring cblrkenn," aaatimiA.Hr. DoJonia. and Ba qiioiA Ihim hia BMiasraqda I A t A Hay t two A ir werem at 11.26 a Air I on May It one Mir,

; oa Hay 17 tour e A a half pnuiiiK el •nny teals a nouA ; on Hay M lourtud Uiiw ^ r t a r pound*, at tA lama p rite, end ou Juno

Da'lq^*'*** ** eoneludA Hr.Holen wm u h A by My. Peck wbit

had t a n d o u with <A apriiig ahtokon*.wii ? * ■“ ‘ho re-lA l puipoio."

who b e j bra flnaer

H e d e n b e rg 's ,

Ketctrk, Ifn/nraday, Joff 30.

T h r e e m o r e b a r g a i n d a y s

— C L E A R I N G S A L E .

C o m e in a n d s e e i f t h e r e is a n y t h i n g y o u w a n t . N o

t r o u b l e t o s h o w g o o d s .

B Ia < ^ D r e s s G o o d s , C l o a k s I m d L a d i e s ' O u t f i t t i n g s .

;. W. 4 Hiioekbimi & Co.

M laar I'olloe Ceaaa,AAraw Cbmaiolal, of 30 lUdfurd tiraet, wm

erruaoKl IbU msyaing utmu the charge of lug wetting eppsral from John iluuaton, 01W Almoni evoitue.

A Bua of MM wei Impomd upon Hlebeel Ve.brln>kl, of Jrdkiioil iDcel, by Juallce HA- rigu tola Diuruta H dital w u errotiA lat* nigbt while a c .ta In a dlaoideriy miuuur ou tarry iUaet.

ClolhlDg balaaiuaa laaaatigellsee.A mumllias wu sppolnled el imt nlgbfi

lAClel toraUiig of lha L'lolhta Seleimen'e AtwKlBttou to ewsAio whether e nrteln Hia J atrenl clotoler liA ia emiudblly koA bla .tore open oa Houday evaiilng mu’r Lha praacribA hour. The i.ora wu oau un'y tout luinulea after 7 o'ebwk and one of ihe am- p orei aiTe u eii cxi oh Ihal tha a louuen uera doing sAelil "ork aud were noiautre lA l H wu eiur lime.

H eO uIgta and Negle tia iohad,A nleb.welgbt tljhl. lo taka plere

IbtM eaeki htnct, Atweeu I'a ly Hrliuigaii. ol llerrlwn, eA Ktiuik Nmle. ol Newark, wa. Bgnad UAO le.l nlghL I'ua puna la P30u, and U It undecided whether akln-ilghlut iwo- ounra glovee will A nael. MrtJiilaan b u uoTar Aon Aela tuil bl* friondj ere lenguiaa at niaoeae

Tw r i e j OA lha ABaoe. i t liel ntgbi'i meailot of the Newark Club'

emureucet of auppon waraylvrn l A toe genua will oonlliiua a* ealiAiiled. Totay and to­morrow toe Ntwark* play lha llamibuiva at the Wtigbt urealgniunde A neighbor ot Iba Batnitaivs, lA AAuona, beys BUM iba nleha left vecinl to toe AUanlie League by toa wltodrawti of Iba Woiuea tr Club,

■pseitl to IA Itiu n M Ngari.L u g UuMTonau, faiy M -TIm a aaldom

lA hMsy os Iba Aada of lA aaakat lat aom- lart aA RCiHOon w A ewia BH U « *A atwrea ol Lake llspBtoota thaaa A m s f phyM aal paraplruion a ta manlal mlaary. T A hsnra nartr drag, eA b o a ta l i A aiBpfd BA la- A lasl een eomplein sf lha BtoDoi A y sf Ulh at ta li ekinalngium m tr reiorL T A n ere ae- rlttle* ot « ay* to eeiBu end n ie n e ia lA ae . u tto a ylilior, e A lA mmim hw ehjnyta IA Ateaiegaa oSkiA i n aeu y esd dlaenldad. TA laA, aeeibiig m 11 doea within lA pro- iMtlng erma of Uia Maap s A ebrupt BtaantelU ol Horrla end tureyi a ac o lta wHh lu paanlA Mtuerlpti e A toraet loo, e lh ita deep tiody hit IA toaet sf IA tau d ftil M d nletunequa Ib Biiura. IsdsnlA by eepa* and ptnlnMlas, tA dsilA by nuBaroua Ii IbA c i t a mmald- asBi akaal of weUr ftira lita aa upeet of ruiiwl bamily at all tlmra p taaita- ^om M pototsfobaanration eiB tbe lata A taan m e wbola. As ItleA of ounthleiibla mAaltuda, or SB ahiogaud « | a will olatnial IA Ilea of a Won. TbaBswamaelBlwiya'ljDAiBtaUiet AheiBaan IA la A lii Ila am In ly nnltl A Miodt Iba lalesd or saas end Buds a aAal A claer a tu r , bruAer tn eipenis Iheo lA Bral, parhata, imU'BA Alton Btaa. T A tae l oon. oluiluii sf tot olwirrent Twice ■ tael t ahtla ol leiMuA iikaa In neiUy make up lA TBit bAy of water ksowB u I ta a Uopalcang.

TA reogpt nf tonai'snwBA muunuint toe* anriioa tola lult A m ara to A A Uopaloong w batepIrtaA BerkgrouA Itio a tautUtU picture. TAy aBheuca Ha o A n se

lirniirl T uo inom . ,The rnminllc tradiUaut couaeMlag " Hopak-

•Bung" witn lA Neriitooag ladlsna sf*lM li-niw UnippI tnA will imi u long u lA lake Imli will andute. "Hopeinhung" (mrenlag pipe weier) w u lA ptiocipel rUleat ol tot NtrUutoBga. e A tamo mllaa t a k In toe hilia lA HlniiMlakt, i a Imt at IA lA lan trlnre who made New Jatuy tA lr h a a t ta grouAe bald lortb.

TA anierpmiiig KuropekK iDTader boob drova William Chlncopea and kia dusky- •kliioA brulAii wauwatd, aad aroctod toalr Ban algweaii on lA aboraeA IA baeuUAil like.

Tooutb harinetliii bA felt tA watari A tba lake ala Be* to Now toay appear e A are, Aooib, arrant end planid, witoaul IA aam. b.tBct ol e rtnala u mer Ua gmel aapenaa at nrftHa. Buddeuiy e A wIlBoul warning e Hid bnrae ihuu*a fro.n lha aheitar A a Big roTeesdtA leka’a tiuieira la kleklag up lit ba*h tn llraii laihiou, ao to apaek. TA weam aA iwclia era flanw, unevaiheA snappy, a A Celt mnU A atarelaA A Um oocupeata at ruwboala wA cnanra lo A aliiuA In toe*a p a A u of rougbaam, to arsU d lm ta r. Ai u.i- aipaclAly u A edraui laa raO A aaa ttaa- mma down a A all It paasa again.

Mblom CA 1A II a-loug la Abitenia or albar raaisam laffltllai to lA ragun A ftruDil In t a ' i na lA utoe a* Bigbt. TA y kMW Iba dwitawio m to t aaian, bA wbUb •llllag to ■ ta AaitoN wllh IA aohaaitlih naTmlto dayllgut, aerawdiy hug lA abon w A n a man- A sf A tbntm ansoiauda toem. T A untni- U tad wui asBian tbeuwd, howsawt, A A tam A lA rtak tosy ran.

' uraoagiigins w ira » a t u i .TTlIh A lu n i ATutegea, noetted by mw

laleA rssoila In i A Eaai, and wiuj e unlltoia atilwds ol LWD M l abort llda wh'rr, l i it not n ip rv ln ttA lto lim o u n u in leks Hgrowing In popnlarlty and ba* b -nA y aebItT.-d aa raylabla praatlga. T A Iraprartnanta toat Ban lakan pteat ban wiiblu a y a ^ glTt puna A ol earratatodtaly rapid growih ta lA ftiiui*.

TA Haeosta 1*IbA HbmI li obb of toa ihw lealurae Ii hm Leaa sotnplaiA ta t a taw waeke Tbaabonof lA ImeA ki bmd rA issByaA tm ala a ftyiaai A y . llaA an w A y and lA lakt pnpai. T A botol U non- trellal by a troek fsapany a A • talde A y In lA taunsm lo Hay. C 9. WUtUma. of EaH Orange, la a b « l aomplaitag e eaaey est aga m Arqoon laland, TA alia of lha oouega H a layored o n . Ia lha nak of lA talldlag ta a araailn iwh, an atanly polaA a aiwfMr Buga ■ OBB Ibal It would bm o tliM tak allgb. a t AloB would A nqu IiA ks toppis 11 tats IA Ilka. II • Brmly tth .fd , howaaar. rtaaa toa aumAr at raAad roaki' Ataahmiia ti la •aidant tkal lA M eA w u to m TimtA by h Tsisuile arapiua of mlgAy Jtona. OUw plaeaa h toa laleA era i

e m resn mui w nA aiM . , •The " 81. George," owns 1 by Iraaet H. An-

Mlt, of AH Onnga I " Craig Ttitaiie." by 1, & Haodug, breoki) n ; " Hemioak Fulm," by jA n TrDiUbi, Brouklyn, ead "Olan Oelrn." by lA A t. 0. F. kndartoa, of Hocltwey, H, J. llaA y Ills A , whIoB h u eo e n a of iBIrty •cm, baa been raeamly puroBaaed by a lyn- dtcBla. Among utotr p n rita ratMancM at IBs lakt Ihan era Wil or 1, Knighi’t C ataa, ad- Joiuing lha Amortcen Huum ; J. K 'loi PbliUp'a " Kaatuoie." J. 0. Yen F.aai't " Wjodbiiie,” Habluii BmItb'eHei Norman's, 11. F. Frutoing- bem'i, Lulta'a tllle, oa HL JLrliogtoo ; 8 .1 . A w ardi'i "Wlidwuod," A A rr A n lu if., A nau Lyon'a, u. K Aisaentto, 8 .A. Qeid- nar'e Jnapb Cot'a ■'hbaiHil," Uaary Aitan- brand'h 8 H. Puola'a, Anguil Foiiet’e J 0 , O ltaFa, Dr. w, ft, Yitl'i, A. V*o Alaaii't knd " Baibloo U ilge" BeTtral other coUagm era In promie of rmnlgn. C A. Biimliey end Oirld quackentiuib, of Nawerk, A r t nntod e ooUaga bare i r toe sceaon. J ha moil nolA elubbuu-etere Iba Iftiuto Ore a s , iA UcrireA l*iind a A lha Joly llrotooi*.

U. toe bultl*, toe Brttilii, In point sf n a r nlBceura auu prumln-naa, looki down In n toa mmmit of Hi. Ar t a ‘sn. IA ackuuwl- Hig.d tuuoarob of toe lako li costa e praily Mony to boael el tola hoiat. Tha American llouta Bpiwe'k t o t a l leyorlie WUB Newarktre Tha III. Arlliigion Uoltl and A ka View llnwa ere aUayi buitiing, Uieir pelruna AIng chlully New Tutkere. Nuiau't I'miil Villa ta eonduciA on 1 plen rlmliar to toe Aoiarloiii Uoni. wyia and p«a»Kn Ilka qualliia foe tuoh enjoymeat u leko rliliotii tulutauy aeek.

Tna i.Aki'a v iairataAmong Ihtaueali nf Hie A ka at IA Amtrl-

run Houia u a : Him K.ftide B thr. Frank FtlrAok, Alhari L Abcock and wife, Jutan Nrb. C. .M. (batnnanil family, I'. W. Cmnpou and fimilf. J r, J r . Horberi Knigai, Umiy Uerkhom, Ihorga Ttppen, N axtrk ; Hire** Wboaton, Dir. Heilden, Stowe. Krat

I Oringai L. II. Wood aiul latnlly, Aal Orange; Cberlra W. Jaegers and Hn. Jarge.i, Hay llugbn, I.lde U. Arger, U. E R.dar, Limin I'eiidae. U.iilun chauyln, Ma Clara W, (’arpemer, C. U. Kmiwnol, kley V. Youog, George FbHba , U A Wergaret Oimun, Fin- deruu: Hn. H. D. Noribrof), Greet Horto- lop, Hr. and Hit. 0. P. Oiekioson and Hairy Nnrtorop, Sumiull end ta k in g Rldfaj 8 R Warren, F. H. Oouk, Jersey City; H r end Ura W, u. CnyallA end U A Laura C.eral. Ini, H. F. Chleman end k 'lonuit Goiemea, W. a Uirrli, c. W. Cbuiohlll, 0. R Henetow, J. UerklUi and W. W. taTtnpun.

Tiiareibter al toe Hannon blend Holel (eat toa IdI owing ittmei Uat weak;

John ft CeiHiu and U. R Wyekoff, Uont- e tar; Char A Alleu, If, J. Bweet aud wjle, Thuaiaa F. Jnbn»l>iii and wife. Him Cecllle Jolinaien, Ua Annlq HeCenu and J, J. Pecker, George HouAnd and wife, J, Frank Uewaoii, I'btrlii lloffinin, Frank R. Van Neat end II. D. Foiee, Newark | W llllui Heldwla, Wlllleai Cedisut, Tliomm HcGowin, T. R, lleyea. JuaepB C. UlUball end Cbstlia Bmlto end wire, Blonmaold. A a umber of Hew Ygtg, llcnoklyn, Peiartun end her autos people also bold fiT b here. *

chlel ofPo.lee Hoprer and Police Comailt- flonar HtreAu. of Newark, apent Hunday el Noian'i I'mut Ville Oeguod 0. Wiley end W.U eerier, ol Oraoge, ere a* toll hutoL Tbomu A. Fdiaon and wUa ara booked fermatrel weeki at ibe Villa.

dFPU C dH tH AF_____ A F U M lf lit ,■MlswIlF IhkpaaltwMd Is ftsewtlwR H ta-

OHtars>.TlM Cssfw RewiBlasd.Altosagb lA uyOBBia tar ataettan eMtoati

nndaa lA Hens* Mftna law. am lA ln|sT pln-B at n par A y for eight hsuiY wort daaglta wiiftla twarii. ta w at ta rn knew ftsaaaipBklaAt I t a Ita aaosay *a>Ad ta In- aailaMy eppUad m UqiddallBg aeatanti dot IA etty. Auditor Brnyttb m Is ftnnar years WUI dadnet ell arreerege* to tu rn from lA pay M IA ellseih when lAy osaat la scilaa Ibairmisriet. Ua boldi toat A hm e prilAt right lo A ihH u It ta to tamwdeoea with lA cHy odJaeitoe. Already iin re l ippDaeoH A rt NMiBHdared toalr tomdttos at leUta >•* enniA ltoa basMU lAy an ia errttn im leata.

OoIs m I Prtea, hm kar. qaattlsaa lA poaei of I Aelty todtanot esy sbligaUuna lA i tot aaeleu may swt.

" liH ill mosAhlA" Am ya; "Ih it tae eouaty eSalr, esd IA cHy h u a right to A duct Uuta"

TA ApItcstlODe tar lA Brpnb\leaB alsrlloa eAefit will A closed lo-day. TA AAbU- easa hart had miirh troubla to procure laan wUlInglo u i f t 111 IA elly dtauku TA toaathlpB A fa Mapondta ateke wiUtogly. WiUtam R. WUdama atya lA I lA fAiwa uf the law which irohibta oM«e-hoidembsm tertingla ioaowHsm Iw IA Uoahia aatoag IA Apuhtleau,

TA Dnaeerata A r« nst had ae mnoh trouble la prcurl A mea. In Hul Oniige ih s n b e acarciiy of oandidelea. " use elam up lAre « n o * tpera lA Urns rwwmry tw tna work," aald Osluoal Prioa, " god IA olbat ta Inoomps- M l tonartA"

An aCirt m l » t a Mda lo Aao IA ahtu man aaraa hi t A egensk alaeUaal w A aig a^ palaM to oarra la iA lanaiml rlamJaa.


•psstol UMastv CMmlttlwa# Herwhad.J. A Patrelm eg Dlawilgted.(Asrr William HcNiehol, of lA TaM Ptm

•tom, w u Aiun tog PoUet t a i d ton glggl to anawtr tba cArga of A t a drank an July M and k l l ta to enewar ai nr 1 ealL I A ag- eumd pltedad goUiy gad aipItlDtd that kit wilt WM Tory 111 ikal d.y and A bad token two drinkt of wkiakty. HeNlebol wu d » nAed f i » Ika torea.

Ace-HdlA to Iba ngnleilowi of lA dapart- mthituapactol odlseitara rampallgd to iwpeat Bl keadquarton go iA aanotid Friday af April ■lid Oelgtar tech yaar gpoo peoeUy at BtalDg toalr A mml-wona msA a ftw nfnatog to A an Iptolglc Freak A atnol, pow aerrliig algbltta mulhF tnprtanBmeBI Ita IA kllllgg ef Jotepli BeBmldt; QSe« Cigeg, coorlaud •f emeulllA HsitHil Day, and Frank ftan- keaky, IA Polnh eouK Incarnrater, wA wu yeticrJar oadatad to p«y M par Waak (ta kla Ata'a wpiKn. wan reported u A tIa (Ulad IS ippair to April end . toeii neiau wots dnippsd (non i a ioIL CbMcsmen HeHlaa w u nuA a ragnier sank.

Pratadtat FTuee. of lA BaHaeta Kea’t Cycllug A'loelation, Inierrlawad lA Oniamto tliiaeia raletnre to i JIowIa Inorela rlBlng la Hllitanr Park. Hr. PnaaetaldiAchalnnBBsf IA Puglle Groundi Ooumiuea Ad relAad la allow rMan In i A park,

" I iblnk U la Juu u propar is allow a boy Is rids « Iwo w ta lt in IA plasa u lor bim la A w taltd ereuA la a tM|.Wtaled AA aarriags" aald Hr, Fume. Be wti Informed Uiet tha rskamtaaloiiaii BA w ^uilMlBuaOto Hit ariiiar.

Tewy Aaaaal ad wad Ba Frao-Od Jb a « Hm. Tsoy L’atotoeno. ef miaaa

ilrasi, aweie o a t« werreal taa IA aiiiai of aat huA sd, apaa lA eaaiia at laeMli aad kat- toty. T ta kept am af right aatli lail B%hL waaa A iacun Carroll arnriaJ blao aftor a ebait Aar taaeral feoati Whan Caltlatrio WM amigard Altaa Juiltoa Budrlgo auanlBg kit wile ninaad to pram IA ahaiga and A wm lalsatid.

M e W b i r i e f

& W ils o n ,

S F P g tM l l l a t t e p * .M a r k e t , N e a r B r o a d

18 4'HNT riPKCIAL •ALK,■ataaa 0 Ca. arw uBIarlag all larla ti

F e a n Uwwria, Irry Uwwda, Hwa'a HaadsMsatehraAed Haiaaalilaa aadltawa- H aA al Olfcet Arttolat,Thrwwghaal ^ ta r t a a ta a a m e a l ia l Miwalsaa (laaia

lA naaenelly 1 bum a of Aiaalaa

lUag laa BUI

Hash IKla WataWe are (plag la<

leauto of Jnly Wilke tWiu greeUy aid aa Ib dwrltaUag Iho aurpaa

Clautil Salt ol Ro b i u U,

Loti ud Siidlo PiOMi.Odd

■Alitork In tkoy daptiuaaat lo aaary taglHa of the Btoto.

Wa A r t gone Ihrwigti oiorj Aperttotat In IA Non, and A ir A ueap to IA teal alack to

la BA mark (mg A ihset OdA ead B tta farm arp rteu ara ia ilra ly aa ia f lA tawA tto% aad aaai to am eswalAired. Ta AH’ •hrewd aad kaewlap eam this la

■A whet we A ta ead pnpem to meA lAro youia, by putting a pitot aa ibeuraadtsf Ihtagi tha* will ba uirertar-aloeUM atala I

Tba e al of bnndiaA of aitleA am asi haaa coBstAred, aa toaiWt BotklA yao may aelael, whettatintoemeia itiawsd ia iA bemmial,' I A l ta muted ita mit wAI ta a Mg beigela. Lank la Me etMre fcsed lUml wlaAw ead


IM will leers el a glaaoe wbet lA Klaatotn6aai p -------Tbe inonal Blmlet Sale

Bergelns u a-b u t esaip la IA msiBing. Ifpmrible. ^

Wa A re gal Arad A n aaam at IA eilielu wa aAl] aOtr; wa hope to hers taougb af •TMyuilit ft* tmybady, bo* don't wall BaW IA tatt boor baton yoa salam latyADiam ftackfaa 6 yna

FtarlCiucBel, Halal, Bvitona

laeuin, HIk, Blbboa,WauL'Bsduia Baba'

1, i u l y A Biaboti.I aiylaa cblld'i

Uemaad Oapalull

Tannli Utia t a a IBall Oapa Betoan DuwiuCapa M> aiTlat Ureaa liilw

•qH B WITH THri TIhIfOB.Ladga Ifem A ra HeUaTad af tYM (ha

Fraowadt of an Baiarialameat.ttymel tadga lU, laA taA tiii Order of

Good Tampian. of HoairlaD, tlsciad thaat oS- San OB Ho nlay aigbl i Cblaf iruplar, Cherlea Btiniigina ; ami enlef itmpltr. Gtwit Dodd ; Ttea-iamriw. Hn. Itaac ft Dodd j ageralary, Hoberl Thompioii; Huaneml laawtaiy, Fnd- enok Stooa i irraaunr. Thomm rouriar; chap- Itla, Uia Aa>»l Wooding; gaud, Hn. BeniT Paanst; aotnbBI. William Narrliwton ; •entlael, trntal ftatati MiarlnleAaot of JuraiiA tau plan. Hn. Henry Jacitoa An aleeitonef daieauea to IA dtatiicr AiiABikia P> be bal 1 a* Woodaide, Aiigual IL wu ibao had, ata Gaoiia Dodd, Wililam Damniton, John DorafT. Fiadutok b«om aA Hia Henry Jeckaon wen ehoten. Al a rteeal antoilain- inaat of lA ludga f7U waa It An by a rlaltor, who ^ beau glean aaiU A urday to ratujn lA monay, aA In IA «rMl at Bta ta lu tt to A a t Awlll Aernatod.

FODriO DRAO JIV BBU.Ktramlata Faretih , a dllatrBmlth, DIat

gaddaely,A man hAwa u Jatamtoh Ptaailh, wA hA

^ hoard tog t l IA hsura at UsaU Bray: tog, 11 BtllisA eranipt, w u toand dcA lu b-d yaatoidey eArroosai. He lellA loeppa-'rlor bnetf.iiya«cider auinilag. Mia Kteyltog mad bif diKir mraial timasdurlA lA day. fbt dually baeema elernA eA Aildrd hor hiwbeA, who foroad eu aoirenea ead rouA Jatamle'i ly Iqg daA aion o a of IA bA t.

Hr tppraiA lo b an dIA ftvm naturA utian. The Amlritm Ooumy Phtatotoa wm Botiged. 'lha deeaaead peovA to A n bMn Jaiaalih For.yih, smplayA el Utyefa llchigy on Hecbeole wreeL He ww ia u I BIIt y ttn of age and hA a wilt, toim whom A w u tep- •riled, liriA In Bouan. Furayib had eurerel mirrlA ilttom linng !■ Newark, aA at dtf- leraal Uma* maA kla h«A with iham.


Pdiiylmlm laeat.X atylqa Kmbniidanaa tPild't centod WetaU. iadla*' CbkBuaattaA I LAtaa' cmien.3 AirCoEt 12 yaidi Tunkoo Laoe. Adtag emb. ar luckA

Uwa Aproua ladle, amta Osnal

Omen.^W M oeU a DnwanAdim O I n g b a m

Ajpiuia. la A g flu n l C h l l d r a n ' t WUte

t inaiiaH u'a eoland Otoae

HBirtaladA ' BibbA Taiia,

plain eA IkiHT. Ledleg fielbfisgeB end

Oeimt Valla.Child'* mA. walghi

Marino Vaala Child'a lime aim Oeuat

•A UuSHimer Verm. Adimf Hear, 26 itylu

eolua.CbUd't Hear, alt Hi

IS nyiaa, tibhA eo^ pain.

LAita' lA Hbaig Bllh eA TaAle DIoTta

1 Lutari All-ltoen HeAbembleta.

t Adiag Fine Hull HiAAicbladi

Heo'a PiA Linar Hiodkercaieh.

> Han't CnlarA Bor , dar BeAkarehtata.Han't Hell.heat, Aney

Fut Black eA Bel-arlpten.

Han't Ftni Naekrita HeB’t tA BayF law

Aoderal , 2e A I Boyg WlA

•w Mat.1 ^ I ladlaF Bulltt'tach Ilnck TowaL BiaicaA Turk l ab

IbwaL6 Torbay BA NapkiA lUilotA BoitlarNan-

llosa doa a im aim Thtaa,

NeptlneJb^diwu Tahla Hep-6*-'oeh Moult Bnnea

carer.61-iAk Uaew Buiaau

C-tar.Uomla or L ia ao

I p l e ik a r , T i t s Frlnae,

FnugA Ammk IbajA itr,

llouloor U u a T>to Oorir.TiA Frlaae.

•tami^d Mumm Tidy, heupA " ■ ‘ “

OMiII11*16 opaawork laUa

Doylia. _____, _____Pair alampA Pillow. Japeonu Ttiyi

thema. to doi Oubjem.Bor t-ptr-aaiglioa Dag ' 'Double Uraai*l a Bag BaiA Aaodrr Nag.Unplala FumpIBB

Outdi, M mLariia.H iit Acs Plltow-

81vCBlId’a I Chlld't atobreUatA

O'lieraLAaoh Oemtaih TowaLlarge Ikying Pea*.

aim kaamaalaaa. T A aaaat aa ieamrital o taBaur«lsaA*«tolaa,BadnrhTt Haim aaa A the Baaeaellr u t r a e t ln ebaraetar A •A agTatlawa l aaeaelly anraetlaa la aiylat, aaa lk r aad pitoaa. THIRTY TOF i r r y f b r cB irr. d b m t h i n w in -TBB PRICBIt, Bay eew aad ear# dato ton . A dtpaali aaeanaaatH aallA tor.

dlKb rpM«. ta a f l^CtaAk ___

Tla Tea Pol*.Tie OcOu Path Biaoi Traye Btoak liaPelta. felly Hooldi.Flour Bhaku.Heny klada Beakela. FtowarPala and le »

KEFRI6ERAT0RL( t a ta a Iham M l U laea thae saat. Bard

lod •#■ laaad. Wa baTaaat a twaHaai laa hala la IA aaaaaa ta eiaak ap I wa pra" fartaUJaa balaasa Aatael*

card Reoalatai Arga PuaoslaiB Wash

Bwdoi.Faprr Baaia. take. VuaUbla Utah. Arthan Piptla. Ponalela DlkAft aa

A t » t rO «latharthaahaldtbamaTCT, Thle,b aA*a

*r M la r»r|e« M aa wUI ljiMr« a paaitlva aav* laa af atTaral te i la n aa aaah varelHMa. TUa wa n a r u t a a .

fkotoh BawkU w Ptattan.H0undgM#iitii CnilM

I T I S T K K S T .

MULLINS & CO.,218 4 220 MARKET STREET, Newark. N. I

rts Lmrot tad tM IritoUi CABB (U CMIDIT



PRICES REDUCED.Ibdlqww Qnitikl7 of wl(it IsMI of mur DDIEHSI 8TOOI, v o h m

MAROO DOWN«Y«iTirtiAltto witUatflwttoofOOfff. A m wbo bii7 of qji euinot ftU to u n woat . Wo mrrj thi loifNi u d llieit laoortmBt ii thi worid.

Elegant Parlor Suits, ®85 and up.Hudaonn Bedroom Suitit tlS «od gp. Ogrpeti of lA nrleUai fra i the

. b«t nukeri ot tho lowest Complete HMrlmsnt ofBiHl n l S&ttao Foniltar^ Boby. Ouriegei, RefHg;mtoi% H& A k iw Ih i of Mattnesei, made lo the beat u d DMit workmUlw m a w I m nibgpward.

Gnay BmiU.Yqt nroaleta Pllohor.

Hh t Ib mtod war Haw A seta .

Jkm le

BooklAAB wen Ta* Pot,

^ i A * . q t Tea Faterend Aep Dtahm.

IcfEIRTERacellopA Dliue luge

e rp lilmUOTerel Bailekt ... OonrA Huger Bowm Fancy CUae Plalae FiuoydasiMtnl FltM Decuretod Berry Dub, fee PoiStond. DeeonlA Bolter Utah. Dec. Capa a A Heuoat*. V a g A ^ DKAa eAChiai eA Ha], PUbh.

WILSON,169 to leo lirliot StfMt,


ALL THIS WEEK(tolored Frail Dtahai Uotofid Hal Olthae, iWared p r a t a f y a

DwbM.Colored i q u t r tDWbm,(lulorA 8p«m BM-

aia.calory DUh i ta^ to ^d A HaataidBicftat Pnill Bleode. Dernarl Auoan.OlBU Omporta aA

Caitaii.Qltaa lYicbara FlBdtr Bowl*. • UdmaJ Lamp at Qu

OloAt.»a*yln Verne lahwool KaUt Bnxae Oxkliarl (bjker Pine uubllaad Bitaer C A

fiutwne. Bitv.Cnl:u Bntlaia.

tDa«r Iiiarvute Gal.-plUtd &T But-

toimm CodA Hillw^'od|«ii CbtipplBifn MOr PmtH Md BmIih. Br fi*«itbL Bimeklof BoJta P it Cur. doaOiB Botrtl. Oibtmo Ciittjr*.Zl4e WAkbbOMdi.KiOldf N1«TW.

Ta lA ie d tfirlw CRXDIT t n a t a i A heat t a n u m iA LOWI1T CdUB P U O lB


O p e n E v e n ln sH u u U l S . S a t i i r< l« r i 1 0 P . U . T e le p h « M M B ,

MULLINS & CO.218 and 220 Market Street, Newark.

J e r s e y C ity, N. J .m , i n d 126 NKWARK kVR

■HdNCB 8T0 H M .

P a te rs o n , N. J .tU HAIM STBBIT.

B rooklyn , N . Y*TKtftMdHHVHTia


■'•‘i J t t l T t ' ' " FURU-ITUREA C l e a r i n g

t e IlnuM. duRw dai4 BaHDoM OMoonaiDifipara

Nielli Ilfav WIunI Noosb T)«p, O ito n.KhN Lioo. £ i(rt quiUir BrOMDt, N*aOd fcikjou Olid iWkL


H Bttiis I niois Dui i M Sim!Carpets.

do*. Taa Cups tali. UJfj# ( upe

, Ia BeuMru I d u ft d, 7 eg I iuali ptei-'A

OSS &M {daces TdpedtiT Brn'riel* CsTjidt, tagil*, pitee per jditf 75ft j ndnsdl Is Ste S> picen U]e*try Brnmda Oatiidt, rggalAr price per yublMe.: tadaetd IhMft SB ^eCA Eitoi Beper All-wwl In g r^ Chnbdt. pw paid oolj ifaft SB AnSu)oe (lak BArcon Bolta, yegnUr prie* ISii.5T j redooed to tl&SO,K Anuqae Uok Bedroirta Sriito. icgulai pgtes f^ B O : radoMd to UABO,SB I'hriot Bultl in n » h , Rgnlnr price IfiaOO j lednori la t 37.S0.05 M l w Bulto la PlaBb, ngnlnr price (BBiOO ; isdftoed lo |dT.Ba


Fluthfeaire HbH.' Y a r d Uphaiaiary

FYlnga.1 Dtn HoiilBtoOTtied


I plelail^Tw BpooAKiUTca._ _ _ 6 >toel Tebla Kiurca.

PaBOT H A tu Tidy. I itoei Tebla Airkk . . . t . — . Pudding DubABiure 4ttga Yellow■Sowla.><u'« Cntekft beaoPim.Oellou htoea Jag.

illHIlMlIlIl?CoHaUitmltero Cspamittod i»r Trial.

Hw raw ot H»e<4bur oou&ifrikttf iv wko wert amsied bjr Ek>«ni Htirlco A««ii4 H* It. Itumcti ■ud bli mm Id Jener C1tjr on mo «i«bt of Juif le for PMtiog 13 eounLerrtU silver oenlfl. MiM OS tbe now o( im , wlu up before United ftaiF* (.'ocumlwtoiief Muirheld yeftef- dar aftemoon. Tbe prbotker* were Anlouio Bstchelon, Frioik Aneo. Bajoo ViDwoso and Aub bU) LoVtne. Aa liUuil Uoited ttlitee At- furoff Howard W. Hajr«* a^ted m pmevtor. Tb| efldeact agaiiui tbe prleomn w u elear mrta poMilTaa BigOt dlNenm parttea identlOed two of Hum M tMTlof pametf ooDUerlbit bUU OD ib«m, ead (Ium perllee eoDaecCed ibe lour togeUuiratdIfiwDt poioia. Al the co>e of ■Iw bFirtofthe prisoi o.'i were rmmiiDKqed t> Ui« Etodiou Cuonty Jittl JQ deCeaU of |M 01 beiltoawall the eotloo ot Uie United Gfsud Ju/7 M the next deptembjr taiWL

3 hsDki bett Oemaai-1 u d i-ob^ab wo Wool

U a rd wood Whlih broom Holdst.

1 dooen Chenille Ofu-lifbk.

8 bells Imported Tliwel BdUIu JkieneM

ffdolBO'Ue K imsL feint.diUlse ladled Buitiw,Udb ' 'liBi Hoee Support*

tn , bend or ilKNlVier

hom.iheil end peeirl hencUed Knivei.

i to 1^-}Qeh Me«l •un.

Shoe Drawlof 01 PoUib wo,.key Wieaetkei,Nui Oeohent. CerpeDt«"i«’ Pewe f s i.Uv Glue l\ie CoUdwn’s Ti^ Scelee. fvaej Bux Peper. Paper Wei^bie

Bcmoenti of Ribboiu, JSuDenia c lAuenVy

Miuuii* of LlDiony Kent! of Buobin^

AQie or Ueti,HCe 4 Eubcoldefleip


The Bargain Room.^rpe to , riMloi Sntto in d Bedroom Bath, fitewd, Baddl

ExtemioD T nb ln Etc., Etc., takeafrom my iHftift bu'iidtog ^ miifkaif'im f ig u m x t haU ih tlr T x ln e to g strid of them.

c w in .

ol TriBRilntt, 1 of VelliDgi.

P ^ p t l e s Id P u r s u i t o f B a r g a i n s W ill B u y G o o d s a t V w y P r i c e s b y C a l l in g o n M o.

L n r

btraia Pau WlAixHtanTBilk Bern Bo f Mk Dram BBielde.

aorten.Peckei Mateh Betax Ftakat Ink Walb 12 Pally piiDftnnIkamr

Curling Irani. FUi«r KBirat. blank Hoakt.t'eidOiiA Kxira lug*

Hooka,FitocG Boxa Dtae tag SlelA A, B, tl Bk,chx

Uam Paaa, 6 jbapA.................. l i

Falaowad by AaM.Aa Ileilen womaa i|jMia name could m i be

iMcriilBod, Hying at the eoraer of Bleenker tod Hoyl KMii, w*a letoad with g •nddnn and tarlont etieck nf Uinem ibi* morning, Aa ell lyoiprouia Indleiied potanning. Dr. Philip Kolb, Jr.-weiiummoo-d. and loniid that the women wm potaoned wirh hydrucyealo acid. The aubaienoe, which Inoka like «ndy, wu leeUared entuivi thd ilrvalt and lha yiide to lha Ilelleu qurtar* to kill nhicteni end doga. A dog Ihal am tome o( 11 died to Sra mliiuHt. The vooun bed plcka-t lips place of Ilia acid aai aeien li. Tha add latueadlayly dangeroA Tae womaa will reooytf.

Jelly Uka iitaii. Coloted glem Otiery

Hotoet.ftmixithliH IroA Lane itamyed huyy

D&b Pj aU ^ L Qi It, Weier Utot. Jap, Chamber


t ^ . ldore Nietel, ta elllack cf Teyx

aumber of

Kqt. Petrnt Ztoe Bote npiiaklar.

Geiy.RmrlVerator Pan. lb - qL Milk Btreia.

Bud _Bo a i.

Box DnalBoeo Cbeeken.

B-naantaiftSellnx HnBxntiofHiltx

MnantI ut ValtctaL NeUkafPtiaihA

Antiaf Heittogx Mii of Gileiotaa,

Ta of caitaiaiiig,X nf Byary glad,'

—u tp -


C R E D IT G I V E K .G o o d s D e l i r e r f id P R E E O F C H A R G E to ftn y g u t o i th o S tM to

■ Ofllared Ita a Clotiag It a

Gilie P-^rli^Chnlx

Dm » Weuaw’a Cemplelat Patrick a. Babaa. egad Iwenty-elgbl. of Big

Ogden itraa', wu helled (ta the Grand Jury leal ayeuiDg in the (tat»ad Predaot court to siuwer a caetga of lamult end bnHary pra- ferred by Hrx Brldgol Dowltiig, ol ITS Ogden iireet, MTi. Duwllag rl-lme ihit on Burnley night, wblli etiempting to penuda hey hut- 'hand to lu re tha aeluon at 973 Ogdaa rireat, Rahea cehtbl bar by iha them and threw herInto Iba rireat. Flagar-marbi wentiiii on tha woneii't neck ehan aba anitsnd tha aiatloi yaaianley to Biebt a Amplaiui.

9-qL Pille

Biun end While- Deal leuc'peni.

Wuh lliHleix Large hgboa I 'lA Tia fifth Pam.3)(-qt. Hm In KeitiA 2-qi. Gita, Oil Can. b-ia Oyan Pane, wllh

ball.Hatt Bnlleia and

Sutlneti.•at. eumyad fenotPen,

Chackrr r u e i m o m a l e r end

8*0.01 Q am- L’uge Dul'X Toy PataiLure, ato, HeiiawiiA B.iqiie Figure*. CBinaac HxtcD Hifyi.Beltjilll bA lT tn. Coma Caie*

Claibii^Biiginklara lUerTelixDell

bet Bptoe Boxaa, 4 m frta».

Btaa mart.Kgl Poecheix m m bend Leup, Crumb Tray u d

btuah.Fnlutm Loneh Bo ia Wire DpoDga Holdeta. Cemug Knllh end


_ „__ sodiXiCptyi,

aJ hiudi of BnNhM ftooatM< * (ifwnoliiN)wie» Bdim Ud

Fuflkrreuoh»plAto B ud

Mtrron.Bous - hudlo Wbitk

UfoAn.BdlGo Fine Cotonto. BoU'fl Boj Rom- DeOa ChiDx flbiiTlaff

MbfAutotraph oad Senp

IkwiA Alnaie ito*li.QI<rvi itoiM. FochotboGi^Work Bg in ,

tioir Rot«o U ChlDftfo ADd SoUrw.f « tbs boaoflt ofthOM dMirlng to vtsli Chl-

Mfo dmrlRf tha vioaUdi of ihe Pwrlarcho Hitltaat iDdeppoiltbv Order of Odd Jtoilowi, AufuH I to 10, tho PeimirlTonih BDllroedCooipiDf will Mil excuTilon tirkoti to GUimio Ot 0 ilQgle tkn for th« round trip. Tlckvlo DlU bo iGld Augmt s 10 •» VDltd For return unUl Adkum lly iBsa TlGki M wm not be honored fur M'nrii peiMce fron Chlcogo before Augiut 1, uiil the mfobiier nuit fa* kteoitiied «*od

New Yortcia mAopollu lha mot* of (ha He '*rllDhlGa llutHl. eitbfiiitfli iIiiifm u meita . ooupoo.miQkitiArlinhiGD Ifotei, eitboiutli there u quite * mlQklltir ol New JerA'j people Uiufe. Thooe tTilHeree frotn New jer^v ere:

Arihur UwheuKr, BiapaiftuM ; J. /, (ycoo-StOr llufoMeiiHi, W. U. GUUBieirereito wife, n t *E .1."'' *«llner. J. C\ Owlmmertoo,

Fer Street iCellwer RsteasloB.The (bntDOD Connell OHonntiee on Rtreet

RtUwev Kxleniloui iiwpcciw the profcaed MOW routo In Woodildo jrHiirdAy ofieriioiiu. Th* oompeny in lend to isj * slufle tnek while the |rap#r<y>owDen wuil * dwiW« trick, The iMDjmMtue Will moot this mTler- Doou *1 4:30 oViuck to|Jv«tlie propeny-owiicn ■Dother faeerifn.

? f b *■ Scbmldi»Qil Mil* (Bcfamidli Mrs. c, U. Ilcfatnnr. Mm.K. Wm^e. Ru:hrrlofd,|l J C*w-ley, J. 8iuM fai K* L Ntidy tDO Rubett l**leD,NBAirk; CftoutCooll, J, J, CumiDiiineiKl AlexeiidiT Fimiik, MoDictelr { J, J. COim J«r*wy Lily J Um Bmy. HnifistowQtt. * “'*'*> •"A Jitaikniiaay, ol K>utli Onnga. ara ipeadmk two w«ta al to, Iihanelt. Albert ” hoo? end (aiBliy, of Bui Onnga ( Cuarlta B. Allan aud lamny end luian Dull, oi HmiU Urengu, litye Ltcn ynjoung tbo liiepilBlby of bbettouih OaDiiilel P, Ubby end family, Frank Poleijy, MiiX uiiift end (Hfaets fruDk Oreiise ere lu P<»i0ii‘nn ot a coaay wittago ou Iba Maer Bitx. Ift- ro-ori la known m Buena Vlare.

The touil coiarle of camping penieaereet lire lake Among lha group ere Cxoitn Paatlmo, ^ujlort, hucoaie Wreuuaaick, laeahoo, 8L Ufiwfc, Ltodoa, Conootdle, Pioneer, Oolumhto and AlidA

New Maps of Nawerk and Tlalnlly,A. H. Uu'bToot h u iMued anew pockal

map ot Newark contelnlng lU lha atiecu ol Ihu city end ot llairlaon, Kurny sad Arilag- ton, with IBelr naoactlya tocilillA Tba map atao amtweoaae lA of yartotia aurrouadlng towna esd yillegta, ibowliig tha Baanure laed- toq to ttaan, togelBer yrlib iBa saw ward ead eetemkly dialrleia.

»B Supply glettonery.YHa propoceh lor prltiilng Uia ilocllon booki

end AP0r> ware oooued laai nl*m by Ihe Com­mon Council CominlUea w Btatioaerr. Iho aoDirecI wu ewardod lo Iba loweat bidder. Amal Piertou A Cut, for HM.26.

tamallitog WanderlaLElglD Creewary Butler. 26a per pound ; Aah.

taaJeud Itilkt Brnlucky Kya and liuurhon nAlkkie/y 4 jeini old, ofilyhlaadad Thek

wiU le e d r a ^ ^

T le t^ ;

Wm s b witli pila, aolonaat■ wlU leoL_________.m togW taiiraarlllk


CiUfht ffiB With FeppepgA /koliy llvlog DO WuhtofftoD

BeJlevlUs, fais mae rceei irovlof Ib fmnt ot the fauuee. Of itto tbe owner 0/ ibe llowe^ bed liu been iuooyed by hoyi entoilQg toe premiMd *( hkght tod itmlinf fajj cbolont prgdiicti, Tbe oUwr ulffat IbeowDryppHakled eeyenue pepper over Ifae Itrgett of itae Rnweni *ttd imitof faliDitir wUb * witip took A w*t la

fiAUwty to iwelt develcpoaenti. Ab<w( llilOc/oloektfae weleber W4* ifGueM fron * doii fay toe voniidi of load in e ^ o t. Huny* t0 | to toe Uuot be mu ^ holding 00 lo tbe fbui.« veluiy endotvoriiif to rid bti iwctrlM of I beevy miff of ib« p«pp*r. Id tnoibw msh manl the htayy whip wu belBf piled nadta Ike bM'l beek Bilwmu bta tueuM Um hay

F o a tu u le r Cweklle la tgoTe.Poilmaaier Oonklln hm reaalyfd orders from

Weiaington lo chaaga bli locallA frem the PoiloBIca to lha aid Bapital church building. Tba coolraol Im -morlag hat btaa awentod to Hr. Bcbunawol( and ha win bcglu work on Baiiitdey B'larnwn Imoedlxtaly aflar the car- naia riert a their Imt deityery. Tm work yrlll ba carried a nadar iba auperrIalA of (Be Poaimaatar. Ke mail will ba daUyaiA ei uu PoUoBm on Buadey,

TaiUag the Fall XxUngalther,Aa axbibftlooof taa Woroaiternra Appll-

iact Ooapaay'f pell egUnguiaber wu glaen ytaiarday elleiuoA an lha canal bridge, t a ohemloela did pnekwly wbet Ibe oonpany iruianteA A tired w u t|HiDklad wllh eU •Bd tar tad aa* A In , tba h IuUoo wu potnad upon U» tmrnlog Itmban and tba Seam waia •iilagutahad In a fhw lecoadL

let eoued Ooel Boattiea Jawalty Hlindt.II ywhiTugoM Ihranghtaa ll-t wanted

onlyuy,~deu‘l aawthftgmtaH opponualiy of your life. Prae dallycnu aimoat taywheA Fru alagea naet all afienioon down Ir.tjaat the H. and 8 Depot. T« ai,bvnc 7M.

UeMe end Ca't g-Am'B'ier, Bnid, Bel­ay, mi— ' " ■ • ‘lew aad Wu i Perk aireetx

' PeialM t."To all whom li miy toooem." TTm lata

hnalau eot B» ihe bencDt al aoldtan, ItaliwMowi or pan-ata, heylag bedoeoa a law. Hr ft A atal, ot tlUMitly, wuh eu upatleiHieoltairtcan yttit u Ptailoa Attornfry, enaoniKM that ba m txaaarad to taka eppliAiioua tor A ^ 06_UBdcT Ih l^ n w law, and willalaa-* - " loMeaantlof mtUon ptrtalnlDg Ibiiala Hta _ ta Ho. 12 Academy Mraal (New llama oOkei: ?*“ , **•*"■ ItatcIBA whereUre w l^btitlneu licosp iitod witbciit gelat to the CboriBoun.

Hy phytlalaa aald I ewaM aa t lira, m v------ - -----------llrar w4i out of cider, frequantly m i l . , ureaalab muouft akin yallow, gaall dry humora cat Ihea atomach wonU raft retain

Fletaua F ra u e a -S a la Ika ■aaaHtetar-•ra CaryA K a a ^ 622 Broad r i r ^ to ynurjdoi.ure nwi— -------------- -aw, 6

ta. f t a ohaaeaet aad 6iri pliiot Full Has ofAit Halatlal*.Ihe tiabk _

Qalaay ttaabtai^B a Drr Cwaaty yaan. tl ie i I atutad uHai Dr. llMeiM’i Eclreme Oil, taae not bad an attaek. The ^ a n n aSKTiTir

ta ry ■ Kanay, b ift'S iaad atraat. (aa . iC ' ? " " • • '“ “>» riuBmok on an nglM ta tad friwliig.

Highest of all ia Leaveniog Power.—U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17, 188).

y t i S S i tdar be allowed tba imforlauta boa to ar*

“Ady.laudat he allowed tba (loforiaaMa boy to go, oaming long wolM ogoa bta body wUob wlUtakdtreauiebedL

im SONG or roicjIn E v e ry D e p a r tm e n t.

COME EARLY.lee " Ctall" of 17th ait daltiu.


CION 4 P. M., Italuiday oxoapud.

Teeth Have Riz 1

flmos H-VanHopoN o u C o iir tlio u d ft.




PIANOS AND PARLOR 0R6AI&Cash or Instalments.


On tceoonl of the gnat rlw In tha eon* of plaUBa, « bleh ta tbe prlaoliiel e luuoi of ex- peau In their muoMotun, Juri heiote tbe rtaa we wake fortunxta enough toaeoiiia taelyo hundred aeti a* a uavtiig at rare tbouauid dolien u Mwaaa the p:loa peld aud lb* preo- •at I^ U price. NayMtheleu we hate con- c l ^ le lower INHTEADOFftAJSEour pnee.

Bcreitter M (NO HOKE) wiU be our CHARGE Ita en ainw or lower u t of iha VERY BEHTmaka o f t a W i l t f 'g t a ^ M Henuiaclnrlau Couptny'a iMihT m EIO RUBBBB, WARHAKTW TWO TEABSA PPC^RboNATELY ^ H K R PBIOBTOB TIEIU o r A UiGUEB COdT.

AbBoIat«l7 No Chsrse



FKWAU. n s . OFFICBlBi ' I O m C D t

X. F. lUinui Fnx J IxtaotT CtTY.___ V. r. end Trees | Ngw YlJiK.


T elep h o n e 70S.R n Leiuter Goi, 657 and 659 Broad St

Til Seuol for FnienliEI t at h ta d ,ia d ihd


wllb flaw* or other dleoal? UENUIHB In nuSKBVING _ _ •Jaffd line, pomidf.iiw p x i m o e x it l S t ^

I q t_ __ ijift

A lJ?

A . B A H T T P I A ' S W A m r O T H S T O R E , 7 7 H x i f c e t S t e w A______ BXTWXNN PIARB AMD WABHWOTOHFldtayuree dellyery lo eay part at the Bate by our awn daUaery i


COAL $4.50.O n r l O THAB8 th e q u a lity o f t l i i i GOAL h u t w n m d i .t . ta f .^ ,

■ te u i o m a i i d Aw doBw etlew aiita,

tawtk lx ICK Pore Water Oes-— i® * J**' I** poonrlt In qiuaUtiuOf m p o n ta m uwa ;J tu than 60) p o n ^ ■!the. pet too pounds FuUy mpply at

JEROLOM AirS,Oar- X u u e it ■*. eud Frellaabayeea Aw*.

uISr* .?^F*lV of BAXDLXHIOH T*L- LHY O t t ^ * 4.(0 pet too, deUreeed la all(ririt 0* Uui oily.


BEUYEBE END HON GANAL GO.OffloM-484 Bnwd Street and P*»t of Poarth ATenue.

A . H. ROSS, Sates Agent

r^mMu-ntTB PBtQM.

f m M , ixeiM N M g.



bouncer.4 5 ! £ * ‘ ' ^ W t ^ t a t o i a r a w i a

1ATlslttoou large and sfeU-etoeked wanroimii will eoBTiiwe a^v « e

tliat goods can be pnnliated from u at lasa fbu from u j i hoDM in tlie trade.