the potentials of karaton surakarta hadiningrat as - Digital ...

47 commit to user THE POTENTIALS OF KARATON SURAKARTA HADININGRAT AS TOURIST ATTRACTION IN SOLO, CENTRAL JAVA FINAL PROJECT REPORT Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University By: Ummul Azhim C9309080 ENGLISH DIPLOMA PROGRAM FACULTY OF LETTERS AND FINE ARTS SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA 2012

Transcript of the potentials of karaton surakarta hadiningrat as - Digital ...

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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the

English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University


Ummul Azhim







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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

103:1 By (token of) the time (through the ages)!

103:2 Surely, man is in loss,

103:3 Except, those who have a Faith and do good deeds, and exhort one another

to the Truth, and exhort one another to the patience.


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This final project report is dedicated to

My Beloved Parents

My Family

My Best Friends

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The writer would like to say thank to God, who always gives His guidance

and blessing. The writer also delivers her thank to everybody who helped her in

accomplishing this final project report.

In this paper, the writer describes the buildings of Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat, which has potential to attract tourists. Besides, the final project

report also contains information about the cultural events held by Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat as the tradition of the Royal Family and its society to be

tourist attraction.

The writer realizes that there are many weaknesses in this final project

report. Any suggestion, criticism and correction are very expected to make it

better. I hope this report is useful for the readers.

The Writer

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Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin. All praise for Allah SWT the Almighty. I would

like to say my deepest thanks to :

1. The Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University,

Drs.Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed., Ph.D.

2. The Head of English Diploma Program, Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S, M.A. for

the highest dedication to English Diploma Students.

3. My Academic Supervisor, M.Farkhan.MD, S.Ag. M.Ag. I thank you for

your support during my study.

4. My Supervisor, Dra. Rara Sugiarti, M.Tourism. I thank you for your

patience and guidance in finishing this final project report.

5. All Lecturers of English Diploma Program.

6. KGPH. Puger BA. as the Head of Museum and Tourism of Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat. I am grateful to you for accepting me to have the job


7. My beloved parents, thank you for everything.

8. My older sister and her family.

9. For my best friends, the member of Nero, Nana, Nova, Tiara, Ummul, Veni,

Vero, and Winahyu. Hey, pal! Although there are many obstacles, we can

figure them out! Keep our companionship!

10. All my friends of class C, of Tourism Mainstream, and of English Diploma

Program of 2009 year.

11. All staffs in English Diploma Program.

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Ummul Azhim. 2012. The Potentials of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as

Tourist Attraction in Solo, Central Java. English Diploma Program, Faculty

of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University.

The final project report is written based on the job training which is done for a

month in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. The objectives of this paper are to

describe the buildings and to describe the events of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

as tourist attraction in Solo city. The result shows that the ancient buildings of

palace, which are still maintained and kept in the originality until now, are the

potentials of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat to attract tourists; they are divided

into four areas such as front complex of the palace, Sitihinggil area, museum, and

Karaton/Palace. Besides, the other potentials are the traditional events that are

still preserved by Royal Family and the society as the custom and tradition of the

ancestor in the past. The cultural events that attract tourists are Bedhoyo

Ketawang Dance, Gunungan Sekaten, Kirab 1 Suro, Jamasan, Tingalan

Jumenengan, and Wayangan (Shadow Puppet Performance). Those two forms of

attractions are potential to influence tourist’s curiosity to come.

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TITLE ................................................................................................................ i

APPROVAL OF SUPERVISOR .................................................................... ii

APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS ...................................... iii

MOTTO ............................................................................................................ iv

DEDICATION .................................................................................................. v

PREFACE ......................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. ix


A. Background ..................................................................................... 1

B. Objectives ....................................................................................... 3

C. Benefit ............................................................................................ 4


A. Tourism ......................................................................................... 5

B. Cultural Tourism ............................................................................ 6

C. Tourist Attraction ......................................................................... 7


A. Brief History of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat ....................... 10

B. The Potentials of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as Tourist

Attraction in Solo, Central Java ................................................... 13

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1. Buildings of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as Tourist

Attraction in Solo City ............................................................. 13

2. Cultural Events of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as Tourist

Attraction in Solo City ............................................................. 24

C. The Activity during the Job-Training ........................................ 28

D. The Achievement during the Job-Training ............................... 31


A. Conclusions ..................................................................................... 32

B. Suggestions ..................................................................................... 32



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Ummul Azhim1

Dra. Rara Sugiarti, M.Tourism2


2012. Program Diploma III Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Sastra

dan Seni Rupa, Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Laporan ini dibuat berdasarkan hasil magang yang dilakukan di

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. Tujuan dari penulisan laporan ini

adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bangunan-bangunan dan upacara-

upacara di Karaton Surakrta Hadiningrat sebagai atraksi wisata di

kota Solo.

Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa bangunan-bangunan kuno istana

yang masih dirawat dan dijaga keasliannya sampai sekarang

merupakan potensi Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat untuk menarik

perhatian wisatawan; kompleks bangunan-bangunan tersebut

dibagi menjadi empat area yaitu kompleks depan istana, area

Sitihinggil, museum, dan Karaton/istana utama.

1Mahasiswa DIII Bahasa Inggris dengan NIM C9309080

2Dosen Pembimbing

Selain itu, potensi yang lain adalah upacara-upacara tradisional

yang masih dilestarikan oleh keluarga kerajaan dan masyarakatnya

sebagai adat leluhur di masa lalu. Upacara-upacara tradisional

untuk menarik perhatian wisatawan tersebut adalah Tari Bedhoyo

Ketawang, Gunungan Sekaten, Kirab 1 Suro, Jamasan, Tingalan

Jumenengan, dan Wayangan (Pertunjukan Wayang Kulit). Dua

bentuk atraksi tersebut berpotensi untuk mempengaruhi

keingintahuan wisatawan untuk datang.

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Ummul Azhim1

Dra. Rara Sugiarti, M.Tourism2


2012. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine

Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

The final project report is written based on the job training which is

done for a month in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. The objectives

of this paper are to describe the buildings and to describe the

events of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as tourist attraction in

Solo city.

The result shows that the ancient buildings of palace, which are

still maintained and kept in the originality until now, are the

potentials of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat to attract tourists; they

are divided into four areas such as front complex of the palace,

Sitihinggil area, museum, and Karaton/Palace.

1Mahasiswa DIII Bahasa Inggris dengan NIM C9309080

2Dosen Pembimbing

Besides, the other potentials are the traditional events that are still

preserved by Royal Family and the society as the custom and

tradition of the ancestor in the past. The cultural events that attract

tourists are Bedhoyo Ketawang Dance, Gunungan Sekaten, Kirab 1

Suro, Jamasan, Tingalan Jumenengan, and Wayangan (Shadow

Puppet Performance). Those two forms of attractions are potential

to influence tourist’s curiosity to come.

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A. Background

Tourism today has an important role in most countries over the world. It

plays a significant role in attracting tourists through their natural and cultural tourist

attractions. The arrival of tourists to a certain region helps countries to gain their

income in foreign exchange and taxes; so does Indonesia.

Tourism in Indonesia actually has existed since the fifties. The government

just officially made a department for tourism in the sixties. In the late sixties, this

sector is encouraged by the second president of Indonesia, Soeharto, to put it as the

third or the fourth of incoming taxes and foreign exchange. As we know, Indonesia

has magnificent potentials both nature and culture to attract tourists. This fact shows

us that tourism sector takes an important role in the Indonesian economy. It is a good

opportunity for Indonesia to dig out the hidden potentials and expose it to the world.

A research was conducted by PATA (Pacific Area Travel Association) in

1961 by giving a questionnaire to the society of North America to give the reasons of

their travel and the result shows that:

More than 50% of tourists, who expects to visit Asia and Pacific Area, chooses to see

the society with their local tradition, way of life, art, history, temple, and ancient



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As a part of Asia, Indonesia has a unique point distinguishing from another

country. Indonesia is an archipelago country with 17,508 islands and 6,000 of them

being inhabited. It is also called as the emerald of the equator, a beautiful country

with its richness of natural beauty sprawling from Sabang through Merauke that is

located in equator line. Aside from natural beauty, the culture of Indonesia also has

existed since our ancestor; it cannot be separated from Indonesian. There are 719

languages and 300 ethnic groups across the archipelago. It creates cultural diversity

that is able to attract the curiosity of tourists both foreign and domestic to come.

One of the great potentials of cultural inheritance in Indonesia is a kind of

historical heritage that comes from the role of kingdoms founding culture. Kingdoms

become the root in forming this country. They also bring the order of how people live

and behave among the society. In addition, they constructed the buildings

exemplifying their glory at that time.

From numerous kingdoms in Indonesia, Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat is

one of the kingdoms that has a significant influence to this country. It is located in

Surakarta, or often called Solo, one of cities in Central Java Province, and also known

as the city of culture. This kingdom is Islamic kingdom as the descent of Mataram

kingdom. At the present, it becomes the original historical and cultural heritage

proving the freedom of Indonesia. It is assumed as the source of Javanese culture in

this country. This kingdom has a very long history to be described. However, after a

number of occurrences, this Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat finally moved to Solo

until today. This magnificent palace is still in original shape as the years it passed

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long time ago and brings the order of culture to the society. The originality makes it

precious and ancient. The excellence and the glory of this palace are very worthy and

unforgettable. It saved the real history of the Indonesian struggle against the

colonizer. The glimpses of Javanese classical culture are available in this site.

From the elaboration above, we know that Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

has great potentials of cultural attraction. Therefore, the writer is interested to

describe the potentials of this ancient palace by making a paper entitled THE



B. Objectives

Based on the background of the problem above, the objectives are:

1. To describe the buildings of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as tourist

attraction in Solo, Central Java

2. To describe the cultural events of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as tourist

attraction in Solo, Central Java

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C. Benefits

The research gives benefits as follows:

1. For Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

This article adds the collection of reading materials for the library of Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat.

2. For Tourism Department of Surakarta

This article also gives further information about the potentials owned by

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat to Tourism Department of Surakarta, and then

the department can make an optimal promotion activity for attracting more

tourists both foreign and domestic to come to the region.

3. For Readers

It is expected that this article could give more knowledge to the readers about

the ancient palace of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat in Solo, Central Java.

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A. Tourism

Tourism becomes an important sector that is able to influence the economic

condition of certain countries for recent years. Since this happening, many experts,

practices, and organizations form many definitions for the term and that are relevant

to it.

As what was quoted from, an official website of World

Tourist Organization (WTO) of United Nations (UN), in 1995 this world organization

has defined the term of tourism as activities of persons travelling to and staying in

places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for

leisure, business, and other purposes.

In the meantime, Suwantoro (2007, p. 3) suggests tourism as a temporary

travelling process of a person or more to the place outside their living space. This is

motivated by variety of necessities such as economical, social, cultural, political,

religious, and health interest or caused by the curiosity to improve the experience or

to study.

In addition, as stated by Marpaung (2002, p. 13), tourism is a temporary

movement of people in order to get out of their routine works, to get out of their

residence. The activities done during their stay in the destination and the facilities are

made to fulfill their needs.


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From those definitions, the writer concludes that tourism is a short trip (not

more than one whole year) done by people to get out from their usual environment

based on some purposes, for example, business, or just to look for the different

ambiance by visiting some places for leisure.

B. Cultural Tourism

Cultural tourism is one of numerous types of tourism. Many people are

motivated to make tourism by desire to see other region’s culture. This is the simple

definition of cultural tourism.

Meanwhile, Pendit (2003, p. 38) states that this kind of tourism is meant to

be a trip done on the will to enlarge people’s point of view by holding a visit or an

observation to other places or abroad to learn the situation of citizen, custom, local

tradition and way of life, culture and art. This trip is often like determined by chances

to take a part in cultural events such as exposition of arts (dance, drama, music, and

sing) or activities related to history.

Whereas, Johri (2005, p. 25) says that cultural tourism is tourism when

people are motivated to travel in order to see the cultural heritage of their own

country or those of foreigner countries, i.e., visit ancient historical monuments, places

of religious interest, museums, art galleries, etc., it is termed as cultural tourism.

In line with Damardjati (2001, p. 31), cultural tourism is a movement or a

tourism activity that is excited by tourist attractions in the form of local culture, for

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example: custom and tradition, religious ritual, society way of life, historical

inheritance, art, vernacular craft, etc.

Other definition is cited from, a website of Municipal

Research and Services Center of Washington. It states that according to The National

Trust for Historic Preservation’s (NTHP) (2011), the definition of cultural heritage

tourism is traveling to experience the places and activities that authentically represent

the stories and people of the past and present. It includes irreplaceable historic,

cultural and natural resources.

To sum up those definitions, cultural tourism is kinds of tourism where the

tourists are interested to come caused by the desire to learn citizen’s tradition, or to

see the cultural heritage at the destination, and even to join in certain cultural events

held there.

C. Tourist Attraction

The main component of tourism is called tourist attraction. This component

has magnetism in motivating people to make a travel.

As quoted from the document of, a website of

Western Australia Government, Metelka (1990) argues tourist attraction as positive or

favorable attributes of an area for a given activity or set of activities as desired by a

given customer or market, including climate, scenery, activities, and culture. They


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1. Manmade attractions are physical structures (Sydney Harbor Bridge) or

events (Olympics).

2. Natural attractions are physical phenomena deemed unusual and /or

beautiful (Bungle Bungles).

Yuswohady (2005, p. 118) says the form of tourist attractions can be both

nature and culture or special interesting in variety of events such as art and sport

festivals, art performances, annual exhibitions, etc. For example, Yogyakarta is one

of regions that is active to hold kinds of art festivals to attract tourists from annual

event like Art Yogya Festival, Keraton Festival, Sekaten Fair, Labuhan to Sendra

Tari Ramayana that is performed every full moon in Prambanan temple.

While, Damardjati (2001, p. 126) suggests that tourist attraction can be in the

form of events, either periodically or constantly, both traditionally and

institutionalized in modern society. All of them are positive attractions for tourists to

come, see, and enjoy, so that, it can give maximal satisfaction for tourist’s

motivations, which are stimulated to make a travel.

He also suggests that tourist attraction can be in the form of object, static

things that are created by human as the result of art and culture, or natural phenomena

that have magnetism in attracting tourists to come, to see, to admire, and to enjoy, so

that it will meet the tourist’s satisfaction in accordance with their motives. (2001, p.


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Based on the definitions above, the writer concludes that tourist attraction is

an object of certain destination area that attracts people to come; this attraction may

be in the form of manmade or natural attraction.

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A. Brief History of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

In accordance with R. Ay. Sri Winarti P. (2004, p. 15) and the citation from

the official website of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat,, in

16 century before Dutch colonized Dutch East Indies, Indonesia, which used to be

called Nusantara (Archipelago) consists of several kingdoms competing each other to

have an authority of Java island. The last kingdom is known as Mataram II, which

was founded by Prince Senopati in 1587. In his golden age, the influence of the

kingdom is not only extended to Java Island but also to the state, which is today

called Malaysia. Still under the administration of King Hamangkurat II, Mataram

Kingdom, which used to be situated in Kota Gede, had moved for several times

during 1587-1680. He is the king who founded palace in Kartasura, near Solo city,

too. However, in the ages of his government, the relation between the Kingdom and

Dutch was getting worse. When Hamangkurat III took over his father’s position,

Dutch allied with his competitive prince, Sunan Paku Bunowo I, to help him to be the

new king.

The coronation of Paku Buwono I was followed by several wars of struggle

for the throne. Because of Dutch’s intervention, the grandchild of Paku Buwono I

could be the next king, to be Paku Buwono II. During the government of Paku


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Buwono II, there was a rebellion of Chinese people led by Raden Mas Garendi, the

grandchild of Hamangkurat II, in Kartasura, and he won the battle to take charge of

Kartasura Palace. This rebellion is widely known as Geger Pecinan, the destruction

of Kartasura palace. Since that, Raden Mas Garendi is called Sunan Kuning or Sunan

Hamangkurat V. This occurrence caused Paku Buwono II evacuated to Ponorogo,

East Java. For lapse of some times, Paku Buwono II succeeded to grab Kartasura

Palace back from the rebel.

As the order of the kingdom, a palace, which is once controlled by enemy,

could not be used anymore. Then, Paku Buwono II decided to move the palace to

Surakarta. This decision was made after considering the kingdom’s shamans who

gave three villages to choose, among Sala, Kadipolo, or Sonosewu village. Finally,

the best choice was taken by considering the future of the palace based on good spirit.

Sala (Solo) village was chosen to be the area where to build the new palace. Then, the

name of palace was changed to be Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat by Paku Buwono

II, who was also the first king of this new kingdom. After several times, there were

some agreements, which split the kingdom to be Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat in

Solo and Karaton Kasultanan Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta. Then, each kingdom was

separated more to be Karaton Surakarta and Pura Mangkunegaran, as well as Karaton

Yogyakarta and Pakualam. Nevertheless, until now, the pedigree of Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat kings has reached to Paku Buwono XIII.

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Here is the pedigree of the kings:

Susuhunan Hamangkurat Agung

(Hamangkurat I)

Susuhunan Paku Buwono I

(Pangeran Puger)

Karaton Surakarta

Susuhunan Hamangkurat Amral

(Hamangkurat II)


Hamangkurat Mas


Hamangkurat III



Susuhunan Hamangkurat Jawa

(Hamangkurat IV)

Karaton Kartasura

Raden Mas Garendi

(Sunan Kuning)

Hamangkurat V

Susuhunan Paku Buwono II

Karaton Kartasura/

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

Susuhunan Paku Buwono III-XIII

Karaton Surakarta

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B. The Potentials of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as Tourist Attraction in

Solo, Central Java

Of several destinations in Solo city, Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat is the

main one that is shame not to visit. This is caused by the potentials of the palace that

can attract tourist’s curiosity to see, to learn, and even to join in. Its potentials are the

originality of the ancient culture of Javanese ethnic group existing and living in the

past both cultural inheritance in the form of static things and custom they did at that

time. In this palace, those historical evidences of past custom are maintained and

preserved by Royal Family and its people. They keep the tradition as well as their

ancestors do until now. Because of the high philosophy of Javanese people in the

past, even the door is also given the name. Everything has its hidden meaning.

1. Buildings of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as Tourist Attraction in Solo


To make easier, the whole buildings are divided into four main areas

opened to be tourist attraction:

a. Front Complex of Palace

1) Bangsal Pagelaran Sasanasumewa

Bangsal Pagelaran Sasanasumewa (sasana: place, sumewa: meet)

is located in the south of northern square of Karaton Surakarta.

This building faces to the north, which used to be built on the land

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with the roof of bamboo woods. Nevertheless, after being

reconstructed in 1913 when it was under Paku Buwono X, this

building becomes majestic and solid as what we see today. The

architecture of this large building is like a hall with no doors and

no walls, which stands on 48 pillars. In the past, this place is also

used to extend the order of Sunan (king) concerning various

matters of kingdom. That is why this place is named Pagelaran,

which means to extend.

2) Bangsal Pangrawit

Inside this large ward, there is a little ward called Bangsal

Pangrawit. The meaning of the term is to beautify. This ward

functioned to be the place where the king conveyed the order to the

liegeman and inaugurated Sentono Dalem (high-ranking aristocrats)

and officials on regent level upper. This inauguration is often called

Miyos Tinangkil. There is a stone from the administration of

Panembahan Senopati when the kingdom was still in Kota Gede.

The stone is put there functioned to be foothold of the king.

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3) Bangsal Pacekotan

The next right of Bangsal Pagelaran Sasanasumewa, there is

Bangsal Pacekotan. This place is like a small house functions as the

place where a person would get the boon from the king.

4) Bangsal Pacikeran

The next left of Bangsal Pagelaran Sasanasumewa is Bangsal

Pacikeran, which is used to punish people who had done crime.

5) Bangal Martolulut

In the east of stairs to Sitihinggil, there is a small building called

Bangsal Martolulut. This ward functions to be the place where

Abdi Dalem (court employees, retainers, and ordinary people)

brought the boon to them who rendered a service.

6) Bangsal Singanegara

In the west of stairs to Sitihinggil, there is Bangsal Singanegara.

This place is used to give court decision.

b. Sitihinggil

Sitihinggil is a large area that is located behind or in the south of

Bangsal Pagelaran Sasanasumewa. This place is built on higher land

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as the philosophy meaning of Sitihinggil (siti: land, inggil: high) when

the government of Paku Buwono III. This place is said as the symbol

of Goddess. It is surrounded by solid walls as the fence. The gateway

is called Kori Wijil Pisan. The northern side of this place is a line of

cannons. Each cannon has its own name, from west to east they are

Kyai Brising, Kyai Bagus, Kyai Nakula, Kyai Kumbarawa, Kyai

Kumbarawi, Kyai Sadewa, Kyai Alus, and Kyai Kadhalbutung or

Mahesa Kumali or Pamecut. There are eight wards built in this second


1) Bangsal Sewayana

The largest ward is Bangsal Sewayana, which means where in this

place a person has achieved the deepest inside feeling. This ward is

built under Paku Buwono X and stands on eight blue pillars. The

ceiling shaped concave to create large image painted in white.

Bangsal Sewayana is also utilized as the place for celebration of

Garebeg Maulud, an event to commemorate the birthday of

Prophet Muhammad SAW on 12th

Rabiul Awal, this celebration is

called Sekaten. Another celebration is Garebeg Syawal, an event to

welcome the Big Day of Muslims on 1th Syawal. The last one is

Garebeg Besar, an event to celebrate Idul Adha, another big day of

Muslims on 10th Dzulhijjah.

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2) Bangsal Manguntur Tangkil

Inside of Bangsal Sewayana is Bangsal Manguntur Tangkil. It is a

small ward where the king sits. It is constructed higher than

Bangsal Sewayana with four golden painted pillars. The floor is

made of marble stones. In this place, the king used to deliver a

crucial order about the state such as the statement to make a war or


3) Bangsal Witana

The next ward is Bangsal Witana (the beginning of existence). It

becomes the central wards in Sitihinggil.

4) Bangsal Manguneng

Inside of Bangsal Witana is Bangsal Manguneng (oneng: confused

about unseen things). There is an heirloom treated for three times a

year inside Bangsal Manguneng. It is a sacred cannon named Nyai

Setomi. The event to treat the sanctified cannon is called Jamasan.

5) Bangsal Gandhek Tengen

In the east of Bangsal Sewayana, there are two wards. The first

ward is Bangsal Gandhek Tengen, which functions as the keeping

place for Abdi Dalem Gandhek Tengen.

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6) Bangsal Angun-Angun

Next to Bangsal Gandhek Tengen is Bangsal Angun-Angun

(angun: to watch) that is used to play Gamelan (traditional

instrument) for celebrating certain big days and the events of the


7) Bangsal Balebang

The pair of Bangsal Angun-Angun is Bangsal Balebang, which is

placed in the west of Bangsal Witana. This ward is utilized as the

place to save Gamelan. The architecture of the ward is adopted

from the building of Dutch colonial. Bangsal Balebeng is opened

every Thursday to change the flower the ritual offerings.

8) Bangsal Gandhek Kiwo

The next to the colonial architecture ward is Bangsal Gandhek

Kiwo. It is used for keeping place of Abdi Dalem Gandhek Kiwa.

Now, it is also functioned as local radio station named Karti

Budaya led by KGPH. Puger BA.

There is one more construction behind Bangsal Witana, which is used

to cover Sitihinggil area from the hustle of Jl. Supit Urang traffic. This

high solid wall is named Rana. The door to get out from Sitihinggil

that is located in the south of Rana is Kori Renteng/Mangu.

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Entering to Baluwarti area through Kori Brajanala, there is Bangsal

Gito Swandono, which is placed in west of Kori Kamandungan. This

ward is separated from Sitihinggil area, but it is still involved in the

route of visitors from Sitihinggil. In this place, several ancient carts

and cars are displayed. The carts are Kyai Retno Pambagyo, Kyai

Garuda Putra, Kyai Retnosewoko, and Kyai Manik Kumolo. Besides,

the cars are Chrysler, which was made in America, under Paku

Buwono X and Grey Mercy, which was made in German, under Paku

Buwono XII.

c. Museum

Museum of Karaton Surakarta Hadininngrat is located in the eastern

side of Karaton. Visitors from Jl. Supit Urang must turn left to reach

this place. The museum is divided into nine rooms. Many collections

are displayed here. They are as follows:

1) Room I

In this room, visitors can see the images of Kings and Queen of

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat and some engravings.

2) Room II

This room displays statues made of bronze and batik.

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3) Room III

Room III has the collections of the procession of Javanese

marriage and its tools.

4) Room IV

In this room, there are several vernacular art scenes, such as the

performances of shadow puppet performance including puppeteer,

puppet, and screen, and other kinds of puppets.

5) Room V

There are several masks displayed in this room that are used to

perform the dance based on the story of Panji Inukertapati, Panji

Asmarabangun, Dewi Galuh Ajeng, Dewi Galuh Candrakirana,

Klana, etc. besides, there are also some reliefs exemplifying

traditional performances.

6) Room VI

The instruments of ceremonial events are displayed here.

7) Room VII

Here, some ancient carts are placed. The other ancient carts are

displayed in a ward called Bangsal Gito Swandono.

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8) Room VIII

The reliefs in this room exemplify the meet between Paku Buwono

VI and Prince Diponegoro and the situation of the court in the past.

There are also several ancient weapons and diorama of Diponegoro


9) Room IX

This is the place for Kyai Rajamala, a statue of a giant head as the

decoration of the boat of Paku Buwono IV. There are also

displayed Javanese house mockups, small statues made of clay,

traditional toys, kitchen utensil, etc.

d. Karaton (Palace)

This main area of Karaton Surakarta is placed next to museum. After

entering and seeing the collection of the museum, visitor can continue

the activity by entering to palace yard, where many Sawo Kecik trees

are planted. The sand of the yard is taken from the sand of South

Beach. In this location, there are several buildings to see, such as:

1) Panggung Songgobuwono

This is the highest building of Karaton Surakarta, which is built

under the government of Paku Buwono III. This building is four-

storey-floor with diameter 6 meters in length and 30 meters in

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height. According to the legend, this high building is used by the

king to meditate and to meet Ratu Kencanasari, the queen of South

Sea. Besides, this building used to be the place of palace guards to

watch the arrival of enemies and to monitor the security of

surrounding Karaton area. To be the highest building of the

palace, it is also utilized as the place to decide the Javanese

calendar based on the moon movement.

2) Bangsal Sasana Sewoko

Sasana Sewoko (sasana: place, sewaka: sitting cross-legged on the

floor with having a moment of silence to focus on God) is the

central ward of Karaton. This ward, which was built in the period

of Paku Buwono X, stands on 36 wood pillars with four

cornerstones inside facing to the east. This building is usually

called Pendopo Ageng, a large pavilion. It shaped as Joglo house,

Javanese house. This place is used to meditate or to have a

moment of silence to focus on God by King and Abdi Dalem for

general prosperity. This pavilion is usually used for the exercise of

Bedhaya Ketawang dance every Tuesday Kliwon, one of Javanese

days. A big lamp named Robyong Kyai Remeng is hanged in the

middle of the room.

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3) Bangsal Maligi

In front of Sasana Sewoko, there is a terrace separating Sasana

Sewoko and Bangsal Maligi. Bangsal Maligi is the easily eye-

caught ward because it sticks out to forward if compared with

other buildings. The roof shaped pyramid. It used to be the place

for holding the circumcision of the king’s sons.

4) Sasana Handrawina

Sasana Handrawina is a ward with pyramid roof. It is located next

to Sasana Sewaka. This ward, which was built in the period of

Paku Buwono IV and was renovated by Paku Buwono X, is used

to serve the king’s guests or the place where to hold big party. The

wall of this ward is entirely made of glass.

5) Sasana Pustoko

Sasana Pustoko is the two-storey-library of the palace. It is located

next to Sasana Handrawina, but it faces to the north. This library

was built based on the encouragement of Paku Buwono X to save

books, holy Quran, etc. There are so many collections of Javanese

books. The visitor may enter to this place by having the covering

letter from the organization, department, or personal request by

mentioning the purpose of visit.

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6) Bangsal Bujono

Bangsal Bujono is in the east side of palace complex. This place is

used to serve food and beverage for followers of Karaton.

7) Bangsal Pradangga Kidul

This ward is in the north of Bangsal Bujono. It functions as the

place for playing Gamelan to entertain king or to play songs of

certain events.

8) Bangsal Pradangga Lor

Bangsal Pradangga Lor is next to Bangsal Pradangga Kidul. This

ward is functioned as the place to put stuff when certain events are


2. Cultural Events of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as Tourist Attraction in

Solo City

a. Bedhoyo Ketawang Dance

According to the legend, Bedhoyo Ketawang dance represents the love

of Ratu Kencanasari, the queen of South Sea, to Panembahan

Senopati, the king of Mataram II. This dance is assumed as sacred

dance, which is only performed when the king’s coronation and

anniversary of king’s coronation. This sanctified dance is performed

by nine virgin girls who are prepared and selected intensively before

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the day of performance. Those who are selected must live in seclusion

from out world to prepare the body and soul for the ritual dance. This

dance is only performed in Sasana Sewaka, no other places allowed.

For the frequent exercise, this dance is performed every Tuesday

Kliwon, one of the Javanese days.

b. Gunungan Sekaten

Sekaten is a celebration to commemorate the birthday of Prophet

Muhammad SAW. Seven days before the day, Gamelan of Karaton is

brought to northern square to be played from 10am and stopped when

the time for praying Dzuhur, about 00am. In this week, there will be

Sekaten Fair in northern square, which is enlivened by visitors and

traders. The top event of Sekaten is celebration of Gunungan. It is like

making offerings of thankful to God in the form of food and

agricultural produce. These offerings are arranged in two types,

Gunungan Laki-Laki (for man) and Gunungan Perempuan (for

woman). This Gunungan event is held together with Garebeg Maulud

Nabi. The route of Gunungan is started in Karaton and finished in

Agung mosque, which is located in the west of northern square.

Firstly, it will be a ceremony in Karaton and a set of Gamelan placed

in the square are taken to put in Pradangga Lor and Kidul. This

traditional instruments are played there to accompany the event. After

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the ceremony, the two Gunungan are brought to Agung mosque

through Kori Manganti, Kori Kamandungan, Kori Brojonolo,

Sitihinggil, Northern square, and the last place is in mosque. This

procession is also escorted by marching band of Karaton. In mosque,

people and Abdi Dalem scramble the offerings.

c. Kirab 1 Suro

This event is held to commemorate the new year of Javanese calendar.

This procession is by holding a parade where in the first line is holy

buffaloes as the pets of Karaton named Kyai Slamet. The sacred

heirlooms are put in the cart. The parade route is from Karaton,

Kamandungan, northern square, Gladhak, Sangkrah, Jl. Pasar Kliwon,

Baturana, Gading, Gemblegan, Nonongan, Jl. Slamet Riyadi, back to

Gladhak, northern square, Kori Kamandungan, and to Karaton. This

event is to pray to God in order to give the country salvation.

d. Jamasan

Jamasan is an event held in Sitihinggil. This is an event to treat the

heirloom of Bangsal Manguneng. It is the sacred cannon, Nyai Setomi.

This event is held three times a year. The society surrounding Karaton

also still have a faith that the water used after Jamasan Kyai Setomi

could bring the blessing for their life.

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e. Tingalan Jumenengan

It is an event to celebrate the anniversary of king’s coronation. The

activities of this event include Bhedoyo Ketawang dance, graduation

of Sentono Dalem (high-ranking aristocrat) and Abdi Dalem, and

parade. Tingalan Jumenengan becomes annual cultural event of

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. They who participate in this event are

royal family, royal guests, and Abdi Dalem.

f. Wayangan (Shadow Puppet Performance)

Puppet performance is the event that is not frequently held. This event

is usually held by KGPH Puger BA., in Sitihinggil, which is exactly in

Sasana Sewayana.

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C. The Activity During Job-Training

The bureau of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat:

In Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, the writer was given the job as a guide.

There are four places, which is always turned every four days in a month among other

job trainees. The job of guide is to guide the tourists who visit the place where she/he

is in charge at that time by explaining the buildings or by informing the tourist when

they are confused about the sketch of the palace. This occurrence often happens, as

we know the front side of the palace is from the northern square to Bangsal

Pagelaran Sasanasumewa. From here, most tourists are in confusion because

between Sitihinggil and Baluwarti is separated by Jl. Supit Urang. In addition, the

Paku Buwono XIII

Chief of Tourism

Treasure Secretary

Front Office Marketing Museum


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entrance to Karaton is placed in the door, which is placed in the eastern of palace.

Therefore, firstly tourists must go around. They usually think that the entrance for

tourists is Kori Pamandungan because it is placed in the front side of Karaton and is

looked right from Sitihinggil. As we know, Kori Pamandungan is only opened for the

member of Royal Family and guests. During the job training, the writer has done the

duties in four places. They are as follows:

1. Sitihinggil

To enter Sitihinggil, tourists have to buy the ticket in Karaton office,

which is next to Bangsal Pagelaran Sasonosumewa. The cost is Rp

5.000,00,. With the amount tourists can satisfy their curiosity of ancient

cultural inheritance to see Bangsal Sasanasumewa, Sitihinggil area and

ancient carts that are placed in Bangsal Gito Swandono. Most visitors

sometimes do not know the role of this regulation because they directly

come from Bangsal Pagelaran and enter to Sitihinggil without buying the

ticket. Therefore, a guide is necessary to handle this matter. The job is to

inform the place to buy the ticket. After they get the ticket, the guide will

check it and open Kori Wijil to allow them to enter. Then, the guide

explains about the place and ushers them to the next attractions, ancient

carts and cars. Technically, the guide just informs the direction.

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2. Bangsal Gito Swandono (the ward of ancient carts and cars)

This place displays four ancient carts and two antique cars that are used

by the kings and royal family in the past. There, the guide job is to check

the tourist ticket, if they went from Sitihinggil. While, if they directly

come to the cart from Baluwarti, not from Sitihinggil, they have to buy

ticket, which costs Rp 2.000,00. In addition, if they want to take the

picture in this area by using digital camera, they should pay Rp 3.000,00

more, but if using camera of hand phone there is no charge for it. This is

underlined because if the visitors use digital camera, they can make the

documentation of this attraction in the form of video. After that

administration, guide elaborates those carts and cars.

3. Keputren (Royal Family area)

In this place, guide will be accompanied by Abdi Dalem who is on duty at

that time. The turn is also scheduled. They dressed traditionally. Here, the

guide is to be a guard. Between area of palace yard and Keputren is a

boundary. Visitors are not allowed to pass this boundary. Actually, there

have been three boards notifying the visitors to not pass this boundary.

However, sometimes visitors who are too enjoyable to satisfy their

curiosity do not read this warning. Then they just go by this boundary.

The duty of guide as guard is to remind them. In addition, they who are in

this place (except royal family) must wear Samir, a traditional scarf

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hanged around the neck as the sign of Karaton people. Inside this

Keputren, the woman is forbidden to wear trouser; they must wear skirt.

4. Entrance of Karaton Yard

In the next place, the writer is exactly placed in the entrance of palace

yard. As the job trainee, we are only given the chance to accompany

guide to look around yard and the attractions inside such as Sasana

Handrawina, etc. Many foreign tourists come to this palace from Japan,

America, Canada, French, etc. Usually, the foreign tourists who cannot

speak English are already accompanied by his own guide. Nevertheless,

there are also some of them coming without guide. In Karaton, there are

available guides for Japanese and English. Here, the job of trainee as a

guide is not only to explain the historical buildings, but also to inform the

visitors about the role to enter the palace yard such as visitors are

forbidden to use hat or slipper/sandal, and dress impolitely, to honor the


D. The Achievement During Job-Training

By doing the job training in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as guide for a

month, the writer got many achievements that improve the ability and knowledge

especially in becoming guide and generally in speaking and understanding English.

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1. Talking with Native Speaker

By talking with native speaker, the writer exactly knows the vocabularies

they normally use, the phrase they use in expressing something, and the

proper way they pronoun words. The writer can compare how difficult to

understand English language spoken by the people which English as their

mother language (native speaker) and the people which English as the

second language (non-native speaker). The writer can also learn how to

speak like native speaker and understand how they use slang and accent

in daily conversation. The writer can put proper meaning of the words

and phrase.

2. Applying the Lesson of Guiding

Beside of all those above, the writer can also apply the theory of guiding

technique which has been taught in the class. The writer learns what she

will do to respond the tourist’s question. When in the field, unexpected

occurrences may happen. Therefore, we need to be smart to handle the

problem soon. Moreover, the writer can also develop her skill of guiding.

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A. Conclusions

From previous discussion, the writer concludes that the first potentials of

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat are in the form of buildings including front complex

such as Bangsal Sasanasumewa, Bangsal Pangrawit, Bangsal Pacekotan, Bangsal

Pacikeran, Bangsal Martolulut, and Bangsal Singanegara. Sitihinggil area consists of

Bangsal Sewayana, Bangsal Manguntur Tangkil, Bangsal Witana, Bangsal

Manguneng, Bangsal Angun-Angun, Bangsal Gandhek Tengen, Bangsal Balebang,

and Bangsal Gandhek Kiwo. The museum of the palace involves room I, II, III, IV,

V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX. Karaton/Palace area includes Panggung Songgobuwono,

Sasana Sewaka, Bangsal Maligi, Sasana Handrawina, Sasana Pustoko, Bangal

Bujono, Bangsal Pradangga Kidul, and Bangsal Pradangga Lor.

The second potentials of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat are in the form of

cultural events including Bedhoyo Ketawang Dance, Gunungan Sekaten, Kirab 1

Suro, Jamasan, Tingalan Jumenengan, and Wayangan (Shadow Puppet


B. Suggestions

During conducting the job training for a month in Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat, the writer observed that there are many components that should be

improved. Therefore, the writer would like to recommend several things to consider.


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1. For Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

a. Karaton management should train the employees who work there. The

services of those employees are very influential in satisfying the

visitors. It is not recommended to let them disappointed because of

bad service and wrong behavior done by employees. Visitors, who got

good service, indirectly will have unforgettable memory and keep it

until they return to their residence and even they may share their

memorable experience to the people around them. This will be free

effective promotion through words-of-mouth and has a very

significant meaning.

b. Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat should consistently keep and reserve

the ancestor’s tradition to make the palace become most visited and

favored tourist attraction to increase tourist arrival.

c. Karaton Surakarta management should create leaflet, brochure, etc., as

the media promotion from its own management and fill it with a map

completed with the detail sketch to make the tourist not confused

about the location of Surakarta palace.

d. Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat needs to improve the facility of

Karaton, which also affects the tourist’s hospitality such as keeping

the cleanliness of toilet to make them comfortable when visiting this


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2. For Tourism Department of Surakarta

Tourism Department of Surakarta could take a part in improving the

effectiveness of promotion of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat by adding

some promotion media such as by promoting this attraction through local

television channel, local radio station, and press, or by making more

interesting printed materials and holding a tourism exhibition. This

department has this authority to make the region’s attractions known by

people both local and non-local.