The History Fulk Fitz Warine - Forgotten Books


Transcript of The History Fulk Fitz Warine - Forgotten Books









M A .


E T C .

couaxspoxm u c M EM B E R or"

rm ; lMPER IAL m sn 'wrrz or F RA N L E

( ACADEM I F nns l V SCR lP‘

I‘IOV S au nt s mz'rm rs )

L O N D O N '



I N T R O D U C T I O N .

THERE had lain long concealed in a manuscrip t

in the ancient Royal Library , now in the British

Museum (MS . Reg . 12, c . x ii), a narrative

which appears to have e scap ed attention partly

through the indefinite manner in which it was

described in the catalogue — B a’


a remm

Anglicamm, a TV . I . usgue ad regem Jokannem

Gallice s’

plum sunt ficta, prwcz

pu e de

F u lcone guodam and it was not till abou t twenty

years ago, when the then new movemen t inhis

torical research caused such manuscrip ts to b e

more carefully examined, that the real character

and interest of this record were discovered . I t

forms the text of the followi ng pages . The

manuscrip t is ina hand of the reign of Edward II ,and I think there can b e little doubt that it was

written before the year 1320 but it is eviden tly

not the original text of the story , but a paraphrase


of an earlier record . T o any one who is accus

tomed to read the French and Anglo -N orman

literature of the middle ages, a simple glance at

the style and character of this history w ill carry

the conviction that that original record was an

Anglo -Norman poem . But we are not left to

assume this from the general character only,for

here and there , where the writer who turned it

from verse into prose appears to have been

seized with a fi t of idleness,he has actually pre

served the rhymes of the original . In two in

stances , Where he has given prophecies of Mer

lin, the words of the original poem remain so

uncorrup ted , that I have thought it righ t to prin t

both passages inverse . But inseveral other p laces

the original verse betrays itself inthe midst of the

paraphrase . If,for examp le , the reader will turn

to the lower part of p . 17,and the upper part of

p . 18 , he will easily see that the original me tres

must have run somewhat as follows

W illam , quant cc oy surrit ,

Bele nece, b ien avez dit ;E de monpoer vu s ayderay

De tel seignur purchacer.

E si vu s dorray Blanche-T our,

E quanqu e apent ou tut l’

onou r;

Quar femme qu e ad terre enfée

Serra d’

assez plus desirée .



s fist W illam une criéEn meynte terre , enmeynte cité ,Qe tous chevalers de valours ,

'Qe torneier veilent pur amours ,A la feste seint M ichelVienent a chastiel Peverel;E le chevaler qe mieux fra,E le tornoy venk era,

Avera l’amour

Melette -de la B launche-T our,E sire serra e seignour

De Blanche -Ville e tot l’

onou r.

T ost fust ceste criéePar plu sors terres publiée .

Gu arynde Meez, le vaylaunt ,

N e avoit femme ne enfant,etc .

I need only refer to pp . 20,26


, etc .,for

passages where the original verse is equally ill dis

guised and in one instance at least (p . 48,ce

fust pu r nient, d cc -

ge l’

estoyre dyt) , the author

of the paraphrase makes a di rect appeal to his

original . In addition to this internal eviden ce, we

have the distinct s tatemen t of John Leland, in

6 2

the. reign ofHenry VIII , that he had inhis hands

anolde French historie yn rime of the actes of

the Guarines”

and his brief notice of it answers

so exactly to the story as told in ou r prose ver

sion,that we can have no doubt of its having

been the identical poem from which the para

phrase was made .

Thus,from the date of the manuscrip t of the

existing paraphrase in prose , we may fairly con

clude that the original A nglo -N orman poem was

composed b efore the end of the thirteen th cen tury .

There are circumstances, however, connected

with it , which enable u s, conj ecturally at least,

to approximate still nearer to the exact date of its

composition . W e know that in the latter end of

the reign of king John , F ulk fitz Warine was

again in arms against the crown , as an adherent

to the baronial cause , and it was not till the 4th

ofHenry III , that he made his peace with the king ,and obtained the final restoration of his estates .

I believe that ou r history is correct in statingthat after this time Fulk withdrew from p ublic

life , and eventually re tired to the religious house

of which his father was the founder. Fulk’

s son,

another Fulk fitz Warine , appears during his


s lifetime to have assumed the position as

a powerful baron which the latter had retired

from , and to have taken a very active part in

public affairs, which was no doubt the cause of


s mistake in taking the father and son to

b e one p erson. I t was,we canhardly doubt

, the

sonwho,according to Matthew Paris , was sent in

1245 by the community of armed knights assem

bled at Luton and Dunstable , to wait upon the

pope ’

s clerk , masterMartin , and warn him to leave

the kingdom ; and his behaviour on that occasion

showed him to b e a true son of the proud outlaw

whose adventures are told in the present volume .

A t the decisive battle of Lewes , in 1264, he

fough t on the king’

s side, and me t his death by

drowning . I have shown (see note on p . 182) a

reason for supposing that hi s father was alive in

1256 , very soon after which date I.

suspect he

died . If the poem had been composed after the

death of Fulk fitz Warine at Lewes, I think his

fate would have been mentioned in it ; it migh t

have been composed before the death of his father,

who was already dead to the world,inwhich case

the mention of his death would b e a subsequent

addition , but I am myself inclined to think that

this was not the case . W e should thus fix the

date of the composition of the A nglo-N orman

poem to . the period between 1256 and 1264 .

Though this, of course,is nothing more than

conjecture , I am inclined m yself to believe that

it was written -very soon after the middle of the

thirteenth century

I t is a curious circumstance that Leland, who

gives a brief abstract of the adventures of the

Fitz W arines in his Collectanea (vol. i, p .

informs u s that he took the greater part of it

“owte of anold Englisch boke yn ryme of the

gestes of Guarine and his sunnes”

,thus revealing

to u s the fact that there was an early English

metrical version of the history I here publish .

The language of this English poemwas evidently

obscure and difficult,for we see by a comparison

of Leland’s abstract w ith the history now pub

lished, that he continually misunderstood it , and

that he fell into gross errors in the attemp t to

give its meaning . From one or two passages in


s abstract, I am inclined to suspect that

this English poemwas written in pure alliterative

verse , like that of Piers Ploughman , a style of

poetical composition which seems to have been

popular on the Border. In the passage of Leland

quoted at p . 192 of the presen t volume, we re

cognize an alliterative couplet in the statemen t

that Joce de Dynan andWalter de Lacy met

A t a bent by a bourne ,At a bridge ende ;

meaning literally , in a meadow by a burn or

stream,at the end of a bridge

”. Leland has mis

taken the word bourne for the name of a place .

In the next sen tence preceding this, we have , by

a mere transposition of words, an alliterative

couplet equally perfect

Owt ofLacy and LudlowOf march lordes the greatest .

This would partly exp lainLeland’s errors,for the

alliterative poe try is always and by far the most

difficult to understand and I suppose that by a

book in rhyme”, Leland only meant that it was in

verse,or inrhithm . This English poem was pro

bably of about the same date as the Anglo-N orman

prose paraphrase nowprinted, that is, of thebegin

ning of the fourteenth century , at which period, for

some cause or other, the adventures of Fulk fitz

Warine were very popular. Robert de Brunne,

a well-known English poet,who wrote during the

first quarter of that century, in describing the

condition to which Robert Bruce was reduced,

when his defeat at Me thven obliged him to seek

refuge in the wilds of Scotland , compares it to

that of Fulk fitz Warine,and actually refers to

the book or history of his adventures .

And wele I understode that the kyng Robyn

Has dronk enof that b lode the drink of danW aryu .

DanW aryu he les tounes that he held,W ith wrong he mad a res and misb eryng of scheld .

S ithen into the foreste he 3ede naked and wode,Als a W ilde beste ete of the gres that stode ;T hus of danW a

ryu inhis boke menrede ;God gyf the kyng Robyn that alle hys kynde so

spede ! (Hearne’s edit,p .

The question of the historical value of this re

cord has greatly puzzled those who, accustomed

chiefly to the more exact monuments of history,

have had occasion to examine it . The general

outline of the history is undoubtedly true,and

many of the incidents are known from other evi


dence to have happened exactly or nearly as here

related ; but it is equally certain that others are

untrue, and some are strangely misp laced . The

anachronisms, indeed , are extraordinary and,

strangely enough , inthat part of the history which

comes nearest to the time of the narrator, the

wild adventures of Fulk fitz Warine during his

outlawry , it is assumed that king John was con

t inu ally presen t in England , whereas we know

from the most undoubted authorities that he was

during the whole time absen t in N ormandy.

Most of these errors and anachronisms are pointed

ou t in the notes at the end of the present volume ,

and it will therefore not b e necessary to repeat

them here .

T o understand them ,it is necessary that we

should take into consideration the peculiar cha

racter of the literature, as well as of the manners,

of the age inwhich the original poem was written .

I twas the custom with the great barons to employ

writers, who were often kep t in their service


compose poetical histories of their families,and

other similar productions,which it was the busi

ness of the minstrels— these com’posers were some ,

times minstrels themselves— to recite on festive

and other occasions . I t was not necessarily the

whole poem which they recited , but particular

incidents, as they were called for. Thus, in the

presen t case , the reciter migh t b e called upon to

tell the adventures of Fulk fitz I’Varine and

king John inWindsor park , or the story of the

first Fulk and the lady Hawise . The materials

of these poems were neither taken from historical

records nor from the imagination of the composer,

but they were the traditions of the family, and

we all knowhow such traditions are often modi

fied and disfigured in their progress from one

mouth to another. An event , which was true in

itself,became exaggerated, and some times dis

p laced . In this instance,where a race of chiefs

through several generations bore the same name

of Fulk this disp lacing of even ts,and ascribing

to one acts which belonged to another, and thus

bringing together names which were not coeval ,

was hardly to b e avoided . In fact, the writer of

this history has actually made one person ou t of

two individuals, and this error has been con tinued

by Dugdale , and by all the comp ilers of peerages

since his time , who have rep eated the same error

with regard to the two next generations of the

same family , and made only two p ersonages where

there were really four.

The writer of the history of the Fitz W arines

was eviden tly an A nglo-N orman trouvere in the

service of that great and powerfu l family, and

displays an extraordinarily minute know ledge of

the topography of the borders ofWales, and more

especially of Ludlow and its immediate neigh

b ourhood. Whatever historical mistakes he may

have made,he never falls into an error with

regard to localities, and his descrip tions are so

exact that we never fail to recognize the spot he

describes . The narrative contained in pages 25

to 30 was written by one whose eye was un

doubtedly habituated to the prospect from the

towers of Ludlow castle , and he , no doubt, tells

u s truly what , in .the thirteenth cen tury , were

the traditions at Ludlow of the history of that

noble fortress . He rep eated , as they were handed

down by memory in the family , the history , or

rather histories, of the Fitz W arines, for they

were probably preserved rather as so many tales of

the past , than inanyway as a connected narrative .

Hence , he would the more easily misp lace them .

In stories of adventures like these , it was easy to

mistake at times the individual whom a particu lar

Fitz Warine encoun tered or allied himsel f w ith,

because with most of the border families , the re

lationship, whether friendly or hostile , had con

tinned from generation to generation and as one

individual of a family was more celebrated,and


therefore , readier inpeople’

s mouths than another,

his name was easily introduced in cases where

another of his family was the real actor. In the

same way, as there was a natural tendency to

elevate and exaggerate the deeds of remarkable

men,individuals of higher rank were gradually

substituted for p ersons of lower degree , and adven

tures inwhich king John himself is here made

to take a part in p erson , may really have occurred

with som e of his great officers . If the writer of

the poem heard them told as he has related them ,

he would have no inclination to doubt,


if he did doubt or suspect their truth,it is not

probable that he would have any means of testing

it . When , however, his hero once took to sea,


and left the English shores, he seems to have con

sidered that he was allowed free Scope for his

imagination forwe canhardly help thinking that

his adven tures inSpain and Barbary were adop ted

from some of the current romances of the day,

and they, therefore , are quite ou t of the pale of

sober criticism .

It will b e u nderstood , from these remarks, that

we must take the history of the Fitz W arines,

here published , for a historical documen t in a

peculiar poin t of view ; it does not possess the

exactitude of an official record , or even of a

monastic chronicle,though , p erhap s, it has more of

the spirit of history , ifwe may here u se the term,

than either. I t is traditional history , preserved

ina great family, which had been much mixed in

historical events, written down at anearly period,

and not long after a portion of the events whi ch

form its subject . I t contains the errors which

naturally belong to such a record of history, but

it is truthful inits general character, and it pre

sents a most interesting and importan t p icture of

the manners and feelings of the period to which

i t relates, as well as of the characters of individuals

as they were popularly appreciated .


This very remarkable record of past ages has a

peculiar interest for me,as a borderer by birth

and education , and I have always desired to give

anEnglish edition of it . I twas first made public

inanedition by M . Francisque Michel (one of the

most industrious and experienced of the Fren ch

literary an tiquaries) , prin ted in Paris in 1840 .

A very careful collation of the original manu

scrip t has enabled me to correct a few errors

which had escaped the Parisian editor. My

wish has been to presen t it in as popular a form

as is consistent with the strict presentation of the

original text and as there are very fewpersonswho

canread with ease the p eculiar language inwhich

it is written , I have given with it a literal English

translation , intended chiefly to facilitate the read

ing of the text,and a few illustrative notes . The

obj ect of the latter is chiefly to exp lain the allu

sions to p laces and persons ; and in regard of

these , I have had the advantage of communication

with a gentleman profoundly acquainted w ith the

history of the county to which our narrative

chiefly relates during the twelfth and thirteenth

centuries,andwho has communicated his inform



EN le temps de A veryl e May, quant les prees e les

herbes reverdissent, e t chescune chose vivaunte recovre

vertue, beauté , 6 force, les mountz e les valeys reten

tissent des douce chauntz des oseylouns, e les cuers de

chescune gent, pur la beauté du temps e la sesone,

mountent en haut e s’enjolyvent, donqe deit home re

menbrer des aventures e pru esses nos auncestres, qe

se penerent pur honour eri leau té quere, e de teles

choses parler qe a plu sours purra valer.

IN the season of April and May, whenfields and plantsbecome green again, and everything living recovers virtue,beauty

,and force

,hills and vales resound with the sweet

songs of birds, and the hearts of allpeople, for the beauty oftheweather and the season

,rise up and gladden themselves


thenwe ought to call to memory the adventures and deedsof prowess of our forefathers who laboured to seek honourin loyalty, and to talk of such things as shall be profitableto many of u s .


Seygnours, vu s avez oy eynz ces honres qe W illam

Bastard, duc de N ormaundie, vynt on grant gent e

pu eple santz nounbre enEngleterre, e conqu ist a force

tote la terre, e ocist le roy Heraud , e se fist coroner a

Loundres, e si estab ly pées e leys a sa volente, e dona

terres a diverse gentz qe ou ly vyndrent . En ycel temps

YweynGoynez fust prince de Gales, e si fust vailaunt

e b onguerreour, e le roy le dota mout le plus . Cesty

Yweynou t guaste tote la marche, e tote fust voyde de

Cestre tanqe al mont Gyleb ert . Le roy se apparilla

mout richement, e vint ou grant ost en le countee de

Salob urs , e trova tote les villes arses de Cestre desqe

a Salobu re ; quar le prince clama tote la marche pur

la su e e aportenaunte a Powys . Le prince se retret ,

Lords, you have heard heretofore howWilliam the B as

tard,duke ofNormandy, camewith a great host and people

without number into England, and conquered by force all

the land,and slewking Harold, and caused himself to be

crowned at London,and established peace and laws at his

will, and gave lands to divers people who came with him .

A t that time Owen Gwynned was prince of Wales,who

was a valiant and good warrior, and the king feared himmuch the more . This Owen had ravaged all the march


and all was waste from Chester to Mount Gilbert . The

king apparelled himself very richly,and came with a great

host into the county of Shrewsbury,and found all the towns

burnt between Chester and Shrewsbury ; for the princeclaimed all the march for his own and as belonging to


quar yl me osa atendre le roy. Le roy fust mont sages ,

e pensa qu’il dorreit les terres de la marche as plus

vaylauntz chevalers de tut le ost, pur cc qu’il devereynt

defendre la marche de le prince a lur profit e al honour

lur seignur le roy. Ly roy apela Rogier de Bele

healme, si li dona. tote la counté de Salob ure mout

franchement, e si fust apellée counté palays . Rogier

funda dehors la vylle de Salobure une abb eye de Seynt

Piere, e la feffa mout richement ; e tint le counté a

tote sa vie . Si comenga nu chastiel a Brugge , e un

autre chastel comenca enDynam; mes yl ne les parfist

poynt . Apres qe Roger fust devyé, Robert, son fitz

avoit tote la countee de Salob ure ; e Ernaud, sonpuysne

fitz , avoit Peneb rok . Ceux furent gentz trop demesu

Powis. The prince retreated,for he dared not await the

king . The king was very wise, and thought that he would

give the march lands to the most valiant knights of all hishost

,inorder that they should defend the march from the

prince to their profit and to the honour of their lord theking . The king called Roger de B elehealme

,and gave him

all the county of Shrewsbury very freely,and it was called

a county palatine . Roger founded outside the town of

Shrewsbury an abbey of St . Peter,and endowed it very

richly ; and he held the county all his life . He began a

castle at Brugge, and another castle he began at Dy

nan ; but he did not finish them . After Rogerwas dead,Robert, his son

,had all the county of Shrewsbury ; and

Ernald, his youngest son, had Pembroke . These were veryB 2


rées e tr0p culvers, e grantment mespristrent countre

lur seignour le roy Henré, fitz W illam Bastard, frere

roy W illam le Rous ; e parfirent le chas tel de Brugge

contre la defense le roy Henré ; dont le roy Henré les

desheryta e fist exiler pu r tous jours, et dona lur ter

res as ces chevalers . Le chastel de Dyman e tut le

pays entour devers la ryvere de Corve , ou tu t l’

onou r,

dona a monsire Joce , sun chevaler ; e d’enaprés retint

le surnoun de Dynan, e fust apelé par tut Jcee de

Dynan. Cely Joce parfist le chastiel qe Roger de Bele

healme en son temps avoit comencé , e si fust fort e

vaylaunt chevaler. E si fust la ville b ien longement

apelleDynan, qe or est apellée Ludelawe . Cesti Joce

fist fere, desou th la ville de Dynan, um pount de pere

licenciou s people and verywicked,and greatly misconduct ed

themselves towards their lord king Henry, the son of

William the Bastard and brother of king William Rufus ;and they completed the castle of Brugge in spite of kingHenry’

s inhibi tion ; for which king Henry disinheritedthem and condemned them to perpetual ex ile

,and he gave

their lands to h is knights . The castle of Dynan, and all the

country round towards the river of Corve,with all the

honour, he gave to sir Joce,his knight ; who thenceforth

retained the name of Dynam,and was called everywhere

Joce de Dynan. This Joce completed the castle whichRoger de B elehealme in hi s time had begun, and he was astrong and valiant knight . Now

,the town was a very

long time called Dynam, which is nowcalled Ludlow. ThisJoce caused to be made

,belowthe town of Dyman

, abridge


e chaus, outre 1a ryvere de T emede, enle hau t chemyn

qe va parmy la marche e de Cestre desqe B ru stu t .

Joce fist son chastiel de Dynan de tres b aylles, e le

envyrona de double fossée, une dedens e une dehors .

Le royW illam Bastard aprocha les mountz e les vals

de Gales, si vist une ville mout large , close j adys de

hau tz murs, qe tote fust arse e gastée ; e pardesou th

la ville, en une pleyne, fist tendre ces pavylons, e la

demorreit, ce di t, cele nuyt . Lors enqu ist le roy de

un B retoun coment la ville avoit a noun e coment

fust ens i gasté . Sire,

”fet le B retoun,

“j e vu s dirroy .

Le chastiel fust j adys apellée chastiel Bran ; mes ore

est apelée laVele Marche . Jadys vindrent enceste pays

Brutus, um chevaler mout vaylaunt , e Coryneu s, de

of stone and lime,over the river of T eme

,into the high road

which goes amid the march from Chester to Bristol . Jocemade hi s castle of Dynan of three bails

,and surrounded it

with a double foss, one within and one without .When king Wil liam the Bastard approached the hills

and valleys ofWales, he sawa very large town, formerlyinclosed with high walls, which was all burnt and ruined ;and in a plain belowthe town he caused his tents to be raised,and there he said he would remain that night . Then theking inquired of a Briton what was the name of the townand howit came to be so ru ined .

“S ire”,said the Briton, “I

will tell you . The castlewas formerly called Castle Branbut nowit is called the Old March . Formerly there cameinto this country Brutus

,a very valiant knight, andCorineus,


qy Cornewayle ad uncore le noun, e plu sours autres

estretz du lignage T royene ; e nul n’

y hab ita ces par

ties, estre trelede gentz, grantz geans, dount lur roy

fust apelée Geomagog . Cyl oyerent de la venue Brutus,

e se mistrent en la voye a l’

encountre ; e al dreyn

furent tous le geantz occys, estre Geomagog, qe fust

mervilou s grant . Coryneu s le vaylant d ist qu e volen

ters lu ttreyt ou Geomagog, pur esprover la force Geo

magog . Le geant a la premere venue enbraca Cory

neus si estroitement qu’il debru sa ces trois costees .

Coryneu s se coroca, si fery Geomagog del pee qu’il

chay de nu grant roche enla mer ; e si fust Geomagog

neye. E nu espirit del deble meyntenant entra le cors

Geomagog, e vynt en ces parties, e defendy le pays

from whom Cornwall still retains the name,and many

others derived from the lineage of Troy ; and none inhabitedthese parts except very foul people

, great giants, whoseking was called Geomagog . These heard of the arrival ofBrutus

,and set ou t to encounter him ; and at last all the

giantswere killed, except Geomagog, whowasmarvellously

great . Corineus the valian t said that he would willinglywrestle with Geomagog, to try Geomagog

s strength . The

giant at the first"

onset embraced Corineus so tightly that hebroke his three ribs . Corineus became angry, and struckGeomagogwith the foot, that he fel l from a great rock intothe sea ; and Geomagog was drowned . And a spirit of thedevil now entered the body of Geomagog, and came intothese parts, and defended the country long, that never


tonayre, qe tous iceux que la furent devyndrent si eu

pourys qu’il ne purreint pur pour mover pie ne

meyn , eynz cocherent a la terre come mortz . Payn le

fer fust mout pout y ; mes s’en fia en D ieu, de qy yl

porta le signe de la croys, e vist qe nul aye n’avereit

si de Dieu .noun. Se cocha a la terre, e ou bone de

vocioun pria Dieu e sa mere Marie qu e ly defendreynt

cele nuyt del poer de deble . A peyne ou t fyny sa

preere, vynt le malfée en semblance Geomagog ; e si

porta um grant masu e en sa mayn, e de sa bouche

geta fu e fumée dont la vi lle fust tot enluminée . Payn

avoit b on espeir en Dieu , e se seigna de la croys, e

hardiement asayly le malfée . Le malfée hauca sa mace,

dark, and such a tempest of lightning and thunder,that all

those who were there became so terrified that they couldnot for fear move foot or hand

,but lay on the ground

like dead men. The proud Paynwas very much frightened ;but he put his trust in God

,whose sign of the cross he

carried with him,and sawthat he shou ld have no help but

from God. He lay upon the ground, andwith good devotionprayed God and his mother Mary that they would defendhim that night from the power of the devil . Hardly had hefinished his prayer

,whenthe fiend came in the semblance

of Geomagog ; and he carried a great club in his hand, andfrom his mouth cast fire and smoke with which the wholetown was illuminated . Payn had good hope inGod, andsigned himselfwith the cross

,and boldly attacked the fiend .

The fiend raised his club,andwould have struck Payn



si vodra feryr Payn, mes yl guenchy le coup . Le deble,

par vertu de la croys, fust tut enpoury e perdy force ;quar yl ne poeit adeser la croys . Payn le pursywy,


il ly fery de l’espée qu

’il comenca crier, et chey

tut plat a terre, e se rendy mat . Chevaler,”fet-yl,

vu s m’avez vencu , ne mie par force de vus meismes ,

eynz avez par vertue de la croys qe vu s portez .” Dy

moy,”fet Payn , “

vus, lede creature, quy vu s estes

e quey fetes en ceste ville j e te conj ur enle noun Dieu7

et de seynte croys .

’Le malfée comenca counter, de

mot enautre, come le B retoun ou t eynz dit ; e si dit

qe, quant Geomagog fust mort, meintenaunt il rendy

l’alme a Belzebub lur prince ; e si entra le cors Geo

magog, e vynt en semblance de ly en ces parties , pu r

he avoided the blow. The devil, by virtue of the cross,was

all struck with fear and lost his strength ; for he could notapproach the cross. I

’ayn pursued him,

till he struck himwith his sword that he began to cry ou t, and fell flat onthe

ground, and yielded himself vanquished . Knight,”said


“you have conquered me

,not by your ownstrength, but

by virtue of the cross which you carry .

”Tell me



“you foul creature, who you are

,andwhat you do in

this town; I conjure thee in the name of God and of the

holy cross. The fiend began to relate, from word toword,as the Briton had said before

,and told that

,when Geomagog

was dead,he immediately rendered his soul to Belzebub

their prince ; and he entered the body of Geomagog, and

came inhis semblance into these parts, to keep the great


garder le grant tresor qe Geomagog aveit amassé e

mys enune mesone qe yl avoit fet desou th la terre en

cele ville . Payn ly demaunda quele creature yl fust ;e il ly dist qe j adys fust aungle, mes or est par son

forfet espirit de deble . Quel tresou r,

”fet Payn,

avoit GeOmagog B uefs, vaches, cygnes, poons,chevals, e totes autres bestes, tregettés de fyn or ; e si

avoit un tor d’or, qe parmy moy fust son devyn, e en

ly fust tote sa creance ; e il ly dis t ces aventures qe

furent avenir. E deus foyth par ansoleynt les geantz

honorer lur dieu, ce fust le tor d’or, dont tant or est

amassée q’a merveille . E pu s avynt qe tote ceste

countrefust apellée la B launche Launde ; e moy e mes

compaignons enclosames la launde de haut mur e pro~

treasure which Geomagog had collected and put in a househe hadmade underground in that town . Payn demandedof him what kind of creature he was ; and he said that hewas formerly anangel, but nowis by his forfeit a diabolicalspirit . What treasure”, said Payn

,had Geomagog ?


, swans, peacocks, horses, and all other animals,

made of fine gold ; and there was a golden bull, whichthrough me was his prophet, and inhim was all his belief ;and he told him the events that were to come . And twicea-year the giants used to honour their god, the golden bull,whereby somuch gold is collected that it iswonderful . Andafterward it happened that all this country was called theWhite Laund ; and I andmy companions enclosed the laundwith a highwall and deep fess, so that therewas no entrance

F ULK F I TZ —VVA R I N E . 1 1

founde fossé, yssi qe nul entré fust, si noun par my

ceste ville qe pleyne fust de mavoys espiritz ; e en la

lande feymes jostes e tornoyementz ; e plu sou rs vindrent

pu r vere les merveilles, mes unqe nul n’

eschapa . A

taunt vynt nu disciple Jhesu qe apelé fust Augustyn,e par sa predicatiounnu s toly plu sors des nos, e b aptiza gent, e fist une chapele en sonnoun ; dount grant

encombrernu s avynt .”

Oreme dirrez ,”fet Payn, OI


est le tresour dont avez dit P” Vassal,” fait- il, ne

parlés mes de ce quar yl destyné as autres mes vu s

serrez seignour de tut cet honour, e ceux qe vendrount

apres vu s le tendrount ongrant estrif e guere .

E de ta maunche issera

Ly loup qe merveilles fra,

except through thi s townwhi chwas full of evil spirits ; andin the laund we made jousts and tournaments ; andmanycame to see the marvels

,but never one escaped . At length

came a disciple of Jesus who was called Augustine, and byhis preaching took many from u s

,and baptized people


made a chapel inhisname ; whereby great trouble happenedto u s.

”Nowyou shall tell me


”said Payn


“where is thetreasure of which you have spoken 2” Vassal


”said he


speak no more of that ; for it is destined for others ; but

you shall b e lord of all this honour,and those who shall

come after you will hold it with great strife andwar.

And from thy sleeve shall issueThe wolfwho will do wonders,


Q’avera les dentz aguz,

E de tous serra conu z ,

E serra si fort e fer


il enchacera le sengler

Hors de la B launche Launde ;

T ant avera vertue graunde .

Ly leopard le loup sywera,

E de sa cowe le manacera .

Ly loup lerra boys e montz,Enewe meindra ou peschons,

E tresvoera la mer,

Environera cet ydle enter.

Au dreynveyndra le leopart

Par son engyne par sonart ;

Who will have sharp teeth,

And shall b e known of all people,

And shall be so strong and fierceThat he will drive away the boarOu t of the White Laund ;Such great virtue will he have .

The leopard will followthe wolf,

Andwith his tail will threaten him .

The wolfwill leave woods andmounts,

Will remain inwaterwith the fishes,

Andwill pass over the sea,

Will encircle this whole island .

A t last he will conquer the leopardBy his cunning and by his art ;

FULK F I TZ -WA R I NE . 1 3

Pu s enceste lande vendra,En ewe sonrecet tendra .

Qant l’espirit ou dit ce, s

’en issit du corps ; e tiel

pu our avynt, dont Payn quida devyer. E quant passe

fust, la nuyt enclarsyst e le temps enb ely ; e les che

valers e les autres, qu’enpourys furent, s

’enveylerent ;

e mout s’en mervelerent de l’aventure qe lur aveit

avenu . Lendemeynfust la chose mostré al roy e a tot

l’ost . E le roy fist porter le cors Geomagog e gittre

enunparfond put dehors la ville ; e fist garder la mace,e la mostra longement a plu sours, pur la merveille

q’ele fust Si graunde .

Le roy s’en vet de yleqe, e vent en une contré

Then he will come into this laund,

Will have his stronghold in the water.

When the spirit had said this,he issued ou t of the body ;

and there arose such a stink,that Payn thought he should

have died through it . And when i t was‘ past , the night

became light, and the weather fair : and the knights and

others,whowere overcome with fear,recovered themselves ;

and they marvelled much at the eventwhich had happenedto them . Next day the thingwas shown to the king and to

all the host . And the king caused the body of Geomagog

to b e carried and thrown into a deep pit outside the town;and he caused the club to be preserved, and long Showed itto many peop le onaccount of its marvellous magnitude .

The king went thence, and came to a country joining to


joygnant a la Blanche Launde , qe jadys fust a un

B retoun, Meredu s fitz B eledyns ; e delees si es t un

chastelet q’est apellée Arbre Oswald ; mes or est apelée

O sewaldestre . Ly roy apela un chevaler, Aleyn fitz

F laeu , e ly dona le chastelet ou tu t l’onour qe apent ;

e de cely Aleyn vindrent tous les grantz seignurs


Engletere qe ount le sournoun'

de Fitz A leyn. Pu s

cesti Aleynfist enlarger mout le chastel .

Ly roys passa la ryvere de Salverne , e vist le pays

entour b on e b el ; e apela un chevaler qe fust née en

Loreygne, en la cyte de Mées, qe mout fust renomee

de force, de b ealté, e de corteysie . E sa enseigne fust

de nu samyt vermayl, a deus poons d’

or. E ly dona

Alb urb urs , ou tot l’

onour q’apent . E iss i dona ly roys

the White Laund, which belonged formerly to a Briton,

Meredu s sonof B eledins andbeside it is a little castlewhichis called the Tree of Oswald but nowit is called Osewaldestre (Oswestry) . The king called a knight, Alan fitz

Flaeu,and gave him the little castle with all the honour

appertaining to it ; and from this Alan came all the greatlords of England who have the surname of Fit z Alan .

Subsequently,this Alan caused the castle to be much

enlarged .

The king passed the river of Severn,and sawthat the

country around was good and fair and he called a knightwhowas born in Lorraine

,in the city of Metz

,who was

greatly renowned for strength , beauty, and courtesy .

And his bannerwas of a red samit,with two peacocks of

gold . And he gave him Alberbury, with all the honour

1 6 THE H I STORY or

Puys avynt qu e Payn Peverel moru st enson chastel

enle Peeke ; e W illam Peverel, le fitz sa soere , recu st

e avoit tut l’eritage Payn . Pus cely W illam par coup

d’espee conqu ist tote la terre de Morelas tanqe a l’


de Dee, Ellesmere, Maylour, e N auhendon. Cesty

W illam fist en la Blanche -Launde nu tour, e le apela

B launche-T our ; e la ville q’

est entour est uncore

apelée B launche-Ville, en Englois W hytyntone . En

Ellesmere fist un autre tour, e sur l’ewe de Keyroc

un autre . W illam avoit deus beles neces, Eleyne, la

eynsné, e Melette, la puysné ; e si maria Eleyne al

fitz Aleyn, e dona ou ly en mariage tote la terre de

Morlas desqe Keyroc . Melette d’assez fust la plus

Courthose,his elder brother

,in prison all his life ; the

cause will not be told you on this occasion .

It happened afterwards that Payn Peverel died in hiscastle in the Peak ; andWilliam Peverel

,his sister’s son


received and had all the heritage of Payn . Subsequently,

thisWilliam conquered by the sword all the land ofMorlas,

as far as the water of Dee,Ellesmere

,Maylour, and Nau

hendon . ThisWilliammade in theWhite Launde a tower,

and called it White Tower ; and the town which is about itis still called White Town

,in English Whittington .

InEllesmere he made another tower

,and on the water of

Keyroc another. William had two fair nieces,Elen


elder, and Melette, the younger ; and he married Elen tothe sonof Alan, and gavewith her in marriage all the landof Morlas, as far as Keyroc . Melette was the fairest


FULK F I T Z -WAR I NE . 1 7

bele, e pur sa bealté fust mout desirrée ; mes nul no

ly vynt a grée . W illam la enresona, e pria qe ele se

descovereit a ly, s’

yl y avoit en la terre nul chevaler

qe ele voleit prendre a baroun ; e Si nul tel y fust, yl

la eydereit a sonpoer. Certes, Sire,’fet-ele, yln

y a

chevaler en tot le mound qe j e prendroy pur richesse

e pur honour de terres ; mes si j e james nul averoy,

yl serra b el, corteys, e b ien apris, e le plus vaylant de

son corps de tote la Cristieneté . De la richesse ne fas

je force ; quar, j e le pu s bien dire, qe cely est riche qe

ad qe soncu er desire .

’ W illam, quant ce oy, surryst,

e dis t, Bele nece, bien avez dit e j e vu s ayderay a

mon poer de tel seignur purchacer. E Si vu s dorray

Blanche-Tour e quanqe apent ou tut l’onour ; quar

for her beauty was the most sought ; but nobody wasfound to please her. William expostu lated with her


begged her to open her mind to him,if there was inthe

world any knight whom she would take for husband ; andif there was no such one, he would aid her to his power.



”said she

,there is not a knight in the whole

world that I would take for the sake of riches and for

honour of lands ; but if I ever should have one, he shall behandsome


,and accomplished

,and themost valiant

of hi s body in all Christendom. Of riches I make no ac

count ; for, I may well say, he is rich who has what hi sheart desires .

” William,when he heard this



said, “Fair niece, you have said well ; and I will aid you

to my power to obtain such a lord . And I will give youC


femme qu e ad terre enfée serra d’assez plus desirrée .

Lors fist W illam une crié enmeynte terre, enmeynte

c ité, qe tous les chevalers de valours qe torneier veilent

pur amurs, a la feste Seint Michel Vienent a chastiel

Peverel, q’est en la Peek e ; e le chevaler qe mieux

fra, e le tornoy venk era, avera l’amour Melette de la

B launche-T our, e Sire serra e seignour de Blanche

Ville e de tot l’

onour. Ceste cri ee fust tost depubliée

par plu sors terres . Guaryn de Meez, le vaylaunt, ne

avoit femme ne enfant ; mes manda a Johun, duc de

la Petite-B retaigne, tot l’afi


ere de ceste crié , et ly pria

ayde e socours a cele b osoigne . L[ej duc fust moult

vaylant ; sy avoit dys fitz chevalers, les plus beals e

White-Tower and its appurtenances,with all the honour ;

forwoman who has land in fee will b e so much the more7 ,

sought after. ThenWilliam made a proclamation in manya land

,in many a city

,that all the knights of worth who

desired to tournay for love,let them come at the feast of

St . Michael to castle Peverel, which is in the Peak ; and

the knight who shall do best,and shall conqu er the tourna

ment, shall have the love of Melette of the White—Tower,

and Shall be lord and seignour of White-T own and of all

the honour. This proclamationwas soon published throughvarious lands. Guarin de Metz, the valiant, had neitherwife nor child ; but he sent to John duke of Little Britain

(Britany) all the affair of this proclamation,and prayed

him for aid and succour in this need . The duke was veryvaliant ; he had ten sons knights, the fairest and most

FU LK F I T Z -WARI N E . 19

plus vaylantz de corps qe furent en tote la Petite

B retaygne ; Roger le eyne, Howel, Audwyn, Urien,

Theb aud, B ertrem,Amys

, Gwychard, Gyrard, e Guy.

Le du c maunda ces x . fitz e c . chevalers ou eux , b ien

mountés e de totes apparillementz richement aprestez ,a son cosyn Garyn de Mees ; e yl les rescu st a grant

honour. Eneas, le fitz le roy d’Escoce, vint ou le conte

de Morref, e les Brutz, Donbars, Umfrevilles , e deus

C . chevalers . Iweyn, le prince de Gales, vint a deus

c . escu s ; le duc de B orgoyne ou I I I “. chevalers . Ydro

mor, fitz le rey de Galewey, vint on c . e L . chevalers .

Les chevalet s d’

Engletere sunt nonbrez a 1 1 10. Guaryn

de Mees e sa compaignie se herb igerent en tente s faitz

enla foreste delees O I‘

I le tornoiement serroit, bien ves :

valiant of body that were in all Little Britain; Roger theeldest




, Theobald, Bertram,Amis



,and Guy . The duke sent his ten sons

and a hundred knights with them,well mounted and with

all accoutrements richly furnished, to his cousin Guarin deMetz ; and he received them with great honour. Eneas,sonof the king of Scotland

,came with the earl of Murray


and the Bruce s,Dunbars


,and two hundred

knights . Owen,prince of Wales, came with two hundred

shields ; the duke of Burgundywith three hundred knights .

Ydromor,sonof the king of Galloway, camewith a hundred

and fifty knights . The knights of England were numberedat three hundred . Guarin deMetz and hi s company lodgedin tents made in the forest near where the tournament

0 2


tu z tot a volente de nu samit vermayl ; e les destreErj s

furent covertz tot a la terre au fuer de guere . Gu aryn

meismes, pur estre desconu z des autres, avoyt nu crest

de or. Lors resonerent lefs] tabours, trompes, bu synes,

cornS sarazynes, qe les valeyes reb onderent de le soun .

Lors comenca le tornoy dur e fort . La poeit-um vere

chevalers reverseez des destrers, e meynte dure coupe

donée, e meynte colee . La damoisels e plu sours dames

furent monteez une tour, e virent la b ele assemblé de

chevalers, e coment chescun se countynt . A descrivre

les coupes e continances j e n’ay cure ; mes Gu aryn de

Meez e sa compaignie furent ce jour le meylours, plus

beals, e plus vaylauntz teunz, e sur tous Si fust Garyn

le plus preysé en tous poyntz . Avynt qu’il avespry ; e

should be, well clad all at will in red samit ; and their

steeds were covered down to the ground in manner of

war. Guarin himself,in order to b e unknown to the others,

had a crest,or. Then resounded the tabors, trumpets, bu

synes, and saracen horns, till the valleys reboundedwith thesound . Then began the tournament with vigour and force .

There might one see knights overthrown from their steeds,

and many a hard blow given, and many a stroke .


damsel and a number of ladies had ascended a tower,and

sawthe fair -

assemblage of knights, and howeach bore himself. To describe their blows and bearings I care not ; bu tGuarin de Metz and his company were this day held thebest, handsomest, and most worthy, and above all was

Guarin the most praised in all points. Evening nowcame

FULK F I TZ -WA R IN E . 2 1

lo tornoy, pur la nuyt , ne purra outre durer. Les che

valers s’enalerent a lurostels . Guaryne sa compaignfij e

se tornerent privément a lur tentes en la foreste, e se

desaErjmerent,e grant joie demenerent . E nul des

autres grant seignours ne savoient ou yl devyndrent,

ne qy yl furent, tant se countindrent coyement ; mes

de tous furent desconu z , Lendemeyn crié fust par tot

une j oste . Ataunt vynt Garyn a jostes vestu de foyle

de ere tot vert hors de la foreste, come cely qe fust

aventurons e tot desconu . Quant le du c de B orgoyne


ad ven, meyntenant ly coru st sur, e ly fery grant

coup de une lance . Guarynle refery, qu’

il tribu cha de

le chyval enmy la place ; pu s"

nu autre, pu s le tierce .

Melette de la Blanche-T our ly manda songant, e pria.

on; and the tournament,on account of the night, could

last no longer. The knights went away to their inns.

Guarin and his companions turned off privately to theirtents in the forest

,and disarmed

,and made great rejoicing .

And none of the other lords knewwhat had become of

them,nor who they were

,they held themselves so Shy ;

but they were unknown of all. Next day was proclaimedeverywhere a joust . Then came Guarin to the jousts dressedwith leaf of ere (2) all green ou t of the forest

,as he whowas

adventurous and all unknown . When the duke of B ur

gundy had seen him,he immediately rushed upon him,


struck him a great blowwith a spear. Guarin returned theblow

,that he rolled over from his horse in the middle of

the place ; then another, then the third . Melette of the



il la defendist . Yl dit qu e si freit a sonpoer e Si se

repeiraa la foreste, e se arma de ces armes vermails


e vint ou ces compaignons en le champ , e Si venqu i

le tornoy, e purprist le champ pur totes les gentz qe

la vyndrent ; donut j ugement se prist entre tous les

grantz seignours e herrau tz e disours qe Guaryn, qe

fust le chevaler aventurou s, a resoun avereit le pris

del tornoy e Melette de la B launche-T our. .E yl, a grant

joie, 1a prist, e la dammoysele ly. Si maunderent le

evesqu e de la countre, e , veaunt touz, le ad esposé .

W illam Peverel tint une feste mout riche a les espo

Sayles ; e , quant la feste fust departy, Gu arynprist sa

mulier e sa compagnie, e’

S’enalerent a B launche ~Ville ,

e demorent yleqe a grant j oie qu araunte jours . Donqe

White-Tower sent him her glove, and requested that hewould defend her. He said that he would do it to hispower ; and then repaired into the forest

,and armed him

self with his red arms,and came with his companions in

the field,and conquered the tournament

,and held the field

against all people who should come there ; whereuponjudgment was takenamong all the great lords and heraldsand umpires

,that Guarin

,who was the knight adventurous,should by righ t have the prize of the tournament and

Melette of the White-Tower. And b e, with great joy, took

her,and she him. They sent for the bishop of the country


and,inSight of all, she married him . William Peverel held

a very rich feast at the marriage ; and, when the feast wasover, Guarin took his wife and his company

,and went to

White-Town, and remained there with great rejoicing


Gwy le fitz Candelon de Porkyntone, a garder l’


de B launche-Ville e ces autres terres .

Avynt qe la dame enseynta . Quant fust delyvrés ,

al houre qe D ieu ordyna, apelerent l’

enfaunt Fouke .

-E quant l’enfant fust de set anz , si le manderent a Joce

de Dynan pur aprendre e noryr ; quar Joce fust che

valer de bone aprise . Joce le rescu st a grant honour e

grant cherté, le norry ences chambres ou ces enfauntz

quar yl avoit deus fyles, dont la puysné fust de meyme

l’age qe Fouke fust, e Si fust apelée Hawyse . La eyns

née fust apelée Sibylle . A ycel temps grant descord

e guere fust entre Sire Joce de Dynan et sire W ater

de L acy, qe donqe sojorna mout a Ewyas ; pur quel

descord meint b on chevaler e meynt prodhome perdy

Porkington, to guard the honour of White-Town and his

other lands.

The lady became with child . When she was delivered,

at the time ordained by God,they called the child Fulke .

Andwhen the child was seven years old,they sent it to Joce

de B yuan to teach andnourish forJocewas a knight ofgoodaccomplishment . Joce received him with great honour and

great affection, and educated him in his chambers with hisown children ; for he had two daughters, the younger of

whichwas of the same age as Fulke, andwas called Hawyse.

The elderwas called Sibylle . At this time there was greatdiscord andwar between Sir Joce de Dynanand sirWalterde Lacy, who then dwel t much at Ewyas ; for which discord many a good knight and many a brave manlost his


la vye ; quar chescuncoru st sur au tre, arderent lur ter

res, preierent e robb erent lur gentz, e meinte autre

damage fyrent . Quant Fouke fust de xv iii . ans, moult

parfu st beals, fortz , e grantz .

Unjour de esté , Sire Joce leva matin, si mounta un

tour enmy son chastiel, pur survere le pais ; e regarda

vers la montaigne q’est apelée W hyteclyf, e vist les

champs covertz de chevalers , esqu iers, serjauntz e

vadletz , les uns armés sur lur destreErj s, les uns a pi e ;

e oyt les chyvals hynnyr, e vist les healmes relu santz .

Entre queux vist-yl la b anere Sire W ater de Lacy, re

flamb eaunt novel d’

or ou nu fes de goules parmy . Lors

escrie ces chevalers, e les comanda armer, e mounter

lur destrers,e prendre lur arblasters e lur archers,

life ; for each invaded the other,burnt their lands

, plun

dered and robbed their people,and did much other damage .

When Fulke was eighteen years of age, he was very handsome

,strong, and large .

One summer’s day, sir Joce rose early in the morning,and ascended a tower in the middle of his castle, to surveythe country ; and he looked towards the hillwhich is calledWhitclifi


,and sawthe fields covered with knights, squires,sergeants, and valets, some armed on their steeds

,some on

foot ; and he heard the horses neigh, and saw the helms

glittering . Among whom he sawthe banner of Sir Walterde Lacy, blazing newwith gold, with a fess of gules across .

Then he called his knights, and ordered them to arm and

mount their steeds, and take their arblasters and their


e aler al pount desou th la vile de Dynan, e garder le

pount e le gu é, qe nu l n’

y passast . Sire W ater e sa

gent qu iderent passer seurement ; mes les gentz sire

Joce les unt ru sshé arere, e plu sours d’amb epartz

sunt nau frez e tuez . A tant vynt sire Joce e sa banere

tote b launche d’argent, a trois lyons d’

asu r passauntz ,

coronez d’or ; ou ly qe chevalers, qe serjauntz , a

chyval e a pee, estre les b orgoys e lur serj antz qe bons

furent . Donqe a grant force passa Joce le pount, e

hurterent les ostz corps a cors . Joce fery Godebrand,

qe porta la b anere de Lacy, par my le cors de une

launce . Donqe perdy le Lacy sa b anere . A tant la gent

S’entreferirent, e plu sours sunt d

amb epartz occis . Mes

al Lacy avynt le pys ; quar yl s’en vet fuaunt e des

archers, and go to the bridge below the town of B yu an,

and defend the bridge and the ford that none passed it .Sir Walter and his people thought to pass safely ; but thepeople of sir Joce drove them back

,and many on both

sides were wounded and killed . At length came sir Joceand his banner all white with silver, with three lionspassant

,of azure

,crowned with gold ; with five hundred

with him,knights and servants on horse and foot


the burgesses and their servants, who were good . Thenwith great force Joce passed the bridge, and the hostsencountered body to body . Joce struck Godebrand, whocarried the banner of Lacy

,through the body with a spear.

Then the Lacy lost his banner. Then the people exchangedblows

, and many on both sides were slain . But the Lacyhad the worst ; for he went off flying and discomfited, and

r ULx F I TZ -WAR INE . 27

confitz , e prent sa voie delees la ryvere de T emede .

La dame, ou ces filles e ces autre damiseles, fust mon

tée une tour ; Si unt vu e tot l’estour, e prient D ieu

devou tement qu’il salve lur seignour e ces gentz de,

anuy e de encombrementz . Joce de Dyman conu st

W ater de Lacy par ces armes, e le vist fuaunt tout

soul ; quar yl aveit grant pour de perdre la vie . Si

fert sondestrer des esperouns, e passa mountz e vals, e

enpoy de oure ad ateynt le Lacy enune valee desou th

le boys, vers Champ -Geneste, si ly comaunda retorner.

Le Lacy nully ne vist Si sire Joce noun, e se retorna

mult hardiement . E S’entreferirent durement ; quar

nul n’out cure de autre eSparnier. Grantz coupes e

fortz s’entredonerent . Joce sembla qe la medlé dura

trop longement, hausa l’

espée de maltalent, Si fery le

took his way beside the river of Teme . The lady, with her

daughters and h er other damsels,had ascended a tower ;

whence they saw all the battle,and prayed God devoutly

to save their lord and his people from hurt and defeat .Joce de Dynan knewWalter de Lacy by his arms

,and saw

him flying all alone ; for he had great fear of losing hislife . He struck his steedwith his spurs

,and passed hi lls and

vales, and in a short time has overtaken the Lacy in a valleyunder the wood, towards B romfield, and commanded him to

turn . The Lacy sawnobody but Joce alone,and returned

very boldly . And they fought fiercely ; for neither caredto spare the other. They exchanged great and heavyblows. It seemed to Joce that the encounter lastedt oo long, and he raised his sword with ire, and struck


Lacy a l’escu , qe tot le porfendy par my, e ledement

le naufra par my le bras semestre . Joce l’assau t egre

ment ; e a poy qu’il ne l’eu st pris , quant sire Godard

,de B ruyz e deus chevalers ou ly vindrent socoure le

Lacy . S ire Godard e ces compaignons mout hardie

ment asaylent sire Joce de tote partz ; e yl se defent de

eux come lyon . La dame e ces fyles enla tour veient

lur seignur si demene q’

a poyu e pussent ester, orient,

palment, e grant duel demeynent ; quar jamés ne qu i

dent ver lur seignour en vie . Fouke le fitz W aryu

fust remys enle chastel, quar yl ne fust qu e xviii . anz ,

S i oy le cry en la tour, monta hastivement, Si vist sa

dame e tous les autresploureEr] . Yl s’

enala aHawyse,

e demaunda quey ly fust e pur qu oy fesoit Si mourne

the Lacy on the shield, that he clove it through themiddle, and gave him an ugly wound on the left arm .

Joce attacks him eagerly, and had nearly captured him,

when sir Godard de Bruce and two knights with him came

to succour the Lacy . Sir Godard and his companions veryboldly assailed sir Joce on all Sides

,and he defended him

self against them like a lion . The lady and her daughtersin the tower see their lord so pressed that he could hardlyendure

,and cry, faint, and make great lamentation ; for

they never expected to see their lord alive . Fulk fitz

Warine was left in the castle,for he was only eighteen

years old,and he heard the cry in the tower, ascended in

haste, and sawthe lady and all the others crying . Hewentto Hawyse, and asked what ailed her, and why she made

FU LK F I T Z -WAR IN E . 29

chere Tés- tey, fet - ele ; poy resembles- tu tonpere


est Si hardy e Si fort, e vou S estes coward , e tous

j ours serrez . N e veiez -vu s 15. mon seignour, qe grant

ment vu s ad chery e su efment norry, est en peryl de

mort pur defau te de ayde? e vu s, maveys, alez su s e

j u s seyntz , e ne donez ja garde .

”Le vadlet, pur la

repreofe qu e ele avoit dyt , tot enrouy de yre e de mal

talent ; e S’en vala meintenant de la tour

,e trova en

la sale umviel roynous haubert, e le vesty meyntenant

a mieux qu’il savoit ; e prist une grose hasche denesche

en sa mayn . Si vynt a une estable qe ert delees la

posterne par onut home vet vers la ryvere, e trova

la nu somer. Yl mounta meyntenant le somer, e S’


issist par la posterne, e passa bien tost la ryvere, e vynt

such sorrowful cheer. Hold your tongue, cried She,

you resemble little your father who is so bold and strong,and you are coward

,and always will be . See you not there

my lord,who has cherished you and nursed you atfec

t ionately, is in peril of death forwant of help And you ,

wretch, go up and down unhurt

,and care nothing for

him .

”The valet

,for the reproof she had given him, was all

filled with anger and ire and at once went downfrom the

tower,and found in the hall anold rusty b aubere

,and put

it onas well as he knewhow; and took a great Danish axein his hand . He came to a stable which was near thepostern by which they go towards the river

,and found

there a cart horse . He nowmounted the cart horse, andwent ou t by the postern, and soon passed the river



al champ ou son seignur fust abatu de son destrer e

en poynt de estre ocys, S’yl ne u st survenu . Fouke

aveit un healme lede , e ly covry apoy les espaudleS .

E a sa premere venue fery Godard de Bruz, qe aveyt

saysy sonseignour, de sa hasche, e ly coupa l’


del dors en deus meytés , e remounta son seignour.

Fouke se torna vers Sire Andre de Preez , sy ly dona“

de sa hache en le healme de blanc asser, qe tut le‘

purfendy desqe a deutz . S ire Ernalt de Lyls veit b ien

qu’il ne pu et en nulle manere eschaper, quar yl fust

sorement nau fré, e se rendy a Sire Joce . Le Lacy se

defendy ; mes enpoy de oure fust seysy.

Ore est S ire W ater de Lacy pris e Sire Ernalt de

Lyls, e sunt menez outre la ryvere vers le chastel de

came to the field where his lord was struck down fromhis steed and in point to be killed

,if he had not ar

rived . Fulk had a foul helmet, which almost covered hisshoulders . And at his first onset he struck Godard deBruce, who had seized his lord

,with hi s axe, and cut his

back bone in two parts,and remounted his lord . Fulke

turned towards Sir Andrew de Preez,and gave him with

h is axe on his helm of white steel,that he split it all

down to the teeth . Sir Arnald de Lys sawwell that hecould in no manner escape

,for he was sorelywounded


he surrendered to Sir Joce . The Lacy defended himself ;but he was soon taken .

Nowis sir Walter de Lacy taken and sir Arnald de Lys,and they are led over the river towards the castle ofDynam.


damoyseles chescun jour conforterent e solacerent

S ire W ater e S ire Ernalt de Lyls .

S ire Ernalt fust j eu ene b achiler e b el, e grantment

fust suppris de l’amurMariounde la Bruere, une mout

gentile damoisele, e Si fust la mestre chaunb rere la

dame del chastiel de Dynam. S ire Ernalt e la damoi

sele entreparlerent sovent ; qu ar ele soleit chesoun

jour venir en la tour ou sa dame, de conforter S ire

W ater de Lacy e Sire Ernalt . Avynt qe sire Ernalt,

quant veyt temps, aresona la damoysele, e dit qe ele

fust la chose qu’il plus ama, e qe tant est suppris de


amour qe repos ne pu et avoir 3our ne nuyt Si ele ne

se asente a ly ; quar ele ly pnet socours fere de tous

ces anuys . E, Si ele le voleyt fere, yl la freit seureté

and her dau ghters and their damsels every day comfortedand solaced Sir Walter and sir Arnald de Lys .

Sir Arnald was a young bachelor and handsome, and he

was greatly overtaken with the love of Marion of the Heath,a very pretty damsel, who was the chief chamber-maid of

the lady of the castle of B yu an . SirArnald and the damselOften conversed together ; for She used to come every dayinto the towerwith her lady, to comfort sirWalter de Lacyand sir Arnald . It happened that sir Arnald

,when he

sawanopportunity, pleaded with the damsel, and told herthat she was the thing which he loved most

,and that he

was so much overtaken with her love,that he could have

no rest day or night unless she yield to him ; for she could

give him relief from all his sorrows . And,if she wou ld do


I rz -WAR INE . 3

a se volente demeyne qu e james nulle autre n’


sy ly noun ; e, al plus tost qu’il serreit delyvrés, yl la

prendreit a femme . La dammoisele oy la bele pro

messe, e ly graunta fere se volente en totes choses,

e pri st seureté de ly qu’il la tendreit covenaunt de sa

promesse . La damoisele les promit qe ele les eydereit

en tous poyntz privément, qu’il fussent delyvrés de

prisone . E prist towayles e lynceles, Si porta en la

tour, e les fist contre ensemble, e par els avala Sire

W ater e sire Ernalt de la tour, e lur pria qu’il ten

ysent lu r lealté e la promesse qe eux ly aveynt promys .

E yl la dysent qe lealment se contendreynt a ly sauntz

fau ser nul covenaunt, e la comanderent a Dieu .

it,he would make her a surety at her ownwill that

never would he love another but her ; and,as soon as

he shou ld b e set at liberty,he would take her for his

wife . The damsel heard the fair promise,and yielded

him to do his will in all things, and took surety of himthat he would hold with her according to hi s promise .

The damsel promised them that She would help them in all

points secretly,that they might be delivered from prison .

And she took towels and sheets,and carried them into the

tower,and sewed them together, and by means of these she

let down sirWalter and sir Arnald from the tower,and she

prayed them to keep their faith and the promi sewhich theyhadmade her. And they told her that they would behavefaithfully towards her

,without breaking any covenant, and

bid her adieu .


Sire W ater e sire Ernalt tot souls alerent lur che

myn a pee ; e,al aube de jour, vindrent a Ewyas, a le

chastiel sire W ater de Lacy . E quant les gentz virent

lur seignur seyn e heyté revenu z , me fet a demaunder

si lees furent ; quar yl le qu iderent aver perdus pur

tous jours . Joce de Dynan leva matin, e s’enala a sa

chapele dedenz son chastel , qe fust fet e dedie en

l’onour de la Magdaleyne, dount le jour de la dedica

tion est le jour seynt Cyryac e L X X . jours de pardoun.

Si oy le service Dieu ; e , quant avoit ce fait, mounta

le plus halt tour q’

est en la terce bayle del chastel ,

qe or est apelé de plu sours Mortemer. E pur cele re

soun ad le noun de Mortemer, qe uns des Mortemers

fust leynz bone piece engarde . Joce survist le pays ,

Sir Walter and sir Arnald all alone went their way on

foot ; and, at the dawn of day, came to Ewyas, to the castleof sir Walter de Lacy . And when hi s people saw theirlord returned sound andwell

,it need not be asked if they

were joyful ; for they thought they had lost him for ever.

Joce de B yuan rose early,and went to his chapel within

the castle,which was made and dedicated in honour of the

Magdalene, the day of dedication ofwhich is the day of St .Ciriac and seventy days of pardon . He heard the serviceof God ; and

, when he had done that, b e mounted thehighest tower in the third bail of the castle, which is nowcalled by many Mortimer. And it has the name ofMortimerfor thi s reason, that one of the Mortimers was in it a goodwhile imprisoned . Joce surveyed the country

, and saw



Z -WAR IN E . 35

rien me vist si b ien noun . Descendy de la tour, si fist

corner at laver, e si maunda pur sonprison, sireW ater.

Quar tant honur ly feseit qe nul jour ne vodra laver

me manger eynz ly. Les prisouns furent qu is par tot .

Ce fust nyent quar eschapez erent . Sire Joce ne fist

nul Semblant qu’il se repenty de lur aler, ne j a garde

ne dona.

Sire W ater pensa qu’il se vengereit ou morreit ;

maunda pur ces gentz d’Irlaunde, e prist souders

chevalers e autres,issi qe fort estou r e dur assaut

fust entre sireW ater e Sire Joce . Les counteS e barons

d’Engletere virent la grant mortalité e damage qe fust

avenu , e uncore entre eux de jour en jour avynt ;

pristrent un jour d’amour entre sire W ater e Joce ; e

nothing but what was well . He descended from the tower,and caused the horn to be sounded forwashing, and sent forhis prisoner sirWalter. For he honoured him somuch thathe would neverwash or eat before he did the same . The

prisonerswere sought everywhere .

‘It was invain for theywere escaped . Sir Joce made no semblance of being sorryfor their going, and took no care of it .SirWalter thought that hewould revenge himself or die ;

he sent for his people from Ireland,and took into his pay

knights and others,so that there was strong contest and

hard battle between Sir Walter and sir Joce . The earlsand barons of England saw the great mortality and hurtwhich had happened

,and which still happened between

them daily ; they arranged a love aday between sir WalterD 2


yleoqe furent totes grevances redressez, e les parties

acordeez e devant les grantz seignours furent entre

b aysez .

Joce de Dynanmaunda ces lettres aW aryu de Mees

e Melette sa bone dame, le piere' F ouk e l

’enfaunt .

Fouke fust auke brun, e pur cc fust pu s apelé de

plu sours Fouke le Brun . W aryu e Melette e grantz

gentz vindrent al chastel de Dynan, e furent rescu

ileqe a grant honur e joie, e se enveiserent une symai

gu e . Joce molt corteisement parla a Guarin, e ly dit“ Sire, fet-yl, vu s avez seynz u h fitz qu e j e vu s ay

nory . J’espoir qu’il serra prodhome e vaylant e serra

vostre heir, sy yl vu s survist . E j e ay deus files, qe

sunt mes heyrs e, Si vu s plust, vodrey-j e qe nu s fu s

and sir Joce ; and there all grievances were redressed, andthe parties were accorded

,and embraced each other before

the great lords.Joce de B yuan sent his letters to Guarin de Metz andMelette his good lady, the father of the youth Fulke .

Fulkewas of a dark complexion,and therefore hewas called

by many Fulke the Brown . Guarin andMelettewith a greatretinue came to the castle of Dynam

,and were received

there with great honour and joy, and remained there a

week . Joce spoke very courteously to Guarin, and said tohim : Sir


”said he, “

you have here a sonwhom I havefostered for you . I trust that he will b e a brave man and

valiant ; and hewill be your heir, if he survive you . And Ihave two daughters,who are my heirs ; and, if it please you ,

FULK F I TZ -WA R IN E . 3 7

soms entrealiez par mariage, e donqe ne doteroms

gueres nul grant seignur d’Engletere, qe nostre partie

ne serreit meintenu a dreit e a resoun. E, Si vu s le

volez graunter, j e vu eil qe Fouke le Brun espouse Ha

wyse,ma puysné file, e qu

il seit heir de la meyté de7

tote ma terre .

’Guarynly mercia molt de soun beal

profre, e dit qu’il ls grantereit tot a sa volente de

meyne . Lendemayn maunderent a Herford pur le

evesqu e Robert de Le evesqu e vint, e a

grant honour fist les esposailles . Joce tint grant feste

xv. j ours . Quant la feste fust departy, Sire Joce e Sire

Guaryne lur meynes S’enalerent vers Hertlande ; quar

yleqe vodreint sojorner une piece . E Marion de la Bruere

se feynist malade, e se cocha en son lyt, e dit qe Si

my wish is thatwe enter into alliance ofmarriage, and thenwe should hardly fear any great lord in England, that ourparty should not be maintained with right and reason .

And,if you will agree to it, I will that Fulk the Brown

marry Hawyse, my younger daughter, and he shall be heirto the moiety of all my land .

” Guarin thanked him muchfor his fair offer

,and sa id that hewould agree to all accord

ing to his ownwill . Next day they sent to Hereford for thebishop Robert de The bishop came

, andwith great honourperformed themarriage ceremony . Joce held great festivityduring fifteendays . When the feastwas ended, sir Joce andsir Guarin and their households allwent towards Hertland ;

for they wished to sojourn there a while . AndMarion of

the Heath feigned sickness,and took to her bed, and said


malade fust qe ele ne se poeit mover, Si noun a grant

peyne . E demora al chastel de Dynam. Joce comanda

qe ele fust gu ardé tot a talent . E , pu r doute de le

Lacy e autres gentz, soudea x x x . chevalers e L x . dis

serjantz e v adletz , e les bayla son chastel a garder

tanqe a sonrepeyr enle pays . Quant Joce fust passé,

lendemeinmanda Marion sonmessage a Sire Ernalt de

Lyls, e ly pria, pur la grant amiste qe entre eux fust,

qu’il n’

obliast les covenauntz qe entre eu x sunt affer

mez , e qu’il viegne hastivement parler ou ly a le chas

tel de Dynan, quar le seignur e la dame e la force

de lur meynage sunt vers Hertlande ; e qu’il vienge a

meisme le In ondreynS’

enala de le chastel . Quant

sire Ernalt avoit oy le mandement sa amie, meynte

that She was so ill that she could not move except with

great difficulty . And she remained at the cast le of Dynan.

Joce commanded that she should b e carefully attended to.

And,for fear of the Lacy and other people, he took into

his pay thirty kni ghts and seventy sergeants and valets,

and delivered them his castle to keep until his returnintothe country . When Joce was gone, next day Marion senta messenger to sir Arnald de Lys, and prayed him,

for the

great friendship that was between them,that he would not

forget the covenants which were made between them , and

that he come hastily to talk with her at the castle of

B yuan, for the lord and the lady and the strength of theirhousehold are gone to Hertland

,and that he come to the

same place where last he escaped from the castle . WhensirArnald had heard the message of his mistress, he imme


sire W ater de Lacy, e ly counta que Fouke, le fitz

W aryu de Mées, avoit esposé Hawyse, la fille Sire Joce

de Dynan, e qe Sire W aryu e sire Joce aveyent lesse

garnesture en le chastel de B yuan, e furent alez vers

Hertlande pur quere souders e pur assembler yleqe

lur gentz e pur auner host e pu eple santz nombre .

E,quant tut l’ost serra assemble, meyntenaunt ven

dront a Ewyas, e ardrount e prendront vos terres . E,

Si yl poent vostre corps prendre, vu s serrez detrenché

enmenu pieces, e vous e les vos desherytez pur tous

jours . E ce me’

mandEe] cele qe vu s bien savez ; quar77

ele siet e ad oy la verite. Quant SireW ater entendy la

novele , devynt tut pal pur angoise, e dit : Certes, j e

ne pu s crere qe S ire Joce me freit tiele deceyte, depus

and told him how Fulk, the son of Guarin de Metz,had

espoused Hawyse, the daughter of sir Joce de Dynan, andhowsir Guarinand sir Joce had left provision in the castleof Dynam

,and were gone to Hertland to seek soldi ers


to assemble there their men, and to collect a host and

people without number. And,when all the host shall be

assembled,they will come at once to Ewyas

,andwill burn

and take your lands. And if they can take your body, you

wil l be cut in small p ieces,and you and yours wi ll b e

deprived of your inheritance for ever. Shewhom you knowwell has sent me this information ; for she knows and hasheard the truth .

” When sir Walter heard this news,he

became pale with vexation,and said :

“Truly,I cannot

believe that sir Joce would do me such a deceit, since we

FO LK F I T Z -WA RINE . 4 1

qe nu s sumes acordeez , e, veantz plu sours, entrebay

seez ; e j e harrey mout qe nos piers diseynt qe le

acord serreit enfreynt endreit de moy, e Sire Joce est

teunz leal chevaler.

” S ire,”fet sire Ernalt, vu s

estes mon seignur ; j e vu s garny de vostre damage ;quar j e say la veritepar cele qe ad oy le consayl. E ne

ditez mie autre foyz qe j e savoy vostre damage e ne le

vu s vodray garnyr, ne qe j e vu s ay menty ma fey .

S ire W ater devynt molt pensyf, e ne savoit nul b on

consayl su r cele b osoigne . A tant dit sire Ernalt,

qei me loez -vu s de fere P” S ire, fet- il,“ creez

monconsayl, si frez bien . Je irroymeismes, ou ma com

pagni e, Si prendroy par engyn le chastiel de Dynan;

e quant sire Joce avera fayly de soun recet, il vu s

are accorded,and there are many witnesses to our having

embraced each other ; and I was provoked much that ourpeers said the accord would b e brokenonmy part

,and sir

Joce is held a loyal knight .” “Sir


”said Sir Arnald



are my lord ; I warn you of your hurt ; for I know the

truth through her who has heard the counsel . And tellme not another time that I knew of your hurt and wouldnot warn you of it

,or that I have belied my faith to you .

Sir Walter became very thoughtful, and he knewno goodcounsel for this matter. A t length he said : Sir Arnald,what do you advise me to do 2



”said he


“trust mycounsel

,and you will do well . I will go myself, with my

company, and I will take by cunning the castle of Dynan

and when sir Joce shall have lost his stronghold, he will


grevera le meynz e se retrerra de sa pensée ; e par

tant poez estre vengé de ly de le hounte qu’il nu s ad

sovent fait . E, sire, pensez qe, seit cc 5. droit ona tort,home se deit de sonenymy venger.

” S ire W ater del

tot se mist enle consayl sire Ernalt, e quida qu’il lyaveit dit


veir de qu anqu’il avoit dit ; mes yl menti

come faus chevaler.

S ire Ernald apparilla sa compaignie, qe grant fust ;quar yl avoit en sa compagnie, qe chevalers, esqu iers ,

e serjauntz , plus qe myl . E vynt al chastiel de Dynan

par nuyt ; e fist partie de sa compagnie demorer enle

boys pres de W hyteclyf, e partie enb u cher desou th le

chastiel en les gardyns . La nuyt fust mout obscure ;quar yl ne furent aparcu de gueyte ne de autre . S ire

grieve you the less andwill give up hi s design and so far

you will be revenged of him for the disgrace which he hasoften inflicted upon u s. And


,consider that

,be it by

right or by wrong, one ought to revenge oneself of hi s

enemy .

”SirWalter yielded himself entirely to the counsel

of Sir Arnald, and supposed that he had told him truth in

what he had said ; but he lied like a false knight .Sir Arnald prepared his company

,which was numerous

for he had in his company,knights, squiers, and sergeants,

more than a thousand . And he came to the castle of

Dynanby night, and caused part of his company to remainin the wood, near Whitclifl


,and part to lay in ambush

belowthe castle,in the gardens. The night was very dark,

so that they were not perceived by the watch, or by any

F O LK F I T Z -WA R INE . 43

Ernalt prist nu esqu ier qe porta la eschiele de quyr,

e s’en alerent a la fenestre ou Marion les attent . E

quant ele les vist, unqe ne fust Si lee Si en vala j u s

une corde,e traist su s la eschiele de quyr, Si la ferma

a nu kernel de le mur. E Ernalt monta b ien e legere

ment la tour, e prist sa amye entre ces bras e la b eysa ;

e fyrent grant joie, e s’enalerent enune autre cham

bre, e soperent, e pu s alerent cochier, e Si lesserent

la eschiele pendre . L’

esqu ier qe la porta ala por les

chevalers e la grant compaignie qe furent enb u chez

en le jardyn le seygnu r e aylours , e les amena a Yes

chicle . E 0 . homes bien armes mounterent par l’es

chiele de quyr, e s’enavalerent de la tour de Pendovre’

e S’enalerent par le mur derere la chapele ; e troverent

one else . Sir Arnald took a squier, who carried the ladderof leather, and went to the windowwhere Marion waswaiting for them . Andwhen she sawthem

,she was never

so joyful and she let down a cord,and drewup the ladder

of leather,and fastened it to a battlement of the wall .

And Arnald mounted easily and lightly the tower, and

took hismistress betweenhi s arms and kissed her and theymade great j oy, and went thence into another chamber, andsupped

,and then went to bed

,and left the ladder hanging .

The esqu ierwho carried it, went for the knights and the

great company who were in ambush in the lord’

s gardenand elsewhere, and brought them to the ladder. And a

hundred men,well armed, mounted by means of the ladder

of lea ther, andwent downfrom the tower of Pendover, and

went along the wall behind the chapel . And they found


le geyte somoilant, quar yl devynt tut pesant contre

la mort ; e ly pristrent meyntenant, e ly vodreynt aver

ruée j u s de son tour en la profonde fossé e yl cria

mercy, e pria qu’il ly vodreynt sofl


ryr Sifler une note

avaunt qu’il moru st . E yl ly granterent mes yl le fist

pur ce qe les chevalers de leynz se devereynt garnyr.

Mes ce fust tu t pu r nient . T ant come il sifla, tut le

plu s de les chevalers e serjauntz furent decoupées ;brayerent e crierent en lu r lytz, qe D ieus poeit aver

pite. Mes les compaignons Sire Ernalt furent santz

piete; quar qu anqe leynz fust mistrent a lede mort, e

meynte lyncele qe q t blanche a seyr tot fust enrouyde sang . Al dreyn ru erent le gu eyte en la profonde

fossé, e rompi le col.

the watch Sleeping, for he seemed to b e heavy under thepresentiment of death ; and they took h im immediately


andwou ld have thrown him down from his tower into thedeep foss ; but he cried for mercy

,and begged that they

would suffer him towhistle one note before he died . And

they granted it him ; but he did it in order that theknights within Should b e warned . But i t was all in vain .

While he whistled the greater part of the knights and

sergeants were being cut to pieces and they screamed andcried in their beds that God might have pity . But thecompanions of sir Arnald were without pity ; for all who

were therein they put to a fou l death, and many a sheetwhi ch was white at even

,was all reddened with blood . A t

last they threwthe watch into the deep foss, and broke hisneck .

FO LK F I T Z -WA R I N E . 45

Marion de la Bruere cocha deleez sonamy sire Er

nalt, e rien savoit de la treson qe sire Ernalt avoit

fet ; Si oy grant noise en le chastiel, leva del lit e re

garda ju s en le chastiel, oyt la noyse e le cry de

nau frez , e vist chevalers armeez e les blanks healmes

e haub ercz ; meyntenant aparcu st qe Sire Ernalt ly

avoit descu e trahi, Si comenca mout tendrement a

ploureEr] , e dyt pytou sement :“ Alas !” fet-ele, qe

unqe nasquy de mere ! quar, par mon forfet, ad mon

seignur, sire Joce, qe suef me norry, perdu son chastel

e sa bone gent ; e , si j e ne usse esté , rien ne fust perdu .

Alas ! qe j e unqe cru cest chevaler ! quar, par son

losenge, m’ad-

yl descu , e mon seygnur, de cuy plus

me est .” Marion tote ploraunte saka l

’espeye sire

Marion of the heath lay in bed beside her love, sirArnald,and knewnothing of the treasonwhich Sir Arnald had per

petrated She heard a great noise in the castle, rose fromthe b ed, and looked down into the castle, heard the noiseand cry of the wounded, and saw knights in arms and

white helms and hau b ercs . Now she perceived that Sir

Arnald had deceived and betrayed her,and began to weep

very afi'

ectingly, and said piteously “Alas ! ” said she,

“ that ever I was born of mother ; for by my fault, mylord

,sir Joce, who fostered me tenderly

,has lost his castle

and his good people and had I never been,nothing would

have been lost . Alas ! that ever I believed this knight ;for by hi s flattery he has deceived me

,andmy lord


is stil l more to me .

” Marion, allweeping, drewthe sword


Ernalt, e dit Sire chevaler, esveyllez-vus ; quar

estrange compaignie avez amené en le chastiel mon

seignur santz cougie. Mes qe vu s, Sire, e vostre es

qu ier, fu ssez par moy herbygez , les autres, qe seyntz

par vu s sunt, ne furent mes . E , depus qe vu s me

avez descu , vus ne me poez a reson b lamer, Si j e vu s

renke service apres vostre desert ; mes james ne vu s

avanterez a nulle amye qe vu s averez qe, par ma de

ceyte, avez conquis le chastiel de Dynan e le pays .

Le chevaler se dresca enestant . Marion, de la espeye

qe ele tynt trete en sa mayn, fery le chevaler par my

le cors ; e Si moru st le chevaler meyntenant . Marion

savoit b ien qe, si ele fust prise ele serreit lyvré a male

mort, e ne savoit qe fere ; mes se lessa cheier a une

fenestre devers Lyneye, Si rompy le col.

of sir Arnald, and said,Sir knight, awake ; for you have

brought strange company into the castle of my lord withou t leave . But if you , sir, and your esqu ier, were lodgedby me

,the others

,who have come in through your means


were not . And,since you have deceived me, you cannot

rightly blame me if I render you service according to yourdesert but you Shall never boast to any mistress you shallhave

,that by my deceit you have gained the castle of

B yuan and the country .

”The knight raised himself erect .

Marion,with the sword which she held drawn in her hand


struck the knight through the body, and the knight diedimmediately . Marion knewwell that if she were taken,she should be delivered to an evil death, and knewnot


damoiseles alerent par les veneles, vyrent lur pieres e

lur freres gisir detrenchez par les rywes, s’engenu le

rent, prierent mercy e pardon de vye . Ce fust pur

nient, a ce qe l’estoyre dyt ; homes, femmes, ou eu

fauntz , j eovenes e grantz, tous furent ocys , ou de arm e

ou de feu. Ataunt vynt le jour ; donqe manderent a

lur seignur qu’il, ou tot sonpoer, venist al chastel de

Dynan. E Si fist-yl, e fist mettre sa b anere sur le Pen

dovre en signe de victorie qu’il aveit conquis cc qu’


eyns fust en prison mys ; mes la vile e qu anqe fust

leyns fust arse a neyrs charb ouns .

Quant la novele vynt a sire Joce e Guarynde Meez,

mout dolent, triste , e morne furent . Si manderent par

tot a lur parentz , amys,e a lur gentz demeyne , issi

along the lanes,saw their fathers and their brothers lie

slaughtered in the streets,fell upon their knees

,and im

plored mercy and pardon of their life . It was invain, asthe history says men

,women, or children

,young and

great, allwere slain,ei ther by weapon or by fire . A t last

day came ; then they sent to their lord that he, with all his

power, should come to the castle ofDyman . And so he did,

and caused his banner to b e raised onthe Pendover insignof victory that he had gained the Spot in which he wasformerly put inprison but the town with all that was init was burnt to black charcoal .When the news came to sir Joce and Guarin de Metz


they were much grieved, sad, and sorrowful . They sent toall their kinsmen, friends, and to their ownpeople, so that


qu e yl aveient dedenz une moys set myl de bone gent

bien apparillez . E vindrent a chastel Key, qu’est fermé

desu z un tertre, une lywe de voye de Dynan. Mes

chastel Key fust viel a ycel houre, e les portez furent

port ys ; quar nulle gent ne le aveyent hab itée C . ans

avaunt . Quar Key, le seneschal mon S ire Arthur le

roy, le avoit fet, e tot les pays a ly fust apendant, e

le noun de ly uncore tient, quar la gent du pays le

apelent Keyenhom . Joce e Garyn e Fouke le Brun, ou

lur gent, lendemeynvont vers le chastiel de Dyman ,si le assailent mout egrement _de tote partz . Sire

W ater 6 ces chevalers defendent mout hardiement les

kernels e les murs ; e pu s S ire W ater e ces Irreis S’


issirent de le chastel, e Si rendirent fort estou r a ceux

they had within a month seven thousand menwell provided. And they came to castle Key, which is intrenchedupon a knoll

,a league

s distance from Dyman . But castleKey was old at that time

,and its gates were decayed ; for

no people had inhabited it for a hundred years past . For

Key, the steward ofmy lord Arthur the king, had made it,and all the country belonged to him,

and i t still retains hisname

,for the people of the country call it Keyenhom

(Cainham) . Joce and Guarin and Fulk the Brown, withtheir people, go on the morrowtowards the castle of Dynan,and attack it very fiercely from all Sides . Sir Walter and

his knights defend very courageously the crenels and the

walls ; after which Sir Walter and his Irishmen salliedfrom the castle

,and made a fierce attack on those who



qe dehors furent . Joce, Garyn, e Fouke les assaylent

de totes partz e les occient espessement . Les Irreis gi

sent detrenchez par le prés e jardynz , issi qe a Sire

W ater e les su ens avynt le pys ; yl e sa gent se re

treyent e entrerent le chastiel e defendent les murs .

E, Si yl u ssent demorée dehors, b ientost u ssent oy

noveles mout dures . S ire Joce e sire W arynse retor

nerent a lur herb erges e se desarmerent ; e, quant

urent mangée, s’

entresolacerent . Lendemeynaysay

lirent le chastel mout egrement de totes partz , mes ne

le purreyent prendre . E quanqu’il purreyent encoun

trer dehors, les detrencherent . Ceste sege dura longe

ment . Pu s apres avynt qe, par le assent de nu roy

d’Engleterre, furent les portes de le chastel, qe tre

blées erent, ars e espris par feu qu e fust illumée de

were outside . Joce, Guarin, and Fulk, attack them onall

sides,and slay them in great numbers . The Irish lay ou t to

p ieces in the fields and gardens, so that sirWalter and his

b ad theworst of i t ; he and his people retreated and enteredthe castle and defended the walls. And

,if they had re

mained outside,they would soon have heard very hard

news . Sir Joce and Sir Guarin returned to their lodgingsand disarmed ; and, after they had eaten

,they were merry

together. On the morrow they attacked the castle veryfiercely from all Sides

,but could not take it . And all they

could find outside,they cut them to pieces. This siege

lasted long . Subsequently it happened that,by the assent

of a king of England, the gates of the castle, which weretreble, were burnt and consumed by fire which was lighted


bacons e de grece, e la tour sur la porte ars dedenz .

E le halt tour q’est enle tierce bayl de chastel , qe fort

e bien ovrée fust qe home ne saveit a cele oure nul

plus fort me meylour, fust de grant partie abatu, e cele

bayle a poy tote destruyt .

Sire W aryn devynt malades, e prist cougie de Sire

Joce, e s’enala a Albrebures soulement ou nu esqu ier,

e moru st . Fochunle Brun, quant sonpere fust mort,

vynt a Albreb ures, e prist homage e fealté de totes les

gentz qe tindrent de sonpere e prist cougie de Me

lette, sa mere, e Hawyse, sa femme, e revynt a Sire

Joce, e ly counta coment fust avenu de son pere ;dount Joce fust moult dolent de la novele .

Sire W ater fust dolent e irascu qu’il avoit perdu sa

with bacons and grease, and the tower over the gate burntin . And the high towerwhich is in the third hail of thecastle

,which was so strong andwell buil t that no stronger

or better towerwas at that time known,was in great part

beaten down,and that bail almost entirely destroyed .

Sir Guarin fell ill,and took leave of sir Joce

,andwent to

A lberbury only with one esqu ier, and died . Fulk the

Brown, after his father’

s death,came toAlberbury

, and tookhomage and fealty of all the peoplewho held of his father ;and he took leave of Melette

,his mother

,and Hawise


wife, and returned to sir Joce,and related to him what had

happened to his father,at the news ofwhi ch Jocewasmuch

grieved .

SirWalterwas sorrowful and angry that he had lost hisE 2



,e mout dota de estre mat e vencu , e se purpensa

mout estroytement, Si maunda une letre a Yervard

Droyndoun, prince de Gales, come a son seignur,

amy, e parent, e li counta par lettre qe Sire W illam

Peverel, qe tint Maylour e Ellesmere, est mortz ; e

dit qe ceu s terres sunt de sa seignurie aportenauntz

a Powys, e Sire W illam les tint de le doun le rey

d’Engletere a tort, e le roy les seysera en sa meyn .

E,S i issi fait, il vus serra mout mal veysyn, quar il

ne vu s ayme poynt . E pur ce, sire, venez chalenger

vostre droit ; e, Si vu s plest, me vu eil lez socours

maunder, quar j e su durement assegée en le chastel

de Dynam.

Yervard, quant oy avoit la novele, fist assembler

people,and he feared much to be beaten and conquered


and after anxious consideration he sent a letter to JervardDroyndoun, prince ofWales, as to his lord, friend, and kinsman

,and informed him by letter that sirWilliam Peverel,

who held Maelor and Ellesmere,is dead ; and he said that

those lands are of the lordship belonging to Powis, and Sir

William held them by gift of the king of England wrongfully

,and the king will seize them into his hand . And


he does so,he will b e a very bad neighbour to you , for he

does not love you . And therefore,Sir

,come and challenge

your right ; and, if you please, send me succour,for I am

closely besieged in the castle ofDynan.

Jervard, when he heard the news, caused to assemb le

FO LK F I T z -W AR IN E . 5 3

Galeys, E scoteys, Yrreys, plus qe vynt myl ; e se hasta

vers la marche, ardy les vyles, robba le gentz, e tant

avoit grant gent qe le pays ne les purra contre- ester.

Joce fust cointe e aparcu st la venue Yervard ; e yl e

sa gent e Fouke se armerent, e hardiement assaylerent

Roger de Pouwys e‘

Jonas, son frere, qe vyndrent en

l ’avant-garde de l’ost Yervard, e ocistrent plu sours

de lur. Roger e Jonas ne poyent durer l’

estour, e se

retrestrent arere . Ataunt vynt Yervard armée, dont

les armes furent de or e de gou les quartylé , e en

chescun quarter un leopart ; e assayly sire Joce e

Fouke . E yl se defendyrent longement, e ocistrent

plu sours de lur gent ; mes yl avoient tau t gent qu e

sire Joce ne purra meyntenir l’estour, e se retorna


,and Irish

,more t han twenty thousand ; and

he hastened towards the march, burnt the towns, plunderedthe people

,and he had such a great host that the country

could not withstand them . Joce was wary and got intelligence of the approach of Jervard ; and he and hi s peopleand Fulk armed

,and boldly attacked Roger de Powis and

Jonas hi s brother,who came with the vangu ard of Jer


s host,and Slewmany of their men. Roger and Jonas

were not able towithstand the attack,and retreated . At

length came Jervard armed,and his arms were of or


tered with gules, and in each quarter a leopard ; and heassailed sir Joce and Fulk . And they defended themselveslong, and slewmany of their people ; but they (the Welsh)had so many people that sir Joce could not maintain the


vers chastiel Key, a une lywe de Dyman . Mes molt lymesavynt ; quar yl avoit perduz plu sours de sa gent .

Yervard e ly Lacy, qe donqe lee fust, pu rsiwy sire

Joce e Fouke, e les assistrent en le chastelet, e les

assaylerent mout egrement . Joce, Fouke, e lur cheva

lers, treis jours, santz b eyvre ou manger, defenderent

lur feble e viel chastelet contre tu t l’ost . Al quart

jour, dit sire Joce qe greyndre h’

onour serreit pur eux

de leSSir le chastel e morir en le champ a honour, qe

morir enle chastel de feym a desonour e meintenant

vindrent en le champ , e ocistrent a lur premer avenue

plus qe treis cent, qe chevalers, esqu iers, e sergantz .

Yervard Droyndon e ly Lacy e lur gent asaylerent

S ire Joce e sa gent, e yl se defendirent come leons ;

contest,and he fell back upon Castle Key, at a league from

Dynan. But it was very disastrous to him ; for he had lostmany of his people . Jervard and the Lacy, whowas now

glad, pursued sir Joce and Fulk,and besieged them in the

little castle, and assailed them very fiercely . Joce, Fulk,and their knights, during three days, without drinking or

eating, defended theirweak and old little castle against allthe host . Onthe fourth day, Sir Joce said that it would begreater honour to leave the castle and die in the field withhonour, than to die inthe castle of hunger andwith disbonour ; and thereupon they went into the field and Slewat

their first encounter more than three hundred, knights, esquiers, and sergeants . Jervard Droyndoun and the Lacyand their people assailed Sir Joce and his people, and they


fierement blessé , e rien se pos it defendre ; se mist a

la fute, e les autres l’enchacerent deus lywes e plus,

e, quant ne le poeint ateindre , se retornerent e seisirent

totes les terres qu e Fouke aveyt . E pristrent Gyoun,

le fitz Candelou de Porkyntone, qe le conestab le Fouke

esteit, e manderent a prison a Rothelan, e ces vij . fitz

ou ly.

Fouke grant duel fet pur son seignour ; Si ad eu

tendu qu e le roy Henré est demoraunt a Glou cestre , e


enva laundreit . Si come yl approcha la ville, Si fust

le roy aprés soper alaunt sey dedure en un pree, Si

vist Fouke venant armé al chyval, e mout poinou se

ment chyvalchaunt quar yl ert feble , e sondestrer las .

A tendoms,”fet le roy,

“jaorroms noveles .

” Fouke

no longer defend himself ; he took to flight, and the othershunted him two leagues or more


,not being able to

catch him,they returned and seized all the lands whi ch

Fulk had. And they took Guy, the son of Candelou of

Porkington, who was Fulk’

s constable,and sent him to

prison at Rhuddlan, and his seven sons with him .

Fulke was in great grief for his lord ; and, as he had

heard that king Edward was dwelling at Gloucest er,

he went thither direct . As he approached the town,

the king was going after supper to divert himself in themeadow, and saw Fulk coming armed on horseback

, and

riding very painfully ; for hewasweak, and his steedweary .

“ Let u s wait,

”said the king, we Shall nowhear news .

Fulk came all on horse to the king, for he could not dis

FO LK F IT Z -WA R INE . 5 7

vint tut a chyval al rey ; quar yl ne poeit descendre,S i counta le roy enterement tote 1a aventure . Le roy

rouly les oylS mou[lt] ferement, e dit qu’

il se vengereit

de tels malfesours ensonrealme . E ly demanda qu’il

fust e dount fust née . Fouke counta le my onert née

e de qele gent, e qu’il estoit le fitz Gu aryn de Meez .

Beau fitz ,”fet le roy, vu s estes b ien venu z a moy

quar vu s estes de mon sang, e j e vu s ayderoy.


roy fist mediciner ces playes . E maunda pur Melette,sa mere, e Hawyse, se femme, e lur autre meyme, Si les

retynt ou ly, e fesoit Hawise e Melette demorer en

les chambres la reygne . Hawyse fust grosse enseinte ,e quant terme vynt fust delyvrés de enfaunt, e firent

apeler l’enfaunt Fouke . Cely en son temps fust mout

mount,and told the king entirely the whole affair. The

king rolled hi s eyes very fiercely,and said that he would

revenge himself of such evil-doers in his realm. And he

asked him who he was,and from whom descended . Fulk

related to the king where he was born, and of what race,

and that he was the son of Guarin de Metz . Fair son,”

said the king, you are welcome to me ; for you are ofmyblood, and I will help you .

”The king caused hi s wounds

to be doctored . And he sent for Melette,his mother


Hawise, his wife, and the rest of their household,and re

tained them with him,and caused Hawise and Melette to

dwell in the queen’

s chambers . Hawise was advanced inpregnancy, andwhen her time came She was delivered of achild, and they caused the child to be named Fulk . He in


renomee,e ce fust a b ondreit quar yl fu st sauntz pier

de force, hardiesse, e b ountée .

Quant Fouk e le Brun fust seyn de sa playe, le roy

Henré maunda une letre a sire W ater de Lacy, e co

manda sur vie e menbre lu’il ly delyverast Joce de

B yuan, son chevaler, e ces chevalers , qu’il tient a tort

en sa prisoun; e , Si yl ne le fet, yl les vendra quere

meymes, e fra tiele j ustice qe tote Engletere em par

lera . Quant Sire W ater avoyt oy le maundement, molt

fust empoury de le maundement Si delyvera Sire Joce

e ces chevalers, e les vesty e monta honorablement, e

les amena par la posterne devers la ryvere de T emede

e outre le gwede T emede e outreW hyteclyf, tanqu’il

vyndrent en le haut chemyn ver Glou cestre . Quant

his timewas greatly renowned, and it waswith good reason ;for he was peerless instrength, courage, and goodness.

When Fulk the Brown was healed of his wound, kingHenry sent a letter to Sir Walter de Lacy

,and commanded

him onpain of life and member to deliver Joce de Dynam,his knight, and hi s knights,whom he holdswrongfully in hisprison ; and, if he did not do it, he will come and seek themhimself

,andwil l do such justice that all England Shall talk

of it . When Sir Walter heard the message, he was muchfrightened at it ; and he set Sir Joce and his knights at

liberty,and clothed and mounted them very honourably


and conducted them through a postern towards the river ofTeme and beyond the ford of Teme and beyond Whitclifl



until they came to the high road to Gloucester. When Sir


Sire Joce vint a Glou cestre, le roy le recu st mout lee

ment, e ly promist ley e resoun. Joce sojorna ou le

roy tant come ly plu st, pu s prist congi e e S’

en ala a

Lambourne, e sojorna ylequ e ; e b ien tost apres mo

ru st, e fust enterrée yleoqe . Dieus eit merci de la


Le royHenré apela Fouke, e ly fist conestable de tut

sonhost ; e ly comanda tote la force de sa terre, e qu’il

presist gent assez e qu’il alast enla marche, Si encha

sast Yervard Droyndon e son poer hors de marche .

Issi fust Fouk e fet mestre sur tous ; quar fort ert e

coragou s . Le rey remist a Glou cestre ; quar yl fust

malengou s, e gueres ne poeyt traviler. Yervard avoit

pris enterement tote la marche de Cestre desqe W yr

Joce came to Gloucester,the king received him very gladly,

and promised him law and right . Joce resided wi th theking as long as he pleased

,and then took leave andwent to

Lambourne,and resided there ; and soon after died, andwas

interred there . God have mercy onhi s soulKing Henry called Fulk, andmade him constable of all

his host ; and placed under his command all the force of hisland, and that he should take people enough and go to themarch, and drive thence Jervard Droyndounand his powerou t of the march . Thus was Fulk made master over all ;

for he was strong and courageous . The king remained at

Gloucester ; for he was ailing, and not in a condi tion forlabour. Jervard had taken entirely thewhole march fromChester toWorcester, and he had disinherited all the barons


cestre, e Si avoit’

tou s les b arouns de la marche des

heritée . Sire Fouke, ou l’ost le roy, meint fer assaut

fist a Yervard ; e a une b atayle delees Herford, aW or

meslowe, ly fist fuyr e gu erpyr le champ . Mes avant,

d’amb epartz , furent plusours ocys . La guere fiere e

dure duraentre Sire Fouke e le prince quatre anz , a

tant qe a la requeste le roy de Praunce fust pris unjour


amur a Salob ures entre le roy e Yervard le prince, e

furent entre-b eysez e acordeez . E le prince rendy a les

barons de la marche totes les terres qu’il avoit de eu x

prises, e al roy rendy Ellesmere mes Blanche -Ville e

Maylor ne vodra rendre pur nul or. Fouke,” fet le

roy, depus qe vu s avez perdu B launche-Ville e Maylor,

enlu de ce vu s doyn-j e Allestone tut l’onour qu


of the march . Sir Fulk,with the king

s host, gave many

fierce assaults to Jervard ; and in a battle near Hereford,at

Wormeslow,made him fly and quit the field . But before he

fled,many were killed onboth sides . Fierce and hard war

between Fulk and the prince lasted four years, until at therequest of the king of France a love-day was taken at

Shrewsbury between the king and Jervard the prince,and

they embraced mutually and came to anagreement . And

the prince restored to the barons of the march all the landswhich he had taken from them

,and restored Ellesmere to

the king ; but for no gold would he render White-Townand Maelor. Fulk


”said the king, Since you have lost

White-Town and Maelor, I give you instead Alleston and

all the honourwhich belongs to it, to hold for ever.

” Fulk

FO LK F I T z -W A R IN E . 6 1

a tenirperdurab lement . E Fouke le mercia cherement .

Le roy Heure dona a Lewys, le fitz Yervard, enfant

de vij . anz , Jonette, sa fyle ; e enmariage lur dona

Ellesmere e autres terres plu sours, si mena Lewys a

Loundres ou ly. Le prince Yervard, ou sameyné, prist

cougie du roy, e S’

enala vers Gales ; si dona a Rogier

de Powys B launche -Vile e Maylour. Rogier pu s dona

5 Jonas,soun puysnée frere, Maylour. Ore avez oy

coment Sire Joce de Dynan, S ib ille, la eyne, e Hawyse,

le puisne, ces filles , furent desheritez de le chastel e


onour de Dynan, qe Sire W ater de Lacy tient a tort ;mes pu s fust la ville de Dynan reparillée e refetée,

e Si fust apellée Ludelowe . E si avez oy°


Sire Fouke, le fitz W aryu de Meez, est desherytée

thanked him dearly . King Henry gave to Lewis, the sonof Jervard

,a child of seven years

,little Joan

,his daughter ;

and he gave them in marriage Ellesmere and many otherlands, and carried Lewis with him to London . The princeJervard

,with his retinue

,took leave of the king, andwent

to Wales ; and he gave White-Town and Maelor to Rogerde Powis. Roger subsequently gave Maelor t o Jonas, hi syounger brother. Nowyou have heard howJoce de B yuan,his daughters Sibylle the elder and Hawise the younger,were disinheri ted of the castle and honour ofDynan, whichsir Walter de Lacy holds wrongfully ; but the town of

Dynanwas afterwards repaired and restored, andwas calledLudlow. And you have heard too howsir Fulk e

,the sonof

Guarin de Metz,is disinherited of White-Town and Mae


de Blanche-Ville e Maylour . Sibile, la su ere eyne,fust pu s mariée a Payn le fitz Johan , molt vailant


Fouke e Hauwise tant aveient demoré ou le roy,

qu’il avoit synk fitz , Fouke, W illam , Phelip le Rous,

Johan, e Alayn . Le roy Heu reavoit quatre fitz , Heure,Richard Ouer-de-Lyon, Johan, e Gaufré, qe pu s fust

counte de B retaygne le Menour. Henré fust coronée

vivant sonpere, mes il moru st avant le piere ; e apres

la mort le pere, Richard ; e apres Richard, Johan,

son frere, qe tote sa vie fust maveys et contrarious e

envyou s . Fouke le j eou ene fust norry ou les iiij . fitz

Heure le roy, e mout amé de tous, estre de Johan ;quar yl soleit sovent medler ou Johan . Avint qe Johan

lor. Sibylle,the elder sister

,was subsequently married to

Pain Fitz John,a very valiant knight .

Fulk and Hawise dwelt so long with the king, that hehad five sons


, William,Phillip the Red



Alan . King Henry had four sons,Henry

,Richard Coeur


,and Jeffrey

, who was afterwards earl of

Lesser Britain . Henry was crowned during his father’


life time,but he died before his father ; and after the

death of his father,Richard was crowned ; and after


,his brother

,who all his life was wicked

and ill-grained and envious. Young Fulk was bred withthe four sons of king Henry, and much beloved by themall

,except John; for he used often to quarrel with John .

I t happened that John and Fulk were Sitt ing all alone in


rey R ichard, Si avoit molt cher Fouke le Brun, le fitz

W aryu , pur sa lealté e fist apeler devant lyaWyncestre

lo v. fitz Fouk e le Brun, F ok et, Phelip le Rous, W il

lam,Johan, e Aleyn, e lur cosyn, B audwynde Hodenet,

e les adub ba molt richement e les fist chevalers . S ire

Fouke le j eou ene e ces freres ou lur compagnie passe

rent la mer, pur quere pris e los ; e n’oierent parler de

nul tornoy ne j ou stes qu’il ne vodra estre la . E tant

fust preysé par tot qe la gent diseient communément

qu e yl fust santz pier de force , b ounté , e hardiesse ;quar yl aveit tele grace qu

’il ne vynt en nul estour

qu’il ne fust teunz e renomee pur le meylour. Avynt

qe Fouke le Brun, lur piere, moru st . Le rey Richard

maunda ces lettres a she Fouke qu’il venist enEngle

who loved dearly Fulk the Brown,fitz Warine

,for his

loyalty ; and he called before him at Winchester the fivesons of Fulk the Brown

,little Fulk

,Phillip the Red



,and Alan, and their cousin

,Baldwin de

Hodnet,and adubbed them very richly

,and made them

knights. The young Sir Fulk and his brothers with theircompany passed the sea

,to seek praise and renown ; and

they heard talk ofno tournament or jousts but hewould bethere . And he obtained so much reputation everywhere


that people said commonly that hewas peerless in strength,goodness, and courage ; for he had such grace, that he came

to no encounter inwhich he was not held and reputed forthe victor. It happened that Fulk the Brown, theirfather

,died . King Richard sent his letters to Sir Fulke

F O LK F I T ZW A R I N E . 65

tere a receyvre ces terres, quar son piere fust mort .

Fouke e ces freres furent mout dolent qe Fouke le

Brun, lur bonpere , fut mort Si revindrent a Londres

a ls roy R ichard , qe mout fust lee de eu x , Si lur

rendy totes les terres dont Fouke le Brun moru st

seysy . Le roy se apparilla vers la T erre-Seynte, e co

manda tote la marche a la garde sire Fouke . Le roy

l’ama mout e chery pur sa lealté e pu r la grant reno

mée qu’il aveit, e Fouke fust molt bien de le roy tote

la vie le roy R ichard .

Apres cu i mort, Johan, le frere le roy Richard , fust

coronée roy d’

Engletere . Donqe maunda a sire Fouke

qu’il venist a ly parler e treter de diverse b osoignes

that he should come into England and receive his lands,

for his fatherwas dead . Fulk and his brothers were much

grieved that Fulk the Brown, their good father, was dead :and they returned to London to king Richard, who wasvery glad of them

,and delivered to them all the lands of

which Fulk the Brown died seized . The king made himself ready towards the Holy Land, and he entrusted all themarch to the keeping of Sir Fulk . The king loved himmuch

,and cherished him for his loyalty and for the great

renown which he had,and Fulk was very well with the

king all the life of king Richard .

After whose death,John

,the brother of king Richard,

was crowned king of England . Then he sent to sir Fulkthat he Should come to him to talk and treat of divers



qe tochoyent la marche , e dist qu’il irreit visiter la

marche ; e s’

en ala al chastiel B audwyn, qe ore est

apelée Mountgomery. E quant Morys, le fitz Roger de

Powys, seignu r de B launche -Ville, aparcu st le roy

Johan aprocher la marche, Si manda anmy un destrer

gras e beal e umgirfau t tut blanc muer. Le roy le mercia

mout de le present . Donqe vint Moryz parler al rey ;

e le roy le pria demorer ou ly e estre de son consayl,

e ly fist gardeynde tote la marche . Quant Morys vist

soun temps, Si parla au roy e ly pria, si ly plu st ,

qe yl ly velsist confermer par sa chartre l’onour de

B launche -Ville , a ly e ces heyrs, come le roy Heure,soun pere, l

avoyt eynz conferme a Roger de Powys,

sonpere . Le roy savoit bien qe S ire Fouke avoit dreit

matters touching the march,and said that he would go

visit the march ; and he went to castle Baldwin, which isnow called Montgomery . And when Moris

,the son of

ROger de Powis, lord ofWhite ~Town, knewthat king Johnwas on his way to the march, he sent the king a fat and

fair steed,and a gerfalcon all white . The king thanked

him much for his present . Then came Moris to talk withthe king ; and the king requested him to dwell with himand be of his council

, and made him keeper of all the march .

When Moris sawhis time,he Spoke to the king, and prayed

him, if he pleased, that he would confirm to him by charterthe honour ofWhite-Town

,to him and his heirs, as king

Henry,his father

,had before confirmed it to Roger de

Powis, his father. The king knewwel l that sir Fulk had

FU LK F i 'rz -WAR INE . 67

a B launche-Ville , e se remenbra de le coupe qe Fouke

ly avoyt eynz donee , e se pensa qu’il se vengereit par

yleqe ; e granta qe qu anqe Morys voleyt fere escrivre ,

yl le enselereyt . E, a ce fere , Morys ly promist c .

livrez d’argent .

Yl y avoit bien pres un chevaler qe tu t aveit oy qe

le roy e Morys aveyent parlé, si vynt hastivement a

sire Fouke , e ly counta qe le roy confermereit par sa

chartre a syre Morys les terres a queux yl avoit dreyt .

Fouke e ces quatre freres vindrent devant le roy, e

prierent qu’il puissent aver la commune ley e les terres

a queux yl aveyent droit e resoun, come le heritage

Fouke ; e prierent qe le roy velsist receyvre de lur

c . lywres, a tieles qu e yl lur velsist graunter le award

right toWhite Town, and he called to mind the blowwhichFulk had formerly given him, and thought that hewouldnowbe avenged ; and he granted thatwhatever Moriswould putin writing, he would seal it to him . And

,for doing this,

Moris promised him a hundred pounds of silver.

There was close by a knight, who had heard all the con

versation between the king and Moris ; and he went inhaste to sir Fulk , and told him that the king was about toconfirm by his charter to sir Moris the lands to which hehad right . Fulk and his four brothers came before theking , and prayed that they might have the common lawand the lands towhich they had claim and right, as the inheritance of Fulk ; and they prayed that the king wouldreceive from them a hundred pounds

,on condition that he

F 2


de sa court de gayn e de perte . Le roy lur dist qe ce

qu’il avoit grantee a sire Morys , yl le tendreit, quy

qe se corocereit ou qy noun . A tant parla sire Morys

a sire Fouke, e dit Sire chevaler, molt estes fol, qe

vu s chalengez mes terres . S i vu s dites qe vu s avez

dreit a B launche-Ville, vu s y mentez ; e , s’il ne fust

devaunt le roy, j e le proverey su z vostre corps .

S ire W illam,le frere Fouke, sauntz plus dyre , sayly

avaunt, sy fery de le poyn en my le vys sire Morys ,

qe tu t devynt senglant . Chevalers s’entre - alerent

, qe

plus damage ne fut fait . Donqe dit sire Fouke al royS ire roy, vu s estes mon lige- seignou r, e a vu s

lié par fealté, tant come je fu envostre service e tan

come j e tienk e terres de vus ; e vu s me du ssez meyn

should grant them the award of his court of gain and loss.

The king told them that what he had granted to sir Morishewould hold to it

, whoevermight be offended,orwho not .

At length sir Moris spoke to sir Fulk,and said : “ Sir

knight, you are a great fool to challenge my lands . If yousay that you have right to White-Town

, you lie ; and, ifwe were not in the king

s presence,I would prove it on

your body .

”Sir William,


s brother, without a word

more,sprang forwards, and struck sir Moris with his fist in

the middle of his face,that it became all bloody . Knights

interfered,that no more hurt was done, Then said sir

Fulk to the king ; Sir king, you are my liege lord, andto you was I bound by fealty, as long as I was in yourservice

,and as long as I held lands of you ; and you ought


tenir enresoun, e vu s me faylez de resoun e commun

ley ; e unqe ne fust b on rey qe deneya a ces franke

tenauntz ley en sa court : pur quoi j e vu s renke vos

homages .

”E a cele parole s

en parti de la court , e

vynt a sonhostel .

Fouke e ces freres se armerent meyntenant, e B au

dwynde Hodenet ensement ; e quant furent passez une

demie- luwe de la cite, vindrent apres eux X v . cheva

lers bien montez e armés, les plus fortz e valyantz de

tote la meyné le roy, e les comaunderent retorner, e

diseyent qu’il aveyent promis al roy lur testes . Sire

Fouke retorna, e dit “ Beau sires, molt fu stez fols

quant vu s promistes a doner ce qe vu s ne poez aver.

A tant s’entreferirent de lances e de gleyves, issint

to maintain me in right, and you fail me in right andcommon law; and never was he a good king who deniedhis frank tenants lawinhis courts ; wherefore I return youyour homages .

”Andwith this word he departed from the

court,andwent to his hostel .

Fulk and his brothers armed immediately, and Baldwin

de Hodnet likewise ; and when they were gone half a

league from the city, there came after them fifteen knightswell mounted and armed, the strongest and most valiant ofall the king

s household,and commanded them to turn

back,and sa id that they had promised the king their heads.

Sir Fu lk turned back,and said : Fair sirs

, you were

great fools to give what you cannot have .

Then they eucountered with lances and swords

,so that four of the most


qe quatre de plus vaylantz chevalers le roy meinte

nant furent oois, e tous les autres nau frez au poynt

de mort, estre un qe vist le peryl e se mist a la fute .

Vynt a la cité ; le roy ly demaunda si Gu arynfust pris .

N anil,

” fet -yl, ne rien malmys ; yl e tous ces

compaignons sunt aleez ; e nu s fumes tous ocys, estre

moy, qe a grant peyne su eschapez .


F et le roy

O il est Gyrart de F raunce P ieres de Avynoun, e

sire Amys le MarchysP” S ire, ocys .

”A tant

vindrent X . chevalers tut a pée, quar sire Fouke meyne

les destrers . Les uns des chevalers aveyent perdu le

nées, les uns le menton e tut furent defolées . Le roy

j ura grant serement qu’il se vengereit de eux e de tote

lur lignage .

valiant of the king’

s knights were killed outright, and all

the others wounded almost to death,except one

,who saw

the danger and took to flight . He came to the city ; theking asked him if Warine were taken . N said he


nor nothing hurt ; he and all his companions are gone ;andwe were all slain

,except me

,who with great difficulty

have escaped . Said the king :“Where is Gerard de

France,Piers d

Avignon, and sir Amis the Marquis ?”

Sire,slain .

”At length came ten knights all onfoot, for

sir Fulk carried off their steeds . Some of the knights hadlost their noses

,others their chins ; and they were all ill

treated . The king swore a great oath that he would b e revenged of them and of all their lineage .

Fulk came to Alberbury,and related to dame Hawise


a mon sire W ater de Huggeford, qe avoit esposée dame

Vyleyne, file W arin de Meez mes sondreit noun fust

Emelyne , e fust la aunte sire Fouke . Pu s Fouke s’en

va vers Alberburs ; e quant vynt ileqe , la gent du pays

dient qe sa mere est enterrée, pur qy Fouke fet grant

duel, e prie mut pitou sement pur sa alme .

S ire Fouke e sa gent cele nuyt vont en une foreste

q’est apellée B abbyng , qe esta delees B launche -Ville ,

pur espier Morys le fitz Rogier. Ataunt vint nu

vadlet de la meymeMorys, si les aparcu st, e s’enreve t

arere , e counta Morysvce qu’

il avoit ven. Morys se

arma mout richement, e prent le vert escu a deus sen

glers d’or batu ; d

’argent fust la bordure, ou flours de

glys d’

asure . E si avoit en sa compagnie les nuef fitz

Hu ggeford, who had married dame Vileine,daughter of

Guarin de Metz ; but her right name was Emeline, and shewas the aunt of sir Fulk . Afterwards Fu lk went his waytowards Alberbury ; and when he came there

,the people of

the country told him that his mother was buried,forwhich

Fulk made great grief, and prayed very piteously forher soul .Sir Fulk and his men that night go into a forest which

is called B abb ing, which is near White-Town, to spy MorisFitz Roger. At length there came a valet Of Moris

s household , who perceived them,

and went back,and related to

Moris what he had seen . Moris armed himself very richly,

and took his green shield,with


two boars of beaten gold ;the bordure was of argent, wi th fleurs~de~lis Of azure . And


Guy de la Montaigne e les treys fitz Aaron de Cler

fountaygne, issint qe X X X . y aveyent bien mounteez

e v“. de gent a pee . Quant Fouke Morys vist, hastive

ment de la foreste issist . Entre eux fust comencé dur

estour, e yleqe fust Morys nau fré par my l’


e plu sours chevalers e gentz a pie occis furent . E, au

dreyn Morys s’enfu i vers son chastel, e Fouke le

parsywy, Si li quida feryr en fuaunt en le healme ;

mes le coupe descendy sur le cropoun del destrer.

A tant vint Morgan le fitz Aaron, si trayst de le

chastel , e fery Fouke par mi le jaunb e de unqu arel.

Fouke fust molt dolent qe yl ne se poeit venger a sa

volente de sire Morys, e de sa playe en le jaunb e

ne dona ja garde . Sire Morys fist sa pleynte al roy

he had in his company the nine sons of Guy of the Mountain and the three sons of Aaron de Clairfontaine, so thatthere were thirty well mounted and five hundred footmen.

When Fulk sawMoris he issued in haste from the forest .There was begun between them a hard contest

, and therewasMoriswounded through the shoulder, andmany knightsand footmen were killed . And at last Moris fled towardshis castle, and Fulk pursued him

,and thought to have

struck him on the helm as he fled ; but the blowfell onthe crupper of hi s steed . A t length came Morgan FitzAaron

,and shot from the castle

,and struck Fulk through

the leg with an arrow. Fulk was much grieved that hecould not avenge himself as hewould onsirMoris, and paidno attention to the wound in hi s leg . Sir Moris made his


qe sire Fouke fust revenu z en.

Engletere e ly avoit

naufré par my le espaudle . Le roy devynt si corocé

qe a merveyle ; e ordina c . chevalers ou lur meynie

d’aler par tot Engletere , d’enqu ere e prendre Fouke e

ly rendre al ro-

y vyf ou mort . E si averount totes lur

costages de[l] roy ; e s’

il le puissent prendre , le roy

les dorreit terres e riche feez .-Les chevalers vont par

tot Engletere quere sire Fouk e ; mes 1aou yl entendy

rent qe sire Fouke fust, la ne vodreient aler a nul fuer ;quar yl ly doterent a demesure

,les uns pur amour

qu’il aveyent a ly, les autres pur doute de sa force e

de sa noble chevalerie , qe damage ne mort lu r avensist

par sa force e sa hardiesse .

Sire Fouke e sa compagnie vindrent a la foreste de

complaint to the king that sir Fulk was returned intoEngland and hadwounded him through the shoulder. The

king became so incensed that it waswonderful ; and he appointed a hundred knightswith their company to go throughall England, to seek and take Fu lk and deliver him to the

king alive or dead . And they shall have all their costsfrom the king ; and if they could take him,

the king would

give them lands and rich fees. The knights go through all

England to seek sir Fulk but then when they heard thatsir Fulk was there

,they would not go for any king ; for

they feared him excessively,some for love they had for

him,others for fear of his strength and of his noble knight

hood, lest damage or death might happen to them by hisstrength and boldness .

Sir Fulk and his company came to the forest of B ra

FULK F I T Z -WA R IN E . 75

B radene ; e demorerent yleqe privément ,‘

qu ar aper

tement n’

oserent pur ly roy. Donqe vindrent de la

outre x . b orgeys marchauntz , q’aveyent de les deners

le roy d’Engleterre les plus riches draps, pelures, es

peces, e gyans, pur le corps le roy e la reygne d’En

gletere achatez ; si l’amenerent par desou th la foreste

vers le roy, e xxiiij . serj auntz armées sywyrent pu r

garder - le tresour le roy . Quant Fouke aparcu st les

marchauntz , si apela Johan son frere , e li dit qu’


alas t parler ou cele gent e'

qu’il encerchast de quele

terre sunt . Johan fery le destrer de esperouns, Si vint

a les marchauntz , e demanda quele gent fuissent e de

quele terre . Un vaunt-parlour orgulous e fer sayly

avant, e demanda quey yl avoit a fere d’

enqu ere quele

dene ; and they dwelt there secretly,for they dared not do

it openly onaccount Of the king . Then came from abroadtenburgher merchants

,who had bought with the money of

the king of England the richest cloths,furs



gloves, for the body of the king and the queen of England ;and they were carrying them under the forest towards theking, and thirty-four sergeants armed followed to guard theking

s treasure . When Fu lk perceived the merchants,he

called his brother John, and told him to go and talk withthose people and inquire of what land they were . Johnstruck his steed with his spurs

,and came to the merchants,

and demanded what folks theywere and from what land . A

fore- speaker proud and fierce sprang forward, and de

manded what business it was of hi s to inqu ire what folk


gent y fussent . Johan lur demanda en amour venyr

parler ou son seignu r en la foreste, ou si noun il

vendreynt maugré lur. A tant sayly avant un serj ant,

Si fery Johan de un espée grant coupe . Johan le

refery en la teste, qu’il chay a terre palmée . Donqe

vynt sire Fouke e sa compagnie, e assaylerent les

marchantz ; e yl se defendyrent mout vigerou sement .

A udreyn se rendirent, quar force lur fist ce fere .

Fouke les mena en la foreste , e yl ly conterent qe

marchantz le roy erent ; e quant Fouke ce entendy,

mout fu lee . E lur dist “ S ire marchantz , Si vu s

perdisez cest avoyr, sur qy tornereit la pierte? dite

moi le veyr.

“ S ire,” font-yl, S i nu s le perdisoms

par nostre coardise ou par nostre maveise garde de

were there . John demanded of them to come in love tospeak with his lord in the forest, or ifnot they should come

in spite of themselves. Then a sergeant sprang forward,and struck John a great blowwith a sword . John struckhim again on the head

,that he fell to the ground insen

sible . Then came sir Fulk and his company,and assailed

the merchants ; and they defended themselves very vigorou sly . In the end they surrendered, for they were forcedto do so. Fulk led them into the forest, and they relatedto him that they were merchants of the king ; and whenFulk heard that

,he was very glad . And he said to them

Sirs merchants,if you should lose these goods, onwhom

will the loss turn tell me the truth .



”said they,

“ ifwe Should lose it by our cowardice or by our own bad

FULK F I T z -WA RIN E . 77

meyne, la pierte tornereit sur nu s ; e si en autre

manere le perdisoms, en peril de mer ou par force

de gentz, la pierte tornereit desu z le roy.


vu s le voyrP” Oyl, sire,

” fount-yl. S ire Fouke ,quant entendy qe la pierte serreit al roy, donqe fist

mesurer le riche drap e riche pelure par sa launce,

e si vesti tous ceux qe ou ly furent, petitz e grantz,

de cel riche drap , e dona a chescun solum ce qu’il

estoit ; mes mesure avoit chescunassez large . De l’au

tre aver prist chescuna volente. Quant il fust avespré,

e les marchauntz aveynt b ien mange, si les comanda

a Dieu , e pria qu’il salu asent le roy de par Fouke fitz

W arin, qe ly mercia mout de ces bones robes . Fouke

ne nul de su ens, de tot le tens qu’il fust exilée, unqe

keeping, the loss would turn upon u s ; and if we lose it inother manner

,by danger of the sea or by people’

s force, theloss will turn upon the king .

” “ Say you the truth 2”“Yes



”said they. Sir Fulk

,when he heard that the

loss would be the king’

s,caused the rich cloth and rich

skins to be measured with his spear,and clothed all those

whowere with him,little and great, wi th that rich cloth,

and gave to each according to what he was ; but every one

had large measure enough . Of the rest of the goods eachtook at his will . When evening was come

,and the mer

chants had eatenwell, he bade them adieu,and prayed them

to salute the king from Fulk Fitz Warine,who thanked

him much for his good robes . Fulk nor any of his,during

the whole time that he was outlawed,would ever do hurt


ne voleint damage fere a nully, si noun al roy e a ces

chevalers . Quant les marchantz e lur serjantz vindrent

nau frez e mayhaymés devant le roy, e counterent al

roy ce qe Fouke lur charga e coment Fouke aveit son

aver pris, a poy qu’il ne enraga de ire . E fist fere

une criée par mi le realme , qu e cely qe ly amerreit

Fouke , vyf ou mort, yl ly dorreit myl lyvres d’argent,

e estre ce yl ly dorreit totes le terres qe a Fouke fu

rent enEngleterre .

De yleqe vet Fouke , e vient en la foreste de Kent,

e lessa ces chevalers en l’espesse de . la foreste , e s


vet tot soul chyvalchant le haut chemyn; Si encontra

nu messager trop jolyvement chauntant , e avoit vestu

la teste de unchapelet de rose vermayl. F ouke ly pria

to any one,except to the king and to his knights. When

the merchants and their sergeants came wounded and

maimed before the king, and related to the king Fulk’


message and how Fulk had taken his goods, he almostwent madwith rage . And b e caused it to be cried throughthe kingdom,

that whoeverwould bring him Fulk alive or

dead, he would give him a thousand pounds of silver, andbesides that he would g ive him all the lands which wereFulk’

s inEngland .

Fulk went thence,and came into the weald of Kent

, and

left his knights in the thick of the forest, andwent all aloneriding in the high road ; and he met a messenger singingvery joyously, with his head decorated with a chaplet of

red roses . Fulk prayed him for love that he would give


coment yl ly dona xx . s . pur le chapelet qu’il ly dona de

grée . Les 0 . chevalers firent somondre hastivement tot

le pays, chevalers, esqu iers, e serjauntz , e enseggerent

tote la foreste tot entour ; e mistrent tosours e rece

vours come furent venours, e mistrent viele gent e

autres par tot le champ ou corns, pur escrier Fouke

e ces compaignons , quant furent issu z de la foreste .

Fouke fust enla foreste, e rien ne savoit de cest affere .

A tant oy un chevaler soner un gros bu gle, si avoit

su specion, e comanda ces freres mounter lur destrers,

W illam,Phelip, Johan , e Alayn . Ces freres monterent

meyntenant . Audulf de Bracy e B au dwynde Hodenet,

JohanMalveysyn, monterent ensement . Les treis freres

de Cosham,T homas

,P ieres, e W illam, furent bons ar

where he had seen him,and how he had given him twenty

sols for the chaplet which he gave him gratis . The hundred knights caused all the country to be summoned inhaste

,knights, esqu iers, and serjeants

,and beset the forest

all round ; and set starters and receivers as if they werehunters

,and placed old people and others all over the

field,with horns

,to raise the cry upon Fulk and his

companions,when they should have issued from the forest .

Fulk was in the forest,and knewnothing of this matter.

At length he heard a knight sound a great bugle, and hadsuspicion

, and commanded his brothers to mount theirsteeds

, William,Philip, John, and Alan . His brothers

mounted at once . Aldulfde Bracy and Baldwinde Hodnet,

with John Malveysin, mounted also. The three brothers ofCosham,



were good arblasters,

FULK F I T Z -WA R INE . 8 1

blasters, e tote l’

autre meyné Fouke furent tost aprestée

a le assaut .

Fouk e e ces compagnouns issirent de la foreste ,

si virent, devant tuz les autres, le 0 . chevalers qe les

aveynt quis par mi Engletere . S i se ferirent entre eux ,

e ocistrent Gilbert de Mountferrant e Jordan de Cole

cestre e plu sours autres chevalers de la compaignie ;

Si passerent outre par my les 0 . chevalers, e autres

foyth revyndrent par my eux , e les ab atirent espes

sement . A tant survyndrent tantz chevalers, esqu iers ,

b orgeys, serjantz , e pu eple santz nounbre, qe Fouke

aparcu st bien qu’il ne poeit durer la b atayle , S i se re

torna a la foreste ; mes Johan son frere fust nau fré en

la teste par my le healme . Mes, eynz qu’il tornasent

and all the rest of Fulk’

s people were soon ready for theattack .

Fulk and his companions issued from the forest,and saw


before all the others,the hundred knights who had sought

them through England . And they charged among them,

and slewGilbert de Mountferrant and Jordan de Colchesterand many other knights of the company ; and they passedthrough the midst of the hundred knights, and sometimes

returned among them,and struck them down innumbers .

At length there came upon them somany knights, esquiers,burghers, sergeants, and people without number, that Fulksawwell he couldnot support the contest

,and returned into

the forest ; but his brother John was wounded in the headthrough the helm . But

,before they turned to the forest,



5 la foreste, meint hon chevaler, esqu iers , e serj antz

furent detrenchez . Fouke e ces compaignons ferirent

les destrers des esperouns, e fuyrent . Les gentz par

tu t leverent la menée sur eu x , e les pursywyrent ou

menée par tu t . A tant entrerent enune veye , e ne vyrent

qe nu lever la menée ou uncorn . Unde la compaignie

le fery par mi le corps de unqu arel atant lessa le cri

e la menée .

Fouke e ses compagnons lesserent lur chyvals, e tot

a pie S’enfuyrent vers une abb eye qe lur fust deprés .

Quant le porter les vist, si coru st fermer ces portes .

Alayn fust mout haut ; si passa meyntenant outre les

murs, e le porter comenca fuyr.

“A tendez ,” fet Alayn .

S i ly coru st apres,e prist les clefs de ly ; e fery de la

many a good knight, squiers,and sergeants, were cut up .

Fulk and his companions struck their steeds with theirspurs

,and fled. The people everywhere raised the hu e and

cry upon them,and everywhere pursued them with the

country . A t length they entered in a way, and sawbut oneraising the hu e and cry with a horn . One of the companystruck him through the body with anarrow; upon whichhe left the cry and the pursuit .Fulk and his companions quitted their horses, and all on

foot fled towards anabbey which was near at hand . Whenthe porter sawthem

,he ran to shut the gates . Alan was

very tall ; and passed at once over thewalls, and the porterbegan to fly .


”said Alan . And he ranafter him


and took the keys from him ; and he struck him with the


chemyn, yl ne me esparnierent de rien, mes firent lur

chyvals coure outre moy, e ce fust pecchie dont poylur fust . ” T és - tey,

” fet-il, vu s serrez b ien vengé

eynz huy .

” Les chevalers e trestou s les autres hastive

ment passerent avant a pursyvre Fouke, e furent b ien

tost esloygneez une lywe de le abb eye .

Sire Fouke estu t en pees pur plus ver. A tant vynt

sire Gyrard de Malfée e x . compaignons , chevalers

b ien monteez , quar il furent venu z de la outre ; e

amenerent ou eu x chyvals de pris . Donqe dit Gyrard

enmokant ° Veiez - cy unmoygne gros e grant ; e Si

ad le ventre b ien large a herb iger deus galons de

chens .

”Les freres Fouke furent dedenz la porte , e

aveyent oy e ven tote la continaunce Fouke . Fouke,

no care ofme,but made their horses runover me, and little

did they reek of what they had done .

”Say no more,

said he, you shall b e well revenged before the day is

over The knights and all the others passed forwards inhaste to pursue Fulk

,and were soon a league

s distancefrom the abbey .

Sir Fulk raised himself onhis feet,to seemore . A t length

came sir Girard de Malfée and tencompanions, knightswellmounted

,for theywere come from abroad and they brought

with them horses of value . Then said Girard inmockeryHere is a monk who is stout and tall ; and he has a bellylarge enough to hold two gallons inside .

” Fulk’

s brotherswere within the gate, and had heard and seen all Fulk’


proceedings . Fulk, without more words, lifted up the great


santz plus dire, leva ls grant potence, S i fery sire

Gyrard desou th l’oryle, qu

’il chay tot estonée a terre .

Les freres Fouk e, quant ce vyrent, saylerent hors a

la porte, Si pristrent les x . chevalers e sire Gyrard

e tote lur hem eys, e les lyerent mont ferm enla loge

le porter, e pristrent tote lur b erneys e lur bons des

trers ; e s’

enalerent, qe unqe ne fynerent de errer eynz

qu’il vindrent a Huggeford. E ileqe fust Johan sanee

de sa plaie .

Quant avoient ileqe sojorné une piece, donut vint

unmessager qe avoit bien longement quis Sire Fouk e,

e ly dit salu tz de par Hubert, l’arcevesqu e de Cann

terb ures, e ly pria hastivement venir parler on ly.

Fouk e prist sa gent, e vynt deleez Canterbures, en la

club,and struck sir Girard under the ear

,that he fell quite

stunned to the earth . Fulk’

s brothers,when they sawthis


rushed ou t at the gate, and took the ten knights and sir

Girard and all their equipments, and bound them very tightin the porter’s lodge, and took all their harness and their

good steeds andwent theirway, so that they never ceasedwandering till they came to Huggeford. And there Johnwas healed Of his wound .

After they had dwelt there awhile,there came a mes

senger who had been very long seeking sir Fu lk,and sa

luted him onthe part of Hubert archbishop of Canterbury,and begged him in haste to come and talk with him . Fu lktook his people

,and came near Canterbury

,in the forest


foreste ou eyntz avoit estee ; e lessa tote sa compagnie

ileqe, estre W illam son frere . Fouke e W illam se aty

rerent come marchauntz , e vindrent a Caunterbures a

le evesqe Hubert . Le archevesqe Hubert le B otiler lur

dit : Beal fitz ,” fet-yl, vu s estes bien venu z a moy .

Vu s savez bien qe sire Thebaud le B otiler, mon frere ,

est a Dieu comandée, e avoit esposée dame Mahand

de Caus, une mout riche dame e la plus bele de tote

Engletere . E le roy Johan la desire taunt pur sa

b ealté , qe a peyne ele se pnet garder de ly. E j e

la tienk e seyntz , e vu s la verrez . E j e vu s prie, cher

amy Fouke, e comant sur ma b enoysoun qe vu s la

prenez a espouse .

” Fouke 1a vist ; e savoit bien qe

ele fust bele , bone , e de b on 10 8 , e qe ele avoit en

where he had beenbefore ; and left all his company there,except his brother William . Fulk and William dressedthemselves as merchants

,and came to Canterbury to bishop

Hubert . The archbishop Hubert le B otiler said to them :

Fair sons,

”said he

, you are very welcome to me . You

knowwell that sir Theobald le B ot iler,my brother

,is de

parted to God,and had espoused dame Maude de Caus


very rich lady and the fairest in all England, and king Johnlusts after her SO much for her beauty

,that she canwith

difiiculty b e kept from him . And I have her here within,

and you shall see her. And I pray you , dear friend Fulk,and command you onmy benediction that you take her towife Fulk saw her ; and knewwell that she was fair


good, and of good repute ; and that she had in Ireland


sovent receyvre sire Fouke e sa gent e les herb iger a

grant honour ; e Si fust home de grant tresour. E sa

femme fust apelée dame Anable, e fust molt corteise

dame . En cel t emps fust unchevaler enla contrée qe

fust apelée Pieres de B ruvyle . Cely Pieres soleit as

sembler tous les fitz de gentils homes de le pays qe

volagou s ercu t, e autre ryb audayle e soleynt aler par

le pays , e ocistrent e robb erent lele gent, marchanz

e autres . Cely P ieres,quant yl ou sa compaignie ala

robber les gentz, se fesoit apeler Fouke le fitz W aryn;

pu r quey Fouke e ces compaignons furent trop male

ment aloseez de ce qu’il n’

aveyent coupe . Fouke, qe

trop longement, pur doute de le roy Johan , me pos it

demorer ennu lyu, vint par nuyt en la marche d’E s

coce , e vynt mout pres la court sire Rob ertz le fitz

and he was a manof great wealth . And hiswifewas calledthe lady Anable

,andwas a very courteous lady . At that

time there was a knight in the country who was calledPiers de B ruvile. This Piers used to collect all the sons of

gentlemen of the country who were wild, and other ribaldpeople ; and used to go about the country

,and slew and

robbed loyal people, merchants,and others. This Piers


when he with his country went to rob people,caused him

self to b e called Fulk Fitz Warine,whereby Fulk and his

companions gained very ill fame for that ofwhich theywerenot guilty . Fulk

,who could not

,for fear of king John,

remain too long inone place,came bynight into the march

of Scotland,

. and came very near the court of Sir Robert

FU LK F I T z -W A RIN E . 89

Sampsoun. E vist grant lumere dedenz Ia court, e

oy parler leynz e sovent nomer son noun ; Si fist ces

compaignons arester dehors . Fouke meismes hardie

ment entra le court, pu s la sale, Si vist Peres de

Bruville e autres chevalers seantz a Soper e Robert

le fitz Sampsoun e sa bone dame e la meyne furent

lyez e j u teez d’une part la sale . E sire Pieres [e] ces

compaignons trestou z furent vysureez ; e trestou s qe

servyrent leynz engenulerent devant Sire Pieres, e le

apelerent lur seignur sire Fouke . La dame, qe j ust lyé

deleez son seignur en la sale, dit molt pitou sement

Hay ! sire Fouke ,”fet-ele, pur Dieu merci, j e ne

vu s unqe mefiis, mes vu s ay amee a monpoer.

’ S ire

Fouke estu t enpees, e avoit escote quant qu’il aveyent

Fitz Sampson . And he sawa great light within the court,and heard talking within and frequent mention of his

name ; and he made his companions halt outside . Fulkhimself boldly entered the court

,and then the hall

,and saw

Piers de B ruvile and other knights sitting at supper and

Robert Fitz Sampson and his good lady and the householdbound and cast on one side Of the hall . And sir Piersand his companions were all masked ; and allwho servedwithin bent the knee before sir Piers

,and called him their

lord sir Fulk . The lady,who lay bound near her lord in

the hall,said very piteously : “Ha ! sir Fulk

,said she


“ for God’

s mercy,I never did you hurt, but have always

loved you to my power.

”Sir Fulk stood up on his feet,

and had heard all that he had said ; but when he heard


dit ; mes quant il avoyt oy la dame parler, qe gran t

b ounté ly avoit fait, pur nulle chose du mounde ne

se poeit plus deporter. T u t santz compaignonse mist

avant, e sa espeie trete en sa meyn, e dit : “ Ore,

pées ! j e vu s comand , trestou s qe seynz voy, qe nul ne

se moeve tant ne quant . ” E j ura grant serement qe,

[Si] nul fust tant hardy de sey mover, il le de trenche

reit en menu z pieces . Pieres e ces compaignouns se

t indrent engyneez . Ore,

”fet Fouke , qy de vu s se fet

apeler Fouke P” S ire fet Pieres, j e su chevaler,

Si su apellée Fouke .

”De par Deus ,

” fet -yl, sire

Fouke , levez su s tost, S i liez b ien e ferm tous vos com

paignons, on Si noun tut premer perderez le chief.”

Pieres fust molt enpou rys de la manace, e leva su s ;

the lady speak,who had done him great kindness, for no

thing in the world could b e longer contain himself. All

withou t companion he stept forward,with his sword drawn

inhis hand,and said : Now

,peace ! I command you ,


whom I see in here,that no one stir the least .” And he

swore a great oath that, if any onewas so bold as to stir,he

would cut him into small pieces . Piers and his companionsfelt themselves overreached . Now


”said Fulk


“which of

you causes himself to be called Fulk’ ‘




Piers,I am a knight, and am called Fulk . By God


said he, sir Fulk, rise quickly, and bind well and tight allyour companions, or if not

, you shall be the first to loseyour head .

” Piers was much terrified with the threat , androse ; and he unbound the lord and the lady and all the rest


sovent sire Fouke par le esclotz des chyvals ; e Fouke

molt sovent fist ferrer ces chyvals e mettre les fers a

revers , issint qe le roy de sa sywte fust descu e engy

née . Meynt dur estou r soffry Sire Fouke eynz qu’il

avoit conquis sonheritage .

S ire Fouke prist cougie de moun Sire Robert le fitz

Sampsoun, e se vynt a Alb erb urs, e fist fere sa loge

en une foreste deleez sur la ryvere . Fouke apela

Johan de Raunpaygne ;“ Johan


”fet-yl, vu s savez

assez de menestralsie e de j ogelerye ; estes-vu s osée

d’aler a Blanche~ville, e j u er devant Morys le fitz

Roger, e d’

enqu ere lur affere P” “ Oyl,”fet Johan .

Yl fist tribler nu herb e, e la mist en sa bouche ; e sa

face comenga d’

engroser e emflyr moul t gros, e tut

devynt Si descolorée qe ces compaignons demeyne a

Fulk by the footmarks of his horses ; and Sir Fulk veryoften caused his horses to be shoed with the shoes reversed .

so that the king was deceived and tricked in the pursuit,

Many a hard battle Fulk endured before he gained hisheritage .

Sir Fulk took leave of sir Robert Fitz Sampson,andwent

to Alberbury,and caused his lodging to be made ina forest

near the river. Fulk called John de Raunpaigne ; John,”

said he,

“you know enough of minstrelsy and jonglery ;

dare you go to White-Town, and play before Moris FitzRoger, and spy how things are going on




John . He caused a herb to b e crushed,and put it in his

mouth ; and his face began to enlarge and swell very

great, and became all discoloured that his own companions


grant peyne le conurent . Johan se vesti asque povre

ment, e prist sa male ou sa jogelerie e nu grant b as

toun ensa meyn ; vynt a Blanche-Ville, e dit al porter

qu’il fust nu j ogelour. Le porter le mena d evant S ire

Moris le fitz Roger ; e Morys ly demaunda onyl fustnée . Sire,

”fet- il “

en la marche d’E scoce . E

quele noveles P” S ire, j e ne sai nulles, estre de

Sire Fouke le fitz W aryu , q’est ocys a une rob erye

qu’il fist a la mesone sire Robert le fitz Sampson .

Dites-vu s voir P” “ Oyl, certes, fet- il ; ce dient

totes les gentz du pays .

’ “ Menestral,” fet- il, pur

vostre novele j e vu s dorroy ceste coupe de fyn argent .”

Le menestral prent la coupe, e mercia molt son b on

seignur. Johan de Rampaigne fust molt led de vys

hardly knew him. John dressed himself very poorly,and

took his box with his instruments of joglery and a greatstaff in hi s hand ; came to White-Town

,and said that

he was a jogelour. The porter took him before Sir MorisFitz Roger ; and Moris asked him where he was born .


said he,

“ in the march of Scotland .

” “And whatnews 2” “Sir

,I knownone

,except of sir Fulk Fitz Warine


who has been killed ina robberywhich he was executing at

the house of sir Robert Fitz Sampson .

” “DO you say the

truth "


Yes certainly,

”said he


“all the people of the

country say so. Minstrel,

”said he

,for your news I

will give you this cup Of fine Silver The minstrel tookthe cup

,and thanked very much his good lord . John de

Rampaigne was very ill- favoured in face and body ; and on


e de corps ; e , pur ce , les ryb au dz de leynz ly eschar

nierent e defolerent e detrestreint par ces chevoyls e

par ces pees . Yl leva sonb astoun, Si fery unryb aud

enla teste, qe 1a cervele vola enmy la place . Malveys

ryb aud,” fet le seignur,

“qey as - tu fet P” S ire,

fet -yl, pur D ieu mercy, j e ne pu s meez ; j’ai une ma

ladie qe trop est grevou se , e ce poez vere par la face

qe j’

ay si emflée . E cele maladie me tent certeygnes

honres de jour tut le seen , dont j e n’

ay poer mey7

meismes a governer.

’ Moris j ura grant serement, S’il

ne fust pur la novele qu’il aveit porté

, yl ly freit estre

decollé meintenant . Le j ogelour se hasta qu’il fust

passée de la, quar molt ly sembla long la demu ere .

Revynt a Fouke , e counta de mot enautre coment aveit

this account the ribalds of the household made game Of himand treated him roughly and pulled him by his hair and byhis feet . He raised his staff

,and struck a ribald on the

head, that his brain flew into the midst of the plac e .

Wretched ribald,

”said the lord

,what hast thou done 2”


”said he

,for God’

s mercy,I cannot help it ; I have

a disease which is very grievous, which you may see by myface which is so much swollen . And this disease takes eutire possession of me at certain hours of the day, whereby Ihave not power to govern myself.

” Moris swore a greatoath

,that if it were not for the news he had brought, he

would have his head cut off immediately . The j ogelour

hastened his departure,for the time he remained there

seemed very long . He returned to Fulk, and told him from


jogelers sunt mensungers ; quar la voy Fouke . Moris

e ces chevalers furent molt hardis ; e hardiement asay

lyrent Fouke e ces compaignouns, e les apelerent

larouns, e diseyent qe lu r testes eynz la vesprée ser

reient assis al haut tour de Salob ures . Fouke e ces

freres se defendirent molt vigerou sement ; e yleqe fust

S ire Morys e ces x v . chevalers e les iiij . fitz Gwy fitz

Candelon de Porkyntone ocys ; e de a tant aveit Fouke

le meyns enymys .

Fouke e ces compaignons s’

enalerent de yleqei


Rothelan deparler ou Sire L ewys, ls prince, q’aveit

esposée Job ane, la fyle le roy Henré, sucre le roy

Johan ; quar le prince e sire Fouke e ces freres furent

norys ensemble en la court le roy Heure. Le prince

Fulk . NowknowI well, said Moris,

“ that jogelours arelyers ; for there is Fulk .

” Moris and his knightswere verycourageous and they boldly attacked Fulk and his companions

,and called them thieves

,and said that before evening

their heads should be placed on the high tower of Shrewsbury . Fulk and his brothers defended themselves veryvigorously ; and there were Moris and his fifteen knightsand the four sons of Guy Fitz Ca

ndelon of Porkingtone

slain ; and by so many had Fu lk the fewer enemies .

Fulk and his companions went their way thence towardRhuddlan to talk with Sir Lewis

,the prince

,who had mar

ried Joane,the daughter of king Henry, Sister of king John ;

for the prince and Sir Fulk and his brothers were educatedtogether inthe court of king Henry . The prince was very

FULK E I T z -W AR IN E . 9 7

fust molt lee de la venue sire Fouke , e ly demanda

quel acord fust entre le roy e ly. Sire, fet Fouke,nul , quar j e ne pu s aver pees pur nulle chose ; e pu r

ce, S ire, su -j e venuz a vu s e a ma bone dame pur

vostre pees aver.

” Certes,”fet le prince, ma pées

j e vu s grant e doynz, e de moy b onresu t averez . Le

roy d’Engletere ne pees ou vu s ne moy ne autre siet


“ S ire ,” fet Fouke, “

grant mercis ; quar en

vu s molt me affy e envostre grant lealté . E, pu s qe

vu s me avez vostrepées grantee , j e vu s dirroy autre

chose ; certes, Sire, Morys le fiS Roger est mortz , quar

j e l’

ay ocys .

” Quant le prince savoit qe Morys fust

mortz , molt fust irrée ; e dit qe, S’il ne ly avoit sa pées

donée, yl ly freit trayner e pendre, pur ce qe Morys

glad of sir Fulk’

s visit,and asked him what accord there

was between the king and him . Sir,

”said Fulk


“none,for I cannot have peace for anything ; and therefore, sir, amI come to you and to my good lady to have your peace .


”said the prince

,my peace I grant and give you ,

and from me you shall have good protection . The king of

England knows not how to have peacewith you or me or

anyone else .


,said Fulk


“mu ch thanks ; for I trustme much in you and inyour great loyalty . And

,since you

have granted me your peace,I will tell you another thing


,Moris Fitz Roger is dead ; for I have Slain him.

When the prince knew that Moris was dead,he was much

enraged ; and said that,if he had not given him his peace,

he would have had him drawn and hanged, because MorisH


fust son cosyn. Donqe vynt la bone dame, e fist

accord entre le prince e Sire Fouke, issint qu’il furent

entreb ayseez e tou tz maltalentz pardoneez .

En icel temps grant descord fust entre le prince

Lewys e Gu enonwyn, le fitz Yweyn Keveyloc ; e a

cely Guenonwyn grant partie de le pays de Powys

apendeit, e Si fust molt orgoylou s, hau teyn, e fer,

e ne vodra rien deporter le prince, mes fist grant

destruxiOn en sa terre . Le prince a force avoit tot

abatu le chastel Metheyn, e avoit pris en sa meyn

Mochnant, Lannerth, e autres terres qe furent a Grue

nonwyn. Le prince. comaunda la mestrie de tote sa

terre a Fouke, e ly comaunda coure sur Gu enonwyn

e destrure totes ces terres . Fouke fust sages e b ien

was his cousin . Then came the good lady, and broughtabout anaccord between the prince and sir Fulk

,SO that

they embraced each other and all offences were forgiven .

At this time there was great discord between princeLewis and Gwenwynwyn, the sonof Owen Keveyloc ; andto this Gwenwynwyngreat part of the country of Powis belonged, and he was very proud, haughty, and fierce

, and

would not submit to the prince in anything, b u t made greatdestruction in his land . The prince by force had totallydemolished the castle of Metheyn, and had taken into hishand Mochnant

,Lannerth , and other lands which belonged

to Gwenwynwyn. The prince entrusted the mastry of all

his land to Fulk,and commanded him to go against Gwen

wynwyn and destroy all his lands. Fulk was prudent


qu’il fust demorée ou Lewys le prince, q’aveit esposée

Johane, sa su ere ; Si devynt molt pensyf, e bone piece

ne sona parole . Pu s dit “Hay, seinte Marie ! j e

su roy, Engletere guye, du c su d’

Angoye e de N or

maundye, e tote l and est en ma segnorie ; e j e

ne pu s trover ne aver en tot moun poer, pur quanqe

j e pu s doner, nul qe me velt venger de le damage

e hontage qe Fouke m’ad fet . Mes j e ne lerroy qe

j e ne me vengeroy de le prince . Si fist somoundre

a Salobu res tous ces countes e b aronz e ces autres che

valers, qu’il scient a nu certeyn jour a Salob ures ou tot

lurgent . E quant furentz venu z a Salobures, Lewys fust

garny par ces amys qe le roy Johan ly movereit grant

guere ; e apela Fouke , Si ly mostra tote le aventure .

him that Fulk had Slain Moris Fitz Roger, and that hewasdwelling with prince Lewis, who hadmarried Joan

,his sis

ter uponwhich he became very thoughtful, and for a goodwhile uttered not aword . Then he said Ha ! St . Mary !I am king, rule England, am duke of Anjou andNormandy


and all Ireland is inmy lordship ; and I cannot find or havein all my dominion

, give what I will, anyone who willavenge me for the injury and Shame that Fulk has done me .

But I will not fail to,

aven,ge myself of the prince .

” He

caused to b e summoned to Shrewsbury all his earls and

barons and his other knights, that they Should be ona cer

tain day at Shrewsbury with all their people . Andwhenthey were come to Shrewsbury

,Lewis was warned by his

friends that king John would stir up great war against

FULK F I T Z -WAR IN E . 1 0 1

Fouke fist assembler al chastel Balab am en Pentlyn

xxx ; mil de bons b oumes ; e Gu enonwyn le fitz Yweyn

vynt ou ces gentz, qe fortz e hardys furent. Fouke

q t assez sage de guere, e conu st b ien tous les pas

sages par ont le roy Johan covenist passer. E le pas

sage fust mou t escars, enclos de boys e marreis, issi


il ne poeit passer S i noun le haut chemyn. E le

passage est apelé le Gué Gymele . Fouke e Gu enonwyn

ou lur gentz vindrent al passage, e fyrent fouer, outre

le haut chemyn, une fossé long, profound, e lée ; e

firent emplyr la fOSSée d’

ewe, issi qe nul poeit passer,quei pur le marreis, qei pur 1a fossé . E, outre la fOSSé ,

firent un palys trobien b ataillée ; e uncore pu et home

vere 1a fossé .

him ; and he called Fulk, and showed him all the circumstances . Fulk caused to assemble at castle Balabam in

Pentlynthirty thousand good men; and Gwenwynwyn, the

sonof Owen,came with his men

, whowere strong and bold .

Fulk was skilful enough in war, and knewwell all the

passes by which it behoved king John to pass. And the

pass was very narrow,closed in by woods and marshes,

so that he could pass only by the high way. And the passis called the Ford of Gymele. Fulk and Gwenwynwynandtheir people came to the pass

,and caused a long, deep, and

broad ditch to be dug across the highway ; and they causedthe ditch to be filled withwater

,so that

,what for the ditch

and the marsh,nobody could pass . And beyond the ditch

they made a defence of pales very well fortified ; and the

ditch may still be seen .


Ly roy Johan ou tot son host vynt al gu é, e a

quida passer seurement ; e vyst de la chevalers armés

plus qe dys mil, qe gardoient le passage . Fouke e

ces compaignons furent passez le gué par un privé

chemyn qu’il avoyent feit, e furent de cele part ou le

roy fust, e Gu enonwyn e plu sours autres chevalers ou

eu x . Le roy escria Fouke , e les chevalers le roy de

totes partz assailerent Fouke ; més molt lur mesavynt,

qu’il ne le poeynt avenyr Si noun par my le frount

sur la cauce. Fouke e ces compaignons se defendirent

com lyons, e sovent furent demonteez e sovent re

mounteez ; e plu sours des chevalers le roy furent ocys ;e Gu enonwyn fust sorement nau frée par my le healme

en la teste . Quant Fouke veit qu’il ne sa gent ne

King John with all his army came to the ford,and

thought to pass it safely ; but they sawon the other sidemore than t en thousand knights in arms

, who guarded thepassage . Fulk and his companions had passed the ford bya secret road which they hadmade

,and were on that side

where the king was, and Gwenwynwyn and many O therknights with them. The king cried Fulk, and the king


knights onall Sides assailed Fulk ; but it was much to theirdisadvantage, that they could not come at him except infront by the causey . Fulk and his companions defendedthemselves like lions

,andwere Often dismounted and Often

remounted ; andmany Of the king’

s knightswere Slain ; andGwenwynwynwas sorely wounded in the head through thehealm . When Fulk sawthat he and his peop le could not


cele encheson plu sours grantz seignurs d’Engleterre

aveyent rendu al roy lur homages ; dont le roy fust le

meynz doté d’assez .

Johan Lestraunge, seignour de Knokyn e de Ru

tone, se tynt tous jours ou le roy, e fist damage as

gentz le prince . E pur ce le prince fist ab atre le

chastel de B utone, e prendre ces gentz e les enpriso

ner ; donut Johan fust molt dolent . Le prince vynt al

chastel Balabam, et apela Fouke, Si ly dona e rendy

tote Blanche -Ville, sonherytage , e E strat, e Dynorb en.

Fouke le mercia molt, e prist cens qu’il voleyt e S


ala a Blanche-Vyle ; e fist refermer e par tut amender

le chastiel.

Johan Lestrange vynt al roy, e ly conta qe Fouke

for this reason many of the great lords Of England hadthrownup their homages to the king ; for which the kingwas the less feared .

John Lestrange, lord of Knokynand Of Ruton,held al

ways with the king, and did damage to the prince’

s people .

And therefore the prince caused the castle Of Ruton to bedemolished

,and took his people and imprisoned them ; at

which John was much grieved . The prince came to castleBalabam

,and called Fulk

,and gave and restored to him all

White-Town,his inheritance

,and Estrat

,and Dinorben .

Fu lk thanked him much,and took those hewould andwent

to White-Town ; and caused the castle to b e thoroughlyfortified and repaired .

JohnLestrangewent to the king, and told him howFulk

FULK F I T Z -WAR IN E . 105

ly avoit fet grant damage de sa gent e abatu le chas

tiel de B utone ; e pria al roy (quar il fust b ien de ly)

qe yl ly aydast de poer, e yl se vengereit bien de s ire

F ouke e de ces gentz . Le roy apela Sire Heure de

Andelee, qe fust seignour e premer conqu erour de le

chastiel Rous e de l’

onour ; Si ly comanda prendre x .

mil chevalers des plus vaylantz d’Engletere, e qu

’il e

ces chevalers fuissent en totes choses entendauntz a

Sire Johan Lestrange . S ire Henré e Sire Johan e lur

chevalers s’

aparillerent vers B launche -Ville ; e, enche

minant, qu anqu’il troverent, homes e femmes, ocis

trent, e robb erent le pays . Le cry se leva par tot

Fouke fust a Blanche -Ville, e tynt yleqe bele com

paignée , pu r ce qu’il avoyt donqe Sonnovel entré en

had caused him great loss of his people and demolished hiscastle of Ruton and prayed the king (for hewas in favourwith him) that he would aid himwith power, and hewouldavenge him effectually on Fulk and hi s people . The kingcalled Sir Henry de Audley

,whowas lord and first conqueror

of Red Castle and of the honour ; and commanded him to

take ten thousand knights of the most valiant inEngland,and that he and his knights shou ld be in all things obedientto sir John Lestrange . Sir Henry and Sir John and theirknights proceeded towards White-Town ; and, in their pro

gress, Slewall they found,menandwomen

,and robbed the

country . The cry was raised everywhere . Fulk was at

White-Town,and entertained there a fair company, because

he had then newentry into his lands ; and there were there


ces terres ; e furent ileqe de Gales VlJc . chevalers, e

serjantz plusours . Quant la novele vynt a Fouke qe

sire Johan e sire Heure vindrent vers ces parties, se

armerent meyntenant e S’en alerent privément al pas

de Mudle . E quant sire Johan vist Sire Fouke , brocha

le destrer, sy feri Sire Fouke de sa lance, qe ele vola

enmenu pieces . E sire Fouke referi S ire Johan enmy

la face par my le healme, qe le coupe tote sa vie fust

aparisaunt ; e Sire Johan vola tot plat a terre . S ire

Johan fust molt vaylant sayly tost enpies, e s’


molt halt : Ore , seynours , a Fouke tous l” Fouke re

spond cum orgoilou s Certes,”fet - il, e Fouke a

tous !” Donqe les chevalers d’amb epartz S


ryrent . Fouke e Sire T homas Corbet e ces autres com

from Wales seven hundred knights, and many serjeants .

When the news came to Fulk that Sir Johnand Sir Henrywere approaching those parts, they armed at once and

went privately to the pass of Mudle . Andwhen sir Johnsaw sir Fulk

,he spurred his steed

,and struck Sir Fulk

with his lance that it flewinto l ittle pieces . And Sir Fulkin return struck sir John in the face through the helm,

that the blowwas apparent all his life ; and Sir Johnfell all flat on the ground . Sir John was very valiant he

jumped up quickly on his feet,and shouted very loud


,all at Fulk Fulk replied proudly “Right,

said he,

“and Fulk at all !

”Then the knights on both

Sides encountered each other. Fulk and sir Thomas Corbetand his other companions Slewmany . Alan Fitz Warine


qu’il fust son traytou r e son laroun, e avoit ocys ces

chevalers, ars ces cités, ces chastels abatu z . Audulf ly

respondy hardiement, e dit qe unqe ne fust traytour, ne

nul de son lignage .

Fouke fust a B launche-Ville,e fist laver e mediciner

ces freres e ces autres gentz . A tant ly sovynt de S ire

A udulf, e le fist quere par tot ; e quant ne poeyt estre

trovée , yl ne ly quida vere a nul jour,si demena si

grant due l qe home me poeit greynour. A tant vynt

Johan de Rampaygne, e vist Fouke fere tiel duel .

Sire, fet- il,“ lessez estre ce duel ; e , si D ieu plest,

eynz demayn prime orrez bone novele de S ire A udu lf

de Bracy ; quar j e meismes irroy parler au roy .

Johan de Rampaygne savoit assez de tabour,harpe


traitor and his thief,and had Slainhi s knights, burnt his

cities,and demolished his castles . Audu lf replied to him

boldly,and said that he was never traitor

,nor any of h is

l ineage .

Fulkwas at White-Town,and caused his brothers and his

other people to b e washed and doctored . At length he bethought him of Sir Audu lf

,and caused him to b e sought

everywhere ; andwhen he could not b e found, he thoughthe Should never see him again, andmade SO great lamentation that one could not do more . At last came John deRampaigne, and sawFulk making this lamentation .


said he,

“ leave this mourning ; and, if God please, beforeprime to -morrowyou will hear good news of Sir Audulf de

Bracy ; for I myselfwill go and talk with the king .

FULK F I T z -WARI NE . 109

viele , Sitole, e jogelerie ; Si se atyra molt richement,

auxi bien come counte ou baroun . E fist teyndre ces

chevoyls e tut son corps entierement auxi neyr come

geet, issi qe rien ne fust blanke Si ces deutz noun .

E fist pendre entour son col un molt beal tabour ;

pu s monta nu beal palefroy, e chevalcha par my la

vile de Salob ures, desqe a la porte du chastiel ; e de

meynt un fust regardé . Johan vynt devant le rey,

e se mist a genoylounz , e salua le roy mout corteysement . Le roy ly rendy ces salu tz , e ly demanda dont

yl es toit . S ire,”fet-yl,

“j e su unmenestral E thio

pien, née en E thiopie . F et le roy : Sunt tou z les

gentz de vostre terre de vostre colourP” Oyl, mon

seignur, home e femme . Qei dient-yl en estrange

John de Rampaigne knewenough of tabor,harp



citole,and jogelery ; and he attired himself very richly


anearl or baron . And he caused his hair and all his bodyto be entirely dyed as black as j et, SO that nothing waswhite except his teeth . And he hung round his neck a veryfair tabor ; then mounted a handsome palfrey and rodethrough the town Of Shrewsbury to the gate of the castle ;and by many a one was he looked at . John came beforethe king, and placed himself on hi s knees

,and saluted the

king very courteously . The king returned his salutation,

and asked him whence he was 2 Sire,

”said he

,I am an

Ethiopian minstrel,born in Ethiopia . Said the king

Are all the people in your land of your colour 2” Yea,

7my lord,manandwoman .

’ What do they say in foreign


regneez de moyP” S ire, fet -yl, vu s estez le plus

renomee roy de tote la cristieneté ; e , pu r vostre grant

renoun, vu s su -j e venu vere .

’B el Sire ,

”fet le roy,

bien viegnez .

“ S ire, mon seignur, grant mercy

Johan dist qu’

il fust renomee plus pur mavesté qe

b ounté ; mes le roy ne l’

entendi point . Johan fist le

j our meynte menes tralsie de tabour e d’au tre instru

mentz . Quant le roy fust alee cocher, S ire Henré de

Andelee fist aler pur le neyr menestral, e le amena en

sa chambre . E feSOient grant melodie ; e quant sire

Henré avoit bien b eu , donqe dit a nu vadlet ° “ Va

quere Sire A udu lf de Bracy, qe le roy velt ocyre de

meyn ; quar une bone nu tée avera avant sa mort .” Le

vadlet b ien tost amena Sll‘

e A udu lf en la chambre .

realms of me 2” “ Sire, said he

, you are the most renowned king of all Christendom ; and, for your great renown

,am I come to see you .

” Fair sir,

”said the king,

3“you are welcome .

’ Sire,my lord

, great thanks .

” Johnsaid he was more renowned for wickedness than goodness ;but the king heard him not . John during the day made

great minstrelsy of tabour and other instruments . Whenthe king was gone to bed, Sir Henry de Audley sent for theblack minstrel, and led him into his chamber. And theymade great melody ; and when sir Henry had drunk well


then he said to a valet,GO and fetch sir Audu lf de Bracy


whom the king will put to death to—morrow; for he Shallhave a good night of it before his death .

”The valet soon

brought sir Audulf into the chamber. Then they talked


perent e S’

en alerent vers Blanche -Ville, qe ert x1j .

lywes de Salob ures .

La chose ne poeit longement estre ce lée ; quar len

demeyn fust tote la verite dite al roy, qe mout fust

corocée pur l’

eschap. Fouke fust levé matyn lende

meyn, quarpoy aveit dor‘mi la nuyt ; Si regarda vers

Salob ures, e vist Sire Audulf e Johan venyr. N e fet a

demaunder S’il fust lee quant il les vist ; S i les coru st

embracer e b eysir. I l les demanda quele noveles ; e

Sire A udulf ly conta coment Johan se contynt e coment

il eschaperent ; dont Fouke, qe eyntz dolent ert, fist

deduyt e grant joye .

Ore lessum de Fouke e parloms de dame Mahand

de Caus . Quant le roy, qe tant l’aveit desirrée, sa

went toWhite-Town,which was twelve leagues from Shrews

bury .

The thing could not be long concealed ; for next day thewhole truth was told to the king, whowas much enraged at

the escape . Fulk had risen early onthemorrow,for he had

Slept little during the night ; he was looking towardsShrewsbury, and sawsir Audu lf and John coming . It neednot b e asked if he was glad when he sawthem ; he ran toembrace and kissthem . He asked them what news ; andsir Audu lf related to him howJohnhad acted and howtheyescaped ; onwhich Fulk, who was before sorrowful , made

great solace and great j oy .

Nowlet u s leave Fulk and talk of dame Maude de Caus .

When the king, who had so much lusted for her, knewof a

FULK F I T z -WAR INE . 1 1 3

voit de verite q’

ele fust esposée a S ire Fouke, son

enymy, par ls consayl l’archevesqe Hubert, molt fist

grant damage a le archevesqe e a la dame ; quar il la

voleit fere ravyr. E ele fuy a moster, e yleqe fust

delyvré de une fyle, e l’archevesqe la baptiza Haui

wyse, qe pu s fust dame de W emme . Fouke e ces

compaignonz vindrent une nuyetée a Caunterb ures, e

amenerent la dame de yleqe s Huggeforde, e demora

une piece yleqe . Pu s avynt qe la dame fust enceinte ,

e fust privément demorant a Albreb ures . E le roy la

fist espier, e ele s’en ala de yleoqe privément a Sa‘

lobures ; e ileqe fust espie, e ele fust si grosse qe ele

de yleqe ne poeit traviler. E s’

en fuy a la eglise

Nostre -Dame a Salob u res ; e ileqe fust delyvré de une

truth that she was married to sir Fulk,his enemy

,by the

counsel of archbishop Hubert,he did great damage to the

archbishop and to the lady ; for he wanted to have her carried off by force . And She fled to the church

,andwas there

delivered of a daughter, whom the archbishop baptised bythe name of Hawise

,andwho was afterwards lady ofWem .

Fulk and his companions came one night to Canterbury, andconducted the lady from thence toHugford, and sheremainedawhile there. Then she became againwith child, andwasresiding privately at Alberbury . And the king set spies uponher

,and Shewent thence privately to Shrewsbury ; and there

She was followed by the spies,and she was too b ig to

support the labour of removing from thence . And she tookrefuge in the church of Our Lady at Shrewsbury ; andwas


file qe fust baptize Job ane, qe pu s fust maris e a sire

Henré de Penebrugge . Pus avoit Mahand nu fitz , qe

fust née su r unmontaigne de Gales, e fust baptizee

Johan en une ru ssele qe vyent de la fontaigne de

pu celes . L a dame e l’enfant furent molt fiebles ; quar

l’enfant nasqu ist deus moys avaunt son terme . E

quant l’enfant fust confermede evesqe, yl fust apelée

Fouke . La dame e l’enfant, qe febles erent, furent

aporteez de la montaigne a une graunge, qe fust cells

a Carreganant .

Quant Is my me se poeit ennulle manere venger de

Fouke, ne la dame honyr e prendre, Si fist une letre

al prince Lewys, q’

avoit esposée Job ane, sa suers ,e ly pria par amour oster de sa meynes son mortel

there delivered of a daughterwho was baptised Joan, whowas afterwards married to Sir Henry de Pembridge . Sub se

quently Maude had a son,whowas bornon a mountain in

Wales,andwas baptised John in a brookwhi ch comes from

the Maidens’well . The lady and the childwere veryweak ;for the child was born two months before its term . And

when the child was confirmed by the bishop, it was namedFulk . The lady and the child, whowere weak,were carriedfrom the mountain to a grange, which was that at Carre

ganant .

When the king could in nowise avenge himself of Fulk,or put the lady to shame and take her, he wrote a letter tothe prince Lewis, who had married his Sister Joan, and

prayed him ou t of love to expel from his household hismortal

fet Fouke , “j e vu s ay servy 5 mon poer lealment ;

mes ore, Sire , ne siet-um a qy afi'

yer ; quar, pur la

grant promesse le roy, me volez -vu s gerpyr. E ls roy

vu s ad maundée une lettre , laqu ele, Sire, vu s avez celée

de moy dount, Sire, j e me doute le plus .

” Fouke,”

fet le prince , demorez ou moy ; quar, certes, ne le

pensay de vu s fere tresoun.

”Certes, S ire ,

”fe t

Fouke , j e le crey molt b ien mes, sire , j e ne remeyn

7droy ennulle manere .

’ E prist congé de le prince e

de tous ces compaygnons . De yleqe tant erra nuyt e

jour qu’il vynt a Dovre ; e yleqe encontra B audwyn, qe

la dame mena a l’archevesqe . E se mistrent enmeer,

e aryverent a W hytsond.

Fouke e ces freres e ces autres compaignouns, quant


said Fulk,I have served you tomy power loyally ;

bu t now,Sir

, one knows not in whom to put trust ; for, inreturn for the king

’s great promise, you intend to desertme .

And the king has sent you a letter,which, sir, you have

concealed from me ; wherefore, sir,I fear the more .


said the prince,

“remain with me ; for, tru ly, I

hadno thought of committing treason against you .

” “Truly,


”said F ulk

,I believe it full well ; but, Sir

,I will not

remain in any wise . And he took leave of the prince andof all his companions. From thence he wandered so day

and night that he came to Dover ; and there he met Baldwin

, who had conducted the lady to the archbishop . And

they put themselves to sea,and arrived at Whitsand.

Fulk and his brothers and his other companions,when

FULK F I T Z -WA R I NE . 1 1 7

vyndrent a Parys, Si vyrent le roy Phelip de Praunce,

qe fust venu z as champs pur vere ces chevalers de

Praunce jostier. Fouke fust uncore mu, e ces com

paignons ensement ; quant vyrent tant beal assemble,

demorerent pur vere les jostes . Quant les Frauncoys

virent chevalers d’Engleterre, se penerent molt le plus

de bien fere . Donqe sire Druz de Montb ener, unmolt

orgoilou se Franceys, maunda a Sire Fouke e ly pria

joster ou ly ; si Fouke meyntenaunt ly granta sa re

queste . Fouke e ces freres se armerent e monterent

les bons destrers . Johan de Rampaigne fust molt ri

chement atyrée e bien mountee ; e Si avoit um molt

riche tabour,e fery le tabour al entré des renk s, dont

leS montz e les vals reb ondyrent e les chyvals S’


they came to Paris,saw king Philip of France, who was

come to the fields to see the knights of France joust . Fulkremained Silent

,and so did his companions ; when they

sawso fair anassemblage, they remained to see the jousts .

When the French saw the knights of England, they laboured much the more to do well . Then Sir Druz de Montbener

,a very proud Frenchman, sent to Sir Fulk and asked

him to joust with him ; and Fulk immediately granted himhi s request . Fulk and his brothers armed and mountedtheir good steeds. John de Rampaigne was very richlyattired and well mounted ; and he had a very rich tabor


and he struck the tabor at the entrance of the lists,that

the hills and valleys rebounded and the horses became joyful . When the king saw sir Fulk armed, he said to sir

1 1 8 THE H I ST ORY O F

j olyverent . Quant le roy vist Sire Fouke armée, Si

dist a Sire Druz de Montb ener ' Avyseez-vu s b ien °

quar cely chevaler engleys est molt pru z e vaylant, e ce

piert bien .

” “ S ire,” fet-yl, n’

y a chevaler en tot le

mond qe j'

e n’osase b ien encontrer, al chyval ona pée,

cors contre cors .

” De par D ieu fet le roy. Fouke

e Sire Druz brocherent les destrers e s’

entre-feryrent .

Fouke ly fery de sa launce par my l’eschu e pierca le

b onhaub erk e, e par my l’

espaudle, qe la lance vola en

pieces ; e sire Druz chey tut plat a terre . Fouke prist

le chyval Sire Druz ; sy l’

amena e le manda enpresent

a sire Druz, quar Sire Fouke n’avoit cure a detenir le

chyval. A tant vynt nu chevaler franceis, qe a son

vu eyl voleit venger Sire Druz ; sy fery Fouke de sa

Druz de Montbener B e onyour guard ; for this Englishknight is very able and valiant

,and this is very apparent .


”said he


“ there is not a knight in all the worldwhom I dare not encounter, on horse or on foot


against body .

”God b e with you said the king . Fu lk

and sir Druz spurred their steeds and encountered eachother. Fulk struck him with his lance in the middle of theShield and pierced his good baubere, and through the

Shoulder,that the lance flewin pieces ; and sir Druz fell all

flat on the ground . Fulk took the horse of Sir Druz ; he ledit away

,and sent it as a present to sir Druz

,for Sir Fulk

had no desire to keep the horse . At last came a Frenchknight, who volunteered to avenge sirDruz ; he struck Fulkwith his lance in the middle of the Shield

,that his lance


amee e honorée de l[e] roy e la roigne e totes bone

gentz . Le roy ly demanda quel noun avoit ; Fouke

dit qu’il fust apelée Amys del Boys . Sire Amys,


le roy, conu ssez -vu s Fouke le fitz W arin, de qy um

parle grant b ien partu t P”

Oil, Sire ,”fet - il, j e l


sovent ven. De quel estature est - il P” S ire, a

mon entendement, de meisme l’estature qe j e suy .

F et le roy,“Yl pu et b ien, quar vaylantz estes ambe

3deus .

’ Fouke ne poeit Oir de nul tornoy ne j ostes par

tute France qu’il ne voleyt estre ; e par tot fust pryse,amee, e honoree, pu r sa proesse e sa largesse .

Quant le roy d’

Engleterre savoit qe Sire Fouke fust

demorant ou le roy Phelip de F raunce, manda al roy

e ly pria, Si ly plu st, qu’

il volsist oster de sa meynée

and honoured by the king and the queen and all good peo

ple . The king asked him what was his name ; Fulk saidthat he was called Amis du Bois .

“Sir Amis,

said theking, do you knowFulk Fitz Warine

,Of whom they say

much good everywhere 2 Yes,sire


”said he

,I have

often seen him .

” Ofwhat stature i s he 2” Sire,to my

estimation,he is of the same stature as I am . Said the

king, “ It may well b e, for you are both valiant . ” Fulkcould hear of no tournament or jousts inall France but hewould be there ; and everywhere he was prized



honoured,for his prowess and his liberality .


the king of England knewthat sir Fulkwas residing with king Philip of France, he sent to the king and

prayed him,if he pleased, that he would expel from his

FULK FI T Z -V VA R I N E . 12 1

e de sa retenance Fouk e ls fitz Guarin, son enymy

mortel . Quant ls roi de France avoit oy la letre, Si

dist par seint Denys qe nul tie l chevaler fust de sa

retenance ; e tiele respounce manda al roy d’Engle


tere .Quant S ire Fouke avoit oy cele novele, vynt al

roy de Praunce e demanda cougie de aler. F et le roy

“ B itez-moy Si nulle chose vu s faut, e j e hautement

fray fere les amendes pur qu oy volez departir de

moy. S ire,”fet-yl,

“j e ay oy teles noveles par ont

me covyent partir a force .

’ E par cele parole en

tendy le roy qu’

il fust Fouke . F et le roy : S ireAmys

de Boys, j e quid qe vu s estez Fouke le fitz W aryu .

Certes, mon seignur, oyl.”

F et le roy : Vu s de

morrez ou moy, e j e vu s dorroy plus riches terres qe

household and from his suite Fulk Fitz Warine,his mortal

enemy . When the king of France had heard the letter,he

declared by St . Deni s that no such knightwas inhis retenance ; and this was the answer he sent to the king of Eng

land . When Sir Fulk heard this news,he came to the king

of France and asked leave to go. Said the king, Tell meif anything is wanting to you , and I will cause full amendsto be made for anything that gives you cause to leave me .

Sire,”said he, I have heard such news as compels me to


”And by this speech the king understood that he was

Fulk . Said the king Sir Amis du Bois,I think that you

are Fulk Fitz Warine . Truly,my lord

, yes.

” Said theking You shal l dwellwith me

,and Iwill give you richer

lands than ever you had in England . Tru ly,Sire



vu s unqe n’avyez en Engleterre . Certes, sire ,

fet-il, yl n’

est pas digne de receyvre terres de autruy

doun, qu e les su ens de droit heritage ne pnet tenir a


Fouke prist congi e de ls roy, e vynt a la mer ; e

vist les nefs floter en la mer, e nul vent fust vers

Engletere, e le temps fust assez b el. Fouke vist um

maryner, qe sembla hardy e feer ; e le apela a ly e

dit B el Sire, est ceste nef la vostre P” Sire,

” fet

il, oyl.”


est vostre noun P” S ire,”fet- il, Ma

dor del Mont de Russie, Ou j e nasqu i . Mador,”

fet Fouke, savez-vu s b ien cest mester e amener gentz

par mer en diverse regionsP” “ Certes, sire, yl n


ad terree renomee par la cristieneté qe j e ne saveroy

he,he is not worthy to receive lands of another’s gift, who

cannot hold rightfully those which are his own by directheritage .

Fulk took leave of the king, and came to the sea ; and hesawthe Ships afloat on the sea

,and no wind was towards

England, though the weatherwas fair enough . Fulk saw

a mariner, who seemed bold and courageous, and he called

him to him and said Fair Sir, is this Ship yours 2”


said he,


” What is your name 2” Sir, said he,

Mador of the mount of Russia, where I was born .


”said Fulk

,do you knowwell this business, and

to carry people by sea into divers regions 2” “Truly



there is not a land of any renown in Christendom whitherI could not conduct a ship well and safely .




vostre lignage moru st en litz, j’ay grant merveille qe

vu s estes osée d’

entrer nul lyt .

” E donqe entendy

Fouke qe ly mariner ly ou t verite dit, qe chesoun home

avera mort tiele come destinée ly est, e ne siet le quel,en terre ou enewe .

Fouke parla a Mador, qe savoit la manere deS nefs ,

e ly pria pur amur e pur du suen, qu’il ly volsist de

vyser e ordyner une neef ; e il mettreit les costages .

Mador ly granta . La neef fust fete enune foreste de

leez la mer, solum le devys Mador en tous poyntz, e

totes cordes e autres herneis qu anqe apendeit , Si bien

e si richement q’

a merveille ; e fust a demesure bien

vitaillée . Fouke e ces freres e sa meysné se mistrent

enlamer, e acosterent Engleterre . Adonqe vist Mador

marvel greatly that you have dared to go into any b ed.

And then Fulk perceived that the mariner had told himthe truth

,that every man Shall have such death as is

destined for him,and he knows not which, on land or in


Fulk spoke to Mador,who knew the manner of ships


and prayed him for love and for money that he woulddevise and ordain a Ship

,and he would pay the costs.

Mador agreed to it . The ship was made in a forest besidethe sea

,according to the design of Mador in all points, and

all the ropes and other furniture that belonged to it, sowell and SO richly aswaswonderful ; and it was exceedinglywell provi sioned . Fulk and his brothers and his menputto sea

,and coasted England . Then sawMador a ship well

FULK F I T Z -WAR IN E . 125

une neef b ien batailée venant vers eu x e quant les

neefs S’aprochierent , un chevaler parla a Mador e dit

“ Danz maryner, a qy e dount est cele neef qe vu s

guyezP quar nulle tiele n’

est cu stumere de passer par


” S ire,”fet Mador, “ c’est la moye .

” “ Par

foy fet le chevaler, “ noun est ; vu s estes larounz , e

j e le'

Say b ien par le veyl quartronée q’est des armes

Fouke le fitz W aryn; e il est enla neef, e syu z huy

rendroi-j e son corps a my Johan .

” “ Par foy !” fet

Fouke, “ noun freez ; mes Si rien desirrez de nostre,vus le averez volenters .

” “ Je averei,” fet -il “

vu s

tous e qu anqe vu s avez, estre vostre grée . Par

2foy l” fet Fouke, vu s y menterez .

’ Mador, qe b one

hardy maryner fust, lessa sa neef sigler ; Si trespersa

fitted for fighting coming towards them ; and when the

Ships approached each other,a knight spoke to Mador and

said : Mastermariner, whose is that Ship which is in your

governance ? for none such is accustomed to pass here .

Sir,”said Mador, “it is mine Faith !” said the knight,

“ it is not ; you are thieves, and I know it well by thequartering of the sail

,which is the arms of Fulk Fitz

Warine and he is in the Ship,and before to-day is past I

will deliver his body to king John .

” “Faith said Fulk,

“you will not do SO ; but if you desire anything of ours


you Shall have it willingly .

” I will ’


”said he

, you

all, andwhatever you have, in Spite ofyou .

” Faith 1” saidFulk

, you Shall be proved a liar. Mador,whowas a good

and bold mariner, let his ship sail ; and he runright into the


l’autre neef tot par my, dont la mer entra . E si fust la

neef pery ; mes eynz y ou t meint dur coupe donée . E

quant la neef fust vencu e, Fouke e ces compaignons

pristrent grant richesse e vitaille, e aporterent en lur

neef. A tant perist e enfoundry l’autre neef.

Fouke tot cel anentier demora costeant par Engle

terre ; e a nul home ne voleit fere mal, Si noun al roy

Johan ; e sovent prist sonaver e quant qu’il pos it del

suen . Fouke comenca sigler vers E scoce ; atant lur

vynt de le occident nu vent favonyn, e lur chaca treis

j orneez de la E scoce . A tant virent nu yle mol t de

litable e b el, 5 cc qe lur fust avys , e se trestrent

laundreit, e troverent b on port . Fouke e ces quatre

freres e Audulf e B au dwyn alerent en la terre pur

middle Of the other Ship,so that the sea

entered it . Andthus the Ship perished ; but many a hard blowwas givenfirst . And when the ship was conqu ered, Fulk and his

companions took great riches and provisions,and brought

it into their Ship . A t last the other Ship perished and

sank .

Fulk all that whole year continued coasting England ;and he desired to injure nobody but king John ; and heOften took his goods, and whatever he could get Of hisFu lk began to sail towards Scotland ; at last there camefrom the west a favonine wind, which drove them threedays from Scotland . At length they sawanisland that wasvery pleasant and fair

,as they judged, and they proceeded

to it,and found good port . Fulk and his four brothers and


Dieu fet Fou k e . Le j uvencel ala dehors le caverne,

e corna sys meotz , e revynt enla caverne .

Bien tost vindrent Sis gros e grantz vilaynz e fers,

vestu z de grosse e vylS tab ertz , e chescunavoit en sa

meyn nu ‘

gros b astoun dur e fort . E quant Fouke

les vist, Si avoit su specionde mavesté . Les sis vyleinz

entrerent une chambre, e osterent lur tab ertz , e se


de un escarlet vert e sodliés d’

orfreez ; e de

tous atirs furent auxi richement atireez come nul roy

poeit estre . E revyndrent en la sale , e salu erent Sire

Fouke e ces compaignonz e demanderent les eschetz ,

e um lur porta un molt rich e escheck er ou meyme

de fyn or e argent . Sire W illam assist'

un geu ; mes

il le perdy meyntenant . S ire Johan assist nu autre

name,let it b e SO said Fulk . The ladwent outside the

cavern,blewSix moots

,and returned into the cavern.

Soon there came Six great and tall clowns and fierce, cladin coarse and filthy tabards

,and each had in his hand a

great staffwhich was hard and strong . Andwhen Fulk saw

them,he had suspicion of their ill designs. The Six clowns

entered a chamber,and put off their tabards

,and dressed

themselves in a green scarlet and shoes Of orfrey ; and in allarticles of dress they were as richly attired as any kingcould b e . And they returned to the hall

,and saluted Sir

Fulk and his companions,and there was brou ght to them a

very rich chessboard with chessmen of fine gold and Silver.

SirWilliam sat to a game ; but he lost it immediately . Sir

John sat to another ; it was immediatelylost . Philip, Alan,

FULK F I T z -W A R IN E . 1 29

meintenant fust perdu . Phelip, A leyn, B audwyn, e

A udu lf, chescunapres autre, assist nu giw, e chesoun

perdy le suen . Donqe dit undes plus fers b erchers a

F ouke, “Volez -vu s j uer P”

N anyl,” fet- il. “ Par

foi fet le bercher, vu s j ucrez ou lu ttrez , malgré le

vostre .

” Par foi !”fet Fouke , “maveys vileyn b er

cher, vu s y mentez ; e, depus qe j e dey luttre ou ju er

malgré mien, j e j ueroy ou vu s en la manere qe j’ay

apris .

” Si sayly su s,b aunga l

espée , Si ly fery qe la

teste vola enmy la place ; pu s un autre, pu s le tierce ,

iss i qe Fouke e ces compaignouns ocistrent tous les

vileynz glotouns .

Fouke enune chambre entra, e trova une vele scant ;e avoit un corn en sa meyn , e sovent le mist a sa

Baldwin, and Audulf, one after the other, sat to a game,and

each lost his game . Then said one of the fiercest Of theshepherds to Fulk


“Will you play 2” “No


”said he .

Faith 1” said the Shepherd, you Shall play orwrestle


spite of your will .

” Faith !” said sir Fulk,

“wretchedclown of a Shepherd

, you lie in that ; and, Since I mustwrestle or play in Spite of my will

,I will play with you in

the manner I have learnt . ” And he jumped up,drewhis

sword,and struck him with it that his head flew into the

middle of the place ; then another,then the third


Fulk and his companions slewall the clownish rascals .

Fulk entered a chamber,and found anoldwoman seated ;

and She had a horn in her hand,and often put it to her



bouche ; mes ele ne le poeit de rien corner. Quant ele

vist Fouke, ly cria merci ; e il 1a demanda dont le


orn servireit, Si ele le poeit corner. La viele ly dist

qe, S i le corn fust cornée, socours lur vendreit a

plente. Fouke le corn prist, e en une autre chambre

se mist . Donqe vist scet damoiseles, qe a demesure

furent beles ; e molt richement furent vestnes, e molt

riche oevre fesoient . E quant virent Fouke , a genoyls

se mistrent, e ly crierent merci . Fouke lur demanda

dont il estoient ; e la une ly dyt S ire,

”fetE- ele] ,

“j e su la fyle A unflorreis de Ork anye ; e mon seignur

demorant a un son chastiel en Ork anie, q’

est apelée

chastel Bagot, qu’

est sur la mer, deleez une molt

bele foreste, avynt qe je e ces damoiseles, a quatre

mouth ; but she could not blow it at all. When she saw

Fulk,she cried for mercy ; and he asked herwhat u se the

hornwould b e,if she could sound it . The oldwoman told

him that,if the horn were sounded

,succourwould come to

her inabundance . Fulk took the horn,and passed into an

other chamber. Then he saw seven damsels, who were

wonderfully beautiful ; and they were very richly dressed,

and were working very rich work . And when t hey saw

Fulk,they threwthemselves on their knees, and cried him

mercy . Fulk asked them whence they were ; and one saidto him Sir


”said She

,I am the daughter OfAunflorreis

of Orkney ; and my lord dwelling in a castle of his inOrkney, which is called castle Bagot, and is on the sea


a very fair forest,it happened that I and these damsels,


Fouke richement garny sa neef e amena les damoi

seles a sa neef, e leS’

eesa en quanqu’il poeit . E pu s

comanda totes ces gentz qu’il se armassent hastive

ment ; e quant tous furent armeez a volente, donqe

leva Fouke la menée de le petit corn qu’il avoit pris

de la vele, e donqe vindrent corantz par les champs

plus qe deus c . des larons de la countree . Fouke e

sa compagnie les cornrent sur, e yl se defendyrent

vigerou sement . Yleqe furent ocys plus qe ii“. des rob

b eou rs e larouns ; quar yl n’

y avoyt nulle gent en tote

cele yle Si robb eours e larouns noun, qe soleynt ocire

qu anqu’il porreynt ateyndre e prendre par mer. Fouke

demanda Mador sy ly savoit amener par mer en lo

u se privately, and which he would not in all his life forany consideration sell or give .

Fulk furnished his Ship richly ; and carried the damselsto his Ship, and made them as much at their ease as he

could . And then he commanded all his people to arm inhaste ; and when they were all armed at will

,then Fulk

raised the hu e and cry with the lit tle horn which he hadtaken from the Old woman

,and then there came running

over the fields more than two hundred of the thieves of thecountry . Fulk and his c ompany run at them

,and they

defended themselves vigorously . There were Slain more

than two hundred of the robbers and thieves for therewasno people in all that island but robbers and thieves


used to slay all they could reach or take by sea . Fulkasked Mador if he knewhowto conduct him by sea into the


realme qe um apele Orkanie . Oyl, certes,”fet- il ;

“ce n’

est qe nu isle , e le chastel Bagot est molt pres

de le port .” Fouke dit : “A eel chastiel vodrey-j e

estre . Sire, eynz huy vu s y serrez . Quant Fouke

fust aryvée, dont demanda les damoyseles sy yl aveyent

conisance de le pais . Certes sire,”fet la une, c’est

le realme Aunflour mon piere . Fouke vynt al chas

tiel, e rendy al roy sa fyle e les damoyseles ; e il a

grant honour les recu st . e dona a Fouke riche douns .

Fouke ad tant Siglée, pur vere merveilles e aven

tures, qu’il ad envyronée les vn. yles de le Occean,

la Petite -B retaygne, l ande , Gu tlande, N orweye,

Denemarche, Ork anye, la Graunde-E schanye . En E S

chanye ne meynt nul home, fors serpentz e autres

realm which they call Orkney . Yes,truly

,said he ;

is but an isle ; and castle Bagot is very near the port .Fulk said At that castle would I b e .


,within this

day you Shall be there .

” When Fulk was arrived, then heasked the damsels if they had knowledge of the country .



”said the one

,this is the realm of Aunflour

my father.

” Fulk came to the castle,and restored to the

king his daughter and the damsels and he received themwith great honour, and gave Fulk rich gifts.

Fulk has sailed so much, to see marvels and adventures,

that he has gone round the seven isles of the ocean,Little







Great Eschanie . In Eschanie dwells no man,but serpents

and other foul beasts . And there Fulk saw horned ser


lede bestes . E 15 vist Fouke serpentz cornu ez , e les

eorns furent molt aguz ; e S i ount iiii . peez,e sunt

volantz come oysels . Un tel serpent asayly Fouke

e ly fery de son corn, e tresperea son escu par my .

Fouke S’

enmervila molt de le coupe ; e se avysa molt

bien qe, quant le serpent ly fery en l’

eseu , me poeit

hastivement delyverer son eorn; e Fouke le bota par

my le cuer de sonespée . I leqe vist Fouke beste ver

m inou se q’avoit teste de mastyn, barbe epées come

chevre, oreiles come de levre ; e autres plu sors bestes

qe seint Patrik enehaea d’

l ande, e les encloyst ileqe

par la vertu de Dieu ; quar le prodhome seint Patrik

fust b ien de ly. E uncore nulle beste venymou se ne

habite la terre d’

l ande, Si noun lesartes descowés .

pents, and the horns were very Sharp -pointed ; and theyhave four feet

,and fly like birds . One of these serpents

assailed Fulk,and struck him with his horn

, and piercedthrough his shield in the middle . Fulk wondered much at

the blow; and he perceived verywell that,when the serpentstruck him in the shield

,he could not quicklywithdrawhis

horn ; and Fulk stabbed him through the heart with h issword . Then saw Fulk a venomous animal which had thehead Of a mastiff

,a thick beard like a goat, and ears like a

hare ; andmany other animals whi ch St . Patrick drove ou tof Ireland

,and inclosed them there through the virtue of

God ; for the good manSt . Patrick was in favourwith him .

And still no venomous animal inhabits the land of Ireland .

except lizards without tails.

Mador, “ lessum Si la neef e alomS tous a terre, estre

ceux qe garderount nostre vitaile ; e b ien tost par

aventure orroms par aseun coment il est de cet pays .

Quant vindrent a la terre , encontrerent un pesant .

Mador lydemanda quele terre cc fust, e coment apelée,

e pur qu oy n’est habitée . Ly pesant lur dyt qe e


le reygne de Yb erye, e cest pays est apellée Cartage .

Cest chastiel est al duc de Cartage, qe tient de le roy

de Yberye . Cesti due avoit une file , la plus bele pu eele

qe um savoit en le regne de Yb erye . Cele damoisele

mounta unjour le mestre tour de cest chastel . A tant

vynt nu dragonn volaunt, e prist la damoisels , e la

porta sur unhaut mount enla mer, Si lamanga . Cesti

dragonn ad ocys e destru t tot cet pays ; pur qy nul

u s leave the Ship and go ashore,except those who shall

guard our provisions ; and soon, perhaps, we Shal l hear fromSomebody what is the matter with this country . Whenthey came on Shore

,theymet a peasant . Mador asked him

what land it was,and how it was named

,andwhy it was

not inhabited . The peasant told them that “ it is the kingdom of Iberie

,and this country is called Cartage . This

castle belongs to the duke of Cartage,who holds of the kingOf Iberie . This duke had a daughter, the fairest maidenthat one knew in the kingdom of Iberic . This damselmounted one day the principal tower of the castle . Thencame a flying dragon, and took the damsel

,and carried

her to a high mountain in the sea,and ate her. This

dragon has slain and destroyed all this country ; onwhich

FULK F I T Z e W A R I N E . 137

home n’est osée cet pays habiter, me le du e n

’est OSée

cet chastel entrer, tant est hydou s le dragonn .

Fouke se retorna a sa galye, e siglerent avant .

Donqe virent un grant mont en la mer. Sire,”fet

Mador, e’

est le ment onmeynt le dragon ; ja sumes

nu S tous engrant peril !”

T é'

S- tey,”fet Fouke, nu

core ne veiez S i b ien noun . B antz Mador, volez estre

mort de poour P Meynt dragon avoms ven, e Dieu nu s

ad bien de peril delyveré . Unqe ne fumes uncore en

peryl dont, la merci Dee, n’avoms b ien eschapé .

Vostre maveis confortmettreit coars a lamort .” Fouke

prist A udu lf de Bracy, e par degrees monta le mont, qe

bien haut ert ; e quant vindrent al somet de le mont,virent meint hon b aubere, healmes e espeiez e autres

account no manhas dared to inhabit the country, nor hasthe duke dared to enter this castle, the dragon is So hideous .

Fulk returned to his galley, and sailed forward . Thenthey sawa great mountain in the sea. Sir


”said Mador


“ it is the mountain where the dragon dwells ; nowwe are

all in great peril Hold thy peace,

”said Fulk

, as yet

you see nothing but good . Master Mador,will you be dead

Of fear ? Many a dragon we have seen,and God has easily

delivered u s from danger. We were never yet inperil fromwhi ch, thank God, we have not well escaped . Your badcomfort would put a coward to death . Fulk took Audu lfde Bracy

,and by steps ascended the mountain

,which was

very high ; and when they came to the summit of the

mountain,they sawmany a good hauberk, helms and Swords


armes , gisantz yleqe, e me vyrent delees les armes

nulle chose S i OS deS gentz noun . E virent nu arbre

gros e b el, e une fontaigne par desou th corant d’


bele e elere . Fouke se regarda deleez , e vist une roche

erosée leva sa destre e se seygna enle noun le Piere ,

Fitz, e le Seynt-E spyryt ; saka sa espeye, e mout har

diement se mist dedenz , come cely qe S’

en fya del tot

a D ieu . E vist une molt bele damoisele ploraunte e

grant duel demenaunte . Fouke la demaunda dont

estoit . S ire ,”fe t- ele,

“j e su file al du e de Cartage ;

e j’ai esté seynz sec t anz . E unqe n

y vy eristienseynz ,

S’il ne venist malgrée le suen, e , Si vu s estes de poer,

pur D ieu , alez -vu s- ent ; qu ar, Si le dragonn de seynz

vienge, james n’esehapez .

” “ Certes,”fet Fouke,

and other arms,lying there, and they sawbeside the arms

nothing but people’

s bones . And they sawa large and fairtree, and a fountain beneath it running with fair and clearwater. Fulk looked about him

,and saw a hollowrock ;

raised his right arm and crossed himse lf in the name of theFather

, Son, and the Holy Ghost ; drewhis sword, and veryboldly entered

,as one who trusted entirely in God. And

he saw a very fair damsel weeping and making great lamentation. Fulk asked herwhence She was. Sir



she,I am daughter of the duke of Cartage ; and I have

been in here seven years . And I never saw a Christianherein

,unless he came against hiswill , and, if you have the

power,for God’

s sake, go away for if the dragon come from

within, you will never escape.

” “Truly,

”said Fulk, “ I


poez vere la, Si le me t al u s devant, pur doute de moy

qu e j e ne le deveroy ocyre en dormant ; quar il ad sen

de houme e me doute grantment . E, adrein, j e say

b ien qe il m’

oeiera .

” “ Par Deu !”fet Fouke, Si

D ieu plest, noun fra .

Fouke prist la damoisele , S i la b ailla a Sire Audulf

a garder, e S’en issirent de la roche . E ne furent geres

issu z qu’il ne vyrent le dragounvolaunt en l’eyr venyr

vers eux , Si gitta de sa bouche, qe chant ert, fumée e

flamb e molt oryble . E Si fust trop lede beste ; Si avoit

grosse teste, dentz qu arreez , fers les powes, long la

cowe . Le dragoun, quant vist Fouke, Si se fery a ly,e de sa powe en volant ly fery en l

’esehu qu’il l’en

racha par my . Fouke leva l’espée, Si ly fery le dra

he takes a great stone,as you may see there

,and pu ts it

before the door,for fear of me lest I Should kill him when

asleep ; for he has the sense of a manand fears me greatly .

And,in the end

,I knowwell that he wil l Slay me . By

God 1”said Fulk, “ if it please God, he shall not do it .

Fulk took the damsel,and gave her in charge to Sir

Audu lf,and they came ou t from the rock . And they had

not long come ou t when they saw the flying dragon in theair come towards them

,and it cast forth from its mouth,

which was hot,smoke and flame very horrible . And it was

a very foul beast ; and it had a great head, teeth squared,

sharp claws,and long tail . The dragon, when it sawFulk,

aimed at him,andwith its clawin flying struck him on the

shield that it tore it through the middle . Fulk raised his


goun en la teste auxi durement come il pos it . E le

coup ne ly malmist de rien, ne il ne S’

enmaya de rien

pur le coup, tant ou t dur l’

eseharde e l’

eselot devant .

Le dragonn prent son cours de loynS pur durement fe

ryr ; e Fouke , qe le coup ne pnet endurer, gu enchyderere l’arbre q

’esta utt e la fontaygne . Fouke apar

cust qu’il ne poeit le dragonn damager devaunt, Si se

avysa a umretorn qe le dragon fist , Si ly fery bien del

corps sur la cowe , e la coupa en deus . Le dragon eo

menca crier e brayre ; saut a la damoysele, S i la voleit

prendre e porter aylours ; e S ire Audulf la defendy. Le

dragon prist s ire A udulf de sa powé Si estroytement qe,

S i Fouke n’ust venu z plus hastivement, il le u st afolée .

Donqe vynt Fouke , Si coupa la powe, e a grant peyne

sword,and struck the dragon on the head as hard as he

could . And the blowdid not hurt him at all,nor did he at

all flinch at the blow,SO hard had he both bone and skin .

The dragon took his runfrom afar to strike hard ; and Fulk,who could not withstand the blow, shrunk behind the treewhich stood beyond the fountain . Fulk perceived that hecould not hurt the dragon in front, SO he contrived


a returnwhich the dragon made,to strike him well in

the body upon the tail,and cut it in two . The dragon

began to cry and roar ; jumps at the damsel,andwould take

her and carry her elsewhere ; and sir Audu lf defended her.

The dragon took Sir Audu lfwith his clawso tightly that, ifFulk had not come very hastily, he wou ld have crushedhim . Then came Fulk

, and cut off his paw, andwith great


delyvra sire Audulf quar durement le avoit de sa powe

eneloée par my le haub erc . Fouke fery ls dragonn en

my la bouche de l’espée, e par ileqe le ocist .

Fouke fust molt laS, e se reposa une piece ; puis ala

a la couche le dragon, e prist le or qu anqu’il yleqe

trova e fist aporter a sa galye . Johan de Rampaigne

tasta la plaie Sire Audulf, e la medicina ; quar bien

savoit de medicines . Mador retorna sa neef vers Car

tage , e ariverent en la eontrée, e rendyrent al du e sa

file , qe molt fust lee quant yl la vist . La damoisele ad

counte a son seignur quele vie ele ad demenes , e

coment Fouke ocist le dragonn . Le du e chay as pees

Fouke, e le mercia de sa file ; e ly pria, Si li plu st,

qu’il volsist demorer en le pays , e il ly dorreit tote

difficulty set Sir Audu lf free, for he had fixed him hardwithhis paw through the hauberk . Fulk struck the dragonthrough the middle of the mouth with his sword

,and by

that Slewhim .

Fulk was very weary,and reposed himself awhile ; then

he went to the dragon’s Sleep ing place, and took all the

gold he found there and caused it to b e carried to his galley .

John de Rampaigne examined thewound of sir Audulf, anddoctored it ; for he knewmuch ofmedicines. Mador turnedback his ship towards Cartage, and they arrived in the

country,and restored to the duke his daughter, who was

very glad when he sawher. The damsel related to her lordwhat life she had led

,and howFulk Slewthe dragon . The

duke fell down at Fulk’

s feet,and thanked him for his


SW yndesoure , e'

se mistrent privément enla voie vers

W yndesoure . Les jours dormyrent e se reposerent, les

nuytz errerent, tanqu’il vyndrent a la foreste ; e la se

herb igerent ennu certeynlywonyl soleynt avant estre

en la forest e de W yndesoure, quar Fouke savoit yleqe

tous les estres . Donqe oyerent veneou rs e b erners

corner,e par ce saveyent qe le rey irroit chaeer. Fouke

e ces compaignons S’armerent molt richement . Fouke

j ura grant serement qe pu r pour de moryr ne lerreit

qu’il ne se vengere it de le roy, q’

a force e a tort ly ad

desherytée, e qu’il ne chalengereit hautement ces drey~

tures e sonherytage . Fouke fist ces compaignons de

morer yleqe ; e ilmeymes, cc dit , irreit espier aventures .

from the people who passed them that king John was at

Windsor, and they set ou t privily on the way towardsWindsor. By day they slept and reposed

,and by night

they wandered,until they came to the forest ; and there

they'lodged in a certain place where they used before to be

in the forest ofWindsor, for Fulk knewall the parts there .

Then they heard huntsmenand menwith hounds blowthehorn, and by that they knew that the king was going to

hunt . Fulk and his companions armed themselves veryrichly . Fulk swore a great oath that for fear of death hewould not abstain from revenging himself onthe king, whoforcibly and wrongfully had disinherited him ,

and fromchallenging loudly his rights and his heritage . Fulk madehis companions remainthere ; and himself, he said


go and look ou t for adventures .


Fouke S’

enala, e encontra unviel charboner portant

une trible en sa meyn ; Si fust vestu tot neir, come apert

a charboner. Fouke ly pria par amour qu’il ly velsist

doner ces vestures e sa trible pur du seon . S ire,”

fet-il,“volenters ’ Fouke ly dona x . b esantz , e ly

pria pur S’

amour qu’il ne le contast a nully . Le char

boner S’enva . Fouke remeynt, e se vesty meyntenant

de ls atyr qe le charboner ly avoit donée, e vet a

ces charbons , Si comenee de adresser le feu . Fouke

vist une grosse fourche de fer, Si la prent en sa

meyn , e dresse saundreyt e landreyt ces coupons .

A tant vynt le my on treis chevalers, tot a pée, a

Fouke 1aou il fust adresaunt sonfeu . Quant Fouke

vist le roy, assez b ien le conu st, e gitta la fourche de

Fulk went his way, and met an old collier carrying a

triblet in his hand ; and he was dressed all in black, as a

collier ought tobe . Fulk prayed him for love that hewould give him his clothes and his triblet formoney . Sir


7 ,

said he, “willingly . Fulk gave him ten besants,and

begged him for his love that he would not tell anybody of

it . The collierwent away . Fulk remained,andnowdressed

himself in the attire which the collier had given him,and

went to his coals, and began to stir up the fire . Fulk saw

a great iron fork, which he took in his hand, and arrangedhere and there the pieces of wood . At length came the

king with three knights, all onfoot,to Fulk where he was

arranging his fire . When Fulk sawthe king, he knewhimwell enough, and he cast the fork from his hand

, and'



sa meyn, e salua son seignour, e se mist a genoyls

devant ly molt humblement . Le roy e ces trois che

valers aveyent grant ryseye e j eu de la noreture e de la

porture le charboner ; esturent ileqe b ien longement .

Daunvyleyn,” fet le roy, avez vennul cerf onb isse

passerparyey P” Oyl, monseignour, pieea .

” Quele

beste veitez -vu s P” Sire, mon seignur, une eornu ée ;

S i avoit longe corns . est - ele P” S ire, mon

seignur, j e vu s say molt b ien mener la j e 1a vy .

Ore avant, daun vyleyn! e nu s vu s siweroms .

S ire,” fet le charboner, prendroy

-j e ma forche en

maynP quar, S i ele fust prise, j e enaveroy grant perte .

Oyl, vyleyn, Si vu s volez . Fouke prist la grosse

fourche de fer ensa meyn , Si amoyne le roy pur archer ;

luted his lord, and went on his knees before him veryhumbly . The king and his three knights had great laughterand game at the breeding and bearing of the collier theystood there very long . Sir villan,

”said the king , have

you seen no stag or doc pass here 2” Yes,my lord

, a

while ago.

” What beast did you see 2”

Sir, my lord, ahorned one ; and it had long horns . Where is it 2”

Sir, my lord, I knowvery well how to lead you to whereI sawit Onward, then, Sir villan ; and we will follow

you .


”said the collier, Shall I take my fork inmy

hand ? for,if it were taken, I should have thereby a great



,if you will .

” Fulk took the greatfork of iron in his hand

,and led the king to shoot ; for he

had a very handsome bow.

“Sir, my lord,”

said Fulk,


e a meint prodhome d’

Engleterre . Le roy ly cria

mercy, e ly pria p’

ur amour D ieu la vie ; e yl ly ren

dreyt enterement tou son heritage e qu anqu’il aveit

tolet de ly e de tous les su ens , e ly grantereit amour e

pées pur tous jours, e 5 cc ly freit entotes choses tiele

seureté come yl meysmes voleit devyser. Fouke ly

granta b ien tote sa demands a tieles qu’il ly donast,

veantz ces chevalers, la foy de tenyr cest covenant . Le

roy ly plevy sa fey qu’il ly tendre it covenant, e fust

molt lee qu e issi poeit eschaper.

E revynt a soun paleis, e fist fere assembler ces

chevalers e sa meisné, e lur counta de mot en autre

coment sire Fouke le avoit desen ; e dit qu e par force

fist eel serement , pur quey qu’il me le velt tenyr ; e

good man in England . The king implored his mercy,and

begged his life of him for the love of God ; and he wouldrestore him entirely all his heritage andwhatever he hadtaken from him and from all his people

,andwou ld grant him

his love and peace for ever, and of this he would make himin all things such security as he might himself choose to devise . Fulk soon yielded his demand

,on condition that he

gave him,in presence Of his knights, his faith to keep this

covenant . The king pledged his faith that hewould hold thecovenant, and he was very glad that he could thus escape .

And he returned to his palace, and caused his knightsand h is court iers to assemble

,and told them from word to

word how Sir Fulk had deceived him ; and he said that hehadmade that oath through force, and therefore he would

FULK F I T Z -WA R INE . 149

comaunda qu e tous se armassent hastivement a prendre

ces felons en le park s . A tant pria Sire James de

Normandie, qu e fust cosyn le roy, qu’il posit aver


avaunt-garde ; e dit qe les Engleis, a poy tous les

grantz, sunt cosyns a s ire Fouke, e pur cc sunt trei

tours al roy, e'

ces felouns ne vu eillent prendre .

” D onqe

dit Rondulf le counte de Cestre Par fey, Sire che

valer ! sauve le honour nostre seigneur le roy, noun7

pas vostre, vu s y mentez .

’ E ly vodra aver feru del


u,S i le counte mareschal né u st esté ; e dit qu’il ne

sonnt ne unque furent treitours a le roy ne a su ens,

mes bien dit qu e tous les grantz e le rey meismes est

cosyn al dit Fouke . Dont dit le counte mareschal“ Alems urs vre Sire Fouke ' don e verra le ro ui

not hold it ; and commanded that they Should all arm in

haste to take those felons in the park . A t length Sir Jamesof Normandy, who was the king

s cousin,prayed that he

might have the advanced guard ; and said that the Eng

lish,nearly all the menof rank

,are cousins to sir Fulk


for that are traitors to the king, andwill not take thosefelons .” Then said Randolf earl of Chester In faith


knight saving the honour of ou r lord the king, not yours,you lie .

”And he would have struck him with hi s fist, and

it not being for the earl marshal and said that they neitherare nor neverwere traitors to the k ing


nor to his,but he said

right that all the men of rank and the king himself werecousins to sir Fulk . Then said the earl marshal “Let u s

go and pursue Sir Fulk ; the king will then see who will


se feyndra pur la eosynage . S ire James de Nor

maudye e ces xv . compaignouns chevalers se armerent

molt richement e tot de blaunche armure , e furent tous

noblement mountez de b lancz destrers ; e se hasta de

vant ou S'

a compagnie, pur aver pris .

E tot lur affere avoit Johan de Rampaigne espiée, e

counte a Sire Fouke, - qe ne poeit en nulle manere

eschaper Si par bataille noun . S ire Fouke e ces com

paignouns se armerent molt richement, e se mistrent

hardiement contre S ire James, e se defendirent vige

rousement, e ocistrent tous ces compaignouns , estre

quatre qu e furent apoi nau frés a la mort ; e Sire James

fust pris . Sire Fouke e ces compaignouns se armerent

meintenant de les armes Sire James e (les autres Nor

flinch for his cou senage . Sir James Of Normandy and fifteen knights his companions armed themselves very richlyand all in white armour

,and were all nobly mounted on

white steeds ; and he hurried forward with his company, tohave the capture .

NowJohn de Rampaigne had Spied all their proceedings,and told them to Sir Fulk

,who could in no manner escape

except by battle . Sir Fulk and his companions armedthemselves very richly

,and put themselves boldly against

Sir James,and defended themselves vigorously, and Slewall

his companions except four, who were almost wounded todeath ; and Sir James was taken . Sir Fulk and h is com

panions nowarmed themselves with the arms of Sir James

and of the otherNormans ; and mounted their good steeds,


manda qu’il le mounta, quar isnel ert a pursiwre ces

enymys . Sire Fouke descendy, e mounta le destrer le

roi, e S’en va vers ces compaignouns, e S

’en fuyrent

bien Sis lyws de yleqe . E 15 se desarmerent en un

b osehage, e‘

laverent lur playes ; e b enderent la playe

W illam, son frere , qe durement fust man‘fre de nu deS

Normauntz, e le tyndrent purmort dont tous fesoient

duel a demesure .

Le roy comaunda meyntenaunt pendre Sire Fouke .

A tant vint Emery de Pyu, nu Gascoyn, qe fust parent

a Sire James, e di t qu’il le pendreit ; e le prist, e le

amena nu poy de yleqe, e fist oster son healme ; e

meyntenant vist qe ce fu James, e delya sa bouche . E

ii ly conta quanqe avynt entre ly e Sire Fouke . Emery

mount it,for it was fleet to pursue his enemies . Sir Fulk

descended,and mounted the king

s steed,andwent his way

towards hi s companions,and they fled soon to a distance of

Six leagues from thence . And there they disarmed inawood,

andwashed theirwounds ; and they bandaged thewound OfWilliam,

his brother,who was severely wounded by one of;

the Normans,and they held him for dead

,for which they

all made excessive lamentations.

The king commanded on the spot to hang Sir Fulk . At

length came Emery de Pin,a Gaseon

,who was kinsman to

sir James, and said that he would hang him ; and tookhim

,and led him a little from thence

,and caused his helm

to be taken off and now he saw that it was James,and

unbound his mouth . And he told him all that had hap


vint meintenaunt au roy, e amena Sire James , qe lyconta coment Sire Fouke ly avoit servy . E quant le

roy se apercu st estre issi desen, molt fust dolent, e jura

grant serement qe j a ne se devestereit de sonhaubrek e

avaunt qu’il avoit eeS treytres pris . E de ce ne savoit

Sire Fouke rien .

Le roy e ces countes e harouns les pursiwyrent par

le esclot des chivals, tant qu’il vindrent a poy a le

bosehage la Ou Fouke fust . E quant Fouk e les aper

eu st, plourt e weymente W illam, son frere , e se tient

perdu pur tous j ours . EW illam lur prie qu’il coupent

sa teste e la emportent ou eux,issi qe le roy, quant

trovee son cors, ne sache qu i yl fust . Fouke dit qe ee

ne freit pur le mounde, e prie molt tendrement en

pened between him and Sir Fulk . Emery came immediatelyt o the king, and brought Sir James

,who told him how Sir

Fulk had served him . And when the king perceived thathe was thus deceived, he was much vexed, and swore a

great oath that he would not divest himself of hi s hauberkuntil he had taken these traitors . And of this Sir Fulkknewnothing .

The king and his earls and barons pursued them by thefootmark of their horses

,until they came almost to the

wood where Fulk was . And when Fulk perceived them,

he wept and lamented for William his brother,and held

himself lost for ever. And William begged Of them thatthey would cut Off his head and carry it with them


the king, when he found his body, might not knowwho he


ploraunt qe D ieu pur sa pieté lur seit en eyde ; e tiel

duel come entre eu x est, ne veistes unqe greindre fere .

Rondu lf le counte de Cestre vint en prime chef ; e

quant apereu st Sire Fouke , comaunda sa meisné ares

tier, Si voit privément e Sire Fouke , e li pria pu r le

amour de D ieu rendre sei al roy, e yl serroit pur ly de

vie e de menbre, e qu’il serroit b ien apesée al roy .

F ouke redist qu e ce ne froit pur tut le averdu mounde

Mes, sire cosyn, pu r l’

amour de D ieu, j e vu s prie qe

mon frere qe 1a gist, quant il est mors, qe vu s facez

enterrer son cors, qe bestes savages ne le devourent, e

les nos, quant mort sumes . E retornez avostre seignur

le roy, e fetes a ly vostre service sanz feyntyse e saunz

avoir regard a nu s, qe sumes de vostre sang ; e nu s

was . Fulk said that he would not do that for the world,

and prayed very tenderly and in tears that God for his pitywould be to them in aid ; and such grief as was amongthem

, you never sawgreater made .

Rondu lf,earl of Chester

,came in the first place ; and

when he perceived Sir Fulk,he commanded his company. to

halt,and went alone to sir Fulk

,and prayed him for the

love of God to yield himself to the king , and he wouldanswer for him for life and limb

,and his peace would be

easilymadewith the king . Fulk replied that he would notdo that for all the wealth int he world ; “But

,Sir cousin


for the love of God, I pray you for my brother

,who is

there,when he is dead, that you cause his body to be buried,

that wild beasts may not devour i t, and ours too, when we


pulmoun, e ehei mort de soun destrer. Fouke avoit

taunt seigne qu’il palma sur le col de son destrer, e le

espeye chey de sa meyn . Donqe cemenca duel a mer

veille entre leS freres . Johan, son frere, sayly derere

Fouke sur le destrer e ly su stynt qu’il ne poeit eheyer ;

e se mistrent a fuyte, quar poer ne aveient de demorer.

Le roy e sameyné les pursiwyrent , més prendre ne les

purreynt . T ote la nuit errerent issi, qe lendemayn

matynvindrent a la mer a Mador le maryner. Donque

reverei Fouke, e demaunda il fust e en qy poer ; e

ces freres ly confortoyent a mieux qu’

il purroient, e lycocherent en la nef en un molt b el lit, e Johan de

Rampayne medicina ces playes .

him. A t length Fulk turned round, and returned the blowonhis left Shou lder with both hi s hands, and cut throughhis heart and lung , and he fell dead from his steed . Fulkhad bled so much that he fainted on the neck of his steed


and his sword fell from hi s hand . Then began grief wonderfully among the brothers . John

,his brother


behind Fulk on the steed,and held him up that he could

not fall ; and they took to flight, for they had not power toremain . The king and his retinue pursued them

,but they

could not take them . Then theywandered all thenight , tillon the morrowmorning they came to the sea to Mador themariner. Then Fulk revived

,and asked where he was, and

in whose power ; and his brothers comforted him in the

best way they could, and laid him in b ed in the Ship ina

very fair bed,and John de Rampaigne doctored hi s wounds .

FULK F I T z -WA R I N E . 1 5 7

Le counte de Cestre avoit grantment perdu de sa

gent, e vist dejou ste ly W ili am ls fitz W aryu a poymort, e prist le cors e ls maunda e une abb eye pu r

medeeiner. Au drein fust ileqe apareu , e le roy le fist

venyr en litere devant ly a W yndesoure, e la fist ruer

enprofounde prisone, e molt fust corocé a le counte de

Cestre pur ce qu’il le cela . F et le roy : Fouke est

nau fré e la mort, e cesti ay-je ore ici ; les autres averei

j e bien, os qu’

il seient . Certes, m’enpoise durement

de le orgoil Fouke ; quar Si orgoil ne fust, il u st nu

qu ore vesqy. E tant come il fust en vie n’

y ou t tie l

chevaler en tot le mounde ; dont grant pierte est de

perdre un tel chevaler.

En la mer prés de E spaigne est une ysle tote close

The earl of Chester had lost greatly of hi s people, and

sawnear him William Fitz-Warine almost dead,and took

the body and sent i t to anabbey to b e doctored . In the

end he was discovered there,and the king caused him to

b e brought in a litter to W indsor before him,and caused

him to be thrown into a deep prison, andwas much angeredagainst the earl of Chester because he concealed him . Saidthe king : Fulk is mortally wounded

,and this one have I

now here ; the others I Shall easily take,be they where

they will . Truly,I am greatly annoyed at the pride of

Fu lk ; for had it not been for his pride, he wou ld havebeen still alive . And as long as he was alive there wasnot such a knight inall the world ; wherefore it is a great

loss to lose such a knight .


de haut roc he, e Si n’

es t qu e une entre, Si est apelée

B eteloye, une demie luwe de long e au tretant de lée , e


y avoit home ne beste hab itaunt . Le Sisme jour

vindrent a ce ysle . Fouke comenea donqe dormyr,

quar Sis'

jours devant ne avoit dormy . Ces freres e sa

meisné alerent a la terre ; e yl meismes soulement

dormy enla nef, qu e fust fermée a la roche . Ataunt

survynt nu hydous vent, e rompy le cordes de la nef, e

emporta la nef enhaute mer. Lors se enveilla Fouke ,e vist les estoilles e le firmament, apela Johan son

frere e ces autres compaignons ; e nully le respondy,e vist qu’

il fust soulement en haute mer. Donqe cO

menea a plurer e maldire sa destiné , qu e ly fust Si dure ,e regreta ces freres . Lors ly prist unsomoil, e b ien te st

In the sea near Spain is an island entirely closed in withhigh rock

,and there is only one entrance ; it is called

B eteloye, half a league long and as much broad,and there

was neither mannor beast inhabiting it . The Sixth daythey came to this isle . Fulk began then to sleep, for duringSix days before he had not slept . His brother and his

retinue went on Shore ; and he himself alone Slept in theShip

,which was attached to the rock . At length came a

hideous wind,and broke the cords of the Ship, and carried

the Ship ou t into the open sea . When Fulk awoke and

sawthe stars and the firmament,he called his brother John

and h is other companions ; and nobody answered him,and

he saw that he was alone on the open sea . And then hebegan to weep, and to curse h is destiny, which was so hard,


chevaler. Les e . chevalers tot armés vindrent e la nef,

e le assailerent de tote partz . Fouke se defent hardie

ment countre tous ; mes a drein se rendy a tieles qu’il

ne avere it Si b ien noun . Yl le amenerent devant le

roy, e il comaunda qu’il fust b ien servi enune chambre .

I sorie, la su ere le roy, le soleit sovent visiter e con

forter, e Si fust trebele e gentile damoisele e apercu st

qu’il fust playé en la flanke, e ly pria pur amour qu e

yl la dist coment ou t noun e de quele terre fust e en

quele manere fust playé . Yl la respoundy qu’il avoit

a noun Maryn le Perdu de Praunce, e qu’

il ama ten

drement de cu er une damoisele file de uncounte de son

pais, e ele ly refist grant semblaunt d’amour ; més ele

ama plus nu autre .

“ E avynt qu e ly e moy unjour

The hundred knights, all armed,came to the Ship


assailed it onall Sides . Fulk defended himself courageouslyagainst them all ; but at last he surrendered onconditionthat he should haveno hurt . They led him before the king,who commanded that he Should be served well in a chamber.

I sorie,the king

s Sister,used Often to visit and comfort

him,andwas a very fair and gentle damsel ; and She saw

that he was wounded in the Side, and prayed him for lovethat he would tell her howhe was named

,and from what

land he was,and inwhat manner he was wounded . He

replied that he was named Marin le Perdu of France,and

that he loved tenderly from his heart a damsel,daughter of

an earl of his country,and She made him in return great

semblance of love ; but She loved more another.

“And it


fumes assemb les par grant amour, e ele me tint entre

les bras molt estroit ; ataunt survynt le autre qe ama

plus , e me feri issi de nu espe; e pu s me mistrent en

une galye enla mer pur mort, e la galye me amena en

ces parties .

” “ Certes,”dit I sorie,

“ cele damoisele

7ne fust geres cortois .

’I sorie prist sa harpe, qe molt

riche fust, e fist deseaunz e notes pur solacer Fouke ;

quar le vist b el e de corteise poiture .

Fouke demaund a I sorie la bele quei fust la noyse

qe fust devaunt le roi en la sale . Certes, fet- ele ,

j e le vus dirroi . En la terre de Yb erie avoit nu du e

qe fust apelé duc de Cartage , e avoit une tres bele

fyle, Ydoyne de Cartage . Cele vivaunt le pere sojorna

enunsonchastiel de Cartage . A tant vint nu dragoun,

happened that She and I one day were together through

great love, and She held me in her arms very tight ; at

length came the other whom She loved more,and struck

me here with a sword ; and then they placed me in a galleyon the sea for dead

,and the galley brought me into these

parts .



”said Isorie


“ that damsel was not overcourteous . Isorie took her harp

,which was very rich

, and

made descants and notes to solace Fulk for She sawthathe was handsome

,and of courtly breeding .

Fulk asked of Isorie the fairwhat was the noise thatwasbefore the king in the hall . Truly


”said She

,I will tel l

you . In the land of Iberic was a dukewhowas called duke ofCartage, and he hada very fair daughter, Ydoine OfCartage .

She during her father’

s life dwelt in his castle of Cartage .



qe la prist e emporta enunhaut mount en la mer e

la tynt plus qe sept anu z , Si la qe nu chevaler de

Engletere, qu e fust apelé Fouke le fitz W aryu deMées,

vint sur eel mont,e ocist le dragonn, e la rendy a son

piere . T ost apres le due moru st, e ele tient tote la du

cheyse . Le roi mon frere maunda a ly messagers qu’il

la prendreit a femme, e ele lo refusa e pur vergoyne

qe le roi avoit, fist assembler grant pu eple e destru it

ces cités, ab ati eeS ehastiels . La damoisele S’enfu i en

estraunge regne pur qerre socours ; mes ore est- ele re

venue ou pu eple saunz nonbre, e comenee fierement a

guerrer le roy, e Si est preste de fere bataille countre

ost ou chevaler countre chevaler, issi qu e Si le suen

seit venen qe ele ayle vers sa terre, e Si le nostre seit

At length came a dragon, and took her and carried her toa high mountain in the sea ; and held her more than Sevenyears

,when there came to the mountain a knight of Eng

land, who was called Fulk Fitz-Warine de Metz

,and slew

the dragon, and restored her to her father. Soon after theduke died

,and She holds all the duchy . The king, my

brother,sent messengers to her that he would take her to

wife,and She refused him ; and for shame which the king

had,he caused a great multitude to be assembled


destroyed her cities and beat down her castles . The damselfled thence into a foreign country to seek succour ; butnow She is returned with people withou t number, and

begins fiercely to make war upon the king, and she is

ready to do battle against host, or knight against knight,


Maryn ls Perdu de France, ly ou t promis . Le roy

graunta meyntenaunt quanqe vodra ordyner, Si yl purra

cele b osoigne issi achevyr.

Le jour qe la bataille fust ordyné, le roy arma mout

richement Sire Fouke , e I sorie meismes de bone volente

ly servy. Le roy e ceS B arb aryns, ces admyrals, e tous

ces autre gentz, furent richement armes, e grant pu eple

ou eux ; e mistrent avant son chevaler Fouke, qu e

devereit fere la bataille ; e la duchesse mist avant le

suen . L es chevalers, qu e fiers furent, brocherent les

chivals des esperouns, e fierent de launces, qu e tron

eouns volent par les chauns ; pu s treient les espies, e

Si entrefierent hardiement . Fouke fery le cheval son

compaignon, qu e mort le abati ; mes a sonvueil yl u st

France,had promised her. The king at once granted all

that he would ordain, if he could so effec t this business.

The day of the battle was ordained, the king armed sir

Fulk very richly,and I sorie herself served him very wil

lingly . The king and his B arbarines,his admirals

,and all

his other people,were richly armed

,and much people with

them ; and they put forward his knight Fulk, who was todo the battle ; and the duchess put forward her (knight) .The knights, whowere fierce, urged their horseswith Spurs,and struck with their lances, that the pieces flewabout thefield ; then drew their swords

,and encountered each other

courageously . Fulk struck the horse of his companion,that

he felled it down dead ; but it was his intention to have


feru ls chevaler. Quant le chevaler fust a terre, dont

dit Maveis payen, maveis Sarazin de male foy, Dieu

de ciel vus maldie ! pur qu oy avez ocis mon chival P”

F ouqe descendy a pié, e S’entrecomb atyrent durement

tot le j our. Quant fust a poy avesprée, dit le chevaler

a Fouke : “ Daun paien, tu es fort e vigerou s ; par

amours dy-moy, onnasqu iste -vu s P” Si vu s plest

saver monnation, j e ne le vu s dirroi mye, Si vu s ne me

diez eynz del vostre ; e j e le vu s grant .”

Le chevaler

ly dit qu’il fust Cristiennez enEngletere, le fiz W aryn

de Mees, e fust appelé Phelip le Rous ; e counta de

mot en autre tot par ordre entierement tote sa vie e

ces freres, e come la du cheyse vynt enune nef par le

ysle de B eteloye, e les rescu st en la nef e les sauva ;

struck the knight . When the knight was on the ground,then said he Wicked pagan, wicked Saracen of ill faith


God of heaven curse you why have you slain my horse 2”

Fulk dismounted onfoot,and they fought one another hard

all day . When it was almost evening, said the knight toFulk : Sir pagan, you are strong and vigorous ; for lovetell me

, wherewere you born 2” If it please you to know

my nation, I will not tell it you , if you do not first tell me

yours ; (on that condition) I grant it you .

”The knight

said that he was a Christian born in England, the sonof

Warine de Metz,and that he was called Philip the Red ;

and he related to him in order from word to word entirelyall his life and that of his brothers

,and how the duchess

came by sh ip to the isle of B eteloye, and received them in


quar demy-an e plus y furent, e mangerent lur chivauS

pur feym .4" E quant la countesse nu s u st ven, meyn

tenaunt nu s conu st, e nu s trova qu anqe mestier nu s

fust ; e nu s counta qu e ele vint de Engletere, e la nu s

avoit quis pur se gere meintenyr ; e tiele dure vie avoms


” Lors dit Fouke B eu frere Phelip le

Rous, ne me conu sez -vns P j e su Fouke, vostre frere .

N ay, certes, daun Sarazyn, nonestes ; més ore me

vodrez engyner. Par D ieu ! noun frés . Donqe ly dit

Fouke verroy enseigne , qu’

il b ien conu st . Donqe de

menerent grant joye , e respiterent la bataille tanqe

lendemeyn. Phelip conta la du cheyse qe cc fust Fouke

sonfrere ou qy il avoit comb atu , issi qe par le consayl

Fouke e Phelip e ces autres freres, le roy e tote’


the Ship and saved them ; for they were there half a yearand more

,and eat their horses for hunger. Andwhen the

countess sawu s,She knewu s at once

,and found u s what

everwe needed ; and told u s that she came from England,and that She had sought u s there to maintain

'herwar ; and

such hard life have we led.

” Fair brotherPhilip the Red,

do you not knowme ? I am Fulk,your brother. Nay,

truly,Sir Saracen

, you are not ; but nowyou would deceiveme . By God you Shall not do it I

”Then Fulk told him

a true mark, by which he knewhim well . Then they made

great joy, and respited the battle till the morrow. Philiptold the duchess that itwas Fulk his brother


wi thwhom hehad fought, so that by the counsel of Fulkand Philip andhis other brothers

,the king and all his householdwere bap


lur dona b el douns ; e pria al meir qu’il ly fesoit aver

eonisaunce de le rey, issi qu’il purreit ariver sa nef en

sa terre . E —

qu anqu’il parla fust latyncorupt ; mes le

meir le entendy b ien . Le meir le amena devant le roy

Johan aWestmoster, e le marchant mout cortoisement

ly salua enson langage . Le roi l’

entendi b ien, e de

maunda qu i il ert e dont vint . S ire,” fet- il, j e su

marchaunt de Grece, Si ay esté enB ab iloyne, A lixandre ,

et Ynde le Majou r, e ay nu nef ehargé de avoir de

pois, riche dras, perye, chevals , e autres richesses qe

grantment purreint valer s ceste reigne .

” Je vu eil,”

fet le roy, qe vu s e vos b ien aryvez enma terre, e j e

vu s serroi garant .” E furent comaundez demorer a

his household,and gave them fair gifts ; and prayed the

mayor that he would cause him to have knowledge of the

king, so that he could bring his ship to the shore in hisland . And what he talked was corrupt Latin ; but themayor understood it well . The mayor conducted him to

the presence Of king John at Westminster,and the mer

chant very courteously saluted h im in his language . The

king understood it well, and asked who he was andwhencehe came. Sir


”said he, I am a merchant of Greece


have b een in Babylon, Alexandria, and India the Greater,and have a Ship laden with avoirdepoise, rich cloths, pearls,horses

,and other riches which might be of great worth to

this kingdom.

” Iwill,

”said the king, that you and yours

come to Shore well in my land,and I will be yourwarrant .”

And they were commanded to stay and eat . The mayor

FO LK F 1 T Z -WAR INE . 169

mangier. Le meir e le marchant mangerent ensemble

devant le roy. A tant vindrent deus serj auntz de mace,

e amenerent enla sale un chevaler grant, corsu , longe

barbe e neyre, e fieblement atyré, e le assistrent enmy

le eyr, e ly donerent a manger. Le marchaunt de

maunda al meir qu i cc fust ; e il ly dit un chevaler

nomeSireW illam le fitz W arin, e ly counta entierement

tote le estre de ly e ces freres . E quant il le oy nomer,donqe fust molt lee qu

’il le vist envie ; més molt a

desee sée de cu er qu’

il le vist Si meseysé . Lemarchaunt,

al plus test qu’il posit, se hasta vers Sire Fouke, e ly

counta tot soun afi'

ere, e fist amener la nef auxi pres la

cité come il poeynt . Lendemeynle marchant prist nu

palefroy blanc (Si b el ne fust entote le roialme), e le

and the merchant eat together before the king . At lastcame two sergeants-at -mace, and conducted into the hall atall knight, stout, with a long and black beard, andmeanlyclad

,and they seated him in the midst of the area, and

gave him to eat . The merchant asked the mayorwho hewas ; and he told him a knight named Sir William FitzWarine, andrelated to him entirely all the affair of him and

his brothers . Andwhen he heard him named,then he was

very glad that he sawhim alive ; but much grieved in hisheart that he sawhim so ill at ease. Themerchant

,as soon

as he could,hastened to sir Fulk

,and told him all his pro


ceedings, and caused them to bring the Ship'

as near thecity as they could . On the morrow the merchant took a

white palfrey (there was not SO beautiful a one in all the


presenta a le roy Johan, qe molt léement le reeu st pur

sa b elté . Le marchant dona si largement qu’il se fist

amer de tous, e poeit fere en court quanqe ly plu st .

Umjour prist ces cOmpaignons,’

e se armerent bien,

e pu s vestirent lur gounes come a mariners apent, vindrent a W estmoster a court, e ilequ e furent nob lement

resenz, e virent W illam le fitz W arin qe fust amené de

ces gardeins vers la chartre . Le marchaunt e ces com

paignouns , malgrée les gardeynz , le pristrent a force e

le aporterent a lur batil, qu e fiota assez pres desou z le

paleis, e se mi strent eynz . Les gardeynz leverent la

menée e les pursiwyrent ; les marchauntz furent bien

armés e se defendirent hardiement, e S’eschaperent a

kingdom), and presented it to king John, who received itvery joyfully onaccount of its beauty. The merchant gaveSO liberally, that he made himself beloved by all

,and could

do in court what he pleased .

One day he took his companions, and they armed themselves well

, and then put on their gowns as is the customwith mariners, came to Westminster to court

,and were

there nobly received,and sawWilliam Fitz Warine who

was led by his keepers towards the prison . The merchantand his companions

,in spite of the keepers

,took him by

force and carried him to their boat,which was afloat pretty

near belowthe palace,and put themselves in . The keepers

raised the hue and cry, and pursued them ; but the mer

chants were well armed,and defended themselves cou

rageously, and escaped to their galley, and sailed towards


molt esb ays . Molt de paroles furent ; mes a dreynle

roy lur pardona tot sonmaltalent, e lur rendi tote lur

heritage, e lur promist en bone fei qu’il freit crier lur

pées par tote Engletere ; e a ce fere lessa ses sis cheva

lers ou eux enhostage, Si 1aqe la pés fust crie .

Le roy S’enala aW estmostier, e fist assembler coun

tes, harouns, e la cleregie, e lur dit apertement qu’il

avoit de grée graunté sa pees a Fouke le fitz W arin e

a ces freres e a tuz lur aherdauntz , e comanda qu’il

fuissent honorément reseu z par tot le roialme, e lur

granta entierement tot lur heritage . Quant Hub ert le

erchevesqe cc oy, molt fust lée, e maunda meynte

naunt ces letres a Fouke e al counte de Glou cestre e a

much abashed . There were many words ; but at last theking pardoned them all his spite

,and restored them all

their inheritance,and promised them in good faith that he

would cause their peace to be proclaimed through all England ; and for the doing of this he left his six knights withthem as hostages, until the peace was proclaimed .

The king went thence to Westminster,and caused to as

semble earls,barons

,and the clergy, and told them Openly

that he had of his ownwill granted his peace to Fulk FitzWarine and his brothers and all his adherents

,and com

manded that they Should be honourably received throughall the kingdom,

and granted them entirely all their heritage . When Hubert the archbishop heard this

,hewas very

glad, and sent his letters immediately to Fulk and to the

earl of Gloucester, and to Randu lf earl of Chester, and to

FO LK F I TZ -WAR I N E . 1 73

Rondulf le counte de Cestre e a Hu e counte mareschal ,qu’il venissent hastivement a ly a Caunterb ery ; e quant

furent venu z , ordinerent qe Fouke e ces freres se ren

dreynt a Loundres a le roy. Fouke e ces freres e les

trois countes ou lur poer se apparillerent auxi riche

ment come yl saveient e poyeynt, Si vindrent par mi

Londre ou noble apparail, e S’

engenoillerent al my a

W estmoster, e se rendirent a ly. Le roy les recu st, e

lur rendy qu anqe lur fust en Engleterre, e les co

maunda demorer ou ly ; e Si firent-yl unmois entier.

Puis prist Fouk e cougie, e demora ou le counte mares

chal e le counte ly dona sur A sshesdoune,W antynge ,

e autres terres . Fouke e ces freres se armerent a

talent, e vindrent a Abyndone, e remu erent de ileqe

Hugh earl-marshal,that they Should come in haste to him

at Canterbury ; and when they were come, they ordainedthat Fulk and his brothers should surrender themselves at

London to the king . Fu lk and his brothers and the threeearls with their power apparelled themselves as richly as

they knewhowandwere able,and came through London

with noble apparel, and knelt before the king at Westminster

,and rendered themselves to him . The king re

ceived them,and restored to them all that was theirs in

England, and commanded them to remainwith him ; whi chthey did a whole month . Then Fu lk took leave

,and re

mained with the earl-marshall ; and the earl gave him on

Ashdown, Wanting, and other lands. Fulk and his brothersarmed themselves to their liking, and came to Abingdon,


quanqu’il purreynt trover a vendre, e les firent porter e

carier a W antynge ; e fist feyre ylequ e e ville mar

chande, qu e pu s ,

enes ad este tenu e uncore est .

Fouke prist coungé de le counte mareschal, e S’


ala a ls counts Rondulf de Cestre, qu e se apparilla on

grant pu eple vers l aunde pu r defendre ces droitz

ylequ e . Quant il furent arivez , Si virent grant assem

blé de lur enymiS . Le counte comaunda qe tous se ar

massent e le counte avoit ou ly trois j uvencels freres,

qe furent gent de grant valour e force e furent armés

e b ien mountés, e oneux fust Fouke . Ataunt virent

nu h idou s geant entre lur enimys, qu e fust bien armé,

tot a pié, hidou s, neir, e orrible, plus long que nul autre

de xii . pies ; e criou t : “ Counts de Cestre, maundez

and removed thence all that they could find to sell,and

caused it to b e taken and carried toWanting, and he madethere a fair and a market town

,which has been since held

there and is still .Fulk took leave of the earl-marshal]

, andwent thence toearl Randu lf Of Chester, who was appareling himselfwithmuch people towards Ireland to defend his rights there .

When they arrived,they Saw a great assemblage of their

enemies . The earl commanded that all Should arm ; and

the earl had with him three youthful brothers who werepeople of great valour and force andwere armed andwellmounted

, andwith them was Fulk . At length they sawa

hideous giant among their enemies,who was well armed,

all on foot, hideous, black, and horrible, longer than any


ehastiels enIrlaund. E quant avoit ileqe demorrée, e

restorré ces terres, pu s retorna enEngleterre .

Fouke vint a B launche -Ville, e trova ilequ e Mahaud,

sa femme, e ces enfaunz , qe molt furent lée de sa venue

e grant joy'

e entrefirent . Donqe fist Fouke aporter eeS

tresours e ces richesses ; terres, ch ivals,dona a ceS

serjauntz e amis molt largement, e meintint sa terre a

grant honour. Fouke se purpensa qu’il avoit grantment

meserré countre D ieu, come en oceisioun des gentz

e autres grauntz meffetz ; e , en remissioun de ces

peeeh i es, founda une priorie en le honour de Nestre

Dame scinte Marie de le ordre de Grantmont pres de

Alb erb urs, en le bosehage , sur la rivere de Sauverne ;

e Si est appelée la Novele Abb eye . E u’i a geres apré

had remained there, he replenished his lands,and then

returned to England .

Fulk came to White-Town,and found there Maude


wife,and his children, whowere very glad of his coming ;

and they made great joy between them . Then Fulk causedhis treasures and his riches to b e brought ; gave lands andhorses to his serjeants and friends very largely, and maintained his land in great honour. Fulk bethought him thathe had greatly sinned against God, as by Slaughter of peopleand other great offences ; and

,in remission of his Sins


founded a priory in the honour of our lady St . Mary of the

order Of Grandmont near Alberbury,inawood

,onthe river

Severn ; and it is called the NewAbbey . And not longafter died dame Maude de Cause, his wife, andwas interred


moru st dame Mahand de Caus, sa femme, e fust enterrée

en cele priorie . E bone piece aprés qe cele dame fust

devyé , Fouke esposa une molt gentile dame, dame

Clarice de Auberville ; e de la une e l’autre dame

engendra bials enfauntz e molt vaillauntz . Quaunt

dame Job ane, la femme Lowis le prince deW alys , qu e

fust la file le roi Henré de Engleterre, fust devyée,

pur le grant renoun de prowesse e de b ounté qu e Sire

Fouke aveit, yl maunda a ly pu r Eve sa file ; e il la

graunta, e a grant honour e solempneté furent esposée .

Mes Lowis ne vesqu i qu e nu ane demi apres ; moru st,

e fust ensevely a Ab erconewey, saunz heir engendré

de Eve . E pu s fust ele esposé a ly Sire de Blane

Mostiers, qu e fust chevaler de grant aprise, coragou s e

hardy .

inthis priory . And a good while after thS lady was dead,Fulk married a very gentle lady, lady Clarice de Auberville ; and by his two wives he begat fair childrenand veryvaliant . When lady Joane

,wife of Lewis prince of Wales


who was the daughter of king Henry of England, was dead ,for the great renown of prowess and goodness that Sir Fulkhad, he sent to him for Eve his daughter ; and he gave herto him

,and they were married with great honour and

solemnity . But Lewis only lived a year and a half after ;he died and was buried at Aberconway

,without heir b e

gottenof Eve . And afterwards She was married to the lordof White-Minster, who was a knight of great breeding,courageous and bold .


Fouke e dame Clarice, sa femme, une nuit cho

cherent ensemble en lur chaunbre la dame dormy, e

Fouke veilla e se purpensa de juvente, e molt se re

penti de cu er de sontrespeis . Ataunt vist enla chaun

bre Si grant clarete qu e a merveille, e se pensa qu e cc

pos it estre . Donque oy une vois come ce fust de tonayre

en le heir, e disoit ° “Vassal , D ieu te ad graunté ta


penaunce, qu e mieu x valt ci qe aillours .

’ A cele pa

role, la dame enveilly, e vist la grant clareté, e mussa sa

face de pour. Ataunt envanist cele clareté . E pu s

cele clareté , unque ne poeit Fouke vere plus ; més fust

veogle pur tous j ours .

Cesti Fouke fust b on viaundour e large ; e fesoit

turner le real chemynpar mi sa sale a soun maner de

Fulk and lady Clarice, his wife, one night were Sleepingtogether in their chamber ; the lady was asleep

,and Fulk

was awake and thought of his youth, and repented much inhis heart for his trespass . At length he sawin the chamberso great a light that itwaswonderful, and he though t whatcould it b e . Then he heard a Voice as it were of thunder inthe air, and it said : Vassal

,God has granted thee thy

penance, which is better here than elsewhere . A t thatword, the lady awoke, and sawthe great light, and coveredher face for fear. At length this light vanished . And

after this light, Fulk could never see more ; but he wasblind all his days .

This Fulk was very hospitable and liberal ; and he causedthe king

s road to b e turned through his hall at his manor


Quar chescunde vu s deit estre ensur

Qe enle temps le roy Arthur

La Blanche -Launde fust appelée ,

Qe ore est B launche -Vile nomée .

Quar eneel pays fust la chapele

De seint A u styn, qu e fust bele ,Ou Kahu z le fitz Yweyn sounga

Qu’il le chaundelab re embla,

E qe il a unhome acountra

Qe de un cotel le naufra,

E enla coste le playa ;E ii endormaunt Si haut cria,

Qe roi Arthur oy le a,

E de dormir esveilla .

For each of you may b e sureThat inthe time of king ArthurThat was cal led White-Launde


Which is nownamed White Town.

For in that country was the chapelOf St . Augustine, which was fair,Where Kahu z the sonof YweindreamtThat he stole the candelabrum


And that he encountered a manWho wounded him with a knife


And gave him a wound in the Side ;And in his Sleep he cried SO loud,That king Artur heard him,

And awoke from his Sleep .


E quant Kahu z q esveillée ,

S i mist sa meyn a son costee ;

Le cotel yleqe ad trovée

Qe par mi ly ou t nau fré .

Issi nu s counte le Graal,

Le lyvre de le seint vassal .

Yleqe recovery ly reis Arthur

Sa hounté e sa valur,Quant il avoit tot perdu

Sa chevalerie e sa vertu .

De eel pais le lOu issist,

Come ly sage Merlyn dist ;

E les xij . dentz aguz

Par sonescu avom conu z .

Andwhen Cahu z was awake,He put his hand to his Side ;There he found the knifeWhi ch hadmade the wound inhim.

Thus the Graal tells u s,

The book of the holy vessel .There king Arthur recoveredHis goodness and his valour,When he had lost allHis chivalry and his virtue.

From that country the wolf issued,A S the wise Merlinsays


And the twelve Sharp teethWe have recognised by his shield .

1 8 1


Yl porta l’eseu endentée ,Come les disou rs ont devisee ;En l’escu sunt xii . dentz

De goules e de argentz .

Par le leopart pu et estre conu z

Le roy Johan e b ien entendu z ;

Quar il porta en sonescu

Les leopartz de or batu .

Cesti Fouke remist sept anuz veogle, e soffri bone

ment sa penaunce . Dame Clarice moru st,e fust ense

vely a la Novele Ab b eye ; apres qi mort, Fouke ne

vesqu i qe unan, e moru st a B launche-Vyle . E a grant

honour fust enterré a la Novele-Abb eye ; de la alme de

He carried a Shield indented,

A S the sayers have devised ;In the shield are twelve teethOf gules and of argent .

By the leopard may b e knownAnd well understood king JohnFor he carried onh is shieldThe leopards of beaten gold .

This Fulk remained sevenyears blind,and suffered well

his penance . Lady Clarice died, andwas buried at the NewAbbey ; afterwhose death, Fulk lived but a year, and diedat White-Town . And in great honourwas he interred at

the NewAbbey ; onwhose soul may God have mercy . Near

O T E S .

Owen Gwynned, or Gwyneth,

ruled North Wales from 1 1 37 to 1 1 69, so that there ishere ananachroni sm of at least fifty- Six years .

Mont Gylebem‘. Mount Gilbert was the common name


in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, for theWrekin.

Vim ou grant ost . The Saxon Chroni cle places kingWill iam’

s expedition toWales in 1081 . Leland,follow

ing the early English poem,says

, William Conquerortoke counsel of Corbet and Mortimer for strenk ething

of his marches aboute the quarters Of Shropshire agaymthe Walschmen.

Page 3 . Rog ier de B elehealme. This is a mistake of the

composer of the narrative, who, of course,means

Roger de Montgomery,to whom the Conqueror gave

the earldom of Shropshire after 1071 , but the exactyear is not known. The title

,de B elesme, belonged

to earl Roger’

s first wife,and from her descended to

their eldest sonRobert .Une abbeye dc Seya t

-F t'

ere. Shrewsbury Abbey,dedicated

to St . Peter, was the foundation of Roger de Mont

gomery, as here stated . The building appears to havebeencommenced in 1087.

1 86 NOTES .

B rugge. Bridgnorth . Earl Roger didnot begin the castelhere ; but he built a castle at Quatford, which his sonRobert transferred to Brugge .

Dynan. Ludlow. The history of the commencement of

Ludlow Castle is very obscure,and the territorial

divisionof the district, as stated in Domesday, would

seem to contradict the statement of its being begun byearl Roger, or, at least, to render it improbable . Yet

I cannot but think that there was some foundation forthe statement of our writer

,which was evidently the

common belief of the locality in the thirteenth century .

Robert . Robert de B elesme,the eldest son of Roger de

Montgomery . It was his brother,Hugh de Mont

gomery, however, who succeeded his father in the

Shropshire estates,onwhose death they reverted to

Robert de B elesme .

E rnaud. Arnu lfdeMontgomery, Roger’s fifth andyoungest

son,had the custody of Pembroke Castle . The violent

and unprincipled lives of these two brothers are relatedby Ordericu s Vitalis. The account of the insurrectionalluded to on the next page, will b e found in Ordericus

, lib . xi,c . 3 ; and more briefly in F lorence of

Worcester,under the years 1 101 and 1 102 .

Page 4 . Joce,sun chevaler. Ludlow

,in all probability

came to the hands of Henry I , not by forfeiture of

Robert de B elesme,but as anescheat of de Lacy ; nor

is it at all likely that Joccas de Dinan Obtained footingthere under the auspices of Henry I

,but of Stephen

or of the empress .

” R . w. E .

Unpount de pere e chau s . This bridge, from the allusionsto it further on

,must have occupied the site of the

1 88 NOTES .

Conqueror,but he owed his first advancement to Henry

I,who gave him the forfeited honour of Brunne


Cambridgeshire .

Page 1 0 . B launche Laund. The White Laund wasevidently the district around Whittington ; but Ihave not met with the name elsewhere appl ied to it .

Page 1 2 . The boar and the wolf probably refer to the

badges of the families to whom this prophecy applied .

Page 14 . Meredus file B eledyns . Meredith ap B lethyn.

“Meredith ap B lethyn, the person alluded to,was a

contemporary ofWilliam I, and Prince ofNorth Walesat the time when that king invaded it . He died in1 1 33 . It was his sonMadoc whose name became associatedwith Oswestry

,ofwhich he seems to have been

possessed during the exile of William fitz Alan,in


s time . Alan fit z Flaaldwas not a contem

porary ofWilliam I . He was advanced by Henry I .The same is probably true ofWarine deMetz .

” R . w. E .

Aleynfits F laau . In the abstract of the English poem inLeland he is called Alan Fleilsone .

Sam’lt . The samit was a kind of rich satin,usually inter

woven with gold or Silver thread,and appears to have

been rather a favouritematerial for banners that wereto b e more splendid than usual . The oriflamme of

France is sometimes spoken of as being of vermellsamlt .

Alburbu rs. Alberbury is a village about seven miles to thewest of Shrewsbury, and eleven from Oswestry .

Page 1 6 . Payn Peverel morast . Payn Peverel was

N OTES . 189

never lord of the Peak . His successor, W ill iam Peverel,of Dover and Of Brun, was either Payn

s own Son, or

his brother’

s Son. William Peverel,of Brun

,had no

neices answering this description . His four sisterswere his heirs. The wives of the first William fitz

Alan were a niece of Robert the Consul,and

,on her

death,Isabel de Say, baroness of Clun.

” R . w. E .

Leland tells u s,from the Eng lish poem “Payne

Peverel had no issue . But hi s Sister had a sunne,

cau llid William,a worthy knight, that wan the hun

dredes Of Ellesmere and Melior,and other me . This

William in his enterprises was wended so sore that noman b eheight bym life ; yet by eating of a Sheelde of

a W ilde bore he got an appetite,and after recoverid.

This William made thre chirches,as testifieth the book

of the romance .

Morelas . This ought probably to have been rendered“ from Morelas to Keyroc.

E leamere, Maylour, e N auhendon. The town of Ellesmere

is about five milesnorth ofWhittington . The hundredof Maelorwas a district in the north-west of Shropshire, but belonging to the Welsh county of Flint .I am not able to identify Nau endon, or Navendon.

W/zg tgntone. Whit tington, a considerable village, abouttwo miles NN E . Of Oswestry . There are still cen

Siderable and picturesque remains of the Castle,said

here to have been first bui lt by W illiam Peverel .L

ewe ele Keyrock . The river Ceiriog is a tributary of the

Dec,which it enters on the borders of Denbighshire,

a fewmiles belowLlangollen .

Page 1 8 . F ist William nne crié . The pretended tournament at Peak Castle may b e a tradition of some similar

1 90 NOTES .

affair at William Peverel’

s castle ofWhittington . If,however


,prince of Wales

,was there

,it will

have happened after his accession in 1 137, and beforeWilliam Peverel’s death in1 147. But Warine de Metzmust have been married long before, for his sons Rogerand Fulk attest deeds early inStephen’

s reign . Thereis some reason to believe that the Fitz Warines and

Lestranges were related .

” R . w. E .

Page 1 9 . Perhaps it will b e the safest to consider all thisstory of the tournament as romance

,and not attempt

to identify the persons mentioned in it .

Page 23 . S i fa st apelée Gwy le E straunge. Guy

Lestrange, if, indeed, he were father of the three wellknown brothers of Henry I I ’S time

,is mentioned here

with circumstances of some probability ; but it is theonly notice we have of the father of those threebrothers . We know

,upon better evidence

,that their

motherwas anEnglishwoman. R . w. E .

Yervard, le fits Yweyn. Jorwerth ap Owen, otherwiseknown as Jorwerth Drwyndwn, or Jorwerth (Edward)with the broken nose, from a damage onhis face


account of which he was not allowed to succeed hisfather Owen, as prince of Powis . The English poem,

as abridged by Leland, tells this incident somewhatdifferently . Gwarine warrid apon the Walschmen


and they onhim . After the death of Iweynes, Jereverd was prince of that part of Wales. One Roger,a stoute knight, and a great owner in Powis lande


counselid Jereverde to warre apon Guarine and the

marches there aboute . Syre Gioun Gaudeline kept

192 NOTE S .

cated or“ fostered in the families of other chiefs,

thus establishing relationships more intimate eventhan t hose of blood .

The abstract of the English poem,in Leland


these events briefly as follows JOOS,a knight, was

lefte as a governer to yong Fulco. Guarine and he

defendid his landes agayne one Walter,the greatest Of

the marche lordes owt of Lacy and Ludlow. Theymette at a bent by Bourne

,at a bridge ende

,a litle

from Ludlowe . Joos bare a Sheeld of sylver,with thre

blew lyons coronid with gold . JOOS had a doughter

cau llidHawise,whom Fulco Guarine entirely lovid, and

seyng her in great dolour, ask id the cause of her sorow,and she answerid that it was nomatier for anhauker toamende : and he upon that toke his horse and spereto rescowJoos

,her father, as one Godardewas aboute

to streke of his hede ; so that Godarde was Slayne of

hym ,and Gualter Lacy dryvenaway . Then Joos reco

vered a horse,and some woundid syr Arnold, that did

bym much hurte . Ther Fulco k illid one Andrew,a

knight longging to Walter Lacy . Gualter Lacy and

syr Arnold were taken prisoners, and put in the castelof Ludlow

,in a prison cau llid Pendover. A gentil

woman,caullid Marion

,deliverid booth these knighttes

by treason owte of Pendover,for the love of syr Arnold

de Lis,one of them

,that promisid her falsely mariage .

Ewyas . The castle of Ewyas,in Herefordshire, named

from this family Ewyas Lacy,was the head seat of

Walter de Lacy’

s barony .

Page 25 . Un tour. Probably one of the towers on the

north - east side of the castle .

NOTES 1 93

Page 27. Vere Champ-Geneste. Literally the Broom-field.

The village of B romfield is hardly two miles fromLudlow. This is ane xact description of the scene, asit may b e viewed from LudlowCastle, - the bank s of

the Teme,the wood of Whiteliff descending towards

them,and B romfield in the distance .

P age 28 . S ire Godard de B ruyz . The B ruceswere locatedin the marches, and were much concerned in the

border wars during the twelfth century . William deBruce

,lord of Brecon, was one of the most turbulent

of the border barons towards the end of that century .

Page 30 . Sire E rnalt de I/gls . I have not been’

able toascertain who this individual was, or if he be merely a

name of romance . The name, l iterally Arnald of theLilly

,sounds rather poetical .

Page 31 . Qaar borgeys relement ont vestu les armes . Thisis anallusion to one of the strong prejudices Of feudalchivalry As Joce says

,there were instances of

burgers having shewn themselvesworthy of bearingthe armour of a knight ; and such instances are madethe subject of one or two of the medieval romances


but it generally turns ou t that the upstart had comesome way or other of gentle blood .

P endover. From the sequel,it is evident that this tower

must have stood at the eastern extremity of the northfront of the cast le .

Page 32 . Marioande la B ruere. There are still severalplaces named the Heath in the neighbourhood of


194 NOTES .

Ludlow, from some one of which Marion may havetaken her name. Chaunbrere is perhaps not wel lrepresented by the modern English chamber-ma id.

The maidens attendant upon the ladies of knights andbaronswere damsels of gentle blood, whowere placedwi th them to learn good manners and the forms of courtesy

,as well as the accomplishments which could only

b e learnt there . They were often numerous,and lived

with their lady in her chamber (whence their title),where they worked with her at embroidery


weaving, needlework, etc.

Page 34. A 3a chapele. This allusion is no doubt to theround chapel in the inner court of LudlowCastle


walls of which still remain, with some good Norman

arches. It appears from this account to have beendedicated to St . Mary Magdalene .

Segni Cyryac. The day of St . Cyriac, or Ciriac, was the

8th of August . The seventy days of pardon were of

course to b e the reward of those who Offered up a

prayer for the founder.

Que or est apele de plu sours Mortemer. It is curious that atower inthe outer court (third bailly) of the castle isstill popularly known by the name of Mortimer


Tower, which it thus seems to have retained since the

thirteenth century : for I think there is no room for

doubt that it is identical with the one alluded to inthe text .

Page 35 . Corner a laser. The regularitywithwhich all thedomestic operationswere carried onin themiddle ages

is well known to readers of the literature of that

1 96 NOTES .

MS . There were three Roberts, bishops of Hereford,

in the twelfth century Robert de Betun,from 1 1 31 to

1 148 ; Robert de Melun, from 1 162 to 1 1 67 ; and

ROb ert Foliot,from 1 1 74 to 1 1 86. The prelate alluded

to wasprobably the latter, who must have been bishop‘

about the time of the marriage of the second Fulkfit z Warine .

Vers Hertlande. Hartland in Devonshire . It appears thatLeland read it I reland. See the note onp . 48 .

Page 42 . Le bogs pres cle Whgteclgf . The wood adjacentto Whitclifi


will b e familiar to every one who has

visited Ludlow. The gardens belonging to the castlelay in the meadows to the north

,at the foot of the

rock,and bordering on the river Teme

,perhaps ex

tending to the river Corve,which runs into the Teme


at a very short distance from the castle .

Page 43 . Par le mar derere la chapele. The parapet alongthe wall behind the chapel was the direct way fromthe towers on the north-east of the inner court to the

entrance of the keep tower,inwhich the knights who

guarded the castle,and their attendants

,appear to

have had their lodgings . The watchman must havebeen stationed at this entrance of the keep

,just over

the gateway leading into the outer court, and, there

fore,into the town . The Object Of the assailants was


by S ecuring this watchman before he could give an

alarm,to obtain aneasy entrance into the keep tower


and take the knights by surprise and in a defencelesscondition

,as they had done before he hadwhistled his

“one note .

NOTES . 197

Page 46 . Unefenestre devers Lgnege. The name of Linneyis still preserved, and its position, just belowthat partof the castle where the rock is steepest and highest,fixes that of the tower of Pendover, the scene of


s adventures . The state apartmentswere placedhere because i twas least exposed to attack, and this circumstance would also facilitate the enterprise of Sir

Arnald de Lis,as

,on account of the impossibility of

any one entering the castle on that Side,except by

such anact of treasonas that here described,nowatch

menwould be stationed there .

Page 47. La porte deDynan. The gate of the town, called,in modern times

,Dinham Gate . The majority of Sir


s menhad been left outside ; and nowthat thecastle had been surprised and taken

,they were ad

mit ted into the town . The original town of Dynan

was built under the immediate protection of the castle,

and probably occupied only that part of the presenttown in and adjacent to what is still called Dinham .

No doubt one of the two names is only a corruption of

the other.

Page 48 . A ce ge l’

estogre dgl, i .e.,AS it is related inthe

original narrative, ofwhich this is a paraphrase .


following is Leland’

s abridgment of this part of theEnglish metrical history

,in which there appears to

have been mention of at least one individual,Owen of

Cornwall,who doesnot figure in ou rAnglo-Norman history . It may b e remarked, that the Cornwallswere established inthis neighbourhood, but not till the centuryfollowing . Fulco Guarrineweddid Hawise


198 NOTE S .

to J0 0 8,at Ludlowcastelle . Joos and Fulco Guarine

toke a yourney into Ireland . Marion taried,faining


,and wri te a lettre to her love Sir

Arnold de Lis,to cum secretely to her up into the

castel with a lader of leder and cordes . Owen of

CorneWale . Arnold cam acording to Marions desier,and had his pleasure of her ; and some after cam his

bande, and secretely scalinge the walles k illid the

castellanes. Then Mariane, seing this treason, lept

owte of a toure,and brake hernek . And Arnold killid

aftir many of the burgeses of Ludlow toune, sparingnother wife

,widow, nor childe . Walter Lacy, hering

that the castel and tonne Of Ludlowwas won, camwithhis band thither, and mannid and vitai Ludlow,keping it as his owne . This t idingeswas tolde to Jooslying at Lambourne .

Page 49 . A chastel Keg Keyenhom. Caynham camp,a well-known entrenched hill

,abou t two miles to the

eastward of Ludlow. There are st ill traces of the remains Of building upon it, and p ieces of mortar are

picked up in the ground, of very ancient character,I

think not improbably Saxon . It is curious that at

the early period of this history it should be already a

ruin . There was awell towards the eastern end of the

inclosure,which has only been filled up at a very

recent period . I think it not improbable that it wasoriginally a Roman post .

Keg, le seneschal mon sire Art/tar. Sir Key, or Cay, the

well-knownseneschal or steward of king Arthur’

s court,

holds a very prominent place in the romances of thiscycle . The way in which the legend has here, and in

200 NOTES .

Page 53 . Roger de P ouwys e Jonas sonfrere. Roger dePowis and his brotherJonaswere both in the service and

pay of king Henry I I . Roger had two sons,Meredyth

and Meurich,the latter of whom was the Morice of

ou r history . Roger and his eldest son died between1 179 and 1 1 87 . Meurich fit z Rogerwent with kingRichard to Normandy in 1 1 94

,and was under the

constant patronage Of that king ; he seems to havedied about 1 200

,which proves the inaccuracy of

several passages in the narrative . His son, Wrenock ,

succeeded him,and was deprived of Whittington in

consequence of king John’

s reconciliation with theFitz Warines ; but he was in the pay Of the Englishcrown till 1 224 . Wianu s

,son of Jonas de Powis,

occurs as receiving favours from kings Richard and

John from 1 194 to 1 209 .

Page 55 . Yweyn Kegvelloke. Owen Cyveilioc was the

nephewof Madoc ap Meredydh, prince of Powis, andheld considerable esta tes in that principality . Owenwas prince of H igher Powis, Madoc of Powis Vadoc,or Lower Powis. He.was one of the chiefswho acknowledged the sovereignty of England ; but he Often sidedwith the Welsh princes against the English king , andoneither Side he was anactive partizan .

Page 56 . A Rothelan. Rhuddlan,in Flintshire.

Leland has,in this part of the story, singularly mis

understood his original . Gualter Lacy sent to theprince ofWales for help

,andhe camwynning by theway

Whitington, the which Gioun Gaudelines sunne hadkept a while

,but after he was taken prisoner, and sent

NOTES . . 201

to the Ru theland. Deonoan,a place aboute Ludlo


wither the prince ofWales with his men resortid to

help Lacy. Fulco Guarine hurte the princ’e of Walesin the shoulder

,and drave hym to

a castelle caullid

Cayhome, where Cay had b e'

lorde,and there asseging

by thre days parte of the princes men,killid many of

them at a certen issue . Fulco was woundid, and yetroode to mete king Henry by Glocestre, ofwhom he

was welle intertey’

nid as his k innesman, and there hadhis wounds that Arnoldes brother gave hym yn the

waste welle -helid.

Leland has noted in the margin that Deonoanmay

be Deonoan, or Deovoan,but I cannot identify the

place alluded to.

A Gloucestre. It would perhaps b e a fruitless labour totrace the exact visit of king Henry to Gloucester, herealluded to ; he was there in the year 1 175 , when, inconsequence of the troubled state of the border


Henry held a great council inthat city . Many of theWelsh princes came to him here

,andmade their peace


and Jorwerth Drwyndwn himself at last followedtheir example . A t a council held in 1 177 at Oxford


David,prince of North Wales

,Rhys ap Gryffydh, and

Owen Cyveilioc, and other chieftains in Powis,came

upon Henry’

s summons to confer with him on the

state of their country. It was on this occasion thatthe king granted Ellesmere to David, prince of NorthWales

,and the territory of Merioneth to Rhys ap

Gryfiydh .

The king appears to have been at Gloucesteragain In 1 179 and in 1 184, and perhaps inother years .

Apres soper. It must be borne inmind,that the hours of

the domestic meals differed very widely from those of

the present day . The king’

s hour Of supper was pro

202 NOTES .

bably four O’clock in the afternoon,his dinner hour

being ten in the morning . These continued duringseveral centuries to be the regular hours of dinner andsupper both inEngland and France. So late as the

year 1 5 10,a letter,written from the court of Louis X I I


tells u S,

Apres souper,environ entre quatre et cinq


nous allasmes avec le roy chasser au parcq .

Page 58 . Ou tre Wkgteclgf . The original high road downthe border was of course the Roman road

,which is

still called the Watling Street (though it is not thereal Watling Street), and ran through Clungunford,Leintwardine

, Wigmore, and Aymestrey, and so on

direct to Hereford , or rather to Kenchester. At an

early period, a part of this road,to the north of

Wigmore,seems to have been deserted

,and travellers

turned down the valley of the Oney,to B romfield


thence apparently on the western Side of the Teme to

LudlowCastle ; they appear thento have turned overWhitcliff hill, and to have joined the old road again at

Wigmore . LudlowCastle thus protected aswell as commanded the road

,andmerchants and travell ers might

b e subject ed to any exactions as they passed . Fulk fit zWarine

,when he escapes from a skirmish

,which is

represented as taking place between Caynham and

Ludlow, goes over” or

“beyond”Whi tcliff, onhis wayto Gloucester, which he would not have done by thepresent road from Ludlowto Leominster and Hereford .

Giraldu s Cambrensis seems to have passed by B romfield,under LudlowCastle (without entering the town), andonward to Leominster, by this road .

Page 59 . A ' Lambowne. Lamburne,in Berkshire .

204 NOTES .


s tenure was certainly by feofi'

ment of (not

by inheritance from) Peverel .” R . w . E .

Page 62. S ibile d P agn le fita Jolzan. This isanother error. Sibil

,the eldest daughter and co- heir

of Joceas”

de Dynan, was wife of Hugh de Plugenai .Both Sibil and Hawyse were widows in 1 1 99, their respective husbands having died within the five yearsprevious. As to Sibil

,wife of Pain fitz John


I cannot undertake to name her parentage, she was

married before 1 1 25,and her husband was killed in

R . w. E .

Page 63 . Jaauntz d eschekes . Chess was the ‘


game at this period,and indeed generally, from the

time the Western Christians first became acquaintedwith the Saracens

,to the introdu ct ion


of cards . The

Anglo-Norman princes and barons were great chessplayers. The game of the Anglo- Saxons was tcefel,something of the nature of ou r backgammon .

Page 64 . B audwyndeHodenet . Baldwinde Hodnet washereditary seneschal of Montgomery castle, and heldHodnet in capite by that service . He also heldWestbury

,under the barons Corbet of Caus, and Fitz

Warine was valssal of the same barons at Alderbury .

I t is very probable that Fitz Warine and he were

relations, as here stated ; they are found attestingjointly deeds of the Corbets, and Baldwin’

s participatiou inF itz Warine

s rebellion and forfeiture isproved by the contemporary records . The narrativehere begins to be much more consistent with chrono

N OTES . 205

logical probability . Baldwin de Hodnet is introducedunder circumstances wonderfully consonant with whatelse is known of him . The time of the death of Fulkfitz Warine II

,and his son’

s succession,are also cor

rectly indicated (allowing for the writer’s ignorance Of

the existence of Fulk I) . R . w. E .

F ouke le B ran,larpiere, morast . Fulk I I died before 1 199


but after king Richard’

s return from the Holy Land .


s abridgment of the English poem adds here,

King Henry du bb id Fulco and thre of his bretherne

knight es at Winchester, and also B aldu ine with them .

Fulco the secunde was warring ynLombardy at suchtyme as hys father died . Fulco the first byried at

NewAbbay, by Alb erbyry . K ing Richarde the first

goyng into the Holy Lande left Fulco the secunde tokepe the marches ofWalys.

Page 66 . A l chastiel B audwyn. Montgomery is stillcalled by the Welsh Baldwin’

s town (Tref Faldwyn) .Un girfau t ta t Mme mu er. The falcons and hawks OfWales were highly prized, at a time when falconrywas so much in fashion . They were Often therefore


givenas most acceptable presents by the Welsh chieftains to the kings of England, or exacted by the lat teras tribu te or fines . When, on the invasion OfWalesby king John, the bishop ofBangor was taken prisoner,his ransom was fixed at two hundred hawks.

Donge mint Marge. Meurich,the son


Of -Roger de Powis,did fine with king John for Whittington, but the fine,instead Of a hundred pounds

,was fifty or sixty marks.

A subsequent fine of his son Wrenoch is variouslystated at eighty marks and two palfreys, or a hundredpounds and four palfreys.

206 NOTES .

Page 67. Que le Tog velsist receyvre de la r c. lyvres.

Fulk fit z Warine’s counter-fine of £100 is as cor

rectly stated as if the writer had seen the Oblataroll . R . W . E .

Page 70 . Ogrart de F raunce, P ieres de Avgnoan, e sire

Amys Ze Marchys . These names sound so much likethose of heroes of romance, that we should hardly lookfor them in sober hi story .

Page 71 . A Wyncestre. King John was at Winchester onthe 6th and 7th of May, 1 20 1 , and he was not thereagain until after the date of Fulk fit z Warine

s pardon .

Audolf de B racy, son coega .

“Audu lf de Bracy was of

Meole,near Shrewsbury . Several generations of the

family bore the same christian name of Audulf. The

individual here mentioned was,in the time of king

John,involved in a great litigation with his suzerain,

Roger de Mortimer, ofWigmore, as to the tenure of

the manor of Meole,which is still known as Meole

Brace .

” R . w . E .

A Huggeford, d monsire Water de Haggeford. Huggeford

is B igford, near Shifi'

nall. SirWalter de Huggefordwas lord of this manor inking John

’s time

,but dame

Emeline was more probably the widowof his father,

another Walter.

” R. w . E .

Page 72 . Dame Vglegne mes son dreit nounfast

Emelyne. Emeline, or Elvina,de Hu ggeford was a

widow before the death Of Richard I,so that Fulk

could not have repaired to her husband at the time of

which we are nowspeaking .

208 NOTES .

received his pardon of king John at the same time ashis chief. There were Mauveysyns in Shropshire,lords of B erwich

,near A tcham

,still known as B erwich

Maviston. I knowof no other interest Of theirs,more

immediately connecting them with the border. Theirtenure of B erwich was, however, under Fitz Alan . The

Mauveysynwho was lord of B erwich in John’s reign

was not John,nor yet William .

” R . w. E .

treis freres de Cos/lam . I have not been able to ascer

tainwho these three brothers were ; and it would b e invain to try to identify several of the persons who are

mentioned in the following pages.

Page 85 . Hubert,l’

arcevesgue de Caunterbures . HubertWalterwas archbishop ofCanterbury from 1 193 to 1205 .

Page 86 . Thebaud le B otiler. Theobald Walter,the

brother Of archbishop Hubert,accompanied Henry II

into Ireland in 1 171,and that monarch conferred upon

him the office of chief butler of Ireland . He also ao

companied prince John into Ireland in 1 185 . It washis son


,who first assumed the surname of

Le B otiler,or Butler

,in 1 221 . This Theobald Walter

was the ancestor of the dukesandmarquises ofOrmond .

He is said to have died in 1 206,which would overthrow

the whole Of this romantic story of the manner Of themarriage of Fulk fitz Warine with his widow. The

latterwas the daughter and heir of Robert Vavasour,a Yorkshire baron .

Que ele avoi t enYrlaunde. It need hardly be stated thatthe Butlers were among the great Irish barons .

Theobald Wal ter possessed the baronies of Upper andLower Ormond

,besides numerous other territories.

NOTES . 209

Page 87. E sposa dame Mahaud de Cau s . Of this marriage there canbe no doubt, as appears by the followingdocuments taken from the Close Rolls Of the ninth of

king John, that is A .D . 1 207,which seem to confirm

the statement that Theobald Walter died in 1 206 .

“Rex Willelmo de B reosa,etc . Mandamus vobis

quod sine dilatione faciat is habere Fu lconi filioWarini

et Matildas quae fuit uxor Theobaldi Walteri,vel

certo nuncio suo, rationab ilem dotem ipsiu s Matildasquae eam contingit , scilicet tertiam partem de liberis

tenementis quae ipse Th . Walteru s de nobis tenuit inHibernia quia reddidimu spraedictisF ulconi etMatildae

maritagium et dotem ipsiu s Mat ildae integra sieut eaconcesseramu s prius Roberto Vavasur

,patri ipsius

Mat ildae. Teste G . filio Petri,apud Wintoniam,

j . dieOctobris . Sub eadem forma scribitur Waltero de

Lascy . Sub eadem forma scrib itur comitiW . Marescallo.

Idem Fulco habet lit teras ad j u sticiarium H ibernias, subeadem forma quam habuit Theobaldu s Walteri ad

eundem j u sticiarium . Idem Fulco et Matilda habentlit teras had vicecomi tem Lancastriae

,sub tali forma

quam Theobaldu s Walteri ad eundemvicecomitem .

Rex vicecomiti Norfolcensi, etc. Praecipimu s tibi

quod de omnibus terris quae fuerunt TheobaldoWalteri

in balliva tua, facias habere Fulconi filio Warini et

Matildas uxori eju s, quae fuit uxor Theobaldi Walteri

suum tertium sine dilat ione . Teste G . filio Petri,

apud Wintoniam ,j . die Octobris .

Page 88 . P i eres de B rune. He is called B romeville byLeland, whose account of these events

,abridged from

the English poem,is as follows


Morice,sunne to Roger that had Whitington

castel gyvenbym by the prince ofWales,was made

governer of the marchis by king John, that ynnowiselovid Fulco Gu aryne . Moryce desirid to have the titleof Whitington confermed to bym by the brode seale ofking John, to whome he sent a cursore welle trappidto B aldu ines castel , and Ob tainid his purpose . Fulcoand his brethern

,with B aldu ine

,desired justes of king

John for Whitington . But he could have no gratiou sanswer. Wherfore he and his bretherne forsak id theirhomage to king John, andwent fromWinchester. KingJohn sent one Gerard

,a lorde of Fraunce

,and xv .

knightes with bym,to recounter with Fulco and his

bretherne . But Gerard was slayn of them,and the

knight tes discomfit id. Hawise counselid Fulke and

the residewOf her sunnes to flee into Litle B ritane,and so they did

,taking B awdewine and Bracy with

them . King John seasid Fu lcos landes . In the meaneseason Hawise their mother died for thought . And

they after shortely returnid into England, cumming toHugforde and to sir Gualter and Emeline their aunt .Syr Maurice bare in a grene shild thre bore of golde,and borderid of sylver

,with asure floures

,fu lle faire .

Fulco and his brethernput Morice to fli te . Bracy didhurt Maurice on the sholdre . King John cau ssid a

hunderith knightes to seke Fulco and his brethern,

and apon that they fled to Holt woode,and there got

a greate pray of sylkes and baudekins preparid forking John . King John sent Oute many knightes totake Fulco

,and made Gilbert de Mount Frerraunt

theire captaine, whom Fulke and his bretherne didkille . Fulco and his brethernsone weriedwith figh t

212 NOTES .

seems to have been not an uncommon trick in the

middle ages .

Johande Raunpaggne. The jogelou r, or minstrel,was so

welcome a gu est wherever he went, that he was oftenemployed as a spy, or the guise of a minstrel adoptedfor that purpose . The account given here is anadmirable and correct picture of a minstrel of this period .

Here,again,Lelandmust have singularly misunderstood

thewords Of his English poem . Fulco resort id to one

John of Raumpayne, a sothsayer, and jocular,and

minstrelle,and made hym his spy to Morice at Whit

ington. Fulco and his bretherne laidewaite forMoriceas hewent toward Salesbyri ; and Fulco there woundidbym,

and Bracy cut Of Morice b edde . The sunnes of

Gaudeline were with Fulco at this skirmou che .

Page 95 . Vers le pas de N esse. Ness is a parish aboutseven miles to the north-west of Shrewsbury


which the road runs from that town to Oswestry and

Whittington . The scene of this adventurewas perhapsthe neighbourhood of the hill called Ness-clifl



overlooks the road,and in the state of the country at

that time was probably the best position along the

road for laying in ambush to intercept a party goingto Shrewsbury .

Page 96 . S ire Z eu gs, le prince. By Lewys, we must ofcourse understand Llewellyn

,the prince ofWales


married king John’

s illegitimate daughter, Joane .

Page 98 . Entre Ze prince Lewys e Guenonwgn. Gwenwynwyn succeeded to the sovereignty of the higher


Powis on the death of his father, Owen Cyveilioc, in1 197 . In 1 201

,Llewelyn prince of North Wales


peace with king John, called a great council of theWelsh chieftains to receive their fealties as theirsuzerain, at which Gwenwynwyn refused to attend .

Llewelyn,with the authority Of the whole assembly of

chieftains,made war upon the prince of Powis


invaded his territories but t hrough the mediation of

mutual friends, a reconciliation was effected,and

Gwenwynwyn made his submission . These eventsoccurred just about the time of this part of the adventures of Fulk fit z Warine

,and seem to b e those

alluded to in the text .Le c/zastel Methegn. Probably Mathrafal


shire, anancient palace of the princes of Powis,where

a castle was built early in John’

s reign .

Mochnant . The wild romantic valley of Mochnant,onthe

borders of the counties of Denbigh and Merioneth,is

well-known to travellers in search of Welsh scenery,

onaccount of its lofty cataract,the celebrated Pistyl


Lannerth . Llanerch,inDenbighshire .

Page 100 . A Salobures . At Shrewsbury . King John himselfwas not at Shrewsbury until the latterdays of the

month of January 1 209,long after Fulk and his com

panions had been pardoned,so that

,so far as relates

to the presence of the king in these transactions, thenarrative here cannot b e correct . The narrator may,however, have inserted here the traditionary accountof events which really occurred inking John

s expe

dition against the Welsh a t a subsequent date . The

214 NOTES .

king was, however, on the border immediately afterhis coronation . Hewas at Gloucester on the 29th and

30 th of October,1 200 at Westbury

,on the 30 th and

3 l st of the same month ; at St . B riavells, from the 1 st

to the 3rd ofNovember ; at Hereford, onthe 4th and

5 th ; at Ledbury, onthe 6 th ; at Upton Bishop, onthe7th ; at Feckenham ,

on the 8 th and 9th ; at Bridgenorth

,from the 1 1 th to the 14th ; and on the 15 th at

Haywood,inNot t ingham shire

,onhis return .

Page 10 1 . Al c/zastel B alaham en P entlyn. It is calledBalaha in p . 1 1 5

,andwas no doubt Bala


shire,called by Powell, suoannis 1 202- 3


“Bala inPenlhyn.

Le Gu é G’

gmele. The description is not sufficiently precise tomake it easy to identify the locality here alludedto

,though it is a question well worth investigation .

The dyke spoken of was probably an ancient earthwork . The liau t chemyn,which is spoken of as a causeway, was perhaps a Roman road

,which seems to have

runalong the valley of the Dee .

Page 104 . Jo/aan Lestraunge, seignou r de Knokyn e de

Ru tone . Knockinand Ruyton are respectively abouteight m iles and twelve miles SE of Oswestry .

The Lestranges of Knockin are said to have beendescended from the youngest of the sons of the GuyLestrange who figures in the earlier pages of thishistory

,ofwhom the John Lestrange, here mentioned


was a grandson . The truth of the statement that hiscastles had been destroyed in the borderwars of king

2 16 N OTES .

1 273 . I do not,however

,question the accuracy of the

chronicle in this matter,and there are other evidences

of Thomas Corbet’s entry upon active life,at least as

early as the time here implied .

” R . W . E .

Page 1 1 1 .

Jolian comenga un chanson. The whole of

these adventures Of John de Rampaigne furnish a

most interesting picture of the manners of the minstrels in the middle ages, and the anecdote of his

making himself known to the prisoner by a song, willremind the reader of the story of Richard I, when inprison, and the troubadour, Blondel de Nesle .

Page 1 1 2 . Qe ert x ij . lywes de Salobures . Whittington issixteen miles from Shrewsbury ; so that this would

give about a mile and a half of our present measure tothe league, according to the est imate of the thirteenthcentury .

Page 1 1 3 . A master. To the minster or cathedral of

Canterbury .

Hauwgse, ge pus fust dame de Wemme. Hawise musthave marriedWilliam Pantu lf, baron ofWem . This isthe only record I have metwith of themarriage, whichis,however

,very probable ; for on the death OfWilliam

Pantu lf,in 1 233

,Fu lk fitz Warine purchased the

wardship and marriage of his infant heirs (F ines, vol. i,p . R . w. E .

A la eglise nostre dame a Salobures . St . Mary’

s is one of

the most interesting churches in Shrewsbury, and a

great part of the building is the same which was

NOTES . 2 17

standing at the time when the lady Maude is said tohave taken refuge in it .

Page 1 14 . Johane, ge pus fu st anariée a sire Henré de

P enebrugge. This statement is correct . Sir Henry dePembridge, of Pembridge in Herefordshire, was sheriffof that county in the 42nd and 43rd Henry III . Pembridge is a village about half-way between Leominsterand Kington .

Lafontaigne ole Puceles . Leland, from the English poem,

cal ls this the Maiden—frith but I can identifyneither it nor Carreganant, mentioned in connexionwith it .

Page 1 17 . Le rog Phelip de Praunce. Phili p II,who

occup ied the French throne from 1 1 80 to 1 223 . The

known hostility of Philip to king John, gives a greatair of probability to this part Of the story, and at the

time at whi ch it may b e supposed to have occurred,

there was a temporary but insincere peace betweenthe two monarchs

, which ended after the murder of

Arthur of Britany, in 1 202 . It is hardly worth thelabour to attempt to ascertain if such a person as sireDruz de Montbener ever existed, orwho he was.

Page 1 20 . Arnys del B ogs . The name thus assumed byFulk fit z Warine

,which means literally Amys of the

Wood,is quite in character with h is position as an


After relating the death ofMoris fit z Roger, Lelandcontinues hi s abridgement from the English poem as

follows : Fulco fledde to B alahames castelle . Syr

218 NOTE S .

Iweine Kandelokes sunnes. Mountcler adversary to

Fulco. The prince of Wales,Morice being deade,

restorid Fulk to Whitington . Leugen, Lewis, and

Straunge, gent ilmenof the marchis . Fulco had robbid

Ruyton,a castel longging to Straunge . Henry [de

Audley], an hardy knight , was lord of


Heley . Syr

Bracy was sore woundid, and token, and brought byAudeleghe to king John . Straunge was sore woundid,and brought to B lakmer. John Rampayne founde

the meanes to caste them that k epte Bracy into a

deadely slepe. and so he and Bracy cam to Fulco toWhitington . Maude had by Fulco a doughter cau llid

Hawise,and she was weddid to Maude had

after another doughter, whom the erle of Pembrokeweddid. After Maude had a sunne

,christenid in the

Maiden frithe, and cau llid John,and at confirmation

namid Fulco. Mawde was ever much welcum to

Johan,sister to king John, and wife to Lewys prince

Of Wales . King John prively sent to prince Lewysthat he should by sum polycie take Fulco and his

bretherne and b ed them . But Johan,wife to Lewys,

cau ssid Maude to waren Fulco and his bretherne of

this,and apon that they fled into Fraunce



wher Fulcodid ge t much honor yn justes, and namid hymself

syr Amiee .

Page 1 23 . De guel mort morast tonpere. This anecdoteis not new, but was, if I remember right, taken fromone of the Old classical writers . The adventures of

Fulk inthe NorthernSeas are rather too marvellous incharacter to invit e much critical investigation, and Imay merely observe

,that they are in perfect accord

220 NOTES .

dent in the“

adventures in Windsor forest, that withthe collier

,bears rather a close resemblance to one in

the French metrical history of Eustace le Moine.

Page 145 . Une trible. I have translated this by thewordtriblet

,as the only one I could get which seems to

answer to i t . I t was,perhaps

, a rod Of iron,used in

arranging the wood for burning ; though it is by nomeans impossible that we ought to read crible

,a sieve .

In the manuscrip ts it is impossible to distinguish b etweenc and t .

X . besantz . The value of a besant is variously estimated at

from ten to twenty sols . Itwas a foreign coinof gold,receiving its name from Byzantium,

and it is thereforequite in character that it should b e the money whichthe adventurers would possess on their return fromtheir strange wanderings abroad .

Page 1 49 . Sire James de Normandie, gue fu st cosgn

le rog . I canfind no account of this near relative toroyal ty .

Rondulf le counte cle Cestre. This was the celebrated Randu lf earl ofChester


,having been born at Oswestry,

and being so much connected with the border,could

not but feel an interest in the Fitz Warines. The

knight of Normandy was quite correct inhis estimateof the great connexions which the Fitz Warines had

among the English barons. Earl Randulf remainedsteady to the royal cause during his wars with thebarons . The earl marshal mentioned here

,was the no

less celebrated Hugh Bigot .


Page 155 . Sire B erard de B lees . Blees is of course Blois .

Page 1 57. Enla merpres ole Espaigne est une gsle

apelée B eteloge. Perhaps this name is made up fromone of the names B aetu lo or Betuli, placed inSpainbythe ancient geographers.

NOW that Fulke and his companions proceed abroad,

the whole becomes again a mere romance, and we

might as well imagine ourselves reading Guy of

Warwick,or Bevis of Hampton, or any other romanc e

of that class, some ofwhich perhaps furnished the incidents of ou r story .

Page 163 . Plast adieu Mahoun. Mahoun is themediaevalform of theword Mahomet

,whom the popular belief of

the West turned into an idol,and by degrees it became

customary to call any idol a Mahoun . Here,however


it is evidently used to signify the god of the Saracens .

Page 1 67. Demorerent une piece ou le rog . A t this placethe manuscript of the English poem used by Lelandbroke off abruptly

,from mutilation . The following is

his abridgement of the concluding portion .

“Butafter that king John had wryten to the king of

Fraunce that he kept Fulco his rebelle,he misdemid

straite that syr Amice was this Fulke, and knowingthe tru eth, he promisid a barony in Praunce to Fulco ;bu t he refu sid it

,desiring to depart

,and so cam to

Madour Of the Mounte,a joly capitain by se


there with Fulco preparid a stronge Shyp, and saylid

into the cost of England, wher he slewa knight thatin shippe laydwatch for bym . And thens he saylid

222 NOTES .

into Orkany, and there he wonne the hauberk of hardesteele that he held ever

,and ryd certayne ladies owt

of prison,whereof onewas Amfloures heire

,and brought

them to B agotes castel, and after how he and h is

were long tyme se -dryvenwith t empestes into straungecountereis

,and to Carthage, and after long tyme how

he landid at Dover, and cam to a woodde byWindesoreparke

,and because that he herde that the king wold

hunte in that place, for fere Of knowing he chaungid

his clothes with a colyar,and sone after the k ing cam

by,and ask id bym if he saw any game

,and he an

swerid ye, and so ledde bym to his tente,where is

bretherne and his company were in covert,and there

havyng bym ,manacid hym for his banischment with

death . But the king graunt id them al pardone aponh is honor and tru eth, and gave hym fre hunting fromthe b olt onto his castel . But he after resorting to

Windesore forthought hym of his pardon and grauntto Fulco

,and sent fiftene knigh tes to take them


wherof one was cau llid James of Normandy . ButFulco and his overcam them . King John sent afterRandol erle of Chester to take Fulco ; but he fled to

se,and at the last by tempestwas dryvenyuto Barbary .

William,F u lcos brother, was sore woundid


behynd, taken, and put in a doungeon. Fulco wastaken by the Soldanes men

,and brought onto bym .

During this period of his outlawry,Fulk fitz Warine

appears to have been deserted by some of his comrades,

who hadno doub t joined him as anally incircumstancessimilar to those in which he had been thrown . We

find in the patent rolls that on the 3oth April,1 202


Eustache de Kidwelly, one of Fulk’

s companions,

224 NOTES .

here,that none Of these adventures can be correctly

told,as far as regards the presence of the king, as we

learn from the dates of the records on the rolls,that

John was absent,engaged in his wars inNormandy,

from the end Of May 1 201 , till the 7th of December,1 203

,when he returned to Portsmouth

,that is, during

nearly thewhole period of Fulk fit z Warine’

s outlawry .

Page 1 72 . A Westmostier Hubert le erc/teoesge. According to the records, Fulk and his companions owed theirpardon to the bishop of Norwich and the earl of

Salisbury,and not to Hubert Walter ; but the arch

bishop,who held the two important ofli ees of lord

chancellor andgrand justiciary,may still have been thereal and primary mediator. There is a greater error

in laying the scene of this last act of the adventures ofthe outlaws at Westminster

,for the king was all this

time in Normandy,and did not return to Westminster

until the 22md of Janu ary,1 204

,more than twomonths

after the pardon was given . According to the patentrolls, it was on the 20th of August, 1 203, that kingJohn first gave Fulk and his companions a safe con

duct for a fortnight to come to the court,then at

Verneuil , in Normandy Rex , etc .


,etc .

Sciat is quod praestamu s F ulconi filio Guarini et sociissuis salvum et secu rum condu ctum in veniendo ad nos

et redeundo,a die Jovis, die scilicet Decollacionis sancti

Johannis B aptistae, anno, etc .


,usque in xv . dies

sequentes . Et ideo vobis firmiter prohibemu s ne eos

interim super hoc impediatis, au t qu icquam molestiasinferratis . Teste me ipso apud


Onthe 1 2th of September,the king, then at Herbetot,

NOT Es: 225

granted another safe- conduct,for a week, to Fulk fitz

Warine and Baldwin de Hodnet and their companions.


,omnibus fidelibu s suis

,etc . Sciatis quod

concessimu s Fulconi filio Guarini et B aldewino de

Hodenet et hiis quos secum ducent salvum et securum

condu ctum veniendi ad nos et redeundi,a Dominica

proxima post Nativi tatem beatae Mariae in viijw

. dies.

E t in huj u s rei,etc . Teste me ipso apud Herbertot


x ij . die septembris.

”Onthe 2nd of October


safe- conduct for a fortnight was granted to Fulkfitz Warine and such as he might bring with him,

the king being then at Montfort . Rex , etc .



etc . Sciat is quod conceSsimu s Fu lconi filio Guariniet hiis quos secum du cet salvum conductum veniendo

ad nos et redeundo . Durab it conductus ille a die

sancti Dioni sn in xv . dies, anno, etc.,quinto.

At length, on the 1 5th of November,Fulk fitz

Warine received his pardon from the king , who wasthen at Caen . Rex

,etc. , ju sticiariis, vicecomitibu s,

etc. Sciatis quod nos recepimu s in grat iam et benivolentiam nostram Fulconem filium Guarini

, ad pe

tit ionem venerabilis patris nostri J . Norwicensis episc0pi, et comifis W . Sarisb eriensis

,fratris nostri,

remit tentes ei excessu s quos fecit,eiqu e perdonantes

fugam et u tlagariam in eum promulgatam . E t ideovobismandamus et firmiter praecipimu s quod in firmampacemnostram habeat ub icumqu e venerit . Teste


On the l 1 th of November,the king , then at Rouen,

gave a similar pardon to Vivian de Prestecotes,one of


s companions, who had been outlawed for some

act of violence against Jorvet dc Hulton . Re x,etc.



226 NOTES .

j u sticiari i s, vrcecomitibu s,etc . Sciat is quod nos


petitionem venerabilis patris nostri J . Norwicensisepiscopi, et comitis W . Sarresberiensis, fratris nostri,quantum ad nos pert inet , perdonavimu s Viviano dePrestecotes fugam et u tlagariam in cum promu lgatam

pro roberia et pace nostra infracta,unde Jorvet de

Hu ltonia cum appellavit , et pro consortio Fu lconis filii

Guarini . E t ideo vobis mandamus et firmiter preecipimu s quod in firmam pacem nostram hab eat . Testemeipso, apud Rothomagum ,

xj . die Novembris .

Whittington was restored to Fulk fitz Warine soonafterwards

,aswe knowfrom the same records .


etc .

,vicecomit iSalopesb iriae, etc . Scias quod reddidimu s

F ulconi filio Gwarini castellum de Wu itintona cumomnibus pertinenciis suis

,sicu t j u s et hereditatem .

Et ideo,etc . Et in huju s rei, etc .

The same records give u s as follows,the names of

those of Fulk’

s companions who received their pardonat the same time

,distinguishing them into those who

had originally joined in Fulk’

s rebellion,and those

who,having been outlawed for other causes


joined him . The first list contains the names of severalborderers .

[Isti fuerjunt u tlagati [pro consor]t io Fulconis filu

[Guarini], et inlagati sunt [per petition]em dominiJ . [Norwicensis episcopi], et comitis [W. Sarresberiensis],fratris domini regis

B adwinu s de Hodenet .

Willelmu s fil iu s Fu lconis . Pro servitio FulJohannes de Tracy .

conisfiliiGuarini .Rogeru s de Prestona.

Isti fuerunt u tlagat i pro excessibu s suis,et postea

venerunt ad ipsum Fu lconem,et inlagat i sunt ad peti

t ionem domini Norwicensis episcopi,et comitis W

Sarresberiensis,fratris domini regis

Hugo Fressellu s .


. de Prestecotes .

Rogeru s de Waletona .

Reineru s filiu s Reineri .

Willelmu s filiu s Willelmi .

Willelmu s filiu s Ricardi de Bertona .

Ricardu s de Wakefelda .

Henricus filiu s Roberti le Kinge de Ufiinton.

Johannes filiu s Toke .

Henricus le Franceis.

Walteru s Godric .

Thomas frater ej u s.

Rogeru s de Onderoude .

Rogeru s de la Hande .

Willelmu s filiu s JOhannis .

Page 173 . Lg dona sur A sshesdoune, Wantynge, e au tres

terres . Wanting in Berkshire, now called Wantage,is supposed to have been originally a Roman station


andwas a place of some importance in Saxon times,

being well known as the birth-place of King Alfred .

The manorwas g iven from the crown in the reign OfRichard I

,to Baldwin de Bethune earl of Albemarle


from whom it passed to W illiam de Valence earl ofPembroke

,and his eldest daughter carried it by mar

riage to Hugh Bigot, the earl marshal . Hugh Bigot,as here stated

, granted this manor to Fulk fitz Warine ,

NOTES . 229

but the grantwas made inreward formilitary services,and i ts date was 1 21 5

,long after that at which it

appears here to be placed .

Page 174 . F istfeyre gkgue e ville marchaude. It was theusual custom to include in such grants a fair as wellas a market .

P age 1 76 . Une priorie . la Novele Abbeye. The king’


charter confirming the foundation of this abbey at Al

burbury, is dated at Hereford,on the 1 2th day of

December,in the 17th Henry II

,that is in the year

1 171 . It must therefore have been founded by Fulkfitz Warine

,the father of him of whom

we are now

speaking , as, according to the abstract giveninLeland,was stated more correctly in the early English metricalversion of the history .

Page 1 77 . Moru st dame Mahaud de Cau s . I have beenable to Obtain no information relating to this lady, orto Clarice de Aubervi lle

,or the pretended marriage of

Eve with the prince ofWales,so thatwe canonly take

these events as they are here told .

Quant dame Jobane fust decgée. Joane,wife of

Llewelyn,prince of North Wales

,died in 1237, and

was buried inthe church Of Llanvaes,near Beaumaris


in Angles‘

ea, where Llewelyn afterwards buil t a monas

tery of Dominican friars . The monument of the

princess is still preserved,and has been engraved

in one of the illustrations to my Arcbceological

A lbum.

E j ust ensevely a Aberconewag . Llewelyn di ed in 1 240,

230 NOTES .

and was buried in the Cistercian abbey of Conway,which he had founded .

fust ele espose a lg s ire de B lanc-Mostiers . BlaneMostiers

,or White-Minster



, Whitchurch in Shropshire

,though I think it has been

interpreted to mean Oswestry .

Page 1 82 . E moru st a B launche Vgle. The date of the

death of this Fulk fit z Warine isnot known . I t is probable that hewas alive in 1 256

,as the Fulk fitz Warine

who was drowned at the battle of Lewes in 1 264, and

who was no doubt his son,is described in January

1 256,as Fulk fitz Warine junior.

Leland abridges the conclusion of the story fromthe Anglo-Norman metrical history z— Here lab/aid a

guagra or i i . inthe olde Englisch hoolee of the nobile

actes of the Guarines,and these thinges that folou ,


translatid owte of an olde French historic gnrime ofthe actes of the Guarinos onto the dea th of F u lco the

2 . Fulco, after that he had bene longe aboute the

quarters of Cartage and Barbary,and ther had the

love of a nobile ladie cau llid Idonie, he repayrid

agayn to the quarters Of England, and there heringthat his brotherWilliam was alyve, he founds meanesto have king Johns perdone, good wylle, and restitutionof his castelle ofWhitington ; and also perdon for hisbretherne by the meanes of Randol erle of Chester, theerle of Glocestre

,Hughe Bigot, erle marescal


Hubert,archeb isshop Of Cantorbyri . After this


the erle marescal,for love that he bare to Fulco

, gavehym the lordship and landes ofWaneting ; where thevillage by Fnlcos meane was after made a market




P R E F A C E .

AMONGST the miscellaneou s English manuscrip ts

Of the fifteenth century which have hitherto re

mained inedited , there is not perhap s one more

deserving of attention than that from which the

present collection has been selected . It is a thick

but small volume, written on vellum and paper

in the reign of Edward IV , and, from being pre

served at Pork ington, in the county of Salop , in

the library ofW . Ormsby Gore,E sq . , M .P . ,


been generally known as the Porkington Manu

scrip t . Scarcely any ofits contents have been pub

lished, and, when the original volumewas confided

tomy trust for a short time some years ago, through

the interest of one of the possessor’

s intimate

friends, the opportunity was taken Of transcribingfrom it the curious p ieces which are nowoffered

to the notice of the members of theWarton Club .

The Pork ington Manuscrip t was first brought

prominently i nto notice by Sir Frederic Madden ,

who,in 1839 , prin ted from it the story of Syre

Gawene and the Carle ofCarelyle , inhis excellent

collection of the romance - poems ofSyr Gawayne .

This curious piece is the first poem in the manu

scrip t,the articles which precede it consisting of

a calendar, a table of eclipses calculated for the

p eriod from 1462 to 148 1 , a trac t onthe weather,e tc . The next which follow s is the cu rious treatise

on plan ting and grafting ,prin ted in the present

volume , pp . 66 -72, which will b e read with some

in terest by those whose curiosity leads them to

inquire into the progress made by our ancestors

in these subj ects at so early a p eriod . In

the agricultural and botan ical sciences they were

clearly not very far advanced , but they made

amends for this by attaining a singular proficiency

inall the app liances Of the pictorial art . On this

account,as well as inregard to the nature of the

subject itself,the minute receip ts in aid of the

crafte of lymnynge of b okys”

,p . 72

,are likely to

b e of considerable importance in any researches

Sir F . Maddenis of opinion (Sgr Gawagne, p . 429) thatstronge, at the commencement of this poem, Should b estrange. The manuscript has the former reading, but theu se of the o for the a

,which will b e found constantly in

the following pages, appears to be a dialectical indicationthat ought to b e preserved .

vary Considerably from each Other, the present 1 s

worth preservation , as p erhaps the least incorrect

of any of the early manuscrip t cop ies known to

ex ist . Another, preserved in MS . Can tab . E é .

iv. 35 , was printed by Mr. Wright, 18mo,1836 .


story is well known,and was a common

chap -book history , in a modernized form,until a

very recen t p eriod .

F ebruarg , 1855 .



I .

LOVELY lordynges, ladys lyke,

W yves and maydynu s ryallyk e ,

So worthy undere wede ,And alle , lystynes to my talkynge,

God grant hem hys dere blesynge ,And hevene to her mede .

By one foreste as I cone ryde ,I sawa byrd by a woode syde,Brygte sche was of b le ;Herwenges were of colowrs ryche ,

A s anaungelle. me thO3te her lyche,

Full semely hit was to se

The byrd was go ; my j oy was stylle,

F orwoo, alasse ! myselfl'

e I spylle ,T o Cryste I make my mone,


F or a love that was so newe ,T hat so brygte was Of hewe ,F ro me was sche gene .

A blestfulle songe that byrd gone synge ,

And I abode for love talkynge,T o witt ofwhene s che wore ;And as some as s che se me,

S che toke her flygte for to fie

T o anholte so hore ;Forthe I walked in that foreste ,By a rever est and weste,

Under ane holte syde ,

Tylle I come undere a lovelé tre ,

T hat semely cone I se

Undere a buske abyde .

T hat lovely byrd one bowys bare ,S che sange a songe with sygkyng sare

Opone ane b aselle tre

W ith wordys myld and hende,T o that byrd cone I wende ,Off bale her bote to b e .

W henne that I tylle her come,

By the wengu s I her nome,

And stroked her fu lle softe

W ith wordys myld and stylle ,

I b asked the byrd of herwylle


Frankensensse and lymesone,

That savour that is so swete .

The postes schal b e of syperesse,

The furste tre that Jhesu chesse ,

Off bale to b e Owre bote

The towres shal b e of every,Olene corvene by and by,The dore ofwhallu s bone ;Thecowpu ls alle Of galyngalle ,T he bemus alle Of ryche coralle ,Ryally begone ;

T he dosers alle of camaca,The bankers al le of tafl


The quysschyns alle of velvet ;The wyndows alle of jasper stone ,

The pelowrs of coral le everychone ,

W ith joye joyned ingete

The hyllynges thereof schal be b lewe,And dyaperwith aser hew

Comly for the noneste

Pynnaculs alle of aurum,

Olene gold alle and summe ,Fulls of precyowse stonu s

The creste b lewe and whyte as rysse,

The pynnaculs schal le go alle by vysse ,

W ithin and withowte,


W ith Veni Creator spiritus,

And, Gloria inexcelsis


W ith aungels songe alle ab owte .

Fyve whelys therein schal b e,‘

In the medylle schal b e the Trinité,T hat pere as none,And the forwte thereab owte,T o Jhesu Criste for to lowte,Marke, Mathew,

Luke, and Johne .

The perche schalb e of carb uncul stone,T o rest 30W one , my jOly lemone,So semely is to my sy3te ;The ny3tyngale, the throstylcok e ,

The popejay, the joly laverok e,S challe singe 5OW day and nygte ;

The popejay, gour lady fre,In gour cage with 30W to b e,

30W to honour and queue ;The throstelcok e Gabrielle,The wychegret owre lady welle,W ith ane Gracia plene .

The ny3tyngale with benedicite,In 3ou r cage with 3OW to b e,

F or the fendys rowte ;The laverok e schalle synge hye,W ith Gloria tibi Domine



And b lysse the cage alle abowte .

T hys cage is made withowtyne weme ,F or the love of one woman ,Mary that is so fre

The mane that better cage make canne,T ake thys byrd to his lemane,T hat is the T rinité .

God, that is fulle of my3te ,

And sofored for u s payns plygte ,

For his ordors tenne,

Mot save and kepe this company

Fro schame and ek e fro velony,

A d vitam eternam ! Amen .

II .

Lord, howschalle I me complayne,

Unto myne owne lady dere,

F or to telle hereof my payne,T hat I felte this tyms of the b eire

My lovfe, yf that 3e wylle hit here,Thowge I cannoo songis make,

Soo yowre lovfe changys my chere,T hat whenne I slepe I may not wake .

Youre lovfe dose me soo meculle wow,

I lovfe yowbest I make a wowe ,


Evyry day my gyrdylle gothe ou t avore ,I clynge as dothe a whettyne cake ,

And for yowre lowf I syge soo sowre,

That when I slepe I may not wake .

Therefore but ge quyte me my hyre,

F orsothe I not what I s challe donne,And for yowr lovf, lady, by the fyre,Glowys wyll Y were noon .

I lawge and synge and make no mone ,I waxe as leyne as army rake ;

T his inlongure I leyfe alonne,

T hat whan I slepe I may not wake .

My doob let ys more then hit was,T o lovfe yowfurs t when I beganne, .

Hit most b e wyddyre b e my lase

In yehe a Spas and stede by a spone .

My lovfe, sethe I become youre mane ,

I havfe reddyn thorowmonny a lake,

W oone myleway mornyng I came,And geyt whan' I slepe I may not wake . .

T his inlongure I am lente ,Longe are gee doo $ 0 0 for me ;

T ake good hyde unto my tent,F or this sehalle my conclucyone b ee,

Me think e I loofe 'as welle as gee ,

Never soo cayey thowge gee hit make ;


B e this insampulle ge may see,

T hat when I slepe I may not wake .

Amen . E t -c.

I II .

A s I went one my playing,

Undure anholt uppone anhylle,I sawe and ould mane hoore make mornyng,

W ith sykyng soure he sayd me tylle,

Sum tyme this worde was at my wylle,W ith reches and with ryallté,

And nowhit layd done ful stylle ;T his word is but a wannyté .

T hat one the morrowwhen hit fayre and chere,A fternone hit wendys awaye,

And commyth to the nygt as hit was ere

T his word ys but a daye

Goo for rygt alle owre lewyng heyre ;Frow chyldwood unto mannys degré,

Owre enddyng drawyt nere and nere,T his word is but a wannyté .

I leccone my lyfe unto the morrow-tyde ;W hen I was chyld so bare i-bore ,

F or me my modyr soifyrd gret soure,W ith grou ttyng and weppyng was I bore,


But thow one me was wem ne hore ;

Sethe in Sinne I have i-be,NowI am olde I may no more ,

This word is but a wannyté .

At myde-morroo daye I lernnyd to goo,

And play as chyldorne done instrete ;

A s chyldwood me thogt and taugt I dyde tho,W ith my fellous to fygt and beyt .

W hat,I dede methogt hit swete,

Rygt as chyldhod tagt hit me ;

N owmay I say with term s weete,

T his word is but a wannyté .

At under day to Skole I was i- Sete,T o lerne good as chyldorn dothe,

But whenne my master woold me bete,I wol d hym cowrs and wax folle rowthe

T o lerne good I was fulle rowthe ,

I thogt one play and gollytté ;N owfor to say the sothe,

T his worl d is but a wannyté .

At mydday I was dobbyt a knygte,

Introthe I lernnyd for to ryed ;

T here was none soo bold a wygte ,

T hat inb attaylle durst me abyde .

W here b e-commygt alle owre pryd,

Owre jollytté and fayre b ou tté,


N owys this day commyn to the nygt ;I hawe lost my lewyng ;

A dredefulle payne is for me dygte ,

In cold claye there inne to clynge .

A s I went onmy playing,Undure anholt by a tre,

T his hard I anOld manne mak mornyng,

T his world ys but a wannyté

In Domino confydo . Amen, dico vob is ;

IV .

The F adyr Of pytté and most ofmyserycorde,T hat alle this word threwhis grace relewyt,

He ys soo mercyfulle, called gracys Lord ;

That all oure syne the wyche his lordschyppgrevyth ,Full oft of verey pytté that b ym mevyte,

T o oure freywelté hawyng advertans ,

He remytte th sone and grantteth indulgens .

And thoge i t b e so he wyll no manb e pereched,

He sofford u s oft to falle grevu sly ;Whom he reypreweth whom b e well have cheryd,

T here is no creature cantel this truly

W erfore, O frendu s, alle this counsel I ,

Consydyr youre lyve stondyth ingret drede

Beth wel awysid therefor, ge have gret'



Al this I meve for a nottabu l a storrye,

The wych a clarke in Lattayne lyst for to wryet,

T o floure for everworthely inmemorrye,

And hard harttu s to try and ex syt e

T o perfeccyon, and caus men to have delyte

In her God, and meve hem newand newe

T o alle good wark u s, al evyl to esschew.

And as I dorst for verey drede and schame,

Of sympul eonnyng and b estyal ru denysse,

I toke one me to translate the same

Into owre tonge after the prossese

In Lattayn; werfore with alle humb lenesse,Every genttyl redere I reyqu ere

T o b e my supporter, I aske nonother hyere .

And in this matterweras I fynde

Anné thinge that may behold suspecte,A s towchyng enny word befor or b ehynde,

T o throwe dysscression I Ofl'

yr and dereete

Al syche defawtes to amende and correcte, ‘

Lest one me b e fond any Offense,In anny place ofworthie audyense .

O sovereynLord of sapiens infeynyte,Sum lecu r of thi grace one me destylle ,

Sonnere my style helpe me to indyte,

1 3


T hat to thi lawde I may this processe fu lfyle


yre me not, Lord , ageynst thi wyle,But so my pene dyrecte at my nede,T hat to thi lawde this processe may precede .

O Crystes modyre , dowgtter to Sente Anne,B e whom al grace is newb egonne ;T hat feede genre chyld with the heyvynly mane,And gave hym drynk e of youre good lytonne .

O norreyschere to Cryst clothid with the sone,

The chefe temppul of oure soferayndeseyryde,

And of the Holly Gost electe and enspyryd.

Nowe wygt- save, lady, of youre maydonhede ,

Sum lygt of grace one me to sende ,

T hat my rude wyte may b e oute of drede

Of this simpul dytté to make annyu d

And lest hit b e so that I do offende,

Let yowre grace upponme, youre servant, schyne,That by a queue ab oventhe orders myne .

And to my porpos I wyl turne al newe ,A s befor I began to wryte,And after a storry to the I wylle the matter sewe ,

A S ge schal here without more respyte .

In Frans sometym there deyllyd anhermete,


Thy dwellyng is not now inhyge towru s ,

N e inhyge paleys of famu s largenyse,

But ina grave clou syd alle inflowryse ,

S chort enowge, it hath no gret wydnys ;What ‘

awayllygt now thi strengthe and thi reches ?

Thy gothe , thi b owtté , and thin appareyle?

Frome hens forthe thi wyl not the awayle .

W here is now thy hyge palleys , reyplete

Of reches flouyng in gret ab undanse?

Thi hale is nowo f vij . fete

The wormu s bene thi kyn and th in alyanse ;

Thi fryndeu s inwhome was alle th i afl‘

yanse ,

Here teriu s b e almost exspend ;W hen thi dyrge was done, heere soroowas at anyud.

I am a sole after thi s imlytude

Of God, a creatur in-

a rygt nob ul wyse ,

And ordent to b e of that mu ltu tud,

T hat up to God glory schul ascend and ryse ;

But thou , alas madyste me to dyspyse

My God ; so wellaway the whylle !

For to eternal dethe he wyle u s both exile .

O stynkyng fleche ! with me thou art damnyde,

But and thou knewyst the gret sowrro and payne


Ordent for the, when thou schalt b e exsempned,

A thou sande sythe thou schalt crye and playne,

And say this word, — God, that we twayne

The day of owre byrth we had byn in our grave

But suche grave wer we not ordent to have .

Hit is gret merwelle, as semygt me ,

T hog oure dedys were not at Godis pleysans ,In ouer lyve, whyle I was kyn to the,

F or of me thou hadys t alvay the governans ,

And when thou felvst I wol d have done pennans,F or owre syn thou woldyst never asente ,N e at no time porpos the to amende .

W er beth thi lonndys by exstorcyone take ?

T hin hyg pallys that thou hast belde, and towrys ?

Thy freche ryngis , thi goomes wyet and blake ,Thy golde and sylwyre, and thi gre t honnouris ?

All is lost, and now thi sempu l b ouris

In the, and thou art layd nowfu lle lowe ;T hus whom b ym lyst dethe cane evyre

- throwe .

Thy ryche vesture, th i b eddys of collors dyverse ,Thi wennesone, thi wyld foulle, spycu s of delyte ,Vesselle , nappre, mettu s, I cannot reyhers ,Sawsis

,su bdelytys to thine appetyte ;


Thv lusty pellois, thi schettu s fayre and whyte ;W here ys this now?

one this was alle thi thougte

Here mayst thou se worldis j oy is nogte .

Answere to me , for I wylle apposse

T hin wlogé, yf hit do the apleyse ;

Say one thy tyx te , for nowmay b e no glons ,F or nowthy b anlle roofe lyth uppon that noose

Hit is so streyt, thou hast no memb ure at ese ;

Thi moth , thi eene, thi tonge , and thi bre the,

Thi fete and thi b ondys stynk e alle of dethe !

Thy gret ryches that thou hast gette some -tyme,

W ith farade,with fawyre, with strengte, or with


B e nowchangyt into erthe and slyme,

And no were the world of me takyt none hede

T hus dethe aquyttyt every manhis mede

W yth -oute doute, who soo dothe attend

Ofworldly j oy is evyre at the heynd.

In heyvyne and erthe thou hast never a frynde ;

T hy fadyre and thi modyre of the takys noo kepe

T hyne eyrris hath alle, thy good is dysspend

Thy lusty wyfe dothe no lengure weppe

A las that evyre thou coudyst goo or crepe !



And tho thou feele no turment nowe nor payne,A ls thou lyiste here dede and palle of hewe ,

At the hy jugement dou tles we twayne

S chall b e sore poonneschyde,we mayhit not esschew;

And Su ffure endles payne ever newand newe ;Agens u s bothe is geve thejugement and senttense ;

T here is no favor to make reyssystens .

O fu lle ofmysserie, that never haddyst pytté

Uppone the pore inal thi dayis here,But by exstorsionhast robbyd alle the sytty,

T here as thou hast deyllyd from heyre to gere,

N ewarte thou layd fulle lowe uppone the bere

Of alle owre sorrow thou arte the cause ;

Com of and thou canste , and answere to th is clause .

W henne at the body hade hard every worde

Of the sowle and everé complaynt,

Upe the chest frome bym he cast away the bord

W yth gret vyolens, as he were nothing faynt ,

And furiu sly and wood the false fleche ataynte

W ith ferfull langgage he began the sole to accuse ,

A s ge schalle here, and hymeselfe to excuse .

Art thou my soule, that hast me reyprevyte

W ith scharpe reysone curiu sly made and wrogt?


Yf myne answere b e rygt wel apprewyte,

Alle thi argamenttu s schalle b e set at nogte,

And anone the tru the anone schalle b e sougte,

W yche of u s to is most worthi here,

T o bere the blame , anon ge schall here .

This knowe I wel, I have made the erre

In monny a warke and manny a sory dede,But what is the cause nowe of oure werre

I wylle declare, withou ttyne anny drede

Howmygt the body syne, I pray the take hede ,W ithou te the soule P thou cannist not this denye

T arry a whyle, and I schalle tel the whye .

The word , the feend, and the fleche, infere,By the gret frendys and Of old alyance,

And but the sole rygt as dethe the brere,Hale agene anone this they wyll aspye ,W hat mygte cause the body to aplye

T o here luste and to here cursyde werk u s ;

Nowanswere , soule, for this saythe the clarku s .

T his know I welle, as thou dydyst reyherse,God formyd the after his owne ymage ,

And made the rygt with manny vertues dyverse,And ordent the body bothe ingoughetg and age ,

T o b e thy thral,thy servant, and thi page

2 1



Have I not do so, as somme then kythe ?

But al fornogte, I se proferd serves stynk it

Thow, soule, wer made lady and mastries

In thy creacione, bye Godis provysionne

Reysone, myu d, andwyll, God of his goodnyse

Ordent to the only, to this conclusione,T hat thou schulddyst kepe thi b ody


from confusion,And ageynst al synne to make resistense ;

T hus dyddyst thennever answere to my senttens .

Hit may not b e the b odye schold b e blamyte,

B u t only the sole that hath the sofl’

rentté ;

T howhaddyst the governans art thounot a- schamyd?

W hy puttest thou one me alle thi defau te

T o b e my subj ecte say what nedyethe the 7‘

Sethe of the body thou haddyst alle the charge,

W hat was the cause thou suffurist me to go at

large P

W ithou te spret,pardy, the body his nogt

W ithou te spret the body is nogt su ssteynnyde

T o kepe the body thenwere made and wrogte

Answere, thou wer my sufierayne and long hast


T howwer my'

soferaynand longe haste raynnyde


VVylle, abyd a whylle and tarie,

And at thi ergamenttes anone reypleye,

T howhast Offendyt, thou cannistenot say the conttrary ;O mollyd carryen, ou t one the, I crye .

Fyrst take the pylere ou t of thyne ye,Or one me thou put army defau te

F u lle cau sles me thing it, then dost me asante .

I know th is welle, I schuld have mad reys ustens

Ageyns the fleche, fals and dyssaywabulle,

But thi freelté anon stod at defense ;T O thi Soule thou were never favereab ulle

Mywylle was oft to geld me culpapulle,

But thong the worl d and the fende alsoo

In no wyse wold never asent thereto .

O wrecheyd fleche , O thou stynkynge donge ,T hat al thy dayis has t the word followyd !

W hat arte thou now? thy knyl is ronge ,

T hy dyrge is done, the erthe b ase the swallovyd !

T how art defygurt, thi eyne beth depe hollowed !

Nowart thou dede, thou mayst not ask ape ;

Not long agone thou madyst hereof a j appc .

XVhen thy concianse wold the have mad chastessed,

W ith wygellu s, fastynge, or with allmysdede,


T howwoldyst say nay,— I b e awyssed

I may lyve longe geyt, I have no nede

T O amend myself ; of deth I take no hede

I wylle dance whylle the world wylle pype ;The fru t fallyt syld, but geyf hit b e rype .

T howhast ofme take alle the charge ,T how soffyrd me never to have the sofl


yriantté ;

After th i lust thou wenttu st alway at large,T howhast myschevyd bothe the and me .

A what pestelens is wors or adversité ,In this world then a famylly or frende ?

W ithowttyne dout he is wors then a fynde .

I knowme gyltte that I have erryd ;

Sethe I was sofferayne , I have the not reystreynyd,But su ffyrd the body evere to b e referryde,

Trowth , the falsnis undyre dessayvyd .

A ! now I knowthe worldis joye is faynyde ;Alle to lat I do my sorro complayne,

Fayre promese Ofte makyth foollis fayne .

O wrecched fleche, whi dydyst thou not advarte

The sottel fraud Of this world and gyle,And on thi God wonly set thin herte ,T hat everwas raydy the to reyconsyle



But now, alas ! he wylle u s both exsyle

Oute of joye, for oure gret offence .

T here is no juge that wylle with u s dyspense .

N ot long agone the world dyde lave one the,

And made the promese thou schuld longe indure ;But thou wer b lynd, thou mygttyst not see,

The perclus end and thin myssawentture

O deth , thou wendyst thou hade byne sure

T o leve alle way, and never to have dyid,

gete amonge a thousand dethe b ath the aspyid.

T he world methink e I may reysemb le wele

T o a thefe that came , both faynd and gloss ,

And when thou wenyst he b e as trow as styelle ,

He sonnyst dyssaywyth the , thou schalt never odyre

suppose,But as a sarpent that creppyt under they roose,Lythe awayet, every tyme and houre ,T O Sley the best that dare toche the floure .

Tho that wer thi frynddys b e nowwaxt al strange,Uppon thi grave they Wyl not ons b eholde,And nowe that abbay is torned to a grange,F arewel thi frensehype, thi k echyne is cold !

0 fremel flech, ful oft I have the told ,


Of every dyscryte th is iswell consayvyde ,And know also by au ctorryté of Scrypture,SO gret gyftu s Of God thou reysayvyd,

So here is thine astate and good awentture ;

Tho God soffyre the never so long to indure,At the last answere thou must make

Of th i gret charge that thou hast undvretak e .

God geyf the reys sone, wyl, and mynde ,

W ith dyveris goodis he induit the ;

He gave the alle, and left me b ehynd,

He mad me thi s ubj ecte inful sympul degré ;

B u t thenwer neclygent and rou llyd by me,

T how seholdyst therefore have the more payne ,

B e veery reyssone methinkyth, of u s twayne .

After his oune image God mad the rygt fayre,

Of my v . wyllu s he toke the the keye,

W ithou te thin asent I mygte never apayre

In thin ab sens howmygt I rage or playe ,But as a chyld h is master de the obbaye,

Dare not, for feyre he schuld b e b ete ;

B e well awyssyd, one my resons grete .

N owame I dede , my colour is appalyde ;

My sole I_S gone, the body may not meve,

And geyt to answere nowe ame I callyde,


Unawyssid in this gret mysch eyf

Nowdethe hath take me by the sleve,

I must geve acounttu s, I may not ascape,

Detli, takyth heyd , cannother play ne jape .

Sum tyme I hade menne one me to wayte ,

F reehe arayid, was none to me to dere,

And nowmy chamb ure is ful narro and streyt,

T here may not to loge there in fere

W hat is the body, whenne hit is one bere ?

Hit is not cllu s but wormu s mete

T his his the heynd of every smale and gret .

And I knowwelle that I schalle aryce

To geyf aconttu s at the laste ,Befor the most feyrful Ju styse ,Howferful trowly there is no tong can saye

\Vhether schal I fie , alase and wellawaye !

Frou the sygt of ther fu eyrfu lle j uge

There is no creature may b e my reyfuge .

geyt say I more with a sorroffull harte,Ofmy playnis, O soule, take hede .

The grettyst payn amonge my paynnis smerte ,

W as when my sole dyde from me reysede,

At that departtyng wofful of feere and drede ,



W hen that my sole , that was my next frend ,W as dampnyd for ever in helle to b e a fende .

Sone after the sperit with a dredly speche

B egane to crye , and sayd , — I ame lorne

F or my soor,alase , there is no leche ;

W hy wold my Makere sofl’

yre me to b e borne

In this world , seth he knew toforne

T hat I sehwld b e dampnyd inhis presense ,At. the last, for my gret Offence


A ! wold God I had byne unreyssonnab ule

A s anhond ; then had I byne ou t Of payne ;But nowmy end is most abhomynab u le ,

Hit awayllyth nogt, thog I crye or playne ;

I ame so fare, I may not torne ageyne

T o have mercy, for rygt hath clossyd the gate

T here mercy soj ornit ; I ame come to late .

In paynu s moste scharpe I ame and ever schal

I have no tong that playnly canne tele

My longe sorro, my gret adversitté

W yche I sufl'

yre doune alowe inheelle ;But

,alase ! of alle my sorrowe they wylle,

I s that I schale never come ageyne to grace,

But etternally dweylle in that darke place .


And pray for u s reyt , schuld th ou not spede

Thong at onys thi offyrd alle ther ryches ,Al is in vayne, lab ure and b esinys,

T hat is done for u s that byn inhelle

Of this mater gete have I mor to te lle .

F or al th is world, lordschype and treyssere,

The fend wyl not soffer une sool ou t of helle

T o b e reyfrechid the tyme of halfe anoure ;

T here is nonaschapyth ou t of his chene ,B e no sottaylté , nor be no false trayne

He most abyd in that presone evyre,

T hat ones commygt in, for ou t goth he never.

T o knowreydyly thou sayst his thi desyre ,

If gret estatys seb old b e punnesscyd soore ;

Her paynus b e scharpure , the hotter is the fyre

T hat thei byne in, and schuld more and more

T hen annye othere, I warne the before .

The gretter estate, the gretter is his falle ;

I may no lenger tarry to tel the of alle .

‘Vhen at the soole had mad his complaynte ,

Of to feyndis anon he was take ;Thay wer so feyrfule, there is no man coud payut,

Suche to there wer so foul and so blake ;


F or verry feyre the soule dyd trymmyl and quake

At here commynge, it is andwas gret wondyre,

T here followyd then gret tempas and thondore .

In her b ondys thei bare yrone speyru se,

The fereful soule to feyre and enchase ;Fyre smot onat here mowthu s and eryse,

Lyk Ij . lyons thei dyde the soule arace ;Ful dredful was here yrnage and here face

In this world there is no creature one lyve,T hat coud here fygurs by and by descryve .

Here contenance, here eyne, were so orryble ,

Al brennyng fyre, schynyng as the glase,T o tel yowal it is impossibulle ;

Here hornnys were gret, thei semyd al of brase ;

Gret stronge smoke about them there wase ;B rennyng feyre wase about ther hornyse,And al here cyrus wer scharpe as any thornus .

T his to fendys foule and abb omynabule,

F ersly with tonggys blasyng for heyte,W ith mony a cry andwordyse reyprevabule,

T hay hallyd the soul into paynu s grete .

T hus pettyu sly he wase schorgyt and bete ,And with here naylys he was dysmemb orte ;

Of alle andhalfe his paynu s I cannot b e rememburte .


Sume with cheynnys bond the soule faste ,Sume with gerdys smote ful hard and soore

Sume byllyd mettayl, and inhis moth than caste ;Some made fyre byhynde , and somme byfore

And to increse his payne more and more,Into a pyt anone he was in caste,Of fyere and sulfure brennyng aye ful fast .

T hen al the fendys in schame and reyplete

Of the soule , sayd in th is wyes

0 false attaynte ! O thou cursyd theve l

Nowarte thou bond , thou mayst never aryse !

T how arte quyte for thi long serwyse

T how mayst not aschape— thou arte tyid so faste .

Alle oure serwanttu s, lo ! commygb edere at the laste .

F or verry sorrow the soule began to wepe ,And sayd ,— alas ! I may not torne ageyne

Owt of this dongoone, that is wyde and depe .

A God, my makere , to the I cry and playne,

VVhere is thi mersy, that wase wont to rayne ?

Amonge thi pepu l lete h it nowe awayle ,

Donne alowe into this darke dale

The fendyse anon sayd , Thou cryiste to late

After thi God ; nowe that mayst not spede !

The portter'

of heyvyne b athe clou ssyd the gate ;


SO was his feger so pryntyd inmy thogte ;W hil I was alyve I forgat hyme nongte .

The wordys joy, the wyche is transsetorrye,My geld, my sylver, al I sete ate nowgte ;

Myne erytage , myne alyaunse, al is but faynyd glorye,Oute Of myu d , as hit hadnever b e thongte ;And for his mercy, oure Lord I b e- songte,He wold reyseyfme holly into his hondyse,And kepe me ever oute the fend is hondyse .

And tho hit was so I was a kyngis some,

I offyrd my selfe to wylfu l poverté ,And indysserte al my lyve to wone ,

I mad ful promeswith ale humylyté ;

T here I lowet longe ins treyt chastyté,

Abydyng Goddis wylle, when that he wyl

F or my sowle, and therto make annynde .

And for that moste b egynnere and sovereyn love ,

W hat he schowyth to al mankynd here,

W hen he dyssenddyt frome his glorieabove

Into a chastwombe ofawyrgene clere,I prayd my Lord hewold whytsavfe to hereMy symppul orysone, for his mercy and grace,And preserfe me ever frowe that clarke place .


Consydure, O frendys, inyowre presense

Of this Speryte, the dredfnle tragedye,And inspecyal ge that hawe no concyanse,

Lete this a storry b e byfor youre cey

Beth wel awyssyd, for truly ge schal dye,But whenne andwer there is no mane cane telle ;

Tho ge dred note God, gete b e ferd of helle .

F or inthis world have we no sekyrnys,

But as a schadowe that crepyth'

and away glydythe,

So passyg yowre lyve here, youre joy and gladnis,

Al is transetorrye, there is nothinge abydethe ;

And dethe, that so prevyly hymeselfe hydyte,

Oute of courte he wyle al sodenly crepe,

ge schale not when wakyng or aslepe .

Behold in the Evangelii, and there ge may see

HowGod inowre .werkys takyth gret heed ;He sethe the gardynere kyttyth adonne the tree,For he bare that gere nother fru te ne scede

Howschal thou do then, that arte but a weede,And ale thi dayi s leve by ex torsyoune ?

Trowyst thou not thenschalt b e kyte adowne

geys, withowte doute , and fast i-bonde

A s a fagot, and then thou schalt b e caste

Into a fyre fare byneth the grond ,


And thus inpreson thou schalte syte at nygte ;

T hus oure Lord aqnyttyz bym at the laste,

T hat with wronge poore mennis goodu s hathe ;

B e thennever so fals, thou schalt accontus make .

And then that haste Crystus spos dyspysyte ,

Here one erthe, terme of alle thi lyve ,W ith hote fyre thou schalt b e brent and bylyde ;The hosbond nedu s most defend th e wyfe

W ynste thenGod Sley the not with a kney‘fe ?

Anone he wyl avenge his sentu arrye ,

Thouge of hi s mercy he abyde and tarie .

Rede u s this to myend, whyl thou hast thi helthe,Ofwhat a state thenb e, or of conndesione

Thowge God send the propirté andwelthe,

Day by day he makyth the amonisione,

By syknes and by wordly persecu sione ,That at the last nadys thenmust dye

Therfore from syne I rede the fast hye .

Many a regyonne, and monnye a nottab le cyty,

God hathe dysstryid for here sinnis grete,

And of monny a thou sanntm o he hath had petté,Of his goodnes, the he manese and threte

Thouge he b e wrothe , he wse not anon to bete,


The ferfu l ende of al youre joye and glorie

T herefore this mater redus u s to youre memorie

ge that syttyth nowe hye uppon the whele,

Thynk e upponyoure end, and alle schal b e wele .

Erthe uppo erthe is wonndyrely wrogte ;

Erthe uppon erthe has set al his thougte ,

Howerth upponerthe to erthe schall b e brougte

Ther is none upponerth has hit inthougte,T ake hede ;

W hose thinkyse one his end, ful welle schal he sped .

Erth uppon erth wold b e a kynge ,

Howerth schal to erthe he think es nothinge ;

W hen erth byddyth erth his rent whome brynge,

Then schal erth fro the erth have a hard parttynge,

W ith care ;For erth upponerthewottns neverwer therefor to fare .

Erth upponerth wynnis castylles and touris ;

Then saythe erth to erth , al this is onrus

W hen erth upponerth has bylde al his honres,T hen schal erth fro the erth sofi


yre scharpe schorys,

And Smarte ;Man

, amend the b etyme, thi lyfe ys but a starte .


Erth gose one erth as mold uppone molde,

Lyke as erth to the erth never agayne seb old

Erth gose one erth glytteryng ingold ,

get schale erth to the erth , rather then he wolde

B e owris ;

gefe thi almus with thi hand, tru st to no secatour.

W hy that erth lovis erthe merwel me think e,

F or when erth upponerth is brotht to the brynk ,

Or why erth upponerth wyl swet or swynk e,T hen schal erth fron the erth have a fool stynk e

To smele,

W ars then the caryone that lyis in the fele .

LO ! erth uppon erth, consayfe this thenmay,

That thou commys frome the erth nakyd alway ;How schuld erth upponerth , soe prod or gaye ?

Sene erth into erth schal pase insymple araye,


Cloth the nakydwhyl thenmay, for so God the bad.

Erth upponerth , me thinkyg the ful blynd,T hat onerth ryches to setal thi mynd

In the gospel wryttyenexampnl I fynde,The pore went to heyvyn, the rych to hel I fynd,

W ith Skyle

The commandmentns of God wold he not fulfyle .


Erth uppon erth, deyle duly thy goode

T o the pore pepul, that fantt the thi foode

F or the love of thi Lord, that rent was one the roode ,

And for‘

thi love one the crose schedhis hart blode,Go rede ;

W ithou te anny place to reste one his hede .

Erthe uppon erth,take tent to my steyvyne ;

W hyl thou levyst , fulfyle the werkys of mercy Vij .

Loke thou lete , for oode ne for ewyne,

F or tho byne the werk u s that helpyne u s to heyvyne ,

In haste

Tho dedus who so dose thar, hyme never b e agaste .

Erth upponerth , b e thennever so gaye ,

T how moue wend of this world annnreydy waye

Turne the b e- tyme, whyle that thou maye,

Leste it lede the into hele, to logege therefor ay,

In pyne ;F or there is nother to gett, bred , ale ne wyne .

Erth upponerth, God geyf the grace,

W hyle thou levvyst uppon erth t o purway the a plas

In heywyn to dweylle, whyl that thou hast space

T hat myrthe for to myse , it wer a karful case ,F orwhye,

T hat myrth is withowttynend, I tel the securly.


They cowpu llygt there howndu s more and lase ,

And bryngyth theme to the feldys ende .

Rachis rennyn one every syde,In ferrous thi hoppe me to fynd ;

Honteris takythe there horse and ryde ,And cast the conttray by the wynd .

Anoune as they commyth me b ehynde,

I loke alowe , and syt ful style and lone

The furst mane that me doth fynde,Anon he cryit,

— SO howe ! So hoowe !

LO ! he sayth , where syttyt anhaare '

Aryse npe, W atte , and go forthe blyve

W ith sorroe and with mych care,

I schape away with'

my lyve .

Att wyntter, in the depe snou e,

Menwyl me sche for to trace,

And by my steyppns I ame i-knowe,And followygt me fro place to place .

And yf I to the tonne come or torne,

B e hit inworttu s or inleyk e,

Then wyl the wyffys also ge wrne,

Fere me wi th here dogis b eyke

And yf I syt and crope the koule,

And the wyfe b e in the waye ,

Anone schowe wylle swere, by cokkns soule ,

T here is anhaare inmy haye .


Anone sche wyle clepe forth hure knave,And loke rygt welle wer I syte ;

B yhynd sche wyl, with a stave,

Ful wel porpos me to b ette .

GO forthe, W ate, with Crystu s curse,

And, yf I leve, thou schalt b e take

I have anhare -

pype inmy purce,Hit schal b e set al for thi sauke .

T enhath this wyffys ij . doggz grete,

Onme sche byddyt heme goe,And as a serowe sche wyll me thret,

And ever sche cryit,—

go, dooge, gooe

But alle way this most I goo,By no banke I may abyde ;

Lord God, that me is woo,

Many a hape hath me bytyde .

T here is no best in the word , I wene ,

Hert, hynd , buke ne dowe,That su ffuris halfe so myehe tene

A s doth the sylly W at, go where he go .

geyfe a genttyl mane wyl have anny gamme,And fynd me ine forme where I syte ,

F or dred of lossynge of his name,I wot wele he wyle not me hyte,

F or anacuris bred he wylle me se,

Or he wylle let his hondns rene .



Of alle the mene that beth alyve ,

I am moost behold to genttyl-men;

A s sonne as I canrenne to the laye ,Anon the greyhondys wyl me have .

My bowels beth i - throne awaye,

And I ame bore home one a stau fe ;

A ls sone as I am come home,I ame i-honge hye up ona pyne

W ith leke worttu s I ame cette anone,

And whelpns play with my Skyne .


GOD that dyed for u s alle ,

And drank e bo th eysell and galle,

He bryng u s alle oute Off bale ,

And gyve bym good lyve and long,

That woll attend to my song,

And herkyne oneto my talle .

T her dwelyd a man in my contré ,

T he wyche hade wyvys thre

Ynproses of certyn tyme,

B e hys fyrst wyffe a chyld he had,

The wyche was a prOpyr lad,


The wyche one fyld kypythe owr nette,And slepyth half the day ;He schall come home, b e Mary myld,And to the fylde schalle go the chyld,

And kepe hem, gyfe he may .

The wyfl‘

was not glad varamente ,

Nere - the-les therto sche asente,

And sayd ,— Ser, that ys beste .

Erly yn the morowe, whan it was day,F urthe thanwent the lytelle b oy,

T o the feld he was full preste

Offno mane ryght nogt he gaffe ,

Uppone hys schu lder he bare his stafe ,

The boy was mery y-nowe

Furth he went , as y gow sayne,

Tylle he com into the playn,

Hys dyner forth he drows ;

W han he sawe that yt was bade,

Lyttyll lust therto he hade,

He pu t yt up anone .

B e Cryst, he was not moche to wyte,And sayd he wold ette but lyte,

Tyll evyn that b e com home ;

Upponane hyll he b ym sete,

An old mane sone after he mete

Cam walkyng b e the way :


God sped , he sayd , good sone ;

Ser, he sayd , 3s b e rygte welcome,

The sotho gowfor to say‘


The old manwas an-h ongoryd sore ,

And sayd , Hast thou onuy mete in store ,

T hat thou may gyve me ?

Ser, he sayd , so God me save !

T o soche vy ttayllys as y have ,T hou art wel come to me .

He toke hyme soche as he b ad,

And b ad bym ette and b e glade ,And sayd,— W elcom 3e b e !

The olde mane was fulle good to pleas,He et


te and made hyme well at eas,Gramersy, sone , sayd he

F or thys mete thou haste gyfe me ,

Y schalle the gyve gyftys thre ,T hat schalle not b e forgete .

The b oy sayd, as y trowe,Hit ware best y had a bowe,B yrdys for to schete .

T hou schalt have a bowe and boltes blyth ,The wych schall dure the alle thy lyve ,

And ever to the alyche mete

Schete whersoever thou wyll,T hou schalt never faylle , thou schalt it kyll,




The pryk e rydy thou schalt kepe

The bowe ynhand sone he felt,The boltes he put undyr hys belt,Ryght meryly than he lowe .

B e my troth, had y a pype,Thog it war never so


lyte,T hane war y mery y-nowge !

A pype, b oy, thou schalt have also,Trewe of mesore schall it goo ,Y put the ou t of dowte .

YVhat man that thys pype doth here,He schall not hemselfe s tere,

B ut h0pe and dawnce aboute .

Say one, b oy, what schall the other b e ?

F or thou schalt have gyftes thre ,

A s y hote the befor ;

The lytell boy stode and lowge ,

And sayd , In fayth , y have y-nouge ,

I wyll dyssyer no more .

The olde man sayd , Y the plygte ;

T hou schalt have as y the hy’


Therfore, say on, lete see.

The b oy sayd, B e Saynt Jame ,

Y have at b orna stepe-dame ;

S che ys a schrewe to me,

F orwh’


my fader gyve me mete,


Anone as ever he com home ,

He sete up hys bestes anone,

And ynto the halle he gos .

Hys fader at soper sat,

The lytyll b oy aspyed that,

And spake to hys fader anone .

He sayd, Jake, well come .

W het ar thy bestes, good sone ?

Hast thou hem brogt home?

Fader, he sayd , yngood fay,

Y have heme kept alle th is day,

And they b e nowup- seb e te .

A capons legge he toke bym thoo ,

And sayd , Sone , that ys welle doo,

Thou schalt fare the bete .

T hat grevyd hys dames hart fulle sore ,

A s y have to ld gowbe fore

S che s taryd inhys face .

Anone sche lete goo a hlaste,

T hat sche mad hem alle agaste ,

T hat war yn that place .

All they lowand had good game,

The wyfi'

e s che weii rede for schame ,

S che wold a b e agone .

Jake sayd, wylle 3e wytte,

T hat gonne was welle smet,


Tho; it had b e with a ston e .

Angerly sche lokyd onbym thoo,Another rape sche lette goo ;Hyr ars was ny to-rente .

Jake sayd, W yll ge see ;

Another pelat sche wyll lete fley,Or ever that sche wylle stent .

Every manlow; and had good game ;The wyfi


went b yr way for schame,

S che was inmykyll sorowe .

The good man sayd, Go thy way,F or it ys tyme, b e my fay,T hyne ars ys not thy borowe .

Afterward than wyll 3e here,T o the hows there come a freyre,

And loggyd ther all nyght ;

The wyff lovyd bym as a seynt,

Anone to hyme mad sche byr playnt,And tolde bym ful l ryght ,W e have a b oy

’ that with u s wonys,

He is a schrewe for the nonys,

And doth me mekylle care

Y dar note loke bym upone ,

I am aschamyd, b e swet Seynt Johne ,

To telle 30W howy fare

And gyfi'

3e’ mete that b oy to morow,

Bete b ym welle, and gyve b ym sorow,


And make that lad lame .

B e God, he ys a schrewd hyche ,

In fayth , y trow,he b e a wyche

He dothe me mykyll gr

Thefreyr sayd , Y wyll wyte ,Y pray the , ser, lete it not b e forgete,

F or that wold greve me sore .

T he fryer sayd, Yngood fay,But y chastys welle that b oy,

T ru st me never more .

Erly in the morow the b oy he ros,

And ly3tly to the feld he gos ;Hys b estes he gandryve ;

The freyrwent ou t at the gate ,He wend he schuld have come to late ;He ranne fast and blyth .

W hanne he come one hye the lond,

Sone the b oy ther he fond,Kypyng hys bestes ylkone .

B oy, he sayd, God gyve the schame l

\Vhat hast thou done to thi dame ?

Loke thou tell me anone ;

B u t yf thou kane exons the better,T hou schalt


abye, b e the seker,Y wyll no longer abyde .

Ser, he sayd,what aylys the nowe ?

My dame’

farythe aswell as thowe


T hat hys sydes began to blede,And rent hys clothys by and by,Hys kyrtyll and hys k apelary,

And alle hys other wede .

The freyr often held up hys hond ,

And cryed unto the b oy among,

And prayd him to b e stylle .

Ser, my trewt y plyght to the ;T hou schalt have no harm for me ,

N or neverwyll do the yll.The b oy sayd yn that tyde,Crepe oute on the toth er syde,

And hye that thou ware agoo ;

My dame b athe mad hyr complaynt to

In fayth the best that y k anse ;

Goo playn to b yr also .

The freyr ou t of the hegge went,

All to-ragged and to-rent

To- torne onevery syde .

He had not left anholle clowte ,

W herwith to hyde hys body ab owte ;

Hys armes heng full syde

W han he come to hys oste,'

Off hys j urney mad he no boste,

He was both tome and talle ;

Mykyll serowe inhert he had ;

Full sore of bym they wer adra'd,


W han he come into the halle .

The good wyfi'

e sayd, W er hast thou be ?

Yn schrewyd plas , as thynkys me,

Hyt semyth b e thyne aray .

The freyr sayd, Y have b e with thi sone ;The devell of helle bym overcome,F or certes y ne may.

Soon after com hom the good man;B e God, sayd the wyffe than,Her is a schrewed aray !

Thy sone, that is the lyffe and deyre ,

Had all-most slayn this swet freyr,

A las ! alas a welle away !

The good mane sayd , B enedycyte !

W hat hath the b oy do to the ?

T ell me, without stryfi'

e .

Ser, he sayd, b e Seynt Jame ,

Y have dawnsyd in the devylys name,

Tyll y had ny loste my lyfi'

The good mane sayd to bym tho,

Yff thou had lost thy lyff so,T hou had b e ingret syne

Ser, sayd the freyr, sek erly,Methowgt he pyped so meryly,

T hat y cowde never blyne .

The good mansayd ,— So mot y thee ,T han is that a mery glee,


And ellys thou war to blame ;T hat pype, he sayd, woll y here .

So wolle not y, quod the freyere ,B e God and b e Seynt Jame !

Afterward, whan it was nygt,Hom come the b oy fu ll rygt,A s he was wont to done ;

W han he com into the hall,

Anone hys faderg ane hyme call,

And sayd, Hydyr com thou, sone .

B oy, he sayd, now thou art here,

W hat hast thou done to thys freyr ?

T ell me without lessyng .

F adyr, he sayd, yngood fay,Y dyd rygt nogt to bym to day,

But pyped bym a spryng ;

B oy, that pype wyll y here

So wyll not y, quod the freyr,

F or that wer b evy tydyng .

The good mansayd, gys, b e Godes grace .

The freyr sayd , alas alas !

And b andes began to wryngF or Gods love, sayd the freyr,Yfi


3e wyll thys ‘pype here,Bynd me one to a poste .

Y-wys y kanno beter rede,

W ell y wot y schall b e dede,


And with a full good chere ;Som in fayth lepe over the stoke,And brake her schynys agens the bloke,And som fell yn the fyere .


n com in the good wyff b ehynd,S che began to lepe and to wynd ,And fast beganto schake .

W han sche lokyd one lytell Jake,And hyr neybors to byr spake ,Hyr ars began to crake

The freyrwas all-moste loste,

He knokyd hys hed agen the post,He had no beter grace .

The ropys robyd away the shyne,

T hat the hlode ranto hys chyne ,

In many a dyverys place .

Than whent the boy pypyng in the stret,

And after bym hurlyd all the hepe,

They cowd not hemselfe stynt :

T hey went ou t at the dor so thyk e,

That eche manfell inotherys neke,So wygh tly ou t they wente .

T han the men that dwelyd therby,

T hey herd the pype sekyrly,

In setes wher they sette .

Som in fayth lepe over the hache ,

T hey had no tyme to seche the lache,


F or they were loth to lette .

T han they, that in here hedys lay,Stert up ly3tly, as y gow say,

Both las and more .

Yuto the strete to the play

Anone they toke the rygt way,

A s nakyd as they wer bore ;

W han they were gaderyd all ab owt ,

T han was ther a fulle grete rowte

In the mydys of the strete

T hey that wer lam and mygt not goo,

gete they hopyd ab owte also

Onher b ondys and fete .

The boys fader sayd , it is tyme to reste

All redy, fader, y hold that for the beste ,W ith a full good chere .

Make an endwhan thou wylt ;In fayth it is the beste fyte ,T hat y herd thys VIJ. yere .

W han the pype went no more,Than wer they all amarvelyd sore

Off ther governaunce .

By sente Mary, sayd some ,W her ys all thys myrthe become,That mad u s thus to dawnce ?

T hus every manmad good cher ;Save the good wyfi


and the freyr,

6 1


They wer all dyssmayd.

W hether it b e good or yll,

They that have not her wylle ,They wyll not hold them payd .

Hyt ys every good wyffys wone,

F or to love hyr hu sb andes sone,

Ynwell and ek e ynwoo ;

In olde termys it is fownd,

He that lovythe me lovythe my hound ,And my servaunt also .

So schuld every good chyld

B e to hys moder meke and myld,

B e good in every degré .

All womene that love her hu sb ondes sone,

Ynb evyn blys schall b e her wone

Amen, Amen, for charyté !


A s I stod ina ryalle haulle,

W here lordys and ladys were hyd to syt,

A loufly letter one a walle ,A word ofwysdome I sawe wryt

T his word ys inmy hert i-knyt

To lern this lessone who soo hath wylle,


Evyre say wylle, for lowfe or drede ,

And chast thi tong with wyt and charryté ,

And say b e thi neygtheb oure , yf he have nede,B ygt as thou woldyst he sayd b e the .

Among alle thingis thowgt ys fre ;Hold thiself ab owff the hyll ;In rest and eyse yf thou wyll b e

And evyre say wylle , or hold the style .

Roule thi tong for lowf or hate,

B e noo parttys none evylle thou say,

Nor thowth menb e nowat the batte,

T hay may b e frendys anodyre day.

And for thi tale thou mayst bere the blame away,

Of every syde with gram and grille :

Thanne thei wyll the ly3tly afray,T herefor say wylle, or hold the stylle .

Say welle , and thynk e one yooth and eld,

FrowGod may nothing he hyde nore loke ;But think one the rek enyng that thou schalt geyld,Off every ydylle word that thou hast spoke,

Les and more hole and brouk ,T hay schalle be wryttyne ina hylle ;

Lest God one the wylle b e awrok e,Evyre saywylle , oore hold the stylle .

F or off all that God hath wrogt,Spyche ys com of a speschalle grace ;



b est hath a mothe, but he spekkyt nogt,

Of Godwe have that fayre purches ;N owspend welle thi spyche, wyl thou hast Space ,

One tru the let ever thi tong tryle ;T how schalt a- se the day pas ;

Thowwolddyst faynspek ,when thou schalt b e styll.

At domys-day when God schalt syt

On the rowd, as he was tak ,

W ith speche we schalle b e damnd or quyt,

T here schalle no man ther mastremak ;

T hen I hope owre sorrow schalle as lake,

When all stondyt evyn, both dale and hyle

A sinfulle manwylie sorrow may mak,

W hen God schalle speke, and manb e s tylle .

Noue God geyf u s grace ouer speche to spend,8 0 0 that we may, withou ttyne nay,

All that everwe have myssayd amend,Or that we com to that dredfulle day,

W han God schal s it and his armis dyssplay,Gabrelle schalle bloo both brymne and scrylle ;

T hen helpp u s He that best may,

To heywynwynd, and ther abyd stylle .

Amen, etc .


IX .

HERE b egynnyth a schorte tretice for a mane to knowe

wyche tyme of the gere hit is best to graffe or to plante

treyus, and also to make a tre to here 0 manere fru te

of dyverys colourys and odowrys, with many othere

thyngys .

W h enne ' the mone is in T auro hit is good to plante

treys of pepyns,andwhenne hit is inCancro, inLeone ,or in Libra

,thanne hit is good to werche in treys that

b e new'

spronge : andwhenne the mone is inVirgine,hit is good tyme to sowe alle maner thynges, for fro

the myddys of Januarie , Septembyre into the myddys

of Decembyre, and than is opyne tyme of plantynge

and rygt ddys of Janu arie into the

b e but in thys tyme is the mone is v.

VJ. VlJ Vi i] . or ix . days old byfor the fulle of the mone .

Also, after the fulle of t he mone, whenne hit is xxj .

X X L]. xxiij . xx iiij . or xxv. days old ; for in thyes

qu arterys the conj unccionis moste temperate .

Also to remeve treys fro place to place : gifi'

it b e a

grete tre, or a tre that b erythe the fru te, chese the a

fulle mone fro the myddys of Octobyre into the myddys

of Decembyre, takynge up the rotys as hole as thou

mayste, and leve of his b owne erthe stylle ab owte the


Iff thou wylt that thy appyllys b e rede, take a grafi'

of anappyltre, and ympe hit opone a stoke of anelme

or an eldre, and hit schalb e rede - appylles . A lso

Master Richard saythe , to do the same thyngge , make

an holewith a wymb ulle, and what colour that thou

wylt dystemperwith water, and put hit inat the hole,the fru te schalb e the same colour. And wytt welle

every tre that is plantyd and set in the erthe one the

feste of Seynt Lambarte schalle not b e périchyd that

gere . Ifi'

thou wylt make a tre to bere as myche fru te

as ever he dyd byfore, dystemper scamony welle With

water, and put inanhole'

that is perichyd to the pyth

of a tre, and stope the hole with a pynne that ismadeof

the same tre, andhit schalle b ere aswelle as everhit dyd.

F or to make anold tre that b egynnyth to wex drye

to quykyne agene . Aristotille tellyth in the Boke of

P lantes, the erthe that is abowte the rotys most he do

away . And thenne chese ij . or iij . of the gre tter rotys ,and cleve hem with a ax , and dryve awegge of tymbyre

in the clevynge, and kever the rotes agene with the

same erthe .

A lso fru te that is sowre, for to make hit swete .

Aristotylle seyth , inthe Boke ofP lantes , the tre schalbe

b edolvyne ab owte, and dongyd with pygges dongge .

Also make a hole with a wymbylle, and put therein

water y-medyllydwith hony, and stope the hole agene


with a pyne of the same tre, and loke the hole passe

not the pythe of the tre .

Also that a perle, or a preciu s stone, or a ferthyng,

or ony othere maner thynge b e fownd in an appylle .

T ake a appulle, or a pere, after hit is flowryd, and

sumwhat waxyne , and thrust in hard at the buddes

endwych thou wolte one of thyes thynges aforesayde,

and let hit growe, and marke welle the appulle that

thou dyd put in the thynge what ever hit b e .

A lso hit is sayde there schalbe no tre perischyde

that is plantyd in thys maner. T ake and put awelowe

s toke in a


forowe y-made in the erthe for the nonys,

and lett hym growe then above ; one the upper syde

make holys evene longe, as many as thou wylt, in the

wyche clyftes put smalle branchis of the mulb ery tre,

or of othere, the wych most b e kut in maner of a

wegge , that the plantyngemay stond juste in the clyftes,and stope the clyftes b e

- syde, and so put all the stoke

of the welowunder the forowe, that hit b e b id under

the erthe, the wych if thou wylt after the fyrst 3ere is

paste or the secund , depart hit one sondyre , or thou

mayste kut hit with a sawe b etwene the gouge branchis

asondere, and so plante hem indyvers placis .

A lso yf a peche tre b egynne to dry, let bym b ewelle

moystydwith donge . And Paladys seythe hit is best

dongyng with dreggys ofwyne, and that Same dongyng


kepyth bym fro schedyng ofhys fru te and some othyre

sayne that the beste donge of bym is that he b e moystyd

with water of the sethyng of beuys ; and yf the pechys

b egynne to falle, cleve the rotes with anax, and in the

clyft dryve a wegge mayd of a pynsapylle tre , or ellys

make holys with a wymb ulle, and make pynnys of

welow, and smyte heme infast with a mayle t of tre,

and than wolle the fru te abyde thereon .


anappulle tre b egyne to rote , or yf the appu lles

wax rotyne , thanne hit is a- seyne that the barke of th e

tre is syke, therefore kut hit with a knyffe, and lett byt

b e opynyd, and when the humerus thereof sumwhat

b e flown owte , lett dong hym we lle, and stoppe agene

the opynyng with towge clay .

I ff thou wolt that in the stone of a peche appulle b e

fownd a nott kyrnelle , grafi‘

e a sprynge of a peche tre

one the stoke of a nott tre . Also a peche tre schalle

brynge forthe pomegarnardys, if hi t b e spronge oft

tymys with gotys mylk e iij . days , when hit b egynnyth

to flower. Also the appu llys of a peche tre schalle

wex rede, yff his syone b e grafi'

yd one a playne tre .

Alle the same graffyng may b e understond of an

grysmolle tre ; that is b ettert hana peche .

Hfwormys wex ina tre, take askys that b e medelyd

with oyle, olyve, or myrre, and that schalle sle hem .

And therto also is good to stryk e the tre with myxture


welle with water, and after that thou mayste transpose

hem eythere frome othere, etc .

Also, he that wylle have rosys tymely to blowe,dewe heme ab owte the space of 13 . hand-brede, and

moyste her syons oft tymys with hoote water.

X .

Here begynnyth the crafts of lymnynge of bokys , who

so kane wyesly considere the nature of his colours,and kyndely make his commixtions with naturalle pro

porcions, and mentalle indagacions connectynge fro

dyvers recepcions by resone of theyre naturys, he

schalle make curiu s colourys , etc .

T o temper vermelone to wryte therewith . Grynde

vermelone one a stone with newe glayre, and put a

lytylle of the golk e of an ay thereto, and so wryte

therewith ; and if thou wylle temper it to floryche with

b okys , take and grynde hit smalle, and temper byt

with gum water.

T o temper asure, grynd hit one a stone, with the

thyrdyndele of gume and twyse so myob of water.

T o temper roset, grynd hit one a stone, with as

myche gume and also myche water as of rosytt .

T o temper'

ceru se, grynd hit one a stone with water

and gume .


T o temper rede lede, medylle bytwyth gleyre of ane

egge, and temper hit ina schel le with thy fyngere .

T o make grene coloure, take the j u ce ofwortys and

vetegrece, and medylle heme welle togedyre, and thou

schalt have a good grene .

T o temper tumnesole , wete hit inwatere of gume,

and chaufe hit in thy hond .

A false asure and dede . T ake ceruse and rosyne,

and medylle heme togedyre .

T o make asure to schyne b rygt . T ake byralle, and

grynd hitwith gleyre , and glase above with a penselle .

For an incarnacion, take sable and saffrone, and rede

lede, and medylle heme welle togedyre, &c .

T o make a cyse to gyld unburned gold one b okys .

T ake chalke and a lytylle saffrone, and gleyre, and

grynd hem togedyre a longe tyme one a stone, tylle hit

b e somdele tacchynge, and thanne put hit into ane

hom e, and if hit b e nede , alay hit with water, and so

work e therewith . Also take bule and ceruse, and

gleyre, and saffrone, or the same manere take the

scrapynge of ymages that b e olde .

T o temper asure fyne, take asure, and put hit in a

hom e, and put thereto gume and watere halfe one

halfe, othere more or lesse, if hi t b e nede ; and take a

lytylle styk e, and stampe hem welle togedyre to hit b e

evene medelyd, and thanne wryte therewith .


Also yf thou temper asure ina schelle, pu t a lytylle

asure into a schelle, and gum water, and rub hit faste

togedyre with thyne fyngere, and thenne worob e hit as

thou wolt, with a penselle .

I ff vermelone b e blake and bade, grynde hit welle

one a stone alle drye , and thanne put hit into a pece

of sylver, andwasche hit welle with clene water ij . or

iij . tyme , and thanne poure owte the water therefro,

and make a pytt ina clene chalke stone, and cast in

that pyt t alle thy vermelone, and let hit stonde so a

whyle to hi t b e rede ; and thanne grynd hit eft- sone

one a stone, and thanne ley hit obrode one a skyne of

parchement to dry in the sonne ; and whenne thou

wylle, tempe r hit to wryte with . T ake the rynde of a

walnot tre, and schere hit smalle inthe gleyre of egges,

and let hit stond so a whyle, and than temper there

with thy vermelone withowte ony more gryndynge .

T o temper rosette, put hit into a schelle with gleyre

that is newe made thereto, tylle hit b e welle y- scorpyd,

and thenne amenge hitwith thy fyngere , and soworche

there with .

T o make a false asure , take a lytylle asure and a

lytylle seru se, and grynd hem togedyre with gume and

water, and temper hit uppe ina sche lle .

T o make a false roset . Do as thou dyd with the

asure inalle wyse .


and do as thou dydyste ere ; thanne thou schalt have

fyne blacke .

T o temper ock ere, grynd hit with gume and water,and if thou wylle do a lytylle whyte thereto, do hit in

a schelle'

and worob e hit .

T o visage coloure ; take fyne blake and saffrone,

and grynd hit togedyre, and putt hit into a schelle and

worche therewith .

T o make ane incarnacione ; take whyte and a lytelle

rede, and temper heme togedyre, and worob e hit so .

T o temper brasylle good to newe with ; schave thy

brasylle smalle into a cleme veselle, and do gleyre

thereto, and so let hit stepe longe tyme togedyre, and

when hit is stept y-noge, worob e therewith .

T o make gume ; take the whyte of xx . egges , and

make clere gleyre of heme,and thanne take a bledder

of a beste that is newe Slayne, and put therein thy

gleyre, and knyt faste the b laddere, and honge hit in

the sonne or overe the fyre in the smoke xl . days, and

thanne hast thou good gum for alle inckys .

Asure in anothere manere ; take stronge venegré,

andwasshe thyne asure therewith or iij . tymys, as

longe as thou fyndys ony fylthe above the venegré,

and Whanne thou fyndys thyne asure alle blewe y-noge,powre owte the venegré elene, and if the asure b e alle

grete of grayne, temper hit with the water of gume ,


and the lengere hi t stondeth y- tempered, the better hit

wol b e .

Grene for b okys ; grynde welle j . li . of vertgrece

ona stone, and put thereto a chyde of saffrone in the

gryndyng thereof, or more, and hit nede, to thou se hit

b e grene y-no3e, and thanne temper hit uppe with the

ju ce of a rotyne appylle strayned thorowe a clene

clothe, and let it stond so Ij . days inanhom ewithowte

ony straynyng ; and Whanne thou wolte worob e there

with , take of the clereste that hovygte above, and

there thou schalt fynde a goode grene for alle maner

thynges , and medelle the j u ce of the appulle with a

lytelle gume water.

To make tornesole in anothere manere : take gum

water, and put hit into a schelle of an oystere ; then

take a pece of tornesole, and ley h it in the water of

gum,and let hit ly awhyle therein, and then wrynge

it throge a clothe to thou se the waterb e welle colouryd,and than floryche bokys therewith that have rede

letterys .

T o make brasyle to flouryche letterys, or to reule

with b okys take braysyle, and scrape hit smale with

a knyfe, and putt thereto a lytelle gleyre, and a

lytelle powder of alom glasse, and let hit stond so alle

a day, and thanne streyne the ju ce therefro throge a

lynnene clothe, and rule b okys therewith .


T o temper seru se . Grynd hit smalle one a stone

with gum water, and so worob e therewith .


thou wylt preve asure b ice, if hit b e good or

badde, take a penselle or a penne, and drawe smale

ru lys onblewletteris with the seru se, and if thi seru se

b e not clere and brygte andwyte, but fade and dede,than is the asure -bice not good ne fyne .

How thou schalte make cenopere : take v . galonis

of old urine, and do sethe hit overe the fyre to hit b e

clere and welle y- stomyd, and than let hit kele to h it

b e lewk e -warme ; and than take j . li . lake , and breke

hit smale , and serse hit into powdere, and put that

powdere into the uryne by lytelle and lytelle, and alwey

stere hit welle , and than eft- sone set hit one the fyre

to hit boyle , and than strayne hit throge a bagge of

canvas, so that alle the dras tys byleve thereine, and

thanne eft—sone set hit on the fyre to hit boyle, and in

the b oylynge put therein iij . unce of alome glasse made

into powdere, andalwey ste re hit, and Whanne hit b athe

sodyne awhyle, take hit fro the fyre and thanne take j .

unce , and j . di . of alome glas molte into clere water,

and sprynge of thatwater alle ab owte, and that schalle

gadere alle thy mater togedyre, and than streyne hit

throge a smale bagge of lynnen clothe, and of the sub

stance that levythe in the bagge after the straynynge

make smalle ballys thereof, as hit were hasylle nottes,


coper, and lj . li . of unslek ed lyme, and a galone of

venegre , and put thyes inan erthyne potte , and stoppe

faste the mowth thereof that none eyre come therein,save a lytelle hole above, and so let h it stonde inthe

erthe , or ina donge hille, iiij . monthys .

T o make letterys of gold ; fyrste make clere glayre,and afterward take whytte chalke that is dry, and of

the ryngynge of thyne egges, and grynd hem togedyre

alle one a stone the space of ij . owrys, and thanne put

thereto a lytelle safi‘

rone, but loke that thy coloure be

not to 3elowe, and loke there come no water thereto

but gleyre bothe in the gryndynge and in the temper

yng, and let hem stonde so iij . or iiij . days ; but if hit

b e temperyd with old gleyre, thou mayst worob e

therewith anone, and if hit b e newe gleyre, let hit

stond iij . or iiij . days, and thanne make letterys there

with , and let hit ly to dry alle a day ; and b e wel lware

that thou handelle hit nogte with thyne bondys,

whanne h it is dry, for if thou do, hit wylle take no

golde ; and whenne thy letter is fully dry, take the

tothe of a bore or of an hogge, and take uppe thy

gold with a penselle in thi lefte b ond, and ley byt one

the letter, and lett thy left hond go byfore thy rygte,

andwith thy rygte hond do rub one thy gold with the

tothe of the bore , and thou schalt se fayre letterys .

And if thou wolle make letterys one a horde, ley thy


syse as thynne thereone as thou mayste , and do alle

the remanant as is seyd before .

T o make whyte lede ; take platys , and make in

everyche of hem ane hole inthe one ende , and hange

hem one a stafe, as thou woldyste hange sprottes, so

that no plate towch othere, and thanne in a tunne or in

a barelle put venegre or eyselle , and honge the platys

there overe, and stoppe faste the mowthe of the vesselle

that none eyre come inne owte, and let hit stonde so

vj . wekys, and, after the vj . wekys , opyne the vesselle

softly,and take uppe the platys esely, and schave of

the whytte that is one heme uppone a clene borde, and

whanne thou wolt worobe therewith , grynd hit welle,and temper hitwith gleyre ofhogges, orwith gumwater,but that is not so good as is the gleyre .

T o make rede lede . T ake iij . or iiij . pottes of erthe

more than a foote longe, and lett the pottes b e over

alle a- lych myche fro the b othum to the mowthe, and

than take whytte lede, and put h it to heche potte a

goode'quantité , and thanne sett thy pottes alonge in

an ovyne made therefore , every potte bysyde othere ,

and lette the mowthys of the pottes ly a party owt of

the ovyns mowthe, and than make a good fyre , to the

pottes b e welle hote , and than take owte one of the

pottys, and hyld owte that is thereinne ona stone, and

grynd h it faste alle b oote a good cowrse with venegre ,


and than put b it into the potte agene , and ley hit in the

ovyne as b it was byfore ; and so take e che after othere

as thou dydeste b yfore, to thou se the lede turne into

a fayre rede and a fyne at thy lykynge, but loke thou

sese not of gryndyng of the lede With venegre, me of

b akynge , to thou have do, for thys makyng is perfytte .

T o temper rede lede : grynd hit as thou doste ver

melone , and wesshe b yt, and dry hit, and so in all

wysse do as here is sayde before , and thou schalt do

welle .

T o wryte ona swerd or one a knyfe ; take the pow

der of alome glas, and salle gemme , and temper hit

with olde u ryne, &c .

T o dy grene threde fyrste do woode hit, and than

take the lye ofwoode asschys, and take woode, and cut

hit in to a lytylle porcione of vertegrece , and a quantité

of blake sope, and put h it to the threde, and so sethe

hem togedyre , and hyt wolb e fyne .

T o sowde ; take boras, and sethe hit inwater, and

wete thy thynge therewith .

T o make sowder of tynne ; take v . partys of pece

sylvere , and of latone, and do medylle hit togedyre

with a lytelle boras .

T o make coralle ; take harttes hornnys, and madere

ane handfu lle‘

or more, and sethe hit to hit b e as

nesshe as glew.


T o make rede water ; take brasylle that flotyn, and

put hit into an erthyne potte, with ly made of lyme ,

that hit b e wesshe, and sethe hit to the halvendele ,

and thanne asay hit, whyle hit is b oote , and thys

wolb e a'

good rede .

T o make ly of lyme ; take a quantité of hote lyme

as hit comythe fro the kylne , and put hit into a

vesselle, and put water thereto, and a lytelle alome,

and a lytelle swete mylk e, and let hit stonde so and

crude . Another manere ; take the uryne of a manne ,

sethe hit.

and soome hit into the braselle chalke, and

let h it boyle ; thanne set hit fro the fyre , and strayne

hit into the chalke stone , and let h it stonde so, for th is

is good .

T o cowche gold ; take gleyre and safi'

rone y-


togedyre , and cowche on thy gol d whyle it is moyste .

T o make a blake water ; take gumme galle, and

coperose , of eche a pownd , and take a vesselle for eche

of thyes, and put to a pownd a galone ofwater, and

let heme stepe so alle a nygte ; and afterward take a

vesselle, and do therein thy galle and thy coperose,

and sethe hem to halfe b e wastyd, and than pu t thy

gum there in, and set hit downe to that hit b e colde .

T o make a rede water ; take a potelle of rede

venegre , and a 3. of brasyle, and iiij . part of a 3. of

vermelone , and do hit into an erthyne potte to halfe.


b e sodynaway, and thanne put thereto an3. of alome

glas powdere , and seth hit eft - sone a lytelle, and do

worche therewith alle hote .

T o make whyte lethyre take halfe anunce ofwhyte

coperose, and di . 3. of alome and salle-peter the mown

tance of the golk e of anegge, and yf thou wolle have

thy skynne thykk e , take of whetmele 1j . handfulle,

and that is sufli ciant to a galoue ofwater ; and if thou

wolle have thy skynne rynnyng, take of ry mele 2

handfu lle, and grynd alle thyes saltes smale, and caste

hem into lewk e warme water, and let heme melt

togedyre, and so alle in ewene warme water put

therein thy skynne . And if hit be a velome skynne,

lett hit b e thereinne 9 days and 9 ny3tes, and thanne

take hit uppe, and wryng hit into the same water oft,

and lett byt dry in the eyre to b yt b e halfe dry, and if

hit b e a perchement skyne, let hit ly thereinne 4 days

and 4 ny3tes, and knowe welle that a perchement

skynne that is fatt is not beste for this ocupacron, but

yf he b e thyk e, he is the better ; thanne take coperase

of the whyttest the quantité of lj . b enys for j . skynne,

and the 3olke of j . egge, and breke h it into a dysse ,

and than put water overe the fyre , and put thereinne

thy coperas , and than put thy 3olke in thy skyne , and

ru b hit alle ab owte, and thanne ley thy skynne in the

seyde water, and let hit ly, .

u t dictum est .


To dy grene threde ; do wood hit fyrste, and than

take ly of woode asschyne , and take wold, and kyt hit,

and a lytelle porcione of vertegrece, and a quantité of

blake sope , andpu t hit into the trede, and sethe heme



T o make lynnene clothe rede ; take alome glas, and

b rasyle, and sethe heme welle togedyre inwelle water,

and than do owte the water by bym- selfe into anothere

vesselle, and wasshe thy clothe thereinne, and lay hit

to dry .

For 3elowe ; take wyld woode , and sethe hit inlye,

and ley thy clothe there in, and anone take hit owte ,

and ley hit for to dry .

F or grene ; fyrst wasshe thy clothe in th e fiowre of

woode, and thanne put byt in3elowju ce, and dry hit .

T o make rede lassche ; T ake water of sufiioure,

alome, glas, and dissolve'

hit into water, and inthat

water wasshe thy lethyre, and let hit dry, and sethe

brasyle in stondynge water, and anoynte thy lethyre

therewith Ij . or iij . and let hit dry a3ense the sonne .

T o gyld metalle . Take water of suffioure that is

the fyrste leche , and salle armoniac, and grene

coperose, and bray heme togedyre in a morter of

brasse, and take as myche of the one as of the othere,

and putt heme into the water of suffloure , and let hit

stonde the space of halfe an owre, - and than take the


goode sawley with the secund parte of water, and

thanne let hit b e ny3e at boylynge or 3e temper or

pure your alome ; and as sone as 3e have puryd your

e lome, caste in your colours that schalb e rede afore a

prety whyle , or thy crimesons gyne ; and thanne let

hem boyle togedyris a good owre large and more, and

kepe the same boylynge to eftesonys , for hit most

serve anothere tyme ry3t welle .

I tem,if 3e wol le make fyne redys, 3e moste take to a

dosyne iij . pownd of alome, and to crimesons the same ,whenne 3e boyle hem, and thanne schalle 3e make fayre

colours and lusty in theyre maderynge inwarantise .

I tem , at your maderynge 3e schalle take of the same

wateris that 3e made , and bere hem overe into your

lede as myche as 3e seme wolle serve 3ow; if 3e have

no3te y-no3e, take a kowlle fulle, or ij . or iij ., or as

mony as 3e seme wolle serve 3ow; thenne let hit b e

but mylk e-warme, whenne thou doyste in thy madere

when the madere is in flotte , breke h it smalle that

there b e no ballys , for to every 3erde 3e moste take a

pownd of madere . And among hem caste in thy redys

that thou wolt have, and thanne make a good fyre

ondere thy lede, and loke ever that thou handylle'


clothe that is in the lede tylle that the flote that is in

the lede b egynne to sethe . And ever thanne amonge ,

whyle that 3e handylle, take uppe a parte, and loke


thereonne ; and whenne 3e seine that hit is welle, take

hit uppe, and whenhit is uppe, cole hit welle opone a

rayle to hit b e cold ; thanne moste 3e make a master

yuge therefore .

Item,for the masterynge, 3e moste cast owte 3owre

olde flote of 3owre maderynge , and make a newe flote

for 3ou r masterynge of elene water in your lede com

petently as wolle serve 3ow, and whenne hit is more

than schalde- hote, drowe owte 3our fyre elene, and

thanne caste in 3our aschys in the lede, yf 3e wolle

make a rowe masterynge . If hit b e so that 3e wolle

have a fre masterynge, caste heme in a fatte b esyde,and temper hit with the same lycoure in 3our lede iij .

tymes or iiij . , tylle that 3our lye b e stronge, and let hit

pyche welle tylle h it b e clere thanne caste the lye into

the lede afore the clothe, and stere hit welle togeder

with a staffe ; and thanne caste in thy clothe to mas

terynge, and bandelle b yt welle with a staffe a good

while or thou take hit up, and than by the grace of

God 3e schalle have good redys and fyne : yf hit b e so

that 3e wolle have 3owe masteryng, 3e moste breke up

the aschys welle with the flote afore or 3e cast in 3our

clothe, and thanne handylle hit welle with a staffe

abowte ; and when hit is masteryd, take hit up and

wasche hit clene oute of the ayschys, as 3e kanne, and

so owte of boylynge, and also of the maderynge , &c .


Item, for crymsons , hit may not have halfe so meche

mader as rede b athe, for hit moste b e but lytylle

y-maderyd, but halfe as meche as rede b athe ofmadyre

crymson 3e schalle geve, for after hit is y-maderyd, 3e

moste korke hit, for the korke is a settynge up , and a

masterynge , for if 3e wolle korky crymsons , 3e moste,after 3e have maderid hit, let make a newfiote of clene

water, and whenne hit is alle -moste at b oylynge, caste

in 3our corke , and thenne after 3our clothe, and so let

hit boyle welle to ~

gederys a good longewhyle or 3e take

h it up , and so, by Godes grace , 3e schalle make fayre

crymsons and good .

Item, as for vyolettys withowte wode , 3e moste make

a kynd blake flote , for to browne heme welle therein

of aldyre ryndys , and of clene water, and boyle heme

welle to -

gedire , and so lett hit stond iij . days or iiij . ,

and thanne 3our flote is made fore 3our sangweyns, and

also for 3our viollettes, and 3ou r viollettes saddere

thanne 3our morreys : and thanne 3e moste weysche

heme oute of that ; thanne 3e moste make 3our fiote

fore 3ourmaderyng for 3our violettes, and 3ourmorreys

and to a dosyne of violettes viij . pownd ofmadyre , and

to a dosynoff morreys vj . li . , and loke 3e madere heme

as 3e do 3our redys, and in lyke wyse madere hem, and

mastry heme , and thenne wesch heme oute clene

thereof, and so 3our colouris beth y-made everyche in

her pcrty, as they schold b e one warantyse .

N O T E S .

Page 3, l. 14 . Let be thy care. The phrase let be has beenthought by Steevens worthy of a long note . It is ofconstant occurrence in early English . So in the

romance of the Sowclane of B abyloyne, MiddlehillMS


Speke we nowof sir Laban,

And let Charles and Gy be.

Page 4, l. 8 . The dare of whallus bone. The ivory whichwas made of the teeth of the walrus

,is constantly

alluded to as whale’s bone,and instances of the phrase

are all but innumerable . It seems also that ivory wasso called long after that made from elephant’s teethwas in common u se . As white as whale’

s bone was

the usual simile . Hiswyfe as white aswhales bone”,

Syr I senbras .

“A mayden as white as whales boneSyr Eglamou re. Her skin was white as whales boneor Hawes’ Pastime of Pleasu re. In Skelton’


Garlande of Law'

ell, Works

,ed. Dyce

,i . 380, is a pas

sage which may be compared with that in the text :

With turkis and grossolitis enpavydwas the groundeOf b irrall enbosid wer the pyllers rownde ;Of elephantis tethe were the palace gatis,Enlosenged with many goodly platisOf golde, entachidwith many a precyou s stone ;Anhundred steppis mountyng to the halle,One of jasper

,another ofwhalis bone .

NOTE S . 93

It will b e observed, that elephant’s teeth, as well as

whales’ bone, are mentioned inthe above extract .Page 4, l. 20 . Noneste. This is a form of nonce.

Page 6, l. 1 7. B eire. An early provincial form of gear.

The manu scriptpossesses several of theseuncouth forms,

the explanations of which will b e readily gatheredfrom the context .

Page 8 , l. 8 . Glowgs . That is, gloves . Shortly afterwards

we have cageg for cog, a very corrupt form of theword .

Page 9 . Word forworld. Common in this manuscript .Page 10, l. 1 6 . Cowrs . That is

,curse .

Page 1 2. The reader is referred, for information respectingthe subject of the poem here printed, to the learned ohservations ofMr. Wright in his edi tion of WalterMapes,

pp . 95 , 322 . The present appears to b e a closer versionof the Latin ofMapes than thosewhich are printed byMr. Wright, with introductory and concluding stanzasnot elsewhere found . It is also curious as attributingthe vision to b e that of a French hermit

,who b e

name was cleyppyd Philberte”

,a statement which has

only hi thert o been discovered in a MS . at Vienna,in

which there is a copy of the Latin poem,with eight lines

prefixed that contain the same account . He is there l ikewise described as a king

s son,filias regalia. The lines

themselves are printed inMr. Wright’

s Mapes, p . 95 .

Page 1 6, l. 10 . Timhale is nowof my .feet . Hale,that is


hall . The Latin is merely,— vix nunc tuns tumulus

septem capit pedes . Mr. Wright quotes a parallelpassage from the SaxonChroni cle . See Mapes, p . 96,

and thewell known passage inHenry I V, beginning,When that this body did contain a spirit . ”

Page 26, l. 21 . Abbag is tornea to a grange. To bring an

94 NorEs ;

abbey to a grange, a common old proverb . So inSkelton

s ColgnClou te,

Howe ye brake the dedes wylles,Turne monasteris into water-milles


Of anabbay ye make a graunge .

Page 32, l. 23 . To. That is,two. Du o dcemones

,Lat .

Page 36, l. 10 . I was a kyngis sone. This refers,of course,

to Philibert,and the whole of this addition is probably

translated from some Latin original not nowknown tob e in existence .

Page 39 . The poem here printed,of Earth upon Earth

is the most complete copy known to exist . Otherversions

,varying considerably from each other, are

preserved in MS . Seld . sup. 53 ; MS . Rawl . C. 307 ;

MS . Raw] . Poet . 32 ; MS . Lambeth 853 ; and in theThorntonMS . in Lincoln Cathedral . Portions of i t areoccasionally found inscribed onthe walls of churches .

Page 43 . B i a forrest . Another copy of this poem ispreserved in MS . Bibl . Publ . Cantab . Ff. v . 48 . The

present is the most complete version .

Page 44,l. 3 . Rachis in MS . Raches were scenting

hounds, and are frequently mentioned, e.g . . in ArtfiourandMerlin, p . 1 72 z

Thre grehoundes he ledde onhond,

And thre raches in onbond .

l. 8 . I lolee alowe. This line is as follows in the

Cambridge MS . I loke asyde, I lurke fulle lowe”


l. 10 . So bowe ! so bowe ! Thiswas the hunting cry

used when the hare was pu rsued . It is again men

t ioned in a somewhat similar poem onthe hare printedin Turbervile

s B ake of Hunting , where the animalthus complains

96 NOT E S .

or eyselle is noticed in a receipt at page 8 1 . It ismade synonymous with alegar, or vinegar made fromale

,in the F orme of Cu rg , p . 56 ; but vinegar of any

description appears to have passed under the name of

eysell or aysell.

Page 48,'

l. 1 . N ette. That is,neat cattle .

Page 67, l. 4 . Sprgnggs . Springs here seem to meanslips . They are


,the first shoots of a plant .

Springe or ympe that commeth ou t of the rote”,Hu loet

s Abcedarium,1 552.

L A T I N T H E M E S .


F EW personages inmodern history have received

more notice , have been invested with a greater

attraction , or have been spoken of w ith more in

du lgent friendship or more partial hostility , than

the queen of France and Scotland , the fair and

unhapp y Mary S tuart . The books relating spe

cially to her have become numerous enough

to form,if collected

,a rather considerable li

b rary, and now, within the last few years , (I

speak of France only) , the p ublication of do

cuments by Prince Lab anoff,the Latin thesis

for the grade of doctor by M . Chernel,who


we are in formed ; will soon resume more at large

and in French the same subj ect , the in form

rather historical romance ofM . Dargau d, and the

excellent history by M . Mignet , are proofs that

the in terest of the subj ect is no t exhausted,and

that it is always possible to awaken curiosity

and sympathy by recalling to our memory one

who, by her death at least, seems sanctified as a

martyr, and of whom we may still say that in

most hearts

The memory is green .

But we leave this aswith out ou r scope for ou r

far more modest aim in this publication is not to

renew and judge the inquiry , but only to prin t

for the first time the contents of a small manuscrip t

inthe handwriting of the young Mary , the oldest,

probably , of her productions which can b e pro

du ced, and which will b e a quite new, although

but a small,stone added to the monument raised

to her by posterity . Rather unimportant in the

historical point of view ,it is so singular an in

stance and SO true a pearl in curios1 ty , that Eng

land, since she may not have the original , may

perhaps b e glad to receive an accurate Copy of it,

which being , from the limited number of the im

pression,convenien tly reserved to the hands of

some fi t judges and friends , it may b e said,will

not go down in the op en area and mee t the great

common light too strong for its harmless inge

nu ity . I t is a delicate and sup erfluous ornament ,

the manuscrip t, — but the whole article is a blun

der. The book has consequently been asked for

many times,as seeming to con tain real letters


is to say; historical documen ts ; but, as this was

not the case,it was laid aside as useless .

Recently,however, a French scholar

,M . Ln

dovic Lalanne , well known by his historical pub

lications, happening to see this manuscrip t,exa

mined it more closely , and came to the curious

conclusion that it was neither a correspondence,

nor a collection or transcrip ts of real le tters,but

that it was what Fren ch schoolboys call a cahier

ale corrigés , the autograph transcrip t by Mary

S tuart of the Latin , into which she had trans

lated French le tters given to her as themes .

Under these circumstances the interest of the

manuscrip t was very different from that which

it had been supposed to possess , not so great per

hap s,but still so curious, that M . Lalanne in

serted a de scrip tion of it,with some well selected

extracts naturally taken from the French part, in

the weekly Parisian paper, called l’

A t/zeneum

F rangaisfi‘

of which he is the director, and to the

1853 , 33rd number, Samedi 1 3th August, pp . 775 - 7.

readers of which the notice of this little discovery

was particularly accep table . Thus M . Lalanne ,

who ascertained first the true character of the

volume , may b e said to have discovered it . I owe

to him the knowledge of the book , and I am

pleased to have the opportunity of fully express

ing all my Obligation to his clever article on the

subj ect , without which the present publication

would never have seen the light .

The manuscrip t, written on strong paper, is an

18mo .,rather square , measuring millimeters

inwidth, by in height , and consists of 86

folios,numbered by a later hand .

I ts present binding, dating only from the end

of the seventeenth century, is plain red morocco

the back is ornamented with fleurs -de- lys , and

the sides with the arms of France The edges

are gilt, and we will remark that,in gilding the

edges , the binder has been careful with them ; for

it is usual to see the letters closely written at the

end of lines to ge t in an entire word, and the last

letters are inno instan ce ou t . It is thus certain

that the volume has retained its original shape . On

its garde is the presen t number 8660 , and, onthe

first leaf numbered , the older number 66412 .

Underneath the latter are these contemporaneous

lines : Maria D . G . Scotor . Reg . Gallim vero


” thus eviden tly written after Mary ’s

wedding with Francis , the first son of Henry II,

which took place onthe 24th of A pril,1558, when

she was sixteen years of age , and before the acces

sion of her husband to the French throne , which

occurred onthe l0th ofJu ly , 1559 ; for it was only

during that time she could be called dauphine of

France . Under it is the signature of B allesdens,

which may b e seen inthe fac-simile,and concern

ing whom it is here necessary to say a fewwords ,

inorder to show by whose worthy hands the ma

nu script was preserved .

Jean B allesdens was born in Paris at the end

of the six teenth cen tury ; he was advocate at the

Parliamen t and Council , and private secretary to

the chancellor Pierre Ségu ier, who was much at

tached to him ,and. presen ted him for election to

the A cadémie Frangaise , of which he was the

protector. A t a first candidature,B allesdens, be

ing incompe tition with the great dramatist, Pierre

Corneille , was so just and respectful to the genius

the hand of Mary , not transcribed at once , but

written severally and probably day by day . The

writing , the pen, the ink , are differen t, although

by the same hand,neat and clever

, quite Italian

in form , and indisputable , as it will b e seen by

comparison with the numerous fac- similes of her

later handwriting . But it is quite different w ith

the French . I t is evident that the bookwas blank

when given to Mary,who was to transcribe her

themes on the recto of each leaf, but who some

times was so inattentive as to write on the Verso .

When the bookwas nearly fu ll,the French themes

were collected and written in their fi t places byone hand, and perhap s at once ; for the hand

writing is identical in all p laces,and it is evi

dently that of a manual cop y ist ; and, as some

themes were lost, the leaf waiting them was left

blank . This,as well as the character of the let

ters,though still gothic in their form and very

bold, prevents the supposition that the French is

a version by her fellow - scholar E lizabe th , from

the Latin le tters directed to her by Mary ; some

slight differences furnish also another proof that

this French is infact the original theme , andnot a

version from the Latin . It is also improbable that

we have there the hand of the precep tor for the

reader will soon discover some blunders which

showeviden tly the hand of a mere amanuensis .

I t would b e curious to ascertain the name of

this precep tor B rantOme does not inform u s of it

inhis article onMary , but M . Lalanne has judi

ciou sly suggested that it is probably indicated in

B rantome’

s articleonElizabeth she , at least duringone year, having had the same precep tor as Mary ,

as inone of these letterswritten by him he addresses

himself to the two princessesfi“ The name of her

precep tor, therefore, would give the name of the

precep tor ofMary . These are the words of Bran

t6me, Speaking of Elizabeth : Elle avoit beau

sgavoir, comme la royne sa mere l’

avoit faiete bien

estudier par M . de Saint Estienne , un précep teur


elle a touj ours aimé et resp ecté j u squ’

a sa

mort . ” Some words of the Spanish historianof

Mary agree en tirely with.

this hypothesis En

tregandolo a Catalina de Medicis,reyno de Fran

cia,la fue errando con elmesmo amor qu e si fuera

su Ye t this can only b e given as a

See letter X LV and also letter xxu .


Antonio di Herrera,H istoria de lo Succedido enEsco

supposition , with the possibility of its being au

thenticated or destroyed by the discovery of fur

ther facts . And i t is very possible that the pre

cep tor ofMary came w ith her from England , when

we bear in m ind that this form of le tters was

used and perhaps traditional in England for the

institution of royal pupils ; for the very curious

book of Latin le tters and exercises of Edward VI ,

when prince, preserved in the Harleian manu

scrip ts , N O . 5087 (Ca talogue , vol. iii,p .

is inall respects a companion to Mary ’s themes .

As to the turn and form of this education , itwas

naturally , in accordance w ith the character of

the time,rather profane than sacred . The first

letter is an invocation to the sacred muses,and

the gods are as frequently cited as God. All the

examp les are taken from antiquity Plato, Cicero ,

and, above all, Plutarch ,are the authors most fre

quently quoted‘

. One modern author appears, how

ever, but onewho had so much of anancien t inhis

Sp irit, that the rule is confirmed rather than broken

by the in troduction of Erasmus , ofwhom are cited

cia e Inglaterra, enquarenta y quatro afios qu e vivio MariaEstuarda, reyna di Escocia . Lisboa, 1 590, in8vo . p . 35 verso.

them , this letter of Politianu s, the thirteenth inthe

third book , is found to b e onthe subj ect of learned

women, and w ith the commen tary of Franciscu s

Silvius in the Parisian edition of 1523,in4to .


con tains almost all the names used by the pre

cep tor.

But w ith these subj ects , which are little more

than commonplaces , these themes would have no

more to recommend them to curiosity than the

theme s of the duke ofBurgundy , — with this differ

ence still,that M . de S t . E tienne or Mary ’s precep

tor, whoever he was , is not a stylist like Fenelon .

Happily , and this does honour to the understand

ing of the former,he has given interest tohis

themes , and that for u s as well as for his pupils ,

inmaking them real le tters to living and neigh

b ou ring person s ; they have thus in them some

thing of the life of the times .

The le tters are innumber LX IV two only, X L I

and XL IV , are directed by the preceptor to Mary ;

b u t the ordinary correspondent of Mary is her

fellow -studen t Elizabeth,daugh ter to K ing Henry

II , who was to b e married to the melancholySpanish king , Philip the Second , and in 1554was

J( 111

nine years of age ,having been born in1545 . Twice

only Mary directs letters (I X ,X I ) to Claudia, an

other daughter of the French king , but younger,

being born in N ovember 1547,who married in

1 559 the duke of Lorraine, Charles the Third ,

and to whom certainly relates the childish allusion

in letter XX I I .

By the direction of the ten th letter we learn

the name ofanother fellow-student ofMary , whose

presence is even more curious , from the circum

stance that this other fellow - studen t is not a girl

but a b oy . Unhappily the Latin form involves

the name in a doubt,only to b e removed by

chance . I confess I cannot guess what may b e in

French the name Quarlocoius is it not possible

that he was, perhaps, the sonof some great Scotch

nobleman , who came into France with his youngqueen ? I leave the question

,however, to the

learning of the Scottish an tiquaries .

The other correspondents of Mary were her

uncle the famous duke of Guise (letters XXI I I ,

XX IV) , and the French dauphin ,whowas soon to b e

her husband . One, the X V I I I th

,is directed to a

manwhose name it is singular to see in this place ,

to the great reformator Calvin . The letter is of

1 554,and it is curious to remark that a Latin

edition of his book l’Institu tion C/irétienne was

published by Robert E tienne in 1553 : as is well

known,one part of it is occupied with the negation

of purgatory , and the le tter is precisely on this

point . W as the le tter ever sent ? I t is rather

improbable . The others— I speak not of those to

Elizabe th , which were to b e versions to her

being directed to friends and relatives,who were

curious and proud to see the progress of Mary ’s

learning , were certainly sent . But the letter to

Calvin stands in a different light . The fact of a

letter to him from such a princess— her youth also

would have shown itwas dictated to her and conse

quen tly avowed— would have been too important

to b e easily admitted . I t is , I think , necessary to

reduce the question to less er proportions , and sup

pose that, the book of Calvin and his opinion on

purgatory having been spoken ofbefore the young

queen , the precep tor thought good to introduce

them in his next lesson to his pupil . However,

and whate ver may b e the case , it is curious to see

this ehildish le tter to Calvin , and to think how

tobre 1554 dernier g’

our tie cest an 1554,

5 g'

anoier affixed to the letters XX I I ,


,LVI I I . A remark is here necessary .

The date of the 5 t h January 1554, which would

b e 1555 according to the new style,is

,as it was

to b e expected , written according to the old style,

inwhich the year began on the 25th of March .

But Mary, although con tinuing to write 1554

after a le tter dated 26th December and another

dated the day of S t . John the Evangelist after

Christmas,that is to say, the 27th De cember,

writes inthe letters immediately following the last

day of this year 1 554, using thus at the same time

the two manners of ending the year. It is only a

new proof,that if the ordonnan ce which inFrance

made the year begin with January was rendered

only by Charles the N inth , in 1563 , the u se, thus

made official and legal, was in fact already esta

b lished. An Observation curious to make,before

leav ing this date of 1554, is, that the same year is

inscribed by Mary inher prayer-book,preserved at

S t . Petersburg , and described by Prince Lab anoff

in the last volume of his edition of the le tters of

Mary . On one leaf of it may b e read , in her


handwriting these words : Ce livre est a moi .

Marie , Royne .

One word more , and I w ill close this already

too long an in troduction . Much has been said on

the early learning of Mary . The great credit

she has received on this account will b e p erhap s

a little destroyed by this publication ; for the

reader w ill see her knowledge of the Latin to b e

not very sound nor firm,and some blunders are

of such a natu re as to render u s somewhat incre

du lou s as to her ownknowledge at this period of

life . The admiration , insp ired by the praise b e

stowed by B rantdme on the famous Latin speech

delivered in the French court , w ill b e somewhat

impaired by the though t that it was a little after

ou r themes,which perhaps were g iven to her

as a first preparation towards this subj ect,and

show u s that she was certainly not unaided in the

composition of her speech . Howe ver,the words

of B rantOme,in his life of Mary , are worthy of

b eing‘

quoted here , because they relate to the sam e

period and the same nature of ideas

Pour la beauté de l’ame,elle estoit toute pa

reille ; car elle s’

estoit faicte fort seavante en

bien séant au x femmes de sgavoir les le ttres e t ars

libérau x . A u quel endroit je diroys enquelle ad

miration d ’un chacun vous auries esté ouye , e t


quelle esperance au rOI t este congue de vous par

toute cette noble compaignie , Si j e le pouvois dire

sans sou bcon de flat terie . Ce qu e j’

aime mieux

estre tellement qu ellement exprimé par ce verS


Ovide , parlant de Germanicus Caesar, pe tit fils

d’Augu ste , eleg . 5 du 2 de Pont .

Quant ta bouche céleste eu t ouvert ton soucy,


oneu t dit qu e les dieux sou loient parler ainsi,

E t qu e d’un prince estoit digne telle excellence,

Tant avoit de douceur ta divine éloquence .

Que p leut a votre Maj esté qu e j’

eu sse pu finer de

ce t te tant élégan te oraison , ou plu tOt de la Fran

goy se traduction qu’

il vous en p leut faire quelque

terns apres ; il ne m’

eu st esté besoin chercher Si

loing des exemples , etc .

By this it w ill b e seen that this Sp eechwas then

preserved in two forms,inLatin and inFrench,

and I suppose the last to have been less a transla

tion by Mary,than the original given to her

by her precep tor to b e by her put in Latin .

Perhaps it ex ists , and Owes to its commonplace




PUI S que les Muses (comme toutes autres choses)prennent leur commancement de Dieu : il es t raison

nab le, qu e pour b ien faire l’ce uvre que j e commance, mon

entree soit de par lu i, et que du toutmonentendement

implore sonaide et sa grace tres sainete . A Reims .

CE n’est pas asses au commancement de tes estudes,

ma seur tres aimée, de demander l’aide de Dieu

mais il veut qu e de toutes tes forces tu travailles . Car,

ma mie, les anciains ont dit qu e les Dieus ne donnent

leurs b iens au s oisifs, mais les vendent par les labeurs .

Adieu,et m’

aime autant que j e t’

aime . A Reims .

JE vous ecrivoi hier (ma seur) qu e vertu vient «le


estude des bonnes lettres , et pour cc a nous princesses

sont- elles plus necessaires qu’

au x autres . Car tout

ainsi qu’unprince surmonte ses sub iects en richesses ,

enpuissance , enautorité et commandement : ainsi doit

estre entre tous le plus grand enprudence, en conseil ,enbonté , engrace, e t toute sorte de vertu . Par quoi

les Egyptiains ont paint un oeil au sceptre des rois , et

disoient qu e nulle vertu n’

est m ieu s seante a unprince

qu e prudence . A Reims .

PU I S doncqu es qu’nn prince doit surmonter ses sub iects

nonenvoluptés et delices, mais en sens, entemperance ,e t en prudence : et qu e son devoir et oflice est de

preposer les utilités dela Republique au x siennes ; il

faut, ma sear, qu e mettions peine d’estre bien sages .

E t qu e ne laissions aller un seul jour sans apprendrequelque chose . A l

’ex emple d

’Appelles peintre , qu i en

son art a esté de Si grande diligence , qu i ne laissoitpasser un jour seul, au quel de son pinceau ne tirastquelque ligne . Adieu, et m’

aime toujours b ien .

A Reims .


SOR I B E RAM heri, dilectissima soror, quod virtus venit

de studio b onarum literarum . Quare eaedem sunt

magis necessariae nob is principib us quam privatis .

N am u t princeps sub ditis suis vult antecellere divitij s ,potestate, au toritate, et imperio : sic debet inter omnes

excellere prudentia, consilio, bonitate, gratia, et omni

genere virtutis . Qua de re hierogliphicanyptiorum

notaverunt ocu lum in sceptro regum , diceb ant enim

nu llam virtu tem magis principem decere quam pru

dentiam .


QUUM igitur princeps debet antecellere privatis non

voluptatibu s deliCIj sve, sed sensu, temperantia, et pru

dentia : et suum officium anteponere u tilitatis reip.

suis : opus est (soror omnium charI SSIma) nos dare

Operam u t sapiamu s, exemplo Appellis pictoris, qu i

tanta fuit in arte su a diligentia u t nullus praeteriret

dies in quo non ipse lineam aliquam penicillo duxisset .

Vale, et me ama u t soles .

JE ne me puis assez eb ahi de quoi sur les fautes

d’au tru i nOu s sommes plus clairs voianS qu

’Argu s, qui

avoit cent yeu s . Mais pour Voir et corriger les notres ,nous sommes plus aveugles qu e la taupe . C

est de

quoi se mocqu e E sope, qu i di t qu’

en la besace de

devant nous portons les vices d’

au tru i, et en celle qui

pend derriere nou s mettons les notres . N e faisons

ainsi, ma scur, car celu i qu i veut parler d

au tru i doit

estre sans culpe . De Compienne ce 26 . Juillet .

H IER j e lisoi une fable en ZE sope autant profitable

qu e plaisante . La formis en temps d’hyver faisoit

bonne chere du b lé qu’

elle avoit amassé enesté , quand

la cicade aiant grand fain vint a e lle, pour lu i demander

a manger. Mais la formis lu i dit, Qu e faisois- tu en

esté ? Je chantoi, dit- elle . Si tu chantois en esté,repondit la formis, sau lte maintenant en hyver. La

fable signifie, ma seur, qu e pendant qu e sommes j eunes

devons mettre peine d’apprendre des lettres et vertus


VI I .

J ’

A I entendu par notre maitre, ma seur ma mignonne,

qu e maintenant vous estudies fort b ien, de quoi j e suis

tres j oieu se, et vous prie de continuer, comme pour le

plus grand b ien qu e sauries avoir en ce monde .

Car ce que nous a donné nature est de peu de durée, et

le redemandera enViellesse, ou plus tost . Ce qu e nous

a preste fortune elle nous l’ostera aussi . Mais ce que

vertu (laquelle procede des bonnes lettres) nous donne,est immortel , et le garderons a jamais . A Com

pienne . 25 . Ju illet .

Y I I I .

CATON disoit, ma scur, que l’

entendement d’un chacun

est semblable au fer, lequel tant plus est manié, de tant

plus reluyt . Mais quand onle laisse enrepos ildevient

rouillé . Ce qu e tesmoigne b ien Cicero au livre des

VI I .

M . SC . R . E L . SORORI S . P . D .

AUD I V I a nostro praeceptore , soror integerrima, te

studere optime, ex qu o gaudeo, et te deprecor u t sic

pergas,nam est excellentissimum bonum quod posis/sie}habere . Quod enim natura dedit, parum durat, et

repetet in senectu te vel prius . Quod mutuo dedit

fortuna deponet etiam . Sed quod virtus, quae pro

cedit a b onarum literarum lectione, donat, est immor

tale et nostrum semper erit . Vale .

VI I I .


CATO ingenium uniuscu iu squ e dicebat, soror, ferro

esse simile, quod u su splendescit, at in otio rubigine

Ob du citur : id quod Cicero testatur in libro de claris

oratoribu s, quando dicit se singulis dieb u s scrib ere


Orateurs illustres, quand il dit qu e tous les jours ou il

ecrivoit quelque chose , ou il declamoit enGrec , ou en

Latin . E t d’

avantage, croies, ma scur, qu

oisiveté est la

mere de tous vices . Par quoi il nous fau t a toutes

heures exercer notre esprit en erudition ou envertu .

Car l’ex ercer en choses vainnes et mechantes, cc n


l’exercer mais le corrompre . A Compienne 28 . Juil

le t .

Ce n’

est pas sans cause , mes seurs tres aimées , qu e la

roine nous commandoit h ier de faire ce qu e nous

d iront noz gouvernantes . Car Cicero dit, tout au com

mancement du second livre des Lois , qu e celui qu i scait

bien commander a au tresfois ob ei . E t qu e qu icunque

modestement Ob eit est digne de commander une fois .

Plu tarqu e , auteur digne de foi, a dit qu e les vertus

s’apprennent par preceptes aussi bien qu e les arts .

E t u se de cet argument . Les hommes apprennent a

chanter, a sauter, les lettres aussi , a laborer la terre , a

se tenir a ch eval, a se chausser, a se vestir, a faire

cuisine . E t penseron’

s-nous qu e vaincre ses affections,commanderenuneRep. (chose entre toutes tresdifficile),b ien conduire une armée

,mener bonne vie, penserons


nous, di- ie , qu e cela advienne par fortune ? N e ls

croions point, mais apprenons, obe issons maintenant,

afin de scavoir commander, quand serons venues en

age . 29 Juillet .

POUR quelques vertus, scavoir, ou autres graces qu e tu

aies, ne t’

en glorifie point, mais plus tost donnes en

louange a Dieu qu i seul est cause de ce b ien . N e te

mocque de personne , mais pense qu e cc qu i advient a

nu , il peut advenir a chacun . E t, comme ja j e t’

ai dit,

rengraces a Dieu de quoi il t’a mis hors de tel povr


sort, et prie que telle chose ne t’

avienne, et aide a


affligé si tu puis . Car si tu es misericordieu s au s

hommes, tu ob tiendras misericorde de Dieu . Au que l

j e prie vouloir favoriser a toutes tes entreprinses .

1 jour d’Aou st .

LE meilleur heritage qui peut estre delaissé aux enfans

desb ons parens, c’

est la voie de vertu , et la connoissance


u t sciamu s imperare cum pervenerimu s ad maiorcm

ze tatem . Bene vale te . 3 . Cal . Augusti .


QU I RU SCUN QU E virtu tib u s, sapientia, eruditione, et alns

gratns praeditu s sis , ne gloriare, sed potiu s da gloriam

Deo qu i solu s cau ssa est tanti boni . Neminem irri

deto irrideto {sic}, sed puta quod evenit uni posse

accidere omnibus . E t, u t jam dixi t ibi,age gratias

Deo omnipotenti quod te posu erit extra sortem tam

miseram et precare u t talis res nontib i eveniat . Sub

veni afflicto Si possis, nam Si tu fu eris mi sericors aliis ,

consequ eris misericordiam adeo (sic, pro a Deo), quem

deprecor u t faveat omnibus tuis coeptis . Vale .


OP TIMA heredi tas quae potest relinqui lib eris a bonis

parentib u s est via virtutis, cognitio plu rium artium,


de plusieurs arts, et sc iences . Les quelles choses ,selon la sentence de Ciceron, valent mieux qu e le plus

riche patrimoine . Par quoi j e ne sau roi asses louer la

prudence du roy et de la royne, qu’ils veu llent qu e

notre j eime age soit imb u t et de bonnes meurs e t de

lettres, suivant l’opinionde plusieurs sages, qu i n’


tant estimé b ien n’aistre, (sic, for naistre), qu e b ien

estre institué . Dont, mes seurs,de notre cost ’e , faisons

nostre devoir. A Compienne . 7 . jour d’Aou st .

X I I .

POUR ce qu e la vraie amitie , de la quelle j e vous aime

plus qu e moi-mesme,me commande qu e tout le b ien


aurai jamais sera commun entre nous, ma scur, j e

vous vueil b ien faire participante d’une b elle Similitude

qu e j e leu hier en Plu tarque . T out ainsi, dit- il, qu e

qu i empoisonne une fontaine publique,de laquelle

chacun boit, n’

est digne d’un seul supplice : ainsi est

tres malheureu s et mechant qui gaste l’esprit d


prince, et qu i ne lui corrige ses mauvaises op inions,

qu i redonderont a la perte de tant de peuple . Par qu oi ,ma seur, il nous faut ouir et ob eir a ceux qu i nous

remontrent . De Compienne . 8 . d’A ou st .


XI I I .

C’E ST pour vous inciter a lire Plu tarqu e, ma mie

, e t

ma bonne seur, qu e si souvent en mes epitres j e fai

mension de lui . Car c’est un philosophe digne de la

legon d’un prince . Mais ores qu’

il adiou te au propos

qu e j e vous temoi hier. S i, dit - il, celui qu i gaste et

contrefait la monnoie du prince est puni, combien est

plus digne de supplice qu i corrou t l’

entendement d’i

celui ? Car, ma seur, que ls sont les princes en la

Rep., disoit Platon , tels ont accoutumé d’estre les

citoiains . E t pensoit les Rep. estre b ien heureuses ,

qu i etoient gouvernées par princes , et doctes , et sages .

De Compienne , 9 . d’

A ou s t .


LA vraie grandeur et excellence du prince, ma tres

aimée seur, n’

est en dignité , en or, en pourpre, en

p ierreries , et autres pompes de fortune mais en

prudence, en vertu , en sapience, e t en scavoir. E t

d’au tant qu e le prince veut estre different a sonpeuple

d’hab it

,et de fagon de Vivre , d

au tant doit- il estre

eloigné des folles Op inions du vulgaire . Adieu , e t


aimés autant qu e vous pou rrés . 1 0 d’

Aou st .


XI I I .

M . R . S . EL . SORORI S . P . D .

QU UM tam seepe facio mentionem Plu tarchi, amica

summa mea et soror, in meis epistolis, hoc facio u t

ad hunc legendum te incitem . N am est philosophu s

dignu s lectione principis . Sed audi quomodo perficit

propositum quod heri scrib eb am ad te : Si is qu i

viciat monetam principis punitur, qu antopere ille est

dignior supplicio qu i corrumpit ingenium ej u s . Pro

fecto qu ales sunt principes in Rep. diceb at P lato, tales

solent esse cives, et Resp . felicissimas pu tab at S i 5

doctis et sapientibu s principibu s regerentur. Vale .

X I V .

M . SC . R . E L . S ORORI S . P . D .

VERA principis maj estas non est in amplitudine, in

dignitate , auro, purpura, gemmis et aliis‘

pompis for

tunae : sed inprudentia, sapientia et erudit ione . Verum

qu antopere princeps vult abesse ab habitu et Victu

plebeio, tantopere ille debet etiam abesse a sordidis

opinionib u s et stu l[ti]tiis vulgi . Vale e tme ama quan

tum poteris .


POUR toujours, selonmacoutume, vous faire participante

de mes bonnes legons, j e vous vueil b ien dire comme

j’apprenoi devant hier qu e le prince ne doit vanter

les armes, et autres enseignes de noblesse qu’il a de ses

parens : mais plus tost doit suivre et exprimer les

vertus et bonnes meurs d’iceulx . Car, ma seur, la vraie

noblesse c’est vertu . E t le second poinct qu e doit

avoir le prince, C’

est qu i soit instru ict de la connoissance

des arts et sciences . Le tiers, et qu i est le moindre,

qu i soit orne des paintures et armes de ses pre~

decesseurs . E t de cettu i nous sommes asses ornées .

Efforceons-nou s donc d’

avoir le premier. Adieu . De

Compienne . 13 . d’Aou st .

X V I 0

JE lisoi aujourdhui, ma seu r, qu e P laton appelloit les

princes gardes de la Rep. E t dit qu’il faut qu


soient a leurs pa'

is cc qu e les chiens sont au troppeau .

Et appelle le prince cruel e t tyrant, lion . Sainct Paul

parlant de Neron l’appelloit ainsi . Je suis, disoit- il,delivré de la bouche du lion . Le sage Salomon a


semblablement ainsi depeint le prince tyrant, disant

Le prince mauvais sur sonpovre peuple est un lion

rugissant et un ours affamé . Apprenons done main

tenant les vertus, ma seur, lesquelles nous rendront

ch iens fideles a nos troppeau s, et non loups, ni ours,u i lions . Monmaitre m’

a dit qu e vous trouvés mal, j e

vous irai tantost Voir. Ce pendant j e vous di adieu ,

14 . d’

A ou st .


S I ennotre j eune age nous apprenons les .vertu s, ma

seur, ainsi qu e j e vou s ecrivoi hier, le peuple ne nous

appellera jamais loups u i ou rs, u i lions, mais nous

honorera, et aimera comme les enfans ont coutume

aimer les peres et meres . Le propre d ’un b onprince

est ne b lecer personne , profiter a tous, mesmement

au x siens . E t qu e cette vois tyrannique soit loin de

son entendement . Je le vu eil ainsi , j e le commande

ainsi, et pour toute raison ma volonté soit . Car, ma

seu r, cette vois est vraie qu i ja est all ée en proverbe,ils baient quand ils craignent . A Dieu . Ce 1 7. d

’A ou st .

A Compienne .

QU E EN O F SCOT S . 2 1

de ore leonis . Sapiens ille Solomon ad hunc modum

depinxit tyrannum principem . Impiu s princeps, inqu it,super pauperem populum est leo rugiens et ursus

esuriens . Nunc igitur diseamu s, soror, virtu tes omnes,quae nos efficient canes fideles nostris gregibu s, non

lupos, nonursos , neque leones . Praeceptormeus dixit

mihi te lab orare ventre, ego statim te Visam . Cura

interim u t bene valeas .

XV I I .

M . SC. R . E L . SORORI S . P. D.

S I in hac nostra j uventa aetate didiscerimu s virtu tem,

u t heri diceb am, nunquam populus nos appellab it lupos,ursos, neque leones, sed nos amahit et colet u t pu eri

solent amare parentes . Proprium boni principis est

ledere neminem, omni bus praesertim suis . Deniqu e

vox illa tyrannica absit ab animo principis,

Sic volo, Sic iub eo, sit pro ratione voluntas .

E st enim ista vox vera quae iam ab Ij t in proverb ium,

Oderint dum metuunt . Bene vale, su au issima soror.



SO CRA TE S disoit qu’il i avoit deus voies par lesquelles

les espris sortent du corps . Car ceu s qu i se sont

gardés chastes et entiers , et qu i au s corps humains

ont ensuivi la vie des D ieus, ils retornent facilement a

cu e. E t ceu s qu i se sont du tout souillés de Vices, ont

un chemin detorné du conseil, et de la presence des

D ieus . Mais les espris de ceu s qu i se sont quasi fais

serviteurs des volup tés , et non tou tesfois du tout, sont

long temps a errerpar la terre avant qu e de retorner au

ciel . T u vois done qu e Socrates, Platon, et plusieurs

autres philosophes ethniques, ont eu cognoissance du

purgatoire qu e toi, doué de la loi de grace, miserab le

ment et ata perte tu nies . Jesu christ le fils de D ieu te

vueille rapeller, Calvin . De Compienne . 1 8 . d’Aou st .

X IX .

VOU s eb ahisses, ma seur, pour quoi j e sorti hier de la

chambre de la Royne, veu qu’il estoit dimenche, pour

aller enmonestude . Croies qu e depuis deux jours j e

li un colloque d’Erasme qu’il appelle Dilucu lum, tant

beau, tant j oieu s, et tant utile qu e rien plus . He


D ieu, comme il tanse ceux qu i dorment Si tard , et font

Si peu de cas de perdre le temps, qu i entre toute chose

est la plus precieuse . Davantage le latin i est Si

facile, et Si elegant, qu i n’est possible d’

estre plus

poli . Je‘

le vous expliquerai aujourdhui Si j’ai loisir.

Adieu . Ce 20 . d’Aou st .

XX .

PLUTARQUE dit qu e la colere et la est

plus dangereuse en nu prince qu’en une personne

privee d’au tant qu e le prince a puissance de beaucoup

offencer et l’autre non. E t pour cc a b on droict

requiert il doctrine et prudence en nu prince . Car

comme disoit B ias, l’un des sep t sages de Grece,

l’oeuvre du sage est (comb ien qu i soit Offence) de ne

nuire a personne, encores qu’il enait la puissance . En

quoi il ensuit la bonte de D ieu, lequel ne fait rien S i

souvent ui si volontiers qu e de pardonner. A Com

pienne, 23 . d’Aou st .


Proh Juppiter, u t animadvertit ineos qu i dormiunt in

tantam lucem , non curantes perdere tempus quod in

re praeciosissima praeciosissimum est . Praeterea sermo

latinus adeo purus, et elegans est, u t politior esse non

possit . Explicab o hodie si licu erit per otium .

Vale . 20 . Aug .

XX .

M. SC . R . E L . SORORI S . P . D .

PLU TARCU S dicit iram et malitiam esse in principe

periculosiorem, quam in priu atis . Nam princeps po

test plurimum offendere, alter vero minime . Qua

propter requ irit doctrinam et prudentiam in principe .

N am quomodo diceb at Bias, unus septem sapientum

Graecise, opus sapientis est (qu amu is Offensu s sit)nocere

nemini etiam Si possit . Qua inre sequitur b onitatem

Dei qu i nihil saepiu s facit, nec lib entius quam parcere .

Bene vale .



IJE croi, ma seur, le dic t de Magdalia, qu e lisions hier

en Erasme, estre tres veritable, a scavoir,nul ne

pouvoit vivre suavement, Si ne vit bien . Aussi

mettoit Bias le souverain bien en la vertu de l’esprit,

et la plus gErJande misere envice et enla malice des

hommes . Car, comme dit Cicero au livre de Viellesse, la

souvenance de plusieurs beaus actes est tres plaisante ;et au contraire, comme tesmoigne le sage en ses pro

verbes, crainte est tou iours avec ceu s qui font mal.

E t Plau te dit que rien n’est Si miserable que l


qu i se sent coulpab le de quelque mal faict . Pour ce,

ma scur, sur toute chose estudionS-aVertu . 24 . d’Aou st .


QUA ND hier au soir mon maitre vous prioit de re

prendre votre scur,de qu oi e lle vouloit boire se

voulant mettre au liet z vous lu i repondistes qu e vous

mesme voulies boire aussi . Voies done, ma seur,

quelles nous devons estre qu i sommes l’exemple du

peuple . E t comme oserons-nous reprendre les autres,Si nous m esme ne sommes sans faute ? II faut qu



b on prince Vive de sorte qu e les plus grands et les

plus petis prennent exemple de ses vertus . Qui face

qu’en sa maison il ne puisse estre reprins de personne .

E t qu e dehors ne soit veu qu e faisant, ou pensant chose

pour l’u tilité publique . E t doit avoir grand cure qu e

sa parole ne sente rien qu e vertu . Soions done du

tout adonnées au s bonnes lettres, ma seu r, et il enpren

dra bien a nous et a nos suj ets . A Dieu . De Com

pienne, 25 . d’Aou st . 1 5 54 .


CA RNEADE S disoit, qu e les enfans des Rois n’appren

Oient rien b ien qu’a picqu er un cheval : pour ce qu’


toutes autres choses chacun les flatte . Mais le cheval,

par ce que n’entend Si c’est unpovre ou nu riche qu i

est sur lu i, unprince ou une personne privee, il j ecteb as qu icunqu e ne se scait bien tenir. E t maintenantencore voit- ou ceci estre faict enbeaucoup d’

endroicts .

Carni les nourrices seullement, ni les compagnons ou'

serviteurs des princes les flattent, mais aussi et le

gouverneur, et le precepteur, ne regardant a ce qu’ils

laissent le prince meilleur, mais qu’ils S

’en allent b ien

riches . O chose miserable, et la cause qu e tant le

povre peuple souffre, e’est qu e les princes ne sont bien

apprins . Qu i me fait vous prier, mon oncle, de re

commander tou sjours ma j eunesse a ceux q u i plus

aiment la vertu qu e les b iens . 26 . d’Aou st .


modumu t maiores et minores omnes ab eo capere pos

S int exemplum virtutis . Sic faciat domi u t a nemine

pOSSit reprehendi . E t nonVideatur foris nisi faciens

vel cogitan‘

s publicam u tilitatem . Tum debet curare

maxime u t sermo illiu s nihil sapiat nisi virtu tem . Id

quod non potest fieri Sine doctrina . Simu s ergo

omnino deditae bonis literis, soror, et praeclare nobis

cum et sub ditis agetur. Vale .



CA RNEADE S diceb at, spectatissime avuncule, liberos

Regum nihil recte discere praeter artem equ itandi, quia

in omnibus rebus unu squ isqu e illis assentatur. Sed

aequ s, quia non inteligit Si Sit pauper vel dives qu i

insidet, princeps anprivatu s, excu tit a tergo quicunqu e

non bene . insiderit . Nunc etiam hoc Videmu S fieri

mu ltis inlocis nam nee nu trices solum nee comites et

ministri principum adulantur illis, sed etiam modera

tores et praeceptores : non advertentes Si relinquant

principem meliorem, modo illi ab eant locupletiores .

O rem miserrimam . Ea certe causa est cur sub diti

omnes patiantur, nam principes non emendantur.

Quare te deprecor, mi avuncu le, u t me semper com

mendes Ij s qu i ante divitias virtu tem amant . Vale .



LA cause pour quoi tant de gens errent aujourdhui en


ecriture sainete c’est qu i ne 1a manient avec uncu eur

pur et net . Car Dieu ne donne l’intelligence de ses

secres, Si nonau x innocens et gens de b ien . E t n’est

facile a tous de conoitre qu e c’est qu e de D ieu, comme

mieux le scavés qu e moi . J’ai leu qu e Simonides,

interrogué de Hiero quel estoit D ieu, et qu e c’estoit de

lu i, demanda un jour pour en repondre , et quand le

lendemain lu i demanda reponce, il demanda de rechef

deus jours . Mais quand toujours redoubloit le temps ,et qu e Hiero lu i demandoit pourquoi il faisoit cela,pour cc (dit-ii) que de tant plus j

i pense, tant plus la

chose me semble diffiéile e t Ob scure . 29 . d’Aou st .


J’A I entendu, ma scur, qu

’h ier a votre lecon vous

fustes opiniatre . Vous aves promis de ne le plus

estre ; j e vous prie laisser cette coutume . E t penser

qu e quand la princesse prend le livre entre ses mains,elle le doit prendre non pour se delecter seulement,mais pour S’enretorner meilleure de la legon . E t la


plus grande partie de la bonté est vouloir le bien estre

fait . Qu e Si vous le voules, certainement vous le

poves, et a fin qu e b ien tost aies l’esprit digne de

princesse , pensés que ceux qu i vous reprennent, et

amonestent librement, sont ceu s qu i vous aiment le

plus . Pour quoi acou tumes vous a ceu s la, et les

aimes aussi . A Villiers Cotterets . 8 . de Septembre .


A E I N que pu issies repondre a ces beaus deviseurs qu i

disoient hier qu e c’

est affaire au s femmes a ne rien

scavoir : j e vous vu eil bien dire, ma scur, qu’une

femme de votre nom a esté Si s cavante qu’

elle leur eu t

b ien repondu Si elle i eu t este. C’est Elizabet

abbesse d’Allemaigne, laquelle a ecrit beaucoup de

belles oraisons au s seurS de son couvent, et unoeuvre

des chemins par lesquels onva a D ieu . Themistoclea,

seur de Pythagoras, estoit Si docte , qu’en plusieurs

lieus il a u se des Opinions d’icelles . E t afin qu e vous

aies de quoi satisfaire a tels messieurs, j e vous en

apprendrai un grand nombre d’au tres . Adieu, et

celle qu i vous aime, ma seur, aimes la beaucoup aussi .

A Villiers Cotterets . 10 . de Septembre .


S i tu Vis, certe potes . T um u t statim habeas animum

principe dignum cogita illos qui recognoscunt et emen

dant errata tu a et libere te docent esse qu i te plurimum

amant . Quare et illos assu escito amare . Vale .


M . SC . R . E L . SORORI S . P . D .

UT possis respondere bellis is tis blateronibu s qu i heri

dicebant esse foeminarum nihil sapere . Volo tib i

dicere, soror, foeminam tui nominis adeo sapientem

fuisse u t bene respondisset illis Si adfu isset . E st

Elizab eta abb atissa Germanica, quae scripsit plures

orationes ad sorores su i conventu s, et opus de VIj S

quibus itur ad superos . Themistoclea soror Pytha

gorae ita docta erat, u t pluribus in locis usus Sit illiu s

opinionibu s . E t u t habeas unde satisfacias Ij s homun

culis, te doceb o magnum alliarum numerum . Vale, e t

illam quae te plurimum amat, soror, ama . Vale iterum .

1 0 . Sept.



VOU S dirés encores a ces b ab illars qu’il i a eu trois

Corrinnes tres doctes, des quelles celle qu i estoit de

T heb es a écrit c inq livres d’

epigrammes, e t cinq fois

vainquit Pindare, prince de poetes lyriques . Erinne

en langue dorique composa nu poeme de trois cents

vers, et beaucoup d’au tres epigrammes . E t disent qu e

ses carmes approchoient de la gravité, et majesté

d’Homére . Elle fut morte enl’age de . 19 . ans . Sappho

a esté admirab le en tout genre de carmes . Polla,comme on dit, femme de Lu cain, a este de Si grande

doctrine, qu’

elle a aide a sonmari a corriger les trois

premiers livres de Pharsale . Aspasia a enseigné la

rhétorique, et a esté maitresse de Pericles, et sa femme .

Je vous ennommerai demain plusieurs autres . Adieu .

1 1 . de S eptembre .


CLE ORU L I N E , fille de Cléob ule, qu i fut undes sept sages

de Grece, a cerit beaucoup de beaus enigmes en

vers exametres . Cornificia, seur de Cornificiu s, poete ,a fait des epigrammes trés elegans . Cornelie, femme


de 1’Africain et mere des Gracchiains, a laissé des

epitres b ien latinement é crites,et d’elle est sortie


eloqu ence de ses enfans . La fille de Lae lius enpar

lant exprimoit l’eloqu ence de son pere ; et l


de la fille d’Hortense qu’

elle fit devant les triumvirs,temoigne qu

elle estoit trés eloquente . Retenes dili

gemment toutes celles qu e j e vous nomme , afinde povoir

repondre a tous ceu s qui tant meprisent notre sexe,disant n’

estre affaire au s femmes d’

apprendre la langue

latine .


VOU S leur dires encores (ma scur) qu’Anas tase, dis

ciple de Chrysogone martyr, a esté et b ien docte et b ien

sainete . Elle fut brulee pour ce qu’elle ministroit

au s saincts . Damophila, grecque, ecrivit les louanges

de D iane et quelques poesies d’

amours . Hypathia,

femme du philosophe I sidore, a compose de l’astro

nomie,et a montré enA lexandrie plusieurs disciplines

d’une Si grande dex terité d’esprit, qu e les echoliers

Venoient a elle de tous costes . Leontia, fillette grecque,a tant poursuit les disciplines de philosophic, qu



a redouté avec une grande’ lou ange écrire contre

Theophraste philosophe tres renommé . Praxilla a


Africani et mater Gracchorum, reliqu it epistolas latiné

scriptas, et ab illa efflu xit eloqu entia filiorum . F ilia

Laelij exprimeb at loqu endo eloqu entiam patris . E t

oratio Hortensiae, HortenS Ij filiae, quam habuit ante

triumviros, testatur quod erat elegantissima. Manda

memoriae diligenter omnes quas numerab o, u t possis

respondere ij s, qu i spernunt nostrum sexum, quique

dicunt non esse ofli cium foeminae discere lingnam la

tinam . Vale . 12 . S eptem .


M. SC . R . E L . S ORORI S . P . D .

I LL I S itaqu e dices , soror,quod A nastasia, discipula

Chrysogoni martyris, fuit multum et docta et pia .

Cremata est quia ministrab at sanctis . Damophila

Graeca scripsit laudesDianae etquaedampoemataeamoris .

Hypathia, uxor philos0phi I sidori, composu it in astro

nomiam e t docuit in Alexandria plures di sciplinas

tanta dex teritate ingenij u t discipu li avvolabant undique

ad illam . Leontia,puela graeca, adeo prosecu ta est

d isciplinas philos0phicas u t nondub itaverit cum magna

laude scrib ere inTheophrastum phiIOSOphum op timum .

Praxilla excellu it multum inomne arte poetica . Quia


grandement triumphe en poesie . Pour ce qu e Vou s

estes malade, j e me ferai ma lettre plus longue .

D emain j e poursuivrai monpropos . A D ieu . 1 3 . Sept .


PHEM ON OE est du nombre de ces doctes et sages

femmes . Sosipatra a este poete , et pleine de tant de

d isciplines, qu’

on pensoit ou’

elle eu t este nourrie de

quelques dieus . Theano fut une femme excellente

envers lyriques . Une autre de ce mesme nom a este

femme pythagoriaine, laquelle a cerit en philosophie

des commentaires de vertu, e t des poesies et apoph

thegmes aussi . Zenob ia, royne des Palmyriains, a

esté scavante en la langue“

grecque et egiptienne , et

non ignorante enla latine . Elle a enseigné les lettres

a deus enfans qu’e lle avoit . E t souvent fait des

oraisons a ses gendarmes lesquelles aiant l’armet en

teste e lle recitoit . A lpaides, Vierge, a esté si amie

de la religion, qu’elle a du Ciel merité comprendre le

sens de la Bible, et de l’ecriture sainete . C

’est aujourd’

hu i la feste de la ste crois , en laquelle pour nostre

salut a pendu l’eternel Jesu schrist fils du D ieu eternel.

J c voi au parcpour unpetit recréer monentendement,

qu i est cause qu e j e fai ici fin .



DE LB ORA , femme de la lignée d’

Effrain, estoit docte,et devinoit les choses futures . Lastemia et A xiothea

(comme temoigne Plu tarqu e) ont esté disciples de

P laton, et a fin qu’elles eussent plus de moien de con

verser ca et la avec les gens scavans , elles entroient

a l’

echolle enhab it d ’homme . M ichale tres doctement

a enseigne a Thessale le remede d’amours . D iotima

et Aspasia ont tant profité enphilosophie , qu e l’une, a

scavoir D iotima, Socrates , prince des philosophes, n’a

eu honte appeller sa maitresse, ni d’

aller au s legons de

l’autre , comme Platon a laisse par ecrit . Lactantiu s

dit qu e T hemiste devan t tout autre a este excellente

en philosophie . Le roi m’a donne congé de prendre

nu daim au pare ave c ma dame de Castres, dont j e

n’ai loisir vous faire plus longue lettre . 1 5 . Sept .


ARETE est pervenne a si grande doctrine, qu’aprés

qu e son pere Aristippe fut mort, el le tint son echole '

en philosophie, et eu t plusieurs auditeurs . Dama,fille de Pythagoras, avoit l

’esprit Si grand enphiloso


M . SC . R . E L . SOR . S . P . D .

B ELB ORA , mulier ex tribu Effrain, erat peritissima,

quee praedicebat res futuras . Lastemia et Axiothea,

u t testaturPlu tarcu s, fu erunt discipulae Platonis , et u t

faciliu s cum hominibu s doctioribu s versarentur, ingre

dieb antur scholas cum hab itu Virili . Michale doctis

sima docu it apud Thessalos remedium amoris . Dio

thima et Aspasia adeo in philosophia profecerunt u t

Socrates princeps philosophorum non veritu s Sit

alteram, Videlicet Diotimam, nominare magistram, et

alterius lectionibu s interesse, u t P lato scriptum reli

quit . Lactantiu s dicit Themistem ante omnes alias

fuisse excellentiorem in philosophia . Rex mihi per

misit accipere damam in Theriotroph io ; eo venatum

cum domina a Castris, unde non licet per otium plu ra

scrib ere . Vale .


M . SC . RE . E L . SORORI S . P . D .

ARETE pervenit ad tam maximam doctrinam, u t patre

Aristippo mortuo rexerit scholas in philosophia, ha

b u itqu e plures auditores . Dama filia Pythagoras pree

ditaerat ingenio philosophies dedito, u t exposu erit patris


phie, qu’elle a exposé les plus difficiles sentences de

sonpere . T hargelia pareillement a esté tres illustre

en philosophie . On di t qu e Musca a esté poete

lyrique, et a ecrit plusieurs epigrammes . Carixena a

fait au sSi ‘ b eau coup de vers tres elegans . Ma lettre ne

sera plus longue, ma scur, pour ce qu e n’estes encores

asses b ien guerie . Si j e ne vous fu h ier voir, le

medecin enest cause, qu ine le voulut, pour cc qu’


prins medeeine . 18 . Sept .


ON loue au ssiMacro pour une hynne qu’elle a faite a la

louange de Neptune . A gallis de Corce sic a esté fort

illustre engrammaire , et T eles illa enpoesie, laquelle loue

grandement Pausanias, et lu i fut erigée une statue en

l’insu le d

’A rgos, devant le temple de Venus . Hippar

chia,femme grecque, a semblablement este-merveill

eu se au s disciplines de philosophie . Je ne vous en

nommerai d’au tres pour le present, pour ce qu i faut

qu e j’alle Voir le roi qu i print au soir des pillu les . Je


eu loisir de vous visiter hier, j e vous prie, ma scur,

de me pardonner. 20 . Sept .

44 THEM E S or M ARY


CA SSAN DRE ,fille dePriam, a esteprophéte et dc doctrine

tres acomplie, et de ses ennemis honorée d’un temple en

Lacedemone . S tatius Papiniu s eu t une femme nommée

Claudia d’un esprit tres grand et admirable doctrine .

Eudoxia, femme de T heodore le plus j eune , outre une

grande beauté et une singu liére pudicité , a tant ex

cellé au s lettres qu’elle a mis en lumiere un beau

livre . I strina, reyne des S cythes, - temoinHerodote, a

enseigné les lettres grecques a Syle son fils . C’


asses pour maintenant . I l faut ouir qu e demande

Philodoxu s a Simb ulus enErasme . Adieu . 22 . Sep

tembre .


POL I T I E N loue grandement Cassandre Fidele, fille

venitiaine , laquelle il dit avoir manié le livre au lien

de la laine, la plume pour le fuseau, et le style pour

l’eguille . De laquelle au commencement de quelque

epitre il parle ainsi : O Vierge, l’honneur d

’I talie,

quelle grace te pu i-j e rendre de quoi tu ne dedaignes


honorer de tes lettres . Proba Valeria, fillette

QUE EN or scors . 45


M . 8 0 . B . E L . SORORI S . P . D .

CA SSAN DRA filia Priami fuit vates et illu stris doctrina,et apud hostes templo insignita inLacedemone . Sta

t ius Papiniu s habuit uxorem nomine Clau diam,magno

ingenio, et nonvulgari doctrina preeditam . Eudoxia,u xor T heodori j unioris, praeter egregiam formam, et

singu larem pudicitiam,ita excellu it literis, u t librum

qu endam emiserit in lu cem . I strina, regina Scytha

rum , u t testis est Herodotus , docu it Sylem filium

literas Grescas . Haec hactenu s, audiamu s quid velit

Philodoxu s Simb ulo apud Erasmum . Vale . 22 .

Septembris .



M o SC . R 0 E I J. S ORORI S o P . D .

POL I T I A N U S laudat mirum in modum Cassandram

F idelem filiam Venetianam, quam dicit tractasse librum

pro lana, pennam pro fuso, et stylum pro acu . De

qua in principio cuj u sdam epistolae ita loquitur. O

Virgo decus I taliae, qu ales gratias possim tib i reddere,

quod non dedigneris me honorare tuis literis . Proba

Valeria pu ella Romana fuit excellentissima, cum graecis


romaine, a esté tres excellente et au s lettres grecques ,et au s latin es, et a fait des gestes de Jesu crist, et de

sa mort nu (B u vre tres noble . La royne m’a defendu

de vous aller voir, ma scur, pour ce qu’elle pense qu e

vous aves la rougeolle, de quoi j e suis bien fort marrie .

Je vous prie me mander comme vous portés . 23 . Sep

tembre .


BAP TI STE premiere fille du prince Mal[at]este, a sou ~

vent disputé contre gens des plus doctes , avec une

tres grand louange, et a ecrit des livres de la fragilité

humaine e t de la vraie religion . I sota, fille de Veronne,

a fait grande profession de philosophic et a quelque

fois ecrit a pape Nicolas cinqu iesme, et Pie second de

cc nom . Elle a encor ecrit nu dialogue , auquel elle

dispute leque l a le plus offense, Adam on Eve : au s

quelles louanges des lettres elle a adjou tté le vende

'perpetuelle virginité . A Dieu , ma seur, bien aimée .

A Paris, 12 . d’Octobre 1 5 54 .


[The French has


never beenwri tten]


CA THER I NE , fille du roi d’A Iexandrie

,a esté si bien

apprise au s saintes lettres , et par son labour, et par

inspiration divine, qu’elle a vaincu plusieurs hommes

doc tes appe lles de sonpere pourlu i persuader l’


et [faire quitter] la religion d’un seul Dieu . F ab iole


femme romaine, a d’un cu eur si grand ambrasse les

sainctes lettres , et lisoit si souvent les prOpheties, evan

giles, et autres bonnes legons , qu’elle a grandement

augmenté l’amour de la religion . Sainct Hierome a

souvent ecrit a Marcelle romaine , pour ce qu’elle scavoit

fort b ienles lettres grecques , e t lu i a ded iele livre qu’il

a fait du mepris du monde, de notre foi, et de la

doctrine des heretiqu es, du blaspheme contre le S t .

Esprit, et plusieurs autres choses . Il faut qu e j’

alle a

vespre~avec la roine , qui me garde vous faire plus

longue lettre . A Paris .


omnibus bonis artibu s, quarum fuit inventrix . Manto

qu es dedit nomen Mantuas fuit sapientissima vaticinij s

claru it . Nicostrata gres cas literas inpense dicta

[This theme is left unfinished. ]


M. SC . R . E L . SORORI S . P . D .

CA THAR I NA , regis Alexandriee filia, adeo sacris literis

imbuta fuit, partim suo labore, partim afflatu divini

spiritus, u t vicerit plu res doctissimos viros vocatos a

patre ad persu adendam idolatriam, et fugiendam unius

Dei religionem . Fab iola, mulierRomana, tanto studio

amplexa est sanctas literas, et revolveb at prophetias,

evangelia, et alias bonas lectiones, u t au xerit vehemen

ter amorem religionis . D ivus Hieronimus saepe scrip

sit Marcellae Romanee propter sacras literas quas egre

gie callebat, et ad eam scripsit librum quem fecit de

contemptu mundi, de nostra fide, de doctrina b ereti

corum,de b lasphemia in spiritum sanctum , et alia i d

genus permu lta . Oportet me interesse vesperis cum

Regina, quare addam finem meis literis . Lutetias .

28 . Octob . Vale .



EUST OCH I UM , fille de Paule femme romaine, a excellé

au s etudes de lettres hébraiqu es, grequ es, et latines

tant qu e de sontemps elle fut appellee nouveau monstre

du monde . Elle se voua, et s’addonna du tout au s

letres sainctes, de quoi S t . Hierome l’aima, et loua

fort . Geneb ria, femme de la nation de Veronne du

temps de pape Pie 2 . par sa grande erudition se rendit

immortelle . Elle a é crit des epitres pleines de grande

doctrine .

CON STANTIA ,femme d’

Alexandre Sforce, est mise au

nombre des femmes excellentes endoctrine . Laquelle

dés son enfance a estudié au s bonnes disciplines, de

sorte qu e promptement sans y avoir pensé elle scavoit

parler elegamment . Elle avoit tou sj ours au s mains les

oeuvres de S t . Hierome, de S t . Ambroise, de S t .

Gregoire, Cicero, et Lactance . Promptement elle

ecrivoit des carmes tres elegans, cc qu’

on disoit qu’


avoit appris sans maitre . Elle eu t une fille nommée

Baptiste, d’une si grande doctrine qu

’elle epouvantoit


les plus docteES] de soneloquence . Retenes cc que j e

vous ai ecrit de toutes ces femmes,ma scur, et a leur

exemple mettons peine d’apprendre les bonnes lettres,

lesquelles, ainsi comme elles, nous rendront immor

telles a’

j amais .

XL I .

I L ne faut pas qu e vous soies marrie, Si toutes les fois

qu e vous faillés, vous estes reprise . Car en toute

institution , et mesmement en celle du prince, telle

diligence y doit estre mise qu e la severité du precepteur

corrige et emende les follies d’icelu i . E t pour cc n’


aimés moins ceux qu i vous tensent : mais au contraire,

estimes fideles non cens qu i louent tout cc qu e vous

fai‘tes et dites, mais ceu s qu i quand vous faillé s vous


eprennent apre-ment . Ocus la, ma dame, sont les

vrais et plus scurs amis du Prince . Adieu . De notre

B ibliotheque a S t . Germain, cc 23 . Novembre .

XL I I .

I L ne nous faut perdre le courage, ma seur, Si la v ertu

et le scavorr sont longs a apprendre, car toutes choses


scripsi ex istis omnibus feminis, soror, et cxmplo [for

exemplo] illarum demus Operam u t discamu s bonas

literas, quae ita u t illas nos reddent immortales. Vale .

XL I .


N ON est quod egre feras, hera, si quoties erras, repre

henderis . N am in omni istitu tione {sic} , et maxime in

ea quae pert inet ad principem, ea adhib enda est dili

gentia, u t severitas preeceptoris corrigat et emendet

illiu s laciviam {sic} . Quare ne illos minus ama qu i te

objurgant : sed contra existima eos esse fideles, non

qu i laudant quicquid dixeris fecerisve, sed qu i te

erantem increpant . I lli, hera, veri sunt amici principis .

Vale . Ex nostra biblioteca, apud S tm . Germanum .

23 . Novembris .

XL I I .

M . SC . R . E LI ZAB E TJE S O . S . P . D .

N ON oportet nos despondere animum, soror, Si virtus

et eruditio discantur cum longo tempore . Nam ea


qu i si tost sont faites , tost elles perissent aussi .

Agatharchu s paintre se vantoit de paindre legerement,

et qu e Zeuxis [restoit] trop long temps sur - l’

oeuvre .

Mais Zeuxis repondit, JC mets long temps a paindre,

car j e pain pour jamais . Les choses si tost nées

perissent b ien soudainement, et celles qu i sont longtemps elab orées durent un long age . La b é te croit

b ien tost,et le buis petit a petit : regardés, ma seur,

lequel dure plus . Frenes donc courage, ma j oie, la vertu

est eternelle . A S t . Germain . 24 . Novembre . 1 554 .

XL I I I .

A GE SI LAU S interrogué par quel moien povoit acqu erir

honneste renommée : Si parle, repondit- il, ce qu i est

tres b on, et fait ce qu i est tres honneste . Socrates

respondit ainsi a celui qu i demandoit le mesme, Si

tu estudies, dit- il, a estre tel qu e tu veus estre veu .

Car la gloire acquise par fards, n’est vraie gloire et ne

dure gueres . Gardons nous donc, ma scur, ni en j eu

ni a b on esciant de dire ni faire qu e choses bonnes .

A D ieu .



JE lisoi au soir, un peu devant qu e m’

endormir, une

sentence d’

Antalcidas digne d’

estre apprise d’un

chacun et mesmement d’un prince . I celu i, interrogué

comment qu elcun pourroit plaire au s hommes Si

parle, dit - i], a eu x gratieu sement, et leur donne choses

utiles . Il vous apprent (mes dames) qu’

en vos propos

il i ait grand douceur de paroles, et qu e sores liberales,donnant choses qu i apportent grand profit a ecus au s

quels vous donnerés . 27 . Novembre .


QUAND quelque fois Denis entra enla chambre de son

fil-s, et apperceu t nu Si grand monceau de vases d’


e t d’

argent, s’écriant, N

’as~ tu , dit

- il, l’entendement

royal, qu e tu n

as fait quelque ami de tant de pots qu e

Je t’ai donnes ? Voulant dire qu e sans la benevolence

deS citoiens le royaume ne se peut ac quérir ni estre

gardé . E t n’i a rien qui plus concilie l’amitie et

benevolence qu e lib eralité . Mais le j eune enfant,ignorant du maniment de choses, pensoit estre plus

grand heur avoir de l’argent qu e des amis . F u ions

l’avarice , ma scur, car elle est du tout indigne de la

nature du prince .

QU EEN O F SC OT S . 5 7



HER I legeb am paulo ante quam discederem cub itum,

Alcidae (sic) sententiam dignamqueediscaturab unoqu o

que, et a principe maxime . I S interrogatu s quomodo

quisque posset hominibu s placere Si loqu atur, inqu it ,

illis j u cundissime, et det illis utilissima . Vos docet,

herae su avissimee meae, u t in colloqu ij s vestris Sit ser

monis comitas maxima, tam u t sitis liberale dando

quee adferant u tilitatem ij s quibus dederitis . Bene

valete . 27. Novemb ris .


M . SC . R . E LI . SORORI S . P . D .

QU UM aliqu ando Dionisius ingrederetur cu b iculum

fillJ, et videret magnam vim pocu lorum au reorum et

argnteorum {sic} , exclamans,N onhabes, inqu it, regium

animum, qu i nul lum feceris amicum ex tantis poculis

quae dedi tibi ? Sentiens sine b enevolentia civium

regium nonposse parari, nec servari . Nihil est quod

plus conciliet amicitiam et b enevolentiam quam libe

ralitas . Sed j uvenis imperitu s rerum pu tab at esse

feliciu s hab ere argentum quam amicos . F ugiamu s

avvaritiam, soror, nam indigna est omnino natura

principis . Vale . 28 . Novembris .



AR I STODEMUS , un deS grands amis d’Antigonu S roi

de Macedone, encores qu i fut fils d’un cuisinier

, lui

persu adoit de retraindre sa dépence et°

ses liberalites .

T es paroles, dit- i], A ristodeme, sentent la saulce .

Montrant la chicheté, Si elle estoit au s cuisiniers, ne

devoir estre au s rois . E t qu e par tel conseil il lu i

souvenoit de quel pere il estoit né , et non de qui il

estoit ami . Antigone montroit par cela cc qu e disoit

A rtoxerces fils de X erces ; a scavoir, qu’il est plus digne

a un prince d’

augmenter les honneurs et richesses de

ceus au s quels ils commandent, qu e les diminuer.


CETTE histoire , ma scur, n’est de moindre dignité et

utilité qu e celle qu e j e vous contoi hier. Perillu s,un

des amis d’A lexandre, lui demanda douaire pour ses

filles . Le roi commanda qu’il prist cinquante talents .

Perillu s repondit qu e dix seroient asses . C’est asses

a toi, dit Alexandre, d’

enrecevoir autant, mais a moi

non de n’en donner qu

’au tant . O lib eralité digne

d’un vrai prince . A D ieu, ma seur, j e ne vous ferai

pluslongue lettre, par ce qu e j’ai mal au s dents . A

S t . Germain .



JE trouve la lib eralité d’Alexandre Si emerveillab le

qu e j e me me puis tenir vous en parler. Quand qu el

qu e fois X enocrates philosophe refusa cinquante taleus

qu i lu i envoia endon, d isant qu’il n’

enavoit qu e faire,

lu i demanda S’il avoit point d’amis qu i en eussent

besoin . A grand peine les richesses de Darius (dist

le roi) m’ont- elles sufii t pour mes amis .

XL I X .

JE vous raconterai (ma scur) une lib eralité plus grande

qu e toutes les autres . Anaxarchu s philosophe vint au

roy Alexandre pour cc qui scavoit b ien qu’il estoit

liberal, et qu’il aimoit fort les lettres , et lu i demanda

argent pour b astir un college . Le roy commanda a

son tresorier qui donnast au philosophe ce qu’il

demanderoit. Le tresorier, estonné de la demande du

philosophe, remontra an my qu’il demandoit cents

talents . Il fait bien, dit- il, sachant qu’ Alexandre en

peut et veut autant donner. Voiant ce roy avoir

acquis une Si grande renommée par lib eralité, j e suis

marrie qu e Je n’

ai de quoi j e puisse faire paroitre ma

volonté .



M . SC . R . E L . SORORI S . P . D .

TANTA mihi vi detur lib eralitas regis Alexandri u t non

possum quin tib i iterum loquar de illo . Quum aliqu o

ties X enocrates philos0phu s recu savit quinqu aginta

talenta quae misit illi dono, dicens non esse illi Opus .

Petij t Si nonhaberet amicos quibus esset Opus . Vix ,

inqu it, Opes Dari) mihi sufi'

ecerunt in meos amicos .

Vale . Apud S t . Germanum . Decembris .

XL I X .

M . SC . R . E L . S ORORI S . P . D .

HANC etiam tib ib i (sic) recitab o lib eralitatem majorem

omnibus alij s . Anaxarchu s philosophu s venit ad regem

A lexandrum, quod sciret cum esse liberalem et amare

literas, et petiit ab eo argentum u t gymnasium sedi

ficaret . Rex imperavit quaestori u t daret philosopho id

quod peteret . Quaestor turb atu s peti tione philosophi

indicavit Regi illum petere centum talenta . Bene

facit, inqu it, scit enim Alexandrum et posse et ve lle

tantum dare . Quare videns hunc Regem tantam

acquisisse famam lib eralitate, dolet mihi quod non

hab eam unde possim patefacere meum beneficen

tissimum animum . Decembris .


JE vous prie, ma seur, vouloir entendre la reponce

qu e fit Ce tres liberal roy Alexandre . Interrogué ou

il mettroit tous ses tresors, Devers mes amis , dit- il ;Signifiant, qu e les richesses ne peuvent estre mises

plus seurement . Car quand la chose . et le temps .le

requiert, e lles reviennent a nous avec usure . Appre

nons, ma scur, qu’il est plus honneste donner qu e

prendre, et pensons qu e D ieu ne nous a donné tant de

richesses pour les garder en nu monseau, mais pour

les departir a ceux qu i enont besoin .

JE me suis ebahi cc matin, ma seur, de voir le’


anciens ethniques, privés de la cognoissance de notre

foi, estre plus sages qu e nou s . Je lisoi qu e Socrates

disoit qu i ne failloit demander a D ieu qu e sa grace,reprenant ceux qu i demandent une femme b ien douée,des . b ienS, des honneurs, deS roiaumes, longue vie,

comme .voulant enseigner a Dieu cc qu’il faut faire .

N e faisons pas ainsi, ma seur, car Dieu scait mieux cc

qu i nous est b on, et ce qu i nous . est mauvais ~

qu e

11 0 11 8 mesme .

LA coutume des Lacedémoniens estoit que le plus viel

montroit la porte a tous ceu s qu i entroient au s banquets,disant, Qu

’une seule parole ne resorte par la . Les

admonestant qu’il ne failloit rien reporter, S i librement

il estoit dit quelque chose au banquet . E t institua

cette coutume Lycurgus . Puions donc les raporteurs

et les flateurs, ma scur, imitant Alexandre , envers

lequel quand on accu soit quelq’un

,il etoupoit l


de ses oreilles . Interrogué pour quoi il faisoit cela,

j e garde, disoit-il, l’autre entiere a celui qu’

on acuse .

L I I I .

QUA ND j e lisoi les beaus faicts d’Alexandre, le plus

grand qu e fu t jamais au s armes, j’ai noté , Mons“, qu i

n’aim oit rien tant qu e les lettres . Car quand onlu i

porta nu petit cofi’

ret, si beau qu e rien ne se trouvoit

plus excellent entre les richesses de Darius, et qu’on

demandoit a quel usage il s eroit destiné , les uns

disant d’un, les autres d’au tre : Il lu i sera donné

Homere a garder, dit- ii ; voulant dire qu’il n’


tresor plus grand qu e cela . Ce qu’il approuva une

M . SC . R . E L . SORORI S . P . D .

CON SUETUDO Lacedemoniorum erat, u t is qui senior,

ostenderet fores illis omnibus qu i ingredieb antur con

vivia, inqu iens, ne quis sermo perhas foreS egrediatur.

Admonens eos nihil efi'

utiendum esse, Si quid liberius

diceretur in convivio . Hunc morem institu tur Ly~

curgus . F ugiamu s igitur adulatores, et linguaces,

soror, imitantes Alexandrum, apud quem,cum aliqu is

accusabatur, occludeb at alteram aurem . Interogatu s

cur hoc faceret, Servo, diceb at, alteram integram illi

qu i accusatur. Vale .

L I I I .


QUUM legerem pulchra facinora Alexandri, maioris

quam qu i unquam fuerit in armis hoc unum notavi

(princeps illustrissime), eum nihil aequ e ac literas amare .

Nam cum tu lissent illi scriniolum adeo pulcrum u t

nihil pulcriu s inter opes Dari] , et petiissent in quem

usum destinandum esset : alij S aliud suadentibu s da

b itur huic servandu sHomerus, inqu it, Signifigans se nihil

potins amare, nec uEljlum eo thesaurum preeciosiorem .

Id quod alias probavit, quum quidam gaudio gestiens



autre fois par autre facon , qu and qu elqu un S erou issant

fort ac courut a luy, pour luy raconter q uelque chose

heureusement advenue . Qu e m’annonceras tu de

grand , dit- i], mon amy, Si tu ne disois qu’Homere

requ ist [revequ ist] ? Signifiant toute la gloire de

beaus faicts perir, si ni a un tel b on chanteur qu’


esté Homere . Aimés doncqu es les lettres , Monsr'


lesquelles seullement n’augmenteront vos vertus, mais

rendront immorte ls vos beaus faicts . A St . Germain .

20 . de Decembre .

L IV .

L’AMOUR qu e j e vous porte, Mons“, m

’a donnehardi

esse de vous prier que le plus que vous pourrés aies

avecqu es vous gens vertueux et scavans, et qu e sur tout

aimés votre precepteur, a l’ex emple d

’Alexandre, qu i

a d’une telle reverence honoré Aristote qu’il disoit ne

luy devoir moins qu’a son pere . Pour cc qu e de son

pere il enavoit pris le commancement de Vivre, et de

sonmaitre le commancement de bien vivre .


A GE SI L AU S voiant qu e plusieurs estoient entach és



avoit coutume d’

admonester ses amis qu i


estudiassent tant a S’

enrichir de pecunes qu e de

force et de vertu . Pour ce qu’en vain acquiert des

richesse, qui est sans les vrais biens de l’esprit . Car,

ma seur, ceux u ci nous accompaignent, et font honneur

apres notre notre (sic) mort ; et les au tres nous trom

pent, et perissent ennu moment . A S t . Germain , 26 .

Decemb .


AR I ST I P PE interrogué quelle difference il y avoit entre

les doctes e t les ignorans, autant qu’entre les chevaux

dontés et cens qu i ne le'

sont point . Car tout ainsi

qu’nn cheval qu i n’

est point dresse est incommode a

tout usage, pour son ignorance et ferocité : ainsi celui

qu i est transporté de ses affections, lesquelles la seule

philosophic apprivoise, est inutile a toute coutume de

la vie . A S t . Germain,le jour S t . Jean apres la

natiu ité de Jesuchrist .


M . SC . R . EL . SORORI S . P . D .

QUUM videret Agsilau s for Agesilau s) plures lab orare

pecuniae studio, soleb at admonere amicos u t ne tam

pecunns studerent ditescere , .quam fortitudine et virtute .

Nam frustra parat opes qu i est Sine veris bonis animi .

HEB O nos comitantur, soror, et nobis addunt honorem

illa vero nos decipiunt, et pereunt uno momento . Vale .

Apud S t . Germanum .

LV I .

M . SC. R . E L . SORORI S . P . D .

ARI STIP P U S interrogatu s quo difi'

ereb ant docti ab

ignorantibu s quo equi domi'ti ab ij s qui sunt indomiti .

Nam u t equ s qui indomitu s est incommodus est ad

omnem rem ob iscitiam et ferocitatem, ita ille qui

rapitur suis afi‘

ectibu s quos sola philosophia domat est

inu tilis ad omnem consu etudinem vitae . Apud St .

Germanum, die S t . Ioannis a nativitate Iesu Cristi .


LV I I .

A R I ST I P PE disoit qu e mieux valloit estre povre


estre mdocte, pour cc qu e le povre a seulement

afaire d’argent, et l’

autre d’humanité . E t d’


celuy n’est moins homme auquel defau t argent, mais

celui n’est homme auquel defant scavoir. Outre plus,

celui qu i a faute d’argent, en demande a ceux qu i

rencontre : et celui auquel defau t prudence , ne sollicite

personne pour en avoir. Nous avons des richesses

asses, ma scur, efforcons nous d’

acqu erir de la doc trine .

A S t . Germain, dernier jour de cest an 1 554 .


NOUS devons vouloir, ma seur tres aimée, qu e soions,

pendant qu e sommes j eunes , reprinses d’un chacun,

afinqu e soions plus tost sages . E t ne nous faut dire

tantost a l’un, tantost a l’autre , Quoi ? t

’appartient il de

me reprendre ? D iogenes disoit a X eniades du quel il

estoit acheté , combien qu e j e soy serf, Si est il necessaire

qu e tu m’ob eisses, car qu i a nu nau tonnier, ou medecin

serviteur, il est contrainct de lu i ob eir, S’il en veut

recevoir profit . Jc ne vu eil oblier a vous dire qu e j’ai


entendu qu e le roy se porte mieux qui ne faisoit hier,dont j

’enrens graces a D ieu , qu i vous garde enbonne

santé . A S t . Germain . 5 . de Janvier, 1 5 54 .

L IX .

EPEN E T US avoit coutume de dire les menteurs estre

auteurs de tous crimes et toutes iniures . Laquelle

sentence ne discorde point au s lettres des Hebreus,lesquelles narrent qu e par la menterie du serpent les

portes ont esté ouvertes a tout genre de vice . Par cc

nom de menterie sont aussi contenus les fiateurs,

calumniateurs , mechans conseilleurs et mau lvais gou

verneurs, qu i sont fontaine de tous maulx . Puis

donc qu e tant le mensonge deplait a D ieu et [est] Si

dommageable au s hommes , faisons, ma scur, qu e

tou iours soions veritables .

PLU S I EURS belles h istoires temoignent que les anciens

ont esté plus studieu s de la Rep. et salut deS citoiens,

qu e ceu s qu i ont regne depuis . T emoin en est

Pomponiu s homme notable et digne de grande louange,


melius habere quam heri . U nde ago gratias immor

tales Deo Opt . max . , q u i tuam valetudinem fel iciter

conservet . Vale . 5 . Ianuarij .

L IX .

M . SC. R . E L . S ORORI S . P . D .

EP EN E TU S dicere soleb at mendaces esse autores om

nium criminum, et omnium iniuriarum . Quee senten

tia nondissonat a literis Hebreorum, quae narrant u t

mendacio serpentis, fores apertae fu erunt omni generi

vitiorum . E t hoc nomine mendacium adulatores, ca

lumniatores, mali consiliarrj , et perversi edu catores

continentur, qu i sunt fontes omnium malorum . Cum

igiturmendacium Deo tantum displiceat, et perniciosum

s it hominibu s : faciamu s , soror, u t ne quidem ioco

mentiamur, sed simu s omne tempore veraces . Vale .

7 . Janu arij . Apud S t . Germanum .

M . SC . R. E L . SORORI S . P . D .

F LURE S pu lcrae historiae testantur veteres fuisse stu

diossiores reipub licae et salu tis civium quam illos qui

regnaverunt ab eo tempore . Ponponiu s, homo in

signis et dignu s magna laude, testis est, qu i multis


lequel estant fort blecé fu t amené a Mithridates, qu i

lu i demanda Si le faisoit penser, il vouloit estre son

ami ? Si tu veus (repondit Pomponiu s) estre ami au s

Romains, j e serai aussi le tien . Vous vores qu e sa vie

ne lu i estoit Si chere qu e l’

amitie qu i portoit a la

republique . A S t . Germain, 8 . de Janvier.


T RE S élégamment a chanté le poete qu i a dit la

liberté me povoir asses estre achetée . Du quel advis

es toit D iogenes, tres excellent ph ilosophe , qu i re

pondit a ceu s qu i louoient le b on heur d’AriStote de

quoi il vivoit avec le filS d’un roy : Aristote, dit- il,

dinne quand il plaist a Alexandre , D iogenes quand il

plaist a D iogenes . Voulant dire riens n’

estre heureux

Si liberté défaut . Apprenons donc les arts et bonnes

disciplines, ma seur, par lesquelles plus facilement

nous acquerrons vertu,nourrice et mere de liberté,

car temoin l’ecriture saincte

, qu icunqu e fait pech é est

serviteur d’iceluy.



D I OGENE S disoit les hommes bons estre les images et

Simulacres de Dieus, plus tost qu e les statues d’


d’argent, ou d’airain: car ii est propre au s Dieus de

b ien faire a tous, et ne nuire a personne . Ce qu e

miens reluit au s sages et au s bons, qu’

au s statues

quelques precieuses qu’

e lles soient . I l disoit encores

une autre chose qu e vous lou erés grandement, ascavoir,entre les indigens et miserables n’

estre tenu celuy qu i

S’est acquis de bonnes sciences et de bons amis .

Mais que celui estoit malheureusement povre qu i


estoit pourveu de quelque vertu .


[The F rench has never beenwri tten]



M . SC . R . E L . SORORI S . P . D .

D IOGENE S dicebat bonos viros esse imagines et simul

acra deorum, potius quam statu as aureas, argenteas ,

vel aereas . Nam proprium est deorum bene facere

omnibus et nocere nemini . Id quod magis elucet in

sapientib u s et bonis viris quam in statu is qu antisvis

{for qu antumvis) preciossissimis . D iceb at etiam aliud

quodmaxime laudab is, videlicet interpauperes etmiseros

illum non haberi qu i Sib i paravit bonas scientias, et

probos amicos . Sed cum esse infeliciter egenum qui

non sit preditu s aliqu a virtute . Vale .


M . SC. R . EL . SORORI S .P.D .

LE GE B AM hodie apud Ciceronem, soror, non oportere

efferri rebus felicib u s et prosperis ; nam,u t dixit Solon,

Crejo nemo ant [for ante) ob itum felix . Rotat omne

fatum, et S i fortuna b landitur nobis hodie, cras mina

tur. Quomodo accidit Policrati regi Samiorum poten

tiSSimo, et usque adeo felici u t ab omnio praelio re

portarit victoriam . E t tamen evenit quod Oretes,

praefectus Ciri rex Persarum eum superavit et afixit



[The French has never beenwri tten ]






f ifteenth t turg.



M .A .,

m o,




and they are both curious for the character and

variety of the poetical effusions they contain,and

for the interesting illustration they afford u s Of

contemporary popular sentiments ; they are both

also of about the same date. The Sloane MS.,from

which the present collection is printed, has been

generally ascribed, from the character of the writing,to the reign of Henry VI . I have thought, there

fore, that it would not be unaccep table to the

readers of our Old poetry, if I gave a complete

edition of the Sloane Manuscrip t,as a companion

to the volume printed for the Percy Society .

One of these songs, No. 1ii,p . 73, furni shes u s with

curious data for fix ing more exactly the period at

which it at leastwas composed,ifwe could identify

the circumstances alluded to init . The reader,or

rather the hearer,of this song, is reminded, as so

many memorials of the frailty of human affairs,of

certain great di sasters which, at the t ime it was

composed,were fresh in people’

s memories . The

first of these were the dear years three,”inwhich

multitudes of. people died of hunger ; the next were

two pestilences of a fearful descrip tion ; after this

came a tempest — a wind’s blast— which blew down

steeples,andwas accompanied wi th terrible thunder

and lightning, by whi ch the priory Of the Carmelites,

and the tolbooth at Lynn, in Norfolk, were burnt .

This last circumstance would fix the date imme

diately, but unfortunately I have not been able to

discover any hi storical notice Of the event to whi ch

it alludes. Pestilences and famines were rather

common during the fourteenth and fifteenth cen

turies,and when described ingeneral terms are not

easily identified. After a comparison of the events

of this kind mentioned in theOld chronicles,I


inclined to think,however

,that the two pestilences

mentioned inour song are those two celebrated pes

t ilences of the fourteenth century (occurring in the

years 1 349 and 1 361 -2) which are commemorated

inthe well-known popular poem of Piers Plough

man,and that the “wyndes blast

”Of our song is

the terrible south -western wind of the same remark

able poem, which occurred onthe 1 5th of January,

1 362,and of which we are there told

He preved that thise pestilencesWere for pure synne


And the sou th-westrene wyndOnSaterday at evenWas pertliche for pure pride,And for no point ellisPyries and plum- trees

Were puffed to the erthe,

In ensaumple that the segges

Sholden do the bettreEeches and brode OkesWere blowen to the grounds,Turned upward hire tailes


In tokenynge of drede

That dedly synne er domes-day

Shal for-doon hem alle .

P iers Ploughman, l.

Stowe says of this tempest,“ The king held his

Christmas at Windsore,and the xv. day following

a sore and vehement southwest winde brake forth,

so hideous,that it overthrew high houses, towers,

steeples, and trees, and SO bowed them,that the

residue which fell not,but remained standing, were

the weaker.

The first of the two pestilences was

followed by a period of excessive dearness, whi ch I

suspect was identical wi th the three dear years of

our song.

Now the great pestilences of the fourteenth

century were certainly well remembered for two

centuries afterwards,but they were remembered

not as the two pestilences, but as the three pesti

lences,of which the third occurred inthe year 1 369.

If I am right, therefore, inexplaining the allusions,

because some of them are accompanied with the

musical notes.

I will only add that inediting the Sloane MS . I

have followed the same principle adop ted in the

volume printed for the Percy Society, of strictly

following the manuscrip t, even in its errors,many

of whi ch are in themselves philologically curious.

The Latin, especially , is in many cases extremely

corrup t .


1 4,Sydney S treet , B rampton,

Apri l, 1 856 .


T houwost wol lytyl ho is thi foo .

MAN ,loke thou have this gys,

Quat sum evere thou xalt doo,

Of thi speche the wil avys,T hou wostwol lytil ho is thi foo .

Man, rewle thi tunge in swych a gys,

T hat nonmysspeche come the froo ;

F or than thou dost as thewyS,T hou wost wol lytil ho is thi foo .

Idil speche I rede thou spys ,Lok to hom thou seyst thi wil too

Qwether thou stonde,walke , or ryde,T hou wost wol lytil ho is thi foo .


The bryd seyde onhis devys ,T hou mytyst telle sum manthi woo ,

He wol it were dub lyd thryis

T hou wost wol lytil ho is thi foo .

If thou wyt b erynawey the prys ,

Le stene this song and synge the too,Of thi speche the wil avys ,

T hou wost wol lytil ho is thin foo .

Nowhething the , gentilmen,

HowAdam dalf and Eve Span.

IN the vale of Abraham

Cryst bym self he made Adam,

And of his rybb e a fayrwomman,

And thus this semly word began .

Cum , Adam,and thou xalt se

The b lysse of paradis that is so fre ;

T herin stant anappil- tre,

Lef and frewt growit theron .

Adam, if thou this appil ete ,

Alle these joyis thou xalt forgete,


I I I .

Alle maydenis , for Godes grace,Worch epe 3c seynt Nicolas .

SEYN T Nicholas was of gret posté ,

F or he worchepid maydenis thre,

That wer sent infer cuntré

Common wommen for to b e .

Here faderwas man inpowre aray,

Onto his dowteres he gan say,

Dowteres , 3c must away,

N on lenger kepe 3ou I may.

Dowteres, myn b lyssing I gou geve ,F or .catel wil not with me thryve,

3c must with gowre body leve ,

gour wordege must dryve .

The eldest dowter swor, b e bred of qwete,

I have levere b eggynmyn mete,

And getynme good qwer I may gete,

T han ledynmyn lyf inlecherie .

The medil dowter seyde, so mot-e che the,

I badde levere hangyd and drawyd b e


W ith wylde how to or thre,T han ledin myn lyf in lecherie .

The gongere lechery gan to Spyse,

And preyid saynt Nicholas, as che was wise,

Saynt Nicholas, as hewas wyse,Help u s fro lecherie .

Saynt Nicholas, at the townys ende ,Consoylid tho maydenis hom to wynde,

And throw Godes grace he xulde hem synde

Hu sb ondes thre'

good and kind .

IV .

God that alle mytes may,

Helpe u s at our ending daye .

THI S word , lordingges, I understonde,May b e lyknyd tOanhu sb onde,

T hat taket a ferme into his honde

To gelde therof serteynpay.

Spende we neyther speche ne Spylle,N eyth

er forgood ne for ille,W e xuln3evyn acountes grylle

B efornour Lord ondomys daye .


Leve lordynges, b e war of this,F or Oftyn tyme we donamys,

T her is nonof u s i -wyS

But that we trespasyn every

T his word, lordynges, is but a farye ,It faryt rygt as a neysche weys ,T hat now is wet and nowis dreye ,

F or soths serteyn, as I gou say.

Nowis joye and nowis blys,

Now is ballé and b itternesse

it is, and now it nys

T hus pasyt this word away .

NowI hOpe and now I synge ,

N ow I daunce , now I sprynge,

N owI weyle and nowI wrynge ,

Now is wel, and nowis way.

NOW I hoppe and now I daunce,

N ow I prek e and now I praunce ;T his day heyl, te morwe perchaunce

W e mown b e ded and ley inclay .

At domis day quan we xul ryse,


T o beye that Adam b adde forlorn,Sunmortepropria .

Moyses ferst inhis lawe told

A chyld ther xuld b e born SO bold ,T O beye agyn that Adam sold ,

Sunnoctepessima .

Isaac withou te lesyngProfecnd inhis prechyng

Of Jesse rote a flour xu ld Spryng

D e virgins purica .

Jeromy, that was so 3yng,

Profecyid Of his comyng,

That is veri lord and kyng,Sammi patris gracia .

F erthere more , as I gou telle,

Than profecyid Danyelle,Of hys comyng he gan spelle,

Gentibus inJudea .

Quan tyme cam of God almygt,

That wolde brynge mankynde to ry3t,

In a maydynhe ganly3t,

Que voca tur Maria .


Nowis he born, that blysful chyld,

Of Mary moder mayde myld,Fro the fynd he u s schyld,

Qui creavit omnia .

Prey we to bymwith al our mynde,

T hat ha3t mad al mankynde,

He brynge u s alle to good ende,Indie noviSsirna .

VI .

Eya, Jb esus hodieNatus est de virgins .

B LYSSI D b e that mayde Mary,

Born he was of here body,Godi s sone that syttit onby,

N onex virili semine .

In a manjour of anas

Jhesu lay and lullydwas,

Harde peynis for to pas,P ropeccante homine.

Kynges comyn fro dyvesse londe,W ith grete 3yftes inhere honde,


In B edlem the child they fonde,

Manand chyld bothe eld and

N OW inhis blysful comyng,

T 0 that chyld mowwe syng,Gloria tibi , Domine .

Nowel, nowel in this ha lle ,Make merye , I prey gou alle,

Onto the chyld may we calle ,Ullo sine crimine .

Gay. say. say. say.

T hink ondrydful domis day .

EVERY day thou mygt lere ,T o helpe thi self qwil thou art here,Quan thou art ded and leyd onbere,

Cryst help thi sowle, for thou ne

Thynk , man, on thi wyttes fyve,DO sum good q I thou art on lyve ;

Go to cherche, and do the schryve,

And bryng‘

thi sowle ing ood aray .


W omman is the welle Of gras,

W ytnesse .

T hey lovyn'

menwith herte trewe,Ho wyl not chaungynfor nonnewe,W ommen b enofwordys ffewe ,

W ytnesse .

W ommen b entrewe without lesyng ,W ommen b e trews inalle thing ,

And ou t of care they mown u s b ryng,

W ytnesse of Marie .

I X .

Jhesu , Jhesu, Jhesu , Jhesu,Saf u s alle thorwthi vertu .

JHESU, as thou art our s


That thou save u s fro dolour ;

Jhesu IS myn paramour ;B lyssid b e thi name, Jhesu .

Jhesu was born of a may,

Upon Cristemesse day,

S che was may befOrn and ay ;

B lyssid b e thi name,Jhesu .


Thre kynges comen fro segent ,

T o Jhesu Cryst they browte present ;Lord God omnipotent,

Saf u s alle throw thy vertue .

Jhesu deyid and schad his b lod

F or al mankynde upon the rod ;

He graunt .u s grace of happis good,I beseke the , swete Jhesu .

Jhesu, for thy moderes sake,K epe u s fro the fyndis blake,Agens bym that we mown wake ;

And save u s alle throw thi vertu .

Nowgo gyle , gyle , gyle,Nowgo gile , gyle , go .

GYLE and gold togedere arnmet,

Coveytyse b e bym is set,

Nowhagt gyle leyd his net,T o gyle bothe frynd and fo .

T her is nonmanworgt a schelle,

But he cun plete with wryt or bylle,

1 3


His neyb owres for to spylle,

And othere men to werkynwo .


ise inhert-e is lent,Rygt and resounawey is went ;Man

, b e war thou b e not schent,Gyle wil thy herte slo .

N owhagt gyle get hym gre ,

Bothe in town and in cete,Gyle goth with gret mené ,

W ith menof lawe and othere

Trewthe hevene mot he wynne ,Gyle xal in helle brenne ;He that made al mankynde ,

Amend hem that mys hando .

Syng we alle and sey we thus ,Gramersy mynowynpurs .

QUAN I have inmyn purs i-now,

I may have bothe hors and plow,

And also fryndis i-now,T hrow the vertu of myn purs .


Thi sowle xal ab eye thi synnys ,

But if thou wit amendes make .

Thowthou b e bothe stef and strong,

And many a man thou hast do wrong,

W ellaway xal b e thi song,

But, etc .

Man, b e war, the weye is sleder,

T hou xal Slyde thou wost not qweder ;Body and sowle xul go



But, etc .

Man, her not thi b ed to heye ,In pumpe and pride and velonye ;

In helle thou xalt b enhangyd hye ,But if thou wilt amendis make .

XI I I .

Of a rose, a lovely rose,Of a rose is al mynsong .

LE ST E N YT , lordynges, bothe elde and gynge,How this rose began to sprynge

Swych a rose to myn lykynge

In al this word ne knowe I non.


The aungil cam fro hevene tour,To grete Marye with gret honour,And seyde sche xuld bere the flour,

T hat xulde breke the fyndes bond .

The flour Sprong in h eye B edlem ,

T hat is bothe brygt and schen ;The rose is Mary hevene q n,

Ou t of here bosum the b losme Sprong .

The ferSte braunche is ful of mygt,T hat sprong onCyrstemesse nygt ;

The sterre schon over B edlem brygt,T hat is bothe brod and long .

The secunde braunche sprong to helle ,The fendys powerdoun to felle ;T herin mygt non so

wle dw[e] lle ;B lyssid be rthe tyme the rose Sprong .

The thredde branche is good and swote ,

It sp[r]ang to hevene crop and rote,T herin to dwellynand b enour bote ;

Every day it schewit in prystes hond .

1 7

1 8 S ONG S A N D CARO L S .

Prey we to here with gret honour,Che that b ar the b lyssid flowr,Che b e our helpe and our socour,

And schyd u s fro the fyndes bond .


Man, b e war, b e war, he war,

And kep the that thou h ave no car.

TH I tunge is mad of fleych and blod,

Evele to spekyn it is not good ,

But Cryst, that deyid upon the rood,

SO 3yf u s grace our tunge to spare .

Thi lyppis arnwithou te b on;

Spek nonevyl of thi fon;

Man, I rede , b e seynt Jon,

Of evyl speche that thou war.

Quan thou seyst thi evylSeying,B e it of eld, b e it of gyng,Among many men th i speche may spring,

And mak e thin herte of b lysse ful bare .


Me think it they b ana rewly grace,. That trewthe is put at swych degré .


holy cherche he may not sytte ;

Fro manto man they xu lnbym fiytte ;

It rewit me sore inmyn wytte,Of trewthe I have gret peté .

Religiuu s, that xu lde be good ,

If trethe cum ther, I holde bym wood ;

Th ey xuldynbym rynde cote and hood ,And make bym bare for to He .

A man that xu lde of trewthe aspye ,

He must sekyn esylye

In the bosum of Marye,

For there he is for soths .


I drukke , I dare , SO wil I may,

QuanI thynk e onmynendyng day.

I AM a chyld, and born ful bare,

And bare ou t Of this word xal fare ;

3yt am I but wermys ware,T how I clothis go never so gay .


Thow I b e of meche prys ,

F ayr Of face, and holdynwys,Myn fleych xal fadynas flour-de-lys,

Quan I am ded and leyd inclay .

Quan I am ded and leyd inston,I xal rotynfieych and b on,

Fro myn fryndys I xal gon;Cryst help myn sowle quan I

Quan I xal al my frendes forsake,Cryst schyld me fro the fendes blake

T O Jhesu Cryst my sowle I betake,He b e our help ondomys day.

XV I I .

Gay, say. to b e gay.

I holde it but a vanité .

3YN G menthat bern hem SO gay,

T hey think not ondomys day,Quan they xul stonde inpowre aray,

And for here dedes damnyd b e .

God that made as and sond ,W ith blody woundiS he xal stond,

2 1


Come 3c alle onmy ry3t hond ,

3c chylderinthat han servyd me .

T O wykkyd menJhesu xal say,

3c hanled your lyf bothe nygt and

gour sowle into a wykkyd way,

Ou t of myn syte wynd 3e .

I was nakyd, 3c me not clad ;I was hungry, 3s me not fad ;

I was inprisounand harde bestad ,

3e wol d not visite me ,

Therfore myn chylderynxulu han i-wyS

T hat ilke joye , that ilke blys ,T hat arte ha3t b en, and alwey is,

B efornmyn angel fayr and fre .

XV I I I .

B e war, sq er, 3cman’

,and page ,

F or servyse is nonerytage .

I F thou serve a lord of pry'


B e not to boystous in thin servys,

Damne not thin sowle Innonwys,

F or servyse is nonerytage .


Mary is SO fayr of face,

And here sone SO ful of grace ,

In hevene he make u S a place ,Cum sua potencia .

Mary is SO fayr and sote,

And here sone SO ful Of bote,

Over al this word he is bote ,B ona voluntaria .

Mary is bothe good and kynde ,

Evere onu s che ha3t mende,T hat the fend xal u s not schende

Cum su a malicia .

Mary is qwenof alle thinge,And here sone a lovely kynge ;God graunt u s alle good endynge ,

Regnat dei gracia .

X X .

Man, be war, er thou be wo,

Think onpride and let him g oo.

PRYDE is ou t,and pride is ine,

And pride is rot of every synne,


And pride wil never b lynne ,T il he ha3t browt a maninW OO .

Lucyferwas aungylb rygt,

And conqwerour of meche my3t ;T hrowhis pride he les his ly3t,

And fil doun into endeles woo .

W enyst thou for thi gaye clothing,And for thin grete othis sweryng,

T o b e a lord or a kyng,Lytil it xal avayle the too .

Quan thou xalt to cherche glyde,\Vermys xulu ete throwthi syde,And lytil xal avayle thi pride,

Or ony synnys that thou hast doo .

Prey to Cryst, with blody syde ,And othere woundes grile and wide,T hat he forgeve the thi pride,

And thi synnys that thou hast doc .




I may synge Of a may,

Of joyis fyve and merthis most.

THE ferste j oye , as I gou telle,

W ith Mary met seynt Gabrielle,Heyl , Mary, I grete the welle,

W ith Fader and Sone and Holy

The secunde joye , ingood fay,

W as onCrystemesse day,

Born he was of a may,

W ith Fader, etc.

The thredde joye, withou tynstryf,

T hat b lysseful berthe was ful ryf,

Quan he ros fro ded to lyf,

W ith Fader, etc .

The forte joye, ingood fay,

W as upon halewynthursday,He stey to hevene inryche aray,

W ith Fader and Sone and

The fyfte joye, withou tyndene,In b evens he crownyd his moder elene,T hat was wol wil the eyr a sene,

W ith Pador, et‘

c .



Al leluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,Deo patri Sit gloria.


lvator mundi, Domine,

Fader of hevene, b lyssid thou b e ,T hou gretyst a mayde with onave,

Que voca tur Maria .

A desto nuncpropicius,

T hou sendyst thi sone swete Jb esus,Manto become for love of u s,

Deo pa tri sit gloria .

N e mentem sompnus aprimat,

B etwyx anox and anas

Cryst bym self born he was

D e virgins M aria .

Te reformator sensuum,

Bothe lytil and mekil and alle a[nd] sum

W olcum the tyms that nowis com,

Deopatri sit gloria .

Gloria tibi, Domine,

Thre personys in trenyté,

B lyssid mot they alle be,Deo patri sit gloria .



Nowel el el el el eI el el cl el el e] ,Marywas gret with Gabriel .

MARY moder, meke and mylde,

Fro schame and synne that go u s schyllde,

F or gret ongrownd 3c gonwith childe ,Gabriele nuncio .

Mary moder, b e not adred ,Jhesu is ingour body bred ,And of gour bryst he wil b e fed,

Cumpudoris Zilio .

Mary moder, the frewit of the

F or u S was naylid ona tre ,

In hevene is nowhis maj esté ,F i dget resurreccio.

Mary moder, the thredde dayUp he ros , as I 30 W say,

To helle he tok the rygte way,

Motu fertnrproprio .

Mary moder, after thin sone,Up thou steyist with b ym to wone ;The aungele wern glad quan thou were come

In celi palacic .




I SYNG a of a mayden

that is mak eles ,

Kyng of al le kynges

to here sone che ches .

He cam also stylle

ther his moderwas,A S dew inAprylle

that fallyt onthe gras .

He cam also stylle

to his moderes bowr,A S dewinApril le

that fallyt on the flour.

He cam also stylle

ther his moder lay,

A S dewinAprille

that fallyt on the Spray.

Moder and maydyn

was never nonb u t che

\Vel may swych a lady

Godes moder b e .

32 S ON G S A N D CAR O L S .


Omnes gsntes plaudits .

I sawmyny b ryddis setynona tre ;

He tokynhere fieygt and flowynaway,

W ith , Ego dix i, have good day !

Many q te federes ha3t the pye

I may noon more syngyn, my lyppis am so drye .

Manye q te federis ha3t the swan

T he more that I drynk e, the lesse good I can.

L ey stykkys on the fer, wyl mot is brenne ;

geve u s onys drynkyner we gonhenne .


ADAM lay i-b owndyn,

bowndyn ina bond ,

Powre thowsand wynter

thowt he not to long ;And al was for anappil,

anappil that he tok ,

A S clerk es fyndynwretyn

inhere book .

N e hadde the appil take b en,the appil taken b en,


N e b adde never our lady

a b enhevene quen .

B lyssid b e the tyme

that appil take was

Therfore we mown syngyn

Deo gracias .


I HAvE a gong suster

fer b egondyn the se,

Many b e the drowryis

that che sente me .

Che sente me the cherye

withou tyn ony ston ;And SO che dede [the] dowe

withou tynony b on;

Sche sente me the brere

withou tynony rynde ;S che bad me love my lemman

withou te longgyng .

Howxuld ony cherye

b e withou te ston ?

And howxu ld ony dowe

b enwithou te b on?


Howxu ld ony brere

b enwithou te rynde P

Howxu ld y love myn lemman

without longyn‘


Quan the cherye was a flour,than b adde it nonston ;

Quan the dowe was an ey,

than badde it nonb on;

Quan the brere was onbred,

than b adde it nonrynd ;

Quanthe maydynha3t that che

che is without longyng .


Al the meryere is that place,T he sunne of grace bym schynit in.

TH E Sunne of grace hym schynit in,

lnonday quan it was mor[we] ,

Quan our Lord God born was ,withou te wem or sorwe .

The sunne of grace b ym schynit in,ona day quan it was pryme,

Quan our Lord God born was,so wel he knewhis tyms .


The wyn and t he ale

che dede infille .

And I gryfiid here a g[ryf]rygt up inhere honde,

And b e that day xx . wowk es

it was q k inhere w[ombe] .

T hat day twelfve monith

that mayde I mette,

Che seyd it was a pere robert,

but nonpere jon[et] .


OUT of the b losme sprang a thorn,

Quan God bym self wold b e born ,

He let u s nevers b e forlorn,

T hat born was of Marie .

Ther sprang a welle al at here fot,

T hat al this word is t[o]rnyd to good ,Quan Jhesu Cryst took fieych and b lod

Of his moderMarie .

Ou t of the we lle sprang a strem

F ro patriarck to Jerusalem,

T il Cryst hymself a3enit nem

Of his moder,

etc .


In wyn ter quan the frost bym fres,

A powre b eddyng our Lord hym ches

B etwyinanox and anas

Godes sone born he was

Of his , e tc .

I t was upon the twelwe day,T her come thre kynges in ryche aray,

T o seke Cryst ther he layAnd his, etc .

Thre kynges ou t of dyves londe,Swythe comyn with herte stronge ,The chyld to sekynunderfonge,

T hat born was of Marie .

The sterre led hem a ryte way

To the chyld ther he layHe help u s bothe nygt and day,

T hat born was Of Marie .

B altyz ar was the fers te kyng,He browte gold to his Offeryng,F or to presente that ryche kyng,

And his moder Marie .


Melchiarwas the secunde kyng ,

He browte incens to his offering,

F or to present that ryche kyng,And his, etc .

Jasperwas the thred kyng,

He browte myrre to his Offeryng,

F or to presente that t yche kyng,

and h is, etc.

Ther they Offerid here presens,W ith gold and myrre and francincens,

And Clerk es redyninhere seqwens

inEphifanye .

Knel we down bym b eforn,

And prey we to bym that nowis

And let u S never b e forlorn,

that born was Of Marye .


Of alle the spyces that I knowe ,B lyssid b e the qwete flour.

QW E TE is bothe semely and sote,

Of alle spyces that is bote,



T he sterre bym schonboth e ny§t and day,T o lede thre kynges ther our Lord lay.

JH E SU was born inB edlem Jude,Of mayde Mary,thus fynde we ;Ou t of the est come kynges thre

with ryche presentes, as I gowsay .

A S they went forth inhere pas ,The s terre schon al inhere fas

A s bry3t as golde withine the glas ,to B edlem to ledynhem the

Kyng Herowdes was most of pryse ,He seyde to tho thre kynges that wern so wyS

Go and sek it me gone chyld of pryse ,

and comit ageynb e me, I gou pray .

And I myself xal with 30W wynde,

The chyld to worchepe, the child to fynde,

And worchepynbym with al myn mynde ,with al the onour that I may.

Quan they k emyninto that plas

Ther Jhesu with his moderwas,


T hey settynhem doun and made Solas ,

and every kyng to other gansay.

Quan they haddynofferidup here presens,W ith gold and myrre and francincens,A S Clerk es redyu inhere sequens,

he took it of hem, and seyd not nay .

Quan they b adde Ofi'

erid here Ofi'


T o Jhesu that is hevene kyng,

Of anaungyl they hadd warnyng,

to wendynhomb e anotherway.

The aungyl cam fro hevene kyng,And b ad tho thre kynges ageynhom wynd ,T herin to dwelle, therin to b en,

til kyng Herowdes endyng day.

Kyng Herowde wox wol ille,F or tho thre kynges comynhym not

F or to fulfille his wykkyd wille ,

and to his knytes he gan say .

Kyng Herowdes wox wroth anon ,The chylderinof Israel he dide Slon ,He wende Jhesu badde b en the ton,

and 3yt he falyid of his pray .

4 1


Kyng Herowdes deyid, and went to helle,F or swete Jb esus that we spelle ;God saf u s fro the peynis of helle,

and fro the wykk id fyndes pray .


B ohynnlyth ingrene wode b owndyn.

I HERDE a carpyng of a clerk

al at gone wodes ende,

Of gode Robyn and Gandeleyn

was ther nonother gynge .

S tronge thevys wern the chylderinnon,

but bowmengode and hende ;He wentyn to wode to getynhem fieych ,

if God wold it hem sende .

Al day wentyn the chylderintoo,

and fieych fowndynhe non,

T il it were ageynevyn

the chylderinwold gonhom ;

Half a honderid Of fat falyf der

he comyn agon,And alle he wern fayr and fat inow,

but markydwas thernon.

B e dere Gode, seyde gode [Robyn] ,

hereof we xul have on.


Evere onfor another, seyde G andeleyn,

mysaunter have he xal fie .

Qwerat xal ou rmarke b e P ”

seyde Gandeleyn.

Everyche at otheris herte,

seyde W rennok ageyn.

Ho xal geve the ferste schote

seyde Gandeleyn.

And I xal gewe the onb eforn,

seyd W rennok ageyn.

W rennok schette a ful good schote,and he schet not to hye ,

Throw the sanchothis of his bryk

it towchyd neyther thye .

Now hast thou govynme onb eforn,

al thus to W rennok seyde he ,

And throw thu my3t of our lady

a b ettere I xal geve the .

Gandeleynbent his goode bowe,

and set therin a flo,

He seb et throw his grene certyl,

his herte he clef on too .

N owxalt thownever 3elpe, W rennok ,

at ale ne at wyn,That thou hast Slawe goode Robyn

and his knave Gandeleyn;


Nowxalt thou never gelpe, W rennok ,

at wynne at ale,

That thou hast Slawe goode Robyn,

and Gandeleyynhis knawe .

Robyn ly3th ingrene wode b owdyn.


PROCEDENT I puerco,eya nobis annus est


Virginis ex utero,

gloria, laudes ,Deus homo factus est, et immortalis .

S ine viri semine,eya nob is, etc .

N atus est de virgine,

gloria, laudes,Deus homo, etc.

S ine viri coitu,

eya nobis annus est,

Pleno sancto Spiritu,

gloria, laudes,Deus homo factus est , etc.



Syne viri copia,

eya nobis, etc.

Natus est ex Maria,

gloria, laudes,

Deus nob is factus est, et immortalis .

In hoc festo de termino,

eya nobis annus est,

B enedicamu s Domino,

gloria, laudes ,

Deus homo factus est, et immortalis .


A N EW ger, a newe 3er, a chyld was i -born

US for to savyn that alwas for- lorn ,SO blyssid b e the tyme .

The fader of hevene hi s owyn sone he sent,

His kyngdam for to cleymyn.

SO b lyssid b e the tyme .

Al ina olene maydynour Lord was i-ly3t ,Us for to savynwith al his mygt .

SO b lyssid, e tc .


B lyssid b e the armys the chyld bar ab owte,

And also the tetes the chyld on sowk id.

8 0 , etc .

B lySSid b e the moder, the chyld also

W ith benedicarnus Domino .

So blyssid b e the tyms .


Moder, q t as lylie flour,your lullyng lassyt mynlangour.

A s I me ros inonmorwenyng,

Myn thowt was ona mayde gynge ,

Che song aslepe with here lullynge

Here dere sone, ou r Savyour.

A S che bym tok al inhere lap,He tok that maydynb e the pap,

And tok therof a rygt god nap

And Sok his fille of that licour.

TO his moder than he gansay,

For this mylk me mu ste day,

It is myn kynde therwith to play,My swete moder, myn paramour.


That mayde frely began to synge,And inhere song che mad murnynge,

That here sone, that is our k ynge ,

X u ld schred his b lod with gret dolour.

30 11 1’ wepyng, moder, grevit me sore,

But I wold deye, 3s we'

rn forlore ;Do wey, moder, and wepe nonmore


gour lullyng laSSit myn langour.


Reges de Saba venient ,Aurum , tus , myrram , offerent .

Alleluia .

N ow is the twelthe day i- come ,The Fader and Sone togeder arnnome ,

The Holy Gos’

t, as they wern wone,in fere .

God send u s good news gere .

I wil gou synge with al myn mygt,Of a chyld SO fayr in sygt ,A maydynb ym b ar this ender nygt,

so stylle ;

A S it was his wylle .


T hre kynges ou t of Galylie

Kemyn to B edlem that cete,F or to takynin to that se,

b e nyte ;

It was a ful fayr syte .

A S they keme for3t with here offeryng,

T hey mette with Herowdes , that mody

He askyd hem ofhere comyng,

that tyde ,And thus to hem he seyde

F ro qwens come 3c, kynges thre

Ou t of the est , as thou mayst se ,

To sekynb ym that evere xal b e,

throw ryte ,

Lord and kyng ofmyte .

Quan se hanat that kyng i A-b e,

Comit ageyn this weys b e me ,

And tel me the sytes that hanse ;

I praye,

3c gonnonother waye .

OfHerowdys , that mody kyng,He tokynhere leve, of old and gyng ;


W ith tresounto u s ganhe sayn,He trowid Jhesu to b anslayn;

Into Egypt thei went ful playn,

b e syde ;Josep was here gyde .

Into B edlem thei gunne pas,

The sterre gan schynyninhere fas

B rytter than evere schon sunne inglas ,in londe ,

Jhesu with Mari thei fonde .

Kyng Herowdes he made his vow,

Gret plenté of chylderinhe slow,

He wende ther xuld .a b e Jhesu ;I saye ,

He falyid of h is praye .

Herowdes was wod in ryalté ;

He Slowschylderinrygt gret plenté

InB edlem , that fayre ceté,

with stryf ;

N e left he nononlyf.

The chylderinof Israel cryid wa, wa

The moderis of B edlem cryid ba, b a


Herowdes low, and seyd , a ha !

that qwedc,

The kyng of Juwys is dede .

Almyty God inmagesté ,

In onGod personys thre,B ryng u s to the b lysse that i s SO fre ,

infere ;And send u s a good newe 3ere .

Reges ele Saba venish t,au rum, tus, mirra, Oflsre[nt] .

A S I went throwa gardyngrene,I fond anerber makyd ful newe ;

A fayrere syte had I non sene,Onevery tre song a turtil trewe .

T herin a wommanbry3t Of hewe ,Che seyde in here song not lest,

This was he[re] carpyng, as I knewe,Verbum carofactum est .

I a skyd that mayde quat che ment,Che had me abydynand I mygt lere

54 S O N G S AN D CARO L S .

T 0 here song than tok I intent,Che seyde a song woys clere .

The pryns that is without pere

I S born and leyd b etwyntweyn

Therfore I synge , as thou mygt here ,Verbum carofactam est .

In that wone for3t gan I wynds ,

A . semely song than herd I tho,Of thre schepperdes that wern ful hynde ,

Gloria inareelsis Deo .

I wold not the b adde ferryd me froo,

W ol faste after hem than gan I prest

T hei told me that they sungyu soo,

F or verbum carofactum est .

3yt ferthere more in that fryth ,I sawthre kynges comyn corown;

I sped me faste to Speke hem wyt,

And to tho lordes I knelid adown .

Tho kynges curteys to me gunrown,And seydyn thei woldynfare prest,

T O B edlem bour nowam we bown,

F or verbum caro f actum est .”


XL I .

B E the way wanderyng as I went,

Sore I scyid for sorwenis sad,

F or harde happys that I have hent,Murnyng makyd me masyd and

T o a lettere alone I me ledde,

T hat wel was wretynupon a wal ;

A b lysful word theron I redde ,W as , evere more thank God of al.

3yt I redde wel ferthere more,

W ith trewe intent I took thertyl,

Cryst may wel our stat restore,

It is not to strywe agen his wil.

He may u s save, and that is Skyl,

Thynk rygt welwe b enhis thral ;

Quat thou tholyst, wo or yl,

Evere more thank God of al.

If that thou waxe b lynd or lame ,

Or ony evyl to the b e set,

Thynk rygt wel it is non schams ,

W ith swych grace God ha3t


In sorwe and care if thou b e set,And thi ryches b egynne to falle ;

I cannot se thou may do b et

T han evere more thank God of al.

If thou welde thi wordele goodes ,And rygt ryally leve in thi rest,

F ayr of face, frely Of fode,T her is non swych b e est ne west .

God wil sende rygt as bym leste,F or t yches tranytg as a bal ;

In ilke a manere this is the beste,Evere more to thank God of al

If thi good b egynne to pase ,And thou waxe a powre man,

Thak good cumfort and mak good fase ,And trust onbym that al began .

Of God ferst our good began,He may u S reve bothe hour and halle ;

B etere counsel I noncan,

T han evere more thank God of al.

Thynk onJob that was so ryche ,

He wex powre fro day to day.

5 8 S O NGS A N D CA R O L S .

His bestes drenk elyd inevery dyche ,

His good wansid al away .

He was put ina powre aray,

N eyther inpurpyl ne in palle ,In sympel wede , as I gou say,

And evere he thankyd God of alle .

F or Godes love , SO do 3c ,

He may gou bothe geve and take ;Quat myschyf 3c inb e,

He hagt mygt gourwo to slake .

Ful good amendes he wil u s make ,

If we to b ym wil crye or callc ;

Quat wel orwo we b en in take ,

Evere more thank God Of al.

If thi fryndes fro the fayle,

And deth hagt reft hem Of here

Qwerfore xu ldyst thou wepynor wayle ,

I t is not to s tryve ageynhis wyl.

Thynk he made bothe manand wyf,

And that we alle b enh is thral

Quat wo thou su fferyst or howthou thryf,Evere more thank God of al.


XL I I .

Worchypwe bothe more and lesceCrystes body infurme of bred .

IT is bred fro hevene cam ,

F leych and b lod of Mary it nam,

F or the synnys of Adam,

He sched his b lod that was SO

He that onworthi this bred etc ,T he peyne of helle he xal gete,

My swete body awey to lete,And makynhis sowle to

He that this bred ha3t inmynde ,He xal levynwithou tynends ;

T his is bred to 3evyn a frende ,W ithou tynq te

, withine

OnSchyre-Thursday, al at the messe,

T o hese desipele he seyde thisse,E tygt this bred, myn body it isse ,

Lok therof 5c hannondred .

A ftyrward at here soper,

He tok the wyn that was so cler,


And b lyssid it with mylde cher,“ This is myn blod that is SO red.

The JuwyS wern bothe wylde and wode ,

He pu ttynJhesu upon the rode,For to spyllynhis herte hlode ;

F or manys synne he sufferid ded.

Jhesu, lynd u s this bred to ete,

And alle our synnys for to forgets ,

And inhevene a place to gete,T hrow the vertu of this bred .


Synge we , synge we ,Gloria tibi , Domine .

MAN ,if thou hast synnyd owth ,

Chaunge redely thi thowth ,Thynk onbym that hagt the howth ,

So dere upon the rode tre .

Thynk he cam for to b enborn,T o beyin agen that was forlorn,Many a m"

3er b eforn,

Ou t of his owynmagesté .

6 1


T hynk the Jawis quan b ym tokyn,

Hese desipele bym forsokyn,

Alle the veynys onb ym schokyn,

F or dowt of de th wold he not fle .

Thynk the cros he dedynbym bere ,

Garlond Of thorn he dedynhym were ,False tretowres that they were ,

T il he k emyn ther he wolde b e .

he dedynbym on the rode ;it was al for our goode ;the Juwys wyxinwode ,

On bym they haddynnonpeté .

Thynk howsore he was b owndyn;

Thynk he sufierid harde woundys ,

Of tho false helle howndys ,

W ith schorge and spere and

T hynk , man, on the werste Of al le ,He gevynbym drynkyn ezyl and galle ,

Hely for peyne he gan to calle

T o h is fader in trenité .

T hynk , man, wytterly,

T hink he bowt the b ytterly ;

Forsak e thi synne and to b ym cry,

T hat he have mercy upon the .


Quat eylyt the , Stevyn? art thou wod ?

or thou gynnyst to brede ?

Lakkyt the eyther gold or fe,

or ony ryche wede P”

Lakyt me neyther gold ne fe ,

ne nonryche .wede ;

T her is a chyld inB edlem born,

xal helpyn u s at our nede .

T hat is also soth , Stevyn,

also soth i-wys ,

A S this capoun crowe xal

that lyth here inmyn dych .

T hat word was not SO sone seyd ,that word in that halle,

The capoun crew Chris tu s natus es t

among tho lordes alle .

Rysyt up , myn turmentowres,

b e to and al b e on,

And ledit Stevynou t of this town,

and stonit b ym with ston .

T okynhe Stevene ,

and stonyd b ym in the wayAnd therfore is his evyn

onCrystes owynday.



Nowel el el el el el el el el el el sl el el el e] .

MARY moder, cum and se,

Thi sone is naylyd ona tre,

Hand and fot, he may not go,

His body is woundynal inwoo .

Thi swete sone, that thu hast born

T o save mankynde that was forlorn,His hed is wrethin ina thorn,

His blysful body is al to- torn .

Quan he this tale began to telle,Mary wold non lenger dwelle,

But hyid here faste to that hylle,

T her Jhesu his blod began

Myn swete sone , that art me dere,

w hanmenhangyd the here ?

Thi hed is wrethinina brere,Myn lovely sone, qwer is thin chere .

T hin swete body that inme rest,

T hin comely mowth that I have kest,



Nowonrode is mad thi nest ;Leve chyld, quat is me best ? ”

W omman, to Jon I the betake ;Jon, kyp this wommanfor myn sake ;F or synful sowlys my deth I take ,

Onrode I hange for manys sake .

T his game alone me mu ste play,F or synful sowles I deye to day ;T her is nonwygt that goth b e the way,

Of myn peynys canwel say.


A, a) a) 8 "

Nunc gaudet ecclesia.

LE STEN YTg, lordynges, bothe grete and

I xal gou telyn a wonder tale,Howholy cherche was b row[t] inbale,

Cum magna inj uries .

The greteste clerk of al th is lond ,

Of Cauntyrb ery, 5e understond,

Slawynhe was [b e] wykkyd hond,

Demonis potencia .


The turmentowres ab owtyn sterte,

W ith dedlywondys thei gunne him

Thomas deyid inmoder cherche,

P srgens ad celestia .

Moder, clerk , wedu e , and wyf,

VVorchepe 3e Thomeys inal gour

F or lij . poyntes he le s his lyf,

Contra regis consilia .


Man,b e glad inhalle and hour,

This tyms was bornour Savyour.

IN this tyms Cryst ha3t u s sent

His owyn sone inpresent,

T o dwelle with u s verement,T O b enour helpe and socour.

In this tyme ros a sterre cl‘er,Over B edlem, as bry3t as fer,

In tok enyng that he badde non .per,

Lord God, kyng, and emperour.

In this tyms it is befalls ,He that deyid for u s alle ,


Born he was in assis stalle,OfMary, that swete flour.

In this tyme k emynthre kynges ,He k emynfro ferwith ryche thinges,

F or to makynhere Ofi‘


Onhere knenwith gret honour.

In this tyme prey we

T O b ym that deyid on the tre,

Onu s have mercy and pete,And b ryng u s alle to his tour.


M and A , and R and I,

SyngynI wyl a newe song .

IT wern fowre letterys of purposy,

M and A,R and I ,

Tho wern letteris of Mary,

Of hom al our joye sprong .

Onthe mownt of Calvory,

W ith M and A,R and I


T here he b etynhis bryte body

W ith schorges thatwern bothe scharp and long .


Our swete lady stod bym by,’

W ith M and A, and R and I,

Che wept waterwith here ey,

And alwey the blod folwyd among .

God that Sit above the Sky,

W ith M and A, and R and I


Save nowal this cumpany,

And send u s j oye and b lysse ammong .


HOW hey, it is [non] les ,I dar not seyn, quanche sey} peS .

3YN G men, I warne gou everychon,

Elde wywys tak 3c non,

F or I myself have onat b orn;

I dare not seyu ,quan che seygt peS .

Quan I cum fro the plowat non,

In a reven dych myn mete is don,

I dar not askynou r dame a Spon ;I dar not

,etc .

If I aske our dame bred

Che takyt a s tat and brek it myn hed,


T hou art empresse of b evens SO

W orthi maydyninmageSté

N owworchepe we the trenyté,

Regina, etc.

Lady so lovely, SO goodly to see,

SO b uxsum in thi body to b e,

Thou art h is moder for humylité,Regina csli

,letars .

T hese b encurteys kynges of solunté,

T hey worchepyd thi some with umylité

Mylde Mary, thus rede we .

Regina, etc .

So gracrus , so precyows inryalté

T hus j entyl, thus good , thus fynde

T her is non swych innon cantre.

Reg ina, etc .

And therfore knel we doun onour

T his b lyssid berthe worchepe we ;T his is a song

of humylyté .

Regina, etc .


L I .

Synge we nowe alle and sum ,

Ave, rex gentes Anglorum.

A NEWE song I wil b egynne ,

Of kyng Edmund that was SO fre ,

Howhe deyidwithou te synne ,

And b owdynhis body was to a tre .

W ith arwys scharpe they gunne bym prykk e ,

F or nonrewthe wold they lete

A S dropys of reyn they comyn thikk e,And every arwe with other ganmete .

And his hed also thei of smette ,Among the breres thei it kest ;

A wolf it k epte withou tyn lette,A b lynd manfond it at the last .

Prey we to that worthi kyngThat sufferid ded this same day,

He saf u s, bothe eld and gyng,

And schel d u s fro the fendes fray .

L I I .

Man, he wys , and arys ,

And thynk onlyf th at lestenit ay.

THYN K , man, qwerof thou art wrou t ,

Powre and nakyd thou were heder browt,Thynk howCryst thi sowle ha3t b owt ,

And fond to servynhym to pay.


Thynk , man, on the dere geres thre ;F or hunger deyid gret plenté,Powre and ryche, bond and frs ,

T hei leyndede inevery way .

Thynk , man,on the pestelens tweye ;

In every cuntré mengunne deye ;Deth left neyther for lowe ne heye,

But lettyd hem of here pray .

Deth is wonder coveytou s

Quan he comit ina manys hou s,He tak it the good manand his spows,

And bryngit hem inpowre aray .

Aft-er cam a wyndes blast,

T hat made many a managast ;

Stefve stepelys that stodynfast,

The weyk e fyllynand blewynaway .

Many merveylis God ha3t sent,Of lytenyng and of thunder dent ;At the frere camys ha3t it hent,

At Lynne toun, it is nonnay .

Lytenyng at Lynne dede gret harm,

Of tolbothe and of fryre carm ;


And if I have pens bothe good andMenwyl byddynme to the wyn“That I have xal b e thin

Sekyrly thei wil seyn so .

And quan I have noninmyn purs,Peny b et, ne peny wers ,Ofme thei holdynbut lytil fors,

He was a man,let bym goo .

L IV .

W e b enchapmenlyyt of' fote ,

T he fowle weyiS for to ti e .

W E bern ab owtynnoncattes Skynnys,

Pursis, perlis, sylver pynnis,

Smale wympel for ladyis chynnys ;

Damsels , b ey sum ware of me .

I have a pok et for the nonys ,

T herine b en tweyne precyou s stonys ;

Damsele, b adde 3c asayid hem onys,

3c xuld the rathere gonwith me .

I have a j elyf of Godes sonde ,

W ithou tynfyt it can stonde ;


I t cansmytynand b agt nonhonde ;Ryd yourself quat it may b e .

I have a powder for to selle,

Quat it is can I not telle

I t makit maydenys wombys to swells ;T herof I have a quantyté .

A ve maris stella,

the sterre on the see,

Dei mater alma,

b lyssid mot xe b e .

A tque semper virgo,

pray thi sone for me,

F elix celiporta,

that I may come to the .

Gabriel, that archangyl,he was massanger,

SO fayre he gret our lady,with anave so cler.

Heyl b e thou, Mary,b e thou


Ful of Godes grace ,and q nof mercy .



Alle that am to grete,

withou tyndedly synne,Forty dayis of pardoun

God grauntyt bym .


Man, b e glad inhalle and hour,

This tyms was bornour savyour.

IN this tyme a chyld was born,

To save tho sowle that wern forlorn ;F or u s he werde garlond of thorn ,

Al it was for our honour.

The eytende day he was schorn ,T o fulfylle th e lawe that was b eforn;Ofmeknesse he b lewhis horn

OnGood Fryday was dononrode

The Juwes Spyltynhis herte b lode ;

Mary, his moder, b e bym stode ;

3e b enour help and our socour.

OnEsterne day he ganup ryse ,

To techynhem that wern onwyse ;


Ther come thre kynges ou t of the est,

T O worchepe the kyng that is so fre,

W ith gold and myrre and francincens,

A solis or tns sardine .

The herdes b erdyn an aungele cry,

A merys song then sungyu he,

w arn3c SO sore agast,

Jam ortus solis sardine .

The aungele comyn doun with on cry,

A fayr song then sungynhe ,

In the worchepe of that chyld,Gloria tibi, Domine .

LV I I I .

Man,b e merie as bryd onberie ,

And al thi care let away.

THI S ty-me is born a'

chyld ful good ,He that u s b owt upon the rod ;

He bond the devyl that is so wod,

T il the drydfu l domys day.

Quan the chyld Of meche my3t

W old b e born of Mary bry3t,


A tok ene he sente to kyng and kny3t,

A sterre that schon bothe nygt and day.

The sterre schon as b ry5t as fer,

Over al the world bothe fer and ner,In tok ene he was withou tynper ;

And pereles he xal lastynay.

The .viij . day he was circumsise,

F or to fulfylle the profecye

The profetes with wordes wyse

Hym present with ryche aray .

The . x1j . day come kynges thre,Ou t of the est, with herte fre,T o worchepynbym thei knelyd onkne,

W ith gold and myrr[e] and francincens .

L I X .

I may seyn to most and lest,Verbum carofactum est .

JHE SU of his moderwas born,F or u s he werde garlond of thorn,And ellys b adde we b enforlorn ;

He tok his deth for most andl est .

8 1


I xal gou telle good sk ele qThat he was born of Mary


F or he deyid onCalvory,

He tok , e tc .

He wrowt u s alle with his hond

The fendes woldynadoun u s wrong,He b owt u s ageynwith peynys strong,

He tok his, etc .

A kerche thanne to him was fet,A spere to his herte was set ;

T han seyde the Juwys , “ have thou that ! ”

He , etc .

The Juwis gevyn b ym drynk ezyl and

Quan Jhesu after drynk gan calle ;God, let u s never insynne falle .

He tok , [etc . ]

Prey we to that lord so fre,

F or u S he deyid ona tre ,

At domys day our helpe he b e .

He tok , etc .


Than herd I nevere of manys mon,

Me think it wonder thou seyst to me .

.The aungyl ans’

werd anon ful wel,

Mary, dryd the never a del,

T hou xalt conseyve a chyld ful wel,

The Holy Gost xal schadu e the .

Mary onbryst here hand che leyd,

Stylle xc stod, and thus xe seyd,

LO me here Godes owynhandmayd,

W ith herte andwil and body frs .

Mary, moder, mayde myld,

F or the love al of th i chyld,

Fro helle pet thou u s schyld ;

Amen, amen, nowsynge

Prenegard, prenegard,

Thus bere I mynbaselard .

LE ST E N I T , lordynges, I gou beseke ;Ther is nonmanworgt a leke,B e he sturdy, b e he meke ,

But he here a baselard .


Myn baselard hagt a schede of red,

And a elene loket of led ;

Me think it I may bere up myn hed,

F or I bere myn baselard .

My baselard ha3t a wrethinhafte

Quan I am ful of ale cawte ,

I t is gret dred Of man- slawtte,

F or then I b ere , etc .

My baselard ha3t a sylver schape ;

Therfore I may bothe gaspe and gape ;Me think it I go lyk nonknape ,

F or I here a baselard .

My baselard ha3t a trencher kene ,Payr as rasour scharp and schene ;Evere me think it I may b e kene ,

F or I here, e tc.

AS I 3ede up in the strete,W ith a cartere I ganmete,

F elawe ,”he seyde, so mot I the,

T hou xalt forego thi baselard .

The cartere his q ppe began to take ;And al myn fleych b egan to qwak e ,



And I was lef for to ascape,And there I left myn baselard .

Quan I cam for3t onto myn damme,Myn hedwas brokyn to the panne ;Che seyde I was a praty manne,

And wel cowde bere myn baselard .


I may seyn, and SO mownmo,

T hat insemenaunt goth gyle .

SEM EN AU N T is a wonder thing,It b egylyt bothe knygt and kyng,And makit maydenys Of love-longyng ;

I warne 3ou of that gyle .

Semenaunt is a S ly peyntour,It florchyt and fadit inmany a flour,And makit wommen to lesynhere bryte

Upon a lytil q le .

In semenaunt b e thinges thre ,

T howt, speche, and prevyté

And trewthe xu ld the forte b ei

It is hens a ml° myle .


Quan he xulde lede a merie lyf,

Here q ts sydys waxinful blo .

W ykkyd tunge makit Ofte stauns,Bothe inEngelond and inFranu s ;Many a manwyt spere and launS,

T hrow wykkyd tunge, to dede

W ykkyd tunge b rek it b on,

T how the self have non;Of his frynd he mak it his fon,

In every place qwere that

Good menthat stondynand syttyn

I prey 3ou bothe onand alle,

T hat wykkyd tungesfro gou falle,

T hat 3e mown to hefne go .


Alma Redemptoris ma ter.

A S I lay upon a nygt,

My thowt was ona mayde bry3t

T hat mencallynMary ofmygt,

Redemptcris mater.


To here cam Gabriel SO bry3t,And seyde, Heyl, Mari, ful of mygt,T o b e cald thou art adygt

After that word that mayde brygt

Anon conseyvyd God of mygt,And therby wyst men that che hygt

R .

Rygt as the sunne schynit inglas,So Jhesu inhis moderwas,And therby wyt man that che was


N owis born that babe of blys ,And qwen Of hevene is moder is ;And therfore think me that che is

R .

After to hevene he tok his flygt,And ther he Sit with his fader of mygt ;W ith bym is crownyd that lady brygt,

Redsmptoris ma ter.




N ON pudescit corpore,Quod testatur hodie ,

Manna monumenti,dies

Adest procul dubio

nova res auditu ,

Infans viso gladio

cessat a vagitu ,

dies .

Innocencium sanguine

Rub ent matrum lacryme,

o licor suavis,

Nati danti j ugu lo,Set caret preposito

Herodes tua vis,

dies .

Bonus pastor prodnt,

gaude, grex Anglorum,

Cujus primus extitit

T homas, fios pastorum,

dies .



MEUM est proposrtum in taberna mori ,E t

vinum appositum scicienti ori ;

U t dicant cum venerint angulorum cori,Deus Sit propiciu s iste potatori .

Potatores Singuli sunt omnes benigni ;T am senes quam juvenes ineterna igni

Cru ciantur rustici, qu i non sunt tam digui

Qu i b ib isse noverint bonum vinum vini .

Unum super omnia bonum diligamu s,

N am purgantu r vissia dum vinum potamu s,

Cum nob is Sint copia vinum dum clamamu s,

Qui vivis ingloria, te Deum laudamu s .

Magis quam ecclesiam diligo tab ernam,

Ipsam nullo tempore sprevi neque spernam,

Donec sanctos angelos venientes cernam,

Cantantib us pro ebriis requiem eternam .

F ertur in convivium vinns, na, num,

Masculinum duplicet atque femininum,

Set inneutro genere vinum est devinum,

Loqu i facit socios op timum Latinum .



I F I synge 3e wyl me lakke ,And wenyn I were ou t ofmyn wyt ;

Therfore smale notes wil I crake,So wolde God I were q t .

Syn me musts take this mery toyn,T o glade withal this cumpany,I rede , or ony swych b e don,

F or Godes love, tey up gour ky.

F or sothe I may not synge, I say,My voyS and I am at discord

But we xul fonde to take a day,T O takynmyn avys and myn acord .


Wolcum , 30 1, thou mery man,

Inworchepe of this holy day .

W OL CUM b e thou , hevene kyng,W olcum

, born in onmorwenyng,

\Volcum,for hom we xal syng,

W olcum,

W olcum b e 3c, Stefne and Jon,

W olcum,innocentes everychon;

W olcum, T homas , marter on;

W olcum,



W olcum b e 5e, good newe gere ,W olcum

, twelthe day, bothe infere ;W olcum, seyntes, lef and dere

W olcum, 30 1.

W olcum he go, candylmesse ;

W olcum b e 3e, q nof blys,W olcum bothe to more and lesse ;

W olcum,

W olcum b e 3c that am here ;W olcum, alle , and mak good chere

\Volcum, alle , another gere ;W olcum , gole .


1 4111133 5 mynlykyng, my dere 3 0 118 . mynswetyng ;Lullay, my dere h erte, mynowyndere derlyng .

I SAW a fayr maydyn syttynand synge,S che lullyd a lytyl chyld, a swete lordyng,

Lullay, myn, [etc . ]

T hat eche lord is that that made alle thinge,

Of alle lordis he is lord , of alle kynges kyng .

Lullay .


Lavacra puri gurgitis selestis angnu s attigit peccata . .non. .

The welle ha3t waschyn u S fro wo,

The lomb of hevene is comyn u s to,'

He that synne nevers wold do,Ha5t waschynclene our synnys u s fro .

Novum genus potencie aque rub escunt idrie unum m e .

His mygt is chawngyd of newe maner,The waterwyx red inpecher ;The water is turnyd to wyn ful cler,Ageyn the kynde thowit were .

Gloria tibi, Domine , qu i aperu isti hodie cum patre sanotoSpiritu in sempiterna secula . Amen.

Lovyng Lord be to the ay,

T hat ha5t schewyd the to u S this day,W ith fader and holy gost veray,T hat in the word never fayle may.


A S I me lend to a lend ,I herd a schepperde makyna schowte ;

He gronyd and seyde, with sory syghyng,

A, Lord ! howgos this word abowte .


It gOS ful wrong, ho so it wyst,

A frend he may kenfro his foo

TO hom I may trewely trost,

Infayth I fynde but fewe of tho .

The sothe me thinkyt, if I xulde say,

Trews frendes arnfews withoutyndowte

Alle half frendes welworth hem ay,

0 , Lord ! howgos this word abowte .

Alle trewe frendes wel worth hem ay,

In we], inW C , inhert, in thowth ,It must b e soth that alle mensay,

He was nevere good frendwas wroth fornowth .

Nowwel, nowwo ; nowfrend , nowfoo ;Nowlef, nowthef ; nowin, nowou t ;

Nowcum, nowgo nowto, nowfroo

O , Lord ! howgos this word ab owte !

The werst wytes werte of alle mank ende,

Alle wykkyd tunges ay worth hem woo

Thei arnful fayInfals talis to fynd,Thei gref me thus I may not goo


But, God, of hem thou take sum wreche ,

And arest hem alle b e rowt,

T hat fals am and fayre cun spake ;O, Lord ! howgos this word ab owte '


Mak me merths for Crystes berthe ,And syng we 30 1 til candilmesse.

TH E ferste day of 30 1we baninmynde,

Howmanwas born al of our kende,F or he wold the bondes onbynde

Of alle our synne andwykkydnes .

The secunde day wesynge of Stevene,

That stonydwas, and fid up evene ,

W ith Cryst ther he wold stonde inhevene ,

And crownyd was for h is promys .

The threde day longe to saynt Jon,

T hat was Crystes derlyng, derest on,

T o hom he 10k , quan he xuld gon,

His dere moder for his clennes .

The forte day of the chylderyng gyng ,

W ith Herowdes wretthe to deth were wrong,Of Cryst thei cowde not Speke with long,

But with here b lod b are wytnesse .

The fyfte day halwyt seynt Thomas,


And was hid inprivyté .

He maryid thre maydenys ofmyld mod ;

He gaf hem gold to here fod

He turnyd hem fro ille to good ,

Throw vertu of the T rynyté .

Another he dede sekyrly,

He savyd a thef that was ful S ly,

That stal a Swynou t Of his sty ;

His lyf than savyd he .

God grawt u S grace, bothe Old and gyng,

Hym to serve at his plesyng ;

T o hevene b lysse he u s bryng .

T hrowVertu of the T rinité .


SO kyrie, Jankynsyngyt merie with aleyson.

A S I went ongol dayinowre prosessyon,

Know I joly Jankyn

b e his mery ton;

Jankynbegan the Offys

onthe gol day ;

And git me thynkyt it dos me good ,

SO merie ganhe say,



Jankynred the pystyl

ful fayre and ful wel,And gyt me thinkyt it dos me good ,

as evere have I sal.

Jankynat the sanctus

crak it a merie note,And git me thinkyt it dos me good ,I payid for his cote .

Jankyncrak it notes,

anhunderid ona knot,And gyt he hakkyt hem smallere

than wortes to the pot .

k .

Jankynat the angnu s

b eryt the pax brede ,He twynk elid, but sayd nowt,

and onmyn fot he trede .

B enedicamus Domino,

Cryst from schams me schylde .

Deo gracias thereto,

alas I go with schylde .

104 N OTES .

In a Manuscript in the British Museum of the fourteenthcentury, (MS . Harl . NO. 3362

,fol. 7) the same proverb is

given in Latin leonines

Cum vanga qu adam tellurem foderit Adam,

E t E va ncnS fuerat , quis generosus erat ?

Page 2, l. 1 1 . Inthe vale of Ahraham. According to themediaeval notion

,the scene of the creation lay in the valley

Of Hebron,which was afterwards the residence ofAbraham .

“And in that same place,

”says Maundevile (p .

“was°Abrahamcs hons and there he satt and saughe thre

pcrsoncs, andworschiptc but on, as holy writt scythe, Tresvidit st nnum adoravit, that is to seyne, he saughe thre,andworschipcd on; and Of the same rcsccyved Abrahamthe aungeles into his bous . And rightc faste by that placeis a cave in the rochewhereAdam andEve du cllcdcn,whanthei weren putt ou t of Paradysc, and there goten thei hcrcchildren . And in that same place was Adam formed and

made, aftrc that that sum menseyn. Formenweren wontfor to clepe that place the fcld of Damascc, because that itwas in the lordschipc of Damask . And fro thens was hetranslated into Paradys of dclytcs, as thei seyn and aftrc

that he was dryvenou t Of Paradys, he was there left .”

Page 2,l. 17 . An appil

—tre. The popular religiouswriters in the middle ages believed literally that the treeof knowledge was an apple-tree

,and that the fruit which

Eve plucked was an apple . In the curious sermon, inFrench verse Of the thirteenth century, published byM . Jubinal, we read

0 Deus , quele dolorE t cum grant tristor

Lor vint a soffrir,


Par icelc poms

Qui aunsol homeVint Si 5. plaisir !

The account'

Of the fall in the same poem may b e quotedas illustrative of our song , especially in the circumstancethat the part acted by Eve is omitted

,and the serpent is

supposed to have tempted Adam .

Grant mal fist Adam,

Qui par le SathanT el conseil cru t ;

Mal conseil li dona,Qui ceo lui 10 a,

Car tost l’out soduit .

Par l’


Del mortel serpentEu tost deposes ;

Mult par fu chatifs

Quant de ParaisEu déscrités .

Mult par pout plorerQuant ne pout entrer

Ladum il csteit ;

Li angrcs ert devantO S

espéc ardentQui dcffendcit .

Page 4, Seynt thre. This wasone of the stories of the beneficent interference of St .Nicholas which was very popular in the middle ages. Itis told as follows InCaxton’

s edition Of the L iter F estivalis

(1484) Than fyl it so that there was a ryche man thathad doughtcrs fayre and yonge wymmen, .but by myschyefhe was fallen unto poverte, SO for grete nede he ordcyned

106 N OTES .

hem to be comen women for to geten her lyvyng and hys

bothe and whan Nicholas herde therof, he had gretecompassyonOf hem,

and ona nyght pryvelye at a windowe

he caste a bagge wyth a somme of golde into the manneschaumbre . Than on the morowe- tyde that manwowand

founde thys golde thanwas he glad therwith that no mancoude telle hi t , and anone with that golde he maried hi selder dou ghter. Than another nyght Nycholas casteanother somme of golde into the mannes chaumbre as hedyd before ; and so the iij . nyght, whan this manherde the

golde falle, anone he went ou t and overtoke Nycholas, and

knewe that it was he that had holpen bym soo in hismyschyef, and knelid doun andwold have kissed his fete


but he wold not suffrc bym,but prayed bym to kepe

counceyl whyle he lyvcd.

Page 6, l. 5 . F arge. An enchantment ; a scene of

fairy- land .

Page 1 1,l. 13 Wommen be bethe good and trews .

Another Copy of this song is found in MS . Harl . No . 7358,

which, as it presents some variations,may b e given entire

for comparison .

Wymmenbeth bothe goude and truwe ,Wytnesse onMarie .

Wymmenbeth bothe goud and schene,Onbandes , fet , and face clcnc

Wymmenm ay no beter bene ;W . O . M .

Wymmenbeth gentel onher tour ;A wommanb ar oure SavyourOf al thys wor[ld] wymaIi is fiour

W . O . M .

Wyrchypwe wymmanys face,

1 08 N OTE S .

I not what I Shall syng nor say,I , manforsakyn, wo worth the whyle

Ho may hold that wyll away ?My soverenlald has donme gyle .

I have bethogt me upona wyle,Sythenthat hur hert yS turnydme fro,

I hold yt the best, for drede Of gyle ,Turns up hur ha lter and let hur go.

Another poem onthe same subject and of the same period,

printed also in the Reliqu ice Antiqu es (vol. i . p . has a

Similarburthen, taken like it from the language Of hawking .

The first stanza is

Who carpys of byrddys of grete j entrys ,T he spcrhawke me semyth makys moste dysportc,

Andmoste acordynge for alle degrcys ,F or smalle byrddys sche puttys to morte .

Y reclaymyd on, as y schalle reporte ,AS longe as sche wolde to me aply

Whensche wolde nogt to my glove resorte,T henplukkyd y of here bellys , and let herefly.

Page 28, l. 1 . Another Copy of this song,with variations,and the omission of the third stanza, will .

be found in thePercy Society Songs and Carols, p . 18 .

Page 29, l. 2 . Gret with, i . e ., greeted by . A not un

usual phrase inearly English .

Page 31 , l. 1 . The writer of this song appears to have

had in his eye the description of the cock in Chaucer’


Nonne Prestes Tale (Cant . T .

Inwhich sche had a cok , hight Chauhtcclcre,Inal the lond of crowyng was noonhis peere.

His vois was merier thanthe mery orgon,

Onmasse dayes that inthe chirche goon;

NOTES . 109

Wel sckcrcrwas h is crowyng inhis logge,T hanis a clok , or anabbay orologge .

By nature knewhe cch asccncioun

Of cquinoxial inth ilkc toun;F orwhandegrees fyftcne were ascendid,Thanne crewe he, it might not b enamendid.

His comb was redder thanthefyncoral,

And batayld, as it were a castel wal.His bile was blak, and as the geet i t schon

L ik asurwere his legges, and his ton;His nagles whi tter thanthe li ly flour,And lik the b urnischt goldwas h is colour.

Page 31 , l. 1 6. Wortewale. The skin which covered theclaws.

Page 32,l. 1 1 . Adam lag i -bowndgn. Adam was

supposed to have remained in bonds,with the other patri

archs, in the limbu spatrum,from the time of his death till

the crucifixion of the Saviour.

Page 33, l. 7 . The sort Of paradoxes contained in thiscurious popular Song seem to be of considerable antiquity


and have been preserved in nearly the same form, almost,

ifnot quite, down to our owntime . They will b e found inthe following ballad, which is here given from a chap -bookprinted at Newcastle about the beginning Of the presentcentury

,but which is no doubt of much greater antiquity .



The lord ofRoslin’

s daughterW alks through the wood her lane,

And by came captainW edderburn,A servant to the king.

1 10 N OTE S .

He said unto his servant man,

W ere it not against the law,I would take her to my ownb edAnd lay her next the wa’


I’m walking here alane , she says ,

Amang my father’

s trees ,And you may let me walk alane,Kind sir, now, if you please .

T he supper bell it will b e rung,And I ’

ll be miss’

d, you knaw;So I will not lie inyour bed,Neither at stock norwa’


He says , My pretty lady,I pray lend me your hand


And you’ll have drums and trumpetsAlways at your command,

And fifty mento guard you with ,That well their swords candraw,


ll baith lie inae b ed,

And thou’

s ly next the wa’


Hold away from me, kind sir,I pray let go my hand ;

The supper bell itwill b e rung,No longerwill I stand ;

My father he’ll no supper take ,I f I b e miss

d, you knaw;

So I’ll not lie inyour b ed,

Neither at stock norwa’


Thensaid the pretty lady,I pray, tell me your name .

1 12 N OTES .

0 , I must have to my supperA cherrywithout a stone ;

And I must have to my supperA chickenwithout a bone ;

And I must have tomy supperA birdwithout a ga’


Before that I lie inyour b ed,E ith er at stock orwa’


Wh enthe cherry is inthe bloom,

I am sure it has no stone ;Andwhenthe chicken’

s inthe shell,I ’m sure it has no bone ;

The dove it is a gentle bird,I t flies without a ga’



s lie baith withinae bed,

And thou’

s lie next the wa’


Hold away from me, kind Sir,I pray you give me o

er ;

For I will not go till your b ed,T ill you answerme questions four.

Questions four you must tell me,

And that is twa and twa,

Or I will not lie inyour bed,Neither at stock orwa’


You must get me some winter fruitThat inDecember grew;

And I must have a silk mantle ,Thatwraft was ne’

er ca’

d throw;What bird sings best andwood budsThat dewdoth onthem fa


And thenI ’

ll lie into your b ed,Either at stock orwa’


NOTES . 1 13

My father has some winter fruitThat inDecember grew;My mother has a Silk mantle ,That wraft was ne’

er ca’

d throw;The cock crows first, cyder buds first,T he dewdoth onthem fa


SO we’ll baith lie inas b ed,

And thou’

s lienext the wa’


Hold away from me,kind sir,

And do not me perplexFor I

ll not lie into your b edT ill you answer me questionsQuestions six you must tell me ,

And that is four and twa,Before that I lie into your b ed,Either at stock orwa’


What is greener thanthe grass ?

What’s higher thanthe trees ?Andwhat is worse thanwoman’

s voice ?Wh at’s deeper than th e seas ?

A sparrow’s horn, a priest unborn,

T his night to joinu s twa,Before I lie into your b ed,Either at stock orwa’


Death is greener than the grassSky is higher than th e trees ;

T he devil’s worse thanwoman’

s voice ;Hell’s deeper thanthe seas ;

A sparrow’s hornyou maywell get ,


s one onilka pa’


And two uponthe gab of it,And you shall have th em a


1 14 N OTES .

The priest he’

s standing at the door,Just ready to come in,

NO mancansay that hewas born,NO manwithout a fin

A hole cut inhis mother’s Side ,

He from the same did fa’


SOwewill both lie inae bed,

And thou’

s lie next the wa’


0 , little didt he lady th ink ,That morning when she raise,

That itwas to be the last nightOf hermaidendays ;But there is not inth e k ing’

s realmT o b e found a blyther twa :

Andnowthey both lie inone bed,

And she lies next the wa’


In his interesting little volume, Popular and

Nursery Tales, p . 1 50,Mr. Halliwell has given the follow

ing verses, as current in the north of England, whichresemble still more closely those in our text


I have four sisters beyond the sea,

Para-mara, dictum, domine .

And they did send fourpresents to me,

Partum , quartum, paradise, tempum,

Para-mare , dictum, domine .

The first it was a birdwithout e’

er a bone ;Para-mama, dictum, &c.

The secondwas a cherrywithout e’

er a stone ;Partum, quartum, Sec.

1 16 NOTE S .

B altaz are,and he offers gold ; the second

,Melchiz ar

, who

Offers incense and the third,Jasper

,whose offering is

myrrh . The order is the same in the French Gen des

Trois B oys, published by M . Jubinal. In the TowneleyMysteries, the first king is Jaspar, who Offers gold ; thesecond


,who Offers rekyls

(incense) ; the third,B althesar

,who offers myrrh . The English legend Of the

Three K ings, published in my edition of the Chester Plays,tells u s

,Melchior that was kyng of Nube and Of Arab ic


that ofi'

red gold to God, he was lest Of stature and of per

sone ; Baltazar, that was kyng of Godolie and Of Saba,that


red encense to God, he was of mene stature in his persons and Jasper thatwas kyng of Taars and Of Egripwille,that Offredmirre to God, he was most in persone, andwasa blacke Ethiope .

Page 42, l. 5 . B ooyan. This song furnishes u s withrather a curious example Of the danger Of hasty criticism.

Ritson,who printed it in his Ancient Songs and B allads


took the word lyth for a proper name,although the form

it takes in the refrain at the end,ly,/3th, shows clearly

enough its meaning, lletlz . Not content with this, by al ittle stretch Of his imagination, b e 'bas given a short sketchOf the life of his hero, Robin Lyth,whom he even supposedto be one of Robin Hood’

s ownmen,who set up the trade

Of outlaw for himself after the death of his master.

Who or what this Robin Lyth was,”he Observes, does

not,otherwise than by this little performance, composed, it

should seem,to commemorate the manner Of his death, and

Of the revenge taken for it, anywhere appear. That he wasa native or inhabitant of Yorkshire is

,indeed, highly pro

bable, for two reasons : the first is,that a fewmiles north

ofWhitby is a village called Lythe, whence he may be rea

NOTES . 1 17


sonably supposed to have acquired hi s surname ; the second,that near Flamborough, in Holderness, is a large cavernin the rocks, subject, at present, to the influx Of the sea


which, among the country people, retains to this day thename Of RobinLyth ilole; from the circumstance

,no doubt


Of its having beenone of his skulking places. Robin Hood,

a hero Of the same occupation,had several such in those

and other parts ; and, indeed, it is not very improbable thatou r hero had been formerly in the suite Of that gallantrobber


,onhis master’

s death,had set up for himself.”

Page 42, l. 8 . Gandeleyn. This name seems to b e connectedwi th that of Gamelyn, in the (Jolees Tale attributedto Chaucer. It was probably awell known one in this classof ballads.

Page 42, l. 10 . Ohyldert'

n. This word evidently meanshere upgrown men. It is one of those words which appearto have beenformerly used in a much less restricted sense

than at present,and we have such examples as Horn


’etc .

Page 48, l. 7. Moder, gwyt as . Another copy of thissong, with variations, and one stanza more at the end

, willb e found in the Songs and Carols of the Percy Society

,p .

50 . The additional stanza is

Swych mornyng as the maydynmad,

I cannot telle it inthis howr ;Therfor b e mery and glade,Andmak e u s mery for our Savowr.

Page 49, l. 9 . Reges dc Saba . Another copy of this songalso occurs inthe collectionprinted for the Percy Society


p . 46, where it is much more complete .

Page 60, l. 1 5 . OnSekyre-T/mrsday . Shear-Thursday


1 1 8 NOTE S .

orMaundy-Thursday,theday onwhi ch Christ’s last supper

with his disciples is commemorated .

P age 63, l. 1 . Seynt Stevene. I donot knowwhence thisstrange

' legend of St . Stephen being king Herod’

s clerk of

the kitchen is derived .

Page 65, l. 1 . Nowel. This song also occurs with variations, as usual, among the Percy Society Songs and Carols,p . 38 .

P age 66, l. 1 7 . The greteste clerk . Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury .

Page 68, l. 9 . F or [t] . poyntes. This must,I suppose


refer to the Constitutions” of Clarendon,which


were sixteen in number, and not fifty- two. The manu

script, however, is very incorrectly written, and the songsare apparently tak endown from memory .

Page 69, l. 1 1 . M. and A . Another copy Of this songwill b e found in the Songs and Carols of the Percy Society,

Page 73, l. 4 . Of kyng Edmund. Edmund king Of theEast Angles ; the wolf and the blind man figure in thislegend, which will be found in Capgrave, Nov. Leg . Anglice .

Page 74, l. 1 . The clere {seres thre. l. 5 . The pestelens

tweye. l. 1 3 . A wyndes blast . See onthese allusions, thePreface.

Page 74, l. 1 9 . At the frere camys at Mnne toun.

There was a priory Of Carmel ites,or White Friars, at

Lynn,in Norfolk, but I have not been able to trace any

other mention of the accidental burning of it,which is

alluded to in our song .

Page 75 , l. 7. Go let,peny. This song was printed by

Ritson,in his Ancient Popu lar Poetry . The subject was

far from anuncommon one,and is found versified in French