V. L. & VV. CO. FHLE - UCSD Libraries

V. L. & VV. CO. FHLE lir. Ed Fletcher, Manager, Voloan ~ & w Co. Dear Sir:- January 4th, 1 9 1 5 Relative to the letter of Mr. Huber regarding the right of r;ny applications of Eaoon& · · . Mutual Water Company for rights of way. I wish to meke a point which I have al- roady made in this connection. The Escondido Company heve to a.:pply to the Foreot servioe and Indian Service beoaase thoir franchise and con- tract provides only for irrigation water and not for ~o~or . The next stop '\-:ill be that tne ~'or est Service o ff1 cera to ~hom this is referred 1dll say that they will not aot until prime. facia proof has been furnished from the State Water Coill!Ilis sion that they have n right to the use of this wo.te 1~ . Upon being eo informed the Raoondido people uill undoubtedly apply to the 3tete hater Comaission for a powor permit for all the ,·, · atars in the San Luis Rey River at their point of d.i vorsi on. :row the Volcan Company can appear at thia hea.rins as proteatants and show their previou8 irrigation filings and ~how that they propose to divert say 1,000 Miners Inches of this water end the 7later Commission may or may not grant a -o ermit to al.l. of the waters; but their usual habit and l'hraee is a limiting amount of second feet and all that is used usefully up to that point. I have no doubt that this or twill issue without any question in 'pite · of any protest t:hiah the Volcan Company might fool it wiee t~ make. From that time on I believe it would be simply a question of whioh of the two pro v eeds to make use of the water at a speed. proportional to tho magnitude of their work and ~hiohever oa.mpletes their diversion snd utilizati~n will cer- tainly have an advantage ae a. vested right. I understand that Judge Henshaw has pe.saod on this matter so that nll that I onn do is to SBain draw attention to the faots .. ihioh are now shaping themselves up. The real question, if I see it correctly, is whether the Voloan Company should seoure priority for a power application by a speedy presentation of en ap}llioation to the state Water Commission, or whether it should depend solely on the irrigation filings of 1911 and 1912. M7 adviee ~s to rush the power applioo.tion of the Voloen Company into the Pemo Valley and seoure priority before the W~ter Commission. I oan not see nny harm in it even if it is proved to be unneoesee.ry. It would •• . . \ . I . . . .\ Mr. Ed Flotoher. 7F2. Dhow that thie Company clo.ime this I>0\7er ric;ht as ~ ivan notice of it o.nd undoubtedly woul<l reoei ve e parmi t 1n exnotly the terro.s os Haoondido rtouJ.a reooive if they t1ero first. However, i .f Eaoond:tdo is .Permit ~To. 2. the ~t ater Commission w ould be obliged ·~o take oognizsnoe of itself on l?omit :rro. 1 issued to you ond sim!Jly e;ive them the surplus l'ihich - you did not utilize after you had oom~leted construction presumably f.ive yeera after the grnntinB of the power per.nit. I should consider thet thie dlituation would be much more ae.tiefaotory thE:U the reverse. Ve~r sincerely yours,

Transcript of V. L. & VV. CO. FHLE - UCSD Libraries

V. L. & VV. CO. FHLE

lir. Ed Fletcher,

Manager, Voloan ~ & w Co.

Dear Sir:-

January 4th, 1 9 1 5

Relative to the letter of Mr. Huber regarding the right of r;ny applications of Eaoon& · · . Mutual Water Company for rights of way. I wish to meke a point which I have al-roady made in this connection.

The Escondido Company heve to a.:pply to the Foreot servioe and Indian Service beoaase thoir franchise and con-tract provides only for irrigation water and not for ~o~or.

The next stop '\-:ill be that tne ~'or est Service o ff1 cera to ~hom this is referred 1dll say that they will not aot until prime. facia proof has been furnished from the State Water Coill!Ilis sion that they have n right to the use of this wo.te 1~. Upon being eo informed the Raoondido people uill undoubtedly apply to the 3tete hater Comaission for a powor permit for all the ,·,·atars in the San Luis Rey River at their point of d.i vorsi on.

:row the Volcan Company can appear at thia hea.rins as proteatants and show their previou8 irrigation filings and ~how that they propose to divert say 1,000 Miners Inches of this water end the 7later Commission may or may not grant a -oermit to al.l. of the waters; but their usual habit and l'hraee is a limiting amount of second feet and all that is used usefully up to that point. I have no doubt that this or twill issue without any question in 'pite· of any protest t:hiah the Volcan Company might fool it wiee t~ make.

From that time on I believe it would be simply a question of whioh of the two proveeds to make use of the water at a speed. proportional to tho magnitude of their work and ~hiohever oa.mpletes their diversion snd utilizati~n will cer-tainly have an advantage ae a. vested right.

I understand that Judge Henshaw has pe.saod on this matter so that nll that I onn do is to SBain draw attention to the faots .. ihioh are now shaping themselves up. The real question, if I see it correctly, is whether the Voloan Company should seoure priority for a power application by a speedy presentation of en ap}llioation to the state Water Commission, or whether it should depend solely on the irrigation filings of 1911 and 1912. M7 adviee ~s to rush the power applioo.tion of the Voloen Company into the Pemo Valley and seoure priority before the W~ter Commission. I oan not see nny harm in it even if it is proved to be unneoesee.ry. It would

•• . . \ . • I . . .


Mr. Ed Flotoher. 7F2.

Dhow that thie Company clo.ime this I>0\7er ric;ht as ~ivan notice of it o.nd undoubtedly woul<l reoei ve e parmi t 1n exnotly the terro.s os Haoondido rtouJ.a reooive if they t1ero first. However, i .f Eaoond:tdo is .Permit ~To. 2. the ~tater Commission would be obliged ·~o take oognizsnoe of itself on l?omit :rro. 1 issued to you ond sim!Jly e;ive them the surplus l'ihich -you did not utilize after you had oom~leted construction presumably f.ive yeera after the grnntinB of the power per.nit. I should consider thet thie dlituation would be much more ae.tiefaotory thE:U the reverse.

Ve~r sincerely yours,

'-o. -w ¥ • January 4, 1915.

Mr. Post:-

~ .~ldrltu lam m1~ rrr. ~ ttlt•1 Jou I L.D tNG

Cl20 EIGHTH ST. SAN Dua:a:o. CALII"'RNIA .,.

I return Huber's letters. i'/ri te me a letter ·

giving your advice as to Vihat we should do in the matter

of the Es·oondido Mutual. Water Company. · Something I oon send

to Henshaw and answer Huber' a letter asking him to protect

·our interests and a.sk ·him what to do. Can Huber be of any

assistance t ~o us in the Cuyamaoa oase? What was the JJa Mesa

District going to use Huber for? In the matter of the

right of way of the San Diego Flume co. from Hatton, please

follow this matter right up and show them the situation so

that our records will be made as clear as possible.

Ed Fletoher.

January 5th, 1 9 1 5


Jr. Post:

I wish you would write me a letter with suggestions,

first. as to how we can best prove the va.lu·e of the riparian

rights that r:a O\m on the san Diego .. iver; and seoond, the

velue· of t1 water right.

I know 1 t is a big question but I want your idea on the ~ -ece

around La :.less at from ""100 to ~ an e.ore, put water on it,

sub-divide it into house lo,ts end get $3,000 an acre for it;

or put it into citrus land and mSke the land worth $1,000 an .

acre easy until it comes to a. question of sub-division ond it

doesn't seem r:l gh t that the Water Company should be rna de the g oot

end get nothing for ita water right but the land get all the bene-

fit owing to its ability to get water. Please think this matter over

and let me . have a letter from you within the next throe o,.r/four days

on the subject. I have asked a number to write me their opinion.

EF:BX Ed Fletcher

I '

l l I


Mr. Ed Fletcher,


Dear Sir:-

0 •

January 5th l 9 l 5

Replying to yours of the 5th regardins water rights. I should reverse the order nnd ask first, ·what is the value of a water riaht; and seoond. of a riparian right. The riparian · question does not aria~ until a stream ceases to have a. surJ?lus. · so it is a seoon.dary matter controlled somewhat by the first.

Fundamentally in my judgment the -property value of a wate.r right consists in the right of possession· allowinc; the owner to designate on what land or to what use the water shall be put. If there is no other surplus ,-;etar on tho stream ~ e e1 t. that in ourt~. poaseasion, you own a monop.oly of the '\mter. You nre oblie;ed to use i·t in order to hold this right. But bocnuse you own 1 t, you are able to designate on mnt lands· it 1.iill be e.piJlied Tihi oh may be either your own property or the property of another who is willing to pay you a price for the privilege of having it applied.

There are two illllstrationa t1h.iah I would use more or lose. One is the irrigation out of the Hood River in the l!ood Rivor Valley;, Oregon, where nny owner of land oan lr~ e n ... wnllilJG plant ·On an inoxhsuatib'ila river a.nd irrigate his lnnd \:hic.h then booomes vnluable. I 0011 not see any possible bnsis :ror "lue of n water r ight 1n 8ll01l aaae. SUch nlue arises · nly- 't:h n , is no Ei'Urplua nnd there is ::nora lend seeking ··a or tn m. tnore is r ~a.ter .

The other illustration is 160 acres in priv te o mers~ 1 ~ of' ooge brush ~and north· ~1 en .ore and. sinAs ... 11 ...

. . i .a. .. o_ :r .... _ his land nd water is wort11 s £00 nn · or •

~at or right value is , 190 nn aore or say ~1 ~.. iners I11oh, ~d it is this omount thnt he woul<.l nsk of his neishbor vt o did not have euoh o. etrnnm nnd wh o desired to uror usn th1 · 'ntar ·rom him n aumine thnt the neighbor htttl no othElr e ouroo fro1rt ·.hich to got water. Porsono.lly I bolieve thnt you onn mnko no vnlu tion olaim for the wo.ter v;hioh tho Onynmnoa v;ntor Oom1•uny ht o ott nell ed to do i~ita nrona of ln.nd or to tho wator fnrniolled \\nu r dom stio nroaa, beonuee your right to t'teeiannte whore tllnt wntor oh 11 be usod has ·oeased. t I boliove you oo.n olaim for enle purposes the full v alue of tho .surplus wat r now in your poaoeeaion in-aluding the surplus water urn1 ho~ to the City of son J iet;O last winter and this winter, beoauee 10u oon say "I \7111 furnish

.it to tho 01ty for auah and suoh a prioe" or "I rdll ,ll it for euoh a oonsid&rntiou" or'I ill plnoe it on my ~

.. • •

t1r. Ed Fle:tcher, 7!=2.

Grossmont" or "I will Bive it to the El Oajon Valley provided the 1>r:loe is sa tis fnotory to me". Always 1 t ie posnible for you to a.:_>!lly it to your om le.nd nnd therefore take desert land ond increase tnc value to that of irrigated land "hhd the powar to do this ie a measure of the value of this surplus water to you or to the ur hase~ .

To establish the axo.ot emount of this value re(1uires evidence {'nd the following is I believe good evidenoe: ·

_ _ The original prices !laid per inch for water rights in 1888 to the F'lume Com!Jany. ~he vnluea of irrigated lond in !-:1 Cajon Valley and arountl ~a :.iesa in o om1mrison VIi th sage brueh land ndjoining. The transfer value !laid by the City of San lliego for the Cottonwood wa.ter which t;as approximately $1 , 200,000 for 450 . ~lners Inches or llllptoximately ~ 700 per Miners Inch at the intakes. The coat of v1nter from other sources which here ~neans the cost of p'ltml)ing from wells driven into the grolUld . Tho actual amotmt r>nid by consumers voluntarily on the flume system for excess water whi.ch woe 6 cents a thousand gallons or t'237 per ~ iners Inch per yee .. r which aapitalized at '1% ·would be ~ . ,per t.!iners Inch. . .

The Railroad Commission hea here.tofore .oontented thnt they will allow no value for n franchise and the right to tho U.Pe of water granted lly tbe Sta.te is considered to be in this clmm. As I understand it, the Supreme Court deoision obliges them to nssign value to a water right. It would then be ·:mere quibbling if they shoulcl assign a nominal value provided you presentad clear evidence to sho~ that the value waa great.

Thare is n study made in the United . States Census of 1900 tihich I believe should be inoor!)orated in the oaae in whioh it ·t-.rns concluded that the increase llii value of land due to tho .fact tho.t it was known thnt water oould be a1)1)lied on land, but be foro 1 t nas natua.lly a11plied vtae $60 an aore average for : western Junerios.. ·

!Jow ns to riparian rl ghta. let us aaaumo that wnter riGht values have be on proven to hnve a. · subatont ial market value say of ., 3,000 a lliners Inch a:xaluaivo of cost of dolivory. . In 11urch a sing the possessory right to wator from two at reams. one of 'Ohich hno no riparian rights to oo.naider and the other in whioh· -1.500 an inoh has to be pni<l to satisfy riparian owners, the valuo of the wo.tar nsht would be $3,000 in the first oase and 0 1.500 in the next. In other words, the market .. or exhhange value of water right is what })eople will pay for it or at which it is sold .and is made up of such elements as release of riparian rie;hts and water filings and works upon a stream which are adjudi-cated. But you can not add to the market value, say of $3,000


• .I


Mr. Ed Flotohor, 11-3.

a. l{inors Inoh of wator the ~1 for riparian rights. On the contrary 1 f you assign value to rip or ian rights, you wi ll h · ve to deoroase the vnlue of the water rieht considered in itself.

From this standpoint all that I oan see in ril)arian rights which you own ie a proof that you are in om let~ ·. ·. possession of the \mter. In the case of the Sen Diego .... iv~.r yon control the riparian right to one-half of the a re~ e t.'ni~h a.1lpl1es to the entire safe yield of the River and t11C real va~ue of these riparian Tights would be measured by t~e cost of e.o-quil. .. ing the bo.lanoe in someWhat the same way as ! .. r. Harroun decreased the Volcan Company's Vlater right values mn the Santa Ysabe1 F.iver on aoo ount ·of the San ?aec1ual lands •

As you see for rate making puri>Oses I can not see· the pr,opriety of asking for water right values aa r~ nrds your ccn-swners of record. I soe every propriety in aakinB for a recogni-tion of water right values fo1· excess water and su.rnlus water such

. o.s you furnish the City of San Diee;o. For sale purposes I should. be inoline.d to cDllcel the

242 r,tiners Inches Which you are obligated to serve on specified lnnds end apeoified oommtmitiea in 11erpetuity. .

The nerl o lass would be en ini tis.ted rm d perfected water rie;ht to about 600 Miners Inches W:'1ich YO'f!- $\nve ?1 ~o1.~ nosaession and control vnd on which you. can desl.gnato \ .h e I e l.t aho.ll ba plnoed and for this I should claim at least ;;3 ,000 a

. l.!inors Inch at tho diverting dam. The third le~ss would oonaiat of the riparian rie;hts

lleld by you for tile bnlanoo or the yield of· the .l~ivor. so.y 400 Inohee mora for whioh yon huve ostablialled no r 1ehts by div:rsion or storage, but f·or which you hold a 1 i ~l i ll :rig! t .. t o one -tte.lf of tho o.ren of the vro.terahod. For this I should ask r nthe r s. low figure not over ~ a Uiners Inch •

I bolieve . there is a llrovision :In the .1 blio Utility r,aw where the Commissioll hne forbidt\en to oetablish · IAono lOly ~.nd yet • e.e I see 'it, tho only ronoon why water :riJSht vnlues o.riae is due to the fact that ~l hnvo ,e. mono11 ~ of . ". nv.turnl p,roduot \"lh1oll monopoly was sr~1.ted you by the tat~ ltJ.th tho, sin lo prnvision that if yon do not use it. you forfoit it.

Vary sincerely yours,

c. -w. co. ~. Jsnuary 5, 1915. : -·

1Ir. l?ost:

Enclosed find letter from Britton & Gray. Also my

enswer in reply. r:hat I am referring to is the Conejos Reser-

voir site. f!ave you ony suegestions to offer?



Ed Fletcher .

·,--- i1 i Lr(.... {

'T':\ • • c .ll . .. ..


DRITT01J & GIU'..Y Attor.noya & CO\utaollora nt ·Law,

Wi lkona Bldg . I 1512 rr St •• '.','nshington, D. C.

December 31 . 1914 •

1~. Ed Fletcher , Fletcho r ilding, Snn Diat;o, Co.lif.

Dear Sir:-

Confirming our t lo r~m of yesterday , ns follo";7s:

"Hamilton application rejected by Commissioner."

~ e enclose tissue copy of the deoieion of the Commis-sioner of the General r. r~d Office, dated the 30th instvnt, re-jecting tho Bl1l'llication of r;; . B. Hamilton, :l'or easement for : .. reservoir site along tlw SRn Diego River in Tps. 14 and 15 s., R. 2 E., S .lJ.lr1 ., partly within the Capitan Grnn4e Indian Eescr"',·a-tion, P.nd partly witilin the Glevolro1d ~Tation t.l ol~eat.

An you r.rill recall , Tie protested against this &l> )11-ontion, but the decision, in rejecting the r ... Pl'lliou.t:j on, rests nlone upon the adverse I'eport of the Indian Offi oe, rendering oonoiderution of our protest ~~eoosanr . ? nmilton h~~ . of oouraa, under the rules eovomine procedure before the Interior Department, opportunity for A!) peal within thirty dnys tel~ notico. It misht be well for you to seo thnt the Local Office gets the notice . out 11rom tl~ nA i;ld.s will greatly 6ir1 in the ~.ne.l cleaning up or the eplllioation.

We he.ve follorted this matter ver-J c lor. ~1~ . r:rHl are muoh plenaed with the results obtained. As wo hnve harotofo::-e e.dvieod you, we ere preosing the Indiun O:f.'fi oe for action upon the right of way appli en ti on filed by you. r~1 l llE. 1~ur1 .. n~ . :. c are p:r.or1ieed thet early in the next wool: b. otipulHtion m 11 be submi tt ed for your approval.

V Ty truly ~ronro ,

Rri tton & Gray.

In reply please refer to rJoa Angeles 014603 "14'" ".\N

• •

lEx. B & G 1 Ex. R & R

Dcaombdr 30, 1914.

~nmilton Dam & Reservoir • • Rej ecting application for

easement, subject to nppenl • • •

~e i ster nnd Hecei ver 1

Los Angeles, ~li ornia.


Ey latter dutod July 8, 1914, you were directed to lay n. xulo on ~ . n . Hamilton to show cause why the application rilcc! by h:!.m in yoUl." office Februe.r:r 19, 1912, for easement for a reservoir site nlong the San Diego River in Tps. 14 end 15 s . • R. 2 ::., s B U, lJartly within the Capitan Grande Indian ~ese . Ve.tionl end a1.~l withiL the Clevola.nd ~rational Fores "'G ,

ohoul~ not ba rejectea. ~his action uns taken upon a report froo the Second Assistant Cozmaissioner of Indian Affai rs to the effect tha:t ~he allowanoe o:f Hcmilton' s a.p.Plicnt ian would seriousl¥ interlers r;ith the rights ana intoroats of the nd .~n ~ h~ the resorvntion. In duo time Hamilton mede

ans~1er to the rule. and his reiJlY W!!B eubmi tted to the ~or~iasionar o~ Ind1an Affairs for conaiderntion and supple-mental reiJOl·t. On the 1 'lth inst., the ommiaaione~ re}.)Ol"ted on thin S.pl}liott.tiora , in 1,o.rt, ns follows:

''One pa:t-t o~ the aho ~ ng ma.do by Mr. Hnmil ton was transmitted to Superintenaent UcCormiok of the rala Sohool under uate of October 29, 1914, nith request that it be given carefUl consideration and returned rdth his report en<1 reoommeni1 a.ti on through Superintandent of Ir-rigatiolt, c. R. Olberg, 628 ed~ral Building, Los Angolee, California. Reporting under date of Uovember 18, 1914 1

Superintendent "1oCorm1ok says that that part of the resel"'Vat"' on not -'noJ 'ttdecl in the pTO!;lORed ran~rvoir is

mountainous and rooky and that in his opinioh. if .tr. ~amilton' BDPlioation is npproved and the proposed dam aonstruoted, the reservation would be l)rnotioally worth-less.

Suporintondent LloCormick anys further thnt no oom-pleints h va ever oome to him from the Indiana exoept

J .. oa .Angolee 014683 "F''

uhen thoy havA beon unallla to get wator from the flume of the Snn Diego l~ lume Com1>any; thnt he hns done vvery-thing in hie PO\"ter to see that the Indianx get the water from tho said flumo to which they ure entitled; that the company owning the flume vae required by the California

Rnilway CoDl!lli£Jsion to ruako repairs uu:t·ing the IJS.St sum-mer; thnt durin:s this time the orO!lS suffereCi; but that the injury done was unavoidable and that the Indians suf-i'ored n .. o more than other !introns o·~ tho com_Qv.ny locntad below t.ae reservation. 'L'ho !htperintcndant sn"tte that there is plenty of water on the Heaervation ~r the Indian stock and now that the flume is repaired nnd an employe appointed to lcok nfter the interosts of the Indiana at Capitan rr~de he believes t~ere will be no further com-plntnts made about the water supply.

The Superil1tendent sa.ys that he is strongl:v o1.,posed to moving the Indiana E!nd. that in his o .. inion: auoh nn not would huve to be e.~oom liehed by forcej that with their land nnd weter SUlll.,J.Y the outlook is pro!Ilising for the Inll:i fJ\S; ~ nd that he dieapl)rovea of the proposed re-survey for the follov:ing l"eaaons:

1. ~he tilluble land on the reaervntj on i~ limited end any emount trucen from the ndi ~.ns will \t:ork them a hard-ship. ·

2. The grrmting of nn~ roservoi1· site on llll:J l)Rrt of the l"esorva.tiolt which would floocl their tillc.ble land and dovrive them of any ~rt of t~· ir ferms n-oul·:i bA sn injustioa to tlle!!l.

T~e ~'l1 erintendent ngs.in reoo.aunenua that ~~·. jts.milton' s ~11 li nti O!l be di ~a roved.

Transmitting SUl'>erini;evdent ~.i ormio 's rG!lort nbovo mentione<1, Superintendant of !rrigntian Olborg, t:.ndor dato ~ n ovember 20, 1914, m..~e a the follO\'ii. ~~ oonL"lont:

The g9ners.J. s-ituation on t!1o Cnpitn:1 Grm1de Indian Hese;.vetion is sot forth in the aoooml tm~'ir e

!'OllO:rts by ~ 1·. Hauer s..-rtcl ra~roal on ·that ut b js ct. -!r. Hamilton's ohr"rges, reo1>eotine tho nu...~ .ge!Jent

of affairs on the rsoorvntion, arc outside tho noint, c.."ld ho.vo no bonri11g on his n!)plioati on for right of ~n tho dootruotion or propartv righta on tha l"eeel"'vat'-on wlll be t~o some, ~r ·~ veotiva o~ its prAsent condition. . · The Cepit an '1rnJlc1 e Reoorvation ia ouo of the few resArvntions in ~outhern Cnliforn. n of \'7h1nh .•• -e havn no topographic Inni>. The right of way mnp pr -psred by the San n1ogo .b·lume t:ompnny, :md ourvc:;a of onoh irrignblo tr~ot woro suffio'l nt to t all ·previous nAoda. The map , together with th~ u.s . Geologionl .~urve ·.uadrnnBle , and l"larsonnl inspeo-tion, indioateA that '10 per oent o:f th 1rr1 o-ablo land of the reaerration \'till be flooded. Thf a is

Los Ansclas 014683 11 F11 . ~

confirmed by Mr. Hamilton in his "Answer by way o:f shomng aAuee on or,ler of COllllllisaioner or ~ rile. "Land Off1.o9•" wh~re he atn.tae the.t 175.8 Rorea out of a total of 221.8 ecres will be flooded by the r~servoir. 3y irrigated lnud is mennt land that can be irrigated by the ~e ent i~ri ntion system.

171he syste!n constste of 18 Pi!)S lP.tArals, heading in ths. S?..n I>tgzo Plu:na nlong P.. eli stP..noe of a,!lproximntaly 7 m1.les.

It is obvioua from the nbovr. t;1nt evn'r"J fi.Cre thet is ~t ~l snitad o~ iTrigation can be watered from one of thesP; line~. In feat, lana ~na BQ saarce that mt-'P.ns ware ~ rovided ttl irrigate lanct e.long the st~e~ onnyon sidsa. It ie this lann nna thnt lying nt ~he upper enCl. of the reae:rvntton th~t ~ill not ba snbjaot to ova-rflow by th~ :proposecl resenoir.. All the best land Mll bP. RO flood en.

~he Indinns have e:-:1. e'lllity o.P fully ~1 .00 in ths ln"'ld end m1.ter on this reservation that Vlill be destroyed by th~ I>rO,POsed reservoir, to sa.y noth-ing of the beok ount~ . consisting of 25t equ.are mil~s. ~hioa will become 1weleaa to the ndi~a if their houses are destroyed.

The same conditions \rlll obtain, only to a leas nc;grave.tod extent, if tho lower dam suggested by Mr. ~ilton were constructed.

To my no~led e there are five or six small reser-voir sites along the head watar of the San Diego River that could be macte to serve the purpose of the a ex rooervoir proposed by L!r. Hamilton. The .POint advanced by 1.r. 'Ham1.lton re_p,PAating vrater rights ie not oloa.r. lf the amount of unappropriated flood VJater now going to wasto is es he states, a large part of it would be avail-sble for storage at the h~ad wate:r.s es well as lower d..own the stream.

As stated in my previous report on this subject, I do not believe the Indians ehould be ~la ed in the posi-tion of blocking the progress of a large community, but before they arQ disturbed all other means of obtaining the desired resu.l t mould be exhausted.

This doe a not appear to be the case in the present ap-plication, end I oonour in Supt. McCormick's recommenda-tion that tl1~ a_>plioation be denied.

''In view of tho supplemental roporte received from Superintendant MoCo1mick nnd Olberg, as set forth nbove, the Offi oe again recommends that the npplioa.tion of :.a-. Ilamilton be disapproved."




I •

l / I I

I . ; t • ..


. . ..

• • • .~ ' '

\ . '·

. . I' !

' I


. i

Loa Ang elos 014683 "F" Wf

In view of this report tmd recommendation, !!a.."llil-

ton's O.Pllioa.tion is rejcctod, eul>j8ct to the usual right

Inclosed is a oopy of this decision for ~ervi e on

the JCP.EAlimtkfi'll np})lir.ent, mu1 e.t the ezy.iretion of the time

allowed for RP1H3al, transmit ovidenoe of service thereof on

hj m with re11ort in the premises.

Very resFectfully,

CommiF-oioner •

12-PP. HMO


Januar,y Bth, 1915.

1'tr. Poet:-

Please draw up the papers immediately transforing

to '.';illiam G. Ronshnw al.l of our lands in the San Clemente • •

Carroll, ?amo, Sutherland. Warners and Santa Maria eservoi~

sito3 so t11a.t a certificate of title oan be brought down

shoffi.ng everything in the na.'!le of \'filJ.iam G. !Ienaha.w. either

fro·e and clear of inoumbrenohs or subject to mortgage.

Please have :laldu attend to this matter irnmedie.taly.

He can find out from Xa.te o.nd. also from the records at the

Couxt Eouse as to whose neme the title stanus in eaoh indiv-

ual. case. This r~ants to be attended to i!llUlediately.

I think the 7'arners Ranoh now stands in the nama of V, illiam

G. RensiU? .. VT. Tell iJiakin to get all the certificates of

title together end if Kate ~assa hasn't got them. send for

thom up ·to san Franoi soo or let me lrnow what . certificates

of ~itle are needed and I will write a letter end get them.

7:e have no certificate of title to i7arners Ranoh. but we have

an abstract of title which I will bring down to date .

Yours very truly,

Ed Fletcher.

San Die go, Calif., Jan. 13, 1915.

!lr. Post:

.Get a Tribune of January 9th, page 17, and· you

w111 see the ordinance passed by the Cit.1 of San Diego condemn-•

ing our entire water system. CheCk it over and see if they

have left out anything.

Ed Fletcher.



January lOth, 1 9 1 6

ir.r. S. B. Robinson, 819 ~ er hants 11ationa.l Bank Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal.,

Deo.r Sir:-

I enclose Mr . Cosgrove's Opinion on tho "Rights

of the City of San Diogo to the Waters of the San Diego


Hr. Stenrns is pre1,nring copies of the petition

to the Railroad o~nission for . approvnl of contract of sale

nnd petition of' City for valuation of system for condemnation.

These are t he l ast items~~ checked off on your list. .. I suggest that you write Mr. Stearns mentioning these

three petitions agnin as I have only spoken to him about it

verbally nnd it mEty be overlooked.

I am working on the water rights actually used

and number of inches not used but !laid for.

Yours very truly,

::nolo a.

January 19, 1915.

Mr. s. B. Robinson, 819 :Merohan ts itatl Ba.nlt: Blde; ., Los Angeles, Cal.

Dear' Sir:-Enclosed find oopy of Resolution lfo. 18'155

whi,oh wa.a overlooked vrhen moiling the other resolu-

tions to you yesterday .


Yours very truly,

Engineer, C W Co •




lr~ Jnnuary 25, 1915.

V. L. n ~· !.. r •

. CZ; l~V~ w. ~. Post, ~

Engineer, Volcan Land & Water Co., .r 1l:.: . oo 924 II Street, ~nn Diego, CaliforniA.. ~

Dear Sir:

I received to-day your ro~osal of the Volcan Land

and Water Ccm!JRny and its offer to the City of San Diego, with

accOr.'l!lanying docmnente, for which I thR.nk you.

Very truly yours,

:1!c • s/J...O

, I


I . , /, I t!J

I I . I : I

1 \ I


I I • • I


By C. H. Lee and

VI. B. Post .

January 31, 1915.

1. VIator rights in control of company:

(a) Perfected flume right initiated in 1886 by three

a ro riati~ notices; ona on Boulder Creek at Cuyemece .Senor-

voir, one on sen Diego River at Diverting Dam, ani one on South . ·

Fork at intake of feeder. Construction at Cuyamacn Reservoir

commenced in fall 1886 and completed in Fabruary 1887. (Irriga-

tion in Southern California by State Engineer , page 71) In 1894

en addition of 6. 5 feet wo.a made to the hoight of the dcm.

~he Divertiilg Dam and surveys for the fl.lli:lo were begun

in fall of 1886; grading for flume commenced in ~rin of 1887;

the building of fl tmle in anmmer of 1887, and oo~l eted in October

1888. Firat water was released :from Cuyama.oa Reservoir in June

1888 (from Oompany1 s recorda) end preenmably entered the flume

the aeme month. Therefo xe water hne been diverted and used under

original appropriation notioee for 26 years. The records of di-

version are fregmen tary. until 1899. Tho following table Bho a

for eaoh year the maximum mine ra inches d1 verted nnd the to tal

ffDOllnt ~ aore feet.


1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1906 1906

u,x1mum Diversion lline rs Inoho s

680 640 830 925 815 726 '186 846

~otal Aore ·Feet

119 710

3835 3034 4266

694 5830 '1247


190'7 1908 1909 1910 l.911 1912 1913 1914

lla:rlmwn Diversion l!inors Inoh ea

800 670 750 710 780 '180

2000 1606


~oto.l Aore Feet

6081 6864 5787 6468 .3936 4801 6786 5306

Neglecting the yeers 1913 and 1914 during which in-

oreesed diversion was made under a new appropriation (see


Seetion 11C't below) the maximum diversion u-aa 926 Uiners Inches and

the average annual volume diverted 4332 aore feet. (The latter iEf

a continuous fl.. ow of 300 miners imhes ·but 1 t is Btlggeated that

this fo:rm of p:reseiit!!.tion be avoided throughout tho case) I (b) Perf'eoted right to pump from gravels o:f San Diego

River into .fl. ume :for :purpose of supplementing gravity diversion

described in"A". Initiated in 1899 by construction Monte and

capitan Pumping Plants. Water first d.BtiTered to Flume Uaroh

1699 and more or le sa continuously to December 1904. During

the period 1905 to 1912 DO water was pumped into Flume, a :lnoe the

flow of the stream and Cuysnaca sto mge was su:ffioient to supply

tbe derrend. (Drawing lio. 2474 covering the period 1909 to 1912 in+

elusive sho·ws a fnl.l sn.pply except for four winter months. )

In 1913 there was shortage of stream flow and by order of Bail-

road Commission wa 1~ plent s were :lnat alled. A 1lll l~1n plant

( o. 4} near diverting dam was put in service in Septsober 1913;

CllDcolata Plant (Bo. 2) in October 1913; snd Sohool House Plant

{no. 3) in rovember 1913. In ot~ er 1914 the Jionte Plant was agai

put into servioe.

T·he followi:r:s tabla shows for &I!Oh 7ear the max1mllm

miDers inches pumped and. the total amount 1n aore feet:


1899 1900 1901 190.2 1903 1904 1913 1914

l!ax1mum Miners In-ches Pumpod

248 236 208 213 206 214

76 56

Total Acre feet

12'11 1871

648 657 854

1278 63


The ma:x:imwn miners illohes pumped was 248 and the aver-

age annual volume 850 a ora feet.

Neglecting as before the years 1913 &lld 1 ~ . "the com-

Dined, gravity and pumped perfected flume right remin.a a marJmum·

of 925 millara inohes and the average annual volume diverted 4800

~ o:ce feet.

(c) Additional flume wntor rights were initiated

June l, 1910 by approprla·hi on notice at Diverting a~. !L'he ollo~

ins conotruotion was done in furthorantJe of this appropriation.

In 191 the placing of an additional side-board

v~as commenced giving a maximum fl. mne oa:paoity of 2000 l i:lnera

Inches, end this 'i'lork was prosecuted steadily and a diversion

maintained e.a fer as tho oo11struction had extended. fhie add-

itional di vera ion wne first 1atrnecl out nt ~he fimt wa:ate gate l/ 4

mile below Diverting Dam. :By April, 1913, i t was oa.rried to Sand

oreek nt the 3rd mile. In the fall of 1 1~ to the 4th mile, and .T"'"'"'-Qr"( ~ IS in Bavember, 1914, to the ond of the flume. In the summer of 1913

the South · Fork feeder was imreased .from 260 miners inohes to 100()

miners 1nohes oa soit~.

In 1911 'WOrk s oo~noed to increase the

at or age OS:paoit 7 at the end of the flum by Ute construo t1on of

Ku.rray Bill Beservoir. !l!he oap o1 ey of the rea ervo 1r iB l2V aore-

feet·, whioh oan be reSBonably oonsidered to 1noraasa th

l 3 service of the system by *miners inoheo.

In 1912, the Diverting Dam was raised 5 feet

increasing the storage capacity 44 acre-feet. ~hie can reasonably

be considered to increase tha effeoti ve diversion by l8 m:Jnere inches I / /

l)y November, 1914 tbe increased oapaci ty /WaS complete and I /_ .J • ,. . .

if this d. been;availab during th~· preoeeding .. ten yoars. w~

a tna;Jihere Uld he.vo bj-b. an avera~ anllU8l 7-d £1onel

amo avail b1e in es s of the' actual d1 version duri tbis I . period of 4900 acre--feet. #


In Ja.ly, 1910, surveys were begun at the Conejos Reser-

voir Site located on South Fork on the Indian Reservation. In

l!ay,· 1911. 811 application for this reservoir was made to the

secretary of the Interior. This application bee received the

e.P!)rova1 of department officers and is pending before the Secretart

of Interior. When this is granted the payment of $2600. will

aeoure a reservoir site of 867 ecre-feet. .

In Jul.y. 1910, surveys of Poverty Gulch Reservoir Site

on Xing Creek, a branch of South FOrk, were bega.n and detailed

SQrVeye were completed in 1911. In 1911 tlie company I purohs.sed from the Copa de Oro Yining Oompa.ny acres of land r

covez:ing tho damsita and a portion of the area to be flooded of this

reservoir site. On May 20, 1913, app1ioation was made to the U.s.

Forest Service for easement on approximately 20 acres of publio lan

also flooded. which as granted June 00, 1913. A small aoreage in

the upper portion of this site still remains to be purchased. TJe capacity of this reservoir is 760 acre-feet.

In 3nl.y. 1910, surveys were commenced on Boulder Creek

Reservoir Site. In u~ 1913, applioation was made to the Seore-

tary of Interior for easement to ocoupy aores, whioh would be

flooded by this reservoir, whose oapac1 ty is '18 aore-feet. fhia

was granted Deo. ZO, 1914.

In au,ly 1910 aurvoya werE' raade for a reservoir

site on Cedar Creek at the Inaja School House. .Ho further

stope ha.ve boon t alt:en. In 1911 oomple te detail aurvoya were

made of the Diverting DBJn Reservoir slte propCJsing to inaree.se

the height of the presant dam 40 feet and increeeing the ca.pa-

oity ~ro 69 acre foet to 1715 aero feet. In 1914 complete de-

signa of the dum otructure ~~re completed. The right to flood

additionaJ. land is covered by ·Ghe original easement :from the De-

partment of the Intorio1· u110n Indian lands of Capitan Reser-


In July 1913 the company made complete surveys of the

!l.Jule Reservoir on Sand Creek end made application to the Secre-

tary o:f Interior :for a right of way to divert Boulder Creek

into thia reservoir and 011 easemon-li ft.>r a -oorlion of the flooded -area. This has boen granted. The d!1m site s.nd remain:jng area

is in priva:{;e hsnds ond baa not been :purchased. The feasible

oapeoity is 1090 acre feet.

At Le. 1toea 1\eaervoir tho Company owns the floodage

1·ights to a hei8h·l; of 100 i:aot, \\'hioh , ti the dam \7S.S 1.·aised,

would provide e.dditione.l atora.ge o£ 4670 o.cre feat.


II ~·

/J In July 1910 surveys ware ma1la ~or ••• -,, . .,

site on Cedar Creek nt the na ~' hool House . Nq . f ~ • .r ~

steps have "Qoen taken. :Y9ll complete det~. surveys were

made of .. he Diverting D "Reservoh· oite ~.o oain to in se . / . . /

the ]Jeight o:f the p s ant dam 40 fa et ~na inoreo.aing )1!0 oap a-~rt ~ _, ..~·

oity"69 acre fee:t"to 1716 acre feet". In 1914 oqJJ!Plote de-/

signs of the~ structure wer~· om leted. . e right to flood ~ .

~ .~

addition&i land ie covered .by the original easement from the De-

part ~ o:f the Inte;Oar ~en ndian ~~~s ~ C;i ~ ;;;r-.. . .•·


All the above mentioned reservoir sites ?dll deliver

water to the flume by gravity through natural channels and are

similar in storage val.ue to e ~mo. a Reservoir.

On the main San Diego River and 150 feet below the

level of the flume is located the. Capitan Reservoir site. In

JuJ.y 1913 the company :purchased the Damsi ta and ·160 acres of the

area to be flooded. ~or of ro~eotin the foundations for

bed rook at the dam was commenced in Noveruber 1913 and prose-

outed continuously to aate. The o&p e.*i ty for 60 toot dam is

5220 aore :feat. In September 1913 a pumping · plnnt ms installed

within the limits of the flooded a~ea and operated in 1913 and

1914, thus initiating the diversion. The maximum diversion was

50 miners inches. :Beg1nning January 1915 the maximum pump capa-

city 1aa reduced to 2'1 l!inera Inohes. on June 12, 1914 the

company made an appropriation at the tJamsito claiming 500 Miners

Inches to be pumped into the flume at the outlet fl!ld along the

margin of the reservoir. A small area 1n private ownership 1n

the upper end of the reservoir site is still to be aoqllirad.


In this connection as bearing on the increased

cerrying capacity of tho ~luma we again mention tho School

Houno pmnping Plant. Thia plant was installed in October 1913

end delivered a maximrun of 27 Llinera Inches in 1913 and 1914. In

January 1916 this plc.nt Yia.B increased to a. maximum of 60 i.linera

Inohea. on June 12, 1914 an appropriation was made by the

Co!IlJ.)D.nY at thio site for 50 I1Iinera Inches. t e~ '~u..la.t~

lo The new flume righta jn1taated by appropriation end

raising tho flume sides have made avPilable a. maximum diversion

of 1075 miners inches in addition to the original 926. l!jners

Inches which for such a. period as 1899 to 1914 would amount to

an average ~nnual divoroion of 4900(?) acre :feet over and n

abovo the 4800 nora feet actually diverted.

The raising of the Diverting Dam and onstru tio~ of

Murray Rill Reservoir have aotllB-lly ronde available for deli very

on demand for irrigation or domestic use 18 miners Inches during

an 8 months irrigution season. The construction of the Conejos, ~overt Gul.ch, Boulder

r~ u ~ r ~ . ·s· . ~ t~ crook, cea.nr Creek a:B:! Diverting a~ teservoirs wouJ.d make avail-

able for delivery on deimlld for irrigation or domestic use __ _

1iinora Inches during sn 8 months irrigation aee.son.

summry of vater rights in control of Company:

(a) Perfected flume water 1~ ht of 926 ltiners Inohes

maximum diversion vnd en average unnual volume of natural d tf.4t?O .1) t is

end stored wo.ter of -4552' e.ore feet of whioh 1320 nora .a.ee

storage water . ~ ~ ~oa e . • ~ t .~ ~ ~ ~~ '* • &1.,.Ac ('b ~ Perfooted flume right to plliiq) from gravels which

is ident 1oal in affeot to o. storage right. This consists of' a

a 0




68 o e :f t 0

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,on o 0 0 e t t n t ,

a . ith d t 0 I 0

D 1 0 e

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. yon o~ ... d -----



EXlflBIT H - 11

Voluea in ·ore •oet.

onth 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1900 1909 · 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915


obru. ry

.:. cy


l·.tllr ~ t



... ovember

Year = =

0 155 222 113 84 143 73 5'10 309 503 476 1.00 495 78 361 287

94 167 633 l OG 769 106 6?7 489 179 436 180 296 531 102 900 366

555 222 646 925 753 90 319 Gll 200 450 200 497 S46 665 2460 1403

45'1 325 436 rt77 744 413 626 672 488 u64 636 553 655 776 1004 971

241 318 610 658 270 720 702 719 665 758 649 669 733 !?£)"/ 964

175 . 196 365 33'1 560 216 704 821 613 703 696 654 337 662 375 288

12 177 442 362 439 15'1 675 723 G95 748 6ZO 727 fJ()6 6GB 411 223

151 265 680 236 340 .86 560 683 701 672 617 763 396 410 ~ 323

247 2 2 191 l.B6 212 104 649 623 660 611 612 727 286 208 186 196

23'1 .222 166 18·4 224 46 618 613 608 604 602 600 9 2?0 123 177

156 16 61 109 201 · 78 126 496 366 6U 388 435 0 227 45 141

142 130 32 36 156 64 194 246 483 291 486 438 16 202 ?4 128

2465 2582 4483 3691 6120 1872 5830 724'1 6081 6864 6'18'1 6468 3935 4001 6049 646'1 . a--a::3::

• 8

2. Val.ue of' Compa.ny 1 a Water rights.

Definition. A wator right of one miners inoh, sa

defined for purposes of this voluation is the right to divert

a quantity of "Water equivalent to one miners inoh f'l.ov1ing o on-

tinuonaly for 8 months. Quantitatively it aan be ,defined as

the right to divert a.nnua1ly 9. 64 a ore feet at a maximum rate of

one miners inch.

Theories of water right values.

1. Reproduction vaJ.ue. i1he supreme Court baa re-

·cently deoid,ed that water rights are property and have value. ~e

approved method of aeoertaining value of all other kinds of •

'Property ·such as lands and constructed v.orka is to determine re-

production cost baaed on pr.esent prices. !i!he application of

this method to water rights would l ,ogioally admit of a presen-

tation of value based on the cost of obtaining these rigbts

now bad they not been. obtained years ago. Applying this method

to the water rights of tba ~amaoa Water Oo. the . following·


C a} Perfected rights • 4800 a.ore feet for 8 months • 496 Miners Inobes. r~ olil

Cost of examination of site, 1e gal. expense, "'(loating/ and repeatiDg filing, .. · • .'..;$6,.000

Cost of litigation 1913 pumpiDg oase, ·; . ·· -· f'· 6,000 Co at acquiring riparian rights to 197, 380

linear feet of river frontage along san Diego River from Divert iDg Dam to ocean Legal services in oonneotion with ob-taining consent. to diversion by In-,dian Servioe for 3'1,800 l:lnes.r feet, $ 1 ,ooo, Present purchase price o:f 36.000 limar feet now ovned by Company at $4.00 70,000



$140,000 for hsl f of total right 1915 - present purohaae price


of 109,680 linear :feet obtained by · prescription at $4.00 - $439,320. 610,320.

Total ------------------------- ~ 320 •.

Thus the reproduction cost of 495 Miners lnohea is $520,320 or $1,050 per Miners IDCh.

(b) Recently initiated rights = 4900 acre feet for 8 UlOntha = 505 miners inohe a.

Coat of examina:Li.on of site, legal. oxpenee, posting, recording and sur-veys El Oapi tan Res. $0002 Conejos ltes. 1212 Povez1y Gul.oh Roe. 168'/. !fule Res. 700. General 1000

Proportional purchase price of 35,000 lima.r feet riparian frontage now omed by CollJ.Pany

Attorneys fees for oppoe iDg adverse water filings,

~otel ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~




Thus the reproduction oost of 505 Miners Inches as now held is eao,60l or $].60 per miners inoh.

~ 3'letcher, l!ennger ,

Vole an Company.

Dear Sir:-

Wtl.L.IAM S . POST AIIOC:, WIW . A. a. C:. If.


Feb ru.ary 7, 1916.

I think \lOhlford, of Escandido, will be a material uitness in the cnse. lie told us that he testified in the Sweet-water Oese, end the notes mich I have handed you of his opinion of the value of \"later rights, and the statement of the cost per :.-ear to the Escendido consumers, were the substance of his testi-mony at that time.

r!e would want him ~o testify, first, in the rate case, to prove that i rrigation consumers in a mutual company are success-fully paying an annual charge of ~ . per acre. Inasmtch as you receive only ~ .50 per acre on this s::rstem, his testimony is ma-terial to justify an advance of four times the present rate, or 5 cents per 1000 gallons, vmich is about v;hat I propose to place in our statement of proper rates.

!!e will. also prove that the market value per ;:liners Inch delivered at ~s andido is 2000.00, and that this represents solely the cost of the physical norks. As the owner of the ~ater right ~lso OTID.S the land, the ~a.t er right value there is shown by the di f£erence in the value of land inside and outside of the district, ..-:hich varies from ~1 . to ~·1 . per acre, or from $500. to ~· . purely a ua.ter right value at the intake, exclusive of the cost of 7:0r}rs . This part of his testimony \7ill show a rather low \7ater right value. according to my notion, but undoubtedly considerably above enythine that the Commission will. allow you; but his testi-mony regerding water rates is very essential, because that is pure-17 a volunta~ rete of a mutual company.

Very truly yours,





w. s. Post,


Engineer, Voloan Water Company, 928 Eighth Street, San Diego,

My dear Sir:

\ •

February 8, 1915.

oo •

On reviewing the data submitted to me I notice that

in your report of May 11, 1914, you give a flood area of tne

Carroll Reservoir to be 980 acres, with a 90 foot contour and

a capacity of 24,500 acre feet. In your report to the San Diego

Commission of date January 1914, you give the area flooded for

the same depth as being 290 acres and the capacity 7,300 acre

feet. Am I to assume that your first estimate was merely pre-

liminary and a good guess and that your final estimate is the

result of careful surveys and conclusive data?

I would like to get profiles of the dam sites under

consideration of purchase by the City, with exploration notes on


Has the pipe line from -Carroll Reservoir to the City

been surveyed and have you profile of same? Has the Pa.mo •

Aqueduct line been carefully surveyed and croes-oeotioned, and

estimates of u~ntities and construction prepared?

I have been analyzing the data in my poeseesion and ·

comparisons and crude estimates and would like to

have this data verified.


• •

2, 1~

0. 11~ 0 . •

.tj ~ ~ If

1!..) ·~ ,;


. . .



' .

l:.J." . u. ;J. 0 1 Jltttughnou ey . C onanl. t ing l:.nl .ino or , City lfc.ll, san .c runoi ooo, Cv.l •

Dov.r Sir: -

.Fobrucry 11th. 1 9 l 5

;.:I;J nndorata.niling is thc.t tho U:f.fcr oi" S: le of \7et:>r rrovortico roo.a.e to tho City under tho orir;iwl date of · ly 22nd with porre.ps corto.ilt Ilinor rooond 1ent~ ie tho only 'bc.eis or tl1u pros ent noeotistion v.nd oi' tno joint report. I oan not nt tltis moment reoelJ cny report to tho snu l>iogo ~ator Conniooion in Jnuttn-7. 1914. giVing the figuros you mon1:ion, but i:t tl~ \-:oro · ivon, thoy nore purely eotims.too or guoc.;os. ineomu.oh aa my aurvoy of the Ce.rro1l l>e.m oos bogun fJUboequent to i~in tho wntor notioo 1n ~~o ru. .r . 19l.4. !(no roacrvoir du.o elnboratoly contoured s.nd fl. oomplote orouu-coation ts.kon of tm lie.mcito . J,. ~ inch coro dril.l. ws.a pl .. cod UJlOn tho site nru1 bod :roolt lms boon full · exploroa .• ro find tho boo. :rock to bo oxtroco1y hard volou.. 1o trap. ~he roanl ts of too so c:Jlilarstiono on tl1e ~ rncitoa ro m::ilod you antler !:Op ~.rato oovor 'ol.~ Cv.lTOll D G ite ~ d :for \ nrnor Darr.ai to .•

~hi n:ftomoon I obcll cJ.so reil printa of tl10 ~o 2m.. :... .itc nith explorationa and tho topoGr p' oi tho

sutherland Demni te in lieu of .. a roo o soa ~ · o , ,hicl hs.vo not -propo.rod •

· ;dlo pipo line from Cnrroll -..ocorvoir "'o tl ho.o boon tu:voyed d l~a toe. ,, I h 11 ond y u in aooond instullraont nn alignmo nt snt1 ro "!lo o .. o

Tho l )Gl!JJ aquoduot 11no _ s cluo boo :t\tll •· voyed and oroos-aootionsc1 a.nd oo 1m to o ~ t1~1e oonstruotion msdo tJ • 1 ohn.l.l vo t s io t on tho 'nmo Conduit es soon ns o olbl -

11 br ll 1 16. 1n llo. 37 - '• rnor ri a; n -


Package Uo . 2 for Ur 11 L1 O'Shnughnoeey

City Hall, San Franoisoo, Cnl.

Drening ilo . 481 - Carroll - Univorsity pipo lino profile.

Dral?'ing llo . 378 - Pamo Demsite l3oringa.

D:rnwing no . 399 - Tablo of" Reservoir capacity.

Contour nap of Sutherland Damsite .


Mr. w. s . .Post, Fletcher Building, San Diego, Cal •

. My dear ~r. Post:





Februar.y 15, 1915.

I am under the impression that you have made borings in the Warner Reservoir site and have determined the position of the ground water plane. If this is true I would be very glad to have this information made ava±l -able. I have in mind outlining the are~ of moist land lying within the Warner Reservoir site from which there is soil evaporation, which evaporation of course has been automatically deducted from the estimated and measured stream flow at Warners. When the reservoir site is flooded the evaporation from the .soil will stop so that the evaporation from the water surface should be reduced by the amount of evaporation that has previously be·en going on from the ground surface. I ·,·JOuld be very glad if you would outline this moist area upon the map of the Warner Reservoir, your drawing #304, File B-20 •

. I wrote you under da.te of February 11th re-

questing the daily discharge of the San Luis Rey measured at Warners or the daily discharge at ~ala together with the daily diversion~ of the Escandido Ditch. This in-formation has not come to hand as yet. I realize that your office is undoubtedly verv much ro~ded in re~ar

ation for your hearing before the ~ailroa.d Commisclion. If you oan find a place to squeeze this in it would be a great accommodation to us.

Very truly yours,

ERB-w. (

WILLIAMS. POST ~ . MllN, A • • • C. 11,


Mr Ed Fletcher ,

l4gr CUyamaca Water co. Dear Sir:-

Februa17 24th, 1 9 1 6

Mr McCormack and Mr Olberg are here primarily to in-vestigate the postible damage of pumping plant No. 3 at the Bohool house to 1he Indians. We have had a ~iendl talk this morning and the essential thing we think is to see that the watering troughs are kept full. Harritt was present and I think satisfied them on this point ·, being able to show that he oould keep sufficient watering troughs full even when we were repe.irlng the flume.

mind whether our pumping operations will so lower the water plane that sub-irrigated pasture land ot the Indians will be injured. For this reason I have suggested that Lee join them in this trip. I have already s o~en to Lee and he will oome

s~ "-- 1 down on the Owl snd go with them. I have pr&f'&rea e telegram. whicm ~ CJaD send to :Lee i~ 'tl 1hiBk ~ tie ie Riee-. Olberg will be plaasel to confer with Lee and while I do not think 1 t is absolutely necessary, this inveatigation is worth while for him to make in order to stand croas-exam1nat1on on the Railroad Coanniesion heariDg.

Yours very truly,


WI L.l.l AM S . POST A aaOC:. NII:N, A, • • C , I[,


Mr Ed Fletcher,

February 24th·, 1 9 1 5

Manager Cuye.maoa Water Co.

Dear Sir:-

The attsohed stipulations for the Conejos Reservoir I find are unchanged. The Departments having tumed down our request for a modification as to the enforcing of the contract of 1892. I understand from Mr MoCor.maBk that the prioe remains the same, namely, $2,782.50 for the land end $108.00 for damages. The question is up to you end Mr Murray as to whether Provie-eiom 5 and '1 are satisfactory.

My ~su estion is this: That you ask for a stip-ulation inoorporating the adjustment made by Departmental letter about September, 1910, whereby the acreage to be served were specified ana whereby it wae agreed that the maximum decand would be 40 miners inches. You understand that to incorporate this would result in holding up the Whole matter for a long period, probably ·a year, while if you sigb stipulations as they stand and 1n oorrect form, that the Secretary of the Interior will make the grant quite s·oon.

Mr McCormack will explain that there is local opposition among tile Indians to the Reservoir, but that is somej;hing that the Department itself will have to take care of andfi{ will tell you how long after the Secretary has signed the grant that you oan actually enter on reservoir oonstruotion. In view of this delay, unsatiafaotory a a the stipulations are, I do advise that Mr Murray and you sign and be in a position to show that you have this reservoir site. This will of course require a draft for $2,890.00 Which I think will only be oaabed 1n oaae the rant is made.

As I shall not be present, Please ask Yr KoCormaok what :ro'rm of draft is required to comply with regulations.

Yours very truly,


• •

lir ED Fletcher,



Mgr Cuyamaoa Water Co.

February 26th, 1 9 l 6

Dear Sir:-Subject; E1 Cajon City Pipe Line.

!lcFa.dden of my office anl. John Rogers, trustee ln4 City Engineer, agreed on tbe alignment of the pipe and have set out the trench. I 11naerstand that the Company's :repponsibil-i'tJ' ceases at this point aiXl that tbe trenah will be furnished by the City of El a~on under direction of Rogers who will also supervise tm l i~ of the pipe and backfilling from the out-let of the reservoir to the City Hall 1n El Cajon. In an inter-view yesterday with Rogers he asked that the pipe lfWiDg be done by the Cuyamaoa Water Co 1 s gang and the oost of 1he seme should be aharged to the City of E1 Cajon •

The ground is so soft that it would be impossible to do aey-thing vii th this trenoh for several days. It is under-stood that the 4 imh pi)e line will be coupled up to tbe two inoh lines now in El. Cajon Acres and to the li- inch lim running to the depot.

There w:1:11- SJ.so be some 600 ·linear feet of 2 inch pipe on Waehi~ton Avenue which you have laid for El Cajon Acres which will. now be duplicated and should be taken up. You md better advise llr Harritt what is to be done w1 th this. Possibly it could be sold to El Cajon City for· rel~i:ng on their distribution systan.

McFadden is instruct ad to show yau t ba final mp of his survey as soon as it is ready, copies of whi<?h will be furnished Rogers.

Rogers also brought up the question o:f getting Webster Reservoir in proper shape for a munieiple Btlpply. lhat have you agreed to cb in this conneotiont Either you or EJ. CaJon City ehimld provide a oarefull.y mrkad out set of soraens around the inlet pipe on the inside of the reservoir, soreens wh1oh can be lifted end cleaned from eticklt and rubbish. ~ere also oboul.d be an iutomatio supply from the flume llhereby this little reservoir should alwa7s be kept full in order to have the largest settling area possible. If anything in the contract re~ires enlargement or lining fJf this reservoir or placing blow•offs in the reservoir, let me know and if it is to be done at your expeDSe, it will be well to measure up aarefully tm reservoir and figure on the exaat way in which the lining, screens and other appliances should

Ur Ed Fletcher, #2.

be worked out. There ehoul.d be of course a 4 inch meter jnstalled on this line end two fish traps, one of vchich is on a by-pa.ee to admit of' cleaning without o11tting off t 'he s upply.

I think the tra.stees and Rogers, the city engineer, are satisfied with everything which baa been done thus far.

Veri sincerely yours,


" Ur 1i :U 0 I S baug hne B fij" 1

San Frenoisoo, Cal.

Dear Sir:-

. February 26th,

1 9 1 5

I enclose the remaining photographs taken on

February 21st and 2£nd.

'Yours very truly,



\[.1-· .~ .

''• I -\ i .,..... ,. •·· · '· I I • ,

FtLE .riQ ~ .? • . _..

Mr 1d: 1[ 0 1Sbaughneaay,

San Francisco, Cal.

Dear Sir:-

li'ebru.ary 26th, 1 9 1 6

I enclose a study of evaposion on the

Volean system.

Yours very tr11l.y,


WSP-BK Enolos.

. .

Mr M M 0' Shaughnessy, 2732 Vallejo st., san Freno is oo , Cal •

Dear Sir:-•



::E'ebmary 26th, 1 9 1 6.

Regarding the company' a settlement of rights on the .

Se.."'lt.a Ysabel ann. the East San Pasqual irrigBting dito.l).. I en-

close the agreeman t between the r·amo r;a.ter Co. and John B. Judson

et e.l recorded. j_n Book of Deeds 166, page 106 and dated Sept • \

18. 1889. This 'J.e considered to cover a oomplete settlement of tlie I

Za.at San ?asqual Ditoh whereby virtually the water in the ditoh is

taken over and a RUff.i.oient amount between January lAt BJ'ld June

15th of each year w:J. 11 continue to be furnished tbem as they used

it in the past .e.ri! for tbe remainder of the year is to consist of

not over 10 miners inoba a •

You \7ill 1.mderstend that the east anl west San Pasqua.l

ditches have adjudicated their rights as follows : The East snn Pssqu.a.l ditch shall have tbo full flow of the river r.t tha ha:ld of

the East San ?asqual Ditah from Auga.st 15th to Jtmuary 16th of' eaoh

year and from Janua:..-y 15th to Augu.st 15th the two di tohee shall al-

ternate in the use of the WJJ.ter. The West San Pas qual ditoh shall

have the first 20 days and the East san Pasqual the last 10 day-s of

· eaoh month. The area involved is about 461 aoree on the west San

Pas qual di toh m.d about 400 aores on tbe East san Pas qual.

A portion of this aoreage on the West san Pasqu.al ditoh

is owned by 1he Voloan Co. aDl the remainder is still to be obtained

confined. however, solely to the west San Pas qual ditch.

TIS P-BX Yours V&r'J' tmly, •

,, ,

-t-r 1 ~ \1 . _ ... ----.,-- .

(.) ,., , .. , • • . --!" , '

. f'il..\8. ltr li ll 0 'Shaughnessy, 2732 Vallojo st., Sun Frunoiaco, Col •

Doar Sir :- •

February 26t·h, l 9 l 5

Regarding tile 00l!ll)B.lly1 e settlement of rights on tho

santa Ysabel und t11e East san l'o.aquv.J. irrigating d.i toh, I en-

close the ngreemont between the Pamo ~'iater Co . t..l a Jobn :a. Judson

ot nl recorded in Book of Deeds 155, paea 106 and d~t d sept.

18 • 1 ~ . ~his is cons iderod to cover e. compl otc settlement or the

East San ra.sq11Cl Ditch wllorcby Vil1iuelly tho t·;ntel· in tln ditch is

takon over and n sufficient c.nxnmt botnocn Ja.ntmrtJ l t-t and Juno

15th of eaoh year 'Will continue to bo furnished thoro cs tbay use t

it in tho lla.Bt lllld £or tho remainder of: tbe year is to consist ~

not over 10 tnSnors inches.

You will underatcnd toot the oaat. nnd trost san PasqusJ.: .

ditolles havo adjudicated their rights a.e follo\vs: Tho Enot son Pasqual d1 toh chnll have tl19 full flo'7 of tho river nt tl1e hond of

tl10 East San Pasqual Ditch :from .Auc;uat 15th to January 15th of onoh

yeo.r and from January 16th to li.ttfiU.Dt 15th the two di tohoa GhnlJ. ol-

tornato in tho use of the Y tor. !I.1bo West San Fasqw:U. ditch ohnll

havo tho first 20 days ani tbo Eo.st San Po.squoJ tha st 10 dayo ·O

oaoh month. !t'he aroa involved io about 451 aoros on t 10 est sa.n PaoqUD.l dit oh and about 400 aores on the East san Fasqunl.

A portion of thio noreage on tm \. est san Pesqunl ditoh

io o\m&d by tho Volcon oo. and the ronninder is stil to ob i •

oo~ined however, oolely to tho eot San Pa qual Ditoh. Yours T '1:'3 truly.

. .


llarch 2, 1915.

l!r . P ost : . . It seems t o me tha ~ th~ City of .El Caj on should' pay t~e

la'horer s. I don't ".Vant to ad vance the money. '!tlu write to t!r. .. . . ~ ~rs .·an-d· tell . h im t.o m _ve t he City of El ~ on pa..: ~or · the·

. .


a ~~e· · o 1~ ·~ t .~h~l .. :· . . .

t'o·'be done a t our e ense~ o o~ tin . ' .. . . . • r '·



.. . . •

. ..


. .



. .


. .. . .

~ .


Ua.rch ?, , 1915 .

:r()r:t :

.e ~n rn ~ tl .. ia me .. o o~ndum c onversat ion '71th Ol ber g ,

2 .. 1n15 d + fur n l.· s1• t·· is :i nform:1. t i on to an:: one of J!'e'hruary l.t , ~ , o no .,

u r.t i l it is f irst afjpro ved b: ' l1r. Hen s haw. Let ~ see you on your


· ''our li.'.:dron-ra.,..hcr .~t \7arners Tia:!i Go '1l. e ~. .l and have t} u ~

visit the station ·::eakly,

Ur. Olbcrg i r. t his matter •

F-S· ...a .. " • .

.· .

. . -.

. .

. .

Jlr. Eenebaw: ·.

a s p a r y our t . l au -;ge s :on . ·

in n 0 ,.,,. .. . ...... ~iven an .. ~r oura e · nt t ,_, •.

Ed Fletcher.

• • Tha above is explanatory and ror your 1nfornat1on ..

Enoioeed ti n<l . copy of Olberg' oonTer ation with Poet.

. . • ..

7-8 . . ...


T1-:e Indi an c:oervice cla) ~s 6 ~ ond feet or ;) ''0 lliners Incl1es

for 'the Rincon neserva4· i on J."f i ·t is _in t'h .. e n_;ver. h 1 · .f., .. .u ~. eJ· c a1 m .. '1 t .•

t ,., 1· s .; s t"".e · -fo.\,. ..1:'0 ""h .... · Di"" h · · · ..r.. _n oar a ~ ".1 o:r :.. .e "'· .. :t ncon ., c and their dl. tch r:q;ht is

superior as a di~ h to the Esconci.ido diversion ar.d in any cas e

suyerior because of ~i arian owners~~~.

Tre y also recognize that a fter :.:a: · the summer flow decl"eases

- to 75 Miners Inches in ordit'!ary years and may evern .be perfectly dry ... in ver:· dry years. For this reason tl:e:r plan pumping plants to suppl:,·

themselves wi .th pumped· V!ater but mve been disa-p:po·inted in the extent

of the ·character of the gr:-.tvels. To operate these pumping plants

they !:ave entered into the arrangement with Escondido to buy power

from the Escondido plant.

The claim of the Indian Ser,rice at Pala is also 6 second feet

or 300 lliners n 1~ es.

To return to t"E Rincon nd ~ an right, Ur. Olberg's position is

tha i: the construction of Warner Dam must recognize t"ie sullll!er flow

and t~e proble·.; is to determine wmt the present regime of tl1e

river is in the sUJJU'OOr time ar.d establish a r elation for low \Vater

flow under present ondi~ions at t~e Escondido intake with the

summer :t'low at Warners Darn. It is agreed that 1"r. Olberg will place

an automatic register at the Escondido intake un ··1 spend as much as

his Department will a l low in placing a concrete sill acrose the

River so as to nake it an a curate station. I suggest for the Volcan

Company that our ~·dro r~t ~ 1 er at Warners Dam be ina tructed to visit

I ..


the atntion. •::c .. t. ~ ·: ··Jnd "t t.: k n c ar e of L !1 e records o.a ~r contr i-::-ution. ~

13:: t11 c t il!le t · i s ew11.roor is ovL!r i t wil l '";. e kno,·tn what t1' . ~ sur.1mer

flow a t ~~ e Hsco n.L! do ~ l ta .~ i s aP rl its rela":ion to tl--e summer r :_o,,7

a.t Warn ers. T~·i s t r.e ,- will be ~ e 'basis ~ tl:e a::,oun-: w""'ic h the

Indian Service wiJ 1 ~·e uire t n b e turoed ~ .r.. d · ri n~1 ~he summer : .ast

Wa ""'n e:- Da:n.

I think it is clear :hat t~1 i y.osition o'f tre lnd:.an Service

~l' . .lt no~hin sl--aTI. "e done at Warne r Da..., wl:ich. will interfere wi ~1

th~ su.'lt'!ler 1'2 ow mea~ur~d at the Eacond.i do i n t~1. e is correct a~d

enforcible and tnat the Volcan Company s~~uld recognize ~t. I also -..

tr..ink that it w:!.ll not i!'!'frol ve much burden on the o r 1~ ~ or a mount

to mucr. in quantity of water espec i ally if as Yr. ~ensha.w suggested

some time ago th."l tall the waters be conve::ed in our conduit f'or :five

miles a nd then a steep :pipe line oarri-:;d to the Escondido intake

where our del iver~' of water will be wi -': 1-:.out loss. The Indian Ser\?'ice

ha. ve emplo;red an eng · l'L er na!:.'led Bell o'f r~os. n~el e s to trake a comole"';e . · stud:· of the relation of ~e o~st rn tion of' Warn ·~r Dam to t he .~ +..::. -·•u.. .,. __

1 ....&' ·h ., . ·~ + • SUI:'·P y v.. :.. e .J."l nco n .b.e serva .. lon a ~ ~ .re ]. :i c:: a t Pal a. ~ Pal a, ':ow-

ever, t ' ·e or.inion is tl'!at Wa!i1e r Darn wi l l not affect t h e surn.Tll:! r now ..

l!r. Olbe:-; also ment i or. ~ t h:. t t ,...e cond ·· tions shou~ d be sue': that t he

~ravels on "t""e Ri ncon Re se rvati cn s~ ould be restored e~ h ,.,re ur. On

this point I have n o d nu ~ t 1~ut wr ... 'lt t\e l oc al v1a t ershed will t ecur e

t'1is, and tl-; e construction of Wa r ere Da-: w:!."2 b'3.ve no effect on it ..

Copy - WS

M.M. dSHAUGHNESSY ......__ __ v. J ~ .8z w.oo



"'::..; r ~ ~ . :::J ~ .u ., ls ·-IIC l!nrch 2, 1915 •

Hr. w. s. Post, 924 Eighth st.,

s~~ Diego, California.

JJ.y dear Sir:

Your studies of evaporation and other oatter mailed

me has been duly recei ,red, in fact, everything I asked for ex-

cent the San Paequal Water Adjustment. I have just received -Water Supply Paper 331. Am I to assume that the matter in that

is a true description of the water adjustments. and if not will

you lcindly a.'Ilplify it so that I will hnve th~ full details,

also any studies you have made as to the areas of arable land

in the San Pasqual Valley that will be subject to irrigation, ·

9.nd i -r you have any knowledge of the d.epth of the strata in

that valley and the annual losses from keeping it charged.

I /{!tLt&c/

onsul ting Engi

!.!liO' S/ AO


V. L. & r ~ r r. CO.

IJr. ,J. ll . Lippincott , 1100 oentrcl BJ.ue. , Loo Aneolos , Cal .

F f)P\ ~' an .~

:.:arch 4t11, 1915.

lJoer sil•: - L tto ntion !.ir. :no'rlon.

I am aondine; you, tmdOl' so1 ' rotc oovor, layd!1Q{Ji:Cl h of tho Son Luio Roy Hivor for r;v.1.,10ro DnJn ao prorurod by !.r. ~i l ol i'or 1894 to do.to. 20 year poi"'loc1.

~his mo dono in July, 1914 ond io tho roo!llt or i·irnt J?la tting tho known taBil1BO for :four ooaoooo c.nd thon mcking- w. · olaboro.te study • o1x>rm by otorru , ucinc tho daily l,.o.in.fe.ll on o. numb or of long poriod eta tiona in san DiofO _coua 1;y, oo li1 .l in~ nto 1.0 durins tho poriod ¥i1X>n ep.c;inee hv.d boon taken and cwlyinn tl o otorm run-oi'i'a rihioh corrosponcl.ed i"or tho poriocl r: 10:1 rontort~tion of tho lzycl:rogrc.}.1b. rna noaasr~r .

In a r1)lyinc; thio to doter ino tho eli inOBc o.roo. lJolou wornoro nnd ooovo the l:ooolldido intolto, I thln1:;: thu.t tl1o ~ tor :-;.10 o:f t1Xl uoat fork of tho San Luis Hoy uhich t:o lm.vo. oo..rmrod in noro noc.rly oimilar in ru ... "l-oi'f c·mrootoriotio then D.ll';i other ·r:·lich con bo ohooon. I find f'l:om v. otu.rly o J: tho rci.nfc.ll curveo that for the aonson 1913-1914, thc.t tllo \7aot l:ork ' ~nt rohod hen c nocn roinfcll of 32.76" t·lhilo tho Booondido mto:rohoa ol~or.o o. r.1eun l·c.:tn-a1~ of 33.36". I concludo that tho run-o:r! per oqllVXO milo d.ll

bo tho oomo for t1JCoo o.roo.a oc tho ai o~ con<litiol c c Li . '1• -.

~ho run-off o:f tho South h'ork fol' tho yoo.r 191:3-14 ·~·oa 6,571 c o foot. Tho rotor ohecl 1o 24.4 oqunro miloc, r;hilc tl t tri but ry "o tho Nooond1do <11vcroion io 33.5 oquo.ro olloo. ny proportion tl'oroioro

·~ .x Go7l a 9050 nora foot. l!0\7 tho rnn-ofi' at r;o.rmro aa[!ine ott: t1on i'or 1Dl!3 ·w o 22278 oro :root. Thoro:ro ro tho rtm-off i'or tho ·ooondid~ tll~l BO oro uJ.ono io 9050/ 222'18 por oont or 40 p or oo11t of tho ru.ii-oi'l' nt "''r toro llt~ . •

~he ocpaoicy oi' tl1o Nooondi(ldl Uooorvoir io c.l>o11t I!UOO ere foot and tllo prov ioion mudo by our oontr' ot r:i tl tho .. aeon ido 1 ro-·vidoa a aomowbnt lnrgor ~~ nount obout '·h 000 oro i'~ot t:h i.ol tl o.:/ 1 uoo by runninc throUBh tl10 rooorvoir. Ho,·.'Ovor, in trot .yco.ro the locol drllilla80 nron into their rooorvoir,whioh 1o oovorol. oqt · ~ r o nlloo, 1 nn ira})ortcnt factor 1U. tl~ onn not v.a ottov of 1i ot ~o uco of tho 1 rnor emol 1t until thoy l .vo inoro cod t air t\ •

Yon vo, I ~l1in the hiotorio 1 lli vo oion \-:-'h. oh u oo i vary mnoh looa tl1on 4,000 nero :root. r-itllout 1 vi ono i to t 1 " oubjoot ·oxbnustivoly, oo ~. IIru. .. roun did , I OL1 of 11 o _lion . 10 roou.l t whioh he obtuinocl no to tho ]'lropor aunt to o turno ...

moly, 742 oro foot, uoo very :fuir. \VSP:l;U( vorv sinooroly,

. .~ . J • .u. J .. i ppincott. 1100 Contrtl l.l dzo, !.oc 1 ~ leo Cco.l .

i':aroll 4tll, 1 916 •

J ttc ntion :r. Dot1on.

~ ~ . l S.!fi sc1!(U.na :,rou, urulor sor. rotc oovor, l1Yl1m a r c})h of tho ... - tuc ... oy ! ivo:.• for r.-arnora .Dum no ro~rod by .. ~. H1cltol: :ror 1894 to d.c.t o, ro ycn::r porloa.

~llio mo <lono in July, 1g14 cnd ia t ho roou.lt of firot }.:1::. ~ lnr ·i; o 1..-..o .; il~o ·for four ooasona !l.D.d t110n ~ill ' Qll el llO l: t~ rotu.ily , Dto :rtl by OtO:rllh u~i~ tho tmily r £.infol1 On D. lma ~ . o:t' l.o~ ·~nr. o~ ~mtions i n an iQSO Cou.uty, t ' ~l.·lll otorma

dUZ'i r~ ti.o period t l~ll ~~i~ luul boon talton ond. a1Jplyinrt tho oto~1 . ru.u o~o -r.dlich co l l.~o on lod. i'or tho lloriod ·r:hcn 1•ooto:t•ction or tho l"lyil.roercr.h :no noaa cOl' rJ.

In s_ lyine thin to rlotarr.lina tho drv..inngo o.rou bolow .u .. ·om ~ n l r:.l -.·:: ~ .1.· ' :;::ou:i di w i.•'ittJ.:o . I t hln'k that tl10 t;o.tor sJ10 U.

o-:: tl)) r:oct :fork o_· th0 Oru! Luis 3.oy ri: icll uo ll.llVC oooouroit io .oro noc-·r.ly n!ra··lcr in ru.n-o::.£ l~.~ ~ torio·tio tm.1.n &13 ot11o1.~ tllliOll

c n bo ~ ooon. I f ind i'roo e ct''-'.l.l of tho rai~nll cnrvoo· tlmt for 1; Lo uccocn , ~ rl l ti' ~ tlK. ·:est forlt ,£!.tcrolled lluo a noon ttl in ~ll of 32. ';6 ., whilo tllC ~ n 11do ~' t r hod ol orro a c eo.n 1·sin-ful.l of :--..z.zun. I avnu.1~t .o trJvt tho rn.'l-oi'.f p Ol' ot:tu.nro 1aila fi'ill l>O ·tJ'D ..,r.!!lc f or t ba co tt.rocc ns t1!o pltgaiaal oonU.i tiono v.ro oirn.:.lor. ~ho ~ o~ u£ tho ::,outu E'ork ·'"o1• ·th rJ yoar 191-S-14 .wa.a 6 1 571 co.a;o £cot . Tho rotor cl1ou in 24.4 cquaro ~i on, ullilo thet tri ba.tary to tilo -OOOlldido div~oion 1 0 ::JZ.b Oqu.&z-O Ialloo. IJy proportion t herOi'Ol'q

~~· x oE7.l = 0050 aero feat.. .... ~ . .. !or; tho :rtm-of.f nt ricrmrn ~ ine otation for 1913 noo 22278 aoro foot. ~ ·oro ro ro t ~ 1·un·ofi for tllO .:aoona.id6 d1-oi" go aretl o.lono io . 9000/22.278 poza oont or 40 pm.• cout of tho ru.a,-o:ff c.t ,,a1-noro Dam.

~a ocpco1'ti! of tlto ~noond1 Rooorvoir io about 2800 o.oro foot · u tbD provision Inbdo by our contract m t h tho ~ooondido pro-vides 0'\ COD f, ~t la:reor UJOtmt • nbout 4.000 nero £oot \lh1oh thoy 0011 uno by ro ing through tbo rocorvoir. Hooovor. in not yocro t11o loool uz-ciooco c roa into t l1o ir rooervoir,r,ll1oll 1o oovornl oq'Wlro mlloo. 1o

· ort~t £, ctor c:ind t :1 c n not co n oatter o~ foot ~o uoo o ·· t :.o l · or lOWlt until thoy 1 .. vo inoroacod tl oir dvm.

.iou va , I th1nk, t 10 hiotorio 1 t 1 voraion \.hiol1 ;vou soo io vo ... ., o 1o .:: tTum 4.000 nero foot. ithout oov1r uo.uo into thlo ::mb joot o- notiv~ .. ~ • il .l'Toun clltl., I OIJ of tllO opinion tl10t tho ro t '~ .. oh ho ob !noel a.o to t o 11 o1.or ' ount to .bo turnod out, Ol:Jl, ~ oro :root • nee very :fair.

: VorJ Sinooroly,

Mr. Ed Fletcher,


Dear Sir:-

WlLLIAM S . POST Aaaoc. MI"W. A. a. c . ar.


March 5, 1915.

Mr. Hobart Case who leases the James Carroll Ranch at

the Cerroll Reservoir site was in this morning and gave us some in-

formation in regard to the Darling matter. He says that Mr. Darling

ba.s antagonized, not only all the farmers in the territory, but the

store keepers in Escondido. ~e also says that Darling has spent a

great deal of his time in a liquor club known as the Dutch Beer Club

of Escondido end that he also takes liquor down to the Ranch with him

for the consumption of not only himself but his wife. He -also says

that Darling shows very poor u~ent in hiring Mr. Case and the other

farmers around there to go to Escondido with a 2 and 4 hors~eam for

small insignifioent ~ao a ea which might have been brought down in

a buggy. Mr. Case says that Darling owes aot only a greet many store

keepers, but several farmers in the vicinity, not only for farm pro-

duce but also for cartridges, stove pipe, etc.

I might say that lJr. Case is not giving this inforiiE.tion from

any sense of resentment, as he is apparently reluctant to give it,

but he knows that the above statements are based on facts.

If you are into rested to any further extent • I would suggest

that you get in touoh with Mr. aamea Carroll, Mr. Tom Carroll and

Mr . stockwell, throe responsible citizens in the oonmunity •

Yours vary truly,

)jVJ , r


Mr. Ed Flat ~.er


Deer Sir:- ·

WtLL1AM S. POST ASSOC:, NllN. A, s . C:. L



March 9th, 1915.

( .: ... - , I have had one or two confe.'rence; wi.th Mr. Stearne re-

garding further evidence in the case. He advises that the follow-i~ things be worked on.

1. Analysis of diff ere nces in the three a:ppraisements :for purposes of' cross-examir.ation. This I suggest be made by I.Ir. Fau de and t hat he then spend a day or two with Lane and Barker i n Los .Angeles end complete the interrogatories to be made by us. The .method will be this• where unit prices of both ourselves, the District and the City are practically the same, no cross-examination ~d a simple statement t hat they are a substantial agreement. It ~s proper that the unit prices of the City should be attnoked mostly, while the District, ~nerall speaking, are very oatisfac-t~r ~ The same thing will be done regarding the life and depre-~at1on used. The depreciation of the District's figures should ~ attao~ d. As this is a. very broad subject, I suggest that any

dtl:fere nee a that are leas than 10% be not referred to at all.

2. In response to the request of the Commission and Mr. lia:inea, a list of all irrigators making paymnts to the Cuyamaca Weter Corepa.ny has to be re~ared showing the maximum amount of water used by each duri~ the last five years and showing in another column the amount which they are paying for an4. not using.

3. Rate Study. Faude and I have started to v.urk up three methods o£ securing the necessar,y rates and I should propose to submit all three for the consideration of the Commission. One method would be to make no distinction between domestic and irrigation. This ve.s done by Mr. Thelan in the case of the out-side consumers of tbe City of San Diego. Another method would follow Hawley• s idea of making douestic charge uniform up to a certain maximum, say 6,000 cubic feet per month per consumer, and thereafter for qUB.ntities over this amount, giving a low rate for irrigation and a high rate for domestic. Another mothod would divide the charges entirely on the .character 'of service. If the consumer elects to take water only during nine months in the year a nd not insist on absolute continuous service, he would get a low rate, say of 5 cents per thousand gallons. If he desires contin-uotUJ service, he would have to pay domstio rates at about 25 cents per thousand gallons, basis rate. If he wanted water for 10 months or 11 months, he rould bave to pay rates tba.t were intermediate between t hese two.


~. Ed Fletcher, #2.

4. Mr. Faude agrees Vlith me that accompanying these proposed rates there should be a full text of a new set of rules to cover all the difficulties of the past and to be approved and placed in effect along with the Decision, such things as aepe.rate meters for domestic use end irrigation use; schedule of minimum charges varying with the maximum aroount to be served; limiting the responsibility of the Company to service at the master meter, etc. Accompanying these rules wouJ.d be a list showing all of the whole-sale consumers 11nd er the new system and all of the individual irrigation consumers.

5. Lee is now having prepl.red, through Ur. Hickok, an answer to Mr. Haines inquiry as to what would have been the ser-vice if the mountain reservoirs had been built during the pest 20 years. He will come down Friday and look over this work and make a final study selecting the best reservoirs and Show what the full development of the system would produce. His result then would be somethi!€ like this, that the Cuyamace. system, if improved, could deliver say 600 Miners Inches at a cost of say one million dollars over and above its present investment. There would still remain a certain amount of flood water which the system could deliver in certain years. It v.ould then be possible to show the value of the water in tbe system and credits could be made for the works necessary to produce this situation.

There would be some pump water needed and t he e quivalent in Miners Inches continuous pumping would also be claimed and it would finally result that the weter of the Cuye.unca Water System would cost so much per 11iners Inch that the value of the water r ights would be the di f.ference between this cost and too value of \Yater de-livered which value v.oul.d be this for the irrigation \·.ater v:hich is now a t te.ohed o.nd the ba lanae would be considered for its use :for which it is being purchased or condemned respectively by t he Di s tri ct and by the City.

Mr. stea rns i s now rcud i lJB the te :5tlmol1Y" c. 1d i3 IDEki ng notes of further data to be worked up.

Ver,y sincerely yours.

\7SP-DK ..


l .!arch 10 1 19li.

.. r Post: 1 . •

r r. Bartl wi J.l take charge of the carroll

work from now on with a salary of $125. per month. Turn hi rn 0 . !!!r to JA:r. Hickock ani -have Ur. Hickock arrange

with J.:r. :Bartl to get a couple or men - one ot" them marri e who wi 11 run the camp and charge thirty cents a meal for

the Jmals. You had bettor go out there todlf in the mao111ne

with ... !r. :Bartl, and take an inventoxy of everything and fin!.

out ho..-1 t!'lings are there. Let me know if there is aeything

missing in the way of tools and equipment ' as lir. Darling

rray have swipEd/the whole thi·ng !or what I know. I think, all

if' possi b1e • the whole carrp and/tent houses ought to be

moved down to the clam site close to the work. What do

you think about it? If you want a tmohine I 11111 have om

for you this af'ternoon.

... '.~ -.lJ: .u

Ed. Fletcher



Mr.Ed Fletcher, 920 8th St. San Diego, Calif • Dear Sir:--


ALBUQU£RQU£, N. M., J,tch 15 t 1915 •

OEO. 111. Cf'ArO

Lippincott's conclusion on the ~ater supply from ~amner's Dam is a safe yield of 12000 acre feet. In this figure he has first deducted the Escondido Diversion. ~his difference between Lippincott and Harroun is due to t he influence of the Escondido lJiversion bunched into the dry years.

Harroun, you remember, found 17600 acre feet Dnd tnen deducted an average of 742 acre feet, leaving a safe yield of 16,858 acre feet. I have been over the figures and cannot object to tl1e conclusion.

after thinking it over I went back to him ~ith t r.is position, in which he aereed, that the safe yield for e municipality was one thing and for nn irrigation system was another, illustrating this by the Ouyamacn system v;here Lee adopted averoge dry years as the measure of safe yield in£tead of extreme dry years. The application of this.'\":ould be to arriving a.t vulues of the t;ater right. If you take a municipal value of a water right it i ~ proper to toke a municipal safe yield, but if you are going to use an irrigation value for water right, you should use the quantity for irrigation and which means reduction to half supply during t he extreme dry years eoccuring once in a generation.

I think this result was as much a disappointment to Lippincott as ~t will be to Mr .Henshaw, but if my theory is adopted of valuations it ought not to cut down t he values found, and 1n fact it might increase them.

Very sincerely yours. ttrs ~ . .. PH -

\ t



---\ .l .l

,r J T · ' • t .. • ' • ...._, • - • - • • •- "t • .: Q F

1100- 1101 ~nt J3l .. tr· •• T 0 _,\ . ,c C:3 ' C;.lif. ... 1 .. ; .. :"'i ' C tt: llr . - ·-

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l . ~.. ..r ... - your t•.1c lc .~ 't' ~ o l tr~h ) •t , .. : ~ 1 s ·: "th'lt t t C'J.'• the lc· at I ho.ve bcon v~r r much l~1t l ' .. 1 .; .: -; :1: ·:.··, ' 'ir.~res "),(3 +o tl:. qtl!lni:it'J of ·rater rro.:-t -· .... ~ •).•n .. 1 -................ - ...........

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1915 .

2-t ) r· .. , ~rl ~ ! _ooo an "·-c1, ·· .d if --::c took thJ same drnatio . ~ . t" .. d. c ,... d.J ~ .r· .i!1 ir.. ~ tt~ net B • ' ~ ~ ield cf ~ln City of San i ~o 's ~~~ · ~.. .• . · cor ... r.: ... e . v ~ 1o-: d e neo.ror ~1 1 000 or <'";20 ,000 :r-cr

r 1 ~ .; r c • ! '1 t '-'lin n n t F.:! o?


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-I: 'J, t}· .. s~· ~ ?a.,. tt~l ,, I le:,r ~ an ·.·ol.~~ono U t ~ qu te<tly 1C 0 of .. t~t r ·~1 be ·u m'~d for our to· a:x m nt .s

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,., ..., o .. ~ .... :rl'3 'i . of .. :1-rncrz enervt~ r ·-:'"'e l"o I am satis-r: ::t . n ': n.nt Bt4I·f'l', ·o 't" • n •.!mer t3ncy •

. I ~ 1 t is o.l sol , ~ol. vi tal to our interests, und on ~ 1> .. i ·.·,. ,t j !i he t •1 -rcrson .. ~l · i~~ '1 irate t-enc t·:o oourcoa 'Jf '1U - _-:1;·, !tncl t · ,·e a3."Te into C '" rt·-:i ~er tion be o-o officially

1:5. ,. ... rc .. or~ · n I o:! n erel~r ..,._opo you c ru-1 nee . 'our ~' . c,ca.r i-f eel. · ct.

to :-tlke L.:.n 1 ' ern~t ~ o::--: 1ncludins ~ .he p1 .. 'nr; o ~i iliI • ve i .. ~r ictcd Hr . 1'o3t to ··1ri to you full:.:- on the sub-

n•tO' nt.andinp· :l.l.SO 1:: t ~t : :- 1.,. f" , n•ef1 1" 11r . 'l t~n . tlm B. -n~ . oa ~ ield r]Ul'"i •t ~h~ (trieat :e{\r9. It (J ('cmo al>no- .

t.o o r •. ro ocl ion to e ··. t f; on t .1i n baaia, \7mn by .# or 200 , 000 or 0300 , 000 for purnpin;· r.i :nta a.nd

lc:l.st ·1n .r ~li iorn 1000 increo o-f" a.tc-r ~an ba lurin ·. critical 1 .. iod . ·It seoma t<" me t hio io eoin~



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' \ . 1 '-


I ./ J. ». L •• -2-

It ·is no my i, tent ion or desire to a i.t · ci e yo , : r. I.in co t. A •. I ao ~ is sqt re a.l to • H n h.1''' •

· ion . ~ I o. Ult! .rte '·rill get it. - -

to t e riaprian r1g ts acquired by the on Dis I ict P squal V ·1e./ ,

e enz·n er ;. Or t ' ~ inda Vi ta l•"..:i 1 .. om yo, .. lt .. 0\'1, i · ut · i t:r fo ...... ~ · _

os a ree n::nts are va, itl . .1: ia pplics to · 1e ... :ttl

fulJ. r.t t8r .t:i t~ of :... Cl1 i . C • 0

i , ard coa _. _ s _ s to l1cll t 1em heir rata · to .Tune fi . , ~1 after ~t

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Your . rc : t u ·· • .

-ref not

or cot.




WILLIAM S . POST ,. •• oc . ....... " · • . c . • •

f'L£TCHER BLDG .• 824 8TH S T.


1Ir . Ed Fletc1;er,

hlgr V L & W Co o

.Lear Sir: -

.A]?ril 19 , l9lb.

Resurding the Sutherland work , the program as oui.;lined.

~ ickok end myself is to construct a ro[!d to the Su.therlend Dam

in pert along the eli tch bench . This is in order tho.t no question

-r;ill arise as to whether sor.1e work bc.s been done tov.urd diversion .

Very consideruble exrense ·will be incurred right at first in c;etting

the ros.d o-rf the comty road and the rest will go right fs.st .

·.:"hen the ro ed is through I suggest th ~t a. tuP.nol location

be mc.de for an oatlet to sutnerlcnd and that a cou:ple of l:iners be

pls.ced on this job .

The floor of ·-;e.rner tunnel is nearly completed end it is

my judgrr.ent t· .... t v:e sho1.lld proceed to place the facing on the open

cut e.v.s.1 from the tunnel mouth not only in order to protect the

banks from caving , but to give the job a finished appearance . I

think more cen be accomplished in making a eood appearance here than

e.nywhe re on t he 1 i ne •

There should be very soon after this a c ommencement of

work on the Lusardi Tunnel end this r equire s some field TIOrk . I

surgest that before a reduction of forc e is made t hat you onthor ize

a comnletion of fiel d r;ork on the Sutherland as well as running t ho ...

:plana :f'rom Hatfield to the diverting dam and the a ett ing out of the

Lusardi Tunnel.

L:r • .Bd Fletcher , fi2 .

As you know I have always felt t1:ut it \"".'uS daneerous

not to make the actual diversion at l?runo nnd I o.gcin reneat ID"' ~ .

sugg estion that a ditch be taken out ut the proper l.'iv&r for the , .....

'Pamo conduit about e m:U e above the present camp .

Yours very truly ,


llr. tT. S. Post:

lm Si7erinr; yours o:r .he l 9th, will sa: tht t

Geor.--:e nutlcr tells ne tl--at t·or $5 00 a good road can be built

fro!:: ~·· e e .~ ai1t bridge up the canyon to the Sutherland da. nsi te,

·n ~ · .. . ~ ~~· 1's ~ol·~ ~~ - .. 'I t..> ~~ . · ~ o cost t-uo or t~ee th ~ uaand dollars a nile

t o .. u -i l · t· e :ro:td ~1 grade as :·"'u , roposc to cio , i t. co.se the water .

is · i e ·ted ant of S · ... her] a nd, "U1ti. t lu t th:! re is a'l--out 2t or 3 mile a

to 'hui-•d. I s t' 'i~ :'our n ·lerstanding of the l'I'R"'ter?

I .a. ree ,., i ~'h. o · t 1-..:-•. t a tunnel location be ;m.de :ro r an outlet

to u ~ r and. I take it t t this is si !11ilur to the ':larners Dam

,.,,_.-::... n.t tunnel.

e .~ardin~ .rn ··'n~rs you :na-,. Go a 'head and place t~ facing on t r:e

oren cut-;r.1ay or, "l1e t~nne1 mouth , in order to Jlrotect the banks ·

fr ·- ~v.in · .

Ircrr much of a job, o.nd ,-rat ~· ot lrl it cost to complete too field

You refer to Hatfield Reservoir. I!y undc-!'standins ·-;as that

this is not a necessar .. rart of tl:e s:·stcn ~tall on '"' that 1e can

ra- s it ur ir aarrJing \7ater -rrom tre Sutl'er}and to the Diverting Dam.

Tie ore ~oin anyth i n . on the Lusardi Tunnel, I would like to

di~ uaa tr ia matter ~ith you.

Governllr J:.:ah ' e an \7i 11 be 1t -re 1.71 thin t le next throe or rour 17eel's. a nd ere 1;'/ill go over he entire na tter of wra t conati tutee due dil i ~~nee to protect o r water rights. I would like to mve :-ou n over t e Slt!3tem ui th us.

_;d Fletc r.


·AJ?ril 21 , 1915 •

r.rr. Ed l!"l.etcher ,

lJgr . Volcan L & W Co .

Doar Sir:-

Replying to your quostion whether tb:> injunction on tho SauCln.y funnel applieo to flood water, my opinion is that it does not - based on tbe :following quote.ti ons f'rom the Suprom Co1.trt decision& ·

Supreme Court - L A Uo . 1941. In Bank. .Feb. 18, 1908.

See Page 4 .

~e judgment decrees that the da:fondants lmve no right or title to the waters o:f the Son Pa.equaJ. ivor, end no right to divert tm Slll'UO , end lHlrpatu.ully enjoincs. them from talting or d.i vorting from the rl ver, nny of the '~'aters of tm stream or in any menner whatsoever interrupting, obstructing or inter:fering \iith the freo . usuc.l or rus-toma.li{ flow of rotor clown the said stream. n

Bee Pogo '1 .

~he appol.lB.nt makes the urth~ r>oint that they aro re-strained from taking any of tho water of the streml, el.-though the evidence shows that, in times of flood, lo.rge qunntit ies of wa tor, :for oxoeoding any anx>unt that can bo used by the ple.int i:ffs, paosos do\7ll the strenm. It :i1no boen hold that an i _njunation '\7111 not isGue to reatrai.n a diversion of \later during timos of e tra.ordi m~.r floods whero eiloh di vorsion will not peroopt. ibly diminish tho stream balou. (Edgar v. Stevenson, 70 Cal. 286, Heilbron v. '16 L. & W. Oo . , 80 Col . 189, Fifiold V. s. V. W. w., 130 ~1 . 552) ·But the ploadinBs in this oa.oo rcl.uo no isoue as to the rights to tvko :flood retors. n

See Page 7TB• ~horo is no qmotion of the divoraion of flood uutor in-

volvod in tho onao . Tho right Yllich they c.ooert io to t l~o tho ordinary wa.tor of tbo atroom. It may be c1u.ootioncd wblther tho dooroo, properly oonstru.od, purports to dool \Vith anything boyonl tho ordinary flow oi' tho otroa.m. But , 1D thp ovent, tho nppollants nro not in a position to complain thnt tllO Court clid not in apecifio terms rouorve to tmm a · riBltt l"ihich thoy hnd not an ortoa."

Youro VOrtJ truly,



AprU 22, 1916.

~. Ed Fletahor,

Lgr. V L & \1 Co.

Deer Sir:-

Relative to :possible interference of water rights on Santa Ysabel River, I have been studying the Water Comiasion BUl in foroo Jan1ter,y 1915, chs.pter 589. I quote a portion of Seotion 11.

"In any caoe r;here a reeervo ir or reoervo ira have be on or slmll he:ree.fter uniler the provioions o:r this net be con-otru.cted or surveyed, laid out and proposed to be construc-ted for the storage of nater for a system, which wator is to be used at one o:r more :POints under appropriations of ne.tor herotofbre or hereafter made, mich appropriations m1d rights thereunder are nor;, or shall berea£ter be held and ouned by the nerson or corpomtion ownix:g such reservoir site or sites v.nd- constructing such resorvo ir or reservoirs, such reservoir or reservoirs and appropriations and riglits smll, in the discretion of the stato water commission, con-stitute e. single enterprise and nn11;, and work of constructing such rosorvo ir or rese rvo ira, or ari3 of them, or work on any one oi' such appropriations shall, in tbe discretion of said ooli1tlission, be su.fficlant to maintain and preserve aJ.l such apJllicn t iona for spproprie. tiona and ~ . hts theretmder."

section 15: "Tho state water commission sbvll allow. undor the provisions o£ this act, tbe appropriation of unappropriated mtor or of tho use thoroof, or of water or of the use thereof which may ileroai'ter cease to be appropriated, or whioh may hereafter be declared to be unappropriated, ar whi oh, hav been usod undor claio of ripnria.n proprietorship or approprintion fLnds ita way baolt into e. atreBIIl, lake or other body of water nnd also such ws.tor o.s 1s deolared undor seotion eleven of this · net to 't9 subject to appropriation."

section 16: 1'Every applies t:Lon for a permit to appropriate vm.ter shall set forth tho name and poat-offioo address of the applicant, tho souroe of' water supply, tho na.tu.re and nmcnm.t of tho proposou. use. tlle location end doaoription of the proposed hoadmrks , ditch, oo.nal and other works; the proposed plaoe of clivorsion and the plaoo uhere it 18 intandod to uoo tho

tor• tho time within whioh it is proposed w bogin oonstruo-tion, • tho timo required for completion of the oonatruction. and tbe tl.me for the complete applioation of the mtor to the




1~. Ed F1otoher, #2.

proposed uae. If for agricul turru. purposes, the applica-tion shell, boeidoa the above genoral l~o uireroonto. give the legal subdiviaiollll o~ ·the lnnd and the acreage to be irri-gated, a a ncar as may be."

Those quotations shou that it lies within the discretion of the Water comnission to allot1 you to prosecute al.l of you:r r.orl: • say at CeiToll Dam end relieve you of the necessity o:f work at sutherlnnd or Pamo. It even soems unnecessar.Y that their IXl roi ssion could ina.l.ude the cossation of rork at 1'larners. J.'his will require o. forma.1 application to the "a';a.t or Commission end undoubtedly a. readiness to do bona. fide construction at Carroll ut a rate of expenditure of ro% per yee:r of tl1e estimated cost of Dl.l the ,·,·orko. · ~is is baaed on the opinions, as I tm.dersto.nd them. of Dr. sweet Dna JUdge LlcKinley. I ~lievo that i£ thf! Carroll Dao can be fin-onced, that as a business policy, that thJ.s wouJ.d be a mo.ster stroke and absolutely izwure the water rights and immensely increase tho value of l!r. HollSha.w' a holdings.

1"ow if any application for water rights on the sonta Ysnbol is made, it vd.ll be filed with the Water Commission. ~ believe the only protection ;whioh it is worth wh~e to make against advers~ filings is to file soon with tr..e flator Conmission certified copJ.es of your appropriation notices and affidavits regardiDB continai ty of labor on reservoir sites on the Santa Ysabel River am give notice that you v4.sh to apposr as a protestant in any application £or :per-mit upon the waters of the santa Ysabol.

I should also £ollow this,as soon as ·ir. Henshaw decides ubltlter ho is willing to concentrate the EL"'q)cndi ture at Carroll and to what emount per o~ .. , with sn application to the r.ntor Comiscion to allow aJ.l the O):P ond.iture on Carroll Dam to s.r'PJ.y to ~·nmel' Sutherland, Pnmo, santa ldaris and to 1:he cnnel.s invo lvod setting forth that thio tmi t men completed wl.ll secure either the supply to the City of SQ.ll Diego or the irrigntion of Linda Vista :i:.esn i n proportion to tho proper mer)tet nnd that the othor units nou1d follov; logicoll y no tlw nnrkot incrensed.

I should malte the oomp1eto ndjustnsnt with the Srult .Ee Ranoh ond any otmr ·riparian owners below Carroll. at Olloo.

Under these oiroumstanoeD I think tho.t rome o:r tl1o pros t expenditures at other points oan be elimi.n:: ted and b ·r usa of n Ford automobUo, the hydrosre.phic work oonoentrnted to perlw.ps ono hydro-grapher o.t le llSt in the cummor time.

Vory ainoorely yours,


. A. ril . 4, 1 915 .

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De-r.: .~t .1 ilto tt1ll l'Pl reln t .~d ·1.n o t'Y.7!1 1 .1 t!1e n.tt.'.\c,_od .:1

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. ~ 1rec t :-:o ~ h,·l E' ~~ tr.e

A'!l BU}!flic CJ '1.~1 . t.c -r-i ~ l ! ~ . 11 ~~ ·~ ~ r·~d ;; rcquinj ti .,n fra .1 t 1stnnt !!'ln.:tt;cr. It'! o or~enoiea surpl1Rc.: -:=l.J be o~ l r ~d dir~ tl b :· ~ e u ~r1nten1ont r.ho -i!ll .-"!l .c rc:1·11n1 ~ion latu~.

All reserYOinJ, ~ u~· n, ~ 1 rae ··rd r ~·· i no; T": .,nte a hall 'be unctor t~ -1rect obu-p:e o~ tlle ~ ~ ' ~ r1 n r.d n~ • . H· s ~ . l u ~o h e 1·1 direc t l ar ~ o~ ~ T Ta~e ~ '~l~ ~nto ret u1' . ~ n or wa~er ~ot.~~ent oi" t~· to eor.~u~rn. ~ .

7J"!e reB r-ir tor. · ~r~ . · '1-'. ~ ~. . under Supc'r!r.tendont, l~ ~ ,7!1! · ·:ort to 111m. t~ t~ o Sureri•· te~ ~ nt · a ~t ~r'l l ~nt.

f;"o -:! root c':nrge or tlo ·r~ortn aml l ~ .rude !cily

'.:1'e tl u::::-. :or .~ h ~ 11 ,.)· :1nler ttn d1roct h lr~o of t ~ !lure ri n• tendcnt d o'-:t:l ·oror~ ~~ ~i ~ !"'.e n'~' ~' l hl.vc c '·nr, ,o r~r. a. ! 1 . ~ Yall<t!r& a.r.d r ~~1 rers · ~ s 0 cf ! .: a-: rfh .1 • i on o ~ rn1 ~e -;· on t ·e t l U :?.'.:l , r. ul:-. j ct ~o 1nGtruct1 . ~ "":-o • t ·c ~r .. ·· ri t.onu n~.

~ nu n·· ..... -. ~ore·. n.

:1 ~ o --ore .. !"' c' 'l:l .e ··nlcr ~~o J.1 r P.ct t ~ o o: ~ tn surerin-tendent, and s ~~ l r:-rort • ..... ' ~. !ic .... . ~ 1 bvc a1oo:nrs(! o-r :lll r-1po

· re~~1r' ~r...ri e r a ~ir . ~ . on ~lio oo 1o~ ~oot or :: . Ce - r1 too nt.u, lefls 1 ~tn n~ rrr i ni';f;rJc . , ,..no ~· t1·o ~'. ~rin tondont. TM !·ir.o n~·aton

e tor ~1 o~r1to~ Uill s ~·~ l ~ n ~r •he d1roct1on or ·~o i r n~ond

.t. ir.~ r nro ·~ e·· ·~ 1 ': leo ~e 1 e'-'argn or 1nsta .. lat1on o!' ne ~ • rY!c , t leoP ~1 e~ ~t · ~r i~~truot ono y tha nur.arintondent.

'nv, ter . r. 1 !l b un ter ~ ' "-· ·:1rect clnr{ie o! t '"f) ·;.-:-or1ntcnd-M4 , l :-o ort to ,.. o mll ra'ld . . d repair :mt rn nD!

1 o !net 11 ~ters ee~ D nr .1 l1n~n or re air the aa. ·. r: 1n •ruatecl to -•e ~ 'h.: t --e ttur*'rir.tentSent •

• . . . ·,


. cne. r:a1ntcn.u..noo 4ntt1neer 8 Y..nll he un'!er tbo. 1rttct1on of' t m aupcr.lntendent and a'·nll r""port to lllm.. Iio r;"all ml:e suoh tor

:. · mi ~~~nte eottplle •uob ctat1"t1ce. or 4o :JUOh o r work tUt t~ u e~~ tten~ent ~11 direct.

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ci ~· li·.1j. ts of

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Gan Di · .-:': ""o ia prc..cticall'' o t of its onka ll ·tlon : ; ': 10

So.r. Di · "O Tii ·rcr i ~ a 1'ri ·ht. .) ~t p r ccn: o~ r~ · ~. 1 ia it

in t "-c count · o. ,. o- e nor rnal ? .. Youro ve~' truly,



• •


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... ·-. o .v. ~ ~loston • ( ~ 1. ... ..... .. ~ ~ ~na uw.u .~ .1..1. ·'<.) • 1

Loo All{jolon , Cv.J. .

DOOl' 3 i:!::

uy 20 , l9lG.

• ~o l ine to • ./ouzo roqu.ont ~o rui .. tiho r:c::.""cr c o:r

·;o.rnor' c ! o.nch , I nivo 'ilolon ·tho raoul t oi tlu""cc ~ i.:'i'c::. cat


or~man Sn.rVGJ' , boine; e retr~ m nt ~ o::;:ic;innl OlU .. VOy ~l lnil

i.lornna.n in l ~ u oout

oux ofi'ioo calculation, ai~or e oor.111o.ricon of J::i nto Stu·vD;y-c and oo1.~ in u. s . 'ostu~o o nlone; a pol•tion of tho J3oWldru.·J medo in 1908 ,-- ud.optil'llJ not1 1.~ i'iold no too \7horo o. vnilo.lllo · ·

/..:' , !Ju 5 •• ..

~1 oornox-o o:r til.o r·~.noh bcillcr uoll oot~ li ... h 1

. oi' U . u. Uru.-voys . tllo principal Cd.lfoo be illS (1ii'.forcncc in

" tho cho.i)m nood •

.• o. I .. 0 _ ..


I '



J.!r. w. s. Post, Office.

Friend Post:

SAY DI3'70, CA: ~ · IA, June 30, 1915.

Nothin[; nee<l be done in .~. he .: 1 tter of' obtain.:n · ";he pl1Yfiico.l valuation on t.he Volca n s~·stem. Fau le io on t-;,e - akrr,oll of the Vol can for one h"llf of hi 3 time and the ot1 r :r :elf on L l,e Cuyamaca. I · 1ant . ~ ou to in s truct :raude to t .1 ~ ch-'lr u c of tre records and l'ookkeepinB an:l other o~' ice .·rork tlnt 't-:c can do to . assiot .'.·ou , a.trl ln.ve Ellis do all t ro out. side .._;ark, ·~i~h .. r f'or ~ :-e Cuyama,ca or the Volcan, t " t rr~ co me up, · s 'lell "lS ·1~si tin~ :·-:: 1

in the of:fice ,.;hen he can do :m. t1 in ~ . \7l:en .''OU .. re ; ... m.y fr>O .. : t .e office, :pl•}ase lea.ve au ~le in c't:'lrge. I t al. ~d this ·-at t ~r o· er with Ellis, anrl it is ~ ~r 'e tl suti!=lfactor to 'im.

. You will und.oubtedly have to knep l.ii fJ s Yam .r all th.u tj ma,

but tris is a nutter that t ·e future will ecirle. OutsiJ e of this • :lon 1 t incur any a 1 ~1 1 tional expenses unless ~he ~e is !]pecial ·!rcr ;r com. s up '-'lhicl ei t}'-er Ur . Hensh1.w or I ask to ln.ve .lone. ·:e simpl:,r must keep expenses rl o\m to f-l13 minimum.

t!llilc you were ~one I ~ t in touch with Ca.sc, ;_" tvl ~ nol7 h.\ S ei~ht or nine men on hi s payroll do in.; no+ hin : n ut drill in .. and blastinB• He sa~' s it vrill take two mont rs ~tsil. . to et t 'e road built. He n] ao sa·r ;n wiJ 1 no~ •·tan t anJ horses :for · .. month. I think ei thcr you or Ell is h:1d lH: ttcr ~o Up tl :! r c =utd look t situation over, ao ne to e ;ure ~ 1~t ever. thjn.·, i !l _ _, ()in· ri r": t, and if tl1crc ia any need of 'hiring any 101· e tea s, ~ is nan r ro -al,l:, he r one in Ramona , ·but the is Jllent. · f time to ieci ·le that qu r. tion later on.

This Cu:,'amacn r e i~ion is certainly a rotten oro . Loo .. it ov er a ~ia'e ile .and let me kno\V •y t nu ~~esti on~ ou 1u.ve to .• ke. I a hal l proba1Jl:· not ret trn un t.il the 15 t, of :rul:· . T , offj c e will k .ep : ou p ootetl a.s to ·.-1rerc :l ou cnn ~ ~ Je ' :· telcprc (.;o r letter .

Sorr .. . I could not be in Sn , I·'ra.n . isoo whi e -. O' l "I ere trer •

yourn very truly,


llf. d ~ Ov C.· v


UNITED STATES GE:OLOGICAL SURVEY - ~ ... ............. -------W T~ lr ~ B RA NCH

328 Cus to1~1 House ,

Su.n :h"'re .~ is o Cal. • Jure 30, 1915.

~ • • ("0 p t ·ll" • il • u • 0 s . '

Son j)iea:o , Cal .

Dear ·.rr . Post :

Reference is I'!"l:..!de to r.1y letter of J:'oy 12 regarding

estiootes for San Diego Cowity stations for tbe year 1913- 14 .

nfter reviewing the measurements secured on Snn Dieeuito

:=\iver at Bernardo during 1915 ; it hardly seer.'lS advisable

to oake any change in the es tir.aa.tes for the year 1913- 14 .

The flood neasure11cnt secured by ~. r . Ebert this year shm·1s

slim tly hie1l.er dis charge than l"or last year , but r.rr • . Ebert

e:rolains th ~t a neu channel was cut tbr ough beet field on •

left bank belo\7 the bridge, which would tend to incr ease

the ..:Lis charge over lust year for the same stage . Even

if' this hud not occurred , the records as cor.tpiled are un-

doubtedly within the accuracy o:f the gage height record

and dischnrge measurements .

Your eat ir.lutes thr oueh the sand - gat ea at diverting

dam on Son Diego River for 1913-14 have boon in ~uded with

our record .

Your record on Son Diego River near Santee for

• w. ~ . root , p . B.

1913- 14 has be en revised on the bas is oi' · .. r . ill>'J rt 1 s 1915

mea sur er.tont s . The flood measurem ent \"lhich you secured in

1 ~1 is undoubtedly l a.,; .

It will also be nee essory to mo}:e o. sliffht revision

of the recor d on Santa Haria Creek near Hamann .

wat er measurement s ecured at the bridge five or six miles

ab ov e the stat .ion lest year appears high . The error in

this measurement is doubtless in the 5aee heir..ht , \"Ihich

was later obtained from the rec ord.ing gasc record . The

measurements secured. this year give n well·- dei'ine :l. cru .. ,:-e

below about 200 second- feet .

Very truly yours.

J District 8ngineer .

~ DlE GO, CAT,I :FORlTIA, ul~r 21 , 1915.

::r. . . c; • p 0 s t ,

Cf': ... ice.

:'e·1.r Sir:

-·., 1 . l _ ··ore .1en, ~ .. r.

'~ t "'" ....... d llr. Bartl a t Carroll Da.m, to mr.u:e a rran .. crie nts . ':h-:.rne rs .l.X4m '-4.,

~ ~ \... - ···1· :t•e , o ·1. ,o ~~· · ·. o ,r. •• :t.n , t ) ~u s over tl·.c c o .fl ni s sary 0 I ! :i .., d. I .. • • • • '"" -

t k •.·!e 1'1:lv ... o on ,.,tml on u . ~us t ls t , 1915, , 1.r c · ~ c; e fro. :" u s w . l t s o c - •

of co ' .~ iu n ~r. ' of our O\ln .

r" ur .. a I •1•· - ,) . . t r uly ,


. .

San Die ~o .Tul:· :-s1, 1 9 :}.

Mr. VI . S. Post:

In ~ ellin the South Oceanside propc·rt./ to t he South Coast Land Co., ···c ~ e i ied a r elease clauHe o:f $250 a ·· acre on lruHl that c ould be irriea,ted o:' ·:r .. vi t :; ro~ t'-e San Luis Rey p ump ing pl ant; $150 an a cre :fo r irri able J ~t ni th· _ t C0 ' 1ld not be irriga.tcrl by t;ravi t y ; and $100 an acre :for rou ,-;h lund.

Attached hereto is a~r e 1tnnt which tl,e . desiri; si ~. .. ned.· Wi] 1 J ou plea -,e g o uver tl1 i s ]1 ie ce of ] an rl 1i t 1- llr . '2'ol le :J.nd !1r. lloody, u.n 'l see that tl:e d escrip tion a s to reJ ease is co· re ~ . '1'3

-per tl e t crus t'lcn-t:ioned a bove.

Telephone To l le, and have him ta '~ :·ou up to C· r - a bad i.t..'1.d ri c ' up J.Ioody anl omDk this Hntter ·~rer and give me a ·rritten repo r t.

Tl e $250 a n acre 1 an d includes t l1e Banf ord Tract, th .... Hot ell i n_, Tract and one or t wo o~he r isolated ~' ie ·s , whi ch h:ls no ; rnprove :1ent$.

The olive orchard and t m Bo:.rs on Slee 1 ro:pet"t:· have b ·e n improved, and I bel i ·ve the release cl ause is ~ o· un acre covcri ng those tracts, , ut i s this a ;: r cemcnt , as d.r·~ 1 u;> ~t To] le oatisfactor,r?

Yours very truly,

Ed FJ..e tchc r.


'T •,... r• - . ... L• ;-..,1"\ ' J . ... ._ .J __ •

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T"' i ,, .... -- ._..J,

elli ~ ... ' 1 ~ ~out~ Cce. l ~ 5.· e p op.> rt;,· t•. t~~e ~ e~i~ie .. l ., _. , ... :3 ~ · ~ ~~ t ~ 0250

~ '

·!.ere 0 .1 ~ ~

T ' i~ ~e ·

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Aug. 21, 191!>.

·r. :a. Fletohor. -:ngr. V. I, • t: ~ . Co • •

1a~r ~ir In accordMcc \·:i th your instructions noconpP.niocl

·r. Stahle o:f the Chamber of Commerce .. a. tor Commi tteo and ·:r. Francis Sellew over the system. iil·. Selleu who went on ~our suggestion has recently completed the grant ~umn Irrigation _ oj ct 'for the ·; • . -. . ::ecle..:tetion .;orvice. He is e prominent n- rnulic engineer . nnd is novr serving on the 'iissins:£ppi flood o~trol GOMM)ssion. It seems that hin family have lived here

for so~e tine ~d that he nts kept close touch ~ith the city's v~ious !!lOV es .

~e is decidedly of the opinion that the Voloan project is n ve ~ sood one. ne made vorj pointed in~uiries as to the possibiltJ· of the irrieation of the Hamona Valle!', and n.£te1· ein~ told that the ~nt ~ is being reserved for the Uity,

S1.tt;t:;csteC. th!tt the simpl est '.'Jey to bring the City to _their sense~ .:.s to procesd 'lith carefttll:; wordet1 cor.trncts in Ha.rnona, ~~ lnter he nnde the s~e cuz estion for the coast,- oont~.ots

-.:hich v;oulf. serve notice on the City· th!'.t all the water wne sl; _ppint.; a-:a.:- from them. but 7:hich \Yould only become effective in cart in contingencies. ~·

3e egraes that tha · erner~is satisfa ctory in oerth and nc-:,."'s so~ suEJBCStions es to economy in building 1 t. He 'is o ... ~ ~h opinion t !lat if it cnn be y;orkod out that a on ~entra.tion

of taP storcge in one very lnrse and high dnm is desirable to rs uco v~ oration. ~t present he thinks the choice would fnll on a"!lo for this ptL"J}OSe becnuce of e;ravi t~ r conduit t o t he in a ·~ ist sn .

?he Carroll he considers by all odds the best dam site on ~he s~stem vith the onl .o ~ tion that 1t ·1e of solo~ a ltitudo . ~~ mede the intorestinz point that the present Oity

s:;stem io ver::- vulnerable from P. :nili tary standpoint·. tlU'.:t the c J; ture of tile :J·t; '"u. reservoirs is easy for a lnn<ling foroo · ruur~

-::hich co11.lt! cut tho Gi tt.' o supply 20 miles nwfly. . --e ere to hav o n i'u.rthor interview the first vreok 'in

~e Jtembnr. '

.. I am delighted to learn that you hnve succooded in ' ..

obt .inine n 7.'0rkine basis with ::r. ~ ohl ord ralrttive to the joint uc of tho .::acond1<1o ditch . This is the greatest. stroke you . h nv !:'ln<1e in ::r. Eanshn77' n interest in my OJ.linion oinoe 1 ho.vo · b'3on on the j ob. 3y 20 miles of pipe line you oan nou pa.t , the no~l flcr.: of tho ·an J,uis · .Hey on the JJ1nda. Viets in six

onths. You cl'.n allow it to flow domt natural ohnnnele ana, · ,1

ranch vcr:.. trc; ct of lnnd form Ocee.nsido to Del l•tnr, ond take ;;onr time in putting in the oon<1ui te. It onl.,r neode in add1 tion to 111t ~ ntn. 7s .bol ; r to uao • and no one on earth onn at teak, .

... <!.a· = th9 7'..,_t r r1t;hte-: o_ the Oompnny. YouArea.rr nge your linea all you 'la a ftor.l!rtl. ··

v # -

' \

t }

:.:r • Eel .bll ct ohe r , J.!gr C ·,· Co .

Dear Sir: -


' ~T BLOO .. 924 8tH ST,

... • ro e ~ri ng to . tJ e. u l~ ll i ~e .t 1 s letter of Sc1)t er'lbcr 6th , the s"'atu..., of the ConeJOS .n:ppllc ut 1on i ~.. ollo ~·s

. . !::!- the . .~ all~ of 1914 stipulc..tions ~r seat u .... b;j t! e e -partme.at . 1/e ob JCctett to Gleuse 7 Ul d 8 , r . .f>J.iJn under a~ te of Feo-ru:-ry t~1 e.skec\ for a re - co1 sideration ..J.Hi en emendrnent of t J1cse s~~ ulatl.ons . These r:ere re j ectec1 and the stipnl a.tionG \':c::. .. c 1:ctlU'ue ~ ··_1tnout chanc;e and e.ccord.:.ns to the terms of ~ .ir . ~ ol· i ' s lettc 1: ,

~ ou &l)parently must ccept or ::i.. .. eJ·oct t:1 ese stipllfltioY1o 0 · e t -·· 0, .. ro , 1915. ~ __ ... ;; .J - \.;. •

Cle.uses 7 end 8 e.J."C a. clirect refcre:1cc to ·1~e cld l"it,;ht ~ ·:1af contl\:.ct of 1892 ~ d r;ere objected to 01: t:!e !"O-:md. th~t 1t J?Uv a possil)le forfeiture on !..ll er ~lrel~ uc·;,· p:!:o:iect . I t· ·-,·-tr...s.t 1.u1d0r tie ne»· sltnc.tion of '--1'c.irs , t"'u .... t -:·o· o~· ·otn, ~· ~ · ~·~. cun t!cll ffo1•c1 to ;;\:..i vo tl,is stl-onlnt"'o'l ·~ . ;"'t ·i ro O""l tJe i·i. ~ ·1• ~ ~~t ...

t • ..._ ~ .L - C... '-" • ..LV .J. • ... ..._. ll U .... ~ . 1

1 L·:ely ,o ·1. ri dc .

~h l rec.son for ~oi~r .. .~ ud in m J. tcl:"J 011t. ; .... . . ~ .;i. · ... -""' .. "' .. .., • • ' -....,; l• . .... \• ..,L.. ._

ort~ .. i?' r ?on'ten1:ion in t _c ~1 t.!litnn ·.ttcr. fj _ • t t· ere :.. ::.'O otl!c :·-reacl .. 'o~r n1t~s d c1 thn.t •on '"rc ro di~ to (1 ··l; lor> tl c \:td l,; s~~. ~er.

u.~on otho.r 0 l1nes . ~ t 1.c

0 e::t01 t t!u. t : 0 i I ro"r1d vOr.,c r;'o .... llit:l C

ID.t.l OS D. t tl l.S ]JOint , ~i l \'.l.l J ~ VC C l. t 0 :f'f t1H. t r 1. l~ "· fran "·1 c ..... 1

Ca.J?i tan druinace e~ . If -o t lo!;o "-'1 t..l1 i~ t.l , .. o t • t lee~ ..... ot~ll ~ ~.' .. 1 e thio much . This ar~· unont 1._1 lies or, .. ,1 ~ t ·o i:· .. c ... - ·

u \..o. .L.& _c:.;._ J.-' 1'1 LC.-tion District und my s t:rcntion ic tht:.t ~' 1 :. sl· .ur . ut. o to in~· 0

bonds for the cc.oh reyu:c n1; . It tloos not .,)cern to me ti ~1 t the;, t.. ,

possibly looc their 1 onoy even if tho l,lt:y Cl lf'o ... cc"' it.., co 1c1or.n ;:io . suit bec··nse thiG sum then nou.l c1 h·•vc 1:o be cldou to t,1c " · ~ 1'1t t i · t h G U it y • .._ "''"' ..

On tho other h · 1 d if yon fl.il to como tl .rouch t:i tl tLc ctipulations , you vj rtuall~ ub&ndon tho u rli t.tlon :... . t1 thin]- i"' waul~ be roAeoted. I boliove th·~t .. atch ro tio~ronld mili ·t.to t. ~..

you 1.n tho ~1 Cll:pitan mvttor and l'flD.Y 1 o <1 to n.n acco tt .. !Oe .. the

jcuYAMACA WATE'< co.l : n.~~o. ~ Y' __ 1 L------ ... ---- -- ~ 1 00 't'-. · ·· r-Jt -· ' : 1 _ , • '- ' ; • r:. , ' l .. .t • • - ~

... bl ~ le · "\"lc1· , •r;.. • ~ -J. ' -··. ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ 1 • 1 .... "' .~ • 01 1 1' , ou o ~ oui t.I' -rosaivcl

~ . ,...-"" ... 1 e ~ t , ,.. c J U l "'J. .. • - ., u • 1 t ~e· ' t.r :.n·"lt; .... ·- v " · .&.,· • - ·-i·io t0 .~.v ' it·· t. l l • .l.C1 . • ,.-. 1"' ..... 1 0 , .. ~ : o t. ' '.~. ,l.o.·· l..t OJ l ~· • ..~ l. .... .. t ·~ •·_.!.. - :..tJ '··o· ..... . i~ 'it·~ 1 ~ clc.i.: to t1·c ....:1 ,:_. ... it' t' l . _ lo._ o "'" J."e .. cc l. ·- - ... · .., .,

... · · t ..... " .... .l.!, •. nU.c • ... l_ l L. ·: ~ ~.' . t. . l I ....... • .....

I:.. 1 .. o.l~11 f'l .... t1:cs_:_. ·- . .... ~.. .l.. j 1:" .:.. t n imr.1oc1icte ~o lost -.:r. i!E. loo1:e ·t :..1to tl l. .. J. t 1_t. · • I .... t1 v .......... .~.~ ~ottr r · vort· i ~ Jo .... t in

.. t .L.. :"'\ .J '' ' .., .. tl ~1t 0 4 ' ·.;e : l.:_'.LO .... v!.- ·- -- • •• • u • •

.~ ·o . \.·t. u • .... · ~ ....... - it t• L ·c .. Ir, .. , ..... , .. t,on · - b · ,.. ol' ··o •'e ~ l .__ ., ._ • ...... ~ .. . ~ t .... ~ ~ -- "'·cn1 l.· c- :1c ·· e .l ~ - · .. .... .. .. .... ];

"'I" ~~ r • _. ...... ,, t...J • •• - • • ... 1st nd <.) -- - - ... • ~ v • oJ .) ~· 1 . - e .... ·." •"' c .. l l. ,, e r 1 r 'l~ • • . ...:. .... 0 ~

-'1 t t .. tc 0 "' ··c. e ~ · _..:.. v • tf'-•'-'-- .. •

~i ·t~·i t .:1 .: +. ·• ~ tt~ .~ ' .... t-i:o· 0 .(' t ~e cti1 n.lt-tions be .llo~·e l ..~ .... ~ . . ~ no 0:."1n o, .r.c e . c ,..... . ~ . - .. t th. t ~o

. L. : ~ l· ~ _,: i- ~ ... ~ ~~ , - , ol :- T tLi! 1~ t1.i.... ·i!e ,... ceo llC\ be.: -:-ncr o. ·mt:tl .-f'tu.!. t..t-.1 -· C..L.i _ , -· • - o 1 -,10 .~. ~ ··~ 'out the st1.lltl.l ..... t~ono ..._.. ··l.· ~t.. .... · t I c '"' U " ~ ' -i .D no i t1:cr ;;o.,- n = l.·!""...e ~ .:;.; - .!. .... -

.... .., .. e .. ~ _,..r. J- ._ .,.. • • - "'- t1 t:'l 1 ~ o ' Cl.. -· i'Oi"'

i .. · t• • ""' .L. ·~ • • ~ • tt"'c- -:'\'1•· n S .,v t. . .~ v ~ -. • 1 1 (' Ct . • - ' l. ... !•<' \.# • • .:; L .... - ... .... •

- c·_· · :--: ';_ "" . .. · ·. ,:,. ~· . .. 30.:11 . n(l ·~· 1~t· ve to act t!:ro te;h 1~ . ... ~·t l,...., . ~ 1·... . v l.• ..,cn, o,uuu- '"' 1· 1 .. .... Ollld

t. .. . ~ • ~ •· • ~. · • .~. -0 •. ., .. . ·y·r it on.~ repl y , l~ • ~ - '\ ,.. . ~ ' • .., 1• 0 1- .- -n, .. ,.. "l -·c n~r. ~ l.m~.. v .. ~ 1...... -

~... • • •• v v \,.' - ... .. .. \.. --- "' ·- • 1 ., ~ ......... "" r 4='e· "1 '"' ~ .•

--;., ~ .J,. p c ~ • ~ c l I • ~ _. ... I • \.. ~ .1 . -·- v . w ~

S. ?;:$--. , . •• l:' - ~


~ \ '\ \

• Ootobor 4 , 1915.

r uncleratsnd that you are putting ill L:. gnge :_t ~o ondido

Ditch. Did I.lr . Jionuhaw a tl.thorize you to do tltie? \'lho is paying

tho o:x:pena o? From now on you ere to incur no indebtedness for the

Volcnn or Cuyam.;,ca wi i;hout c;ettinrr it Oke d by ma in nllvnncc .

I em not aa.tiofiecl. with your cuttillB' out cnrt .... in rain

gacring stations uno feel tn&t I ahonld hGve lJeon concul ted ond

l.:r . l!enohaw e.a well . I heve already e ivon $".n order -;-i _ich has

beon sent to Isbell •

lt seems to rne , \'/ill , ths. ii I .. :1 ~ti tlo c1. tn be consul ted

ill those rtlettars :partiaulnrly when I Ol!l in clone touch m th ;.:r. · Honf'lm.VT snd l:now batter his fina.nciol oontl.i tion t!1e.n yon .

So I went you to make it a po int from no'-r on not to incur ony

new oblfeations o:f vny \.·ork Y:ithout T!JY OK.

Ed Fletcher .

co to Faude & Ellis.

JJr . Faude (Ellis):

The above letter is ~lnnntor nnd for rour

information. ~is a pplies to yon ns well.

Ed letcher .



WATI!:R i ~ BRANCH Los an~eles Cel ., Oat . 7 , 1915 .

·-. f , -·

!.Ir . .. . ~ . Post , ~ ·:. i ,...hth 3t . ,

'3a r: ie _,o , 09.1 •

Des.r !:r . Pest :

The :'ollowins ss..:e height books for the second

_ us.rter , 1915 , are miss i.~z :'ro1.1 our files . :'.rill you kindly

see if you ha-.re ther.1 in your o!fioe , e.nd if so forward them

to us?

Canada Verle Cr . !Jarrizo Cr . ~. s. t s. .Q"lt 'l.l 0 r • -3'l!! Lui a .~ -,,

11 ( :'l . Fk)

~. ~sa (i rand e :'farner 3prin £}'S


rna!1king you in ad.ve.noe, I remain,

Very tr111y yo trrs ,

Assistant ~n ineer. L





I I • • • )

ltr. Ed Fletcher, c/o ~ G. Henshaw.

l!llls 3ldg., San Francisco, Cal.

Dear Sir1

Los Anaelee. Cal. October 11, l9lfi.

As to Section 18, T. Li5, 2 1~ rthere the riparian 40's are S 1/2 ot N W 1/4. N l/2 o!' s ~~' 1/4, lnO Acres. .

Tils is r~ll ''n. lsurv~sed r>Ublic land and here you have two alternatives. f... To trust to "unsu:rveyeli " and to the axtrer.'lely rocky character,

&nd leave it alone. D. 'ro c:..use & ho:r:estead f'illf16 to ba entored by svane one friendly,

when tho survey or · ~ r r~ 1 a 111. sn!"ve:,r ~i ter til tre is boM. fide settlemont ot :l1=t :nontha.

T";is ···ill 'brlnti all t.hP. sec t !nr. ar..dar ''scrip'· poss!billties. including S ~ 1/4 C! :.; :; lj4 whiCh JOU also nead.

'l'ho l e ~i l •.•:hich 1 aee is th:d; it brings a land office inspector on the ground. Zho ·,·s ~he vuluA sa reserviJir end mRy cause a withdra .. val or refusal to survey at the lnstbDCf; or City or ~an Diego.

1.1:1· advlcr. is to leave it alone. I bolieve you aro entirely protected by the nature: of the ground rocky and uncultivated and if riparian use of water were at teopted it ~ould not amount to over an acre or so.

1\ow as to Section 13: there are 4--40' s or vacant public land. Hr. George R. \ilckham. the attorney who has made the search ·nl th me, made the ex-cellent s~nstion that sOMP. ono who !s friendly to your interest file under the ''timber and atone act." The pA31'1ent is ·:t2.50 per acre, inst·ead ot .)10 to .~1 per acre ..vi th scrip.

The t~ er &nd stone application can be sterted !or ~1 reo and will pro-bably not r.et out of th~ land office for a year. when tha applicant must pay .~. per acre. ·

From thA nature or the ari'ldavlt (presumably !or the ~ li nts own use Uld bcne!lt) :.:.r. Wlcid'.s.m ad'71ses thut you aake this .r ~li etlon yourself, so th&t ln c&se or ~n protest Jou ~re in the best position to sho~ the renaon-E.bloness or your desiring this for yonroelr. It must atar.d in your name ab-solutely and no a re~ent verbally or othP.rwise ror transfer to be made until t~r patent issues.

!.!r. George R. Wiskham, 15 Chfunber of Commerce Bldg •• Home phone A2lOO, has the pupers &nd ~. i ll fix up at the land office in a half hours time. Tel-egraph htm in advance so ha will be sure to be at hia office as you come through.

Very sincerely,


l. ~vned bu ;·,'1111 f.j... G H v ~~~ • P.nshaw, (scrip)

::.. tJnaurvo:.red scrip o .. :ned b3 ~'lllit s l c. H• .nah&w. 3. This fort:l is nnsurvojod, and is !)rotoct r:d by u. s. -: cservoir

application. Do no~ lidvlsa fnrther action.

All nnsurvoyr: tl ruhllc 1f.nd.





s. 9.

1, 1910.

O·,ned by Wllliftrl D. l!nnsh&w (scrip).

Vacr.nt lnnd. Surraosted to bn ~nter d na timber ~nd stonr 1 f-nd. Patented to . 1111~ Roselein, st. T~ ·ttis, ·o. ln lf!93.

Patented to .Jose D. ndri~ez.

HomestoEtd r:ntr.Y of GeorBO F. Str1at, ~ inltas Cal., mhde Decc-::1ber

Wi.ll be perfected Doce:'lbnr 1, 1915, probf.bly.

• /,Q

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•• •• ...

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• • , ,

. • . '

Dec. 15. l9l5.

Kr. Poet:

Enclosed find Robinson's two letters (of Nov. 1? and Dec. 14). Here is another unfortunate circumstance, where you

didt1t get things in black and white. The re eult is thl t it

puts me over a barrel, as I took your statement to Ur • . ·Murray as

to costs. Jlr. Robins on's proposition is entirely di:ffe :!.'ent from

your understarxiing, and 1he one that was included in our letter, which

you heard me di dtate. Robinson' e letter I don't remember ever

seeing. In fact. this is the day that I went to the hospital .

Enclosed t.Lnd copy of my answer in reply to Robinson.

Ed Fletcher.


l 1 .



Ur. Post:

I ·.7 n~ a"': nee .. ,.,e ~te of Boone's suit; also the date tha~

sse 1 +.he re s :J lu -: ion en ~eri n~ into a cent ract ··d th

Boone. ..,.. .: - ·:as th·~ ·:1ater filin .; of Sackett' a rnade?

Ed Fletcher.



It!r. w. B. l!D:thewa 1

Ti tle-'TnswiUioe . :Building, Loa angeles, Cn1 •

Dear sil::-

0 •

DeoEJnber 27th, l 9 1 5.

• vv. oo

At Mr. Gottesburn1 a raquoat, you 11111 i'ind tho charter of the City oi' Sen Diego of 1860 •in the StctL!1;9e of 1050, page l2J..

I oe.n not locate e. copy cf the lil·ooeot .. inso in 1854 Velide.tii·.rg Jc.Jlll gre11·fie in csJ.ii"orni:i e This :£j :ro-oeed1ng, I unc.ler;.;to.nd, o;1e.a bnf.orn a. Uni tell nte.tar; ·Dio-tr!ct CouJ.•t or bc'f.oro ~ United :ltr..ts3 Lantl Coromi· s :Jon reporting ~ 'tihtJ Court upon Whioh ye.t ~ 1t S v-aro ifJf:.UOii. to tlte V:J.rious 1ro.1d gra.."'lt oleima.nts.

To1nor1•ow nieht wo are sending :photoffrn.phic J.'"O-produotlo.as •lf

{l) u. s. l,l'\.t.oui; Hap o:t. ' u~ lo of Sn.:1 lJiego da t od ,Tnl;r 1358 (by John C • Hays ) fils a o:f ra cord on pago 197, Boolc l o£ ~tents Za.."'l J)iogo County. Calif .

{2) u.s. Pa.tant ~ l' of: l\no . ille.ion, de.1;e\l o rua.r~r J.OG9 (by Jen1cs Paeoo.c) i'iloit of record. on :r>e.gc

345, Book l of Pet.-wtt ~ Bnn j)ioeo Count:),•, ntJ.if .

(3) u. s. eto~rt ~ll i l of .i:..'l Cnjon Ranoho, dntoe. 1874, filacl o:r reoord on u~ 303, Book 1 of• 1 s.tents, san Di oe;o Collllty, c a1 if.

( 4) linp of Partition of' &.ncl1o ltl onion or Sen Dieeo, t1.ated Je.nuo.ry 1085 (by !leaBrG . bl>Xt jjordon ~ woodson referee a) • fllod JOllUO.l'Y' leGG in nnt!on Luoe vo olnl ~raisl Dank of. San DieBC, Snpo:&.'iol: coart recorda lio . S.W, San Dioeo county, Calif.

( 5) l~ of puoblo or San D1Ggo o.ttoohod in notion Joanna Baldwin vs Onve ,r. Couts ot a.l in 1Bth Diatl·io .. conrt "·869, Recorda of Sc.tL Difleo Oou.nty, Cnl:S f. Thio maJ: J .J n dupli-oato of the original Capt. Fitoh' B mop as l"Coordod oi' Bvidonoo in \"'ol. 61 Pl\60 746 (not in So.n Dieuo recorda, probnbly Govern-ment) 1n Co.ae 689, attnohau to depoaition of Sa.ntin6o ArgnoJ.lo.

\ . • 0 _, .......

tl1 t a

efo1· co · esionor - !L'ho peon tl - t nd Trustees o 0 y · of San Diego

t A G T. B. .¥ ·Jill on e{t o ~. o o· t L7J.

0 ;p of th:ts o a.~i nul m lue print o photo-

J - -

Ed Fletcher Papers



Box: 21 Folder: 29

General Correspondence - Post, William -

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