The Arcana of Freemasonry - Forgotten Books


Transcript of The Arcana of Freemasonry - Forgotten Books




M .D . ,P .M . ,

P.Z .










AS many B rothers have requested me to pub lish in

an enlarged and more p ermanent fo rm my Lecture s

on the ancient sources of Masonry ( some o f which

have app eared in The Freemason ) , I have fe lt it

my duty as well as a p leasure to comp ly wi th their

request,in o rder that i t may enable every Bro ther

who is interes ted in the p ast orig in of the Craft

to gain at least a sup erficial knowledge of it s

antiquity,which will be outside the p re sent dogmas

of the Order .

Some readers o f The Freemason have taken

obj ect ion to my statements,and I take thi s oppor

tun ity, for the sake of B ro thers throughout the

world,of rep lying to those o f my critics . As regards

my chronology,it i s something new to me to find

a B rother stat e that the Pliocene Ag e cannot date

as long ago as years—all the best authori

t ies that I know would p lace it much earli er . That

I am not wrong in dating back the wo r ld ’ s his tory

to such great ant iquity in my books i s p roved by

the discovery of skeletons of the p resent typ e of

man, found in the Pliocene strata in Lombardy .


I t i s impo rtant to remember that the skeletons

found in this s trata were o f the modern typ e o f

man ; p roo fs that they were S tellar Cult p eop le

were found buried with them and that they lived

and died at this p eriod, and were no t accidenta l

burials,we have Pro fes so r Serg i

s authori ty—a

most unimp eachab le one . The Pliocene s trata

were formed from to years ago .


I s any further p roo f neces sary ! In the Natural

H istory Museum at South Kensing ton there i s an

exhib it o f p ecu liar interest, the reconstructed skull

of a p rimitiv e man , o r woman, found by e . C .

Dawson in a p it at Pi ltdown Common, Sus sex , in

the autumn o f 1 9 1 2 , on which Professo r Wood

ward gave a most interesting lectu re at the Royal

Societies C lub . I n the discussion which fo llowed

I then po inted ou t that the reconstruct ion of the

mandib le must be quite wrong,for to put on to a

skull wi th a cubic cap acity of 1 200 cubi c cent i

metres the j aw o i a chimpanzee, i s a lone"sufficient

p roof that the reconstruction made is incorrect .

The Pygmy has a cubic cap acity of 900 cubi c

centimetres,av erage

,and I have found one w ith

only 8 50 cubic centimetres . The highest anthro

po id ape i s 600 cubic cent imetres . Thi s skull,

in my op inion, was a N ilo t ic N eg ro of the first

exodus wi thout Hero -Cult,type s of which sti ll

exi st in Australia and inner Africa .

Genesis oi -Rocks, by Brenton SymO'

l s .


The S tellar Cult existed for at leas t

years,and the p eop le o f this cult travelled al l over

Europ e, Africa,mo st parts of Asia, America

No rth and South (excep t the extreme N o rth and

Sou th ) , but did no t g o to Aust ralia, New Zealand ,New Guinea

, and some other p arts . The Lunar

Cult fo llowed this,and after that the So lar, which

existed in some p art s o f Europ e (although not

in the extreme north ) , in Asia and Japan , but it

did not reach the no rth of Jap an . I n Amer ica

the So lar p eop le reached Yucatan and t ravelled

sou th . as far as Peru ; they did not g o to N orth

America,the Pacific I s lands

,and only to the line

of least res i stance in South Ameri ca, down the

west s ide a long the Andes . They were stopped at

Bo l ivia by the fierce o ld S tellar Cult p eop le from

go ing farther south, as they were from g o ing north

o f Yucatan by the No rth M ex ican tribes .

The art of reco rding ideas by s igns and symbo ls

came befo re the use o f articulate Sp eech . A sign

do es not demand a wo rd,and may not imp ly the

existence of a wo rd . A sign o r symbo l was used to

repr esen t the thing first— an animal,o r bird

,or some

obj ect for which man had“

no articulate sound as

yet . The articu la te sound fo llowed . Primitive man

drew a snak e to rep resent a snake—he afte rwards

called it “fu fu because the snake made thi s

sound . He drew a goose to rep resent this b ird

befo re he could g ive i t a name—from the saa o r


hiss of the goo se he ob tained the sound . Hundreds

o f o ther examp les cou ld be given in support o f

this,which Professor Masp ero acknowledg es is

correct .

Then as regards the ag e of the signs and

symbo ls,one friend asks “ for one that i s mo re

than a few thousand years o ld—as all that I have

shown belong to comp arat ively recent t imes !

RVell, it i s difficu lt in fraternal wo rds to an swer

this quest ion some are over years, and

the earliest over a million years old .

Perhap s I might sugg est to my critics that they

shou ld study g eo logy and anthropo logy befo re

rushing into p rin t on these subj ects ; l ikew i se I

would point out that in studying S te llar Chronology

the alphabet must be learnt before one tries to

read . The alphabet as regards their t ime i s thi s

there are seven Po le s tars,each one rep resented

symbolically as an eye at the t ime of i t s being the

centre ; each takes a definite time in revo lution

before this i s attained and each o f these revo lu

t ions '

o r t imes o f revo lut ion was divided up again

by the o ld mystery teachers of Egyp t . They did

not worship the sun or the stars . Bro thers who

exp ress op inions without the knowledg e of the“writ ings on the walls must no t exp ect me to

take any no t ice o f dogmas which have been p roved

incorrect . I do not mind thei r believing them '

that has nothing to do with me . I am writing fo r


the truth, and an exo teric rendering of the V .S .L .

must not take the p lace of the esoteric rep resem

tation of the R itual of Anc ient Egyp t .

The meaning of my quo t ing the V .S .L . i s not

as a p roof of his tory, but as a p roof that even

tho se who believe in the traditions,have tradit ional

evidence that i t was no t , and i s not, correct As

an autho ri ty,sacred his to rical documents — i . e .

the V .S .L .

— are,I contend

,no t historical at all

only t radi tions . Let us see what reliance can be

p laced on these tradit ions ag ain st documents s t i ll

in existence one po int on ly must suffice, because

o therwise I should have to write a Whole vo lume .

Clement of Alexan dria fixes the date o f the

Exodus,among other enumerations

,by thi s state

ment : That it occurred 345 years before the‘

Soth ic Cycle .

N ow the So thic Cycle was in

existence be fo re the time of M ena,


4 000 B . C .

,as borne out by Manetho and the


and was a cycle o f years with

four years as intercalary .

The Hyksos p eriod of Shepherd Kings, o r

their reign at M emphi s and Lower Egyp t, was

2 554 B . C .

,and when they left Egyp t they buil t

Jerusa lem . They left in the reign of Tuthmoses

and M oses lived after this,and was driven ou t o f

Egyp t wi th his fo llowers . Traditions versus

History . I t would be unnecessary to add more,I

think,to p rove my content ion co rrect . Resseign ier


lived much too late to be any authority,and

all he wrote was from traditions he had received

himself .

Josephus i s sup po sed to be the mo st authentic

writer on the Jewish antiquit ies but he wro te his

work in the beg inning of Trajan s reign, and there

i s a great discrepancy in the t radit ion s and varia

t ions in the Hebrew and Greek texts which no

power can reconci le, and this years after

Mo ses lived .

These t raditions were der ived from Rabbin ical

comments,and none of the chrono logy by the

most ab le writers will ag ree . He leaves out the

time of the leadership of To la and Abdon alto

gether, and nev er ment ions them .

As stated in my writings,I hav e not

,and do

not p ro fess to hav e, brought forward half the p roof

in existence of my contentions ; I have simp ly

driven a small p athway through a dark and

hitherto imp enetrab le fo rest, with the hope and


beli ef that some future B ro ther will widen

this into a great road,so that there may be t rue

light where there i s now darknes s and although

I have cut a small p ath through and shown the

way, i t may be a hundred years befo re all

B ro thers moto r through . That thi s wi ll be I have

not the slightest doubt .

A . C .


FREEMASONRY—THE BR I DGE or HISTORY—UN IT I NGTHE PAST WITH THE PRESENTi f Different Opinions as Regards the Origin of

Freemasonry and a Modern Introductionin Various Countries

11. The Source of Signs and Symbols







SOME SUBJECTS SUGGESTED FOR STUDYA Lecture before the Essex Mas ters


xii i


OR IG INS OF FREEMASONRYA Lecture before the Dorset Masters




A Lecture before the Mid-Ken t Masters’




EGYPTOLOGY AND MASONRYA Lecture before the Humber Masters Lodge








spi ecePAGE



























And numerous Figures and Diagrams in the Text.

T he Arcana of Freemasonry







Egyp t ! how I have dwelt w ith you in dreams

So long, so intimately, that it seems

As if you had borne me : Though I could not know

I t was so many thousand years ago !

And in my grop ings darkly underground,

The long-lost memory at last is found

Of Motherhood—you the Mother of us all !

And to my fellow-men I must recallThe memory too : that common MotherhoodMay help to make the common brotherhood .


THE o rigin of Freemasonry is one of the most

in teresting subj ects to which the M asonic s tudent

can app ly his t ime and talent .2


There are authors who attribute the o rig in o f

modern Freemasonry to the fo llowers o f Pytha

goras,because some of the sp eculations o f that

p hilo sopher concerning the meaning Of numbers

are to be found in the eso teric doctrines taught in

Masonic Lodg es . Others,

on account o f the

Chris tian symbo ls that have been inco rp orated in

the deco rat ing of things p ertaining to M asonry,

fo llow the Swedish system,and say that. the

Essenes and the firs t Christians founded it . Others,again

,make it o rig inate in the building o f

So lomon ’s Temp le many Jewish names,emblems


and legends,taken from the having found

their way into the rites of I nit iation and in several

degrees . An d s t ill o thers s tate that it goes back

to Adam ask why— they do not kn ow . Thomas

Payne and tho se of his schoo l say that the D ruids

were the fathers o f the C raft,they be ing sup p osed

‘wo rshi'pp ers o f the sun,moon

,and s tars


j ewels of the firmamen t being rep resented on the

ceilin gs o f the M asonic Temp les .

Dance of Villo ison sp eaks of Herculanaeum as

i ts birthp lace, because o f the m any similari t ies

that existed between the Co l leg ia o f the Romans

and the Lodges of the op erative Masons of the

M iddle Ages .

M ichael An drew Ramsey,a Sco tch g entleman ,

in a discourse delivered in Pari s,in 1 7 4 0 ,


gested the po s sibility of the fraternity having its


tinued the O rder . They assumed the tit le o f

Knights o f Chris t,which the o rder still bears .

Jacques de M o lay,befo re his death

,had app o inted

Johan M arcus Larmenio as his successo r to the

office of Grand M aster . The Knights who,fleeing

from the p ersecution , had taken refug e in Sco t

land at the Court of K ing Robert B ruce,refused

to recogn iz e his authority ; and p retending to re

establish the O rder o f the Temp le, under the

allego ry and t itle of Architects, p ro tected by the

Kin g,laid the foundation o f the O rder of Free and

Accep ted M asons of the Scottish R i te,in 13 1 4 .

The new society,soon fo rgot the meaning o f the

execrato ry oath that the members were ob liged to

take at their in i t iation the death of C lement V,of

Philip p e le Bel, of the accusers and enemies o f

Jacques de Mo lay,and the other Knights who had

been executed,having removed the object of their

vengeance . S t ill they continued to deco rate their

Lodges with tokens commemorative of the death

of the Grand Mas ter,and to impose on all new

members the obligation of avenging i t,which they

signified by s triking with an unsheathed dagg er

at unseen beings,his suppo sed murderers . This

allego ry is well known to the Knights o f Kadosh .

A century had scarcely elap s ed when this idea was

abandoned— the founders and their discip les hav ing

passed away,their successors saw only allegori es In

the Symbols of the O rder— and the extensive use


of words and texts taken from the B ible was intro

duced . The enemies o f Cromwell and of the

R epublic, havin g in view the re- estab lishment of

the monarchy,created the Degree o f Grand M aster

to p rep are the minds of the masses for that event .

King William I I I was init iated .

M asonry,says Pres ton

,was very much neglected

as early as the reign o f Jam es I I,and even af te r

this period'

it made but s low p rogress unti l 1 7 1 4 ,

when King Geo rge I ascended the throne . Three

years later,in February

,1 7 1 7 , the firs t Grand

Lodge was establi shed in London . A committee

from the four Lodges then exis ting in that city

met at the tavern o f the -App le Tree , and

nominated Anthony Sayer,who was elected Grand

Master on the 2 4 th of the following June, the day

of S t . John the Bap t is t, and for that reason St .

John was selected as the p atron of the O rder .

This o rig in of the Craft is credited by many

authorities on the subj ect . They found their

Op inion on the fact that many of the ceremonies

p ractised by the Architects are still observed

among Masons,and that the Grand Lodg e p re

served the fundamental Iaws,together wi th the

sp irit o f the ancient B rotherhood . Others,who

claim to be well info rmed,are of Op inion that i t

did not o riginate in any O rder of Chivalry, but

the buildin g fraternities o f the M iddle Ag es .

From 1 738 , however, Lodges sp rang up over


Europ e at a rap id rate, notwithstanding the bitter

opposition of the Church of Rome, which’ ful

minated agains t it in mos t terrible anathemas,as

early as 1 738 , at the instigation of the Inquisition .

Pop e Clement X I I , on the 2 8th of Ap ril of that

year,caused a p rohibitory Bull to b e is sued

agains t Freemasons,entitled In Eminenti


which he excommunicat'

ed all M asons ; an d the

Cardinal Vicar of Rome,by edict

,in the name of

the H igh Pries t of the God of Peace and M ercy,

decreed the p enalty of death agains t them in

1 7 39 ; and in May, 1 7 5 1 , Pop e B enoit X IVrenewed the Bull of C lement X I I by ano ther


beginning with these wo rds Providas Roman

o rum Pon tificum .

Lodges were es tabli shed in France in 1 7 2 5, and

on the 1 4 th Sep tember, 1 732 , all Masonic Asso

ciat ion s were p rohibited by the Chamber of Po l ice

o f the Chatelet of Paris .

In 1 7 2 7 Lord Coleraine founded a Lodge in

Gibraltar,and in the succeeding year in M adrid


the cap i tal of Sp ain , the strongho ld o f the

Inquisit ion .

In 1 7 4 0 ,in consequence of the Bull of Clement

X I I,King Philip V of Sp ain p romulgated an

o rder aga ins t M asons in his kingdom,many of

whom were arrested and sent to the galleys . The

Inquis ito rs took advantage of the oppo rtunity to

p ersecute the members of the Lodge they dis


covered in Madrid . They caused them to be loaded

w ith chains,to be oblig ed to row in the galleys ,

with a scanty supp ly of food of the poo res t

quality,but p lenty of bas tinado . King Fernando

VI renewed the ordinance on zud July,

1 7 5 1 ,

making Masonry high treason .

In 1 735 a Lodg e was es tablished at Lisbon,the cap i tal of Portugal, by some of the descem

dants of the Knights Temp lar who fled there,

under the title of Knights of Chris t . These

have kep t alive the ancient O rder in defiance o f

the Pop e’s Bulls .

In 1 730 a g reat many Germans were initiated

in England . I n 1 733 the Grand M aster, Lord

S trathmore,autho rized eleven of the B rotherhood

to op en the Hamburg Lodge . I n 1 7 4 0 B . Putt

man,o f the Hamburg Lodge

,received a Patent

of Provin cial Grand M aster from Eng land, an d

the Lodge assumed the ti tle o f Absalom . King

Frederick I I,who had been initiated when Crown

Prince o f Prussia,continued to give suppo rt, and

assumed the title of Grand M aster Universal,

and Conservato r of the M ost Ancient and M ost

R esp ectable As sociation of Ancient Freemasons o r

Architects of Sco tland . He cemented tog ether

again the O rder which had become scattered, so

far as he was able,and S igned the Constitution in

his Palace,at Ber lin

,I s t M ay , 1 7 8 6, sav ing Free

masonry from annihilation in Germany .


In 1 732 we find the fi rs t Lodg e in Am erica ;

i t was held in the Tun Tavern ” in Philadelphia,the brethren having p reviously met in Bo s ton, which

may be regarded as the b irthp lace o f American

Freemasonry . Henry Price was the fi rst Provincial

Gran d Master appo inted by the Grand Lodg e of

Eng land on 3oth Ap ril, 1 733 .

I t was establi shed in I taly in the same year .

In 1 735 the Grand Duke Francis o f Lo rraine

was in i t iated . He p ro tected the M asons, and the

Craft flourished in I taly unti l 1 737 , when Juan

Gascon of M edicis,Grand Duke of Tuscany

,is sued

a decree o f p rohibit ion against i t . Soon after his

death,which o ccurred the same year

,the Lodges

which had been Clo sed w ere reopened . I t was

not long,however

,befo re they were denounced

to Pop e C lement X I I , who is sued his Bull of

2 8th Ap ril, 1 738 , and sent an Inqui s i to r toFlo rence

,who caused various members of the

Society to be cas t in to dung eons . They were se t

at l iberty as soon as Francis of Lorraine became

Grand Duke of Tuscany . He not only p ro tected

the Masons,but founded lodges in Florence and

o ther p laces on his estates .

G . Findel was a g reat advocate that Free :

masonry was not derived from the mysteries of

the ancients he says : S eeing that the ancient

symbo lical marks and ceremo nies in the Lodg es

bear very striking resemblance to tho se of the


mysteries of the ancients, some have allowed them

selves to be deceived,and led o the rs astray,

imag ining they can trace back the history of the

C raft in to the cloudy mist of antiquity ; ins tead

o f endeavouring to ascertain how and when these

ceremonies were introduced into our p resent system,

they have taken it for granted that they were

derived from the religious mysteries of the

ancients .

Now I p ropose to trace these mysteries , for the

info rmation of the B ro therhood throughout the

wo rld .

The cloudy mists o f antiquity may,no long er

remain ; within the past few years we have di s

covered how to decipher and read the ancient

writings on the walls of O ld ruined temp les and

cities in Africa,Asia

,and N orth



South Am erica,as well as the ancient writing s on

papyri, and these give the key to unlo ck the

mysteries o f the past and reveal the o rigin of our

S igns,Symbo ls , and R itual s ; and these I trace

back to An cient Egyp t, and in no o ther part o f the

wo rld can the o rigins be found .

I f we take the theo ry p ropounded by Krause,what do we find ! He has endeavoured to p rove

that Freemasonry o rig inated” in the as sociat ion

of op erative Masons , who ,in the M iddle Ages


0 travelled through Europ e, and by whom the

Cathedrals and Monas teries were built . But the


secrets these op erative M asons had were received

from the Chaldean M ag icians . These Chaldean

o r Turanian Pries ts were the wo rking or op erative

M asons of the o ld Egyp t ian S tellar M ythos Cult,from the seventeenth Nome of Upp er Egyp t, and

were styled Compan lons (see R itual ) .

I They were

in it iated in the firs t and second degree only of the

o ld Egyp t ian Cult, because they, and they,alone,

were emp loyed to look after the building of the

Temp les and keep the secrets of the same

These Turanians,who were called Com

p anions” in Egyp tian, only knew the secret s of

two of the degrees out of the S even Primary

M ysteries,which were Astro -M ytho log ical . We

ordinary Masons,M .M . a nd up to P .Z .

,only have

these Seven Mys teries . The Gre ate r Mysteries

belonging to the Egyp t ian Eschato logy were

ten in number

I f we trace these o ld Turani ans (op erat ives ) back

to Egyp t, we find them well es tablished at the

commencement o f the S tellar Cult— but i t is

po ss ible to t race them farther back than this, even

to Early To temic Socio logy .

I n Africa,at the p resent day , there exis t some o f

the N ilo tic Neg roes , descendant s of thos e who first

fo rmed the Nomes in Egyp t tho se who formed

the seventeenth Nome are now“the Elgunono .

By the word Ritual used I allude to the Ritual of Anc ien tEgyp t, the so-called Book of the Dead .


years . This i s p roved by the fact that skeletons

of , S tellar M ytho s p eop le were found in Lombardy

in the Pl io cene strata— and the above is a low

es tim ate for that .

N ow we find from these o ld Temp les that all our

S igns and Symbo ls were in use then jus t as we

use them now there is no difference, excep t that

in some cas es we have s lightly modernis ed them‘


Their R ituals,with s light modifications, were the

same as ours .

Here we see Krau '

se ’s theo ry not without some

semblance o f p lausibility, as Rome,dur ing sev era l

centuries,held sway over Gaul and Britain .

Roman co lonists s ett led in var ious part s of these

countries,and with the ir language and Customs

they impo rted many o f their inst itutions and

associat ions . That o f the Builders,o r Co lleg ia ,

held their Lodg es wherever they established them

selves,and no doubt init iated new members


as these countries freed themselves from the yoke

o f Rome the a sso c iations would still remain . But

they at best were only carriers o f the op erative

masons — Egypt was their b irthp lace, and we can

identify the Nome as the sev enteenth Nome from

the R itual,these names

,for instance


panions - Carried out of Egyp t by the Turanians ,who sp read over Europ e Asia

,excep t the No rth

lower part o f North America,Central America


South America, as far down as Chili,in the


Caro line I slands o f the Pac ific—but not in No rth


,Tasmania ,

o r extreme No rth

America .

Chevalier Ramsay stated that modern M asonry

had i t s beginnin g in » the Soc iety of Architects

founded in Sco tland under the p ro tection o f KingRobert B ruce

,and the title o f Ancient and

Accep ted Masons of the Sco ttish R i te may

po ssibly hav e been fo rmed in Sco t lan d there and

then but,i f that i s so

,we must trace the o rig in

of this to the O rder of Knights Temp lar, who fled

to Sco tland,and through them to the Ancient

Mysteries p ractised in the East . From whence did

these Temp lars obtain them ! I t i s well known

that one of the charg es made against Jacques de

Molay and his assoc iates by their accusers was that

they used sacred rites in their init iations . Their

four oaths are well known,but who knew their

rites o f init iation ! The aim of the Society o f Archi

tee t s was to p erp etuate the ancient O rder of the

Temp le, and they continued to use thei r. init iations

of members,symbo ls , signs , and some p arts o f

the init iato ry rites,which had been obtai ned in the

East,but they only knew three deg rees out of the

seven lessee and ten greater . The next question

is : From whence did the Temp lars receive tho s e

symbo ls,and their eso teric meanin g ,

in which we

p lainly trace the doctrines o f the old Egyp tian s !

N o doubt from the Christians,who

,l ike the


Emp ero r Julian, the B ishop Of Synn esius , Clement

of Alexandria,and many o ther philo sop hers, had

been initiated into some of the mysteries by the

Priests of Egyp t b efo re being converted to Chris

t ian ity . I n this way may be traced how p art of

the religious mysteries o f Egyp t , signs and

symbo ls, etc .,came to Sco t land .

We must remember that the mysteries p ractised

by the Samo thrac ia,Greeks



reans,the mysteries Of Eleusis

,the mysteries estab

lished by Zo roaster,and the M ahatmas

,or B rothers

of I ndia,all took their o rig in from the Egyp t ian

Eschatology . We see also from the above how,

in one way,the so -called H igher D egrees (The

Ten Greater M ysteries ) were introduced here in

B ri ta in .

The reluctance of the Egyp t ians to admit

strangers to the ho ly secret of their mysteries was

for a very long t ime insup erable . They,however


at intervals,admitted to the fi rs t and second

degrees p ersonages noted for their wisdom and

knowledge . They admitted the g reat ph ilo sopher

Thales,who went to Egyp t to learn Geometry and

Astronomy about 58 7 B . C .

,and Zo roas ter 5000

B . C . Ano ther was Eumolpus, King of E i

’Ieus is , who ,

on returnin g to his country, instituted the mysteries

of that name, which he had learnt from the

Priests o f Egyp t . Orpheus , the Greek po et , was

also init iated into the fi rs t degree . Pythagoras


was initiated,but had no t the courage to go

through to the third degree, only the fi rst and

second . The Pelasgians had init iated to the fi rst

and second deg rees the Samo thracia . These

Pelasgians obtained their kn owledge from the

Egyp t ian Priest s direct .

As regards the o rig in from the D ruids . I have

g iven in S igns and Symbols of Primordial Man

the p roo fs of the o rigin of the D ruids,and where

they came from . They were H igh Priests o f

Egyp t, who left the mother country at the early

part o f the Solar Cult,and were therefo re well

versed bo th in the seven Les ser Mysteries and

the ten“

Greate r Mysteries ; and these p rac ti sed

their religious rites in England unti l the edic t

of Canute p rohibited their Op en wo rship . Canute

reigned from 10 1 5 to 1 036 . To evade p ersecu

t ion they resorted to p rivate meeting s and secret

celebrat ions . I do no t entertain any doubt that

they fo rmed the first so -called Lodg es in

England , as a cloak to screen their religious rites

and ceremonies,and to keep them as pure as they

had rec eived them o rig inally from thei r p arent

sources in Egyp t . M any o f these old Druid

Priests jo ined the Chris tian Church,and were the

so -called Culdees,but although they had join ed

the Christian Church they kep t themselves very

much aloof for a long p eriod, up to the twelfth

century .


These were the last remnants of the old Druid

Priests —descendants of their Egyp tian brethren

who p rac t ised the pure Eschato logy o f .the i r fo re

fathers . Gradually they all died out as a sep arate

and distinct class, and tho se who remained were

merged into Christ ianity ; but up to the twelfth

century at least they brought all their do ctrines

with them, and p racti sed them in secret p laces , in

so -called Lodges .

Here we have one source of the o rigin of Free

masonry,bo th in t he Lesser Mysteries (sev en

Degrees ) and in the ten Greater M ysteries—so

called H igher Deg rees in thi s country

The Druids,in Gaul

,were mo stly put to the

swo rd,o thers fled to this country fo r p rotec tion,

when the Roman Chri stian doctrines were brought

to. them . I n America it was the same . As soon

as the Sp anish Roman Pries t s arriv ed there they

p ersecuted all the So lar and S tellar p eop le, mur

dered their p riests , overthrew their Temp les , and

scattered them with fi re and sword'. Yet there i s

suffic ient evidence left in their S igns , Symbo ls , and

writings on the wall which p rove my content ion

that all these had the same Eschatology, signs ,symbo ls

,and rites as the O ld Egyp t ians , from

whence they came,and that all these are analogous

to our own with really v ery litt le innovat ion,con

sidering the many thousands o f years that these

have been handed down from country to count ry,


and generat ion to generat ion, as we must acknow

ledge to have been the case if we study the

histo ry of the human p ast .

There were also many who c ro ssed over to

Europ e from Egyp t, and sp read from I taly into

France,who p osses sed and clung to the true

doc trines,endured torture

,and some even death, by

the early Roman Priests,who tried to usurp the

tempo ral p ower by destroying the sp iritual ideas

and yet these b rothers would rather suffer death

than give up thei r s ec rets and beliefs . M any of

these migrations can be traced through Europ e

and finally to Sco t land .

.We must also remember that from the down

fall of the old Egyp t ian Emp i re, up to wi thi n

the . last few hundred years,we have p ossessed

no readable records of the p ast his to ry of man

kind . Our Histo ry of the Wo rld i s quite recent,

all the rest is t radit ion only . Therefore, if you

do not read the H ieroglyp hic s and Glyphs , The

Writings on the Wall,you stil l remain in igno rance

of the history Of the human race,and of the o rig in

and ant iqu i ty of Freemasonry . There were no

records left o therw i se than these . But these

reco rds have been left for the future student to

dec ipher and translate . What reco rds wi ll b e left

in these islands af ter ano ther twenty thousand

years have p assed, .o r less !

Again, i s it reasonable to supp o se that the huge3


continent s of North and South‘ America have lain

unknown by the great communities of Europ e,Asia

,and Africa until the yesterday of Co lumbus

unknown throughout the ag es of the vast time

that man has existed ! Co lumbus reached America

less than five centuries ago ,and Eric the Red

and his early No rsemen in 9 83. The Chinese

have written records of trading with Amer ica in

500 B . C .

,and of sending some of their Buddhist

P ries ts there,who returned with the n ews that

they had met P riests with relig ious writing s, S igns,

and symbols s imilar to their own,which

,you may

see by my Origin and Evo lution of the

Human Race,had been estab lished in America

at least three hundred thousand years before .

Let me also state here that there is no

question of having one ’s faith shaken .

What I write and state for all my Brothers

throughout the wo rld i s The Truth . Tha t is

what you want to know; that is what you are

all s triving to obtain,and if you fo l low the evo lu

tion of the human race in all it s phases, you will

ob tain it,but not o therwise .

I am much indebted to Bro ther Ham-Smi th,P .G .D . Surrey

,fo r the fo llowing . I t i s quite

interesting ,but I do no t vouch fo r the facts having

occurred at the dates as here statedi. I t i s wo rth

reco rding,however

,and research should be made

to discover the truth if p oss ible :


The fo l lowing extrac ts from an hi storica l reco rd

of the succes sfu l effo rt s made for the Union o f

the Grand Lodg es and the final es tab li shment o f

the United Grand Lodg e o f England in 1 8 13 i s

rep rinted from The Freemason o f 2 7 th December,19 13, and wi l l be o f interes t to readers .of the

fo regoing

S t . John ’s Day in win t er —the 2 7th December

has always been recognized as the g reat Festival

of the O rder of Freemasons . I t’

was on thi s day,

a hundred years ago ,that the Union o f the several

Grand Lodges in England was consummated .


Formerly England had four Grand Lodges .

The O ldest,and much the s trongest

,was founded

at the App le Tree Tavern, Charles S treet, Covent


,in 1 7 1 7 . M embers o f i t t raced

their origin to an assemblag e of Freemasons by

King Athelstan at Yo rk,in A .D . 92 6 . The Scotch

Lodg es did no t go back nearly so far . They

were content to claim descent from thos e fo reign ,

M asons who came to their country in the twelfth“

century to build the abbeys o f M elrose,Ho ly


,and Kilwinning

,and there is abundant

evidence that the Lodges of Yo rk and Kilwinningwere the p arent s of many Lodges founded in


arious p art s of Great B ritain . The B rethren of

conscious that thei r city was the M ecca of

asonry, and believing that their Time Imme

Lodge was a direc t descendant of that

was exist ing in the fourteenth century, de

mined that they would not b e behind those

London,and in 1 7 2 5 forme

'd the Grand Lodge

All England . Desp i te its ambitious t i t le, i t

had a very chequered career down to the last

decade of the eighteenth century . About 1 7 4 0

i t,as did also the p rivate York Lodge, became

dormant . Bo th were revived in 1 7 6 1 , but there

is no ev idence of their exis tence after 1 7 92 . That

Grand Lodge confined its act ivit ies within a limited

area of All England . Under i t s banner were

two Lodges in the City of Yo rk,one each in

Scarborough , R ip on, Knaresbo rough‘



Swainton,and Ro therham

,in Yo rkshire ; one in

Macclesfield, Cheshire ; and one in Hollingwood ,Lancashire . The Grand Lodge of All England

also chartered at York the Grand Lodg e of

England south o f the R iver Trent in 1 7 7 9 . I t

consisted of dis contented members of the Time

Immemorial Lodge of Antiquity,of the Prem i er

Grand Lodge (of which Sir Christopher Wren in

it s day was the Grand M aster ) , and it granted

warrant s to only two Lodges,both in London .

One was named Perfec t Observance,the other

Perseverance and Triumph . The career of thi s


Mushroom Grand Lodge,as the late Bro . W . J .

Hughan described it, was as inglo rious as that of

i t s pa rent .


The fourth Grand Lodge was the only real

rival o f the Premier Grand Lodge . I t was con

stituted on July 1 7 th , 1 7 5 1 , at the Turk’s Head

Tav ern,Greek S treet



,as The

Grand Lodg e of England,acco rding to the O ld

I nstitutions . I ts‘

members were des ignated

Ancients,while thos e of the body from which

i t had seceded were known as: Modem s The

Ancient s were also spo ken of as Athol

M asons,they having elected the third Duke of

Atho l as their fi rs t Gran d M as ter in 1 7 7 2 , his

son succeeding to the o ffice at his death . Two

reasons are offered for the founding o f the new

Grand Lodge . One is that the R egular Grand

Lodge adopt ed severe measures against recalci

t rant and imp ecunious Lodg es . The o ther is that

it introduced inn ovations in the customs o f the

C raft which were p articularly obj ected to by the

op erativ e sect ion . The new body,wro te

the late B ro . W . J . Hughan in hi s intro

duction to the monumental wo rk o f his friend,

the late B ro . John Lane,

M asonic R ecords,

1 7 1 7“ became very popular, and in a few

years was no mean comp etito r its p ro to typ e and


senio r,but less p retentious o rganization , having

a lso to contend again st the introduction o f the

Royal Arch,

’ which was warmly suppo rted , though

no t o riginated,by the ‘ Ancients


who became

known as the Gran d Lodg e of‘ Four Deg rees ,

thus (fo r a time only ) p lacing the parent society

at a disadvantag e .


The Ancients hav ing established many

Lodg es and Prov inc ial Lodges in England and

in fo reign countries, p articularly in America , and

hav ing‘

obtained the rec ogn it ion of the Grand

Lodges o f I reland and Sco t land,and the almos t

unanimous suppo rt of the Grand Lodges o f

America,were eager to maintain their. indepen

dence,and rej ected all overtures tendered by the

M oderns for reunion ; and in 1 7 57 unani

mou sly ordered

That if any M aster,Wardens

,o r p residing

o fficer,o r any o ther p erson whose business

i t may be to admit members o r vis itors,shall

admit o r entertain in his or their Lodge during

Lodg e hours, or the time of transacting the

p rop er business of Freemasonry, any B ro ther

o r visi to r not s trictly an Ancient Mason con

formable to the Grand Lodge rules and o rder,


such Lodge so transgressing sh'

all forfei t its

warrant,and the same may be disposed of

by Grand Lodge .

I n 1 80 1 the o lder Grand Lodge i ssued a counter

blast . Some of its members were convicted o f

having p atronized and acted as p rincipa l o fficers

in an i rregular soc iety calling themselves Ancient

M asons in op en v io lation of the laws o f the Grand

Lodge and it was determined that the laws

should be enfo rced against these offending

B rethren,unless they immediately abandoned

such irregular meeting s . The se B rethren so licited

the indulg ence o f the Grand Lodg e for three

months,hoping that during the interval they migh t

b e able to effect a union between the two

soci eties . The indulg ence was granted, and that

no imp ediment might p ervert so desirable an

obj ect,the charge against the o ffending B rethren

was withdrawn,and a committee

,consist ing of

Lo rd M o ira and several o ther eminent characters,

was appo inted to p av e the way for the intended

union,and ev ery means o rdered to be used to

bring the erring B rethren to a sense of their duty

and allegiance . No thing came of this,for two

years later the Grand Lodge was info rmed that

the irregular M asons still continued refracto ry,and

that so far from so lic iting readmission among the

Craft,they had not taken any step s to effe ct a


union . Their conduct was deemed highly censu r


and the laws o f the Grand Lodg e were

o rdered to be enfo rced against them . I t was also

unanimously reso lved

That whenever it shall app ear that any

M asons under the English Constitution shall

in future attend,or countenance any Lodge

o r meeting of p ersons calling themselves

Ancient M asons,under the sanction of any

p erson claiming the t itle of Grand M aster

of England,who shall not have been duly

elec ted in the Grand Lodge,the laws o f the

society shall no t only be strictly enfo rced

against them,but their names shall b e erased

from the list,and transmitted to all the

regular Lodges under the Constitution of

England .



I n 1 8 0 6 Lo rd Mo ira repo rted to Grand Lodge

that he had v i sited the Grand Lodg e o f Sco tland

and exp lained the po sit ion re lating to the“Modern and “ An cient ” M asons in England


and that the Sco tti sh B rethren had declared that

they had been always led to think that the

M oderns were of very re cent date and of no

magnitude,and being convinced o f their erro r were


desirous that the s tric test union should subsis t

between the Grand Lodge of Eng land and Sco t

land,and in p roof thereof elec ted the Prince o f

Wales Grand M aster of Scotland . Lord M o ira

further stated that when the Sco tt ish B rethren ex

p ressed a hop e that the differences between the

English M asons would be sp eedily sett led, he

rep lied that after the rej ection of the p ropos it ions

of the Grand Lodge by the Ancients ” three

years befo re,i t could not now

,consis tently with

it s honour,make any further advances

,but would

always be op en to accep t the mediation of the

Grand Lodge o f Scotland if i t should thin k p rop er

to interfere . Two years afterwards the Grand

Lodge of I reland app roved the declaration o f their

Scottish B rethren, and p ledged it self not to

countenance o r receive as a B rother any p erso n

standing under the interdic t o f the Grand.Lodge

of England fo r M asonic transgres sion .

” I n Ap ril ,1 809, the Grand Lodge agreed in op in ion with

the Committee of Charity that i t i s not meces

sary any longer for to continue in fo rce thos e

measures which were reso rted to in o r about the

year 1 7 89 resp ecting irregular M asons,and do

therefo re enjo in the several Lodg es to revert to

the ancient landmarks of the Society . This was

accep ted as a s tep towards the much desired union .

S till,more than four years elap sed be fo re it was

achieved ; and then it came about as the result


The same day a jo int meeting of the Grand

Lodges rec eived the articles with M asonic accla

mation,and to carry them in to effect constituted

a Lodge of R econciliation,consist ing of equal

members of the Old I nstitutions and the Constitu

t ion o f England . Ev ery care was taken that the

p arties to the union should be on a level o f

equality . As to the p rec edence of the Lodges ,i t was arranged that the two firs t Lodg es under

each Grand Lodge should draw lots for p rio rity .

The draw favoured the Ancients,

” who se Grand

M asters ’ Lodge became N o . 1 on the revised ro ll,

the Lodge of Antiquity of the R egular Grand

Lodg e taking the second p o sition, N o . 2 o f the

Ancient s in the same -o rder taking N o . 3, and

the second of the Time- Immemo rial Lodges

becoming N o . 4 .

“For two such o ld Lodges

to accep t lower po sitions in thei

un ited ro ll than

their age entitled them to says much,wro te B ro .

Hughan ,

“for the truly M asonic sp irit of their

members, who ,

to p romo te p eace and harmony,consented to their junio rs taking p recedence o f

Lodg es in existence p rio r to the fo rmation o f the

Premier Grand Lodge . U p to the time of the

union “Modern Lodg es p laced on the ro ll

numbered while Ancient Lodges war

ranted between 1 7 5 1 and 1 8 1 3 were 52 1 . The

reunion of the two Grand Lodges of England was

consummated with great so lemnity on



1 8 13,

in the Freemasons ’ Hall,London . The p latform

on the east was reserved fo r the Grand M asters ,Grand O fficers

,and visito rs . M asters, Wardens ,

and Past M asters,

all dressed in black (excep t

regimentals ) , with their resp ec t ive ins ignia, and

with white gloves,occup ied the s ides of the hal l


the Masters in front,the Wardens behind


the Past M asters on rising benches behind them .

Care was taken that the Lodges were ranked so

that the two Fraternities were comp letely inter

mixed . The two Fraternities had p reviously

assembled in two adjo inin g rooms,and having

op ened two Grand Lodges,each acco rding to i t s

p eculiar solemnities, they pas sed to the Assembly

Hall in the following o rder

Grand Usher with his Staff. Grand Usher with h is Staff .The Duke of Kent’s Band of Music , fifteen in number,

all Mason s, three and three .

Two Grand Stewards . Two Grand Stewards .

A Cornucop ia borne by a M .M .

Two Grand Stewards .

Two Golden Ewers by MasterMasons .

The n ine worthy and exp ertMasons

,forming the Lodge of

Reconciliation ,in single file


rank to rank,

with the

emblems of Masonry.

The Grand Secretary,

bearing the Book of Con stitutions and Great Seal .

A Cornucop ia borne by a M .M .

Two Grand Stewards.

Two Golden Ewers by MasterMasons .

The n ine worthy and exp ertMasons, forming the Lodge of

Reconc iliation , in single fi le,

rank to rank,with the

emblems of Masonry.

The Grand Secretary,bearing the Book of Consti

tution s and Great Seal .


The Grand Treasurer with The Grand T reasurer withthe Golden Key . the Golden Key .

The Corinthian Light . The Corin thian Light.The p illar of the Jun ior The p illar of the Jun iorGrand Warden on a p edestal , Grand Warden on a p edestal .The Jun ior Grand Warden The Jun ior Grand Warden

with his gavel . with his gavel .T he Dep uty Grand Chap lain ,

with the Holy Bible . The Grand Chap lain with theThe Grand Chap lain . Ho ly Bible .

Past Grand Wardens . Past Grand Wardens .

Provincial Grand Masters.

The Doric Light . The Doric Light.The p illar Of the Sen ior The p illar of the Sen ior

Grand Warden on a p edestal . Grand Warden on a p edestal .The Senior Grand Warden The Sen ior Grand Warden

with his gavel . with his gavel .Two Past Grand Masters .

The Deputy Grand Master . Acting Deputy Grand Master .

His Excel len cy the Coun t de Lagardje , the Swedish Ambassador ,Grand Master of the first Lodge of the North

,visitor .

The Royal Banner .

The Ionic Light. The Ion ic Light.The Grand Sword Bearer . The Grand Sword Bearer .




Two Grand Stewards . Two Grand Stewards.

Grand Tyler. Grand Tyler .

Sir Geo rge N ayler, the Direc to r of Ceremonies ,having proclaimed Silence

,the R ev . Dr . Barry ,

Grand Chap lain to the fraternity under the Duke

of Kent,o ffered solemn p rayer, and Sir George

read the Act of Union . Then the Rev . Dr .


oghlan after the sound of trump et , p roc laimed

Hear ye : This i s the Act of Union,ed

,in confirmation of art icles so lemnly con

ed between the two Grand Lodges of Free

and Accep ted M asons o f Eng land, s igned, sealed,and ratified by the two Grand Lodg es re sp ectively,by which they are to be hereafter and fo r ever

known and acknowledged by the style and title of



How say you,Bro thers

,rep resentatives of the two

Fraterniti es ! Do you accep t of,ratify

,and con

firm the same ! To whi ch the assembly

answered ° We do accep t, rat ify, and con

firm the same . The Grand Chap lain then said

And may the Great Architect of the Universe

make the Union pe rpe tual . To which all

assembled rep-lied : So mote it b e . Thereupon

the two Grand M asters and the Six Commissioners

signed the deeds,and the Grand M asters affixed

the great seals of their resp ec tive Grand Lodges

to them . The trump et again sounded, and the

Rev . Dr . Barry,stepp ing fo rth , p roclaimed : Be

it known to all men that the Act of Union between

the two Grand Lodg es o f Free and Acc ep t ed

M asons of England is so lemnly S igned , sealed,ratified

,and confirmed

,and the two Fraternit ies


are on e,to be from henceforth known and acknow

ledged by the style and tit le of the United Grand

Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of England,and

may the Great Archi tect of the Universe make

their. union p erpe tual . And the assembly said

Amen .


This was followed by a deep ly imp res sive scene .

The two Grand M asters,with their resp ec t ive

Depu ties and Wardens, says a contempo rary

record,advanced to the Ark of the M asonic

Covenant, p rep ared under the di rec tion of Bro .

John Soane,R .A .

,Grand Sup erintendent of Wo rks


for the edific e of the -union,and in all t ime to

come to be p laced befo re the Throne . The Grand

M asters standing in the East,with their D eputies

on the rIght and left ; the Grand Wardens in

the West and South ; the Square,the Plumb


the Level,and the Mallet were successive ly de

livered to the Deputy Grand M asters, and by them

p resented to the two Grand Masters , who severally

app lied the Square to that p art o f the Ark which

i s s quare,the Plumb to the sides of the same


and the Level above it in three po sit ions ; and,lastly

,they gav e three knocks with the M allet


saying,M ay the Great Architect o f the Universe

enable u s to uphold the Grand Edifice of Union,

o f which the Ark of the Covenant i s the symbol,


which shall contain within it the instrument of

our brotherly love,and bear upon it the Holy

Bible,Square and Compass , as the light o f our

faith and the rule of our works . May He dispose

our hearts to make it p erp etual .’ And the B ‘rethren

said : So mo te i t be .

’ The two Grand M as ters

p laced the said Act of Union in the interior of

the said ark . The co rnucop ia, the wine, and o il

were in like mann er p resented to the Grand

M asters,who

,acco rding to ancient rite, poured

fo rth corn,wine

,and o il on this said ark


‘ As we pour fo rth co rn, wine, and o il on this

Ark o f the M asonic Covenant,may the bountiful

hand of Heav en ever supp ly thi s United Kingdom

with abundance of co rn,wine

,and o il

,with all

the necessaries and comfo rt s of life ; an d may

He dispo se our hearts to be g rateful for all H i s

Gift s And the assembly said Amen .


I t hav ing been foun d imp racticab le, from the

sho rtness o f no t ice,for the sister Grand Lodges

of Sco tland and I reland to send deputations to

the assembly acco rding to the urgent reques t o f

the two Fraternit ies,conferences had been held

with the mo st dist inguished Grand O ffic ers and

enlightened M asons resident in and near London,

in order to establi sh Der f e '“ agreement upon all


the essential po ints of M asonry,according to the

ancient traditions and g eneral p ract ice o f the C raf t .

The members of the Lodge of R econcil iation,

accomp anied by Count de Lagardje and Bro . Dr .

Van Hess,and other distinguished Masons , with

drew to an adjo ining room,where

,being con

g regated and tyled, the result of all the prev ious

conferences was made known . R eturning to the

Temp le, Count de Lagardje declared that the fo rms

agreed on and settled by the Lodg e of R econcilia

tion were pure and correct . These fo rms were

recognized as those to be alone observ ed and

p racti sed in the United Grand Lodge and all the

Lodges dep endent thereon until Time shall be no

mere Then,the Holy B ible sp read op en, with

the Square and Comp asses thereon, was laid on

the Ark o f the Covenant,and the two Grand

Chap lains ap p roached . The recognized obligation

was then p ronounced aloud by the Rev . Dr .

Hemming ,one of the Masters of the Lodge o f

R econciliation, the who le of the B rethren rep eat

ing it after him,with jo ined hands

,and dec laring


By thi s so lemn obligation we vow to abide,and

the regulations of Ancient Freemasonry now recogn ized stric tly to observ e .


The assembly next p roceeded to cons titute one

Grand Lodge . All the Grand O fficers o f the two


were inco rpo rated and conso lidated into one,and

the Grand M aster declared it to be op en in due

fo rm acco rding to ancient usag e . The Grand

Lodge was then called to refreshment,and from

the cup of bro therly lov e the Grand M aster drank

to the B rethren,Peace

,Goodwil l

,and B ro therly

Love all ov er the Wo rld,and then “

p assed the

cup . AS i t was go ing round,a cho ir sang a

p iece of music sp ecially compos ed for the occasion .


The Grand Lodge was recalled to labour,and

as the fi rs t act of the United Fraternity,the Duke

o f Sussex mov ed

That an humble address be p resented to

H .R .H . the Prince R eg ent resp ectfully to

acquaint him with the happy event of the

reunion o f the two g reat Grand Lodg es o f

the Anc ient Freemasons of Eng land, an ev ent

which canno t fail to afford lively sat isfac

tion to their I llustrious Patron, who p res ided

for so many years ov er one o f the Fraterni

t ies,

~ and under who se ausp ices Freemasonry

has risen to i t s p resent flourishing condit ion .

That the unchang eable p rincip les of the I nst i

tution are well known to His Royal H ighnes s,

and the great benefi t s and end of thi s re

union are to p romo te the influence and ope ra


tion of these p rincip les by ‘mo re extens ively

inculcating loyalty and affection of their


obedience to the laws and

magistrat es of their country, and the p ract ice

of all the religious and mo ral duties of l ife,obj ec t s which must be ev er dear to H is Royal

H ighness in the government o f His M aj esty’s

United Kingdom . That they humbly hop e

and p ray for the continuance of the sanction

o f His Royal H ighness ’ s fraternal p atronag e

and that they beg leave to exp ress their

fervent gratitude for the many blessings

which,in common with all their fellow

subj ec ts,they derive from his benignant sway .

That the Great Architect of the Universe may

long secure these blessings to them and to

their country by the p reservation of His Royal

H ighness,their I llust rious Patron

R esolutions thanking the Dukes of Kent and

Sussex for yielding to the p rayer of the United

Fraternities to take upon themselves the pe rsonal

conduct of the nego tiations for a reunion,which

is this day, through their zeal , conciliat ion, and

fraternal examp le so happ ily comp leted and

commending the p roceeding s o f the day to Grand

Lodges o f Sco tland and I reland,were also pas sed

before the Lodge was Closed in amp le form and

with solemn p rayer .




By going back to p rimitive man, the Pygmy, we

find the fi rs t symbo l we use . He believed in the

Sup reme Sp irit an d p rop i t iated elemental p owers .

I n the stag e of the N ilotiC Neg ro we find mo re of

our S igns and Symbo ls . Following the evo lution

to that of Totemic Socio logy,and commencement

of the S tellar Cult,we have st ill many mo re S igns


Symbo ls and R i tes of our Order,and the whole

tale of the Chris t ian doctrines founded . Because

it was amongst the M asai group In Inner Africathat the t radition arose

,and is s till extan t

,that the

M an -God came from Heaven,safiered, and was

crucified and rose again . We must remember that

man at this time had very few words to exp ress

his ideas and beliefs i t was done by s igns and

symbo ls,and S ign Languag e, and although thi s

has been lo s t for thousands of years,i t is now

being redi scovered by men who can read this S ign

Language . The So lar Cult and the Chris tian Cult,

which hav e fo llowed on e ano ther,have not in either

case al tered the tale,i t is all one and the same

from the begmmng ; that names have altered is

no thing ,different languag es have diff erent names

for the sam e idea,and because the attribute s of

the One Great God were exp re ssed in Zoo typ e

fo rm” during the S tellar Cult

,and Gods and

Goddesses ” in the So lar, whils t at the p resent day


these are exp res sed in wo rds , does not alter the


,or beliefs these are only altered

and misunderstood by men who cann o t read and

understand The Writings on the Walls and

as regards dates,few

,I believe

,now would even

think or believe that man has only exis ted about

s ix thousand years,as assumed from B iblical

tradition,when we find the skeletons of the p re sent

typ e o f man in s trata of the Pliocene age,s ix

hundred thousand years o ld at leas t . x Therefo re

Whatever Cult our Brothers may have belief in,

the knowledg e of the evo lution of the human race

would only be a greater facto r to st rengthen their

belief .

~ I f we take the Chinese,and the re are

many B ro thers among s t them,we know that they

went out from Egyp t during the S tellar Cult, and

they have never risen in evolution sin ce . The

H indu left at the time of the Solar Cult he has

always remained the same . The whi te race,

generally,left at the end of the Solar . The early

Cop t s were the first of the Christians in evo lution,

and the white man has gradually developed into a

higher typ e of the human . .With this development

into a higher typ e of man, so hi s sp i ritual ideas have

develop ed into a so -called higher typ e o f Chris

t ian ity than that which we find at the commence

ment o f the time of the early Cop ts . Yet it

See “Genesis of Rock s and Ores , by Brenton Symons,

C .M .E.


Is all one and the same from the beginning ,under

diff erent names . The original S igns and Symbols

which our early B ro thers had to use in p lace of

words, which they had no t,have now g iv en p lace

to exp ress ions in linguis t ic and g rammatical form,

of which they were,at tha t t ime

,s til l igno rant .


am bound to b ring this before my B ro thers because

I wish to as sure them that I hav e n o intention o r

wish to Shake their fa i th in the Vo lume of the

Sacred Law,but

,quite on the co ntrary, wish to

establish their faith sti ll fi rmer,more esp ecially

those who p rofes s the Christian d octrines,by

p roving that thes e are the highest po int of the

religious concep t ion of the human in his p rog res

s ive evolut ion .

That the dead were buried in the faith founded

on the Mystery of the Cro s s over thi rty thousand

years ago is p rov ed by the Py ramid of M edum and

o ther remains s till extant the so -called Tomb o f

Olham Fodhla,in I reland

,is an instance of thi s .

The gn osis of the C rucifixion, however,'

was the

same in the S tellar Cult three hundred thousand

years before this,as is w itnessed by the Pictograph

taken from the Central American ruins ( see

Fig . I) . I t is over two hundred thousand years

o ld,and rep resents the Crucifixion during the

p eriod o f the S tellar Cult . He is crucified on the

two Po les—No rth and South . The Hieroglyphi cs

state that He i s the God of the No rth and South .


He is the Great One of the seven Glo rious Ones

(attributes ) . A Crown Of Tho rns is dep icted on

his head . His side is p ierced with a spe ar, from

whence blood and water is falling on his Sp i ritual

Nam e,which

,in Egyp tian , i s Amsu . He is sup

The Crucified Victzm.

FIG . I .

ported by his four bro thers , Arn sta,Hap i , Taumutf ,

an d Kabhsenuf rep resenting M atthew,M ark


Luke,and John o f the Christians

,rep resented by

four squares . Tears are in his eyes,Ye are the

tears made by my eye ‘

in your name of men .

” I


give the d ifferent names by which H e was known in

diff erent countries,namely : Horus

,of ‘ the S tellar

Cult of the Egyp t ian s ; Huitzilop ochtli, of the

Aztecs ; Z ip e, of the Z apo tics ; Hacaxip ect li, of

Guatemala ; Ptah—Seker-Ausar, of the Egyp tians

in their So lar Cult ; Tien-hwang Ta-Tici, of the

Chinese ; M erodach, of the Babylonians ; Iu,or

Ea,of the Chaldeans


,and Druids o f

these I slan ds ; U iracocha, of the Peruvians, and

many o ther names in various p arts of this world

yet all one and the same,as p ro ved by the same

S ign s and symbo ls always as sociated wi th him in

whatever part of the world found .

The S ign s and sym bo ls herein po rtrayed read

that H e is the Great Lo rd and God of Heave i,

s ituated at the North Po le H e is God of the Pt t


S tars and God o f the North and South,and the

Heavens and Paradi se,and his age is g iven as

thirty- three years in the M exican Codices 9 5 f . it

is writ ten in the Hieroglyphics of Egyp t as thirty~

three years .

The Eschato logy of the O ld Egyp t ians was‘ Their doctrines of Final Things

,and they taught

this to the B ro thers by S igns and Symbo ls and

various R i tes and Ceremonies,in a dramatic form


the mo re to imp ress it upon the init iates . Their

Code o f Morals was the highest that has ever been

p romulgated by any nation . The Laws of M oses

were the Old laws o f Egyp t, which has been p roved


o rnamented by a double axe (Fig . The

Temp les were sometimes called the Ho use of the

God o f the Axe,in their languag e . The single

axe,in Egyp tian, i s teM ed Neter, and may be

translated as The Great One— Prince or Ruler is

p robably the correc t translation . (The late Sir

L . Page R enouf ag reed w ith me in this trans

lation . ) Ther efo re we have these symbo l s rep re

senting The Great One of the No rth (i . e . Ho rus ) ,The Great One of the South (i . e . Set ) , and The

FIG. 3. FIG . 4 . FIG. 5.

Great One Of the Equinox (i .e . Shu ) , the Primary

Trinity .

At the p rincip al entrance of the Temp les there

were always Two Pillars . One was the Pillar

of S et and the other was the Pillar of Ho rus,

rep resenting the two div is ions of Heaven,North

and South,and their po rtrayal was at fi rs t in the

fo rm o f Fig . 5 . On the top of the co lumns

later ( see Fig . 1 5) were four lines, which rep re

sented the Heaven as a square and the Earth .as

a square the Egyp t ians could not draw pe rspec


tive ly , but only on the flat , at thi s early period .

At the p resent day these are rep resented by the

Celestial and Terres trial Globes .

Now this was the fo rm o f every Temp le through

out the wo rld,and at the porchway entrance these

two Co lumns always stood ; in whatev er country

these ruins are found the fo rm is the same it i s

also the co rrect fo rm of a M asonic Lodg e, and ,as i s well known

,these two Co lumns stood at the

porchway entrance of King So lomon’s Temp le and

bore the names o f J . and B .

These two Pillars,in Egyp t, were p laced at the

po rchway of all Temp les in the So lar Cult to repre

s ent the entrance o f their Am enta one was called

Tatt,the o ther Tat tu . The wo rd Tat tu also denotes

the two Tatt Pillars . The Tatt is a figure of

s tability ; i t suppo rt s the four co rners , and is

equal to the Square . Thus two Tatts at the

entrance to Tattu i s equivalent to a Double

Square . Tattu is the entrance o r gateway to the

region where the mo rtal Soul is blended with the

Immo rtal Sp irit , and thereby es tab lished for ever .

Acco rding to the Egyp tian wisdom a ll these

Temp les were S imp ly rep resentatives , SO to speak ,o f their Heaven . Their Pries ts were human rep re

sentatives of the D iv ine Mast er in his various

at tributes,and bore D ivine ti tles— the same as

the Principal 0’s in some of our degrees . Their

teachings , fo rms , and ceremonies rep resented their


beliefs as to the life that must be led on this

earth to‘

attain the ev erlasting life o f happ iness

in the next ; and the trials the Sp iri t would be

subj ected to until that end was accomp li shed .

Although the fo rm of our Lodg es and the Ancient

Temp les is the same, a lso the two Pillars or

Co lumns at the entrance,we do not have in our

M .M . Lodges the Cubes in the Centre ; but the

R .A . do es,the reason being that we have divided

the seven Ancient M ysteries ” in a different

manner than did our ancient B rethren .

FIG . 6 . FIG . 7 . FIG . 8 .

The Triang le was sacred on account of i t s

rep resent ing Heaven . The Primary Triang le was

a s N O . 1,Fig . 6 and o riginally rep resented Set ,

the God o f the South (El Shaddai of the Phoen i

cian s ) , and was , in fact , an Ideograph for his

name . Horus,the God of the No rth

,was also

rep resented by a triang le, as No . 2,Fig . 6


is also an Ideograph for his nam e . Later,when

Horus became Primary God,the Egyp tians asso

ciated all the attributes of Set to him,including

the Triang le o f Se t, and this was then dep icted as

in Fig . 7 , wh ich is a later typ e of Fig . 8 .


Amongst the O ldes t B ro therhood the two double

triangles (Fig . 8 ) were surrounded by four Uraei

as guardians of the same at a later phas e i t was

three double triangles , surrounded with concentric

circles . At the entrance o f their Temp les there

were always two watchers,each armed with a

knife . The one outside the doo r was ca lled the

.Watcher the one inside the door was cal led the

Herald,as seen in the Veg inet ta .

The Egyp tian init iato ry ceremony was conducted

with great secrecy and care . The candidates were

dives ted o f mos t of their Clo thing, and a Chain,o r

rop e o f some kind, p laced around their neck, to

s ignify"

their belief in God, their dep endence on

Him,and their solemn obligations to submit and

devote themselves to His will and service . The

fact that they were neither naked nor clothed was

an emblem that they were untuto red men,children

of nature,unregenerate

,and destitute of an y

knowledg e of the true God,as well as being

des titute of the comfo rts of l ife . The Chain o r

rop e was a symbol that the can didate was b eingled from darkness to light, from igno rance to a

knowledge o f the One True and Liv ing God,

Creato r,and Judg e of all things in Heav en and

Earth . The candidate was blindfo lded,and then

led by a brother (called in Egyp tian An - er-f ) to

the door of the Temp le or Lodge, which app eared

as a blank wall in the fo rm o f A,Fig

. 9 . Arriv ing


at this doo r he asked for admittance,and was asked

by the watcher who he was His answer,

t ranslated from the Egyp t ian, was The Kneeler,

i . e . Shu . He was then giv en a p asswo rd which,in Egyp tian, i s Ra-

g ririt . The doo r was an

equi lat eral tr iang le, a

symbo l typ ical of

Heav en . The square on

which he trod as he

p assed through was a

symbo l typ ical of

Earth ; the who le en

trance symbo li z ed p ass

ing from Earth to

Heav en . The candi date

was then conducted

through long passag es ,and round the Lodge

seven times he had to

answer various questions,

wo rds of power and

might b eing g iven him .

Final ly,he was con

ducted to the centre o f the Lodg e and asked what

he desired most ly ; his answer was that Light

might be given him . The candidate had to com

mence his p erambulations with hi s left foo t firs t,

the reason for which is g iven in the Papyrus of

Nesi-Amsu,which gives the des truction of Apap ,

FIG. 9.


Grand Master’

s Apron and Collar . Sa tz'


presen ts the Pharaoh . Amenothes III to

Khnitmft . (D rawn by Fa zzcher-Gud in f rom

one of the bus-reliefs of the Temple of

Khnfimfi, a t Elephan tine. This is now

destroyed .)

To face p . 49.


which in Egyp tian is Maat -Heru, meaning One

whose vo ice must be obey ed .

The emblem of Power and M ight which is g iven

to the W .M .

— the Gavel— took its o rigin from the

o rig in al sacred S ign sti ll used among s t the Pygmies

in I nner Africa (Fig . I t i s their symbo l fo r

The Great One,The Chief . I t is just three sticks

crossed .

The N ilo tic N eg roes , who fo llowed the Pygmy

all over the world,converted the cro s sed sticks

FIG . IO . FIG . 1 1 . FIG. 12 .

into a double cro ss (Fig . 1 1 ) by p lacing the

two s t icks in a different way .

In a later phase it was used as a symbol to

rep resent the Great One, the Great Prince , in the

fo rm of a double-headed Hammer or Axe

when stones took the p lace of these cros sed sticks ,and p rimitive man began to acquire the knowledge

of haft ing (N ilotic N egroes ) .

In the Third,or M .M . degree

,the death of

and the l eg end attached thereto, is not

borne out by facts, as we see from'

2 Chron . iv . 1 I



s Apron and Collar . The Pharaoh

Menkanhou . (D rawn by Boud ier f rom a

photograph by Faucher-Gndin . )

To face p . 50.


and the S ta tue of the Tomb of

To face p . 51.


And Hiram finished the wo rk that he was to make

for King So lomon for the House of God and

Josephus mentions that he lived at Tyre long

afterwards .

” I t is an innovation made by those

who could no t understand the Egyp t ian p ro totyp e,

when it o riginated .

The old B rothers of Egyp t wore leather ap rons ,as do Freemasons of to -day

,only of a diff erent

shap e . The Egyp t ian ap ron was triangular, the

strings or sash being fixed at the ap ex . They

also wore co llars . One ap ron, which I have seen,was that o f the H igh Pries t . I t was yellowish

white in co lour,made of leather

,wi th tassels of

go ld , bearing the name of Amsu with an emerald

stone in the centre . The collars worn by the

H igh Priests were of gold,while another sus

p ended collar bore twelve diff erent s tones, se t in

go ld,rep resenting the twelve divis ions of Heaven,

or the S igns o f the Zodiac . As there were various

degrees— seven in the Lesser Mysteries and ten

in the Greater Mysteries—so the ap rons and

co llars varied in colour and o rn amentation as they

do with modern M asonry .

The G .W . in our thirt ieth degree,as now given


and which we are informed i s to be found in

Maccabees (but that is not so ) , is, in Egyp t ian ,

M ontu-anhfiri, the meaning of both the an cient

and modern word being identical .

The orig in o f the term Comp anions dates


at leas t s ix hundred thousand‘ years or mo re . I t

was fi rs t used in the time o f the To temic Soci

o logy,befo re the S tellar Cult was evo lved


we may term M onumenta l times . Egyp t was first

divided into Nomes or Domains ; one o f these

Nomes was called Aria— the land of the Ari . I t

was the s eventeenth Nome of Upp e r Egyp t, and

the only one which supp lied wo rkmen for the

Temp les . These Ari were styled “ Comp anions ,because they worked in Companies, and ~were

init iated in the fi rs t and second deg rees, and these

were the or ig inal s of the Op erative Masons .

None of them were initiated beyond the third

mystery,and they were quite a dist inct class from

the O ld R elig iou s B rotherhood, who emp loyed

them to bui ld their Temp les and init iated them so

that they Should keep the secrets o f the same . A

body Of these left Egyp t at the time of the S tellar

Cult and travelled throughout the wo rld wherever

the S tellar Priest s went the firs t exodus was , by

the Bo tyia, the next by, the Turanians . A Priest

who was init iated into the third a lways accomp anied

them,though he was no t an Op erat ive himself .

The bui ldings of these old S tellar p eop le can

always be identified in whatever p art o f the wo rld

found . These were always iconographic, which

the p eop le who fo llowed did"

not cop y . Both the

S tellar and Solar built in po lygonal and monolithi c

forms, stones, but the So lar was never iconographi c .


El Shaddai of the Egyp tian Set . These four Gods

of the four quarters were, fi rs t,the brothers



secondly, the children of Horus ; in Egyp tian ,

Arns ta, Hap i, Taumutf, and Kabhsnuf ; in

M exican, Acat l, Tecpat l, Calli, - and Tocht li ; the

four Bacabs of the M ayas ; the M an,Lion



an d Eagle of the and M atthew,M ark


Luke,and John of the Chris tians .

That the Op erative M asons have seven so -called

degrees now is because they have converted their

Initiate, App rentice; and M aster ’s degrees into

s even but this i s of quite a comparat ively recent

date . The Initiates and App rentices were called

Comp anions,” and a few of the higher Clas s

were “M asters . B ro . Dr . Carr has s tated that

the reasons for much of the Sp eculative Cere

monies can be seen in the Op erative R i tuals, while

the Op erative Ceremonies get no e lucidation from

the Sp eculative’

R itual,and he Sp ecially draws

attention to the obligation in the Firs t D egree .

The reason for this i s obv ious . The Op erative

M asons or Companions”were initiated in part

of the old Ceremon ies and Ri tuals only,so that

they were bound by Oath to keep the secrets of,and know the reasons for

,the p eculiar and dis

t in ctive construct ion of the o ld Temp les , and they

never violated their ob ligations but the Op erative

M asons have no Eso teric E schato log ical'

rites at

all . These were never taught them, yet these


exis ted before the Op eratives—when the o ld

Temp les were formed by a s imp l e double circle

o f s tones,twelv e in number fo r each


by bushes . Thus a B ro ther who unders tands and

knows all the ten Greater M ysteries, knows and

un ders tands a ll the Op erative M asons’ work


the latter are comp letely ignorant as to the former .

But the Op erative Masons’ orig in dates back

at leas t s ix hun dred thousand years,an d' so I hav e

no doubt they will b e contented with their g reat

antiquity . The p roo fs of all my content ions are in

the R itual of An cient Egyp t, and on the various

monuments ; these I shall always be p leased to

identify and po int out to any B ro ther who may,

feel interested in this subj ect . The Op erative

M asons,lik e the Sp eculative, have made many

“ innovations S ince they left O ld M other Egyp t,but this is no t surp ris ing considering all the vicis

situdes they have passed through the wonder i s

that so much remains of the original,and that so

lit t le innovation has taken p lace after all these

years,remembering the trials and tribulations

they have endured .

Our 2 4 -in Ch gaug e is the O ld cubit of the ancient

Egyp tians . I t is the ideographic hierog lyphic, and

has the phonet ic value of M aat,and indicated


p rimarily,“ that which is s traight

,and was the

name given to the instrument by which the work

of the C raftsmen ” was kep t straight and


measured metapho rically, a rule, or. law,or canon,

by which the liv es of men and their act ions were

kep t s t raight and governed . The ancient B ro thers

thus used the wo rd in a physical and moral s ense,as their naming i t Maat Clearly p roves , therefore

it is an important instrument, analogous to our

own,much more so than the majority of the

B ro thers would conceive .

The B ritish inch was the unit of linear measure

ment used at the building of the Great Pyramid, or

at leas t it is the nearest s tandard-

in existence , as

i t has lo s t one one-thousandth p art of itself after

being carried from land to land all these thousands

of years . There is,therefo re

,mo re in it than

being an inst rument to -measure our work and

being symbo lical of time . One inch is the t ime

rep resentation of the Great Year p rophetically .

Five hundred millions of the Pyramid inch is the

length of the earth ’s Po lar diameter . Twenty

five inches g ive the leng th o f the Sacred Cubit,

5 X 5 angles o f the Pyramid . The abso lute

leng th o f the Sac red Cubit i s the same used by the

I s raelites and spoken of in the V .S .L . as the one

o rdained by God,and was brought out o f Egyp t by

M o ses, who ,being One of the H igh Priests of On,

knew and understood the M yster ies and S ecrets of

the Great Pyramid and the Sacred Doctrines . I t

was different in leng th to that of the Greek, Roman ,and lat ter-day Egyp t ian Cubit .


Freemasons, p erhap s, unknown to most o f them

Selv es,have been the custodians of the secre ts

connected with it from the o rig inal, through ages

o f time . Thus we see that the standard and unit

of linear measurement,used at the building o f

the Great Pyramid (during the S tellar Cult ) , from

which the B ritish inch was derived in p rimeval

days of purity and Eschato log ical wo rship , befo re

the p eop le fell away from their true doctrines , has

been handed down by us pure and unsullied . The

Incas, Mayas,and all the O ld S tellar Cult p eop le

before them, possessed and used this same measure .

The great attemp t o f the French p eop le to abo lish

alike the Chris tian relig ion and hered itary weights

and measures of all nat ions to rep lace the fo rmer

by wo rship Of philo sophy, and the latter by, the

metre ( the French metre scheme depending, in

a certain manner o f their own ,up on the magnitude

of the earth ) , is not very o ld,nor yet an imp rove

ment upon the exactness in measurement of these

Egyp tian p eop le ; because, by assuming as their

unit and s tandard o f l eng th , the one ten -millionth

o f a quadrant of the earth ’s surface,that took a

curved lin e drawn on the earth ’s surface,in p lace

o f the s traight axis of ro tation,i t could not be so


,in fact

,i s far inferior in measurement .

The B ritish hereditary inch,therefo re

,is much

nearer and mo re exact to an integral earth measure .

AS long as one retains a p ower of geometry, so


long will the diameter be thought o f greater

p rimary importance than the circumference of a

Circle an d when we come to a sphere in mo t ion ,the axis of i ts dynamical labour Shall hold a vas tly

sup erio r impo rtance, esp ecia lly when the earth’ s

equato r is not a t ru e Circle . Thus we see that

this symbo l has a great claim upon our attention ,and we have to return to the Egyp tians of the

S tellar Cult for i t s origin .

The o rig in of the B lazing S tar was the Egyp tian

So tho s,and is Shown in' Zoo typ e fo rm as

Anubis,who guided the souls through the Under

wo rld,and i ts allusion as the S tar which gu ided

the Wise M en is a recent version of the old (see

R i tual ) In ano ther fo rm,as The B right M o rning

S tar the S tar with eight rays —it rep resent s

Ho rus of the resurrection . I t was typ ified by

O rion,the eightfo ld one

,the highest of the seven,

with the essence o f these to mak e One - The One,

therefo re eight . In R evelation the Son of God

p romises to g ive the M orning S tar to him that

ov ercometh ; as I also have receiv ed of my

Father and I will give H im the Mo rning S tar

(Rev . i i . The Morning S tar was“


identified with Horus “ I know the power of the

East ; Horus of the So lar M ount ; the Calf in

the p resence o f God ; and the S tar of Dawn

(R i tual, Ch . Hencefo rth the M orning S tar


was giv en to the fo l lowers o f Ho rus,therefore


we,as descendants o f the o rig inal bro thers and

followers o f Ho rus , st ill retain the symbo l .

I t was the S tar of Horus, and his guide, which

led him 1290 . Paradise when he seated himself upon

his Throne,and ' then Ho rus gave his S tar as a

guide to his fo llowers ( see R itual ) . In one

rep resentation in the Egyp tian he is seen with the

S tar on his head,beckoning on his fo llowers .

The M asonic Square is dep i cted in many of the

Ancient Temp les, an d also in the Great Pyramid .

In the Egyp t ian Hall o f Judgm ent O siris i s seated

on the _Square whils t judg ing the dead'

. I t is also

po rt rayed as the co rner- s tone of the bui lding ,

an d as the Foundation of E tern al Law in the

Court o f Divin e Justice . The Egyp tian name of

it i s N eka . I t was firs t emp loyed in squaringthe stones o f the bui lders

, and symbolically in

squaring the conduct in the Sphere of mo rals of the

Brotherhood . Maat i s also dep icted as S it t ingon the Square . Thus we have this symbo l b earingthe same interp re ta t ion as in M aso nry . Am ong the

Egyp t ians, when it was emp loyed in squaring the

s tones of the builder,i t deno ted’ Creation acco rd

ing to Eternal Laws or”

unders tanding rules,it

was the seat o f Justice,and of judging right from

wrong, To bring the material into p erfec t fo rm

and to rej ect that which was no t p erfect, both

physically and mo rally . To build on the Square


as a fourfold foundation,is to build for ever .

Some of the Op erative Masons were classed and

called,in Egyp tian, S tone- squarers .

The ancients used the rough and smooth Ashlar

as much as we do . The smoo th Ashlar, or Cube,symbolically rep resented and signified Truth . The

twelv e Camp s and the twelve Banners o f the

Children of I s rael rep resent the o riginal characters

in their Astronomical M ythology, and were giv en

fi rs t to the twelve Thrones or divisions of Heaven

in the S tellar Cult,and in the Zo diac

,in the final .

Thus at fi rs t they rep resented twelve S tellar

powers, and around many Temp les we find these

twelve dep icted by Pillars of S tone . The original

characters in the Astronomical M ythology, that

were giv en the twelve Thrones o r Camp s , with

sep arate and dis tinct iv e Banners, o r Totemic Z oo

typ es, were : Su t,Ho rus


,Hap i , Ap


Kabhsenuf,Ams ta

,Anup , Ptah , Atum,

Sau,Hu .

These were the Kam ite o riginals,brought over

and converted into the Banners of the twelve

Camp s o r Tribes of I srael .

The four p rinc ip al Banners in the R .A .C . took

their o rigin from the four B rothers, o r Children

of Horus . They are to be found all over the

world,wherever the S tellar Cult exi sted


app ear under a great variety o f names .

The origin of the E C . S ign has b een given on

p age 340 ,S igns and Symbo ls o f Primordial


But I have p roved that man o rig inated in Africa

and not Asia O rigin and Evo lution of Primi

tive M an and these came up from the

South—Nilotic N egroes,the Kaverondo tribes .

R emnants of these still exi st in Africa . These

were workers in iron and copp er ; and among st

these p eop le the b lacksmiths are called

Yothetth there is al so a sep arate Class

called U vino,and amongst the Gemi Tribe the

black srniths were founded into a re lig ious secret

society,and st ill po s sess all the secrets of Ho ru s

of Edfu . Horus was their Great'

Chi ef in their

H ero -Cult,and is the Chief Art ificer in M etals

i .e . he was recognized as“ the Chief H ero

of this C lan o r Sec ret Society,in the time of the

Totemic Sociology .

I t must b e interest ing to kn ow that amongst the

N ilo t ic Negro es,and natives of South Africa


they wish to convey the fact that they are sp eak

ing the abso lute truth,o r when they have as now

sometimes to swear in a court of law that they

are sp eaking the t ruth, they draw the right hand

with fingers extended (some the index fing er alone )across the throat

,accomp anied by the words ,

N isho i nk iso e p erzulu,or if they omit the

wo rds,as amongst some tribes

,they po int upwards

with the index finger and thumb extended,the

o ther fingers being flexed upon the p alm . The

wo rds mean,

God cut my throat if I b reak this


oath o r do no t tell the tru th . I t i s the mos t

binding oath of natives in Africa .

M any o f our signs and secret s exis t among st

these African p eop le at the p resent day, and have

been handed down from g eneration to g eneration

by the o ld Turanians . I t was these b lacksmith

men who knew how to smelt iron o re and fo rg e

the metal into weapons of off ence and defence, tha t

fo rmed themselves into the big C lan of black

smiths,hav ing Horus as their Astronomical

Chief . They came up from the South to the No rth

in p redynastic t imes, and, having conquered the

M asaba Negroes and lower typ es of Nilotic

N egroes,who were then the inhabitants of the

land of Egyp t, established themselves in Egyp t ,making Edfu their Chief City and Centre .

The Egyp t ians called these fo llowers of

Horus M esnitu,or M esn it i


,I believ e


the original name fo r all their trib es,and which

may now be app lied to the M asai Group . As we

know,Horus was their deified God

,and as Edfu

became their centre,he was styled Lo rd of the

Forg e C ity ,” “ The Great M aster Blacksmith . I t

was here that they fi rs t built a sanctuary o r temp le,which was call ed M esnet . One hierog lyphic which

they used (Fig . 1 6 ) p rov es that these

p eop le were those be longing to thePIE

Masai ancestors . Priests were app o inted

to attend to the Temp le . One might say


tha t thi s was the fi rst rep resentat ive of our

M asonic Temp le . Tho se who erected and looked

after the construction of the Temp le were

styled Comp anions . Thus we see that our wo rd

T .C . i s a substituted name . The orig inal and

real Great M aster in M etals was Ho ru s o f

Edfu — Or Ho rus-Behutet . I have given the

above fully as an examp le of the falsity of some

o f the sec ret names we hav e sub stituted fo r the

o rig inals . M any other wo rds which we have

adop ted have no relation or meaning to the

o rig inals .

But the meaning o f the myster ies could onl y be

known whilst the g enuine gnosis was authentically

taught . This had c eased when the Christ ian

Sarco lat ry li teraliz ed the myst ic drama of Am enta,

the Earth of Eternity,as a mo re tangible- looking

human histo ry and a new revelat ion sent from

God . Yet it i s at least S ix hundred thousand

year s o ld . From these mysteries the ceremonies

o f the M asonic B ro therhood have been handed

down from g eneration to generation ; re -edited

and altered only to confo rm with our p resent ideas

as,fo r ins tance

,the statement The Six p eriods

of the wo rld ’ s exis tence,now about to Clo se with

the second advent,when time Shall b e swallowed

up in Eternity , has no. meaning,nor has it any

significance in its p resent fo rm .

The Great Pyramid o f Egyp t and S tellar Cult


exp lain the Mystery . The key to its meaning

is the Seven Po le S tars,and the p eriods of

p recession o f the same,which was also figured as

Seven Eyes o r Seven Circ les,in consequence of

these being a figure of a Cycle .

As a mode of measuring time and pe riods

of the Great Year by the S tellar Cult,the

eye o r C ircle came to the full as at fi rst ”

seven times at seven / stations of the Po le,in the

Cyc le of Precession . A S a typ e the Eye might b e

full,once a month

,once a quarter

,once a year


once in a thousan d years in years

years,or in the Great Eye of All—The Eye of

the Eternal once in years (R i tual ,Ch . cxl .

The submerg ence of sev en Pole S tars invo lved

the same number of d e lug es, and marked the

p eriods o f the world ’ s exis tence in the Cycle of

Prec ession,which culminated in the great deluge

of al l , not to be swallowed up in Eternity , but to

recommence again (only to be swallowed up in

Eternity when the Po le S tars ceas e to exis t ) . The

Mystery of the seven Circles i s the same as the

Mystery of the s even S tars of R evelation ; i t i s

the Mystery o f the Celestial Hep tanomes in the

Stellar Cult of the O ld Egyp tians .

The S econd Advent marks the time o f orig in

of this, which was at the time that these old

teachers had marked the end of the second revolu



tion of the seven Pol e S ta rs (Ursa M in or ) , from

the tim e of their first observin g and record in g. The

p roo f of wh i ch they hav e l ef t in Egyp t on the

monumen ts and in the Ri tual—observations last ing

up to tha t e years , or two revo lu tion s .

Th erefore,

six pe riods of the wo rld ’

s exi st

en ce were rep resen ted by the six Po le S tars in

Prec ession ,wi th the seven th added, whi ch, when

en ded, o r abo ut to change to re-p rec ession, rep re

sen ted the Grea t D eluge or E tern i ty of the Great

Year,when all was at an end

,to recomm en ce

again wi th another life or p recess ion . It was

ast ronomical mythology at fi rs t,a deluge being

the e nding of a cycle of time . It became a natural

type of an ending of time in the u ranog raphic

rep resen tat ion, but in no o ther than in an astrono

mical se nse of t e-beg inn ing at the same po in t of

dep arture as in the beg inn ing . I t wil l re~b egin

again in the great c irc le of p rece ss ion ,but onl y

as a matter of chronology .

In the great yea r of p rec ession there were seven

st ation s of the celest ia l p ole, in thes e con st el lat ions

I,D racon i s 2

,the Lesser Bear 3, Kepheus 4 ,

Cygnus 5, Lyra 6,Hippopo tamus ; and 7 ,

Herakl es ( the Man The s e were the seven sus tain

ing powers of Heaven,the seven Pilla rs , seven

M oun ts, seven div in it ies, called Lo rds of E te rn i ty .

T he circ uit of p recession firs t out l ined by the move

men t of the celest ial p ole was the ci rcle of the

eternaL—o r seven et emals—wh ich they imaged bv

the Shennu- ring . The end of the Grea t Year .

determined by the delug e of all,occurred in the

sign or cons tel la tion o f the Man . Henoe when

they co nver ted their S tellar in to Sola r Cu lt, the

the veil being m oved by Tho th, who res tored him

a place . He was firs t p resented and conducted bv

grea t circl e of Princes in Heaven ,upon ear th . and

in the wo r ld below I bringr to you N maid o f

otl ence toward s any . Gran t that he may be with

you du ly .

”He is conduc ted bv Se men-f through

ing seven steps is p resented to the Glo rious Princes

wi th these words I come to you a ci rcl e of


Princes,and I bring N to you ; Grant to him


,and air (p rov ender of the altars ) and

an allo tment (or seat ) in the Sechit -ho tep'


Horus . Thoth having removed the dark net,he

i s invited to unite,or jo in in

,the circle

,and feast .

He states I have g iven b read to the hungry,

water. to the thirsty, clo thes to the naked, and a

boat to the shipwrecked . M o st I llustrious

i s an Egyp t ian t itle used for the M aster of M asters

(R i tual, Ch .

We have likewise mixed up our deg rees into

thirty- three,some pa rt of the firs t o riginal seven

are now intermixed with so -called H igher Degrees .

The o riginal D egrees were seven Les ser and ten

Greater . The sev en Lesser belonged to and origi

nated with the Old S tellar Cult . The ten Greater

belonged to and took their o rig in in the So lar Cult .

Some of our S igns and Symbo ls date back to

Primary Man,and in trac ing his evo lution we

find how these have originated and one added to

o thers,and how some of these have been changed

with the different Cults .

I f we merely consider the tokens of recognition,

the p asswo rds , sec ret wo rds , and the decorations

of the Lodg es, acco rding to the degrees into which

modern M asonry is div ided,we find that many

of them are taken from the and are symbo

lical o f events,real or imag inary, some of which

are said to have taken p lac e in those compa ratively


and to meet a higher. state of evolution which man

has now attained .

The p roo fs I have here brought forward are

sufficient to p rove my contention crit ically ; yet

there are still many more to be found in S igns

and Symbo l s of Primordial Man and the R i tual

of Ancient Egyp t, and I now leav e it to all my

B rother M asons to say,after a c ri tical examination

of the evidences,i f my contention is just ified

or not .


CAN the unity o f the world be accomp l i shed by

Freemasons ! Yes and by Freemasons only . But

not yet . That is the answer . Why not yet ! i s

the question to b e answered . One of the reasons

is bec ause the majo ri ty of Freemasons do not in

reality carry out in daily p ract ic e the sub lime tenets

o f the B rotherhood . And why ! There are many

reasons . I will tLy and enumerate some for the

good of my bro ther Freemasons,and I hop e that

thi s may bear fruit bo th here and in foreign lands .


—Because the historical aspe ct of Free

masonry is not known excep t to a few students of

the Craft . The majo ri ty o f the B ro therhood hav e

been,and are

,content to think that the histo ry of

Freemasonry is entirely modern . They hav e never

studied it have never thought what it was,and

i s . We have no histo ry of the Craft for tho se

who cannot read ancient writings,excep t where

I have given them a decipherment and transla


tion of these,which p robab ly many have never

heard of,and few hav e read .

Beyond my works there is no his tory of Free

masonry, sav e in i t s modern asp ects , excep t that

which is disclosed in ancient writ ings . Few

Brothers hav e s tudied the histo ry of the human

race and evo lution of man,which alone contains

the sec ret of -the development of Freemasonry . I f

Freemasons studied thi s,even only in a mino r

degree,they would see and understand the evolu

t ion,o r rather revolution

,that i s now taking

p lace in thi s country at the p resent t ime, and

which,if continued in it s p resent phase I

for a flew

more years,will throw them back again

,in the

B riti sh I sles at least,to -that chao s from which

Freemasonry has many times already suffered .

Without a knowledge of the p ast there cannot

be any guide to the future . The p resent and

continuous thought of our B ro therhood,as well

a s of others amongst the majo ri ty,i s one of selfi,

and great indiff erence to the feelings and welfare

of o thers,except when i t specially affec ts them

selves,and it i s here we have the

SECOND CAUSE —Tho se of the Craft who are

st riving to bring about that high ideal of brother

hood to be a reality,and not a sham

,are not

supp orted with that fraternal ac tivi ty which is so

desi rable . There are many B ro thers who care

nothing but to gain honours,which are a sham


to many who wear them . O thers only think of

Charity . So far,that i s right and good , but that

i s no t Freemasonry ; nor will ever F reemasonry

be advanced further in the evo lution or the

coalescing of the B rotherhood into one great

fraternal and universal who le by it .

The men o f the various Governments all the

world over think nothing of the true ben efit ofthe human race ; with them it i s p arty polit ics, a

rep etit ion o f self, po s it ion, and agg randisement,

to be ob tained at any co st . Possibly,i f they

have ever studied the rise and fall of nations,

they may be conceited enough to t ry and abase

their thoughts and obliterate their better - thinking

powers, and so,deceiving themselves, make them

selves believe that they canno t,o r will no t

,fal l

into the same evils which have fo llowed every

nation that has entered on a similar course . Vain,

ignorant, and fool i sh thoughts and actions , oppo sed

to the divine laws of nature,can only have one

result and termination .

I n the p ast his to ry of the wo rld there are two

causes only,or p rimary factors , which pav ed the

way for the downfall and destruction of every

emp i re .

The fi rst is the dis sension of the Priests amongst


,as a result which mus t naturally

fo llow such dissensions,the int roduction o f

Sociali sm. N o p eop le have ever risen to be a


g reat nation and then fallen and been destroyed,

excep t for these two causes . This is now being

enacted again in th is Emp ire, the g reatest the

wo rld has ever seen . Are there any pe rsons— any

B ro thers in our great fraternity— so foo lish as to

think that we can escap e that doom'

and dest ruo

t ion which are awaiting us by cont inuing on such

a course ! The result and effect on Freemasonry

canno t b e exp ressed and demonstrated adequately

in this work . Ev ery Freemason who has had an y

exp erience knows the b itte rness and vindict ive

ness with Which the Roman Catholic Church

treats the B ro therhood— and how much greater,

i f po ssib le, wi ll be the effect of the int ro

duction of Sociali sm,whic h is fast pe rvading and

threatening to eat the life out of our country .

This is one p hase of imminent and actual danger

that i s threatening our B ro therhood in a very

acute fo rm it i s actual,i t i s


real,howev er much

we may wish to clo s e our eyes,o r however much

indiff erence we may assume .

Only a few years ago we,in this country


through g reat and acute tension— that dang er which

threatened war between us and the United S tates

of America . That has passed, and will nev er

return in an acute fo rm again . Why ! Because

the B rotherhood sent their great rep resentative, the

Grand M aster of I llino i s,to this country

,and I

had the great p leasure to meet him at the Q . C .


Lodge,when he gave the message of peace and

brotherhood ' There shall be no war between

the United S tates o f America and England ; we

are o f one B ro therhood,and the Freemasons o f

U .S .A . have dec ided that there shall be no war,now or ev er

,between the two countries, and I am

delegated to come here and tell you this,repre

senting over a mill ion of Brothers,and ask you

in return to say there shall b e no war . Wha t

a glorious triumph for the B ro therhood !

Did the authorit ies who at p resent govern us

try and bring about the same result- with the

recent friendly deputation of the B rotherhood

from Germany,or only talk p lati tudes—o r were

they unsuccessful in their endeavours ! I

We boast of a grand and p erfec t o rganization o f'

our great B ro therhood . Have we any o rganiza

tion that we can rely upon ! Have we any leaders

of men ! How many in tho se who govern the

C raft ! How many B rothers have we who wo rk,

and wish,and ac t fo r the one universal B ro ther

hood !

I f our g reat B ro therhood were the p erfect

o rganization that many supp o se, with a govern

ment of leaders of men whose ambition was

only for the good o f the C raft,the p eace of the

world,wi th the univ ersal fraternal relations which

1 We know now that they were, for since writing the above

War has been dec lared it is unnecessary to dilate on it.


our. tenets p rofess, there would be no war there

would b e no downfall . We are numerous enough,

we are strong enough, to govern the world, but

we are no t universally o rgan i zed,and without

this we are useless and impotent to form that unity

o f universa l bro therhood which characteri zed Free

masonry two hundred thousand years ago . The

mere talking o f p latitudes, what we are , and what

we ought and w i sh to be,i s useless without action


and yet there i s app arently no action at p resent .

We have numbers of great and good men in our

ranks,and many in the Grand Councils and

Gov erning bodies . Let them take action ; the

who le of the B ro therhood will support them . N o .

General s will ever‘

have had such a devo ted and

large army as our B rotherhood will p rove them

selves to be . Let them lead wi th‘ resolute ac tion,

and fear no thing,t rue to the p rinc ip l es of the

Craft,without fear or favour

, pure and unsulli ed

without sword,blow

,or shedding of a tear


great ideal would be accomp li shed . There can

be no fear of the dissentient Pries thood now .

We have no dogmas or c reeds to confuse the

faith and belief in the One Great Eternal and

Divine Architect o f the Universe,Creato r of All

Thing s, therefo re no question of a difference of

creed would obtrude itself,

or cause any seces

sion amongst the B ro thers of variou s climes and

countries .


TWO very interesting articles on the Great Pyramid

by M r . F . E . Leith"

,o f New Zealand

,app eared in

The Freemason— some of many that have been

writ ten on this subj ect —but his are of g reat imp-ort

ance and interest . I t i s a p i ty, however, that M r .

Leith has not s tudied the R i tual of Ancient

Egyp t , because the Pyramid is p art of the R i tual

writt en in S tone . Therein he will find a definite

answer and so lution to all his questions . The two

books he quo tes are p erverted part s of thi s ancient

book,the o ldest in the wo rld . The S ec ret Doc

t rine o f M adame B lavat sky shows a small amount

of knowledge—gained p r incipally, I beli eve, in India

of thi s R i tual,mixed with a g reat many errors

and hypo thetical ideas which, crit ically, must fall

to the ground . She uses terminology she cannot

understand,which without the interp retatio n

the R i tual has no meaning . I g ive an examp l e,which is sufficient

,although a do zen might be



Listen ye Sons of the Earth to your instruc

to rs,the Sons of the Fire

,learn there is neithe r

First nor Last,fo r All i s One Number i ssued from

N o Number . Learn what we,who descend from

the Primo rdial Sev en,we who are born of the

Primordial Flame,have learned from our fathers .

From the effulgency o f l ight the ray of ever

darkness sp rang in space the re-awakened energies .

The one from the egg , the six and the five . Then

the three,the one the four

,the one the five


twic e seven,the sum total . And these are the

Flames,the Essences

,the Builders

,the Fo rce


the D ivine Man .

I n the Egyp t ian rep resentation there are seven

Souls of life-forces recognized in nature . S ix

of these were p re-human— elementary forces o r

powers born of the Primary Great M other, when

there was yet no human soul dist ingui shed from the

six that were souls,such as light o r ai r, earth o r

water, and animal o r vegetable life . The seventh

Soul was human . This was the Soul of Blood,

brought forth by a goddess in the human likenes s .

The Blood Mother was imaged by the Virg in

Neith ( see“S igns and Symbo ls of Primordial

Man These six were p re-anthropomorphic , the

seventh was human,6 + I = 7 . They were the

elementary children of the Great M o ther,six

B rothers and One the leader,or Great One of the

company . Sut,the male H ipp opo tamus ; Sebek



the Crocodile ; Shu,the Lion ; Hap i , the Ape ;

Anup , the Jackal ; Kabhsenuf,the Hawk ; and

One the Elder Ho rus,the Human

,as The Chi ef .

This was the same in Totemism and the mythology,

and all descended from the Great Mother,who

was mythical .

The change in the human descent from the

mo therhood . to the fatherhood is no t app arent in

the mytho logy until the time of Ptah,the father

of Atum-Ra,but these seven were carri ed on from

their Totemism and M ythology to the S tellar

M ytho s,and from the S tellar to the Lunar

,then to

the Solar,and finally are b rought on in the E scha

tology in different fo rms and characters, and in the

p resent day are rep resented both in the Hebrew

and the Chri st ian doctrines in various fo rms . I t

i s in Atum-Ra,or Tum

,who was bo th male and

female,that we find ;

one all Parent . I n the

R i tual,ch . xvi i .

,Tum is described as giving b irth

to Hu and Sa as the children of him who now

unites the Father an d M other as divinity in one

p erson . Hu denotes. matter,Sa or Ka s ignifies

spi rit . This creation then i s from blood and

sp i ri t, the double p rimo rdial essence fir st

assigned to Ptah .

These were the sev en Souls o r e lementary powers

rep resented by Zoo type s, in the p rimary fo rm,

and were the p rimordial fo rms of the p rimary

powers that were derived at first from the M o ther


o f Heav en,and was typ ified by the

‘ doo r o f

Pyramid,which was a triangular stone revolving

on i t s axis (s ee S igns and Symbo ls of Primordial

M an The one and the four . The one was

Ho ru s— the four were the four b rothers of Ho rus,

afterwards called the children of Ho rus,who were

the four suppo rts of Heav en when thi s was rep re

sented by the Square— and here in the Pyramid

symbo lized by the four stones,which fo rm a

square ov er the entrance . The “ flame bo rn of a

flame was Horus,the child o f Hatho r

,who came

forth at dawn as the Young Sun'

God . Hatho r,

the M oon Goddess,desc ends into the underwo rld ,

and there meet s the Sun,and ob tains regeneration

of Light from the Sun (Lunar mytho logy ) . I n

R i tual, ch . xv i .,i t i s stated : Thou art Horus

the Son o f Hathor,the flame born o f a flame .

Here Ho ru s i s bo rn and is rep resented as the

Chi ld o f Light , who became in the Eschato log y

the D ivine M an .

The one from the Egg ! How would

M adame B lavat sky have rendered the mean ing o f

thi s mystery ! Yet in the R itual i t is p lain . The

God o f the Earth was Seb , whose Zootyp e in the

mytho logy was a Goos e that laid the Egg . Now

the Egg that was laid was the Sun setting in the

West,whi ch was hatched out in the under

world and came fo rth in the East as the Young

Sun Giver of Light , etc .

— and was typ ical of


Ho ru s,the Young Sun God . Her book is a

mixture o f a little of all the M ytho logies and

Eschato logy jumbled tog ether , and has no mean

ing without the interp retation o f the R i tual of

Egyp t .

The Second Pyramid (one o f three ) was built

to memorize Su t . The Pyramid o f Sut, when

Su t was the fi rs t . The God of the Po le S tar

South,El Shaddai . How long Sut reigned as

God o f the South i t i s impossible to state, but

that he did so fo r many thousands of years there

i s amp le p roof s till extant . I t was known by

these o ld wise men of Egyp t that as they trav elled

N o rthi

from their original homes—Equato rial Pro

vinces—S ut would go down and disapp ear in the

underwo rld,and that Ho ru s (N o rth Po lar S tar )

would rise in the ascendant and be p ermanently

establi shed fo r ever . Hence the chang es , fi rst from

Sut being a p rimary God, second as a bro ther to

Ho ru s,and third

,that he descended as Ho rus

ascended . He then became the typ e of the

Great Evil One in one form,and Ap -Uat

,a form‘

o f Set—Anup , in another, the guider of the way

of the underwo rld . Thi s is wri t ten and symbo

li z ed in the Second Pyramid . I t i s also symbo lized

as the change from the wo rshi p o f El Shaddai

(Phoenician nam e o f Sut ) to the wo rship of Ihuh,

Hu o r Iu Eu, and co rresponds to the chang e from

the Elo istic to the Jehov i s t ic God,which was the


chang e from the S tel lar to the So lar Mytho s

( 1 Chron . xii .

As regards age,the Pyramids were erected at

the earliest time o f these astronomical observations ,at the time tha t Sut (El Shaddai ) was the sup reme

God o f the South,situated at the South Pole S tar .

He was always rep resented as red,and the Arabs

have a tradition that this was the burial -p lace o f

Sut—but o f course Su t was mythical,only a typ e,

and rep resented night or darkness after . The

Pill ar o f Red Brick,being less p ermanent, went

down as p redicted in the deluge as a figure of the

Southern Po le,whereas the Pillar of S tone (No rth

Great Pyramid ) remained fo r ev er as an“

image o f

the Celestial Po le,o r

.of Annu

,the S i te o f the

Pillar,in their ast ronomical mytho logy . I t was

reported by D iodoru s that Annu (Heliopo l is in the

Solar M ytho s ) was accounted by its inhab itants to

be the o ldest c ity in Egyp t , which may have been

mythically meant,as Annu was also a city o r

station o f the Po le, the mo s t anc ient foundation in

the northern heaven,described in the Eschatology

as a p lace o f a thousand fo rtresses prov is ioned foreternity . The two p i llars of Sut and Horus were

p rimal as p illars o f the two Poles , thus figured in

the equato rial regions as the two supports of

heaven,when it was first div ided into two po rt ions ,

South and No rth , and the p illar o r mount o f the

South was g iv en to Sut , and the p illar of the No rth


The S tar So this was The S tar of the White

Sp i rits,”i . e . i t was the p lace where all the white

sp irits came fo rth after t ravell ing through the

underwo rld in the earlies t t ime of the Egyp tian

Mytho logy,during their to temic socio logical stat e


and during the time o f S tellar. M ytho s— befo re

Amenta was formed,and therefo re p re-So lar . In

S tellar Mythos it was th e S tar of Annunciat ion, i t

heralded the birth of Ho rus . I t was the M orning

S tar of the Egyp tian year 36 5%'days —and their

Great Year years . In Lunar M ytho s it

was the S tar of Hatho r and her infan t son Horus,and above all to these oldes t ob servers it was the

herald of the Inundation,telling t hem when the

N ile would come down and fertilize the land,and

food would be p lent iful as a good result‘

of inun

dation . M ost impo rtant and sacred rites were con

nected w ith the ris ing o f this S tar,which 'we

need no t enter into here . But here was 'within the

Great Pyramid the time .of the commencement ofthe N ew Year which was the commencement of the

Precess ion of the seven P ole Stars (U rsa M inor ) ,ending with the seven th P ole S tar



M an —the 6 I= 7 . The six p eriods of the

world ’s existence,ending with the seventh


years to p erfo rm .

To recommence again : To beg in ano ther Great

Year and not to be swallowed up in Eternity when

time shall be no more . This time of reckoning was


carried from Egyp t by the S tellar Mytho s p eop le

throughout the wo rld, as wi tnessed by the Glyphs

on the Ruins at Copan and Palanque and in Peru

amongst the Aymaras .

That Sut or Set was fi rs t p rimary god of the

Egyp t ians , but was god of the South Pole,o r

Southern Hemisphere, i s amp ly p roved and borne

out by the monuments as well as the R itual . S et

or Sut,according to Plutarch

,i s the Egyp tian name

of Typhon —i .e . Satan of the Christ ian Cult . On

the o ldes t monuments i t has been almo s t invariably

chiselled out we find the names of kings who have

taken his name,in the same manner as we afte r

wards find the Horus name . An d although the

legend of the confl ic t between Horus and Sut is a s

old as the Fourth Dynas ty at least, it is, however,likewise a p roof of Set

’s po sition having once been

very diff erent . I t is he whose sign is changed

for that of Osiri s in the letters of the Father of

the Great Rameses,and two other kings of that

Dynasty ; i t is the same god w i th his ord inary

monumental name,Nubi


(in Nubian ) , who is pour

ing out life and power over the King . His hiero

graphic figure of a gi raffe is the Nubian p rimary

god Set,or Sut

,and with Anup added the trans

lation is The Lo rd of the Southern Hemisphere,as witnes sed in the temp les and monuments of

Kamak and M edinet Habu . The fi rs t figure here

to remark is Horus (Amun -Khem ) to whom the


King is sacrificing and doing homage, an d Horus

is pouring out life and power over the King . The

fact that we find Sut here as one of the g reat Gods,is a p roof that he was considered and looked upon

at the earlies t p eriod of their mythology as at least

a brother to Ho rus,

and that now Ho rus was

p rimary . The myth had shifted,

or changed

p laces, the domain of Paradise from the South to

the North,and the great fight between Horns and

Sut had no t yet com e into being . There can be no

doubt that the p rimary p art of the M ytho s was first

evo lved at the Lakes at the head of’

the N ile when

the Southern Pole S tar was mo s t p redominan t .

The different names of Set taken by Kings whichwe find on the o ldest monuments

,some of which

have been obliterated and Horn s and Osiri s sub

stituted, p rove this , as well as the Pyramids and

the R i tual . On later monuments we find that the

great contest had been wo rked out in their myth

o logy,

and his name is then found Apap ( the

Great Giant,the Great Evi l Serp ent ) . In the

Book of the R i tual he is also called Baba— the

B eas t (ch . xc . I7 , 66, 6 7 )— and the strugg le o f

Ho rus and Sut i s mentioned in the R i tual (ch . vi ii .

1 7 , 9, The day of bat tle between Horus

and Sut . Thus thes e old fo refathers o f ours had

firs t worked out their Paradise in the Southern

Hemisphere, and then as they came North, and a

gen eral amalgamation of the attributes took p lace,


s ix hundred thousand years ago, p robab ly much

mo re,because we have still the co lo ssal wrecks o f

wonderfu l emp ires which stand to -day, p i t ifu l

monuments to the g reatness o f the builders and

the everlasting shame of the men who accomp lished

their ruin .

I The Titanic monuments o f a forgo tten

past found in Central and South America , and

some parts o f Asia,like the African ruins of

Z imbab'

wi the Grea t Pyramids,lead mo st men to

exclaim, Who were these old builders ! Whence

came they ! By what lo st art did they chisel

tho se p erfec t edg es and ang les ! B-

y what means

did they move these ponderous masses to such

p erfect adju stment, a marvel of delicat e and

beautiful wo rkmanship ! Overwhelming in thei r

grandeur are tho se scattered remains . I t is only

by the o rig in and evolution of man that an

irrefutable answer can be giv en . They came from

Eg yp t , and their Temp les and building s can always

be identified . These S tellar p eop le always bu ilt

iconog raphically . The So lar did not because the

gods and g oddesses which had been rep resented

by Zoo typ es in the S tellar cult were now ( in the

So lar ) rep resented by the Human form . The

S tellar therefo re were p rehuman and the Solar

human dep ict ions . They bo th bui lt wi th Po lygonal

shap ed stones and Monoli ths, but the S tellar works

1 The same thing is being enacted again to-day by the

German Huns .


can always be ident ified by their I conog raphic

fo rms .

The Pyramid i s an artificial figure o f the mount

as a means o f the ascent to heaven . The Initiate,

p laced at the bo ttom of the well , would see the

tubular shaft of the Great Pyramid rep resented the

way to heaven as it was imaged in Egyp t ian

thought . R esting at the foo t he could scan no t

merely the starry vast,but could fix his gaze in

death upo n the heaven of sp iri ts at the summit of

the mount,the Paradise of Peace

,the enclo sure

that was finally configurated in the circle of the

seven Po le S tars that c ro ssed the passag e po inting

no rth-ward,one by one

,in the c ircuit of p recess ion,

o r the heaven of eternity . The Po le S tar or.

Draconis was no t the only one that would c ro ss

within rang e of that great tube . The Great Pyra

mid was founded on the Egyp tian as tronomy, but

was no t built to regis ter the fac t that a Draconis

was the fixed po int and po lar p ivo t of all the S tellar

motion during some 2 years in the vast c ircle

o f p recession . The ceilings of the chambers were

sp rinkled with stars to resemble the sky by night

(M asp ero ,Dawn o f Civilizat ion Astronomi

cal tables gave the asp ect o f the heavens , tenat by

tenat,throughout the year, so that the I nitiates

had but to li ft thei r eyes and see in what part

of the firmamen t the course lay night after night .

Thus he found his future destiny dep ic ted thereo n


and learned to understand the blessing s of the

gods . The chief course was mapp ed out along the

river of the M i lky Way,as i s shown in the R i tual

by the boat o f sou ls ascending to the Po lar

Paradise . The Init iate (who has been p laced in

the pos it ion o f a mummy ) now i s risen up , and

he is set in mot ion, p rays that he may go up

to Sekhet-Arru and arrive in S ekhet-Hetep . There

are three forms o f the boat o f souls,one i n the

S tel lar,one in the Lunar

,and one in the So lar

rep resentation, at three different s tages of the

Mythos .

The Sun,M oon

,and seven S tars are frequently

g roup ed tog ether on the Assyrian monuments .

The Chinese call the Sun, _M oon

,and sev en S tars

the nine Lights of Heaven . The same group ing

i s observed in the nine Pyramids o f the Mexicans—one fo r the Sun ,

one for the M oon,and seven

small ones fo r the sev en S tars . Th e three


o i Gizeh answer to those of the Sun,


and sev en S tars elsewhere . The Great

Pyramid i s in itself a sign of seven,comp rising ,

as i t do es , the Square and the Triang le in one

figure . I t s name,Khuti

,means also the S even

Glorious Ones,as well as Light . I t was designed

by the Har - seshu,or servants of Horus


were the seven Khuti in the S tellar M ytho logy ;they had been the rulers in the celest ial hep ta

nomes befo re they became the seven servants of


secrets of this Great Building,and his dec ipher

ments , taken as a whole, are no t far from correct ,and the erro rs contained therein are due to the

fact that he has no t sufficiently studied The

R i tual o f R esurrection,the p ast histo ry of the


and the orig in and development of the

human race .

Another po int is that he quo tes D r . Le Plongeon

as accep t ing the co rrectness of the Book of

Dazan for the exp lanation of the Pyramids an d

Temp les of the M aya . N ow,Dr . Le Plongeon

and his wife,Alice Le Plongeon

,stayed with me

as my guests fo r a considerable time during the

writ ing of hi s wo rks,and mo reov er he asked me to

read all hi s manuscrip ts befo re they were published .

This I did,and pointed out to him that he had

not different iated between the S tella r and Solar

Temp les, and had not taken into account any o f

the p rev ious Totemic p eop le—which he acknow

ledg ed he did not understand . But no one that

I know,o r ever heard of before

,took him as an

authority upon the abov e subj ec t, though it i s an

actual fact that he lived amongst the M ayas for

some time and discovered sev eral ancient remains .

His deduct ions were,nevertheles s

,quite erroneous .

I n the fi rst p lace, he did no t know the Egyp t ian

language,o r ev en H indoo

,or Zend and although

he tried to compare the Egyp tian H ierog lyphic

Alphabet and I deographs with the M aya , he could


not , and did no t , read the Egyp t ian correctly .

He accomp l ished g reat wo rk by discovering many

ruin s of Temp les, etc .

,and obtained pho tograp hs

of the same,and deciphered the M aya charact ers

thereon . There i t ended .

M r . Leigh quo tes Herodo tus , but H erodo tus

onl y lived 4 8 4-4 2 4 B . C .


,moreover, was

ignorant of the Egyp t ian languag e, an d had to

dep end upon interp reters as to what was to ld him

by the Egyp tian Priests . He,however

,made an

impo rtant statement connected with the Pyramid ,and that was : That Kufu (who was the sup

p osed builder of the Pyramid) lived and reigned

in Egyp t during the Solar Mythos , but that Kufu

was not the builder . N ow we know,for a fact


that the recent discoveries at Abydos p rove that

thi s cult (So lar ) was at i ts zenith there twenty

thousand to thirty thousand years ago ,and at Helio

po lis , befo re that , mo re than eighteen thousand

years before the t im e of M o ses . Now as regards

the t ime,and who were the bui lders o f the Pyramid


we have a very definite fact by the g reates t and

o ldest Egyp t ian histo rian, Man etho,who was a

high p riest and kep t“ The Reco rds o f Egyp t .

His statement is that the Great Pyramid was bui lt

at the end of the reign of The Gods and the

H eroes — that is,at the t ime when their To temic

Socio logy had arriv ed by evo lution in the S tella r

Mythos and it was built by the fo l lowers of


Horu s M o reover,he s tates that the Gods and

Heroes were no t human,

nor ever had been

human . The fo llowers of Horus were the S tellar

Mythos p eop le in the same sense as Chris t ians

are the followers of Christ .

I have p roved (and thi s p roof has now been

accep ted by the greatest anthropo log i sts and e thno

log ists ) that the human race sp rang from Africa,

and not Asia . I t was there in o ld Africa that

man began to develop his facult ies and sp read

all ov er the wo rld,taking with him

,at various

ep ochs , all the knowledge at the time o f the exodus

with which he left . The firs t were the Pygmie s,


no Totemic ceremonies,but with a belief

in a Great Sp irit and a Sp ir itual l ife hereafter,and with a p rop i t iation of elemental powers . The

second were the N ilo tic N egroes,w i th Totemic

ceremoni es, and a later exodus of these, when the

elemental powers became divini zed . Then the

S tellar M ytho s p eop le, in at least two if not three

different stages of evo lution . After these the Lunar

and then the So la r peop le, and finally the Chris tian

doctrine was evolv ed, and is now sp reading and

rep lacing all p revious cults .

But the S tellar M ytho s p eop le, whose cult lasted

three hundred thousand years at least,as witnessed

and p rov ed by the R i tual, They covered up my

eye after them wi th bu shes (o r hairy net ) twice,for ten p eriods (a pe riod being one Great Year,


running water,as wel l as the Sussex human found

in this country,i s sufficient p roof that B ib lical

dates cannot be taken as co rrect .

The Great Pyrami d was built during the S t ellar

M ythos . I n i t i s portrayed the whole architecture

of the heavens,courses and times of the heavenl y

bodies,the seasons of the year

,days of the year

and Great Year,tim e measurements and distance

of the sun and moon and thei r time of revolut ion,as well as the Po le S tars . The whole of their

e schato log y i s there writ ten for all '

those who can

read,and fo r a witness from all time since it was

buil t,when the man-god HOrus was slain and rose

again as Amsu in sp irit fo rm,unti l all the world

will b e re-united again under one div ine b ro ther

hood .

I have wri tten thi s in a broad sense,as I feel

i t w ill be taken in a mo re fraternal sp i rit

than if I had tak en each of the po ints pu t forward,and disp roved many by his to rical reco rds of the

past . I thin k M r . Leith’

s ar ticles very interesting,

and mo st of his s tructural ideas regarding the

Pyramid are quite co rrect ; thi s I know from

p ersonal v i s its . But(

for the rest— the autho rities

he quotes neither knew the Egyp tian language nor

the Zend, which was, and is that which followed

the Ancient Egyp tian, not the hieroglyphic, the

oldest,but the hieratic . The Zend is the o ldes t

extant sacred wri tings in Asia, as the sacred books


exi st amongst some of the p riest s in I ndia and

elsewhere . Cap t . Charles S erres, many years ago ,brought me back one of these sacred B ibles

from the Burmah p riests i t was writ ten in the old

Zend on flattened p ieces of bamboo, about two feet

long and three inches wide . The whole work is a

copy of some p arts o f the R i tual o f Egyp t some

what p erverted . I am o f the same op inion as

M r . Leith,that in future years—at the time of the

next glacial epoch—Egyp t will b e the centre o f

civ i lization again, an d al l tho s e lands an d p eop le

o f the Sumarians,Assyrians




Greeks,and Romans

,which nat ions ro s e and fell

in the’

above o rder,will ri se again and a fraternal

bond w il l unite them with their “o ld mo ther

home . But it will not be until these is lands

are covered with g lacial ice and snow,when

the who le Northern human race i s driven South

again,as far as latitude 56 (as it had been man y

times before ) . Then,after the glacial epoch has

passed away, the remains of the p resent human s,and their works

,will b e rediscovered by a future

g enerat ion . What Great M asonic Temp le wi ll be

left to the wo rld ! The first and g reatest of all

The Great Pyramid of Egyp t .


THE Rev . Jacob E . Warren,in an article on the

above subj ect,asks for the o rigin o f the D ivine

Name which the Heb rew text g iv es as t h,

and what we can do to di scover the lost treasure !

The answer i s s imp le - s tudy this ques tion Where

did the Hebrews ob tain it from !

The origin of the divine name above i s from the

FIG. 18 . FIG . 19 .

Eg yp tian Hu (Fig . 1 8 ) and In (Fig . one

of the names of Ho rus . This .i s the name for

the wo rd,although there is s t ill ano ther secre t

name onl y known to a few which I am not p er

mitted to divulge but the meaning o f the words

in each case is identical . The'

Hebrews ob tained

al l thei r knowledge from the Egypt ians, and to


was p art of th e Solar doctrines or Eschatology ofthe Egyp tians . The Dyaks of Borneo did not

obtain their Yavuah from the H eb rew Jehovah,but from the o rigin of bo th .

The change in I srael from the wo rship of El

Shaddai to the wo rship of Ihuh (=Hu o r In in

Egyp t ) , from the E lo istic to the Jehovist ic God,co rresponds to the chang e from the S tel lar to the

So lar doctrines in the Eschato logy of the Egyp t ians ,which can be seen and p roved in. the Volume of

the Sacred Law—in the book of I Chronicles xii .

5, in which we find that Baal-Jah,as divinity


supp l ied a p ersonal name . Thus the Baal is Jah,

who i s one of the Baalim,the Primary or

Sup erior one of the seven S tel lar attributes ; The

one God in I srael was made known t o Moses by

the two names of Ihuh and I ah . I n the Egyp t ian

the one God in the earliest So lar fo rm was Tum

(the earliest form of Atum-Ra )— he was Huhi,

the eternal,in the character of God the Father,

and In o r Tem,in the character o f God the Son


which two were one .

Gesenius deriv es the name Ihuh,o r later Yhuh,

from the root Huh,which root does not exis t in

H ebrew,but it do es exist in Egyp tian . Huh o r

Heh signifies ev er,everlastingness

,etern i ty


et ernal,and was one o f the tit les associated or

names o f Horus . The names changed from Tum,

Ptah,Atum -Ra


,as Neb -Hui

,the Ever


lasting Lord,or Sup erior One S elf-exist ing and

Eternal God,which each o f the above rep resented

in turn,as one divine dynasty succeeded another

in the Egyp tian R eligion .

M oreover,Bela Baal was E l Shaddai of the

Phoeni cians, o r was another name for him, an d

when they changed from the S tellar ( rep resented

by Sut -Anup ) to Ho rus he was no long er to be

considered the one God (see Exodus xxxiv .

“Thou shalt call me I shi

,and shalt cal l me no

mo re Baali (Ho sea ii . and therefo re to have

the Hebrew character of El Shaddai (o r Phoenician

rather ) as the Father, and Hu —Iu,I au

,I shi

,I hu ,

etc .,as his Son

,as is rep resented on our C ro s s of

th e i s quite wrong ; i t has no meaning, and

no exp lanation could be g iven that would b e co rrect

with the Hebrew characters on the symbol as it is

now ; but if these were changed to the Egyp t ian

(Fig . or the equivalent,i t would be correct ,

would co rrespond, and have the same meaning

as Yhuh .

El Shaddai was not a form of Father to Hu

or In.

in any way . He was the Primary God

situated at the Southern Pole,or hemisphere, for

upwards of fifty-one thousand years,and then he

was deposed in favour o f Horus,the God of the

Northern Horizon . This is p roved by the two

Great Pyramids of Ghizeh,one bui lt for Su t and

the other for Horu s ; thei r names are inscribed


was part o;the Solar doctrines or Eschatology o/the Egyp tuzs . The Dyaks o f Borneo did not

ob ta in thei Yavuah from the Heb rew Jehovah,but from té o rig in of bo th .

The chag e in I s rael from the wo rship of El

Shaddai to the wo rship of Ihuh (=Hu o r ! U in

Egyp t ) , trm the Elo is t ic to the Jehov is t ic God,

co rrespondsto th e change from the S tellar to the

Sola r doc tn es in the E schatology o f the Egyp tians ,which can 1c seen and p roved in the Vo lume of

the Sac redLaw—ih the book o f 1 Chronicles xii .

5, in whia we find that Baal-Jab ,as d ivin i ty


supp l ied a mrso nal name . Thus the Baa l is Jab,who i s oe of the Baal im

,the P rimary or

Sup erio r o r: of the seven S tella r a tt ribut es . The

one God i I s rael was made known t o Moses by

the two names o f l huh and lab . In the Egyp tian

the one Gd in the ea rlies t So la r fo rm was Tam

( the earlid fo rm of Atum -Ra )—he was Huh i ,

the e terna l in the charac te r o f Go d the Father,

and In o r "em,in the charac t e r o f God the Son,

which twowere one .

Ge sen iusderives the name Ihuh,o r la t er Yhuh,

from the w t Huh,which roo t does not

H ebrew,bt i t doe s exis t in Egyp t ian .

Heh sign ies ever, everlas tingn ess,et ernal

, ad was one o f the ti tles

names of fo n ts . The names

Ptah, Ann -Ra, O s iris ,


thereon ; i t i s clearly mentioned several t imes in

the Egyp t ian R i tual . All the attributes hitherto

associated w i th Set of the South we re app rop riated

and given to Ho rus of the North, and this Cult

las ted at least three hundred thousand years .

This D eity as the God of I srae l was Jashal -E l ;the God of Jashar-Ieshurun or Baali ; and the

o ther forms of the name,E l -Eloun


(Phoeni c ian ) at first,then chang ing , with the

changing o f the S t el lar to the Solar Cult or

Eschatology of Egyp t . This g ives the answer to

the question .

The j ealousies o f the diff erent sec ts of Chris

tian ity have led to a disp lay o f bi tterness and

hatred which hav e b een the means o f ali enat ing

thousands who beli eve that ' brotherly love and

charity shou ld be the p rincip les o f Chri st ianity .

Yet al l these various denominations work under the

banne r o f Chri st ianity .


.The Church must ob l it erate

it s schisms,and if the B ro therhood of Freemasonry

help s i t to do so,then well indeed will it be . One

looks back w ith horror to the days not long p as sed

when men were burnt and to rtured to the honour

and glory of God under the name o f Christ ianity .

The Church must g et rid and free itself from its

despotism,i ts lack o f that great virtue



and it s badly-concealed hatred o f all who have

differed from its dogmas .

Until this has been really accomp lished it will


be quite vain to expec t churches to imitate the

examp les of our Lodges and be p enetrated

through and through with our grea t p rincip les .

Among st the Ancient World the p rincip les and

tenet s of our B ro therhood,the highes t p rincip les

of M o rality,Charity


,and Justic e

,were p rac

t ised by all,ov er three hundred thousand years

ago , and such p erfection was reached that our

o ld Bro thers would blush wi th shame to s ee us

at the p resent time .

1 7 1 7—19 1 7 !



IT i s a great p ity we have so few St k



ents in

Freemasonry who take an interes t in the real

histo ry of our B ro therhood ; and sti ll more to

be dep lo red that the re i s no encouragement for

tho se that do but if M asons would onl y search

and read the reco rds of the p ast they would never

have fa llen into the erro r and published the theory

that we were once op erative masons : and when

I read in '

The Freemason,July 2 2

,19 1 1 ,

“ The

celebration in 19 1 7 of the two -hundredth anni

versary of Sp eculat ive M asonry which succeeded

op erat ive ma sonry in 1 7 1 7 , i t p ained me to feel

that thi s want of knowledge throughout the

Universal M asonic Fraternity is one of the causes

why some have wandered from the Cradle of thei r

Home .

No doubt thi s idea was taken from Krause,who

has endeavoured to p rove that M asonry o rig i


Craft M asonry firs t in England or Sco tland .

The word Freemason i s met with in M S . as far

back ' as A .D . 1 37 6 . The o ldest Lodg e reco rd is

that of the Aitcheson Lodge,date 1 598 that is

one year older than N o . 1 Lodge of Edinburgh,IS99

The D ruids were fi rs t p ersecuted and driven

to. s ec ret meeting s in England, as may be seen

from Canute’

s e dic t but that is immaterial,and

I only mention it because the v tch p eop le

claim to be the oldest M asons . Ce \ainly some

of the carriers came to Sco t laifd,as is

p roved by research, but i t is questionable if they

brought over any fresh or newer developments

in the Egyp t ian E schato logy—this they, alreadyfound here . Bro . Gould

,to whom we are much

indebted fo r the beautiful work he has given to

the B rotherhood,dealing with the modern and

hi sto ric asp ect of Freemasonry from a later date,I beli eve differs somewhat in his views from min e


but I have no t the slightes t doub t, if he could read

the o ld dead and p rimary wri t ten languages, he

would modify hi s op inion .

I f M asonry has not its o rig in in the Sacred

M ysteries o f the Ancient Egyp t ians, how could

these rite s and ceremonies , s igns and symbols , have

found their way into it ! These sacred mysteries

we re the same amo ngst the Pri est s o f the Mayas

in Cent ral America and.

Peru in South Ame rica .


The passwo rds for the various deg rees are the

same, o r hav e the same meaning the signs and

symbo ls are the same ; and the R i tuals are

iden tica l ; which can be p roved by any B ro ther

who wil l take the trouble to learn to read the

old hieroglyphic languages . I shall be glad,for

the sake o f the B ro therhood generally,when the

intellectual aspe cts o f M asonry have advanced many

deg rees beyond what they are now but this will,

and can only,be done by p ersistent individual

labour and ep‘or t

,for the 'good


of the B ro ther

hood generally, with no reward excep t the grati

tude we shall rec eiv e from our children ’s children

whenour sp i rit has j o ined the Grand Lodge Above .



A Lecture delivered before the Essex Masters’

Lodge, No. 3256, at

the Great Eastern Hotel, London , B.C. , on the Ist April , 1912 .

FOR the last twenty years i t has been one of

my obj ec ts in life to g iv e B rothers information

and to assis t in advanc ing Freemasonry to that

po sit ion it occup ied at leas t three hundred thousan d

years ago—and towards which we are now fas t

app roaching . I t was difficult for me to choo se

which p articular subj ect would be most interes t ing

to you,and I took my 'key from your W .M .


letter saying that you did no t init iate,

” and

therefore p resumed you were students of Free

masonry .

R ecent history has been so ab ly deba ted an d

written upon by many other students of Free

masonry that they hav e p ractical ly exhausted the

subj ect . At thi s stage it i s as if the s tudents

stood on the edg e of the sea —let us say at Dover

some would s tand wondering what was on the



the t rue doct rines and secrets with them,some

one p art, some ano ther .

Al so there were the D ruids,the old H igh Pries ts

of Egyp t, the So lar Mythos p eop le, i .e . those who

reckoned time by the Sun ’ s revolutions,who were

initiated up to the p racti sing all their ri tes and

ceremoni es in France,in Centra l America

,and in

these islands/ un til the edict of Can ute scattered

them here, and fo rc ed them to meet in secret p laces—on the highest hill

,o r in the lowest vale


any other secret p lace, the better to guard agains t

cowans and enemi es . Also in America their altars

were thrown down,their B la z ing S tar was eclip sed .

All was given over to fi re and swo rd . The remains

o f thei r greatness s till exis t,to the ev erlast ing

shame of their destroyers . But if you look fo r

any regu la r w ritt en his tory o f the O rder, you wil l

not find it . There are no reco rds left to us

but you may take it that from that t ime the so

called Lodges in England and Scot land were

formed by a scat tered few,Who

,to avo id the

terrors Of the law,

and to keep their religious

rites and ceremonies pure and unsullied, as they

had receiv ed them from the p arent source—old

Egyp t—met in sec ret p laces and had reso rt to

p rivate meetings . This,therefo re

,was one o riginal

source . There were no reco rds left,in these

i slands,any more than there will b e after ano ther

twenty thousand years have passed, or less .


The Glacial Epoch oc‘

curs once in every

years,during p art of which p eriod the whole of the

Northern Hemisphere is frozen and covered with

ice and snow,down as far as the lat itude of the

south of France . This great C ity of London and

others wi ll be ground to p ieces and buried under

neath the Great Ice Sheet ; everything w ill be

destroyed,as i t has been many times onl y


will b e t e-discovered by our future B rothers when

they come No rth again,and who shall say how

much o r how little evidence wil l they then find

of our p resent insti tutions and teachings !

As regards the R oman Co llege of Art ificers ,

Krause,in his wo rk

,endeavoured to p rove that

M asonry originated in the assoc iations of op erative

M asons . These assoc iations may have sp rung from

the building co rporat ions of the Romans . The

init iates of the Architectural Colleges of the

Roman s did no t,however

,cal l themselves

B rothers they were s tyled Collega or

Incorporatus The Co ll eges held Lodges

wherever they establi shed themselves,had signs



,and p asswords, whi ch they had

learned and received from the Chaldean magicians,who flocked to Rome at the beginning of the

Chri st ian era . These Chaldean p ries t s, neverthe

less,were O f inferio r order

,who were ini tiated

into p art o f the lesser mysteries of the Egyp tians

only,so that at best these could onl y

,be ca rriers ,



or a connecting link in the M iddl e Ages'

w i th the

M ysteries of the Ancients .

The wo rking or op erat ive M asons —andthere are sti ll many of these in existence—whouse some of the p rimary signs and symbo ls o f

which we,as so -called Sp eculat ive M asons,

” have

substi tuted the modern forms,have a tradit ion that

they came from the Turanians . Well,that i s quite

right and true . Some Of the signs and symbo ls

which they use are of a different form from ours,

but the esoteric rep resentation of each is the same-as

,fo r in s tance

,the Swastika (Tau and Cross ) ,

the meaning and exp lanation of which are all

ident ical . These are innovations obtained from

the Solar Cult peop le, and sp eaking tru ly did not

belong originally to the op erat ive . But they also

say that the Egyp tians came from the Turanians—which i s .quite wrong . These Chaldean mag icians

were Turanians,O ld S tellar M ytho s p eop le, who

originally came out of or left Egyp t at the end of

thei r To temic Socio logy ; remnants of them are

stil l found in various p arts Of the wo rld, which

they sp read over, excep t Australia, Tasmania,Oceania

,and extreme p arts o f South America .

You will find po sit ive p roof o f Egyp t being the

home o f man,

” from which all have taken their

origin,in my “ Orig in and Evo lut ion of Primi t ive

Man .

By S tellar M ytho s p eop le I mean thos e who first


S tell ar-Astro -M ythology,whils t the H igher D e

grees are Eschato logical and date back to the

commencement Of the So lar Cult only

Then as far as our Sacred Vo lume is concerned,

you must remember that not until Luther’s t ime

did we have,sp eaking generall y, any of these

exoteric writ ing s to study, excep t a few extracts

given out by the Roman p riests, and even then

the esoteric rep resentations were no t known, and

i t i s only during the last few hundred years that

we have kep t wri tten records o f anything .

One might say that fo r five thousand years there

was no literature left us that we could read and

p rop erly understand . The Greeks,who have b een

much over-estimated,never unders tood the Escha

tology, and, in thei r ignorance, p erverted all that

had been to ld them ; and so i t was not unti l a

few years ago that the discovery was made which

gave u s the key to read the writings and to find

the true histo ry Of the p as t . The finding of various

Papyri with sacred writ ings, which we can now

read, p roves what all our forms and ceremonies

meant,and from whence they came .

Here wri t ten on Pap yri, on stones , and even on

the Great Pyramid it self,i s our R i tual

,with all

p asswo rds, signs and symbols , and the meaning

of the same,and I

,having discovered the key '


read the Central American Glyphs, which I have

now given to the rest of the world,found that


these writ ings and their Eschato logy were cop ies

of the Egyp tian orig inals .

Freemasonry,taken as a whole

,i . e . in all i ts

degrees from fi rs t to thirty-third, is the R i tual Of

Anc i ent Egyp t, or their E schatology, i . e . the

doctrine of final thing s, p erformed dramatically

and symbolically,the more to imp ress it upo n

the initiates .

There are writ ten reco rds left in this old

language,which I have read

,and brought forward

in my books, p roving that this doc trine was extant

and p erfect , at least a s long as three hundred

thou sand years ago . I t teaches you the life you

should lead here on earth to g ain everlasting hap

piness . I t portrays all the dangers and difficulties

the Co rpus has to p ass through in this life, and

the M anes in the next,to gain that glo rious here

after we are all striving to Obtain .

Our p resent R i tual, Lodges , Passwo rds, etc .,are

not all identically the same as of o ld ; we have

reconstructed at various times the secrets and parts

of the R i tual as we have found them,and therefore

there are necessarily innovations from the fi rst to

the thirty-third . Our -M .M . Lodg e i s not co rrect

in detai l,but our R .A . Chap ter is pe rfectly

correct, and i s a t rue copy of the Ancient Lodges,

or Temp les, of which we find the remnants,dat ing

three hundred thousand years back,i . e . as nearly

as po ssible considering time and evolut ion . The


1 8° Lodge i s another that is nearly p erfect, and

was part of, or an attachment to, the fi rs t Temp le

on Lodge,their Temp les consis ting of three

different rooms,

or buildings,

at tached to one

another and connected by doo rs and passages .

The three cubes,each one surmounting the o ther,

formed One central p edestal, on top of which rested

a ci rcle of gold and a triang le—ar the corners o f

this triangle were “the names,in symbols

,of the

three names on the treb le cube— namely, Horus,Set

,and Shu

,the fi rst and Primary Trinity


the three Grand O riginals . Horus was typ ified

and po rtrayed as the God of the N o rth,Set as

God of the South,and Shu as God of the Equinox .

The triangle was sacred on account of i ts rep pe

senting Heaven . The Primary Triangle o riginally

rep resented Set, but when Ho rus took the p lace an d

attributes of Set,he became God of the Celes tial

North . Their two symbo ls were afterwards b lended

as Fig . 23 . This fo rm was some t imes doubled, as

Fig . 20,and was then the mo s t sacred s ign amongs t

the o ld Bro therhood ; an ideog raph

rep resented their Khui Land,

” or

The Land of the Sp iri ts, and we

find i t portrayed as such all ov er the

world, where the Old B rothers had lived . This

was,in Primary form

,surrounded by four serp ents

or Uraei,as guardians of the same (Fig .

later i t was three Triangles,doubled as above


FIG. 20.


two divi sions,North and South

,which was the

p rimary heaven, being afterwards ag ain divided

into East and West,giving us the four quart ers .

I do no t k now the pa sswo rd for the Grand

Masters in England, but I do know the o riginal

sacred p assword o f O ld Egyp t’s H ighest Pries ts .

Thi s word,which is giv en with and accomp anies the

above symbol,must onl y -be communicated to , o r

spo ken between, two Grand M asters,and never

g iv en to any one below that rank ; and I shal l

be p leased to res tore the genuine sign, symbol,and p asswords to any two Grand Masters if they so

desi re .

You will ob serve thes e are the two Triangles of

Set and Horus .

The upp er one,or North

,i s an ideograph for

Horus .

The lower one,or South , that for Set .

The Heavens were firs t divided into two

div i sions,North and South

,at the time of their

To t emic Sociology—before the S tellar Cult—at the

very earliest t ime o f their Astro -Mytho logy .

The o ld Egyp tians’ custom was this : As they

mapp ed out the H eavens Celes tially, so they de

p icted the same Terrestrially in old Egyp t . The

North and South Po le S tars po rtrayed in the

earliest form was by two Poles or two Columns,

and thi s was an earlier phase than by the triangle .

Amongst , the Totemic p eop le of the p resent day i t


i s s till used in their sacred ceremonies . One po le

o r column i s p laced No rth, and is called

Nurtunga, the other i s p lac ed South,and its

name i s Warringa . As evolut ion took p lace and

Temp les were built, these two co lumns were

brought on and p laced at the entrance of all their

Temp les, in whatever land they erected a Temp le .

Their names all through the S tellar and So lar

M ythos were Ho rus and Set,and rep res ented

symbo l ical ly the God of the N orth and the God

of the South . You wil l find p roo f o f thi s in

several chap ters of the R i tual .

As evo lution still p rog ressed and when they had

p erfected their E schato logy, the two co lumns still

continued to be p laced at the entrance o f their

Temp les, only their names were chang ed to Tatt

and Tat tu,and all Temp les throughout the wo rld

had these down to the time o f the comm encement

of the Chri st ian cult . As you know,at the

entrance Of our Temp les we hav e the two co lumns

J and B are the names we use, but remember the

O ldest names were Nurtunga and Warringa,and

that the later names, Tatt, which, in Egyp t ian,means “ I n streng th, and Tattu,

which means,in

Egyp t ian, To establish, denoting in Eg yp t ian

the p lace o f establishing fo r ever, were those from

which we cop ied them . So we learn how they

brought on and made use of the earlies t originals,

and these have been handed down an d made use


o f from generation to g eneration to the p resent

time ; the names changing, but no t the eso teric

symbolism .

The o riginals on the top of the two columns

( see Fig . 1 5) were four lines, or cro ss s t icks , i .e .

heaven and earth,as a square

,rep resented at the

p resent day by the celes tial and terrestrial globes .

The Egyp tians at this p er iod, no t understanding

p ersp ective, could only draw on the - flat,and so

had to rep resent the ideas and beliefs as shown .

Later,they knew that the Earth was no t square


nor yet flat,but it s true form .

The B ro thers were not ca lled Freemasons then,

but the op eratives were called Craftsmen and Com

p anions, as witnessed in R itual, Ch . lxxx . The

term Comp anion dates back as far as Totemic

Sociolo gy,ov er three hundred thousand years ago .

The Priests of these were the fi rst o riginals '


our B rotherhood . The Comp anions in Egypt were

a sp ecial and p riv ileged body of Bro thers who

occup ied the seventeenth nome of Uppe r Egyp t,and these—and these alone— had certain sp ecial

duties to p erfo rm connected with the Temp les . The

Chief of the Nome was the Head or High Pries t,and he was the fi rs t o riginal of our Grand M aster .

The Egyp t ian title was U ra-herp -Kem ; later a

higher degree was fo rmed,when his title was

The M o st I llustrious,which mean s M aster of

M asters (R i tual, Ch . I no te for your atten


it the esoteric rendering . The sam e tale of the

Son of God coming on earth,being crucified


rising again is at least a million years o ld, and

all the diff erent cult s are one and the same

rendered esoterically . The dates of the V .S .L

are wrong, but the tale i s t rue .

I f you wi sh to make p rogress as s tudents o f

Freemaso nry you cannot ignore the his to ry of the

evolution of the human race . I t i s only by'


ing thi s that you can gain that l ight which some,I know

,are striving to obtain . I f you ignore

the hi sto ry of the p as t you will .s t il l remain at the

seashore at Dover looking across the water, but

you wi ll find o ther B rothers,in o ther count ri es ,

racing acro ss in steam- launches, o r monop lan es, to

be the fi rst to unite the broken e nds of that cable

tow which p arted at the downf al l of the o ld

Egyp tian Emp ire . These ends are in your hands,

and in studying Freemasonry you must also study

the origin and evolution of the human race . The

one i s blended and evolved with the other, and

except you take the two together you w il l never

obtain the true gno sis .

There are many Freemaso ns who will scorn

these words,but they will do so from ignorance .

I n fifty years ’ t ime these t ruths will be acknow

ledged as facts,because some o f you will



tinue your studies, and will learn to read the

hi sto ry of the past as I have, and it is only, by


doing so that you can arrive at the Truth, the

Way,and the Light .

To those who are interested le t me refer them

to S igns and Symbols of Primordial M an and“ The Origin and Evo lut ion of Primit ive Man


two works I have wri tten for my B ro ther M asons

throughout the wo rld,as well as many o ther

artic les in M asonic j ournal s, which wi ll give you

more in formation on thi s subj ec t,and guide you

into the true road of knowledge . I have wri t ten

them not for myself,but for B ro thers throughout

the world,so that


they may learn to know .What

Freemasonry is—the o rigin,the t ruth

,the real

meaning of i t . I t will elevate you then,for each

St ep which brings us back to our o riginal is a

step o f evo lution towards the natural laws which

the D ivine Creato r has made . And so long as

we are t rue to our tenet s and doctrines,believing

in the immutable laws of T .G .G . o f the U .,and

ever acknowledge H im as the D ivine Creator

of all things,so long shall we continue to flourish .

We shall no t have our al tars thrown down agai n

and be scattered over the face of the earth,as

the Egyp tian s were on accoun t of their fall ing

away from the true doct rines,as the records of the

p ast p rove .

Evo lution wi ll not cease if one country degene

rates and falls away,ano ther country will arise

and go forward as a higher typ e . And so wi th


our Brotherhood,which i s now app roaching a

higher typ e of evo lution rap idly, and will continue

to p rogress in a purer fo rm . A higher, nobler,and mo re exalted concep tion will take the p lace

of Freemasonry that was her-e fifty years ago . I f

thi s country is broken up , and degeneration ensues,or i s absorbed into ano ther nation

,as o thers have

been befo re it,our Brotherhood will no t fall with

it . I t will be as it was once before— the Universal

religion and B ro therhood o f the wo rld . Therefore

ever continue to seek after until you find the true

knowledge of the past , that will give you know

ledge fo r the future,and enable you to exemp li fy,

by your every action,wo rd

,- and thought

,the mo st

exalted tenet s of our B ro therhood,and by so doing


and relying on the p romises of the M ost H igh,

the one D ivine Creator of all things,we shall meet

again in that Grand Lodge above,where the reward

is Everlasting Life and Happ iness .


p rivileged few who po sses s the originals i n their

t ru e forms .

The fi rst question,then

,is : What is Free

masonry !

and . From whence did we der1v e our S igns,

Symbo ls,and R i tuals !

3rd . What was the original meaning of our

p resent interp retation and subst ituted

diff erence !

Freemasonry in all i ts degrees,from the fi rst to

the thirty- third,i s the o ld Eschato logy of the

Egyp t ians —o r the doctrine of final thing s . We

are divided at the p resent time into two classes—I might say three

,i f I inc lude the Op erative

B rothers . One class comp rises the M aster M ason,M ark M ason

,and wo rking the seven

degrees of the o ld S tellar M ytho s p eop le, called

the Lesser M ysteries—the seven mysteries workedout during the time they p erfec ted their Astro

M ythology .

The second class,known as the higher degrees


under the Sup reme Counci l, have part o f,and

work part o f,the ten degrees of the Solar

Mythos p eop le—namely, the ten Greater M ysteries .

To -day I am not entering upon any exp lanation

of the latter ; they are no t wi thin the juris

diction o f this Lodg e, and would p robably only

be of interest to some few o f you . They are only


an evo lution of the former—i .e . as man advanced

up the scale to a higher type , anatomically and

physiologically, so his mental concep t ion evolved

a higher ideal of those sublime tenets which we

are taught,and should p ractise .

Many students of Freemasonry at the p resent

day have no doubt that all our S igns,Symbols ,

and R i tuals have been handed down to us from

generation to g eneration from the remo test past,but from whence they o riginated

,and how it i s

that we are the greatest B ro therhood in the whole

world— ever increasing in force,s trength


numbers,knit together in one bond— i s a quest ion

that students ponder, and to which many are

st riving to obtain an Ins ight . The casual B ro ther

do es not t rouble his head about these things the

majo rity look upo n Freemasonry merely as a so rt

of Bro therhood for social intercourse and charity

U p to a c ertain point their views are co rrect our

gathering s at the Lodges, and the social funct ions

that fo llow after,tend to Increase a fraternal feel

ing and goodfellowship one to the other . This is

rightly so,and i t is strengthened by the beautiful

tenet s and rituals which are taught and have been

witnessed many time s . As a charity it i s certainly

the greatest in the world,and we Freemasons are

justly p roud that i t is , because each one gives

acco rding to his means,knowing that his g ift is

gratefully received and faithfully app l ied to the10


good causes which come within the length of

our C .T .

But there i s a higher v iew . Freemasonry means

much mo re than thi s . I n Freemasonry we have

many mysteries,handed down to us from remo te

ages, o f a glo rious past, a knowledg e of which

many are striving to obtain . This knowledge can

be Ob tained only in one way,and that i s by

mastering the old e tIng s of the Egyp t ians and

glyp hs o f the S tellar M ythos peop le, or a t ransla

t ion to obtain info rmation of the evo lut ion of man

in all i t s phases, and to learn the history of the

p ast, because by that,and that alone

,can the

orig in and meaning of all that is attached to the

term Brotherhood of Freemasonry be found .

But you must learn these ; and not from

ignorance, from the wan t of th is knowledg e, draw

conclusions,make guesses , and theories



of what

these ideographs, signs, and symbols are, as many

writers on Freemasonry in the past and p resent

have done—fo r instance,Bro . Armitag e considers

that the symbo ls found in ancient building s were

used by the building traders only ; in o ther

wo rds,by the Op erative M asons . That is quite

wrong,and thi s theory could only have arisen in

the minds o f tho se unable to read S ign Languag e .

Bro . Gould has fallen into the same error

The M exican and Central American Glyphs

and the Egyp tian ideographic S igns and Symbols


kep t the secrets, and have ever done so , and I

doubt v ery much if any M asons at the p resent

day could erect such buildings as tho se old

Turanians did .

Thi s,I t rust

,will exp lain the differences between

the Ope rative and Sp eculative M asons,and

although man y writers have mix-ed these up , the

old Theop-neustics of Egyp t nev er did . There

could be no such mixture there—they knew— the

o rigin o f the two being as I have s tated . The

p roof of thi s can be found in the R i tual .

Our B ro therhood i s the outcome of the evo lut ion

o f relig ious ideas from the time of p rimitive man,who fi rst adop ted a sacred sign and symbo l, p ro

pitiated the elementary powers, and believed in-


Great Sp irit, up to the p eriod of the final working

out and p erfec ting o f the Eschato logy (or doctrine

o f final things ) o f the Ancient Egyp t ians at their

zenith of power . Obv iously,however

,much o f the

o riginal must hav e b een los t . We have subst i

tut ed our p resent innovations for tha t which we

have lo st— fo r instance, the genuine secret s of a

M .M .

,which were the secrets o f the underwo rld

in the S tellar M ytho s,and o f Amenta in the So lar

Cult . The one,howev er

,was only an evolution

of the o ther .

The reason that we travel from East to West in

search of that which is lost is that when O siri s

lo st his life by the machinations of Sut,like all


Manes he t ravelled from Eas t to West to enter

Amenta,and in the S tellar Cult travelled in the

underworld .

Then in Amenta,after passing through diffi

culties, dangers, and darkness in the Tuat , his

M anes was regenerated o r raised again as Amsu

Horus , or Ho ru s in Sp irit , and he came forth from

Amenta after entering the West to the Glorious

Mount of the East again as a raised M anes or

Glorified Sp irit, and although thi s was So lar

Cult,Ancient records p rov e that i t was b rought

on from the S tellar . I t i s identical with the


of Ho ru s I . and his ris ing again as Amsu

in sp i rit form .

Thi s was the origin of that p art of the R i tual,for which we have subst ituted the name of H .A

who was not killed,but lived to a very o ld age .

Proofs of this may be found in the V S L .


Josephus, and others . ( 2 Chron . iv . 1 1 And

Hiram finished the wo rk that he was to make for'King So lomon for the house of God Jos ephus

He lived at Tyre long afterwards .

I sis and N ephthys tried fi rst to raise him,but i t

proved a failure ; then Anubis raised him,as at

present carried out . I t was no t the body Corpus

that was raised,but the Sp iritual body, o r Sahu


that was raised up out o f the dead matter Corpus .

He returned to the East with all the secrets o f

Amenta . That i s the true and o riginal answer to


the question o f What is that which was lost !

The secrets of Amen ta,or the underworld,


the g enuine secrets of a M .M .

The g enuine password fo r a M aster o f the Lodge

in Egyp t i s M aat Heru,

one whose vo ice must

be obeyed . Here i t was,in Amenta

,that the Ta t t

C ro ss was thrown down here i t was that the veil

of the Temp le was rent asunder, and the Cubic

S tone poured fo rth blood and water, and all was

rebo rn . Here he was shown all the'

signs , given

and taught tho se passwo rds , o r - word s o f power

and might that kep t ev il‘

and powers of darkness

away,and enabled him to pa ss through the under

wo rld and b e raised to the glorious resurrection in

Sp i ri t fo rm . The Egyp t ian relig ion, which was

universal throughout the wo rld at one t ime,was

founded on the rai sing again of the human soul

emerging aliv e from the body of dead matter .

The Co rpus could no t,and never did

,come back


or make it s app earance again in any form,but

the sp i ri t that aro se from this was seen by Seers .

R eligion p rop er commences with, and must

include,the idea or desire for ano ther l ife . This

beli ef in another life i s founded on the resurrec

t ion of the Sp i rit . The belief in the resurrec tion

of the Sp i rit was founded upon the faculties

o f abnormal Seership .

So we have that beautiful ceremony in the M .M .

d-egrree symbo lical o f this part of the Egyp t ian


in the belief o f the One Great Sp irit, creato r of

all things . Founded on the ris ing again of the

Sp i ri t from the dead co rpus . Founded on the

tenet s that are tho s e of the R i tual of old Egyp t .

At the downfall of the old E gyp tian Emp i re

the Priests o f old Egyp t were scattered ov er the

face of the earth and water,some retaining one

p art o f the R i tual,some ano ther p art ; and so

many look up on them as various and different

c reeds,yet if you s tudy these and find the o rigin of

all, you will only arriv e in the end at one source

—o ld Egypt . That names and some fo rms and

ceremonies have changed matters no thing it does

no t alter the o riginal . That i s the reason that we

hav e B ro thers of all creeds and denominations

meeting tog ether in one inso luble bond,and, in

my Op inion, it i s one of the immutable laws o f

the Divine Creator that we shall,in some not far

distant time,be all united again under one banner

as of old . Whatev er that name may be is im

material, but i t will b e Freemasonry,which

po ssesses the truer fo rm of the old R i tual than

any other Cult .


This Symbo l (Fig .

2 4 ) was the o rig inal sacred

sign used amongst p rimit ive man ( see Fig . 2 the

Pygmi es, the o riginal homo,who were develop ed in

Africa from an Anthropo id Ape . I have been


amongst these litt le p eop le, and with! them it means

The Great One,

” “ The Chief . I t i s jus t three

sticks c rossed,as you see . Now ,

let us trace the

development o f this to our p resent day, not as a

theo ry, but as a fact— for the evidence and p roofs

are st ill extant . I n fo llowing the evo lu tion and

history o f the human race I find that two developments have been evo lved ou t o f this o rig inal sign,yet the meaning of the symbolism is the same in

each .

First,among st some of the N ilo tic Negroes who

FIG . 24 . FIG. 25. FIG . 26 .

fo llowed the Pygmy all over the wo rld and were a

higher-develop ed typ e o f man (See Orig in and

Evo lution of Primitive M an . They converted

Fig . 2 5 into a double cross, Fig . 26,by p lacing.

the two sticks in a different way,and it i s used

amongst these peop le as one of thei r mo st sacred

signs in thei r Totemic Ceremonies, and has been

adop ted by tho se who fo llowed down to our p resent

Chri st ian and o ther Cults as one of their sac red

signs,and is used by B ro thers o f the higher

degrees . The symbolism and meaning are identical

all through . Amongst the S tellar M ythos p eop le


( tho se who fi rs t reckoned time and kep t their

reco rd by observation of the p recession of the

seven Po le S tars ) i t was used In the p rimary fo rm,and i s an Eg yp t ian ideograph fo r Amsu —i . e . i t is

the first name g iven to the ris en Ho rus , or, as

Chri stians would say,the risen Chris t . I n a later

phase, in the fo rm of a double-headed Hammer

o r Axe, i t was a symbo l of the Great One, the

Great Prince .

When p rimit ive man began to learn mo re it

b ecame o f great impo rt, and amongst some t ribes

a special hut was built fo r i t . The Pries t and

Great Chief were the only p eop le allowed to see

it . This is s till extant at the p resent t ime amongst

the N ilo tic N egro es in -Africa . I n the S tellar

M ytho s i t was also a symbo l rep resenting Horus—The Great Chief of the Hammer was one of

hi s names The Cleav er o f the Way ; the God

o f the Double Power,or Double Equinox— and

it was brought on in the Solar Cult in the same

way,when they recorded time by the sun ’s revo

lution . The Great God Ptah was no t only the

but was a lso called The Great Chief

of the Hammer . (See R i tual . )The p roofs of this are found in the old Temp l es

o f Egyp t , in the R i tual of Ancient Egyp t, in

Central and South America,Asia


,as Evans

found,at Knossos

,where in the centre o f the

Temp le were discovered three cubes , one surmount


Egyp t, and the Temp les were built firs t as a c ircle,then

in the form of a double square,and at fi rs t

were not covered in,as far as we know simp ly

surrounded by walls made o f s tone with a Watcher

and Herald, both armed wi th a knife,at the

entrance . The ancient Egyp tians, when workingout their Astro-Mythology

,fi rs t divided the Heavens

into No rth and South—dep icted by the two

Co lumns J . and B .

,and sometimes by two circles

(Fig . then as a Triangle,next as

a Square,and final ly as a C ircle and

as they po rtrayed Heaven in these

forms,so in each case was the earth

symbo li z ed—it was always a double

earth—i . e . the'

Earth and the Earth of

Eterni ty . The fi rst thing s they no ticed

at the Equinox were the Pole S tars ,FIG . 27 .

tho s e s tars Wt h never set .

Primit ive man was evo lv ed somewhere around

the Great Lakes,the source of the N ile in Africa ,

and as he advanced in knowledge and worked out

his Astro -Mytho logy,he never fo rgot the t radit ion

o f his home,which must have b een handed down

verbally from generation to g eneration . I t was

looked upon as the highest land or summit of the

earth,which they called T a-Nu ter

,o r Holy Land

—the Land of Sp irit s, o r Khui Land,because it

was from here that the two Po le S tars,which

never set,could be seen resting on the horizon .


Thi s was the summit o f the Eart hly Mount . The

Two Eyes,s ide by side

,was one mode of exp ress

ing this ideographically . The Pole S tar,o r The


,became a typ e of the Eternal, be

cause,apparently, i t never changed with: t ime . I t

was the earlies t ideographic type of sup reme in te lli

gence which gave the law in heaven,which was

all - seeing, unerring, j us t, and true . I t was the

centre o f the Circumpo lar Paradi se, and it became

a standpoint in the heavens fo r the mind of man

FIG . 28 .

to rest on at the centre,and radiate to the circum

ference : that p oint within a circle from which

you could not err . But it was not here that you

could find the secrets of a M .M . That is where

we have g one wrong and made a bad innovation in

our Ritual by not understanding the true gnosis .

One must know all the secrets of a M .M . before

arriving here,and it was in Amen ta they learnt

these,not in the Celes tial Paradise at the N or th .

That i s where the will receive you

after you have travelled through the difficulties,


dangers, and valley o f death,when the Soul has

been weighed by Ap-Senn i and you are found

wo rthy to receive the p assword of the doo r leading

to eternal life (Fig .

These were then rep-resented by two po les, No rth

and South (the o rig in o f our Co lumns J . and

From these two Eyes there was therefo re a

s traight line“

from No rth S tar to South (Fig .

which was divided into two equal divis ions by

FIG . 29 . FIG . 30 . FIG . 31 .

Shu at the Equinox,as in Fig . 30,

Shu thus givingthe two Triangles o f Sut and Horus

,and then

the four quarters,o r Square

,was fi lled in and

formed later (Fig .

Heaven being now divided into four quarters,o r

a Square,and the Earth being the same

,i t became

a double square,and all Temp les throughout al l

the wo rld were built in thi s fo rm as a rep res enta

tion o f the Symbo li sms o f Earth and Heaven,

wi th the Pedestal o f the Primary Trinity in the

Centre (Fig . Th i s was the universal p lan

all through the S tellar and Lunar M ythos .


North and South,and so you have the Crown


the North and the Crown o f the South . I n

all Temp les you find these were bui lt in this form,

the original being the Hou se of Earth as a square,

and the House of Eterni ty a s a square,in the

S tellar M ytho s,surmounted by

.a Triang le . This

again was rep resented in the formation o f Amenta

as a double square,the result being that as all

Temp les were built on this p lan it did not chang e

it s form when the Cults changed ; for in the

seven Lesser M ysteries and the ten Greater

M ysteries you have this form of all Temp les, and

your Lodge i s on the same p lan, but the or ien tation

was chang ed .

I t i s the o rig in o f the form of our Lodge ; i t

i s the o r igin o f the form of all Temp les , through

all t ime,only during the St ellar Mytho s the orienta

tion for the first fifty- two thousand years was

South,then for three hundred thousand years at

least it was North,and after that in the So lar

Cult and up to the p resent day it nhas been East .

We do no t have the Cubes in our Lodg es, although

the R .A .C . do es,and this is the correct fo rm .


,on which is p laced

the Warrant,Book of Constitut ions

,Wo rking

Tools,etc .

,and around it are stationed the three

Lesser Lights,which rep resent the Egyp t ian

Primary Trinity . Thus the I rish Lodges retain


the true fo rm,

and,mo reover

,the I ri sh I . has

an address given to him po inting ou t what Free

masonry i s,etc .

,j us t as the o ld p riest s o f Egyp t

gave their I . I use the term square and double

square because I do no t like the American term,

nor do I think it co rrect . I p refer to use the term

square as the o ld Egyp tians did, as this was

the p rimary, and in my op inion I don’ t thin k we

can imp rov e upon their ideas Although Amenta

might by some be termed a cube,i t was not

the idea of the Egyp t ians . This

is p rov ed by the rep resentat ive

ideograp hs of the Up p er and Lower

Earth in the R itual,V iz . two ideo

graphs for two skies (one reversed )i . e . a sky for each (Fig . whiéh

p roves that i t was the same square

as in the fo rmer Cult .

Freemasonry is an Eschato logy , taught origin

ally in S igns and Symbo ls,these o rIgInatIng. In

the mind of man from obj ective forms,and being

subj ectiv e rep resentations o f sublime tenets which

at thi s early p er iod he had no wo rds to exp ress

o therwise, and which afterwards became the secret

and sacred wri t ing s and languag e of the Priests

S igns p receded wo rds and words p receded wri tings .

These teach you the highes t ideals and concep

t ions that the human intellec t has ever evolved,

bo th morally and eschato logically, and how you


FIG . 34 .


North ad South , and so you have the C rown

of the Iorth and the C rown o f the South . I n

all Temte s you find thes e we re bui lt in th is form,

the originl being the House o f Earth a s a square,and theHouse o f Eterni ty a s a squa re , in the

S tella r Dytho s , surmounted by a Triangle . This

again we rep resented in the fo rma t ion of Amenta

a s a doble squa re , the result be ing tha t as all

Temp leswere bu il t on thi s p lan it d id not change

it s fo rm when the Cul ts chang ed ; fo r in the

seven Ls ser Myste ri es and the t en G reate r

M ys terie you have this fo rm of al l Temp les , and

your Log e i s on the same p lan ,but the orien tation

was chaged .

I t i s re o rig in o f the form of ou r Lodge ; i t

i s the o g in of the form of all Temp les , through

all t ime,»nly during the S t e llar My tho s the o rienta

t ion fo r the fi rst fifty-two thousand years was

South,ten fo r three hundred thousand years at

least i t vas No rth,and a ft er that in the Solar

Cult ancup to the p resent day i t has been Eas t .

We do at have the Cubes i n our Lodge

the R FC . doe s,and this is


o r THELODGE a s an Al ta r,

the Wm nt , Book of

Too ls,ea ,

and around it

Lesse r Lights,


P rimary Trin i ty .


should live in this world to gain that ev erlasting

life and happ iness p romised to us in that sp ir itual

fo rm which all must assume at no great distance

of t ime .

We are all striving to obtain a knowledge of

a something which we feel there is,there must

be,but many canno t yet understand what it is


how to ob tain it . There i s that writ ten on s tone

and on p apyri (which has be en p rese rved through

hundreds of thousands of years ) showing what we

should do in this wo rld to g ain that everlas ting

life and happ iness in the next , giv en by the D ivine

Creato r to our fo refathers,and the t enets of which,

to a great extent,have been p reserved to us

Freemasons direc t from the o riginal .


A Lecture delivered before the M id Ken t Masters’

Lodge, No. 3173,

at Cha tham, on the 1sth March,1913.

THERE are very few students among s t our

Bro therhood ; and even amongst tho se few

scarcely one who can g o beyond the M odern

Asp ect o f Freemasonry ; I hav e chosen,there

fo re,to discuss the Ancient O rigin o f Free


no t the M odern Asp ec t, which covers

a p eriod o f a few hundreds of years only . B ro s .


,Armitag e, Ho rsley , Lawrence,

and many o ther able writers and sp eakers have

studied the latter . We hav e no written his to ry

o f the Craft p rio r to that tim e,only tradit ions .

Yet Freemaso nry has existed for at least s ix

hundred thousand years,but no t under the name

of Freemasonry . That‘

term did no t then exis t .

The farthest date back in which we find that wo rd

i s 137 6 . But the word or term “ Craftsman

was in exis tence mo re than six hundred thousand

years ago ,as were some of our S igns, Symbols ,



and R ituals . Freemasonry was then the religion

of the wo rld it existed not in this country only,

but throughout Africa, Europ e, Asia, America , and

many i slands in the Pac ific .

You may ask, How do I know this ! I t is

b ecause I have been enabled to read the writings

on the wall st ill exis t ing in the o ld ruined c it ies ,and o n various pap yri that hav e been

" found in

different p art s of the wo rld . M o reover,I dis

covered that these‘

p eop le were all of one Cult or

B ro therhood,analogous in every particular to our

own B ro therhood,and my knowledge of geo logy

has assisted me in arriving at these conclusions as

regards the vast ages of t ime . I t i s only by going

back to the p rimary and tracing the human race

from the beginning,the signs and symbols then

fo rmed as s ign language in substitution for the

articulate sounds,which at that t ime did

“ not

exi st such as we have now,and following the

hi story of the ris e and fall ” of all g reat nations ,and the causes fo r the same

,that the secrets of

the pa st can be unravelled .

Hav ing done this,after c ritically examining all

exist ing evidence,

one conclus ion only can he

arriv ed at,

and i t i s that our Brotherhood

originated with the o ld M ystery Teachers,or High

Priests,in O ld Egyp t , whence various exodes

sp read throughout the world , carrying with them

all the R i tuals,S igns , and Symbo l s of the B ro ther


S igns and Symbo ls . M any conclusions arriv ed at

were founded on the observation of the elemental

powers and observation of natural phenomena . I f

you will bear thi s in mind, you will be able to

understand better the reason for the o rig in of our

S igns and Symbo ls,and why these hav e continued

to be associated and rep resented in ev ery religious

cult with very l itt le o r no alteration from the

o riginal . M any of our S igns and Symbo ls were

brought on p rio r to the S tellar Cult ; but it was

during thi s p eriod that the Great Pyramids , as

well as the Temp les , were built , which are found

nearly all ov er the wo rld . The o ld B ro therhood

was one and the same in fo rms, rites, and cere

monies,with the same S igns and Symbo ls in Africa


Asia,Europ e, America, and some of the Pacific

i sles .

The S tellar Cult p eop le’ s Temp les and bui ldings

can always be identified,because they were icono

graphic , whereas the So lar p eop le’s were not they

both built with po lygonal - shap ed stones and

mono l iths . Therefore you can always dist inguish

definitely the ag es o f these Temp les and who buil t

them,and the reason was that in the S tellar Cult

p re-human typ e s were used, i . e . Zoo typ es , to

rep resent the Great Architect of the Universe and

Hi s at tributes ; whereas in the So lar the human

typ es had taken the p lace o f these . Their Temp les

were o f the same form and shap e as ours,excep t


that they had the Pedestal, which the

have,and which in the o ld Temp le s was always

situated in the centre . These two different degrees,

as we have made them,were then only one , as

can be seen at the Temp les of Knossos and those

in Central America .

The doo r of the Temp le was an equilateral

triangle,and therefore a Symbo l of Heaven

(Fig . The Square was a Symbol of Earth'


the who le entrance symbolized pass ing of

the Soul from earth to heaven .

The two Pillars at the porchway en

trance o f every Temp le are spe cially im

po rtant in ancient symboli sm . Originally

these o ld Mystery Teachers div ided the

heavens into two divisions,North and South,

which was rep resented by the Po le, o r Pillar

o f Set,in the South—E l Shaddai of the

Phoenicians ; and the Po le, o r Pillar of Horu s,in the No rth

,termed the Sustainers o f the

Heavens . Sometimes two Eyes were portrayed

as the two Po les,o r


,two Pole S tars . These

were the rep resentat ive,

symbo ls o f the two gods

o f the Pole S tars,No rth and South

, called also

the Two Judges . The I deog raphs o f them were

Two Jackals,and were later called in Egyp t ian the

two Tatt Pillars,one meaning I n S treng th and

the o ther To establish and combined Tattu,

which in Egyp t ian al so means The p lace o f estab

FIG . 35.


lishing fo r ever . The four lines at the top

rep resent the Celes tial and Terrest rial Worlds .

The next division was symbolized by the divis ion

of heaven in two c ircles,N orth and South . (These

we find in many p laces in Co rnwall and Sco t land,and throughout the world . ) This was the fi rst and

o ldest form of the Temp le in the wo rld, a circle of

twelve stone s“

. After this,the next phase of heaven

was dep icted by two Triang les ; N o . I,Fig . 36,

was the Ideographic name and symbol for Set, an d

No . 2,Fig . 36, was the I deographi c name

and symbol of Horus . At a later epoch

these two Triangles were jo ined ( see

Fig . 8 ) as a rep resentative symbol for

heaven,or the Land of the Sp irits or

Gods,and when Horus became Primary

God of the Northl and sup erseded Set, the Primary

God of the South',these were afterwards dep icted

as Fig . 7, and this was associatedwith! the nameof Ho rus only . I t rep resents, in the Egyp t ian ,

Ra Harmachus ano ther name was Aiu, the

God of the Double Horizon,which

‘was one of the

forms of Horus i t was from this part of the old

Egyp tian Eschatology that the Hebrew Cult was

founded .

These two t riangles must be o f great interest to

you b ecause o f the various forms in which they are

portrayed— curiously enough, on your own notice

sent out I find one form, Fig . 37 , which‘ is p rae

FIG . 36 .


associated with Ho rus only . This one,the centre

o f the six o ther Po le S tars o f Ursa M inor, p r

Little B ear,revo lved in a c ircle around thi s centre

one, therefo re the Po le S tar was a symbo l o r

typ e of the eternal, because app arently it never

changed with time . I t was the earliest typ e of

sup reme intelligence which gave the law,which

was unerring,j us t

,and true

,and it became a

standpo int in the heavens fo r the mind of man

to rest on at the centre and radiated to the circum

ference (a po int within a circle f rom which one

could no t err ) . I t was also a type or symbo l o f

the Judg e, o r Just One . This will g ive you the

o rig in and meaning o f the symbo ls you use on

your stat ionery,which



associated with these

two triangles . The interp retation is that this i s the

symbol of the Just God who gave the Law The

Great Architect o f the Univ erse . As regards"


point within a c i rcle,

” a bad innovation has been

made here,on account of not knowing the t rue

gno sis o f the R i tual of Ancient Eg yp t , as this

was no t the p lace that all the secrets were com

mun icated and known ; Th l s Centre of the

C ircle rep resented Paradise . They left the East

to go to the West to obtain the sec rets of M .M .

These secrets were g iven in Amenta,which was

entered in the West,and

- traversed until they came

ou t in the East,befo re they could enter Paradise

situated at the No rth . The secrets were taught and


given in Amenta,which was po rtrayed as an

Ideog raphic Symbo l , to teach the M ysteries , and

was no t believed to be anything but Mythical by

the old wise men of Egyp t ; the old M ystery

Teachers . The D C . o f the 1 8° corresponds to

Amenta in our teaching s .

The next evo lution was the heavens in the form

o f a Square,and as they portrayed a uranographic

p icture here so they dep ic ted the earth- thus you

have two Squares,the later fo rm of the two

Triangles,and it was in this form they built the

Temp les, a double square end to end,

wi th the cubes in the centre to mark

the div i sion between Heaven and

Earth . On the top of the cube was

a circle o f gold enclosing the Sacred

Triangle,and' at each co rner was the

FIG. 4 1 .

I deog raphic name of one of the Primary Trini ty,

or the Three Grand Originals (Fig .

Thus you s ee the p rog ressive evo lut ion of the

mind o f man as dep ic ted by the different S igns

and Symbo l s he used to exp ress his thoughts and

beliefs when he had no languag e as we have

now .

I. He div ided the Heavens into No rth and

South,and symbolized this by the Two Pillars

that o f Set for the South and that of Ho ru s fo r

the North .

2 . The two Pole S tars,N . and S .

,were de


p ic ted as two Eyes , also as symbo l s of Set and

HOrus as the Two Judges .

3 . Then we have the Heavens divided into two

Circles, the North for Horus and the South

fo r Set .

4 . The next i s the Heavens symbo lized by the

two Triangles into the two equal divi s ions,wi th

the same meaning as the Circles .

5 . I n the next po rtrayal, Set , o r the South Pole

S tar,has sunk down below the horl z on as the old

p eop le came No rth from the Equato rial Prov inces

of Africa,where they were born or originated,

and the Po le S tar North has risen In the Heavens,

i . e . Horus has“

become the highes t and sup reme

one and app rop ri ated all’

the attributes of Set unto

him self and now

6 . The Heavens are rep resented as a Square .

The two Triangles merg ed into one,which has

four suppo rts , symbolized as the bro thers o r

children o f Horus .

7 . The Po le S tar North (Ho ru s ) rep resented by

one Eye now becomes “ The All-S eeing Eye,

” a

typ e o f the Great Judge of All (Fig .

These Symbo ls and S igns were used by these old

M ystery Teachers to rep resent the Great Architect

o f the Universe and His various attributes when

they had no languag e o f words to exp ress their

thought s as we have n ow . This was p art of their

Sign Language—thei r sacred symbo ls which have


Moon, and S tars, but I say it was not so . These

were symbo ls e ither rep resenting the Deity or some

of His at tributes,which the D ruids pe rfect ly under

stood, but which the learned men of the p resent

day do no t,and hav e taken the shadow for the

substance and mixed them up , which will not helpto understand the Wisdom of An cient Egyp t, or

give any knowledge o r meaning of all you find

o f the peop les of p ast ages .

M any would wish to know how these have

been handed on from the t ime they came into

existence up to the t ime you found them used in

your Lodges . The answer to this,fully set fo rth,

with the p roo fs, would fi ll a big vo lume I will,

however,t ry and exp lain in


a few wo rds so that

you will be able to think out the detai l s as I

hav e done .

To commence with,all the sacred S igns and

Symbo ls firs t used by these o ld M ystery Teachers

in their S tellar Cult were brought on into thei r

Lunar and So lar Cults , and from the Solar Escha

to logy, the earlies t Christ ians, the Cop ts , adop ted

them . Some o f the o rig inal fo rms hav e been

slightly chang ed, o thers were discarded by the later

Christ ians examp les o f this you can find in many

old churches here in Eng land one in particular,Launceston Church

,in Co rnwall, is rich in the

early emblems which were wo rked here in s tone

and built in by the o ld D ruidical Priests, who


became Chri stians between 1000 and 1 500 . I n

M r . Haro ld Bayley ’s books you will find numerous

examp les . They are also to be found in the

churches of the Abyssinians . That the Chinese

hav e them is because these are o ld S tellar Cult

p eop le, who left Egyp t at the time that the hiero

glyphic language was undergo ing the evolution o f

having affixes and p refixes added to the o rig ina l

I deograph, and befo re the H ieratic and Demo t ic

were evo lved . That the H indoo s and Jews have

them is because these were So lar M ytho s p eop le

when they left Egyp t, and are still so ( in two

diff erent forms o r epochs of time ) , so that many

are thinking at the p resent day that all these

p eop le have diff erent religions, yet in reality i t

i s no t so . Names have changed,language has

become reflected instead of mono syllab ic,there

fore the majo rity now exp ress in wo rds , in diff erent

ways,what was fo rmerly sign language the orig in

o f all was one and the same,and because some

hav e t ravell ed by one road and some by ano ther,

and have different tales to tell of the routes by

which they travelled,you must no t lo se sight and

meaning of the o rig inals . You can trace them all

back the way they came,as you can t race them

all from the earliest to the p resent time— if you

will only leave out the dogmas that have been

introduced .

The old B rothers were the men of the highes t


learning and integrity in all countries, and had to

be p rov en before they could be admitted at each

higher g rade they at tained to . None o f the

common and unlearned were ever admitted to their

secrets o r Bro therhood,and this is the reason why

we do no t admit slaves into our Brotherhood .

What was the cause of the dest ruction and

suppo sed loss o f all their o ld Eschatolog y, o r

Doct rine o f Final Thing s !

When Egyp t was at its zenith dissensions aro s e

amongst the Pries ts, and, as the i nevitable result,

Soc ialism fo l lowed . No p eop les have ever risen

to b e a great nation and then fallen and been

destroyed excep t fo r these two p rimary causes ,and no downfall was so great as that of Egyp t .

Their Temp les were thrown down and g iv en over

to fi re and sword,and thei r old writings were

burned,o r lo st , o r became unintellig ib le

to the

dest royer . But we find that remnants of the o ld

Priesthood who were our old B ro thers escaped ;

o thers had been estab lished in o ther countries,as,

fo r examp le, the D ruids in this country and in

the North o f France and in Am erica these aga in“

had to flee befo re the sword .

The old faith was never entirely lo s t, however,but was kep t s ecret and sacred by a scattered few,

and you must remember that the i r S ig ns , Symbo ls,and the meaning of their R i tuals were onl y -known

to . a chosen few—men of unimp eachable character,


years to comp lete, but it was a labour o f love,

because it was written fo r the info rmat ion of the

B ro therhood who could no t read the wrl t ing s

on the wall But i t i s no t a wo rk which is

p erfec t by any means . I t i s written to guide

and Interest you in the right road to . the know

ledg e you wish to obtain a smal l pa th cut through

a dense,dark fores t

,which I hop

-e o thers will

b roaden and enlarg e .

Much has been said latel y on the subj ect of

Freemasonry and relig ion . M any Brethren,and

some o f them very eminent and learned divines,

hav e stated—and no doubt they would not make

the statement if they did not believe it that

Freemasonry i s not a religion . Bro thers,my con

tention is that Freemasonry is the g reates t, truest ,and purest religion in the wo rld, fo r these reasons

1 . R elig ion p rop er commences with and must in

clude the idea or desire fo r and belief in another

li fe .

2 . This belief in ano ther life is founded on the

belief o f the resurrec tion of the Sp i rit .

3 . We all b elieve in one great God,the Gre at

Architect o f the Univ erse .

4 . Therefore we all believ e in the rising again of

the human soul,emerging alive from the body of

dead matter . Thi s body o f dead matter could no t

come back o r ri se again,if disintegrated

,but the

Sp i rit could .


5 . I n our teachings,in our fo rms and ceremonies

which are dramatically perfo rmed , we are taught

how we should live in this wo rld,and how .w e

should die,to attain that great end of everlas ting

happ ines s which is the one obj ect a ll the B ro ther

hood p ro fess'

and desire to at tain . Therefo re this

i s the g reates t , t ruest , and purest relig ion in the

wor ld, vo id o f all dogmas , on e in which poor

humanity can work together in p erfect harmony,and one in which there canno t b e any dis sensions

to disturb the fraternal feelings which should

always exis t between us,and may it ever continue

to be the same .

We hav e no history for those who canno t read

ancient writ ings excep t a decipherment and trans

lation o f some o f these symbo ls and wo rk ings

which I have g iven, which p robably many hav e

never heard of,few have read

,and which are

ignored by some or adversely crit iciz ed by others ,who are no t acquainted with the knowledge of

these dec ipherments , and who canno t read the

writings on the walls . Few Brothers have studied

the history and evo lut ion of the human race,and

the relig ious concep t ions during the evolut ion,

whi ch alone contain the secret of the development

of Freemasonry . Without a knowledg e of the

p ast there can be no guide to the future .

And what o f the future ! I t i s only by studying

the p ast that you can gain a t rue knowledge of


what Freemasonry is . At p resent many are only

in the analogous po s it ion o f the poo r aboriginal

natives of Australia and other countries . You have

fo rms,ceremonies

,S igns, Symbo ls

,and R i tual


which you rep eat, and act , without understanding

thei r t rue origin and meaning—as they do in thei r

Totemic ceremonies— but that is no t what t rue

Freemasonry is no r is b eing letter p erfect , or a

good orator, or a dramatist . These po ints are to

be highly app rec iated ; they enhance the g reater

so lemnity of our c eremonies,and photograph our

beautiful R i tual more indelib ly on the mind‘

of the

init iate ; but if we do not ac t tho se p rincip les in

ou r lives outs ide the Lodge,which we so so lemnly

p romise in the Lodge, what frauds we are !

The pa st and continuous thought of the majo rity

of our B rotherhood i s one of self,r ightly when i t

espec ially affects themselves— Feasting and Chari

t ies . But within the las t few years a very b right

star has arisen in Freemasonry . There are many

in the Craft who are striving to bring about that

high ideal of B rotherhood to b e a reali ty,and no t

a sham,although they have litt le encourag ement

from the powers that govern the O rder .

I cong ratulate you B ro thers of the M id-Kent

M asters ’ Lodge on being amongst tho se that are

st riv ing to elevate our B ro therhood,because the

meeting together, the reading o f l ec tures on the

many subj ect s that are o f v i ta l importance to


should you be to exemp lify to the wo rld that every

M ason should carry out the tenets in action,and

no t in p latitude only .

Then let there be no. disco rd and divis ions

amongst you,because

,if these p redominate, instead

o f establishing the unity of Universal B rotherhood ,the human bro therhood become s more and more

widely sep arated . Let there exis t a p erfec t unity

of sent iment betwe en you or,if there must be a

difference,let it be of emulation in the exercise of

tho se good qualit ies which,while they dignify our

nature,add lust re to the highest and beauty to the

lowest s tation . Let the p rincip les and p recep ts of

morality and fervent p iety, _

which are continually

ascending from our altars,rep ress every unkind

thought and smooth ev ery asp erity of feeling .

And why should this no t be so !

The answer remains with yourselves,and in the

ac tion of your daily liv es . You can all attain the

ideal if you t ry, and if all strive then the B ro ther

hood will be a living reality, with the power JO f

governing the world for human happ iness . I

believe it i s only a quest ion of t ime before our

g reat ideal wil l b e realized . Freemasonry during

the last fifty years has made much p rogress, and

ev en within the last few years has raised its elf

towards that standard,and the number o f Brothers

who are working t o attain that g oal has so

increased every year,that the out look for the


future of Freemasonry i s very br ight . But we

want mo re wo rkers and we want a higher

standard generally . We have no dogmas o r creeds

to confuse the faith and belief in the One Great

Eternal and Divine Architect o f the Universe,

Creato r of all things . Therefore no question of

a difference of creed could obtrude it self o r cause

any sec essions among st the B ro thers of various

climes and countries . By your universal combi

nation you po ssess the dominant power for the

advancement,for the good o f humanity generally .

Fo r Freemasonry to exis t there is no way of

standing st ill . I t must p rogress o r i t must fall .

Thi s must b e the question for you to answer : I s

i t to be Past,or Future !

Therefo re let each one steadily follow that

B right S tar which has arisen . I t is striving to

throw it s rays of light amongst us,and bring

about that great ideal of Universal B rotherhood,

so as to make the future of Freemasonry a g reat

reality,and no t an ideal in name only .



A Lecture delivered before the Hendre Lodge, No. 3250, a t the

Masonic Temple, Cardijfi 24 th April , 1913.

WALES,in conjunction with the West of England,

Devon and Co rnwall,i s p articularly rich in pos

ses sing remains of o ld Temp les and stones, on

which many S igns and Symbols are still extant, and

can be seen ; hence you will recognize that here

you p osses s ob j ective p roofs, and are therefo re

able the bette r to app reciate and follow me than

many o ther B ro thers who are no t so rich in the

posses sion of Sacred Symbo ls . I always feel a

p leasure in g iving info rmat ion“

up on the o rigin

and meaning o f all our S igns and Symbo ls and

R ituals,as without a knowledg e of the Astro

M ytho logy and Eschato logy of o ld Egyp t it is

impossib le to decipher and find the true in terp re

tation of these S igns and Symbo ls .

To understand the meaning and origin of these

we have to go back and return again by the road

we came, far away back, six hundred thousand168


p ro fesso rs write their theo rie s, not understanding

S ign languag e, o r the o ld Cults of Ancient Egyp t,i t do es an immense harm


,coming from

the p en of a p rofesso r, p eop le g enerally take it

that it must be true,whereas it is puerile nonsense .

Modern ignorance of the mythical mode of rep re

sen tation has led to the ascrib ing of innumerab le

false beliefs

These S tella r Cult p e0p 1e were the fi rs t to build

Temp les . They built the Great Pyramid and many

of the o ld Temp les found in Africa, -Europe , Asia ,America

,and some of the is lands of the Pacific .

Their Pri ests,who were their learned men

,we re

the old M ystery Teachers o f Egyp t many exodes

o f them left Egyp t and carried all thei r knowledg e

of bui lding and thei r religion to mo st p arts of the

wo rld . These were fo llowed byl a higher clas s and

develop ed human— namely, the So lar Cult p eop le .

The buildin g s of the S tellar p eop le can always

be identified by their being Iconog raphic, whereas

the Solar and o thers were no t . Therefo re,you

can always dis tinguish definitely the ag es o f the

Temp les, and who built them . These peop le were

the fi rst to work out the o ld Astro-Mythology, and

it i s to this that we owe the o rig in of many o f our

Sacred S igns and Symbo ls . I t is imp ortant to

dis t inguish and know the difference , because the

S tellar is so much o lder,and yet the Solar is only a

further evolution of the S tellar .


These old M ystery Teachers fi rst divided the

Heavens into two parts, the No rth and the South ,which they symbolized by two Po les o r Pillars , one

belonging to the No rth,and one to the South (see

Fig . These were called the two su stainers

of Heaven ; also they rep resented the two Gods

o f the Pole S tars,and later

,in Egyp tian , were

named th e two Tatt Pi llars . These two Pillars

were always p laced at the porchway entrance of

every Temp le in the wo rld , and rep resent J . and

B . in our M asonic Temp les .

The next po rtrayal of Heaven was symbolized

by two circles rep resenting a Pre -Zodiacal forma

tion of the Heavens in the S te llar Mythos .

Fig . 2 7 rep resents the North (Horus ) and the

South (Set ) resp ectively, which in Temp le buildingwere formed of twelve mono li ths . Remains o f

these C ircles,with twe lve stone s to each

,may be

seen in Wales,Co rnwall





and many o ther p arts o f the wo rld . These rep re

sent the very firs t fo rm of Temp le s built by man,and p receded the Temp le s in the fo rm of a doub le

square by many thousands of years . Probably

these were not covered in . Much more could be

said regarding these,but they are jus t mentioned

to show thei r o rigin and meaning .

In the next phase of rep resentation we find

Heaven dep icted by two Triang les . These two

Triang les are sp ecially impo rtant in anc ient sym


ho lism, more esp ecially on account of the various

portrayals of comb inations we find . I n Wales

and the West of Eng land man y are to be found,as well as in all countries where the o ld S tellar and

Solar p eop le traversed . The fi rs t phase of the

two Triangles was as I,Fig . 6

,which is an

I deograph for the name of Se t—R l Shaddai o f

the Phoenicians— and rep resented the God o f the

Po le S ta r South,as well as the southern divi sion

of H eaven and 2,which i s an I deographic symbo l

fo r Ho rus,rep resents the God of the Po le S tar

No rth and the northern divis ion of Heaven . At

a later epoch these two Tr iangles were jo ined (see

Fig . 8 ) as a rep resentative symbol fo r Heaven o r

the land of the Sp irit s . Somet ime s we find these

doub led,as in Fig . 2 1

,where the two Doub le

Triangles are surrounded by four Serp ents, rep re

senting symbo lically the four Powers which guard

the Land o f the Sp irits, as in Revelat ion guarded

the Throne and around about the Throne,called

in Egyp tian the Khui Land . A still later po rtrayal

was a t reb le form of these,surrounded by concen

t ric circles,as in F ig . 2 2

The meaning of all three fo rms is the same

wherever found throughout the wo rld, but one form

is mo re ancient than the o ther . They are g iven

here as they occurred in evo lution . This Ideog raph

for the Khui Land,o r the Land o f the Sp i ri ts, was

the mo st Sacred Symbo l among st our ancient


with the All- seeing . Eye in the cent re (Fig .

This fo rm is an Ideographic symbo l fo r Ho rus, as

God of the Po le S tar No rth and South, having the

All- seeing Eye . This o rig inated with these o ld

S tella r Cult p eop le . At the Equato rial Prov inces

the two Po le S tars could be seen resting on the

Horizon,and these were symbo lized in one form


as two Eyes,called Me rt i in Eg yp tian (Fig .

In Egyp t ian these two Eyes were , therefore , I deo

g raphs fo r the two Po le S tars but when the South

Po le S tar had disapp eared below the Horizon, and

FIG. 42 FIG . 43.

the No rth Pole S tar had risen in the Heavens,there

was only one Eye (Fig . The N o rth Po le

S tar had figurativ ely absorbed the South, and this

North Po le S tar became a symbol o r typ e o f the

E ternal, because app arently it never changed with

time . I t was the earlies t type o f sup reme in te lli

gence which gave the law which was unerring ,just, and t rue . I t was also a typ e or symbo l o f the

Great Judge, or Jus t One . The inte rp retation,therefore, of this symbo l

,s ign

,or ideograph

(Fig . 4 2 ) i s Ho ru s , o r the

Eternal Lord of the North and“

South,the Great


Judge,Unerring ,

Just, and True, Lo rd o f the All

seeing Eye . This was always as so ciated with

Ho rus o f the S tellar Cult only .

There is s till ano ther form o f the Triang le, o r

rather a combination of the two,as in Fig . 4 3,

which rep resents a S tar with five p oints , a mo re

ancient fo rmation than the p revious one, which, in

it s true form,belong ed to the S te llar Cult p eo p le

only . Many may not at fi rs t recognize that this

is a comb ination o f the same two Triangles , but

if you will follow the mode o f formation, as in

FIG . 44 . FIG. 45.

Fig s . 4 4 and 4 5, i t wi ll b e seen that i t i s so .

The upp er p art o f Set’s Triangle (4 4 AAA ) is cut

off and attached to or jo ined to the Triang le of

Ho rus . Also see that the base line or div is ional

l ine at the equinox (Fig . 4 5 B) has been removed

o r i s absent,and there is a reason for this


sp eaks for it self, in symbolic language . I t p ortrays

graphically that S et’s Triangle was g iven to Horus

when he became p rimary God of the Pole S tar

No rth . In the oldest fo rmations of this symbol

there was a do t or S tar in the centre,which is

equal to the Eye given in o the r rep re sentations .


The interp retation is the same in each case, i .e .

these are Ideographic S igns o r Symbo ls fo r Horus,God of the Pole S tar No rth

,and South

,and his

abode . I am g iv ing this Symbo l and S ign with

interp retat ion and p roofs fully, because in my

lecture at Chatham,at the M id-Kent M asters

Lodge, seeing it used on their s tationery,I g ave a

sho rt exp lanat ion of i t,but there was on e B ro ther

who doub ted my decipherment . And I see that

it i s also the j ewel of the Hendre Lodg e . I there

fo re thought it incumbent on myself to b ring fo r

ward conclusive and critical p roofs now . Although

it is used as a Sacred Symbo l by the Jews,i t was

brought on from the o ld S tellar Cult .


The Jews

left ou t the All- seeing Eye, and, there fore , t ried

to convert it into a Symbo l o f Horus of the Doub le

Horizon,or Ihuh

,in their termino logy

,but the

o rig inal had the do t or eye in the centre . I t was

never intended to be a S ign or Symbo l of Ho rus

of the Double Ho rizon o rig inally . I t was a Symbol

o f the abo de of H o rus,God of the “N orth and South


God o f the All -seeing Eye, and p roof of this i s the

fact that it has the phonetic s ignification of sb aan

in Egyp t ian, Abode o f S tars,

”o r Subdivis ion

o f the Celestia l Wo rld,

” which was si tuated at the

No rth . You will find this in the lis t o f I deog raphs

o f Bunsen’s D ictionary

, p . 4 97 . (Fig . That

alone is a sufficient p roo f . I t might b e translated

as The Abode o r House o f fl ow s in one phase


rep resent s in Egyp t ian Ra Harmachu s, or Aiu

or Iu,the God of the Doub le Horizon

,from which

thei r Cu lt orig inated . I t was one of the names

of Ho rus,and was associated with the name of

Ho ru s only in the So lar Cult,therefore it i s more

than a hundred thousand years o lder than Solomon .

This fo rm of the Double Triang le i s one which

shou ld always be different iated from these o ther

two . Although the Symbol in each case is formed

by a cro ss ing and overlapp ing of one Triangle

sup erimpo sed on the o ther, yet the interp ret ation i s

FIG . 49 . FIG. 50.

diff erent . I n these two Triangles,Figs . 4 2 and

4 3, the interp reted meaning is the same, that these

are Symbols,

o r I deographs , for Horu s,or

T .G .A .O .T .U,God o f the Pole S tars No rth and

South,and belong to the S tellar Cult only,

whereas in the fo rm of Fig . 4 9 i t is an

early Solar S ymbo l, and an Ideograph of Horus,God o f the Double Horizon—Aiu


,or I au . I t

go es to prove that p rog res sive evo lution took p lace

in the human brain thousands o f years ago , and

how one cult was brought on from the p receding


one,the same Symbo ls being made u se of in many

cases .

Ano ther very interesting p roof that this Symbol

belongs to the God o f the Double Ho rizon,and

The Idol Tandayudhaswamz.

FIG. 51 .

that i t i s an early So lar Symbo l and not S tella r,

may be deduced from a'

very interesting p ape r

read befo re the Dorset Mas ters ’ Lodge by ‘Bro .

Herbert B radley, Madras,in


which he g ives the photograph of what he calls

the Ido l Tandayudhaswami (Do rset Ma sters’


odge Transactions,

19 1 0 in which thi s

Doub le Triang le i s dep i cted on'

the ido l ’s back sur

rounded by a circle (Fig . This therefo re,i s a Symbo lic rep resentation of Atum -Ho ru s


the form of Atum-Iu— the fi rs t God of the So lar

gtilt under several names in many countries . Bro .

Seal made by Caste Hindoos .

FIG. 52 . FIG . 53.

B radley has also given an interesting p hotograph

of a Seal used by Cast e Hindoo s in making Caste

Marks ( see F igs . 52 and in which app ears the

original Doub le Triang le with the eye in the centre ,symbo lic of God of the Pole S tar North and South .

Therefore,whatever cult these p eop le p rofes s now,

Hindoo or o therwise,they are di rect descendants

of the o ld S tellar Cult p eop le— this, their most


s ign,stamp s them as such . ( I wi sh to

exp ress my since re thanks to Bro s . Herbert B radley


I t must be esp ecially interesting to Welshmen

because thes e feathers, o r rods, or rays of light

rep resent the fea thers adop ted as to temic badge

fo r the Prince o f Wa l es . He no t only wears

these feathers a s Prince of Wa les,but because

they are also the S ign and Symbo l of The Prince

o r K ing of Eg yp t , as they are the I deog raphic

Symbol for Egyp t . Then,again, i t i s the Ideo

g raph for Iu , o r I au,who was the son of the

God Atum . So here we have a curious and

interesting fact, namely, the Prince o f .Wales i s

FIG. 57 . FIG . 58 .

the Son of our Earthly K ing,so he rep resent s in

a terrestria l fo rm Iu,the son of hi s father Atum,

in a Celestia l -

o r Sp i ri tual fo rm,this sacred S ign

o r Symbo l be ing common to each . This has never

been exp lained or deciphered by any one but

myself,and there are some interesting hypotheses

associated with thi s,which I am unab le to di scuss

in our M asonic Lodge,and I am quite sure H i s

Royal H ighness i s not acquainted with these fact s

o r the real o rigin of his Three feathers .

I wish part icu larly to draw attention to the

Symbol of the Swastika,Fig . 58 , for three


reasons . First because our o ld B ro thers used it ,an d the Op erat iv e M asons sti ll hav e thi s Symbo l

in thei r ceremonies ; next b ecause thi s sign was

at a later p eriod converted into the C ross which

our B rothers of the 18° use ( see how thi s con

v ersion took p lace in S igns and Symbo l s o f

Primordial and because the interp reta

t ion giv en by the Op erative Masons for thi s S ign

is not co rrect—in fact,quite wrong . The Op era

t ive M asons were o riginally The Compan ions

of the 1 7 th Nome of Upp er Egyp t , and were

S te llar Cult p eop le p robably some later genera

t ions adop ted the Solar Cult, and thus mixed the

s igns , but retained the t rue and o riginal R i tual .

Some o f the exponents of Operat iv e M asonry say

tha t the Swastika is a Symbol of Axial Ro tation,and refers to the Po le S tar and the ro tat ion of the

Great B ear around it that i t symbo li z es the Great

Ru ler o f the Univ erse,who alone was stat ionary

and stab le as the North S tar,while all the rest

of the univ erse revo lves around H im 1

This Symbo l o r S ign does no t mean anything of

the kind . I t is a pure theo ry without any founda

t ion in fact,excep t imagin ation , and I challenge

any Op erat ive M ason to bring forward any facts

to p rove and supp ort their theory .

I n it s o riginal fo rm the Swast ika is a symbol

o f the Four Quarters of Heaven . I t is a typ ical

figure of the Heaven that was founded on the


Four co rners,acco rding to the measure of a

man (Rev . xxi . and its o rig in was deriv ed

from the human figure . The p roof o f this was

found in a Prehisto ric Grave at Nagada,in Egyp t .

On on e o f the sea l Cylinders we hav e dep icted the

p rimit ive fo rm,which was two human figures

cro ssed . These figures are dep i cted as in

Fig . 59 . The four limbs,which eventually

became the four feet,o r four legs

,were at firs t

the two arms and two l egs o f the human figure .

This 15 the div ine man who se image was extended

F1G. 59. FIG . 60.

cro sswi se on the univ erse as a typ e of creation ,and who was Atum in the character o f In

,the Son ,

in the early So la r Cult . From these two figures

other two figures were b lended,rep resent ing there

from the Four“Quarters o f Heaven . As p roof

o f thi s there is sti l l to be seen a stone at M eigle,in Perthshire

,with thes e four figures fo rming a

Swastika,a pho tograph of which is given in S ign s

and Symbols of Primordial M an . Each quart er

was given,o r as signed, to one o f the four B ro thers

o f Horus, who were the four attributes rep resent


where they lived and p ractised the o ld Solar.


they had b rought with them from Egyp t .

Ano ther fo rm or Symbo l for Heav en was the

square, Fig . 6 1 . The reason being that the

Egyp t ians , in thei r p rogres siv e evo lution from

the div i sion o f Heav en into No rth and South, now

added East and .West,thu s forming the Heaven s

into four Quarters,or a S quare

,by mean s o f the

Swast ika figure . As a lready shown,there were

two human figures, R ight and Left , so they formed

a R ight and Left Swastika , as F igs .- 6 2 and 63 .

FIG. 61 . FIG. 62 . FIG. 63.

They cro ss ed the two human figures, and if these

two Swastikas b e cro ssed they form a p erfect

Square,with four Quarters .

I n I ndia and o ther p laces , where we find the

early So lar Cult exist ing ,these two Swastikas are

frequent ly found together as R ight an d Left . As

by a S quare they p ortrayed the Heav ens, so by

an other S quare they dep icted the Earth . Thus,

pl acing the two squares end to end,we arrive

at the fo rm in which all their Temp les were

built and are built,after the p rimary C ircular


fo rm had been g iven up . They p laced a

t reb le cube in the centre to mark the div is ion

between Heaven an d Earth . On the top o f the

Cube was a circle of go ld , within this the Sacred

Triangle,with Ideog raphic Symbols at each co rner ,

signifying the names o f the Prima ry Trin ity,o r

the Three Grand O rig inals, which all Royal Arch

Masons will recognize (see Fig . This

doub le square end to end is the t rue fo rm of our

Lodg es, and the above is the reason why we hav e

them in this fo rm,and also the reason why the

FIG. 64 . FIG. 65.

hav e the Cube in the centre and why

the I rish Masons sti ll have the Cube in the

Centre of their Lodge . Originally these two

degrees were one .

'One o f the mo st interes ting Symbo l s i s the

C ircle with a po int in the centre (Fig . For

the o rig ina l o f this we must return to the o ld wise

B rothers of Egyp t the Mys tery Teachers of the

S tellar Cult , although it was afterwards b rought on

in the Solar,who had wo rked out the whole of

these Astronomical observations . I t was p reviously


stated tha t the Po le S tar No rth was symbo l i z ed by

the one All -seeing Eye, also called the Great Judg e

of All ; also that the dot o r S tar at the summit

o f a Cone, o r Triangle

,was the Ideograph fo r

Horus,God of the Pole S tar N o rth . The p oint

in the centre of a Circle i s equal to the po in t at

the top o f the Triang le, and this Glyiph i s equ iva

lent to the Eye ; the two are synonymous . I n

thi s c ircle of the Po le S tar there were seven attri

but es,called the S even Glo rious Ones, group ed

together in the constellation of the Les ser B ear,revo lving around the M o s t H igh , the Great Judge,the All -s eeing Eye


” symbo l iz ed by the Pole

S tar,which was the centre o f the C ircumpo lar

enclosure o f Heav en , o r Paradise,situated at the

INo rth . The Eye,o r this dot, or Po le S tar, in the

centre of the ci rc le,therefore

,became a Symbo l

o r typ e o f the eternal, because, appa rently, i t never

chang ed with t ime . I t was the earli es t typ e o f

the sup reme intellig ence which gav e the Law,which

was unerring,jus t

, and t rue, an d i t b ecame a

standpoint in the heavens fo r the mind of man

to rest on at the centre, and radiate to the circum

ference —a po int within a circ le from which a M .M .

cou ld not err . I t was a typ e or Symbo l of the

Just One,o r the Just God

,who gave the law,

the Great Archi tect o f the Universe,jus t and nu

erring ..We hav e made a bad innovat i on In ou r

R itual, because this was no t the p lace where one


Pygmies it means The Great One,


Chief . I f we trace the development o f this toou r p resent day we find three di s t inct evo lution s

of i t . Among st some o f the N i lotic N egroes,who

fo llowed the Pygmy all over the wo rld,and who

are a higher dev elop ed type o f man,they converted

thi s Symbo l into a double cro s s by p lacing the two

st icks in a different way,as in F ig . 1 1 . I t i s

used by these Totemic p eop le a s one of thei r‘mo s t

sacred s ig ns, and has b een adop ted by those who

fo llowed , down to our p resent Chris t ian and o ther

FIG. 66 .

Cults, as one of thei r sacred signs . I t i s used

by our B ro thers of the H igher Degrees . Amongst

the S tellar Cult p eop le i t was carried on and used

in its original fo rm (Fig . and is an Egyp tian

I deograph for Amsu—i . e . the fi rs t name g iven to

the risen Ho ru s o r,as Christians would say


R i sen Chri st . I n a later p eriod we have another

symbo l added to this,namely

,the Egyp t ian Ru ( see

Figs . 6 6 and which rep resent s the mouth o f a

fi sh,and is an I deog raph fo r An . I t i s the symbol

which rep resents the g iving birth to water as the

Life of the .World,and the Saviour who comes


to Egyp t by water, as the water o f the inundation ,

or overflow of the N ile . When the g round was

parched and dry,the overflow of the inundation


an d thus b rought life, gladnes s, and

p lenty to all tho se who dep ended on the fruct ifica

t ion of the so i l,cultiva ted to maintain l ife

,rep t e

sent ing symbolically The Water o f Life,

” The

Saviour o f Life,

” etc .

,and in conjunction w i th

Fig . 10‘

would rep-resent o riginally the Great

One, the Great S aviour o f Life, on which all must

dep end . Various fo rms o f this S ymbol are to

FIG. 68 . FIG. 69.

be found in Wales, Devon, and Cornwall, and inother countries ; some o f these forms are as

Fig . 6 8,but all have the same origin and

meaning .

When stones took the p lace of sticks, and the

knowledg e o f haft ing had been attained—first

amongst the N i lot ic N egroes—some o f these

N i lot ic N egro es rep resented this s ign by a stone

axe,or double-headed hammer

,as in Fig . 69, to

rep resent the Great One, the Great Prince . This

became o f grea t impo rtance, and among s t some

t ribes a sp ecial hut was bui lt fo r i t . The Priest


and Great Chief were the only p eop le a llowed ! to

see it . This custom is s ti l l extant amongst the

N ilot ic Negro es in Africa . I g ive here two cop-

p er

sacred axes which orig inal ly belonged to two nat ive

chiefs o r p riest s on the West Coast of Afri ca (A

and B) also some ancient sacred copp er axes of

the Egyp t ians (C ) . I n the S te llar Cult i t

b ecame one o f the Symbo l s rep resenting Ho rus .

The Great Chief of the Hammer was one of

his names ; The C leaver o f the .Way,

” “ The

God o f the Doub le Power, or Double Equinox ,we re o ther names by which he was known .


Perhap s the mo s t impo rtant portrayal of thi s

Symbo l which can be found anywhere i s that

dep i ct ed on a Chaldean intag lio of green j asp er in

the Louv re,Paris

,because i t p roves so much when

correct ly deciphered . See Fig . 7 1 . I t shows

that I,i t has been carri ed on from the S tellar into

the So lar Cu lt in i t s p rimitive fo rm ; 2 , that in

each case it identifies the same God under d ifferen t

Cu lt s and diff erent names 3, i t also shows that

the Chaldeans,Babylonians

,and Assyr ians oh

tained their cu lt from the Egyp t ians— all this is

very impo rtant and 4 , we find the same” Sym‘bol

dep i cted in some churches in the West o f England ,esp ecial ly in Co rnwall, ident ically the same as is

found on this intag l io . In the cent re ( 1 ) we see

dep i ct ed S'

hamash —thei r God— as ri sing from

the under -wo rld through the Eastern Gate ( 2 )that i s in the mo rning— the Eas tern Ho rizon . He

is dep ic ted between the Egyp t ian

H ierog lyphic for the Ho ri zon

which is contained between the two

Pillars o r Po les of North and South

(3 and which are suppo rted

by Hu and Sa ( 5 and 6 )— these are attri

butes . Hu deno tes matter . Sa signifies Sp irit

i .e . the creation in blood and Sp i rit . The two

Pillars North and South deno te that i t is the

God of the North and South, as well as now East

and West—the God of the Four Quarters . On the


left s ide of this p i cture we have the Sacred S igns

and Symbo ls b rought on from the S tellar Cult,

g iv ing the I deograph, which enables u s to decipher

and interp ret the meaning o f the p icture . I t wi ll

be no t iced that all the figures as here po rtrayed

are looking at the sacred name for the R is en

Lo rd This Symbo l i s interesting . I hav e

already mentioned that the sign,Fig . 10

,i s the

I deograp h fo r Amsu in the S tellar Cult ; the

R i sen Horus,or Ho rus in Sp i ritual form . This

is the p rincip al part of the Symbo l . At the bo ttom

FIG . 72 . FIG. 73.

of thi s s ign we hav e the Symbo l Fig . 7 2 , which ,in sign lan guage, reads He descended . At the

top you have the Sym‘bo l Fig . 7 3 which,in

s ign language,reads He ascended . The God


as seen here,i s i ssuing in the mo rn ing from the

under -wo rld it i s the R i s en Ho rus—Amsu,


the S t ellar Cult, brought on into the earliest So lar .

One arm is rais ed,the right, free and up lifted

with the Flail in his hand , a Symbol o f Power,

Maj esty,and M ight . The o ther arm ‘ i s no t yet

free,the left . He wears the Doub le C rown



and Sp iritual . The three rays o f light, seen on

each arm,Fig . 7 4 , deno t e his sp iritual form,

and g iv e also the I deog raph for his name as that

of Atum -Iu—the fi rst God of the So lar Cu lt .

Therefo re,thi s figure is the fi rst God of the Solar

Cu lt,Atum -Iu

,as the symbo l s p rove, and i s the

same God Amsu -Ho ru s b rought on from the

S te llar,and has the same I deograph fo r hi s name .

Here we have po sit ive p roof that the Cha ldean,Babylonian

,and Assyrian God, Shamash, i s the

Great God o f the Doub le Ho ri zon, o r Doub le

FIG . 74 . FIG . 75.

Equinox o f the Eg yp tians, Atum -Iu in the earlies t

So lar,Amsu -Ho rus in the S tellar, the Ihuh of the

Hebrews . Tandayudhaswami o f the H indoo s,and

the In of the We lsh D ruids . This S ign and

Symbo l, Fig . 7 5, you will find dep icted on the

stone walls o f many o ld churches in the West o f

Eng land , and the interp retation here i s that it

rep resents Chri st in Hi s Sp i ri tua l fo rm in the

Chri st ian Cu lt . All one and the same Great God

from the o ld S tellar to thi s day .

The Cult o f Ho rus o f the Double Horizon is


o f In o r I au . He is therefore the Atum -Iu of the

Egyp t ians . He is supp o rted by his Four B rothers

Ramman,God of the Axe of the Susians.

FIG . 76 .

e . the Four B ro thers or Children of Horus

here po rt rayed in human fo rm for the fi rs t time,

as in the S tellar Cult these were rep resented by


Zootyp es : Man,Lion


,and Eagle . The hai r

and featu res of these are the same as tho se of the“Suk of Africa

,from whom they descended .

Fig . 7 7 rep resent s Ramman, God o f the Axe

of the Chaldeans . We have here a diffe rent typ e

of man from the Ramman -Susian ; he wears a

conical hat and long robe, and his hai r and

featu res show a later typ e o f evolution ; yet we

find that he i s a lso God o f the Axe the interp reta

tion o f all the Symbo l s po rt rayed here p roves

that these p eop le had the same Cult o r relig ion .

Ramman,the cent ra l figure, 15 shown as coming

fo rth from the under -wo rld,one foo t on the mount

o f the Eastern Ho ri zon above,we hav e p o rtrayed

two Pi l lars,No rth and South

,and two Ho ri zons ,

East and West,with the Sun dep ic ted as ri sing

and sett ing in each . Therefo re God of the No rth

and South,and God of the East and .West . Below

thi s we have,on the left, the I deograph He

ascended o r He has ri sen,and on the right

we have the S ta r with eight rays, wi th the centre,Wh i ch is a Symbol o r I deog rap h fo r the Chief or

Great One as the 8 th— i .e . 7—j 1

,which was S tellar

and Luna fi rst,an d the earli est So lar fo rm be fo re

Ptah,who had the Cyc le of 9 . Below we see the

under -wo rld dep icted w i th the So lar orb traversingi t . This is Atum -In

,God of the Doub le Equinox

or Double Ho rizon of Eg yp t, the same as we have

dep icted with the other Gods .


t hese found at the p resent day demonstrate'


claims as to the o rigin and evo lution of the human

race . I t p roves that our B ro therhood originated

from the o ld M ystery Teachers o f Egyp t ; the

p roofs b rought fo rward are irrefutable, both as

regards the O rigin and Evo lution of M an and the

O rigin o f our

B ro therhood . I n thi s case,how

ever, it will b e seen how ancient these p eople were .

The Axe here i s made o f s tone,and not meta l .

The p roofs of these thing s are to be found

all over the wo rld where these old S tel la r and

So la r Cult p eop le lived .


M any stones and build

ings delineat ing the s ing le o r double Axe are to

be seen in this country in Devon,Co rnwall

,in the

Do lmens in B rit tany,in Temp les in America, and

o ther p arts o f the world . At Kno s so s Evans found

a Temp le in the fo rm o f a double square, with

three cubes in the centre,on e surmounting the

o the r, wi th this axe I deog raph on . each, rep re

sent ing figuratively the Great One o f the North—i . e . Ho ru s ; the Great One o f the South - i . e .

Set ; the Great One o f the Centre—d.e . Shu—the

three Grand O riginals,as in Fig . 4 .

I t wi l l thus be seen tha t the symbo l o f the Axe,o r gavel

,has b een handed down from the remo tes t

antiqu ity,but the symbo li sm has no t chang ed

through all the evo lut ions o f the human race .

The few Symbo ls dealt with above go to



I. That our o ld B ro thers beli eved in one Great

God,the Great Archi tect of the Universe .

2 . That through all the various Cults that have

succeeded the one to the other, up to the p resent

day,i t ha s always been the same God— the same

Great Archi tect of the Universe .

3 . That the use o f different nam es during the

evolut ion of the diff erent races of man kind does

not al ter the Sp i ri tual facts that the same S igns

and Symbo ls,rep resenting the G .A . of the U

and Hi s at tributes,have been used from the firs t

to the last,unde‘r whatever name

,and these are

numerous . I have found some and there

are p robab ly mo re .

I t 15 Interesting to understan d why these

Symbo ls and S ign s are found in many p art s o f

the wo rld at the p resent day, and sti ll u sed, no t

only by us,but some by the Hebrews

,some by the

Hindoos,many by the Chines e

,Jap anese, an d

o thers found amongst the To temic p eop les in many

p laces in the world . Wi thout knowing the ~As t ro ~

Myt ho logy and Eschato logy,and R i tual of Ancient

Egyp t , we can never understan d thei r meaning, o r

decipherment , o r give a t rue exp lan ation of what

these o ld S igns and Symbo l s a re . One can only

guess , and g ive theo ries, which nine t imes out

o f ten are inco rrect . I t must be acknowledged

that all these could no t have been develop ed .by

several p eop les—in many p lace s in the earth,


sep arately o r independent ly ; they are too uni

versal . There must hav e b een one common centre :

There was,and that was o ld Egyp t . From Egyp t

o r along the Valley of the N ile,man o rIgInated,

an d sp read throughout this earth . I n old Egyp t

he b egan to g row in stature and knowledg e, an d

from p rimi t ive faith man developed the highest

relig ious doctrines . At fi rst he had no t the

languag e as we have now ; many of his ideas

were exp ressed“

in S igns and Symbo l s, and it is

clea rly and di st inct ly ev ident that these were used

by these o ld M ystery Teachers to rep resent the

Great Architect of the Unive rse,and

\His various

at t ributes,and the do ctr ines of final thing s, when

they had no lan guage of wo rds to exp res s thei r

thoughts as we have now .

As the o ld Eg yp t ians p rog ressed in knowledg e

and wisdom,so exodes left an d went to mos t part s

of the wo rld—at l east,the S tellar Cult p e0p 1e did

—and many are extant at the p resent day, p rac

t ising an d be lievmg III the o ld S tellar do ctr ine .

From the S tellar they develop ed into a higher

evo lut ion— the so -cal led So lar Cult— and these wen t

to I ndia,nearly all over Europ e, landed at Yucatan

in Cent ra l America, and t rav elled down as far as

Peru . They were called the I ncas there ; here

in Europ e we called them the D ruids . The

H indoo s were an early exodus o f the se . The

Heb rews o r Jews were also an ea rly So lar exodus .


Seshta,the Mystery Teachers , thei r H igh Priest s

and much of thei r knowledg e was communicated

in sign lan guag e . Thei r Sacred S igns an d

Symbols we re tho s e they reverenced an d t rea sured

mo st ly ; hence, from one cult these were b rought

on into the next,sometimes altered somewhat,

either added to,or something taken from

,to mark

the p rog ress o f the evo lu tion of humanity . These

things can s ti ll be traced wi th unerring fidelity by

tho se who read the wri t ing s on the wall—up to our

p resent genera t ion . All the faiths and cults at the

p resent day can be traced back to o ld Egyp t and

nowhere else . I t is an obj ect - lesson to remind

us tha t without the belief in the D ivine C reato r

ou r B ro therhood could not remain cemented

tog ether . That i s the one p o int above all others

we believe in,although under different termino logy


and He is a lways The One and Fo r Ever the Same

Divine M aster,under whatev er S igns or Symbo l s

po rt rayed .




A Lecture delivered before the Humber Insta lled Masters’

Lodge, No. 2494 , Hull,on November 7 , 1913.

As you are well aware, o f late years more esp ec i

ally,many students o f Freemasonry have arriv ed

at the conclusion that our B ro therhood must hav e

o rig inated far away back in past ag es , becau se,since the faci lit ies o f inter -communication have

become so easy,many who have trav elled

much have found in India,China

,Jap an , Africa,

America , an d other p laces , man y o f our sacred

S igns and Symbo ls connect ed with the relig ious

rites and ceremonies of the old inhab itants o f

those p laces , but hav e been unable to fo rm an y

definit e conclusions as to the why an d wherefo re .

Past and p resent writers on Freemasonry have

igno red all the o rig ins o f ou r S igns an d Symbo l s ,because they were

,and are

,unacquainted with

the key to unlock the Mystery, and there are n o


writ ings , o r his to ry,to help them that they can

read . But the o rig in o f Freemasonry dates back

to the time when these S igns and Sym bo l s were

first fo rmed— s ix hundred thousand years ago i s a

low est imate .

One o f the earli est Temp les o f the o ld Bro ther

hood was estab li shed at Edfu,in Egyp t , by the

Priests o f" the S tellar C ult . The old To tem ic

and Hero -Cult N i lo t ic N eg roes had, through evolu

t ion,estab lished thi s cu lt

,with it s beg innin g s o f

the doctrine of fina l thing s .

“ They cam-e up from

the south of the N ile Valley,where they had

al ready fo rmed a secret so ciety,calling themselv es

the fo llowers of Ho rus (o r the b lack

smiths D escendan ts’

o f these st il l exi st in the

N i le Va lley the Kaverondo . They brought

with them the knowledg e o f wo rking in metal s

and of brickmaking and bui lding . The Gemi t ribe

o f these. were the relig ious part of thi s secret

society,l earned already in as t ronomical ob serva

tion s and secret doctrines .

Ho rus , thei r Great Chief in Hero -Cult,was now

symbo l i z ed as The Great God of the No rth and

South . Ano ther of his ti t les was The Chief

Art ificer in M eta ls . The Great Chief of the

Hammer and many o ther ti t les were g radually

added as evo lut ion p rog res sed fo r the G .G . o f

the U . (We hav e subs ti tuted T .C . fo r Ho rus

Behu tet—which lat ter was the Egyp t i an wo rd for


Temp les were so initiated because the Prie sts

w15hed to keep the secrets o f the Temp le s, and no

o thers were ever allowed to build o r repair their

sacred p laces during the S tellar Cult . These were

the orig inal Op erative Masons, the descendants

of whom sti l l exis t,and

,although these now have

a division o f so -called seven degrees,which they

const ructed~

out of the two mysteries,the o riginal

was s imp ly the First and S econd M ysteries .


think you wi l l see that I am co rrect when I say

that they are st ill div ided”into two mo iet ies, The

B lue and The Red,

” also The fi rs t four

Degrees wo rk with their hands,the o thers work

with their heads — these are known by the two

names of Craftsmen and Compan ions—so reallythe o ld divi sion is st i ll kep t . The Sacred S igns

and Symbo ls founded and establi shed by the

learned p riesthood had, however, ano ther meaningand defini t ion from that which the Op erat ives were

taught A S ign Languag e o f thei r own ,and

in a most p ro found and religious sen se, which

was only known to the relig ious b rot herhood , or

thei r Priests,


and not to the Bui lders . I t was from

these learned Pries t s that S p eculative M asonry took

it s orig in . Thus you will see the o rig in of the so

called Op erat iv e and Sp eculative Masons , o f which

Anderson and all tho s e M asonic writers who hav e

fo llowed him,we re ignorant . I do no t p rop o se

to fo llow the evo lution of the Op erative M asons


now, a lthough I am well acquainted with all, and

could p rove from pho tog raphs of some o f the

Humbo ldt Fragments that they had their wo rking s

in Central America the same as they have

here .

During the S tellar Cult , which lasted about

three hundred thousand years,the O ld Egyp tian s

at tained a high state o f knowledg e, and sent

co lonies nearly all over the world ; the p roo f

of this can be demonstrated by the remain s

of their o ld Temp les which have been found,and a lso their skeletons buried in the thrice

bent po si t ion, and wi th a definit e class o f

imp lement s buried with them . Proof of this

i s afforded by the trans lat ion of an in scrip

t ion found at D endera,which also goes to show

how far advanced were the S tellar Cult p eop le

in arts and writings . The literal t ran slation as

the Egyp t ian words stand is

Was found foundation great in D endera,in

writ ing s o ld in ro l ls of kids in the time o f the

fo llowers of Ho rus,was found between the wall

o f brick of the South part in the reign o f the

King o f the Sun -b eloved the son o f Sun Lo rd o f

diadems Phiop s .

This,when t ransla ted into modern Engli sh


would read : That in the g reat foundation , in

D endera,between the walls o f brick at the

Southern part o f the Temp le , were found decayed


ro l ls of parchment with writing s thereon o f the

fo llowers of Ho rus .

I b ring fo rward this evidence that you may no t

be carr ied away by enthu s iasm,which some

Brethren declare I am exceeding ly liab le to in

my own case,

and that I pu t fo rward theo ries

instead o f facts . But let me assure you that I

be long to an honourable p rofess ion where we are

t rained to think,

rea son,

and s i ft the obj ectiv e

and subj ectiv e p roo fs to the bo t tom . The facts I

lay befo re you are obj ectiv e and cap able of p roof .

The S t el lar Cult was fo llowed by the Lunar,

and then by the So lar,and finally by the Christian

doct rines . At the time o f the zenith of the So lar

Cu lt,at the la tes t

,I t 15 certain that they had estab

l ished t en mo re M ys teries,called the Greater

M ysteries,and wo rked ou t their Eschato logy, o r

doctrine o f final things,and had estab li shed thei r

S ign Languag e and rituals fo r these . I do no t know

how,o r why

,all these hav e been div ided up into

thirty -three degrees as we hav e done,because in

all,the S tellar and So lar added tog ether, I can

only make twenty -two . I n the S tellar there were

seven at first,afterwards fiv e mo re were added .


I n the So lar ten mo re were added,but many of

these were a diff erent fo rm o f the S tellar . I t was

an at temp t to b lo t ou t the fo rmer cult, but at the

The Stellar Mysteries were,however, afterwards subdivided

into twenty-four .


erect ions,but there were twelve mono l iths , o r

p i llars of spe cial impo rt . These were p laced ou t


the walls,somet imes inside the Temp le .

The pr imary fo rmation o f the Temp les was

round, and somet imes two were bui lt together ,one North and one South . These were built when

Set was Prima ry God o f the South . An examp le

o f one of these can s ti l l b e seen at Peking i t

i s there ca lled The Temp le o f Heaven, the o ldes t

fo rm found in China . An other exi sts in Centra l

America,known as the Temp le of Set

,at Tepe

yo llo t t , M exico , as dep icted in the Bo rg ian Codex .

The fo rmat ion of thi s Temp le i s round, and on

the top i s one of the Symbo ls or I deog raphic

names o f S et - the God of the South . These two

Temp les—one from China and the o ther from

M exico— show that the fi rs t fo rm o f the Temp les

was round,and that they were dedicated to S et

the God of the South Pole,

.p revious to Ho ru s— the

God of the North . They also show how w idely

dist ributed these o ld Primary S tellar M ytho s

p eop le were, and that the cult was one and the

same all ov er the wo rld at this time . From evi

dences contained in the R i tual,thi s Primary

Cult lasted about fifty -two thousand years before

the change to the No rth took p lace . Disbelievers

shou ld est imate how long it must have taken man

to mig rate these g reat dis tances, found communi

t ies,and erect Temp les . Curiously enough



Symbo l o r I deog raph fo r the name o f Set i s s t i ll

u sed on some of the Go vernment stamp s an d

o ffic ial pape r o f some of the South American

S tates . I n this country we now cal l i t the Dunce’


Cap , o r Foo l ’ s Cap .

The Chinese were S tellar Cult p eo p le o rig inal ly,but now there i s much mixture o f the So lar Cult

with these . The reason why they bui lt in these

two ci rc les was be cause they divi ded the heavens

into two divi sions o f No rth and South, portrayed

as two ci rcles,as I hav e already stated . These

Temp les therefo re rep resented thei r Ci rcump o lar

paradise, within which the house ” o f the G . A .

of the U . was s ituated . R emains o f these two

circles can be found in man y p art s o f the wo rld

where the o ld S te llar Cult peop l e went . I n thi s

country I have recent ly examined some on Dart

moor,Devonshire . Of cours e

,you would not expe ct

to find an ything but remains here now . We have

passed through severa l glacial epo chs s ince these

were bui lt,and they would be dest royed by the ice

and snow . You will also find three circles in many

p laces . These belong to the So lar Cult p eop le .

You will find this fully set fo rth in the second

edit ion of S ign s an d Symbo ls o f Primo rdia l

Man .

I n these ci rcular Temp les the altar was circular ,and p laced in the centre o f the building . There

were in the p rimary Temp les five s tep s, afterwards


seven step s , leading up to this . In mo s t cas es the

Temp le was op en at the top to the vau lts o f heaven ,so that a Plumb Line might come straight

from the Po le S tar to the central altar The seven

step s rep-resent In the Egyp t ian The Khuti ,

or the sev en Glo rious Ones— attributes of the G . A .

of the U .

,who se house i s s i tuated wi thin this cir

cump olar enclo sure . They also rep resent the seven

Great Sp i ri t s— the seven Science s— the sev en Eyes—and many other sev ens o f the Scrip tures . The

twelve Camp s, and the twelv e Bann ers o f the

Chi ldren o f I s rael rep resent the o riginal characters

in the S tella r Astronomical M ythology, an d were

g iven fi rst to the twelve Thrones , or div i sions o f

heav en in the S tellar Cult,

and in the Zodiac

in the So lar . Thus,

at fi rs t,they rep resented

twelve S tellar Powers,and that i s the reason we

find the twelv e S tones in these C ircles The

o rig inal characters in the Astronomical Mytho

logy that were g iv en the twelve Thrones, or Camp s ,with sep arate and dis tinctive Banners in Zoo type

fo rm,in Eg yp t ian are Set , Horus , Shu,

Hap i , Apuat


,Aru s ta

,Anup , Ptah, Atum,


and Hu . These were the Kamite o riginals,brought

on and conv erted into the Ban ners of the Twelv e

Camp s, o r Tribes,o f I s rael . The four p r incipal

Banne rs in the dep icting the man, lion ,ox


and eag le, took thei r origin from the four Bro thers

o r Children o f Ho rus . These are to be found


cement used but o thers , o f more acute observa

tion, discovered that there was a v ery fine cement,

which was compo sed of g ranite very finely g round ,o r o f the same material as the p rincipa l stones

were compo sed o f .

The S ecret s o f the M ys teries were to teach

man how to live here on earth,how to die


what he had to p ass through after death befo re

he could fina lly enter Paradise,founded on the

belief o f the death and disinteg ration of the

Co rpus , and the R esurrection of the‘

Sp iritual Body

fo r et ern i ty . The many eulogies that hav e been

showered upon S ir O liv er Lodge an d the B ishopof - London

,on account of their recent addresses


p rove how v ery lit t le is known o f the O ld Eg yp tian

Eschato log y . I n nei ther of their addres ses was

there anything new . In fact,the beliefs they ex

p ress ed are a s o ld as the Pygmies,

as I have

p roved these p rimitive p eop le b eliev ed in a

Sup reme Being, an after life,and p rop i t iat ing the

Sp i rit s o f thei r departed friends , as well as the

elemental powers . Durin g the time that elap sed

from the o rig in of these Pygmies to that g rand

evo lut ion of Eschato logy of the o ld Hir -Seshta,they had t ra ined Sp iri tual C lairvoyants to un dergo

Hyp no t ism and commun icate with departed sp ir i t s .

This is st i l l p ractised by some men o f the p resent

day,but it i s no t g iven to every on e . In fact


v ery few hav e su ffici ent courag e and pat ien ce to


attain the power, even if they have a good S p i ritua l

C lai rvoyant as the connecting in termediary , which

is just as rare . S t i ll, they do exi st, and the laws

o f this do no t


c lash wi th science o r relig ion—in fact , you must not only be relig ious , bu t

also scient ific to a t tain thi s pow er in i ts des ir

ab le fo rm . Having gained that power , mos t

secrets o f the Celestial and Te rrest rial wo rlds are

availab le,o r anyt hing else that i s right fo r on e

to learn . But there are many thing s beyond a

ce rtain point which can no t b e exp lained fo r want

of adequate language o r word,and through lack

o f co rresponding Symbol . But , as in the Egyp tian

Eschato logy,i t i s po ssib le to discov e r who are

amongst the b lest,and who have fai led to

be justified,

”and who have found that the ba lance ,

Maat,has weighed agains t them . I t was under

stood that no bad peop le on earth could ever

attain this knowledge I t was on ly the good

peop le here that have sufficient power to s end

the ea rthly liv ing Sp i ri t into the C ircumpo lar Para

dis e s ituated at the No rth,and hav e communion

with the B lessed there ; to be M aa -Kheru,

to come in and go out, an d to whom all doo rs are

op en . The o ld Hig h Priests of Egyp t ob tained

much o f thei r knowledg e in thi s way, but through

the p ast dark ag es , since the downfall o f the

Egyp t ian Emp i re, the secrets have been known

to only a very few . Scienti sts are now beginning


to regain some of these '

secrets , thinking it i s a new

pha se in the fur ther development o f the human

b rain . But it i s no t i t i s o ld, and has been for

gotten by the general mass es of Scien t i st s an d

Priests . But the R i tua l o f Ancient Eg yp t w il l

g ive mor e knowledge on this subj ect than all the

p resent S cientis t s an d Divines combined would

dare to g iv e, ev en if they had the know ledg e .

The wonderfu l manner in which these ancient

ideas have been p reserved and carried to di stant

part s of the wo rld will b e s een'

by a reference

to Fig . 7 8 , which rep resents Tepoxtecat l, the

M exican God of the Axe . From the M endo za

Codex,N o . 13, we find tha t the M exicans


when they began to Sp read beyond their Valle-yof Quauhnauac , made war on Tepoxtlan.

They were to ld”

that this p lace was called

The Place of the Ax e,and that T ep oxtecat l

was the God of the Axe,a Great Seer of the

Hammer . Fig . 7 8 i s rep roduced from the M exican

p aint ing in the B ib lio teca Naz ionale, Flo rence,in which the Axe i s dep icted in two fo rms , one in

his 'hand,a doub le axe

,and a s ing le axe in front

o f him . He wears the doub le crown, Earthly and

Sp i ritual, and has the emb lem of the God Iu sup

po rted by four p i llars, rep resent ing the four

b ro thers o r Ch i ldren of Ho rus the same i s a lso

symbolized on his banner .

Fig . 7 9 rep resents the God of the Axe from


U raco cha . I n this symbo l his name i s p ortrayed

by the two featjhers on his head . The Itheophal lic

Symbo l,and Fan

,deno te a new li fe

,the Sp i ri tual .

The Fan was.

used in the Egyp tian M ysteries to

signify a Sp i rit , and with th e Itheophal l ic emblem

denot es the R esurrection of the Sp i ri t . The

Christ ian Cop ts (Prie st s ) st il l u se th i s emblem,

but we have lo st i t . The Axe is suppo rted by the

four Chi ldren o f Horus,with the House of H eaven

(also dep ict ed on the Fan ) and the House o f Earth—I. e . The House o f Earth and House o f Eterni ty .

Benea th are portrayed the two Poles or Pillars o f

the No rth an d South,s ignifying that he is the God

o f the No rth and S outh . On the extreme right

i s the emblem of Sove reignty,Powe r, and

M ight .

I n Fig . 8 0 i s a symbo l of the God‘

of the Axe

from Tepozteco ,now in the Museum Trocadero .

The symbo ls on the front of the Conica l Hat give

his name as Iu ,as also do the ea r ornament s .

The Masonic Ap ron Wh i ch is here po rt rayed w i l lbe recognized quit e readi ly

As the lates t confi rmation that the o rigin o f

these symbo l s came from M oth er Egyp t , I here

g ive some linear writ ing, o r ancien t scrip t, found

by D r . M organ on a tablet in Egyp t, which has

never before been trans lated . I am p leased to have

been able to accomp li sh th i s , and here g ive it for

the fi rst t ime'

s ince the dest ruction of Ancient


God of the Axe of the Toltec, from Tepozteco.

FIG . 80.


Egyp t . The Sc rip t is r ep roduced in Fig . 8 1,

and, reading from rig ht to left

,may be thus


FIG . 8 1 .

I t i s wri t ten .

Ho rus, God of the North and South .

Saviour o f the Wo rld .


Lo rd (o r Son ) .

In .

He descended,He ascended .

Am su. ; the R i sen Horus for Eternity .

Translated into the modern idiom,i t would

therefo re read

I t i s wri tten Ho rus,God of the No rth and

Sou th,Saviour of the Wo rld

,the beloved Son or

Lo rd In . He descended ; He ascended . He i s

now Amsu,the ris en Lo rd in Sp iri t form,


reigns fo r Eterni ty .

This form o f writ ing i s that which was u sed

dur ing the t ime they were converting the pure

H ieroglyphic into Hieratic, which was a g radual

chang e, and must have taken a cons iderab le time .

A and D are Hierat ic,and o thers the pure o ld


life g ive a bad odour to my. name . An d 10 !

though he b e buri ed in the deep , deep g rave, and

bowed down to the region of ann i hilation,he is

glo rified, then— lo ,how great art Thou—The

Triumphant One .

Thi s show s and p roves i t was the S tellar Cult

The Mother i t was,and no t The Father .

The Fath er had not yet come into being—not unti l

the So lar Cult Th e Glo rious Ones,or the

D ivine C i rcle,

we re those attributes of Horu s

rep resented,

symbo lically by the S tars o f Ursa

M ino r . Thi s text i s very,o ld

,and there i s o ne

cop y on a S cro l l in the B ri t ish Museum .

I f we merely consider the tokens of recognition ,the passwo rds, secret words, and the decorationsof the Lodges

,according to the degrees into which

Modern M asonry is divided,we find“ that many

of them are tak en from the V . of the S .L .,and are

symbolica l o f events,real or imaginary, some of

which are said to have taken p lace in those com‘


parat ively modern times which fo llowed the decl in e

and dest ruction o f the o ld Egyp tian Emp i re, and

marked the comm encement of the Chri stian Era,

others as having occurred befo re the Chri st ian Cult

commenced, o thers at the bui lding of King Solo

mon ’s Temp le . A ll of which ,some think, and

have stated,h ave nothing to do wi th the religious

M yste ries of the Egyp tians that were in existence

many hundreds of thousan ds of years before .


Where do tho se who pos itively affi rm that al l

these have not been derived from the Egyp t ian s

suppo s e they o rig inated ! Whence did the above

ob tain them ! R ecent di scoveries have p rov ed

b eyond a doubt that all through Africa, Europ e ,Asia


,and man y of the Pacific I s lands


during the S tellar p eriod there was but this

one religious cult p ractis ed , taught, and believed

in by all . Thei r indust ries , art s, and sciences were

common and universa lly the same . The S igns and

Symbols that we use were thei rs, as wi tnessed by

the se sti ll found among s t the ruin s and the centre

of inte llect,and o rig in, was Egyp t ian . I affirm

from p ersona l ob servations and study, and i t i s

op en to all students to confi rm my ob servations

and t ran slations,that these S igns and Symbo ls

st i l l exi s t ing on the wa ll s of Ancient Temp les

and ruined cit ies in Africa,Asia

,Europ e, and

America,as wel l as many i slands in the Pacific


are identi ca l in every form and shap e wi th tho se

now used amongst the B roth erhood, and I further

maintain that these t ran s lation s o f thei r R ituals,

which we have now discovered and can read,are

ana logous to our own at the same time,I must

say that many innovatIons have natura lly been

made, because it became neces sary to rep lace tho se

secret s that were lo s t,and also to meet the hi gher

state of evo lut ion which man kind has now reached .

I canno t now enter into the question of how,


when , and where these Symbols and R i tuals fi rst

came to this country,but if you fo llow the p rogres s

and evo lut ion of the human race, i t s migrations ,arts , s ciences, and religious cults , in the various

waves of exodes from Egyp t , the ri se and fal l

o f the different Emp i res that have taken p lace, the

resu lt s and effect s upon p eop les that flouri shed in

lat i tudes down to 50 degrees, by the Glacial Epo ch

recu rring every 2 years—the destruction of

the o ld Egyp t ian Emp i re over five thousand years

ago , fo llowed by fire,sword

,and a dark and

degenerate ag e of al l that p ertained to thei r old

civ i li zat ion— you will begin to understan d a li tt le ,and when you consider how t enacious mankind i s

of the religious doct rInes that they have b een

taught , and b rought up in, by the i r fathers and

mo thers, you w i l l unders tand that

,in sp i te o f all

the p ersecution they were subj ected to by the

Roman Prie sthood,there would b e man y; in various

count rie s who would s ecret ly cling to and carry

on the i r o ld beliefs .

He rodotu s s tates that al l the Zo roastrian ,Diony siac, Serap ism (or Greek ) , M ith

ras ism ,

Samo thracian,Pythago re an

,an d E leu sn ian Mys

teries were ob tained from the Ancien t Eg yp tians ,and that most o f thes e were ini tiated into these

M ysteri es by the Pelasg ians , who stated that they

were init iated into these M ys terie s by the

Egyp tians . Then the S te llar Cult p eop le travelled


B ro the rhood as o f o ld,founded on the belief of a

Div ine C reato r,and an Eternal and Everlast ing

Sp i r itual Life hereafter, g rasp ing the oppo rtunity

to consummate that which must b e the dream

of every Freemason ; o r shall we,through di s

sens ion,apathy, and wan t o f universal combination

with ou r B ro therhood,further postpone i t to future

g enerat ions

The p ast evo lution of the his to ry of the human

race has been an obj ect -lesson to remind us that,

w ithout the b elief in the D iv inei

Creato r, our

B ro therhood could not rema in cemen ted tog ether .

That i s,and must be

,our o bj ec t above al l others


and althoug h we find various te rmino logy used

fo r Him,under different o rgan izations and in the

variou s cu lts,as these have risen an d been rep laced

by o thers, He is a lways The One, and fo r ever

the same D ivine M aster,under whatever S ign and

Symbo l— the Great Archi tect o f the Universe .

R emember that , fo r Freemasonry to exis t, there

i s no way o f s tanding sti ll— it must p rog ress or i t

must fal l ; the human intellect i s again expand

ing after all the dark ages we have p as sed through,a dark and deep p it of igno rance, ou t of which

we cannot b e extricated excep t by the Egyp t ian

ladder . With the exam p le o f a g reat universal

p ast , we have the oppo rtuni ty of making a great

universal future Bro therhood, as of o ld . Grant

that thi s may be sp eedily consummated .


AS the Four Cardinal Po ints are brought into

p rominence in the various Masonic D egrees, and

as many very erroneous ideas exi st as to the origin

and ~meaning o f what i s taught wi th regard to

them,thei r rea l o rIgIn ,

meanin g,in terp retation ,

and symbo l i sms wi ll be o f interest here .

The full exp lanation necessi tates reference to

some of the decipherments I have already given

to p rove the association o f the p rogressive evolu

t ions of the human race,with regard to the Four

Cardinal Point s . The O ld M ys tery Teachers of

Egyp t mapp ed ou t,o r divided

,the H eavens fi rs t

into two divisions,South and North . The

Point s being the two Po le S tars,resting on the

Horizons,as seen in the centre of Africa

,Po int s

which never chang ed with t ime , rep re sented sym

bo l ically as Set and Horus , Twins of the Great

Mother, the Two Primary Gods,symboli zed by

two Po le s or Pilla rs o r two Eyes,and sometimes

by two Circles . These also rep resented Light and231


Darkness,also the two S easons of the O ld

Egyp t ian Year . The o ld Egyp tians firs t divided

thei r year into ( 1 ) the S eason o f Summer Water,

( 2 ) the S eason o f .Winter D rought . Also these

were called the two o riginal Ancient Ones . I t

was at this t ime the two Cardinal Po ints—North

and South=Set and Horus fi rs t came into

being . The next p ha se was Heaven being div ided

into three divisions,or

“ t riangular form,with

the God Shu added to the two above, p laced a t

the Equinox,fo rming the Primary Trinity .

These three rep resented the first three Sons , o r

E lementary Powers,born of the Great M o ther


and symbo li z ed in Egyp t in one form by The

Water Cow,the C ro codile, and the Lion rep re

sent ing ( 1 ) Light, ( 2 ) Darknes s, (3) the b reathing

power, o r Winds . Also they rep resented the three

S easons , into which the Egyp t ian s had then divided

thei r year— 1 . The water season,rep re sented sym

bo l ically by Ho ru s ; 2,the s eason of wind

,o r

breath o f l ife,and o f the Equinoct ial gales , .by

Shu 3, the season o f Dryness and D rought , by

Set called ( 1 ) the Water Season, ( 2 ) the Green

S eason, and (3) the D ry S eason . The S igns and

Symbo l s fo r which were ( 1 ) Wat er, ( 2 ) Grow

ing Plant s, (3) a Barn or S to rehouse indicat ing

that the harvest was gathered . The names in

Egyp t ian fo r these S easons are Se , Pir, S emon .

The three Seasons of four months led to the



Horus was assigned a p lac e . These are the

chi ldren o f Horus who stand on the Papyrus p lant ,o r Lotus, born of wate r, in the new Kingdom

tha t was founde d for the Father by Ho rus the

Son . Two of the se chi ldren,Tuamutef and

Kabhsenuf,are called the two fi shes (R itual ,

ch . and e lsewhere the fo llowers of Horus

are the fi shers o r fi shermen . Horus was teacher

o f the Lesser M ysteries in his fi rst advent,


teacher o f the Greater M ysteries in hi s second

advent . An d thi s i s the reason why we find Four

Cardinal Po int s in the S tellar Cult,as wel l as in

the So lar, although it has been often overlooked

by Egyp to logi s ts . But when Shu lifted up the

Heavens (which I have already exp lained ) , the

Cardinal Po ints,East and West

,were added to

the attribu tes o f Horus,as God o f the East and

West,as wel l a s North and South

,and the four

B rothers were assigned to these points . These

were called B rothers in the S tellar Cult and

Children in th e So lar . They were four out of

the divine circle o f twelve which was es tab lished

first in the S te llar Cult, and in R i tual,ch . 30,

the y are referred to as being on the s ide Lord

of Horus,i .e . with him in his youth

,or earthly


This refers to the resu rrection as i t was ren

dered in the Escha to logy . Thus when Ho ru s rose

again upon the Mount, he was accompan i ed by


the Sp i ri ts of the Four Co rners , or Cardinal

Po int s,with whom his fo ld was founded (R i tual,

ch . These four being added to the three

Primary made up the S even Great Sp i ri t s o f the

S te l lar Cult, called the“ Khuti o r Glo rious

One s . These seven were symbo l i zed as

( I) Sebek -Horus, the C rocodile ; ( 2 ) Set , the

Wate r Bull ; (3) Shu,the Lion ; ( 4 ) Hap i , the

Ape ( 5) Tuamutef, the Jackal (6 ) Kabhsenuf,

the Hawk ; ( 7 ) Amsta,the M an . Thus we hav e

the three Primary in the Triangle an d four in

the Square = the Seven Great Sp iri ts o f Heaven

and Earth . The new Heaven was thus estab

l ished on the Four Qua rters that were foun ded

upon the so ls t ices an d equinoxes, and

These four ( I) Hap i , ( 2 ) Tuamutef, (3)Kabhsenuf, and ( 4 ) Arusta, were stat ioned at the

Four Cardinal Point s .

As Egyp t ian , they are four Great Sp i ri ts at the

four co rne rs of the Mount of Heaven,and in

Revelat ion they are the four angels s tanding at

the four corners of the Earth,ho lding the four

winds o f the Earth (Rev . vi i . (See later

rep resentation in Calendar wheel o f Duran . ) The

Kam ite Four, rep roduced in R evelation as the

four living crea tures— the firs t creature like a

Lion,the second like a Calf

,the third had the

head of a Man, and the fourth creature like a

flying Eag le (Rev . iv . 7 ) -these four,under


whatever names or fo rms , are the same , and their

duties are the same in whatever part of the wo rld

found . In thei r p rima ry fo rm they are the four

living creatures with the eyes, which as Egyp t ian

are Ap e-headed


,B ird -headed

,an d

Human -headed .

I n a secondary p hase they. were g iv en the human



both fo rms of the four are rep eated in

the R ev elation o f John . Acco rding to R evelation ,9

the four liv ing creatures are full o f eyes round

about and within,and they hav e no res t day an d

night,as they are mov ing round for ev er with

the sphere . Being astronomical figures,the eyes

of the se were the S tars . I n the'

Ritual , the four

are Eyes symbo l ically,o r the stars of the Four

Quarters .

The vignette to Chap ter 1 4 8 o f R i tual port rays

them as the four Eyes,o r guiding S tars

,one to

each Quart er, North, South , East , and Wes t . They

are sp oken o f in the R i tual as the D ivine Powers

hi s chi ldren o r bro thers as the four suppo rt s of the

future Kingdom (R i tual, ch . 1 1 2 ) and the Four

Glo riou s Ones (R i tual, ch .

The Egyp t ians now div ided their year in to four

Seasons , which wou ld roughly co rrespond to our

Sp ring ,Summer


,and Winter



in one phase by the Symbo lic B rothers—on e for

each S eason .

These four B rothers , or Children, o f Horus, p ro


symbolic rep res entation, and i s taken from

Bunsen ’s D ictionary .

They rep resented the S igns fo r the Four

Cardinal Point s of Heaven in the divis ion of fou r,as a square . Afterwards four Consorts were

ass igned to them,rep resenting half cardinal po ints,

or Heaven in the division of eight,in one

fo rm .

Among st the S tellar and Solar Cult p eop les

throughout the wo rld we find various names for

these,but their p laces and duties were always

identical,as may be seen and i s p roved by the

fo llowing . The reason for the diff erent symbo l ifi

cat ion in rep resentat ion is because the fauna

as models fo r Zootyp es were different in each


Amongst the M exicans these were called

Card ina l Name ofNamePoin ts

Sign or Symbol ColourConsorts

1 . T ecp tl North Flint Kn ife or Shell White Cipactli

2 . Tochtli South Rabbit or Hare’

s Yellow Coz caquanhtli


3. Acatl East A Reed or Cane Red M ichitz li

growing inWater

4 . Calli West A House B lack Oz omatli

Among st the M ayas

Zac-Bacab The White Bacab who stood at the North.

Kan-Bacab The Yellow Bacab who stood at the South .

Chac-Bacab The Red Bacab who stood at the East.Ek-Bacab The Black Bacab who stood at the West.e




Amongst the Zapotecs

1 . Been Ix

2 . Eyanab also Kau

3. Ahbal Muluc

4 . Lamal Canac

Amongst the Peruvians

r. Man co Consort 00010

2 . Cachi Huaco

3. Uchu Cura

4 . Auca Raua

Amongst the Chaldeans the Four Princ ip al Pro

teet ing Geni i of the Human Race were

1 . Sed-Al ep ir Kirul rep resented as a Bull with Human Face

2 . Lamas a Nirgal represented as a Lion with Human Head3. Ustur, after the Human likeness

4 . Nattiz , with the head of an Eagle

and were said by Ezekiel to be the four Symbo lic

creatures which supported the Throne of Jehovah,in hi s vis ions by the R iver Chebar .

These four are known to the H indoos as the four

Maharajahs or G reat Kings o f .the D ylam Cholan s

1 . I ndia—The King of Heaven in the East.2 . Konvera—The God of Weal th in the North .

3. Varouna—The God of Waters in the West.Yama—The judge of the Dead in the South .

Amongst the Chinese they rep resen t the Four

Quarters o r the Four Great Powers o r Mythical

Mountain s .

1 . Tai-Tsong2 . Sigan


3. Hou-Kowang4. Chensi-si


Among st the Bavili and B imi

1 . Ibara2 . Edi

3. Oyekun

4 . Oz -be

As the four supporters of Ifi , the Son of God .

Among st the Yo ruba

1 . Ogun North Red2 . Shango

N West Black These are the

Ed u East Yellow or GreenFour Odus Of

3° g

Jthe Yorubas .

4 . Oshalla South Wh i te

Other names on the .West Coast—of Africa are

East Yellow or GreenWest BlackSouth WhiteNorth Red

The Symbo ls o r S igns of the Four Cardinal

Po ints of the world as a Square,or four quarters


are found dep icted in o ther fo rms as fo l low5 °

Arrang ed as the Four Chief Odus amongst the

Yo ruba

Red N Ogun N Ogun

E WYellow Shango


White S Obatalla S Chatalla

Madefrom Shells. Yoruba picture of the worldby barked slicks.


the Mop i thei r names were




Among st the M andes


KumatoFian to

Among st the H ebrews

1 . Man

2 . Lion The Four Standards of the Children of

3. Ox I srael as used amongst4 . Eagle

Amongst the Chris tian s

1 . St . Matthew Man Egyp tian Man

2 . St. Mark Lion Ape

3. St. Luke Ox jackal

4 . St . John Eagle Eagle

R evelat ion iv . 6 And in the midst of the

Throne and round about the Throne were four

beasts,fu ll o f eyes befo re and behind . The fi rst

was like a Lion . The second was like a Calf . The

third had the face o f1

a Man . The fourth was

l ike a flying Eagle . (Plate D . )Plat e E here rep roduced, a facsimile o f Plate

4 4 Fejervary Codex, po rt rays the original so -called

Ma ltes e C ros s o f the 1 8° and Although the


— The Four Evangel i sts , SS . Ma tthew , Mark,

Luke,and yohn ,

depicted 172 Christian Symbol ism as

M an ,Lion

,Ox, and Eagle.


— The Risen Horus and his Four Brothers .

(From the Fej ervary Codex.)

To face p . 243.


The Glyp hs which tell you , and as sign to each,

the duties o r at tributes of these bro thers,are shown

between the Arms of the C ros s and the Loop s,and are ident ical w ith the o ld Egyp t ian , as s tated in

the R i tual o f Eg yp t . On the Loop s there are 1 2

do t s o r small circle sO on each side,rep resent

ing the I2 divis ions of the N o rth and the I2 divi

s ions o f the South, o r Great Powers or Sp i r it s or

2 4 Mysteri es ( in sub -divisions ) o f the S tella r Cult,and on the Arms o f the Cros s you wil l p er

ce iv e the same 1 2 do ts , the three p arts of the arm

showing 36 divis ions, or sub -div isions,in the

Triangle,thus mixing the 36 div is ion s o f Heav en

o f the So lar with the S tellar 2 4 or double 1 2 .

I al so p roduce here a cop y of Plates 6 5 and 66

(Plate F ) Vatican Codex B ,showing the four

B ro thers o f Ho rus as suppo rters o f the Four Car

dinal Poin t s . I t is portrayed in a different fo rm,

S tellar, from the p rev ious one , and their names

and attributes are written in Glyp hs underneath .

They are rep resented here as supp orting the Tree

or Pillar or Po le of Heaven as S tellar .

Plate G ( see Frontisp iece ) , rep resent ing the

Tab leau des Bacab restored,shows the ra is ed Tatt

C ross,i . e . Tat tu the Place e s tablished for ever

within a Square (Heaven ) , and the four Bacabs,

with“ their Consort s p laced at the Four Cardinal

Po ints,as suppo rte rs, or Guardians o f Heaven .

This p late represents the Solar Cult, although much


Four Brothers of Horus . (Frow the Va tican Codex . )

To face p . 244 .


S even Great Gods in the Po lar R eg ion and fi rs t

in the S t ellar Cult .

This Tatt Pi llar here rep resent s the two Pillars

o f Tat t combined into one w i th the Cro ss added,

and the Glyp hs around tell you the sam e as the

o ld Egyp t ian and the p resen t -day Chri st ian

doctrines, i . e . through the rais ing of the C ro ss

and the resurrect ion,o r s econd advent

,of Horu s

in Sp i r it fo rm under the name o f Amsu,he had

estab lished fo r ever Heaven as a S quare fo r all

his fo llowers .

Although thi s p late (G ) rep resent s Solar Cult,i t p roves that the M ayas b rought on many o f their

o ld S te llar Cult S igns and Symbo l s and embodi ed

them into the N ew Cult,


which they had just re

ceived from Egyp t di rect . ( I find that the Peru

vians ( I ncas ) did the sam e in South America . ) In

Egyp t they had destroyed all they could. of the o ld

S te llar and substi tuted the So lar,but in these

far -off count ries the p res sure of destruction would

not be so g reat, and the recen t influx of the So lar

Cu lt p eop l e would only b e too p lea sed to have

the S tellar Cult p eo p le amalgama te wi th them at

the exp ense of reta ining some of the o ld S ign s

and Symbo ls,which they p robably quite under

stood . As did M oses when he lifted up the

Se rp ent in the wi lderness—to p rop i t ia te the

fo llowe rs of the S tellar Cult .

I also rep roduce a cop y o f Plate 4 3, Borg ian‘


Codex, showing thes e four B ro thers or Attributeso f Horus in s til l a diff eren t fo rm (Fig .


twelve rep resent the Twe lve S te llar Powers .

The Four Brothers of Horus .

F1G. 83.—Copy of Plate 43, Borgian Codex.

Here again we see the Solar Symbol in the centreof the p late, p roving how the So lar p eop le brought

on the o ld‘

S tellar and made use o f these S igns andSymbo ls . This p i ctu re rep resents and po



mo st g raphically one o f the Egyp t ian s to ries of the

Creat ion , the decipherment o f which it is no t

necessary to give here .

F1G. 84 .-Calendar Wheel from Duran .

Again, in this so -called Calendar wheel from

Duran (Fig . which,in fact

,i s a Swastika Cro ss

rep resenting the four quarters,

o r div is ions of

Heaven,we have the names of the four B ro thers,


approp riated by the So lar Cu l t p e0p1e here in

Centra l Am erica .

I rep roduce (Fig . 8 5) from the so-called M exican

Calendar the same kind o f Swastika C ro ss rep re

senting the four quarters, o r divi sions o f Heaven,

and the names o f the four B ro thers , o r Ch i ldren

FIG . 86 .

of Horus,as supporters written on the arms o f

the C ro ss,in M exican .

These two Swas tika Crosses are very imp ortan t

for this reas on—on on e we find the names written

in M exican,

and on the other the same names

in“Z ootype form

,which g ives the key to the

S igns and Symbols , and enables us to read the

other p ic tures correctly .


S igns and Symbols of Horus on Engraved Shells f rom Mounds .

To face p . 250 .


into four quarters wi th a Glyp h— I deographic name

o f Horus . This figu re, however , i s a much later

rep resentation, and tho s e that fo rmed i t must have

lo st much o f the o riginal symbo l i sm .

I think what I have here wri tten and shown i s

sufficient p roo f of my contention as to the o rig in ,interp retation, and impo rtance attached to the Four

Cardinal Po int s . The majo rity of our B ro therhood

can only read the M archen,but if they wi sh

fo r the t ru th they must go back and find the o rig in

o f these M yths,

to O ld Egyp t . N owhere else

can they find the exp lanation .

The above,I hop e, will evince to the B ro ther

hood that although we make direct usag e in our

ceremonies o f the Four Cardinal Po ints,


although they hav e hi therto lo st the reason for so

doing,I have now resto red i t to them . I t wi ll

p rove that there i s a g ood autho ri ty for do ingso

,one far deep er and mo re ab st ru se than most

o f them imagined,b rought on from the O ld S tellar

Cu lt B ro thers .

Whatev er increduli ty some may feel,

o r

scep t i ci sm exp ressed by o thers,remember we must

inst igate faithfu l intro sp ection of these hidden

mysteri es i f we Wi sh fo r veracity,honesty , and

fidelity,i . e . sys tematic coherence

,and these po ints

have b een my aim . I wri t e fo r the good and

information o f the B ro therhood throughout the

world,endeavouring to inculcate what Free


masonry was and really i s . I s there a Freemason

liv ing who can say why, when takin g part in ou r

beautifu l ceremonies,he has a feeling ri s ing within

him which no ceremony in any church can arouse

o r st i l l in the same way ! At the time he“ feel s

a better man,and drawn to the B ro therhood and

the D iv ine C reato r different ly from anything out

s ide the Lodg e . Outs ide the Lodg e his faculties

could not be elevated to the same s tandard . Can

any brother answer why ! I doub t i t,excep t he

knows and understands the hidden mysteri es

of the past . Then he wil l answer,becau se Free

masonry is the t ruest religion in the wo rld, which

has been brought on for coun t les s ages by the

B rotherhood,Pure and Unsulli ed . Let us seek

the Truth,Brothers

, and when foun d I can assure

you that it wi ll not“shake your faith what

ever relig ious Cult you may follow outs ide the

Lodg e, but on the contrary i t wi ll give you full

knowledg e o f the t ru th, p ast and p resent , which

wi ll b e a guide to you for the future,strengthening

your belief and faith in Freemasonry as the One

Great O riginal R eligion of the World, an d will

giv e you the certainty o f know ing whi ch part of

the Eschato logy you are fo llowin g as your reli

g iou s beli ef outs ide the Lodge, because all the

religions o f the world hav e their o rigin in one

or o ther part o r part s of the M ysteries,

o r

Eschatology of the An cient Egyp tians, and all


your suppo sed chronological dates in the V S .L .

you wi l l hav e to a lter,not as a revolution but

from knowledge of evo lution eventually determin

able by you all .


each diff erent . There canno t be any compari son

drawn . The who le of the Op erative working i s

the first and second M ysteries on ly ou t of the seven

later twelve—o f the o ld S tellar Cult p eop le, with

some innovations from the So lar Cult . The ex

p lanations and use s o f the anci en t S igns and

Symbo ls given to them was for Operative work

alone .

The Sp ecu lat ive i s the R i tual and Eschato logical

rendering o f these seven,and later twelve


teries in the S tellar,and al l the M ys teries in the

So lar,the latter being a continuation o f the former ,

as the resu lt of p rog ressive evo lution o f thought

to a higher degree .

The o ri entat ion of the Sp ecu lative Temp les was

originally South,then No rth

,and finally East ;

they corresponded to the changes from the p rimary

god S et at the South Po le to Ho ru s at the North

Po le,and then finally changing from N o rth to

East in the fo rm o f Atum -Iu . .With the Op eratives

thei r p rimary o rientat ion for Temp les mus t have

been South fi rs t and then chang ed to the North,because their wo rd E1 Shaddai s ignifies Set ,God o f the South and no t the North, although

they sti l l carry on this name as God of the No rth

Po le S tar . This i s no t correct . I t should be

Ho rus -Khuti,o r Horus Behutet , or Horu s Anup .

The Op erativ es have chang ed thei r po s ition from

North to East in working the ir ceremonies the


same as the Sp ecu latives, but thi s i s a So lar inno

vation . The Sup reme M asters'

po si t ion should s ti ll

be North wi th them,as they are S tellar Cult, and

wo rking o r Op erative M asons,and had no thing to

do with the Eschato logical s ide o riginally, although

I find some of it in their p resen t R itual, which must

have been int roduced during the So lar Cult . This

I wil l show a litt le later by the Symbo ls they use

and their p resent exp lanation of them .

I have already mentioned (sup ra) that the

Op erat ive M asons first came into exist ence at the

time when the first o ld p riest s built their Temp les

that these bui lders of Temp les were the“ Ari

of the seventeenth Nome of Uppe r Egyp t, and in

Egyp t ian were called C raftsmen and ' Com

panions, and that they were initiated into the

firs t and second Mysteries only . The Sacred Signs

and Symbols were g iven them as a guide to know

ledg e, how to form and build wi th various ang les,

circles and other figures , by which the Architect

could,by crossing and p lacing in various p os itions ,

p ortray for their guidance the building s for the old

High Pries ts . They were ini t iated into the firs t

and second M ysteries so that they should keepthe secret s of these old buildings . The fi rs t

Temp le was that bui lt at Edfu , and no builders

were ever allowed to attend to these matters but

tho se of the “ Ari in Eg yp t . They were a ll

naked at fi rst,excep t a small p iece of bark cloth



in f ron t, in the fo rm o f a triangle . These Op era

tives included all kinds of wo rkmen required to

build these Temp les—B lacksmiths, M asons , Car

p enters, etc . Remnants of these sti l l exis t at the

p resent day in Africa , the Kaverondo B lacksmiths ,who po ssess al l the old secrets .

.Whenev er an exodus of these o ld S tellar Cult

p eop le from Egyp t took p lace, they were accom

panied by a full comp lement of these o ld builders,

or Op eratives, as well as by a pr ies t . These p ries ts

possessed all the secrets o f the mathematical andgeometrical figu res that could be cons tructed out

of,o r by p lacing. together, their Sacred S igns and

Symbols in various ways,as well as the E schato

logical exp lanation of the same . That is the reason

we find all the o ld Temp les in Africa, Europ e ,Asia

,Central and South Am erica we re built on “

the same p lans during the S tellar Cult . Duringthe So lar the se were changed, and that p robably

accounts fo r some o f the So lar Symbo l s now used

by these o ld S tellar Cult M asons ; but although

they have some o f the Solar Cult Symbo ls , they

st i ll use a S tellar app l icat ion, o r definition,as far

as they can to them .

The frieze of the Temp le of Xochicales in M exico

i s a good and typ ical examp le of a S tellar Cu lt

bui lding with I conog raphic carv ings , etc .,well por

t rayed . (The reason for these I conographic

depictions was that in the S te llar Cult the Great


Op erative and Sp eculativ e Mason,that the two

classe s were always two classes— the one workers

in M aterial,the o ther workers in Sp iri tual form .

I n Fig . 8 7 we have the triangles of Set and

F1G .

Ho rus with Consort s added as a symbo l of Heaven"

in twelve sub -div i s ions (s ee S igns and Symbols of

Primo rdial Man Fig . 8 8 is the same,with the '

angles for the Architect and builders to Work on .

Fro .

These figures are pairs, and their combination s may be seen

by tracing one on pap er and p lac ing it over the other .


Fig . 8 9 i s ano ther symbo l o r divis ion of Heaver

in twelve divi sions,and F1 90 i s fo rmed out 01

thi s for the builder .

F1G . 89 .


These figures are pairs, and their combination s may be see

by tracing one on paper and p lac ing it over the other .


Fig . 9 1 is ano ther form of Heaven in twelve sub

divis ions formed by the tr iangles of Set and Horus,wi th Consort s added . Fig . 92 shows how the

bui lder can vary thi s angular fo rm into pa rt

ci rcular,st i ll retaining the bases of the o rig inal .

FIG. 91 .


These figures are pairs, and their combination s may be seen

by tracing one on paper and p lacing it over the other .


In Fig . 93 we have the triangle of Set and

Ho ru s (No rt h Horu s, South Set ) , wi th the two

at the equinox,Eas t and West , which Shu added

to that of Horus,forming four divis ion s of Heaven

and thei r fou r Conso rts added, making the Heaven


in eight divis ions . Dep ic ted in Fig 94 in another

form,to give the Archit ect of the build ing s different

forms and angle s by the crossing of the same two

figu re s . Thi s i s a sign and symbol fo r Heaven

in eight divis ions,S tellar Cult

,symboliz ing the


Another combination is fo rmed by Figs . 9 5 and

96, the interp retation being the same .

FIG . 95.


These figures are pairs, and their combination s may be seen

by trac ing one on pap er and p lacing it over the other .


Figures 9 7 and 98— the two triangles of Ho rus


Se t in a different variation- show how to make

p entagon - shap ed figures . Fig . 9 7 is the Egyp t ian

symbo l called S b aau,the abode of S tars, or

subdivision of the Celes tia l world -p aradise, be ing

formed by the triangles o f Set and Ho rus ( see

supra ) . The landmark here should pom t to the

N orth S tar .

FIG . 97 .

These figures show how the Ope rat ives form a

p erfect Pentagon . I t shows Heav en in the form

and shap e of a Pentagon . I am of op inion tha t

for a . short t ime at least,this was one form of our

Lodg es or Temp les, and I make this statement for

the reason that in; the East the Lodge and Altar are


Fig . 99 shows how the Op eratives make the

circles from these triangles .

FIG. 99 .


Fig . 100 i s the triangle of the Op eratives—each

side rep resent ing symbo lica lly one of the three

masters,or grand originals

,or trini ty— Ho rus , Shu,

and Set . Fig . 10 1 i s the same,showing the Archi

teet and bui lder how he can vary the straight lines

to curves and yet keep the same fi t for the builders .

! St mm.

FIG. 100 .


Figs. 100 and 10 1 are pairs, and the ir combinations may beseen by tracing one on paper and p lacing it over the other.



Anup and the seven Glo rious ones . The combination

of the various t riang les shows how the two squares

can be formed,o r

,vice versa

,the triang les out of

the two squares . There is much that could be


wri t ten on these figures regarding the anc ient

E soteric doct rines .

These figures are pairs, and their combination s may be seen

by tracmg one on pap er and p lacing it over the other .


Fig . 10 5 rep resents H eaven in twelve divis ions,and Fig . 1 06 p lans from these triangles fo r the

bu i lders and masons to work from .

FIG . 105 .


These figures are pairs, and their combinations may be seen

by tracing one on paper and p lac ing it over the other .


Fig . 10 7 . These two symbols or designs are

very anci ent , and were fo rmed by the M aster

Architect from the triangle of Horus,God of the

North,and the symbo l fo r the Celes tial Paradi se

o f the North . I f ou r Op erative B rothers do no t

understand to set out these,or if they have

FIG. 107 .

Both these designs are handed down to us !Operative Masons!in England. We have sent them to India and China ,

and the

Operative Lodges reply that they have them, and that they are on

some of their oldest Temples.

lo st the secret of setting out these from the t riangle

of Horus,I shal l be p leased to show theml—at

p resent they do no t do it, yet i t is one of the

o ldest and most secret and sacred symbols .


Fig . 1 08 rep resents the seven Pole S tars—the

seven Glorious ones—ci rc l ing around the one G

T —i .e . Heaven in seven divis ions ( see

S igns and Symbo ls o f Primordial Man Fig .

109 rep resents various angles,circles

,and figu res

which can be made out of this fo r the bui lder .


Figs. 108 and 109 are pairs, and their combinations may be

seen by tracing one on paper and p lac ing it over the other.


Fig . 1 1 1 . Here iii i s the Ru (Egyp t ian An, see

supra) .

FIG . 11 1 .

The root or key to our OperativeArch Masonry is the ha lf-circle,the circle and the sign as fig. iii . This figure iii is the uni t that we

are to use to draw the Seven . Give me the length of the unit simplyby two pinholes, and I wi ll draw the figure without any penci lor rule

,simply a pair of compasses. Fig. iii in the Operative

system refers to Life.”

(See Speculative exp lanation supra.)

Fig . 1 1 2 i s the Northern divi sion of Heaven

in to twelve parts , ( see S igns and Symbols

Heaven was divided into twelve d ivis ions of the

North,and twelve divis ions of the South during

St ellar Cult,and we have here the rep resentation

o f the same . These are the twelve divi sions of

Heaven,the twelve Camp s o f the S te llar Cult, the

twe lve Tribes of the Chi ldren o f I s rael, and various

o the r twelves in many forms . Fig . 1 13 gives various

ang les and poin t s for the informat ion o f the builder .

A ll the fo rego ing are of pure o ld S tellar Cult

origin,and I wi ll now give two o f their Solar

innovat ions .



The Operative Arch M asons require this to be all set out wi thout

being allowed to go to the centre. It is Holy ground within the

twelve circles.

Figs . 1 12 and 1 13 are pairs, and their combinations may be

seen by tracing one on paper and p lacing it over the other.


FIG. 113.

Fig . 1 1 4 . This was p art of the Solar Cult,and did not into being un t i l the Fourth

Dynasty .

FIG . 1 14 .

This is how the Arch Masons teach their Candidates curved

work. With lef t breast as centre strike out With right as

centre strike out Wi th neck as centre put in the invert.


p rove my contention that they were originally

S te lla r Cult p eop le, descendants of the old Ari of

the S eventeenth Nome of Upp er Egyp t, I wil l

give here another . p roof, namely, that they use the

or ig inal S tellar Cult Swas tika in their cere

monies,which was in the fo rm of Fig . 1 1 6

FIG. 1 16 .

lThis is.~used by the York division only .

and which we Specu lat ive Masons do not use,having lo st the Eschato logical Significat ion ,

as we ll

as the o ld S ign and Symbol,but which I now

restore to them .

The interp retation and mean ing of this Symbol

i s as fo llows

1 . There i s the Triangle in the cen t re, repre

senting Heaven in three divisio ns (G ) .


2 . There are three arms which rep r esent the

three supp o rts o f H eaven, these rep resenting the“ Three Grand Originals in the RA C All

R .A .M . w i l l recogniz e this when the Three

meet to form the Triangle . Their p osition and

action i s one of suppo rt, like on the five po int s

o f Fellowship ,” they meet and agree to suppo rt

the Triangle,a rep resentative symbol of Heaven

and T .G .G . o f T .U .,in the S tellar Cult .

3 . The Primary Trinity is here rep resented as

Ho rus,Set

,and Shu .

4 . These a lso rep resent the three p rimary E le

menta l P owers divinized- also the Three Seasons

of the year, as ancient Egyp tian - in the S tel lar

Cu lt (see sup ra) .

5 . This S ign and Symbo l,although as old as

the S tellar Cult,and Sacred Sym bo l s t il l used

by the Op erative M asons of the Yo rk division

only ( for other reasons than here stated ) , has been

brought on,and i s at the p resen t time used as a

Totem S ign fo r the County of Ken t and the I sle

o f Man . I t i s also found in man y part s o f the

wo rld under various phases . Thi s “Swast ika

o f the S tellar Cult is used by the York division

of the Op erative M asons only , thus p roving that

their o ld B roth-er Op erative M asons have p re

se rv ed the t ru e o riginal,and have not contaminated

their R i tual with the So lar innovation,which i s no t

only very curious an d instructive,but p rov es my



contention as regards the So lar Swastika b eing

a Sign or Symbo l not o rig inally connected or

belong ing to them .

Fig . 1 1 7 . As regards their statement The

p resent fo rm o f Sp eculat iv e square i s no good at

al l,as you will see — thi s i s no t relevant to the

7X7 : “4

8 ¥ é =4 €FIG . 1 17 .

The present form of Speculative Square is no good a t a l l, as you

will see. (Footnote commun icated from Op eratives .)

subj ect,as I have stated (sup ra) . The one was for

the builder,the o ther fo r Eschatology ; there

fo re each one i s as g ood as the other for i t s pur

po se, as I Would w i sh to point .out to the Op eratives- that in whatever fo rm you find thi s Symbol, and

there are many,the interp retation and mean ing

of the I deograph is always the same, and could


The div i sion into others has been caused by the

Op eratives p lacin g one to seven, as the Power o f

the Po le,one to seven o f the Glo rious Ones, etc .

These seven were rep resented in various forms

one was Horus,God o f the North and afterwards

God o f the N o rth and South two were Hu and Sa,at tributes rep resenting Sp irit and B lood four were

the four B rothers or Chi ldren of Ho rus,etc . ( see

S ig ns and Symbo ls all powers or at tributes o f

the one sometimes rep re sented by

F1G . 119.

The Arch Freemasons’

Swastika is worn as a yewel, and it is

going wi th the Sun , the Pole Star being in the centre. Of coursethis is found on the top of the Arch Cen tre Altar . If the Arms are

turned in the other direction i t means death, Hell, and all evil.

This drawing shows 4 Arms, but the Arch Masons have the same

thing with 1,2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, and 7 Arms—corresponding to the degree.

Co rds,somet imes Chains

,and o ther fo rms ,

but al l one and the same . But these had no thing

to do wi th the Swastika,which was a Symbo l of

the four quarters,when Horus had chang ed from

God o f the Pole S tar North in the S tellar Cult,to

Atum -Iu in the early Solar .


These are the six circles of the Pole S tar wi th

G in centre (Horus ) .,The Lines (s ix ) rep resent

the s ix powers rep resented by rop es as men .

( see R i tua l of An cient Egy pt ) . The top of thi s

should be the N orth,not as it is Stellar Cult .


F1G. 120.

The Three Symbol s o r Marks of the three

Op erative Masons are

FIG. 121.


wh ich are formed from the Primary Trini ty in the

Symbo li sm ( Is t ) of the Three Triangles or the

Triang le of Set and Ho rus wi th Shu added,and

( 2nd ) the three C ircles as

FIG. 122 .

These are very impo r tant, and if the reader will

trace these out on two sep arate p i eces of pap er,and p lace one over the other

,he wil l see how the

triangle is unfo lded into one centre triangle,wi th

the three others around it . The Primary Trini ty

the Three in One— the one ruling p ower .

I wi ll give one mo re of the Ope rative S igns

and Symbo ls, which i s important because it shows

the portrayal in the S tellar Cult o f what we have


The Op erat ives say that Jabal was their

founder, but do not know how long ago he lived .

Thi s, I take it , i s the Hebrew for Horus Behute t ,and they can certain ly claim that they have existed

a t leas t three hundred thousand years,because

thei r S igns and Symbols , an d the wo rds E l


”p rove that they were fo rmed into the

B rotherhood of Comp an ions an d Craftsmen at

that time . Some of thei r p resent R itual has been

altered from the original,and passwords in Hebrew

subst i tuted for the o riginal Egypt ian, p robably

from the same causes as the Spe culat ive . They

salute the ris ing sun with the sevenfold salute

whi ch was o riginally S tellar,but brought on

as an early Solar custom The seven -time


,was taken from the S tellar

and carried on,but in their Red deg ree they

stil l have the old S tellar custom,i . e . their form

of an Arch lodge is a circ le under the dome

of heaven . They have the circu lar,al tar in the

cent re exactly under the p lumb -l ine which comes

down from the God of the Pole S tar North . There

are seven step s up to the altar , which they refer

to the seven sp i ri t s o r seven sciences . Thus

they set ou t on the floor or g round six p oints ;s ix men are p laced on each arm between the step s

and po in t , and at the p rop er time these s lowly

revo lve around the altar seven times . The ci rcle

here i s a rep resentation of the Celestial Paradise


situa ted at the North . (Fo r exp lanation of the

Plumb -l ine see R i tual o f An cien t Egyp t . ) The

seven s tep s rep resent the sev en Glo rious Ones ,or Great Attribu tes o f and the

circ le o f men (thirty -s ix in all ) rep resents the p ro

cess ion of the S tars o f the Li tt le B ear, the number

of times going round rep resents the number of the

stars . The Ci rcu lar Temp le was in existence

long befo re those of the double square ; i t was

in the ci rcu lar fo rm that Temp les we re fi rs t buil t

by the early S tellar Cult pe op le . Tho se in the

form of a doub le square fo llowed after . The

o rientat ion of these circu lar ones will always be

to the South,which would p rove that they were

bui lt at the time of Se t o r E1 Shaddai, God of

the South Po le Although at the p resent day

they teach the landmarks and land lines on

the ground,also the centre sun line and the whole

system of sett ing ou t a Temp le t rue to the

sunrise,on the day after which the Temp le i s

nam ed they set out thei r foundations true to the

sunrise on the day that the H eb rews came out o f

Egyp t (sup-po sed ) , and teach the M aster the five

po int system of setting out the Temp le . Here

we see a mixture o f So lar an d S te llar .

“ The

five -po int sys tem i s the co rrect o ld S tellar .

The sett ing ou t t ru e to the sunri se i s So lar,

and came into exi stence when the o rientat ion

changed from No rth to Eas t . This can be p roved


by examining the remains of all thes e o ld Temp le s,examp les o f which I have mentioned . The old ruins

at Zimbabwe in Africa form a most excellen t

examp l e of the remains of the o ld S tellar Cul t

bu i lders, p roving mo s t conclu sively. the g reat

knowledge of Geometry,Astronomy

,and M athe

maties which the M as ter bui lders po ssessed . The

I conographic figures found there p rove, too,how

far the Sp ecu lative had advanced in hi s evo lut ion

o f the doctrines of Final things .

I am much'

indebted to the Grand Counci l of

the Op erat iv es fo r fo rwarding me their diagram

of the Five Grea t C i rcles,showing the forma

t ion of a curved -sided p entagon, which we

Sp eculative M asons have lo s t (Fig s . 1 2 4

I rep roduce here the diagrams . Fo r the in

formation of my B ro thers I give the Egyp tian

exp lanat ion, and not the Op erative in terp retat ion .

The curved p entagon here on the centre has the

same exp lanat ion and meaning as the one made

by the two triangles,as rep resented in the centre

o f the fiv e -

p o inted star ( straight -s ided )— the sub

divis ion o i Heaven or Celestia l Wo rld Sb aan

(s ee p .

The Five Great C i rcles rep resent the Five Great

Sp irits , or Attribute s,or Guardians

,o f the same .

I n the M exican we often see these rep resented

by five Houses o r five g lyphs ; this i s the o rig in

of our five p o ints of fellowship ,as we demonst rate


S te llar Cult both the po ints and the ci rcles rep re

sent,or are symbo lical of, the Fiv e Great Sp i ri ts

FIG . 125.

FIG . 126 .

or Attributes,who guard the secret o f Paradise ,


H eaven,and ate suppo rters o f each ot her

,and in


the Ope rative sense, Built on,or formed Heaven

in the form of a p entagon, first wi th straight lines,secondly w ith curved s ides—as the subdivis ion of

the Celest ial World, g iven to the Op eratives by

the O ld Priests to show them the correct M athe

FIG . 127 .

matical way to fo rm the bui ldings, etc .,in thes e

forms,for their guidance and

.use .

The Sacred S ign “Ru (Egyp t i an ) which the

Sp eculat ive Mason has lost, is st ill“ formed and

used by the Op eratives . I t i s fo rmed by the two


circles rep resenting God of the No rth and God


the South ( see Fig . and was firs t

fo rmed when Ho ru s became p rimary god . I t

rep resent s the S av iour o f the Wo rld who came

by water,as the water o f the inundation of the

FIG . 128 .

N ile,etc . ( see sup ra ) . The Op eratives use i t in

connect ion wi th the F ive Great C ircles,etc .


i t i s no t neces sary to exp lain here excep t t hat

Eschato logically it i s sixth great power, 5 I .

I n the Op eratives’ fo rm of death of H .A . they


and rep resentation (see Swastika sup ra) . The

five men and the five po ints are S tellar, and refer

to the death o f Ho ru s,the firs t which i s asso ciated

with the five -

po inted star (see my no tes p rovingthe tradit ion o f the death of Osiris was b rought on

from the S tellar Ho ru s ) . Of course in the Ope ra

t ive and Sp ecu lativ e the Hebrew v ersion is re

ta ined,but the o riginal was Horus

,God o f the

North and South in S tellar Cu lt,and the Body

should be on . the Two Poles of No rth and

South . I have discussed this ‘ in an ear lier

chap t er (see Fig . 1, page I do not

wish any B ro ther to believe for one moment tha t

because I have pointed out many innovations,made bo th in Op erat ive and Sp eculat ive, I wi sh

these R i tua ls to be altered in any way,because I

do not we have used them now for some time,and all understand

,o r should understand

,them .

M y writing s are for the info rmation o f tho s e .

Bro thers who wish to know. the o rigins of these

thin gs,and what they meant then .

I rep roduce here an o ld p late of the Lodg e

and degrees o f the Op erat iv e Masons,a So lar form .

Thi s i s symbo lic of a p art . of Amenta to the

eighth pylon only,in which the fi rst two mysteries

were communicated to the I ni t iate—twenty -four

pylons in all . The first mystery has been divided

up in to four deg rees with these Op eratives , a ll

o f whom work with their hands . The second





mystery has also been divided up into four degrees

all of whom wo rk with thei r heads o r b rains .

I n other wo rds,you have here the wo rking or

Op erative Lodge, based upon the Eschato logical,with Eso teric rendering in wo rking and build

ing . A l l o f the’

firs t four degrees here are work

ing , and carry out the p lan s o f the Archi tect ,M athemat1c1an


,and Sup erintendent

of the o ther fou r deg rees . Thus you wi l l under

stand my meaning when I,have s tated that these

Ope rat ives were init iated into the fi rs t an d second

Mysteries o nly . Thei r Lodg e p roves thi s, having

only the rep resentation o f the eight pylons ( see

R i tua l o f Ancient Eg yp t ) . This fo rm of thei r

Lodg e is So lar, and no t the old S te llar fo rm . I

do no t know if they have the o ld S tellar Lodg e

fo rmat ion or no t,but they wi l l find i t among st

the M endo zas at t he p resent day . The o rien tation

of the o ldest S tellar Lodge was fi rs t South and

then No rth ; when they changed to East they

had adop ted part o f the So lar s igns and symbo ls ,and mixed them wi th the o ld S te llar, because it

must be clearly understood that these old Ope ra

tive M asons were constituted as such,by the Old

S t e llar Pri ests,and came into existence at the

t ime of the early S tellar Cul t . There i s no trace

in the Egyp tian R i tual,or anywhe re else


I have been able to ,discover, of thei r being recon

s tructed again in the Solar,or any of the other


Khuti of the Egyp tians . A man at the Eas t

moves a lso p roves the So lar rep re sentative of a

S tellar dep ict ion In the Egyp t ian it was a man

at the N orth,which is the true rep re sentation

before it got mixed . The remains o f. 1 2 C ircles

o f S tone N . (and 1 2 S . ) are found in many coun

tries at the p resent time (see sup ra ) .

When an Op erat ive Lodge requires a new

Chap lain ,the Rev . Gentleman goes to a Lodg e

or degree of Jachin — a Lodg e of Priests— and

the ceremony of in itiation he has to underg o is

unknown to the Op erative members . Aft er his

initiation,two Jachins conduct him to the Lodge

door of the Op erat ives —in cap , g own , ban ds, and

hood . He is brought In,and kneels while the

p rayer is given . The two Jachins lead him at

once on to the square pavement , and he walks

seven times round the central Altar an d one o f

the Jachin s puts the obligat ion to him . He is

then taken to the Throne ,an d the Is t Mas ter inves ts

him with the Collar and Jewel,an d te lls him that

he kn ows his duty so much“

better than the M aster,

and hands him the V . S . L . The Master g ives

him the g rip and sign that w ill enable him to

enter the Lodge at any t ime . He is then taken

and insta lled in his seat on Mount S inai in the

S E . corner . As Jach in rep resents God, he is

saluted by all p resent in due form .

You w ill see by this he is not p rep ared as an


App rentice he does no t have a bond . The W .


and D .

s and D C . hav e nothing to do with the

ceremony . It is a rel ig ious and not a trade cere

mony . He does no t go round on the border o f

the Carp et , but is taken at once to the Square

Pavement ” because it is for the High Priest to

walk upon . He does no t pay any fees to the

Lodge funds,but he pays a fee to the Priest s

o r

Jachins ’ Lodg e . He has a spe cial s ign , which no

o ther member o f the Lodg e dare s to g iv e . We


,here is crit ical p roof o f my con

tention on this po int .



To the Sup er in tenden t of the Works of




I , being the Son of a

Free Man and years of age, humbly crave to be made an

Ap p rentice to the Anc ien t and Honourable Craft.

I am promp ted by a favourable op inion p reconceived of the

Fratern ity and the desire for knowledge to enable me to work

at the Trade.

I further promise and sweat that I will conform to all the

ancient usages and established customs of the Order.

WITNESS my hand this day of


Prop osed by

Seconded by

Sup ported by

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

A doctor’s rep ort is always required, and the medical exami

nation of the candidate is that as for the Army, and he must be

passed as fit or no app lication for membership will be granted.


I t rust what I have wri tten wi l l b e sufficient

to convince both“

Op era tive and Sp ecu lative Masons

that there can be no question as to which was

fi rst o r any o ther po ints which might cau se any

divisions . I have purpo s ely no t included the

ri tuals of either,because these secrets of thei rs

should b e kep t they d iffer in a way, inasmuch as

one i s Op erat ive an d the other is Speculat ive , and

it i s qu ite po s sib le during the later Chri st ian t imes

they m ight have mixed a litt le,but the two are

dist inct ly different as stated .

I only trust that this very long chap ter may

render the po si tion clearer to each Op erative and

Speculat ive B ro ther, so that no future question

could ari se to cause any’

divi sion o r unbro therly

feelings . I only wri te fo r the information and

good of all B rothers o f whatever clime or creed, in

the name of




OATH or N IMROD.Apprentice Degree (Ist) .

do, in the p resence of

El Shaddai and of this Worship ful Assembly of Free Masons ,

Rough Masons, Wallet s, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers, p romise and declare that I will not at any time hereafter,by any act or circumstance whatsoever, directly or indirectly,write

, p rin t, cut, mark, publish, discover, reveal, or make known ,

any part or parts of the Trade secrets, p riviledges, or coun sellsof the Worship ful Fratern ity or Fellowship of Free Masonry


which I may have known at any time , or at any time hereaftershall be made known unto me .

The penalty for breaking this great oath shall be the loss of

my life .

That I shall be branded with the mark of the Traitor and

slain according to ancient custom by being throtalled, that mybody shall be buried in the rough sands of the sea a cable


length from the shore where the tide regularily ebbs and flowstwice in the twen ty-four hours, so that my soul shall have no restby n ight or by day

(Candidate signs the

Given under my hand and sealed with my lip s, thisday of 1913.

So help me El Shaddai and the holy contents of this book .

The First Master Mason—Take good heed to keep it rightwell, for it is p erilous and great danger for a man to forswearhimself upon the Holy Book .

NOTE —We see he re that the obligat ion refers

to trade secrets,and must the re fo re be of recent

origin . To p rove this one only has to refe r to the


later part of it , where his body is buried in the

rough sands of the sea . N ow o rigin ally that could

not enter in to the ob ligation ( in fact i t did not in

Egyp t ) , because at Edfu, and in the 1 7th Nome ,there was no sea

,and p robably the oldest brothers

did not know much about the sea ; and i t could

not refer either to the M editerranean,because that

has, p ractically sp eaking, no ebb and flow of tide ;

and therefore this is a recent subst itute for the

o ld o r iginal Egyp t ian h whi ch,I may add

,i s st i ll

extant,and which they have los t .


O .G.-Being armed with a drawn sword

, to keep off all

cowans and intruders to Free Masonry, and to see that the

candidates are p rop erly p repared.

Ist M .M .—Brother Inside Guard , what is your position

Inside Guard—Within the door of the Lodge .

Ist M .M .—Your duty

I.G.—To admit Free Masons and App rentices on p roof, to

receive the candidates in ancient form, and to obey com

mands .

Ist M .M .—Brother Jun ior Warden ’s Deacon ,

what is yourp osition

—At the right of the Junior Warden .

Ist M .M .—Your duty !

J.W .D .—To carry all messages and communi cations from the

Jun ior Warden to the Senior Warden , and to await the return of

the Senior Warden’

s Deacon .

Ist M .M .—Brother Senior Warden

s Deacon ,what is your

positionS .W .D .

—At the right, of the Senior Warden .

Ist M .M .—Your duty

S .W.D .—To carry all messages and commun ication s from the

Senior Warden to the Dep uty Master Mason ,and to await the

Master Mason’

s commands.

Ist M .M .—Brother Master Mason

s Deacon , what is yourpositionM .M .D .

—At or near the right of the Deputy Master Mason .

Ist M .M .—Your duty !

M .M .D .—To carry all commands of the Master Mason s from

the Deputy Master Mason to the Sen ior Warden , and to see the

same punctually obeyed.

Ist M .M .—Brother JuniorWarden , what is your position

J.W.—In the north .

Ist M .M .

—Why are you p laced there

J.W .—T o see the sun at its meridian , to call the brethren from

labour to refreshment,and from refreshmen t to labour at the

p rop er hours .

1st M .M .

— Brother Senior Warden, what is your positionS .W .

—In the east.Ist M .M .

—Why are you p laced there !


S .W .—To see the setting sun , to pay the Masons the ir wages

and to see that the working p lans are p laced in the p lace of


Ist M .M .—Brother Deputy Master Mason , what is your

p ositionD .M .M .

—At your feet.Ist M .M .

—What is your dutyD .M .M .

-To lay out schemes , draw de sign s , and see the

Master Mason s’

work properly executed , also to op en , rule , and

c lose the Lodge when so commanded by the Worshipful MasterMasons .

Ist M .M .—Brother Deputy Master Mason , what is the position

of the Master Masons

D .M .M .—Up on the throne in the west .

Ist M .M .—Why are they p laced there

D .M .M .—To see the rising sun , to open the Lodge, and to see

that the Brethren are emp loyed and instructed in Free Masonry .

1st M .M .—The Lodge ,

being properly formed, before we

declare it op en ,Brother Jachin .

Jachin—Most Holy and Glorious El Shaddai, Thou GreatArchitect of Heaven and Earth , Who art the giver of all good

gifts and graces and hast promised that where two or three are

gathered together in Thy Name, Thou w ilt be in the midst ofthem ; in Thy Name we assemble and meet together, mosthumbly beseeching Thee to b less us in all our undertakings, togive us Thy Holy Sp irit, to enlighten our minds w ith wisdomand understanding of this our worship ful and worthy Craft ofFree Mason , that we may know, and serve Thee aright, that allour do ings may tend to Thy glory and the salvation of our souls .

This we humbly beg in Thy Name,0 El Shaddai .

All say—So mote it be .

All say In the Lord is all our trust.Ist M .M .

—In the name of'

King Solomon we declare the

Lodge op en for work in the First Degree .

We see here that the oldest Stellar Cu lt God is still used by the

Op eratives—El Shaddai Set, who was Primary God of the

South, although now they have p laced him at the north , whichis quite wrong .


This op en ing ritual for the first degree and all other cere

mon ies are known as“Old York Ritual, and it includes the

whole of the charges, documents, and secrets of the Ancient

Guild Free Masons, Opera tive.


I t will be observed that there are three Master Masons, and

they can do nothing un less the three agree, representing the

Primary Trin ity of Horus, Set, and Shu.

The Deputy Master Mason rules when the three masters are

not p resen t.There are three Deacons .

The chap lain is known as Jachin .

The Masters and Wardens sit in such a position that they canface and see the sun .

In the temp le , King Solomon ,it is said, sat in the west and

faced the east. The Op erative Masters still do the same , but

that was not the original p osition . This innovation was introduced p robably at the time of the commencemen t of the SolarCult. The Op eratives, as is seen and p roven here, have mixed

their original Stellar with the Solar .

Once a year, October 2md, the Operative Free Mason s change

their Third Master Mason .


outcome o f thi s war as regards the future, and how

i t will affect the B ro therhood and the nations now

takin g part in it . Bo th ques tions I wi ll answer

fo r my Bro thers . There canno t be the least doubt

that 'bo th the Eng li sh and French Brethren were

anxious fo r universal p eace . The French Bro thers

more esp ecially were anxious to be acknowledg ed

as bein g part o f the universal B rotherhood, and to

be in Entente Co rdiale wi th‘ the Grand Lodg e

of Eng land, and we all rejo iced that they, hav ing

acknowledg ed the Grea t Architect of the Universe,were admi t ted into our Grand Lodge as such .

We know that at the meet ing in London o f

the English,French

,and German Grand R ep resem

tatives,all p rofessed the same unive rsal s entiments

of p eace and good -wi ll . Although the German

Brethren were eulogis t i'c in thei r sentiments for

p eace, and p rofes sed a wish for clo ser ties,‘


after actions p rov ed that in their hearts this was

not so they were false to the true tenets of the

B ro therhood,to the Great Architect of the Universe,

and to the doctrines which they so p rofes sed to

admire . That this was so i s shown by the fo llow

ing : N umerous German B rethren had in vited the

French Freemasons to take p art in the Seventh

International Masonic Conference,which Was

announced to take p lace at Frankfort on the 1 5th


1 7 th August, 19 1 4 , and the French Bro thers

were p reparin g to meet the German B rothers on


g rounds of conci liation, and to contribute, to the

bes t of their ability,to the elimination of any

mi sun derstandings that existed—such misunder

standing s as arm nations agains t each other .

Nothing was held in abhorrence by the English and

French Brothers so much as the p ro spe ct of a war,which

,whatever the result

, c ould not compensate

for its atrocit ies .

On the French side,I ‘do not hesitate to declare

that they were free from rep roach . Durin g the

pas t two years the question of a Franco -German

truce had been di scussed in every Lodge in France,and in every case reconciliation had been recog

ni zed as desirable . The French Lodges have

become centres for the p ropagation of universal

p eace p rin cip les, and any recourse to vio lence has

been universally condemned as a crime which no

consideration could excuse .

For a long t ime p ast the three Pruss ian Grand

Masters have shared the secrets of high councils ,an d here we have an exp lanation of their hostile

at titude to peace, which they as sumed wh en sub

mitting to their Annual D iet of German Grand

Masters the following resolution

It i s wi thin the p rovince of Freemasonry to

intervene in all phases of human life as a

medium of p eace and concilia tion . I t i s

therefore i t s duty to bring every civi li zed22


p eop le to an understandin g of, and resp ect

for, the p eculiarities of other peop les, and to

p repare a pac ific solution of unavoidable

confl ic ts .

But the activities of Masonic organizat ions

must b e limited in these matters to an educa

tion of their members in the sp iri t of Free

masonry, so tha t they may sp read the idea

of p eace as widely as p os sible . An y other

mode of act ivity would result in po li t ical

tendencies,to which M asonry, by the terms

of i t s fundamental p rincip les, must remain

foreign . It does not,therefore

, belong to

the domain of Masonry to sup p ort directly

the modern pacific movemen t ( called

Pacificism) . Therefore,this D iet of Grand

Lodges invi tes the German Grand Lodg es ,

Lodges , and Masonic Associations,to abs tain

from exp ressing any op inion in favour ofPac‘ificism .

The Brethren wi l l not be individually for

bidden to adhere to Pacificism,on con

‘dition that they are not, On such occasions ,to be pub l ic ly known as Freemasons .

Thi s p ropo sition was oppo sed by the five non

Prussian German Grand Lodges . The Pruss ian

Grand M as ters then though t fit to forbid the

Lodg es under their several jurisdictions any further


crumbles wi th the p resent untruth . No Govern

ment, in fac t, has ever lied so impudently as that of

p resent -day Germany . For Germany has once

more raised the banner and has called us all to

the standard,to engag e in fight to the end wi th

the loathsome dragon now devastating the world,more p estilent than the old one

,whose path across

a fair and’ smi ling land of a brave and courageousp eop le, wi th its po i sonous breath and vile hatred,i s marked by hellish outrages on women

,the hap

less cry of tortured babes,the heart—sob of the

aged and the crimson stain of i ts wounded and

dying victims,and the destruction of Literature

and Art impo s sible to rep lace .

I do no t say for one moment that all German

Freemasons were of this one mind in Germany,or that there were no t a large number of Brothers

who wi shed for the establishment of Universal

B rotherhood ; but that the majo ri ty, or tho se in

power, as the Governing Body, were no t so minded,there “

can be no doubt . I f the whole of the German

Brotherhood had combined together as the

Americans did,there woul-d have been no such

awful calamity as is now taking p lace ; but they

did not,as we well know

,and the destruct ion of

the German Emp ire wi l l be the result . The

French,on the contrary

,having returned to the

acknowledgment of the Great Architect of the

Universe,and jo ined in with" the one great nation


which is working for Universa l B rotherhood , w i l l

ri se and be a great nat ion again,thus adding

strength to the cause, which wi ll become much

strong er as time p roceeds . Af ter thi s war there

wi ll be a great adv ance in France of Freemasonry ,and that country will eventually be governed by

the B rotherhood on the lines of the old S tellar

Cult B rotherhood,brought up to date wi thout the

dogmas of any of the p resent -day sects .

But the Great Archi tect of the Universe,who has

formed the Natura l Laws as well as the Sp iritual

Laws, puni shes and destroys thos e nations and

p eop les“

who do no t obey these laws,and although

poor humanity is ever struggling to attain a higher

typ e, and does so,yet if any one nation does no t

follow these divine laws i t becomes destroyed and

ceases to exis t as a great nation . That is the

past hi story of the down fall of all great nations

wi thout excep t ion, and it wi l l be so again .

An d what of ourselves,Brothers ! We are the

greates t nation that exists at the p resent time .

I t is a question if we are as great a Brotherhood”

as existed for at leas t two hundred thousand years,

as the S tellar Cult p eop le did, when the whole of

Af rica, part of Asia, Europ e , America, and Oceania

were all of one B ro therhood . I say that the future

al l dep ends upon yourselves . I f after this great

war you allow Socialism to creep in, then thi s

nation will fo llow others and will become destroyed


as a great nation,and others wi ll take its p lace .

On the other hand, if we do not allow the Great

Serp ent of Evi l in the form of Sociali sm to . raise

i t s head, we shall remain the greatest nation that

the world has ever seen,i n which the B rotherhood

wi ll flourish exceedingly . I t does not matter what

creed you p ro fes s outs ide theLodge as long as it

does no t interfere with your great p rincip les, tenets ,and belief in the one Grea t Architect of the

Unive rse,in the Lodge

,and the p ract ice of them in

your daily lives .

You wi l l have learnt,from the fo regoing pages,

that we are all one and the same,wi th this dif

ference,that some of us - are in various stages of

evolution as regards religious doctrines,jus t as we

are in the advancement of evolution as members

of the human race . That i s the only difference,although many of you will not understand this

excep t you study the above .

Brothers throughout the wo rld, I greet you and

p ray that the one Great Architect of the Universe

wi ll cement us all in one Great Universal B rother

hood again . It rest s wi th the B ritish B ro therhood

now to see thi s carri ed ou t, and

' every indi

vidual brother has a p art and duty to pe rfo rm .

Therefo re,let this charge rest on each one of you,

because i t i s the will of the Great Architect of the

Universe that it should be done .



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