Suzana.pdf - UGR Repository


Transcript of Suzana.pdf - UGR Repository
















In the name of Allah, the beneficent, and the Merciful. Praise and

gratituded be to Allah for given the strength and guidanced for the writer, so that

this thesis can be finished accordingly. Peace and blessing be upon Prophet

Muhammad SAW, his family, his relatives, and all his followers.

This thesis entitledThe Used of Mind Mapping Technique in Writing

Descriptive Text at SMK NW Suralaga in School Yer 2020/2021 was proudly

presented to English Department of Gunung Rinjani University in partial

fulfillment of requirement to the degree of Sarjana pendidikan (S.Pd)

On this special occasion, I would like to express my deep gratituded to those who

have supported and assisted me in completed this thesis

1. Dr. H. Moch. Ali Bin Dahlan., As Rector of Gunung Rinjani University

2. Mashur, S. Pd., M.Pd, As Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education of Gungung Rinjani University.

3. Abdul Majid Junaidi, S. Pd., M.Pd, As Head of the English Study

Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Gunung Rinjani


4. Karomi, S. Pd., M.Pd a mentor who always provided motivation and

guidance in the preparation of this thesis.

5. Abdul Majid Junaidi, S.Pd., M.Pd. a mentor who always provided

motivation and guidance in the preparation of this thesis.


6. Tonyman AsyariS.Pd As head masters at Tsanawiyah NW Jango, which

has provided the opportunity and place to collect research data.

7. Muhammad Ikhwan, S.Pd a teacher of English subjects at

MadrsahTsanawiya NW Jango who has provided guidance and

assistance in research.

8. Students class VII Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan NW Suralaga whose

have participated in this research.

Researcher realized that this thesis is far from perfect and this is partly due

to the limitations of the researcher. Nevertheless, the researcher hopes that this

section will be of benefit to readers and the development of knowledge.

Selong 25, August 2021


NPM :56701329FBI16




“Good things will come to those who are patient”



I dedicate this work to:

Allah the Almighty who has given all His gifts so that this thesis can be completed


My beloved parents and friends who have helped me in writing this thesis.

Thank you for your love and prayers and support

who always provide motivation and enthusiasm both morally and materially so that

I can complete this thesis.

"You are the most beautiful gift in my life"





APROVAL SHEET………………………………………………....…..........ii

APROVAL SHEET………………………………………………....…..........iii



MOTTO……………………………………………………………….. ..........vii


TABLE OF CONTENT ………………………………………………........ix



A. Background of Research ........................................................... ………1

B. Identification of Problem .......................................................... ………6

C. Limitation of the Problem ......................................................... ………7

D. Formulation of the Problem ...................................................... ………8

E. Objective of the Research ......................................................... ………8

F. The Benefit of the Research ...................................................... ………9


A. Theoritical foundation...........................................................................11

1. Writing ............................................................................... ………11

a. TheNature of Writing ................................................. ………11

b. The Nature of Teaching Writing ................................. ………12

2. Mind Mapping ................................................................... ….…..15

a. How to Make Mind Mapping ........................................... 15

b. How to Make Mind Mapping ................................. ……...14

c. Teaching Writing Using Mind Mapping................. ……...18

B. Relevant of Research ................................................................ ……...21

C. The Theoretical Framework ...................................................... ……...23

D. Action Hypothesis ................................................................................ 25


A. Kind of the Research ........................................................................... 26

B. Research Design .................................................................................. 27

C. The Subject and the Object of Research ............................................. 30

D. Time of the Research .......................................................................... 30


E. Procedure of the Research .................................................................. 30

F. The Technique of Collecting the Data………………………...…..….36

1. Questionnaire………………………...………………………..…36

2. Writing test………………………...………………………….....37

G. Data Analysis Technique……………………………………………..39

H. The Criteria of the Action Success ...................................................... 39


A. Findings ........................................................................................... 40

1. Identification of the problem ..................................................... 40

2. Determining Actions to Solve Field Problem ............................ 44

B. Discussion ....................................................................................... 63


A. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 65

B. Suggestion ....................................................................................... 66

REFERENCE ................................................................................................... 68


Appendixs1: SILABUS SMK


Appendixs3:The Summary of the Observation Checklists












RINJANI 2021Thesis: English Education

Undergraduated Program University of Gunung

Rinjani, 2020.

Kata kunci: menggunakan mind mapping, menulis teks deskriptif

Inti dari eksplorasi ini adalah untuk lebih mengembangkan kemampuan

menulis bahasa Inggris siswa kelas 10 SMK Nahdlatul Wathan Suralaga dengan

memanfaatkan metode psyche planning. Pengujiannya adalah penelitian aktivitas.

Dalam mengarahkan ujian tersebut, analis termasuk pengajar bahasa Inggris,

siswa kelas X. Subjek yang di uji adalah 20 siswa kelas X SMK Nahdlatul

Wathan Suralaga tahun ajaran 2021/2022. penelitian ini adalah dalam bentuk

kuantitatif. Penelitian kuantitatif diperoleh dengan memperhatikan langkah-

langkah pembelajaran yang mendidik selama pelaksanaan kegiatan siswa dan

rekan tentang kegiatan yang dilakukan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa

penggunaan perencanaan psyche itu layak untuk lebih mengembangkan

kemampuan menulis siswa. Pemanfaatan gambar-gambar cerah,perencanaan jiwa

pada tahap BKOF dan MOT ini menarik untuk membuat para siswa lebih

bersemangat dalam latihan mengarang. Semua siswa dapat memahami dan

bereaksi terhadap arahan dan penjelasan analisis. Latihan di tahap JCOT untuk

memanfaatkan perencanaan psyche sebagai prosedur penyusunan pra-penyusunan

bermanfaat untuk membantu siswa dalam menghasilkan atau mengkoordinasikan

pikiran mereka. Mereka juga dapat menggunakan kata-kata yang tepat yang

mereka temukan untuk membuat perencanaan. Latihan dalam tahap ICOT untuk

menyusun teks cerita melalui perencanaan psycho. Siswa dapat berkreasi dan

berkreasi dengan memanfaatkan perencanaan jiwa dan mampu menyampaikan

cerita dengan konstruksi konvensional yang tepat.




A. Background of Research

Language plays important role in increasing students

knowledgeand help students succeed in every subject in school. In the era

of globalization, English is not only a universal language but also a tool to

communicate in speaking and writing form for understandinginformation,

thoughts, feelings, science, technology and culture. Therefore,Language

can be a subject that is study in schools in Indonesia. Base on curriculum

school in Cahyo (2013), in EnglishIn the teaching and learning process,

there are four skills that must be mastered. They are listening, speaking,

reading and writing.

Now days, English is both a part of communication and important

language to master. That is why English is taughtschools in Indonesia.

One of them is SMK NW Suralaga. This school is a school that

encourages students to master more than onelanguage. The purpose of

learning English at SMK NW Suralaga Vocational School is to

makestudents are able to learn and apply the language into everyday life.

They listen, talk, and integrate reading and writing to achieve the

informational level.Writing is one of the important skills that must be

mastered by studentsbecause if they have good writing skills then they will

be able to express itideas in writing.


Based on this fact, learning to write is difficult, especially for

writingin a second language or foreign language in an academic context.

Writing is onemost difficult productive skill requiring specific skills.

Therefore, it can understand that errors usually occur in writing. Writing

errors can be enteredforms of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation,

organization, andcohesion.Researchers choose writing skills

This research because "writing is active or productive skills”

Fachrurrazy in Fujiono (2016). That meaning that writing involves

producinglanguage rather than accept it. Foreign language learners,

students must be ableorganize ideas and also to clarify conceptsabsorb and

process information. It makesstudents as active rather than passive

learnersthe recipient of the information. They are requiredwrite efficiently

by producing good sentencesand even good text.

Susanto (2013) states "Writing is thatthe most complicated and

difficult skills atcomparison with three other English languageslanguage

skills (listening, speaking, andreading)".

According to Browne (2007)described that “writing is a complex

activitywhich involves a lot of skill. This includes decidingwhat you want

to write, the best way to say it, andhow to get these ideas down on paper

that wayunderstood by others ".

According to Prayogo (2009),many students do not think of writing

as free timeand easy activities, writing often makes upfrustrated, this is

because they don't have the filessufficient knowledge and skills, which are


requiredin writing. The problem with most students is thatthey worry

about making mistakes when writingEnglish. They worry about

paragraphswriting, research papers, expressing ideas. Theythought

everything they wrote was full of mistakes. MostThe students feel that

writing is not easyskills. Most of the students also felt that writingmore

difficult than talking.

Based on the monitoring at SMK NW Suralaga, there are a lot of

problems found in the writing class. The students are deficient vocabulary.

Because, teaching and learning process only rests on power of memory.

When researcher made observations in class, the teacher instructs students

to memorize all foreign ones the words on the board and in the next

meeting the teacher tests some of them students to say the words and say

their meaning. The students were found difficulty to start writing. The

reason is, students are often confused express their ideas in writing.

Another problem is that they low understand of grammar.

The same problem is come from Fujiono (2016) faced byclass X

SMA PGRI studentPamekasan ban. Trouble happenedwhen they want to

build and organize itideas or sentences into paragraphs so that they

becomenot interested and enthusiastic about learningwriting. They find

writing difficult. In theresearch, the researcher wants to solvedifficulties

that student’s faces when they are create descriptive text. Based

onpreliminary survey of researchers, studentsWriting achievement on


descriptive text is lowand under KKM (minimum standard

score/theachievement of minimum standards).

To solve the problems above, students need a technique to

helpthem to understand new words easily. Engineering is a tool

foraccomplishing a goal. The techniques needed to improve writing skills

are techniques that make it easier for students to express their ideas,

composewords make good sentences. One of the techniques you can

createStudents find it easy to express and organize their ideas by mind

mapping.Mind mapping is a way for students to absorb easilyinformation

into their brains and out of their brains. Mind mapping isa way to take

notes effectively and creatively and it will map out ideas literally Buzan in

Cahyo, (2013). This technique can increase creativity and student

workthey love to learn, because it consists of a color, a picture, and a few

keyswords that can also make it easier for them to learn English especially

in the languagewriting skills. For this reason, researcher will use mind

mapping techniques improve students writing skills. Because there are

several benefitsoffered by mind mapping techniques in learning

Englishprocesses, especially in writing skills.

Given the importance of implementing mind mapping in language

learning, there are several studies that have been conducted by other

researcher. The first is Fuad Nur Cahyo English Education Department

Faculty of Languages and ArtsState University of Yogyakarta2013 with

untitled Using the Mind Mapping Technique to Improve the English


Writing Skill of the Tenth Grade Students at MAN Yogyakarta Iii in the

Academic Year of 2012/2013. The purpose of this study was to improve

the 10th grade students' English writing skillsstudents at MAN Yogyakarta

III using mind mapping techniques. This research is an action research. In

conducting research, researchers are involvedEnglish teacher, principal

and XE grade students. Subject this study was 32 students of class XE

MAN Yogyakarta III academic year2012/2013. The research data is

qualitative. Qualitative data obtained observe the teaching-learning

process during the implementation of the action andinterview students and

collaborators about the actions implemented. Thatqualitative data in the

form of field notes and interview transcripts.The results of this study

indicate that the use of mind mapping is effective forimprove students'

writing skills.

The difference between this research and the researches above is

that this research will focus on the used of the mind mapping method in

writing descriptive text. The kind of research that will be implementation

in this research use quantitative. The similarity of this research with the

research above is that the two research focus on mind mapping methods in

improving student writing.

Second research is Sijono Masters Study Program of English

LanguageEducation Teacher Training and Education FacultyTanjung Pura

UniversityPontianak2017 with untitled Teaching Writing Descriptive

Texts throughMind Mapping Collaborative Writing.Techniques in this


research aim to improve the abilities of studentsin writing descriptive texts

through a 'mind mapping collaborative' technique writing 'on students of

SMA Nusantara Indah Sintang, class XB years 2016/2017 lessons. The

results of this research indicate that this technique can make students feel

comfortable and trigger their motivation in activities write. The students

enjoy working with other students; especially they can share difficulties

during writing activities. Mind mapping technique collaborative writing

can help students improve their writing skills descriptive text and can

motivate students to take an active role in activities write. “Mind mapping

collaborative writing” technique is suggested to get it used in learning to


The difference between this research and the researchabove is this

research use experiment, while this research uses classroom action. This

research method is quantitative. The similarity of this research with the

research above uses quantitative methods.Based on the description above,

this research used mind mapping technique in writing descriptive texts.

This research also aims to determine specifically in writing descriptive

texts. Research also aims to find out mind mapping techniques in writing.

B. Identification of Problem

In identifying the problem, two activities were carried out,

namelyobserve the teaching and learning process of English in the

classroom andinterviewed English teachers and students. Problems usually

come from the quality of writing skills to secondary schools liketeachers,


students, techniques, materials, media, activities andevaluation of the

teaching and learning process.

1. The first problem is related to the teacher. In most of the teachings this

time, teachers only focused on delivering material and less pay attention

to student motivation. The teacher did not present the material with

interesting activity; many students are noisy and talking with their

friend. The teacher did not stop them neither did the teaching and

learning of English ineffective process.

2. The second problem relates to students. The students have

lessmotivation to learn English. They think English is very

difficultsubject. The students lack discipline, so they just want to

learnsomething they like. Student motivation is also very low because

the teacher never gives them interesting activities to learn English.

3. The third problem is related to teaching techniques and learning

process. The techniques used in the teaching and learning process are

not suitable for improving students' writing skills. Technique which use

in the classroom does not motivate students to write in English. To For

example, students do not have the opportunity to write in English, so do

they can't improve their writing skills.

C. Limitation of Problem

Based on the above problems, the researcher needs to do

something action research studies. Researcher assumes that the problem

here is about technique. Students need a technique that makes them


happylearn to write in class. If they have the right writing technique, that

will help them write their own writing. Mind mapping can helpstudents to

explore their thoughts. Through mind mapping students cansupported to

express what they want to write freely. Researcher believes that mind

mapping is a good technique in doing writing skills. Action research that

implements mind mapping. It is hoped that researcher can improve

students writing skills.

D. Formulation of Problem

In this research use mind mapping in writing descriptive text in

students at SMK NW Suralaga. Then, to make this research easy to

understand, the writer formulated the problem as follows:

1. To knowmind mapping technique help student improve students writing

skill in descriptive texts?

2. What are student’s responses toward mind mapping techniques in

descriptive text?

E. Objective of the Research

Based on the formulation of the research problem, research

objectivesuse mind mapping techniques to improve students writing in

descriptive text English teaching and learning process at SMK NW


1. To know mind mapping technique can improve students

writing skill descriptive text


2. To describe students respond toward mind mapping technique

in descriptive text.

F. The Benefits of the Research

1. Efforts will be made for students of SMK NW Suralaga improve their

writing in descriptive text.

2. For English teachers of SMK NW Suralaga, the results of this study can

beused as a reference to improve the writing competence of English

teachers inEnglish learning.

3. For other researchers, this research can provide general knowledge about

howimprove students' writing skills. Research can also be used asthe

foundation for further research.

G. Definition of Key Terms

1. Mind mapping is a way of developing thinking activities in all directions,

capturing various thoughts from various angles. Mind maping develops

divergent thinking and creative thinking. Mind mapping which we often

call concept maps is a very powerful organizational thinking tool which is

also the easiest way to put information into the brain and retrieve that

information when needed Tony Buzan (2008).According to Tony Buzan,

Mind Mapping can help us for many things such as: planning,

communicating, being more creative, solving problems, focusing attention,

arranging and explaining thoughts, remembering well, learning faster and

more efficiently and practicing the overall picture.


2. According Charles and Ronald, Communicating is one of

humankind‘smost characteristic acts, and writing is one of the most

widespread and potentiallyone of the most effective means of


3. Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its

purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.




A. Literature review

1. Theoretical Foundation

a. The Nature of Writing

Writing is the activity of digging opinions and ideas into words. That

includes organizing words, phrases, clauses, and sentences into coherent and

cohesive paragraph and text. There is no doubt that the writing the most difficult

skills for all language users: foreign, second, and even for first language. Writing

requires careful preparation and lots of practice. According to Richards and

Renandya in Cahyo (2013), written language is complex at the clause level.

Writing consists of many constituent parts: content, organization, originality,

style, fluency, accuracy, or use form the appropriate rhetorical discourse.

In relation to writing, Brown in Cahyo (2013) states that writing makes

product through thinking, drafting, and revising. This means in producing written

language, the writer must follow these steps to produce a final product.

Writing is a skill that requires a process so that the ideas it has owned can

be expressed through writing. It is necessary in the teaching and learning process

the process so that the teaching and learning process can be carried out properly.

Certainly, writing in English is not easy. Expressing ideas is not enough, because

ideas still have to be conveyed in English. For that, the technique can support the

required learning process.


b. The Nature of Teaching Writing

Writing skills are one of four English skills. Great writing skills important

for students in the future because it will provide opportunities and challenges for

them. To get good writing, students need a scheme to be revealed effective

through written media. Good writing cannot be done at one time, but it must be

done in several steps. Starting from making the outline, drafting, to it could be

good writing. During this process, revisions must be made continuously. In fact,

many students cannot produce good writing through the above writing process.

There is no doubt that writing is the most difficult skill second language learners

to master. The difficulty lies not only in producing and organize ideas, but also

translate these ideas into readable text. That skills involved in writing are

complex. Second language writer should pay attention to higher level skills in

planning and organizing as well because lower levels kill spelling, punctuation,

word choice, and so on. That difficulty becomes more obvious if their language

skills weak.

Teaching can be defined as helping someone to learn something. This

supported by Brown in Cahyo (2013) who defined teaching as showing or helping

someone to learn how to do something, give instructions, guide inside learn

something, impart knowledge, and cause to know or understand. This means

teaching is guiding someone in learning something that results in an increase in

his knowledge. Chocolate in Cahyo (2013) stated that several years ago, writing

was only taught by teachers focuses on the end product writing. It can be the form

of essays, reports, and stories. For his composition, Brown also added his opinion


the writing must meet certain standards of the prescription of the English

rhetorical style, use accurate grammar, and arrange correctly based on audience '

living environment.

According to Shih Brown in Cahyo, (2013) there are several processes

writing approach. These processes are considered modern the way of writing that

has been discussed earlier in this chapter. They are as follow.

1) Focusing activities on the writing process that leads tofinal

writing product. The writing stage is important to apply.

2) Helpstudents to understand their own writing process.

3) Helpstudents to build a repertoire of strategies for prewriting,

drafting, and rewrite.

4) Give students the opportunity or time to write and rewrite their


5) Placing the central aspect of the writing in the revision process.

6) Give students the opportunity to discover what they want to

say as they write.

7) Provide feedback to students through the writing process (not

just at the endproduct) when they try to close their expressions


8) Encourage feedback from instructors and co-workers.

9) Includedindividual discussions between teachers and students

during the processcomposition.


The nature of teaching techniques is a means that can be used to guide

students to achieve goals. That is why writing techniques can be taught increase

student motivation in writing, create ideas, and can help students find it easy to

organize their ideas into meaningful sentences the purpose of writing can be

achieved maximally.

Students need to demonstrate their skills after they have been

demonstrated writing techniques and writing components itself. In doing products,

there are several types that can be used. Brown in Cahyo (2013) describes some of

the appearances in learning to write. Types of classrooms the writing performance

is as follows.

1) Emulate or write down

In this type, students learn how to form letters, words and

simplesentence. They will write English letters, words or

sentences tostudy conventional orthographic codes.

2) Intensive or controlled

The function of this show is to improve grammar

skillsstudents. This type will be like a written grammar

exercise. The usual form of controlled writing is to present the

paragraphs to the students in itthey have to change a whole

particular structure.

3) Write it yourself

This type will only use students as the audience, so they



4) Writing display

The form of the show is short answer practice,

essayexamination, and research reports.

5) Original writing

There are three types of real writing: academic, vocational, and personal.

Academics provide opportunities for students to express sincerely information to

each other. Vocational is used for advancement in student work. Personal involves

writing diaries, letters, posts cards, notes and personal messages.

The research concept is focused on used mind mapping technique in

writing descriptive text. In this case, teacher is as an instructor and also as

supervisor of student work.

2. Mind Mapping

Nowdays, mind mapping is a common technique in English teaching and

learning process. Mind mapping involves central writing ideas and think of new

and related ideas that radiate from the center. This is a good technique that can

help our memory because it allows us to do so compiling facts and ideas. Map out

the knowledge that will help us understand and remember new information by

focusing on those key ideas is written, and then looks for the branches and

relationships between them ideas.

Buzan (2010) states that “mind mapping is an easy way to get to places

information to the brain and retrieve information from the brain. Mind Mapping is

creative and effective way to write and will map your mind in a simple way. In


this definition, five important concepts of mind mapping are used. First, Mind

mapping is one creative note-taking technique. This is a techniques that people

use to represent ideas into visualizations and graphics a form in which one idea is

linked to another by means of a branch. Second, mind mapping helps people put

information into it brain. By using mind mapping, it is easy for people to enter

information into it their memories. Third, mind mapping helps people to store

long-term memory information. By using mind mapping, information can be

stored into their memories for a long time. Fourth, mind mapping helps people to

retrieve information from their brains easily. Using mind mapping, that's true easy

to remember the information stored in their memory. Mind mapping use

imagination and association in it is application. It means that in presenting ideas

into mind mapping diagrams, people attach imagination stimulator such as

pictures, symbols, and colors to present ideas clearly and use association

techniques to help them build their sense new concept. This new concept is

connected with a known concept has a close relationship with new concepts.

All mind maps using color and shape are luminous thoughts. The entire

mind map has a basic structure that gushes from the middle. It can with lines,

symbols, words, and pictures that relate in simple, basic, natural sequences with

the brain. By using mind maps, long list information can be turned into the

diagrams are colorful, well organized, and easy to remember.


a. How to Make Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a system that uses brain management to open all the

hidden brain potential and capacity. Besides, mind mapping is also a learning

system that is often used to help students to learn effectively, efficiently and

happily. Buzan (2005: 15) mentions seven stages to make a mind mapping as


1. Placing the main idea in the middle is the initial idea in the middle

designed to provide freedom to develop ideas in all directions, namely a

perfect example of brilliant thinking in action. Most students find it

useful to turn their page sideways and create a mind map in "landscape"

style. Placemen. The main idea or topic in the middle of the page will

give you maximum space other ideas to radiate from the center.

2. Using pictures or photos for main idea images and photos is

important enough in making mind mapping. It's because images have

power impact on imagination and memory. It's also a pleasure to look at

and keep focused attention.

3. Using colors makes the mind map livelier and adds energy creative

thinking. It can be used to grab attention and eye interest.

4. Connect the main branch to the middle image and connect the

second and third branch to the first and second, and so on trying to

connect the main branch to the middle image and connect the second

and third branches to the first and second, and so on because the brain

works accordingly association. The human brain likes to connect two


5. or more things at once. That the connections between the

branches make it easier to understand and remember.

6. Make a curve line connector, not a straight line Mind

maps with straight lines are boring to the eye and do not

reflect them creative intentions, but curve branches like

tree branches more interesting to see.

7. Use one keyword for each line that is because one

keyword gives the mind more energy and flexibility


8. Using pictures Images and symbols are easy to remember,

and stimulate new creativity association.

So, mind mapping is a simple technique you can use to take

notescreatively and effectively. Besides that, it can help students

memorizeinformation. Using mind mapping, people can come up

with and organize ideasto be a nice sentence. In addition, mind

mapping can make students happyin learning because there are

colorful pictures. That's why mind mapping is a technique that can

be used to learn writing skills.

b. Teaching Writing Using Mind Mapping

There are many ways and methods that can be used by teachers in teaching and

learning process. They can freely choose the appropriate teaching method

according to student characteristics and depends material taught. Only teachers

know the appropriate teaching methods to use in delivering the material. One of


them was stated by Feez and Joyce (2002). There are several stages used to teach

writing. They can be explained as follows.

1) Building Knowledge of the Filed (BKOF)

At this stage students must think about what they will learn.They can share it

with their teachers and friends. This was the initial topic beforestudents study

the material in detail. Its activities are dominated by talkingand listen to

topics in general. At this stage the students are together withthe teacher can

develop a vocabulary of topics and conjunctions,required, and also introduces

the strategies they will usestudy the topic. With regards to teacher planning,

the teacher will do itUse this step to introduce students to the material,

strategies as wellthe grammar needed for them.

2) Modeling of the Text (MOT stage)

This stage includes showing the sample text to studentsthe teacher explains

from general to special. From public facilities owned by the teacherexplain to

students about the meaning of mind mapping andthe benefits of mind mapping.

From the special means the teacher must explainStep students make a mind map

and give examples of thoughtsmapping. Is a stage to make students understand

about the theorytext building foundations are discussed. Finish this stage,

teacherhope that students understand well about the strategy to be usedin writing.

The teacher also explains how to write good paragraphs and howto develop the

ideas they create using mind mapping into their writing.


3) Join Contraction of the Text (JCOT stage)

At this stage the students must do the exercises togetherrelated to the

topic. They can do it in groups, in pairs or individually. All depend on the

material. They are expected to be able to do a good jobbecause they have studied

the theory at the second stage. The material isabout writing paragraphs. In this

case students must know aboutvocabulary they should use and how to write

using mind mapping. InAt this stage the teacher will invite students to write

down their ideas using thoughtsmapping. This is just a plan for students before

they write down their ideas. The teacher will give students a topic, their

activities during the holidays and theirscan do it with a partner. They must make

mind mapping their ownconstructs before writing their ideas. At other meetings,

teachers too ask students to write down their ideas as a written plan for their

experiencesuse mind mapping individually.

4) Independent Contraction of the text (ICOT)

At this stage, in the speaking aspect, students must be able to practicetheir

conversation. For example, students can tell about their daily lives atfront of the

class. In the aspect of writing, students are expected to be able to writetheir ideas

in writing. Regarding the project, the teacher will receivestudents to develop their

ideas using the mind maps they created inprevious meetings became their writing.

5) Linking Related the Text

In this stage, students investigate how what they have learned in this regard The

teaching and learning cycle can be related to: the same or similar other texts

context, the teaching-learning cycle of the future or the past. Connecting activity


text types for related text include: compare the use of text types across different

fields, examines other types of text used in the same field.

Thus, the teacher must ensure that the assignment consists of several tasks

Stages: Building Knowledge in the Field, Text Modeling, Together Text

Construction, and Independent Text Construction has been going well

implemented so that students are able to do tasks independently.

B. Relevant of Research

Previous research has been done by Sijono with untitled Teaching Writing

Descriptive Texts through Mind Mapping Collaborative Writing. Techniques in

this research aim to improve the abilities of students in writing descriptive texts

through a 'mind mapping collaborative' technique writing 'on students of SMA

Nusantara Indah Sintang, class XB years 2016/2017 lessons. The results of this

research indicate that this technique can make students feel comfortable and

trigger their motivation in activities write. The students enjoy working with other

students; especially they can share difficulties during writing activities. Mind

mapping technique collaborative writing can help students improve their writing

skills descriptive text and can motivate students to take an active role in activities

write. “Mind mapping collaborative writing” technique is suggested to get it used

in learning to write.

The difference between this research and the research above is this

research use experiment, while this research uses classroom action. This research


method is quantitative and qualitative. The similarity of this research with the

researches above two studies uses quantitative and qualitative methods.

Another research is carrying out by Fujiono with untitled The Use of Mind

Mapping Technique to Improve the Students’writing Skill on Descriptive Text at

the Tenth Grade of SMA PGRI Larangan Pamekasan. This research includes

classroom action research (PTK). This research proposes use of mind mapping

techniques to improve students' writing skills on descriptive text at PT class X

SMA PGRI Larangan Pamekasan. This research instrument consists of a rubric

for assessing students' writing skills on descriptive text, a questionnaire and an

observation checklist. The students of this study were 20 students in the tenth

grade SMA PGRI Ban Pamekasan. In preliminary studies, students' writing skills

were on Descriptive text and student learning motivation are still low, this shows

5 students or 25% of students passed the minimum standard achievement / KKM

(76). Therefore, researchers tried to apply mind mapping techniques to improve

Students 'writing skills in descriptive text, he found students' interest in learning

English, student activeness, student confidence in writing. However, most

students have difficulty dealing with the use of less grammar and vocabulary, it is

shown in the first section cycle that 9 students or 45% of students pass the

minimum standard Achievements / KKM (76). Then the second cycle was carried

out by revising the learning strategies in the first cycle as outlined in the lesson

plan taking into account student weaknesses made on the previous writing test. In

the second cycle it was proven that 16 students or 80% students pass the minimum

standard achievement / KKM (76), and researchers stated that students responded


better in the second cycle than in the first cycle, more students in cycle II are

motivated so that the class is more active during class. So that the research results

state that the use of mind mapping techniques can improve students' writing skills

on descriptive text, and the class is more motivated and fun.

The equation of this research with the research above is that this study both

use classroom action research. The difference in this study is that this study uses

two quantitative and qualitative methods, while the above research uses

quantitative methods and the instruments used in the study above are only

questionnaire and post test and pre test.

C. The Theoretical Framework

Mind mapping technique concepts to improve writing skills have been

explored in the previous section. In this section, Conceptual framework derived

from these concepts will be presented.

Writing is the written product of that thought, arrangement and revision

requires specific skills on how to generated ideas, how to organize them

coherently, how to used discourse markers and rhetorical conventions to put they

are cohesive into written texts, how to revise the text for a clearer meaning, how

to edit text for grammar appropriate, and how to produce the final product. That is

why writing is considered one of the most difficult productive skills which require

special skills because we need several processes in writing. In fact, based on

observations at SMK NW Suralaga there were several problems foundedin writing

skills. The first was about expressing ideas. Students at SMK NW Suralaga found


it difficult to express it ideas in writing something. Some of them said they had a

lot to do write in their mind but they don't know how to start writing. The second

was about vocabulary. Students at SMK NW Suralaga have limitations

vocabulary that made it difficult for them to express their ideas in writing.

Therefore, it didn’t surprised that students have difficulty mastering it writing

skills. Teachers should find effective ways of teaching writing.

On the basis of this theoretical review, it coud be seen that the

mindmapping techniques can helped students because they allowed them to

organizedfacts and ideas. Buzan (2008) states that by using mind mapping,people

can represent ideas in the form of visualizations and graphics where one idea are

linked to other ideas by means of branches. Apart from that he also said that by

using mind mapping, it is easy for people to enter information into itStorage.

Hence, mind mapping is a good technique which can be used teaching writing

at SMK NW Suralaga especially in class X. Use of files Mind mapping is

expected to help students express and organize it ideas into great text. Besides

that, it is also hoped that the used of reason is also expected Mapping in the

teaching and learning process made students comfortable to learn to write, and not

to wasted time. Application files the right teaching technique was essential in

determining success teaching and learning process. In this case, mind mapping

coud created students compose text easily. In the processed of created a mind

mapping, Students are given several features such as images, keywords, and

colors. Through these features students can imagine and generate ideas produce


great text. Asked students made mind mapping possible they clearly and

creatively identify what they have learned or what the information they got.

D. Action Hypothesis

In an effort to provide alternative problem solving, the hypothesis proposed

was as follows: students' writing skills coud be improved through mind mapping





A. Kind of the Research

The method used in this research was Classroom Action Research

(CAR) which is derived from classroom action research. Because it occurs

in a class frame, it is called a CAR. Kemmis in Hidayati (2015) defines

action research as follows: Action research was a form of self-reflection

investigation carried out by participants in social situations (including

education) in order to improved rationality and justice, (a) their own social

or educational practice, (b) ) their understanding of the practice, and (c)

the situations in which it is practiced. Thus, it is clear that classroom

action research was evaluative and reflective because it aimed to brought

about change and improvement in practice.

According to Michael J. Wallace in Irianti (2011) CAR is a type of

classroom research conducted by teachers to solve problems or to find

answers to problems that fit the context. This means that to start CAR,

researchers or teachers need to identify and investigate problems in certain

situations. Another expert, Burns said, "Action research worked best when

it was cooperative action research. Cooperative action research has

beneficial effects on workers, and improved services, conditions, and

functioning of situations. In education, this activity translates into more

practice in research. Problem solving by teacher, administrator, students,

and certain community personnel, while the quality of teaching and

learning is the procesed of being improved. From the above statement it


can be concluded that in the scope of education, Classroom Action

Research is carried out to improve the quality of learning. The quality of

teachers, administrators, students, the teaching and learning process, and

certain community workers, in turn, would produced better results when

done collaboratively.

Based on the above statement, Classroom Action Research was a

method that is implemented as a tool solved problems diagnosed in

classroom learning activities. It might be important improved the quality

of teachers, administrators, students, teaching and learning processed, and

certain community personnel. Furthermore, it would provided better

results if it is done collaboratively from the teaching and learning

processed in education.

B. Research Design

Research studies on the used of mind mapping techniques

improved writing skills of class X SMK NW Suralaga. This research study

is carried out in the form ofcollaborative action research. The research was

conducted collaborativelywith the principal, English teacher, and grade X

students of SMK NW Suralaga. Team work together in planning,

implementation andreflects action. According to Kemmis in Cahyo (2013),

action research isdone through the process below.

According to Kemmis in Cahyo (2013), action research isdone

through the process below.


Figure2. The action research spiral

(Based on Kemmis in Cahyo)

1. Planning

Researchers came to SMK NW Suralaga to conducted interviews with

subject teachers and saw students grade data in English subjects. After knowing

the problem of student learning scores, the researcher then conducted a pre-test to

measure problems in English subjects. After that the researcher conducted class

actions for 6 meetings to use the Mind Mapping method to improve students

'writing skills. After the class action was completed, observations would be made

to see to what extent mind mapping techniques could improved students' writing

skills in the form of observation was a post test. After that, reflection is done to

plan the next cycle.


2. Action

Researchers carried out class actions in accordance with the plans that

have been made, and applied learning for 3 meetings used mind mapping

techniques to improved students' writing skills.

3. Observations

At the observation stage, the researcher observed 2 activities, namely

student learning activities and learning process activities. Observation of student

learning activities can be carried out by researchers while teaching, and student

observations are also carried out by applying post tests to determine changes after

mind mapping techniques are carried out. As for the observation of the learning

process, the researcher asked for help from the English teacher who acted as a

collaborator to carried out observation activities. Collaborators made learning

observations based on instruments that have been compiled by the researcher. The

results of observations from collaborators would be useful as reflection material

for improvement in the next learning cycle.

4. Reflection

Reflection activities are applied after the collaborator has finished maked

observations to the researcher in carried out learning activities. This activity was a

discussion of the results of observations that have been carried out by

collaborators with researchers. The results of the reflection are used as

consideration for designed the next cycle. So that reflection was essentially an


activity of evaluation, analysis, interpretation, explanation, conclusion, and

identification of the next cycle planning.

In this scheme, researchers identify problems, formulated possible solutions,

carried out actions, and reflecedt on the results of these actions. These steps are

carried out in two cycles to got convinced of results.

C. The Subject and the Object of Research

Research participants were students of SMK NW Suralaga in the 2020/2021

school year. The researcher chose class X TKJ and TSM as study participants

because of the information provided by English Teachers, this class consists of

students who were less cooperative and tend to have low achievement in the

learning process to wrote. This class consists of 20 students: 19 male students and

1 female student.

D. Time of the Research

The actions carried out from August to November 2020. Researchers

conducted action research in the middle of the first semester 2020/2021 school

year. The processed of teaching and learning English is done twice a week.

E. Procedure of the Research

This type of research was classroom action research; wrong one characteristic

was the existences of measurable steps planned in each cycle Hamim and Salamah

(2009), so that the design in this research is carry out in 2 cycles. The following

are the stages of classroom action research carry out by Researcher:


1. The first observation(Pre-Action to identify problems).

Before class action was carry out, first conducted preliminary research by

observing the process and learning outcomes that have been implemented so far. It

was necessary this preliminary research was found problems learning that occurs

in the learning process in class especially on Discovery Learning. Based on the

results of this preliminary research, then it would be classroom action planning is

carried out for improvement further research.

2. Procedure for implementing actions.

Cycle I

Researchers carry out learning improvements based on problem findings

obtained from the results of initial observations and evaluations Discovery

learning the results of the evaluation showed that Student success rate was still

low, especially in terms of growth careful attituded and independent attitude as

well as the average value of student learning outcomes didn’t sufficient according

to the predetermined KKM value.

Therefore, researcher want to improved it by holding learning by applied

the Discovered model learning strategy learning the application of this teaching

strategy is accompanied by the used of tools media with the aim of maked it easier

for students to understand learning materials.

The used of the mind mapping method in learning is carried out in two

cycles, namely the first cycle and the second cycle. Cycle I was the basis for

implementation cycle II. The second cycle was an improvement of the


weaknesses, weaknesses or failures of learning in the first cycle. Every cycle

through four stages, namely:

a. Planning

Actions to overcome the problems in this study, namely the used of the

mind mapping method in developing students' writing in writing descriptive texts

in English lessons. in class XI, so that the researcher wishes to used method new

learning was the learning method used of mind mapping.

The various things that need to be prepared were as follows:

1) Make lesson plan that would be applied inteaching and learning process.

2) Establish indicators of achievement.

3) Arranging learning tools (LKS, teaching materials; media, etc.)

4) Develop research instruments, which include: Lesson Plan

analysis sheet; formatattitude implementation assessment,

learning implementation observation sheet;test questions and

gratings, and others related to implementationresearch.

b. Action

Researchers compile an action plan using the methodMind Maps are

described in the following steps:

1) Develop plans for implementing learning in descriptive text.

2) Develop teaching materials and learning media.

3) Make Student Worksheets (LKS) in accordance withindicators

that have been set using the methodMind Mapping.


4) Make learning outcome assessment questions and the grid.

5) Creating a Lesson Plan assessment rubric.

6) Make a rubric for assessing the implementation of learning.

7) Creating student response questionnaires.

8) Make an evaluation to determine the learning outcomes.

Action implementation stage

At this stage, a classroom action research was carried out with implement

the class action plan that has been compiled. On learning in class used the mind

mapping method and prepared various ingredients and interested learning media.

In the learning process in his class it was only focused on the teacher.

Cycle I

a) Make a learning implementation plan using the mind mapping


b) Carry out learning procedures by applying mind mapping.

c) Observe the effectiveness of the mind mapping methodconducted

by researchers who became observation in improvingmotivation

and learning outcomes of students in the learning process.

d) Analyze learning outcome data obtained from learning outcomesto

plan corrective action at a later stage.

e) Doing cycle I reflection activities to improve anddesigning learning

using the mind mapping method for implementation in cycle II.

Cycle II


a) Looking for factors that become obstacles in the learning

processbased on the results of evaluation and reflection of cycle I.

b) Improve the learning process for deficiencies and obstaclesthat is in

cycle I does not happen.

c) Make a learning implementation plan usingmind mapping method

by givingunderstanding of solving the problems that will besolved

in the learning process and the media is made attractivemaybe.

d) Carry out the learning procedure according to the

planimplementation of learning that has been made usingmind

mapping method.

e) Observing the effectiveness of the application of learning

methodsmind mapping conducted by researchers, researchers who

become Observer in increasing participants' understanding and

motivationstudents in learning.

f) Analyze the results obtained from observations about the process

andlearning outcomes to plan corrective action on the next step.

3. Observation

Observe the process of ongoing learning activities,including:

a) Make observations of the teaching and learning process withusing

the mind mapping learning method.

b) Observe directly student activities to determine successstudents in

applying the mind mapping learning method strategy


c) Observing student activities in the learning process, this aims to

know the growth of attitudes that are developed in student learning

during the learning process using the method mind mapping


4. Questioner

Questionnaire was a data collection technique that is done in a way gave a

set of questions or statements in writing to respondents to answer. Questionnaires

are used to obtain data about student responsed to learning that has been

implemented with the application of the Mind Mapping method.

5. Reflection

At this stage, the researcher evaluated and processed the data from the

observations learning improvement activities that have been implemented.

Researcher too discused with the teacher about the results of observations and

competency test which was done in cycle I. The results of the evaluation and

discussion were later compared with the performance indicators that have been

done. If it turns out evaluation results show adequacy and in accordance with the

performanced indicators, then action research was sufficient and completed, but if

it still exists shortcomings and didn’t in accordance with the indicators of

successed, it would fixed in the next plan to be followed up in cycle II.

Based on the findings during the learning process, it turns out that this

classroom action research can produced conclusions according to the indicators of

success in cycle II. This PTK done in Cycle II.


F. Technique of DataCollection

Research data collection was qualitative and quantitative. Data obtained by

interviewing students, given questionnaires, made observations during the

teaching and learning process, and holding discussion with the English teacher as


Qualitative data in the form of field notes, interviews transcripts, and

questionnaires. Questionnaires and interviews are conducted to obtain data or

information about student responses to implementation technique.

1. Questionnaire

The questionnaire was conducted to obtain data or information about

student attitudes towards the application of techniques. The questionnaire was

written in Indonesian to avoid misunderstanding students. The questionnaire was

conducted to obtain data or information about student’s attitudes towards applied

techniques to answer research questions. The questionnaire consists of 20 open

questions that cover several aspects; it was the feeling of the students on the used

of mind mapping techniques, the effects of mind mapping techniques and

application of mind mapping techniques to them increased in knowledge and

writing skills. An open questionnaire is provided for students to wrote their

comments about the technique. In addition, an open questionnaire asked students

gave advice or opinion on the application of the technique. Data from open

questions analyzed qualitatively. They transcribed and summarized based on



2. Writing test

To got a valid score that determines a student's written ability, the criteria

were clear to assess their work needed. To meet this need, researchers adopted the

rubric from Anderson (2003: 92). Students' writing is graded by English

researcher and teacher. There were six aspects to be assessed student written,

namely ideas and development, organization, vocabulary, sentence structure, and

capitalization and punctuation, spelling. Table below presented categories for

evaluated writing and started score

The Scoring Rubric of Writing

Categorization Description

Ideas and Development

1 Weak development of topic

2 Adequate development of topic; listing of details

3 Good development of topic

4 Extensive development of topic; strong support of

mainidea with details


1 Not organized

2 Sparsely organized; lack of sequence

3 Fairly well organized; flow and sequence evident

4 Completely organized; smooth flow with strong



1 Poor or inappropriate word choice

2 Fair word choice; simple words

3 Good word choice; meaning is clear.

4 Vivid and imaginative word choice; appropriate use



1 Poor; many errors

2 Fair; choppy with variety

3 Adequate; few errors and some varieties of lengths

4 Excellent; no errors and a variety of lengths

Capitalization and



1 Many errors (over 10)

2 Some errors (6-10)

3 Very few errors (1-5)

4 Error free


1 Many errors (over 10)

2 Some errors (6-10)

3 Very few errors (1-5)

4 Error free

The category of grades obtained by students is done to find out students'

writing skill level. Students' categorization scores writing skills based on ideal

scores. The highest scores were 24 and the lowest score was 6. The ideal average

score (Mi) and the ideal standard deviation (SDi) can be calculated by the

followied formula:

Mi = 2/ (highest score + lowest score)

= 2/ (+)


SDi = 3/ (highest score – mean score)

= 3/ (- )


The frequency distribution of students' writing ability scores can be

categorized into four levels, namely very high, high, medium, and low. The

distribution is calculated based on the Mi and SDi scores as follows:

Table 3: Scale Category of Reliability

Reliability category Interval

Very high 19-20

High 13-18

Medium 7-12


Low 0-6

G. Data Analysis Technique

From the data collection procedure, there were two forms of data in this

research. The first was qualitative and the second was quantitative. That

Qualitative data were obtain from interviews with teachers and students class X,

classroom observation the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

Meanwhile, quantitative data obtained from the writing test.

H. The Criteria of the Action Success

In addition to the school agreement between the researcher and the teacher

regarded the Successful Action Criteria, classroom action research coud be said to

be successful if it can exceed the predetermined criteria, namely as many as 75

students who coud achieve the target score. This means that during the CAR, you

must reach the target KKM score of 65 from the writing test starting from the pre-

test to the second post-test in the second cycle. In addition, CAR coud be said to

fail if it cannot exceed the criteria that have been maintained. Then an alternative

action would be taken in the next cycle.




This chapter presented the research findings that are divided into twoparts.

The first part presented the research procedured and the second partsection

presents findings and interpretations from Cycles 1 and 2.

A. Research Procedure and Findings

This research was an action research. In the previous chapter, I had stated that

the stages of research were planning, implementing, observation, action and

reflection. The purposed of this research was to improved writing skills of class X

SMK NW Suralaga. That researcher focused on used mind mapping techniques to

improved the text description writing skills of students.

The researcher taken several steps in conducted the research. The first step

was reconnaissance. At the reconnaissance stage, the researcher observed and

identifies problems that occur in the learning process to written. That the second

step was planning. After the problem is identified, the researcher designing lesson

plans and actions that was feasible to be implemented in field. The actions

designed in this study used mind mapping techniques. The third step was action

and observation. At this stage the researcher implements actions that have been

done. After that the researchers made observations and evaluations data, whether

mind mapping techniques were effective to improved student writing skills or not.

The final step was reflection. In reflection Step, the English teacher (ET) as

collaborator, student, and researcher itself identifies effective and ineffective

action activities so that the researcher coud design a better plan for the next cycle.


1. Identification of the problem

The researcher discussed with the class X English teacher at SMK Nahadatul

Wathan Suralaga to identified problems. Apart from that, researchers to observed

the teaching and learning process of English in the classroom. Researchers

didseveral observations to identified problems that occur in the processed of

learning English for class X students at SMK Nahdlatul Wathan Suralaga. In

identified field’s problem, the researcher observed class activities as well

interview the teacher. This problem coud be seen in the table below.

The field problems in XIII TKJ and TBSM SMK Nahdathul Wathan


No Problems Code

1 When the teacher comes to class the student were not ready to



2 Some students felt bored. s

3 The students did not pay attention when the teacher explained

the material.


4 The students often made up something for fun in answering

theteacher’s questions.


5 The students found difficulties in writing sentences in



6 The students had low interest to look up new words in their



7 Some students had difficulties in answering the teacher’s



8 The students lacked grammar ability. s

9 The students had difficulties in guessing the meaning of



10 The students had difficulties in understanding the meaning of




11 The students pronounced words incorrectly. s

12 The students played with their classmate while the teaching-

learningprocess was in progress.


13 The students had difficulties to express their ideas in writing. s

14 The students lacked vocabulary. s


15 The students did not bring the course book. s

16 The students did not do their homework. s

17 Some students felt shy to ask or answer the teacher’s

questions in



18 The teacher used only one source of teaching materials. (Look




19 The teacher sometimes did not give a warning when some

studentstalked to their friends.


20 The teacher gave the students too little time in doing some



21 The teacher found difficulties in handling the students who




22 The teacher lacked ideas in creating some interesting



23 The teacher’s style in teaching was teacher-centered. T

24 The students did not have much time in the process of writing. s

25 The students found it difficult to memorize new English



26 The students had low motivation joining the classroom s

S: Student F: Facilities T: Teacher

Based on the identification above, there were several problems related to

teaching and learning processed of writing. They are categorized into problems on

students, teachers and facilities. Because the research focus is on the use of mind

mapping techniques to improve students' writing skills, the problem solved in this

research is related to the writing process learning, especially narrative texts.

The Problems Related to the Process of Writing Teaching Learning

No Problems Codes

1 The students did not pay attention when the teacherexplained

the material


2 The students often made up something for fun in answeringthe

teacher’s questions.



3 The students found difficulties to write sentences inEnglish. S

4 Some students had difficulties answering the



5 The students lacked grammar ability. S

6 The students had difficulties to express their ideas inwriting S

7 The students lacked vocabulary. S

8 The students were lazy to look up new words in theirdictionary. S

9 The students easily got bored during the lesson. S

10 The students did not do their homework. S

11 The teaching-learning process lacked the use of



12 The students had low motivation in joining the classroom. S

13 The students did not have much time in the process ofwriting. S

Based on the problems related to the teaching and learning process of

writing, researchers and teachers discussed the main caused of the occurrence of

writing problem. Results of discussions between researcher and teachers used to

meet the criteria for the validity of democracy. It was agreed that the main caused

of the problem were:

a. The students find it difficult to write sentences in English.

b. The students have no grammar skills.

c. Students have difficulty expressing their ideas in writing.

d. Students lack vocabulary.

The teacher asked the researcher to proposed some action plans to solvedfield

problems. The teacher added that the action plan should taked into accounted the

limitations of fund, time, and the ability of researchers and teachers in conducting



2. Determining Actions to Solve Field Problems

After researcher and English teachers identified the most important problem

that needed to be solved, they discussed again the main one the problem. English

researcher and teachers agred that the problem above related to writing skills.

Then researcher and English teachers tried looked for the right way to improved

students' writing skills. Finally, English teacher asked the researcher to made

some action plans for solved field problems. This is done to fulfill democracy and

dialogical validity. The action is intended to solved the problem students who

have difficulty in generating ideas for writing narrative texts, students who usually

talked to their friends and made a fuss; students who seem lazy to learn in writing

activities; and students who lacked of grammar and vocabulary the action plan

was as follows.

a. Using narrative text with mind mapping

b. Employing the stages of the English teaching-learning cycle in the

processlearn to teach writing.

c. class management improvement

The used of mind mapping so that students are more interested in the topic

of the teaching-learning process. This would also helped students to expressed

their ideas in writing narrative texts. Besided, thoughts colorful and varied

mapping would be able to attracted students' interestedattention. Mind mapping

could encourage them to engage texts written in teaching and learning process.


Considering strengths and weaknesses students' abilities, finally decided to used

mind mapping techniques to improved students' writing skills.

The English teacher suggested that the above actions should be implemented

in accordanced with the curriculum applied in schools. He saw materials used for

English subjects. After that, he asked the researcher to selected the appropriated

competence and theme. The researcher agreed and then researchers made lesson


B. Report of Cycle 1

1. Planning Cycle 1

An action plan is derived to be implemented in Cycle 1. Focus the action in

this cycle was to improved students' writing skills. In the cycle, the researcher

used mind mapping to improve writing ability. There were three meetings in this

cycle. In the first and second in the meeting, the researcher used mind mapping as

an exercise. At first the researcher gave them the material as in the syllabus, and

then the researcher then applied mind mapping and also gave them mind examples

mapping technique. This technique is done as an exercise for them. Besided, that

used to check their understanding of the words they were learning. Finally, the

researcher asked the students to made a narrative text. The purposed of this

activity was to check their improvement after they learned about mind mapping.

Researchers designed several steps in applied mind mapping to: solved

problems related to student writing. It fulfills democracy validity and dialogical

validity. The steps were as follows:


a. Using colorful mind mapping images in BKOF and MOT stages of

studying narrative text

In this activity the researcher used the helped of pictures to study narrative

text. The researcher gave an example of a narrative text with thoughts mapping so

that students master the technique well. Besided the researcher also explained the

rules on made a mind map first.

b. Using mind mapping as a pre-writing planning strategy (JCOT


In this action, the researcher asked students to made a mind map related to

the topic. Then the researcher asked the students produced vocabulary related to

the topic. It was just a plan for the previous student they wrote their narrative text.

After students finished their work, they discussed the answer with the researcher.

Through this activity, students it is hoped that you coud know and understand the

meaning of these words and hopefully they coud remember the words easily.

c. Writing narrative text using mind mapping (ICOT stage)

In this action, students are asked to write a narrative text. Then, they were

asked to wrote a story based on the mind mapping they made. That researcher

monitors student activities. Researcher suggests students to use their imagination

to imagine how the story would be like they studied mind mapping. Hopefully the

students coud developedideas used mind mapping.


2. Action and Observation of Cycle 1

Cycle 1 actions were carried out on 7, 9, and 14 January 2021. The topic is

focused on writing narrative text. The data during Cycle 1 is collected used field

notes during class observations, interviewed, and taken pictures. There were three

meetings in this cycle. At first the researcher gave them the material as in the

syllabus, and then the researcher applied it mind mapping. Mind mapping is a

technique used to improve students' writing skills. Researcher used this technique

as part of English teaching and learning process. In used mind mapping

techniques, the researcher gaves an example of a narrative text with mind

mapping in the so that students master the technique well. In addition, researcher

explained the rules of how to made a mind map first. The students looked

confused but they were also motivated to hear it because of this technique new to

them. After the researcher explained the rules, there was a student who asked to

repeated it again and the researcher explained it again.

Meanwhile, the English teacher as a collaborator helped researcher to

observed the teaching and learning process of English from the back side class

and the researcher himself monitors and recorded everything he needn’t get the

data. At that time, the students looked very happy when they did it, it coud be

seen from their behavior; they looked serious and mostly students were busy did

their work.


a. Using colorful mind image mapping in BKOF and MOT stage for

studying the narrative text

In this action, color images are used to attract attention and students'

interests. The researcher gives examples of narrative texts and also explained the

general structure of the text. Then students discussed generic structure and

linguistic characteristics of narrative texts. In their narrative text must found

personal participants, chronological relationships, connected verbs, adjectives,

action verbs, and simple past tense. Apart from researchers provided colorful

mind mapping imaged and explained the definition of mind mapping, the benefits

of mind mapping and steps to made mind mapping. Furthermore, students coud

learn from examples of thoughts mapping that has been shared with them.

b. Using mind mapping as a pre-writing planning strategy (JCOT stage)

The students reported that they had never been trained on any kind

planning skills in their teaching and learning. Lack of trained on pre-writing

planning coud hinder student writing. According to Graham and Perin in Cahyo

(2013), pre-writing involved students in activities designed to helped them

produce or organized ideas for their compositions. Involved students in such

activities before they wrote the first draft improved the quality of their writing.

That's why the researcher asked the students to made a mind map as pre-writing

planning. Then, the researcher also asked students to produced related words to

the topic. The researcher asked the students about the story of Putri mandalika.

Then, Students are assisted by the teacher to determine the topic of their written.


That the topic is "Putri Mandalika". Finally, students are given homework to

made a mind map based on the topic. Before they made a mind mapping, the

teacher guided the students in front of the class to made a mind map by used

pictures that have been shared with students. After researcher explained the

material, and then students made a mind map. Then, the researcher went around

and given explanations to students who didn’tunderstand how to made a mind

map. When the researcher used mind mapping, students seem serious about did

his job. Most of the students tried to completed their mapping as immediately.

There were some students who add pictures and choosed words that fit the topic.

But there were also students who asked his friends when they found difficulties.

This situation was shown in the following quote.

The situation above shows that this activity has not gone well. Faucet there

were some students who still have difficulty choosed words and are confused to

made sentences that can be used in their mind mapping. Sometimes, they ask his

friends to understand the meaning of a word. It was a wasted of time and

disturbed others. When the bell has rung, some students have not finished. But

they have to gave up their work even if it's not finished.

c. Writing narrative text by using mind mapping (ICOT stage).

In this action, the next activity was written narrative text. By did in this

activity, students are expected to be able to used the words they learned before. It

was very useful for them because it could measured whether they coud know or

understand the words they learned through mind mapping. They were asked to


wrote a story based on the mind mapping they made. In the first time students

wrote a narrative story they like on a piece of paper that been shared with them.

Researchers monitor student’s activities. The researcher suggested the students to

used their imagination to imagined how the story went when they learned mind

mapping. That researcher always reminded students to considered the generic

structure, to use the simple past tense, and to apply the appropriate spelling and


After students finish their work, they discussed the results of their work

written with the researcher. Through this activity, it is hoped that students to be

able to know and understand the meaning of the word and hopefully they coud

remember words easily. In this case, researchers and the English teacher plans to

corrected and written all the words that the students didn’t understand on the

blackboard. In this activity, the researcher provided an opportunity to all students

to correct it first and even correct their friend's writing. Hopefully students who

didn’t have the opportunity to answer or correct their friends' answers. Written

coud learned from them. This is shown in the following field note:

3. Reflection I

After carried out the action, researchers and English teachers as a collaborator

is reflected in the actions taken. Researchers have discussions with the English

teacher to evaluated actions. Those discussions are carried out based on

observations in the teaching and learning processed, student opinions, and

comments from each research member. In addition, the researcher also


interviewed students about the action held. As mentioned in Chapter III, it is

necessary to fulfill democratic and dialogical validity. Here, everyone has the

same opportunity to express ideas, opinions, and feelings. From implementation

above actions, some findings are presented as follows:

Mind mapping was a technique that coud improved students' writing skills.

This can be done as a warm-up or even as an exercised in teaching and learning

process. Based on observations during the action and interviews, used of mind

mapping techniques in English effective teaching and learning processed to

improved students' writing skills. Based on data conducted from students in

interviews 4. It coud be seen that students' motivation increased in the learning

process. They didn’d bore during the teaching and learning procesedbecause they

interested in used mind mapping. They also feel that their duty was easy did. In

addition, students' motivation also increased because they knowed more words

and they also enjoed leaned together.

a. Using Colorful Pictures of Mind Mapping in BKOF and MOT

stages for studying the narrative text

Used images in combination of ingredients worked in Cycle 1. Students are

interested in the color of mind mapping images, so motivation and happiness

during class increased. Apply mind mapping at the BKOF and MOT stages coud

also improved text comprehension. Based on interview data 1 and 4, students

coud used their minds mapping developed their ideas and coud also


reducedboredom. This result was valid because it mets the requirements of

procesed validity and the validity of democracy.

b. Using Mind Mapping as a Pre-writing Planning Strategy (JCOT


In the pre-writing planning strategy process, most students have their own

opinion about the words related to the topic. Based on interview 4, students were

motivated to complete their mind mapping but researchers and English teachers

found that there were still some students confused about choosing the right word.

These results are categorized legitimate because it met the requirements of the

democratic processed and validity. This situation was shown in the following


By applied this activity, students coud written faster with followed the mind

mapping framework. Moreover they used new words to generated narrative text.

4. Summary I

Based on the reflection above, there were successful and unsuccessful. Action

researchers described successful and unsuccessful actions as followeds:

a. Successful action

1) Used images in combination of materials works. Usedcolor pictures

helped students in understanding ingredient. In addition, students

used mind mapping to developed ideas and coud also reduced



2) In the process of writing a narrative text, it can be categorized

asactions that worked because students used the words they

learnedproduced narrative text.

b. Actions that fail In the pre-writing strategy planning processed,

English researcher and teachers found that there were some students

whohaving trouble choosed the right words.

C. The Report of Cycle 2

Based on the reflection of Cycle 1, several activities were found

inused mind mapping has not succeeded in improving students' writing skills.

It was found that there were still some students made a fuss inclass activities

and it was also found that some students did not bringdictionaries, which was

why they mad mistaken in choosed suitable words.

1. Cycle Planning 2

English teachers and researchers were planned some efforts

asmaintenance to solve problems related to identified problemson. solved

the problems identified above, researchers and the English teacher would

still used similar activities as in Cycle 1, namely usedmind mapping as a

pre-writing strategy and writing narrative text as the finalactivity. In

addition, English teachers and researchers also focused onefforts to made

group worked and require students brought dictionarieswith them. This

was done to fulfill the validity of democracy and dialogue. Those efforts

are described as followeds:


a. Provided colorful mind mapping images in group work (BKOF

and MOT stages)

Researcher used this activity so that students find it easy did it mind

mapping. Students learn best when they were actively involved in processed.

Students who work in small groups tend to learn more about what taught and

retain it longer than when the same content is presented in other instructional

formats. Students who worked in collaborative groups too seemed more satisfied

with their class. In this case, researcher and the English teacher agree that the

groups are arranged according to their seats because they thought it would made it

easier for researchers to organized group. Besides, it won't be a wasted of time


b. Used a dictionary developed mind mapping (JCOT stage)

In this action, the researcher still used mind mapping as pre-writing supported by

dictionaries. English researcher and teacher agreed asked questions students to

used the dictionary with them at each met. This action was done because in Cycle

1, the researcher found that there were several students which didn’t open the

dictionary. In fact, in the SMK Nahdatul Wathan dictionary, can be borrowed at

the library, but the number of dictionaries wasn’t suitable for all students in one

class. As a result, they often borrowed books belonging to their friends.

Dictionary and interfere with the learning process. Therefore, asking students to

bring a dictionary from home is a good way to solve this problem. The students

would have more opportunities looked up difficult words and to found out words


related to keywords. Besides, it would be easy for them to memorized new words

if they looked it up by themselves.

The researcher planed given punishment for students who did it don't carry

a dictionary with them by required them memorized new words. There were about

4-5 words that they have to memorized. They have said it in front of the class at

the next meeting.

c. Writing narrative text using mind mapping (ICOT stage)

The activity of writing sentences is considered an important part of writing

learning to wrote, researchers still used this activity. Through this activity,

students are expected to be able to used the mind mapping that has been made.

2. Actions and Observation of Cycle 2

Cycle 2 was conducted in three meetings; they are at 16, 21 and

23February 2013. Below are the actions that the researcher applied in the


a. Provide colorful mind mapping images in group work (BKOF and

MOT stages)

Researcher used group work in class. Researcher asked students to form

groups of four. The students looked enthusiastic when the researcher asked them

made groups of four people. They turned their seats immediately after the

researcher asked them. They didn't take long to made group of four but when they

sat back down, the class became a bit noisy. They didn't complain even though


they had to be in a group consisted of boys and girls. Students looked enthusiastic

and serious about learned at group. It was shown from the situation below.

In addition, provided color images coud stimulated ideas and store new

words in their long-term memory. Murley in Cahyo (2013) states displays all

related topics on the same mind map, with emphasis and connections indicated by

pictures, symbols and colors enhanced memory storage. Maps were also easier to

understand which saved time and increased productivity.

In addition, providing color images coud stimulated ideas and stored new

words in their long-term memory. Murley in Cahyo (2013) states displays all

related topics on the same mind map, with emphasis and connections indicated by

pictures, symbols and colors enhanced memory storage. Maps were also easier to

understand which saves time and increase productivity. In addition, provided

color images coud stimulated ideas and stored new words in their long-term

memory. Murley in Cahyo (2013) states displays all related topics on the same

mind map, with emphasised and connections indicated by pictures, symbols and

colors enhance memory storage. Maps were also easier to understand which saved

time and increased productivity.

However, researcher still used the rules for students who didn’t bring

dictionary with them by punished them. The researcher asked students to

memorize some new words and then say the words in front class at the next

meeting. Researchers give punishment to students who doesn't bring a dictionary


only at the first and second meeting Cycle 2 because at the third meeting all

students brought a dictionary.

b. Using a dictionary to develop the mind mapping (JCOT stage)

The researcher asked the students to brought a dictionary with them every

meeting. In Cycle 2, the number of students who brought a dictionary increased.

Higher than Cycle 1. This action was taken because at Cycle 1 the researcher

found that there were some students who did not bring dictionary with them but

that's okay because in school there were several Dictionaries can be borrowed

differently from Cycle 1, they often borrow friend's dictionary and interfere with

the learned processed. Therefore, asked students to brought a dictionary was a

good way to solved this problem. Students will have more opportunities to looked

up difficult words. Besided, it wouldbe easy for them to memorized new words if

they search them with self. Furthermore, Welker (2010: 74) stated that students

with in dictionary trained better able to avoid problematic pointed in writing

sentences and follow strategies to solved word problems when sufficient helped

was provided by the dictionary.

By asked them brought a dictionary, thought-maked processed mapping

works fine. The students seemed busy with their respective work. There didn’t

find students walking around did nothing in the process mades mind maps. The

quoted below supported the above argument:

However, researchers still applied the rules for students who didn’t bring

dictionary with them by punished them. The researcher asked students to


memorizedsome new words and then said the words in front class at the next

meeting. Researchers given punishment to students who didn’t bring a dictionary

only at the first and second meeting Cycle 2 because at the third meeting all

students brought a dictionary.

c. Writing narrative text by using mind mapping (ICOT stage)

Although in Cycle 1 this activity has been carried out, in this cycle siklus

researchers still used it. In Cycle 2, students made fewer mistakes than in Cycle 1.

They are excited to come to the front of the class to wrote story. Then the

researcher corrected the students' sentences. When the researcher checked the

sentence, the students paid attention to it. And sometimes there were some

students who asked the researcher explained again.

3. Reflection II

This section explains the important things related to reflection of action. The

researcher discussed with the English teacher as a teacher collaborators to have an

evaluated of the actions. Besides the researcher interviewed the students about the

actions taken. From implementation of the above actions, some of the findings are

described as followeds:

a. Providing colorful pictures of the mind mapping in group

work(BKOF and MOT stages)

The implementation of group work in this cycle was also successful

increased interaction among group members. During group work, students


coudshare the assigned tasks to completed their thoughts mapping. Students think

that it was easier to do exercised when they work in groups rather than they have

to worked individually. The use of color pictures keeps students motivated to

study the mind mapping. This result is categorized as valid because it met the

requirements processed and the validity of democracy.

b. Using a dictionary to develop the mind mapping (JCOT stage)

By asked students to brought a dictionary, the processed made mind

mapping work well. Based on interviewed 4 and 5, students helped to choosed

suitable words. Then, it also mades them concentrate more because they didn't

have to walked around just to borrowed a dictionary. This result is categorized as

valid because it met the requirements processed validity and democratic validity.

c. Writing narrative text by using mind mapping (ICOT stage)

The implementation of writing the narrative text by used the mind

mapping was considered successful. Based on the interviews 3 and 5, the

researcher found that writing sentences helped the students to understand the used

of the words they learnt by used them in the sentences. It meant that this activity

helped the students to produced their writing. This result accomplished the

requirements of process validity and democratic validity. The quotations below

supported the argument above:

Here the researcher compared the students' pre-test with the post-test score

to determined whether there was a significant difference in the pretest and post-


test scores. The data can be seen from the average value of students before and

after received treatment. Below, the students' writings skills in post and pre-test.

The result of the student’s writing skill in the post and pre-test

Data Pre Test

Researcher English Teacher

Mean 55.92 61.25

Number of Student 25 25

From Table 6, based on the researcher's assessment, it was found that the

average of students' writing skills is 55.92 While from English teacher

assessment, the average pre-test was 61.25. Of the assessment, it can be concluded

that students' writing skills were low because the minimum passed criteria (KKM

/ Minimum Completeness Criteria) English subject in this school is 7.0.

In the post test, researcher and English teachers assessed students' writing

skill scores used the same rubric. Result of The students' writing scores on the

post-test can be seen in the Appendix. The summary of students' abilities in the

post-test is presented in Table.

The Result of the Students’ Writing Skills in the Post-test

Data Post Test

Researcher English Teacher

Mean 75.25 79.42

Number of Student 25 25

Based on Table 7, from the researcher's assessment it was found that the theme

of students' writing skills is 75.25. While from English teacher's assessment, the


average post-test was 79.45. So, they all have passed the minimum graduation

criteria (KKM). From that result, it could be concluded that students' writing skills

had improved since Students' writing skills were assessed both by researcher and

teachers as having increased, from 55.92 and 61.25 in the pre-test, while in the

post-test the score are 71.2 and 71.1. The chart below showed the pre-test and

post-test scores.

4. Summary II

Based on these reflections, it can be concluded that mind mapping and the

accompaned activities in Cycle 2 succeeded in increased students' writing skills.

This is indicated by the process of forming the mind mapping, especially the

activity of produced narrative texts used the mind mapping that has been done by

students. It can be seen from sentences made by students in their narrative texts;

mostly students have more vocabulary in writing sentences. Besided, their

grammar also in corrected form. From the reflection of Cycle 2 shows that most

students were able to made narrative texts used mind mapping. It can be used as a

tool to measure whether there was an increased in students' writing skills or not.

In addition, the researcher found that students more enthusiastic in made mind

mapping in Cycle 2. They were involved in most of the activities in made mind


Researchers and English teachers agreed that the activities implemented

successfully improved students' writing skills. Since research objectives are


achieved, researchers and English teachers agreed to end the research in this


Here the researcher presented detailed information related to application of mind

mapping improved students' writing skills SMK Nahdatul Wathan Suralaga. The

description is presented on the next page.

The improvement of the cycles

Before action After cycle I After cycle II

There were some

studentswho found

difficulties to write

sentences in English.

Most of the students

found it easy to write

sentences in English.

Students find it easier to

make English


The students

lackedgrammar ability.

Some students were

able to make

sentences used the

simple past tense and

made sentences in a

good structure.

Almost all students

wereable to make

sentencesused the

simple past tenseand

made sentence in agood


The students had


To express their ideas


Some students could

generate ororganize

their ideas by using

themind mapping.

All students could

generateor organize

their ideas byusing the

mind mapping.

The students

lackedvocabulary and


vocabulary intheir


Students’ vocabulary


Some students

wereable to use


in their sentences.



improved. Almostall

students were able

touse appropriate

vocabularyin their


The students’ score


of pre-test is 55.92-61.25

Students’ writing skill

improvedin the daily


The students’

scoreimproved. The

average ofthe post-test

is 71.2-71.1


D. Discussion

A significant difference in writing achievement was found between students

who accepted the tradition of writing who depend on textbooks only and those

who are trained to used mind mid mapping techniques to brainstorming,

generated and organized ideas as measured by the post test. This means that the

used of mind mapping techniques is proved to be a powerful way to improved

students' ability to generated, visualize, and organized ideas. It mades more

structured topics. Mind mapping elevated good and average students

performanced on the performance of the lowest performed students as well.

Learners used mind mapping techniques to be faster and more efficient in

generated and organized ideas for paragraphs and able to generated more detailed

ideas than students who didn’t use mind mapping technique. In addition, this

study reveals the positive effects of mind mapping of students' attitudes towards

mind mapping pre-writing activities.

The findings of this study were consistent with the found of other studies

research conducted on the used of mind mapping in which learners in various

different graded and colleges and fields of study by Horton and others (1993),

Nesbit and Adesope (2006); Goodnough and Woods (2002); lim, Cheng, Lam and

Ngan (2003): Boujaoude and Attieh (2006); Berry and Chew (2008); Cifuentes,

(2009); Holland and Davies (2003/2004); and Chan (2004). The subject's initial

ignorance with mind mapping techniques was partly consistent with the finded of

a study by Farrand, Hussain, and Hennessy (2002) who found a limited but

significant impact of mind mapping techniques teknik on memoried retention in


undergraduated students (10% increase from baseline for text of 600 words only)

compared to the preferred study method (6% increase beyond the baseline). In

contrast to this study, the increase in Farrand, Hussain, and Hennessy studies are

just intensed after a week for those on the mind map group, and there was a

significant decreased in motivation compared to the subject's preferred method of

note-taked. Farrand, Hussain, and Hennessy's found that students prefer to used

other methods because they used mind maps was an unknown technique, and its

status as a "memory boost" technique raised reluctance to applied it, whereas in

this study, the mind mapping didn’t use to enhance.

Because the mind mapping technique was used with students at first writing

courses in schools, which practiced writing at the paragraph-paragraph level only.

Therefore, this study recommends that as a follow-up study carried out in the next

writing course to see if the subjects continue to used mind mapping techniques in

generated and organized ideas. The use of mind mapping techniques should also

be extended to other advancements level writing courses and other language

courses like reading, vocabulary mastery and grammar. When used the mind

mapping technique, it wasrecommended used it to collaboratively build mind

maps. Tofu and Cifuentes in cahyo (2013) found that students who collaboratively

constructed concepts maps created concept maps of a much higher quality than

those individually constructed concept maps showed deeper concepted

understanding. For effective use of mind mapping techniques, it is recommended

for teachers in schools to train their students to used the mind mapping technique.




A. Conclusion

The purposed of this study was to described how mind mapping techniques coud

be applied to improved classroom writing skills teaching student X Teknik

Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ) and Teknik Bisnis Sepeda Motor (TBSM) SMK

Nahdatul Wathan Suralaga and described the improvement students' writing skills

due to processed improvement. Based on research objectives, research results

were a description of how the mind Mapping techniques are applied to improved

students' writing skills. According to for the research findings in Chapter IV, the

researcher applied the mind mapping techniques and some other actions such as

used class English, usedpair activities, and given rewards to increased student

motivation. By implemented these actions, teaching English writing skills coud be

improved. This coud be seen from the increased in students' pre-test and posttest


The used of mind mapping techniques in Cycle I was successfully made

conducive and comfortable classroom atmosphere. It immediately helped students

to got their motivation and enthusiasm to learn and engage in class activity. There

was also a better understanding of the material given, namely the story of "Putri

Mandalika" among students in cycle I.

In Cycle II, it was found that there was greater motivation among students in the

classroom. The activities carried out seem to have succeeded in increased

motivation to learn English. In addition, it has an impact on broadened students'


horizons. Knowledge and ability to created better performanced. There were

better ones too understanding of narrative text content, generic structure, and

language characteristics of students in this second cycle.

B. Implication

Based on the results of the action, it is implied that students should more active

in teaching and learning activities to wrote so that writing skills coud be

improved. They should be more familiar with English the words they learned. It is

also implied that teachers should used a variety of techniques in the teaching and

learning processed of writing because they coud provided some benefits. First,

they coud improved students' writing skills. Second, they coud increased their

involvement in the teaching and learning processed of writing. Third, coud

increased student morale. Furthermore, the teacher must be able to controled the

students who worked in pairs. Both of them should participated equally because

each has different responsibilities in activities it was also implied that teachers

should able to managed the class so that the processed of implemented mind

mapping technique worked well. In addition, the teacher must know the students

characteristics so that activities coud covered all student interested.

C. Suggestion

Based on the conclusions of the study, some suggestions will be directed

towards English teachers and other researchers.

1. To the English teacher

English teachers need to tried to continue to applied other techniques such as

mind mapping techniques so that students are more motivated in learning English


teaching and learning processed. During the study, researchers only used media

such as pictures and handouts. English teachers coud used other media such as

adobe flash so that students are more interested in learning activity. In addition,

English teachers needed to improved the quality their English teaching to suit

communicative purposesed language teaching by having a variety of activities that

allow students to produced both spoken and written language. In addition, read

more books about how to teach English in a more interested and meaningful way

made them more skilled in created various teaching activities.

2. To other researchers

This study is mainly intended to described how mind mapping this technique

is applied to improve the teaching of writing skills of class X TKJ and TBSM

students of SMK Nahdlatul Wathan Suralaga. Other researchers coud followed up

on this research in different contexts to found more actions to improved students'

writing skills. This research coud be used as a source of reading before the

researcher conducted research action research related to the development of

students' writing skills.



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