The microwave in the pot

<< The unity of the nature is lost In the solitude of the laboratory>> Haeckel First edition - July 2013

Transcript of The microwave in the pot

<< The unity of the nature is lost

In the solitude of the laboratory>>


First edition - July 2013


I began to have suspicions about the dangers of microwave ovens while I was studying for a job on the water. The water and the natural element that, together with the light, intervenes more than any other in vital processes, and it is for this reason and for its extraordinary properties that can be well defined "liquid sacred". For those who are familiar with the structure of the water, and has a minimal knowledge on chemical processes and biological, the sophisticated, highly sensitive potential of cell action, knows that the water is extremely receptive to electrical fields polarizers; therefore it is easy to guess that the heating process of molecules within the microwave ovens, interacting deeply with the dielectric properties of sensitive substances to biases; it is not compatible with the natural balance. In fact, it does not exist in nature sources of emissions that affect the gigahertz, with the exception of those negligible, of cosmic origin. Unfortunately, the microwave ovens are now so popular, and their use a habit established, it seems absurd doubt of this technology. Now we know, the pleasure and comfort that determine the choices. And yet, we should realize that the theme of health precautions are more important than convenience and time saved. First, we have to convince that the microwave heating is completely unnatural. If we think of the heating as a simple thermal effect "normal", we must absolutely convince us that in the microwave, the thermal effect has nothing to do with the natural heating, i.e. what science defines "convection". The powerful action of electromagnetic head that is generated from the magnetron, which are the heart of microwave

ovens is caused of processes and molecular modifications also deep. As a result, the natural balance of substances and food nor ,is shocked. Secondly, there are other phenomena, on which you have to be careful. Therefore, microwave heating is not an alternative to conventional heating, who is convinced falls into a blunder of understatement. A bit like when you think at the electrical energy without knowing that voltage and current are two quite distinct aspects of the electricity. Another wrong conviction is believe that the only danger is the radio frequency field, and when the furnace is off there are no dangers. And yet, this is not true; in fact, the substances extracted from the furnace continued their reaction electro-chemical that still for some time, and this aspect is strangely little assessed and studied. Unfortunately, all this topic is very little considered also by science. And in spite of a long search, I did not found exhaustive answers to all these considerations. In addition, there is no commercially text to speak us. Except, of course, the authors of the kitchen books , that seem that all agree to tell the tale that the microwave oven is practical, hygienic, safe; and then the people would have believed it, and makes it a necessary object, almost of worship. The most seasoned supporters to enhance the ability of microwaves are located precisely in web-sites and transmissions so trendy dedicated to kitchen and competitions of master chefs. It is a particular world almost magical: woe to not believe me, woe to doubt the appearance. In the case of microwave (MW) the suspicions are compulsory because everyone knows that the microwaves can be very harmful, even at low powers of any mobile phone. Imagine therefore the danger of a furnace that always works with a power of at least a thousand watts. By removing the absorption of the fan, electronic parts etc. the real power in radiation is always from a minimum of 600 to 800 watts. To understand what they mean these

values, is suffice to know that the wave length of microwave systems exist to receive-transmit extraordinarily effective; well, a transmission power of only 10-20 milliwatts is sufficient to ensure a connection over a distance of 300 to 500 Km! On these frequencies broadcasting therefore have a capacity to spread huge (1), and constitute a source of serious danger, also because not all microwave ovens are shielded and protected effectively, as I'll demonstrate below (see chapter "a trivial experiment.. ") Returning to the theme of the special effects of microwaves on substances, you can search for news on the web, and is easy to find some videos posted on Youtube, showing the effects of water heated in the microwave and used on the plants. These experiments housewares recall more or less the observations of a well known researcher, already discoverer of extraordinary effects of water, the Japanese Masaru Emoto (2), who argues that the water and liquids have the mysterious ability to react to environmental conditions, and physical stresses, while keeping the" memory". It is appropriate to pause and reflect, because if the water is not a simple chemical compound but it has its vitality (better define it organization vital) that everything permeates and transforms, it would be very useful admit that is in our interest not to upset its natural balance. In these videos that can be found in internet ,the experiences show just approximate, but the question has stimulated my curiosity, and I wanted to check. The positive outcome of a first rudimentary experiment led me to further deepen and led me to begin a study from the sparse information available, and then to provide a long series of experiences. It was like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. A block at a time, and the first doubts have become a reality. After the direct observation of what had happened with the first series of experiments, I have tried all the news available on the network. At the beginning it was not so easy, why do some sites reported the news with the copy-paste, and not always from verified sources; only after some time I traced bibliographic sources of a

certain importance, in particular when I decided to investigate foreign sites, and in particular on research from the laboratory of environmental hygiene and food; and here I found dozens and dozens of academic studies: much to remain speechless, because confirm my assumptions !. Then I started to ask a series of questions.

1) There are many years that is studying the effects of radio frequencies on organic substances, and on vital tissues, and now it has gained an awareness of base, and that there are sufficient even small doses, (provided that prolonged or repeated) to obtain significant reactions. It is thanks to these effects, could be put in special place care, such as the magnetotherapy, which is increasingly used for the rehabilitative practices and bone regeneration. Why not be much more cautious with the use of microwave at high power?

2) A technological applications more important used in the

medical field and today in the RMN, nuclear magnetic resonance and is quickly supplanting the technique now obsolete of the TACS. The perfect images obtained with the MRI unit, also in 3D, allow a diagnostics very efficiently. But this type of technology uses just a certain type of radio frequency. In practice, it uses a strong magnetic field and a series of radio frequencies to small power, thanks to which it induces a resonance of cellular liquids in the patient's organs to check. The resonances, emitting in turn frequencies, which allow a receiver device to obtain the image of the internal organs. It is therefore of frequencies emitted by the human organs, i.e. from liquids internal cellular, frequencies ranging decreasing progressively even after all the magnetic fields and frequency were turned off. This is due to a natural process (relaxation of spin-lattice and spin-spin), because the molecules that have

received a surplus of energy from the outside, they seek to regain the balance by returning excess energy. An analogous behavior, with the emission of frequencies, also occurs in foods and substances handled in the microwave? We can be (almost) sure.

3) The therapeutic effects of homeopathy are now been

demonstrated, thanks also to the discovery, and then the experimental evidence, that the molecules of water (domains of consistency and cluster) are able to acquire, maintain, and transmit energy information (3). According to the evidence now been established, then maybe a few molecules of water to interact with the cellular environments. If these few molecules contain detrimental information, perhaps arising from pollution and from processes chemical-physical that alter the balance, the danger of contamination is effective. Given that water is the main element content in each food, why not protect itself to check, and to eliminate this possibility?

4) To disavowing the one hundred percent each statement

that enhances the safety, the profound effects of microwaves and alterations of the substances are well known in laboratories all around the world, and it is true that there are avalanches of publications in this sense, and thousands have already industrial applications available thanks to the synthesis of compounds and molecules obtained with heating processes with MW.

Indeed, many studies and confirmations li i acquired from scientific material provenance university, for research programs, but also from tens of thesis for doctorates in medicine and chemistry. In all these works, many of which can be found without any difficulty on the web, it is evident a certain euphoria of the authors, which describe the experiences in the lab to search for new drugs and for

the realization of new molecules; all with the help of MW, because in recent years it has been claimed as irreplaceable method to obtain in a short time of organic synthesis quick and inexpensive. Shame really, because the teachers and their students will be also great researchers and chemists, but all their efforts seem to thesis always seeking new substances to be used for medical therapies, or for new conservation techniques, and seem to ignore the possible consequences of this technology, consequences that they represent a potential risk for the same health which should be the sole purpose of so much work. This bitter consideration is not exclusively personal, in fact many doubts also emerging among the researchers themselves. To exemplify, one of the most renowned Italian researchers (F. Caponio) has carried out dozens of studies on degradation oxidative and hydrolytic induced by MW on oils and on conservation of food (4), but despite the prestige of the scholar, and the importance of his research, it seems that its evidences are not taken into consideration. On page 10 of the report of a gorgeously detailed research carried out in 2011 in Portugal (5), after examined in a laboratory dozens of food substances handled in MW, and have found considerable chemical transformations, including the formation of polymeric compounds, the researchers write quote: "Despite the importance of these compounds, dangerous from the point of view of health, information on amount of polar compounds and their components in vegetable oils heated to microwave and poor". This study was published in e-book, but a summary is also available free of charge in pdf format, the site noted in the bibliography at the end of this chapter (5). The nature, in order to obtain new transformations, adopts strategies soft, the so-called weak energies, which serve as key to obtain the vital processes. The human being who attends research centers rather than studying the nature and to adopt the method harmonious, prefer the forcing, the meccanicismi and the high energies destructive (6).

But let's go back to my research. After you have acquired a mountain of information, are passed to the field test. Almost all my trials have confirmed that the substance heated in the microwave is really something not to be overlooked.. I would like to say that all of these studies I made with simple, methodical, achievable possibly also from the reader by following the instructions that will accompany all sessions outlined in this work. Finally, I also wish to make clear that before begin the process of writing this essay, I began to send letters to various research organizations, institutions, associations, and organs of the press (7) that I thought might be interested, if nothing else to begin a debate on a topic unknown. At the present time, i.e. after some months from these items, I have got no response. I am not surprised: the world of science and research, is a closed world, a real lobby, and as said Dr. Bella in a distant interview with Bruno Vespa, "If you're not of them, you're not anyone, not even look at you! ". In the next few chapters, I will expose a synthesis of some articles and research in the public domain. In the second part of the assay carry the description of all the experimental study.

(1) The dissemination in the atmosphere should not be confused with the

penetration of the bodies, which fortunately is little more than superficial.

(2) The discoverer of the response of the water that freezes in forms more or

less harmonics depending on stresses mental, bright, and electromagnetic,

(3) Studies of Emilio Dal Giudice and Giuliano Preparata.

(4) Associate Professor for the scientific sector - Food Science and Technology

at the Faculty of Agricultural Science of Bari - Scientific Responsible of

Operating Unit of research project of significant national interest (COFIN-

PRIN 2004 and 2006), as well as other research projects funded by MIUR

and from CNR Referee of authoritative international scientific journals. -

founder of the Italian Society of Food Science and Technology (SISTAL) -

Bibliography:F. CAPONIO, A. Pasqualone, T. Gomes. Effects of conventional

and microwave heating on the degradation of olive oil. Eur. Food Res.

Technologies. 215, 114-117 (2002).-- F. CAPONIO, A. Pasqualone, T. Gomes.

Changes in the fatty acid composition of vegetable oils in model doughs

submitted to conventional or microwave heating. Int. J. Food Sci.

Technologies. 38, 481-486 (2003).--F. Caponio, A. Pasqualone, M. T.

Balance, D. Sack, D. Delcuratolo, T. Gomes "Measurement of the thermo-

oxidation in vegetable oils heated by micro-waves in model systems". Food

Industries, 40, 628-632 (2001).

(5) Ricardo Malheiro, S. Casal, E. Ramalhosa and J. A. Pereira - Faculty of

Pharmacy University of Porto, and Faculty of Agriculture of the Polytechnic

of Braganca Municipality felt like: "microwave heating: a technology

saving time or a way to induce the oxidation in vegetable oils'" (2011).

Microwave heating: A Time Saving Technology or a Way to Induce

Vegetable Oils Oxidation? Available from:

microwave-heating-of-mineraland- Advances in Induction and Microwave

Heating of Mineral and Organic Materials Edited by Prof. Auxiliary-bishops

Staniå'saw the aw Grundas - ISBN: 978-953 -307-522-8, Intech,

(6) Cf. "The hidden structure of the world" by Luca Chiesi - Andromeda editrice

- 2006

(7) University of Padua, Vice Dean, Faculty of Sciences of the power -

Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine "G. Patrass" - Faolta of

Agricultural Science, Department of food science and technology -

Foundation biomedical research advanced - Foundation Cariparo - Editorial

Association' association Altroconsumo - Editorial in the weekly Today -

Editorial RAI UNO tuttobenessere –



The construction of the microwave device dates back to 1921, and is the work of Albert Wallace Hall. Initially, the prototype not progressed much interest. Things changed on the eve of the outbreak of the second world war, when military requirements forced the governments to implement a large-scale project to provide the armed forces of radar devices.

The war industry english was the first to build a prototype of magnetron, thanks to the research of Professor John Randall and the physical M. L. Elwin Oliphant, at the laboratories of Birmingham. This first device was able to overcome all the prototypes of electronic tubes previous tested because they had no problems to operate at very high frequencies. With the increase of frequencies also increase the interference frequencies and malfunctions of the electrodes. The problem was overcome with the invention of the magnetrons , i.e. special circular cavities with within the magnets which generate an electromagnetic field capable of guiding the electrons according to the laws of Lorentz, and with frequencies that exceed the Giga Hertz. This electric field reverses his polarity many millions of times per second, depending on frequency. Unlike the military radar, that have a speed and impulsive powers of at least 20-30 KW, these emissions are continuously, and this allows to work with stable power but limited within 1 KW. At the end of the conflict, almost as if we saw that the emissions to microwaves, thanks to the effect of shaking induced in the molecules, were able to heat the substances. And so it was that at the end of the years 40, the American industry Raytheon who held the patent of the first prototype began production of devices, to use in the domestic field for the heating of the food.

Figure to the right: the first

microwave oven of the


This specimen was above

180 cm, and weighed over

300 kilograms.

The operation of the furnaces, and the interactions of the

high frequencies with the raw material

If we are talking about physics and electronic interaction, a fact is indisputable, the exposure to RF fields of high-power can interact with matter. Anyone dare say that, however, in the case of microwave ovens, the frequencies are not so high as to be able to interfere at the molecular level. Well, many scientists were of this opinion, until a few years ago. With the most recent studies, however, it was realized that this conviction was quite unfounded, because reality exceeds the theoretical calculation.

I do not need now this point, and I will not even explain what are the microwave. The player will be able to take it an idea with the reading, and reflection on the chapters that follow.

" If the nucleus of the atom acquires energy for absorption of

a photon, will change the structure of the field gravito-

magnetic generated and, therefore, the equilibrium points in

which the electrons can exist and move. For this reason

sometimes the mass of the electrons comes apart in

electromagnetic energy up to a new point of equilibrium, in

which you generate new spirals or curls that make up the

mass of the electron.

The stability of the electron will affect the configuration of the

orbitals in the atom, since that will delay the elastic

adjustments of the whole, one could say that this feature of

the electrons contributes to a greater margin of spatial form

spheroid of electronic orbits.

As we know from the photoelectric effect, the electron will

have more speed, more kinetic energy, the larger is the energy

of the photon absorbed by the atom.

A recent experiment on the limits of the photoelectric effect,

carried out by German scientists, shows that a photon

absorbed may cause the expulsion of more than one electron;

in other words, it appears that in this case the photon it

absorbs the nucleus of the atom and not the electron. "

(From "The overall mechanical. Gravity-mass-energy" by M. Jose and T. Molina - E-book Molvwickpedia)

Trasformation of the substances

The possibility that with the heating at MW to modify the characteristics of the substances and to form new compounds and demonstrated extensively in laboratories in every part of the world. In fact, to design and develop new chemical compounds and drugs you use just the chemical transformations undergone by biological molecules subjected to the action of solvents, reagents etc. in the presence of sources electrostatic energy and extreme heat.

" Libraries of compounds, therefore, can be rapidly

synthesized so both parallel and sequential, allowing a more

efficient use of expensive and limited resources, and a study

fastest of structure-activity relationship (SAR). In addition,

the microwave often facilitate the discovery of new types of

reactions, because the drastic conditions of reactions can be

reached from heating by microwaves, at times, lead to

unusual reactivity that cannot be duplicated with the

conventional heating".

The text above is what appears on page 4 of a publication of doctoral dissertations in the science of drug (Federico II University of Naples) entitled "OPTIMIZATION OF PROCEDURES OF PEPTIDE SYNTHESIS AND PEPTIDOMIMETIC BY MICROWAVE" by Dr. Aquino, and easily traceable on the web. (1) Below carry instead a page is from a publication of the ENEA Italian, which is very, very significant. And makes us understand at what level is the industrial research on this theme.

Traduction from Italian article: “Improvement of the density,

the mechanical properties of the grains and distribuzine more


the technique of microwave sintering can promote the diffusion

of ions and so accelerate the sintering process, resulting in

densification. The rate of densification depends on the diffusion

of ions through the particles of the material. The microwave

power is concentrated between the particles of the sample at

least thirty times more than the external field determination to

the ionization of the surface of the particles. Under the effect of

microwaves, the kinetic energy of the ions at the grain

boundaries increases with the consequent decrease of the

activation energy to allow a jump of the ions, and overcome the

potential barrier, and then accelerates the process of growth of

the grains . In several cases, the microwave sintering showed

microstructures of the samples with more uniform and higher

densities. In addition, in the case of the transfer of heat through

the oven, it minimizes the effect of sintering differential: this

means a homogeneous microstructure and improved

mechanical properties. New substances synthesized with jobs to microwaves can therefore be used in industry, but also in medicine. In this case the new compounds may have the ability to bind to genes and other biological molecules regulating, and can determine:

The activation or inhibition of the natural processes of growth, duplication, and probable iterations with the DNA,;

The change of the couplings of substances keto-enoliche (iterations of stacking);

The change in the geometries CIS and trans. There is then the possibility amply demonstrated training substances of radicals, cytotoxic substances and other substances that are the product of crystallizations, mineralizations, polymerizations, cicloaddizioni, decompositions etc. These biochemical transformations can be detected and confirmed only by multiple depth analysis. Therefore, I have studied and I have made experiments analyzing water subjected to MW to verify the values with densitometry, capillarity, chromatography, impedance, conductivity and phmetria. These analyzes have also added some checks to effects, and latency of condensation, after you have found that the heat of MW significantly affect even on processes of aggregation hygroscopic.

(1) See also:

- Tierney, J. P. & Lidström, P. (Eds) Microwave AssistedOrganic Synthesis, 2005

Blackwell, Oxford

- Hayes, B. L. Microwave Synthesis: Chemistry at the Speed of Light 2002, CEM

Publishing, Matthews.

- Kappe, C. O. Controlled microwave heating in modern organic synthesis.

Angew. Chem. Int. And. 2004, 43, 6250-6284.

Below: image of an industrial furnace

Machines of this kind, reactors and digesters,

They are used even for the disposal of waste.

A simple experiment with two mobile phones, to

demonstrate the lack of protection of furnaces

One of the main problems with the magnetron to resonant cavity is the production of oscillations unwanted harmonics. These must be eliminated, so that at the end of the passages in resonance cavity, there is only the fundamental swing you try to delete these unwanted oscillation, which are in amount equal to half of those generated, with the help of the so-called "technology to sun". Pakhomov et al. (1998) consider that in spite of the technology is improving, the problem of the harmonics remains difficult of solution. The other problem is the possibility that for poor security or incorrect design, the radio frequency field go to increase the electromagnetic pollution.

In all publications that describe the characteristics and operation of furnaces, reference is made to the technique of shielding, a "Faraday cage" to prevent the leakage of microwaves. This precaution is necessary, since the powers involved are relatively high. But let's see what he says in this regard the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia: <With Faraday cage is defined as any system consisting of a container made of electrically conducting material able to isolate the internal environment from any electrostatic field present outside… As in the case of the microwave oven.. The wire mesh on the door protects from microwaves while maintaining the ability to see the dishes>. With this type of construction you should be able to observe the laws on safety that impose limits and very low tolerances, and manufacturers feel comfortable and ensure safety. To hear these gentlemen, and trusting of their technical, to the outside of the furnace there should be no rf fields… In fact, if the oven is a genuine Faraday cage, the effect of shielding should be total. Well, we can verify that this is not always the case. Thinking about the fact that the shield, if well-made, island one hundred percent the environment of the oven, it would be logical to expect that no radiofrequency can exit… But even vanish! We have a simple verification using two cell thoughtlessness (as we all know mobile phones always work in microwave frequencies very close to those of ovens). After we were sure that there is a normal reception, we are one of two mobile phones inside the oven, with the display facing the glass of the door, in order to be able to observe. Once the door is closed, we make a call using the other mobile phone. The author has made this test with about twenty models of ovens, confirming that in 60 percent of the cases the cell received calls, and this has demonstrated that screening those ovens was not

total. Asking for explanation to a couple of experts, I was told that this is due to the shielding on the glass, that would be provided to prevent leakage on the specific frequency waves microwave oven, which is that which affects. These gentlemen have not forgotten that emissions within the oven are centered on the main frequency of 2.4 gigahertz, but then there are all the harmonics, which are frequencies with multiples and submultiples of the frequency primary waveform. The conclusion is that the microwave leakage are more frequent than expected. But if we were to believe blindly to the manufacturers, we may rest assured, because the doors of the furnaces undergo very strict tests (see note below). And, in any case, the electromagnetic fields residues should be almost zero. But unfortunately, as more often happens, theory, and the promises, do not transform into reality. There are now on the market of leak detectors of microwave with an excellent sensitivity, which can indicate if an oven is on, also from 40 meters away. Then, the microwaves come out, come out! On the inside of the oven, in the cycle of a normal operation, there is a quantity of phenomena triggered by the generation of microwave at high power, effects defined by science "non thermal", which are added to further emissions to different radio wave frequencies by the microwaves. It is not surprising: the whole is part of a natural process. The nature biased by artificial forces so important, reacts trying to find your balance, and then responds in a way that is equally significant releasing energy, with processes highly energetic that are known for years and exploited in various technologies. I will deal with these aspects.

For the moment, Dylan to read what follows, in the matter of security "Italian style" .! Text from the web site of the IMQ - Italian Institute of the Quality Brand.

"It is important that the microwaves are

confined within the oven. The standard

specifies that the maximum leakage of

microwaves allowed should not exceed 5

milliwatts for centimeter square, at a

distance of 5 centimeters from the oven. In

addition, the door system of the furnaces,

including the hinges,the seals of the

microwave, and other parties associated, must

be constructed so as to withstand the wear.

Compliance with the standards is verified by

IMQ by subjecting the door system to a total

of 100,000 cycles of operation is also

anointing specially seals with oil. At the end

of the test, it is verified that the

dispersion of microwaves are not higher than 5

milliwatts for centimeter square, at a

distance of 5 centimeters from the oven"

The myth (false) of the optimal cooking

In search of reliable news, and before that to deepen on scientific research, i consulted several sources books. They are therefore appeal to the literature of gastronomy, and specifically to some of the texts that have been prepared for educational purposes for the institutes of vocational training. Stood out among these, the full-bodied "cooking laboratory", the author Paolo Gentili, is published in two volumes in 1998 for editions Calderini.

The text is not among the most recent, but well written, and contains an interesting chapter devoted to cooking a MW; however in 1000 pages of text is there not a bibliographic reference. Of course, even in this case the author spends many lines in favor of the ovens to MW, defined as "friends of the cooks". Among the usual foregone conclusions, there are some that have left me perplexed, as the declare that the food does not undergo alterations, indeed, according to Mr. Gentili, nutritive principles are safeguarded. A statement by the general, without producing the scientific sources, has no value. Also, on page thirty nine of the second volume is literally reads <this is a cooking for concentration without browning surface, because the food can reach only the 100 °C, limit determined by the maximum temperature of the water at ambient pressure>. Wow, that preparation! Declare the above is completely wrong and misleading because the water is a polar solvent, and as all the polar solvents bubbles at a higher temperature of 100 degrees, for two reasons: because the internal pressure in the furnace is higher than normal, and therefore the formation of nucleation centers that give the track the boiling is delayed, and because the heating is not homogeneous ( * ). Then, there is to trust what we are told?

( * ) phenomenon said "superbollitura" vds publication "Didactics of Physics" IN

2008 Prof. Umberto Bontempi - University of L'Aquila

The alarming news that circulate in the web

In the introduction I mentioned that on the internet is not an easy place to find news in-depth. Almost all of the information reported to the events on the experiences of a certain Dr. Hans Hertel and his assistant B. Blanc. The history of this swiss researcher, the first that he would have found harmful effects and alarming on the food (1), is often also referred by defenders of the microwave, people who insists on the safety of the furnaces, and would have us believe

that Dr. Hertel would not run appropriate studies, or even that would never have existed. In effect dr. Hertel is not a legend, and also recently has released yet another interview. The only distraction that can be attributed to it and that he published his study in a magazine not carats scientific. However, even today the detractors of dr. Hertel attempt to invalidate his research, and the courage with which it is proposed struggling against the big brands manufacturers of microwave ovens and against the Swiss judiciary to which manufacturers have appealed. However Hertel did not bow to injustice suffered, he boldly appealed to the European Court of Human Rights winning the case

The device of the 1998 judgment in this context takes on a special significance, because the judges acquitting Hertel, recognize that being involved public health, it is urgent and necessary to deepen the research on the effects of microwave ovens. Hope that was then thoroughly ignored! (full version in English and the Italian translation can be found in my blog, the address listed at the end of this essay.

All too easy for his detractors! This is, for example, the article "Microwave - myths and beliefs" inserted in its site by Dr. Cristina Bargagli et al. (2) that demolishes the entire issue by claiming that every fear derives exclusively from diseased mind of imaginative characters. Dr. continues denying that there are scientific studies that support the thesis. Truly outrageous for a scholar of this importance and celebrities. I wonder how face to support these assumptions given that if he had done research would have found a lot of material as it has done myself!

A small example: dr. Bargagli avoids to mention the very famous study that launches the alarm on the destruction of nutrients due to the effect of MW (see note "The microwave oven can destroy the nutrients of food? ). This study has had international resonance, so much so that all major mastheads have spoken about, see article signs O'Neil and John Vital appeared in the New York Times, on 21 October 2003, can be consulted free still today from the website of the american newspaper. I do believe that this expedient is a naive attempt to hide the truth, considering that in some years, a little at a time, the news have been ever more precise. And I believe we should enter in this overview the whole article, so as to give the reader to the fullest possible information. (See insert in the chapter "thermal effects" ).

(1) "Comparative study of food prepared conventionally and in the microwave

oven" - Drs Hans Hertel and Bernard Blanc - Ram & Zelt, (1992)" H. ANDES WEG



(2) holds a degree in Biological Sciences, specialist in Food Science and

Technology of food, consultant for various public institutions, television

broadcasters, businesses etc.

The disconcerting scientific truth

The voyagers hardcore of the safety of the ovens, I say that the absolute security cannot exist. I am not a nuclear physicist, I am not a professor of chemistry and electronics, but I believe that I am able to investigate. No need to be a plurilaureato order to be able to read, and to extrapolate useful considerations from exposures theoretical, and from research done with criteria highly scientific.

Before delving into this subject, it is useful to remember that those are the points "hinge", i.e. the issues related to the construction technology of the ovens to MW, on which we need to focus: Although the furnaces provide a regulation of the power of cooking, the magnetron always works at its maximum power: the efficiency of cooking is in fact achieved by adjusting the ratio between periods of being on and off; The effect of heating/cooking of MW is obtained mainly thanks to the action of radiation on the molecules of water, which make up most of the food. The radiation force the molecules of water (the molecules of hydrogen) to reverse their polarity (asymmetrically) two and a half billion times per second, which is the frequency of the microwaves (2.45 Ghz). Of course, these effects also occur at the level micromolecolare, and macromolecular of tissues and substances which compose them, being each compound susceptible to liquids contained in it. One of the phenomena more interesting that undergoes the water in these conditions is the super-boiling. This phenomenon consists in a delay in the boiling even if it has exceeded the normal temperature for an answer, since the physical conditions inside the oven undergo variables depending on the containers, and the pressure. Below i'm going to describe the most important effects recognized by science, classified according to the type.

Non-thermal effects (effects due to pressure)

The rapid increase in temperature resulting from the absorption of energy by the microwave signal, creates a thermoelastic expansion of the treated substance. This expansion in turn creates an acoustic wave of pressure. Is not the case of household ovens, but this effect has been carefully

noted and analyzed in studies that relate to the biological effects of radiation on living cells, and typically of emissions at low power mobile phones on the human body. In these studies it was observed that the brain is particularly sensitized, for a resonance effect from auger to brain, through the bone conductivity. The sensation that has a subject, is a clear and distinct "click"…

Thermal Effects

Science has always recognized that the effects of high temperatures on foods constitute a effective degradation of nutritive principles in the case of the transformations caused by microwaves, the opinions of the scholars are very contradictory. There are some who say that the differences with the systems of conventional heating are minimal. Others observe that we have to make many distinctions. Between the main effects are: the polymerization of fatty substances, hydrolysis, glycolysis, the caramelization, racemization, the formation of furans (carcinogenic compounds). Let's see them in detail: 1, Polymerization is a phenomenon whereby substances become more viscous, and brown, while decreases the digestibility; 2 'Hydrolysis is a phenomenon that," thanks to the water and high temperatures, you can form free fatty acids; 3, The glycolysis is a catabolic process in which more complex molecules and energy are transformed into other simpler, less energetic; 4, The caramelization of the foods, due to the so-called Maillard reaction, chemical changes that occur in the presence of carbohydrates and amino acids to temperatures above 150 °; 5. The racemization of proteins (action on amino acids ), i.e. the death of proteins: part of the amino acids is transformed from levorotatory in dextrorotatory until the ratio of the two enantiomers

is not 1:1. At this point the racemization process reaches the balance; 6.The isomerization of the amino the phenomenon whereby two or more chemical compounds having different properties have the same empirical formula but different structural formula, or have the same structural formula but different spatial configuration G. Lubec, CHR Wolf, B. Bartosch - "The Lancet" 31 march 1990, p. 792 Other chemical changes are:

The pectin of plants tends to be transformed in pectic acid; The air present in the furnace favors the phenomena of

oxidation and the loss of vitamins in vegetables. This phenomenon does not occur in classic boiling, because the water away the presence of air in foods (a 'laboratory of the kitchen" of Paul Gentiles, editions Calderini 1998);

The formation of furans (TCDF-PCDFS). These substances are often form in food during the cooking process. However, it has been found that in the processes of traditional cooking, with open flame and with open containers, the evaporation facilitates the expulsion of the compounds. In ovens to MW these compounds have a greater possibility of persistence, especially if you use heat food in closed containers (Roberts 2008 - Fromberg and other - 2009) EFSA Journal 2011; 9 (9) :2347

The microwave can destroy the nutrients of the food?

Article by Stephen Strauss - 26 april 2004

Introduction of Steve Klein:

According to a new study: "Use the microwave oven for

broccoli raw and for other foods decreases drastically, and in

some cases nearly eliminates, some of the substances healthy".

The steam cooking leads instead to the smaller possible loss of

nutrients. Its says a recent study that used the microwave for

broccoli raw decreases, and in some cases almost completely

eliminates some chemicals naturally healthy.

Of particular importance in research and has been the

disappearance almost total - 97 percent - of the flavonoids in

consequence of the use of the microwave oven. Flavonoids,

substances that often are found in a large part of the fruits and

vegetables with bright colors, consider linked to the reduction in

the risk of coronary artery disease, heart attacks and lung cancer.

Using the microwave reduces the presence of other chemicals

equally desirable and normally present in broccoli, according to a

percentage of between 74 and 87 percent.

Some of these substances have been associated with

slowing down the effects of aging, the reduction in the risk of

heart disease, prevention of Alzheimer's disease, type 2 of

diabetes and some forms of cancer.

The study published today by the Journal of the Science of

Food and Agriculture (booing : the magazine on the science of

food and dell'agricoltura( * )) - led by a group of scientists from

the Spanish government in Murcia, Spain - revealed that the

boiling removes only 66 percent of the flavonoids from fresh

broccoli raw, while cooking in a pressure cooker and dissolves

only 47 percent. The almost complete loss of the flavonoids in

broccoli cooked microwave has impressed the spanish

researchers. "We were surprised at those who appeared to be the

amazing results," said Francisco Tomas-Barberan , a coauthor of

the new search. He and his fellow researchers have suggested

that the microwave cooking genres of temperatures unexpectedly

high in broccoli raw, which destroy the chemicals able to combat

the diseases ….. The conclusion is that you cannot never to

optimize everything," asserted the professor. David Jenkins,

director of the center for the clinical nutrition and the

modification of the risk factor of the hospital St. Michael of

Toronto, has argued that, given the dependence of many families

to double income from microwave ovens, it is important that the

results are repeated and extended to other foods.

The director Jenkins has said that "At this point we have to

admit that we have no idea whether this is linked only to the

question of broccoli, baked at microwave and in these conditions,

and if this result has general validity. However, given the

importance of microwave cooking in the preparation of modern

foods, we hope that its validity is not too general".

1-F. Vallejo, F. A. Tomas-Barberan, C. Garcia-Viguera "Phenolic compound

contents in edible parts of broccoli inflorescences after domestic cooking".

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Nov. 2003, Volume 83, #14,

pages 1511-6

2-Tom Valentine "The Proven Dangers of Microwaves".

NEXUS Magazine ( April-May ' 95). Volume 2, #25

Cytotoxic effects of high temperatures

On living cells

A text on the use of MW (434 MHz) for treatments in orthopedics is literally reads: <Instrumental evidences show that the heat acts especially on nuclear proteins and cytoplasmic, thereby facilitating the denaturing, while does not have a direct effect on the molecules of DNA; therefore causes alterations in the cellular metabolism, synthesis of macromolecules and in transport of precursors (tRNA), the structure of the cytoskeleton, conformational changes in the structure of the membranes (interference in the flow of the cations and the metabolites that transmit information between cells, and alteration of the redox state of the cell) and release of hydrolase> (in "First clinical results in the implementation and enforcement of the hyperthermia in orthopedics", edited by various authors de l'

university of Rome La Sapienza, ENEA is the research department SMA of Florence). In another job that is always the use of MW medical therapy: <In regard to the non-thermal effects of small doses protracted lacks a common agreement. C" and those who support the harmlessness of such exposure, c"is who proposes the existence of the "disease from airwaves", with subtle effects on the immune system and the CNS. From statistical surveys reveal three syndromes: the syndrome astenica (hypotension, bradycardia, desynchronization of the alpha activity in the EEG), the syndrome astenico-vegetative (headache, somnolence persistent, loss of appetite, tiredness deep, sexual disorders, changes in system cortisol-cortisone) and, finally, the hypothalamic syndrome (myocardial ischemia, hypertension, circadian rhythm) >. In: BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF NON-IONISING RADIATION - P. Calvini - Dept. of Physics, University of Genoa, march 2009 With regard to the enormous capacity of organic synthesis, bearing in mind that the MW generators used in laboratories generally confine themselves to powers contained between 100 and 400 Watts, you can mention the acceleration during the chemical reaction of the phosphonium salts: it only takes a few minutes of treatment to MW, against the 14 days required by traditional methods (Daniele Paganelli-Reazioni chemical in microwave - 2008). <The microwaves increase speed and yield of the reaction: the energy transferred is much greater than the quota needed to reach the energy of activation. This transfer is also very quick for which there is a greater activation of the individual molecules. These conditions cause an increase in the instantaneous temperature with the potential achievement of much higher values, while in the conventional method the increase relates to the overall temperature of the system> (Samuel Zanatta - University of Padua - january 2008 in "the synthesis of novel inhibitors of topoisonebasi II and the protein kinase CK2 with potential antitumor activity"

Action of microwaves

The microwaves are formed by an electric field and a magnetic field, but only the electric transfers energy by heating the substance, while the magnetic does not intervene in the course of the chemical reaction. The microwaves cause particular oscillations in molecules that possess dipolar moment not null: these movements cause a heating very high and immediate. The heating is carried out through two mechanisms: the dipolar rotation and the ionic conduction. In the phenomenon of dipolar rotation, dipolar molecules subjected to a electromagnetic radiation tend to align themselves with the electric field and then assume oscillatory movements, that produce energy in the form of heating. These movements are dependent on the viscosity of the medium in which they are immersed and the frequency of the applied field. If the frequencies are too high, the molecules do not have enough time to respond to the electric field, they are not able to rotate, and then there is no transfer of energy nor heating; if the frequencies are too low, the molecules rotate perfectly in phase with the electric field, but the energy developed is low and we do not produce heat. If the applied frequency is of the order of the microwaves, the molecules have the time to rotate without, however, to be completely in step with the electric field, and then tend to realign continuously with the field that in turn continuously oscillates. This phase difference causes collisions and involves heating. The entity of the heating is a function of the magnitude of the dipole moment is also the viscosity, which varies the possibility of rotating the molecules. In a gaseous medium the molecules are distant and free to oscillate in phase, therefore you will not have heating. In the phenomenon of conduction, charged particles (ions) in solution move under the influence of the electric field with an

increase in collisions between the molecules, with conversion of the kinetic energy in heating. Liquids containing ions will warm more liquids may be neutralised with. Therefore, there is a direct correlation between dipole moment of a molecule and its capacity to absorb microwaves. The increase in temperature strongly depends on the polarity of the reaction mixture. For this principle the choice of solvent is of considerable importance: more polar is the solvent, the greater the increase in temperature that is. On the basis of the above considerations on mechanisms of action of microwave, this technique can be applied even in the absence of solvent, in the case where the reactants have dielectric properties appropriate.


Action of the electrostatic forces in a stream of water: the water is so receptive to polarizations that the simple rubbing of a glass rod, or plastic, or a balloon, it alters the physical state.

A few searches, but very meaningful and little


After the case of dr. Hertel, other alarming news began to circulate in the scientific world, and the web. It is very important conclusions on real research officers. Unfortunately have not had a good diffusion, however, have helped to give an idea about alterations undergone from various substances taken into consideration, and of course from food. Some of these news stories are also quite particular. For example, a case is known to a patient that in 1991 in a hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is died for anaphylactic crisis after a blood transfusion that was heated in a microwave oven. The irradiation seems to have altered the blood, causing the death of the patient (1). A good part of these research has shown that many problems are related to the incorrect use of the oven to MW, other to the use of containers, cellophane wrappers, cerati studied for use in the microwave, but with the effect of the radiation issue diploma the chemical compounds and additives (substances BADGE, antifreeze etc. ) ran out to the food (2-3). Finally, it should be emphasized that most of the more recent studies are oriented to the verification of the effects of MW on the processes of sterilisation, pasteurisation etc. food. In effect the microwave are able to exterminate the pests and microorganisms in foods , and thanks to the time reduced by exposure to heat, it is stated that the organoleptic characteristics are not compromised. In this sense you are carried out several international congresses. There seems to be a race between scientific institutes to adopt always new techniques and so I would say to please the food industry.

Effects on milk

Observed changes in the milk proteins, thereby causing toxicity or changing the nutritional value of the milk itself. (4) A more

thorough search, conducted in Vienna has detected that the protein D proline and the cis D idrossidoprolina were in significant quantities, while usually only the L proline is found in biological material. (L stands for levorotatory, D for dextrorotatory, referring to the direction of rotation of the electrons on the plane of polarization optics). Lubec and his colleagues put on guard to the fact that "the conversion of forms from trans to cis can be dangerous because when the cis-amino acids are incorporated into peptides and proteins rather than in their transisomers, this can lead to structural changes, functional and immunological" (5). Finally, heating or thawing breast milk with the MW causes a decrease in the level of factors anti infectious milk (98% of natural antibiotics), even when using low temperatures (6), research carried out by John A. Kerner and collaborators at Stanford University in California and confirmed by multiple studies. Still, studies on milk products and in particular on losses of vitamin B2-B12 and ascorbic acid were conducted in Egypt (7), Germany (8-9 -10-11), Japan (12-13). Other studies on losses of vitamin A in Germany (14)

Effects on meat

Research carried out in 2009 at the faculty of animal science at the University of Kaposovar-Ungheria . Were analyzed meatballs and their content of vitamin B, vitamin C,D-aspartic acid and D-glutamic acid. It is revealed that after two minutes of heating at MW vitamin C suffers a loss of 20 %, and 50% after ten, the vitamins B1.B2 suffer a loss little meaningful in the first few minutes, and a 30% after fifteen minutes. Losses and mutations considerable after ten minutes, even for the aspartic acid and glutamic acid (with a 15% and 5% that is transformed into D-emantiomeri (15)

Effects on vegetable oils

Many studies on olive oils, peanut, sunflower and soybean have highlighted degradation of lipids with effects that include hydrolysis, oxidation and polymerization. It was also detected

oxidation and loss of fatty acids (Cossignani, Caponio, Adam Merrick) and an increase in viscosity with the formation of cyclic monomers, dimerization and polymerization which affects increase in free radicals (Albi and other - 1997) and the formation of peroxides such as to exceed the maximum permitted values. Further loss of staining (green in olive oils) connected to destruction thermo-labial pigments of chlorophyll and carotenoids. As a further effect of the thermal hydrolysis occurs release of fatty acids from their ester bond. The transformations depends very much on the type of oil, and the treatment temperature. The polymerization (tendency to form larger molecules) occurs with extreme conditions of duration and temperature and it is believed that depends on the formation of bonds-carbon or oxygen bridges between the fatty acids. Note that the formation of these toxic substances reaches the percentage of 10-12 %, when it is believed that the acceptable limit for the fried both by 25 % . (16-17 -18-19 -20).

Effects on other plant foods

In the context of the study of processes of conservation treatments with smells bad, De Ancos and others (1999) have studied the effects of microwaves in samples of purée of strawberry, papaya and kiwi. It has emerged that the processes of peroxidase are satisfactory for short treatments. As far as to color, has been found that the MW cause a marked decline. Cano and others (21) have analyzed the conservation of bananas and other fruits, and found that the smells bad to microwaves, further proves to be unsatisfactory even by analyzing the content of phenols, peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase; in fact, the pretreated samples to microwaves have, in general, a content of phenols also smaller as compared to control samples, while pretreatment with steam is better. Krokida et al [ 22] (2000) have compared the effect of smells bad to osmosis, microwave (810 W for 1 min), sulfite, water (90 °C for

3 min), steam on the color of potatoes, apples, bananas and carrots dried (drying in tunnels with air at 70 °C). In this case, the untreated samples and those pretreated at microwave show an increase of the browning (oxidation) during the drying, unlike those treated for osmosis, sulfite, with water and steam that preserve the matrix from the browning during the drying process.

Effects on the paste

The microwave cooking has led to an increase of the layer gel, and the yellow coloring. Not reported worsening of the quality (23).

Effects on precooked food Ryynänen and Ohlsson (1996) have studied the distribution of the heat in a microwave oven on dishes cooked with meat burger chops, carrots sauteed and boiled potatoes, alternating the geometrical arrangement of the individual components on the plate. From the results obtained showed that the heat fractionates irregularly on a plate ,so that the temperatures reached in distant areas even a few centimeters of each other can vary by more than 30 °C. In addition, the edge of the plate exerts an effect "antenna" special at that level the temperature can be over 30° higher than in the center of the dish. The AA we emphasize that between carrots and potatoes, the most refractory to transmit the heat of the microwave are the latter, concluding that its these vegetables should always be positioned along the edges of the plate, where the temperature can easily reach 100 °C. Even the materials used for packaging the dishes cooked can affect the proper distribution of the heat in the food during the heating in the microwave: those in combination also containing aluminum, for example, appear to provide a more homogeneous distribution of heat with respect to the films of one plastic (Ryynänen and Ohlsson, 1996).

Effects on casings and food packaging

Researchers of the body to control european food have performed trial protocols on the contents of furan in heat-treated foods. In general, the levels of furan not decreased if the food were heated in a microwave oven, compared with the same food heated in a small saucepan. Levels of furan were decreased in most cases after the heating in a casserole. Furan is decreased slightly in foods mixed and left in the dish. Kim et al. (2009) have studied the possible effect of cooking and management of conditions and recommended to heat the meals in a box up to 50-70° C for a reduction in the levels of furan.del.26 -46 % . (24). As regards the plastic containers, the research has highlighted passage of BPA from polycarbonate case also used for heating food for infants (25), and migration-called xenooestrogens casings from pvc (26). The compounds BPA and the-called xenooestrogens are compounds with carcinogenic effects recognized everywhere.

(1) Journal of Natural Sciences, 1998; 1: 2.7 .

(2) Food Additives and toxins, 1994; 11: 231- 40

(3) AB Badeka, MG Kontominas, 1996; cited by Ashton and Laura,1999, p. 68

(4) Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1994; 13 : 209 -10

(5) The Lancet, 1989; 9 : 1392-3

(6) "Effects of Microwave Radiation on Anti-infectious Factors in Human Milk",

Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 89, No. 4, April 1992.

(7) IA Abd El-Gawad , BUT El-Aasar and other--Journal Science of Power no. 16

(1988), pp. 175-192

(8) I. Andersson, R. innkeeper, Milchwissenschaft, no. 47 (1992), pp. 233-234 - );

in the latter analysis is also found the loss of the oxygen content

(9) JO Bosset,P. Eberhard, U. Butikofer. Part 1:Vitamin C, Mitteilungen aus

demgebeite Lebensmitteluntersuchaug und der Hygiene NO. 82 (1991) pp. 433-


(10) S. Demel, I. Steiner,J. Washuettl,G. Kroyer - Chemistry and microbiology

"Study on milk the treaty in the microwave." - NO. 29 (1990) pp. 299-303

(11) G. S. Haddad, M. Loewenstein "effect of thermal treatments and freezing in

thiamine, riboflavin and ascorbic acid content in the milk" - J. Dairy Sci no. 66

(1983) I. Andersson, R. innkeeper, Milchwissenschaft, no. 47-1992, pp. 233-234

(12) ST Chen, Wu SH,KT Wang - Intenational Research peptides protein no. 33

(1989) p. 73-75

(13) ST Chen,SH Chiou,YHChu,KT Wang - THE rapid hydrolysis of the protein by

means of microwave technology and its applications for the analysis of amino

acids - Intenational Research peptides protein no. 30 (1987) p. 572-582

(14) K. Wagner,H. Graf.GSchaarmann ,Flackowsky G. - Vitamins und weitere

Zusatstoffe EIB Mensch und Tier Symposium , Jena (Thuringen Univ.) 1993 49-52

(15) Acta Univ. Foundation Sapientiae Alimentaria 2, 1 (2009) pp. 81-88

(16) R. malheiro,S. Casal,E. Ramalhosa,J. A. Pereira Faculty of Agraria-Braganca -

Portugal - Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 (2009) 92-97

(17) Albi, T. , Lanzon, A. , Guinda, A. , Perez-Camino , M. C. , Leon, M. , 1997b.

Microwave and conventional heating effects on some physical and chemical

parameters ofedible:. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 45, 3000-3003.

(18) Caponio, F., Pasqualone, A. , Gomes, T. , 2003. Changes in fatty acid

composition of vegetables oils in model doughs submitted to conventional or

microwave heating. International Journal of Food Science and Technology

(19) Cossignani L., Simonette, M. S. , Black, A. , Damiani, P. , 1998. Changes in

olive oil composition two to microwave heating. Journal of the American Oil

Chemists' Society 75, 931-937.

(20) Yoshida, H. , Hirooka, B. N. , Kajimoto, G. , 1990. Microwave energy effects

on quality of some seed oils. Journal Food Science 55, 1416-1421.

(21) B. de Ancos, M. Pilar Cano, A. Hernandez and M. Monreal, Effects of

microwave heating on pigment composition and color of fruit pureest, Journal of

the Science of Food and Agriculture, 79 (5), 663-670, (1999)

(22) M. K. Krokida, C. T. Kiranoudis and Z. B. Marinos-Kouris , Effect of pre on

color of dehydrated products, Drying Technology, 18 (6), 1239-1250, (2000)

(23) Pieces E. , Bags G. , Vallicelli M. , Angioloni A. , by Rosa M. (2008). Spaghetti

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(24) EFSA Journal 2011; 9 (9): 2347 27

(25) Dr. Barbara Mary Thomson - University of Canterbury New Zealand "

Human health implications of exposure to xenoestrogens from food" 2005

(26) c University of California


The biochemical transformations can be detected and confirmed only by a series of analysis methods and in-depth. Therefore, I have made experiments on the water, which is the basic element of substances and of the food. Of course, this does not mean that you can perform tests even on complex elements, such as milk and its compounds, but you will need to have an equipment and a preparation not indifferent. In particular I analyzed distilled water subjected to microwave for a few seconds, to compare with untreated water, for verify the values of densitometry, capillarity, chromatography, impedance, conductivity and phmetria. These analyzes were added some checks on effects and latency of condensation and on the osmosis, after it had found that the heat of the MW significantly affect even on processes of aggregation hygroscopic. Finally, I have made biological tests on aquatic plants, in order to verify that incidence has water subjected to MW on vital processes.


1 - Evidence of conductometry and ph

Tool used:

Multimeter-conductivity meter Precise Instruments

mod PHT-027 -


Distilled water,

2 Glass beakers, pipettes,

Multimeter- conductivity meter,

Digital thermometer to two channels

Conduct. I filled the two beakers with about 20 ml

of distilled water. One of the beakers I placed in

a microwave for fifteen seconds. Then I left that

the temperature had returned to the values of the

environment. Running the tool I have awaited

stabilizzasse in reading, and within thirty minutes

I made a session of checks with different

temperatures, with departments on the untreated


The latest review I made spent more than 24 hours.

Result. In all tests the PH values of the treated

water microwave are higher than normal water. On

the contrary, the conductivity values are below.

The fourth review, carried out spent more than 24

hours from the previous one, showed no differences,

as if with decanting, the water has regained its

natural balance, likely effect of CO2 absorption.

It is common knowledge that at ambient pressure the

distilled water or neutral is able to absorb the

atmospherich carbon anhydride, and this phenomenon

could significantly affect balance in the ionic

forces which had previously suffered changes by the

work of MW. I’ll keep account of this fact in

continuation of the other experiences, particularly

in biological tests, by providing to periodically

replace the liquids.

Comments. Conductivity (EC) high purity water has

an extremely low electrical conductivity. In the

presence of ionised substances or dissociated

occurs an increase in electrical conductivity

proportional to their concentration. The

measurement of the electrical conductivity of the

water, therefore, allows you to obtain information

about its degree of mineralization. The conductance

is manifested through the motion of ions in


The factors that act on the mechanisms of

conduction are:

1. Ionic Charges: at equal concentration, a

divalent ion carries a double charge with respect

to a monovalent, for which ? Increases with the

increase of the ionic charge

2. Rate of migration: a parity of the applied

electric field, the rate of migration of an ion

also depends on the ratio charge/radius, by its

mass, the interactions with the other ions and with

the solvent and the viscosity of the solvent. The

rate of migration of the ions, in turn, is a

function quite complex in their size, their state

of hydration and the concentration of the solution.

3. Temperature

4. Ion Concentration of the solution: the charge

transport in solution is due to the migration of

ions of the electrolyte to the electrode of

opposite sign; is just this transport which closes

the circuit and allows the passage of current. It

is therefore evident that the decrease of the ionic

concentration, i.e. with the increase of the

dilution 1/C (where C in this case and the

concentration of the electrolyte), there will be a

proportional decrease in conductivity.

Redox potential (mV) the cations, positive ions,

surround the negative electrodes producing cathode

water (water reduced).

The anions, negative ions, surround the positive

electrodes produce water (anodic oxidized water).

Tap water has a potential for reduction from +100

to +150mV is, therefore, a high ability to capture

electrons, and hence to oxidize other molecules.

The reduced water has a potential for reduction of

about -250 to -350mV and therefore a high

concentration of electrons, is capable to render

harmless the activated oxygen and other free


Reducing the activated oxygen, it reduces the

damage that the biological molecules can undergo.

As a result, the biological molecules are much less

exposed to infections and diseases.

Result. From the notes above, and observing that

all the values of water treated at MW, have a

conductivity higher and a redox potential lower

than the untreated water, it can be inferred that

this water has undergone a considerable

deterioration of quality.

2 - Evidence of absorbance-chromatography


NO. 2 plastic containers graduated, one labeled


Different pairs of paper adsorbent

Supports for paper, labelled

Marker Pen

Conduct: after filling the two containers with

equal measure of distilled water, I heated the

container NO. 2 in the microwave for about ten

seconds. Then I expected that the temperature had

returned to the values of the environment. I took

then a couple of strips of paper and there I

deposited a drop of ink from pen, and then I put

the maps adsorbents in the media, and then I placed

within the containers with liquid. I repeated the

experience for the seven pairs of strips of paper


Result. As can be seen from the photos, in each

strip of paper, placed in containers with water

heated to MW, the values of d'absorbance are

significantly lower than those found in ordinary

water, which are much higher.

In the photos n. 2 And detailed the pair of

strips no. 2, and in the picture no. 3 The

corresponding graph.

3 - Surface Tension - is a strange experience with the



Digital Camera Canon

Digital Sampler temperature two-channel

NO. 4 glass beakers

Conduct: after filling two containers with equal

measure of distilled water, I heated the container

NO. 1 in the microwave while the container NO. 2

with the use of electric heater. As demonstrated in

this photo the liquids had then identical

temperature. I subsequently covered containers with

two others.

After a few minutes I was able to observe the

formation of condensation in both containers. As

demonstrated in the photos, this condensation

appeared different between the two containers

highlighting that the aggregation process was not

identical. In the container no. 1 (container to the

left labeled MW) the aggregation of molecules of

water is much less homogeneous. Having repeated

several times the experience, even using containers

with different shape, it can be inferred that the

processes of condensation are clearly very


I subsequently covered containers with two others.

Comments - When you apply a temperature increase to

a liquid, it reacts in a way to eliminate the

stimulus and return to balance. Therefore, the

liquid transforms part of its solid structure into

vapor (endothermic effect) .In essence, the

evaporation becomes possible when in the liquid

decreases the force of attraction between the

molecules. This process depends on the nature of

the liquid, the temperature, and pressure, and its

speed depends on the capacity defined "vapor

pressure", which can be measured with a barometer

in units of mm Hg. Then the steam deposits in the

walls of the containers back in the liquid state.

The accession of the droplets of steam is depend on

the wettability of the surface: the liquid is

deposited to the solid surface to a greater or

lesser depending on the nature of the liquid

(hydrogen bonds) and the solid itself. The physical

forces involved in this case are the result of a

balance between physical adhesion, cohesion and

surface tension of the liquid. Normally the

droplets of steam are deposited by assuming all a

circular shape, which is the resultant of the

physical configuration of minimum energy for bodies

subjected to iteration mutual.

In this case, on the contrary, that in steam formed

in the walls of the container NO. 1 (distilled

water treated at MW) there is a exceptional

phenomenon of aggregation of inhomogeneous droplets

of steam, which tend to self-can be compressed in a

process of dynamic cannibalism. This does not occur

at all in the container NO. 2, which as shown by

the result graph very smooth, has a surface covered

with drops of steam of small radius very

homogeneous and arranged symmetrically between


Being that the containers used are always made of

glass, it is obvious that the different accession

does not depend on the wettability of the surface

of glass but from an apparent form of dynamism of

the drops of liquid from the container NO. 1,

dynamism that makes them able to stick together

with forms irregular, as if the liquid undergo a

rupture marked of the intermolecular bonds that

manifests itself with the arrangement in surfaces

very large. These droplets of steam clearly have a

contact angle different. May be due to the force of

surface tension of the water contained therein,

form of energy which is much higher in the water is

not heated with the microwave.

To understand the phenomenon it is good to remember

the assumptions of the law of Laplace: with the

same surface tension, the smaller the radius of a

drop is, the greater the difference of pressure

needed to keep it in balance.

As an alternative to surface tension present in the

droplets of steam already trapped in the glass, the

different arrangement could be the result of an

imbalance/asymmetry between droplets of steam that

is already present in the gaseous state, aerosol,

before being deposited in the surface of the

container and before retransforming in water. But

this can occur only in the case of different

pressure-steam inside the glass container. A

different pressure and saturation can accelerate or

reduce the formation of embryos of droplets-steam,

and affect in their radius.

In the seguent illustration: representation of the deposition of a

drop on a substrate. The value of the surface tension of water (72

dyne/cm) is consequence of its CED very high is equal to 550

cal/cm3 (22000 atm). This causes a tendency to minimize the

surface of contact between any hydrophobic solute (organic) and

the molecules of water.

Result- The experience suggests that in the treated

water has occurred a change a few of intermolecular

forces. It is therefore to investigate the issue of

surface tension.

It is worth remembering that most physicists

(Owens, Wendt, Good-Van - Oss-Chaudhury and other)

gives the voltage difference to the electrodynamic

forces and dispersive polar.

4 - Review of the osmosis


Digital Balance with resolution 0.01 gr.

Test tubes,

Plastic container graduated,

Two pipettes,

No. 4 carrots

Conduct. Previous experience with the strange

effect occurred during the process of condensation

of the water irradiated with MW gave me the idea to

make another verification in which entered still in

the game the surface tension of the liquid. Then I

prepared with a tool to kitchen NO. 4 carrots,

slicing and bringing them to the same weight, and

then I inserted into the tubes, keeping the upper

part at the top. Then I poured 20 ml in each of the

two test tubes with the label MW (1-2), and 20 ml

of untreated water in the other tubes (3-4). After

about 18 hours, I have verified that the carrots

had absorbed a certain amount of water, and I found

that the carrots with normal water nor had

incorporated a larger amount. I repeated two times

the same process, with a similar result: the

absorbed water in most of the carrots in tubes with

untreated water was about 2 ml, i.e. 10 percent of

the liquid.

Comments- The osmosis is the phenomenon of transfer

of molecules of water from a solution with water

potential greater than a solution with less

potential. Therefore the water will move from a

region with lower concentration, toward the higher

concentration. The diffusion of water is influenced

by what is dissolved in it, i.e. the concentration

of the solute molecules and ions.

Result- In the experience it has been found that

the untreated water is transferred to a greater

extent on the carrot, demonstrating that the

untreated water was less concentrated (hypertonic)

than treated. Therefore the osmotic potential of

the water treated at microwave is different.

5 - Verification of the surface tension


Digital Balance with resolution 0.01 gr.

Dropper in glass

1 Beaker or container made of transparent plastic

Distilled water at room temperature

Conduct. The result of previous experiences have

led me the need to carry out an audit of the

surface tension.

The determination of the surface tension of a

liquid is carried out using a law that puts the

average weight of a drop from a dropper with a

constant K valid only for that dropper. Knowing the

surface tension of a liquid of reference and the

average weight of a drop of liquid can be used to

establish the K of a dropper to use in the law.

P = K x Y

Where y is the surface tension of the liquid that

is used for the calibration, namely 0.0726 , for

distilled water at 20°

Therefore, with the help of a dropper in glass, I

made three sets of measurements, weighing with the

balance 40 drops at a time of water previously

treated with MW for about ten seconds, and

departments on with three series of equally

untreated water.

From experimental data it calculates the average

weight P of a drop of liquid that falls from


P1 =3.13 /40 =0.078 P2 =3.24 /40 =0.081 P3 =3.19

/ 40= 0.079 g

P = P1+P2+P3/3 = 0.078 +0,079/3 +0,081 =0.238 /3 =

0.079 g

Now with the data collected is calculates the K of

the dropper .

Knowing that P = K x Y

K = P / y i.e. K = 0.079 /0.0726 = 1.088

Now you can determine the surface tension of the

water treated:

Average weight of water treated:

P1 =2.98 /40 =0.074 P2 =3.03 /40 = 0.075 P3 =2.96

/40 = 0.074 g

P = 0.074 +0,075+0,074/3 = 0.0743 g

Knowing that P = K x Y

Y = P / K i.e. y = 0.0743 /1.088 = 0.0683

Result: the surface tension of the distilled water

treated at microwave is 0.0683 , while the non-

treated water is 0.0726 .

Comments. As has already been written in the

previous two paragraphs, the surface tension is one

of the fundamental parameters of the water.

Modification of these involves profound changes on

the quality of this vital element. The life of all

animal and plant cells is regulated by these

simple but basic parameters. An example, so much to

make the idea: the perspiration, nutrition, the

evaporation of each plant in the world depend on

the forces of cohesion-tension of the molecules of


6 - Check the viscosity


Digital Tachometer to three digits. Tolerance 4%


Digital Balance with resolution 0.01 gr.


2 Beaker or clear plastic wallets

Distilled water at room temperature

Preparation for the implementation of this

experiment, not having to make an apparatus from

lab, I had to build a suitable instrument. The idea

was to check the viscosity of distilled water

sample, measuring the mechanical resistance offered

to the motion of a body in them immersed. More or

less as principle of viscometers Brookfield type,

but by measuring the response to the revolutions of

an engine, and not the pair.

I then assembled the instrument, which is

essentially composed of a motor with applied to the

stator a small magnet, which serves as a generator

of pulses. The motor is the magnet i positioned

above a small plastic container, so that it is

single body watertight. As sensor/pulse detector i

used a magnetic pick-up supplied by a 9V battery,

placed on a stand at the same height as the magnet

placed inside the container, so as to correctly

read the pulse.

As a reader of measurement i used a small digital

tachometer, previously calibrated with the help of

a frequency generator and an oscilloscope.

Details of the equipment used. On the left you can see the tool open,

with a small glass container, in which I then fed the liquid to be

tested. Note the small tachometer, which was tested with a BF

generator and an oscilloscope Philips PM3311. In the bottom right,

especially the instrument with the motor and the magnet inserted,

ready for the experiment.

Conduct first, after you have verified the correct

positioning of the instrument, i made a reading

"unload", obtaining a reading of 70 Hz, i.e. 70


Then i have prepared the usual samples of distilled

water, one of the two the treaty for a few seconds

to the MW. Expected that the temperature had

returned to the ambient values, i made a small

series of tests, inserting in the bowl of the

instrument a quantity of liquid previously verified

with the bilancina, of 17 ml per sample, so that

the inner magnet had just wet.. This quantity has

proved the most suitable to the operation of the

instrument, and to contain leaks during the

whirling motion of stator+magnet.. Each test

session was for a duration of 40-50 seconds, just

enough to allow the engine to stabilize the motion.

I have also taken into account that a longer

duration would certainly heated the motor itself,

and the liquid, distorting the measurements.

The measurements obtained (rpm) are the following.

( * ) measurement made on the same samples of

water Previously used

Comments carry out an audit of this kind on the

viscosity of a liquid as the simple distilled

water, it seemed to me for a long time a useless

charade. But then, noting that in the literature

there are many laboratory tests for liquids of all

kinds, but not for the water,

I thought not to follow the conventional, and that

perhaps it was worth to make an attempt. In fact

you should never assume a result, and prejudices in

the search are the negation of the research itself.

Then I have to build this tool that would exploit

the forces of the friction between the solid phase,

constituted by the wall of the bowl and the magnet,

and the liquid phase, consisting of the water.

During the motion that the motor/magnet induce on

the inside of the bowl, and generated an increase

in pressure that has led to the formation of a

temporary increase in the volume of the liquid, and

the formation of vortices that are settled after a

few seconds, allowing a useful reading.

Science defines "creep resistance" the force that

measure the internal friction of the liquid and

opposes the sliding of the molecules with respect

to each other. The index of this resistance

intermolecular and the viscosity, or best kinematic

viscosity, is expressed as a series of units

established internationally, depending on the

method of measurement (Stokes who impugned or

centipoise etc.)

The value of viscosity depends finally on certain

factors, first among all the temperature, then the

density. At 20° the distilled water has a value of

1.0 cp.

Result: After a series of 2 tests, performed at

various temperatures, I found that the treated

water to MW opposes more resistance than in the

normal water, and then has a viscosity index higher

for the third test, the measurement has proved

almost identical. In this case however, I used the

same water sample of the previous test, and then it

is a liquid that has "suffered" a treatment that

the mail has a strong agitation, has certainly had

a gas exchange with the environment, and this has

restored its natural balance; phenomenon that I

observed, and already pointed out in some previous


Conclusions The results of the test, check that

the treated water has a viscosity index higher.

Trying to you clarify that the reason why, and by

reasoning on viscosity curves of other elements, I

had to conclude that everything depends on the

gradient slider that develops in the fluid, and

that is opposed to the strength or energy effort

that the fluid must withstand to be moved. There is

a link between stress and flow conditions. This

bond is constant in liquids such as water, and is

graphically represented by a straight line. As a

result, the physical laws of Newtonian liquid, that

the increase of motion increases, the viscosity

gradient is growing up.

The final question is: why, then, if the water

treated at MW has increased this gradient, i.e. ,

the viscosity, because it was not a temporary


I think I can venture an answer, which I will

widely in the three final chapters.


1 Aquatic Plant - Rotundifolia

Family: Lythraceae

Average height: over 40 cm.

Average Temperature: 22 ° -27° C

Lighting: medium-intense

Growth: medium-fast

Average pH of the water: 5.5 -7.5 pH

Description: aquatic plant looks thin and

elongated, very elegant and decorative. Plant with

ascending stem does not grow beyond the surface of

the water. The leaves are small, opposite, narrow

and elongated, with smooth margins. The peculiarity

of this plant and the characteristic coloring,

which varies from olivedrab-yellowish to reddish


Propagation: for runners or for cuttings.


Four cuttings, sterilised tubes, distilled water

Course I prepared four cuttings of Rotundifolia,

replacethese from same plant matrix contained in

the aquarium (Figure 1). The cuttings were cut with

the same length and inserted into tubes, with

distilled water at room temperature. The test tubes

NO. 1 and NO. 2 contained the water previously

heated in an oven to MW for fifteen seconds. At the

time of beginning experiment, the PH of the normal

water was 8, while the treated water was measured

9. Then I replaced the water in the tubes every 4/5

days, inserting always treated water into the test

tubes no. 1 and no. 2. After about a week you could

observe a certain growth of the cuttings into the

test tubes NO. 3 and NO. 4, while the cuttings no.

1 and no. 2 did not show visible signs. After a

further 3 days, I reversed the position of the

cuttings, by inserting those that had grown in test

tubes NO. 1 and NO. 2 with treated water. From that

moment, I was able to observe the reversal of the

phenomenon of growth. The cuttings which before had

shown signs of growth are blocked, while the others

have shown a clear sign of recovery.

Comments. Figure 3 shows the situation after 16

days of the experiment. The cuttings in test tubes

NO. 1 and NO.2 have lost vitality, and it denotes

loss of chlorophyll and even the sinking, very

clear signal of obvious difficulties vital, what is

even more evident in Figure 4, where I place the

cuttings NO. 1 (lived in normal water) and NO.3

(lived in treated water). Photo NO. 6 retracts all

the cuttings after 22 days .The necrosis of the

unrooted cuttings NO. 1 and NO. 2 is obvious. Note

that despite the changes of water, in test tubes

with water treated noticeable always a principle of


Conclusions: after repeated twice this experience,

always with the same results, I think I can say

that the reduction of vital capacity of the

cuttings is caused by the poor quality of treated

water to MW.

2 Aquatic Plant Lemna minor common duckweed

Family: Lemnacee

Difficulty of cultivation: easy

Average height: 1-3 cm.

Average Temperature: 22 ° -28° C

Lighting: medium-intense

Growth: fast-almost weed

Average pH of the water: 5.5 -7.5 pH

Description: small aquatic plant float with radical

apparatus thin and elongated. It has a fast growth,

especially in the waters that stagnate. Its ability

to absorb pollutants is such that studies were

carried out to use seedlings to Lemnia as purifiers

ecological to eliminate the pollutants

zootechnical. The leaves are small, almost always

less than 5 mm in length and grow in groups from 1

to 4 leaves, the roots are a peduncle. This aquatic

species is a good model to determine the rate of

population growth (Clatworthy and Harper, l962;

Harper, 1977).

Propagation: vegetatively. Every 2-3 days the adult

plant emits a thallus from which develops a new

map. The cycle has an exponential rate, until

filling the space, then stabilizes, and each new

thallus covers an old, dying.

Conduct. I have prepared two glass beaker with 25

ml of distilled water each. Then I heated one of

the beakers in the microwave for about ten seconds.

When the temperature of liquids was returned to

ambient values, I place in beaker two colonies of

Lemnia, with 10 seedlings per container.

Subsequently, I made changes of water every 2 days.

Conclusions. Given that I have not added to the

water any nutrient, already after a few days you

could have noted a marked difference in growth of

the foliage. In particular, the colony no. 2 is

reproduced much more slowly than the colony no. 1,

also could be seen a noticeable difference in

greatness of the foliage, strangely much more

accentuated in the colony no. 2, which appeared

almost deformed, also from the sixth day, and

despite the exchange rates, the water was cloudy

The colony no. 1 maintained instead original

features, the population was very homogeneous, and

the limpid water.

By the eighth day, then I have not made the changes

of water. I then concluded the experiment after 25

days, when many seedlings were now death: over 50

percent of the seedlings lived in treated water

to MW, against a 25 in the other colony.

Final Conclusions

All of the experiences described above, including some of the other that for the sake of brevity I have not inserted in this assay, have led to the same result: the water treated with the microwave modifies its own characteristics in a very significant way: it is no longer the same water! And the biological tests on plant species have shown that this water hinders the translocation of correct substances. Arrived at this conclusion, after two years of studies and experiences I was going to close the writing of this essay. But as often

happens in life, when we least expected intervenes a new fact is resounding. When I ordered the material for the final chapter, I found a new scientific source, extremely interesting. In it I found more than I was not able to find in months and months of research: a confirmation to my experiments, and that also the simple water undergoes real trauma, if you will allow me the term, by the microwaves. Indeed, there is a amount of studies already carried out on thermal effects, given that research in this field does not meet major organizational problems, indeed, enjoys the encouragement and funding of large equipment and institutions also international. For non-thermal effects the discourse is completely different because many scholars believed that the energy transfer from MW was not so high as to exceed certain physical laws known to modify matter (forces of Wan Der Waals forces) or damage to the DNA then because the variables that scholars must take into consideration are numerous. First of all, it is necessary that in laboratory tests there are the acknowledgments and responses to texts sufficiently measurable, which is not easy if you can not use instrumental models. You have to think that even the composition and form of the substance as well as of the substrate where rests, are able to modify the test results. However, some Russian researchers have just concentrated on these effects "non-thermal" on the water: Fesenko and Gluvstein (1995) have noted faults in samples of distilled water in glass capillaries and radiated by MW, and then also in physiological solutions .The irradiation with MW caused the opening and closing of membrane ion channels, and the effect remained even at the end of the experiment.

To justify these faults Fesenko and Gluvstein (1-2) have even speculated the memory effect. Other studies have examined water and plasma irradiated by MW high frequency, that anomalies were found inconceivable, given the paucity of the thermal change immediately Berezhinskii et al. (1993), and Litvinov et al. (1994). Zavizion et al. (1994) and Kudryashova et al. (1995) have noted that the uptake of MW is influenced by the presence of amino acids. (3)

(1) Fesenko E. E. , Gluvstein A. Y. , 1995, "Changes in the state of water,

induced by radiofrequency electromagnetic fields", FEBS Lett 367 (1): 53-


(2) vfesenko E. E. , Geletyuk V. I. , Kazachenko V. N. , Chemeris N. K. ,

1995, "Preliminary microwave irradiation of water solutions changes

their channel-modifying activity", FEBS Lett 366 (1): 49-52.

(3) V Berezhinskii L. I. , Gridina N. Y. , Dovbeshko G. I. , Lisitsa M. P. ,

Litvinov G. S. , 1993, "Visualization of the effects of millimeter radiation

on blood plasma", Biofizika 38 (2): 378-384.

But what happens in liquid on the inside of the ovens?

In all the treaties that describe what is happening to liquids (polar solvents) subjected to the mindless polarization of RF fields of the microwaves, appears to be a designing very clear, that explains the phenomenon that I have mentioned in chapter 8 . The baffling scientific truth:.. "The radiation force the molecules of water (the molecules of hydrogen) to reverse their polarity (asymmetrically) two and a half billion times per second, which is the frequency of microwave ovens (2.45 Ghz) ".

The picture above explain visually what happens to the molecules. In step A, the molecules of water are arranged in a random way. When, however, are subject to bias, phase B, tend to orient themselves all in the same way, following the magnetic field polarizing. And between molecule and molecule links are formed thanks to the molecules of hydrogen. Each molecule attaches to be nearby, and this will join the previous and so on, forming the lines that follow the lines of the magnetic field (a little like iron filings that while standing in a manner characteristic allows us to understand how they act the magnets). At the end of the process, step C, the molecules return to the starting point, or almost. According to the theories currents ,the water should ,in fact, return to chaotic state, that would be the natural state.

But in the light of what we have seen with the experiences described, we are sure that it is precisely in this way? It is clear that if the treated water no longer has the features of the original, must be something that has happened, and just at the molecular level. I believe that at the end of the irradiation from radiation, not all the molecules return actually to be governed by casual laws, but some of them preserved in some way a form energy acquired during the treatment, and this is explained by the observed phenomena on the memory of the water that they were discovered by a few years, and that are revolutionising all the theories on fluid dynamics. You should also investigate what happens mechanically during the motion immediately by molecules during the process of polarisation in the liquid. Someone has suggested that the changes would be caused by the iteration of the liquids with the gases that are developed within the substances, and this marriage, joined to a series of variables crazed would cause the misrepresentation of substances subject to MW, even at low power. A series of variables very difficult to envisage and study. We know for example that if you imparts a swirl in the water form the so-called cells of Taylor-Couette .. If the water is subjected to vibration, form the cells of Bernard.. Still, if the water is imparts a centrifugal force, the result is a strange shape, as if the liquid is

divide in parallel planes, defined "fracture from scroll". Again ... if the water is bombarded with ultrasound, there is a release of energy called luminescence.. In short, many mysterious phenomena, on which science has just begun to investigate. At this point, you should be able to explain the quantum theory, the sun that can help us understand the anormal behavior of matter in general, and the energy in particular. But this is not the purpose of my essay, and I would just like to conclude on our subject of study, namely the water. Now, given that water is the principle constituent of all beings, as well as food, and of our own body, and mandatory a careful reflection: the water itself should be our first medicine, and that is why we should do really very careful not to ingest liquids and compounds private's natural balance. Knowing that the MW start to act deeply in substances from units of time, and that this response process in water begins after a few seconds, I think it appropriate to advise the reader not to use the microwave oven for heating liquids. As far as the semi-liquid foods and semi-solid, restrict the ignition to 20-30 seconds to obtain a minimum heating, which in most cases is already sufficient.

Invitation to understand the water

What is the matter? If someone were to ask ourselves this question, we had the instinct to report what they have learned so far from school, and that is that the physical world and the set of microcosms and macrocosmi, that form matters, world, cosmos etc. , which in turn are composed of atoms, molecules etc. which in their turn consist of other particles, and so on. Even if you are not in possession of a microscope, and easy to believe in this type of reality because it responds to a concept easily acceptable. However, when man is provided with means of inquiry more powerful, this reality has begun to be questioned, because it has

been noticed that the true matter represents a paltry 0.0000 … 1% of the real, because, between a particle and the other there is an empty space that represents well the 99.9999 … %. To get an idea of the dimensions that are at stake, can we imagine an atom of the size of a soccer stadium; its electrons should have the magnitude of grains of rice that were fluttering against endlessly in their orbits. However, even this belief that the matter is how many systems of matrioscke one inside the other, is completely wrong since, if a scientist measure a particle, sees its particle but does not perceive the essence of the particle. If another scientist wants to instead measure energy, find energy. The result is that to seek something arises always limits, and this is one of the paradoxes that emerged from quantum physics. In fact, even the so-called particles are very far from being solid, and cannot be absolutely identified or measured, because very often resemble more to waves that are not particles (1). We must therefore overcome the traditional models of research and go beyond, by expanding the horizon of possibility without fear of encroaching. Man does not know the origin of matter, however, may try to understand how the matter manifests itself, and that is the forms of energy not only constitute the event, but also the origin. This means abandoning the concept very trivial that the living matter and the human being are a storage of chemicals, and find a harmony starting from the concept that life is a manifestation energy, and recognize in the water the vital principle. You absolutely must rediscover this element! Despite what is commonly thought, many of the features and the physical properties of water are still a mystery. There are physical reactions, chemical, and special energy that scholars still cannot explain. Certain reactions change in time and space, and depending on the pressure. For example, if the pressure is high, the boiling point is much higher than normal also beyond 250 °.

According to the physical laws normally the boiling point of a body varies depending on the molecular weight; whereas, water has a molecular weight of 18, its boiling point temperature should then be around 26 °, but we know that in reality bubbles to 100 degrees. Another characteristic that is very strange, and the behavior of particular instability of the water at temperatures of ground stud 30 and 40 °. At these temperatures and as if mixture becomes too thick while cooking, and does not decompose easily, but only under the action of certain stimuli, especially vibrators, and electromagnetic. Studying these particularities, two eminent physicists, von G. Caroli and J. Pichotka argued many years ago that the water is particularly influenced by electromagnetic waves of cosmic nature, with all the variables of the case, first of all, the daily variability based on the location of our planet, and at the time. If we consider that the human body is composed of a very large percentage of water, we can understand the tremendous importance that would assume an accurate study on these effects, and iterations organic-electromagnetic. Some scientists who have devoted a lifetime to the study of the water (Pauling, Picardi, Gias and others) believe that if every form of terrestrial life depends on the constitution of the water, and this from cosmic phenomena, even all the biological and psychological processes must be affected. It follows that a knowledge of these phenomena could actually undermine all medical therapies today. But if the physical properties of water can change dramatically, some characteristics of the chemical composition can be more stable. This effect is widely used in medicine and technology. Knowing that the water has a very regular layout, and knowing that the magnetic forces interact with the molecular sorting, we can combat the formation of impurities and deposits preventing the

stabilization in microcrystals, and this is achieved by passing the water through an electric field. In a work on magnetic therapy (Magnetotherapy - Dr. Basal, New Delhi) is explained a simple method to obtain magnetized water: just bring even for a few moments, a container of water between two magnets. We thus obtain a water capacity by revitalizing, but manages to keep this property for not a lot of time. According to the authors, the effect of magnetic fields on the water can last from a minimum of 20 to over 200 hours (studies of Coey, Kobe, Fathi and others). This curative properties is comparable to what is obtained assuming pure water source, which has acquired naturally its characteristics for the passage on mineral rocks that have paramagnetic properties. Also the feeling by being close to a course of pure water is something special, if she is close to a jump in the water, or better of a waterfall, it seems almost to breathe a lighter air, a completely different from the rest of the world. Indeed, there is something very different, that we go immediately to explain. The pure water, in its natural state, is very ionized, for the continuous reaction between the different molecules that you exchange ions of hydrogen (a high number of hydrogen protons determines the level of PH), and these concentrations favoring a conductivity. Even the air in the immediate vicinity is ionized. It is an effect that occurs when a gaseous molecule receives a sufficient quantity of energy to emit an electron which then joins up with another atmospheric molecule forming a negative ion. In nature the air ionizes also for effect of the electric discharges storm, or clutch, with the movements of the same water; therefore water courses, and also on the cliffs. In the human body this situation is of great therapeutic effectiveness. All the studies say that the negative ionization

produces an increase in seratonina and histamine, which promote relaxation and concentration. Being ionized, with low level of acidity, the water assumes also antioxidant capacity, with a potential of effective skin rejuvenation. Analysis of magnetic resonance (NMR), this type of water (electrical potential from -200 to -350mV) shows have a cluster size reduced to 50% compared to the common drinking water (electrical potential from +100 to +150mV). This means that the oxygen of the normal water "is too powerful", and causes oxidation phenomena (can be described as a theft of electrons to damage of the cells). Unfortunately, the water that comes into our homes does not have these features. Even if purified and filtered by the polluting elements, is a liquid decomposing devitalized, dead, very often, acid with many salts in suspension. The formation of limestone (microcrystals) is a evidence of this special unnatural. The crystallisation and the precipitation of calcium salts and sulfates in the amorphous form, which then adheres to the pipes, especially if in the presence of high temperatures. Fortunately this does not occur in the human body where, on the other hand, it seems that a certain adherence effect may be attributable to the activity of some proteins…. The water also has a its entrinseca ability to auto-ionize, and this happens when two molecules of water react to produce a cation ossiono is an anion hydroxide. This phenomenon, also known as auto-dissociation, produces a slight electrical conductivity, which is detectable, however, only by tools rather sensitive. As mentioned before, the constant of the ionic balance, greatly depends on the temperature and pressure, and therefore also the electrical reactions are variable. Another property of the water is its to-polarity accentuated, which allows it to be a powerful solvent, but at the same time to be able to build many chemical bonds (bonds of hydrogen), protein bonds and build nucleic acids. In chemistry these phenomena you

define in a very simple way: oxidation=emission of electrons; reduction =absorption of electrons. Then you can say that every time in the water breaks a ionic bond in bridge formed by two hydrogen atoms (for example in the phenomenon of the solvation), an electrical field is generated. This phenomenon is today used fairly by technological improvements of various kinds, and also in an attempt to produce energy at low cost. Talking about the spectacular properties of the water must be done even a mention of the capacity for storing information: a memory effect of extraordinary and immense range. Please Note well: I do not mean the series of aspects very apparent and extreme beauty discovered by the famous Masaru Emoto (response of the water), to which all have heard thanks to the media, because it has hit the collective imagination, but of many other aspects of the chemical energy that make the water living substance. The waters are huge containers of information, due to the concentrations, even infinitesimal, billions and billions of different molecules. To get an idea of the enormity of this phenomenon, and infinity of the interaction and electronic exchange, one can think of a simple experience that derives from a mathematical study of laboratory. In a glass of water by 1/10 of a liter there are a little less than 3.5 * 10 ²³ molecules. If we could paint all these molecules, and then sprinkle in the oceans, and then with the same glass refish water from the sea, unlevel playing field in the beaker at least 2000 colored molecules (2). The concept just expressed, we can add that as regards the living world, only 1% is composed of biomolecules, proteins, fats, and so, and the remaining 99% is water.

An essential role, then, which, however, is not fully understood, because we stop to examine only the evidence of living organisms, as if they were closed systems to themselves. Instead, the 99% of water has a specific meaning: the organic cycles of living matter are potentially interested in the exchange with the infinite interactions involving that 99% of molecules of water, with all their load of information, energies, frequencies always in continuous evolution.

(1) Peter Russell, The Mystery of Consciousness and the Meaning of

Light (The mystery of consciousness and the meaning of light), 12

October 2000.

(2) Visitors’ Center G. -Pascale M. -Zechariah P. -Lessons of

Hydrobiology - Crest - Torino

-- 00--

For contacts with the author:

[email protected]


Copyright Lorenzo Guaia

Traduction english version by

Bianca Cristina and Diana Adina Paulett