CATARRHIN E! AXLE GREASE! Wanted !^«»'-";' - Memorial ...


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Transcript of CATARRHIN E! AXLE GREASE! Wanted !^«»'-";' - Memorial ...




iatarri, JLfttu ml Bnnchitis. ilwelai th.llaaal, Dapraaeloai »f Spirit!

[ L«M*fH»llBI,»llll»)M,lBlMltl) •*> think, »«d other BUInuUl

R**w I ta af Ih*t FaarTatI DUaaie, CAT ABB A.

PERMANENTLY REMOVED. tlMrt la ih* B.i ltd, Bt«y *r th.

Nasal ■*>*• ArmUdi Lntl«intf ■•salt IMUNI. mimm*r Diaekargce

stepped. aMaeaeod MiHkrMM IMIIC.

CATARRH1NE. [atwra'a awa, •everelam reawsSr, ooBUln-

. .41 aO mineral poiaoae, aa do qiiij ol th* I so-called catarrh remcdiea whloh in ta* nd I oaly servo to aggravate tb« diMiate. Catarrh la* I h* eo*apo*ed of healing guma ad oiie, which lin applied to the di**a»ad mrte fa U* only I Mtartl aad affective ■mtr, throng* the pro I (MM »r reaplreiloa. Nature never lateaded thai I llo,ald* *boaId be poured Ibreegh lb* none, Bad

kM ■•( Mi betrier* la Ibe .or* of heir*. In » averv nortrll. lo preveat the entrance of dull, i which It aometimaa called muff. To Inhale | CaUurhlae reqalroe ao eoelly Inhaler, bat oaly

_ DI HBCTIONa.—I'u 1 a li tile of the Catarrh!ne I late aa ordlsarv claaa via*, mod amoke It, pit* i lag lhe amoke through lb. noae. Hy repeatlag f [heproooaa Bvemlaute* three Una* e»oh day,

the woratcaieaoi catarrh may be cured.

CATARRHINE. relief. Thlaretnady i* equally effective in eur-

1 In* Aathaaaand HreBehUla. Itaoolhetlbe iJamad parla, aad eappltea lual tbaae things ■eoeeeary Maid nature ta throwing off thedla MM aad lopalrleg hat waste place*.

CATARRHINE.* tketaaf. Bare la Ita•■*•«•.



4.KO. C. ODOblVin * 4.O., Agemta.

Life. Accident and Fire Insurance.

J OHN EDWARD! * COS Insurance Agency

urnnai. r«. rouowu.

Franklin, of Phlla., Pa.

Wemtcheeter. New York. waUrtown,»tw York. Orient, Hartford, Cone. Merlden, Ooaaaetloat. CommODWMltli, Boatoa, ■hawinut, Boa ton. lat National, Wororater.


Lo nd o n A a _ Guardian ajiuranoi, MagUad. London Bad Lanamnhlra, lag land. Travellers' U» and Accident ol

THOMAS BEVINOTON, SOS E*a*i Streel, » - l.»irria

Poll Offica Box 3B.



FOR 1861.

APOTHECABIBSi Medlclnea IX Drug*, Uoamioala, Toilet Artlnle*. Ac. H.M.WJlT.ISYA -;0..>a,-.K..e. A Lawrence A POTHKOAUV; Drugs, Medl- xl olaee. Mineral A'aiur, Toilet Kequlaltee.

BVBBAKD 11. KBLLCY. Po.lOmce Block.

A I'OTHECAUY; compounding ""* ol'l^iy.totMe.'rreacrlpUone a specially.

IHAd. CLABKB. nu fceaek eor. Jackaon. A POTHECABY, Drugs, Med-

XA. teiaee. Chemical!, Tu:lat Article., Ao. J.V. AVOUB,5J«K.«Ij0or.i-raafcJla.

ABT STORE, PR-tare Frame Meauraeiurer*, Btatluaer* A "—iitialm

COLBUBN BBOTHBEJt. *8I Kaiex direct. UAKEB, MVr Crackers, Bread aJ.Oaka, eaatry. Waddia*OaAe,rrMt.aga, Ao.

J ON ATMAM P. KKNT. UP Lowell StrMt. BLANK BOOK MTraud Voin-

morclal cautioner. Boom Paper, l>eco>-atloa* W. B. U1CB, •uTBeaex Street.

BOOKS, Paper Hangings, Sta tloaery, vTlndow Skadeu, Ac.

i.. ai'UA TT JN, Ul Knei Street. IJLACK SILKS, Velvet*, Cawli-

BOOT8 A SHOES, a foil and MnapleW atoek, at pricea to ault the time*.

P. B. RUBINaUN, Si) Ki*ex Street. BOOTS & SHOES, flue seods oi

a.l qualltlaa. Low prived to ault the timea. II. D. MAHUNKV. Ill K*aex St.

Largest ai- . .;» inlheclly.

KAUL.B BllUK HuUSB, 60. K.HI 8t. BOOTS « SHOES. Thelar*«flt

and beataaiortneal to ualonadlaihaelty. T. JACBBON WlflTTBEUUB, 178"


Beat la the world. lAtta longer lhaa anr other. AlwaytlngoodooartltloD. cureaaorea,

ut«, brniaca and eoraa. Coat* but llitlo more an the loiLiUom. Krery package h*» ihe aileinark. Call for Ine genuioo, and take no


$9995^ Auguaia, M


BOOTS & SHOES. aortoient and lowe.i prlcea Inl

BOYS' CLOTHING, Men'* Fur- ulLbiag Uoo.l*. Hat*. Ac. Oae ptioa ealy.

A. rULLKIt A CO., UUBeaaz StrMt. / CABINET MAKER and Uphol- \J *icror.

II. f. UAU.VAItl>,330UaeexBtraet. (UEANSING, Dyeing and Fln- \J lebiaururrTerr ucscripilou, done at the

BB91CX OYB WOltKM. Uolue IIS Kiaex St. CiONFEOTIONEBY, pure home

J made, la greal variety, by JOHN UIKU.wa EIMI Street.

(BOOKING HANGES, Crockery \J and Silrer Plated Ware.UltuhenUooda, Ac.

D.N. A C. «. atAUriN IWK.MI Street. pOOKING STOVES, Range*. \J PurnaoM. Sole axent Magee Store..

JOHN r. BlNuUAM,lt« Baaex St.

DUNTUY PRODUCE, Provis- _ iona and Lira ktock.


Ne plu % ultra of Luiuryi Comfort and Economy.

riy<(Jra*d KicariUa P«MI»UKa- -•»«. Klrln* choice of ilate* BUJ route*, April *Ub, June lLth, aad Jaly id, l**l Pri. e. *arr- Mlrom •»•« to HOO. Travel a.A llexala

rat Claaa, all aacMaary eapeaaeM laetadtd. Alao Special Kicnrdoa la Aakj.tror M«ik«- dlale, Loadoa and retural til* aad «llk Faaapklat wilh Man oontaiBlae full u.t: l:cu 'art aenifreeby aaailea reqneai. TourlrtTluh- eta for Indepeadenl Travelera iitued by all matea. addreai TOO!. COOK * MB, 1«T Waakangta*

Ntraet, Baat*>, Man. C. A. ■AUATTOlll, Manager.

11 lm ararl! B


TO Btate ■»., appaalte Kllky Bt., ■•■(•», Baoaroe PatMte la tka Vsltad BUtMi alee la WttAl BrHaia, franco aad other (brain eoam- Lrlaa. Coplee of the claim* of any roMat fur- aSblj \T TT-f'-f ■**"" Aaaigameatare. e*rd*d .1 WaaklagW «• *|mi]. tke Uai- led State* aeeMaaM aoper lor Tact fl tie* for ob- Ulalaa PaUata or aacortaialag tke paten lability oriayeeitloa*. B.U. BDDY.Sellclloroi

TIITIXOX1ALB. "I regard Mr. Bddy Ae «■• of the mo.Uapable

aavi aeweeeafal praeUtionera with wbon I bare

*falAuSHABO«. Co»-i*T of PatMU. ••lavaateneaaaot eajploy a peraon »oretre«t

weetky ar aaerecapabla of «exnriag for tbem an aarty and fatarabla eonaideratlon at the Paten i

■OMDKDBTJBKB.LateCoai'r ofPatMU. a, H. BOPI, Beq.-Daariir; JOB proeared lor 1, My tral paUat. AlaM UaM fO* ■*«

, aad adTlaad M IB kmdrade of caaee, ■»t aaaa ui^u, relMoe* and e»t*a-

ly wagUyad uMrM!t

I atlll gleayve! alMMt the whole ol ■ea. In roar line, and adriae other**- «. Yoaiitruly,

uko: *aa.l.

CCROCKERY, Glasti, China, Pla- i tad Ware, Cuiltiy, Lampa, Ae.

JOHN (j. UUtt A CO., Wj Kuei Street. DRY GOODS. For Silks, Slmwls

faaoy tModa and OarDetlagi, go to A. W.«TBABNBAUO.,3tWA.ll BeaflS St.

17ANCY GOODS, Ladles* Fur- r alablng Good*, Millinery, Ac.

M. I. CboWKLL, iU latex Street. f'LOVR. Grain, Hay, Straw, Salt,

itulter, HMdi, raidingIMIB, AC. SCOTT A VIBTUtt. a4A Common Street.

(^ ENTS'FurnlBhlngGoodH,HaU \T Caaee, Umbrellaa. Ac

UBO. r. CUBXiS. SAB Raaax Street. GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fan-

cy apod* aad Produce. SUATTUOB BBOS., eor. ■••ex. AMMbnn

GROCERIES, Fine Teas, Pure ColMa,rrnlU, kancy Good*. Produce, Ac

B. EASTMAN A CO.. Ul BaMK StrMt. I.IAKDWAKE, Cutlery. Farm- UL low Tool* and Seed*, Ittwhen Uoode, Ae

CUAMLBs B. MASON A CO., KK Baaex hi. HARDWARE, Tools. Cutlery

Seed, and General Hardware. N. P. It. MEL V IN. Ml K.»e: Street.

JEWELRY, Watches, Clocks, Si>ccuclu*, SUvei and Plated Ware.

L. UUM'OUN A SON, til Kaaex Street.

brancbM. AMERICAN orriCB.P.O. Block.

MILLINERY. Mrs, M. Isadore Wklttaher, tun and lW Baaix ST.

MILLINERY A Millinery Goods Hal and itonnet Hleauherv.

L. B. UlLMuBB, SIB Baaax StrMt.

MILLINERY &Mlilii.eryGoods TrlMMed Hau and Bonaeti. J. C. SHACBLBTON. tM Kaaex StrMt.

PAPER HANGINGS, Window shade* and FUturee.

B. A. K13KE, ITS Baaea StreeL PHOTOGRAPHY, sole licensee

lor thecilyiur the Carbon I'roceaea. fBANK BUSSBLL WIIMIBU

PLUMBING, Steam and Gas ritUng and Piilure., btorea, Kangea, Ac.

WH. roUBBS A SON, oU Baaax St. PROVISIONS, Country Produce

Meat, Kruil, Canned Uoode, Ae. at. C ALLAH AN, tut Common StrMt.

PS; th and Waalilng.


American Noyoitioa. T. W.SUHAAKK ACO.,ro»tOfflce Block.

' PA I LOR, Imported and Domes- X tic Oood*.

a DBNNIB MOUSE. 1M Beaex StrMt. UNDERTAKING Furnished in

UNDERTAKER; every duty appertaining to Funeral* attended to.

M.J.MAliONKY.SMOak Street.

WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry T* SpenUole* and Silverware. (HepalrlnK)

SAM'L M'.riLI.UWI.MiBaaex StrMt.

WORK of every description, in tka Printing line, neatly aad cheaply, at



sis _ a&laVt:?.? SET


JohnC.HaynesdtCo 33 COURT ST,, BOSTON.

MoBlcal Boxes In Great Variety. Brass Band Instruments.

Violins. American Guitars.

Imported Guitars. Banjos from 431 upwards.

Violin, Violoncello, Double Bass, Banjo, Zither and Harp Strings

and Trlffimliigs. Accordeons and Concertinas of

all descriptions, American and Foreign Sheet Music,

Music Books, etc., Ac, Wholesale and Retail.

Thu eaUbliibmenl la oae of the branch atoraa of OLIYBB IHTSON A CO.. sad naaqaalltd adtantagee for the ImporUtlon of laAtrSMMll Irom tka beet

f IT Mil


AROHITBOI Room* II and,12

EBAOT Bank Buildin* Lawrence




■ If ■ A CATHO- 10

Wanted !^«»'-";' II UlllUU travel •t-rt di.i


MAM ol HepMitlos

t>U*. Nun duttaaeaa la

A -f eaw eay A YK1R. aal axpeaaaa to fill •f«*ta._OaiJUr>*. Addraea

. riCKEUY, Aagaata,

year to Aganta, and expenMB. 0*1 OutQt lr«e. Addreta F. fWalM A Co.

LUguata, Me.


ALLAN LINE Royal Mall Steamer*,


But** ever* Tkaridaj far Llvarpeel. TlaLoDdeoderry.offenaganpeibarcoaiaio.'alloa toCablnPaaaengera.aiBKKletateraie*. Batr. UtMMareJroM «x.AS««Tt, WALWAT and aUKEMSToWSJ lorMOBToa.iireci. Kthd aad eomlorl for Slecraae Paaaeagert la made a anceialiy by ifala Llue. Ouiwaidand Prepaid aa low u bj aay oiber Brat -laaa Line.

For Oulward and Prepaid Ticket* apply lo Tboa. Urine, Hi White St ; P. Morally, i» Baaex St.; Ueo. I.. <.age, 504 B.*ex atd'.OU Lowell St.; Jame*Murphy,»3KMr\ til., agent. at Lawrence. Or to Lev* A Alden. Ueceral Paitenger Aeentr.o sUle Bimi, Bntli.ii, ». llroadwav, New York. It Bm dtt a


New England Farmers' and Mecliantcs Institute

i a>»w arertlwg a paraaaaoit Eiklbl- iioa ■atliaiataj, the


Containing over 8 ACBE8 of floor space.

Blank form, farAPPMCATION 1. EXHIRIT «i lb. Fir.t A..U.I Enhibitlon In th. Ul o( 1861, on n>w b, hid by addrnillnf th.

New England Manufacturers and Mechanics Institute,

S Pemberton Square, Boston,

|l Hau.


Parlor Suits, Centre Tablet,

Elaceriei ■ Itth W.I«lCh,atar .....

rr.M.h K.t.B.1.. T«»l*. BU.k W.I... »l.i-B..t,i


Setter and Finer Class of Goods In. mir Ijine-.

J. PIL8BURY. Jr.. N«>. 8AI Ei«ex8trfi.|I.Bwreiice


Some recent Facts of Importance Regarding Certain Promi-

Nsnt Men.

And Their Bearing Upon the

Interests of the Public.

-(BMtoeHerald.rab.a1? '' •«

Tbe fl.ianclal intereataoi ilila eounl.-y hare reoelredaaeyereLlow In tbe aaddea deall)'f Hon. Fernando Wood. Not only waa be th. lather ol the original It P*r >•«„( foadteg bill

per oeat bill, on Which flnat aelloa waa lakea IaaiardaT, reaebad IM BtteaUoo of Coagre*..

It* death u ■ noai nnlimely occurrence, while thacauaeof Ittayet anore aarlou* and worthy

I the Bvil oarafal ooaaidaratlsB. The auddea death* of prominent men la

Cslltloal, Inanclal, aad eeemereial circlet are auracted the graaleat aueniiea in ait

part* of America. Edward Keerett, Charle* auataer. Saiaaon P.Cnaaa aad Beary Wllaon are all atnklag example* of thla rltal truth, and the eauata of their uatiaiely dcatha can readily be traced to the *ame aouice. Mr. Wood

<leetlo la their Baiare. Tke eriglaal oaair, lowerer, in ererycate above aaaied, wag dla.

eaacd.andeaaacqently Impeifcci kidney*, aad BMIOB of

aeyr. Ho aivcbha* beea aald, nolh la IM pablio praa* and otliarwlae. upon ibie aublect that the people or thia coaatry, and or Mew Bnglaad e pec tally, have become thoroughly aroaaed

laoporlaaoa. With thla truth IB view laota are herewith glvea which cannot

but prove ol valaa to ataay, and ol uaquealion- able interratte all.

Information received froaa private aoarce* regarding tha health alatlatica nl ti.c ureae«.t ■atloaai oeaaua report anowa that Mew Knit- land ta ipeclally iniileci to kidney and liver diaenUiei, doubtle** owing to the pecBliar nature 01 oar climate and oar ooaeeqncei munnerol llvlne. But white the cenaui report ahowa theae facia in gent raI, probably few men ■ a New Bagland are belli r i lepared to ladge of thu eoBdHloB of the pnbito health than Mr. Uoodwla. of tbe Irm o. George U. Uood wla A Lo.MandUHaDiver atreet.

Harini bMB coaver.aat aoi eaiv with Ihe pubie ueeda. bat with all ibal fa flited to

ie< t Ihoie need , tor a Iona term of yeara, hi

rea*hlallva la the prival* oMeeef hla atore. Heaiaied that, for the past lew year*, kidney dlBcuitlea bad teen greatly lncreaalng, aad thai many dUordera bear other aaaiei •re, In reality, kidney dlaeaaei. Among thla ourater were Apopteotte, Uropakat, Paralytic aad Bhenaaatla djlBcultie*, aa well aa bean


TBIBTY CHUIICIILS Tor white people, is the number iu Charleston, S. C boa while poptjlatiotnot itj),000 only.

TUB BOARI. of Hailrotd CummiB- Bions of this slate, their work and re- ports, era warmly commended by the Now York Ttmca.

CANADA is receiving a largely in- creased Immigration, retching about 85,000 last year, fully 20,000 more than during the previous like period.

A PKNNV postage rate, with a ten cent telegraphic acliedulo, all over the country, is advocated by tho New York Herald, as certain to prove profitable to the government, mid a great boon to the people

dlaeaaei they are limuly the Baal eapreaaion ol aome lerlone dlaorder back In Ihe ayaUm Mr. Uoodwla had watched thia matter care. fully, acd from hla obaervalioa, had fonad that aiace the latrodattioa lo ihe public of the remedy now kaowa a* Warner'*- dale Kidaey iad Liver Cere, there had been miny remarka- >la curea, not only of ao-oallad hepcleee caae*

of Brig hi. a dliraaae, but alao or the innumerable trouble* whlcu preeede thia terrible malady ind give rite to ao maayaarloua compUlaia, .be UHO of th* »*—-J- rhipi.rM.1 ■!-« _.., t_


aevaral promlMBtcaaM in verlneaiion the re or. Among them WMB geatlemaa .raiding la Low- ell, aad alas a lady living lo Charleatuwn, both of whom had beea aoeoluLely cored or tbe ter- rible Bright'* dlM*M by the uae of Warner'* Safe Kidney aad Li ver Cars.

A calf waa IMS made upon Mr. A. S. Young, oftM BrsLaULMUas. Bsntett A Touog, man,.

' Wielbrop equate. Upon to hi* experience. Mi.



•alllBgCokeBlthefollowla«Mrloea.vl» I

Pe, I vered,S4.80 ,., U »T ■ LM Per Barrel, *33 Pries Per Barrel at tha Worki. .30 Order* mmtbeleft at theoBlceol Ihe < OBipa- ny, No. MA Baaax 81., and the Coke laid (brat i lie lime iba order la give*

proaouaced by eminent Bwtoa libriician., >WM name* I prefer not to mention. She at

1st t grow ae much wane that tbe docierr, called in at a coaaallathm, a*M abe mnetdle.

It Via perhapa tbe next day ihat we received x telegram Ibal abe waa dying. My Wie .nd 1 haaleaed to her bediide, im. we lei egrapbed ahead to take her caae out ot the band* m trie dociorr, aa tbey bad told me, aa well ai other*, that i here waa no hope. 1 lelegraibed the auraea to begin givlag her Werner1* Bale Sidney and Liver Cure, being BsliaSed from the rrmaraatilecureof Mr. Larrabee ol tbla oily— with which I waa convereant—It waa Ibeoaly thing we eould do. In three daya from tbat tlmi> ihe albumen depoalu ceaaed lo appear. One

.lou takiag the remwly. She did *o, and lapidly grewworae. Thea he told ber to uaeltagala. and the reault la Ibat 10-day aba la neai ly well, air, and not ooiv about, but abla to attend to berdutlea."

Tbe reference made by Mr. Young lo Mr. Lar- rabee prompted the man of newe to call and

tan at tbe OBM OI the New York

Beeeaalute bat a brief explanation, and It I* perhapa aumcient to *ay that, lor more than three week* abonl oae year ago, ha lay at ihe tiotnt ol death, given op by both phyalclaaa aad i■ lend*. Tlirougb thealmoitmiraculou* power however, of Warner'e Safe Kidaey and Live- Cure, he waa re* to red to health, and enabled t

I lend lo hiaexienaive bnalae** Interval*. Ml ^anabM la to-day oae or the moat perlect pit

tare, ot health to be found la thia city, lie greeted bi* vialtor cordially, and the following ooaveraaiioa naued:

-'How are you feeling, Mr. Larrabee t- Never belter In mylile, »lr."

Have yon had any return of your old com- plaint. airr

■Noi the .llghieai, air; my kidaey* are In peri ec i order."

"You have bad no trouble, (ben, evaaofa alighl nature, alnce y our recovery ?'■

"No air, 1 am happy to aay thai I have not, and it would be dIBcultto ami an ■oni'almiii



Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Chemicals. Alcohol, A lam, AmmoBla, Axle Urea**, Benaine,

queni-e of Self ._..■»«■•.AbuMjaaLunWli TAIIH.

el Memory, Untveraa! Latitude, Pain in the IT.

rk^SS at VI- ion, Premature Old A, and many other Olaeaieii that lead to In or Consumption aadn PrematnreUravo.

•arFnlt pirtlculara In our pamphlet, whleh WO ilealre la aend Iree by mall toeveivont.

' --ild_by alldrng- rTba Hi.eclfij Medic r tix DBckagi

I Air. .nnTly

for * l . tbe

BurruLO, N. Y. Sold In Lawrence by ITBBABD IT. EBLLBT

is a Co., Wholeaale Ageat*. Boaroa;. eodfeow IT decll

ofallalaea. Borax, Iteeawax, Bri *h Broom*, Oorka, Camphor, Obalk, Cream Tartar, Coloraofallabadei, Caibollo Acid Coach Varnlab, Caator Oil, Chamola Seine, Copper Blveta, Caatile Soap, Cvpperar, Hipper*, wooden, Oowner'aKeroi-eneOil, Sulphu Oual Bruabe*, Band I' Emory Paper,

Cloth, readier Uuatera, Moor Bruahoa, Plah Glue, rnrnlture Varnlah Poreit River Lead


Olfles and Rstldsnes. Porter'i Block SSB Kim Street L*wr*ac*.

Nltroaa Oxelde Uaiand Rther or Chloroform dmlawUrd. IIvr Mai

Wanted. lul block. BTXAUT ABU

aimiBLB BHPLOTHKST at QOOD wAUE-t. perleaM la tbe baalaeea not required. Kurierlaa widely gad favorably known. For itrma ad- dree* o. it. v A w kvvsaa, VBB Du*en Nur.rrle. i f.BNIVA. N. Y.

BalaWUhed IMU. | Alaoiiock at WnoleaaU f M w tit re IS B


FLORI8T8. Cut Flower*, BoaqMla, WrMlbe, Pillow*,

Croaae*, and all Dealgna lor Punerala a anec Laity.

3433 ESSEX STREET. QrsenhOHBSt corner Broadway srd)

Acton Streeti-

THE BILLERICA FAMILY SCHOOL, for Boy*. Blllerica, Maaa., la deaigned lo be

a Home School ot the Brat order. For lalormai lion we relertoDr.C. P. Morriil, North Aailo- ear; Bev. A. L, llouibion, Lawrence; Moaea rotter, B*q-, Aadover Na. Bank, aed Bev. C. C Huaier, paatoi ol tbe Ttrtt Pariah, Billerira, ami member of State Hoard of Education; and for Circular Mad to

M C. U1TCI1BLL, Principal leod If dtc

■'-" -Tit— K

jefjamBaaaWt' ffTTu

v.uue m w., uroei OddreUowa Block.

^>.» Paicnt, ruil Agiate, Baby, Urarid Square, and I* prig hi Plano> . re unequalled. Alao tbe

Una WM. •.CHAH--K Pianoa aad Ihe elegant PBUSeon PABLOS OSOAK. Ca*b aad May le-tal meal*. U W. BFltBY.U) WaaiuxoTOR

UUfTK. MdttraiaM B

Mixed Painla.alloolor Neata root Oil, Na,ihiha. Olive Oil, Oxalic Acid. Oakum, f aiasjoe Oil, nraSaae Wax, Pmuy. Parla White. FotMh, Fnmlce Stone, riMtOr Parla, Parla UIMB, Palai Rruibea, Paper Pail*, Bod Lead. Rubber W.igon 3i>rlng* BMia, Botton Hone, Bock Salt

for bin . la aad ealtli Shellac,

Sponge". Sal Soda, Btone Jam and Mug*, Saltpetre. Sewing Machine Oil, Stable Pallr. Shaft Uabber., Semb BruahM. Tar, Wooden D peer*, VTladow «laaa,

Bar Carriage Tope,

Uum Arable, GumTragacaBth, Gold Lul, Uold Bronae, Glyeenne, Ulaueer Salt, Oalvaniied Iron Pall., Whitewash Bru.he*

Wauregan Soap, William*' Barbi

Whale Oil Soap, Light drain I n g Yarn i * h. W hlt.Bg, LraoMdOII, Wuutor A Newlon'a Lard Oil, Tube Colon.

In quantities to ault at Lowest Market Prices.


Lawrence American.



A NBW CLAIM IS to be adjudicated by the New Hampshire courts, in a suit brought against the owners of the burned Kearsarge Mills, at Ports- mouth, by the widow of an operative who tost his lite in the conflagration.

ROLLER SKATINC. bids fnir to be- come a popular divvraion, at nil sea- sons of the year; in New York, on bright days, the sidewalks have a liberal sprinkling of children indulg- ing to this sport, and the asphalt walks in Centrsl Psrk, are well filled with


Tuz PBACTICB of "treating" is un- doubtedly B prime promoter of intoxi- cation ; a member of the Illinois leg- islature has introduced a bill intended to abolish this custom ; it defines the beverages supposed to be intoxicating, and makes the treatcr and ireatee alike amenable for an infraction of the proposed law, to n iino of not less that $10, and not more than 1500.

SBNATOR MAIIONK is receiving con- gratulations upon his course, from many Virginians who imve not been of his followers, and there are indi- cations of quite n revolt from tlio old Bourbon rule. Men who are not favorable to the policy of the read- justee, see light ahead In tha breaking down of tbe old oligarchy, are preparing to come out of the poll* tical graveyards, and their (gees towards the living instend of the dead.

A CANADIAN INVBHTOK, with tits uncommon name of Smith, has in- vented a novel propelling power for vessels. It consists of a flat blade of Iron, working perperdicularly under the rudder, at the rate of 1 SO strokes per minute. Hinged In the centre) it offers no resistance lo the water when going forward, bat when on the backward stroke, actually pushes on

the water, propelling the vessel with extraordinary speed.

keep a clerk to do corresponding) but my in waa aaved by meana of ihe remedy, and I am ready to proclaim it and willing to anawerall anxioua enquirer* by letter or personally at ail

"fen bearand arc many atiikiug caeca then, do you not, air?"

" Ye*, ladeae, aome remarkable MM. I drove ten milea aoroaa the country while La Maine latt mmmer, lo carry the remedy to auoor lellow ibal waa auffennr, and 1 recently apeot a weak', time al tbe hoaae of a prominent New Yorker em the name errand. It ia a great gratl Scauon to aee people who are Buffering reetoicd to health and iiuppiaee..''

Thoroughly Impreaacd wllh Ihe alncerity ol Mr. Larrabee, the reporter purrued hlalnveail gatiMa la tee vicinity or the Stock BxebaBgc,

Mr. B. S. Grant, ;u Water Street, aald: • J have bMB cured of aeiinua kidney trouble*, ol many* Handing, by the u*u ol Werner Safe Kidney and Livei Cure."

While ra the vicinity of the the aewapaper man alao vac Bimball, ol ihe Arm ot Bryan, Kimba 1 A Co , |ti

THE LAST ACT in the Nice tragedy -the funeral of the victims of the

terrible ditaster, which took place Friday, is said to have been solemn in tbe extreme. Tbe theatres wore closed, the newspapers appeared with black borders, dwelling houses everywhere were draped in mourning, aud tbe entire population of the town turned out to escort the cortage to .the cemetery. (So far over 100 bodies

have been found in the ruins, none of which are supposed to be Americans.

the aaeof Waraer'* Safe Kidney and Liver Cur bOilini he la now able to attend In tbe baainca uf tbe Brm In thia city, and alao toealablluli anil couuueta braaih emce in New York olty.

"Mr Samoa) V, Tnftr, with V. Croaby, ea- iwi dealer, as Uanover itreet, itated thai ba bad ooalraoted a aevere kidaey trouble a* there lull Ol a violent cold taken aomn ytara a«i while travelliag In New Hampahlre. Mra. Or O'Learr, dtoghter of iho well known Or Martini, of New York, and who la lair.iliai with practice upon ihe continent of Buiope. proBiuaced hla caae to be Bright', dl.ran In the Srat atagee. Ho uaed Warrer'a Bale Kidaey and Liver cure, having beard or Ita wondeilul proper llee, and to day lee la like a "new maa."

Mr Joba P. Woodaide, engineer In Richard- eon A McKee'* carriage factory, corner Chartua lad Ognhtidge atrerla, laid: "for Are year* I've beea a great eugeier irom a tlitortiend aad torpid liver) I waa treated by aeteral dm; lora, aad uaed BMrly all the remedlea 1 *aw eimrttaec, but withoul bentOt, till 1 begun Inking Warner'e Bale Kidney and Liter Cur- Thla raavedy 1Mb right i old of my trouble once and cured me up, and I've recommended it to allmrlikaadt."

Tbe Baal call waa made upon Mr B T Brad bnry, wboae attractive a lure I. at Ihe corner ol WaahiBgion and Winter atreci*. Mr Bradbury bad noticed tbe increaae oi kidney and liver dlBeullie*. and knew personally of a large aumbar oi people, many ot them hiaiilende, who had b en relieved of pain and reiiored lo heal'h by tbeun ac, ot Warnei'a r>ale Kidaey aad Ltver Cure, Among iba number la a prou- iMatooal broker of Cha.lettown, whoie cure or Money dlBeulllM la quite remarkable, and aliooaeoi the leading oitiiM.ot Cambridge, -bo ha* lihewlae beea reaiorad IJ bealih, Mr.

■ m. ■■a—nral.e*. Strain*. Crick la the LiAWlE«lde,l-ckorhip#.StiSMu«Crea, n Ai^laf "wollea Joint., Rheumatiem, |SA\«fl\Neural|ia, rieurl.y Pale., and all Pain* or Anna* either Local or Deep Seated yield initanlly to tha effect* of lha well known Mop Plarter. Compoaed of Game. RxtraeU, and the oomnlele medical virtue* of Mope, inakeeit, aoothlng and atreagtacning. Baaily applied aad more t (Heirlout lhaa the Bop Bag or Poullloe. Try it aad you will alwayeoM " xScentaorBveforSl.


seem just ss determined to bsve their rights respected as American scribes. At a banquet given to If, Gambelta, in Paris, a parly of journalists were place 1 where they could neither Bee nor hear the proceedings. After re- maining some time at their allotted position, Ihe disgusted knights of the quill attempted to (bice their way lo i more prominent place ; the police iu tcifercd and a general lighting en sued, which resulted in demolishing quantities of crockery, slid nearly putting an end to the banquet itself.

adbnrya JSMIIUI

. been com pelted lu even to Canada, where kidaey uimrutiic. at* alao iirevaloel.

Iba atatement made at tbe beginning if ihl* article, aad aim .how* that noi only are men like Everett, StHBier, Wilton, Wood and Chair, who** public dutlea nMeaailate »peclalatT*ln a Iheiacultlei, *uu)ec.i to theae

l tht-y

INTELLECT as developed or defined by plate wiping, is the somuwbul curious proposition of a French philos- opher, who begins by applying his peculiar tests to tho prosy effort of a domestic, and expsntls his theory to nclude all intellectual development.

This learned theorist claims that the simplist lest of tho capacity of a ser- vant is to give her a plate to polish, and notice in which direction she moves her hands. If she moves her hands from Iclt to right, as In winding up a watch, all is well, but If she goes from right to left it IB S sign of mental inferiority. He goes on to claim that mental Inferiority Is shown by the net of drawing circles from right lo left; nsyluin patients and children do the same, but when the faculties are developed, the person msy come to reverse his method. He concludes that centrifugal move- ments are a characteristic of I nielli-

Ouiu.n HarpklM. Habit Cured *0 lu M daya. Mm par I Cared. Dr. J. Brarnawa > ---anoa.O, eodSlyapow

walk* of Ufa, who have, perhapa were In per leo t heal tn, rrqnlre aareand lei coBBiderailoa oi met* ao Important. The kldneya and Urea are lha workahopa of the human ayatem. Not only can there be no iuch thing ae good health whea they are disordered, bul Blne-teniha ol all the allmeala lo which peo- Sare auhject ariie. directly or Indirecilr.

mthem. TeTenumoraia tbeto trooble* would be to same alt fir diSlcaltln wlm h come uuon maakibd. The llluatrailona abcte glvea ihow genCC nib I higher development; '•••-

ol Incomplete

Weekly New- BrevlUea.

Fridaj.~ The Bask of France Is reported to bars

stopped tbe pay meat of gold. Solidtor-Qeaerat Phillips has declined

the vacant Jadfeahlp oa the cosrt of clslma, to which he was Boalaated •■ Wedneeday.

Tbe BcaalDitoa (Vt.) poet offlM was eutered by barjlara M WeHlseSda* slgbt, and ataatps aad cash to IBS astosat of •2100 was atoloB.

lion. B, R mmoflillsola, st prsssBk secreUry of legation St Parla, will bo Bomlaated tat Best SMtataM HCnUry of SUM, to-day.

T. M. Hloclalr, of the pjrk patk|Bf ttrro of Sinclair A Co.. of Cedar Haplde, lows, died yealorday froni the .Eects of a fa'I through s hatchwsj.

Dr. P. M. Mararlasd'e MabkBOt Al Centralta, III., wsa eoterai Wadseods* utgbt, aud over »«000 Is cash, hoods and aecurltka carried of.

Young Kalloch, who hn been oa trial In Ban Fraoctsco for aevaral weeka ptat, for tha siBfdsr of Charle i Do Yosag, was acquIliad, yeaterday.

laths Coonoctlcsi aeoale, jMtarday, ihti bill allowing tha Cjanectlcm Valley Railroad to extond IU rosd to tbt Missa- chnaetu stats Use, waa defeated.

A freight train broke la two sad the part* collided, atOrMnebarg, lad., yes- terday, killing William Oreaveu of ClaolS- nstl, sod Jamea Dyer ol Llawood.

Frank K. Gerry waa aeverely woaoded la the right arm, Isal evening, si Had- bory, Maaa,, by s bsll from a large revolv- er, accidentally dlseharfMl by a friend.

The ball ol L. B. Folletle, charged with causing the death of Rebecca T. Long, or Maiden, In December last, by malprac- tice, ha* been reduced from 110,000 to •8000

Tbe negotiation betwesa the foreign ambuaadora and ihtTurklen delegaUa at CanatsaUoople, on the) Qreefc frostier queatlon, are rogardud at an end and with- oat rssnll. Turkey Is actively preparing for wsr.

lua Ot of iDianliy, Urn sight, QOAUVW Frtedrlcb, ssaloon keeper, at Blosx City, abot and lnaiantly killed Helen Bbtrhardt, a girt of 14, for whom h« bad a airoof at- tachment, than calmly reloaded his gas and shot himself dead.

Dr." Jobs Buchanan, the uotorlosa bogus diploma vender, now undergoing loprisjosiant In lbs Pessay^vssls peal- leollary, has made a fnllcoBfualwa or bla nofarlosa practices, Implicating a large Dumber of parsons na acctmuoriea lo tho bOSiOMB.

Saturday. Tho New Brasswfck Lsglslstars wss

prorogued yeatsidny. Self-defence alone wsa tbe ground of

the verdict Is ihe Kalloch ess*. Robert Oarrot BAA been elected preal-

ilent of lbs Delaware Wssiera railroad. Tbe trial of the ssasaslas of the Boa

slan Csxr, will begin next Wednesday, In at. Petertbnrg.

Commodore nhanddt his bees ordered to Chins, as naval attache st Iks Amer- ican legation al Peking.

Capt. Ogeaby. ranger* bate captnred sis BMS Implicated la tha robbery or a .lags near Oakvllle, Tex., recently.

JantM A. VrssorS, who aerved with dlatloctloo In lbs 0vh, 0ih and 10th Legla- latsrea of Texas, died Is Qslrssios yaav tcrday, aged 70.

Tbe Rhode Island prohibit I on lets have nominated Albert C. Howard for governor aud the greenbsckeis hare ssltcted Chss. 1'. Adama, as their candidate.

Mr. SUsbopVs notion of waol uf con. Odeocs on lha evacuation of Casdahar. waa defeated In the British hoase of com* moos, but night, by s vote of 336 to I46(

Jamea Dean, aged 23, a native or Maine, died la lha City Huepilsl al New Orleaaa, La., from lha rnVcie of s plalo' ?bol wound received al Alexandria, L»., . oat the 20th of sTab.

Joseph Martin, laborer, at Uantlngtoo, L. I., was arrested yealerday for throw* lag vitriol into the face or Alice Hslllgsn, destroying both her eyes, b Jected his addrasaca.

Nathaulel Deerlng, one residents In Portland, Me., and formerly an author of some ability and reputation, died yesterday, aged 89 years. Ho grade- aied from Harvard Is 1810.

Although no official announcement lo thai effect has been made, It la ooafi' ly predicted in Washington, that President baa made up bis mind not lo call sn extra session or Congress.

The Boiled Stales senate spent sis boars yetterdsy ta s fruitless attempt to proceed to lbs election of seosle officer*. The democrats continued their nllbnater lng programme until after 6o'clock, whan s motion to adjourn ur.Ul to-lay, Jpro- vailed.

Al a conference of ParnHIHos la Lon- don, yesterday. It wsa resolved to form a national land league of Ureat Britlaa, with Mr. Jaatln McCarthy as president, tho object bslsg to awtal tha Irish lasd league tn educating public opinion io be- half of the teosnt fsimsiBof inland.

Mon any. Mayor Darrlsoa has been reoomlnatep

by Ike democrats of Chicago. The trial of Iba late Csar'a aasasalos has

bsm Hied for tha 4th proximo. Thomas M. Hslplo, sgeJ M yeara, s

widely known Irlah lead-r, died In Chlca. go, yeaterday.

It wsa otficlally BBOOSnCttd on Saturday that the President would not call an extra asaaloa of Cong rasa.

The deficiency lo the Aabuelot Savings Hank or Wlneheater, N. H-, Is officially stated at #113,490 9J.

Prince Charle* has been proclaimed King of Ronmanla by lha Boumaalsa Sen- ale and chamber uT deputlua.

Rudolph Ziegler A Co., rice merchssts, of 61 Mark Lnue, London, have railed. Their liability* are MtlmaV-d £IOO,r "

The StrURgln for the election uf ofUcers was coQlluned lor three hosra tn the Unl'.id Statea seaata, on Saturday, with- ont retull.

Tbe French government has Inatractod Ita rololalar at Lima to net la conjunction wllh lha British ml a later in mediating be- twues Chill and Peru.

Alexander 111, ofHus-lB.hso appointed I be Grand Dike Vladlmor regent of tha empire, to serva la tha sveat of lha Cur's death before Cxsrowlts attains tbereqala- Ita ago to rale.

A Aghl of nls boars darstlos look place recently between the British and Basntoa st Boleka, South Alrlca, with no dedalve result. Colonel Carrlagtoa and aevaral othars os tha British side wars woanded.

At s mestlng of lbs directors of Iba Western Union Telegraph Company la New York, on Saturday, William H. Tan- derbllt and Samuel F. Barger, roalgnatL F. L. Amae waa elected a director. Tha other vacancy was not filled.

Aa employe of the Fltchbnrg Railroad, Samuel Derneha, a Varmoaitnsa, twenty* five years of age, while abackllng care In Ihe corporation's yard, on Saturday night, fell beneath the eara aad received Injuries which are probably fatal. Ha Is st the general hospital.

The efforts made by tbe mayor and a'- darrnen of Portsmouth, N. 0.. to secure ihe location of ihe Eastern Railroad re- pair aaop thera have proved futile, Prosl* dent Phillips a tail tig. thai lbs dlaUuce be- tween Porta-noath aad Boatoa must pre- clude soy hope of lha removal.

CtllBAP AND GOOD —National Coffee ) Pot: 411 aold, Perklaa aad lloute study .....

__.» ! and Library Lamp. .18 aold; Oranlia Iron TM whata great and pare vegetable .emeny tail . ■. Me> pay nil ', pole,sen aold. Look at them ami avamiaejhe j done la vloieat *nd jenoua caae*. and what il j trqu't'H ale a mark

llmportaat. 1 evolution.

Mr. Kira Newlon'a year oisoed oa Christmas, or ratasr bs began work with his ctnployor on Cbrialmu. Tae f*econd year bad closed oa Friday, aad on Cbnatmsa fay, which was Hntor- day, Mr. Newton was looking over

Is osjh aoeounta for las yaar. Well," asked Ms wife, "how do yoa

come on?" I flnd," said her bnshand, "that

my expenaes during the year have beaa thirty-ssven cents over a tkonsodd dollars."

And your Inooest has been s thous- and dollars?"

YOB, I mnnsged pretty wall, did- n't I ?"

1>J you think It insnsglng well to exceed your income," said bis wile.

♦•Whst's this thirty-seven cents T asked Nr. Newton, lightly.

Not much to bs sure, bat still something. It man to me wo ought to have saved, instead of tailing be- hind." ..

But how eaa we save on this sal- ary, Elisabeth? Wo aavon'l lived ex- travagantly. Still, it Bcemi to have taken It all."

Perhaps there Is something in which we nay retrench. Supivose yon mention some of tho items."

The most Important Is house rent, •150, and articles of food, 1350."

Just half." Yea, and you'll admit that we can

not retrench them. I Ilka to live well. I bad enough of poor board before I married. Now I mean to live as well as I can."

Still we ought to lay tipeorosthlng against s rainy day, Kira."

"That would be Uko carrying an umbrella when the sun shines.

Still, It !■ well to have an umbrel- la lu the house."

I can't controvurtyour logic, Elis- abeth, bul I'm afraid we shan't be able to nave any thing ibis year. When 1 get my salary raised it will be Uae enough to think of tbat "

"Ix'troe mnkesproposition tovou," said Mrs Newton. "You said that one bslf of your income ha I been ex- [wnded on articles of food. Are you willing to allow me that sum for the same puipose?"

"You guarantee to pay all bills out ofltr

Yes." Then I shall shift the responsibili-

ty upon yon with pleasure. But I can tell you before head you won't be able to save much oat of It, aad I ibouldn't relish having any additional

bills to pay. As 1 an aald every month, I will at each month hand you half the monev."

Tbe different character of husband and wife may be Judged from the con- rnrsalloo which has been recorded- Mr. Newton bad little prudence or foresight. He lived chiefly lor the present, and leeawd to fanuy that whatever contingencies might arise In the future ba would somehow be pro- vided for. Now, to trust to Provi- dence is a proper way, hut there ia a good deal of troth In the old adage tbat God will help those who help themselves.

Mis. Newton, on tbe oonlrary, bad been brought up in a family which was compelled to be economical, and though she wss not disposed to deny herself comforts, yet she latt that ft was desirable to procure them at a fair rate.

Tbe time at which tow conversation took place was al the commencement of the second yearof their married life.

The first step by Mrs. Now ton on ac- cepting the charge or the household expenses was to Institute tbe practice of paying cash for all articles tbat came under her department. She ac- cordingly called on tbe butcher and In* quired:

"How often have you been In tbe practice of presenting your lulls, Mr. Williams r

Once In six mouths," waa the re ply.

"And I suppose you sometimes have had bad bills?"

Yea; one-third my profits, on the average, are swept off by them."

"And you could afford to sell cheap cr, I suppose, fur ready money V

"Yes, and I would be glad If all my customers would give me a ohanca to do so.*'

I will set them an example, then," aald Mrs. Newton. "Hereafter who- ever articles sre purchased shall ho patdfor on the spot; and I shall expect you to sell them as reasonably as you can."

This arrangement was also made with the others, who, It Is scarcely needful to ssy, were glad to enter Into the arrangement. Heady money Is a great supporter of trade, and a cash customer i- worth two who purchase on credit.

Kortunoti'ly, Mrs. Newton had a small supply of money by her which lasted until" tbe first monthly Install- ment from her husband came doe. Thus flbo was ensbled to carry out her cash plan from tbe beginning.

Another plan occarred to her as likely to ssve expenses was to pur- chase articles In lsrge quantities. She had soon saved enough from the mon- ey allowed to do this. For example, Instead of baying sugar a few pounds at a lime, she bought a barrel, and so sucoeeded In saving a oeat or more on a pound. Thia, perhaps, amounted to but a trifle In tbe course of a year, but too same system on In regard U other things, yielded a reault which was by BO means a trifle.

There are other ways In which a careful heuackeeper Is able to limit expenses which Mrs. Newton did not overlook.

With an object la view she was al- ways on the lookout to prevent waste, to gat the full value of whatever was expended. Tbe reault was beyond bar anticipation.

At the close of the year, on examin- ing her bank book—for ahe had regu- larly deposited whatever money she had not bad occasion to use, in one of tbe institutions—she found that she had 1150, besides reimbursing herself /or the money during tbe first month,

haan not found It ao easy tn save as thought for." I have aoaisthlng, however," said wifii. "How is it with your That's more than I can aay. How-

ever, I hare aot sxsseded my inooaw, that's oae good thing. We have lived tally as well as last yaar, aad I don't CBOW, but belter than whea we

■tIMO." It's knack, Eara," aald bis wife

She was not Incline I to bow much she had aaved.

She wanted something or other, to surprise him when It would be a ser- vice.

She may possibly hare eared up •95;" thought Mr. Newton, "or some trifle," and so dismissed tbe matter from hie mind.

At the end of the second year Mrs. Newton's savings, Including tho la* tenet amounted to 1850, and BD« be- gan to feel quite rich.

Her husband did not think to In- quire bow much she bad saved, sup- posing as before that It could bo but vary little.

However, he bad a piece of good news to communicate, hla aalarv had beea raised from 11,000 toll.xOO.

He added i "As X before allowed you oae half of my iooome for bouse held expenses, it is no more than fair I should do so now. That will give na better chance to aare a part of

ban before." Aa before, Mrs. Newton merely

aald that ahe had aared something, without spec! tying tbe amount.

Her allowance was increased to $600, but expeaees were not propor- tionately increased at all, ao that her savings for the third year swelled the aggregate sum In the saving bank to to 00.

Mr. Newton, on the contrary, lo spite of his increased salary, waa no better off at the end of hla third year than before. His expenses bad in- creased by $100, though be would hare found It difficult to tell In what way bis comfort or happiness had been increased thereby.

Ia spite of his carelessness In regard to hla own affairs, Mr. Newton waa an excellent man la regard to bla boat*

and hla servicea were valuable to hla employers. They accordingly Increased his salary from time to time, till it readied •1,600. He bad atead* lly preserved the custom of assigning

half to his wife, as heretofore, and thia bad become aoch a habit tbat he never thought to Inquire whether she found it necessary to employ the whole or not.

Thus ten yeara rolled away. Daring all this time Newton lived In the seme hired house, for which he paid na aa- aualreatofllW. I a»st.r. he ma res, be had become dlssaUsfied with il. It had paaaed Into the hands of a BOW landlord, who waa aot disposed to keep it ta the repair which he consid- ered desirable.

About this time a block of excellent bouses was erected by a capitalist, who designed to sell them or let them as lie might hare an opportunity. Thay were modern and much better arranged lhaa the one lu which Nr. Newton now lived, and be felt a strong desire to move Into one of them. He men- tioned it to hla wife one morning.

Whst's the rant ?" Inquired she. Two hundred and twenty-fire for

the corner house; 9100 for either of the others."

"The corner bouse would be pref- erable, oa account of the aide wiu- dowa."

'Tee, and they bare a large yard beetdee. I think we had better take one of them. I guess I'll engage one of them to-day; you know our year Is out next week."

Please wait till to-morrow, before engaging one."

"For what reason?** "X ebeuld like to examine tbe

bouse." "Very well, I suppose to-morrow

will be sufficiently early." Soon after breakfast, Mrs. Newton

called on Squire Bent, the owner of the new block, and Intimated her de- sire to be ahowa tbe corner bouse. Her request was readily complied with, Mrs. Newton waa quite delighted with all tbe arrangements, and expressed ber asti a faction.

"Are these houses for sale or to let?" aha inquired.

"Either," aald tha owaer. "Tbe rent la, I understand, two

hundred and twenty-five dollars." "Yea. I consider the corner house

worth at least twenty-live dollars more than the net."

"Aad what do yon charge for tbe bouse tor a cash purchaser?" asked Mrs. Newton, with subdued eager-

hasband, lo amassment as great ss ever.

"I haven't been a roAnsgiitg wife for lea roan for nothing," said Mrs. Newton smiling.

With some difficulty, Mrs. Newton penoaded her husband that the price of the house waa really the nult of her savings. He felt when ha had sur- veyed tbe commodious arrangenients for tho boose that be had reasons to be grateful for the prudence of hla managing wife.

_ .—*>■*»*■ ■ Ortucta of tB* Batli-Vs Dean*

Clone by Meiket Street (now Broadway) lived and prospered a bak- er tbe first man that ever baked New- Year cakes—in fact, the inventor of them. Tbe name of oar friend waa Vokkert Jan Pieterson Van Amster- dam, commonly kneevn as Baas. lie w as Dutch from his large feet to his round bald bead, and had no respect for any one or anything that waa aot Dutch. He waa a regular attendant at tbe old Dutch church, but never- theless In constant fear of befog be- witched. His wife, Marltje, was economical even to aavlng the parings of her nails, and bla ginger-bread babiee were always mails in imitation of hla children. It was Now Year Eve, 1655, and Baas wus in his shop dealing out cakes for small pieces of money called wampum. lie hid taken an extra glaas of rum In honor of St. Nicholaua, whoa he beards sharp rap, and In walked aa ugly an old woman as ever be had **?}* bla eyes on.

"1 want a dozen New Year cook- ies," she screamed.

■Veil, den, you needn' sbeak {ao loud," replied Baas. "Duyvel? I ain't leaf, den."

"1 want a dozjn," screamed the old woman, "and here ie only twelve."

''Veil, den, und vbat the duyrel la dwell but a dozen?" said the baker.

"I tall you I want oae rnore 1" ahe shrieked.

"Veil, den," aald be, "you may co to the duyrel und get anodder; you von't get It here."

From this time on our baker'a wife and himself were made miserable. Their money and cookies wen taken nway bv invisible hands; their brnul either rose out of their sight or sank Into the earth; their famous brick oren was torn down, and poor "Baas pelted with bis own bricks; Marilje became deaf: Baaa was black and blue from bead ta toe; aad such n Ufa be led waa purgatory. Thrice the old woman appeared, and thriec was aba sent to "tie duyvel.•* And at last, in his agony, Baas bethought himself or St. NicholauB, who advised him, oa bearing of his troubles, when bo counted a dozen to count thirteen.

■By St. Johannes de Dooper, pat St. Nlcbolaus is a great plockhesdr' thought Bass; and while he was thinking, St. Nick had vanished, and In bla atead was the old woman. She repeated her demand for "one more," and Baas, rememlierlng St. Nicholaua, seceded to ber demand, when aba ex- olalmed, "The apell Ie broken, and uenoefortd a doxen Is thirteen, and thirteen is n doxen." and taking a cookie with tho effigy ol the good ssint on it, she made Bass swear thet ever alter war d twelve should be thir- teen, aa a typo of thirteen mighty states tbat should arise out of the ruins of tho government of Vador- laodt.

It is wsll koowu bow terribly St. Nicholaua rsvonged himself upon those who set themselves up aga wit tbe venerable customs of their ances- tors, and refused the homage to him to whose good offlaes it was owing that this favorite city has surpassed all others In beaulifu I damsels, rskroos young men, mince piece, o lickoeks, and New Year cookies.—-Harper's Magazine for March.

Tka Bimlh Carolina Ballot Fraud* .

—Kben Jewell, at one lime Janitor o the police atalloo, hss bean appointed soperlstsodeot of the Wen Newbory poor farm.

Four thousand dollars cash," waa the reply, "aad that la bat a email advance on the cost."

Vary well, 1 will buy It of yoa," added Mrs. Newton, quietly.

What did I undentand you to aay?" said tbe Squire, scarcely be- lieving bis own aan.

I repeat tbat 1 will buy thia house at your price, aad pay tbe money with- in a week."

"Thea the bouse la yours. But your husband did not ssy anytbiog of bis intention, and in fact I did not know—"

"That he had any money to invest, I suppose you would say. Neither does he know It, and I must ask you not to tell him for tbe present."

Tbe next morning Mrs. Newton in- vited bar husband to Uko a walk, but without specifying the direction. They soon stood In front of tha house In which be desired to live.

Wouldn't you like to go In?" she naked.

Yea. It's a pity we haven't got the key."

"I hare tbe key," said hla wife, and forthwith abe walked up the steps and proceeded to open the door.

When did you get tbe key of Squire Bent?" asked ber husband.

Yesterday, when I booght the house," asid his aile quietly.

Mr. Newton gaxed on brs wife In profound astonishment.

'What do yon mean?" " eay—this bouse Is

South Carolina ta aa determined to hare fair elections aa to retain good local government. Precisely Bow this will be done nobody can aay it this moment; but It will be accom- plished somehow. Tbe state will not be fit to lire in or be worth saving if that which wss a desperate remedy Is to become our daily food. There fa danger already that aome engineers will be hoist with their own petard. Laat year, lit Charleston, or democrats stuffed the bale- at a primary election lo deius. , ■atinaT set of democrats who bod reoei.ud a majority of tho votes oust; and this very week, at a municipal election lb the rigidly democratic county of "Lex- ington, the ballot-box was ao stuffed that the managers of election raftweti to oanvass tbe votes. For republicans, In the south,

"DuSbUes* lbs pleamir* Is as grant Of btlag cbaaled aa to cheat." i M

But democrats are not so philosophic- al. In their eyes, cheating na a means of securing honest government U a widely different thing from cheal'.tg for the benefit of local "workora" ami machine-made office -seekers. There Is always one way to Insure absohi'u honesty at elections, and that lib)' interesting the white people tn % (lee ballot and a fair count. When our pleasant vices, ao to apeak, are likely to be made Into whips to aoourge us, we are In the humor to mend our lives. There Ie no complaint In Vir- ginia or Georgia, where tho whites divide end Insist on a square vole. and other slates are moving rapidly in tbe same direction.—-Cbarleston

C) Newa.

Welt, Elizabeth, have you within your allowance?'' asked husband at that time. "I guess you

A New York paper thinks tbat Ed- win Booth owes bis success to-tbe reputation of bis father and tbe crime of his brother. Such a atatement ie unworthy a place fa any respectable Journal. It ia neither In good taste nor true. ■*-?■

■ Juat what I and having enough to last the otbec.. aslae, and what is mine is tbine. So

ikaVSTb house io your*. Eara. Where la tbe name of goodness

did yon rales the money?" naked ber

A New York paper announces the engagement of Mr. Byron, tenor, of the Strakosch-Hess Company, to Ml** Laura Schlnner of that city, a member of the same troupe. As Mr. Byron already baa a wife and family in Eu- rope, tbe report must be Incorrect.

There sre twenty widows in a tittle village near Middlelon, and one wid- ower. Tbat man must feel that an awful responsibility rests upon bim.


Lawrence American,



raiDAT Mt_ RNIKO. AFH1L I. Ittl

Weekly Newt Brevities.

Tnetdav. "Old Abe," Wisconsin's fallout war

aegis-, dhd el lb* state ceptuil baturdsy ■Bp.

Pr*aM*at J«weU of Ibe Brie Hail WIT, decline* ib« presidency oi lit* woilu'* fair commission.

Purest In ■ am burning futli.u-ly on ibe mountains Mar Wilk«*barr«, Pa., sad are spreading isptJIy.

High Sheila* Chsaveae, of Montreal, Ml down aialra ye»t*nday, ai.d la prob- ably fatally li jeied.

A rurim.lBl.le ikbrlllwa prevail* la Herat, and at lot I ecew'iwt* Aju.i'i Kl.-n was vlr- tualij swa-teaed in lUt- cit«d*l.

Anointr iin| onaDi i iigsgi'H,- r.t la *■»- pecid 10 Uk« place HJUU liclMecn lb-• grill. l> aid llasuut* at UoUaa, South Ar- rlca.

Charlaa 0'ILHIC. I. « M kitten b> lb* can yesterday, while walklwit on lira track war Weialoid, N. B. When la.t seen alive h« waa diuik.

MlfB u. uy Dautdl Outbid tbe X8d da* or b.r raalai lows City, Is., Hal night, and remain* In tbe *sne condition. 8b* Will In-l tvmt lln>* yet.

Til* tinner* uf PUutmrg lud Allegheny, Fa , .liurfc j.sterdsy for au advance BV- ■ raging M p«r cent. fteVevel Arms have already Hie advance.

Ut ujaibIn 8li *ei a uf Kurklaud. Vi., OM Of lb* iiii)*t pi oiiiinenl Witnesses for Ik* prosecution iu lb* Hajdt-n niuid. r CBS< , died ou Saturday, aged Wjear*.

Tbo entire **aeloa or lb* U ailed SUM* aeBat* yesterday, waa occupied by Senator Unbone ol Virginia, la response to recent criticism* of btacouiaa, fro* sevstal of but collaagaw*.

Ilia ex peeled that Irgal proceedings will b* Instituted against all tb* parties Ideuilued wltb lb* M--r»y later forgery. hV*er*l will knows dtaBoorell.; politicians ar* said to b* Implicated.

A are WIK raglug I:. Ihe woods n«ar lb* Altlebu uwgh *ad MatiftlfUl llu* aud «■- UlMllbg IUIM VVrei.Lhmn last night .destroy- lag lliUiB valuable limber. A large are* baa ai ready been ourued uv«r.

Charles rVnnel, captain of th* »cbo«in*i Freddie fcbhltt, I) log at Pier 17, K al rltvr. R«W Ymk, committed suicide laat •***lng by shooting httuMlf In lb* b*ad. Mo can** la aetlgned tor lb* act.

Tb* coroner's Jury la lb* can* of Hit man kllhtd by lb* vgptoeton or a boiler la tb* b>ilrauil.- cnmpao>'a building at Bocbttler, N. Y., tltidi ihit the company we* grossly an! criminally negligent.

Tb* in tho Platl* valley, ■ebraska, ban nearly aabslded. Tbe bodUa uf <>n« or two p*r*ooa bav* b«eu loand. Heveial brldg«a oa 10* Bulling- Ida aud Jli - ml railroad wert- lamagwl, aad Uiilim Pau<Hu overland tram* will be run (or iw.. ..r inr. e rlaya byway of 8L Jo* aud HaKiiuta.

Wednesday. Oa JI.HU IImL- a Khtn la .lead al Bom-

bay. Comp*titlvn rlitnluai'oDa, for Interior

owjaarim. at nirii:.-*. are to bw dUcon- Uaa*d.

Aaluoay Ualrlu* wit abu dnad at Hc- CowbCuy, Hiai , yaatarday, wlulo r«- abtlug au ..ill.. i

Ttnaaary otB^UU Hailnat* that ib* ra- daclloa of i he na'lonal m-itt Tor afarcb, Will *Ut b* leaa Lh an $.', 0U0 000.

Capt. B P. Dorr, uu. ,.i tbj oldeat laka oawuioa, a*d /«ar» ggaat .if the .Ktna Insurance (,' IIIIU iny, la .1.- i.l

Tb* boaa* paluura uf New York city, atoaday night, reaolvd to atrlkn April 4, far an advauc* fruia $2 50 to #3 per day.



a tS.SO to «S [wi day A largo cottoa wareboua* waa destroy-

ed b* Bra at Mancheatcr, England, via. Urdaj, taUlltng a property io<a uf fioo,- 000.

Tb* eaa* for tb.i prosecution la lb* Wklllakar coan-Daartlal, waa comlud«d yaaurday, aad tb* d«f*aoe wilt proceed t*>day.

Dr. Haatya anJ Jj.mea Uanalng. Jr.. r*- UrBlag la a aaiall nkif from Applaloa, Oat., vaatarday morning, Wan npiai aud both drown*.'.

It la reported from ConaiaoLlBopI* thai tb«aa«ba*aBdi»auf all tbe power* have WiaiBUn tb* Ureak boundary linn propu*. *d by Turkey,

A P*f* of lb* Caar, wbolachargad wltb having H.i.-r.iW a«rv«d tbe Niblllal .«■». taac* ol death upon the lat* lnr, hta bMl arrealed at "... Peii-r^burg.

I. i"i Beac.iufO url hn« tm n dingrroun- ly III for the ptH f-* ittya. bn tit latawl ballatui front tg* ek-premh-r'^ r. mhUuc*. pronoun .... nun .j iittwh at belt, r.ahb >ugb BOtaniii.l. uui ul J i«i;i:r.

]• la pr»p iaed Ui build a ahlp caual acroaa lb* 8tale of Delaware at aom« point below AppoquinliDluk cieek. Two oowpanlee have beea chartered for lb* purpose, wltb a capital ol •80.000,000.

TBoaaaa C Clumruena, tb* city attorney Of Bayoan* City, N. J., dlaappcared four w**ka ago, and uotblng baa been beard of him BIBC*. II* waa a lawyer of bun »>>Hi Ua* aad baa held many poaltloua of truat

A ajaltlpllcliy of rumora preval.ed It Waablngtwu, yeaUrday, regarding Narltrili Cablaei dlaaenalona, aad ll U UI.I Attorney General McVeagb aad Po.1.1 t*r-Q«n«ral Jamea may n-algn ibeir apecilve portfolio* before long.

Tb* doin n:-at* 111 in .,i,)!|/, ,| ajju y*Bt«rday-aae»,|.tu .if th* United 8tal*a •aaau with apeech making. pilui:lpally |i reply to Senator tlaboue'a remark* of lh* day previous No progrexe wa,- tuade to ward breaking the deadlock oa th* dec tloa of officers qncatloa.

Thursday. Tb* wind at Thatcher'* laland last even-

lag, reached a velocity of 65 mile* n*r boar.

At last account* Lord Beacooadnld was worac, aud his condition canaea the great- «at aailety

Tb* nomlnalloii of Thomas at. Nlchul ■a commissioner of Indian affair*, la 10 b* withdrawn

Oo?. Cornell baa aval lo lh* New York B*aat« charges of Imbecility agalgal Judge Baaford, or ibai atait.

Lieutenant H. M. Berry, U. 8. N„ It to command the Arctic expedition In search •f th* steamer Jeanneue.

Th* new French loan haa been allotted la lb* proportion of a little over alx per eeai, of 1 be amount aubecrloed for.

Q*B. Grant ami parly arrived at Hi. Loula, Ho., yesterday, «n rouU to tJext- c*. aad l«a by th« Iron blountaln road.

A Mra. Kenny, ol Broom* alrcet, New Yeifc city, reports that her houae ha* b**a robbed or $1*00 worth or Jewelry. 3W wawa of a rebellion at Herat la om.

y confirmed. Tb* place Is besieged aad Ajoob Khan ha* been taken prlaoaer.

Mr. Joba Botbrey, hi* wire and two children, were killed by a cycloae la Ran- dolph county, Alabama, a day or two alae*.

Th* reported acceptance by tbe ambaa- aador* at ConaUntlnopie, of Turkey'* proposed Greek boundary line, la con- IraMd.

Tb* Caar baa caucelled the Ruaalao loan •f 900,000 rouble* which was granted 8*r- •la, as compeoaailoo for ber loaaes In tbe lat* war.

The heaviest snow storm of the seas >n pr**all*d at Columbus and other poluu In Ohio, yesteidey, aeriuusly Inierruntln. railway traffic.

Tb* Sood* la lb* Plalte Valley have sub aided, aad It la expected that railway trains will resume operations by the latter part of tb* week.

Carrie, the murderer of Porter, tbo ac- tor, waa fatally ahot hy a bar-tender Iu self- lefence, at Li* Vegas, New Mexico 0*1 tb* 24ih Instant.

Toaa 8m lib, arrsated la Naahvllle, Tea*)., for supposed marder la Georgia haa been fully Ideatlled by A. J. Smith, United Stales agent, a* one Of ibe rueo Who robbed him near Mussel Sboala, Ala March 7ib, or BM00.

The resignation or Judge Houle or his aeatfta the au 1 ram* bencb, haa not y«t be*n rewired by tb* goveraor, and tbe aaeeewcaataat uia.le ye.terday. of the probable ip|Hiinliueni or Seaalor Knowl SM, of Bprlaileld, la wlihoai autborliy.

A debate, at time.- quite animated, •<■- earred la the 1 o.ieii Huiea aenate, ye. terday, oa th* question of a free ballot aad a lair count at inr South, participated la by Messrs. Hoar, Hill, Daw**, L>gaa aad oil)--- deadlock

VYedaeeday evening ibtrij -four geutli - men or tut* city, well known In baalaee* and political Ufa, knowing of Dr. T. II. Mauley'* iBtcatlum to ivmov* to New York, si.d wUhlimtohsvoblialahcaway alth him auajt tokea of ib«lree%|am, met In tbe pel lore of lb* A nit 1 (can rltflae, on Ameabcry llrwt, fo* the paraoM *l rojk- ng »uch a pr*aeulaU>*u. Tim gaaals b.-

aan to arrive ahortlf aft>.r tight o'clock, abd wet* warmly Welcomd ny the lau.I- lorri, Mr J^hu Parnll. and hi* tatlmab* wife. P.r au boar a icl ibl ity wan th* ord*t. Ml.... Ads aad Winnie Parrel), the daughters of the ho-t a-id h >>i**a, enier- lilnlng ibe company wltb luslrumantal atnak 00 the piano. Theai- youagladlta showed a mark<d degreu of .kill In play- ing, and weru hea.-ttly applaud*d. At about 0 o'clock Dr. Mauley arrived, and aft r a cordial hand dukin^ all iroun.', Col. T. A. Parson* stepped forward, aid la an *1..qnvul speecu, pieaanled Dr. Maw£*3 wlibantult 1 hi 4,. 1 WUCIJUI cbetn.

Dr. Mauley rvplled la a pleaeeat end touching manner.

The watch wa* a Uaavy g >hj open fi Waltbeaa Wawii, and Inxcrlii.d on the In- ner caae,

Present) d to , Dr. T. tt. Mauley,

By Fi lends la Lawrence, Maaa., March 80. ISSl.

Other speech.* were made by W. L. Tiiompeori, Biq., Bx-Ma*or Tewaabnry, Col. B J. Slier man, and othcre.

Col. Parsons then Invited tbos* preaeat to atep into lh* dining 100.11; ibe com- pany war* soon fesied and dlacnaslog the merits of a>l. vxcelleot oyster supper prepared by ibe boales*. About II o'clock the laet guest Uu the house, wishing ibJ doctor GJJ speed, and aue ceaa in bis new Ovid.

Cot. pjraoua stated that t ie company Was in.I- t.l.-.l to Mra. Par:ill fur the generous ute of ber parlors, and to Mr. Parreti, lii good part, for the collation.

Another Bogus flutter Vendor.

Moodat aiieino.ui, A-alBiaut Marshal Neal l« 11 in-il Hiai * woman named Ki r.a- beth Blythe. residing on Water atreel. bad recently purchased ol Maurtc* J. Dearborn, as genuine butler, a lul of oleomargtrlne, aud b* lost no lime in In- vestigating ib* natter. Driving to the woman's dwelllag, he found there a tub of oleomaigcilne ol every Inf.-iior qoality, from which a portion of Hie contents bad been removed. Tbu brand had been re- moved from the ilde of tbe tub, and ibe mark on tbe rover was partially acraped otj, and what remained 01 It wa* covered wiib the brand "C. C. Dearborn, Law- rence, Man-." The woman stated that -be had purchased thv tub of 21 pounda, for H cents a pouud from Manrlcc J. Dearborn, un tbe l'Ui of March, be rep- resenting to her that ll was extra, good Vermont butler. When the aale waa made she says Dearborn held the cover of the tub bottom aide up In bl* baud, ao that ah" could not ace the bmud on the top, but ihere was little heed or this pre- caution, as the brai.d uu top wsa only dis cernlble ou close Inspec Ion, w^lle on Ibe eld* there t* no hraud, bo upparent ln<U' cations wblcb prvfa tlisi li was removid


For some llm* me Snenosu Ca-'eis- have been dlasatladed With llielr preseni accomodatlona Iu Music ball; accordingly, a week ago, they petlll >ned tbe City government to change abats urmory. Tbe

ittwr wa* ii-ieii.ll t» me coinmlltee ou armoriea, wn > have been making Inves- tigation, and bave leoorU'd to the Cadet* tbe result. Tb.-y haiesecnred the rental Of Saunder* hail at tAOU p< r year} the two ante-room*, and two larger room* down stall*, to go With the hall. The city agree* to pay tbla rent, and for the heBtlng, not to exceed gllXl per MID urn, if th* Cadets pay for The lighting, which I* estimated will be about f US a year. Tbla tbay CAB easily do oat of the prj- ceoda of tbe renting or the ball to ontslde parties. For the present armory tbe city pays a rent or (500; heating $1*5, and lighting B125. By tbe new arrangement the city will save about #150 per year Th* alate re-loiburies the city $400 per annum; therefore, ibe cost ol an armory for tbe Cadets, to the njtf, will be bm $300 per year. Notice haa been given that tbe Cadet* will vacate their pna. n qaartara July 1st. The boys are much pleaaed wltb tbe propoatd change.

Spring Open Ins: ait TrueU'e.

The local event or next week will be the ax tensive and elaborate opening or aeaaonabte dress guodi aud carputs, in th* extensive establishment of Byron Trtiell A Co., of wblcb some details are given In their two column uunouuceiuuut elsewhere to- lav. The eolargemeot and improvement* In their alore aud carpet rooms, have been availed of to preaeat one of the most complete and varied as- sortment* or dress sod l'*n<-y goods, !uces and housekeeping good*, Imported and domestic carpets, aha iua and upholstery goods, ever offered Iu this ctty. The Block comprlees tbe latent aud iu BM d< - slrab.e atylea, all the new CJI *r*, an I In- been boighi at price* wblcb will sfforo bargain* In every direction, i be adver llBementglves only a portion or the I at ol novelties, but sudicleiit lo indue ■ a Urge attendance or our lady readna at the own- ing, when the Biaplay wi.t >>e sara to cap- tivate ihelr eyes and taatut their (nickel* uuleaa beautiful goods and low pneo, no jonger appeal to the f.-nilnlu.- fancy.

POL1CK I-l/./.I.K

Veatflrday altnnoou, lawjeis 11-irley and Sanborn, reolved a note tuna Chief Justice Oray of ihu Supieiiie court, ntat- lag that he de.lred ihe police maiur to b« reopened, nud 'hit Ihu tuioraej* fie anpplemeniary brief*, ami aiguu the ease again before ihe lul bnjNeh of seven II.B

tlcea. Altbe lastheailui.ihJcis* waa pre- aented to Chief Justlcu Oray, ami )U*tlcea Morton, Bndlcott and |t< 11, and UMjgfar- ference la, that thusu w. re not unanimous la opinion. The Cnter Justice, stsl.-s as the reason Tor the ruopenlng of the cue, that it la a matter of etch «-eat Impor- tance, aad lavolfee ihd polk* adintnlsira- tloB of nearly ev. ry ctly Iu tbe common- wealth, that the ilecUl .11 of 1 he full bench U desired. The Ju*tlce-i to whom tbe caae has not yet been* presented are Lord Soul* and Coll, and a* the former I* ahsen and tbe twolstiei Indi-posed, it Is quite probable that the full bench cannot con-

1: June. If such is the ease, a decision will not probably be reached be- July.

Import Hot Iteal KaUte S,(lr.

We lau wj a yavs son* particulars as pre ttuled In il.r armaments snd arlilanc* la our police coan, la tbe eall of Pike agaiast Caarlea A. Hi..1. of AHdover,Jadcattot being given for ihe plsiniiff, and the eaa* appealed on points of bM*. Ha derMdantaxwawaaeta'ciiiaalol hta dftaace, SB*) Bi tier* si nibally two alaVa to a nory, we have taken aajSM toaacertaln his rer- ■loa wbicb ws give berawttb, as anbttsntlalfy •that Mr. Iloli would have presenie.1 had tha trial gone o* 11 completion, with perhaps som* other Item* tfmureM bearing an the nuttar.

Mr. Hub, an Aadavar bay, received bw de- gree front Hsrvard Ualversfty, aad practised medtcise is*a* eight year*. Hs is a Fellow of tie Mas* Medical Society and a member of varloas ecieatitc BoceMla*, Daevag lb* tait few yean ha baa been **g*ay*d in bailaea* aa a B inker and stock Broker la Beaton, part of bis business bsiag with leadiag banks and bankers. Last summer hs mads a contract with T. A. Oifford lo build a hoes* la Aadovvr. Glfford agreed to build lb* borne at a certain contract pzica, aad do all tha work from tbe araaklag of tha soil to tbe delivery of the key of Iks home. G.fford commenced work and up the preaeat time bai Bnlsbed what might b* termed the shell of the boa**, for whatever work Olflbrd baa done. Holt baa fblly paid him. Holt has P .1.1 betwwa $3000 aad $3500 lo Oifford. All tb* bargains have been mad* between th* con- tractor, GiBord, aad tb* workman. Oifford has aolyat paid all of these workBten, there being some $400 da* ifaeat from Oifford. Notwlth- aiasMlag tb* bet that Holt la net legally bo*Bd to pay tutse men, he having already paid Oil- lord, Holt has rreajaaaMy off*red to pay loose workman when th* boas* Is bnlsbed, which will be befoie July let next. Aa Holt ha* paid Oifford as fast aa work was completed, Holt de- cline* in par twice, at preaeat, by paying these bills Tor which he baa already paid Gilford. Holt Is ready at aay tint* to Mad himself to se- cure tbe payment of ail th* workman in Ando- vtr who have ant yet bees paid, Including lb* "Poor Widow" who furniihed board for (Jlf- lord's workmen. All Holt oaks la that b* may be allowed tb* opportunity or seeing Clifford pay bl«uwB bills. If be eaa do so, between tb* pr**a*ttlmeand J*ly 1st. Secarity to these workmen and lo tb* "widow" ran be bad at anytime. II ilt will not be driven in a where bs 1* not I gaily responsible; but ha lakes sufficient prIJe in having hit bouse free from all Utlnt ot wrong doing, and hi will lag It it shall so appear wl.en tha bonse IB finished, to even par tb*M bills a second time. Holt, of expect* that Oifford wilt eventually pay the** bills b.raself. Glflbrd la not a man of means, bo I* * BieubBnlc and builder, and baa beea some what pressed for funds, end has doabtless paid some other obligelJons oat of the mosey paid htm by Ho;t. Glflbrd, however, before the flrti ofJnlr bofei lo b* able 10 meet all claims which may be mad* against him. Aad Holt, very naturally desires to take that chance at least before faying bills a second time.

80 much the* for the dire aad wicked con •plrsey which has disturbed th* good nsogtle or Anaover. Holt says hs eaa bad ao "gond^ people WIKI believe tb* conspiracy story, If th*' beilavera ar* "good. * than tbay an ol thai class known as the "simple good."

Aad now about tbe (Ik* lull. Son* time ego Hott commenced a salt against on* Pike, of Andover, for tha couservalioa of some load pine. This salt will be entered la the Superior Court for Suffolk Co. la April, Tbe aalt could not have been brought la that court any toon-

After lhat suit bad been commenced. Pike hlmsulf brings salt agalaat Holt on the same

alter, bat bring* suit la tbe Lawrence police mit. and puts Is on tba trial list Immediately.

At the trial of Pike's suit In tha police court, Holt'* counsel openly charged Pik* wllh hav- ing bruagbt his salt la Lawrence lor tbe pur- POM of tuning for evidaaee to meat tb* salt which would b* tried next foil, la Superior 1 ' t, NHHoik Connty. Pike'* counsel pat, not Pike, but Holt, oa the stand, ostensibly aa a witness. Holt's counsel saw through tha scheme, and declined to have the trial go on, aad allowed Holt to ba defaulted and appealed the caae. Tbe cross examination was not "loo warm," as ha* been alleged. In fact, \t the same course or cross -examination is promised hereafter when case conse* ap oa appeal. Holt will reel under moral obligations to pay th* lawyer on ib* other Mde for service* thai kindly, but In- nocently, rendered.

la regard lo lb* security given to depositors who receive on* per cent, per month. We And that security laiisfsctory to Ibe depositors, at tomey I* always given, aad BO deposit Is ac cepiod otherwise. Baaka bavs freqaeatly bor rowed for a abort tlma from each other within tbe past thirty day*, paying at tbe rate of tea percent per annum, and many brokers have been fbrcei to pay at a rate of twelve per ceoi. Unit make* many loanaoa abort UBM, and eclvea a percentage ebleb no on* could afford, ir moBsy was hired for * year. H* assert* that not only can he afford to pay depositors OBS per cent, per month, but that bo can saiity any rational man of that fact. Holt say* be never borrows without giving collateral, and be never loan* without requiring ample security.

Holt claims, finally, that these workmen, for some strange reaaou, have entirely mlsandci- stood tbe whole matter, and if 'hey will eon** to sit on sugar barrels, In small grocery stores, and gossip ibemsalves with Imaginary fever*, and will earn* to htm with a Mg red apple hi ilieir hands, instead ot clatM aad tomahawk*, luerc will be n* trouble about adjusting all at- eged wrongs.


Col. Chase Pfallbrlck, to-day, resigned bis position on tbe Stale police force, fall services having been secured by a Joint arrangement of tbe leading manufactur- ing corporations of the city, for epeelel law officer In their Interest. City Marshal Mooltoa Batcbnldnr has been appointed by Gov. Long to III Col. Phllbrlck'e place on the State force.


ttev John P. Hynn, formerly of Law

Tbe fu leral service* o'er the remain* of the late Rev. John P. Kyan, formerly of this city, wboee death waa announced in theae columns th* other day, were ob- served yesterday, at Hopkiuton, Maaa. Over an hundred Roman Catholic clergy- men were present, and business In tha town waa almost generally suspended. Solemn requiem maaa was celebrated and Rev. John M. Krenmln. of Houthbrldge, formerly a resident of Lawrence, and a classmate of tbe deceased priest, ordained wllh bin at Troy In 1869, delivered an el- oquent panegyric. The remains were In- terred under tbe altar of the church.

Tbe parents aad relatives of Ihe de- ceased lealde In this city. He was born la Hoxbury, Mass., and when quite yoong til parent* removed lo Lawrence. He Waa a graduate of tbe Lawrence High school, and waa ordained priest at Troy, N. ISM. Ills Brat mission waa at Boston Highlands, aad about sight years ago was appointed pastor at Ilopklnlon, where through his exertions ao elegant church building was erected. A few months sgn be went to Florida for the beneni of bis health, and waa on hi* re- turn home when he died at Bt. Lonla.



Sarah F. •11 North u agency

When Joseph ROM, a carpenter em- ployed by Mr. BUnnard, returned from hi* work on Tuesday he found not only that hla wife was not welting for him with extended arms, bnt that every aril- llcleof furniture of which the domicile boasted bad been removed. To add to his mlafortnao hla wife bad taken their united savings, amounting la all to about tUH. He notified the police but th y could not help him and be ppeot the night IQ searching lor hla efeele and bl* depar- u d xpouae, although he expressed him - •ell giadded at the departure of bio wife, •mi could BOI be consjted for the long or hi* money and properly. On Wednesday be ascertained that tbe woman hi-1 BnOTad Ibe effrtcla tu n„, Kverr-u home, on Common mree*. and had stoo- ped them over night. Accordingly, wllh ■bee Balance ol frloud*. while bi* wlfn *ie on the street for the purpose of i'_ii^niu * Jill te*)i..siei lo remove lb*t

'uiulture to tha Sou'h depot, preparatory 'o tier doparture for Canada, Mr. How re- moved the furnitnru from ibe hotel to hla dwelling, lie 00 sooner had It safely Un- der lock and key Iu in* hou*e, when hi* w fi- and th* )ob teamster anived on the scene, and Mr. And Mra. ROBS, both of whom are Canadians, 'i.-^an a wordy combat which ia probably going on up to the preaem time. She reluwrd lo return him auv of tba money ahu had Uk*n, and he dec.lued to give her nawaeaalon of her <ewltig machine and clothing, and at lh* latent accounts, hu won guanllog law propetty while she and *>ympalblali Ifhtnda were watching an opportunity regain poMeBsLan. of if.

The cause of th* trouble sppvara have xpruug Iron, ib? litllo matter uf cloNlug a door Beuday morning last. Tbo door was open while Hoes wa* at bresk- r**l and be arose and closed It. His wife.

■gain opened It, and be again shut It. alter threatening her with bodily Injury If she opened It again. The pair bad n healed controversy until Mra. Hosa, who appear* lo be the bettor man of the two, aelxed a poker and Blrnck her lelge lord with it over the shoulder, s foat which she ha* promlaed lo repwai ante** her clothing Is teluined to her. In tbe inelew wblcb followed, she broke to uiece* a violin which be paid $$0 for, aud sine* that time there baa beeu trouble in thu Un*,* domicile, which resulted la tbe de- noumeut explained above. The mantel* In ihe house are otnanaented wllh aonan empty mm botilea, which la an Indication) that tbe temperance procllvilea uf taw occupant- Wottld mt place them In good • landing In any tout abstinence lion.

In tha polio* coart tbla week, one L. B. Basaett, of North Andover, made a com- plaint against James Uaxen, Jr., who haa a collecting agency In tbla city, for em- bfzilement. Baaaett claimed ibat be gave Hag m a bill ol BOOM $44 agalaat Eastman A Co., for collection; that Hag- en collected th* bill, and then represent- ing It aa a doubtful claim, bought It of Baasett for $30, giving him a check. In presenting which, be found Haien had no deposit In the bank to meet it. For defence, Haxcn claimed that he bought the claim fairly, gave Baas*tt the check, telling bin not to present It till the follow- ing day, when be Intended to make a de- posit lo meet It, averting that owing to some family troubles, he was compelled, In self defence, not to keep a regular bank account. A decision of the Su- preme Court wsa presented to the effect that collectors la such cases, coald not be held for emuetxlemeot, and Haaen waa acquitted. Baasett has aloce elgned a statement exonerating Hasen.

The Sixth Kcalinent Colon.

The question ss to which organisation tbe "Old" or preaeat Sixth Regiment, belongs tbe stand of colors, present- ed at the Relay House, by tbe loyal citi- zens of Baltimore, July 4, 1861 to Ibe Old Sixth, and tbe colore presented them by the clt liens of Bergen Point. New Jersey May 17, 1861; also the colots presented them by ibe ladle* of New York City, In June 18G1, Is still In abeyaoce. Tb* con- troversy a year ago was referred lo Gov. Long for decision, but as yet no bearing has been held. The Oov. ha* notified Hon. Caleb Baunders, president ol Ihe Old Sixth Regiment Association, and Col. Baal, commanding th* present Sixth, to appear before him Saturday morning next, and present their claims for the standard*. It la expected that he Will decide Immediately, alter the claims of each hava been presented.

Bogns Batter Denier Fined $100.

Maurice V. Dearborn was arraigned la tbe police court Wednesday,on a charge of aalllBg oleomargarine as genuine butter. He wsa not represented by counsel, and pleaded not guilty to tbe charged. He waived examination and was sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and coats, from which he appealed, and waa released on hie per- sonal recognisance in $300 bonds, for bis appearance at the next term of tbe Sope- rlor Court.

A rre*entail*a.

List Saturday, Mr. J. J. McDanlels, for eight years section hand In the Mo. S weaving room of tbe Central Pacific mill, severed his c innectlon with the corpora- tion, and the employes under him, recog- nising bis merit, and wlahlng to have him take away aome token of their esteem, presented him wltb a handsome pocket Ink stand and a beautiful gold pencil nod pen bolder.

The Advertising Freshet.

The spring free bet or advertising bss ovei flowed the banks Ibis week, and de- cidedly flooded our columns, compelling

curtailment ol many articles concern- ing loCsl sffalis.

Tuesday, Joseph M. Hton.-, Stone and Joseph II. Stone. Andover, purcha*e.|, through 1 or Pedrlck A Clo«»oa,lhti lot of . north aide of Reaai *ir**j|, i>inU between Blckoell BroK ' aud Tenneys block, oc- cupied now by wood-yards and .'roll ntaad*. It was purcbaaud or Tbomsa P. Teuney, or Wincnenter, for $2.Co a foot, lb* paichasers also to pay beiiermenls for the standing walls on either aid* Tbe lot I* «2feet front, and 33 deep, making the total amount paid for the real e*t lie. $ln,x79 90. It's th* intention ol

«srizrzfurz: -?!i b""<,:^, a °- -■— - *»*» -iL«£S.H i •jM^Kfiii OS tbe lot, and the pre*eul occupants 'hree or Whit, hrad A Atberton's picker* I '"ota-riven. KaJUei iheiaeiioattonn«4BrarV Kk^BtiuLV ■*•"*• °r »*H*"b"> no,lfled tov.c.tebylbsnr.1 Thl. new mill »$, m&> ttUMt^^SffX^^^l^gSiS^ JCX continues. of May. 'to lt3, and will employ 800band*. 7 end washss lb*btghway.

SALKM. N. H. a*

ttev. John M. Merrill died at his home. High Si, Doreaesler dlatnet, Hotloa, slarch 17W, age* 4 month* sad IS days. Ho waa bora IB

i and I* the eldest sate of tbe late Kav. Abraham l>. Merrill, and a brother of the writer. 'IBMWBI hla eWUBeod here, uadl his father ea-

:ied die mlBlalry. He Joined tha New Baglaad Lonrereneo of Ihu M. K. Church and waa an eflec- tlve aiernoer for nearly twenty years, occupying SJSAtlanja Spencer, Wluouandon, West " rid.I, Weston, NawUuryporl aad other wim a.-ccplaaue and succea*. In 1*AJ a seriona iliruai trouble and loss or voloe compelled hli

" r-'TI setive servioe, sad be was placed mperanuaied Hit. From then till

death, he was engaged in business with tbe Ikowaar tf.ero.ene Oil Company, bams roe a lew year* auperfnloadeat ol tbe work* IB Corry, fa., and alleiwsrda is the South Hoaton UeSnery UN >t*ullal*| day. were cheered by die care and kind efforts ol hla so* bereaved oootpanloa, sad a Use lamlly or iovin*: and dutiful children, nut nliove all, by tha .itslalnioa hand of uod, aad hi* -nwavui ing truii in the ntarils of L'hriit tail "

or. Ill* ead wsa peooerul and serene. A leatlfoi la lo be held in the tow* boll, lo raise lads for Improvement* aonunplaied on tha Mnaos" is Ibis village, li iwn, probable that

tbe utter la charge will push matters tner Helically, and ".ay out," adorn and enclose taste lull)-, lae 11W? greea spot ao loag aeglaatad and ailsuaad. Let as bopu thai ossoa saeured, the nark u*v bn .are from any and alt trespasser* likely ie .unnsgs or dalaoe th* ground, or shrub nery. la the taetur of la.te, wa observe great ehanjre. wilhia a few year.. When weirslcaase here, II was a very Swaanw*] thing lo as* aBabU* ad -'clultered" door yard*, abounding wltb ruli- Luh,-broken -down vchu it*, old knotiv togs, in- vulnerable tu am or wedge, aad left to roi, wood pitea. bag pan-, ekkken eoope, and a general i.egligenuaallaboul. Horn we notice ssany a neal ■ad u*lelul yard, enibelll.hed anil benutifled wit* Sown* and .hrolie, »uiootl> walka and clean lawn.. 1 tie pig p, n. navu gooe to the rear, aad even ibe chi ken* are deemed Intrader* and |ie*U. I'reti) itmn, well kept and uainled. adit 10 tbe oo»y SAaaet ol ine ground, and turntah a hairier lu the rag.ant Sews. hor*ea oerl dog* thai ito loo often run .1 targe. Formerly, almost every IIOUM In ihe village, Inat wa. painted at all, *„ palun .1 white, a very few being paint* I red, bat B*W we And mail naw strttcluiea are painted in tlnuorcBrtouolepthssml sober hue, giving a pleoaiagUlvsraityw Ibe view and relieving"|u tea aye. More iaiporlssce t* being placed on Ihe B'lvsatage. of .hails bee*, and our maples and elms are beisg regarded wllh greater favor. Tom Is aa aw prejudice again 1 elms eapeeislly, sod mora than one old logy haa ud.l u. Ikwl if our elm* were oa hi* land, h* would cut them down lor fust. bceaas* they esbaust toe groaad ao snueh. This advice was provoked by the light of aa Kagli.h elm. MmS Campaairls) a noble; hardy g.ant, *belterlBg the we*t eagle of our domieilea-dlowerlBghtgniowaid heaven, and deriving lu *i.rt*wsaos from load, tiaarlagaBBBBS eul sward, .uch oa we delight lo have around the

— W« sever remove a tree, young or old. ■rst eoaasdariBg bow it might fir better

serve u* for or shade If let slone. A hlghwsy osaM la a ae'ghbcrfngdistrict, -uth. leastv t*lled every tree alon* the roa<l, great aad taiall. .lorldanu. and evergreen, maklne a wsn U>n w.sck of much Ihstasighlju.t ss well have re- insine.1 lo beaullty and give a grateful ehade, WtttoBt detrlBsaat .0 toe road bod, whlek. he said, needed wore aua. There I. no tree that aurpasae* the American son (ulmus Americana) ,n grace- fat sad ueeuliiul proportion*, and BnF b* »ulWed to grow wheea on* i. not. Vt bin aad Mick mspl.a maka dealrable shade 'Lee".- Pe/hap* ihe otoai beauiitul apeoimena of Aa koek Sugar Maple, *ta*d In the ground 01 Ibe ■ewedtst parsonage. They Bra the delight aad admiration ofall when in lull tear, yel we have beard peraoa* aovooata euit ng



>uld nltl-

—Tbe new Arllugtou Mil. Is patting IsJSttEj

being anae.-e.Mry. __ organnv! ■■l«l» eldilerabi every wathalic reeling and ban

* * ] >*b irom Ua I and heart the green oases mat aow I MM bible*' and baautlfy ihem. Anotbermuch

arede.1 lasprovsmaiit s* tb* drainage aad gradlsg ol the vlltogn road, soar Kwin'a Uuraer, fast tim

—Thcrs ar* U inmate* at the city alms- house.

—Th« Shakespeare club will bava their annual banqaet In April.

—Mr. J. 0. Abbott la medltsUsg *i- tesalve nlteratloaa In hla residence on Baal Haverblll slreeL

—AptU dividends baa bean declared aa folio wet- Bay Btale Bank $4 a share; Pacllle, Lawreaee and Meihaen National banka, t par cent. each.

—Daniel P. Hayes, formerly dark tor Mr. John Bart, sad at oa* UBM quit* aa active Democratic politician la this city, died at Chicago leal w*ek.

—Vest Monday the) comical, *ilr«mely fanny man, Sol Smith Raseell, will visit tUs city In bis new play "Bdgcwood Folks." He Is supported by one of the strongest compart lea travelling.

—It la a remarkable coincidence, that tha pair or bogns butter venders thus far erreeted.wer* formerly la the llqaor traf Be. Probably that account* for Ibelr knowledge of adulterated artlcl**.

|—R*v. John Byan, whose parent* reside In this city, died lent week, at St. Louis, this state. He waa n tradnale of tha schools of this city, and was elevated to tbe priesthood about nine years ago.

—Hardware dealer on Essex street, to customer purchasing door hinge*:— "Which way do your doors swing?" Pai- red customer, after thinking awhile :- "Share, my house la on SI!am street, aad tbey awing toward the Jail."

—It la Interesting to look In th* win- dow* of the Central Pacllle mills uy evening and watch tba operative* work* login the light of tbe electric machine. It aeemsaa If tha entire room was on Are, ao bright la th* light.

—Last Wednesday evening. Mi** Mary Williams, living at Ho. 4 Everett corpor- ation, wsa Undo red a surprise party, by about SO of her friends. She was pre- sented with an elegant amethyst ring,and several other useful aad ornamental arti- cles. The evening wai spent In the usual way.

—The police am arresting young men In Lowell, who stand on the street corners Sunday nights, smoking, spilling tobacco Jalce on the sidewalk, swearing aad la- aaltlng ladles. If the police here would do a little o? that baaiaeea. It would be the means of giving tba city a better name to strangers.

—Saturday laat, Dr. Longee, assisted by Dre. French and PfcBbrkora made a poet- morlem examination of Ihe body of tha late Samuel Carter. They found that tbe kldneye ware porooa from abneeeea, and ware greatly Inflamed. From the bladder tbay took a eakale aa large aa aa ordinary sized wslnat.

—Co. M haa awarded the contract for furnishing their new uniforms to Brooke Bror., of New York, sad !t Is expected Ibat they will bo ready by Decoration Day. They will consist of a black beer akin hat, white double breasted dree*coat wltb red trimmings, and gilt braid and bine pantaloons wllh white welt.

—City clerk Bhe-pard haa loot a valuable assistant IB hla clerk, Mr. P. C. Wlggin, who goes to tha Washing to* Mills count- ing room; Mr. Wlggla baa beea with clerk Sbepard for some time, waa wall with tha duties of the office, and will be missed by those who have been accustomed lo transact much busi- ness there.

—Mr. J. II. Coon of this city, bss been awarded tbe contract for bonding a brick block on Wlngate atreel, Haverblll. Tha building will bo oO fast front, If on the west, m on the rear, and en oa th* east side. Tb* work will be under the super- vision of Mr Howard Coon, a brother of J. H., who will also have charge of all his work la Haverblll tbla season, as Mr. Coon Bnda bis time wholly occupied In Hoeloa, where he Is building the I argent block la New England.

-At the semiannual iilecllon at Torn- Vreln laat night, tbu following offlcera were elected: President, A. P. Vorhilx; vice presldent,Allsn Clans; r«c sec, Ch. Helnlg; cor. sec.. Hog • Barkhardt; cashier, H. Bnttaer; treaa., W. Bode; BlbllotbecarlBB, B. Q. Plletscbt wardeoe aad directors of gymnastic exercises, H. H. Dick, H. Beck, W. Ploettaer, 0. Arn- bold. F. Hanaler, and II. Otto, war* elect- ed delegates to tb* District Convention to be held In Hotyoke, next month.

Some children playing la n field near the south depot, yesterday, discovered a box containing tan nickel circular mantel clocks ol th* "SpSrUe" and "Peep 0' Day** dealgn, which bad evidently bein bidden. There were doubtless a dosen originally in the box, the greater portion or the cover of which wa* mlsslag. Oa the por- tion remaining wei a piece of a printed label, bearing tba worda "HoyV* ex- press." The clock* were evidently stolen from some of tbe express care.

—Apropos of the traffic lo oleomargar- ine, now ao extensively going on In tbla city, a good story la toll of a boantlug- bouse keeper. Tbe other ti*y abe waa In- specting some butter st one of lb* pro- vision store*, when the gentlemaaly clerk accosted ber, and Inquired if he coald not sell her some irood Vermont hotter. She replied thai abe wished to iml some but- ter, bnt did notcare to pay too high price. He asked her about how much she desired to pay, when she replied: "O, 1 dos^'t know; I want butter for boarders; almost anything will do." And «he got a tab 01 "oleo."

—The extraordinary growtborthe port- al money order business, both foreign and domestic, haa rendered necessary,enlarged accommodation* In the Lawrence port olllce, and tbo dusk lo the money order and reglatry department ha* been extend- ed across the Appletoo street side, afford- ing about doable the accommodations to the pabllc In tfa« ailing of applications; for aome time past, the spec* haa been ao constantly occupied during the evening, aa toneceasiinleno Inconalderable amount of walling oa the pan of applicants, which will be obviated by ibe increased desk room.

Thursday t-voting, sues ol the many friend* of Mr. and Mi*. J. 11. Duulsp. gathered at their realJunc.. No. 2fl Acton

treet. Bad at the hand* od'Mr. John Col- um they wite inailii ihi> teclplenu of a

large qaajlhy of thii worki* goods,such a.* grocerlen nod provisions, also a neat earn ofmr.ney. Mr. DunlapoT Into has beeu ConQned to bin honse with *av*re lllnew, end tbe expruselon* of gratitude from Mr. and Mrs. D. cau belter ba imagined than expressed. The evening waa spent lo a so-

way, ibe party disbanding with a hearty Hfanke bands snd good night, leav- ing Mr. and Mrs. D. to examine tbe parcel* with which they had been "pound-

May be printed, bat not pabllehed,— aklns.

-Good-bye March! Wouldn't bav* you again If we coald.

—It has COBI $1818 to illuminate tbe Odd Fellows clock thai far tbla year.

—Wot. C. Chapin, Esq., of Providence, formerly Agent of Pacific Mill*, was la the city oa Toenday.

- Oar old lime friend sod Tallow cltl- sea, Ben). Booth, Esq., mad.) a brier call upon many of hla former acquaintances,' thl* week.

—Police officers Shea, Murphy, an Fox, harsreslgaad.owlag to the long llnued delay lo entiling lb* qaeetlon ss to their pay.

—Aa elderly lady called al a store tbo other day and Inquired; "Have ye Iny of that lard ye call butter?" Bbe wanted oleomargarine.

—One of Sheriff Herrlck's deputies, Daniel Potter, of Salem, waa 81 yaara old laat Thursday, and eaters upon his elgbty- eecoad year, apparently, "Just aa young aa he need to be."

—Agent Plagree of the Doa rd orBealb has purchased a new horse from Porter' Bros., for the Health department. It waa recently brought from Kentucky; welghi 1200 and cost $$80.

—Tor Mr. Haaen, wbo«* case wss In he police cooitthla week, w* can aay,

that he haa attended to a considerable amount or collections for tbe Astaaicaa, aad always wllh promplaaae and fidelity.

—A aalt agalaat the Boston A Lowell railroad, by the heirs of Rnfus K. Chase, of Concord, who waa killed by a gravel train la I860, waa settled Tuesday, when $$750 was paid by the corporation, with


-About sixty uf th* friends or Mr. Thoa. Atherton. residing on Pnrk street, aarprlaed him Monday evening by tbe pre- ■flotation of a handsome gold charm and a violin box. A good tlma followed, with dancing, games and the amusement usual on each occasion*.

-Mr. M. W. Webber, who baa been is- alstaet superintendent or the Bverett Mill*, while Mr. F. C. McDuffle haa acted aa superintendent, haa, upon tbe promo- tion of the latter to be Agent, also stepped upward, aad been appointed Superintend- ent.

—Oa the rather important matter of woman suffrage, discussed and voted up- on In tbe house of representatives Tues- day, tha Lawrence members seem to favor th* ladles, Messrs. Donovan, Poor and Scott voting for, and Mr. Nichols against the measure.

—Thomas Oanahan, who U awaiting trial In tbe Superior Coart, for adaager- oas assault oa Thomaa Qanley, at the Everett Mills, and who haa been nt large oa $500 bonds, was surrendered Tuesday Boon by bla bondsmen, George Giles snd Robert Heyworth. He waa again taken to tall.

—At the quarterly election of officers oftbnlaaex Club, Monday evening, tbe following were elected.- President, B. C. Wbltcher; vice-president, A. X. Colby; secretary, Geo. W. Hayden; treasurer, W. H. Russell; executive committee, Q. A. SaBbora, Chas. J. Wlggin,11. P. Ladd.

—OB Friday evening laat Mr. and Mrs. George Barnbam were considerably sur- prised by a call, at their realdence on Broadway, of a party of friends who pre- aented them with a pome of money, a silver cake basket, and tea-pot. Mr. Buroham feelingly responded, and the evening was passed In the usual way.

—The oldest daughter of Mr. Herman Jaagcr, 4$ Woodland street, died Mondsy night, after a brief illness of typhoid fever. She contracted the disease from German emigrant, who had been kindly taken la and cared for by h«r parent She waa nineteen years of ege and au li teraatlag and Intelligent young lady.

—Tha tramp thieves Bridget and Agnes Fltxgerald, were given a good dose of justice in the police coart Wednesday, For tbe larceny of $10 from Mrs. McPbee, a silk dre** and two blankets from Mrs. McGovern, ana a purse and money from another parly, Agnea waa sent lo the Lancaster Industrial school daring her minority, a term of four years. Bridget, for complicity to tbe larceny of tho swat* ket* and money, waa sent lo the woman's prison ac Sberborn. for ooe year.

Grand Aray Unnjip Kin*.

The Manchester Poet, O. A. It., bsve arranged their loog cojtemplaled visit to Poet SO, of this cl tr, coming on Wednes- day evening next, when tbe biggest uott ol a eamp Are will be kindled by Ihe Lea rence born for their guest*.


—A alraukre fatality appear* lo bave beea attached to parlies who have been connected with the case of Katrson v*. Bacbellnr which wai heard IB the aupet:- or court yesterday. Six years ago Emer- son faraiahed wood to a man named Fu**t uf PlaUtow. who refused to pay him fur

He learned that tbe real principal wae a man named Dastle,aad nued him. Bine*

auit began, Du*tln died, hie admlala- trator. Patch, who wa* aleo atted, died,

now Bnchellor aa administrator rte bonfs tun ia aued. Judge Tnggart of Haverblll who broughr, lh* original writ Is dead, aa la also Judge Perkln- who ws* one of the original eonosel. Emerson, hi plaintiff, is nearly aa jJ*af aa a post.


Miss Sarah L. Sargent baa returned to school at Soath HsJIey.

Htm Carrie Oawley, or Mammae, is Tinting friends ia Iowa, this wash.

gams or ball, will be played here on Fast day, between two "picked nines."

Cnpt. Horatio Stevens lias advertised for sale, hi* larm and building*, on How street.

Mr. Henry H. Hart, was admitted to the New Hampshire bar at Concord, on March 16.

The Meibnen National Bank, will pay a semi- annual dividend of three per cent, on April 1st.

Mrs. Penis Psine aad •na.ofHallowell Maine bav* bean visiting relatives In town, durlne ihe past week.

The Congregational society, will bold their annual parish meeting, oa Monday afternoon aaxt, la tb* vestry.

Rev. Mr. Berry, of Salem N. H., preached at the Congregational church, morning aDd aftcr- aoouou dauday last.

Thai Catholic temperance socialr are making preparation* to bold * fair *l tbe town ball, sometime in tbe mootb of May.

The Spicket reform club is In a prosperous condition, aad has Joel had naw billiard tables placed m Its hall oa Broad war.

Mr. J. B. Squire, has found employment In a Newhnryport hat manufactory, and win remove bis lamlly to ibat citr, la the course of a few weeks.

Mr. Henry (Jove, has gona to Oeorlng, N. II., to spend tbe summer. He I* In hopes by giv- ing ap business for a season, he may rexaln hh usual health. . l*-»,q.A. Cressr.ofN.H.. n expected to deliver tbe address here, on decoration day. Ho was formerly settisd hero, as pastor of tbe M- E. Charch.

Mr. Daniel W. Taaney, ia having a fence ball! around bl* premises, which sdd* m*eb to lb* Improvement of the place. Mr. Jesse A. Town* does the work.

A large delegation of Metbaen people went to Lawrence, oe Tssidsy evening, to Witness the play of -Joshua Whltoomb. a* presented by Mr. Dsnman Thompson.

Mr. B. F. Ubeaa bo* boufbt a niece or land at the corner ot Rsllroad and Union streets, which was formerly occupied by a bat shop, and owned by tbs late Moaee Vv. Bo wen.

An adjourned pariah meeting was held at the I'lovers.lint church, ** Tuesday. Tbo rau- vaaaing oornmitlea asked for more lime in wblcb to report, and it was granted. Rev. l)r Flanders I* expected lo preach at that cburcn on Sundav next.

_ H. Fernald waa presented, oa Satar- d*y but. wllh s gold watch and chain by oper- atives la tbs Pacific Mills, who have been in his

mploy. Ho bss Just closed his labor* wltb that corporation, having been la their service over twenty year*.

Th* Clark farm, se called, at th* north part of iha tow*, which waa sold or mortgagee's sale, last week, was bought by the former own- er, Mr. Alfred Clark. Mr. Staple* removed from tha farm several weeks ago, aad has tak- en np hla residence la Chelsea.

The reform clcb. will celebrate tba (IfHi an- niversary of Its organization, on Sunday evenln* BSII, at ihe town kail. K. P. Frye, Esq., of North Andover, will deliver an address, aad other speaker* will address tbe meeting. A good onhesir* will be present to furnish music.

The Methuen relorm club elected six dele gate* on Snnday evening last, to attend tbe temperance convention lo be holdsB at Haver- blll next week. The delegates gnm oa follow*' W. H. Uttkbraadt, M. w. Kevio. Itev J. w. Walker, Rev. Z. 8. ll..,'*,..,., F. A. Mnear and J S. Kmery.

The pabllc school* will commence next,with the fotlowlne change ol teacher*: Mo* Emma II Qage g.-en fn.m tha Grusvrnor lo th* Barker school; lliss K.ia Bodwill h trsnsfirred from our >-i Ibe west-side pr ma-

Andover Advertiser. FBIDAT MOBKlNG.APiUL 1. 18S1.

Kail read Tralaa. Leave BoKton lor An.laver,7.S0, 0.30, 10,1s A,

M.: 11 St.; li 30, H.3U, S.J0, 4, .1, S, H.U and MOP. M, arriving here ui7.s0BBd8UiP. M.

Leave Anilover furlloaton. G.Ot, 7.1,1, B..0S. fJB, aM, li io, a. M., nud i-i at, \i-ia, t.w,,i.a, OS* and Too P. Jl. ftt'.-iioeiday 0.3* F -M ) (Friday 053 V. U.) For tttn North Sid, A. «., lj.», 6.31 P. M. For tbe East 8.11 A. M.; 1.13, ii lu P.M. For Lowell 7.i3,MA3.V.U.; u.ju,i.0j,;i.;■:.,* *3,6.3u.7.0*l'.M

A good spjll u| luck: begin It with a P. Tbe nigh borss< tbe off one whs* he

rani sway. Kwp your stovj coiled If you would keep

your bouse warm. fiiwln Upton hu leased tho "Hush Wilsou

plait" lor ooe year. The canl of Bradley A Parlln, will bo foaod

In the Andover Business Directory.

Bee. B. P. Bowles, of Boston, will preach at the town ball next nabbatb afternoon.

Frol. W. J. Tucker preached for KJV. Ur. McKcnsie, In Cimbrldm.-, laat Habbath.

Tbe selectmen will be In tessloi lor at their room, nexi MjuJiy alternoin.

George M. 1'aaho haa sold his ntnd and build- ings oa ilrook street, to KiUiard Ilradsbaw.

Profdssor Caurchfil will deliver a lecture in tbeCinf-rogatioiwI church at VWiarn, April Idle.

.UrnJS Lie hat removed from M*rl*nl Vil- lage to Methuen, and work* in the Arlington Mill*.

James H. Smith hu been coutlacd to ills res- idence ror twe or three weeks out, with rheu- uutlsm.

Mr. William E. u-oic.ii of the ttjmissry, "III preach at tho South church, nexi Haaday oBUfsBasp

Mr and Mrs. Edward Callabnn or Missouri, and formerly of this town, ire vidtlng friends la this plsc.

Lut Sabbalh E. C. Upton completed bis fony-filth year as a rnuuibur ol the Suutb church cbotr.

Timothy Pubo, recently of this town, had a hand badly cm by a circular saw st Wobnrn, a few days since.

The next term ot Phillip* Academy begins on Wednesday April nth, and Academy Friday, April 8th.

A newljr married couple were sitting In a pal- ace car, when she said, "Ueorgle, ain't yoa glad ws'rd relative* no*> i"

ttev. Dr. Tucker will give a missionary ad- dresa at ibe Free cburcb, next Sahbaih evening, commencing at 7 o'clock,

Tbe stone pitcher used by John Brown during bis imprisonment in Chsrlestown, Virginia, lately sold for Dve dollars.

Union services will be luld at the South church on Fsst Oar, commencing at 10.30 A. U. Sermon by Kev. Dr. Gulliver.

Benjamin Cboever has bean appointed sexton at the -South church, and to bave charge of the burial yard connected with It.

Tbe sea loam groan U a favorite evening color. It I* a tint of blue greun like the crested wave, and combines beautifully with pink.

H. M. Hay ward A Son have a largo quantity and superior iiuul.iy of Ice for iluir patroni

See their advertisement,

■Adonis vernal Is, blood root, lily of tbs valley dietytrla specublis, Adams needle, Amerlcsn cowslip, ragged robin, bachelor buttons, baby'* breath, flonr-do luce, many sorts, day lily, sort*. lar/spnr, sorts, Chinese peony, sorts, monks- hood, sjrts, campanula, sorts, spiroji, torts, columbine, sjrU; transplant or divide when in full leaf. Phlox, spring, summer and fall

Too Phlox bai boon so much Im- proved that with new kind*, one could have a creditable garden with them alone. Lilies,

.ndldum, white fragrant lily, transplant jut alter tijwojing, move seldom as possible; Japan litlei, amain in, golden bead lily, b HUUIIII. Rubrum, rotetim, album, all are Dae, ought to be planted are inches deep and have light pro- tection lo winter. Avuinii.

Clonlaf report of the Cjmmlttee on the l.isuec lion ot I'jrrai by Ihe chairman, C. M. Abbott:

Before we close tne meeting* or the Farmers' Club, a few fact* relstius to farming la Andover may not tie ont of place. Tbe Inspection Commit, lee made no regular systematic vislllns ol farms, therefore tbe report will be of a general charao " ; giving no special report oo any particular

in. Andover is not strictly an agricultural rn, built contain* mis' excellent firm* and m who understand bow to manase them suc-

cessfully. Owing to the broken conditi -n or Ibe land, imeren anifln tome places sandy and bar- ren, wllh now and then a varjr rocky and bushy held, wblcb are all obstacles In tbe way of Ibe •iroUtable cultivation of the soil, tbe prospect in some aspects I* not very encouraging. Upon examini-if many of the farm* we com* to tbe r.jiiriiiM.iu that a few men are not ajapted to llielr .-ailing a* it I* sometimes expressed, Ibey have missed their call In jr. One fact worthy of notice Is that Ibe best farmer* have a mechanic's irade, perhaps accumulating a sullcient amount or money working at a trade to purcboss a good raran. Tin largest body or olesred land aad good soil suitable to crow large Drops of grass He* - mi tli of the Seminary, between sale u street and Ike Turn-like, or extending over several hun- dred acre* oa Ibe turnpike, with tbe exception it B lew farms tbe soil 1* not In a high slate of ultlration, and will aot at present compare with

a a* ul many farm* IB the waiter* part of tha tnn-n where manure Is used In great abundance. TUB Hardy'*, lloulwell*, aad ShaUur.k Brothers, and many others boy from Lowell, Lawrence, and more recently from Boston, hundreds of cord* "'manure, tin* who ba* not vi.iled the we. Win

rt or our town recently would be surprise.) if should Uksarideover that neighborhood and ■ What I* done IB farming. PernapS noplace >w* graatar improvements than lhat of Ihe

tthatluct llrotber*. Theae men *ere all born on one of tbe forma tbey now own, aad ahow the advantage* of boys (row* oa a farm, In their

ssful business career. Hew many such

this at The Andover National Bank has declared a

semi-annual dividend of three dollars and fifty cents per shsie, payable on and after April 1st,

John Barry, on Pike street, bai an excellent Jersey cow and calf for sale. Any person wish Ing to boy a 11 rst rate cow will do well to makt him a call.

Said Brawn, "Smith won't have so soft ■ thing as be ba* had." "I don't know," replied Robinson -" he'd bare a soft thing so loag u he doesn't lose bis bead."

Mr. Harry L. Brkkett ol the seminary, preached lor his father at Iho Congregational church, liili.luro Bridge, N. II,, bio native town, last Sibbath evening

An unoccupied houae, and barn were burned In North Tewkabury on Monday nlgbt. It li known as the "William Brown place"and tbe property was owned by Larklu Ti "

The Koyal Arcanum li rapidly increasing la numbers, last Friday evening adding eight new members to the organization. They have a very unique sign on Cattci '* brick block.

A young lady was caressing a pretty spaniel and murmuring, "I do love a nice dog!" "Ah," •etui a dandr Handing near, "1 wonid I were i dog!' "Never mind," retorted the young lady ibarplv, "you'll grow."

All satis and Dgured silks are spoken *f as rich when they are mentioned by moat fashion reporter*, but In reality some of these good) silk and satin on tbe surface onlr, and are cheaper than tino wool.

Io the report of the annual meeting or ibe Farmers' Clab published last wook, there were two omission*. Varnum Lincoln wu chosen Secretary, ani H. M. Hay ward a member of the Inspection committee.

The Captain Nathan Shatlnck farm In tbe West Parish, wa* sold a; auction on Wedneadny lut, by R^hards & Carrier, fur #4,600. It con. slats ol 6*4 acrea uf land, with building*. Pur- chaser, Timothy Donovan.

Rev. Mr. Wright's scientific lecture, which would regularly come next Monday evening, deferred till tbe second Monday la April. M Wright is to give bis lecture on tbo Glacial Period, In Salem nc:.t Monday.

"Ton bave loat some of your trlemls, I see," said a traveler to a negro whom he bad met on tbe road. "Yas, mesas." "Waa ft a near or distant relative ? * "Weil, pretty distant, 'bout twenty four mlmi," wu the reply.

B. Frank Smith has purchased tbe "old Cith- oU.-church edifice" and land connected there- with, situated oa Csatral street. Tbe building baa not been used since tbe society bave occu. pied their new church*on Essex street.

Nearly 16,000 Immigrants arrived In thli country during the month of February, only 898 from Ireland. Ocrmany furnished 6392. During tbe lut eight months trj,099 Qcrman immigrants have IsndoJ In this country.

The public school* in town commenced their oprlng term on Monday, baring tho a-ime teach- ers as last term with a single exception. Miss Llsile li. Abbott take* Iho place of Miss Emma L. Ward leiigned, lo tho Aubutt district, West Parish.

All soldiers snd ssilors In town, who have given In ibelr names for tbe lormationof a post ot tbe O. A. It, and other* who Intend lo be- come members, are desired to be present at the organisation, at tbe town hall, on ucxi Monday evening.

Lut Sabbath, Kev. Joseph Bisks preached nt the cbBpel, Itev. Qulucy U bitney or Snmerville at the town bull, and Itev. F. II. Johnson occu- pied tbe pulpit of the Free church in tbe even- lag. Bishop Paddock preached at Christ Church In tbe afternoon and administered tbe rite or confirmation to eight persona.

Mr. Cbu. F. Bronsoa, ion of iw. Dr. Bran- son, expects to raovo to thl* town shortly, wltb his family. Ho will occupy the upper part of ibe double dwelling house next to tbe block oo Maple Avenue. Mr. B. is employed In connec- tion wltb tbe whole isle confectionary establish- ment of 8cbnett<-r & Abeadroib, Cnarlestown etrect, Bouou.

A traveller In tbe conntry ol the old Moobiles iho*i that the south of lhat land of mini wa* more densely peopled than the northern part, for thh singular reason, the llmesioce in the ormer crops out In Innumerable little protuber-

ances, and Ibese are hollowed out to receive and store rain water, the grand aourcj of supply tor the Inhabitant* of ibos* sterile regions.

Tbe ladles of tbe sawing circle or tbe Biptlsi church, meet with many pleamnt favor* in the arrangement of tbe "May D»y Festival" for Monday and Tmutd4y,'2J and 3J ult. Look oat for the "May Flower," by which name Ihe little aboet, or newspaper to be published by I hem, will be duly Introduced to the public. Twill be printed by the publisher* of Ibe Lawrence American.

An adjourned, entbuiiaitic meeting or the soldiers and sailor*, was bold on Monday even-

_ Tbe committee on forming a poet of Ibe Q. A. H., reported that they h id received forty-

I name*, and tho meeting wn* adjjtirned to 'Xt Uondav evening, when tbo pos . will be

formed snd officer* chosen. In ibe absence of tbe secretary, eiamusl W. UlnntBcted as sec re. tary pro. tern.

Tbe commltteo of the leclRlnture, on Public Health, who hare the Miawshin matter under consideration, Is compjsad of tho following members: Messrs. Horton ot Ksiex, Tirreil ol Middlesex, sud Ingsli* of Worcester, of the senate, and M Wiiion ol Boston, Chamber- lain ot Cambridge, Hamlin ul Boston. Viola* of Conway, Hbcpard of Brsiniree, and Mc- Manasol Nntick, of the House.

Kagland h ng money obulaed io other prefetaion*.

1 beautifying

or Now Kagland have bee* aad are .-.-^»oa*|or--T

lu Imp roving (farms, Ibe Held* and not i

it is often said that those who engage In tbo cullivatloa of the soil are ignorant or coarse and rough In manner*; aad lhat iaoor 1* degrading. Ws are forced lo admit thai to aome ex-eat It la

of studying oaturetbaa these who dwell among it* lunuiie*. to witness tbe growth and develop mentol plants aad tree*, to bear tb* slnglag of the bird* and breaths th* pare air that cant f ' - eajoyed la the (hop or store. If Ui**e opport_... tie-are properly improved, devoting •nob spare time as tbe farmer ha* ia the loag winter even- lug* to reading; what mind eaa ask for be tie healthier cultivation, another fact Is loo c lorgotten, lhat I* tbe advantages of children whose early life is spent on tbe farm. All om large cities are dependent upon Just lhat ciaai for their very life and *xt*t*nne. A short tim.. ■lace Springfield waa thoroughly canvassed and TS per cenL of the loading bual.iei* men, the In- fluential sod solid men of tbe city were born In toe country on farms. Men like WebcUr and Abraham Lincoln wllh an intellect supported by a abreag physical constitution that could endure the severe strain brought to bear upon It In days of grsol peril lo our nation, were country fan er'a sons.

Hut this Is not on farming In Andover. Aft., alluding to tbe two localities containing the largest tracts ol good land, we And scattered among tbe hills some beautiful and fertile odd* and aeveral deserving tpecial mention. Some in rompsr.wn with what they are aunoun.led arc like an oaaU in th* desert. One small lot of foui

H8S*Xf/ David Mlddlrto*; perhaps would be dlfAunlt to exeel by even the moit experienced rarraer. aeveral farms In ibe vicinity of ihe Weal church are In a bigh atate of cultivation and without eiludlog to those previously reported upon, a tract of land out up loin assail pieces comprising Dr. Waller H. KlmhaJi>a.and tAoaeT' '.lining, extending across N. VV. Hasen'* laou easterly. Is Of aaperlor qaallly and yielded heavy crop* of grass. IB regard to what crop* are the most profitable to grow, is a question much dis cussed and in many Instances Uifltcult to aaiwer. What would be a correct answer la one case would be wrong la another; the asms answer wonid not do for different location*, all men are not .'ualiaed lor the asms department ot iarming And Inl* question csn bust be solved bv our la- dividusl experience. But one thing I* necc.sarv lor our general welfare as farmers, lhat Is - operation or B better uBder*Undii>g between * "iner, noi munupoly, but fair and honest dealing iu tbe every day trades of life, and one of the great advantages of our farmer*' clab la tot! end. Socially we may receive ten.fold good, ai... it more young men will enter and improve evory opportunity our club offer*, we have no doubt the whole town will feel the ■ Irenglh.nnd while our town ranks high IB edu- cation, and Ihe leading mon, ihoae who ore our Instructors, our FroreBaors.ilHiw great Intercnt In agriculture, mav we not well b* proud Of What baa Illicit ocnompiUhed aad look lorwar.l to a brighter future.


J. Arthur Shsw agreeably entertilned the Andover Bros* Band, and others, numbering altogether nearly one hundred person*, on Fri- day evening. An abundant and excellent tup per wu served la tho bowling alley ball, on Elver street, and tbe eve a lag was pleuintlv spent la gooses and sociability.

Tbers wu * large gatberln| at the parting testimonial, given* few evening since to llev W. Wllkle, of tbe Methodist church. A fine foliation wu partaken or and tho occasion was much enjoyed. The reverend gentleman bss been stationed In this place three years, end during this period hu woo the respect and es- teem of tbe entire community, The people would gladly have him return again, but the three year*' limit prevents.


Howland, of Boston, will make tha new uni- forms for tbe Merrlmacs.

If tho weather permit*, tbe jEtnu are to play a practice game. Fast Day.

The Ladies' Circle of tbe M. E. Church will hold a fair In Mcrrlmac Hilt, in twe or three

Mr. Wm.T. McKone hu resigned hli pool lion ss organist of 8t. Patrick's Chnrcb, at Lawrence, and St. Michael's.

Plans have been prepared by Architect F,m- orion, of Lawrence, for the remodeling of the interior of tbo Unitarian Church.


We have received from K I ward Tavlor, MO., I H ii -.ui. I , a catalogue of tho Andover Theolog- ical Seminary juit Issue.!. Resident licentiate*; 7, Senior class 29 Middle class 22, Junior clui 10, total 68.

Representation: Rales Cjllcge, Colby Uoi- ver-diy, Coraeil University, Doane College Hamilton College, Maryviilu College, Man ■ Agricultural, Mich.; College Wabaah College, Wayncaburg C'Jllege. Western Refcrvo College and Uol»er*lty of Wl»con*ln. 1 each; Reiult College and Itlpon College, 2 each; Harvard College 3; Uruwn University Williams College and Vale College, 4 each.' Ison graduate* &. Oberlin College fi, Darltnouth College, 7, Amheril College 19.

Illinois, Inaians, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Canada and Turkey 1 cich Connecticut, Maine and Michigan 2 each; New York. Rhode island and Wisconsin 3 each; Now llan.pshln 4; Ohio 0; Massachusetts 34,

The unexpected interest manifested In the question or Floriculture at our Farmers' Clun, Induces m. with year leave, to give tbe names of a re* ol tbo many plants thai are aaivof cultivation mordinHrrgarjcn.and dwellings. I will not spea of rare or expensive plants, b-ioayof suibusure wnbm the reailtoinil Inters i f a .wen.

Tbe Interest and progress In II

osca lied a floral foul. This we-k «ewdl uk< Ipjnaiioe in ruutir


The ,t,tns* will have red stacking* and trlt_ mlngi. in the place or bine, u originally intend - -I. They are expected neat —'

Tbs annual meeting of tbe itn ihe Congregational Cuarei

M^niJ'T ewe-tag, April 4th, In tbe vestry, at 7-30 o'clock. *

N. F. Fry- gaq., is to deliver a temperance address at tha Metbuea Town Hall, on Sunday evening next, on tbe ftrth anniversary or the Reform Club of that place, at 8 o'clock.

Mr. Patrick Qllspln. formerly overseer of the spinning room or the North Andover Mills who eaa reported dead and bnrled, wu In tiwn Wednesday, apparently aa well as ever.

Prior to tbe business meeting or the Land Lesgne, Sunday afternoon, Menu. Tbos. F. McOowao and 8. F. McQqo.ton, or Lawrence,

ssfiSJsr* "< ""•""" en,ert"n- The action or President Oarflold, la nomina-

ting Hon. Gen 11. Loiing, lor Commissioner ol Agriculture, Is favorably commented noon by

tSKmSi9^^ whicb ,h' ,™oe(u' Mr. a». N Cross will repeat hla lecture on

The Chemistry or Air, Fir* aud Water"' at 5-£?#.ft!!' ^" r,w»T •"Blag, by rerjueit of tbe Fanners' and Mechanics'^ Club. The public are invited.

Yonog Waterman, charged with Mtilns Are to Mr. John 0. Brown * barn, wa* brought be- fore Judge Uiiiiin. Tuesday morning. He" was a-1 judged guilty of malicious mlscbbl and placed on probation for three months.

Tbo Sheridan Dramatic Clan, of Lawrence, which played iu this town a Tew week* since will present the drama "The Street, of New Kt*W S™t2S """' 1'««n<**,on the "gib last, for tbe benefit or the Orphan Asylum.

Rev. J. H. Cllflbad, who hu received a call from the Unitarian Church, of Davenpor Iowa, h*s tendered bis resignation, to take ef feet in June. As yet no action has been taken r7J . £"*}■ bu\ " " "nnentaod that Mr. (. Ilfford ba* determined to accept tbo call.

"Y* Old Folku" announce a concert at Steven. Hall. Wednesday evening. Ap"" i.S Mr. Edward Bntterworth will wield ihe baton Tiii.Vo? °( *•*«'•■* "rtiters Will sing, rickaii, 25 and S5 cents. To be procured at be post offlce, Edwards & LlaasiTs, J. 0

Brawn's, snd *t tb* door. . The preliminary steps were taken, Saturday

evening,ai a meeting held In the CoBgregn- llonol vestry, for tbo establishment of a a.ibor- dlnote coromandery of tbe Order of tbo Oolden Crose. Ion perron, signed a petition for the arfHfsVgg'l ° K" Ch'rter- AnMb" ■«• "« Hg" s. MI i:>f • "mo *•■ s"nrd" ""

Tho Ehen Button social assembly, which oc- ears .t Stevens Hail, Wed nesdayiMniag next, mm doubtless attract . goodly number. VnS.hi committee be,tag oaporvl*lon of so. arrange- ments, aisnr* u. ibst nothing will be left un- done which can conduce lu the pleasure of'those conwmplallng attending. EveryrfonsNIta made io retain tbe old-time prestige of tha ol! jWjjMIt**, *od a royal time I* ■*% to b* the

Some modification, have been made in tha Program.* for the Land League entertainment *i Merriwac Hs.l, next Wednesday eveatag (Failivej, rendered necessary en account of me Inability of a ccrtalo nerson u? tnMwMns. Asnowarranged It emlraces an address by lion. John K. Tarbox. readings by Miss 0 Keefle and Mr. Oeo. N. Cross, vocal and ia- ""■""■»■■■•. b' 'be Misses Welsh, and Si. Michael's choir, assisted by other talent. wei nSm,^*r of ,b* "■»»"• «nd (Mends or Mr Wm. 8. Currier, wbo reside, oo Second Street dropped In upon him, at hli home, a lew even- SPJSS T***Dlf "rprlslng him. The arti- cle. tend.reiTcouhded or a costly «.y ch.r and a handsome ottoman. Mr. Chis. Worthing acted as speechmaker for the invaders, and

Currier suitably responded. One of ine

Unite a large number of the Odd Fello attended* moetlog convened a' 'he Kben Bat\ urn ball, Friday tvenisg. As tbs majority of I the best oltsstcd building lite* are In tba bands of Oen. Button. It was deemed advisable lo awall that gentleman's return before taking any further slops In retard to lelecting a lot. A committee conalsting ol Iha following gen. ti.■in. ii wu cboscn to tlslt snd Inspect balls de- voted lo tbe purposes for wbicb ft la intended to erect one, snd to select suitable plans for a structure: E S Robinson, D. W. Hotel Ine, H. B. Foster, John Pollard, Wm. Liing, Oeo. I,. Harris, Ervao Cbesley.

Tuesday, Joseph M. Stone, Esq., Mrs. Sarah F. Stone, and Joa. II. Stone, Esq., of this tows, Kirch a* ed tbo lot ol laud on tbe north Bids of

saex Street, Lvsrence, lying between Blck- Brothers, and Tenney's block, occupied by wood-yards and fruit stand*.. It was pur- chased of Mr. Thomas P. Tenney, Of Wloea**- ter. for 92.65 s foot, the purchasers also to pay betterment* for Ibe standing walls oa alihar *:de. The lot 1* 63 feet front, aad M deep, making the toUl amount paid tor tb* real es- tate, #15,279.90. It's tbo mtsntloo of tha pur- chasers to erect a brick building on lb* lot, aad tbe present occupants bsve bee* notified to vs- raie by the first of May.

Prince & l.ivlgtic's Mastodon Cosapany ap- poors at Mcrrlmac Hall, Tuesday evening April 19th, with tbe appended array of talent: Prince and the Lsvicne Brother*, In their latest aerial acts; tbe mocarch. of Hlberolau sees a- tries, Waaataff and ltoilron ; Hen thorn aad O'Connor, the Lanifalre clog team ; Wbitter Bad Walsh, In the "Market Btaketi" T. Sbe*ba*. mimic and general performer- ibe lamoa* from comedian, J. M. Dacey; Pete Tanner, and gsn- ersl perlormer- Wm. Had field. In bis great specialty. -'The Apple Woman ;" We*. W**lsy, motto vocalist and character aotor) Wsg. j. McCarthy, n.gro ImpersaBatoriMiaass N*wtoa snd Dotnlngue, vocallsUj Miss Parana, la songs snd daneaai Muior Tierney, is Indian club exercises. Jos. E. L-ery, th* comedlaa and bona player, will bava the manogrmsatot the siafr.

A very large and enthusiastic audience galb- ITMI IO the vestry ol the Congregaibnol Charch, Sunday evening, tbe occa toe being the regs- lar meeting of the Temperance (tockty con- ni'ted with that church, coapled with tb* (out ibat lh* Rev. Mr. Hawks, rt pre** at. eg the Seamaa's Friend Society, would b* pre seat snd give bis illustrated temperance teeter*. This Illustration is given bv an allegory called tha "Black Val'ev R B / and is represented by* large painting on runts shoeing a bsaatlfal land of sanihmo on too left, and u It Basses to ths right it gradually darkens and fisallyind. In midnight dsrkBsu aad death. T*g*Utisa is siso beaatlisl and thrifty In ihe sand or ma- nias water, ant entirely disappear* sad th* load become* tierlie ere ft reacies'ths dark aad dismal and. A train of ears M nnisetfsaj M ■ lartlag fnim Sippingtoa, a town en th* oat- nit Irts of the beautiful country where tb* drluk- lug man first commence, hie career, and a* patting on through tbe duTsreel stage* *f lae- brUcy until the whole irsin Is barled to dostrac- tiuu. Mr. Hawk* n an old worker la lbs tata- perance caase, and hi aad bl* famont ail*Bory have become familiar In households all over lb* country. As a story it It tiaite Interest tag, sad u au illustration oi It* evils or 1*1—as*isatis it i* very truthful. The rcverrnd anaikmac was here some yem »go wlia ijtts***** ssetsr*. Mil be eaa welcomed >i<veribef*** aad th* au- dience was wail pleased.

Alleged] Crookednee*. James Uaien, Jr., or Lawrence, wu arrested

lut Friday, by Uistrlct Officer I'hllbrtck, on* charge or ambcailleg 9*3.06 from L. H. Boa- seti. Button Street. He wu sirslgneel la tbs police court Saturday morning. aT*s ease wu continued, Dr. Young becoming saraty.

Tbe facts ot tbe matter, u slated bv Baasett are a* follow.: OJ Us 7lh of April, be placed In llaun * bands lot collection, n Mil of 948 66 against Eastman A Co., grocers, alac* (ailed, tor canoed Iruii* sold them. Be called upon Has.n twice, who told him th* first time that be bad not collected the bill, and a pos his last visit Uss-n offered him #30 for it which be accepted. Upoo Basaett presenting ln, eh^g which he received from lisioa, at the ton National Bank, Friday, he wai 1 that the latter bad no deposit tbers.

Helen's version ol tbe transaction Is that he did not know Baasett when ho called lait week, and that be did not partbue the sill *n- Ul rtquested to do so by Bawett. Ha gave the check, beuld. with tbe underatanchng that It would not be presented until tho26tb, when he in [ended lo makeadeposlt sufficient to cover l,A Hf ULl!,.not d",y ln* ttn ,bw «•• *ry day after the bill was placed In his bands for eollec- iion, ba received lh* entire amount It called for irum Eutmsn & Co., and yet kept Basaett ln ignorance or ihe fact, "" ^^

Judge Harmon decided him not galltv of em- heaslement, when tbe case came before him Tuesday, snd, accordingly, Hasen was dli- cbsrged. Basteit bu received tbe tall saneest dus him, exccpUo* the ten per cent, which went for collecting iho earn*.

Strawberry Plant*, it Siedling and Charles Dewatag cents per 101-*Speri*S. * .... .,„. *■ *'_?»"M. No., HH..


POMP'S POND ICC! **"P«eI*>v«rttela far Craaaaef a,C*>tjltra

■e> Plteh«r*,ol.rHB-raiora, ste. ■8»lo el Prleet-lowsr the* e*er-U be

mnounccd. A sbsreof pstraatga solicited. Cull ssAlsfae

usual) May laL 8. aeapeetfutly,

HM HAVWAEPA &OH. Andover, April Mail

FOR SALE. An sxcellest Jersev Cow, tour rears old. bav-

IA BUT ^il BAKUT, Pike street, Andover.

Cam-Me n wealth ** nt * sen eh n setts. PHOBATI COURT.

K**BX,U. To the Kext of Eta, Creditors, and alt other JiXBTT* M. Scorr. late of Andover, |a aaid

county, iloglewomm, dt-ceased, tatasuie, WMUBAS, applict lion hu been made to .aid

Court to grants letter of admlBl.traUoei e. th* Batata ef aald deceased, to Joseph Icolt. ol Andover. In the counlj or C*aex •**"*• "' ,i», ^^7^ "-?* <•L*»l»eee st t Prob.le t-ourt, to be bsld at Haver hli, la Uhj eOBBtv of Essex, oa the second Meaday el'AptU next, .i Bin* o'eloek befera BBO*.to.hewrauM if aav yoa have, agatnal sraBHag the s*s*e.

A.d .aid Joseph Bcott"l. h*re*v dlreeted to giv* nubile notice thereof. by iiebltahlBsTtbls oiuilnn once a week, («r %hm «ao***.fv. week*, la ihe sowtpape'rcilledtST "0*^""

LawBKscx AMKBioa* and Axoovan AoranTisan,

printed at Uwrewoe, the laat pabilcatlo* to be two day. at leait before said ciu.t.

erinMMs ueorge F. Cboate. Ksqulre, Judge o( ib*d,«e"l: l',I.-."1TU«Blfc *r«* MaSCiB -ijht'v one. mhmmi *,«" ee»dred aad

*""' J-T- MAHOSIT. Regl.tar.

Commonwealth of Mastachuiatts. raOBATK COUBT.

To the Next of Kia. aa l all other n-.. , eated in tb* atiata or CitaiLBB H. BABOBar. of Morth Aadever

In said county, geoilemao, apeadihrtit,

rT?."iP!? "• ,*?***" B- °«"1ar. tsVg£sjr*jlan r*aidward. haa presented hi* poiTilea tor li-ense to sell eerula real cut, ihereta sWi ««l. of his ssl.l ward for iavavtmeat •

Yoa are b*rwbyels*d to appear aiam-nh.1. court to bs bold*, at «av^(X*s«CiSaB on the seaond Monday ol Aorll ska.L \Tm£l o'eleeh i. the foreneeA, to stowZaen nSl you have, why the same should aeitaarraitaV

And ihe laid guardian 1. ord.rid ti^-Wi %lt£*UMbr>mm»^tt™m£f22*

LawBKNoe AMBUOAV and Annavna AnvKariBa*, ,

a i.ewapaper printed at I.awreane. throw **■-,.

..?!•Ui■B,•' u*or«'* *■ Choate, Esq., Jndnaol

'"%eKj**f"""»«rtid*BdelgbiMBS 118*3 4 J.T. MAHUNir, Et

TOLKT.-TWQ awall Tunemeat*. with ear


•h car --*T. ABdevot.


»■ r.|«. .11 VWMSSI,SSMSS}!" ^ W. r. DSAPIR., M.rch 15. Ml. EnTlt"*'


MILLINEBr * FAS0Y 000DS. —Aaaara now—-

D*s>BBtU .n4 MmwrmWm»y. ■wsts*. aiamip|MR>H<iplaikla

MAW BTaggT, AJtDQVKB. ly .",„

RflfJft"»■¥« **» »** **nat«ur rforlst | •»« lbs evening hoars wore cbaraclerTied by

to primary in tbe IIigb school bailoiDg . Newto* F. Oordwn is aieigned to the

Orosvenorscbco ; Miss Etnme A. Oage Ink

cUmot .i.'.i tloti *f " ' bend lh,- wan

tn exc-ptic.ti* fit, it ilium. Fjr nt 11/ yetrs,

" b aeghwiad, ihu

| much merriment. "■" ! ■ $.**" °rro,,b^T. etten led by unmiiiakab'e

M*l m.9 n),mn Brlerley, projrletor ot •i- market o i Alain Street, left

; with locked doir-, In ibe

WOOD & COAL f lite isk am Fraiilii cuii


To. 8*... Ui j

JOHN CHANDLER. Andot.r. 0.l.r.r.,.eiT.<J...d l.lllf,

J. H.CIIANDI.KR',, .. u.„

0»"Mi)*"i oa<«.

bl, MUbtlibaeDt,



*»vl4 tjr

~^llMAAl POOR M*aBlaeturo>a*dhaafarsal*

Kapreas.atore.liwrhet, Bgtlh, ■..!»..

one of tb* west *ide prims'ie*;

the w nmon ■ualn, but wi lally -up wl

* HI* Oage, I rtcognla ible IS »i^as%!K* Wagon, a cart.


rite", the fliwers of, ll •n»r,n-d iiatoiutng luthi iront] qm i.ttv* s i mi h Improved s~ '


■ ■■ i^^^^ii^^^rassiis

J Commonwtalth of Man*.c h matt i.


To the helrs-st-law, next of kin, sod all other persons interested In the estate 01 Henrj flnrli, lale of Andorer, Is said conntr, MnHMrtli deceased:

_. Oiurng i Wbersa*, ■ certain instrument purporting

*• ■•. **jm will •■1 UiUmeVt o? Mid dMNMd k« bMB prS.ented (O Mid ooort for probate, by Hannah E. Bnrlt, who

QHA8.8. i'ARKEI,,

Funeral and Furnishing



If seplii ladit.r, Maii

-_. eltsd to appear si a probatr court to be held at baltm, ia laid couni, of Bssoz, M the flrst blonds? of April mil, al nine o'clock before noon, to show cause II aa/jou bare aaainet the lame.

And laid Haaaah B. Bartt Ii hereby Ji reeled to glwa public notice thereof, br put. H*hiag Ufa citation oaoe a week, for tErec woyalTQ f/ffca. In the ae wipe par celled the Lawrence Amsrloan and Aadorer Advertiser, prln^d at Lawrence, the Last publication to be 1 w* **J• " »•*•» before Mid eonrt.

Wiueaa. tiaorm r.Cbosta, Esq, Judge of saM Conrt, thl. loth day of March, ia the rear eaa thousand sight hnadred andel fhij-ouc.

'1IB 1 T. 1. MAtlUNKT. Rsgistsr.

NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the subscriber nai been duly appointed

adatialatrator, With the will annexed, of the MUUef ILIAKIM rflBLPB, l/li of Andorer. la the eone-

IT ol KIM I, ckrirnu, deosnseii. and ha* Ukaa IUH himself that trust, W ff if law bcndi M the law direct*. All parson* having doaiaad* upon the eitata of Mid deceased are rsauired to exhibit the MM; and all per eons Indebted to eald eaUM are called upon to

EauxaiCT MBDICAI. MBM understand tbat Dr. Bollocks'* Kidney Remedy." NEPHRET1- CUM," ii no quack medicine, but the prodno lion of one of the lint and foremost pbjslciani of bii day. and used by him with tbe greatest success. If ailing with Kidney troubles, Qrnv- el, Bladder or Urinary difflcultioi, a OH ol tbii remedy will set you all right.


Hasaaa. k Lasii, 11(1 Tretnoot Si.. Boston, are offering a Terr choice Una of Car- peting! of the r ariom grades at the moat reaaon, able price*. Many of the new atyle* ara itrletly prlrale to tbeniielf**, and an Well worth ex- amination. Tbe* al»o make a rpwlalty of

id Oil Ciotba, of which tbey band.




New York Wholesale Importing House at Auction.

Important to the Trade and Public


Straw Matting* a bare a verj bcaultf al atock o

LH. BABHARD hu closed oat the • toothers. Hewer* aad Oraaneati, alioa

P*rt of the Blbboaa of Carpenter A Plimpton, at .great bargain; over B» ostrich and rutture tlN,rrM«uiW coil*, worth M eeaU lo«l; *^*S^MSB«rwtS«SMdo;slll feather*; «MM l*| froeaB to flu eenu, worth from 10 rb. *•»*/•W.WorsSBiaaU fromS toU oea. worth 1B ta H oasis; M cartoon* afriowt, from I to H cent* each baaoh or iprlg; al*o t •ibbene noro tkaa M per oeal Wlow the rag Urnrioew Thegoeds al thai* prloes lor tblr day*. A new lot of light weight wor*t*d 1" al fold.ooaimealy eaikM an oaao*. Sow Bi.rh atria Bate and Bonnet*.

AMBorss, Hsaa. I tl la si i

Andorer Basinets Uireotorr.

LBIRT 0. WOOD, JR., eooceasor to AJ3I Habbo"; 1 Mewnlrrtg done la tbe Baal asr. ail at the lowcit prloee. Baak Building, ataJa Stroot, Aadorer. mj7 lyr

SUJAMIH BftOffra, Dealer la Boon. ■aeMaa) A Bobber*. Caa torn work a specialty. firing aeally done at abort notice. Jon*.- htbraMd Rip aad Calf Boat* constant^ on ad. Mala Sb, Andovsr, Ma**. irdoS. 7«

BINJAMIH B. TUTTLE bta boofbl of _ J- B- Parlla Ua loan! exprea* and Jobbing

oraierjy of St. B. While, ueaeral lOflaji of vlaaoi, furaltara. So., at

■ t.Ie*ty

I expreai aad Jobbing _ J. B. White, ueaera"

tawaias, Mavlag of vlaaoi, furaltare, " reawaable price*. PaUoaag* aoiiolted.

oaataei* loratarl] iobUag. not lax «

BRADLEY raitora aad Dealer* w Cleaalaf. Hat*.

aad Uanta' Paraiahlag Uoodi, Main direct.

Merchant Uatt.Ca^e

CH. 8HATTUCK. Harneii Maker and ^ e Carriage Trlataier, haa reeaered to the

hrlca block on Mala ureeL over tbe meat air- 's of John If. riiat, where all work la hi* line will be promptly done, aad at reaaoaakla price*.


EDWIN H. BARNARD, Painting, Qla- xlng. Hralalag aad Paper Hanging, A

good aaaortaaeat m Boom Paper oonitaaily on aaad aad for eale. bhop BMCX St. mrit IT

£al D. HATCH has opened the Kim U* UOBM far the aeooaaaiodaiion ol the pub-

lic. Perauaaat aad Iraaaleei boarder* kept, aad trareienaadpartMi ealertataed. fetroa.

a pf lyr

T? PIKE, Tls, Earthen and Wooden Xlie Ware; Mepalri Punpa, Slorea, Fur- aaeea, Ste. dole agent lor Hagce alorei. ran- ga* aadfurnacei tor Aadorer and vicinity. Order* promptly attended to. Park alroet.

HENRY GO*rr, 1'ainllog, Uralnlng. Paparlagand Glaalag.doaeatabort notice

asd raaieaable price. Pertoa* wuntng work drop a poaul la Peal OMoe, octlti tf

JOHNW. KAULKNKR. Blackimlthlng doae at ihort aotlce, la tbe moat thorough

■Baser aad at roaaeeiasle price-. Particular Staaaaliei glfea to ahoelng. Whoelwriihu' wort done la ooaaeoijou with black* mi thing.

airl irr

JOHN O. riNDLKY, Dealer tu Flab of all klada, baa removed to hi* new aad con-

Tee lea t market houae, Park atreet, oppoiite tbe Town Ball. Patronage of old eeeiomera aad

r eeUolied- Article* dellr-

JOHN H. DEAN, Merchant Tailor, Dealer la Clothing aad Oeal'a ¥uraiihlag

Miaaa etallkUtda. yaraaeati made la the lateat faaalea and warraaUd to It. Bepalrlng, clean- lag aad Bffeeaiag doae neatly. Mala street,


JOHN C. LEONARD, at his abop In BaUard Tale, Will attend to Blaekamllhiag

la all it* braawbea tboreugklr, promptly and

JOHN H. LORINO.-MACHINIST,- Mechleeryof every deac.riptloa built aad

Lprepare 1 to furmah aU article* ia their line »i SBllaeel. Order* promptlT attended to. Uoed* delivered. Caalral aireet, oppoaltethe

MRS. M. L. RAM8DELC Faihlonable Dreei aad Cloak Making.

er braiding aad embroidery. 1 a»ar Street, Aadover. no hi

M. L. RAMSDELL, A gtnt for lb* lead

china Oaetera, Meedlea. Oil, Ac ealaeCaelera,* Sammer StreeU AndOTOr Mail. BpSllT

M. V. OLEASON, Mason. — Maaon

Mala St. keaideaee. Maple Avenae. aitl lr

McLAWUN 4> BAKBB-aaeceaaora to Charlai L.Carter—dealer* in Uardwnra,

_ I eaperlor onallly of Ledge atoaa* for eel. lara aad roaaoaUoa* Bltboit BSttaa aadiea- aeaabla price*. Teamlag pionptly doae. Sal aawaBBB gaaraateed. BeeldeaeeaearS. ataaar StreeiT IgBj

I Tlnamlti.a. Alee Uaalar* la Tin, UUM, and Wooden Ware, Btovea and rurnaceB. Be- aein for all klada of Stovaa, Uaia itreet, Aado- ver. Maaa. Irr aeplT

SG. BEAN. LlTerv, Sale, Boarding esad Baiting subla. doraea aad earrlagee

taahadiag assaa of the Aral ela**, to let at rea- Beeable prloee. Uraaafaiior paat patroaageaad a eeaxhiaaaee —"-

THOMAS HOWKLL carries on the raroltnre aad UpbbU.orr beelaeea la all

Shee.athlBBtoraonParkBlrMt rur- ired aad removed alibortnoUca aad Ueterau. iroetltTa

WILLIAM DUNDAB, Coitom Tailor, ttarmema got ap la the lateat styles, r ir.i TT UarataatigMup InUeli

•Jaw werknunB>lp. kUpairli aeee at abort notice. Over Jo OaUa, Mala St, lyata

W F. FINDLEY, Dining „ . roll, Caadlei, CliBr*, HUtlon-

ery, Inka,eto.,eto. Ojateraaad Meaiiiorniabcd taubssre. Corai

ifsprt a end Urean atroeta.

School of Elocution. Pall Term open* Wedne*d*T. Bepu «tb. Ap

>w ,m lb* lu.L^. 1*1.. IT A V1LI.I U. .A .J_ «••: te the< laacnor, HIBI K. A. HM>l.BT, at the 0 A.M.

epu v 1>LK

Aadover, Aug.m, IBS.

FOB BALE. Coach Buslneas In Andover.

CsstaaaplaUag a obaage la beelaeea, I aaer to aall Beraee, Coach**, Wageaa. Uaraeai. ate., aad tbe COA0H LIBS reanlag from the Man- alas HOBM ia Aadever.tothedenot.anilabout atw a. A good pay lag bualaaaa for a man who caa give it all pereoaa I attention.

The route, ale., will be aold tor oaah, aad neae bat etriotly reliable aeraoai need apply.





Coal and Wood.

Lfkns Va/lty Red Ask Coal. above Coal* are *ome of the beelverli mlaed. A trial cannot fail to coarlnoe

aay eae of that faet.

Prices Very Low.

Hay ana] StrawIConttantlji on Hand.


HelingbtlngajralQit natara who trie* to cure Caiarrab by meanaof douche*, inaffi, or any IUCII application. Nature never Intended ■ucb itulfibould eater tbe aoee, Catarrblae I* fcteatlllc la fu appllcaUon, and what la beat of all, Ii ion to care. Try a aanaple package.

INCBBTAIM CAJBorBiOKxaaa it I* import- ant to obtain pure Wblikey. Sucb iatbe "O. 0. TiTLoa OLD BouhBox" bottled by Cheater H. Grave* h Sou, Boatoa. Aik your Draggle! or Grocer for It. Vt

Lttaio Co'i AaaiOiTiD RKTUOTOP WITCH HAUL qmckly rellere* periodical *ab**ring* ot female*. "It pouewe* a pecallar power," aayi rToleator Pattlion, In bii celebrated work on Olacaiea of Women, or relieving tbe Buffering* of palatal period*. -It ward* off the raffertng without in any way Interfering with the proper aad natara I flow. Beware of cheap eoanttrfolu. tt la iavalBBble In moat or tbe commoner dli- oeara of Women. Cares diaflguring pimple* and erapUoaa. • r r

Sold In W cent* and f 1 Biaee. ":lweod

IM Re QBHBBAL Pvauo. 10 eeaU verani Ind-geatloa end uyipepila—

Why Hager In tbe miseries of Indigeitlon aad DyipepiU when there ii an atmoat lalalllbl* cere lo be lound In Spring Hkweota.

Price. BO cent*, trial* 10 cent*. For ial* try E. H. Kelley, dreagtit. 1 *l w

lr JOB have failed to receive benefit from oth- er pr.parationi, try Hood a Seraaparilla t It'* tbe itrongcil. tbe pertit, ihe beat, tbe cbeap- sat. H2t sg

AltkKTB AMD CAN YABBBBB Make from P26 to B50 per week idling goodl for E. O. Rldeont h Co., 10 Barclay Mreel, New York. Bead for tbeir catalogae and tarsii.



nent buslneea men aald to ua the other day "la. the spring my wife got sR ran down and could not eat any thing; pawing your ■tore I saw a pile of Hood ■ BarasparlUa In tbe window, and I got a bottle. After aba bad taken it a week she had a rousing ap- petite, and did her everything. She took three holtlea, and It waa the beat three dol- UnlererluToited. c.l.lioodACo.,i^well,l*a*a,

No discovery in tbe bUtory of tbe world bai aroaied tbe people more and claimed the at- tention! ° mt dlcal men, equal to tbe discovery oftbe wonderful ingredient contained in tbe Day'i Kidney Pad. Ullwcod

A CARD. To all who ara •■Boring Iron the error* aap

iadleerotmee of yoatb, nervous weakaeas, early ieeay, loiaol manbood, Ac., I will send a re- clpe that will care JOB. Pass OP CHABOB. f hi* great remedy waa discovered by a mat- •JooarylnSonibAmarlca. Bead a aelf-addreaaed eavelope lo RBV. JOS. T. 1NMAN, Station I)

•w York City. lleodly apK

TKBPBBVVIAN Hvatr bai cui who were suffering Irom Dyspepsia, Debility, Liver Complaint, Doll*, Ileroor*. Female Com-

teod loow aov24

Tbe Hop Piaster caree Lame Back, kidney trouble*, etc. All Drag stores. 25 ctnti.

ft 1* teal Una. B.F. BUTLBB!

Still liver, and to do hundreds of others who have been cured of Rheumatism and Neuralgia by tbe great bloed purifier Sulpbnr Bitten. Scud forteitlmonial*. Veod2w

DBLICATB LADtaa! Wbo bare tbat tired and all gone feeling, and

don't like to be disturbed, will continue to be trobtea with till* complaint until tbey renew their I BayBMblood. Sulphur Bitiere will cauie new and rich blood to course through every artery artery and vain In tbe human system. See another column. tjeod 2w

100 doien aU linen towels at 12g cents, form- er price 'JO centi; at Byron Trail! h Co'i.

MOTHERS I MOTHERS I 1 MOTHERS ! 1 Are you disturbed at nlgbt and broken of

yoar net by a ilck child, suffering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth? lr so, go at once and get a hottle or MRS. WINS- LOW'S 800TI1INU SYBUK. It will relieve

i poor llille iofferer immedii it; there is no mistake ab

not a mother on eartb, wbo baa ever used It, wbo will not tell yoa at once tbat it will rags late tbe bowel*, and give real o tbe mother, and relief and health to tbe child, operating Had magic. It Is perfectly iafe to use in all caiei, and pleasant to ibe taste, and I* tbe pre- scription of one ol the oldest and beet female

lteodlyr Ian 3 '81

Soap Company. tlifdeclft

APTBK Btant LOKO TSAB*. C C Jacobs, 7H Folsom street, Buffalo, an

employe ol lb* U.S. Eaoreas Co., aayi; Dr. Tbomai'Eclectric Oil cured blm of a seven case of Piles of S years standing, having tried atmoat every known remedy, "besides two Buf- falo Paiatoiaai," without relief; bat tbe Oil cared blm \ be thinks It cannot be recommended too highly.

Fonaleby E.H. Kelley.drugget. IJlw

Tun PeoPLa'a WoaLv-Wioa TssoiOT. BukBBrr*i COCOAIBB bai been aoU la every

civlllied country, and the public have rendered tbe verdict tbat It la tbe cbaaneit aad beat Haia Dasaaixo In tbe world.

Binnten's Furoaiao EXTSAOTS are Invar) ably arkeowledged the purest aad the best.

Itlm me3fl


New Pottery Lamps W1TII Tilt


Moehring Burners.



WANTED. SolleJtiag Agenti to travel In tbe Sew England State*, aad lake orders lor Nursery Block, en»- braxlBgTreee, Shrubs, Vine*, Boeee, *e. lor

— tddnss, stating age, previous oooupa- tioa aad aimas aa reference

a,T.CANNON. Augusta, Mali

To Reduce Htock l.nti. sell a aaaaber ef geed UOE9IS very low

Csl ABtBS L. C ARTIE, »tal»tf Masetoa Beaie, Aadover.

Mrs. L. 8. Waterman,



Flowers for Easter! CALI.A I.I I.I EK.


And oth.r Flower. for Church D*cor.tloQ. I1U

IF You are In want of a

White or Fancy Shirt or a

Nobby Tie, call on CURTIS.

SEWING MACHINES. Bfi.Utl to B..O.0O Howe, Domcotlc, New Home, ainger, Ifeaae

hold and William*. Alt kinds of Bewlng Ma- ehines bongtai, told, rniaired aad to lei, at HAUBR'S AUINCY.ltN Bi**»Si..Lawreno«, Maaa. llyr my 7

Bankrupt Sale OF


Of Foreign and Domestic DryUoedsat Auolloa at the large and spacious store.

No. 523 ESSEX ST.



Monday, Feb. 28 A large eonaigameutot Foreign nnd Domettle

Dry Goode. eoaalatiag el Wait of Knaland, French aad Oerasaa Bread aad Narrow Woolen Clolli*. of all ahadei and colon, Frenob, Eogliib aad Scotch Fancy Tweed*and Ciialmerei, Ear back, Baaeow and Esquimaux Beaven, Cfala- ohlllai, Vesting*, Cloaking*, el.-. Abo Scotch. French aad German Paisley, ladlaCaabmere, Qaeeaaland, Ottoman, Baal Centals' Hair, aad otherfaebloaableaaddealrabla saawti, iwn*, ■ettlBgham aad Tambour I.»ce Certain*, etc. Dreei Qoode la great variety, such aa Heavy Black aad Colored inks, BaUai. BaUa da Lyoaa Irlah and Lyoaa Poplins, all Wool Merlnoa, Sateen Clothe, Caahmerea, Bergee, Alnacas, Empres. Clotbs, etc., etc. A very rich aad rare assortment of Lyoaa Bilk Tolreta, Velveteen*, aad See Pluah Silling*, P rials. Bleached aad Unbleached Cottons, from one to three yarda Wld«. A large line Of lag be I aad American Blanket!, Flannels, Ladle*' aad Qeita' aad Children's Hosiery, Carpets, Rugs, etc., eti Marseille* aad Turkish guilts, and a variety other dooda loo numerous lo menilon.

•ale to Continue from Day to Day until tht Entire Stock it told.

The whole to be aold without leserve In Iota lo ■uit ail, for Cash. Tbe above large aad wall

selected blor>

Must be sold, regardless of price, In order to make prompt settlemsM with tbe



.0a.m., 2and 7:30p.m.

Special Accommodations for the Lad its.

I"If fell

LAKE AUBURN M iimrnl Springe

WATER, Nature'a Wondwrful Remedy

For drlght'a Dlsemne, all diaeaaen of the Kldnsya, Liver and Stomach. Also Bbau, matlam, Pllss, Humors, and Dropav. Bond for book free-

Boitoa Agents: BCBIPTCRE A PABUB.M Court atreet. C. K. UOOOY, To Commercial street. McliBWELL A ADAMS, 133 Tremont atreet. itwapl rb

Commonwealth of Maiiaehuietti-

Ata Pmbata Court boMea at Lawreae.. aad ior aald Coaaty of Essex, on Ibe second Monday ol March. In the year ol oar Lord on*

ofLawrouca, in said oawBty, pbyifelaa, pra leg that hi. mime mar be cnaaged lo thst . Htepnen Weadall Abbott, jmbllc notice baring been given, accord lag to lae order oftbe court. that all uertoa* might appear at if sty they had, way Ibe same

aad show cause,

granted, nnd it appearing thai Ihe reason iBoMal, end consistent -

satisfactory given tnereior Is aumoleni, and consistent m lih I, and <

__ being „ tbe court, aad no obtection being made, Seeraad Ibal bis name be okaaged, aa prayed far, to tbat of atepaam Wendell Abboit, which aame he abell hareaAer bear, and which ihall be hi. legal aame, aad Ibat h* gives poblior- tlceot aald eaaage bv publishing thin decL__ onoa a week lor three successive week*, ia the

•paper called the LAwaaara AHRaiCAV Anuoraa ADvaanaaa, printed at Law- s, aad return to this oonrl, aader oath tbat

Floral Designs. Wreathe,Grooves, Lyres, Harps, PUlowa

Drowns, Anchora, Bouquet*, Stc,

Made of Chaice Flowers, aad at short notice. Caa be obtained cheap at Ibe Greenhouses cf

T. D. HALLVT, corner Blanche*tor and Washington Streets.

But one mlante'a walk from Broadway leading lo the cemeteries. Main Uraehouiea and Uardcn

bead ol Washington Strict. ut**a*

TEN PER CENT. Annual Interest,

Paid quarterly, 4lh dividend payable May I. Fur foil particular* tend lor W pag* Iliastralrd pamphlet to


131 Devonshire Street. Bo*ton, Man.


Gen Jacqueminot Rose, Can be obtained at the GreeahoBaaa of

T. D. HALLEY, For Twenty-Five Canta Fach.



Mrs. Fellows baa been absent from tbe city about ten years, but ha* returned for the par pose ol re*umini her business. Will former rlendiand patron* please give her a calif

MEiKtlt. BamwdeveBterk* BaaanlS Itf septs



at bar residence, rear of St ll A VERB ILL ST.

(ark, Hunil* Urn mar»


Open from Si. p.m. Hot open Saturday a Interc*. on deposits commencea the third

Wednesday of April, July, October and January Having a special guarantee fund, aad alaeaa

actual cash aarplaa, belonging to tbe depoellori 01 niaer rgg cinrr. OBTSS KBTIKB ABJODBT or uaroHT*,thi* Bank is receiving devealta n, and ia able eaok week lo make loan* en

security. John Falloa, President; A. W. Stearns aad

James A. Treat, Tloe Presidents: John Falloa, A. W. Steam*.Tnoma* Scott, William P. Clark aad Horns Snowies, Board of investment.

Jacob Emerson, Piter Hollban, D.C. Blah ardsoo, A. J. French, C. K. PitUbury, Patrick Murphy, Daniel Uaroy, (J. C. Cloaaon, John F, C igaweK, E. J. Sherman aad Peter D. Smith, Trustaee.

U1LBEBT B. BOOD, Treasurer. t«Sw marts


STOCK BROKERS, Mam ben ot the Boiten Min in j tt Stock

Cuchanje :k» aao Bon. right or on (


Itoen* B Bemawtera Bleeb.

Be). ■ieB*Milt,I.*wrrBrt, Mass


11 If •*«


Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week, for Ibe purpose of reeeivlag pupils en

PIANO AND ORGAN. Furlber Information can be obtained slT.

Atkinson's Millinery Store, 510 Baaex Street. dAwti Seat!!


efiiri for sale al tl,—for setting—18 Eggs, from hi* Light Brahma aad Dark Brabma Hens. 1 have been Breeding the above varieties from choice stock, for several years, with Brand resulis, and bare spared ao expaaec lo mnan my stock superior la quality, sire and color. Tbey are Sratelaw, superior lay era, aad lay extra large Eggs. Just Ibe attain to breed

i. Pint Premium Birds at the Lawrence Poultry Skew.

146 East Haveihill SL.Proipect Hill, LAWRENCE-

11*m mart


S.W Pr««li, H.l.ll .M, St.



FLORISTS. Uive their special.attention to Decors Lion o

Rooms for Wedding* sad Parties. We bare also a choice collection ef rare aad beautiful riant* for Church Decoration,

A Chelae CelaeaUeai of Wheat ante itrsw Baekele Cktaap.

No. 803 Essex Street. O reen Houiei Corner Acton Street and

Brosdwsv. ssmf*

CHILDS & LANE Invite attention to their Urge sad varied assortment of

CARPETINGS For the Spring Trade, Consisting in part of


EXTRA SUPERS, *c, From the best makers and In all the new and desirable Styles

and Colon. Ban, of the patterns are strictly private to them, aad ALL *iU *e sold ut prices to meet the views of the most prudent buyers.



Grand Opening!



Carpet Store, LAWRENCE.

i ■

To meet the dsmanda of our

LAHGK & INCREASING TRADE wo hare made Extensive Imnrove-

menu in our


Br the removal of a partition the capacity of our Oarost Hall hu been nearly doubled, forming the Largest and Beat Liehted Oar- net Hall in Massachusetts, ontaide of Boston, and


The Moat Magnificent Stook ol


QCARPETSn ever shown in Lawrence, and at Pricei that defy competition.

We offer many exclusive styles, not to bo found elsewhere, Also, a full line of



OH Cloths from One to Five Yards Wide, very oheap.

STRAW MATTINGS in Elegant Desiens in Fancy Col- oring i,

Oil imiws! We shall also open an Elegant

Assortment of

R-U-G-S-, in Beautiful atvles and shadings. STAIR CARPETS,


ORUCCET8, (both woolen and linen./

116 TREMONT ST Nearly Opposite ", Park Street Church.

'.pi U tl mylS BOSTON.

PROFITS GIVEN AWAY! Here's Money for you !

Best Savings Bank in Lawrence.

HILLS ^POWERS. Winter Ulsters, Overcoats, Suits,

Head, Neck, Hand and Foot Wear Every Article marked In plain figures. Every Sale

warranted as represented, and if net entirely satisfactory, we exchange or refund




ad with the Window Draoery baai nets.

We also offer a line of elegant



We invite the attention of the publio to the Department, and as- sure you that in comparison with Boston Prices, you oan save a verr large ner oent by trading with ua. We extend a most oordial invita- tion to ail those abont to furnish their dwellings, to visit ua on OPENING DAY, or as soon after si convenient.

Byron Truell & Go.

City of Lswranc*.

CARPETS! Health R*3sjalatlons.

.i."?1,?"1 lMr,l'» El*** MswilUg loUw.of '* fono,w,»«- reolBttoss tf ttM Bnnrrl •( Hsnltb tf *• Si!!* t**r5B*fc»<top|id by said board Marek ISA. nil, nn4 th* *n*n« ara BOW ia ioi te:

omciofniloii'iurUiuTK, LatrrssM.*. Mass , Mar. ]*, IM1.

City oT LawracsM, •■ fbltovs t

*,J.!K"*V *" ****** *■■*•««• to throw

orJwcilmKlioascB, ttwra* ar < with whl«a tk«M la a back yard

»"•"■»■( t»«rai*, snail caa.**aMb»wk virt lltb, aarbac*. boasa dirt, and *f n& daearasi •Ivc.Tla, aad vacates* .abntnnisY;

sad all sack owasra or rnnaasli <w darat kouBas, at*re* or «IW balldlai* an riVoiraS

vessals lor haldiac a*b*s sssil* apoa last w**V i*e*. and to koo* *• MM la a coavTaiaVlWaoa to bo rsaovad br Ibo Board of Hoalih.


OPENING DAT you will find some very


on our counters, in the wav of



PINE GOODS, in exquisite colorings, with

Satin and Brocade TO MATCH.


Lower Priced Goods, Bought at the Rscent AUCTION SALES, and will be offered at about

Half Former Prices We shall also offer a full stook of

BLACK SILKS AT PRICES NEVER SO LOW! Ladies will please remember that

we keep none but reliable makes,

We avoid entirely the miserable,

dimmed, ahodlv Silks, whloh are offered at anotion,

■ li.iw.i.r M „■ >,u,d» oiiuSnil

■laay wntan .a **UbolldlM ., •* said UodU bo oMsssjod tbro«|h s saluiiie plpo or drain

ttrlsiiHirsr or ooMpoal fros. sal/la»*).er

tard_SanMb.ia.Mua ... wltt, w" l»3

A. "W. Stearns & Co. Woo'd roi*M*l all bovors ofCorpou U OKSSSIM oau- lar<s aad vorht*. •ssortKsata/»ll ttv* imiis. '•"■*■••• ■»»*wdo*lfBs nadoolarlax-. HanT n*w BaUarns added da nag ifco pMt«***, al •I wbleh w II bo aflbrsd St Hta nrf toorost l!*lnf ptrtcoo. O vary Iswssl living prtcoa.

JUST ormu A asw LOT or

O rn

'»'■« Aad »B™.tall V.7illV.'"i«S a.r{>Hr,.r pibinaM ba J7,...i.,iV aarl.adupr.aUa. .1 whlib ba ... Ji Ua

•I ao nn.y ,aaUah.D ..rr'b. wtthJa «M|*M artta waiUMiulnam, ..TPHn

All paraoas ara forbidden ta roas Unuoiaav svrlvy null witboat a I

.jna. .ad a d.l, MM pj«,. Jui airtaa Itatarru. M matylaff laVVaalt daJiiMM

j.,.l Ita.iiNBi. «r lb, HIM,, Ue

rreaaadallar Jaa.l.l.laM, „p a .tall


to meet a preaaing demand in Lawrence, we have converted our old Brussels Department into a spacious and well lighted hail, whioh will be devoted to the ei- oluaive sale of



Etc., Etc.

And we shall offer OPENING DAT

a full line of

Satteens, Terrys, Cretonnes. Tapestries, Jutes,

Nottingham and Swiss Laces, Antique Curtains,

Sorimp Cloths, Antique Edgings,

Fringes, Tassels, Bands, Cornices and Poles,

together with everything conneot-



Summer Silks At SO Cents.


BROWN COTTONS, At Prioea that will please you.


At Prioea that will please vou.

Great Bargains IX


Ac, &c. We eitend to the publio our

grateful acknowledgmentsfortheir very liberal and constant patron

age during our very long term of business in Lawrence, and pledge increased efforts on onr part to merit a continuance of your fuvor,

kraok «. u. WMI L. Ita Laar.u nUktad brld|«l A.dar.r Ura.1 a. laiM, .adtlaia. atnrt on tba aa.t. ta lb. feUrriaaak r,..r. Aad ta paraaa .tall bar. aaTTwauii

lag bonao or star*. Ko parsoo sball threw Into, or loavo In, or

nnd,. aa- otraot. ooort, >qnato, Una, .iC, public sqnaro, public •solo.or*, vanaat lot. or •■*, ssntf, rlvar or body of watar wliAla tb* li-iwofibocltv.savdoadaaiaial.or dOMyod ardcoaylagaaiawlorvsgaublo sabtfUsMO.or aa; boaso dirt, rnbblsh or Ilih of any kind or **y rafaso aaiaiai or T'gaisbt* ssstUr wbaua- svsr, or paasa any animal lo bo drowaod U snv or body of valor wHMa Us liosiiB or tbo city wllboal tba licouo of laa Board oTHoallb. , Aid s* person shall rtmott, carl or osrrv

a I lo> * •■ t bo our, aay twasa dirt, ra/aao, offal.

Ml 111 C1NT0N UTTnfil, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Hassocks, &c. &c. (OBJICI! ill POlll 0 GRI.T TABBTT. VI6I CHUP!

SUPERB USE IF AMU! InUllbanowastdoslB^Bsadmbrlosar ibassasoa. Waald Invllo orary Udy lo vUH oar Cloak ■>•« sad oxsntlBvi our Stock and mooa. Which Tor a ogaaao and varisly eaaaoibolMBtla tbo oily, llgivas a* pioasaro lo ahosr oar sl*3k,

CLOAKINGS sL*^u»Bs^iTouar "-••••• ■>»»* ««•«-..-- r—a *v«owb, BUTTONS, 0IBDLE8, BALL TA88LLS, and SATIH8 to Match.

Black Cashmeres. WSMUMII SMoUri atUatiaa to oar largo and variod assortMsal. Wo gMraatao tbo host f also ovor effsrrd.* sar 71. t;| osa t aad • 1 qs.UU*-. " "^ ^^

aniosnio Surrah and Merveilluex Silks.

SATIN, in all fashionable Shades. o-£ratarttx-*JH^^


n ssy * or doeaylag mmr vogctablo sabslaaoo(or anygrflSM or boas*] IrwnisrikfdWMImkoUi, shops, *t»roV or other , tssso wltbia ibo oily, withoil « writ tea IIOOSM of U. Boord ol HMIU. karlu bo*, flr.t obUlnod Itwralbr. sad aII parooSsTi. roqsirad u i*raj*h OOOM sniubia rooosl of

l for swill sad hiu*s offal taado or o-1

upon tbeir protaiso*. and Is kooo I BIBM la a co* Ten Its t UIBOO to be r tba Board or klsalth. aad s carl or throw as* swill i

r. ■ ia I ■ aa, ■■« HI KWWD iOO st plso* to ba rosaovodby i.aadsrsrorbiddoaUiplaoo, swill or housa offal of aar

Special RttguUtiont. .—Alt swill, bonaa offal, rrssoo sr boas*

■tado upon praalaoo Irssa whfeh partios ssay iMBSod lo oars for asd rosso** Iks same,

-—1 *• -tssssBBd so ssss a* rnada m rsgaU Uos bairol*. provldod by tbo Board ol Haslth Dopsrtanst, and rvnsovod lYosi said pr*wises la tbo sasso rogalatloB loaattwioo aaoh woob. fros. Ooteijor tat to May 1st, and si tsaal tbreo tlcsss a wenk Irom Hay 1st to Oclo- bar IM.

veassloBor irom *acb pienUe* olbor than in aslJ regulation barrol*.

11.—MB person having ssoh 1 loons* sball dls- BOOB *f hi* * will, b u u sa ola I, grsa** or MSB* is -IM »«rsr- -

MX, LswrssBB.

4th.—AH lieoasaa granted by Iks Board of lloalih nsay bo rovokod al tbe i.leasuro of ssid board.

-Said regulBtlon barrels aro Is bo sad remain Ibo uropsrtyol Ihe llesllb Dapariaianl, and ara palolod bluo, bsvisg galvBalBBd iron - - v*rs, ar* msrksxl Haaiib DeparlHosi, aad tbo

>. oltho lies as* goiaswlth aald barrel* Btarhsd _jis Iss *a**a. Two barrol* go with aaeb BBSSBB. and If BMS aro SBSBssary tboy sss ba bad of tbo AgoatroBTwa CBS at tbo ooot, sr

Bin IT, and said barrol* shall b* wall carod or and roalaeod by Ibo pertoa* having tbost by

Tlrlusotlhalrllooaso.lf tbav should bo lost or desirored.aBdltssId liooasoshould borovoisd or esplro br limitation, said barrels shall be returned to Ibo lloalih Department Oalco la good order and coadiiloa.

«lh.-Sald ragnlalioa barrels shall ba onder ibe direct sopervUlM of tbo agent of lbs Board of Hoallb, ssd shall ba ksM Is s ooavoalont

lae* for «* am I sat ton br satd Agent or br any ombcroi ihe Board. All Persoas wfca shall violate any of Us fore

golog regulations shall forfell a sum not si- cceOisg ooo bund rod dollar*.

All regulation* of tbo Board Of Health Ineoa tls lent nerowllh ate twreby ropealod.

Wlf.H. PKUKICK,, BMrd B. M. DIU11B, } of U. S. YATBS, M.D. i HoaBh.

*BB1 *pi 1



eeibirm tin ii tie ren Nit iiuer andal

Reasonable Bate*.

Wa hasp oa;baad a fall llaa|of

Parlor and Chamber Furniture, of sTBry description. Also,"

Carpets ef Every Grade. all ol whlnh *e shall bs pleased to snow to oor

cu*t»B*ert nail the pubtlo, guaranteeing l.owf ih-.t*and Parfoot Bat'sfaetloB.




onr talon► ITI; Coastrvalories,

(,'srstr Irsadway and Adtow Siraet,








lawrence One Price Clothing Co., FOR THE

Spring Opening.

Byron Truell &C0.



FOR a Nobbv Btlir or Soft

Hat, aall on

«:l!KTis, the Hatter.


Etartei, Fiell, Flower ail Graw Seels, Frail*, aallable ... P-r..


Guano, Phosphates, Stookbridge Manures, Bone Fertiliisrs,



S00TT A YH7T0B, 843, 345 Common St., Lawrence,


A LL MONST In La*renc,

SCROFULA. A remedy thai Ml iMtaq Mi ;:■ raw

scrufula. and wlit'iioitri-Miitii rMttk* ia* ff to rout It out. MIL i to !•! |>rx.-l:ili-i b| tlxiee ntllcbd. 1U» niu.ui.iik' rt.-i . A row; cbiiiir- u nnd las "rtnrtf^iHiiii!' 'Bin «f UWM of II;fu: lust rated by «jt:r | HlMHt'S KAUSAIM? edy. cut staing rruH-illul agent* which ilu positively cart* scrofuU »•<! meaeala ll frUUI thsblood.

tfAMtnvk n.. Jan. .1, MB, MM. t\4kfl-•«'!>& *'•'•. IAIWCII. Man*.:

R.i;«Ww.a.ti'».i.*tJ. v. ;.*■■;»

kut l.ral fur Buy a

» Which tMM s H* 1 > keep l.uus* uid Mil cr mill to rnjoy life. Utp'

ailveiiiyliiiiu-e ] iTuad tiitcicat in Hi* r>'» HiiiBAi-vuiii-A AMI I rtihilafr-1 ux ircaaliig my gnlllude l»r tic HU;JMI. rare till* w-aidY rful im-dti-ine t m-|i d I • in.,

o marly lewF"", »i-n WLle

mini- abw.hiii- tiv Hi*.* wonderful en

fur II In A duty y*n irwc *■ »:ttl*Jrn1J WMli


HOOD'S SARStPARILLA l» a skilfully lurpar*d i;iiiii|M>iiud. i I'fii- trilled wxtrhft, ></ " »'•*•» |«vi#*i*; "«,. turn, of Hit )»*t n-iaedkM of 1!.o V*ejrtiil lo< kil'gd'BVlkrUiWi>li>lll*dlrjA] *ri. In ■-■ . ihll- it tire*, blond-purl fur*. dinnlW. JHHI Ii i-i *

LkJdly :ill ilrugjiM . plica t*, C. 1. HOOD .'. LO„ Lowell. ■


German Remedy.) :;an€2i

TUoGbiit Uyrpop _.»liei:ndifcr»Bin-J


aevAlewsasMan . jly MBM 111 (ho mill* and-—'

all who are o— In door*, should i FVLTIIU* "*~

jsgjsta sin

IX.n'l bo without a

Clcaninlh. V.I.I i .

hupuriilca_ burii-S

°ch<-i'§ rmtiM. lU !/ O'.lK ■1IUR IIITTEIL*,! hMlth v.-i'l fol-l1

Clerks, who uimpuriilci b

iierciM, ant! orlmplei,HVr

8ii-i'iiii! DITTKMP nrlllIJUIJ.I yi)iHipand]| niktlni ntrongBT-™

*UCPMANN'B :KUaVd^SViplV* afcsaw.


Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di- gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y.


Jft> Anmnml Cmtmltfmt ./ TrprtmM* mn4 — "sssl/W IBM I, rich In engraving* from Mia of tbo original*, will be arm FKKK

>6 apply. I offer »iH- c,f tlir l.rrr.t roller of MjMwM Med eri-r aenl out by my iced • I* Assertcs, a larm portion of which were ■ MB* live wed farm*, full dirtrtloa* for ft ctrA packagt. All ami yrarrantttl

(e *. frtik and Inu la mimt; m far,thai ihould It jfrore oUr-rwIae. / trill MU t*t onttroratl: Tha orijjnal lutroducer of (b^llubUrJ Ht|Uaih,


Mmiv tianl Miin^'H lii ve been sakl about Sarah Uernliaidt itiiioe her ap- jwarniico in thia tuiinlrv, but we doubt ii' there haa lieen anything harder than

iltoaiiiK mu'ny CtiiuiiR'Ilt, wliii-li lip fcuin mi rstpciiu-il Stwkholm

«■* *4iniah Itrrnhardt vur n.vligen ii.'n ;i alt bHAva uiTer en olcka- hmidrlte. Da hon pa (•lulieteaterii i Boston uptratlde de MI> 'Cainille' ot'hi i AlutbiieoiMU iMf-iiillinkaliitad pa vn «ufUt'niarkt« \t6iif |>l<itnlidb^tt en ator ocb wiinu knlfin> aoin al«n-brcr.itl, boijadc vcckla."

A Now York paper •ay» thai twenty lollar* nilr buy all the bookl woith

ifftding. What atiifT! Why, twenty dollar* wont buy a lull act of Ueadle'a ililllr HCVl'la, 10 atty tlOlllillg of R <' i| l v

orilujflu iiinl :i l.iiie-baUjuiiik'.—Btis- lo.. tVai.

Kushionnblti bello want* io know »litn hhadu will bo the moat preferred HUH coming Miniiuier. Wet), iLeth:uk> of II bk/ elm tr«e will lie TO, v pfsular.

Inn at the neaslde the fh.nlo or a ii - uiubretla will bo much aongltt a (lor.— Boaton Port.

'-What do the Democrats want of Walionc?" naks a roornin^ journal. Jiiht what tlio daiky wanted or the

'iroaaniii. "Nice, tut pousuin ; mnko dre(I'uI gootl alew," sahl the darky Just

aa he was going to put hU hand ujion

him ; but tho'iMMMum escaped. Thou tlie colotod brother slxxik Ins empty list at him-and cried out. "You old

poaauorJ1!. you're tiol so berry fat arler *1."—New Vork Mail.

MolUe had a little ram, fleece black at rubber shoe, and everywhere that Mi.Hie went, ho emigrated to. He >ent witli lia u> timid, one day—the ■fjlks l.i-l.t. liouij gruti' to «ee him walk

iloinurelv into DctV-OJfl Al len*a pew. Tin! wtirthy deacon quirkiy let hu im- ttiy pn»si.>n IIMV, and gave it an mi

olnUian kick utHWfOKlii'1 »ad brown i-V**s I'll H i:i4yk>d is v in the itUle; tbe(lwe«au;t.4h'ie.l fast, at.d VitiM'«l Li- I.K.I ngdln.' lull, all! Hi ui kick waa hla hiai! for Mr. See. •[•

Hulked slowly buck ul'otil a iotl. 'ii, -mil. and ere the deacon could ivi t. al,

B. atotal bin on his heatU The UU| gre^alioti then asoaa RIHI Went lor Mi fte sliCfp, but auwral well diiecU

bulls Just piled tliem in a iieap. 'I!.. rtiejied they straiglrtwftv for thejl-Hir wild eiirsea Umf and lu.i.l. while ra

my hlruck the hiudino*it mun and si lii in through the crowd. — Kxchangi

"De odder afteruouuV' »uid old man at he ifate 4 Uag'W bin shirt cut lar, "I stop|>ed to look ol>-r a collec

lion of atufTin a yar.ion Brush street. D:.r was a heap of olo chairs, two olo stoves, two or tineatoiingca, % broken brilHiead, two oli' raattrewest an' 1 (loan' know what else. De sluir

spread olwr u quarter of an acre of grouu*, an' ytltw hull pile wasn't ivorf Mlteeu cents. 1 turned fit>m do yanl to tie world iiroun' ine. an' I fouu' de

same icault. Dar am heaps of people spread ober a vast nmotint of territory, wftouibul lulil.ish to de rest of de

world. Dey occupy grouu* dat am wanted for belter use. Dey consume lime an' food an' room which belongs

to laMtcr men. De man tvld his hands in his pockets am rubbish fur ggod

men to-stumble oher. De man who ails on a dr^-gatsla box am an ash-

Imp on life's highway. De drunknnl nm an alley full of blind ditches. Take

le world as \oti liud it. an' oiic-lmlf ile [.i'n;,li' in it .-e 'in to have cotne

along hist to 1111 up an' keep de weeds

vu. We doan' want a::y rubbisli Ha club. We doan' want aawttUMI

to hold de cha'ra down. We doan' want initi lain simply to 1111 up wid

Undo David Cane war' axin' mo to prevent Ida name, an' I had to smile.

lie began life fifty yours aj;o wid a dug an' a wheolburrow, an' he's m blur

seen de day dat he had Iwo dogi an'

a wheelbarrow. He's stood an* Blood an* sot an' sot, an' heV had DO mo' to io wid riiuiiln' tie world than u pslfr

post. Tonalee lloruback war' aUo •aylu' flat he'd like to jine us. Yot till Still I ini. II.- Mirks ha lnwii in Ins p.ieketi tin' walks thing

•rid his head dowu and Ids l l.nn.|r.l up. Ile eula an' .let-p- moves alv ul. bui |HJ*I n hltchiu' |

lb keeiTul win mi MUI n< ttilliUUlid, l.o twice at Itier'ul wiHiili,\ou v.n,

No man who cirrif* U'.» hniHbf Ii

uttukeU kin keep |»ne« wid tie w(>i —Detroit PR^FlVrS

<,-, iii i>:r>pl.


Com. mi MOTMof tlrisiii of «» "•> f* dirtrtly front tht grolctr, frtih, Irui, and of Ik* tryhtil irmla. MTW VIOSTAtlLia A BPICIALTV.

JAMX8 J. H. OIUCUUIIY, aUrbltlriad, Htm.

CURE Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Lack

of Energy, Loss of Strength, Want of Appetite, Inter-

mittent Fevers, etc.

IRON BITTERS in highly racommrmled for all dlaeaMw Kquiring ■ vartain and efficient tonic.

I ItO N BITTERS MrM At blood. tk-wmythen tht Miuefee, arid </irr new lift to Ikumv.

IRON BITTEHSa.-t lit.- n ■li.trm a* thw digentin' iirKtui*, removing nil djBpepUc aymptanm, sueh u frufino: tie M hdekiny, ketU in (Ae afomacA, heart- Mm, ale.

IRON BITTERS—the only Iron Preparation that will not Uaektm tht tmh

Hold by all druggists. Write for the A It G Book, 32 page* of

useful and amusing reading—sent free,


•••^NMITirH:--- Medicated Prunes.



LIVER TROUBLES AWLjja. fliiiir' to take. CIHTATW atwl WfKTITI In

AOROM. WlUtout dtafme srtha raaoUan that (oil™ a BSWK AMMI waaaj. and othar TW«% ■TMUTea, Thry era tnealitahla Sir woam, child-

. Ea> ctina

af r**«r and »aue, tM BMMarUldiaaaaad IMilMt. how liter rs- povarad health,chnsr- lal ndrlti sad good aapauta ,E


lit- Caetptet, Patvaat awA ■ al Faawllr Nidltlai IN UM World.

ForDVSPKrsiA.OONSTlPATlON.JaundlM It.lioua atlaika, DICK HBAOACIIB. Collo, [irvtaaaloa of Spirlia,rXlUB STUHACH, Uaart Bu.n,4o,Ae.

Tlii. unt ItHtlrd Roulbcra Bcaiedr <a warraat. (•I HOI to noatala a alafU aarllnla of afaaOUMT, •r aar i.Jjrtooa Mineral inbtUaoe, hat la

PURELY VEGETABLE, oonli:ala| iboaa eoalbara BoaAa and Harba, • tin l. aa all wlia profldaaoa naa placed la uuiiHir.ei wl.eio Lirar Dlaaaiaa aioat pra»aU- ft Mill cure all Dl.enea easaad by Daranga- raent ui ina I.isar and Bowels.

Tua arMPTOMa of Llrar Conplalnt area blurror bad laaU la the Month; rain in the aWa, Shlaa or Jolaia, olian ailathkaa lor Ufaau- mat .am; ftoor Stoataea, Loai ol AppctlM; Bow- I'II Horaiteleeoiileeaadlai; flaadaeka; Lot* ofra moiT. with apalaful leneatia* of haylai lall*t todaaoaaaUlai walea oagkt Io have beea iluaei Uabllitr, Low Splrlle. a thlek yeUow anpaaranco of the Sate aad ttyea, a dry Cougk oiinn aiiitakaa lor CoaaaaipUoa.

S •metlaiofl aaaay af Ikeae aTnptOBii atlead died >eaae, at otbara very tew; but the Livaa, inelarfeit orxaa In the body, la georrnllv the ■eatoi ina dlaeaae, and if not raauialad In time ■real tuBerina;, wretcbednaieand DEATH will

jr. iinraend aa an efflcicloua remedy for dlxeaae of tlta Liver, Heartburn aad Dyepepala, Slmraoaa' Liver Begulator.


»'a hare leeUd It* vlrlue*. paraoaally, and >w thai lor Dyapepala, Blllonaaeaa, and

lliti.bbiDC llfaiiacbr, Ina toe •ealaiadlelae the M inr aaw, W' hara triad I'MJ other

dlea before MraMoaa' Liver Bagalator, but none ol laves aava ua aiora than temporary reliei; but lha Hecalator aot aaly ralieei d. bat mired u> *'—ku. Tai.aiaApn AID ataaaaKoar atarua,Ua.

raapAaaa OMLT sr


awl a Iv taalB

ML.-asrd. rfan rtm

Ki\|H ole.s us tlio tarli-t )..m-i-

.i\'e eti'lcuce ol* gbi*% lui.kin^. >b linitliner \V,l„i,,s , ,,tn...s

,:!:tss lull lei coulttiidlig wine an

represenU'd un m millHetita u! die ton rlli tlymiHiv. more thai four thouanud years Bau , and in the IO:UIM

■it Bei.i HaSSVII the IMOCI'SH ofglftSa

blowing is represented It in u nilis- takablo lnuuuer. The eai best S;H>CI

men ot ^ boar.i.y mi iii-ri ij.iiuii

from which It* dale may hr it«vrtahir '.

which has ai >«i IKS-H ni.'t>iit:i, i llio lion's head now in (ltd alale t«I

lection ol the BrilUh irustiliu. I'M*

was lound many yearn ago ui Tli. IK-.

by Sijiiinr Drovelli. It is formed •.

opaque blue glass of a vet y bright an i beautiful color (u may be seen Imm

fraclured part), but time liu>

changed it exiernally u> «u oliie grootl. Dr.. Birch has iurirrmiil ih* wiiter thai tlwi hkntigiypbict whieb

are on the under side a nsisl, on tin right side, ol an ureeus wearing lln*

but," or while crown of the iip| world or Hppcr BgTpt. and represent- ing the gotldess Sali (Juno) ; on the left side, an ureeus wearing the teali.

or red crown of the lower woild oi lower Kgypt, and representing the godtless Nat or Nt-iih (Mineiva);

while the central blaroglyplikt form Ihc pronomen of Nuantef IV. of the elevciith ilyiMBty,wbotQdpte according illgtO 1,1'pNills'- rl LOIli.lii'.M . M :,- It. ('.

I'IL'.'I-L»:j«n. A bead found at IiHibo- boars the prcuoineu of UftUl'u, a queen who in conjectnretl to have lived alum! 1450 years B. C.; this is of a dusky green yluss. quite trans- parent, and is stated to have the specific gravity if IHIIIIC gloss. Il has been slated that Ihc uiateiial is not artificial gift**, but obsidian, which abounds in Egypt, and is oc- casionally of a green tint. Many colored fragments arc found in the tombs of Thebes, and a vcrilled coal- ing, usually blue or grccu, was glVQD to objeclB formed uf earthenware and even of stone or granite. A liigli vnltte seems to have been atlached U coloretl glass at an early dale, anil rcssels of Hue opaque bluo glass of Kgyptian manufacture exist, edged with a tolerably thick plating of gold. (>lass, if the Syrian, Greek and Latin versions of Ihti Old Testament are orrect, is placet) (in the book of Job) n the same category as gold ; the

Knglish version renders the word crystal.

Mr. Brown Iniastsof the advantages of gymnastic exercise: "Nothing bettor for the health : it double* one's strength; it prolongs tine's life!" "Bui," someliody, '-our fathers did not praelieo gymnastics, and yel—" "True enough, bul every one of them died."


&ITTEBS Shooting; Chi 11a Down aha Back

flu 1 pain lnlba Matbe, nauaea, till Ion aneta. are >>mi turn* ol approaching rare; aad agaa. Uae without delay Hoatetter'a Btoaaea BMlsra. Waeah aubalimtaa for Ike nkllly eaaaaUos a ■Stlal warmth, regalalea Ike atomacb, and in i ariaior.e tome live?. The bawela, theatoawah aid Hi: M Ury gland being reatored to a aaaUh- eonitition, lb* dlaeaae la coequered at toe out ■er.

For aalo by sit Dragglata sad Dcalei a geaarally.

eod "|jr maril


Murray & Lanman's


■">.!' 'iiiio marlLi a


A Discovery by Accident, rolylBg a waat walefi —i of amlaaat aaanty have

dueutol jcunol Mud; an.I experiment to ftm!—a alOaraFObcaaaeaa'ibAltMaaTe, BUAaer, Iri •Vb-aaa aad IfSPSSM ayataaa-aad from lha Urns dJu'm.-ry haa r»i*Uj lacraoavd In f**or, ■alnlna' lbs

have awd It i It haabaooeaaafaTornawltl whrnvcr Introduced baa eapeteedod a aaLiita. ll aaort, mck U Ua Intrude awrll aad auparl ority, that II la oow toa only racognUad nnabta rcaaody.

IS STRONGLY ENDORSED 1 Wi l»vr Ute aaaat nnaqulToceJ kaetlaioay to Ita care,

U,e r«.w,m Iron, many peraona of biilh diameter, 1. ayanal and MBSSMMM Oar book, " Uow a Llfo wna s ' . .'Vu.:i« the aletory ot tale new dlaooveey, aad a ! in...ilu( noe* raatarkabUcurea, •«! Inc. Write

DAY'S KISKTBT PAJM are aold by «l!l \*> tent by mall (free af portage) aa receipt of thail ;.,<■..• I:. :ular, Stn, B|Mwlal. far oboUaate caant ol toag ftarKUnr, tMO, Odhtrca'a, t!-"'> Addnta,

UU ICrOXCT l'AI> CO., TSLLBO, OHIO. ■MM Owing to the many worthier* Kktaey FmV UaUlldrl.nnw hikiog a nli .in our r.™rtaU.>!i. v , dn-n <i<<>it. tM 'aSUet d Ui w»ni URBI. Aak tor UAV i K1DNBV rAaXanduIaDOOtaer. —TeS — OB*. C UOODiTIN * rev, Www* Agraa,

HOIT.I*. Miai. f'.r agle bf It. M. WIIITM v at CO.,


?VROt Cures Dyipspsia, Nervous Affec- tions, Genernl Debility, Fever nr.:l A u:c, Paralysis, CUrcaic Dir.rrhcG?, Ecils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- plaints, Liver Complaint, Remittent rover, and all diseases originating in a bad State of the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low State cf the System.

DR. BULLOCK'S KIDNEY REMEDY. M;i'u ui; rit r>i.

IIO-I aaTa.fainl »t... II III. hli.K >, t'-'a.r , '-la-lrfi

.i.ii.i,,. i «... .red


I, ■! II.m ll ■at la>a,

..i.II. .1.1 Vrlt a, tVllh wKHIihnr

brlrk-4a.i,l,|i..F jlltaiiat , Urava), UI BMtae, Or Batata Waa

iHKTicru haa a>« eejwal ff*r

aineneeasHil Weak. ■ eea paaallar to Pa. aatlaa.

.■\ F.I'll la ih* beat kaawe raaa- »d> far IMtbilM.

PfKPIIRKTICI -W,aaaTwwlea»rlaila •tUnt t.,r *g>ad pariaai, la wllaowt rival He aura ■•* atafa ffwe UH. Hl'f I.-M-H- • HIUNKV HKBKIIT. Nf PIIKK- TIi t M For aala by Oil r).n(|liliv

I'rlee, naif «1 .OO pat kail la. C. ■. It'lllUHTflOV, Proprietor, Bo.lo

> oI i I r T IC: J




HI. SAMOBX CABTBB. oa« of the plo

fwars of Lawreoce, died at fats realdeoce. Mo. SB Cross 8l, at Is 10 Friday morning.

Four werka aoo be was obliged to take to

bis bed sad mill death came to his relief.

be snflerrd acut. ly from kidney complaint Ha pasaod awaj calmly and peacefully and

apparently ID full posaesalou of his senses.

Mr. Carter waa bom at North Brldgton,

fata., sod waa 57 years, 1 month aad 24

days old. He received bis education in

UM schools of bis saliva place, where also ho learned lha Carpentering trade. la

1848, whoa tweaty-flvo yaara of agt>t he

came to this city aad obtained employ- ment from the Company. Be

worked at his Ifa4#, for this corporation

fjr to etc years, but left their employ to

accept a poeHIja In the Pacific Mills re-

pair shop, which he Mled acceptably for

flrieen yaara. He WM the pioneer la bob-

bin maaaraewrlBf In this etiy. After

leaving the employ of tb« Pacific corpora-

tion, be constructed a wooden balldlng on

the elte whore now etaade L. Sprague A Co'a bobbin works, on Lowell street. Ii

this branch of business ha was anile BBC

ceae.'ul for tee yaara, and on disposing of

his lute real in the business to L. Spraaae

A Co., ha formed a copartnership with

Hr. Amos Harrington, now of t'rovldence,

aud opened a machine shop. After a few years be pareaaaed Mr. Harrington's lo-

leresl la lbs Urn and baa since conducted the basloess.

Be was s man of strong convictions,

honest sad upright, and conscientious la

all his dealings, and waa heidli blgb ea

teem by all with whom he waa acquainted.

Although ha did not make himself promi-

nent In public affaire, be look a deep la-

lareat la the welfare of lbs ally, with

whose early struggles bs waa closely Idea

He leaven a wife, a son and daughter, full-grown.

MB. DABIBL FBHDBBQAST, father or Michael and John Pendergaat, for seven

yesrs past residents ot tbla city, died 8un-

dty (Solb) at the resldrnce of too former on

t rose street. Ilu w>s boru In Dublin, Ireland, la 1820, but has been in this

country ihlrty-s.ven yearn, thirteen of

which be aptmt In Ltwrence, where ha

has endeared bimaoif w a large circle o frteuda by hla kind and genial disposition,

and his many estimable quail lite.

Mrs. L. Grace IIogle, wire uf Mr. Sara-

uslliogl*, of the drm of llugle Bros.,

plclare deslers, died Saturday afternoon

St 4.80 o'clock after an tllneas of only one

week. Mr*. Hogle gave birth to a child

which weighed 11 pound.*, a week ago

laat Saturday, ibe mother weighing

bat U. Shu was attended by Drs. Meal-

llstsr, Sargent, Lamb, Talbott, Pelraon

ofMelbuen aad Chaae, but tbelr united

efforts were unavailing, and she gradually

aank until death came to her relief. The

child was still-bora. Mrs. llugle was bora In Metharn and wss 84 years, 1

months snd 10 ds/s old. She waa a grad-

uate of the Meibaeo High School of the

class of 1875, sad was much beloved not

only by her fellow pupils, but by sll with

whom she became acquainted in afterlife.

For two years previous to her marriage, abe waa employed by tbe Messrs. laogle,

and will be remembered by many patrons

of Hie Unn uu account of her obliging

manners sad lady-like demeanor on all oc

caalona. She was married In July Isat, and

until her death she rtsided at Tl Bradford

street. She baa parents residing In Me- thuen, a brother, Mr. Asron H. Clark,

employed by Hogle Bros., two sisters la

this city. Miss Sarah L Clark, soprano or

the Universallst church choir, and Mlr-a

Nellie M. Claiki a brother In Lowell aad

a married sister, Mrs. Lllla J. Bssseit, at Beading.

Mr- Hogle has tbe aympatby of bis many

Irlenda In his sffllctlon, who elncerely re-

gret that death should bavu invaded soch

a happy home so soon after a wedded on- ion.

VaiaatlaM T. haa Marts,* J. aad Alleered Paramour Arrested.


I'l meant Surprise*.

( \ HAM rK IKON COFFER BOII KHS. V.I* s. If, 11 and m |>ii t« BStoMHr. Cotee etade In tbla wm ■!.<■■■ -i lum i lark a. In tin. JOHN C. HOW A < il ,1 rorkeiy aud Ulatawaie.Odd ri'liuw- Binliling. Ciuli 11, i|>ooaiaad Crock cry tolri loriiarllca.

Mr. W. S. Drew, who has recently ra

signed bis position as ov«raeer of tbe At-

lantic cotton departaaeat, wss pleasantly

surprised at his house, on Broadway tbursdsy evening,hy a party of his friends

and former employe*. Isch of tbe gen- Humes brought an article of furniture

which, wtn-ti arraajtud, comprised ae ele-

gsni |iarl->r r*f. A furnial pretentltlon

ajiftih waa very ne itly in ulu by Mr. F. C. Ada un*. III bttliair .if the i: imp my, and

of the in my n ,t preai-iit wbo Joined In

this expresalon of Uirli ie?p«ct and es-

teem. Mr. Drew reapouded as bestBe

Id. belag taken completely off hla

suard. A bontitliul mllaiion was served.

ftn which, the party, having pasnsd the

venlog with music, etc , rtepsrsted, af- ter nlnglng, "Should said acquaintance

be forgot."

Tfaarsday afternoon, another man's

b -art was gladdened by a token uf re-

mam'iraiK-i from bis friend*. This limn

It wss Mr. Warren n llamor, living st

No. 1 Pempert.m cirporstlon, wb > re- c. iv.d by egprraa a handaomeessy chair,

nom Irleudn In tbla city. Mr. llamor

u n i. in i un.-: i.-1 oi his homo for a long

Miue wiih a broken k-.-, and this naeful

»ilick will prove uf prest value to him.

Oa 'I'huraday evening, a pleasant scene

recurred al tbe rceldeucu of Mr. and Mrs.

Udward Padgett, ou Butler street, the

i.reunion being tbe attilumeut of majority

of their eldest child. Mlas Sarah J. Pad

uatt. After tbe people were all sis em

bled, and after tbe Indulgence ol euj lyiiK-ui, cbaracterlstlc of snch orca-

hlobe, a geatlemaa stopped foraard, and In bchalr* of Ibe company, presented her

with a valutile gold rlon. handtomely

•et With atones. Other presents, con-

■ laUng of a Jewelry set, from her parents,

and a pair of iar rings, the gin of Mr. aMI Mis. William Crompion, war* ten-

dered her. A collsllm was served, and

i In- evening api-ui In a social manner.

— \Y. K. Uiatk, ihn ndkeasa. tells tbe followlug story oI a spaulel dog, which

ticently bad grustu dr.o' an I b.lnd In his

-ervke. A few week* ag i be obtained

two other dogs, en i thought he would kill the epjuiul. He was talking it

VII Ii Ins wile the oilier day, while the dog

>vm i)lug in the naiuit room by lh>i stove;

liu tidd hla wLe that he ihmgbt be had bolter kill the rJara to put lion out of mis

"i v ; no nuouer had he aaul this, L'iiu tbe

animal aroae from the H tor, licked the bands of the children, restsd bis he 11 Tor

a moment on Mrs. Cisrk's lap, and then

left the houae.aud ha* nolsince been seen. Ha bad always been a good hoasi dog,

never before remaining away Irom Mrs.

Clai k'a fide for say length of time.

— Kant rasa A CoBstore Is again opened, but the sheriff's keeper is still there. Bos-

ion creditors have been agamlnlag the

arm's sffaira, and the liabilities are round io be 120,177 19. of which gl5,877.1» la

difct 14,800 contingent debts. Or

the conilugeat llabdlHi n, g34O0 Is lodorsa-

ineuia ou paper discounted. Slid B2000 the

renewal of a permiaai aote of Mr Ksat- nan'a for that suiount, but to ahlcb he

Igncd Ihc Brm usme. The aaset.* aggre

;nie tauiUO, »r Which #14 800 Is Stock,

B7CU0 aceoaais (.HO'UIIMII) anotOJ «40o0

lesiua aid store Stluren, 84000 equity In

More, anil BhOO csrh.

--About the Bisi of the month Ibe East-

ern railroad will run an , itra Irala from thl* chj daily i,. 8JIU.II, Ljrafl nod Bos-

ton, leaving in ie about 7 s. ui. and rt-

tuinlng about the name hour In the even-

ing. A Ii i; belonging to the road

will be kept here.

In October, 1871, Valentino T. Sailers, the well-known printer, took unto hlav

selfawlte, a vivacious aad prepossess-

ing lady, whom be promised to love sad protect. - All wsnt msrrlly oa for a time.

A bright Hula girl called the cosple papa

and mamma, until two years ago, when

Valentine T. had what he considered good

reason to believe tbat his wife wee un- faithful to bar marriage vowe, and WM

receiving the atteatlooa of s "Jolly dog"

of a brake man on the Boston aad Maine

railroad, rej dclng la the euphonlas appel-

lation of Charley, or raihor Charles L.

Buroham. Then la tbe Sellers' house- hold trouble began, la consequence of

WBlch Mrs. Hdlsrs left her husband's

boms. Their child remained with Mr.

Sellers for aoms time, when hla wife gained poesMslon of her, and kept her se-

cluded until about six months ago, when the entire Sailers family again secured

poaseaaloe of her by force. Mrs. Sellers,

at that Mate, had Valentine, his father and

two brothers srrssted for aiasalllng aar, aad they were indicted for the offence, hat never tried. Valentine then insti-

tuted proceeding' for divorce from hla

wlfs, aad aha la turn Bled a cross-libs I,

each alleging adakerr oa the part of the other.

It Waa learned by Valentine that Burn-

ham had or late, been more auldaoasln

bla atteatlooa to Mrs. Sellers, aad accord- ingly determined to aet a trap for him.

Recently Mrs. Sellers obtained a room la

Young's block, la the third story.

Valentine employed a youug Man nsmed

Anthony Conway, to engage the room ad-

Joining, IB order to watch Mrs. Sellers'

movements. Oa Sstardey night. It 1* sl- leged, this Conway aaw Baraham leave

Mra. Sellers' room between 11 aad IS

o'clock, followed by Mrs. Sellers, who

was an ilithibtlte, su 1 she, la bidding him

sdleu, lovingly entwined her arms about

hla neck snd Imprinted upon bis blushing

cbaek the kiss, wblcb, had all gone well

In the Sellers family, would have been her

hnsbsnd's due. Hs reported tbe result

of bis observation* to Valantloe, aad the

lod'gnant husband bscams still more de-

termined 11 paulsh his erratic spmss.

Sunday night, with Conway aad special officer Bsvllle, heenscoaaed himself la the

room adjoining that occupied by his wife, and what be ssw and heard Is given la

bis testimony In the police ourt, which

was aa follows: 'I went to Voung's block about 7

o'clock. Heard my wife sod three others

talking ic her room. Afterwards aaw one

couple, a man and woman, leave the rosm

about 9 o'clock. Heard my wife and

Bornbam talking la bar room. When the

other couple went outboard my wife lock

the door aud then try It to aea tbat It was

locked. We listened outside aad I bsard Burnham ask bar If she would have lomi

more to drink, and she asswervd, 'No, Ive

had enoagh to-day.'" He than detailed

what be beard, In consequence of which

he and the others burst lbs door open,

and discovered Burnham aad his wife in

adellcate position.

It sppeirs tbst 11 iru'ivu WAS gams,

however, as bs luaslod with the special

officer, wbo did not succeed In overpower-

ing blm until both had been rather rough-

ly handled. He status that ha waa sitting

In a rocking chtlr when fie door was burst In, and that Mrs. Sellers waa re-

clining ou the bed. Whsa the offljer en-

tered the room, Burnham aelsed a chair,

and the olOcsr drew a revolver, and then

tbe ffl.lit began, which ended In Burnham

being taken to tbo pj'.lce aiadon, where

shortly after he was released on ball.

Both were arraigned for adultery la the

police cuurt in Monday, but the prelim- inary bearing came to an abrupt and un"

expected termination. After Valentine

T. had given his direct testimony, tha cross-examination was commenced by I.

T. Burluy, eaq., counsel for- the defence.

Ainoug the first qn nation* b i asked WAS

this, "Didn't your wife h iv.- you and your brother Indicted for committing an a-saa.t

npon ber*" W. 8. Knox. egq-, counsel

for tha government, objected, stating that the question wai irrelevant. Lawyer Hur-

ley responded, that ha wished to show that

Valentine T. wss actuated to prosecute

bis wife Irnm lb; lac", ihAt she ii 11 him

Indicted for assault Judge Harm ou over-

ruled Ine q'lestlott. When lawyer Barley,

evidently oelttud, stld, "You cm general-

ly tell by the beginning of a cue in this

.:iiui'. how It It going to end. 1 don't

propose to waste any time snd I propOie

to slop tight hers,"

Aud lie did. Mrs. Sellers snd Buroliam

Weiu each I.--1.I In B10O bo^ds for their

appearance at the May term of the Supe-

rior Court.


The renewing interesting letter will be recog- aissdaa from tbe pea or one ofonr former public school laenbera, and long lime Lawrence real- flags**,

TOPXKA, KASSAS, Mar. IS, 1SS1. IsrroB AMBRICAK :—I do not kaow wl

pedliekisBovesaeaU on tide i Bserebie cannot change. Thou! so securely aholtarwd within it

itelilgent .jaeaa of tianU re snd

__. 1 was eager to lake the li ii. lie- fore the city aheakt beeorae modernised and A at ericas, ant no ea* aaed feel compelled to ex -

aocount, the 1m Old town haa ulept

lla mountain* for lorotssta SSS yeara.UMt area tbeahrleking loeo- .otlve has fsdaM U ssssstrai* Us drowainua*. The Aral Bay aad sight eel, Serena the plain, of Minors aad western tUa tas, an asosMWaoua in

the cstrema, aad poopU oa board tha train be tails UJeaasalraa variously: reading, oecoruinx aoqaslatsdaad doing laacy work; these who can play cards, aad the gaailemee viorats between taweaTsHaf making laW ' ihataf

I and bebkt wbally eeamlortabla, is a canning

loss devoted to their special use, Irom wheah, iTsaraat ramaa oeeaskoaally laauiag, we iaJerred the coos fort waa aot more eagerly nought

It w taiwegh thia aeotloa so waota deatltetlon has nnvSJlsT; ladeod. 1 had inSaitely rather live la aa saUajeaisal Msnttaae town, redo sad lawk*. aa Ussy are, than vsgssau la western Kaaaaa. Tae second men lag we essayed aoeih saatarw

asst arosoad the most ear*'" SsThstwoM Irlaaataal aad A M dssfcS levels so long; I

capped. Baa Brat batag halfa mile higher than oar owe ML WaahiagWn. Tha range la crossed alter IMVIM Triaausd by BMaaa ol two engine*, one la (rout aad rear, aad lAess enormous aogiuoa ar. wonderful. You eaa form no l». a ul their alu- paadoesarse seat the work ihay periorm, until you havecussbad (he diaaj belghu ol the Uolorudo moeutauka. Aluu-tonrlng Uwiuuuai BLKSIOU Hie raagaroosdsa soaaewbattotb* west ana la not agnsa direrily approached natil entering tin Apasae Caawa,he twaaa Las Vogaasud qaata re, WHtl waa never W-iary watchlag iheir cuueianoy

■ SSdUwIllUelaoian vii ageaiueet wgattSMlriest.

Tua Pueblo ladiaaa are a peaceful hub civil laed uibe; live la hula made oi mud, no win Jowe,

ef a drsadiul ladder 1.1 from the top and pulled In afterward. Bul

all this Is not aamta la, wblsh we entered at miu- nlgat oftae laird nlgni, aot jet too weary luim greatly amaaad when us poner la coaiiueiing u* teoevie-amesaibaratirlyeaoorted aa out and up the sll-eSA eatr a btuok. The AOObe (p.onuur.oeu ah-de-byj bouses are bat a single atory, about A

ordinary oee al that. Tbe suaeta are bsrrlbly dirty, and so Irregular tbat one eat

—.-swam a saesl ewberrssslBg aensatiun of un oertslaty aad doubl as le direction, when be ami daaly lUaoovers bis walk abruptly terunnatiiiK in the broad brawe alda of somebody else'* miutm. All iaeuecuvely seek admttlaaca to Uw chureue. or Saau Ve, that aad the college of ban Miguel batag west IsseraaUssj; tae ohurofc. the oldest in America, u still used. Wo dropped a uiudeai oi fartag law the bov aear the door, thereby r*-

efthe territory aad tua Amerlcaii i aaaured moat enjoyable; but one

crowd apou Out )ilasn, or ■waaro aqaarvi ax iaognagea apparently are ep*fc*B,aad every aaUoasiity repreaenteii, twt aaoapUag Ih* lateraallagly wesk little beast ue- sallar toKaw Mexiee sad Colorado, tha Burro.

I very ouaaing, capable oi .aad live oa nothing- In

Itty to live and thrive upon this apaiae e/aeeaialiy thoroegaly t

bsadsd tajroojjaoat lha eatlra territory. ever sees slat Mexloaa, but l-r that mailer |l might be mlaUksa tor on* ot the same natiunajiij myseir. Board a day la Santa Ke and notli- lag oa* could eat. Vegetables and irult* are al- moat entirely earrled la front Kaaaaa; what little cultivation ine re la being produced by irrigation. Writing of the Burro remleds ete that a ceruin blna-eyed rrUnsdormlne (la whom 1 poaaeaa a

■atia aaBH

_ ,n englnoei •ea camu, no waa thrown lorwaru Irom

theiraeiaeBtofoeeortbeieaou, directly under ISM aast ss* foar el these emlneetly ktctlng brutea, Bad bad he aet beea iraa plain.I, the accident ssnsi kavs proved oUaairaut. lie escaped with braises asM ih* vslusMs traaall, to which ho cluag like a dying soldier to his flag, absolutely uaaaarred. Whea vest heMBH>urna a mulo" like Josh ulllinga, be will be aura "to aland 1 i front of hiss." ll- ii.

rightful aad leader Interest) la s n severe aad lively spirit of retaliation again* i mule. Not long ago, while uaiag a* engli


Some limn aluut*. In accordance with

the vote ol Toat ;iLt, 0. A. K-, Commander

Stone made an engagement with Oen.

Henry W. Fuller, a member of Ibe Stale

Senate, from Boston, to deliver lbs ad-

dnss In this clty.on tbe evening of Memo- rial Day, May SOlli. Oen. Fuller has a

most creditable record as a brave and gal- lant soldier, serving throughout the war.

and winning his wsy from a lieutenancy

In tbo drat New Hampshire regiment, io

tbe brevet rant of Brigadier Ounsral;

he Is so actlvu member of the Orand

Army and Loyal Legion, and Is t > dadivwf

so addrcas at Forest Hill ceuiulery, on

ths forenoon of the day for which he waa

engsged here.

There have come before the present

legislature, several petitions to legal-

ise the payment of ceitala additional bounties, claimed to be felrlv, though not

legally doe lo ma- oi the early soldiers;

among those claims was oa* from the

town of Aodover.

As chslrman of the military committee, Oen. Fuller bad to revise these claim*;

be was opposed to tbelr lej-allxitlun, aa being the Initiatory step towards * gen-

eral equalisation of bounties, which he deemed to be na'vlse and uoanclally dls

astrous to the various towns Interested.

Consequently, Oeu. Fuller reported

sgalust ttm ABdoVer petition, end ex-

plained his reasons la a apeeclt of some lengtri; to thu C inrae oflils re .narks, he

IN reported us iniviii;: made use of tbe

word "hummers," sod between this term

or off.-in .-, v, hull the petitioners deem as

intended un tU.-ui. mui the opposition of

Oen. Fuller to lb* bill Itself, there has

beea allrred ap qalle a, feeling of antago-

nism lo Oen. Fuller; learning of this, tbe

the latter gentleman p.-omptly asked Com-

mander Stoi.e to csneel bis Memorial Day engagement.

(leu Fuller deules having applied the objectlonal term to tha Andover soldiers,

or to any special pelllioaers, but to hsv«

usid It to describe a class wblcb haa aa

existence, aa every member of a Orand At my relief committee learns lo his sor-

row. Out* ot the leading senators, who

warmly favored the bill, opposing (

Fuller, wiltes tbst there was nothing

whatever lu bis language to which a-y

soldier could take exception. And ao> one wbo knows Oen. Fuller, hi* record,

bis public expression*, bis active laierent

In behalf of tbe soldiers, will Indies* that

by any word, hs spoke oak'sdly of lb* di fendera of the union.

The tree* are while with snow, Iheir branches

'Neatn feathery crystals, oa this Sabbath morn; While winds of March around me moan ami

ahlver. No auaehlne comes to light the earth forlorn.

The BAater days with want th and light aud glad-

Slowly they come oar weary eye i to greet; Bow long will nature wear ber rube* ol*?

Whea will ibe flower* spring beneath our f.*i-i?

My soul bows like Uw tree* 'mid storm-wind* dreary,

IU blossama freeae ■nesth sorrow's v. inn y blast, Aad death's the end of all—how bleit the weary.

Who lay them down and sweetly sleep at last.

i naughtb ted slab for Bistar glorle* ai Aad basely long for death's

Are there ao wayward feel, too prone to Mumblr, No susTeriBg ones whoae woes >ou csn remove':

Uu, uko them by the hand, and meek and hum

BBSlaaawB at last to the great Fnlher's love.

la deeds Ilk* thear, to others sladnesa bringing, Selt will grow dim, ahapplarday will dawn;

With Kaster btotsoma in the heart upspringmg, Kaon day will bs a resurrection morn.

IglLT O. WXTHhaHEK. Lewreace, March 10, last.

— Burglars ere operating extensively,

In tha cities and towns la this vlclutly.

—Bev. Mr. Holbrook expec'-a to hold

bis Sundsy meetings at the Opern House

lu the fall.

—Mr. Walter K. Howe has becu ap-

pointed local agent for ibe Penlucket

Navigation Company.

—Mr. Samuel Davis may be again found

behind the counter, at the cafe, at the

Boston A Maine north depot.

—Tbe High School Tool hail club, will

play a game, Fast Day afternoon, wl'h a

picked eleven on Ihe common.

—Tailors and dr*»B*aberB, are nuw

taking whst little money the plumbers snd

coal dealers left with the people.

—The general nmr*. mtrtlal, of which MaJ. Merrill was prjaldout, concluded Us

trial or Capt. Cambiidgu on Thursday,

transmitted the ttml'ngs to thu command-

er-ln-chlel, snd sdj luruetl without dale

—It Is quite probable that there will br

no decrease In the price, of tee this season,

ibe reason given Tor maintaining It at tin- ssme figure** Ust year being tbut It re-

quired a great deal morn labor to cut It,

being much thicker and the weather more

unfavorable for the work, on account of

tha great fall of snow.

—Tha soclsl gathering of tbe Uultarlau

aoclety, which was to have taken place this week, bss been postponed notll next

week, no account of tbe Inability of nome

to be present, who were to tsxe part In

the musical and literary entertainment,

F. II. Hedge will take charge *of tbe Sab- bath School of tbla society, commencing

bis duties M snpertnlendent, the first of


—Oa tbe fifteenth of tbla month, Mi-

chael Cronley, aged thirteen years, ob-

tained three pairs of shoes of Mr. James

Dooovsn, boot and Bhoe dealer, by stat-

ing that his Sister, Who Was a regular customer of Mr. Donovan, denlred them.

Ha sold tbe shoes, sad ran away from

home, but wss caught Saturday. As a

settlement has been made with Mr. Don-

ovan, Cronley has been placed on proba-


—Mr. Thomas H. hernsld. overseer of '.he wtavlng In the Ceutral Pacific mills,

for ibe past sixteen yens, and la the

employ of ibe corporation for twenty-two

yesra, retired suunliy. Aa tbe help

were about to be dismissed Intbesfler-

iioou, Mlas Dollla Ames, la behalf of

hla employes, preaeoled him mllb a hand-

some open face, atom winding Elgin gold

watch, and gold chain, bearing a Masonic

The Beginning of !*iimacr's Congres- BlOUU-1

On thellrstduyof Docombcr, 1851, Henry Clay Bpokc in tbe Bonnie for the last lime, and Genera] Cass pre- aeoled tli- cicdonlialsof Charles Sum- ncr, who had heen elected by one of the coalitions between the antistavery men and Ihe democrats, which gave the letter tUc local ofllces in New York, Ohio, and ftlasuaulitisotU, and elected Seward, Chase, and .Sunnier to tlie United States Etciiiite. Soon nfler Mr. Simmer took lib) scat in the arena wbicli had been made famous by the political champions of tbe North, the South, and the West, Mr. Bontoosaid to htm, with a patronizing air, "You have come upon the stage too late, sir. Not only have our groat men passed away, but the groat issues have been settled, also. The last of these was the National Bank, aod that has been overthrown forever. Noth- ing is left you, sir, but puny soctional questions autl petty striles about sla- very and fugitive-slave laws, invol- ving no national interests."

Mr. Hu rimer had but two coadjutors in opposing slavery mid in advocating freedom when lie entered tin.- senate, but before he died he was the recoguiz- ed leader of more than two-thirds of that hotly. Ho was deoouoccd by a leading whig newspaper of lloslon when lie left that city to lake his scat

nn ngitator," and tic was refused a place on any committee of the sen- ate, as being "oulside Or ;.ny healthy political organization ;" hut he lived to exercise a control!inix iiillucnce in Massachusetts politics ivn.i lo lie the chairman of tli? senate committee on foreign nfTuirs. He had learned from Judge Story the value of eyetoinatie industry, anil while preparing long speeches on tbo questions beforo the senate he OIBO applied himself sedu- lously to the practical duties of a sen- ator, taking especial pains to answer every letter addressed to him.—April Allan lie.

Tin; 51 AI:NET rg MEHUINE.—Some reciMit researches, undertaken under the direction of Professor Clmcot, in his laboratory at the Salpetriere, have attracted uttcntion anew to a thera- peutical agent which has been known fei- a long time, but which, at the present time, lias fallen into disuse. Wo refer to the application of the magnet in the treatment of certain diseases. It is claimed by thu be- lievers in ilie efficacy cf this mode of treatment that magnetization has fal- len into discredit on account of the absence of precise rules for the appli- cation of the remedy, nnd also because of the air ol mystery which seems to be connected with it. To Professor Moggiorani, it is said, is due ihe cred- it of-calling attention again, in 1«G9, to tho value of magnetic medication, and of c:idoavoilng to establish it on a rational and sliiclly scicntilic basis, The first experiments were mnde at tho Salpelrierc in order to verifv the facts collected together by M. Burq under the generic tillo of mctallolbc- rapy. After llio results obtained by metallic applications it was natural to endeavor to throw some light on these phenomena by varyiug the conditions of experimentation. It wns found that patients (especially those ntHicl- ed with nervous diseases) were not only acted upon by plates of different kinds of metals, but that like tvsu were obtained by the majority of physical agents, such as weak cur- rents, static electricity, sonorous vi bnii ions. di.Ierences of temperature, magnetized bars, etc. It was soon found ili;ii. magnetized bars were markable for the consistency of their nclioo and tho facility with which they could be employed. It is not claimed that magncls are endowed with spe- cific properties, but that they1 form part of a group of physical agouts which, in varying degrees, possess the same power as the above named of affecting the nervous system and giv- ing rise to hiologicnl phenomena. The Salpelrierc researches have provoked a livelj discussion. The lads nounccd have been confirmed in Ger- many, Italy, England, etc., but have been boldly attacked likewise in the last-uamcd country. A medical wri- ter in Lu Nature, who has been a wit ncss of Prof. Charcot's experiments, says that Ihe action of the mngnct is iu aoino reapccla HO surprising that it might a priori excite mistrust. The application is not direct. The mag- net is not placed hi contact with the skin of the subject experimented on, but Us action takes place at a distance. To inUiieuco tho organism and to pro- duce the same effects as with metals it only suffices to place tho poles of the magnetized bar at one or two limeters' distance from that portion of the body upon which it is desired to act. It is thus that all the experi- ments have been made al the Salpeti i era. It it not necessary that the magnet should be a large one, but merely tlint the uiagnotic torco should be appreciable. It is alleged hy the writer in question that this mode of treating disease BIIOUUI be ranked of equal value with other methods now iu use, such as that of eleulriuity, etc.

LAWRENCE Business Directory.

M. WILLIAMS dealerln Saab, II

dow and Ooar e*ramea. Allkindt House r iniau -Aa.-,. IO. . dow and Do OvDosite Boi

Manufacture] a Bsah, boors and Bllndi ramea. All kind* Honae 1

n A Maine B.B.fasseDgciUep


iti stiaex Street, Lawrence. aaa.Btbei an Chloroi or in Administered.

ttULllUItN BBO'S,— DAILY PAPKKb 'Unroinoa.falngravlnge, Periodical*,Stalicetij

fancy tiood*. r-ieturea framed at abort nolle* No.JSlBsaexStreet

CiLAKA H. R0QEE3. M. D. J Disaasas of Woman a Specialty.

Ofltce sad Hsaldeace, log BmilniiMiui. OfleehouraS lot)a.m. * lo I, 7 to V \>. n.


W. SVLVESTKR, Dentist, Xtil _ . Particulai

preserving Nature 11>eih. Ar uncial i'oeth inserted. Oaa er ether gr*ee t» prelerred. X lyoelS

DB.C. Bssax ST., Lawrem


Cor..awrence ■ Ccmmon 8ti Haa returned from Europe aad reanmed pise< U«eol in. .rufeaaion.


No. / Bradford Strut, cor Amesbuiy 0^"r0«': Lawrence, Mats

DK. J. H. KIDDBK, DENTAL 6L1. tiKOS, Ns. STI Essex Street, Lawnsn

Uaaa. Uae, Chloroform, or Elber given, aa in fjrred. Uioaed during Auguii.


HiOSPr ST.'-t' FOrt PA.J-?.1-

it :. ,:r.

vtt-X-: :■■;-. ■'■■.'; ;, «I0, |l M,I lU t( •'■ '■•';'« l'Jjd ^

lilii-oV.v.ho fnr: >cri. ' !f thcr*. 1:




8COTT & VICTOR, »4fl Common St. Lawrenc

ii;s* laU I*

GKOCtltb _ Urockery and tils** Ware. BtrlcUi pur*

U* Tcea.Spiuea and choiceslTea*. Tfce bentdairlci sf Butler and Cheese. U Amesburv Street.

I? N. UARKISrSfifl BBOADWAi'. ol IVetbe It, Hunt Machine Co. Turbine Wan-i Wneule, fulling MiUa.Wavlirrt.l'allirg fat*" 11 uig», Begulatora, Ac, Ao. I'luna lui ni.liiuanu all mill wort done. lunlleO

ip 8. VAT1B, M.D., FHY81C1A* SB !i* Surgeon. oatoe, Sir} Essex Street, corner ol Lawrence

Bsaiilence, SSSammer Street.

-Tbe Newbaryport HeraMaaya as !e..a

than tw> IVM mill sgeata have be*M la that

City since the Bre, neerchUajr for help, aad

yet ihe I'nciuc flaltl (eno each murals*;

hears a score or snore *>i at It aw hers

welting for something lo torn ap.

A t.ocou. COLD oa Soaa 1 USOAT sbonld he stopped. Naglact frequently results In SO la earahle Lung Diaeaae or Con in minion. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES do not disorder tbe itomecb Ilka eocgb •yrups and halsasas, oat act directly* on tbe Inflamed parts, slier Ina irritation, give relief In Asthma, Bron- chitis, I'oagbi, Catarrh and tbo Throat troerlei

es have bean recommended by physician*, and always give par fact sat I* faction. Having been Mated by wide and constant use for Nearly aa en! r i ganeKiioa, ttiev have attained well nier hed rank aumig tbe few staple resaedw* of tho age. Sold at AV. a hex everywhere,

l^eod Ivriaet

Have Wisraa'S BAIAAN or WILO CIIBIKT ileravi at hind. It cures Coughs, Colds, Drea- .-tiitie. Wn.i ipiiiir Cu_'!i, t'r.iin., I iHn. n,s, CMiaemptlofl, snd al' Throat KHJ LU g ftim pi*tSSS. 40 cents nn-l vI a tHU'ts.

teod ^eow nov23

laay prassiaaat pliralciaaa are pmscriiung Hr. uensoa '* Celery and Cam um lie Pilli.Tlicie t*>:t*4re ihe rciultof atienuric ex perl men l ol ■e eminent phvalclan of 30 Tears aseceHfel pr tetter. la Ihe cure of slch headache, neu- 'Bi«ie,*ervoutneBSor i lee p less naif liter never lait. S*ld by all druggists. H. M. Whitney *C, wholesale aad retail agent), 903 Ersox

teod itap

Even- day at noon, ii rlnlli-oti ilv Feet Mirfi" top of U.ik Hall, Ilualm

after April 4ta, a rt1c-n*i>d from tho reward of a suit of

■ It and

tomarlnour bnysMi'iisltiiiiiil.iiiiliitlal-Jdruriaiati llaBnoii, Wl cesiriini 1. r« fci .limsk-torT

ThoatnL-k -if U>>-s and thiys* Spring nm\ Rum. mcrSultasuilttprliiir i>v<rr..: cumplctc. nnd •iirjio**'" in vurli-ty n- .1 gent r.d i-xrellrnec- all rurmcr*. [., thr.-e l.mi.lrcl New Unalnii'l town* mi.l clllea we ar* n-i rcscnti .1 l.y -*laall* Agent*, In wliot* lisnd- mil line* .if Si.rlng nn.l Huumi.-rdnSiplrs sill Iv fmind, miJ wllh whom oartmile nm i-nnittK'ntly deal.

When you go lu Baaten a* mw nnd Oak UM faiiiutie, oaw pvtall Miuulo Clulblng

stass, Sarnpk-aaiiJ nika fur -.-If I srnt to any


33 to 44 North Street, Bonton The olJMt Oothta, HoiMt hi N.w England.

D. W. LOUD, Agent, Lawrence. Bv cod. m.r!-'>




Portraits aud Landscaj tlacapc*. SM Essex ST.. LAWKKBCB.

HOLT'A CO., ICE DEALERS. Offlcr with Bugbee A Mack, IBS Essex street, LRW

renee, Mags. aprssviy.

JOHN O. RODBMKTER, BOOK B1N1 ER, Old Booka, rebound. Magasmi

PanpbleU. and Mualo boned al ihorl ottli Blank Booka made to order. 6h<>> Mr, Inn c


M, i 11 to


Lawrence, Maa*. Personal attention lo allhuii- ntvtft

rHE AMERICAN STEAM PRINTING Ofl.ce, Post Oflloa Block, I* the largest aa,

tM-at appointed, outside of Be ator >a esatera Msasaeh* aatta





■ above riety of i ,U Ail!

HUNT BROS. New Eng. Gen'l Managers,


BILLINGS. Tbe above well-kmysriiePraisMi ar* a vsrkly of *tTles, at prleea which «™« . aoiL AU folly warrantad. Send for CsUdogu*.



laniirricotTaiiii and Ir ntormatlun. plan,, A'

BsamssaosT Baoruaa,; Bowuso Osaav, H- V

OS Easex St., Lawn nee

la'arge.) thiougtioot Kngland, nco'tlsii- —

TorTwaionBronnaUon,plarj».Ac^,*pgly to

1!iiin nov" t+-

TBY THE BOSTON BATTEBY. s ll sUmaktssa' lha

si*j . . blood intwaaSle*r>nd ht.oulil be wora by irvcryone lublect lu Itlieuemiam* >eu lufgia, Keivuus pi«- eaae«, Steeple** Sight*, Uisisrla, Ki.ilipvy, llyapepila Keve. and Ague. Ileirl, Liver. Aung aad Eid-.ey l>rs*aa e*. rtarsing llothera and Chlldre* wear ihe Boston Uatterv, Hs Ai-Aioe upo* ihe motoer and ehiid

will be round very quieting Uodtcrs now dls- ctrd all BDOthinb tyrupt.snd um the Ueston Dtiierv. thu* relieving Hi* chihl Ol wuoa aajfJer- ingcauaed br naicotics. Bent l.y mail every

receipt of price.o> cents. Sold hy all

"■•■'■■nKi'&V.SK Dot bl.,Bo>tcn, MSal.

BH'ilili'll Vii.M I"


WOOD. COR, LIME and CEMENT S74 Essex Street,



d^SSt^wUt_, • ~rHm PINQKBLA CON AUD i aumaswwats, Ttesttrrev*,Cht,t,r Co.,]

Teow 101 fehlS

Special Inducements to al who Enter Before April I. Cannon's Commercial College,



Book-keeping;, Commercial Arithmetic and English Branchei. Special Attention given to Penmanship. "'"'

PI*EA8E CAI- 8tDt*tDt


QTT'RTR I^TTPTi! por ConrhB, Colds, BroncMtla, O \J XVJU K^ U JVJC. A-tlima, CoiiHumptlon,

And ALL DI8EA8E8 of the Throat and Lungs. ti Up in Quart Size Bottles for Family! Use,

CAUTION yi?.^-^?.1^*^^?^-^o"P*lrr«JpIBd jlt^Wwh* unprinrlpled 1 prune ol ourl„.

made, the »E*it'iAK baring a

Batreet frem* Kapert mt th* C.»aala*l*Bier af J*ilera>al BtevSKwe i TBEASUBT DEPARTMENT, OKFIL'E OP IM1UNAI, REVENUE, I

M...r..I,AWBEN.«AMART|W,,,,^,|wneT*ca.^^^^ ' ■-— I have received a "certlArd foimula" giving llio larredlrDts and irlttKr

ileTewfclib v. u ad.rr"--- ■ —' *---- OaxTLxaxs

portion* u*ed In the waaularlt.. . "TOLU. BOCK ANl> R\ E." I hit ... ofBi-c, would haveasaaiei.ut qnnnilty

tell under ibe ■

i«*t, Lswraacs.


. . . Uil by, iii deling them liable lu i ai tue, Ul lax a* lion.nTI-fh-r,.

li.lli»B-a.*H-l|l,llj. (S,; ONI KB It lllllf, fninin la* inner. i.tttNKftll st r A 111 IB, . aiNssa, II. « B.s. I, ^ »,., ,-ntw Verk, Beta Again*

fvr t*>- I'atKa.t Ni.i.s ,ss Cnwerlaa.

Dotd l»j DIIUGGIHTH, CKOCKits, and GENEItAL pEALEBS Evcf-ywliorc.

BJII! in Liwrence bv R. fl. KELLER. Apothcoary, Post Office Block M. CABNET * BBO., Wl.ol.sulr Annit-. Will Kuii|>ly the Trade

ut ManalsVCturorB* PriceB, leod Isow lyr sepU

The Daily American. Published Every Evening,

to the Largest Daily In the City, with Four Times tbe Olrcoiattoa of Mir otbsr, [

SUBSCRIPTION, In Advance: One t MT, 16. oo ( six Mont be, t» OO

Wben not paid In advance, 18.00-

OEO. 8. MBHBILL, Proprietor

THE AMERICAN WTEAM PRINTING OFFICE , Istha ItrfMttnd moetthorooa*blyfur •

additions of tbBcawwtitylM of Type, we are able to furnish tha baat quality ol work, atlowprtoee. OrderabymAl promptly attended to.




intu aid BroncMs. ■ ■•>«, »ipt«Ml* m *r Sp lr I ta

■ g, BUstln.ea.I.aMIU,

M •* Un nt r*arf a I aflsen a a,

HTLY REMOVED. ....a... ■••■•<. »«~r •«•»• -'-*imu - -

.... Sla

)ATARRHINE. iil7i eealsin-

aeiaeaa, M da msay or tbt « remediee whlok ii the end a aggravate ibe dliiin Catsrrklaa 1 eTasatlag gams ad alia, which

J t* ike alteated tutu Is the oaly I efeetlve manner, tarongh Ike pre

M mslntiea. NM<n never Intended thai U tkenld be peered tbrongk the nose. Bad. J asr kentwt la iae ,ormor bsir.. in

ll,uprMNiui tatrmaajaf dnet, called snug. To Inhale

satire* ao easily IsSaltr, bat oaly

_ OBS.-Pnt a hills of Ik* Catarrhlne. > ta srdlstrv elsaa sips, tad smoke it. past hike assess ttrengn in, nose. By repeating gptwetettrtmtBaies ikret times task day, Pwertlce•*• at eeUrrfc may bacured.

CATARRHINE. B*M bvslld aggisu. Ask for Catarrh I as, T "•* «• •t**r wanly If ran woald tad af. Tat* raawWto eqaal j saTeetlya la cor- Assam.* watA BremeJaltie It aoothei the tmsdaeris, aad ea»Uae laal tknaatklsge

, aaaary la aid nature la tarewiag «f lha dla- | aaaa aad raaalrlag hat waau planes.

CATARRHINE. I »laaaa»t*a dM taste. Stare tm lUetTeets.

Vtfl. » Ota. KB IMWI.


M. C. «l>»»Wm * *0., A...... ll.l.U •

Fin Insurance, 4 OHN EDWARDS a COS Insurance Agency




LAWRENCE, MASS. 'on lust.

A I'OTII EC Alt IKS j M»diclne,

APOTHBCABV: Drug., M<xll- XX ulii,, ii.wM ,»>■,,

It VKlt.UU U. KCLLKY, Fo.l OUo« Block. AI'OTHECAKY ; compoundlnc

ol fur.iuiwi.' dcoi'lullou. m .uoulalli.

APOTHECABV, Drum, Mod- jTa. iuiBva, iJliotuliiHi., l'u:lei li udci, iu.

J. 0. AVOKB, 5JU U.M.X. our. fraaklia. AHT STOBE, I'lcturo Frame

VOLBUHS BltOTUBIta. 1S1 Kasax hire,.? t> AKElt, M*t*r Crackeru, Bread I-»AI«k«, Caatrr, *ad.iin^ Uaaa, Kro.tLttaa. as.

J JN ATHAlJ P. KKNT. *w LowaU atraai: BLANK BOOK MTraud Com-

•asrolaldUtmaar, lt4M>u.raii«r,L>tH)0>aiiuBa W. E UtJM. jaVlt.Ua fltxastT

[JOOK8, Paper Hitngiug-s, Sta JLM tlontry, (Tladuw nbailu*. Ac.

L. 8 fa A rr UN. «J Bsasx Stroat. |>LACK SILKS, Velvets, Caah- 1 ■ awrca, Sllb a rlase*, Bulloaa, UIOTSS, *C.

A.cjHAkra •(JU.,liaBaasaStra«t. BOOTS «ft SHOES, a full and

oaMplalt atooa, ai |>nc«a to aalt the Uuoa. P. B. UUBlNaUM, HI Bassx Blraat.

BOOTS & SHOES, Hue reods of a.l qnalltiaa. Low yrioad to atiii Utc IIaaaa

U. O. MAtluBBY, iU Hasan au BOOTS A SHOES. Laiyert ft»-

aorUMBt and lowa.i prleaa isiksoltj. BAULB oHui UuUSB, MS Baaaa at.

BOOTS & SHOES. Thelarrest aad baat a.aortw«ai k> us louitu In lb* c.t>.

T. JACKSON wHiri'KJtlMJK. Iiaiudiki. BOYS' CLOTHING, Men's Fur-

aiAklaf Uuads, Uats. **.. Oas artaa aoi*. A. A CO.. Mt Jtaaax BUWSI.

It r. BABA AED, 310 Baiex Street.. pLEANS! NO, Dyelna; and Flii-

' -—inxwrararv ueauriuiiuu.done aline It A OVa; WOUkn. uaico JII Bassx St.

tiONFECTIONEHY, pure home J asatta. Ugraal atUMiy, uy

JOltH SlHO.bM Baasz Street, COOKING RANGES, Crocker;

and Stiver rialsd Ware, kituasa Uuou», «c. O. N. A C. at. U Alt 11N IKS Kaaez Stresi.

CROOKING STOVES, BauKes, J feraaoaA. Sals attanl JaagaS SWSaa.


ion. aa<i Lira aioct. JOlUiOUUM^UlLLAOa.lSAiaAsiaabarvSt. | 'ROCKERY, Glass, China, Pla- \J tad Ware, cuutrj, Laaipa. Ac

JOHN U. OUW A CO., NJj Baaes Street.

Health Regulations.

Notice i* herel-r flvea. saoanllnf to law, or Ihe follow inn reiulaliona oT the ll.mi'1 of Health Of the Oil* ol Law rases, adopl. <I l,> raid board March loih. 1-81, aad IMsBaavafS sow la loroa:

Omoi or TBS Bo* a . ..■ HSALTH, Lawraate. Maaa , Mar. Is, ISJI.

Be it ordered by Ike Board of Uetlth of lbs City of Laa-rscss, as fatlowa:

All perasaa are atrletly fttrblddca lo Mi row any tith, aisaa er sarfaagr, or aav hlad, iato aay baokvard* or vriveu alley-way, of Ike Ultj of Lawrence, aad all owner, eroocapaata of dwell in n huuira, kiorea or oibar liuildinaa with which tbaral* a baek yard or otbar laad aiipui tenant thereto, anall ooaaeaaid sack yard or other i-nda at all tiaisa to bs hsptslaar Of all liib, aarlMia, noste dirt, aad of all dsoajsd or dseaylea aalnal and vsgelahls •absUaof•; aadallaseh owaara or oocupanta »f dwelling konaw, atSTMorotbar baikllaga are rssslrsd to loralfk at all time, a suitable tees*! or Teasel, lor koMlag tease asade apos lbs prsaa- lass, tad U keep las BSSM la a aoaaaaltat place to ba rataoyed by lbs Board ol lies lib.

Mo aarsea iktll permit or aster say sink or tlthy water to ran or stand on Hi.- iLrlatM ol aay lead appnteaaai to aay d» elllna koeae or ■tors of whioh ha may ua ibe owner, lesaea, taaast,oaeapastoragsat having the ca>a there ol, bat thsoaaer, lasssa, Uaaat, ooeapaat or Sgsatoi aay dwelling house sr aioreorlaod apparteaaat thereto aball cants all »l< a and tlthy water la said balidlaa ores aald Led lo bs conveyed through a aalUble pips or dials to a sewer, li aay ia the street adloiaieg .alu land or uulldlng, or toasoasi—' tor ike parpsss. tad a pproved Health, aad aball eaue ah drain, er laniK a aswer or cesspool iron asic .... dwairiag fcaast, or stare, lo be providedwl„- irap or travs appioysd by ibe Hoard ol Health.

S aad Aooldant si l, Worcester.'

THOMAS BEVINOTON, eaa avaaas Basest, - • I*sr*at.a



R. H.E0DV. ** Btato BS., appwatte SHl-r St..Bias. Saaersa rataata Is tha Ualtad Slatas;alao la

53!rfbyMasUtlagsasdalUr. Aaitgaaveatsra

" ^sleatabillty irotratsaM.

TISTlatOXIALB. A oae of tka aMeLoapSbtS

i witt watts I sars

■ HASON.Coeaaiia'rof

^tVatvllO BDBJB. Lass Oeai'r of rstsals.

DB Y GOODS.For Silks, Shawls raaor Uooda sad LtsriMiiissa, go to

A. W. sTBAHNd A CO., >w A all Base* St. L'ANCY GOODS, Ladles' Fur- X aishieg Ouotis, Miiunuiy, Ao.

M. M. CltuWBLL, tat ic.aex Stract. pLOUB, Grain, Hay, Straw, Salt, X BSssssVInaoda. root*, Aa,

SOOI'TA VlBTOK,slt> Uoinuon Street.

GBOCEHIES, Fine Teas, Pure CaBbaa, ri ml., ( •*><:> Oooda, i-ruducc, Ac

B. BASTMAM A CO.. Itt Bases Bin*I. HARDWARE, Cutlery, Farm-

lag Toola and aeads, Itttajasa Uood., Ao CHAtiLKB B, SAsuiS A Ci>„SJ; Bsesa OL,

HARDWARJB, Tools. Cutlery ■^^.VrtZsTBLvTsn Mttsaex Street.

JEWELRY, Watches, Clocks. apsoisslea, Oliver ana PuLcd rfare.

LTHUaTOtJ-N * SON, U7 Bssex Htreet. WOB PRINTING, In all the Oner

branches. AMERICAN orriCI, P. O. Block.

MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isadora WniUakEr, tut and lw BsaaX or.

V| ELLIN ERY at Millinery Goods OH. Maiaad 4M»aaei Btaaoharv.

L. IL UlLHuUB, *ls Baasx Strati. MILLINERY & MillIneryGoods

TriatsMd Mala aad ttoaaat.. J. O. SMACBLBTON. JJt Baaax Street.

PAPER HANGINGS, Window ■kadee sad SlAt area. __

B. A. riaKB. I7t Bsaai BtreeL PHOTOGBAPHY, sole licensee

lertsec.ivioria*CsriH>B Praeaa ea. raAMK KUaaBXL ttS Baas:

PLUMBING, Steam and Gas nttlag aad rixttirea, ew.vssvsuut—-

*M. rORBAS A SON. bt» Bs PROVISIONS,Country Produce

Meat, fruit, Cauucd uvotia, as. K. C ALLAH AN, ttiCOBBBtas Street,

SOAPS; the best Toilet, Family "-w-rtta».iA0B sosrconrABT. TAI LOUS, French, English and Antariisan Novu.uii.. __ __

P, W.SDHAAKK A CO., Post OMce Block. r r AI LOR, Imported and Domes-

H DBKNIB MOUSE, lit Bates StretL

UNDERTAKINt; Furnished in an Its daWila. kuueisl Chair, a a, eciali,


UNItERTAKER; evory duty appertaining lo f'uoeraUattended to.

M.J.MAUONBY.tUOak Street.

WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry ft SpsetscleaaudSitverwBiS. (Sspalrmg)

SAM'L vT. rBuIAlffS.tStBaaex eireai.

WORK of every description, In ths Printing Una, i.eaiiy aad ■


YOUR ADVERTISKM ENTwIll rsash nearly ail Stswhaaaaw. tiuvnak TUB AMBBICAM. DAILY AJIUWBBKL

City of Lawrence.

<be moat .__ nperlor ic

Kalaooiias. sad asors eosao sties L It la avals- s'de •iisBurory, and Us merila as a wall finish axsaatqualsd. ills lbs oaly asiural aad dor abl- flm.h lor Walls- It wilt nsy you to send lor saianle card and testimonials to

Aveiih Paint Oo., 19 Federal St., BOSTON.

if, or to a oo.apool coastrueti i, aad approved by tka Board _

■ or pipes ea- Sid IsBil Or

All privies ranst bs provided wlih a regnlai star close!, or sosae suitable vault, n

bard bnraed brick, oottoai tatl aides, wtl sosae eaitabis vault, Bade ol

—t, aaileat sad aides, will laid ■a oeasaat sad thoioughhy Hgki, aad ao privy



Beat In the world. lasts longer than anv

kan the latitslions. Every paekaga baa the radssasrk. Call for taa geoalne, and Uko no



Absoluta Dlvorosa without Publlolty.— Dea nlon, non-support, IntomireraDoe, Ac.

Advice aad circular, contalalng Intl laforraa

$7771 YRLR, and expensea lo

ants. Outturns. Addreaa „ O. VIOKBBY, Augusta, MalBS.



Mulc.1 BUM in Gnat V.riety. ■ISM n.aS Inrtmr—*-

Violin.. _ i Goiter..

Imported Onltera. l as upward..

Violin, Violoncello. Double Bon, Bonjo, Zither and Bar, String.

and Trlfttmlnfs. Aoeordeoa. and Concertina, of Ull..lill,lln.i American and

•Malaa Sheet, ■lo Book-, *c, Wholeaale and Betall.

TkU M4«»IUh...t I. OMofthf brtnch.tore. *t OL1TBB DITMIM A CO., M. POM.....

I i,,Mla|M tor UM laporUUoM of I Into U. b«il aUBtooloror. In

llTOrlS r.



Faints. Oils, Eye StiuTs. Chemicals, Mixed PakatB,tUeolor Nuu root OIL Napbiaa. Olive Oil. Oxalic Acid,

Ales.. Aasasoals, A ale Orsaati


Bri sh Brooms. Cart a, Caatpaer, Oaalk, Cream Tartar, Oatorastall shades, Caibolie acid Coach Varalsb,

vaulishalleelaraav aewer.aad tha oonieale of ao privy vault shall aver b- w lililn one loot ul the ton ol the vault, .ad wnenevrr aay privy -halt become otsaslvs ths same shall be

Maaaed. Aad ao parson shall permit or tuger ay privy or prlvr vault to beor remain upon or land or pramlsea ol which be may be the warr.ocoupaal. Meant or a sute or ondltlon or oosalrsotsd Is t manner contrary

to the provisions of this reanlailon. All persona art lorblddea to remove tha oca ■

tents ol anv privy vnalt w.iboui a I cease from the Board ol lleaith Any parson Uaviagchargri ol a vaalt whlah seed, smpty]B. Hly i^avt his order iheretor at IM oSTue of tha Baard of Health. City Hall, or st Agaat's Omoe, Lowell Itrsst, and a duly licensed person will perform thoservlc* ol empivtng lae vault deslana H in .aid nrdar, by the odorless excavating ,.r». theexpeait of lbs parson leaving lire order.

From and alter June 1st, 1SS0, BO person shall ■spawlae within the following descrlixd llm s: On the north side of the Merrlmaok river, y the ttpLcaat river os the east and nor'htw

Smyrna Pond, tfianca by Msv straer. Crescent street, Warrca ilreel, Budwell street, aud Mel- ro.e atreei lo tha river, cxcrpnag only on the prsmiasa belenging toibeCoaat, Jail and House er Correction. Ua Ihe soulu side of the Msrrtmaoa river, bv lbs Cave sad Brook os the waat to tka Lowell railroad orldge, ibaacebv A adorer street on ibe south, aad Uaion street or Use easl, to IBS Merrlasai-k river. Aad ao person •ball keep aay swine la any otbar part •>< Ike city without a written permit from the Board ol Health.

All persons are forbidden to keep fowls 01 any kind la aay ■tollar 01 baxmemoi a dwell- ing houae orators,

•ball throw Into, er leave la, or upon aay airost, court, vquara, lane, allay, tWi*m,-rt*ir'Wm**itm'Wk*Mev*$.t*- tits limit* of lbs oily, aa v dead saimaL or decayed or daaajlsg aalmsl or yogolible subctssce, or aay house dirt, rubblab or Sltb of aav kind, or say lafasa animal or yegsubls mslter whatso- ever, or cauaa any animal to ba drowned in aav ooad, ilrer or body of water wMais tka limita of Hie oily without the ncease ol Hie Board of Dealta.

And BO parson shall remove, osrt or enrrv throusb enrol the streets, iguares, larsa or illajsol the city, any bouse dirt, rsfu.e. oSal. will, or asydseajtsrl or decaying aalmai or

vegetable substance (or aay grasas or bonos) frost say ef lha a wailing sou,*., rhop,, stores,

other | laces Within ths city, without a writ i license of Hie Baard at Health, bavlag boss st oblsiaed therefor. Bed all perseaa are

..qalred to lornlsh soms aallaote vuael of deposit lor swill and h >uss oral made or col- lected upon their premlasa, and to keso Ihe aama la a eoarsalSBt place ta be removed by the Board of Health, and are lorlildden 10 plane, rail or throw any swill or house otal of anv kind Into aay vault, sowar, or into any vessel containing ashes, or 10 mingle ainsi or otasr refuse iberewith.

•pBolal Ragulationa. 1st -ill swill, bouse oral, grease or boats

made upon piamlaaa Trom wnich parties may bs license.! to oars (or Bad remove tho same, shall bs deposited aa soon as mada m regula tloa bBireta, provided by ihs Board ot Ifeslth UapartmsBl, and removed l>..ra said premise* la the same rsgnlsUos barrels, at least twice each wast.from OsWbar Ul to May l-i, and at least three timea a weak from May l.l lo Octo- ber 1st,

isd.-No twill, basso ottl, greats «» shall bedaooslt-dor removtU in auv kind ol a vseselSBor irom asch prsmi.ea other than in aald regulation barrets.

_.. No person having snob licen.c klia.ll dis- pose of his .will, bonseolnl,srea.eor bones 10 say per so a or perasaa other than |ho a having t ifeflBse from aald Board or Health, lo culled awlil. house oaTa), grease or bones lu lbs City ol Lswrence.

4th—ill licensee granted by Ihe Board ol Health may be revoked at the pleasure af said Hoard.

Bth.-fttld ragnlatioa barrels in to bs sad rsmaln the property of lbs Health Department, and are palsied bine, bay tag gaivaaiied iron rovers, are marked Health Ocuartment, and the No ol the liotBeegaieawlth said banvlstnnracd upon the same. Twa kariela at, altk sack licease, and it more are sasseaary they can be bad or Iks AisatPuaTtsa laaaiiia rsaniT, sad aald barrels aball be well cared lor aad replaced by Us pei.oas having tbt-m by lbs, should bslo.tor ilSBiroyed.aad II aald lroeassahi<sl<i be revoked

good order aad condition. ttk.—tald ragnlailoB barrels shall ba uml.

tne direct sapervlalonol the agent ol the U<ai at Healta, and skall bs kepi In a convenient place lor examination by said Agent or bv tay member ot Ihs Board.

All Persona sri o aha)) violate any of Lbs fore _>lei rigulalione aball a.urn sot ax eeedlogone hundred dollars.

I reiulatlona of ike Board of Bsslth IBCOB- siaieal bcrawilk ate ktreby repealed.

WM B. PKIIRICX. 1 BMVd B. II. DHJhIS, { of E.B. YATKs, H.I>.> Health,

11m aprl

ALLAN LINE Royal Mall Steamers,

saoM BVassam every Tssritsj far I.lverpwol.

vlat^adoaaarry.ogeriMgaupsibBrasmmoilsllon to Cabin Pass eager s. st swdersU rates. Extra steamers Irom OLASSloW. UAL WAT and QtJttaClsaTOVrM Tor aoaTOBJ direct. Kind irealoj-ut aad cesalortfor Slssrago Passengers la gaadnaapoatalty by ttala Line. Outward and [•repaid Tickets as low as by any other Drat elaaa Line.

Par Outward and Prepaid Tickets apply lo Thoa. tirian. 29 White St ; P. Murohy, i»> Bates PLl Uao. L. Oage, a*. Esaex sasf kSS

COOKS TOURS Nsplus ultra of Luxuryi Comfort snd

Economy. rtvs taraadl Kxearelow Partlaa to Kw-

__ from BBSastoMOO. Tsavol aaslafatals rirat etaas, all neie-sary expense, ludnded. Also Special Bxcuralos In AsKtiat for aiatba- alata. London and return! BUS and BISA msMMpmleS with Mao containing fall paiticu 'art sent free by mail on request. Tourist Tick- ets for ladcpeadsnt Travelers Issued by all riulea. Addreaa TBOI. COOK Av SOS, 1ST Waabsugtoa

atreei, Baatan, Blaae.

IS IM sarll

all Palae or Acnes either Loeal or Daep kantsd

* CTAVT fcE,* A sttm salt B Boi

New England Farmers' and HeMc's

Lawrence American.


Locomotives In America.

rsirMT M-osurea. ATOII, C IUI

ie.r of Ol. Rr>*. of Hokl.,, Km., ifn.tod IB Wa.bluutoB, St., J*w-

■ r. a.w .roetf... .orM.M.Mt K.hlbi- tl.M B.ll.laK, mho


Containing: over 8 ACRES of floor space.!

Blank forms forAPPLICATION ta EXHIftlT at tha First Annual Exhibition In ths fall of 1681, can new bt had by addrtttlns; the

New England Manufacturers and Mechanics Institute,

5 Pemberton Square, Boston, 11 Mass.

eod' l*n maid

Paris White. Potash. Pumice Stone, Plantar Perl,, Pane Ureen, Paint Brushes, Paper Palls, Bed Lead. Rubber Wagon Sin Ings, Maela, Kotton Stone, Hock Sell

foraoraaaar i caillt Shaltao,

JJaV D. T. WITaUa,

Sip XT TIBT. Offlts aatl Rsildsnce, Portar'i •lock

BBS atsaaa Btrsaf -..Lamiamte. ixatAsOtaasd Byjtra^aratana

forest River Lead i.allgradea, i Arsblo,


Sloes Jars aad Msgs, Ssltpstre, Sew lag Machine Oil, Stains Palls. Ckaft Robbers, BerabBrnibea, Tar, Dpsart,

V indow Oiaat, Water Palls, West's latavtl Dressing

for Carriage Tone, wsaSBr--'-- rslla, Whlltwaah Brushes,


Wanted, ea* StaABIB BnrLoiMSJiT at GOOD WAG pajtMams la tha bsstsese sot required. Nurseries gUMj Mt BtvornbLy known. Tor terms ad- Brsat«. E.. TAW B>tTBBW, Tarn mmtan ITarsarlas I OBNBTA, W. T.

Bataatkwlad )MtT 1 AlaoStoekBt Wholesale

ghBjjSS., Ulyeense, Oltnbsr Stll, Qtlvanlied In Hsrnsaa Saap, nsnwaWa Kalaomiaa, all tints, LaaAsa Purple, Whale O Light Oral nicg Varniih.Wbiting,

■msatSOll, AfdOu,

111 quantities to suit at Lowest Market Priest.

191 ESSEX ST.. LAWRENCE. tlrVss-

ASK the rscov ered dyspeptics, b<l lose HtTersra, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial dt .eased patleat, how they re ssastwaSsalia. cheer- I»l si'ltlts and good tppetlte; Ifcey will by taking

TheCkaapasl. Ftuest att« B st family Hadlslas 1m tha Warld.

rarDYSPKPSI A, CON&TIPATION, Jaundice Bilious attarka, SICK HBADACIIE. Colic, Depresaloa ul apiriis.bOUR STuMACU, Heart Born, Ao , Bo.

Thla asrlvaHfl Southern Remedy la warrsnt- cd not to con tain a single panicle ofnl sneusv, or nny i.Jurlnn* mineral subauncc, but la

PURELY VEGETABLE, combining laosa toalkars Roots Snd Hirb«, which sn all-wise provklence has plam-d In countries wheie Llyer Diseases met pre.aii. It will ears all Diseases eaused by Darasgc- meal of tbt Liver tad Bowela,

Tns RVMPTOM9 or Llrtr Complaint are a bitter or bad laats la the mouth; rain in the Back.oideaor Joints, oli«s mlsuken lor llhen- maliami Soar Stomach, Less ol ApiMtl'e; Bow els llernalelvcaaliveandhniHeadaelie. Loss oi mrmorv, wllh a painlul sensation of liarlnx railed to da aottstMng which oagkt U> have bocr>


FLORISTS. Chi Flowers, Bouqutls, Wreiths, Pillows,

Crosses, aad all Designs lor Funerala s tpsc laity.

303 ESSEX STREET. Qrernhoutsi corner Broadway ard

Aston Street,.

Weekly Newa Brevltta). r-tl —

Friaa>. Lord BeaconiQclU la much eaalar. Tb« Irish arms get is to ba pstjo fores

llirougUout Ireland u-dsy. t

lag land will not seed a rsprsaaotatl vc to tha monetary confarsnefl at Farts.

Tha body was erstosted idMsy.

Klmer O. Tocker't Jewelry itora at Worcester, was robbed of ftOOO worth of goods, earl* last evening;. •

Tha steamer Clljr of Portland, of tbs Boston 4 SL John lioe, Is deuined st Oloacetter by tbs tlorm.

Tbs late William Hutch Lawrenos makes no public bcunasta lu bis will. leaving all bis property to his family.

It Is reported that OBB. Loogstrset will b« recalled from Turkey and appointed to las United Stakes nwamwMmmmf ol Oeorgla.

Pit la ted, tha oarsman, arrived st To- ronto, yesterday, and will immediately go lot© training for his race wllh Ragle. Han- Ian looks trier him while thsre.

A Mil hat psssed the Connecticut legis- lators declaring elder sn Intoxicating bev- erage, to bo subject to the same restric- tions concerning Its sale at apply to other ItSJBwJB.

Prench Ctntdlina to Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maine sen 'onnlng ctabs for the purpose or organ- izing s movement looking to tlnlr early reinrn Ctntda.

Forty «lx freight brskemen were dis- missed from lbs Central Had sou road. yesterday, the perfected system of signal- ling rendering unnecessary mare than two brskemen to a trsln.

Mrs. Bliss Edwards, widow of Daniel Edwards, a large landowner of Port Jef- ferson, L. I., wss found drownttllu a well yesterday. It Is tnpposed she cams to her destb accidentally.

Mrs, Albrigut, a widow. Uvlqg sear Youngstown, O., bang herself, Wednes- day. On receipt of lb* news, her asole, John Ellsetr, living two miles swsy, fell dead. Mrs. Albright leaves live children,

A party of cowboys, who were creating a distilrhance at O'Neill City. Neb.. Tues- day, wore partially disarmed by Sheriff Bernard Ksarns, wiu-n ooe of the party, Henry Deans, shot the tberlf.

In the Beawaabaka investigation at New York, yesterday, Oeoraa W. Bkldmore, a passenger oe mat boat oo the day of lha disaster, said he bad travelled ua It It years, and never knew the owners to put on now lifeboats.

Tbs Halted States senate devoted live hoars yesterday to a discussion or the

inctlon-of-orllceis resolatlon without re- sult, the democrats still peislitlag In their obstructive tactics. Senator Kellogg made nn effective epoch on the enormity of Bourbon democratic role In Louisiana.

Saturday. "" dabtiast**^ — •»«-. i

Lord Calrnt attack.d England's Trant- vaal policy In the BilUsti boaas of lords, on Tbnrsdsy night.

There have been 7G8 claims presented against lbs "Ladles' Deposit,** represent- ing s face raise of B270,aOO.

The French chamber of deputies hss voted 6.000 000 francs to Indemnify the sufferers of lbs coup tTctdi ol 1831.

Twelve baronies In Cork county, Ire- land, have been proclaimed In a state of disturbance, rt quit lug adlltlonal police.

A shingle |otnter Is Koonell's mill In Cailbou, Me., exploded jeelerdty, killing (jollf/ord Harris, literally cattlug him In two.

At one o'clock this morning, the condi- tion of Lord Besconafleld was grestly Im- proved, and mere In every hope of his recovery.

Nearly all ihs trades ID New York have received astent to their demands for In- creased wages, including bricklayers, plumbers and athers-

Utilted States Mtrshste Bales at Somer- set, Kv , and Cooper st Littleton. Ky„ were killed on Wednesday night, It Is sup- posed, by moonshiners.

Five bnndred nesroea have left Huo- tlogton, Tenn., alnce Toesday, for K»n- sas; about 10UO will emigrate to ihe same state In May from tne name locality.

Tha Brlllah cabinet ba. approved the protocol of tne ambassadors on the Qreefc frontier question. Ureece declines lo ac- cept the line designated by the Potle.

Cadet Wbiltaker wss cres*-cmmined st considerable length at yesterday s aesiloo of the New York conn martial, but notb log oT special t.iiponaoeu was elicited.

At Montague, Mich.. Mrs. Capl. Flag- staff tbrew IS ounces of sulphuric acid over Emms Drake, burning her ta a shucking manner, Mrs. Flagstaff waa In- spired by Jiaiousy.

Forty of tbe ibrtj-lhrce molder shops at Pllioburg. Pa., have given tbe ten per Cent, advance detLSuded. The atotc moidt:m also Were conceded tin- advance they aakad. There will be na strike.

Tbe remains of tho late Joliu S I'oyen of Boaton, who died a year ago st ibe laland of Ouattalotipe, Were bruugbt to Merrimac. Mart., on Tuesday, and burled in tha Church atreet ceanuiery, a brtsf funeral service being held. Mr. l'oyeu was 6* yesrs of age, and leaves a wife and several children.

Ttse Btonrbrldge Llos, Taaa Tfa utnb aad Mad two HtUe oeatsgea oat am Use graas. Wiih jnst eaoagk room for two pig pans betwssa. Tha widow waa yoong and the widow wna fair, WUkteakrkykMstaf area and Us browaastof

hair; Aad a fraaaaatly eeaaeod, wbsa tbs state an II

Win the swill for bar par, Lsrrlerame wllh the

Aad some of the tart laal bs tossed from has

Is tbe pea ef Use widow worn oertiin to lasd.

One morning, aald he: "Ochl Mlstrssa McOee, It'a a washes mT good .Maker, thla runala' tw

Wid a fin'ey nartltion betwsAs our two pig, r iBSade. sBre Itlel" naswefwl tha Wlwsw Mi "it;*

blassw id thin

Knpln' two frlndiy pigs to eatadlntir aaar That waia-ver oae greats this Ike other eaa 1 And yit beep a creel sarUUna betwnnel- MnSkBaaniJnTaS.aavSSaannat.tnku

Wryeiamlaytrnsartwaar An'i ws mane ta sarsilrei

Ochl It made my heart aebe when I pe.ped through Ihe emnk a

Of mo shanty, lasht March, at yrs sbwlsgln1 ynr

An' a.bobbtn' yer head. ta> a-tMoatpis' yar tats, Wtdveraeirty white hands llsbt a. rid is sbnii, A-spkula' pas- kladUa'.pasd oat la the atoms. Whin oae Hide ahlovt It would kipe atbl ~

Wid hi, dlllonts, tlndarannaionatoyoe; So new yea asaaht todmeJasM what 1 mast do. Por, lTI'mto ssrpw, abUr tka shwUI wid y«

lut ">'■ •« aay s*. yea mnaht kape yer nose aaL ow, Larrie, lor shame I to be bribl ,'n pig ialoasU'nlUMdrnlefoornlnllaakwIgV

ndarllnt, tha piggy aava ye*,- anaweied he. nd that sras the easrtaklp of Lsrrle O'Dse.

TEN PER CENT. Annual Interest,

tsrl _...irU.

pamphlet to


131 Devonshire Street. Botton, Man.

(ills. misUhcn lor Conanmptlon. S>metlmes many ol thats symptoms alien,I

thadiseaae.ntoibera very few; but the Lives, tne largest orsan In the body, is geircrailr tne Mat oi ihe disease, and if not ragnlaMdAn r " great awBerlng, Wretcbedasta and OKATH sasas.

I eaa recommend ta an eBcicloua remedy for dtaeaas ef tha Liver, Daartbarn aad Dytpepsla, Simmons' Liver kagnlntor.

Lawis O. wcnntB

"We nave taatad lu virtues, personally, and know thai lor Dyspepsia, Biliousness, and Throbbing Headache, It ia the best meiilrlne the world tvnr saw, W> have iried forty other remedies before blmmoaa' Liver Regul.tor, but anna ol them gave as more than temporary f; bnl the Regulator not only relieved, but eured ns "—Ku. 1 KI.B )KAi-ii AST> MBItCMiKB,

ia, Ua.



sod t tv lunia

Montiay. Serious floods prevail In Spain, and

much property has been destroyed at Sevllli

A large


In a paskage. medicaled. at JOHM KCrookary tad Glass war. Itare

Floral Designs.

LAKE AUBURN Mtns.ral Sprins

WATBR, Naturat'm Wondarftil Raytad.v

For Bright's Dlseaaa, all dlaaastas of tha Kidneys, Uvsr and Stomach. Also Eheu matlam, Piles, Humors, and Dropsy Bead for book tree. Boston AgaaUl SCBIPTDRB A PARSER. «

ConrlSaanre. C. B. MOODY, 71 Commercial ■treat, HcDBWBLL A ADAMS, IM Tramont street. SSw apt Ft

WANTED. Soliciting Agsnls to travel In tka lttw BagUad SuWs, and inks orders lor Rurtsry St.eS.em-

WreatbS,CTOtses, Lvres, Harps. Pillows | ur,Ping Trees, Shrubs. Vines. BOMS. Ba^JTar Crowns, Anchors, Bouquets, Ar.

Mads of Choice Plowsra. Can be obuiaed eheap at T. D. H ALLEY, corner Manchaater and

Washington Btraats

terms, addreaa, staling age, previous eceupa. tlon and names na reference, „,____ nt abort notice. . a. T. CAB BOW, ihe Urecnbouaat ef | tom» marts Aogjata, Maine


Parlor Suits, Centre Tablet.

Etaeeriea Blnra WslaalChss.h.rl.1.,

Fresseh gSstamntom T-blaa Blatk Wtlsel BMs>Betrds


Better and Finer Class of Goods In our fcnwMb

J. PIL8BURY. Jr.. Nn. Sril Eamax BtrcriLuwreiica.

*f orphlwa Habit Cwred IN VB '0 to *J dave. Ma pa*- till til carom. Dr. J. BTsrtiKMS 111 ' anon.O. tad*lvBptvw

HIEAP AND GOOD —National Coffee —' Pot; 417 soldi Parkin, and House Wudy

and Library Lamp, StSnold; Granite iron Tea AMERICAN CHOCEEHT—A full lice

of there ebrated Stoat Poroelnln; bast in . _ . InnU's walk from Braauway stadiag , o» market. Daoeratsd Tea sad Lavatery Seta Pou.StSaold. Look at them an.i eAamiBcil

UlUcamwerles. Main Ortehout.s and U.rden [Tea dlfeMalpaturn. olCupaaad S.neera. At lisl of names ofsersons using them. JOUK L aihssdoi Wsshiagtoa SlneL »lfBl ,tOkWC. DOW A CO'S, Odd Tallows BaDAIsg | DOW B OO., *sj Basea airecT.

tlug w yesterday, to protest ia rents. '

Anplher Nlhlllat conspirator fans been arrested st St. 1'mersburg, snd will be tiled with ihe other pilnonera.

Lord BeacoiisuVhl had a fuiurn ol tpastut yesterday, but at 1 o'clock thla morning was alceplug soundly.

The steamer City of New York has ar- rived at California. She was delayed by tbe breaking of her a:iu'crankplu.

A bomb was exploded yesterday, ondei the windows of tbe palace or the Duke or Santons, Madrid, bpsin. Nobody was hot*.

England, Italy and Turkey have recog- nized the kingdom of H m mania, aad It Is understood that all the great powers will do likewise.

George Schmltt, 2 years old, died yea. terday In Evansvliic. lud., of hydropho- bia, after 80 hours suffering. Be waa bit- ten March 7.

Helen Bresoau, 33 years of age, while temporarily Insane, commuted auiclde yesterday, by drowning In a small pond on Key street, Newport, li. I.

Frederick Aahnuih of Palmer, sged U, wont to Bleep on the Boston A Albany track, while drunk, Saturday Bight, aad was cnt to pieces by a freight train.

Andrew D. White, United Btstaa min- ister f Octminr, has resigned, and It 1- expected tbe name of hit successor will be sent to Ihe senate early this weak.

Amos Dow, of Newbnryport, a veteran of tha war, who had lost s lag, suffering doable amputation, leli yesterday, snd broke his thigh bone on the same side.

A report from Algiers slates mat Col, Flatter's exploring expedition for tbe Trans-Sahara railway, hss been almost completely annihilated by las naU "

The first locomotive engine placed aiid tried on any railroad in America waa called tbe Stourbridge Lion, snd was imported from England for tbt Delaware and Hudson Canal and Rail- road Company. Tut engine arrived la New York, Mar 17, 1829, aad was set up in lot yard of the West Point foundry macblne shops and publicly exhibited for day« to thousands of tbe first cltixtns of tht country. It was brought from England by Horatio Al- len, who made the first experimental trial of tt st lionesdsle, on tbe banks of Lackawaxen Creek, Pa., Aug. 8, ltW, when at "opened ttvt ttKOttlt valve of tht locomotive engine that turned the first driving wbesl on aa AmeiicBD railroad." This blghlv in- teresting statement wat made by Mr. Allen ID B speech delivered at Dun- kirk on tbe occasion of the opening of the New York aad Erie Railroad.

Tht first locomotive built In Ameri- ca for a purely experimental purpose ... was tht Tom Thumb which was con-1 wiVhu dita^uidtTi ttruoted by tht now venerable Peter Cooper. This little machine was built for tbe purpose of testing the feasibil- ity of a locomotive sustaining itself while running over curves, which wss a mooted point among engineers and scientists of tht day. The engine weighed less than a too, tbe cylinder waa only three and a half laches ia diameter, the boiler was about at

large as tn ordinary kitchen boiler," aud was vertical, with gun barrels for tubes. Tht first trial was made oo tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, from tbe depot at Baltimore to Elliott's mills, Aug. 28, 1880.

Tht first locomotive built in Ameri- ca for actual service on t railroad was called tbe Best Friend, and was con- structed for tbe Charleston and Au- gusta Railroad Compsny. This pi- oneer locomotive wss built at the West Point foundry machine shops in Ntw York City, and the work of fit- ting it up fell to the lot of Mr. Mat- thew. Immediately aftor the engine was completed It vu placed on the company's road, and tht first experi- ment with a train was made Nov. 2, 1830, N. W. DarreU acting at engi- neer.

Some few dayt previous to the above date, or about tbe 20 th of Oct., In accordance with a notice glvtn ia the Charleston papers, a public trial was made without any cars attached. It was on this occasion that the first American-built locomotive turned Its wheels for tbe first time on a railroad track. At tbe trial on Nov. 2, the wooden wheels of the machine, which were constructed after the English UOtAenBV were mpfnniKi tWeast irbu wheels, and oo Deo. 14 and 15 the ea- gioe wss again tried tod ran at the rate of 16 to 21 miles an hour with five cars, carrying about 50 passen- gers, and without the oars it attained a speed of 30 to 35 miles an hour. I a the Charleston Courier, Unroll 12, 1631, there is an account or a later trial of speed of the Best Friend, on which occasion the writer remarks: "Safety was assured by the Introduc- tion of t barrier car, on whioh cotton waa piled up at a rampart between the locomotive and tbt passenger cars." Tht second locomotive for the service built la this country was called the West Point, and was for the same road. It was alto constructed at ths West Point machine shops.

The first locomotive built ia Ameri- ca for a northern road was called the DeWitt Clinton, tod was the third American locomotive. It was for act- ual service on tbt Mohawk and Hud- son Railroad. Tills engine, like tbt others, was built tt the West Point machine thopt, and was also fitted up by Mr. Matthew; and when ft was completed be took It to Albany, June 25, 1831, aod made the first excursion with a train of cars over the road Aug. », 1831. According to Mr. Matthew's statement, the DeWitt Clinton weighed three and a half tons, aod hauled a train of three and five cars at the speed of 80 miles an hour. It is especially noteworthy that both the cab aod the under of' the DeWitt Clinton were covered to protect tbe engineer from tbe weather—a ''happy thought" oi honest David Matthew, for all American engineers at least ought to bold blm iu kind remembrance. About tbe middle of August, the En- glish locomotive Robert Fulton, built by tbe younger Stepbenson, arrived and was placed on the Mohawk and Hudsou road for service iu the middle of tho following September.

These locomotives had been used and fairly tested, both on tho South- era snd Northern railroads, and the necessity for a radical change, In the construction 1IH<I become evident. Very soon John 11. Jervis devised tbe plsn of putting tht truck under the forward part of the engine to enable It turn sharp corners easily suit saicly. The machine so constructed was called the ''bogie" imginc. The drat of these engines ever built was (or the Mohawk and Hudson road, nnd wss called the Experiment. It was pnt on the road and ran tiy Matthew, who enys it was as "fleet as a greyhound." The Experiment had been built to burn anthracite coal solely. After a while It was rebuilt and adapted to the use of any kind of coal, aad Its name changed to the Brother Jonathan was a remarkable machine for those pionctr days, Mr. Matthew says of It: "With this engine I have crossed the Mohawk snd Hudson Railroad from plane to plane, 14 miles In 13 minutes, stopping for water, I hart tried bet speed upon a level, straight line, snd have run a mile in 45 seconds by the watch. Sin was the fastest and steadiest engine I have run or seen, aod I worked her with the greatest ease." This it certainly wonderful speed, and may be, as Matthew main- tains it It, the fastest time at least on the American railroad record.—From Science.

An Accidental ruhtlag Editor.

As tbe make-up editor of tbe Uraphio was sitting at his desk lut Saturday morning, wrestling with the good old problem of bow to make forty

columns of matter go into twenty col- umns of "extra," an excited individu- al entered with a oopv of Friday's Graphic In oae hand, a club in the other and blood in bit eye.

"I want to sec the man. that wrote that article !" laid the visitor, point- ing with tbe club to the paper.

"If I 'kill" that Washington •special' and cut down 'Dixon1 aad leave oat some 'ad's,' I may be able to get in About half of this local stuff," mused tbe blue pencil man,

'•I want to see ths writer of this article," repented tbe stranger in fog- horn loots.

Oh, he's oo tho second floor above," said tho butcher, who It tald to have great absence of mind, at he went calmly on with hit slaughtering.

Now It happens that tbe second floor above tbe sanctum la the Graph- ic office Is tbt roof. Oo tbe roof is a little building of glass and Iron, called the tight-room, where tbe photograph- ing Is done. Tbe leading artist In that room is a gigantic Irishman, named Oeohcgan, who bat been crossed in love. He always works in bit shirt sleeves, and hat been both- pairert; wuowtu oiag,- inc. »...« through hit room nnd will leave tht door open on cold days when they go out ou tbe roof.

Mr.GeohegsD Is an estimable gen- tleman, but be hasn't got bit red Lair lor nothing, anil be hss lately been heard to declare that he would pulver- ise tbe next blank that tried to get up to his observatory. Our friend of the ensanguined optic, of course, did not know anything or all this. Bad he was toiling painfully op tbe stairs when Geohegaa caught sight ofhim. The conversation that ensued, the boat photographer says, was somewhat as follows i

The Unknown—I want t> find— Geohegan—You want to Hod nsw-

thin', but if you want to find your way out of this, and you want to do it quick before I pick yea up and break yet i two.

T. U.—Jest Ilsttb. G.—Just listen yet own self. Go

ycx to tht bouse or yez and get down oo yer knees and give thanks to Hint as made yes that I'm lo a good humor the marnin' or I'd alt oo yea I Anny- how, I'm tellln' yea av yet don't get out o' tills now HI be down there among yes an' be nstn' yez for paste to shtick up tht picture* wid.

Aad Oeobegan started for tbe un- known, but tbt latter Is a professional pedestrian, and he won tbe race by one staircase and some laps. Ht It run- nlng yet, for be is one of tne entries in thcO'Lttiyg^as-you-pleBte. Af- ter he gets broken up there tt bt will call again tt that office he may bear of something to Ms disadvantage.—Ntw York Graphic.

An Antedate of Soikern.

instant Sotbern's manner completely changed, and, climbing over tbt old maids, the clergymen and the farnvtr, to my corner of tht stage, ht endeav- ored to embrace mo like a long-lost friend. Ht avowed that be never bad been more delighted lo his lift; stopped tbe omnibus, and proposed that wt should get oat together, whioh we thereupon proceeded to do. Tat comedy we bad eoaoted, and tbt aa- tonishmentdspicted on the faces of toe Inmates of the coach, exceeded any- thing I trtr taw on the stage, and af- forded food for laughter for many days.—Theatre.

.' ■ eiess i ■

Disappearance of a Brook.

A Btost tmrtfaordlimUT aftair oaeunet. st Atport, near Blaktwtlt, Englaad, within a short time. A stream called Bradford Brook, which runs by Atport and empties itt waters into tbt Der- went lower down, bat totally disap- peared. Thla strange affair took place during tha night time, aad on tbe morning following tbt people along tht banks of tbe river were at their wlta' ends to gnats where the water went to. This was toon after- ward accounted for by tbt fact that the'water bad entered an old mine near Alport, and was being carried along underneath tbt ground from that point to the Derwtot, a distance of fin miles. Part of a private roadway which was known at tht Duke's Drive, lesding through Mlddlctoa Dale, bad also disappeared. The roadway, which is tbe property of the Duke of Rut- land, had beta cat across, and tbt road, to tho length of about twenty yards, took oat of sight. A number of bands belonging to tbt neighboring farmers have been busily engaged carting timber and stones to tbt spot and hurling them Into tht chasm with tbe object of turning tbe waters of tbe brook Into their ordinary course, hot up to tbt present all efforts hare been futile. Tbt large stones tod trees thrown down appeared to be carried away as toon at they were out of sight. Tbt noddy waters carried along un- derground for the distance stated un- observed, list tgala nsar the resi- dence of Sir Joseph Wbikwortb, and empty themselves Into iho Derweu*., thus discoloring the water for s great wty down toward Derby.

A Wonderful Land: BJ

Captain Lswson hat written a book about hit journey la New Guinea. Ht discovered a large river flowing north, and on its shores he counted in one hour no less than 311 crocodiles. Ht tells us that Ntw Guinea abounds with monkeys, tigers, deer and buffa- loes (of tht latter ht passed a herd numbering over 10,000 bead within a known tact mat .&u»«.a.u-M4VajL whole of tbe Polynesian .sltm**... .' most solely inhabited by quadrupeds of the marsupial tribe. Ha la fortu- nate tnough to kill a serpent measur- ing forty feet in length, and he startles oaturallsts by the description of a butterfly measuring one foot wide spread wlogs, and of an elm-like tree which reached tbe respectable height of 337 feet, having a circuinferenence eighty-five feet. On a big tret a trav- eller counted over 1,000 birds' nestt tbe whom group of trees containing not less than 20,000; and to perpet- uate bit name, ht dtsoovertand de- tenbes a new species of ducks, al- though we should consider it rather a precarious undertaking, even for or- nitbo.ogists, to classify on tht spot any new species of birds without hav- ing tbe meant of referring lo cognate forms. But tho most marvellous feat performed by Captain Lswson It still in store for as. Leaving his camping place at tbe loot of Mount Hercules (5,000 feet above the level of the tea) at 4 o'clock in the morning ht as- cended the giant mountain to tbe height of 25,314 feet, and reached home again at 7.30 o'clock the same evening. This Is smart work, indeed, considering that for 10,000 net tbe traveller bad to past ovtr toow fields.

The Mattstm aoldlea-.

Hornet*. Ths Lively Interest They Excited In

A Detroit Orocery.

There It' an old women on Cather- ine street who delights to find a case that all tho doctors have foiled to cure and then go to work with herbs, and roots, sod strange things, and try to effect at least an improvement. A few dayt sgo she got hold of a girt with a stiff neck, and she offered an old negro named Undo Tom Kelley, 50 cents to go to tho woods and bring her a hornet's neat. This waa to be steeped in vinegar and applied to the neck. Tne old man spent several days along tho Hbtclen toad, ami the other morning he .secured.', hla.prise Aad Inoogbl it boJoe Ln a basket. When he reached the Central Market he hod a few little purohnsos to make, and after getting some tea at a gro- cery he placed his basket oa A barre I otar tbe stove aod went out to look for a beef tone.

It wat a dull day for trade Tbe grocer tot by tbe stove rubbing his bsld head. Hit oltrk stood at the desk, balancing accounts, and three or four men lounging around talking about tbe new party that ia to be founded on tho ruins of Democracy. It wss a serene hour. One hundred and fifty hornets hod gono to roost lo that nest for tbe winter. The genial atmosphere began to limber them up. One old veteran opened hit eyes, rubbed bis legs and said it waa the shortest winter he had ever known in all his hot nei days. A second shook off hit lethargy and seconded the motion, and in five minutes the whole nest was alive, and its owners were ready to tall out and Investigate. Too don't have to bit a hornet with tbe broad side of an art to mako him mad. He's mud all ovtr all tho time, and ht don't care a picayune whether ht tackles a humming bird or an elephant.

Tho grocer was telling one of tbe men that be and General Grant were boys together, when bsgavtaaud- <'.en start of surprise. This was fol- lowed by several othtr starts. Then he Jumped over a barrel of sugar and yelled like a Pawnee. Some smiled, 'thinking be waa after a funny climax, but It waa ooly a minute before a seltmn old farmer (umped three feet high and come down to roll over a job lot of wash-hosrdt. Tben the clerk docked hit bead and made a roth for tbe door. He didn't get there. One ot the othtr nstn who had been looking up aad down to tea what conld be tht matter, felt sudden- ly called upon to go home. He was golog at tbe rate of 40 miles an hour whtn he collided with the clerk, and they rolled on the floor. There was ao use to tall the people in that store taJBoxt,on. They couldn't tarry to

, «». iney an felt that the rent the premises, A j*m «." -j •— cheese box was answered by a war whoop from the show-case. A howl from the kerosene barrel near the bock door wassnsnercd by wild ges- tures around the shop window.

Tbe crowd went out together. Uncle Tom was fust coming In with his beer bone. When a larger body meets a smaller one, tbe larger body knockt tt into tho middle of next week. Tbe old man tsid around in the slush until everybody had step- pod on him all they wanted, and then lie sat up and asked :

"Her dcy got tbe fish all pot oat yttr

Some of the hornets tailed out doors some to fall by tbt wayside, and others waited around on top of bar- rels, and baskets and jars lo be slaughtered. It was half an boor before the last one was disposed of, and tben Uncle Tom walked in, picked up the nest, and said:

"Mtbbe dls will cure dt stiffness in dot gal's neck, jlstde same, but I tell you I've got banged an' bumped and sot down on till it will take ahull medical college all winter long to git me to I kin jump off a street krnr 1"— Detroit Free Pre st.

Telegraph poles are among the arti- cles Mexico has to Import. They come high, but they must have them.

The first black Friday occurred In Robinson Crusoe's time.—Lowell Cou- rier. „-. ;. ■

Walking down Regent street with mt one day, lit said : "You go ahead a couple of blocks, Fiske, and I'll go back, but we will both take tha Atlas omnibus." I followed his instructions and entering the omnibus found Soth- trn sluing in Ihe diagonally apposite corner. I naturally looked at him with some curiosity to know why bt bod sent me two blocks ahead. Per- ceiving tills, ht assumed a very fierce and belligerent expression, and ex- claimed : ''Are yon staring at me, •irT The omnibus was filled with ttv- eral elderly ladles, two quiet gentle- men who looked like clergymen, and a farmer from the country. I took the cue at once, and replied: "No; If 1 wanted to stare at anybody, I would stare at a better looking man than yourself.'* At this, Sotbern's Indig- nation apparently became uncontrol- lable, and it required all the force of the clergymen, seconded by tbe farm- er, to keep blm In hit teat, tod pre vent blm from throwing himself upon ate. Finally be Insisted upon stop- ping tat "but,*' and Inviting mt to step outside, and either apologize then and there for the insult, or fight him on the spot. I pretended to prefer to do tbe latter; but said I would remain In tho omnibus, whereupon Sol hern took off hts overcoat, and handed it to the nearest old maid to bold for him while bt chastised me for my imperti- nence. In the course of the desultory remarks In which wt Indulged during this melee, bt chtootd to observe teat he would allow nobody except hts friend, John Robinson, of Philadel- phia, to speak to him In that way and live; whereupon I immediately In- formed him that my i.arhe waa Robin- son, sornamed John, that I bad just arrived from America, but that I had not tbe pleasure of bis acquaintance, iKwdMIpartiOolBrly dealrtlt. In" la i Bad Swirls. There can be no doubt that as wt

multiply ntw weapons of destruction, and at tbt possession of tome at least of these lo abundance and perfection by on army in tha field becomes In- creasingly necessary, wears gradually being brought to face one of two al- ternatives. Either tbe carriage ac- companying an army mast grow to alarming proportions, or everything will have to give place to transport of man-killing material. In tho latter ail that It not absolutely required for Immediate use mast be stored at tht base, or at some early aUge of tht operations. But we tie at once sr- resled by tbt difficult question as to the mode of transport ot soldiers' per- sonal effects. A force gains vastly in proportion to its mobility—the mobil- ity of individuals. A soldier standing la heavy marching order on parade im presses one with any idea rather than that he it, when thus equipped. In good condition for doiog prolonged active work. He Is evidently f/rn* by what bt has heaped on his back, at- tached to his sides aad stuck on here and there lo front. Tbt soldier shows his thorough appreciation of this fact by pitching all but bullet tnd bayonet right and Itft when tho tug of action approaches. Some persons, therefore, advocate oonslgoing hie knapsack aod kit to the wagoos, and would load him Instead with extra cartridges, three or foor dayt" rations, and nn entrenching tool or pert of one. Others aay, if the men's kite were carried for them they would not get them when wanted, and that, at any rate, the measure would add to the already heavy en- cumbrances of the transport train. One thing, however, is certatn—that after providing for the men's mouths, everything else should givt place to tho necessity of supply log them with means for destroying their opponels.— London Saturday Review

A traveller of tha most familiar type lo a seedy old gentleman in a railroad car: "But why, sir, do you not speak to me when 1 address yoof* "And

Tbt Colorado river is noted for swirls," so cslled. They occur

everywhere, but only at high stages of water. A bubble rises from the bot- tom and breaks with a slight sound on the sarfaoe. The water at tbe point begins a rotary motion so small that an inverted teacup might cover it. Larger and larger grows tht circle, till a surface forty feet In diameter la In motion, spinning round a funnel- shaped bole In the center, two or three feet acrots the top, ami coming to a point ln tbe depths below. Often a large tree floating down the stream is caught, and iu foremost end is thrust In the air twenty or thirty feet while the other passes underneath, tht ex- posed end to be slowly drawn down again to disappear.

Soldiers, deserters from Camp Mo- have, passing through ihe ravlno tn a skiff, Immediately l«low the ford. suffered their cralt to mn Into a swirl. One of their crew, at tho first intima- tion of danger, threw himself over- board beyond the charmed circle, aud at be swam away he turned his bead and saw the boat spin round and round until one end being drawn into tbe vortex and tbe other upheaved in tbe sir, tt slowly suns:, aa a revolved. Into tbe turbid bosom of tbe river, iu human freight to be seen no more, for the Colorado river dote not give up the dead—no corpses lodge on its thoret.

Tbe New York correspondent of the Toledo Blade has discovered a tew WAV ot using artificial flowers. When pressed flat and caught down with a ttitch or two or silk they look almost tike applied embroidery. Sprays ol feather and braid lighten the effect, ami velvet decorated in Uiit way is very preity for mantel pieces orbreck- ott. ___

A Philadelphia society is arrestjuig with ihe question, "When a IBBB bet Us hie insured lor tlOO.OOQ, Is ills wife justified iu refuting if> prepaid a

' .r 1.:... _l,r.M laat Sal

Ifc DL. .iLk l» as,!" (N.*>r. Mis* Witt.. «■*'•« «« M"« »«• in^rMttaiT |too*oftl«...»p.r 1

'[■""""TTOT I •> v 2z£»«\«kvw.v»rt. M.-grh.c;,:T." J

Lawrence American. I.AWKENCE. MASS.



Weekly News Brevities. • Tuesday.

Through railway comwoekatlon baa hMi oneaed MLWcti Mslbouraeaad 8yd- Bt~. ,*.a«>-r»Ha.

The fttxjda la lb* south of Spain ara :.i> idlve, aud a *a>t asnoaatef t«-i|i. My baa already been swept away.

l£:i|tlaid'ai grove revenue for itia psat laaaclal year nmoaaled tu £94.041,000, and '.be expenditures rescbed £83,108.000.

Tha ■ttamboat Gilbert wss burned at h«r lauding ii Vlckaburg, His*.. jealer- da*. 8aa waa owned at Bvnnsvllle, and vslned ai tlx.OfU.

Nearly all the bonnes In VsrvnlltVoa. Ua- kato, war* atnrpt away bj the recast floods, asd all tbe lower portion ol Yank- ton la under water.

The republicans wan aaccaaarul la ttaa Mlcbtgsa election yesterday. Daaiocratlc tokyuiM war« chosen la Cincinnati and &•■ lu tubas, Ohio, yesterday.

Tba position of cwwsulsslouer ul ludlaa affilrn naa ba«a tendered to as-Cuagress- ■an Price, of Iowa, and hla nomination will bw seat to lha senate at aa ratty day.

Lord Beacons field la atllt quite III, and lait algbt tbara waa a -light Increase ul lever. Ho passed a qeiei day. howavar, and waa ftaa from speamodlc biaathlag

Nearly all iba coal mlaee la tba aorib- arn and waatcrn dtiirlcte of Missouri, have kaarHSded operatloee. Mlaara dw- ■and 4 1-1 came for digging, laatand of 4 cento.

Tba Vail Blver city council last alghl voted lo tba pay oi treasea — call m*u. |1S par year, asd peraaaaeai swa, •10 to SIS par month, tba Incraaaa amount- ing to S31B0.

Mr Pew hi. mad* aa application to tba t anadlna government lor 100,000 acr.a uf grating laada la lha aorthweat territories, oa behalf of a company oi atock raisers, whooe eattla ara starving In Wyoming territory.

Wednesday. Joha K. Balurdo.lke wall-known cornet

lat, dlad Monday algbt la Brooklyn.

At last nocoaata Lord Beaconfleld waa comfortable, and continued to Improve.

Sir Philip Bgeiloa (Conssrvstlve) mem- ber or Parliament for Want Cheshire, la dsad.

Tba seminary at Klmoakl waadestroyed by 11 a on Mondav alfbt. Tha property loaa will reach $80,000.

Mr. Oso. W. Maaypesay, chairman of the Uttj com mission, baa realgned aa a member of the comrttlsalon.

Tba remains of tha lain Senator Car- penter will leata Washington for Mil- waukee on Friday, under coagraaalonal aacort.

A repabllran waa cboaaa mayor of St. Loala yeatridsy, and tba damocratlc csu- dldata eucceeded In Chicago by about 6000 majority.

John T. Hick, republican, waa elected to Congress Irum tba seventh Michigan dlntnct IJ place of Mr. Conger, by over 3000 majority.

Rov. B. B. Atwood, o* Salem, decline* to accept tba poaltioa of aeoratary of tba New Bnglnnd Tract Society, which waa tendered him.

A severe asowstorm, with a heavy gala, raged throughout northwesters Ontario yaatarday. Tba roada la mas* sections ara in passable.

In a game or base ball at Princeton, N. J., yententay, tba Athlatlca of Philadel- phia acorad 1 nod the Pilnceton Univer- sity clab x rnna.

Both O*uoa aad Lifer re, Now York legislative lobbylaU, bare been held to ball to appear Thursday aftsreooa at the police court In Albany.

Tba dead body or a pet fuctly-formad mala Infant was found last night by the police la a vacant lot at Lewisioa Tba police ara investigating tha matter.

Tha body of Angua McDonald, who baa bean mlaalng from Gloucester since Da- camber lait, waa found yesterday uader Knowlton'i wharf, at East Oloaeaater.

4'nnnls Murray, a wealthy saloon keep- er, of Newark, N. J., waa yesterday sea- tenced for selling boar on Sunday to one ■oath la the penitentiary nad a fine OfBIOO.

Tha Massachusetts Central railroad gradara' strike la ended, aa about one half it.Vrflwtb*-* "*—-—

Crop reports show that, nearly every- where In the state, poapects ara favorable for a good average yield. Retaraa Bo far ahow about 600,000 loaa of wheat In store ■n tha Interior.

Yesterday morning tbere waa a alight ■bock of earthqoake lo Han Chrlsloval. 1 ha m ivemaat wan from eoatb and south- east to northwest. Light oscillations continued all the morolng.

The mau billed by the Pal.cs ..n train yesterday moroiog st Newbaryport was Caleb Wood well of that city, a farm band. He was of Intemperate habits, 40 years old, and leaves a widow aad 8 children.

BtaamBblp United Stales of tba Boston and Savannah line, Is reported sgroand on the South Carolina coast. Assistance la being rendered, and should tha weather continue favorable It is hoped aba mar be unved Iro* total wrack.

laealay, about ona-batf of tha mala bulldrng of tba Page Baiting works, at Concoid, N. 11., was burned, with a con- siderable portion of tba stock aad fixtures Tha loaa ie estimated at about I 18 000 Total hi MI is nee S37.000.



and st Boyle, of Joeeph Tolley,; u ,. „iitm t

one of the moat active; of the laud : County have to do with a salt for breach


TUB POLICE of NSW York made ar-

reata of twenty-two boys for pool

playing on Sunday, and Is Brooklyn

bslf ss many more were gathered in.

MOKE FUN la what the Nsw York

Hun arguea la needed in Maaaacliii-

sstts, therefore it thinks it sn eirur

not lo constitute sn sdditloa holiday

of New Yesrs Day.

Taa DEKAT of tbe prohibitory law

will greatly simplify the canvass lu

this ststs, the coming autumn ; with

that issue thrust into the contest, the

campaign would have promised to be

lively sod bitter.

OBDIBABT cooking of pork or other

assets infested with trichinae, will not,

ss Is popalsrly supposed, certainty

deprive these parasites of life ; if a

oooaidersble piece of meat Is roasted

or boiled, it has been proven that the

dagrttfl of beat attained in the interior

ef the meat, Is not neoesssrily

sufficient to sill the tricbitue.

Gait. DRVEMS, after loar years in

the Cabinet, is probably to return to

the place he vacated upon the su-

preme bench of Maasschusetts, and

which ho will more than ever grace and

adorn. We bad hoped to see him

placed ia the Supreme Court or

the United States, for which hs fs so

admirably fitted, but our Common-

wealth will be fortunate in securing

bis return to bis old position.

THE REPOBT that the republicans

were divided fn opinion as to the con-

test lo the Senste, proves to have

been entirely erroneous ; after a full

conference yesterday, It waa found to

be the almost unanimous opinion

Ural the resolution giving the majority

In that body, the control of its offices,

should continue to be pushed, and

there will be no measures proposed

looking to sny compromise; if the

democratic minority continue to re-

alst, they must take the responsibility

of obstructing legislation.

BEECIIER crested a genuine sensa-

tion in his church on Sunday, by

an announcement that a young lady,

a member of the Brooklyn church,

had become a Catholic It seems

that a year ago, this young woman

declared her desire to Join the Romish

Church; Beecher told her parents to

let ber wait a year till abe should be

sura as to her own judgment. The

time having expired and the tclrl be-

fog resolute, Mr. Beecher wrote to

a Catholic priest of his acquaintance,

a letter, in which he said, "this lamb

has found greener pastures In your

fields than la mine," and committed

her tenderly to the Catholic oommrn-

ion, which she has joined.


ism haunts the vision of one of the

Lawrence City Fathers, and he in-

dulge* la dire sod dreadful predic-

tions of the coming power of monar-

uh*>* vision to atscern the

dsngcr, but our ward one democratic

"Mother Sliipton" is equal to it. The

various manufacturing corporations of

our city, conceiving that they had

vast property interests which might

well be guarded against dishonesty,

secured the services of Col. Chase

Phllbriok, as a special officer In their

Interests; to give him legs! authority,

the Mayor and Aldermen were asked

to appoint and confirm him as con-

stable without pay. Whereupon u,>

rises Aide: man Dan forth, and de-

tbe proposition, objects to

the oorporstloD employes,—of which

this senaitive soul is one,—being under

surveillance,—something which to his

vision savored of the autocracy of

Imperialism, and portended the des-

potism of Louis Napoleon! Col

<f promise, probably owing to the fact that the a tardy sons of Essex mass few

promises which they have aot tha lawn

tloa of fullUlaf, sad when early Is the

preaeat session of the Superior Coart,

It was whispered aroand that there waa

a veritable breach of promise case to be

tried, tha habltnss of tha court room were on tba qai vlvs Car the developmenu.

But owing to tha lengthy docket, they

were doomed to dlasppolntaaent, was found necessary w continue it aniil

the June sluing. That there la each a

tablished bj tha court rsooida,

the parties thereto being one Catharine

Kane, wbote occspatlon Is that ol i

servant, and William Fltigerald, whole-

sale and retail liquor dealer, at SOI Valley


It appears that previous to bar death, Mr. rilsgsrald'a wife was Incapacitated

from attending to bar hoaaebold duties,

owing to til health, sad the result waa that the services or one Catherine Kane

were engaged aa a maid of all work.

She appears to have aarformed her duties

i, aad to tha aatlsfsetloa of her em-

ployers, aad she was retained la Mr.

Fitzgerald's employ after tha death of hla wire. To the outside world all seemed

be g'ung on aa wall aa could be ex-

pected In the Fltigerald domicile, nntll

William took snto himself another

spouse, an estimable young lady of good

connections. Then trouble began, the

result of which was, that oaa fine day,

Catherine, who probably had considered

berself permanently domiciled In the

Fitzgerald household, round herself opon

the atreat. with tba bitef but explicit lovliaLi.ii to Bad other quarters. 6b«

m«de quits a scene opon the street la the

vicinity of tha bouae, charging Mr. Fits

gerald with mlsdemtauori, aad spbrald- ing hla recently wadded wire in atrong

term*. The scene oa the atreat was tha topic uf conversation In tha neighborhood

and by parttee to whom both ware known

(or some time, bat It gradually ceased to

ue Interesting to the gossip venders, and

had a'moat departed rrom their minds,

When It suddenly assumed s new aad

more startllag phase, Catherine having

recourse to tba law, to avenge her real oi

fancied wrongs. She not long since in-

atlinted a aalt against Mr. Fltigerald for

breach or promise, estimating the value

or ber blighted hopes, st 85000, and al- leging seduction aa aa aggravation of

damages, la her pleading to tha court,

aba claims, that after tba death of his

first wife, Mr. sTItagarald promised to

marry bar, aad that aha baa been ready to lulQil her part or the ai rangameni, but

tba: ha baa refused to keep his part or

tha agreement, and has moreover mar

rled another. Bhe baa retained W. 8 Knox, Esq., aa her conns*!.

Mr. fltigerald has secured the services

of Messrs. Sherman 4 Bell, and la answer

to her allegations, dealea that he ever

promised to make her hla wife, sad that

if her testimony, that ha did ao promise,

la to be believed, hla promise waa nulled

by hla discovery of her Improper relations

with s mala aervsat la his employ, who absconded after his Intimacy with Mlai

Kins was discovered.

Miss Kane la about tbirty-flve years or

age, and while aot of very prepossessing

appearance, baa some traces of beauty.

She haa been employed la a number of families In tba city, and nntll this suit

waa brought, nothing of an Immoral na- ture was aliased agalaat her conduct.

Mr. fltigerald la a gentleman who baa

become possessed of considerable means, by Industry aad close attention to busi-

ness. He hsa proven himself upright in all business transactions, aad there ara

not a lew who hlat that this salt

brought more for the purpose or securing

eome or his money, than for subserving

l«w*v-eS5u^ h evidently the democratic at Kx-Prasldeat Haves ar' rived, sad Is the gueat or Joba W. H.r

K J?*! 8o"0"i. 0"- etelhnap aad Uan. W. B. Btroag are hare.

Oen. Armstrong aad Oaa. Miles ad- dressed s large meeting at tha Hotel Van- dome, Boston, last night, on the work the Hampton Institute Is doing for the In- dians, and asorjO was raised toward the bailding ror the accommodation of Iaillsa

Thursday. ' Bx-Congressmaa Price of Iowa

.«.&*■. H,UU ^"H -■■lllH *ae forty- third day of her fast yesterday, at Iowa Lity, Iowa.

The Preaideat Indorses the policy of the npebltcaa senators la their support of

s tb * *"* hta *"■*■■ " "•

The trial or the Nihilists will aot be de- layed, aa declines to avail blaaeir ot the weak allowed by law to pre- pare bis defence.

Advices from Philadelphia lo the na- tional board of health, report 41 deaths rrom smallpox In that city, durine- tba week ending April x.

It is again reported tbat Sitting Bait Is desirous ur engendering, and promises to so so aa aoou aa tba roads are la condi- tion to enable him to reach fort Buford

The Rhode Island state electloa jester day, reealted in the success or the whole republican ticket, beaded by Oov. Llula- Be.d. The legislature Is strongly repob- llcan la both branches.

All bat fifty houses la Chlo wars de- stroyed by the recent earthquake and many victims ara known to be still alive under the ruins. Nobody, however, dares approach to render assistance.

In the United States senate yesterday.

flr' ..V*!." "Sfi? m l0DI "("«* defending tba attitude of the democrats la the p*nd- ■g etruggle. Mr. Sbermaa rsspoaded. defining the policy or tha republicans.

. i!IVrtL"*u- *"rt W00 !»•"*»■• psr- lebaa by the earthquake la Oslo, A.isilc Turkev. Four hundred corpses have been roandatCastio, tbecblertowa or Chlo. About thirty towns were destroyed ren- dering some 40.000 people destitute!

Charles 8. Bliss waa hit by a apeat ball at tb. armory of tba Newport (H. I ) Artillery at Newport, laat evealag. while Wltueaiing tsiget practice at tha rifle gal- ery. It Is impossible to tell bus serions-

ilgh«,«S,e.k.J,",,d' T"# b•,, •Mm- "to

Tbs powers have agreed apoa aa nltl- matum to Turkey and Qr*eca,\iad It waa presented st Athena oa Tuesday Tba Qreesa have decided to reject Tnrkei'e proposal. The powers, bowsver, have agreed lo guarantee the surrender of tha ceded territory ir Greece will accept.

.■**"^a-M*nsB iCal.) dispatch sa/a the sheep herder arrested for ravlahlag and murdering Mrs. Sargent was banged far a fsw seconds by cillxass yeaterdav but, alter being taaea dowa, told each cobflictiug suries regardisg the marder


alderman's coming "man on horse

back," who Is to rob the dear inno-

cent people of Lawrence of their liber-

ties; terrible fellow, that colonel;

but Donfortu is on the alert, and al-

ready sounds the warning; wo may

rely npoo the alderman to defeat the

coming depotlam; be Is Nihilism con

ceatratsd, with a vision like tbat ol

an eagle, nod courage to match that

of a lion. Fortunate city, tbat has

Danfbrth upon guard.

RurgcTABixiTY" is evidently a

variably estimated, if not an unknown

quantity, aad differs widely, accord-

ing to the ideas of vsriotis people,

but a definition, or an application ol

the word, waa made In the Judge

Day proceedings at the legislature on

Thursday, which haa a new BUftgest-

ivenesa. The Baratable probate

Judge, who Is on trial for miade

mssnor, was accused, among other

short-comings, of having been guilty

of openly drinking liquor, with two

ladles, lo s railroad train, in presence

of all the passengers. In his testi-

mony in bis own behalf, Judge Day

said the ladies referred to were

"among the moat respectable ladies

upon the Cape;- he knew one or

them and waa by ber introduced to

the second; the latter took a bottle of

lager from her satchel, sod proposed

drink all around, which waa in-

dulged In; the Judge said that his new

found and drink proposing acquaint-

ance, aoon slipped down In ber chair,

and became unconscious for the rest

of the trip, evidently from the effect

of drink. The public will be some-

what loath to accept Judge Day's

testimony as to the -*iaoai respect-

able ladies" of his section, having the

habit of proposing to freshly made

male acquaintances, a drink all

around, from their private bottle, In

a railroad oar, and with ao great an

amount of liquor already drunk, aa

to sink Into a stupor of intoxication.

The spectacle waa sufficiently humili-

ating without the adjunct of a Massa-

chusetts judge joining in the tippling

of tbat sort of a "respectable" circle.


Arrest of aa aged Lecherous Rascal.

Probably for reclaiming ao unfortunate

victim of intoxicating liqnora, have greater efforts been pat forward than for Klmball

Perry, whose half century of existence

baa bean to blm and tha community more or a cares than a blessing. Time aad

agata ha has made a ahow of reformation, only to return to his old haunts again,

aad as usual In the case of aueh individ-

uals, aaeh relapse baa bean accompanied

with a round ofdlslpatlou whleh Invaria-

bly ends by hla Incarceration, for crime

>T misdemeanor. He has for years eked

out a prsearloas existence, by peddling

small wares from house to house, aad has

frequently been berore the police conrt for

drankennesa sad larceny. Bis Isstdrnnk- en freak, however, la liable to place him

with the confines of the state prison or

house of correction for a term of years.

Oa Moeday algbt, March 98, be entered the saloon or It >beri Uey worth, on Union

•<lreet and procured some liquor, leaving

the saloon, ostensibly for the farm of

Darlua Taylor la Muthueu, where he

has been employed, shortly before mid- night. Mr. Hey worth slates that he waa

not latoxlcatad when be left the saloon,

He did not proceed homewards, however, ifolag Instead to the dwelling or Mr.

(leyworth on Hsverblll street, aad eater- ISfl th« bouae, proceeded to Mrs. Hcy-

wurth a sleeping apartmenta, where he ex-

dniiulsbed two lamps whleh wars lit, aad

covering Mrs. Heywoith'e face with a pll-

low, assaulted her In aa unwarrantable

manner. Mrs. Hey worth was awakened

from a s>und slumber by bis attack, and being a vlgorloua woman aha speedily re-

pulsed Perry and called for ber basbaad.

Mr. Hey worth found Pare/ tu the room on

his arrival, aad acespted as satisfactory, the Isttar's apology, that he had made a

mistake and got Into the wrong bonse.

He allowed blm to depsrt. but aftur be

bsd gone, Mrs. Haywortb Informed her busbsnd or the assault made upon ber,

and he Immediately ruined out of the

bouse lo aearch or Perry, who however,

managed to eacspe. Ia the morning the

police authorities were notified and

Monday afternoon district officer Dstch-

*lder arrested Perry, at the Taylor farm In the Mnthaen.

In the police court Monday he pleaded not guilty to the charge or aa Indecent

assault, aad claimed that he knew nothing

about It. having waadered into Mr. Hoy-

worth's bouse while Intoxicated. Judge

Harmon ordered blm to furnish eecerlttea

la lha asm of BSOOO for hla apaeareaca at

the next term of the aaperlor court, lo

the default of whleh ha waa committed to Jail. Perry ie as yeara of age, and bin

natrlmonlsl alliances would fill a volume

of respectable alae. Hla latest vesture

was with B "grass widow" Whose right

arm, however, is aald to have been loo

much for the aaeeroee Klmball to encoun-


The many friends of Albert G. Mc-

Knlgbt, who waa for many years s resi- dent or our city, will experience a heart-

felt aorrow la learning or bis death, at his father's bouse, la Ashtabala, Ohio, oa

Thursday, March Slat, or consumption,

st the eerly sge of twenty-eight years.

Mr. McKalght came to Lawrence about ati yean ago, and acted as assistant to

Mr. Walter R. Rows, when he occupied

the position of City Clerk. The greater

part of hla sojourn In oar city, however,

was speat la tb* rumlshlng establish-

ment or tba ssme gentleman, oa Bsasx

street, which has now besa Incorporated Into the Boston store.

About a year ago Mr. McKnigbt began

to rail In health, aa ominous cough ap- prising bis friends or hla danger, although

hs himself, with the hopefulness of youth,

believed that his health was but temporari- ly Impaired, and that be should la time

rally from what ha considered simply In-

disposition. Laat fall be Ian Lawrence

for hla home In Ashtabula, thinking the

cbaage of air aad eceae might be pro-

ductive of beneficial effects. Until with-

in a vary short time he seemed to be

buoyed up by the same hopefulness, Bnd

tbst elasticity of disposition which tells

such a flattering tale to the consumptives,

sad waa thinking or a Journey farther

wast, where the air of Kansas might res-

tore him to heslth.

Bat It was aot to be. It Is pleasant to

think that his death was essy and painless,

and that he paased away like one slaking Into a tranquil slumber. Without exag-

geration, It can be said that this young

man left only friends behind blm lo oar

city, and thoae la great nnmuera. They

will asver forget his pleasant face, hla

genial disposition sad hla kind heart,

which endeared him ao closely to all who

knew him. Irreproachable la hut char

acter, and upright la all bis dealings, his

memory will always be a powerful exam-

ple of Integrity, and tha thought of bis life a pleasant and perpetual remembrance.

Deceased was an adopted son or Mr.

Halbert, the rather of Mrs. Andrew C.

Stone and Mra. Walter B, Bows of this

city, who will have the sympathy of their

many friends In the loaa or ibis dear

brother, for »n they looked apoa him, ss

hs was s member of their family from early childhood, and they htve always taken the deepest Interest lu his welfare.

Ha lived la Mr. Stone's family daring bis

stay In oar city.

ALBKBT J. HATOBST, son or Isaac Hay-

den, Esq , so long at tha hsad of tb* Duck Mills, and brother of Wlllard B.

Bayden, of tbla city, died at the residence

ol bis father. Fisher Avenue, Beaton

Highlands, oa Friday last, of Bright'*

disease, at the age of 80 years. Mr. Hay-

d.»n waa for many years a resldsnt here, a

member or oar public schools, and will be pleasantly remembered by a wide circle of

friends; ha possessed s kind disposition,

Waa bright, active and courteous, and

warmly esteemed by all hla acquaintances.


The announcement of the death, at half.

past two Tuesday morning, or Hon.Hocom

Hoeford, at his residence la Lowell, waa

aot altogether unexpected, from

coarse of the disease during the peat few

days, but haa brought a genuine feellna of sorrow, not only lo the community aad

circle la which be immediately lived, but

to many In this sad other localities, who

have learned to know tb* worth, esteem the excellent qualities, aad love the warm

Impulses by which he waa actuated. To

the Boston and Lowell Railroad corpora-

tion, and to lha city of Lowell, the loss Is Indeed a severe one.

Mr. Hoeford was born In Charlotte, Yl,

la 1835) hs went to Liweii at tha age ol

80, entering a store aa errand boyj bs

afterwards became

until he became the successor of tbs lat-

ter la business. He haa lor yeara carried

oa a very extensive dry goods business la Lowell, hla partner having been or late

Mr. ArtharO. Pollard.

He became a member ol the Common

Council ID 1841; the next year entered

the aldermanlc board, aad la 1881 waa

chosen Mayor, belog the youngest man

who had held tbat office ( he held the

chief magistracy during 1888 and 1884,

and made a moat efficient aad popul officer. In 1886 be was a member or the

legislature. In 1878, when the Lowell Railroad were seeking some wise head

and strong band to relieve the corpora-

tion rrom Ha entanglements, when the

atock wss down among the forties, Mi

Hoeford wss chosen manager, aad hsa

proved a moat capable aad successful

conductor of 1U affairs, restoring Its Im- paired popularity, bailding up Its busi-

ness, Increasicg lu resources, and living

to sas lu stock go above par la the mai- ket.

Mr. Hoeford was actively Interested in

other affairs In Lowell, being s direct-

or lo the Hsmllloo Company j treasurer

or the Lowell Hosiery Company; also of

the Vasaalboro'. Mr., Woolen Mills, In

bath or which ha waa a large stockholder;

a director la tbs Traders' and Mechanics'

caurancs Company, and also In tha Man-

ufacturera' Fire and Marian Insurance

Company, of Boston; aad waa treasurer of the proprietors of the "South Congre-

gational Meeting house lo Lowell."

Mr. Hosford will be greatly missed In

all the business circles In which he so ac- tively moved, aad sincerely mourned by

all who knew his ability aad worth. Ha eavaa a wife and one son.

KI1II After the Police.


BOA Sl> or ALDBl

The hoard s»t ia regahsr session Mas Say svea- lsg, with Us Major ia Us oaalr. and all present.

The iUlowiaf bnslaeas WSS transacted: Jhvers. The Wtowlag geatlsmsB wsrsdrswa

Isrets far the April term of tha aapressa Judicial eesBj, te bs holgaa at Sslsm: D.8. A. Valpey, Waa. s. Merrill, Pater Cox, Jesses Watts, Gee. a.Osweh.

Balsa*, of Martha Bridgaaaas tar persua awa to enter iba A adorer street sewer, granted; J-J. Xllbrlda sad others, for ages light tens planed U the south east earner ef the bridge ova r lha Boston aad Males railroad, aad twe kare- ssaosMipe oa (Joins street at eoaneeUee with Bsxferdand Dercheeter streets, referred to the

■Me on streets; U. B. Bleker for peraalasioa SB eat Seera UH trees la front sf his residence, aaaatsd; Michael Keatlagrar a transfer ef his InyasrUsenseatTl Lowell street to Jaaus Ma- aaa,granted! Bsnry Daaala for a transfer ot his UeaarUeease at 169 Bwex »treat, to Leeds Mat- thaa,graBiadi Mrs. C. X. Cordley for the removal ef a sheds tree Is front of her resldeaes aa Law- rence street, freuted; 0. J. Baadkttt for peras ls- alea to eater sewer at« ttaaeoek street, araatad; O. B. KunnslU for pernlMloa to enter sewer at ttMortoa street,granted; S.P.Slsassona to eater sswar at l» HsverhUl street, referred to the eeen- Baasssaa sswsrsaae drains; Sarah yolntsa lor

assent of sswar aiaeaaaasal ea the Haaeeek street sewer, relen-ed to the noesmlHee oa sswsra

tralas; U. Withlngton and others for a sewer oa ChardOB street from Cedar to Hampshire, re- ferred to the conniUes ea sewers asd draint; W. rusgerald far permission to obetreet Water street wSUs ereoUag building, granted; J. r. Bureaus for permission to obstruct Tresnost street while erecting buddies, granted; George

" B to otwtroci B*sex aad Margin streets while 3ns banding; Oso, B WINon nad Co., for

permission to ob.truot Lowell street White mov- lagballdiag. KraaisJ; Bar. William Lawrence to eeaeruct summer street while erecting a build- ing, granted, Mosss Per kiss to obstruct Margin street While erecting a building, granted; Me- OhauT aad Naallr lor a sidewalk aa Msahaea street la irosiot UMiraewbloek, referred to lha

■Itue on sliMs-alfc,; Su perl a lead eat of eohewle AH a sidewalk arouaJ the Saeaard eeaeol house la Seats Lawrence, r. tarred to ass com- nUn)ss en sidewalk.; Special eoeaaalUee ef the school bsard 1ST the r.medstUag ef the Flas street school house, referred to ihs committee on public property; Needham Pastas U. A. B., lor an appropriation of *MC for Ihs proper observ- ance of DaeeraUea Any, Al lerman S*seders moved la favor of granting Ihs Post »»0; the motion prevailed, and an appropriate resolution was passed to IU second ra.dlng; Ellas Stoker for oompaatatioa tor damages sustained by a defective sidewalk ea Union street, March I], referred lo the eommlUnn on elaiou.

itttoiutio*. The following- amendment to the reserauon passed, sorrowing SM0.0O0, wss read, "and all sssas so borrowed sis hereby nude pay- able from taxes of tha preaeat ar aanmSaJ year," and passed to Its second i sailing. \

Banevia. of the committee on finance, report- log favorably on tha petUtoa ef the Lawrence water board lor an extension of the wster pipe* lo South Lawreaee, and reeomaaaad aa appropri- ation of nsooo, acospted; Of the eonmltlne on licenses reporting favorably oa the petition of Jams* Crook for permission to main lain a bowl lag alley oa the comer ot PraakUe and Mas si streets, accepted; Com wit Is* ea shads trees sad parka, reporting favorabl v oa the petition of C. T.Soasaeror removal of shads use; aoeepted.

""■ oil/ marshal's report wss read and ae-

The resignation cf Montton Balohsldsr ss city marshal, was road and aoeepted,

FoUct, The Major appointed Hiram B. Heal aa cltj marshal, and he was oeaSrBMdbya vetsef • Ml.

Tha Mayor appointed Frank K. Bamlek, Daaala Noonaa, M, J. rijno, Patrick S. Curlej, Blohsrd Leonard, Mark P. Barrett, aa special pollcsmsn, and the j ware cos Armed.

Order. That the commute oa polios enquire into and report lo this board under what right or Isw the constables appointed by this board, re- ceive pay as regular policemen.

Aflsewteneoaj. c. W. Drake, civil waa appointed measurer ef weed, bark, brick aad atone, and confirmed.

A communication from Needham Poet», O. A. B., Inviting Use board aad common council to be present at the camp Ore Wednesday srsnlng. The Invitation waa accept-*!.

The resignation* or Blohsrd Pox, M. D. Wymnn John Shea, Michael Murphy, wore read.

Chase Philorwk waa appointed a constable without pay.

Aldarmsa Danfbrth stated that be couldn't see sny necessity tor such action as we had aa eaV cent polios lores, aad moreovsr hs placing aa oMoer specially to watch ai men. Mr. Phllbrlak was ooaarmsd by a vote ot

Ksaex County Teachers.

The Aftyseeoed aDnnaUaejt^Ttm' »h.

oYbenflu city ball, Newburyport, April

8th and »th. The following to the order of exercises:—


9.80, Introductory exsrclses sad busl

11 00. "Practical Studies."

Psper by W. D. Mackintosh, Principal

High School, Ameabui.'/. Discussion.

11.00 "Means and Methods In Elemen- tary Physics."

Paper by Prof. I. J. Oabora, Salem Bor- nisi School.



100 "English Grammar and the ex- pression or Thought."

Paper by O. B. Bruce, Snpt. or schools,



8.00 "Chrlat the model teacher."

Paper by W. D. Small, Bupt. ol Schools

Salem. Discussion.

4.00 "Learning to talk with pea and Pencil."

Talk by Col. F. W. Parker, Baeervlaor or

schools, Boston. Discussion.

Faat Day Obaervnmcts.

Past Day was e.uleUy observed In this

vicinity. The weather was slightly more

springlike tbaa has hitherto besa experi- enced this season, although a brisk wind

at Intervale stirred op the dust la a rather

disagreeable raahloa. The vernal san en-

ticed many to promenade apon the street,

and the common and otheropea-alrplacrs of resort were very much frequented.

Union services were held at the Becond

Baptist church, In the forenoon, at which

Bav. C. A. Bickford, paator of the Free

Baptist church, delivered an appropriate

and practical aermon. The congregation was large and much In tares led In the rev-

erend gentleman's discourse. Tba Bod-

wall street Mathodlat, Tower Hill Con-

gregational sod Riverside Congregational

churches united to services In the Tower

Hill church, la the forenoon. The music

was rendered by the consolidated, choirs

or the above churches, and tbs respective

pastors delivered addresses pertinent to the occasion. In the evening there waa a

social gathering aad entertainment at I he

Blveralde Congregational church. At St.

Mary's church Mass was offered lo the

morning for the sodalities.

Fast eve there was a dance at nearly

svsry hall In the city. The brass band had

their ball at city hall, which, however,

wss aot as largely attended as might be

expected. The bead appeared In their

brilliant new uniforms. At Music Hall

the Brechlu Clab held their annual bail,

aad at Needham hall. Post 89 had a camp Bre, at which Loala Bell Post No. 3

of Manchester, N. H , numbering ouehni>-

dred. war* gneau. Tbey returned home

by special train about 1 80 Faat morning. Business waa generally suspended upon

the street during the dsy, tboagh many ol

lha atom* were open la the forenoon. The

pnbllc library, public offices, bsnks and mills were closed, and the peat office was

opes only from 9 SO to 10.30 a. m., the carriers making only tha forenoon collec-

tions sad deliveries. The tralaa to Boa-

ts* wars well patronised,

A crowd or several bnndjeds gathered

oa the common In the afternoon to wlt- l the friendly contest st foot ball, be-

tween lha High School eleven and an elev- en composed or present and former pupils

at tba school. The High School Clab ap-

peared far the Arst time la their oaw uni- forms, consisting of crimson shall csp and

Blockings, laced white dock Jackets, and

Whits, cloaely Oiling knee breechea. Tba

game was exciting, Interesting and foil or

good points, which however, the specie tors, svideatly unacquainted with the

game, were slow lo reeoctalse. For the

High School Club, Lclghtoa, the captain,

aad Baaaell aad Bellly carried off the hoi ore by brilliant plays. In this particular,

Reed, captain, Dow aad Maaney, or the

picked eleven, excelled. A fuil game or

two three-quarters or an hour was plsyed,

resulting la a victory for tha High School

clab, with 5 touch-downs and 1 goal, the

picked eleven making 1 touch-down and 1 goal.

Two nines from tbs Young Men's Tem

perance Association, directed by Mr. Al- fred Marsdea sad J. Frank Reynolds,

played a seven*laatng gams of base ball,

on the diamond ground at South Lawrence,

la the afternoon, which resulted in a vic-

tory for Bey nold's nine, by a score or 29


A party or youtha played at Hsre and

Dbands, running from this city to Hsver-

blll in a little over two hoars. The bares

were not captured. Al Haverhlll the par-

ty took dinner and returned home In the afternoon by train.

Fast night, the Kalghts of Pythias held a sociable aad assembly at Ssanders Hall,

which was largely attended and very en- joyable. At the city hall, Ben Msglnley

gave hla Impersonation of Deacon Crank-

alt, la tha drama of that name, before ■

A Maw Paator.


The Influence or pnbllc schools


dlna, who hi every hoar aslag bis best

endeavors res* their comfort aad beauty,

la devising and mauaractarlag human

hair. Now that tb* warm season Is ap-

proachlng.nnd much difficulty experienced

In heaping the hair lo earl and crimp, we moat strongly recommend every lady lo

try IOQO of his many varieties or genalae

WSter carls, which require ao Urns or

trouble to arrange, aad may be found at

*ej Ksaex atreaL Please notice adver- tisement la soother cola mo.

The public library trustees bare voted

to continue tha pabllcailoa of the quarter- ly babetln.

In the board or aldermen Monday evealag,

Mr. Danforih, whose special hobby ap-

pears to bs the policemen's pay aad how

to keep thera out of It, Introduced aa or-

der, Instructing tba committee oa police

to enquire Into and report to the board, by

what right or law the constables appolat-

od by the board were receiving pay aa

regular policemen. The constables ap-

pointed were Meters. Griffin, Osmmsl aad Webster, and, acting nader Instructions

rrom City Solicitor Barley, the city treas.

urer has paid them regulaily alnca their

appointment, allowing them tba pay of

regular police offlcara. Alderman Dan-

forih and his democratic colleagues claim tbat they ware appointed simply ss con-

stables, and are entitled only to the fees

for serving criminal precepts established by lbs statates, these reee to be paid by

tb* county, aad aot tbe city treasurer.

Aldermaa Daoforth. la hla anxiety to

make a aplarge to satisfy a mlsgalded constituency, appears to have overshot

the mark la this laataace. Orlffia, Gem-

ma! aad Webster, Immediately on their

appointment ae constables, were assigned

to regular police duty In the Interest* or tba city or Lawreaee, by the mayor and

city marshal, and aa constables, specially a»*l«a«i fur police daty, lu tbe opinion of

prominent lawyers or toe city, they were

enilUed to tha compensation provided la a prevlooalj adopted order by the alder-

maa fot persona ssslgaed to regular po- lice daty.

on New Bnglnnd character." Address by l'rof. B. F. Tweed, late sup-

ervisor of schools, Boston. Prof. Tweed's will be followed

by remarks by prominent genuumen upon

tbe subject of the address, or upon uluui.- tloaal topics generally.


9.00 Choice of oncers aad other busl-

9.80 "A teacher'* quail Beat loaa." Paper by Mlaa M. F. M. Raymond, Baver-

hlll. Discussion.

10.80 'Ultima Thais."

Addreaa by HOB. J. W. Dickinson, Secy. of the State board or education.


The Assoclstlon extends a cordial Invi-

tation to all meads and pro mo tors or

Education, to be preaeat and participate jreely la the exercises.


Convict Labor Contracts,

Representative Nichols Is meeting with

frequent defoato In his legislative schemes

this sessfoa i on Tuesday, la lha house,

ha made aa effort to secure tbs adoption

ef his bill concerning convict labor, lo

place ot tbe report or the eommlttae. In- expedient; Mr. Nichols' proposition was defeated by a vote of 96 to 101.

Tha Arlington Mills bars lust complet-

ed a new mill for lha msnufsctun: of cot- ton warps. It Is of brick, and la of the following dimensions t—

Msln bailding, three stories, 3SU95

feet, with one lower la front aad two la

the rear. At one end of the main build-

ing are situated the engine house, boiler house and machine ahop, and the picker

hoaae Is at tbe other end, making a length

all told or 4*0 feet. Power Is supplied by

a doable engine, 450 horse power, when

hair condensing, built by George H. Cor- liss; seven tabular boilers built by Ken-1 P«n"«- He did not wish It understood

dsll A Roberts. Tbe pickers are made by j lh" b» opposed say measure tending to

Whltebaad * Atherton t cants—/log spin-1 "'Ut lh* Oread Army, but he thought nlng nnd drawlna-by Whltln Machine

At a business meeting or lha Blveralde Con gresnifonal church, a lew weeks ago, a commit- tee was appointed to confer with Mr. William R. Woloott, of Ibe Andover Theolor.leal Semi- nary, with a view to securing nlm for pastor. Tba committee waited oa the gentleman, who has occupied their pulpit sad officiated aa acting. paator upwards of two rears daring hli connec- tion with the Seminary, sad learned Ibe condl ttoae upon which he would become their spirit- oal adviser.

At tha annual meeting oflbe cbarcb on Tues- day svsalag, as to whether tbe churcb ahoulj extend a call to Mr. wolcoti, a unanlmoui vote or 48 decided Ibe question In Ibe affirmative, and a committee consisting of lira. I). T.ship- ley aad Mr. O. A. HiacncllaTe was sppofnted to formally extend toe call la betialf or tfas chnrch.

Mr. Wufaott, who is a see or Bsv. Dr. Wol. coit oT Cleveland, Ohio, U s graduate of a uni- versity, wss fear years on lbs editorial ateBTof ibe Springfield RepsUican, and will nuke a good addition to ibe Congrefetlonal clergymen of this city. He hsa frequently occupied tha pulpits of ihe orthodox ebsrehes of the city and vicinity, and has proven a bright and fluent speaker. Mr. Wolcoti will graduate from the Andover seminary In June. Of eoune the call is simply a matter of form, as the gentlemen has already consented lo become their paator.


One Clinton Q. Clark, claiming to reside

la one of the back towns or Mew York, where gas companies are not regarded aa a necessary evil, wss shown to his

room at the Central House shout twelve

o'cl'k Thursday night, fo outside sppesr- ances be seemad to be enjoying peaceful

slumbers, until about «H next morning

when Mr. Frank Putney, tbe clerk,.had

hla attention called to tbe room by Bounds

as If proceeding from some one who waa

being strangled. Going to Ihs room be

found It so fall of aaa as to be unbearable,

and Immediately opened the windows i

Clark was oa the bed nearly unconscious

from suffocation, and was retching pain-

folly. He waa carried rrom the room and

restored to consciousness, apparently lit-

tle tha worse after hla six and a ball

boera lahalatloaofgas. On retiring, in steed or tu ml ng or lha gas be blew It oat.

The clerk expostulated with him for such

a waste of lighting material,and promised

that ir Clark should perform a similar freak during hla slay at Ibe bouse, he

would Ue a string to him and present him to his children as a toy balloon.


Decoration Day Appropriation. sj—i

When tbe petition from Needham Pest

80.O- A. R., for an appropriation of BB0O,

came berore the alderman last evening.

Alderman Baaedere opposed appropriat- ing more tbaa la yeara peat, aa this year

waa to be one of considerable expeose to

lbs city, In connection with the new moa-

emeot to l-e dedicated sometime In Bep

umber. Ha aald that tbara would have

to be aa appropriation at tbat time ror foada with which to provide for out of

town tmesis, and other incidental ex-

Works; combing machines, fly frames,

pan of drawing aad mules—(the latter are

or new and Improved pattern) —built by

Hetberlagton A Bonn, Manchester, Bog-

land [ spoolers, twlatera aad warpers by

Hopedsle Machine Company. Fire pro-

tection Is provided by automatic sprink-

lers Inside, and a line of six-Inch pipe*

around tbe mill outside, with tea hydrants

In addition lo the above, a brick cotton-

hoaae and counting hoaae have been

ereeled. Mr. Edward Sawyer, of Btmeea

designed nad bad eapervtoiM of ibe coo stractloa of the works.

Hon. P. A. Collins will address the

land teagne next Sunday evening.

—Hon. John K. Tarbox Will deliver the

address st Njrth Andover, on Memorial


Tba new appointment of city marshal

stems to meet with universal commen-


—Tbe Uassscbaaetts Mills, ef Lowell

have clo«ed a contract which will require,

tbe entire production of their mills ror

eight month*, ror shlpmeot to China.

The ladles or tbe charitable union are busily engaged In making arrangements

for the annual May breakfast, to be served

at the city belt Toesdsy morolng, May 3d.

Ex-Alderman M. W. Copps and Mr. Wm. U. Spraguc, of this city, served ap-

prenticeships st the dry goods establish-

ment or the lalo Hoc. Hocum Ilosferd, In Lowell.

-There will be a material rejection lu

the price of Ice, this year, we lesrn from

Mr. L. O. Holt. List year It sold at $5

a ton at wholesale, and tnls year I', will

be $3 a ton.

M. Haseoclever, Is already in tbe

harness aaedttor-ln-ohle.' or the Textile

Colonist. The Isst numbur contslns the

first lustalmeotfrom bis pen on "Chemis-

try Applied lo Dyeing."

The Massachusetts Benefit Associa-

tion did more business In the month or

March than ever before, having added 847 new members, Insured for $1,818,000.

membership \n now over 8TS0, the

It of only eighteen months business.

John P. Merrill of Biliabnry, one or the directors of the Etsex North Mutual

Bent-lit AesociBtlon, died last week. His

Widow Witt receive 13800 from the

different Insurnuce organisations con- nected with tbe Odd Frllowa, to which be


—Mr William E. Bass, ihe well known

patentee or Bass' bobbins, who has been

confined to bis room with lung complaint for about six months, Is, his many friend*

will be pleased to learn, again able to

be ou'.. At one time Mr. Bass had a very

small chance or recovery.

The Lawrence Turn Vereln has voted

to make considerable alterations In Turn

haU. Hallsvllle this season. The hall will

be lengthened twenty feet, a French roof

will be added, with turrets at each end

Tbe eoat of the alterations Is estimated

at between »3000 and S3600.

—"Couldn't you make my bonds light- err pathetic ally prayed Klrdhill Perry,

la police court Tuesdsy morning. "No,"

firmly replied Jud^e Harmon, "I feel like

msklng them heavier. I want It under

stood that the woven or this community

may feel secure when they go to sleep.'

—Col. Phllbrlck Is Just now the dis-

turber or democratic aldermanlc peace,the

spectre of Imperialism haunting ibe cham-

ber where sit the city fathers; possibly,

Dsnforth Is fearful that once confirmed aa

constable, Mayor Webster will make aa

entire police force of Old Phil, and thna

solve the puzzle, before the Supreme

Coart can reach It.

—Tbe trial or Mrs. Fletcher, or this

city, tbe self-styled Spiritualist, on chargi

of having received money under the lalss

pretence or being able to furnish certain

desirable Information thronah spiritual

agencies, la now proceeding In the exche-

quer division of tbe High Court of Jus-

tice, London. Tbe prosecuting counsel

believes tbst conviction will be secured,

and penally Inflicted aultlclent to serve

as a warning to swindlers of her class.

—The Montgomery Guards have al-

ready began making arrangements to re

calve Co. F, or this city, on the occasion

or their visit to Portland, fo. F will

leave here Friday, May 18, at 12* p. u,

Oov."prslsted audstsfTwill attend tbe re

ception. Co. F will go with their officers

and 40 men, and It la expected about SO honorary membsr* will accompany them.

Honorsrles Intending to go, are request-

ad to leave their names with Capt. Do-

laa, on or berore April 15th.

The promotion of assistant marshal

Neal to the marahahhlp is what was ex

peeled, and Is well deserved. Mr. Neal

baa been connected with the police force

in various capacities since 18T8, and hai

proven not only well adapted lo the du-

ties, but fesrless aud unswerving In exe- cstlon or tbe laws. He wilt make a good

City Marshal, and It Is to be hoped thai

he may still rvtaio the offices or Inspector

of milk and provisions, which he has ao

admirably filled to the sallsrsctton or tbe pnbilc.

—The work for the Jetties at tbe month

or tbe Merrlmac, Is being pushed rapidly.

Two engines, two derricks and two steam drills, with 38 men to mo them, were

busy last week; aad another gang or

hands, carrying the number to 78, Is to

be put on Immediately. The diamond

drill will cat the eolld rock lour feet aa

hoar. Theb'astingViby nltro-glycerlae and black powder. When the tugs begin

to run to the mouth of tbe river, station-

ary scows, to lay the rocks, by their owe

crewa will be kept on the spot. Jetty

building will be an attraction to water

parties ss soon as navigation Is fully opened.

We have beeo shown a cane recently aent from Ireland, on which there la some

mlqne carviog made with a common

pocket knife. At tbe handle It bears tbe

papal coat of arms, with crossed keys and

other appendages or tbe papal crown, and

fac-almlles of nraaments belongleg to, the

papal palace, Inclusive of mediaeval csn- dlnbra. A cross, heart, and anchor rep-

resent Faltb, Hope and Charity, and a

harp and shamrock, the land from which

it came. It beata also representations or

birds sod beuts, and bounds in full cbaae.

Tbe Latin phrase Magma al vrrittu, elprt-

valtbit. Is cut Into the wood In German Leit, also lbs name of the gentleman to

whom It was a gift. Tbe cans and carv- ing waa done by Mr. John Tlvnan, of

GalbBlly, County Limerick, Ireland, and

attests creditably to that gentleman's skill.

Andover Advertiser. FUIDAT MORNING, APHILB, 1881.

Railroad Trades. Leave Boston for Andover,7.N. B.30, 10,23 i,

M ; 11 St.; DM, t.SO. LSD, 4, \ 1, '-*■*> and 7.1IP- II., arriving: Here a*;.30 nnd *■'« !'■ H.

Leave Andover for Boeiea. o..M, Til, B-0S, B.3A, 0 SJ, 11 10, A. M , and IS ts, i.OU, 3.U. 4-10, o t» and Lou 1'. 11. (Wednesday 0.S9 1* .U ) (l*rldav BBS P. H.} for ibe Noitli 8.18, A. St.: lf.00, 5.5i P. If. For tbe Bast S.I8 A. If.; IIS. B 111 P.M. ror Lowell 7.U.VJ1A.H.;,i.W,IJHM.i3,S.3!i,: wP.M

Worcester county la free from debt. Wblcboftbe reptiles is a mathematician?

The adder. An early spring is predicted, by those who

profess to know. John Tbompsen la aoon to remove from Frye

Village, to Lawrence. James Grieve baa purchased ibe "Ainworib

Perm" In the West Parish. Bee card ol George Plddfngton, florist, in tbe

Andover Butlneu Directory. Yon can always snTard lo ret out ot your

road to fjllow a good inclination. be chilling winds from the snow-capped

mountain* are quit* un comforts bis. Dsvld Bsksr has balit a now shed, aad

shingled and otherwise improved his buildings. Tbe Steamer engine company with their ma-

chine ware oat for practice oa Wedaesdey a.- ternoon.

C. 11. Saxttnck, harness msker. has removed co Bean a budding, Elm square, where hs will be glad to serve bis patrons.

Joba H. Filet, Esq., has been appointed by HI* Excellency Guv. Lwg, a jastici 04 tbe peace for lbs coentr of Essex.

T. F. Pratt, has bain appointed chorister of tbs South cburcb, nad Ibe question of Introduc- ing qanrtette alnging is aeltaieJ.

W. 8. Jenkins has enlarged bis barn ant! placed a cupola upon II, and is making Improve- ments In tbe interior of bis bouse.

Tbe school committee on Monday appointed itiehsrl M. Abbott and Warren Meats. Jr, iruam oflUtrs fur the ensuing ytur.

~, C. Swan haa removed from Winchester lo l>lace, and taSen tbe tenement on Mala

street, recently occupied by A- P. Ware. A soldier's overcoat, worn ia lha war of 1819,

ana also In tbe tlrsi winter of the rebellloa, was •old in Pennsylvania not long ago, lor seventy- tire uoilsr*.

It "ill be seen by tbe advertisement of L. A. Btiknap, tbat be Is prepared to lurnieb storage room lor articles, fbla arrangement will ben publlu convenience.

Mr. W. G. Goldsmith will Bbow bis "Views of the liooo," at tbe Pnacbard ball, on Frkta) evening, April ltib. Tickets will be sold by meiubersui the school.

A negro, after easing at some Chinese, shook bis need,aud said, nolemniv, "ll de white tola* oe so darx aa dst out dar, I wonder what's de color oh da black toiKa 7"

Tbe subject of Rev. Mr. Wright's doctrinal aermon next Sabbath evenlns, will bs future Punishment. Services will begin promptly al J o'clock. All are invited.

An tmaisaes peach orchard in Alabama, which has yielded ssrsniy thousand dollars wuriti of owned or Mr. John Psrnefl, brother of the Irish agitator.

The West Parish Sabbath school, bad a "su- garing oil" party at tne parsonage, on Monday evening, 'lucre were sevtnty-rive persons present, and tbe occasion waa much enjoyed.

Tha third of Its*, sir. Wrights Familiar Talks on Science, will ne given la tbs Free cburcb vestry next Uunday evemny, April lltb, at 7{ o'clock. Subject, -Light, Heat aad Kk-C triciiy."

Jared Held, Jr., who has rssldsd whb bis femllr in ibis town abaut two yeara pa it, has removed to Hartford, (.'JOB. lie U state super- intendent fur the House or D. Appieton & Co., New York.

b. F. Holt hss hit ice boussa filled with choice ice from 10 to IS inches thick. He will com' mence running his carte the first of May, and will a ecu m mount* any pariias desiring a supply before that time.

Bav. Homer Barrowa died at bit residence In this place April 1st. Mr. Barrows graduated at Amoerst sou Anderer, and labored in tba mi Utry at Lekaviiie and Norton, Mass., and Dover and Plsisiow, N, at.

Ws ara requested to give Ihs following notice of an epproacaiog marriage, kliss Jeannic Ueorge, or Andover to Robert M. Butter, ol New York city, on tbe staff of the Star, June iClJ, at Ue Free cbarcb, In Aadover.

"independence is our bosit." So lbs town* seem lo asy, if their representatives at the gen- eral conrt lalrly express tbe popular mind. Nc dlstiiclsupervtsors wanted as yet, over, near. or In whatever relation, to the "achool commit- tee."

Mr. F. W. Thomai, of this town, haa pur- chased a house lot on Bellsvue avenue, Meirose, measuring 30.000 feel. Il I* understood tbat tbi* gentleman will commence building opera tlun at t-nce j the site selected Is among tba boost in tbe town,

Tbe Home MisUoasry for April, acknowl- edges as follows: Andover, ladies by Mrs. W. G. Gold-

ami b, barrel, S173-69

^tyj rTiirtyMF-- **- A

Jflrew« •"* on Sunday afternoon la the

woods oi Doa. Solomon Holt, west of Indian Kltige. It ran on to the land of John Chandler aujolnlng, but In coneeqneBcs of Ihs late snow and inoi.t giound, ibe liames were inppreajsd by Mr. Chandler and bis son, and but iHgbi damage was done.

The Y. P. 8. Clab of tte South church, con- ducted an interesting missionary concert at tnelr vestry, on Sanday evening. The »nh)eci was Horn, Mlulewa, especially la the New West. The lollowisg persons participated lo

The swill Contract.

The Board or Health met Monday evening

and awarded the contract tot collecting the city swill to Asa M. Bodwall at 81 07

cord. The price paid by A. it. Btewster

laat year waa 81.00, end this year he made

a bid or 84 30. According to the contract

Mr. Bodwell must construct a building to store the offal, at or near tha present lo-

cetloo or Mr. Bre water's bonding, north of the Splcket river.

The contract for removing night soli

hss not yet been awarded, the board are

at preaeat considering If It would net be a

better plan to retain this more Immedi-

ately under their control. To-day ihcy

wentlo Manchester to Investigate the workings or the Ames Eagle procjss. The

excavating process lu voguu bore Is known

Old Residents' Association.

rlor to tbe Amen.

that taking these things Into considera-

tion, it would aot be policy for the board " tbe B'ulolorL'' «"d i* "Id to be lore-

to appropriate more than 8J50, the same

aa laat yaar, aad previous yeara. He put

bis aaggeatloas la the form or a motion, which prevailed.

Old Residents' monthly meeting, the

Issl of the seaeoe, Beat Monday evening,

the 11th last. A paper of latereat, by a

lady member, recitations by favorite elo- cutionists, music and Important business,

will Isterast member*. Commence at 71-4 o'clock.

To ma iir.s i I.KMKN, and those or our

readers having children to clothe, a pe-

russl of ihe Lawrence One Price Cloth-

ing Cos. Spring Announcement, which

sppesrs to tht.« MRBvi of our paper, will

prove intiri-aling snd profltshle. This

Arm open the present week the largest

stock of spring cloihtng that it has tvvr

been the privilege or too pedSla to select

from, without golnsr to Boston, and ask

but ibe examination or their goods; the low prices sell them.

bert fiowsrs aad Hannah B. Abbott. We understand that a worthy daacoa el tbe

llipilst cburcb in ibis town, who Is sssloasly laboring to remove ibe society', aobt oa their etiarch, receaUy solicited assistance from or our SSUasas or another denomination. The gentleman, with bis characteristic generosity, leaponded,' Well, deacon, call on ma for the last hundred dollars to make up tha amount.' "Joaeenuih waa intently icaoniajr tbe atock

hat lo hie Bulletin, when hi* wife entered with her bead tied up, aad began to pace toe Boor, directed. •K>.Gns1''ss*lBks,"I have such.' S£Hr W*°,Q8!" , "H'as." muttered tbe ornte, absently, without looklus np, "you mint have it out. "Mr. Jonesmllb," said the ladv coldly

SHsJl"0* """^ J C°"ld ■"• " W °*Tii« 'l

A popular writer at tbe HHnb" employs her CD in n story lor the forth coming May Flower ■at literary blossom announced "without pon-

ponement on account of weather," aa tbe organ of the prcjaciors or tbe Festival, May 2j and 3d. And in alt ahoai a Sadole' But then, h' ant ye reader* or Indefinite reams of «ory- taik, as Carlyle would aay, bs sure tbera'l be a moral In It.

Brooks F. Holt, a lew days since, drew a log SSJ&Ji ^ u' ^osmltb, ia what 7f tailed "Nod, situated In the aontb part of tbe town, which was nineteen feet long end one inch and a quarter only tn diameter, smaller st one end than at ihs other. It is to be a part of

"►t^TJ!1 * ■"* b"ru """** Ur »•" » ahbat to bafid near bit residence. Tbe barn is to be 30 by 40 feel with IS feat poets.

2*^fi*tft B • of P ' -*vMaa, whea preaching bis farewell sermon to his people pointed out to tbcm the kind or preach sr tbay should get as his successor, and bavins obtained such a one urged thcaa to keep him. Hs said "you have not been given to keep your pastor* • you have never nad a pastor die among yon, nor do I think you ever will sslese be sbouM be etruck by lightning while on the wing."

Pblness Jsqulth died ia Reading. March 24tb, agid M yeara. Mr. Jsqulth formerly tor many years bad aa extensive trade In varioai article or merchandise, la this town. He was a streighuorwsrd, honest bet loess mas, aad won and retained the confluence of his nasserou* patrons, so loegss he waa sbls to make Li* regs'ar visits. The caste ol bis demise waa cancer, with which he hsa been several yrnra afflicted, and he was a great sufferer until death came to bis relief.

Ihs committee on Public health, resorted In tbe Senate on Teeedsy against al lowing Boston to lake water from tha Sbawsbln river, aad also reported a bill giving Cambridge a riahi to taki ool pot more tbaa 8.000.000 gallons dally. Or tt.edntsday It was voted It to 10 to refer tbe DIM to the next legislature. A reconsideration was moved, wblch comes np for consideration next Wednesday. The considers I Ion of tbe report leave to withdraw of tha city of Beaton, was also assigned for next Wsdneedsy. ^^

Lsst Sabbath. At tbe cbapjl, Prof. Gulliver l",Ck*?'".."* morn,Bf'Md «•"■"• M. Smart 'halpB in tbs afternoon. Mr. W. E. Wokott

ol lbs seminary, preached at tbs Soath chnrch in tbe morning, and Bev. B, F. Bowles ef Bos- ion. at the town hall In the afteraooa. Prof. W LTockergavs s very able and eloqsent missionary address at tbs Pree chares la ths evening. He dwelt principally upon Ihs fread- rntn of this conntry, oar duty lo them sad their posstbliiues. Kev. J. H. Laird preached at the Kiveraide church, Lawreaee, la taelanlag.

Colorado baa mads rapid stridss fa wealth and population daring tne pest rear. 60 000 permanent settler* located la tbi* nan i. IISM

James B. (Smith; senior Vice post c Peter D. Smith; junior tics post commander! i Bralnerd Cumtninge; quartermaster, Saatord K. Goldarailb; aurgeoo, B. Freak Klmball; chaplain, J. H.Lalid; offlecr or Ihe day, A. B. Cutler; officer or tbe Kc.*nl, N. A. Msirill. Alter a cootldiiatile discussion in regard te Ue name, It was vcted to call It Andover Post. It was voted to lormaJly uraanis;, and Install oflj. cera on Monduy ceuing, April lath. Tae average Tee ror mcniueriblp ia this State la §3. There were nearly Ulty persona presaat.indiaat- tat a very general interest is ths ssoeasasat, wbicb will ne doubt prove a mutual benefit to Ihe menii'M-1 and exert a beneficial fuflaeaoe la tbe community. The officer* were cboaaa with Seat unanimltr.Uie llis'onc receiving Mot tba

votes cast. Cbarles Greek OJcfaed IB* see. ond office, and M*e»ia. K. K. Jenkins, G, 1*» Poor, and Joba Clark declined ths third posi- tion.


■ennnn by Fraf. Jeha P. OaOllyer.

Union Fast Day services were held St tbs South church. Invocation by Bsv, J. H. Laird, reading the Scriptures by Uev. A. H. Burr, prayer ny Kov. O. F. Wright, sermon by Bev. Ur. Gulliver, benodicilon by Kev. O. F. Wright.

It la a custom as old as Fast Day itself, to die- cuts, on uut occasion, some one ot want Joseph

would call We "burning questions uf the day. It i. aud seldom dishonored in tbe ob*ervaaoe. la turner uays tue tome was pieBy uatlorsBiy. the connection ot use •tale wito tne laautaiioa of •lavery.anU on Otal ooaasjoa We pnipita oS 9f- UuasujMWeatui were Sliod np wlta ei-otrlo a*t MUlea, olMU ur treUMUUOd* ensrg>, WDereWllk to ■Baku tbe souls ot uuuiuiumujing politicians, aad ■liinuUta Urn oonjp—one of weak believers. Uarrlsouaad bi> irienda seeia lu luraeiae last luej were tea abouk* with which th* land was vi.iied taroagh an loose voluaoto years. But it would he usuoh nearer ibe troth to say, tbat Fast

and TuasX-siriss gSLnerwd lulu use pulpits ' Uiea.^uuiuUuon*ul iudlsnstioe

in* rapmt

ay end TnasJt*! I Mew Kagtaad I IBs pravloua six BHOuUlS, , iiu*. It Was as ween the »even tnuudera

lata*tBe vnwSeth en-

sure an we weeded our way n> re* ea Una oecaiua, that we it to tee rather eaoarreeSlai

•u.i ul notne, vis., .ei-vance. Wo let Ihe Old Souiaoui

duty of reueeti.ig of etaer peoples wuiohuMul mt» extant and


la Juli »r senatey wiia use preacher.

Tne text was Uta splendid passage ia IBs sat a uhap. Ol l.aiMh. cuinuiei elug, "ll ibtM Urn away Lhrioot Inn we Sauoain nod frees tioinn; tar ulwuureon my noly oay.and call tae Sab—IB a uviojui, lha huiy oi tue !**< eu«ora>Mei aad •ruU buaor him, not dutug tolas own ways, nor Uuoius tulne own pleasure, uur speaking thins owo word*; then sbsit thuu delujbl lOysaii In tas Lord, and 1 wdl uauae thee to ride upon tae W<ti uiaoe* of UM sarta sod reed thee wito tae heri- laga ot J*ooto lay usm**-. For ihs mouth sf ie« Leid bain npukva it."

ll WM tne hr.t oujeat of lha speaker ts> shew th.t loere is a Uut ot thafUousta. U this slain propoaiUon hsj nut been sailed la quesuoa Uur- m| reosut lesuUii ve dlscosatsna, tSas Might have ■evOMMla vetv un»«»««ery parlot tae discourse, slier toe re-din* of the Uigud ol the lonittt com- mandment. But His no more atraaga Man tree, laat tne luautuuuu waieh nss bean BSSSM the ob- Jacioi Divine's*, owre than any steer, feeen ths r«a( ohluh lollowwl the uteaUou to Ihla tour, Us aunulee ul wmch are spread out with tha ulsso.t mlaktsaes* upon every pert vl We Mb** enmtaa sue ui Mature, in sea«'e physical aad amsital sad moral con*lituUun.aiid luuwaleu Inallhiatory and experleone, haa been seleuted by modem critics, lo, emanrlftUioHfroM tht rultoflm. Bsok uua and each nation and eschars, u, we are told, to Iramea fab be W lor Ueelf. A recent writer is the Boston Advertiser, ao.-orrtloflT Bake the per- picxiDgtiueaiioa,"Whatlai3 be tbe Bsbbath of we lutaror" aad concludes that it U aot a dabb»lhatall,butonlr SuNlay.and that it not lo be the Puritan Sunday or German Bunder, netaaeeUrely orislnal sffilr IOMJO known ns tbe "Aaaarteaa Sunday " The distinctive peculiar!- use ef tola new-tingled Hunday, are to be tba careful conservation of the profits of rajlroad •hares, the actirlty of the p.i*l office, tba repair* of mllla, tbe posiing of acooanta. We opening of itiiiaeum*. We sale ol aewspsuera, end spicy sei- moos twenly mlauies long. Un tbe wings ot suck a SabttaW America la eiueeted "to tide upon ihs high place* of We earth," according to the predic- tion or tbe prophet, and "be fed wiW the hiritags uf Jacob."and with an abundance of the GeaUlsa, ■- addition.

proved that ihd law of tne sabbath waa engrafted iiiinn Itin Irll mi I illinlnlln i iiilsfflhs UBBfoni but did not originate Ink. It we* "front ihs be ginning" ami wa* drawn into Chat special coda from the wide universe ol soul*. When that cod* wa* abolished, t.ns wa* no mure done awav with it, than lhoii.JupcU.r-, "Thon shaft aot rsesot* tby nelghbui** landmark." 1| mc ■eotible to *ay that became We 1 "done away" therefore men are at: liilhelrlaad title*, as to say Wit,

mltted to —

saartti: tliberty toehfit

ft^.edlogtoaMew lurk asrstd, Instead m Bias. thepreacAer •bowed, Nearly, tb*

Wboatb I* a mailer of Isw, of I ne (arable anil BnehangwabieeDdUifinelaw, and that the n or the nailoa wnloh trample* on that hrW, Or trie* pideaylM exUtenee, will Snd itself entangled

•bowing bow Win atyle of HabbaW U a «oVit*at- aa welieaaduty. The obarm oT aPni[>a>eat> bath In tba oldea days of Hew Bsshtod, was uk> tun-d. Tbe exaluiloo of aueh a day waa set I* contrast, lu tbe dell prose ef a SDodera Sabbitk, wlib lu ittreschlafwnliite*, lie piping news boys, m lhronxe.1 posl oflcs, IU seasaal hear gnrdeas, and IU Lilliputian serssoai, till the cwngrecatiu* were quite prepared to elog at the oloae, wiW a new euurccialion, the fiialiar lines,

•rrom We low train of mortal toys, I soar lo reaoh Immortal J JJS." ->-.*.■«.■ ~Jr- •"*'"'


The sau end ef one or tbs (lie shop bwHdlnc* ba* fallen down, and several hundred dollar! will be required lor making tba accessary re- pelrs. '■

Tbe Catholics Intend to bnfld a church la ihla village, tbe present season. It will Be lo- eatad on a lot «r lami purchased far tba pur- pose, tome years ago, by Father Qejiager.


Gen. Notion is expected beau ta-aaorvow.

The report or ths School Committee Is being printed. °

Servlcea were held In tha Congregational Church. Fssi Day.

Mr. John Clerk picked a beech of traBinx ar- uoiu* in ths woods, this week.

Selectman Rea Will remove to his Brm, In tbe Parnkam D,strict, next week.

An Easter concert will be given by ibeN. E. Uabteih School, Easter Sunday even log

The place lately occupied by Hr. Jacob I.. Farnum, will be run by the Messrs. Danbar.

A Mr. Taylor, of Lawrence, succeeds Mr. McKone as organist at St. Michaels Ohareh.

A *e7 '*rw Sock & »'«•. coming rrom a aoutberly direction, patted over the town yes- terday.

The new addltloa te Davis A Farber's brick shop Is otisg built 40 feel longer than orlaioallv Intended.

ssoVJL.?lM9i «'»tted Pneldsat of lbs Milk Dealers' Anaoclalloo, at Lnwreoce, lbs other day. ' *

Mr. E. W. Greens advertises for sals a tot of strawberry plants of the Crescent Seedling sod Cbarles Downing varieties.

Mr. Jacob L. Fan um, tbe newly apuofatcil Supennlendeat or tha Alma House, hss as- sumed ihe duties of hla position.

" . Peter Stroat, late la charge at ths Alan r, has removed to hit (arm In Boxford.

Hs la now til with sn stuck of billon* lever. Remember, the lecture by Mr. Oeo. N Ore's

indertbe auaolces ol the Farmers' aad Me- chanics'<*tub, occurs this eveaing, at'Bteveni

Monday I**', Mr. F. P. Hanaford ws* drawn by tbs Selectmen, to serve ss a Jnriaaaa for t;

At n nsretlsg of the Essex Cluh. bsid la-Bos- toa, on Baterday, Willa-d P. Pbffltps, Jbq was chosen President, end Hen. Oeo. L leii one or the Executive Committee. **

Tha committee on Decors lion Dsy lavlte I honorably dlschsreed toldler* end sailors to

meet at ibe Eben Beiton engine bouse Wed- nesday evening, tbe 90th Inet., at 7* o'clock.

Laat SardBy evening N. P. Frye. xvsq., de- Hvsrede Umpersnce addreaa in tbe Methuen Town IJall, IM fire a crowded house. Jlwasan

;.T^iwua"*"","-*«Jr'"' ."I* i*2" 8»0B«l«r«. «>• commlltta'of one

selected by the Grand Army roanrndee to pro- care an orator (or Decoration Djy, extended an hiviuttoa to HOB. Joba K. Tarbox, which ban

Last Friday afternoon, aa uakeowa mar,, pe- culiarly clad, and apparently suffering from sows steals! derangrmedt, paraded tba atreeu, with an open umbreik fa eass bead aad a cudgel in ths other, j <sswaiasws

Ahoal thirty of Ihe ft lands and acquaintance* or Mr. and Mrs- S. C. Hlldretb, Union HalarbK, came over Irom Lawrence, laat Friday sveAng, aad sarprtsed them at their restdeoea, aad pre- sented them with an easy chair. Gams* mu- sic aad a collation followed.

A horse attached to Mr. L. B.Rm'i milk

Those who desire to pass an evening of fun B^Uvtatth.OldFo4ka'eoooerV Sfcatsven- Hell, next Wednesdsy evening, for their Wish wlMjiadotibtedly be gratified. It is aodr- *' sanction or the TsdrM"e«ineMed wm'wYnl- tarlan Church. '

isacnt settlers located la this tuts in lfsat Her taxable propeny iocressedmore IS in tM ' 000,000, wbllTthVsiregnie^sldof U?!o,U rilver^lead ,nd rwjfr mTai^mnaSJd^to fit 000.000. The area of Us sute U 16 000 taaara T" t~'- ""■" mllas. larger than Ws whole of Eoslead, bcot- Tf *"•■ flxed for ^way o«nlitg, the J2d lost. land and Wales. The county oT OsaaiBou A ^ n™r oi <"•"< "<* «ac> artfe** will alone Is larger than MassaeBasstts. """ be for oola on tbe several tables To add to the

MSB bandreU miles of_railroad were laid 12^11™*"*** of "* f"lr» •* *ut«rtislaessBirn lo

Tbedateortbe fair, at Merrlmac Hall, by I Bssam *■ !*«>••• Social Circle of the M. E. Chnrch,

during the peat year, aad 500 additional or are n process of construction. Tbe Rio Grande Railroad Company baa recently ordered 900 b>comotivea and 1000 freight car* from two Pennsylvania Arms. Tbla la ssid to be the largest order ever given by one railroad com- pany.

Tbe soldiers and sailors of Aadover, met st ie town ball on Monday evening, to choose

officers ilor s Poet of We fJ A. »., and transact such other preliminary business as wss deemed necessary for tbe organlaetlee. Peter D Bmlib, acted st chairman, and Psnford K Goldimlib as secretory. The committee on membership reported baring received tlxiy-iwo names. The committee on procuring a club- room, reported thai Ibe batlover Smith h Man- ning * store, can be obtained at an anonal rent

d" dollars. Alter tbe readli

be given.

Ths following ofBcjrt were erested for the ensulug term, Monday evening, bar ths Emmet Loerary Society; President, P. Lvnch: 1st Vice FreaMeni, J. Donovan; td Vice Presl dent, J. CNelli Recording Secretary, T. A. McOowan ; Financial Secretary, P. J. Murphy ; Ireaanrer, C. J. Daw: Truslera, B. J. ifelly. M. Cortln. W. Donovan; •Bunding CommMtee. W.FKslley. R.Joyce, J. ltoranj Tallrrs. P. P-Daw, T. J.Morpby, SersrsiBN«t-Arm*. P. Marpby. ■-■■^iSsT ■#

WIills Rev Eugene McCarthy, of Ukmtelier, wr* bt'ng driven from l.ewrence to tbts phce, flandsy, whore he was to officiate at the Cath- olic Cbuich, be was suddenly seised, with hem orrbaga of tbe laugs, sod became -so weak that It was ntcssssry to remove blm to s haute on Mtrrlmsc Street, Lawrence. Uo waa rubse-

the conatitntlon and geaeral rules of lucb or- qutntly Uken to the retidence of Rev. Fatbt. ilaattoos, it was voted to proceed to the «esly, at South Lawrence. Owing to hla lif-

- neva there was no nornlna service 'at- St. Michael's Cbarcb.

ibe committee chosen at tba recent man m:et ny, to mere a let aad erect a school

choice of oBkers, sad Messrs. G. I.: Poor J Ltatt and C. II. Gilbert were spool aud «



ooMfcud of UM gikrtm ud School Con ulttoe, visited thai locality Saturday, ud viewed several Hwliblt sites, witboat, kownw, COM- Ittff to eoy definite decision la UM nuuit, A ■nb-cotnmlliee of lhr«, composed of Mr. Cbea. F. JVDBSOO, Dr. Morriii and Mr. E. W. OreeDe, was chosen by Ibe eenerel cotnmittto to select lbs lot ud pleas fur a bulldiof, ud submit ttie Mini to laid conuafuee for approval.

IK lien of the unoat hall of ibe Ejen KmtOB Company, an assembly waa sabstituled on Fail art, Ibr which complimentary card* of adtnls- •tom were feasroaily furnished to the honorary ■(■ten and Irlend* oi the orfaniiaii^o DO ticket! beta*- toll). About fllty couples availed themselves « to* courtesies extended, and the occasion waa one or tnucb eopyoicnt. The ■near axraafemenla wart directed by Capi. D. W. SatcIIBe, with Iba aid of Assistant Foreman W. B. D/er, J f. Kirk, B. S. Roblna, n. Jai Woodaosa*. ihtf. Wllcox. Bun'. Bjnd fur nUhodlnonsnsIc,

The seseai meeilnf of tba TrialUrlan Con- pefaiioeal loclety waa bald on Monday «*... ■«>n the vestry of toelrcoarca, and tba W-

towlu oncsre warn eleetod: Moderator, Jas.

■hwdlnil-ummitu*, Janiaa T. Joaasoa, Che*. JJhml- »•• One B. Uatbora; Treaaur.r, i2fpkS-8lM,i c«»««w, Hoses Merrill; Au- djksrs. Bsnj. P, gaeaossTS, Joseph B. Sanborn. The Auditor*' Krport waa accepted, and a let ofoy-lawi were adopted for the iuture govern mentortbeaocijij, aa presented by a aptclal committee, cotnpoaad of J. H. Stone aud N. P. Frya, E.q.

I«T. Beet). Sown, a Mind cterary nan from Boeto.pre.chad la ihi reewy of tha Onanre- fsUonsi Chares, UM Suday e*eniar 1 ha eerelce. ware quite faleresUaa-, from the fact *n*l tha Bar. nsnuentan not aaly occapled the pnlplt, read bli Bible laaaoa troea an edition of the Haw Testament, printed with ralaed letteri, sales lha eeaae of laach with ate band*, and calilag tha number of tba hymns ud repealing theaa from memory, bat ha alao presided at the awgam ud latif with tha eoaareiaUoa. He

a a* intonating aonant oi and of

Andorer Business Directon.

A1JJBBT Q. WOOD, JR.. successor to ■ '■w-e*!,',*»1>.l,««'inBooU.ShoeeaBd Rubbers, and He,..)rim doaa in tbo beet ■» Vlt/i *< ^e'owcitprloaa. Bank bultdlai, Mala Street, Aadover. «y7 lyr

BWAIMaf aauirx, iieeler i. Boots, inoee A slubber*. Custom work a specialty

Mawrlaa- neatly done at abort notice. Jones' &P3& sS¥**"2 U»lf *"*• e«»m«ij7a« land. aUlnBU, Andover, Mass. lydeMTa

L) K.NJAMIN B. TUTTLK ban bought of JL* J. K. Parlio tha local ti press and Jnbbina nueineaa formerly of M. as. White, uaaeral lohuiuf, moTlux of pianos, furniture, Ac., at reasonable prlcci. Patroaaae aoliclted.Ieaiy

caraai Itawoi

The L«d Leajae anUrtalnaieat, at Merrl- mac Bail, Faat eve, brouht tonelber a large aodlaace, which, If Uvkh applaaaa la any Indl- caitoa Of eajoymeot, waa thoroughly pleaecd whh tba lu programaae praaaatcd. Tha to!- tawlaf gaaUaaaaa, tofataar wHh the orator, Hoa. Joha X. Tarbos, occaptad aeata oa tha roatram previjui to taa commencing of tba TO caJaad I a#i rum ratal portion: Senator Wiley. Waa. J. Dale. Jr., Beaj. P. Baaadara. E.Q., Oaa*. D. F, Dolaa. Mr. (Jea. H. Oroai, Mr. it. K McQaattoo, Mr. B. H. Smith, Mr. A. J. Bill- •M, Mr. P. V. Daw. Mr. Dala Introduced tha ipaakcr, who waa wamlr araatad, la brUf and appropriate remarke. Mr. Tarbox'e oration waa ualoqacnt prodoctlon, and received mark- ad raaagaltloa from tba audience, be being !r<- qaeatly applauded. AlterwarJa Ibe following arogramma waa glr-n, racb number of which waa admirably txacated: Faiawdaai.

Katie A. aad fraaoe* I., w.i.n. Cbaraa, "Let Erin remember the daya

HOW Moore „ Full chair. Dwat, Banner kjf Vr Miami

Maaara. OBrlaa. Iwag. "You'aaoon tOrget Kathleen." tVllliama

MarrJ. Tower.



aBOBQBPIDDlNUTON, Florlat. JUaldence aad graaaboa*ea on dobool • treat, near taa

KpLounal Uamatery. i.anilkcapa Uaruaauna apacialtjf. Oamckry lota atteaded to.

„ KathariM A. (FaTaaaTa. Tathlaaa Maaoaraaaa,"

John tampbalt. "trln, tha tear and tha ainlla."


Arthur hwaeacy. Baading, "Faalaaoy."

Oaa. N. Croee. ■aaaj, HWaaa ha who aaViraa thaa."

Jaaaaa MeLaaghlla. »aag, -BxUaofKrla"

■mlly Q. Walah.

BKADLEY 4 PABLIN, Merchan" railora aad Daalara ir U lothlaf. Bate, Capa

' i. Main Street.

CU. BHATTUCK, Uaracaa Maker and , ..•,c"ri*™Trt""wr'h"'«"«"dtoBaaa,a lulliilug, Kim Sgaara, where all work la hlaline will lie promptly doaa, aad at roaeoubla pricee.

DB, C. B. ABBOTT.-OIBca aod Beat- liaaoa at Mra. Kben Tyler'a, Main Street,

Andorer. Untce hour* "-toa. m., 1-3 and alter p.m. tfdao*

UDWIN H. BABNABD, Palotiog, Qla- XJiiag, Uralniag and Paper Haaglng. A

•"■ "toom Pa^wr coar abop K.kex St.

ED. HATCH bu opened the Elm etiouae lor the accommodation cl the pno-

ne, fermanenl aad tranaicat boarder* Lept, and trareleraand parliaa entertained. Patron. aae aollolled. »ui lyr


Tba college boyi, from Dartmouth, arrlreJ home on Wedneaday.

Mr. 0. 8. Hickok, of Bochesttr. N. T., ha* paeeed tbe week in that town.

A Sunday tcaooi concert will be htld at the Congregational church, next Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mn. Jamee lagaila, entertained u Invited party, at their reeiuonce, on Wedaeaoay evaaiDf

Tbe million tchool will give an Baaler con- cert, at tba library room, oa St April 17th.

EPiKK, Tin, Barthan aad Wooden a Ware; Repair. Pumpa, Btovea, Fur-

aauea, eto. dole agent lorMagec atovea, ran- ge! andlurnacea lor Aadover and vicinity, urdera promptly attended to. Park atreet, Aaduver. nov; lyr

HAHLAN P. W BIOUT, Dealer ID Boota Bttoee aod Bubhera. Kntlre new atook oi

good., bought lor oaab, and will oe ao>d at rea ■on*bla pruiaa. Repairing oone uiomptl' Cor. Mala aao Central Bu., Andi.-

pioaEptiy, lyapllf

HBNBY OOFF, Papering and Ulailng,<

aad rvaaoaaule Piioe. Per

. L'almlDg, Oralnlng, and Ulaalog.doaaatabortnoiiua '• Piloe. Peraona wUaiag Work

drop a poatal in Po.t Ofltoe. octlo U

JOHN W. FAULKNhB. JlackamlLblng doaa at ebort notion, la the moat tborouati

a.aaner aad at rea.omola prloa . FartiauUr attdotlon givaa to aboatag. WbnalwrUbU' worn doau IU oonueotioj with blaokamlUung. farh at., Andovar. w vl lyr

JOHN Q. VINOLBY, Dealer lu Finn of all blade, baa removed to hia aaw aad ooa-

oaaiaatiHarRat bouM, fart atreet, oppoalta tba 1 —a Hall. Patrvwga of old eaatoemara aad generally aollolled. Article, detiv lyajrS

JOHA II. DEAN, Merchant Tailor, Ueakr la Clothing anil Uaat'a fnraUblag

uwod. oi ail kiada. uarmcuta made In tha luU.t laaniou and warranted to St, Repairing, oleae- iag aad preaamg done nwatly. Mala atraat, Aadover. novIV lyr

JOHN C. LBUNABD, at bin abop I Bollard Vale, will attend to Blaakamltblag

II Ita brau<inaa thoroughly, promfHJy aad inably. lior.eiuoglag uad Wbealwilghi

Katharine A. O'Keeffe. "" tlorlaaof Br

Belaatad- Kaibarlne A. O'KeeaTe.

LBuaae, "1" mourn tha houaa." _ Fall choir. Tha attao daet by the Miaaei Walih, lha

duet by tba Matara. O'Brien, all Mill 0 Keeffa'a ■■■ban, Iba aong by Mr. Sweeney, and tbr reading by Mi. Cioai, were encored, and all raaponded except tha latter. Mlaa Katie A. Walab acted aa accompuiat.


—Tina or—

Voice Cultivation and Gesture. TOWN HALL. ANDOVER

NOTICX18 HBBBBT Gi VFN that tbe aabaoriber hu baea duly appointed ex-

aaatrlx of the will of Haaax BUBTT, late of Aaderar,

la the eoaaty of laeex, bai-Mia-maker, eaaiad, taatate, Ud hat taken upon kci.... ■ait treat by giving boada aa tha law dl- raata. All par.oaa having damaadaupoa tie aMateat aafd daeaaaad are reojalrad to exhibit tbaaame:udallperaonaladebMdto*alde*tata •re called npa* to make pavmewt to

HiNHiH B. BUMTT, Bxaeulrlx Aamavor, April «h, I Ml. v i is *i

STORAGE. -;haaadof B Frat

iharoh building aa ■av.ifcgpBrchaaedofB Frank Smith, tbe old

Catholic Church building an Central atreet, I will atore la it furniture, carrlagaa, alalgha. awdatharartlcleeovraaaouaM term*. A paly auamlth AMaaalng'e .tore, or to taa abicrf »«•• Z L. A. BBLENAP.

Oaawaaamwaalthi *r Maaaaekwaatti.


JABtTtai M. Boon, late of Aadover, la aald oouBty, alaglewomiB, daeaaaad, lateaiata,

UaaaiiKo: WaraniAa, applicttloa hu been made to aal'

Caartto graat'a latter of admlai.tratlo* oa the

ut Ceart, to be held at Haiarhlli, la aald county of Kaaex, oa the aeeoad Moaday of April

aald daeeaead, to Joaeph acott, ot _ _. la lha eoaaty ef Beaax. are hereby cited to appear at a Probate

Aadover. la the eoaaty ef Toe are hereby cited to appear _ _

o be held at Batarhlil. la aald

next, at nine o'clock belore BOOB, to a how cauae -aatlng UM aame.

i hereby directed to U aa v you have, agaiaat grantlnx the MI

Aadaald Joaapaacotl la hereby dir* give public notice thereof. by pabllehlae: thl* i one* a week, far three aucceiilre

weeka, (a Ibe aewapaner called tba LAWBUUa AhUBBIOAM Ul AMDOTU

printed at I^wraace. the but publication to be awe daya at least before aald conrt.

— ~r. Cboata, Baejulre, Judge of

J. T, MAHOMET. Begitter.

the year oi

N OTICX IB HBBBBT GIVEN that the aehaarlberau bean duly appolaled

—mlaiatrator, with Lha will annexed, oi the ejeUtonf XuauM PHaxra, Irte of Aadover. la the eoun-

IT at Baux, okrgymaa, deeeued, aad baa taken ape* hlataatf that treat, •f giving bond, a* the law direct*. All peraona haviBgdamand* u pon theaatale or aald deceaied

-'-1 taaxaiblttheeaaaai aad all par- d to aald eatate are called upon to


. _J dealred for making aa exten — - taa Town tleuae ta Aadover The addi- tion I* to he of brink, about XI by M reel, two aleriee high, elated roof, ntled ap wita .lair- wara.dreaaag room*, ewaato, ate. Piaaa and ajeejlMMaaa may be eeea at lha bookalore of W. r.Oraaar. Frepoeala will be received until

h\Ma7. The oemaUlteereaervethe right



Aadover. March IS, leal.

To Beelaoe Stock I will eell a BHmber ef good HUatiBw very low.

UmAJaLma L. CaJtTKK, taa, Aadover.

FOB SALE. Coach Baslaoss in Aadover.

•Dutomptatlag a ehaaga la baeiejoea, I offer to aell Horaea, Cjaohaa, Wagone. llarne.a. ate., and the COAOBT LINK r.nnlog irom UM Man- aioaMonaalB Aadover, to thedepot.andabout eeeraj. Ageealpajlag awehieM for a man who earn give it Ua ainMi 1 aaaaiBagL.

The mie, etc, w:u be aeU lor auh, end aoBa bat alrletly ratlible peraeaa need apply.





rOLET^-Two email Tenement*, with gar- aea* attached. Applr to C. C BLUNT,

ftfmaiU Aadover.

Coal and Wood. ■tarwrlee White Aak

Lvktns Valley Red Ask Coal.

aay one of I bat fact.

Prices Very Lew. Wewel or; the different kkda, la lota;to *ult, at

:reduced prieee. Hay and BtrawlComtantlj on Hand,


Malm ■«.

WILLIAM POOR Mae alee tare i aad banfaraala

«x»reaa.altare,Market. Milk,lailnta

Farm Wagone A Carts. A ■peetftltjr wf Meat W«l*ai.

Repair latin alllla braaohe*.


JOHN It. LOBING,—MACHINIST,— Machinery or every deeorlplloa built aad

■ apairadai la new*hop,ruro>L>rapar'eBioek Mam at., Andorer. deceu

MORSE A BURNS, Flab Dealere, are prepare 1 to lurolab all article* la their 11M

Urdera prvmptir attoaded to. Uooda delivered. Central alrwet, oppoaitatha BaptiatUbdrnb.

MBb. M. L. BAMSDKLL, Fuhionable UroeaudCloak Muing. Alao atampiag

or oraldiaaT and embroidery, hooaua oneiLa, mar oti uet, Aadover. no> n

ML. RAMSLiBLL, Agent for tbe lead eiag hewing Macbiaea. Machine* 01 a|

aiaua vieaaed aail repaired. Alao Sewing Ma uBlne (Ja.ion, Needle*. Uil, Ac Cor. Klui aad summer atreeu Aadover ataaa. apaHi

MT. GLKASON, Mason. —Maaon e Work o, every daacrlfttun piomplly ax*

Bvuvad. order box at J. it. Pliers Market, Main at. kendence. Maple Av«aue. niynl ly

McLAWLIN A BAKER-aucceaaora to Charle. L.Cartor-deaiora la Hardware,

UuUen and Cordage; alao far mini ImplaiaMU ffowdau Ware, Ac. A lull aaaorlmeat at luweet prlMa.

W ATI!AN V. ABBOTT Will furnish a li superior quality oi Ledge atonea for cel- lar* and lonauatioua at aboil notice andiea- aonable prloea. Teamlag piomptl) done, flat isiaclloB vuaraatecd. kaaldaneeiienrM. mmer btrMt. lyr BIT7

CAUNDBBS BKUTHBBB, I'lumbera Oana TmamiUii. Alao dealers la Tin, Ulaaa, and Wooden Ware, Store* and ffurnacea. Be »air* ior all ainda of atovea, uamttroet, Andu far, Maaa. lyr *epl7 •

rHOMAS HOWELL carrfca oa the rurnlture nnd baslneea In ail

.heir tiranchea, at bla atore on Park street. Pur- oiture repaired aod removed at ahori notice and on reasonable term*. lyoetlDTe

WILLIAM DUNDAS, Cuetom Tailor, UaraMmte got ap la toe latoat atvlea. First

elaaa woramaasblp. atepatnag aad eleaaslag donaalaBorlnotlae. Over Jeaaaea'e Kxpraaa OMJC, Mala at. ly rnaiM

WILLIAM f. F1NULBT, Dining Rooms.—Fruit, Candle*. Cigars, btation-

ery, Inka, etc.,etc Oy tier* aaJ Mealafurnlahed " hju.a. Coraar Main an 1 Urjen etreet*.



Funeral and Furnishing



seplk AaiAavar, Maaa

Strawberry Plants. Billing .

PlanU; SUrenlaper 10); A3 Crescent Seedling aad Charlea Downing

per 10 e. E. W, OBEEHI.

Xo. Aadover, Hue.

rioe. _ w. ar vetapi

POMP'S POND ICE! Aampertar article for Craaasiars, Caolera

lea riteher*, M*rrla"rBtora, A>«. Siala at Prieee— lower than ever —to be

A share of patronage aollolled, Fall satlefao lion guaranteed, or no bill. Our team* will take poaltTon (a* usual) May let. Sooner II neceaaary,

Respectfully. l/.M.HAYWARDASON.

AndoTer, April 1,1*11. If

FOR SALE. Aa excellent Jersey Cow, four year* old, hav-

tng a Calf two week* old. Apply to JOHN BABBT, Pike atreet, Aadover. al ■ IS


—AO surra ron — lassat le Fasklaaia a a A Barrett's Dy • ■•BUM. •tameiagaadriBklBg.


WOOD & COAL f lite ul ul Franklin Coals.


,Om 8AL1 BT J

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. O-derireceived,aad blllisettler] at




IT I* if r


There baa baea three death* in town wltblu a week.

Laat Sunday, Mr. Watson exchanged witb Rev. K. 0. Barry,of Salem. 1).

There wu good sleighing April UL Snow le tbe wood* la between one aad two feet deep.

All who desire to gain admiMloo fee the algb retool, were examlced by tbe trasteea, Thurs- day afternoon.

Monday evening, Comical Brown gave an en- tertainment at the town ball. Be bade email aadlence.

March 27tb, Sunday r. M., Hev. A. WaUon preecbed hi* nftb anntreraary sermon. It waa very Interesting.

Mr. A. W.Foole ha* ben ewporaled town elerk to Oil the vacancy cauaed by tbe death ol Charles Feuley.

Mr. B. Moycs and Mr. C. Follanabae, have bad addition* to tbelr famlllei, the put weak. Both were girl*.

Tbe ladles' sociable wee held at Mn. Charlea Preeaey'e, Wedneaday evening. There were only a few present, owing to the weather,

Wedaeeday. March 30ib, Mr. Cnnrlee Peas- ley, who died Ennday momlnx, wne hnrled. Mr. Wataon, asiUted by Bev. Mr. Lowell, of Danville, coadncted Ibe services, after which ibe Free Mason* tondncted tbelr ceremonies. Tbe grand army and band weie alao oat. The service* were held In the church, which was Ailed. le bin dealb. tba town bu lost one of Ita best cMlaens, held by everybody in lilgh eiteem. lie bu been sick about nine year*, aad wu 40 years of age at tbe lime or his death. Be beld four town trace* at the tune of btedeceaae. He will be missed in tbe church end Babbath school, where he bu been a diligent woiker, Always doing wbet be conhl.

-, at tbe library room, oa Sunday altcraoon,

Mr. David Nevlu ba* been appointed abcaio- iatrntorot bla father'* estate, the late David Hevlai, Mnior.

Tbe new Arlington mill 1> receiving 1U ma- chinery, mad will soon commence operation* in manufacturing yarn.

Mr. B. W. William* bu been drawn a juior to attend the next term of tbe Supreme Judi- cial Conrt, to be balden at Salem thli month.

Bar. J. W. Walker preached at the Congre- gational cbnrcb, on Sunday morning, In ex- cbuge with tbe pastor, Bev. Z. S. Jtolbrook.

Mr. J. B. Dodge, grocer, bu taken Into tbe dm A. V. Fisher and S. W. Dodge, ead the tlriu name will hereafter be J. S. Dodge A 0*.

Tbo new senoel furniture did not arrive ac- cording to agreement, aad consequently there bu been no eessloa of Iba flist grammar achoot ib la work.

Messrs. B. A O. W. Sawyer have dissolved partnership. Mr. Ebeatser Sawyer WUI con- tinue tbe busiuca* and Mr. Oeu. W. Sawyer will be lounu la bla employ.

Tbe farmer's dab will bold tbelr next meet- ing, on Monday evening. April Utb. The • ucject of dlacusaloa will be "grape culture," a continuation (root the last meeting.

The Baptist, Methodist and Congregational chunbea, belci a aaron service oa Fait day al tbe church ot tbo latter. BcV. James Waiker of West Chelnufwtd, delivered tbe sermon,

The Arm of B. Q. Oatteraoa A Boa, shoe manula :iurer«, bare dissolved, Mr. t). Q. Oet- terson wiiadrawiag from tbe firm. Mr. F.ft. Uuiieraon will cwntlnae the basineaa at the new abop.

Thomas Lyukay wuerrealed here on Bst- urjay, by a Lawrence offl.-er, baring been In- dieted by the grand jury for liq >ur seillug, and not appearing for trial u dnecieJ. He wu taken to the Liwrence Jail for ajie keaptag.

Tbe following officers have uteo elected by the Uulreraallet Saboatb acbool, lor the eaau- ingyear: »upl., W. L. 8. Ullureaati ai.itt.nt • opt., T. \V. wiiLte; dark, Pred A. Lowell{ llorartao, Clarence Mason; uBietaet llbrarlaa, O. K. Tawnaendi ireesarer, Mra. Kau Ayer.

Mr. Fraak Kbnball met with a painful acci- dent on Wodaea-iay afternoon, while riding hum back. He wu Just leaving the etabir when Ibe borae stuunLu and tell, aud in com- ing down imctured Kimtiali'a leg. He wu uku to bla borne on K.i*t Street, and a phyil-

The nannal meeting or tbe ... Wainut Orove Cemetery, was held oa Monday ailernooa at the aekctmen* ottles In tbe town hoaae. D.Carrier, wu elected chaumea, and B. Sawyer wu elected a trustee, lieieg bU owa anccesaorlB tbe board. The treaiet* are u AJUOWSJ—D. W.Teoney.D. I. Mori I .ou, Dan tel Carrier, Kbeacaer Sawyer and 8. U. Bargeat.

Kimbali Parry wu arrested on Monday ef- lernooo, by ofllcer Batcheldtr, oi the State dt- tective police force, at Dariu* Taylor'* lataa, on How atreet, tor aa aaauU corn muted lu Law. ranee, on Beiernay night, apoa Mr*. Hepwortu. He wu brought belore the police eoart ea Tuesday, and bound over lathe aam of two tbonaaud dollars Tor hie appearance at tbe criminal conrt, in May next, at Ifewborj part.

The annual Baiish meeting or ibe Congrega- tional cbnrcb, waa held oa Monday aitarotw lorihecleciKwof ohacers ud other baalnees that might properly come before it. The lol- kowlag tracers were elected lor the mining year;—Moderator, J. O. Parker; Clsik, W. O. Mtsrrtei Aasaseors, J.O. Parker, D. W. Ten- nov aed Daniel Carrier t Treuarar, A. B. He- mar, Censor, Was. C. Bieotyer. It wu voted to appropriate tweaty are bandied dollars to deiray tea car rent ixnauii Mr the enauiug year. It wu aaw voted that a tax or ten per cent be raised on the valuation oi tbe pews.

Truell at Oo'e. Spring Opening;

A buy, bustling scene wu wltneeatd

at Trnell A CVs., nnUbllahnjent j«ater>

day and laat evening, the occasion being

the spring opening at thl* well known bonne, the public attention being enpeo-

lally called to U by Urn lar«« displayed

advertisement which this enUrprlnlng

Arm Inserted In the columns of the

AHKRICAN. Kvery department of the ca-

pacloue etoie, wan thronged until laic,

nnd when the closing-up hoar ar-

rived, the courteous clcrka were wearied

after their Inborn of the day In temptingly

displaying tha rich new goods which have

Just bun race Ived from the lending buna,

en in Mew York. Tbe windows wen tan tel ally adorned by Mr. Q. A. Foater

In the out window wu shown a beautiful

drapery of Turklah pattern, with scrimp

cloth curtains, nnd Ramie cloth centre,

Irom ibe laid of which pecpml n band-

nonely drenaed doll with fl.gera to II) a aa

If In tbe net of throwing a klnn feo n larger

doll reclining In n nlnetnre euy rhalr on

the window stool. A beantlfnl display

ol Swlaa Qurtslna, scrimp cloth with croee

stripe centre, ball fringe and lovely *pnn

silk In old gold nod olive green In two

abides, waa made hern under n canopy of

brilliantly colored cretonnes. In tbe west

window a handsome display of Brussels

lapestrtts, borders aod BmyrnA rnfs In


In the dry goods department some floe

goods In satteen nnd brocade to match am

shown, floe blue and black striped silks,

elegant India shawls, skirts In utleens

iu the latest shadea, and a large line of

fancy hosiery nnd rich laces. In the upholstery department n billllnnt

display wu made, notlcaUe among which

waa spun silk drapery, Klva clotb luter-

woven with tlnael, handsome cashmeres

In brilliant colors, Turkish Batteens, Not-

tingham and Swlaa lace curtain.*, and tbe

Intent dado designs.

The brilliantly colored Moqnette car- pert log evoked universal admiration, u

did also the tapestry velvets, aod the new dealgne of Brnwheln. In woolen carpei-

Ings, tbe most tvotlcable were the two-ply

Lowell ingmlnn with old gold ground work nod maroon nnd oil vu fill log, dealgne

In whlcb thin Arm hu an exclusive right.

Messrs Trnell A Go. invite the public

to visit their etoro during tbe present dis-

play, nnd there In no doubt thnt nil who

avail themselves of the Invitation will be

amply repaid.


At the session of tbe Essex Connty Dragglnu Association, held in this city

recently, n committee wne appointed to

nrgn noon the legislature tba necessity

Of n law for the belter regulation of tbe practice of phsrmery. Thin committee

sppesred before the legielailve commit-

tee on public health, nnd minutely

explained tha dlaaolltlen under whlcb

skilled pharmacists BOW labor, In tba

practice of their profession, on account

of thn msny Inexperienced persons who

have of late yearn entered tbo business,

nnd thn reanlt Is, n Snw bu been reported

to tbe leglnlatnre, which meets the ap-

proval of the prominent druggists through-

out tbe state. It provides that the Governor shall be-

fore July 1, appoint three skilled pbarae- clsla of at ieut ten years experience) In

compounding nod dispensing drugs, who

shall constitute a Board of Commission-

ers of Pharmacy, nnd shall bold office for

the terms of one, two nnd three years re- spectively. They ehall give notice to all

Demons engaged In the business or

spothecsrlea la thn state, thnt they shall

keep n suitable book, always to be open for Inspection, la the office of thn

aecretary of State, In which they shall register the names of all persons author-

ised to conduct tha onsiness. Any per-

son engaged to such business nt tha time

is pussge of tha not, may within M

days after the appointment of the com- missioners, apply to them tor registration,

and upon proof that ha waa nt thn time of

tbe puaage of thn ut no engaged, the commies I oners shall register his name.

Aay person who hereafter deslree to con-

duct tbe business) of aa apothecary, shall

apply to the commlhsionere for examina- tion therein. It shall be their duty to ex-

amine the applicant, nnd If qnallfled for

the bnalnras, to give him a certificate to that effect. Aod to register bis name.

It stipulates thnt whosoever shall retail,

compound or dtapenu drags, medicines,

or poisons, not being registered, ehall be

fined not lean than gM, nor morn than

• 100; bat this shall not apply to nay per-

eon acting in thn employ of, and under

tbe lmm> dlate supervision of nny regie tered ap .ihecary ; also any person regis-

tered, who shall knowingly sell or keep

tor sale any adulterated drug or medicine,

or who aball employ to sail or dispense

drugs or medlciues, nny person not reu- nonsbly tit and competent therof, aball be

floed not exceeding 01000. If a person registered, shall ba convicted of selling or

disposing of an Intoxicating liquor for

other than medicinal purposes, or nay of tbe two of the above offences named, his

name shall be removed from thn register,

and no application received from him for registry until a year Is pused.

It Is proposed that ih's law shall not

apply u> tbe proprietary medldnwu,

to tbe usual non-poisonous domestic mcii-

Icloea sold by grocers, provided such medlciues are compounded according to

thn registered formula of tha United States pharmacopeia, nor physicians pot-

ting up fielr own prescriptions, nor to

compounds put up by a registered drug- gist, and marked with the done.

As compensation for the commluloc-

ern, who muat be appointed If UM law la

pused, It provides that they shall receive from tbe applicant for examination and

cenlflcate A5, and for registration $1, of

which tiny cents shall be paid to tbe

clerk of the peace where thn applicant la registered.

MacuiMUTa, who havn a thorongh knowledge or tbelr business, will And an advertisement of lute rut to them la onr issue or to-day. Laoonla le a besntlful place, and an economical town to life lnt

especially in Summer is unequalled. Both Lo w*ll and Lawrence sre well rap' resented In thin thriving town.

Messrs. Simmons A Son all, Be

receiving taed, wlit be unable to give balloon ascension* (advertised In thl* paper) until tbe lut of April or flistoi May. Boys, bo on the lookout for

Simmons A Bon, proprietors of "Oak Hall, Boston, having been disappointed fa not

balloons from Paris, France, u prom-

He I* lighting against natare who tries to core Catarrah by menu of douches, sautTa, or any sacb application. Natare aever Intended sack stuff should enter the BOM. Catarrh I ne is ■dentine in Its application, and what le beet of all, it lore to care. Try a sample package.


AOkRTaAWB t'lMVlMSM Make from *tf to gM per week selling goods for B. Q. Rldeoat A Co., 10 Barclay street, New York. Send for their eauiogae snd terms.


TLos. Howard, Bradford, l'a., writes; I en- close money for Spring Blossom, u I said I wonldltft cored me; my Dyspepila hu van- Ubed with all it* symptoms. Many thanks; I shall never be without it In tbe bonse.

For sale or B.H- Keller, dragg St. %*U

NewPottery Lamps —wren THI—


Moehring Burners




& OUOM, 1 Yard lone, for $10 4 " 80 in. " 7 81 " omtyd" 6

" 26 in. " 4 SI " 24 in. " 2 " 20 in. "

HaoeVs Aarupamia Is designed to meet the wants of those who need a inadieine to build them up, give thorn an appetite, purify their blood, and oil up Die machinery of their bodies. No other article takes hold ol the *y*tem and hit. exactly the spot like Hood's Sarsapa- rllla. It works Kke magic, reaching every part of the human body through the blood giving to all renewed life and at a buttle; six forgo.

1 energy. SL

A man Mhming from debility snd loss orap- petl'e, took two bottles of Hood's Ssraparilla, gained ten pounds and got well. l*2t

Taa FIMMT AND Praisr Wnlikey which can ba procared Is the "O TavLoa CM.D Bovaaow.1' It bumalntaluad Its repntstlon for years. Chester H. Grave* A Sons, bottle K. Druggist* ud Grocers sell it.

Da. A. D. BULLOCK, an eminent physician or Providence, used "NBPHBBV1CUM." the fa- mom KIDNBT BasmoT. In bla practice witb great laccaes. He found It ll a most effectual remedy, ud oaa every way adapted to ibe cure of all diseases ol tbe Kidneys, Gravel and Urinary troubles. It la commended to all suf- ferers u oas of tba safest u wall u aatlstactory

Itlwe •

Ou. Wm. T. Wither*, tbe celebrated Blood ed Siock Baker ud Proprietor of Fair Lawn

* Farm, Lexington, Ky., says Lfeblg Co'* tested Extract ol Witch Hssel -sboald be

In everv stable In the country." Cures Pound- er, Spavin, Bnrsal EaUrgeasenia, Broken Knees, Speedy Cat* aad Sore Kyea. Sold In ■fly cent* and dollar elaesi reduced rates by Ibe ball gallon or gallon. Bewsreot wortblese lm lUtlon*. Depot 00 Maiden Lane, New Tors.


TMB FaovLa'a WoaxD-Wron Vearner. BirhMBiT's OnooAinn hu been sold in every

dvlilsed country, ud the public have rendered tha verdict that it is the cheapest and best Hata Dnnsstao in the world.

Bt ansTt's FiAVoaino BxmAOTs are Invarl ably arkaowledged tbe purest ud the but.

trim ms28

A I-ITTT.B Lninniao. A little learalhg i* a dugsrous thing, panic,

larly when uabbllag in medicines j lar belter to o*e a tried and established remedy, like Dr. Tboaaai'Eclectric Oil, endorsed by everybody wbo bu tried it In cases of Rheumatism, Neu- ralgia , Sprains, Braises, Cuts, Burns and all tbe tils that aa American Sovereign I* subject

Pries, SO cents, trial bottks 10 rente. For ule by B. II. Kellsy, druggist. *.♦!'

i ....»-■ ■■ ' Cnaar BVBIHKSS CASH.—Tee AMBHICAM

printing offlce baajust received a Job lot or over one thousand abeei* of card board, bought at about oaa-tblrd market rates, whlcb will be ant Into business cards, at a price lower than ever belore known in this dir.

DBLII-ATB LADIIST Wbo have that tired ana all gone reeling, and

don't like to >>e disturbed, will continue to be trobled with Ibli complaint until they renew their Impaie blood. Sulpbur Bitters will cuss new and rich blood to coarse through everr artery artery and vein In the hnman system. See another column. "teod lw

1121 cat aell A C

MOTHERS I MOTHERS I 1 MOTHERS Are yoa disturbed at night aud broken of

yoar rest by a sick child, suffering aad crying with tbe excruciating pain of catting teeth r If M. go at oec* and get a bottle of MBS. WINS. LOW'S SOOTHING 8TBUP. It will relieve the pour llitle sufferer immediately —depend up- on Iti there is no mistake aboat it. There le not a mother oa earth, who hu ever nsed it, wbo will not tell you at once that It will rcgu late the bowels, and give rut o tbe mother, aed relief aad health to tba Child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to tbe taste, and j the pre •crtptioB of one o( ibe oldeat and best female physician* sad asms in tbe United Bute*,

■la everywhere. 25 cent* a bottle. lteodlyriau3(il

A CARD. To all who are suffering from tbe errors sup

indiscretion* of yoatb, nervous weakaeea, early decay, loasol manhood, Ac., I will send a re- cipe that will care you. Faun of CRABOB. fble great remedy wu discover*J by a mis- sionary is South America. Send a asir-addressed

— T.INMAW.BtaC ■ SJteodlvapM

din. B. F. Bunas! Still lives, aad ao do hundred* of others wbo

have been eared of Rheumatism and Neuralgia by the great blood purifier Sulpbur Bitten. Bend for testimonials. "yeod 2w

It is doing more to relieve tbe sufferings of women than any other remedy ever did do

ean do. Day's ■ Kidney Pad. ttlwood

THBPBBUVIAM SYBI-F ba* cured thousands ho wers **taring Irom Dyspepsia, Debility,

Liver Complain*, Boils, 11 amors. Ferns I* Com- plaints, etc. Pamphlets free to any add KM. Setb W. Fowls A Satis, Hostoa.

teod leow ne»24

Tbe Hop Plaster la winning favor every where. Try it. At all Drag stores. 23 cents. *11 weod

UUI.DKN.-la this city, April .VI, a daughter to Mr. aad Mra. Martin Oolden.

SABUEKT.- la this eity, April Sth. a un to Mr. aad Mra. Sulllvu P. Sargent

HAMii/rox.-la this elw,March sd.adaugh. lo air. and Mr.. Charlea Hamilton.


rHCBOLS-MEa5KKGKK.-tB Aadover, Har.h nth, by Bev. O S. Wright, Mr. FrauU ttlchola and Mlaa Sarah Measengtr, all of Aadover.

PARLlIt-SHATTUt.K.-In Aadover, April 7lh, by Bev. B. P., Brontoa, D. D., Mr. -feaepb E. 1'arllB aad -Mlaa Uattie M. Shauuck. all of

CLATTOM-MOTBS.-In Andover, March fStb,

PROCTOR—(n tbla oily, April Id, of heart dis- ease, Mrs. Mary E., wife cfMr.A.J. Proeter, aged tl yrs.

BARKOWa—Ia Aadover, April 1st, Bev. Ifs-

CALLAIAM—In Aadover, April ita, Ml** aarah P. Callahan, aged avyura.

STICKNRV.-In Andover, April Sth, of hurt dlaaaae, Mrs. Sarah Lor lag atlekuy, aged 71 years.

, .» l.UBIII-BT ■ DUDUIMV, -. leu iikjai out. Crimp M-u. Ibe; marksd

Iowa from *»,' Frueb Hah pins, lo per bunch. Ual Hair Uoauetta. ise; marked rtawn ftwaa ioe; Curls in all length*; r'rlaaaa la all atyle*.

Medina's Lisbon Wave, Warranted watrr curl, tbe prettiest aad moot natural wave irer wore, ha, »», fteandnp- award. LadUa' Ud Uent.' ArtiBoal Bead el

Ir.lS hill, * 11 and ujiward. Wewrranll* I the beet and ebaauent la farloea, ud to sl*e

aatl.iactMB to all our customers. Wora hair and combing* taken In exchange.


Paris Hair Store, 426 Waihingten St-, cor. Summer,

BOS TOM. 832 Esnex St., Uwrence.

Farm at Auction.

la Bredfero', commanding a Ine view of the Merrlmack River, a valuable Farm of lixiacrea, which hu been held by tbe preaeat owaar'a family four gMeratioas; awder goodeultlva- Uon; well divided Into pasture, Ullage and mowing; IS acrea woodland; baUdlag* coaaltt pr lane S-atory bouae with L; bare #• bv ft feet (with cellar tea leet deep), coveted witb matchedboards and palate*]; cupola aad light- ning rod*. heBocry. tool hoaie. eranary, aad carriage bouao all in good repair; twa oieUid* or fruTt trees, apple, psar aad peach; choice varieties giape*. efa>. The above described property will ba sold oa the jBieetlaas,atn«aI^

Uon, on MONDAY, APRIL llih, IMiVat II

atreet. Sale aosltive to the highest btddi

B. H. CLARK. AaeUoneer. OMee.1. Court hi., Beaton.

Byron Truell & Go.



DRY GOODS AND CABPETIKGS aa record In Lawraace.

Oar Great Sala> HI be Continued through this week.

The following specialties will be oAated la



aad TAPESTRIES, which all eoaeeds are the Haeet Styles evi

oaTered la Lawvsaee.



We Shall offer Flftjf PIMM

BLACK SILKS, at a very meek Lower Prlee than mlrrlor seels

have baea sold for recently at auction la this elty.


Black Cashmere, AT DECIDED BARGAIN!*.

ft Cases ASXIXUroX and WA9111NUTOK DRESS GOODS, al about half farmer prices.

S> Piece* BUhlHIR SILK*, Mlv f eeata per yard.

> Gaaas TOWELS, lew 1111 eea.s each, worth iooats.


LACKS la great variety, at aapieosdaated low prices.

D0HEST1C QOODS la great' prcfetlon at reduced price* tar this weak.

All are Cordially Invited to Eisminaour •toua.

249 Ensex St. 894

PRIZES urriiiD nv ma

Shakespeare Club, von i

ESSAYS AND DECLAMATIONS The Shakespeare Clab eenaeeitd with the

Unlversailat burcli, oflara to all leddrnteol Lawreflce, profvidoaali'locuiioalalr ^acsutar1. Urea prla.a for the beat rteelanaiiuaa, to be —tested for In some pablic place, Moaday

may tth. The S'et prlacu »ii; .acoed

muti apply as

Rey. A.R. tiarden attest. ). Toe Bamber ol eeeteslaala i* limited le

tfteea. Both ladles and senterocn are admit ed

ing, Hay ttb. The n>st pru m third Si. ,.T~ The following conilltlona sre I 1. All candidates for prltea

early as May Id, to (Jbalium

4. All mast sand tbelr own names, tie titles or tbelr pieeea aad lha names of ilia tue ef tha eoatnltlee.

A. Tba commluee will aaalgn i>oalilon on the oroaraaima with reference to tbe tides aad authors.

4. lialtra-er number of candidate* iboald apply than la allowed la tba second condition, tbe commluee ahall make selection.

7. Prises are lo be nwarded by tni: following, who are to act aa Judgea: Hal. fceo. H. Herrlli, Kev, Richard Moatagae, Katon, Mr. John P. Swoenc,, Uiaa k.ii. W,-tiivrbee.

Also to all rskidests of Lawrence, nreiee alooal wri era eauapled, Ibrce prisea I r the besl eaaaya, to be coolcaled lor in a me nubile (lace, May ISib. The prlBft* areas followa:'*; second #10; third t', Tbo subjects of iheeaaay■ to be: I* Whet constitutes Hrathiul Amoaements. I. The DettMethodof Phliantbn py, 5. Bcfentlde lllacovery as tteluled lo tha the Age. t. Uharacterulka of tbe Repieicotailie

Anter.eaa Aather or He Hon. The following condition* are impoaed. 1. Each coairlbiitur Is to select one ol lbs

above saljecl*. ~ ii. Aaeejeemlribnlorl*tosignhiiorbere**ay>


leases aad direcilea

essays sa early as Hay Sth, lo ibe cuairaian ol "•- lomaiiuea. Rev. A. E. While.

TLC prim a are to b* awar.lnl by tlie fol- in« lag personi. who act aa Judges Hoa. John K. Tarboi, HOB. It. 11. Tcwkb.ury, Mr. P. II. Hedge, Hr*. W. O. Keadall, Hlaa Mary Newell.

ror furiber iiiioimaiion** v. K. rind- um, nee. rgts ti Lilfitdrs

w M.H. sen bu'lt upon the ilti'oi Ibe oiil one.Vndri Uhcs an ovnortunity lor making money

any one Who baa a llitle capital and enersi. "nuulreoiE. W. JOHNSON,

eat 71 Devoniblrert., hcsloa


STOCK BROKERS, Members o( the Boston Mining; A ttonk

Exchange. lb aao Bond right or on C

BATtsraOTion tiUiaaxTirij in ALL CASKS.

I««sa • Bawwdara stlerk.

M: **• Ksaai at., I,> Mass.


Utf All


FLORISTS. Give llit-ir special alltrilfoBlo Decoration o

Itooaia ror Weddings and Parties. We have alsoa choice apllection of iaro aad beantlfnl rianta for Church Heooratioa

A thai.* Cwlleellea °fU'h a Straw H.afcrla IhtlB.

No. 3433 Ensex Street. Qreen Houies C jrner Acton Street and

Broadway. vim ft



I>KKSK ANDCI.dAK MAKKK Hre. Fellowa ba* b>en absent from Ibe city

aboat tea yrara, but r>a* returned for the pur soae at reeamiag her un-lneaa. Will former rlendsand patrons plcanr give her a calif

Mlmili. AawBdaraBlaegt, Baa an 18 ItfaewM


esjnri for sals at Si,- for setting— U Bags, from his Light Brafcma sad Dark Brabasa Hen*. I have baea Breeding Hit above varieties from choice stock, tor several yssra, with grand results, aad hare spared BoaBparse lo mahn aa v stock au parlor la qaallly, sisa and color. Tbeyare n>*A-elaa<, aupetlei lijerr, and l»y eztia large Bgg*. Ju*l the *liaia to breed frees. First Premium B:rde alike Lawreiee Ponltry Sheer.

146 Ens' Havethlll»*..P.e pact Hill, LAWRtKCk

mat mn •


To Dealers and OoniumerB Against WOBTHLESS IMITATIONS

Ol a ICerltorioua ArtlOln got which over

• 100,000 has been E.pended ra

NewnpAper Atlvcrtlalnn;.

The Public are i Public are here bv east ieeei agaiaatpar- s*T aay sa called •rsparBtteaa of Tola, and Rye." aU at which are ooemteraolts or

wevawanA worihleaa iwiutioae of the Ueaalae artkle which la oaly aiwaawed by LAWBJMCB A HkBTin,afChloafo,ril. Basra r a ef all par Ua* •EerlBg good* slalmlaa to be Ike aaase or almi- lar eeeanenadej aa ta«r»rmalaaf Tola. Rock aod aw la oaly kaawa al Ua Patswt Oaaeeat WashiagWa, D-tX. by lha piepar aathorltM*, Agwn. D- C, b;

BavdaWeasaaecretorBBchvalaeaa to wan-ami them hi Issalag to LAWKSBOB A HAB> Tis a Proprietary Stamp fat Tola. Rook aad

— Tlierehasbee«aaeHtlaroro*er|lM,ons LO theseaoodt kaowa tetha rabllc, beeee AmsierBapriaelpled partlea U mtlat e*T cheap imttsiloBB anna the Trad* and

Taa seaalas article ean It hear* tha U.S.Oev.

aame eaoaehlabsL


a i way a baldei iBtlled, as ■a with «


Opealromiia.m.tolp.m, not open BatDrdsya laUrea; ea dene alia csmsaaaoea the third

Wadaaaday of April. July, (hstouerasdJaaaary Havlag a special gaaraaiea fund, aad alee an

actual eash sarplea, heloagiBgte theassjeshmrs at none ran oanr. oa ran KMTIBS Astounr SonroaiTS, this Bank la leceivlag deposit*

ly, aad ta able oavah week te make laaaa ea good eaesrity. .Js*n relies, PrasUesti A.W. itaaras and James A. Treat. Tloe Prasldeaisi John Palle*, A. vr. staaraa,Taosaaa Hoott, Wliiiam P. Clark aad Herns Know las. Beard al InvsetmnnL

Jacob Easeraea, Peter Ualihaa, D.C.Biah ardsoa, A. J. Praacb, V. K. Plllsbury, Patrlek Murphy, Oaalel Maroy. U. 0. Cleeaen. jean r. Cogawait, B.J.nharmaa aad Peter D.nmlsh, Tmeteea.

QILBKBT E. HOOD, Treasurer. tflwmsrM


FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERER. arepra aired to da all work iromaaheapHa

Cloth to the best Slth or Pluah Covering.

Benbinif lote in the very >eit hvuier aad al

Reasonable Bates.

We keep on head a fall liaeiof

Parlor anil Chamber Furniture, of every description. Ai*o,t

Carpsts of Ivary Grade. all of which we shall be pie teed ta

customer* ead the public, gaat Low Prlaesaad Perfsot Baltai

F. 8. JBWETT A CO., Net. 371 and 974 Eitex Stre-t

show to ear _ . f aaraaUelag

rfool aatiafaeHOB.


FLORISTS. Have the largest Plak hseuvae In Essex Connty- AhMlbe eMeeet Mlsasetieei of rare Base Bud* aad all kinds of choice flowers la abaadance. Ws hake special ears to show visitors through

Carster Br*aiw>r auaA Aelast Btreet,

LAWKKIfOst, MA an.

FOR • NobbT Stiff or Soft

Hat, call on

CUltTId, the Hatter.


Garie*, Field, Flower ant Gra« Seels, rr,.h, a.ll.*i. .MI r.r..


Guano, Phosphates, Stockbridge Haonras, Boat Fertilirors,


.KB" V 1T1I.OU1) t* Nt,lT aBABT.

SOOTT si VIET0E, 343, 345 Comman St., Lawrence.


Mrs. L. a. Watermen, JTLOJH,I3X,

IMCill HTJIF.E'l'.


Flowers for Easter I CALlaA LILIES.


And other riowsrs r?uitablefcr Chureb DeonntUon.

rat, rAaiorjs

Gen Jacqueminot Rote, Can beobta'aedal the Ureebhoaass of

T. D. HALLBT, For Twnntjr-nve Cents Kacb,

Also a setreilea of ta>e Crrci bt use and Bed- ding I'lsaisat riaaoaable i rirea

IP Usaokastar air rt. I ad eg to the Oa ate- lertas. * 11


A. W. Stearns &; Co. Headquarters for Dry & Fancy Goods

CARPETS, &c., &c. If von waat vast msaey'* worth every time, dea't fail le exsatlne oar Immoase alack of aiw

obateeUosd*, adanted to the waala of alL Every departmaalof onr apacteae alsre U pack*,) fail Mall the mast desirable goad* f*r the areaea I sea sow. Don't fall to eximlae ean* steak and prises before laves Hag one dollar, and ears money >v**r time.

Superb Line Of Cloaks! We hsie added to oar alrssdv large slack aa new stiles the present week, besides % fall lies ol

CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, frees Stall yentn. Our stock la Ibe most compute In every detail to be round ia Xaaes Coaalv. aad ear pries* within Ibe reach ef all. Brerr lady ahoald examtae ear stock daring tbe j)reseat wank, as susy ef oar Fa turn Uarme ala cannot he duplicated.

All tba latest sBvallle* ia CLOABiBUS. with trimming* to match.

PARASOLS. J as* af ennd. aa elaaaM asaermsmit. la Cotton, Asige sad IQk, at very low price*,also lb* Latest aaveltles ra Satta aad'Satin Broeadea. Blaek and paters trimmed with i*to sad rrlaae. Vhe MBBUADBS, aavel ta shape, elegsst Is style, grsosful In appearance, and BO more cosily than eU styles, rieassaaamlae.

tisTiuiKsTLnrjo roorth weok ef eur great sale af Black Sllka at apaolaOr low prices Eismlsaliea solicits i.

DRESS GOODS. The qaly complete assortment of choice as* goods to be found In the oily. We carry an old

stock (rom rear ta year. Bvery tblag fresh and now, and at price* that laaure a isle every time. WltboateaBBsaraUagevi.ry ailuto la ua dcpartSMat, we would almply ask every lady In rail and verlly what wa say.

Spring Skirts in Great Variety. LADIIST CENTS' and CHILDREN'S HOSERY.

Ah legaBtasiortaieBt at specially low price*

BASKETS! BASKETS! Look at our aaw line opened te-*lay, from IS lest per eeat lea* than osn bo found alsawbtra.





MUH. .1. II. <JUAIIA.1I.

will eomaieaoe

TO EX') RAPT t oitx.s

A PHI Mart, at her rr* deeae. tear ofR IIAVBB11II.L bT,

Musical. ^«^^^-myjim-n.BW-m«tt!


will seal her ft Thundiy, Friday nrd •atiirday

of aaeh week, for tbe purpose of receiving w,,l-h •"*■ La b usht low, with a liberal dls [minis OB

PIANO AND ORGAN. Informal Kit car, l-r< I ia'i"'ilt A A Nillimrv Store. .10 Bast > Ainu.

run I Atkinson'

dkwtl Sept I


•• h'saa-w.f. oar. Lewell M

WaNTED. FARMERS AND OEAIERS TO KNOW Tim the Cheapest and Beat r>rtlll*rr far all cr> pe le


Address BAUCH A 80NS, Sole Manufacturers, lla .« SO B. Dslawan Art., Philadelphia, Pa.

IF Tou are In want of a

White or Fancy Shirt or a

Nobby Tie, call on CURTIS.

SKWINO MACHINKS. BS0O lo 940.00 HoWB.Dooscsllc. New Home.Slssmr.Ilense

held sod vTilllama. All kinds ofSew lag Ma- chine* bought, aobl, reoaircd aad to set, at UAUBB>8 AUKNCY.liAl K.aex St. J,awrenoa, njass. SlyrmyT

eaily a


AMERICAN CKOCKERY-A full line ottheee ebrate.1 9loae PoroeUla; f

the market. Uenorated Tea and I.Bvatr eat ia • fete

aad GIB*aware Store, Odd Fellows ■man.

PROFITS GIVEN AWAY! Here's Money for you !

Best Savings Bank in Lawrence.

HILLS ^POWERS. Winter Ulsters, Overcoats, Suits,

Head, Neck, Han4and Foot Wear. Every Article marked In plain flguree. Every Sale

warranted as repreesnted, and if not entirely satisfactory, we exchange or refund






Largest Stock of Fine Spring Clothing Ever Shwn in Vew E' prlaad,

And Challenge Any Dealer In the ttate to Offer


MEN'S DEPARTMENT, 200 ALL WOOL TWEED SUITS st $6.50. These good, sre ss rep-

ruentad, itriotlr ALL 1WO0L, and cannot be matcbod in tne oountrj, ss the prloa asked would not bar the cloth,

10001 ALL',WOOLTSDITS st $8, $8.60. Better Grade.$10,811. $124*12.60, $13, $14, $16.

A LIGHT 0HEVI0T,.three'button Cutaway, st $12.60 Tegular price $16,60), is cms of the msny Bart-sins in this Department.

1200.FAKCY OASSIMEREiSOITS at prices from $10 to $20. These an smong.the.Nobbiestithing! worn, snd vonng men ihould aot fail to eiamine then,

A complete Una of MIDDLESEX BLUE FLANNELS snd YACHT CLOTHS always on hand, and at Bottom Figaros.

Of BROADCLOTHS and WORST EDS we mike s soeoisltj, aad have anon onr counters a line of Suits .which for style, fit, make and trimmings are sqasl to any Custom Tailor's best productions.

YOUTHS' AND'BOYS DEPARTMENT. Every Desi'able.Fsbrio for"Spring ;We»rii reoresented at Prices

from $3.60 to $2U,00.

CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. In this Department ws show a'Xarger Stook than all other looal con-

cerns oombined, sad at Frioss so Low that one visit will oonviaaa Parents it doss'not pav them'to'msks Ohildrens' Clothing.

KTWB Mark our Goods iifflaiifFigures. : One Price 1$ Ml I H^rWeManufactureTno Shoddy Goods: lolMakeilow Prices! a^TWelcheerfullylrefund Ithe^Money.when GoodsZare' Refurned!


The Buyer receives'the'worth of his Money AT THB—


|Ot>l»^|^T»«l''<'S«« lo vr* **l*r .''l|«wilietiioiilor| on lower rooi«i» \

I ■ -



THE WONDER I* becoming universal as to how wen an lav ; mease sale rould be created la Lowell lor Booir'a limiAIULUL Bat, my friend, II you could stand behind oar eouater a week ltd near what those say who are nalaf It, the raaaoa would appear u clear aa the nooerdajr *ua. Tbe real coratlv e power of I"MH>'» rUuAAF-AaXLLA demonstrates Itself In ever* rase wliere ew sUratriew*are tnlth- ftliT regarded. We would that we might V ' ' 'ore l ■ 'wople a fractional part of the

.c* Ct ' • xpreeeed to us every day u. gM luodlekuu by UKMO who have carefaltv noted '.without prejudice) Its elects upon the ■idod and through that upon tbe whole sys- tem, stimulating ail the fenetloas of tha oenV " eerlona the dutlae nature requires of them 1 ij- a bottle and enUafy youreetf.

h eold bands and 1 attribute tide Improvement to her eoadT

nee. I wat Inellned to oppose the trial of It at Brat 1 now have great faith to It blood purlier.

No. hHBroadw

ave gnat faith to It i

Nrmulmr, LmMtt, Mmj

Hood'l Saraaparllla.



lead on HCLTB UlTTlM, It win c- ron.

The Ulant I>yipep- bran ■laliearcd bynetni rait ICLranrm BrrTBHU wtaa

OperatlvM whoi closely eonOned the mills andv


ed ii Cleaaeett wort rioadwhee

Don't be without bottle. Try it; f will not regret m


• will be paid or a ease where SUL-

-BVM Brnaag win tot assist or cure. II

tho vitiated

euf ng throngs,tha skin ,c:,*lmplee, Mafia Soros. Jlaly on

Sulphur Bittern.


^iffErtS Shooting Chllla Down tha Baok.

Dn lasts 1B the limb*, nausea, Mlloa*aeis,are eyeipionia of approaehlap lever aad ague. I'M wlthnm delay Hoalitlor'a Stomach Hitters.

Witch iHbtlltalei for the chilly sensslloa e , a elal warmth, regaUUi the aleaaanh, and in »a ta tonelo IBs live'. The bowela. the Kantck ti I the biliary slanil being re ■ to re. I lo a Seall

«i edition, ibe dleeaie le corqurrrd at lae o .ei.

for aale br all Dratglats and f.ealeie gen ere II v.

end *ljr mar.'l


A gentle youth writes to tbe Phila- delphia Times, "Dear Kir—It once a www too often to call on a young laity I when you ore not engaged '<> ber?" Decidedly. A young man who has lo | write to a newspaper Tor iu forma t!o;i on such a question as lliut should *jot call on a young lady oftener titan once In three months, ami should not slay more titan five niiiiuLen at each visit, lest ha should exhaust ibo knowletl^u 'ruparted to him by tbe editor.

A very smalt bonnet of currants of all shade* and sizes, with a border of very small currant leaves, la consid- ered a pretty thing for spring wear.

Tbe telegraph informa us that Mies Hattle Dent of Iowa City luu not tas- ted a morsel of food for twenty-five days, uor spoken a word In three year*. Wo suspect this is an adver- tising dodge to get a husband. How- ever, It she engaged?

At Columbus, O., iu a local Demo- cratic convention tbe other day, a speaker' ur^ed a candidate as a mnu who would control "not only Uie vote* of all Democrats, but—but, sir, msny honest men besides."

A woman's-rights advocate asks, 'la there anything a man can do tliot

a woman can't do?" Yea; she can't itnoke In the streets without being ar-

rested.—Boston Times. Geranium leavea made of feathers

are among the choice things imported by wholesale milliners.

Turkey red comes In very daik col- or* this year, lor the benefit of ladies who wish to have picturesque gowns at small coat.

"Gracious, wile," aaUl a fond fa- ther, as he looked at bis son William's torn trousers, "get that little Bill re- seated," and she replied, "Sew I will."—Boston Commercial Bulletin.

Adam's pantaloons never bagged at the knees. Nor was Eve's dreas too full In the back breadth. Happy pair. —New Haven Register.

A Western paper reports tbe birth of a male child with wings. Probably nature intended him for a bank ensb- ier.

Little three-year-old busted himself, Sunday, in looking at the pictures In tbe big Bible, and the one represent- in*; tbe drowning of Pharaoh, his horses and chariots, captivated him lo suck an extent that he at once began to play horse witbhis sister. "Why," said his mother, "Johnny shouldn't play horse Sunday !" "Well, there's * horse In the Bible," was the reply, and that Beamed to settle It.—New Haven Register.

A Woodward avenue grocer yester- day displayed a dozen cakes of the clearest and nicest new maple sugar liossible to make, and as he stood nt bis door * citizen halted and looked ut the sugar and queried—"New'r" "No; rVl old." "Make it yourself?*' "Ye*." "Adulterated?" "Yes." "Shouldn't tbink it would lie healthy." "It isn't." "Then why do you want to sell it?" "I don't want to. I set it out here so that a itruy could cart it off and dump it on aome vacant lot." Tbe citizen looked up and down the street, across the way, and Anally said, "I guess I'll take two pounds of your warmed-up, adulterated old sutrar. If it was new I wouldn't touch the slut! at any price. "'lease weigh this cske." He paid tag the sngsr and curried it away, but lie

Wed like a mini who wanted to suy attuielhing iiH'tm to somebody.—De- troit Fur PreHB.

During the MtnlhgrM celebration, Moae Sehooinburg, upon returning to his store on Gnlveston Avenue from dinuer, found his clerk very much ex- cited, ibe clerk said that a stranger came In, and alter asking and paying the price of scravat, which wnsft. picked up the entire box containing n dozen and ran off with them. "Did he pay you de dollar?" asked Muse. "Yes," responded tbe clerk. "Veil, den, ve make*, anyhow, .">0 per cent. profits on de investment."—Galveston New*.

Johnny, who has been soaked by the rain the day before: "I told you the rain would make me grow—these clothes are too small for me."—Puck.





eb»X*Ua Oerssok, "BowaLlle n> ■**•*," el*la* UM BMory of tali a«w dkeovery aad a bugs raootd of


en**), O. wo on WIN * CO., «•«• *iu, ■ OaTOlt, MA**.

For aale by *. M. WSMTBTBY * CO.


?VROt Cures lryipepgia, If errou* Affec- tions, General Debility, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- plaints, liver Com p 1*1 n t, Re mitten t Fever, and all diseases o ri g i n ating in a bad State of the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low lUts of the System,

tend Veew i r aevM ■

Breakfast gowns of pink damask, nude with small round basques snd trimmed with white lace, are worn in Paris.

Draft for Mwrch

The foliowi .g 1* ibe llati the month of March, In th- departmanU: Bridge, Cemetery, City Engineers, City Hall, Common, Firs, Fire Alarm, free Evening School. Health, Incidental. Indue trial School, Intereat. (U.S.) Lighting;, Military. Pauper, Pollen, Public Library. Public Property, Salary, Schools, School Hoaee, School HOBS* Spavlal, Sower, Street, State Aid, Water Works,


I expense* Air different city

• IT 88 I is :,:'

110 SI 183 46 87 25

t,489 78 111 1* 8113 88

1,473 78 1,011 67

7B 60 750 00 HAS 61 -'.".II || 860 63

1,169 60 I 7U3 74

12 Al 3.40U 44 7.IC7 83

188 (IV 111) 27 288 70

3 673 21 4oU UU

1.4U2 90

•28,176 111


r. ' ',i.Tm.<.ij,j.iii .ii.u.i..i

Vaaaor hsa predlcitnl Tor April. He stys taera will bo a abarp tnart Iu Ihu be- ginning or the luuuih, with a nun* fall on the 4th or 5th, bat tha spring will open favorably, and everything will be pretty well advanced by Apr)! 16. Theis will be warm weather Jnet roll»*rlnu tbe 20th, ending In thnnder aturmn on tbe 24th and lath. Tbe mouth will end w. t and cold, but on tho whule, will ).•■ like a Hey ■oath.

—Mr. George W. Chadwlck has b«en appointed mualcal dlrecuir of Lbe Claren- don atresi Baptist vburch, of Boaton. Mr. Chadwlek'a latest work, a draraailc coopoeitloa for male cborna, baritone ■olo tad orehoittra. called "The Viklog'a Leal Voysga," will be produced at the next concert of tbe Apollo Cinb. The composer rsgsrds it aa lilt etrongeit work. The peem la by Sylvester Baxter.

— During the month of March, the Lawrence letter carrlera delivered 197 registered lettere. G8.117 ordinary letters, received from other omcaa, t,927 city letters, 8.90S mall poetal carda, 8 844 lol cal poatala, and 01,061 uewepapers; they collected from the alrent boxen 67,771 alters, 10.163 p<MWI card*, and 6.766 newspapers.

—Over one tbouennd efieeu or card board, or a jo'> lut, bwngbi for s aong, were n-elvad tbla week, at ibo AHaaiCAM lob printing; offlce, and merchants and otheis will be supplied with baalnean cards ai astonishingly low prices.

—Tha Board of Health are having 250 ooplasof tbe regalatlona printed In French, to be posted la tho city, for the informa- tion of 'the French speaking population.

—A large variety or aew sad attractive fancy carda, fer advertising esrpoaea, In- cluding eome novel and handeome de- signs, have Jest been received at tbe

' A MSJUCAU Job office.

CURB Dyepepaia,*tion, Lack

of Energy.Lo** of Strength,

Want of Appetite, Inter-

mittent Fever*, etc.

IBON BITTERS are highly recommended Ibr nil dlaeaaee requiring a certain and eflklenl tonle.

IKON HITTEKS twiek the Wood, itrtngiken tit SMU****, and yt're we lift to

IltONBITTEBSactUkeaeharm on the digestive organs, removing nil dyspeptic lymptoma, euch ss Uuting Ua food, hoicking, KeaJ in tke tltimaek, Aeort-

IRON BITTERS—tbe only Iron Preparation that will not blackm ikt torts

Bold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book, S3 pages of

uecful and amusing reading—sent free, BROWN CHEMICAL CO.

Baltimore, Md.

VlV i. Ir-'i


PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's


eoiimoxi marIB


bloodii ehonM _ ..'om by everyone vublect le RbennMtleat, Men raigta. Nervous Dl»- tiiti, hleepleee KigMe,Bj*- ■vilapey.I... Veve> an* lili, Heart, Liver. Long and atnaey EMaeM- ea. Nereieg Motheri an] Children wear tbe Boetoe Batlevvi m action uooa the molner and ehdd

eg MoLbera now ilia-

re on receipt e( m Dru«rflat«. Hen and I evorr city and Battery Co., 11

pt el price, • < ocnta.

•si Cafwlawwe a/ VrffrtmM* an* W fmr It* l, rich In engravtaga from of Ibo ort|inala. will be aent FltKK

Mil liuninl Cmtmli fluterr Itrnl fmr J** -- pliDtngraplia of tbe origin ai*, in .-ill wlw apply. I of/or ana of tba largeat COIIM- ilona of v,«. lablf aeed ever aent out by any Bead ll'iu-i' In America, a large portion or which ware Ki-'iwn on iny five aeed farm*, full dlrrttioni for • itltiwiUa* on toch SeeSaWi All aeed UHirranltil t">>r jrfktiHtttnu tomim*; *o far, that abould It i.n.n- other*)**, / irllt rtJIU t\t ordtrgraU*. Tin- original lutrodurer of Ibe llubbaid tfquaah, 11ilniiey% Melon, Marble head Cabbage*, Meilemn Corn, and acorea of other vrgatabka, 1 Invite lbe patronage of alt fcho art unxlout to Aew f*«(r md dirtrllu from tht groieir./rttk, Irut, and of

—'-ifafroia. TABLM A eWIOIALTV. 11. ORIOOIIY, Harblahcad, Uaaa.

Tod* marts rb


Ie tha nml a*Valwal ay tor -II Dla-

el lb. HUnaya, auddiraaa Hrlatary Orgaa*. »'*■»■)• «?•■»■ pl.Inta alii «a»aral t>eblllt>,*wrhi>a palM fail, e)r>ggl»H a-.aa UnalwIBte Sack >»• ,.l»a.lnippra««»d» •tanlih.i.i I'rlnB' I M. with Hklihhai >rlck>eBHd«p«,lt -•pat, idraivel, Dla- ■ V, niirai, irifl'

l »r«a m Ir tVeatk

NkrilHKTU'IH hai «•> eqnal twr

' «aa ■„<* \V.-k- taailler ta> re-

K.I'IIIIKTICIa Ii mm boat kaawa ran*

If dr far DUIaetee. l*JBPHRKTfcVa*,nanT«wle»nieailea

alaai far •■ad p.r.»-a. te wlthweit > rival. ■• aura atw* ateh fe>r l>K an- LOCK** HIU1ET StBMaTDT,■*■ PBIBK- ririH Kg aalabv-ll ltrugglala.

Prlae, «ailr ILSSpar ha It la. C. *. BOllBatTBOBI, Prapiltlar, Sailoa

Bo. r oo>i ae * aa ■



K-nusH atBM.

ItlU'll '•' oi -.- ., IEIHI iiuua.ii....;..i....urn '««i. ,i M.nn.iry, Uaiveraa! Li-flluoe, fain in lbe Rvk, liimn-ae of VI Inn, Prvmalor" f»MAin-, iii I ni.i'iv iitiii-r Dmi-a-e- that lead to li aaoll)

,ii I niiiiini.llon anil a PieniBlnreUreve. •#-Knli ptrtlenlara In our paaiimlel,wbleb

we dnaire to ecad tree by mall hieveivaaa. a**Th.- S.ieciao Hedlelne H a..l.l byalMrag- Dial* at #I per p.toaBge.o* alt •MhafjH for *». or will lie aent free by at til an receipt vi tha money, by adUrer"'"~


Si.l.l In Lawrence by KVBKAKD H. Krl.I.ET ■ * CO , Wholeaalf Ageala. BoaTua. ml'to* IvneotS



eoil H|w atarja




AROHITBOa Room* II and. 12

faeav Harts BullrJIn* Lawrance

GRANITK IRON COFFEE BOILERS. a, 11 Hand ti pletaeanacinr. OsaTee etede

Inlhla wnredncaaoi turn Mark aale tin. JOHN r. now * i i> .i.rorkriy and Ulataware.Odd rellow* Hullillng. Cntlcry, Spooea and Crock err to let for nartlee,


In view of the Tact that only lbs Ustl- mony or Valeotlnt; T. Bellars wee given

tbe pellcs court besting, Monday, which, nnountradlctal, nflecra aarloasly upon Mrs. Sellers and Chsrlea L. Barn-

a they tks'.re the pDhllcstlon of the ftjliwlog eUUmenta : —

Mas. BaxLaa'a STAT*M*aiT. Married to Valentine r. Seller a Oct.|2»,

1871. Ws lived pleaaanlly togather for aooet a year, when ha cummencrd rs- njalalng late, Mm oat nightly j I bad rea-

l te belelve be waa keeplag ceopany wltb other women j lo 1079, ha weal to work la Ilaverhlll. In March. Tbe fol- lowing May I went there to live with bin, going at bin mother'* desire aa be seat ma no money daring bis stay there. Ws kept house there, bat soon the old trouble ceased by his ataying out nights broke oat again. He wooltt allow ns to visit no one, snd would permit no one to visit ass, sad there ware several days, whs* I bad bat one meal, sod did not know where X coald gat the next, as be gars me oone of hla wages, although fan waa re- ceiving S3 a day. la (act It wss his motb-

who gsva me tha money with which to pay my fare to Bavarhlll. On one oc- casion be gars me 910 with which to boy clothing for myself snd child. Ws ware both almost destitute of clothing, at the time. Before I coalJ gat tha clothes, he, oae night, drew a kalfa upon ma, sad threatened to take my life If I dl'l not re- torn blra the money, and I was obliged to ran from tbe house to escape him. I came to Lawrence tha following day, and obtained work lathe mills, and refused to live with him until tbe following June, when bs promised that he would treat ma properly thereafter, and that be would go to hoaee keeping wlthle six weeks. We the* went to live with his mother. I continued working la the mill, paying his mother for oar board out of my owe earn- ings, sad also my mother *C5, which bs owed bar for board. He abused ma shame- fally whlls st bis mothers, fan would not sllow ms to look at nor converse with suy of tba gentlemsn boarders, sad asvar-

tlmes struck me, and knocked ma senseless to the door. I pat ep with this treatment eetll tbe following Jnly, when I felt I must leave him forever. 1 went to my mother's home, taking my child with ate, and for a year paid her for my board and tha care of my child. Thaa he prevailed upon me, by promising to treat me snd my child properly, to again llva with him, bat we ware not long domiciled lo his mother's boose, before ha resumed his 111 snd abusive treatment. He accused ■a of keeping company with other man, and 1 complained to bis mother of the un- founded aricuvstlou*, and she told me to pay no attention to him, as his word wss not to be railed upon, and bs had no sense. I wss obliged to leave him two years ago (bis mootb, on account of his abase, and hsva not since lived with him. Ho now fass posaeislon of my child, fats fattier nod brothers having taken hai from ma by fores, two years last Msy la the night, at my brothers house, snd has not since permitted me to take her for even so hoar. la qnsnee of bis abusive treatment to me, and having obtained Information from re- liable sources that ha has been keeping company with other women, I Instituted proceedings for s divorce against him last November.

A week sgo Tuesday last, bis sister cams from tba mill,and wanted ma togo to her houae and sign a papvr giving up my child •« her brother. Shu said If I would do this, Mr. Seliem would not appear against m« In my divorce ca*o. I refused to do ao, snd aha left iu ■. after ssylng that I would be aorry fur no: doing an she wished. In relation to the affair Sunday ulgbt, Mr*. Seller* makes tba fol- lowing statement

I had company In my room, a lady and gentleman, snd Mr. Uurnbam, early Sun- day evening. The lady and gentlemsu left my room st 9 o'clock. Mr. Burnbam remained. Ha wss scaled la s rocking chair. I aat down and ws wars engaged aome tlma In conversation. Not feeling vary wall I lay down on ths side of the bed, and Mr. Burnbam still remained In the rocking chair, but bad tls feet eleva- ted oe anotbar chair. There waa no liq- uor drank, or off«red In tha room, aa tan- tided to by Mr. Sellers. Siddenly tba door wss broken In sad I Jumped to my feet. Mr. Burohsm seised a chair and held It above bis head. My hasband sad two meu burst into the room and I scream. ed. Mr. Ballets stepped towards us with s revolver In hla band, and told Mr. Burn- bam, If be realsted arrest be would shoot. My husband cried put a ballet through him. Seville accused us of Immoral coo- duct, sod I asked him If he could look me la the face sod say so, and he replied he coald, I asked my husband and the other inau tha aame, sad they answered the same aa Mr. Seville. Mr. Burnbam wss then taken to the pollcu elation after s struggle. Mr. Seville lelurned for ms, but Hi. Young would not permit htm to remove me from the building without a warrant. I wlab to deny Mr. Sellers Htaiement, that my separation from falm le dan to Mr. Burnbam, and that on last Saturday evening I repsrsted from Mr. Barnbant In the manner described by blm. I alwsya keep my room lucked, as I wss airald he would attempt to take my life.


Cbarlea I. Barnbaae, makes ths follow- statement: -"I have been In Mrs. Sellers company more or less, for the past 18 months, but never said anything to her while abe was living wltb her husband. I waa alntply making; a cail on Mrs. Sel- lers, Sunday evening, when the door was broken In, sad Mr, Seville stood before me with a revolver, he apparently being paiht d Into the room by Mr. Sellers, sad his compsnlous. 1 waa sealed la a rock- ing cbalr, wltb say feat on another chair, and Mrs. Seller* waa reclining o* the side of inched. Seville appeared reluctsnl to enter, and la, any opinion he did not find tbluga aa he bad expected to. I seised a chair i* whkb I had my feet, snd ss be stepped) wear iue, I struck at him with It. He caught It with his left hand and placed bis revolver st my fsce with hia rlgbt, ab the aame time telling me that if I realattd farther, he would shoot me; Sellers all tbe time calling to him to send a bullet through mat I toll blm we bad done nothing Improper, sod I would aot submit to arrest, I aaw assistant marshal Shaehaa la the ealry, and heard him say 'I thought yoa bad a case bat yea haven't got any.' He aald It wss tbelr csse sod he would have nothing to do wltb It, sad then went down ntelrs. I deny that them was say Honor In the room. The key was not turned in the lock sad bntnoe of lbe bolts was clasped."

DaoaniaT YWNH Taue His B-roar. Apothecary Young's etateravnt I* aa

t illilSI !

1 waa In my room on Sunday night last, about 10 o'clock, I beard steps la tbe hall, and having as Impression that all waa not right, waa about to get up and look In the ball, when 1 beard lbe door of Mrs. Sellers' room broken In; my door wss standing open at tbe time, and I sprang from my bed into tba hall, sad looked In- to the room, and there aaw Mra. Sellers sad Mr. Burnbam, both atandlng np sad reify dreaaed, and Mr. Sellers, Seville and Coaway. There waa a bright light born- log la the room; It was but a step fron* my room to tba halt, and I ssw la to th« room a:moat tba Instant that Uaaetoor wsa

broken la, sad aaw nothing of that which Mr. Sellers swore to In hie testlmosy 1* the poliee coert, oe Monday morslng last

Da. Too** BATS a WORD.

Dr. Young states that his attention was called by the aelaa up atalrs, sad I* go- ing up ha saw Mrs. Sellers sad Burnbam dressed, ami did aot notice that the bed appeared disturbed.

A Teleoheae Dlfflctaltg,

The following in relation to the tele- phone right*, letsrests all subscribers la tfaie city, as the Bell telephones are used hare almost exclusively. The legal con- flic t between the Bell Telephone Company of Boston, and tbs People's Talagemae Company of Haw York, la still Deeding, both to the United States courts, and In the general patent office at Washington. A decision le tbe courts cannot be de- layed beyond October, aad a verdict from the patent oaace may be rendered say day. The exact states of Orswbsagh> claim, at present, can be stated vary briefly. Ills application for a broad patent, cov- ering all electric speaking telephones, wee filed la July, 1*80. Thar* eras a good deal of delay la the patent office In acting npon It, on sccoaot of the resigna- tion of tbe old examiner, sad tha appoint- ment ot a new one, bat at last It was re- jected, on the allegation that telsebones had been la public use more than two years before the sppllcatloa, aad have been patented to others, The attorneys for the applicant considered ths rejection aa not based on good legal groands, and Immediately prepared aad Hied a* ex- haustive argument on the points raised. and demanded a reconsideration of tha

'. Tha patent office Is now consider- ing tha argument, bat, up to Saturday, oo declsloa had beea announced. The People's company express confidence In tha decision, bat. If It should not be fa- vorable, a* appeal lies from the exami- ner's decision to tha board of commis- sioners-! n-chlcf, thence to the commis- sioner of patents In person, aad thence to the supreme court of ihe District of Co- lumbia. Should any oae or these irlbu- nala render a favorable decision, a patent will at once be Issued to Drawbaugh, as the oilglaal Inventor. Should all these trlbSBiIs reject the application, a suit In eqelty would probably be Instituted to get tha court to order the application al- lowed, If novel, aad, 1* such a suit, the Judgment of tbs supreme court of ths United States woald be had oo the whole

tar. Tbe New York salt la broagbt by the Ball company, aad tba Metropoli- tan company for an alleged Infringement of the Bell telephone patents. The de- fence Is, malaly, that Drawbaugh, and not Bell, was tba original Inventor. Tba preliminary Injunction against tba People's company was granted before this defence was pat la, and without any showing or argument on ths point, tha defence having but short notice of the bearing. Since the second hearing began, the sffldaviu and wltaeaaes to Draw- beugh's successful experiments, have coma forwards by fours, sad no sttempt has been made to Impeach them. The eaaa Is one of great Importance to the public, aa well aa tbe parties Immediately Interested, and tbe decision Is awaited with anxloas Interest.

Milk Dealers* Association.


Quarterly Report of the City Marshal.

The following is the report of Ihe City Marshal for the qaatter ending Uarcbll :—

Whole number of arrests, **u

Nnstber of lodgers at police station, 100 Malea, ^ ^ 1» KoaaTes. It

Total auaabsr of servos* locked up, &U Total an alter last quarter, OS5

Tbe offsets* for which arrests were made, are a* follow t ■-

Adultery. t Assault sad batter j, So Aaaault with dangerous weapon, - Assaalt, mutual, 10

Ml-J-^fl, Caelea, OoansMa raUsr aad brawler, Cosnoon druukard*.

„^lBlrtl Oisiurbaaoe,

Idle aad disorderly. Illegal ewpaoysaeet of children, I.aroeay, aiaapJe, Larceny, fslooloua, Keeping aeasa oFffl- taa**, Lewd aad lasol vloua, Metletoue attseblel', higfit walking.

Tmeses, Vagrants, Vrtiiatloa of elty ordlasaeee, Vlulattoa of Uqoer law. Ualawrauy reaaovlag baggage. Unlawful sale of oleomargarine.

Total, uisroaiTiov or AaaBera.

Con vloted aad i aateauad.

Oaaea bo aad ovr to duixrlor Court, lHnOhargad by the court, PasebargaS by tee oBosrs, Delivered to eat of town oaleers Plaeodoasss,

a looked np lor safe -ttX' Total,


Light* famished uaareroea place*, ted dangers. restored.

•tray Street ohearaoUeas removed, IS

Amonatof property stolen reported, ll.liD.iW Amount of > to Ian properly recovered, i.ita.,i Amount of loal property recovered. TU.SS Amount received aad sstM tills- Treasurer

for oatoers aad witness fees, J,»uLM


UNCLAIMED LETTERB remaining IB the P»»t iirBVi', Lnwronee, Eaaex count* _____ county

alsni., n»r Urn week otidrng April:., 18si. Persons ^alUnx for Die .ollowtnglettcri,

",t |J. r.i; I I-

Abell William J Addioos • red W Anderson >£_iwaid t) Breuuat. Pulrlck ttrl**on Albert BrronCleupliaa Bouoher Oim-i Bolgar Uci.i - Boyd Bam in-) Brnwn frank A llurre- laweSBe Belanger r-

HelicrlUeileon lleraom Charles I lie i. I IN} A H HI-'


i Utdcon Hunk Am Kiiodcao Clark 1 Crswl'-nl John C lie In John Crossley J B Currier Pred O Camp-ell K.lohar.1 Clanacy litIdget Cb-seJoate l. Carsnv Be-ale Clark lees

Conwsv Bllen -onaalian Mary »aalal* Waldo Dana rrana Ougan Charles i>o«dmK mra Mary llimiliui IIIIM M h It Kmeraon Win R .'.Hi Utnr-UaiU a.iheildd« mn i-. !. ■ rtillur Ctisrllc rotter c A i roggM ' urianil 'MI- I ■ liiay J 1- dCU AalHse Joseph lisrry -I ■!■ n .-CIl.- Mlhi|,ll JO.L-IIII Tumle useminSjiah U ima Lucia at ,.i) Margaret

Kinder II lull Klllam M.IM.I Kirk i.i. francos K Kellb.r K-le A Kelley f-ellle Henney Callxi. Ine I.alii *c([uo 1'lurre 1. m-1 HI MaieAurele I. perlu etdor Link Ki-icUncli Wiltielin Linger! A U Lowe Ueorge P l_ovr|oy J li

McCuimlck Mlchitl MeLcsli Ueorge M<-l.iiiisl.lK<l Merrill LIStleA Moynlban Julia alirnie Nellie C Moraiiiigton Ann Uagood Mellle


■ Jl.ll. a ll«r'.erl L

IUUI i rrsnet-ls

.itvtM ll.ll.lll, U., IUI . >1 Itubliikun .li-uim- Surgent K S Hsgur A Co Saweey liolBe* Spuocar M 1 Suliiiier CliM II l.oiil* Bh.a Bridict Bkultey Mary A Taintui Hum.n II WsikurUeo U W..|, n J .in, , Wllk Jam.-* Wln_ilow Wojdwai f* Webber 101-8 Abigail W

UKO. S. UlLltltlLI. I'. II.

LAWRENCE Business Directory.

M. WILLIAMS, Manuractnreicr *,and dealer m mi.b. Dour* and Blind*, W,a dow and Uuor a*ra*au*. All km da lluu*ekini*b Ovuosite Boatoa A Maine at. it. Passman Dep


ss» B.*SBX 4truei, Cawrence. Oas,a.tbei and Ctdoruiurm Adminlkterea.

DAILY PAPEB8 rCbromos,aingravliigs,Periodicals,etUlloneiir aaoy Woods, ticiuit* rramed at short aottoa to.islfe.*aexdireet

Otseasas of Woman a Spscialty. l.-ii and itfniilt in I-, i. -; lisvt.itiinbiitil.

Oaaue Hours tttova.a. S to f,7 lob p>i

BEATTY 17 STOPS Jtfrr 5 SET GOLDEN Tongno Bted,

Sail Bass & Oct, Coupler,

BEATTY J c.-ri.:

SPRING SEASON rj-i - til ai-t <:!■ leg3#«li

*-'.'1'tr..n'|1Bt^t.Lo0-"Uj*'U*k' t"' ful^'UHu 1>IC*S ml/ _ .^. ,_ Cablut •rUrLr

vrercwrACTO-er. |5Qf Iff

Last vvsr tbe milk dealers la this city snd vicinity formed an association among themselves to be independent of tbe pre- dncera. It waa fouod to work very well. 00 Tbursdsy afternoon the members of tbla aaeoclalloo met la Bsaoders Hall, for their semi-annual meeting. Piealdeal L. 11. Rea called the meeting to order, and the reports of the secretary aad treasurer were read aad accepted. Tha Ural bnal-

l wss the election of officers. The name board WS* chosen to serve ths com in| term. The only business of Impor lance iraBsscied waa In regard to tba price iii milk for the coming summer. There waa considerable discussion con- cerning Hi.' matter, a few holding that the price should be pjdaot-d aa In former yearn one ceot daring tbe summer months. Bat the majority, however, were in favor 01 keeping lbe price at 0 cents, as It has been daring winter for tbs retail trade, sad 1 1-1 cents for the wholesale, sod It was BP voted.

Parting Remembrance.

Superintendent Parker, of the Pacific Hills, wsa very pleasantly remembered by hla former employes, at tba Globe Mills, Pawtocket, on retiring from tbst position on Bstarday. Alter work had closed, Mr. Parker waa presented by tbe operatives, through M. lleibert Browo, with four large steel ergravlngn, and bin wife at the sainx tln>, wllh ao elegant allk-llned t-asy chair. Mr. Parker re aponded with appropriate reu arka la ie< gsr.l to the friendly relations Which ex- isted between them.

The lsaed League.

Tbe Sunday evening meeting. In St. Mary's hall, wss attended by aa audience completely filling tha edifice; Secretary Breen submitted a quarterly report, show- log a membership of 46S, and of the la- dies branch of almoat au tqual Dumber; the lecelpta have been •881, for tbe quar- ter. Addresses were tasde by President McCorry, Msj. Qeo. 8. Merrill aad John P. Sweeney, Esq.

—The late David Nevlns died |*tast*t>. — KutrrprisiuK merchant* are waking

up lo tbe advaittagdofadvartlalng theli wares.

—Father Matthew'* Temperance So- ciety, will bold aplcaloatKlveralde grove on Decoration day.

—Mrs. Elmlra Robinson, of tbla city, has beeu appointed a matron at the Lan- caaler loduatrlsl school (or girls.

—The Dickinson A Clark Paper Com- pany, have jnst ordered ao engine from Arming ton ft Slma, to run their paper ma- chinery.

—A prominent citlaen of Beverly has tendered to the Eastern Jlallroad five acres »t land, providing they wilt locate their enact)lae shope there.

—The 8lb or April next. Friday even- >ag, occurs the annual prise drill, laapectlou sod bsll of Co. M, 8tlt Hegl. meat, at the City Mall.

—It eas a bad day for int> uerputratorB of petty larcenies from the inanuiactaring corporations, when Col. Phil, waa ke- en red aa a prlvnlo detective.

—Klleo Stoker, who sustslne.l tbe frac- ture of an arm by falling on Union street on March 3d, baa applied to the elty for compensation, alleging a defect In the atreet

— Saturday evening, a man named Thomas. Unnnlng, residing at 181 Valley atreet, foil down a flight of stslre, aad suffered a Iractnte at the aboulder Joint. Dr. Noonan dressed the Injury.

—At tba laat criminal Ursa of the supe- rior coon, Thomas Lynskey of Metbuen, waa Indlced for maintaining a liquor nul- asace, bat has msntged to elude arrest until to-day, when ha was captured la tbla city, by marshal Batcheldvr. lie wsa taken to Jail this afternoon, to await trial al tee next Urn of tha superior coert.

—Tbe faeeral services over the remain* of the lam Mrs. Tsrbox, ware held at tbe residence of Dr. Austin oa Bradford street, Saturday afternoon. They ware eoodecte* by Rev. Mr. White of the Uni- vecsailst church. There wss sa exten- sive aad beautiful floral display.

Mary Carrie, wife of HOB. John K. Tar- box, died Tharsdsj afternoon, at 2.45 o'clock, at Danvers, of paralysis of the brain. The deceased has beea In preca- rious health for some time, sad her death wsa not unexpected. She Was born st Tsesalboro, Maine, and was 40 years of age. Mrs. Tarbox was a lady of culture and refinement, and was ths widow of Lieut. C. E. Drew, a brave soldier, when she was united In matrimony to Hon. John K. Tarbox, during bis congreaatonal career, lbe remains wars conveyed to this city on Friday, by Messrs. Wattr- hoase A Parsons, undertakers. Funeral services were held at the residence of Dr. Joseph Aoailo, 81 Bradford street, Saturday, at three o'clock la tbe after noon.

MART E., wife of Mr. A. J. Proctor, tha well-known teamster, died Sataiday morn- leg, at twenty minutes past one, of heart disease. Tha deceased hsd many friends and acquaintances by whom she wss es- teemed and greatly beloved on account of her many amiable qualities. She had been ill for three or four months, aad laat week gsva birth to a child, which, however, died shortly alter. She waa a native or Dsrry, If. H., bat has resided In Lawrence for tha psat ten years. She waa 48 years of aga, and leaves two children, ageJ 8 and.c years.

Hoe. Caleb Sauadere, representing the Old Sixth Regiment Association, and Col. Beal or tbe present Sixth, presented tbe claims of theae organisations for the disputed standards, to Guv. Long, Sstur day. Tha Governor stated that he did not wish to deride tha matter on purely technical grounds, bat he thougbtthat the colors ought to be preserved st lbe State House. To this Mr. Sauoders sgreed, but Col. Beal stated that be could not without consultation with his command Tbe Governor lhao staled that If they did aot agree to this proposition be would or- der the colors to be retained by tho pres- ent Sixth for two years, then lo be pre- served la tbe Slate Hoeae, lo be loaoed by the Governor to the Old Sixth when deessed expedient. Iu ctsu Cil. Buel should resign or die within two years, tbe colors are to be placed at ooce Iu the State House.

— Miss Hattle Croaa, tba well known temperance worker, at the urgent solici- tation ol ftlenda in Colorado, has bidden adieu to her many friends here and eba- wn«re. and is now oti her way lo the western city of Denver. Mi-s Cross haa the beat W'sbea of a host or frlendt In Lawrence, as well aa Haverliill and Me- tbnru.

— Saturday evening a specie! meeting of the Lawrence street society wss held. The commlttje appointed at the regular meeting, reported recommending plsns aa prepared by Architect Advmi. It waa voted lo accept the report, snd the com- mittee were Instructed to make contracts for tbe work.

-John Kitxg-mid, John Hammell, John Freeman and Patrick Winston, obeetved the 8ab*Mtb by a game of base be! oo Valley street. In the course of which they broke a window In a neigh- bora bouse. Tbey were nrresled au-l will be tried wltbla 10 day* for vloUting tbe Bunde/ law.

—Tha Boaton parties v.ho have been negotlatlag for lbe purchase of Mr. Dau- fleld's Interest In lbe Franklin house, tele- graphed lo him Saturday that bis price waa too high, and all negotiations hive

l\R.C. W. SYLVESTER, Dentist, 891 A.' ataaax dT-tl^swrcnee, ataia. V articular aueotlouiiaiUiupruservliig HaturalTecib. Ar uncial ro«ih inserted. Una or ether gl>>a as iWMerreu. lllyoclS


Co r.-awrence It Common St* Has returned from Bnropeand resumed prae. ueeoi ma [uienion.


Mo. 1 Bradford Street, cor Amn>bury jjtfg*] Lawrence, Mass.

J. H. KIDDEH, DBNTAL SDR- UKON, No. S71 Xssex atreet, Lawrence,

■w. Uaa, Chloroform, or Klber given, as pre furred. Closed during August.

«* fsittrtnant ar* MraMtlr nM|na*<*4 «" »l«t at.' Paatatt bSVa set ■ ,

fet^Addross.'or call upon DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washinnton, New Jerwy


UUCKKH A WHITTIEH Crockery and Qlass Ware. Blrlctlvpure

□oreea,SuicesandchoieABlTeaa. TfcuUcaidalrlci Crocker; and Qlai

. _ Js,Si>ices and ohoict of Butter and Cheese. 86 AmesburvStreet,

N. HARRIS, 2G6 BROADWAY, ol • thek. Hunt Maubine Co. Turbluo Water

#0001*, rulllngalill*. WSbht-ra, railing Hlork* Uigs. Begalators,Aa.,Ao. 1'lun* Ivsmsaaeda** all mill work done. tunllbO


fp 8. YATK8, M. D., PHY SIC1AM so -i* Surgeon,

UOIce, m Kaiez Street, corner ol Lawrence Baafcisaee, as iusimor Street,

Portraits snd Laudacai !>Ve«. KNSI MS sTssxx ST., LAwaxMoa.

.with Bug bee A Haek, ■:• .i Esses street, Law reace.stass. aprUVlj.

JOHN Q. RODBMBYER, BOOK BIND KB, Old Books, rebound, atagaslnt

ipblets, and Music bound st short nollr ik Books made to ordsr. 8h«> A07 Essei B



Lawrence,Mas*. i*eraonalatWnticato allhssl- ness risim

rHE AMERICAN STEAM PRINTING Ufflce, Post OBee Block. Is the largeat aad

oral appointed, outside of Bcstos a eastern Waasacnusetts

—Mr. Ernest Clark of Sttetb tviwrence, bas entered tbe irelgbt depot of ibe East- era road or tbls city, taking- tbe place made vacant by tbe resignation of Cbarlea Strelton.

—la the Korbe, Baibonr case, la the superior court, the jury returned s ver diet or 1087 fur the plaintiff, after being oat two hoar*.

—Miss L. Osge of thf* city, will be lbe teacher of the public school In tbe Howe district, Metliucn.

—A family of German emigrants ar- rived at Ibe Lowell depot in ibH city, on Ftlday laat.

—Daring the past three mon'.ba, 108G letters were registered at the Lawrence post office.

—Dr. John Sbsuaahsn bss decided to locate at Naw Britain, Conn.

—There ware nineteen deaths 1B this eltytiast wesk.

A Lovaej. COLO oa Soai i HSOAT should ue stopped. Neglect frequently results la an In earable Lung Siasasa or Consumption. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES do not disorder tbe stomach Ilka cecgb lyrnpa aad baliami, bet act dlrectlv oa tbe laHamwi parti, allaying Irritation, give relief lo Asthma, itroa- i 'bills, t'oagbi. Catarrh aad the Throat troalles which Singer* sad Penile Speakers are snlijrct U. for thirty years Brown's Bronchial Trurh es have beea recommended by physleUm, ami slwayt give perfect sallsfamon. Having been tested by wide and constant BIS for nearly an entire general Ion. they bavo attalntd well

ng tbe few staple r IK. a box every*!

1*eod ivr iMi-t •W) ■■ - —

Have WISTAK'S BaLSAv or WILD Cuinui slaays at hand. Il cure* Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Waouplag Cough, Croup, InUarni*. Cossumptiee, ana all Throat aad Lung Cum plaints. » cent! and SI a boll le.

leod sjeow aovt)

cblBes,it7aEsteiStieri. U. I'. 1LTKS

To the Boys ofjfew England

Jtvrry <i..> Balloon all top of Onk Hull, Bnatoti - i.iiin'- —""

Mb, alter April Ilk, a tie II .1 from iho

S ri-wnril of a aiilt of paid to lln- boy who capture*

reinrn* li to lioiton. WS sbio girt to >-\ >. rv cu*- lonwr In our boys'dopn run tnt, an liiflatnll'urUlan BnHoon, M ccnllmi-lcr* In illanietrrt

The atock of Men'* mil Doya" flprlna; and Rntn. merSull* and Spring Uvrreoat* 1* complete, and aarpaaaea In variety nml KIIHTIII i-xcellenrc all furmrr dUplsy*. Ill llinn liunilreil New KnslaH'l towns sinl cliiv* wo nre isaisesilleil by ettabl1<b«d Agent*, In whose hand* bill line* of spring and iuinroer H*mpli-a wijl bn funiul, and with whom our trade enn rniiliilrntly ilenl.

When vii gn lo l' ■ ■.■■, bn aure and v i-ii Oak Rail —the fumou*, unc-iirli-p, Tillable Clothing llonae.

Bsmplca nml rules for adf


32 to 44 North Street, Boston, TIM old«*t Clotbln, BMII. In Now Kngland.

D. W. I.ollli, AKI-III, Lawrence. ,, eml'nurS


Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Itassistsdi- gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels, purifiesthe blood. A Book sent free. Dr. SANFOKD, 162 Broadway, N. Y.


teedviroettt a

THE BrXLXBICA FAMILY" SCHOOL, Ibr B >ya, Riiioriea, stags., i* dsoigaed to be

a Home School ol Uie Hist order. For Informat lion we refer lo Dr. C. P. Morrlll, North Ando- ver; Ber. A. L, Honabton, Lswrenrei Moaea roster, Eiq.,AcdoTei Nn. Bunk.srd nVv.C. C Hnaaer, psatoi <i{ the Pirat Psriih, I'.llleiiea, sad aaeeabrr of Stato Hoard of Kduoallonj and for Circular aesd to

M C. U1TCHKLL, frlnclpal. Hcod If dec

KIlANKJrl « ilACH'ri ,Vw Pstenl, l"iiil Ay in Or, Unnit itsliT, i;rin.|8<|<inrw, snd Uorlsht rim'- I.- in. ,| .hi;,-i Aim the

One WM. ■tiiinrFt; PlARO* htiil Hie etrgaat 1'BKSCtiTI PAIILOU OBOAB. C»f-1l Slid OSSJ aWlataaetls. It « . l:H:i:V.':.; tv 11 uNuni*

l"o»T'|v. r,..\ ■■■), ,,|,:i ••

_,..»r|i to ih»- •I'll-, lioiinni r,r Irnnt of a 1 JOHN C.btW A COM, Crockerv 1 ttiasswaie Store, Otfd rellows Uullding.

Cannon's Commercial College, FOKMERi.Y


Book-keepine. Oommercial Arithmetic and English Branches,

Special Attention given to Penmanship. PJM£AHE CALL OK SEND FOR OIROULAR.

Sa tlniL'i O. C. CANNON* I'rlncip*!.

KIDNEGEN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for WE*UC or FOUL KIDNEY8, DB0PSY, BEIGHT'S DISEASE, LOSS of EHEEGY


and KIDNEY POISINING, in infected malarial sections. aw-»TthediFil:llslionofs FORKIT LEAF willi JUWIPKH BLRBICI ud BAILET

HALT, we nave discovered sUOMaWKJi. which aeU speelnesllT oat the IMneye aad Urinary Organs,rrmoving lnlartonidepealtt formed In the tlsdder, and urevtntlBgsn; atialnhtg, ssssrt ing son aat I on, best or Irritation la tba Membranous lining o[ tbe dectsor water passages. Ile»- cites a healthy action to the KUneva giving thtmitrengib, vigor and teitorisg thrie avgaas bealUiv condition, sbowiea Its 1 fleet* on both the color and tbeeasv flow of uilae. It can bs tskenaislliimr?*, last) c!imsic**ml under all circurotisnces wltboat Injury to lbs system. Us Ilka a ey ol her preparation lor Bidet y dlfllcnltles It has a very pleas rat and agreeable laala ssd Savor. It bas been Uiflkull to makes preparailoa contsialng paalttre distraite propertka wnich will siat aiaMseata, but be acceptable to the ttomach. lU-Hnp taking an v Live* ssedl clae,lrT a bottle or KIDNS-GKN to CLBAKb* tbe K1DXBTS frotnfool matter. Try Bead yea will always use it as a family atedlclBC. Ladlee esweelallv will like II. aad ajewtlsaaem wll Sod KlFiBKCiarji the b«it KMaey Tonie ever ascdl

NOTICK.-Kicb bottle bearalae slgaature of LA WBENCB * M AkTIN, alao a T Uaveiaaseat fciaasp. alikh permits BIDNltilN tebe soli (without lleeaea) »yB tirocers aad Other Persoas every wheie.

Put up In Quart slia Battles for General and Family Use. li nitioundat jourUiuf gitlsoi Ur ecu, we will n, ml a botUe prepaid to the aeercM agaves*

oflcetoyon. LAWKENCB & MAKTIN. Proprietors, Chicago, Ilia,, and 6 Barclay k)treat.

Naw York. r**<j Sold by Druggists, Croctr* and Dealers Everywhere.

Sold in Lawrence byE. H. KELLEY. Apothecary, P.O. Block. Wholesale Agents, QEO. O. GOODWIN ds CO., Boaton. tend leowlyrirplft




::rutr« of f-'crMHH-rs. |£%»J

' SUM. r! 1. I.i :l..r th sell at tho

I yt-arovsi SOW tens wero sold against too lonn three yusrs arro. nhowlnR that It t* "- lliy(ha fsrnMra. If there U 00 local

it aaar you, loud to a*. e for »le ST0CKBRIDGC MANURES.


run HAI.K *r

8COTT & VIETOR, 345 <'<tinnioii St. Lawrence

tilw lafl 1.



CARIlfl. MB to |M*. BTIKRAOK, plK. Taeaa fltlaaaSTS #0 BOt carry CStUs,ottetp or (Ma*

>'EW TOW TtTloNDON'blHETT. rABtm.SMtovea. ■sejarsloastRsducr'ir. t >

Pas, eager accommodatleea sre BsaiirrH»*#i'il All SUtereoess oe Main Ihvk

i^aasagsrs booksd st lowest ratr* to or f-., ,- lEsilroad rjiaUon In Earooa ur Aiu 11.. Irian* at lows! rstts.paiiioir ifY.'. , ; r-

tiiMiDihout FnaUnrt. flrotland *nd Iretadl rorawaksorlBlorntsUOD.plaoii, tr (;•

BSoTssaa, 7 Bowuae Raae* 1 10 lAHks lluarar, :os Essex It., Lawrence

torn navK .

COFFEE rOTR.—When voar eld OH Is no longer 01 far nee leek at the Batlensl

We bsvs adtTie*; the best nod cheapest Is We have aolrt u-s tiranite Iron Tea Pots. .._ ami g»ts descriptive circular at JOHN C.IWtS ' A CUV Crockery and Ulass Siere.Odd Pelloat Building.


Stlsaroom Ml, Rsi.cenee. IBS Oomaieasuel Slyijal

[THE AMERICAN tndovtlr Advertiser,

PUOUSBSO Every Friday Horning,



foat Offuo Block, Lawrence, Mass. ■UBaoaiPTlON-Poetag-e Prepaid: - BtJS'J p*r y-'.t.-, from wnloh 6u cants "will b> dai-iocsd for strictly udvuncc

fi! C\r3 tUtl-m ofthe Lswreaco A mar

il A I r««il*iug atnt upon j-|.pllo*t on.

mill* A4 d*cjnd-cini»a matter.

The Daily American. Published Every Evening,

la tb* Ur|Mi Doily In tbe City, with Four Time* Uu OrouJauc*) ot tar othw.

aUBSCaiPTION, In « Ona tear, 80.00 I Six Month*, taoo

Whan not paid is advance. 8S.OO-

OEO. 8. MBBBILL, Proprietor

THE AMERIOAB MTEAM PRINTING OFFICt Is the largest and moat tnoi-ouerhly fur -

nlsbed la Eastern MsesanhilBBtiB With modarn press aa, and comUii eddiUouaof the newest style* of Typo, we ere able to furnish Uw baet quail tr of work, M low pHoaja, Ordarebyaaal prompUy attended to.




Catarrh, Asktma ail Bronchitis. Pal »■ In ill* stead, Daatreeeiaa *r Spirit •

I.uKof Heat lug, lt1xxli****,Iti*'>IIUr »• Ital-k. sad alhir KtttrtiltHf

Baaalt* •( that »*a«Fful Maaaaa, CATABBA,

PERMANENTLY REMOVED. I'lcaratM lhalltoil Hrm ltd. Bees? of the

Haaal Bonn Arrtitt dt I.e»t Res*, af ■■mall B eat o red. B leads' n la enure;**

Nlapiicd. Dleteaeil Mtnbr>*fi Bealeej.


natural ami effective manner, through the pro r.Hi or rentilrallou. Nature never intended thnl liquids should be i>oared throngh Itw baa eel her barrier* In tbe ions of hair*, in ererr nostril, to prevent the entrance of dint, which it Bometimea called anulT. To Inhale L'lliurblno rcqulro* no eoally Inhaler, hut onlj ■ common i>lt>e.

lMBKimONs.-I'uU Julio of the Calnrrhine Intoaa ordinary clean pipe, and tinoke lt,p*aa In* theamoka through ibu note, liy repeating theproeei* Are minute* three time* each day, the wont<% <ei ol catarrh may he cured.

CATARRHINE. la aold by all d agfials. A*k lor Calarrhlae. and uae mi other remedy If jou would Bad relief. Thla remedy M equally efl/ooll ve fn cur- Ini A ■thin* and Mr**>kUla. It aoolhai the inlamed )iartn, and aupplle* tn»t (hone thing* necaeaary to aid nature In throwing off tb« dla- eaae and repairing bei watte placer.

CATARRHINE. Pleaaaalte tha t*»ta. »-r« lat Itaaa.ets.



Life, Accident and Fire Insurance. J OHN EDWARDS A CO'S Insurance Agency

uriuixia r.. roLLOwi.o


___, American, N. IT. estoheeter. New York.

Setertowo, New York. riant, Hartford, Conn.

Menden, Coaaeetlsul.



FOR tasi.

APOTitECAItlBS f M miclncn l>riig*,U«nmlonl*. ToUelArilele*, »c,

H.M.>VttirasY*lJii.,cer.a.eex*LnwreBee APOTHECARY; l>nim. Modl-

etaea, Mineral Water, Toilet Hauulaltea. BVEBAKD a. KBL1.BY, Peal Olkoa Block.

APOTHECARY; Compounding or rhraleiua'i'raaarlpUowTaipaalatly.-

(JHAS. CLARKE. lTtlfiHzW.Tbekaw. APOTHECARY, I>rugs, Mod-

Iclaea, Chemical*. Toilet Article*,**. J. V. AVUKE. 0*9Baaex,oor. YraBXils-

ART STOKE, Picture Frame

IMKKB, M'i'r Crackers, Bread

BLANK BOOK MTrand Com- ■Mrolal t 1st loaer, Uoem Paper, Uocora t lona

W. tt. K1UB, See B**ex Btreet. BOOKS, Paper Hangings, Sta

tloaery, iTladaw Shade,, Jts> L. STatATTON. »7 Baaax alreet.

I > LACK SILKS, Velvet*. Caah- «-» meret. Bilk rrlngea, Bulloaa, Glove*. Ae.

A. SUARrkf A co.aia Staaax itraat. BOOTS aft SHOES, * ftill and

complete a took, at pneea to aai t Uh* Uaaea. P. B. UOiilNiOM, Kl fAaaasSUaM.

BOOTS & SHOES, line reedioi ailojuaUUaa. Low arlaad to BHUUK tlmae.

1>. D.AlAitoNKV.aMMaaoxaL BOOTS & SHOES. Larvest a»-

aortateat and lowe.l prlcea Inlbeelty. MAULH SNUBHuUSJt, MM Maaes SI.

1IOOTS & SHOES. The largest JJ and beetaaaortaeaLtoiMlouadtaUeolt/.

T. JACKSUM wuirraKDuB. m iMi »C BOYS' CLOTHING, Men'i Pur-

niLhlax Oooda, Hat a, ate. OBS price oaly. A. rULLSK a CO, H» Baaax Btnat.

/ CABINET MAKER and Uphol- \J aieror.

a. W. ilARh ABD.320 BaaexBtrwl. (i LEAN HI NO, Oyelng and Fln-

J lahiax of every aeacripllon, done at the m WOltKd. OAloe

Sommonwealth, I hawmut, Beaton.

lat National, Woroeatar. ftuaen, England. mparla,l*C*orthorn,Kngland. fi^yal,^CnIlnn>:. etropolo Ins. Oo., Paris.

London Aaaursnoa, Bngland.

Travallera'Ufa and Accldsnt ol Hartrord.Conn.

State llutual Ldta, Woreaatar.'

THOMAS BEVINO'lX>N, ••a Baaax Street, - - Lawraaa

Poit Office BoiSS.


R. H.EDDY. T« Stale St., oppoalta Itllby Ml., Baiton, Heenrea I'atom a In the United State*; alM In fJreat BrlUm, Pranr.o and other foreign coun trie*. Coplea of the claim* of any Patent tur- nlahcd by remlUlnx onodollar. Aa*inmenlare-

led at Waahlngton. Ko Agency In the Unl- «-. stale* poaaoaaaaaaporlorfaeilRlea for on- Ulnlng Pnlonu or a»cert*lnlng the patentability ofiavaatloaa. B.H.EDDY.SoHcllorolPateaU.

TK8TIMONIALS. "I regard Mr. Eddy a* ona of the moaioaa

and aauRcs-iful pmctUloner* With whom I have hadoaotalintareonraa. . ,^ .

CHARLES UASON.Commla'rof PateaU. "In ven tora cannot employ a perion moretrntt-

wortby or njorecnpililo ol neinring fortbaxa an early and favorable conaldoratlon at the Futent

i OIBoe." ■DMOltnBUBKE.LateCom'r of Patent*.

R. H. BDPT, B*q.-l)ear81r:yott proenred lot , melalMID, my nmtpntent. Slaoe then you have | a>;ted for, and advised me In hnndrvda ol caaei,

ml procured aiany patent*, reieaaea nail cxtea- IOB*. 1 have oeeaaLoaallr employed Ut Iwl «ncle* In New York, Philadelphia and VYaah-

..»«kM, bat lalillgiveyoualmoatlha wholeol I my bualneaa, in your line, and adviae olheiate I employ you. You:* truly. 1 r ' UKOKUB URAFE1I,

Bo • ton. Jan.l. 1M1. Ilv Bh

OatKS, UBoe IIS Baaex. pONFEirriONERY, pure home

COOKCNO RANOES, Crockery and Silver PlaUd Ware, Kltoaea Oaada, do. 1>. N. a U. M. UABT1M 1M Baaax Btreet.

pOOKINO STOVES, Raufed, \J Kuraucea. Sole ajcent Magae Stove,.


pOUNTBT PRODUCE, Provls- \J Ion* aad Live Black. JOHN(jHUtU)HlLLdCO.,l0*llAme*buryBI. i iROCKERY, Glaas, China, Pla- \J ted Ware, Cutlery, Laaipa, Ac.

JOHN d. UOW A CO., mi Baaei btreet. DR Y GOODS. For Silks, Sha wl ■

Vaaay Ueeda aad Carpet leg*, go to A, W. bTEABNS A CO.. So* A gUBaaex St.

|?AKCY GOODS. LatlleB* Fur- AV niahlng Qooda, Millinery, Ae.

A. B. qUUWMU"Jit Baaax Street.

pLOUB, GraA^a>t Straw, Salt, A Hotter, MadA.rartBlM looto.Ac.

HCOi'T A ViBTOK. Sao Co ■ PI on Street.

p ENTS'FurnlBhlBBUoodK,1IaU VJ Cane*. Umbrella*, *c

OBO. If. CUHl'ls. US Baaex Street. GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fan-

cy Ooodt and Produce. BUATTUCR BBOS., t«r. Baaex, Ameabnri

GROCERIES, Fine Teas, Pure Ceffaea. Fralta, k aacy Ueeda, rradaea, do

B. XABTMAN ft CO.. HI Baaex Street. IIAIM>WARE, Toola, Cutlery XI seed* aad tteaeral Hardware.

M, P. U. BBLV1M, Osl Baaax Btreet. IEWELRY, Watches, Clocks,

brancbea, AMERICAN OmcE.P.O. Block.

MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isadore WaUtakar, Ka aad It* Baaax ST.

UILLINBRY & Millinery Goods

MILLINERY «ft Millinery Goods Trimmed BaU Aad Bonnet*. J. C. SUACKLBTON.X» Baaex Street.

PAPER HANGINGS, Window shade* and Fixture*.

E. A. risalB, 378 Baaaa Street. PHOTOGRAPHY, sole licensee

lor the citvior the Carbon Proceetee. PRANK BUsABLL SSI Baaex St.

PLUMBING, Steam and Gtw X rilling- aad Fixture*. Mtoyeajaaaaa, Ao.

^M.roltMSftSONlsxSKaaexSt. P ROVISIONS,Country Produce I. Meat, rralt. Canned Oooda. aa.

R. C ALLAH AN. Wl Common Street.

SOAPS: the best Toilet, Family aad Waablna;.

illACU SOAP COMPANY. rrAILORS, French, EiiBllBh and A American Noveihea.

F. W. SOU AAKB A CO.,Poet OBee Block. ' |\A I LOR, 1 inportod and Domes- A lloUood*.

H DENltiE MOBSB. 181 Eaaax Street. UNDERTAKING Furnished In

all it* detail*. Mineral Cbalra a apaeUIIT VYATBBUOUBE « PARSONS llAmetbary.

UNDERTAKER; every duty appertaining to funeral* attended to.

M.J.MAHOMEY.UtOnk Street.

WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry V v Speataole* and Silverware. (Bepairlng)

SAM'l, W.rBLLOWS.WS Baaex Street.

City of Lawrsnce.

Health Becnlationi.

Notlnei* hereby gives, according to law, of the following regiilatlona of thr liuanl of Health of the City el Lawrence, adopti d by *ald board

'—" '0th, 1*81, and tbe*amu arc nuwia loroc: omci or TUX BOABO UP RBALTR,

Lawrence, Maaa , Mar. H, Ml. Be it ordered by tha Board of Health of the

City of, aa follow* s

trlctly forblddea to throw _. _>M or garbage, of any kind. Into

any back yard* or private alley.waya ol the City of Lawrence, and all owner* or occupant* of dwelling heaaea, atoree or other buildlaga with which tbernl* a back yard or other lead appaileaaat thereto, anallcaaaeaaldbaek yard — -AberWnde at all Uaaaa to he kept clear of

lllb, garbage, beaae dirt, aad of all decayed lecayiax animal aad recelahleaaketaaeea: allauob owaera or oeospanu nl dwelling

houtea, atorea or other building* era required to inrnitb at all time* a •uUabl* va**«l or

eel* lor holding aabc* mad* upoa the prenj. J. and ha Beep lie name la a eoavraleat place to be removed by the Board ol Health.

Mo peraoa aball permit or auffer earalnfcor Blthy water la ran or eland on thciurfacnoi gay lead appartenaat to etore of whiab ha may _ _ teaast,oocupaatoragaatbavlng tbe care Uiare ot, but tbaowaer, leeaee, leeaat, oecnpantor

ol any dwelling aoaae er atore or lead leaaat thereto aaail cauia all alakaad eaterlaaaldbuildlaxorou aald land to

_ iveyed threagh a ailubla pipe or drala teaaewer.lf aay ia the aareet adloialag bald

ia parpeaeTaad approvedby the Board af tb. aad aball caaae all drala* or pipe* en- gaaawar or oaeapool from and land, oi ling Baaaa, or atore, to be provided with a

trap or trans approved by the Board of Health. Atlprivlaa meat be provided with a regular

rater eloeet, or eeaaa *aitable vault, made ol hard burned brick, bottom aad aide,, will laid ia cement aad thorough!/ tight, and noprlvv vault aball eater aay eewer, aad the eontenu af no privy vaalt aball ever b* wlthla oae loot of tbe top of the vaalt, Aad wheaerer any privy aball become odaaalra the *ame ahail be cleaaaed. And ae peraoa aball permit er >uffer

ill to ba or remain upoe ___ of wblob ho may be the

owner, ooeapaat, leaaat or leeaee. In a Mate or coedlUoa or eoaalraoted la a meaner contrary to tbe provialoaa of thla regulaUoa.

Alt perioa* are forbidden to remove tba

TUB SYMPTOMS of Llyar Complalat are a bitter or bad taste ia the mouth; Pain In tbe Beak, Side* orTOM**, often mlaUkea Mr Bbes- matlem; Boar stomach,Loea ol ApW-Ote; Bow-

.lelTooallvaandUx; Headache; Loaa _ ;, with a palaifal aaaaalhia el lia i tag

failed lodbaomeihlag which ought to bave been done; Debility, Lew Bpirlla. a thick yellow ippearanceef the Bkla aad Eye*, a dry Cough >lteo mlatakenlorConaampllon. Sametimea many of tbeae evmptora* attend

lbadlaeaae,atothara very raw; bnttaeLirxa, the largeat orgaa In the body, I* generally tha

ilatediatr— UKATUl

1 can recommend aa aa efflcacloni rented j for dleeeee or tbe Liver, Heartbura aad Dyapepala, Slmmoaa' Liver Begulator.

LBWIS Q. WnxvBB. . _ . Irtuea. per tonally, aad

knew that lor Uy*pep*la, Blllouueaa. aad Throbbing Headache, It i* tha beat medicine the -arid over aaw. We have triad tarty ether

madia* before oimmon*' Liter Begulator, but aoae of them gave oa more than temporary teller; oat the Regs later aotesly relieved. Bat cured u*:"—ED.IBXIUKAI'H *■!> MBggxetaBB,



eod l tv lunW

ol gar privy vaalt without a I ceat* from tba Board of Health. Any peraoa havi archarge of a vaalt wblabaeedaaaipty lag may leave El a order therefor at tea eBee or the Beard of Health, City Hall, ar at Ageat'a Oajee, Lowell etreat, god a d air lleaaaed peraon will nerforai tbeaervlca of amptvlag the vaalt dealana ed

i aald order, by tha ejerleaa exaavaUag pre. •*», at the expenae of tha peraoa leering the Mr, From anil alter June lat, ISM, ao peraon aball

heap awine aithia tba following deaurlbcd llm- -*k-north aide ol the Merrliuack river.

-ket river on Ibeeaatand aorihtu Sicyeaa Pond, thence by Mav Btreet, Croterat Btreet, Warrea alreet, Bodwell atraet, aad Met- roae it reel to the Merriaaask river, exoeptlag only oa the premise* beleaglng to tbeCoaaty Jail and Hou*e of Correollon. Oa the *outh aide or the Herri mack river, by the Cove aad Brook oa the weal to the Lowell railroad urldge; thence by Aadover atreet oa Ike loath, and Unienitreetea tbe east, to the Herri mack nvar. Aadaopereaa ahall heap aay awtae la any ether part of the city w knout a written peraalt from the Board af Health.

All peraoa* are forblddea to keep fowl* ol any kiad 1B any oellar oi basement or a dwell- ing bonae or atore.

No person ahall threw into, or leave la. or upoa aay alreet, court, iqnnre, laae. alley, public aquare, public aacloaura, vaeaallat.or aay pond, river or body of water within the limit* of the oltr, anv dead animal, or d

any rcfuae animal or yagaUbla eulier wbali ever, or oanaa aay animal to be drowned in anv pond, river or body ot water within the limit* of the city without the iiceaie of the Board of Health.

Aad ao peraoa ahall remove, earl or carry through •are*' tbe etreete, **nai—

dirt, alley a of the city, aay hoaia curt, re/aas, offal. any decayed or decaying animal er vegetable aubataaea (or aay grease er boas*) from gay af the dwelling hoaaea. »bopa, atore*, or other naMea wllhin the city, without a wrlt-

ef tha Beard ol Health, faavlag been

WORK of every description, In the Printing line, neatly and cheaply, at


YOUR ADVERTIHEMENTwill reach nearly all purchaier*. through


|JohnC.HayneB.Sc.Co, 33 COURT ST., BOSTON.

iMoslcal Boxes in Great Variety. Braas Band Instruments.

VloUna. | American Guitars.

Imported Guitars. Banjos from 92 upwards,

I Violin, VlolonceUo, Double Bass, Banjo, Zither and Harp String*

and Trlfllinlnps. | Aocordeons and Concertinas of

all description*, American and Foreign Sheet Music,

MilalC Books, etc., cftc, Wholesale and Retail.

Tnli e*tabllehtaentiB one Of the branch atorea I Of OLIVER 1HTSON ft CO., aad naiaeiaea I naequallcd advantagea far tha Importatloi I iaalramenU from the beat manufacturer* la [Europe. Tlyoclb rb



Faints, Oils, Dye Stiins. Chemicals, Alcohol, Mixed Pa In l*. all color Alum. Ncata Pool Oil,

Naphtha. Olive Oil. Oxalic Acid, oakam, faiaoineOll, ParaflaeWax, Patty. Parl. White, Pataah, Pumice Stene, Planter Parl*.

Beeas ax, Brtah Brooma, Cork*,. aa;- Color* ofall ehail Caibollc Acid Coach Varnlih, Cantor Oil, UbeateiaShlaa, Copper KiveU, CailileSoap, Copperar, Dipper*, wood an, ...T,MI.>. Downer'* KeroaeneOil, Sulphur, Du*l Bruabe*. Sand Paper Eatery Paper,

" Cloth, Feather Duster*, Floor Btuibe*. Flab Ulna, Farnltare Vnrnlih, .leer L . grade

m Arable, . i a Tru-easa OeMl

Red Lead, Rubber WagonSorlnga, Koala, Motto B Stoae, Book Salt

forbore** aad out tie ShelUc,


Stone Jar* aad Magi, llpetre, wingM. able Pal

arad draaepUes, bU- lowa •ulhrer*. vktlma of fever aad agae, tbe mercurial dlicaied paUeat, how they re- co vered heaKh. cheer- lul ipirit* and goo.1 appetite; they will by taking

Theratiiiit, Vareet aad B at Family Medlelae la the World.


or aay ibjarloas mieetal eanatanee. bat la PURELY VEGETABLE,

combining tboae eoathara Bocta aad Bares, -bir.h an all-wUe providence ha* planed' la

APPLES to the «Hoe or nearly two million dollars, w«w exported from tiiie country tluriag the vear 1861.

BBA VLAUO n wu rd-electea to ParlU* ent on Satardny, but by a narrow iBJOrity, the vote being, Hradlaugh

S378, Corbctt, conserratire, 335S.

ONE of the beat auggeatlons In re- lation to the improving condition of the south, ia the statement of Gen. Armstrong, that the colleges of that section were thronged with young white men, living on hominy. In order

to secure an education.

THE BUNDAT LAW has proven valuable to one man in Missouri, at all events; he was sued by a fair damsel for breach of promise, and made defence that as the contract

alleged to have been made on Sunday, It was not binding in law, and on this point he won his cose.


Constipation, Biliousness, Liver Troubles. Piles, Indigestion,

Sick Headache and Dyspepsia, Their cleansing and tonic action

on the liver and digestive organs removes all Impurities from the system, purifies the blood, relieves the overtaxed kidneys, and estab- lishes regular and natural action of the bowels. Pleasant to take, free from all unpleasant or de- bilitating action and can be used freely with perfect safety. For sale by all Druggists In half lb. gloss lars* Price 0O cents.

eod tly novJO V

RAILWAY CHABOKS are becoming a subject of official investigation in Great Britain, as welt as thla country, the House of Commons having ap- pointed a committee to consider the charges of discriminating freight rates, and excessive prices, especially in relation to agricultural products in that country.




Beat la the world. Laate losger thaa any other. Alwayalngood condition. Cure* aore*. out*, bruin* and eoraa. Oeete but little more ban tbe Imitation. Every package baa tbe rademark. Call for the genuine, aad take no

reqalred to famish name euluble veaee depoelt for twill sad heuie offal made er lecled upoa their proaalaea, and to keen ■ame la a convenient place to be reatove the Board or Health, and are forbidden to pi cart or throw aay awlll or home o&al or aav kind lalo any vaalt. eowcr, or into aayvesael eoatalalaa; aahes, or to mingle a*ne* or other rel'aae there with.

Special Ragulations. lat.—All awlll, heaae eSal, greaee er ex....

made upon preml*e* from wnFch parlies may be lioeaaed to care for aad remove the acme, aball be deposited aa tees ae mad* in regnla- lion bairala, provided by tbe Board ot Health Departmeat, gad removed from aald aremleee is tbe same regulation barrel*, at leatt twice eaah week, from October lat to May l>i, and at leatt three lime* a week from May lat to Octo- ber 1st.

ind.—So * will, boaae odaL great* or bone* .hall be depot I ted or removed in any kind of a

reaaelonor from aaebyremlte* other than In •aid regulation bane la.

S1.—No peraoa having inch llcente ahall die- poea of hi* twill, honBO off* I, greato or bonea 10 any peraoa or perion* other than IbBH having a llcente from aald Board of Health, to collect ■ will, bonae offal, f raaae or bone* lu the City ol Lawrence.

4lb.-A1l Ueaaaea greeted by tha Board of Health may be revoked at Ihe pleatuie oiaaid Hoard.

6th.—Said regulation barrel* are to ha aad

h Deoarlmeni, aad tba No.el the Itcease goiag with aald barret* marked apoa tha aame. Two barrel* go with each Ikenae, aad U more are aeoetaary they can be bad of the Agent rox raa isBatthe -o.i, B» rBBktiT, and aald barrel* ahall bewail eared ler aad replaced by tba peraoa* harlag them by vlrlae of their lleeeae. Ifthev ahoubl be lottor deetroyad, aad 11 aald Uaaaae ahoald he revoked or expire by llmitatlee, aald barrel* aball be relumed to the Health Department oiBoe in good order aad condluoa.

Oth.-Sald raguhtlloa barrel* ahall be aadev the direct aapervlatoa ar the Agenl ofthe it -am of Health, aad ahall be kepi In a convenient place for examination by aald Agent or by any member of the Board.

All Peraoaa who thall violate any of the for* going rcgulatlona .ball forfeit a turn sot ex ctdiiag one hundred dollar*.

AS regalatloaa of the Board of Health lacon ■litest herewith are hereby repealed.

WM. B, PBDBICK. i lu.r.l E. 11. DICK1B, \ Of B. a. YATES, M.D. J Health.

Mm aprl

ALABASTINE! Dg Walla aad Celling*. I atertalkaowa. It 1* far i aad mere economical.

for Walla- Hwfll nay card aadl'.-iUaaoalala to

1U as a wall Onlih nataral aad dur- — yon toaend

able diaoovi are astquali able flnlahf- tor aamnle

Aveiili Faint Co., 19 Federal St, BOSTON,

Absolute Dlvoroaa without Publicity. HDaacTtlon, noa-aupport, in temper aaoe, fto, Advice aod circular* containing lull Informa- tion for atamp*. Ex Judge Bigelo*. 17 Weal lllb atreel, New YOfh. .,

dh way *f *as A TKAE, aad expenBea la

$777££:.™",S"'/-'" J999* AHUM,


FLORI8T8. Cut liowerr, Bonqaeta, Wraalhs, Pillow*.

C'roBtea, aad all Drelffaa lor Funeral* a apac laity.

303 ESSEX STREET. Qr«anho««dS comer Broadway ard

Acton Streets-

ALLAN LINE Royal Mall Steamers,

raoM Boats at every Thatraday twr Llv.rp eel vlal^BdeBderrytoaeriagBUperbaeco^m^ ngaupeibai

t moderate itaow, «i

Lawrence American. LAWRENCE, MASS.


TUB Vexed question as to barber shops and Sunday, ia just now troub- ling Cleveland, which city has an or- dinance prohibiting the opening of these places on the Sabbath, but the courts have decided shaving to be

necessary work" on Sunday, and therefore permitted by the statcte, so that the local law is illegal.

NEWSPAPERS are frequently among the most potent means for detecting criminals, but not' often as was tbe case in Montreal, where a thief hod

a bundle of merchandise from store, had thrown his parcel ont

of a rear window, and would doubt- less have followed in safety, bad not a paragraph in a newspaper lying by, attracted his attention; ho atopped to read, a police officer came along, and

tie WAS caught.

ABD Now, a French scientist Is conspiring against tee-lotalisni, by declaring that careful analysis re- veals alcohol In river, rain, snow and sea water, In this fluid everywhere, save some very exceptional spring- water, and he ailrtns that alcohol exists in a atale of vapor in the air. What are we to drink, if nil water contains alcohol? We suspect the learned Frenchman is tbe secret agent of the lager beer manufacturers.

rom ULASUOW, OAL.WAT ami ailBBMrreWB for BOB-foM direct. Kiad l realmtnl aad eoexfort for Steerage Paaaengcra i, made i aaeetalty by thla Line. Outward and Prepsld Ylehala aa low aa by aay other Aral

ror Outward aad Prepaid Ticket* *paty 10 Thoa. UrlBn, M White St ; P. Murphy. t£ Kite* St.; Geo. I* "age, Ml B**ex and lot Lowell St.; JaMsaMorphy,«B*aexSi.;M*ata at Lawrence. Or to Care ft Ahlen. Ucneral Paaaeaier Areata.B Stale Street, Botlon, *7 Broadway. New York. t* «ui det a

TUB UNIVEBSITIES of this country, which, in their foundation, and early history, were generally of a distinc- tive religious character, have nearly nil of them lost their peculiar charac- teristics. A recent careful canvass of the students at Harvard, which has long been supposed to lean to TJnlta- rtanlsm, show* that of the whole num- ber, the Episcopalians bnvc twenty- nine per cent., the Congregationalists above seventeen, and the Unitarians rising twenty-two per cent. In like manner, Brown has lost its distinctive character as a Baptist, and Yale as

a Congregational college.


Parlor Suits, Centre Tables,

Etaeerieu ■luck

Frtneh KxtettaloB Tahlee 111 a eft. Wal sat Blde-Bsai


Better and Finer Class of Goods In our I,in**.

J. PIL8BURY. Jr.. N.i. MM K.-.-X

T\B. D. T. rOKTKIi,

DUN TIST I Office and Residence, Portor'i Bleed

B.YS Raaaa Mtreat LIWKRM

LAKE AUBURN MiniTJil Splint:

WATER, Nnlii. .-'« Wnndctrfnl Remedy

For BrlRht's Disease, all dlaaasaa ol the Kidneys,Llvorand Stomach. Also Bhou matlam, Piles, Bumora, and Dropsy Send for book free.

fioaton Agent*: SCRIPTURE ft PAREBK.S3 Court Buuarc. C. K. MOODY. 71 Commercial ttrect, BuDBWBLL ft ADAMS, 1M Tremoni alreet. VHW apl rb

Hewi. _ _ B i able Pa I la. Shaft Babbera, Scrub Bruahea, Tar, Wooden D poors, window Glaa*. Water Palla, ' Waat'a Enamel Dreealng

oiaoofrctii, far Carriage Topa, Ualvaalaed Iron Palla, WbitswaahBrashea, Harneaa Soap. waaragaa Soap. Imllgo, William.' Barber Bar Kalsooiiae,all tint*, Soap, London Purple, Whale OllSoap, Light draining LmaeedOll, Wlaaor ft Newtoa'a Lard Oil, Tube Color*.

In quantities to suit at Lowest Market Prices.

191 ESSEX ST.. LAVEENOE. Ilv laaa

Floral Designs. Wreaths,Croaaea, LvroB, Harps, PtUowa

Crowna, dnchora, BouQtiata. *f.,

Made of Choice Flewera.aed al abort aotlee. Can be obtained cheap at (be Urecnboueeaof

T- D. H ALLEY, corner Manchester and Washington Straeta,

But one mlaute'a walk from Broadway leading filhecemeierlet. Main Urechouica and Uarden al bead 01 Waahlngton BlrtOt. »lfal

CHlBAP AMI) GOOD.—National Coffee J Pot; 417 aold; Perkiaa and Home Study

and Library Lamp, 2(H»old; Uranlle Iron Tea Pota.ewaold. Look at them and exaaaiaethe llatofasaaetofperton* ualng Ibem. JOHNC DOW A CO-, si" B**ex atreet.

TEN PER CENT Annual Interest,

_ ..Id quarterly, 4th dividend payable Ma, For fall partlealar* eaad lor M page ilinatrattd



Wanted. Canvaaaer* la every

eoaaly la this Btaaa la

Stack. BTXAST ABI> HI aixABLa aatrLoiaiajrr **GOOD WAUErt. Ex partaae* lathe baalaeaaaotrequired. Nareerlee widely and favorably kaewa. Far leraae ad- dress O, L. VAB BUSES,

Ooaen Huraerlee ( atablUhed ISM. |

leow lit feblS

Bralaee, Slraiaa, Crlok In the •Ide.baokorhlpa.StiffMmclct, Swollen Joint*, Kheeniaiiam,

AME s> AHI/ awoima rotate, aiiietiae, At/lV Neuralgia, rleuriay Pale*, and

^^ --aaeMUwrLoealorl>eepBeBted

aadf the complete medical virtue* of Hope, BtskeelUaoothlag aad *trengtbeuiog. Easily applied aad awre cMoaelou* than tbe Hop Bag orPonlUcs. Try it aad yon will alwayaut* It.

entaor flvelorgl. CARTER, HARRIS ft HAWLEY.

f teat oelt a BotTOB. BAM.

THK GBOWIBO diminution fn at- tendance upon Hahbalh sctvlce, was the subject of Dr. Newmau Hall'sdls- course rcceutly, wherein he argued that this tendency was not alone ob- servable iu this country- Ue ex- pressed regret that a majority «f English church goers content them- selves with the morning service on hunday, leaving the churches almost empty in the evening. IUs figures as to London are as follows; "Lon- don has four millions of people, of whom one-half might at one time be at church ; but for these two mil- lions there is only church accommoda- tion for one-half, and of these one million or seats only half a million

are at any ono time occupied."

Te Barvewa S-a-*r*ra--TIaa«r»et Bar** ptta Baaaadp—Br, *. B. Biaepaaa'e

flaaatae ■edlalma.

It la a poaltlre oars for Sperautorrhea, Semi- sal Waakieaa, impolency. ami all dines*** re- aaBteg fiem aelf Abase, as Mesial Anxiety Loaaoi MemonF—' Paia* la Bad orSide.asddi* eaaaa that load te'Joioim itl" laaaaUy aad early grave.

Tba Bp*< Medlclaa la

ted a SW.7

smMBka J .**^*******k «i lead AfJBUraMB- ^W| SBBBL

injtuoa wm*mZM * 7™vL^^™al

rul anc-""^i—s«**am

WANTED. bracing Tree*. Bbruba, Vlaea, Roaea, fto. For teraia, addraaa, etatlag aga, prevloua occupa- tion aad name* as reference.

Seat* marts 8.T.CABROM,

Aagaata, Maine,


A-EfOHIITBCrX Rooms H and..12

taaiip Bank Build-in*- lawrenc

pbleta aeat free to all. Write for them aad get full particular*. Price, SueclBc S1.00 par package, or ilx packtgot for g.'i. Ad preaa all orders la

J, B. IIRPBOR MED1CIME CO., Buffalo, N. Y.

Sold la Lawrence by II. M. WHITS BT ft CO.. aadatlDruggl.t*. OBO.C.GOODWIE 1 <— Wholeaale Agrnt*,Boeton, Ma**.

THI BILLKRICA FAMILY SCHOOL, for Boy*, Blllertca, Maaa., I* dealgaed to be

a Home School of the Brit order. For Informal Uonwe refer to Dr. C. P. Merrill, North Ando- rer; Bey. A. L. Hosghton, Lawreaee; Moeee Footer, Eaq., Aadover Na. Bank, aad Bar. C. O Ueaaey, pastor ol tba Firal Pariah, Blllcrlra. aad member of flute Beard of AMucation; ami lor Clrealar aaad to

M C.MITCHBLL,PrlacIpa1. feed U dee

IN THE DEATH O( IIou. Stephen N. Htockwcll, for so long a period one of the editors of the Boston Journal, one ofthe conspicuous Journalists of Massachusetts is removed from his profession. Mr. Sloekwetl possessed rare industry and faithfulness, full ot energy ncd life, conscientious and painstaking, while in all bis public eflorls he exempli lied the broad gener- osity, devotion to principle and dis- criminating judgment winch marked his character, and won the warmest esteem and affection of bis extended circlo of acquaintance. He had been a member ofthe house of representa- tives and state senate, and held other public offices; he was the first presi- dent ot the Massachusetts Press As- sociation, and among none, except his immediate familly, will he be more missed and mourned, than by his associates in this organization His was a pure, ennobling, maulj l\fe, and his is tbe Christian's reward

Weekly News Brevities. ■ '■«,. '

Friday. The eatlre railway mail service of tbe

coaBtry I* to be re-orgulaed. The river Thtlaa la Hangary, has over-

flowed, and one thoagaad acres of wheat have baefl destroyed.

Last Bight a shook of eartaqBake was felt at Qoebec, aarScleatly strong to awak- es people froes aleeo.

The BBtUe city of Seville, 8 pal a, la threatened with lausdaUoa, and many hoasea have already been aadertalned.

Albert CBBnlaghaai of Weetflekl. N. n., wasatrsek OB the face by a tree ha was fell log, two days ago, aad fatally I u tared.

AtinoBncemeat was aiade of tha rallqra of tba Maw Jersey Metnery Coaapaay, at No. 87 Wall Btreet, N. Y. Liabilities, 1100,000.

At the auction sale of tha Brlnley col- lection of booke. In New York, Uia Qut- teabent Bible sfaa knocked down to Ham- ilton Cols, for SSOM.

Tha Indiana heaae of rep rase nUtlvea oaapaaaed a Jolat reaolatlon amending tbe conautnUoBSO as to allow woatea to vote at State eleeUons.

Yeaterday morning about 700 horse oar drivers and coodactora. oa Uw roads la Chicago, attack for higher wages. No cara are ranalag aa yat,

Tba tugboat 8. B. Jones, at Gloucester, ■truck a reek last evening and sank. Tha vessel Is ownad by Charles 11. Bojnton and Capt. Nicholas Qoaglos.

Tba poilUon of ehalraaa of UM Ute commission, made vacant by tba resigna- tion of Mr. Manpenny, baa bean teaderett to Judge Thomas A. Mcalorrla, of Lead-

He. Barbara Laaara, a child, aad J. Haas-

hagnl, a boy 8 years old, ware burned to death la New York, yeaterdar, the former by kerosene oil, the latter while playing at a bonfire.

The lea gorge at Yaaktown, Dakota, broke oa Wedneeday Bight, Bad the water la the river Is rapidly falling. Macu dam- age to properly has reaalud ha the sab- merged portions of tha city.

Lord Beaconaueld paaaed yesleiday free from any dlelrasslng ajmptoms. Bis weakness Is BOW UM chief aonrce ol snil- sty. At 1 o'cloek thla mornlag tbo condi- tion of the patient was unchanged.

Tha MasaacbBsatta mills at Lowell have closed a contract for a large order ol goods for tha China trade-enoogb. It la deemed probable, to take tba eatlre pro- duction of the anils for sight month*.

General Sherman baa been re-elected president of tbe Society ol tha Arasy of the Tennessee, aad St. Louis will bo the place of meeting neat yea.*. At tba Soci- ety's banquet la Cincinnati, last night, ex- President Hayea made a apeeeh oa the re- aults of the war aod the unparalleled pros- perity of the country.

Saturday. The new Roast an Ciar will visit K*n-

peror William, nextjtnouth. Over foar hundred peraoaa have died ol'

tbe plague, In afeBopolamla. The trial of UM late Oxer's a«aa>elBS, la

now progressing at SL.PeUrsberg, Alexander S. Sawyer was drowned la

the harbor at Portland, He., yeaterday. Then ware thirty-three deaths from

small pox la Havana, during tha put weak.

AS Lack, a Chinaman, was hanged at Nevada City, yesterday, forthe murder of a fellow countrymau, In 1879.

By tbe burning of tbs rolling mill at Topcka, Kansas, yeaterday, pioparty val- ued at 9100,000 was destroyed.

Tba death of Joseph Bullus or MerldaD, Ct., was tha result of injuries received In a runaway accident, oa Wedneadty night.

At IS o'cloek, last Bight, Lord Beacona- neU's condition was uochaaged. Al 1 o'clock tula morning he was sleeplog com- fortably.

Three horse thieves were overtaken lo Bill eoaaty, Texas, yrsterday, by vigi- lantes from Johnson, and aautnaiHy dis- posed of.

It la ealimated thai between foar aad alx thousand persona were killed by the earthquake at Cnlo, aad doable that asm- bar were Injured.

lathe Lowell police court, yeaterday, Ilorton P. Hale, charged with atieatptlag to kill Mary E. P. Sauborn, by poisoning her, was held lo $7000.

Thomas Kleraaa waa run over by cara at the Bab-ln street crossing of tbe Btoa- logtoo railroad, at Hartford, OL, and probably latally Injured.

Burglars bave stolea S60 worth of moulders' tools frost the foaadrtas of lleywood, Wllaon A Co., and Putnam Machine Company, at FttcbbBtg.

The safe of F. M. Welbora, merchaat at Owensville, led., was blown open by burg- lars early yeaterday morning, aod] SWno, deposited by farmers, waa stolen.

Ia tba boat race on the Thames yeater- day, between tbe Cambridge and Oxford crews, tba latter were the winners by foar lengths tn SI ntnetos Off 1-1 second*.

James Lunt was killed at the Cumber- land Mills paper win, at Portland, Ma., yeaterday, by falling lato tba machinery. lie leavea a widow and three children.

Stephen N. Stockwell, for many years connected with tbo Boston Joaroal, aad for several yeara paat managing editor, died at his realdcHca la tba lligblaod*, yeaterday.

Tbo floods at Yaaktoo aad Sluex City have subsided, and all danger at tbeee points Is over. Tha water la the Miaaou- tl, at Omaha, however, *s twenty feet above low water mark, and at last ac- counts serious resslte were apprehended.


QCD. M. W. Cary died at Edgulleld Court tlonse, B. C-, Saturday.

Lord Ueaconaflidd la allII very weak and his condition occasions great anxiety.

All of the late Cstr*a asssaeina bars been convicted and sentenced to death by' lug.

Charles Bradlaucb bss beeu re-elected to the British house of common* from Northampton.

A Coflneil Blnffa (la) dispatch says Fully 600 people are here from tba low lands, which are submerged.

Andrew Forrester of South Hamilton, Out., Saturday, ahothla wife; cause, do- mestic difficulties. She nay recover.

Brigands near Sslonlca bave captured go Kngllabmau named Buter, manager of the Opomella mines, sud demanded £18,- 000 ransom for him.

Thomas Carlyle has bequeathed the books hs uacd In writing the lives of Ol* Ivor Cromwell and Frederick the Great, to Harvard University.

Sstarday a fall of top coal In the mine of tbe Acadia Compasy, Bear Hlellarton, N. 8., caused a cesasUon of all work for a time. John Nash waa cruahed to death.

A Are says aa Havana dispatch, baa de- atroyed tbe village of Caato a Badjo, known as being the scene ol several of the principal actions la the flret insurrec- tlon.

Barbara Baraa, 7 years old, who was so shockingly burned Friday, while playing around a bonfire, near bar bonae In Ports- mouth, B. H., died after anSeiiag great agony.

Mrs. Charles Ballon of Saranac, Mich., known aa tha Mammoth Queen, died Fri- day. Her weight, when with abowa, was •lated as S70 pounds. Har weight, before death, was 400 pounds.

The remains of the late Seoator Car- penter, escorted by tba aeaata committee, reached Ml! waukeoon Baterday afleroooa. Bad were conveyed to the coert boose, followed by a vast concourse of cltlseae. The burial occurred yesterday afteraooo at Forert Home cemetery, near Mllwan-

Plaaeta la April.

Jnpiler is evening star until the 22d, when, coming into conjunction with the sun, be bids farewell to tbe even- ing sky, and, passing to tbe aun's western side, commences his role of morning alar. Tbe prince ot planets appears now in lowly guise, for his dimensions are small, being farthest away, and be is drawing ao close to the snn that he will BOO* be hidden ID

UM brightness of his rays. Bat tha planetary Interest of the month culmi- nates around thai fUat orb, the great twenty-year conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn In the sign Taurus occurring about half-past seven o'clock on tbe morning of the 33d, when Jupiter pasaea nearly one degree and a third north of Saturn. It la called the twenty-year conjunction, because that time will pass before the phenomenon is repeated, and centuries will roll on before the planets will pass so near each other In tbe sign Taurus. Tha present conjunction is made sUll more noteworthy since Jupiter, two hoars after thla conjunction with Saturn, comes into conjunction with the sun, Saturn having paaaed bis conjunction with tba sun just twelvo hours previ- ous. Three important events, thero- tore, occurs wlthla the space of twelve hoars. They are the conjunction of Saturn and "the sun, the close con- junction of Jupiter and Saturn, aod the oon|uoctton of Jupiter and the sun. These are rare times lor studying planetary movements, for phenomena are occurring that will not be repeated for centuries to come. A student of the stars at this period of unusual ac- tivity can hardly help feeling that the positions of these brother and sister orbs may Indirectly influence tbe plac- et on which we dwell, in a different way, however, from that marked oat lu the dim vision ot ancient astrolo- gers. Unfot tunatcly, this triple array of conjunctions will be Invisible to terrestrial observers, the planets being too near the snn to be seen. Imagi- nation must sketch tbe brilliant picture of the aun and the two great spheres moat nearly resembling their mighty lord, in such close proximity. To those familiar with the configuration of tba stars, the bright pictures made *by planetary movements are as vividly and accurately impressed on the mind's eye as are tbo actual scenes on the eye of the ordinary observer. These triple conjunctions will aa sure- ly be painted ou the celestial concave, though invisible to human vision, as the sun will nee on the 28d with tbe two planets as morning stars on bis western side.

The theory of planetary action as a powerful force in the production of sun spots is more strengthened than weakened by careful observation du- ring the last month. The war of the elements has not ceased, Tbe BUD continues to be l.laekeoed aod spotted In marvellous fashion, rough and rag- ged cavernous depths of huge dimen- sions marring his brilliant disk, and tongues of flame bursting In all direc- tions from his agitated boundary Hoe. No astonoraer Is wise enough to ex- plain the eause of the Intense solar activity, while almost all satronomers agree that the disturbed condition of tbe sun In reflected in the disastrous meteorological phenomena oa the earth. Tbe March annals record among other events the great earth- quake la tba island of Ischia, that caused tbe death of three hundred of the inhabitants; an earthquake In Switzerland in a milder form, aad the severest storms of the season In tbe Western States, pouring ont vials of wrath la gales, floods, snow blocksdee and wrecks. Catastrophes like " were more uuexpectedslnce they took place near the tlmo when the genial sunbeams illuminated tbe earth from pole to pole, anil more benign Influ- ences were hoped for. Meantime, though Jupiter is receding from tbe snn, his perihelion influence may still be felt as a disturber on the solar orb, and hie decreasing power may be more than counterbalanced by the on-rush of Uranus, Saturn and Neptune to tbelr perihelia. We bare thus fol- lowed the course of Jupiter from his opposition hut October when be be came evening atar, and we can trace bis progress In reversed order from his conjunction on the 22d, when he be- comes morning star, to the opposition of next November, when his appatrnf circuit of tbo heavens la completed He acts on the 1st of tbo month about twenty minutes bctore eight o'clock ; at the close of the month be rises not far from a quarter before live o'clock, a few minutes before sunrise.

Saturn ia evening star until the Slat, when at nine o'clock In tbe evening he comes into conjunction with lite sun, and becomes morning star. His conjunction with Jupiter has already been described, and his movements an so nearly allied with those of bis brother plsnet that the portrayal of the one includes that of other. Saturn seta now about eight o'clock; at the eod of tbe month he rises not far from a quarter before five o'clock, very nearly at the same time with Jupiter.

Venus Is evening star, and having Just passed her period of greatest bril- liancy, Is now fair to see, as piercing tbe ethereal depths before the sun has sunk below tbe horizon, sha shines in bewitching loveliness amid tbe glory ot the dying day. Increasing In size and radiant glow as tbe sun sets and the evening shades advance. No member of the starry host can now compare with her ia size or delicacy of coloring, or in the soft, pensile beauty peculiarly her own. But a change will come over the queen of tbe stars, for tbe greatness of her glory aa oven- lag star is passing away. As she ap- proaches the earth tbe Illuminated por- tion of her disk grows more Mender, and soon her light and size will per- ceptibly decreaae. Kach evening ahe will set earlier than on the preceding, until, at tbe close of the month, she wilt set so soon after the sun as to be invisible, and we sbaillose the radiant evening atar that graced the sky during the passage of autumn, winter and spring. Venus sets now about ten o'clock ; at the end of the month a little before half-past seven o'clock.

Uranus Is evening star, and may be seen by the naked eye on clear, moon* less nights. His position has changed

but little from that af hut month, sod ha still may be found near a small star IntiubiiidleffoftaaUon, and form- ing a triangle with Kegulus sad Dem- oola, the leading stars or tbe constel- lation, being a few degrees south and nearly midway between them. He riaea BOW about a quarter before four o'clock; at the close of the month, about a quarter before two o'clock.

Mercury is morning star, aad reaches bis greatest western elooga-

i, or greatest distance from the , oa the 7th. For a week before

and after that usse ha aay be seen with the Baked eye, this being one of the three favorable periods for picking him op daring the year, though his southern deolination iacreases the dif- ficulty of finding him. He most be looked lor about an hoar before sun- rise, about twelve degrees south of the sunrise point. Those observers who have tha good fortune to obtain a glimpse of the only planet that twinkles will be wall paid for early rising. Mercury rises now not far from a quarter before five o'cloek, nearly an hour before tbe aun; at the end of tbe month be rises at half-past four o'clock.

Mart Is morning star, and tt not yet near enough to be an object of interest though be la coming towards us aad will soon attract aUantloa In tha morning sky. He rises now about ten minutes after four o'clock; at the eod of the month about ten minutes alter three o'clock. The April moon fulls on the 14th. The new moon of the 29th of March comes lato con- Junction with Venus oa tha 1st, pas- sing about 1 1-2 degrees south of the radiant planet. The waning moon pays her respects to Mars on the 24th, aad to Mercury oa the 26th, The day before bar change aha is la eon* junction with Saturn, and sha closes her circuit by passing near Jupiter, har conjunctions with the new-born morning stars being doubtless beauti- ful to behold, but hidden from view in the sun's eclipsing rays, The new moon of tba 68th passes near Veans, but this picture is also invisible.

The planetary studies for April are more for the mental than tbe physical eye, the most Important being those that are invisible. Tbe conjunction of Venus and the moon will form tha loveliest picture of tbo month, and

ill possess an additional Interest) since, for nearly a year to come, the fairest of the stars and the stiver cres- cent will not be seen together In the evening sky. Mercury will shine in the morning dawn for two weeks, and any observer who discovers him amid the brightness of the son's advancing steps will never forget the brilliant picture, for aeeing Mercury is an event to be remembered for a lifetime. He reaches at the present elongation bla extreme distance from the aun, more than twenty-seven degrees. But he is so far sooth that he Is less likely to be seen than when in February he was ao plainly visible. For though at that time only eighteen degrees from the aun, he was much farther north and much more favorably situated for observation. Tbe conjunctions ofthe great planets with tbe sun end with each other are by far the most impor- tant events of the month. Though in- visible, the results will soon be seen, for no great length of time will pass before Saturn and Jupiter will be vis- ible near the sun as morning stars, the planets having paaaed each other and started ou a fresh sweep towards terrestrial domains. The conjunctions of the SUB with the two greatest plan- ets of tha system at nearly the same time Is a rare event, and low who note Its passage will be here to see the re- petitionof the phenomenon. The rec- ords of ancient astronomy chronicle tbe occurrence of an epoch when the son was In conjunction with live plan- ets. No modern research substanti- ates the assertion, but ii such a com- bination were within the possibilities of planetary movement, and tbe snn was totally eclipsed at tbe same time, what a glorious spectacle would be un- rolled before observant eyes 1—Provi- dence Journal.

DacUr'a Latin.


An effort Is being made to induce doctors to stop writing their prescrip- tions la Latin and ate United States language. So many inoffensive sink people have boon killed by druggists patting up lobelia and other danger- ous drugs in place of some mild and gentle purgative, which the system requires, on a Latin prescription of an M. D. physician, that a society to the Kast threatens to take the law into Its own hands and pat a stop to it. Aa a usual tiling the physician who gradu- ates with high honors at some high- toned morgue, does not know any more about too common English brauchei than la good for him, and his handwriting Is the merest goosetrscks —s tort of delirium tremens on paper. Now when you come to pat - this Into Latin, to be road by a aleepy prescrip- tion clerk who has been routed out of bed at midnight In bla shirt sleeves, there can only no one result. Tbs patient will be worse next day. A sleepy drug clerk is only human; aod when be strikes ono of those ingredi- ents io the prescription where It tolls blm to put up three saw-teeth of po- dophpllum and the word looks more tike pennyroyal then tt does podopby- llum, and more like peppermint than either one of them, ho tt liable to trust a good deal to luck and put In that which ia the least injurious. No drug clerk cares to lose a good position by not being able to read a stroke of lightning; and the result ts ha puts up something and then charges enough more to make op for what bo doesn't know. There are fifty millions of peo- ple la this country whose lives, to a greater or lees extent, rest on pre scripUon clerks: and the eastern so ciety who bave flung their banner to the breeze and sounded the death of the dead languages, will be embalmed in tbe hearts of a grateful posterity. They are doing a noble work. Dead languages are good enough for dead people; but they eminently out of place in this age of animated things. Of course the leaping off of the ex- crescence will bring doctors down to a level with ordinary mortals, and they will have to lake their chances.— Peck's Sun.

—There are 184 prisoners at the Jail and house of correction.

—Mr. Mbrrtsey Is glvlag the COBUBOB

IU annual spring cleaning. Dr. Sargent la repairing the Parkins

bonae, recently purchased by faint. Mrs. Martha A. Boss of Qrovetaod, hat

been appointed Matron of the Day Nar- serjr.

—It Is net anllfcely tbst the High school Alumni will have a sociable soon after Kaater.

—Too aovs are ahraaty talking sp the matter ef the Banal rids oa awraebaek May morning.

—Tba coanty commUsloaera say that toe Grovelaad bridge wilt be open again for public travel la July.

-Nsthaa Holt, employed at the Boston A Maine shop, had his left hand badly ten while operatlsg a lathe, Friday.

A new boiler has been ordered for Esses i steamer. It will be made at the Amoskeag works la Manchester.

— rrlnclpal B, B. Ruaaell of the Oliver school, has bean elected secretary of tha Essex cooaty teachers' ssseelstioa

—Mrs. Theodore Parker, sister of Oeo. D. Csbot, of this city, died At her resi- dence In Boston, Saturday evening.

Edward II. Rice, formerly principal ofthe High school lo this city, now bss charge of the Upton High school lo this stats.

Bov. Mr. Miles of Mertdeo Coaa., has accepted the call of the Central church oftbla city, aad will BOOB move his fami- ly hare.

—Fred E. Clarke, K»q , and ex-Alder- man M. W. Coppa, attended the faaera) of the late Hon. llocum Uoaford, 1B Low- ell, Saturday.

Mr. Joseph BT. Jamea, formerly over- of repairs at tha Maachtsler, N. H„

Mills, occupies a similar postUos si the Central Pacific.

—Tha assessors are paid their salary only twice a year, In September aad Jan- uary, and BOW tbe city Boveraawut Is to be asked to pay more frequently.

The April drat Issue of Mr. Whit nay's paper, at Marshall, Mian., was re* Juicing over the prospective breaking of the tevsBty-two days railroad blockade.

Storekeepers abould use atore thas customary caution Just now lo protecting their stores and affects, aa a gaugof barc- lays tie working very successfully lo this vlclalty.

The assessors have act yet takes of tha mortgagee. In anticipation of a change In tha law. There La now before tbo wgte- latare a bill to prevent doable taxation or mortgages.

—The UolreraelietBooisty are tusking preparation* for their anosal May fair, to be haul In UM veetry of tba cbarcb, on Wednesday sad Thursday evenings, May 4th and 8U'. A good time Is anticipated.

At Walnut 11111, Saturday, Mr. O. M. Jewell scared 78 eut of 7 shots, at the MassgebasetU target,and 49 In the Record match (Crcedmoor) 10 shots. The best score la the latter match was 80 polau and Lo lbs former 78.

—The funeral of the young man Dea ulng, who was killed 1B tba Washington Mills, took place from hit father's real. donee. In Methuen, a dekgstioa from the Mlaatrel Boy Lodge of Shepherds attend- ed tbe funeral servlcia.

—The Lawroacs Setting Company, at Mulviue, of which Her. William Bowes, formerly of this oily, Is agent, employ over 10O men aad bota, and their monthly pay roll Is orer $3000. They are prodae- lag 8000yards of felting per day.

-W«. Pickles, aged IT, and Philip By an, aged 18, got Into aa altercatloi the other day, when Pickles struck his op- pOBOflt In the arm with a knife. Inflicting a Blight wooed. In the police court Mon- day, be paid a fine of 88 tad coats.

—The electlou of major In the Blath* Keglmaat Flday evanlag, resulted In the choice of Captain Grady of Company II. Capt. Grady has been In command of Co. II. Blest March 7,1879, having previously held tba offices or 2nd gad lat lleotetaota In Older named.

—The following wu overheard In tba Salem ear* last week, by a genUemaa who sat lo front of UM partiee. Yoeng man i "Your father baa gives ap bla milk- route I belkref" Tssag WteBOBt "Yes, bs Is betiding a silo, end la going to max.-, lag macllBge."

—Daniel Baros hired ahorse and car- riage at Plnkhsm's stable Suodsy, aad drove to Lowell. Hitching the horse oa Suffolk street, be called on some frlenda, aod when he returned lbs team was mls- BlDg. When last heard froB It was being drives towards CbsuBsford.

—Three young men recently from Maine, saw some boys playing ball at the comer or Harapahlre and CheatBUt * tree La, Sunday afternoon, aad tbe spirit moving I

they took their hymn books sod be- - gan chanting. Soon a large crowd col- lected, sad ona of them opened a prayer meeting, Which was la progress whea Officer ariffta came along and summarily stopped proceedings.

Some malicious mischief makers, have been cutting Into the bark of a large aam- ber of UM maple trees on the Commoa, which are eoaseqaeBUy "weeplag" freely," tbe aep running down the trunks copious- ly ) should tbe police or toy well disposed elUasn catch theae vandals at their work

f deetrnellon. It would be well ahoald there be made aome vigorous application of boots to tbe rascals.

—Mr- Cbarlee B. Kent, of the Arm of Jonathan P. Kent, bakers, accompanied by bis foreman, Mr. Alex. B. Brace, hat goat to Buffalo. N. Y . to examine new machinery which it 1* proposed to Intro- duce into tbe bakery hare. Owlag to thslr Increasing patronage tber have found It necessary to add to their facil- ities. A new ores for baking French crackers la now belag coostrocted here.

—A teacher leoeeot oar peWle schools picked ap a note from tbt floor on the first day or April, supposing or coarse, that ahe waa Intercepting aome claades- Uae correspondeucei the note read aa fol- lows:—"The feller that pleat ap thla aota la tha biggest great April fool la the whole world." She was t good nxtured teacher, however, aad aald nothlsg, although the brilliantly red cheeks of a coaple of rw- gulab boys wbo rat near, told the whole a lory.

I UUlTUHgr, proas *]fn hjj^-'|VJfii ^^sTos^^m^^^ sg"1. wli»K.&-"T» i #. , 'Lzr^zriz: liBv^lihWjBBraasammSfc .Hr™,

Lawrence American LAWRKNCS, MASS.


Weekly News Brevities.

Tuesday. Base ball at New York, yeatarday—

Mulropoliiaua, 10| Worcester*. S

At 1 o'clock thla morning the condition of Lord Beaconafleld wit unchaauod.

Ei-Hirihil Ban In* bu challenged Ad- miral Joaarrx, Preach ambassador, at Madild.

eiuautehlp Travaacore haa rutereed la New Tori fbr repairs, ber machinery having become disabled off Namuckel.

By the fall of an elevator yesterday, at Piyasptoa aad Co.'a paper meu a factory. at Hartford, t,t.. two girls ware slightly lajartd.

Twa four-year old daughter of C H. Elliott. 01 Bameef, M H , waa badly scalded yeaterdai, by felling Into a backat of hot water.

Klebard ilanlly, uf Broohlya. B.T.. a lawyer, yesterday rtcovar*d ledgaseat lor •70.CM sgaiaat ltaui. I W. Feaaendwa aad Charlee W. Ooddard.

A« evening papar aaya ths Qabec gov- araoMDt la la financial atralte, the whole of tba #4.000,000 loaa being u ponded aad more atooey nqalrcd.

livery 11. Brown, a farmer, aad a brolh- ar or Judge Charles W. Brown, or Suua- fiint, (:i., haagt-d blmeeir la aa oat boaaa naar hla residence, yeatarday.

Tba si-ateac* or death waa laally to tba Czar's aaiiaaaiM at Hi. Petersbaig yesterday, aad Uwy have baaa allowed twenty-four boere to eppoel.

Tba general freight agvau of tba Eaal- era trunk llaea, at their meetlag la Chica- go yeatarday, reduod rataa oa grata to SI seats par haadrvd BSSSsl

la tba soprrm* ooart at Coecord, M. II , yeatarday, Freak Carrier. Indicted for breaking aad catering, waa aaauacad to iba atatw prlaoa for five years,

A violent shuck of earthquake, last lag foar aacoada, aad lacreaaiag gradaally la strength, paaaad over UM lalaad or Ohio ytaterday, followed by tba falllag oT house* oa ad skta*.

Tba government's policy ragardlag the maturing bonds, la to call la tba outataud- Ing six per catata oa lbe lat of Jaly, fit- lag bolder*, however, the option of ei- uadiag them at J 1-t par ccat.

The evaeaatloa of Caadaha will bagla to-day aad uraalaala oa tba ltd taalaat. Tba reported deepvraUpoeUloa of Ayoob Kbaa, at Herat, l> not ooaSraaad by tba lataat dlapatcbaa from that point.

A Biddarord. Ma., dispatch aaya t The schooner Saa Uraege, loaded with coal for tba York company, wblld balag towed ap Saco rlvar yaatarday, atrark tba old gov- araaMBt nler. hair a mile below tba wharf, and Immediately aaak.

Tba ooart martial at HatBM baa com- pleted tba trial of tha caaea or fraad la the marine department. Ii baa coademaad tha principal defraader to IB yaara' Im- prisonment at bard labor, aad tha others to various terms of Impilaoosaenl.

Wednesday. Tba St. Petersburg police la to ha la*

creaaed by 760 aoldlara.

Tbara waa a 1100.000 Are IU Whaellag, Weal Virglola, yaaterday.

Tba rlrar at Omaha baa fallaa two mat aad a hair elaca Banday noon.

President Oar field U to deliver the ad- draaa at the Yorhiovn centennial next Oclobar.

Tba Claclaaatl atnwt car d.lvers aad conductor! will aooa demand aa advance oT wagaa.

rraaeabaa attain informed the Bay of Tasks that tba troop* will crom the front- lar to cbaatlaa tba Kromlra.

Tba 10 p. m. bulletin alaba that Lord Beaconafleld paaaed a raatleaa day, aad bad a saver* attack or difficult breathing In tha evening.

Henry Htatgler, or Saw York, wboaa grocery atora waa and Banday night, waa arreeted laat alght, charged with araoa la tba Brat degree.

Tba lea la the month of tba 8t. Lew- raaoa rlvar, oppo*lu> Cap* viaceat, has goaa oat, aad boala are raaalag batweaa that place aad Klngetoa; Oat.

Forty-flve vlllagea baaa baaa awept away by tba recant eartbqaakea la tha lalaad or ChM, aad tha population la many localltlaa baa entirely disappeared.

MB. PARNKLL proooutiOM the new

land bill dangerous and Insufficient,

full of trapa and pUlalls, sad warn*

hla laud league aaaociatea that the

battle is sot ended, hardly began.

CALIroKMiA, In bar anxietj to |>er-

■souta the Chlnamao, enacted s law nuking opium amoking a crime; the Brat peraoua flued under the act, wars three whits men at Sacramento.


Brutal AUeaapt to Kartell a Woaaaa over ttuty Yaara of Aga.

ParrsoLKUM, In varloaa forma, waa

exported from this country daring

February, to tba amount of over

twenty mill loaa of gallons, and of a

vain* of two and a half million dollar*.

JOHN BBIOIT? 1B reported to have said that Americana alone, among mankind, are Is the habit of signing their name* legibly.

Yea; be doubtasaa had that last

letter of ours, before him.

Taw NIHILISTS who ware 00 trial

In Buaaht for the murder of the Csar,

acknowledged their connection wiih

the conspiracy, and scemiugiy atkipa-

ted only one ending to the prosscation,

the conviction which apeedily came.

Wi FCAK that the Methodists, the

church of the people, the endorsers

of Itineracy, are becoming tinctured

with fashion; they propose the erec-

tion of a four hundred thousand dol-

lar church In s "society location in

Mow York city.

TOLKDO baa the sensible custom of

excluding from the ooart rooms dur-

ing trials, all minors, which practice

Slight well be adopted generally ; the

young cannot be benefltted by listen-

ing to the rehearsal of stories of

crime sad wickedness.

Missovsi, gloomy, unpromising

lend of Bourhonism, gives forth a

singular bit of light; three years ago

the cities of St* Loam, St. Joseph.

Kansas City, Jeflersoa City, bpring-

BsU, Carthage, Clinton and Warrena-

borg bad democratic administrations ;

to-day, all are republican.

A GOOD DAY lwr advertisements

was Sunday to the New York Ilmtld,

which leaned a aextuple sheet, con

talalag one hundred, ten and a half

columns of classified business an-

nouncements, out of s total number

of one hundred forty-four; this la

doubtless the largest amount of ad-

vertising ever reached in a single Is- sue by any Mwspaper in the world; but the Iff mid anticipates exceeding

eves this before the busy season is

The corosar*a jary la the esss of Sagert. the Mew York blackmailer, has readared a verdict aioneratlng Detective Campbell, who ahothlm, aad he waa thereupon re- leased.

Michael Loaergan. a Frovldeaee drag clerk, hsa baaa adladgsd probably gallty or BUB-aUaghter, fur patting op belladon- na for extract of bate mat, caaalng the death or tha patient.

A lad named Hlsaclla, aged 6 yaara, was killed, yasb-rdaj, while playing aboat lbs Baaalagtoa Vt. depot. A train was switching, aad two wheels paaaad ovar hla boby.

David Downey aad Michael Broderlck. laborers, were killed by a pranaatare ex- plosion or nltro-gljcerlne, In the Wi shore tunnel at Weat Polat, yaaUrdi Drodtrick resided la North Adasaa.

■serstary Wtadoma policy regarding the malarl ng goverameat boads la I a do re- ed by all prominent Traasary oasclsls aad also by ti Secretary Sherman. Several national banka have already announced their eoncarraaea la the plan.

Tba Hula eteeaier Delay, aaad aa a fer- ry boat at Ceroedelet, while croaalag tha rlvar yeatarday morning, blew oat a cyl- inder head, became unmanageably aad floated down atreeat, bottom ap. Two of her craw ware drowned, aad three others ware rescued.

Jobs Biveae, a farmer near Cape Olrardlaa, bad hla throat eat while la bed Saaday alght. aad died from tha woaad yaaterday. Your persona ware eleepleg la tha room where the tragedy occared.ooe wss s boy Bleeping with tba marderad asaa, sad none aeem to know any thing aboatIt

Thursday. Tba latest estimate Is that BO00 parsons

were killed sad 10,000 tajared by the re- cent aarthqaahea la the lalaad of Cblo,

Secretary Klrkwood baa appointed ex- Coacraaaataa nice of Iowa, to the peel- Honor chief clerk of the ladlaa office.

The opening or the laUraaUoaal ason- atary eoafareaea will be postgoaed for a fortelght, to permit rarther aagotlatleas with Kaglaad.

Tiu Awri-TasATiHa Bat, which a become a law In Wisconsin,

stakes It sn offence punlshsble with a One, to ask sny one to accept a glass of liquor; should the courts not de- ckle the law unconstitutional, it will doubtless soon become, likn the Sun- day and profanity statutes, practical- ly a dead letter from ita own stringen- cy. Not a small share of the evil re- sults of liquor, would be saved, how- ever, could the American custom or "traatlntr" be abolished.

Tboaaanda of people are destitute and homeleaa in the iflaaoarl valley, aad taw deatrectloe or property by the recent floods, will exceed the estlautas hitherto made.

The citizen'* Beak of Atlanta.. Oa., failed yeatarday, with liabilities or about saoo.ono. it la tboaght than are aaeeta enough to cover thla afsoant.

Greece has consented to accept taw Tarblab proposals toecalag tba frontier bouadary, oa condition that the powers gearaatee the loyal aarraadar of the eeded territory.

A report (as yet unconfirmed) cornea from Vienna that tba whole or northern Albania baa rlaea la leearrectloa, aad that 15,000 sen are marchuag agalaet Der- vleh Pasha st Scutari.

Joha roi or Boston, who waa aeu- leeeed to the state prison ror four years la December, 1B7», ror braaklag aad en- tering, ban baaa pardoned by tha govers- or ee account of akkaeae.

A bulletin Uuaad St 10.80 o'clock yea- tarday morning, elated that Lord awSSSSB Bald an reatie*e aad aot inclined to teas nourlahment. Nothing ragardlag hla coa- dltlon baa been alvea to the pabllc elaoa that boar.

Tte defeseo la the case or Bach, the Weal Point cadet, oa trial for shooting Joha O. Thompson, Jr., laat June, la at aged repeated ladlgaitles aad saaaalu offered Buck by Thompeon. The case wsa summed ap last evening.

A letter received by Bepreeeatatlve Wright or Uolyoke from Preeldeat Bab- cock, or tha Coaeettlcai Valley Kallioad Compsay, aaya that by January aait trains will be raaalag ovar tea ex teuton or that road, from Hartford to Heiyobe.

Typhss Taver sad small-poi are agala alarmingly prevalent |a New York city. Last week there ware SB saw caaea or typnee and 51 caaea or smallpox. The aaaall-pox hospital contains now IIS pa- tients, aad lypbas teats shelter fi« aaea aad women.

Oktver'a Gap. la West Vug lain, la la a panic stricken condition on small pox. Train* paaa town without stopping t tha all nick, aad there Is nobody to dead. The disease Is apreadlng to "Bar- too Village, ten miles distant.

THS DBWIOISTS think the new

license fee aa imposition, sad It ia

doubtleaa a hardship upon those who

endeavor honestly to restrict their

sales to legitimately medicinal pur-

poses ; no doubt a large amount of

liquor has been sold In a very looae

wsj, by •one apothecaries, under

their old licenses, but those who

would conform carefully to the spirit

ef the law, may complain that the in-

creased aum is an open premium for

promiscuous sales, as in no other

manner could the business be made

profitable enough to pay such a sum

If the aldermen will only turn the>

attention to toe aham and fraud of

granting Innbolder's licenses, to pro- prietors of gin mills, with perhspe

one, or at best two rooms, under the pretense of keeping a hotel, they

will do something; towards rendering the law respectable.

The partlcalare ef a brutal attempt to commit aa outrage oa the person of a woman over » Sty year* of age, Is tats

city, a few nights since, have .sat baaa

ascertained. The woman'a asms la Mary Ann Bailey, a widow, who has resided for

many years In North Aadovar. Receatly

sna baa baaa employed la tha iually of Hr. Joseph Taylor, No. 4 Portland aireet,

la caring for their children, sad by her'

employers Is apoksn of as s Harmless eld

lady aad trastworthy. One day this week

one ef Mrs. Taylor's children was eefet> lag as vert ly from S cold, and Mrs. Bailey

ooeclnded to ccasalt a Mrs. Ilabbaid, of

North Aedovsr, as to what course of treat-

meat to pursue la caring for. the child.

She waat to North Aadovar la the after aooa, aad procuring a bottle or medicine

from bar, was proceeding oa bar way to

Mrs. Taylor's hems with It la tha even- ing. She had crossed the Bhawahlo

bridge, when she was met by s maa, who

stopped her aad laqatred If he was oa the

road leading to North Aadovar. The old

lady kindly laid aim that be waa. She continued on bar Way, bat had proceeded

only a abort dlalaace further, when she beard footsteps behind her, aad turning,

ssw that the maa whom aha bad only a

raw moments before directed oa the road to North Aadovar, followlag her. She

i frightened aad before she bad

time to collect her thoughts, he suddenly

ealxed her aad drew bar lato tha bashee

which ablrt tha read. He threw her down despite her cries of "marder" aad

help,' and attempted a vile outrage. She stratified with him strsnaoeudj, re-

peatedly endeavoring to atrlke him with

the bottle aba carried, bat without avail.

At the eound or approaching footsteps the maa dealatad aad looking towards the

street lamp, near the croeelng which lesds

from Portland to Msrrlmae streets, be sew two men coming towards him sad

after striking tha prostrate woman a pow-

erful blow In the race.the techeroas wretch

ran through the oeahes aad across the Boston a Maine tracks lato the wood*.

When t» two yosng asse, whose oamca areJubn Flynn aad Bedmond Joyce, of

North Asdover, approached tha woman, aha had arisen to her feet. She told then

r the oatrage that had been attempted

apea her, and they asareaed la the vicin-

ity Tor tha perpetrator, bat he could aot

be found. The old lady waa vary weak

after her atraggle with the brute aad waa

bloedlag profusely at the mouth, from the blow the villlan dealt bar when be saw

thai the approach of Flyaa aad Joyce frustrated his dt-aplcabla dcslgs. Messrs.

Flynn aad Joyce eacorted her to the home

or Mrs. Taylor, where the facts, aa above

gives, were told, bat aot wishing to give tba matter publicity, the woman foollebiy

refrained from notifying the authorities.

The asaault waa committed aboat hair

psat tight o'clock, aad the woman think*

that while the villlan held her apon tba

ground, a team passed by on the road,

aad can only account ror tba occapanU

aot hearing her cries, by the fact that a

high wind was blowing at tba time. Ia the glare of the street light aha aaw her

aaaallaafa race, aad believes aba woald be

able to recognise blm should she see him

agala. Ha wss tall, of light complexioa,

aad Wore a to ng overcoat, tightly be t toned

aboat the throat. The vicinity la which

the aaaaak wss committed, Is last the

place each a brale would select to sasall unprotected females who might bo walk-

ing to or from this city, sad the experi-

ence has been, that lecherous wretches of

his description hsvs made ths vicinity of

that road their principal bannt. The

■hock Mrs. Bailey received, coalaed her

to the hoaae the followlag she Is now relly recovered.


The last meeting of this Association,

for tha season, was held In Ssnnders

Hall, Monday evealoy, a large andlcace attending. From the Inability of several

parties is be present, the programme

was changed rrom the drat arrangement, aad s new order orexerclaes made oat for

the ocaaaloe. Chapman's Orchestra furnished tha

maalc, which «*# entirely Instrumental, aad or whu'-b only words uf praise conld

be said.

Ths Secretary acknowledged the re-

ceipt of s'jadry old papers and documents seal la by friends of tha Aaaoclatlon.

The raclUUona by Mlaa Wetherbee, as

upon the programme, and In saswer to encore*, were In ber usual happy vain.

The pleasure and appreciation of the au- dience waa manifested In frequent ap-

plause. Miss W. never Tall* to win that hearty endorsement that tha Intelligent

always give to substantial excellence.

Space oaly forbids more extended men-

tion. None who heard need rarther re-

minder. This was the Brat appearance of Miss W. before the aaaoclatlon the

present season ; we sincerely hope it will

aot be the last, for she la ever welcome

aad leaves sunshine apon veteran races.

The Miss 0*Kaeffd, wss a fine-

ly written essay upon the "Emlgranta' Mission," read with correct emphasis,

and |a voice reaching every part of the

ball. The first part of the essay treated

of emigration generally, and the effect

apon old communities of large additions

to population from foreign ahorse; the

latter part or the ess ay treated more par-

ticularly of the Irish emigrant, his cbar-

acterlatlcs, bis work In America, and the ass be has made of liberty and opportu-

nity. Although distinctly avowing bar

national pride and loyalty, the fair essay- ist juatlBed alt assertions snd statements

by aa array or facts, and historical rec- ords, making no apologies, snd asking no

oaes pardon for her spirited tribute to the

people abe loves, who, In the abort

period or their lift In a land of liber-

ty, have risen above many of their faults, and taken honorable place In a net. and

broad civilisation.

Capt. Jjhn It Rollins read the follow- ing rhymes I In UM bv-f one daya, UM akaemiu with loaf and

weary sail From "V*"""** "ght. i° evea-Ude aad 'sea by

WuaoiMlM>,aHMikte,andSaakaad forge and

Killed in the Act! m


Twin Brothers Commit Burglary at North


One Shot and Killed by an Out- raged Citizen.


Pull Particulars of aDreadful Affair.


IKOIYIDUALS pay no tax on govern-

ment bonds. Why should savings

banka on that part of tueir deposits

thus invested? These Institutions

hare in real estate, used for banking

purposes, $2,a84,022, upon which

one tax of three quarter* of one per

cent, ia paid to the stair, and another

tax. averaging one and one-half per

cent., oa the assessed values, to the

towns and cities where the properties

are located.


U the bill before the leglalalure, to

relieve from double taxation, becomes

a law, the savings banka will be re-

quired to pay a tax or three-quarters

of one per cent, on their entire de-

posits to the state, also another tax

to towns and cities or one and one

half per cant, oo the 182,481,984 0/

these aame deposits loaned on mort-


Is rr JUST?

The burden of taxation now resting

upon these institutions will be in-

creased by the passage of thia bill, in

It* present form, at least, 81,236,47!).



Should the Mil to reduce the tax on

saving bank deposits to one hair of

one per cent, become a law, these in

an unions would be benefltted by the

first section or the Mil about 854o,U9,

and Injured by the second section, at

least, 8300,000. The total advantage

to tha banka by the paaaage of the

bill, would not exceed 8246,119—or

about one-ninth of one per c en'.

Should the first Mil become

a law, tha tax an sav-

ings bank deposits

woald be increased, 81,286,479

Should the second bill

become a law, the tax would be reduced by Its paaaage,

Should both bills receive

favorable action, too banks would be in-

jured thereby,

In Jnstice to the 706,395 depoaitorn,

many of whom have their all in these

icaUtutfoue, ought not the savings

banks to bo relieved Iron paying a lax on aa much ot their deposits as

la Invested bVgovernment bonds, real estate used for benktug purposes, and loaned oo mortgages of real estate.



Oas day laat week, one of ths yonng

ion who wear the grey nnirorm la this cily, wss Jast starting oa hla route to

collect papers aad letters, when he be*

thought himself of the Idea of riding tha

Meat etas*. lie Imagined blaaair

perched oa tha big wheel, his bag by bis

side, and getting through his work nearly

twice as quick as bis fellow latter car-

rtafe, A friend of hla had borrowed a bi-

cycle for a day or two, ao to him he waat

and begged tha loan or the aald machine.

Not liklag to rarnaa a dear friend, the

the blcjclo waa lent. Oat starts our

rrleed on his roetei all goes well forfa abort dielaace, bat whaa at laat tha rroat

wheel slrack an edgeetoee, the machine

Stopped t oar gray am ted friend dUla't

be kept oa. When he arose hs looked

oa the borrowed bicycle. It my oa the

groaad broken la purees. The animal

which doss not have to be !M, was re-

turned, bat It took tdo to repair hla brokea ribs.

Fire ftaaday Night.

Aboat 11 o'el'h, Saaday Blght,fthe oocu- psats of ths second story or the teneowat

block 36* aad 371 Common street, discov-

ered thd house on Bra and gave aa alarm.

Officer Johnson and others Brat endeavor-

ed to eitiegalah tha Basses, but Boding

that their eeTorte wen rrnllleaa, an alarm was -ounded riooi box 17, which waa

promptly responded to. The Bra orig-

inated about eighteen Inches rrom the

chimney ia a kitchen wall, between the

-heathlng sad lathing, aad rapidly apread

to the ceiling* and the walls of the upper

It was quenched without a drop

of water, the chemical engine doing prompt and effective eervlce. The damage

oot exceed ISO. The building Is own, d by Mr. James Joyce, aad la Inanred with Joha Edward* 4 Co., la the Com

mtrrclal Union company for 83.500.

Fire Thursday Morali>a m About S.1S o'el'h Taareday morning, an

alarm of Bra was raag la from box Bl,

attnaud at the Eaaex eoglae hoaae. The

alarm waa eaaaad by aome one seeing

smoke Issuing from the engine hoaae or

the new wood abed or the Manchester aad

Lawrence railroad on uavarblll St. The

Bra departmeat reapoaded qnlckly, and

l waa aeon extlagalahed. No one

to know how the Bra originated,

waa confined to tha engine houae. Little damnge waa done. This

abed replaced the old one burned here aome lime since.

poor obirviouaor the tmth, aucceaa Bluet failure prove

Aad all hli aoklea aarveiU, L>* but worthlaaa Ireaanre trsve.

Our alcbemiata of aMdern time with akili their work to tUMla, i-vlewed <mr lonllv MSSrianSSa—aad dam aaad fU Sewing Una

Deeeyed Ita pant up water* Uiromh canal and wheel aad Saat*

waked UM baay apiadk'a bun-ue clatter ofUMtnaes.

They eoagMeo royal road to wealth-from nolk M**Nb>nra, mt with Uraleaa ladeatry aad UM alchemy ot

Aad Ihua lato the wanderinx gate of young aa well a. .,1,1 ^

The gWiouallyht waa here dUplayotl, of cotton cheated to gold.

Mr pheaioaa erat peraued- meUiinki tu .aid with truth—

t, where Ui

TUtbiaUMy^ae^nyaboVo aad lake and o'er the raalag aaaln

Grew aU and narUhed-all their hope* chlnera Use and vale;

Their dreema were of material thlnia-tfccli qnest an earthly goat.

Nor beaded man'* dinner part UM fountain of UM

Yet bad UM old CaaUllaa lived la I day

To view our gray heard retrana here. In annual array,

weeMael hu volee have shouted out, louder than UaMpetblaet

Xurekal beoedleilel Ua fouad. It* found atlaatl Long aaar thla fouatala aparkle bright, aad Aaah-

BBJ la the ana. It* youth renewing water* yet through the futon

And a* returning eeaeout, our happy union* bring, "*

Wall ball ear Poace de Lao*, who dlaoloaed it* hidden apriag.

Haary Aoblnaoa, IlurgUr.

District police offlcer Bstchelder, mer- it* the thanka or tha farmers or Me-

thnen, If not the whole community, for

his saeceoeral efforts in bringing to jus- tice oaa of tha worst tbtovss who has

ever Infested this vicinity. HIS name is

Henry Hoblnson, and ror two years be

baa piled hla nefarious call leg In Methnrn, braaklag Into baraa by night, and stealing

therefrom robes and harnesses, tor which

ha round a ready sale with certain livery

stable keepers, who could hardly have

believed that be cane by the property

honestly. Although he was suspected of committing these therts, not until last

weak was tha officer In possession of suf-

ficient evidence to wsrrant hla arrest,

which wss made Sunday. Among bis ex- plolts are the following. Laat Fall be

broke Into the barn or Mr. D. M. Ayer, and stole therefrom a costly wolf-robe,

which he sold In this city. March 7, last,

he burglarized the bare or Patrick Cox. stealing a buffalo robs. On the night of

April first, be broke Into the bsrn of A. C.

Moody, sad paid a second visit to Mr. Ayer*s barn, stealing a valuable harness,

and another baflalo robe from the Moody*. TwoiiftV robes he * >M la

this city snd the harness; the other robe

he auld In Mclhuen. All the above prop-

erty baa been recovered by District Officer

Uatchelder, who haa abto found at the

hoaae or Robioaon'* father, near the Dracot line, Taeaday, another bcrness,

which the father cannot account for, aad which waa doubtleaa atolen by Henry,

but Iron* whom baa not jet been learned.

Ia the police court Taeaday, Hoblnson

waa arranged for burglarising the baraa or Moody. Ayer, and Cox, and pleaded gall- ty to each. He waa ordered to furnlab

aecaretlca Hi the anna of S1500, In default

or which he waa committed to jail. lie

will be acntonced at the acxt term oi the Superior Court.

Hoblnson Is twenty-five years of age and unmarried. Although he hsa never

beau before tha police ooart before, he

haa been suspected or various larcenies, which It Is believed he committed, bathe

la a shrewd raacal aad haa hitherto man- aged tu eucape arrest.

Mra. Klelrkrr Ooee to Jadl.

Mrs. Saale Willis Fletcher, formerly or thla city, who naa won so mach notoriety

la connection with tha apirUaalletlc me- dium baslsess, sbJ who hss baaa on trial

la London, lathe Ceatral Criminal Court,

forderraadleg Mrs. Hsa Dsvlss, wsa oa Taeaday found guilty of obtalaiag goods

on lalae pretences, aad sentenced to oaa

year's Imprtsoasasat with hard labor. The verdict against the prisoner la alee oa

some el tha counts of the Indictment charging conspiracy to dofraud.

Attempt at Safe tsreaklan.

Sometime during Saaday Sight, aa en-

trance waa effected to tba coantlag room

of Edward Page * Co., la their Mock oa Broadway, aad aa attempt made to force

opaa the earn. Tha oaly result was the

breakage or ths key,-the comblaaUon

portion aot being at band, —la tha lock of tha safe. If the barglar will call agala.

Page A Oo. will be pleased to present him

With tha Bna whip xlm-k, which b» cire

aly left oa the scene of his fraitksa tore.

■a ajaai a, — -The Merrlmac river Is rising.

I He Draw at Haverhlll.

Ths house or representatives have pass-

ed the bill compelling the Boston A Maine

Railroad to change their bridge at Haver-

hill, to conform to the plena or the harbor

commissioner* and to construct a draw

therein, whenever required to do ao by

the beard, an ameoiment ror an Immedi-

ate addition or a draw, waa rejected.


The nan ally quiet towns or North Ando-

ver aad Andover were thrown lato a levsr pitch of excitement on Wednesday by the announcement that!two resident* of the

former town, hitherto bearing excellent

reputations, and students at Phillips Acad- emy, bad been delected la the act of com-

mitting one of the moat heinous traagres-

slons against the law, aad that one of

them paid the penalty of his crime by

death from a ballet from the bands of aa outraged citizen, at first the announce-

ment was gives little credence, until

established ss s fact by the arrest of

Luther Foster one of the priclpals, the

remains of whose twin brother lay cold la

death at the tlm* la the barn of Mr. Able!

Wilson the tarmer, whose boasa both had burglariously entered.

THB FACTS OS THS AFFAIR are as follows.

Mr. Ablal Wilson, a bachelor farmer,

resides alone In a pretentious dwelling on

the Salem turnpike road, la North Ando-

ver, about two snd a half miles from this

city. HU Is ths secoad boose oa this

road beyond the trotting park. Mr. Wil-

son Is reputed to always keep consider-

able money In the hoaae, snd oa three different occasions have burglars made It

their objective point, at oas time aeearlag plunder to the amount of over B10O. One

morning, a fortnight ago, whaa he arose, he found Indications that during the pre-

vious night the house had been entered, and although nothing was missing than

wss evidence that the burglars bad ran-

sacked tha lower portion or the be

search or plunder.

This almost continuous marauding upon

his domicile Mr. Wilson then concluded

should be stopped summarily by action upon his psrt, snd since that time when

be retired for the night hss placed by his bedside s loaded rine for ase In cases

of emergency. He U accustomed to sleep

In a chamber on the second floor, snd si ibjut one o'clock Wednesday morning,

waa awakened from bis slumbers bv a

noise In the entry outside the entrance to

bis room. He at Brat thought that ths

noise was made by a cat or sums small

animal that bad gained access to the dwelling, bnl aooa was made aware of

fact that it proceeded from lightly falling

footsteps. Grasping his rifle he deter-

mined to lay awake aad await develop-

ments. He remained awake u^ til about

4 o'clock when suddenly the room door

was borsled open, the button holding Iton

the Inside being wrenched from Its socket


and saw by ths flash that oee or the two

men who were atandlag la the door way, reeled. Both turned aad ran down stairs,

and be heard them Jumpbag from the dairy window. Ua arose sod dressed

himself ss speedily aa possible, aad going

to the lower floor of the boose, loead

drops of blood upon the floor leading to

the window through which the burglars

bad made their exit, aad beside the win- dow, on tha plastered wall, were noger

traces la blood, where the fatally wound-

ed burglar had placed hla haada whaa

jumping Into the yard. Ua found that

two panes of glass bad been brokea rrom

the dairy window, aad nails, which had

been uaed to fasten It, removed. The

window had been removed, and through

this sperstsre the barglsrs gained access to tbe honse, and by It made a mach more

speedy exit. Beneath tbe window was a

pool or hlood, which also stained the foun-

dation stones to the houae adjacent. He Immediately summoned a neighbor,

Mr. Hiram F. Clark, aad with blm began

sn investigation In the yard; a Tew feel

from tbe house ibey foand a hat aad a

pair of rubber boots, and following trac-

es or blood on the decayed grass, discov-

ered behind a stone wall, about IBS feet

rrom the honae, tbe body or Arthur Fos-

ter, which both at once recogolxed. They

had hardly recovered from their surprise,

when Lnther Foster, twin brother of the

young man whose blood had stained ths soil, came upon tbe scene with hla broth-

er in law, Mr. Charlca Gould. Andover officers were notified, and Lather, who

made a clean breast of tbe crime, In the

commission or wblcb bis brother had met an Ignominious death waa

Dennis Began, employed at tha Ceatral

Pacific card room, had bla right bead

caught In tha gearing, Tuesday, and three

Angers were bsdly lacerated, and tbe

back or the hand torn. Dr. Sargent am-

putated the ladex the Brat lolnt.

Began resides st No. 1, Trsmoat Court.

Small Pox to Haveraiu.

Taslsrday, a ease of small pox came to

light la Haverhlll, la a Preach family named havenach, living la a tenement

block la the suburbs; the house has been

Isolsted by order of tbe authorities.

Mr. W. C. Rlchardaon, who haa re-

cently returned fromayear'a travel and

study la Kerope, la at work on plans for

persons aboat to build In Lawrence aad

lbs neighborhood. Among them are plena

for a hoaae to be erected In North Ando-

ver by Mr. Blaachard, ooo on Farnham

atroet, Lawrence, by Mr. Edward Sbnte,

aad oae oa Cambridge etreet by Mr. H.

C. King.

—Kev. Joha II. Barrows, formerly of

the Eliot charea, baa beeo III for several days, but u recovering.


by deputy sheriff Cole, of Andover, and

constable Hill, of North Andover, and by them brought to the police station, where be Is now confined.

After Mr. Wilson Bred the fatal BLot,

both yonng men fled down the stairs, bat la Jumping from the window, the wound-

I man fell upon his back, and died.

Hla brother, Lather, stood over him

for a moment, wheu finding life extinct, be dragged the body behind tba stone

wall, and then going to baa alater'e hoaae awakened ber husband, aad laformed

blm of ibe dreadful affair. Mr. Gould

then accompanied him to the place where

tbe body waa found, and remained with

him until he waa taken In custody by tba officers.


Lnthet Poater, tbe arrested barglar,

was Interviewed st the police station. He made the following stelemeat:

"My brother proposed to me some time

ago to go to tbe honae of Mr. Wilson aad raise some money. Three weeha ago we

Went to the ln.u-e, and my brother waat

In while I remained outside. Alter a few minutes I persnsdvd him in cnuiu out and

Be did ao. We went away and took noth-

ing at lhattime. Tuesday night my brother

spoke or going there again and aald he

waa going. I tried to persuade him not to go, hot he persisted In going sad I

went with him. We went lato Mr. Wil- son's honse about 1 o'cl'k In tba morning,

through s window, by removing panes or

gtaas aad nails. My brother west ap

stairs to Mr. Wilson's rooms aad I sat at

the bottom or the stairs. Ha came down la a few minutes sad I tried to persaade

h'm not to go np again. II- ■ aald be wasat going to give It ap and weat back up

stairs, aad I followed hla. This wss

sboul 4 o'clock. Ws stood st Mr. Wilson's

door a few minutes and then we paahed It

io. My brother had hold or my coat aad I was asking blm to come swsy. As aooa

as ths door wss borstefl la there came a

flash and my brother fell. I ran down stalra sad lumped oat of the window; my

brother followed me sad aa soon as ha get oat hs rail; I raised blm to my aims aad

spoke to him; be waa gssplag for breath

and did not say a word; I dragged him

over to tbe stoae wall and laid blm there;

ua Dran IN MY ASMS

s few miautes afterward. I then went to

Mr. Oontd'a sad 'awsxeaed bin and got him to go back with gee, *al wo raised

Mr. Wilson and sent foracoroaar. I was thee pat under arrest. I never attempted anything Ilka this before."

Tbe prisoner was greatly overcome

With grief when telling bis atory, and svldeaUy fully realises the position hla

lapse from the paths af rectitude baa

placed him. The brothers were twins,

sons ef Mr. Charles M. VosUr, a respect-

able farmer who reside* to North Andovsr on the Georgetown road. Hitherto iheae

young men have borne good reputations, were considered frugal and Industrious,

sad saved their earnings In the hope or

securing a better education into tee

eehoole of ths town afforded. Por near ly two years they bars been


at Andover, and boarded at whatlataowo as "Commons," bare been attentive to their atadles sod none of their teachers or

compaaloaa eoald be led to believe rrom their general deportment that they wonld

have recoarse to crime. It appears, how- ever, that not only was robbery their ob-

ject, bat that they meditated a still more

ssrioaa crime. Arthur Foster worked oa

various occasions for Mr. Wilson, ths last thws la Jaly last. Hs knew perfectly well

every nook and crevice or Mr. Wilson's house sad farm, was acquainted with tha old gentleman's habits, and abared In tbe

general belief that Mr. Wilson wss ac- customed to keep large anma of money io

tbe bouse, sad there are aot a few who

now coanect the brothers with the pre- vious burglaries, Oa the floor of Mr.

Wilson's room that morning waa found

evidence which gives color to tbe conjec- ture that


There wss fouad a pistol, s heavy Iron

poker sad s box of pepper, tba latter it being doubtless tbe Intention of tha broth-

ers to ase la blinding Mr. Wilson when they flrst attacked blm. They ao doubt

knew that Mr. Wilson would be aroused

by their braaklag In of his door, sod de-

•srmleed to overpower him, which

they conld oot do without resorting

to weapons of some kind, aa he Is a pow-

erful man, and more than a match for

strlpllsgs such ss the Posters.

Is the light of the discovery of these implements or violence It is believed that

Mr. Wilson's rifle bullet alona aared him

rrom bodily Injury.


wss notified of the affair shortly after ibe

finding of ths body, sad drove to the

scene. The body had been taken to Mr.

Wilson's barn, aad wss lying on the hsy. Hla grief at the unfortunate ending of the

yooag lire or his son snd the abame

brought apon bis household by his twin

offspring was nucontrollsble, snd although

be struggled hard to suppress soy visi- ble manifestation of the agony which

raged within bis breast, large tears wonld

farrow their coarse down his weather- beaten cheeks, and the sturdy msn stood

ss oas bereft of sll be held dear. The

boys budding Into msehood, 21 years of sgs, were to be tbe props or his decllulng

yesrs, and to see one borne to a relon's

cell, while the other Isy tbe victim of a violent death courted by his own criminal

act, was too much for the honest-hearted

farmer to bear, sad he left the scene with

alow and measured steps snd bent head,

ss though ths weight of fifty yesrs more

bad fallen on his aged abouldera.


Medical examiner Lamb, assisted by

Mr. John Parks, medical student In the

office or Dr. Sargent, made a post mor-

tem examination oo the body or Poster,

la WUeoB's barn Wedoeaday forenoon. They fouad thai the ball paaaed through

the left arm about four Inches below tbe shoulder, thence passing Into ths chest

sad lodging between tba lungs. Death

wss caused by lbs consequent hemorr-

hage. The body was delivered to tbe

Poster family for Interment.

tore before. An Idea of the locality may

be gained from the following



II, House. W, Window through which entrance waa ef-

fee ted. fi, Barn where the body waa taken. S, 8Hed. s w, Stone-wall. >', Where tody waa found, u. Where boots aad bat were found.

THE ntqUKST to inquire Into tha circumstances connect-

ed with the shooting was held before Judge Harmon In tbe police court room

Thursday forenoon. Tbe court room waa

crowded, with residents of Andover and North Andover, and daring thu taking of

testimony, (be utmost quiet was observed.

Lnther Poater aat In the dock j be is tall

and slenderly built, and by no looks like a criminal. When he waa lad

Into the dock by District Police Officer

Bstchelder, bla face waa suffused with

blushes, but after a lime regained com-

posure and was an attentive listener to

the testimony. His own statement was given with subdued voice, bat la

straight-forward manner. District At-

torney Sherman conducted tba examina- tion or witnesses. The testimony fol-

lows: O0ULD

brotbar-in law or the twins, testified; reside la North Aadover: My father-la-law '* name U Cnerlee w. Poster; (he nova names are Lath' er and Arthur; tnev did not reside at home. they resided in Andover; tbsy attended school at rtiillipa Academy; they are SI years of aga; know Ablel Wllaoo; yesWrdav naf--- called by Luther roster, about





Since the burglary, the killing of young

Poater haa been the principal topic

or conversation, aad while on every

hand regret Is expressed tbst the mis-

deeds or the Poster twins, ss they are

known, have brought abame on a respect-

able aad highly esteemed family; the course paraaed by Mr. Wilson on firing

the Tatal ballet la generally conceded to

have been tba only one left open to blm.

Arthur and Luther Foster were natlvea

of tbe town, and thongh In their younger

daya were aa wild as the average run of country lad.i, of late years their conduct

before tbe world haa bean exemplary.

They appeared ao near alike It waa dim-

cult to distinguish oaa irom another, un-

til Luther tost ths sight of an eye, the re-

sult of a nameless disease contracted

through bin own lodtecretlou. At Pblllipa

Academy they were sladeats under tbe

charity fund, obtaining their tnlt:»n free.

It Is now remembered at tbe school, that

for young men possessed or meagre sour-

ces or Income, they at times spent money

freely, snd some ol the studenta wondered

where Ihey obtained their fends. Arthur

ol late worked for Dr. Tucker al odd

times, sad Luther for Prof. Thayer.

Since the affair occured, It la believed tha twins wtre


at Wilson's house, and It la hinted that they probably were the thieves who blew

open the aafe la tbe Boston a Maine de-

pot at Aadover Isat week, rrom which Bfio wss stolen. The Instrument* used In

making this break were each as might be

fouad around la aay country towa, aad

which a profesalonal barglar, except as a

last resort, would sol think or using. Tbe

windows and door of the depot had been

forced open by a pointed Iron rod, anch

aa la need ia faataalng graxing cattle, and

a her with daw polate. These were found is the ticket office of the depot on

the morning after the burglary. In the

keyhole of Iba aaia waa found an iron boll, Bled to fit the hole, on which waa a

«mall, square piece of Iron, through which

a email hole had been made. This place

or Iron fitted over ibe hole, and by means

ol ibe email bole la It, powder waa Inject-

ed Into tha key hole. A cotton wrag was

need ss s fsse, and when all waa ready to

light, tbe aot oa tbe bolt was tightened

to the piece of (too above described, and the rag Ignited. The contrivance waa

lageatoes, sad had aever before bees seea by police officers or experience. Tbe

entire front of the safe was blows oat

Thla burglary the Fosters ore BOW sus-

pected of having committed, and the

authorities believe that Lather will make

breast of his entire dotage before he comes to trial.


was visited by large crowda Wednesday Tha room la the second story or the bouse

wbers ths ratal ballet was Bred, the win-

dow through which the borglara gained

entrance, the place where Arthur fell In

Jumping rrom the window, Ihe locality where hla bat aad boola and his body

were foand, were objects of especial In- terest. The bare to which tbe body was

carried aad where the astopsy waa made.

Was regarded with mach greater Interest

Ihss hss srsr vested the time-wore struc-

know Ablel Wllaoo; yesterdavaaoralag I w called by Luther Foster, aboat daylight; came Into tba hoaae; I arose and dreaaad; my wife laid be told her hla brother was dead j I aiked blm what the trouble was, aad he said hla brother had been shot; I said that was kind of fanny business, and be replied be was shot breaking in. We went where tbe body laid; it looked to me at Brit tiks a piece of wood; It was a quarter of a mile Irom the place where I found his brother, to my home; had aot seea Lather or Arthur before for quite a while; don't remember asking Lather aay of ibe parUcalara; found Arthur', body in the lot near Mr. Wll- aoD'* house about Dve o'clock; foand there Mr. Clark; Mr. Wilson wasat the back door; Mr Nelson came down, aad we sent for Mr. Hill tboconstable, Lnther was wdh me: be was kind didn't hear Mr. Wilson say anythingi whan Mr. Hill eama I want home; there waa no trouble wits tba bovs be- fore ; they have not visited my family lately; our relations were friendly.

CLARE. Live near Mr. Wilson; he called ma at 4.IS la the morning; be asked me to come np to hi*

and see what kind of an animal be had shot; be went sway and I got np and went there; be came to tbe back door and said here I* bis bag and boots, and be guessed be couldn't ha a great ways off; then ha aald there was blood In tho house, where be aot ont of tbe window; I asked blm where he shot blm, aad ha aald be was breaking Into bis chamber; Mr. Wllaoa Iheoghl we might track blm; we followed ths trail and aaw the body behind the wall, wblcb 1 took at first for a stick or wood; examined tba body, and Mr. Wilson asked If hs waa dead, and 1 aald I thought be was, and couldn't go a great ways; I met Mr. Oould and Lather as I was going to call Mr. Peter.; I lold Mr. Ooa Id that aome one bad brokea lato Mr. Wilson's bouse aad be had ibot them; tbea Lulber ask- ed me If I knew who It wsa, and I aald I did not; he told me H was bis brother Arthur; he wanted me to go and help remove blm, aad I told him I couldn't; I told him be must wait until an offlcer came or the coroner; air. Nel- son went ror constable Hill, aad Lather wanted me io (top thore, but I went to my hoaae aad

them every day; they have bean ia mine aad other rooms i heard tha hoys say they ware very good scholars aad behaved wail; knew of troubls ef Ibis bad concerning them (Identified the pistol aibU;) loaaadlt to them Tuesday nijlbt; Arthur came to my room at 8.15 Taea- day evaalag, aad asked ma to land him my pepperbox! 1 loaned It to him, and put a car- tridge ia Hi he took It aad waat Into tbe room opposite; oa* of the chamber, bad been d.i- cbargad aad I Oiled lit I ashed him wbst he

never loaned It to him before, nor anything alas; whaa ha asked saa lar my pepper box, I endarstood ha wanted my pistol, aad I gave It to him; flrst heard of the trouble, wbea I went into chapel Wednesday morning; never was with Ihssn oa occasions where they would be liable to spend money ; don't know anything aboat their means.

LUTBEE lOSTSS TUB rRieOMBB, was called. The utstrlet auoraey informed Um that ha aaad say nothing which might crim- inals himself, aad that be need not testify ao- lass ba desired to. Be Stated, however, thai ha wished to give bla testimony, which was as

Foster; wa worked oat since ws ware 11 years old, atdlBsreat places; wa had our own pay; lived at borne since then some oT tba time; of- fered to pay lor board at hoaae bat did not; eommaaead si Phillip* academy, a year ago law Winter; daring vacation worked for Mr. Poor; say brother worked for Mr. paters and Mr. Wilson; did not pay Tor tuition ; it waa re- aantadaWdaagtotbe rale that poor stadsau who keep ap a good rank are not required to pay; got pay from professors tor extra work;

_. Aboat 3 weeks ago my broth- er aald be was hard ap tor money aad ipoka of roiagoverto Witaoos. I thought he was Jok- ing and Uagbed at blm. Oas alght be aaidbe was going, and I triad to persaade him aot to; wa went orer and be weat lato tkeboaae and I reeulawd outside; hs removed partofa pans of glaa* aad took oat a aall; be came oat aooa aad I y arsaadad him aot to go la agaia; Sun- day last bs spoke oT it again aad 1 toM him aot lotrylt. Tnaaday night he said be was going;

— towa aad or-'—

weat to my room, o'clock, wfcea my brother onus la; wa started for Wilson's aboat 11 o'clock aad got tbara aboat 1J0; wa waat lato tea hoaae by tba wladow; I staid at the font of the stairs and be waat ap io Mr. Wilson*, room and earns down

bouse, but ha again aboat 4 o'clock; he pat bl* head oa my coat, aad 1 said, -Von* away aad give it up BOW." Hs pat bis sawaldar to the door and bunt tt la t there was a Bash sad report aat1

my brother *taagerad; I ran dowa stair* aad K brother followed ma; be fell oat of tba

dow and I took him In my arms aad lilted blm ovar tba stone wall aad kaelt down beside blm; bit eyes bagna to glase. aad ba died. I weat to aay brother-in-law aad raised blm. (Ths wiiaess hare rorroboratad Mr. Gould'

door aad whaa the snot waa Bred I dropped . ths saver wss only partially oa the box;

didn't kaow what I wasgotag todowtth It; my brother gave tl to ma to pal la my pocket: noth- ing was aoid aboat throwing it into Mr. Wilson's ayes; knsw laat waa what fa was ror. My brothw didn't any anything altar ba was shot We bought a pint oT whist*? opposite the rail-

OTBTtB TBJTIMOXT. District offlcer Batch elder aad depaty sheriff

Cole tastlflod thai Laiker had " ' similar to the above, to them.

William j. Dal*, jr., SlllflBlia of Morth Aa dovar-tasllflad to Sadiac lbs stove wreach at Mr. Wilson's bonse. Bs was tha last witness.

No verdict waa rendered, bat n ia aadsrstood ia* Mr. Wllaoa will bs exoaeraled from all

AJHUioawENT or run r-BiaoKEn. Lather Foster was arraigned, at

•ton oT the loqaast, oa a complaint oflleer batcaelder chargtag him wl aad burglariooely braakTag aad house oT Abtel Wilson, with latSL. .. the crime oT larceny thcrela. U* pUadeo gallty aad waa ordered to furnish gtOOO to warraat

Mr. Hill brought Lntber dowa tbara aad pat a keeper over him while bs weat to breakfast aad to tbe selectmen ;1 asked La tber bow It luuweaed and be said tbsy bad brokea into ike boasa; be aald they had gone to tbe room, aad whaa Ihey pushed the door open, there was a flash and a report aad they ran; wbea tha " got out be Tell, and he dragged him c _ wall; the body was from 100 to 125 feet from tbe house; be aald they were la aaad of m and broke In.

BR. W. O. LAMB, MSOI0AL BXAamSB was called about 6.45 a. m., by Constable Hill, who said that a man bad been shot at North Andover; found the body laying near the road with the overcoat ovar the head; I en* maa ad bis pockets and foand among his papers, hi* name, Arttiur Foster; in lbs overcoat pocket found a tin box marked black pepper; there was no cover on It and nothing la the box; went to the bouse and into ibe entry; aaw Ihe position of articles there; at ths door oT tbe room was a sink, which bad been pained away from the door, and about the height ot where SLH1!***? «*■"■"> «>"«. U«s ballet passed through tbe panel oT the door Into bis arm and through it, shattering the bone, aad then went between the nbe and pawed through tba lung, wounding the blood vasssU; ba died of hemorrhage; noticed on tbe floe- h—' *— -*• In black pepper; there waa three _ (all of pepper oa tbe lloor In tbe entry, ™. tbe door; the bullet passed hair war through ibe body; made a post-mortem exam la at ion with Dr. Morrill of North Aadovar, aad Messrs. Parks and Foster; aaw Mr. Wllaoa and be told me bow tbe aff*ir occurred, answering all neca- tions promptly ; tbe link must have bean moved irom tba outside; Mr. Wilson told me that altar hearing tbe sound early In the night, he put ihe sink there as an additional fastening to Use door. ™?

DR. CHAUI.** r. MORBILL, corroborated Dr. Lamb's statement.

CHARLES a. BILL, Am a constable or North Aadover: Waaeallad In tbe morning and lold that tone one waa shot at Mr Wilson's i went there and saw Mr. Pater*. Mr. Gould aad Lulber Foster; examined tba premise*; arrested Lather Poater; asked him If be was with bis brother when he was shot, ha said bo was; I went at once lor tha Medical

Mr. Clark s bouse, while I went to breakfast; be didn i ssy bow they got Into lbs bonse.


Live In North Andover; am 50 odd years of age; live alone oo my farm of 200 acres; some- times employ help; had employed Arthur Pos- ter last year and ibe year before, early In bay- ing time, two or tbro-j weeks; my bonse was entered four or live times the laat few years; once through the window, once through tbe door; one lime took money; the last time be- fore tbls was about the first of December, in tha day time; between M5 and goB waa taken then t don t know who did It; I was away from bom* then; I missed an overcoat aboat that UBM aad haven't since found It or tbe money; aboat a year ago a #100 bill was taken from tha hoam" it was in a box In ibe bonse, there waaa two •100 bills in the box, and Ihey left onV- iZn year a gold watch waa .tolea from my desk; ray heas have been stolen three limes slaca last tall, about forty In all; two weeks ago last Saa- day alght, some one got In through tba wladow by breaking a pane of glass, bat they aot aotb- lag; saw doors opaa whleh were ahat wbea I retired ; It waa tbe lame wladow I hat they got In at the aat nlgbt; I nailed It dowa afterwards* about 1 o'clock I thought I beard a slight noise near my room door, I couldn't tell what It was I rather thought some oaa waa at the dear aad I got tbe gam I kept awake; my gaa was naar tbe bed and I loch?ha; handsl"«.tTpaad pat the link again It ibe door, which was I toned. There is bat one door leading irom room I heard tbe clock strike 2,3 aad 4; a little after 4 tber burst the door open and I Brad the gun, and I beard ibem raa down stairs qaick, I got upend round a pistol and a piece ot Iron on the floor near tbe door; I wont down auira, went to Mr. Clark's al once, and aiked blm to come up at once. Ha came aad foand tbe body, 1 bad not seen Ii before, I didn't ao very near it. Had seen Lather; when Arthur worked for me he slept in the hoaae. That last year ke took a notion to sleep fa tha ban; paid him »1^0 and board; didn't abow him a large sum ormoney wbon I paid blm; don't know tbatbeknewl had money; taw Luther that morning and he said It waa hla brother I shot, and that he was there with bfm. I asked That Beans there lor and be said Ibr deviltry, and didni want to steal anything. Took a notion one day I'd load tho nfle; had a little fear aboat peoplo breaking into ibe bouse; loaded it about the time the bene were stolen; didn't tbiak It safe to open tbe door when tbey ware there ■ ibot because 1 was afraid of besag attached didn't sbootaotil tbey broke the door- taev ■aid nothing after tbo Bring. Polks bad told me a few days before that I wasn't safe there alone, and ibat made me more caatioa* Had no suspicion wbo tbe burglars were ■ was anunm on ibe bed wben I fired; saw the door opsaad bat conld see no one; don'l ibink tbsy hadihetr boots on; Iba paper foand on the floor did aot belong in me; never had tbe rifle aaar the had uatil a lew daya ago,

uEoaox a. COLE:

Am a deputy abarifi*, lira in Aadovar; heard that there was a break in Mr. Wilson'* house, and ibat he bad shot one of the parlies aad the other got away. Drova over there j waat Into air. Wilson s bouse, and found the revolver aad poker. While ihera Mr. Wilson told me where Ibe body layd ; foand It covered wlih a coot; lonud papers IK side tbe body; tbey were H2"!- lr"IM MmJatw „t the academy i went to Uarh ■ bouau and found Lutber In bis custody ■ hadte.rn Arthur before; didn't remember of bavingaten Lulber.

._- aaxl criminal session .. Ihe taperior court, Io bs bald la Newburyport |» May. In default of ball be waa committed


Arthur Poster, took place thla afternoon, from the resldeace of Mr. Charles U. Gould, la North Aadovar.


Smith AV Dove MauufiacturlBg Coaapa- Bj<S Mill la Kulaa.

Yesterday morning, about 10.11 o'clock, flames ware aaea burning from Ua third

story of the old mill, on the esst Bids of

the Bhswsheea river In Prye Tillage, oc-

cupied by the Smith 4 Dovu Manufactur- ing company. Aa alarm was immediate-

ly rang In on the mill bell, and the school

house, aad aooa tbe lasses were seea In

Aadover, and aa alarm raag la there.

The mill U aaad la the third story as a

batching, or mixing room, where the tow

Is mixed preparatory to he carded. Oa

this Boor aad the floor below, aaad as a

carding and preparing room, was a large quantity of tow, aboat 10,000 pounds of

the crude, aad a large quantity la process

of preparing, which the fire aooa commu-

nicated to, aad which gtade a fierce blaze

and a very hot fire. In a short time the entire two upper stories were snapped In

fltmea. The old hand tab, belonging to

the village, eras got out, bat It eoald not be used. Wbea tbe alarm sounded la

Aadover, the steam Ire engine of the

towa, the Msrland Mill, and Phillips

Academy band tabs, started for the scene

of the Arc, aad Immediately got to work,

aad did good service. About 11 o'clock, Tiger > engine aad hose carriage of this

city, weat to tba Ire, aad rendered excellent service, sad ths powerful

stream thrown lato the burning building,

tbst tha wall was saved. The fire raged uatll It o'clock, when It was under con-

trol. The Inside of the mill la completely

gutted, and tha roof has fallen la, leavlsg the bare walls standing.

The building la only oae or the several

used by the company on the banks of tha Shawsheen. at that place. Tbe mill waa

built la 181!t, when Mr. Bmltb ased It for

the manufacture of cotton machinery, sad IS well-known by the name of the old

machine abop. Tbe mill, with tbe others adjolalng, are owaed by Joha Smith, aad

ths compsay lease of him. It la of brick,

shoal 100 by 40 feet, aad three stories and a half high. Tbe lower story is uaed as B machine aad repalrabop. Tha dam-

age to the building la MUshaled at g»,.

000, as sartaf tee wall will have to be rebuilt.

New machinery was placed la the build

lag last year, which was probably all de- stroyed. The coatenta of ths building

can only be estimated, for a tot of tow aad flax was tasaofte the building Wedoea-

day and Thursday ssornlag. Aa estimate

or the loaa Inside the mill gives It ■00.000,

and aboat 40 haada are thrown out of employment

The bleachsry near by, containing val-

uable machinery aad stock, was fortu-

nately saved, as were also the store

houses. The mm used for spinning and finishing. Jast across tbe rlvar, aad con-

nected with the burned mill by s covered walk, waa aot injured at all, the wind

blowing the flames directly away. Tba

direct csass of the Are la yet unknown.

The building and stock waa folly in- sured.

At noon lime, the mill management

seat out aad obtained crackers, cheese,

sad hot colee, to refresh the tired aad

hot firemen, it was laughable to see the Pblllipa' Academy boys work their head

tub aad hose. They worked with a will at the tab, bet inexperienced haada at

the other sad of the line of hoes, wet a large number or people, and completely drenched themsslvsa.


eaonoa c. rri.i.ra Reside in Philadelphia; attended Phillips Acad- emy since laat fall; know the Posted; saw

Mlaa Ellen K. PeMerltt has for aome Urns played the organ at the South Gen* iregatloual church. Her friends, the

members of the congregation, desire,! to express to her their thanks sad their ap-

preciation of bar valuable aad gralultoes

ssrvlcss. They round a favorable oppor-

tunity to do this at tho meeting o." the

sociable at her mother's houae, on Parker

street, on Wednesday evening. Through

their pastor, tbey pteseated her with a lady1- writing desk, famished with pager,

envelopes, gold pea aad other useful art*!

clea. Tbe gift bad been so obtained aa io

be as complete a surprise to the recipient

as It was a pleasure to the givers.

—Ths liabilities of Frederick 8- Wllaoa, or tbls city, are about 82100, with nomi-

nal assets of $1000.

—Mr. Frsnk Atwood, who has been brskeman on the Boston A Lowell rail,

road, hss been promoted to ths position of yard-mas ter, in this city.

—Kov. Mr. Lawrence's asw residence

on Summer street, will be an English cot-

tage conveniently arranged. Mr. C. H. Nelson of Lowell, Is the principal con-


—The widow of the late Hocnm Hoe-

ford, Taeaday received B360 from the

Masonic Relief Association. She rstarn-

sd it with the request that It be added to be relief fund.

—Samuel S. Morey la yet at the boasa

or detention in New York, aad he writes

tbst bis democratic frleads here may be

pleased to kaow that ha hi well, "aad ao thanks to them I"

—Prsnk Spaaldlag, who replaces Mr. Qemmell on the day force of polnm. waa

a member or ths alght petrol la MTT. anf has recently been io the employ of Cogs- well g Co's express.

-Oo Wednesday at the meeting of the common council, a Joint convention of

both branches was held, aad M. P. H.

Melvla was elected a member of the

water board to succeed Mr. Field.

—If the policy tans far paraaed by ths

committee oa llceasee la carried owt the

remainder of the fear, every second gin

mill win ba a hotel, aa far aa the privilege

of sellInj; liquor on Sunday Is oonoarasfl.

—The Lowell police believe they have

ibe burglar wbo broke lato the resldeace

of the hue Hoa. Hocam Hoeford, la tha

person of oae Joha Morris, aJaa Norton,

who la kaowa to be aa expert thief and house breaker.

—Can any oae give the u on asseat com-

mittee any Information concerning Aloaxo

Clifford, reported as of I iwreaoe, aad to

have been killed at the battle of SbUoe,

April, 18C2, while a member of Co. I, Uth Wisconsin regiment.

—Oaly liquor licenses of the Brat,

fourth aad fifth eleaaea will be granted

this yesr, In holder* paying *SflO; brew-

ers |30tl; wholesaler*, gSBOi OOauUOB

victuallers, f 180, which U gtfl lees taaa

last year; aadgrocera, Bits.

—The manager* or tba Pacific ml I la are

having plaaa prepared la anticipation of

the erection of a four-story building, oa

the north canal track, from the ceatral mill to ths lias of ths Washington mill*.

The new structure la to be of brick.

—Tbe Old Itesldeota' wound ap the

fourth season's meetings with a belaeoe

of $515 15 la the treasury, aever having

made sa asseassMBt other taaa the origi-

nal membership fee of one dollar each.

Tbe cash Is deposited la the Kseex Sav- ing* Bank.

—A democratic dealaea of the sixth

ward, writes that there Is great rejolclag

among tbe faithful, over Patty Dloeaa'a

long coveted, pntieaUy waited reward;

now that Caleb hss remembered Ma atur-

dy backer with a special* badge, the boys are happy.

—Mr. Joseph n. James, who haa re- cently been appointed master mechanic at

Central Pacific, waa connected with the

Manchester, N. II. Mill*, for twenty-two

years as master mechanic, and under ha* direction all of the rooms la the mill*,

with one exception, were remodelled.

Tho vinegar Inspector or Boatoe

says, that the principal supply of vinegar

Is BOW obtained rrom naotaaeea, glaeoee,

acetic add,1 soar ale, lager beer, distil- lers slops, alcohol, etc, ead that oae

esat's worth uf sulphuric acid; win pro-

vide acid enough for four gallons at vine- gar.

—The sale ofstasaae aad envelopes at the

Lawrence post office during the first qusr-

ter of th Is year, waa larger by ovar naa

thousand dollars, than during aay Ilka

period la the history of tha office; the net

profit to the f o vernmeat, of the office, ror

the three nroothe, after peytag all espea- aea, Including carrier service, waa nearly

four thousand dollars.

Saturday afternoon the dwallhag houses of Joha M. Palmer, aad Mra. Hor-

ace Marshall, at Hampton beach, aad eat

ttgee belonging to Charles Morrlll, o]

Maiden, aad Mrs. Hastings, of Msachas ter, N. il,, also a bare belonging to Mr."

William F. Davis, or this city, were to-

tally destroyed by Are. Tha origin of

he Are was a defective flee la tha hoaae of Mr. Palmar.

—Tbe Aadovar Association h.ld an la-

terusUeg service with Bev.Mr. Colt.Taaa-

day. Bev. Mr. Laird, of Aadover, waa

the moderator, and Bev. Mr. Barrows, of

Lowell, scribe, Bsv. Mr. Torrey read an

sassy oa "The Prayer Meetlag—How to- Condaet It," which contained maay valu-

able hint*, and the discussion which fol-

lowed waa full of interest. The next meeting Is to be held la Jane.

—It was the universal comment of all

who attended the Old Residents gather- ing laat evening, that Mies Wetherbee

aever appeared to better advantage iB kar

recitations. Her recital of "Tha Emi-

grant's Story" was tha gem of ths even-

lag, aad woald have borne a repetition. hti*s Wetherbee la fast atlalnlag to tha

front rank among elocutionists, aad lav pravea with each appearance.

—Dr. a 0. Oarietoe has baea appoint- ed a member ol tha visiting board, to as- sist ths trustees by their counsel, la the

management of tbe Itanvera Insane aay- lam. The board coastals of twelve phy-

sicians, aad two of than are to visit the

asylum each month, without notice -tea >

either the superintendent or trnataaa. Taw) term of tha visitors Is to ba two months,

oaa to go each month so that the saaaa

two win not visit together, aad they are '

to report on their retura to the caalnaaa of the board monthly.

-The matter of fixing the prices of

liquor licenses for the eaaalag year came

ap In the board of aldermen meeUng laat evening. Mr. Saaaoero Introduced am order making the rates for InahoUer's,

•300, common vletaaUer's, B1M, wholesale •*», Uri.ii, gitfi, Brewers, gsoo, Apothe-

cary, same n 4th class orgies. Thla

waa amended to let the rates remala Us saavo as last year, alto to make the com-

mon victualler'* 4113. Both ef Iheae

amendments were loot. It waa finally

voted to fix the ratea aa follows. Ian- holder's, B3M: common vlctaallera, #160;

wholesalers, gtfO; retailers, gllS) brew-

era, BSOOj apothecaries, fourth claaa, or

•lag. Thla la a change (a lbs '--hnldsra

from B375 laat year, and the common victuallers of 917* laat year.

Ma. CoETiiEi-r., of the Massachusetts Benefit Association, tells as that although the association now hss ovar S.BOO mam-

the flrst policy sna issued. There Is ao batter proof taaa thla that the eeaL.. re- quire what it absolutely ladhHwrna^ a to

S "«*"; «* ' ■ JtrTaamTmitSicMi examination rrom oaery applicant Wa understand that Dr. HoweMKTaWted the position or examiner la thla city. Ad- draaaj. B. Certhell, city.

A Card of Thaahe.

Tba undersigned wish to express their grai-

"resented mam with aa eiegsat silver taa sar- V5£ ^ri^!0'«lE^^SssnE J2^'Zi.Th*J^irf**»" wMc* luiHWaoasaar- pas a token of I jve will ever ba rhniaOuTll.j

and ibe service will never be — service will aavrr be nfMesMXaj With gratefnl feeling* towards Use


79 Ualsa Street-

Andover Advertiser. FB1DAT MORNING, APRIL IS, 1881.

Kallroi.,1 Train*. Urn Boetoa for Aadover, 7.M, t.», A,

B . II M.; ll.H,r».H. S.*l. i, B. ». O.M aad 7.UP. M.,Brr.riaa;.rier*a*T.»aada.Ml'. M.

LMTI Aadover for Beetaa. OJH, T.O, 8.0B, ».», fl M, U.M, A. M-, and IMS. 13.10. S.UB, 3.M, *.», 5.N ul I.* P. M. (Wednesday Mi? JdJ (Fridw 8^» P. M.) *■<"■ UM North H.18, A. M.; lUe, S.»l P. II. For tb* tul B18A. at.;,4.H,6.Sl •.*• P.M. ror Lowell 7.43,1.11 A..M.. U.WA«M-fiB.l.H,5At.T.0BP.M

A horse eaaaot *ay JM, bat tig can nelfh. No cine to the d*pot itA roUberv La* yet

BIT. Dr. Flac'er* of Wetbuen. will preach at las town lull seat labttMb.

Mltlaid A. Cloaaeat !■ taUdtaff a feace la frost Of bl* boa M on Perk i tree*.

W. O. Poor, of Dartonaoatl. Coll**, bu beea at BOOM a taw day• en a abort Tacatioa.

A Boatoa nibii MM that can iMell ma- de wan b* cu'i bear It; a mattest scsnter, a*

Charles H. Poor le to occapy too boeeean Mala street, recently vacated by Jatuei H ntarray.

aftae Lade P. Clara, ■ teacher l« Wellcslev Ccllefe, baa beea bows elaliiaf friends lor ■

(root fl?• u

b of the I exhibit Wo "View* ot MM MOM," thl*

(Friday) ovoalaf.

UbgO'Cl ml Sabbath evening;, >

•There K M place Ilk* BOB,*," repeated Mr. H*ap*c*. tootiacat a aaotto, ud be bearitly added: "I'M |lad there awsV

A Ttrj till report ot the shocking tree djr at Worth Assweat, da Wednesday B-oralaf, wUI

t A. lUrdy has ewrchaeeel of Mary a.the-Slaaeoo Fllat Farea," lUoated In

the Wort Parleh, aaar II in I til Pood. MM JleeSwhll Darfia laA towa oo Monday

to visit be* namt, the wvtow of the UUe J. Al - bert Abwett, at Preseott, Wisconsin.

Be*. 8. P. Wrifht will preach at the Free chwrettoeztSabMtheveaiaa. Sabjecl: Ooa- dlwowaJ Imaeortallty. Service* eowWMiice at

appropriate iee latt Sarj-

with . at several of tbe cbarcbe*

ware dletiibated

A ohlkl of MX or eerea. sitting- oo a vieltor'e haeo. roeaerfced to bar Bother: "I Ilka elltlaf

' *—aw better tbao on ladlea.

A yooag lady wrote BOOM vjr*ei Tor a paper aboat bar birth rtap, and beaded taeta "Mar Men." ItahwwIhnBdohorhrdrtarafray when wawjiirnl 1* prial. "My 8KB."

Tha Free cbareh Sabbath aobool will hold

three. They ear that three t to attend to tbe management ol

the Ore department. The tub committee chosen by the committee

to secure Mad and erect a school honee tbereoa. OO Union Heights, have secured a lot near the comer of Beverly aid Uatoa Slreeti. It u IOOIIOO feat, aad eoet aboat f ITS.

The Beleetmea have made tbe following ap- pointment*; Eoiioeers, Robert Elliot, Jae. W. ilolt, F. F. Hanafonl: special police, without pay, E.J.Kelly, T. P. Daw; public weighers, K. McKoqe, O. J. Clougb, 8. M. Greenwood*

Tba School Committee request pareaU not to read calllrea nader Are years or age to the ecbooia, ae the crowded condition of the lower d l»iitoo* rtnden It aeceeaary that all pnpll* ili'iald bare attained the required age prevktas to l>elag admiuad.

lot the *BHII number present at .____, Satarday evening, la the Coogre-

gatiooal vestry, tor tbe parpoie of organisms: a aabordlaaie oonacil of the Order of the Golden Croat, no ranter action wss taken ID. the mat- ter than amloailv published.

Rev. Father Haaly will deliver a temperance lecture, at tbe Catholic Cuurcb, Bamlay even- lajt. the Mth mac At the cloet ot the lectare a teanotrwico society will be organlaed. St. PaXrtok'a Society, of So- Lawrence, accom- panied by a dram corps, will attend.

Tbe member* of the Ladle*' Social Circle are bn»lly at work completing the n*e***ary ar-

- at fair, which take* 'rlday ai

, an aojarablo entertslnmeat ha* been arranged for.

Although no official action ba* been taken on tba matter of changing tbe hour* of attendance at the High School, it k nndentood that one at least of the School Commltteemea wrongly favors having tba aeeeloo commenca at S and contlnna till 12 o'clock, M., in pleca or Irom 9 to 3 o'clock, aa now In vogue.

Tbe 1m ball ever hold aider the auplcea ol tbe Emmet Literary Society, i* to take place at

- Hall, Monday evening. Hitherto

at hair-past one o'clock. It will ■norcUe with Uoral dastgaa. Douaway of Lyadobora*, N. H.

—'lad la Ov* week* a 61A7 pWeo*. ta add)-

■ MtV KagMad Cootereaco of the Motho- 1 ehnrch, baa appointed ROT. J. marge of the Mai Ion al Bollard

'Bat. W. Wllhle ha* been appointed ~ a*. _ _ cbnrch of Weet Brook-

MOMlli th* following VOW: c ban** on the left band of •HHaatad a paw tobal

Work baa hoildmgloco taw limlnnrr

UM ooiprt to b* tor th* daacoaa' wirao, ad wits* to *tt la the pew daring their naturrl

Tboreaort* lath* State Senate on tba patl tua* of Cambridge and Boatoa, to tako water a tba Sbawabln river, have both boon re-

I to Iho next General Coart, aid no lar- bar acttoa can ba taken at the present aaatloa of Iho lagkOatare.

BST.U. F. Wright gav* one of hi* familiar artaaihlT talks at too Free eharch vestry on

oat Who UstonoJ attaaiiv*ly to tie tatorortlag aad latatrnetlv* remark! of Ik* ipoaksr.

Work baa hoaa commaaead «poo a nww ' la ngaaitatoa with the donaltorlee at

. It wUI (rovlda bath rooms, a taor eoaveakico* lor the nae of Tba ballding wUI bo ot brick,

flMW. It fire* a* groat ploaaars to aanonnee that

Mr. Dowaa will at oaco go aboat the Flaw Bo- cttahi at Abbot Academy. He k abk to prom- Mo ■naaaal attraaajoaa, tar thl*. the Iltb aerie*, an |B aaaaUoa to cnaar celebrated porlormera, Mka Aaauo LonuM Cans' will appear In ono of aWhhro*.

4 that Wabotor aad Clay wart oaco , __ Iho at*** ot Iho enpUol, when a

of toalo* paarod, moviu aoathward. „iet*MtMM of yoar oaastltaonU, Mr.

WehMM■" Jokingly ramarfcod Clap. "Too,'' rtftlod Wobater. "they an going to Koatachy

Bar. O. F. Wright, Bar.P. H. Johaaoa, Mr.. Johaooa aad I. V?. Smith, oo Monday vUltad

I to Ua city of

ThAcdneorsol the Aadover Foot O. A. R., brill bo nwjr lastaliad al too town hall n*xt Moadar aToarag. Tab now port will be lastl- Wtodoy Anmstar* * bad DIM nm rot _ aarvod tor iho ladles. Tba occasion will aa doabt H oaa of mack interest,

Mr. Jamwi B. Bailee of tba last class la th*

ma, April Ma. Mr. R. B. Qrovar of tao aoalor class baa beoa called to the pastorate of 1M chare* at Glover, Vt, Mr. D. U. lOokord of tho aaaao daea, aceepu a nail from the Prof.

- *,« Bodmrd, N. H. A fall report of the Ira at Fry* Village, on ay Tor**tooo, will be band la another

Tba Marrlmacs will play a picked nine, Dec- Day.

II. W. Clark; Treasurer, Per- s/kSr;1

aad grooahonaaa on School atreet, near the BflMopalComatary. Landscapu Uanteninaa apeciait/. CemeUrr lota attended to.

Rev. Mr. Candlln ha* been appointed aa pas- tor oMbe M. £. Cbarcb, at Marbiehead, and

Wednesday evening next a meeting, to which all honorably din-barged rolille-n and sailor* are Invited, will ba held at tbe Ebtn Button en- gine home, at 71 o'clock.

At tha priie drill ol the Sherman Cadets, City Hall, Lawrence, Friday evening last, First Sergeaat J. C. Ducbeiney, of thl* town, woo the Suiioo Medal, awarded to tb* beat drilled

jB-co*a. A* will bo seen by the appointment*, the Be-

have reduced tb* number of engineer* ■ to three. They say that three 1*

ply sufflcknt to attend to tha

11 AKLAN F. W RIGUT, Dealer In BooLa Xlanoee and Bnbbara. Entire new alouk ol good*, bought lor caeb, and will be »old at rea- sonable uricce. ltepairlng done piompUy. Cor. Main and Central Bta., Andover. lyapla

.lutlug, Graining, done at ahort notice

It blag work drop a postal in Poet USoe, octiu u

HBNBY GOFP, Papering and Ulsiinf.i

and reasonable price. Peri

J01INW. FAULKNKR. BlackaiullblDg done at ahort notice, in the moat thorough

manner and at reuaonable price*. Particular attention given to eboelng. WboclwrlxhtV work done In connection with blaokkmlirnna. Park at., Andovar. mrT 1 rr

VBolent market houae. Park itreet, oppoalle I Town Halt. Patronage ot old cuaioutera « th* public generally aolioiteil. Articles dul


Dealer In (Jlolhlag and Ueat'a PurnUlilm uoodsot all kind*. Uaraaeata mad* la the latest fashion snd warranted to fll. ilepalring, clean- ing and prcMim doao neatly. Main atreet, Andoyer. aovltlvr

JOHN C. LEONARD, at bin abop in BalUrd Vale, will attend to Blackamllblng

in all Ita braaiibea tborouflilj, promptly *ud raasoaably. Uoraeahoelng mm Wbeeiwilgbt work aoliolled. n-.'.'i ly

JOHN R. LOHIMG,—MACMI1NIUT,- Maohlneryof every deacrlptioa built aa

prepare 1 to furalab all article* uainaaa. Urder* promptlv aitonded to.

Uoods delivered. Central atrvct, opi>o*lt« tbe Uaptial Church.

B0. M. L. RAMBDKLL, FaahloDable .Drot* aad Cloak Maalag. Alao atamplag

ov braidlagaad embroidery, ko^maunshm mar Street, Aadover. noill

M. L. RAMSDELL, A m nt for tho lead

ktaua cleaned aad repaired, si.o tanjm ata oblna Uaalera, Naedlas, Oil, Ac. i»r. klui and Huantr HlreeU Aadover Maa* auUlv

organ a. aatie ei

nation baa confined II* altention to _ eeMrtaiamenU and aaaambllei, bat

tho repatation acqalred Irom these la an ample guarantee of a night'* pleasure.

An election of officer* or tha Lead League, __f tho ensuing term, took place Saiday after- noon, with tbe following renlt: President, W. T. McKone; lit Vice President, T. J. Murpby; 2d Vice President, T. A. McGowaa; Treasarer,

N', ATI! AN P. ABBOTT wilt furnish a ■ uperlor quality oI Ledge Utoaoa for col-

lar* aad founoatloa* at abort notice and lea- •oaeble price*. Teamlagpiompl)> done. Sal lafactioa guaranteed. keiuknaLiirtt maiar Street, ljrmri

J. Kaale; Reoordiag Bocretary, Dankl Doao- " *ary, P. J. Murphy; F

P. Daw, D. Callahaa,

AUNDBBB BROTHEHU, Plumbara .'and Tlaamltha. Alao mtawtra la Tie, Ulnae,

aad Wooden Ware,Stoves and rurnai-e*. tte- nalra for all binds ofStove*, ataia itreet, Ando- ver, Maa*. Irr *epl7

vaa ; Financial Socretary. , Ex

Kalky. Tha Pre 11 dent act* a* chairman of lb* Bxecative Council. Th* report* of tha treas- arer, Financial Secretary and Executive Coaa-

Slaco It* formsv

Waleh, Nat'l Treasarer. and a balance of fSM.lll remain* in tha Treasurer'* bands.

A large audience gathered at Stevens Hall, Friday evening last, the reason being tba tact are ot Mr. Goo. N. Cm**, on tho "Chemistry of Air, Fire and Water." Mr. Cm**, It will bo lamembarod, delivered tbla lectare before tbe Parmen' aad Mechanic*' Club, the twenty.

TUOMAH IIOWBLL cirrlt-l on tha . fhraitaro aad Dphwla.arr busleeea ta all

aelf thoroughly versed la chemical combine- tloe*, and all who hid the good lbr.aae to attend onjoved a ran treat.

A pariah meeting of the Unitarian sockty wa* hold la tha Teatrj, Taeaday afternooo, at 4 o'etock.tottkeactioarelaUTB to the reaigna- tioa of Rev. J. B. Clifford. Fully twice a* many were present aa mnally attend the parkh BBoetlngi, aad, what k noteworthy, every par- — present voted. It waa nnaalmonily voted

Mr. ClHbrd'a reeignattoc bo not accepted.

at a rapid rate. UM Sabbath, Rev. DaaklT. Noy** ofWIl-

aaiaMoe, as^acaod at the chapel, la exchangi wkm Prof. QalUvor. Rev. T. W. Mtckeraon of Bwauwala, frmeand at Christ Church; Rev. Mr.Fraaek of Cambridge, at tho towmhallf aad Mr. D. B. Sooacer, Jr., of tha Seminary, •mWHMl at the BjvwrokU eharch, lAwraaoa.

Ha iilaotoJeb oa Friday, made the follow tag

Un)>r, Hoi. B<ow.. H. CMMltar,

•HM, M. C. iMmn, 0. F. SMti, Jok. 8. aurk, OkMlMtr. H./.UJ, Utorp O. BUI. TU.Mth.old baud.

otmm >■ chkftMte or u.reoc. whii. mmlr rmm Urouh hi. woodiud. ton ■ -Km ■»■»,," «OMt . »H. u*t of Ihii


irH to bare been khan i

aaadprohahi/ oMtejaedartkle* stolen trom ^rismmmiof lav. J.H. OUtTord, of North

Aedorar. a year or two ago. a hired a horta and baggy of

it to the

grot with which th* parkh received the tiding* of hk reaignatioa, expresalng, in highly enlo- gkUc unu, their appreciation of him aa a mla- kter aad ottiaoa, aad iwmriag to the valuable work aa has accoaanlUhed; also atatlag that to

mlaanderataadlag of the feeling which pre- ailed la tbe parish was kk action attributable.

Since the receipt of thl* very cordial tatter, Mr. CIIAbrd ha* re-coa*ld*red hk former intention, aad will remain hare. Cap*. W. J. Chore*- wa* cbooaa an aaatmor aad member of the Parkh Committee, vwa Albert McDooald, resigned.

■light eequet ha* traaiplrod to tho bar- gtary at tbi Unitarian parsonage, mat August, the fact* of which are a* follow* : On Friday, April Sth, Bev. J. II. Clifford received a note from Mr. P. ». Wadleigb, of Aadover, a stranger to Mr. C. Informing bim that oa th* Ttkhokad toundta tbe wood* a box cootaln- lag tatter* belonging to him, to ret her with tome artlelei of clothing. Mr. Clldbrd directly aoaghtMr.W.,bnt not finding him, obtained from lira. ffa. Cbkkerlng (at whose home Mr. W. k a hoarder) lolormatloa that the tolas* were discovered, and left whore thay werelound, in Mr. Chlckcrtog'* wood-lot, not far from tha ■emhwry, aad buck of tba farm of Mr. Frederic Symood*. la andover. After •one Inquiry, Mr. C. aoecoeded la Analog tb* wood*, aad a abort •oerch brought him to tb* ■oDeaa property, that ta to *ay to tha box of letter*, lor tbe tblef had exchanged hi* own garment*, orldoatly at th* time la very bad re- pair, for the almost new mit itolen from Mr. C. The box containing tba letter* wa* locked when stolen, aad probably thought by the thkf to coo tain valuable*. Of clothing, oa ly a pair of pantaloon* and a veat were found. With the** the box had been covered, and thereby tha latter*—ol np *pectal value—par- tially preeerved from the eleraeat*. The qeea- uoonowk; To whom belong tha garment* in Mr. Oa poaaeesioa, loaad la th* wood* i Tbe owaor—iraleo tha wearer who abandoned them, aot lateadlag to do violence to the proverb that "exchange la no robbery"—can have them apoo application la person and proving ot property.

Many people ware doubtless disappointed on Wedeeaday evening, that tbe Mate of tba wrath' or prevented their attendance at the Old Folk*' Concert, given al Steven* Hall, by a com pa ay of ladle* aad gentlemen from both part* of tho town, th* Depot aad tba Centre, with tha ai-

of Mr. 0. B. Bargees, tenor, of Law- la iplte of the very unfavorable weath-

er, there we* quit* a larg* audience, and the re- ceipt*, amounting la all to between #90 and 9*0, were enough to pay expense* Bad leave a balance of #10 to #lu. Thoee who attended enjoyed a good avaalBg'* entertainment. Tbe concert wa* ably conducted by Mr. Edward Batterworth. Mr. Freak D, Feeler acted ai ecrompantit with tho beat of skill. Tho whole programme of piece* wa* performed with credit to all concerned, the *oio*, the part aoaga and

a being well executed and favorably The company was arrayed In flue

_ maay of tb*m quite aaUqae, and itrihlng, both tor oaalatacaa aad lor beauty. Al the ctoee of ike concert, tba partMpaals war* very pleasantly iorpri*ed bv the furakh- iag of a table with Ice cream, ettf., tbe cbarac- toristic act of Mr. and Mn. Hose* T. Stereo*. It waa deckled to repeat the concert at aa early day, probably In Herrlmec Hall, for tho ben- efit of the Ladles' Charitable Union, an an- noaaeeaaeat which • boa Id awaken tha Interest ol oar townsfolk generally.

Motor Martaa^aael oar neighbor. Mr.J. H. -—, (wtvaae aawrhwoa the war,b*i

tavwtagly oahwaad of tola,) have kindly J4 laaaaMtratoTattgwagthoaaseday of edi- M tha fbrthcoaalag May Day Paottvai, at

ra hall. Havtag baZ some expertaace h nNii ii», taaaa gaatkaaaa will be ahta to tvjr atiumMkTi aid. Sceptics will be

eoavtaeed whoa they ccoae aad ata. puca an waraad that the umptattoai

., Wtoaltrra>#hrafok*«iiiailbn<luni! J. A Inert Abejott, too of loaaoh Aunmtt, of

- died or uPhtanmtUoa a Preecott, toblJaHllh H* left a widow but .Mr. Abbott IMt thk town aboat

Saaogosoa w»oant of fbeWe health,

a laanwhai improved # bk rwatoval to tho weal. Be was engaged a trade la Praewatt, aad hoe doa* a good ouii- MM* ia malawufy bad fancy good*. He waa a r*ry worthy yoaag atta, aad nude Irieaus

wherever kaowa. Hkwtoow before marriage, was Mtat »■ Jeanta Bnawracfc, of ttk ntaee.


MV. OLEA80N, Masoo. —Maaoa e Workoi every deaorlptloD piomptly ex-

eouuul. urder box at J- ll. I'.mi't Market, Main at. keaidenoe. Maple Avmuc. mvri ly

WILLIAM DUNDAB, Coatom Tailor, Oarmeat*got up In the lateat atvle*. Klr»i

ahlp. ttepalrlni end sleanalng

r T n~. ary, Inka, etc.eto. Oyitarsaad Heal* rurnlibed tail houra. Corner Main an! Ureen atreeti.

ILLIAM r. FINDLfcY, Dining ""•oma^-Frult, Candle*. Citare, Station.


Funeral and Furnishing UNDERTAKER,


Ranui> 1*01,1 traMBbSTuar,

tf *entt Amdaver. alaaa

Strawberry Plants. Crescent Seedling aad Cliarla* Downing

Ho. Andover, Ma**.

POMP'S POND ICEI Ainparlararllclf rarCr«aai>ri,Ca«Uri

Ice Pitcher*, BefrigaratorO« efco. Siaie ot Prtaei-lower than ever — to bo

A abate of patroaace eallelted. Pull aallifan tion guaranteed, *r no bill. Our team* will take oaltlon (aauaual) May lit- Sooner If necesaary,

Keapecirnily, Ff. M. BAY WABD A SOU.

Andover, April I, US1. 1/

An axcelleat Jeraey Cow.foar yatra old. hav- ing a Calf two weeks old. Apply to JOHN BABBT, Pike atreet, Aadover. at a is



• •■tie Faanilwma and BarroU'a top ■ amoe. fUmplagaai l>lerJh|Be>


WOOD&COAL White Ash ail Franklin Coals.

HARD AND SOFT WOOD. Pre pared ,li deal red.

Foa SllJt Bv j

JOHN CHANDLER, Andovar O den received,aad killt*ettU >' at



The grammar school commcDced the ipring term on Munday latt.

Bar. Mr. LawreBCO preached al the Baptist church on Sunday latt.

The E. A. Straw Engine Company waa out for practice oo Saturday aliernoon-

i. O. Sargent, lies been appointed guardian Of Mia* Laura O. Marsh, of Kingiton, N. Y.

Tb* Bowe property, adjoining tho block of J. S, Dodge, on Broadway, I* enured for sale.

Some of the card* from Bowea h Jobnson'i hat thop have Jual been sold to panic* ID Maine.

Tha high school alumni are making prepara- tion* lor a pleasant time at their annual re- union.

Mr. 0.1). Jena* itarted tbl* week fur Santa Cm*, Cal., lo viiit a brother residing in that

aoe. Mr. Qeo. w. Bamblett, ba* obtained a alta-

atlon in Boston, with Johu M. Wood*, lumber dealer

Mlm Camilla A. Howe I* *peadlna a short irailou In town. She I* engaged In teaching

at Brook line. The selectmen have appointed K. 0- Knight

and Joseph Martin, a* truant ofllcera, for the ensuing year.

Tbe Lawrence brass band be* been engaced i play oa Decon

Po*t of tbl* town. to play on Decoration Day, ■ tho o.

Wm.ll. Bulrlck, formerly a reiident ol tha town, but now of Koene, N. it., has been here ■evaral day a during the weak.

It i* rumored that tba Mottaaea Woolen Co., are about to build a new mill, to be aituated near the one now In operation.

r. laalab Bmeraon, baa Jaet obtained bl* penalon papera, which will enable him to draw about eleven hundred dollar* pension money.

Bev. Z. U. Uolbrook delivered a temperance lecture, 'lluln* Illustrated," at the M. B. cuurcb, In Salem, N. U., oo Wdlneiday of last week.

Mr. Win. Uemmcll.ol Lawrence, baa resign- ed from tbe police force, and bought tbe Alfred Clark larm,*ltnatod at the north part of tbe town.

Bev. Mr. Hartshorn, of Lawreneic, preached at tha Congregational church, on Sunday last, In exchange with tbe pastor, UOV. Z.8. Bol- brook.

part ol th* town, I* ent season. Mr. Qeo. A. Cloaaoa will do tbe Hone work.

A good delegation or Mason* Irom John Hancock Lodge, went to Selem, M. H.. oa Munday attend a meeting of Splcket Lodge In that town.

Mr. Chae. Aaitln went to Concord, N. ][., on Monday, to attend tbe auction aale of tha old Stale prlaon. Be waa n bidder, but did not ■aceend In baying th* property.

John Casey was arraigned before the police court, on Monday,charged with an aaaaatt no- on Morn* Pitageraia, of Lawrence. Ba waa found guilty and sentenced to 30 day* In Ike hone* of correction.

Mr. Lorin Puller, of Denver*, nephew of Mr. Jasper Puller, of tbl* town, died anddenly at the reaidence of tbe latter, on Priday morning, aged 18 year*. The remain* were taken to Denver* lor Interment.

Tbe selectmen have made tbe following ap- pointment*: Library committee, D. W. Ti

llev. Willard Spauldlng, of Denver*, preach- ed at the UnlversalUt cbnrch on Sanday, and will occupy the tame palnlt neat Sunday morn- ing. In the evening an Eaitcr concert will be given by tha Sabbath school.

Thomas O'Salltvan was arrested oa Friday night, by Officer Katabt*. for an awanlt with an ax, upon one John Sullivan. Be wu orought before Jodge Roger* oa Saturday morning, and placed under 8M00 bond*, for bli appearance at the Superior Coart. In de- fault of ball be waa committed to Jail.

Henry Bobiueon was arrested by officer Betchclder, of tba state detective force, oa Sunday, at tbe westerly part of tha town, " then. It seema that ha baa beea *tee __ robe* and harnesses from tbe farmer* In that part of tba town, for tho paat two years. He waa taken before tho Lawrence police coart, on Taeaday, and bound over lo tho Superior Coart in tho sum of Bv* hundred dollar*.

The annual parish meeting of the Baptist society was held on Thniedayafternoon.and elected tbe following officer*: Moderator, Qeo. W. Oage; clerk ancT treasurer, L. O. Non-1 s;

ncy, James Pierce and Chit. Beaton,

sotut* parity or"O. O.TSTLO* Whiskey (obtained for analyrt* at random

State Asaaycr, Mas*. •It

Kstreme Tired Feetljag. A lady tell* ua "tho first bottle hu done

my daughter a great deal of good, her food doao not distress her now, nor doe* iho suffer from that titrtme. tirtd fetlitu) which she did before taking Hood'a cWsanarilla." A second bottle effected a core. No other preparation contain* such a concentration of viuluinn;, enriching, purifying and Invig- orating properties as Hood ■ Baruiparilla.

IB Naoaoaal Who left tbe United State* for Liberia laat year

lately returned, being nnablc to stand tbe tte. Everybody going to a new climate

shoald have a bottle of Sulphnr Bitter* with

Diphtlieris poison* the blood. Convaleaceat* should take Hood's Saraaparilla to nentralise and eradicate the peiaon matter. tit


Bnv. 11. A. McAjeal. _. Mlaa Victoria K. Brown, nil ol Lawrence.

NUSBAUM-BUACKETT.-Iu this city, April 1Mb, by Bev. Clark Carter, Mr. John Nunbaum, of Salem, Ohio, aad Mlaa Matlta L. Braekett, of Lawrence,

Home, April 11th, Andover, sired to y re. Hla remain* were burled

Aadover. oa the lath Uet.

. Towueud, of

la the Weet Cemetery,

MaVaanwm, tormeriy ABBOTT.-Ia Preicett. Wisconsin, April lath.

J. Albert Abbott, lormerly of Andover, in bis

New Pottery Lamps WITH TalW—


Moehring Burners.



Court in aid lor tbe County ol Essen; rP.B see a, aad 7 arr "-

viter.a lace to yonr

RESPECTFULLY representa Ivory P. Butler of Lawreaoo, *n aaM County of Be Belay J. Bailer, his wife, thai "'

PRIZES orrtiiD lligl

Shakespeare Club, Ma)


The Shakaepeare Club oonaeelad with the Ualvaraailal church, olen to all resldeataet Lawrence, professional etocutioeista*xcep4ed,

i. * for Uo boat declawaiioa*, to ho far ia some public piece, Monday

'* ia »U; seooei Wff •th. Tba irat prise I* fa*

The following oondltioL 1. All oaadidat*a far prises maatapplyaa

early aa May td, to Chairman'"" Rev. A.ri.WltlTJC.M Uardea al____

I. The number of ooateaUala ta limited to

a. Bath ladlea aad cent lessen ere admitted .■candidate*. i. All meat send their own aaataa. tba tl lies

jf their sieeee aad tba name* of tbe aatbare, to the chairman of tbe oommlllee.

B. The eommltleo will aaalga position oa tha nrogramm* with reference lo the tide* aad aethers.

«. It a larger number of eaadidataa ahoaM apply than 1* allowed i« ta* **ooed oeadlltoa, go namminioe *aali aaake aetoattae

T. Prlse*ar*tobeawardedbvth*r«IU>wla«, wawantoMlHjaMlajasi Mal.6ee.s. Merriu,

■r«RWSsfc^.ir«jJa^ Alao to all reaktaata af Uwrewan. acefea

atoaal wriowa aaaawloa. three wrtaee tor tha Imi emye. tone 8*A*Mt*l tor ta *emep«brta

ThoaabtoeteertoeeeeayBtebe: 1. WaMeoaatltntoa HaalttfulAi

4. CaaraoMn-ttaa of the ampreaaatatlte -ir.eaa Author of Piotlon.

a follewlag oeodlUema are imposed: ~ 1 eoatrlbator ta lo aetoet one ei the

FRENCH HilB SWITCHB. S OanMi, 1 Yard lone, for $10 4 " 80 in. " T Si " orsrlyd" 6 3 " 26 in. " 4 21 " 34 la. " S 2 '■ 20 in. " S

S. ataeheoatrihutortatoaignhlaerhereaaay wltkaaotlUoaenaaM.

A All eoatribelor* are to eacloee with theli eaaay* sealed envatopea with tha aaaamad

oaaa aad direction tor their return on th* talda. aad eaetoetag tie reel aasaee.

I. All eeatrlhutor* are u fotward laolr essaya as early as May tin, to the eaalrmaaoi tba «*m*aklea, Bar, A- B.While,

5. The prise* are se be awarded by tkefel lowing p*T*«a*. who act aa Jndgee. Mea. Jehu

s-Ar«Vr"d.\^T,rttt«^'«.U: tor farther lasanaasioa addreea v. E- Mad.

, Sec. «gia tl it 14Mr*

Ceeaaneawenltl* Of Hnaeaahiwaetla.


To tha Beat of Kla, Creditor*, aad all ether Person* la lav to I* it la tho ••tale af

Martha J. Thumnaoa, late of Lawroace, ia said eouaty, minor

WernMEAa. anpttettloa has been made to aaid Court to grant a tatter or admtaletratlon ea tb* **tata eraaid deoeaeed, toCherie*: " Lawraaaa. la the county of Essex.

ron are haawny *aaew toMpaarataPMbal* Court,tab*held al Lawraaaa,hi aald eeaaty of Baaes, oa the aaoowd Moaday of May next, at aiaae'eleek before eaoa, to*k*WMte*e

givapublie aottae thereof, by pernUal eiuttoa oaoe a week, for three week*. In the newspaper eel lad tb*


prlaled at Lawreaee, the two daya at loaat before

Wllaeaa George P. Ckoate, Eaeulre, Jedee of aald Court, tbl* aeooad day of April to tbeyear oae thoaaaad eight auadred aad

* * llBxtto J. T. MABOBBT, aagtater.


Medina's Llebon Wave, Warraated watar earl, the Brett teat aad asset eeiereJ wave ever were. *a. aa, ttoaadnp Kg. Ladies' aad Beat*' ArtTaeal Bead it

r.aj «)■, ill aad upward. We warraat le e*U the Beet aad aheap «et In prteee. aad to glee aattolaottoa to all eeir eaMtwiara. Worn hair aad eoeahlag* taken to exchange.


Paris Hair Store, 4M St., oor. •umm.r,

BOITON. S3* bn St, U,



MM. M.uu mm* •!.

M Ww.WtthiHUid i\ .fMCith.






FLORISTS. argeat Plak neasea In I

&±&m?Jm%£ Oa r war Breed way eat A Awtaw »t» ***,


they are de- ling Qraea Ethel Webster, a child star, now of some place ta yonr

petitioners unknown, never bavins beea mar

A correspondent of the 11averbill Bulle- tin, take* President White of the MalBu railroad to task for his statement, that the maximum rate on his road at the present tine la 8 cents a mile, and oak* how Is the statement borce oat by snch rates as the following, from Qeorijetown to Haver- bill alx milea fare-0 contei from Bwaei d to Ncwbaryport five miles, fare SO cents from Dan vers_lo Georgetown 12 miles fare 40 cents. On the Malae road. Tor Instance from Heverhill to Atkinson Depot four nllel fare II cent*. The correspondent also shows Mr. White to be In error, when he said that season ticket* are only 81-100 ol a cent a mile, for If the statement was trae a season ticket per quarter between Grovcland and Haveruill would not ex- ceed ft* Instead of the present price of *9 and between Georgetown and Haverhill not exceeding «8, inttoad of the present rate of 914.

of adept of Laura Webaler, now of some petitioners unknown, never taavme g*n HI- riod, which aald cnild wa* born in Moelton- boroagn, Mew Hampahlre, oa the second day of Betwember A. n^ lee*. Thai the mother of aald ehild baa utterly abandoned It, aad departed ta some place to your petitioner* nnkaowa, leev- tog aald ofclld to be eared for by tbe publie eharlttos, to wit. Bv the Overseen or tbe Poor Of the city of Lawrence, who entrusted the ear* of aald child to your Detltloners. Wherefore we pray for leave to adopt said child, and that her aame mar be changed to that or Uraee Ethel Itutlcr.

Dated this twcily-flxlh day or March A. p. 1ML '


Commonwealth of Mattachutetts- PHOBATB COURT.


o»in-aforaalaatgl.-for**UlBg-UaV«B,fTeeB hi* Light Brahma aad Dark Brahma Hen*. I bare beea Breading the above varieties from choice stock, for eoreral years, with greed results, and have spared no expense to make m v atoek superior la quality, also aad color. They are nret-claas, su wrier lajere, aad lay extra largo Eggs. Just tba attain lo braid from. First Premium B:rd**tth* La wreaee Poultry Show.

146 East Havarhlll St., Prospect Hill, LAWRENCE'

Htm atari



at her r«U*n#*,reeT*MHAYBBJnLL BT.

CHao* hours »o1etock a. ■■ aalll t ark. gaodaT*

all other persons interested, to appear at a Pro bale Coart to be bolden at Lawreaoo, ta and Tor said county of Basel, on the aeooad Monday of May next, at Bine o'cloch ia the forenoon, lo anew cause. It mar they have, why the prayer of aal! petition sbcula not be .reeled, by serving Iheea, iffooad in tbla State, with a copy of said neililoe. and thl* order, sevea daya al least before aald court, and If not, by pabliahlag the ■am* oaoe a week for three In tbe aewapepar called the


printed at Lawreace, In aald county of Essex, the last publication to be seven Jars at least before sola court.



mvll irr


The subserl ber wl'I take Horsee and Colt* lo Gstare for the season; conditions reasonable:

lasata taken aad returned free Of charge Applvto*.Q.UEEJEY,orMetknea,orJOBi> PBAT Ol Aadover.

N1 OTICB IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT the eabaonhwrhaa been duly appointed ilstrator af the estate of

JABEITB M. BOOR, late Of Aadover, le the eoaatr of Essex, atagle-woaua, deceased,

aad has taken npos blmself that trust by glrlag bonds, as " demands i reaalrodl IneWbtedl payment to

J09IPII SCOTT, Adm'r. Aadover, April IS, lest. VU at ts

Andover Bniineii Directory.

A I.BERT O. WOOD, JIt., "ucccasor to J\j. VT, BABHABD, Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Eubbers.snd Kcpalrlns done In tbe best mea- ner, ail at the lowest prteee. Bank Bui Id lag,

ntyT lyr aer. »U at the lowc at | Maia atreet, Andover,

■.Mass. lydaMTl

r Oiwftook) TaghooBlc; __lnlyoftketl.II*. do HasL t v.


?«BF-w: tu—trMU. •..


hon. ta hk

*■*■ awaw.'" SaaMr «>.«« wii> M

Mt-li, H. X. Chant. Th. MWIT l|| Ij—B •' -• «■»■

CfesMb wUI pwb h««S_Mhv. At th, CM_M.lto.^ nMrf. BhwUr J...

IlwOlh. nil Ualtmtmfm- JH>MManlMM

liwoiu nil to mrb« I—J rnu» It T.MMJ «VM-

'all Mrtlca—. ol It. IMMI.I ■«»!'. •hlch »ll WiMiHiy MnlM. .Ill b. loand M JUM—M Mft Ol thl. MM..

ft* JhnM MM Mnrwuc., MllonML . MBW MI MlU. VUI HIM4 UM IMMI L4UCMf Swhjtr hwL SMMC Mo«Uy maug.


—TBioaaa o»—

Voice Cultivation and Gesture. TOWN HALL. " ANDOVER.

N° OTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN that tha subscriber ha* beea duly appoiated ex-

ecutrix or tha win of Hixar BtiKTT, late of Andover,

In the county or Essex, harness maker, de eeesed, testate, and baa taken upon herself

reels. All phi ol said

upon the

re celled upoa to ■ HANK AH B. 1 _

Aadover, April 41b, 1841.

will store la It furniture, earrlagaa, sleighs, and other artieloe oa laoaeaakto term*. Apply at BmlU A MaaBiag'a store, ~

To Reduce Stock Will sell a number of flOOd HOUSES very low

iBOlMf Mansion Mease, Andover.

ttOTHBBS I MOTBBB8 I I MOTHERS Are yon disturbed at night 'and broken of

yoar rest by a sick child, suffering and crying with tbe excruciating pern or catting teeth ? If so, go at once end get a bottle or MB*. ~" LOWS SOOTHING T tbe poor little, it on It; there is n net a mother oo earth, who has ever used it, who will not tell yon at one* that It will regn late the bowel*, aad give rest- o tb* mother, aad relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It 1* perfectly safe to nae in all eawes, aad pleawanl to the taste, and * tbe pre scTiptlonofooeoI the otdaet aad beet female

' lictaaa aad nurses In the United Stale*. everywhere. 2fi cent* a bottle.


DOOTOBJI Of all tho dlflarant school* In tbe country, have thousands die every year, of Bright ■ disease of the Kidneys, who could be living to-day, tl they bad used Sulphur Hitters. Thar are un- equalled In tba world for all diseases of the sidneyi.—New Haven Union. 112wcod

Da. BULLOCK'S KIDKBT BBMBTT, "HEPH- BET1CUM," ha* no equal Tor lameness and weakness peculiar to tern ale*, and lor people Of advanced ago. It cure* Diabetes and atrsagth

and tone* up the system ha a wonderful mer. It isooeof the beat productions that

actenee has elaborated during tho century, Vlwaod

Ana STBAca*. Esq., ir.of Lei Liebigt

I to allm Betel to a need in tbe "thoroughbred" stable* of H. B. McOrath, B- H. Owens, Loe Paul, W. B. Really and other well known Breeder* aad Traln*r*,aad they alt Krenounce It the very best tottoa and BUdJcine

ir tbe bone which they bare ever used, giving Care* Breaking

•old in any cents aad dollar sixes) reduced rate* by the bait gallon or galtoa. Bewareol worthies* 1m itattou*. Depot 00 Maiden Lane, New Yorx.

l>lw eod

FOB SALE. Coach Buaineaa In Andover.

CoatemplaUBcaohaBg* In business, I oBerto ■ell Borsae, Coaches, Wagon*. Harness, etc., aad Iho C0A01I LIME mooing from the Man alon Ho use la'Aadover, to the depot, aad about town. A good paying business lor B man who oaa give H bla persona I attention.

The route, etc., Will be aold tor cash, and none but strictly reliable persons need apply.



Straight to the Boneyard people go who neglect too long tbe danger signal of approach- ing consumption, a baeklng rough. Bat with Dr. Thoma*'Hdcctric Oil, for a aaftgnara tt~ peril it averted. It Is a aepertaltvely One re* edy alao for Rheumatism,, Pile*, iQrcnetx.buri etc.

PorielabyE.H. Kelley, drnn'st. IJlw

COPT—Attest, Copy-. utf at *

.'. MAHONEV.ileilsler.

J. T. MABOSEY, lteglater.




BENJAMIN B. TUTTLK has bonght of J. B. Parlta the local axsreaa aad Jobbing

baalaoss formerly of M. B. White. Uaaeral tohblng, movlnx " reasonable price*.


BRADLEY * PARLIN, Merchant Tadora aad Dealer* to Clothing, Hats, Caae

aad UenlV Furnishing Uoods, Mala Street, Aadover, Mass.

CH. SHATTUCK, Harness Maker and * Carriage Trimmer, baa removed to Bean'a

hnlMlag, Elm Square, where all work In his line will be promptly done, and at reasonable price*.

DR. C. R. ABHDTT.-OOlce and Real- Idoaee at Mra. Eben Tyler'*, Main Street,

Aadover. Owtoe boor* 8-10a. m., 1-3 and after ifdec*

EDWIN II. BARNARD, Fainting, Ola- slag, BralalBg aad Paper BaaglBg. A

head aad for ease.

ED. HATCH has opened the Rim • House for tbe accommodation ol the pub-

lic. Permanent and transleat boarders kept, and traveler* and parties entertained. Palron- aaesolteiled. ap4 lyr

El'iKE, Tin, Earthen and Wooden e Ware; Bepair* Pumps, Stoves, Par-

aeces, etc. Sole agwal lor Magec stoves, ran- 5>* aadfuraacea lor Aadover and vicinity,

rdera promptly attended to. Park street, Aadover. aovT lyr

Coal and Wood. •t*.t.M,a.«.lk,Knt.rprl>. HhH. AMI


Mas Valla Red Ask Coal. Tha aba,. CMla an UKM of th. bMt rirlell.,

MlMd. AbrlalMaa^falllaMBTlae. aa, oaa M that laet.

Prlcea Very Low.

Hay and «UawlCon,tantly on Hand. JOHN OORNKIX,

WILLIAM POOR Manutacturcsaadhasforsale*,Ster«,Market, ETII h, Bxlati

■w^ca-onsrs, Farm Wagons A Carts.

A Bpoolalty »f Meat W■*•-•. BepatrlBglaalllt* braaeaaa.


It li astonishing to *ee with what wonderlul rapidity Day'* Kidney Tad has com* Into fa-


TUB PBOVLB'S WOBLD-WIDB Tttastor. BtTBJtBTT*a COOOAIBB has been sold In every

clTlllsed country, and tb* public have rendered tba verdict that It 1* tbe cheapest and best BAIB

Oaaaarxo la tbe world. BCBBBTT/B FLATOBIXO EXTBACTS are Invar!

ably Bfkoowledged the pareot and the but, ItlaanaaatS

Paln-kllling, Soothing, Strength en Inn and Stimulating I* tbe Bev neater. tjlteod

100 doxen all linen towels nt lit* cent*, form- er price 30 cent* ] at Byron Treoll A Co'*.

II* Is fighting against nature who trie* to cars Catarrab 5y mean* of douches, snuff', or any suck application. Nature sever intended such stuff should enter tha noee. Catarrblne » scientific In Its application, and what Is beat of ail, U tare to cure. Try a aample package.


AUAMTBABD CANVAS*BUS Make Trom fiS to #00 per week selling good* for K. O. Bldeoat A Co., 10 Barclay itreet, Neaf York. Seed for ihelr catalog** aad tana*.


Byron Truell & Go.




MONDAY, April 18th, we shtoll

offer the foliowlnir HpoclaltleB* to be Continued through

the week, Tbe following n ecUUIes will be ogeird In



and TAPESTRIES, which all eoaoedd are the finosi Styles eyi

or J red tn Lawrence.



Wc Hhnll OIT.T Fifty Ptecca

BLACK SILK8, tnch Lower Price then inter ten sold lor recently al and

tbla city.



S Cases ABLIKUTOK and WASHINGTON D It ESS GOODS, at about half romer price*.

30 Fleoc* 8DM1IEB SII.KH, only CO cents per yard.

t Caaea TOWELS, for 1 i 11 cen'.s each, worth Ueenta,


LACKS In grent tantty, at unpieceitawted low price*.

DOMESTIC 1IOODK In great profuaion al reduced price* for ibia week.

All art Cordially Invited to Eiaminaour


Cen Jacqueminot Rose, Oaa wa obhUaai aUba Ore laaiaans at



Mrs. 1» 8. Waterman, FLORIST,



Flowers for Easter! CALLA MU EH.

RASTEIt LILIES. And other Flow/ore ButUble for Church

Doooratloo. tl tf

Musical „, Eaai, »,Mr*.C.

will be at bar fbratar atealc roonts, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

of each week, for tbe purpose of recelrlag pupila oa

PIANO AND ORGAN Further Information can b*obtained atT.A'A

Atknaoa1* Millinery Btore.rMEasex itreet. dAwllSeMll


STOCK BROKERS, Msmbon of tha Boiton Mining at Stock

Exchange, ok* and BOB .right or ea I


No. »ia Essstlt..Lswrsas*. Has*



Good twoyaareld riaata al ti aad ta a Alee a selection of rare Bfsaaasais and

riaata at T*aaawaM« irwisa.


Garlei, Field, Flower ail toil, rreals, Elaltabl* sal Par*.

Easter Opening!

-A- W. Stearns & Co. •at eewaed aa siUaalr* one of BLACK BROCADE EATDTI, froas •!.» **fi taper yard Mwaeede we are aalikag at par eewtaader prtae; *T*ry lady alsoatacxa^Bta* 1MB Eaoclal

re eMaa that wa caa aetl aUasfe lilks eaeeper taaa eay otacr aeuse la tao aalr.

Satin de Lyons and Merveilleux Silks.

SUMMER SILKS. BEy**dsa«BM*ae gUkseeJyeecentaper yard; yory cheap.

HuruxDJa^BTrsc STJIXHSTCHB. Wt aava taw leeweet lie* af those teed* la tho rear, la all the aew ** t xlnro*. aad UM aratr Maa.

Cheap Dress Goods. luUHriuk^nilw. WMIIIM;


C-L-O-A-K-I-N-G-S. Ca*r^UI*alr,rre**hOerdirettse,La*Uee Oel**,rektaiMlr^e

PHP A T^OT^hdlBlSri?. KB.



CARPET8 AND CARPETINC8. ygaariestatijfc. Ojtretawataaowaeaspteta.laeladlaajextra*aper Taitaearlae, BraaselasadO

Buy tha Stearns Carpet Sweeper.

STE.A11NS & CO. 809, 311 ESSEX STREET,


Guano, Phoiphatw, Stookbridge Eaanns, Bone Fortiliion,


PLOWS, »c. »«•

■■■» MTilMfM B|*w WSMA»W.

SOOTTTYTETOB, 343, 345 Common St., Lawisess.

IF Yon are In want of a

Whit* or Faaey Shirt .r a

NobbjrTle, call on CCBTI8

l at Anctloa.


375 Eiaei Street, Lawrence.

Wheeler h f liioi Iiiifactirlii Co,




lasrruuarsfinKdiHi! wwtaek a.aa. Altar tbe aa'a of (he far** Iho steel aad tool* *f**ld tarns will be seU. For further pertrCBtara apply (either ta par*— «e buy letler) ta the owa*r Wit ALU sou f IMBALL, £180 asroatae*. Eradferd. Mass., or ta «wo

CBAMB, Herald Buildtag, l»7 »Te*bl*«toB stasa*.

•ata BoeUifa to the highest bidder, rala or aalM-

B. n. CLABE. Aiaalejwawr. Oatae 37 Court K,


WANTED, FARMERS AND DEALERS TO KNOW That tbe Cheapest and Beet r*rtlli*er for all erepele


lead far oar doeoribtire paasphtat showing Uaaraaleed Aaalysl*. "Beeirrta." Dealers wanted In every County, io whose exclusive territory will beajtawa,

Address BAUCH a, SONS, Sole Manufacturers, 12m .8 20 8. Delaware Avc, Philadelphia, Pa.

Largest Stock of Fine Spring Clothing Ever Shown in New England,

And Challenge Any Dealer In the State to Offer


A CARD. To all who are luflerlng from the errors nap

Indtacratloa* of yoatb, sorrows weakness, early decay, leas of waahood, Aa., I will send a re- cipe that will ear* yoa. Fans op UMABQS. Thli great rented/ was disoorsreJ by a aiia. slonarylnaoniliAnKrlcn. Beadaaelf-addreesed enrelope to EBV. JOS. T. INN AN, StatsDE D K ew York CltTj llaodlT aaJO


Oeo. Droot, Ollatoa stiwot, Bnffslo, layi: Yoar Spriag Btoaeooa 1* a first class remedy lor ilck headache aad atonvaeh dersgersenta, ud alsoaeta well oat tha kidneys.

Price, 60 cent., trial bottle* 10 rent*. For ■ale by K. II. Keller, drag*.*!. «J Jlw

249 Essex St. 294

FOR a Xobbv Stiff or Soft

Hat, call on

CUKT1S, the Hatter.

PROFITS eiVEN AWAY! Here's Money for you !

■ * i

Best Savings Bank in Lawrence.


Winter Ulsters, Overcoats, Suits, Head, Neck, Hand and Foot Wear. Every Article marked In plain figures. Every Sale

warranted aa repreeanted, and if not entirely satisfactory, we exchange or refund





260 ESSEX ST.,

MEN'S DEPARTMENT, 300 ALL WOOL TWEED SUITS at $6.60. Thsw good, are ss rsp-

nssatsd, itriotlr ALL WOOL, sal cannot ba matohad is tks oountry, u tha priot aikad would not bar the cloth,

1000 ALL WOOL SUITS at $8, $8.50, Batter Chad** 110.111. IUJJ18.60,113,114,115.

A LIGHT CHEVIOT, throe button Cutaway, at 113.60 '.regular prio* 116,50), ii on* of the many Bareaini In this Department,

1100 FAH0T 0A88MEBE SUITS at price, from 110 to 130. Tssss sis among the Hobbieit things worn, and young men ihould not Call to txamiaa them.

Aoomplet* linssf MIDDLE8EX BLUE FLANNELS and YACHT CLOTHS always ss hand, sod at Bottom Fieurei.

Of BB0ADCL0TH8 sad WOBSTEDSwa mike a ipaoislty, sod bars noon our count*™ s lias of Suit* whioh for itjle, fit, make sad trimming, are equal to say Oostsm Tailor*, bait production,.

YOUTHS' AND1BOYSMDEPARTMENT. Ererj Deairable Fabrio'.for Spring Wearfi, roproNntsd st Price,

from $8.60 to I3U.00.

CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. In thia Department we «how a Larger Stock than all other local con-

oern, combined, and at Prlos, so Low that one viait will oosriao* Parent* It dsss not par tasm to make Children,' Clothing.

name Mark our naods in Plain Figures. One Price to Ml I (fame luificture n Shoddy Goods to Mils Low Prices! ngmecheertilly reliml the Money when Seods are Hetuned!


The Buyer receivea'the'worth of his Money

urainii-PRiciwiiiiiiisi! vt. 884 and 886 ES8EX STREET.

a u. BITCH■ Ue would hsvi nwmFs*"*-

mmmm mfitPm^ws>9m^m^m . .■-".-■ ifgp


tn .1! ... I ))■'

riiilE iiurvtllout results of HOOD'S BAB>

■ aArwim.i.. aSSS, nil humors and low lOlldlllOlll Of Ill0 lll'X! t :i I j the

MW!I lias 14-1 ■ i llio HK.-/ O^ (lil« nrticlt nt fc"«"'/Jv )y every *ai,.ltf tn/X

* CJT /''lklll2 » st / O?/11 eradicates

Cv /thercliy restoring /l:i;: Ihe whole sye-

[ Q. / ■■ «BS u.uiii.i.» pur] J** Aloud. Havd.SiBaUr

/rsres dyspepsia. Hood's f I-AMI-LA cure* bilious 1 peculiar point In Hood's

i; \i-Aiiii.i. \ ii that It builds up anil strengthens the system, while It eradicates disease, and ns nature's great assistant BNvSS Itself Invaluable a> a pro- tection from uiaWMfH originate la ch-uij/vs ot the KMDii, sf (llrsul. and of lite,


m._q. L U.H.1. k nt.: IMEM -

iaiidlrforWi^iitaiirhiii^wVtfwondeiSX surcon*, uml am happy l" l« H )'.« tbal It Is ittstn* wu iwr «Mii. I dvatfr

i' ,iny fin' V.LIM U iri.lllilnl wUJt o I'hc ibis vuHisil'lr ii'inody a trliil, i- thorn Ibry v.lll mil t ■ dUiiipoiat-

t:v. I'ICKI:KIN(I.

i... H I'K S \K* U-11; 11 I v. \i sold! by [ill Iwtig. In. IMee "I IKT bottle; six for SA Pre. ri-il by G. I. IIIKm .'. t()., Lowell. Situs.


Kveu an Kuter egg la nut u bad H It U painted.—Boston Courier.

Private Dalzell baa been reading "Carlyie'a Reminiscences," and Is mortified that the old man hasn't laid any tiling about liim.

Twist women and wtne, man's lot in to smart; UM wine niakva aia evssvl ache, and women lilt heart.—Old Hhyme.

Home one tells ua tliat oue-tbird of our Urns Is spent in bed. Tbis-ac- counts for our retiring disDoaiiion.— . Yonkera stateaman. /

When a nan is pitching pennies and loses one, be reminds us of ''Noah's weary dove." inasmuch aa be U one cent oat.—Cambridge Tribune.

"Mr. GilUooly," said a diminutive boy, with a handful r,f bills, "wht-n are JEM going to par tub I'll far them boots ytjsr ban got oaT* "How old are yon, sonnyT "Ten years old." "Go tail your pa that you have got too much curiosity for your age."

Uncle Mote im-t a varV dandfflerf Houston darky, who used to live in (ialvoalou, on Gnlventon avenue, and who said in a very digolted inaum-c, "How do you enjoy die balmy wedder, sab?" "I don't know ver> sab. Yon

AIIUUHD ^OW.OaWJ • «rftiaisB#up«« KcorptioB tjf lseWSla BlUPMtU. A- E.

Of Manchester, K. H. The Vstm-as* Uavt A Oala. *lgfct.

A muru thoroughly aalsrtalnlos and an- J.ijaWe ctup life has seldom been held by Post89 than that of Wednesday ercn- Injr, toe occasion of unusual festivity be- lat Lite visit of Louis Halt Post of Uta- chttstsr. N. H., wLo have seen frequently InvlU'd and long expected to visit Law* retire. The visitors, one hundred strong, and ascompanlod bj Balchalder A Stokea dram corps, arrived here by special train over UM Maaebealer and Lawrence rail- dusil, shout 8 'Mi o'clock, aad were re- rflv.d by Heedhaea Pest and tba dram corps. The I a ten at takea la the visit of tin- Hew Hampshire veterans was well attested to tf tbw fsH rawks wlita which the comrades of Post 89 turned eat to re- ctlve their gaests. After Informal greet- ings St the depot, the visitors were es- corted to Needham ball where, after all had been comrortably seated. Commander Stoae made the following- address of welcome t






. Tl» Greatest Blood Puri OS KATtriT.

This Great (Jcrraa n Modklne Is ^~_ ■ IKI'.'II of Yellow I^k, Wandrafce,. luentlan, Inaa. «(»., I tract of BBipnur, wnicn niaaea n

:lui Uroatcit ni»od 1'urlOer. mown. Do not even take

BLUE PILLS m arsenln, Iber are doadly./Yo,,r Kl<1 they are i. ,

vmirtrtist la SU1-J [I'lllIK IllTTKRft, the pnr 1

MUI bogtincdK-iuoorori

aeys ir --tetaai -- 8UL

11UU HIT " Urn


SufSrIxswwfa Kin I T'Jon't wait BBtfl yon

il eel soaas aloaoe, H

fbroath ■ fonslvo? Yowf ■-.— Um-h Ii tint (if (tnlor. lUso f ■uiTrintii I.linii-lyl layouri ■ Urino UifofcJ

"ored? IT !S ■

fThe Invalid^ Friend.

._ llnmember what you nt hero, It may save your , It baa saved hundreds, 't wall until to-morrow,

' Try a Bottle To-Day I riUCR, ONE DOLLAR.

SftftK L/t Co., Chemists, Law-

Is 1'roprloMra cor V.


^IfffRS Shootma- Chills Down the Back.

Dull pain in the I mhp, aausea. biliousness, s ■ y mutunin ol spiiroachlna feTer aad aaue, Uu- wiih.nii ik'lny llnatrtier's Stonsca BlUari, whleh ■iihsiiiatoi for las ihilly inassUoa a

lltllhV IOI.I-

piarUlinii* lo tSe lire'. TW howeie, Ihe'iioWeti ami thr hllUrvsl.isdtM'InKrrsloreil (<■ a henhhi t liiiillliiii,. Mi.' il'- rm I- )■ . (■' <|i:cl't'il ael.

For sale i.y all und I Hfnerallr-

eod *lSf J;


tka moat efhatwail KtmeSr r.r all Dls-

fllkeKISweya, Wlmitear •» l'rla>*rr »'!*••, K.nulrCaa.

.. pUl»i MMN «<«aral '^■'•blllly.aui h ... |I.IH Jytul, •linKM|n« aeaaa-

tl'lll I i. Ilia MalOk >■< LalMs, *H|ipi<-• asd «r ■MI "I.111..1.1 llll.,- I«M, WltN I'lilil.bat irlrk.Ju.tilraa.ll,

J..-1..I, (Jrarel, Ills- • rlra, OiKai.i( *•/•«■. • *■ i, *-a.

NKHIIKKT (I'd baa »■> H|IMI r.,r l.iBKSfMiadWiak'

_aeas a>ae«llat u »'.- ■■tales.

AKPlMIKTIOUm la lihr laaat ka«HH rsm- *s4> r.r DUwstee.

Hi:rnRKTI>l'N,aia Tasl« aad ailai wlaax f«r »a»il pinsai, la wltwwwt w rival. »• aiiri- snit sik far I'M ail.. f.OCK'K HII>I*JK\ HKWKDT.IftPHilai. Tin n r ... aaleaiy all Blrwcalats.

rrlee, mily tl.OOpar hallle. C. 8. nOHKHTSOtl, l'ropi letar, Rlaataa.

RO. €. UOODWIM aV C HAM llaaevarMt.



Dlnbctns mi.I nritrlit'a Piacoao, watte Ma cares of Ora*aL Dta**?, Catarrh «r lac ■laaSav, nrtahaaat tXasall, I'ulafal I'rlaallaa, BDch^Marad Crlaa, Nerraaa Waaaaaaa aaS I'.I. b, aha Back urii iiu.r. liha mlraclra thaa oaaMof i»l- ajBfJtwaWS* Thoprleo brtnuaN withintta>reaoaot all, aad II win ana ail] r aaro ruur iliac. Ita ooat la doclara al(l*. mcilkliiai and [daat.T.i, which at beat cl™ !»' te". [H.r.irr r.ll.f It can l>o uicd without fear or barm, and wiihcarUlaljof nprraianmil eiir*. Iwr eata ay dree- (kda r»n«.Jir, or acat *j snail trrca of aoataaai <aa raoalpaof thunric IUirul«rrad,aj.M. Child't Pad (for ln.-onllni.nca of urlss In chudranlt %IM\ Special (ntra aaahtXia Onrbook, **n-iwaLlfn »M DaTsd," (tTtaar the blctorr ol thli now dlamrorj and a larga record of ■art romarkihlaeuros vnt Trm, Wriurortt. Addraaa,

•AT kin-iiv PAD to,, TOLEoat, onio. Plimni OwlaS '" '»• •*■» aarthkaa Kldarr Pada IftU I Um. an • i~.-i.Law a aala aa oar rapawaloa, -. iron II (•'•'* 'h"1 nltlcied lo warn them. Auk foe •l*. V 's KID:* fcW I'Ati. aad laka ao otbar nW

URO, C- IL WIN * CO.. His' AIM,

BsOSTOra, af&as. For sale bj- H. M. wniTRF.T A CSV,


PERFUME. Murray & Unmans


IV V'KW LANTERN, No. 1.1. Look st It ^1 atJoilNC. I>OW acO'-Sl.intpHtorr. (hril rellows Iluildins.

CuairadeA of the Greed Army of UM Hajpublto. la behalf of the loyal aoMtera of MBHsacbuaetts, aa reprsaeated by the cawaradea of Poet 89, Uaseaebnaette |>e- partmeat or the Oread Aiany of the Ke- pnMlc, 1 greet with fraternal feel I ox the

. noldlery of New Hampshire, aa rcpre- Iiaa n>e at a Ulead vantage," respontwil | tented be.-u to-nlfkt by the comraden oi Moae. "Yon Cussed ole bow-legged,' Louis Bell Foat of llaocbaster. As we lanternlawetl gorilla, yer le de saaae wke 1"» bIln" nind ■nd ,ook lDl° Jour

o muUou.U.~J«l law ver .*.«.■ SS-TI^J!, t rSStt £l£i >«»w I known yer. As SCKTTI -tatty amoou aa all. Indeed, amoea all

aa yer qua talkia* like a Ketuutaui 1 knowed yer rlglit off," ntd tbey eru- bracetl like Bluchcr and Wellington on the llelU of Wnterioo.—li:ilv(-sli.ii News, I ! fl "vH

A finableexpi'i-k'ncv— "Ntmll I rend you a pretty story, Kltle?" "Has it got a moral to ilr" "Ves, darting." "Then, Mumsey, I'd ratlier not. A story wiili n inoral U like. Jan with n powder In il!"—Lauduii Puucli.

It was their Bret night* al>onrd the steamer. "At last," be said tenderly, "wo are all alone, oat upon tbe deep waters of the dark blue sea, and your heart will always lieat for no as it hn» beat In the past?'' "My heart's nil right," she answered languidly, but, tnj stomach feels ajrfu.1."—Brooklyn l'hrO!ilcro.r4 |) |TP

An elderly lady, who was very In- dticnant at the conduct of a man in a (lalveston s'roct oar. who was sinotbg, pn.ich.fl ike driver in the back with her umbrella, nud asked, "Driver, ain't It agin the rules lo emoke In Ihbcar?" --Vo'iran smoke as Daaeh as ron ptease, madam, if the gentlemen don't object," was the re- sponse. Then she rang the bell nnd gut out.—(jialveston News.

A woman writer says, "Babies— bless them 1—are the sweetest flowem in all the garden * ol the warhi." Yes—••West *einr—but ,bcy are nutifh -wiflcr when' ihrr get oM enough to pluck from the parent stem. And tliut are pretty expansivt; tocultlvato,too—''bkflsUieiur Yes! babies are sweet flowers—some- times—and should be left in 'heir lit- tle beds when their parents go to a public entertainment.—Norristown Herald.

Hon. Silas C. Cra.idall, while go- ing home from towu meeting at Rich- mond, L> I-, wus assassin a ted. After the town meeting. Friday night, wlu'te a great deal of |N>litiuul lecling was HIIUWII, C in ml til I stml'd for IIIH

home in hia carriage. It IK supposed that, while he wus riding along the lonely country ruad, several piatul shots were llred at him, one of which killed him. His body was found by tbe roadaido by some citizens, late in tba cvealng. Opdj of arse piftol BIKKS

bad taken ctfosjt an-ertha rich, eye, and another had inflicted a bad wound near the right aide of the mouth, and it was evident that death must have been almost Instantaneous. As soon aa the murder was discovered, (Hllcer Perry Browning began a search lor ths murderer, and attested lieorge Almond on suspicion, and conveyed him to the county Jail. Almond is a half-breed, and has obtained some notoriety aa a pedestrian. It Is slated bo had a violent grudge againat Cran- dall, because he was in favor of selling out the Nariagansclt tribe lands oa the Indian reservation in the to..j of Charleatowo to the state. Tim amr- der has created great excitement, nnd much feeling Is exhibited toward tho accused. A jury of Inquest was im- panelled Saturday, and has begun art investigation of the crime. Crandnll leaves a widow and two children. He waa abont 45 years old. Several yeais ago he served as senator from Kichmvnd in the Geacral Assembly.

Tbe large |ewelry store of William Wise, Fulton street, Brooklyn, was entered by burglars Saturday night, who made a desperate ctfoit to break into Use large safe, which contained aloat 160,000 worth of diamonds nnd Jewelry. They bored six holes in the door, but the steel plates broke their drill. Leaving Ibis, the burgtnrs de- voted their time lo another sale, weighing over 400 wounds, which was built in the wall, moved it to the buck part of the atort and broke it open, stealing therefrom J00 watches be- longing to customers, which bad lieen left for repairs, and a quantity ot jew- elry. Mr. Wise estimates bis loss at about 16000. Several sections of a jimmy, each section a fbot long, u brace and three broken bits, a Inrgc 'ron jackscrcw, with some wooden und iron wedges and other tool*, were left behind by lite thieves. A htrgti case filled with silverware eseupotl their notice. The eutranct: was effected through the rear. Tbe burglary wus not discovered until Sunday morning.

If there is ever a time lo be ambi- tious, it is not when ambition is easy, but when il is hard. Fight in dark- ness; light when you an down ; die bard, ami you won't die ul all.— Beccher.

There are, two things which grow strong in tba Iweant of man, in pro- portion as be advances in years—tbe love cf country and religion. Let tlicin be never so much forgotten in youth, they sooner or later present themselves to as arrayed la all their charms, and excite in tbe recesses of oar hearts an attachment justly due to their beauty. Chateaubriand."

It Is said that tho fashion of lying the bonnet strings at the back of the neck will be in favor this summer as it was last.

The hours we pn<*e with happy pros- pects in view are more plcoaing than those crowned with fruition. In the first instance, we cook Ibo dish to our own appetite; in the latter, nature cooks it for ua. (ioldsmilh.

Beyond all credulity ss the endn- lousness of alheisls, who believe that chance ooald make the world, when it cannot build a bouse.—I). S. Clarke.

Though all alHictions are evil in themselves, yet they are good for us, because they discover to ua our dis- ease and tend to our cure.—Tillotaou.

Old age adds to the respeet doe lo virtue, but It lakes nothing from the contempt inspired by vice, for age whitens only tbe hair.—J. Petit Senn.

atesoldlviy throughout the country, thei a sacred used of salon, especially la

tills ao la regard to the soldiers of Haass- cbssetU and New Hampshire. Forever have tin-*.- uv J alster slalua stood side by aide fur the preservation and maintenance of the republic, from colonial days to Um days) of ibe revolution, when " liani|i-,iiiiv farmer aad auechsalc, bssrtsg itieauuud of battle at Hunker hill and lo-xlngton, k-ft bis farm and workshop to J.ilu ibuaoldieis of UaaaachuaelU, until the fvarlal aloud of rebellion rose OB lbs liir./. m, Ibssw two etatea, I ear.i by hnif. It waa tbs preaervatloa of tba whole eniiMiry that tbe UaasacbasslU sol- dier louitul. aad ths same object trad ths heart of Hi* New Hampshire aokller. It was not i..r HawSaebwssUs or HeW Hamp- ablre i i*tiu taay fowght, bet It waa for the tlgfau aad privilege* of tbe whole uJIii>ii and every state. Ton may pardon me If I asy a word personally In regard to New Hampshire, for although I entered ibe army as a part of the Htsiachnsetts qsota, jrot bavlai been bora on the top of ooe of the New Hampshire hills, Sod hav- ing r.-.-ivnt there my early training, Il la natural that my ey«s shoald ever be upon ih* New Hampshire flag. aad wherever I go, ii mi. r whatever sky I may dwell, there Is no territory opon Qod'a footstool so dust to IIK: as tin bills of Mew Hampahlre. Comrades of Louis Bell Post, the eon- radi-M of Needham Post bid you welcome nwiiKlii In the aplrit or friendship and 1rate rally.

CoDaeiaavaer Jsha VT. Hears of Lasts

Bell I'owt, was neit introduced. He said

he had come to Lawrence to have a good

atmr. .The members of hit Post were all

"good apeerb makers, sod If all should

speak there wouldn't be aay time left He wss glad to eosie to Lawrence, aad

would hear homo msny kind msmorles of bis visli.

M»jor Webster Was Introduced snd

msde a neat speech. He said that recently Gen. Grant hitdaald. that he bad noticed

that tbe average American dlda t think

well enough of hlaaseir. It was a great

prlvllrge lo be bora at a ttaw wbMthey

i-.>il.l render servlcs to thelreoutrt. Tin duly comrades owed to themselves. Was to

think well of themselves, and otbera lUld think well of them. In doling In

said that, in- was the peer of every com

dedjf Post !W, In bidding the victors t-tcomf.

KM*. Mr. Murray of Manchester, w.n nest Introduced, and mad.) a pleasant itpeecb. Nuw Hampshire, he said, waa

her, bat Massachusetts was his jnoititM-ln-Uw, and he hsd ome down to kep with bur all night or s part of It. lie «uteriained great respvct for her. Tbe soil ui Massachusetts wss desr to bios be- cause it id-id In Its embrace tbe dust of Lieut. Brooks of lbs If. II., 35th regiment. The society waa dear to lilm because of tbe survivors of the rebellion represented In It; lta history was precious and It was well thstMusacbaseUa aad New Hamp- ahlre ahould commingle together and ex- change fraternal greetings. He closed with the sentiment. Post 39, may their shadows never grow leas; and when Post

snd Louis Bell Post again meet may it bs In O. A. R. hall ln Maacheater.

President C. U. Bell of the common council, was Introduced. He considered It s pleasure to address his New Hsrap- lilre comrades. He was born and brought

sp ln that state, and bad been a member of a N. H. Post, Hu felt an especial 1B-

terest la Loals BeU Post, bseanae It bears tbe name of a dear ralatlvs of his, la whose career he was always Interested. C»l-Bell was a member of the speakers lather's family, and he could recall the Very place and moment that he received the asd tidings ef tbe mortal wound or which he died. He closed by eapreaaing tbe bone that the members of both rVsla would become better acquainted.

The collation was then snnonnced, and both Poiia proceeded to tbe basement of i he city ball, where as hoar was a pent la Imposing of the edibles prepared, after whieh they retire*, to Needham hat:. Pipes were lighted sod the camp Ore began in t aim ft. Hon. John K. Tarbox waa culhdajK.g. aad ma'U a huraoroa* aad lellttig apeerh. In conclaalon he said,

"Tbs il A. It cannot be spoken of too

MM ul v. It touchea I he hearts of all of as.

I of Hympatby Is ouu of the slroag- ■H itiat blnda, and I do not know of

■ mn'iallon nobler than that bonud by

oui|*aulo(tahlp of aruw. When we nit'ci together, we feel the old aplnl that

animaleii ua when Ws stepped to (he tap

f Hu* drum. I am glad to cultivate iLla

bond ol union. May the Oraml Araiy

aever receive any member who ta not trot

ml lOiBltO the dag and prlvltaajaw of ihe American CDHI.II UI inn."

Com ade U. s*. Hutthlns iea.1 s 'letter purporting U> hare been wilma llilrty-

■araj hence by Comrade Hopkins. II provok<-d in.n Ini.-m. by palpable hits at

members of Poat 89. all ol which were iaki n In the beat of humor.

Speech** w*re a'sn made by Dr. O »ad- wln of Manchester, superluleudi ul Hll-

rireth oi the Coocord railroad, and Col. I>r«w. wbo eiiiresaetl his pleasure at

agralu ueetiug the New Hampshire sol-

i Col. Pajsoon, who hsppened in, mscb astonished st belag called upon

for a speech, bat be acquitted hlanaelf la

his accuatomed vigorous manner. Past Commander Moonan delivered on* of bis

characterIstlcslly witty speecbee, bring- | Inn dowa tbe housa. The speech making

was interspersed with story telling by

comrades L. G. Holt.James W. Clark,War- ren B. Rice, aad PlUabary sod Jones of

Manchester, also singing by Hr. Kob-

ert Newton, Post 39 dram corps, Messrs.

Samuel Chard, Aiaoa foor and Jaia*a[J.

Murray, Harlan I*. Parsons, and Messrs.

Pstker, French, Frailer, Wssley snd J. W. Balcheldwr, of Manchester. The Tur-

kish Itevellle by Messrs. Chard, Poor and

Murray, and tbe Dutch warble by tbe

three Manchester gentlemen, Were Tea-

lares of the evening. Mr. Benjamin

Steels act.d as a ceo in pan 1st, and Mr. William s Knowles gave some enliven-

ing violin nolos. At one o'clock, after

the ainglng of "Auld Ling 8yne" by tbe

entire company, the visitors were escort- ed to the depot by PostN, where flaai

adieus were exchanged, aad the Maachea-

ter comradts left for home, apparently

°>ncb pleased with their visit.

A horrible fatal accident occurred Fri- day foreoooa at the scoarlng room of the

Wash log u>a Mills, whereby as ea tenable

young man met bis dea'h, bis limbs be-

lag literally torn from his body. The victim was Wllllsm II. Denning, second

bsad la lha scoarlng room. Hs had re-

paired a belt which had broken, snd waa standing on a step ladder trying to place

It ea SD overhead pulley, when his over- jacket caught on tbs shafting, and before

be could make nuy outcry, hs waa wound

aroaad tbe shafting, bis htad and limb* striking Ihe celling forcibly with each

revolution. As BOOB BS roselble after tbs

accident was discovered, the wheel waa

stopped aad what remained of tbe neror-

taaat* ana was removed from the shaft.

His left Isg wss torn frtas the bodyi

•vary bone fa his right leg and arms was

battered almost to a palp, and his head aad facs wars so terribly mangled ss to be

nnrecognlisble aa ever belonglog to a

human frame, while large pieces of flesh

were torn from the body and thrown on tbe floor of ths room. It la thought] that be waa killed at the Ural ruvolatlonaiound

the shaft, which was located only a few

feet from lb* calling. The deceased waa thirty years of sge,

and waa the oldest aon of Mr. Joseph

Denning, pawnbroker and Jeweler, on Essex street. Hs was no married and re-

ildrd wltb hla parents. He bad a large circle of friends and acquaintances, by

whom be wis much respected.

nspectioa* Prize Drill and Boll—A Creditable Inspection aid Drill,

and at Good Time.


The Bar* at tbe Boston * Maine De- pot Again It!own Open.

Last Baiuiday when Mr. Abraham Mar-

lead, station agent of the Boston A Mslne

railroad, at Andover, went to the depot

he found that IOQIU lima during the night

tbe aafb In the ticket office had been blown

opsn and about *60 In silver stolen. Tba

burglars gained entrance by prying up the east window of tbe gentlemen's waiting

room, also the door of lb* ticket office ln tola room. The aafs la an old-fashioned

concern, snd lb* outer portion of ths

door was blown off by powder Inserted la

lbs key bole. The money taken waa 6 cent nickels, 10, 23 snd 50 cent silver

pieces, and a sovereign which bad a hole

through It. Il la not known nt.what hoar

the burglary was commuted, as no noise

was beard in ihe vicinity of the depot

during the night. Tbs burglars ware

doubtless professional cracksmen, and

District Officer Batcbetder thinks that

they are tbe same gang of safe blowers

who operated successfully In Ibis vicinity

a few years ago, one of whom, Daly, was

caught after blowing open tho aafe at

Beach's office, on Lawrence street. Ii

the ticket office were found an Iron rod such as cattle are hitched t* In fields, and

a claw bar almllar to those used In drawing spike!". These tbe burglars

doubtless Bird la prying open ths door

and window. In ths key bole or lb* safe was found Inserted s smsll boll on which

there wss a piece of I ron sufficiently large

t,o cover the key bole. In this piece of

ron was a small it >1« through which Ibe powder waa Inserted. A partially burned

rag, which had evidently been used as a fuse, waa found on the fl >or near the aafe.

Tbe burglar.-* U-fi no rlae from which they

may be deluded. This la the second time Ibis aale bas bc.-i bloau open with- in two years.

The Vreo Kvealng Drawing; School. m

The evening drawing school closed last

week. This school has had aa attendance

of 63 scholars, comparing favorably Ii

numbers with that or last year, which numbered G8. The classes snd the course

of study hare been more systematically

arranged than heretofore, and the room

baa been more couvenlently titled np and

lighted. Tbe Instruction la this school

Is practical and valuable, la order to la-

crease the Interest snd attendance, the

Committee on drawing decided that tbe

paplla be required to complete one year's

Course before being admitted to ths next

higher class, and that certificates be giv-

es to pa pi Is on the completion of each

conn*, also that prlsea be awarded la the

first year'a class to the scbolsrs executing

the beat ecu of drawings. Tbe teachers bare arranged to meet ibe scholars at the

school, on ths evenings of April 11th and examine drawings not already com-

pleted. The drawlnga must all bs In on

the latter data to compete for the prlxss,

but scholars will receive the certlfloat* whoa tbs sat of drawings are completed.

Ths certificate la a neat looking card, the

slxe oi a 6 1.4 envelope- It contains ba- lden the subjects taken In lb* course, the

city seal and the signatures or lbs princi-

pal of the school, chairman of tbe drawing

committees and tbe nuperlutendeni of

achoota. The certificate may be of prac- tical value to a young man. It will admit

him lo the next higher claaa here or In

ny other city. It will help him obtain

uiployment among straugera, and he will lever regret tbe time spent In thu school.

As a rule, they wbo are tbe most constant

In atundaucu are men who hare learned by experience, the value ol* a knowledge

(rawing. As UIM school becomes belter

known snd Its advaotagus better appreci-

ated by the mechanic* and carpentera lu

city. It cannot fall to Increase In num-

b«raaadh« productive of beneficial va- ults.

The anneal Inspection of lb* Sherman

Cadele. Co. M. Eighth Regiment, Caps. Dncbeansy commanding, Friday evening

an occasion or unusual Interest la rail*

Itary clrclea, followed as It waa by the

competition for the Button, Saaaell and

Sherman Medals. At an rarly boar the balconies of the city ball, aad Ik* aoats ar-

ranged beside lbs walls la the body of the halt, were occupied by elegaatly attired

ladles snd g«Btlenuu, representing the first families of the city, wbo may (ovari-

bly be seen present oa all occasions when tbe cadets appear lu public, attesting to tbe fact that Capt. Dncheaney*a efforts to

make his command second to none In the

State, an fully appreciated. At eight

o'clock tba fall company marched Into the

hall, bearing knapsacks aad all other ac- coutrements, and after executing n few

saanceavree were dismissed. Boon the coll to fall In tor Inspection was sounded,

aad the company waa Inspected by Lieut.

Col. Ayere of the Elgbth, wbo Brat exam-

ined the uniforms, next the arms, and

Anally knapsacks. The slippery condition

of ibe canvas which covered the floor of the hall, caused great inconvenience In

stacking of arms. After Inspection, com-

pany movements were executed In a very

creditable manner, the wheeling being

especially line.


There were three medals to be glv*a aa prlxea for excellence la drill, the "Button

Medal," presented by den. Knew Button,

for tbe best drilled nou-commlssioned of-

ficer, the "Rusaell" and "Sherman" med-

als, presented respectively by Congress-

roan Wm. A. Russell and K. J. Sherman,

for the two beat drilled privates; tbe lat-

ter were first contended for. Lieut. Col.

Chas. L. Ayere of Newburyport, Capt

Chase Co. I. of Ly ua and Lieut. Carver of Newburyport, anting as Judges. Toe

manual waa rpleodldlj executed, but

slight errors gradually thinned the line,

nntll only thro* were left In tho

competition, between whom the last

struggle came, aad tba award was mads.

Tbe drill of thu non-commlssloned Can-

cers came next; ln the closing competit-

ion, Corp. Hayes closing very sharply upon the winner. After the decision,

Capt. Dachesaey presented the pieces aa

folio wa i— THE BOTTOM- MaDaX.,—To First Ser-

geant Joseph D. Ducbesney. RifsssLi. MBDAL.—To private Arthur

H. Clark. BHKBUAM MBDAL,—To private Albert

Brlckelt. TIIX MSDAU

are of gold. That given to the beat drilled private, waa presented by Hon. William A. Russell, and the second med- al of tbe same class wss offered by Col. E. J. Sherman. At the previous competit- ion, the former medal wo won by private Charles Hanaon, and the Sherman medal by private William Marsden. Tho Button medal has not before boon contested for by tbe non-commlssloned officers. It Is of gold and Is suspended from a bar of the same metal, on which Is Inscribed the words "non-cotnmissloned officers." Tbe medal bears ths words "Button medal,' and In baa relief, a representation of ao Infantry man. In the uniform or tbe state militia, standing at parade rest. It Is very beautiful and much prised by the non-com mlsslooed officers.

Itvs Thousand Dollars tor Ten. »n

W* have frequently sllodsd to the ex- traordinary aucosas of the Masischusetts Benefit Association, undoubtedly among the foremost of all the new form of lire assurance organisations; It bas been In opperatlOB leas than eighteen months, and has already over 3900 members, near- ly 1000 In Boston, and Including a large number ol the leading bnalaess men In that eity. In this organisation, there Is no limit of classes, and one death assees- OKUt will now realise a aufOdenl amount to pay four full losses, and tbe class of loss red la maintained atsoblgh a grade, that the assessments must necessarily be at the lowest pjsslble rate. Tbe company bas already paidgsi.OM to heirs of deceased persons, with a very small percentage of coals to tbe Insured. Is this association, for 810, a young man eon recelv* a full policy for $5,000. Mr. J. B. Cortblll, agent of this association, Is abont commencing a canvass of our city; a number of oar citizens have already taken policies. We can cordial- ly endorse this association as tbe fore- most and most reliable of tbe kind, safe and sore lo Its methods sod management.

Jimmy Beaton la eight**-.] years of age, and Fannie McOiksr Is s-sventuei They belong In Lowell, and ran away from home last Wednesday, and Friday, when tbay camo bare, have been making n tourof the neighboring cities. During their stay here, they have been at Moaner's bosrdidg house, snd Batnrdayofflcer O'Bulllvan took them|under hla wing and relumed them to their par- ents. Neither felt disposed to return to the paternal roof.

LAWRENCE Business Directory.


IH stasex Street, Lawrence. Oaa,Bthei aad UtuoroiurmAdmlnlaterea.

>Cbroraua,Bu>rarinss,r,erlo<licttla,euti(.B«]y aucy liuoUt. ficturva Xrameu al abtli nolle*


j 'LARA II. UOtihl.y. M. D. *-S Diseases of Woman a specialty.

ODoe aad Kcal.iem . siuehuuraH loUa.

ily iuarU7u

• lieilium i>.u.I Li " al I'cL-iii n

t>rnlL-rreU. ■ ted. baa at



Cor.-awrene* A Ccmmon Sts (las returned from Europe and reauneti piac- t|ueol lila.tofuaaion.


378 Huverhlll Street, OStce Hours

I to S P.M. Lawr*ncs,Msts.

K1DDE1C, DENTAL BUR- GEON, Ne. STl Essex Street, Lawrence,

■ass. Una, Chloroform, or Ether given, as pre ferred. Closed during August.



iF N. IIARRIS, 2C6 BROADWAY. UwAbagj, llur.tlla.hlna Co. Turbine Water

Wnenl-, lulling Mills. Wsshrr*. tnlln |t Mvi a* UI|C UcKtilaturs, *r.,«n. I'luii. lui .land - ■■ illl work done. luuU Hi


loparehaaer.arplillne a«awU' roBimHslor. tnv- «• eaa H'll Hil> H'aiinii.l Oman '

_ _ i3Hor><.ai lln" ui ■■■aeS aaaaSlaall'ri -' l''i»rr, Vuriiv, Varlatj ami BWSCI Tone, ana every embaaleal and amalcal eicallcirt*.

15 BEAUTIFUL STOPS. ■a. asnaSiaatawjr UW oua I La II Sat a aSs,* aa aaftaaK/ <*in*r w Italia !>aue. iwa! a I fl i«i Oraaa.

LallkaprtMM a Sao, ana a*>a

I.. Ulafi'lrtaL.

(10) UUaxni.

(11) Arelliif. (lfl) talaaUaa. (1 SI riala. (14) MutaFart*. ■^BaSjJjCaT.


•aV^rTaaaaaataaaa a-S wUS *.aV a.,-/. IS. «aa*f alUI-r PXwaWaf inilirlai r- -■-r-"" —-—** Oraaa b^;.. a£a7££a. Ul. J^ra-t-O..£. I. tt- 0,|aa UnUnW S^s^^ssiSoiisTtXr'.«i»ww^ Sara. Baeaa lala ■■patallaM •«■. O^aviiOaa. rnrfOrsaa" JaaaalaaMM, waaa lairalaaaata a aaa laaaatr. aaUa a>aar awn.

THE ONLY HOUSE IN AMERICA rfw,.tO.UN0ix»a1*a*rfB«aa,k«tat «fOA

n, Ccoplsr, Csrssis and Qraad Oraaa £ OUU

PI'RriTASER. MmtoMU BisntATiairx AsaSalS^iSSllSSsSiSwSsa: - B* iara to («l oar uTaslrata

ES. TATBB, M.D., PHYSICIAN an a Surgeon.

Onlee, sol Rsaex Street, comer ol Lawrence ttealdenco. IS Summer Street.

Home Club Annum MeetlBaT.

II I' i.-i. Day evenlni, accordlnc to

on, was held the annual meeLInx of

U.iitiDB local laalitotlou; there waa

«|i nueudance of members. The re- i ul the iicsMin-r showed a balancn

laeal on hand lo April drat, of over

live hundred dollars. Tbe following ntaV corn went ehosm )>y a uuaulmons vote :

Prealduot-Daniel Naaun.

Vice Proe.-U. Cherub Mima.

Directors—W. Pl->ke Uile,

Oeo. 8. Merrill.

Sec. and Treas.—P. B. Kobluson.

Borne considerable improvements In lb*

rooms have been prohictea, and will be carried Into tffect, early ibe romlng aea-

son. A number of new momoers bas re-

cently been added lo Ibe clob, whose roll Includes many of oar leading cltlxens.

A Preaentafloo. _■

On Thnrsdaj, two gentlemen called at tho residence of Mr. Wm. L. Drew, on

Broadway, and set np an elegant clock.

nob to Mr. Draw's surprise. Later Mr. Drew received ihe following communica- tion i—

Atlantic Cotton Mills, April 7, 1881. Wm S. Drew,

Dear Friend ami tlrothtr. -The muler- •<KUwd, fevliiii* that the business relations whlcb have so long existed between us, hovld not be severed without some token ifonr appreciation of the pleasures we

have always experienced in our associa- tions with you, aa an earnest of tbls ap- preciation, ana as SD evidence of oar high esteem and regsrd lowsrds you, neg you lo accept this Tim* Piece, wltb onr

nc.-re wish thai prosperity. With H-av- en'a beat glfta, will ever b* upon yon and sours. N. H. sfnrrlll. O. A. Bmllb, A. U. Pearson, N. it. French, H. 1*. Banner, J. " Davis, It. J. Walker, C. O. Foedlck, J. Sleeper.

— Police Officer Gem roe 11 has tendered

bis resignation, and will devote his atten-

tion to agricultural pursuits, having pur

chased the Clark; farm In Metbneo.

—The barbers are beginning to agitate

keeping open tbslr shop* Sunday fore- noon again. Borne of them complain that

otbera of their craft keep open shops ou the Lord's day, and desire that all should

be treated alike. A Sunday shave In

some cases ahoald be a work of mercy.

Tho Marshal A Health Organ Co., Bare so per actad Usa prodaotloa of their Ul flror Osoass, bat they are able now to extend their low offnr adaSalUlr. Thousands or tbeir SU0 organ* hare

■™ alas* tear Brat offered thars, aad their a la aswh Immense qaanuues haa en-


Portraits and Landscapes. ass Esasx ST., LAWBXMCB.

with Bugbeo A Hack, 103 Eases street,Law rencc.Uaaa. aprStflj.

JOHN Q. RODRMEYER, BOOK BIND Kit, Old Booka, rebound, alagaaine

Pamphlets, and Music bound at short notlr. is made to order, flhos SU7 Bssex 8


iniihl ml li

arodaotiea la sseb Iransaae qaantlllss I ablsd lbs mssalasrirers toaeriVataad eoo tbslr prodaoUea. Tbs oJfar was orlslai jjawlsf lolatrerluee aad eall public altam

pabUe, wlU not aalr taorouiblr accompli ah its parpee«,bnt also wock aT*auj> to ths benelt of the arojoclora. Taeoffar tfiay make In our advertis- ing columns la wall worth tbs earnest ooosldera- Uoa o( onr readers. Taklnx all tberesponslbllltr to Ikamssrvaa. they propose to eesl thalr beantl- laUy perfaeted InatrnmacU, ooabialag power, eswpaaa, tear, variety sad Saisti, at tbe exiremc- ly low price sfBiXTV DoiLASS. And not only iaat,bQttheyseadiitoyoB to try thoroufhly at vow owa boms for anoea days, and If not found neswaealyasaMiaawfliTtbayi^


After tbe competition drill, there was

a brief inlcrmlaslon previous to lb* for- mal opeoUig of tho ball, whlcb closed the evening's festivities. Music was furnished

by Chapman's orchestra of teu pieces,

ami after tbe rendering of n few select- ions by this excellent baud, the grand

march was formed, and from that time

until a late hour, the merry dance went on. Tho spectacle afforded by ths par-

ticipants In the dance waa abrllllantODe,

tbe unllorma of tbe mllllla, and the taste-

ful and faablouable toilet* of the ladles,

presenting a pleasant acene rarely equal-

led at lb* city hall. Tbe programme of

dancsa waa prloted upon gilt bevelled

edged tinted board, with tinted cord and tassel to inatcb, and bore upon the outer

pages tbe crest or tbe company, and tbe

names of the floor managers aa follows

Floor Manager, Capt. L. N. Ducbesney

Aids, Lieut. George Dow, Berg'L Robert

T. Hayes, Berg'U James A. Crawford,

Corp. John J. Gibson. Private, Charles

11. Snow, Prlrsts Albert lUcket, Private

Jami s Llghtfoot.


of the company comprised the leading

cltlasna of this clly and vicinity. Among the prominent military dignitaries present

were Col. Peach of the Eighth Regiment,

al present In tommnnd of the Second

Brigade, Cols. Klngabery and Olln of the

Governor'a staff, the latter Ibe Governor* private secretary, Lieut. Col. Avers Of

Newburyport, Quartermaster Perkins of

Salem, Paymaster Warren of Lynn. Capt. Chasa of Company I. Rlgbth Regiment,

of Lynn, Lieut. Carver or Company B. of

Newburyport and Major Merrill of the

Pist Balalllon Light Artillery, and the

following members of his stsff: Adju-

tant, James ;Ingslls of Methuen, Sur-

geon,, O. T. Howe, Paymaster, A. D.

Swan, Quartermaster, Jamea McConnell,

Quartermsater-aerg't Charles II.Chandler,

Guldon-serg'is, William M. Manas, an I

Lauren S. Dow, and Chief Bugler, llj Dennlo Mursu. Cols. Kings bury and Olln,

were obliged to leave previous to the

competitive drill, much to their regret

Tbe guests were very hospitably enter. taloed, sod expreaswl much pleasure at

wltnesalog tbe drill and st participating

In Ibo festivities which followed.

lion. Hocuni llosford's Funeral.

Iho icmalns of Hon. umum Hosfurd,

lay lu stale at his home, ffrlday after-

noon, from x llll 4 o'clock, daring which time over 1000 persons, Including many

prominent realdenis of Lowell, took s

farewell look at the familiar featurea of

Mr. Hoaford. The windows, mirror, gaa fixtures, etc.. were heavily draped In

black, and all the surroundings Indicated

tbe presence of death.

The funeral set vices took place this af-

ternoon, at 'l o'clock, from tli ■ resilience.

In accordauce With a it-quest of tbe de- ceased, and were lu charge of General

Piske, undated by Mr. II. II. Wilder.

The religions services at the bouse and

cemetery were conducted by Rev. J. L.

Beward, of Ihe In well Uallari an church,

and Ihe singing wss by a male quartette,

und.-r the direction of Dr. Nickersoa, of

tbe Unitarian choir.

The brothers and sisters of tbs de-

ceased, With their families, attended. A

special train left Boston at 12 4o, convey-

ing railroad oMeJals to attend the funeral.

The leading dry goods dealers of Lowell

closed their stores from % till 4 o'clock,

In respect lo the memory of tbe deceased.

To-day the locomotive* on the Boston and

Lowell railroad were draped la mourn-

ing. Porter Brca., oflhladty, furnished a large number of hacks lb* funeral.

It baa been decided by tbe directors of the Boston aad Lowell railroad, not to

open the new opera bouse until lb* 1st of


A Bright little girl of three years re- aiding on Bast Haverblll street, after the laat storm with lu week of ctonds and rain, exclaimed; "O mamma, see, the sen has got well, he haa come oat again I"

laally lu-

st ao low a pries. It

Egssboth waya, thaa aaklaa the purchaser aoreapoaslbdlty whatever. We add that

tattoo need be fall la sending tbe mooey l< this Irs^M we eaa fnarantoe that tbey will d< Jnat a* tbey airoe. lit

A uioH. COLD OK boas inaoaT should be stopped. Noglact frequently results la sn In

allayla(InilaltoB,Blva rsllsfiu Aituma, iiron- chltls, COngaa, Catarrh and the Throat troal lea which Sim era and 1'ubllc Speakers are subject to. For thirty years Brown s Bronchial Troch es havs boon recommended by physicians, ami always glvs perfect satisfaction. Having been teated by wide aad constant use for nearly an satire generation, tbay hare attained wcllmcr Iwd rank smong tbe few staple remedies of tho age. Bold at 26c. a box everywhere.

Hood IrrJas4

Bava WiSTAB'S BALSAM or WILDCKBIIXI always at hand. It cores Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Whooping Couxb, Croup, Influrnaa, Consumption, and all Throat and Lung Com plaints. 60 ceata and SI a botl le.

leod leow nov23

Its. DR. M. J. HILL baa removed to . No. 10 Vallev street, near the Common,

ivr febU


Lawrence, Mass. Personal attention to allbuat. BOSS rillatlt

THE AMERICAN STEAM PRINTING Oaloe, Post once Block, Is tbe largest aad

oral apimir'P.I, outside of Bestoa ~ "--is on us el ts

CURE Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Lack

of Energy, Loss of Strength,

Want of Appetite, Inter-

mittent Fevers, etc.

EBON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases requiring a certain and efficient tonic.

IRON IsITTEBS enmA the Mood, arreaofAea tk* saturates, and give new life to the aerse*.

IKON BITTERS act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tatting the food, betehing, heat in the ttomack, heart- burn, tie.

IRON BITTERS- the only Iron Preparatiou that will not blacken the teeth or give headache.

Sold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book,S2 pages of

useful and amusing reading—sent free.


My Annunl Catalogue of TegeteMm and Flower Mead for 18*1, rich In engrarinas from ]iliutogrsphs of tho original,, will be a*lit FRKK ui all who apply. I offer ane of ibe largaat coll«. lions of vrgetablt seed ever sent out by any scad House In America, a large porUon of which wcra (Townonror Araared farma. Tull BwTwwrawttJwr rutltration on tath package. All seed MM llisjiia* to be frien and trur to unnu; so far, that should It prove olher*ISf, / teitt MM («« orderjrmtt: The original Introducer of the Hub bard Squeak, l'hinnc-ya Melon, Marblebcad CabbsajM, aaslkao Com, and scores of other vegetables, I invite tbe patronage of ail «Ao or* aniiau* tm Sets thttr ued Mroetlu from the ftvmrr,/re»/i, true, and of lAs rr ry b*»t etrain. HBW VSOSTABLBS A SPECIALTY.

JAAtBS J. II. OBKOOUV, Uarblebead, Mass. *w eod v sjartt Pb -j agaj

TBY THE BOSTON BATTEBY, It stlaaulatea tbo

blood into action,and kboutd bo worn by everyone aublect to Hhenmallsm, Neu ralgia, Nervoua Uls- eaasa, Sloeulesa Nlgbta,H vateria Epilepsy, Ojspepsli Kevei and Ague Iloart, Liver, Lnni and Kldaey Dli ea. Nursing aloikera and Children wear tbe Boston BatUrr

. ^ %=- " motner and child nill lie found very qnlelms Alothera now rtia- oard all soothinh syrup*, snd use tbe Boston Battery, thus relieving ibe child ol muon aufer- Ingoauacd lir narcotics. Beat by mall every- where on receipt of nrlea, b> cents. Bold by all Drng/lxt*. Men and Women Agents wanted In every oily and town. Address, lloaon Ualranlu tlaitory Co., lu Tremont St., Boaton, Mass,

tllr dec!

fl IT febA

WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Soro Throat, Bronohitii, Inflaenza, Asth- ma, Whooping; Cough, Croop, and every Affection of ths Throat, Langs and Chest, including Con* sumption. Sold by all Druggists.

food leow ynovU e


LIVES INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tiveness, Headache. It assists di- gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y.


CHILD8 & LANE lnTlt« attention to their large and varied aaaortment of

CARPETINGS For the Spring Trade, Consisting in part of


EXTRA SUPERS, *c, From the beat makers and in all the new and desirable Styles

and Colon. Many of the patterns are strictly private to them, and ALL will be sold at prices to meet the views of the moat prudent buyers.


116 TREMONT ST., P "JK^SSrch. BOSTON. "spl is 31 my 13 a '

I Cannon's Commercial College, FOItMEBl^Y


ttook-keeptasT, Commercial Arithmetic and English Branches. Special Attention given to Penmanship.

IM.KAHK 6a%ix OH SEND FOIl ClItfni^AU. Sm Hm24 <;. O. CANNON, I'l-hu-iiml.

KIDNEGEN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for WEAK OT


•4-llrtlia dlsUlallon of B FOBB1T LEAF with JUH1PKB RSBBIES sr.d BakLKV HALT, ws havs dlscorere.1 BIUHKUbN. which acts siici'lfteally on the Klilnrj a and Urlaarr Orf SDS, r(moving inlnrluus deposits formed fa tbe bladder, snd prevtnifrgnny •tmlnlrfr. swart- mispinsiion, beat or Irritation in the membranous llnlaf of tbedtcti or wsterpatsBfes. Hex. cites a hesllliy aotlon In tbe Kldnejs living Ibetnslrenalh, vigor and reitorlng ttttc a/f ntis healthy condition, ebowlns Ita tfects on both tbaoolor aad Ibe sasv flow of ui Inc. It can be ' iskenst sll limes, In sll climate* and under all ci ream stances without Injury to tbe sjstrm. Un like aaj other prepsraHoa lor Kidorj dinlcultics Itbaaa vorrpleasmt and agreeable lasts and Savor. It hwa bees ,11 flic o It to ssaka a praparal.'oa conUlBiag pwaltWa dlwratle iiropertles which Will s»s»t sssiasti, but be sccrplablrt o the Hlcmsch. Befoie taking anv I.ITSF medi- cine, Irr a bottle of KIDNBGBN to CLSaNSB tbe KIDKKV8 from foul matter. Try ft and von will always use It as a family medicine. Ladles aspects liv will like It, and <irniltmca wll flod NIDrlKUKIV Ibe bet 1 Kidney Tome aver used!

ROTICB.-Kach bottle bears Iho signataro of 1,1 WBKNCK A H A KT IN, also a rrspvletar* vartisaisBt Biasap, which permits ElDNEUIMobe soltUwIlhout license) by UruggleU,' Grocers and Other Persons evsrywhoie.

Put up In Quart tlza Bottlss for Gsnaral and Family Uta. Il not lound at youT.Uruf tUlsor (Jncen, wa Will stnd a bottle prejiald to the nearest ok press


LAWKBNOB St MAHTIN, Propriotora, Chloago. Ilia,, and 6 Barclay Btrrpt, Now York.

Sold by Druggists. Crocsrs snd Dealers Everywhere. Sold In Lawrence by K. H. KKLL£V. ApotbccAry» P.O. Block.

WholosBlo Agents, OEO. O. GOODWIN St CO., Boston, leod Veow lyrscpis


^.^^ B-flllKII BXM- ^aaaaSas mQ*9m\ W»r. ^waawlal gafJni "■« r'art f"' ssaVZ3

'rnWWmW "'""i"1 Weak- AWMW WlZT n«». H|*rma- -fFTj JmfBr lotrhea. Impo- <■. >3r

^]rT Isnc-T and all ^^aaaf ^KJgW Ulsesses tlist^^gfAV-.fiv

aWwB*T^BaV f""ow ss a se.SSBfBBHBSSBBs ^~^^ SBswaw of Self *»8w» \ "^ SafaWIT«U(--Ab.ise;asl,o.s*nil TAURS. ul Memory, Universal I.aaaltiMte, Pain In ihe Back, Dimness of VI.Ion, Premature OldAar, and many other Diseases that lead to lnssnlly or Consumption and a PrematarsCiravt.

asrFull ptrllculsn in onr pamphlet, which — desire to seed free by mall toeverv one, SW-Tb« Snocilo Medicine Is sold by all dm, Rials at Bt per paokage, or sis oackages for 1 or Will boaonl free l.y mall on receipt ol the

liur.*id, N. T. Sold in Lawrence by EVBRAUD II. KRI.I.BY Qao. U. UOODWIM a Co., Wholesale Agents.

BOCTOS. oodveow lvdeclS


, SEEDS. ;i;


_Krcry dfiy nt nnnn. prMscly, after April s Baboon alt f.d hii/lt wilt bo released from tbs lopcif tli.k Hull, ItoKtnii.nndarewnrdnf a suit of rlullwa will lie p.ild lo llto IHIV Who captures Hand

It lo Iliialiin. Wo alni glee to every cos. turner Inoorboys'drrmnwfUt.Bn Inflated Parisian Ualloon.OOcpntlm.'tiTB In ilinmctcrl

Tho stork of M"n-a nnd lloys* Hprlng snd Sum- fflfr Suits snd ftprlnff Ovtrmoli la complete, and

-lriHy and emend eicillciwo all " - o hundred New KnR1aml

. 'pri'scntril byrslahllahed Agents, in wbass handa full lines of" " rJuiiiim r rlimplia will be fnnnd, anil Our trnitc ran riiiifidently deal.

Whin you go to IJoston t.c sure snd visit Osk Hall-lite 'uuiuus, oncprkc, n-llablu CWthlng

irtpawa. In Hire mil cities wa d bv I ....

s of Hprlng snd ■ with whom

mpli« and rales tor self sent lo imy


32 to 44 Nortli Street, Rotton, Tbe uldct ClotUn, HOUM In New KngUntl.

D. W. I.oill), Anent, Lawrence. HWPO4W mnr»

SCOTT A VIETOR, 3445 Common St. Lavrrtmce.

TISw jaU &

\J is no longer fit for nso look st the National, e hare sold tai; the best nnd cheapest In nee. e have sold HI Granite Iron Tea Pots, Call d get a descriptive circular st JollN C.DOW


3-waSa- 1 on Halo Oaek «sengera^o0kwi at lowest rstes to or frow. anv

4a£i; ^aBsSSu^s? roFbooUofTsrora»oUoo.»ISBS. Ac.> M

UsHPissoR IlaoTaisa, 7 Bowusa Uassa. A. V

or to JaMKS UL-arii T, &Bt Kuex St., Lawrence tsalBSrt


Salesroom iit.i, R«I r.eaee. lea t'oaxmoi sin * llyijal


Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass. HUBSOftlPriON-Poatage Prepaid:-

SJSO par year, from which DO cants will bs deducted for strictly advance payment. .

Tii i Circulation of the Uwr«nct Ameri- can Is the largest of any paper In the county, and more than Three Timor that of any othur Weekly p aper pub- lished In tills City.

LB- : i t.M of n Iverilslng sent upon upptleaton.

ttntared at the Post Office, Lawrence, Hisi., (or transmission through the mills aa second-class matter.







Catarrh. Ashta ail Bronchitis. PslBBla t *•■•**, MsMNlMtf Spirits

Lees ef llt.i lag, HIHIH.H, Ii,a'>llll> »•• chink, »■< *ihir Dlatrssalaa

It on I.* of that ilMBJij i ATA It It A,

PERMANENTLY REMOVED. I'leeralathalleaa Dialed. Deea* eft**

njaoal BUMS* Arrest, di F...I I«m ef smn I itsaterad. Bloody niseaerg.s

Mtappad. 1*1 ■ •■>**■! Hcuibrdii Healed.

CATARRHINE. Itetare'sewa severala.* remedy, contain- ing no mineral. poisons, aa do man; or lbs no called cntnirli remcdiea which in Ine end oaly serve lo aggravate 1MB dt'easn. Cnlarrhinr (•composed of healing gum* rid nil*, which are applied lu the dl«<B*«d iiarla In tbe only natural anil effective manner, throng), lite pro nps* or re* ill rail on. Nature never Intended thni liquids abuuld be poured throogb tbe noes, and baa set lier bairlera In tbo term of hair*. In every nostril, lo AUvent tlie entrance ol dust, vrbleb li sometime* called snuff. To Inhale CslaJrblne requires no coatty Inhaler, bat only i common iiitii-.

PlttRCTIoNa.—Fula little of Iho Catarrh! no Into an ordinary clean nine, mid amoke It, psaa- ins the amoke through Iho noie. By repealing ihuproceaii dvemlniitca three time* each day, the worttcuei ol catarrh may be cured.

CATARRHINE. la aold by all (I iigglata. Ask for Catarrhlne, and uae no other remedy IT you would And relief, Thli remedy fa equally effective In ear- ing Asthma aad Uroarliltla. It soothes the inflamed parts, and auppliea lual thoaa thlr necessary to aid nature In throwing off the eaae and repairing hei waate places.

CATARRHINE. Plaasaatte the lasts. Bars la ItsstVsets,

UBB RO <)Illl:lt KtSMKDY.


I * tO,, Agent*.

APOTUGCAUIKS; Medicines Drill-, UaeroiiiNls. 1'ollel Articles, Ac..

H. M. WiIITNBY « uo.,cor. Essex A Lawrence

APOTHECARY; Uruov. Medl- olass, Hiseral Water, Toltst Kequlsltes.

EVBEAKD II. KILLS:V, Post Oaee Block.

APOTHECARY; compounding XX ol' Physician*' Preacrlptlosa a specialty.

CIIAS. CLAttKK. I.Uhaacx cor. Jackson. •APOTHECARY, I>riijr», Mod- il Iclaet, Chemicals, Toilet Artlclea, An.

I. C. A VOKB, SJU Essex, cor, rranklln. ART STORE, Picture

MnoufacUirsr*. Mat loners A Me _... COI.MUEN BKuTUEUs, tm Baux Street.

DAKEB, M't'r Crackers* Bread DjJsss, futry. Wedding Cake, PrssUssa. A*.

JONATHAN r.KKNT.IBv Lowsll Street. BLANK BOOK BTTf and Com-

merciale tfctioner, Koom Paper, Decorat ion* W. B. KICK, Deo Essex Street.


OOTS & SHOES. The largest _ ' and best.assortment loosloundInto. olty. T.JACESON WHlT'1'aKDUK.m.**---

City of Lawrsnce.

Health Refutations.

Notice 1* hereby glvea, according toUw.of the following regnbUloaa of the B„ai d of Heal Ik sf tbe City el Lawreeee, assisted by .aid hoard

- Wts, Ifttl, aad thaassMare sow is lores: Baa iu UW llBA LTH

Mar. IS, ItSI. Be it ordered by lb* Hoard of llsslth of the

City or I, aa follows:

trletly forbidden to throw ►pa or garbage, ol anv kind. Into

asy bask yards or •rivals alley-way* ef the


BLACK SILKS, Velvets, meres, silk I ringen, Buttons, Ulovea, Ac.

A. tillAUPa * uo., iU Essex Street. BOOTS & SHOES, a full aw

complete »mck,at price* lo aull tbellme. P. B. KOBlNnON, Hi Essex Street.

BOOTS & SHOES, tine i-eods or a.iuujlltle*. Low urlostl lo BUII 1st. Umss.

D. D. HAUUNBY. 31* Jtaaex St. I > OOTS & SHOES. Larg-est as

B T. JACKSON W HIT'fttkDUlC. l» Baasx St.

BOYS' CLOTHING, Men's l?ur uiihlng Uooils, list,, Ac. One price osl:

A. WV l.l.a U A CO., MS Kaeex Street.

CCABINET MAKER and Uphol- J aiersr.

II. r. UABA4B0, S20 Essex Street.

i H,KANSIN(«,Dyelngr and Fin- \J ishing of every uescnpilou, done alike

BSSKAUVB WOBKS.Onli)oaiaK*sexBt. . CCONFECTIONERY, pure homo

i made, in great variety, by JOHN BIBl), SAB Essex Street.

CtOOKINO STOVES, Ranges, J I'oruacea. sol* saesl Magee Stsvas.

JOHN f. ASt, :W'j Kaasx 81.

CiOUNTRY PROftUCE, PPOTIS- J lona and Live Htset,

.MiUNCliUKUlllU.ACO..10 A 11 AmeaburyBt.

Dll Y GOODS. For Silks, Shawls ranoy Uoods aad Carostlngs, go to

A. W. BTBAUNB A CO., SW A 111 Kaaex St.

a|lfUlbOBJIUl 1UCI, erethsrUsds at all iltb, garbage. or decaying gala

„ to he kept house dirt, sad of all dsosysd


a* uiial

or decaying aslmal sad vegeuble subaUsoes sad aliases owaera er oesepssta of dwellisi

er building* are Base s suitable i

sgsabe* Made spos . tie ssssela aeosvestssl idsee

!mg __ srs required

to tarslih si all tlassa s asltable vessel or vesasief—"-

to be rssaorsd by Iks Board el Health. No peraos ahsll psnsll or aaSer asyalsko

State of whMh he may he the owner, lessee, tssant,ooeapaatoragastbsvlngthscar« Utrs ol, but tbeosser, lessse, tesaat, oocupsntor agent oi asy dwelling bosse or store or land " lurtenant thereto shall sense all slab aad .,,,,,,

life, Accident and Fite Insurance, J OHN EDWARDS * COS Insurance Agency

axraaaasia raa roLLOwiso

Pranklln.of Phils.,Pa. Pennsylvania, or Pens. Oerman, American, N, T. Weetobeeter, New York. Wntertown, New York. Orient, Hartford, Coon, hlerlden, Conncutlout. Commonwealth, Boston, Bhawmut, Boaton. 1st National, Worcester, uusen, Kngiasd. Imperial *cJortharn,Kngland. Royai, England. Metropole Ins. Co., Paris. London Assurance, England. Guardian Assurance, England. London aad Lancashire, England. Travellers' Life and Accident ol

Hartford, Conn. __ State Mutual LUe, Worcester.!

THOMAS HEVINOTON. ■SS Ksssx Btreet, - - J.awrenc

Pott Office Box 38.

I7AXCT GOODS, Ladies' 17 nlablng Uoods, Millinery, '


Fur- ng Uoods, Mlllin M. K. CUOWKLL,

FLOUR, Grain, Hay, Straw, Salt, Butler, Bseda, Firming Tool,, Ae. HCOl'T A T1BTOK, tat Cossoi Street.

aENTS'FurnlsliliigGoods,Hats Canes, UuibroUas, Ac

UBO. r. CUBITS, B«S Essex Street.

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fan- cy deeds and Produce.

rillATTOClTBltOS., oor. Bsaex, Ameabnri (".i ROCERIES, Fine Teas, Pure

B. BASTM, IJARDWAKE, Tools, Cutlery

JEWELRY, Watches, Clocks, Spectsslsa, Sllrsr and PUted Ware.

I.. HUMTOON A SOB, MT Kssex Street. JOB PRINTING,lu all the liner

bra ache*. AMERICAN

\tILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isadore 1*1 Wlnuaker, Ml 1,1.1 NIK V A M till nc ry Goods

Hat and bonnet Sieaoharv. L. E. UILMUBB. am Esssz Street,

MILLINERY AMlllineryGoodB Trimmed Hat* and Bonnets. J. C. 8HAUKLETON. flte Essex Btrset.

APER HANGINGS, Window *^^.Tra«, «•■.«. Street.

PHOTOGRAPHY, sole licensee fertheeitrtorlbsCsrhoB Preeessea.


_, Steam and Gas Pitting tad natures,stoves, Bsnges, Ae.

by waterlaasldhnlMlsgoros ssld lead to coaveyed through s Bailable pips or drsla a sewer. If any is the street adlolalng fcsld

■ or build!-- -

ih.'aad^a g a sews Dag boa or trass

ISSdsr building, __

'■s-is-axifS, by lbs Beard of drain* or pipes as from said land oi

bosas, or store, to be provided wits s by the Board of Health.

bard homed brick, bottom and aldei, will laid la eeassat sad tsorosgbly Ughl. and so privy vault shall enlerany sewer, and the eoatenu or ae envy vault ahsll ever be within ose loot

ilsaseed. Asd ae peraos shall permit or asffer

~!K'""" asr.oo idltion the pro1

All perasaa srs forbidden to remove the ess. ■stael ssv privy vsell without s lleeaas Irom

aaMh. Asy peraos havmgebarge h seed* amply laa may leave la at Ike eSfes of the Board of

Lawrence Amencan. I, A WHENCE, MASS.


THE ICE hss not ret broken op In tbe river St. Lawrence, between Mon- treal and Quebec.

IT U intimated that the Kesrsarge Corporation, of Portsmouth, N. II. may not rebuild their burned mill, but remove to Salem, Mass.

Weekly News

Friday. The International m

will nest at Paris os LorrriBcacoMllelil hai

yetterdty, and regained

Tbe Kurds hgve oecB| Uromltti, aad Tabraet lacked.

Kev. William aloi noted Wealeyao mlQlii Rnglsnd, yesterday,

Heavy frosta are the SUie of Texas,

done to corn, cotl

SBVEMTT-nvE tboawtnil dollars

U the figure at which the New York- papers place the sum the Andover twins expected to realize from their robbery.

PkOHiiiiTioK has been defeated in the Rhode Island Assembly, by a vote of 33 to 21 i Little Rhody is sbout the but state that may be ex- pected to pass A prohibitory law.

NEW ORLEANS IS to have a cotton mill, for which three hundred thou- sand dollars has been aubscribed; it will manufacture the cortrsor grades of cotton goods, suited to the south- ern market. _^^___

IMPBOBABLE, but true,—one Ohio man has declined office, Private Dal- zell was appointed to a 11800 clerk- ship, but refused the position. But possibly he wanted a Judgeship or a foreign mission. .

Health. City Hall, er at agent', ones, Lowell street, and a duly liceaaed person wlU per'

^olt daaiai axeaveilas ure-

ceas, at the expense or l lie perses leavlag the order.

Prom and slier Jsne 1st, ISM, so person shall

Jail aad House side of tbe Herrlsaaek river, by the Coys aad Brook oa the west lo the Lowell railroad bridge; thence by Andover street on the south, sad Union street oa the east, to the Herritssek river. And no person shall keep any awlne In any other part of the city wltbont s written psrmK frees tbe Beard of Health,

Ail persona are forbidden lo keep fowls ol say kind Is asy oellar or basement or a dwell- ing bosse er store.

No person ahsll threw ialo, er leave In, or

ANOTHER Southern straw ; Dallas. Texas, has chosen a republican May or; another inducement for the Bour- bons In the Senate to continue their contest against southern independ- ence of opinion.

TBE MILITIA of New York axe ex- cited over tbe proposed changes In the law,at Hilishing rifle practice, and other- wise materially modifying the exist- ing code, and there will be warm op- position to the suggested changes.

The Daily American. Published Every Evening,

<»M.d.r .acted.)


la the Largest Dally In the Oity, with Four Times tbe Circulation ol any other.

SUBSCRIPTION, in Advance: One veer, S0.0O I Blx Months, $3.00

When not paid In advanoe, SB.OO.

OEt>. S. MERRILL, Proprietor

THE AMERICAS JSTEAM PRINTING OFFICE laths largastand moat thoroughly fur -

nlshed In Eastern Maasacfaunetta.- Wlth modern presses, and constant additions of the newest styles of Type ■ we ars able to furnish the beat quality Ot work, at low prtoaa. Orders by mal promptly attended to.

$2.00 PER YEAR

Easter Observances. THE DAT AT THE CHURCHES.

Jacob Ftln shot Mlcsi cer, dead, yetterdty, to' was so quarrel, and bftw Urely esprtrvoJted *=^

Jobs li. Brown obtained Urday of #7000, saalDst the rtllrosd, for dsmsaeti reeelvi rnnnlng off the track.

Tbe Cincinnati street car«mpb»ea bars struck for aa advance of fifty cints per day is wtget, asd last night no sirs were running lo tbe city proper. 1

At Newburg, N. Y-, jreaterdty.lbe Jary rendered a verdict of not golltyJln the case of Cadet Back, charged vllh tbe shootlBS; ol J. W. Thompson. |

Jsmes O'Btleo atlas Lindsay, op of the perjurers la the Roray (Jblnet letter fraud Case, wts yesterday atntaced to eight years Imprisonracnt for bis rime.

F. B. Van Vtlkenburg, one bl Mil- wsokee's most prominent lawyirs, tad one ottbo wesltblest men In tbe sty. wse sentenced to a Una ol $800, yeatvday, for


Floral Displays and Joyful Music.

Children's Festivals and Easter Offerings.


Hssry BeriheUToara

i have take, ■wjj^-^

• alley, llo*,er

upon any street, court, square, Isne, pablls sqasrs. pat He saelessre, vseaa

Uaflts o?l&e'eitr, aar dead aniVaL or decayed or decayfsg aaimal or vegeUMs aebaasaee, or KJ.bSS?t!i.'.''.Wl»ftllSl-iT»,i-ii.-^ ever, or cause any animal Is be drowned la anv pond, river or body ef water wltnln the limit* of Ihs oily wlthont tbe licssasef the Board or Health.

Asd no persea shall remove, cart or carry through aayef the streets, Muares, larea or alley* ol tbe cltr, any bonas dirt, refsie, oSal. awlil, or any decayed er decaying aaimal er vegetable substance (or say grease or bases) from any ef the dwelling bosses, shops, store*, or other i laeea within the etty, wltbeat a writ- ten license or the Board of Health, having bees Brat obtained therefor, ssd sll persona am

1 ol


R. H.EDDY T» Btats St., apposite Kllhj/ St.,Beaten., Bentiros Patents in the United Stains; aloo In Ureat Britain, Francs and other foreign coun- Iriea. Copies or the claims of sny Pstent lui- nl.hed by remittingonedollar. AsHgsmentare. eonled at Washington. K Agency Tn the Unl- ted BUtes po**es*e* superior faellltlss fw ©J* Ulnlng Patents or sseertslalsg the paWntablllty ofinvonliona. 11.II. KliUV.SollcltorolPatenla,

TESTIMONIALS. ••I regard Mr. Eddy as one of the moskoapabl*

and auoco**ful practltlonera with whom 1 have hadoflb.Ul intercourae. _ . . ^ ■- -

CIIABLE8 MASON,Coramla'rof Patents. "laveatorscannot employs person more trust-

worthy or more capable of securing Tor Ihem an early and ravorable conslderatloa at the Patent

EDMUND BUBKB. Late Com'r or Patents. B. B. EOPV, Ksq.-Dear Sir: yon procured lor

ins In MO, my first patent, aince then you have acted for, and advlaed me In hnndreda ol csass, and proonred many ualc^ntx, rolsnuee arw^^f0: ■ ion*. 1 h ave occasionally employed we beat agencies In Now York, Philadelphia and Wash; Ington, hut I still giro you almost the whole ol my business. In your line, and advise others IS employ you. You:* truly,

PLUMBING, riiilng and Plx

*H. ruBBBS A SON. at* Essex St. PROVISIONS,Country Produce

Meat, I'rull, Caaasd Hoods, ae. It. CALLAI1 AN. tin Common Street.

CO APS; the best Toilet, Family » ""vrtsbts,.^^ ,01pcoMFAIir. TAILORS, French, Rngllsh and

Aniarleaa KoveiUes. . im . r. W.sellAAKB A CO.,Po'lOffice Block.

' r AI LOR, Imported and I>omes- 1 Uo Ueeds.

H. OENNIE MOUSE, IN Essex Street. UNDERTAKING Furnished In

ail it* detslls. Funeral Chelra s specialty WATKBHOUnEAPAJtSOMS llAmssbury.

UMiKKI'AKMH; every duty apperUlnlug to Punartlaattended to.


WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry ¥v Bpeotaoles aad Silverware. (Bepalrlsg)

SAM'L W.rELLOWB. SOS Baasx Street.

WORK of every description, In Hie Printing line, neatly aad cheaply, at



.,.-11 for swill and bouse oral made or col- Isotad upon ibsir presslsss, and is kese Ihe same la a oonvealaat piece to he removsd by tbe Board of Health, aad ars forbidden to pises, oart or throw asy awill or house oSal of asv kind Isto any vault, *ewer, or Into any vessel containing ssbss, or lo mingle asnei or other relu*o therewith.

WHY should not public notice be required, as is provided In the bill pending in the legislature, of all ap- plications for liquor licenses? Surely, It any traffic ought not to be allowed to bide In the dark it is the liquor business.

Special Regulations. 1st.—All awlU, bouae oShl, gresss or bose* ■■*" ipon premises from wnieh parties may

Base is ears fer aad restore the same.

NEW YORK citizens are keeping up -lapnVUU «.— --SWMS »M* SOUietfaing

practical and thorough, in the way of atreet cleaning; the fear of disease seems to be well founded, and un- less the filth can he removed, the death rate may prove alarming.

TUB ELECTRIC LIGHT is coming ; in New York, when the Brush light com- pany have been experimenting In Union and Madison Squares, with sections of Broadway and Fifth Avenue, they are likely to be given a contract, displacing 555 gas lamps; several of the western cities are adopt- ing tlie electric light in the streets.

ts in perl HI; with the court recoi Gsn. Morgan of Alabama, nadt a three

boars' speech in ibe United Sues senate, yesterday, and Messrs. Browt, Hoar and tla wley consumed three boors mure, when an adjournment was taken until Monday-

Jobs Beck, a Oecujita milkman, came borne drunk laat evening, suit with a re- volver, shot and Instantly billet hit Infant son lying Is tbe eradte. He :lalms tbe shooting was accidental. Hevaa arrest- ed.

Mr. Manjpeuuv, chairman of Ibe Ule commission, who recently Lsadered hut resignation to Secretary Klrkwood, baa consented to serve aa a invtaher of the coinmwslon until relieved by b.s success- or.

With s view of protecting American antbors and pnbllabera, Pot instate r-Qen- eral James will soon Issue tn order de- claring all publications lasted In violation of copyrights granted ry the United BUtes, unmallable natter.

Saturday. Lord Beacons Held1* condition continues

favorable. The King of Abyssinia waa recently

killed In battle, and hia son Mlcbael U now ruler.

Eighteen officials, accused of fraud lo the naval department of Cubs, have been sentenced to penal servitude.

Army rations, clothing and supplies are to be issued by the goverumeui to the sufferers by the Dakota floods.

Heavy frosts have prevailed over east- ern, northern and western Texta for two nights put, doing great damage to crops.

All tbe employes of tbe horse car llnet Is Cincinnati are new on a strike, and aaarlv aevsaty-ftve uUieaof road lies Idle.

A few yean ago the feslivsl of Kasur was only observed by special cbsrch, csrimonlal* fa the Roman Catholic tnd Bplseopal commnn- foat.tnd among tbe greet body of American Presestsau and the people at large, tbe festival evea trasses was co^a*rat**ary Mttle km Bat so ether avjtfaJ bat Seesaw sa sss dooMstleatsd la Ntw Baglaed, aad sow k Is not only sn almost universal isilgloas festival, bet its>eueal recurrence bieomsi of more aad more religious and social stgnlfltaraet. It 1* observed at connected with Joyous aseoettllons, with tbe celebration or a new lira of yonib aad hope, aad at a word. Is regarded St the sanrlse of lbs year, leaving behind It tbe sadness sad gloom of the past.

Easter Sunday dasnsd lall of promise, aad although during the day a high wlad prevsll.-d scattering the dart In dUterstthlt fashion, the various churches were well tUended si sll serrices, many of them where special obterava- ces wert held being fi.led lo repletion. At all of the churches, services appropriite to tbe day

held, sad the prolusion orfl>wrri display- ed attested to the demsaJi mads anon the var-

florlsta. Tbe principal observances will be found below.

I>epi I by the Board ot Health

Boaton, Jan. 1 mi. fcoitUE DEAFER.

SlV B»



Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Ghemicals, Aleehbl, Alum, Ammonia, AilsUrssse, Benaini


JohnC.Haynes&Co 33 COURT 8T„ BOSTON.

Musical Boxes In Great Variety. Brass Band Instruments.

Violins. American Guitars.

Imported Guitars. Banjos from $2 upwards,

Violin, Violoncello, Double Bass, Banjo, Zither and Harp Strings

and Trlfllmlngs. Accordoons and Concertinas of

all descriptions, American and Foreign Sheet Music,

Musle Books, * <-., A,-., Wholesale and Retail,

Thieeelabllahroenl la one of the branch atorea of OL1VEB IHTSON A CO., and possesses unequalled advsnUges for lbs importation of instruments from the best manufacturers Is Europe. Hvor.U i-b

Bn ill Brooms, Corks, Camphor, Chalk, Cream Tartar, Colors oUII ahsilea, Carbolic Arkl Coach Varnish, Oaator OH, ChamotaSklas, Copper RIvi'tM, CaaIds Soap, Copperas, Dlpi>eri, wooden. Downers kerosene Oil Uusl Bruches, Emery Paper,

" Cloth, Teather Dusters, floor Brashes, Piah Glue, Parnlturv Vsrnlsb, Poieil Klvsr Lead, Ulne. all grades. Gum Arsblo, GumTragaoaath, Q old Leaf, liolil Broaia, Ulycerme, Glauber Sail, (ialvanlaeil Iron Pails, Harness Beep, Indigo, Ealaomlae,all tints, London Purple,

MIsedPahits.aMcolor NsaU Pool Oil, Na,ihtha, uuveOiL Oxalic Acid, Oakom, I'aiafhneOil, I'arafBneWai, Pntty. Parla While, Potssh, PumMeSteae, Planter Paris, Paris Urees, Paint Brushes,

same regulation barrel*, at leaat twice each week, from October 1*1 to May 1st, asd al least three limes a week from May 1*1 tu Octo- ber 1*1.

iad.—So awill, house olaL grease or™., ■ hailbedenosltedor removed in anv kind or a vessalonor from a sen premises olter than in ■aid regulation barrsls.

II.—No person having *uch license ahsll dis nee© Of bis awlll, bosss oBal, grease er bones it asy person or persona other than tho.s having a license from said Board or Health, to collect awill. bouae offal, grease or bone* In the City ol Lawreaee, - tih.—All license* granted by tbe Board of Health may he revoked al the pleasure of said Hoard.

1th.—Said regulation barrel, ars lo be aad wnals Ihs property of UteHeallh Department, nd srs painted bias, having gaivaslsed Iron

severs, are marked Health Depsrtmeni, and the No. ol the licensegotsgWith taid barrel, marked upon the same. Two barrels go with each ikesas, and if mere are assents ry they ess be had of the AgaatrOBTBB onset the test, nr rgBMiT, and said barrels shall bewail cared lor and replaced by the persons hav lag Uwm by Srtoe of their llcenae.iribev should be lost or

i.lroyed.snd II as Id lieease* he* W be revoked or expire by llmiUtlos, aa'-' L

returned to lbs Health D good order ssd condition.

6th.—Said reguletloa barrels shall be ssder tbe direct anpervlaloaef the Agent ol the Board -T HaaBh, aad ahsll be kept la a convenient

lace far examination by ssld Ageat or bv asy ember oi lbs Board. All Peraons who shall violate asy of the fore,

going rcgolelfoe* shsU rerfsil nua sot ex ceeiilsg ose handrsd dollsrs.

As WAS anticipated, the trial of Cadet Buck, of West Point, for shoot- ing John G. Thompson, son of tbe Congressional Hergeant-at-arms, re- sulted In the acquittal of the former, upon tbe ground of defence, that Buck bad been subjected to repeated and continued indignities and insults at the bands of a party of cadets of which Thompson was the leading spirit, and that the latter was the agressor at the time of the affray.

Boiton Stone, Bock Salt

for horses aad caltls Shellac,

Ulpllll (Mil I'l Sand Paper,


DB 2T TI8T Office and Residence. Porter'i Block

BBS Baasx Street •--I.eweemee.

Nitron* Oxeide Uaaand Ether or Chloroform •imiaislcrd. llvrlnnl

Sal Bods, Slone Jara and Msga, Saltpetre, Sewing Machine Oil, Stable rails, Shaft Rabbers, Scrub Brushes, Tar, Wooden D poors, Window Qisss, Water Pall*, Wears Enamel Dressing

ror_ Carriage Top *, Whitewash Brushes. Wsaregan Soap, WlUlsnss' Barber Bar


list aprl

■ Bwrd s 1 Health,

ANOTHER chapter in the Moray let- ter fraud, concludes with tbe sentence to seven years imprisonment of Llnd- sey, oneof the swift democratic wit- nesses to tbe trick. It's lucky for Mann,—the man with a crutch,— that lie did not repeat bis Ule as to having seen Gen. Garnsld in conver- sation with Moray the myth, under oath, or he might now be looking from behind tbe bars, with his twin list, Llndsey.

The city oi ssock ISlaVD, Illinois, is par- tially submerged, and ibe Mississippi liver at this point waa rltisg at last ac- counts.

Interesting statements regarding the cotton crop ror 1880, and tbe outlook for next year's yield are given In the iit-ws columns this morning.

At Pltutcm, Pa., yesterday, John Mc- Iltle, aged 16, While at work in the Union stove works, waa Instantly killed by the bursting of an eatery wheel.

Henry Doeraoo, Ibe negro who hilled bit wife lo 1879, was hanged at lies Are, Ark., yesterday, In tbe presence of sev- eral thousand people. He acknowledged bis guilt.

Joseph Martin or Hantlngton, L. I., who threw vitriol, mixed with ink, lo Alice Halllgan's face, blinding and dlaflg. urlng her lor life, was arrested in New York city, yesleidsy.

Daniel Bridges of Newburyport, 81 yean old, and apparently In good bealtb, tell dead at bit dinner table, yesterday. He bad 10 children, and all lived to cei«< brate bis golden wedding.

Qoorgs VV. Alyward, employed In the blacksmith department or the Eastern railway car shops at Stums, bed four lin- gers of bla right bead lammed off by a steam trip hammer, yesterday.

The cylinder bead of a Urge engine In the National robber works, at Bristol, It. I., blew out laat evening, causing general alarm, hot so lose of lire. Hair toe works moat be Idle for two or throe weeks.

General Kllpatrlck stales that be baa been ssauied by Secretary Blame, that bis nomination aa United States minister to Chill, will be transmitted to the senate si soon as the exlnllng deadlock Is broken

Burglars, last Thursday night, entered the Centre station of the Old Colony rail- road, lo Medfleld, and carried off the depot matter's overcoat. They blew open a safe In the grain depot of Gould A Co. and eacsped with 910.

Episcopal Chwrtshsa.


The services al this church were of ihj most Impressive character, aad commenced with the

Holy Communion" at 9.K a. a. aad was fol- lowed by "Morning Prayer'' and "Holy Cm- mnnlon'BtlO.TOA.a; the chil- dren's festival, aad at 7 r. at, a general service Of song. Tbo Hector. Rev. Wa. Lawrsnce, preached a very Sae sermon, taking as bis text Revelations 6lk ebsp. 9 and 10th verses. At lbs second morning service, children fssUvsl aad evening services, the church wan crowded, many being unable to get Inside. The mask under the direction ol C. O.Saunders, Esq.. wss ren- dered by (be choir most admirably. In the evening the "Be IcmpUon Hyma" by O. J. C. D. Parker waa sung. The tinging of caroli by the children and members of the Sabbath scbtol wss particularly good; A. Ddsman Ulaacbard as Organist, II. P. parsons aa leader, aad Hen- ry K. Fhber st cornctim. The Hector mad© an address during wblcb he recited the fable ol "TwoWbeat shear*," lllasirailag that wthtve something more to for than oar owa and comfort, and referring to tbe Is tangna by Ibe resareetlon.

Tbe offering* by claasea i Young Christians, Tbe Faithful, Cheerful Workers, The Fsllbfal Followers. Claw of the Beroncillailon, The Bulkier*, Batter Class, Lmsghieraof the Temple, Ressrrectlon class, Wsyfarers, Seekers after TmU. Lamb* ot the Flock,


JaMUta, lstroit, sataena, Tht

Ler*L" Hymn 1«, "The Day of Rassr Ths senate Itr the itrnmsslis

I hymn ISlV ^AMHTVOII the rock away."

Organ eeleatlsa* fur Cosastaaioa oAt.ce, (KTeitolre, . Lssameaa

tl kaewkhsissyaitsrsser Ivelb, > Handel BashentsedUsVsBfc, , Band el

PosUndS, Pugue la Q major, Bach

Tbe erenlag service was as follows: Classes with ihle tad texts spoken by members, each class with a basket of flowers buMlag the of- frriag.

LAM as or TBB PaoOB. Tsaefaer. Mis* Haaaah Bower. Hyata."! think

wbea I read that sweet story of old." Offertsg 91S.U

Litiaa or TBS risLD.

TjU^uxt.-Tt^sris^ssasSl.iaPah , huw they grow ;■' hyma, "By cool flilo- sa'i shady rill,

^^ OsThrtag, B7A1 suns or raoaian.

Teacusr. Mill Fanny Smith. Baoehesof log bloeaoma; lest, "The pronslse Is lo your ©hltdrsa." "The children of the promise are counted mr tht teed ;"hyma, ' Cjme sing with holy gleseeea."

OFiriaf, B».6i Ltaaaaas niTWB vtaravahh.

I'sacaer, Miss Bssma Haworth. Text, "Oe ye also isle the vlasyerd aad whatsoever is right I will give joe j" by ma, "In "" vlseysrd ol'oer Father.'

OBeriag, t-..™ Ths eutHst followiag bad U ties lakes front

the specification of tie Fruits ol the Spirit, at given by St. Peal la OstsUoat i :13 SS. la the chancel was raised s lofty arch, copying one

of stone, with the blocks of which It was l.dlstlnctly msrhed. On 0 ol tbe blocks

was Inscribed eae of the fralia of the Spirit, la old Kagush letters, grata, oa a marble ground. The two bases of the arch and tbe foundation connecting them wen inscribed aa follows: Apottlet on the ton. Prophets on tbe right, JE- SUS CHRIST on tbe loaudatioa. Tbs wbols arch was bjrdercd with grjen aad the efset when tbe whole waa revealeJ, wai at once novel asd btastlfsl. The classes came 10 tht chancel In tbe followiag order :—

First.—Tu Mary Magdalene. Mrs. Salt- bosses class; rssdha*:,St. John SB, Utt M 17th vane by Mies Emeu Daanla. eitglng aatkem, They have takes away my Lord.

The aaaearaace of oar Saviour to rstsrnlag from the losab. SlsUr

Bllaabetb* class; reading. Matt. SB, Snt 10 verses by Kate Wblltafetr; class aang a hymn.

Third.—Appearance to Simon Peter. Mr. Harvev Treats da**, readlsg St. Luke, 24, Drd to loth vertat, by Willie Smith; recttaUon by Willis Hallos; hymn 417.

Foarth.—To the dbcipto© gotsg to Bmmaus. Mrs. Get's class, Reading St. Lake, S4,1.1th to

Kb verse, by Hauls Anderses; hyma S7. Fifth.—To tbe disciplsa at Jerusalem, HI.

hceaas being sheent. David Scott's riaas; r*adlfay-BI.Jc*aSu.HU>Bthvarse. by Wll- ltoWsadihymnM4.

Sixth.-To the dUdplm sad St. Thossss. Isa. Bfoaht'class; reading St. Joba30,2ttti

b> MR asaswJ. hy Bsttt FtsBkihyma«M. SsiBtth Tslbi III nip In se tbe eea of Gsl- toa. Mis. OoH's etasst nadiag Si. John 11,

Idto7lh verses, by Ids Miller, ssd 0th, 11th, l«th aad 15th versss by Ida Ksrlon.


Tromnoae Sole. Eighth.—To the ©toven Apoeiiei oa the

monatala at Oallllee. Mrs. Thomas I Use's riaas; resdlsg Matthew SB, iSth to'JOth verse* by Seen Bun Hag, Albert Dsnsts, Frsak Lngdee ;

hysaaiSS. Ninth.—To the Sva haadred at once. lafaal

cwJt,Oarrla HnMaadSarshlAmberitaacberti 1st CormUUna 1, 31 lo 0th verses;

hymnCia. Tenth.—Appearance to St, Tbosnss. Mrs.

Rlltabetta Uevlngton's class; reading 1st Cor- loUlaua 15,1st to 7th verses, by Mrs. Mary D*lton; hymn til.

Klevenlh.—To all Ibe Apostles si Uo ■km. Alfred Bakss' Otasi; reading Acts 1,9th to 12th verses, by Mary J. Bunting; byma 1W.

Twelfth.—To St. Ptal after tbe ascension Mrs.CarrauMselaM| rssdlag 1st CDtietblant 7th lo Oth verses, by Mr*. George Kant and Mrs. Clara Webster; hyma 409, 1, I, and 4

ss follows: t M.iHi

2.00 1.7S

LOTS. Tsaeber, Mr* Caw. T>s<i."NjwalMd«hfa!ih

hop*sad charily, these throe; bat the greatest or tbsse u-rharlty," etc.j hyma.

her, Miss Barah Barlow. Text, They thai sow In lean aball reap Is Joy, sic.; hymn, Come we thai love the fiord.

Offering, «H.47 raaca.

Teacher, William MeCaltam. T*xt, The Lord ahsll give his people the blessing of peace, etc; hymn, 1 beard the votes of Jteat

and distributed over the platform wart plants la pots, la bloom. Vases sat in lb© pulpit and beside It, filled with choice flowers. Tbe front Of the pulpit wat decorated with ferns and ivy- supporting a cross of Immortelle*. Pendant Irom Ihe trcb sbov* was a aemi-circular haUat, bearing the words, "He la ttiaen." and from that bung a floral batktt- Tbo services la tbs mornlsg were aa follows: Voluntary, otertetre St. Coeells. ^luu^* CacSr!^lfcsrn, "Christ beisg ralsf.1 ****fi

^S^SSSI^^^^ tnahabbath **^Ma>*oleauWren.


At this church tho congrsgailon was large aad to© floral display oneof rare beauty. Sur- rounding, and almost eaveleatue; ihe des*, wet* satled astst* and choice cut flowers, while from thtesa<any»lbtreer of thepsUstt. •«© fsa- st>eed trsitltg rltts, mltaTrovtw wllb bright

IOBW. Is toners or gold, oa a fleld ol white, surmounted by a shield bearing the moa- fvam IRS, were ibe following Inscriptions Now Is Chrlit risen from the dead, and become

tbe Aral traits of them that slept,' "lam the sMNnrrocUon and Ihs Life.- "Because I live ye shall live also." Tin decoratloni were arranged byMra. Kendall, Mrs. wtleox, Mm. Bonney, Miss Newell, Mitt Ltdd and Mr. Uenry Boa- aey. Matthew 18-61, fi.rni.hed the texi for Rev. Mr. Hookers discourse, which was on© of much power and tendsrneat, descriptive of the events aUeadlag lb* resurrection. Tbe music waa Bnoly rendered, tbe tolopsrts being crertll- ably sustained by Mrs. Chamberlain, Mis* Tu- ■tor, Messrs Shove and Kennedy.

Tbe collection* daring tbe day, not Including tbe Ssaday School oSViags smosnled lo »t 17.-

LOMO-sorrshiao Teai-ber, Miss Carrier.

suhVrlng to nsward. hour ol trial.

Text, The Lard li long- rd, etc. i byma, la tie

ssaaaaw Oaahells Ohwrshea.


The *jral decoraUoat here war* aot oa at extesslreascsleaslBpreviom years, bat snob ss there wa* consisted of ch.rlcasl planti and boeqasts ©4 cat Sowsrs, which added much to tbe adornment er lb© brilliantly lighted altar, which was bang with rich embroidered lecea. Tht principal terries wat at 10.30 *. at., solemn high matt, eslBbratad by Rev. P. C. McGovorn, Rev. A. J. Lrncb, detew, aad Rev. Bdwsrd O'ReUlsy, sub-deacon. Aa appropriate aad eloquent sermon was preached by Bsv. E. Une- asily. Tht large choir was augeassted by the

Offering. •«M oaaTLaxau.

Teacher, Bsraarff Roger*. Text, Tbs servant

ChUdrea of the Church, Living B

Young Gleaner*. Laborer*, Yoang Crusaders,

Liule Soldiers or tbs Cross, Hope or tb* Church, Truth a

r,.oo S7B ft 00 2M ai7

.75 1100 Ifto SIA l*S 1.40 :ttw


FLORISTS. Cut Flowers, Benqnelt, Wreaths, Pillows,

Crosses, end all Designs lor Funerals a spec- IsUy.

308 ESSEX STREET. Grssnhouistcorntr Broad way srd

Acton Streets.

iXHHlsn rnrpie. HMUVH.™,! Light draining Vat nlsb.Whilmg, Lissee.lOH, Winaor A Newton's Lard Oil, Tube Colors,

In quantities to suit Rt Lowest Market Prices.

191 ESSEX ST.. LAWRENCE. llvlana

Floral Designs.

TEN PER CENT. Annual Interest,

*er _jp pamphlet to

THE CLOSE COMPANY, 131 Devonshirs Street. Boaton, Matt.

TnE RETCBH of Ei-Mayor Melvirt to tlie water board, oi which be wast formerly a member, recalls tbe some- what singular fact that no member of the board has yet been re-elected upon the expiration of bis term of service. It would be difficult to as- sign a reason for this, as the helium of the board has been generally bfer- monrous. and they have been involved In no special controversies, citharr with the public or city government.

Wanted. Canvasssrs tn every

county la Ifal* Mtale le take order* rot Nuraery Stack. BTSADV ASD oa

■1BUBI.B RMTLOTMBSTT St QOOD WaVfJaaWS El parlance lathe hnalseaa sot required. Nurseries widely and favorably kaewa. Fer term* ad dree© O. TL. TAW DtlBKar, Vss Dussa Kuranrlea ( QENEVA. N. T.

EaUbllahedlWU. ) Also!toeh si Wholesale leowlltfetlS B

M outlay. Mary Aytr, Raiding on Ilaffarda street.

Fall River, relldowanUlrsSstqiday nlgbt and broke her neck.

The Baaulos btve been defeated at Le- rlbe, South Africa, with heavy loir*, the colonial casualties being slight.

Bylvtsot Baker of Providence. B. I., died yesterday, of lockjaw, resulting from as accidental injury to bla thumb.

The condition or Lord Beacooafluld baa not materially changed alnco yesterday morulog, tt which time be bad greatly improved.

An unknown man, evidently an escaped lunatic, waa found In ihe woods In Qraf- ton, Saturday, and died soon after from exposure.

Anthony Dormsn of Lapee, Mich., ar- rested si White River Junction, VL, la on bla way to Lapee, to answer to a ctaargt of larceny.

Oorbam Fetch of Newburyport. T8 years old, recently Injured In the ankle by a horse, Buffered amputation on Thurnlfy and died to-day,

"Uncle Thomas,* iho veteran -brush boy" of tbe Grand I'acldc Hotel, Chicago, wbodledon Thursday, left a fortune es-

OEE of the saddest features of the --«-« * •»■*»* j i .i. a*. *<>■' thousand people perished by the

North Andover tragedy, is the (Us- eu-tnqn.gke at Ohio, and there are now flf- ponition of the surviving brother, to ty thousand persons homeless and dtatl-

shift the responsibility for the bar- 1 ww J g^ fmm^ of con.lrocUon

gutry upon bis dead twin ; it Is hardly j „r the American Union Telegraph Com-


WATER, Niilnrc'M Wsmdaarsfttl Remedy-

For BrlRht's Dlaeaee, all diaeaaea ol the Kldneyo, Liver and stomach^A lao Bheu | aiheadoi Wtahiagi

matlsm, Piles, Hi Send for book free.

Wreathe, Croeaea, Lyras, Harps, Pillows Orowna, Anchors, Bouquets, dec,

ind at abort notice, the Greenhouse* of

Hade of Choice Flower*. Caa lie obtained cheap a T. D- HALLnTT, corner ManchaeUrand

WashlnBton Streets.

Butonemleuto'a walk from Broadwayheading lea. Wain lireihoutes soil Warden

BLnet. iitfal


B, I*. n sad ti Plata capacity. CoBee ssads (a ■ 8CR1PTCHK A I'AREEB.ltS I In thla wnre doea sol turn black at In tin. JOBS

CoortSiiunrr-.' S E. IWODT T.M'omasei.-1st C. UOW ft .:o.,Croes«ry ssd Ula..wsrs,Odd atrsit. all'DBWELI, AAUAtU, iHTrcmem | r.llowi Building. Cntkry, Spoons sad Creek street. ttwapl i'b ery tetot forparUea.

WANTED. SollelUng Agent* te travel Is the New Bngias.i

8.T.CAEMOR. Aagasta* Malae.

COFFEE ?OT8.—When yoar old one I* ao longer Bt for as* look at Ihe Platlesel.

We have aold 4«; the beat nod cheapest ha ass.

Jnd get a descriptive circular Bl JoBM C.D6W j COT Crockery asd Ulstt Store. Odd Fellows

possible that the unfortunate deceased was altogether to blame, and under all the circumstances, Uterc is a lingo of oseannese in making tbe man whose lips are elosed. tbe scape goat for the offence of his companion in crime, which robs the survivor of whatever sympathy he might have received irt eonsequcnoe of the tragic ending of the affair. Even If the story be true there is little honor in the survivor** shirking bis share of the shame upon tbe shoulder*, of his dead brother. The man who would do this, were it true, would pretty certainly lie to make* it appear so. when the facts were otherwise.

pany. In New Orleans, commuted suicide, yesterday, by shooting himself through the head.

Tbe threatened strike of tbe North Side street-ctr conductors and drivers or Chi- cago, has been averted, by the men ac- cepting the compromise offered by the company of as per day.

Thomas Wlnn or Hartford, Coon., aged 18, fell from a boat Into the Connecticut river, laat evening, white endeavoring to recover a bate bell, sad waa drowned. Ilia body baa not been recovered.

Two stores in Newburyport, belonging to E. W. Pearson and Joseph H. Robin- see, were entered by burglars yesterday. Mr. Pearson lost a Tew artlclea, valued at ajo, bnt Mr. Robinson lost nothing.

Some hogs were, Saturday, discovered at Lake St. John, Qae.. devouring the Body of an Infant about 15 days old. A swung girl ol respectable parentage baa been arrested on suspicion of being tbe

or the child.

Holy .„. Wining Workers, Karat©* Workers, Children of /.ton.

The decoration* wrrs In sonta respect* fleer tbsa those of previous yeirs, sad wert In charge 1 or Mr. A. Detman Blanchsrd. Begonias. Inr- cbtas and geraaalms, Irom the green-bouse sf Mr.J. P. Battles, filled every window, while the reading desk aad paloU wen asrround.d by a profusion of Calls asd taster lilies. The arrangements within tbe chancel wars surpas ting lovely ; on either aid© arose an Immense rack of potted plants la fall bloom, most «f which belonged to the Washington School. The altar and tablets were vetted lu white, tad In trout of tbe latter, wen elegant flat baskets. Tbo front of the nper-ahar bore ibe inscription

Allelina" la red carnations, aad oa It stood aa axqaleite crest of lilies sad rose beds, with passion flowers at the bats, aad two pyramidal boqaeU ol IlllM tad nanaiss. The foot was sur- mountcJ by a large white cross, oier wheh a garland of choice flower* and pastion vine, was gracefully trimmed. This was agilt 'in Mem- orise" from a family tn the pariah. The flow- ers la lb© garland, as well a* ibe besksti, Isltsri and bcquen, *er© furnished by R. D. Hill, of Foabcdr. At tbe right of the pnlpit. wen a pyramid or potted plants la Mourn, whtoh to the number of over *», wste prwcuied lo tbe members of the Sabbeib School, al their altsr- noon service by tbe Rector.


The slUr tad Its surrounding* wcru besuti- f Jlly adorned with choicest flowers aad phteW In variety sad abundance; a profusion of lanane- ealaU Raster lllltt In handsome vases, contrl- baling much to Ike afigeac© and beaaty of lba display. Tbe altar WAS surrounded with aa arch In the form of two ski a* of a triangle made of plnkt and bordered with evergreen. Tbs font and a stand, contained a variety of heaaH- ful plant* in full bloom, an 1 at elihcr aid* of tbe altar were tablets bordered with evergreen end bearing these Inscription* "I em tbe Ras- ered Ion aad the Lire," aad " Behold I am Alive tor Kvermore." Surmounting ifa-i altar arch wat the Inscription. "Christ U Rises," while the altar cloth at Its centre hire ibejiylntsx- preeslon. "Allslloa." Noticeable among tbe decoration!, waa a shield with bine backgrosad, AordsraJ with evergreen, bttrilg In raoni- gram the letters "I. at. S." rallblatly formed la many colored bod«. A saw organ doth wu shown bordered with goll and besallrally hang with fringe, bearlag the Inscription, "Wa Praise Thee O Ood." In lbs evening when tbe lofty arch was raised, wiih Ha green bordered blocka, each bearing Ms title, Ihe (ffect waa qul'lle. The arch was an ohjict lassoi, while the combined leaching of the Rector ssd class- es, held ihe attentloa of sll present. The church wss U nsual densely crowded, bnt perfect or- der wst kept, and every lace betokened delight and satisfaction. St. John-Pariah Ibis Kil- ler, bring* a blessing which betokens peat© aad

prosperity for ibe day© to com*. The musk wa* very nasty rendered seder

the direction of Mr. Henry Biriur, Mr, Oeorgt F. Hamer, presiding at tbs orgsa. Tbe maiical programme at the morning services was as fol-

low*:— Choral celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

Organ prelude, "Ave at aria." EagsseThsysr Proo^al. Hymn IBS, "The .trite Upcrts£


of the Lord must aot strive, bat be gas- ils snio sll men, etc.; hymn, Qalst, Lord, any irowarJ Start.

0*Jerlag,fSS5 uooiiaasa.

Mi** Ussls Barlow. Taxi, Sorely rloess and mercy shall follow me ah

days of my Ills, etc ; byma, Nearer, my Ood to thee.

raffs. Teacher, Albert Rasasdea. Text, Wbea the

BD« ef Man comsth shall he And faith on the earth ? etc.; hymn, O tot triemphant faith dispel.

Offering. S6.3J Haaxuxss.

Taecber, Mb* l/sii* Sager. Tent. Now the man Moseswas very meek, etc.; byma. Lord, forever st thy side.

Offering, BS.B9 TatlPBtUNCB.

TsaeUer, M. P. 11 M.lvls. Tsxt, At he rea- soned by righteousness, temperance aa* judgment to come, etc.; Hymn, breast the wavr.ChrisUaa.

OffariBg, 970.70 TUB owDtT rgLVOWimr or TUB raopkBTB. Teacher, Mi*s A. Ry ley. Text, Many prophets

and righteous men have desired to see loose things which ye see, and have not ■ecntbsm, etc.; hymn, Watchman tell n*

,1 the night. Offering, fSo.7«

vaaoLoamsooMraaror TMK AHMTLI

Teacher. Mr*. Arthur I'edler. Text, Wbea l( wa* day b* called unto blm bis disciples, and or ihets ha chose twelve Whom f' be earned a post***, ©te.; hymns, Fi sll thy aataU in warfare; The ctsraal gilts of Christ the King.


Teacher, Miss J. Ry ley. Text, other meads- tkw can no man lay, than that to laid, which I* Jeans Christ, etc.; hymns, The church's one foandstioa I* Jesns cartel her Lord; Christ Is made the inrsfoeadB- 0©B.

Off.-rirg, f» 00

It ha* beenma t custom ot in* school to re- iser al this fe»tlral, ibe children who have

dead daring the year. Only one ha* been takes daring lbs yoar now closed, MIs* Emily Slad- dln, who. on last Kaster, wss dangerously ill, saddled on lb© morning of Kaster Tuesday. The class to which tbe belonged Is Utt Easter clear, carrying the BeaMr banner of white aad gold. la lbs rear aad under tbe trcb. already described was placed a while crosi, upon abase ef while, aa the front of which appeared ta green latter*, the asms Emily, aad la Metoo-

Arloa qaartettt, aad the sieging, under tbe dl- rsetloa of Mr. Htary T. Ctrty, organist, wa* excellent. "Venl Creator," a bias solo by Mr Arthur Swsseey, with a chorus by the Arloa quarteit* and other axels voices, was lbs fsstnre of the service or soag. Tbciuuslcal pfogrammt readersd at ths morning service wa* at follow* Vidl Aqnsm.


Bensdlctus. bctunldt voTaalsry; - ■!«■

la aht eJtarseoa aolema vespers wa* cele- brated, the choir rasdarlag Rat's flgnrad ves- per*, tat remainder of ths music being s* tol-

krWt: Msgaiaoat, Enssrrig HMIMO*. ,.,hkpl' ■tsarina Cwll. w"rMr

Tsattua Ergo, Rossi

mKAt'i'LATs oMoamoM cat-aou.

The altar at this church prBseatad a vtry beautiful appearance, eipeclally at tht evening service, tbe many colored lights cispleyln*. the floral aad other deeorattoa* to tbs bast advan- tage. The altar wu graced wiih many bouquet* or cat flowers, tribat** from members of tbe coogregatkw, aad oa Ihe Mepe and side* located at convenient lnlervali were many tan ex'tilcj, some 04 them In full bbiom. At S o'clock high matt wat celebrated, nl which the aolallUe* aad Arch-Con fralerniiy aiiendei la regslls. The prtartyal servlcs was at 10 W, at which the cornet bead gave appropriate selection*. The pastor, Rev. John A. Devlr, celebrated mast, alsoprsschlag Ibe Kutsr dlsooarta. Hadyn'* ■sass la B flat wat stag. U tht evening the edifice wst crowded, and solemn veapir* aad benedictkjo wss celebrate 1. Tbs altar wa* a blase or many colored lights and wa* rlchlv draped la coaily cloths aad lacs* Mlltard's Vespers wen aaag, Weraer's Beyiaa Cmli, Kapp's Taitlum Ergo and Kotslsl's /s/amM/t-

OBVTkAL CHt'UCII. The doeorsiloni w*re aot exteailvt, bat wen

la excellent tails and Ibe display was very line On each side of the pulpit was a large vase of (lower*. On tht platform ws* ttvsral polled plant*. Tbe service* wen a lltite oat of the usual order, ibe tinging being a ipeclal fettnre. Rev, Mr. Mils*, the ntw pastor, preached. He announced that tbe installation service* would take place the flrat week In May.

krvamaioa coaokaoATiowAt oaracti. The pnlpit aad choir ol the Riverside church

were taatetaily dtcoralod with s fall array of begonias, geranium*, eat la*, bvaclntbt, sal visa and other flower*, a basket of choice flower* also adorning tbs communion table; tbe dec- orations ware In charge of Mr*. Jamas Ward. Tht pastor, Mr. Wllllsm H. Wolcott, preached

eloquent sermon w a large anil appreciative audience The choir rentiers J their selection* wKh flee effect, Bomersels hymn, 'Thorn tt a green bill far away," twlog »tg wllb teed; r appreclatlvenesi, and the anthem by Stalntr "They ban lakta away my Lord," nUlnglr suggesting tht gentle and also lb* triumphant

■catlment* of the day. UMIVtMALtBT CUT'tuK.

At mis church, the floral decorations wart very extensive. Than were many ran plants, a number or them lu fall bloom. Tht pulpit bora mtny beautiful bouquet* ©l ctl flnwtisaod tbs choir gallery also bore a profaiion of boa- queu and potted plant*. Th* masle waa ©a- cellentty rendered, the selection aad rendering

Wlegsnd being ansong th* beat effort* raadt btn. Tbs Farmer p^jtor, R«v. A. K. White, deHv«red an eloquent ■»»*■ jjaaurearmen, Uklngbtotoxt from John 20.-

10, ••Peace be onto von;" applying directly to Utt tbeme tht light of the crou tad Ibe empty grave- Tbtatundaace wat very Urge. In Ihe

Sunday *choet, under the direction of'Mr.C. B LKtle0*ld. There watavtry large aaaieacs sad the singing and other exercises wen inler- esUng »d caterlalnlng. Al Ihe do** of lb* ooacert a abort addre.s wa* given by the pat-

rlam. The class, thst of Mr*. Oeo. Ry ley, easse tor

ward singing Ibe hyma. Asleep IB Jesus. Oa reaching tbs ihaaeal, the eros* wa* filled with lijwer*. i ai-li scholar carrj tng B botqust, aad there ws* al.o pi iced s memorial wreath.

The texts netted were s* follows: If we be- lieve that Jesui died and rose again, even so them also which sleep la Jeans

How Is Christ risea from ths dead aad become Ihe Brat fralia ol them that trap*, llvtard a vein from heaven say lag aato me, write, blessed an the dead which die la ibe Lord, ror they rest from Ibsir la- bor*. Ths class rcteratd singlag the Raster hymn. The strife ll o'er.

Offering. •45.74 Total amount of offering* from th* ciaass* for

Ursvtarwas, Ewtll Total amount ol offerings st sll services dar-

ing lbs day, ftleOO. BT. TMOMAS in. am.

All tbe services wen attended by large eon gregatluu*. The decoration v. composed princi- pally of calls* aad ferns, wan tuisfal, sad tbe alur, which wa* lighted with over one hundred and alxty tapers, presented a gran.i appearance. Baasaib the altar frontal wan three floral de- signs, of the choicest flower*. In tbe centre p«n*I wa* a msltese crot* of while flower* la a circle, both resting upon a bad of green; In tbe of th* cross wen the words "A. H." In

Bismorlam of tbs deceased daughter of Mr. aad Mr*. Oanrft Ss^theaat. Ot ths side panel*

large butterfly formed of peailes, sad a crescent or rare exotics both presented by Mr*. T, W. Hast. Calls* In pott rested tgalari the

ofthealtar. Themuskofthe high cele- braUoa was according to lbs following pro-


Han then wen extensive floral decorations, the space wlihln ih« altar rail pneenUaf tbs spectacle of a flowery b>wer. The altar bora nearly oee headred booqstt* of cat fliwen geranium*, pinks. Mtnhsl Noll rotet, etc. each bouquet being ■sratoaaud with a largt calls Illy. Over the tabernacl* baag a beastt- Pal floral lyre, nude by Mr. Bdwsrd Fiyaa, florist, who also furnished th* plant* tnd bou- qnets} lurmonstlng ibis tn Irilers of gold was the Inscription, "Christ I* Risen." Aioaad Iho altar wa* a profuse display of plant*, veriegst ed artwtalam, hydrangeas, lorty gennfums, tachtos In flower and orange tree* la bvasaotn. The candelbra oa the altar were fwiooatd with Ivy aad tatllax. Tbe decorations wen made by Mimes. M. A. Oslvin and M. A- Rilsy. and were creditable to iboaeladles' taste. Theprlo- eipsi service was at 10AO A. a., at which high mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Ryan, who also delivered tbe Easter discourse- In ths ar- teraoos vesper nrvkwa with benediction were

Tht mask at both services, which wu wail rendered. WU as follows:

aokMiso. Viva A'in **•**. . *•*•■? fXJi IM ogui



Thto church hu nevsr been more extenilnir decorated tbtn oa Sunday. The pnlpit platform was complete!) covered with hot bouse plants

la bloom. In front oftbe pulpit wu an elegant cross composed of Latter lilies, and Marshal rt©llro*e*. Tbe dash had a bortUr of flowers aad green leave*, and ou other side ware large bouquet* of whit* row and call* ll«t*. Tbe eater edge of lb* pulpit at* adorned with tall flowering plants or varkua kinds. The table la front of the pu Iplt wu a mat* ol wbtte bios- •out Jand green leave*; garland* ol green bung rrom* tht ga* chsrjdcller* on etlber «lde- Bcv. Mr. Jenk* preached an Raster lermon, and the cbolr rendered nvcral line «cecllon*, Mr*.

Dyer singing* solo.

oruKM cttiscnsa. At lba Garden street Metbodlet church, theft

wu no attempt tt floral display. Appropriate Easter urvlcta were held, and a sermon prescicd by Rev. O. W. Norris.

Th© Sseond Btpttol church wa* bandtamelT deconttd. Al the front or the chorcb overthe pslpltwert itreamer* or evergrnn, rosloonad at tbe *«•*■ * the pulpit pltifurm wore aoUed plants, and cut flowtrs In v**u. Hanging from tbe centre of the arch over tbe pnlpit wu a llonl crows. Rev. Mr. Moody preached an

Eutsr lenuon. Rev. D. C. Knowle* of tbo 1st Metbodtot

cbsrch, preached his farewell sermon yestei- day to s large congregation. Then w*» no floral display, wllb tbe exception ot a tow vase* ot cat flower*. Tbe moik w«s tomcthlng *pt-

clal and was finely rendered.


** 'airJ.leete, irrBBBOOM.

MaaaUVoat, Taatuss Ergo. Baglaa Cuili,

Introit, anthem,

Kyrie Klslaos, Gloria Tlbl,

Syra^^hrUt thsj£dl.rtPB> hvi,

Saaetus, Communion llvms,(

"Ones the angel atartsd

ST. A.1MX* CBUBCa. At lb© French Catbolk cbnrch the floral dis-

play wu confined to tbe altar, aad cuesfited or about forty boaqatt* of cat flowers. Tbe MT- vlce* wen conductod by R©v- O. Booch.r, who alwcwllvendastnnoe. In the afternoon ves- , service aad benediction wu held. Th©prin- cipal mule rendered through tbs day follow* |

MOBIIIIIO. Mass la E Bat, 3" Sohwldt Adorate. from Lsmbilotts,

Del Vive (trio) V"0'

1*7 HyssH A A M.

i, Magslflcat, Taatutu Er

Werner Mosari


EBlSna,.... -A«.u ™n UTS5 away." _ .

PoeUsite, Tooe«U> la D Minor. Bach IB a. m.

Organ prelude, Thenss and ysrlattoasiB 4SJfeS

ProceuloBBl Hymn te, «J«*ss Christ Is risen l«>



Nuat"DlrnlUl. CskaU

The ishjectoflh.eveslag festival, in which tbe Sunday •cbool took part wu the twelve ipssersanit of oar Lord tiler the rtBBireeUda. Raoh one was taken by a chut who sang a by mo from ih« asw book "Ancient aad Mod- era." The clattu and ibtir subjects wan as


I■tersard. orgsni.i sad director.

At Bt. Patrick * church, Booth Lawrsnce, than wu aa uttasire aad bsaaUral display of choice newer* and pleat*, principally from tbo green boaseot Mr. Edward Flyna. The ser- vices were impressive sad of more than usual interest. A vary eloquesl discourse on tbe day

aad the lesson taught by tbe resurrection or Christ, WU preached.

At Ihe Hi Augusllne charch many floral Irib- stes craetd lba anttv Httie alur. aad ihe choir

■ibedirectioaor Mies Nyhan.ssng with than anal aptrtt. Service* appropriate to

the day wen held la the morning

At the IwdaatrUI Bekaal,

Superintendent Rl.k, belltvlag Ibet tn Ob- urvsnee at the *cbool would bo Instructive and beneflcUl, arnngod tmulcal programnw for Snndty afMrnoaa, which togttbar wllb •CTlptnrt r*ciiatl"n.. was plnulagly rendered. Urlsfsdilrsam. were made by Rev. Josbaa Oolt, Rev. Henry F. leaks, of D»ion, and Cap*. II.

O. uerrick.


Abost 11 o'clock, Buaday, an alarm

of Are wat reeg IB from box Mi The

chemical axtlognltber wts quickly at

the tcene, hot the Are, which wu In B small out building on Morion a'-reet, had

bean eillngulabcd bv the neighbors.

The Are alarm atrack box C3, Suouay afternoon, at 4.45 o'clock, the cause be-

ing a lot ol brush on Are on Msrston

street, below the gu works. Boys had Bet the wooda on Ore, tnd the firemen had

a bard flgbtwltb boughs and sticks before

ettlngulthlng tbe flames^

■Tht pastor's Easter collection tt the

Immaculate Conception cbnrch wts S0S1;

at St. Pttrlck't S7G2,tnd at St. Mlcbtel't.

North Andover, •801. The putor will devote the SL Patrick's collection lo pay-

ing the debt on the church, and In a ol

building the new cborch edifice.

—Tbe Essex Institute will probably

Uke the publication business known sa

the Essex County Historical tnd Oeoe-

aloglcal ReglaUr, which waa started by

Sidney Perly or Boxford, aod luut It at Intervals with lu other publication*.

Mr. Henry B. Fiaber, hat been pro-

moted to tn« toperlntendeocyortheen- tln cotton department of the Pembcrton

mills. Mr. Fisher ku gradually risen to

bit present position, from runner boy in

the counting room.

-In the will of Iho late Mrs. Thcod ore

Parker, Is fOBOd a clause, giving all the

ferniure or the house, to her brolhcr.Mr.

(if... D. Cabot, of ibis city.

-Col. 8 racbtn, or ihe Oih Infaotry, baa

« appointed Or. M. C. Noonaa, aaalaUa soensly decorated with nowan. Oa each side ^~ MlB, „„„«„ „«, rtrS- of the palait on the rid© poets, wu a rakwd Jtwrgeon, beakofpotudplsau. At tbe tear of ths palpli cbargrd.


sMker rraaeateatCfcsurshse.

nasT harnaT oBvacH.

The front of ihe aadieaes room wss

got Morei tS*? wSSErlBxiz Zisz "art %ssrSZl° Sl.'":c'Ww&mt£*2L

Lawrence American. LAWRENCE. MA88.


Weekly News BrevllUm.

Tuesday. Heavy drea are doing much damage to

MM wood* on Loaf Island. Advices rroB NIc*-, France, slate that

Count Henry Ton Arnlm In dylug. In lb* election for Tammany aachrma la

New York, last oljihl, the Kelly ticket triumphed

Charles Nelmaon's bat factory at Ur- anus. M. J.. was bsraed this * veal eg. Less, 813,000

YeaUrday morning a portion of the towder works naar Beikvlrv, exploded,

llilug a Cblnamsn employed iherv. A Wabun passenger train ran off the

track In the Hi Louis luiiacl thla morn lag, aail cauxfd considerable interruption to traffic. Tbii Art BUD WU fatally in- Jured.

Bieumer Oceanic, which arrived at Han FiamUrii from Hong Kong, la quarau- tlui'd Bha baa 10 cum* of amall pox un board among lb* Chinese almrexe pas- sengers.

Owing to an unfortunate smhlgalty In tba sundry civil approprlallM bill, noth- ing can be iiuu ■ upward the erection of a nvw pension building In Wi ehlngtou. on- tll another awavoa.

At vrblivvllle, N. C., yesterday, W. T. Stanley, a piomlnriil lawyer, committed Suicide t.y » homing himself through the bead. No uu* la asslgbed. lie k-*v«a a widow and all children. «

Tbe mlnt-r* at lha Diummoi.d collleiy Plclos county, N B., .truck work y*st*r- day, lor an intrsasi- or about 18 per cent , and It la feared tba ioi.s.qoeueee to thai »»c )on Will btt moat eerloUa.

Tba evacuation of tba city of Cstdsbar baa commenced. Tba Ameer proposes to attack IKrs*. aeit month with an nug- aftenud foicii Aroob Kban la concen- trating bla tai>re fore* to guard against a'.tech from Turkaatan.

Tbe i Ivor at Fun dn Lac. Wisconsin, owrfluwed its bank* yesterday, subroerg lag a great many alreeta In tba weatern portion of tbe cliy. Severs! families were obliged to vacate their hoaaea, and ID some localities tbe atreeu are navigated with boata.

Wednesdny. Henry Vettar died from bydrophla, it

Philadelphia, yesterday. I'h in are 1J1 smallpox patients at pres

•■. In tbe Mew York city buaplUI. sTlvseteam -re from Europe landed 5674

an granU in New York city yeaUrday. An ice pack baa cauaed tbe Ovlaa rlfar

to rlan SI rBet, lunndatlng aorne parta of Riga.

Tbe owner* of the dory Little Weatern, of Gloucester, propose to reeroaa tba ocean.

Phillip* Vou Weber, aon of Carl Maria Vnn Weber, tbe compoeer, la dead, at Berlin.

Laborers are on a alrlke la St. Bernard parUh, L-t. Tli.- leader of tbe alrlke la a While man.

A aecrel press has been discovered at Kirtf inii three persons bavebevn arreated lu connection wllb ll

THE PBOHiBtnoirisn of Ohio arc organizing i movement to iotlticc ex- pFHldoot Hayes to run M their can- didate for governor; the certain re- fusal or Mr. Hares wilt assert a wiser judgment and bettor sense, Hun attributed to Uiin by the temperance

PIOKOKB, the typical inaooeots, arc becoming a decided nuisance lo por- tion* of our city; lliey in foal public buildings and private dwcllloga, build- ing their nests under tbe coving and over chamber windows, with a persltt- ence which almoat defiea eflorU at dlalodgemcnt; ibe abot gun la being reaorted to, in tbe effort to thin out what has become a peat.

Mr, Wbitelaw Held r-tlr,» rrom the New York Trlliune on tin- fWt or Hay, and will tw antcaedvd by Mr. John Hay for a term of five year*.

Tba dednite decllualion or Rev Phillips Brooks, l». I>., to accept tbe professorship of Christian morals at Harvard University la announced.

Oue hundred aad thirty Indians from Billing Hun'* camp arrived and surreed- erad tbelr arm* and ponies at Fort Uu ford, D. T., yeattrday.

Jndge DanTwBa held bla Oral seeslon of court, alnce resuming bis position a* a Jndge on the supreme bench or MassnchU- aetU, at Lowell, yesterday.

Intelligent bit been rece veJ Ihi'. the Sultan of ibe S.MIOO Iil IBNIS la dead. A elvtl war bu brokm out aia.ioj tbe ru- tluea la connection with tbo election of bla ancoeaaor.

YeaUrday morning Officer Samuel Uoff- aaM of Pltuburg. tbot and InMaoily kllkd a yowaar man named Jobn i.u-dib» In Mc- Kaeaport, under the Impreaalou that be waa a burglar. ■dward rergaaon, who, while commlt-

Uagaborglary In Bro3klvnLuN. Y., laat ha shot through tba eye, waa yesterday aeaUmced to flfleen yeara Imprlsoameni.

E. R. Biakeetec, postal elerk oe lb* Cleveland A Chicago road, waa arreated laat eveolag, for ataaliog reglaUred let ters Trom the mails. Blakralee wa* a cap- trie In the regular army, serving three years In the war.

Tbe frlenda of Senator Conkilng In Washington declare that hu will attack tbe administration la open aesalon, aa aoon as he Is convinced ihu the nonlm tlon of Mr. Robertaon aa collector at New York, will aot be withdrawn.

It having been discovered that a num- ber of tba weavera formerly employed In the Chace mill at Fall Klver, and now on atrlka, were at work In tbe Flint mill, tbe overaeera discharged them. The matter has been referred to the union.

The International monetary conference was opened in Perla yesterday afternoon, by M. Bartbelmy St. llllalre, French mln- laUr of foreign affairs. M.Magnln, French minister of finance, waa chosen president of the conference. Fifteen countries are represented at the conference.

Thursday. John Haekett waa killed yaaterday at

Medfleld, by a tree falling upon blm. Gen, Joaepb Lane died at bla borne In

Roaabarg, Oregon, laat night, aged 79. United Stalea ateamer Trenton, Ad-

miral llowell, has arrived at Port Mahon. Spain.

Tba Ouadalejulvlr river baa again risen sliteeu rest, and the quays at Seville are Inundated.

ANNA DICKISSOK haa done many a foolish thing, but no thin ao su-

premely ridiculous aa her plaint in tbe reply to Mr. Stetaon'a charge* or breaking her contract. It la pitiful to hear a woman of Miss Dickinson's brilliancy in many directions, who won a reputation more than continent wide aa a platform apeaker, who haa held, delighted, the largest American audience*, now pouring fourth a wall or bitter proteat, apparently having fully convinced bcreelf that the later failures on her part, in attempting things beyond her power, if not be- yond her sphere, were in consequence of a general cvoapiracy againat her. Her wholesale denunciation includes profeaaional managers, tbe press, and what abo is pleased to term "that moat mciciluM of tyrants, tbe com-

pound of public ignorance and public Intolerance know aa public opinion." alias Anna appears to have worked herself Into a delirium upon tbe fancied matter of the lack of public appreciation of her efforts, and ahe cloaes by bidding farewell to tbe country, againat which she indignant- ly shakes tin dust off her feet. Were the epistle not no sad, it would be ex- ceedingly laughable ; Anna must have lost her mind balance.


Five Prisoners Eacape from the HOWMJ of OorreotioD.

They .tew i B Ban from a Work-

THK PA mis continue to point their paragraph at Andover, and in- dulge In ft; IH;S at tbe theology of the ancient town, in connec- tion with the recent tragical events involving two students at Phillips Academy, but not natives of the place, Well, there is in all tbfs, one

consolation, in the involved confession of the high standard and [Hire morals

so universally acknowledged to be expected from the teaching* and the- ology of Andover, that when a fla- grant crime is committed by an al- leged student, all the world seems aetonjabee. But, the truth is, that tbe Foster miduigbt marauders were not members of or connected with the theological institutions which have won for our neighbor on the hill so wide a fame. There is Just as ranch con- nection between the theological schools mill Phillips Academy, as be- a blacksmith shop in this city, and

one of our great mnntifactoring coi- porations; both nrc located in the aamo pi ice.—that is all; so tbe would be Jokes, the gibes and sneers, go for nothing; and being truthless they are witlesa.

There was another severe eartbqaake shock at Cblolaat nlgbt, aad the panic there la renewed.

Tbe will of tba late Lord Beacnatfleld, directe that he be burled by tbe side or bla win at Uagbendoa.

John HcKnlee, aged 17, Tuesdsy night shot and killed bis nncle. Peter McEntee. aged 70, near Bath, N. T.

The Hon. William 0. Taylor, or tba Kvernui's council, died suddenly of

art dlaaasa, at tba Llndell Hotel, St Louis, laat nlgbt.

Shanghai dispatch says the Chinese steamer llocbung baa been sunk by a col- lision wltb the British gunboat Lapwing. The craw waa saved.

A two tenement Douse. In Bldd< foul, Me., owned by Carlos Heard, waa ijiirued yesterday. Lose on building and furni- ture, about »100,000; Insured.

Christina C. Allboaas, who Bned the Long Island railroad company Tor ASA.OOO for Injuries received through the com- pany'i negligence, has recovered 910,000.

JameaQuInn and Andrew Maban, vic- tims or tbe riot In South Troy Tuesday sight, died yesterday. John KeyBolds, another of the wounded men. Is aald to be dying;.

Aaro Stoddard, who shot Janes Vaa- derpool, wbo Interfered lo prevent blm from beating bla wife, haa been neld fur murder In tbe Ural dearee, by the coro- ners |urv In Utlca, N. Y.

The Bey of Tunla haa reiterated bis ability lo maintain order If tbe k'reoch do not cross ibe frontier, but fears a general rebellion If the Araba know '.bat French ttoopa enter T unlsian territory nnon- poaed.

A dlspatcb from Paris -tales that three men-of-war will laud 1G00 men at Ta- Mrca as a preliminary operation. Ta- bsres la to aerve a* the baae of operations for so attack on the Kronmlrs from the north.

Tbe collective note or the powers, reply to the last sots or Greece, states that ao guarantees for the prompt sur- render of the ceded territory will be given, unless Tui key's proposal Is prompt- ly accepted by the Ureeka.

Tbo realisation of Second Asalstaat roaiaaaater-Uesersl Brady was eacnma- rlly demanded by Poatmaater-General James, yesterday, aad Mr. Hlcuard A. Klmer was mini- I in his pises. Mr. W. A. M. Oder ■■ . also ■omlnated for third aaelatant (» ssasler-genersl.

Tbe Boetoa etrnrslon parly arrived la Chicago yesterday morning, over lbs Lake Short- snd Michigan Southern rail- road. On arriving they broke up Into small parties, and proceeded lo lake s general survey or tba city. They resume their Journey to Colorado to-day, a lopping next at Denver.

SENATOR FBYK, of Maine in his maiden speech, In tbe upper honse, on Wednesday,—and Loom- readers, we need not say the speech was alike

oloquent and effective,—astonished the democracy in more than one di- rection ; they have professed to be- lieve,—and some timid souls among the northern republican editors as well, —that tba Maine Senators, as special

(Mends of Secretary Blaluc, and nctr the administration, were disposed to be restive under tbe policy thus fur pursued In the Senate, by tbeir col leagues; the boldness and vigor ol

Mr. Frye'a speech must have effectual- ly undeceived both these classes, mid

evidenced that tbe republican leaders, the strongest minds in the party, i>i- ctudlng tje ablest statesmen in tbe country, who arc belter informed of all the facts thau any one elso possi- bly can be, are cor.tially united upon tbe necessity of maintaining tbe contest for the right of a majority to govern. Quite as earnestly did Mr. Krye attack and expose the records of the various southern states. In the matter of education and intelligence, aa compared with Massachusetts. whose proscription and oppression the southern democrats had bcwailcl. He allowed that Florida raises $100,- 000 for public schools, to $;>,iiim,oiiii

by Massachusetts; fifty cents per capita againat sixteen dollars! Geor- gia votes fifty cents per head to white children, and fifteen cents to colored, againat sixteen dollars lo black and white alike in Massachusetts. Further.

Mr. Frye said that the Senator from Florida had been bold in calling the laboring men of Massachusetts "aeris;" aoifs, men to be btdldoxed and intimidated. If Hie working men of Massachusetts had been in Louis- iana and the conservatives of that state had undertaken to mi i mid me and bulldoze them, there would not have been to-day enough eonscrvn- livca left to lorm lliu nucleus of a par- ty. It was easy to shoot at luhot which had been ground down by slavery'; it was not so easy to point a pistol at or look In tbe lace of a white man. Starving and hungry workmen of Massachusetts ! "Serfs I" Mr. Frye challenged the southern Senators from any and nil states south of the Potomac Itivcr to select a thousand white men from their tending cities, and he agreed to match a thousand factory operatives from any of the mill towns of New Fmgland, and wagered that they would aurpaas in education, in dignity, in character and In accumulated property the thousand while men from the south New England factory serfs! lie said. Why, the operative* of Massachusetts have money enough laid away in sav ings banks to purchase the whole state of Florida at the assessed valuation, real and personal, ami would then have fifty million dollars left In the savings banka besides 1 And be pro- duced the official figures to prove it. It WAA a brilliant and effective speech.

Tbe most taceiaefsl break of asy mag- nitude Trom lha boss* of correction la this city, ocenred Tuesday, Ivn prisoners serving long Unas or imprlaonment aoc ceedlng In escaping by sawing off bars from a window Is the workshop. Of thla shop, Mr. Charles Stevens has base charge for a fbw months, and haa uader him ins i roc tors, whose duty it Is to in- struct the men, In lbs manufacture of

Stevens'e office Is located near the entrance from lha bosaa of cor- rect) >B proper to tba workshops, sad the window from which tbe prisoners escaped la hidden rrom view la the oOceby a large healer. It waa by the window on Hamp- shire street side, located near the beater, that the prisoners escaped.

At Ivs minutes before twelve, the ball rang as usual for the prisoners to leave work, aad waah preparatory to falling la i'ne for dinner. It Is the eaatom of turn key Bradstrset, to count the prisoners ss they go u» snd from lbs shops. Tuesday morning 03 men were taken to tbe abop, uu, when the line Sled before him at noon, turnkey Bradstrect found that live ware missing. Search waa immediately ■ade In lbs abop, aad the officers were astonished whan they came upon the win- dew from which three heavy Iron bare bad been sawed. A long rope mads from ahoe linings, dangling frost the window, completed lha tale of Ike sirens

A crowd WSS percilved standing on Hampshire street, and from some person therein It was learned that the fire men, after scaling the |all fence, ran across ike Splcket bridge, and then proceeded In an easterly direction toward* Lawrence St. Marshal Neat waa no tilled aa aoon aa poa- el tale, by telephone, and be dispatched offlcera O Sullivan. O'Connar aad Griffin, In learns, on the track of tbe fugitives. District police officer Batcaelder also wok a team In pursuit, also Marshal Meal and Jail officers.

A description of the escaped prisoners ■■ clren aa follows

Chat lew Wllby, SS years or age, flva i'*i t nine inches la height, aear on the right hand,very light complexion, welgba 17S pounds; sentenced for burglary, and bsd 8 l-t years to aerve.

Joba Uoberiy, aged It, A feet 8 Inches, light completion, weight HO; pitted by small pogf sentenced for breaking and entering j 8 1-8 years to serve.

Patrick Vox, 19 yeara, ft reel IS Inchea, sandy complexion, red hair, weighs 165 poauda; sentenced for larceny.

John Kennedy, 88 yeara old, S feat 7 1-8 ■aches, light complexion, weighs 140 pounds; sentenced for burglarly; had 2 1-8 yeara to serve.

frank L. Bryant, 80 years, ft feat 7 1-4 inches, light complexion, weight ISO pound*; sentenced for ateallug a tide; had three months to serve.

There la little doabt that the escape naa long planned, Bad that the sawing of the bars waa done at Intervals, while the men were at won in the shoe ahop. Thla la abown rrom the fact that tbe rope by which they gained the ground was made rrom linings obtained In the abop. Bry- ant is supposed to have been the ring leader and the person who sawed tbe bare, aa he la a machinist by trade and haa bad tbe ran of the shop, repairing defective portions of the machinery, aad thla fore- noon was a long time employed nsar tbe window from which tba escape was made Tbe men well selected tbelr lime for making a break for liberty, as from a gang or one hiadred they would be

:!? .?!*••* «**« 'he ringing oat ball


Five Boys riaamlag and Kxecuttnej llurglarles.

Abont 18.80 Sunday arteraooe, Mr. Charka A. Chandler, local agent sf the ■astern railroad, discovered two boys breaking Into the coal office of George L. Oage, aear tbe Boston A Maine depot. They had secured entrance by breaking a BawM of glsaa la the upper saab, and re- moving tbe catch, which held the lower aaah. Be captured both or tbem, and lacking tbem In s freight car In the Hast- en depot, tele phoned lo the police stathM. Assistant Marshal Bnecnan aad Ofllcsr O'SulllTan responded to the summons, aad took the boys to tbe police station, where they gave their names aa Peter Lorendo and Matthew Powera. It bad bean previously reported that the store of Mr. A. D. Blanchard, In the franklin bouse block had been broken Into, snd whaa theae beys were eearcbed at tba station, abundant evidence waa seenred to charge tbem with the latter crli their pockets ware mead several ai tides which had been stolen Trom Mr. Blanch- ard's store, and the police at once set to work to arrest other lads whom they had asen la tbe company of lbs prisoners. In n short time they had In custody two more yonlbi, named Peter Hughes snd Jobn Doberty, and secured s full con- fession from tbe quartette of thieves which shows that lor some time Ihey have been planning aad executing burglaries and larcenies wltb the coolness snd per aletancy of professional cracksmen.

They confessed to having broken Into Page's belt manufactory, snd attempting to unlock the safe, a short time alnce. Thsy also broke Into Ordwsy A Co.'s lab- ratory la Ordway block, and tried unsuc- cessfully to break Into the safe there, aad on March 18, broke Into the fruit aland or Curdy A Courser and rifled the money drawer of Its contents, abont 98 80. Sun- day, after breaking Into Blanchard'e, they west Into the cellar of the Franklin boase sad tried unsuccessfully to break into the store of Murray Bros. They gained en- trance into the Junk shop of the Messrs. Cram on Essex street, and stole therefrom a Urge quantity of advertising cards which were found with them whea arrea-

They also attempted a break Into Mr. Chandler's stable, bat without sne- csss. They confessed that It waa tbelr Intention, Sunday night,to enter Farrall'a blacksmith ahop, and obtain tools with which to break open a safe. Sunday Bight another of tbe gong, Peter Scully, was taken into custody.

Ths boys were arraigned In the police ciurt Monday, for the larcenies and all pleaded guluy. As all or tbem are what the law considers Juvenile offenders tbelr trial waa postponed until Wednesday, In order to give an opportunity for the state agent to be present. Powers Is 11 years of age, Scully 10, Lorendo snd Doberty 9 each, and Hughes 14. Doberty and Pow- ers have been before the court before for breaking and entering the store ofTbom- aa Collins, boot and shoe dealer, abont a year ago. All of them dwell with their parents near the corner of Valley and Franklin streets.

Asses aad Robbery.

City Water Analyzed.

after tbe ringing oa mawtwasaT nsTtuCtwasZ

preparing to fall In line. The authorities of the neighboring cities

and towns are on the alert ami It la be- lieved that the raglttvea cannot long avoid recapture. Officers at Ballard Vale, la ihelr anxiety to do good service for the Common wealth, made a ludicrous mistake Tueaday evening; they found In one of the »hcd» si tbe plcslc grounds, at Snawsbln Giove, flveyoaag men, whom they sup- posed were the prisoners, and telephoned to Sheriff Herrlck. On investigation It was ascertained thnl the parties who were retained In custody for some lime, were harmless shoemakers, from Haverblll, whi hsd become dlesallsaed with tbe a »ount of wages they were receiving aad u>ok to ih.i road In <|aiat of belter flelds.

When the break waa made,there was In the shoe ahop Tuesday, the shop nsBU-r, Mr. Stevens, aad two instructors, but neither aaw the mea escape nor knew (bat they were miss log until Informed by I'urukey Brsdetreet, who counted tbe line «s ll paased by him In lha yard room, rueaperinn through which they made their exit was oaly 7 1-8 by 19 Inches In ulmesslona, and shows through what n small bole a man cau tqeeeie himself when inaklngaelrlke fbrlloerty.

The Dvn men wbo escaped are all oil crlinluals, aad were serving sentences for serious crimes. Charles Will by belongs. no one knows where, bat was srreated In Danvers, where he committed many berg- larlea of private dwellleoe. A resident of the town on retiring round blm under his bed, and waa obliged lo shoot him beforu he would submit to arrea'. He was scu- lenced In Ibe Supr.-n.-i Court to fouryanrs In lbs bosse of correct lun, Qya. 18. and had served oniy U mouth* ■>( L|,M irrni.

Patrick L Fox h skea a burglsr. Im waa arrested at Peabody, where as Bawls Into a i.mttber of dwelling-. O.■....■>.-. |J, he wa» sentenced by the aup^-ri .r court, to a 1-^ yean in the bouse nfaausallow, and had iwo years to aeive wlim he vscsued.

Johu Kennedy la a nolorl ma criminal and thief. He haa done Urn* lu Maine,

naj Hampshire aad ibis auir. lie has a mum.'.- residing In Melhoeu. II,. arss

ted here by officer Holmes, bavin/ entered two houses oa the •P.alns" last auiu.uer during tbe night, stealing mouey

■da. He was sentenced October Iftlb, tin e years In tin- lu.u-n- u. correction,

aud bad 111 years more to aorvr. John Doberty Is alao an old ofluudt-r, and

belonus In Lynu. 11* was sentenced Feb. 7. 1880. for picking pockets, to three years in the bouse of correction, and bad served foorteen months of his term,

Frauk L Bryant, the machinist, who It Is supposed, pnt up and executed the Job, had only iwo moatha to seese. He was arrested In Lynn for Btesilag a ride. and -.■uieneed la-i February to 6 months in tbe bouse of correction. There bangini; over blm an Indictment for lha larceny or a team In Boston, oa which be doubtless expected hs woatd be tried st the t-iniratlon of his present ten

Professor Wood, or Harvard College, has forwarded to the board or health, his analysis of the samples of city water re- cently sent blm. He finds tbe per cent. of nmmonia, chlorine snd residue, about Ibe same In all lbs samplsa excepting tbe two taken from tbe Oiler gallery, which contained a heavy black sediment, li thisa also ha found the amount of free ammonia blgber than ll should be, bnt as tba water was very dirty, be la of opinion that would undoubtedly be Improved on being atored In the renorvolr. He states that he would like very much to be farther Informed as to tbe relation which the water In the filter gallery bean to tbe auoolj. aa ll might aerve him In an*—- •-• — ■ -T!^r,_ .-—«"■». The wa- ter la the filler galery, bad, be says, quite a different composition from that In the river, and also from that laken from the service pipes.

The ssmples taken from tbe centre of the north basin of the rerervolr, that from lead service pipe a. 71 Union street, that from galvanized Iron pipe at 91 High St., tbe aample from common service pipe at 41 Allen, thai from lead service pipe at 80 Summer, that from Iron pipe partly rubber coated, 8 Fern, and those taken from service pine st the basement of the cliy ball, he finds to contain but little sediment.

A aample taken Trom lead pipe at 71 Union, contained no lead, while one tak- en from lead service, at 80 Summer, con- tained quite an amount of lend, probably due, be thinks, to the water having stood sometime In the pipe. A aample taken from galvlnlxed iron service pipe, at 21 High atreet, contained a trace or xlnc, but not enough to do harm. Sstnptss taken rrom Ibe river, 4 rods above tbe pumping atailou, and 4 rods from the ahore, from tba pumping station slier the water bad left the pumps; those Trom the river and conduit, and that from the centra ol the sooth basin of tbe reservoir. 16 feet be- low the surface of the Ice, contained con- alderatale sediment. Tbe water from Ibe filter gallery was found lo be lbs most Impen.

Tarn Vsvela Anniversary.

Tbe sixteenth snnlversay of the organ- isation of lbs Turn Vsrels, wss observed Saturday evening, at Torn hall. The ceremonies began at 7 o'clock, with calis- thenics, and other gymnastic exercises, ander the direction of Hugo Dick snd Emll Korb, The opening address was delivered by tbe president, Adolph P. Vorbolx. Of tbu original founders of tbe society, there remain only three who are still members, Messrs. Adolph P. Tor- holts, Fie I Schubert, snd 11. Bnsltner. Ihsee Wore . scorled to the ball from their dwellings, by tbe society, bearing flags, on.I accompanied by a band of music.

Alter an Introduction by C. Helnlg nnd a Tew fltllnjr words or reply by A. P. Voibolt. tbt isaotMg bsgak, aud it" was* kept up until U ..'dock. Borne of the ><Htnger ■ambers delhjhAsal tbu audlenoe >lnriug ibe tulerrnlssiDiia, by some high and tofly tumbling. The evening waa speai In gennloe merriment.

Aa Andover Case.

Urace Caarra Pariah

At the annual meeting or Hie perish sf Grsce church, on Monday evealag, lha following officers Werechoseo: —

Senior Wsrdi-n, -James Payne. Junior Warden, J. ||. gldder. Vestrymen,-J. p.Bsttles, RobertBeott,

A. P. Clark, Win. II Jsqulta, David Dwsw, W, L. Abbott, Chas. U. Banndera.

Clerk. Fred W. McLanathan. Treasurer, Aretas B. Bsnborn.

At the prlxe speaking st Dart month last evening, Mr. Oeo. J. Board man, BOB

of ibe late Wm. II. Boardmaa, of this city, was awarded the second prlxe.

A special bearing on tbe matter or I1

mechanic's Hens placed on Ibe property/ or Dr. Cess. A. Holt, of Audovsr, - had at Andover on Tuesday laat, befsse Juatlce Rogers of Methnen.

After the plalntlaV cases had been pee seated, D. Frank Rlmball, KM,., or Baa ton, counsel for Dr. Holt, while claiming; a perfect defense for his client, showed tbsl the plalatlsTs had failed to bring sulk In s proper manner, aad asked far s ver- dict wUli cn«t» for bis i-lii-nt; Justice) Bogeradismissed the Kens, the mechanic* to pay coats.

Matrimonially '•Coanveted "

Wednesday, at 1 o'clock, at 41 Paclnar. Mr. Bdward Bnnborn, tbe well-known clerk In Melcalf* hardware store, waa lolned In the bonds or matrimony wHJa Miss Annie Watson, for s long time lady- operator In the central telephone office, by Rev. William Lxwrance. Only a few- Immediate relatives of the coDlrastlaf pariles wen present. They took the * O'clock train for Maine, where they wiU spend a week on their wedding trip.

Monday aftooon aa affair occarrad at South Lawrce, which nearly rsetltad la tbe death ooae of the participants. Tbe facts folk t

During the ff two young mea named Jobs Barry an Maurice F. Dargla, wen making a toapf the llqaor saloons at South Lawrae, drinking considerably, Barry speudlnthe money. Shortly after noon Lhey lort aley's saloon near the de- pot, and weroast seen together going towards what called the ' •City Woods." About an bouifterwsrds Dargla retarn- ed to Daley's »oon aloes, gad cslltag far some liquor pted a sliver hair dollar oa tan) counter Insyment. Fnftoes to Ibis he had shown > money during the day. After drliiklnjhe liquor he left the sa- aaloon.

Abont an air afterwards a man In- formed one lolel McCarthy that there was a man lyg dead and covered with blood, la a pIM the "City Woods." Go- ing thither, aParthy found Barry lying la oa taaenalb condition In the bottom of a pit sboa ten feet deep. He bleeding proftsly from two large cats oa his head, evlently inflicted by some blunt Insirumit. McCarthy aanunoned assistance, an Barry Was removed to his dwelling oa Tier atreet. During the eight hla con.tlon was precarious, re- qalrlei ihe oettant attendance or a phy alclau. He stud that he had been struck on the head wb a atone aad thrown Into

pit; aad robed of his money, about •1.80. Ho retted, however, to tall the

IDS of hla ssallanL Oa Taesdayj Assistant Marshal Sbee-

han, with 0«cn Webster and O'Solllvan, went to parga'a home on the Lowell road aad *rest*d hla. When ha heard the offices-call Ibr hla he hid under the bed. II denied committing as upon BaAv, or that ha robbed him. Ha atated thi be lift Barry lying oa the edge of the pi (asleep In the woods. He aald that he I | no mosey daring the day, which d » not coincide with the met that he Deeented a fifty eeat piece In pay ■ meet foi Iquor at Daley's saloon, shortly after he id Barry had left It together- Barry's i indiuoa la more favorable.

la 1 a police court, Durgin waa arnlgne for assault and robbery, pleaded >t guilty. Aa the government waa not ady to try the CAM, It wu con- tinued ui 11 Wednesday, Dargla going to Jail In dfanlt of #800 bonds. Ha twealy-th-se yean of age,tad bears a had rcpu taiioi Barry Is older, and although much addbted to the use or llqaor, la con- sidered anlnoffenalvs person who wonld do no harm nor Injury.

John lirry, still Uaa la a precari- ous condllhn at hla dwelling on Tyler Bt. His aknll wu fractured and ha la very weak rrom baa of blood, a temp la artery having beeiMvered. He has atated that Durgin willed to borrow money rrom him, which be refused to lend snd becom- ing enraged, Dargia alruck him with a stone and urew him from an embankment Into a pit. Dargla's case came ap by con- tinuance li tie court Wedneaday, bet wu aialn postponed an til the 8Tih laat. Barry's chance* or complete recovery an not tbe beat.

Massachusetts Quarterly Meeting of Free BapttSU.

The above named convention, met In tbe Free Baptist church. In this city, Wed- nesday and Thursday. At the opening ses- sion Rev. a A. Blckford made a few re- marks, welcomlag thn visitors. The re- port of Uev. G. 8. Bicker, u Missionary of tbe meeting, wu next listened to. The report wu accepted. The commit- tee to whom wu referred the matter or bringing In n Hat of permanent officers, made Ihe following report! President, Bev. G. B. Bicker, of Lowell ( clerk aad treasurer, Rev. C- A. Blckford. of Law- rence; executive board, Bev. D. W. For-

Ki.5fir- *,.N ■iSji'H-wSf ssc,: ,* the oflicen elected.

Rev. O. T. Moulton, of Haverblll, then, read a paper on the History or tbe trans- lation of the Bible, which wu a very able article. Thla wu followed by a discus- sion, in which Waldo Meuaros, Dr. 8. M. Graham, and others took part. After this, the meeting wu Invited to the ves- try, where dinner hsd been laid.

Wedneaday evening the meetings wen continued by n praise service, conducted by Mr. Trull, followed by a sermon by Bev. A. P. Tracy.

On Thursday, the meeting wu called to order at 0 o'clock, when a prayer meeting wu held, led by Mr. A. C. Russell. Thla wu followed by s paper by Rev. C. 8. Perkins, entitled "Our Tme Missions." A discussion then ensued. In which Revs. Porter or Lowell, and of Haver- blll, took part.

Rev. 0. 8. Richer read a paper on tem- perance, which wu dlecnesed by Revs. Porter, Moalloa, and 3. O. Waldron.

Tbe bualnesa committee reported rec- ommending that tbe funds raised for mis- sions In Ihedlfferentchurches, go towards the assistance of the church just organ- ized st Worcester. This maltsrwu Quite freely dlscatsed, and wu referred to a committee consisting of Revs. Porter, Perkins snd Woodman, who reported later In the session.

It wu voted to send the two papers read In ibe morning meeting, to tba "Moratag Bur," a paper published In the Interests of the Quarterly meetlag.

Prewdeat gave notice of a alight change In the constitution. After prayer by Ret. Mr. Draw, tbe meeting adjourned for dinner.

At two o'clock a prayer meeting wu lielil. Thla wu followed by a sermon by Uev. A. J. Bastman of Worcester. After tbe transaction of anlnlnhed bulaees, the meetlag adfonraed.

— —w ■> » Andover Conference.


Keualoa of Uw Old Sixth Beglmeat Association.

Tbe aaaaal meatlaa of Ihe Andover conference of Congregational charchea, la to be held wllb the High atnat church. Lowell, next Tuesday. Tbe programme will be aa follows i

Morning Session.- Half past eight o'clock—Half hour prayer meeting, con- ducted by Rev. George fierce, of North Andover.

Organisation of conference, and but- anew,

Susy, "now can we irake our liven a manifestation of Christ? and what bless- ings will result to the church from such representative liven."

Followed by a discussion; opened by Des. OliverClnrk, Tewksbnry.

Collation. Afternoon Session — Half-past one

o'clock—Half-hour praxer meeting, con- ducted by Rev. Charles C. Torrey, of Cbelmnford.

Baslneaa. Sermon, by Prof. William J. Tucker,

Andover. Sacrament or tbe L ird's supper, Rev.

Joshua Colt, Lawrence, and Rev. 8. F. French, Tewkabary.

Bach church Is emitted t > representa- tion by Ita pastor aud six lay delegates, ladles or gentleman; besides ihe dele- gates, tbe conference desires to encour-

a general attendance of thn members of the churches and other*.

The twentieth anniversary of the mem- orable march or the Sixth Ueglmenl through Baltimore, wu observed Tues- day, at Lowell, on a more extended scale than aver before. Tbe weather wu pro- pitloas, and a large number of aOmradw wu present. The main feature of la- tenet to the members, was tbe annual meeting, which was held In the forenoon. Every company la the famous Old Sixth wu represented, except that ol Worcester, delegations from Boston, SomervIHe, Stoeehsm, Acton, Groion and other cities and towns, col. B. F. Wat son of New York city, and Dr. Norman Smith of Groion, wen with other offl cere present. Bon. Caleb Sanaders, the president, occupied the chair. In opening the meeting, ha made a brief address of Welcome, and then reverted to daysef the rebellion In which tba Old Sixth took a conspicuous part at the very outset. He spoke of tbe old comrade* paaaed oa to lha batter life, aad congrat- ulated those present on tbe nuocessiul Is- saa of the war aad tbe blessings of peace and prosperity now being enjoyed. Tbe records of tbe last meeting wu read by Secretary Slsson, and subsequently Treas nrer H. M. Woodward submitted bin an- naalstatement, showing that then was •88.60 In the treuury, with unpaid bills to the amount of #80.08.

Jeremiah Crowley, esq., reads telegram from Col. Jones, the first commander of the Old Sixth, regnttlng hla inability to participate la the exercises of tba day. A committee of oas from each company, Msasra.J. W. Carter, Thomas Gllaon, J. W. Hadle/, C. J. Jones, Charles Jones, Col. Baal, George B. Davis, Victor Glngrass, William Cheater, and John Keeau, wu appointed to ratln aad re- port a list of officers for the ensuing year. The roster of lha Old Sixth wu nsd, on aaggestloa of Col. Watson. A number responded aad tbelr places of residence wen given. The names of those wbo have died wen appropriately recorded.

A nominating committee on offlcera re- ported the following named persona snd they wen elected unanimously :- President, Jeremiah Crowley; vice pres-

idents, C. L. Guild, George A. G, Colli- gan; secretary, Albert Finder; treasurer, H. M. Woodward; flnance committee, Messrs. Glagmes, White and Beed.

Mr. Crowley, the newly-elected presi- dent, referred to the fact that there wu some faellag among name of tbe membon regarding various matters, sad be hoped that all differences wonld be healed be- fore the next reunion. He wonld do all In his power to reconcile nil differences. Letters wen read from Corporal Babbitt and Cant. Toraey of Detroit, Michigan. HaJ. Colgan, made brief remarks regard- lag a paragraph In tut Sunday's Herald, which gave the credit lo the 4th Mass. regiment of being first mastered Into ser- vice. He disputed that point, snd gave the credit for this distinction to the Old Sixth. Col. Watson said he wu not afraid that the Old Sixth wonld leee Ita proper place la history. He hsd the honor of February, 1861, of tendering the services of the Old Sixth regiment to the presi- dent In response lo tbe first call. Tbey wen the first to respond, and history hu fally recorded It It wu voted to hold the next reunion In Stonehatn.

During the meeting an old gun was ex- hibited, which It Is said belonged to a private In the Old Sixth, killed In Balti- more. After the war It wss presented to West Post, O. A. R.. or Baltimore, and lut year wu given In charge of ibe Old Sixth Regiment Association. It wu vo- ted to present It to Gov. Long, to be pre- eerved with other relics In the state house. A committee consisting of Mes- srs. Finder, Sanedem, Colgan, Hadley, n—«»n. Guild and Hart wu appointed to present the muket. Us «. ",™ w. „A

faa, Inscribed with a knife apparently, waa the name or "Taylor," a comrade of Capt. Hart's company, who wu killed on ths march through Baltimore.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the comradea were farnlnnhed with badgea and white gloves, and were soon In following line of March, asld to be the formation of tba regiment on leaving Bos- ton for Bsltimore; Cos. K, L, A, D, I, C, F, color, B, H, B, Q.

The American Brass Band took the bead of the column, and the Phalanx company, who had volenteered their ser- vices u escort, eame next. The com- rades wen dnwn np la line u tbe train lrom Boston arrived, and the committee and othtira look In charge the distinguish- ed guests, Gov. Long and staff, Graham Daksheart of the Department of Mary- land, Gen. B. W. Boas, Cola. J. C. Hill, G. W. Sntton snd others, who wen recognised by the comrades with the cus- tomary salute. In a abort lima the Una wu re-formed, aad march wu made through Middlesex, Central and Merrlmac atreeu to City Hall, when members of the city conacll wan received. March wu then continued to Monument square, when formal exercises wen held.

At the coaclaslon ol tbe exercises here, the line marched to Nichols A Hnlcblns', when the banquet wu aerved; speeches by pnsldent Crowley, Gov. Long, Judge Crosby, Mayor Greeataalge sad others fol- lowed, la the course of bla remarks the Governor alluded to the martyred Need- ham 1B tbe following terms i Aa we stood at tbe monnment, to-day, and tha exercises then recalled the memories of the mar- ly ra that sleep beneath it, I eoeld not bnt remember that one of them that Bleeps la the neighboring cliy of Lawrence, wu bora lo my own town.

In tbe evening a supper was given at the Americas house, a ball si Urban hall, aad a camplre of tbe Boys la Bine, It honor of the event.


ltoAso or Aumnnxv.

The board met la regular aesilon Monday even- ing, with the Mayor in the chair, and all present.

The following business WSS tri Pttilioiu. Or LuebuGroaven

a sewer through Broadway, from US Broadway o tbe norm Manchester atreet, referred t» tbe

committee on aewera; Tboeaaa Cornelia for par- mlialou to flbatruot Froipset atreet walls baud- bag, granted; Mary A. Allison sating tbe cliy In* psrausilou to remove a ahsde tree in front of her rswisses os Orchard atreet, referred to lbs ssas- etiUee oa shade Uses and parks; Harriet Lowe for permission to ester aewer on UsvartilU atrsst, referred to the committee oa sewers asd dralaa B. Cheeoer to eawa drain at ttt Lowell street ■vested; Lawrence Ua* Co. for pemUaloo to ob- alrnet Valley atreet essays while repairing lbs gasometer, granted; Edward Child*, aaklag that the bank wall built by ibe city asslast his preae- laaeon Mar street, be repaired, referred to tbe commute* on streets; Kugeee aasswwB tor a aids- walk at m Chestnut street, referred to ths mi tire on sidewalks; Henry WlUdagtoa lor a sidewalk on Hampshire street, raftered to committee; Martin Burns, aaklng permission to remove shade trees la front of hla residence, urn Park street, granted; Herbert Kelssy, lor a aide- walk on franklin atreet la front ol Mo. 1SB, re- ferred ti the committee on sidewalks; Daniel Cooloo, for perralaaioa to obstruct Broadway while repairing bulUlag, graaled; Jane* Kldd and etners, assies; the city lo lay out asd aoeept tills street, referred to lbs ooaiu X. P. Davis aad oUwrs, asklajt that Pern atreet bewidontsadecrepted, reamed to tbe tee on streets.

Rtpoxf*. ortaa eosiBtlUSe on claims on lbs pe- lltloaa of Prank Doaovea, Mary Garla, William MeUarthyv*h»t they ban leave lo withdraw, aad on ihe petition of Ellen Stokes tbat they nave further time; tbe report was accepted.

MitcrUiiiroui. A com mu nice lion was received rrom thespotliecaries, remonstrating against ibe cbargeofAUSto tbem for the privilege to sell liquors, aad asking lor s hearing. Alderman Ssundera moved to give them a hearing nut Monday evening, ll waa so voted.

A communication waa received from the llqaor dealers asking a i eduollon In Ibe price of liqsor licenses; the matter wan referred lo the commit- toe on licenses. ^'

ThenwMrwr Jamesrutnaagan as supetMlssd- eat or public property, waa received, read, and accepted.

8. M. Da via was anpoialed and con limed as an auctioneer.

James McCarthy was appointed aa a Junk desJ- •r, st I is Lawrence atreet.

Tbe liquor lloesso of Patrick Carroll wss changed from W to M Common street.

Waller H. Howe was appoUteA and aa a public weigher.

Ballots were east for a sealer of measures, aad Mr. A. S. Banker was chosen.

Jobn Ixwinor and John Healey were appointed

Tbe matter of tbe resolution appropriating 230 to the Grand Army for Decoration day,

came np lrom the lower board, amended W read IsOD. The Board voted to adhere to tbelr former action.

Tbe resolution authorising lbs cliy lo borrow 8300,000, csme np from the lower board and passed In concurrence to be enrolled. Tee i mlOaeoa enrolled bills retired, aad ailerwarda came in, reporting the resolution properly en- rolled.

Instituting a G. A. It Post.

Mondsy evening, twenty-sis member* of Needham Post 89, G. A. H., took Wright's barge and went to Andover, to aulst In establishing a Post of the a ben of that town. The exerclau of the evening, which wen of an interesting na- ture, were held In the town hall. Tha flrst bnalness of the evening wu to ex- amine each of the forty-seven members. Tbls wu done, and the offlcera Installed by deputy Inspector general, W. L. Balrd, and assistant adjutant general Jamen F. Meech. The following an the offlcera installed: Commander, James B. Smith. 8. V. Com., Peter D. Smith. J. V. Com., Brslaard Cnmmlngs. Surgeon, Franklin B. Klmball. Chaplain, J. 11. Laird. Adjutant, Ballard Holt. Quarter-Master Sergl., Chas. II. Gilbert. Sargeant-Major, Oberlln B. Ilownrtb. Officer of the Day, Aballno B. Culler. Officer of Ibe Guard, Melson A. Merrill.

The members or Post 39 then filled the chairs, and under Commander A. C. Btone, exemplified the work of thn order. This completed, u„'t adi't gan'l Meech made a few remarks, after which the company repaired to ths basement, when an excellent collation tu la readti wvtr some time the •'boys'' paid attention to baslneaa, until an werw nasawawsaj not contented with that, they wanted "The Old Bog Hole." Thla wu given them, and alory telling wu the order. Bongs wen anng, and pipes smoked, until shortly after 11 o'clock, whaa the Lawrence comrades took their carriage for home, much plaued with thn even- ings work.

Tbe number of the Post Instituted wu 98, but a name hu not yet been decided upon. Tbe Post will hold meetings once In two weeks, and it la their intention to lit up a hall within a short time. Tha Poat starts out with promise of being a lively, well-organised, and efficient addi- tion to the already large number la thla state.

Important Real Kstate Sales.


The Salt Bettlsd, Plaintiff Gets S:i.o:ix

The cue of Che* K. Hall, strut com- missioner, against the Eaaex Company, for tbe low of his arm by the breakage of the abaft, at the upper eansl gatu, white engnged u Superintendent then, and which hu been on trial tn tbe Bnpremo Court at Salem, WU sallied yesterday, the corporation agreeing to pay 83,033, each party to pay their own costs.

The Brows Warblers.

ONE or the moat aotlcablu snd prettiest displsja on the atreet. In the millinery Hue. la lhatmnde In the window of Mrs.

£. Crowell, Mo. 843 Bases street. Beautiful snd rich laces an neatly and sttncilrely arranged, nnd of the latest bonnet ties snd ribbons, s large line an shown. Alao the Islest "dear little dacha or a bonnet.'' Tha arrange meat of ihi window, speaks well for the lasts ol the) proprietor

Tbe committee of arrangements for the Alumni entertainment on Monday evening, have presented a genuine musi- cal attraction la the Brown University Owe Club, which hu won a deMrved reputation for a a!gh order of talent. The membon not only possess flue voices, bnt by the uoosaal opportunities alTorded for daily practice, they have acquired thorough harmony, while tbe Whole wide range of the lively college soags Is upon their list. They will be nun to give to the earlier portion of the entertainment, an hoar or genuinely good snd enjoyable music, well repaying those who listen to It.

-Wednesday afternoon, the lloadley estate, oa Jackson atreet, wss aold ut section, by Mesara. Pedrlck A Closson. Mr. Patrick Sweeney bid 1. in st 8H,r,oo. It la understood thai the purchase wu for Ford Brothers.

The following property, for yean la possession of St. Mary's church, wu sold Tueaday at auction by Mr. W. K. Pad. rick or the firm or Pedrlck A Closson

The lot at the corner of Haverblll aad While streets, to Dr. J. A. Msgee, for •1.011-3 per foot; the halldlag thereon, St. James Hall, to Ford Bros, for gfioo. The Msgee lot contains abont 6880 feet of land, and will cost him abont $6,000. He piopoaea building a large dwelling boost on the lot at once.

Tbe lot, No. 238 Oak street, with build Ings thereon, to George A. Clifford, for •8478.

Lot, No. 2S8 Oak street, with building, to Louis Brickett, •1768.80.

Lot, Mo. 290 Oak, with building, to Patrick Connors, •1763.80.

Lot 286 Oak, with building, •8737, to Bdmund Hslley.

Lot sad tenement block, 93 to 98 Inclo slve. Valley street, to Honors Daley, •5000.

Un" For Kurope.

Oaa feaiare of Ibe Day Kidney Pad Is rom- ■osdaOte— tbat nothing la daisied for It sa> east what ll will absolutely elect, •iflwood

Yeaterdsy, In tbe Steamer Moravian, or the Allan line, Gilbert E. Hood, Esq., Treaaarer of the Broadway Savings Bank, wltb tbne nieces, Mlues Laura C, Clan B., and Nellie F. Hood, and Mr. Wm. B. Pedrlck and wife, sailed from Bostos for Europe, for a three moatha vacation trip. Mrs. Pickles and two other Lawrence la- dlea go by tbo uma steamer. During Mr. Hoods absence, the affairs of the bank will ba conducted by Bepreeenta- Uve Thomas Scott, who hu been appoint* ed acting treaaanr, which will guarantee care and prudence In the management. The bank is In excellent condition now, snd Is regarded u among tbe strongest In tbe state. Many good wishes will fol- low ibe Lawrence party oa their voyage and subsequent pleunrlngs.


MR. HKMIY E. WARNU, who wu well' known to a wide circle In thla vicinity, died at his residence In Tewkabary, Mon- day morning, of Brlght'a disease of the kldaeya. Mr. Warner wu oae or the moat active snd enterprising young men in the town where he lived, having bald the ofllces of town treasurer and clerk, fbraaerleaofyears, and wu oaa or tbe most active promoters or the public libra- ry ; he was for several yean la the bank- lex house or Stone sad Downer, bnt two yean ago, formiajc wltb Mr. G C. Brooks, tbe Arm or Brooks snd Warner, broken. He was of a vivacious dlapoaltlon, Tall of lire and activity, with a warm disposition, snd ha will ho held tenderly In memory by a large circle of acquaintances. He leaves s wife, mother snd sister.

Hood's Aaisaparllla It made of roots, beibs and barki. It girt, tone to tbo stomach and manes ihe weak strong. Bold by DisggkMs.


Mr. J, E. Watts, of this city, hu just received a patent oa a pressure regulator.

Another a later—A BOB to Mr. and Km. James T. Brady; Sundayi eleven pounds.

—Dr. Garland la quite aerloualy 111 at his residence, and it Is doubtful If he can ncovar.

—During Mr. Pedrlck's absence la En- rope, Mr. E. H. Dickie will act u chalr-

ian of the Board of Health. —Mr. Abel Webstar la making Improve-

ments at hla hoeae. No. 117 Haverblll St., and proposes to remove thither soon.

-The Messrs. Stone an having plane prepared for a brick block, to be located on tbelr lot next to Blckeell Bros.' bmld- lag-

-Mr. Johu Peacock, tbe well-known wool broker, who hu been in England for the put thru moatha, la expected home the flrat or May.

Sixty awlU licensee have bun Issued by lha board of health. The sgent hu paid la to the treasurer 8370 lor licenses, aad •108 (or a will aold by the city.

— Sunday, at St. John's church, pledgee wen placed or the plate to the amount of about 91,000, thenby releasing the church of tbelr debt, aad leaving a anrplu for the treuury.

Miss a\ O. Wetherbee has eoaeealed to nad at tbe High School Alumni next Monday evening. Aa this lady hu ap- peared only oa oae or two occulonn thla winter, something very good la expected.

John Donovan, a graduate of tha high achool, aad a resident of South Law- rence, hu been engaged u assistant by city clerk Bhepard. The young man en- ters oa bis aaw duties well recommended.

Jedge Brlgbam baa set ulde the ver- dict la the Korb-Barboor case, unless the plaintiff will remit g250. The verdict wu for #887. Tha verdict la tha csse or Taylor va, Glesson, #87, hu been ut

Andover Advertiser. FBIOAT MORNING, APHIL22, 1S8I.

Itsllroad Trs'ne. Leave Boston for Andover. 7.30, 11.30, 10.S3 A,

M.: 11 at.; U.W., »..1«, 3.30, 1, A, 11, u.u and 7.10 1'. M-,arriv(of bare at 7.30 and S.0sl'. M.

Leave Andover for Boaton. u.r.i, 7.13, s.oo, o.ja, 9 Si, It.Ju, A. IT, and li M, htJt, 3.US. 3.M., ft 3U and 7.00 1*. M. (Wednesday 0.J0 1> .M. (Friday '■•:>:, Y. M.) Fur tbe North S.1S, A. at.; WM, S.9I P. M. For Ibe Baal 8.18 A.M.; 1,13,1.31,0.31 For Lowell T.t3.UASA.kf.: 19.311.1.011,3.u.t ■&,:>:W,ml.Q0Y.U

A good name at home is a tower or atrength Barnes*) Bev. Joshua Coll, of Lawrence, will preach at

It should be remembered that birds and tbelr eggs are protected by law.

He who thinks be has nothlns to fear Trom iempuiions u most exposed to a fall.

An Alderman, It Is claimed, has been injured by tbe accidental discharge or his daty.

Mr. W. R. Wolcott or the seminary, preached at tba Riverside church, l.a*rrence, last Sab- bath.

John Sheen, aa extensive manufacturer of jots In Patterson, M. J., has been In town on a abort visit.

The young gleaners of the South chnrcb, will bold a fair and festival at their vestry, this, Friday, evening.

Charles A. Booae hu taken tbe tenement on Chestnut street, recently occupied by Abiel Russell, deceased.

Messrs Hardy A Cole are sbineliux tbe bonae and making other imwrovunients on tbe build- ings or the Misses Low.

The time spent In readies; books that do not make aa think, is worse iban useless; one good book however, i» food lor a ills time.

ihe committee of arrangements lor Deooas- tion Day, have engaged the Andover braaa band to lurnlah lha innate on the occasion.

B«v. Dr. Bosworth or Haverhlll, snd Rev. W. A. Lamb of Mllford, N. U., amoos others are desirous of obtaiain g tenements in town.

Ths ubjeet of Rav. Mr. Wright's sermon on Saaday evealag, will be "The Mystery of Sin greater than tbe Mystery 01 Puniabment."

David Snow baa leased tu.3f.1rm owned by Holbrook Chandler, and which ha* bean occu- pied by A. M- Robinson lor several years past.

It will be arm nx D.\ J. C. Fennlngtou's card, tbat be haa removed lu the rooma recently occupied by James It. Murray, In Draper's block.

Bev. aad Un. i. II. Merrill are now wltb tbelr son the pastor ul tbocburcb at Davenport, Iowa, bat Will return to this place to spend tbu summer.

AaeUos of fruit trees, grape vlnei. and mil- linery ud fancy goods, at Ballard Vale, oa Saturday afternoon ol thla week. Keu adver-

Mrs. Msry A. Davis baa removed lo tbe "Richardson bouse," oa Mala tireet, where she intends to keep an Increased number of boarders.

Benjamin Ckeaver, las sexton ol lha Sonlh chares, ssd In charge of the cemetery con- nected with li, will attend tu tbe duties ul un- dertaker, set card.

There is probably nothing In tbu transitory

—Bradford W. Angel, for several yean peat employed la the office ot ths saner. lntendeut or the Eutern railroad, hu re- signed, aad aoeepted the position of super- intendent of the western division of tha Atlantic aad Pacific railroad.

—Mr. A. D. Blanchard, after 10 yean' occupancy of the store la the Franklin house block, will nmova on Monday next wiSTSm yhleViarger"and s^aw^retuaTVa to more commodious quartan, at 47 tba aaaoaat invoated, than poking a warp with Broadway. The dally and weekly AMBB- CAST Buy alwaya be found oa but counter

—Samuel B. Lawrence, formerly editor and proprietor of the defunct Advertlur aad Collector's chart, hu succeeded la forming a atock company with a capital of •8,000,000 at U tics, N. T., to be known u the United States Advertising snd Collect- ing Compaay.

—Mr. G. W. Waterbouee hu Jut re- turned from Antrim, N. II., and aaya that tbe anow hi so deep then that la golag to a cemetery no attention wu paid lo roads, the sleighs being driven across lota and over fences to the burying ground.

—Bx-Qov. Bmyth, of New Hampshire, baa offered a serlea of prises for compe- tition by the students of the Agricultural College, of Hanover. Ir the Hat of schol- ars Intending to compete for tha prlxe for declamations Is the name of George L. Boardmaa, of thla city.

—On Sunday morning, Mr. A. Denman Blanchard received aa Easter present. Which came unexpectedly, bat wu none the leu welcome. It waa a purse of money from friends la the Grace church. Mr. Bltacaard hu aesleted oa all occa- sions, played the organ, had charge of decoratlona etc, aad la many ways has made himself quite useful.

—A man named Maurice Welsh, ployed la Steveae* mill, at Andover, haa reported at the police station, that be waa rubbed, oa Phillips kill, Batardsy algal, 0/ #25 In bills, aad a quantity of silver. He states that he area mat oa the hill by a man, who presented a revolver at hla head, aad altar demanding bis money, threw him down aad rifled his pockets.

—James Sweeney got drunk Saturday, aud created a disturbance at his dwelling, oa Blm street, aad beat bis family. la lha court aext morning, be pleaded u extenuation, lb at It waa all a family affair, bat tha court thought tha public bad an Interest la it, aad sentenced aim to pay a fine of #1, or 10 daya la the honse ol cor- rection, for drunkenness, ssd #5 and eoatf, or 8 months for disturbance.

—A well-known young man la thla city, who oa entering tha blessed state of mat- rimony about alx months ago, was obi iged to aever his connection with a cluo of yoaag men, met one of hla old comradea Saturday evening, and asked him a here be wu going. He replied "To the club." Ha than aald, "Walt until you get mar- ried aad you will have a little club of your own, aad yoa'll aot have to go far to enjoy its benefits."

-Saturday morning, while Capt. Mc- Donald aad Officer Howard Wan pusina through Middlesex atreet, Lowell, they found a man balling from Lawrence, drlv- lag a lae hone la a shameful manner. Tba ofBoem called hla atteaUoa to the necessity of feeding aha animal, bat u the driver proteated against complying With their suggestion, he wss taken to the police atatlon. TW aoiae wu prop- erly eared for, aad tha driver wu fined for drunkenness.

—Mr. B. W. GetchaU hu tor a loag Ume been a second band la the Kvsreit Mills, bat recently aaaaftsd a position u overseer la the Suffolk mills, at Lowell. Balarday evealag, a large party of hla friends and fellow workmea, met at his residence oa Union atreet, aad aarprlaed him by presenting him with a handsome onnga, aad a pair of cuff buttons. Hla wife wu presented with a willow rocker. Tbe evealag wu spent la the usual way.

It was a peaceful Sunday school la Broohlya, aad a davoat yoaag lady teach* ler WM trying to Instill islo the mlada of a claaa of boys a proper Idea of the om- nipotence or God. Aa urchin Inquired, With gnat eagerness, If tied con Id do any- Utlag. "Certainly," replied Ue teacher, "He has power to do everything." ••Well,' said tha urchin, "I should Jaat like to know If he can make a mountain ao big he can't lift it himself?" There tea found- ation for aa Andover theological burglar a that boy.-Trlbnne.

-Dr. rraak W. Merrlam, formerly of this city, aad for the put year oae or the resident physicians at Charity Hospital, Black well's Island, la abont to >ave that Institution and enter into co-partnership with Dr. Edward L. Partridge, son of Dee, Joaeph L. Partridge, who is la poa- aauloa of a lucrative practice la New York city. Dra. Partridge and Merrlam are well known here, belag graduates or the Lawrence High school,and their many Irlenda can but feel a degree of pride la their success.

District police officer Batchelder hu unearthed more of Hoary Robinson's bui glarlous tnaaactloas, having discovered harnesses which ha stole from A. M. Bod- well of this cliy, sad D. M. Ayer of Me- ihaea. Tha Bodwell baraess wu sold by Boblason to ft B Abbott, atabls keeper oa Metfaaea atreet, aad from him It got Into the possession of Benjamin Wood, from whom It wu recovered. In the po lice court Tueaday Boblason wu called to furnlah additional s a relies lu #1000 for bla appearance at the superior court.

your eager to see if It ksh) well. Messrs. Abbott A Jenkins are making txten-

slva Improvement a in anc upon the tcaidence Of Bev.C. L. Milts, on Central street. Lutbcrn windows will ba bulit upon the roof.

Wa an gratlflod to aes thai several person a have recently set out maple trees on ibe street a in I ront of tueir residences. It Is hoped others will follow Ibe praiseworthy example.

At a BwetloK of the Catholic church, recently held, It was voted to suspend further work on tbelr church edifice lor the present, nnd proceed at once lo build ihe church at Ballard Vale.

The Ssundera Brothers have bought a barn ol James Grieve and removed It on to the prem- ises and near the late residence of tbelr father, James Saunders, deceased, In Abbott village.

Tbe unsasal number ol new tenements erect- ed dnrlng tha past lew years does not keep pare wltb the demand, and it Is expected that sev- eral new residences will be built tba present season

Mr. Albert T. Holt of this town, wbo hu been foreman fur the Standard Rubber Works, atTackaboe,N. V., for more than a year past, has resigned the position on account of ibe ma- larial china ic.

Rav. Dr. Douglass ol tbls place, stalstcd Bishop Paddock on Monday afternoon In the Impressive ceremonies of laying tbe corner stone of BawSaarl Rpktcopal chapel, st Wakc- neid.

Lecture upon the rhinoceros. Professor: "I mast beg you 10 give me your undivided attea- Uoa. It Is absolutely Impossible that you can form a true Idea or tbe Hideous animal unless you keep jour eras handed me."

Qeorge 1'. Mllletr, wbo baa been employed In Ibe extensive green bouses at Winchester, Is lo return boase and carry on the farm in lha aouib pan ol las lown. recently occupied by bis lather, Jeremiah J. Milieu, deceased.

Bev. 11. B. Wilbur supplied tbe pulpit ot ibe Baptist cbnrcb, Georgetown, last Sabbsib. Rev. J. M. Bum, brother of our late townsman, Henry Bum, haa removed from lha pastorate of ibe above ensren, to settle at fioxion, Me.

rchaaad of Messrs Brook atrsst, recently aold

Pasho will build a oass BSOB lbs premises, 22 by 30 feet wltb aa

> 16 by 28 feet, two stories. It is expected to be ready for occupancy by ibe first ot August.

The regular monthly meeting of the MUXIII- ary of tha W. B. P. M„ waa held In the vestry of lha South chnrcb oa Tuesday afternoon. Ths meeting was large sad of unusual interest, Mrs. G.D.Oalick, wife of a well known mis- sionary in Spain, occupying most of the time In U address replete with facia and touching inci- dents in connection with tbelr labors la tbat cowry.

Bev. C. L. Guild or Bucklsnd, recently per- formed tha marriage ceremony, of a bachelor ejghiy-elgst years old, a veteran of the war or 1813, to a maiden lady or slaty-seven, after a cosrisbip of thirty-five years. A collation was served on a table over a century old, with pew- ter dishes that belonged lo ihe grandmother of the groom. The bride's trousseau had been made for more toss fifty years.

Prof, Oulllvsr preached st the chape! laat Sunday. Tha pulpit waa handsomely decorated wiiu flowers. The atlemooa'a discourse wu a

" ' enforcement or tbe text, "Be sure your sin will Jad you onl." AH-30 Mr. Ernst Parana piayeu tbe organ for an hour, out ot

iplimeat to tbe members of tee Institutions, giving a select programme. Prof. Bmyth has lha care of the csanel pulpit for the present.

Jamas McRae has removed lrom Frye vll- ga Is Bast Douglass, where ha has a good po- lice in tbe axa factory in that town. His

place as overseer of the spinning department of Us Smith A Dove Manufacturing establish- ment, st Frye village, Is to be filled by Thomas David, who formerly occupied the position and aubstuaeaily returned 10 Scotland, where he has resided lor lha past lour years.

E. C. Bwan hu opened furniture and npbot- ataring rooms lo the brick building next to the town ball. Mr. Swan comes well recommended

li an excellent workman. Previously to mtablHhisg himself lu business here, bs wss smslnysd by Prof.Tucker m J "ins up hie fine

Wisags M. inasho haa purchased Abbott A Jenkins, a lot 01 land on D Just west of^the_dwelling house be n

lu bis line ol business, will do well ts> ass ana a call. The presentation of tha festivities of s xl&L;

day celebration, at tbe entertainment 1 MIS' social club of Ibe Baptist church, 1 eve of Monday May 2, will be somethlai ws believe, la our staid lown. Tbe 1 pole, with May Queen, attendants, aj__ gsoui ceremonial." As the poet aaya "may I bathers lo sea!" Tbls pan of the evening's proceedings la arranged for nine o'clock. A shssostsson of modern times It undoubtedly Is, and auikathe liberality or our advancing age, compared wllb tbe stiff customs of the old, barbarous times, that tbli 'Queen or the May, so say lbs Mils, shall be voted into her dliim- gaUhed office.

The services la Christ church oa Sunday, asasr day, were very fally attended, and were samcterised by appropriate Easter services.

which wss admirably rendered by the choir. Tha morning service was Introduced by Sttln- er's Anthem, "They have taken away my Lcrd, aad I know not when tbey have laid him. O Death where hi thy sting ? O, Grave where la thy Victory i Halleluiah." Instead of Ibe Fasti* hxultemiu, tbt Easter Anthem, "Christ S!r 0*K!ir ".•*crlno»d fw •»." was chanted. Ths TtDmtm Lmudamm, la F, was snug, and tbe Just/el. Dm, In P, OarretL lbs hymns were Jabtlaet, and aans by tbe choir and con- gregsdos very heartily. The floraldecorailona la all respects lulled to the service ud tbo

a, taiieiully amnged^md charming to the sight. In lbs afternoon service, children were brought to Holy Baptism, and the service wss adapted to tbe usual Easter Festival of the Sun- day school.

Pivs strikers who have been employed In ths carrying beslneas si Haverhlll, took tbe cars at thai stam far Bouoe, on Taasdsy, and naving no aaaway to pay their fares, were put oal st Lawrence. They then started on foot for tbelr --ttoation aad made a slop In Ihe (trove near

Lowell junction. The police officers were Inad, and as the number reported was tre

asms u had Jasi previously escaped from the Lawrence Jail, It wu reasonably supposed lhey ware tbe fugitives. Ths cbler of police snd aeilslanu, arrested them about twelve o'clock at night, and loaarelysxan ibam band cans wan pal oa. ll was soon discovered that tbey ware not ihe persona supposed, and they were released. It wu quite a joke that one or Ibe officers la some mysterious manner lost the hey of ibe ruffles he bad put on, and waa obtlgsd to file thsm off to relieve his Innocent victim, 8ome one jocosely remarked that "the Die works Si tbe v>le had started again nllaet.'' ^

A few evenings slnoe a Methnen lad appar- eatly 16 years of axe, applied at a farm huuse Is this Iowa, Shout 0 o'.lock In the evening, for a night's shelter for himself and home. A cold rain and ball storm, arc impanled by a furious northwest wind, prevailed el tbe time, and thn horse, exhausted by hi* long Journey, relua.d lo go any farther. The sppearance of tbe hoy thinly clad, with no overcoat or rui.i.n.- dreached wltb rain aad klii firing with cold, made a strong appeal in bis lavor, and accord- ingly provision wni made for bis and the ani- mal *co*aiort during the nlgbt. Upon being Interviewed, tbe lad stated thai he waa employed in a flourishing mast market In Uflbucn. That his employer per*based Ihe home lu Boston that aruruoou, sad accompanied blm as lur si CUrlsstowB neck, when giving him iwenij-flre

cents lor left him at 5

on horee back in the tbe i'ullowing morning, the firmer gave tba lad hia nddrei*, with tbe injunction to Inform bit employer b« charged fl.00 fur bia trouble, wiiioh be mlgbt forward bj mall. Bot aa tbe obligation bas not been cancelled. It li inferred the price wai conaldered exorbitant, or tbal tbe atove mentioned itenfiemari i* laboring nnder the dela>iou tbat fanner* are eit>ccte<l to keep an open Louse and atablo, lor tbe accommoda- tion of benighted traveller*. In either eaae, however, tbe farmer doe* not regret an act of humanity to a Buffering fellow being, but would not feel indifferent to an acknowlodgement of tbe favor by a conrteoua "thank you," from the owner of the borae or tbe boy la hla cm- ploy.

Lut Sabbath. Her. r. H.Jonnaon preached at lbe Free church la tbe morning, text, First Eplatleof Peter, lit cbaptor and 3d and 4tb verses: "Bleaaed be the God and Father of our Lord Jetna Christ, which, according to hit abuadant mercy, bath begotten ui again unto a lively hope by tUe remrrectlon of Jaiui Cbrlit from the dead. To an Inheritance incorruptible, aad undenied, and that fadeib not away, re- served ia Heaven lor you."

A collection waa taken for the American Miailonary Association, amounting to flS3. In tbe aliernoon the Sabbath school held an later eating monthly- concert, with an Beater exer- cise. There waa a prolusion of beautiful Aural emblems at these services. At tbe Houtb cburcb Kev. MM W.Sbaw. a, resident licentiate of the seminary, preached in ihe afternoon; and la the evening tbe .Sabbath school concert was held, consisting of an Kaaler exercise. There waa « display of flowers both in the cburcb and at tba concert in the veitry. llev. Dr. Bronson at Ihe Baptist cburcb in the morning, aad Prof. (1 u II Iver at tbe chapel in tbe afternoon, preached upon the late North Aodovcr Tragedy. At tbe Catholic church High mans waa held at 10.30 A. at. There waa an elaborate display of beau* tllnl flowera aronnd the largo altar, and splen- did sinijag under tbe direction or Hlia Miller, organist, of Lawrence. Offerings were pre- sented 10 Father Murphy amounting to over S450. IntercBiina Easter service* were bald at Christ cburcb. There waa a profualoe of choice flowera In ihe Teat and about tbe chancel; star In froat of the pulpit, and a cross on tbe altar, both or these benutllul emblems were furnished by Hra. Waterman. The music was very fine, ■bowing tbe benefit tbe choir has received from the training or Mr, Whitney of Boston. In the afternoon tbe children*.' service, waa held, each child receiving aa Biater card, and two children were baptised. Tbe amount of tbe offertory waa about fM. Rav. Or. Flanders preached at the Iowa bill. Then waa a large attendance at tbe cbarcbea and tbe servicca were very generally appropriate to Eaater Sun- day.

The third annual meeting of tbe Andover Coa. Icrecee Auuclnllon, ■uailiary to the W. B. II., waa held ia the South cburcb, Andover, on Thursday, April 14.

Tba exercise* commenced at 10 o'clock A.M., With a devotional meeting. The ace rotary then reported Irom the sixteen missionary HOdeilu cousposlag the association. It la found that In laMMBOOlelle*, Uie country exeele the u!ty in con- tribution* of money, probably because there are • o luanymnd various demand* upon the cbarltie* of city cburcbea.

The treasurer'* report was brief, aeparate re- port* from tbe auxiliaries being presents in the ulternoon.

Mra. Sullivan Ward of Lowell, wa* elected president, in lbe place ol air*. Cha*. Smith of Andover, resigned, and Miss Melvin ol Lowell, secretary, In place of Mr*. Cordley of Lawrence, resigned.

Alter lbe recitation of scripture promise* by the audience at large, His* Child or the W. B. M. narrated the recenl sailing ol three young ladies- on the 1'arfalnn, to labor To Turkey tor lie evan- gelisation of women. Ml** C- described the happy lace* of tbcie young missionaries, and told how the mother ar one, aa aba turned away from tbe departing ship, conveying her daughter lonapbereof toil and sell denial, aa Id in reply to a remark upon bar own cheeifulneea, "When my child li dolnj- what *be want* to do,and what I want her to do, and what Uod wants her to do, what U there to oe *orry lor?"

MlaaC.ihea read a meat interesting letter from Mra. Capi on of India. After this the foreign

ell. presented a paper ou tbe "Trial* of 1. missionaries."

The noon race** wa* spent by mitt of tba la- dle* at the church. In the social enjoyment ol a basket picnic.

In the afternoon Miss Ithea of Lowell, re ail a carefully prepared paper, on "what Christianity has done for India." Memorial aketcbe* ol Mr*. Harmony Brew*ter Taylor of Andover, and or Ml** Louisa Ureene of Lowell, were presented.

Beport* of auxiliaries followed, the most inter eating being that from Ihe Juvenile Missionary l»Bl*V 5 And.m-r West |«i i-h.

Mr*. Benson of Lawrence, Inquired what I* to be done where "churches wish to embrace both home ami foreign work within one organisation. Thiaijueitlon elicited some dlntmealM. A com- mittee was appointed to pieparo re sol n lion* com- memorative ot MrK.lireene, late a vice president. Mra. Hall Hire or Lowell, read a paper on Mad- agaacar.

After singing an original hymn, another home miaslon eeatlun wa* announced, and report* were given of home work in the different church ea, and a very pleasant meeting elOMH! after the reading ol a pa|ier by Ml** Jackion or Andavar, on the rclniion of home mission* to foreign ml*.

vlnlty School, wa* among iboee present. The services were about tbe aaBMna usual, with tba exception of the afternoon, when tba aervlee waa lor tbe Children, whan carols were aang.

Easier Sunday of 1AH1 will long ha reanem- red by tbeee who worship at IM Crwgrtmaj

-ooal Church. Tua ladle* connected with tbe church have long anticipated tba eveat, and collected a large number ot most baaatifai and rare flower*, aad last Saturday aliernoon they were placed In position, coveting tbe platbxsa. Suspended from the arch above the pulpit van a crown, and two croeee* adoraed the organ; the whole having a moat beautiful effect. Mr*. Halhorn, Mr*. iWfer, Heaara. Wilkinson aad Hadlleld, tba regular qnartette, raatdnred the

Thar were angnmented Into a cfaotr of i voice*, under the leadership of their

wall known organist, Mr. Frank U. Foster. Tbe programme, which waa finely rendered, fol- low*: Organ voluntary, "My heart ever faith-

faL* _ Tl "Lift up your head*. Psalm nvlii-

Mlal**er and choir alternate. Now 1* Christ arisen." U. B. Allen Christ " " Hei


Moair*. Weaton ft Wlliard from Bosnervllle, have Icaaed tbe "1'otfcry Building" connected with the File works, in Ibli village, for Bva yean. Tbey have commenced ceccaaary re- Salra and will be ready to begin business the

rat ol May. It is expected that from ten to twenty men will be employed.

The work on the new Catholic church on High itreet, has already been commenced, and the building will be completed ia a few month*. It will have a Beating capacity for 300 persona. Builder, JtimoaBuhrerof Burlington, Vt., who I* the contractor.


Handle J* of persona In carriages and on loot, lilted lbe scene ot tbe late tragedy, Sunday, Mr. John Marsdcn has resigned hla poeiiioa overseer ol the weaving room of Stevens

s necessary to

•erring of a molt generous patronage from the public on account of ita intrinsic merite, bait tba worthy object for which it is to be bald make* it all the more entitled to n It la repeated at tbe urgent reqatafbf parties, and a nice sum should come from for tbe treaaery ot the above-named organisa- tion. Admission la 26 cents, with reserved seals at 3o cents.

The Emmet Literary Society conducted their first annual ball, at Merrlmac Hall, Eaater Monday evening, and tbe universal verdict I*, tbat It waa an admirably managed affair. In- cluding invited guest*, tbe number of couple* present approached ono hundred. E. 1. Kelly waa floor director, with the following aid*: I. O'NeU, T. J. Murphy, J. J. Donovan, W. J. Don jvaa, D. Shea, I. McEnroe. Music for tbe occasion wa* furnished by Kennedy & Cant- well • orchestra, of Lawrence. Aa oyster •up- per wa* lerved in tba upper hall at midnight, Tbe* and Merrtmaca were present, and. appeared for ihe Drat time in public attirad la their new nnlfotms. Toey mad* a fine appear- ance, and were the object* or much favorable con) mem.

Knater Sunday. At tbe Metbodiat Cburcb, In tbe morning, tbe

pa*tor, Kev. Mr. Vlnton, delivered an able discourse aa la« " Keaurrection," to ■ good-aimed congregation. Than wa* a Ha* die

>lay of floral decorations. Ia tbe evening aa iaster concert waa held by Ihe Sabbath School,

at which aa Raster aniQem waa anna; by th« choir.

Probably more person* attended the service* tb* Borneo Catholic Church, than all the

other* combined. To enable all tba pari*bon- er* to attend cburcb, an early maai waa cele- brated at 81. In addition to the high nun* at 10g o'clock, fiev. Father O'Reilly officiated at each aervlee, aad preached at the law large number of communicant* appro* alur. The music wa* rendered by lbe regular choir, of which Mr. Taylor, the organist, M di- rector. An offering to tb* paaior of over #300 wa* le ode red.

Steven* Hall, where St. Paul's NUston wor- ships, wa* beautifully ornamented with plant* and Bower*, either loaned or presented by mem- ber* of the congregation. The stage waa a mas* of foliage, aed tbe window* afforded con- venient reccaiefl lor aa array ol not house plant*. From lbe collection each child was presented with a plant, which they are to bring

of decorating. A t Eaater for th* purpose c

Transcription from B

i* ChrUt arisen." U. B. Allen it the Lord I* risen to day." HanryWllaon mil feed Ml* lock." Handel

PoaUnde, Hallelujah f Tbe christening or the yonngeM daughter of

the pastor, occurred jn*t before tb* aaraaow, at which time Mra. O. E. 11 at born aang a solo in her meal unexceptional and pleaelag manner. Tbe pastor, Rev. Oeo. Pierce, preached ft eer- mon commemorative of tbe redirection of oar Lord, la which he pointed out tbe dissimilarity of Christ b**ore aad after hla resurrection. The ■object wat treated ra bla usual able and inter- esting way, and was listened to attentively by the large eongregatlon In atantdMce. Early Monday morning, before any of the decoration* were removed, at the request of many, tbe Inte- rior ot tbe cburcb waa photographed, copies of which may be obtained of Mr. Oeo. Hathorc, aad other*.

L. H. BARNARD ha* returned from New Tork with Norelllea la

MILLINERY lor Spring and Summer wear. Pries* reason- able. New Lane Uoods- Several donna ratal Hat*, at (Sol*, each; Trimmed lists, ifl suit SO cent* each. Will give good bargain* in lbe bankrupt stock of Bibbona, Feather*. Flowera and Ornament*. Worsted 10 oeatia lot, eom- ■—ilj called aa ounce.


AUCTION. On Saturday, Anrtl M, at 4 o'clock p m, at tbe

reiideace of J. W. Mormon la Ballard Vale, a large quantity and great varletv of Fruit Trees, Urape Vines, eta. Alaoa eleelag nut asl* of ntoaklfllliaeryaad Fancy Goods. Conditions Cash, when lbe articles are sold.

. OBOUOa rOsTEK, Auctioneer

SPECIAL NOTICE. The Subscriber ba* opened

Furniture A Upholstering Rooms over J.H. FLINTS MAnKlT. Thotelnwaat or Furniture Will do well to examine mis larg* ataortsnsnt. Fine Oaboi.i.,u« * smooUHr, Carpet* aade aad pal down, cleaned and re. laid; Holland Window Shades, Spring Fixture* raadeaadputun for tjl.ia and nnward*; Win- dow land** and Lace Curtains taundrleU like

Mill Messrs. E. J. Kelly and F. P. Daw have do

cllned lo accept lbe office of apeclal policemea, to which ihey were appointed.

Meur*. Hardy A Cole, of Andover, are re- modelling and greaily Improving tbe residence of Henry J. Stevens, Etq., at tbe Centre.

Mis* Hattle L. Crosby, formerly of tbft town, but for some year* a resident of Metbnen, now conduct* a private school In the latter place.

Tbe High School scholar, will slcie time by the forelock, and bare an excursion to Hump- ■lead, N. II., Monday, In quest of May flower*.

The steamer was brought oat Tuesday even ing, playing from the reservoir at Ihe corner of Main and Firat street*. It will be out again Monday evening.

Tbe sub-committee have ascertained that the lot wbteh they eelectcd on Union Height* been sold, and therefore It will be necesiai fix upon another lite. 2A sum of money has been found, which tbe owner can have by applying to Mr. I i :o. Smith, who resides near Merrlmac Hall, proving prop- erty aad pay leg charges.

Tbe net proceed* of the Old Polka' concert, nt Steven* Hall, on Wednesday evening or last wick, amounted lo 918.65. It will be remem- bered tbat tbe evening was a very stormy one.

No business ol public Importance was trans- acted at the ao'.dlers and *aliore' meeting, Wed neidar evenlne. Tbe meeting waa adjourned to the Hhh of May, tbe place to be annoaneed.

With hi* charnctcrlitlc generosity, Oen. Bbea Button hat offered tbe Odd Fellow* n good alte, near tbe public library building, free of co*i, for tbe location of a hall; and will also loan the asm of fiSOO, without Interest, lor the erection or the same.

Sunday evening, St. Patrick's Temperance Society, of So. Lawrence, headed by a dram corps, will visit Merrlmac Han, where Re*. Father Healy will deliver a temperance lecture. it le also bia intention to organiis a temperance society ihe same evening. t

We are requested to lay that In some or tbe published report* ot Ihe late tragedy re this town, there were two error*. Mr. Able] Wll son I* probably worth S30,000, and not S74,0OQ He ba* not been accustomed to keep much money in hi* house, a* ba* been stated.

Last Monday the laborer* employed on the foundation far tbo addition lo tbe brick (hop, struck for more wage*. Instead of their de- mands being acceded to, tbey were Informed tbat their service* were no longer needed. Their place* were promptly lilled, however, and the work waa proceeded with.

Hev. Father McCarthy, who wa* taken seri- ously lit while driving ttom Lawrence to this piece, a lew weeks since, met with ft mishap, at Gloucester, Sunday. A* be we* entering tbe vcttry or the cburcb, at 10 o'clock mam h* wa* taken (uddenly 111 and fell forward, etrlk- Ing the edge ol a door, aad cutting bis face somewhat.

A horse attached to a wagon, ran awayirrowi Pleasant street, Wednesday afternoon, end thence to Kim itreet, where It went onto tbe sidewalk near the corner ol Water atrcet; tbe vehicle enme Into contact with two tree* and a fence. Tbn wagon and haraesi wa* comlder- ftbly damsged. All the property! belongs to A. P. Cheney. " TIT

Prince h Lavigne Brothers' variety entertain- ment, in Merrlmac Hall, Tuesday evening, waa attended by a fair audience. A number of the teatoree were cleverly euacted, and encore* were tendered toa large proportion. Mr, Jar, E. Leary, general supervisor ol the whole, did •oms excellent work at the bones. Previous to tbe commencement ol tbe entertainment, Mr. Cha*. Prince gave aa exhibition on a tight rope stretched from the libHtr polo to the ball building.

Last evening. Immediately after the finish .. their days labor*, the employee! of Davti & Furber * tin ibop proceeded to tbe residence ot their recent loreman, Oeo. B. Stevem, Water Street, and presented bim with en sssy chair, ■a a memento ol tbe kindly feeling* which bave «yer exiated between them. A happy preaeota- tion sptocb wa* made by Frank W. Frtsbee, to which the recipient responded. After saociel cbat, the (urpriscra— for it wa* a complete aur- prlM—departed.

Tbe fnneral of Aribar Foater, Ihe victim of last weeks tragedy, look place from tba re»- idencc of Id* brother-in-law, Mr. Cbartee O. Gould, Friday afternoon, at 'J o'clock. It was strictly private, none bnt relative* ot tbe fam- ily being present, llev. A- H. Amonr.ol Law- rence, conducted tbe services, which were la ■cooi-dancc with tbe Episcopal ritual. Owing to tbe severity ol the weather, Friday fore- noon, no grave wa* nug for the btidy that day, and It wa* deposited In ihe tomb. Too remain* were Intened Monday forenoon.

Tbe Old Folks' cotirert will be repeated at Merrlmac Hall, next Wtdnesday evening, at tf o'clock, lot ihe benefit ol tbe Ladies' Charit- able Union. Not only li lb.U entertainment de-

*er-Mftltre**e* made over, and returned tb* same day,

Feather Beda Benovnte.T. Draperies made and pat Up. Fine Parlor Furniture mad* to order.

All work done promptly and warranted aa represented. Br strict attention to bualneea and good wora I hope to marii a sham of yonr pslronpge. Bsierenos* if dealred.

E. O. SWAN, Cor. Main and Park streets, Andover.

E PIKI, Tin, Kartben and Wooden • Ware; Repair* Pump*, Stores, Fur e*. etc. Sole agent forMagec stoves, ran

get and furnace* tor Ando Orders promptly attended

and vicinity Park " - >v7 1y

aBOBGBPIDDINUTON. Florut. Iloaideace aad greenhouse* on School street, aaar tbe

Iplioonal Cemeiary. Landscape Gardening ft specialty. Cemetery lota attended to.

HMCRY Gurr, PblotlDf, Graining. Papering and GUalnK.doneatsborlnoilce

and reasonable price. Person* wishing work drop a postal In Poet Oaace. oe.uo tl

JOHNW. FAULKNKR. jslbtkfttaKblng done at short notice, in the moat thorough

manner end at reasonable price*. Particular attention given to aboelng. Wheelwrights' week done In conneclion with black*miihinx. Park at., Andover. a*v7 1 yr

JOHN O. FINDLBY, Dealer ID Flab of all kinds, has r—erect lo hi* new and eon-

vsnlsntmarket house. Park street, opposii* tba Town Hall. Patronage of old cnatonmsra and lbs public generally solicited. Article* deliv- ered, ly ago)

JOHN U. DKAN, Merchant Tailor, Dealer la Clothing and Uswt's Furnishing

Uoods ot ail kinds. Garment* made la tba latest fashion and warranted 10 It. Repairing, clean- ing and pressing dew* neatly. Main Hireet, Andover. novlfi I yr

JOHN C. LEONARD, at bis ebop ID Ballard Vale, will attend in Buehsmliblag

Is all Ita braanbaa thoroughly, prompliy sad reasonably, itoraeaboelng anct Whswlwilgwt workaolicltsd. lets ly

JOHN K. LOHINO,—MACHINIST,— Machinery of every description built and

repftlrsd at < I* new shop, rear oi Orapei '• block decfttt

MORSE 4 BURNS, Fish Dealera, are prepare 1 to furnlah ell oi tides Is* their line

Of bnelneee. Orders proaapHv sitanded to. Goods delivered- Central strict, opposite lbe liaptlat Church.

MRS. M. L. RAM8DKLL. Faablonsble Dre»* and Cloak Making. Also alamptng

or braldlagand ■■broidery. hov*nnon»bm ■*r Hireet, Andover. nolti

ML. UAU8DB.LL, An«m for lbe lead sing Hewing Machine*. Machine* ol a|

kinuscMtansd and repaired. »i.u sewing Ma ehlMOaabsra, Seedls*. OU, Ac. uw, Klu. aad

intersiereeu Aadover *■*>■*. ataaslr

MV. GLEASON, M*»ua. — Ma.oo * Workoi * very deep rlutlun piomrAiy es-

senisd. urder box nt J. 11. Vuut's siaikn, Mspls ansiis. mvilly

MCLAWUH 4 BAKER—succetsor* 10 Charlei L. Carter—dealer* In Hardware,

Cutlery and Cordage; also Farming Implement* Wooden Ware, Ac. A lull ms.orluient at luwasl

N1 ATHAN P. ABBOTT will furuUh ■ _ enanrlor quality ol Ledge Stone* for oel- iara and fonnuftiiowe nt short actite andies- •onftble price*. Teaming piompll) done, nai- tameilon ajnaranteed. keatuo.ii ntar B nun Street. lyr mt7

SAUNDKR8 BROTHERS, Plumber* and Tiaamllbs. Also dealer* is Tin, Uku,

aad Wooden Wars,eUoves and Ke- nair* for ail kind* of Horse, Ham street, Ando- — Mas*. lyr aepIT

THOMAS HOWaSLL carrlce on tba Furniture aad Upbulaierv bualnea* in alt

their branch**, at ads fee cm Park elrwet Fur- sltnre reoalred and removed at abort notice aad oa reasonable term*. ^ lvoctl07u

Mb* Battle Crosby opened her private boot again on Monday Isst. She ha* <|Ulte a

number of new acboiari. Mr. Charles Lewis and Mku Carrie Marab er.i married, oa Snndsy evenli

odlst parsonage, by Rev. J. W. Or. Charles A. GoUemltb, who baa beast In

town for a few day*, i* about to leave tbe prac- tice or medicine and engage In tbe printing bus- iness In Boston.

Mr. C. A. Even*, has bought tbe (arm i< merly owned and occupied by the hue Thoi a* Webster, la Salem, N.H. It le situated near Worldi-End pood.

elivered a __ Sunday i

at tbe Unitarian church, nnder tbe tbe Lawrence Christian Temperance Union.

-Mrs. iiabeeca Jackson, died cm Tuesday leal, aged *6 year*. Tbe funeral look place on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Tbo re mains were buried In Walnut Drove Cemetery.

Rev. Mr. Lamb, of Mil ford, N. H., was In town oa Monday. H* preachsd bare several time* aa a candWats, prevton* to tb* settlement ot Kev. Z. B. Ueibrook a* pa*t«r of the ebnreb.

Mciiri. Wright & Rollins, bar* sold 'out ihslr billiard ball, at tbe corner Of Broadway aad Osgood itreet, to Mr. John L. Kelley, who will exmtmne to keep it as a temperance place.

Mr. R. P. Bearier 1* repairing aad enlarging e house on Eaat street. A new L U to be

built sad other Improvements accomplished. Messrs. M. Q. Copp 4 Son are del eg tbe car- work.

Wednesday evening? iiy a Law- . /, for lbe beoefli ol lbe Spickst

River Reform Clob. A good iiaed and knee wa* present to witnesa tb* plays and enjoy tbe eetenalnmenl.

Rev. John W. Walker I* attending lb* con- ference at Claremoot. N. H, this week, and will probably not return to th* M. E. Church In this

— He baa been aa acceptable ,«nd hi* removal will be

regretted by many of hla parbmloaan. Eaater waa observed ia ft becoming manner all our cbnrchee on S«nday but, and tb*

ir than ever before.

WILLIAM F. FINlJLtY, Dining Boom*. -Fruit, Candle*. Clftawa, bbMloa-

erv. Inks,etc.,etc. Oysieraand Mealaluralsbed tail hoars. Corner Mala aad Green street*.



Funeral and Furnishing UNDERTAKER,



' tf atptk Aadavar, sSnaa

Strawberry Plants. Crssceat Seedling aad Charles Downing

Plant*; H cent* per 100; «■ per lb.*. K. W. UBBENB.

So. Andover, Ma**. tw apt

POMP'S POND ICE! A*np*rlar arttela for Crtiaui, Csslsra

leaFltekere, Karrlgaralora, *r. S»le ot Prices-lower Ibaa ever -t> he

A «h»re of patronage aollellod. Full eatlafac

position (aa naual) May tat. Ke*psctmily.

H.M. BAVWABDASOK, Aadover, April I. lfcfl. tf



Dwnaeatl* Vaahlwrna and Barrell'iDy* nssit, llsss*l*ls*4risklsi.


WOOD & COAL flite Axh aii Fraiklin Coals.

HARD AND SOFT WOOD Prepared ,11 desired.


JOHN CHANDLER. Andover O-derirecelved.aadbllliaettledai


Commonwoalth of MaisachUMtti. PBOBATI COUBT.

Bsui.aa, To all person* Interested Intheasute nsder the

<f said Aadover, -.- wnitata Phillips

rosier, for the benaSt of tferab A. FaaUr aad r renci* a. Foster, and ethers, ba* »r see a ted to ■aMcourlhlsiieilUeei praying for leave tore lea** and aonvay to William Phillips Foster aad to John Charles Fester, and lo lbe person* boidiag nnder trim la |ba *i**ple any

at or poeaimw right or laf .. person* by him re land* and real estate situ

certain t In this Common-

wealth, Ton are hereby cited to appear at ft pro-

bate court, to beholden at Salem, Inaaidcoun ty of Esses, on tbe third Monday of May next, at nine o'clock In ihe forenoon,to show

BOB by pnbUablag tbe se*na earn*, week, tor thro* enoeeeivrewMka in tb*


a newspaper printed at Lawresiae, tbe but publication to be two day* at least before laid

year one thouaand eight hundred and eighty.

QOOD PASTURING. The anbserlber WlM take Horses and Com to

pastore for Ihe season; condition* reasonable; animal* taken and returned free of charge. Apple to S.q. HKBSKY, of Uethnea, or JOHM PBAYoi Andorer.

Bast Aewortfa, N. II., April IS, lttl- tfftpll W. A. mmwwmta

NOTICE IS IIERR9T QIVKN THAT th* anbscriberhna been duly appointed

adeslnlatrator of tb* estatn of JAKETT« M. SOOTT, late of Andover, In tbe

eoueir or Baaex, ilngle-woatan, deceased, and baa taken upon himself that trust by giving bonds,a* the law direct*. Allperaon* having demands noon the estate of said deoeaied are required to exhibit the sameI and all parson* indebted to said estate are called upon to make pavmsBllo

JOSEPH SCOTT, Adm'r. Aadover, April 1.1, liUl. f IS It 19

Andover Business Directory,

A l.BKRT Q. WOOD, JR., anoceasor to XA.J. W, tURNARD, Dealer In Hoot*. Sboea and Bnbbers, and B*palrlng done ia tbe beat man- ner, all ai tbe lowest price*. Bank Bnlldlag, Main atreet, Aadover. myT lyr

BENJAMIN CHEEVER, Sexton, bed in chargs olgoutb Church Cemetery. Un-

dertakers' inralablnga provided. Lota la tbe cemetery attended to, Uou.e Central atreet, oppeelt* B*pll*t otareb,

Uooalrlng neatly done at short notice. Jones Culobraled Kip and Calf Hoots constant]T on ' art. Main St., Andover, Mat*. lydeMIS

BENJAMIN B. TUTTLE baa bought of J. B. I'arlln the local aipreia emit Jobbing

business formerly ot M. bf.^Wblte. *Jfisrsil

BRADLEY A 1'ARLIN, Merchant Tailors and Dealer* 1* Clothing, Hals, Cap*

aad Uenta' Fnrnltblag Uoodi, Main Street, Andover, Ma**,

C H. SIIATTUCK. IUrot.i U.ker .lid

DR. J. C. PKNNINGTON bu remoT.d hi. ottM lo th. mw over Dr.p.t'1 book-



mill to


—limn o»—

Voice Cultivation and Gesture. TOWN HALL. » ANDOVER

N° OTICE IH HEREBT OiVVN thai tbr • ubieriber baa been duly appointed ex.

ecutrlx of tbe will of HamiT BUBTT, late of Andover,

— _ eennty of B**ez, ttarneia-*>*ker, de caaied, testate, aad baa taken upon hereell that trust by giving bonds na tbe law di- rect*. All person* having demands upon th* eetftlsoi said deceased arereqalrodtoeiblbli tb* same; and all person* Indebted to said *

Andover, April tin, INI.


will store In it furniture, carriage*, aleigk*. and other articles on resaonsble terms. Apply atnrallh AMaBBlag-a store, or bathe abscn- ber. L. A. BBLKKAP,




lyr Mat


James IngalU baa gone West on a baulneaa trip.

r. and Mra. Uoraeo Carlton are visiting thi* weak at Bristol, H. a.

Samuel Woodward ba* returned to town, aft- er an absence ot about six week*.

Rev. L. L Eastman and wile are attending tbe annual cwofcrence meeting, at Claremonl, N.H.

Mr. K- O. Knights, U In Mala* this week' loosing alter ibo mining prospects to that Stale

Mr. John Cheywe, of Paiierson, N. J., era* hi town oa Monday, calling noon .old ncqaalnt-

Mr. Aivah W. Folk ba* returned from Marl- boro', N. II., and Is at work in the Enterprise Ike. Mr. Everett Hampaon, hae returned to town,

baring passed tba last three weeks, with bis ■ iendi lo N. J.

Rev. Dr. Spaalding, of Danvers, will preach at tb* Universallst cbarcb next Sunday mc" Ing aad evening.

Mies Mary Nevin*,of Waahlogtoo, D. 0., M In town aad stopping ai th* old aomeetead m

enlng. th* close or ibeexercleee a large aember ol Easter egg* were dI*trlooted among the chil- dren.

A lively little fight occurred on Osgood atreet on Monday morning, between a man and worn

8b* M but _ •ererel bU>we nboni tbe head, la Ira* boxing style, when tbey were •epamied by a man who wauled lo aee peace aad wsa bound to bar* it, even if he bed to fight for If. No arrest* were -nut*.

"Of making many book* ihere la no end," -ad Ihesaaae may also be aald of newtuftpeT*. An original peper called "Th* Arbnlae" will n* iMuedaboettbeSratof May, by tba Indies or ihe B*ptl«»ociety In M*Un*n, In cooaectton with their May Ee*Uv*l ftbd Breekfaat. Unlike ibe most of anch papers, It doe* not depend np-

bat I* a Shred to em*rlt*. It will

conmln tb* programme of* concert given by Mr. Ilarrlngtoaoatbeevealagof Mav 3d, at Baptist chnrch, in MMbnen, also original eon- trlbnlioos from Abb O. Wbiltler. beetde* proen- iocnt writers from bom* and abroad. To be •old by "newiboya" at Are cents a copy.

Card of ThstBk*.

• AID L'AKVASSIR* Make from WU lo SM per week silling good* for E. 0). RldKMt & Co., 10 Harclay atnet, N*w


Bar. U. P. H. Naaoa, George B. I dover Tbeotogioal •eesinary. and Anieiia i BstU, w* Chelsea.

New Pottery Lamps WITH TBI


Moehring Burners.




Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters.

nUbnmu Why they an PnfCned ta All Otbwr P«r*a« matter* or Kxlernal

Beessm* tbey ppaasii all the merit of th* atrangtbsnlng peroee nhmt*r, and eossnha In aft- ditlou itmnto us newly ithcoversd nomrfal aad active vegetsbl* e*mbiasltoa wbkb ncte with In- creased rnbatneient, eHnmhnmg, niaHve and

■ouuter Irritant etfecf*. memmmms

Bemna*th»yere*geemlBipk»w*M*ss»:iiilprep- arstloD, and eo recogalned by tbe |r of am* an.

Because Ihey are tba only plaster* tbat relieve palnstooec.

twnrth. Becsnao they will positively ci

other remedlia will not even rs" Fifth.

Beesnae over BOeOpbyaiclana I voluntarily teslmcd that tbay are espertor to all oth*r plulera or snndlrlnes fur external nee,

Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster! SEABURY A JOHNSON,

M,id.ulMii, Cmmtm% Kwr Twfc.

The Smith & Oove MannrbctariBg Company .Mire to return their linear* thanks to Tiger Steamer Co, No. 3, of Lawrence, Bud Engine Go. from Marlaad Villas*, (Steveae works), Phillip* Academy Hand Bagia* Co.,aod to An- dover fllesmer Co. No. 1, for tbslr prompt ap- pearance and vlgoroni efforu, fa itavtag th* program ot tba ttame* at tb* Or* wbhtb nearly

' me of tbe bnlldlag* occupied by the ; Pry* Village, oa Thursday lam. cltueniwho rendered timely aid,

r workmen far valuable aailstsac*

destroy*d on* of the bnlldlag* occupied by company at Prye Village, oa Thor--'— AI*o to ihe c and to their to tbe Bremen le Mbdnlog th* lame* and sav

Abu to lb* ladi** who *id*d in Ing pro perl famishing

TLAJTr BSAUTsTCL BOSEI. Spring has come again, and while all lovers of

aowere are making up their list* *f pleats and v Ise* and othor pretty things w be put In tbe gtonad aa a*** M It Is warm enongh, w* with to

other Sowersnspeaslhl*, bnt doalforgm^paVnt abedot'obomoAer Mobaalng renew, Tuwy ex ceed all other lowers hi beauty and frngraaee, and lbe cboloest varieties are now within th* mean* of all, Aammg tbamcstyrtoralCamiogo** now Issued, we know of BOM more entitled lo oosMsncsIbaa Ibe -Bew UejdemBoaeCulturc." published by tbe Dlsge* A Conrad Company. Rose Urower*. Weal Qnrrn, Cheeter Co., Pa. Il la laely UaaOmmd, dewrlbee ever m ol roses, and teU* all tbe enstere end I It is aent free cm apvltofttlon, Tb*Dlm ra<i Osmpaay bar* l~

aloes, and are .ee in thU ooeml

i-killlng, Soothing, Strengthening am lailag ia tb* How riamer. ljlteod

Pala-bllUsg, SUB '


Bowim'a COOOAIKE bu been *oki Is *very civilised connlry, aad tba pnbUe bare rendered tbe verdict tbat B hi the obeapwt sad best HAIR

OaasaiHo In tb* world. Bi sxiTT'a FLAVOEINO XETEAOT* are Invnrl

ably aiknowledged tbe purest and tbe best. ltlmmaM

AOARD. To all who era sanwrlBg from th* error* aap

Indiscretion* of yoelh, aervoni weaknese, early Jecsy. louol manhood, 4e., I will send a re dp* that will cur* yon, PEBI OP Vnunor. rbli greet remedy w*s discovered by A ml*- slonary inSontbAmnrte*. Sead*a*ir-addre*aed

Coal and Wood. *<«.(•», ■M*r*>lk,Enl*rprl** « hits Anh


LykMS Val/ey Red Ask Coot.

e of tbatfact.

Prices Very Low. Wood or;th* different klcd*. In lot* to si.ii, at

I reduced prices. Hsy bud ttrawlConatsntly en Hand.

JOHN OORNKIX, Drapers anlwok.

Mats St. watr

Who left tbe United Sutee for Liberia Isst yesr bave latelv relerned, being naaWe to euud tbe climate. Everybody going to a aew climate

DOCTOES! Of all Ihe different sehoola In the coantry, bare tbontanda die every year, of Bright a disease of tbo Kidney*, who conld ba living to-day, il tbey bad used Sulphur Bitter*. They are an- equalled In tb* world for ell diseases of tbe kldneyi—New Hares Union. «J12wcod


WILLIAM POOR MaawJaetaraaandhftaforaftl*

Eipr*a*,at«r*, Market, ■Uk.BaslMI

Farm Wagons & Carts. A Spselaity mt Meat Wlglll.

It epalr Ingl a all Ita bra a« be a.


sayi: I have need yosr Spring 1 myself and family, aad tbmk It Invalaabie a* a

liver and kidneys. I ibi I'rlce, 60 cent*, trial bottto* 10 cenU. Ear

sale by B. H. Kelley, dragglit. l'lw

i-leore atMrl. Kben Tyler'*, Main Mtreet, Andover. Untcs boure '-lbs. in., 1-3 and after


UWIN H. DAKNAKD, Pfttnting, Gift- ing, tiralnlng and Paper Hanging. A

"—r noustanily on

ED. HATCH has opened tbe Kim ■ Bouse lor theacoommodailoaoi tbepub-

lic. Permanent and transient boarder* kepi, aed traveler* and parlies onlerUlned. Pairon ag« solicited. ftp! lyr

Finest Una of sow iprlng drese goodaat B y ran Truell A Co'*.

CHEAP BUSIPBM Caane.—Tbe AMEKIOAN prlntlog office has jest received a Job tot of over one thousand aheeUofcard board, bought at about oee-tblrd market nttea, which will b* cut into builBcea card*, at a prlc* lower than ever belore knows is thi* citj1.

TnaPaii!viAK Rrnir ba* eared tboeeand* *bo were suffering from Dyspepsia, Debility, Liver Complaint, Dotl*. Humor*, FemaU Com- plalata, etc Pampblets free to aay address "etb W. Fowle A Sons, Boaton.

trod leow novJt

flgbllng against nature who trie* to care Catarrah by meaa* of douche*, inudi, or any inch application. Nature never Intended each stuff should enter tba now. Cetarrblae is ■cieotlflc In It* application, and what le beet of all, It ear* to can. Try n sample package.



Tbat tbe "O. O. TATLOB OLD BOOMOX" Wbls- bey bai grown la popularity ilnce lu bigb cbar- acter ba* bats malnuined from tbe beginning. I)rnggtat*aadOrooeri**llll. See that ibe sig- nature* or lbe proprietor*, Cbeeter H. Grave* A Soai, ia over each cork. sit

STSOMO EviDinca. Ibayaaoldat reuil price line* th* tth of

December last, 1M bottles or Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil, guaranteeing every bottle. I must aay I never sold a medicine fa my life that gave such universal satisfaction. Ia my own ease with ■ badly Ulcerated Throat, alter ft pbyil-

* pencilling il fir aevaraldayi to no effect. Electric Oil cared It thoroughly In twenty-

foar boars, aad in threatened croup In mv chil- dren ibis winter, It never failed to relieve al- most Imtmd lately,

C. It. BALL- Qraavllle, III., March X. 1S80.

rorearebyB.H. Kelley,dragg'st. *>\w *> It I* known that a large number of tefferers

bar* been cured of Kidney true Wet, Disease* of th* Urinary Organs, Gravel, Diabet**, Ac, by tb* a»* of "NEPHBETICUM." tbefamons Da. Bt'LLoca'a XIDHEY. KBMEOT. Il* eaeraaa In all three complaints ia entirely satisfactory wherever used, proving iUelf tbe beet remedy for them complaints known. • 11 w cod

ColotMlMcDinml.tsmcwIebrsmdpTopilelorof Stony Brook Stud tam. Priiiewtos, N. J., nayi

big Go's Arnicated Extract ol Witch Hsssl). I aboaM advmt all horseman to keep It con- stantly as bemd." It qnkkly cares over itrain wonndi, infummftlioas aad moat of lb* com- moner allmenteof thebor**. Also cures Crown Scab, Poll Evil, Injury from preenra of tbe Olrtb, Rbenmatiim, Hamee* flail*. lalUmed Tesdmoas Sbestha. Ac. D*pot SO Maldee Lane, New Yora. Sold In fifty cent* aad dol- lar al see. Reduced ratea by the bulf gallon or gallon. Bewareof worthless haitatloni.


a ii"oi win UB BOIII low lor caan, inii Of JOHN II. DIBSMUBB, Wlndlmm. N.H.

lot 11 spin

Spring Opening of Millinery. BIBS. CROWBLL,

wishes lo nanonnoe to ber many friend* and patron* la Lawrence and vicinity, that she baa opened her

SPRING MILLINERY with a Urge and well selected slock of nil tbe gneat abode*, qnalitr aad style*. Abd ba* procured th* services of a

Firit-Claii Milliner from New York, and teals ooaSdeat or pleaalng all who may favor her wit* tbslr patronage.

Please call and ourmlng my stuck of good* belore nnrrhaslng.

«. E. CftOWELL,


6 Qnnces, 1 Yard lone, for (10 4 " 80 ta. " 7 81 " orerlyel" 8 " 26 ta. " 4 21 " 24 ta. " 3 2 " 20 ta. "

Ona lot of Condrav's Oil, the .hirst in the world, for lac,t&c.Ucand5u<-, being laaa then half the coil ot importation, toinlray'* cos- metle for m ; coat, lie. Coedrey'e Bandolier. l«c; le*a than r.oit. Crimp Net*, 10c; marked down from Wo. French Halriilns, I* per bunch. Meal Heir Ooonette, Me: marksil dawe from Wo; Curl* la ell lenaih*; Vrlsse* iu all atrtee.

Medina's Lisbon Wnve, Warranted water curl, ths prettiest and moat natural ware ever wora, l&, |D, $10 and up- ward. Ladles' aad (lent*' Artihoal Bead of Hftlr,$8 Sltftl* and upward. We warrant to •ell the boat aad cheapen! In price*, and lo give *all*raction to all our ouatomera. Worn haIr and combings taken In exchange.


Paris Hair Store, 416 W«irting-t*n St-, cor, Summer,


283 Essex St., Lawrence.

.PENSIONS^0.' r.thrt,. authsra



STOCK BROKERS, Mtmbsrft of ths Boiton Mining It Stock

Etchanfi, All binds ol Block* ami Bond* bougl t and aokl

either oatrighioron Commission.


■no— S mwammmw• Bleeh.

If a. ««S K***i 1l.,l.«wrr.rr, Mas*.


If If r*«


FLORISTS. Have the largest Pink houses la Esses County. Aloothe obolceslsollri-lionof rare BoieHud* and all klnda of choice flower* In abundance. Wa take apeclal care to *now visitor* through oar eslsneive Conservatories,

Carwer Broadway aad Artaa Strast.


FOR a NobbT Htiffor Soft

Hat, call on

CUBTIS, the Hatter.



Mr*, rellowa baa been absent from the city about ten years, hut has returned for the pur pose ot resuming her business. Will former rleadaand patron* pleaae give ber a call?

«• E**es Bt. BawBdoraBlMfe, ■•am*IS ftfeeoM

SKWINO MACHINES. Sfi.OQ to $40.00, How*. Domestic, New HoBM.Sramr, Hoa*e

hold and William*. All klada of Sewing Ma- OHowe, Demotic, New Homa.Sramr, bold and Williams. All kind* of Sewl _ chine* bought, sohl, repaired and to let, IIAGKH'M AUESCV, IN Baaei3t.,Lnwrftm

Byron Truell & Go.



DRY GOODS aicABFETfflfiS •S record Is La w reace.

MONDAY, April 18th, WS ihall offer the following npoclsltles,

to be Continued through

the week. Th* following spsclsllle* Will be osmred ia




Cssrtm bid lor lbs Ceemsf si «***■! BMPBtJTruLLY renresens* Ivory r. B etler

_f Lawraace. i» ssld CeBEtyof Bee**, and

•tree'* Of *da*t<eg l.rsX, ftlbal Wss»t«r^abiid ofLsers Webster, now of aome ptfto* ksysnr

— SbTbf

te that of Uraee

Dated "ibis" Iwenty-alEth Any M March A. D.

Commonwealth of Maiaaohutettt PBOBATB COUBT.

A. "W*. Stearns <Sc Co.

OK tba foregaiag pstlUoa It i* ordered tbal iheiwiiiiowsrsaasi^said Laara W«ej*am.e*d all «*b*r partajs* Istmraated, M aptwaur at • Pro- bate Coen to be bold** il Lawrewee. u and I or aald oen a l j or Base ■, ea tba seoeadMonday of May nest, at nine e'eleek la tbo fnroaoam, lo *aow •ASM, If'an tbey bare, why tba prsrsr of •slinstlUeftshcaldnatlMgraBied. by eervhag them, If found In thi* Bute, with s e**>y of aald aatlUM, and this arder, MV** day* M least

' aadlf aot.bypablUalnglb* for three inoecaalrs wscka.

-ME, printed at Lawreaoe, In aald oounty of Bssai, tbe hut psbttestlss I* ba aevee days at Uaat before iaM sssrt.

Wllaeee, Uaoaos I*. CMOATB. sbqalra. Jadge of laid Court,tbU Uth dav or April Istbs ye*r c«*ibossamd*4«bt hundred and algbty^se.

J/T. MABU.NBY, sUgieter. Cepy-AtUat. ilShi* aT.T.MABOSIY. Rsglster.

Spring Jackets, Dolmans, Have- locks, and Wraps for 1881.

Wo have opened th* largest inveiee of these good* ever shown in Lawrenee, from SLMto *». Ladies'Ugbt •scan** »*,»;, glAO, M- Light Jackets **, gio, bit, SIS, #W. These Gar. meat* barlbgeowred satle Hoed* la Cardinal, frsnoh Bias. Kavy Blue mad Plalda.

Ladlee* Black Dolman* aad Wrap* from ♦» to $10.

Misses and Children's Garments. DRESS GOODS.


Lowell Carpets. rg EXQUISITE STYLES.

Wa 81u.ll Offer Fifty PIMM*

BLACK SILKS, at a very muck Lower l*rlee than lalerior good*

have been sold for recently at auction la tbisetty.



B Cases ABLINUTOK and WA1UIKOTOB DBE89 GOODS, at about bah former urloe*.

M rtaoe* 81711 a*BB BILXP, only M eabt* par yard.

1 CAM* TOWBLS, lor H 11 cents ra. h, worth ■MM

A fall line of LADI It' srBIHO QABMBBTS L'LDTBBS, Ao.

LACKS Is groat variety, M aapreeedentcd low prices.

DDMBST1C OOODb In great prftfuiioa at reduced price* tor Ibis waefc.

AH are Cordially Invit*d to Eiamineour ■took.

CswtaaaHwaaltBi af Maa*aesiw**4la.


To tbe Meat of Klu, Creditor*, aad all OUM Person* interested Is tb* esiats sf

Martha J. Thompson, 1st* of La wrw«o, In said 'hompsoa, ly, minor. <!

Tos ant biridy

■■■L ililu a*nton

249 Essex St. 294

MBS. J. H. GRAHAM. will commence


at ber reihleace.rsar of C IIAVEBII1LL ST

OBee hours tl o'clock a. m. until fark, landay* eacepted. timamrsT


SSor* for sale bt IL- for aettlng—11 Igg*. from his Light Brahma and Dark Brahma Hen*. I bar* boon Breeding the above varieties ires* tbotos atook, for *ever*l year*. With grand results, sad have spared no eapease to make my stock sspcrlor In quality, n»e and color. Tbey are drit-cla**, anportor layer,, *ad lap extra larg* Igg*. Just lb* atiala to broad from. Pirat Premlem B:rds*llh* Lawrenee rosltrysssw.

146 Ea.l Bt., Hill, LAWRENCE

HJm met*

Mrs. L. S. Waterman, FLOBIBT,

111*311 HTRKET.

ANDOVER, - - MASH. —an i>

Pelt Office Building, Lawrence

HOUSE AND BEDDING PL AN T S Over Ki,0M pot* *f Bedding out Plant*. (1

rftnlama. Verbenas,Colons, and all tbsdeslr ble sort*, Laadseape Uardealng attended i by atbniwagb artlet-

Musicai. r ispi. ta,Hrs,C,

will be at her former mnalc room*, Thuraday, Friday and Saturday

of each week, for lb* purpose of reoeivlng papile sa

PIANO AND ORGAN Further Information can beohtsineil »lT. A'A

Atkmaos'a blllllMry Htor*. MO B***i *ir**t. dAwU Hewn

.1* Charles L In lb* oeaaty of Ba**x. hereby elftrd is appear star >h*ld at Lawr*n< -

BSSt, at alee o'clock before noon, lo L If any yoa have, sgainat grsetlag tba And aald Char Las L.Lao* I* korsbvs

glrepeblls notio* tberoof. by pmMUblat this olUtfes onoa a week, for three * ace Mitre week,, le tbo sew •pane' called tbe


printed at Uwrmw, tb* last pebilcsdioa to bo two day* at least bstWs *sld eewrt.

loorge r. CbeaU. Bseulre, Jndge *f , thus **«oftd day of Aprfl. Is no thomand eight n.ndred and

BftM Cenrt, tbe year one eight

J. T. H AHUMET, Beglitar.


Oariei, Fleli, Flower aii Graw Seels, Vrooh, sUltatal* ss4 Pare,


Guano, Phosphates, Stookbridgs Msoures, Bone Fertilixsrs,



SOOTT & VIlsTOB. 343, 345 Common St, Lawrsnoo.

Farm At Auction

la Bradford, commanding a *M view Of tbe Herri mack stiver, a valaaMerarmof lMaerei, wii lob has been held by tbe pretest ewi '

Onr Hock le now eamplof. eroding tho latest aoyeltlm ol tb* aeeaoa, rreaek Cordarettei, Maa* Cwtb, Crap* Cloth, and Mamie.

Satin da Lyons andlMarveillaux Silks. I a* pee t onr |IU Marvel liens Silk, far iklrt * and aombmntUa*.

Soecjal Bargains in Black Cashmeres. Baamiae oar large a lock sf Blae* Ceshmarea. Wosld eell special attcatlea to bsr 1*o, iTfe

and SI eaalities; the** ar* mad* eut ol tba beet luster wool and ar* drap de (ta anlsh,

SATIN BROCADES. Tb* meat elegant display of Black Balis Broaade* ever eablbiied In thi* elty, from »l.» to

•SMasrpsrdl tbee* are all aew designs and ealraordlaary value; InapeeUoa iavltsd.

BLACK MOMIE CLOTHS. Mmnle good* ere very popnlar, aad ws hare a large stock; look at ear MV aed |1 auabtl**)

Scotch and Madras Ginghams in new Colorings. Shopping Bags and Fancy Baskets.

CARPET8 AND CARPETINCS. Bry ywsr Carpet* where pss ean lad the largest aaiortment, and at lb* lowest poeilbl* price*

Napier Matting, Straw Matting. Oil Clothe from I to S yards wide.




■ smash

ir(i*g*awnee*^o4rmjaklr,lt7ele«eiMrd* F fvwlt tree*, apple, pear bsdr -

*'— grapea, r*- rUl be aol

■tookandtoolaofuMlarmwill boa

*a lb* prim hie*. Bradforil, Mar* , or Is QBO II. Cutrts, Herald Building, tST Washlngtea atreeL

Bftle poellive to tbo blgbeel bidder, rale or shine.

S. H. CLABX, A ectioaeer. Osua 3i Oonrt bt, Boete*.


Waloh ean be bought low, with a liberal die eonat, for Cash,


Gen Jacqueminot Rose, Oaa ba obtalaed at tbe Oroobboaaee of

T. D. UAl.LBY, For Tw*nty-Flv* Csnt* Rscb.

Oood two year old Plaal* at M aad M eeota. Also a aelectIon Of rare Ureeaboaao i *d Bod. ding riant* at raa**aahle price*. » llanoheeur Street, laadlag I* tneCeme

lerles. \lt

OPIUM Awd NONPBIIIK M-blt r.raaial*ii.*>iiar«.T*er**r**v UklBbldt M ears*. Wrlla slat-


st MBB C DOW * OtTS Lamp »Ure, Odd

WANTED, FARMERS AND DEALERS TO KNOW Tbat tbo Oheanmt ami Best r*rtiil*er for all, erop* I*


Seed for onr descriptive pamphlet showing Uaaraaleed Analyai*. ••Beat Fite." Deslere wealed 1B every Coun,y, io whom etclnalvo tciriiory will be give..

Addreee BAUCH A SONS, Sole Mnnufnoturere, 12a .a 90 H. Delaware AIT., Philadelphia, Pa.

PROFITS 6IYEN AWAY! Here's Money for you !

Beat Savings Bank In Lawrence.


Winter Ulsters, Overcoats, Suits, Head, Neck, Hand and Foot Wear. Every Article marked In plain figures. Every Sale

wnrranted no represented, end if not entirely satisfactory, we exchange or refund


r.i. H .Wrcnre.



260 ESSEX ST, litl *.lrr seal*





Largest Stock of Fine Spring Clothing Ever Shown in New England,

And Challenge'Any Dealer In the State to Offer


MEN'S DEPARTMENT, 300 ALL WOOL rWEED SDTKUst 16.60. Theaa goods are as rtp-

rnsntod, rtriotlr ALL WOOL, and cannot ba matohed in tut oountrj, ss ths prio* aiked would not bur tba cloth,

1000 ALL WOOLISDITS at »8,r$8.50,'« Better Grade. $10, $11. ■1112,(113.50, $13, tit, f 16. A LIOHT.0HEVI0T, three button Cutaway, at 113.60 'regular prio,

$16,50), is oa* of the many Barraine in this Department. 1200.FAN0Y.TJAS8IMERE SUITS tt'prioat from 110 to $30. These

art among'.the Hobbieidthingt worn, and roung men ihould not fail to examine them.

A complete line of .MIDDLESEX; BLUE FLANNELS and YA0HT CLOTHS alwayi on hand, sal st Bottom Ficurei.

Of BB0AD0L0TH8 sod WORSTEDSwe mike s aoeoialty, and hara uuon onr counters t line of Suit, which for itjla, fit, make and trimmings are equal to any Custom Tailor's best productions.

YOUTH8VANDIBOYS'oDEPARTMENT. Erery Desirable'Fabrio' for Spring Wearfia reoreaented at Prioea

from $3.60 to |3U,00.

CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. In this Department wa show s Larger Stock than all other local con-

oems combined, and st Prioea so Low that ona visit will oonvinoe Parents it doea*not*paT them to make Children,''Clothing.

l9Hfe lark our Goods in Plain Figures. One Price to Ml I H^WB Manufacture no Shoddy Goods to Make low Prices! lf3*We cheerfully refund the Money when Goods are Returned I


The Buyer receiveelthe'worth of hie Money AT THE

UWIRMS IWBJtl «i If S, 224 and 2281E8SEX STREET.


feySsSda-enannnirS " - * *1"1 r°r-1 lion onlj—ilown.""ih,t~jr" e,l>e«n outof | m i„ww „„„,.




Ringworm Humor and Sah-Bkaum. IIAVXIIAM. MASS., Aug. 13, iff*.

r, I. noon* t'o.s OenUesaeB— • • • * I have had (hfMI humor uid Balt-rheum m> badly thai my body was covered with raw •urn; so, also, w|Mlk(He. I have had any utuiiber ol doctors hi the last serai

and fJoutwl owe << yocr Conk Books, f- rcadlng It I ftrund many pei.ple testtf eurea from tli.- UM of your Karaapartl Olive Ohitrnetit. I tclt forced to KltluiiiKli I had wen many things ajdv that uever did PM fin good. 1 have now taken two null bottles end UM IWH Mar*aparllU, and ineiil. 1 IHIW SSL . ,in be seen of tin' . line* of llir Korea. I shall take buttles, and then the cur* win be complete.

'""'fflf.'miT.a. Biliousness, Sick Headache.

ftfWFBtD. HAM. Mr.ssKs.C.I.Hr>m>BCo.: OwU-fWil

ile teatifyrng1 to srsaiaritla awl

I iclt forced to try It. n many thlugs advertised

_l auy good. 1 have now bottle* and one luge one of

it..- humor but the All ouf-

riese (or yean, rtbe only took oae-half l-mnftil at a dose, and Baa DO* been so

_-jWire yraraaioow. She found that within a week after taking ttsae felt very much belter, and la »ow entirely free from lh<~-*«*«-re neadnehe*. She luu not take* any of any account since laat spring, «■ • Bat lllllii al>«' hud I* MB to do Mime other* | jiue naii and w e roust hare It In tbe liouae.

Your* truly, __ HOMfcit B. HASH.

HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Isaold by all druMlsts. Price II, or aft Urge botth-a for »S. mpM only by f'. I. limit* tt IX), Apothecaries, I.owell, Mass.

«f~ I'se HuoiTa TOUTH-POWTOB.

Sffis [The Greatest Blood Puri

ON EABTH. This Urent German Medicine la core-J

posod of Yellow Jtock, Hand " tk'iillsn, I "amli-llnn, Jilnl|>er rici, *!.-., roTiii.iiiL.l with tbe u- Irnrt of Sulphnr which make* lt# _■ Hi.' Ureateit Blood PaeUenf *9 known. Do not even take


riiuit lin mlo, they an *av4lT.#*<»* *••

tst%ywiiM;.?LM*t .UTTLIW. the ptu-i I best medicine vntM

'out of order B fi-

ll BIT

IliTouToBguCotti . _ akk. no Finalter what afhv

r j on i u*

LvMtn EgSffigaafewfiV!»f ML

| y.-llnW sticky, nil? la your*

3 breath foul anilnf\ ■fmudvo7 Your atom ■ ?''" " tti&M9F£m» unable taVal^or ■ir*a Mii-rnui/n, „ t MOT bawl ■dtalolyt I»TOUI-#..I,I ?.._rirz'"V"?T*** PJcB

^.Kh'-Vid/Thfl Iuralld'a Fries*. /rtttyour^.thaaeMeedtoi- Jfterhigara soon made weU by

Jit* u»o. Bemember what you, C* #nod iii-re, it may save your

jf /life, it *-"

5/ Try a Bottle To-Oayl St PUICE, OSK DOLLAR.

#A. I*. Ofdway A Co., Cbemlala, Law- ' Proprietors for IT, i«ala»». %i


Where luu Oregon't The fishery question—(Juta bite?—

uck. Tbe small boy is saving bis money

for i lie circus. Tbe material for good soldiers must

be planted In drills. Tbere is always room on top. Tula

la flap;cia!ly no with a crowded atneet oar.

An aucborite is nut a fellow who, when he finds a pretty girl, will anchor right there.

A man digging clams hardly knows whether bo is fishing or engaged in agricultural pursuits.

Never refer to favors conferred. If you owe a man ••'* it would be ex- tremely indelicate to allude to it.

There is a flvedesged mule In Mis- souri. This aeems to be audlng insult to injury, as well as a leg to the mule.

A novelty in the form of a lace pir, Is a golden fishing rod ami silver line looped over the rod, with a gold flali dangling from toe end-

What ditl that old fossil mean when be wrote: "Watchman, tell ua of the night"? As if watchmen knew any- thing that occurred after dark!

Detroit Free l'reaa: "lUthoi a nice city," said Hret Harte to a friend In Scotland, aa they rode through n Scot listi town on the cars. " Whut place la this, anyhow?" The friend rapKetl: "This la Glasgow, where you have been consul tor the laat two or three years."

■Yea." said a great traveller, "get the St. llornard if you want a good dog. Thousands of times have I seen the noble animal, in the bitter cold, carrying lie frozen mister by the stack of the pant* over tbe highest moun- tains of Kurop*. Tow truth isn't hall told about these luperb creatures."

A woman writes to the Cincinnati Enquirer that she doesn't like the Russian bath, becauae she "can't see the fun of being laid on a marble slab and scrubbed, kneaded, slapped, and dented from bead to foot by a woman so stalwart that one can't get quite rid of tbe suspicion that she is a man In disguise."

"Henry la so practical!" ask! Mrs. Youngwife, "When mother went Into the country last rear, he sent all her things alter tier tbe very next day; be said auc might want Borne of them, yon know. And it's kind o' funny," she went ou, "mother did want them, for she has never come back to live with ua since. Wasn't it queer?"

The child of a very fashionable fam- ily was sick, and tbe colored servant was tent to the drugstore with a pre- scription. "IT the child cannot keep the first powder on its stomach, you must give it another OIK," remarked the clerk, aa lie pasted on the label. "You don't reckon we would give him the aame powder ober again, does yer? We aint BO poor folks, we ain't."



Murray k Lanman's




-*W SMITH'S fc*~ Medicated Prunes.




CURE Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Lack

of Energy .Loss of Strength, Want of Appetite, Inter-

mittent Fevers, etc. IRON IHTTRR8 an highly

recommenilcd fur all diaeaaea requiring a certain and efficient tonic.

IKON BITTERS ,,„■„■!, lit Mood, rirtntjthrit the WUW/M, and girt Raw life to

IRON BITTKRSactlikeacham on the Hige*(ire organs, removing all dyspeptio sjrnq^nut, mirh aa luafiay fla food, bricking, Ktat i* the ttomnek, aearf- burn, tie.

IRON IIITTKRH the only Iron Preparation that will not Uutim lit ferfA or BjM ktntlarhe.

8old I'v all ilriici'iit-. Write for the ABC Book, 32 page* of

useful anal amtning reading—sent free.

BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Baltimore, Mtl.

1lT leW



all dtaaaaea of the KMxr-. BlMM*r, Iri-arj OIWBM u4 Mtrrau *I*Umt wl« n iM.miiitfrl»tTui II Un>ai- furt^il* to Ibo ;mtw-iit,|»»iinotn lU pirrrii.snd tboflni ran tor iboa* nUotul »i«t irncb iliwM IAKUUH,

Diabetes and Hri^ht '* I>Iseaiie* wh»> Ha eana ot Onnl, Pr-p-j. CMarrh »r iko ■uaaer, Brlakdeat rnjwii, Pmlaral l'rlaaila*> ■l*a-< »Urc.l I'rlM, Narraaa WHILMI aaa Pala ta tka Itaak went nmn liko tutm-liv than caManf nat- ■nlbaalou.-. The |-r.i-<- :ir!nifi II vllhlo [h. rwh,.f aU ■adUoinanauiUr tt«o cuuiy lime* Ita sort la doctor* fclTli.nv I'li-loeiaTiJ plaak-n, wblch at but Sir* tall™. forarr rellrf. It ran be BWd wttboat ft*r or barm, aatl wWb certalDty of a ptnnanenl eom. For ■>*• by druc- ■Ma ariH-rallr. or w nt br mail trree of poataaw) on leerlpt of C>>> prke. 1'Jiialar I-ad. atM; cAlkTa Fad ((or lnrt>ntln<"i--" tt nrlr.-i In rhIWn ni, |t.U t Snartal (aalra Maal.eaoa {*arU»k, -Iliwalito IU SaT,,!," (trio*- tka hi-: L J ■■( tht* t * ■'■•■ ■■ ■»■ '7 ami a lire m-vrd ot ■art f nurL.iM-' i I-M■«/■■ nl (r..\. n'rllefurlL Addraaa,


UHTIH. ^^SFssrs^s**-** an II *■ ill- afliirtnl to wan attVklklM:VI'AI).uulUkaua< «■•, C. "■".mum «t OO., flow* Aajte,

■OSTOif, MAM. For aale by H M. HHIT.UV * CO..


T-i >be ordinary observar, aaambltloei to eicel ai ■ rider, the blcjcle Is a haras. Issa, .race/at ruachlu* coaalavln* of two whevU snd s dlatloativa saddta. To the caiWHal glance, It dlaplays no malicious orvkiou* IralU of character. StaodlDg a«alnat a fence it exhlblta an amooot or repoae excelled only by a aiatue of marble lo Itaeir It la a qalat, tooleaalva place of in-. Iiiiihm. Comblsed wlth.a human be- lag. It la an laatrUDMat of deatructlon.

aty neighbor, Aoguatas HaddlawlU, be- twoen whore wife and mine there la a continual aplrtt of rivalry In the nature of excelling la bonnets, faraltnre and babies. ban lately parehased a bicycle. Where or how he learned to ride I can nut tell; but wbea I flrat saw HaddlawlU ride down our atreet to hie own door, make a grace- I'ul and aite daacent, and then nod acritaa ihe atreet Ui n>« and remark, "Floe even- Ing, Prektafl," with the air of one aaed to hat sort of thing, my ioul was Ailed with

envy and all nneharltablanoas. , Frfim that hoar I bad the hkyclo fever.

1 seat to Boston for calalogaea. I talked my f I nd Pinjoy Into a aute or bicycle lunacy. I bored the Flyer Brother*, bi- cycle dealers, about the beat mike of ma- chine; and I anally Invested la a tin* Inch wheel.

I bad atodled tka theory or riding, and felt cmfl It-nt that it wai one of tbe easi- est ttalogs In life. "Tha monatlng," said 1 to Pinjoy, "i* Um moat difficult to learn. Uter that la accomplished, I am all right.

Tin.- riding la alatply a trick of balancing." Accordingly, after the bicycle arrived, I set out, leading tbe machine; and aeeom- paule.l by Pinjoy, to a amooth piece of couutry road aboat half a mile distant. The road had a alight dip; Jast enough to make the bicycle ran lUolf; aad accord- ing to all tho books, was Jut the place for a learner to uegln.

Arriving at the head of the Incline, I threw aside my hat aad coat —with all the ardor pecnllar to a man Just about lo ride for the Brat time. I grasped the handle firmly, as the book instructs, placed my left foot on Ike step, took two or three bops with tbe right foot, started down the Incline, atood up, at last} and then eat down In the middle of the road aboat ten feat from my machine. To aay thai I was surprised would be a needless remark.


Jacob Ohavoua, formerly w Leglalator, Arrested for Drunkenness—Ilia

< oiirtshlpe of a. Colored Widow.

About a week ago, there appeared on the streets a gn*tesr|uely attired colored Individual, who attracted considerable atU-i,iinn. lie wore a red cardigan Jacket, oli kui-o iiii-fiii- , act! crimson stock- inns, and on his head a crimson skull cap. Wh t purported to be bis hair, hung In a braid down his back neatly to hla heels, and In hla bands be cVrritd s broomstick. Ua announced hln.nrir as Jacob Chsrous, of Charlotte Vs. a lecturer, and engaged theclty hall for Frldsy|»venlnf. DoriagtV Wtek, when aot engaged In Ingratiating hlmseirinto the affections of a worth) colored widow named Harris, he spent his time In distributing band bills, bear Ing the following: —

citv hall Lawrence. Lecture ajal concert by Ja™liCha»oaa,o/taWrtultO, ta., Friday e.en las, Ai.nltf, HI. kfa. Cnaveas luaf, tor the lar.1 thirty years, traveaxf la the foe* ejuarter. oi tin- ■lobe, ami fata lestarattll « many of Hie wonder ■ ful Uilna.lM has sees. Tee i>rh>eteal IOJ-I,■* ,.r.-: A brlel account ollbe people ol Kuropt, Aalauml Africa; BHfWWawM IM raliiloua mannenol Die beaiben aatloaa, ofarinf ilieir children to i..- ■ lain, kail tba ilrlnkioi or blood aa a mn-nil.-,- Mr ■In; thanoclalcuniiilionoftheculoreu i>eoiile in UtedouUi, where he has traveled In the aus «■■ uedlns Bute* Tor IIH-pail luui jeara, and Uielr priiKpcct lor |III|IIIIVI'III,-HL.

Mr. Uharoua Will bu dreiaeil In the I-OMUNII- ol Kastsra Asia, and will durlna iae avsslns, traui- lais from twenty dirr--r.ntloase,-,. laka VnicH-n, aadatsglaeasait.iiliiiuraiiaa .11 Hertsi fonn- i i worship la tbe bjrbaroa* nalioa- and uim-i. Where be has trSVL-lnl, snd will alau deacrlbo Hi.- pUcea of lntere.1 m ilia Holy Land, and the ii ul *her Cliriit wa* m m-im-ii.

lauublmiell wllti Uaase aoopl.. swd**1baraw><j arifahlia*, He will irlale l.n-i- uala that have not been enrolled on tho ii:im-» ol

history. alaaadui

leloae with Jul lusbly reooniaemled by jfiUt'iilen, BDIOUS W li.-nl

inrnl will oloae with Jubilee Sonf I Mr. Cbefoua ooiaei hialdy

aereial well known — arathatoUowiBf: A, flake, U. B. Muj-ee, liyatic Valley, Can..; It. I.. Clark. Ks,| . ol A.h.way. RbrHle'l'ilt,:"''

Admltaioe tt;; Ue.erred aeaia .«■, School ol all sradoa, Hsi doorau|*eo si 7, com meaeeata Tim Jiiuileealnser. will be <tn -----I Islhonatlfe Afikian style. Also lbs fsfcttsru Ails, male and feaaale. Will be dreaae.1 In Ihe eoatume of their country.

He represented that he bad been a

member of thu Virginia legislature, and

looked upon as quite a dlifnllary by the colored people, lie obtained board wltb tht widow Harris, who ulaoed her beat room at hla disposal, and ev«u ilsU n. ed to hla tale of lore. In fact he proponed marriage to her, and on the -unn^iti ul hla representations, that be would receive asoOO from the sale of soaaa property In a few days, tbe widow advanced money lo him to pay for hla prlutlag. Laat Soul iy Jacob htctared at the OliveBapllatchurch and succeeded In getilmr some money. Ha might have retained the affections oi the dusky widow, had he been able to overcome his pBsilun Tor strong drluk, but tkls beeoBid not do, and since Sun- day ha has been on a genuine spree. He became so unbeatable that the police were notified, and Officer O Sullivan went to Mrs. Harris' house, snd nrresicd him. He was Intoxicated, lying In bed with a large carving knife beside bin. As a result hla lecture at the city hall wa* postponed. In police conn Saturday, a colored friend wko It laaald, has als rig and qtiser at. tire In keeplnn, paid his fine and he was discharged.

Chavous Is renreseotend as very well educated. He Is urti-flvu years of age, and claims tc have been an agent far Caa alua M. Clay's colonisation society, and to have taught school In the south. He also claims that he has a son who Is worth 620,000, and was himself at one time pos- sessed of 100 scree of laad with buildings, st Duprez county, Ta. He expresses his intention to persist in. his suit for tbe widow Harris'hand, but it Is doubtful she can look upon her guest again, ss or yore, with besmlng ryen of lovs.

At tbe sd|ourned meeting, Thursday evening, of the Lawtence street society, the original plan, which contemplates an enlargement or tbe recess, la wlllh aa Well SS In depth, was finally agreed upon, and the whole raalt.r put In tho hands or the special committee, lucri-usnl by the addition of Mr llambh-t and ttta asies- sora, who ware n\*vn lul power to com- plete the Bitaratluas j tho orgaa Is to be rebuilt, a portion of lhJ present iiiMni- uieiii being used in the uew one.

—Mr. Corthell, of tbe Massachusetts Benefit Association, Is meeting with most encouragiBgsuccess: laat Saturday be in surcd street comm'lsaioaer Hall,and three others la that department, to the amount of •14.000, wltha prospect oTtwotf three more la the same bureau.

of much more value than the knowledge of booka| and I proceeded mortcarerully. I BOOB was able to go tea or twelve feet, standing on the step. With patience aad many (alls, I at laat learned tba knack of keeping the wheela on their edges Instead or on their sides; and then I attempted tbe aaddls. But bora vaulting ambition o'e Heaped Itaeir, and fell on the other aide, aad I sat down In the road.

However, 1 sace t ded st last, and man- aged to run to the bottom of die Incline, Without using the pedals, where I dropped off lo one side and led the machine back, and mounted and cam* down aa before.

I waa at laat raeeeasfol. Plafuy sat oa tke bank with watch Iu Land and timed me. Then, aelzed with a geuile emula- tion, be hat ma a paper oollmr that be could roo down tbe Incline faster tbsn I could ride, which bet, as my pride was touched, I accepted, and wa started. That race ended my desire to be a bicycle rider. Just as wa began, a covered butcher's wagOB Jogged by aa and for a little dis- tance kept ahead, bat as the bicycle gath- ered moaMBliea we gradually gained on It. It waa my flrat aad laat triumph. Pin- Joy waa panting away at my side. Tbe prospect of beating the butcher's team loomed up before me. I trashed down the Incline, nearer and nearer the wagon, til only two or three feet Intervened be- tween me and tbe cart, when, the batcher having dropped hla whip, palled up short. Tbere waa a collision over the corn beef boa i I shot aoder the canvas cover and rrcllued oa three or four legs of beef. Tbe boras, frightened by thla anusual oc- currence, started off at a frightful pace, I caagbta glance of Pinjoy and the butch- er standing by the bicycle la tbe middle of the road; then there came a crash. I flew through the air with aa accompml meut of dead beef, and landed In a ditch by the aide or the road. Pi njoy, with the aid of a dozen farm hand* palled me oat from beneath half a cow, and set me on my feet In the road. I found both legs sound aad could walk; so we sorrowfully wended our war uomewaida, wiser, bat sadly battered young men. Pinjoy lead- ing the bicycle aad wearing a wet head- kerchief across but nose. I, ragged, wet, dirty, with a sprained wrist snd broken head. I waa confined to my bed for two weeks, paid an enonaoea bill or damages; and lo any ambitious person desirous or Investing their money, I have a bicycle for sale. JKHSMV PICXLBS.


Funeral of the Victim-Lul her Foster Takea to Jail—Public Sentiment

Concerning Ills C'ounectlou With the Affair.


The laahoMera' Faree. Victuallers Who Cannot Victual.

I sat up In tba middle of tbe i ty highway and stared at that bicycle a 1th my eves stretched wide open. Tee, and my mouth too: ■■surprise bai this effect—to make one dumb. Yet leave tba gate which eloqaeace slips

through As wlila aa if a leog speech wars to corns ■"

Plujoy Indulged la Inappropriate snd unseemly laughter, which, wsa anythlag but soothing to my jarred nervous sys- tem The book nays, "Only a steady ap- plication oan overcome the obnaclas In the way or a beginner," but I believe I did not see that sentence until after my first fall.

Somewhat more cautious, and handling the bl.rycli: with more respect thaa before, I made another a'Aeaipl. I grasped the handles i-un, placed my Lit foot on the step, as th; book remarks, took one hop with my rkht finl, and the hlcyclu lipped to the right. I took another hop, at tbe SJUIU Mine endeavoring to bring the ma- chine, lo an upright position; but only succeeded la throwing It still more to the i i jin. Then came a moment of Indecis- ion. A mighty struggle whether I should pull that bicycle up straight or It should pull im- down with It. We ualaiiceil a moment or two and then 1 aprawled my whole length and breadth oe tke Bide or my wheel, to the great araa-wment of flujoy.

It WHS a warm eveulog and my eadsiv- in-. MUI I'uijdi',. remark*, had raised my blood to boiling point. We held a coun- cil of war, while the bicycle lay quietly In the middle of the road, and concluded Mi i. aucceea would be achieved more quickly if he huld tbe machine until I got into the saddle, and then kept It steady for a short tlms until 1 got need to tbe thing. He grasped the bicycle by the head, and braced bis feet about a yard and a half apart In order to have a good base, ami 1 mounted, not without fear and iremhlliiu, and aacceeded In Heating ray self. I WAS just about to Bay, "now then ease her ofT," when a terrier .tog came tearing along the road from a neighboring larm nous*, and began a close tasptctlon of Pinjoy's heels. This divided Plojoy'a attention. Bvery time he kicked at tbe dog be almost threw me rat Rvery time tho dog jumped at hlru he waa seised with a desire, to run away aad leave me lo my dangerous position. Iu tayas precarious situation I made up my aslaa] that I woald be safer If I was eUadJag on the earth, ao I attempted a dismount, and was Jast reaching my. fool hack to feel for the step, when I'lnjoy, exaapersted beyond iiemiiiL', launched an cspeclBliy vicious kick at the terrier, jerked the fore wheel around, caught hla foot Iu tbe spokes, tripped, roll, and brought myself and tbe bicycle on top of him wltfi a crash.

Pinjoy's ejaculations were frightful. His language to me In tbta trying moment or my lite, was exceedingly unconrteons. His after desertion was base la the ex- treme. He retired to tbe side of tbe road sud bound up bis head with a handker- chief

My ardor by this time was conslderab:* dampened. Yet, knowing that patience •nd perseverance conquer all thlaga, I, a third llm-, picked np the raVeytie aad) my- self for another tilal. 1 bad le-irned sosse experience, In my half hour or acckleats, M

whlch la bicycling aa In. other arts, as often' tfioosiad.

Tbe funeral services over tbe remains of Arthur Poster,were held Friday afternoon at the residence or bis brother-in-law, Charles Q. Oonld, at North Andorer. fhey were conducted by KB v. A. II. Arnory, or Grace church this city, and only Immediate mends or the family, and realatlvaa ware present.

Thursday, district police officer Batch- elder conveyed Lather Foster to tbe jail, where he will remain until arraigned next May. There Is little hope of his securing asooo bonds. As he was being taken to the jail, he Inquired of Mr. BatcbeMer If he thought that bis sentence would more than rive years, to which tbe officer re- plied that he could not tell.

Tbere Is no doubt that Luther's prev- ious good reputation, his remaining with the body of bis unfonunstu brother, and tbe delivery or himself to the officers, created some public sentiment In bis favor. His statement, that be had been persuaded to participate In the crime by bis brother, wss at flrat generally be- lieved, but since his testlmoney at the Inquest, there haa been a revolution In public sentiment respecting his connect- ion with the affair. In fact It Is now be* lie veil that the brothers have long plotted the crime, and Intended to get rarmer Wilson's money, even at the risk of tak- ing bis life. In bis testimony, Luther said that Tuesday evening be met his brother as he waa going towards his boarding; place from tbe town, and that Arthur told him he was going over to Wilson's. He then went to his room, while Arthur Went to joaog Fuller's room and borrowed his revolver. He testified that he did not know that Arthur had the revolver or stove wreneeh, but It Is not believed that ha west with hla brother, neither being rognlxant of tbe feet that violence waa premeditated, and that the weanoua were at hand to accompllab It, especially after he had taken from Arthur a box of pepper which he acknowledged on the witness stand, only after close questioning, that it wss bis purpose to throw tbe pepper dust Into Mr. Wilson's eyes and blind him. Furthermore he testified that when hla brother was push- ing In tbe door, he (Lather,) had the pepper box la hla hand with the cover partially removed, la readiness to tarn It

Mr. Wilson's eyes when tbe door wss oponuii. In fact, according to his own i.-siiinoin-i. He was to lake tho Ini- tial step In ihe assault u|*ou the farmer. Further evidence thai he was fully aware or the entire purpose or their midnight journey, is given la bin testlmoney to the effect, that before proceeding lotbe scene of tbe tragedy, bu and hla brother got a pint of whiskey In two bottlen, one of which he carried, Arthur having the, other. He testified that neither drank all of tbe whiskey, and that be threw bis bottle away, he does not aay where, and that he does not know what became of the bottle that his brother carried. No bottle* were found near tbe house. The belief now Is tbst Walter has not told all he knew or tbe aOlaU, and tht theory which la befog accepted. Is that wbea tbey met upon tbe street Tdusday evening, it waa agreed that the brothers should not be neon gether ax their boardlag place agalo that evening, that Arthur should borrow Ful lar's r.ivolvwr, ostensibly to shoot cats, and mea-t Luther In hla room after other occupants, had retired; meaarwhlle, that ha should shew himself la the rooms of other students In order to divert plciou, which he did. Luih ir's testimony that be was persuaded to Um commission of tbe crime by his brother, aad that he endeavored to dlaeaade Arthur from bis purpose, Is not generally believed, doss It appear plausible In the light or the fact, that be was at hla aa/ortunate brother's shoulder, at the door or farmer Wilson's chamber, with a box or pepper In hand, ready to atake the first attack on tba old nan whom they believed aaleep and unarmed. His ceadnct since his ar- rest has not been such a* woald ho ex- pected from a young man who had passed through such a terrible odea), and has re- mark to district officer Batehelder, plain ly shows that tbe enormity of the crime and ludreadral consequences, Is not up permost In hla mind, bat the extent ol punishment which will be meted out to hint

—Mr. Dsnlel Coolln proposes consider- able Improvement iu Ids recent purchase, PC Broadway. H*> will raise; tbe building and build a store umbuneath. 30 feet front aad M f,«t deep. It will bo dtted np for a cafe with a luncb room a0x42 feet, dining room, baab room and water ctoaeu. Tbe window* will be pint* glass 7x10 feet Tbe store will be dnlahed through- out in hard wood. Mr. OeorgeQ. architect. Is preparing the plans.

-Builders complain of the high price m' bricks. They are scarce, and common builders brick aell ai 910.00 a

If the course, thus fat penned by the Board ol Aldermen on the license ques- tion, foreshadows their future action la thla particular phase or the municipal ad- ministration, Lawrence blda fair to excel any city In the Commonwealth In showing how complete a farce ihe llnaor license law caa be adapted. Tke coarss has beta thes far thla year to give nearly every one who haa aaked for it, an laaboldtr's li- cense, whether or not tbay have accommo- dations for providing rood or lodgings for guests. The committee oa licenses report favorably on such petitions, the Board of Aldermen, not wishing to appear dlacoarteoua to the committee, have granted the licenses recommended, without Inquiring into either tbe charac- ter of the petitioner, tka nature locality la which be proposes to transact business, or whether bu can furnish the accommodations prescribed by tbe stat- ute. Tbe result la that through this asg- llgence or carelessness, whichever it may be termed, laabolders' liquor licenses have been granted Individuals who do not aad cannot accommodate transient guests and seek such licenses only for the par- pose of keeping open shop on Sunday, or for tbe purpose or keeping houses or assignation and prostitution. Thla Is a rac: which can be attested to by nearly every police officer In tbe city.

The whole number of liquor licenses, Including those granted to druggists, Is- sued tbe peat year la tM. Of these 21 have reen takea out by so-called innhold- ers, 179 by common victuallers, 11 by grocers, 10 by wholesalers aad * by Brewers. Of the total, the ao-called kitchen bar-room predominates, that is, there are Ul persons licensed, who reside at their places of business, aad 19 of these dwell and do business la basements A batter Idea of the extent of tbe traffic may be gained from the following. On Common street there are U places where liquor la sold, Essex SS, Bampshlre 17, Oak 12, Blat 14, Bioadway 19, Amesbury

Valley 11, Chestnut 6, aad even quiet, retired Bradford street has its resort for tbe thirsty.

The Board or Aldermen have voted to grant liquor licenses thla year and have fixed tbe rates. It haa been the experi- ence of previous Boards, that not all who apply for licenses are fit persons to have them, and among this class may be enum- erated those who drink to intoxication, those who desire that the traffic ahall assist them In the barter of virtue, those who have not the accommodations for conducting tba traffic according to law, and thoae who have no character and will bs likely to furnish Intoxicating liquors to every oae who baa the money to pay for it. It remains to be seen what the pres- ent Board will do In this respect, bat if they follow tbe coarse thai far pursued this year, the ability to pay for a license wonld seem to be the only requirement needed by the applicant.

The license to inaholders, aa It haa been given thla year, has dwindled to a farce, and Is only a cloak for Sunday traffic or baser purposes. Of 21 lnnholdera* li- censes granted, there are but 13 who can afford, whs*. la a strait, can be called lodgings, for any one to avail themselves or, and only four who can give what la known, outside or Masiaehuaetti, aa hotel accommodations. The remainder are mere ruiu-abops with a room or two attached, with hardly suitable accommo- dations for the licensee's family. At South Lawrence there are two licensed Inns. One consists of a bar room and a card room; the other consists of a bar room, a kitchen and bed room. On New- bury street, directly opposite a acbool house, a main thoroughfare to and from chinch for people residing ou the corpor- ation, a wooden building, not over sixteen feet high, rejoices In the name of a hotel, simply because the Board or Aldermen have granted Its occupant an innholdsr's license. Io a word there are six licensed Inae In the city, where a stranger could neither get a meal or victuals be would eat, or lodgings he would care or dare to put up with. The citizens deserve some- thing better from public servants than that such plBOt-n should be IIceased, least or all for Sunday traffic, and there is no citizen, who has tbe wall-being or bis owa or bis neighbor's children at heart, who would give his consent to having a liquor saloon located within a row feet or the school wherein tbey are taaght.

The llqaor traffic bis been legalised In thla Commonwealth, but it b* eon- ducted under certain restrictions, and V, Is the duty of the municipal powers to aee that Hie conditions under which li- censee are grained, are not violated; for ihermore, to lake tbenecersniy precau- tions that licenses shall nob be granted to persons who desire lo engage in the traf- fic for improper purposes. It Is well un- derstood that within the patst five years, there have grown up In thla city bouses resorted to for prostitution, and whllj municipal authorities grant licenses to the keepers or these, tbey appear to tacitly acquiesce In tbe condition or affairs, and the police are powerless to stem the evil, which yearly la on tbe Increase lu this city. The present Bosrd or Aldermen may stem this toirent of vice in a great measure by refusing liquor licenses to those who they have reason to believe desire to make the traffic accessory to atlll more Illegitimate business, and when con- sidering applications for liquor lertiiBVt this rear, may learn something or the reputation of aone or tbe "hotels" of the city, by consulting tbe police lu relation to the principal business carried on by the occupants.

BAYS WISTAB'S BAXSIV or WILD UUBBRY always at band. Il cures Coughs, Colds, Bron- eaWs, Whooping Coush, Creep, Inflnenaa. Coasampttou, and all Throat Bad Lung Com -''its. 50 cents and St a boll la.

icod Vow nova

A cocoa, ecu* oa boas IUBOAT should oe •topped. Neglect frequently results in an la curable Lang Disease or Consumption. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES do not disorder the stomach Ilk* cotib syrsps and baliBius, bat act directly on the Inflamed parts, allaylni Irritation, live relief In Aathma, itron-

'"' Coagha, Cattrrb and tho Throat trout-lea aad facile Speakers are subject

in'i ltrnnel.lal Tr.H-ti which Slaters i to. For thirty yeara Brown's Bronchial Troch as have bees reeomneBded by phvilclani, and alwaya give perfect aatlafacHon. lining been

"— -ildsan J — tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire general ion. tbay have attained well-mer lied rank amonx ilio few tuple remedlei of tbe age. Sold at Mr. B box everywhere.

Vsod lvrisat

MOTHERS I MOTHERS ! ! MOTHERS Are yoa disturbed at night and broken of

yoar rest by a sick child, suffering and cry ID with the •xeradatlag pain or cnttlnx teeth

air- asyiM h) fr

V SOOTHING BYRUP. I gel a bottle of Mil S. WINS.

__JMO BYRUP. Il will relieve the BOM UtttoaaawawrlmaaedUuly—depend up- oat*; there la ao mistake aboat it. There II aot a mother oa earth, who has ever nasd tt, who will not toll yoa at ones that It will regu ult Ike bowels, aad give rest o lbs mother

relief and health to the child, operating *" ' perfectly safe to use In ail

it to tbe taste, and .■ the pre




Beat la the world. "Laats longer than aav otVer. Alway.i in irooj cotntllion. Cures sores, -nta, brutaeaaml corns. Costs but little more

an the lotitallona. Every puckage Las the ademark. Call for tbe genuine, and take so

ALABASTINE! For gnlabiag Walla aad Catlings, ta lbs moat valuable material known. It la far SB per lor to Kaleoraine, and more economical. It la a valu- able dlacorerr, and its merlla aa a wall dnlab are une.iualeit. It la tbe oalr natural and dur- able nnirh tor Walls- it will pay you lo send for aaiiini. card aad testimonials Co

Averili Faint Go., 19 Federal St., BOSTON.

Advice and circ

likeaugic. It it dpi* ofo scrlpUon ofoaa ol theoldett and best female

physicians and nurses la the United States, sold everywhere. 26 cents a bottle,

wtsedlyr Ian I til

ASK Hie recov- ered dyspeptics, bil- ious sufferers, victims of lover and agne, tbe mercurial d laeaaed patient, how the* re covered health,cheer Inl aplrlts and good appetite; tbey will bv taking

ThaChaap-tat. Psiraat nod ■ at Family MeaUalwe lu the WorlsL

rorDTSPErSlA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice Billons attacks, HICK HKADACIIK, Colic, pswrseatoa of Bplrlia, SOUK STOMACH, llearl Bam, * o „ Ao.

This aarlTBUsd Sonlbern Remedy la warrant ed aot to eoalale a single partlele ofMsuooav, or aay lajerurae mistral substance, bal la

PVBULT VEGETABLE, eesabialDg those eoatbera RooU-an.l Herbs, which an all-wise providence haa placed In eountrfaw Where Liver Disease* most prevail. It will ours all Diseases canted by Derange aant of the Liver asd Bowela.

TUB SYMPTOMS of T.lver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste In the mouth; Pain in the

"t. Sides or Jolale. of us mleUken tor stben. am; Soar Stomach, Lou ol Apptllte; How ala alleraatelT costive and laa; Headache; Lo.s of memorv, with a painful aaaaalfoa of liarinx miled U» do aonaelsiag which ought lohSTo been cornVj^uKyTLow 8plrll.J*a thick yellow appearaaoaartheBklBaad Kyea, a dry Cough oitea ■letokea tor Uonaamptloa.

Sowatlsaes BUMy of these evmptoaaa attend tat disease, at others very few; but the I.ivxa, tbe largest organ la the body, ta generally the seatoi the diaease. and If not raauiaUd In lime great Buffering, wretchedneta and DEATH wltl

I ean reoommead as an eM oae tons remedy for disease ofthe Liver, Heartburn and Dyspepsia, Simmons' Liver Regulator.


"We bave lea ted Its virtues. personally, and know that lor Dyspepsia, Blliousneaa, ami Throbbing Headache. It n the beat medicine the world over saw, W> have tried forty other remadlea before Simmons' Liver Regulator, but none of them gave us more than temporary relief; but the Regulator not only relieved, bnt eBredaB."—Ei*.lKi.B3BArH ASD MBSSBHOKB, Maesn, Ua.

r-narABBD on LT BV



$777 A YB1K, and expenaea lo

ffi a year to Agenta, and expenses, SI outiiilris. Address r. swam A Co.

.oguiia, Me.

o the Boys of Hew England.

LAWRENCE Buslne ss Directory.


M> H.MX Sirtet. L.wre.ce. «,., Eibei .ad CbloroioraAtal*la,md.



ClLARA H. ROGERS. M. D. ' Diseases of Women a specialty. Oatoe aad Residence, lull stavubiiJbiM.i.

OMet hours I to • a. at. a io t, 1 to *■ p. i Vly msrllTt

attention paid to preserving NaturalTcelh. uncial Teeth inaerted. Uas or etber gi*< preferred. 1 lyoell


Cer.Lawreaee * Common Bti Has returned frota Bnropeand resumed piae ties oi bis .irofesalea.


378 Havered!! Strott, OMoe Hours


D Lawrence, Mais.

Mass. etoa, Oalsesftoaa, tarred. Closed daring August.

J. H. htlDDBB, DBNTAL 8UR- , Lawrence, vea, aa pre

DKCKBB 4 WHITTIKR, GROCERS. _ Croekery and Glass Wart. Strictly pare

lawatei af Butler and Cheese. M ABaWaVaV* Street.

E WBt__, Ulxa, magalatars, Ac, A niraalll work done.

, H. HARRIS, 266 BROADWAY, of UetbeK, Hunt Machine Co. Turbine Water

E8.TATB8. M. 1)., PHYSICIAN an • Burgeon.

Oaaaw, at7 aUstx Street, corner el Lawreaee tteaideace.tSSumaaer Street.

Kvery dsy st noon, preslaely, after April n li.illt.oii Mi feet lilsb "111 bs released frean tka. (up or l*nk Hall, lloalon, and a reward of a anlt of i I..I I..- will be paid to l)*e bay who captures tt and return. II to Boston. Wa alao gir* to every ens- tmiirr i i niir lM.v»'ilcpartmint,an Inflated farialan Balloon, HO centimeters In diameter I

The .in -r. of Men's and BojV Spring and Sun- nier Huila and Spring Ovcrcoata is complete, ana aurpau'-n In variety and general riccUsHM all nrastr .llaplnyi. In three hundred Now Xafdand towns and cities we are represented by ratabflabed Agenla, In whose full lines of Spring and Summer Samples will be found, and whh whom our trade can confidently deal.

Wlnii yon go to lion ton bo aura and visit Oak Hall—lbs famous, yne.price, reliable Cleaning

Samples and rules for self measure sent to aay

e. W, SIMMONS & sou, OAK HALL,

32 to 44 North Street, Boston, The oldest (ahnsnwg Honss la New Kngumd.

1>. W. LOUD, Agent, Lawrence. •w eoa l mar«>


Portraits and Landscapes. •at ataaaa ST., Lawaaaos.

Lwlih Bug bee A Meok.te* lasex street, Law aprttlly.

JOHN O. RODE U MB, Old Bo. PampBlets, aad Mna Blank Booka made to

BODBMBYBB, BOOK BIND Books, rebound. Magaalne 'nale bound at short nolle

order. She* StT BsseX S ITtflV

. No. 10 Valley street, near the Common.


„ rrenca.Maaa. PeraonalatlenUonto allbusl. hsas fitivtit


tha moat eaTtnatnusl m.dy far all Die- ses of I las Btldwers,

Bladder a,a*a llrl star r Or gf a ma, V • an nl« Cean - -"slats amst tiemernl

bllUr.aurh *■ palm I, dracilai senaa- a la. the Baek and ma, Bwppreaasd str araada.Hl I rln*- II*M, with wlililth •.-

k-dwst deiinsll, Dropav, Grave I, lHa-

'* -Its,Orstawle Weak- J, akt. KfriiRETirna

__ I wo eqwnl tmr baanemesaeinidWeafc-

"" r to fa- HKrHBtETICIIM In

ha asset ksowa rel idy for Ulabales.

■ ■rHMnrWTJM.nsnT.sile nwd Btl ■lauat t»B> •.gad para.-a, Is wtokosU rival. Be aSre amet oak Her X»aV BtUxV.

TlCUXf- r.r aavlatar nlll»r»B«lata. Price, .-ly BLOW per bottle.

O. B, HOBKWTBOM, Prwpiletfr, BSostnw. UEO. €. UOQDWIW * CO.. His. A pea. (a



• lam wimiTiii UMTI HtlULI.

Prloo, SO CM. 1.Ck^m.h^\UU.

Sold by ill Draggiits.

INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di- gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels.purifiesthe blood. A Book sent free Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N.Y.


u*d*ir 001a ■

375 Eutx Street, Lawrence.

Wheeler 1 f Iiia Iiiifictulu Co



&teM&H&. SalearooalSl, UBI cence. I8S Common Btre



.— ...^^ ITVIRADK.MN. MB,

booked at lowest rales to or fr..n. any sad StaUou In Inrepe or America

nlormatloo. plans, Ac. 1 p;.l| 1- 7 Rowuxo Uasa-i. S 1

r to linn HuarBT, :ot Bttox St., Lawn 1eniaev7

Uhmerds grow. OnrHKWfi t sssaplat* fraaSlai aa tka Baa., W r*.. IrMsrlv ff* «Sa«alWa»iiaTrertandcWwatvar«b«-/W*i-nP

TNI DINOCC A CONARD 00. 9 laws Otawars, West Orore.Chtster Co.,rs

Teow lot febiB


AROHITBOI Rooms II and.,12

rtaev Bank Bui Id in» Lawranre

CO., «iew. An*" t..Bi>B(oai, BSaas


— About ihrc.t u'cl'k Saturday morning, officer John (XatnlUaao famnd three tramps sleeping on lfaddox's farm, it ftoath Lawrence. He handcaffed two of them touelbtr, and gave them Into the custody of Richard Donovan, the night watchman at the RostoB and Maine sooth depot, but they escaped from him. Officer O'Sulllvan look his tramp to the police atstion, sud obtaining a team, with officer Johnson started after the rnaawaya. They came up to them on the Lowell roao, about four miles from tbe city, and again took them Into custody. They were In a sorry plight, handcuffed to each other, one of them only having any shoe on. Tbey gave thJ iiaasea, John Murray, Thomas Salllvan and Jona Ryan. ID tbe police 1- >urt tbey were aeaienced to three monlba In the House of Correction, for vagrancy. Tbey answer the description of mea wanted ID Lowell for larceny.

— Street commissioner Hall his near the stone crusher on Tower Hilt, a very large pile of fine stones, which will be need In baikllBg macadamized road, when the weather Is open. Tbe Inside of tha house has been cleaned up, tbe eaglae and holler newly painted, and everything is in the beat of order, aa enough broken stone Is OB hand now to Isat some time, sad therefore tbere will be ao work done here for the present.

—The number of orphan In tb« any In m at present is 48; of these It are paid for tiy friends, but tbe remaining SB ire sup- ported and educated gratuitously. Last year fifteen orphans were placed iu good homes. The Bisters of Charity received last year #901.71. or Which B170.7S was donated by the Catholic Friends society, and tha raaasalnder was realised from a plcalc.

8|ffERs Shooting; Chllln Down tht Back.

Dull pala ta tbe limbs, nausea, blllonanesa, aymptoms of approaching (ever and ague. I'se without delay Hosteller's Stomach Hitter., which aubitltutes (or tbe chilly sensation s genial warmth, regulates Ihe atoroarh. and Im parts lone to the live-. The bowels, ihe siomseb and the biliary gland using rcatored to a healthy condition, the dlseaae la conquered at toe out SSI.

For sale by all Drugs Ma and Dealeia generally.

sod 11 jr marts

■ rf^l

$v-Rot Cart, Dwptpjb, I*na Affec- tion,, Denarii Debility, Pever and Agne, PaiAlyiii, Chronic Diarrhoc a, Boilt. Dropiy, Humor* Female Com - CU, Lirer Complaint, Xemittent

r, and all diieaM. originating in a bad Bute ol the Hood, or accompanied by Debility or a low State of the Byitem.

tMd 1MW 1, M*M I


blood intonation,and should be worn by everyone tublocl to Bbeuntatftm, Neu- ralgia, Ncrroua Dis- eases, Slceulcta Nights, Hy aterla, Kpilepsy, Dysuepsla Fevei and A M US, Heart, Liver, Lung and Kidney Diseas- es. Nursing Mothers and Children wear tbe Boston Halter r ;

,■ . ■■ 'its action upon the l.'--y ^^ * moloer snd child

will be fonndfervqulelinx Motbera now dia- canl all soolhinh syrnps, and use the Uoston Battery, thus relieving the idiiid ol muoo suffer- ing caused bv nsreotics. Sent l.y mall every- where oa receipt sfnrlce, fli cents. Sold by all Drur^UU. Men aad Women ArentB wanted In every ally aad town. Addreaa. llosoo Ualvantc Battery Co., 134 Tremont 8i.,Bo.ion, Maaa.



1 5EED5. z MNhET-p


;pRiNGnLLn. cod 'Us mni-Jff rl>

rilK niLI.KKIC.V KAM1L1' SCHOOL, rnr B >ya, Blllcrlca, Mass., Is designed lo be

1 Home S.-lmol ol tits tlrst onler. For Informal Jon wo refer lo l>r. C, f. Morrtll, rfortli Ando- yer; Bey- A. L, llopghion, Lawrence; Moses roster, Etq., Andorer Vs. Bank, and Rev. C. C liuaser, pastoi ol the rirst Parish. Blllerlea, and member ul stain Hoard of Kduoallon; and for Circular send lo

M C.tdlTCHELL, Prlacliial. Keod if deo

1 a


K* oi tin KBM- H-V. An illiliiil lot ears for 8emleal Weak- noss, Sperma- torrbea, Impo. ti-nc.7 and all Diseases that follow as a so- quence of Mill'

jAbuse; asl.ovs _ , -. Jemory, Ifnlvrrsa! Lassitude, Hack, Dimness of Vialon, Premature Old age, that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematnie i.rsvo.

sefl'ull parttculari In our pamphlet, which we doalre to send free by mall toeveivona. •er-Tbe HpccfOo Medicine la aold byalldn Kills st ai per package, or slxuaokag- * or will beaent free by mall on recel money, by addre.alnz


Sold In Lawreaee by KVBRABD H. SBLLKY QBO. V. tioouwia A Co., Wholesale Agents.

BOSTON. eod*eow lvdeolS



by all ilrng- [Sges for Si, celpt ol tbe

Cannon's Commercial College, FOltMKRi.Y


Book-keepine, Commercial Arithmetic and English Branches.

Special Attention given to Penmanship. I'l.KASK CALL OH SEND FOB OlttOULAR.

•■ flad. _ <J. C. CANNON, Prlaclpal.

ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers,

raov DealtB every TbaritU] for Liverpool,

vlaliondonderry,ofermr,aui>cilMiccomaaodallon to Cabin Paeaesrara, at moderate rales. Bitre ateaasera from aLASOOW, WALtVAI aad tgtfBBlf BTOWM for BOSTOR direct. Kind treatitunt and comfort Im Rleerago Paaaeagera Is made a tnccinlly by this Line. Outward and Prepaid Tickals as tow Ba by any oilier flrat class Lino.

Por Uulward and Prepaid Tickets apply lo Thos. Urimn, lu White St.; p. Munihy.iUU Bttez St.; tieo. L. (lage, fHM Essex aad SB] Lowell Bt.;.James Murphy, MS Essex St., agents at Lawrence. Or fa Leve A Alden, General Pattenger Agents, & State Street, Boston, *7 Broadway, New York. tt sea del a

ri ! I latlJ!ii»Mll|ll.!l!!J


Parlor Suits, Centre Tables,

Elaeeries ■ I... W.I... .b.Hh.r •.,.,

'..■ah K..»■ ...n Tahl.. ■ l.ah W.I wa. Mlri.-<........


Better and Finer Class of Goods

J. PILSBURY. Jr.. No. 8A1 KaseASlreefLnwrsn.-e.



FLORISTS. Glvetlhelr apeelal,attention lo DeetralloB o

Rooms for Weddings and Parties. We have else a choice oolleelloa of rare and beautiful Plants for Church Decoration.

A Chtales CalloelUu. efWhaataal Straw Balked Cktap.

No. 303 Essex Street. Qreen Hou lei Corner Acton Street and

Broadway- f tm N

IF Yon itre in want of a

White or Fancy Shirt or a

Nobby Tie, call on CURTIS.

PYLEVS > in 1 1 1 1 1. ,



QTTTITR O.TTTJTi! Por Conrhs, Coble, Bronchitis, O U aSh U U -twJ!l Asthma, Consumption,

And ALL DI8EA8E8 of the Throat and Lungs. ti Up in Quart Size Bottles for Familyl Use.

PAIITIAM IJOHT BE DKCB1TKD by unprincipled dealer- win. try 1., palm wMVaJ I ■■aeflwa of upon you Rock and Bra In place o( our TOI.l! ROCK and llVfc. which !■ the only MBDICATBD article made, the UEJsiiaK having a UUVKHRBMII

Ealraet fraaa It*part er tka OuaaaalBalwaior mt Internal Rtvtsnt 1


Measra. LAWBBNIiB A MABTIN, 111 Madlsin Si., Chtosgo, Ills..- (•BXTLKMBM :-~l have received a "certified formula" giving the ingredients and lelalivepro

portions used la the mannfaclnre 01 an arlleiewhlcb ycu advertise and tell under Ihe naaito 'TOLU, ROCK AND BTK." This eoMBoaad,aceordlag to your foimuls. in ihe 01 inlon 01 Ihls oSace, weald have a ta Bo leal qaaatltyer tbe BALsAM OP TOLU lo give Hall Ihe cdvaniagis aseribed to this artiest la peeioral oemalalaU, whlU the whlaky and tbe syrup contiitutc an emuliioe rendering the eonjpoaad aa agreeable retaedy to lae patient.

*'-'according to Ihla formula may pioperly le em uliloe rendering las eosspoaad aa agreeable re

in the opinion of thla, aa article coeaponi classed aa a ■sdleiaal preparaUon under tbe pro V. S. Ravlaed Stataiss, and when so slawped way

LAVVMRMCK A>.HACtTIW, <klea«e, Bnasl • Barclay St., Maw Ywrk. Ag.sli far Uta I'wlue atataa .nd Caaadai.


Sold in Lawrenoe bv E, fl. KELLET, Apothecary, Post Office Blook M. CARNEY & HKO., Wliolcwilo Afjeats, Will Supply the Trade

at Manufacturers' Prices. teed Veow lyr ssplt

CHILDS & LANE Inrlte attention to their Urge aad raried assort meut of

CARPETINGS For the Spring Trade, Consisting in part of


EXTRA SUPERS, *c., From the heat makers and in all the new and desirable Styles

and Colon. Many or the patterns are strictly private to them, »nd ALL "Ul be aold at prise* to meet the views of the most prudent buyers.


II6TREM0NTST,, .«£&. BOSTON. *arl IS W myl t ■

— M;

THE AMERICAN Andover Advertiser,

—PDBLIKI1UO Every Friday Morning



Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass. SUBSCRIPTION -Pontage Prepaid:-

SU SO per ye-ar, from which BO cents Will b* deducted for Strictly advance par meat.

Tho Circulation of the Lawrence Ameri- can la the largest of any paper In the County, and more than Three Times that of any other Weekly ^aper utib- llehed in tninutty.

**> Bates of u 1 r erllslng sent upon application.

■atered at the Poet Office, Lawrence Mass., tor transmlualoa through the raalle as nacond-class matter.

TheDailyX Pabliihed ETeiy v

(Seedaj EaeeaHed.K

II the Leu-feat Dally In the Olty, With Pour Time* the Circulation ot anr other.

SUBSCRIPTION, In advance: One tearja^o | Six Months, #300

WheirKdt paid in advance, S8.00.

GEO. 8. MEattlLLrproprletor

THE ABTKHTOAN MTEAM PRINTING OFFICE ft HM largest and moat thoroughly fur -

nlshed In Eastern laaasachusetU.— With modern presses, and constant additions or the newest styles of Type, we are able to furnish the nest Quality ot work, at low prices. Orders by mal promptly attended to.



•2.00 PER YEAR


Catarrh. Ashtma ail BromMs. Palftsla th* Head, Dsprs isle Si «r Spirit*

«.»•. of Hearlaff, Itlxxlneai, I na'HItly lo think, •■! ether DIIINIIIRI

Ktsultiofthat FrtifalDltMM, CAT AH It A,

PERMANENTLY REMOVED. Clears ID (lieHead Baaled. Deeay af the

1M>1 Bon** Arrastedl l,*H N<lii«r Mm ell St ante red. slleedy fHeeaiarejee

Stepped. IMititcd HimkreSM Healed.

CATARRHINE. NaUri'itwa *oi-er*la*> raaaady, f.onlaln- inf no aatnersl poleoni, aa <lo many of lac auaalled catarrh remaiiies which is the anil

are applied to the diseased narts In the . iroegl -

«ess or resplratloa. Nature never intended tanl

■ tipii! turn! i natural »■<! effective manner, turoai

lliiulda should b* poured ibrouaa the none, and baa act her barriers In the torm of hairs. In every nostril, lo prevent the entrance of dust, which Is sometimes called annff. To Inhale Cila-irtias requires no coallj Inhaler, butealv

III KEUTiON 8.—Pnt a little of the Calerrhlne Into aa ordinary clean iiipr, and smoke It, pann- ing lue smoke through the nose. By repealing tin process flve minutu* three limes each day, thct worst oases ol ealarrli may he cured,

CATARRHINE. Is sold bvalld ugglsts. Ask for Catarrhlne, nad use no other remedy If ytm would nod relief. This remedy Is equally effucUTa in cur

ease and rnpai

CATARRHINE. PUalsnl to tha tests, Kiir* In ItsetVsrte



UKO. V. IJ'IH.IVIS * tO., Agents. 15m U it P


FOR 1081.

APOT1IECAU1EH; lirv— "


Essex* Lewreaae -, Drugs, Merit-

olnes, M inoriil Wntcr. Tullisl Requisites. VEHAHDH.HICLLEY. rest Oitlce Block.

Life, Accident and Fire Insurance. J'OHN EDWARDS * CO'S Insurance Agency

iimuni TII rouowia.

German, American, W. Y. Weateheeter. New Tork. Watertown, New Terk. Orient, Hartlord, Coaa. M widen, Coaaeetlout. Commonwealth, Boston, Shawmut, Boston. 1st National, Worcester. (4ueen, England.

a°.ff opole ins. Co.,Perls. ljondon Assurance, England. Guardian Asnurance, England. London and Lancashire, England. Travellers'Life and Accident or

UartiorH, Conn. State Mutual Lite, Woroeater.!

THOMAS DHVINftTON. MS Bases Street, - - l.twrw

Pott Office Bon 38.


R. H. EDDY TO State St., apposUa Kllby St., Bested. Hoeurc* Patents In tha United Stales; aloe la tiraat BrlUin, France andoLber lurel** *•*»■ trie*. Copies of lbe claims of any Patent fur- nished by remitting onedollnr. As*ignmentsre- corded nl Washington. No Agency In the Uni- ted States pisaessee anperior facilities for ob- Utninir l'atenis or ascertaining Hie patentability of inventions, tt.ll.BUOY,SollcltorotPatents,

TESTIMONIALS. "I regard Mr. Bddy as one of the mosLcapable

and snccossftil practitioners with whom I have hadofSclat Intercourse. „_ .

CHARLES MASON.Commls'rof Patents. "In venter* cannot employs person more trust-

worthy or more capable of securing forthem an early and favorable consideration at the Patent Onim."

EDMUNDBUKKE.LnteUom'r of Patent*.

APOTHECAUV; (ciiipountliiur of Physician*' Prescriptions a specialty.

UHA*. QLAKKK, 17* b„,e>. cor. Jackson. APOTHECARY, Drug*. Med-

icines, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Bo. J. v. A VOBB, *»* Essex, cor, franklin.

A BT HTOJtE, Picture Frame

I > AKEIt, aeTt'r Orackars, it read

BLANK BOOK MTraml Com- merolalslatioaer, Uoom Paper,liecoratloaa

W. K. KICK, 2US Essex Street.

BOOKS, Paper Hantrtngs, Sta tioaery, ■Ttndowtimdas.Be*

i.. s l'i( AT TUN, til Essex Street. BLACK BIXKS, VelveU, Ciwh-

uiurej, alU a-rlnge*. Bultana. Utovee, Bo. A. SflABt'h. a CO., tia Kasex Blrcei.

BOOTS & SHOES, a full and ceespleie stock, at prices to salt the times.

P. 11. UOBlJtBON, Ml Bsssx Street.

BOOTS eft SHOES, fine goods or all qualities. Low priced to suit the times.


BOOTS *ft SHOES. I JtrgOSt as- sortment nnd lowe.l prices inlheeity.

■AULB Biioti noiiBst, am sssex at. UOOTS & SHOES. Tha largest

BOYS' CtsOTH INO, Men's Fnr- nlLhlos; Uoods, Uaia.Bc. One price only.

A. rULl.KU *, CO., 310 Bssex Street. / 1ABINET MAKER and Uphol-

li. r. UAKNAItn,:i'0 K«*exStreet. / iLEANSI N<;f Dyeing and Fln- \J isiiiugol'evarv uonci ipUou. done at tee

EHSKX DVB WOUKti,UUca311 KsscxSt. tiONFEOTIONKBY, pure horn*

J uiartu, la great variety, by JOHN Blttu, us Essex Streai.

OOOKLNG RANGES, Crockery \J and Silver Plated Ware, Kitchen Uoods, Ac.

D. N. A O. M. alAItTlN lu» Bases Street. ROOKING STOVES, lUitges, \J Furnaces. Sole went Mngee Stoves.

JOUN r. UINUUAM, seSBseex St. pOUNTHY PUOOUCE, PrOTlB- \J Ions and Live Stock. .H)IINCllUltOHIl,LAtJO.,lfl*PJAmesbnrvSI.

nitOCKEKY, OlaM, Clilna, Pla-

JOIINrc. UOW * CO* iSj BsVex Street. DRY GOODS. For Silks, Shawls

fancy ooods ai " W. STEARNS J

ij jiNCY (IOOIT £ nlshlag Ueeda, aHliinerT, Ac.

M. B. CBUWELL. ill Essex Street. FLO U it, Grain, Hay, Straw, Salt,

Buttsr, Hoses, farm lag Tools, Be. SCOTT * VlBTOR, MD Common StresL

GENTS' Furnlsliiug Goods, Hats Canes. Umbrella*. Ac

USO. r. CURTIS. Mo Issei Straot. GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fau-

cy Oood* and Produce. 8UATTUCB BROS., cor. Essex, AmesburT

r% ROCER1KS, Fine Teas, Pure VJ Coffees, Krnlts.Sanry Goods. Produce, ao

B. MASTMAN A VV-. Ut Essex Street.

1EWELRY, Watches, Clocks, 'V Siieotecles, Silver ami Plated Ware.

I.. HONTOON A SON, UT Kiaex Strci 1 Ol* PRINTING, In all the finer

MILLINERY. MrH. M. Isadora Whittaker, Km and 1W) Basis. ST.

MI LL1N ERY & Millinery Goods Uatand Uoaaat meacherv.

I,. B. (JlLMuRE, am Essex Street. VilLLINERY sftMUUneryGooda

J. C.^H ACltVVTON.'wa Essex Street. PAPER HANGINGS, Window

shades and fixtnres. B. A. f 1SKE, 273 Bsaea Street.

PHOTOGRAPHY, sole licensee for the citvior the Carbon Procee-es.


PLUM1HNG, Steam and Gas rating and fixtures, sioves. Ranges, Bo.

WM. truttUJU * SON. 0U Essex St. PROVISIONS,Country Produce

Meat, rruft. Canned Oooda, «c. R. UAXLAJl AM, tin Common Street.

COAPH ; the best Toilet, Family D «aWMDIW-|Ai)B .^ecoMfAKT.

npAJLORS, French, English and X American NovoiUe*.

r. W.SUH AARE B CO.,Post Omce Block. 'TAILOR, Imported ami Domes-

II. DBHNIB UOK31,1M Essex Street. UNDERTAKING Furnished In

alt Us detaila. f unat J! Chairs a speolaltv WATBfUIOUaBASABSOHS llAmeslHUf.

UNDERTAKER 1 every duty appertaln'ng to ruaer all attended to.

M. J. MAtlUNBr.SMOak Street,

Jewelry . . (Repairing)

Son Essex Street.

Health Regulations.

Notice is hereby given, according to law, of, the I'olluwIiiK regulations of the l;vm>l ol llcnltb

y of Lawrence, adopti <l bv mid board ih. Usi,aBillbeaameaiu now In lorsr: Orrica or THS Do* a > or IIKSUTH,

Uwii^t, Mass , Mar. 10, ISBL Be It ordered by the Board of itealtb of the

City ol, aa follow*!

All pereoaa are strictly Ibrblddrs to throw any flub, slops or garbage, of unv kind, Into any backyards or private alluy-ways of the City of Lawrence, and all owners or ocenpaots of dwelling bouses, stores or other buildings wltu which iLwie 1*a backyard or other land appm tenant thereto, susll cause said back yard - other lands at all limes to en kept clesr el

fl III), garbage, house dirt, and of all decayed __ decaying animal and vegetable substances; and all such owner* or occupants "I dwelling houses, store* or other bulldiags are rauiilred to mrnlib at all times a suitable vessel or vessel* tor holding ashes made upon tho grew

■—fie same,'--- laea, and to keep tho sameloa convrale to be removed by the Board of Health.

agent ol any d appanieaant U allhy water in ba Conveyed t

at yiaoe

shall cause all »

taaiewer, if any in the street a<ll»inlng » land or building, or to aeaaeaoai o*nsirur.„ for the purpose, ana approved by the Board u U^.I.L ■-A a^-.i ii■ ,T* «» -■ - -^ ..■ ^..,.^ ..

i said land oi _ . rovlded with a

trap or trapa approved by the Hoard ol Health. All privies mast be provided with a regular

water closet, or some suitable vault, mule oi bard burned brick, bottom and side*. Will laid la cement and thoronghiy tight, and no privy vault shall enter any newer, and the content* Of no privy vault shall ever be within one loot or lb* top or the vaalt, sad whenever any privy shall become ogeuslvs tae same shall be cleansed. And no person shall permit or suffer any privy or privy vault to be or remain upon any land or premises of which ha may be the owner, ocenpant, tenant or le**ee, In a tluteor condition or constructed In a manner contrary to the provisions of this regulation,

AH persona are forbidden to remove the con ■ tents oi anv privy vault without n license from the board ol Health. Any person havingcharge or a vnnltwhish needs emptying maylcavc m order therefor at the office or the Board ol

' ..CUV Hall, or at Agent's U«oe, Lowell , and a dull lieeased person will pcrlorm

the service or emptying the vault desltna ed :oavsilng pro. on leaving the

Bring ode

' tbeexpenre of i order.

Prom and alter Jane 1st, le>o, no person shall keep swine wllbiu the following descrlucd Jim- "-- Onthe north sldeofthe Merrfmack river,


Host In the world. Lasts longer than any otxer. Ahvayiin joodcondition. Oares seres, elite, bruises and corn*. Costs but little more han the imltnllona. Every package baa the rsdamark. Call for tna geaame,and take so other.

ALABASTINE! sre une<iusled.__ U Is the e only aatunl sad dir able Iniah for Walls- " will pay you to send far aamnle card aadTestimonials to

Averilt Paint Go., 10 Federal fit., BOSTON. '

STBIBES auiODg tho, street car em- ployees, seem to be ptpular just now.

ORB Humlied UiUtias, is the,esti- mated vslue ol tbBjaAtor rsmilies* forUtne; they ought to be sbte to lire very comfortably upotl ttie income', If Uic VOI1H2 people are not tooexir«vn. gsnt.

Advice and clrculara tlon Ionian street, New

SiitAWBERRita promise to be very Bbumisst Ike coining season, unless tho fruit-killer comes aroun.1 right speedily; In Long Island, font- times the usual area to this year planted with ibis fruit.

$777 A TEAR, and expenses to ssjeats. Oatatfre*. Address P. O. VICKEKV, Augusta, Mslne. •. ^, rr-


Back Ache


Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters.

tteaseaa W By I e*y are giaemawat M Alt ftffaat rereaa riasten sr Kxteraal

necaBse* thay pcaseM all IBs merit .of the rireugibentng poron* pBwter, m»d contain In ad-

'l1-^ vegetable wmVMnatloo which acts with lu- >ed rabsfawfaet, sthanlBBmc. sMmtlva and

ouutor Irritant effects.

it lo the Lowell railroad urldgci tbanoebv Aadover street on Uie soaih, and Union street on the east, to the Merrlntack river. And no person shall knep any swine In any other part ol lb* olty without a written permit from the Board el Health.

All pereoaa are forbidden to keep fowl* oi any kind In any cellar 01 basement oi a dwell- ing house or store.

No person shall throw Into, or leave in, or upon any street, court, square, lane, alley, public suuarc, publio eaoloaure, vacant lot, or any pond, river or body of water wiitilu the limits or the citv, anv dead animal, or decayed or decaying animal or vegetable aubitancc, or any houaa dirt, rnbblah or Slth of any kind, or any refute animal or vegetable matter whatso- ever, or cause any animal to be drowned in anv pond, river or body of wafer within the limits or tha city without the license of the Board ofBealtb.

And BO person shall remove, oart or oarrv through any or the streets, iguana, lares or alleys of the citr, any house dirt, refose, offnl, swill, or any decayed or decaying anlmnl or vegetable substance (or any grease or bone*) from any of the dwelling houses, shops, stores, or other i lanes within tha city, without a writ- tea license of the Board si Health, having been Aril obtained thcreior, and all persons arc required to furnish tome suitable vessel of deposit for swill and bouse offal ramie or col- lected upon their promise*, and to keeu the same in a convenient place to be removed by the Board of Health, and are forbidden lo place, carter throw any swill or house offal of snv kind Into any vault, tewer, or into any vessel containing a she*, or to mingle asnai or other refuse there with.

BB(wetift*y*re*lunBai>pheaaUeewUcs]T*Tp- araiioB,sBdsoiiBgyslB*rl ay the profesrioa.

TltlraL, iWnnse they are tho oaly plasters that relieve

,.tin a I oner.

n .-

Benson's Capciie Poms Plaster! SEABURY S JOHNSON,

"innfsctnnsf Chemists, New Tork. KMKbYATl.A.

•oopbysklansaadai b'd lliat Ui*y sraai

.__ J.nWf. >rtoSte». MEAD'S Sefaskel COOT sad SUWKJN HASTW.

and procured many patents, releauea ami exiea SIOBB. I Save occasionally employed the besi agencies la New Tork, Philadelphia and Wash Ingten, but 1 alill give yon almost tho wholeoi my business, in your Una, and adviae others M employyou. Youistruly,

Boston, Jan. Llftfl. KOROK DRAPER.

JohnC.Haynes&Co, 33 COURT ST., BOSTON.

Mnslcal Boxes In Great Variety. Brass Band Instruments.

Violins. American Guitars.

Imported Guitars, Banjos from 92 upwards,

Violin, Violoncello, Double Bass, Banjo, Zither and Harp Strings

and Triftlmtngs. Accordeons and Concertinas of

all descriptions, American and Foreign Sheet Music,

Music Books, Ac., &c, Wholesale and Retail.

This enlntilisbrocnl Is one of the branch stores Of OLIVER DITSOX B CO., and poateaaea unequalled advantages for the importation of iBBlrnments Irom the best maauracturera In

Sir oelS rb


WORK of every deserlptloi the Printing line, neatly and cheap!





Paints, Oils, Dp Slnffs, Chemicals,

Special Regulations. i.—All swill, house eSal, gveaee or boaes

made upon uremtae* Iroia wnir.h par lie* may bo licensed to care for and remove the same, shall be deposited aa soon aa made in regula- tion bairoU, provided by the llosidol Health Department, and removed from aaid premise* In the same regulation barrels, at least twice each week, from October 1st to May 1*1, and at least three times a week from Maylntlo Octo- ber let.

Ind.—No swill, house offal, grease or bone* •ball be deposited or removed in anv kind ol u vsaaeloaor irom such other thsn in said regulation barrels.

SI .—Bo person having such license shall dis- pose of his swill, house offal, grease or bone* to any person or peraon* other than Ibo-e having a license from said Board of Health, to collect swill, house offal, grease or bones In the City Lawrence.

4th.—All license* granted by the Hoard Health may be revoked at the iilenture of sa Ueard.

nth.—Said regulation barrels are t

are marked Heellk Uepnrlmenl, and the No.ol the license golsa with said beriel* marked upon the same. Two barrels go with each license, sad If mere are ■eeev iary they can be bad of the Agent roam ia« at ite . oar, BY I'KKMir, and aaid barrels aball bewail cared

ASK tho recov •red dyspeptics, bil- ious sufferers, vkUms of lever and sgue, the mercurial d iaeaaed patient, how they re- ">t*vM health, cheer-

and good they will

Rplilt: .lit.';

Brooms, Baskets ofaruiiee, Borax, Beeswax, Bn*bP Corks, Camphor, Chalk. Cream Tartar. Colors or a II shade* Caibolic Add Coach Vamlnh, Castor oil, Chamois Skins, Copper Blasts, Castile Soap, Copper**, wooden.

Olive OH. OxalMAcid, Oakom, I'aiaflneOH, r* raiBa e Wax, Putty, Part* White, PoUsh, Pumice Stone, Plaster Paris. Paria Oreea, Paint Brushes, Paper Pails, Red Lead. Rubber Wngon Soriaga, Hoaln, KottonStoac, Rock Salt

for horses and cattle Shellac.

1, Sulphur, Sand Paper. Mponge*. Hal Soda, ■toeje Jars Bad MSK* Saltpetre. SBwln«Machln*Oit,

r\R. D. T. POETBK,

3D E3 2ST TIST. Office and Residence. Porter's Block

■SB Kmt«Nti».l--*I.swr«aei.

DBS I Emery Paper,

■' ciotb, reslher Ousters, Ploor Hrusbea, riah Ulue, rsrnlturu Varnlah, Porast klver I.eail,

SMS!?" UamTrajraoBBlh, uold Leaf, Window Qfaas, Oeld Brraae, Water rails, Ulyeeriss, West's Kaamel Dreaalng Olauber Salt, fer Carriage Tops, Oalvnnlssd Iron Pails, Whitewash Brushes.

ladlgoV *°*lh WnnVS? SaTCer Bar Kslaomlae, all tint*. Soap, London Purple. WhaleOilSonp, Light (training Varni.h.Whlting, LlnaeadOil, Winner B Mowtoa's Lard Oil, Tube Colors.

In quantities to suit at Lowest Market Prices.


LAKE AUBURN Mi..-,-:.i s,„;,,„

WATER, Nfttur-e-'ei Wonderful R*>iH«t<ly-

For Biiffht's Dia^aas, all diseases ot the Kidneys, Liver and Stomach. Also Bbeu raatlnm, Piles, Humors, and Dropsy Send for book free.

CourlBuuare. i,. n. Biniin,nwisuiroiiii street. alcUBWKI.L A ADAMS, I5J Tremeal ahreel. liar apl H>

destroyed, and llsald licenao should be revoked or expire bv limitation, sabl barrels rhall be returned lo the Heilta Department Omce in good order sad condition.

i,—Bald regulation barrels ahall be under the dIreolSBpervliionof the agent ol the Hoard or Health, and shall be kept Is a convenient place lor • lamination by aaid Agent or bv any member of the Board.

All Persons who shall violate any of the fore- going regulation* ahall forfeit a .um not ex " i eel lag one hundred dollars.

Tt» CtaiBBest, Par*at amrf at at Fasally Madleln* In the World.

rorDTSPEPBIA.COMSTIPATlON, Jaundice lilliona attacks, SICE HEADACHE. Colic, Depression ofBpirlls.bOOttSTOMACH. Heart Burn, Ac, Be.

Thla unrivalled Soolasm Bemedy I* warrant- ed not to contain a single particle of MKBCUKJ, or any n.jarlons mineral aubauaee, bet Is

PURELY VEGETABLE, oombinlsc those Eoulbem Itoeta aad Herb*, which aa all-wise provldeace lias placed la countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will curs all Diicasos caused by Derange- ment of the Liver and Bowels.

TUB SYMPTOMS of Liter Complaint I bitter or bad taste la the mouth; Pain n Back, Sides or Joints, oltsn mistaken lor Itheu- out I tin; Sour stomach, Loss ol Appetite; Bow- el* i llermtelycosllvsnndlai; Headache; Los* ol m> moi T, with a painful sensation or baring failed lodo.nmetldnjr which ought to nave been done; Debility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance ef the Bale aad Byes, a dry Oeagh ollen mistaken lor Consaniption.

Sometimes many of these symptom* attend the disease, at ethers very raw; but the Lira*. I lie largest orsan in the body, is generally the -eat oi the disease, nnd tTnoi re*ulst*d In lime great suffering, wretchedness nod UBATU will

lean recommend as nn emcselona remedy Tor dlsessu onne Liver, Heartburn and Dyspepsia, Simmons' Liver Regulator.


'We have letted its virlnes. personally, and know that lor Dyspepsia, Biliousness, ami Throbbing Headache, It IB the beat medicine the world ever saw, W" have tried forty ether remedies before Simmons' Liver Regulator, but none ot them gave us mere than tontpoiary relief; but the lti*ulalor not only relieved, but cured us."*-kL>, IKI.X jiurii AKH Mxaaxsoxa, Blar-sn.U*.






TIIKTIEMOCRACT sre op by Seoator Fryo's speecU 00 tbe ilerullock question, swl their butteries sre likely now to be turned uosn Maine, while Virginia takes a rest.

SOME PEOPLE of good judgment, who have sxafniaed the premises sad the method of 'escape, in tho bouse of correction break, think It Is not so clear that shop master Stevens is blamabto la the premises, and he has certainly proven so faithful an officer in Lite post, that he is entitled to a full benefit of that consideration.

ONB of the results of the pernicious sjBtein of land holdings ami rents In England, Is that tbc number of acres of arable land Is gradually decre&sinfr, the area has beau reduced in live years 42i,000 seres | there has also been a decrease in the number of ent- ile, a decrease sf no fewer thsn 3,000,00(1 sheep since 18T4, and SB appreciable redaction In the number

of nisis and horses.

THE SCNDAV LAWS were the issue upon which was contested ths city elections of Chicago and Cincinnati; in the former, the free constmclionisls were successful; in the latter, the re- verse. Chicago IB to have freer liquor, —if that is possible,—while the DOW Cincinnati mayor is organUing the police for a raid upon the Sunday drinking saloons and houses of Amusement. Moth cities promise to become lively, but Horn opposite causes.

Tin; LIVELY imaginative Washing- ton correspondent of the Herald, talegrsphs from the ospitol to Boston, and the paper publishes it ns news, fiat a Senator who has been to Mass- achusetts on business, reports in Washington that the disgust at the Senate's action, was so general, that the stale would go democratic should an election be held to-day 1 That nonsense might be current In Wash- ington, but K's pretty thin for the Tier«/\( to give forborne consumption.

GIN. HAVTLET very neatly turned

the tables on Senator Brown, of Georgia, on Friday, by reading ex- tracts from a speech by the latter on his appearance in the republican national oonrcntion in \HGH, where he appeared as a "reconstructed rebel," and plead for rocajnltlon. '-Give us," he then said, "the fruits of the victory and we will carry Geor- gia for Graot." And if that was not the strongest possible bid for a "bar- gain," then he failed lo understand it. Brown required fully an hour to explain that speech and his position then.

Fota 1*SB*OIS, one a colored were executed on Friday

ksst, la different states, (br tbe crime of raorder.

SHALL Pox broke oat in raid- ocean, on two steamers, during recent voyages, much to the alarm of the passesgers.

THE CMBBBB of ocrtsi% nswpapers, that ths dwad.kwk In ths Senate should come to an end, bsa s deal ol the flavor of the famous "An to Rich-

.A- -.». .UMI |t

THE LATEST explanation of the democratic policy or obstruction, and altogether^ the uiosthmny, is t'jat II is designed to assist Goo. Butler, la his osndkuurj next fall, for the gov- ernorship In this stale.

SumuoB for women, seems to be making more headway in the west, thsn la this section ; In Illinois at re- cent local elections, the women turned oat in large nuiabers, and sucoeeiled la carrying a number of towns.

Friday. There were 3186 cmlf ranti arrived st

New Tork yesterday. Bnullpos it epidemic both la tee Basd-

wick Islands sod CMs*. Taree Birrs esses of ssssllpos wets re-

ported Iron Adams, last night. Dervish Pubs with 10,000 troops de-

feated Ike Albanians Beat Osktin on Tues- day.

Schooner J. T. Blbbard for Raw Tork, Is at OleucvBtcr, atvinf k-i her deck load.

The funeral of the late Lord Beacosa- Bsjd will take place at iIuKhenden os

Basils STOpo*— a oosfereece ef UsS pewsrn for the psrpoas of sdopAlac OBSs> moo measures aislnat tbe suarcbists.

Spain Is to send reidforcemenU to lbs Sooloo Islands to enforce a recognition of her protectorate over the A rchloelaf o.

The river Thelss, Bsngarr, has broken dows lbs dykes and laasdsted 5000 seres of land ssd two T I Hates near Sisalsok.

CBIMB tn Suffolk county,—-and there is no reason to suppose this county exceptional,—owes eighty- four per cent, of Its volume to rum ; so says the figures of the Bureau of Statistics. What ore the people of the state, who pay the costs of this

crime, and who witness Its misery, going to do about It?


believe, personally a total abstainer, and has been supposed to bo a tem- perance advocate, bat in the legishv tare on Thursday, on the bill re- quiring applications for liquor licenses to be publicly advertised, so that it may be known who arc seeking lbs privilege, sad where liquor shops sre proposed to be located, we find Mr. Nichols, with a little handful of less than fifty others, including all the avowed free liquor men. voting no. How a friend of temperance can vote to protect a liquor traffic in its desire to hide in tbe dark, and prevent pub- licity si to Its purposes, possibly Mr.

Nichols IB able to explain.


II )ird of



FLORISTS. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Wreaths, Pillows,

Crosses, sad all Designs lor Funerals a spec laity.

303 ESSEX STHRET. Qreinhomei corner Broadway ard

Aoton Streets-

TEN PER CENT. Annual Interest,

Paid quarterly, *ih dividend payable May 1. Por full particular* send for 20 pag<- illurirstrd ■emphlotto

THC CLOBE COMPANY", 131 DsvonshireStrest. Boston, MSBI.

UmmaiU S


Floral Designs. Wreaths, Crosses, Lyres, Harpa. Pillow A

Crowns, Anchors, Bouquets, &<*.,

T. P. HAIXBY, corner Mnncheeter and Washington Streets.

8*Jl one minute'* walk from Broadway leading miheeemeterlea. MalatirerhouieaaedUarden at bead ol Washington Bin el. ■■ tf al

Canvassers tn every oonaly la thl* Btate le take orders fin Nursery Sleek. SfBADT AMD UK

SlBABLSBMFLOTMBBTatOOOD WAUBA. Bx perience in the business not required. Nurseries widely end favorably known. Por terms ad- dress 0. XJ. DUIIS, Van Dusen Nurseries i UBNEVA. N. T.

Established 1MB. i AlsoStock at Wholesale IcowlttfetlS B

i"i 11ANITE IRON COFFEE BOILERS, ■JT B, H, IT sad M pints enpneUy. Coffee made In this wure doeaaoi turn Mack a* la tin. JOHB C.DOW*»IO.,Crockery and Olnssware.Odd fallow. Haddiag. Cutlery, Spoons and Creek err to let lor parties.

WANTED. Soliciting Agents to travel In lbs New England Mtalei, and lake order* lor Nursery Stuck, em braelngTreea.Hhrub*, Vines, Boaea, Ac. roi terms, address, *tating age, previous occups lion and namen as relerenee,

Tom* iDlrli S.T.UABXOM,

Aoiiiau, Maine.

IF You are in want of a

White or Fancy Shirt or a

Nobby Tie, call on CURTIS

Weekly News Brevities.

Upon the back of refasns I've tried. With sflsnotaly seaudBsf ysns aad rhvnse to rld<

sees 1 teoegBt lea sods heard my appeal. So. eearsffe, eon rage, ta my heart 1 cried, With Bring feat assess tee Sate* 1 aled.

aaliSBBsWssnFlaill astride: f sssSWB BTanBWukfasNSnsgSVM *M astr

CURB Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Lack

of Energy,Loss of Strength,

Want of Appetite, Inter-

mittent Fevers, etc

1ICON 1IITTKRS are highly recommended far all diseases requiring a certain and efficient tonic.

IRON BITTERS enrvs fae eJoorf, sfreaofAen the muaries, ami give nor lift fAenerrei.

I RON BITTERS act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tatting dw food, Melting, heat in the ttomaek, heart-

bum, tie. IRON BrrrERS—the ordy Iron

Preparation that will not blaetm l£$ tettk or give keadarAe.

•Bold by all draawistn. Write for the A B C Book, 33 -SBSB of

aeemt snd atnusing rending—sent free.



TUB LATB CZAII was not only the emancipator of a MM, but In many other respects was his policy tllnersi and progressive. Among the notice* able floral tributes at his funeral, was a wreath of great beauty inscribed i "To the Caar Civiliaer," from tho woman doctors of Russia. Thirty ladles belonging to the medical pro- fession En St. Petersburg find else- where united in tills tribute to tbe sovereign under whom their sex was first freely permitted to practice tho healing art in Europe.

IT IS ABSOLUTELY refreshing lo see

Wendell Phillips fairly pilloried, as he was by Guv. Long's rejoinder to the brutal letter in which the perpet- ual scold accused the executive of murder, in Hie Abbott case, and meanly insinuated some personal "motive" for the refusal to reprieve the condemned man. The quiet statement by tho governor, that while Phillips was thus Ignorsntly assailing Mm, he had recommended a com- mutation, but been overruled by the council, exposes alike the baseness and the bitterness of Phillip's accusa- tion, and puts the latter in a most pitiable tight, as to fairness and hon- esty. For once, tho great master of sarcasm has been put squarely upon the defensive, sad the wriggling and evasion of Ids reply, shows how ho has been taken st a disadvantage.

GOT. Long may not be the equal of his antagonist in polite black-guard- lam, but is the master of fully as vigorous Kngliah, which, upon a plat- form of truth, han proved more thsn a matoh for the chief condiment con- structor of the Commonwealth, snd Phillips' optics will be In mourn- ing for a goodly period. No contribution to latter-day literature, has been more generally enjoyed, thsn the little essay which fairly ob- literated this bandy 1st of the epithet of "murderer."

JUDGE HARMON may be right In his construction of the Sunday law, as to the "necessity" of shaving, but we do not believe there can be found a jury who will convict a barber fee that offence ; several supreme courts have decided against this construction of Lire statute, and we do not remem- ber that there has been any final de- cision to the contrary. At sll events,

with street cars and railroad trains miming In all directions on the Sab- bath, with cigars snd soda retailed on almost every street corner; with news- papers sold at the periodical stores, with the public stables in lull blast, snd enjoying '.heir best day's trade, on Sunday, sll unmolested by the po- lice, we think Uw latter had best leave the barbers lo settle their own agreements, without singling theta oat as victims of the Sunday law, while the bigger and more fligrant sinners and law-breakers are utter- ly unmolested. We do not believe the cily pays a police force, or the county maintains courts, to enforce private agreements among Die bar- bers, and wo are glad that these cases are to go to a higher court. If the barbers mssl keep closed on Sun- day, let the police go vigorously tor tbe Sunday tiding, the steam and the bone cars, the soda anil Hie cigar


aUcbard 0. Mefdrasi, general I Of the PUtsborg, Fort Wsjne 4 Chloaso railroad, died at Jacksonville, Fla., yes- terday.

JOBS Lyons, s brakeaaa on the Fltcb- bnra; railroad. Jell from tbe platform ol a csr at North Adams, risurda*, snd frac- tured his skull.

Gen. Terry telegraphs fre-a* Fort Ba- tord, Dak., thai Billing Boll's friends are deserting bint, ssd that the old chief will soon surrender.

There were oss tbonsaod delegates present st tbe national oonvratio* of the Irish land league In Dublin, yesterday, bat nothing of special Interest transpired.

One thousand emigrants left Qneeas- town for New Yofk, yesterday, and an- other tbouasnrt are ready to start to-day. The emigrant* are stoaily of tbe fanning Class.

Michael Noise, SO yesrs old, died st Pawtucket, H. I„ Wednesday nlgljt. Iron tbe effects, It Is supposed, of morphine, administered by s Free eh Canadian physi- cian.

Ernest A. Blood, a yonng man whose falhur resides la Cblcopee, Haas found dead In bis lodgings at Providence, B. I., yesterday afternoon, he having tak- en poison.

The peremptory dismissal of Second AsslsWsi Poatmaster-Osaaral Brady, sad the evident deism In allot) of the adssls- Istratlon to fathom tbs star ronte scandal, causes much trepidation among certain officials la Washington and elsewhere.

Saturday. It Is believed that a native war Is Inev-

itable la ths Transvaal. The aspect ol affairs between France

and Tunis conUnoea threatening, The importation or American pork Into

Turkey, has been prohibited by the Porte. The national Academy of Sciences con-

cluded It* session* la Washington, yee- terday.

Soaking rain* In all parts of Kaaaas lbs past two days, have been of great benefit to growing wsesL

Harjrsret Bromley, a widow. Of Bt. John, M. B.. committed suicide Thursday, br uklng Parts grata.

Lsclada Vowlkes, colored, WAS banged at Lueobarg court boose, Vs., yesterday, for the murder of her boiband.

Joseph Stanwood, It years of age, S veteran of tbe wars of 1811 snd tbe re- bellion, died la Kewburyport, yesterday.

A prisoner named noffmao, while work- lug nader tbe supervision or Ib* turnkey, I* thenlrset, sttbejall I* BaBalo, Thurs- day, threw away his bee aad eeceped.

The B/ltisli schooner Nary, QMSS of th* Bsss, from Barbados, heretofore re- ported as probably lost, arrived yesterday at Portland, lie , after a is days* sausage.

Is the polios court at Warehaai, yester- day, William WesHste, charged with ssll- lug liquor, was acquitted. S. H. Tabor, the complainant, was held la $800 for per- jory.

Tbe heaviest storm of hall and rain ever know* In Texas, fell yesterday, Hearty all bridges have been carried away, and It I* feared that lb* eora crop Is sertooily

USE YEAS A no. tbe so-called form" portion of the republicans of Massachusetts, were clamoring for Uie nomination of Senator Edmunds, of Vermont, for Prcsidon t; they were jubilant over the selection of Seoator ■soar* as Chairman of the delegation from this state. To day, Mr. Hoar Is one of the guiding minds In the contest ID Uie United States, and Mr. Edmunds gives it his warm endorse- ment. Yet some of the newspapers then so eulogistic of these two Hens- tors, are to-day carping and grumbling st their position, and complaining that they are Indulging in msnifeatsv UOBS of "boy's play." Have toe Senators become less patriotic ? Have these newspapers better opportunities to judge AS to the wisdom of tho struggle, or the Importance of the ui> derlying causes, than Die ©facial representatives of tbe several states. When stalwarts sad Independents, the machine men and the civil ser- vice reformers, when the republican Senators are s unit upon a course of action, is it not fair to presume that they know pretty clearly what they are about, and may they not pretty surely be trusted to act most wisely? When the republican Senators pre- sent such sn unbroken front, such s solid agreement, we think they may be trusted to manage their own mat- ters, snd that the men who were so much Untied by the "independents," one year ago, are now quite ss honorable, wise snd discrete as

I then.

Messrs. MorrlH, Bhermss, Beck, Daw**, Jon.*, Brow*. Ilawlsy and Camsron were the principal participant* la yesterday's debate In the aaUosal senate. As ad- journment was taken until Tuesday neit.

A Well dressed American, supposed to be Julias Merrio*, holdings ticket fross Rock Island to Montreal, fell of th* Grand Trunk eipresa going east Thurs- day night, at St. Mary's Oof., sad was killed.

George Bass, s lad of seven, has been las log Irom bis home In Norwich, Conn.,

since Thursday. It I* feared that two boss, named Crosby and Holt, while play- lag with Us** on tbe wharf, got Into a quarrel with him aad a*s**d him into the water.

A call baa been signed by ten or twelve senators, requesting tbe chairman of the republican caucus to call a meeting, aad It is expected that a caucus will be bald on Tueadsy morning Best, at which th* feasibility of holding one or more esecu- tlve acswlons for confirming th* resi- dent* nomlaatlous will be determined.

MoiuUn. Bbamokin, Pa., bad s • loo 000 Ire early

LITINU on A ROCK IS TRE MIDDLE or HELL GATS.—Mrs. Caroline Gib- son died st oar home on Big Mill Bock, in Hell Gale, recently. Fas* sengers on the Sound boats for many years have noticed the little Island formed by the lifting of a rook above the water Just worth of the still smal- ler rook on which, under a tent-shaped cover of boards, General Newton heaps In store the dynamite which be uses for blasting purposes. Big Mill Book has sn area of loO or S00 square feet, and k crowded with peach trees. A frame house, weather stained and of moderate dimensions, and a barn still smaller, which serves as a house for a score or more of fowls, are the only buildings on the island. Sandy Gibson, a fhusrmaa and waterman of much local fame, settled on Mill Book about the year I960. He earned his living by catching aad selling bass and lobsters and by taking persons fuming or conveying them from one shore to tbe other. He died in June, 1672, sged eighty ve*rs.

Mm. Csrollne Gibson was bis wid- ow. Us was a native of Bushwlck, and she of this city. The pair had aeven children—two sens snd flvs daughters. One of these sons—Da- vid—died shortly after the death of has father. Three of the daughters BBsyrled respectively, John Smith of Grecnpoiut, sod Oliver Ilibbard aad Marston Dunlap of this citv. The re- maining son—Tyler—still lives on tbc rock with his two unmarried Bisters, Who do dressmaking. He catches snd sells lobsters, snd otherwise fol- lows the occupation of his father. He Is thirty-nine years of age, and per- haps the most trusted of the Hell Gate watermen. He knows every point of the river, sod will safely make anv point of tt on the foggiest night. He Is frequently called upon to take residents of Astoria across to their homes at hours snd seasons when tbe ferryboat Is not running. He lias saved at least half a dozen, persona from drowning. He Is sn angular, brown-faced, beardless man, who wears spectacle* on account of near- sightedness, snd who utters with dif- ficulty s doseo words In an boar.

Tbe mother was sn active, cheerful little woman, who found plenty of work and recreation In her circum- scribed home. She was nearly seven- ty-five yesrs of age when she died. Her funeral occurred on the Sunday following her death. The body was token to New York In a rowboat, bet children following In soother, sad was buried In tbs Baptist Church in eighty third street, near Second avenue.

Tbe peach trees on Big Mill Rock were set out by Sandy Gibson. They have achieved s fine growth, snd the fruit they bear la s boast of tbe owner, who has so much inure than he needs that he gives quantities of It every summer as presents to his numerous friends. The habitation la held by lbs family under tbe squatters' law, sod there Is little likelihood that they will ever meet with interference in Its possession.—New York San.

jesUrdsi motulsg. Tunis advice* stale that the Kroualf*

will surrender Bncoiidltlooally to ta* Bey's trtwp-.

Lather Brings is held by Judge Wells, ofSpnegfleld, I* #1000 un a charge of kilting smith Hansom.

Tunis G. Merger, s well known Brook- lyn politician, died at bis bom* la New Utreicht, L I, yesterday, aged BO.

Dennis Murpby, yesterday morolag. broke Into George Irish's grocery store la Baffslo, N. T., and was shot desd by Irish.

At Meadow Brook, Pa., Saturday night, Michael Kennedy, a mloer, was fatally subbed br two uaknowa aa**, who es- caped.

In th* Spanish-Americas naturallialion controversy tbe United Btate* will adhere to the validity of Mr. Basal'* aaurailaa- tloa papers.

By ths overturning of a ferry boat on th* Dniester river, at Lesnberg, Galkla. oB Saturday, frost thirty to slaty persons were drowsed.

Tbe British brig Osceota, from New Zealand, which arrived at New Tork, yesterday, reports that, during a sever* gals, Van. IT, George Blodgett, chief offi- cer, was washed overboard.

Three tbleves were seen by two Brook lyn policemen, yesterday mornlnR, whtlJ rowing off on Newton creek with a boat- load or stolen rslirosd Iron. They at- tempted to escape by swimming ashore, aad on* of them was drowsed.

Mia* Crane, a young lady from New Jersey, visiting New Haven, bad bar nose broken, suffered a serious concussion of the brain asd was otherwise Injured, by being thrown from a horse Saturday even- ing-

Fire, Saturday afternoon. In tbe stable adjoining the rear of Tobey* bakery, '" Waller's block, on North street. Pi field, extended to the main block, a two- story building occupied by store*. ■ aboalBM.OOOi partly Insured.

A* eSort U belug made by parties la- terested Is th* scaudal to piavent a thor- ough wveetlgauon of th* "Slsr" route eoatiwet frasds, but th* President and rrsjiaaSBsSr General an sot to be diverted from their determlaatlo* to sift th* mat- ter to tbe bottom.

Somebody who claims to sneak by authority declares that tbe Siberia or to-day, to which so many Russians, particularly those having any connec- tion with Nihilism, have been exiled, la not at all the Siberia of tbe paat, or tbe Siberia it la usually represented to be. Tbs northern pert, like that or oar own country, Is indeed cold, dreary, sterile, sad is inhabited by wild native tribes; but the region along tbe banks of the great riven, where most of tbe exiled Russians are settled, la fertile, with a otiinste BO more rigorous thaa that or our North- ern States. Through that region rum, it is asserted, s belt, six miles wide, of black soil, so rich that the nwre scratching of tbe surface yte'ds an abundant crop of cereals. Cur- rants, raspberries, strawberries, cher- ries, are plant/, and tbe fields sre, in season, radiant with flowers. In re- gard to the terrible mines, It Is ssld that whatever they msy have been, they are vary different since they have been worked by free labor. They have passed from tbs control of lbs Government Into private bands, snd lbs operatives are Justly, even kindly treated. Hsnry Lsinsdell, a British philanthropist, who visited every pris- on and hospital In Siberia last summer, was afforded all facilities for seeing them sa they are. He says that con- victs can Bleep la winter from 7 P. M. lo 7 A. M., and la summer, 9 P. M. to 5 A. M., when active work Is not required. The food given to prison ors st Kara, where most political ex- iles sre sent, la nssrly double in quan- tity the food allowed to convict* in English prisons. The number of in- dulgences accorded In Siberia, such ss receiving visits, or letters, or money from kindred and friends, or ss re- mission of labor, la greatly in excess of such indulgences in Britain under like circumstances. This is certainly fresh information to tbe mass of read- ers, sod, if entirely trustworthy shows that the Tartar does not lie quite BO near tbe skin of the Russian ss is generally supposed.

Jons AT THE PIIOTOOBAPUBBS. — Ssys tbe Ssn Francisco Chronicle: Tho desire of tbe Chinese to hare their photographs taken amounts to a pas- sion. There is one firm in this city which doss s large business almost exclusively wiihChincse. Conversing with s veteran photographer, who has looked st more Chincso homeliness through a camera than any other man In tbe world, perhaps, a Chronicle re- porter learned some facts about tbe Celestial desire tor portraits. "Yea

said he, pointing to a row of photograph* in which s lot of ill-look- ing Mongolians faced the spectator, with their toes turned out (tod their

poaitaon. "tf iV"W8i <m>rU>& year that you find a Chinaman who wants to strike any other attitude. He believes that when he has bis heels poiuting toward each other and his elbows crooked aa tf they were cast- iron, he ia the picture of dignified re-

The higher the social standing of the Chinaman, the stitfer he wants to look. White people want to look

if they were utterly unconscious of sitting for their picture, but the Chi- nese subject wants to bare every line of his face and costume announce that he bsa paid for his picture, and that he Is thinking of it. In the points that watte people are moat particular about the Chinese are thoroughly eare-

A Chinaman doesn't cars whether you touch up the wrinkles in hie face or tone down the uuevennes* of his features. He does not seem to hsve an eye for such things, but lie wauls every line of bis dress brought •Ut ss clearly as possible. He is psr- tlcuiar to bave his toes pointed oat, snd wants to hare his shoes come out la the picture as plainly as his hands aar! fan. He is bound to have s fsn. If he has bis picture taken with a bou- quet of dowers oa the table by him, be wants to see every flower done Jus- tice to. The colder and the harder the picture and the less light snd shadow on it, tbe better be tikes It. Of what may he called tbe essentials of a picture he has no regard at all, but is scrupulously exact ia his ideas of tho things that are not essentials

all. Nothing would disgust a Chinaman as much as to give him a thoroughly artistic picture with a pro- fusion of high light and a cot resound- ingly deep shadow. He wants It to bo like himself, without color.

LIME-KILH PiULosoi'itr.—uAt mid- night Las' night," aaid the old man in s solemn voice as he looked up and down the aisles, *'at midnight las' night dc speeiit of Brudder Charles CtTraax Goshport, a looaA member of dli club, passed from y'artii to do un known. Only a week ago he sat la rBs ball; to night he am dressed fur de grave. What ackshun will de club take?"

"I 'aposc, sail," said the Bar. Pon- stookns he roso up, 'Mat it am tn or- der to present a to do ef- feck dit he was. a msa of tie highest integrity, liberal-hearted, higUiuinded sa' dst his loss am a sad blow to do hall otty."

"Yes:, such a resolushun am lu order. Brudder Penstock, can you remember dat you ebor look Brudder Gosbdort by de hand an' gin him a wonl of praiao fur his hard work and honest ways?"

I—I—-dorm* remember dat I ebcr did, sah."

'■Am dar a pusson In die hall who klfi remember flat he ebor put hlsssll out to favor Brudder Goshport?''

Not a man answered. "Kin any one of you romember dal

you took any portlokler Intorei' iu bow be got along?"

Not a voice was beard la reply. "To lie s little plainer," coatlna.>d

the president, "am darone single ptis- soii la die ball whoeherfelt five cents* worth of anxiety for Brudder Gosh- port's worldly or spiritual welfare?''

Tbe ball was so quiet that the Bound of Elder Toots rubbing his back oa tbe sharp edgo of a window casing gave everybody a start.

"Not a man in ilia butt club—not a man indts hull cily, so far aa we know, ebcr put hisself out to do a favor for or speak a word in praise of our la- mented brudder, an' yet we have the ihcek to talk of a resolushun settln*

forth bis many vartucs an' our heart- felt sorrow! No, sir 1 We doan' pass no stch business hcah! I should he ashamed to look his wldder In dc face, If we did. It am de way of de world to let men alone Jist when a Ice- tie help would give 'em a broad aad easy road. We h'ar of dis man or dat man bavin' won de gratitude, of de people, buL we doan' h'ar of it until be am dead. When a man has gone from y'arlh de papers an' dc puirlic suddenly diskiver how honest he was; what a big lieart he bad; bow mtch good he was allus doing, an' what a loss to de world his death will prove. Do lime to praise a man Is when be

liviti* beside us. Praise hurts no- body, but many a good man has grown weary fur de want of apprectashua. Heab am seventy-two of us In dis hall to-night, an' we have to own up dat not one of us cber went outer our wsy to prove to our brudder that his geatle ways, his aquar' dealio' an' his up- right life, war' any mo' 'predated by us dau aa if he bad bio a boss-thiel! An' to pass a resolushun would be to brand ourselves hypocrites. Let^no man dare offer one."—Detroit Free L'rcas.

We put up with folly more patient ly thsn we do with injustice.

_ nen Let ns rnsMge tbe rale.

Dent strlks Uw Iron M ifs aBg^lly^eeol.

Conkllug is the man who elected General Garflcld. After the defeat in Maine, if he hail not ooroo out and brought General Grant with him, but if, like Achilles, he bad remained In hla tent. General Hancock wonld have been elected, sul would have got 80,0*10 majority In the State of New York. That is tho reason why the peoplo think that be has good cause to. feel aggrieved. But who knows that be feels aggrieved? And yet tbe sttempt is made day after day to break him down, l-ct him be broken down. Let the stslwarlism which lie is the leader of be driven oil', and Uie Stale j of New North is irredeemably lost to I the Bepnbllcan party. Without tbef pivotal State theircatuc ishopeless.- Gcceral Butler.

When wake tn* violets. Winter dies, When ipront Ine elm bin)*, Spring is a

O. W. Hi

!(lie Would 1 *t wmu j ward—" for I a*


v I II

i :

pcopH Hon.


HOOP'S SARSAP*RILU> Worts thrnuili (bo l.loorf, ttfulalasg, toolu* mnl Invigorating all Ibe function* of the

Ringworm Humor aad SaH-Rhoum.

r. i. no. I MM tui aobastlT that my body wucovered' •ore*; so, alto, my bead end lac*. I have ha<l any Muubrr ol durton la UM last seven MklM MM <i(U)«Mcould«u«fM. DM day say mother woe In the <lly of TtaTJ

tu scrawl one ■ ■! your MO readln/It ifmiuil many pet •-urea from (ht- use of your HaraapanlU and Olive (MutiiHiit. I nil fureed to try it, nltlioiiKli I had seen many thlnii adTertlaed that never did me any good. 1 have now taken two small bottles and UM large one of barxaiiarllU. and used three boxes of Otat mem. I now tall myaell cured. Notbtna can be «.■» of lite hiisnor but the dim onf linen of the Korea. I ahall take two more hottlet, ami the* the cure will be —

' ^'^KliiUifE'tfHITMAN. Biliousness, Sick Headache.

rrrnmLP, MAM. HHOLfJ, I. Hooi>*Co.: dents—Please

at-ml mo by eiiwitt two bottles HOOD'S 8AM- NAfAHii.i.Aandafew Cook Books for dbv

Vour i*eparalloa baa worked

oren IIUUDMO WHO stca i-rauacsn uu uit- lousoese for yesrs. (UM only took ewe-ball tratiHMwfnl at a doae, aad baa sot bee*, so well fur five yeara aa now. She foarad that within a week after taking tt tbe felt very much belter, and la KM eutlrely free fraan th..^-seven headache*. HatbuMWM any of any account alac* but aprlng, and • lml tittle the hail It lent to do tome othera unid- -d, and we mint have Itlntbebouae.

^Sfcaauat HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA laaold by all drnnbtta. Price »!, or tfi l;tr«i> botlh-t for «a. I'repared only by ('. I. llttoii & (X).. A|M>theearles. I-nwr-ll, Matt.


The Greatest Blood !

-—IMT ] rlcs, eta., combined with tbe X* trnct of Sulphur .which make* 11 lie Ureatest Bleed Pes*" ii'iwu. liti not oven take

BLUE PILLS tilf, they an l Your Kid

i arc IMTTaUtS, the pur

it and boatntodlclueavDrJ

IiTouTo&euBCoil yellow attekn MP IS

it of order Ute nil- 'HUB BIT-

■Ely. If you - ikk, no

T whatalh

I, llll

breath foul i fennlvor Your ate ii h it nut of orde UM I r I'Ut I: BITTKK* In iliauily i la you; Urine thlekj rony. oloudyj or nigh-col-1^ orod?


Ktiffl twalt until yon

"^walk%r ....< mi juur back, lit get tome atonco, it "' euro you. Sulphur


s InT«Ud'» Friend. a young, tba ajred and I IK are toon made well ii". Banaaabar what yon tier*, it may aava your

fry a Bottle To-Day! PBJCE, OHM DOLLAR.



Where lute Oregon? Tim IMieiv question— (.Juta bite?—

Fuck. Tbe Kin all boy la saving bis money

for tbe circus. Tbe material for good soldier* mutt

bo planted it) drill*. riiera is always room on top. Tlrli

la etp.'ciull) HO with a crowded stlwCt oar.

Au aucuorite is not H fellow who, when be finds a pretty girl, will anchor right there.

A man digging clams hardly know* whether he is fishing or ensaged in agricultural pursuits.

Never refer to favors conferred. If you owe a man $J it would be ex- tremely indelicate to allude to it.

There is a five-legged mule in Mis- souri. This teems to be rinding insult to injury, aa well as a leg to tbe mule.

A novelty in the form of a lace pir, is a golden fishing rod and solver line looped over the rod, with u gold fell dangling from tbe end.

What did that old fossil mean when he wrote: "Watchman, tell ut of the night"? As If watchmen know any- thing that oocusred after dark!

Detroit Free Press: "Kathci & nice city," said Hret Harte to a friend In Scotland, aa they rode through I Scot- tish town on tbe oars. "What place Is this, anyhow?'' The friend replied : "This Is Glasgow, where you have been consul lor the last two or three years." - .

"Yea." Raid a great traveller, "got the St. Ilernanl If you want a good dog. Tboussnds of times have I seen the noble animal, in tbe bitter cold carrying Ita frozen muter by the slack of the pants over the highest moun- tains of Karbpe. Toe truth Isn't half told about these superb creatures.

A woman writes to the Cincinnati Enquirer that aha doesn't like tbe Russian bath, because she "can't see the fun of belog laid on a marble slab and scrubbed, kneaded, slapped, and dented from bead to foot by a woman so stalwart that one can't get quite rid of tbe suspicion that she is a man tn disguise."

"Henry is so practical I" said Mrs. Toungwlfe, "When mother went Into the conn fry last year, be sent all be things alter her tbe very next dsy ; U said she might want some of them, yon know. And it's kind o' funny," she went on, "mother did want them for she has never come back to live with us since. Wasn't it queer ?"

Tbe child of a very fashionable fain ily was sick, and tbe colored servant wss tent to tbe drugstore with a pre- scription. "If the child cannot keep the first powder on its stomach, YOU must give it anolher one," remarkod tba clerk, aa lie pasted on tbe label. "You don't reckon we would give bf tbe same powder ober again, does yer? We tint no poor folks, we ain't.1


PERFUME. Murray A Lanman's



toil.iimo narlu

-HMBaWavS ►*- Medicated Prunes. a yuurr atHqpTaSTBO—Tsjwopaa FOB


LIVER TROUBLES A PILES akt. CMaranr i Btdutrnt oTtatt , afJnsral OH ar*iiu

' 'r'"Y "* '""do -ty. furota by ■

CURE Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Lack

of Energy .Loss of Strength, Want of Appetite, Inter-

mittent Fevers, etc.

IRON BITTER8 an highly recomnit'iiilcd for all diseases requiring s certain ami < Mi< tonic.

IBON HITTERS e sr**. (Ae blood, tlrruijthfn the muscle*, and oi'rf n«r life Ut ths.nrm-*,

IllON BITTKRS set like a ehann oa the digestive organs, removing all Uytpe|>Uo sYni|iti>irn, mirh as tatting tit footl, MtAimj, AMtf is rV ttomack, ktowt- Itu, 'I, (7c.

IRON BITTKRS—the only Iron Preparation that trill nof bUtJcm tit larfa or g*M JUnoWAs.

Hold l>v all dniggiots. Write for the A II C Book, 32 pages of

tsefid ami anuwing reading—tent free.


fir Irbi


A I1AL»V UK Mint

Jacob Ofcavous, formerly a Lealslator, Arrested for Druakennesa—His

Coiirtthlpa of H Colored Wlilow.

About a wci-k ««n. ihero appeared on

the Streets a yroiet(|i)sly sttlred colored

lodlvldual, wlio auravtetl consluerabl«

altontioQ. He wore a red cardigan Jacket.

nil c.oiU km .- hrecho', ai:d crimson ttocL

inits, and on his In-.til a crimson tkull cap.

Wh t purported to oe his hair, bang In

a braid down his back nearly to hit heels, sad In bit htndt he carrUd a broom ttick He announced blti.aelfa* Jacob Cbarona,

of Charlotte Va. a lecturer, and engaged the city hall far Ffjdtvhmnlnf. Dories; thr

week, when lot engaged la Ingratiating

hlnteir Into the affections of a worthj

colored widow named Harrla, he spent

bit UOM la dlttrtbntlug band bills, bear log the following: —

CUT ball Lawrence. I>*ci

Uirty Tear^trasaMflatse - - tens* _. —__. ens pMneafai IODIOL

A Uriel acoouatot the PMPIB of Kurort, Atlnund Africa; Utecuttomn and rallfioui mannen »l Hit heaUwn natloni, offering ihtlr children t.i b. •lain, and tbe ilriaklatotblcMHl at n tncrlDue t,>t •In; th« tocUl coanltlon of the culurctl i>eo|>le li tbe SouUi, where E hat lravcle.1 In lite BUM M SflSRBJ SUtea for att i»a»t lour vrart, and Iheli proepacl for ImprovemenL

Mr. Lhavout will be dratted in the cotlumu "tarn Asia, aad will <lurlnc ike avaali

frote toaKaf« iak> Blaglkatase, iiliMtraila« .llffcrtat ablu la the Imbarotr* miioa- end .tn

. rehehattrflVLli-,1, ami will nln> du.^rlbo places of Interest In H.o timr Land, ami t lie • iasi

UUe from t< VXi

lad i' • Uo.L J. <).



forWSstu th« iMtfa>nt,'p.MltiTii In IttfftceU, nn (or thorn) painful tail uiurh StttStS »ff. |>iiil>(*ti's mid ltrifjlitN I>lsease, whtU Hi caret or 0 revel, Dra««r, Catarvb »r iho BtaSaer. nrir!4n.t IH|H-lt. Palarat IIfaWaWSBj tUch-CoUrra Irl«, ,\imii Wllkwa *>4 !>■!■

■Mlitwlllstinui'lr lira run T«« oa lie «oat in Surton!l. nci and plutrn. at boil sir* bat teai. panuyrrllrf. I:™i* L-nl weUlcvrUi jl/of a pormaoi-n tsi . Fur ttte by drog-

.'] -. or : sit by ['n-n ut iHMtacv) on rMtlB*"/ I buirk*. l:,KuUrr.i.i,aim.<-hiWir»d((.jr

j ornrlr.->ln rhU ..- i. r-'-1 imrtw..k. -llow L Life OM Barot," elTlna tlii-lii ■: .-r at mil r w illtou T. VJ -i nil .1 Lira* m-onl uf

*AV klllMl I'"..' CO., lOJ IIHl. OHIO.

BIUIIUR. „., , „. ^jnU« uU on our r.-p"i*tion, wo Sin It ■•"> IN- tltiirFiat to nra llw-.n. A<k foe

VWKIPM.V I'AJ). mj tokt iw uta« i i«A. i «■•, C. UOODirna A Co., aasSa* AKi.,

soiTOH, Maes. For tale l>y li M. «SlITIfff V * CO.,

IOURII th... .. ate Uiat have not been enrolled c

rv. farenU thoulil tee that thei ifdilt inFtruiiilve lecture. Tho will elote with Jubilee Bong*.

. Cnavout MHM hiahl* reoumo Mveialwell known genQemen, am»ns ■re UM toliowwf: A. II. Straiaont. K,., , .. *"ke.M. II. Muvae. UjH, Valle',. Can.; II. 1,. Clark, K*<i, ol Athawty, Kho.l« l.U.i.t.

A.imu.lo. «•; HeMrved teaU Mc i-bilUreu urall tradut, lie; doorto|>en a meaceats. The Jnuiiee »Hi(cr. will feetisMN m tho native A(,k,n Wrw. Alto the Kn.t.-m AtU, mal« and irmtlc. wdl be dretai-d In Me cotiume of ttic 11' country.

He represented tbat he had been a

r of thu Virginia legislature, tod

looked upon aa quite a dignitary by

the colored people. Hu obtained board

with the widow llarrla, who uuwwd her

best room st his disposal, and w.-n dab a.

ed to his Ule of low. In fact be proposed marriage to her, and on tbe

his represenutieas. that be

SflOOO from the tale of tome property li

few days, the widow advance.! mooey to

him to pay for his printing. Ltat Suulty

Jacob lectared tt tbe Olive Baptlm church

tnd succeeded In getllnu: tome money.

He might have retained the affectlost ol

the dasky widow, had he been able to overcome bis passion for strong drink,

bat this he conld not do, sad tlncc Hun-

dsy be has been on a genuine spree. Hu

became to anbttrsble tbst the police were notified, tnd Officer 0 Sullivan went to

Mrs. Harris' bouse, sad trrem-d him. He

WSS Intoxicated, lying In bed with a large

carving knits beside him. As a result hit

lecture tt the city hall wai postponed

In police court Stturdty, t colored Mend

who It It ttld, hat all rig and queer tire tn keeping, pild bis doe and Wat discharged.

Chavooi la representend tt very well

educated. Ho Is llfij.flvc year* of age,

and claims to have beeu %a agent for Cts

slus M. City's colonisation society, sod

to htve taught school In the soath. He

slso clalmi that he hta t ton who It worth

',000, tnd was himself tt one time pos-

sessed of 100 acres of land with buildings, st Duprrx consty, Vl. lie exprestet his

Intention to persist io. lilt salt for the widow Harris' liend, but It Is doubtful IT

tbe can look upou her guett tgsln, it of

yore, with beaming ryea of lore.

— At the adjourned meeting, Tharsday evening, or the Lawrence street society,

the original pltn. which contemplttet tn

ebitrgcnii-nt of tbs recess, la wllih ss

well at In depth, was finally agreed upon,

tnd the whole matter put In the bssds of tbe apecltl commlite.-, lucrt-astil by tbe

addition of Mr Hambb-i no I ItM aties-

sora, who were gl*«s lul power to com-

paste the aiieratitm-t; Hie or^aa Is to be

rebuilt, a portion of th i present Instru- ment being used in the ueW one.

— Mr. Conhell, of tbe Mtsstchunetu

Dcncdt Aflsociatlon, la meeting with most

encouraging aaccesa ; IsSt Stturdty be la-

tared street co mis ins loser Ball, end three

others lo that department, to the imount

of •14.000, with t prospect oftwocr three more In tbe sane bureau.

T . ih- ordlosry obssresr, assmbltlout to esce) as a rider, the bicycle Is s htrta- lets, graceful machine ooaslsUlg of two wlieeln and a diminutive ssddls. To tbe caoautl glaoce. It displays no saellelous orvlclou* trtlts of caaracur. Standing aitalntt a fence It exhibits tn amonnt of repose excelled only by a tiatue of marble In Itself it U a quiet, inofooslve place of aaechanUm. Combined wlth«a human be- log, It le ao luatrunient of destruction.

My neighbor, Aogustos Huddlewlu, be- tween whues wife sod nine there Is s continual spirit of rivalry la the nature of excelling la booaets, furniture and babies, has lately purchased a bicycle. Where or how he learned to ride I cannot tell; bat whea f flrtt aaw HoddlewlU ride down our street to his own door, make a grace- ful tnd asfe descent, tnd tbeu nod acrius tbe "treat to ate and remark, "Flea even- ing. Pickles," with the sir of one ased to that tori of thing, my tool wss filled with envy tnd all oncbarltableaata. ,

From tbat boar I bad the bicycle fever. I teat to Boston for catalogues. I talked my f.l ad l'injoy Into a state of bicycle loaaey. I bored the Flyer Brothers, bi- cycle dealers, about tba best in ike of ma- chine; and I finally Invented IBS fifty Isch wheel.

I had sladied tbs theory of riding, tnd felt onfl lent thtt It WSS one of the easi- est tbiaga In Ufa. "The mouatlng," said I to Pmjoy, "la tho most difficult to learn. Mtt-i that Is accomplished, I am all right

Tfea riding la alatply a trick Of balancing." Accordingly, after the bicycle arrived, I aet out, leading tbe machine; aad Aeeoso- pauled by Plajoy, la a smooth piece of country road sboet half a mile distant. I'Li- rotd htd a slight dip; Jast enough to make the bicycle ran Itself; aad accord- ing to sll the books, was Jast the place for a learner to uegla.

Arriving st the bead of the laclloe, threw aside my hat and coat—with all the ardor peculiar to a man Just about to ride for the test lime. I grasped thv handle firmly, tM the book instructs, placed my left foot on the step, took two or three bops with tbe right foot, started down the Incline, stood op, at last; and then sat down In the middle of the road about tea rest from my machine. To ssy tbat I wst sorprlted wonld be s neediest remsrk.

of much more value than the knowledge or booka t aaa I proceeded more etrefally. I sooa was able to go tea or twslve feet, standing on tbe step. With pa'leace sod many falls, I st Isst lesraed tbs knack of keeping the wheel, on their edges Instead of on their sides; aad then I attempted tba saddle. Bat bare vaulting ambition o'wrlesped Itself, and fell on the other side, and X eat down in tbe road.

However, I aace -cded tt last, sod man- aged to TOO tn the bottom of thu Incline, without using tbe pedtlt, where I dropped off to one aids aad led thu machine back, and BBoonisd tod came down ss before.

I wee at last taceassfet. l*iu| ly sat on tbe bank with watch lu Laud and timed aw. Then, aelaed with a gentle* emula- tion, he bat ma s paper collar that bs cosld run down the lacllus fatter tbtn I could ride, which bet, ss toy pride wsi touched, I accepted, sod we alar ted. That race ended my dealrs to be a bicycle rider. Jest ss ws began, a covered batcher's wagon Jogged by at sad for a little dis- tance kept ahead, bat as the bicycle gath- ered mosasatiaa we gradually gained on It. It was my first sod last triumph. Pin- Joy was panting away at my side. The prospect of besting the butcher's team loomed up before me. I rushed dowo the incline, nearer sod aesrer the wagon, un- til ouly two or three feet intervened be- tween me sod the cart, when, the butcher having dropped bis whip, palled up short. There was a collision over the corn beef boa | I shot aader the eaovss cover sad reclined on three or four legs of beef. The horse, frlghtcaed by this anusasl oc- currence, started off at a frightful pace. I caught s glance of Plnjoy tnd the batch- er standing by tbe bicycle la the middle of the road; then there came a crash. 1 flew through the air with aa meat of dead beef, tnd Ian Jed Is s ditch by the side of the rotd. Pinjoy, with tbe aid of a dozen fans btads palled me oat from beneath half s cow, and aet me on my feet In tbe road. I found both legs soand sod could walk; so we sorrowfully wended our way homewaids, wiser, bat ssdly battered young men. Pinjoy lead- ing the bicycle aad wearing s wet baad- kercblof across hit nosu. I, ragged, wet, dirty, with s sprained wrist tnd brokeo hesd. I won eosfioed to my bed for two weeks, psld tn enormous bill of damages; SOd to any ambitious person desirous of Investing their money, I have a bicycle forssle. JBBKMY PICKLES.



The Innholdert' Faree. Victuallers Who Cannot Victual.

I sat up in the middle of the dus- ty highwsy and stared at tbat bicycle alth my eyes stretched wide opes. Yes, and my mouth too: •'.Surprise hot this effect—lo makaone damn. Yet leave tbs gate which tloqaesee slips

tnriiUKti As wldt at if a lung speech were to come."

l'luj.iy indulged In Inappropriate and unseemly laughter, which was anything but soothing to my Jarred nervous tys- tem. The book says, -Only a steady sp- plication can overcome the obstacles In tbe way of a beginner," but I believe I did iiut see that sentence until after my llrst THII.

Sinuewhat more cautious, tnd handling the aftajBe* with more reape«tthat before, 1 uiiidn another atUtnpt. I grasped tbe handle* attain, placed my left root on tbe step, as th: book remarks, took one hop with my rlsht riot, and thu hlcyclu t Ippad u» iho right. I took another hop, at the same lime endeavoring to bring the clilnoto an upright position; bat only 'ttcceeded lo throwing It still more to the rlKbt. Then came a moment or Indecis- ion, A mighty straggle whether I should pull that bicycle up straight or It should pull me down with it. We balanced moment or two and then 1 sprawled my whole leogth and breadth oa tbs akte uf my wheal, to tue grett ama-wment erf Plujoy.

It wss a warm evening and my eaxleav an :tnd I'lDjoj'e remsrki, bad raised my blood lo boiling point. Wo held a coun-

of war, while the bicycle lay quietly In the middle of the road, aad concluded

. Nucceat would be achieved more quietly if be held the machine until I got Iulo the ttddle, and then kepi It steady for a short Um:> until I got used to tbe thing, lie grasped the bicycle by the head, tod braced bis feet about t yard and a half aptrt lu order to have a good bate, -iml I mounted, not without fear and trembling, and succeeded In seating my sell. 1 wsj Just about to say, "now then ease her off," when a Wrier •tos; came tearing along the rotd Irom s neighboring Itrm house, and began a close Inspection of Pinjoy's heels. This divided llnjoy't attention. Bf*ry lima he kicked at the dog he almost threw me rft Bvery lime thu dog jumped at him be was seised with a desire to ran away aad leave me la my dangerous position, lu this precarious situation I mtde up my sale.I that I would be stfer If I wet staodlag on the earth, so I attempted a dismount, aad was jast retching ray.foot back to feel for the atep, when Pinjoy, exasperated beyond bearlne, liuucbed tn especltlly vicious kick tt the terrier, Jerked the fore wheel around, caught his foot In tbe tpokes, tripped, foil, and brought myself sod the bicycle on top of him with a crash.

Pinjoy's ejaculations, ware frightful. Hit language to me In train trying moment of my life, wss exceedingly uncourteout. His after desertion was bsse In the ex- treme. He retired to the tide of the rotd end bound up bis head with a handker- chief.

Mr ardor by this time wu considerably dampened. Vet, knowing that patience and perseverance conquer all tblsga, I, a third ilm-, picked up the hkycta ssstj my- self for another trial. I bad le-irned aoaae experience, In my half hour of aectdeatt, which la bicycling aalaother arts, la oftea

Funeral of the Victim—Luther Foster Taken to JaU—Public Sentiment

Concerning Hit Connection With the Affair.

Tbs funeral ssrvlcet over the remains of Arthur Foster,were held Friday afternoon st the residence of his brother-in-law, Cbsrles O. Qontd, st North Aodover. They were conducted by Rev. A. 11. Amory, of Grace church this city, and only immediate friends of the family, and realstlves were present.

Thernd*y, district police ofllcer Batch- eldtr conveyed Lather Foster to the Jail, where he will remain until arraigned next May, There Is little bops of bis securing $5000 bonds. As he was being taken to the jail, he Inquired of Mr. llttcbatfer If he thought that bit sentence would more than five yean, to which tbe ofllcer re- plied Ibst be could not lull.

There Is ao doubl thtt Luther's prev- ious good reputation, bis remaining with tbe body of his uuToi tunaio brother, tnd the delivery of blmtelf to the officers, created some public sentlmeot la hit favor. Ills statennMiL that hu htd been persuaded to participate la the crime by his brother, was at Ural generally be- lieved, but tlnce his testlmooey at the Inquest, there bss bees a revolntlon lu public sentiment respecting hit connect- ion with the affair. In fact It Is now be- lieved that the brothers hare long plotted the crime, and Intended to get farmer Wilson's money, even at the risk of tak- ing hit lire. In hit testimony, Lather ssld that Tuesday evening he met his brother as be wss going towards his boardins; place from the town, and tbst Arthur told him be was goiag over to Wilton's. He then went to his room, white Arthur went lo joaog Fuller's snd borrowed his revolver. He testified thtt he did not know that Arthnr had the revolver or stove wreoceb, bet It Is not believed that he weat with hit brother, neither helug cognisant of tbe fact thtt violence was premeditated, and tbat the weanowa were at ban! to accomplish It, especially after he had taken from Arthur a box or pepper which be acknowledged on the witness stand, only after close questioning, tbst It wsa bis purpose throw tbe pepper dust into Mr. Wilson's eyes and blind him. Furthermore he testified tbat when hie brother was push- log In the door, he (Lather,) had the pepper box la his band with the cover partially removed. In readiness to turn It Into Mr. Wilson's eyes when the door was up.)ne.i. In fact, according to his own itouiruonev, lie was to take tho Ini- tial step In the assault upou tbe farmer. Farther evidence thaw he was fully aware of the entire purpose of their midnight Journey, Is given In his teallmoney to the effect, that before proceeding to tbe tcene of tbe tragedy, he and his brother got a pint of whiskey In two bottles, one of which he csrrled, Arthur having tba other. He teatlflad tbat neither drank all of the Whiskey, snd that he threw his bottlo twsy, he does uot sty where, snd that be does not kuow what became of the bottle tbst bis brother carried. No bottles were found netr the boasc. Tbe belief now Is tbst Walter has uot told all he koew of tba anlal t-, and the theory which la being accepted, la that when they met upon tbe street Tuesday evening. It Was agreed tbat tho brothers should not be auei geiher sx their boarding place sgilu that evening, that Arthur should borrow Ful ler's revolver, otteostbly to shoot cats, ami meet Luther In hit room after tbe otbet occupants had retired; meanwhile, that ha should ahew himself la tbe rooms of other students in order to divert aet pklou, Which he did. Luth IT'S testimony that he was persutdsnl to t!te commission of tbe crime by bit brother, and that he oodeavored to dlaaaade Arthur from purpose. Is uot generally believed, nor does It sppear plausible lu the light or tbe fact, thtt he waa at his eafortanate brother's shoulder, at taedoor of farmer Wilson's chamber, with a box of pepper In hand, ready to make the first stuck on the old asn whom they believed ssleep and unarmed. Ills ceadact tlnce hit ar- rest bss not been each as wonld oe ex- pected from a young man who bsd passed through such a terrible odeal, and his re- msrk to district ofllcer Batebelder, platn ly shows tbst tbe enormity or tbe crime sod Ita dreadful consequences. It not up- permost lo his mind, but the extent of punishment which will be meted oat to him .

— Mr. Dtnlel Conlln proposes consider- able Improvement In Ids recent purchase. ikl Broadway, lit; will raise the. bulldini: and build a store underneath, SO feet front and II deep. It will be> titled up for a cafe with a lunch room 30i42 feet, dining room, both ruum and water closets. Tbe windows will be phalsi gists Tilt) feet. Tbe store will be finished throegh- oat in hard wood. Mr. QeorgeO. Adams, architect. Is preparing the plans.

— Builders complain of the high price ot~ bricks. They sre sesfce, sod the common builders brick sell at ft0,50 a itioottud.

If the coarst thai fsi parsasd by the Board of Aldaraien on the license ques- tion, foreshadows their future action lo ibis particular phass of tbs municipal ad- ministration, Lawrence bids fslr to excel any city In the Commonwealth In showing bow complete a farce the liquor license lew can be adapted. Tke course has been thee fsr this year to give nearly every one who has aaked for It, ao laaholder't li- cense, whether or uot they hare accommo- dations for providing food or lodgings for guests. The committee on lleeasts report favorably on such petitions, and the Board of Aldermen, not wishing to sppear discourteous to the committee, here granted tbe licenses recommended, without Inquiring Into either the charac- ter of tbs petitioner, the nature ol the locality Is which he proposes to transact bsslness, or whether be con furnish the accommodations prescribed by the stat- ute. The result Is that through this neg- ligence or carelessness, whichever it may be termed, laeholders'liquor licenses bsre been granted Individuals who do not and cannot accommodate transient guests tnd seek tach licenses only for the par- pose of keeping open shop on Sunday, or for the purpose of keeping booses of assignation and prostitution. Thla It a feel which can be attested to by nearly every police officer In the city.

Tbe whole number of liquor licenses, including those granted to sued the past year Is *5J. Of these 11 hare t-eeo taken out by so-called lonhold- ers, 178 by common victuallers, It by grocers, 10 try wholesalers tad 2 by Brewers. Of tbs total, the so-called kitchen bar-room predominates, tbat Is, there are 141 persons licensed, who reside st their pieces a/ bsslness, aad 10 of these dwell snd da basinets la basements. A better Idss of tbe extent of the traffic may be gained from the following. Common street there sre IS placet where liquor Is sold, Essex 85, Hampshire 17, Osk 18, Elm It, Broadway 13, Ameabury 4, Vallley 11, Chestnut 0, and even quiet, retired Bradford street has Its resort for the thirsty.

The Board of Aldermen here voted to grant liquor licenses this yssr and bars fixed the rates. It hot been the experi- ence of previous Boards, that not all who apply for licenses are fit persons to hare them, snd among this class may be enum- erated those who drink to Intoxication, those who desire that tbs traffic shall assist them In the barter of virtue, those who hsve not the accommodations for conducting the traffic according to law, and those who hare no character and will be likely to furnish Intoxicating liquors to every one who has the money to pay for It. It reatslns to be seen what tbe pres- ent Board will do In this respect, but If they follow the course thus fsr panned tblt year, the ability to pay for a license would seem to be the only requirement needed by the applicant.

The license to Insholdert, ss It hss been given this yesr, hot dwindled to a farce. and la only s cloak for Sunday traffic or baser purposes. Of 21 Innbolders' li- censes granted, there sre but 13 who can afford, whs-, in a strait, can be called lodgings, for any one to avail themselres of, and only four who can glee what Is known, outside of Mesiachutetti, ss hotel sccomnodtiloas. The remainder sre mere rum-shops with a room or two attached, with hardly suitable accommo- dations for the licensee's family. At South Lawrence there ore two licensed Inns. One consist! of a bar room suds card room; the other consists of a bar room, a kitchen and bed room. On New- bury street, directly opposite a school house, s main thoroughfare to aad from cbutcb for people residing on the corpor- ation, s wooden building, not orer sixteen feet high, rejoices In the nsme of a hotel, simply because the Board of Aldermen hare grauted Its occupant su Inaholdsr's license. In s word there sre six licensed Inns lo the city, where s stranger could neither get a meal of victuals be would eat, or lodgings he would care or dare to put up with. The citizens deserve some- thing better from public servants thae that such pilots should be licensed, least of all for Suodty traffic, und there Is no

who baa tbe well-being of bis own or hit neighbor's children at heart, who would give hit consent to having a liquor saloon located within a few feet or the school wherein they are tsughl.

The liquor traffic hss beeu legalized lo this Commonwealth, but it miiitbe con- ducted under certain restrictions, snd I*. Is the duty of the municipal poweis to see tbat ihc conditions under which li- censes sre granted, tre uot vlolttod; fur- thermore, to take the necfr'aeiV precau- tions tbat licenses shall not Be granted to persons who desire to engage In the traf- fic for Improper purposet. It Is well un- derstood tbat within the past five yeara, there have grown up lo tbla clly houses retorted to for prostitution, snd wblld municipal authorities grant Uceeses to the keepers of theae, they appear to tacitly acquiesce In tbe condition of eftalre, and thu police are powerless to stem the aril, which yearly Is ou the Increase In this city. Tbe present Hoard oT Aldermen msy stem this torrent of vloe in a great measure by refusing liquor licenses to those who tbey hsve ressou to believe desire to mske the traffic accessory to atlll more Illegitimate business, and when con- sidering applications for liquor Hwassi this year, may learn something of the reputation of tome of the "hotels" of the city, by consulting tbe police In relation to the principal busluess carried on by the occupants.

Rtrs Wisraa's BALSSW or WILD Cnxaut always st hand. It cures Coughs, Colds, Brou- cUNS, Whooping Cough, Croup, Influenta. Consumption, end ail Throat and Lung Cum -'""Us. M cents and ft a bottle,

leod leow nov*23

A LOCOH, fJOLD OB »Ote 1 I1K0AT should lie stopped. Neglect frequently results In on la curable Luna Disease- or (Jonsumptlou BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TKOClthS do not disorder the stomach like cocih syrups and balsams, bat aet directly on tbe Inrlemtii parts, allaylnt: Irritation, vivo reliefln Asthma, Hruo- chltia. Coughs, Catarrh and tho Throat trouHve wklen Singersaud fnbilc Bpeakers are snbjcct to. For thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troch as have been recommended by physicians, and

rfect satisfaction. Having becc tod constant ma for nearly an

entire generaiion. tber have attained wtll-m, i Had rank emon* the few staple remedies of the




Baal la tbe world. Lasts longer than any of' er. Always In good condition. Cures sores, nuts, bruises an>l .in nr. Costs but lllllo mure tan the lai'<itiom. Every package has lbs rademark. Call ferine genuine, and lake ao

MOTHEK3 I MOTHERS 1 !MOTUKBS!t Art yon disturbed at night and broken of

your rest by a sick child, suffering aad crying wit* the excructatlag pain of cuttTna; teeth ? If to, go atones aad get s bottle of MRS. W1H8- LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve ins soar Hills saBsrer Immediately—depend up- ou H; thers Is no Mistake about it. There la oot t mother on earth, who hat ever need It, woo will not tell you at ones tbat It will regu lots the bowels, and give rest o lbs mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all

i, aad pleasant to the taste, and A tbe pre tcrlptlon of one ol the oldest and best lemate physician* and nurses In tbe United States. notd every where. 26 cents a bottle.

Iteodlyr Ian % *81

ALABASTINE! For Snlshiag Walls tad Ceilings, Is ibe most vnlunble material knows. It Is far superior to Kalsomlne, and more ec-onowlcal. It Is a vale- s'.le discovery, and Ita merlls aa a wall finish

nne.|ii*U'.l. It Is the only natural and ilur i) itm-ii i.T Walls u will payyon tossed

lor saniitle nerd and testlraonialt to

Averih Faint Co., 19 Federal St., BOSTON.

ASK We recov ered dyaneptles, Ivl lous sufferers, victims of fever and ague, toe mercurial d Iseased patient, how thev re- covered health,cheer lul spirits and gooit appetite; they will by tail ng

*"fceCheapest. Tureet and B at Family ■edlclwa In tke World.

For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice Bllloas attacks, B1CK HEADACHE, Colle, Deersssloa oftpirlis, SO UK STOMACH. Uesrl B urn, So., Ao.

Thla uarlvalled Southern Remedy la warrant Sonet te eoatala a tlagte part Idle orMaaouuT, or say injurious mineral substance, but Is

PURELY VEGETABLE, eesabialsg those Southern Boeta-aad Herbs, which aa all-wise provldeace has placed In eosatrles where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases caused bv Derange ssent of the Liver and Bowels.

els slleraatelvcoatlveandlax; lleadaohe; Loss of memory. With a painful sensation o( harms failed to do tossetsiag which ought to have been dose; Debllltv, Low Spirits, a tblek yellow enpeereaee ef" the Skin aad Eyes, a dry Cough olwa ■ is takes lor Consamplloa.

Bossstlsaes assay of these svraptosas attend (he disease, at others very few; but the Li van, the Largest orgaa In tbs body, Is ceserally t— seatoi tne disease, and If not rsaulatad in iti— great luaerlrig, wretchedaess and DEATH will eutaa.

I can recommend aa aa eBcaclont remedy for or the Liver, Heartburn and Dyspepsia, is' Liver ftegulator.

Lnwit O. WI.NI.KK.

Advice and circulars couialning lull Informa- tion for stamps. Ki.liK.'xsUlsjiilu*-, II We. 11 lib ilreet. New fork.

A YELK, and expenses lo V § 7 f agents, uuisut—. A I I f P. O. VHJKEBV, Augusts,

$999-,, AUKtitiu, M

year to Agents,and expenses, SI __.Jl>.illll Iris. Address J. 8WAIM A Co.

Lagusia, He.

o the Boys of New England,

Kvery "lay ■< i.™,,. n«iii«)" >ii f'-.t >ii.h tup of Osk 11-11. Huston, snd a reward of a w ui rlolhcs w ill I..- |Mld lu the lmy who captures It snd returns It to Ilmlon. We also giet to every cus- iiimrr immr hi>v«Mcpartmi-nt(an Inflated Parisian Ualhxm, W centlnseters la dialect rr I

The slock i.f MI-JI'S snd Hoys' Spring- and Hum- mer suits and Sprint Overcoats Is complete, and sur|)HMi» In vark-ly snd general esccllease alt fun li or display*, lu three hundred Now lagtaaa towns and cities wo arc represented by rs tab tubed Agcills, In whoso hand* full line* of Hprlnj aad Bummer Hum pie* will be found, and with whom our Iradc csn confidently deal.

When you go to Boston bo sure snd visit Oak Hall — tho famoua, one-price, reliable Clothing House. *^

Ssmplc* and rules for self measure sent to any

'We have tested Its virtues, personally, and know that lor Dyspepsia, Biliousness, and Tbrobblag Headache, it is the best medicine the world ever taw. We have tried forty other emsdles before Simmons' Liver Hegulstor, but


82 to 44 North Street, Boston, The oldest Clothing House In New England.

1 >. W. LORD, A (rent, Lawrence. 8weo4* martt



tod Sir iunlt


la the waosl eSTSetNal dy ewe sll IMt.

af ih^MidxM, B lad da r a.-.« Urlnsirjr ore;, a s, areesutle Oeuaa- -'aiaata »ss4 eseweswl

hi III jr, eurh SB pa In sal, eurs>ca**>« sewaa- slealalaie Stack and Xralae, Swrtpress-d sr 1-e-a.tla.tiH I rlu«- Inw. with whlililior artek-awM d • p • a 11, Draper, CJrii el, IHn- *-"tea. Or st* air. Weak

ii, a*. KrHRETirllM

Sas aa eqwal far laaaaeweae sad vTsab.

pernllar te Fe.

sjKrHBKTICl'H Is heasMt kaavra idv fer Diabetes.

_ alcaadailm alaat fate *«ad parseas, le wHksat s rival. I* *sr< aad salt few UK. til.- LUCK'S MIDSEIBKMKIII, St- PII Kl> TICUM. Far salsfcs-all l»'"SSlsls.

Prlee, •■ly- gl.Oeper Isellls. C.a.KOBEKTeOM, Praprlator, Bealew, «BtO. O. UOODWIN * CO.. Oew. Ajrsals.

ItaiM Hiator St., tsit* a, Maea, eodflrlanlv rb

—About llirc.i u'cl'k Saturday morning, ofllcer John 0*ulllesn brand three tramps sleeping on Maddox's farm, at Booth Lawrence. He handcuffed two of them together, and gavu them Into the caatodv of Klthtrd Donovan, the night watchman at the Boston and Maine south depot, but thev escaped from him. Ofllcer O'Sollivan took bis tramp to the police station, and obtaining a team, with officer Johnson started after the runaways. They came up to ibem on the Lowell road., about foar miles from tbe city, and again took them Into custody. They were lo a sorry plight, handcuffed to each other, OIH: of them ouly having any shoe ou. Tbey gave th ■ iiaaaes, John Murray, Thomas Sullivan and John itysn. In the police cjort tbey were aeetenced to three mouths In the Houae of Correction, for vagrancy. They answer Ue description of men wanted In Lowell for larceny.

—Street commissioner Hall has nesr the stone crusher on Tower Hill, a verv large pile of fine stones, which will be nsed In balldlng macadamized road, whea the weather la open. Tbe Inelde of the house hu been cleaned ap, tba engine aad holler newly painted, and everything Is In the best ot* order, as enough broken alone le on hand now lo last some time, tad therefore there will be nu averk done here for Die present.

—The number of orphat-s lu vbe asylum at pretest la 48; of these 14 are pahd for by friends, but the remaining M are sep- ported snd educated gratuitously. Last year nfteen orphans were placed in good homes. Tbs Sisters of Charity received last year 1*112.71. of which #170.75 WBS donated by the Catholic Friends society. snd lha eemslBder was realized from a picnic.


&lffEBS Shooting Chllla Down tbe Back.

Dull pain lu tbe limbs, nanaea, billon i Use substitutes for tbe chilly genial warmth, regulalea the sloma> parts lone to the live*. The bowels, ti aad the biliary glsnd being restored lo a healthy condition, the disease Is conquered at toeo

For sale by til Druggists and Dealtia genera II v>


Cares Dyspepsia, nTervous Affec- tiotts, General Debility, Fever ana Ague, Paralysis. Chronic Diarrhoea, Bolls, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- Cts, Liter Complaint, Eemittent

r, and all diseases origi nating in a bad State of the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low Btate of the System.

teod leew li aevM a

TRY THE BOSTON BATTERY. It etlmulates th»

liloodintnactlon.and should be worn by everyone aublect t< Kneustatisna, Neu ralgia. Nervous Dis- eases, Sleepiest Nights, Hysteria, ■pdepsy,I)yt|>e|>sls rave, aad A sue,

Lang lesrl, n.l K

Liver, and atlduey Dlseas es. Nursing atoihors am) Children wear the Boston Halterr;

, ills action upon the ^*_^ mmf* asetoer end child

will be fouudveryqulelms Uotbers now ills- rsrd all sooth ink syrup*, end use the Boston Battery, thus relieving the e.hild ol muun enter lea eauaed bv asrcotlcs. Sent l<y mall every- where oa receipt er price. H centa. Sold by all Drng_lsts. Maa aad Wemen a-ests wsnted In

"~on Uslvanlc


Parlor Suits, Centre Tables.

Etaeeries ataeat WalaatOhaaatseraats.

•"rears Kitraslan Tables ■ lark Walaal *>ld«-Raarda


Better and Finer Class of Goods

J. PILSBURY. Jr.. Nn. 851 EstexStrsetLtwrenoe.


LAWRENCE Busine ss Directory.

W. HOWLAND, D. D. B.. __» DBNTAL 8UKUEON, MS Kate* Street, Lawrence, eta, ■thai Chloroior at AdaUalstarsd.

COLBUBN BBO'S,-DAIL. PAl'KKb Uhromos, Engravings, Periodicals.outlooerj

reaey Uoods. Pictures (framed at short none* No.tsia.MiStreat

CLARA H. BOQEHS, If. Disease* of Women i

tnaalleapanHo preserving Natural Teeth. Ar tiSeial Teeth Inserted, tits or ether gl**n ts preferred. i lyoelS


Co r.Lawrence a Ccmmon Sll Baa rets reed frees awaefsj aad resumed ptae lHis ol si* profession.

D B. tJUSAJ* ti. CBOCXBB orrtea tan aatiDaaoa,

378 HeverhtU Btreet, t3o%1V>.1.:: Lawreneo.Mats.

U UEON Haas. Gas, Caleretarm, er aUher gives, as tarred. Closed daring Augaat.

J. H. IIDDBB, DBNTAL SUB- OEUN, Ne. »71 Kssex Street, Lawrence,

DBCKBB a WHITTIEK, GROCKKS- Crockery aad Uless Ware. Btrietlv port

0easse,Splntt tad easrieeet Teas. ToetsMtd-Met ef Butter tad Cheese. tSAmesburv Street.

-Kei , H. HARRIS, too BROADWAY, ol 'JetbeK, Bunt Machine Co. Turbine Water

Wheels, railing Mllle, Washers, Falling Slocks tslgo, ftagalaters, Ae.,Ae. Plans furnished aad alfml'-- mll! work done. Iunlt so

ES.TATBB, M. I)., PHYSICIAN an e Surgeon.

OStee, SS7 Kssex Street, eorasr el Lawrtect »SSummer Street.

Ferferaltaoad Ltaslseaj daeapea. IMSSatax8T..LAWai

HOLT a CO., ICB DEALERS. Office With Bug bee a Mack, SU Baaex street, Lew

BODKMBTBB, BOOK BIND Booka, rebound. Hagasise

afuaic bound at short aotir le to order. Shop 307 Inn S



Lawrence.Mass. l*sraoaalstteatlotto allbusU 1 flMtfl

INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compoundthat acts directly upon theLiver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Itassists di- gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y.

ro» BAUS IT am* DauootaTa. leodSlyoom a


'PIIE 1UI,[,KltU'A KAM 11,1 SCHOOL, 1 for II >ya, Billcrlca, Mass., Is designed to be

a Home Urhool ol the riral order, for Infernal lion we refer to Dr. C, P. Morrlll, North Ando- ver; It* v. A. L, H ought oa, Lawrence; Mosea Poster, Esq., Andover Na. Bank, and Rev. C. C llusser, pastor ol the rirst Parish, Billeriea, and member or State Hoard of Education; and for Circular aead lo

SI C. U1TCHBLL, Prlaeinal. leotltfdec


hw ran-

Semlaal Weak- ness, HM-rma- torrbea, Impu- te ney aad all Diseases that follow BS a se. M

VTtl TAIIH. ile. Pain In the tature Old Age,

quenne of Self KmETAUaWaAbitse;asLosaaiiTl ... ol Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematarc lira VS.

ear Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to send Iree by mall loevervoaa. SsT-Tfae SpeciOo Medicine Is sold by all drug- gists st SI per package, or six packages for BL or will be sent Iree by null on receipt ol tbe money, by add rsaatag

TRK URAT UKD1C1MK CO. Burrs u>, N. Y.

Sold In Lawrence by EVIBABD II. KALLKY is A Co., Wholesale A

BOSTOH. eodteow Iv

ALLAN LINE Royal Mall Steamers,

Mbnl rtoston every Tharsday fer Liverpool,

vlaIxtndonderry,offeringBupetbaccomaM>datlon to Cabht Passengers, at rao.iirals raise. Extra (.tpitmoi-s from «I.AN(;ow, SJAI.1VAT and QUKKSJATOW-I for BOtroR .llrect. Kind treatment aad comtort for Steerage Paasengera is msde a anceinliy by this Line. Outward and Prepaid Tickets as low as bj any otber Orst

For Outward and Prepaid Tickets apply 10 Tlios. Uriniii, 211 White St.; P. Murohy, _W Kssex 8t.; tieo. I,. Usge, AM Essex and tOB I.owrll Bt.; James Murphv.SBS Essex St., agents at Lawrence. Or to Leve * Alden, Ueneral Passenger Agents, a Btate Street, Boston, atl Broailway. Mew York. tftaadel a


FLORISTS. (live,their tpeelat.attenlloalo Deoeratloa S

Booeaa for Weddings and Parties. We have also a choice collection of rare and beautiful Plants for Church Decoration.

A ( It olra ('•llrrlloa ef Wheat ana ■ t raw Baskets (heap.

N«-. 303 Essex Street. Green Houses Garner Acton Btreet snd

Broadway. "Srn ft

IF Yon are In want of a

White or Fancy Shirt or a Nobby Tie, call on CURTIS,

l'YLKS ► Dim in 4





Prioo. ao cts. tasgtfcftaa* SoldbyillDrurrlitt.

875 Kiuex Street, Lawrence.

Wheeler 1 f liin Imnctiriu Co.

•tig &aS^tf3ss_?««s5




SalesroeoiItl. Bes.ceaee. SSB C'ei tlyrjal


m/toiajoiasfcow. ^_

1 at Hetueen* Rates.

fsssaasrs booked at los Tlailread SUtiou In 1

Uioea host Eaflsoe.Bcotrstid snd Ir.-lfr,.! yorbooasofrBfornistion.alsiit. *<• r i.:.i

HasDaasoa Baoraaaa. 7 Bewuva uasaa, S.

Qiswsrs, West Grove,Chester'o*.. Pa. . Teow 101 febt8 a


AROHITBOI Rooms II and,,12

"sswr Bank Bulldin* lawranrs

Cannon's Cotamercial College, FOltMKBl.Y


Book-keepinc, Commercial Arithmetic and English Branches. Special Attention given to Penmanship.

PI.KAHK CAM. OK SEND FOR OIROm.AR. »« «■« O. C. CANNON, Principal.

HTTWri! fit I laMfl Por coorh», cow», i<r<n« i.ios. OUXWill «^UXtiX!l A»thm». Consumption,

And ALL DI8EA8E8 of the Throat and Lungs. ti Up in Quart Size Bottles for Fsmilyl Use.

railTIAM 1N>FitT BK DECEIVED b, ..principal .le.lrr. wl.ot.j- [.. palm VSUI IWISJ. of upon you RoclaAd £»..?>«..>. wirWLI! lUM^.mlliVk. whlohl. th. oil, MEDICATED article mad., th, aiatNtril •TAMP o. Ma. boltla.

6bB«m w. UEI auiin ."'*.n BUU ni B»B IBJK havlag a i.ovt.SNMi-M

■atraet fresaa atsp.rt af the OaeasatleeUaier sflsltrsil ■evettwe t TRKSSURY DBPARTMKNT.OmCI OF INTERNAL SEVEN UE, (

M.»™. UWBEECE S .ABTIK. ... U^. EgiSgftjb ^ J"""" * W

UsaTLSMaj :-l nave received a "rertlSetl rormula" givh portions nsed It"-*' "TOI.II. BOCK

ta:-lliave received a "certlSeil formula- -tvlng the isgredlenU and lelalivepro i"^r?*J-l£?_l"_£?-'"1- ariWe wfckh veti advertise snd tell under ihe BSKf ■> K AND lltl." This eewaonadtaeeerdlng to your foiuiula. m Ihe 01 Inlen 01 ihis

... —- - have aautlouat -aaatlteef tbe BALSAM OF TOI.U lo give ii sll the iTvaUtits aser bed to this artlett la reetoral eoeaelaJatt, walks the wblakv and (be syrup coaamalTtn enUUloares<lerloglaecoa>i)oaBdaBa|neebNrewedvtoilw patient.

la the opiate* of this ofJce. an artlole eeespeaaded teeerdlaa to this fermnla nay pioperly te elttted as awedl-laal prenaraUoa nader tbe provisions of Betednle A. rollowlsa Hectloa a,«7 O. 8. Revised rMatuiea. an<f wbca so sUssped taay be sold by Uruiaists, Aputheearlcs snd Other rersont wlthoat reederlaa- tbesa liable lo ray taeelal Ui as Iloaor dealers.

YearsBespeeifaily, (Slgaed) «3BMBll Bt. KAIM, Cweaealaalenar. LAWStF.FIC-t * BfAtlTiai., sad • aUrel.j «., ft.w Tart, SeleAgeaSs

fsr tare (Twites. Btate* «»d Cssssn.


Sold in Lawrence by E, fl. KELLEY, Apothecary, Post Office Block M. CARNEY «% HBO., Wholesale Ayenta, Will Supply tlto Trade

at Manufacturers* Prices, teadfeow lyr eepll

CHILDS & LANE iBiito attention to their large and Tsried ossortmeiit of

CARPETINGS For tho Spring Trade, Consisting in part of


EXTRA SUPERS, *c, From the best makers and in oil the new and desirable Styles

and Colors. Msnr of tbe patterns are strictly prirate to them, snd ALL will be sold at prices to meet the views or the most prudent buyers.


116 TREMONT ST., ^^r^pcru^. BOSTON. •tpi is »stfia a


Andover Advertiser, —nikutnxo—

Ever* Friday Morning, —BI—


Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass. SUBSCRIPTION-PoBta»» Prepaid:

92.60 per year, from wbioh 60 ce will be deductea for etriotly ftdvuca

Tho Circulation of the Lawrence Amerl oan is the largest of any paper In the County, and more than Three Tlroe-a tbat of any other Weekly Paper nub- Uahed In tbis city.

ear Bite* ofalrerlUlng tent upon application.

■ atered at tbe Poat Offlce, Lawrence ««••, lor transmlenion through toe malla as second-class matter.

VOL. XXVI, NO. 16.


The Daily m Published Every "*.

(Saaday Eaospied.K

la tbe Largest Daily In tba City, with Pour Tlmee tba OlroulaUon ot any other. _

HUBSURIPTION, In advance: One vear, ee.oo I six Months, |3.oo

When not paid In advance, 88. OO.

QEt>. a. MERRILL, Proiirlotor

THE AKEKIOAH .•TEAM PRINTING OFFICE ta the largest hod moat thoroughly fur -

nletaad in Bastern UuMOhUMtU.- Wlth modern preesee, and constant addtttonaorthe newest styles of Type, we are able to furnish the beet quality rt work, aa low vrtoes. Order* by mat prompUy attended to.



CM, Ashtraa ail Bronchitis. **alms la the Hand, IXttratalen efBplrlta

T.oas of Itrmiiif! tiuai aeaad aiaM lit y ta think, and ether Dlatresslne

K**u11 • at that raarfal Dli (ATAHIU,

PERMANENTLY BEHOVED. a'lecra In thallaail HcaUd. l>*eayerth*

Nasal Ban** Arraate di l.att BeauM ef Naaalt at as tared. Bleed? Dlssnarsjss

Ktapprd. Diseased HrmknaM Bial.l.

CATARRH.NE. NiUTt'tawa ioTirtl|H nmJr. contain- ing no mineral poisons, ai do many of the ■ u-nailed cnUrrh remadie* which la the and only icrvc lo a^raT.Ue the disease. CaUrrhine la composed of healing (turn* ml nils, wlilrh ara sppirsil to tbe diseased nart* In tHennly natural and effective manner, throagh Ui* pro ceas or respiration. Nature never Intended last liquids should be poured ihroogh the Beat, aad baa aet her barrier* In the lorra of hair*. ID every nostril, to prevent the entrance of duct, which It sometime* called snnff. To Inhale UalsJrbiae require* no costly Inhaler, but only a common pipe.

DIRECTIONS.—Put a litlleof thu Catarrliinn Into aa ordinary clean pipe, nod tinoke It. pa**- iat the aaiofce throrif h Ihe noao. By repeating tin-process Svo minute* three times sach day, tho worst □aaoiolnalurrh may be cured.

CATARRHINE. la sold by all d usxistt. Ask far CaUrrhine, aad ue« no otliar remedy If yntt would and relief. This Is equally effective la cur- ing Asthma and Mreachltla. It *ool)iei the Inflamed |>arla, and Mipplie* |a*l Ihnse Iblng* necessary la aid nature In throwing off the ill* ease and repairing bet waata plaoea.

CATARRHINE. Pleasant to the laat a. Bare In ItssWaeta.



I,, t|f*h.


A I 'OTIII iCA I! IKS: Medicine. llrilg.., Tutlol ArttelM. Ac.

H.M.'VaiT\KV*^t>..,;Ur.K,.es*|J.wr«iir.e APOTBBCAKV; Urui

£\. fltooi, Mineral «-iuer, Tollel I VKUAItl) II. KKI.I.BV, ro.t


Life, Accident and Fire Insurance, J'OHN EDWARDS * CO'S Insurance Agency

nmaiTi w IOLLOWI..

rermaylvanla, of renn. German, American, If. Y. Weetcheater. New Terk. Water-town, New York. Orient, Hartford, Coao. Marlden, Connecticut. Commonwealth, Button, Shawmut, Bon ton. let National, Worcester. uueen. Km land. Imperial* Northern,Knrland. Royai.Bwhuu,. Metropolis Ina. Co., Parl London Assurance, Kui-land. Guardian Aasurance, Knaianri. London aed Lanoaablre, Xegland. Travellers' Life and Accident oi

itartlord.CoBn. State Mutual Lite, Woroealer.!

THOMAS HBVINOTON, 1»S Ksaax Btraet, Lawreaiee.

Post Office Box 38.


R. H.EDDY T« atata St.. epposlta Kllby »t.,Basta*, Beeurca Pale*la la the United 8Ulca; aluo ID Uraat Britain, franc* and other loreUjn C.OUB- trie*. Copies oflbe claim* of any Patent fur- nished by remitting one dollar. ASeianmenUre- corded St Wnihlngton. No Agrncy In the Uni- ted Htatea poaaemea *np«rlor facilities for oh* taliilna Patent! or ascertaining the patentability aflarentloaa. B.H. KUDV.Sollrlli.rot PatenU.

TESTIMONIALS. "1 regard Mr. an one of (he DK

aad aiiRcoaeful practltloncra with whom I have hadoblclal Interoonrss.

CHARLRS HAflON.Commls'r of Patenti. "iBVeatora cannot employ a person more trust-

worthy or more capable ofceinHng for tbera " early and favorable consideration at the Pati tlDloe."

■OMDNDBUBKI.LateCom'r otPaUaU. R. a. hDPr, K«1.— Dear Sir: yon procured lor

ma In Into, my drat patent, elsoe then yea have acted for, and advlaed MM IB hnndrada ol t

and «

IMf Ml

tOeiaeB APOTHECARY; cvmvotuuUiiff

ef Phyeloiana- Proscriptions a apeolaltj. CUAJt. CLAKKK. lit K*aex oor, Jackaia.

APOTHECARY, Denis, Mod- Iclnea, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, *c. J.C. AVO»JC,&HKi»ei,oor.Pranhlln.

ART STORE, Picture Frame

|>AKEtt,lTiTOrnckm, nreatd

BOOKS, Paper HunchiK-, Sta tloaery, ITiBdow nliades, *e,

L.antATTUN, iy, Kiaai Street.

BLACK SILKS, Velvets, Caah- mere*. bilk rrlage*. fluitoni. Ulovra, Ae.

A. SUAItl'lk * CU., *1UJfaiex tilreet. OOOTS A SHOES, a lull and JL> eomplataatoek.alpnceatoinlt the lime a.

P. B. hU>tUXM>ft, UI swan Street. BOOTS A SHOES, line geods oi

all qnalitlea. Low priced to suit the times. 1). D. MAHUHBV. Ml JCeaejt at.

BOOTS aft SHOES. Largest aa- sortmeat and lowe.l prices Intbeolly.

BAULBsUUItUuUSM,afe)BiaMutBt. IJOOTS A SHOES. The largest

BOYS' ClaOTH 1 NO, MM** Fur- n It lung Uooda, Hale, Ac. One price only.

A. ru Li,Kit a Co.. 3iu Bssex Street. / CABINET MAKER and Uphol-

H.r. BAlt>AHr>,;i'*OEssexStreel. (CLEANSING, I>jclng and Flu-

J latiiugolorarj uoacnpiMMi, deae allbe kSSliS BY■ WOBK8. oillca tit Ksaex St.

tiONPECTIONERY, pure home J made, la great yartety, by

JOHN B1KU, DU Kssex BUeel. pOOKLNO RANGES, Crockery \J and HilTor Plated Ware. Kitchen (aooda. Ao.

l>- S. * 0. H. A1AUTIN Bl» aUaax Street. pOOKING STOVES, Ranges, \J Kurnacea. Sole ajtent Hagee store*.


/ -lOUNTH Y PROUUOE, Provis- \J ions and Lire Slock. JullNCllUKCHILL*CO.,iaftl2Ameil)nryBl.

pKOCKKUY, Glass, Cliiita, Pla- 0 ^^^a^.fe:atifc„xStreet. DRY GOODS. Per Silks, Shawls

fancy uooda sad Uaraelias*. go la A. W. BfKAUNd A CO., 30V * all JCesex St.

I7ANCY GOODS, Ladles' Fur- 17 nlahlna: Ueesa, Mllnaery. *e.

M. B. CkuWKLL. itJ Eaaox Street.

FLOUR. Grain, Hay, Straw, Salt, Butter, Seeds, rare.In* rools, Ac. BCOIT A VIBTOB, **a Common Street.

. oy Uooda and Produce. BUATTUCK BltOS., cor. Essex, Ameabur,

GROCERIES, Flue Teas, Pure Coffee*, Trolls, t anry Goods, Produce, Ao a. atASTMAN A CtJ.. 14*Ussex Btreet.

|| ARDWAKE, Tools, Cutlery —- its sad Ueaeral Hardware,

N. P. H. MKLV1H. tax Kasex Street.

JEWELRY, Watches, Clocks, spectacle*. Surer sad Plated aTare.

L. UUBToeil A SON, *ii Biaex street. JOB PR IN TING, ltt all the finer

branches. AMBRICAN OmCE.P.O. Block.

\fILLINERY. Mrs, M. Isadora ITJL WhltUker, tin and 11W Casxx ST. Ml LL1NERY & MlllinpryGoods

Hat and Bonnet Bleaoberv. I.. B. UlLHuUB. al. K**ex Street.

MILLINERY aft MUUneryOoodfl Trimmod Hat* and Bonnet*. J. C. SHAUatLBTON, x» Bsaex Street.

PAPER HANGINGS, Window shades aad nrnare*.

B. A. PldKK. STB Btaei Street. PHOTOGRAPHY, solo licensee

XT fortnecitriortheCarboB Proce*-e*. ritANK BCSSKLL SUKaaoxSt.

PLUMBING, Steam and Gas ruling and fixtures, Stoves, Kangea, A<

WH. VOttBBS A SON, tU Ka*ex hi PROVISIONS,Country Produce

Heat, f mil. Canned Uooda, ae. It. CALLAB AN. rus Common Btrset.

BBA£H SOAP COMPANT. T'AlLOltS, French, English and

American Norottins. ■ r.SCflAAKEAUO..PoatOfflee Block.

' PA I LOR, Imported and Domes- X ikiOoeda.

II DBMNIB M0I13E. 1M Essex Street. UNDERTAKING Furnished In

nil Us detail*, f unerat Chairs s epeelaltv WATEBUOtlsBaPAJtSOMB 11 Aiue*buiy.

UNDERTAKER; every duty apperUln'.ng lo funerals attended to.

at.J.MAHUNir.SMOae Street.

WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry Snesksele* and Silverware. (Bepalrlag)

HAM'L vr.PBl.LOirs,SuO Essex sireiL.

WORK of every description, In the Printing line, neatly and cheaply, at



Health Regulations.

Notieel* hereby given, according to law, of the following regulation* of ibu liquid ui HcalLb oftfteCKv ol Ijiwrenee, adopti <| by ruld booid

>*luts,USI. aad IbsaanaeaionowlB lore*: UrriuiorTHtBo'ii > 'IK IlKALTII,

Lawl0n... Msas , Mar. in. I8H1. Be It ordaretl by the Board of Health of the

City oll.awreree, a* follow* : All perron* i

any lith, alepi any back van City ot Lawrence, and all owners or OOCDI ol'dwelling lioutes, atorea or other built...... wJthwhlob ibero I*a backyard or other land

--"eg — appni tenant thereto, *nall cause mid back yard or other Isnd* at all times te So ke»t clear el all lllili, garbage, house dlr l, and of all decayed or decaying animal and vegetable Mibalan^a; aadallauch owner* or eecnuant* »( dwelltnr

stores I or

eeael* lor hold lag ashes made upon tbti ..... «a, and to keep ihe asms In a convenient plaoe I be removed by the Board ol llealibT Wo person shall permit or suffer tar sink o<

AUhy water to raa or aland en tbe *nrfac« or any issd apnuleaaat to any dwelling home or store of which be may be the owner, lessee, teaanLooaupaalor agent having the earn mere ol.but iheowaor, lessee, leuant, occupant or — -ol nay dwelling/ bonae or (lore or bind

tenant thereto shaU cause all *hkaBd

■ trlctly forbidden to throw ■ garbage, of unr kind, Into

or urlvnie alloy-way* of the


and procured many i>ai ■ions. I have occasionally em agencies In Now York, Philadelphia aad Weak but latin give yen simbat Ihe whole of

my business, In yoor line, and advise others to .„,..„.,,. '-'••'"Jt0R0.DEAPl..

Boston, Jes. 1.18*1. Hi »b

through a suitable pipe or dial. .-, r any IB the street sd|»inlng ^ald

or building, or to s cesspool csnatructsd 10 [luriioto, and Spproved by tbe Board ol tk, and akall cause aU drains orplpesen-

Tingasewer or cesspool from said land oi welling house, or store, to bo provided with a *a or trans approved by tbe Board ot Health. AUprtvlea must he provided with a regular

_ater olo*et,or aeane suiUhlo vault, oi hard burned brick, bottom tad aide*, will laid in cement and thoroughly tighi, and BO privy rault thsll enter any sower, anil the content* Of no privy vsnlt shall ever be within one loot of the ton of the vaalt, aad whenever say prlvr shall become offensive the *ame *ball be cleansed. And no person sbsll permit or *ufler say privy or privy vault to be or remain upon any land or premise* ofwhlch he may be Hie owner, occupant, tenant or lessee, In a state or condition *r cecmlrnoted IB S manner contrsry to tbe provlsloss of tale regulation,

All psrsoBi are forbidden to remove Ihe con mis ol snv privy vault without a license from

tbe Board ot Uesllb. Any person haviajcbarge of smalt whleb need* emptying mayfeavr is order therefor as the agfce or the Board ol Ueallh.Ciiy Hall, or at Agent** OMes, Lowell ■ treet, ssd s duly licensed person will periurm tho service or emptying the vault desltna eil in aald order, by the oderlea* eicsvallng pre. cfls*,at tbeexpenie ef Ihe person leavlni the order.

Prom and slier June 1st, 1680, uo per ton *bsD Hp swine within the following dcauriucd liiu- • : Onlhe north eldeoflhe Mnrrlniack river,

by the Spiegel river oa taeeaaland north tu Steycua rund, thenoe by Sir street, Croaccal street, Wsrres street, Bodwcll iireel. and Mel- rsso street te the Merrlmack river, excepting only OB ihe premises belonging ta the County Jail aad House of Correction. On lbs south side of the Merrlmack river, br the Cove nod Brook en the went to the Lowell railroad

by Aadover street oa the *oalh, et on the east, to the Merrlmack person shall keep any awlne In

any other part ol the elty without a written permit from the Board ef Health.

All person* are forblddan tn kesp fowls ol any kind In sny cellar oi uaiemuut of a dwell- ing house or store!■

No pereon shall throw iulo, or leave In, or open any street, court, square, laae, alley, public auuern, public enclosure, vacant lot, or any pond, river or body of wnlur wltidu the llMltsofthecltr, anv dead animal, or decay.

ever, or cause any animal to be drowse aar uoad, river or body of water within ... limits of the olty without tbe Itccna* of the Board oIBeaUh.

Aad ao pereon shall remove, oart or oarrv through sny of the streets, *<juarea, lares or alleys ol the city, any troute dirt, refute, offal, • will, or snydeeayed or decaying animal or vegetable substance (or any grease Or bone*) from any of the dwelling houtes, shout, stores, or other places wBhm the city, without a wilt- tea house of the Beard of Health, having bee n Aral obtained therefor, aad all person* sre required lo furnish some aitltsbis vo*«el u( deposit for ewill sad house offal made or cn|. lee ted upon their premlees, and to keen the ssme In * convenient place lo be removed by the Board of Health, and are forbidden lo place, eatt er throw aay swill or home offal of any kind into any vault, aswer, or Into anyvesaol containing a*Uet, or to mingle aauei ur other refuse therewith.

Special Regulations. l*t.—All iwlll, hoese offal, grease or boaes

made upon ureniiacs front wnich parties may be licensed lo care for and remove the same, shall be deposited as soon at inmlu in reguls HOB BAIrets, provided by the Burnt ol Health Department, and removed from snid premises '- the same regulation barrel*, at least twice

Hi week, from October let to Hay 1*1, and at lesst three limes a week from May lit to Octo- ber 1st-

:.—No swill, house offal, greaae or bones _ be deposited or removed IB snv kind 01 a

vessel on or lrom *ncb preml, ssid regulation barrels.

_ _. No person having such license thsll dis- pose of hi* awill, house offal, grease or bone* to any person or persona other than tho-e having - license from aald Board of Health, to collect

111, house offal, grease or bones In the City ol

JohnC.Haynes&Co, 33 COURT ST., BOSTON.

Musical Boxes In Great Variety. Brass Band Instruments.

Violins. American Guitars.

Imported Guitars. Banjos from 4*4 upwards,

Violin, Violoncello, Double Bass, Banjo, Zither and Harp Strings

and Trimmings. Aceordeons and Concertinas of

all descriptions, American and Foreign Sheet Music,

Music Books, Ac, sftc*. Wholesale and Retail.

This establishment la one or the branch store! of OLIVER niTSON A CO., and possesses unequalled advantage* for the importation of lailrunieut* from the heat manufacturer* In

fly or is eb


11 KN I(Y BARTON & OO, DBA I. Kits 1ST

Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Chemicals, Alcohol, Alam, Asamonts, A\leUrca*e, Baaalae, .

Baaketa, Borax, Beeswax, Brian Brooms, 1 Corks, Camphor, Chalk, Cream Tartar, Oeloreerall shades, Caibolle Aohl Oeaeh Varnish,

Chamois Skin*, Copper Rivets, Castile Soap. Copiiera*.

EcroseneOII, Sulphur,

- eOil, Oxalic Add, oakum. raiaiBneOll, ParaShseWax, Putty, Paris White. Potash, Pumice Stone, Plaster Parle, Paris Green, Paial Bruehes, Paper Pills, Bed Lead, Rubber Waxen Soring*. Bosln, RottoaBtoac, Rock Salt

forhorseaand cattle Shellac,


Beat la the world. Laat* longer thin any ether. Alwayslngeodsoadltkon. Oarea aeree, >;iil*, brulaea and corn*. Costs but llttlemore hsn the imitation*. Every package ba* the rademark. Call for tae genuine, and lets BO other.

ALABASTINE! areunequaled. HI* Ibeealy aatnral and dir- abla Snl*h for Walfl- It will pay you to asnd for samnle cardand Testimonial* is

Aveiili Paint Co., 19 Federal St., BOSTON.

Absolute Divorces without Publicity. l>e*~rll>n, non-sunport, intern per sne*. Ae.

Advice and olrculars ootitalnlng lalltaforma- lion lor*Ump*. Kx JudgoBigelo *, II •Teallllh street, New York.

$77711 V1CKERV, Augusta,

m Outill Iran. Address t

Back Ache


Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters.

Keanoaa Wky they are TreCatrwA te All

B-Tdtjac tbey are a crnshk* phanacccntlc*! prcp- tralloc, sad so rscngnlasd by the nrstemloa.

Thlri. neennaa they are the only plasters that relieve

aomnh. rnian Ihcy will positively corn rnmedtc* will not even renev.

B.-csneo over rsTtOfl jiliiswbBiaml diagglstsfcsvs eliintarlly teeUSedtBat tbey sre superior to all

■tiii-r platters er nieUk-hics for external see,

only medals ever given for porous p

Benson's Cape Porous SEABURY 4 JOHNSON,

Msnafsetarnhg Chenusts, N ew York. I Nl HB REISfch,y Afl.Afrr. Prleeiael*.

ASK the reoor ersd ilysncpllc.*, bit- Iou»»ufferert,vlLtiui* of fever and ague, tbe mercurial dlaeased patient, how the* re- covered aeatth.cheer- iul splillt and good appetite; tbey will by taking


4lh.—All lieeaaea granted by the Bonrd of Health may be revoked at the pluubiire ofsald Board.

Btb.-S*id regulstloa barrels are to fee aad remain the property of the Henltli Department, and are painted blue, having gaivaniied iron covers, are marked Health Depart meal, aad the No.ol tbe license golagwith said bartsls marked upon Ihe same. Two barrals go wiili etch license, snd If more are necessary tbey can be had sf ihe Agent roirn i saattt.e , fear, at rauuir, aad said barrels shall be well cared lor and replaced by the person* having Hum by Virtue oftbeir license. If thev should be lost or destroyed, snd II aald license aliou hi be revoked or expire by limitation, said barrel, rhall be returned lo tbe Health Department Oolue in good order and coadllloa.

iith.-Seld regulation barrels shall be under the direct supervision ol the Agent oi the Hoard of Health, aad ehall be kept in a convenient place lor examination by said Agent or bv any member of tbe Board.

All Person* who shall violate any of the fore-

The Otaiaptit, rarest aad M st Fi BJeilclas IN Use World.

for DTSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice Billoas sttaeks, SICK HEADACHE, Coikt, I»ccro**ion of Spirit*, SOCB STOMACH, Hsarl Burn, Ae,, Ac.

This unrivalled Southern Remedy I* wan-ant- ed not to contain a tingle particle of alxacukr, or any ihjarloa* mineral eubatance, but la

PURELY VEGETABLE, combinlag those leutbera Beats sad llsrbn, which BB all-wise provideace Itaa placed In lountrle* where Liver Diseases most prevail. ■ twill cure all Diseases esnsed by Derange- ment of the Liver and Bowel*.

TUB SYMPTOMS of Llrer Complain! ares ittcror bad taste in the mouth; Pain in lb*

rJr'--- su

llern.-tlelvcoillvaaadlax; Headache; Lot* V. with a painful aeaaallon or haying

tailed to do something which ought tu have been Debility, Low SplrlU. a thlos yellow

. anceer tkeSkla aad Byaa.adry Cough ol ten m u taken tor CoaSBmpllon.

Sometimes many of these symptoms sttend Ihe disease,at ethers very row; but th* l.ivr.a, the tsrgeat organ in Hie body, 1* general]. Die nvstoi thedlieate, and ifnol resulnt'd in time great suffering, wretchedness aad DEATH will

lean recommend as an eBcaelona remedy for Iseasu of the Liver, Heartburn and Dyspepsia,

Simmons' Liver keg ulster. I,awi* U. aruHDBB.

"We have letted Its virtues, peraonslly, and know that lor Dyspepsia, Biliousness, ami Throbbing i* the beat medicine the world ever law, w» have tried forty other remedies berore Simmons* Liver Regulator,but none tn ibem gave ua mere than temporary relief; but the Regulator not only relieved, bat cured u*.H-f.ii.lKi.KJKarii Ann HKBHXKUKB, slaetn.Ua.

raxrAuau OKLV IIT


sod l iv laais

"Hand Paper, Sponges, Sal Soda, Btoae Jars and Mass, Saltpetre. Sewing Machine OH, Stable Pail*, Shaft Rabber*. Scrub Brushss, Tar, Wooden D [inert, Window ui***, water Pails, West's Enamel Dressing

r\R, D. T. PORTKB,

DE 1TTIST. Office and Ratidanca, Porter's Block

•AS K«"iKiMit-.-I.twrtnM.

Nitron* Oxeide Uasand Ether or Chloroform dmlatiierd. llvr atul

Dippeis, Downer*! Duel Brashes, Emery Paper,

■• Cloth, feather Pasters, Floor Brushes, Pish Ulue, raraltare Yarnl«b. Boveat BIvor Lead,

8SMMB?"- OeMBronie,

aiauber*Sali, Oalvaalisd Iron Pall*, WhltewawkBrushes.

ladlfS" *°**' wflluSy BuEer Ba r Kalsemiae, all lints. Soap, London Purple, Whale Oil Soap, Light Hrainlng Varnlth.Whltinf, Linseed Oil, Wlaaer A Newtoa's Lard Oil, Tube Colors.

In quantities to suit at Lowest Market Pricta.

191 ESSEX'ST.. LAWEEHOE. llvlaal

LAKE AUBURN Mini'i'nl Spvnngf

WATER. Nntura'a \V. ....l..,-l'.il

For Brtffbt'a Disease, all dlaeaaea of tba Kidneys, Liver and Stomach. Also Hheu matlem, Pllea, flumore, and Dropsy Band for book: irce.

Boston Agesis: SCRIPTUHR A PARXKR.n Coart kuasre. C. K. MOODV, IS Cemsaeratal street. klcDKWSLL A ADAMS, I5J Treaseaf a tree t. »ow apl r*

llm aprl


Bnrd or



FLORISTS. Cul Flowers, Bouquets, Wreaths, Plllowi

Crosses, and all Designs lor Funerals a spe< Ulty.

303 BBS EX BTREET. Oresnhomes corner Broadway srd

Acton atraeti-

FR1DAT MORWrNO.AraiL 29. 1881

STBIKRS AmoDg tUo. street car em- ployees, seem to be papular jiiMt now.

ONS Hundred Uii)lwU«. is tlie.estl- raated vslue ol tlsi .AsUir (a mi lies' forUine ; they ouglit t6 be sMe to live very comfortably upon the Income', If the young people art not too extrai-a. gant.

SituwBKRRiKS promise to be very abumlaBt the eomlng seaaoii, unless tiio fruit-killer comes around right speedily; In Long Island, four times the usual area Is this year planted with this fruit.

SOME PEOPLE of good judgment, who have examined lbs premises aad the method of 'escape, in the bouss of correction break, think It is not so clear tbat shop master Stevens is blamablc In the premises, and he has certainly proven so faithful an officer in tits past, that be is entitled to s full benefit of that consideration.

ONE of the results of the pernicious system of land holdings ami rents In England, ts that the number Of acres of arable land la gradually decreasing, tbe r*rea has bean reduced tn five years 422,000 seres ; there has also

been a decrease En tho number of cat- tle, a decrease sf no fewer thaa 0,000,000 sheep since 1H74, and tin appreciable reduction In the number of pigs and horses.

THE SUNDAY LAWS were the issue npon which was contested Lbs city election* of Chicago and Cincinnati; in Uie former, the free conatniciioaisls were successful; in the latter, the re- verse. Chicago is to have freer Ihpior, —if that is possible,—while the new

Cincinnati mayor is organizing the police for a raid upon the Sunday drinking saloons am) houses of Amusement. Doth cities promise to become lively, but from opposite causes.

THE Cl HWa of certain newpapen, that tbe «lead-lock In the Senate should come to an end, has a deal ot the flavor of the famous "On to Rich —.-A" -^ »twya> 1* ., ,

TUBDKKOCSACY are terribly stirred up by Senator Fiye's speech on the deadlock question, and their batteries are likely now to be turned upon Maine, while Virginia takes a rest.

Tna LATEST explanation of tbe democratic policy of obstruction, and

altogether tbe most'funny, is fast it is designed to assist Gen. Hutler, In his candidacy neat fall, tor lbs gov- ernorship fa this state.

Tin; LIVELY iuiagbativo Washing- ton correspondent of the HuruUl, telegraphs from thcoapitol to Boston,

and the paper publishes It as news, that a Senator who has been to Mass- achusetts oa business, reports in Washington that the disgust st tbe Senate's action was so general, that tbe stale would go democratic should an election be held to-day I That nonsense might be current in Wash- ington, but It's pretty thin for the i7eratVito give forborne consumption.

GKH. Il.iwi.f.Y very neatly turned

the tables on Senator Brown, of Georgia, on Friday, by reading ex* tracts from A speech by the latter on bis appearance tn the republican national convention in 1H68, where ho appeared as a "reconstructed rebel," and plead for recognition. '■Give us," lie then said, "Uie fruits of the victory and we will carry Geor- gia for Grant." And if that was not the strongest possible hid for a ••bar- gain," then he fulled to understand it. Brown required fully an hour to explain that speech and his position then.

TEN PER CENT. Annual Interest,

aid quarterly, ilk dividend payable May ill particulars send lor 30 pagulllBttrali

THE CLOSE COMPANY, 131 Devonshire Street. Boston, Mast.

Floral Designs. Wreathe,Croseee, Lyres, Harpe, PUlOWfl

Crowns, Anchora, Bouquets, Ate.,

Made el Choke flowers, ssd at short aotiee. Can be Obtained cheap at tbe Green house* of

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But one minute's walk from Broadway leading to tbe cemeteries. MaiaUrethouieaaad Harden at bead oi WashiBgioa em el. ■■ ti al

AAA _ I Canvasser* IB every IVAItfAsi coaaly In this State is H Hi] I HI I >"*• «">"■ ft" Nursery ffflllllUUl bleck. STSAi.r ami ui SlBABl.BEBrLOVMIlHTat.U00D WiUK-l Kx la the easiness not required. Nurserlss widely and favorably known. For low ad- dress e. t. vast Dims, Van Dusen Nurserlss ( QBHKVA. If. Y.

Established ID3II. \ AlsoBtock at Wholesale fcewlStfeUI B

GRANITE IRON COFFEE BOILERS, 9, It. 17 aad tt pints eaparliy. Cotee made

WANTED. stales, and fake orders lor Nursery Stuck, em hrarlngTrcee, bhrubs. Vines, Boaes. Ae. Poi lernt, nddre**. stating age, previous occupa- tion and names ss relerenne,

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IF V on are in want or a

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IRON BITTERS ara highly recem mended for all diseases requiring a certain and efficient tonir.

IRON BITTERS enmA de blood, srrewofAen the musries, amat give new life lo tAcacrtv*.

IRON BITTERS act likes charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, rash aa lading fat food, bttcJiing, heat in the rtomach, heart'

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tSold by all druaxisu*. Write for the A B C Book, M ftfM of

nseful and atnuaing reading—sent free.


Baltimore, Md.

SMALL POX broke out in mid- ocean, on two steamers, during recent voyages, much to the alarm of the passeagers.

SUH-RAOE (bv women, seems to be making more headway In lbs west, than in this section ; In Illinois at re- cent local elections, the women turned oat in large numbers, and succeeded In carrying a number of towns.

Friday. There were 8188 emigrant*, arrived at

Hew York yesterday. Smallpox, la epidetnia both la lie Ssad- kh Uland* aad Cnjaa. Three ■tars esses of sasAllpos were re-

ported frost Adams, last night. Dervish Pag ha with 10.000 troops de-

feated tbe Albeflless sear Cakan oa Tees- say.

Schooner J. T. Hlbbard for New Tort, Is at GlaticvBter, having kst her deck ' ad.

Tba maaral of ihe late Lord Beacoaa- fleld will uka place at Uugbenaas oa

Wsu—.. ^_ drowaed at Fish river, N. B , Wednesday, wwBs eroeatof tbe km.

Bassla proposes a conference ef tbe powsrn far the purpose of adopting coaa- IBOB measures against tbe anarchists.

Spain Is to send reinforcements to the Sooloo Islands lo enforce a recognition of bar protectorate over lbs Arcblpelsgo.

Tbe river Tbelss, Hungary, has broken down tbe dykes and iansdated 8408 aeree of land ssd two villages sear Sgaalaok.

Richard C. Ualdrsm, general msaagar of thePUUbsrg, Fort Wayne a Chlcaao railroad, died at Jacksonville, Fls., jSS- terda*.

John Lyons, a brakeman on tae Fllcb- barg rail road, sell from tbe platform el a carat North Adaou, jtaierday, aad frac- tured bis akuli.

Oen. Terry telegraphs frost Fort Bo- ford, Dak., tbat Sluing Ball's friends are desert lag bits, aad that tbe old chief will

CBIMC in Suffolk county,—-and there is no reason to suppose this county exceptional,-—owes eighty- four per cent, of Its volume to rum ; so says tbe figures of the Bureau of Statistics. What are tbe people of tbe state, who pay the costs of this crime, and who wheess Its misery, going lo do about ft?

RcruESEKTATlVE NlClloi.S, fl, We believe, personally a total abstainer, and bos been supposed to bo a tern* peraece advocate, but In tbe legisla- ture on Thursday, on tire bill re- quiring applications for liquor licenses to be publicly advertised, so tbat It atay be known who are seeking the privilege, and where liquor shops sre proposed to be located, wo find Mr. Nichols, with a little handful of less than fifty others, including all the avowed free liquor men, voting no. How a friend of temperance can vote to protect a liquor trartic in its desire to hide in the dark, snd prevent pab- llclty ss to Its purposes, possibly Bfr.

Nichols Is able to explain.

Hi few

THE LATE C/.AH WAH not only the emancipator of a rase, but In many other respects wan his policy tlliera,

and progressive. Among the notice- able floral tributes at his funeral, was a wreath of great beauty inscribed:

To the Caar Clvilizer," from tbo woman doctors of Russia. Thirty ladies belonging to tbe medical pro- fession In St. Petersburg ami else- where united la thin tribute to the sovereign under whom their sex was first freely permit led to practice the healing art in Europe.

IT IS Ait-Kin 11 i.v refreshing to see Wendell Phillips fairly pilloried, as he was by Gov. Longs rejoinder to the brutal letter in which the perpet- ual scold accused tho executive of

murder, in the Abbott case, and meanly insinuated some personal "motive" for the refusal to reprieve the condemned man. Tbe quiet statement by the governor, tbat while Phillips was thus Ignorantty assailing him, he had recommended a com- mutation, but been overruled by the council, exposes alike the baseness and the bitterness of Phillips accusa- tion, and puts the littler In a most pitiable light, as to fairness and hon- esty. For once, the great master of sarcasm has been put squarely upon tbe defensive, and the wriggling and evasion of bis reply, shows bow be has been taken at a disadvantage. Gov. Long may not be the equal of his antagonist in polite block-guard-

Ism, but is the, master of fully as vigorous Knglish, which, upon s plat- form of truth, has proved more than a match for tbe chief condiment con. structor of tbe Commonwealth, and Phillips' optics will be In mourn- ing for a goodly period. No

contribution to latter-day literature, has been more generally enjoyed, than the little essay which fairly ob- literated this bandylst of the epithet of "murderer."

JUDGE IIABMON may be right in bis construction of the Sunday law, as to the "necessity" of shaving, but we do not believe there can be found a jury who will convict a barber for that offence; several supreme courts have decided against this construction of the statute, and we do not remem- ber that there has been any final de- cision to the contrary. At all events, with street ears and railroad trains running tn aU directions on tbe Sab- bath, with cigars snd sods retailed on almost every street corner ; with news- papers sold at the periodical stores, with the public stables In lull blast, and enjoying their best day's trade, on Sunday, all unmolested by the po- lice, we think the latter hod best leave the barbers to settle their own agreements, without singling them oat as victims of the Sunday law, while the bigger and more flagrant sinners and law-breakers are utter- ly unmolested. We do not believe the city [lays a police force, or county maintains courts, to enforce private agreements among the bar- bers, and wo are glad that these cases ore to go to a higher court. If the barbers must keep closed on Sun- day, let the police go vigorously for tbe Sunday riding, the steam and the horse ears, tbe soda and the cigar

stands. la* beck of Pega«B*Pvc tried, ■nth asaeethly sssju*enag Tart* amd rhyme to rid.

Wa7caar,a*rsi!:aftla. AttaatlWwIasasdasswelspMsmadsr,

to* once 1 UMMafbi the gees heard my appeal.

str^si?RSiKTia*wr*~" ""■ That what I teak AN- whvgs wasa bet aa ass's


There were oaa tboasand delegates present at tbe national conveaUos of tae Irish land league In Dublin, yesterday, but nothing or special interest transpired.

One thousand emigrants left Queens- town for New York, yesterday, and an- other thousand are ready to start to-day. The emigrants are mostly of tbe fanning Class.

eiknael Nolan, 80 yeara old, died Pawiacket, 8- I., Wednesday night, froa* the effects. It Is inr-- sd ministered

It Is supposed, of morphine 1 by a French Canadian phyal

Ernest A. Blood, a yonng man whose rather resides lo CuLoopee, Mass., was found dead In bin lodgings st Providence, R. I., yesterday afternoon, he having tak- en poison.

Tbe peremptory dismissal of Second Assistant Post mas Wr-Oene/al Brady, ssd tae evident determination of the sdaiks- istratlon to fathom lbs star route scandal, causes much trepidation amosg certain officials IB Washington sod elsewhere.

Saturday. It Is believed that a saliva war Is Inev-

itable lit the Transvaal. Tbe aspect of affairs between France

and Tunis continues threatening. Tbe importation of American pork Into

Turkey, has bees prohibited by the Porte. The national Academy of Setesesa con-

cluded lie aessloni Is Waabiogton, yes- terday.

Boaktog rains lo all parts of past two days, hare bees of great benefit to growing wheat.

_. unley, a widow, of St, John. N. B., committed suicide Tbsrsdsy, bv taking Paris grass.

Lucloda Fowlkei, colored, was hanged at Lsenborg court hosse, Va., yesterday, for the murder of bar husband.

Joseph Stanwood, 88 years of age, a veteran of the wars of 1811 and tbe re- bellion, died Is Newbnryport, yesterday.

A prisoner named Tf offmsn, while work lug nnder the •apervlsloa or tba turnkey, In the street, at the Jail la Buffalo, Tknra day, threw away hi* boa aad sssaaid.

The British schooner Mary, Qssen of tbe Seas, from Darbadoa, heretofore re- ported se probably lost, arrived yesterday at Portland, Ma , after a U days' passage.

IB tbe potto* eosrt at We reheat, yester- day, William Weatgata, charged with sell- lag liquor, was scqultted. 8. H. Tabor, the complainant, was held In 8800 for per- jsry.

The heaviest storm of hall snd rain ever known la Tesss, foil ynUrdsy. Nearly all bridges have been carried away, snd It Is reared that tbe core crop Is seriously damaged.

Messrs. MorilH, Sherman, Beak, Dswes, Joaas, Brows, llkwtay and Cameron were the principal participate ta yesterday's debate In the national senate. Aa ad- Jouramenl was taken until Tuesday next.

A weU droneed American, supposed to be JaUsa Marrloa, holding a ticket from Hock island to Montreal, foil of the Grand Trunk expreia going east Tbsrs- dsy night, at St. Mary's Out., aad was day kith ..led.

Ueorgs Haas, s lad of seven, has bees missing from bis home In Norwich, Ooaa., ■lace Thursday. It Is feared that two boys. Bssaad Crosby ssd Molt, while play- ing with Ussa on the wharf, got Into a qusrrel with him sad passed him Into the water.

A call bos been signed by lea or twelve ■castors, requesting tbe chairman of tbe republican caucus to call a meeting, and It ta expected tbat seances will be held on Tuesday morning next, st which tbe feasibility of holding one or more execu- tive seseioaa for confirming tba Preal- deni's nominations will be determined.

Livmo OH A BOOK ta n» MIDDLE or HELL GATE.—Mrs. Caroline Gib- son died at her home on Big Mill Rook, la Hell Gale, recently. Pas. sengers on the Sound boats for many years have noticed the little Island formed by the lifting of a rock above the water Just north of the still smal- ler rook on which, under a tent-ahoped cover ol boards, General Newton heaps In store the dynamite which he

for blasting purposes. Big Mill c has an ana of 150 or 800 square

feet, and Is crowded with peach trees. A frame house, weather stained and of moderate dimensions, and a barn stilt smaller, which serves as a bouse

a score or more of fowls, are the only buildings on the Island. Sandy Gibson, a nshetaiaa and waterman of much local fame, settled on Mill Book about the year 1960. He earned his living by catching and selling bass and lobsters and by taking persons ashing or conveying them from one shore to the other. He died tn June, 1872, aged eighty years.

Mrs. Caroline Gibson was his wid- ow, He was a native of Bushwick, and she of this city. The pair had seven children—two sens and five (laughters. One of these sons—Da- vid—died shonly after the death of his fktiwr. Three of tbe daughters married respectively, John Smith of Greenpolnt, and Oliver Hibbard and Marston Duntap of this city. Tbe re- maining son—"Tyler—still lives on the rock with his two unmarried sisters, who do dressmaking. He catches and sells Lobsters, and otherwise fol- lows the occupation of bis father. He Is thirty-nine years of age, and per- haps the most trusted of the Hell Gate watermen. He knows every point of the river, and wilt safely make any point of It on the foggiest night. He Is frequently called upon to take residents of Astoria across to their hoeaes at hours and seasons when tbe ferryboat ts not running. He haa saved at least half a dozen, persons from drowning. He Is an angular, brown-faced, beardless man, who wears spectacles on aooount of near- sightedness, sad who utters with dif- ficulty s dosen words in sn hour.

Tbe mother was an active, cheerful little woman, who found plenty of work snd recreation m her elrcam- soribed home. She wss nearly seven- ty-five years of age when she died. Her funeral occurred on the Sunday following her death. Tbe body was token to New York lo a rowboet, her children following In another, aad was buried In the Baptist Church la eighty- third street, near Second avenue.

Tbe peach trees on Big Mill Bock were set out by Sandy Gibson. They have achieved a fine growth, and the fruit tbey bear Is s boast of tbe owner, who bos so much more than he needs that he glvea quantities of it every summer as presents to his numerous friends. The habitation fa held by the family under the squatters' law, and there Is little likelihood tbat tbey will ever meet with interference in Its possession.—New York Snn.

OBK YEAR Aoo, the so-called form** portion of the republicans of Massachusetts, were clamoring for Ihe nomination of Senator Edmunds, of Vermont, for Pres'ulen I; tbey were Jubilant over the selection of Senator Hear" oa Chairman of tbe delegation from this state, Tu day, Mr. Hoar Is one of the guiding minds In toe contest in tbe United States, and Mr. Edmunds gives it his warm endorse- ment. Yet some of tbe newspapers then so eulogistic of these two Sena- tors, are to-day carping and grumbling at their position, sod com plaining that they ara Indulging in manifesta- tions of "boy's aiay." Have the Senators become less patriotic ? Havs these newspapers better opportunities to judge ss to the wisdom of the struggle, or the Importance of tbe uu derlying canoes, than the official representatives of the aevwral states ■ When stalwarts and Independents, the machine men and the civil ser- vice reformers, when the republican Senators ore a unit upon a course of action, Is it not fair lo presume that they know pretty clearly what they are about, and may tbey not pretty surely be trusted to act most wisely? When the republican Senators pre sent such an unbroken float, such a solid agreement, we think tbey may to trusted lo manage their own mat- ters, snd that the men who were so much landed by the "independents," one yesr ago, are now quite as honorable, wise sad discrete ss then.

Honda:,. Shamokln, Pa., had a 1100,000 8re early

jeaterday morning. Tunis advices stale tbat toe Kroumlra

will surrender incondiilooaily to the Bey's troop <.

Lather Urlggs Is held by Judge Wells, of SpriBgae-kl, in $8000 ua a charge or bitting Smith Hansom

Tsois Q. Merger, s well known Brook- lyn politician, died st blu borne la Mew Utretcht, L I , yesterday, aged 80.

Dennis Murphy, yesterday morning, broke Into George Irish's grocery store in Buffalo, N. I., aad was shot dead by Irish.

At Meadow Brook, Pa., Saturday night, Michael Keanedy, a stinef, wss fatally subbed by two aakaoWB men, who ea- caped.

In the Spanish-American naturallxatlon controversy tbe United aisles Will adhere to tbe validity or Mr. Bassl's nstorailxs- Uoa papers.

By the overturning of a ferry boat on tbe Dniester river, al Lemberg, Oallcls, os Sauraay, from thirty to sixty persons were drowned.

The British brig Oeceola, from Hew Zealand, which arrived at Mew York, yesterday, reports thai, during a severe gOla, Fab. 17, George Ulodgelt, chief offi- cer, was washed overboard.

Three thieves were seen by two Brook- lyn policemen, yesterday morning, whllj rowing off on Newton creek With s boat- load of stoles railroad Iron. Tbey at- tempted lo escape by swimming sabore, and one of them was drowaed.

Miss Crase, a yonng lady from New Jersey, visiting New Haves, bad her nose broken, ssffered a serloua concussion of tbe brain aad was otherwise injured, by being thrown from a borae Satarday even- ts,.

Fire, gotarday afternoon. In the stable adjoining the rear of Tobey'a bakery, la Waller's block, oa North street, Pllle- flcld, extended to the main block, s two •lory building occupied by stores. * about 880,000; partly lasared.

An effort Is being made by parties IB- tercsled la the seaadal to prevent a tbor- oagh Investigation of the '■star-1 route contract frauds, bat the President sad mstussbir General sre set to be diverted from their determination to sift the mat- ter to the bottom.

Somebody who claims to spesk by authority declares that tbe Siberia of to-day, to which so many Hussions, particularly those having any connec- tion with Nihilism, have been exited, la not at all the Siberia of the post, or the Siberia It Is usually represented to be. The northern part, tike that of oar own country, la Indeed cold, dreary, sterile, and is inhabited by wild native tribes; bat tbe region along the bonks of the great rivers, where most of tbe exiled Hussions ore nettled. Is fertile, with a climate oo more rigorous thaa that of our North- era Stoles. Through that region runs, it is asserted, a belt, six miles wide, of black soil, so rich that tbe mere scratching of tbe surface yields an abundant drop of cereals. Cur- rants, raspberries, strawberries, cher- ries, are plenty, snd tbe fields sre, lo season, radiant with Dowers. In re- gard to the terrible mines, It Is said that whatever tbey nay have been, tbey are very different since tbey have been worked by free labor. They have passed from the control r** the Government Into private heads, and tbe operatives are Justly, svea kiadly treated. Henry Lansdell, a British philanthropist, who visited every pris- on and hospital tn Siberia last summer, was afforded all facilities for seeing them ss they ore. Ho says that con- victs can sleep la winter from 1 P. M. to 7 A. M., and In summer, f> P. M. to 5 A. V., when active work lo not required. The food given to prison era at Kara, where most political ex- iles are ssnt, is nearly double In quan- tity the food allowed to convicts In Knglish prisons. Tbe number of in- dulgences accorded in Siberia, such ss receiving visits, or letters, or money from kindred and friends, or ss re- mission ef labor. Is greatly tn excess of such indulgences in Britain under like circumstances. This is certainly fresh information to tbe tnaae of rend- ers, sod, if entirely trustworthy shows that tbe Tartar does not lie quite so near the skin of tbe Hussion oa Is generally supposed.

We put up with folly more patient ly than we do witA Isjustlce.

I,et as chsmge the rale, Dc*1 strike lb. ire. IIM IT. in^^eeo^

Jotur AT TUB PHOTOOeUrOBas.— Keys tbe San Fiancisoo Chronicle: Tho desire of the Chinese to have their photographs taken amounts to a pas- sion. There is one firm in Ibis city which does a large business almost exclusively with Chinese. Conversing with a veteran photographer, who bos looked at more Chincso homeliness through a camera than any other man tn tbe world, perhaps, a Chronicle re- porter learned some facts about the Celestial desire for portraits. "You sea," said he, pointing to a row of photographs tn which a lot of ill-look- ing Mongolians faced the spectator, with their toes turned out gad their

same position, "ll' iV"188. 'Vjfe^.U't year boat you find a Chinaman who wonts to strike any other attitude. He believes that when he has bis heels pointing toward each other and bis elbewo crooked aa if tbey were coot- iron, he is the picture of dignified re-

The higher the social standing of tbe Chinaman, the stlffer he wonts to look. White people want to look

if they were utterly unconscious of sitting for their picture, but the Chi- nese subject wonts to have every line of his faee and costume announce that be Into paid for bis picture, and that he Is thinking of It. In the points that walte people are most particular about the Chinese ore thoroughly care-

A Chinaman doesn't care whether you touch up the wrinkles In his face or tone down the unevenness of his features. He does not seem to have an eye for such things, but he

ants every line of bis dress brought out so clearly as jicesiblo. He is par- ticular lo have hie toea pointed out, and wants to hove bis shoes come out la the picture as plainly aa his bands aad fan. He is bound to hove a fan. If he has hio picture token with a bou- quet of dowers oa the table by him, he wants to see every flower done jus- tice to. The colder and tbe border the picture and tho less light and shadow on it, tbe belter he likes it. Of what may be called the essentials of a picture be has no regard at all, but la scrupulously exact in his ideas of tho tilings tbst aro not essential* ot oil. Nothing would disgust a Chinaman as much aa to give htm a thoroughly artistic picture with a pro- fusion of nigh tight aud a correspond- ingly deep shadow. Ho wants It to he like himself, without color.

LiMG-KiLX PitiLortorur.—"At mid- night Las' night," said the old mou in a solemn voice as bo looked up and down tho aisles, "at midnight las1

night de speerit of Bruddcr Charles Climax Goshport, a local member ef dls club, passed from y'artU to do un- known. Only a week ago ho sat la dls hall; to night bo am dressed fur de grave. What ackshua will de club taker"

"I 'sposo, sak," said tbe Rev. Pen- stock as he roso up, "dat It am in or- der to present a resolusbim to do ef- feek dot ha was a man of de highest Integrity, liberal -hearted, highminded oa' dot- bis loss sm a sad blow to do hull city."

Yes, such a resolusbim am in order. Bruddcr Penstock, oan you remember dat you eber took Braider Gosbdort by de bond an' gin him a word of praiso fur his hard work and honest ways ?"

I—I—doan' remember dot Iebor did, sali."

Am dor o pussou In dls hall who kin remember dat lie obor pat bisssll oat to favor Bruddcr Goshport?"

Not a man answered. "Kin any one of you remember dot

you took any partlokler tatorei' tu bow he got along?"

Not a voice woo beard in reply. "To lie a little plainer," oontlnu 'd

the president, "am dar one single pus- son In dis lull who eber felt five coats' worth of anxiety fur Brmldcr Godi- port's worldly or spiritual welfare?*'

The ball was so quiet that the sound of Kltler Toots rubbing his back on the sharp edge of a window casing gave everybody a start.

"Not a man in dls bull club—not a man indis hull oily, so far as ws know, eber put hisself out to do a favor for or speak a word In praiso of our la- mented brudder, an' yet we have tho cheek to talk of a resolushun scttln' forth his many vartues an' our heart- felt sorrow ! No, «ir I We doati* pass no sich business licab! I should he ashamed to look bis wldder In do face, If we did. It am de way of de world to let men alone jist when a las- tie help would give 'em a broad aud easy road. We b'or of dls man or dot man havln' won de gratitude of de people, but we doan' b'or of It until he am dead. When a man has gone from y'arth de papers an' de puiilit- suddenly diskiver how honest he was; what a big heart he bod ; bow mrch good ho was allus doing, an' what a loss to de world his death will prove. De lime to praise a maa is when be am livin* beside us. Praise hurts no- body, but many a good man has grown weary fur de want of appreciaohun. lleab am seventy-two of us lu dls hall to-night, an' we have to own up dat not ono of us eber went outer our way to prove to our bruddcr that his gentle ways, his squar* dealln* an' his up- right life, war' any mo' 'predated by us don as If he bait bin a boss-thiet I An' to poos a resolushun would be to broad ourselves hypocrites. Let no man dore offer one."—Detroit Free Press.

Conkltug is the man who elected General Garflcld. After the defeat in Maine, if he had not come out and brought Gcnoral Grant with him, but if, like Achilles, he had remained In hio teat, General Hancock wonld have been elected, and would have got 30,000 majority in the State of New York. That is tbo reason why the people think tbst he has good cause to feel aggrieved. But who knows that he feels aggrieved? And yet the ittempt is made day after day to break

him down. Let him be broken down. Let the stalwartism which lie is tho leader of be driven off, anil Uie Stale of New North is irredeemably lost to (

tbe Repnblieaii party. Without t pivotal State their cninc is hopeless. General Butler.

Wh«n w.k. Uw .low., WLDUW «UM, ,M, .prout Uw ,1* buJ., Spring I'

gol More. I "' 'aoi Ml", li iul.1 luv. > mmt | wnni—" lor I rf . i j *2^^>-^^<>^

Lawrence American. LAWRENCE, MASS.


Dk. FULTON lias a bit of inform.!- Uon, not possessed by ordinary inor Ula ; he announced on Sunday thai Heaven would be peopled with "laiUes and gentleman."

1 ' 't - !J I |


Weekly News Brevities.

Tuesday. Seven steamship* landed C207 Irntul-

granU at Castle Garden, yesterday. ttmw. Hoary B. Sherman, rector of lb*

Chorea of tho Ascension, New York, died Sunday.

Qreat nneaaineat prevail* throughout the republic of Ban Domingo, oeer tha political altnallon.

Charles VY. Warren, lately a lawyer of Northwood, waa sentenced yealatrday to two) ears In the New Hampshire state prison, lor bigamy.

Loala Wbltsker, colored, charmed wltb tha murder of M. C. Jenkins, white, waa hanged by masked men at Oadaden, Fla., on Saturday night.

S. W. Hoffman, rx-clty aodltor of Cin- cinnati, was acquitted by the Jury laat evening of the charge of embexsllag funds uf tbe city, wblln In office.

A deail body, badly decomposed and not identified, was found In the woods at Ox- fold. Sunday. A pistol beside tbe body, showed it to he a case of suicide,

Mr. Gladstone In the British bonae or commons a fortnight hence, will move a voLe for funds to erect a monument to honor of the late Lord Beaconsneld.

Sarah E. Howe, the principal ol the "Ladles' Deposit." swindle, at Boston, wax yesterdsy found guilty on four of the u vr indictments charging her with obtain- ing money by false pretences.

At Bast Brook field, Naturday night, Constable [logan, who was set upon by a crowd of Frenchmen with stones and clubs, fired, fatally wounding Charles HL

**2-- JetUsnW Bffte'Boo^'lslanda has been succeeded by his son, who baa accepted tbe protectorate of Spain over the archipelago, and will punish any re- bellion against Spanish authority.

Tueru Is a severe drought at Barbadoea, Tiinldad and Demerara, and the export of sugar for the seeaonnt the latter point has reached ouly 18,000 bogsheeda, agalaat ilit.UOO during the same time laat year.

James VY. id ilium*, a wine merchant of Philadelphia, sn accomplice In forging the will of Robert VVblttakeror Pbllsdelphla, nave evidence In Montreal yesterday, august Arsdalen In tbe extradition case.

The town of Buenaventnra, on the I'a- * i ii'- coast, wss destroyed by fire on lbs l:'i.h lusiaut, the property loss aggregat- ing t/1,000,000. Vlfteen hundred people are reported to be homeless and starving.

Secretary VYIndom's plan regarding the ■MMIlug the six per cent bonds. Is meet- Ing with greater snccent than was antic- I paled, and It is expected that by tbe 10th proximo the Secretary will be Jnstlfled In adopting a similar couise in refunding the rive per cinta.

Advice* from Tunis state that Tabarca- wsa <|aietly occupied by the French troops on Saturday last, snd energetic measures were beluu taken by the Bey to prevent a disturbance Tbe Bey's forces and tbe French troops had both advanced nuop- IMMied Into the Kroumlr territory, and the Krouiuirs were preparing to surrender.

There will be no csucna of republican seualora lull-n- to-morrow. The l'reet den has, since thu adjournment of the senate on Fiiday, bad conferences i

TUKKK is sn almost unanimous

concurrence of opinion against thai at- tempt to enforce tbe Sunday law in the case of the barber*, when It is openly violate.!, without let or hin- drance, in a dozen other ways, far more offensive to good morals and Sabbath observance.

YES, it la a bit strange, Bro. Traveller, that the "purists" ebotihl Jaat now be so lavishly praising one of the wicked "machine men," a fol- lower of the great New York "Boas," and pretty atrongly tinctured with that concentration of all wickedness, "Granllain," for exj>a«ing and over- turning what they are pleased designate as Uie flagraut "T weedisra" which flourialicd during tho two clos- ing years of that "spotless" and "model" administration recently ended.

ACCOBI>IMO to Lawrence police court taw, or Lawrence methods of enforcing law, you may be freely per- mitted to rule wherever you please, by steam cara, horso cars orcarringo you may hire pleasure teams, buy railroad tickets, cigars, newspapers,

of all the places where these are dis- pensed are wide open to the public, but you shall not he allowed to be shaved by a barber on the Lord's Day. Verily this is making the Sun- day law respected with a vengeance.

.nations, and it is thought the caucus will effect some, change In the exlsliug situa- tion.

Weriiieflduy. Whltelaw Iteld, editor or tbe New York

Tribune, w.i, married to Mia* Mills, la New York, yesterday.

John Q. Palfrey,Lbe historian, and at one time » leader in politics, died yesterday, In II.MON, sued 83 year*.

Louis IVulis, a native of Amsterdam, dlsd In New York city, jeslerJay, aged 102 years, .'. mouths aod 10 days.

Seven bodies of infants were found on the banks of a tir«ek at East Newark, N. J., yesterday,preserved in alcohol Ingles* jars.

There was to be a caucus of republican senators In Washington, this morning, to consider the question or holding executive sessions.

Mrs. Chandler, aged 60, wife of Peter K. Chandler, a highly respected cltixen of Manchester, N. If., committed suicide by hanging, yesterday.

William McMicbselof Philadelphia, and John K. Boles of Michigan, have been ap- pointed membera of the board of Indian Commission, by the President.

The spring floods are still making sad havoc at ths West, snd the destruction of property will exceed In amount anything heretofore known In that section.

Mr. Henry I). Lyman, of Ohio, was yes- terday sppolnted chief clerk of tbe con- tract office In Ihe Post Office department, In place of Mr. John L. French, removed.

Mr. Dillon, at a meeting ol tbe land league in Dublin, yesterdsy, warned the British government that wholesale evic- tions would not be i-fleeted without armed resistance. ej S.

George II. Boyd was killed by a Nash- ville, 4 Chattanooga train, while coupling cars. He was for six years sheriff of HimMen county, and bad been in tbe em- ploy of the company but 13 hours.

Monday night, Allred Doyal, of Griffin, Ua., met Policeman Hancock, drew a pis- tol and killed him instantly. Hancock had previously arreated Doyal for drunk- enness. Threats or lynching are made.

On Monday, a French Iron-clad bom- barded and destroyed the Tunisian fort on tin- Island of Tabarcn, and the troops subsequently occupied Tnbarca. Tbe tel- egraph between Tunis and thu Alglerlan frontier has been cut.

The book publishers snd book sellers met yesterday, and took action on the death of Mr. James T. Fields. Remarks were msde by Jsraes H. Osgood, J. G. Capplef, William Crosby, J. 8. Clark and others, and a memorial was adopted.

By a vote of 208 to 175, tbe house of commons yesterday, refused to permit Charles Hradiaugb to take the oath as a member from Northampton. Mr. Brad- laugh declining to withdraw from the chamber, he was removed by the ser- ges jt-ai-aruis.

Thursday. The Naahville, Teen., exposition was

formally opened last night with Imposing ceremonies.

The national Green back-Labor party will hold a state convention at Colambna, O., June 13, to nominate a full stale tick- et

Mi. i ill Smiley -hot. a stage robber In Sbaata county, Cal., Tuesday. Borne ol tbe gold dunt taken from the psssengers was found on tbe robber.

The government relief steamer Mary snd Helen was put on the dry dock at the Kan Francisco Navy Yard yeaterday to be caulked, which abe much needs.

Joseph and Insac Bloom, dealers In fancy dry goods at 48 West Fourteenth street, New York city, nave made an as- signment. Liabilities, ftlOO.OOO,

William Austin has been convicted be- fore the supremo court at Bath, Me., of setting tire to a barn in Bowdoinham, and sentenced to three years in stale prison.

Burglars broke Into the postofflce at Camargo, Pa , yesterday, and blew the safe open. The postmaster tired upon the robbers, who nV,I without getting any- thing.

A vicious horse at Brookllne, kicked John Moran, adiiver, yesterday, and In- lured him so badly that he died a few minutes afterwards. Another man was kicked and Incapacitated.

Three men Tuesday night shot at John Maker through the window of his resi- dence, three miles from Manning, W. Vs., then broke in tbe door, felled Baker with au axe and robbed the bouse of $300.

David II. Fowler la supposed to have committed suicide by Jumping Into the river at Concord, fiom tbe lower bridge, Which be was seen to enter shoot 9 yea- terday morning, Ills cane and coat were found in the br.dgs, He was Insane,

Two masked men entered tbe house of Isaac tioodnonitb, In South Barton, Vt., at 12 o'clock Tuesday night, gagged and hound to the bed William Ooodnough, tbe (inly able-bodied man present, and robbed the house of tMifl In money, a quantity of clothing and other articles of value.

Edward Cooaey h under arrest at Wor- aaststr, charged with attempting to outrage Mary Edward*. The affair occurred In a urn mar Shrewsbury atreet, but the

womnn proved the stronger and fought Hie man till assistance came. Before the attempt Uie man and woman had been (liiuklng together.

JAKE* T. FIELDS, who died sud- denly ou Sunday, waa perhaps tbe best represents tire American man of letters ; to a long literary career, in which be wrote many things that are likely to live, and which deservedly gare him a place among the best authors, was added distinguished success as a publisher, and his name has been connected with a long line ol tbe beet issues In this country, during tbe past half century. He onjoyed the intimate acquaintance of tho most noted writers of his day, of whom bis reminiscences have proved delightful and entertaining. He was bom in Portsmouth, N. II., six) was C3years of age.

FK.UHKB are often dull, dry affairs, hut there is something absolutely startling in those presented by the Bureau of Statistics as todmnkenness in Suffolk county. These figures, not the wild guesses of some temperance fanatic, but the official results of careful compilation, show that eighty- four per cent, of nil the crime in that county 1H directly attributable or traceable to liquor drinking. The thousands of addresses before the thousands of audiences, are not one- half as telling as this single fact, which ought to be sufficient to awaken tbe sympathy and arouse the energies of every lover of humanity in tl.c Common wea I th.

THAT was a somewhat summitry interruption, during ft recent temper- ance prayer meeting, in a Now York town, where, upon a good deacon rising to offer prayer, the leader shut hint off with the remark, "Brother L. Is s trifle Inconsistent; bis cellar is stocked with cider," whereupon the deacon sat down. We remember that years ago, Lawrence had an enthusi- astic and energetic clergyman, who used to insist that the prayer meet- ings should be run with a "Bitap," snd tinder his active direction. "Now," he would say, upon the open- ing of a meeting, "let tbe prayers be short, and to the {Mint; have nonie- thin^ to pray lor, and when you have asked for that, stop; don't \:« on praying all over creation, telling the Lord about matter* which he under- stands infinitely better that you do; pray for something, and stop when you are through."


The annual meeting of tbe Andover Conference of Congregational churches,

wss held on Tuesday, wltb tbe High St.

church, Lowell. This conference Is com-

posed of seven churches la Lowell, six In

Lawrence, five In Andovsr, two In

Chelassfonl, two In Dracat, and one Is each of the following named towns, Me-

tnoeu, North Andovsr, Tcwksbury, sad

Tyagai oro. These twenty-eli churches were nearly all represented. One hnn-

dred and tbree tickets were sold on the two railroads from Lawrence, and about

as many from Andovsr. After a half-

hour prayer meeting, which waa led by

Rev. Quo. Pelrefl, of North Asdovsr; tbe

meeting was organised by the choice of

Rev. C&arlee Smith, of Aodover, as mod- erator, and Rev. J. B. Buabury aa the

permanent scribe. After prayer by the

moderator, the record of tbe laat meet-

ing, which was held la October, with tbe

Lawrence street church of this city, was read. After a little routine business.

Rev. K. P. Hooker, of the Eliot church,

In this city, read a very able paper on tbe questloo, "How can we make our lives s

manifestation of Christ, and what bles-

sings wilt result to the church from sneb

representative Urea?" This question was

then discussed frosly, and with great In-

terest. Dee. Oliver Clark, of Tewkabory,

opened the discussion. He was followed by Rev. 0. F. Wright of Andover, Rev.

Qeo. Pelrce of North Andover, Rev. C.

D. Barrows of Lowell, Mr. Barry or

Tyngsboro, Rev. Oeo. P. Wright of Tyngsboro, Mr. Parker of North Cbelma-

ford, Rev. Mr. Laird of Andover, Rev.

Mr. Torry of ChalmBford, Rev. Mr. Colt

or this clly, Bey. Mr. Burr or »•"<"•"» no*, sat. iKuvuoi t'uwksbury, Rev. O.

Street of Lowell. Rev. Mr. Hooker

closed the diacssslon, which was felt by all who heard It to be helpful, aa well as

Instructive. At noon the Conference ad

loomed fbr dinner. In the vestry of the church tables were spread, and plates

laid i'-ir tbree hundred people, and the

teats were soon tilled.

At one the conference met In

sprayer meeting, wblcb wss led by Rev.

Charles Torry of Chelmtford; after this

the annual report of the stale of the

churches was presented, and a special

report concerning the S-mdiy School work. From the report It appears that

the twenty-six churches have now 67 SO

members, having received during tha

rear 824, 189 by profession of faith, and

135 by letters from other churches; and

having lost daring tbe year ISO, 86 by death, and 98 by letters to other churches

and 2 by ex-communlcatlon. Oo cbarl ties, reported amount to be t38.9C3.98, and

expenses Bd2.G43.13. The whole amount

spent and given being 9101,807.08. Tbe

charities are g 1,633. (M more than last

year, and the expenses #17,094.34 less

than last year. This difference of ex-

pense la accounted for by some $10,000

spent last year by the Eliot church. In this city, In re-bulldlog, and a sis

sum In North Andover. It Is worthy of

notice that Tor every dollar the churches

spend upon themselves, thoy give away more than half a dollar.

After the report, the sermon was

preached by Dr. McKeoale of Cambridge,

from Mark, 14:8,9. The services were

closed by the celebration of the Sacra-

ment of tbe Lord's Supper, Rev. Messrs. Colt and French officiating.

The next session of conference will be

In October, with the Free church at An- dover.

Dr. W. H. Ltthrop orTewkabury, Dea.

Hilton Bonuey of this city, and Dea.

Joshua Clark of Lowell, were appointed

delegates to tbe general conference of

the state, that meets In. June, In Sprlng-

tleld, and Dea. Q. E. Hood of this city,

A. B. Woodworth of Lowell, aod Dea.

Jacob Rmerson of Methnen, are substi- tutes.


Mccarty Winner after a> Hard Kousjbt Battle.


Annual Baaqnet aod Knicrtalnment.

A large gathering assembled at Manic

hall last evening to witness HID long ex- pecteil Lancashire wre>ilin- match be-

tween Owen McCarthy of Philadelphia,

asd Thomas KUcoyne of this city. Among

ths audience Wars well known sporting men of Boston, Philadelphia, and Pea-

body. Kllcoyno's friends wars oat In

force and althoogh he coodocted himself

In a gentlemanly manner, some of his half drunken friends appeared to think

that he should be awarded the contest

whether fairly won or act, sud daring the bouts were losoltlng la their language

aod epltbets to McCarty, win bore all

patiently aod finally scored a victory, but

only after a hard fought battle.


The coodltloos of the match were that

It be Lancashire style for $100 | aids, best two out of three falls. After considerable

delay, Mr. John P. Kennedy of tbe

ICAM consented to act as referee. Both men stepped finely. Kilcoyne's additional

37 pounds evidently showed bis superior-

ity lo strength. He was seconded by

Frank Robinson, and McCarty by his

trainer, Noah Robinson. At the word

both men took neck holds, when after

series of tags, McCarty docked aod seized

Kilcoyne's left leg, and by a series of jerks

tried to bring him to the floor. It was too

early In tbe contest for KUcoyne lo sub-

mit to this, so he succeeded In withdraw-

ing his leg from Mccarty's grasp, and tak-

ing a body hold brought him to the floor

striking htm on bis right shoulder, and falling upon him. He tried to bear him

Philadelphia slipped from nnder him and both men again arose to their feet. Mc-

Carty essayed the same tactics as In the

beginning, and brought KUcoyne to his

bandi aad knees. From this out KUcoyne

acted on the defensive. Repeatedly Mc- Carty would try to get a half-Nelson look

on him, but It was as often broken by KU-

coyne who stretched himself apon bis

stomach. Again and again McCarty

turned his opponent end over end, bat

KUcoyne always avoided striking his

■boulders sqoarely lo the carpet. Oace a

terrible struggle, lo which both men put forth tbelr best efforts, Kllcoyoe rose from

the floor turning McCarty upside down,

aod tor nearly a mlnnte stood him spin-

ning upon his head, but the wily English- man seised his opponent's right leg and

wouldn't fall, Anally succeeding In break-

ing Kilcoyne's hold. The sweat poured

forth In streams from every pore In the

men's bodies, and they were obliged, to

rest three times during this boot. Final-

ly as they were oo tbe floor, McCarty suc-

ceeded ID getting lo the favorite half-Nel-

son lock aod laoded KUcoyne over on bis

back, putting him sqoarely turned npoo

bis shoulders, after he had beco awarded

the fall by tbe referee. Thin boot lasted so hoar aod twenty minutes and was the

most excltlqg sod best contested exhibi- tion ever given In tbls city.

The men rested for twenty minutes, dor

lug wblcb, odds were offered on McCarty,

wltb no takers. His second and final bout was brief. KUcoyne taking early to tbe

floor and acting wholly oo the defensive,

yet so weakly as to give the Impression

that he was disheartened. After a strug-

gle of two aad a half minutes, McCarty

worked In bis half-Nelson hold, turned him squarely oo his shoulders snd was

awarded the second fall amid cries of foal from Kilcoyne's sympathisers. Although

the referee had awarded ibe fall McCarty

offered to wrestle tbe bout over again, bat

KUcoyne evidently hid enough of tbe

Pbllsdelphlsn and retired fairly admitting his defeat. He had made a plucky aod de-

termined tight wltb a skilled professional,

who wss bis superior In science but great- ly Inferior la strength. The gato money

accordiug to coodlltoos, was divided be- tween tbe contestants.

AN ELECTION CASK, occurring In

Danvers, involving the question of a

recount of votes cast in a town meet

ing, has just lieen decided by the

Supreme Court. It appears that nt

the election for nremberfi of tho hoard

of water commiflmioncrs in th:il town,

Josiah Itoss was found, ou the count,

to have 808 and Otbi Pataam 3031, iht

former being declared elected; I in

meeting voted to hnvc a recount, the

result of which was to exactly re-

verse the almve figures, and give l'.ii-

ni one majority ; the certificate was

however, issued in accordance with

the first Count ntul atmoimicmetit lo

Koss. 1'utmuu asked for u nmmlii-

mus to compel the l>oiird to reoog-

niie him nan mentlier. The tHipranae

Court have denied the petition, alleg-

ing that there was no law or nulhorily

for the subsequent recount, and llutt

the first announcement could not lie

invalidated; the judges ujr Hint the

court cannot be constituted a relum-

ing board to decide no election as to

town olllccra.

IT IS understood that -fudge llnr-

mon lias refused to issue a warrant

applied for, against the home railroad

for running cars on Sunday, in viola-

tion of law. refused a warrant against

a newspaper for Sunday work, and

against a druggist for selling other

than medicines on the Sahhulh. The

difference between these and the bar-

bers is not, we Hup|M>sc, in the eyes

of justice, that they ore posHihly more

influential people than '.he hard work-

ing Imrbera, hut we might infer, be-

cause none of their rivals have made

a bargain to he good on Sunday,

which they the polkw mid the

conrta lo help them enforce, We

doubt if the end is yet; at all events,

tbe attempted enforcement of the

Sunday law, to prevent n man from getting a shave to secure :i present-

able sppesraiico for himself to attend church, while steam and horse cars, stables, cigar and soda shops, are in

full blast, is making the broadest poe*

siblc farce of what may lie a needful ami wholesome law, ami the police and the courts ought not to IH> dra-

gooned into that sort of petly busi- ness.

Saunders Hall was cowrbrUbly filled Monday erasing by aielectand appreciative audience,

-cation being tbe tecond annual concert aad sociable of the Lawrence High School Alumni Association. Tbe entertainment wet ol a blah order, aad thoroughly enjoyed by all preieat. It coniltied ol soofs by ths Brown UnlTerslty Oles Club, or Providence, 11.1., aod readings by Mist Emily O. Wetbertwe or this city. The glse club was composed ofbalfa iloien collegiem, who rendered their unique and entertaining college sings wltb floe lasts tnd splrii, their well trained volcei blending in perfect harmony as they west from "grave to (ay, from lively to severe" In their selectloni. Prominent among tbe singers was Mr. Irs R. Bairows, who tilled the dim .-alt role of warbler 10 perfection, his proficiency in tbe art being eapeclaily ihowo In the vsry taking selectloni, 'My Little Dag," and "Urallo," both or which were •pemlldiy given, winning an encore from the dollgbted audience, Mr. Barrows aod the ni.ii idle repeating the latter. One very laugh-

a at song, called "Peanuts," rendered by the quartette, ibowed a wonderful command of the vocal orgaoi, aod occasioned a dc*1 or merriment. After an encore, "My Dame,"wai given, and toll quaint and comical soog ended the muilul part of tbe entertaiomeat. The memben of the glee club ere as follow*: Mr. C. 0. Mnmford.'Hl, 1ft lonor; Mr. P. H. Da- vit, '«■!, 21 tcnor;Mr.J. M. Marsh all, HI, In bass; Mr. W. A. Pomeroy, It,3d baas.

Kvery one present showed delight and tabs- faSUoa with lbs concert, and expressed the ho,jj that tbe college boyt will mvor as with another visit, and again treat oi to their novel and intercatlag CIBM O( man Ie.

The reading by Mitt Wetticrboe wai fully up io ttini ludy'i usual standard of excellence, bowing that taste In lelectlun, and a natural leas snd force in rendering, which always ii-ikus her a tavurite with l.twrence audiences. l>i tint rsading waa "ihe Kral^-rani'* Story," vilUM in Trowbridges best veln.nad given H n great taste and accuracy , "Aont Jemlma"« ' Ishlp," a liuni.imu" character sketch, la

V*Miikee uiulect, was aeenly relished, and oc i->.muil much im-i iiin.-m. "A Nigbt of Tor-

■or," wu a very amusing ikeU-b oi domestic i-ii III'I.-. In response lo aa encore, "A

fitnsimuu" was given, tbosiug bow a Uagtdy " .1 in scorned*. The entertainment closed

alf paat nine, when Ibe floor was cleared lancing lo tbe accompaniment ofCbap- '» band. Many came Lown Irom the gal-

leries and participated In the festive dance, and i very enjoyable time was spent "to tbe twlnk- ing of merry feel." Most of tbe participants • cm young people, former member! of the 11 lull School, and many pleasant greetings were init-rcbsnged, and reminiscences of days or rnre brought up by those wbo were oace boys • n.i girl! together at school. Hjveral of Ike Messrs were also present.

These anneal •ociaMei are not coasidsrsd lo i)- an alumni recession, as that takes place la Juse, at tbe same time wilb ibat of the gradu- ating 1.1" in ibe High School, when Invita- tl..n. are sent to all members or Ibe association out ol Itad city, Including Ibe long Hit of honor- ary members, cnnsliimg of past supe rlntend- euiH and former teachers ol Ihe school.


I'ltrisii Meeting. as

i nn fiinK of St. John's rarlsh, Monday evening, the following were elected ofli-

Neldor Warden ■ N. T. H. M.-lvin. Junior Warden—James Waltoo. Vestrymen— Saranel Barrett, Samoel

Smith, John (loll. Hartley Smith. Albert. KIIIII.MI.-II. Lawr.-»ce Davenport, William j KOIIW lager beer basMlf left lh< Vfbltenead. T|M

Mr. Lewis To wry, tbe barber, who

ras convicted In the police court for

iolatloo of the Sunday law, appeared be-

fore Judge Harmon Tuesday, snd made ap-

plication for a warrant for Ihe arrest of tbe following officers of the Merrlmack

Valley Horse Railroad, for roonlng cars

Sundsy: President, William A. Rus- ; vice-president, James A. Walton;

directors, Moses '*'. Stevens of North An-

dover, A. W.Htearns. Il.z.-klah Plnmmer,

James Walton i.f Melbueu, and aoperln- i.-ud. nt A. N. Klinball. Iu making ap-

plication for the warraot.Mr. Towey said that be had served five years In the army

In order that all might rest upon an equal-

ity, and be proposed to stand on the same

footing with everybody. He claimed that

the president and directors had violated

the Sunday law by running their cars.

The judge said that in his opinion Mr. Towey did not disclose any evidence that

they were responsible for running the cars,

Mr. Towey replied thai be was ready to go on the stand and testify to It.

The jndgu said that the directors were

not responsible. Mr. Towey must pro-

ceed against those wbo actually did tbe work.

"Very well," replied Mr. Towev. "I want a warrant for tbe arrest of K. U.

Peabody, and for Charles O. Merrill, of

tbe Kasle, for a breach of the law.

saw them eugiged In wrltlug matter for

the paper, Runday last. I propose to es-

tablish my business as respectable as any

I don't propose te let up until every man

wbo violates the law Is placed before the bar for trial. I do this without malice.

Judge llarmou i It seema io me tbat au

editor who goes to work la his office

Sunday, and wiltes at bit table, would

not be violating the law.

Towey : How about the men wbo are selling the type*

Judge: I diHi't know about that.

Mr. Towey i I want a warrant for Mr.

R. H. Keliey, druggist, for selling cigars

on Souday, I thlok lhat Is a violation of the law, and I ihlok Mr. Russell snd oth-

er directors of the llorsu Railroad are equally iiulliy uf a violation.

Jodge: I think you caul sustain tbe charge.

Towey; I ibluk I can.

Judge : I'M a mattt-r uf opinion.

Towey: Yea, we hive a right to our

opinions. While Ihese people an* sitting lo iheii cushioned pews at church, their men are running the horse cars.


Ths Shakespeare Club bald II* annual

banqost and entertainment on Monday, at

the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Sar- gent, No. .10 SuramT street. Unlike ttelr

former annual gathering, which wu con- fined more particularly to the membera or

the club only, ths exercises comprising a

supper, toasts, responses, Ac, which was

of no particular Interest except to the participants, tbe club deter mined this

year to advance a step farther aad allow

each member to Invite a certala number

of friends, sufficient to til tbe rooms com-

fortably. Those who had entertalasd the club durlog the season, and to whom they

felt under obligations, were Invited to the oanquet, while tbe invitations to

others were confine, J to the entertainment only.

The wisdom of the general committee

In their appointments of sob-committees, waa proven by the excellent management

of all the details of this Joyous occasion.

The tables, too, performed their doty well, and mast have had some pretentious u

strength to support soch a bountiful sup

ply of substantial* and dainties, and if aa

occasional croak was beard. It was not to

be wondered at, for It most have made

even an Inanimate thing groan to be re-

lieved of each a sonerabandance.

Tbe entertainment opened wltb that

beautiful scene In tbe fourth act of Julius Ca-sar, the quarrel between Brutus and

Cassius. Mr. C. E. Hudson personated

Brutus, Mr. M. l>. Currier, Cassias, and Master Fraokle Sherman, the boy Lucius.

Following this came the closet scene w-*-"— "«■!*( snd hi* motb«, iis, x. M. Blcbardssn as H.-U-I, and Mrs. A,

McCrlllls as the Queen.

At the close of this scene an InUnntsalon followed, to allow the andleaee to later

change greetings aad prepare themselves

for the nisi aod largest representation of

tbe evening, tbe trial seen* in the "Mer-

chant of Venice" Following waa the dramatic personN:

Shy lock, C. B. Hudson; Bassaalo, A

M. Richardson; Antonio, M. D. Carrier; Duke, C. H. Llttlefleld; Gratleno, G. W.

Hayden; Portia, Mrs. A. B. White; Nor-

lass, Miss Hattie B. Collins.

A season of handshaking and general

conversation followed, and It was nearly

midnight before the entire company dis- persed. The clnb express their tbaoks to

Mr. snd Mrs. Sargent for their kind Invi- tation aod cordial hospitality.

It is Intended to repeat two of the

scenes presented Monday, at the Uni-

versal tst May Fair, which occurs next

week, 4 th aod 5th of Hay. We hope that

no one will miss witnessing these really meritorious representations.

Odd Fellows Festivities.

The introduction of the sixty-second

anniversary or Odd Fellowship In America

was celebrated Monday evening by United

Brothers Lodge Mo. 122, I. C. of O. V.,

with au entertainment in Odd Fellows

hall, consisting of the following pro- grame i

Music on the piano, by Mr. Robins jn,

remarks by the Noble Grand, T. C. Smyth;

•ong by Mr. H-dman: recitation by Mr.

Inghsm; song by Mr. Greenwood ; cornet

solo by Mr. Charles Fisher: piano duet by

Master Davis and MIssAoty; recitation

by Miss Pollard; sonyby Mr. John Webb;

piano solo by Mr. Robinson; recitation by Mlsa Anty: song by Mr. Bsrrlngton.

Messrs. Greenwood, Webb and Robinson, each receiving an encore.

At the conclusion of the entertalomeot,

a collation was served In the banquet ball.

followed by dancing wblcb was continued until midnight.

The Noble Grand, T. C. Smythe. pre-

sided at the entertainment. Great credit

Is due to tbe committees of arrangements, Thomas Dntterwortb, H. S. Pslge, Jon

Anty, James Barnes and John P Thomas,

for the enjoyable occasion.

-it Rogers. TiessLret— b>vlnt[ton. Cidkcior-Win. McCullnni. 1 >H.-:; ii. ■■ to Diocesan ('onveniioii—N.

P. II. Melvla, James Walton, U. C. Tal- bot.

Substitutes-Win. McCullum. Richard I'rehimi and Samuel barrel t.

<i A. It. Orator.

Col, Fuller bavins, cancelled his en-

gageuieut ss Memorial IHy speaker for Posl 110, i' 'in.ii iml. i Stone bss secured

the services ol M»j. Ch'tf. A. Hlott, ex mayor of l^iwell, which ensures a bright- sud wide awake address.

Monday evening, Mr. Jos. Brsdlny, of tbe Arm of Bradley ft Psrltn, clothiers.

Andover, drove to this city to deliver live

suits or clothes to parties wbo had order-

ed them. He was accompanied by am Andover gentleman. At Ames bury street

be aod bis friend entered tbe saloon of

Patrick McCarthy. Tbey were in there bot a few mloutes when two men, strain;-

rs In tbe city, entered and after drinking:

saloon. ey jumped Into Mr. ltradley'H carriage

i.ii.1 drove rapidly away towards Cansl

street. That was the last seen of tbe

men or team iu this vicinity, alibough all

thu mght and ueat day the oflcets havo

been Iu search nt tbe

The horse was a valuable animal, aod

nil!) reeei.tly was owned by Thomas Coi-

belie. It was called "Pel," was a bsy. 11

years old, weigh* 873 pounds, biack mane

and long black tall, suit can trot fast. Th.' harness was well worn, bsd black trimmed breast-plaiti, MJIII leather cover- ed bit. The huifity had s blae lined l.-M.-r "B" on tbe sides. The cloiblug In the vehicle was also takeu.

The May Breakfast,

The annual Msy breakfast, given by

the Ladlos Charitable Union, occors at

the City Hall, May 8d. Last year over intern hundred people visited the hall,

which presented s lively scene for over

live hours. Seldom have we seen so much

sociability aod hilarity maolfested aa at this suooal gatheriog, when friends and

acquaintances meet to eojoy each other's

society while dlPcusslog the bountiful

provision for a hearty breakfast, made by the ladles of Lawrence. Part:** of

live, ten, fifteen and more young people.

are often made up from sdjolnlng towns,

tbe ride In the fresh morning air giving

Llus to the appetite. The church

societies are all Interested In providing

for this occasion, snd year by year Im-

provements Iu ihe arrange men is are

made, as experience renders desirable.

Caledonian Greet INK. ■

Tuesday, tbe Caledoolao clob of this

city took barges and drove to Lowell,

where tbey were met by tho Lowell clans-

sod escorted to the American House, where Chief Charles addressed a few

words of welcome to them. This was fol-

lowed by a supper. After tbe viand* had

been partaken of, Chief Koblosoa of this

city returned thanks, In behalf of the visi- tors, Re-narks were made by ex-chief

Patterson and Lyall ol tbls city and clans-

man Court of Lowell. Soojs were sung

by Daniel Lawrence of this city aod Wai.

Houston and John Me teal f of the Lowell

club. Piper Duncan played several selec-

tions ou his bsg nipe. After an exchange

of grcetlairs, the Lawreoce visitors took

their barge for home, loud In their praise of their clansmen In the sister city.

Result of w Sunday Spree.

Sunday nl^ht three men named Daole|

Buckley, W. II. Taylor and P. J. Hafrlng-

ton, all of Andovtr, were driving a team

hired of Beau of that town, when they

collided with a two horse carryall on

Haverhlll street. All of them Were

thrown out. but Harrington alone re-

ceived severe Injury. In falling from tbe

carriage be struck his back upon tbe wheel, and fell against the curbstone,

breaking two ot bis ribs, and badly dam-

aging his countenance. He was removed

to the hospital at Tewksbory Monday. All

of the meo bad been drinking, but Bock ley, who was driving the horse, was very

mur'i iiml.-r ilir Indoence of liquor, in

the police coort Monday, be was Hoed gl.

The horse showed tbe effects of 111 usage,

soil had h.-.-u uver driven. The carriage was badly damaged In the collision.

To jfo to Manchester.,

At the meeting or Post 30, G. A. K , on

Wednesday evening, after discussing tbe

arrangmenti for a return visit to Louis

Bell Post, at Manchester, It was voted to

the regular evening train, leaving

here at 6 o'clock, returlog upon an extra,

by which, sobstantislly half fare caa be

secured; the post is taking hold of the

matter enthusiastically, and already slaty

members have eipreased tbelr luteutlon

of making tbe excnralon; a committee

was selected to canvass for names, and It la hoped lo make the number fully one

hundred; the M-incbeater boys are pre- paring to give the comrades a, warm re-

ception, snd a Jolly good time Is assured.

—Patrick Cahlli of this clly, aged 30

years, mataloed a severe croah of one loot by being rnn over by the wheel of a

freight car, at Athol Wednesday. He was

takeu lo tbe M ass a chose its Geoersl Hos- pital.


Programme or tbe Day's Observance In This city.

Memorial Day, May 80lh, It is yesr will

be a legal holiday. The mills, bank* and public offices will be closed, and business

will be almost generally sospended. Post S3 Is making extensive preparations to

observe tbe day on a scale commensnrste

with the important position it retains in

the soldiers'calendar, and already nearly all arrangements for its successful observ ance have been completed.

The Post will not this year, as former- ly. Send a detachment to Andover to dec-

orate tbe graves of deceased soldiers aod sailors, ID the cemeteries of that town, as

this duty wl.l hereafter devolve wholly

apon the Post of the O. A. R. recently

formed In that town. Iu tho forenoon,

however, the members, as a Post, will

proceed to North Aodover and decorate graves there.

The exercises of the day, lo this city wilt take place In the afternoon and even

Ing. In the afternoon, tbe Post and two military companies, and, probably, tbe

High School corps of Cadets, with a band

of music and Invited guests, will decor- ate graves In Bellvue, Immaculate Cm

ceptlon and St. Mary's cemeteries. Tbe

Memorial servlcea will take place at the city hall In the evening, at which, ex-

Mayor Chaa. A. Siott, of Lowell, will de-

liver an address. The other exercises

will consist of prayer, appropriate vocal

and Instrumental music and brief addres-

ses, pertinent to the occasion. . The hold

lug of memorial services lo tbe evening,

Is an innovation here, but wherever tbey

have been thus held, the change has given Bausraosaesk, •< ■ larg* number are there- by enabled to participate.

Th* floral tribute* procured by the Post

will, a* last year, be a wicker basket filled

with flowers and mosses, one to be placed

on each grave. As formerly, the Post

will receive and dispose of according to

directions, special tributes of fliwers for

graves designated by friends and rela-

tives of tbe deceased. The flowers, ss

heretofore, will be arranged in Ihe city

hall, by ladles, In tbe forenoon. At the

evening service, tbe Mayor and members

of the city government, and clergymen of tbe city, will be invited to occupy seats upon tbe rostrum

Sunday, May 29, io the foreooon the

Post will attend divine service at the Gar.

deu street church, and In tbe evening at

the Lawrence atreet church.

The committee or arrangements of the Post, for the day, Is as follows: Major E. A. Flake, AdJ't F. O. Kendall, Past

Commanders, James Noouan aod Daniel

V. Klloy and Comrade William Shackford.

The following Bub-commlttees have becu appointed :—

Flowers, Malar FIske, Past Command er Klley.

Music, Past Commander Noonan, AdJ't Kendall.

Carriages, Comrades Shackford snd Locke.

Invited guests, Commander Stone and

AdJ't Kendall.

Odd Fellows'Anniversary.

Wednesdsy evening Monadnoek lodge

O. O. O. P., Of this City, |.resented to Its

members and their families through an efflcientcommlttee, anentenalameut rare-

ly equalled In first class concerts. Be

tween two and three hundred person:

gathered lo the lodge room. The literary

everclsos opened with a reading by Miss UzzleJ. Thompson of Boston, entitled

'The Creed of tbe Bells." She received

an encore, and recited the very funny se- lection "The Bootblacks." Miss Thompson

la a very magnetic reader, and her selec-

tions throughout tbe evening, were very

happy, and showed her to be ao accom- plished, versatile, elocutionist. Whenever

he comes to Lawrence again, she will be

heartily welcomed. Miss Fannie Kellogg

was next on the programme, and ssnz In her usual sweet way aa air vsria entitled

Tbeme de Bodes." She was fairly

entitled to ihe hearty applause she received

and gave for au encore, "The Swanee

River." The other selections during the evening, were "Within a mile of Bdlnbo-

ro towo,"and "To Seville," although very warmly applauded, she did not consent to

sing au encore. She was followed by

Miss Thompson again, who gave '.In

burlesque sermon on Old Mother Hubbard

Her next selection was "Money Mask"

followed by "Robert O'Llncoln." In closing the programme she read "Aunt

Jemima's Courtship" and for an encore

The Wedding Fee." Mr. J. Staluthorpe

sang several comic songs snd pleased ihe

audience very much, Mr. Robinson plsyed tbe "Mocking Blrd"on the piano,

with very good taste. Mr. Fawcelt acted

ss accompanist Tor Miss Kellogg. After

this part wss over ihe company repaired

to tbe banquet hall, where, until afiui

o'clock, dancing was kept up to music by (inilln's orchestra.

Sentencing Susie.

Following are tbe remarks made by M

Justice Hawkins, of the Centrsl Criminsl

Court In London, in passing sentence up-

on Susie Willis Fletcher, or this city, foi

conspiring with ber husband to obtali money by false pretencus from Mrs. Hart* Davles;—■

Susan Willis Fletcher: You have been convicted after a very long and patient trial of having obtained a large quantity of property from Mrs. Hart-Davles under false pretences. In company with your husband, and tbe jury have also found that you have been guilty of conspiracy with your husband and Morton to procure the execution of a deed of gift. They hnve furttaer found you guilty of conspiring with yoor busbsnd, without Morton, in obtaining these goods under false pre- tences. A great many counts have u<. n Inserted lu this indictment, yet consider- ing the evidence, I look upon It iu sub- stance as bot one offence; but I cannot help thinking, with the evidence before me, that tbe verdict of the Jury is perfect- ly satisfactory. Indeed, believing, as It Is evident tbey do, tbe testimony or Mrs. Hart-l>avles, and seeing ths correspond- ence before me, they could not hsve come lo any other conclusion. Aod moreover, I think the jury bsve come to a right con- clusion In considering lhat you were not acting under tbe coercion of your husband to such ao extent aa to make yon irre- sponsible to the criminal law. It now be- comes necessary for me, considering the findings of tbejury, to reserve any ques- tion of law for the consideration of the Coort of Criminsl Appeal. It was a mis- erable, mean, paltry trick wblch you re- soru-d to Tor the purpose of gerting pos- session of her property. Fortunately, very rortuualely, she bassucceeded In ob- taining possession of the greater part of it. There is another part which yet has to be recovered, snd I do not know how much of tbat which you have obtained Is still In tbe hauils of those who are In s po- sition to give It np. I take all tbe circum- stances Into consideration, and look upon yi * case as one In which you moat un- questionably were guilty of the false pre- tence wblch is proved against yon, and unquestionably guilty of having acted without tbat coercion wblch would have protected yon In point of law. I never- theless take, into consideration that but for yonr husband yoo never would have embarked upon soch a fraud MB tbls, or have been gollty of these false pretences which have brought yon within the pale or ihe criminal law. Uoder these clrcom- stances I shall not pass upon you the sen- tence which the law has authorized me to do. The law would authorize me to send you Into penal servitude, but the sentence wblch I pa*t la that you be imprisoned wilb hard Isoor for the term of twelve cal- endar months.

Tbe prisoner, who had preserved *ho r equanimity throughout, wan then re- moved.

On the Wuy Over the Ocean.

Sl'ClMI. TO TUB ,1« IV:

UN HOARD Snunxa Monavus, till Halifax, April 23.


Would you like logo lo Europe r What for? How long could yoo be away? What would II cost i How much and what of that which you would like to do would you omit In order to bring the rest within your time and

us ? How cart fully wonld you arrange snd systematize and economize, in order to make both time and means go as far as they reason ably may » Uow much could you and would yon-study aod read at home of the history, the literature, the characteristics ol tbe countries and the peoples you would like is visit, sod tbe products of each, in order not te have to do much on your jonroey tbat might more profit- ably have been done before, or else to pass nn- ootlced or unappreciated many of tbe choicest thlngi f Or if your lite has been so crowded wltb other ibings that yen could not make much preparation, would you still like to take a glimpse at the wonderful things In the Old World, that your wearied mind may turn for a little from Us beaten track, and be stimulated lo live outildu of, and apart Irom, Ihe machine life or too in .i n v of us ■

Such questions us these, have many times been debated with hi niell, aul finally settled by ibe writer, so far that he sailed from Uosloo at 3 o'clock, r.u , on tbe 21st lost.. In one of tbe Due steamcri of the Allan line tbat sWI Jint comsiencing to run between tbat city and Llv erpool. Many kind friends ot the Lawrence party came to the steamer at IU wharf In Kas, Boston, io see ns start. A lew came over Irom Boston In a tug to accompany us a little way down the harbor. The bell rang uromptly ai 3 o'clock lor all who were goiog ashore to leave the vessel. Tbe last words were said, The plauk was pnsbed off. Handkerchiefs were waved, as tha noble steamer moved slowly snd stcsdily away, mini friends could no longer be seen, and America, tbe dear home ot us all, was left behind, as we began to realise tbat the dream was no longer all a dream. Tbe day on land and on ibe sea wua tbe finest one the spring bsd, up to this time, given ns, and we began to find and fix oura^lvea in our tempo- rary homo. Tbe weather has been pleasant, and the lea calm so lur. We came to anchor at Halifax tut evening, without accident and almost without Incident. We have studied the steamer some and tbe passengers some.

The Moravian is a vessel of 3823 tons, and is about 315 test Ion* and 50 feet beam. She has just been refilled np, and seems neat and clean. Sbe !■ made of iron, and therefore her compass 's about 40 feet up one of her masts, to prevent Us being disturbed by tbe metal ot the ship, Its face is downwards, snd the belmi stands like a ststue peering through a amal1

dndow in the roof of ibe wheel house, guiding bis charge with bis left baud upon a i wheel that controls tbe valves of the atean glse tbat moves (bo rudder, and steadying him self by holding to a ropj with his right hand. Wo bave seen tbe log thrown at 13* knots an hour, and a newly patented lead droned at 24 fathoms depth.

We hsve found some pleasant people among the possengeii, from Boston, from Montreal and from Concord, N. II. Some friends whom we slightly knew, and some wbo knew well other friends of ours. We reached bare at 10 laat night, and now, at 2 r.u., are oil for St' John's, Newfoundland, having hastily done Halifax. a. i. ii.



Regular session of ibe Hoard; the Mayor siding, ii -... was transacted as follows i

I'etUiont— or (ieorge Ii Wilson lor penolsaKw to obstruct streets while moving a building, laid on the table; or tieorge W. Hills for a s. Hi much Itailioail street from the n resent sewer to Haverhlll street, referred lo committee on sewers; of Fred Ilnllcr and others that limier atreet from Uilton to Warren streets be laid out u n public way, referred to Lhe committee on 6lreeisL

John i>alv lo obstruct street while building, granted; ofJ, H. Ureen for permission lo enter Allen Htreol sewer, granted; <>i Merrioutok Valley Horse Railroad lor pcrmlasion to enlcr Common street sewer, grunted; or William Wright for a sewer in I'ark ssMSt, referred to the committee i

Jbporrs-The commit lee on licenses reported recommending that Ibe price of liquor license to common vicluallcra be #-j,". inatesd of SS0, aa J.miiei-ly U\ed. The report waa accepted and an order waa adopted lUIng Ihe rate at *2S, alder- men Muitli and liolbler dissenting,

Tbe committee reported on the petition of Ann melon A Mm*, that 000 feet of Canal street be l-:ive,|,ei,iinii,-ii, iiiifin ii»- iiiihseii mill anil run- ning north, and nn appropriate order was adopt e.l.

Thesamecomralitee reported favorably on Ibe petition at Smith H. Decker and others for a street lighten Hsvethlll street between Franklin and Hampshire streets and the report waa accepted.

The couimlllcc on public property reported re commending that the plans pre pared by superin- tendent FlsDoagnn Tor the Amesbury street school bouse be accepted. The report was ac- cepted and an order was adopted that tbe school house be built or brick either by contract u the supervision or the superintendent or directly under his direction, the commlltee on public property to decide.

Juror* oVwtvs-TtVS following were drawn as Jurors to serve at lhe Mar (criminal) sessloo ol the Superior Court to i„- held at Newburyport

'■ . u ,iieiii,.u,e, II. A. Buell, Albion G.Clark Allen Wilson, B, C. Iloyt.

AfliMHonAtui-Vinnie Hmllh at M Union street was granted .. common victualler1* license.

L. P. K. ltlcharda was licensed as an auctioneer. A re<iuest that I'iui bo expended In settles: tieei

in Want Five park, was referred to the committee hade trcea and parka.

roHKort oorsciL. The council met in regular seaaion Wednesday

evening, with I'reaidcnl Bell In the chair, pers cuine down from the upper board, and were puiscd In concurrence, with tbe exception of tbe report of lhe commltlee on claims. In the part Which referred to Mary Uavin, Which was re- ferred back lo tha committee; also the council voted to adhere to their former action in regard to ihe resolution appropriating »i» for expenses of Decomtimi liny. In waa vine J to let It stand

■w /.-,.■, i u, mnliun, the council voted It Waa the seme ot the meeting lhat tbe

bond of tho treasurer of lhe sinking fund should be *:|O,MJO instead of *,1,000.

An order waa adopted aulhnrlging the May*i toaaslan to the Auguatlnian aociety, a psroel of land belonging to Use city, which waa obtained from Kdward Flynn, si a tax sale in is;7. No

irtlier business wua brought up and Ihe conned adjourned.

— Councilman Collins wants better side-

walks In South Lawrence. There are

other places besides, where belter sldewsiks are nerded.


Two,-.! DalUrs Stalan. • Some time during Wednesday night,

burglars obtained an entrance Into the

grocery store of Samael Poor, George-

town, in which the post oQlce Is also

situated; they first broke Into a n«lgbbor- ng tin shop, from which they procured

in Iron bar, with which they forced a rear window In the grocery store.

There wss an old fashioned safe, In the

euT or tho store; the burglars drilled

Into the door, and putting In powder,

blew tho lock to pieces, forcing open the door.

They took rrom tho safe about *200 In cash; the post ofllcc seemed to be un-

disturbed. Th.- burglars were evidently not new hands at the business, and so

far no trace has been found of the depredators.


Wtdoeeday evening, a party or friend*

waited on Mr. Thos. Murrsy.'wbo recently returned from a European trip, and pre

sentedbim with a beantlful and costly toilet set, sud various articles, as tokens

ol tbelr esteem. The presentation re-

marks were make by Mr. J. W. Bradley,

who congratulated the recipient on his

safe return home, and expressed the pleag-

ol Mis friends In welcoming him back

to tbe land of hid adoptiun. Mr. Murray

responded Teellngly, thanking the donors

for their kind expressions of regard and esteem. A good lime followed, Messrs.

Bradley, Grsofga Klloy end Miss M. J.

Klley rendering some excellent music on

the piano, and Mr Bennett Savage enter.

talnlog ihe company with some of hi*

plossins ballads. Dancing followed end njctyed mil il a seasonable hour. Mrs.

J. W. Bradley prepared au excellent col

lalion, or which the guests partook wilt vi.lent lellsb.

—I'aclflo Mills stock sold on Wednes-

dty at fksHwi Washington, gioo to log;

Boston £ Lowell railrosd, 103; Eastern

— Sunday gav* a* a genuine taste of summer, the thermometer rising to HO at


—A neat Iron fence is being placed around the new Arlington mill yard on


—The Everett mills are repairing tbelr

block a', tha corner or Uarcrhlll and New- bnry streets.

—The water works department are re-

placing the decayed wooden hydrant

boxes with Iron.

— Congressman Russell will go to Wash-

ington In a few dags snd will return with

his family next week.

—A valuable horse belonging to Mr.

Win. Spaoldlog, cashier of tbe Lawreuce

Savings bank, died Sundsy evening.

—The tramp in tbls section now rinds

his lot sn unhappy one, as the farmers

take him for one of the escaped prisoners.

—It Is remarkable that the body or tbe boy Murphy, drowned la the Spicket

early lu the season, has not yet been


—Corporation Detective Phllbrlck hut

recovered a large quantity of dress pst- terns recently stolen from tbe Wssblng

ton Mills.

—Albion 0. Clark, of Morey letlei

fame, baa been drawn as a Juror to serve

at tbe May term of tho superior court.

O (niij'fint t O mores /

—Mr. Bradley'* team was found at

Hampstead, N. II., Tuesday morning,

where It had been left by the thieves.

The horse was tied to a tree.

—Tbe Rassell Paper Company have on

hand 1200 cords of poplar wood, to be used |a making pulp. Their dally con-

sumption Is between 12 ana 1A cords.

-William Hlckey had a shoulder badly

Injured Tuesday, by being drawn over a

picket fence, near the Essex dye works, by th* guy rope of a derrick, which he

was moving.

—At lhe annual meeting or the Mew

England Cottnn Manufacturers Associa-

tion, Superintendent Walter E. Parker, of tha Pacific Mill*, of tbls city, was chosen

a vice president.

—Tbe fir* engineers at their meeting,

Monday evening, voted to purchase the

Berry swinging harnesa, provided satis-

factory arrangements could bo made wilb the manufacturers,

—Th* Boston aad Maine round bouse

at Haverhlll, 1* to be removed to tbe

Bradford aids of th* river. The company

will also build a new depot at Great Fails the coming season.

—E. Eastman * Co., dealers in grocer-

ies, etc., Lawrence, offer their creditor* 60 cents on fil, payment to be mado in

note* satisfactorily Indorsed. It I* doubt-

ful If the offer will be accepted.

—In the If etbodlst appointment*. Rev

Qeo. W. Norrls remains at the Garden St. church; Rev. I. C. Ban* cornea to the Ha-

verhlll street, and Bodwell street will be supplied by Kev. Wm. Ramaden.

—In one day alone the New York Her-

ald received 15,579 letters, which were

answers to 862 advertisements—au aver-

age of little more than eighteen letters to

each request, and yet some people ssy

tbst nobody reada advertisements!

—The neat and nobby little orders, st the Alumni gathering, were from the

AMBRICAN office, which I* turning ont

some pretty bits of one printing, just now

over five hundred specimens of engrsved

and illuminated cards, for faaey printing.

—Twhnty-five cents, invested la a two

line advertisement, three days la the Dally AMKRILUN, will tell a number of

thousand people what yon have for sale,

to rent, or of something you want, and

vsry likely bring yon a trade wor th as many dollars,

—Rev. Mr. Miles, the new pastor of the

Central church, or rather that is to be,

has moved his household goods into Mr.

Jackson's new bouse, on Orchard street,

where he will reside. Ills family will soon

be with him. The Installation service will take place the first week In May.

A lira broke ont at Shawsheen grove

Sunday afternoon, and before tbe flame*

could be controlled they had spread over

one-half of the grounds. Th* bulldlnss

were saved, bat considerable damage was

done to ths tree*. There were alao sev-

eral forest fire* In ths town of Andover.

—The body of the late Walter F. Chap-

men waa taken to Lowell from this city

last week, where he had lain lo tbe re-

ceiving tomb at Bellevue cemetery, since

death, and waa Interred la lb* Edson

cemetery. The body of an Infant brother wbo died several year* ago, waa taken there at th* same Urn*.

-The law wblcb was paased last year In relation to drunkenness has been

amended, so thafthe court may order the

payment of such portion of the cost* aa It

may determine, by oAndera who have the

benefit of the on* dollar fin*. Second and

third offences of drunkenness within a

year shall be punished by fines of fire and

ten dollars respectively, aad the costs or prosecution, with the alternative of Im-

prisonment for tha term* of two months

for second offence, and one year for third offence.

At quarter before two Monday af- ternoon, while the school bell was ting-

ing, aa alarm or fire waa rnng lu rrom

box 12, calling the department to the

tenement house, No. 214 Oak atreet, the roof of which was on fire. The Oremeo

responded promptly, and s stream from

the extinguisher soon put out th* flames.

Two large ho!** were burnt in the roof.

The fire was doubtless Ignited by a spark

from th* cblmney. The building 1* owned

by the Pacific mill*. Tha damage will not exceed »C0.

In police court Wednesday, Maurice

F. Durgin was arraigned for ssaaaltlag and robbing John Barry, at tbe city

woods, April 19. Durgin pleaded not

guilty, and was defended by K. 11. O'Con-

nor, Esq. He claimed that Barry had

fractured his skull by a fail, aad denied that he took any money from him. Ths

coart thought, however, that there waa

probable cans* to believe him guilty, and

ordered him to furnish (1500 to warrant hi* appearance st the Msy term of the supsrlor court.

—Ths town of Hampstead, N. H. I* now

subject to continued Irrnplions from this

city lu the shape of parties in search of

trailing arbntaa, which 1* found In Urge

qaaatltlM la the woods aad fields of that

quiet country town; a party or school

teacher* who west there tar May flowers

last Saturday, having missed the down

train from Manchester, wan ajkllged to

charter a farmer's wagon lo which to ac-

complish the "nine miles to tho Junction,'

namely, Metbaen, where tbey took ears

for home. They bad a good time, how-

ever, a* It was a comfortable evening

snd tbelr spirits were all right.

—Mr. Albert H. Smith, clerk In the

drug store of Charles Clark, ha* returned

from a year's sojourn In the mining dis-

tricts of Virginia and Mexico. He left

this city last March, and for a time was

engaged In the drag bnslaea at Virginia

Clly and Nevada, afterwards going Into

the mines and wielding a pick. He feels

Andover Advertiser. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 18,1M1.

Railroad Trstlw*. Leave Itoaton H-r An.lurcr, 7.30. t"..KJ, 10.35 A,

u - 11 H - I-' ->", *--te. -':'". *> A. "• oM nn" 7.iuP. II., arriving herein ;,:W mid e.t« I*. M.

LoaveAmlovcr tar Boston. MM, 7.4S, B.09, fl.SS, BM, 11.10, A.M., and \i..-i, \i .ii), 'Mil. SAJ, *•», (Vao and 7i* 1'. M. (We.lne>.li.) IU* I'M.) (frliiay 0.M V. M.) tor Hie North Kin, A. M.: MM, 3.SI 1'. 11. For Hie Bast "in A. k.\ 1.1-'., «.-•!. .V.-.I lUitl'.al. r»r I.e.wr-1 7..J,'J.flSA.M.; li.2l*,».U!l1S.4a.4»i,a.a!i.7.«ll*.M

Kyo Tenter—A leper's nose. Dog licenses ste nuw in order. School reports are ready, at W. V. Drapers,

fur all tax payers. Itraioerd Cumminss Is nslldlaga ntul fence

in front of LIs house un 1'srk street. John Hi IK Nt says that Americans are tbe ouly

people wbo sign their names lesihiy. The selectmen will be In session for uutinesr,

at tbelr room next Monday niter noon. The last mail ran rrom Buffalo lo Erie, 88

miles, Ibe other day, in ninety-nine minutes. William Poor has just finished two thoroogh-

bniltand bandstimo ice wagons, for ilnyward 4 Son.

He who recei'ts '-a good turn" should never forget IL lie who does one should never re- member it.

Gen. 11. ¥. lluller'a journey to Si. Thomas wss to visit the grave ol his lather, wbo is buried there.

Uiu Fannie Cnmmcrford advertises to do plain sewing and dress making. Sue is worthy of patronage,

li.-.miiel.l. Me , boasts n very young tadr, Miss May Copp, eleven years ot age, wbo weighs 182 pounds.

Is your wife s Democrat or a Republican t" asked one cltiaen of another, bhu'a netiber. She's a Home Holer."

Unsuccessful real estate dealers are unlike post ofltue clerks to thai while tbe former can't sell, lhe taller cancel.

Her, w. H. Murray is carrying on s small farm in 8an Antonio, Texas. Ills wife Is In Germany for her health.

A summer residence at Northeast Harbor, Mount Desert, Is soon lo be bulll by President Eliot, of Harvard College.

John I'utnam of Croydoo, N. II , is Ihe own- er or a Jersey cow whose yearly Uow of milk has produced 300 pounds of bulter.

The first girl bahy born in l«nnvl1le, Ken- tucky, Mrs. Betsy tilvens, has lately died at Ibe inalureage ol one bundled and three.

Tho Missionary Herald for May acknowl- edges among its receipts as follows i Aodover chapel cburcii, SA00 60

Henry O. Burnham will next week remove his lamily from Lawrence to this town, and occupy a tenement iu the -Stevens bouse, on Main street.

Tbe subject of Itev. Mr. Wright's sermon next Sabbath evening will be: "The Mission- ary spirit as illustrated by the life of David Livings tone.''

A bailiff wbo went io seise ibe poor cobbler's ail) was not satisfied when the poor man band- ed blm one ol bis tools, saying, "Depart and take mr awl."

Mrs. Esther Sargent, wbo was born In Lou- don 102 years ago, is the oldest inhabitant of Bandwlca, N. H. She has long been blind, but Is In excellent health.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Richards now at Apopks, Florida, received In one mall, April Sin, from friends in Andover snd Bradford, 126 postals, IS letters. 6 papers. -

A church la s country village recently circu- lated a paper among the congregation, asking for contributions "for the purpose of paying the organ 1st and a boy lo blow the same.'

A large storage house has been built by the Smith H Dove Manufacturing Company, at Frye Village, near the site of the recently horned rectory building. The factory will be rebuilt without delay.

Mrs. Thebe J. Atkinson, formerly of this town, died in Stonebam, on tbe21atinst., at the age ot 81. She bad resided InStonebain since tbe death of ber sister, Annie Jones, which oc- curred about two years ago.

Mrs. Caroline II., widow of the late Dr. Ezra Abbot, of Canton, died at the late residence of John Abbot, Centrsl street, oo ibe 21st lost. The funeral services of Mrs. Alibot were Irom the Unitarian church, Canton, on Wednesday aiterooon.

Benjamin Brown baa purchased of Ibe Wtai - tier heirs, a half acre buuse lot on 1'arkttreei, next west 01 the residence, of Braiuerd I'mii mings. It til probsbly th* intention ot Mr. Brown to build a dwelling house upon tue premises, the present season.

Tbe indications now favor a good business in town (be ensuing sessoo. Several new dwelling bouses will be creeled, besides those already re- ferred to, tbe brick mill at Frye Village rebuilt, and tbe addition to tbe town ball made. Uiber Improvements are contemplate J.

Last Sabbath. Rev. Joshua Colt of Law- rence, pleached at the chapel, Itev. Loula De- cormls of Lynn, at Christ church, and Rev. L. F. McKluney of Manchester, N II, m the town ball. 1'rof. Tucker ol lhe Seminary, preached at tbe Old Souib c burrb, Boston, and Mr. H. Q. rillsbury or ihe semlusry, officiated ai the Rlverskle church, Lawreoce.

Dea. Kphralm Evorson died in Haverhlll April '.'4, aged 74 years. Dea. Ererson learned tbe trade of a machinist, of John Smith si Frye Village, In this town, and continued to be employed in ibe same machine shoo tor a long period, and removed to Haverhlll some twenty years ago. He was a man or atrict Integrity,

id lived ao exemplary Christian lite. The annual report of lbs school committee

has just been issued. It represents the schools aa in a favorable condition, and contains many valuable suggestions, which II heeded, are cal- culated to aid In securing continued prosperity. The appendix containing statistics ol attendance and other facts connected with the public schools, will be looked over with Interest.

A full report of the AsrtToverXonf.rence held Lowell, on Tuesday^ will be lohod elsewhere.

Tbe delegates from tie Bhutb chkrch In tbls town, were Mr. and Mrs. HSKantf B. Abbott, Jonathan Towle, Mub Mary K. Towle, E. Ken- dall Jenkins and Mrs, Selah Merrill. From the Free church, Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Mllo H. Gould, Mrs. Charles W. Clark, and Mrs. Hcory F. Pasbo.

of Christ church : Wardens, John H. Flint, William Marian J, Vestrymen, Mar- ens Morton, John J. Brown, Moses Foster, Abraham Marland, Walter 11. Kfsuball, Horace H. Tyer, Frederic W. Thomas; Clerk, Moses Foster; Treasurer, Horace II. Tyer; Delegates to lhe Diocesan Convention, Abraham Marland, Horace II. Tyer, George H. Poor; Alternates, William Marland, F. W. Thomas, John J. Brown.

Tbe selectmen ol an adjoining town if not en- gaged in sharp practice are pursuing a singular course. It Is said ibey recently hired a bouse In tbe south pan of this town and on Friday last, brought a colony of eleven paupers to oc- cupy It. The matter needs looking after, and lhe intent or toe movement should be ascer- tained. It Is not possible tbat real esui* Is so valuable in tho town referred lo, that tbey have sot room enough to accommodate their own paupers.

A Methnen lady examined the pockets of her three year-old boy on Fast day morning, and found in one pocket a mechanic.'* wrought iron band vise, a French marble hen, a slate pencil and two lead ones, a clothes plo, a painted wooden soldier, three nails, two shield pins, a •trip of calico, and a silk handkerchief. Tbe other pocket contained four paper dolls, a heavy French china camel, a large spool, a book, I nails, a bow from a lady's slipper, a tin doll

""'J bed spread. i dollar,

On bearing of this, an Andover lady remarked that something much more remarkable happened with ber; for sbe examined ber flvo-rrar-old's pockets worn for a week, and found absolutely nothing lo them.

Brushing np. Edwin H. Barnard, painter, ha* Jaat put a na ml some dress onto Ibe resi- dences of tbe Misses Dow on Msln street, and Mrs. Sarah Marland ou Cbesnnt street, anc on bnlldlnisof W. H. Jenkins, Main street. Ho will soon pay his respects to tbe residences of James (,'oulle, in Frye Village, Dea. L. K Bowers on Abbott street, and Kara K Vainer on Summer street. Richard M. Abbott has painted the extensive buildings of David Snow and Ibe new bouse of Rev. II. R. Wilbur on Maple Avenue, and will soon pay bis addresses to the residence of James H.Hmllb on Summer street. Caldwell and Newman have painted the residences of Mrs. Gray and Mr. Foster sn Cnesnui street. Hill and Wood bnve note nice white dress on to ihe residence of Miss Gray on Central street. ^*

About two o'clock on Snaday afternoon, an alarm of fire waa sounded, occasioned by tbe bnrnina: over of a large tract of woodland on the borders of Andover, North Andover asd Lawrence. Before tbe flames were suppressed they must have burned over some tbree or four hundred acres. Tbe owners are John Smith Dove Heirs, Isaac L. Fsrnbam, Ward Noyea. William Peters, Charles Barnes, Whiltler Heirs and the city-of Lawrence. The buildings of Mrs. Issue W. Hardv, sear Frye Village, were In great danger, tbe flames reacting within a rod oi the barn at Ibe most critical period, but for- tunately tbey were preserved. Much sympathy was exhibits*! Tor Mrs. Hardy wbo lean aged and Infirm lady.and must bave fell exceedingly anxious lu her perilous circumstances. The Steamer engine and company arrived promptly and did ail Ibat could be expected. Tbe Sre had gained such a headway thai bui link could

ion* to stay iu progress.

A little patience, a little reflation and a little lDfonultr:IDi](e'1 "> euualparis and well ap- plied, will work wonders, turning miglitr n... sucles, sometimes. Into real helps. An Old Farmers Almanac illustrates tbls hy a striking incident. A workman once wanted lo heat fSTsT*.?'' . * r°r ** Purpose an iron kit. *-«»■■ «»«. however failed to "warm up" sotwiinstsmling continual efforts lo p|r the fire the slags I ar fact come to light lhat a coaling ot plaster or Parle.lhst bad clung to ih* ketlle made it practically impervious to heat. Instesd or osmg bis temper snd launching rnltbets

done, he fell to thinking, "Cannot this uualiiy Thl'«,e!.b* ,"rnBd,° •>■• ftood account?'' lhe result was the application ol this article la the manunictnre of sales; hence the mr-mnici "Salamander Safe," and at tbe tamo time an in- come lo ibo owner of many thousands ol dol-

. *>»WaaM*ai *d i.-.i t., the a




Ikttk, bu pro.tod IMS, b, bl. Mf, l. I „„ ^.. W| „,„ u «xp«n«iic., ir oot lo pock.i. ruitaa hwgi _ '" ■"■■"" ■>■>. " W <tlllo« for bum. fro. A.plow.ll, b« "*tjL ***"■ e'"*1 "' •>• *■ nnd.ito.roftli.„|«lpolouof In fiSfcCCTjSSE E&Sf&ESSf-

JO.I.IO. io . ire or., k».l„ BlteX* KR^SSS*'""* York, wblcb hi will probibl, teenpt. I ,^.!?K1ff-D^J_,lw « Summer, (" ■nd tUc Ualimii.

1' Lasauix, Atnaliu vttn. Sister Agustinu: xa Old

Catholic, superior ol lbs at. Jotuinuii " pltilal Bonn.

Lossinc, Ilctlsou J. Stury of His 1'niicd SuU'S KaVJ.

kUrlin, H. Nuwoll. The Human Martin, W. A. I'. Thel liiiieac: Their K-lucalion.

1'hilunopiij, nnil Leliarra. MiU'hcll. Arthur. 'flic I'aal In tlio •■resent. What

la fJivllUallon ? rictiouter, James. History of tlto United S talcs or

Amurii'ii,urnli-i Hie r.niniiliiiwn. Vol. 1 Timreaii, Henry D. Kjrly Simiijf in Maasactiti-

selta. Ma-EotToa: As the custom of drawing out

Hie views ot noted persona by mean* ol a private And uourtuous visit, with tbe apt putting ol n lew leading iiueatlons, brings nuoli Knowledge to Ihe .mince whic.ii elnerwtia would lie dormant II will be agroed, we think, that no excel let. i an art might be "practise*!" ullen, to the adrunuge of nn appreciative public. Thia, our excuse for '■interviewm^'ona of the lady tnanagen or the Uay Day exhibition, to coins off m the town ball nt-vt Monday and Tuesday. Now the "pool iH'i-ui to promise something a little, one reads about a "May I Justin," Jtc, with a ol dubious reeling aa it*,—well, to our vlait.

Inquirer-^Hopi-ll'mio intrusion, should liko lo n»k, ia ibis "May yuccn business a bvna jidt

Madam, tbo manager, with dtgnlty-"It |a I assure you, and tbe young Ml engaged li itro wide awuLc, lliey'll -make ihu welkin ring.'"

"About how many, these merry boy* and

IM .__ in goad style?'

"Daresay, tint one thing more. What la thai li-flandiah, or outlandish name, the stMlln , on your, bills*"

"Oh' (very aouer) spoil i( slowly and you'll flml outr B.

LaitTbuMdty night ft seemed aa if all Ihe disreputable dogs In town assemlilcd In and tUxiut Wllburvllle Tor a grand bow-wow and ydping match, ir the due" were not mad the human* thereabouts were, as manifested by the picket-tiring stseveral point*. Next morning I -■mi Hied ihirty dog tracks on s Itule 10 by 4 it. union bed, tbowiug that seven dogs and a ball hud been on it the night before. II they were n* thick aa that all over the lot, there must bavu been more than a thousand of 'em.

This may teem a small natter to growl over, and to It la; but thla instance is only ono ol the lint or the season; we shall be dogged that way all summer. It it a bowling evil. Why people keep useless doa;t is beyond the understanding or dog-leu folks. A dog that is worth keepmg will siur at home nigbta und bark and bowl for the benetit of bia owner and the neighbors; and he will do bis trotting in daylight, tbni giving tiu enemy A chance to brickbat him oil'ibe premises. That'a the kind of a doe; to keep.

The other sort go running np and down the streets and across lota ',. nlghta. bowling and jeiping, disturbing bonett cliiicna and vegeta- bles in their beda. That's tbe sort of a dog to throw away. Dog owners! il jour dogs won't stay at home rugblt, tie 'urn np, or sbut 'em n 11 or, belter '-nil,.-1 i 'em up and lettuce bave pease, and quietness. \.

Tbe ion tor class ol l'bllllpt Academy bave succeeded In engaging air. John l„ tttod'dard, ror their class entertainment, which Is to take place in the town bail. Andover, on Tburedaj evening, May I .'in. Mr. Moddard will give his lecture on "The Country of tbu Moors, or travela tnrough Sunny Spain," with maguifl. icol aiereopiiciiii illustrations. Tbls la consld ered Mr. Stoddard's i■.■.-! lecture and is very highly spoken of by tbe press. Mr. 8 tod da rd

cents each, bankntot slock <

.__ and Ornaments. Worsted 10 r is cordially endorsed and recommended by Miss monly called na oui

Tbo (kirof the ladles of the Melhodisi Church occuried, as previously announced, last Friday even ng at Mcrrlnmc Hall, m tbe centre of the hail was the flower pagoda, under the charge ol Milt Alice Pollard and M;*a Ne lie Kenitlon. On ibe wc,t side us, tbe candy ts b.e, under the charge ol Mrs. Markej and Mrs. talla, while on tbe east aide Mrs. Butterworth, keniilon and butcliffe displayed a large variety of useful and fancy arti.-ies. Near by was • 5 cent table, under tbe cbargo of Urt. Tattertall. supper and ice cream were served In tbeante- roomi. A thort entertainment was given in the early part ol the evening. It begnu with "The SRff P,r«r Party." '| his was u company of children dressed in vaiions colors ol tissue. One of them, Mlts Fanny RadciiHe, dressed to represent a butterfly, saug very prettily "Uome buy ol your butterfly." There were also two laughable tableaux. The attendance was not quite as large as expected, but tbe ladies ml- taed tboctt fSfi ahovt expenses, and to do not feel that their efforts were in vain.

Wednesday forenoon, two fellows, named respectively Edwin Linglcy and John Tulley, lelt the employment of Davis & Forber, Intend- ing, It is said, to depart for tbe Empire State Instead of proceeding on tbeir Jonrney, how- ever, they apent a few hours goxzllng beer, to celebrate their leaving town. In Ibe afternoon, while in a seml-lntovcited condition, tbey vie- iiiil the Jack room In tbe brick tbdp, without a pats, which it contrary to rules, nnd the watch- man on duty, Mr. Win. Young, after ascertain- ing that tbev bad no pass, ordered tbem to leave. Tbu mandate tbey refuted to obey, and, upon Mr. Young essaying to execute bis order, tbey "went lor'' bim at a livoly rate, and for a while there was a llslic encounter, lo wblcb a cumber ol the employees were passive spectators. Tbe watchman was "slugged" sev- eral times In the face, with telling effect, and wat also kicked, before be succeeded in ejecting the fellows. Officer Harden waa aummoncd. and Immediately pieced tbe braejp under ar- rest, but beiure be could secure Langley, be Hod. Tbe officer retained bit grip on Tulley, end Officer Qile "piped" Langley to Second Street, where be arrexlod him. Tbey were con- veyed to Lawrence, with tbe assistance of Jat, Murphy. Thursday moroing, Jti.lgu Harmon lined tbein #10 and ore half tbo coils each, or 3 months.

aptiior trtlcit) for Creamers, Coolers, Ice flu-herr, Kelt ig- lors, Ao, Scale ol prices lower iliau ever. bare of patronage solicited, full snlisiactlon

guarunleed. "Wait tor ii<> wagon." U. M. II A 1 MAIM) A .-i IV

rllOMAH 1IOWBLL OAflkl rurnlturc and Uphbla.eiv liti»inei

Mil iMiini-hes, at hl» store mi I "ark alM nituniretialrciiand reu.ov>-il nUliuiliii

WILLIAM F. FiNI-Lfc-Y, Diiiins Hooms.—Frnit, Caadic, Cigars, bution-

Iiiks,etc.,eto.Oy>ter«aMd Ueulsluiuisbed


rai:im1e to Nhawsbeen Kngino Cotniany lo. i, ol Daliard Vale, and ntnois. lor protec.tlna

her propeny from tbo ravages of lire on Sunday


Plain Sewing and Dress Making, either at her room or (a famillew, l»r the day or week, as desired. Address her look box £8 " , Andover. 3iwI9


Funeral and Furnishing UNDERTAKEN,

WAREHOOM, l'Altli NTIll:iT

KKaillKM-K.Mlliill fcSTIIKKT.

aepls imloifr. Mats



i- H. BARNARD d from New York with Novelties In

MILLINERY lor Spring and Hummer s-ear. Prices reason- able. New LaoeUooda- Several sasaVN ITayal Hats, at iicts. each; Trimmed lists, SO ami 5u

POMPS POND ICE! anperlstr artti Ir for CiPtakawtM s.Cwssle■ s

ll>• I'll' lirrs, ltrfil«>ml Ac, Sialo ol l'Hc«*(-lower thnu ever~t) be

announced. A share of patroaagc aollcilcd. 1'nll snlUfau lion gutiriiiitcrd, or no bill. Our teams will take poalllon (as usual) Hay lat. Sooner II neccssary


a a lap,

f'hllena AlcKeen, Miss Agnes I'ark, et. H. Downs, lUv. Frank 11. Jobnton, Dr. C. !■'. J*. IJaniTufi Hint I'rui. J. W. Chnrcblll, and ihe people ol Andover and vicinity should im- prove the opportunity to bear bim. Tbe tale of tickets will begin at Mr. W. F. Drapei's book etore, on Thursday morning, May oib. Jle- served seals 5U cents, gallery, Jl cents.

Rev. Dr. Willard Kpanldlngof Feabody. will preacb In Ibe town hall Andover, Sunday alter- 'i o'clock.


William Qallaifber ol iliia village, had Ibe bed burned upon which he wat lylftg, on Sun- day morning. He waa injured by tbe Ore lo tome extent, but no damage was done to the building. During the day several acres of young woodland wore burned over near "Pole bill." Mrs. Jchn 11, Manning had several acres HI woodland burned over near l'ompt pond, and tbe building! ol Mrs. Weld wwe tbought at one time to be endangered.

A sneak thief arrived at the Lowell Junction on Wednesday noon, and took the circuitous highway leading to tbit village, in pursuit df plunder. He entered tbe house of Rdward Newcombo and ransackid it, but nothing of ■u'jcb valne was taken away. Toe next place visited wat the rcsidenceof Robert Stool, from which a silver watch and a small amount of money were stolen. Mrs. William Ingham subsciiueotly taw tho arainp making off, and that i- the last seen of him.


SPECIAL NOTICE. Tha Subscriber has opened

Furniture A UpholsteringRooms overJ.H. FLINT'S MARKET. Those In want ol Fnrnliure will do well lo examine Ibis largo assortment. Fine Up ho kite ring a specially, Carpets made and put down, clennod and re. laid; Holland Window Shades, Spring Fixtures made and put up lor t)l.n> and upward*; Wln- 'ow Shades and Lace Curtains laundrled like IW. ■srMaltressci made over, and returned the isneday. Feather Reds Renoviitod. Draperies mnde

and put up. Fine Parlor Furniture made to order.

All work done promptly and warranted aa represented. Uv strict attention to business and good work I hope Lo merit a filiale of your palronpge. Kelerenoea it desired.


Cor. Miilii and Park Streets, Andover. If

Regular meeting of the Selectmen, Monday Mr. J. V. OtR will remove bit shop in a few


CocbIchewjcx. No. 2, will In- taken out next Tuesday evening.

Tho flowera for Memoiiii Day will lie pro> cured from Mrs. Waterman, Andover.

Tbo Haverhilla bave been challi ..I'Hnas, lo play in Haverblll.Afay

Tbe sbad fishermeu have taken several "hauls," but, aa yet, have capinred nolhlng.

1'iMt 39, U. A. U., ol Lawrence, have voted lo partlt'lpAie in the Memorial Hay observance btre. -

A meeting of tbe odd Fellowt will be held at tbe Kben Hutton boute, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.

Tbe Barker Bros. (C. C. and Jacob) bave purchased the David Kiuihall place in Brad- lord, for 04000.

A derrick used by Ibe workmen on Ibe In irk tbop addition, tell Wednesday morning, but wiiuoui injuring any person.

The scholars of the High School, who par- ticipated In the excursion to Hampaiead, N. II., Monday last report a thoroughly eniuyable time,

Charlet, ton or Bradford ('. Smith, shot two turtles, but evening, in the ttream above New Jerusalem, which weighed '20 and Ji pountlt reaped I vely,

Mr. Wm. Drodle, ol 1-owcll, will fill tbe va- cancy occasioned by tbe resignation of Mr. Marsden, at overseer of Ibe weaving room in Stevens Mill.

Mr. Ueo. B. Steven*, late foreman In Davis & Furbei't tin thou, It tucceeded oy Mr. Frank W. Frubee, lor a number ol yean an employe* ol that department.

Tbe Merrlmaca have accepted a challenge from the Stars, or Andover, to play In tins place, Decoration Day forenoon. Tbey bave also mailed a challenge to tbe 1'unchardt, of Andover, to play on the 7th proximo.

From present Indications, it it very probable linn, even if every game It not won by the .Kitiat the present season, some solid work will be accomplished by tbem. Will Vinton, re- cently sue Jewel of tbe Ipswich club, will prob- ably join t te .1'dnas.

Mr. R. P. Cunningham, an employee of Da- vit A Furoer't foundry, bat accepted tbe post Monof superintendent or tbe new foundry, a llaverbill, and known at the Haverblll Iron Workt. lie will assume the duties of tbe po- sition when the enterprise commence! up-:ra- tions, wblcb will be in tbe course of a week or two.

Hereafter teachers will lie paid monthly and by pay roll, instead of bills. The treasurer will lie at tbe Merrimac school bouse on Tuesday, May 3, from 430 and 6.30 P.M., and at the Cen- tre scnool bonte on Frklay, May 0. at 4.30, P.M., for tbe purpose ol paying the teachers' salaries. Tbe treasurer will also be at tbe Town Farm on tbo Ant Monday of each month, for the pur- pose of cashing orders drawn by Selectmen No blllt will be paid except on their order.

Tbe St. Patrick's Temperance Society, ac- companied by a drum corpt, marched from tbeir ball, Soutb Lawrence, to the Catholic Cburcfa, Sunday evening. After tbey entered, tne Interior wat uulckly filled with a targe au- dience wbo bad assembled In tbe immediate vi- cinity. A temperance lecture, delivered by Rev. Father Healy, followed vespers. At tbe conclusion of hh remarks, tbo reverend gentle- man invited all to take tbe pledge, and quite a large number responded.

Some fifty of Ibe friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Thus. Lawleet, discarded tbe rulea of eti- quette, and vialicd her without an invitation, at her residence, Railroad Street, Saturday even- ing, completlv surprising ber. The company brought with tbem a handsome preeeni, wblcb Mr. John Moriison tendered, in a Kiting speech to her, Mrs. Lawless cordially thanked them lor ibe kindness displayed. The remainder ot the evening waa devoted to dancing, tinging and conversation. A nice collation wat also

Tbe Old Fotkt'concert, repeated on Wednes- day night, at Merrimac Hall, drew bat a small audience, and the receipts were barely, If quite, enough to cover expenaea. In anticipation of a lull bouse, extra mutic wat engaged, greatly to tbe Improvement of the entertainment, but not to tbe advantage o( ibe treatnry. However, tbe concert went olfiucceitfulty, and tbe audi- ence, wblcb made up liy good quality for lark of numbers, wat generous In Its applause. The singers and musicians at leaet enjoyed their work, And nothing upon tbe whole baa been lottby tbe nndeiuklng, except confidence in tack an entertainment to "draw.''


Commonwealth of Massachusetts. PROI1ATR COUBT.

I' - -i' \. is, To all pcraons Interested In the estate under the

-111 oT William Phillips roster, lair of Ando- v, in aald county, deeeeeed, Uliirisu i mi' | . '" i i 'i Klmballof said Andover,

sice under Hie will ol suiil Wiliinin Phillips Foster, lor tbe benetit of bnrah A. Potter nnd rrancis U. Foster, nndothern, has prenented lo aalil court Ins petition praying for leave tore lease and convey to Wllfiam Phillips Poster and lo John Charles Fetter, and to tbe persons holding under bim In fee simple any vested con- tingent or possible right or interest belonging to the persona by bun reprcHcntod In certain landa and real estate aiiuaie in tins Common- wealth,

You are hereby cited to nnpear at a pro- hate court, to beholden aiHulom, insaldeoan ty or Kane*, en the third Monday of Mny -ixt, at nine o'clock In ihe forenoon,to show

niHu, if any they have,against lb* tamo. And tald truntce is ordered lo serve Ibis cila- on by publishing the same onee a week, lor

three successive weeks in the LAWnCMOK AMKHII-ANhlld ANimvi-.K

AliYKRTlBEK, newspaper printed at Lawrence, Ibe Inat

. ubllcation to bo twodayt at least before uiit' court-

Witness. (Icorgr F. Clionte, Raiiulre, Judge or aid court, tills nineteen to day ol April, in too ear ono thousand eight hundred and eighty- uo.

Til 360

NOTICK IS IIKUK3V G1VKN THAT the subscriber baa been dulv appoint

administrator ol the estate of JANBTTK M. SCOTT, late of Andover, in t

countv of Kaaex, single-woman, deceased, and hat taken upon himself that trust by giving bonds, ns the lawdlrcnts. All persons having demands upon tbe entitle of tald deceased are required to exhibit tbe same; anil all persona indebted to said estate aru called upon lo m~L~ payment to


Andover, April 13, lael. \iiiiw

Andover Business Directory.

. .HA IIN A ntt, Dealer in Itoota. Shoes and Rubbers, and Uepaiting tlone In tho beat man ner. all at ihe lowest prices. Bank building llain Street, Andover, myf lyr

BENJAMIN CIIEEVBB, Sexton, a In cbarfoofSouth Cbureh Cemetery. I

dertakera' lumiahlng* provided. Lola In i cemetery atiendeti to. ll.iuaf. Central atM Opposite flapliklohurcb. w

MRS. M. L. RAU8DKLL, Fashionable I Dress anil Clonk Maktutf. Also alumplng ,


M. V. GLEASON, Mituu.-'UMOD rVorkol evorydcse.iii.tiou piotByUysU

Order box at J. Jl. Fliol's Market, I. kcsidcncc, Maple Aveuue. uivll ir

-successors tu M in Hardware, nlng Implements irluientat lowest

, learning piou Bleed, lteaidei

'AUNUEKif BRUTHKItS, I'lumbi-rfl

Rev. U. Method Ui year.

Charles McCaiiuy, of Liwrence, addressed tbo reform ilu'j, at tbu town ball, on Sunday evening.

Uemmell bat moved on to the farm wbkb be recently purchased front Mr. Alfred Clark.

Messrs. Cbarkt II. Tenner A Co., bave jutt received au order from tbe U. S. Government, for 1300 bala.

There were no tervfeet at tbe Methodist burcb on Sunday last, tbe pastor being absent

attending the annual Conference. Tbe prises for tbe talr of the Methuen Calho- .'Temperance ^Society, are on exhibition at ■t SIOTUUI Abbott A Modal, on Hampshire St.

nS.Blck- at engln-

:bu tire department, lor Ibe ensuing year.

A delegation of about twenty-five people, mm the Congregational church, went to Low

■II ou Tuesday, to attend tbe Andover coaver-

Tbe Univcrtallst Society held a lea party at lie town ball on Wednesday evening. Yonng

& Sumnera band furnished music for ibe enter MM,

The Pleasant Valley Debating Club dit cussed that ever new and intercating tubject. Woman Suffrage, at tbeir last meeting, on F'ri-

Htrnwberry I'la Crescent Seedling and

fir,:, ■■..ui | .E t 10 J; j f'*y

»J Andjvrr, Maaa. IK

Andover, April I, HO. .11A WARD A SON




Itwstseatle F>akls>tae ststsl ■«■ rsit's i»>r Ilowia. Mlamplnat BH.I l'i»kliiK-


WOOD & GOAL Wliitc Asti and FrauUiu Coals.

HARD AND SOI'T WOOD Prepared.lidesired.


JOHN CHANDLER, Andover O-deri received, and blltrtetlkt! at


<ii Mii'i'i-i Offer. if Jari:



P. IIIM.i,




Voice Cultivation and Gesture. TOWN HALL. U ANDOVER




—Two small Tenements, wltb (.ar tarht'd. loC.O. BLUNT, ii Jl Andovvr.

Tbe local sensation of the week baa

been ihe arrest of Lewis Towef, for keep-

ing open barber'a atau» oa Sundav, and

the refusal of Jndse Iltrtnon. Babeequeot-

1/, to (rant warranU for tbe arrest of the

steam and horse car managers, ibe news- paper people, dragglsU and others, also

for violation or the Bonder l«w- Some of

the barbers agreed to close their shops on Sunday, and wanted to make use of

the law machinery to compel all of ue fraternity to refuse to open; tbe court

was not canning enough to see the trap, bat walked into It, and then declined to

make the enforcement of the law general.

Public opinion la almost unanimously

against this one-aided dlscrl ml nation.

. A PoniTtva and safe remedy la all Kidney troubles, Diseases Of Ibe Urinary Orgeat, Pi- male complaints, is found In Da. HII.LWK'- KIPMSY llHMKhY, "NKPHtlKTlCUM." ll Is

only strongly recommended, but bears tbe fullest test In all trials. There need be no hesi- tation In If s use, as It Is purely vegetable Bad t ife la all cases. 11 Iweod

i lav t iimn. Mr. Jerry B. Wardwell, who went to Florida

tbe timt ol last Winter, bas purchased a tract (J Und In tuut Stale, and Will engage In the culti- vation of tbe orange.

Kev. J. W Walker, wat presented on Wednesday evening, with twentj-nve dollars iruni ibe parlsb, aud with a sliver lee pitcher by Lin- tciorio tliib.

Janus lUiblnton was before tbe police court on Wednesday mornini, for assaulting his wile- Ho was found guilty and tent lo Ibe bouse of t ui i rt'uuii fur seventy days,

Mr. Joseph Taylor, wbo served sn appren- ticeship with Mr. P.. B. Homer, bat finished bis trade aud obtained a situation In Boston. He commenced work last week.

Tbe farmer's Club held a meeting on Mon- day evening, and discussed the potato quest iou, until it was unit to close, when It adjourned lo tbe first Monday In September.

Tbe Odd Pollowt' entertainment that was announced lor last Tuesday evening, was posi- poned fur one week, on account of ibe death ot a member, Mr. Samuel K. Post.

Kev. John W. Walker was elected and or ditiied as Klder, at the M. £. conference a i inn jimm, N. H., last week, lie has been as- signed to Exeter, N. ll., for tbe current year.

A special town meeting will be held alike town hall, on Monday, May 9tb, for the pur- pose or taking some acUon In regard to puj- ch&kltig laud on which to placo new school bouses.

Tbe O. A. It. Pott of tbls town, has been in- vited to attend service at the Universal 1st cbureh on Sunday preceding Peroration Day, wben ll it expected that Kev. Dr. Spaoldlag will oeeu- py tbe pulpit.

Pott 1011, O. A. K., Wilt go lo Salem, N. II., on tbo atlernoouol Decoration Diy, to deco- rate tbe aoldleni graves In that town. Tbey win" be assisted by ibe Posts from East Derry and Hampstead.

Tbo following named oillrers bave been elect- ed by tbe Baptist Sabbath school, for Ibe en- suing year: Superintendent, Mrs. J. O. In- gallu; assistant superintendent. Chat. Katton; secretary and treasurer, Win. II. Uarlter; libra- rian, Jasper Puller.

Tbe tiro department was called out on Thursday morning, to subdue a tire that had been set for burning brush, on toe land of N »- ihanWrlgbt. Tbe lire waa making rapid pro- gress towards the buildings of Ueo. W. Lowell, and hence tbe alarm.

A meeting or the High School Alumni was held on Monday evening last, for tbe purpose u| nuik ins preparation* tor ibe annual re-union, which will be held on tbe evening of July first. Tbe executive cemmlttee waa initructed to pre- pare a programme which innll include dancing and oilier amntemenlt.

Mr. Samuel P.. Post died at hit residence on timm street, on Sunday nioriiine, alter a week's Illness, aged C2 years and 0 months. Tbe inuiTHi look place on Tuesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, under tbe direction ol John Han- cock I.. of Masons. The I. U. of O. P. also attended the funeral and performed ilicit burial rttea :n ibe grave.

If AMt'fVrUAU, M. H.

Professor J. M. Heard, of New York City, Member Uoyal College ol Veterinary Surgeons of England; Protestor of tbe Surtrery of tbe horse, N. V. Vet. College; Veterinary Surgeon or the 3d Ave. H. K. Co. or N. Y. City (2500 horses) Ac, Ac, says, "I take great pleasure it testifying to tbe valuable properties possessed by the LlebJg Go's Arnlcaled Extract ol Witch Haaal. No Veterinary or Horse Owner can afford to lie without it." Cures Speedy Cuts, Bruises, Injuries, Sprains, Prlckt or Bruises ol the Pest, Pistala.', Weeping Eyes, Shot on Orcnse, Ac Beware ot worthless imitations. Depot GO Maiden Lane, New Yora. Sold in fifty cents and dollar sites; reduced rates by the ball gallon and gallon.

IMw eod

Coal and Wood.

Lvkens Valley Red Ash Coal. The above Coals are some of the beal varletlc

mined. A trial cannot fhil lo eon vines any one of that fact.

Prices Very Low. Wood oi;ihf diBTerenlkkds, la tola u. anil, s

^reduced uricei. Hay and StrawICohttsntly on Hand.

JOHN OORNKI.L, lli'sprn Illoi li.

Urn Its SI.

WILLIAM POOR Manulacturetandliasforsale

Eipreas,aiefe,Market, Milk, Btselne*

w^Q-onsrs, Farm Wagons & Carts.

A Specialty ofNul Wn«nt>s. Uepalrlnglnatlltabranubet.


Ueualrlns; neatly dune at short notice. Jonca' Celebrated Kip and Calf Boots constantly on land. Ma In bu, Andover. Haas. lrdeWTtl

BENJAMIN B. TUTTLK bas bought of J. It. Parlin Ihe local express and Jobbing

business formerly ol M. B. While. Ueaerui lobbing, moving of planet, furniture, Ac, nt reasonable prices. Patronage solicited. feSiy

KABLKY A TARL1N, tert ir Clotiiin hing (lootls,

Miiiliiiii" is, Caps Slreet,

_ » Carriage Ti Immci, lias removed to Itean'i ii 11.11 uv. Klai Square, where all work In hialiai 111 u •- .romp lit dune, and at reasonable price*

DR. J. C. PKNNINfM'ON has removed his oOloe to ihu rooms over Draper's book-

store, Haln street. Uffice hours a toll) a.m.; II to S p.m., and al night.

ABBU'PT.-Olllce and Resl- ideace at Mrs. Kben Tyler'n, Haln Street,

Andover. OiUee hours J-lUii. m-, l-J and after p. in. tfilecS

BARNARD, Painting, Ola- DR and Paper Heating. A ol Km mi Paper cons Unity on e. nboji sUaex SI. mm iv

ED. HATCH bas opened the Elm • House lor lite accommodation ol ibfi pub-

lic. 1'criuanenl and ii.-m- mil tioardera kept, and iravelersand pattlea entettalneil, Pairon- aae sollelled. ant lyr

Earthen and Wooden rs Pump*, a

nacea, etc. Sole agentloralageo Stove's, ran- ges and f'urnaoes lor Andover and vicinity. Orders promptly attended to. Park alreet, Andover. aov71yr

GOOD PASTURING. The aubar.riber wIM take HmseH anil Colla to

pititure Tor the aeason; condllions rm.wiiiiiilf; itnimala takvn and returned fviv ol charge. Applv toS.lj. IIKKSKY, ol Mctliner, or JOHN PRAY Ol Andover.

si Anworlh, N. ll„ A prll ir>, IH<| i ,!,.!. W. A.MORIMSON.

Two O. A. 11. iron wrciilhi ar« tnls^-

log from the lmmaculaui (' ■■■ IM I m

cemetery, and tbe gravca which tbey

marked are hence unknown to tho Pnwa,

.o the sexton of thai bstflsj place.

The wreaths were nnmbcrod 121 and :12I

respectively, tbe former micknu the grave of Jobn Sullivan, nnd the litter

that of James Hairy. Any one p'MWKtilng

Information of the wreath*, or knowing

the location of the graven of iho>u- Mil-

diets, will confer a favor by cnmiuunlcat.

Ing with Post 80, or any BKntwr IsAHof.

—Michael Clancey, reahilug at 145

llampahlre street, wtlle at woik at '.be

Pacittc Hllla, Wtdneaday, Ihrunt bis left hand through a pane of glnitN, rutting It

severely, from tbe wiisi to tbe elbow- The arteries were severed and Dr. Mngee

was obliged to make twenty stltchea In

tho Injured member.

—Lawrence thieves are nui>pecle.1 of

having committed borglarles rerenily at

Lake Mansabeslc, N. II.

Nearly all Ihe schools la town have com me need. in- High School lacks two of being full. Workmen are at work on Mr. L. A. Kaatmau'a

n.u-e, putting on Ibe and palntiug ll. Mrs. Ki.ii-aJ. Llule died PrliUy, the 'Jsnil.nged

t years and 11 months, Mr. Ueorge Y. r«g and Hiss Sarah M. Clarion

ret* married on Priday, by Ilev. A. Watson.

observed here; tbe sermon In tbe i appropriate lo Ihe day, and llm eon-

it in the afternoon waa on tbo same subject; it its veiy Interesting, Planting haa conimenced here. The ahoe shop is not rnnning the in I number

ol'bands, but will In about a week. Mr. Dyer It to freight sheet for Hojt A Page,

About Disinfectants.

Whether well grounded or not, there

lists In large cities, considerable appre-

hension as to tbe possibility or prevail-

ing epidemics the coming season, and iiit-i.: in very general precaution being

uken against tbe existence of any cause

summer disease. Disinfectants should

be lici Iv used, especially chloride of line

and carbolic acid. To meet the needs of

ibe community In this direction, Messrs,

Tompklns A Mann, wbo have heretofore

sold these articles only at wholesale, wll

tbls season offer them at retail, In quan-

tities to salt, at only a trifle advance over rates in bulk, and a few cent■ will give

any family an ample supply.


We publish to-day, a brief letter, wiil-

ti iiinii on ship-board, from the well

IBwO pen ui' the former superintendent

MnwSOsw, Hood, from whom we expect

i have, for our readers, a series ol let-

tern, during the trip or the Lawrence

party, which will be euro to provo Inter- esting and attractive.



TUESDAY, MAY3d, From 0.30 to 10 o'clock

The Annual Breastsst given hi Ibe Ladles Charitable Ualon. Is law social event of the seatoa. All wbo want a good warm break last sarlv in the worn log, will flnl It walling (or ibeui, witb attentive waiters to serve it, Ibose wbo wlab to tee lbs crowd will go frost 1 lo a o'clock; and all who desire to meet friends and bave a quiet chat over a eup of coffee can go at any title.

Unusual Attractions are offered this «ear.

MAY FLOWERS. Tickets ... 25eenU

ACAKD. To all who are suffering Irons Ike errors sap

Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss ol manhood, &e., I will send a re- ripe that will cwre you. Pane or UsUntu. Tbls great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South A merles. Nend a self-rddresstd envelope to RKV. JOS. T tNMAN. Htaihm H Kew York City. 1 leodlv epK

IT DON'T PsTl To sting money away, bat I invested s dollar

lor a bouleofSnlpbur Hitters which rured mi of Dyspepsia. II saved me ten dollars in doc- tors and druggists bills.—Math in in, Lowell, Mass. H'Jaeod

("AIT, Couamni t Aajs : While on the coastof Alrica I bad three men sick with malarial lever. 1 cored them with Sulphur Blltert. It la tbe greatest blood purifier I ever saw. I always ke medicine ebest.—Ship Naalllaiu

11'i w codspSa

Cuaar IUSIKISS Cains.—Tbe Astaaicui printing office has Just received a job lot ofover one thousand sheels of card board, bought at about one-third market rates, which will be tut Into business cardt,at a price lower than ever before known in ibis city.

If yon doubt the merits of Day's Kidney fad, try one, nr ask yonr neighbor wbo baa used one, and It will be all tbe evidence yon will need. •Jflweod

THiPaairviAN STave ban cared fboaaands wbo were suffering from Dyspepsia, Debility, Liver Complaint, Bolls, Humors, female Com- plaints, etc. Pamphlet* free to any address. Hctb W. Powle ft Sons, Huston,

teod leow nov2e ■

l.MI 11. ' M.i.ii. Daa'l Plank, ol Brooklyn, Tloga Co, Pa ,

describes it thus: I rode thirty miles for a bot- tle of Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlc Oil, wbieb effected the wonderful cure of a Crooked Limb m six applications; It proved worth more than gold to ~ie,

Por tale by K. H. Kelley, drujrg'at. *'.l w

Nswarirsa AnvaHTiatMO. Pew persons so fully apprcelite ihe valne ol

newspaper advertising as those suffering Innn Biliousness or Liver Complaint, when they read tbe advertisement of Hunim blossom and try It.


Has Received Universal Kndorsemont. No other preparation posteites snrb remark

able properties for embellishing end strengthen- ing the hair and rendering It dark and glossy It cures baldness and eradicates dandruff.

Hi KhK'n'a n.Aviiuisii P.XTHACTS are tha best.

nnin HI -r.

Byron Truell & Go.

Special Sale! OOMMBNC1KU


a CARPETS f) 20 Dieoea more of those elegant

BODY BKU8BELL8 CARPETS, of which we hire sold so many of late.

50 nieces TAPESTRY, at reduced pricea.

20 pieoei more of those elegant LOWELL EXTRA SUPERS. Many choioe stvles and color- ings, to be found only at B YROS TRUELL ft OO'S.

0ARPETS made and laid at short notioe.

Dress Goods! LADIES,


splendid shadings- 50 pieoei BLACK CASHMERE,

the best goods ever shown in Lawrence.

Another invoice ef our popular BLAOE BILKS, whioh the ladies all agree are the belt goods they hare ever teen for the price.

EVEBY DEPARTMENT of onr store will be found filled with ohoioe goods, ar.d warranted to give satisfaction.


of tbe ollr of Lawrence, who entrusted las care of aald child to your ueiilloners. Wbarafer* ws pray for leare to stloid aald cbllil, aad thai ber aasse star be ehaagad to that of Urase


Commonwealth of Massachusetts fUOBATIC COUBT. ON the rorexoiag lietilloa It Is oidered tbat

tbe petilloaei's noliijrsaW Laura Weaster.aad all uber persons iaiereated, lo appear at a Pro

—- lo be aohlea at I.awreace, IB and ity of Baaex, ea Ussaseead Moaaay

or May nest, at alae o'clock in the forenoon, to anowoaus#,iraap tbey kase. why Ihe prtoror af ■al ! pellUoa shculd not be araaied. by sttTTlsui Usess. iriouad lit tbls Slate, wlib a copy of said •Million, aad this order, seres days at least before said court, aad if aol, by publlshlaa Use aasse onee a week Tar three successive weeks,

Use aswauspar called laa LAWHKKCI Aaaaitua and IK DO van

ajtvasnaaa, printed al Lawrcure, la said coaatr Ot kssei. Use last publication to be seres uajt al Isaat before rani eaurL

Ol. li, lUl.l A ll I. K, 0UJB.K, Tbe best and no rest, Is tbe "o, 0. TATLOU

OLD llm IHI.IN." Hlghl; rreomaiended medical use. ltotllednnlj by Chester B. Graves & Sont, and told by Druggists and Grocers ev- erywhere. Ill

lie is flghlins; strainst nature wbo irlei care Catarrab by means of rioucbes, snutTt, or any such npplicailou. Nature never Intended such stuff should enter tbe nose. Catarrblne Is scientific In Its application, and wbat is best of all. Is tare to cure. Try a aanipla parkigc.


Am.Ml.lMi UAMVASSBKS Hake from MfftoMI per week selling ponds for K. O. Kldeont A Co., 10 Barclay sireet, New York. Send for tbeir catalogue and terras,

lly BUg2f

1ULI.1I»AV.-I ilaugbler to Hi

CLAPrKKTOS.-ln North Andavsr, April »il, a son lo Mr. and Hrs. James Ulapperion.


Mr. Cbarlea Clarke, the well-knowD

ilniay ist, bas bought a half InUreat In tbe

■ '■l'-in ntfil Quaker Bitters, for which lie

bas bet'D local sgent for tea years past

Tbu headquarters will, for the preaept, be at Providence, ll. I., hot eventoall? tbe

Blltera will be manufactured inn- under

Mr. Clarke's supervision. Mr. II. C. Cross, who li ■- been Identified with the Bitters

us BRt.-nt, for ten fears, w ill, a» heretofore uttL-iiil to the ni-lliiiii and advertising, and

as Mr. Clarke's partner In tbeir manufac-

ture. Mr. Clarke proposes to continue In

tin- drug business here and will give to It

ibat attention which haa auccessfull*

characterized hit efforta to gratify the pajbJtn In the past.

l.AUItEKT- UfUIKIl -In tbls cltr. al tbe ilen Htreel Parannagf. by Kev. »!. W. Norrir-, air. Chas. r. I.ainbert, id Perry, N. II., silts Agnea K. Usher, or llnin|id.-n, Ms.

MRAiU-nRIRNDLRr— In MayMard. April ■JHth. by Rev. C. K t Hilllken, Hugh V. Ueara, of Amlovi-r, aud Hiss Unas A. llriotidlry, of Maynard.

249 Essex St. 294

Musical. OB and after Sept. •il.Mrs.C. N. HOMAN

will be atber former music rooms, tus KS.CJ 8t, Thursday, Friday and latuiday

of each week, for Use purpose ot receiving PUpllS OB

PIANO AND ORGAN. rurlbar Information ata beobUtarrtalT. A A

AtkiBsoB'a Hilllnery Store.tlO Kasei Street. iliwU Scull 1

Court IB aid lor Ihe Ceualy ul Kaaea; UttSl'SCTFL'LLY repreaoaUIvory T. BaUer

oi Lawreaoe, la said Uoaaly af tissax, aad ltelay J. Bailor, bia wife, that they are de- sirous of adoptiag Uraoe aiaei Webster, aoaltd of Laara Webster, aow of aasse place to your patlUoaera aakaawa, aevar aavla* base star- rlod. wbieb said cnllal waa bore in HOBIIOB- borougb, Kew Hawitablre, on Urn second da* of

- law. That the mother af aald

Wltussa. I'BOUUB r. CnoaTB, Esquire, Jadga of saw Court, this uu, dsr of April, In tbo year OH thou* aad oighi Ijussured Mil eutbty^aa.

SSI-"'' V alAlIONKT.lU|lstrr.

a. _ J.T. MABONKV. KeglsUr.

Catasttasam-aaltb ar MasamalswaaSlB.


» lbs Heil of Els, Creditors, and all other .. jT^sg* '""reslau !■ las eatata a5 HarthaJ.TB.iauaon.laleof Uarsaos, laaald

eouaty, minor, dveenaed, inirauw,

WHaaaaa, applreilioa has been made lo said

. _ .std oacaaad, toCaartot L.l.aeo.ol l.awreare. IB the coBBty at Essex.

\ou are hereby otaan to r^i^a. at a froaaf Court, 10 be held at Lawreaoe, IB aald oaaaty af Kaart, aa tae sonaad Uuaday af May nail, at H'lin i.Vl.u.t Ui... . .....I. -. '

I mm , I'm ,,*,, ■■■■■■! mrt A ad Mid Charles L. L»aa la aatmWai. -..

?!**^bli!lAol!c*_,*,:,,w»(«1'* Mbltohlng this eHalloa ones a was for thras ■n-retsive

Anvaimaaa, rinted at f^wrvuea, tbe last pnblsealioa to be wo days at least befbrt' said conrt Oearge F. Cswaic, awaawsjt Jnd-e a(

it, this second day of Asn, IB oea Ihouaaad elgbl MM ad red and

tald Court, las year -iKbly u»



J. T. MAHOMET. Baglster.

Mortg»v«e*if Hale.

By vlrtss of a paaar of sals i.nalaiaed la _ oartala notiasge deed givi a by llargarat Wll. SOB of ■<•. Uuunty of Ksiei.CoastnOB- wealili of MassKBchusiiu, lo Alhla Taaw, of salu ..awrsacc, and racurasd In the rfarlaara District of Bssax Registry »r Deads, book M. pages*!, tor breach 01 tha readttleaeof said mortgage, 1 shall sell st public auction, al my odor, No. S Applclou street, r> said I.awreaoe. on Honda*, tlm Kid day ol Mat, if» ISoVlaek in the foisuoou. all tba real ssUU dasoribad la said raorisage drt-tl. la wll: nit-.iatrd la Law- reaos alorenaid. aad daslgaatad is Ills ITS, ITS, ITa, ITT and ITS. on a plan ef lands made by Jobs Low, aarvsyor, dated Hoveaaber. IM, recorded IB the Registry ol Deeds frr Bssst Couaty, book (ft, leat Hf.

ItsklS AI.liiN IBAW.Morlgspee,


Cen Jacqueminot Rote, Caa be obUlasd at Ute Urasabaunae af

T. D. HALLBY, For Twenty-Flra Canta Kaob.

Uood Iwo year old 1'lanls at Si and aO aaaU. Also a aelecllon at rase Greenhouse and Bad- ding I'lanta at iiaaonable prires.

S8 Uanct-ester llrerl, leading (a Use Cent* erles. «u


ffarlei, Fiell, Flower ail firau Seeit, Treats, Hsllabl* tail r«ra.


Guano, Phosphate", Siookbridge Manured, Bone FertUiien,


■EBB C tTALOIlt)i;n st«» HKllll,

S00TT I VIETOE, 343, 345 Common St., Lawrence,


ifRWB.—In *;tii--iiii!:ili. "liln, A|n-|| f.ili, Carrie H., wile of J. H. Ilew», and daualiU'r m ihe late Sylrealer Aldmll, of Audovct, ago I :<l yra. Kunernl ~,-rvi.-i-. nl Ihe Houth church, Ando- vvr, on i J - -1 ■ >". AW II fib.

ARBUT.-In Andover, April !1, at the late MM deace of John Abbot, deceased, Caroline II.• widow of the late Dr. Kara Abbot, ol Canton-

UPTON.-ln Not-lit Iteudlnx, Apr. tl, Cbsries A. Upton, aged Ti years.

BirKTTv-In.{andover. Weal Parish, April lltts, Sarah TI., wife of Wlillsm II. Mnrtt, aged « yra-

..VfcttHOS.-En Haverblll, April »«lh, IH-a. — *udirter, aged

— Ouo of tbe conditions under which the city received the ward 5 park, was,

that Tor tun at luant, £200 should be apent

yearly in Iteaotifyino; and Improving tbe

ground*. Tho grant was inado In 1873,

bin. huh; attention appears to havu been -The horae stolen from I). 8. Wood of j ptM lu lbu con(1|tlom, thereof, as wltbln

the past few years not a dollar baa been Tewksbnry, Saturday evening,

boasht of Connreasmau Itu-si-ll fur SoOO.

HBNKY GOKF, ralotlng. Graining, PaperlBg aotl Ulazlng, done al short notit

and reasonable inn e. IV Persons wlablng a

manner anil at reasonaUle prices. Particular attention given to shoeing. Wheelwrights' work done la ooaneollvH with blacktialihmi. I'ark Ht., Andover. tayT Ivr

ienimarket house, I'ark atroet, opposite the Tows Hall. Palronage of old customers and the publiu generally aoliclted. Articles deliv- ered, ly api

overseerol the spinning room ID tbe same mill, tendered him a handsome volame, entitled "Tbe Religion of Ibe Orientals," by Rev. Bam- nel Johnson, of tbls town, Mr. Sbepard pre- fixed the presentation with felicitous remarks, and tbe recipient returned bis grateful thanks. Later in the evening, at his residence, Mr. Marsden received a purse ol gold from tbe weavers, ilo again expressed Ins thanks, and said tbat when he went upon tbe farm, be would parcbate A CUW with tbe srilt and would call it "Weavers."

Tbe |>iT""'iii lo Mr. George B. Stevens, Ipcuituiicd in i;i-i week's issue,was supplement- ed In a happy manner by an affair wbiib oc- curred Saturday evening. Immedlatcl*' aflcr their week's work was flnisbed, tbe tin smiths employed In Davis & Puttier's, agreeably to In- vlUUon, visited Mr. Mums' residence, where sn excellent supper awaited ibelr attention. Alwr tbe rattle ot knives and ldtktbadaub. sided, vocal and Instrumental music, and story lal'.ingwero In urdcr. Mr, frank W. I'Vlsbi wbo la Mr. Stevens successor, made a brief but pertinent address, bighiy rompllmentarj latter geniletuan. A piwm was also read by , . Mr. B. Klson. l'rior n> tbeli departare, ihe I ■taPu»t^° entire company Joined In singing Aiild Ung «■ r, HAMHDKLL, A unit for tbe lead 8yae._ The «■'*•»"J"" ""^ * ™r*.y^VV'™\\ JMaia« hewing Mn.-binta. ati.-hlnca of ai

JOHN II. DEAN, Merchant Tailor, Dealer In Clothing and Uenfs rnrntshlng

i.ooda ot all kinds. Unrniciiia made in the latent inalnon and warranted to 111, Repairing, clean- ma and preasiug done neatly, llaln Street, Andover. novll) lyr

J_OHN C. LEONARD, at bis abop In Bsllard Vale, will attend to Blackamltltina;

in all Its branches iluirougblj, precapilj ~ reasonably. Hoincolioeing nnd Wlieeiwi work solicited. ieS-'i Iv

The municipal autboritb-a at Lawrence lultlfy themselves by puniihln^ one bar-

ber for violating tbe Sunihy law and re- rualnti to follow oat Ibelr action to in natural sequence. Such <nif-sld«'d en- forcement Is not Jaatlce.— BoalH ilwtltl


I wandered lonely where the pine irees rande Against ibe bitter east their barricade,

And guided by its aweet rerrttme I found, within a narrow dell.

Amid dry moat and dead leave, al my feel. The trailing spring dower, Holed like a ini

Em nl livin tlni" lowly clogged and pent, ichyel found room.

Through daily cumberlngs of deep decay and death.

To give U> heaven the sweclnc** of their breath. And lo earth the beauty of their bloom.

-I..Inn,. Wbiltler.

I notice fickleness of weather In that Htrangccltiualeofthc heart.

W.I), llowells.

Heaven Itself is not so atraage, Nor half so l'ar as learners tell.

Mrs. Whitery.

JOnN It. LORtNO.-MAClMNIST,— Machinery of every dCHcriplion built and

repaii-edati ta new shop, rear oi Drawer's ltlmk Main ol., Andover. detAll

prepare 1 to lurnoh all itrlicles in ibelr line ol nusiness. Urdcra pruntfillv attended to. t I,t delivered. Central alreet, opposite ■*-

The occasion waa a very pleasant snd ibe warm band giasp* exilian ed as the gathering broke up, bdd mil well of jhc bigb esteem In which Mr. EUCVCIISJB held.


Maing bewlag Had kitidx i-lenneil nnd repiit

Paper! in SprlngDeld and Worcester ami Lawrence and other cities round about, are It'Cluiing their readers ou the Improprii ly of going lo Boston to do their shopping. Thla shows a commendable local spirit and It dosen't hurt Boston, for the people will generally go where they can get llm most lor their money, and besides, a woman with a new gown likes) to Mny -ii"- bought it In Boston. [Boston Herald.]

1 can please yon in slock, workmanship and prices. E. N. Window. Tailor.

apent upon the park. The residents

that locality have called tho attcutlon of

the city government to the neglect aud to

the needs of the park, and have petltloDtd

that 8200 bo spent tbls year In setting out

trees sad olheilse rendering tbu grounds

■Ul active. Tbo matter will be consid-

ered by the committee on shade trees and

parks, who will doubtless see that tbe

conditions of the grant are compiled with.

—At last, after many meetings, odors,

attempts at compromise, etc., the atfiira

of E. Eastman and Co., have been wound

up. The creditors have agreed to aetUe

for 00 cents on a dollar, provided some trust-worihy man Is placed In the store,

to sco tbat i li'-v get their pay. Accord- ingly, Mr. Eastman haa bought out ihu

grocery store of Scott A Victor, better known as Ihe Pacific cash atnre, and Mr

Scott, who has charge of that, will gi

Into Eastman's store, aud run. it In bis

Interest. The Arm name hereafter will be E. Eastman.

—Mr. Charles M. Smith la about to give

hla block on Broadway, a general over- hauling. The L will be lemodelled, bay

windows will be built, and the Interior

will be considerably changed.

Kphralni Ever*ou, formerly a "i years.

New Pottery Lamps WITH THK


Moehring Burners




—Architect Rmsrson la preparing plans

for the Odd Fellows building to be erect-

ed at North Andover. It will be of mod- ern style of architeclurc.rnllrely of wood,

two stories with Maatird roof.


offers Tor sale at |1,-fnr settlna-lt BJW. frost bis l.lslii Brahma aad Dark Brahsaa liana. bavebeeB Breeding lbs above varieties from tbolca st<«-k, for several years, with araad results, anil have spared no expense to makti eiV stock siii'i-rii-r In i|iiallly, site and eolor. Tbey are Brat-class, BUI>ST>« layers, and lay eitia large Eggs. Just the tliala lo breed from. First I'reatium ll.rdsaltbe Lawrence Poultry »how.

146 Eail Haveihill St., Pro; pact Hill, LAWRENCE-

IMai msiu

Spring Opening of Millinery. M If S. CliOWKLL

wishes to announce lo bar many friends aad palrons In Lawrence and vicinity, tbat she bas opened her

SPRING MILLINERY with a large and well selected stock ol all tba Inest shades, qoelUV SBd styles. And has iirocured the services oi a

First-Class Milii-ier from New York, and fesls eoBsdent ol pleasing all wbo assy favor bar with their palronsge.

Please rail and emining tny slock of goods iii-n.i ■> purehaslBf.


il |.;SSK\ BT„LAWBr.NCK. rtsM«UM


S Ounces, 1 Yard lone, for $10 7 6 4 3

Mrs. L. S. Waterman, FLORI3T,




Poll Offic, Building. Lawrane*.


rtlenlng allendtd to

Over 10,000 pots of Betiding raniutas, Verbenas, Uoleus, aad lite sorts, :.sinlni-s|.<- by a ihoruuajb arllsl.


STOCK BROKERS, Members of tha Bostan Mining * Stock

Eichanga. All kitxis


It. t; ASKS.

either outrlfht cr on U«n

RATItrACTIOS OUgajrri 11>

kaaaa S Sawnatrs Blath.

■a. •■• KasatSt .Uwrsarr, Mass

W. ■, HBAI.D. X.T. aTetaUULli.

iv li atl


Will t'liiiiinriii'i'


al her resldeaoe, rear of K llAYEaUMLL fcT

OtmOe hours 9 o'clock

FOR a N,.i.i,v stiir,,r Soft

Hat, call on

CUKTI8, the Hatter.


FLORI8T8. Have the largest Pink honsee In Kasax County. Alto tbe iholi'i-sl millertionoi rare Kose Ituds anil all kliKlsolehuieo flowers In sbundancc. We tskes|w.-l»l rare lo show visitors through onr extensive Conservatories,

Carster ■raattwaw and aVatan stnri, r,*w RKSirK, aasHs.



l)KKH8ANI)OI,OAK MA K Kit Mrs. fellows has beea absent from the city

atioui ten years, bat has relaraed for lite pur I toss ol resuming ber buslneas. Will forest rlendsaad patrans please five bar a rail ?

*• Essex at. •asmsJarsBlaeh. Maans IS f tf rtptt

4 " 30 in. 84 " over 1 id 3 " 26 in. 2i '■■ 24 in. 2 •■ 20 in,

One lo of Comlrav'a <> 1,1,1

< Inest la the

hsir the eoet at imuorlatiou. ■■■->■■ i..i *. i i ,iti, l,i- Coudraj's llan-lnllnr,

. less than rust. (Mntt Nets, ISc; asarked •lown from tJc. frcscta Haliplas, In oar buaeh. Heal Hair Coguelts, See; marked down from Aei Carls IB all lengibs; rrlssss la all sir 1st,

Medina's Lisbon Wave, Warranted waUr curl, the prettiest aad wost aaiural wave over worn, aa, as aiuaml ward. Ladles' aad aeats' Art.Oral Bead Halr,»s#l«, ill sail upwani, w.- w, lo aril Ihe Oesl ami cbrspr'.l ia prices, anil to aive ---Ufaetioa la all our eustonara. Worn hair

I ruuiblngs taken in exchange.


Paris Hair Store, 426 Wathififtan St-, cor.Summer

BOSTON. 2112 Erwex St., Lawrence,


llluttratod Picture Cards given to SVsry purchaser of Higgint' Gef man Lsu .dry toap.

Ask ycur Grocer for them.

A. W. Stearns & Oo.

Have now on head the largest assortment ol low prtsstU. ■sdlast, aad Satgaads ia all ewoart- sseau aver aao wa la this elly, asaoag which will be I Mad a targe and esaganldlsnaiT as" rasalfsi aad Deaseatio

DRESS GOODS. la eadsass vsriely al vary «ausaally taw prlaas.

BLAOK SILKS. Wa oawr saate exlraonllsary hsugalas; Mte tha lollawiBg prteaa:

n Itwa SI ts; forsser aa-lea SI tl\ Mfawss 1 SM; faraisr i>rlca l w SI la*h 1 H; tortser pNas t «,

M tnek I Tl( fartaar Price I at .line* « w>; fertaat* mtoa • «

Aa aaasn iaatwa af Uwss gaeds Willeaetcm what ws nta is that tbey are by far laa beat vahne IB IIMI silks ever seared la lads aHy,

MBRVEILLEUX SILKS. Wa have Uee.i lartsaate lo saeara a aew let of laewe very desirable IN pass far gaeds wWeh

w* will afar at the aasse law trie as. swtwllh stand! nt I tie y have advaaeatt la tba Market has* H taM|wreaat;aiasslB»our»|..WiiBBlltT. wonh Sl.Ttaad S* "'•.

•atln de Lyons at Special Low Prices. BLACK SATIN BROCADES.

TbensastoHgaatdisplayavsr abowa ia this vk-nltv al yHeea vary waeh lees tsssajsYswrwa' aaeda as* being sold lor ia this ouy, prto* ■ rv*a> «1 «l la AIM per yard. esswHaHsBW soltatvSsL AIIUsasaadlagsaa.d-ala0OLOCBD«ATlNll slpopuUr avleas. la ear

MOURNINC DEPARTMENT wsoffsr tkaiailawisgBaw Han whinh wl lib* fissad varr AtslraWaaaSal very law arkw* far UM qaalltv of gsads attsreil,

Hsnristtas, Hunt CI*/*, Meml* O lolh, Auttralian Crapes. Broesdei, Armuree,

Frtseh Piquet hnd Cashmaiai.

A fr.ll assoi iwsai to salt the west raatl dloaa.

HOSISBY, y wwatiats. Latest tevsittaa laBstla

HCOBTJEIKiTT. Am alsgaal SS»KI neat la Oat laa, large, and Bilk al VI aa-l saila Lreesd*. Loak at tit. MSreedas, laa tatast.

•JrandapaaiBgaf LcuirsantU blkirrn's llosieivi wsolri the s»*M rt wplfHr assnilataalwi •aawa in thla ata ihet at varr low prtcas.

CARPETS. OARPET8. CARPET8. Wsiav* for lasMStloalBBBiosieotopleU anil r«traaiYsas»<iilB«rBt nl all the leading ssUsa

lo fc« fa*ad la this elly, whisk far arlUttn design aad t'Oloilags sgswl ssj Ihiaa berata lat* atTsrad aad at prises aa law as tee Inweai. We never a' low aaraalvea to he uadsrseM.

Oil Clathr, Hats, Bagt, awaapars, Hattla ga, Utloasans, (" rials fislurrs, t'uraieas, *r., very iW. UaroatswaJaaadMldoah la las most aallslarrtery assarirr.








Largest Stock of Fine Spring Clothing Ever Shown in New England,

And Challenge Any.Dealer In the State to Offer


.PENSIONS.^: u.tiiut hMtessta

hyitU'^SSH •..Vw'ssViar. ..'"M JPATICNTS anawt, ta T.t.BUn. B IsaS farrula a>n»naA Saaakl u4 s«M. ■ aat kdnai.ijr (•■» j—t rl.ku al mm, 1 .v.... f-r'-VS. BaTsts TOBsv.-TsH "ml h-a.if law,. Ma.I, ■! Hulnataak.. m.

OPIUM "iSmapl!

AtsS MOniraiKIK Ha till ' la 11 li.3K.layt 1rn>r.-


■aw Pattnt Praasss, ■avail ■»■ at. E,anls Hrumdm.

Which ran be bought low, with a liberal dts roust, lor Cat b,


SKWINO MACHIHK8. s)5.00 to «40.00. Howe. Humestk-, New Howe, Ht-fr, Uaaaa

bold aad Williams. All klads ol rtrwiss Ma chines bouthu sold, repaired aad lo let, at

WANTED, FARMERS AND DEALERS TO KNOW Tbal lb* Cheapest aad Best Fertiliser far all crops is


S>s>l for ear descriptive pataptilat showing t.Baraateed Aaalysia, "Seal Tree." Dealers wasted la every <:onniy, to whan exclusive territory will be (tvea.

Address BAUCH A SON*, Sale Manufacturers 12n a8 UO S. DeUware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

MEN'S DEPARTMENT, 200 ALL WOOL rWEED SUITS st $6.50. Tlieio goods srs u rep-

resented, strictly ALL WOOL, sod cannot bo mstcbod is tts country, si the price asked would not bay tbo cloth.

1000 ALL WOOL SUITS st »8, 18.50. Better Orsdss tlO.fll, $12,112.50, tl3, f 14, tlB.

A LIGHT CHEVIOT, three button Cutaway, st $12,50 'regular prios $16,50), is ost of the many Bargains in this Dspsrtmsst.

1200 FANOY CASSIMEBE SUITS at prices from $10 to $20. Tbsss sn among tho Nobbiest tilings worn, and vourg men should not [all to examine them.

A complete Use of MIDDLESEX BLUE FLANNELS snd YACHT CLOTHS always on hand, ssd st Bottom Fitures.

Of BROADCLOTHS and WORSTEDSwe m ike s sgeolalty, ssd bare noon onr coasters s line of Salts which for style, fit, asks ssd trimmings srs equal to say Custom Tailor's best productions.

YOUTHS' AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT. Erery Desirable Fabrio for Spring Wesr is resresestsd st Prises

from $3.50 to *2u.00.

CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Is this'Department we show s Larger Stock than all other local con-

cerns combined, sad st Prices so Low that one visit will cosrlsce Parents it does not par them to make Childrens' Clotnisg,

H.3& HVe Mark ovr Goods in Plain Figures. One Piice lo HI I I!© We Manufacture no Shoddy Goods to Make low Prices! lETWe cheerfully refund tfce Money when Goods are Reiursed I


The Buyer receives the'worth of hie Money AT THK

uiiEai Mil limit. n'». 284 and 926 ESSEX' STREET.

^^f^^^w^^^^-f^^P^- ■■ *w: ^ I ■ ■.■

SMIIH'S usioAns PMNES. A Mot inn AMU HU





PERFUME, Murray A Lanman's


C (Hi* Mm i) 1*111 IK

5ft »«i of *|.|i..>*.|.hi» frr.r ah.I u,u„. V,l MbS llr.Mrii.r'. Mam,.* Bitters.

II»..IIII.IM. ii-r the nhiliir stnitllee a armm, H-HULIM lha stomach, andlsa

... ::-1« in Urn ll»or. The Imwri., Lli. • la sate h

'jaaw^""""'" r.,y „ ttvjiiltir fees

sod *t*r mattl


aMMwMlMr Canal, Crna, ud rXry Affection ortha Throat, Lunaa >nd Ohnt, Including- Con- ramptiaa. Bold by ill DnriOta.

ftodlsoa- main a



IHIIIHliM mill llrltrlil'H IXMUIW, •till. as mm -rf U»n»l, ft***.,, 4<otorrl *r KM

HlM'-Hf,rl L'rbM, Nee**** W..a< lilblNHMOHIMi ISbsStJrarlastka. OOMOf OM> ■fall— Ua» TanKtMlfiBaitiwuiiiHiaaiMAalAl md»wm*mx^»r •*•* MMTIMMIH -UKaaalm Mtb.MK^MOM atvf [*-»,«, whlak M baa* fire BM tea. OWlirfMtff. HM*h>Mrf>M«lta«WMM,MH1

' wyif«|irwiialww, roralt br«r«f

th* bM»rr »• IBIS . —tMSMrBatSsseres seat fees. WrNalWM,

»4t BUrllV FAB I*, T4LKM, •

«*-*WH STWA.,*. <n». u. <;......»,« * r„, „,„,

aoama. am iStfmtS " "' "' *■"*■» a ».


<*• Mail • *.•)„. .«••«» C.-lll.,..

. arar«:r,?«K

feSBaLwa ••'•Mtloi.NI 1,1..-


"Y«.," Mid Mr. PwAiwlltjr, "U U tun alien t Amm in nature that an the moat potent. It It the attvnl strew U. of rvili Hint blade UM world together ;

It Uw ellenl power of tight that £VM til* and beeutjr to ill tmogii it Uw lilent atiaant Um li dup—t; It

W—" >u U Uw iuil tow thtt nu UM runet •will." Mr*. Profundity l>ut in* awing \m liege lord had got to Uw and o( Ui ropa, au4 aijmlaa. It mi kind of hor, be* it eomcltaw spoiled Uw eAVt ef Ms dVaerUlie*. —Hoaton Tranacrl|>t.

An Ullnola man waa arrvated and fried |»n for disturbing a debating club. Ttw Court Iwld that Uw quee- Uon, "WUUli can yon hurt Youreeli lha moat with, a hornet or a waapr auoutd bave I wen decided by debate, and not by letting a lot oripafllnwna oT each kind of Insvetn I<«M In Uic ball, ao ptopla could catnpaia the two and Jodga.

We baard a nan toll Id* ton that UMpw sugar waa produoad from tut nwpw trwa. slow can iliat nun ox- pwl bin aon to grow up truthful If ha atU before him sucli a horrible exam- pk — l raaacrlpt.

At the Maohanlcat ichool—"Now, John, didjouever aeaaaaw?" "Y •tr, I've aaw a aaw." "Wbalaaw

It, you aaw, Jului?" '-It waa a aeo-taw, air." "A aua HUIUTI ? Why, John, what do you mean >" "I mean a a*«.aaw, air." "And when did you wtthtitar »0h, ilr, I didn't aw thata*; I aaw Uw aaw, air." "But Ifyou onlv aaw 'be aaw, how taw you UMewwtrr '*Wlio,»lr» 1 never aaw tlio aauuur: 1 aaw Uw a«u-aaw, air,— tttr "Wtll, my boy, If that't the way you wo aawa, thii loaa aawa you •ae, the batter. You inay takt your aa«i.H—Louiavllle Herald.

A traveller In Germany apealu of a cert A! n kind of uuaagn,' the like of which ntvtr waa Meu In the earth Bologna in lha heaveni above.

Swtli Qreen haa btoome thoroughly oouvlucad that nn act* of water oau be utaile to prodace aa munh food at an nore or land. The oue thing thai N«w Knglind utedt to-day U good food Mm la ubeap, and it o>th (irwu la right, we have waato watbrt enough In New Kitgland to add very largely to our (bad Supply if properly uaed. Why ahould they lie allowed to lie idle?

!y tiled to -peak IhWdgn tl3eyBB and the Drat word broko Uw wire In three place-.—lion ton Pott.

Mary had a little lamb, whoae trluki ware very funny i aho went to Uw ex- change one day, and i<tuindtrcd all her money.

It waa In the arooklng room or an Atlantic ttcamtr that a worthy Teu- ton waa talking about weather fore- oaaU. "Uwk here,'-' Hitkt you r at It il, You patiQr dbn't no nbtook Indent weather Doee iwopln don't know nodding. Ptf can't W--fo-i»<»iUiraa Xpan." "But, my dear ilr," Hiftr*aipor»<,n, "thi-y foretold the atorm -which we bavo Jiiat encountered." "Veil, dot HftrMK/tJliL the Teuton, contem- danlVeiy r^Ut I dell you what It la. Dot ahtoriu woukl havo enmu vnatlhe name ir It had not been bredtuted.

It waa a Uc.U>n girt who atkedi "Why it It that two yhU, mated In the impenetrihle m,vak>% or their nativity, float by eaoh other on the ooean ctitrenu or exlilence without being Intihi'tlvfly drawn together, blended mil Iwiutifol In the aaalmlla- Ud aluuiblu of eternal luva?,,Tuatla an caiy one. It U bcoauae butler la tortydlvo cenUa pound and a good aealakin eacque com aa high as faun. The ntceiearlea or Mb muet olperl- cnoo a foil I* price before Iwjfeovu will readily blend In the aanlmlWd alembic and ao forth.— Norrtntown Herald.

TUaSundtyla»lnlV«w York: . frltml of mint aunt nntrrautont for

pitcher of later, onotfuudav, and on her return tha mat a policeman Ix»k hero! I've a notion to an-eNt you," uld he. "What for," aald tbo frightened aerrant. "For gettln' beer on Sunday In a glaaa pitcher. I'l let you off ibU lime, Ut the nex time you do It I'll have you up. You CM gtt ft In a china ptidior or a lit pall, if you want to, tor ttkia I end any I tliought It waa milk, jfrft necf In a g!a» pitcher could never he took for milk. We mutt draw the Hue tome where.—N. Y, Letter.

Standing on hla dignity t—A pro- hlbltioniat went Into n (lalveaUin in- loon, under the Influeuuo of liquor, and aaked a prominent |>oliticlan to trtnl. "Yog can't be ibiraty igalu. Tfou have Jimt had a ilHnk." * t>f eourah (hie) I'm not llilrethy," wtta the Indlguant roi})onae. "Ii'ldtm't drliikih acbeplen *1MII I hU tlilntv. what 'raniage hnvo 1 got over a twaabt of the flehl ?"—(lalveaton

Out da Nfn.iL. one of Uw ieo»l ,en- altive and faatiionnble youug men of (ialveaUMij we* groudy iuaulted yVH. torday by a tramp. *;** »*■* H off", ru iiiual, to n group of frwodi.

aald, Impreaalvelv, *-ltv flaw^c, gentlemen, I imd it delightful dweniii loat night. Idweiat,\« know, ll.m 1 waa Invited to a bnnqiwt. The table waa loaded down with temping viandi and ooally winea. Ah! it win, a drllghtfoldweim, byGawgnl" Jiwt tt lid- moment a greaay looking tramp, who had etooped toliaten, i-x- claimed, "I any, mifltor, let me ahwp with you a night or to, Iftliat'a the aort ofdreaaayou bave," Nothing but Hit aUe and muacular develop- ment of the tramp aaved him from peraonal chattiteownt,—<»alvei«ioii Newi,


Lotu Urttnf*! Jotlooj Hukbnnd

An Amualnt Trial In thn Polica Court*

lM\j It tiiotwil aon tvldaai iktt Uw •artalv U\ ut Uwaa who K«leaa to aeM eoaiaiaalua with Uw akadowr ten* of in* iir a. toad, to ae batter Una Uw ran of atorula, aad la swat eataa aatao good. Tht tatoat UlaairaUoa oftalaaa- wirtioB which atay be aeoaptod aa aa aalom la Uw tigbi a/ coaataaUv oeear- riag eveato, to gleoa by a antoto wateh oc- otrnd at Uw traaalta aowee, Thandaj ov«aiag. Uw aVtwwWtgiwtan oalag Lotto Uarllay, Uw elalrvuyaat, William II. faoroay aad bar ageat, Onartoa V. AvarUI. Tbt piulcelan are aa IbUawa i

■ Lolto'e real MBM la Lily K. Haretr, aad nht U Uw wgal wtfl of WllUan U. Btr- aey, nrawrly a palator, ani new. at ae •aye, to Uw aatotwaltot battoatt. Bae to a baaoai ftawio, ofqilto praaoatable aa- paaraaea, wlib Bowtag toeka and ariinic- ally rraaeoad ooaatoaaaea. Ha la a|>par- •attj about thirty foara of age, with Meek early hair aad a aeat moaatachc Ut waare a toll, aUk hat and gold rtwawd •aootaelea, aad haa a geaeral "iir-de-jih" ah*. Until about eut won tha ago ht aetod In Uw capacity of ageat for the lair botta, antoadlBg to her edvarUeiag la ker tear Uiroaabuat tba aonatry, uoiockiar the mytttrlot or the future for the gallaltat, proNililnji baadaoaw rich hathaadi tui ailiy il i «w, ud betaUAU, wealthy au<t aoeoniBllahad wlvaa to bralaloaa yoetha lur tb« auull aaw of 01 a oropheay. Tba pair apptar to have dona a lartvlag haelaeia, bat ta the towy little oltyoT Broektua, the aarpoat lortnuuly erept aatoatt tbtlr boaaehoM good*, toppllag avtr tbt aaerod fawlly abrlao, aad wbea William aid Luttoaaitrgod from tha dt brto, aha waa, metaphorically apaaktag of oourta, la lit anna of oaa of Broektoa'a

a tall, alia, youth, with lofty ohtth boiaa, raj tltleg la Uw eaahoaloat appela- tlua »f Oharlta V. Avtrlll. la other worda aba ttit-aw utt tht old lova aad put oa the aaw, and ih« retail waa that William pot a eoUar-aml elbow teat (Vow bar afftetioaa and was obliged to aeei othvr fluid* Avt-rlil waa leetalled u her ageat aad, II •patera from lettere written by hla to h«T, waa aohMthlog wore ta tbt palated pniphutatt.

Aa far at Lotta aad Charley were ooa- I'tTtad, mattore appear to have goaa oa iwionlaily alaca tbtlr alllaaee until Tbaraday arteraooo whea William patlaaa a|ipviraooe, "daad brobe," at the frank- tin Hoaat, whare tht pair have beea do* lug tiualattt la tbt rortuoe telllai Hat for over a weak. Lotta gave William tome money. placed bin outolde of two tqaare meal-. aH althM|h he regarded hverlH aa lb e eanae of all his domeetle affliction(

htt broohtd hla ladlgaatloo, and th» pair cbaitod plaasaaUy for aa hour or more linn William aaked Lotta for tht key to •t t unk, atatlag that he deelred to aee r tateat rathloaable raiment, Ohe told

Avei in to g|v« her basbiad tba key aad It wst done. The trunk waa opened, and William had Kit band on a latter when Avi-rin tort It from hja graap, and tried to throw down the cover of the trunk. ii.-inu nntauoeaafai in thtt, ht ttlsed William by Uw throat, aad the Utter dealt hla a blow la Uw face aad a hw kleka in the stomaeb, aad drove him from the apartment. AvarUI tnta got ont a wtrrtnt for William'* arraat for asssnlt, •ml the two appeared la Uw pollct court

Tim iii;«in tfstlmooy waa aa abort, but lb* court sotne was aaualag to tha tptc- Utora. Whai Lotu was called to testify to tbt assault, ah* aaked If *hs wss obliged to swear against bar husband. There was no anawtr, when tha folio win g conversation tosacd i

Maralial Meal—We want yon to toll wii»t )ou aaw about tbl* trouble.

Lotta-Pitate tell me If I'm obliged to swi-sr aaainst my beabaad?

Ni al -U ba your husband r Loua-Yeal I waa married to Mej lo

Boston, T yean ago. Judge Harmon-What la Aver III to you? Lotta- He's my aueut. Court—Uow long- ha* lie been your

tgi-Dir . . I.

LolU-gJIg moatha I think. t'uurt-What did yoa *ay yoar osn*

wilt L»tia-Mrs. Lily B. Bsrsey.

- i-,,urt-Thto Hla* Lotu J. Darling It hoi your name?

Lotto-Ko sir. Court -I suppose; lit a hind of a HOM

dt )>iiiMit.

) No ana we r.

Court- Wall, I think >uu are under a l«gal obiigaUou to aaswer aooh qtestlons in reunion to your hubiod'a action lo tui- matter, txoept what relate* to prl- c^nvertaUOMbetween yoa aad him.

Mi.. Hi n aeelUtlagly toatltail |n tht auull ulvan above. 't hi KDoctaeltd basbaoil took th« nUiid

In imt owe behalf. He ahw Uailttd mala- 't te glvap, and Hated that ha wit teal to Uiu xa-atlt by JHkwsy.

Neat-* What reason had yaw to be j -st-


sNvalfUt Aawwai map art by Col. car- toll D. WrUUt.

The twelfth aaaaal raport of the Baraaa of SUtbulct of Labor, has beta aad grows to ha If aayUttog a atiu ssora valaabie cowpttudlaw ofatoUsUosaadlnforwaUon, thaa Ua predecessors. It baa beea com- piled uadar the direction of tha chief, Col. Carroll D. Wright, aad Is divided Into roar, treating upon ladaatrlat Arbitration aad Conciliation, Statistics of draakeaatts* aad Ltqaor selling 1870-1879. Uatlforea Hours of Labor sad tt.fluetca of lauwparauoa apoa Crime.

Uadwr Uw Brat bead Is glvsa a ravltw, a report of Joseph I>, Waoke, A. If. of Pittsburgh, giving account or attempts at abltrattoa la dispute* between em- ploys* aad employed ta this country, Is Uw Iron aad coal regions of Wnoaylvaa- to and Ohio, aad la New York. 1'roiee- sor Wauka thus defines ladastrlsl arbi- tration,

Industrial arbltraUea '.s both Uw mwa of a principle, aad the specific application of that principle. At a principle, arbitra- tion Is a method of MUllngduipu.tee or dif- ferences between employers and employ- ad by a reference of the matters at lease to a board eomponed oi reprsacauUvea of eaoh of the two parties to the question, the repreeenUttvae of each being elected or appointed by the partita themselves i the board Is to have power to hear testi- mony and decide the queatlou. or, In the event of i foUnra of the board to decide, with power to call la one or mure panics, whose detlalon lo the case shall be no*) aad binding on both parties represented In the board."

In drawing hla conclusions under tbl* head, Cbler Carroll says i -

"Laglalatloa can neither force parties to resort to arbitration to settle existing disputes, nor to attempt conciliatory meaaurca to prevent a rupture: legisla- tion can, undoubtedly, Invest the result* Of Industrial arbitration with the sanctity of decisions of a court; bat this la all leu- lalaUoo can do, aad It Is a serious ques- tion whstbsr It la wise or Just «v«n to do tbl*. It seuma reasonable to suppose that If the decision of a board of Indus- trial arbitration: wss by law to partake or Uw character of an award, and become s decision or Jndgmeat of a court of record! there being DO legislative power to com. pel partlea to retort to such boards for the aetUement of disputes, sucb law would ewbarrss* rather than facilitate volantary attempts to locuru arbitration.

The real practical wtson tt ba drawn from tht valuable history or arbitration reported by Mr. Weeks Is, that our textile manufacturers eat, la association with Intelligent operatives, construct a sliding scale of Wage*, oa the basis yf notion or prltt cloths, or some other leading arti- cle, either •feoa-maptlon or of product, which shall be equitable, and wblch shall adjeat Itself to tbs market In aucb a way at to avoid all dispute*. For instance, I oa the basin of five coats par yard foi print cloth, a certain price per cnt for weavlag rules. It could bo sully deter- mined what reduction per rut should be made when four and a hslfcenta wss the market price for print cloth, and what In- crease whto Bve end a hair cents ruled. The pay of spinners could be adjusted In tbs same ins oner."

In accordance with the reaolve of the legislature of IB80, the bureau hs* com- piled statistic* of drunkenness and llquoi selling, which however, are very Incom- plete from the fact the records on which the autistic* wore compiled, In many town* have beea Insccnratety kept, or not kept at all. Of 814 cities sod towns, 8S are reported as having made no arrtaU for drunkenness, 107 made 28,71(1 arresu and Imposed 18,211 sentences. Tho ar- rests In 108 towns are nukuown. The following are the srresls for drunkenness, ssnunoed from Bssex county from 1870 toWDi-

lsTo *7i Ta •» TI •;:> no *n W w.

risk of less pay—this U Ue gaaoral posi- tion." The objections to a ten-hour sys htm are the small mills, which say tea boars would deetroy thsm, "whiskey, to- bacco aad loafing" (or the tendency of op- eratives to dissipation) and Uw ladlBer- eiceof the Csnsdlsa French operatives to otr political and educational aysUsa.

Part 11 glTo* the result of an Investiga- tion Into tha Influence of intemperance apon crime In Suffolk county from Sept, 1879 to ISHi. The toUl number of son Ma- cee for lUe year—thedlaUaetlre rum of- faneea Included—was 10,897; U.X89 were due directly to rum oauieai lt,ttl being for aeatencva for the various grades of druakaone.«s, and 93 for llqaor-keeplag sad liquor auiimg without a Iteeaae. The analyau or the dlfsreut kinds of offences la vary thorough, and a large majority of moat or them srefouad to have been com- •titled when ihe person waa under the la- fletnee or liquor. Thai, for the year, Uw sentences for rum causes alone constitute 71 (plus) par cent of Us whole, leaving a •autl;balsaceof 27 (plus) per cent. To dlacover what waa tha influence of Intem- perance In the commission of this balance formed the inveetlgaUon. It appears that 3087 ot lha 1008— which constitutes the *? (plus) per cent balance of crime— ware la liquor at tha Uaw of the mlmlon ur tin- various offences Of which they ware found guilty. Thla number equal to «« (plus) per coat of the 27 (plus) per cent balance, or to IS (pita) per cent of the sum of all offences for the year, Ue distinctively rum offences Included; that 1118 were lu liquor at the time of Ua for- mation of iho criminal Inteatt that the Intemperate hablto of 1804 were auch as to Induce a moral condition favorable to crime; that 821 were led to a criminal condition through the contagion of Intem- perance f Uat, of Uw 4008 convictions, Ue total abauluera numbered 1188, Uw moderate drinkers 1018, and Ue excessive drinkers 1817. Thus It le akowa that 84 per ceat of crime In Haflblk county la caused, directly or lntllrecUy, by liquor.



And ova r, uhjui'iit*!, (Jruvnland, Hamilton, llavirBill, Lswrenue. Lynn, kfrrrlmac. Mtlhuan,

0 o 0 3* i 0 V 0 0 0 0

4*ft Wl ftt I 07lt fllfl MM Mlt flSlI *3n .1*7 0 0 0 0

. 7 AT 111 '.■! :ls ]S It IB Nawburypatt, ;i7iH5i inu'in tf, ;wu MI ..:. I N. Ami..vri , • i.i,...,'...,... Uawlsy, lltlBOlOL. HsUm. iilieUM0«Miau7Ma:iAJll:Mluj:i) Halalniry. • SoAftBBSAr-

eM, | 1 p 1 | I 3 I Binwitos

tswf hersey-Well, he's Ukeu my wife tway

rt-ie m<, and I've got Imwis to show It i: iinei,, u ,Ry pocVt la blaek and

illiau Ward wriii'NMa Cincinnati paper, that Uenevleva Wanl ''it a living, breathing womnn." This sUtoment la caluulntod to do away with toe impreaelon Hint Mi,a Want is a Muffed club or a type-writing ma- ohlrw.

The llillaflelphla Herald aaka. ap iirelwntlvely: "What will lm left of Oalaware after th>> rant t ciuwl through horaelf? Ttin proiioeftlon BO- von of suicide."

Ttw Hurlington llawkaje given ua Uie following: "Would you Bay," aaked I Vol. Otoma, •• 'I wixtkl rather «oJk.' nr T bed raUwrwaHr"" -I would ■av," replied Uw ernart, Iwd Iwy, h 'I bad rattier ride," moot em- pbatlcally." And he waa innrknl three below zero, wltli ejtemd« or part- ly clearing weather.

Vtt,M enld f'apbiu Williame tlw other day, "Uw mud wt> left Uiem U»

|OMI, *>«. "*• pnoptoi good. 1 had Intended to WWISSHM+PISX*™" ■-1 twletrvc. <--*-->..• oltitoeea:\an,i grtpevlnet, ao Hint the iwoplu JULC"** u*~ MMt "Mntof eonld go out to their flfiS tJBrTaOQti to | ***»« ami pluck off Uw fruit; but Uw

tVUbi-ut much pcraus-loii ht read a I " ■ r a letter wrlttei, i,y AvtrlU to • nu,, r.iiui Brockuin, In >vbicb Avttdl

• ill- In r bin "precioun ><e*n ■f" sud "dir- ilitH/'nut tells her that she I, nut alffsy* gufng in live wkh Uavawy, nod faithfully pruimn M to "it I,KD b«ior« many mumli* '

.ledg-| llarmoa found that no rrlm* b«l hi'sa 1'Oinaiftted, sod dl«i>usiged Heisev lM,mcii*tC¥ly. Utla sud A veil I wslkfd I -jftiirr from the court rouui to the I'lsiikiinbuus,-, wmie ll^tauy, her hut •••en, walked a few rutfa oei.ia.1, coolly B Mklegeclgaraeir thU wss an • ■"■rt-duy occureaor. It appears that later, Lotta aad William agala matod, a* their, made a tear of Uw aww/epaper ealaet Krhlty f.tranoon, off*ring the munificent • um of p| to the reporter* out to pobbifc in.: fecia.

frfae, mmlr $t***tp*t IMII|«, r. m, BjWffM HftWtf, ptmp§■eOtV, ■„,.

9<lf>**' LfHIg si |gj Tiih»ltr Leetort hokferte

tltoss'lwjfc*. stoja. Isv4>mj| »n fre*4e/es*r>

ItoopU don't know a philaoUirupist when they etc him,"— I'uck.

...Tb#,'.0!!?!.Udrr to ^»owl»ho "tripped lightly down Uw Hair*," to meet her lover, uaed court plaster for her Injiiriee,—|W»t<m Tfnwe,

HiosmiMU of OelfoH boy* tr> amlpTjitod. Tlmy will yell Jrmt as

kmdir al a boy pitying fiwfbtoa fo the earn* ring a* at one Bve block*, awav -Detpoityrwrreoe. '

Mr. Abet! Rolfe will retire from tie poeltluu of freight ageat of the lloeton

' Lowell rallrosd lu this city, aid M Ciark 11. Caswell will unite the dull** of paexeiger aad freight agent.

ran Womse Uliwen, foeed drowned ItucBlBlat Lowell, Haturdsy morning, loreerly worked at Uw AUaatle Mills, aa>, whealsaiceen allv«, wore a »bawl •a- flaw from th* leJy wlib whom sh* lm "I. .1, In Uln city, Hba left here t f.iW Wu.tliaSKo. ILL n„t known that she has an* relative*.

— Mr. Thoaaaa Brsdv, formerly Bscond bendlaiae*conriagro>mof the We*h*. logion M1IU, a position which th* yoitg wan Henniag, who wa* killed a few week* ■go, bald, hsa agsla bsauwad Ihe posllloa. Meceatly be tot* lieee eoaaeeiMl wlto a large wholeeefe hoese to New York, fie brings With him oa* of in. Riaptre Hist*'- fair daeohtere a* hi* trife.

—The iifit eeaeitw of tew Xaw Hemp. •hire Methodlei Ceatoreeae will be awM at lb* lleverblll street Ufa city. H- v. I>. v. Kauwleo bet beaw grsnut by th* eoefersicw a sBpernamsnu-y retailow, Without appointment. Mae, A. U, Drew, formerly of into city, ha* hewn apeototod a delegate to ibe awxt aauaal gataerleg of Uw Baptiet, doagrvgatliwal sad Free Bsptltt chores... of New Hampshire.

The number of ajratU In oilier cities and towne or rim connty ore unkuown.

The sUtlstlC4 and fuels iiliuut hours of ebor wsre gndier.d uodur a resolve of

last year, aod eaJen from Jin msnafac- terlng estsbllnhmeiiia and 81A employers. All grades of mills *>uu*Med lo Uxtllu manufaciures were vlaltttd, and also a few paper mil.a. Tbu Ubles give the kind of goods, chief raw material used, where It le prodnced, market where purchased, and cost at factory aad wberu purchased. Tables are given of the Wages of men, women and children, spinners and weav- ers, IN several ntales, and th« hours they are employed, and the. iplnlou* of employ- eis and employee* a* to legal regklntlon of the h.fim of labor, Tim rtport tsyn: "From llm tables ajlil slstiimeow II Is readily neeu that thn cost ot cotton at the factory varlen but vuiy little In ihe stetes epecifled, IrannjHirtwtioii allowing more In the CMtof raw laaterlsl, aod le gtitlng products to, lu Mini.' ninl New Hempsbirr, thnu II does mi the sveragu lo the olhur nieieat but wages oo Hie whole are Ions In theft: iwu sUlen than lu mom of tin- olber.. The chief dIUerences lo quenllilaw produced irMj I'rum dlffer- eaces In grades. It U appurent that Has- sachusella with leu bourn produces *• much par man or per loom or per spindle, equal grade* twiOK contldt sd, as other eUUi with lAsjVtH and Mfe hours; and also ihBt wegee lieie toln u» blgb if not higher Ibae lu Iheeuu-n where Ue mills run longer ilia*-. Oo far as the tablet •bow, there la in, leison why the mills in New York, Connecticut, ltho.1.- Isleod, New llsinpahlru and Mslne, should noi be run on Ibetto hour basis iu4iarmooy with the system In nucceosrul 0|>tr*tloa lu Mas eachaselis. Wo lisve Ltfgfri mills, etlploy tog lo Ueaguregutaw-versl ihouaaml pcr- eoos, which hsvu v ilmiUrlir sdopled leu boors lu i-ii-veii-tniur nistrlcts, bearlntf Wltnets empliiticsliy *ji«t tbey And ihe piiniuct or' ten boat* a day, in ike long rue, eu nearly or quit, the Him,. »* Uat of eleven home, thai their mill, are ua pmrit- aoh- i<, tht in umler the .hurler out under the longer time * * A Img . purUuu nl the manuis. tit rer» have come ,o i e*-, wmi, Is in doeiitvdly true, thtt the width of UM

Margin between cost and price, so. the poeaible amoaot »i wage, wiilch be paid, *re not so much tlrunuleed by the volume of Ue product alone, aw by Ue lelsilon between ibe aiiinunt preXlaccd aaul the amount consumed. And tbey are convinced that aa the capacities of tin- Willie mill* art to-day aod the markets of Uw world, e reduction of hours to ten

oald be a eonservtllVH iuo»eui< nt, qulto am bwoadcisl in ibe insuufoclurtr i- lo Ihi* •paratlve, "If only everybody would Join le It." • • The higher Ibe lotolllgenct* nod the better the position of tbe opers- uvee, IS. teora earoeelly do Uey desire tea botre. We hsva evamleed bendreds, a targa psrt or th te ovenuMre, anu aho* sjoUwr Ue greater part of tbem ere lu favor of tea hours anyway, let lh« pey crime a* It wHI. • • Hearty all of the

The VHCIS Kevlewed-Tricd Twice Be- fere Juries of Kltveii Men.

Tbe disposal of tht case of street com- missioner Hall against tbe Essex company tettlus a vexed matter which promised to be a source of long UUgaUon. By the terms of the settlement each party pays his own eoeta and tho plaintiff It awarded 88,083. The case was fought welt aud persistently oa boU aldea, each party presenting con- alderable expert testimony at Ue trials, two of which bave been boll, both result- ing In dlsag reemonts. It is a remarkable clrcumiiauoe that at both of tbe previous trials Juries of olevtn man considered Ue evidence. Mr. Hall was represented by Col. Bbertnsn, City Solicitor Hurley and b. it. Irus, Jr., esq., of Salem, as counsel, the Messrs. Maunder* acting In the aime capacity for Um corporation. A review of Uo case at this time it In order.

Mr. Hall formerly was overeeer of the Atlantic mills yard, and resigned that po- sition to accept tbu nuperlnlendency of tho locks uin1 north canal of the Essex company. It was Mr. nail's practice, as it wss of his predecessors, to personally ailend lo shutting ibu upper gatet of Ue causl and It was tbe practice to cause the lowering of ihu gates by letting loose the fastening of tbu gate crank, and allowing tbo gnlu to descend by Its momentum, which caused a ewlfk revolution of Ue Iron crank. While lu performance of this duty the crank shaft broke, and the crank, a heavy piece or Iron, atrnek Mr. Hall breaklug and terribly mangling hit arm. He wss for a long tlmu a severe sufferer, And for many days his life was despaired of; hla arm was amputated and he fleetly recovered. After hn had fully recovered, bo was discharged from the service* of the company, although he nought to re- main, offering to employ an asalatant at Ills own expense. Ua further requested the position or water uuige keeper, for which 8-' u day was paid, but both re- quests wtru denied. The company, how- ever, paid him rbgular wagea while ht was Incapacitated for duty, and for bis medi- cal attendance.

After bis discharge he brought suit for 0&>,000 damagus, resilug- hie claim upon the chsrge that tin. machinery WBB ren- dered deleetlve by the thou recent action of the company's englueer, Mr. Hiram V, Mills, who bad caused the bearing of the broken crank shaft to bu turned down from its orlglnul dllUHler— four Inches— to a diameter of but two and one-half InclieN. The defence was a general de nlal and that Mr. Hull wan not exercising dot precaution In Um performance of his labors.

The case wss first tried at tho April term of thesupremn court In 187D, and re- mllcd In a disagreement of Uiu Jury wbo

stood nix for Hall and live for tan defend- ants. It wss discovered durlug ihu trial Ibit one Of tbe Jurymen. Mr. U.orge V. Noble or this city, attended Mr. Hall dur- ing his lllimss, und hu wan dismissed from the Jury, counsel consenting to procned wlin ihu trial with eleven men.

The Mat waa again tried In lb. supremo court In April lUSO, uud again retailed In a disagreement of Uw Jury who .tood tl for the lilslnllff and -J lor ibe defendant. Thu twelfth torymaa wt* nmnmoned home by llm dentil of his wife, previous In tbeli retirement, mi.I It wtM decided to allow Ihu eleven men to consider' thn evidence

-Oyster* B, H. O. attar thla month.

—Tbe Interior of Ordway Block la to be remodelled. Architect Bmsrsan la getting oat Ue plans.

—The board of health regulation*, printed on heavy card board, are bclag beag up la all pul lie places,

—The Pemberton bank officers are soon to add a story to Ue bank building, from plane by Architect Bmereoa.

—Centennial grove, a favorite picnic resort on Ue Eastern railroad, ha* beea leased for tbe season by that corporation.

The Salisbury beach railroad ha* been put la running order. Portions of Uw track erere covered with three feet or and.

Mr. David Ambrose, for a long ihr.e watchman at Ue Jail, aud now keeper of a boarding house oo Ue Atlantic corpor- ation*, la about to open a large boarding house at AmeabBry Mills. Ue Intends to continue bin house here, but will divide hla Ume between each.

.1 LAWRENCE | Business Directory.


S.55SU5S?"- *»•■*■ "i / lOLBUUN BHO-S.-DAILT PAPXKS V^(.hromo.,kugraviii..,i,»riomc,i,lutm.|0-.rl

BSia£,&~ KWSaWaB

A Lovoa, tMLo oa boae i MSOAT stioaid ue stopped. Neglect frequently results le an In eerabie Leaf Disease or Coeasmptlon. BKOWlfS BRONCHIAL TKOCHKS do not

like cocgb tyrape balsams, bat act dlroctlr on the Inflamed parti, aUayloglrrluitoa.glve relief la Asthma, liroo- ehlUs, Coegh*. Catarrh and the Throat tronl-lei Whtth Sreiars sad Fabllc Bpasksrs art subject la. For Ulrty years Brown's llranchial Troch •a have beea recommssded by physicians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Ut ' tested by wide sad constant use f

Uiu have attained well.mer __ among the far staple rente

Sold at 26c. a box everywhere. tbe few staple remedial of tbe . a boxaterys '


Dave M'tBTAa'a BognU or WII.UUIII.HMI almyt at hand. Il cures Coughs, Coldi, Bron- ehlUs, Whooping Coegb, Croup, InDuenaa, Coawmpttoa, aad all Throat and " Plaints. 30 cents and 01 a boll le.

leod Veow nov23

I.ung^ Com

MOTHERS | MOTHERS I 1 MOTHERS ! I Jj Are yoe dtstnrbtd tl eight aad broken or

your rest by a tick child, suffering and crylna with tbt excruciating pain or cnttinn teeth) If

ma poor little latttrer immediately—depend np- oaiti tktrt Unomlsukt about It. There la aolaawtttrooearth, wbo has ever used It, wbo will not tall yon at once that It will regn late the bowels, and give rest o tbt another, --J relief and health to Ut child, operating

magic. Il It perfectly tarn to net la all . I, and pleasant to tbe taste, and A the pro

■cripUoa of one ol tht oldest aad best Itmale physicians aid nnrsH la ihs United Suiei. BOM every where. 23 cents a bottle.

Yteodlyr Jan 1*81

To theBoyn of Now England

Kvery Any at noon, pnrtsely, a It:ill.«,ii »li frrt H|h Will he « tii|iiif (ink Hall, tlnotnii.anit are

y st noon, pivetstly, after April a "' *■» reltaaad from Um

a reward of a salt of rbo captures It an' #lv> lo awry NIL.

I -i in l,..> .'.li.prullin nt, mi lulluli.] l'inl.j;m lt:>llooii, HttaflnMart In rtlaroetrrl

The stock of Men's ami Hoys' HprLnj and Hiim- tMT Hulls BM Hprhif Overcoats ta complete, nn.l auriMuaea In variety and eoncrsl cxccllcnre all funiiiT (l)splnyi. In three hundred New BBgfasnl towns ami titles we oft nprtatattd by ciubllilu.l Aients, In Wboss hands hill lines of Rnrlnu and Bummer Hsmple* will be found, and wlib whom our trade can t-unfldently deal.

When yell JPi to Boston be sure and visit Oak Hall —Ibe fwnaus, una-prlec, reliable Ulutbhig House.

HaiupLei and rules fur self rucssurs sent to any address.


32 to 44 North Street, llonton. Tbs oldest Clatklng House In New Kiifland.

D. AV. LORD, Agent, Lawrence, Sw eod f marK

THE BILLERIUAFAMlLl SCHOOL for Boys, Blllerlea, Mass.. Is dealaneil to be

s Home School ot the Urst order. For Inloimst ftea wa rererto Dr.C. P. Uorrlll, North Ando- vsr; Bev. A. I., lloughton, Lawrence; Moses raatar, Ksq„ AsdovBrNa. Bsnk, sod Kev. C. '' Hussey, pastor ol tbe Kirst Parish. Billerlca, and memlicr of Hlste Hoard of Bdnoallon; anil for Ulroulsr send to

M C. MITCHELL, Principal Vaodlfdet - „

cod *lw mtrK

— In the wetter Of the pelltlt>n nf MM- rice Welch for illschargu fniiii arrest ou n csplss inaued by Judge Brlilism of the BWpertor court. Judge Kleld In the tn> liremo court, alter huuring the arguments, reported In thtt paper I ant woek, ordered • con tin ua inn ill] Mondsy, Ohen tbe case was HUbtnlltert nn u aiaternant of facts and lha written argument* of the cooieel. AfUr a consideration of tbu case. Judge Vlsld ordered the discharge of the prle- oneron the gronod that thu csple* on which Welch wss arrested ordered hlra to hu broughi lieforu thn conrt furthietth, whereas Welch was arruated on the 0th of April and admitted lu bail, and re- ar rested on lh« 8th of April. Without passing oo tho other points. Judge field decided thtt tut arrusl uml^r thu above olref etanaet won illegal and granted en order of discharge.

— SiiDds/ ifteraoOh, while the yacht "Hport" eonululag four men, was on the nvcr above to* pumplu, ainiiuii, Wl tl which W m l.lOWTng very frush, eetiL-dthT boas oti-lderaMi-i when near the bewjtlng MMltoil, it n\ tall csm- over turning Ut Boat. Help WM at hand aud Hie ii went reacted.

-CorutjJus Turoawy has BOOH hostili- ty sgalnatMts. Johannsh Klordsii, sad o,i lueetlng Ji.-r Humlay ulgbt on Coinmun airaot, bugan calling hei Indecent uamus, and using prufsue language. Hbe had blm arrested, and he wit sentenced to psy a flue of 010 snd costs, or four months.

—There was a very large audience to witness thn specie! baptismal service at the first Dtpttal church Humlay evening, and the prayer meeting following, was fully attended and of much Interest t (here la 'I'"!-, a religion* awakening at Uls church; »eveii Wen baptised,

-A free dgbt came off Saturday night el llliiaiuore's, oa Utj Ha verb III road, la I slsoaeholee lettst which frauk Kmerson. of Ilaverhlll. got p,"BUrOT*)l»'™hr»eeorsii hadly handled, aad wa* «rri.A h,.-. i. I AehaleeGwIlaetlea

j,r„ I s hat It Hun.lay morning,


LIVER INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di- gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. SANTOKD, 162 Broadway, N, Y.


iMd.lroclu m

( 1LARA U. ROGKU8. H. D. V, of Woman •,. nm??i Md .ayjlMfM, l«l il.,.,1,, 1, >,,,,!, °^^ii •„'■"• ■»'.» ■.>"!■ *7 un ar..I.»wrenc«, IHI, FarUoalu

un>.«rvlD, .l.taralTaith. i? Oa. or eta.r ,l»*a aa


Cor.' a Common It. Sf* »'.™.'l'rom Kuropa and ra.oaiaa ptaa U.aoi tal.uroraa.loo.



o...HoS2,H"",rt"1u BBsaJ Lawrencs,Matt

DR. J. II. KIDDKh, DENTAL BUR- - OlOM, Me. m Kssex Btrt«^ Lawrenoe,

DKCKER 4 WniTTIER, 0ROCKR8. Crockery ami Ulaaa Ware. Strlctrvpure

w> nies,dpl(!eB and ohoiceai Teas. The beat dairies of_^u»cf ■n^l Cheese. 80 A ran* bur J H treat.

I? N. UARRIB, X66 DROADWATTOI ftWeUe It.IluntUachlne Co. Turbine Water VVhwln, , uLlini U Ilia, Wanhere, I'alllng Slocks

1. Kagulalora, Ae., Ae. Finns lurntsVtUfld oil work done. in mi MI

E8. YATKS, M. D., 1'IIY MCI AN 1 • Surgeon.

OMco, M Kssex Street, corner el Lawrea Bealdunue, -In an mm or Street.


PortralUaml Landscapes. aniUaaxST-

HOLT * CO., ICK DEALERS. Office with lluiboe * Mack,163 Ktsex street,Law

renec, Mass, sprUVly.

JOHN O. UODEMETER, BOOK BIND RU, Otd Books, rebound. Maiaslne

Pamiihlots, and Miialo boa at) at abort notio Blank Books made to order. Shoe $07 Essex B


MRS. DR. H. J. HILL has removed to No. 10 Valley street, near the Common.


T« njarrosis DarTirsr.-The Qrsst atwro)- psas. Rsusatr—Dr. J. n.stmptsn'i

Bpeelfla Mad lets,*.

it is aposltlrt cure for tpermalorrhea. Semi- nil Weskress, impounoy, and all diseases re- • uUlnsr fiont self AbjJSj, as Mental AnxlatT. Loss or Memory g ' fains In Back orSlde.snddls eases that toad to Con sum 11I Ion Insanity and > > earlr nave.

The Hneoiflu

eesa. Psmphlots sent free to all. Write for them snd j-ct Inll particulars. Price, MiicelUc ll.ouiierpanKage, or six paekages for ti. Ad

Sold In Lawrence by 11. M. WHITNEY A CO.. and nllDruggltta, OEO. C. (iO()"*"' Wliolcsle A gents, Boston, Mass.




It stimulates tha Idoodinloarllon.snd should be worn by everyone suhlcot to Ithcumntlsm, Nes rargls. Nervous HU- eastt, Sleepltss

Heart, Liver, A 1 anil Kidney Dlseas- t es. Nursing Mothers innd Children wear Hlbe Dosloa Hatterri 'its antion upon the motnor and child

Battery, thus relieving tho child ot muon suler- ing caused bv naicotics. Sent by mall every- where on receipt 01' price. Si cent*. Sold by all Druggists. Men and Women Agents wanted in every city and town. Address, Boson Galvanic Ihitlety Co., l'.'l Tremont St., Hoiton, mass.

tllv dect

ALLAN LINE Royal Mall Steamers,

FROM Bo .(on every Tharida) foi Liverpool,

vULondonderry.otrermgsupeibaceommodallon to Cubin PssscnKCrs, tt moderate isles, Eitrs etCHioers Ironi I.I.ASI.OW, UALWAT and QVBBIVtTOVVN for RONTON direct. Kind Ireatmint sail comfort lor Steeraso Passengers

msde n Hiiooialty by Ibis Line. Outward and




I mam

liaoaitaiH Kotlc



Idcfycompetitioa It canlstns Bve octavet,

flveiulln-laottli* Cck- Gutdrn Tungu.- he .li.s»fnliowrl»et»of Hi «TI- eeeh. rrislsti, I Ml|»>nerfulMT)-l1au,l ■vilill'M'll MtlllN. «!■.., , ,t VOX Cl:M'-lK-ri nu. MI- IN AM. Inn In.-,. BMHL haaSl.i. lsuu-iisn.1,,1 , Iri 1 nun. ,1,.' S..I..I lll...k Walsat C*sa,«an«l, scaaWsfaSa, lr» larga VstCS Top. aa ikawH ut U> leeiStaaSTlSl

]..*.. Hlrcl lljinnl. ■(til -Kg

PIANIl V b.«n'yaHT t."r, bn'ralLn. Mil ...niTuoa llnltUO irssjrsj::» .vn

•B-ll klM»adUI

SI 73.75 etftveo, 1 m

Srtm frsma, agrsffs treble' grand French "action'eicT, , -..-.It eoatstns all lb* Itti . M,.nl. hmik. I sstatoslo. Seat •■ u.t trial lo all nans ol the worH.a.

5SC^§@3i^SBf3r^«^ ■^ftatSlA" 'B-SjaiiaiBi. OrjaS, BajaBH "S rnriiht, Sio i„ tl.*"0.

inaaJTlffifJS"*?--1?" ** P"W>tt' "J • by mo I f tho I nstrnmen t is not .foal as r*pr+ I lease BMII reference If yon tin not emit with ordi't. ttrila .HIY t« armf for l*,itH nfwa-

Gannon's Corjamercial College, F0BMEH1.Y


Book-keepiiur, Oommeroial Arithmetic and English Branches.

Special Attention given to Penmanship. PLEASE CALLOH SEND FOB OIROUIAAR.

Im tlmii G> c# CANKON, Prlnclp

Prepaid Tkkol class Line.

for Oulwan lo Thos. U Essex KL:

liy by this L aa low as by any other drat

L. (isge, M Esses and HOB ■»-!■■■ .J.. , Wtiriihy.'ina K>«e\ St., sgents at Lawrence. Or lo Leve A Alden. Uunersl Passenger AMBIS. 5 Stale Street, Boston. »,

\\ Bin dtS a a <iaifl.ii.ui .,lf,Dlll"« ■' OL Broadway, New YOlk.

COFFEE "OTS.—When your old one Is no longer nt for use look al the national.

we have sold 40-/; tbe best nnd cheapest In use. Wu tuivu mid ill Uranite Iron Tea PoU. Call and getadeecrti'llve cli ettlar at JOHN O.DOW A LO*a Crockery and Ulssi Store, Odd Fellows


-OffER^. ajfltt»3



CHILDS & LANE Invite attention to their large aad varied assortment of

CARPETINGS For the Spring Trade, Consisting in part of


EXTRA SUPERS, *c, From tbe beat makers and In all the new and desirable Styles

and Colon. Mnny or the patterns are strictly private to them, and ALL will be sold at prices to meet the views or the most prudent buyers.


116 TREMONT ST. a. Park Street Church. BOSTON. ..pi IS tt niyls a


Parlor Suits, Centre Tables,

Etaeeries «l'rfcW.l..irb..|,, BMMua, H T.Ma. ■ laak »ld..H..r...


Better and Finer Class of Goods

J. PIL8BURY. Jr.. N... 11(11 KM».8„».lIji»r.iii...


A.-BCHITBOl Roomt II and,.12

Feeaw Bank Bulldlnr Lewrente


Old Gov't Java, Male Berry Java, MOCHA AND LIBERIA.

0! and 05 Commercial Street, Boston. fBieaiiHiia'P.s. iiamtetmee.iaaes|

. *.* Al wan para"1 In w m»rt rkiU rht* bam. Caa HWewtt "I any tlr.-rvr at Si ah. iwr lb. ComiStn* u •tMBl a LwSiv a, tan U jrn t*r«l at an/ prasa.




k\hk&**M&$&'$ • IBB Common Hn


and KIDNEY FOIStNINO, in infected malarial seotions. •a-Ilrtlie dlsl:llallon ora roRKBTl.EAF with JTJH1PKK Mltlttl-l and BAULKY

MALT, we hava discovered sUDBBaUR. which acts sncelAallj on tbs Kidneys and Urlnarv Organs, rieiovlni Inlarluns depotlta formed 1. Ihe Llsddei, and prevcntlnf anj ,tialnlcs smart inf sensnUon, heat or Irrlutlon in the tsembranoua lining of the dccU or water paiaafet. tt tx cites a haalthy aclioa In the Kidneys giving ifarm streniih. *l|or and leitoring there ortsns heslihv condlttoD, showlna: Ha iloets o. both the color aad the etsv Howormlne. It ess bo taken at all 1 lines. In all climate, aad under all circumstances without Injury to the system Un like an/ other prsparstfoB lor Kidney dlfflcnliles It baa a very |iles.rnt and agTeeable taste and

J.0!.' 'J.."*' bCen *imtu,t to ■•*•• swaparat:aa eontslnlrt pealUs-. dlwratto j.roiterties wnlob will met siMWteaCe, Unt b< acceptable ,1 the stomach. Heiorc tsllnK onTtlwsr medl cine, irv a bottle of KIDNItlBN lo CLFJANaB the KlUNKTa from foul matter. Tre It and *on will always use It as a family medicine. La*Us esperl.ll, will like it, and SaeastlssMasi wil Und HIDRKUER the bast Kidney Tonic ever need I '■«-•- wu

noTIOK.-Kach bottle btarathe slawelure of LAWBBNCB A If AKTIK, also t Pr.pM.i.r, U........I whleh pemll. BIDKBUBHlobe sold (wllbont license) by SntXUU, Orocers sad Other Persons ever jwheie. »"a.'aia.

-tit up It Quart alia Bottles for General and Family U.e. ■d.lyoar.DrerilsU op Ore eert, we Will ssedabolUe prepaid to ihe .oa re t nearestcspress If ■Dtlonnd

odice to you.

LAWBBMoa ft HABTIM.™, Ohlowo. 111.., „d 0 Barclay Htr-t Haw York.

told by DrugKiata, Crocera and Dealers Everywhere Sold In Lawrence byE. H. KUI.I.uv. Apothecary, P.O. Block,

Wbol.aale A>enta, QIO. O. GOODWIN ft CO.. Bo.Ion. laal IBOW Ijr.apIS

oaanU.M wbo Me 1,,-ar a CM, down, aid

II... that la, thoM. ar*,v. fl.i. or ala ,li,l-' ''«llr haodl.d, aod waa carrlrd liuma la Un A WMk, woild prar.r lo laka

TIIOBNTOlr Illiini s.

FLORISTS. UlvelUwIr sptelBl.tlUnilonlo Pecuisilcno

Boomt lor Weddings snd Parlies. We have of rare and beautiful

.*Ema j&WUSONi

.'iir, KiMex Street, Lawrence.

Wliotler & wiison launrachirlDi Co,


l'ABfr/l.Bj|arto|«.'J. aarraralon r.l

-J... .<JOW. nri:h».\nn, «n.

esnyesule. sheen or ptts-

nr. ii:,aiir|ir.. Ill rjUtrrormil on Stain Baoi

I.. rej.T.1 iMHrtm ,-t lowest r- " itailrr— ■ trosd staiMiitaEerest o 1 ra'i».ninli. ,ii,

nd.Herrllat-r1r.ndlr, Oelloeilea tfWhsstsad

Btraw Basltata Cheep.

irrs^ewawr,, mm -BB-I -A new concrete bu beenl *fc •*• ElW" Street' Tea aey way, aad MB law I laid la (roat of tbe Ceitral cbarcb. IQrM" Houiet Career Atten Street and |'lo '*'"" «tarnr, m Beeei

Dralti _.u itiiouajriiini fciirlu._.

rorboo<tiarr.ii>rTDslliMi.ptar.. llstmsr.Mi* liarrrnsi: i. , IHIULI

Iroadwav' Haft •o«s»ov7 . teow let

