sir winston churchill on labor - IBEW

FEBRUARY 1965 ,.

Transcript of sir winston churchill on labor - IBEW




"I look forward to the universal

establishment of minimum standards

of life and labor. We want to draw

a line below which we will not allow

persons to live and labor, yet above

which they may compete with all the

strength of their manhood,"

~------~ From a speech delivered some 50 years ago. Sent in by Brother Herb Hett, press secretary of Local 100, Fresno, California

EXECUTIVE OFFICERS GORDO N M. FR£E~AN ",_ ,...-1 P.t •• dt.'

I:" I&tll St... N . W . Wull lnlJ'on. n. c. ~oot~

J OSEPII D. Kt:ENAN 1.,,",.,10 •• ' Su .. ,. r. I t " 16tll SI.. N . W.

W ... hln ... on . n. c. !OMS

JERF.)UAII P. SU LLIVAN hl • • uh • •• 1 T.~ . . .. r

ISO '""~ ::;111 St.. Nu. York 10, N". Yo rk


F in . DI . tr lr!. WIL !.I AM I.AI)\' MAN 18 Unl."" " r 111 .. d ., Su ll<! 403.

To ronto 1. Onl .. Ca n.,IM

&<.-0 ,,,1 1)1.,rIN • .If/liN J IU :( ;AN lloom 223. f'Krk Squ,,,,, II lth{.

11 .... 1,," lfi. M " '· '·n~hu"clt .

Third 1)101'/(1. JOln: f' 1I W. l.I(:{a:·I¥r 1r. Slnl~ Sl r~"'. Ft'~'m nil !.

S"',. lIonk IJldl{. A lb~,,~ " New Ynr k

I'ou r,h DI II, I ... II. IJ . DI ,ANKI·: NS IIIf' 2r,2" Vle tory I' k . )'. Cln~lnr"l\ i ~ , Oh lo

t"' flh 1);." 1,,. G. X. 1t .\ IIKEI: Th" CI~n n Bldll ., 1:0 Marleua SitU!. N. W.

,ub,n",. f;.,orl{u, DI . trlel, J . W. JOH NSON lloom t1 0~, K. mPf" In . " .. n •• 1I"lId ,nll.

~~ S. W ... ~ .. r I) " .. rh lr .. "" •. lUinn ••

s....."nt h Oi • •• irl . A. t:' t :h W.\I!IIS 1511 ('mn ..... "''' IItd,·

SO: \ \ s.-vr" , h S, ........ I'''M Wnrlh. T,·", "101

E irhU, Olll .iet. S. E. TltoMl'SC IN Roo_ 201. WiI"",. !l id. Uot " o"nh A'· .... ,,"orl ll

" . O. lIo~ 1511 1II t1ln .... )ton'.

N.nt h m.,.ic,. W I. . VINStlN lloom ,'.K. ~;o .\In.krl :-;1" ... 1.

Son F.~nrl ...... ('~hrnrn, ., fi l l'"

Te nth 0 10,. 1-<1. THOMAS \I . RA III S E. Y Room 6&t. 330 Soul lI W~II. Sit ... ,

Chl~K lfo 6. Il ton" ..

EI"v~nlh m . I.;el. FRANK \Y. J ,\ (,OIiS non. l t 7. Sh, .. ln D!tilr •. 800t lio n hom"", ,\ n.

Cln r ton ;" MI--." rI

T wl"ihh Ill.trlol, IV . U. 1'1':1'"1"\' II'hitm"" Llu il, lIn l{. II",. :.~ I. ~ IOO I'",.h,r

~I'· II".h l •. ' I '~IIII~"L"" 3 ~1 1~


1:: . J. I' JlANSW,\\' CII,,, ,,,,,,,, 2 12 1 W"", WI."", n.l " AV< lIu .

MlIw .. uk ... 3. \Y1.~on.ln

Fl.-I Dlnr lcl , CII AnU :S II . I'II. LA Ilt) 161 1'lIlmo,e Av~.

lIu ll' .. Io ~. N . Y.

Seeond 01. , .1-<1, C IIA1U. t;S K CA J' ''J(~: y 110 e h.1OI n ,,1 :-;" .... ,

S I .. l nIC/l~kl. ~I .. _rhu",·11

Thi. d Dlau le •• HAkRY J . WI LI .I AMS 1008 1I.0IM . hoot! El ida

Clnc,nnatl :. Oll iu

rOllrib Dlltrle., A. W. SCIIMW'I IlIt · IJ Ut Su _. Sa'&lIOla. Florida

~'"l flh Oil ,,'el. C. E. N Q IIIJSTit(UI J~lt '\n,h ... ,

r".. ) lo,a"" II. 10 .. '" S i.lh m au let . J OS£I'H C. t: I' I't:ItS()!\

1:,01 SUlh~r"nti S,,"'" 1I0ulIOn !I. Tu ..

s..venth DI. I.let. RALPH A. I.LILUN 14U SWrin"r """"" Lu V rIC .... ~ "'ad~

t:ilhlh m ou lel. GEO RG I: I'. I'ATT.: RSON S"lte 60S, U I II'clHnK'on C....,~nt

Wlnn l l>_IC ~. M.n., Can.da


Official Publicat ion of the Internat ional BrOlherhood of Eteclr ico t Workers


VOLU,\l E 6 1,. Nn. 2 FEBH UA RY 1965


Re pod of Advisory C ouncil on Social Securi ty

The Wond erful W orld of Electricity

Know Your Int /l rna tio na l Sta ff

Bird Watching on Ina uguration Da y

America n Associa tion for the Advanceme nt of Science

Ed itorials

Ca nad ia n New, (Fre nch)

W it h the l ad ies

Aid to Appalachia

Depa rt ment of Research a nd Education

Apprenticeship and Training

l oca l Unes

Poem of the Month

In Me moria m

Death C lo)i ms

Cover photo by Ral ph R. Payton of Carmel, C " lif.

",Fl • CIO and ClC





2 1









'O$T~ASH.S: ChenQa of add,." ca,d, on Fo,m lSn ,hould ba 10M 10 ' " ' .r~nl;o"al Iro'~.thood 01 E.lot l"ul Wo·I.~" 1200 F" •• ~",~ S" •••• N. W. Wa,h'"9to", D.C. 10005. P~bli,~.d "'o",~ j¥ and ,econd·ci"" po," '" ".,d 61 Wo •• ,"?'o., D. C. Svb"'r'I>" O~ Or'<ol U"".;!. S'ole, ".d C.,6do. n 0'" yur. in advone •. P,,"'.d I_ U.~ ." . 1111 JOU RNA l w,!1 n.o' be h.'d ,e,,)o~.!bl . lot .,~ .... , e""~,,.d Ly w".'I0'""d~n'" ,,,,, 1,,,, 01 eac. mon ,~;, ~ I''''"Q do'o . " II copy ",.,1 be in o~, hud, on or b"lor . II", ""e. Po,d od •• , I"'"Q "0' .«ep' ed.

Report of Advisory Council on Social Security

I T 18 W ITH n gN'nt den! of pride on Ihe part of the

,JOI' H:-; ,\I, staft', S<>el't'Iar,v ,]ost'ph D, Kccnan, thr I 1I\('I'IJat iOl1al Heprc· !,;('lItllti\'es I1lHl IWI'SOI1II(,1 ill IiiI' I n, tCl'l1l1tionnl Olli('(' Ihl1l this l1I,ti('11' is Wl'itt{'11. ,\ml \I'l' hopt' IlInt it ('S('HIlt'S til(' hitit' ]H'lIl"il of [,:ditol'· P rcsid cnt (lol·dOlI .\1. ["1'. '('1111111 in its I'li t it'f'I,\". l' I'('sidl' llt 1;'I'('('IWIIl Iws II g'1'('Ht 1I\'t'I'si()1) to Pl']'SOI11lJ puhli(·il.\' /lnd 0111.\' [wl·mit .'! il wh('n, 1'01' ;Will(' 1'('lI.SOIl, il I"dl,'('I."1 l'I'('dil 011

Ollr B I·otlwl·II(}()cI. \\'1 ' h('1i"n' tlLllt Ihi" silwllioll Iruly nppli!'~ II0W.

I II I!)(i:l, H:-I 1'\'ljuil'('d ".\' 111\\. Sl'I~' J'''tal'Y of I I1'nllh, Edu('l llioll and \\'('I fal'(' AlltlwlI,I'.J ('. ·I.,hl"l 'U(' ilP'

poillt('d II l:l·mull ,\.!\"i.,o]·y t '"I IUd I 011 :-;()('ial H"('IIt'itY. TIl!' \11J1·k of Ihis ('oHlwil II"ns to slml.l· ill ilt'pth ""1'1',1' 11"1'1'('1 of lilt' !"(willl SI'('uI'it~;

1)]'()I!I';lIn 11IId to I'('I)()I'I hac'k to till' S()('ial R('(,H1'ily's BOlli"I of '1'1'\1 .. •

h'('s, 1'hl' C'Out1('i1 lI"il" ('hllt'J,[(·d with tlJ(' n'sronsihilil~' of jud,R'illj.!' 111(' ..01111<111(,,,, .. of Ihl' SOl'ial HI'(,IIJ'it,l" PI'Oj:]'IIIIl lIlId fol' makinl: nny 1'('('·

!)IIIIl1I'lItinlilllls ilWllHlill).\" ('hilllg'I'!'; ill II\(' Ho(·ial S\'('lIl'i'~' tllX I'atl' I hOltJ.;"ht II{'('('S .. ·W 1',1' rOT' sll('('I's.'!fu[ \'ontillllllll('C of 1[1(' pl"OJ,:'I'flm,

Of tH.'('('f;~i t .\', this , \ (h'i.~o l".\' COlli .

mit!!'(' lwei to h(' 1I11HI(' liP of 1)('1" ~ons noted 1'01' illll'ltig"t'll(,(' II lid sOllmlncss of ,jlltlg'IIH'Ilt. [I 1'('(h'(" ls ('I'('dit 10 lhe [ HI';\\' to 11111'(, lw rl P I"('sitl('n l (;ol'doll ~" , 1,'I"t't'mnn IlHlll('d 10 II\(' Coun(,il. ' l'hHt OUl'

P t'{'sid(,llt took lh(' 1'('SPOIISihility for s(,I"'in,R' 011 th(' /\ dl'i'WI'Y ('01111 ' (·il S(,I'iOIl'lly g"O('S without sa,\'ill l!. And \\'(' hl]\'(' 1{'IlI'IINI f,'om oth{'Ii) 011 the COlllmitt('(' how h/1I"I1 GOI" don FrN'lIIlm w(H'k('dlo ills\II'(' Ihat !'('('OIIlIIWI](llltiuIIS I..... in('lwled in the I'('pol'l whi('h WI'I't' kuhSf'qlu'ntl,l' \all(l{'(1 In' the' _"o\"('I1I('nl. Following :11'(' hi~hlij;:'hts of Ih(' 11 ;-;·P:lj!(' rt'POI't of tl](' A(h'isol'Y Committl,,{, 10 the Sol'illl R('('\I!'ity TI·ust{'{'S. \\'hi('h wns ]11'(''«.'11 1£'11 .Inn· nil I'y 1, 19G5,

His lory 0' Sysle m

A l)l'i"f SIIIIIIIIIII',I' of Ihe histol'Y uf Ihc S(wi:tl ~e(,\Il'ily syst(,l11 i~ in



Journal Siaff W riter

ordcl', ]11 193;), the L'llited Rlal{'S l'Stahlishl'd <I sysl(,1I1 of rontl'ilm, to!'y SO<'ial illslII'all('(' pl'uddin,R' JlI'Ott'i.'tioll against the los..'! of \'al'lI· illh"S due to ]'('tiI'I'IlWI1I in olfl IIJ,:'('. Unticl' !hi" ~ysl{'l1I, I'I1IJlI().\'('~. 10· g-('thcr with their ('ltlplnyt'I'S, HIlIl

s(>lf.t'mployed /)I'I'S()Il:-j IIwk(' (·.mll'i hU l ions d lll'jllg- tlwil' working' Y('l1l')o1 nnd lW'Ci\'C n {'ontillning' ill('oJII(, 1'01' Ilt(,lllscl\'('S itlld Ih('it' fllmili('<; wile!! thcy 11(1 IOIlg"{'t· 1111\'(' 1111 111-

('0111(' f)'om \\'01-1\.

As (,lw('lcd 11 g-t'Ilt'l"lllioll l1g(), Ihe Social SI'(:urit,\' !lrOI!I'l1m II'I1S lim· il('d to the I'isk of l'I'Iil'PIlIt'1I1 in old llg-e, and it was lilllilt'd in ('0"·

{']'l1g-(' 10 iJUlus\l'ial 1IIld ('Olllllll']'{'ial ('ItJJ1lo~·('S. Today, III(~ PI1)~I'nlll ('01'· 1'1'" pl'ilNieally all kinds III' 1'lIIllltly­IIICllt and St'lf.t'llIplo~,!It('IJI, 1111(1 JlI'O\'idl'S I.K'IIdil" fOl' tht· win'>; Hud (,llildl'<'II of 1't'lirC'd w(JI'k('I'" 11" \1'1'11

l1S for til(' ]'('til'('(l work.,]' hilliS/'ll'. It pl'O\"ili('<; h('ndit", :1\'>0, for Stll'· "iI'ol's of d('('!'IISC't\ wtlrkpI'" 111111 fOI' totall.\' dis.ahll'<i w(ll'k(,l"S llIul t\wi]' dcp(,ll<icllts \\'h(,11 Ih(' disability ill ('xpc('l('d to b(' of \ol1;!'i'Onl illll('d and ilHlefillil(' duration. 'l'hl'Ollg"h IIII' ,\'Clll~, Ihl' h{' ll('fits hll\'(,I\('('11 ill ­(" I'('ils('d Hnd IIII' j11'Oj!]"IHl1 hilS bCt' lI III'onclrl1t'(j 1I11d illl])l·o\·{'d.

.1\ .'1 of ,Ja1l1l111·." :1 1 of Illi" .,'crll·, I IJ(' Soeinl ~('(,\1l'ity ~~':-Itt'lI1 1"('1(' ·

hl"alt'd l ite ~51h A Illlil'Cl'SllI·.V of III(' hl'g-innillg" or P:J,I·IIl(,llls. 011 tlw! datc the]"(' II'(,I'C' 20,000,000 111('11,

II'Ol1t(,11 lInd ehildl'i:n 011 tIL(' !'o· t'illl SN'w·it.\, 1'OlIs. 'I'h(']"t' \\'('1'(' I.!J61 1}('I"S()ns who 1'('I'!'i\'('(1 ht'lIefih d\1l'illj: the fir'Sl monlh ill 1!I-l O <;till I'{'('{'il"ing bell<'fits. Du]"in)! lit(' fil'st YClir of 1I10llthl.\' 1)(,11('fil lla~'1II('111~, a total of $.'3,) million 11'1'1<; pHiti 10 Socilll Rt'{,lIl'it~· b(,IIl'fi('iari('S, Pay. III(,IIt'> mad(' during' 1!l6-1 lIInoun\('d to ahout $16 hill ion.

This ill the systcm that Ihl' pro.. phcts of g"ioolll pl't'ilil't('(1 would ;o!!O on lh(' rocks" withill a y('ad lI ow fa,· froll! th(' trllth! On ,IIIIt· 11111'." I , 1!J65, one Ol1t of ('\'('1',1' 10 AlltCl'icllllS was !"I'ce i\'ill,!! ~otill l St" i'1lI'ity 1l('IIC'fits {'\'f'I'.\' 1II01lth. ])111" ing 1!)6.f about 77 miJtion ('llI'llI'l'S I)uid Socin[ Secu r ity ('ollll"ilmliOIl.'l,

XiIII' 01lt of 10 childr('11 fmc1 th{'ir lIIothrl"!l ('1111 look to thc pl"O~l"lllH fo]' n I'rgulll]' irwIIll1r if lhc hrfld of tht' family should dir. On'l' 8;")

])('I'('('lIt of th(' propl(' palit Ii;) 111'(' ('ilh('I' dl"awill~ I){']wlits 01' will he ('Illill\'d 10 Ih(,111 when Ih(',\" 01" Ilwil' hll~hllllds I·('lil't'. ApJlroximl1ll' ly 53 million wOl'k(' I'S 1111\'(' no\\" w01'ked lOl!l-{ ('IIOIII-{Ii ill 1'1IlpI0.\'I11I'Il! ('o\'·

PI'eel h,\" ~(\("illl ~t'(,lll'i t y so Ilwt 111('.\' 111)(1 11wil' flllUili('s hm'c dis. Hbility iI)SI)J"llll('C' protection,

S. S, Ho s Eorn ed Endorsemenl

Tid" is 1111 i111JII'('SSi\'c 1'1'('(11'(1. III I'il'\\" of it. Ih(' Ad\"i..ol·.\' Council 011 !"I}('ilt\ ~(,(,11t'il~' ,,11'0111.:-1.\' f'IHlol':';{'<; fh{' '«.K'ial iusu]';]]J('I' apPI'oll('11 (U

flte 1)I.~1 /1"(11/ to IJI'OI'idt" ill II wa." Ilwl HJI"lil's to all, that fllmily ill~ ('Ollh' will 1'()lltilJnl' 1\'h(,11 t'al'uillJ!'" .,Iop 01' :11"(, J,:']'I'IIl\~' 11'(111('('<1 IX'(,llUS(' of 1'('lil'<'IIWIl1. towl dis.:lhilitl· 01'

(li'alh, It i" 11 IIwthod of I"II'(';]/;JI[I d('stitUli(1II 1111(1 POW!'I,\' l'athC'I' t 1111 II rl'li("'illj! Ihos.' eOlllliliollS afl!'r tlw.\' ()('{'1I1'. .\IId it is 11 lI1ethod tltlll olw l'ntl's thl'Ol1l!h Ihe illtlil'idulil 1'!T(wts of Ih(' 1I'000k(,I' illlt! his ('mploY"I', lllld tllll ... i~ in cOlllpll'tl' hlll'lUOIl ,V with J,:'l'llc l'lll t'('ollomi(' ill('('11I i\"{'s !o wor k 1111(1

... avI'.

T hc mOI'(' 11 WOI·].;(']· !'m'ns (\II) to Ih(' IIwxillllllll nmot1nt. of clll'ninr,'S C'IlI't'I'C'd ) lh(, g"t't'lI\('I ' i<; his pl'ol('c. liuII, SOC' illl ~l'c u l'ilv bClll'fits Il]'{,

])lli<i as II matteI' of ]·;I!ht. ' I'hlls, thc dignify or th(' in(li\'icltllll i!l Pl'f'· S('I'I'N1. 1'hcl'('fol'(', the COllnt'il st]'OIIJ.("ly fll\"OI'll the im])I,()\'('IllC!lt of SO<'ia\ illSt1I'llllt'C as 11 \I'll,\' of 1'(" ilU('i11J.(" th{' Il('{'d fol' public assist· ant'<'.

111 ('I'I'I'Y phuS(' of ils eOllsidera· tion!;! of th(' !=)ocial 8c<'ul'il.,\' J))'()'

g'1'ltlll, a l)I"illlllry COlletl'" of lht' {'Olll]('il hus b('{'11 the finnncilil liO\1 l1dll('!j..·. of lh{' ]ll'ogralll. The .ihl. \'isM,\' ('oulI{'iI WllS strong in its hf'li('f, thlll no ch:lIlf,:"c ill the PI'O, ~1'HI1I should b(, II111d{' 01' 110 P'"eS(,l1t 11'(' lId 1J(' pl'l'miw'd to ('olltillllf', if 111(' ]'('SIIIt II'('I'e to j(,Olllll'dizc {llllUl. (,jnl l.ol1lldncs..<; in ,lilY way,

I II tIll' [iJ,rht of tlii " pl'imal'~' (·Utl·

C('t'rt. tlH'tl, it ..;hou[d ht, t'('lt"~ltt'illJ.! t o all (·Itil.,'n..; (If 0111' (·OUlltl·.'", til hll\'(' Ill\' ('()\uwil slntl' Ihlll tlH' fi nlllH'iug" of Ih,' So)('i1d SI·(·udl.l· PI"lJJ,!t'lttll i. .. sUllud llIld .. ufli(·i(·nl I"

tlIl't't 1111 h"llt'lll 111111 adlllillisu':\ lin' "II~tS n..; tlH'.\· 1'1111 dUt,.

','II(' ('oulI,·il \\11" also ('U!w"rnl'll wilh thl' 1'('1111111111(' Impm'l or IIH' JlI"l)g"I·alll. II I j.t1·III'l":II. 111(' PI·0).:"I'11111

SlItJl)(II'I'! ('(Itl"UIIII'I' ,11'111:11111 allll hrlps 10 PI'I'WIII ,1t'fll1lioll. I II mIdi· tillil IIII' [1I1lf":I':11lI opt'rall's :11110'

IIllItil'ltll,\' 1Il,·IIlII]II'II .. all' i]1 IlHl'l rOI' IIH' lu",,, III' jll('III)I,' llrisillg I' I'om IllI' hig-llI't' 1"lJ\,' or n'Iil','ml'lll Ihlll

IWI'III'S wltt'lI IllI' g" I1\"]':11 It'I','1 vI' C'lllpIU.\·IlIl·"1 d,TliIW".

Coun cil Recommendations

Thl' ('oI1l1(·il 111:1.](' a IInnlh(' I' of 1'(·('IIIIIIIII·111111110IlS. ' I'lli' ('"IIIl(·il 1"\',"

OIIlIlIl' l ld'! 11 l ·t·,[III'licIII ill th" sizl' of a,·\·l1lllululitlll .. in 1111' .1"':11''1 .illsl :11U'ad til 11I'I'\'{'111 :1 (h·tJali'JII:1I·.\· I,n·,·(·t. ' I'hl' ('oUlwil IIt·lil'\·e." tlwl 1'1)1' I Ill' iIIlUI"di:lI, ' pl ......... ' l1t am1 tilt' IlIug' nil!, tllill til" t',·ullomi,· il1lp:tI'l of SIlt'i:d !-i1"'U l' il,\" shOltid ht· l"t'll · sqllahh, alit! should ht, e:1 P1l hIt, of

lli' iug" lliJs()I"IIt'd I).,' I Ill' {'(·()IlIilll.'· 111111

h.l' till' I'trlplll.\·{'. ,'IIlIlloyt'l" 11 11,1 Ilu '

"df-('lHplo.n·d without Utllhlt' 11\11" 111'11 0 1' "11·llill. 1·'01' Ihi .. 1','1]'<1111, 1\ hill' Iht' ('mlll(·il 1·1"·UllIlllt'lld,·,]

""".],," i1l(·I'I'a..;,'" ill hUIII tlu· "UIIII'i Imlioll 1":1\,' lIntl 1111' I"uilirilmliull mltl hl'llI'fil Ita "I', il .. 111·' ... ·,] Iltnl Iltl'." III' 1'111 iltllll·n·,·(·1 \!1·:ttlwtll.l· 'otl

111111 Ih,'n' \Inult! nul I .... 1m').:" "h'JIIg"""" ill Ihl' 11'\"1·1 of "ollll"ihll' I iOIl" 111 1111)" II!I,' lim".

)111';' "i).:lIi'il·:11l1 of IIH' j'I','OIIi 1I1\·1I,lnliolis. 1'1'0111 (tI'!!:1llil.("llnhol·\ 1"t.'\ljluiul, :11111. or l'il'IIIl,II,\" nil ('ili 1.1''''', was I hI' (·ol1lit·iI ·s ]l1'''IJlI~111 fOI" hllspillll ins\ll"nl](",· prllll,(·ti( ." 1111'!..'I· :-'o(·ial ~,,{·ttl·jl,l' for Ilu ..... • (i.j

1\1' til ,'1' 1111d fOI' di ... lhl(·d S,JI"inl :-'1' ,

(·IlI·il.,· 1)t"III·fit·j;ll·j"... '1'111' 1','('<1111' 111I' IHI:llioll, if" n,IOJllt·ll . 1\11111, 1 11m. I i..1,·:

II'lspilnl {'1ll"1' IlI'llI"i", wlluld 1)1' filiatH"'d hy 11 ,>1']1111':1\1' lax, ill'!II'lId of 11I'1 1Ig" IUlIl]ll'd ill "ilh 111(' l'I'g-1i Inl' SlIt·i:ti S('t'urilY I:tX.

'1'111' 1"'ol'"s("(1 plan would [1]"(1-

rid .. ho .. pilal (' :11','. 1101 (JIII.I· rut' Ihl' :Jg"I'd. hilI a lso 1'01' SOIll\' ~IO{),O(){)

11t']·llt:llll·ntl.,· 1111l\ tol:II],\' di"nhll'd lWI· .. OIl" nUll" I"'("'i"iltg" SO('ial :-{I" (·lI l'it y.

Thr .. l' 1\\"0 provision'> PI"('.~(,lIt 11

Illajlll' ,h'P1l1·tul·C' fl"O lJ1 PI""'illusly n·(·wIIIlII'Illlt·, 1 pin liS.

SllI'('ifi('" (Ii' l Ilt' ho."pilnl ilJ~l\ I"

IIIH'I' JI"ltl·(·titlll 1'11111 JlI1)\'id" JlIl.'-' 1I1I'lIt fill" ill]l;tlil'lIl IIO"pil:tl Ik'llI'lils fUI' Ih,' full .. tay til' ;dlltlJsl ,,11111'11,·. 'i(·ial·i,·..;.

l'a.\"IIlI·ltt would II(' m:uh' IIIHI,'I' ,Ill' J111!1!1'1l1ll rul' Iht· f'II.";", of flul· 111I1il'1I1 IIII"pillll ,lia).:"IIII..;li(· 't·I·vi(·,· ...

1'1·lI\i .. i()11 i .. iliad,· fOI' III .... ' 1111"-pilalil.:llion 11111\ 1"\lI'"d",I"'1I1',' 't·I·\·i(·,·~

I IISIII':l1I('(' (,(l\{'nlJ,tI' 1I"01d!1 III

"I uti" \It'!.~:;jllil.t·d 11II1ll1' 1lI11 ... iu!.! ""\"1'·

I'·'· ... 'I'h,' {' .. II IlI·il 11I'<I]lu"" '11 10 li l taw·t,

Ill(' Il0s)litlll (':11'1 ' p[;11I 1..\' n s[w"ial l·jll·Ulll1·k"d ('on!I'il",lioli of /I I p,'I" ('1'111 of (·(.n'l"t·d "llntill).:" f"IJUI ,'In· ]l11I.\·"~ lin.] fl'UIII l·lIl plo.\"\·I .... alld O . .i P,'I"'I'ul fl't'llI 1111' .... ·If-,·mp!IJ.\"(·cI, \I'itll :111 0.1., pl'I"('(' 1l1 ,'(llltl'il lul i!111

f"om 1· ... ·d" I":" 1"('\'('11\11'" 10 1'0\"1' 1' 1111' ('osl uf ik'llI'fil" fot· 11l()M' :ill'('11(1.'" n'lil·,'..! Ill' dis;lhh',l.

Increase in Bene lils

. \ nollt(·,· sl: .. mi fi('ll 11 I ]·,·(·OIIIII1(·lttlll.

tioll of tIll' , \t! l"isot",I" ( 'OlllU"i[ 1111<';

t!"\· I){ ... t! to iUI]l I'()\'I'I1l" lIl s ill lite

«'ulltilllU'd 011 /}IIlIl' (8)

Pre.ident Gordon M. Freemen •• tendin9 .. t .. me lelt. pose ... ith the d is lin9uiol'ed memb ... of th . Ad"isory Council on Soci,1 Security. Th" .t. Robert M. B,U, Comminioner of Soci,1 Security, Ch"rm,n; J. DOU9'" Bro .. n. Deen 01 the Feculty, Prince Ion Uniunity; Ke nneth W. Clemenl, M.D .. Pr'C!'cin9 .nd Imm,di.le P~ot Pruidenl, N.t ion.1 Medicel Alloe',lion; Nel.on H. Crul~sh.n~ , Direc!or. Dep.tlmenl 01 Sociel Securil,. Americ,n Fed."tion 01 L.bor end Con9"U of IndUlltl.1 Org.nil. tion.; Jlmn P. Di.on, M.D .. Pruident. Antioch College; Loul. F. Dunn, Director. Americln Public Well ... Anoci, lion. 1'14'1-I'1b4: Merion B., Direclor end lorm .. T'e"u"" Enlm'n Kod.k Comp.ny : Rei .. h .. d A. Hoh.u •. Di .. clo., Melropolil . .. Lile l"lur,nce Comp ... y .... d F,Uo .. , Society of Actueri •• : Atlhur L,non. Dirtc/o •. Rul . 01 le .. R"eerch C e .. ler. Duke U .. i ..... ity: Hermen M. Som.", Prol,"or 01 PoliliCl end Public Aff.i .. , Pr ince ton Uni .... sity; John C. Virden, Ch,irm.n of Ihe BOlrd, Eato .. Ma .. ulectu , int,l Compeny end Leonerd Woodcod. Vice Pre.i.

den t. United Automobil •• Aero~pace and A9ricu!ture! I"'pl,ml nt Wor~." 01 A", .. ic,.

Th. 180, conu ". mi"Ofl of thi s ,01. , fu,nac. conC'nt,.te th . ,.rtecled h .. t of t he .un into. fou. -inch . ... p.od ucing t. mp. ratu re, of 4,000 '0 5,000 d.g .... F, I hel l t.mper. tur • • e •• ulld by th ...... my 10 ti l l m.te , i.I, for th • • mal p'otection,

<II I, .. ' .\


Ar ticle Wr itten to Commcmol'<\tc National Electrical W eek ... 1965

D II) YI)I ' 1-:\'1-: 11 \IUlUI,'I' 1H1\\" Ill!' I'allll"-'; ot l'h·,'ll'il·ily \\uHld

f('(-'I if tiwy \\"1'1" til "UIiU' ali", mll l h<'llO[1I t,~da.\··" WUlhkl'lUJ \,.,.-It! Ill' ded ri"itr I j 'au ,\'011 iUlaJ.dut' tlw looks or illilal."UI")I\ CJ II \IH' flU'\'" of J.'al'll1lny. Ed i"'OIl , .\ 1111)('1"', j jalnilli,

' "olta. ( k""""d, I h·lII·y. B,·II illlll otlll"" j!I'\'al inn'1I1U1~, ,

tll ill k Ihat. """t'll \\,1.1' til' till you

b,wk t 11t'1l,

t b .. ",- Iwd l"i..;i(Ju..; IIf '!COIlII' of li llI'

lI ~t>s oj' (' 11'('Il'ic'ilY! ('(, I'll1illl,I"" Ill' 111\)(!t 'I"ns lakt, fOl'

).\" )":ultt'd 1II111 dCIWll ti Oil t'll·t"Il"iI"it~·

1111 ' )',' II,all a ll," ulhl'I' ('(J1l11IW, lity. ( ltll' 1'111 in' lin," i-: S[iI'llt ill it'! , '\Jill

)ll11IY ... f"iHll \IH' ,'It-ell'it, l'I')('k Ilml llwak,'IJ'i us ill tht- Illol'niu:,.:- hi

tIll' l'I"I'II'i., 1)[Ulll,('1 IH' 'i1111~l.dl· IIl1d,' j' lit u i:.dlllinll' ill till.' WillI " .. , 01' III!' fall 01' IIi!' "onditi(IIU'I' Ilwl :1' ...... 111' .. \I .. II )lIM" ' Ilig-ht's I'('SI ill

tIll' "UfIlHh"".

I hll' ill·h .. ·III .. • .. ·)1 h()U1~ ,lIT "'011-

1l1'('lt'oI with d,'('II·il·ily, tou, ,nut Illl' l1"-'ilwi<ltitJJI j,., :':Tol\ilLg- d:lil,l 1' t't'lIaJl~ 1,,,1'1/ (Jil l ' of U~ d(X·~ 1101

11;)\"1.' 111(, all'I'tl'I'II'il' IIollS(' 1]1.11' n l"y

Mote and mote of the n. l ion', .chool.ooml .'e equipped with 1. le yi l ion"

IlHlIl," of 111(' \"11I'ioll" \,I('(·tl'il'al nil'

plillll('h; alit! g"m lg"I'I'I Ihllt lin' 011

t hI' mlll'kl'l, hut t hI' f I'\-IHI is [(j\,lInl l'I"('II'i"111 li"il1l(, \\"ho ('I/1Ild IIsk fol' 1111.\-thiIlK Hum'!

SOIl1(' ('I""II'jt'n1111'm!tH'ls, 11111'11 11'1

l't' rl'i,!!I'I'af".-'l. I'all~"'l, sIWI'I'I'S. ('all 0111'rH'r~, ~killl'ls, 1:-"llI'Wr' il, ' !'S, Jllw. UHj,n'apl,,,, .-adius, IUlI .. It'..... il"llll~, WIl~II('I"S, (it':-'\' I"'I 111111 \a('1I1II11 1,11'11It­

('I", ai'" St) (,OIIIItItJll 111111 \It, (1011'1

J.:"i\"t, tht 'lil a SI,t'()I1t1 Ihllllldil. Lt't '!'j

litl'lI, take 11 I"'it,r look HI S(llIlI' Ot' 11,(, 11('1\"1'" 1'!I'('fl'i,'al g'oO(I~ alld ('1111-

sid!,I' rUIHI'" (,It'l'l "it'll I 11I'(JJ!IliJilili(','i. Fit '!>;! of all, ou,' !;OW'tC of !lowe!'

A whul,I ...... hid. ,imHe. to thi, 2oo,pellln'i!I' .elll mod.1 of Ihe Fo.d "Aeolus" m.y ,om. dlY p.o .. ide fell inl"'eilyl'o ... I, Uling L ... epld, in,'ud of wheel., Ihe Aeolu, ,lid" on a film of ei •• I'.elion of In inch .bo .. e ,peciel ,.iI surf.c .. ,t ,pudl 200 10 Soo miln In hou., Th. Ii, on which il . id .. comel '.om,eompflno,,: IU lbo. prop .nginll supply the d.ivin9 power,

In this e.ti,, ', eutew.y iIIu.lralion of Ih. Shippingport nudu. powe, pl .. nt .re depictld, from I.'t, the fecility for fu.1 hlndling .quipment, lhe .. tomic .udo ... nd hul • • .. , I me'nlen .. nc. building .nd o .. lthud ' .... eling C .. nl, the turbo,g.ner.'or building, th. switchy •• d containing circuit br .. le ... nd t"n,'o,m,,,, .nd Ih, t.anlmiuion lin .. , left: Alomic COmmillion Ch.i.m.n GI.nn T, Suborg demon. ,1r,le. In ".Iom;c blll,'Y" th,t furn isll .. til, ,01, lourc, of power

[20] for, rec.rtf "t.llite,

Thi. "hlm.tic drawing 0' .n .Iomic pow .. pl,nt limil.r to .. ~ ... I now in op ... tion throughout th. Unitld SI,t •• ,hOWl how. '.w pounds 0' fu.1 un lupply po .... to .. hoi. communiti .. Ihrougll cond.n!

f1'U" of the pOWIt lOurc"

.... w r .. w .. . , .......

• h .

, 00-4' •

An "peri""n!.l low fr.q~.n<=y .,.1,"1 for •• nding yoic. ,i9n.l. f,om 'Q.d,id, fren,mitt .. , to ,I,nd.,d .., 'peei.! ur .. diD •• calv ... lin b"n deyelop,d by Gene •• ! MolD ... A petrol ... , ... 1 accident lcene might record ......... inq mUI'g' on m'g",ti" .. hiell would b. lutometiully •• put,d end 'ac.iv,d by oncomin9 molo,i.1s

through their r.dio loud.p .. h. or I"'''g,on unit .hown beside driver'. 1.1t Ut in lower photo.

Thomu A. Edi.on wekhu • youn9 rady m • • , u~. (>f IIit uri., ,ound'crib" for e .. tomllli" d ictation, the gt"ndf"th"

01 ou, pt." .. ! . t"nog,ephic ",echine •.

In ,harp conl .... 1 ;. !hi. vi, .. o f the new equipmenl lor in.t.nie .. e. Oil. Iren.minion of both graphic .. nd w.ille" mel .. " .. I-e'O<:1 f.Climill. 01 d"win91, charh end .~ .. !<;h ... n .... II •• !~ped, printed end hendwritten met,,;el lenl ."OU th .. <;onl inent in en



will un(\ouhh'{II,\' II(' atOlnil' "II"1"J,~Y, ,\1 "'1111,\', III M'H'l'all'lI'uli,ms ill III<' \ 'llill'd ~lll1(' .. 1111<1 ill utlll'l' IInl'1 .. of

lhp \I'ul'll l , a\"llli(' ('IlI'I'g'," POllt'l'

plltills 111'(' Ilt'III' id illg' I' l t,t'll'i,'il~' rol' (,1I1i l'(' ('()Illllllillili,'s, '1'111' IllOst

widl·I,,'-lIJu,d 1III'IIwtl ul It,'lIt'I'nl illl: (,[t'{'ll'i{'il,l' 1'1'11111 H\OIl1i;' ('IU'I'!!," is liS follows: \111' splilling' 01' fissoll­iu g' of III!' 1110111 ,'()lllllill,'d ill 11101111 1('

fllt'1, "!" '1I1illg' IWld, whi\·1t j-: ('lHl '

(]\I('I. ' <1 in th., I', 'ndol' 1IIId IIInd., to

hoil wah',', TI1I' I',-stllting' SI"lIl11 dril'{'!> Ih(' 1I11'hilll"! Ihat, ill tlll'lI,

dril'(' 1'll'('II'II' j!1'III·t'IIIU1'S, B," this PI'()('('s.s, a ff'W JlIJlIllfl-: of IlI'lIl1illlll' 2;1~ ea ll "lIppl,l' 11 1I1('dilllll ·si~,. ,t1 town wilh ils l 'lt'('I I'il'lIl 1I.,('tls rol'

onl' ,I'('U I" 1-:1 ('111\'111'1 I)lh,'!' Ihalt Ul'llIIiUlIl ('1111 111". Ix' ,,-.{,<1

In the lIol-IOO·dist:UtI \\'11('11 IllIlI1 is IIhll' \(I nl1aitl

I'ul U 1'<', 111111 ,,'-

'ain l':<t"('I1I\'I~- lIiltl1 It'lIllW I'1111I1'(",

of S("'('l'ul hundl'NI lIIilIioll IIt'g'I'("'S

{'('lllil.!"l·lul", III' will 1)(, II";II!!, ,11" Ul('!'illlll (II hydI1'g'I'1i j<"OI0PI'\ froHl

tII'IHnat'," ,.,,'11 WIlI,'I' 10 Pl'olhll'e I'n('I'A'Y 1111',HI:!h Illwt lH'1' I1l1l'l"111' "l'­

HI·1ion. I;nowil 11 .. fllsioll, In the fll.'doll Pl 'O('( ':-;'s, t11 l ' (':<11'( '1111'1," hi~h t cm pCI'l\tul'(':i III'C nl'{'cs.'iI\I'~' 10 pCI'-


A p .. vi .... of Ih. nol full". it provided by pu,"· b ... t1on, piclu.. lel,p"on. 'nlt. ll.d in Ih. ultr.· mod.rn hlldq ... rt.n of the N.lion.1 G.09rephic Soci.ty

in W u"i"glon.

l.u Ih.n 90 ylln '90, AI ... nd. r Gr ..... m •• nt th. first .. ntllnee .v.r Ir.n,miU,d by 1.lepho" ••• n "'9,nl. "Mr, W.hon, com. h .... I you," 10 "i .... ,.1 .. ,,1, Merc" 10, 1171), lh. b .. ic conclpl h.d belln ,ucCillfuUy

d.mondrel.d by h,m • '1"" urii",

TII.oug" 11111 ... ond ... of .1"I'onic .ulom._ lio", prodi9'O .. ' .mo"nl< 01 i"form.lion c.n b. slo .. d .. "d proc.u,d by ,1.lh, U

,n Ih" trade ,,",on', int.rn.lion.1 office record room,


mit the fusion of Ji/,!hl elt'lllt'nlfl inlo heud"I' rll'nH'llls, 1'(']raslI1g' rlwl'g-y :11 thr 51ll11e lilll{', B~- {,01lI' hilling d('UI('I'iullI 0110111'1 in the insion pI'O('r;;.'1, {'IIC'I'~,\' ill I't'kllsed :lIld tht"' IWJiUIlI :Ilom is fOI'Jll{'d, .\ hu('kt"'iful or St'll w1Ilcl", ('ollt:linillJ.\'

on('·fi flh of a ,!!l'l111l of d('Ukl'iulIl, ('ould hCIl! Il fin'-molll h01ls(' 1'01' Ollr ,WOnt',

The futlll'{' should Iwing' an in· {'I'(-'lISC in Ill(' IIS{' of atomi(' hat· 1('I'ie>s, :I"'en<l,\' f'lIlplo,\'('d 10 pOWCl' instnlll1{'lIls IIlld tnlllslllitlt' I'S of <.;ntcllit('s 'I'hps(' hn1iC'1'i('ii Ilpf'I'atc 011 11 small pic('(' of 1I (',Hlio':ldi\'c isOlOpl', \dli('h 1!('llenll('s Iwat that iii {'onwol'ted into cieell'i(' ('111'1'1'111.

It illls also !)Cl'n PI'opos,'ll thaI th{' 11t'1I! 1"1'0111 ,lI1 IIJlrll'I'KI'OIllld

1l1le'1(':1l' ('xplosioll he' stol"l'li lind

lIse>d 10 pI'(){ll1(,(' po\\'(,I', .\11 ntollli(' hlnst lit :1,000 fl'Ct Iwlo,," j!I'IHIII(I ill

:11I 11J)pl"Opl"inl(' j!('olo~i(':l1 fOl'llln, tion eould pl'od\l('(' nil t''!linwted ~,OOO million Idl()wllll hOlll'<'; of clcctrical l'IWI'I.!,\' 111:11 wtJuld ('0"11 Irs$ thall olll'·hnlf ('(,lit P('I' Idlmultt.

WI' 1111\'(' SC'('l1 thc ('11l('I'~I'II('e of l1uclcnl',po\\"cl"C'd SUhllllll'in('s :llId the fil'st lIuclenr e:II'f!O and pas· S{'ng'cl'ship, Pcrlwps, thc I1cxl dc· \'('loplIII'I1I in this fi('ltI \dll h(' IIU'

ell':II' SPH('(' I'()(,kets, ,\11<1 spl':lking of 1111('1(':11' sl1bm:lri!l(,~, iI's 1I0t too flll"fl'tc,jwd 10 pie/tu'(, Illl'!11 :I~ Innk· CI'S, (,:II'g-O hoals 01' pllS,<.;t'lIg'('I' linel's, _\ suhm;lI']llc call 1lI0\"(' mO re Ih:11I h\'ice as fllsl :IS II :-;111'1";1('(' ,hip of

the l«1Illl' siy.(, with IlIl' snnw ('Ilg"inc PO\\'('I', ' I'hrl'c would Il(' Ii';;'<'; slll'l'ate dl'llg", :'o 10\"\'II1Clll \\"IIUlll b~',"llllJ{)lhcl", :1l1d 11](11'(' \\"ould ht, g]'\'nlc)' 8nft'IY

1'1"0111 shu'ilIS nnd \\"1I\'\'S,

,\l\t)lh(,t, som'l.'(' of CllCI')(\', nlil· ized ill spacc('I'l1ft, is Ih(' .... olal' hal, tel',\', whidl gellt'I':lu's l'II'('lri(']I:­

from sllillig-ht. '1'hc s,)lnl' h;1 I 11'1",\'

hollis III'ollli~c as 1111' jlt'()\'idel' of till \O\\'·\,oHag-e (,Ul'l','nl lH'('r\('d ill U hO\H!.c,

'I'h(' ,,"ol'd, II'UIiSistOI', til' ('OIll'S<",

Illls bt'('IlIll(' a PilI't (,I' ttll' \"()(':dlll,

1011',\' of lllall,\' nlt'n, \\'(1111('11 and (,hildr('n, Tlli~ tiny ill\'I'lll ion II:lS

Seniority for Construction Workers

In ('OOP(,I'l1tion with thl' :-\ll\ional J.: IC('lri('111 ('ollll':H'tOI,!; _\KS()('ia· lion , Ih(' Intf'l'Il11tiomli BJ'otiwl'hood of Electrical WOI'Ii"! ' ]"s liaS agl'('ed Hpon II Scnl()l'il~' ('I;IIN' !Ol' inelusi(lll illl.'Onsll'uClill1l !l).!l'I'I'· me'lIls,

] 1 is tIl(' p\1I'])OSt' Ill' Ih(' sl'niorily plnn to :1ITonl n\("lllb('l' .... in ~l

loe.,1 nt'cn, joh !S('cu l'ity Il('I'OI'lIillj! 10 !Il(' Il'llf,:" th or lillie l!W,\" h;I\'c work('d for 1'/IIplo,\'('I'<; ill Ih(' :tl1'a, in till' johs ll\':lilahl('. It 11I'o\'idcs thnl 11 l(l('al \\'Ol'klmlll ohtllillS and l'cllIills (,lIlployml'1I1 un'I' olhcI' wOI'knll' l1 willi 110 not IW\'I' ('slablishN\ st'lliol'il,\' ill Ihe IlI'('II ,

'l'h (' plnn liS PI'o])os('(1 Illl~ 1l1l11lC'I'OllS lIdnlnl:I~C's O\'CI' Ih(' 1l0l'tnld l'cI"Cl"l":11 ))1"0(,('(1111'(', F'ol' ('xamplc:

T he l,ltIploYI' I' i, .. nlll IWl"Il1i1\('(] 10 I'decl II IWIIl l'CfCITN\IO him to fill 11 I'('(p]('sl for \\'ol'klll('ll,

Tl eliminall's \'on!I'O\'I'l'l';,\' liS a rcsult of ~I bl,von" I:H'(':IUSI' Ihc OJ'dl'l' in whidl thl' elllplfJ~'('I' Iwlu('('s tIle Itlllnh(,l' of wol"lmlC'll i<.; pl'C" dCt('l"1I1ilICd,

It ('lilllillll t('S pl'Cr('1"1'lllilll 11'(':!l1II1'1l1 ill t'llIpIOYIIlPI11, I'x('(' pl Oil the bnsi~ of scniOl'il,\' nm l C(,I,t:lin olh('1'pI'I'I'('quisites (::; It'\\l1nl<;­

FOI'I'IiWIl :-';pt>t'inlizN[ I.'lnssifil'illiom;),

I nelllsiOIl of the Sl'lliol'ily (,IUlLSC ill ('Ollsll'lU'tiOll ll)!I'('I'III('nls will

contl'ihut(' )!1,(,:llly to or)!lllli1.ill!!, in Ihal il will go rill' ill (-liminat· ing Ihe 1'(':11' of OUl' me>lllh('l~ thnl nC('('Jltllll(,(' of ncw m('mhl'I'S by the locnl union will l"l'SIIl! ill mOl"c COlll !Wlitioll 1'01' aVl1i!ahlr work.

Th(' l'(,('Olll!ll('lHl cd srl1iOl'ity clause, liS nppl'o\'cd hy thr NECA nnd Illc [ll E\\' , is now I'el\d~' fOJ" diiill"ihlllioll 10 eOusli'liet iOIl 10c:1i unions, upon written I'C(Plcst to Ihe offiec of the Tnl ernntionnl P rcsidcnl,

IliadI' possible thl' \\'ol'ld of 1111111-lItul'izaliOll, ' l'lll' [l'lIll,!;istor It:l,~ 11 \'t'l',\' long lirc, 1'{,IIUil't'S no ltig-h. \'olll.lg-c, is uniJr('akll1JI(', I)J"O\' ith's ill<.;lant shll'ti rw ami i ~ (';H;il,\' ill' sl' I,lt'd ill printed ('il'l.'uils, '1'1'1111'

siStOI'S, :It first, round \\'id(~ llsagt' ill l)()1'I:lblc l"adios, i'\o\\", Ihey hll\"('

I'C\'olulionil'.('d Ih(' !il'lds of llluslI':iI in<.;tl'ulIl('nls, hcnt'ing- aid", Sl);]('(' I'O('kl'!S, ('0111)1111('1'8, shol"l·Wll\'(' l'IlIlio-lclcpholles, tape l'e(>()I'dl'I1l, (,Ic,

Slu'cl ,\', most of LIS 1111\'C ClllI'l'cd :1 sUIWI'1II1Hkel door Ihal op('lIcd "11111),.:1('1111 ,\'" lis \\'(' 1l]l]Jrollelll'd ii, TIlt' "mltl-!ic" hchill(1 il" OP('1":ltiOIl i"l tlJ{' photo('I('cll"ic ('('II, whil,h 1'1'· spolltl" 10 \llrilltil!lIs of lig-hl, 01,..11' ill~ 1I11d ('losillJ.: 11 I'il'cuit. 1'11010· 1,II'\,It"i(, t!C'\' il'I's 111'1' \'lllpIO,\'{'(1 1I1so in lh(' op\'I':11 iOIl of t,I(,\'nIOl' d(l()I',~, l;ill'III'l\ flOOI"S il\ l'('~tll11nlllls nlld

~al'ng'I' dool'S: ill I('stillg- IlI'I'I'; in j!I'lIdinl! fntit: in ('ol()l'im('II'~': irl hlll'~11II' alm'llls IlIld fil'(' \\'111'lIings in :Jil'·('ondilioning sysl('llIs: in f'[\ulItinl! p1H'];1l)!(,S :IS IllI'~' 1);I«.S I h I'ollgh :L ell 11 1 (': in \\'1] I'll in).,,,, oil" \'icl''', :1.'1 \I'lli' ll <';()l1l(,O Il C sl:Jllcls \(I()

1'losI' 111 01' in tht, \\'11 ,\' of op('I'alillg" IWlC'hincl'Y: in t('I('pholO,!!l'l1phy :11111 Il'lt'\'i<.;ion 111ld ill fll{'simil(', TIn' Illttt'I' o!wl'al iOIl Illar (lll(, llar 1'1'· 1'1111'1' Ihc Pl'illlill)! and df'liHI'ill!! ul' millions of Il1'\\'Spnpct's ;))111 11](,

I'X]\l'IIS(' 1111(1 (kln,\' of lllnilillg" lI'tt(' I'S,

'I'h(' OI' ig-innl 11l'\\'S!MJlCI' 01' It' 1\ l' l', <'011\'('1'1('(1 illio cl('l'I]"i(' impIIIM's, would bc tl"llllsllli1\cd at hig-h !>lwcl1 h,\' mil'I'o\\'n\'('s 10 Illc ]"('('ipi{'lll , \\'hos(' l'I'I'I,j\, jUJ.; st"! lIould 1'1'111'0' dut"(, l1it' flnp" I' 01' l l'ttcl', P;)~t' h,\' pn).:"(', 011 scnsitized Plif){'l', I n the ('lISl' of "fllX mHi1." the> conlC11ls woulll IJt' j!lllll':llllt'I'd S('CI'(,\.

.\ 1Iolllcl' SOIll"('(' 111' PIlt'I'I!",\' that hns ah'l'1ul,\' St'{'U lilllitl'{1 lISI', hilt whit'll pt"omisl's flll'lll1'l' dl'\'l'lu p-1IIt'lIt, is Ihc 1"111'1 (,(,11, , \ ('\111111,\', Ihe 1'111'1 ("(,II is 11 b:lItl'l",\' of ('('lis Whl'I'I'· ill ('I('eli'ic ('11I'1'\'nl i,.; g"CIl(,I'lllf'll.

I I,\'{1 1"0~{'n and oxy~('n nre fl'(!. Sl'P' aratt'I,'- and 1\1 111'(''';<;111'(, 01' S("'t'I'nl hlillil!'('d pOll litis pt'f squal'(' iudl, 111 Iwo cl('('\l'o(],'s sll<,;pclldt'd ill II

JlOlll s~i\llll llydl'oxidt"' soill t ion . \\'11 ('11 working, th(' l,t' lls opr l'ah' 111 a 1t'lIlp~ I 'alul"(, of :::!OO d<'gl'('f!S ('I'll,

tl'i)!l'ndc, 'I'hc wall'l' formcd j'I'om (Conli111LC(l QI~ 1)(1[je 2.2)


With this k'll\(' of :"0111' .Joul'l1II1 \I'e resume n [('nltll'(, popu!:u' s('n'I',d .n'al'~ llj.!O. It i-; important fOl' I B I':\\" 1tll'ltlh('I"S 10 II{' I1hlc 10 1'{'('lJl! lIi1.1' by si~hl ;lIHI to h;I\'\' SOHl(' kILOwh'ti).:"I' of 1111' HI('11 aIHI WOIl1('1I Otl tIll'

inl('I 'u:ltiolJ;l! staO' \\"ho ,11'(' \\'ol'kiIlK fOl' 111I.'i l" h(''ll iul('I,,''ll,.. [n IIJ(' tWX! fl'w lIIonth'! Ill' \\ill hl'ilLg :",01\ infol" IIIl11ioll on th(' 11101'(' 1'\'('I'nt additiollJi to QUI' Intel'lmtiulIHI Ollie(' 11I1U I,'il'll! sinO',

11. Ihu: )1 In: .1/(11111/111-1 ]I/"j II!} () /H ,.at ilms

B t'()tlwl' II . 1),11" ~ l ;wl'r !llt'mhc]' or 1..11, 1()4~ ill [l1dillllll[lIili". S(1I'Q''l ill 1111' IUI·;\\' ~[ilI1Ur;II'llll'illg' fil'ld.

I II' lias hoi'll III Li·;!/fill . ~ol·th II:lkuw. lIud was iuitiatptl lnl., IL[', 1,',0 1, illdialwpolis. '·\·ll1'u,II'Y 1. I !I.',O. 1'1"1111' hI hdllt.: a, ... iJ:III,d 10 th., 1111.'1'11:111011,11 '11:10' ill .JLllle 1~1 ;)7 , ht, "'l'l·wd as pl"t'sld,'111 Clr L.l . 1:i() 1 :11111 al ... o :1'1 ,N~i"I:lll1 IHI"ilH'sS IlruIWJ:~'I· uf 1;,('. -1,-\1 and 11110;;111(''''1 1IIIIIIaj.t~'I· 01" L. l". l:!:.!,j , all in 111-.lillll(lpoli".

P. E. Cr,,\ItK 1"01/1"1" 1Ji.~I,.ict

IlI'uthl'I' F. J-:. ('Ia .. k WIIS hom iLl 1':1]·kl'l·"hul·g", \r\·sl \'iq~illi1l 1·'1,h-1"IIHI".I' :.!:.!. I~l:..~:! , Ill' \\11'1 inili:lll'd illto [ •. l " !Ifio.; or that <.-ity ~·;"pll'lII ­

IH·]· I ~I, 1!1.t:!. I h· sl'l'WI! his 11)t'nl un tht, EXillllillillj.t BOiIl'I1. EXI'(·\I· 1il"l' Boall!. 11'1 vi"I' prl'sirlt'llt. pl·.'SI­d"III, lillan!.'ial '1I'('I·l'la .. y 1111(1 finally :t'l hUsinl's..'! l1Janilg"('l" Iwfot,(, ht'ln:: H~"ig"II(l{1 to Ihl' l HI('I'IWtiOIHr] stun' ])(>(','lI1h(>I' I , 1%0. II I' also hclt! olliet' in Ihc \r{'st Vil"f.(inia !-illllC EI,'ell"ic'lIi \r ol"kc l'S Associlltion.

,TO~t:I'1I .1. OZ.I:-;"IC

,1{ 1lI111 I II( tIll'; /1 II O}l( /"(/ I imls

B rolht'l' ,)u"t'Jlh .J. OZ<lni(' I'! a Hr('llilwl' 01" Id ", l al, (·hi\';q,~(J. Il l'

I liI" 11 lUll): "lin'" .. ill IIlliolli"111. I I I' "IIII'I('d 10 \\".·k ill II,,' I'oal lIIilll'.~

1111 hi .. lit""'I'1I111 hirlhtla,l' .lIId \\II~ illilialo'il illln lilt' I'lliit'd :'111111'

\rol"kt,,,, un 111111 tlllft' Wlu'n lilt' :'II i III' WUriH'r:- III'I'!' "'III'II.,tl r .. tllil til!' .\ FI , ill 1 ~I:tK B I'tJI 11('1' (halli,' 11"11 ... appoillh'd 1'I'I'~i.h'lIl Ill' tlU' IIl'\1 _\ 1"1. :'Ilil ..... " 1'lIiulI. I h, .. ,' .. n,rI liS .\J.'L 1I1"!!1l11i)';I'" for Ifj ,n'al"S J11"1tI1'

,,, hi,,; r1~"ig'tllI1l'III II, Ill(' IBEW ... 1 it 11" ill I !I.ili.

.\""lto;.;" II . 7.n:m.En Filfh Ih~l/'i( I

Bl'ullwr _\lIthOIl,\· Ie ZiP;.!il'l' W:I'I inilial('d iuIU 1..1 1, l:lO of :\",'1\· 01'-11'1111!; .lrrly :1, l!I:l(i , I ii, W;Io;; ill" poilllt'll;lIl I Uir'!'lIa lio!l;rl HI'pn'o;;I'ul­atin· .\II).!. I .i, I!W:I, prinr In whit·h lillh' Iw .. ,'rl·,',1 Iti ... Ir"'nl ll11iOlI a ... ,·Ililirmall nf tilt' EXI'I'1I1iII' Huard , lI"i .. lalll b'hill\"~ lIIalla).!,'!' and tJlt'li

bu:.itws.. .. 1Il11I1Ug-"I', \\' hil,' 1111 ollin' " "I' 1 • .1'. 1:10, n .. olll.'I' ~ic)!II'I' nl-.o II/'\d offkl' ill Ille :'IIc'lItI 'l'rat\{''I, Builtlill)! 'I"'lIdt,,,, l1m\ Cl'lIll"a l ·1· ... I(Il'>; toulleils or New Od{'all~.

Irn::-':E (:OI)l)\llD

'I'(hl/holtl Ol/(Nltial' s

] 1111' 1·11 :11 i 0]1 ill I/I'PI'I'SI'lltHlin' I l'l'lH' (;Ot!II:II·d IS IIl·l''!''lIlly t'll ­)::lj.t('d ill tlr)!llllj,.:illj.t lind ",'I'dl,illg" lL1'll";Iil'S ill tl1l' tl'lt'pllUIII' 1i1'lti.

.\ppoillh'd :'II1II'/'h Lj , 1!)60, :.11(' \\11" llS. .. ig-IIl,d al Ih:ll liull' 1U thl' ~I'I·"lItll l)j"tl'il'l "!aff. :\0\1;1111,'111·

hI'" (If [..t " 1'-:!I, 'I':lllipa. FllII'ida,

"hI' \\;." iuili;rll,d ililo ,Iu' lBE\\' .\\lJ.:lIs1 (j, I!J.I>'; ill LX. I:!:-':I 111"0 \If TUI1IJl1l. II"hil,ll I",'al .. h,' ~"l'I·I'd 11.'1 PI'I'silklrl alit! :r('tiu/! hu-;illl'ss 1I1:IIHl1!I'I· fur "1'1,'11 yelll"S,

.\:o.-'rIW;';Y BCTOII,\C

/-,'i!!",h fJistrirt

BtlI'll ,\11):11,,1 :2(;, 1!l27 in 1):\11' S{lII, :\I'I\" .\ [l'xi('o, Bl'otlll'l' .\lllhO/I.\' B UIOI·ll(' hq!llll Iris [BEW ('111'('\',' (11'10111.'1· ::, I !I,-,:! whl,'l1 lu' 11"11" Ill]· linll"t illlll 1..[- 6{ji oi' PIII'''lu, ('"Iunul" I [ I' 0;;'·1'\"('"11 1I" bll"ill('~~ 1I1l11111!!I'I' au.1 lilmlwilll S('I'I'('tlll'y of thllt "11';11 rl~'1t1 .IUIIl' I!.I;;G IIl1tilll1r­p()illtl'd all 1111('I·lrilliOllll l 111'IlI'l·· lIl'lltl1li1{' 011 Ihl' Eig-hth llis!I'i('!

SIIIO· .\ugIlS! 1.', 1!l6:1.


lSird Wntcltil1f! PI1


Yon ) 11(;11'1' SAY [ Iwd a bin['S-I'.\,(' \'it'\\' of tbr ('ntil'c

Ilro('('cdinJ.,"S Oil 1r 1l1\ 1~U ,'a I ion Day. . /alltl1ll".v 201h. " (lII lil'l', 111.'- Ilalllt'

is :-;1I1l1fl1,V :-;'lI!"1in~. l\"(I1'IIWlJ.,·, illY

home is in 111(' 11'('( '~ Jiuillj.! PI'llIt­sylnmia .\H'IHW in ,Ill' NntiOIl's 1.'11 pilll I. This y<,al', hOWt'H"', Illy

f"i{'l1(ls :llld I hnd to 11Ikl' lip \l'm­poral'." qUlll'lt'I'!oI t,tS('\\'h('I'('. 'I'hl' U'C(>S in 0111' :\"111'11 \\'('11' .'11)1'11:'>'('(1

with II l'IIW(-illl il1g'I't'di"l1t 10 k(,t'p us out of 111(.' p:llh or tIll' IlIllug'LlI'al parlldr pnrtit·iplllI!S 1I1U\ \'il'W('I"S.

But . I di,ln', mi!>." II thill!!. T hat impol'tllllt IIa .... IWJ!1I11 011 a

cordill I and [)I'M-dill twI t' :1" I' t·, .... i· drnl I • .\'n<loll HaitH's .Johnson aud his fnmily al!('lllkd 11 Spt'e;a!. (,HI-','-' IIlo"lling illlt'I'·fllith .'wni('f' al thl' t'\aliOlla] ( 'ily ('hd,,\i:lII ('IIUI'(,h,

Altllou~h Ih(' t('lI1pC'l'nlul'C' l'{,llC'lwti on 1,\' into the ,,10 .. , till' slIn sholl(' hl"an'I,\" Hlld H rl't'lillg' 411' "x" cilt'lIIt'ut 11111\ Iwl iOllul pl'itll' had ill\":ldt'd 111(' 11il' hr IlOOillimc fol' thc ·15th I nallg'Hl'ntioll of Ihe 35th

I .

1l1:111 to O{'('UP..''' IIH' l 'I"'"i.1I'III'.", Chil'!' ,/n'!liec EliI'! WatTI 'II,

wl'adllg IIl1' hl:t(,k 1'1)1)('" (lr hi" OffiN', adminisl(,l'l,tI till' I'I'I'silil'lI­li:1I O:llh, ' I'h(' 1' t'('si<i('tll's IWIIII I'r"t!'d on 11 Bihil' whit'll Iii,.; l!lothl'I' hatiIH'(,S('lltI'lIIO him ,'''''111''1 ll:,!(llIlid whi{,1t \l'IlS III1W hl"ld h~' hi" wife, ' I'hl' Innu:!U1'nl Addl'I'''-'' Ill' HJlIW(t'I:i­IIw\('ly 1,100 wOl'd" is {)11(' of til(' "hOI'\('sl 011 1'1'('{jI't1.

!;'ollo""il1ll Ihl' O:Jth-llIldllj! 1'1'1'1'"

1I101t.." lind hlll('I](,OIl, tI](' l' n-sitil,ltl 1('{IIJ1(' lnaugura] l'al'lIIh' f\,(}l11 II1l' ('npilol 10 1111' Wltill' IInll"" hl'ful'l' :1 t'{'t'ul'd ('I'f)wtl or 1.2 1t1illiou IWI'­"<)I\S" That lli).!'ht. ell!' PI'( 'si til'lIlin l p:lI1.." was '''''I'.'' 111II('h in l'villl'lIl'C' at fin' 11I1I1I).!'11I':11 Billk I had qnit(' :1 timl' IH'('pill).!' lip with Ill<' I' t'('Siil"1l1 and hi" ~l'Ott]l, m; Ih".." hOPJlI'd from Otl(' hall to Ihl' II('Xt.

I was QIlI' lil'l'd hit'd 11 1 tt1idlli~hl HIIII \l'IIS SII g-Iad fllnl 1' I'~'"id"1I1 and ~I 1"'>. ,Johnsull ('all.'11 il a !la,'" HI tll1ll lillt(' IIml l,('til'l'd 10 IIII' \\,hilt' I louse, Bat, I '\':lS glllt! tltlll I

1'()111d Ink{' ill 1111 tilt' CV{,lIt" of thnt tnl't11I)l'nhlt, Ilay, Nil"", 1 ClllI 1'l,lalc Ihl'lII 10 Illy dd ld l"('n, just as m." pal'l'uts did 1'01' mc nlld their !lill'-1'lIls flit' tht'lIl, ('II'"

A{'{'tlI'llill~ 10 my nlll.'l'stol'S (n nd lIJ('r should kIlOW, '(':m;;c the.." W(')'C' t!t{,I'C), (;I'OI'g'(' \\'ashillgloll "";IS tite lil';;t Antl't'il'HIl 10 S('J'\"C Olll' countl'Y as I'n'sidcnt. II C' took lh(' 0;1111 of ,,1liC'\' ('xlI('II," :11 nOOIl on ,\pl'i] :lQ, 17k!). in t'\('\\' \'ol'l, Cilr, 011 Ihc ha\('oI1Y of ','('d{,I'al lI .ill, thl'lI Ihc "/lpi lol of lilt' l 'nitt,d SllIH ....

1'111' ,·17-~'I'al' old pall'il)1 \\"01" n simpll' 111"0\\'11 suil of ("'OIw{'('til'lIl"

mad,' (,loth" itlt a "ill" s\\"(l!'d alill had his lotlg- hail' 1)01\"(11'1'1'(\ whitl', 1'1'(,,,ilknt \\'nshillJ,!IOl! lUIS SOltl{'''

\\"h:lt tt{'I'I'OIlS 111111 ti:I,I'. IIi" hall\ls shook, nlHl his ,"oi('" Wit" a littit' In'nk as h(' l'I']ll'nINI tli{' p!t'dg'" of olli('C' nt'te!' Ne\\' Yod, ClwlJ('I,II()]' l{vlwl'l It I,iving'slon , " " I do ~"ltmlll!l ,~It'l'flr Owt I 11';1/ fllilll­flllllll'.Trrutr Ihe oBil'l' of I' r(',~irl{ Itt of til(' 1l11itcd S((/l(,~ (111(/ will, fo


f/t c bc,~t of my ability, 7WC.MI'tlC,

7Jl'o/crt (l1l(l (1('[r)ltl lhe C01/Stitu" (if/II o[ Ihe fllli/ril StaIrs,

'1'11('11, h(' lidded, "So 111'1 II 1111' Ood," ~i .. (,(' Iltt'n, Ihis ill\'o('ntioll 11Il'! 1· ..... llIlIIHI,ily 1)e1'1l add"d.

,\1'1('1' COli (' Iud i II g tit(' oalh, (:(,()I'J,l:I' WlI'iili llg'ton kis,~·d tlw 13ibl(, (wh il'll had 1)«,1\ 1H,11'l'()WI'"

fnITIl II 1It': II'hy ."a<ronie I,O(\j.!I' al· IUU>;t lit lilt' i;1>;t llIinutl' ), his lips lotH'lli!!).:' "II' Inst ehaptt' r or IllI' Book or Ol'III's k IIc Ihl'lI 111'0' Cl't' d"l! 10 th(' Sf'llate Cll1l1l1lJ1'I',

Wllt'I'I' hI' dl'lin'I'('d lti~ IIHltlJ-:UI'It!

l \ddl'l 'S.S h(,j'(lI'I' II joinl sessiun or thl' S('lwtl' anti Il ouse or H"]lI'l'Sl'Il" t:J!iH's, 1,'1'1)111 thl'I'C, he am! tltt, 1111'111111'1 .... til' {'lIug'n's. ... 11'(,lIt to St. I'au!'" (,ltIIl'('h Oil I,owel' BI'oatiway ntH! pI·a.n'f!.

Tit\' (,('It,lu':aion of this first Tn-111l!{III'llti()l1 lIas COlleitltll'(l lIml lli"t"ilt with a 1))·illi1lI1l di~Jlln:,-' of fiI1'W()l'I.S,

"'01' Iii .. t!1'('ond Jllaug'ul'lItioll . (h'ol'~(' Washing-ton dl'ove to 1ndl"


Tenl of thOUlandl 01 , nid,n" .nd vilitof1 to the Nation'. Capital throngld C.pitol PI.II, as I"n .t ,., 1.1t. to watch the by ou, 3111h U.S, p",id,nt, Lyndon B. J ohn.on, lalt month. Chief Justiu Ea.1 W."en admin· ister,d the t,,,dition.1 o"th, .boye, whil. Viu P,uident Humphrey loo~,d on,

Cert.inly the malt rembundiou. group of guestl wlr. tholl who .".nd.d the reception .t the What Hou .. following the ;nst.lI.tion in offiu of Prelident And .. w J.d,on, left, Edlnliv, was inflid.d on the

furnishingl .nd landlcaping as a .elult of their hi'1h .pirits. A memory th.t will lon'1 be cherilhed by Americanl was th. '1"" .nd charm 01 P,etident and Mfl. J ohn F. Kennedy, Illn b,low as they left th, Whil, Houl.

fo, thei. In.ugu,,1 B. II.

]wlld('nec ]J:1I1 in Philll(l(·l phia ill n coach :wd four, 'I'h(' date II'n!>

]\fHI'l'h -I t 17!)3 , 'I'h(' III:tug'1lt'1I1 Ad" dl'I's.s was til(' sh01't('sl er('1' to bc tll,li\'('n,d ... ouly 1::,·,11"01,11'1.

,\t the 11111u).!'U!'atioll or .Iohn .\datlls Oil ~\lal'{']1 -I. li!li . WllShiuJt­lun Pllt in an IIppt'a ralJ('\' :lIId stolt' IIII' show .. Iolm .\dmlls was Ihe op· Jlw,ilt, oi' (k01')';l' Washiulttou. li e WIIS "hlll,t . plump ;Int! PI'I'II' lItious, WlIShill).!'\l1ll \l'lIS lall. 11'/111 IIIHI dig·

ni!iI'I!. 'I'h(' 61 ' Y('1I1' ()Id i1wtll1liul! 1'!'t '"id l'J1t 1'('11 lutl,t 1I11t! 1l1'~I(,(,It'd liS tilt' ('I'()wd I1I'sl'1'tl'd hittl lit tlte ('1101 of II\(' 1'('I'pmon.\' lind follt)\\'\.'d Wa'lltin::tolt illlo the SII'I'('!. ,\dams, tilt' fil"l I' n '"iill'llt to IHI", Ih\.' oath of ol1i('(' I'rom the ('hkf .Iusli('c of Ih(' {"lIill'd ~Iat(''!, was swol'n in ('...:a(,II,I' lit noon in Congl'ess Hall Itt. I'hiiailt'lphia,

Htill SIIlO"ll'I'ing with indigna· t iOIl 1'1'(1111 t Itl' t 1'1'/1 t 1II('nl h" 1'('('(' i\"(' 11

lit Iii" Il luuguI'aliol1, Adaln'! dc· PIlI,tt'd fl'om \\'nslliuJ,:tull, I). C., elll'I): on t lIP mOl'ning or .March 4,


]R01, wlll'lI '1'huI1I1I'I ·kff"I"S()Jl look the oath of olli"t, 1'1'0111 Chid ,Jus· lirr ,Iohn ,\I:U'SlllllI,

.J{'fTt'I"iIIIl, ,i7 y,'al'S old, w:lIl,t,(] the rt'W hundl"'.! ,nmh I'I'IIJII hi .. IX)<lJ'liinJ,! h'III,<;(' on XI'\\" ,l!'I''\('Y ,\n'lIIl\' 10 tl\l' S"lInlt' ('halllilt'I' or thr ('apilnl 1/" \\n-. till' lit"it I"'""i,

d{,lIt to hI' iIlHIlj.!'lII'alt't! ill \\"lI"h, illglOIl, I), {', Jo'oll.)\liuj.!' tilt' 1'\'1'\'· mOllY, h(' WlIlkl'd hll(,l, to Iht' lX>lInliuj! IWIISI' illld IOt)k Id'i ('IIS­tOlmll',l' -;('nl Ilt tht, root of 1111' tahlp fol' SHPPI'I',

Af1l'l' ,h'lin'I'illl-!' hi'! s"l'OIul 111-11111£111'111 ,\tltlt'l'!>.'i till )1;11'('11 I, P'O:;, Pl't'!i'llt .lI-fr,'I'sou illil in 11,01 a pl'ni'lit,!, 111IIt IIIIS 11t'I'Ollt(' -.tHII,llll'{l

1'01' all J>I'('si,II'IlI.'i, Il l' li'll 1111 I ll' 1I11l!lIl'aJ 1'111':1111' :11011:: 1'1'11 11 '1,\'1-

vlInin ,\ I'PIllIt' Itl lilt, \\"hill' 11 1U1"t',

,J rffrl'SQlI 11:1'1 :lsll'idr his f:l\OI'ilt, hOI"S(' 1111,1 lIas f.,II,m"ll I,y 1,,!tiS!;I.

lol's, diplomats, III,'I,hulli('" 1'1'11111 th~'

Na\)' Y:n'1! 1I11t! hl1l1l1l'1"I .. ,,1' \\"1,11· wish"l''', TIl(' .\I'my h:llItl Ihnl WIIS lI1arc'hinl-:' J.!III slll('l. in Iht' 1111111,

but Ih(' 11111'1101., 1\'11'1 -.I1('('I"-;"ful.

1-'0111' y('al'S Inl"I'. r,7,y"1lI' old .Tallles )llItlis'lIl look tht' oalh of olTi('(' in till' 11 1111 or Ill{' 11 0(l-;I' of Ht'prrsl'ntlltin's, ,\t his sidl', WllS his (,hlll'llIillg' 1Iit'1', !loll l'Y, ')'('11

t hO\\Silllt! I1('0pl(' Il'ird to 1'tPU'('ZI' inlo th(' Il ull 1IIIIt rla,l', 111I1id

clwq,.('(''S or 1!I'1!I't ill thl' disll'ilJutioll of t ickct s,


Fol' till' Inauj.!'lIl'al UIIII, width she lU"liItH.'t1, Dollt,y ,'IIH"" a I'al'i, .. iall j.!'()\1 II of hhlt' 1'\'''1'1 wilh a Parisiall tm'han and !til'll III' pal'n· diS(' plUIIl\'S, Edd"I1II,\', "III' tlidn 't (',111' if II1lYUIl(' ('I'ili"izl'd hl'l' fol' not I\"at'illg' all .\lIIt'I'jellll l'I,(,:llion! 'ril(' halll'(101II wns M) ('I'Ulltll''] allrl 11'111'111 Ihllt winiluws \ITI'(' Mltash('cI to Il'I ill f.",,], :lil',

;\ I :1 (I is(lIl''' SI ,('1)1lt I 1111111).:'111':\ I ion on ,\l m'(,h -I, 1"1 :1, 1I1-(11ill totJk pI1l(,(, ill tht' l1 all or thl' 1I0Ust', 'I'it(' ('011111 I',\' was iUl'tJII"t,d ill W:)I' 111 tht, lillll', so IU1111g'U1'111 t,\.,uls 11"('1'(,

11101'(' l'I''<II'aiul'd Ih1l1l 11I"'1 itltl1'ly, ' l'llt' ;\ l al'l'l! -I, 1~I7, itwtlj!llI'lIlion

of I' I,t,,,idl'lIl ,Illllll'" )101111/1' Ililll'kl'l! th(' fil'si I hilt, thai IIII' ('('I"'lIlOII,\'

was 11I'1,! 1)11 all ('it'l'lIl",1 1111111'01'111 outsitl(' 111(' CapiloL Fullt, ,\'UII"S

lalt'l', ;\lo!lt'11t' WllS ch'i\l'll in,,!(!" hy !';Iill ;11111 -,uow to Iht, I hIli of tilt' H Ollsr,

'I'ltt' fil'''{ I" ',,,,i(it-nt ttl \\"111' 111111{ tI1H1""I"i lit his ItlHlt!.:tll'alillll \I'as ,JOhll Quinl',\' .\";1111-., II ... ,ij ,\'(';11'

old 1'011 til' om' S"('''II<I l't'I""i.knl, 'l'h"I'(' WI'I'(' "111111(' .. III' :trlillt'I'Y on that ) 1111'1'" 'Hlt ill 11.,:!,i, I n Ih" (,\·l'llillg', th" Imlllg'llI'al Bnll was Iwld ;11 ('nt'll'<i's lIall. Illd,'" Ila-. to 1)(' 11](' ,(('ttillg' [\1]' mHllY I 1lI1 tlJ.!l1l'lI I B:ll k

l it Ill!' "pil'it vf Iii" 1'111111'1', ,I(JIIII Quiltt,,\' , \dnliis rd'lls('tl to plIl,tiei. pate ill Iht' iltHU g'Ul'lIlioll of his

A .. dt ... but,.ble high!i9ht of thl Ii .. t inlugu,.t pe,.dl of O ... igh t O. Eilen, howlr-,odeo ,id .. Monly Montene d,op' hi. 1 ... 0 o".r the P ••• u h" dend. in

th ••• "j .... ;ng ".nd,

Sllt'!,!""",I!', _ \ lid 1'('11' .1 :tI,kst>Il, Per, hnlls, ii'" just as II't'll hI' tli(lu'l, ":lIt",', from what 1'1'(' [wal'll,

\\"lI',hiu::IOIt, n, (', Iws !l('\'('I' agltin S"I'1l lIll,l·thing' Iik., it!

Tltt, 1)[',\'1'111' old ,\llu'I'it:1l1 ht,t'O h:lIl tlIlltl,\' :tdlllit,t'l'S who (,llIllt' 10

\\'lI"hin~loll, ' I'lli',\' (':lITil'd ltil,bJl',\' (';nIt'S, II'(]]'(' hi('kt)J',I' 1(';(1'1'>; ill 111I'it' 11Il1iott 1101('" lind whll()IWd it lip ftll' tht'i l' IWIII. ,/:l(,ksou \\:1S so disap· poinl!'d, wlH'tl It .. dis('OHI'I't! tlO

pUI';III.· h:td bl,t'll plallllt'd in !Iis hOllot" tlllil 11(' Iwd a gT()UP til' his Ik,'ulutititlill'Y \\'nl' soldi{'l's Sit I'·

I'()ulld llis O!lt'll t'1I1Tiagc j\)l' lite ride to the (;:tJlitol.


"hat e,"cning, P resident J ;U'kson held opcn houRC :It the White Jiou,«-'. 'ruhs of ()!·Ull~(.' punch had brc ll placed ill the I-::lst HOOJH, ill

tile fO.\"('I"S Hnd 011 thc lawn .. Jack· SOli tl·icd to shake llands with e\"('I'Y


a scene of danical triumph , Ge~e .. 1 George Wuhington ""ives i~ a flower·bededed barge, far left, 10 Id ~ e hi. fin l oa th eo Prnident

i~ New York City, April )0, 1789.

The .elling lor five In .. ugur,,1 8all. from 18B5 to 1909 is seen d left. It i. the cent ... 1 hall of Ihe Pension Qffiu Building. here decorated for the g.l" celebralion following the ;na"9"ralion 01 William McKinley

in 1901.

A former Pre.idenl edminidered Ihe o" lh of office 10 Calvin Coolid9n as he wa. IWO'n in 10 hi. full le,m in office (he had .e'''ed oul the une.pi .. d le,m 01 Wet,en He,din9) . Will iam HowMd Taft , a. Chiel

Justice , i •• een with hend ,a'sed .. t left .. bov •.

Students of Ameriun hi,tory and of Abraham lincoln have pored ""idly ave. this Icene, below. tak"n al l incoln', ... cond inau9uralion. Some have profound 10 find John Wilke. Bool h, .. ho wu 10 end the Pruidonl', lile I .. , than Ii. w .. h late •. among the men on Ih. balcony

10 Ihe 1 .. 11 01 Ihe fla9.

onc of thc 1Il01'C than 20,000 ·'g-lIl'stS. "

Bnt, \\"hl1t n ~('('nd 'I'he "'SltMS stood lip on Ihc llplwlsLcI'ed rlll"!1i· lure with theil" 1rIuddy hoots aud ruincd the plush ellllil"S, dinltls Dlld

1'1I!-,'"S. F'u1'IlitUl'c was broken, glas.,,('s \\"(,I"C smnsh('d lllld the \lIb.,; or pUll("h \\'Cl"C UP"l't.

AlthulIg-h 1111 l naug-ural BI111 II"IIS held that llig:hl , I' t·rsillrllt ,i u('ksoll

(Contil1ued 011 J11'YC 20)





1.\' 1<; YI';. \ H~ AW), Ihr hl(wk of land 1>o:'lw('('1I S('OIl ('iI'j'II' find

1I"';lfl"""lh ~Il>('('t 011 ) Ias. .... lf'hu'i{'tts An'IHH" X. \\" 111 WnsilillJ,;"toll, I), (" I support('!i fin' olt! 110111('8.

Today, this hh)('k j ... j'UhatH'('t! hy un ullradi\'t' Ihr{'t'-"lUr~- huiiliillg' of Ilwtll'rll ti",i::u tlmt hou""s th(' offie('s of till' ,\ Ill!' .. i<'HII . \ :.,twiulitlll

. 1'01' Ill(' Adnul('t'IIU'lll .. r !'t'i"II('t'.

sl l'lt{'l ul'l" In"HIl'd jl1~t 1I

fl'(llJl UII .. 1I1 11'I'II:IIiOll:ll OITi('(',

I'! ellUlplt'lt-l.'" llir"('(IIl/li tiOlIl'd, hils

s('ni('I' 11111 1 1I111!t'I'I!I"1l111l 1

1)aI'kitH:' (llid HIII'1I"ls j'nllsi,h'l'abll' inl"I'\'sl 1)('('11 \IS,' (If it .. \,110", I'i"ltll,\'. O])I'I'II!(,(l, tWO·slol·." Ili)!h, 1'\' 1'111'111

IOUI'('I'S 111:11 IIlO\"(' wilh II", still In kt'j'l' (Jill ils l1il'('(" I·n.'· ... "'Ill' hui"l ill!:"'s "«,!till:: is ('\III1I'I('II'd h.\" '\l']]"

k"pl, Ilull.,·" and Jo:IIg-li"h il"Y' (·O\·('I·,'d 1m Ilk'!.

10'1)1\11(1.," ill 11- 1"":, IIU' .\III1'I'i('11I1 .. \ ,-..;(winliol1 rOt· till' . \ 1]".111"1'1111'111

of SI'i('IH'(' (. \ .\ .\ !-il IllllilltailWel it.'! Iii'S! 'It':ltllllUIJ'IN'S ill 1111' UOi('I'S III'

IIOIllI's of ils "I't'I't'lHI·it-... F I·ntH

]!lOt Hllli] I !'I IIi , tlm!'I' "PIlI'I' \\ns pI·uI'i,I.,(1 h.1" I I I\' SlllllilsllIliull I II

stilutioll, 'l'ltl'll, Ill(' . \ . \ ,\ S, hlll'ill): PU1'(']IaSl,d 1114' Ilrlll'('lllI'llliuIII,.llalll l and htHll('s w ilh fUll,]" ,,1·\lvi.ll"] 11,1" its 1III'lIlb"I's :tnd fd"lllls, IllOlt'll into Ih(' IIII'A"SI of lilt' liw 1101ll('s 01\ ,\l 1I,slll'hn'iI'"'' ,\ I·('lIlh'. T Ill' nl d 1'{"silit'IW('S \\'1'1'1' t01'11 <111\111 ill 1!1:-1.i,

nnd Ihl' 111'11" IWlldqll:lI't"I'" huildil1!! that s1l1111ls "'tlHY WH" ul','upi"(j 011 :\IHY :?,), 1~) !"'I{j. 'I'll(' huiltlill!!. ('II·

ti l'{'I," fillnll('t'd it,\' \ ss(I('in l ;(l1t fuuds :I IIIIII U'ml)('I's' j·tllllri llllliIIIlS,

SOt)ll willlw ,'ulaq.!,·" III ,hi' Sltll'il'S, 'I'hl' . \ . \ .\ S ;" 11 IlUIl·I'l"!ltit, ~wi·

('utili(- and \'IIU('lllitlltal "'H'il'ly Ih:]t

I'f'Jlr~f'nL<; ol'galli7.f'd S('i"lw<, in A Illf'l'i('lI. II promot<'S inh']"eOIIl­IIIl1l1j('lIlioll Ilmollf! thl" IlH'lIliX'I'S of

St'll'lllili(' ol"j.~ani1.nlions. indi\idllill s('i(' nlisls 1llld p('~ons who ill'(' (}('­

\"1,11'<1 til tIl(' .\-;-.Q\·jatinu's pnrpo .. f'S

IIl1tl Jlrojt'l'ts. It is lh(' w/)rhl'" 1111'):("'" h(l(ly of rdal('d '«'i"lllific OI')!lIllil'.llliom'1llLd 111(' fjl~1 llIld 0111:--' . \IIII' l'i"1I11 !'j('i(' l llifi!' ,,,wi!'l,\' Illllt ""PI'ps"llls fill S(>i(' I){,(,S,

. \ 1 ils rOlllldill): ill P hibltl l'lphia lin S"plt'lIlh('1' :!O, J MS, m'I'\' .. I(i L

,'11l11'1,'!' 1l1(,lIlh(,I'S, il1l'lllIliJl)!" ". I)if'Jlh 111'111'\', I hI' I list'f)\'I'I·.·!' of SI,I f .. illtltle ..

t itHI. II I'll I',\' 'WI'\'"d ,IS t hI' .\ .. \, \ S pI"I '"i lll 'lIl ill IS,I!) . ,\]wtit,'I' ,\.\.Hi Jll"t'silil'1I1 ( in I!I:.!:; , of inl l'l·t·"1 10 "" in ,Il{' ('1,'l'll'i<-;l1 wodd wns :\Ii('h/H,I I PUpill, a j1I'ufl's."UI' (If

1,11','II"(IIII('('ll1IlIi('<; ,d,o ill\·f'IIII"]

11l1l!!t1 islmu'l' It'll'plloll.\· 11,\" IIl1'llllS of M'If illdll.·lill~ ,'lIils pl:lt'('.1 HI ill"

1l'I'l'als IlhouI Ihl' wil'(' \I'hi(,h IralIS" IUlts thl' "(JUlleI 11 lo!!!! tiista/H'\', /1 (' III .... ) I't'I'I','('INI (Ilh,·/, inn-ulinll" in ,,] ,'('I ,-il'n 1- \\ ;I \"(' 1'1'1 Ip: I !,!:ll itlll, ,']N'" Il'it'lll 1,,,,,./lW!l('\', il"tln J!\;Ig"II"liz:I" liull autl mullipl,':,; 11'1,'gT;lph,l'. SOIlH' Ill" .\ IIIt'l'il'a·" !!l't'IJlt'~i s('i .. "lItists f.·tIIl! 1;I .. iults li"ltl..; ltalt.' 'i1'1'\"I'd as ,\_\ ,\ S pl"t'sidl'lIls.

,\ s.Sueillti,," 1IJ1'mllt'I'shipllll"Ollg-h .. ')U \ ils IIisl0l'Y htls illeiUti('ti the 11111111'" III' o'\I II('I'il'a's jll"of" 'isioIlH] ",'I,'lItis\", I II :1I1clilion, 1Il(,ltllw l"sh ip mils HI'I' SWI'lIl'd hy I1IPlI and W()]IIC'I! who a ,'(' !,!"llPl"nIJy iutt,!" .. ,'sl t'd ill St'it'llt'l' and who :11'(' P:lI''' l il'lI!;ll"ly iul,'ITs!!'ll in :1I1I"1I1I1'i ll g" lilt' IliJjt'('I'i or th(, .\ .. \ .Ht whi('h a 1'\' "10 fllI,tlte!' Iltl' \\'ork or wi .. 1·lItisls. 10 f;lt'ilitlltc I'OOP("';lIioll

nlll(lll~ IlwtlJ, hI i IllPI'OH' IIH' ('11'1'('''


tiv('lIcss or S('il'III'C in till' I)I'Omotioll of human wei 1'111'(' and to iU('I'casc publ ic nndcl'Sla lltl i u ~ Hlld ap pl'C' c iu lion of tht' impOI'I:lIlce and PI 'OIl1i'ie of tlil' IlIl'\hod'l or sriC)Jt'c

in human IU'Oj!I 't'!'\,'l." Ti le t\I'O JlI'ill('ip;rl ('];lSSCS or

mCIIIJ)C lll i.1I thc .\ ~'l(}t.'ialion. allium! IIIt'mitcr'S and ,,'t,JIlIws (Iho'lc who have Il IlHic !;ij.!"lIifil·IIIlI ('olltl'illulioIlS 10 s(·icl\cc), illt·I,It'" 1'1':;'1':11"\'11 x(·i· (lnti'lls, sciclle(' l\'lI{'h"I'S, pit,\"sit'ians, (,11~jlleeI'S, SO('ioloj!i'lI'l', eronomists,

indu ... trilll 1('ndl'I'1'o, Ilistul'ialls, C]CI'· I!,\' II U' II , flll'Ill(,I'S, philtt"opht' I"S, I'tt',; in short. mcn alltl WOlilt'U 1'1'0111 nil walks of lift', FI'om its ('hill'H'r Il1t'rulK'I· .. hip of lIi1 , lilt' .h,';(I('illtiou hll~ g-I'OWI\ 10 au OI'g-;1l1i/.llliOlI of ;Ip' pt'oxirrwtely !)O.OOO IIll.'"iug" 111"111' hl'I~, Its 1)I'ig-illlll two ~,(·tillll~ 1111\'(' eXJllll1(iNI to :W whid, ('OH'I' the pl'im'iJlal fit'l ds of "('il'IlI'(,-llllIl h· Cillal ie", pi1."si('s, (·hl 'rni:;'I!'.", ll:-1-tr'OIIOflly, g"colof.!,\' I1lIlI g"t'Og"1"11 ph,\',

7,0010:.:-ic(l1 SI' it' IIN·s. hollllli(';11 ~ei· ell('t'S, llnthl'opo1ng-,\', p!-;.I·c!rolof.! .... , so('ilrt nnd l'('UII(Jllli(' SI, jt 'IIl'(,S, his· t()l·.... lllld philo ... uph.... of S(,j('!It't"

{'ngill(,(,!'illg", ]IIN!i(,1I1 1'o('i('ll('t'>;, 11(, , 1-

tistr.", phal'IIUI('('lItieai S<'i('!It'I'S,

o~ritllltnre, indll!-;II'ial 8('iCII('C, ('-lill' clltioll, il1fol"lIln lioli Illlcl "otilltllllli· calion, statisti('s. Eat,h of ,hl"<' 20 !i('cliolls is 11111\1(' up of 111(' nlTiiliut<,d sot'i l' lil'~ ll~~tl'iH!l' ll \Iith tll{' s('tt ion 's Jli ll'li i'llllll" lit' ld or S(,j· {'IH'(' lind illd ivirillnl JIl(,I11I)(' I'S who dcsiJ.:l1l1lc thaI SI,(,tilll! liS lhl' i,' pl'ill cilla l int{'r<>s\.

Affilialed s()('i('lics lllllllit(' I' ~OG, illl'luding -t I :-II II \(' ali(I Ii\'(' ('il~'

IH'/Hkmies 01' S('it' Il('I': li1ri .. 10lal IIIcmbcrship ('X,' t'I"]i S('\'e!l milliOII.


Each SO('il.'t,\", while (,{)Illrilmting-to til(' IIwke·up ;111(1 SIIC('('",,, of the Arnel'i cllll ,\ ."~o{"int iOH fOl' the Ad· \'lIIlCCrl1Cllt of :-;<-it'I\l'(', op(,I'lll('s in· dCP(, llIlcUII,\·. SOUl(, of thcs(' g't'O\lPS hold Iht'il' II II IIlIlll IIl t,t'linj.!s ill l'Onlll't"t ioll Ilil h Ihal of lh(' ,\A,\ S; ol hc l'S sponso r' n'r-dOlla! IIIt,t,tillgS 01' CO'SpOII",,)I' 'w('liuna! (ll"Ilj.!"t';tIllS. TI\I' 11m! iillt'tl sot'i"1 iI''>, itl a I pl ,alH.,t i, ('al ol"(kr, I';rrlttt' r"()I1I Ihc .\ ('adpIIlY of PS,\"('ho:lnalysis, thp A(,(lUstieul Society of .\III('I'ica; Ihl"Oug-h the

l>:I(,('!I'oclll'lllil'il l :::;Ot'icty, t lw fn· stitutc of J-:1('('! I'i,,;rI a ' lI l Elt,t,tl"OlIic Eng-iu{,(,I'S: ti ll to 1Ind including Xi ~ig-rnll Pi.

The .\ . \ ,\ S Ims :1 1"11111('1' UI1i11lle 1)I'('sidl' lIli;ri SI't·np in Ihat (';Ich pl"csi<it'l1l will Si"' I'\'(' 111 INlsl thl'C'C .1'('111-"; 011 rh(' Ho;m\ of J> il'('C\tll'S. II is fi I'SI Y('HI' of St'I'I' i(,(' on I he 130an\ is SIWIII 11" 1II'I'silit' l1t·(')('ct; he aSSUIIII:-S his thll it·s liS pr(,sidcllt rhc 1'o1't'011d Yi'al' lI ud l){'coll1('s ('hili I" I!HlIl of tlh' BOa 1'(\ his rlril"(l vcar, 01111.'1' 1llt'1Il1X'I'S "I' tIl(' BU;l n i arc ('ig-Ilt 1' \'llows dl'I'!('d h,\" thc .1\A1\ S ('oullril, whit' h 11('1" as the I c~isla, th'(' hody :1IIt! whi('1t ('Onsisl1l of -t70 S<'icntisl:(. Th(' ('ouncil also C\('{'ls \'icc Jl I'("lit.i{,lllS fol' thc 20 S('('tions. 1'h" ('x('('ut il'c olTi('cr Hnd his staff 11 1'(' 1'('SI)ollsihle for ;!l1 l'oul ill (' lJ lll'I'litiollS of Ihc Wash· irlg'IOIl Om(,(' . 'I'h(' inCllllliJ('Il! pl"csi. d(,llts 111'1' , \1 1111 'I'. \\' all'I'l1Illll of Washillg-I on, n. C. , I'cti "ing prcs i· 11"111 11111.1 (,lllIi,.I1WIl of Ihc BO;\I'd ; l.aul'('lI('t' ~l. (: 011111 of Tucson, ,\l'iwlIa, pl'cs idt' llt; I It'nr:.' Eyring of Salt I.ukc Cit:." { 'tall, presidcnt­,' Iect.

III its ('Onlinuiug' endeavor to

Th;1 .t.efr;e: cloc:~ mKh,"ilm e:o,,' trois the lou v... th.t feu the AAAS buitdi"g, .nd rot.t. .. I .. " ;11 pell.t '''011 til. bottom of p.g. to .1I,de windo"l from Iun, TIIi. m'\" pon ,bt. more ,conom;,,! .ir'COllditiolling. A cI~.·up of ,II. 1.I.ctor .witch ..

;1 ",n b.lo .. ,


.. I. .4

Th, h6"d,om, BOI,d of 0"1,,10., Room of Ihl "uoeiltio,,'. hlld· qu.d." ., Ih. " ....... ·cenl .. of

Ih.i, yt'SlIU. op ... tion.

" portion of Ih. """S lib .. ry 100.in9 i"lo the Childr ... ·, Room. S..I.d .1 Ih. del. j, 0,. Hllery OIl.On, dirulot of Ihll t Sci."",

L1brory P,ogt.m.

Theil ll6d, of p.pu,bound bool, on • ci.nee on, of Ih, world ', mo.1 up.lo.d,l, col l.clioM. Th. y .re 1il16d in

A Guide 10 Sci.""e R .. ding.


wOI'k fill' Ill(' ,lIhllll('t'IIIl"!lI (If M· i· (>11('(' ;lIId till' prolJlotiun or hlllllall

w('1 f11 1'(', Ihl' . \ IlH·l'it'nll ,\ "'>Ot'ialiOIl 1'01' th(' .\lh·aTWt'lllt'1l1 of s('il'll\'(' works with Olht'I' 1Il·j!lIlli)'.'llillll~ ill \';\I'IO\lS \\u.\'-';, I I al"o 1·\IIloIllI'l-.; larg-{' IlIt'1'lill)..'" 111111 l'Ol1fl'I'I'III'I'~ wh{'I'1' lIjlt,t· ia lists (lilt! l'(hll'l1tOI" 1'011",1111 with 111111 aid 0111' allllllll'l' 011 S('il'1I1i1i(' pl'ollll'rtl" 'I'll( ' .\,\.\S is pal·til·lllill'l.\· 1'(1)1('\"')11'11 wi,11 hi'tt(, I'iuj! Ihl' puhlil· ... ; untl"I'..;t:II\t\· ill :,! 1'1' "i'il'nlifit, plI""ihilitil''' allt l s('i(,lltifil' :1(·{·tJlllpli"hltll·nls. witll in. ('I'(,Hs ill j.!' lI!utlwl UIJ(II'I·~I: l llllinj.!' 111lt!

lI[1P"('('intil )1I a III 1I1Ij.!' ..,,·il'lI1i"t~. ,\, \, \ S ub.jt-t'l iVi'S 1111' n l"i) pl'ulIIoh'tl ,h "o\lg-h t hI' A s."IJ('ilil iun ',~ pulll ish, illg' en'ol'ls; adlllilli"H'l'iHj.!' of IIwanls, Iwizl's and :,:Tntl!s, iIIld il" IHll'iuit til' spt'('illl IIl'ojl'l'l~

Oll(' (\r Ih(' lIlII"t illl]ll)rtJll1t a(,ti\'ili('s of th(' .\s~o('iatiol1 i~ its Illlllllill 1l11'1'liu!! \\hit·h i" :lIwa.\'-.; hpld 1)('1\\I't'li Il t'('I'mbl'I' :!filh ,,"t1 3 1-.;, anti ill 11 il in'!'I"'lIt I·il.\· 'I'hi~

yt'al"~ 1I11'I'tilJ~. IIII' 1:11"11. \\ill ht' 11t'1(1 in ~I(lnll'\';d, 'I'hl ' !'Hi;\ 1111'1'1·

illl! is 'Wlll·dll It,d fur HI'd,!'](',\", 1 'nli· fOl'lli'l; IIII' 1 ~IGG IIWt'lill;! 1'''1' \\'""h· iug-tun. Il ('.; Jl IIi;, :-';-1'\1 York ("it:,,; l!Hi .... , Onlla". '1'!·x.I". Thl' ;I II Illlal IIlt'l'1illg: "';sl' llIli ll',, ,,(·i.'uti..;!s from .111 fil'h l" in S"S~i()llS ;1I·1·1I1l~1'.J by tilt' . \ s.'l(wialioll, "",,~i!)IlS

pl all ' lI'tI h.\· . \ ,\.\~ "t'l'litIIiS 111111 s!'s.~i(JIIS SI' I IIJl II.\' Ih()~I' llnilill l l'tl sO('il'lil's Illli('h .11'(' I1ll'I'lill;! ill 1·llll· junction with the' IWI·t'li t hOtly, T ill'

PI'IIj!I'illll il1(, luil('s add """-"I's, sym · Il(ISi11, iI1uslral{'d I('('tm·('s. fOI'(' iAU alll i dmu('sti(' s(·j('ntifi\· IilIllS, (>X·

hihit~ or S('il' III'(' 11l1d il1tin"lt)·y . • \ lllllh.'I' n",jill''I'tlll,ill;! is

lilt' .h .,,(lc' ialion's rliilillj.!' llntl pull· li"hilll! or 11t'1·ioilit'lib. hook ... pl'OI'

j.!'I'alll"l and din'I·lm·it's. -",hun.lh., ,\''''K'ialion'~ offic'ial jOIll'lwl SiIWI' 1!lnO. Ila" I'"tllhlislwtl h." 'I'llIIl1Ias.\ Edi"oll ill "'i:-.II and is "('Ht 101'.1\·11 1ll,'lIlhl'I' .Ill t! h) anyolw l'l"t' who Ina." ~Llhst'l'iIK' This "('il'utilil' 11\ '\1':-; \\I"'k!y I'nju.\'s ,I wl·I'kl.,· .·in·u!ntiou 1)1' IOO.OOn, It ~ Pll;!('S Pl'\'st'llI n \·n l'i l't:-· of t1i~I'ns.'iitllls \Ill -.;(·i t'lltifil' llIntlt'I'S Hilt! 11('\\"1 alit! t'OIII1IWllt ur in!t'J'I'sl to til(' S\'ii'lIlilic' {'om· llllillity, 'I'hl' . 1.1.18 N IIlltl ill i~ a iI1l1l1·ll'l'I.\' IH'W"lt,tI('j' 111lI1 1'1'];11t'~

Ilw Ill'\\'~ u\ ' \ '-.;(J('i:lIinll alTHil'~ 111 it"! 1lIl'I1l1JI' !·"I. . .... '1 i(nl( ":dullilioll YIU',~, ;l1I(llhl'I' 'jlllll'l~ 'I'I,\·, i"l 1111· 1l"I·,,-~,·tl \0 "l'il'llli"t" ill ('olll'!!!'s ;Intl 1IIIi,'c',·sitil'~. i llll ""II'y 111111 l-!II"i'I·Il·

ItWIlI hili i,; di~ll'iltnl, 'd 1'1'1'1' of l·h:n'!!I' 10 nil 1II('lIlltt'I"; \\hll l'I'ljlll,,,t

it 'I'IU' .\"'11'1/ im:itlllt"" 1"IHll'ls Oil l·tllll";I' ('01111'111 Ikn'illl'lIlt'llt nil,]

1·.,lall·11 IU-O:'::l'l"~ ill j·t'''I';lI'I·h ;lilt!

11'III'hinj! .lit!" l ' "If/ r.~tl,"dill ", ;1 111,\\,,,11'111'1' Pl""

pnn',J h." thl' ,\ . \ . \S "Ill ! Ihl' ( ·(lUIl· ,·il 1'01' till' .\11 ':11)\'1'1111'111 (If S"il'llI'I' \\'I'itill!!, 1m' .. is ,Ji"u·jhuli ,{1 1'1'1'1' to "l,ulIl :j,.,O() Iwuplt' ill tilt' fil'ld~ or ndltll t'dut'aliull . 111·\\·S]\;l llI'l·". 11111:':-, llzilil'S, book ]luhli"hillg', radio. l('[i'·

\'i~iun, filII! 11l'11tilwliull. lilll'al,ji'~ •

The,a I~m\l i .. 6nd pop~ l .. publi ~ ,ti onl 6re 6mong th o,e Ihlll the A"oc;~ !i on m.l .. .... 10 I.n, 01 Ihoul6nd, Ih,o~ hou Ih w rI


\ \ \..,


1I11"'1't\IlI~ .. fields IllIlt 1111\,' Ih('

dUI,\' and 1I\'ow('d plll'pO"" uf in·

flll'min:: 1111' puhli('. r"d/ ,."III/Idi"!1 is pl"illllll'i1y (·O!!t"('I·II\,d \1 il h chi' g"I'(J\\illi-! 111'('(\ of i lllpt·odur.: Ih,' pIIII. Iii' 1I11111' I'slalldill:: or ",.·i""I·" h,\' 1111'1111"1 Olhl'.· 1111111 11111111 1'.lu'·lIlioll.

' I'll!' ,\ .\ .Hi nisI) pllllli ... II,·s SYIli'

posillm \"t)I\lIt1I'~" whi.·h 111-" ('''lIIpn-, 11I'1I ... i\"(" 11'I'hlli('lli hnok~ lIy S[,I'('IIII­lsI 'I ill tll('i .. fit· Ids 11 lid il]'I' IISI];lII,\" 1111"'1'11 Oil JlI"tI)!I':lIIIS pl·" .... ·III,·d al

\";1 I'jou... _ \ . \ • \ :-;'S)I'IIISO 1'1'( 1 1111','1 ill :,:s. .\ snit's of ~wil'I]('(' hihli'),I.!I·lIphit'" ill/·h.dl'"- III\' . 1.1. 1 S Sri! IIl'r /tlml; 1.i.~1 fill" ( 'hilrlnll . . 1.1.1. ... ' SI'l'rllrc /t olll: List f'll" )'''1111'1 . l rllllt,,' .. 1

(.'lli"(' til Sf irll/'r UrodillY l l11d

( 'III·('(r.~ ill ."(";1'11("1' . or ('11111"/', 111('

,\s ... of·illiio ll III ... () pnhlislws 1111' (.'(11-

fI'lIl l' rlll/l'lllIt, 11 !1IIJWl'lllll·k IHlol;; of Ill(' H,I.!(,lItill for ('1It'h .l1IliOlll11 1U,'I't·

itllt, :Ind;) n ind/fl'y IIf ODin ,.,1 fl/.d . Id;";/il ,~_

()lIlsl:II1(lill~ 1lI1101l)! 1111' ,\ "",u('ill­

llillt 's pl'Ojl'l'l~ 10 ad nIlH'I' s('il' I\('('

:tlld :'1"'1'1' SO('il'ly ;n'I' IIII' OP"l'lIliOIlS Or 1111' { '(tIllllti"-,,ioll Oil HI'il'IlI'" E4[H' l'lIlillll , 1111' &i"II I'(' l ,illl':lI".\' I'm· J!1'alll allll III(' I'nhlil' 1·1I.1,'I'iIIIIl.I·

illJ,(" of Reil'lI('I' Proj.!'r:lIl1. T he

(·411111111 ... ·.;ioll on RC'i('III'I' 1';,111I>alion dil~'I'ls ilS: :l('li\·ili.,s low:u'r! Ilw im· [11'\1\' "1111" I I 0 f ... ('w 11,·.' 1'1 111I'a t iOIl

fl·CltIl I hi' kllllh' I·j:.!:II·h·1l 1('\"('1

Ih"utllth I'olll'g'('. l"lilil.illg' Ihl' Sl"·\"·

iCI's of Ih(' lop s('1I'nl isis of OUl" ('01111 11'.\'. Ihl' ('Ullllllissioli IW!4 cli· "I'('II't! 11 1](1 e()lIlillll ('.~ to \\·O!·!.: 011

SI'I('II ('I' ('Url'l "llllllll 1"'\' lsio'l Hlld

II·lI(·IIPI· ef'l'li fi l'n t iolL, pl'o\,idIUg' g"11 i, It·, luI'S 1'01' I ltoSt' sinh' [JIll II', Is of l'tilll'Hlioli 111111 \I':rnl tu \l.s(' 1111'111.

,\ I:III' I'iltl 011 Ih(' J'l'd'il'll '1('il'II('I' 1'111'­l' il-IlI:1 i~ PI'O\'ilkd fo,' :-;I'hool nd· 11I1I1isl,"aI01'$,

{"'lIit'I' :t g'!":t ll t fl'ollt 111(' Nfl· 1 iOlI1l I SI'il' lIee 1"ountl:!1 i.lII, 1 he (·(,lllllll ... slon 011 ~eit'IlI'(' EdlH':ltlon S]ltl llsot'I'd III(' p r,' p HI'ali!)II, lIy l';(' i('Jl· li'il~. I('a('hl""s ami S(;hool ndll1 ill '

i,I,"alo]"'!, of inslnU'll0n:r1 1I1:tII'l"ials

fill' IIU' ti\'\I'I(llllIWll t of II:I .. ic

sl;il1'1 In Ih(' pl'Ol"t"'i.'iI'S of ~'il'lIl'(, in chilllri"ll of kindI'I'g;I1'II'n :lnd pl'inwl'y grad(' lIJ!('S. 11 1('111111,41 1I1'C'

(,XPI' I'illlt'llls lind lalHJI":LIIlI"," 1''' lwri· t' IH·I"'. wilh :111 lllalt'rinis 1II'I":lIII!C'd

ill "1"1111'111'(' Meol'(lill l: 10 It'II1'ldllg' lIhil11y :IlItl P ]·oJ! l ·t's.~i()II. 'I'lli' {'Olli' II( i ... Sl0 1l hilS Idso l.ntit!N I 1 hI' PJ'I'J)/I­I'alion of a ]~\'Ie\\' u( J'('S:('IlI'('h in



'it'II'II('t' t'tiw'alitJlI 111111 a "'Tall'IIII'1l1

of pm"pOSt'S IIl1d "hj"I'lin's tlf !J('i· 1'11('/' l't hlt'lIliuli aut! Ita, oI. ,\'"llIpI·d 11 I'[('arllt .ttl",.,s" of inl"Ol'llWlioli ill

1'IIt'III'I':l1 illll wil II 1 hi' S.·il'IIf'(· '1"'III'lrill:t ( "'1111'" til' lit.· 1'lIh "I""ilr Or .\1 :11'.\'1111111,

'I'hl' S/·i,·Il'·I' Lihl'IIIY 1' 1'(l~Taltl

I\'a" I'stairli"h .. d II'i,11 1111',",4' hil!hly ('01111111'1111:1 hit, ohjl,.'1 iH'''~ SIII,!.'III !l1'\"I'IOPIIII'1I1 ill I·t'mlil!!.: gl)od hook,.;

III ,,·il'I\(·(' :l11t1 1I1:IIIH'lIllIlil''';. Ilw stillllllutiull 111111 l ' IH'olu'a~I'lIu'n! of

II Wil'II "I ' (';11"1',',' ill IlulS(' sludl'lIls wilh lIlt' :IPIII'III"'i;lll' l l1h' l l l s :11,,1

;111111\1 ,1", pl'o\idillg" Ilw 0PI 'tII'!II' nit.l· fol' S(·il·IWI' :In,1 lIwllh'lIl1lti('s t, ':l I,hl' I'S ttl illl'I'I';lSI' Illvit· 1'I'l lilill g" of !-!:oo/l h(llll,~ :lI1d, ill 1111'1\ . iIIl'11I,J~

11Il! np·l0·,l:iIt' I!IHI .... i:ils in IllI'il' {'<HIl'S,' illsll'lIl'\illll'" :11111 Ihl' l':lsil1:': ttl' Ohl:11l1ill),:' \\ , ,11 .'110""11 ""il'II("C

bOllk" 1'01' Sf·llolil and lilll'lII'iI'S.

Advisory Ro le

111 l'III·I·.\"ill::' IIHI lhl''-I' ohj"('lin'S, Ihl ' Sf'il"I"" I ,illl'al·.\" "J't)l!1'11111 PI'O_

\'idl'" 1I,h·i .... I1'.,· ,,'1'\'1" ,'''1 In Iht' li­bral',\' illllll'''I''III''111 alit! h'ltlk dis· II 'ihuT iol1 PI'0ltl'IIIIIS or (;01"1'1"11111"111 11)!t'IJ('it's :t11,1 1\"(,1"111 o!")!allit.alioIlS:

pl:lI'I'S ('oll('I·timls ill lit., sl'huol" of

d('llI'IHI"1I1 ('hildl""11 Ill' 0111' "'1'I'I'il""

1111'11 :11.1'01111 :HilI in 111'i\llll'ly,sp"ll.

:;(lJ,(·d .\IIWI·i."HlI ",hilt II" ill fOI'I'ij!1l

('(lUllll'il''': I'nlllla"'" '-I'i"III'I' h(II,I(~

fIll' t'l'·IIIt'III:1I".\·. SI'('lllltl:II"I' alld juniur 1"llkg'(' lihl·lId.". Innllll:rIIlS

n 1111',.('('" I'lI l nlog'IIt'11 1'111 I .. "t illll Ill' s('i· 1'1lt'1' hOI,J\s ill 111(' . \ _ \ .\~ 11"lId ql1lll'" !('I'~ lihl·III".I· 1'411' llh' \I'l\' pt' fl ... sInO' au t! tlt llf'I' fll"g'll1lizllllOIlS 111101 :1'" 1111 aid ful' sf'it'II("!' \(·III·hl' I·'l :11101 ... ,·holll [ihnlrialls ill lIlt' \\"II'illill,l.!loH.

I). (' .• :11'1':1 ill ~1'11'l'Iillg- '11'\\ Itool(s S,'wl'nl .\.\.\:-; IIUlllil·:lli.lI1s

IU'{'\'i,,"s1y 1I1I'lIli,,'Wd nn' Ihf' WIll'k

of Ihl' S"i,'I1I"I' Liltl'II1'," 1'1"tI1.!:1·1I11l"

. 1 (:"id( to -",iruII U'III/it",. II

('111111111'1'('1111 1):1111'1'11:14'1;, i'l:l ",'1,'4'11'11 llIul HIlIIOllllt'd g-ui,JI' 10 1111' lilli'll

illl"t)l'Il1nlj,'('. UIH'Hlnl!' nlld it,ll'I·· (''it III)! P:lJl('I·lta(·l, hool(s lital 1")\\'1' all fit'ltl,; of ..... ·il,II.·.' !llltl 111:11 1\1"\'

suilahlt' 1'(11' I"(·;tl!t-,'i illll·I·""lt-tI in

oWlli,,~ a )!IHHI. hut illl"I"·llsin'. Sj·il'lIi·,' lilll·III·Y. 'I'hl' h"ad'pWl'h'l'S

Jiltl·a.·,\" hm. im-III/it'd f'U]lil'" (If :III

tltl'SI' p:!J)(,I'h1l1'I,,, flll its lill'·lll'.\' shl'ln's. T Ill' . I . I . I S Sdf/UI /t oll/; 1,1.1/ [III' ( 'Jrilill'lIl is:1 1'l;hSifi4'd :lilt! 1I1II101n\l'(] lisl IIf IWlld.I' l,a(}O ho~,I( .... suill'd 1'01' l'kIIH'III:II'Y N(·lltHllli l) l·a l·,

ii'S allli ,·hilt l ,,'II",. '!.-PIII·IIIII'IlIS III'

puhlil' lil"·IlI'i!·'l I I" 1'1111111""11:11"1

fOl' ""I'ondlll·.\· ,,·IIIMII alld juuiu.·

('olh'i!" lihn"'il"" i, Ihl' "I.I.I S sfi (1I1'f 1'11,,1; 1.'-,\/ f"" r OllllfJ , I dl/II.~.

. \ .... '1 .'(·1.·41 hilrli"1.!:I·aph.\" fIJI' ,,'f'I)III I a 1'.\" s.·IIIMri "ll1tll'III'" 111111 n.":I,It'lIli , '

('lItllI",IIII'~ Iw'l lM"'1I JlJ'o\'i,J,·tI h." l1tI' "Ihnll'"" 1"'0).:1 ':1111 in ( 'ut,ln ill


'1'1 ... Ihil"o\ utllsialltliug" PI'uj('(-1 of

tIll' ,\.\ ,\S liral \\"1' ha\'1' ('hO!'o('II In

,l isl·lI ... s is lilt' I' uhli(' {'ntll'l'Stnlld,

illg' "I' Spi,'llI',' I' I',)!!'!":,,". II"lI i(·II. 1111· tlollltl,·,II.,· . :IO-',I'\s 1111 (If liS, ""'1)(" ('i nll.'" III litis d ll,\' :t1lc1 II!!'I' of

S"il'lIf'(" ']'lli~ 1)!·Og'I·:tIlI. liS tlw 11111111'

ili lp l i,'s, I'll'" ""I;llrli~h"ll lwilll lll·il.I· 10 ]l1'UIIIIII, ' :tut! illll11"1I\'1' 1111' ]llill

lip's IIIldl 'I''lIHlldi ll)! n/" S('II'IH·I'. 11

iIIl'IIHII· ... ,,'lIIill:II'S fOl' ( ·OIl)!I"I' .... 'IIH·II.

:l'tslsfllJII'I' ill Iltt· pI·".llIl'lioll nf 11'1,·" \"isinn ~h,,\\ ... wlti,'J. hU\"I' :1 IH':ll"ill)!

0.1 Sj·I."W,'. 1111' 1,.lifill)! of 1114' ,,,,\, ... 11'11('1'. (""dll',,'lm,./i,"/. and "P'lII' sol",hip IIf lilt' l [olitl:lY S4·i"II('I· 1,('('1111"1'''1 S"rips T hi" 'iPJ'il'!>i, !l1'I" s('IIIt'd dUl'i1l}! ,,('honl IUt1itla~' ,wl"i. Oik 11I'\lri,II':>! Ihl' OPPOI·lu .tifr 1'1)1"

;;d,'('II'" hi)!11 ... f·hool SI!lfll'll!s :!lul Il'u(-h( 'I'~ ill II 111t.IIIM']· of . \ lIlI·l'il'II'1

('ilil's If) IWIlI" f'xf·!'llt'1l1 1I'('lul"('''; IH'I"

~lItl'.1 I,y jll't)Jtlilll'llt SI'lt'lllist>l 1111.1 10 (·On.IIlt'1 II '11I1'''lion lIntl ;IllS""" !wl'iu(1 f"lIollillJ,(" Ilw I('f,ltll,('" '1'111' 11 0Ii, lu.\· :-;1'i"'II'" 1.('f'IIII'I'S, pal· 1('1'IWd :I fll 'I' I III' f:II110IlS ('llI·i ... llllu:>!

[,('dlll"I'S of 1111' I:n.\",11 Ins lil11 1ion ill 01'4 ':1 1 ll ri lnin. whi"h \\'('1','

~1:rl'i,'" ill lI-::.!fi h.," :'< l lf'hu4,1 J-'111'1I' dn.\". S,'I'\· . , H 1110·fold PIII'IIOSI': "10 111"1/:10"'11 I 11(' ~I'knl ifie lIo]'iwlIs .. I' Ih,' :twli"III'" :1111 1 10 I'(llllllmlli"at"

to 1111'111 S(l1II4' of lh" ('x('il(,lIIl'lIl :l ilt! insllil":lli'1I1 IIf tl,(' seil,tlti/it· l'II' dt'll \·tII· "

('I 'I·lainl.\", Ih,' 1I1'I'ti rOI' :111(1 Ih.'

*·(·l ll llpli"III1I,'.IIS of III(' . \ JII"I·I('lIll ,\ "SIIl'illli'!!1 1',,1' lilt, .\(\\":lllI'l'IIII' lll

of S(·i4·llI'l' nl'l' ... hdullS. SI'il'II('I' has

1l .... ~l1I1H'd II IlIn.w!" lind lllO1"1' 1111]1111'­lallt ]'olt, in \\"(lI'lll 1'\·(,llls. It an",'I'ls

Ihl' dllily li\,'s of ;tll 11111111111 IH'illJ,(".'<

Tlml mit, is 1101 likl'ly 10 dirnillish: inil(,,·,I. it II ill ill(·'·I';}o.;{'" \\"t' (If thl' TIl\('rlwliun;d BJ't)lh('rhotk,l (It 1·:It'{·· Iri(-nl \\·url;I·I .... :11'(' l1Wllrl' of Ihis

~i)!nilil·:III("'. nut! \\(' sahlll' th., .\ II1('I·i.·:1I1 .\ s"OI'ialinn 1'01' Ihl' .\d · 1':1111-/'1111'111 of :-;1'i('Il('I' 1'01' il" f'II'I'" si!!'1r1 lliltl 1"III\'i"tiOIl S, \\'r III',· )ll'Oud 10 hill't, .nlH HS II lI('ighItOI'"


.., ",-, .. A.l 1 T" 1 t ;~ 1. T;; r;; .... I T''1 ,:",··TI ;Tl;.~ .' ,- EDITORIAL ,--' - By GORDON M. FREEMAN, Editor

,'" ;,~, ~ 1 ~"f

The Drive Is 011 The hurd work 1)1.'1'1'01'1111'd hy uniOl! 1ll('1Il1)('rs Inst

XO\'(' IIII~I' ha~ iJ('J,!'lIl1 to pur il1lllll'<iin\(' divid{,lHh;, LII~L mon th ,1If' Klllt(' of lndiaJlU ]'cpNded its

"\\"Ol·k" Ill\\'. i\ow, 1'01" th(' fil's! lim(' sin('(' W;)7, wOl'k('l"s 1111(1 l'lI1plo.n'I'N in this {,\"I'C':H still(' will han' the dght 10 11('~otillt(' lIliion shops in their COIl­tracts.

On ,h(' first dar that Ih(' Htllte 1<')!islnIUrI' ('onn'lled, tl\{' "('!wal bilt IUI(11)('i'1I IIIl1111imOllsl.,· 1IJlII.'O\"cd b.\" the HI ' ltat(' 1.1I1lQl" ('olllmil1('I' III II slll'c'ial lIl('('tiuj.\'. The S('IllIH' th('11 \'oll,d !IH·l:! to "('IW:lI 111(' eight-yr1l1"-old IlLw which pl'ohihit('t! IIl1ioli shop ag1't'('JtI('llts. ']'hl'('c Ih'llllh1i('ans joilll'd tht'il' [)('IlIOI'l'alil' "olll'll)!lIcS ill this OHI'II'hl'iJllin~ "oll" wltic·1t 111(1 1101 so Irltl('h conccl'n politie.s ,IS it d iel 1111' WI'II'11]'(' of thc ~tull" or Indi,lIla,

TIlt' !l OW-'1" fullol\,'!! wilh all "llIlally f(',.,oundillg ,'ote of 7-1-21. TIl(' tm':ls1l\'1' \\'liS ('\(':lI'('d rOl' the {JOWI'1I0r',,! si~lwtlll'{' just two wc('ks Uft\'I' the legis­hltlll'(' coll'·clll'd. Ilt'al'-I'('('ol'd limc fOI' Itwjol' lcgisla­tion or ('onll'o\'\'l'~iul Ilnllll'{',

I ndiuna 's III'\\" l )l'lllocl'at ic (;o"cI'nol', Rogcl' D. BrlIl1il-du .... ig-Ilt'd ,h,· 1"'lwul bill .JllllllUl'Y 2Mh, T wo do:.'s lK'fol'c Ihc SI'I!IIIt' \'01(', the (:0\,\,1'1101' g-u,'e the I'cpcnt dl'iw lap l)J'iol'it,\' in hi~ I('g-islnlin' add l'css, 11 (' ('all('(1 Ihl' Inw II "shnm" and stulNi:

''It has lU'C'omp\isll('d 110 pUI·J>O!o.C' which is worth th(' 1'([lleOI' and ('Olltl'O\"CI'S), it has st il'l'('d ,lInon~ om' eitiz('n"."

" Itij.{ht-to, \\'ol'k" hn" hl"cn nn cl('('liml is~ltl' in Tndi:lna ('1'('1'." Y('UI' silu'{' it '\'IIS PllS"I'(1. I. ai--:t :\o"cI1I­Ocl', b.,' thc hal'd ,,'o]'k 01' th(' Indinnll labo l' lIIo"('IlIC'nl nnd 01 he,· JOl'c'silthtcd g l'oulls th l'oughout t l](' stllte, t he ,'otes \\'C]'(' Hlllsll']'('{l lIIJ(1 I('~islatol's PUt inlO office plcdl{cd to d o II job 1'0]' Ih(' p('Oplc Ihc.\· SCI'\'C <Iud fol' III{' oW'I'-all ,rt'iful'c or thcil' slale,

']'hat thl' " I ~il!hl '10, WOl'k" IllW was lleltlall ... 'IHII·t­inl! thc HlnlC' oJ' I nllilillu \l'lIS provcd P]'t'It." ('on­eiusi\'{'I:.' by inli('pl'lHll'nl studiN IIlnde b .... Ihc Cni­"('r"il" of IlIflililiU Iltrl'\' ,','Hr" 111'1('1' Ih\' (' II/wllll \' nl of Ihe l~w, I n Ihal 11111.'('-.':('111' 1K'I'iod ,h(' I'(' \I'll" a loss of 97,000 indllstl'ial jobs in tlJ(' "ilnt{', The Inw slowcd indll'ill'illl cxpall"ioll, It dill not hclp to bl'ing ill n{'\\' indusll''', I t l'osl(,I'I'<i hiW!l'lH'SS beLwt.'(,1l labol' ancl IIIIlIHlge;ll{,llL ,] 'h('sc III'C Ihc I'C;Jf!ons whr it \l'1!S

11'lwllled. ,J ust two wccks following I'epenl in I ndiana, the

H('ll1llc of the Sllltc of Ncw 1\lexieo dea l t a d cci:-;i\'e


hlow ng-llilist "Hig-h t, to, Wol'k" lu'opoIIl'nts ill thnl ~t,l1t' II,\' I'uling- ] $ to 1-1 nl-{llil1i--:t a " Hight-to," 'ork" PI·Opu,,1I1. ' I'his Wit'! n COlllp l('II' 1,{,,'CI'l>al of 1I 17· to-l i:i ,'Olt' 11,\' thc ;\('\\' ) I('xi('o H('1I1IIC 111'0 ."Clll'S ntN sup, pot'linK Ih{' anti -frcc coll('('ti\'e haq~nining Il'gi"la, tiull. TIlt' lIow .. {' of HI' Pl't''i('lltllli\'('s follo\\'cd 'lui! and killt·!! lilt· 1II,' IIS\II'1' by II :-11 10 21 \'otc to tllblc tht, Pl'oposlll iudl'fi llitcl.\'.

.\ 11 of tl)'l{llltiZ('Il lal)(ll' hail" th{'s{' two d{'('ish'c ac­tions, WIIlII il IWJ}"s 11IId j)l' lil'w's is that th{',c stllte "('Iions llt·\, Ih(' JlI't'hlfh~ 10 Ihl' biR' national a('lion wltieh i)l'!!lllli)'t'd hlhcl!' hll~ rOIlI~hf fOT' so 100w. Wc 1·,'fi'I·. oi' ('Olll";(>, to 1'('J)t'nl or S{'('tiOIl H ( b ) of fht' 'I'lIfl. lI lIl·Oe ...... \ <:t "hi('h makes slatc " H il{ht,to­\\'Ol·k " lUllS po~sible.

l'n'i--:i ili'HI ,Jolmsou \',tlled 1'01' el im ination of H (b) in his ~lnle,of,the,Ul1 ion Ill{'~s;tge,

T hii--: .I','nl·, 1'01' Ih(' fi l',I tlrlle sin/:{' thc .\(,t \I'll'S )l1t'i!o.\'11 ll('nrly :W .rcars n:,!o, o l'WlIIi)'.(>d labol' bl'lic,'(''! it "111 1 1II\1),It' 1' th(' "01('" 1'01' tI('fl'lIt of this ,,(,(·tion so \lalllU:,:-ill:,! III \Jt'j!al1izt~(1 hlhOl'. ,\ I iolls(' Labor Hnd E dlll'Hlioll SllhI'UlIlllliu('(' ii--: \'XI)('ct<.'<I to 0PCIl heal'inh"S S()OIl ,)11 JU t 77, :J hi II wh i(·h would ,'('p{'111 ~('(" ion 1-1 ( " ) of 'l'lIft, lI al'l!c,\' 11 1.1\1\'\(' 1', ])ns."a~(' of 1'('p(,:l1

will 1)(' ral' 1'1'0111 cllsy. /' roponcnls or " Hig-ht-Io­\\,()I'k " I(,,,islation a\'c hal·t! III wo\'k throughout Ih(' IJllliOI1 10 s('(' Ilmt Inlx)l"S bl'st ('O'Ol'ls lIl'C dl'i'('llt('d. 'I'II{' K.Ul lind Chamht']'S of COUlIll('I'('e in ('ilil's and tOWIIS in IH·;u:ti('l\II." alt s('(' lions 01' thc COUllll'y will fight 1'\'111''') 01' 1-1 ( 11 ) Willi :111 tlwit' strcnglh, It i" Ull to Hi--: 10 ('Olllltl'I'act Ilwil' lI(·tion \\' ith OUI' 0\\'11 , \ \'1'

IlIlIst ,\o\'k ".ilh (til (iIU' .~t/,('II[Jlh to sl't' tlllli (lUI' ~('n­

atOl~ IIIHi t '01l g-1"',,-"1Il1'1l ,'uli' t ~ ( h) out nf 0111' Imrs alld ont or OUt' !in's I his .... 1'111·. By so doin!! we do lIot jusl flll'IIt,'I' Ihe !,:'oals or ol'j.:'nnizc-d hiOOI' but thc adunl W('II':lI'(' of our Coulltry und ,lll in it..

Medicare Si.'eond only ill impol·fanI.'C to I'epcal of SC('tion

H ( b ) of Taft li arl){,y is h':.:-islalioll ",hid] will PI'O' ,'illl' h"lllth ht'ndit-; and hospilal carc fol' OUl' S('lliol' ciliz(,lls lll1dl'l' Ihe Sodnl S('('\I1·it ... · progralll, 'J'he gl'(,l]tNl I h!'cllt 10 seem·it.\· :lIld thl' gl'calcst ,,"OI'IT to t'ldt'rly !I\'r'iOilS ill OUI' illllioll is , 11(, rcal' of ilIIH''iS \\'ith Ihl' !l11('udant h igh C'Oi--:ls of hospillll ctll·C. i\ l nll .... an ('I<lerl,\' IlWII (01' \\'01111111) who has worked Iwt·.J Itt) his lire ('oult! look I'Ol'wltrd tu sjH'ut\itlg his !o,lltl ... t·t




tlHrs in reliliOIHlhll' elJlufol 'l lind 11t'111'1', \\t'I'C i\ !lot I"Ot, till' ('l"{' I"J1l i's(' lIt 1'1' 111' 111 11 \ a ]l'IIg:Ihy illll('s." l'uldd

wi P l' tllll .. u\'ill)...>";, o",'rni)!h l. .\1111 IILU II." ,I YOIl Ill!

rlUllll," hn'l l'\ft'li its hOIX'>! of huild illl-:' a hOI/it, 01' S('lld·

ill;! 11 ... UII (II' dUIIJ,!hll'r In ('1,111':11' .-rll .. llI'd 1H.·(·a' ..... • /1

Iwlo\"('(\ PII)1'1l1 l \('(>{h ·d lIlC'di("1l1 ('tire llIlil Slllill/ IH'1l1

10 fulfill tid" filbl1 11('('<1 .

'('hi ... i~ '\l·OIl)!. Thi ... II\(' 1'I<"1]('s( lIulI lito .. ! IlJ>U"]H'l" (ll)S 11111ioll un l'III'lh. slIl'.·I,I' i ... (',IIl;lhl,' of pnll'i'\iul! n 'iolulitlll tIl lh(' 111'fJ111"111 0111' 0111.'1' pt·()II!t· 1'111'(',

OUI' XO/'illl !-:('('\ll"il," "," .. 11'111 i-; .. \lUlU!. :-iludit's 11111111' 111'on' lhn\ 1111' s.\·~II'1t1 {'1I 11 ('0\ " 1' thi .. 1I 1I,11 '(] SI't',-I,'I'

lit l'l' IIIIh"lr Inll" 1'0<;1 to tllO' Pl!t'lif'i]lHI1I~, ,\ Ilill ha" 1)('1'11 illt'·odw·"d 1111' .\nti" I,oll- I'illg hi ll !-; I ill lhr ~1'1lI111' alli l ILlt I ill IIII' 11 011>;(', \rl ' HI')!I' tlltl' tl1l'ltl l ((' I '~ atlt! 1111 I1Il'ltIh,·, .... or ol').,:IIIlLwd 1111101' 1' \'1 '1'.\'·

wlwl'r 10 SllPPMt Ilti~ 1(·I"d~];lliflll.

[,;O('inl !-;"('I1I'il.I-. II·hi,·I, IIl ')!II t1izpri 111 111'1' l'OH)!h l ~()

11111'11 fOl'1I )!t'IlI'I'lllioli a)!!l, was ((!l PO"I'" liL!!lI'OIl"r.I' h,\' 111(' fl:1I111' fut·(·(,S \"h ie,h 0PPO"I' "1t'd;I'I!!'(' tlOW, Ilow­t'W'I', il hn~ illll1 l·OI·(,<1 IIlI' (Iwllil," uf 1"'I' I'.n];,y lif(' 1'01' nlillillll~ of .\ lIu·l'i(·III1S. I I IIIIS IlHlt'lll'd 11 (';11'1.,' ('H'I·." 1'11I11il.l· in thl' 1llIlil)tI PI 'ol ('(' lill)! 11Ii'1I1 Hil a)!lIill"t

thl' finnlwinl lliml'llhi,~ \\'h il'h nUI,tld old 1I)!1' 11Ild

10,,, of inl'tllIIl' ill (1)(' 1'1'1 il'l"'III1'111 .'·I·ltI'~ ' I'olhl.", 1"-('11 Ihose who fou)!11I ~IWilil ~t'('I1I'iIY 1II1111il 11H11 it has 1.1('1' 11 fl lI'I' IIIt'lld()I1" 1'''1'('1' fill' )!ot1d mid 11 "'lllhilizillj.! illfhl('lH'1' ill OUI' ('(lIl n ll·Y. This IIIIH'h IIII' Imr 1111" ')(IIl('

wI' Ii . I I is rllpnhlt, of tloill/! 11111('11 111111'1'. of )!idllJ,:' addl·<l 11I'ol 1'('1 iUIl .mll .. t 1·"I1].!'t h ill 1111' HlI'di('a I ('lll'P fil'ltl. 'I'hl' ('hall('(' 1'01' JllI"..,;I)!" of a .\!t·dil·lIl·(· hill hll" nr\"('I' 1)('1'11 so PI"Olilisill!Z. It i~ liP In lIS. thl' 1'(JIIlIIIOIl

lI('opl(', 1/11' \'01t'1'" of litis count I'.''', to i'I"(' 111111 Ihi..; ti IIIC 1 hc bill is pns:,('(l.

Aiding Causes 'l'h"I't' :In' fl'w IWI·.~(I1l .~, ('y('n Ihos(' li"I.·tl lllll1lll).:"

Ihr 1II0s i g'('IIl'I'(lII~, II·ltO 1In \'(' 1101 1)('('11 /.!llill.l· f"lIl!l lilllr to liltll' of ~a,l'in)! wi1h 1·I 'sij.!"IIUlilill . if 11(11 wilh di")!u,,t-(' Kol 11IIolh('1' l'nll('l'tiulI! " ()I ·j.!"n lli z(·d In 1101'

IIlIS, hOIl"('I·(l I·. huilt for ihplf 1111 1'!lI·i alll" 1'('('(11"11 of sUPpol'l )'01' ('lIll,,(I~-llid 1'01' th£' 1I1'1lI'1 .\ ... ..;.H'ialioll. CU l le·pt· ('I'Il~ndp, )' I1!·(·h-()f- r )illll' ~. 1': lISII 'I' :-;.'llls rill' ("'I'ippll',l Cltil(II'('Il, Chl"i '!ll1I l lS H"lIls III I"ij.!"hl 'I'H, Hf'fl ("'O,!~ ColIl,(·tions, am) IItt' IIUd, (If btlH,JI' IIII'll

and \\'01111'11 in United " 'llH(l DI·in .. ''! is .'x lI't'III1'I.'- WI' II kllown.

'l'Iti ... rdilol'i ll l is just inlended 11" II lIord of 1'11-

(,OIll·lI).(( ·I1I(' l1t 10 all thosc who gin' awl k.~'p ,.:-il-ing' 10 •• 1I110t hl'l' eol l<'et iOIl! "

1'lmt thc ICI'l'ihic felll' of ']' B as tl wid."'Jl I·,·ad ",·01lr)!,· 1111 .. IW('II t' lim illll l ('ti is 11'1'11 k1luwlI . \\"1", kilO\\,"; how 1H1lrh of Ihi" S1ll'('I' ...... ('1111 hi' 1I11t·j)Hl!t·d 10 Ill\' lllllllWI SIde of CIIl'i"II1JIIS S(,Ii1,,' Polio lIi'>1'd 10 Ix· a word IIHl t stl'lI(·k 1'1':11' ill th,' hl'al'ls of pal"'III " all OH'I' Ihi" nation. 'l'()(l;I.'· it is ,il·I1II1I1.,- ('01111111'1'1"1.

\\-ho I'HlI lIW11s11l'1' lhe pnl'l 0111' ,lill ll''' lIIul Iho";t, of II lilliorlS lik(l \Is, p11lY(l(1 ill Ihi...: 1I11·(lil'al SII I', ·I'" ... !

\\'Iwi II il l IIlI'di('inl' IJt' Hili£' 1tJ tin :!O ,n'H"S fl'tllll IIOW ! Dl'. L IlIItI' I' I ... ' 1'(11'1',1", who i~ SlIq.(I ·IHI (:"I]( ' I';t!

JOUaNAl Foa FEIIUAaY. 196'

of ti't' l ' nil N I ~lah''I P uh1i(' Jl t'lt1l h ~(·I·,itl'. 1"1'('I'lIlly IJI·etli('h· t! 1I01I11' OUlslllll(lill).( ;l('hi(·I·l'lIlt'lIl..;; in 1111' II l1'd ­iea l fit'ld. II I' ilpoke wilh slW(·ial oplillti"l11 1't'lw"I'uing" "'1Ikl'lIIia Hilt! '\llid Ih 1l1 llw pro"pl'l'I ftll· ih l·iIIl'IU'· ... t "is hl'iJ,:ht illll{'Nl."

Li n'''' (If ('hilll l'('11 \\'ilh I( ·uk-emin hal'(lIII.·("'1l r'xlt'IIt!l'd

fin' ;tlld 1"'('11 10 ."('111"1. II"h"I'I' (l i dy 11 r"1I" .\'{·;II'''; llJ,:ll. a 1"'1\ mOlllhs lin" all lh,· 1i1'1' "XllI'l'tlllwy Ihl'.\" ('oldd

10llk fUI'\IH!·t! tu.

Hr' .... ·lIl'I·11 il1,]jr-Ilk..; Ihn1 11('1111' 1,·lIl"·II';a is (·HlI .... ·d hy 11 lil'lI" Ilud m'I'ol'dill)! 10 lit" :-;11I·g'I·, ,1I (:('"I·,·a1.

III(' II H." i~ IIpl'lI fill' fi~htil\~ il wilh II 11I('I'il\(' III'

"")11 11 ' 011,.' 1' 11I't'II' l ll in' 111t'a ... lIn .. Silll'\' 1,'lIk-I'lIliu i ... 11 rUI'1I1 Id' 1·11I1t'1·1·. its r'ollljlll'-;1 ,ui)!hl UIII'II 1111' dUill' III

"W'('r,->;"flll IIl1M·k 1111 01111 '1' I,illtl..; of l'alll'('I",

!-:I" 'ry dn.,- \11' 1"'llil ill till' Ill1il," IHl))" I' i,f SW'I"'SS-1'\11 ":qll'I'iIlIl'IIIS I){'ill)! IWIlII' ill 1111' fi. ·11I til' 111'111'1 lIud J,itlllt'.I· 1'I·s('lI1'<'h .. \I 'tifil'inl l;idl!l',"" HI'" I"·,·,,illl{ !h'l'­s{)n" ldin' ludll.'· HIld IiI ill)! \N'flll lin' .... wIlt) II r,'11 "hot,! ."I·al .... lI).(O \1"1'1' ('Ullsit!I '1"t'il h'I'II1;IlIt1 ('11"""', Ill '. ' 1'.'1"1',1" Pl·I·.IiI·I" 111111 "1111111. iIlI'XPI'II"ill ' al'lifkinl kid " Ill' ,'''; lIill "",!II h(· :I\'niIHhl,' 1'(\1' hllllil' 11"1'. 11 i..; 1101 ill 1111 illf'(IIl'"I'il'lIht" lllill ill IlI!ollll'l' tll 'I 'IlIII' ()l' 1\\1l.

111'lili"ia l 1"'111'1" 1111\." lit , llnlil,(1)11' 1'.", Ilru'il' IIlltl"I' OWI1 111'111"'" hnl'I' hl 'I'01l11' t1, ·f('(·lin'.

J)i'\t 'lN'''' II ltir·1t ""'I ·t! ttl kill ('hitdl'l'll h." Ilu· 111011·

."illlltk tiiphllll'l·ill. 1,"Jlllllitl. 1II1';ISI\·S. whooping' ('lIug-h, JlIH' l1l11t1l1ill. ItH\'I' 111'1'11 IJl"t1U~ht utlll"I' (,IIHlml It.'· t!tl' SCH·llll.,,1 •. \\1 111I1P I'" I II·II~";;.

.\I('IIi.·ill!' i..; Illlll'l·hill].!' flJl'Wlll'd alill h"illl!illJ,:" with il hol'W of a 1I1l1].!'!·r lifl' 1'1'1'1' of (·I'iJlJllin).l tli ..... a ... ''S. '1'11(1 (1011111"1 Wt' 111111 olhl'l" l'olllll1i't'1'S ~i \"('. 111'(' pinyin).!" II hil! I'HI'I ill lid" lIuII'('h III IIl1'di l·ill(' .. \ dilll(' 01' n IIWIl"\1'I' (II ' II 111111111'. dl'oPIWd inti' Ilu' ('lIin hox ill IIII' "({'al ).:1'0.'1 '1'." "1111'1' Ill' 11II1'l1l'1" "hnp. 01' hIIlHl!·t1 III ti ll' ,""Inlllt't'l" \lIII'kl't· \lhll ('all" 11 1 OUI' dool'. ill 1111'1111'>(,111'" lIr·,· ill~i!:llilil·nll1. 11.111 1"1'1" hl1U 1WI I Willi lilt' t!1)t1ll ­

I i<lI1" of IIUI' fl·i,· IIt!S Il lId ll('ij.!"hllOl·" ill IUWl1s 11 lid .'il it's 1111 (1\"('1' 1I1i~ IUI,d , till'," .·r'eillf' II IlIi)!itl,l" 1'1111<1 1'01' l'I'''t'lIl'1'h, ('XIlt'I'illll'lll lint! IlIl'dil'al hd" I'UI' thosl' II Ito IU'l'd it.

Y"ll1' J 111i·l"Illltiollll l. by HlI'illh (If ti ll' .100·us,\l.. nnd ,1"011 1' !tWil l 1II1i(1I1" lIill ('onl;ntl(' 10 "plug'" {'II11SI·~.

\\' " hopt· ow' Iwopl,· lIill ('olllill11t' I\) fI(·lp liS g"I'II,·\·· I)lIsl.l- 11'1 till'." IllIn' in IlU' p;t<;I, 1'01' IJ,(' I'I' i<; 110 (' lit! 10 thl' ]lo"sihl"!!'ood 1111111'.111 be :lttltiUI'tll"JI' 11111' fl'lltm' ('ilb·.t.'ll" 111111 1'1)1' o\l1 .... ,·II\·s.

Federal Employes loin UI/iol/s !-;OIlH' 1111'1'1' .1"1'111 .... lIJ.w. Olli' 1:111' P n· ... id, 'nt .Iohlt p,

1\('1111(,,1.\' nlllll(lt'izl,,1 \lniun 1"I)I'('>;('l1li1li(l1i in "'I,tI"!'!11 :-;1 '1'\ i'·I'. :-:i lll'l' 11tHI lillw 111';11'1.\' (j(}()"fKK) 1-'1,,1"1';11 1'1111\10.'·I·s han' \ltlll \\lIi,,1I J'(·PI'I''''"lIlalioli. 'I' hi" is illmo~1 (l1I,· ·fOlll·lh (If IIII' Wild IIllml"'I' {If (·mplo.'·t'S in F('lit'nrl i'l1,t·, i,·,·, W(' in Ihl ' IBE\\, han' \lOll 1/111' fail'

shal'l' "I' 1111''''.' 1·l l'l'Iilll1" l'ith(,1' almll' (II' i l l l·tlnjUlH·litlll wilh Ihl' _\l"lal ' l'I'al1I'" Ikp:lI'IIIII'HI nf 1111' .\J.'I ._( ' I() .

'l'hi . ..; i .. \I hal I wpl'l'"~ 11111'11 1'11'1' 1111'11 HI'" l{iV" 11 11 1'1"1'" {'lwi('I' lu joill n 11l1il)1I :lllll lin oh"l.u·!t·" 11 1'\' pllll'l'Il in IllI'i,' \lar.


Inauguration Day (Col/lillI/cd f/"Om IlI/flC 13)

did not all('nd. If ig d(,;ll'Jy·I)('lo\"cd " :I('hcl 1I1111 tlil'd jlls' Ilm'l' IIlCIIII h); l'arli('I', .\t his "t'(-olld I rHLII~lII'a­tioll 011 ) Ian'h 4, 1 ~;1:3, .JlH'k"'JII at-1(,11(11,<1 thl' twn Balls Iwld at ('III'llS i 's lIud I hl' ." ;ISHII i4' I I II II. ,\ nd. \1111'11 . JlwkslIll t~ ~()k his "ulh of ofli("c t'll1'1 i{'!' 111;1\ day, it wali III the llllnd !ol or ( 'hit'!' ./ wilj(,(, ,\1 111' shull, \Iho 1)(,l' fOl'l1li'd 111(' dilly for tht' ninth mid 11l~t ,im(>,

.J ackson SIHI'lt',1 allotlw\, lJ'1l11i· lion wht'li h(' ("11OS\' t(J I· i d~· silh· hy sit l\.' \Iith ]' I'l'sitl\'ul·dl'{'t Jl aJ'lill \ '/111 B lIl'l'll 1111 .\ IIII"I-it 4, U.,;Ii. T he l'id<, It'om tIl\' \\'hilt' ll ou",' hI Ihl' ( 'llpitol and Imek llj.!llill \(w)k plm'l' in n phlH'101i huilt ul' Imud fl"\JIlI the fl'i!!Hl(', ( '''''.~/j/lt1i'lli.

.\ \<\lIlli\(' of :.!Ij g'lIIlS 111 dnyb"('llk sig-nall'li th(' Slll/'1 01 InHu/tU]'atioli fl'''itiyiti(''; 1'01' \\'illiam II. Il al'l'ison on :'Ilan·h -I , IH-II. It )lOIlI'I,d I'ain all day, and a hiting' wind hll'w in fl'Olll th(' ]1I)1'lhm·sl. 'I'hl' (js'.'·('lI]· old Ib l/TisIJIi. (·ualh· ...... a 1111 1I11liuj-: his ltat, I'Odl' llis I'll ,'ol'il{' wllit(' hot'sc to Ihe {'upitol fOI' till' SIII'III'­in!!-iu \:('/'1'111011.".

il C' dl·liHI·C'd IIIC g-untl .\ dd]·(",,"i on 7.000 word,,; 111 all

IOIIg'l'st I nnu­]"1'1'01·11 on' l' hou l' and -10

Illinutes. 1'111'11. 11(' l'I'IlHHlIllt't! his hOl's(' lind II·d tht, h lllllf.("lll·lIl I'a· I'nd(' down 1'('fllls.,·lnlnin _\1']'11\11'.

ThIlL ni,:rhl, hI' IlltClld('ti Ih(, Ihl'j'C i1H1ugunil Bulls ill Iii" ilOilO]'. 'l' hil·tY·Ollc dllYs lal('I', hc II'n" dead, a l'iC'tim of 11IU'ultlouin.

t\\:\\"s of II HI'/' i"iQu 's IIWllg'UI":I­t iOIl had I}('('n ('11I'I'i('d to I hI' l'OUlI-11'.\' by 1"11 i It'{)u tl-t II(' fi]'st Ii Illl' I hc hOI'SC Wil!m't USt.'ll. T 11'011\1<>/' if Ihcy CVC I' lliK'ci canic]' piJ.:"(,()lIs . .. (0)l'!, slal'linf.,"X!

T ile fil"!!! I'n'sid l'U! h,l ";U\·I·\· ...... itJll, .John 'I'yl('I', took Ih(' oath of offiec in n siml)1c C('I'('lllOlly 011 .\ pl·il G, IR-Il.

1t raincd ~ hal'd on )Iltr('h -I . t -1 5, Ilmt SOIllMne h('ld :til 11111-1>1'('1111 01'('1' Ih(' h('111i of 1'1·(, .. idl'lIt .1:111)('8 K. Polk liS hc d('lil"('l','1I his 1 1l~luJ!ul'nl .\ ddl·"'i'l. )1 1' 1'"lulil'c who wn'! (lol·i.'I·in/.! the SI';'IU' MI1IA"ht K!tCItI'I' und{\l' 1111' i-::lst J>IJl'li"o nnd thcre c1 is(lo\'I' I'(ld Salllllf'1 "'. B. ~" O]'SC ilnd his new ill\'(' lllioll. As


the I'l'l'siti('nt spokc, :'1 101'S(' Ilil'('<1 hi .. wOI·II .. to Hnl,inHII'I'

ZlIdllll'Y TaylOl' was 0111.' of Ihe ('II" lu('k~' P ]'t·,d.!l'nH. WI'lllhl'I··wis('. !l is day dawll('d, I\HnH nnd sunn,l', to th(' !'01II'jug of ('aIlIlOIl mltl thl' IW:lling' of ehlll'('h IH.'II ... P I't'sidl'llt 'l'aylor"s IrUlll!!IlI·,tI .\ ddl·,· .... .., was shot'l 11 1111 to till' POi llt. II i .. Inau 1-(und Ball IIHS H g'ilill lIfTlIil·. 11('ld

in :1 hu ildi ng' huilt '· ... III'(·inll.\· fIJI' t he 1)('('IISioll in .l lhli l'illl·.I- SIIIl:II·I'.

T he 1'1','sidI'1l1 dil'd III' 1Yl'hn" on .l ul.I' n, I ~;)O. Hnd \Ins sUI'I'I'I'dl,d hy ri{'t' 1'1"',,;ill('111 .\I illal'd J-' illllwl"',

,\ hi i1.1.:1 I'd ('()\·('I·(·t! rll\' SII"','ls () I' \\~H'o!h i ng-toll an d 11 I lII11sl lIwdc a wlll1(' 111111"],11.' SllII11l' of F nl ukl iu l' i"I'('(' ns 1](' ddin']·,·t! his h wlt­f!u l"al .\ dd]·l, .... " Oil .'I :m·1t I . l }oj:!. T hl.'I't' 1\:1" 110 111:lu!!tII'al Ball. ' I'ht' " 1'('sidl'llt ;Iud ) 11' .... l' i,'I'(']' lind losl tit('it' ()111~' SOil in a Il'aj.:i,· a('l.'idl'llt tll"O mouth ... t':l!'Ii('I'.

\\'1J('n h(' I'('!il"l'd ttl till' \\'hit(l

!l ouS(' Ihnt Ilij.:!.t, th" 1'1'\'"I''''ul di ... (·o\"{'!'l'(] that 111(' St']'\lIl1ls had J.:"01l(l to lK'ti, \a':II'illl-{ 111\11111,1' ('HI'­

pl' ls, I'm pl.,· dish(·s nnd II stale of dison!l'I' Ihl"OlI;.:-IlOu1 III(' llln llsiQlI. P ic l'C'(' null hi'! s('(']'l'tm',I', Sitill(,,I" \\'('b"'l('r. with Ih(' Hill or II lig'hl('ti ('andl(', st'lll·(·h('o 1'0 1' pl:l('l'S to slc('p. ' I'hl' P I'('si\l('l1t slnp lwd ut. ())IC dool' and said ... You \1 hl't\(' I' 1\1\'11 in 11I'1'c. Sidn('y. , ']] 11',\' 10 fint! :1 IK'd 80111l'\\'h('I'(' at'\·u ..... '1 Ih(' Imll. "

01\(' of Ihe tllO'll t'olol'l'ul 1111111-

~uraliol1s Wl1'! 1hnt 01' .Ialll,'s B u· challl1u 011 ) lar('h -I , IH.i7. T hc CI'O\\"<!S I\'(' I'C ('Ilthll .. in"li('. 'I'hc tUl'Il0l1t of milit:lI'~' 1111.1 ('il'ir 01'­gan i1.;tlioll$ \I'ns 11't'1l1('11I \ OU", Bu­chnllllll ellt a 1];1111 \-;(1111(' figu l'(" slilllding- (,reet. in his ('nl'I'in ~(' for th(' ride fl'om the W hite I louse to Ihe Cap itol. BUI, nil oj' 11 smld('n, hc \"(,Il1('ml}('r('d sOlIlt'lhi ll):. 'r ite p l·o('('S.. .. ioll did nn :Ihout-fm'(' 10 piC'k up tl](' forgolll'll antI sollle­what h('wildercd olltj.!oiu/.:' P rcsi­dcnt P i('I'('('.

Buclt:lI11Ul WllS tlt(' fil'Sl P I'(·"i<1ent to deliv('r his I n:Hlgllt'al .hhll·C ...... without 1·('felTinj.: to PI'('Jl:trt'd 1101(';1. 1'11(' B:1I1 in hi .. IIOIHW was helt! in nn l'1I01'11I()1I" sU'Ut'lllt'l' in .J lI(li(·ial",I" ~q\larl'. 1'111' whilt' t(lit­ing wns sluddl'd wilh g'41ld s l:1I·s. 'I'h(' wnlls w(']'c dl'ulWd in 1"('(1, white lind bluc. (iucsls d illt'd 011 a

four·foot. cuk('; 3,000 (llllll'lli of j,hlllllllllj.:JlCj 400 j!:lllons of o~"SI('l's; :ioo (Illarts of ('hi('ken sal:111; 1,200 111I1l1'l" of i<>e CI't'llIlI; ;)00 (lllal'IS of jl'II.\'; 60 saddll.'!! of muttonj 16 Sltll~ of 1)('C'f; 7,) hnllls; I:.!;; 1)('('1' 1/)1I~IlCS and all ill('stimablc nllm

1)('1' of pattil'!4 alld hOI'S d '0('11\' ,,('<;.

'I'hl' ()t1lst:lIldill~ fi),!'lIl'(" undouhl­ctll.". I\'as 1'1'I'"ili('nt Bu('llIlIw n . J.(lIl'1wd ill hili rlll1ll)HS La llt'lIs\ .'I· snit nf htlH·I, sat ill. 'l'he l ini llg' ot' 111(' Sl lit wus \'111 In'oid"l"t'11 with ,II(' l'Oll ls·()f·HI·IlI'! of Ihe Ih(,11 :12 s lalt's.

t n sharp ]'Oll lnl"t 10 the I ~.ii In· IlUgUl·1ttiOU \\it"; Ihe fil',;t Oil!' nI' . \ IWll lllllll I,ill('oln. '1'1t(' ('i, ... or ,,'l1'!llillg'ton W:IS t'on'n'd ft'tHIl nlt 11Ilg'1('li by tll'tillcl'Y <lnd sIHII·P'IItOUI. l'l~. I. ill(·olil 1111d BudwlHlII mdt''thl'l· 10 thc Capitol, SUlTOIliltI,'d

h,l' ,luu]'I(' I'OW~ Ill' (·al'all'.I'IlWII. On Ihc pllllfOl'tn Ih:lt da~' W(,I'­

flllll' tH('1I who wi.)\l ld Il('('ollll' 1'1'('si dl'llls ... Hllthl' I'j'onl B. 11 11 ... 1' .... .JatHl'l! ..\. Uadil'ld, ChCSI('I' _\ . \ l'thu l· a lIt! B C'lljll lllill I la l·ri"O]I.

'1'11(' I nallg'111'1l1 I'al'adc ill('IIIII(·,1 a I)('autifllt !lOHt l'lll'l'yi llg :l-l lilll(' j.:id!4. Whcll 1 ltc,\' ]·l'll{·ht,d 111C' \\' hil(' Il ow;(', til(' /-!il'1s scaltlp(I/'('(1 dow II :md stll·l·olllll.lC'd 'h(' 1'1'(,,,;· d (,llt, who I'ell'al'd('d I'adl of 111\'111 with a kis.". '1'11(1 Bntl in .I IHli('iHI·.'· S(Jllll1'(' lh:lt Ilig-h l 1I'11S kllown as " l lllioll Ball" bc(':lllsc of Ih(' all· <;('11('(' of SOUlIt('I'IIC I'S.

I ,j lIeol n 's s('colld I ll1lltg\ll'nl I)n:o-', ) llIt'('h -I, 186;), I)(,~l\n 011 11 dl"(,:II'Y note Wllh :t hCIII'Y downpolil'. 13ut, tht' S li ll mllll ;J j.:('d to IIl'e;lk Iltl"on~h itS thc I' I·c!4 id('llt. spokc Ih(' G!I$ w()I'lis of his :Jddl'('~, g-(,llcl';lIl.l· ('on, ( ' ('d C'{1 as thc AI·Call· ... t of all 1 nUlI­~\ll'nl :1 (\ dr('s."('.'1 11l1d onc of th(' li ll('.'It A mCl'ien n stalc pllpers.

Who s lw ll fOI'gN thosc Fl1ilT ing­words, " W ith 1ll1l 1iC'c toward nOIl(', wilh char'il), fo]' all, with fil'IllIl('SS in Ih(' rig-Itt. :I'! (;od ~h'cs liS 10 S(I(' thl' r ight, 11't. us st I'h'c on to fini .. h tit,' w(ll"k I\'C 1I 1'C ill ... "

('hi('f ,J l1 .. ti(·(' Ra lmon P . C'lm<;(' aillllinist('l'('d t he onth of officI' to .\ lIdr('w ·J ohnson le~ than tlll'('(' hOIll... after PI~sidcnt I .. ill('oln's <iratlt.

' I'hl' Inilugut'at ioll of Ulys."C'i S. (:l'Hnt Oil )Ta l·ch -I , 1869, WliS fol· 101\'(,11 h~' 0110 of the f.("1·:mdl'.;1 pa· null'S n'c l" s lagcd on Pcnnsyh-unill j\\·Cll uc. ]Il(~ i dcllially, Gl';1nt n'-


I'uscd 10 ride in Ihc saltlc ('al'l"ingc with outgoing: P I'l'sid(>llt ,J OIIII :>OI1.

JloolU of thc \\'hitc Il ous(', "'he pullli(' I tllIu]..:'ul"atioll 111I.S Ill'l d 1111'

j'{Jllo\\"illg :\IOI Hlll.I', ;\0 I lwuf!uJ'al Ball \lilS ]..:'il't'lI, hili 111('1"l' \IllS :1 n ""'ptiull 1'01' Ihl' i' 1·l, ..... idl'u! nl t hc \\'illal'd I loh·1 UI1 til(' ,\' I'JJ1I('. ' l'IItJIIS111I(ls of IIIJII','hl'I'S, Ix'al'illg" lilllh'I'IIS lind 1'<ilJg-in;.:' ":IIlIJlItI;.:'n Stllll--"', lIIadl' !lIdl' \\<1,1' 10 IiII' \\'hil e Il tllIsl' /!I'oulI11s WII('I'l' tlll'Y !;('l orr !i1·I'works.

fi('ltI's 11I:IIIg-ural Ball was he ld in the MUS('1U1l B uilding of the

(:I'ilI11 's sccon d lI IllUf;:\II'alion didll't flll'C Illut'h iJ('U(' I·. ' l'llt' d ay \nIS OIiC o[ thc t'Oldesl Oil I·(>('o ni.

'1'he 1('11IP(, I':ltll l'l' was l':l'I'O, and lL

doh'lIt Il'illd lltldl'd 10 111(' disl'oltl, rll l'!. TIll' 13:111 in . l udi(·ial·Y Sllual'c WHS allolhl'I' fimwo. (;IH'st~ had 10 "'1'111' 1\lI'il' wraps hpr'au<o;(,' of illadl" 11 11111(' Ilt'alill!! fll('ilili('S ' .. litl' It'IIIJ\(' I';llul'(' had 111'opp"li Iwlow ~l'I'U h," 111('11. 'I'it(' <"iIHllllwg-III' and i('t' \'1'(';1111 W('I'{' fl'lJ7.l·n slIlid, 1-; "('11 litl' "lin'S in Ih" IlilIsi('ai insll'lI· IIIt'lIt" II"('J'(' fl'ozen, l·cndl'l'ill;.:' lil('J\l us,·I" .... 'i.

~lIIithsOlliHIl in sti l ution. 'J'h l'cc ]lIontlls lall'I', tIll' 1'I'l'Sidenl was shot h.I' all assas..-.;in :lIld died on S "pll'lIIlwl' I D, l i'i"l l.

T im! d;I,I', ('llI'sll'I' .\, ,\ 1"1 hUi' took thl' unlh 'II" offi"t, 111 hi-.; hOIll<' ill :\"t'\I' ,"01'1, l'itr wllill' I'Ol"llie l' I' I't'sidt'lItS (:J'1Int 1II1d IL 11,1'eS 11"11 !('h"I!.

\ n:IlI)!lIl'a tioll Day fallillg 011 SlIIu l;l.". I: llllu'!'fOI'tl B. J layes luok lilt' 11l1lh of oml'c 011 !:-j"I\inl ;JY t'n'niHg', )IH1'('h 3, Jh7l, ill II\(' Ht"d

~IIUW, s lllsh, skl'l, 1'1lill :lIId

sll"(lJI~ wilH l~ WI' I'I' 1I1l' onl('I' of th" dar UII ;\ lal"l'lt I , I /;hl, wlwil .ralll('S , \ . Oadil'ld 11\'(';11111' Ill(' :!Olh I' n'si, 111'111 of tltl' 1' lIilt'd Sla1t'~. It lIas Iypi(':d of 1: :II'fi\-ld lIwl 11;-; fil~1 lIt·t, al'tel' 11lkillg IIIl' oalh alill kis..sillg" tlte B ihf!', 1I"1IS 10 J.: j:-;..s his l\"i.1(I\I'('<1 aud H;.:'l'd 11101111'1' fo r' Ilhulit lit' fl'lt n g l'l 'al 1,,·lIt of gl';rlitlld l'. ( :;11',

Ikspil(' strol1g' lI'illl"; llIlii SIIOII', ( ;1'01"1'1' (;1('\'(·land lIs,-.;ulll{'d Ihc 1' l'('Silll'II('y :lIliid p01llP IlIld ClI" ('IIIIISI11l\('(,. Iii" hand "t'Sting 011 a Sllwll, gilt,t'dgl'd B ihle Illat his 11101111'1' h1lft g-il"11 him \I'ht'li 11(' krt lI i ~ boyhood hOlllt·. {'\i'I'I'111Ild took IIIC (1:lth of oml'!' fl',JlII (' hid' ,J us· li('c \\'Hit('. II I' II;)S tli(' onl.l· P l"cs i·

( ( 'Im/inllrr! fIJI Jlllyr 7.'i)

Members Break Railroad Pattern Agreement F or a 1I11J1lII('1' oj' .I'{'ill·S 111(' i lll('I'lIl1li{)llill B l"Ollil'!'!lood IJj' '1';I('(' t l"if',11 \\' \lI"IH'I"~ Iw~ 11('1'11 op]lost'll

to tht' Pllllt'I'\1 t.llrg-nillill~ with 11)(· SHIIII' \I·Hj.{(' illt'I'I 'IISt' 1'111' ('I·('I·."UII (', illlpm;(,d hy Ih" ('lIl'l'i l 'l'~ 011 nil !'ldll 'on d 1I'01'l(('I·S. Hnill'IJad 1':I('d l'i('1I1 \\'ol'iwn; li lT sldlll'd 11'1I t!\,SIlI('1l 1I1I" lin"i' sp('111 .'·t'III'S iIl1lPPI'(,lI' li('('~hiJl pl'()~I'; l mS tu 1f1H1 1ir." j"H' tIl(" \\" 1)'1. 1111'.1' HI'{' l'n l l"llllPOII to (10 .• \IUI·I'OI·(' !·. ill 1"1 '('('111 .I ·I'; II'S II illl tll (' ill(·I·t'rlS(' of [)i('.~I'1 IO('o!llolin's nl ill intl'odu('!ioll of tlt' lI' ('1 "I·tl·it'1I1 CllllipllI Cllt , jOlll'lIt')'IIWll rnil · 1"0:111 ('II'('ll"i(' i: 111S linn' gOllt' hll(·k 10 s ,·it (I,,1 II) 11('qtlil'l' 11, 1lJitiolllll tl'1Iinillg' sldlls. 'I'hl"'l'"l"ol'(' III!' I BI·;W lins ;IIII;I.\·S "II'OIl/,d ,l' ntil'o('lItl'd 11111 1 111(' "lIl·I·Os,-.;III., 111'111'11" pnlt('I'11 IIlIg-(' 1)(' illl"I'SlWI'~l'd II('l"io. \i('nll.,' Irith !lpn'('llla)!,"(' Wll!!(' it l('I'I' :I S{'S ill ul'tl('I' to ('s l llblisll ,I t li ITI'I't\ ltli nl IwtwI'tl l Ilig-Illy 1'<j.illl'd \\,\)I'k(' I'S 1I11d Ihl)s(' with \('SS('I' s l,ilk

111 Iht' IIIn~t l'I'('\'lIt WH;.:'l' !H';.:'() lintiolls, thl' IBEW, lr1dl,\i \UIS j()i lll'tl h,l' Ih(' SIl('('/ )It-t;!1\\'or!it'I'S lItIll 3[n{'hillists, W:IS d( 'I<'l'lIIin('(1 10 hold 0111 alit! ('!I:.:a1-(I' in s l ri)", 1\t'l i"!1 if !11'(',':o;.-;;II·.'·, ill Ol·(lel· to ('slab· ]ish t h(' jI ]'i!ll'ipl (' of 11 g'1·t'nl(' l· iIWI'('asl' rill' sldllt'd wOl"k('I·s.

Oil 1"1,111"11;11'." 4, I!I{;:;. til(' d l':Ir!lo('KI'd Wllg-(' disputc W:I., ('nI1('(1. ,\ tI\l IllIil(' 0\11' lkoth('l'I){1orl did 1101 )!l' t all \\'I' hat! lI"I"'tl flH' ill Iht' Mlhst'ljllI'llt u:,tI't'('JtI('III, \I'e d id SIl{'('('t'.] in 011]' maill obj('('\il'(' II I' hr'''''Kill!!, tht, palll'l'll whi('h tlli" ,\'t'ar \lH~ II !)' {'CIII ' )WI'.holll' ill(' !'\'aS(' ful' ("'(,]',1'1.111(', and ('~tahlish('tl lhe prirwipl(' of rJ('I'I'('!lI ag-c lIa:,te illI'I'(';)sl'''.

'I'h(' B l"otlw1'l1(4)u did lIgl','(' tu Iht' !l {'t'lIls ]l('I' IIUlll' 1'01' 11I'1]1t'I's 1I11t! \i{'lpt' I' app]·(,lIli('('s. Ih(' sallie III110llni the olh(' I' shup (' I'aft O1·gn lli ~.atio ll -'; too);:, ' I'he ill('I'(';I'It'>I HI'C t'f1'('clh-c .J"I1II11I'." I, I!JG4, I!)(i:; lInd I f)(iG.

Fill ' all olht'l'S, and this 111('1I1,1('s llIll!!,\' i!! (·lm;.sifi(·lIlilllIs lind l'lllt's 1.1.'111"1"'11 11('11'l'1'" ;lIltl jOtll'l1(,.'" HWII Illl'('han i('s, \\"(' ag'I'('('il 10 the !I ('{' n) s P('I' hO\ll' i'O'('('liI'c ,r rtllU:I I '~' I . 1!)(i4, J'l'11'01I('til'('. of COIll'S(" hilt lIS of ,J:l II UHI',\' 1, l!)(if, 11 4 11('1'('(' l1t il1(')"(';I'\C was Jlut illi o (,n'('d :lJld 011 ,I lIIIWII',I' I, 1!IGG, 1111 :I/Id i· tional 3~'2 pcrcent int l'('a)\(' will he ('fft'elcd ,

This g'i\'('s Elcel!'iea l \\'Ol'k(, I'S, ;\1:H'hilli ... ls 111111 ~IH'('t ;\1('1,11 \\' III'K(' I'S :P, ('('lIt.S 11101'1' P(']· htl\ll' limn Ih(' Roil('\'Jtlakc l'S.BlllI'ksllI iths, ('1I1'1\IC'1I 11 11(1 1"il'(' 1I1l'1I liltel ()ih' I's lI('('C'ph'iI. Bu t IlItl(·1t 11101'" illl]XlI" talll Iltll!! d olla l's alil l {'('lIts illloll"l'd i'l 11 pl'ill('ipl(' wld('h (,,'1'1",\' ( 'oll"(»llion nf 011 1' I:kotlll'd)()od ll11d IBE W H:Ii\w:I.I' I' I'OI!I'I''I..'i ) 11'Nillj! in I't','( 'nt ,\'(':II'S has ntil"()('lI1t'd, ' \'lIi'l hl'l'lIk illl! Il l' Ih(' pattl','11 ill, I'I'(';IS(, mold shollid ('siahlish It P!'t'('I'd t'1l1 In hI' follllll('d ill III(' hlll'f.~nillillg: ,I'{'HI'S alll'ad.

Ihl l' 11I-olhl'l·hoo(] :1<"<'C'pt( 'd til,' Sll lll(' aJ,!;r( '('I IIt'Ii! IJil th(, fri ll;.:'I' 1J\'IH'fit.~ 111111 nil t)f Ilw olhcl' non· olWI'ntillg- on.:'alli~atio!ls :Jt'('t'plt'd, I1l1d Oill" !II('!IIlwJ"s ohlaillt'd cI'{"'.'·Illillf.;' cIs" t he othcl' shop crn[t OI')!aniz;)tioIIS .,hlui!I('d .

\ ' ire 1' ,'l'sid (' lIt '1'1 1011111" H :llIIst,~, l'l'PI"t"S('lltl'tl thc I HI·;\\, lit nil bll!'gllinillg" sessions.


World of Electricity (('(ltliiIIllC<i f,'olll /lfllJf R)

Ih!' hych'Ogrn :mll QXn:l'1I ('II1('rgcs

lIS sl('lllll.

" '11('1 ('('lIs hl1\'C J,!rlll'rHI('(1 ('111"'('111

1'01' radio U'llIIsmillt' I'lI ill 1II'Iifiriai Sllh'llil('s. 'I'/lese (·{'lIs Hn' ('('Ollom·

j(,lll, Olwl'all' sil('I1!!," !llld tin not ("mit )wl'mful ('xhau"t~. Tlu'," ma," \'i'I'~' w('11 j'('prH('/.' dil'M't \'nl.,dlH'-" in hUM's lind j'I'c'i/!ht 1"111-),,,. "; \,\'11111-nil,", I hi'," may lilld II~(' ill lll'idllg U';Jill'i llml Sllwll sJliJll~. 1'1' 1')1111';;

prinltC' trallsporllltioll, lou! Whil .... \\"(''n' Oil till' suhj(,(·\ of

II'UIlSPOI'tlIlioll, it i'i n']'\' Jikek that e]('('trieal1."·dt'j\"('11 ';I()II!)I'llii. wnys will I~ Ildoph'd 011 a lIat iOIl­wide' -'1('111(' in 111\ dTOI't to Jwoddc fa'itl'I' and 11l0l'C t'('oJl(HlIi('.iI Blass

t nlllspol'lal lOll fad! it i(''I, To sollle' 1)('1">011". 1111.1' di ... l·u .... "ion

of rkell'ollic 1'0;1I1'i 11111.1' 1';('(,111 oul-1:1I1(1[ .. h. Il owl'n'I·. 'i\l{'1! )1I'ClIlO,,;d'"! han' h('I'1I IIwd{' HlIII l'lmltl hi' adopl<'I1 wilhin Ih(' Il\'XI g-('II('I'lllion 01' so. ' I'III'S{' I'ollds would Jllln' lIuih­in g-uidr I'ail" W 1)('11111 ('1('('II'nui{' OI·tlt·I·" 10 r('('rin'I's inlh" ('!II'''. ' l'Ii(' dl·iH'I'!i ('ollid H('lwlll,\' "il ],111·1. nlld I·I·lllX. as IiiI' 1H1l;.!:iC of (,II'I'II'\llIi<,,, would k(·(·p 111t·il· (·ar..; ill III!' Il'Ilflic hllil's III ('ollswnt SPI·('t!" !Iud wnuld 1'\'('11 (1)('1'111(' tIl(' "It'{'I·ill/.! IlII' t·ha ­ni"lli and hl';lk('s wlll'll f1(·{·t' .... "' .. I'\·. t ·udou!Jlt,dl,\'. th{·"c ('UI '''1 would 1-1;1-

ploy /.:IIS lul'llillr<.;. whirh 1II't' 11101'(' rllsil.\' ('l)lItl'ollrd by UUhlllllllioll t hall pj..non rll/.:inr".

1'1'alli(' {'Ollll'ol, Ilhit·1! PI'O(IUN'S so !lUlII.I' heatia{'lr('s IIVII', will he ('II'{,II·oni(,III1 ... opC'l'lIH'd ill thl' 1'11-t1l1,(" , \ n l'l('(' tl'()lli(, .1('li('(' will l'I'g-ulatt:! Ihe I'rd, 11111],.'1' 1Iut! I-\'I'('rll lig-hts ill rcI1Itioil to Ihe spN'd of apPl'oll('lriul( \'('hi{'lcs .mel Ihe :1I1101lut of t I'll me,

'l'III'llillg to the field of ('011lI1lnni­('lIlioliS wc notc Ihc 11I:1II,\' ('hlllll!'('S ill It'I('p hou('s sill('(' lli(' <llIYs of .\I('xllnllcl' (;l'1Ihlllll Bt'll. Air'('afiy in"lnll{'d ill some homcs :II'r Ih~ llllrst. pWih-bllllOIl InlCS of phont'S, Th(,<;{· 111'(' lime-S1H'(,I'S, fol' it 1:lkc'i It'ss lilllC 10 push huttolls Ihall to dial. Call" initiall'd b.l· push -hlltton II' h'phonl's nl'e 1'OIII('d hy nn ('Icc­Il'Oni(' syslcm, A s fol' Ihal familinr )1hollc l'ing, ,\\'('11, it lIIil!ht be l'I'plu('I'<1 b,v n whisll(' 01' 1I1lotlicl'' tlw! ('Ull h(' J)I'oflll{'t' tI II)' tIle


SI}(!{'eh \Iil'('.'\, Ihns I'lilllill1ltillg' the Il('('d of all CXU':1 piliI' of h('1J wiJ't.'s colllll'<'ting Cll('h Icl('phollC with Ihe ('xchangc,

P i('tul'rphollc, n ('omhinntion Il'lc­JlholJ(~-t('lc\'ision hookllP, hILi 1>('('11

instilll{'d 011 IlJl t'XIWI'illlelltal busis ill \\"ashinj{toll, I), G" Xcw YOl'k ("ily Hlid thi(':Ig'(), I I !l1lI,\' ('1'('11111-lilly wind up itS lillllI<1a1'(1 ('(jllip­IIlcn! in nil 11111111''' lIud ofYi(>('s, 111I1Ig-­inc se('ill~ "II(·h ))('I'SI)(l who (·nUs ,\'otlllnd !J(li n!-\' Ii,'('ll ill I't'hll'll! (We 11111,1' Iwl'(' lI1ix,'(] fl'('lill~s Oil this innoI'11Iion!)

Tt' I{'l'isioll ilsl,]f hilS lI1all(' IlLaIlI' tHlnHW(,S, )\"011', all si),!ns poil1l 1'0 ('0101' I nllli.llli"sioll 's 1'(')IIII('ill)[ t 11(' sl1llul:11'd Irla(')t-ul1t!-whil(', ()Ihc l' df'H']oprnt'nls 1I1l1,1' hl·in)..:" about Ih(' flat &'/,('\'n of St'\(,I'1r1 illl'h{.... of Ihi(,kn('ss. This "f'I'{'('11 will h'1I1l.[ 1111

thl' wall likr u pi('tlll'(' 11l1d will II('

('~p('('inlly ;,]( laplllhl(' 10 ('0101' Ide, \'j" ioll,

'ro 1);111', 11'I{'I'i"iml has 1'0111111 uS(' ill sehools, hospital". 11'1111SIIOI'1111iOlI el'ntCI'!'!, h:lllks, flll·I!)!·il-s. 1'('s('al'(,11 ('('IIIl'I'S, SIMC{' anti 1111111'1'11:11('1' I'C­hiel('s. pI·i"ons. l'le, EI(,1l11l1r11;,>', ils U"I'S Il'il1 b(' fm,,,pl't'lI(l :111(1 ('11-1:rl'g(>{L 11 01I1('S of 111(' futHl,(, Ilill IIlldoubtl'fil;,>' illl·llltl" :1 ('Io'w.l ('il'­('uit tt'I('I'ision "ystl'lH thai will al· low hon]('OIl'II('l's 11\ ... ('(' who i<! at tl](' dool' mul to tlllll' ill till !IllY 1'()()Il1 ill th(' 11I)I1,,,r. Do III' 11:11'(' ill'('allt 111111 the futul'(' IlHl;'>' :r1so hold Ihl'('('­d iml'IISiolill I tl'h'l' isiUlI!

More Wonders of Electronics

"-c (>:111 1)(' C('I,t:lill Ilw l ('/('('Il'OIl' i('s will {'onlilluc to Il'iht'l' in th(' wodd of hi~IH'I' s]lI'('d mul sm:lIl('I' si1.(" ('ompuI('I'S :11'(' (III Ihril' wily IO\\'1II'd Ix'('olilin g Slllllllill·t! ('~llli]l­

mcnlo 1':lretl'irlll 1I11ISi(':11 iIlSII'II­!IIcn!s will mid :l wid/'I' 1011(' I'1l1lgc and 1Il01'(' 1'0111111('. I ligh -fn'lllI('n('~' wirclcss will hc 11'1('11 liS a 'iIIl'I.d('al kni[(', 1':I(>('ll'ollic h'H('hin/.! mll('ldllrS wiil iIlSII'Il('t llnyonl' Ull IlIUIO!;t lilly subjC<'l. !lolillJ.,r \lh{'11 WI,(lIlj! 1111-SW('I'>! ;11'(' gin'lI ;lilt] ('1"1'11 1'~1'<Iilll!' the stlld{'llI'S pl,(lgl'I'~'1 in 11 1'('])01'[ fOl'm fOl' Ihc IrUIIIIlII S1IPCI'\·i..oI·,

Elec!riclli ill\'t'lIliolls of today that !lUl,\' soon hc 11(lnplt'd h.I' nil i'amili('S. 1101 jusl Ill(' dl11·jlll.[. ill­elude el{,(,tl'ic t()(lllrlll'll"h('s. d('­si)..:"llC'd to pl'oddr th" h(,..,t d('Il\1l1 cal'e fOI' t('{' t ll ilJld gums, lllld ('I('c-

II'ic hili!' brllsh('s, gUlIl'IlIr1('l'cI to 1I111"SlIf.\:(' the scalp, stilllui;lle lhl' flo\\' or nall11'al oil, k('(')l lilli!' Jr('nlthy and in good rondilioll lIwl "lll'(' II little :11'111 motion,

You mny .tlso be int('I"('''I('(] in surh n('l\" pl'oducts as n {'ol'lil('s.s, ('If,('tJ"i{' siftcl' whi('h sifts 110111' in on{"thil'fllhe usual timc 01' 1111 (']('e, II'i(' ('1Ig"['II\'('I', H PCl'lllllll(,lIlly CII'

gl'II\'('S namcs 01' the i d(,lltifyill~ 11I1I1'l;s of ,1'0111' ehoicc 011 st(,(,I, wood, plll'ilic, j{lll"S, lllumimll1l, (,OPI)(']', 11['H~s HI1( 1 olh('I' m;lt('I'i1l1s-11 g'oo(\ 1111.\' to krep labs 011 youI' Irol'l, lools, g-ul'(lell !ool>!. spods ('(t1lip­JIl(' lIt, lIpplill11CCS 1IIHI olhc l' "don 1-;­IIIg!l,

By /JOW, you\'c probably ~n .'111('11 iteills ;IS e)('('II'ie ('lIning knil{'s. 1II1l1Ii('m'in~ kits, shOl.' shin(' kil'" ha(·k S('I·;llch(,I'S. footslools nnd III hl'I' ('OI1I'('I'SI11 iOI1 pic('('s. 1)0 ;'>'011 III' don't .1'011 think Ihat Ih(' falh('I'S of (')I'ell'i('it,l' would hr sht)('hd at tJlII' 1J1I)(lrrn l.[lIt1).:'els ~ Think or tli(' \I:I~'S ill whirh {'ir('ldeil.l· will hr \ts('(\ fly Ill(' ;,>'1'11 1'. :W6:J!

One Ihing is e(' l·taill , . , ('II'('­\J·i('il.I' is 1)I' illl! adllJlI('d II) nil phll'!I''! of hnmnn life 1111(1 :rt"lil"it,l'. I" thnl lUI." \\':1,1' to be lil'illg' ? You 11('1 i I is!

Anti 1111 Ihis is of sp('('tlll tIllPOI'­IIIIU'(' 10 thc Int('rllation;rl BI'oth(,['­h()()(1 of Jo:ll'cll'iClll WOl'kcl"!. Wi.' ('oill('01 II slog-an for olll'scil'l's Itlllll~' ,1'('111'<.; lIgo--" \ \'h('l'(' EIN'II'i('ily l:oI·s. '1'1]('1'(' (: o<'S Ih(' 1131-; \\'!" ,\ '1 ('11'('ll'i('il,l' and ('1('('11'OlIi('" l1I'r "IrpP('ti up 10 hl'ill~ II h('II('I' li\'flll!' 10 th(' ('iliz('lIs of th(' \\'01'111, it will h(' IIH'IlIII('I'S of OUI' J:hothrl'lu)(ltl who will hc in thc fOl'cfl'on\ Illnk­ing' Ih(' 11('\1' ('quipm(,1I1 lIud lIpJlli­lln('('s, installi ng :1Ild lIIainlnillillg' Ihrlll, I1ml el'calinl! th(' POII'('I' 10 k('('Jl th(,1Il nil l·unnillg". "'hollsamls or lllem l){,I'S of Olll' J3I'OthCl'lloutl1IJ'C t['llil1i nl{ Ihcll1S('h'e..; rl'(,I',I' 1111;'>' 10 k('e)l Jl:le(' with Ihe futlll'(" Thc fullll'(' brlollj!S to thos(, Il'ho ))1'('­PIII'(' fOl' it! The fut1ll'(' of thc I-llilrll !-=illltcs and Canada :Hul tire world lit I;II'~, ar(' bound til!htl~' 10 Ih(' ron linucd usc of ('I('ell'ieit,l' nl1d tll{' ad\':rnces lll1Hlf' h,l' lit(' in­Chl"!I',\', It gin's tiS all coufit1l'lI('c alld pl'id c 10 know holl' IIIuch of thc IU·Oj{I·('!.'s Imd sl'(,lI!' it,\', and JIll Ihut ('Ollerl'IIS the futuI'c of llIullkilJ(l, I'{'sls wit h us,


~ew Union Shop Plaque FOI' 1111111\' "('111'8 the ] n\{'l'llfl­

tional Bt'otl\('l'houd of E ]('(-tl'i(-;ll

\\"01'1;<'1"-; had II {"nion Shop Card. dt':-;i)!Il{'(1 to JIlIII!! in tlH' O!TiI'('S, shops, display windows of (·Jtlploy­('I'S with whom IH' h1l(1 \'nioll Shop AgT('('I1l(' lIt .. , This 1)('(';1111(' a s,\'Ilihol

wllii-h tht- puhli(· look£'d fUI' \\111'11 s{'('killg' t,]t'(-irital /-!oods :.lIul S('I'\'­

le('s. It h~'eal!H' II nillwble nid to fail' (,lIIployt'l's. 11 IlH'illls of p1"O­

lIlotiul! the union shOI) to fBEW In(':.t1 Llliioll" 1IIId H g'UIlI'UlIit·(· to the llllhlie 111;,\ till' company displi1,'" itl~ till- [ 'niull :::lhup ('Hnt prOllut'ed qtwlilY goods llnd('1' union cond i. t iOlls.

The l BE\\, Ims not isst\C'd :t

Uniol1 ~ho p ('nl'd fOJ' some 20 yeat's, Ilmn','p]',;\ fl(,l' 1'(,I'i t 'wing'

till' iX'II,,!it .. thl' l 'niOIl Shop Clird hl'in)!~ to :111, )'0111' rn!el'll,1tioJlllI Offi('f' Ita'! (h,yt'lolwd a IH'W Fnion Shop Pl lHpu' . 'r hi<; Pi;HllH' is quite

handsoJlH' and would be an lllll'ae"

tin' addition to any office, wiudow or eli'!JlI:!...- room ill which it mil{ht be exhibih'd .

The plaquc is of 1lI0df'I'n dE'sil!ll, black, with elllhos!lCd ~oll! ('IlII)\{'m and rai-;('d l('tll'l"S in j.!ultl. It is so d('sil!lL('d that it 1I1IIy 1)(' 1111111-\" 011 a wall 01" Hs('d in a "talldill~ posi,

tion on d('sk or shl,IL T his would he an ('xCI'lh'lIt ;.rift

fOl' loe;d unions !(l III'('S('l1l 10 elll· plo.'"('I"S upon si!!nilll-(" of a new eOIl-

JOUltNAL fOIt fEUUAIY , 1965

II'lld or 1'l'II('wal o[ an existill~

:lj! \'1'('1111'11 t. ('o,! of IIH' plll(III('S is $2.00 (,:1('h

Ilml thl' 1'1'(Plitl'Tllt'llts for ()btllinill~ llwlll 111'(' Ill(' 'illllle ;IS 111(1S(' whi('h lIPpl.,· 1'01' is.'!lIall('t' of (,Ill' 11111/)11 l;dll.,]s-\\·hil,h is ,Ill :tPPI'!)\'(,d

1lI!"I"I'I'IIII'1I1 till tilt, IWI,(, ill Ow 1.0. ollie!'. whi('h ;11-:"1'1'('111('111 ('ontains a full illiioll .~hllp ('];lll'I', I'bqH(,S ;11'(' IlI11llhl'I'I,d ;Hld ;1 l't'I'm'd will h('

kl·!'t III'I'\' III tIll' Intl 'I'Il ;lt ioIl1l1 Unit'l' of 1111' (·tuIlP:III.\' :Ind 10<'al Ilni(Hi 10 wlli('h till',\" lin' issUl't1.

\\'111'11 O!·d.'I·ill!!, Slwdf.\· Ihe IlIHII·

nf.u'IlIdng ('ompllny, ('onstnu'lion eQmp,IIlY, IItilil~- ('OIIlJlHIlY, !'a.!iu

stlltion, "atlio-T\" 1'I 'lw ir sl](lp or ulllt'r ('mJllo~'('r who is ~!Oilll-:" to (Ii,,­play ,Itt' ' "lIioll I' laqlH' ,mil illl·bllk

~~.OO 1'01' eadl pla(jllC OJ'dE'I·I'I!. :->,'lId ul'd.·p .. u"ill:! e(,ul)!H!'> 1><·1t.\\ III .

.!O.,('plt I). K<'t'llll ll , I nternational


j 11 kl'nal i01l:l1 Bl'ot hel'hood of

1':II'('ll'i(';11 \\'odwl""S J:!OO " 1:, !1I SII·I'el. 1\. \\'.,

\\'lIshillg"ton, D. C. :!0003

. ... , .... _ ...... ,." ........... "., ........ , .. ,., ........................................................ ~ Ellelos(,d is OUI' 1'111,.·1, fUl' .~. !u l'O\','r ('osl of .............. ..

lin ion ~lIop j' l"fllI,'s ,,' *:!.OO 1'11('11. TlwSI' al'" 10 hI' tli"pla,\'('d h,\'1111' fl)l1uwill~ l'IIII'IIIYI'''' wilh wh"l11 WI' han· 11 1'lIioll sltup ,\~n'('IlII'llt:

(.\tl ll1'h 1111 additi"lIai slwd with II1IIIU''i if 11101'\' "pace is 1lt'1"I1t 'il. ) 1,11(';11 ' "nioll

.\d,II"l, .... "

............................... , .. , ............................................... _ .. __ .... -............... ,

Clines Celebrate aOth Anniversary Brothel" 11111 ph Clinl', 11 long-timo

1)1('l1lh('r :llld intel'll;lliOllal I~{'pl'c­

"'III"ti\'" "I' HilI' BrlJl lll"I'hood. was I·t,tit·t'd six ~'I'al"S II~O alld 11(' :mel his wife, l\l'l!ie lin' ill Springfield, :'Ilis."Olll"i. II was in this city that Halph ant! ~1'lIi(' \\"('1'1' lilli/Tied flO Y('llt'S lIj!O, To IWIIl c.'It'bral{' this hapJl,\- {)('('a~ion, 11 dilllH'1' pal'ly was ~h'en I"ot· Ih., ('ntill' {'line f;un ily h~- their tlaut-:htl'l'. I·klly. also of ~Jll'illJ!fit'hl and hy tlu'il' SOil. Dc­FOIT('sl of (·hi(';I~n . :iI'i() :1 long. tilll(, I BE\\, ll11'mhn,

Halph nlHl .\".'ni l ', ~llowlt IWI'(' in 11 n'Cellt ph'I\o)!l'1qdl 111".' <'Iljoy­Ill)!: II (,tJIHf."'t;lhl" 1'!'Iill'lIlt'llt.

J l u\\'('\'('I', th,·.\· \\"ould \H·II'(lllll' {'OI'-1"I'!>jpond('lltl' 1"1"0111 old fri.'nils. '1'110

atldl'('s.-;: 1 28~ Bl'I'klcy Spl'ingfi('Jd, .!iissoUl'i.



A SIIl'P " ''iIllA' SIH\(,lUC'llt W:l~ is­Slll'd in 01( 11\\11 II I th(' (' lui or

tli r yC'/II', Il ('alll(' f l 'OII1 till' Calla­di:l ll l\)Ilstrl\('tiOIl As.'.;oeiatioll, ].'01' Ill{' first liltl{' ill a <1('1'1111(', this l.l"S(\C ill I ion illdielltl' (1 111at ,hel'c would pl'ohHhly hI' n w id,'spl'l'ad ShOl'\II/.\'(, of 1'Oldlll'<I bilk)!' in ( ',mad :1.

I n II rOllllll'Y Ilhi!'11 hns I'clue-1:11111," 1)('\'11 flll,('\,d to at'(-('pt the

fact thlll ('xtl'11Siq' UJlI'mpluYJII(,llt is (,Ollslllllliy II illt liS, it IIOW M'('IltS

il\('I'('(libJ(' thai ~ out of I hi' 10 prov­in('('s art' fll('I'iI \\ilh II skilled lahOI" !>hIWTnj.\'C', Dill,\" I'I 'jlH'(' E II­wl1l'(1 I..;ialld alit! :\('\\ fOI1lII\lll1](1

al'l"';lI' to hn\"(' 1111 mll'IIII/lIe supply of skillc'd Inhcll',

I ,ooki II/.\' n IWlld , not ('\"('11 the lllosl 01)\ i III is\ ic j'()I'('ClIst{'I'S pl"llitt rapid d l'('lim' of ('almd:,'s urll'lII' plo:,>,IItt'nt PI'Ol>h'III, '1'lIt'l'(, Ilill stitt he man,I' ullskith'd \n)l'kl'l'S '!I'd,illg­jobs Itri<; yelll' Ulld Iwx l nllli 1'('1'­traps fOl' mUIl,I' Y{'III'S to {,Ollll'. I low· ('1'1'1', if th(' !WI'tIi(,lioll<; JlI'OI'(' I'ight, not Illlllly skil ll'li lI'lI<iI'SIlH'1l w ill rnis..'1 illly 11IIyt'llt'('kli,

It is 1X'1i('l"ed th at the C'llIll1dian eonst I'utl iOIl Ill"OJrI'H lit ill I !)(;:j will pass Ihe $!I,OOO,OOO,OOO mill·k fo l' the first timc in histol'Y. This l'epl'('sents II I:! ,wl·t'l'lI l gllill 01'('1' I!)G.J IIIld w ill be sp )"{'nd ra idy C'\,{,IlI~' thl'OIlg- IrOU I tire ('lItil'c ('Ollll­II'Y,

• • • • • TIr{' ('it:,>' of Wiun ipl'g is a ppl y­

illl! 10 thc ,\I allitohu I:O\'('I'lImen l fol' :rPIl I'oval for II :H,:!~:!,hOO puh­li(' hOIl<;ing Pl'ojt,(,l in I hI' {,{,Iltel' of the t'it:,>-, J\ li llllll lll'{'a i'l being elelll'Nl and fOI'lIlt' I' illlHlb il a n ts 11('/11' th{' 1I00,th-I\"('sl city limits. l\ hollt I:! aC I'{'s of land t11'C illl-oll'{'(1 nnd il is pr'opost'd to pro­I' id(' 35:! low I'ellt:ri housiJlg un its 1"01' low iIU'OIIl(' fam ili{'s,

• • • • • LntC' ill ,[nllwll',I', the ('11ll1ldi1Jll

Lubol1l' COll gl'CSS cndol'sed Ihc



g'1'Il('r',d pl"in('ipll'<; or tht' PI'tlpost'd <":a llildll P ellsioll 1' 11111 bllt 1I ,h lln('('d cI'iti(' islits Hn£! slIg'g'I's liolHi wilh I'C'­gill'd to SO lilt' :-;('I,tiolls, .\ I;uhlllis­sion f1'U1I1 tir,' ('1,(' to lir(' Sp("'iul ,Joint COlluni!1('(' o f t1l(' ;';t'lllll(' alld Commons \\ Iii('Ii is Slll d,l'jug ! he legisllllioll Illls III'{' II 11III d t'.

'J 'he CI,C ill('hldl'd in its 1'{';I;;Qns for g'e!l(' I'alf.l' fHnH'iJlg' tht' hill: " I t

will !)I'O\'idt"', fill' Ih t"' fil''11 liTll(', 11 S,\'s1('1U of WiI:,:-t'.rl·1:lh'(] lWlwfits to lI1eml)(,I'S of lilt' Illhol' flll'('(' 011 :l

"i1'tuall,\' Ilnil·PI .... iJ! S(':rll',"

Crith'ism IIf till' pIau ('llliJl'aced Ih(' flll101dllg point'l:

1'h(' ratio or IWlwfits to (,Ill'lli ngs is too limitNI.

'I'h(' fu nd is t!1'r-iI"('(] in lal'g'1' Jl:tl't 1"1'0111 thOO(> 1('H';t uhlt' 10 ('ollll· jlml(' to it.

'I'hc plan is IJ)' ils Iwllll'(' I'(':!I'I'S­si,'e, in that the Iwilll'iplt, of II 'il/IS­reI' pllYll1en ls II !rieh i'l illlll' I'I'U! in socilr l s(>('ul'it:,>' JUt':I'!UI',''1, i'i III1<1ul,I' l'cstJ"ittC't! lint! t"Ult)I'S Ihu'lt,.' \li lh gl'('atest ab ilit :,>, 10 ('on ll'ilm lt',

'J'he sllppll'nl('n llll',I' I)('nl'ii ts Il I'C d di n itcly lo\\,. pll 1'1 i(' lI!a 1'l,I' b ,l' COlli·

pm'lSOlI 10 similul' hl'nt'fils now anlilahlc IIndt' I' socinl il,,-sisltlllCe Jl I'Ogl';l JllS,

• • • • • 'I'hc ,)a lHwl·.I' i"-~l1C of Cmwdifm

l 'IIII1,JIII' , Iwi1.I'.\\ ill ui ng' ollitial ,1011 1'·

n:tI of the C'mradi:lII La hom' Con. gl'P""', is tl l'l"o1('([ t'!l id l,\' 10 11I'ohl(,IIls of automation mill IJI'odd('s intel" I'Stillg Ill'lieit's lllld 8<ntl'(,(' IImtcl'ial

on this rontl'O\'C I'Sia l sl1 hj('et.

Th(' IllHg'll1.inl' ClII'r-iC'I iI 1i,,1 of 1'(' f CI'I'Il('(' ilia h' I'i,d", . \ 111011 g I hC'1ll II fl'{'(' puhli('ation I' ll ti lled " 11II)llIet nnd Impli('lilions of Ofli(-c Autonrn­lion" hr ,J, C, ) ICJ)OlHrld, Thill ex· ('ellclI!. stu d,l' in('lndes not onl,I' t he dl'r'f'ls of IIUI(lllllltion hilt implir;r· tions fot' II'hitc-colllll' Ot'gH ltiza tioll s.

\\'I'i l(' 10 thc 1)('P,lI'ltl1f'1lt or l."bO\1l', 01l :IW:I, OntuI·io to :.('ClIl'C ;l ('opy. (<":111. No. IJ:!-2Gj i )

• • • • • .\t n Illceting held to ('{'lcimt1c its

i ,3th t\nni\'cl'SHI'Y yCllJ', Ihc CUIl:1-di:1Il 1';I('('II'i('al Assoei:1lioll Jllilde a stt'OIlg- p lcli 1'01' mol'c ('OOl)(' I':1liol1 1)('I\\"('ell ut ilities, mallllfil('ltll'('I'S 11l1d olh('l' 11l'IIlS of lhC' ('h'ttric,:tl ill­

dn.;;tr',\'. C I':.\ I'I'('sidt'nl ,J. )\. 11 11111-bil':'>' madc \'1' 1':'>' el<'tll' I hill 11(' hl'­]jews the hrig-hl fll t urc of Ihe ('le('tl'i(':rJ indu'ill',\' c!t')ll'lHis 011 in-1(,I'.indtl'lII':'>' ('0-01)('1'11 I ion.

T h(> ('h'('II'i(':1l indllstl':'>- in ('anll­tla is push ing- for I:!O,OOO {'I('etl'i­(,lrll.I' , Ilt'atl'd <hn'l1ill!!s in Cmwdn IIr Ihl' ~'l'a l' WiO, All hl'au('hl's of Ih(' el('etl'ieal trade IIIUSt 11"1)1,1, 10-g'l'lirrl' to PI'OITtOtC thi'i g'(IlIt. ho\\,­l'l't'l', i<; ) Ir', I1 anlhh'y'l; hl,l i, ,!'.

'[' his IH'iu('ipl(' i" one ('ll(lol'scd b:,>' JBE\\' 1'01' mOl'C tha n 50 ,\'f'ill'S,

• • • • • A IIC'II"S uotc in r;1('c/riwl " !lsi­

lI(,SS l'(' I)OJ'ls thlll fOl' Ih(' fi l .... t l imp in the hislOl'Y 01" Ihe XO\"lr ~('o l in ),i:,:-ht alld 1'0\\'{,1' Go" Ltd" low l pOWCI' s: ri ('s III J!)65 loppcd onc billion Kw h,

• • • • • A I'rl rnsc by ),:11.0111' ) l inist('I'

LC'slic I?owlltrcc StHt('S IIint a IWljOI' 1'(,OI'g' iotl of the (Jnl nl'io Ln­bom' J]<'pm't mcnt ill to take pl acc, l h 'OI',lrHni w lioll anti ('xpa llsioJl of Ihc J)('pnl'l mcnt will h(' ('ollplC'd with n('1I' cm phas is on ilHil1sll'ial t l'aillillg programs,

• • • • • ('ltllltdli lras I'cg-ain('d SC('()n<i

pia('(! in 1)('1' ('alliIn output umong thC' lead ing na t ioll!! of Ihc 1I'01'ld, aeeording to th(' lalcst in fOl"lIll1-tion <lvai lahle, 'J'h{' l -lI it cd S t at(,s

l<'llds the liMt, 1I11d Swed('11 which ousled Cmladit fl 'om i«!~ond phlec fol' It f~\\' :,>'{'llI", 110W is Ihird, fol· lowed by Swit1.(,I' lmld, 1)1'1Itl1 :ll"k, J-'1';lIICC, West (:crlwlny, 1,\lx{'ltI­bou l'S' IlIl t! Britain ,


Les Nouvelles Ouvrieres

U ;"l CO.\I.\ Il ':\'I{W(.; <11'<; pIlls (>IIIIIIW II 1 11011'1 i;'lIit 1]'1I1]<;1II1S

II 'Otlawa 1) hi fill dt· l';lIIIH~I'; Ii., In lillI" fit, ,'.\ .... "IM·jllrioli (',111;1.111'/1111'

flj· ('ot)str'UdiUII. " UIII' hi IWI'mi""'I' fIJi'l dUIH; It,s dr'nrit,]"S dix 1111'1, ('('lit'

1I'1'!()('ialil}J1 'HlIlS IIds.~lit ]l1'(>\'\Iil'

1111\-111' s'lIl1\'1H1 ir 1111(' pellllri,' d'holllllit's dl' 1Il{·tit'I' Ijllnlifi{>s 1111


])UIlS 1111 Jln,\',! Ill" It' rlriltllllJ,:'('

('1ait Hit jll'(Jblt"1I1(' ('Iml illllt'l, il IIOUs

s('lIlIII(' nwilll!'1I11t11 jlll'I'II,nlhll' til'

(·OH.~tllt(·I· qUi' H tlt-.s 10 pt'\)\,ilu'l's

!)('lI\'I"l\ S'IIIII'lId,'], :'1 HUt' "lIl'l'lc til'

1I111il1 d'IK'I1\]'('_ SI'ul"UIPllt ]'Ile till

l 'dnl'('·E,!ollat'tl I" ' 1'\'ITt'IH'II\'\' IJIII

('11('01'" "lIfli~lIl1LlIIl'lIl dr' 111 IUlIIII

,I'o('U\'I'(' II It'ILI' (11~I)(Nitton.

~i I'.m I'q::lll·til' \('1"" l'an'lIil', 1I1t~1L1l' It's pili" upl illli'ih'~ soul

PtJl'I(>S ;'\ I'ruil't' '1111' 1(' pl'ullli:'IUt' <lu I'hilllllL:"W "('1'11 ('111'01'.' !J;ll"mi IHllL'! dlll'alll luuh' 1"11l1ll('t' rt pU1I1" plll'!il"llI"'I !LllIl{o(,~ 11 WlLil" )(Hll" ee

Ipli "sl ell' III IILHilL d 'O"II\Tr 11011-

'l\laWi(>I'" ('('Pl'lLtlIILlI, si '''('S jll"c..

tlil'lioLis s'lIn"'I'I'ILI l'L'nil'~, II't·,! PI'II

til' IIW' hOIIlIIl('S til' 111(>1[1'1' !o;1'I'OLII l'()I'I'('S tI., ('lh;III('1',

),1' \'OII1ItJ(' ,II' ("')]1,,11"111'111)11 1111

('alLlldn ('ll ]!H,,-) t!1I111ISSI'I'a h' 1111'11.

Inlll cll' !) million" pOIIl' hi pl'('mii"I'l' roi'! tlm)s rtd,luin' till pa.I'S, ('I"'i

11'11I·(>'II.'lIh· till I!ai" 411' I:! jllllll' l'l'"t

pili' l':lpl)()I'1 a l'I'lid !It' I!UiI 1'1 M'I'a Ii-purl i iI II'aWI"i It, lla,\'"

• • • • • Ln \'i!l(' til' \\'illllipl'l-:' n rllil app

li('lllioll '{<('('I1lUII'11t 1111 (;()IlI('I'U("

IIlrnl tilt ) I unilulm ])(JIII' I'IIJlJlI'ohll­

tilm d'\J1I PI" tlomi('ililLil"(' !It' $ 1.:!l-l:!,OOO "all" II' ('('1111'(, /1 (' III \·illc, 1'0111' ('(' rlL i 1"(' 1'011 delTa

demoli l' d('~ In1l(1is (.\ 11'011\"'1' til'

1l0tn'rlllJX IOg'('IIIf'IIIS pOLII' S(''! ()(>('U­pallis ,bill'" It, IWI't! "otlt''il 11(' In \ill('. I.c Pl'ujt'l ('Ollllll"l'IHiL'll IUlt'

'HIIWdieil' d'I'lIIil'on I:! H('I'I''1 ('I Oil "!(' 11I'U]lOS(' 11",\' ('on~II'lJiL'(· :l:i:! lUg'I" IlIt' 1I 1s il prix 11I011itlll(,S ]lOW' Ics fllJlIillc>: de" OIlITit'I'S,

• • • • • JOURNA L FOR fEaRUAn, 1965

clu Canada

Ell jillll"lt'l' 11"I'lIil'I', 1(' ("lIIgT"'S

c1u 1'I'''\";lil dll " H11111111 1'IIt!uo;'lli\ 1"0;

)l1'1II1';PI''': g'\'IIl"I'iltLX 1111 I'lilli til' 1'"II'!iulL plllll' h' t'1I111Itl1I, llli1j" ('11

IIIt'ltl(' 11'!IIp' 1II'()J1oo;ail til" "II;.!:'::I·" liUlI~ ii l'(>glll',J Ih' ('I·I·1;dllt·'! 'l'l'\illll' I.l, {"rl' it o;lIlIllIi, 1111 111'1'1' all

('olllil(' Spt-I'iill ('uujoinl 1111 S\'lIal \'1 tI" la l'lwltlhl'l ' ,II'~ { 'II11111111llt'S

'PII' a )lOlli' lil"ll{' ,1'Pllitli,'I' 11111'


1'1' {"r{' 1(1111 I'll 1'<1\( ,1'['''/1111 l'm lopli()11 , 111 Ilill ,1'l1lll1lil 1"1111'

l'lIis(IllS qUt'; " I I 1'lIlll'nil'<lil P(lIlI'11I

]ll'('Udt"I'(' fllis IIlI '.1''':1'"'1111' 011' 11i'lIe"

fit,(,s PI'tJpIII·rillllll,·I" 1111 o;alail'l' II" I'olll-riel' {,OJU"'I'III' il I'rl"III'IJ,' 11111 \'i'l..,dl('·',

J.('S I'l'ili'ltlt's 111')101'1(>" all ]lllln {>wirllt Ics suhallts'

l.a !1I'ollOl" iOIl Ih,,; 1~lIcli<-I'S pH I' l'alll)()I'[ au l't'\I'11i1 I'sl Iluplilllili'1',

Lc Fond 11I'"I'i('1I1 I'U mHjl'III't'

JlllI'lic <It' ('Imldhuliuns .It' la JI<l1'1 dl' ('elLX (Illi "tllll !t'" IIIUill"! apll'o; :'1

('(lIl I I'ibIIC'"

J.p )lIn II l'sl Irop 1'\' .. ln·ill\ 1'1 1'll\'ol'is\' pl\ls l'I'\lX 'lui SOil I JlIII~ IIp!po; 11 Y"OIlll'illl\l'I',

I,{,s b1:>lI{>/il'l's SlIpp lclJll'1111Iil'I'" SIIIII Il'up milliuw'! pal' "lIPJI!II" tl

I'I'IIX 'Ill" 1'011 IlI'1I1 ollll'llil' ('II \'1'1'111 , I 'illlin's pl'lIJ!1'1I1Il1IO'S tI·II .... "i..:ll1l1l·'· 'o(I\'illll',

• • • • • I;.:;diliou th' jlllll'ii'I' till 1"'u\'lIil

1.'111' , 'an;I,!iI·II. 1'01').:'11111' om"il'l ,III

l'UIlI!I-t'S dll ' l'I',I\'llil I1u ('1111111111

1·,111":11('1'(' pllL..:i"III',; IlIIg-I'o; Ill' '1111

1I'XII' nllx pJ'ohlt"IIII'" tit· 1"<11111111111-lillil ('1 ('olllit'lll 1)III'"il'lll'S 1lI'li('II''i

inl(-n'o;":)lIls SILL' II' SII';I't.

1,·(·tliliOlI 1IIllIS rOlll'llil ('11 lI1i-ulI' 1111 iudex Ill' tlll\'UI1LI'lIlatil)lI~ tli'!' pouihll·'!. l'ill'llIi ('('S cll'I'ni('I's. 1)/1

lLoh' ('n tl,';IIIII'I''! 1111(' puhli('alioll tlllilull'(' "1,(''': illlpli('illiIlH'I tit' 1'1111·

ItIIlla I iOIl .11111<01 II' I I'll \ a i I III' hlll'I'1I11 ., pal' .1" C. ,\ld>Ollllld. edit' i'IUtlt' II<)IIS filiI pal'l II"" (,m·ts til' I'nlll\l'

II1l1lioll t 'l lit, Sl'S iUIJ ,1i"IHillll" ]1111'

1':lJ1pu l'l 1I1t:\ HI'g'lIrli"Jl l illll-; POIi" It,'i

emplo,"cs tit' IIIII'CHII,

'\)11S POIIH'7. H)lIS P"OCIU'('I' till

"\I'lI1plail'l' I'll \IHlS 11<1 1'1' ... 0;11 u\ ill!

.\l illi~It··I'., till 'l'I'anlil il 01\al\1I, [~Hlal'ItI I'll ~' uII'niiolll1<lni rill.!('X '!lIhanl" It '.\'1' nil" l i..!·:!(i I)

• • • • • LOI"i Irllllt' 1'\'lIlIiOI] ('11 !I11l1'g'C

an't' In (,(>I(-llI"nl illll till 7,~,ii"III(' HlIl1i­

It'I'~lIil'I' 11(, 1',h,,(w'inli(JII ('nltadi,'II _

11(' tI" l'EII','ll'i('il(', ('«llp"'i dt'lI1nlllln lilli' pIli": I!I'HIlt!I' l'IIOPt'I'lllilJlI ('ull'C

I"s Hlililes pulJlitl'H'S, I('~ lI11lllllrll{'. 1111'il'l's 1'1 I('s illlll',·S hl'1IIII'h('" lit' l'illdllsll'i(' {>11't'lt'iIIU('. ::;'111 l' I'('"i-

11('nl, ~[ .J .. \1. II nJ1lhll'.I' IIe,'lm'ait il 1'1'111' Ot'l'll"jOIl 11'1(' 1';1\'('lIil' III' 111)11'1' illllu'!II'i(' ":'III1IL1JI1('(' ]11"11'111'1'('

I'll nutnlll 'IIW 111 ('IW)I~l'altoll inll'I'­

illt!IISII'it'!I,' l'ol1lillll('rli iI(' s'anil'­IlIt'I·.

• • • • • I , '11I1l1I"ll'il' {> "'C' I 1"1(1"1' II II ('1I11l1l111

1'~lh"n' ohll'lIil' L1I1 lut;li Ill' I:!O,OOO i",llIllali')lls II<· (·lwuITa!!,(' :1 J"{>It·(,­

!I'il·itl· d'il·i J"nll l~r;O_ 'l'I)lls ks !1!'('I"HI'S til' l'i"dllsll'il' doh'1'1l1 ~' PI';''''I' 11'111' ('()(IPioI'1I1 ion si 1'1111 l'I'lit lIl1l'ilUll't' l'I'1 oh,i"('li!', idUII ! ilil ,\ 1, 11 111111111',\', :-':011'" 1"I'nll'l'lli!{> 11 l'fli­.ioUI·'! (>1(' dll IlIt'IIU' II\"is dUI'nut It". ,-,0 tlt'I'nii'I'I'" II II Ilet's.

• • • • • I 'll ih'lII <1'iJlh~I'i'l dllns la 1'1'I'hc

til' "I'Elt'l'It'iI';Li Blhill('SS" IlOIl": ill-

1"111'111(, lilli' J!lJltI· 1:1 pl·l'lJli~l·t' fllis

,11111<: <:1111 Ili"I(liJ'(·. 111 ('OIlIPIIg'llil'

.'\0\11 ~("oliH Li;.!1 11 ('{ I'UI\"(' I' 11 <1(­

I'n .. ..{' I,' 1!)I.Ll dt' I !JilIioll til' 1\\\' 11 plllli' 1·III\11i't· 1~1f;,"j {'II \"(,IIII's dc JlIIIII u i I' h ,1'1 II"O·e k('1 I' il 11 1('.

• • • • • I'll l'Ollll1lllldllUe tin )Iiuisll'p 11u

'I'1'1I1i1il J.(·slil' IloII'1I11"('(' 1I1l1l' I'nit Jlill'l 1:>:,::all'lIlI'lI\ 1111(' 'h' 111)11111"1'1\"

('hlllll!l'lIlt'lIl" \;('I'tllIl 1'fi'1·(·tm"s il I'ill' 1('I'it'l\1' tiLt tlepnl'llIlI'lll du Il'lInlil dt' I'Onl<lJ"io. It 11';111111' 111I'IIU 1IIUiliS L1I1 .It' ":1" ,·IIlIIIj.!'l'trlt'l1ts <01('1';( ('n"'I'IIIC

tilill" It' IIILI d'llI1lt"li()I'('I' !t,~ PI't)_

I!I'HllllIll'S .I'I'ltll'lIillt'ltlt'llt ilHllIs· ll'il'i ,

(Snill' !)(Iffi' 80)


T 1I0l"GIiT it "":IS :,houl time for an· other ('<Iilioll of tht> ·'l!OII1(>rnak('T'.'j

l-krnpl)()Ok. " "First of nll-nr(' you II u!'krap .. \ni"I'··

That is, {'lin you tnk!' ,-ariou8 ~~t"Jl

!lIll./('rjHl~ ;lrLt! rtHlk{' ~<)!)j{' kind rlf u~"I,I('

iklll ftorn them' ]'m nOi ~o good ilt tlli~ hUL r hUH' a "oH~jn ,,110 i~ !lIP original old "stri!!!:" san-r." SIlt' Ill',"('r Ihrow~

:Lnything aWlly flnd '-\"(-I1II':dly ~br tilld~

H uS(' for it. .':illt> hal< " Girl ~out Troop Hud lUan,l' of j,{'r id"a~ "\'('nHmlly I,..· "omt' proj....,l~ for rh.· I!;rl~ to m"k,· ",,,I Ill«' for /--if,,_, (nl'ors ('t,'. 'fhp), t('gularl)" llLak .. ';-rm,11 J,!'ifls amI Inkl' Ih,'m to an 0101 pt'oph"~ hOllle in rhl'it lIt,'n ,dl('re th,,~· Sri' "lUth a"rr'~'i'Ht'<1 h~' tho:> ]onrl." 0],1 1I<"'<Ipl{'. I hring you a ({'w of m~'

,·ou.~in·l< proj ..... '10 ''''ro', P"rh"]l~ lh{'y will prm;,I., good j.I(,'I" for raillY d'lr p.oj· , .. 'ts [or your child ..... n,

F irecracker F avor s

('ou~in Pt'~n:y t1001l:::-hl it was a shame to W'I~IC all th().~" neat, littl!', frozcn juir!' railS ~,_~he ~av",1 a 1I\I,,,h"'r of II""" ""d alBo """<'(I Ih" ,'II.<I"Ol\r<1 ~IO I)fM'r~ oul of milk I,oul,'s. :;;lIe spray· p8inl.-·,1 Ii ... ,':111,. hrig-hl .. "I. \\"111'1) Ihey wcrl' ,It~', sill' fill!''' Ih ... n wi1h """dl hnrd l'RndiCl', cnt Ih!' milk bottll' stopl'!''''' to fil (any pi{'('e of carubonTd or II<'II\'Y papt'r ean I .... II~I) in~crlf'(1 a IH'a\"~' pi('(:(' of ~'ring in lh{' '·('IIt .... of Ih .. ":Ird­board c ircle, .'l(.'('ured it "'ilh a knOT un·


Homemaker's Scrapbook d,'rncnih RIllI she hud thl' Cllt(,l!t big firt'l·r:l<'k!'. f:(\'oTl' )'011 l','l'r s"w,

'I'll!' fir.-'('r:I,'k,'Tl' were ~o \\"{'li n~'('i\'ed

Ihat sll{' J,la,·,'d IUO'!' jUil'(' can~ 10 uS(' at ChriMnm~ lim". This timl' thl' tins l\"l'rl' paint"d g"ro'l'lI. '1'11(')' WI"'" filh'o! with ,",wdi ,'", pl:lin <':lr,l l ,oAT,1 tOp" in'«'rtrd to holtl them in. 'I'lIl'n Imper CIlPR­Ih.' Iwilllt',1 kill,i-w"r>' ~prn,I,,',1 guld. ~p";llklrtl lI'ilh <'olor('ol l!littl'r flnd i,,· Hrl,'tl till !h,' ~nu,] .\" · tiH,'<1 cans. Th('~' II'l',,· !I,., m()~t )!"lal<lor(>u .• liltl(' ('hri~t"'ns Ir('\'" eWr. ~h!' hat! h!'r Girl tirOU! troop "mkl' ~(ln .. ' of thl'~'" to gil'e ill' gift~ to tlwir fri ... nd~.

f'or E"",u'r. P,'g~'Y !ml-('<i pl;,,,'i\! ,'on, Inin!'r~ thRt had Iw'ld di~l",a~hing " ... lerg,·Ilt. Th .. I'ottoll)~ were I'"t off nllOut :! illl"I",~ high . ,\noth!'r strip wa~ tut froUl til{' houl", and "lippe,1 tn mnk .. n lOll)!" sillg-II' I'i ... ·('. 1I0lf>tO II"(,TI' punril(',1 in this slri" an.] th(' ~id,,~ (If the pirer "ut fro", th,.. Io0tt<.llll of Ih" di'trrgl'nt hottll', aull tl>('n th\' ~t"ip (Ih!' immUI') was attached to ill\' hotto'" (tilt, l,:,~krt) with papN fa~t(',u'r~. 1o' il1<:<1 with grass ,,",t " f.,1I' ('g'g~ two! 1':"~ll'r ("n"oIi,'~, " delight ful ~:as!er hasket fal'or was ,·reatl'd.

Art of Boutique

The nrt of " Hollliqu,," ",m II(' rl·". J,l0 mueh fUll (or )'ou ,,,,,I ."our ,·hilllr!'n. 8R"e all lhe old hrok('n I){'arl~ :HI\I bf-ads. all lhe OIltl I'Rrrinf,'l! and all)" old sc<Juins,

gliller, worn out jewelry ~·ou I'an ohtain. Buy macaroni iu Ule sh<'ll. llO,,··knot :1.11,1 otil"r odd 5/1al)(>",

Sumll tin 1,0:,((,5, Il'wl thl'Itl!\l'II'rs I'pry w!'11 to '·houliqul'·inJ!." Pn;llt Ih" hoxl's j!"old. {J\ ('.;\11 of gold ~prny polin! i~

('a~.'· to U~I', ill,'xll<'ll~i\"(' an.] lI'ill do o1oz(',,~ of itl'lIl~), ~pr"y puiu! ~ollle o[ ,,'nllT ",,,,,,Ironi pi('("'~, gold. "11"" gIll" till) ~old III:\f<'HrOni 1);''C''s 1111 o\"\'r tile top hf your box, :uhlillg II1'nrl~, f«'q"in~ ,

:\11 ohf t'arring' or what lIal'(' ~'ou for "d. 'I''' glamour.

A small square rand.'" or "':lk(' tin Ilms I'an h" "ollw'rwd 10 a gla11l0rolls j!'\I'cl r~' hox. :\ small round o r SlI"are tin ~urh a.~ typ .. ~lI'ritl'r rihhOIl~ ~ome in. will IIHtk(' :t eharming j"wtlr)' hox for a 81)1'Cilll ring" ur pill. whiT(' 1111 a8]Jirill till ,';111 he ,·<)I1,·"rl(-".1 10 a dmrlllin~ pill hox.

T hings t o M ake

Well, ""oug-iI of S(' rap art for t hi.' is~ue. 11 0II'el','r, ir this pH~UjlU" i"tcr(,~t~ you "~I)(.'('ilill.l', thl'rr'R Ii Iii!]" monthl." rnag"\l'.ill(' t1"I'Ot('{' ()hielly to items to 1)(' m"d(' from !II'rap lIU1l"riuis l)ut whieh in ­cludes in formation on ,ut n~d'(' work, ..J<ihl r('n·" projects (plll~'$ elr.) which ~'ou mig-ht I'''joy. I t i~ 1'"IIt'd ' ·Pa('k·o, Fnn" and St'lls for 35 cents I!. ('oP)'. Each i",'<u" lists a numher of bookll'ts which 111:1." I ... Imr'·ha....-d-for iUlIlanCl', "11011' to ~Ia k(' Sock Toys," "FUll With ~I a~h·

mallows," "~'('Il Proj('cI8," "Gay I}('("or;l' tions." Ynu migJ'L likr to !\t.,<,un' a ('op~'

nf I hi~ liulr lIul.ga1.ill(, IIUtI get lots of i,h'lIlI for things to make nlld do. Ad­dre~M; Pa~k·o·F'un, 14 Main !=;trf'('t, P,nk Hi<!g(', [11inoi~. Spn,1 ~5 c ... "t~ pillS JO cents to cowr ('ost of I'>/)Stag,'.


lIouBellold Uinta

~uw for :t fl'w littl" hOIl~l'kt'{'l'inG hilLl'"

11,1'" .""\1 <'l,'r Iri,·.J 10 1!I,ur n 1i'llIi .. hulU 1\ hlrg.· ,""till' inlo 1\ ~lIulll loon]" :lu.1 ]",1 u J(uu.1 I'urliou ur II,,' "onh'nh in "" .luiuJ(!

1I,'ro"~ 1\ lilll.' Iri"k Il,nl 'Iill ",In 11,,' tri.·k." 11111111"'" " "",'hpi"k /\11,' I"""" il n"r"'~ tliI' ",,,ulh "r II,,' Inrl!"'r I,ull"," I'wrl n lilll,· I'TI'''lIl,' "ith ~'ullr

r" .. ·liu1:,·r In''nr.l~ IIII' bud. "r IllI' ""III.·. '1"1,,'" II~ .1"11 ,lOur Ih,· li'IUi" (.j" il ~"I\'(.") il lIill 1'1111 .I.mll Ih.· t"olh I,i,'" lIlI.1 illl" II,,· 'tllull IK.lth'.

I)" "Oil ~"III,'lill"'~ 1111.1 1'.mr",·lf in 'H~',I "i II lilll., ""'''''1' .,111'11 IlilillJ,:" ,'nu, 1'1l"1, ~"h ,·.·lInr "r 1111)" ~lIulli r"'·'·l'l1 ... I.'1 1I"ul ,I ,,111"li,' ~J!"ou 111 I,',y IWI \\,ult'r uUlil it·~ pli""I,' II"" 11 ... 11 1"'n,1 II", !li,lt,s lIl' I., '1IIIk,· II 1"'rr'~'1 lilll.· ""0"1'.

For the Omce Gir l

.\",\ I"'n' nr,· U "IlIII'I,' "r lil'~ f"r II,,' .. rn,·,· girl. \\'1"'11 .,·ou·r,' '."I'ilil" "" .\'Im "ft"11 ]111'" It l<m\l,IIo:,~1 ~I~'I IIln'n' ,""u'1'/' "rll"',I, 1~~':ul~1' "IHIT ,·rn",·r "n_ ,lirh-! :-:"""'h 1II1~' " .. 'II;" .... "f N",.II'nl~·' I" Ii .. , ~i.lo· "f y,,"r 'YI,,'utill'r. It"l, ..... "r .·r",,"', .",'t il III .·I,'nll it. II uill ~:l\'.'

r"I"':!lill,!!' "",.k ]H~'I1"~" "r 1t1"_~." "rll~II"·~, I:"'r ]U'"' 'r<J"I,I,' I-:,·ttill,!!' I< I"rg"

nu,uIM'r of ~11I~'I~ IIr 1'''I~'r 111111 II"'ir f""rl","~ i"tll ~'''''r I~'IH'\\ ril"r 1""'1I1I~" of ~lil'l'lIg,,? ~Iip 1111' tlilp IIr till "III.'IIIIH' ""'r I".' '''II ""I-:"~ of til<' ._I" .. 'h IIIHI tlt"11 r,,11 11'rolll:"h. '1'10., "IlI"I"I'" \lill 1",1tt tl ...... I"'I'I~ ill Ill",'" n.~ 11,,·\' go ,hru,,!!I, ,I", roll"t

011,· "f lif,"~ lilli" nlilltl~'nll""~ i.~ '" IUH" III<' oIoor hnudl,' Oil II f"nl,in"1 "r ,Im' ... ·r pnlJ "IT \lhill' Ih., ,1'Wlr i~ 1'1""",1.

YOII 01.,"', """,1 'I) II •. " il "I"'''. 11"'1'·10 for Ih., "1'11I'''I~.'·~ fti.·,,01:· II ... 1,1'(I,!!,'r. I'h,,'" Ih., I'hlllg," ",','r I],,· ~I'''I \I h"rl' 11.;· I,",,,n., or 1,,,11 \\'U~. If th,'r!' i~

~lIflki"lIt "111'11"". tl,,· ol,,!)t \I ill "P"II c:,~il~',

HOllsewives Beware

011,' "f Ih., Mr.".,- mi",I,',1 J.:"IIII"""'1I ill Ollr "!Ii",, Io:n',· II~ II", folln\\illJ.: i .. r",'"'''' Olin ","1 -1110:1:"",,·,1 th,u II<' I'n"~ it 011 10 II ... n·"oI,·r.' "r "lit .1,,1'1:"',11.

111l1I ... ·wi,,·~ 11""IIT4" ~hlll." hllll~.'wi,,'~

Ihrllll::-l'HI\I Ih,· '·""ntr." 11111" 1""'11 1111-kno"illgl.,' '"luluf",'IlIring /miJlflN ,/I,JI in ,twir ki,,.J"·n~. '1'1",.', .Iu 'hi~ I,.,· mill"illg: 1\ .. "mlll'fI·«,1 1'1"", ... , N'illt ,,, .. m'min frlllf r tlr rjN' II'''. :"nll~' ""'IIII~illl"

,'o",I,·r ... It"'\ ',",u.,'h"I01 Inu""r." 1,1"1\,·10,-." <'''nl:lill '(I.hulli h.'I~"·hl"ril'" :.Ii ... ,·,llIith umnu,nill. II .. • ~<"Iill'" hYI"M'hl"ri\l' pro· \IUt·.·~ f'I/I'''''~'I' ."' •. \I,x",1 lIith "i,wl:"nr it l'ro<llI""~ .,ltlo" .... lifO.'. ItHlI, I:II ... ·~ Itt<·

Jloi~'Ill<)\I" ~"tn,· ,I,· .. ,h .. lu",' I.·,·u n" porl, .. 1 frum thi~.

\\",11 ]",Ii.·., ] gu,·~. Ihul oI, ... ~ il (or "ti~ ''''''lIh. 1,,,1'" .""11 11111<' fUll lI'ilh ... ·r.'I' 1II1II,·ri"]~' ~"lId U~ .'-"lIt i,"'''~. \\""11 1"1'. Ih('", .'11. Hl'" ~'Oll 1I"~1 munt!!.


Fancy Chicken Recipes Chickens :1I'e so inexlJenllil'e !'ight no\\', Ihe)"re just about the best

bet for family 01' conlp;my Itinne,·s. tlo\\'('\'el', if )'ou're tircd of having them the i<.:lllle ohl \\':I~'-~le\\'~I, lmkl"1, fril',l why not try:

:! cups cookcd fhirken picce. I ~ cup cookNI IW:!!' :! 1-07.. cans hutto!1 'l1ushroom~

( about I', CUI'II mU8hrOlllllli, lli':linefl)

Milk (enough tc> make] cUI,liIIUid) " CUI' I)imiento strip.

I t;.hle.s"oon min"1'I1 I':.n<lcy

tah]('.~I,,,on minced rhh'CS tnhll.'SI"'OIl mint'ed onion

I, ("up butter nr m:l l"garine /i lllhl('~l)nUm' 11,)ul" ] tea"JI,,,)t1 :>.'Ilt

F,'w gminll "ar{'nn(' I'CPPCI' Fcw gl'ain~ nutlll{'g'

:1 I'gl( yulk!l, ~IiKht!y heatcn :.! ('UIJ~ Ihif'k !<Our cl".':\m

ScI out a douhll' hnilCJ' Ulld " chafing dil'h. CUi illto bite-six.e picces enough cook..,11 ("hickl'll to yil'ld :! ('u II/< ('""k{'(1 I'hi('kcn pi('(·('s. Rct out Ileas. DI'ain, resel'ving 1i<IUid, (',)Ilt{'nt~ of mu!<hl'l)Om._. Add milk to nlUshl'oom liquid allli set :1.'Iidl'. I'repare :lIId ~et .'I~i(I.· I)imiento strips, minced IJarsley, minl'l'd chiws and min("cd onion. Hcnt in t(lll of double boiler butter 0" mal'!:':II'in(', Add tht' minccd onion; cook 01'1'1' medium heat, stirring OCl'asionally. until onion hi tmns)larcnt. Blend ill nou,', salt, caycnne 11('1)IlCr amt nutmeg, II l'nt until mi'(lul'c bubbl{'ll. ill'mo\'e from hcat :\1111 add mu~hroorn liquid allli milk graduallr, whilt' stirring constantl>". J(plul'n to hcat and cook until nlixtUI'C thil'kcns, !'.tirring l'0IIst1mtly. Cook 1 to :! min. longer. Hf'mo"e fl'llm h('at and \'iJ.;"ol·ously stir :loout 3 tablespoons of the hot mixture into .. lightly beaten egg yolks. Immediatet>' hlend into mixture in doublc boilel·. Cook Ol'er simnu-"'ing: lI'alCI' 5 to 10 min .. Ot· until thol'oughly hc:\tcii. Slir sloll'l)' ttl kccp mixlul'e ("Hoking e'-cnly. Ih'lIIo\'c frulll h('at :lIld with a FI'{'nch whil), whisk beater or fork. \'ig(lrOllsly stir into hot mixtuI~ in "el'Y lIlllall amounts of SOUl' cream. i\!i ll" in the rnilwed ]I;lrl1lc)', ("hivcs, pimien to stri ps, pens, mushrOOIllS and ("hkkcn IJi{,I'(·II. Cook Ol'cr simmering lI'atcr , stil"fing ('onstantly, :1 to r, min .• or until tho"oughly heated. T urn illtO ch:lfing l!ish hlazer :tnd kcel) hot O'-Cl' thl' pan of simillering watc,'. Sel"'ell G.

• • • • • H,\ ti: tm Cl II C K t:~_ITJ\ I. I A;\ STYLE

f"ring chicken, :! to 3 lillI., re:ldy-to-l'ook weight

12 ("UI) nOUt,

] I ~ teaSlloons salt I leaslloon mOl1oso(lium gluta-

mate I .. teaSpoon red pe]lller 14 teaspoon ulal'k 1)('P]IeI' Cooki ng oil ,\lid me]teu buttc i' or

margarine to at lcast 1~_in. (Icjlth

" t.1lhlclll)l)OIlIl cooking oil and huttcr llI('diull1-!<iz(' onion. "Iiccd

':I CU ll flnel)t chopped grecn pePIICI" 1 dOl'e K:lr"lk, 'ninn'"

!l'~ ("UI'" (:-:0. :!12 ("lin) tomatocs ~ IIIhl('!<I)Ouns I'hOlll)('d Ilarslcy

I~ t " :O~ I")(m oregano

Grease a 2-(1t. l'a.s.~el'ole having a tiKht-fitling covel'. Set OUl :I largc. he1l\'~' skillet. Clean chicken. (I( chickl'n ill fmun , th:,w ;Ic('ording' to directions on IJIl.:;kage.) Oisjoi nt chicken lilld ('ut into serl'ing-size pief'es. Ilinse and pat chirken pieces Ih')' with [Ibllorhcnt IlHller. '1'0 coal chickcn c\"cnly, shake 2 or;l pieces l' t 11 time in 1,l;llItic bag l'ont:lining a mixLUI'e of nour, snit, monol'Qliium glutanHlte, I"cd pePIIcr :lI1d black pellper. Sta,·ting with mcaty ,Iil'res or rhi('kl'n. "IUI'I' thl'n) I<kin-!<ide Ilown in hot skillet containing cooking oil and nwitl'll butter or l1largnrine to at le.'lst lz_in, del)th. Put ill Ic~s flle:lt)' "icct's of chicken as othenl brown. To bl'Own all sidl';<, tUln as neCl'J!l511"), with tong!! or two spoons. W hcn chil'ken is e"enl)" h,·oWIll'f1. 1'f'llIO"{, rhi("ken to ralOSerole, lIe:lt in a skillet cooking oil :lnd butter, Adll 111111 cook until onion iii t'-:lI1sp:u-enl, sUrl'ing oecasionally, slited onion, choJIIll'd green PI'PI)CI' IIl\d I)linc('(1 clove gal"lic. Force tht'ough ;1 "ie\'c into thc sallll' "kHlet tom:ll()('s. Stir into skillet llliXtUl-e choPII('(i pan;ic)" :11111 01"('1(11110. Brin" 'nixtul'c to boiling; pour over chick('n. CO\"~'r and hake at :!1i0 degrees F, 30 to 35 min, UnCO"CI' and bake 15 to 20 min., or until chicken ill h·nder. Garnish wilh spJ"igs of prl1'sle>', Sf'J"I'es <I 01" n.

APPALACHIA-P HE~ I J) I<: ~1' .IO Jl X~O~ ' S

Will" on /'0\'1'1'1," IH'Ol11i,,<,<I in his I IlHu/orur,d Addn's.-''; j.t'ut off to a ~oocl stlll't cnd.\" tid .. 1II0111h when tilt' S~mllt(' \'ol('d llJllll'Ond of the hig-h.priorilY bill aliQ)('nlrd h~' the Ad til in i'il rnlioll- t lit, . \ pplIllI~'hilln Ih'd,'n>lopIII('1I1 bill Till' ~"lIat(' \'ole wa~ nn on'I'\\lwllllinl-{ G6·2~ and inllllcdhlt('I.\' follow!lI/.: it, a I [ouS(' Subeommitt(,(, OIH'IlNI 11<' :11'· iUj..FS 011 the $1.1 hillioll 1II,'ll""rt',

'I'ht' I'I'l'sif\C'1I1 slall'lI thaI hI.' hupl·d Ihe Ht'lIlItt"S "vPIT pl'olllpL ILdiulI" wOl1ld 1.1(' "n'IH'IlH'd b.I' Iht­I loll"'{,." 1'I'(I<;i\l<'1I1 .JOhINIII lidded lh:11 the SCllllt(> \"011' "ilHliC'lltcs !lalio)!:!1 COIl('('I'1l o\'t,], tht' ,>p('('ia1

pl'obl('ms of nil 11 ·"llIlr 11]','a which hns )lot shal'('d full,\' in thr nation's ~{,II(,l'al c('onomi(' }!I'owth.·'

The PI'{,sidl'nl hillisI'll' Iwlppel 10 PI"OIllOt(' ~wift pns.";;I)t:I~ nf ,h(' hill in the Sl'Ilnl(' h." l'l' la."ill}! Ihl"(lu~h S('nlll(' ~ I ajorit,\' L!'ail(,t· ;\ 1 ikl' :\1 allsfi('ld II is lI ..... U 1':1 11('(' 11111 I eorn­pUI'/lhlf' 1)I'Of,rI'lIm .. 1\'()\lhl 1)(' ])1'0-

])0,«'<1 fo\' oth('I' I'('goioll", An , \ ppnhl('hia hill p:l .. s('d the

8('1MI(' ];Isl ,\'l'lII' huI lli('d in the lI ous(', Il otls(' ])l'm()('I'atif' 1('lIdcl's ('ouldn't connl Oil thl' \'olcs to pass it, ('\'(,11 though it had 1)('1'11 111'­pt'O\'cd b." thc Puhli(' \\'QI'ks COIII­llIilll'(' and I'I('al'('(1 h." Ihl' Hulcs C'OlUmittee. 1I 0W('\' ('I', th(' outlook is rollsidcl'ahl." 1il01'C oplimistie fOl' thi" ('ong'I'('s,,>, .'lin{'(' Ih(' 1)~~mocl'ali{' mlljol'il,\' is 'iubsIliulially 11I1'gol'l' fol­lowing thc :;\'O\,{'IIlIWI' {' IN'lions, Thc .Adminisll'lIt iOIl ('UII (,OUllt Oil somc 30 to -10 more \'otl'S,

The Scnatf' hill prmidcs that titf' bulk of IIt(' fUlld .. for ,\]lpn lnthiall l'cdc\'(' lopmcnt- soJtl(, *~-I O million -would go 10 build :!,~j;''iO mil('s of hi~IL\\, lInd 1000 tuill's of sl'{'ond­III'." I'oads, 0\'('1' 1I fi\,f"~'('l!I' pf'l'iod,


T ill' i ... ollltiOIl of t IL(' IlH)UlltlliuOllS 1'f'j!'iol1 of APPllluclL ia. tOg'l'Ih{,I' with its d('plctiOIl or ('on1 IlIld ti llllx'l' 1'('."Olll·CCS, i ... ('ollsi(I{,I'l'd Ih(' IIWjOl' handi('ap to its .' (·onomie I'('C'On'I'.", Olhcl' Ill1ljOI' JU'(l\'isiolls of Ihl' hill would ('"lahlish IlI'lIlth facilili.'s, I'('e)altl;}tioll of hltHl II1l1d(' halTf'1l hy strip mining, soil find I i III 1)(' I' l'f'd('\'('lopmelll, \\111l' I' 1'('­

SOIll'('('S stnd.", and extl'a fllnds fOl' \-ocatiolllll cducation :IIHI olh(' I' prO­gTllIlIJ.! l'('qllil'ing F'('lll'l'1l1 Idd,

Whilc Ihe .\ ppahlchia hill was still ill h(,lll'illb"S 1)1'1'01'(' tIL(' :-l('lIale ('Ol11ll1illf'(' Oil Public \\"ol'l,s, Ihe A !,' IJ-(' I O "'11'01l~1 ." 1L1'I!C'tI il'" pH"'­sage but Ild\'O<'OlI('d addiu!! Imlj!lI-

DON'T BUY BOSS GLOVES SlI'ik.'s 1'01' ha"i\· i;;'<m''', ill­

\'oh'ing >;0111(' GOO work,'!,". 111'(' ill PI'O('I':;"" al I ltre'(' plILIlI'< 01' til\' Bo" ... i\llIllni'al'llll'illg ('0,

'I'his is Oll{' of Iht' 1llIlion's 1IlI'~l'st mauul'lIl'llIl't'!'!! or work 11111\ illclu ... 1 rial g'lo\·p ....

.\ I1lIl11 b{' 1' Ill' multi . plllll!. ,'Olllp1l1 Iie ... , im'lul l ill;.t' (ll'IIi'I'al ('abh' IItHl IH',\ , l,illt,'1' ~.;('II

t tu'il' wo rkCl's Hm," g lon's or slipply th('IIl, \ \ '(' a ... k om' 111"1111)('1''; 10 S11PPfl]'1 tltt·il' fl' l­low lInion Jl\Pl1lh('I'" ill IIH' .\ lulII;tall1l1l('d ('Iulhiug' \\'nl'k ­('rs hy I'f'fn"illf!' to 1m." Bo ... .., I!'lo\'('s, If Ihl' (, lUp1n." !' I· '<IIP­pli('<; thent. a .. k lilt' l'OutpUIl."

10 11i<;('olltinll'" plll'I·llIl., ... of Ihi.., Imllui.

Bo .... " ~Io\'('s may b(' idl'llt i­fiNi £'illl('1' hy a lalw l whi"h nUl,\' inchllll~ i,,, IIl1ll1f'. 01' by its n:"[ numbl'l's- :\O, 1:!!Jii 01' No, 1 ;J(j7 .1 "

11g'l' \\ Id,·!t woul d gUill'll n~ll i n .. t " pll1l1l pinll'Y and 1'111HI\\'fly f'1II ­plo-",(,I's. "

'I'his 1'(,<'OUll1lcndntion was acloptf'd ll11d included in thc bill as p1l<;'''f'd h,'- the Scnate,

Rtal{'s wltieh Me incimlNl for p1l1'tif'ipHI iOIl in some phaS(' of lit{' Appa];lchill hill, ;}I'e Penns."h·;lllill, \\'{'st \ 'il'j!iniu, ,\l al'yland, \ ' il'l-rillin. Ohio, l\{,lItll<'ky, T(,llI1e>;.<;{'e, KIll'lh (':II'olil\:I, ~ollth C'nl"Oliml, (h'ol'l~il1 alld .\Inllllllili.

I II hi" testimony I)('fol'(' Ihl' S('lIal(' ( 'Ollltttitl('(' priol' to Jl:t""aj!(' or th(' A PJl:tI:I('hilll1 n('~donlll J)t' ­WIOJlIII(,llt ;\ct, the .\ 1-'1 ,-(' 10 spokesllwlI w:II' II f'(] that Ihe pl'Ilh-1('llls of Appalachia and olh('1' d('­pl'('ssf'd l't' /!ioIlS \\"I'I'C Il 101lg-1 ilHf' ill lit{' IIInkil1g' :lIld will IIQI hi' quil'kl." O'"('I'COllle, "And arf'1l d(,· \'('lopll1('111 l)J'o~ I 'all1s," II(' added, ;'('alillol Stl~I'('('d at all unit' s.. .. Ihl' ,\ lIwri!'un £'1'01l01l1,\' IlS n whole is gl'owing'.

"lIl1fUl'lUllatcly, pel'Sist('nt tl ll ­

emplo,"ll\('nt and po\'('I'I." (';"111 eOIl ­

lillu(' ill df' I)J'(' ....... NI llI'ellS llnd in Il c1('I)I't'~"i('<1 I'<"j!ioll Iikc . \ pp:till('hill C\,('11 dU l'i ug' l im£'s or Iltll ionnl pI'O~­P(,l"il,\', Bul wil hout nalional )WOs­p('l"ily, withont Illl ('xpmldillA' (,OOIlOIll,\', without IlCW job 0])])01"

IUllit i('s OIX'llillg np, we ('11111l0t C)\»('('t (,\"('11 t he best of /lid 1)1'0' gol'l1lll"'; fOI' depl'cssed al'{'as 10 he SlJ('l'{' .... " rill. "

In olltl'l' \\'OI'(ls, oqwllizcd ];llJOI' is !,p'lItifi<'d h." tIl(' good sllll'! IIll1d(' hy the S('lUlle, It looks fol' COIll ­

parabl£' IlI'lion in til(' 1I01ls£', lI ow­C\"cr', it also looks 10\\'111'd pUS.';;llgf' of adtliliOlI.ti goals-an in(,I'('11M' in Ih(' minimulII Wllg'f', lInd I'('dll('tioll of tIL{' sland:II'd WOrk \\'('('k, fOI' ('xalllpil', to stl'(,ngth thc (,CO I \lHIt~·

of 0111' IIlItion lIS {I whole,


d------,.--r---t---''<----+-f Res e arc h

A s)J{!tiul Cabinet· level Comm ittee on Corporate I'ension Funds and Othe l' Pr-i l'atc Ilctircmcnl and Wel­fa re PrOJl"t':lm!l was :llllJoill lcd by I'rCHilll'lIt .John Kennedy in ~larch I!Jm! lu I'{'vil'w legi~luti\'e and :lIlmill­istrativ(, I)racticc relating to these IlroKram~. The~1' conclusions and ree· ommellllation~ of the Cabinet Com­mitll'(' !teport conlirm the soundness of the position whkh the Department {Jf Jt(·scarch :l11([ Educlltion has been ;u[w)t:lting on \'('sting, funding, :lmi the usc of )lrh:ltc ]>ension plans 3.H a supplement to the Social Security re­tirl.'lllelll ])rogrum.

Among the il('ms include([ on the CommiUee's ;lgCIl(ia was a J'('\'iew of the irn]lIicatiOI1~ of the gTowing re­li r'cment :l!1d welf:lrc fu nlls for the linan('[:l1 !;tl·ul·tUl'e of t he economy, a~ w('11 a~ a l'{'vif'w of the roll' ,111 01 char­acte r' of the private !lenSion and other retil'cllu'nt ~ys tem!i in the economic !ict"u l'ity syst('m of Uw n;ltion, a nd con~i(ler';ltion of how they may con­t l'ibuU' more ('fT('ctiv('ly 10 efficient 11Ia11110w('r utilizatiQIl aurl mobility.

In J anuary 1!163. P resid('nt Ken­nedy asked the Advisory COlllmittee 011 Lahor-l\IallttJ,tement I'olky, of which Int('rnational SI.'Crctary J oseph IJ. Keen;tn is ;I member, to consider the tellt;ttin' f'('Coml11cJ1llatiollS of the Cahilwt Committee as cmbodied in a provisional repor t. T he report of the Adviso l'~' ('ommi ttee was s ubmilted to I' res i del1~ J ohnson in December 1!J63.

Reporl Urged Chonge$

The report of l he C;lbinet Commit­tee in it,. final fo rm was submitted to I' rcsi ,lent .J ohnso n o n .J a nuary 15, I!)(; r, . T he Pl'e~i dcnt released the COI11 -l11it tee ' ~ recoll1ll1eJld"tions with a re­(Iue~t l h(l t t hey I"" !;tud ied by unions, el11 p loyer~, the puhlic a nd Congress,

The report urged changes in cu r­rent law in three arens-two throuJ,th ;U11e11t l ment~ to the In terna l Hevcnue Code rCt lu iring pri\'ate I)!ans to pro­vide "Vest ing" if they want tax ex ­emption and ca ili ng' for 1110l'e s t rin­gen t f unding of liabilities; and amendment of the Welfal'e and Pen­~iol1 !'lallS Di!wlosurc Act to l'equil'C "disclosure of llddition(ll info l'mation" on fund il1 vestments.

VesUng-gh'ing an el1lJlloye the right to a 1)el1sion whether or not he stn~'s with the cOlll pany- is now Ilro­videtl i ll sollie foml by two out of



thl'ee }J 1'ivate pell~ion plans. Some 1)la115 give the full accrued pension bene fit to al1~' l'111IJlo),c who l11ect~ the "Ian rt"-luir('l11cn t ~, such ;t ~ age 'iii anti I() YC:lrs of ~f'r\'ij'(', Othe rs give on ly a lJercentaW' of tlu' full hl'l1efit to those who meet minimum rcqui r c­men!!i al1ll illt're;lli(' the p('rcl'lItage as the emJlloye :uh'an(:{'!i in age and ac­quires (llIde.1 ycar!l of M'1'\·iee.

\ ' pstillg is in the puhlic illlere,;l, the Committee say!;, sil1t'c thill IIlakl's 11ri­vate IJensions !lI'ailable 10 more em­Illo)'e~ and make!'! it ))o~sihle to mo\'e from onl'ioh t" another without lo~­ing acertH' .. 1 I)NIsion henelil~. The Fe(lel'ul :-;\,wd:u'd !;uggestetl ill vesl­ing t}lle-half of I Ile aCl'I'l1('11 Il-enelil after I .. yea l'~ !\(' I'\'ice 1111t! the full henefit a fler 2() YCHI''';, l~gn1'l1Ie~s of age. The Lnhol'-:'Ila nagcl11cnt I'C llort had sU);,g'l'stefl that \'e~ting shou ld he-

g-i n aHcr \0 years ~I'r'\'ice. 'I' ll(' ve:-;t­ing provision shou ld nl~o :tll ply to m ulti-elll ployer I)!ans, even though most of them already pprmit pmllloyes to carry pcnsiol1 ('('edits with them when the)' shift johs within the area cO\'ered by the pbn,

Presideol Spe oks OUI 00 Pe nsion$

Pre~i,lel1t ,I ohn~on noted, in hill J:111-uar}' 28 ('<:onomie meS!iagt' to Con­gn~s!;, that "failul'e to Kiv!' thl.' worker a right to hi!l pcn!;ion, if he ~hould change his employment, hnmpers la­bor mobility" :\llli "in !lome illlit;mces, absence of full fUllIling has imperiled retirement incomes,"

T he Heport suggests that a IJl'inl le or govern11ll'ntal cleal'lng-ho\\se should be established to provide "po rtability" of IJemion cl'edils (lnd thillk~ this wou ltl enable many ~mllll companies



Bureau of labor Statis t ics







(A) NEW REVI SED INDEX SERIES '-Reference Base, United State$ Averag e , 1957-1959 _ 100:-

Dec. Nov. Oel,

Dec. Dec. Dec.

Dec. Dec.

196<1 1964 1964

1963 1962 1961 1960 1959

108.8 108.7 108.5

107.6 105.8 104.5 103.9 102,3

106.9 10 6 .8 106.9

105.4 103.5 102.0

102.9 99 .8

107 .8 107.7 107.6

106,9 105,2 104.4 103.8 102,3

106.6 106.4 106,2

lOS ,S 103.9 103,5 103 ,2 101.9

1 10.5 11 0.0 109.4

108.9 108.0 106,0 104.0 105.5

11.4 .3 114 .2 114 ,0

Not avail· able

' Slgr(ing wil" J g~u"ry 196.( New Rev i.ed Index Ser iu (" . e., I" m"y unih in( lud ing ; u,,1 w"r ~ e .. li ving "I"n •. Sef" .e th,,( dat e Ihe Indu, (O¥e" lomil , uni u of (w" '" m"re pen"n. "nly,

NOTE,_lncre" •• I". ALL tTEMS d u.;n g po., 12 mo nlh . ... g. t. 2 Inde . Poinh , o. \ 1%

In<'~" •• ,,,, P<I" ",,,nth ... ," 0 .1 Ind., . I'o'nh. g. 0 1'10.

(Bl OLD INDEX SERIES- Reference Base, United States Average, 1947-1949 = 100, Dato for All ITEMS COMBINED.-

Dec . Nov.


196.4 1964 1964

13] .5

133.4 133.1


Dec. Dec,

1963 1962 1961

132,0 129.8 128,2


to provide pension plans ror their em­"Ioyes by lrnnsrerring their pa)'ments 1llld the rceord keelling to the dear­ing-house.

The Committee Rel>ort points out that public policy has encouraged the adoption or private pension plnns ns a supplement to Social Security through favorable tax treatment of contribu­tions to such plans. The Ilrev:liling tllX Ilroviflions for private Ilcnsion plans make it I>ossible to provide pri­vate pensions at a substantially lower cost. The lOllS or re\'enue to the Fed­erlll Governmellt as a result. of this s ilceial tux treulmen! is estimated to be more than $1 bilJioll dollars un­nultlly. The public pension program will continue to be the Nation's basic ins tnullent foJ' a ~!!ul'ing l"e:lsonably adequate retirement income for work­ers, their widows and dcpendents.

l)rivatc Ilcnsion plans should con­til\\IC as a major elemel1t in the Na­Lion's total retirement security pro­gram. Their strength rests on the lIupplementntioli they ('an provide to the basic llUblic system.

The Committee ('onclusion 011 vest­ing is that us a matter of equity and fa ir trentment, an emilloye cO\'ered by a pension phln is enlitle<l, after a rca­!IOnnhle period of, to Ilrotcction or his futul'e retil'('ment benefits against nny tennination of his em­Illo)'ment, lind \'esting enhances the mobility of the work force.


There al'c still a few nPlm::ntice­shill traininl{ PI'0g-I'am8 in the states that are not u!'ing the N"lllional Course for Allprentice Inside Wire­men. Now hI the lime for those com­mittees to take a good look nnd com­pare the "National Course" with whatever is being u~;>(I.

The "Nntional Course" will IJro\'ide a foundation fol' fUIII progrnm. Those having the money cnn add the recom­mended film8 nnd demonstration units_ Thoij(' having extra t ime and focilities call SUlllllemellt the ('OUI'se in any way thl'Y choose. Rut . f,lI the fundamental inrol'mation contained in the "Na­tional Course" should be taught to e\'ery al'llrentice in ou r ind ustry.

AVAllAllll r y 0' rHE MATUIAl

When Illncing orders ror any ma­terial produ('e(] hy the Nationa] Joint Apprenticeship :11141 Training Com­mittee, do it through the sccretary or chairman of )'OUI' JATC, 01' the local


S'Orldo,dJ for FUrldirl9

f'unding IItandanls were al!;() stud­ie<1 by the Committee which concluded thnt pension plans without adequnte fund ing may turn out to be emllty or only l>artinlty fulfilled promises. The minimum standard!! for fumling do not assure adequate funding. The setting of stnndnrds for adequate funding', therefore , hecomes an imJ>or­tant IlUblic concern.

The l)re:;Cnt minimum standards for funding need to II(> litrenJ{thl'ned by changes lilong the (ollowing hnes:

I. As 11 minimum slallilunl of fund­ing' for state<1 Lenefit "Ians, the Illan should be r<'<luired to fund fuHy nil current ~e r\'ice liabilities and to amortize fully all accrucd liabilitics O\'er:l period Ihnt roughly approximatc» the IIverage work life of employes, but not more than 30 years. 2. As II n1lllmHI111 st:lnd:lrd for funding of fixed contributiOIl IJlans, the contribution commitments or the Ilian should be realistically re­lated to benefits promised and actually paid. 3, The funding IJracess of e\"ery qualified plnn should be certified at the inception of the 111:In lln{1 pe­riodically thereafter by an actuary with acceptable IJrofessiollal quali­ficationll.

4. The funding l>roceslI should be subject to re\'iew by the Internal Revenue Service on thc h:lsi8 of guidelines ..... ith respect 10 such actunrial ~lIumlltions, n. Pension fund Mllets should be evaluated nt the time of Itctuarial certification. 6. A transition period should be provided, and sllCeial procedures made lI\'llihlble to plans whoS(' costs would be increased by more than 10 percellL as a result of the recom­mendatiOIlS Oil funding and \·esting. A system of insumnce which, in the

event of certain typcs or termination, would ~1'I8ure pl:111 particillnnts credit for acc rued benefitll, is recommended.

F;1igibility 1'equi!'cmenls should be reduced from a maximullJ of fivc years to throe years,

Integration with OASD I would be allowed to continue, but the employer should be gh'en cl'cdit for no more thall one-half o r the social !'CCuril)' benefit.

Representativc costs of the pro­posed ch:lI1gell in vestin!:, have be('n esti mated by Governm('nt Itctuaries under a variety of aSSUllllllions in­cluding high, 10 ..... , and moderate turn­o\"cr COl' emlJ]o)'t' groups with high, low and mediuln nge ,UlItributioIlS. These estimates indicate that dcferred full vesting after 20 yenrs of sen·icl.'

(Clmt;luuri 0'1 1I(1fI<: i4)



union busincss Ilwnnger, or your N I~CA chapter mannger. In any case, we must be able to identify the one Illacing thc order,


l1y this time }'Oll should ha\·e in­formntion on the F' irsl Year of the Allprenlicc LinemAn's Courl!'e which is being completely rewritten. The uflditional yenrs will follow in llmille time.



• • • • • • \Ve are very proud of two of our

loc:11 Joint AllIlrenticeshil1 anf] Train­ing Cont1nillees allli of the nllilren­tices enrolled in the prograrn,

Locnl 26, Washington, D.C., has been awnnled thc Willilun F. Palter­lIOn Trophy for the excellence of its upprenticeship progralll. These awanls are. mnde by the United States

Burenu of AplJrcnti ccship and Train­ing on u regional basis.

Competition for lhc Patter son Award is keen. Nominations for the award come from Ilrograms registered with the U.S. Rureau or AIIllrenticc­ship lUll] Training 01' with State Ap­I)renticellhill Agencics covering 160,-000 allprentices in approxinllltely 100 basic tratles.

The "ward won by L.U. 26 wns for Regions 3 nnd <I :md included all apprcnticeshill programs r('gistered in the States of Delaware, )Inrylalld. North C1lrolina, Pcnnsyh'onia, Vir­ginia, West Virginht and the Dis­trict of Columbia, . .. . . . .

The SCC()nd 1I1EW local union to win the William ~'. Patterson Melno­rial 1'1·Ollhy this yenr was I..U. 12'1, Kansas City. It was sell'Cted by the National Awanls Committee over :ill others in the four-state region of Missouri. KUnsas, lown lind Neuraskn, for excellence in IIPJlrenticeshil1 and tmining ill 196·1.


Keep Up On Blood

G ood Bank

W ork

L . I, ST. I.OlllS, " O.-On Decem­ber &th 1.ocal ~o. 1 had the IM"«)nd visit of the !ted Cross Bloodmobile unit fo r 19G I. Sen~rnl truck load,. of table!'. chairs, hoxes and an a~~ort-

Contribute to Red Cross Blood Program In til, Ielnu ,t tigh' end b.low is d,pict,d th, IIcond 01 II., Red C'OIl Bloodmobile during 196 .. 10 Loul I , SI. loui •. AI bottom 01 p'g' i. en D¥e •• 11 .i ... of the Ip~ciDUI meeling f.,1t of Local I shortly .I'e. th, Red CrOll 'II up lor bUlin.n. Me m. bl" 011 Ih, right 01 th, pictur ........ iling lor m,di,,1 ."m'nll­lion, tho •• in Ih, .11 ...... ailing fot t.blu. cenle •• r. tan "bIn "II occupi,d whll, .t Ih, 1,1t til' i. II., rewltd t,bl, !coHu end ca~."J. BUlinlu Me .. lg,. Norman Llnemenn, I,ll Unter, wu on the iob .U dey helping .. hot ..... pouibl,. B,low .r •• ee" .ome of the I.dies of the loul'. Au.ili.,y without .... ho •• h.lp tho p,og,.m could "01 h.~. bee ... , ucun. Se.t.d I.ft .r. Hild. T.ltho.s!, Ed ... Hood, 0 .10'., ..... "d Juli" O,bo .... SI."d· i"q loft ••• J.",,;o J.hlo ,"1 19b5. lydia KOlol , p ••• ide"1 1964, Th.lma B.ldi a .. d Soul" K.mmo,. One of tho ma"y hu,ba"d .nd wife tum. who ueh q .. ~ • • pi,,! of blood 10 the local u"ion bo"k •• e .oen .1 , ;ght b.lo ..... Whon .ded why Ih.y g'~o to Ihi. blood b""k Ih.y "U wid th,,' es Ih. i, e .. tir. f.mily b.n.lil,d Ihi, b.nk Ih,y Ihouqht il we. " priwilogo 10 help es much n ponibl.. Th il i, G .... qe ."d Doto.o. Roid. R. id ; •• mployed by tho Mode.n Eloctric .... mat .... 1 h,,,dl ... AI .i'lhl ero the I"dies of tho "u.ili .. y of Ihe EI,d. icel Work.", •• 1 U .. it of Am.,. ica" Le'lion Po,t No. 377 who helped the members of Ihe Red C.on blood mobile unit. The ladi ..... ted left are Edn. Hood end l"u., Schmidt. Standing I.ft ".e Cho,loil. Janel. Merge

Heider .nd lo.on. Perd .....


Municipal . In Colorado Utility

ment. of mediral efJuipment :In-ived earl)' that Snturdny morning in n rold misty rain and wall ready for bu!<im's!I when the first \Ionor arrived about 8 :00 a.m. From th,," 011 there was 11 sieildy flow of memll(>rs \'olun­teering blood that will take cal'e of the ('ntil"(' IllCIlliJ.t'I'l'hip ami their fami­lies which also includes members of Local No. I who ;Ire on pCllsion and their (;Imiliell. Thill is II big ul1(ler­taking and will be in 1,,'ogl"cI'1I all of 1965. We haw· lit this time 408 pints to our credit but to make :1 safe cov­erage (01' o\'cr ,1000 llu!lubenl we need 500 more dOllaM!. A number of mem­bers unable to be present lit the union hall 011 the datu set for giving went to the Hed C,'oss station and the local union was given Cl'cllit for theit· donation. This uJlJllies to :lJl tho!;(l who cannot. make it to the union hall on tho (lays set for Ihe R100drnabile visit, There w('I'e (I ui te a few hus­band and wife givel's, and many women came hy them!;Clves whkh shows the spirit of the membershi" in this project,

Those members who are unable to gi\'e biood-yoll Clln hel" nlcct the quota by ha\'ing IIOmeone I:i\'e in your name, On De<'l'mher 5th thel'e wel'C 76 !lerllOns who had ne\'er Ki\'en blood before, First lime given! aT(' always welcOlne, Sevel'lIl members h:l\'e Iliven mare than 35 pints; one gallon gets you a golden gallon Il in, For HIG!) the Hed Cross and the Io<::d union have planned for three villlts of the R100d­mobile, The first visit will be on Man:h 27th stnrting at 8:00 a,m. and lasting until 2:30 II.m, So all mem­bers of Local No, I, whether you have e,'el' given hlood befm'e o r if you a!'C a "eteran giver, look toward S:ltul'dny, March 271h and set that date for a visit to the ullion's Rlood Bank, We must I'aise over 500 pints


ill J!.l65 to meet the quota, The Hed Crol':S sent its thnnks to the ladies ;luxili;lI·ies for theil' wonrlel'ful work in helping with this 11I'oj('('\. The hUl':iness manager of Local No, 1 haB a lis~ of every dOllol' and e){Jlres.~B his llersonal thanks fOl' their interest in this Ilroject whkh ol'i~inated with him and allks that e,'el'rone who can be JlrE'scnt on :\lar('h 27th, 1!.lG5 to helll make this IH'Oj('el a IHlr<:c~s. \'011

will lie notified aJ.,'nin throu~h the Labor Tribune latE'r so thal )'ou C:III­

not forget the date, FR.\ NK K"l'~'n"\N, P,S,

Meeting Attendance Require me nt for Electio n L.U. ]2, P UEBLO, COI.O,-~:ndolled are llktures of a r('«'ntly rOlll llleted substation, consll'ucted for n Munic­i]lal Utility by State Inc" of Pueblo, Colorado. Thi s jot. was done 100 Iler

Under the hand. of M'Mbers 01 Local 12, Pueblo, Colo" Ih;. ,ub,lation has .risen for e Municipll utility. Abowa, Brolher Norbert Miller pO.I. on the Iii. of Ihe Ideel C'Menl COMpany addition, of which the loeel send.

in Ih. dleMetic plloto belo .....

<'1'n1 IIH-;W with the ('X('('lltion of the olleratioll of the I'ented rr;ule from Weicker COlllllany,

Also enclosed are Ilidurell of the Ideal Cement Company's addilion to thE'iI' Portland, Colorado ]llant. Broth­er Nol'I)(lrt Millel' is shown in one Ilidul'e us the lIilos neared the 175 foot 11'\'1'1, The !loward Eleetric Com­pany has the electrical contracl,

We al'(' nil still wearing:1 big smile hel'C over the great election "ictories, IIOt only I1lltiollWi(le, but loc;llIy and !ltllte wide, Rrother J oe Donlon, busi­ness man:lgel' of Local llZ, Colorado SlIrillJ.,'1I, Colorado, was elected to the State Senate, :lnd Brother Chuck DeMoulin of Loc;I] 68 in Denvel' was elec::ted as State Hepl'esentative. OUI' ~il1ce re congratul;lliolls to both these fin(l lIH~ W memhcl'~! We were :lIsa slIcce!l!<ful in un-!lc;lting the long time HeJlublican Hepl'ei<Cntath'e to Con­gl'e~s from OU I' :II'ea.

The inside work hen~ is sla('king ofT :Ill u~ual, lind we h;I\'c 18 men on tilE' Ilench,

All of the o\llside members are workinJ: now, due to a double cir('uit 115 KV tower line being ('onstructed in our jurisdiction hy Hoak Construc­tion COtnl)any, T here al-e about JG Illember' on this Ilrojert, which will 1II'ohabl)' fini sh with the same amount of men, III'Olllld Sl)ring of this comillg yea l',

According to our bylaws, a melllbel' must attend at least 50 per cent of the union meetings to be eligible to fUll fOl' 0111<:0 , I surely hOlle the at­tendance at meetings picks up or we will have II very slim list of (':lndidates in the ncxt local union election, Hemcmber, it's your union, why shouldn't 110ft hell) rUIl it?



Future In Construction

Promising for loU . 24 L.r. 2 1. HA Ll'l~ l on l~ ~IO.-Nol\' that th(' holicl :L~'~ are on'l' and Illo:\t

uf us have ol"ok('11 OUI' N('I\' YC:II"S Hesolutions, w(' CHn ~it down lind (,Ul"lIesIJr IIJall fOl' th(' en"uinK ~'elll", lU1I1 it shoulf! he :1 \"('ry fruitful Ollt'.

Fi r!!t o f all ti1l'1"(' al'e 1l('J{olinlion", :l~ our :lKl"('('IIlNIt with the .'oln rrlnllli ehapl(,I' of NIX'A (')[llil"(''' 011 :'>1 :II'("h :$1, and the "amI' \('am of lIegotintul'l1 will IIC' handlillK the ta~k fur Local :!I: Ru~ine"" :'olalla!!""I' Skol'l'. l'l"(,sj. dent Jack 1\lcCorkle, anll H('('ordinK S('(" I"('tlll 'r Boh Arn(Jld, W ith two r(,HI'1I eX!lI')'ienc(' U!UICI' tll('ir lIel t ~ lIIHI a !-\'ood ag-rccmcnl in Octo!,..r, l!)j,:J, the ('ommittC't! will do their ht'HI lind IJ CI'IHlp~ cOllie up with a nlor('.lhan udl)(luate ('on lr:ll"t thi!! lime.

Hl'<I('veloll lll('nt of the Inlu'l' 1I :lIhor in Baltimore h; Sdl(';lulNl to Kl't un· !I('/"way sometime in I!)f,;" and th('re lire IIOme S31i(l million worth of ollke bu ild ingll. high ris(' 1I11l1rtmenU,

Cited for Heroism In los An geles

Local IS m.mber. 0, W . Lamp. and Roy Wig9 ins (l,d and -4lh f,om left) ~'e shown holdin9 IBEW Life S";"9s Awa,ds p'"ented 10 th.m bv Inl"natio .. al Vice P,uide .. t W. L. Vinson fo' thei, p'e,,"ca of mind and quid '''pons. to an em. ''laney which ,e· suited in the SI~ i n9 of the Iii. 01 B'oth., M. T. Richa,dson. Bu.ine .. Mana'll' Geo'ge W , Smith p,oud ly holds • plaqu. p,e.entad to loul 18 in 'eC09nition of Ihe h"oi,m disp layed by B,otha .. lampe and W'9g'ns. Also sho .. n part ,cipat i"9 in the presanl.tion are Hen,y G . Bod~ in, p, .. idan l 01 Ih. Boa,d of Wde' .nd Po .... Commi .. ion ..... nd S.mual B. Nilson, 'len .. a l ...... a9 .. . nd chiaf .n'line .. of the LOI Angel.s Departm,nt

of Waler ... d Powe'.

Promin ent 90."nm en l officials end Super.ilo,,' Unit oHkers 01 LOCii 18 'lI th e, durin9 • b ... ~ in fu 'es 10 h'''e Ihe', p,ctu'" td~ .n, F,onl row, le ft to ,i9hl: Comminionlr Syl.ia Yude'; Commillien., Be'na,d E. Car.ello: Commission .. John W. Gi.ens, ~, ce

p,esid'nt of th. Fire and Police P.nsion Commission; Commiuiona, O. Freedman: Mrs. Eillno, Ch.mb .. s, chief e..cut;., .ui.lanl to Mayor Samuel W. Yorty: R. y M.nd.nhall, E.eculi.e Boerd .... mb.r of l ocel IS's Super~ilo,, ' Unit, B.d 'ow: John O. Pyt."t, Eucut i .. BOI,d m.mb" of Sup .... iso,,' Unit; Geo'9a Simmonds. p,asid,nt 01 Los An9.1" Boe,d 01 C,.il S .... ice Commillione .. : l oul IS Sup ... ;so,,· Unit E,acul"e Boa,d membe .. : Robert A. Humph" .. , Edwa,d W. J ohnston. Ga .. ld T, SIra .. n. and Eld .. n R. Wilson,

unil .. crel'ty.

C ity e!Jicials who .... .... inlroduced 10 n ... ly·a ppointed 'nte,n.tional Vice Presid. nt W. L Vinlln: 11,0nt 'ow. I, ft 10 ' ;9htl Commiuio .... No.h Ben·; Commissioner Ed"a,d Haw. in.; Loul r. P,a.ident Eugene B. Robinson: Commiuio .. 1t loui. o odge Gill, p'asidant, l o. A"'lal .. Bo.,d of Public Wo,k. ; Int,.n.lion.1 Vice President W. l , VilllOn; oapa'tmenl of Wat ... nd Po .... Gene,.' Man'ger and Chi,f En9 'n •• , Samuel B. Nel.on; BUlin'" Man,'l" G'0'9 ' W. Smith, end Loc.! IS Adminis l"ti.a Allist.nt P.!rid J . Bu,nl, Bac~ '0 .... : Commiuiona' Howa,d Chapp.lI: Commi .. ione, WiIIi.m A. Mye .. ; Commillion .. G.o'g. Simmond.: Councilma" Loui. R. Now.lI; Commillioner Rob .. t E. J oyce; Commill ioner E,nest 0 , .. : Fatha, F,.nk Kalley ( .... ho d.II .... d th . in.ocation). .nd

Comminionar J'mas T,,"dy.


Christmas Party Huge Success . IS

Meny hand, contributed to the luec ... of the .nnu.1 Ch,i.I ..... p.rty of La,,1 25, Lon", Idend. N. Y., III .1.0 .... " 1'0'11 thi. photo 01 th. committee. Some of the 1200 young guuh moun! ,to_ ,leg, 'or, pietu .. b.lo ....

Teenage Queen

Thi. lov.ry young I,dy, n'''' ed Miss er.c­t,ici.n by the Bell imo •• Bu ild i,,\! Trad." i. th. deught. r of larry MiII.r of loc. 1 24,

B.ltimo,., Md.


hoal('ll<, :md marhulII to be built on'l' the next few YClIJ'S. T his, foupleu with the projc('tl:l :.lrl'ady umh~I'\\'a>' , ,Joint!! toward!! II l{ood year and a ""omisin~ future. The CQntruet for the latjo!'cst projl'Ct ('\'er ullIl(>I'lakCIl by the City of Ra ltimo ... :! W;I ~ just let and construction ;9 ~('hedul('{1 to Ket undCI"\\'uy shortl)' on Polr-W('!'.\('rn Jl igh School. a vOlll cOllllJlcx of two high ~hools, \'alu('(! at $I!I.OOO,OOO. ~hcduled to 1)(' romplctcd in HI month~,

Husinc:;s Managcl' SkOllP has appointcd to :I f:u,t·finding committee in Anne Arundel t()unt~', T his com· mittee is com po~cd of two attOl'nCYlI, an at'chitCd, rcnl e~lat(' man, an clec· tricaJ engineer, nlHI two men f rom Jabal'. After six w~k!l of il1\'pstiga· lion, the committee HI}lioenred before the HO:lrd of County Commi~sionf"r!I and there were so IImny diSCH'I)allcie.s it took o\'er two hours to Ilre~lIl them, Thc Commi!t~ioner~ th{'n turned this c\'idence 0\'('1' to the State At· tOl'ney's onice for further ill\'estiga. l ion and, nJso, authol'ile<1 the fnel·


• Ch.idmu ' re. .t,

_"thu,inm of th. you "9 p.rly-9 0 _",

finding committee to investigate other IK:hool construction,

We nrc very Ilrouo of the daughter o f one of OUI' members, Miss LiI1(la



Awards Night of Washington Local 26

The compl,lin\! app., .. ,ic .. of lo~1 U , W"h'n9'on. D. C .. .. ,., hono •• d "ufl1lv .1 In " ..... d. S .. ppto •. Standing. I,ft to right: B. M. Rob.rt w. MeAl ...... Ed ... "d W., Ro",ld A. Ritt.r, Wrn, C. Sho.m.~.', W.II .. T. J.n~iM, R •• fo,d C. D"ty, Ern.1 S. lUms­de .. , Ed ... rd M. MOlh.,. John T. Jo,den, N. Curtin, Jr ., Day;d A. 8.,li", Robll! O. Henlni.n, Wm. E. A~in, John E. Hennon, Wa",n P. Bussie., lymen .. D. Sholl, Ch.rI .. W. 6'9"0'1, Jr., E. P' ''y, Geo'g' F. N,oluy, Le"y l. Henl,y. pre.ide,,! of Loul 2eo Thome. B. Noone, John D. Ruder. Kn .. ling down: 0.1, S. Woolwine. Will,. N. h .. eli , Donald E. Rine ... ,t, Robert R. Howerton,

Rob" t N. Buch, end OJ •• dor of Apptl"lice.hip Clinton L. B .. ,o.,

Gr.dua'in\! CI ... of Indu."i~1 EI.elronit. 01 Local 26. l,lt to "9hl: CIi" lon L. B .. ror, chairma", Sk'II·lmp.ovement Com",'I!u. JOllph E. Taylor, director of S ~ ill. lmp.o",ment Tr ei~jn9 for I.S,E,W.; St~d'n+S Arthur M. McKnew, Jr" Justin E. C".loc~ , J." Oct"ve C. P"lnod., Sidney Lend.",,,n, h.doll H. l."in, Edw",d J. M.'ch,,,I, Oliv,r M, W,;qlll , 1"le,,,,lio,,.1 S.cretery Jo .. ph D. K,,""n, Tllom.s

S. Noon., p,,,id,nl olloul 26.

E"joyi"9 th. I ... livili" .1 the Sho.,h,,,, Hol,1 .11 so"'' of locel 26'. S",1I1n9 eonl.lclo",. l.1t 10 .i9hl: M,. I"d M". Rober! W. Hlrri,o", Mr. ""d M ... Herold J'M,ieh, R'9io"II Rep,,,.,,I.Ii,,. of Ih, S .. , .... 01 App'."lic .... ip ,nd T., ;ni"9 , U. S. D'perl"",,1 of labor, M, . • nd M ... F.lnk W. 5 .. 1. Mr .• nd MfI, Fred S. K •• n, Chi"""" 01 our Joi,,1 App .... tic .. hip Co",,,,i" .. , ,nd M •. end Mu. Cheri •• S. Wi, •. AI .i9M I .. "'n, fro", I,ft: Mr .• "d M,. . JOI'ph E. Teylor, Direclor 01 Skill.l mp.o",,,,,,,' for Ih, I. O~ Inl.rn,tion.1 offic. S.c •• lery M •. end Mfl. Jo .. ph D. K""I", Mr. Ind M ... H.rr""n" Willon, S,crelery of loul Ch.p'.' of N"lio",,1 EI.elric .. I

Co"lr.clori. I"letnetionll R.p .... "I.'iwe .nd Mfl. Wm. W. Robbin., M •.• nd M, •. W. C. Do., .1.cI.ic,1 conl .. clo •.

JOURNAL f OR HIRU .... n . 1965 3S

- ------- --

Awards Night In Washington

Ann Miller, who I'CIlTe!<CntClI Local 2! as :\Ii!ls Eleetridan at the Buil(ling Tl'ades Ma~R Meelil1~, lust April. Linda is :t b(':lutifui and laiclltcd young lad}' who h:19 ehul'mell IU.'I' WU}' to national II!'ornim·I\('e. She was first runnel' up to ;\Ii!i!) TCCllll/{C America, Carolyn ;\I:1l1'ninni, also :I I1nltimore girl, lind then I.indu \\'118 ChOll('11 as Randallstown's "JuniOI' MisS" in a contes~ 1I1}(JIlIlOI'ed hy th(' Jarcces' "America Junior Mi~s" contest. Aller this accoll1ll1illhll1('nt J<he ('tllNed the Stille of Maryland cOnlpC'tition and is now reigning aM "M:u'rllll1ll Juniol' Mi ~s." 111 March of 1!}G!i ~hc will compete llg'lIinst girls f.'om lhe othu 4!) stales in II IIl1t ionally t('lcvi~l'd con­tc~t to be hehl in Mohile. Alah:lma. Thi s is not just II contest of l)('lIuty a s the girls ar(' judged on ~cholastic achievement, knowledj.:'e an<l vi{'ws on nntional lind world afr~drK, 1~litics, youth aeth'iti{'lI, Ilhrsical filn('!I!I, I~ise, talent, and apl)(':lran('{', In all these thing!', in our ('!;timation, Linda ex· ('els, and w{' IIl'e rooting for her to be "Junior :'Ilisll" of the United States. This would n{'t h{'r SII,()OO in 11I'izes and S<."holarllhillll, and would mak(' her father, Lnrry MIller, t,>'I:('('lltionally proud of hN :1"1 hI' ill of hill 20 )'1'3r5

in the InEW,'I·>'. heller known as "Snoopy," ill n ('od(' l''l:I)('I·t anti is ('onducting Rrothel' SkO]!I"" F<'liool investigation I)rogram,

JACK W. :'IItC(IItKI.t:, 1'.5,

long Island Proud Of Voting Record I..U. 2;;, Lose; I ~ L /\ ;\ n , x, Y.-By looking lm('k on hlst :-.IO\'('lIIb('r's elC('· tion figure!! throughout thc nation, the followinloC' QO'hlitie;; al'C 1'{,\'pale,l: P I'c!;i· dCllt Johmsoll I'cl'ci\'cd more vott,>s on all of Long Islnnd Ill1ln ht,> dill in his home state o f 'I'exa~, !'r('s ident John·


Dur;ng t .... w.,ds pr ... nt.tion1 in Wuhin9' ton, the hane/som. t,op"y •• en .t left wu p'.I.nt.d to Locel 26 by t"e D.C. Appren. ticeship Council 10, I", e.ceUent ,.co,d of "eining, F,.d Ke,n, ,i9ht, chei,men of the W .... inglon A, .. Joint EI.ct,ic.1 Appren· lic .. hip end Ir.ining Committ .... cupls Ih. eward I,om Jo"n R, Evens, chei,m.n of

th. D.C, App .. nlic .. hip Council.

son got 1,740,276 votes Oil Long Il<lall(l and 1,597,133 in 1'CXIIS, MOl'c I)("rsons voted on Long )slllnd on EII,"('tion J):lY th:lll voted in any olle of ·1::1 !ltat('lI. Outside of New York, only !lix hul! mOI'e \'oters than Long Islam!. The~e !lix stales were ('alifornia, Illinois, Michigan, New J£'rscy, Ohio allli Pellns)'h'ania, So much for these halll)' I'csults! Now, to I'£']lort 011 another evenl which brought mudl halll)ine!:!!:! to :dl of us,

There were 120() pint-size guest~ of honor at Local No, 2:;'s Sixth Annual Chl'istmas Purty for meml)CI's lind theit' families, Th('it' pal'enl~ num· bcl'1!<l ('lose to 1500, mnking thi~ Y('lIr'~ turnout at our union hall, tl1I." !nl'J.:'e,~t yet. OUI' e\'el'·enicil'llt ('hril\tllll1~ Party Committee, led b)' Ill'other J oseph AJl(lel'~() n, plotted ami ]1lunlle(1 fo!' wecks to insur(' hal'lIlonr 1111(1 sati~fa('tion , Suntl! Claus, the ~l:u' attraction, was JlO1'tl':!),('(1 by two Imturall),·]ladcled m(>J11beu, Bl'Otill'r Ulrich Pfaelldel' wa!l the jolly St, Sick in the morning ses.~ion, ",hill' Rrother Patrick I~igolt 1'«(>i\'('<1 mi· miring visitors 011 his kilN' ill the IlftCl'llooJl. Santa's ('lowll.-('o~tum("<1 hellJCrs wel'C B rOlhers JO!O('Ilh lind Uolwrt Toth, Hohert Everett, Vin(,l'nt 1.ollCZ, Salvatore ('illOlia. Eugene Saul with his monke), allli the e\'er'I)(Jlmlar Anlhony Romano. ns the ":'Ilelnn('hllly Traml)·"

Entertainment this ),ear Wll!l good as usual. Dianll AlI)('rtll, II lady \'I'n· tril()(IUist anll PIIIII Ilra}'lin dl'lighte(\ the ),OUnbrste..,' with his magi(' lind llr, Krieger brought alive hill Punch Imd Judy show 10 the al)IJlau~e of both ehihil'en and IlllI'l'Il\!;,

nl'other Paul L:II'.II(>n \\'lIS Chairman of the Deeol'3tiollll Group alld is to 11(' COIllJ1wnded OIl til(' 1I]lIlCar:uU'(> of the gal'glllltuan 25-foot Chrisllllllll tr('c di~J1layecl ill thc 11 1111. We wer(' J!!'oud to he complimented Oil 0111' In stC'fu l

nativity scene by a local clerg)'nHlII who was glad to see the tl'ue meanillg of the se:lson's festivities prolllinently diSlllayed,

Each ('hild was presented with a small gift on leaving the Iml'ty. Sur· plus food and toys were distributed to I«al charitable organization!'.


l.U. 26 Receives National Appre nticeship Award L. l f, 26, W AS HI XGTO;\, I). C,-The Jln:w Local 26 Joint Allprentice;;hill Ilrogram hall been awarded the t;niled Stllte!l D{'Jlal·tmen~ of Labor's ne· gional Apllt'entkeshi p AWllrd for F:x· celicnee, The award known itS tlt(' William F. Pattcrson 1'1'ol1hy, was I)re~entcd to Local 26 ~It OUI' Appr('ll­tice9hip Awards Supper helt! on Dc· CeJIII)Cl' 3 at the Shoreham Hotel.

The presentation WIIS mlJ(le by J ohn It EVIIIlS, chnirman of the D. C. All' pn'!nti ce~hi ll Council, on behalf of SCCI't'tlU'y of Labor W, Willard WiJ·tz to FI'ed S. Kern, chairmall of the Was hington Area Joint Eleetrifal All ' Jln'!ntkeship ant! Training COlllmittee.

The Patterson Award Ol'iginated in WG2 in honor of the lat(' William F', )~attcrJjoJl who directed the t;nitNI Stllte!! Uepartment of Labor's appren· t[(-('shill activities for 21 years,

Competition for the I'atterson award is keen. NominllUolls fOl' the awanll'OJ1W f]'om pro)!ralJl~ regist('rcd with the U,S, RureliU of Apprentke· !<hip and Training or with State Ap­Jlrentkeship Agencies ('o\,el'ing 16(),' 000 apprentice!! in a]llll'oximately !I)()

basic trari('!l. Thc "w'II'd is made in I'ccognilion of excellen('e in apprl'ntkc· ship ]lroA'rnllls and to en('OUl'age 1ll01'(, ~lJl<1 h(,tter IlrogralJls,

The afore ment ioncd awanl Willi 11chi('v('(1 mainly through the ('trOI'tli of our Husilles:s Manager Bob MrAI· wee :tnd Clint Rea rm' , Director of ArIH'entil:c!lhip Training, who havc gi\'en man)' hours of their own lime to IlJanning the road to better learn· ing.

Ii Ollored guests attending the din· ner induded International Secretar)' Jo~ph n. Keenan who was the pl'in­cil" ... l !l1lt'aker; H, Robert Bor<l('n. director of the D, C. Apprenticeship Information Cellter; Edward N, 1'hOllias. clirt'Ctor or the D. C. Apilren· ti«,ship Council; and l1arold W, .Jenn ri('h, regional field reJll'1asenlatiH" of the U,S. Bu reau of Alll)l'enticeship

Ilusiness Manager nob McAlwE'C, who lacted a s to.astmaster at titc ("er('­mony, said "Both l .neal 26 (luci th(' n, C, Chnptel' of the National Elec· t!'ieal Contractors AS!locintion feel \'CI'y proud that o\lr Jlrogram h:H' hcen ~elected for its excellence in ,I PJl I'ell t icellh i I),"


The ap prenticcs who re<"eiq~d Kratl­mlHon ee l,ti ftcates ilL lhe dinner wel"e ns follows : WilIilllll E, Aiken, Hicha rd J , l\n rkanic, I)a \,id A, Bayliss, Hobet·t N. Beach, WarN'n P. Bussler, J ohn It Cameron, Willitun J . Cl"('amer, 3rd. J O!lellh ;-.::. Curtin, J r., Rex(OI'd C, lJecl')", Charles W. Gagnon, J r .• •• l10ll llld 1:, Rineh;u·l. Edwal'd W. lI al­harh, Robert IJ. II nnessian. John K II nnllol1,· I.any L. lI enley, Hobel'! H. Howerton, Wa ller T, J enkins,· J oh n T. J OI'clon, 1':1'11est S, Lunllllie ll , .J ohn W. ~l c K nett. J':dward 1\1. l\l o~hel', (;pot'ge F, Neit7.ry. Jackie 0, PCllIlillg­ton, Dualle E. Perry, Donald J~. Hille­hnlt. Ronald A, Hi ttl'r, J ohn I), il uc­ket', William C, !-ihoemnker, L ynHlI1 I),

Sholl, "' illi~ N. Terrett . O:de S, Wool_ wine. (. Denotes Ilt'l'fect attenda nce . .. ;o. lissed only I night of sehool.) Tho~ l'CC1'ivinj.:' the journeYIllIIII'S

award (01' romlll('lioll of the rour-year cour:;e in Indulltrial fo:lect ronics lIre­"'-'rihed by the un:w were as (ollowlI: Justin E, Carlock, Jr" Edward J . )Ierdlant, Sidney l .and!<man, 1 ~ldore II . Levill, A l'thllr M, McKnew, J r" O ('W\'C C, Pa tnode and Oliver M . WriJothl.

The Washington Ruitdi llg Congress, h~ause of the intel'cst shown by con­t rac tors, a nd as II service to its mCI1l­bel·S. is sponsoring a Jlhol't course rOI'

cOllslt'uction supel'in tcndellts and fore-men,

I n making th(' il llnouncemenL the WH C noted Ihu t the high number or uccirlen ts on const ruction jobs lind the li.::htening of safety enfOI'cement ]11'0-

redures by the Industrial Safety Uh'i­sion have made e\'el'yone more con­«"ious of the 1If'('(',;sily for imltrO\'C(i job snfety,

The cour~(' will be cOllfluctNI by ~afety enginccrs :lml inst ructors of lhe lJe l'31'lment of Lllbor's Burellu of I.lIbor Standal'ds lind the Indllst r ial Safety Division. It will be an 8-w('('k rourse, which will be atlendC(1 by man)' of our mt'mberll,

High Praise for Cle veland Christmas Fe te

WfI.t l oc. 1 11, Cl ..... l."d, Oflio 1 .. 1. to fl .... b .. " tho i. but Ch. idm •• party for 'h, "hild .. " 01 Ih.;. m. mb." , II., d ed Ih i, fi n. crowd, child w" 9i .... " , b'g of good'e,

a"d a gilt.

O., 01 tho ..... "i"g·, fu n a •• p.o"id.d 'n the local', I. II.t.

Th. h .. d·worki"g commo" • • po,. wilh the .tar 01 the ,how. S ... t . . ... d ,om. of hi. pert icul .. fti.nd.,

JOURN AL f O R fEUUAn. 1965 "

BE UNION, IU':Y HIGHT, BUY U:-IION, b)'e nolO.'.

11 .1'. (NI'T!I) i\"t;WMAN, 1'.5.

Cleveland Local Holds Its Best Children's Party L. U, 38, CLEVELi\;o.. n , Oll lO-Our Annual Chri!ltmaK I'al'ly W;IK h('ld thls yenr on Sunday, J)1.-~l'lIIl}t' r :W, at the ) Ial!ollif Auditorium. Thi~ i~ the firl!t lime it Will! held 011 a Sun­day I'ulhl'r tlmn all ('\'('nilll.:" during the wecok, Th is I«"'('med to work out fal' betl('r jUKt judging f,'om the hU'II­

out. We ulso found tlml the kiddies WI'I'I' not o\'l'l"lil"(>(1 nnll cOl1sc<!uClllly the purent l!' 1J100d~ were mu(,h garel".

At th(' l'lItran('{' of the Masonic Auditorium a numher at wi!'elJ1ell m('mberl! of Loeal 38 mfull' up grllu bags of g-ooliies fOl' (,:1('h ('hilll who entered. Atter evel'y01le was seated, 011(' of tlU' filll's! ~ho\\"s thllt WIIK ('Vl'r Illlt on wns 11I'('*,III~1 fOI" Ihl' eliler­t:limllent of children ami IIdults alike, Atter ahout :1 on(' hnur "how, the childr('n nil ItOI III(() a line, fOl' each 1)(I1'ticu!:lr 111.:"(' hracket lH1I1 eu("h child wns l)re~{,lIled wilh II gift.

F rolJ1 th(' NlIllIllI>I1IR of nUIII}' of Ihe wiremen, their wivell, lind especilllly the children, this wnll the finest Christmas Party w(' ha\'(' ('v('r hell!. H usine~:4 Mnnag-l'l' G(,01'i{(' .\1, l 'h(l llple nnd P l'('~id('nt ('nrl .I , Eg-illi{, unll the entire Committl'e Ilill an out~t:L1l(lillg

joli, ami in furth"l" tulkill~ to them, the part)' for n('xl y('al' will Jlroblluly be held 011 Sundtl)' afternoon also.

OAl\a:r. ~lI"])(1NUl Gil, P.S,

Two Months of Local Events in Syracuse 1..11_ 013, S l.'l(ACUSE, ~t , Y,-Death recently look John )1. DosIe I', SI'" president of Doster tllIIl E,,"rIII, Illf'. ('iedrical COlltrnctOl'8. lie wa" 11 /1:11<1

llrcsident of Loc;}i 13, go\'el"nor of the NECA ChllJlter locnll)', ("hail'mllli of the I:-:Iectric:illlls License Boa rd or Examiners of this cily, alill dlllirmHII of the J uint ApJ!'"t!utke Trnining Committee of Ihe i\"I::CA-IBEW ill Syracuse. We knew him as nco· 011C1'ati\'e and cordinl assoeiate ill OUI" de:llings with him over the Il:I~1 30 ye;lrs. Among his many sUl'vivOl'S is his ~on, J ohn :-'1. Doster, .II'" who i~ O/1e of our Brothel'S in ['oll'al 43, A fl(>l­serviceli in St. .-'\nthony of l':ulull Churt'il , burial took pla('e at Porl 1..c)'llen, New York,

Symp:nhy is extended hOlh to Brother Doster and also to ilrother!! A I"thlll", George and Fmnk Capo rill in their l-erent loss of their mother through dellth.

On our sick list is Charles L, Kenned)' , treasurer of Locnl 13 who was recently in one o( our local ho,;­Jlitals. Also Bl"other Chll'k VI('II(' hns had surgical attention )'el'entl}" The last lime I mentioned hi!! name in the E I, .x;rRI('AI. WOIIK}:NS' .1m lI'dl, I spelled it wrong. and I now al>ologiU'".

Hetired Brother Jnke GI'('('nberg hns mO\'e<! 10 Louisville, Kelltuck)'. P@nl-'ion@d fOI" ahout a real' rlue to ill health we hope his condition ill1 l)I'o\'e~,

!\'ew memlJCI's of Loculi:! lire John Corbett nntl Sam Cimil1UCll. WI'I · come O,'Others!

I recently ran into Hetir!'d Brother Emory L;rVaule in 111l' !IC\\" Puhlic Safety Building while he was ton-

Wire Air Conditioning in Syracuse

<. ,

8.othe" Delmonico lind S'9"t compl. tin9 control w",ng for one !OOO HP motor end one 150 HP motor d, j .. i" 9 C.rri •• Ai, Conditioning Unih v ... d to cool ~,uiou, build'nlJi ill th. ".w City.Co" .. ty PI",,,, CampI •• , They Ire memb.r1 of LCM;.I 013 , Sy",u •• , N. Y.


dueting a little hUl'in('~ Ihpn>, He looked hale and heart)·, and w(' !O pent n few minutes in reminiS<:"enC4l.

One of our n rothers said he would like to get lIomething fOI' his wife, lout nohody would make him an olrel'!

At our Dl'<.'C!mll('r meeting Ihe m('m~ h.-N< ill'('~l1t Wf're ret"luC$I<'I1 to att as blood donors at the Red Cros,; llIood Balik to build Ill) our credit fur futurc usc by our Il\ell\ber~ of this \·;t:ll fluid.

• • • • • • • TOIlay ill Ihe first dllY of the 1\(,\\'

rellr let IlS hOliC it bring"!! m; COI)­tinu~1 gooIl rortunt' ;I.@ did nilletet'll h1l1](II'('I1 sixt)' (OUI'. One of our I{reat­",,' needl' in thi~ Centr;LI K('I\' York (Irought s tri l'kcn arl:!a is fo)' much rain or h(!II11Y anuw~ tl""'II)1;I, tI,,, Lui­fI IJ ('e of the winter season. I t wasn't so long 1Ij.,'O wh(,11 we ha(1 n r«ord break· ing JOno\\" total of twell'(' feet tor the wint('r lolal ! ~ollle norma l!y Wille hut Rhallow IIl l"{!umll up hCl'e al'e nolw nwre gr('('n RCum t"(/ve red pools wi th har!lIy uny now to the water! One uI'uall>, ICI)cclaculnr w:tterfall had slowed down to 11 two-fool wide lrickle on~r the ~~nter or ils wide rock)' hrow! Local f:lrm@M! an~ I)gying $l.!iO a thousand gallOll1l fo r Waler Itlus trucking I'II:lrgell.

Congrntuilition! al'l" in order to nrolllt'r ami ) l rs. Pnt Olivia on the re('('lIt Ilrrival ot a loaby girl born in O('('('ml)('r_

On th., olher si.le o( our ledgel', our IIYllI lmthy IK l'xtelllle.1 to Brother nnd ,\11'11, J(o~' Soh-otka 011 the tlealh of tI\{'ir rour')"l'ar-ohl .'IOn,

Anti al!iO to Arothers J. Albert IIml Hidmnl Kl'rlin, and to )Irs. Tom Keating, wif., or our old friend am! rlll'mer Local Union 43 "l"eSillenl, in tI\{' Ilt-Hth nf tlwir lIist!": ]' rcc(,lI t ly,

We all!() ('xtl'UlI IIrmpathy to fUI'IlH')' l.oc:lI Ullion '13 President Chlll'les A, Handall :lnd Il l"Othcr Paul W, Itnlldllil ill th~ deoth ot lh('ir molhel" who nlt.o wns thl' gmndmother ot another of OUI' BI'o thel's, Holwrt Ramlall, dlier of police in lIeal'hy Dewitt, New YOl'k,

J ,\" ~:'<; N. MCKA1', P,S,

Local 46 Chalks Up Another "First" 1.,11. II\. S I-;ATTLJ::. W,\ S II ,-Two real'll han' gone by nntl 110'" it is time 10 open negotiations for our new ag!'("l'm('nt with the clectrical contrnc­tor.;. T he ruggestions were turnetl in at the I:lst Wiremen's Unit ;\Ieeting, The big itl'llIl1 will jJl"olo;lhl)' liC pa ill holilluys nm! a pel1~ion of some sort, Brotlwr I·"d .. t'tt of the Murine t:nit eXI)lained their IJoCllllion plan which hUll heen working rather well, ('ven though it ill fairly new, Th('y hn\"(' n In rg(' membership already "ml wouit! ht:' willing to lake the wi l'emel1 ill if Ihey voted to 110 !w, I liClil'\'e that demands will bt> on lhe modl'st


Retires; Attend Safety Conference

Mlmb.,s 01 th, Olympia Unit of Loc.! 77, S .. Il II, Wash., 9 .. ~e .... Ii.emenl pady for 8rolhe. CI.~d. Brining .• hown h.,. with Mn. 8';";1'19. At "9M ere .UII Ih , Oillrid S.'e'y CII,i'ml" of th .. St.t, of Wuhing, i"9Ioll. From, W" lIeu Weth-Olym­pi.: 8""d,tt" Kirby __ MOlu l.~.: Bob Cli". lolt-S .. ttl.: Fred Kln/h"d_B,"mlrton; Jolin Tel.rjk-Spo~.n.: AI M"ior, Renton. (John!. wu .t.o ptl'I,,1

but mined b,i"g in the pictur •. ) Th"," S.I"ly Ch.irml" ,tt,,,d,d the Goyernot',

S.f",y Conl,.enCI.

Mide. ('ompared to many or the agree­mcntll throughout the lIution. Rusi­ne!!!! Manager Gene Xcl!'1On. in his Ol1inion, thought thnt sOl11e of the ('Mlrts wcre a lillie severe in their demands ucconiing to the general eronorn)' nt thill time. A~:\II of the Brothers know. we have had a lot or lIIen on the bench in the last year or 50, We hope this will Ilick UII. but nothing ill sight yct.

Local 16 will be I'clII'es('111cd at the negotiations by Broth!'r!! ['0Il norr, Clarence Kleppe, Leolmn[ Thomas, Harry Meyers and John Ronney, These men are appoint('cl by th(' chair­llIan und we wish them the he,,1 of luck,

Th(' elections are o\'er and, with the excelltions of one or two l'andidnte.~. the ))('(lp[e whom labor hal'ked came out on the winning ",iiiI.'. This is n real tribute to the union 11<'0"le of the State or Washington, Il goes to show ~'ou that if Labor stick!! to­gether thnt we cnn hun':1 llirt'et ,'oil'(' in Olymllia and Washington. 0, (;. Now thnt the ele<:tion~ are hehiml \I.~, we shou ld concentrate just as much effort all making our union hij:tj:ter :L Illi hl'tter.

:'> Icmbers who have alllllll'li for their 1,..1)/I;OnS are: ThOmas Stel'hl'lI!!, Paul It Grifling, Bertram G, Oay, II . I.. Coryell ancl William N. Bull~k. Pass­ing from our ranks were: Gu)' Gran­gt'r, Cornelius 0, Meyer, lIu hcl·t G. YOlln/.;"s, Eugene Van Inwegen, I-:u­g('ne E, Snow, II, F:. Burnhart, ;111(1 Eugene A. Kruse, May the)' rc~t in I)('UCC,

This is the time to moke YOllr Nt'w Year's Hcsolutions, One of them sholl III be to try to attend more meet­ings in '65. I ca nllot stresH the im-

JOU~N"l fOI fEBRUARY , 1965

pOl"tllnee or ;lttcnliing ml'('lings I'nough. The future of your uniOIl de­JH'nds on the inlere.~l thnt the mem­I){'rshil) shows ancl then! ill no beller WlI)' than by attcmlins; tlI1l meetings,

l..neal If> has another "liMIt" to its ('redit, Business l~el)reSentnti\'e liow­ani )'Iyer!! r1'IJOrtl'd that the State of Washington ElectricnJ [nsJ)l'dors at"C tll(> only inspectors ill thl' ~atiOIl that at'C represented by a Union, T his agreement was hrought ahout by the insight of our loc:il Omt'I'rll who know the need for such an agr,·eml'nt. The contract was through the Wnshing-ton Stnte As!!()Ciation of I':lectriclll Work­ers :lnd the State Del)llrtment of I_'l­hor nnd Industries with the lIanction of the Stllte Al'sociation. hut wns negotiated by Locnl 'W, Our State Inspection Unit tonsists of 33 field I11l'n, two allsistant chirf!! nnd one chier-the chief being a long-time memher of 16, J ohn HeWitt. TheS(' men were granteli a two-';\('Jl increase hlst yenr nnd I think it cnn I,.. s.afe to say that they will rect'lv.' the SILllle this year, There is all;O a good chance that the Ins"ection Uel)art­ment will be incl"Cased b~' sc\'erlll men in the lIear future.

JIM KO.:II ... :It, P,S,

Be a Brother in The Brotherhood! I.,p, 51, S PI!I :\GJ.' I I-: I.n, 1l.l.,-l n I !JI> 1 it would lIl)l)('ar thllt meml)(' rs of ol'Jtllnb:ec:l Inllor who managed to hol,1 their own in 1II'('\'ellting the Jlas­!;oagl' or 1110re "HiKht,to,Sc;lh" laws, hu\(' WOll d(,<'Isiolls til the K.L.H. H. :tlul ill (~)urt~ th;Lt will han' good dfl'Ch! in th!' future, al\ll. for the most lIart. nUII!e gl,in!l in I«'curing ;1 (a;t' ~h:lr(' of the fnlit!! /If their lallO'"

One of the hettel· g;lin~ ha" been in till' clection or (I lurgl' !lumber of their rri("II(!~ into the olllee" of our GO\"('rmnl'nt hoth on th(· National and Stat(' [e\'('1. With these friendto, ;t can surety he hOlted thllt Il'gilliation passed will be fOl· the benefit of IIOt only Ol'lt:lIli~ed Labo r but of nil the lloo,lle,

lI el'c ill Local 51, construction and

elllJlloyment havc heen good and would lillJlenr to continue that way. All of the utilities arc eX [I:lnding 1)('­calise of th(' n('e(1 of theil' prfHIUC1!!, T his ill tIll' l"Cstllt of the e:qHlntling econom), lind the continuing gruwlh, Ru ... ille~~ fOr("ca!!!!1 lire Optillli~tic, ,,0 there 5houlll be rontinued /{mwth alII! elCJllUI~iol1 and Ilrobably lit an ('ven fastel' nlte.

Ry 1111 indicntLons, the futuI'c ~houl(1 be good,

The gains, thnt 'lave been nllu\(', wCI·e 1I0t made without being \\"IlI·keil rol' and ruture gainii will also I"("quil'e elfort on the JllIl't of all. An~,thing wOl,th having is worth working fOl' and the 11101'(' union memi)('rs we hlll·e working to seeuI'e the gaill~ that :11'<' nee.led the lIooner those /.;."tins will h(" realilie!l,

SO BE A GOOD UN IOX :'>1 EM· HE R! no 1I11 you can to h("11I the eau!IC (If UliiOlli!lm, Be n Brother in the Rrothel'llQod. Be a Good ('itizen. ( If ),OU uI'e 11 Good Union Membe .. )'OU will al!l() he a Good ('itiz('n), Work fOl' the eauscs )'ou heliel'(" ill and wo .. k IIgninst those you do 1I0t belie\'e ill.

See YOU Ht Vnion meeting. 1 again urge l..ocal 51 memh('I'1I

wilh illtl'l'e~ting e\'cnt~ that they would like to Ii('(' in the JOI'Il:>lA I" to either sellll thelll to the Sllring-field olliee to be fOl"wnnled to me or !'ell(l them llin-'Ctly to me at Illy hOllie, I/)IG 7th Street, Peru, lIliJlois.

0, II, PEllllY. p,S.

All Union Me mbers Have C ontribution t o Make I~, l'. 6;. Q1 ' I 'CY, IL L.-We are noll' in the 1J1·llC.'e~~ of bl·ingillg OUI' new contract UII to elate for neg,)tialion berore Allrit ha, when the olel one e:< l) ires, We ha\'e a I'ery ellieient eOlll­miltt'e h:IIl!lling this work. The)' read the chanJ.,>'('~, t>oilll br I>oint to the l11eml.>er~ and each was discus-'«'(I; the mo~t eontro\'er!linl t)('ing I·oterl Ul>on.

We think it is wise to have young meml)('rs 011 these eommittees heellu!IC they nl'e growing Ull and wOl'king UlI­de.. conditions very much difTerent


fl'om those of the "old·time,'s" dllY lI lId they al'e oble to recogni1,c needed changes ill time to get them Illude, On the other hand, we lIl"e afraid they might, in lIome Cll~es, be flllling illto a trill) 01' rllther an incl"ellsillg III'uc­~ice of Wille contractonl putting a " Bl itz Crew" or two 01' tlu'ee roulIg lIlId eager jou,'neymen on faidy large jobs that Ilrollel'ly shou ld II:I\'e fi vc or six men, We hll\"e ~('('n ~ollle such jobs handlNI hy oul-~ille contractor!! who h:l\'e kf'IJt labor and ('onditiollS on the joh at a rock hoU())lI minimulIl, \Ve helieve til(' "ol d-time,'s" h~L(1 such conditionll III'eUy well linde,' control. And so w(' hope t hut wt' 'len!,' lo~e IIny of til(' lIoli!! footing' we huve gaine(1 Hnd HI'I' able, yell I' 1,y ye:u', to add n nell' li te)) Ill' two in I.':wh ncw contract.

c. ]~, FIIAr-'K , 1',S,

Corresponde nt Reviews State Safety Conference L,U. 77, S I':A1'TLI~ WA SIL-Elich ~'enr on TIHll'll(lu), a1l(1 Frilla)' of the third wN'k in NO\'clllhel', the W:lsh­ington State Go\"el' IIOI"S IndUlltl'ia l Safet~' Confct'cnce ill held at the CU lli­tol ill Olrm llia. This yea I' was the Fifteenth Annual ('ollfcl'cnt'e.

It is alwlI),S dillicult to II')' to pick out whitt IWI'll of tht! two dllYII' :Ict iv­itiell to IItt'('~S, It iSlI't J!o~l>ib le to t'('· port it all. Chet'king hUl'k O\'eI' my own r('llot'tli on tlli!! t,)Uf('t'('tltc for the las t Ii\'(- y(':U'll provNI olte thillg to me, l'epol't lt can lIurely he rcpeti­tious. If you d,ungc the nUllles and dates in any of tho~c 0111 reports, I.!l'ing the RtaU~tJi,S up to II a te, add II

littlc somctitil1l{ 1'\II'I't!lIt, ill lil'c 01' 10 minutes it would 11<II'e nll the appcal" Hnce of bcing wl'iltell f !'OUi notes and minutes of 1!)(;4's COn fl'I'ente, How­eVel', thut is ~a r('l ~' l'()n~tanlly I'cmillding PII1'11 othcl· of hazard s in­volved, I'('\,iewing lom fc work rules,

checking 0\11' tools, making II UI"e the wOl'k area is clear, l!C('illg that the men you work with all ulHlel·stand the job und its probleml!, looking fOl' those obl'ious but almost Unl!('('n 01)­Sl:lclcs, concentrating on the job III hand alltl not lellillg rout' mimi wonder,

Thcse and many other lhinglS UI'(l mentioned in one war 01' another by almost e\'cryone connef'l l'll with 111'0-

moting safcty. They IlII1!it 11(' r('peatcri O\'er and O\'CI' again almost to thl' ]loint of lx-ing monotonous ali( I :Iulo­llIaticall>' becollle II 1'~I!'t <If you, Not a pal t that >'OU (10 automntically he· ('Huse thcn ~'OU Imvt! ~c l III. anothCl' ha1,ard- a Imrt of you tllUt ~'ou con­scientiou~ly fvllow 011 f':l\'h job, take home with you and u~e tl) ~!lf('gllnrl l your famil~' att!l fricIl(lM,

St!rgeu nl W, B, l\lcChlMkey of Ih(' Wa~hingtlln Sta te l'a\l'ol g':lI'C Il pCr­fc ct. but sud exu mpl(' of thc ohvious but UII~(oel1 !mzal'd, A l.< hot'l ,Ii~tatlc(l nOl'lh of OJ~'m pia is a long SlmiJ.dlt I;tJ"etch of fOllr-la ne highll'~L~' known :Ill lhe Nil;quallr F!at~, TII(' visihility is excellent, )'('t Uli~ ill one of the wurst Illaces in the State fOJ' I'ar acci­dents, The clinch('r 011 Ihi!! ('xample is the lnlc of :I('('illent thut cx-cu" s 1II0.:s1 ofl('n, RF.AH EN" ('01.1.1-SIQ:-"S! Wh~'!!!

Statisti('~ are often Iluot('(1 10 111'0\'('

11 point on ~a fety and lIIony othel' things. '1'011 hUI'e all heuNI the old sayi ng "Figlll'(ll; Don't !.if'," Wl'Il, maybe th(,)' dOll'! lie hut ~onl('tilll(,S they sure mil'lead. On(' National Safety DirettoI' went on til tell that "Ou t~talHlinK Snfety l1el'\)t'c!s" are ~ollletime~ fal~e, The ('Ul ll lor('1' will make a joh to keep from having nn nt'cidc!11 ~ho"' n a~ a tillL('-I\lss acd­dcnt. Thi s happcns c\'('n in case~ of brokc'l arUl~ 01' legs, Th iH ('ou ld he jeopardizing to the elllplo)'t"~ J' igh tH Uct'ause if the accident iH not ~hown, he could lo~1' his co\,pragl' undel' :I

Sta te 01' Private Indu!<trial [ n~ul'ance, A recurrencc I)f Ihp trouble ('all sed hy

the injury might not be recognized if thcre is no record of the ol'iginal acci · dent. I f you hll\'e an aeddent, it is lough on II good " Accident Hecol,d" hul repor't it nnyway. T he altcrnative ('"uld be much tougher,

Siuing in the back of the h~lll dur­ing the closing se~s iO Il, olle thing was vCI'y :IJlIHIrent. T he hair of almost I'\'\'ry de[('g;l\e was thin, g"c)" white, fringed 01' mi8!1ing ('ompl('teiy, The!;e I/('o]lle :rln'ady believe in :<:,fe1y. The)' ha\'p b('('n through thc mill :HId are tlll're to Il'anl 1I10re and report hack to those thcy represent.

Onc of the hig problems in .;afety is ('ollltllllnicuUOIII'l- how to gel proven ~uf(' practicI's ar,'()ss to holll cmployell alld clll llloyel'l!, Maybe if a little mol'(­youth ill mixed with those gt'e)' head~, tht' lill('s of ('(I!lImunicatiQI1 might im­III'OVC, That i~ just a thought, kick it IIl'ou'l<l a hit, maybe it might he wOl,th !;onH.'thing'.

l'ow ~01l1ething a Htll(' more 011 the pcrson al :<il\('. Member" of the Olym­pia Ullit h('Itl a retircment IHII'I? I'C­('('nt1y for CI(tllfle Brinillg, Claude ill line of our s lllartcr mCll1b('t'~, he took an ('arty l"etit'(,UlCIlt. The 1J..'lllquet was held at the Tree Motel lIlItI alllll'OX;­matel~' 100 people wer(' l\t'e!<ent to wi~h ('laude :llId his wife the best of l'\,erythill):, Ill' workcd fOl' PUgel Sound POWCI' IllId Light Company for 0\'('1' 30 ycarll and has been :1 member uf the IIn :w s ince 1931, It was a \'I'ry 1I 11 ccell~ (1I1 pll rty and the hegill' !ling of an ('(Ilmlly h:IIJPY a 1111 suc­(·('~~ful t'ctit'cl1lent,

STAN Bo\n;N, R.S,

Gala Party Tendered Children of Norfolk Local L, U, 80, :-;rO il FOLK. V k - On Decem­h('1' 19, IDGI the local union hil(I itA lU1nufll Chil dl't!n's Chl'istmus 1IIlI'ly, The acevm"an~'in): pictures attest to the rad that all who aiten(led had a

Entertained at Christmas in Norfolk

Th" Chri.lmu pa rty 9i~en by Local BO, Nor/ol., Va" waS atte nded by mo,e than 150 e hildra n of the me mboflhip, Santa Clau. distribu t"d \lilh 10 uch,


Local 84 on the Job at Georgia Power

0" April 25t h m.mber~ of local 84 em. ployed by the Georgi. Power CDmp~ny completed a .e~.n tv · l .. o hour job of ;,,_ .telting • 3 phe•e 250 M.V.A. (230 10 ' 10 K.V.) Penn'ylva";' tren.lo,mer. 1"'0 C'eo'" of our Subdetion Construction ""embert wDr~.d to comple'e the in.I.I. I,tion. Memben of th ••• Iwo ctewl 'fe to b. commended for th.i, diligent eRoth.

gaIn time. The Entedair1Zl1ent Com­mittee, Geor'ge Womick, Holand Mid­get.te, and 1\1. C. (Tex) Holians, did Ull outstanding job in Jll'cJluring for and carrying out the thankless job or such nlfairs. Thi ~ column is dedicated to them. More than no attended. In addition to 1>I"('s('n\.1I from SUnIl!. the children were cnler'tained by color movies alld car'loons, A buffet wa!; pl'Ovided nnd COIl~isted of Smithfield ham biscuits, fancy chee~e!! , dough ­nuts, hot cofTee Hrlll ~oft clr'inks,

1)en th has again str'uck this local. III'othl'l' Linwood (Whit<,y) White, 51 years old, was buried Tuesday, De­c('mbeJ' 8, 196·1. Linwood will long be remembered by his many friends in


Member$ of l oul B4 Ite Ihown on 'o"lille wor ~ in the Gener.1 Rep.i, Shop of Geo'9;01 Power .bove oInd .t lower,

the locn!. Membe1'S of L.U, 80 sen'ed as pallhearers. Il is rl'gretful thnt. he did not belong to the Slledal Denth Benefit Furul. If ),OU dOIl'I, whr not /13k any onicer for an aPI)licatioll to join. YOUI' widow will be glad you dill.

Hilly Curling nnd Lonnie Rullock 1'ecelltly were hO!< ll italizeti .

Work is still at 1I pr'elllium ill Tide­Wll tCI'. Our mnny thunks to out' 10tHls to the lIol·th and lIo tllh for ]lroviding wOl'k fOl' our' memhers.


"Sonic people lire like blotters. The)' s04lk it all UI), but they get it back­wanls,"

Cnnrs L. WILI'\~IS, P.S.

Active Retirees Promote Good Public Relations L,U. ] 00, f'HES:'\'O, CA LlF,-One of the reasons members are Illore than passingly interested in a pension plan is the fact that reth'elllent payments llre of a non-tllxuhle n:ltur'e und would have no elTect on Social Secu­rity Hllotment~, Lowcring the age of retirement might lake cal'e of ~OIllC of the surplus Inh(ll' )!I'oblems whi le at the ~ame time II l()('kpiling mall­I,ower for local, natiorml, 01' intcrrru­tiona I emergende:<.

Thcre's nn eightY-ROme year 01.1 f('lIer hel'eabout!; who has 1"eth~d

from public life :11111 IImintains one of the most il11maculal(' gardens in the neighborhood 1':li~('1' much more than he can handle ami IJres{'nt~ his sur­plll l:i to ncighhon., wat('\ws o\'el' theil' 1I0mcwhnt am:.leurish g-:ll'tlening in­tel'eMS; with patcrnal wi~rlolll . ]II'Unea their tl't.'Cs or insll'ucls them in lh(' ol)(>l1Ition and ill leading :1 healthy outdool' life rit-h in fulfillment and neighborly estpem .. , . Another, upon his retirement, is de\'o(ing much of his energies to the Inbor field lind

IJoliUcs, li e has the time, drive, :nul a heal thy pension anti is nmking :1

good imlU'esl'ion 011 the local ~elle.

We had some nice cOllll11endatOl'r words from Merv Otteson the other' day-and concerning the 15-ye:lr old picture on the i\1t. Tivy Winer'Y; the name was "We~ Blom; the witl('ry was lo('aie(! in LaeJack between I':]rlier and Heedle)'; lind Wally I{ob­prison, wa!' foreman on the joh. , , . ),11'1'\' I\'all I:Lid up fOI" about a year but is back wOl'king with the tools OLit of L,U, 569- whieh is also h:lI'­illg some labol' p:Lins (bulgillg ilen('h) at lhi~ writing. , , . Men' sends his hcst to all his fricnds in the <ll'ea and CSllCciully his old gnng :Lt Mt. TiI'y. , , , III' can be contllcted lit P.O. Box J()():!I, San J)icgo IG, Calif.

Il cre and There : CILI Wilcox I'eplac­ing Don Robinson Oil Negotia ting Committee; floor apPl'ol'cd mOl'e to prepu l'c immediate briefs to go to Coullcil following stalemate ill negoti, ation!". , .. Bc sur'e and make pel'iodic checks of bcneficiaries on insumllce and Crcdit Union fllndll, .. Some Ii;; men Oil our out-of_work list. , , A few co-op !<ho]l!l lind dairies in the ~o\l thenl ]lart of the jUI'isdict ion do not \\',1111 union lahm' on the IH·ell1i.~e~.

, , To fn"e7,\! hOlo's on Health ami 'Vpifarc fund s when out of town- do it ill writing allli k('('j) ('OilY fOl' Boar'd of TI·u"tc('s .. , , Some juris(lictionai pl·ol.olems lIl'(' (,Iluseli by contl'actor's failing to hell) LIS ill gelling out theil' work., ,Pictul'e of the )'lol1lh sall'aged fl'om th(' "Fibbel' McGee" trp(' glovc ('ompartmcnt of EI Presi­(1(,IIIP's wagOll, . . , , .

Stl'ateglc wOl'k in the sCl'I'ke of th(' communi ty to which ou r bLl~ine~~ agent i", l"ommilted includes a('til'e Illember",hip in the Downtown Ueo:ie­velopment Agenc)', Appeals Roat'ds of the F resno Building Code, and Honl'"

Member Overcomes Handicap In Fresno

loul 100 P,nid.1I1 Jim Robin10n alld &­P ... Bob K ... t pau •• while comin'l to

Or ,k. co",r~.

of Control of the Lnbor Citizen .... While OUI' a:;sistant lJusincN ul{('nl set'VI'S on the Building Commission hearing appc:l1s on ('ondcmned I.!uild­ings--in ud/litian to outstanding work on the ApllrcntkcKhip Committee, etc. ... Now lhut ncgotiutions ure on in futl swing along with the usual busi­Ilcss--it looks vcry much like a louded, ]lotent agenda.

W(' had occasion to d'-Ol) in on Don Gl'ay the other day where he muin­tairl!! II !<mull shop on the corner of Ccdat' al1ll Iowa. A stroke last lip ring confined him to II wheel ch:lir; but with hill good 1I llir-il :tml dl'l\'{' there is cv('r~' Jlo);~ibility he'll be selting the ('hai l' :I!lidc one of these (llI)"I' .... Meanwhile. the ShOll ill !let UJI to ",lIt sound I'qllil)rnent, movie projedol's, and a !tOO« lIupply of movie reelll ideal for IlllI·liel'. etc .... Through the J::ood cooperation of a n('ighbor WI' were :Ible to obtain n (,()lIl'll' !thou of IJon :lnd hill plnte of bll~ir]('!<!I. whirh is, also, n mighty congenial Eas t lIilie spot to drop in and "hoot a vit of the breeze.

Here 111111 Thel"(': Thmugh Ihe holi­days till' ollt-of-work hook in the No_ 1 column !<howC(1 lll'OUII\l 80 men doing !lOllle thumb-twiddling; this might huve heen redured IIOmewhat hlul IIteel :lnd other matel'illli been :Ivai III hie on scyernl of the 11I'o",,~tJye jobs .... NECA cirnnges out lloon-free Iltint-



ing- is~ue uy wl"itirrJ!" to Bos ton, Nll­HOllnl Fire Underwl'iters A ~~oci:ttio l\. , , , Ni(oe to see those conlllltndutol'Y lettet's--this lime fM Bl"otll('r~ Gra­ham and Brown fl'om SJrel'win Elec­tric on the comllieted ruisin Illant. , . :>.light have to be more rllrtful with politiclil jokes, sometimell thl')' might get elected,

Bela ted word hall al"fivNt of A. J, "Blackie" King'lI p:lssing from the scene of mortal il. Hetirement in his "little valle)' of delight" n('ar his brother's ranch north of S:lcmmento S(!(!tIlS :111 too shorl. Jus t :1 few years back Blackie Camll(!(1 olttilide the Mammoth Pool job (after trouble de­veloped over IHXlr grub) along with Sackett, "Bull Cook" 1I0sey, "Indian" 1)1I.\·e, Argo, Elkins, Riley, Earl, George others and nlyself. R1ackie had his cot made UII under tJre ~ta l-S-­when it I'ained a t:ll"\) !lunic(!(1 to keel! him (Ii')'. •• Alwll)'S a cheedul and hel ilful individual ill or out uf camp­Rluckie is deepl)' llIi~~ed hy hill mun)' friend s, A bl'other anti niece ~urvive.

Q. Q. on the 1'. F . (Ching Chow) ;-./0 man is too biJ!" to be ('()UI·teoUS-­but some are too lillie.

Ih:nn Ih:rr, P.S. --

Twenty Boston Me mbers Study Atomic Energy

1..1 ' . 103, BOSTO :"-l. iUA SS.-Enelosed are pictures of the Bt"Othel'8 who wero willing to take their tillle to further their knowledge of Industrinl Atomic Ellergy. The fellows whom I have ~ I)Oken to have all felt l.hat this ('()ur:<e will be of present and futuro bl'nellt to them and to our local.

There were 20 members in this dn~s lind Boh negun hopes (Ol' more in thl' next c!n~s which is to be held in the fall. Be sure to get in touch with hilll enrly aoi no doubt the size of the class will be limited.

An interesting side light of this cour!\(! was brought UI) at R recent meeting. A motion WIIS nmde that the l(JCal Ilurehase :I Geiger eoullter·. This brought quite a few laughs from the

Oe.pile being part,~lly ;ncapac:iI.led by • ".o~.. B.olh. Don G.~y of Loc~t 100, F'.lno, e.I,',. 11lc:c:en'lIlly opera leI ~ .ound .quipmenl ,.nl.1 lirm and m,inla'n. hi.

good 'pi ,;h,

1I11'1I11)('I'S as they assumcd we were J::oing l}rOSpecting, RrolJrer Arllllll' Mile Neil, however, e"plnin(!(l that there al'e l)lan~' areas. especially III

the hosllitals, where there Illar be mdiation and we don't e\'el1 know it,

At a local hospital reeelllly, Bah Hegan had to bot'row a Geiger countl'r (the)' aren't ensy to rome by) to ('heck for r:ldiation ",hel'e our mem­bers were wOI'king, :\"eeflle~s to li.ay. the Illotion to get one was 113!<SC(1.

Incidentnll)', the men who attended thill clllss will gradu:ltl' with :111 other jouI'lleyman classes and ap]lrentice g"l"luluutes sometime in April.

Our esteemed tll:lrOt· of Boston, J ohn Collinfl, mustn't reg:lt"fl unions too highly. Business :'!lan:lgel' O'Brien Willi a llsured that the Chri~tmus b'ee lighting at the Rostoll Common would go union this rear, but again it went to the !!Cabs. This work was dOI1(' \lIlion in the I}ast, but ~ilJ('e Colli liS'

inception of onice it. has gone non­union.

lIis excuse, in response to a tele­gr:tm sent b), Busincss M:llla!-:"('!' O· Brien. was n dilly. lie weakly ex, dnimed that the union'!'; hid .;ame in too late and hOlled we'll h:I\'e bette!' luck next year, :>.Iay he hllVe betler luck in his futuN! endeavors.

Frank Connors of Wilk in$OlI EII.'C­Iri( and his wife celebl"llted recently the birth of thl'ir f;(!('(Jn(\ daughter.

Jim Cullen, who has worked the tote boanl at Suffolk Howns for some years, left with hi~ wife for a trill to Culifornia. J!a\'e a good trill, Jim,

DICK 1\~;, 1'.5,

Local Union Affiliates With AFL-CIO Council I..U, f0 7, GUI\:\ ]) ItAI'IDS. :\IIClI ,­Our union voted to afliliate with the


Study Atomic Energy in Boston

T.~jn9 .d~.nt'9' 01 th. <:Dun,. in l"dui.,i,1 Atomic Etle'gy oR.r.d by loul 103, 80.Ion, M .... , .r., fo"" rOw: (I.ft to right) Carl P,ut.on, Ron.ld Feldm,n, "Iyin Popp.r, Arill ... MacNeil, Bob R'9ftn , J .m.1 Mud., Edw.rd But~., W.It •• Sh.nnon, Rea, row: EdwI.d Lydon. John SIr.nullo, Boh M .. d., Wayne Cerr.I, Ronald Mude, W illi.m Mud., S.mll.1 C.,ito. John O'N.ill, John Dol.n, J,m'l

R .... lon. Miuing from photo: he •• 1t W .... n. John W,I.h.


AFL·CIO r~ntl)'. With a local huild­ing Il'ades rouncil that has bet'n suf· fering from n ~trong inactivilr. thi! movf" was conl<idCred important hy our Executive Aoard.

T he body also voted to dormtc moncy to light a bulb on the SnlvlI­lion Ann)' Christmas tree downtown.

I II a move to cr(':II(' a IItrongcl' in· t('I'('st at meeting!!, job stewards al'c being requested to give a job rt'IKlrl at least once a month,

Ilrother Jack Maybe was r;tl'ieken with illness and is Ilal'alyzed on hill lef~ lIide,

Rrothcr John Flng had a hC111,t at· tuck on Ueccllli>e1' 20, The Rl'othel'R of lh(' local wi:"h Rl'olhel1l MaylJe ulIIl 1"lng both a s pc(.'(ly recovel'Y,

Ilefrcshmcnts were sel've<! :It the December 18th meeting; as in the


pust, the 1:11<1 m('('ting hefore Chl'i!'t· lIlas is usually 1<('1 n><idl.' fOl' merr)' m:lking and good wi8h('",

You Brothcl'll, lIlt-liSe> ('onlact me if you have any lIew!! you think would be lleW~Wol'thy,

Ilope to ~ec you nil at thc mcctings! C,\lIi,TON I.. C'OI'T('IIU:. 1',8.

L.U. 124 Wins National Award for Region I..U. 12 1, KA NSAS CIT Y, ;\I O.- Oul' five newcst jOUrlU'YIlH'1l :Iml theil' wives were guc~t!l of hOIlOl' at ;1 han. Iluct on N'o\'cmhe,'I' I. 191;·1 nt the beau· tiful Plaz,,'l II I Helltaurnnt. T hesc fi\'e young men- William C, Qualls, J ohn Cunningham, J084' llh RUlliollS, J r"

Hoger n. Wilwn, 1ll1d Michael Kcll)' who completcd thcil' al1llrentiC'eshill on Juty I!lt wel'C 11T'Cl;('nte<i theil' Cel,tifi· eate!! o f ComJllctlO1l hy Taylor Cu~ter, Burcau of AIIIH'cnti('c!;hip anll Train ­iuf.{, U. S, [)eJll~I ' tmcllt of Labot', Th('~' w('t'e alliO PI'CSClltCl1 II combillHlion I)('n light 1111(1 fu~ te::ltel' by the J oi nt AIIlll'enticel'hil1 and Training ConI· Inillef',

George T , Trinastich, pl'esidcnt of thl' Greater K:I.II~lll' Ci ty Chapter of NEC'A. gllvc all in!;lliring addl'c"l' in which h(' rC\'lcwed the history and IlrOJ{ress or allllrt'ntieeshill tminillJ{ in our area, 1111(1 rcminded the new jour. neymen that completion of 1I1Jjll'ellti('c­l'hi p did not mcan the cnd of l('lll'nilill'. aud that to keel' Ull with this c\'er· g,'owing industry it is necCSS1U'y to continue with joul'Ilcyman tlaSI!C8 in sl)(!('ia1ized subjects,

Complete Training In Missouri

T~e n .... st joyrn.ym.n of Local 124, Ken.n Cily, Miuoy,i, po,. al I~ •• werd, ur,mony with Ih.i, .. i~u, From 1,1+ .re Willi~m and Joan Quell., John and Miry P~ilis Cunnin",_ hem, Joseph end Janic, Rynionl, Ro""r and T~eda Lynn Wil,on and Michul ~nd

Francn Kelly.

Install Power Link with Canada

Clo,in", anolher lin, of fr i,nd.hip bet .... een Ih, United Sla t,. and Cenad, on the border north of Spo~. n, .re Ih, member, o f l ocal 71 ,hown abo~, end b,lo ... in photo. ,uppli,d by Loul 125, Porlland, Thi. po ..... line conn,ct. the W .. I Kootenay Po ... er

Comp.ny end Ih, Bonn.~jll, Powe, Admini,lr.tion.



The master of ceremonies then ('ailed on 1\1 r. Taylor CU$<ter who IlI'Hised J oe 1\1o,'asch for his long un­lil·ing de\'otion to the a]llll"cnli<:e~hi]l ]lI'OJ.:T~lm. M1". Custer wa!l plc:lsed to ud\'jse )1,·, Morasch, as the chairman of the Ele~." ll'ical Joil.l Appl-entiee"hil) :nlll Training Commitll'{' ror Greater Knn~:I~ Citro that his program has h('l'rl sl'letl(>(1 h)' the Nationnl AW'lJ"d~ Cummitle(' OWl' all othcrs in this four­~tnte r('glOlI of Missoul'i, Kan~as,

Iowa allli Nebraska to I'('('eivc th(' Willium F. Patterson l\lemot'i:l1 '['t'.,­

ph~' fOl' elH'l'II('llce in utljll"l'ntireshilJ lind t.·aining fOI" 19(;1.

This is the highcst :Iwnnl within ti ll' auth()ril~' of tht.! Se(' rctary of the United Slal('~ !Jepartment of Lahor to I;onfet' ullo rl a Joint AI)pl"mtk('~hiJl anll T raining Com mitlce.

With th(' pl'escntation of the ! ro­phr, 1\11', ('1I~tel' offered his congratu­lations to '" 1". l\Iora~<:h and his assoc.·i­:tte~ of the ('le<:(l·i<:lIl industry ill GI'i!uter Kallsu~ Cit~'.

• • •

No\·emll('l· 2ml was 11 I'cd letter da)' in the histol·Y of organizing in the l\ansa!4 City ;II"(,U. On this date al)­Ilt'oximately r,n ele~:tl'icialls who form­edr were 1II(,lIIhen; of the United Mille Worker>! l)istrict!W made ~lpp1i­cation fot" mcmhership in the JBEW. At the slImc time, fout' contractOi"K who formel"ly IJClonged to the United ('ouncil allli I'mploycd U.l\l.W. mcm­hCI'II, I<il{ne(l LNtl'l"~ of Ai'I~cnt to he hound by th(' t(,l'm;; of the Local No.


Loul 125 Conn.Uy pre.,n" en IBEW Life·S,~in", A ..... rd to Brother Milt 0'0,11 .nd BYlin, ..",er Arnold h~nd. a bO·year m,mb,,,hip pin 10 th, d~ughl"

of Brolh., Har ry J(lY'.


Completion Awards Made In Chicago

During ,h. p ••• enl .. tion of compl.tion ""Md. to app •• nlicu of Lo",1 134. Chic"90. the Wl young men we ... ingled out for .peci.1 hanoI.

BUI;M .. Me .. ager Michael J. Kennedy, "9kt, pr .... "" gold watch .. , to .; , ouhtandi"", apprentice •. BUline .. Re pre.entetive Thorn ... O'Connell i •• , I"ft, The honor • • , •• e, . 1"". ing . .. cond f'om I. fl: Jam .. lehnert. Paul McNitt. Thorn .. Lynch, Walto. Obet., Rob.r!

Ulrich end G .. ald L.R .... ,

124-N ECA Agreement. Th is highly unu~ual action was tile result of n CcrlifiClltion Elediotl held by the


N.L.R.R. When given the dlanec to vote, the Rlcctricianl'l voted 0\,(:1'­

whelmingly to be I'ellr(>~ntcd br the


At Yule Festivities in Illinois

Thoroughly enjoying the Chri, lmu plrty given by Loc~1 I~b, Oecetur, III., ar. bolh Ih. youn9os1 end olde.! friend. 01 th. locel. SMla ;, lurround.d by hi. edmire" ., ri9111 while Ken Gordon. PI .. I Gril lon end M. B. Corey huddle behind,

Re lired m,mb,,, of t~e loeel loo~ II., eongeniel oCCOlion fot 0 cl.ot, From I,ft : Ed White, John Herbri9, Fred 8,ucom ond Om ... De ...

IR I':W, Not only hH\'e we g~Lil\cd 50 111'1',' !IIcm],er.~, I,ut we have also n C­!Ited joll!! for \\luny of our oth!:'r mem­hel's IIi nee the~1! foul' shop~ uOl'nmHy cmlllo~' Ul:l!\y more Ihan th(> [,11 who wel'(I :Ieeellted fOl ' l11ellll)cI'ship,

T o OUI' n(>w meml)CI's- a hearty "Well'ome III thc Rt 'othe rhood,"

I.E'! J\!.\TTI::8Q;o.;, p,S.

Import.nt Ste ps Taken In W estern Power Operation L.IT. 12.;. I'O IITI.A:-: O, OI~ E.-With winlC!' \\'(>ath('t' fa~t aP1J1'o:lching con­II tl'ucUon wOI'k is ~Iowinlt down. !\lost of the johs al'e heing comillet('d and some :l!'C I)('ing clollc(1 down for thc wint!:'I', A tI in uti, the work situation has he('n \'('ry gOOd this y(,:lI' and in consid(>l'inlt the lilau !4 now hcing I'e· len~!:'d the work situaUon look!! excel­lent for next year and for Beveral yea I'S to come . ..

Communication from the [ntcI'I1!I­tional OOke in July advis(!d us Ihnt OtiC or our retired m(!mbers had t'eadled that point in life whidt ga\'e him :r GO-rear memlH'!'Hhip in the llH;W, We greatly regret that Rrother lIalTY Jeys wag l!el'iol1~ J y ill at the time and left thi!! wodd bt'fol'(' the recognition could 1)(' he,.tow('d upon him. It wall 1:ltel' prc~entecl to hi!! daughte r who wall "re:ltly appre· ciativc I)r the fact Ihnt the union remembel·(,(J its own.

Hl'olhel' Jf'\'" was 88 W'lIt'S old :It Ihe time of I;is (leath, lie wall inili­all'li in 1..1.:, No. 383, lIan-e, "Ionlana, :Ind later tran!!feITed 10 1'00·tland, Oregon where he waH entploy('(1 hy th(' I'odland General I~leel!'i l' for many rears. Since \!);Ifi II(' hal! 11('1'1( enjuy­ing the heneflt~ :l\'ailal,le thrOU.lrh p<,nsion Vlnns, It R('ems to me thnt ev('ry nteml,cr of our g('C'al union !lhou ld hold Home fe"ling <If l! ati ~fn('­lion for the 0PPoI·tullity of ClIlltril,ut­ing some small n~sis tante to n HI'oth­er'lj well being,

The re~ently iJ\[lu~urat('d ]lolie)' of the inlc l'rmtional to suitahly rCCOA'ni1.c nU"mhcrs who have ~;I\'ed :1 human life i~ eel"tainly to be cOlllll1cllih.'11 llll(l at our' last union meeting full nd· vuntag'(' of tlli!' new poliry wall taken when our P rc.'<ident :l!<sulllcd the I'lea!<llllt Ul!<k of Ilrc:scnlillg 111(' cita­lion and ('ollll11('l1(lallon to Brothel' Milt O'Dell. Back in 1!)(;1 it wall the timely action of :'>1111, at gTcnt ri!<k to hill own personal safely, that ~aV('(1 l!lI'('e young oo),s from drowning in the cold wa\('rs of the W('nnlchce ltiv('t, in Wa~hinJ!'lon Str.Lit. It ill Iluit(' ('('I'tain that Milt will always hold a f('cling of pridc :Ind :laU~f:lc­tion fol' a d('cd 11'('11 dOll(' anll 1 ('an on ly lIul'U\i~c thc f('cling h('ld hy Ull' hoy!! and theil' parentll,

'I'll(' notifl('ation from 01(' InH'I'nll ­lional om('p that W. L, Vin~{)Jl had I)('en appoint(>d tlth Di strict Vil'(I 1'1't' ~­illt'llt wall mo~t plca~aJ1t and j,:'I'atify­illg n('w ~, lIa\' i,l1{ lu:('n a~lIod:lt('d with Vine liS 11 (!'icIl(1 lind II! II union ullk(,I' fol' 111.lny ~'eal's I f('('1 11'('11 (lualifiNI to judge his Ilualifications lind hold a IItronl{ conviction 011 the excell('nce of the gcll'Ction. W(, Ulellll our cOrll] llimcnts and hest willhes to him,

A mOlll impQrtant slep ill the o))el'­nti<)11 o f the electric utility 6yslems in the Wcst was t:lk(,1l on Oetoll{'l' :!Oth whell n n(>w!y constructcd high capacity trall!'millllion line between Arizona nIH! Utah wall IIYlwhroniU'11 nnd c10,,('(1 in at G[('n Canyon L'lah whit-h l!al'alle!ed all the electdc 8Y,;­t('ms in til(' we"tel'll l 'nited Slnles lind Canada. En.lrin('t'l'ing and ('om­piller st urlie~ hnd indicnt(>d the fca~i­hili!y of the pal'alle! operation of this :)8,0110,00(1 KW. ('alJacity n('twot'k hut lIll op('t'atillg' tc~t \\':I!4 a IH'el't'<lui~it('

fOl' final determination. H('~ltll.~ of thi !! w()('k long t('~t wil l l,e ~tltdied and it is expected tlwt parnllel olH:~ration will hI! re~lttlled at 11 laler da te.


Anoth er utility system was actively und directly ini tiated into the North­wes t Power Pool 011 NovemllCl' 5th when a newly-constructed 230 KV, trunsmissiOIl line was Illaced in serv­ice between SllOkllne, Washington and Waneta, Britillh Columbia IlIIrulleli llg the West Kootenny Powel' ConlJl;Iny UIIf[ BonnevillE' Power Adlllinistl"Htion systems.

The West Kootenay Ilrojl'cl i~ or­ganized limIer th(' I B~W and \\"(' wel­fOllle them intn th(' group of orJ.:"Hlli:l:ed utili tie::;. With on(' ex('eption the IIlaho Power Co. all lItililiE's com­pri!.ing thE' ;';W I'P holll ('olllmet!! with the l in:\\'.

FlAnl) n. PAil".:!!, P.S.

Business Manager Kennedy Gives Appre ntice Honors 1_ 11,13 1, CIII(' \GO, ILL. ·On Thul's­dllY, l\"o\'emher 5, 19til, Local lInion 1:0 was host to a class of 311 a llll1'('I1-tices who 011 thnt e\"enin,l:' received c('I'tificutes of ('011l11Ietion and th('reuy gailled the stntUII of full-lIe(!g(',I-jour­neyml'1l of our Local. Thrre wel'e 198 in the conl<!ruction brallch unl! III were in thl.' t('lellhon(' branch of OUI' jurisdiction,

The meeting W:IS culle(1 to OI·,lel· hy President Thomall J. ~luITIlY. At the ('onclusion of a !llIort busine~1I mN'ting he turned the ,l:'n\'f'l O\'er 10 RU!line~s Hepl'esent:llin:' Tholll:ls F. O'Connell who wus clmil"lllun o f the Gmduati(}11 Il, ·og"ralll. IlI'ollwl' O'Connell inll'O­duc('(\ Ihe Heverellfl J OS<'llh Donllhue, Chllilluin of the ('hicago lind ('ook County Building Trades Council. Busi­ness ~fanag('r Mkhnel J. Kenned)', 1'l'e"id;>111 Thomllll J. ~Tun'ny, repl'e­!<elllati\";>s of lhe f~le(:tl'ical Contrac­lOI's Association. meml>CI'!; of the A]l­prenticeship :Inti T raininJ.:" Comlllitt~, liS well all pl'Olliinent d\'k nnd labor lelulers and I'ellresentati\'es of 011 1'

lIist('r locals in the Slirrounding al·en. who were pre!ll'lIt to do honor to theRe young men of whom Local Union 13·\ III jllstly pl"oud.

The colorll of our country were posted by Brothl.'r B:II'ney Delano of American Legion EIl.'cLric Post 769.

nusiness Manager Mich:lel J . Ken­nedy extender! cordia l :wd sincero good wishes to thl' g"l":uluutes.

Mr. Garret Walters, employel' mem­ber of th;> Elcc1ricnl Ap prellticeshill and Training Committee g:l\'e an ell­tremely stimul:ltilll:" and in~llirillg ad­dre!'.s on "JOUI'neymen of the Future."

Revel'elld Donah ue de\i\"erl'd :l IllOst interestin/{ :lnd impl"e!'.si\"e tnlk on the " Philosophy of Labor."

Business Hepl'esentati\'e Alphonse Soundan addressed the gradunting aJlJlrentices, the lI!1scmbled guests :Ind lludience 011 "Your F'lItlll'e In The Electrica l Industry," The potent mes­sage projected by his fine l.'llk left 11

JOURNAL fOR fURU" .... . 1965

lofty Lar,l:'e t at which the new jour­neymen should a im thei,. futures ill the eled riclil fi eld.

Brot her Ha lllh Thol1l11:son. coordina­tor of :IJlpl'entices congratulntt'd the graduates and told them the), had been olle of thl' fine~t gl'()up!I of ap-11I'enti("ell he had :ldmini~tNell to.

Sill apprentices were presented with golll wnt("hClI hy Husinellll MUlllIger :'olichael J . Kl'nnedy fOl' lIwir out­lItllnliing at'llie\"ements dUI'iug their tlll'('e ,"eal'lf at Wa~hhul"Il(' T rarle SdlOOI ;lIId one )'I'ar at M. J. I\enn;>dy School of EI('ctl'onicll, a:'l folltlws:

J. Wahl'r Collins Award U('t'il)ient HohNt )1. l'lrkh

EI('("h'ical Contl'lIctors A~socintiOIl of <":il~' of ('hi('ugo Award

I{ccipient Wnl t l'l' lI . 0lml'u Elel'U'il'al Apprentic('shill and Tmin­in,l:' Trust('('11 AWllI'd

I:"""'illient Thnm:l~ I.rnch ~Iiehnel J . 110),1(' Award

H«ipient Paul \\' )\(":\ilt

:'olidlllel J. 1\('I1II('(ly AW:II'c! HecilJicnt G('ralrl B. LlIJ{(':IU

Tel(']lhone Jack O'nril'JI AWlII"d IleciJlient JlI lIl('S LehJl('l"t

Speci:ll honol"~ \\"('1'1' also conf('I'I~d h~' Rusinl':!!! ~ 1 :lI1ager i\licha('1 J . Ken­nedy IIllon th(l fol1owing (il"~t. l'eI'ond 111111 third r(lar a]JJll"entice~ MI follows:

Fir>it ~'(lal' John J. f>cml)('k, W;lhel' I.. Olson. M:II·k T. " oehlen, ItiChlll'd C. Brockman and Hobert N. S(lib,

Second ye:l)"- Daniel Dus;o;('k, DUI'},I L. Sittig, Jnllll's D. Smakal, Jallle~ E. Heinze :11111 Hobert I~. Gavin.

Third year- Kem Roulle. Robert SUlat, Hichard F. Schmitz. Thomas McGuire and Jack H. f)e\·inl·.

LllJlCl IJins ami Cel'tificat(lll of Com-111('tioli w(lre ]IreH(lnted to nil th(l /{r-ad­IlUling apprcntices hy OusillesM Man­ager Michael ,I. K;>llIledy, :1.~lIist('d by the following Committee: Thomall -' . Munay, J'rt'~i(lent, \Vm. 1'. I logan , J r., Vi~' I'rl'sid('nt, fred J)uhb('rt, Shel"l11:ln 1.. J:r~llel', T homas A. ron­nO]"!I, J.~dward Filzgel"llhl, J llck O'lInl-101"1111, F'l'ank Cunningham, AI )IOHS('r, !laniel C. O' n ri('n, C('rald J. Sullivan, Leo ~1;>aIlY, ThomaM Sindllir. J:lmes F. n utler, J,' .. 1":1\\"]"('nce Mci-:lheuy a 1111 F:dwlll"d C. J)W}'er.

The colol"8 of our cOlln t!"y w('1'(, I'C­

tired. th ll~ ul"in,l:'ing to a ('Io~e the program, uncl an e\'('nillg which left olle with thl' f('eling of n "job-well­done."

TIIO'1.\>I F O'Co:-;'q;I.I" n.n.

Former Business Manager Kohli Mourned I .. U_ 116, f) I-:('A 1' lI l1 . ILL.-Wl' I'lIIted the year with mnny ulJfinished I)roj­ed.~ which were planned or sturted during the yE'!l. r, I.Il1t, needles8 to sa y

a ll we ushcrcd in the New Yenl', we carriecl ove)" in to 1965 some of the unfin ished jobs nnd the date of their COllllllction is 11roblenmtical.

Members of LOC:lIl 146 and their families were again treated to II fes­tive ('hri!ltm:ls Pa rty On Saturday afternoon, Decel11l)('1" 19th from I to 5 I).m. We al"C l'IH;lo~ing !!Ome llictul'(ls tllken hy Bu!:illel'lI ,\la nager ~oll ~howinj.{ ~e\"eral views of the al,ti\'­Ilie[O.. IIcsides being a hig thrill for all th(' youngstenl, the party IH·()\'hle.~

an (''l:cellent opportunity fOI' the oltl(']· IlIclllll('rll to I'i!:it ellch olh('r lInd I'e· I·it·\\," IIlI~t ellpcri('ncl's.

011 Ii ilion' sollli)('r note, it iwt-uI1I(,s our !<lui alill painful duty to infonn fri(lnds :lnd fOl'lner IlIl'mhers of LtlCl11 I Hi (If till' ~uddl'lI :11111 \In('.~pel"l('ll <I('nll1 of forlll('I' ll llsilless l\llIna){I'I' Armine C'. Kohli. III' was well known :11111 J"e·~I)('Cled for hi~ :wth'iti('s Ilu)" ill)( hil' 12 rea)""s (19 1;:;-1957) ill om('(' :is hU~LIl('~lt nLlIllalrer. III.' e."'tabli~h('d the !-:I('("trical Work!'I'S' welfal"f' \11'0-

grlllll ill 19;';;. del·!'lop.('(1 Ihe first ap­I JI'f'nti('e~hiJ' I"'ogl'am fOl' Electl"i('i:rn~ h(ll'e in 1911l ullli huilt the first lotal unilJn h:lIJ in 19:ia.

ll rothel' Kohli \\'119 also the thnir­mltn IIf the ('on~lructioll alld Industry CommiU('(' of th;> A~l!()('iution of ('1.1111-

))1('rC(l fJ'Onl 10,,;, to 1!)fj7 and th(l public Sdloo1 Adl'illOr)' Committee for ··\JlPn.'nti<"eshifl Training from l!)W lO 1917. lie :llso :«'1"\'('(1 a~ presi<lrnt of the 1J(I('ntlir Tr:ulell and Labol' As­It('l1Ihl~·.

TIll' tll(,llllJel"S of the local extend t heil' d('('pest ~Y!l1J1athy to his wir .. ami ("hildl"en,

At the regular union meetil1(l" it wall I'('llol"ted that (,he!';ter Grn\"e~'

mOlh;>r-in-law, ~Ir~, lI arr)' Bults, hud diN\. It was also 1";>ported that Pnlll )):lley had bl'okcn II oon(l in hi!'. foot. )I,'s. Vernon CrilK' hud 111I1'gel'Y in the !Jet-utllr nnd ~la('on ('ounty H O~Jlit:lI. ])uall(' Cripes' little girl lind l1 e rll('l·t llallninj.{'11 :SOli were :1180 hospitaliz('( l. ~Ir~. I..nwrence lI uff WIIS a 11:Itient in St, JO~('J1h's Hospilll!. Mrs. lI erl.l(']"t Banning :llId Mrll. Melvin Wil1i:l1ll1l W('J'(> Hlso hospitalized. TOllY Dnnielll ami Paul \\'oods lll·1.' back at wOl'k again.

At tl1(' last IllE'l.'ling we h:l(\ 1111

gueMII lIe\'el'31 lllelllll('J's of Local '19!), J)e~ 1\IlIinl'~, Iowa, who :Ire II]"e~ently

emplo)'e(\ on the nl'w t'u terpil1ur plant now under construction here in De­catur. T hey ellJlre~S('f1 their alllll,(,(,l­ation (or the ('ourtes)' of our local in extending them emIIIO)'lllent. On IX'­hnlf of l.ocal 146, BUllinC!!s :'olal1llgl.'l· Noll thanked the visiting men fOI' their pnl"t in al1el'i:lling our shol"\:Il{e of mnn power at this Im)"ticul;]!' timl'.

Business "'llI/IU,l:'U No1l repol·tec! the wOl'k load :19 IItiJ[ good ill thill are:l. President Hanll('y thallkcd nil the III('mUcrs who p:lI·ticipated in the Chrilltmus tree light ing project ill Centl'a[ Park. T he 11I1I'k lighting wall IIb'"tlin a beautiful fail'y[and of coun t-


le~;; min iature lam ps, painstakingly insta lled uy members of our own Local I IG"

We extend OU I' wishes for the New Yenr and tl"UlSt it will uring (ull cm­Jlloyment to all!

BOil "Sellonl!" W" , ":.; .;, p"S,

Local Reviews Leg islative Outlook 1.. 1', 11 9, I'l'n'H llrHGII , " A "-When this appeal"8 in your Jot II:>; \I., Con· g'""~S will hll\"" 1)('('11 in ~e~siol1 (or sOllle time lind lIome o( the i~~uell dis­('uss('(1 below tlla~' have 1)1'('11 d~illed" I ,;tll1 (eel :I lO(Jk at the NO\"<'InloCl" elN:tlol1 reliuttll ul\,l what they Il!ell!\ to OUt" union nnd its mellllK'rll ill in onlel".

What our C() l'fo~ 11I"ogram ('1l11 do (or U;;, when \I'f' IIU I)II0!"t it, was 111'\"er heuel" dl.'mon!;trat('d than last Novem­her" P riOl" tll thnt time we were mena('ed by till' 11I"Oponenl1' o( " lt ight­to·Shirk" legi!lI:ltion" T his 1.'\'i1 is Illost conllnonl)' al1l l el"ron(,(IU~ly l"e' (1.'1"1"('(1 to all '"nlght-to-Work" legis­lation" On the national levf'1 Senalor Goldwater W:III promisillg a Fedual "Right-lo-Shirk" hlw and on the State le\"el the " Pt'nnllylvanians (or Hight· t()-Work" committl'(' WIlS f1e:l:ing iL~ muscles by I)r('flicting early Il:l!<l':lb>'e

o( SlIch a Inw" We were dl'finitely on the de(en~i\"e, ,Iigging in for n goul lint' ~t:llld. Tlu"n the vote.'! wel"e counted and t'verrone in the "'t:lndll could !O(!(! that our 0Pllon('nts h:1(1 flllllhied ami we had recov('r('(1 the hall. ~ow we were on the olr(·n.'live" P rl.':lident John~on had !<.Oundly de­f('nu~d Senutor Goldwater lind the new Congrl'!<lI would have more (!"if'nlls o( !t11l()1" lIil1('e 7() jll'rcent o( the Congres.'Iiolllll l'andidntes COPE SUP IIO,"ted were ell.'ded" In this St:lte the Uem(l('rat.'l won control of the lI ou.'le of Heple!!Cntalh'es.

In Wa.'lhington thi.'l means that in­.'Itead o( fighting to :l\'ert a nILtiona l " Hight-to-Shi rk" law the Af' L-C IO will be st1"i\'ing (01" relM"nl o( Section II (b) o( the Tllfl· ll l1 r tley Al"t, Ihe llI"Ovi~ion which I('ts !llates enact '"ltT"S." lawll" Shire Federal law su­l){'n,{'(les Stllte law, rep('al of 11 (u) would \"oid all sll('h statel:l\l"s I""{'S­entl}' all the hooks and remove the possibili ty o f any ac](litional stllte!!, lIurh as ou r own, putting "u('h n 1:IW into effe{'t, Thi ll will he a tough fight since it is mudl h:II"(]("" to I"(' I)('a l a Inw that hall heen in efred tlwn it is to have n IWW IlIw llU!<:led" Tough fight or not it will be good to be tak­ing the ofrensive ill trying to imllrOve OUI" posi tioll ratht'l" than stl"uJ.qt"iing to lllHillt;lin it. We 1111\"1' heen o n the de­(I'n lli ve much too 101lg"

Other lllell~U,"ell lubor wil! be tlll l:l h­ing for in tid !! IlI'W Congresli incl ude the 3S-hoUl' week, double lillie fOl" ..

ovcrtime, minimum wnge incI"eases, a Fcderal unclllployment com)lensution law and Medicare"

The 35-houl" week and double time are essential to pro\'idl' 111011' jobs (oJ" our c\'er·increasing lallor for Cl'"

Minimum wage legi~ll1tioll is the only way ill which lal.MlI" IIlllons cun 8e('Ul"C inC\"ea><es in Imy for the great army o( low Imid , unorganiU'11 wOI"k­CI"S" (The two categot"ie~ go huml in ha nd") \\'e mu"t COJ1{'el"n our"elve>l with the,:e pl'Ollle ~inl'f' the)" ha\"e to li\'e and rai,;e familit'"~ tou alltl so long" n~ tht'"i r pay remalnK lllw It will be all the Iwrd(' ," to rall'f' 0111".'1"

A Fedel1l1 L'nemployment Cotnpen· !<ation Law I.::; nN:('s~ll l")' IJ('(':luse, aga in , ~\lch a law would lIullify prell­ellt sta te laws" Enlirety too mallY sta te!; ha\'c, in recent )"1'III"S, lJ('{'n re· dUcing Iheit" U"C. Imym('ntll to 1I11raCl

New Leader

Donald H" Thorn .. i. the naw bUl in ... m.n· .qet 01 Loul IS] " South B.nd, Ind"

new industl"Y" Ind ustr), IlIa)'!'! one again~t the other with tht' ,"e~lJl l that e:lch new sta te law JllI:;!«'d fur ther re­duecll till' WCi ;"'efS l}('lIdihl, A law !:'Citing Fedcml st;lt\(]al"(]~ (0'" U"C. would IlIlt an e nd to this viciou~ ('rele"

:\Iedi('are Il'gisIation is \'itnl to those on retit"elll('nt incOIll(,.'I" W h('ther yours is ncar or a long \\;i\" ufr it is an age wc all hope to ;"('af"il. In our producth"e ye:lN; wc have e:l:l"('lIl'nt cove,"age at a rate we can :111 afrord" Under the JlI"{'senl set Ull thiK nil changes with retirement" W hen we are less IIble to IJay and our IIt"oha­bility o( hospitaliz.ation in{'rl'n~s, the rates inc rease sh:lrJlly 111111 the co\'­erage is (Irll~tical1~" redm'N!'

Getting unck to the Stllt(' level , my earlier rcmlll"k ahout the Uemocrat.s gaining control of the 1I01l);e of Hell­I"esentali\'es is not so Ilartislin as it may have 1I0u nded" The Slate Srnute is still in Hep\lbliclIll ("ontl"o! !l0 that one will nul lify the nth('r" T he net rcs ult will IH"ohlibly be thlll no con-11"0vcr8ial legi!llation will i){' pll M~ed 01"

repealed in this session \\'ith onc nol-

IIble ell('cI)tion" T he ne w legislature will !Je under an injunction to re-1I1Jporlion I'ennsy]v:lnia 's legi!llati\'e :IIlII "'-Cnalorial Ilistricts in confo rmity with e:l:isting OOUI"t decisions" Since lin)' rl'a lJporliOlllnell\ l:IW will havc to pa"' both th(' Senatf' and House it will hal"(' to lie a la\\' that bath Ul'tllO­nat ... and He]JuhlicaJ1~ will (eel i!< fair.

Why i~ thill iml)("ll"tant to us! Be­{'au~e it will IIl"inK to an end or !'C,"i­uu.'!ly ('ripple the domination I"U1":I]

at"('a~ ha\"e e:l:erei!<('(1 0\'1.'1" IKlth hou~e!l of the Il'gislaturC' from its incepliull" The courts ha\'e ruled that the ap­portionments mu~t 1"l'III"esent thl' IJ('1) I)le :IS equally a~ possible, obser\"­inlt t he "one IlIan, on(' I'O~" principl(' laId down hy the U"S" Su preme Court. In the J111 ~t" !< I 1:I'"~l'l)' populated rurlll coul\tie!< Jun"e been guaranteed a min· imum numbel" o f M'nlltol"S and !"CJlre­II('lItl' ti\"e~, reganll es~ o( IKlpulation. while hig <:ity (,oulltie~ such as Ph ila­d('lllhia and Alh-gh('lI)' h:l\"e bc<'n lim­it('<1 to a certain nUlilber" of legi~ln­tm"lI, al!<o reganlll'~), n( population" The ('Olll"t rulinl-::I will gi\e the city 1l{'()Jlle 11101"(' reIH-e!'Nlt;llion and the I'ul"al rolh le~~" T hi!' tan ollly result ill 1:IIKlr gf't\inll :l fail"('l" shake in lhe !lIllIe legilllatul"C lIin{'e IKJliticians gen­('r.iI'y refl{'("t the fPeling~ of their 0011-

~tituellt ... " If a lll:ll1 11'IH"e"ellts all a l"{'a wilf're lahor i!l ~t!"ong, as in the cities, he will !-"('l1er:ll]y !Je fai{' to Inbar whethel" he 1M" UemOCl"at or Re­Ilubli('an, Our L' .5" Congres:<1I1en from the Pilt~burgh l)istrict are II

goo(1 t':I::lIl1Jlle of thi~, 1I 0l1al1d nl1d :\iol"t'head, lJem()('rat~, Fulton and CIlI"i)('Il, Rel)\lhlican~, all received ('OI'E'" endor~('II1('nt last ~ovemher. They I"('cei\"cd it I.w:oC;iuse of their fine \"otll1g records on i;<;<ues labo," sup­porter!"

When Pe llllSrh"ania's urhan arells re('('IVi' their just sha re of l"i!presenla-111)11 \lUI" l"aU~ will be helJled regard­I('sli of which ]lolitit'al 1)a1"1}" JlIlir be ill COl1l rol of Ihe legislature at nil)' gi\,f'n time,

\\'11.1.1"\" T . Snn"[.t:, V"p"

Broth er Beattie Assu mes New NECA Post L. l I. ];;3, ~OrTIl IIE,n. 1:\ 1),-111 SI'11tf'mber, 00l1a1l1 Benttie, husilles~ ntanager o( L"U" IS!!. rc:;igned to be­('0111(' are:1 reIH"es('lIt;sti\"e for the ~'a· tionnl Electrit:11 ('ontractol"s A ~ .. ,.ocill. lion, :\11". Benttie has been business l\1-o'"Cnt lIince 1!l!);J, winning each term try Ullllnill10us vote" Best wishes to Don on his new job"

OUt" new hUNineI'li agent is Donald l'h Otl1l1~, who ha!; been in the I Hr.W fo '" :!8 ye:l!"s" Don hns served 0 11 the " I';" ROll l"d, AlllJI'e ll t il'e;<hill COll1mit­let', Burg-aining Committee. and has hecn unopposed (01' ,"ccord ing seCI"e­tar)' (or l he pas l ::!O ycars.




I am IIOrry to relJOrt that our charter i! again tlralK!(1 in hJack. Paul R. Donoho wa! struck by an auto­mobile, Dcccmber 28, and was killed instantly. Paul had been a member of 153 (or many )'enrs and was n foreman or superintendent on many jobs. Paul hall a !;On, Wayne, who ill a member or ) 53 and ill active in union afTninl. Our dc<'ll('st sYlllpath)' to Waynl' lind his f:Jlllily.

RI'ss.;I.I. K S("I[,\IUI:IIT, P.S.

Annual Bowling In Jacksonville,

Tourney Fla.

L, U. 177, JA C I{SO"\\' ILI.K FLA ._ We, here, in Jackso!)vill(', Florida, will act as hORt to thc :!hlt Annual IBEW 110wling Tounmll1ellt, to I~ held dill'· ing the month of )Iay, 1 (I(i5.

We have !'.('nt lettN's to all Joe'nl union oflkc~ li~tl'(J in the DiI'cctory of Local Unions, exlcndinJoC invitations to join us for the tOllrllllml'nt and/or Ilurchas(' ad!! in the book thllt will 1)(' printed lind issued to c(lch Jlllrti.-iJlllnt in the tOUI"IHlIllent,

Therc hUll been II·eut deal of in· lel"Cst in the past in thill :lJlIlual tournament. I~\'er}'onl' hilS a wonder­ful time, ;11)(1 we hll\'e :1 good chance to meet our I1rothel~ from local un­ions all MrO:>11 the count!"y. The tour­nnlnent ho~t ci ty all'O 1m!! an ideal opportunity to "llI'cad union goodwill in the ho~t city, throuJoCh thc hotels, Illotel ~, reslaunlnts. nmJ 1)laces of en­leliailllllent, as well ns by adn·),tise­Illent. in the TOUI'lmment Program Rook.

In view of this, and (1110 to the fact. that we have a problem )'elwhing all lo~al unions (we hllve II tremendous amount of rctul·ned lIlnil) , will you kindly phlce our lettel' of invitation in the JOt!HNA I ••

J)o~'.\I.D J , n MITO, Clwil'lllfll1 , In EW BowlinJoC Tournamcnt

Practica l Courses W ork Best Says lo U. 180 L.U. 180, VALU; J O. CA Ll F'.-A journeyman is a 1)I';lcticIII mnn. Often he has little llatience with books. No matter how intel'eating the text, it will hold the journeyman's attention only to the degreE' that he II<'eS a di­rect llppliclltion to his job. Too much thoory, ant! intel'est will lag. Too lllllCh technicnl detail and class at· tendance dru ll~. Why? R('t'uuse the lIlan who joins a elas!! doell so to rul­fill a strong need for IJractic:tl "kllow how." li e is impatient to get his hands on 80mc r(!l a YH, starle)'s :111<1 Jlush buttons ; to hook thelll UJI and watch lh(!m wo!"k. 'I' he!"c ill AT(!at lIat· isfaction and a sense of f ul fi llmcnt in


21 st Annual I. B. E. W. Bowling Tournament Sponsored by Local Union 177, Jacksonville, Florida

This y(!ar, l!)(i(j will be a big yeal' aJoCain for Local 177, in Jacksonville, Floridu liS we al'c ;1j.tHItI host to the AnIJU:II IIn;\!/ Howling TOUl'n:lI11cnt. YOII Illay I'ccall lJcin~ with us in J!)(i:! fOI' the 18th Tournament, and we sUl'C'ly enjoyed oU)'>o('lve>l in St. Louis, l\Ii ~SOUI'i, for the 19th and Pitt!;bur~h, Penn!<yl\':lnill, for the :!Ulh, which WIlS actullily ("()-SJlonsored by L.U. :!Ul, 8ea\'el', l'ennsy[vllnia, This Bow[ing Tournamcnt "eems to be beUet' el1ch yeal" lI)lIl we know we really Jook fOI'Wltrd to seeing again, all t he fricnrlll we llIade at pu ~t J.:'lI t heringa.

Wc hupe to mak(l t hill meeting in .JII("k!;OI\\'iJ1e tll(! best ret. We h:J\·e nC(luirC<.1 the bea\ltiful Geor~(! W;IMhlngton and the I{oo~e\'elt lI otels as hcadquartel·~. There will be thc ullunl lIo;;pitalit)· Jl O\ll~, Dinner, Uanc+ ing, lind there ll:lll 1)('('11 some telTtlie ('ntel'tainlllcnt lined Ull for you so far, We'll keep ~'Oll in sUl\pen~(' liS to the IHlllle of our UNA)!E" entertainel" but he hUll been 011 the I';" Sulli\'un Show, among olhers , Aaide from the bowling, we al'e lIure many of )'011 would like to visit the ncaruy Ucaches, thell ~o on to St. Augmlline, which is hut a short d!'i\'e from Jacksonville, and l)('rhnl)lI ('\'en ?IlIrilleland, which is a good way to while away an entire d:IY, Nnturally there is always ~hOPIJing for the ladies, who are al\\;I)'11 intl'I'ested in at lellst seeing Florida fashions.

\\'e'd like to extend to e\eryon(' of you, a sincere invi tation to join us :'It A Y 21, ~:O!, anti ~;l, 19(;5, and helll to m;lke thia Tournament 11 huge success aJoCain this yellr.

)lany of you did not l"C('('j\'e OUI· first letter which we ~nt out December I, as we had (luite a bit of mail returned due to address changes and if you did nOI l-eceive the letter we sent in early January, Jlle;tse write to us as follow!!:


Hope to hear fl'om all of you III the neal' future, and we will try to keel) you up on I)[ans in the coming ill!lues of the J onl;>;A I ..

[)()~'.\ I.IJ J , R .UITO, CIUlirllHm :!Ist Annua! IHEW TOIll'namcnt J acbonville, 1"lol'ida.

)lushing a button on a ("ontrol sct-UJI one lms just completed, l'CeinJ{ thc timers and )'clays clitk, the I)i\ol lamJls lij.tht up lind t·onta("!OI':;; snap closed, An evening ~I)ellt hooking UI) a control hoard, "sweatinj.t out" the ell·cuits nnd discussing the details with a paliner is worth n whole month of theory and ledures.

tinually WOt'k on circuit after circuit uflcr circuit,

Our weekly tlll'ee-hOlir lIC~sions st 'll·t with a IllIlf hOIlI' of l·cci tatiOIl and grOU11 discllssion lIal«'(l on the text assi ... ~ment. For the I'est of th., e\·ening the lJlen make UI) and 10.<;\ control boards. As the cir<'uits becom(' lllore ilwoh·ed, and ncw units are ;Idded, cadi new Ilicee o f ('(luiplJlent is e)(llll1inell. di~CIIS!«!d, :11)(1 u little theory is tied in with the pl'1lc!ical 1l11PIication.

One IIU)·IIOl'C of the COUI'SC is to ncquaint the men with a wide \'al'iety of cOlllponents and fami!inJ'i1-C th('m with the PUI'polle of curh piecc or equipmen l , ils place in a circuit and the theo!"y IJch ind its utilh:ation. To accomplish this the mcn IIlll st con-

This lllukl's it mandutol'Y that the mUnillulati\'(' IJart of the (·OUl'se be extremely flexible. This is how we did it. We stri l)lX'd the met:t1 enciosul'1!S fl'om ull the Ktartel·S, rela),s, timers. P.R. station!! etc, Each bal'e ullit wall mounted on a pl)'wood base 16 inc-hes long and widc enough to nccommo­date the unit. Sevel':11 w:llIs were co\'­('red with plywood to which we fas­tened metal Z strips 16 inc-hes almrt, It thus was very simple to assemble ;1 control board in a few iiCronds by sli lliling into pJace the plywood ballCs having the de~ir'ed units attached , A ll control connections arc made with lcuds consisting of No. lG stl·a nded T,W. wire tCl'lnillllting in spade lugs. Six colors o( lellds facilit:lte tracing \'udous control ciJ-euits.

To iIIust rn te the method of tea("hing thi~ ~ourse , in the fir st huH term we (10 IIOt use aetunl motol's a s loads. I n· s tead , banks of lamps serve as staIOl·. rotor or r(!sistol's. It the session in-..

Pursue Training in California

Seen heir.;! .. , ",,,,1 Me young men 1'~;njn9 under lou! 180, Vat1ejo, Calif. At 1.11, Approntice Larry Guldenbrein punt., over revlr,· ;ng·storier circuit end Apprentice Leonerd Fillle' ;"lo,loch Iwo circuits with lime delay .elot.,..



Membe~ 01 the Joint Apprentice'lhip end T.aining CommiU .. Leon Cook, Bud Madia.,. and Dan eh."dl., off., helpful Jug9,,,lio""

,'oh'cs. a wound rotor three ]lhase 1ll0tOl', for il1l!tancc. we \Ise sllu' eOIl­nedI'd Im.nk~ of lights to simulate the rotor, anI) other lam!)~ for I'C"iliton:. A ~ cach bank of "resistors" is Cllt

out by the timinl{ rel;lrli, the "rolor" lamps increase ill hl'ightncss, demon­str'uting the gTcater volla;;-!! across the rotor windingl'; with increa!IC o f speed of the "molor."

In the latter part of the coursc actuul motors will be used, And by that time, 11 lI];1n hooking Ill) a control circuit for a motor will havc a \'er'y good dsual idea of what I('O(,S on in· sidc thnt motor when stnrting,

The text fOT' lhis COII"S(, is " A,C, Motor Contl'Ol li'und:l!l)('ntals" by R. I .• , J\lcIntyr'e of the National '/oint Apprenticeshil) and Trainin,::- Com­mittee, ~1ac has stripped the text of practically all nmthenmtks and usc~ just enough practical theorr to ex· plain wh}' the \'ariotls Cil'(~lIit5 worko One vcroy important point is slrcsged by the author-"Do not memorize a ciroeuit, I.f'arll to think in schematic diagT,ulls in Qrder to l}eeome at ea!';e in the building up of :l control )I;Hlel from si mple eh~melltl1r'V dl'cuits, " Once this stage of eXIJC~ience is at­tained, trouble-shooti ng loses much of


its mystel'r j allll contl'ol work cJl:lngcs (t'om a frustl'ating nij{htlnal'e to a Ille;IS:Ult, challenging ('_'(lwI'ience,

T his eOlu'se from its \Oer'y beginning h:~s harl much hell) :11\(1 enCOl1mge­Ill('nt frOIll the oJoint Al'llI'("ntic~shi)l

a nd 'l'r'ailling' Committee of Local J800 At intervuls, members of the com­mittee dllit the clas!l~~ to observe the llrORTe!\~ of the students and o when needed, lend their mature judg:lllcnt and ex peloienced hand!! to the lIs.~ell1-bling o f e()uipment and installation of lab, unitso

The classes ar'e held at Vallejo Adult School. We are fortunate in Imving as school supe]'vi~or , all oltl timer ill skilled trades, Ml'o Ii:u't'v Shorte!!s, lIarry is always rearlr to step ioto the brcach in an eme1'l{cncy, fl'om promotion of some wood ~ho]J projecl in OUI' hehalf. to helping Ilith the dc~iR'n and installation of the con~ Irol hO:lrd rack~,

OU!' Motor Contr'ol Cou"~e is find­ing' s udl acceptance among the 1ll('111-hel'~ of 0111' 10(":11 that ])1:IIIS :Ire under II';IY for de\OeloVilrl(' the ~('('ot1l1 ph:l!\c of the co",~eo This witl include an inlt'oduclion to :;I:.tic contlool and the u!le of electronics in indIl8Ir~·0

J I , KIL\KOWSKY, JIIs/Tlle/or

Banquet C it es Apprentices And Retired Members L,Uo 18 1. ( ;.\ I.ES HIT IUi, II.]',-On the cvenin~ of Saturday, Od()iJer :!1. l!JGI, Local HH held a hanquet 10 1101101" a]l]ll'enti("~s and retir(.~1 mem­hers, esp('cially olle l11('mher who is to reteil"e hi~ ]tin fOl' r)o ~'~ars in the IBEW, Rr'otlwl' !by Hidmnlson wa~ unahle to aU('tJd tht, b:ltJ{(Ul't, h('e;lu~{,

of iH hcnltho II is 50-rear ()in will he l)r'e~eI11ed to him at his home, !{u~ was initiated inlO Local 181 Hec('mhcr 2(, 1!J11 :\lId retired on pc>nsion De­cembe r J, 1!)5{i, lie 1I';IS alw,,\'~ .wt in' in IOt'al lin ion ;df:ril's and at ~ne time was president of the union, li e i~ one of the pioneers who helped nrak(' the union what it is todayo All mem hers are \'ery proud to ha\"e Ihutlle,' iticharc1;;on as :1 1I1em\)el' of 181.

lIal"J'r Gr:len, ,He:1 field r'e'l]°e~{'nta_ ti,oe of the linited States Department of I.abol' Bureau Apll renlltOeshi,. ntH! Tmining, acted as master' of ('en', monies, I)r'o Or'\"al 'I'I'ail, super'intend­cnt of ~ch(JOls for Distl°ict 205 helpc11 to present the di]llolJ111~ to til(' gnu!u· atin);' apprentit'eso

The featured spcaker at 11t(> han­(luet was ,Joe Sullivan of Chita~o, State supervi~ol' of llPIH'('lItic(' train ing for the UoS. Department of Labor', )[1', Su11il';111 g:l\'e a talk on ;1J)pl'en· Ilt'('ship training ant! on Title :!~) and how it alf('ctl! the IRE\\',

lI el'llt'hel Maxwell W;15 IInahle to nl­tend the banquet. He ha~ been the instl'uctor for the apl)l'enti<-e~hip

"rhool fOJ°:l numher of year~, We o\\,(­

him a deht of gl'atitud~ for the ex­cellent joh he lra~ done Ihroug-houl the rellr~ ,

Only three of our l'('\ir('11 memberl'l we,'" ahle to he pre~l'nt at the han­(luct ll~ I'hown ill Ih(' picture :lccom­Ilanyinl(' t hi!! letter, Retiroed membeloH unable to attend were A I't ])eSmet,


Apprentices, Veterans Honored by Local 184

Th ... r,ti,.d memben of Loul 184 ....... in .1I."d"n~. ,I th, 'ecenl banquet of ,,,. G.J,.bu, 'l. til., local. From 1,1, e" Jim AlienplS', form e. b,,,ine,, 'gent, 8ill Mill. and Tom Merry, I,th" of II. , pre.'"! bu"n ... '9,,1'11 Paul Marry. At right compl, tion ..... e.d. er, med,

by Fie ld Rep,eu nleti •• Harry G run to John WhihiH, Jim S","n.ol'l, r om Horrell, Dun Fay end M,,!, OIO ~ '.

lI erb McCune and H UITY Rhodes. ~l (>mb('I'~ who Iltlencled the banquet were Frank Welt~ nplJI'entiee chair­man for l..ocnl 8.1. (He also won one of the door 1Iri1ell.) Rob Metzger won the other door priz.c. Also ,)resent weN' ;\l!', :lIld Mt's. 1':lul ~l al"l'Y, Mr. and MI'!!, I~dgal' JtO~8 , M", and 1\11'11. !'ete Cosner, Mr. 1111(1 Mrs. l\lcrie D,'okl.'. Mr. (lml Mrs, Carl ;\hllhl.'l' lI, Mr. and ?In!, Ro~' Chalstl'an, Charlie Stf'ngnl, Fred Emt'r)' editor of LA­ROit KEWS, Mr, aTld Mn;. Jim Leah)', Mr, nnd Mrl<. Tom Ho .... ell, Mr. and Mr!l. Denn Fa y, :\11', nnd ) l r!l. ,J ohn Whitsitt. MI', ami Mrs. Hill Jenn­ink~, Mr, and Mr~, Hoy Neuman, ~h', lind MI' ~, J:l<'k Sl'l.'lT)', Jim SPCrl'Y one of our I{){'al conll'actor~ , Mr. nrul l\Il·~. Sam Andr'c, M.·. and MrtI. J Crl')' Ho!'!!, )Ir. and ;l l rs. Lee lIall, Mr. and )11'8. Rob Loring, )11'. and )lrs. Stan A:<h, Mr. and )11'1'. Don ('aml'en. Mr. nnd MI·s. Jill. SW;U1!'On, roll', lind "'I'S, Don 1.undquist. )11'. :lIul Mrll, Al Joh nston, Mr, and Mrs. rolel

(:h;lne)' and Mr. and Mrs. Lee )1:lttoon.

Door IlriU's were donated by Gray­hal' f:le<:tric Co, and Thomas ElectriC'.

W e are all glad to hear thllt Carl ) lath('r8 is out of till' hosllital.

Th(' loca! exl('nrili its deell('st N}tll\_

)lath)' to :-Olel Cll:Ul(,y who~c father If:\ li~l)(l ;!WHY, and to Ml'. and J\lrM. .Iohn Whit:;itl who r('centl}, lo~t their infant son.

Tht' work ~ilUlltion is a Irttle ~Ia('k right now but ~houid Ilick UII this S III'ing, with Macomb and :-Olonmouth having l'Ome good l<ized job~ in vi,'w, B y the way, th(' IIl'ttJth a/HI W('Hllrt' I'lan goes into t,ffret in F('hruary, I ~)!i :"

Do:>; 1.1" i)QIIST, I '.S,

Brother Dawdy Receives 50-Year Pin at Home 1..1', 185, IIELE;\ I\ , .\IO:-<T.- Inter-

Veteran Me mber Honored

r .. le, ... I;o ... 1 Vi<;e P, ... 1 SI .. nr .. y E. Tho1mp'on .. fli.u .. flIly • ., .. , membe"hip pi,. 101 the I.p.r 01 B'olhe' C. A, O .. ",dy while forme, BUli .. en M.".g.' Joe SUmme" looh 0 .. in <;e .emonie •• 1 B'olh •• O.wdy·, home. H.',. reli red member of loc:.l 185, H.I ..... , Monl,

JOU~NAl FOR fURUA"' , 1965

untioual Vice Presiclent Stanley E, Thomllson was in Helen;) , llontana, on I~mber ·1, l!lG~, meeting ..... ith the officers of the \":II·iou$ local union~ .....ho were in attend:ll1(,c at an oflic('I'fii' training school in 1I('lerm. At this time Vi('e Preliident 'fhollll)~On, IIC­t"olllpanied by (or'm('I' BusincH~ iIIall· aJ{l"r' of Locul 185, J oe SUIlHll('I'H, ('allcd at the home of RI'other C. A, "AI·t" Dawdr for the Jlurpo~e of honoring Rrother Unwtl>' by Ilr(>l«"nt­ing him wilh a ;,o-yl!nr :;er\'ke pin n. Il tribute to his long and faithful :<('rvice as a member of the IBEW.

Ih'othcl' i)awdy Ims ,,('til'cd and Ii\'t's a t 1131 PhQ('llix A\,enue, 1I('It'na, Montana, having worked in lhe area for many yearfii. I1 rother Dawdy wall iniliatt'<I on the 19th day of :\'o\'('m­hel', 1910, in Wichita, Kanllluor, Brother Dawdy has Imd a userul, YUri('d allli illtel-e.~ti"g career.

Il l' started :11\ an ('1Ct'trician in n \'('nwllt 1II00nt ill Chinook, KIlIlSU~, 11 (' \\"orkell OIS an inHicle wireman III Wichita anti in 1!)1:! I('ft Wit-hita. Artel' leaving Wichita he worked all o\,el' Ihis country and CanlLdu befor(' ("oming to !\.1onl:lnu. lie wOI'ked nB n Iin{,lllan at Lewistown, :lnd as a wire­man for se\"l'ml ye;lr~ at Grent FlII!! •. Il l' then C:lllle to I1 clellu ullil wOI'ked for lhe Palmquist Electric Com]lHll)' all a wireman.

Brother D .. wdy, being a college man, taught mamml training, mathe­matics, and science for 10 rt'ars at the Kelso, Wn sh ington, l1 igh $ehool. He then !'etumed to il elena, Montana, where he worked fOI' Palm­quj~l until his l-etirement. Vice I'r(' ~i­

lIt'nl Tholllilson stllted after pre);(>l1 t­ing the sen'ice ]lin to n rolher IJawdy: "It is :I Ilri\'iJe/{e and :In honor to be uble to honor Brother Dawdy who hall st'l'ved the il1tlustry anti Ihis Ill-otherhood so well. Brother Unwtly C:II1 look hack on hill !llli ny yt'an of fine work with great ]Jride and face the futm'e with faith."

I t is also illleresting to lIote that B l'Others Thomllson, Summer!!, :Iud


Spread Yuletide Spirit . In Iowa

Tho h.ppy luno a t I.ft wjlh San ta Ciaul lurrounded by th .. Im~1I offoprino:! of Lo~al 23 I m.mbe .. in Sio..,> Cjty. la .. weI tho , ,,ul l 01 the dovoted "o.k of tho memb." 01 th e E~ t .t l .. jnment Commillo ... From le I! they Me B'oth" and Mrs. Oon KdUI •• , Brother and Mrs. Bob

Bucom. Brolher end Mrs. Jim l evy and Brother Arnold Rich. Mill in,:! from photo were Brolh.r and M", El lio li Rush.

A.mid ~wirlin'l Inow, m.mb." of loc.1 21. coll.ct.d lor lh. A.rmy •• ~" t l •. From, Broth.r J.d Witt.rn .nd SOn J.d, Broth .. Tom Cou;g.n, Brat"".

W.I, Zi.t •• nd Brother Elliott Ru.h.

Dawdy, llavl' :l total of 130 years membership in good IBEW standing.

.IOIiN M. Bl"I ,K I,.:~', 11.:\1.

Highlights From Local 212. Cin cinnati. Ohio l..U, 212, CJ SC I ~' NAT I, OIlIO-The following men Jlas!UX1 thei.· examina­tion and advanced from (our year ap­prentices to J ourneymen: Donald Rlunch, Cei:il Dickey, Hobert Hayes, Chn rles Phiester, Hobert Thot!) and Robert Wray.

The Rowlers and Booste rs Club of Loclil 212 held II holiday dance, De­tember 12, 19GI. All had a grand time and we considered the dance n huge flUcceSS.

The Rowlerfl Ilnd Rooster.!! are IIgain looking forw:II'd to meeting old friends and milking new ones, when the>' J,'1l to Jacksol1ville, ~'Iorida in May for the InternatiOllll1 Rrotherhood ot Electrical Workers Rowling 1'OUI"II:I­ment.

Brother Thcodol'e Cose 1I1I1Jlied for his rctirement and Ilension. Rrother


Case was initintc<l into l..oclll 212 l)eceml>Ct' 4, 191>1.

Locnl 212 W:IS again sadderled hy the death of one of its retired Broth­ers, Josel}h A. Coy. BrOlher Coy, horn ~I:lrch 12, 1886, initiate(1 May 5, l!)l l, pensionNI July 1. J !)(J I , ]lassed away J)eeembc.· 1.1. 1961.

Bon J..O:"lC, P .S,

Brotherhood Me mbers Aid Salvation Army L.U. 231, S IOPX ('ITY, IA.-The Sal­vation Arm>' Kelt le OilY donations netted a total of $5,767 this year. A total of 20 St'rV"iee dubs lind groups were on the Sioux Cit)' stret't corners 011 Satunlay, December 18, in a bid to gather the (11111111 for the S:llv:ltion Arm)' I'rogram. Local 231 members gh'e generously of their lillie for thi!! worth)' cauS;(!, and this ),e:lr were fourth high in total donlltion!! with Ml~).a6. The Kettle Day funds are used for Christmas joy, winter relic!, and the Salvation A !"my Cum p P ro-gram.

A Christmas purty (or Local 231 IllCI11U('f9 lind their families wa~ Jlcld on lJeceml)(!r 10th at the Sanford Ccnter, A lively program was p):l!lIlcd by the chairmen of this YC;lr'lI com­mittee. Brother alltl '\irs. Bob Reacol11. Other committe<' members wert' in rharge or the drawing for door prizes and refre!Ohmentll which were served by senrul L.ocal :.!31 Apprenlicf'l'. ~o I)art)' woult! be ooll1lll('te without tht' traditional Chri$tmu~ Carols, alltly led in this in!;l:U1ce by Brother Keith I.ewi!!. Of eour.<e, Sallta Clau'l made fI grand entmnce for a finale, and true to Santa fo~hion. stole the show.

Our "get-w('ll-quiek" wishes to Rrotlwr Bob llu l'kc, who is 011 the sick 1i~t thi ll month following a seriou!! heart :Ittack at Sioux Fall,;, South Unkota on Decem ber 20. Brother Burke will be hO~\lilalized at Sioux Vallcy Hospitnl in Sioux Falls fOI' at It'lI~t one month, followed tw II ron­\'alescerlce ]!cr'iod (It home. We hopc that the ]lllhlicatiull of this letter will find him fuUy recovered and buck on the joll.

We nr'C awarc that all of your l\"cw Year'a Hellolutiolls hu\'c been lllalle b)' now, and SOllle of them even brokl'rl! We sincerely hope that Loc:d 231 nH'mhers will 11IIve resol\"lxl to at­tend the regular monthly meeting~, nnd that this re.solution will not be hrokcn! Ilernember, your union ne('(is )'our hell) in orde r to mflintnin our position in the ell't trical industry'.


Niagara Falls Local C ele brates Golden Jubilee l .. l '. 23;, NIAGAHA FALLS. K. Y.­July 21th and 25th of 1964 marked hair a century of Ilrogess in the labor field for l..ocal2a7, IBEW. The fiftieth IlnnivenJllry of our IInion W:l8 com­memol"lIled br two C\'ents which mem­bers and their friends on the Niagilra 1~I'ontiel' will long !"emembel·.

The first event h('ld on J uly 24th


was a gala stage show held at the Stm"d Thenter in the downtown (Irell of Niagara )o~nlls, The callacity of the thenter is 2,300 and there were vcry few scats emply as Local ~37 pre­sell ted, for the entertainment of lUI members and gUCl>tl, almost a three­hour show with luch acts as Hip Taylor, a comedian who has made lIumel'OUS appellran<"es on the J ackie Gll'nson television Rho\\'; the Mattison Trio, a !lancc tl'UII); Tina Rohin U singing star; Picrce Knox on the xylophone, and :.liIlHe), Russell who hUH taken numerous ~t;lge nnd tele­\'ision roles, The Hay JUoch orch('strn, which I)[ays r('gulllrl}' on the Ed Sullivan show, provided background musie for the \'arious entertainers,

Among the many guests invited were all contractors and OOll1llanies with which Local :!:J7 i~ associated, all lal}{))' leuders fl'OlI1 Niagara Fall~ and surrounding areas, all local govet'n­mellt and city ollkials, Also ])rl.':;ent \\'ere George SturgCll, Deputy COIl1-mi:<sioner of Labor for New York State, and Hay Corbett, President of lhe New York State A FL-CIO, One

of the largest groUI)S the locnl had the 1)lensu re of entel'l:lining that evening wer'e 100 members of the Golden Age Clubs of Niagara Falls, The show was ,L(rect('(1 with great enlhusiasm by all who w('>re present. The local was oommel1ll('(1 by the lo­cal press and city omchlls for hring­ing a show of this type to the Falls,

The SCCQnd en'nt hellion July :!,-)th was a dilllll'r and dance hrhl in the hallroom of Hot('1 Niagara for loc:1I members and mal1r invitell guelils from locals thoughout the State, Serying all m(lster of t'Cn'monies for this alTai!' was our Rusines!I :\grllt lIarry S, Jonlan, Welcoming sJlee<'hes wcre malic by Robert V. Clark!lOlI, president of L.ocal 2:);, Edward J, Johnson, ch:tiflllan of ";x('('uti\'e Hoard, and Robert J , Frank, chair­man of the Enlertainnll'nt ('ommittee nnd vit'e I)resident of Locnl 23i.

C(lrl J. Hohrer, gO\'('I'nor of the Niagara Challter of :'H;CA. ("()m­Illt'nted on the good r('lation:<hill he­tween conlr:lctors :lnd the local union throughout thc years. M:I}'or E. Dent Lackey spoke on l)('iJalf or the City

of Niagara Falls and huiled the local for its fine work in the labor fieh!.

Charles II, Pillnrd, member of 111-tel'lmtional Executive Council of In EW, First District, congratulated the local for its progress over the lJa.!lt 50 years,

Joseph W. l.igr.:ett, International Viet' President for InEW, Third Dis­tril'l, spoke on the IBEW and how it hus 11I'\'er failed in itll policy to pro­\'Ide belter con\lillOI1I1 for its membcrs,

Iltll'r'y S, Jordan was giyen a st:lnll­ing o\'alion for hi!! Hi years of sef\'it'c as business nmn:lger for Local ~37.

Murh of the SUCCI':<S of Local :!3i over thl' past ;;0 years l'an be attrihuted to lIarry's outl'tantiing and energt,tic work In the labor ficld on the ~iagal'l.\ Frontier,

Among the nHiny congrutu[alol·y letters received by till' local wa~ one from President L}'IJ(lon B. Johnson.

Dancing to the music of the Hny Bloch Orchestr:l conriuill.'(l two ('\·ellt· ful dayg of the fiftieth annivenmry ccl('>hration by 1..0<'111 2:17.

The local is looking forward to 1;0

Double-barreled Celebration of 50th Year

-m .. ked Ihe 50lh "nn;v,rury of Local 237, Nil",lr. Fell" N, y, Th, fin' .... " ", ,, I,, .t"", •• how pr"'nled before 0"" Ih. SI .. nd Th .. le., Th, lweninq of Ih. nut d"y 10llnd H" .. y S. Jord"n, Ih. local', bll\i",,, m .... q •• lor 45 y ..... ,

edinq "".r lit the di .. ner.d.nca .1 Ihe Hot.1 Ni"ql''' '

Dudn", Ihe evenin",', ,pleche., Int.rnetion.1 Vice P ... idllnl Joseph W. Liqq.Ii, le l l, <.'~m .• o,'.d .. nd E. Oenl L .. d.y, Ni"q,'" FeU,' meyor. I,d Ih, eppleu.e, Olncinq to Rev Bloch', orch .. tre dim ... d "v ... in9·

JOU~NAl fOR fU t UAn, 1965 "

Yule Greeting to Florida Retirees


A warm ,nd friendly gulu., by Loc.1 323, West P,lm aueh, Fie" p'D~idfld fruit b.I ~.h for •• eh 01 th, local's r.tir ... fot Ih. Ch,ist", ...... on, Po,i"g with th.i. remembrances are, from I,ll, B'oth ... R. D. r • .,lo., R.lph Harp,ter ",,,d Bob Burkitt.

O",.I;m. BUI'"'" M,n'9" Jimmy H.rp .. pos .. .. ith hi. "m;nlll" .1 don B'oth., G'0'9' W.dd,1I .t •• ."ht.

morl' yt'nrs of labor Ilrogreu on the :':illgara Frontier,

JOII=-: C. lioolt,\lli \;>;,1'.5.

Hand of Brotherhood Extended in California I_U. 308, ST, PETEIIS IU ' ](G , FLA , -Since I last suumittell a Il'tter to the JO\lIlS .... I,. I wellt to Calirornin for UI(' first limc last Augus t IIlld enjoyed C\'cry minute. Stayed ill Santn Ana and worked out of Locul 111 fOl' a few months, Met some very nice loea l men out there and W1Hlt to extcnd my .!Iincerest thanks to them al\ll to Brother Red Tuylor and hi~ womler­fu] wife, Fran atld his family for makillg us feel so welcome and to our fl'il'lIds. Pres and Verne J:lmCS, who !\lade our sla)' so IlleaslInt and showed u!! the true meaning of fricnd~hi!l'

Upon my retUl'Il. I was \'ery shocked to hear that Vn.'tl Loll had lla!!!lM] awa)', Brother Loll hatl been retirt'd for about fh'e )'t'llrs ami en­joyed ever)' minute of hi~ retirement. lie waH like the old fire horlle thut eOllllln't rl'sist the call lind :Ittl'nded union Illeetings whencver he could, F red was a union m(ln from the word go 111111 hi!! wisdom and wit were Bought and enjoyed by everyone,

Brothe r Loll's ticket WII8 originally ill I.ocal !l and he de"osi ted his \mvel1er in 1,0I.:1L1 :308 in U)lf;, and he Hv('d on Lewis Islund now known as C()1wi nlL Key.

Il l'o t her l.oll was very tlctive ill

union matters throughollt the mall)' years that he was a m(' and took great ]lride in any nccomplishment of his local unioll. al well as sister locals throughout lhe cOllntr)'. lie !';('I'\'('(I :UI temp'orar)' hUl'iness man­ager a l1unliwr of tillles through the }'eut'lS ami WU"l :IlW:lYII on hand to do his IJart in wlllltever wuy he cou],! be used,

Brother Loll will he miss('(1 h}' the Brothel'S ami we all ('x tend our sincerest allll <I('(' ]) ('.;t !!ym!lalhy to hill lonlr :111<1 (I('\'ot('ll \\if(',

Ih:=-::-U:TT ('I)Il~:Y, P,S,

local Remembered All Retirees at Christmas L.U. 323. WF:ST PAI.M IIF:ACII . FI~A, -GI'eetillgs from Local L"nion 3:!:l! As in the pal't rt'arll, our local union again gave hUJ'kl'tR of fruit to uu.' retired members at ('hristm:IS time. All togethel', thl'!'!' were ;j!) baskets deliven:!d, We ha\'!, R('~'eral retired Brothers from oth('r local s li\'ing with­in OUI' jurillilidiun ami the)' wCl'e not forgotten, Along with Business )1:111-agel' Wright .ulIl Assistant BII:lilll'llS Manager Singlewry. it w:\!; m)' 11I~'as­ure to deli\'c .' thill (I'uit to the~e ~I{'­sen'jng Ol'oth(" 'II. 1 hll\'(' been doing this fOl' the la~t foul' }'(';L1':I now :In<l I look forw:LI'II to it lL~ mU1;h as thu~c who rcceivc the fruit. You havc 110 idea what ~L ~im pll' I\'ifl such :I~ thi~

means to t1H'~C IleoJlle, Thcy know

that. their local union remembers them IlIId lh~}' nCCcllt the gift with such !lincC'l'c lIlJlltccialion it makes you wi~h rou could do more.

I hav(, enclosed S(!\'cral l,ictlllX!s of the many we took :lS we mllde the ,'ound". The old gentlemen sitting comrortnbl~' in his eas)' chair is It O. Taylor, one of our ch;u1:cr members. Brother Taylor will be 88 ),earll old in February. Rail'h Ha rl'l'tcr, our long time financial s.ecrelary, i!'> shown sitting Oil his front stell~, Bob Bur­kitt, holder or a SO-year Ilin and originally out of Lac,,1 L"nion 52, is ~hown holding his basket or huit. 'fhe other two Ilictures are or Mr. and :'ol nJ. Jimmy Hal'per, our one time Imllin('s., manager, and l l r. OIntl ~Irs, George Waddell, "PaIIIlY" as he ill known to all of us. who hall !)cen catching Ull on his fil!hing. Kext year. Goo willing, we will be dsiting these .. ('tir'l'd Broth('rs once again.

Tim work in the areOl hns 00('11 hohHnJ( lip well, both on the inside and outllide, and it looks as if it will con­tinu(' into the New Year, Nothing 1'l"11 hig is in the otting at the present tirn(' ~o I woulll advise anYOlle pin II­nillg to COllie dowll this Wily to call lirtlt. In our recently COlllllletell line 11('J(otiations, we received a 20-cent incre'I~(', which brings the scale to $-t.:!1i. un'l· and abo~'e the health :Ind we1f:m," We ended up at the Council, but the committee or Curtis Brewer. Frank Dl'ose and NOl'ris Nix did a line job,

That's all for this month Drothers and rt'member e\'en though work is gOO(1, attend your loe,,1 union meet­hi"!! so that ~'ou may be ;\ more in­formed union membcl'.

BII.I, VAiS'" AC=-:t:R, P.S.

local Salutes Board of Water and light Employes l.. l l, 3,;2, J.A l'i'S I ~ G. ;\IlC II ,- Hrothe.' Ilan'), ']', Stephcn~ , who Blur'led to wllI'k fOI' the Boa rd of Water und U ghl Iln November 9, 1942 (l nd joi ned


Local Union 362 in April of the ~lIme yeul', will retire on J anuary 2,1, 19G5, lie will have completed 22111 yeal's of service with the Board, Ilt'other Stephens is no newcomer to unions though, as he belonged to the Unit~1 Auto Workera in 1919, lie inform~!

me that the U,A,W, was under the juri!;(liction of the A FL at UI:lt time, lie also l'el;ltctl to tile that he :I/Id Jim VanVoorhill (IlrellCn\ bu~in{,SIl IIl;ent, L,U, ;152) arc no stt'ange l'1l to each other :111 th('y ha\'e worked many rem's tOJ:ether both at the Boal'll lind e lsewhere, and he holdll Jim in high rcgard, lIaving wOI'k~1 nights mOllt of the time IIrothCl' Stcllhenll did not hold all}' union Omt'C, I-Ie l;('r\'('11 in France dur'inl; World War 1 with lhe 121ith Infantr'y, :.I2nd Division of the J\lkhi,ll;'ali and Wi ~('o n sin National Cunni.

/lalT)' \\'ol'kc(1 :111 a Boilcl' OIICI':'IOI' 0 1' Fireman !It the ('edal' Sll'eet Pumping Station, lie intends to .!IllCnt! about a month in I'nnumu and ullon hill retul·n he might buy a camper and enjo)' .\Iichigan,

1'0 Brother Stephens from L,U. :\52, Godspe('d, good h('alth and may you :lIId l\tJ-.!I, Stellhenll enjoy CI·el·Y minute o r your retil't~ment.

Along with pictures of Broth('r Stephens I am ('nclo!ling some pic­tures of the janitol'inl staff :lnd llI('Ch­nnical maintenan('c men of the main office of the 110;11'11 of Water lim! Elec­tric Light. Theli(' 1}('Ople who ar(' alfl() memhers of L,U. :i52 in good st:IIU!­ing:, ar'e ch:lI·gcd with the rlcani,,).;' unt! muintcnancc of the new mllin office building which WIIS opened in Dect·m­bel' 1961 and cost IIjlJlroximatrly four million <Jolln rs. These CI"eII·1I work in 2<1-hour shifts, Saturdays, Su ndays . and Holidays. The nminle!1;llll'e mcn douule as security men us weli :III

Iliaintllllllng the ait· conditioning, he:lting, uuilding ventilation ami all othel· related nllldlinery, I n :-;hOI'l, evcI'ything. frolll IItlUll to IlIltM! The buil(ling is C(luillJ)('(1 wilh a tlllal IIYS­tem so that no mliller \l'h:!.t machinery

br'eaks down allothcr like machine goes jnto ollel'ation. Hats off to these Brother'S and Sisters of L.U, :152 as they keep a shillsha ll(' building, I regret that at this time I do not ha\'e a picture of Brother Oon Catlin of the Apillinnce Hepair l)ell:lrtment, but, I will gel olle and &elld it along with a future article.

JOII~ PAT1UCK II\HI'Sn:lI, 1',5.

Annual Picnic Hig hlighted By Pin Awards L.U. 364. HOCK FO lm, 11.1.. - Held our anllual Ilicnie on Jul y 12, 191il. I t WliS hclll at Knipe Park, \o'I"C(']lOI·t, Illinois, The alfai!' was tI ,'c;t! Sllt'ce~",

thank s 10 Ollt' Frecpor't memhCf~. Thi s gives nl(l the opportunity to ~tly how much we 1111 enjoyed that fried chicken. SOl'ry to say that I di l! n't last long in the egg-thr'owing ('On test, :IS I thought it best to gel out of the line of fit·c. I am cneio",ing :1 fell' IlictUl"(,8 showing some of the Ila)"'s events.

Quite a few yeal· pins were given out: Hill Collins alii! Geot',II;'C Schan­delmeier', 40 year pins. ~\h·ill L. Hemenway, :l5-year pin. Hkhal"d Nor­ton and Chester Oberg, 25·ye:II' pin!'. :\Iorrie Cann, Thomas', Charles Cruson. Blain Wh itaker, :!U-yelll· pins.

Those receiving 15 year pin"': Clin­ton Anderson, John Bietau, Arnold Clal'k, Gary Cuh·cr, Willard Dounin~, William Fazio, Robcl"t lIakc~ , Mclvin lIines. Hobert Hallenhcck, itohert Jahnke, James Knox, I I'\"ing McCart)', Duane Nicholson, Hobert SlI'ans:on, Cad VanBuskirk, Albert Wl' l<tling, J ohn Wolfe and Willi:lm ZiIlHlI('l·man,

Those l'Cceh'iJlg IO-)'ear' Il in!!: 11;11"­old Propp, Honah! Anderson, Wc~ton Bressler, William Jomlway, ,\l'IlOld Johnson, Rogel· Canant, Hohert Skaa!', Donald Cr:lwfonl, Wanell (jarw«:k and Dale Ih.lS!lman.

The local is !lony to lo~e one of its

charter members. Brothel' Alvin L. lie men way paSSNI IIWlly 011 August 2<1, 19G,I, just six weeks after he re­ceived hill 3S-ycar pin. AI was born Octobcr 30. 189G, was initiated .\I;IY 16, 1!)29, and held can! no. 373482. lie wall 6, years old and has Jived the Im8t thr('e yenrs in Homosassa. Flor­ida, li e has been em l)lo),('(! by Broad­W:ly Electric Company for 25 ye:lrl;. I..()(·:d ::IG·I extend!! S)'Il1 Il:lthy to hi s wifr. !tuby. and his SOil and daughters.

Brother James CallBerly pas!;('(1 away the lirst l>art. of SeJltember at age 55, after sutTering a fnlt. He has l)('en a member of L.U. :j64 for Hi years lind was employed by \Vilsull I':ledl"ic Cmnpany. li e \l'ns survi\'ed hy two hrothel·s :111\[ four' sisters,

All membcrs of lhe local arc wurk­ing lind it looks a~ if it will hold fOl' the winter.

Whom Should Local Benefi t ? Asks P.S. L,U. 379, CII AHI.OTTt;, N. C.-As wl"it(' this I"('POli, in Inte Deceml)(, I", we hll\·e approximately l:!O memiJ('r'" on ollr unemployed list. Here's h011 illK the list is cleared in record tim('!

I want to take time here to expre~s my IIJlllreciation of our n1lpl"Clltices.hi)l program. I belie\·e we have 50llle of the linest fo:lectricians in the country and with the linc joh our school is doing I lInI sure that thc high lClel of OUI' fo:lectricians will be maintain!!(\. At the pl'esent we hal'e :I journeynHln im prol'cment class ol>crating, and it is my infOl'lnatioll that our attendance ill vcry good. Keel) in mind fellas, this lnoor mOI·ement &cellIS like a s low IH'oce!>8 sOllletimes, but by producing ootter' 1':I('ctl"icia ns, C!llll{hie in the I'at'ied nellis of our tnule it is just a maHel' of time befol'e we'll do bettel' tillluU'iully, As we knoll', hou!"!y w:lge ratcs lire dil'ectly 111'01lortiona! to hour­I>' Jll"ooul'lion, Qur non-union comllcti·

Personnel at Lansing Water and Light

B.oth •• ~nd M .. , He""1 T, Stephenl, H,', holding Ih. """ment plaque p ... ented him by the Bo .. d 01 Wat,r and light of Lansing, Mich., whe" h. i. e " m.mber 01 locel 351. Right : On the jenito.iel end maintenence lIaH et the 80a.d 01 W.t .. and lighl .,. th ... memb ... of Local 352, From 1.11, Don Flewelling, Glady. Roper and WiIf"d Haui., s.d .ow, Bill How., mainlen .. nce

man, Cl, .... nc. Lumberl end 0 .. .,1 Whit •.

JOUR NAL f OR fURUA RY , 1965 os

Mark Christmas with New City Party

Led.,. AUI,ti •• .,. of loul 36), New City. N.Y., , •• , •• , ' lime. And I. ,., th, "B .. tl,," (Broth .... Jim Pedele. Mid'll K.r.ji .... J "e Tolom ...

menl ao Sent. CI.u~.

evening. 0 .. II.. eUlling of the November ,I,d;e" Ir ....... t the Loul )~l left to "9hl' D,mie"i, e"i., " g;,htr. Locel llll; C""9.e.,men John Dow, Pet E. Oem;eni, bu,i" ... me""g,r, loul l61: "' ... mblyon," Joe 51. l,w"nCI. H .. dquerlen for •• I .. fllS 'lid .. 12 loot 1.11.,. BOI.d "' ... I.t up ., the llmpl,')""" HeU ;" New D.mocr.tic: COll9.enm'n .IKt,d ill th. District lot thi'ly 'P .... "' ... mblym,,,

City, Ne ... York. COIl9, ... me .. J"II .. 0 ..... "'". ,II. ron ' J_ St. L ... "nu we. 110. fir" •• lic Anemblym ...


1 .. . --

• I.cted in 25 y .....

WYI, O~( U6 out· Oflll DHiA


O.e"g' end Rodl.nd Employe. er. membe .. wilh OUt Eduutioll.l Sy".m wilh I.elu.e< 10 el.n ..... d Ihe .uppIY'"9 of form.t~ fot clUI 'ftlltuclioll. Ch •• I., F •• lleh Itiqhl ) of O,.lIqe .lId Rodl.lld .. pl.ill. 10 Ch.tln O. m'.lIi. Jr .. Ci •• elot of Educ.t'oll .lId Ih. App'.lIlie. CI." of

loul lU, It.n,fotme, hook·up.

lion here in thl' Southland will I'caliz(" lhis e\'entulilly, So, let's don't I>e lOO ~elf-!!ati!\ti{' d. Let's illlIJl'O\'{' un the good allli make hetter.

I all! hopinj.( thal by the tinw this rcport i~ 1l\lhli~hed there is :L difrer· ('11<'(' in the ut\{'ndance at (lUI" local Ullion nH~t·ti n KII, Some of you \"t' r r fella l; who al'e constantly asking me ..

what i" thc nmUcl' with OUr local l1eell to ~lo l) ;mcl think. Come t" one of OUl' nl{'("ting" some time. OUI 10l'nl union i~ a ~hop [oea[, gl"lllltctJ. But, you won't have :L lI1ajM'ity nf th(" nwetirsg made up n( the men who wt/I"k rcgu­lady arlll ~tpadi ly fOI" one of (Jill" shOll !>· What I'm trying to sa)' i!> that tho..,e of rOU who lIrc in Mhol's, in 90me

CII,"'e!l, shOlb you ha\'e heen en1lll"y('{1 by for l:i or :W ~'elll''': do not att('IHi union mcetlng", You notke that I t\idn't "")' rvu seldom attemi("d II1t'et· ingt'l, hecau~ you abliolutel)' n('\('1 alt('n<i a meeting! Whut I'm !layi ng i:l thiM, if we uI'e :L ~hO I) local, why i~ it thal the men who attend meetingM :LilLI MUIII'Q I'1 (JUI' ]01·,,1 union are 1I0t th{' OIlC!! to hols! ,,(llIlI' of these rcgulnr joh~ in our ~hop!l~ Whom is this IOCllI union ~1l 111)O,,('(1 to It'encfit! T hose who !<how little 01' 110 intere:;l in the w('l· fal"t' of OUI· uniun, 01· the 111('11 who f(i\'(' of their time :11111 elrol'ls to Iwlt('1 our 0Igani7";ltion~ Members. it ill til11(' t., begin callinK a ";:palie a >1 111111(' , "

I..('t'll !;lLy that QUI' IlI'oblem is eomp!:L' (,(,IIC)". To ~oml' e)(tent thi" is trU('. Cumplacency anHJIIJ(" our rank" tliSl

lIlol\' our 1"·Ogl"t'SS to II Cl"3Wl. :;;Ollll' thing needs to be done or said tol liwuk('n OUl' IIIl'mb('L"S to the m:lIly danKe l'S of compl!Lcency. Yes, I 'm dmrging thal thi!l COI'(' of cOml)lacelLr~' liell at the "ery foutl(I:Ltion of our lo('nl unioll, In our ~hO]l5 ! ! All lho~('

in ngreement he at the next meeting and let's talk about it.

(;I':NE S,\ YS: Complacency ill til('

si re of mediuedty! S. 1~ lTm:N .: Hun·, P.S.


Attend Picnic of Rockford Local

Offici.l. and IO"9,time mlmbl" of lour 364, Rodford. III.. iltte"d.d ,II. ro~.I'. picn;'; 1.11 lumme', From '.fl: AI Heme"w4Y, 35·y .... pin, Geo'g_ Ibe", business ma"lger, Bill Collins, 40.yu. pin, Ed Von O.ilk •. pruid e"l, and Sehand"lm.'." 40 y&llfl. Th. winnen of the 1\19 throwing contu, .... Ir., .t right. Dean Speilman and hi. wil., •• cond place, and Mr. and Mrs. Did Dihl.r, font

place .... iMe .. ,

, .

-" ... r. Morri. Cann, Ronnie And .... on, We. Breut •• , Bob Propp, Clint And."on, John Wolf., Tommy CIOII,

Work Picking Up At Port Arthur I..U. 390, POUT A HTlll lII, Tt-: X,­The eonstl'ucliol1 wOI·k has once again cOllie back 10 'HlI' jUI'i~(li.·ti()ll, after playing "hooky" fOI" so Ion", lIusilless Manager T. P. Enmon says there are only a few men Idt on our wOI·k bench. They al'e being plac.,'d as Iluickly as the wOI·k will 1K'l'Illit,

At the 101.":11 union meeting last month two of our recently retil'ed IlrOlhcrs w~I'e 11I"(!!<Cnted wilh IljJo~W pins, I1roth(,I' ChllrJey Stanton re­ceived a 20-ycar pin, :\11<1 Ilrother Martin (Mart), a .to-year pin, They wcr~ prt'!Il.'llted by Mr, J , C. F.pperson or the> Internationul E:xl:'1:u­ti\'e Council and business manager of Local 66 of Houston, 1'(')(118, Good luck Uncle CharJey and i\!lll't. Enjoy that well_camell rest and make 1"00111 for a lot of us that will be along soon.

I made Illy first union m('eting last week alter an abllCnee of about t'ight months, and 1 was not su rlwiscd be­eaulle thcl'C wcre the Slime old faces in the snme old 1,laces, with II sratter­ing of the n(,I\'('" a lHI youllj{E'r mem­bers about. I knell' it wouhl hE' likc thHt, Only a hun'ieane, hell and high wllter, 01' O\'cI't ime would keep them away, I mislled BI"()thel' C, T, l1 ooker, who has been at the door with the


book (1.11' about 20 )'('ar!l. I wonden-d, and as the meeting Ilt"ogr('s!'('d. 1(,:1l'tI('(1 he W:IS awa~' with his nge(1 motlll'r who had fallen :I1lt1 ht'oken het' arm.

Jlu~incs!l :'.1:ln01I;"(,I' Ellmon is hold· ing monthly 1ll1'1'lingli fol' OUI' Atew­:lrd!!. lie is havirlg u few of Olll' appI'~ntites "silting in" at each meet­ing, There is no beUel' way to help tl'llin our apprcntices in unionism, Seems like a great step lonnll'd 10-ward a better infOl'med 101:111 union in the days to c:om~,

Thi s llIay not hit the JOI UN ,\I , in time, bul I'll take this Ollpol'lul1ity to wish you alill yours a bel nil'll Happy New Year!

F,)1. (S.u.n) 8\!,1)~::Jt. .. , 1',8.

New Year's Greetings From A. P.-P. S. 1 ... 1f • • IOQ, AS Bl' lt Y I'.\IUi, X. J.-A lIew year brings fOl·lh good cheer IInri good blessings with good health anti good standards of friendship from day to da)'.

A new year does make Olle fccl older 01" pel'haps it llIay secm that way, Yet, it docs bring us dose!' to­gether with rcmemhl'!ll1ccs of oth~r

)'ears when good fellowl; got together and sang the old songs.

AI Hem,nwey, lS·y ..... ·member of lo~al

Jb~. p.ned eway r.~.n l ly.

At Ihis time, Locul ,LOO is busy cleaning up the old YC1II"S jobs amI (Ulticipating th(' new year's jobs which 111'(' in thc making.

Skk"t'~8 and accidents do preyail and I hu\'t' had both, During Ill}' trip 10 Flol·idn, J Sltent thl·ee weeks in the hosllita1. I did pull Ihl'ough and now I'm I'cady fOl' a,c, or d,c.

I wi~h rou all a hallp), year, Cht'erio!


For 40 Years IBEW Has Created "Tree of Light" l.,l'. 413,RAXTA IlAIWA I{l\ , C.t\Ll F. Sant:1 13al·bal"3'S "tree of light" again shone during the holidays. Se\'er-alof the members of Local 41:1 again com­llleted thcir yearly donation job fOl' the Planning COlllmittee in Santa Bar­bani, h)' doing lhe decol"lLtion job on Sunday, December 13th, That same e\'('ning, the lights were turned on to illuminate the 100-fool pine tree in the centcI' ol the city, E\'er since 1920,


thili tl'('e h:u been d('('orutcd, eXCel)t during Wol'ld 11 , and !ltul'ting in 1924 the joh has been done continuously by the mcmbers of Local l'nion <113,

0" hand this yeal' were thl'ee mem­bers who ha\'c contribut('d their time for 01'1'1' 20 )'ettrs on thill ,mrticular job. They we)'C Brothers W. K Funke, 35 real'S; II , A. Johnson, 3 1 yearS: and n, G, Milne, 23 yeur!!.

Altogether there w('re 2R members on hand this Yl'ar, They \\'el'e Brothel'!'! J, AdamI', 0, Allin, W, Ask­man, H, Atherton, A, 113)'eno, E. Bles­sing, II , Bowling, G, IIrOll'n, J , nu)'ke, C, ('aliad, Al C'ast:lgnola, W. Cranne)', 1', F('lig, It GOI'llon, A, I.udd, J, Shea, n, Peterli'lIl, Jo:. 1'11'111011, B, Qu('I'fUl,th, II, Neal alld Tom St('inha('k, Brothers NI':11 ami Steinhat'k dill the heavy \\'ol'k and went to the tOIl \If the tree to 111111 up the light 811'('lIIllel'8,

On the same dllY, Ihl'l'(' of our tlll'mhet'!I :11:<0 cleCllrated another com­trlunit)' Cht'i:stm:us tr('e in the town of (;ull't3 ju ... t nOl,th o( ~:lIlta Barbara, They were J:unl'lI Slll'a, It. H, Gordon :ulIl l .ee lIolton,

Sho"tl), after New Yl'ar'lI earh year the burs al'e called ullUn to llismantie the If'('(''' and ;mait the next Chri."t­mUll ,':I>'(In to again do this com· munity ,;en'ice,

n, G :\lIl.xl::, P,S,

Locals Go " All Out" to Patch Storm Damage I.,lt, 420, WAT F;HBI In' , ('O':\',-On No\'emher 27, 1961 I'l'c,.itlent Fl'lIncis W, O'Bt'jeli g:lH.' the oath to the new ufti('('I'lI, Il W:H~ hb Insl act as an 1ICti,-(' member of 1.0('111 420, l 'I'e;;ident J ohn n, Ilea ley took 1)\",'1' II!! the Ilew 11l'(",~i(lent, lIis fil'>lt :I('t II'as to sign Brother Franci s W, O'llden's with· drawlil CIII'<I from the uniun, Local 42U wishes to thank Brother Francis W, O'Brien for :ill hill lime lImi work )IUt in for Local 12ft Good Luck to you Ijl'othcl' O'Bl'ien!

On Deccrnbet' 4, 196,1 Lilchtield and Winsled WC)'C hit with :1 h('III')' ice storm, The damage I\':UI he:ll')' in both towns and IJ l'Others (!'Om Local -120 worked long hours to )'elltOl'(, the vowel' lines, Brother'S from Lornl 420 out of Wu tcl'bury, ~C\\' Milronl. Ox· CO'11, XCI\' Brit:lin and !lledden lIelit crews to hell). CI'CWS from Local 75:1, 1817 lind 1:.173 also helilcil re~torc the ))Ower,

Decemher 9, 1!JU.J Loc:11 <120'11 Ex('c· uti\'e H,):)nl met ami the 11('1\' ofti­c(!1'S were el('(;t('d, They :Ire: ('hail" man fo~l'alll'is Zygmunt; ViI'e Chairlllan Guy I), Burch; Secret:u'y Michael H. wlucti. l'l'esident John It lI ('al), vlleru,'d the meeting ami hel)K'tl g<'l the Bual'd Ottit;crs elected, BUlIinesll Agent Juhn It Keiltr expl:lined the fUllction of thc Hoard,

.. \~si>lh!.l1l Busine~;i; Mnnager,; ;ljl­

IlQinted by the Hu!'~!,ss AgNll lI!'e us follows: Itobert Haymoml, Ill'i!ltolj J useph Kelly, XCII' Uritatnj M:II'tin G;ltre)', .\I!'l'iden; George Kc'nnley, Watcrbu!')'; J;]meli J, Gil'llm('nti, l\(,w Uritaill; 11011';]1'11 :'lInin, Lilchti('ld; .Uichael l.estie, Hydro I)i\'i.;ion; 1':rwil1 We»to\'cr, Dt!\-on; Angelo Engli:<h, WiIl8tl."{l; Geurge Dur1l1, AnllOni:lj Ed· ward Ot'zkowski, Oxfol'(l; J, It IIl.'ale)·, Herlin Con~truction; "inn'nl J{()~:lti, X .... II' :'Ilim",'(i,

Brothcr John Fetcho W;],z transfet'ed fl'l,lIll XCI\' :'Ilil(ol'(l 10 l.ilchlidd, lie is a IICW lineman. The Brothers flo/l1 New ,\lilrQrd wi."h Johll Ihe I)('sl of luck,

Gu' U, Ulllnl, 1',5,

Haverhill Press Secretary Makes A Come-Back L.U, \71), lI ,\\'lmIJIU ., j\J ,\ Ss'- l t has been about one year silwe I hud ;.n article in "Local J~im:!s," It lieems that ill l ~f.:J J didn't get ellough stories in with Ilictures of all the brothers in the Local. This was not my fault

Long-Standing Memberships Cited

Vel.r.n ",em b ... 01 Loc.r 3'10 w.r. hon",ed r.cen t ry in cerem,,"i .. in P"rt Arthur, Tu, F,,,m r.1t I" rig hi: Busin". Manager T. p, Enmon, Ch .. r.y Stenl"n (20 y .... le,~iCl!. E .. cuti~. C"uncilman J, C, Epp",on, Ma,1 Ni,ha use (040 y ...... r~ic.), end Lou I 390

Preside nt Jerry Wood,


because I contilluall)' asked the d iffcl'­cnt BI'otht!"1! un different jobs for pic­tures :lnd lItories, but no one would tllke time 01' effol't to helll the l)re llS secrel:IJ')' gel lIny material for our J ont;\'.\I" :'I1:ln}, of the Brothel'S were 1I1ltisfied with III)' stories, but as ullu1II you can't Ille:l."e c\'cryone,

1'1'el'il lt'llt Gallant 1llld Bu~ille!l!l l\Iau(lg('l' Almm h:u'e 1'C<luested thai 1 start writiug again, The)' thought it was good (ur the Local, so I will tr)' onee IIl,Ht' til plea~c Iht' majority alld hol'(' the uthenl will bear with me,

The work IOlld was U\'CI':lge in l!lfil with ~omt' of the Brothel'S wOl'king {Ol' OUI' lIi!4te,' local:<, OUI' (ol'liler Pres­ident, Bl'uther George lIayt'li and Brothel' "II)''' Metcalfe are in K(,\\' YOlok, :111(1 frum 1111 l'l'llOrts are W'r)' hilJlJlr,

W(' 111I\e IUIII our ."hare of iIln(,!<II • nccident~ and ,Iellth this year of "I;!." Ill'oth('r J(I~l'ph Crollllll, a long timt' JII('lnber o( kll'al lill, IIal'sl'.1 :IWlI)'

jUlil hefol(' Chril'tmas, Brother emn, an W;I~ well kllown to man)' of our silller I()('alll lind was an acti\'C ml'lll­Iw,' and formel' onker of the Ic)('al. :'II)' mllthel' pa,:;cd away Nu\"ernht'r :! Ilh aftt'l' a lung illnt'."~, 1 was "ut f\lur \\'l'I'k.~ with a hum knt'(', Urutht'r John J)il1on was out sick for ahout four Inmlth~ and has now re(''''"''n''{l enough 10 l'etUnl to his job as linnn­t'ial -erret:!!}' u( the loc:!I, and IX' llut back .m the wlJrk list, GOod Luck Juhn!

Brulh.,)' "Bill" Cro~s fr11(~tUI"('d hill \ertl'bl'<I whil(' \Iurking on thl' Amf'~· bUI'), 1I0~I)it:1I jllb in Amesbury, :'Ilu88, and \\ill he lJut for a loug liJII(" Bl'othl'r ('1'0>'11 is nnuthcr long-time mernbel' of 1.<I('al _liO 1llld }'OU ean ~end the get well eal'lls to his hom!' at :!:! Hingul,1 St., Hal'erhill. l'II a:<SlI­chu~eltll, The Ilress sl'crl'laI'Y and Local <liO wi~h for YOUI' ."Ileedy re­covel'y, Hill.

Brothel' Blinn hlls been having his problems with ."itkness and hlls alllO lost (Iuite ~I hit o f time, HOIJe lhingll are better in "65" for you "Howie,"

Well enough fol' the gloom)' side of the yell I' alld now for a little of the bdght side, We had elections thi, June, anc! :111 n result h11\'e a new III'Cl'Iident ;)11(1 a new vice president. H,'other Hay Gallant has tllken o\'er the helm o f Local \70 as the I'resi· dent, and in his first six months hlls done a tel'l'ific job. President Gallunt has shown hill leadershill b)' l'Cacti­\'ating the Siek Committee :1n(1 Ihe Snfety Committee, He has gi\'('n th(' business llIannger strong bUl'king whelle\'el' it hilS been needed, an.1 has 1I0t bcen nfl'aid to throw hi); shouldel' to an)' IIl'()blcrn that has COlliI' Oi',

0111' nell' \' ice president, Broth!'l' Richal'd SeymoUl', has al lOO ~ho\\'Jl his gowl qualities liS an "nit'e,' hy \'olun­ll't'l'iug" to hel ll the finant:i:d ~et;!'etnl')' dUri11g hi ll long illness, 'l'rcaAUI'Cl' J oe ConstantinQ and Vice P resident Se),-




Members of Columbia Local

M"...,b"" of local 485, Coh/mbi., S. C., allenc/ill9 the December muting ... itn .... d Ih. p'elenlalion of I.,~;ce e .. e,d. to two of tt,.i, b.olkers. I" th. "iewl .t rigk t, B,olh., W. T. Venderford e"e1 Reub." Bond"","! ere pt ... nted th'i' lO·yu, pinl by local

Pre.iden' E. R. Yerbofough end B ... ;ne .. "'\IIIn! J. R. in pid""el "I ,;ght.

lu,ine .. Meneger Burb.",_ .topped to fleYe lunch with. cre'" of local 485 memb ... ,

--• ,

, .... I

Brolh., kney po •• , with hi. " .... on Ik. hi_Ii .... + Hiin. S. C. From left: V .. in AII.,i, J. H. l .. , J. H. Rendy, Bud .... nd.rford. W. T. DowM, E. R. Willi,ml, Wed. Holley,

L B hH.n •• , Rey Goforth end W, C. Bendy.

rnour put in 11 lot of ('xlt'll hours to keep 1.0('(11 ,170 up to date while Brother Dillon WIIR ill. Thanh rellows!

T he WQ1'k load in Hav{'Thill look!'! pretty w{'ak {or the wint{'r, and we (an onl)' h011e that Oul' II]8t('I' locals of Salem, i..uwr{'nc{', and 1.0\\'£'11 stay husy so that th{'), can keell most of our i3I"Othel's olT the hench, StaTting in the sllring we tire hOlleful of :t liltle bcllcr picture hut it's only on 1m per.

Well, enough fOI" thill month. I hope my next lellt:'!· will not sound like a sick lillt and I hope that the "l"Other!! of 470 will helJl nl(' with some Ilictures and stories in 1966.




Work Situation Still Slow In Jackson L.If. 480. J .. \ CKSO:-:, Ml SS.- Work is still slow in thi~ are:I, The Il,owl'r· hou!;C at Vick~hul"g hall two men working. with tIl(' ,')00 K,V, !llill to lie let. The dlNnical Illant at Yazoo City is still I)('nding with a t('nlntive starting date 8('t for IIOmc time in Fell1'uary 1965, Tiu.' Diamond Inter­national 1)lant at Natchez has been

awarded to Drake 1':I(lctric alld is s\lppo~ed to gct EI('('tricinllll the middle of January.

Thc Walthall lIolel on Cal)ita! Strcet is heing dNl101i~hcd to make room for thc ncw multi·!;toI"Y DO\\,I1-

town('T )Iolel :111(1 Office Huihling. l'\o word yet on the elCf'trit-nl work.

We haxe hacl ~('\'(lI'al m('ml)('TfI in the hO!!llital re«!llti)' and now must :IIM (lIIotl1('r namc to the sick lillt. Broth('I' LOllis Spann is in the V.A, lI o~l1i t al su fferin~ ( .. om !H1C\lmOnia, Our I)('!!t wishc!l for a SllCell)' ''c, CO\·crr·

Brother Aubrcy Ganlner wl10 il! al!</) ill the V.A, 1I0SIIitai afler flufTe-r­ing- a heart attack will be allowell to come home for Chrilltlllas. but will have to return for further tnatm(>nt,

We are now facell with a new yenr, twelve months in which to l:K'ndit from our past IllistakclI nnd to n('lify U1Pm if pO~!lihlc, Let UI! work throughout this ncw )'ear for thc good of this local union lind the Brother­hood!

JU.I La,;WIS, P.S.


Nine Long-Time Members Honored At Meeting L U. 4gr., c o r. ll;,!lBI A, S. C.- Local VI/ion r8i, honored !lille of iUl :!O-),cnr mClnhers at the regular meeting De· fi'mbt>r I. Rrothers who could not attend were sent their pins.

Business l'>funugcr l1 urhnge \Ias ,'err pleased with the turnout. ~~very· one of us 8/10uld make an effort to attend meetings, then w("11 not gel any secondh:tnd information.

T he local union had its Christmas Party I)cceml)(>l' 12th. J think all really enjoyed tlwms('l\"cs. We would like to th:wk nil the wives who came Cor the first time.

Busi ness Mnnager Burlmgc has been wOl'king vcr)' hard for conditions lind wages. I know he UI)preciates the membership'" assist· ance. We are sClllting a fc\\ pictures. Rro. nurbage hlill :1 new camera now !«) I-"('I'yone had heUer look ~hal'l) on the job!

Hom:IIT ,\III,I,S, I'.S.

Members Appreciate G ood Negot iating Job L. l ' , 500, SA:'. t\ :'.TOX IO, 'l' EX.­LO<"llI ;'00 ha~ done it aglll"! But it wall not an eusy joh, We settled our contr:lct with mnnagement for a [i percent incrt'aSt', while the nl:ljorily of thc other utilities settlell for an inCI'cH Re of from ~11~ I)e l'rent to .] ]1('1"

cent. Negotiating with mnnllgement in an

efrort to settle our wOj'king agl't'e­ment was indeed a tedious :uul tiring job for hurd-hitting, a~gn'lIsi\'e and persuasi\'e President nollln~l r.;'eer allll Vire President Frank Roeder and members of the Ex('('uti\'e RollnL The efforts of these officers lire grelltly a]lpl'e('iated !.ly members of the local who arc happy to ha\'C tlH'Sl' lengthy negoti:ltions hroul{ht to II mutually satisfactory conclusion, At One ]>oillt in the ncgotiationll, teml~I'1I were so frayed that ho th management and union threatened to breuk ofT the con­ferenee completely, but cooler heads prevailed and an agreement was finany reached,

Local 500 was saddened by the untimely death of D:I"id ("Flnko") Minshall, journeyman lineman, who was fatall)' injul'ed when he und fellow worker, "~Imer Smith, were contacting a new ]lole in ]Ire]lnration for the installation of a ~treet light. W hile raiSing II 7,9-KV wirc, ('ithe r llilHlhn ll sl ipl»ed or the Ilhns(' \\'us not fully co\'ered with the rubber ho!W'. He came into contact with the A Ilhase of the 7,9 KV, Earl Smith, his pole buddy, was working 13 feel above Minsha ll's IlOsi tion, Training lind quick thinking by Smith bl'ought him


down to :'Ilinshall in 15 s('comis, where Smith immediately cut the wire 80

thnt he could hold Minshllll, who had lost all rnoLility and was slipping out of his !;afety helt. While holding Minshall, Smith irnmcdilltely applied mouth-to-mouth re!;pirntion in whllt proved to be n futile effort to rt'vh'e him. After 10 minutes of this lI u]»er­human efTol't, help arri\'ed. Smith Wa!; COIll I)letel}' exhaullted after that trying anti "ery commendable orden!.

Death also claimed Charlie Jlan<ey, I'etil'ed, long-time s),stems Ol»er:ltor, who was the vicUm of a heart attack, The local offers sincere condolenccs to the flunily.

":Imer Smoot has been installed as registrar for Local 500 as a result of Bill lIalt l('adng the COlll llany to ltc· C('pt other cmployment. Due to his t'xperiellce working with the CO P1-: C'ommiltee, the local felt sure that Brother Smoot would be an ideal re­]Jlacenwnt.

On Job in Illinois


Two members of local 601 complete the wirin9 of a . hopping center at C ha mpai9n.

Urbana, 1ft

Efforts Made To Increase Prevailing Wag e Scale L. l !. 5,.3, o 1'I{H ,D I, Z'<. C.- After quite a long I~riod of silence we thought it would be nice to see a few lines in p!'int from Local 553,

Although work is I)r('tty slack here at Ilt'escnt we do ha\'e a few mcn 011

the Carolina Power and Light Power 1I0use being huilt hy the Ehasco Sen'­ices COIllIl!UlY, Inc., at ]Ioxboro, North Curolin:!, anll a few at Pittsboro, The job at Hoanoke Hapids a1 the Halifax I'aver Mill being built b)' the Hust Engineering Company has not been s tarted us of yet, and we are still waitin~ ami hoping to get the Federal Hospital at nutne r. Construction in the area looks good und we are hoping it will be a good year for org:mited lnhor ill this jurisdiction.

Recentl}' n rother Summerlin, !.lusi­ness agent for Local 553, hall been working to have the IJrel'ailing wage scale raised in Durham County. If this endeavor is suc(,(,SlIful it will mean a lot for 1111 Electricians in Durham County and may help us to get more of our boys home, But, all

in all, it looks good in our a,'ea if all our JlrO!<]lects materialize,

At our last meeting we set lI)I the Negotiating' Committee for our new contract. The ('ommittee consists of Brothrr Summ('l'lin, lmsinellll man· ager, J oe Wilde r 1111(1 Claude J ones.

At this time we wish to thank all of OUI' I nEW locals who h:l\'e helped us through our IIlack l»eriod and hOJle that in SOllle \I'll)' we can rell:l~' them,

NOH""':'; L. O'N.:,\I., P.S.

Local Took First Float Prize on Labor Day L.l', 60 1. CII ,\.'I II ' ,\I GX and un­U.\ :'. . \ , I L L. 1111]llcnsant news, Bl'othe-I' J,:'II. 11(':111, who in tho 1920's, was :1 member or !;o1 and has heel! in thc IBE\\' 1111 this time, and who in 19:11 tJC('ame- 1I contra('tor, sold out in 19fi7 :uld retir('d, ]lns.-;ed :Iway in Deceml1('I' I~)lil. ill S son is u jou,'ney. mlln now, I worked for Belin Electric allllo~t II yeani. We ha\'e lost a won­derrul fl'lend!

I n the last week in Augu ~t, I huded my oldcst SOil, l~lIgene, This and othel' things beyond my control, CUll~ed me to mi!<s the Labor Da y IJarade, Our tllnlt took fiJ"51 ]lnt(', bUI I lUll sorry to say I have 110 1)lctul'es or it,

The job I have- been on since Mlly

20 is COllllJlewd, It is olle of the finest sho]l]Jinl{ centers in the world, Words C:1I1I10t 110 it justice! I)otler Electric: h:1(1 the {·ontl':lct. [ 1I('\'el' I\'o,'ked with a finel' !.lunch, The job is fini shed now and th(' gang "I'attCl'ed, We enclose a Ilktul'c of two l'rothel'S of 601 put­ting the fini shing touches on the lights of 11 IIhowCI1t<C or tine o r the more than 20 stOl'e~ ; all under one I'oor! The BI'othel' on the lert ill Milton Orcutt and on the right is Ed Potts, who is without doubt, the outstanding HOT­HOVDEn :Hllonj{ us, We tried to get :l. Illctul'e of Foreman Herb Smith.

lie lnwlt think a camera will ex­plode the way he "got awny f!'Om then,," \ \'e don't know yet if GO I will have itll IIIHllml s lllg ])arty this year.

W ,\ LTEK E, 1I0sn:TI,.;K. P,S,

Two Jackson Members Electrocuted on Job 1 .. 11. 60,i , J .\ C t-: ;--;ON, m SS.-We wi sh to congl'lltulate ou,' s ister Lac:ll Union No, 180 and the new P,-eSS seeretlll'y, Hl'othel' J im Lewis, (01' their' r~'ent effort l! in ,'elXII'ting to the JOUIINtI!. "i.()(,al Lines" section, \Ve ha\'e enjoyed your l'ellorts \'CI'y milch, Hrolhe" Lewis.

Brother Lewis is also [)resident of Local 180, and being a lineman he has come to the aid of our local union on a numbel' of occasions when we were deSI»era1ely in need of linemen,


Our Ilncll1el1 and lllemi>crshi ll in general have It gre:lt I'espect and ad­llliratioll Cor you, Brother Lewia. And we shall be looking ro ....... ard to Reeing many more of )'ou" report. in the "Local Lines,"

It now beeomes OUI' sad duty to TellOrt the "final departu .. e·' of t ..... o or our Jxolo\'l,<1 Brothers,

Brother A. T. J)i ~lnuke, WIIS ern­Il lored by the Li ne ConlraetoJ'8 and until \'{'I'Y recently had been wilh TVA . Disllluke ha(1 quite a long cUI'(!(' r in G05 and had lr:w{'led and worked in muny other locala of the Brotherhood. lie W:IS necidenlnlly ele<:lrocuted while doing hot line clill­trihution \\'OJ'k in Gren:lda, Mif;"ill­"[Pili.

Brothel' C. I~, Kealorer, who wa ~ clllploy('d by l\l i~~i8Sip)li " owet' "lui Light Com]mny :1150 IHul qui te a long cut'eet' in (j()[i nnd had worked 011 (luite a numbel' of job assiglln1(!nt ~ 011 the above eOlllpany's 11I'OIIC,'I),. We knew him first UII a MY. ami L. Servic.-man at Moorhead, M issi~lOill l li. li t" had retul'ned to nUr:lnt"i\lissi~9iJlpi, And while working ill a line C:I'CW in that area W:lS ac:c:identally electrocuted,

Our IIi neeI'(' I';ym p:lthy to thc muny r"iends an(1 loved one!! of these t\\'o \'eI'Y fin£' Cl'nrt!<lll£'n and Brothers. Ma}, ti1£'y they rest in I)('aee :knd may nil our membeM< ha\'e "he:l\'('I1'8 rich­est blessings!"

J, W. HrSSI:L1., I' ,S,

"Country Moving Aga in" Down Atlant a W ay I ~U. 613, .. \ 'I'I. .. \ XT,\ , G I\ ._ P,(' ~ident

Kennedy's gl'eat ambition was to get this coullt!·y moving again, As wc nlJIJfOllch what would have IlCen the elld of his fih'lt term and a yell I' of Prcsident J ohllson's A(lm inistration thi~ country is not just moving hut

at an ever-accelcr:lting pace. Perhalls the lllost aj1ll ropriate won l to de­sc .. ibe the economy of this gateway to the old South woulll be running­up, E\'ery month see~ a 1If'\\, l'\!Cortl in the amount of building permits issued by :llmost cven' im;pe<'tion agene), in the juri!Wlittion,

Keeping pace with the ri~ing Ct'on­omy is the cver-exj)anding and 1)1'Q­

gres.sivc viewiloint "f 11ll' memllel'shi" of Local 61:1, In the lal';t few years there has beell institut('d a Vaeatioll Plan, a Health anll \\'('Ifare I'rogram and now one of the 1ll0lOt IH'Ogl'('!<~i\'e s tell"', a Pension 1~latl, The SUC('('~l; of :In)' venture dCJ>Clldll ullOn the :Ittitude of the parlici]lantR :11111 the fortitude of its leader!>, On an average Ih(' lllembership of Lo('al (jl!j i.~ young awl farseeing, Any VroJ.('l'anJ they under­take will not fail.

VIHGII. ;·h:.H" 1',S,

Local Pledges Support To O ffic ers ' Effo rts L. l l, 61r" KAXSAS CIT Y, lI O.-A1-though our local W:lS chartered many, m:lny )'~ars ago this is the first tim!' thnt a press secretaf)' has been nlll)Qinted to relJOrt the locnl hallllCn­inK!! of our hrotherhood to T ilt:

~: I .~:{'''II1('A I. 1\'OIl,H:n'g JOI' n ;o.lAI .. Our local l'('pl'esents the elcctr ical

!'nlp[OyeS 011 six or the majOl' rnil­I'omls running into the heal'l of America. Our membership llumllCl1I :lPPfOximnh'I)' 200,

One of the th ings that is most on th{' mimlll or our membership is the Ilf'gotintionll with the ruilronds for n hrtter contract fOl' thc non-<JIX'l'IIt­illg' unionR, I wish to r('J}OI't that Ill!' nl(lt 'a l(' ill good,

Ful1l'~t Jll'eparat ions were planned :u](1 n'aely to be placed ill olJCration

Members of Locals near Jackson

Thi. hi,line ma;nt,, c .... Itt Tun;ce, Min" ;ncludu memb, .. of l oe"l /t05, Julion, From left, Crew memb. " L .... ;I ~ .. d W .. th .. ford,; Brothe .. Colem .. n, /tOS,

Fihge." ld, B3S, Burle "nd Feen.y, bOS,

Bro th .. e. S. Null .... ", reecn tly eppo;n t .. d ¥ke.p r .. ide .. t of loul 1005, Follo"'n9 the Safe ty M" ' in'i!. the men of 1005 .. t ' ;9ht po.e 10' th. Jou,nal. Th .. y" .. Brother Bu. ~ ., Mr, Hi9hlend of the T ..... I ... I ....... "c. Co, .... d B.oth" J"mn of Ihl L, E, My ... Company, ..

memb .. 0 ' Loul 98 1,

JOURNAL f OR fEIlRUARY . 1965 6 1

in the C\'cnt the strike was Precllu­tatcd. Our Icadershil' passed on the instructions to the membershiJl as to thc conduct of the strike and all o f liS wcre )lrCparoo to walk the I)icket line ill an orderly and dignified manner as free men and true mcmbers or ou r union.

We want the officers of the Inter­natiorml to know that we hcre in thc hcurt of America are willing to Sl1l)­port them JOO percellt in the efforts Ulat lli, 'y anl ,,,,,killg-.

i\luny of OUI' members have indi ­catcd to mc that they wished me to convey to Mr. Thomas Ramse~r, our ne,l:'otinto l' with the Carr'icrs an{1 International Vice Pt'csidcnl of our Rro!hcrhood that we appreciatl' his llhili!)' and hrrrj'!'rr inillp: tf'narity, We want him to know that Win! Lo!;C ! or Draw! wc trust him am1 bclic\'e that hc is doing his best to furtlll'r our intcl'C~ts at the bargaining tnhle. (,411 your JOl! IIN-'L wcnt to 1'1'1'1111, lhi;, i3ltlle reCl'il'e(/ IlOtwrable lel/lcme,,',)

From time to time your cOrres l){)tlll­ent would lrke to enclose some jllcture!< whit-h would better convey what is being done by our local. The one that I :1111 enclosin~ in this fir st di s­pntch is to show the close employc­matHIgcment relation~hip that exists between the members of onr 101'111 union and the Union Pneific Hailn)(HI.

This photo portrays our dedie:lte!1 local chu ir'man, Brolllcr 00n:l1l1 L, Crrrwford and the district fot'l!man Mr. C. A, Jameson, (Mr, Jameson Is thc one wearing the necktie anrl white shirt .. ) These men al'e standin~ he­fore the fast Northwest Forwarder bound for Portland Oregon,

Mr, Jameson and ::'Ilr. Crawford work hand in hand to the mutunl interest of both the cmplo}'cs and the COI11!lany,

\\'e are looking forward to ('one­S[londing with the JOl'ttS .\I. each month, We think that we havc the finest trade publication in the United States,

WILt'Olll) M, P ,\Tn:ttSON, P.S.

Work Slow in Coastal Area 1.,11, 639, SAN 1~ U1 S OBI S PO, CAL I F, - Local Union 639, San Lui s OhIApO, Cali fornia, after several years of not having any "local lines", \\'0\11<1 like to try and get this good Ilr;lctice started agai", It is vcr)' nice to sit down and read about some of the fellows th:lt we used to know ut'olmd the country in the JOI'RX,\I .. SO we']I try and let the fellows know thut Local Union G39 is still in existence,

In the [last year the local lost one Rrutllc!' ami rdircd twu '[lurc, 1'1Il sur'e some of the older linemen will remember Brother James Vance, who passed :tway in December HlG3, Rrotlr4


Friendly Relations

I . ..

Donald l. Crawford, local chairman of K,n,a, City, Mo" l oul 615 ch.h with

Oiltrit! Foreman C. A, J~m .. on,

er FI'ank Spencer went on the relit'e4 mcnt 1'0116 the tin;t of October 1111(1

Rrothcr Ralph Cook retired shortly before.

Brothe r Vance was a cllartel' m!'ttI­bel' of l .. ocal Union 63~ and hml been ill this part of the cOlilitry fol' a number of yelll'S. J im was 10\'c<1 allli respected by all who knew him, and he will he missed vel'y much in the yell t'S to come.

Bt'othel' Spencer !> tarted his carecr in the mi(lwC5t and southwest. 1I ~ latcr ttlo\'ed to the Coast and ]Jlayed qui Ie a pat't in hel]ling to Ol'g:mize the industry here, He served as in-5pcctor for the State Di\'ision or Al'chitecture for se\'cral years und was lin ofllcer in several of the locals here in the Ninth District.

Brother Cook came to this loclil in the early 40's 3nd worked !lCveral years on maintenance at Cam l) San Luis Obispo. He, like Brother S])en('er, desen'es a ~p'eat deal o f credit from thc In Ew as he was one of the very few that held this charter togethH when members we1'(' hard to como hy,

We hope that Ht'olher Spence l' can make up for some of the lime that he lost on the golf course and that lil'othel' Cook has a httle t ime to de­vote to "hunting I'ocks,"

Along about this time of yeal' we have OUt' Annual Christmas Party. LocHI Union G!l9 would like to reJlort the gala affair took place Saturday night, November 28, A good time was had by e\'errone,

The work situation is the pool'est that it has been in the IltIst sc\'cml ycars and there isn't an~' pros pect o f anything until maybe next fall. nut this condition seems to exist ull 311(1 down the Coast.

This will h:\\'e to do for now, will see you at the next union meeting (third Monday of each month),


Summary of Negotiations In Medford Jurisdiction L.U. 6::;9, :'IIEDFOIUJ, OIlE.- l t is with great sorrow we l'el)Ort the death of Brothers George Ole~on and Wil­liam Dobrns, Words can not eXJlress our deepest sympathy to their fami­lies.

The negotiations with Pacific Power and Light Company (CoPCO lJh'ision) 11Iwe concluded 011 the .;ocon<l J'ound and the cha nges at'e to be t;ent to the member's concerned as soon as chunges at'e prin ted. Some of the thangel! ne­gotiated are a two·yea l' tet'm or agrLoc­ment. to be OI)e11ed for modification of job cJassific:ltions and wage scale as of J une 30, n)G5; a sUJlplemental workmen's COlllpens:rtion benefit to bring total income lIll to 80 llereent of the insured employe's basic wage rate up to 260 workinG' days of dis­:Ihilit), ; a gener:'!1 w:lge increase of 4,2 jI·crecnt effecti\-e retrO;lctil'e to Jul)' I, 19G4. This will put the jour­neyman lineman wa~e ~cale :It $3,97 ]lcr hOUl',

On the 9th of Deccmber, we held negotiations on our agreement with the Oregon Water Corpomlion_ This year the I1lCmbet'S ha\'e kept their pt'OJlosais to a small t1ltllllJer lIS thf'y feel this is very inrJlortant fOl' better bal'~:linin~,

With the coming of Decembe l' 17, the Motor Windel'S nrc looking for­ward to better wa!:cs and a vacation ]llan.

The new changes on the Wireman's Agn:emcnt wel'e nccepted lit a ratifi­cation mccting On Saturday, October Ii, 19GI. The changes on money were II I:; cent per hour incrcase with 10 cents IJUt into a Cl'edit Union for \'a4 Clition, ami a JO ct:ut lJt:r hour :uljust­ment for roreman,

A closing thought ,,"The tree o r knowledge can be slml}C{1 into many Cruits, Let's shape ours mto a better union!"

Changed Tactics Urged On Ut il ity Loca ls LX. 696, nELI~AIHK OH IO-Utili4 tics in our are;l havc fOl'med two coordinating groups, They have been set up by the American 1~ledric Power Comllllny, Commonwealth Edi­son Company, Illinois-Missouri Pool and "'isconsill and Indiann planning groujls enC01l1)l:tssinFt a to-sta le urea from Wisconsin 10 Mi ssou ri and Vir4 gitlia, with 11 rnmpanie!'l reaching through se\'en stales from Michigun to Virginia and east into Maryland, which rellresenls about 17 IlerCcnt of the nation's cupucity,

Tn my humble opinion how can any !<1l1all local or s~'stem council of locl1ls use their economic s tt'Cnglh Ilgninst


Theatre Party and Picnic Mark Christmas


, . Sent. po ••• with l ome of hi. 'i!ued , e nd Bill Run.U, m~n"9.' of the Cor.1 Ridg , Thu tr. ",h ••• l oul 128 be g"" the day-long iutivit in of ik Chr is tmas party. Th, .ft .. noon wu spe ,,! in " fine pi<: ni<: where the ~ idl (;onlu .... d eollon c.ndy u qu ickly u M ••. Forneu end Mn. Klein could lurn it out. Mrs. Fo ...... · hU lb.nd, " tong ,' ime 728 me mber. l upplied th , Cindy me,"i"" and th. 9"''1' li tt l. th.t th" child.e n II. e . u n below e njoying .0 much.

Chi.f Iron Hon e e nd hi. fe mily, Com. nc: h. Ind ian, from OU, home, '1 '''' the youn9 'lued, .I' th. pi, .. ;, " re, l th rill.

J ud perl of the hundred, of chid . nl which, . 10f":I with . ib., wet, conlumed ,,' th, l ou l 728 e ll .i . lm .. party. Right : lack of impl . .... .. h doe.n" •• " m 10 bothe r Local Se".,I .. y Mild red Strong end he r hu.b.nd.

nny one of these companies with su(;h in ter(;onncctions. I t would be like n fly trying to butt up aga inst a n ele­phant. So as usual a str ike (where men quit work) tu rns out to be a boomerang against them.

Let us wake up and borrow the strategy used by these (;olllpunies, hurt them in the same manner that they use against the laborin~ people, dellrive them o f some of their income through a co-ordinate<! e!fort to re­du(;e their income from 25 to 75 per­("en lo

At. the end of COlltract negotintions, instead of ;l strike, conti nue to wo rk.


l oc. 1 728 Welfa r. D i t.~tot H ow.rd Fi.l d~

and hi. ... if.. cam.. to the, d irectl., from padagin9 ba."" fot the 10<: .1 ' • • hut-

in. a nd wid ow. of d., .... d m. mb . ...

Let the loc:d union ill trouble, co­ord innte nil the locals throughout the s tate in the ~;lIne ma nne r that. the \'ote agai nst the " I{ ight-to-Work" law was organized.

Get the laboring jIeOllle, through the newslluper'S, radio, TV, pamphlet$, and hlock-b)'-hlock \"isitations, to re­quest the (;Onsumers to (;ut down to a ba re minimulli the amount of l}Ower used for the I\{'}!:t GO days or 11101"(,.

For e}!:amille during the Ohio Edi­son strike in Sandu~ky, if this plan would have iJoC'eIi mobilized throughout the st:lte and a "tUrnout" or "brown­out" IJUl into effect against :tl l of the


utilitie!! in thc statc hy r{>(lucillg thcir incomc (or Ihc lcngth o( thc strike, thc utilitic~ themselvcs woul41 h;\\'c forred a settlement, bCi:ausc it would not hll\'e been worth fighting one groull of smllll loc;'] unions when billiollJl of doll;.rll woul,1 Im\"l~ bt..-en 101lt b)' all of the utilitil's.

t"aboring 1)('O])le. it is about time that we try new meth~1s to regain our rightful IJOsition in lIociety. We all iK'long to thllt gl"('at laboring: cln~!I; the onl)' difT"I"('II(,,(! is in the kind of labor"

JDI l>t: BI.MII:-I" F,S.

Train Rid es, Cotton Candy Help Santa Enterta in L.U, i2S, 1"'1'" 1./\l1]) EIWA LE, FI.A.

QUI" Chrilitnms I'arty Committce consisting of Ccol'ge ItOUIUi09, chair­m;llI, Cad WUI'st, Joe l\Ial'k", J)ick Gardnu, Howa rd F ield!! :nlll James Gustavson, will not be ;Ihlc to func­tiOn prol){'rly for ..0111(' tilllc nil lire­lIul l of on·I'work. T he pllrty was a huge ~UCC('lI" and tlllllltly ,lue to the work of lhi!! l·Ollllllil\f'('. TIll'ir co­work .. rs \ 'ern NightclI. I{uy IIU litsing­er and Phil Wiltiamll art' 41ue lot~ of credit as thcy furniJlh('.1 the ~ecurity 111111 clc:lnull crew. Wasn't J('ITY Cox n natural lUI Snnta ('I;au!!~ Ttli')' 1()\cI] you JCI'ry!

T he Petf'rs Hoal] Volunt('(!r Fire Dcpartment .lid all thc rooking a nd i«!r\"ing Imt that IItOI'Y ill fur (Illothl.'r i~~uc as the crew \'on9i~tcd of mem-1)('1'9 of I. ,U. 728, III fllCt, Chigge l' Ackl.'r, you!' fonlil.'r jll'el<s ~c{"rtla r r,

is thei,' pI'Cllillt:nt. Wc will try to gct the nanll'lI or all lllt'ml1t:I'A ~erl'illK in this worthy caUlle and bring it to you,

Uill yuu noticc Ill{' J11cmlK"'!!' wivcs hclpinK thc cO IIHnittcc cl;peei:.lIy Betly Gulllnnlon with her broken ncck" I t did not .]etrr twr onc bit. Bctt)' h:l9 worn th:lt hra{"e since J une and hnl4 Ilnolh(' I' lIix month" to go.

,,"ould,,', it be somcthing if those women would form lin auxiliary. Thcn someone could say, ")lr. Pl"('lIi.l('nt: I make a motion that we notify the Auxiliary we WlUlI a picnic on July 4,," Then they could carry the ball from there.

We ran out of film" Burt L:lhifT"lI son did such a wOllderful j()h romluct­ing games Cor the children and wc Cailed to Ca l)ture them on film, At our j,icnir thi,; summer wc will I){'gin with that bunch fir.;t. AI~u in 11<':\t 1II01lth'~ JOLn:- \1. there will be a ])il-. ture of the {"ummittee" T hey were l~' busy at the IJarty. 110111.' you like theM' I did get, By thc way Santa brought U9 a new camCI'a,

All ml.'mbers :1I'e working 111111 that is the hest Ch r istmas ]Iresent ,,( all. t;sually ahout hal f of thc tllclJIlJ('rs :1I'e out of wOI"k at this timc of y.'ur. Stan Yahlon~ky is ()ut ()f the hOll ]l ital amI at home, After onc mOI'1! 0 11('1'11-tion he will be thro\lgh with them \\(, hope. Stan has beell 011 thc ~it'k lilil for ovc," a )"I.'ar and from ull illllll:a­tiolls he will ha\'e :lnother n'ar o( it, Saw En' .\lu.";c at the lla"J'IY lind hI.' S~Il1S to be O, h: . afl('r hi~ lll'(,[ ­denl. Let's s:l\"e room Cor the ]lit'­turei<, 1I 0wc'-cr. mllst n1l'ntioll thut LU. 7:?8 ;\Iember Dale FOI'l1l'~!I sup­plicd the train that brought SUnil! :Ind 1'~1f' thl.' t'hihln!n all :I(II'rnOOIi. T he conon cantiy ma{"hine wall 1):11t·~

Illso. George want. .. us to thank him and :l lso Bill RU~SI.'I1 of thl.' thent re" T hcy did a trcllll.'l1llollS jot. ;u,,1 lie" cOl'ding to Geoi'ge the)' Iddt'll in hultl­ing the .'ost to ;\ minimUIlI,

~.\'I II II:I: I:-;S, ]"5,,

Local Aids "Pies for The Poor" Campaign I~ I". 81 1, C I-II CA GO, IL L" The cm· ployes o( M:lrlluette P:II'k AccountinK, Unit 8 of Local 8t I, and the IlHUHlKe­ment of the Illinois Bell Tclcjlhone

Assist Charity Drive In Chicago

Coo"e'~t i ng wah • prog,.om .pon.orld by th .o Chicago Polic.o, memb". of local III contributed gen" 10 the " Pi •• for the Needy" campaig n, Namu of 11,0 .. who

• ' • • hown er. lound in th e local', le lt.r. ..

COIllP!"I)' cxtendell their genero"it)· ill PII!'rill1, lImg 200 I,ies for the Chicago Polit'e " P ies Cor the Keedy" call1imign, The:<e Il ies arc dist .. ibuted on Thllnk~­givin~ Uay to \'111'i(luS orphanages. home". and ilJ~titutiolis. Lee Rodgers, .lise jockey on Radio Station WINJ), and 1,('", Lear, head o( Les Lenl"!' i' .. ~lurtion" rontributed ll1ut'h time and energy to lu'olllote till' campaign,

The accolllpanying pictUl'e show!'. frum I('ft to l'ight: Hobert Vanderbyc, fhil.' f I<tl''''':Jl'fI, Vnit 8; .\Ial')" Kay Voi!:ht. unit \'ice chairman: Geralda Kil1n('rk. c,'(l'("utivc rolllmittec ml.'TIl-1)!'1': Lee R~kct'j1, WIN!.) disc jockey; HUl'{'rlwry l'lcyers , tl'eaSUI'CI', Local 8 11; 1'llUl('ltt' Anrlerl<on; and F. C. IJarm"t:u]t, division hcad" :'Ilarquette Park At'('UUllting"

Ju \/'. A, \\"\1\'1 \Ul\\"SIi I, P.S,

Local Vot es to Hold Meeting in C olumbus L.P. 91i. 'tEIW H A;\'" :'IIIS~" We arc ('('rtainly hoping that the wOI'k in ()Ut' "rca o( thl.' rounlry {"ontinues for a while all it has in the I:I~t few monthl<" We s till have work hut. a~ lilwllr~. oncl.' rou hcgin the downhill lIwi ng toward cOlll ll letioll thc !':une I]UI'!!tirlll IIOPI< to mind, this being, " W h(,I'1' do we go (I'om here!" I SUII­pO.~I' thi!< ill 0111' of the greatest drall'­hackl\ in tJw CO'1.~ t rutlion business,

T hl' local \'otl'fl. I,y a close vote. to In'inl( hack to Columhus thc meet ing hl'ld on thl' (ouI 'th ThuI'sday of each monlh, A~ alw:.y!! Uwre are two sid . ,~ to ('\'cfrthing and it i~ according to who you at'1' amI whel'e you arc a~

to whit'h I'iri(' ~'ml ag"ee with, Thl.' hoyl' (11'0\11111 C()lulllhus feel that if thili meeting is h('ltI in :\Ieridian it wkell :1\\'H)' )1II1·t oC tl1('il' "lIay-so" in th .. 1()('lIl's hUllinel<!', T he fe llows in M('rilli:1I1 feel II!! if thl.'r!! is too much contr:llliction in the W:l)' t'Crtain itl.'/llJl :Ire \'ot(,11 on in separate meeting~" Thi!< would be due to nn :lllllo~t CII­tirely dilferent groull of Ill('n I)resent 1.'\'1.'11 thout:h all helont: to the same local.

As we said there are two sides. but regllJ'(lIe~~ of which side wc are on, we "hould l,lnce oun;el\'es in the 01)110-"ite l}Osition nnd resol\'c to make the hl'>it o f the situation and try to har­tllonil:e" If thi~ is done, wc will ha"e :1 local of which we cnn be ' ''cry proud.

JIM COOl·.::K, P.S"

EI Paso Ele ctric Pre side nt He ads Funds Campaign I"U, 960, E L I'ASO. n : X,- Thc E I Pa llO E lectdc Com)mny donated two Sli- foot pO\Cli which f01'1ll the huge vietory MtI'udu l'e th a t stands in the 1> 11I7.n P"I 'k fOI' the United Funds Campaign .


. I



Lllst April bl'ought the kick-otT for the 1961 United Funds dd\'e. ~II·. Ray l...ockhurt, president of thc J.;I 1'11110 Electl·ic COIllIl:lny, wa.'; lllliloinled the chairman fOr the yea r's unnunl fund s rumpHlgn of E:I I'aso County. 1\11', ChariI'll II , 1,1.'11\'1.'11. 11I'C!lidcllt of the United Fundl<, was j;:'raUfied to hnv(> MI'. Lockhurt head thii'! imllOI'­tllnt community endeavor.

Pr'Cshlent I.ockhart was born in R;ltOIl, :-lew Mexico. He is a graduate of 1-:1 PaM lI igh Srhool and attelll]('li T('xas Weslel'n College (fonllerly Texlu College of Mines). 11(' )'('C('iv{'(1 hill Bachelor and MastCI' of Sdt'nr(> (]cgr(>(>s f,'om C;Ilifornia Institute of Tt'rhnology. II I.' was a fOI'l"er vic(' presill(,"t of Ston(' and Webstl'r SI'I'V­ic(' C0l'llol'aUOIJ in I\'ew York City, l\I,'. Lockhal't was n;lmel] I'l'ellill('llt of I~I Paso 1·:II.'('tl'ic Company Inst Jill)" slIcCCClling William V. lIolik,

Fit""" J, ScAROLA, p,S.

Fifty-Dolla r G ift Give n Each 1063 Retiree 1..11, 1063. IH~TIIO I T. !\IICII.-Thi rty six of our 100'al'II former Rl'otht'l'!I lind Sillterll who I'etil'ell were not f(ll'got­ten hr the local's members. Each I'e­cl'ived ;J 50-dollar du?<'k as H farewell retirement gift on Sunday, 1lCt't'ml)('r 13, 19GI, at the local meeting, It W:I8 surely nice to see the old gang. GOllh! Tht'y all looked good and )·oun",er.

CO:-"II,\I) "CO~:-'I~;" GIIOCIIO I.s KI, I' ,S.

Successful Hunt

Bu,i ... u M ..... 'l" H ... old l .... ge '.om l oul 1112, Alpe .. e, Michi9an, lu.ned away hil Loul bUli .. all dulies a .. d guid.d M., Pu.1 Riu 01 8'0111011, Michi9'''' 10 a ,uc· cenful el ~ hu .. 1 ill .. odha ... Mich''la ... M., IU ce .hol a 10 poi .. 1 .I ~ Ihal lippld Ih. lui .. al SOS pou .. d., fi.ld d ..... d. Thil wu II.. fi .. 1 .Ik hu .. 1 i.. Michiga.. .i .. ce Ih. lu... of Ih. c ... lu.y, Piclu.o .howl

M., lan'lO wah M., Rico's trophy.


Givers Fund, Texas

Th. Ef Puo EI.ctric Compa .. v dOIl.,.d Ihi, Iymbol that Ilandl i .. PI .. a Pa.~ 10 ma.~

Iho P'09 .. 11 of Iha U .. it.d G;~o .. Fu .. d. Mombo,. of l oul 9bO did 11.0 wi,in,:!,

Vacation Granted by Council Boon to L.U. 1141 L,ll. I H I. 0 1\ LA 11 0)1 A (' I'I'Y. Oli 14A. - We in Oklahoma City :mll '141 h;I\'e much in the past to he thankful for as well as n J.:Tl'at tleal to be OIJtimis­tic llbollt for the futu ......

While our work ol'portunltie.!! ha\'e slacketl lip some IIi nI.'l' Nov('mber 1st, we still eXIJl'ct to have nil our mem­bcrs c1111lloy('ll through thf' winter months (e,,"cept for w('nthl'r Stoll­I)age.\l) ;Iud :although II1nny of the :WO tra\'clers wurkillg 1I10lit of the )'e:lr hll\'c gone home, there nre IIOme who will I)robablr kel'll on working through the wintcr.

'I'hc wage increase of I:'; ('('nts for the first y('ar went into ("lTc('t on Octol)l.'r 8th ltnd the entin' l :i l.'i'nts gOl.'s into the vacation fund whil'h becamc effcctive at the !!'lIme time,

The next incre:l.!ie of I :, cl'nt.!! will C0111e through 011 May I , J!!r,:';,

Our negoti;ltJOI1>1 are to bt'gin at a much earlier datl' :It thl' nrxt opening of our :lgreell1t'nt with the hO]lI.' thnt things, contruct wille, will be !'Cltletl befOl'e so many "old hours" ha\'C been huilt UI) for liS to com11lete 1111 WIIS the case thi ll }'ear, wlll'n uIII,'anl!' of 400,OOU hOllrs lullOr hall to be com­pleted hefon' our IlI'W M'nle "':Il< 1'1'­

ceh'ed. Surh rt ronliiti(JJ1 CIIIU!('l' our mcmbe~ to lilke quite II lo~~ on the firH-yea r ilwre:tS{',

WI' beli{'vl' the ":lcation plan, as granted by the Council 011 h ltlustrial Relations, this ycar will prOl'1' a feal benefit to our members nll\l to the employers 118 wl.'lI.

While we :Ire naturall y fil1lling a few hugs in the beginning, we feel that the Ililin is operating fllr more smoothly thlln we had anticipated.

The emilloyers, who nearl), went into convulsions each time such a pilln wall l11entionl.'(l, ha,'e also found that the "additional work involved" for tlll'1l1 in making the withholding ami transmittal to the bank isn't nl'ariy S(J "gl'eat" as thry had anticipu\('d , \\'1.' dl) willh that ther would not ('on­tinue to refuse to u 3-digit i(lenti­fyin", lIccount number on their trans· mitt:I] I'<'IJOrts to the del>ositor)' :1" e,'ery hit of our probll'm, thus far, hall I)('('n due to thi !! refusal. 1I0w· e\'er, III.' hOI)(' to hll\'e it all ironN] out I'r(' long.

Sinc(> OIJr hlRt rl'llort to "1.1)('111 Lin('!I" we have loH hy ,Icath BrotlwrJl Walt(')· BU~II, I(OSII Crawford, GII'nn ]\Jell 111\(1 )ll'lvin Pipher, Two of the!'e brothers w(>re victims of lung c:lI1t'er antI onl' the l'ictim of II heart attack. Our 1<}'llIpathy gOl'II 10 the ber('a\'('ll f:Ullilil'~.

O. 0, J'~;;-';;-';l:-.'(;TO~, p,S,

Lo ca l Salutes Charter Recording Secretary L.1f. 1306. DECA'J'(\]{. ILL.-"lIold fllst onto thal which is good," mighl well Jxo the moUo of LU 1306, and tl1('Y would be "peaking about a dl:,r_ 11'1' lI1t'lIlbt'r and r('corlting l't'crHary of 011(' of their ]ocal ch;lpters.

l\tr.!!, Gladys Wlltchman haS also \)cen thl' financial 8CCretary of th(' ehall\('r for all but a few months right lit the 111:" '1. Shl' h:all ml'l the$'(' du:t] resJlolI!lIbiliticl; a8 regularly 1Iml as accIJl'atrly liS !lullrise "ince 1306 was fir,; t j::'1'llntl'd its dHtr ter.

To Ilischarge her dulies in silch ;1

regular and faithful manner, cOllie sunshinc or storm, lOll dcgrees in the

Charter Secretary

Mrs, Glad'f1 Watchme ... roco.di .. 'l .ec.a· tary of tha Chaple. of l oul 1306. Decatur, III,. ;1 a chart .. memb ..

of Iho loui.



THE QUITTER Jt nin't the failures he may meet

That keeps a man from winnin'

h 's the discouragement complete

That blocks a new beginnin';

You want to quit your habits bad,

And, when the shadows ftinin'

Make life seem worthless an' sad,

You want to quit your quitrin'!

You want to quit a-Iayin' down

An' sayin' hope is over,

Because the fields are bare an' browo

Where once we lived in clover.

When jolted from [he water carl

It 's painful to be hillin'

The earth; but make another start.

Cheer up, an' quh your quinin'!

Although the game seems rather stjff

Don't be II doleful doubter;

There's always one more inn in' if You' re not a down-and-outer.

But fortune's pretty sure to ftee

From folks content with sinin'

Around ao' sayin' life's N. G, You've gOt to quit )'our quiuio',


shade or 20 below, requires more than the usual dedication to such a job. Many orgnn izatiolls find a high degree of lurno\'cr in the IK!OI)le who agree to serve ns officers. Arter the initial enthusiasm has worn orr, and thl' going gets n lillie rough, they ]Ollll (or the end of the term. This chapler ill (ortunnlc in finding an officer with such ndmirable (IUnlitics.

This snme systematic and careful allcntiOIl to (Ictuil hall char;lt'terizeo:i her work with the Illinois Power CompanY, :lIld has kept her em]lloyed since ",he came out of high school, and r<':uly (or her career.

lI ow long this has b£'en is the lad)"8 seeret, but onc look at the Ilifture and I 'm lIure all will agree with th is state· men I. Time has taken nothing away lind has only added to her !lersonality and chul'lll.

D. A. 1l00\'EII, P.S.

Spoils of Hunt

Broth,r St.n O,"egh brought th is ftn, d,., b.d from his hunting trip in the Upp .. P,ninsul. of Michig. n with fellow

members of loce! 1441, Detroit.

Santa Claus Comes To Chicago Local L. [T. 11 2i. CHI CAGO. ILL-The im­portullt'e of the evelling was impressed UI}OIl one and all on December II whell Jolly Old St. Ni('k hied himself down from the North Pole as :l sur­Ilrille ath':lllce visitor to IlUrtidll:lte in the LOCHI'S AIIIlual Christmas Party held ill the friendl), con fines of the GI·antl BIlllroom of the Midlaml 1I0tel.

Th(> IHlrty wus prefaced by the 10-cal'~ I·egular monthly meeting which \\';11\ ("ailed to order alld COIl\'ened ill retord time after which fun and frolic hecHme the official order of busin(,;ls (Ind the festi\·itiell beg-nil to roll when the huntl IItruck up the first note sig­nif}'Lng it wu~ timl' to .Iance und play.

Some 1M lucky members of the 10-


cal had their faith in SII11la Cluua and the Christ mas Hllirit renewed when theil' numllC rK wcre cu lled :llId

they were givcn the bird, in this in, stance, choice tUrkeys, to grace thei r holidllY tables,

A big \'ote of thunks ia extcmled to George Barak, who !'er\'efl 115 chair­man in charge of arr.angClllents, and to co-ehairillan Ron muo who collllb, orated to head a long list of commlt­tcc Illembcrs in tlHlkillg the ev('ning a Illost cnjoyable anll mcmomhlc onc,

BIU, l\1.\I.un, P,S,

Notes on the Michigan Hunting Season 1.,1 1. \ U1. IH~TIWIT, '[[ClJ.-To those folks who rollow~1 the Jim Isaacs' story as it unfoldell in these Ilug('lS, we wish to t'CllUrl that we now havc a sequel, We will clill it "The

noad Back," California J im, our intrcpid hero, a sho l,t lime ago Il'ft the wint r' Y b1ast~ of Michi gan fO I" the sunny beaches of California, 'I'liking his Cllr, his truck, his wife and fOUl" kids, I~icrre (a lloodle)-Jim turned hill back on Dctroit FOREVER. IL f'('CnIS that "fore\'er" in California IllNU11'I something less than 90 days, On I)ceember 28th. J im resumcd working :It the 'V('~t Side R,'anch, "ri~ht b;lck whcre I st:u' t C1! from" 11M t hc >,ong goc~, The bloom {:lIled fl'Om the rose l"atlwl" swiftly,

Welt-ome back, Jim I saa('~!

s<,me results ha\,(' trickled in of hunting SUCCCSll in the de("r Se;tSOn.

Bnlnk Boedigheirner got his burk nellr HO!<e City, Doug Culvcr, J im Schmidt, Stlln I)arragh and gtan'l< dnd hUlltcd fl"OIll th!'ir "lodge" in tIll' Upl'!'!' ]->enin~ula, T hree deer werl' shot hy this group, Doug Culwr nnel Stun Darragh !<hot OIlC :1I11eCi!, In­t!'nsi\'c tlUCl'tiullillg failed to UntOH'r

who shot that third tleer-no one Wll ll tS the cred it. Vnglle )'Um01"9 fl oat al'Olmd thut othcr' t('(hs got theil' dee r , but thclie a re shunning puhlieit}', J im Sthmitlt wanlli the T:IIl:illassec, F' lor­ida Local to 1)lease 1I0t" the size of Stan ))lIrrugh's deer, In llichigan wc hal'e rt'al dcer.

This month we welcome to Local 11 11 two lIew memhcr.I; Fl"llllk Arnica at tlw West Side allll 7.iglllunt Gor· et'ki at the Enst Sidf',

On the Rick li~t we ha\'e T. J . J:rllway of Pontine anll Bel'nle M:l(li­gall or Appliance. We wish both a ~1)('('lly l"t'CO\'cr)',

ST,\l-OU:l F. Jlj,I.\I\, P,S.

Toy Parade is H uge Success Again This Year I..F . \:;0:;. W,\LT Il ,\ \I, ;\IASS.-At the Decl'ml)('r L'nion MN.'ling of Local

Participate in Annual Toy Parade

Members of loul 1505 pOle

.. ,


-Sent. cr.u, (John Ou •• n} d"cu"el ,..,lon.1 ,I l oul 1505 chi.f ".w •• d, luppli ... h.'ping h.nd, 1505', John L.wl ... , • p .... nni.1 ... pporler 01 the .nnu.1 Toy P ••• d., .1 .t

riCJhl sm.linCJ .. Ih. , .. clion of the tob .t th. R. ... CJgl., St". , Nunery to CI."I,


local 1522 Signs with Western Electric

Here is the Negotiating Committee of L.U. 1522. which signed the wage re-opcner supplemental agreement with the Western Electric Comp:'lny. Allentown, Pennsylvania.

This plant employs approximately 3300 persons. The 38-monlh agl'eemcnl i~ in effect from Novembel' 22. 1963 to ,Jnnuary 22. 1!)(;7, with two re-openel'~ in 196!) and 1966. T he I flG5 re-opencr catls fol' wage increases of 7 cents to 12 cent!i per hOllr fol' production em­ployes and 11 to 13 cents fol' the trades ChlssificaUons.

Shown in the pictu re arc: Petel' Bench, Executive Board mem­ber; Edward Brobst. chief steward, (production day shift-lower floor); Chndes lia\'erly, president; International Rcprcscntntivc Richard Flatley: George Ehdg, vice presinent: Edw:ml Heed, chief stew.ud (lower floor-sccond shift); AI Wootsick, chicI' stew.wd, (main floor, sccond shift).

1505 the memhers vOled ratification of a two-ycar contract reculIUllcnrl('(1 hy their' N('gotiuting COlllll1ittl'e, This agrecmcnt wilh the Hayth('on COlli­pany will pro\'ide u general wlIge in­crease for th(' Ilroductioll and tJllIillte­lIunce work('I1I of our 10CIII, working in the v:u·ioull Raytheon plants throughout i'tIallsachusett8, of se\'en cents minimum !lnd 14 cents I1mxi­ilium clrecth'e Septemher I, 1!}(;4. to he foli oll'c(1 Scptcmber I. 1!Hl5, with an incr'ease of thr'CC Jlcrcent, Addi­tional fringe benefits \\'eloe: (I) an imlll'O\'ed accident und sick ne!lll pilln (2) an oillionul long term clillabiJity IIl'()gl',Hll (:l) II general increase in the pension Illan f'tTectivc Janum'y J9GG (01) foul' \\'('('klI paid nlClition fO!' em­ploycs with 25 YClirs of S<'tI·i<.'e,

EI'cry Chrilltmas the mcmbera of our loclli donate gencrously to \'otrioull ehari tiu for the purpose or making th is holy l<t'Mon trul}' memot:lble {or those I('lOS fortunate than themlSCIl'es, Many food buskets and callh gifts are given to n{'('(ly by the l)(l(lling of funds normally {'nrmarked {or the exchanging of Christmas eonls be-­tween our m('mhf'rs,

Undoubtedly the gifts sUllplied to the \'ariOUlJ hospitals, whose I'atients arc childrt"l1. gil'c the gr{'ottCllt joy 10 all inl'ol\'{'<I. The otnl1unl Christ­mas Tor ""radc. 1I joint {'ndcal'or of the crnplo),('s of the ,sjJ<'ncer Lub, POWCI' Tuhe alJd Special )1 icre ..... "l'c Buildings, provided toys and clothing to these wond('rtul ehildr('lI. Th is toy caravan mad\' the followilll{ stops and delil'cri('s: Children's Ilo~pi lnl, Rug­gles Street Nursery. /lome of the Little Wanderers. School for the Rl ind, Fel'nnld School lind the Chi!·


Ilrell'!; Dllit of the )Ielropolitan Stotte Hospital.

It is most difficult to thank el'('ry­onc indil'idunlly who rmule thi!l Toy Parade ao sueccssful. HCptCselltillJ; our l()('al on the official MnHllittee w{'re Frank Osyor, John i..llwlclla, Pat !tyan, Jan OHI'f'to, Joseph 1\Iistrettn. Car­l11('n GrncdTa, Hobert Gormley, Ed Coughlin. Jay C,unnmrota. Eugcne Irwin, Chartt's McGu igan and Frank Pascuzzi. Thanks to Julius Gordon for his errOl'ts and IIJlf'ci lil thanks to Gretchcn Rennett {or h('r donation of a 11011 with a complete wardrohe, Once again thank!! to all the com­millee members, to til(' volunteer workers and to all who con tributed so generously with toys, clothing ,11111 money,

If it were posl'iblc for all our nlell1-bers to see the hallpincss and true delight 011 the faces of the children as Santa Claus (John Durnn, a

Help Your



sturdy member or our Sceurity F orce.) greeted t hem in his inhnit­lIble manner, all members would realize that the Toy Parade has mude the true meaning of Christmns 11 shilling e"aml,le for all to foll ow,

It is a plea~ure for me to be as­signed the duties or the IlteSS scere­tar), by I'resident James Mullone)', )lnny thanks to Angie Kaltsos ror his services in the past.


Advantages of Credit Union Cited by P.S. I .. l '. 1:>79. A t 'G t -ST,\ , GA.- Well, the Olin Mathieson joll has finally started, It got untier way about thc first o r Decem her, We hll\'e one crew of men on the job. Charlie Videtto ill sUI}('rintendcnt and Ruftls SiZ<'l110r(' is our (orcmlln, 'I'h(' joul'neymen on the Joh arc Charlie DielS\·hlel', Billy Ra, hun. Hoss !luff, ;\IUl'l'ay Dyson, Herold lI('nsle)" Jake Cloer, Jessc Jamcs, (;old{'n Casto. tum Ward and Sly Fo". Our two nll l,rentices are Burnie J)cnlon and Danny Brady,

The job i~ going along wry well. We h;l\'c a lot of the switch gel\!' pipe in mostly 2in" (jin., and Gin, Th('re is going to be u 101 of tray work. We nlso hal'e most of the temporary work in !lhncks, power ami so on. Th(' Wesley C, I'll don Company out o{ J:lckHQru'i!le, Florida, has thc clcclri­{'III contract on the job, They Sill'

thcre is ol'er :1 million dollar;; worth of electrical work. J ohn Pcyton is the field "rojcct manager with tllI.­company. lie !<Cems 10 be a nice fellow,

When Chadie Vidctto took the job all lIuJlc rintemlent on the job. he h:1I1 to give UI' his IlittCe on the E"ccutivc BOllIX!. I talked to Charlie for a good little while, and he l'aid thi ;; wall tilt' only thing he huted uhout tllking the sUI}('rilltendent job. The Ex('cutil'e Bo. .. rd \'oted for Curtis Jame!l to fill the unexpired term, I talked to Curtis and he was g];1I1 to do the job. J think e,'eryone was tickled to death to see him take it. Best of luek, Curtis! Evcryone knows rou lire capable ami will do a bang-ull job.

Rill has "laced th'e journey"men and one otlll,rentice 011 the Beehtel Corpo­ration job at Continental Can. I don't know too much about it, except that the wellther seems to be gi\'ing them a lot of troullic. Mr. Walter Allcn is the stewanl on the job.

A!! SOOIl liS I get better adju~t('(1 to writing this column, I am going til I)IIY Ilarticular nttelliion to dcaths of our mcmbers and their fotmiH es. Bul for now. my lipologies to the familics for nol having more new~

011 thcir 101'e(1 ones. Rrother T. M, Meehan passed awny

on October 20, lOG I.


Rrother Walter Allen lost his wife this lJasl Ko\·ember.

Bl'olhet Rill l..e ..... is· Mother lJas!'ed away this past Dcecmber. I know these loved onclI will be gl'eatly mis:<e<1.

W~lI, our V('<lel',d Cl'{'(lit Union finall)' got off the ground in Septem­l:11.'r. 1)('r;lOllally think this i!' a ..... oll(iI:rful thing. JU!'l 11 f(' ..... of the thinj..~ your CrC(lit Union noes: It is a means for regul:lr !,:I\·In~. It is a life savings in:lurance. In other words, every dollar F3v('o(\ is m:ncil('(1 with in~uranee Ill' to S:!,OOH. It represents a low cost borrowing fOI' !Wl"!'()nal loans. Wher(' thi!' can be of special helll is when m('n are tran'ling 011

Ihl' road ami 11ced $200 10 gl't ,I joh. L(>all Protection [ni'oUralH:t' is also 1'rO\'id('d, 111 case YOIl rlie, YOIII' loan is ]laid in full.

'1'11(>1'(' should he a big put on the back for the fellows who started our Cl"Cdit Union. SOIll(' of th(' f('lIows conn('(:ted with it now are J. T, Thig­pen, C. L. JUIII('S. -'I. Tillm,ln, W. T. Walton, and S. L. \\'hinl('. Hem('mber, all of the,><e fellow~ do u lot of hard work for thl:' local. :11111 all for 11Othillg.

The Credit Union i(lea lX'gan O\'er 100 years ago. Friedrich i1aiffeist'n. mayor of a small GC'rlllan community. dl:'\'i!;('(1 a ('redit !'oei('ty in 18,19 to helll his townspoople comlllll pO\"('rty ami usur\". 11(' 1','aSOIlL'l1 that the members ~ouhl lOa\"(' mone~' together and make louns to each other at n low int.erei"t ral('. Th(' hon'ow('r's characl('I' would be th(' Ilrimary !;C­

l'uritr for the loan. HaifTciS('n's i(lea wa:. a su("('e~s, Rc­

fore he (lied in J888 h(' h:1I1 stllrtl.'"ll ll10re than 42;, Credit Vnions. His idea spread to other countries and remains the ba:<iI' itlell of C redit Uniona today. Il l' i~ consi(l('red the father of the Credit L'nion IIlO\'Cll1ent.

RCllIl:'mbel', if any of you Brothel'S are inlf'l"Cstl.'d ill your Credit Union, and [ hope you al"(', eonlact ~larty Tillman, c/o l.ocal Union 1579, Augusta. Georgia.

In closing, I wouM like to say "May the Lord ble~s )'OU all, .and bless you kindl)","

Gou,.:;>; D. CASTO, P.S.

Retired Members Honored At Christmas Party 1... 1' . 16:1 i , ER IK I'A.-MellllK'l·s of Local Hj37, Eric, P(,lHlsyl\',l/lia Gcn· eral TI:'II:' I)hone WOI'kers, hOllort'l1 16 retircd fOl'mer union nll:'llll)('rs ut their annual December mcetinl!' (md Christ· ma!' party, Those w honor('(1 w('l"(': William Uenlmllll. Emma R('('knmn, Arthur Camllhell, Frank Christoph, -'tary ];'r<K'hlieh, -'Iahll:' Gaith('r, Laura Gerl"Cll , Arthur I ll:'idt, Mar'y L,lngton, Harvey McKar, Helen McKay, Violet


:\Iunger, Pauline Thomas, Tr.l.c)', Wilma Veit, lind Wright.

Willillm ) Ia!"jorie

)Iusic for dancing, :t buffet lun­cheon. and alllple refrcshnll.'nts all hell:l€1] to IJrovide the setting for the Holiday Season. Most assuredly a J.,'uod tillle was had hy all.

Uuring the IIIccting Judy Perry wa~ ,Ippointed ,,~SS se\:I,;·tal'y fur the loelll and will handle all corre~IJOmlencl' he­tW('('1I thp International Omce and I.ocal 1637.

JIIn !'E1m,', I>'S.

Diversified Building Program for Sudbury Local L.U. 1687, S ITJ)Bl1l{Y, 0 :-' '1', Thc yrut· of l!)ti4 was a goo(i yellr fOl' (JUl" local with all of (lUI' members wOI'kin~ for most of the rear. Of cours(', the fact that our jurisdktion col'cr.< most of northeastern Ontario, whkh is a great area with limitle!'s mineral (Ie­posiL<:, had something to d() with our

employment. Mines, processing IJlants, pelletizing )llants and smelters arc constantly being built to process such or('s as nkk('I, iron, gold. COI'IICr, I'iI­ver and a f('w othen;, About 80 jJcr­c('nt of the nickel oulJ,ut of the f1"«' worlll comes frolll the Sudbury basin, ;\Io!'t of Canada's ~old is produced in the Timmins-Kirkland l..:Ike arl:'a. Al~o \\"e call bO .. "l"t of SOllie of the largl:'~t !Iaper mills in Canada, with ('xIJan"ions going 011 constantlr.

Durillg this I,ast year thl:' member" of our loc;1I work('(1 on the following !Jroj('('b;.: a IX'lIetizing Illant in .\I oo.~e

.\lount'lin near ('apreol, which \\"a)'

addl·d to existing facilities of this OPen !lit iI'on mine; Adams -'line ncar KirklalHI Lake, ill the go1<I'pro<iucing­al'l'a, a modern iron jJrocc~sing 111:lIlt "osting ::10 million ([oliars, has l)('el1 can'l'll out in a wi l dcnl('~S, with i)'on I\('lil:'l';, a~ a finishe(] jJl'oduCL re:lf!~' fOI" "hipment to the slcl:'l mill!'.

I-'UI·tlll:'r north we work('(l on an :I(hhtioll to thl:' SI,rUCe Falls l'ajlCr Compauy mill in KalJUskasillg fl'atur­ing :1 Il('l\" Ilroceu (the first ill Xorth

Pages from the Past

6rother Hen,y J, Elliott h.l l.nt us thu. p,dU'OH .howin'l the Conowingo. Md .. Hydro· E1.ct"e PI .. nt wh,eh wu eompl.ted in 192/>, Job W.l • Ston •• nd W eb.te< proj.ct, Abo".

e,e .hown 7·54,00 units belore compl.tion,

~~-- ---

~::;;:;:;:-;:;;<I , in op., etion end •• parated Irom the unfin_ temporary op.rato'l' d .. \ with men in 'l the plen t and

a telephon. opeTl tor, ..

Projects Engaged Members . In

In 'he i~rildi,tion of lo~.1 Ib81, Sudbury. Onl., i, the Ademl MillO shown ., r.ft wa~ HI con •• ),o. 90in9 to ,.conderv c,u,h ••• t ';11"" end 10 mill in for09,ound.

Sig.. 011 Onl •• io High ... ay No. t I Norlh, b.' ....... Ki.Uend Lo •• elld Coch.o .. e.

Auwrica) in milking ncwlillrint IlallE"" We {'lUI go 011 111111 on liS the johs hll\'(, be(>n nUIlll'roulI IIml we CXIK'(' I them to conti nue in yearll to come as this is a virgin lalill jUHt !;larl iug to he (I('\'cIOI)('(1. i..:and that stretches from the Great LnkclI to the Arctic Ocean. and ind<'e(1 if you Iron'l far enough north on lIighwny No. II. YlHI will pnss a sign det'lnring that (rom hen! on all s treams now to the A n'tk Ocean.

J[ow('v('r, WI' aI'(' not onl}' huihll1lg lIIiIlC~, ])upcr mills and smellers, li S a JI1()(lcrn Univcrllity is beil\~ built in Sudbur}' with 5i" buil([ings eOlllllh·tl'll III I~G4 ami work continuing on others. ' ncidenlnOy, elcetricians cm· 1)lored on I..nUI·cntian Universi ty


buildings sal\'nReo:l all :;cra l' COI)IK'r amounting to $218.00 and donaleo:l this money to thf" ('hildrl'n's Aid Society, :) truly worthr cnu~e. The LoclIl Un­ion Business :'>Ianager al1ll I'resident arc seen in the enclolleil Ilieture hand­ing the ch('(]lIe to Chiltlren'!I Aid So· ciety I'Cpr('scntat ivI'S, but credit for this gesturc g()('.~ to th(' Elcctri('innll on the job, esp('("inity Brother J.'rago-­meni who s l)('nrhcndeo:l the work to help this nee..!y Sot'iety.

In <:losing ir nnybod)' south or the border is at a lou where to IIpel\t1 their next \"ncntion, we offer :) lIug· gestion to ('OIllC north as the n~hing and hunting \11'(' li S gl"ellt as thc land wc live in.

L. POI'()II('lI, I' .S.

On Keeping the "Miracle of Christmas" L.U. 180:i. UALTI MO IU::' Mil. 11m writing this artit-h.' on Christma!! nil),. This day we e"perienee the "Miracle of Christmas." \Ve put away :111 our pet 1)('C\'es, ngitutions, and fru s tra· tions, to think a s hol'l while of BOUle­one else.

As I writ!' lhill. ,trains of "Unlo U. A Child Is BOI'n," are ringing in Ill)' t'ars, ami tht' ~lllel1 or pint', lurkcr, alld aPI)lell. IlI'rm('nte Illy hOIll(,.

To ask a (IUp,;(ioll which ill nll old a!l Christmas itsrlt, "Why can't I rrel like this all yenr?" I :I~k you. "Why ca n't wc?"

Wh}' should it he :<0 diflkult 10 be considerate, intrrest('d. magnanimous, without malic!', tactful, thunkrul, !l1H1 with "J.,"ood will toward aU men."

Taking eneli word individuat1y, :111([ thinking nbout it, this dny when I um


"'ddi l io~ 10 Ih., mill in lCepudu;'I!:I with new diqll1lor .1 lefl. ""emben of lo~el 1687 ;nllelled • Chrillmu Iree on

top of it, complete with !iqhh.

reeling "nlllgnanimous," I eould do it. We all could.

It certainly would be no chore (or me to st!:! l) :illirle for someon(' brhind me when I ;rm Ira\'ing the thealn', or hohl a cont ror an elderly Indy in a re!ltnllrallt who is ha\'ing ([ifficulty. This would mnke me con.f<idt"rtllr. I t would he etrortl l'S!! {or me wh(>n I return to work :'>lomlay, to ask my rellow worker about his holiday. and list('n to him, not just to look :It him, with Illy thoughts scurrying clsewh('rl' 011 Ill}' own !!('Insh problems. not rvell hearing" him. This would make me i,,­r('I"('Hrrr/ .

The next lime I am in th(> ]lrC'~(' rl('r of friend s nlHI acquaintanccs who nrc "taking IIOllll'Oll(, tlilart", (no mutter how justil1t,,<I). I will search m)' hcnrt ror somt,t hing good to ftlIy about the illdh·illua!. This will make me willloltt III/diu.

The ned time I hear an unkind rUlllor :Iboul someone, I will not rc-­I)eat it. Instead I will cOllllllrlll 011 the \leatlJ('r. [" 'nising God (or till' i.J.cautiful IIU II if it is 11 nice (ia)', or bl' humbly gl·;)tl'rul for the rain if it i~ wet. Thi s- will make me tlran/dlll, lind

last hut not I('ast. I will remember how I 10\'(' liherty, alld I think lI(':<t to hungl·r :J1lI1 thirst, the wont feel· illg that Clill ell\"eiol)(' 3. human bt>illg is a fceling of complete rru!<tr:ltion alld rejection, and when I filII] )lOlliC" one in thill )ll:lte, I will clo Ill}' utmost to hell) him IHII' )lue his right to "life, liberty ami hn l)piness."

And so on this Christmas Day, 1(1)4 the abo\"!., an' III}' thoughts. Bilt by the tillle we "pad this, I will probahl)' have forgotten the way I reel today, and all Ill)' good intentions.


To borrow a fluote;

"Good intentiona nre very mortal and peri shable things; and like mel­low f l'ui t and choice food, they arc dinicult to keep."

Nevertheless, there wns one day, when J meant well, and (elt consider­ate, interested. magnanimous, without malice, and wan\C(1 libuty, and jus­tice (or all. and p<'rlml's that is why God in I-lis wis.:lom gi\'("s liS ollly one such dny a yCllr. Ir ('\'ery day were Ch ri stma!l we would lIlly it no h("CII, jUllt as too much of a good thing goes unnoliced, and so we ha\'c one ,lay, and just aile day out of ;j(;5 to scl'k and find. So let lUI not waste tim(' watel'ing last y('ar's CroIIS, and lIre­llarc our fields (or th(' coming season; m('nd our felwes. ~lIul thf'n ami only then can we enjoy the true flpiri! o( Christnws, and we will he able to en­vision the light from the star that will be strong enough to light tht' world.

"The crest and crowning of all good life's final star is Brotherhood."

-Edwin Marklnull.

The Local hcld 11 V('I'y successful ,lance in order to ndsc lllOnt'y for II chiltlrl'n 'J.< Christmas Ilarty. The dance :lIld Ilart)' was a suc('ells through the tireless efforts of Local 1805's COP~~ Committee. They dill n tr('llI(>ndoul' job.

Rrother HInT), Vintun wag once again in charge of the locnl'lI Christ.­mns b:lskets, and :IS usunl did lin (>)[­

ception:!1 job. Our Chief Stewa nl Bill Stubbins has ~.~iglll'd fOI' IlCr1iOnnl reasons, nnd it will be a v('ry (lifficult job for Brother Hostkowski the busi­ness manager to rCjllnce him. \Ve all are sorry to RCe Rill gL\'e UI) the job and "'ish him w'-"1.

MAR" ;\In:IIS ;\IrCIl,\CK~:~, P.S.

N. J. Te le phone Workers Hold Annual Convention

Delegates to the IDG·, Convention of New J ersey Telephone Workers, nil members of I .. . U. 827 asscmbled on October 23 at the J efrerson Hotel in Atlnntic City, and (allowing the roll call, wCI'e officially ..... ekomed by n deJluty to Mayor Altrnnn. After the invocation Vice I)resident Peter J . Casey Kave the ..... t"lronling addresll lmd following thill, President CharlC!! T. Merrigan sJloke nbout the late President J ohn f '. Kennedy. :lnd a film W:\ 9 show n of President Ken­nedy's last ulld!~ss to labor, made 0111y Ilays be fore he WlllI assassinated. The film was made at the 1!)(i3 A.~L­CIO convention.

After the film 8howing. the Con­velltion observl'(l II moment of silent Ilrayer, and then J'CCe1l8C(1 for panel discussions, whirh continued into the l'vening.


Donate to Children's Aid Society

Office" 01 local 16087, Sudbury. O"t" pr".nt.d • ,urpri1l don. lion 01 $218.17 10 Ih. Sudbu.y .nd O"lricl Child .. ,,', Aid Soci.ty the EI.ctrici.", .. o •• ing 0" the l.u •• n. Ii.n U"iwenily proi.eI. Ftom laft to .ight. It.: C. E. lodg •• proi.eI supe ... iso. for B.d· .,d.G .... d .• 1.eI.iul fit ... ; Bob Bty.n •. p' of loul 1617; lou Popovic:h. bu,;ne" man'9" of 16087; M". Edn. Purso" of Ih. Child •• n·, Aid Soci. ly; .nd Jac~ n.omp,on. dir.ctor of the Child,,"', Aid Socialy. In Ih. b.d9,ound .,,: G. 80"'" Shop St ... .,d Claud. l~bell •. J. Rob"9" M. Gon.lin. G. PI.nt,. J. •. M. Chr,ti'n .... .1 P,ul Fr~9omeni. The EI,ctrical Worke.s ... ho ,.i"d th i, mone.,. a .. employed by 6ed~rd­Ger.rd of Ott~ .. a. and obtained Ih. money Ih.ough Ihe "I, of copper lCtip "lv.9.d from the job. Th.y d.vot.d an .vening to milling do .... n the SCrip wirl to •• 11 to a .luI"

i" 'Crlp m.t.1.

Public Service by Baltimore Local 1805

BII.T1lIOilt on FIRE


p,.,id. nt/8u.;n." Man'g" Thom., J. Ro,t l ow.l i l . n.,lingl is w.lching ." Iron Hlltt m.chin. d.mondr.t.d by Chi.f Mc:M.hon .• 1'0 l .... Ii,,'iI. of the B.1,imo,. Cily Fi .. O.p.rtm.nt Ambula"e:. S .... ice. l.ft to righl .• tandi"g a,. : Chi.f GiIIi.n. 8roth •• William P .. ntie:.. ' .... ur •• and Broth.r Nid Fotnero, p.e,id.,,1 of the 81l1imo •• Council of AFl ·CIO Union'. loc.l 1805 don.l.d $10.00 to .ui" Ih. Cou"c:iI in buying nine

of Ih ... W .. linghoull buill m.chi" •• lor the 8.lIimo,. City Ambul."c: ...

On Satanlay morning, President Merrigan gll\'e his annual repOI·t, stressing the accomplishments to date, and urging renewcd \'igor in pressing forward. l ie said that while we had made !lOme progress in regards to the 1;oning' Ilroblem. we should nev('!' stop fighting on this fJuestion until the last vestiges of wning had !.Ieen eHmi­n:\led.

During the morning, the delt'ga tell lli sJloS('(\ of some :W !'esolutions whi(;h came from thc Imnel Iliscus!'.iol1!'.. one of whieh pledged 8UJlPort to ,Ill ('an­didates endorllell by the IREW and A FL .. CIO council8. and this resolution was unanimously cnrried.

We were then J)rivileged to lil<ten to the following' ~Jlcakers: Go,·ernor lUchard J . lI ughclli President Vincent


J. l\IuqJhy, State AFL-CIO; Oir·ector of Telellhone Operations, IOEW, 1\I. D. Murphy, who spoke on the problem af "Pattern-Sett lement" and congratu­lated Local 827 on its recenUy nego­tiated contract ; Dcputy Commissione r of L:lbor and Industry Sam DiUbalc1i; Sccretary-TI"Ca surer of the Slate AFL-C IO Cha rles H. Mu.·ciante: Union AttorllCY Abraham Weiner; Sccl"Ctal·y of New J ersey St:J.te Ro..'l.l"(l of Mcdiation Alan Weiscnfcld: "Auto­mation :11111 Collective Barltaining" Author Renjamin S. Kirsch; r'resi­dent Local 1470, IBBW, Frank lI our-

tal: lwei Genez·al Counsel of LO<.al 827, Henry Mayer, Esq.

Vicc Pl"Csi(lcnt Caser g:l\"c a most. comprehensh·e rcport on New J ersey's legisla th·e process as it afrects 1:IOOr. He strongly urged each Ullion mem­ber to foltow the voting reco rd of his or Iwr elected reJlresentati\'c and to help those who help us and )'id our­seln~s of those who arc ngllinst us. In conclusion he stated, "Let our \·otc hclll to establish and m:llIltain the high level which is necessary to Ilt·o­\'ide those of us in labor the things which arc in jus tice and in equity ours."

The highlight of the convention was thc announcement by Go\'ernor Hughes that his first alll)ointmellt to the newly-created Citizens' Council 011 Economic Opportunity would be Pres­ident Chat·les T. Merrigan.

Convcntion Cha irman Itobert K Byrnes then made the closing all­nouncements and adjo\trned the 1961 C011\·ention.

(Convention Chairman Il. E. Ryl"tte!; is to \J(' CQmmended for his efforts ill Inaking this (:on\·cntion the best anc! most interesting one ever held.)

It L. RI.ACK, p.S.

New Jersey Telephone Workers Convention

0 •• h'.";'9 .dd" .... w.t. of N.w Jerl.y al Allanlic Cily. Ftom I.fl: Govetnot Richard HU9hu a.hd for 9t88l.t pMticipalion by I~bot in i and fot . uppod of I~ , Democralic: lich l: Pte.ide"' Chari •• T. Metti94n made hi, annual repott 10 Ih e convenlion: Henty May.t. 9,neral counlel of Local 827, di'cu ... d I. bot hi'loty in

J. Mutphy. pt •• idenl pr09tam : S.ete'.ty.T., •• ut. t Robert E. chairman of 'he R • • olulions Com mitt ...


Ihe leI. phon. indu.lty.

i/o .uppod of the Fed.talion', le9isla/ivl d. I.9a'U u con •• nlion chaitman: W. J. S.:hl.nget.

t • • olu tion •. "Jim'· i. fotm . t d.119a" 01 Monmou th Counly, Unit #8 and Euc:ulive Boatd M,mber. Central Divi.ion.


Officers Trained by Eighth District

Eighteen officers fifteen 10c.l. in the Eighth Di.l,id took .d .... I1!"91t 01 recenl train ing d.."eo offered 11.""" In eltend .... ", ..... , .. , ""00$ pegl f,om I,ft: Mark Keto, local )93. William Slud.rl, l oul 1050, John Budley, Lout 185, M.rJe Melhewlon. loc,,1 860,

William Robin.on. Loca' 65, and Joe He"i" loul 71.8.

4~9, Ed 0.19",n, Locel <415, Fra,,'. Morrow, Local 415 lind Local 393.

Au.lin B .... e •• loul 532, John Hal., loc,,1 623, Ray Lengeu, Loul 322, Frenci. Crowl.y. loc.1 44, Reube .. ~ebl •. local 6Sl. and Don Wil,on, loul 2056.

Eighth District Conducts Training for Local Officers

The Eighth Di l;trid has again COIl­

ducted a school fOl' local union omecrs. The school wa~ held at the New Placer Holel, lielellll. MOlltana, from No\'cmhcr :)0 to Dei:emher 4, \!l64.

I n altelltlance were 18 local union onkers from l fi Io<:al unions in the district. Til{' local unions rcpresented were from the !ltntel! of Idaho. Mon­tana and Wyoming,

As Ill'cv i ousl~', the cour~e of in­s truction Wll~ C()rl(hrcled by Interna­tioJr:11 R('prcsentativcs K!'eton and Belisle, i tll(>rnational Vice-President Stanley E. Thom.,!:()r1 visited and spoke to thl' cl:l!~s on Thursday, De­cemher 3, aftel' which a bam)lIet was served for the instructors ami the members o f thc class,

Thcl'(, were some 22 suhjects cov­cred by the school which ranged from gcneral lahol' alHI [REW history to labor laws and ;lIso covered arbi­tration, the Council on Industria l He­lations und suggestions to Negotiating Committees.


Inle.nation .. 1 Vice p.",idenl S. E, Thompson w ... offici .. 1 ho.! fa. !he elenes,

The class was con.ll1cte(1 in the same manner' HS in the pre\'iolls school where the student s wcre 1'C(lllired to s peak from the front of the class when cnlled UIIOIl to report 011 :1,s.. signed subjects, All in nltcmlunce felt that the school wus a gl'ClIt helll,

Since the COllllllt>tioTl 'If tht> training pr·ogr-.Hll several of th« s lwlcnt!l h:l\"« written to the Vit,l' Presitlellt exprl'l<s­ing their' thanks ami apll1'cciatiorr for hal'ing had the OPllOl' tunity t.) uitl'ml. Following are ('x('C )'pts from :1 f"w of the let tel's:

Bud Crowley, busill(l~!I nrall;lgl'r, Local 'II, Butte, i\Ionl:lllll: .. For 111)'­self, I feel th05c five tlar" wer,' wcll spent and wer'c of l)(OneAt not onl~' \11 myself but to the local union."

11el'le "lathew~OIl, linandal ~e!'t'e­

tary, Loe:11 Union B(;lI, !.:II'H1lli(', W y_ ollling: " I pe)'sonallr frl'l that thi~ school is vcry hCllelidnl III tllt' (,flit"'!'l< attentling anti to all th(> Ill('tIlh('r,~ of their )'espective loc:11 unions. I fl'l'I Ih:1t such a ~ehool !lhould l}(' ("ontimlf'(J in th .... future:'

Ger:1ld Gcddes. lru~im'l<S II1aIHlgcr, Local Union H9, Pocntello, Idn ho: " I feel that I gained a grent deal flOOIll this sehool (Inti I feel that thi~

school should be continue,1 as new in· f0J'l11ation is always forthcoming 011 the labor laws, etc,"

William Robinson. recording seere­tary, Local Union 65, Dutte, l'ilontnna: "On behalf of myself and Brother


L.U_ 26, WA SIIT ="GT O=", D.C.-The Woman's AuxilillJ"Y of Local ZG was founded in Allril 1938. There wel1~ sc\'en women J11-e~ent at thl' fir;;t meet­ing. and their preJlidl'nl waJl 1\\I's. Tony Hellmen. Mrs, lIelln1('1I and Mr. Vic Genu'{li, who was at that timl' Oil the Executi\'e Hoard of I..ocal :W, began organi:dng the lad iI's of the Local. and helped to initiate the ol'gallization's b)'laws which \\'l'l'e drawn up by the International Ollice,

Meetings were 11I'ld twiee a month either !It the Kn i,1!htJI of Columbus Hall, or in the hom I'll of different members, When the meml)(,l'!'ihip be­came too large and scattel-ed for this arrangement, the m('etings then took place at the Vnion 1i;11!.

Of thl' original charter memhers, we still hal'e four acth'e in tht' aux­iliary: Nellie Cox, Launl John!<on, Emma Lowe, and L.1Ul'3 Shoenl1lker. Our membership has now grown to 65 memberll.

Don Shea, it is our feeling that both we and 0111' local union IJrolitted b}' our attendance at this school. We hope this type of training can be continued in the futul'e so that all officers may ha\'e an OPIIOI·tunity to atlend."

J ohn Hulkley, business manager, Loca l Union 18.'), lIelena, Montana: " As far a.s I am concerned the school was a real success. It hellle<1 me to understand the Ilroblcnls of till' IHEW and la bo r as :1 whole when dealing with labor laws. The material was COmlllete and i.5 of real \'alue, I am cal'rying my book with me for ready reference at all times,"

J ohn Hale, business manager. Local Union 623, Butte, Montana: "Along with congenial companionshi]J of other ofticers of local unions. it ga"" me a great insight into what I shOUld know to beller serve my loe:11 and the IBEW,"

Our man)' projects include special work and don,llions for Children's Hospital, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Lions Pl-e-Nul'sery School fOl' the Rlind. and Holl)' Park Orthopedic School of Prince Georges County, which we recently PI'o\'ide(\ with a specially-built chair, The ladies hU\'e also been 1'1'1')' acth'e in arca politics in the past election !'i. Also. one o{ our projects was a~sisting in the process­ing of Mrs. John F. Kennedy's mail during her tragic ber'e:\\'ement.

Our members enjor manr social ac­th'ilies fOl' their' family and friends, Among our annualllffail'S al'e a Spring Dance, a Fall D:1nce, a Chl'istmas Party, and our Birthdny Oinne r in April.

We are alwars looking for new members. Any Indr who would like to join should contact UUI' Vice President, M rs. Lee Webb at 384-6916,

MRS. DoROTIlY l'ORn::R, P,S.

Those in attendance at the school were: Francis A, Crowley, bu~iness manager, L,U. '14, Rutte, Montana; John M. Bulkley, business manager, L,U. 186, Helena , Montana; William F. Robinson, recording secretar~', L.U. 65, Butte, Montana; Donald J , Shea. Executive Roal'd member, L.U, 6;;, Butte, Montana; Ray Langnas, busi­ness manager, L.U. 322, Casper, Wyo­ming: R. R. Gl'ant, business manllger, L.U , 393, Hane. Montana; Mark Kato. presi(lent , L.U. 393, li ane, Montana; Frank Morrow, pl'esident, L. U, 415, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Ed­wa rd R. Dalgarn, vice president. L.U , 415, Cheyenne. Wyoming; J ohn Ham­b)', business manager, L.U. 41GJ. Boze­man, Montana; Gerald A. I..;eddes, business manag.!r, L.U. 449. Pocatello, Idaho; John Hale, business manager, L.U. 623, Butte, l'Ilontana; Reuben A, Gable, financial secretar}'. L.U, 653, Miles City, Montana; J oe Harris,

Two Hundred L.U. 1377 Members Get Bonus Raise


The 200 members of L,V. 1377. Cle\·eland. Ohio whose new contract with the Ford :'olotor COl11lJany ended a month-long strike at the Brook Park plant last r\ovelllbel' received an additional bonus recently.

Business Managel' PelCl' J . Zic:II'I;,Ui has iufol'med us that the workers will recei \'e au additional 18-cent houdy increase over the three-year period of the new contrtlct-G cents each yea I'.

A contract clause IJI'ovi<ied that L.U. 1377 members would receivc an equal increase in the event that highel' wages wC!'e obtained at an y Ford plant in the Uni ted States .

business manager, L.U , 7G8, KalislM!II, Montana; Merle L, Mathewson, finan­cial secretary, L,U, 8GO, Lal'amie, Wyoming ; William Szudera, business manager, L.U. 1050, Glendive, Mon­tana; and Donald L. Wilson, busil\ess manager , L.U. 2056, Glasgow, Mon­tana,

Research (Continued from 7>age 30)

would seldom add more than G percent to the cost o{ providing normal retire­ment benefits at age 65, and that t.he Committee's recommendations. includ­ing gnlduated vesting between I f, and 20 years of service, would seldom add more than 8 1M!n::ent. The cost (or the large majori ty of Illans w<:Iuld be un­der I) percent.

Srotherhood Objedion$

The Committee recommends full fund ing of all pension liabilities. Sec­retary Keenan takes exception to this and l)Oints out that "an un(lualified endorsement of funding as a require­mcn~ for tax qualification is not justi­fied" since pension plans which are not fully funded can ne\'ertheless be actuarially sound. This is IJarticularly true, he says, of multi-employer plans since the likelihood of their termina­t ion is " far-fetched."

FinoneioJ A speels

The activities of corpornte and olher private ret irement funds are currently accounting for about $6 1 :r billion a year of annual national sa\,­ings. This is the excess o{ their total inflow o{ money from curre11l contri­butions and income from in\'estmenls (now a t the annual I'ate of about $9\, billion) over the amount of bene­fits being paid plus expenses (cur­rentl)" somewhat over $:P· .. billiol1 a year), These sa\'ings in rCCl'l1t years have a\'eraged about one-fifth of cur­rent l)Crsonal savings by illdidduuls, and about one percent of the gross na­tional product.

Between now and 1980, if trends o{ the past decade continue, annual net accumulations through these funds will increase from about $Gl:: billion to around $11 billion; but will st ill be around one l)Crcelll of the Jrf'OSS na­t ional product at the end of that time_

The total amount of investments held by pri,'ate retirement funds has increased from $12 billion in 1930 to O\'er $7{; billion at the end of 1961. A further increase to around $:?2;; bil­lion is lJrojected by 1980. This may add to the degree to which ilwestment is com:entmted in institutional hands :111(1 should be consider ed in any stud· ies of the effect of such concentration on the economy. l m'estments of reo tirement funds, l)al,ticulal'ly non-in· sU I'Cd retil-ement funds, may he 01 s]Jecinl importance in this connection because of their suhstan tial invest-


ments in commOIl stocks, At the end of 19G4, private Ilon-insured funds held almost. as much common stock as investment COmll3nies and more than any other type of financial institution,

The effect of retirement fund acti\'­ilies on investmcnt. 1l1;lrke13 will Ile­pend 011 how these funds :lrc (list rib­uted between equity in\'clltments (especially common stocks) on tht' one hand and bonds, 1l10rtgagt's or lht' like on the othe r. Tt'n >'ears aj{o these funds were invested ma inly in honds with ollly Olle- fourth of theil' 11ew money g.>ing into comlllon stocks. CUrrentiy, ho\\'e\'er, the non,il1sured fund s (which account for thrN'-(lullr-

Inauguration Day (Conlill1tl'l' /1'0))1 ImrIe 21)

dent to Ill"]iYi'l' his lIulllJ,!;ul'nl Add !'I's,,, ('XI"!llpot·:IIII'on"ly.

A hll(,,]II'II)1'. ( ']{'W):lIU] I"wol'h'd

his sistel'. Jhl\h. In th(" (·I(·).!,'aJ1t 111-all~nll':tl Bal1.llt'ld for tl1l' lil'st lime in lh(' 11('W 1" 'II"ioll Bllilllillg. EiJ,:'ht. ,\'l'at's 1:11('1', al his "('('011,1 hWIIl-:'unil B al!, he pl'(JIlIl ly I'Sl'ol'll'd Iii" hl'il1<" 1"I'lll1et'S 1,'ol,,()1Il ( 'II'\'('lliull.

'1'11(' illtl 'I·H llin).!,' 1'1"",iIlI'1I1 h{'­IWI'\'II ("It''\"I,land',, 11111 h'l'lll'l \Ias

Bl'njanlin Illll·l·i", III. J.!:1'1I11,1"'1I1 of OUI' nillih I'I't'si,h·1I1. It:dn 1',·11 h .... hu{'kdsful 011 thai .\I al'dl I , I i'''!', En'I' .... \\'11I'1'l, UIII' IfllIl'l·d. III' saw a hlllTil'1' 01' IIlHlm'lJas. 11 111'1'1"1111

was I'wol'tt'd hy hb old ( 'hil W;II' Ih'l-:'inH'nl, lIlt, in, ll or 11IIIill1111, lind rodl' ill HII flllI'll lal ldnu.

The mill did Ilol dl'lt' I' Ilal'l'is()ll 1'1'0111 takill).!.' \h.· uath :1I1d l!t'linl" illg his 11I:111::lInll .\ddl·I·'" lUI 11i(' pl:tlfo!'m in 1'1'11111 til" 11\1' i-:Hl'ot 1'01"

tico of thl' ( 'npilol. XII\' did it kt'('p l~.O()O rl\'I"{'II~ !'1'UIIl 111(' J II ·

1I11t-rUI',t! 111111 tlwl l1i,.dl1. \rilli:1111 :\h·l\illll'y ht'l'aml' I' I'i'si­

d('llt of til{' l 'ldl\',] SI:11I'''; ill :1 l'i' I '~'

simpll' {'('I"I'1I10ny OIl :\1:I1·t·11 I. IW17. Ih~ did parlieiplllI' in II 1'01,,1'1'\11 pal',III{' ,lilt! 1'lljOY(,(\ 11i{' hnUII1' of having \'i{'lol' Il ed)!,'!"1 :nul his hand pIa ... · al tIl{' InI111g lH'1t1 Ball in the P{,llsiul1 BlIilding'. ' I'ht, lil'sl 11I:llI!-;'IU'l1 l :\ll'l1nl InlS sl!'IIi'I( fill'

"lc Kinll'~"s s('I'ond 111H11/!III'nlioll ill !!)Ol. Simi]al' 11I('i1:lls ltan' ht'I'11 sll'lIck 1'01' l'1'('I'Y 1'1'(,sidl'nt sill(,(' Ih('ll, will! til(' I'XI '\ 'pliol1 of P n':,;i­dCIlI" 1I :11'1.1illl[ and ( 'oolidg'I'.

) Lc l\ in/I'Y, lI .... lIs .. il1l1ll'll six lllonths :II'WI' his SC{'OIlU 111I1I1I{UI'a·

JOUINAl fOIt fEllltUAIY . 1965

tcrs of the new moncy coming in fol' inVestment) arc in\'e~ting :diOut hnlf of thei r new r('sources in comlllon stocks. T his !lhi!t Ims been II fuctor contrihutil1g to increllses in COllllllon slock I)rices , pnrticulllrly for the higher gmde stocks.

So far, the Adminilltration s('('mB in no hUrr>' to lu·t'JlI for legi~I:ltion to c;lrry oUL the Jlrop()~nl~ containell in th(' Conllnittl~ Ht'llort. The I'rN,j­d('nt's Advil!Ory Committre on Lahor­;\iamlj{cm('nt l'IJlky !lgrcell f:'1'1I1'1'u!ly with til(' ncl'(! for n('w rundillg' II tand­ards, but warnll that u "('~ting lI\anl1-anI might "unduly burden" !<Om" "xi!!ti!!", plnn!l :11111 IU'C""('nt tht" ('s!:lh­li~h!l1ellt of new Ilillm.

I iOIl, \I':IS folloWI'11 h.I' 'I'11I'0I1uI'(' 1(00"1,\'('11, wll\) In,l]; till' "llth (If Oml'I ' ill Bl1l1'alo on :-i1·PI. II. I!IOI.

UO(lsl'I'I'1t \III..; ill:111:'::UI·:II,·d II";

1' 1· .. "idl'l ll in his 1)1\11 l'i1-dll "II i\[ IIl'(·h I, l!lO.i, II is ']:1,\' SI:ll'INI ILt 10 :1.111. whl·n III' IM'gan Ihl ' j'lIll'III')' I"I'lJlII tIll' Whilt, [1 011 ... " III thl' ('ap­itlli •• · ... '·111·11'<1 11,1' 1,()Ofl IInllgh Hilil'I><;. I ~ ()()st'q·lt \ml'I' :1 !'ill),! 1'011·

Inillillg' n hl('J;; of ,\h1'1lhl1l11 Lin ­('oln's hail'. II i" 11111(1::\11'11] P III'WIt, Ira" 11 :-plpudi l1 Hn·Hil'. '['n till' .1('­li;.!'!11 of tIll' c'I'l)lId .. , Ih .. ]'1'1I1\1I·i·1I .. 1:1I'S 1\('1'1' t ;I'I·lIl1i1l1o. Ikat!wllod !)i('k, Hun':dn Bill allt l 1111' Iridl 'N T IU' [lllluglll'nl Bnl! ill Ihl' l'l'w.illll Builtlil1!-; is "Iii! l'I'UlI'Ul­

[)I'I'I'II h.\' 111:11 1.\' :I" '1111' Ill' Ilw J.!l'I'al· I·"il. '1'111' P I~'si,j,.III'" (lill1\:llh'I',

" I' l'il1l'I'''~'' ,\ li"I' "lull' 1)1\' silO\\'

111111 Ili).!111 ill 1l\'1' Ilhi l l' ~;I l ill ;11 11 1 J.!:uld j.(Il\\'ll II illl 11 1'(",,' h"lli

. , I 1(IIl'W it \\llIlld 1)(' II 1'0111 1111.1'

1111\'11 I Wi!" 1111111t' l' I'I' .. id"1I1 of IIII' 1·l1i\l·11 Stal,· ..... William II Tal'l \l'llS 11(':11'11 10 SIl.I· , \11.1 I·.,[d it \HIS Oil lhat :\1:II'C·II 1111 of I!IO!I '1'1 '11 illl'h, ·s tlf -:11"" hlllllkl'\l'fl IIII' ).!1·OIIIlII, 111111 :1 11111\ 1i1l;.r hlizz1I1',1 di"I'lIplt'd ;tIl 1t,1(';.rI·;lpliil· alld 11'1(" )1111)11(' ('IHllll111I1i('11 Ii ,)I(", 'I'lli' 111:1I,,'h·

,'1'-" h:1I1 III avoid 1111' 11',,(, hl·1I11!'!1I".c whi('h hl'lll\(' ali(I fl'l! I'l'Oll1 th(' ,,11'I1ill of i('I'.

"11., 11O'"lly 'I'lift /!an' ill III till' [asl lHil1UIt' III Ih.' l)tt'l1" Ihal hi' fUl'l'),!") the outdo.w (·('I·{'IIIOII.'· IIIl1l

t{lok I hi' onl h of ofYif"\' il1~idl' lilt' :-;1 ' lw ll' I'llllllllwl'. '1'11:11 \\,1 1"; II Itll·ky hl'(,l1l, ]'01' lIll ('O!ll't'J'lI"(\. fill' TnI'I 's I II:lu\:l1l'lIl ,\ (!tII'l'sS 1)1" !'d;;,(1 \1'(11'11" \11I" th(' "{'('onc! Iml/!I·"I Oil I'I,(·",·I! .\ hiJ.dlliJ.!hl of tht' I n:mgll1'lIl Ball was Ihl"' gown of 111(' Fit'Sl 1.1Id~· . 'I'h(' IX'llut i l"l1[ en'alion 11:Id 1x'('1l

!;l'lIt :.11 Ih(' \\'ay to Tokyo to be Itall d 1'lllhl·oidCl'ed .

' l'IIt'I'" \1'1'1"<' s("I'enll firsls :11 till" tl\'O I Il1lUt-rt1I':lliol1"i of P I'("sid{'l1t "~()odl'/)\I' Wils011. 'I' hl' )Iardl 4 ,

1!11;J, I 1111l1gul'aliOIl, a simp/{' hll!

('oll\-im'ing' 11'1"('1111111.\'. was ti1(' fil><;1 til 1)(' )'I'('ol'lkd on moliun pieIUl'l' filll1. '1'11:11 YI'Hl', III(' Inau}!l1I'al Pllr:ldl' wus l :ll:,! lIIill's long' with GO/Ion 11I1I1·( ·h,'l'~. 'I 'h ~ ' 1 '1·, '~id{' lIt

l'I 'j l,(,It'd 1I1l I UlluglLl'HI B:III, an t! tlll'l'I' W'·I'I.' to hI' 11\1 11101'(' (lffif·i:d hall .. IIlIlil lIlt" liI'Sl In:lU;.ru),;lliuli or 1,' I'Huklin n. HI)OM'wll ill 1!1:1:1.

1'1'I'Sidt'1I1 Will>l)l1 tnuk Ill(' o:lIh

p1'iI':IIt'I,I' ill Ihl' \\,hill' 11011"1' 011

Suuda.I·. :\[11I'{·11 4. l!lli, !11I11 ;Ju:lill jluhlil-!.I· till .\lollda ... ·, Iht, filh. :\iJ'S. \\'ilsOII h"(',11lIt' Ihl' lil'st IJady 10

nl·('()I1I\1:11l." h('I' I 111sh:IWI 10 :11111

1'1'0111 Ihl' ( 'apilol.

_\ llhllllt,rh 111' 111111 "1I£}'t'I'I'!\ 11 "tl'ukl' Hlld was ill il[ 111':11111. 1'J'('si· ']1'11\ \\'II-.on r.J{k wilh \\':1l·1'I.·1l (;

lIal·dill).! III Ihl' (':lpiIOI OJ] .\ 1:11',·11

I . I!t:.!l. 'I'h(' .b.I· I\IIS nllt'I'n:lll'ly ~1I1l1l.1" lIIlIl ('loull.I·. ) I Hl'Ilill~. "lli'n lit, 1I0Ii(·"d lIlt' paill :tnc1 (·fT"l·t \l'ith \\,hil·11 Wilson liflt'd his hnt 10 tIlt' (' II\'(' I'illj! (· I·OWI]o.;, ('I'lI"I'd to l'ais!' his OWH.

111l1"1lin\: WlIS Ihl' fil'sl I' n'sid('HI

to ridl' in nil 1I11tOllluhilc 011 In· Hl1gllJ'alillll llay. J 1(' \l'as :dso tIll' til·,,1 io 11 .... 11 ]llllJlil'-Hddl'I'SS mit·l·o· plll)III' .. \11(11111'1' inllll\·;tlion WIIS till'

"1·IIi1i ll l,('. h.I' 1'1:1111'. of 11 s!wl'ild 111-HUl,('l1ral I,diti(lll or 11 :"\".\\, rOl'" 1I('\I''']lal'''I' I"I"UIII X Y . 10 \\·:l'olhi llj.t. Inn.

111 hi" 111l1ll}!Ul'1I1 .\ llt ll'(·";;. P I'I.',i­

lit'lll Il nnlillg' s llOk,' :l;.rainsl 1111' i.1'1IJ.!:lII' of ;\1IliollS allt! ach',WIIINI :1 l'I'IIII'n to "1101'111111(".\'." '1'111 '1'(' lI'a-: Ill) [ II:1IIg'\l1'111 1':11':1111>.

I'pull 1t'III'niu),!' or 1111' tl{,l1lh of I'n'sidl'lll II Hl'diug' Iht' pI'('doIlS II:!.\·. ( ':tldll ('OOlill).!I ' 1001, lli{' o;lth iii" OIliI'I' in Iht' farnd1l1llsI' \l'hi'I'{' h(" \\IIS IMIl'n in Pl ... ·moulh. \·1'1'1110111,

11(,\\1'1'1'11 I\\'o mlrl thl~'1' a.lII ... \ u).!.'. lIsl :1. I!l:!:l. TIll' unth \U1S :tdmill­is(I'I·\,1I h,"llis fnlhl' l',:J IOi"d j\lsli~'('

of till' IWHt.'{', h." 111(' li;.rllt oj' II 1,1 ' I"O"I'IlI' 111111\1 Oil Ih(' ~itl ing'-l'I)om In hII'.

On :\1:lI'I'h 4. I 't!.), {'ooli(l:':I' \\11-" inullg'UI'al('t1 rill' 11 full 11'1'111. wilh ( 'Itid .l lIsli('(' T aft ailmillislt'l·iu).! lh{' Olltl!. The I'r('sidC'nt's hnll.1


I'\'sll'd on tl\{' SlIlIle Bih!r he hn d lIS('t1 in Inking' lh(' 01ltll in J!)~3,

Il is In:lul_no'n! .A dd,'('ss was the (i l'sl 10 h{' hl'ond(,Hf!t h,'- I'lldio.

I h'I'/)('1"1 C', 1100\'('1' ('nllW to office Oil 11 w('l, 1I 1'(,I1I'Y d11,\'. 'I'he I'Hin on that :'I11I1"('h 4th, I!J:l!l, soaked the ('I'(I\\'ds and 1 h{' P I't' liidellt :IS h(' I'{'ad h i ~ Addl'('ss lind HS h(' alld Ill(' oth(,I' pUI,ti{'ipHllts ])1I1':1d('(1

11011"11 Pr il nsylnlllia .\ \'l'llur, \\'h('11 h(' ki,,>;('d tIll' B ihl ... , 1I (lo\"{'I"s lips 11)II("hNI this ,'('I'S(' frl) m I' I'o\,I'I'hs:

"\\"11('1'(' rlrl'l'l' is 110 \' isi()ll, Ihl' pro­pll' p(,I'ish; hut hr IIHlI k('('pclh Ihe Inw, IHlPP," is h('." Il oovc l"s 111-1I11j!III'al ('('I'('Hlony was Ih(' ti l'sl 10 1M.' lihurd 1'01' t;dkinj! ItHl\' ic's,

I"irt,,-,ollr Y('ll1' old 1"J'lll1klin D , H O/JM','('h {'I!.ioYI'd a 1,1{'n I' sk," 1111£1

11 colodul N'I'l'rIlOlly III Ir is lil'sl In­allJ!II1"Hlioll on :'I IHI'r!t 4, IH:13. Il is 1111," h('g:11I with jll'IIY(' I' ~'I'\'i('{'s at St. ,10hl1's E pis(,OIHII ( 'hlll'('h ill thr ('01l1Pl1ll~' of his flllllily and thc 111('1111)('1'S or his f'ahincI :11111 thc ir III 1!1ilif''I, 1/ (, l1Sf'i1 1111 old fll1llily B ilM, pl'ill l l'd ill 11ll' l>tll('h Ian· I!."uaj!(' or his HIl(-eS{OI'S, dlu'iug' Ihe

IIlllh-laking ('£'I'('I1tOn.\', Hoos£'wJt was J.:'a~- Iwd \\,;1\,£,d hi:; lup hlll 10

tlu' cl'owds lI\I'a ililll!." III(' i lwuJ!lJral 1';II'ad (" ' l'I1{'I'{' WIl'l all InnnJ!111'111 Ball al Ih{' \\' :lshingtoJl ,\lId ito­rilllll 1111.11 uij!ld, but it 'Ul .>; I'll

('I'o\wl{'!1 Ilwt h{' wt()('d II similnl' hlll1 rOJ' hi-; sl'I'OJlIl l llllllltlll'Hrioll ill 1!l37,

' r his lilll{', Ihr i nllug'l11'llliol1 was lllo\-('(1 up 10 _Jalllt:ll',\- ~Olh hy l he ~Olh !\ 111{'n d l1t{'nt 10 th{' ('omllilU­

tioll. '!'IL{' {,OIlS('IlSHS \\'n/O Ihal .\ran'h 4 th was 100 1'(,1l101£' fJ'Ql1I th£' £'I('c­tioll and IISIllIII,\' had W!'atll('I' wis('. 11 0\w'\,{'I', H OOS<'\"f'I! d idn 'l IIH\'C

11I11(-h luck in lftl7, fOl' it was a (,old and \\"('1 dn~-. I I ... look tIl(' O:1lh or ofliec HlId I('d IiiI' plll'lld(' in Ihe I';lin. \\' h('11 h(' dis{'oH'I'!'d the 1'1'­

\'i('wi ng sll1n,] ill 1'1'0111 or the W hi t(' /l ousc was j.!lmls·(' IH'lmwd, h(' ol'll{'l'I'd Ihr glns.'1 I'rlll /n'rd , 'I'his dn~', too, had bCi!ulI wil h III'n,WI'

sl' I'I'i("rs with his fll III i i," at St. ,/011 11 's,

Hoos("'\'clt's 1111 PI'{'('("' (k111(l(i Ihil'd I ZU111g"t l l':1 t ion Oil ,/ :llllHl"Y ~O, Ifl41 , 111"0 b(' g'1I11 wi l h ('1111 1'(,11 Sf' I'\'i('('s, 'I' ll!' dllY \\'IIS SHIlII,", hur \'f' I'," ('old . As Ill' I,'n" II'1lVi llg' til(' Whirl' II OtI;';(' fOl' rh(' rich' 10 tht' ( 'llpit(l1. th{' I' l"I'si(k nt's S('Otl,\", I"nln, II·ied to


hitch ;1 I'ilk ill Ih(' 1'111', too. 'l'llf'sc Pl'l'silh'lllial pt'l<; III'C ilhl"iI,\"s 11',I'illg' to 1!C't ill Ih!' apt!

T hc ]'I'l'sid('llt \1":lfI SIII'I"OlUl d ('d h~' fOI\!' g'(,lH'I'illioIlS of h is fIUllil,\' liS he 1001, lIi(' oalh of Ornl'C', Al!l1in, hf' pI1l('C'd his IIll m l 011 tIl\' old fam­il .,- Bihle, o lwllC'd :It tIl(' I:l t h ( 'hap­\('1' of I" irsl ('uI'inthill1l.'i, Ih(' 13th \ \'I'S(': ,: , \ ml no\\' lIbidf'lh fa ith, 11011(', eliaril,\", 111('0.;1' Ihn'('; hut the g-J'{'at('st of Iht'sc is charity."

,\ 11 llll'{'ad.\'-nili llg' 1' 1' ... >lilll'lll Hoos(,\,('lt tnok t h(' oal Ii of oRi('(' 1'01' Ihl' fOllrlll ti111(, on ,J nnlll11',\" ~O,

194.1. ']'I!(' short, simpll' ("('I'('Illony look 1'l:J("(' OIl Ih(' ~OIllh P(l]'lit'o of Ih{' \\"lril(' 11 011":(' \\' illt ('llil'f ,Ius­

li{'(' lhll'lml F isk{' Ston(' adlllillis­t1'1'I1l1! th(' oaill. j"{'WI' l' Ihall lU,UOO 1)('1'S()Il" \\"itll(,,,,,~'d thf' ('f'I'£'lllony, wh i('h 11Io.;1('!1 Old.," 14 milllltf'~, ' I'h(' OUlcir B ihil' lI'a-; opf'IINI 10 Ih(' SllJlI{' WI'St' and CIl;llllN' or Fil'St ( '0I'inlldI11lo.;. 'rh ... I·(' \\"11" no Pl1l'lId(', L ('s,'i Ihan tll1'I'(' montllo.; 111\(' 1', Ihe P I'('sidl' ll\ lI'a'< 11f'11l1.

Il nl'I',\' ~. '1'1'1111111n took Ih ... onlh of {Jfli('("' Ilr i :O!l p.lII" .\ p]'il 12, l ~)4.i, th£' dll~- tll<ll H()O'I£'\'{'lt di ... d , ('hif'f ,J u'Ili('f' ~ton(' adminisl('I'('(1

thr olllh in ,Il!' C'llhinf'l HOO11l or th(' Wh it£' lI ou"f'.

O n 11 <:111111,". hut hillf'd)- ('<)I d , ,JIlIlIl;II','- 2:01h ill 1!l4!l, P I'(,sid('Jlt 'I' l"l1l1l1111 \1'11'1 S\\'OI'II ill hy ('hi('!' ,111sli('(' F I'('\I :'I f. \- insl)!J 1"01' II 1'1111 four'-~'('a l' !enll, T he CCI'CJJlOII~' al Ihl' C'npilol nml tll(' pm'lId!, \\' ('1'(' 1('11'\'is('d 1'01' Ih(' fil'st l imf', )lillions of pl"opl(' tluollgilout th(' 1I'01'id h(,l1I'd Ih(' I'allio hl"Ol1il('nst Oil th£' \ 'oi('f' of _\ 11If'I'il'11. 'I' ll£' Inall,!W]'lll Bull \\'lIS l't'slInI('(1 thllt Y('lll' llll d \\';lS ht' ld, 1'01' th ... fil'Sl lillI(', ill Ih£' f'nOJ'mOll~ :-\1Ilio11lri n Wlnl ,\ I'IIlOl'.\',

1'h(' fil'sl Inml j!111'lltioll of Owij!ht n, E isC'lIh()\\'{,I' will pl'oh;lhl,\' he l'l'lIl('lllh~'I't't1 I'O!' its lOll/!, fi\'('-ho1J1" rl1l':I(1(' ;lIId 1'01' thc 1'1'(';.;i(I(,III'" I'hoi('(' of 11 Il om bul"g' 11Ilt. illsl(';l(1 flf tIt(' silk tnP P{, I'. E is('11110\'· ... I' IN('(I \\\"0 Rihl,,'1 ill t:dd !l ~~ till' un t h or ofTi('(' Il is fH1l1il.\' l1 ihl(' I1TH1

Ihal of n !'OI'j!(' \\" n"hillg-ton, 'I'wo Tnu\I!!\I!',l1 B,dls \\'('I'C h('ld in ] !).i;J,

Bf'CHIISf' ,l illlwl!'~' :!Oth ]"l'll 011 ~111J( l n." in In,i i , 1'1'f'silknl E isf'n­hOI\"(' I' rook Ih(' (mIl! of ollie ... pl'i­":1 1('1.'" in a 11I'i('f ('('I ·I'moll ." in \ h(' E;l ,~t Hoolll of" Ih(' \\'h it c H onse, T he next <1 11,\", he I'CI)('ntcd the onth

in till' 11'II d iliolllli [>uhli(' ('( ' 1"('111011."

lit tllc (" lpiIO!. T he I m111J!lII'ld J\d ­IIn'ss \,':1S hrief, and lire P,II'ail!' \l'llS ~hOl"tf'IlCd to thl'('c hOlll's. I II th(' ('\'elling', lIlt' I' !'('"idpllt nn d 1;' iI'sl I,nll,\' lltt('nd('{l f OUl' I n<ll1g-11-1'111 Balls,

\\'hNl -John J.' , " (,I1Ilt'd~' W:IS ill ­:1ug'u l"lted 011 ,I nlllw 1',\' 2:0, 1!lG I , t he f' ('I'('IlU)JI." JIllll'kt,d Ih ... passin!! of thl' I' I'('sidt'llt',\' from Ill(' old{'fll 11111 11 ('\'('1' j() S('I'\'I' ill Ih is (';rlll1eit,\' 10 111(' ,\'ol1!l)((\sl 1'\'f'1' ('If'('IN11() th(' offirl", 1\1'1II11~dy \\'IIS Ilr(' liI'St i' 1'('si­dl' 1l1 to h(' illlltlJ!1J1"11t('fi !Ill Ih(' slf'])s or Ih(' II('W Enst I"l'ont of the ('apiw!.

I I i" d ,I,\' lwei IK'j!un wit h ellUl'l'li S('I'\-i('t's 011 II ('old lIllY 111lI1 follo\\'('\1 filII' of \\#ashitlg-IOII's h£'lI\' i('st l'IIlOW­

'IIOI'nrs, Oll(' lliltl d(' posir ... d ('ighl ilwhl'S of "no\\' mul 1'('fJuin'tl Ih ... 'WI'\'i{'('s (If 1lH1J1~- '111'('1"1 ('ieanl1w",

I'I''''\\"S and ,'l( llllh'l'.s It) 1'('IllO\'r tIl(' SilO\\' from Ih("' sil(' of til(' I naugu­l'lllion /1111 1 111<' Il;1l"ll!II',

1'ht~ j);111r of offi('(' W:J'I IHlmitris­ICI'I'I! hy (-hip!, ,Iusli('£, \\'111'1'1'11,

I' r('siclr ll t l\£'nll('(1y I'OS£' 10 till' ()('£,;Jsion \\'i!h 1111 I lla11!!l1]'111 ,\d ­dl'('s." 111:11 is c'onsid(,I'I'd h~- IIW II," 10 h(' 111<' >; ~ 't'o11l1 hl'sl 011 l"I'I'UI"1.

lI i~ wonk",. , \ lId loU, m~' fl'l­low .\ IIl(' I'i(';Jns, II'<k 1101 \\'ll1lt yom' "!Pllntl',\ !'nll 110 1"01' YOll: Ask whll l yOIJ (';]11 (hI 1'01' ,\'0111' ('0l111tl'y, ) Ty fl'lIo\\' t'ili:wlIs of Ih(, wodd: . \ sk not what _\ lII(,I'il'n \\'ill do fOl' yOl1,

hilt whnl IOg"rIJr£'I' w(' ('llll do fOI' th ... fl'('(' tfolll of lIlall , , ," ha\'t' nll'('udy hl'l'ollll d('{'ply impr"",.;pd in tl1I' hf'lll'ls aTHl lllinds or millions.

011(' 1l1i1lioll pl'Opl(' lin('r] th(' sll'('rts of Washi llj!IOIl 10 s('(' I' r('s i II ... nl I\l'nnrd," I(,M1 111<' TnllllJ!I1I'111 Pl11'nd(' thaI luslCd rOlli' hom's, 'l'Ii('I'(' \\' ('1'(' {h'e I JIll lI){lll'a I Ba 11.'1 i ll hOIlOl' of t!Jr P ,'('si ilrnt and h i!>

I"irsl I,'ld.\- t ha t l rig:hl. . \ 11(1 111('1'(' ~'OI1 have it ., a hri ... r

( \\'1'11. no.; hl'iC'1' ill' I ('ould bl', 1111111'1' III(' ('iJ'('Ultlstllll('('s) 1''''('011!lti I11! or

t lil' Il wllg1l1'IItiOIl ll:ry.'i of t he .'\ 1l1('1'iC'lln P I"('sid(,ll l s, nfl sef'1l hy nU'iOlls 1ll('lllh(']' ... of tllf' Btll1'lill~

I"umily, I do hopc Ihlll t he ofliein1.~ don'l \:Ike too d l'll'l t ie step'l in Ih(' fulur'(' in 1'1illlillating m~' offspl'in g 1'1'0111 t h(' C'npilol lind fl'OI11 111(' TIl -11l1g:11I'l1 t iol1 P llnll1(' l'OIlI£'. E ls('wise, how ('1111 f llllll'(, ,) Ol111;\.\j, l'pad l' l's $11,1", " A little hil'd lold 1lIc!"


Prayer for Ollr Deceased Members

" ('ome fo )11(" 1I1l !lfm who lire IIcflcily lo(i cli and I ,cill ,'(!rcllh !lOll." 'fh/.~c I/'I/nis. Dw,. 1-orr/, brill!) comfort { f} (}Itr lI ((1r l l1 lodf/Y. W e arc hCfu'ily [(ldclt in (lllr aricl /ur II'/' Itm'( l(J.~· t IIWlI', frinlfh utili R rtJaurs . IIIII11Y ill lilt Ilr;1I11' (If liff. f 'lfln (nld d(Jlllil$ I)(.~cI Its /f,o, I-'flllur, 11' /1(1' 1I'i' filii/I til/IllIte I/(IIII!. till IlIIkllfJ//'I1.

\\",. 11((1("/ fil/r fOIl/i,IIJra 111 7'hrr, I .orll . 11'(' tlSl.: TJu(' 10 /,,101 flllr IImllun j"III 'I'll', hUII'fllly "flllt( lIIl(l make l/trlll U'(iI'IHlrr IIIlfl ",(.~.~ thcm lI'itll flwl }i(ll('r (llId jllY whirlt fflll flII'y /'0/111 Imm 'l'Iu('.

Sf ill 1/" ilfll" fllII/ ,'IIOlh, 1/,(, IltIl1IlI/ /l'II,tillY flJ)' { lui!" I'H·(lllI/lf_~ . FfI/lllr,th"M /I'll" 1'lI'ff/I/r(m IIlIlst fllI"I/

lIlis.~ tll('111 1I1f1.~f. li('I'/1 "lwiI!I.'oI ill tllr;,. mi"d .• flll(1 "((/I,t.;; 'I' lly [ h,'j'll' 1"'(jIlIi,~1 of /', 1I11iIJlt IIIIfI fill' f/'ala.1fillf{, $0 Hwl ilt lhr mi,hl of yril'f lI,fY mlly /;"'/U' bluMci hope (1IIr1 fillli W(lt(.

Uonrmllfr lU l"fI. / ,on/. 11'( !I'll " offrr this humble IJr(I!!lr 10 r Oil. 1\"1 (/,'('11'((11 .. !lil'e 1U 'I'lty sil'lWflh. We arr (lfr(lill--!lil'f lU 'I' lly IId/lilll! " ,,"d. lI' f (fI'e duublfll l - yi/'( II.~ T lty 1/·/MIIiIll . .l Jlfl gil" II.,' Tit" I'(fn,It ­illg flll'(,. F ,,/hl /' ,~Ii 1/'1 .IIfll/ IHII ur/llll INIII'!! bill .~ll' i l·c hi 111'1 (1f'('/Jl'dlllfJ /11 Thy hilly lI' ill, "'II thai 1" /"" (hot day ('Olll l'.~ ",11 ('11 11'( fl l'r l/llI/ d IIlld //'r I()f! )I!II ,~ t .~lIrf'(!I(1I1' IUI / O (/t"l h. 11'( shull 1((11 /)(' fC(lr[u/ Iml jO!J­[ ld, brcause al {l/sl , II '{ 1I ,'r f Olllhl{} hOll/r ( 0 'I'h ee.

Orlin L, Worn' II, L.lT. 17 8""R S~,,,~ ... b~. II. /911'

1"'''.'rJ J Mly ". HJ9 f)'rJ IhuIM"r. !,. "'4

:Kiehola ll J . BirollK. L.t'. 18 B .. , •• \I, .. r_bn JJ. 111.,

/"'''.,rJ f·~b . .... , " . 194 1 I)".r/ r'Yo>rIM"r, ~ I . 1964

George ;\l . Eric:kSIIII , L.U, 1M 8 .,," No.r ... I>r. !4. "01

' ",,,.uJ M..., I, "41 l),rJ N .. . r ... /H, n. "114

Elmt'r f'Orliber f:. 1..1 . HI 8 .... " N".r",I>r. " I U I

1""'.'rJ " ....... I. "" lJ .. J /)ru ... I>r. U. 1 96 ~

Vernoll A. i\I,·,· k~·I. 1..11. 1M 8 o", J . "~ .,, ~O . 1901

'""'.' rJ "'_1 I. /9 4~ U"J /)«,,"/or. I. 1 ~6 4

Don n. Youn/.:, 1..1I, IA Bo". 1.~". ' 7 n . 1910

h" •• ud .II."b II. 1917 l) ,rJ l)urIM"r. II . /96~

Elberl C, Denl, 1 .. 11, 21 Bo . ~ " 1' ,,1 1. 1 9!!

I",,, _,~J Sr f" r ,,,br. 7, " " IJrrJ I) r<~ ",I,r ' 7. 1911 ~

II. I-:. 1I:. rnh:.rt. L.U. 16 /I ... " J ... NO~ '. 1907

R", .. ,,,.uJ O,,,,"n ,. 19J~ /) 'rJ /)ru ... bn I ~ . IU .

Eugene A. Krnse. 1..1 1. 16 /10'" "' .... 11.19/1

1",,,.uJ N". rIM"r. I~. 1911 1 /) , .. J I) ,.., ..... br. J,. '.11 4

JOSt' llh I~. Kenned),. 1..( ' . 110 /1o," "' •• r" 1. 1900

' ''' '' .'eJ I~"r II . I H 7 /),~q 1.11"." I , 191U

W. G. Itazey. L.IT. 130 /1o •• " ... .. .. I. "!I~

I R",.uJ ;'; .. , . r","r, '. I'" /),rtl N".r","r. 1'. "II~

Joseph ,\ rthur CO) . I.X, 212 /1 o ... M."A I! . '"'116

1"'''.'rJ "'.) " 194 1 /).rr/ Durmb .. 14 . 196~

Joseph Ku wnl~ki . LU. il3 8 " ", J~"r , . I JlII!

1 " "'·i;,~j ")!,, /'~," :r~ : 9, vo . Char lt's I). Pik(', L.U, 797

/1o." M., I . 190' IRtI •• /rd I . " ... " ~ . ,,4 4

I), r d N ... ..... b .. . 4, "'4


William Crowl.'. L.t'. 3:>3 11o ... O<,ob". 14. IBR~

/""'.uJ 0" .. " ... !I. "~~ I)'rd I)r.r",b~ I. 19114

Frank Mc:Kee. L. IT. 171 /lor" M..., n. IJJ96

1" " ;.' rJ "'., Id. 1947 /J ,r J O,,,,"r. JI. '''64

J (I(' I P. Wilson, L.t' . 179 /I .... " " ... . . , ~". IS,II

1 .. ,,,.lrJ I .. " .. I . ''' 4 ] D ... d NO'r ... /H. 14. 19i14

"rt'd C, Johm,oll. L.lI. 5;;7 /I " ... Or'''''r' n, 19 19

I"",.,rd N".rIM"r . II, " f' D ,.d ,,~ . .... 1, 1964

Ferdinand Pa rsons. L.V. ;.:;7 /I ..... J .II .. .., J. 1"11

1 .. ,,,.uJ N ... rIM br. 10. 19H D.~J N ........ br. !J. 1"6f

Galt'n I.. II ny, L.U. 602 II?", I)"<embr. , . H IO ..

I .. ,,;., .. d .~r/, .r,"brl 14. 194' I),,·d hb.N • • ' 2 . 19"

Will ia 1ll I). Pinkl'rl on, 1..1 1. 602 /1o." FrI. . .... , I. /900

1 .. ",.uJ S~p ..... b .. U . "4! D.~d )oH M • • , 4 . I~U

J aml'S A. J ackson, LX.613 /I .... D .. ~r ... br. 7. '9!J

' R"i •• nI M ...". 19 4-D ,,,J I)~~ ... br. 10. 19d4

W ul h ' r K Bradl .. ,·. l..lT. 702 /I ..... O r."b". !,s. 19111

' ""wrd I)r<rmb~, IS. 1961 I)'rd Du" ... 1>". 19. 196 .

"' ehill L. Cas~, LP. 702 11o." F~b .... .., lO. 1916

,"" ••• ~J M."A ! . 'U, D.~J N ... r","', I. 196 .

Jamt''' C. ('umminJ:"S. L.I'. 702 1I".R N""IMI>r' U . 19 14

I .. , ,, ••• d Dru ... h . I. 19'4 D ,,,d O r",b .. ! . 196f

Jnmes II. J ohns on, 1..1 1. 121;, /10 m 1911)

I,,,.;.,,J M.y I. 19 4 1 O rrd 0 ",,1> .. 4 . 196 4

Cullel'lI P. Kdly. L.t'. 12 1:> II .,." M • • d . l ,. "·14

I ... ".,,,J "M, "" I . 1 9~J /); " d N .. . r_b". J 7 . "64

. I 111(')1.

Billi .. I .. I-:. lI urtint', 1..1I. 702 II"'R frb . .... , I. 19!3

1.",.,,01 /)~.r ... br' H. "" /) ,rJ Ur<rIMbu F. 196~

El n.('r II. KUIIC:~" L.lI. 102 11 m .. / .. ... II. 1'''1

' "'''.'rJ N ... rIMbr. !(I. "lJ /) , .. J 1) .. (O'mb~. 19. 1964

{'edl L .. whl., LX. 102 B .. ," /} ........ IH •• 190/

I" ,,,.,,J ,II ." 14. 194' l )rrJ ......... , 9, 1964

J",-, \ 1. Lint'S, I ~ ll. 702 /1o." 1_ .. . ~ !,. "90

, ,,,,, ••• 01 I ~ .. r 9. 19." l),rJ D,a","r. II. /964

J uh n C. \ '. Lurel, 1..11, 702 /I ..... M.r 17. 19 1d

' ,,"'.'~r/ " 1' .. 1 6, 19d f /) , .. 14 ;,;",. ..... b ... I J. 196~

Ilnbe' r, I.el· I' ric:(', 1 .. 1I. 702 B ... " M.f<~ !,. " .,

' ,,,,,.,~J N",rm b ... 10. 19 1' lJ.rd h lr 11. 196.,

:'\ichulns H. Hif:/':"- 1..11. 102 II ..... ,.~b , ~ ." ~, 19/19

1" " i.' r J 0 ",,1 .... H. 1 9 4 ~ 1) ,~J 0 ",,1> .. I!. 196 4

Claudl' Hizl' /Iwrt', L.ll, 702 II ... .. " rill 10. 11i96

1""'.'rJ N".r ... lH. 11. 194' /) , .. d Or,ol>r • ., . "II~

G"orgl' W . TrOllllt" 1..1'. 702 II",,, Or,,,br. 11, 19 U

,"" •• ,rd /} ......... I>r. 19, I"" I)",J O(lob". n. 196 4

HII(I"IIIh W , W,'her, I..l' . 702 /I",,, J." ... . y H . IS99

I .. ", ... J M., n. " .,6 I)"J N ... ~ ... br' J7. 1964

Haney Hay Wilson. I ... r. 702 8" ... N" ' r",b,. 10. H06

' '''''.'rJ J ..... !, "'4 /),..J U "u","r. Ill. "6~

l\I;lttil' Fl'r j: II ""n. I..l · . 713 e"," " "~ .. .. 1!, " 0'

I ""··D,~:';;o .'/';';r!' f 964

J Jlll1e!< K S II :I I,tin/.:, L. ll. 11 39 /I ,,,,, " r,iI 9. 1896

I ,,,,,. ,~J "~b ,,,.,, 1946 IJtrJ 1J,. ..... bt. 17. 196 4

G. G"nder. 1..1I. 1170 1 .. "'.' r J I)ffr_br , 19 f 8

U,~J 1)"' '' IMb", 1964


Edgar A. P uryear, L.U. 84 6 Bo." "'. , , . "IJ

R~;" ;I;.Md A p, iI 7. IS'J& Di~d N"~~,,,b~, 1 7. 1 ' 64

Dorothy Ambclan, L.U. 965 B" ,,, NoY~mb~. 1 1. I'll!

I "i ,i." d J~ ,,< 1, "JO Di<d D u,,,,j,,, 7. ,'64

Edwin A. Prince, L. U. 11 18 Bom A"/f"" 4. 1904

I ";,;.,,d J.""o,., 11.1946 Oi,d lJu,,,,b,. JO. 196 4

Owen I\reidenwl' is . I.. LT. 1159 80 ... A p,,1 24. 101/;

fn,,,~ud ", •• d. 'l . 19JZ O"d S,p"",b .. I J. 1964

Hobc rt W. Cunnin,l:'ham. L. U. 12,15 Bo ... Ah., " 14 . 1906

I""i. "d ,II .... ," /. /9 4 J D"d O<lob," 11. /964

Brooks II. f.:chls. l..lT. 12t.:) Btl'" "',., 8. 1800

I"'".,,d M . ,,10 I. 19)! D"d O<l"bu 1/.1964

L. J. Giboney, L. U. 121" Bo." ,II.,." ,. " OJ

["i"."d D~u ... b<, /. 1941 DirJ Du,,,,bu 1. 1964

William n. lI ollis ter. L.lT. 12-1:". Bo ... Dnr",",. J , 1909

I "",."d ,II .. "" I, 194 / O«d No,-".,b". /96 4

Paul L. Jackson, 1.. 1' . 12-15 Bo." O<lolu. Jl, 1919

I";"."J A"«",, I, 1964 D i,d Ou,,,,",, J, 11/64

Social Security Council (COl//illlred f )'om jIIl flr 3)

('ash·Bcllefit pl'o\'isions, E vcry hellefici:ll'Y on Soci:ll Se·

{'urit,· rolls would l'('I"('in' at h'ast a 7 jlCl'cell t in('rcIIsc in ('ash bel1e­fit". Some would r(,('l'in' mol'l',

By l !)(iS thc max imum pay bll>:o on which laxes and hl'lH'fits would 1)(, computed would bc ilH.'I'("ls('(l fl'om $ .. LSOO 10 $7.200 P('I' Yf'III'.

Othcl' Council proJlosals i n~ l udcd (-()\'el 'HA"f' of physicians ntH1 int(' I'ns; lIS(' of So~ial Security fUlHl~ to I'C­h.lbilit;lte \11(' tot.lIly and ])('1'111<1' Iwnll .,· disilhlcd; ex l(,llsion 01' henc· filS 10 young pcople up to til(' Il~e of ~2 . instelld of the prcscnt cut · off ;]\ IS, pl'odded th('," arc slill in s('1I00l; ine!u"ion 01' tips both 1'01' pll.\'Il1l'nt of S()('i"l ~('elll'it ," c-ontri­bllt iOBs nlld 1'01' h('nditK

'I'hl' Socilll Sc('ul"it .\' lax 1"lle Hnli e!" Ihl' "\ ddsol".\' ( 'o\llleil's pl"O­posals "'ould hc Cllilll:!l'd fl'om Ihe PI'('s!'1l1 raIl' o[ ::;,62.J PCI'('('lIt (1'01' l'mplo.wl" .Ind ell1pll).\'(' c;leh ) to .,1.7 Iwn'(' Il I in WGG . '1'his amOllnt I\'()III(\ finance i ll! (';]l;h l)('!ldits plus hospil'll CIlI·('. '1'11(' eomiJill('d I'nlc 1I'01ild I'is(' to :J .i PI'I'('t.'llt h.Y \!JiG.

:--)p1lec " ' ill not Jl<'I'l!lit 11 mOrC ('O!llpJdC SI\IIIIIJaI'," of the Addsol'Y


Harry Ie I\eny()n, L. U, 12-15 B ... " 189 /

I""'."d F,br" . ,., I, 194 7 Vi, ,} s ,p"",b .. 19, "64

J ack C, Kinyon, L. U, 12·15 Bom A I',iI/l. /90J

I"',;.,,d J"ly I, 194 9 Di,d S'I'''mb~, 1 8. 1964

H omcl" ,I. Lca l:er, L,U, 121::; Bom Mor 18. 100 !

I ,,,,,.,,·d .II ~.(" I. /941; V;,d O,'ob" 17, /91;4

J oe H. I'ace, L.t'. 121::; Bo, ,, J .. ", 111. IS9J

I""i."d .II.y I, /94J D ;,d O",.,b,. 7. 1964

He rbe rt O. Kincer, L.U. 12·19 B"." } " I, J, IS"J

I "",. ud } " ", 1 7 , '''~I D"d V«~ ... "~. 11. 196~

Peter Hl' rle ill . I..L 1288 B" ... O"'o/'c. H. IS71

I"i".,.d ',b''''''7 IJ, 19J6 in L.U. 796

O;"d J .. ,,~ 211, /964

Rolwrt E. Du nn. L. U. 1139 B",~ Octo"" 6. 1&94

I" ;,i.,.d F"b,~.ry 1946 O"d DN""'!>" 7 . 1964

t';d"'ard [{obe rt s, I..L' . 1.139 BD'" , ,/, ... ~,., H. /89 7

I"i,i."d F,b ..... 7 1946 D;,d V ert",b .. , J, 1964

COlllllliW'(" s full :ml1 " '(,!I-written repol·!. I-'roll! lahor's po ill l (II' "ic\\' it Lo.; an I'X('I ,1\I'II \ l'l'l}(wl. I"l'HSSl\I'· inJ!", >:inl'(, it t('o.;]ifie>: to the sOlllld · Ill's.." of 111(' Soc-ial ~t'f'llI'it:" S:'-' Stl'lII ,

and 1)l·OllLisill~. 1~(·.!tI'W it lIth'o­cal ('s incl'(';t-;cd hCl\cfil<; .l lId in· clud('s ;I PI'O:!I'illII of 11hliearc-­IlI(W;lU'C" both of wlti(·h lHl"1' b(,(,11 st l'oll A"I .,·-haekcd goals 01' ol"l,!'illlizcd labor .

J. Mc Laugh[in, L.U. 1-1 70 R .. ;,,; ,;.ud O<l"b". I~J )

Di,d 1''' ''. '7 1 96 J

J. Ruzanski, L. l i. 101 70 I""i."d M •• (Io. " 4'

V,~d O ru",b"" 1964

Adolpho DiCleme nle, I..U. 1505 I ,,, , i.,,d NOH." h. lJ. 19J1

Di,d D rrem b •• 18, 1964

Victor J , Ficociellu. L.U. 1505 /"";.,,d "'_7 ,. 1941;

Dord Noy" "b .. II, 1964

S arah H. Finnerly, LU, 1505 I,, ;';.'ed J"" .. I. 19) 8

O i .. d Du.",b". 7. 1964

Vau g hn E, Lea\' itt, LU, 1505 hi".'cd D ,umbe, I, 19)8

D ;,d N""",b" n, 1964

mchard )1. Luc iano, S r .. L. U. 1505 ' "i".,,,d 0(,,," .. I, 19'7

Died Dr(r",b" 16 . 1964

Franc is J. Penn in g tun, L.U. 1505 Bo'" ", .. ,,10 7 , /900

I"i,i.ud JI .., I, 1946 D;.d D~C<',.,be, H. 196 4

C1a~·ton )la g ilL LU. 211 3 Bo". D«~ ... b~. Zl. 19)1

I",,;.ud 0<1,," .. 10, 1960 in L.U . 419

V;ed No ... ,.,&." 1964

Arthur S. Patterson, L. U. 2113 BD'" Dn.",b", 11 . 19/J

Reini,i."d I,, 'y 9. 19J/ j" L.U. /188

V"d N"v, ... bt., 1964

(joing: b:1c].; to Ihe thought ex­]ll'('sscd in the bl'A"inliing of t his lll'tieic , wc of the 1BE W ;11'(' p l'oud to h;I\'1' iwd 0111' InlCl'll1l1ional P I,(,S­idcnt llppointcd to S(' I'\'C on th is cxt rcmcl~' impol'tnnt cOl1llllitt{'('. \\' (' iII'C ~I';lt (' fll l 1'01' his work and 1'01' all tlwt was ;!cl'Omplishcd by him and h~' sulllC of lhe otho l' lih­(' ral m('1II1K'I'S or thc comm ittcc, III spite of opposing J)J'C$lll-es.

Thf' fullo,,"ill~ telcj!1'll1ll \I'as >lrn t hlst 1Il0nlh on the occasIOn of the pa..;sillg: or Iha\ ~I'('at B I'iti>:h Stat('sIIHIII, Sil' Wi nston Churchill.

Vo Jler .AiajeJtll Queen [;Lizabeth amI the People 01 [Jreat Britain

Oil Id' /,t/lf of 111(' 800,000 of/i("('r.-.: (II/(I /JIeJl//)(' r.~ of 11, (, local ( ' I/ioll:.; II) 0 '''' lJ rolherhood III the l · lIit eel 81(1(('!' (Juri Gal/ada , 111(1,1/ 1/'1' of/I'" 0111' /110.'11 8il/("(' I'(' s.lllllpa(liy OIl tltC' loss oj 111(' y:-('((I I' ,," sia/(' ,<:IJ/(/II 0.' 0111' ti ,l/f' , Sir lV ilistOIi Churchill, 'f'hou!lh Ihe ;{"(}wler/Ill 11/,1/1 i .... . (10 li e . hi . ..; coicc of C()lIl'o/F' ( /lid ill .... pi/"(/tioll 8ti!led . fiX IOIl!1 (/ ..... Ihere }"('II/aill olin' ill filiI' world 111 (' 11 11"/10 /01'1' (Illd s('('1.- freedom, u(' Iol"( '(( "l1' illlli('" will fl(' I' I' Jllcllllw/'(',1 (//uil i/" (' Oil ,

Go rd on }.I. 1-'1" ('(' 111<.111,

-I n \(.' I'llil t i 0 11 ,, 1 P l'csitil' ll t. IIl U' rli a ti ona i Brot he rh ood or Elcdri('ui 'Vo rkc rs


Death Claims Paid m November & December. 1964 l . U.

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"'"" ... I' J ". J >: 1''' ,n. 11 I. \\ ,10,. T " W, .... ~ ". .\"·1,, "," J II ' :,,1<,'<. t: " ~""·I ... I". II ",,1,'01, \ . ",." ••.. W )1 II· ... "". J, II .\1, , •. ,.....,. ,.

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"'"". II I. n'I ... ·. II I' 1',,,,,,,..,.,. ,: I'

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Brothors, we wont you to have yourJOUANAl! When you have a change of address, please let us know. Be sure to indude your old address and please don't forget to fill in L. U. and Card No . This information will be helpful in checking and keeping our rec­ords straight.


C,'" s,.,. PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO .• . ..

(I f ~nknown _ .~(k w"h loul Un,on)


CI'., s,.,. fO~U LOCAL UNION NUMlU • .....



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