golden moment .' of opportunity .: ,M~t:t - IBEW


Transcript of golden moment .' of opportunity .: ,M~t:t - IBEW

To improve the .~ golden moment .' of opportunity .: ,M~t:t~~~ and catch .' the good that ;~i! ....•..

,it . ', '

in our reach ' ' -is the great .' "'. . a rt of life

Johnson " , • t~



l .. re ...... r'<)1O .. II>rn'd~nt 12110 Ulh SI., N. W.

W",hlnll'lon, O. C. 2000~ J OS.; I'U O. KI:t:N,\N ht~y"alion .. 1 $U"""r~

1200 ILIII SI .• N. W. W",IIlnllton. O. C. 2000~

J EII}; MI A II I'. !'UI.I. I VAN I II/uno ' ,,,,,,,, T,~" .. ,~.

UO K2·,tll~1 N e ... Yor •. New Y<lr. 111010


1'1.11 DI"t.l~t. IIII I.I . IA M I. AIH'M \N ~~ Unl~e .. ll~ 111 .. ,1 .. Suh .. 601.

To,onl<l I, (lr\I.. C"n"dn S,~o"t! Ol.,,!!·\, JO li N J. In:r:AN

lloom 2~3. I'",k S(II"'''' HI,I~ UI>OWn. MI\ ... nd'''.~II. 0211f,

Third Ol.lrIN. JOS ICI'II III. I.I(;,;J.;'I"[' 7~ ~11Il~ SI.""t. UOO I\O r.Ol,

SI ~lc U" " k Bi 'lir. A l bnn~, N~w York 12~07

l'ourl ll D1,rrlcl, II . II . UI.ANK.:NSIIII' 2fi~;:; Vlctnr~ I'kwy.

elrodn""I!. Ohl<.> 4(,206

F a lh m lt,let. G. X. 1J,\ltl\ . :1t Thu Glen n Bidlf" 120 M .. ri~lI. Str .... -t. N. W.

A U .. nl". G<'<lrlrl" J0303 91>:l h I)! ,lrid. J. W. JOHNSON

Room 270~. Kern, ... , I ,,"U'""O)<> Uufldlnlf. ~tI N. W .. rk~r u.I .. "

ChlullO ~. II l1n<.>l, G0606

SeYenlh Oi,lrlel . A. }:. l.;JJw ... u n s IGIO c..'mnwt ..... IIId~

:10; W. MlI'{'nth !'I ..... t. F".l "'''rlh. ',',.,. •• 1~IOt

Elahlh 0111'[(1. S. ~;. T UOMI'SON lloom 201. Wilcox 111,111' IJO~ . ·"uu h "'vO'., N<.>"h

1'. 0. lieu 1998 nlll l"",. Mont. ~~IO I

Nint h llIorrln. W. I •. VI NSON U,,...,,, G.;~. H70 M ... kd St .. ·.t,

Nan 1·' ... ",1" ,). t,dl'''",I" ~ll0~

Te"th l)Iolrlel. T IIOMAS V. HA"'I S~;Y lloom 600. 330 Sout h 1'1,11. :oj l .. ',' !

Ch lull"l, 1111""1. 60600

EI Qvenlh IlIltrlct. 'WtU;U'r K. GA HUIT \, Hm. t 01 , 8 1 ... ln IlIUII .. MOOO /l on hom' '' ~ An.

Clayton, MI .. ourl n !O~

Twd/l h 1)I.\ rlo t. IV . II . 1'1'~1' '!' \, Whit",,," llu ll d lnll' . H'n. r,~ •. 2~OO 1'''[J I~ ,

M~"," hl, . ... ~,\!, ... "" ~Ht12


E. J , ~· ItANSWA \' CJo ~"m~"

2121 W .. t WII('(l,,"ln "', MU .... " kc, S. I'II"a"oln

Flnt Dlltr lel , CII ... IIU:S II . "II. L.AltD 781 ~·lItmo •• "'ve. lJulfalo~, N. Y.

Sec<o nd Dlli rld, CIIA ltU:S ~;. c ... n·, t t;y 110 eh •• ln", SI • .,.,I

Su r lnll'tldd. )I ..... oh....,,1& 01 101

Tbl.d Ot.lrtol. IIA R II\, J . WILI.I ... IoI S II I CliMY "'ven""

Cl ndn" .. tl. Oh l" ~&~O~ DlII. lel ..... 1'1. SCH . III>T 1 ~60 W. I ~th 81 ..... "

SJt, ' UOI .. , .1-10.101. Flftb D1lt rlcl. C. E. NU ltDST IIOll

~U10 Amh ... 1 ' ,"," M"lna 13. 1<.>",,,

Silllh m l tr ld. J OS I::"II C .• :I' I'}:1I80N 2~06 Sutherl .. ",j Srr",,1

Uoul l"" 23 . Tn ... Seventh Dlll riol . ltALI'U A. LE[(;ON

HaD liwc~"cy Mr •• , Lao Vl·II'It •• NevBdlt

Eilfhlh Di.trlel, GEO ltG~; 1' . I'A'I"n : ltSON S"h .. e03. au Welll n ll'lu n Cr~.ccnl

W lnnl pcll' U, 1>\,,,, ,, C~ nnd.


Official Publicotion of the InternOlionol 8'Olhe. hood 01 Electrical Wo.kers


VOtUME 6 1., No. R


Our Progress Meetings

Sidh District Meets in Minneapolis

Railway Locals Meet in Cleveland

Twelfth District Meels in Gatlinburg

The New Medicare Act

National Electrical Training Directors Association

ISEW Hosh to Government Labor Officials

Canadian Labor News lEnglish)

Cafl4dian Labor News lFreoch)

Editoria ls

Locals Should Affiliate

The Federal Housing Act of 1965

De partment of Resea rch and Educa tion

Apprenticeship and Training

With the La di es

IBEW Pensi on Benefit Trust Fund Re port

Local Lines

Poem of the Month

In Memoriam

Death C laims

AUGU~T 196:';



















POST~ASTERS : Chuo_ 01 addrtll utdl 0" Fo.m lS79 .hould be .e.n t 1<.> I ntef~.t i o •• 1 B.oloo<hood 0.1 e.lodfic~1 WO'~"", 1100 Frlteut~ Sttut. N. W .. W .. hington. D.C. 70005. Publi.hed montlolv o.d ,"co.d·cI ... pO.t090 p.,d 01 l'I .. h" 9100, P. C. Sublc"p t' Cln p"cn Uo, tO(l Stot., ud C.".d •• $1 po. ~"'. in .elva.ce. P"o ted in U.S.A. tni. JOURN ... l will .at b. h,ld ",pon,ibl. 10' v,."' coor'lIed bv corrtlPO"U'OIi. To, litlt a l neh monlf, io ela""11 dot e . ... 11 caPl my,t b. in 0"' hind. on a, bllo'. thi. ti .... .! adv"fti,ioo not a«epteu.

T Ill'; ']\n' rrtit' lh l'I")j.!l'l'1'iS .' Ied· iug' 1'01' th(' Hix\h J)isll'il,t \\lIS

h('11I .JUUI' :!1).:.Hi, J!){j,j lit tit " ]( ;I(lis. suu Il ot l' l, .\liult('Hpulis, r\ l illtl('sola . II I 11ltl'lldltrl('(' \\'I' l"t' :!.:!7 l'l'g-isle l'I'd dC] (,~lIl ('s, ~17 \"i.~ilul·.~ Hlld '2 1 lut el" 111Itio lllt[ OIli('t'I'S mid H C'P I'C'SC' lttl l­

liv!'s. In t('t'rtliliortlli \'jp(' I't'('sid(' tl t ,Iohl! ,I olUISOlt pI'psi \l ('d at nil sessions.

It WliS the conSI' ltS\lS of the dele· ).;"al('s tltHt tlds WlIS Olle of tI re Sixth Dis ll 'iet's 1I10St sU('c('ssl'ul 1lH'l'lin.l{s to dU1<', 'I'lrl'l't' 1\'{, I'e lIIa lly hig-hlig-III'!. Chief 1ll1l0l1f.:" litem WliS the pt"t'sPl1tntioll of 11 2fi',\'('11I' 1IlC'1ll­

hC'l"Mhip pill lind I:a l'd 10 Kcllie Spal'ks, finaueial seel"('t Hl '~' of I •. U, 1160, ~\l a l ' i oll, l udiunll, 'I'he honor IIWlII'd \I'as JlI'I'sclltcd hy 1111('1'1111 -liollnl ~kt'I't' tal',I' ,JOSCpl1 I), K ('!'tlll li

who ('01llltll'nlt'd ill Iii!>! I'('tnurk!>! thllt Id J, 1160 was dlHl'tel'cd Se ll­t('Ill!)"I' ~, I!J:!!) lind Ihnt Hister' SPIII'k!>!, :1 ('hurtet' mrrlrlWI' was clr('h'(1 filllllt('ia[ S('(' I'('IIU',\', 11 post she hits l'l,liI (,1'(, 1' ,'1illl't'. !-;i,stcr' SplIl'ks Ls 1I'II1y Ih(, " J)ClIlI" of Sixt], Hi.sll'il,t Ii lIIt1u'ill I Sf'l ' I'plm'ies

1'01' :1 clwrk of IO('ld unions in the ~li ~ tt 'i(,t I'!-I'('a [(,t! 111111 .'I ll(' l'l1d hcld office IOJlW'I' I hllil allY oth('I' ),' , S,



!'\c llic 's husbnnd and Non tl l 'l'

;llsa l B}J\\' 1HI'IlI1JC I'S, 1'h(\~' 1.>(' 10 11 1{ to f.J,U. 1000, ~ral'iO Il,

Secretory Keenan Addresses Delegates

&<- I'CtUl",\' Kecnall '.'I add l'('s..s 10

rhe dl'lcga tes \\':11'1 rcg:Il'ded liS 11 noth(.'I' P rogl'css Mcrl illg high. light , :1.'1 1\';11'1 that of ~'rr .. 1""lllLk .J , 11ic{,SOIl, dce pI'cs id(,llt of th{' !'\ol,th('I'rl St:rlcs POw{'r Cutllpany,

13"0111\' 1' KCCIWll {'ovcr'ed ;1 1111 111-bt' l' of lopic~ of COll{'el'1I to II, e Bl'othcl'hood ill lli~ 1'l.' lIlllt'kS, Il l' rxtrlldcd Ihe \1',11'111 g'I'C('lillj..'S of l 'l"l's i (\('nl. 1" " CCI1II1II nlHI 111('rltiollPd

Ihllt thc I ntcI'l1lltiol1111 l' I"I'~i(I(' l lt i .~ I'xll'C'!llcl,I' (Iistllriwd nlHlllt til{' t(,IHlell('Y or some rttt'lIIl)('r'S 1)1' OUI' 1l1liollS 10 go outside 01" thc' B rotl,(' I"

hood 10 .'«.'ck l'cd"CAA 1'01' :llIc~cd ~ri c\, ;lII('es, 11 (' stn'ssed Ihc \,lI 1I1C

III' OUl' 0\\'11 ('OIlSlilutioll wilh its huill -in Jll'ot('elioll a nd IIl'1~cd that it hc livcd up to and used to seulc diI1'CI'Cllt'CS,

MI', K('e!H1 1I Ihell rcviewed prog· I'CSS Illadl' in ('O[leeti\'c burgailling S{!!l..s iolls til is ,1'('111', A \'cl'uge wage illt'r '('llS('S W('I'P ..:ood, III the COIl­sll'll('tion ilttlllsll'.\' IBEW led nil l't'ans in the amount of a\'C t'lIgc


Thc S('Ct'(' t lll',r sll'css('d the dilli­ell lt ,}' Il'hi('ll Ul'I,.l'HllizNi Inhol' rx· p('l'it'lI l:l's 10(\;1.1' ill ,Ill its ol'l.:a l liz.

ill~ eHtIlpll ig"IIS pnl'licllll1l'iy ill the South,

1\1 '/111 '1' " KI'I'n:11I IlwIl l'c\' iewf!d 111('l1ll)(,l'sllip I'c{'ur'cls <lnd il1COllle li nd (\XPCll.o;c figures,

Prllidont Rober t A, Ollon of Minne.olll Siele Feder.tion of labor welcomes del, .

gale. 10 Ihe Minnupolil meeling,

')'hl' ~1'('I't' tnr,\' nlso t'(,\'i('\\'('(l

bri{'fI,\' thc wurk of SOIllC of the 1.0, dCpMIIIH'llI"I and ,ul\'i«<>d thc ddl'A'all'''1 of St,t'\' i('{'S anlihlhl.', The Ik,;t'/U'(,1t 1)('PUI'IIII('nl , skill 111\­jll'O\'('III(' 1l t 'I' I'a i II i 1Ig' 1){'IH11't 111('11 L <Iud Hnf.' ly DI'JlllrlIlWnl calnC in f()l' ~p<'{'illl ('mphn~is,

.,It" 1\('1'111111 madl' a slrollg' pJ('n 10 ,Ill 10 huy Pl'o<iU('I..; bt'lt1'illA' the unioll lahl'! , II I' spokc of that g'I'1"I1L ('\' il, Ill(' l'UIIIl\\IlY shop, and "Ial('d Ihnt onl~' hy nilhel'f'n{'(' to uniOIl prilleipl{' 1111\1 working 11;11'11 to eic('t k' ,,dsIHtol'S \\'ho wilt \'011' ill 11ll' l)(Ist inll' I'l"_t"l of II,Ot'king peoplc nlld tIlt' ('Ullnlr~' flS a whoh'. is ol'l.:aniz('fl laix)I' ~oill::!, to sun' i\'C mul ("(llllilllll' 10 1I10\'C forward.

Pra ise lor 'he Union

:\11', j"l'llllk (;1(,(,50n, in his 1H1-dl'('~'1, SII'{,'lwli lhllt union Ol'glllli7,u, lion of :\'OI'lhl'I'1i Stnt~ 1'011'('1' (~olllpall~' 1);1111)('('11 II good Ihing­Ihnl (,lIIplo,I'I' S had g'nincd nllll the COIILJIlIIl," IllId prospen'd. II C' IIIso clllphasiz('ti the impOl'tallec oj' n "/-:h'l' and tnk!''' attitude all the plII·t of hoth ('ompfluy llnd union ill 1Il'{rotilltions, " Ill order to make I'('al Illltl ~llbsllllltial pI'OgTI'SS,"

!'Iitid J f l', W('I'"on, "caeh P:II'ty must 1'{'('oJ,:nizC' lind ('on~idel' the pl'ohlclll" of thc othcr,"

' l'h{'I'c \1'('1'(' 1ll11ll." othcl' finc IllI'~.Sllg('S PI'c:>C'lltNI ill :'I l illll(,llpoJis. 'I'lli' wcl('olllc IHlclrcss of Brolher Jos{'ph KI'('c ll, prcsident or the

Oelegell$ re'li,ter for Ihe conlerence, Pic· t'.tred Me C, F. Schmitt, G, V. Pet.non, Gordon Pilch., V. A. O'Reilly, G, E, Smilh,

No"i, T. Hallq end J<lme, P. Conway,

At left il fte"l J, GI .. ,on, wice pru'de"l· p"lo"nel, Northern St<ll" Power company,

0" Ihe rOltrum, "0m 1.1t: T. E. Melo"" intetn.tionel representetiwe: Robert Gomnud. ple,ident, L.U, 292; R. A. Obon, pruide"I, Minn .. ot. State Fed .. etion; J. F. Krech, bll,i"e .. ma"a'l", LlJ. 292; Inl'l. Vice Pruid,nt J , W, John,on; Inl'l. e.ecllli.e Council Ch.irm," E. J. Franlw,y, and Int'\. Enellti ... COllneil M.mbers Hatty W illi.m •• "d

C. E, Nordstrom, Viet Ptelid,nt Johnlon presid.d .t .... ion •.

)fillll('sola Rtal{' Confel'{'Il('C of thc rrn;\\, Illld Ihlll of B l'OlhC'1' Itoh('I'! (lOlllSI'IHI, JlI·C'"j(l{,llt of L,U, :!fl2 mill also of til{' ('{'nll'al LIJ!)()I' hody WCI'(' 1II('IIIOI'ablc.

.\1 I '. I tol)(l l" Olson, Jll'csi{knt of th{' J\ lirll lc~()ta Stlllt' /o'edl' l'alion of r,llbOI', tHrk('~ ! UII r('gi~lat i\'c Illntt('I',~

cOllcel'lIing: the !llllion lind tile stnle

null nWlltiollCd C'Spl'('inlly n't'I'1l1

dTlwts madc 10 d ilut{' \\'01'l,1I1l']I'S COl11jl<'llsnlioll ill ,\ Iillll{'sota,

i' n{C'I'llational !-:X('I'lIlh'C' ('oU!wil ) i'{,IlI I){,I' lI arr.\· Williams dwclt ('hidl,I' Oil the impol'llIIICl' of huild, illg' :I I{ood imngC' 1'01' lal)()1' ill 111(' CO!llllltl l lit,r llnd stn'!)scli l ota llllliOll

(Continued OIt ]Jage 26)


Railway Locals Meet in CLEVELAND C 1,1-; \ ' 1-:1 ,,\ :\1>, Ohio II liS the

Sf'I'lIt' uf Iilr l!Hi:i '1','11111 Dis­tril'l '· I·Oj.!I·(' ...... ;\It'(·tingo II hit·h \1m; iwld at lilt' " i('k ('arl('l., .hult, l ~th ,Ill!! l !hh, I !}fj:i,

T his \111 .. II 1'\'1111'11 lI'ip fOl' 11I1I1IY of th" tkJ('I!H\('S i rliislilllt'ir liS Ih('," lwd slll~'('d lit 111(' ('al'l1'1' 1[ 01('1

,I LI I'irlg' lill i ' 1111('1'1111 11011111 ( ',IIlH'Il­

lion ill 1 !):iK I II fuet >;(1111(' tlf OUI'

IIl d · l iltlt'l"S ('oull! 1'('('1111 ht'il1l! (h-il'· g'H t t'" to 11 pn'I'ioIlS P r'()I( I'l'S.'1 ~ I ('('t­illl( of til(' 'l't'1I1 h Dis! dr'l, \\'bieh \\,;IS IH'ld i lL t 'I,-\'('ll1l111 nHilly yClit'S


.\ 101'(' I hlll1 };O (l\'kf,.:"Il\(,s, 1-\'1'11('1'111

(,h,lit'llwlI Hli ll "isitOl"S \\,('1'(' in 111-

1(,lId :llWt' fur' t ilt' t\\'\1 lIa," s('s~ i on.

1'llfol'tlI1Illtl·ly. l lllt'1'lIaliulI1I1 ""t·"i· ,1l-1I1 ':ul'Ilnn ~ I " 'I"I't'IIWII lIIu l l n-11'1·ll<Ili(1l,.,1 SI,C· ... 'I:II·r .JoSi·llh I ).

K{'I'lllllI \\1'1'\' IIlIalll(' 10 alh'lIft alld In' Stll'('1y mi"'->I,d IllI'il' 1,,"a1 ill..;pil'-

1IIg' IHI·"'i.:lj.W ....

Re por' on Woge Incre o se Mov eme nt

V ici' !'1'I',d tl l'IlI 'l'horIl1l'l U nms(',\' hali ;) :!I'.'ul dl'nl to l't'poI'1 1'()l!('I'I'Il' illl-: Ihl' I'('('('II! \\'ugl' Ill t'I'I'IIS" • . Ioh l 'I'OI('I'lion IIl1d ( 'ollll'lI('ti lL j:-( hll-OI'­

" 'ork . \ ~ I '('(·lII('n ls, 'I'hi,,! lIas Ih\.' fi "st oppOl' llIllil~' 1"01' IIlal'.\· 01' 1111,' dc lcWI I(',; to g'\.'t 11ll' d('llI i lt'd slol'Y first.hun d 0 11 IIcltlllllr \\ hllt IHl d

haplx'llI'tl duriug' thl' \\'a~(' I,,· l'I't'aS(' ,\lOH'IIII'III. Ilnl'li('ul;lI'l.I'. 11 d~,tai1t'(1 I'Xp!;III;,tioll of nil tllnt Iwpp('ul'd ill('hlllillj: 111(> (,()Ill'l n('­l i on Ihlll look p lnc't' illl'ol\illj: Ihl' 1':lc,tll'ir'ilt \\'ol'k("I'>;, M :lI'hillisl " ;\llli S h('("t "ll't nl \\'OI''''' I'S, liI'lt'I' lli(' oth('I' ('I·;lft..; hnl! 110111'11 lli{' j oint 1I10\"'1I l('1I1 1'01' 11 IliI)!I' ;'11'1"'11"('. ' I'h(' d l'leltHh's \\"('1'(' UlWll i lllllllS ill tllt,it· ,lppn)\':!1 of \"il'I' f>1'I'sitll'lll Ham­s('y's Ilt'lion in Ihis \\'a/.:I' .\ 10\'1."

1111'''1, mul j!il\'(' him:1 ... tlludiul-! \'011' of ('onfilit'II('(' £01' his ('[(II'Is ill S('('ul'ing- 11 j!I'I'ah'l' in(,I,("IS(' for U'i than Ihat I"('('('i\'l'd h,\' Ihe otllt'J' ,'OUI' ('I'afl", ' I'IH'.\' l'mphl1!i('flll,l' :tp-1)1'01"1'11 thl' \\' :lg'(' [ 1l(,1'{,; IS(' I)('('llll"(' III' III(' PI'I'(,('IlIllg-1' hasi~.

" I il,ha('! [,'ox. " I'('"ident of Ill(' ICllill\ll,\' J-: rllp! (I~'('''' ,l kpHl'llIlI'lll. Iras:l IisilOl' III I Ill' opl'ning: s(' .... ..;ioll . \ ~ I' I'l'sidl'lIl, .\ Iik(' ('xll'lHiE'd 1111' fl'1rlf' I'lml I-lT('('lin!-.-.; of thl' Hailllll,\' I-: llIploy.,,,' 1)I'P<lI'tllll'lll, hilI IIU ,I'(,

illl]l!ll'lanL ;r..; a 1Il('llIlwI' or Iht' 111-1l' !'lIati()lwl 1-{j-(lllu'l'hoot! of EI I'<'­Irie:1l W Ill'lH't'..;, .\l il,(' llSSlll'I'~ 1 1111 /l1'1 "g'a1l',-; III' IU,"; tlllPPY to II{' hac't.: lwlll\' to l'('tH'W old fl'i(, IHlship", n~ 111'11 :1-- I'i..;il lIilh Ih(' d!' ll'g-ah'" fmlll h is OWl! IIf1l1w I,ot'a! , '11 inn \11, :--.17, XI'II \""l'I"

Retire d Mem b e rs Contribute

Ttli' t1('!I'j!:lI!'s , ·"joyr'll Iwar'iug III'i('1" tnlk,; fl'llIlI l'l'li)'t·tl I lllt'I'IHl­l iollnl 1 { (']lI'('~('IlI:lli\('s ('lid Silrilh 111111 B ill B l:lkl', j'Ol'lllt'I ' (; ~'Il('l':l!

( ' hail'llIali I'; . . 1, [ 'I'Cl<1il', 1'01'1111'1' S,nli'lIl ( '()u lH'il Xu, 7 SI'C'l'l'Ial'.I' ' 1'I't':I"II)'('1' { ' n l'i [ Ialllllloml ai lit fUl'lII t,,, Syslt'lIl ( 'ulllll'il Xo. 7 I·;x­t,t·uth ., Bual·tl " It'm lX'\" It \ 'oltm(,I', :Itt of whom :11'(' 110\\' I'<.'ti l 'l'li , I II raet, Ihcsc lalks WI'I'C not only cn-


joyed but Eddie LeClllir' br'ollf{ht dowll ' he hOllS(' wh(,11 h(' a cil' iS('d Ihl' (h'lcgnh'J.! Il lll t 1I0W, siu('e h(' i!4 o rl IB E\\- Pew.ioll, ;;h(' nevcr hlld il 'iO /.!ood ,"

. \ 1101111'1' IBEW 111('1111)(' 1', who is 11011' T .. all"IIIII·tntioll HI'Il I'l'st'lIlnlin' fur' Ilw /l1'pnl'tltU'1I1 or La lH.)I', 111'­FUI'I'('"I ( 'Iill(', SJlo).;t' 011 ,\P]lI'l' lIl i(,I'­ship ' l'I'uillittg' 111111 F ,'fit'I'lllly-spolI­~""t'l l npPI'l'lllit"'"hill 1)l"()I!'·III1I~.

SieHl Impro ve me nt Tro ining Program s

I lilt' 1'11111 i,mltl Ill ' pl,(".t ' nl:r 1 i v(' ('Iii,').; 11 1I.""'! 1>1'1"1"1'11 Ill\' d ,'h'g'IIlt-s ('IHWI'I'Hill/! III\' IBEW ~kill Im­P''()WIIII'llt 1'111g""IIII1..; 1111(1 I h(' ('tiu, ('aliurl1l l JIlat\'l'ial Iinrilahl(' to 111('111 thl'ollg:l. 0111' Iltl"I'untiOlial f}lli('I', BI'OII'I'I' lI art'''; Iw..; ~'I liP II 1111111-

1)(,1' ui ~kill IIIIPI'II\'l'lIIl'lIt 1'1'0'

g'I'III11S in ow' 1·!lill'tJ .. d 1()('lrI uuiou..; IlIttl i~ 11I'ailahll' Itt a .... "is1 lIlly of lire l'ailr'();l d 1'M'al ullioll~ ill j.:'l'tlill).{ ,·tl.lI·lIlional IIJ'U).:"I·IIIII"; SIIlI'll'(\.

/)lIrill~ 11w IIfl"I'110011 'it.'--siotl 011

Frirlar, \'i('(' 1'1"1'Sit1I'1I1 ll alll''I'~' Wt'II' inln <i('lllil ill "Xpi;rillill)! OUl' Jll'tlhlt,lrt~ w illt I III' HiJ,:"lIa Itllt'll '..; (II'· J,:"llllizutioll, Tilt' Si),:"l1nltll('1I lra vl' III'l' ft fultftd ~lIilt,\' Ilf l-iolaliUII of ,hi' ~o· liahl Put" of ,IJ(' .\FJ.,(' I O, Tltl',\' hal"(' l,t'fLl!wci 10 wi,h"I'II\\' IllI'ir (·Iaillls Iwfol'l' t ilt' Thi n l Dili· ~ioll fOl' tirl' t'lt't,t l'il'lrI wOl"k 011 th(' Stlullh'I'!l P Hrifi(' 111111 olh(' I' HIIH­I'oud'l, 'l'lw Hi/.!llIrllII" !I ira\"(' plm·,'d lirl'I II",' I\-('s in ll llosi'iOlI Wht'I'I' 'hl'~' ha \"I' 'Ut'IlI'!l Ilu'h' bnrk 011 I hr .\1-'1 •. (' 10 , lind "IIII'I('ql1l'nl]y 111'(' ('ollsiil( '. ·1'1I IIPI' II 10 tJlW!IIizillJ.:" h~' lilt, I BEW, OUI' g:I' llt'.'1I1 ('hnir'ult'll al"f' making a ~III'I·t'.I' 011 Illt'il' in· tli\'idnal JlI'OIWI'lit,S 10 d('jI'I'miu(' titl' lH'tlJwl' li lllt' In ]lut 011 a IIl'in' 011 t irl'i I' ilHliddlwl PI"OPI'l'l it ,,,; to S(,(,III'(, Ih(' rt'lm'st'lIllrtiOlI uf tht' HiJ,:"llllllllrll h,l' Ihl' !BE\\', \ 'i{"l' I'I'I'sitll'nl Hnnl'it'." a ... ~ln'('d 111t' .h,I('­ga'I'''; Ihat 11t' w()1I1t1 fUl'lIi..;h tl1l' g" III"'1I1 ('hail'IIlt'11 illfol'lllll,i()ll ('OIl, ('l'l'lIing" 'he Higllllhll"11 in Iht' U('I1I' fllllll'(',

11i1t'I'Jlat iOIH.1 Hr]>I"t'>;"111 alin' ,J, 'I'a,l'illl' ~OOJl ()lIllilll,d IIH' l'hllllg't'S in Iltt, F.,.lt-I'nl i.I"PI't'lioll of Ilwo­lIlul in'..;, :l'l ]).'opI)sl'd hy Ilw 1'111'­

.. it,l's, BI'OIIlt'I' S.,111l Illso l)I'ieft't l tht' ilrll'j.(II It'S Oil l h" s tltnts of p('lld,

ill l-:' Irgisi:llioll , iJl('ludblg" hills wc tJPPosI·d and ,Il l' hills wc SUppOlt,


A t t he fi l'st S{'ssiull Vi('r I' l'e..; i­dcnt Ila ltlst',I' inll"odu cl'd ,hi' Iwo Ilcwly.d c(, ll'd g-CIlCI'lrI dlail'ln('t1, Brolht'I"l Ik ll Mmcl"S, Htl('k 1..;1/1 11(1 Imd Olst'll of Ihl' l' ulltrl,UI ("0111-]lllll,\". \ 'i('\, I'J 't's i(](,lIl Haw""',I' ;tl~)

took 'h is O"pUl'tUllil~' 10 iull'\)(III('" two l'isilol'S fJ'()JtI (',l1ll1l1a, j ;1 '11\'1"111

1 'hail'lllan ," 'N'I'IP 1'1'0111 H I'J:iollltl

('oUlwil So, :! ant! I kh'~illt' H, ' I'h h'it' I'g-t', I.I)('a I ( '" iOIl So. :iIi! ,

During (1111' :-;alltl'dny SI' ....... iOIl, WI' l1:1d II", pit-lISlll"t' of 11I'IIl'ill,!! f1'01l1 Ollt' old h'il' lld 1II'I'h 111'llsh'y fl'om j Ill' [ ' lIill' iI Slilit's SlI\ill)..:"; Bond f)l lisiolt of 1111' ' l' j'I 'llSIU',1" HI" lIill"lllt'll!. ,\Ii l1~l1n[ fUI'ui..;lit,,, lilt' (1('11' :.:"11" '''; \\ilh a 1"'11 ";IOI'il'''' 1"1'0111 ' l'I'xas, On Iht, ... t'I'io1l"; ... ir!l· Ill' till'·

lil1('(1 ,ht' 1I'I'IIWIIIIIIlI"; 1II IIan1:1)..:I'''; ,ltl"OlIldl pH.nllll dt'ti(lt'lilm..; ill thl' ]llll"rlw'i(' of :-;;ll'ill:''''' B(JIIIls, II"; 11,('11

It-. fi"ml('iaIIHll1l1llll~t'''; til' I'hallg-il1~ .. E" hond..; \(J " 1/ " Bfllilk It i..; wilh sin('('I..- 1'(',!!I1.'1 Ihal WI' I',', ('('il"('(l hi~ alUltlIlII(·t'lIl('ut lilli' Ihi ... I\!lulrl ]l1't,hahly III' hi'l In>;\ vi"it ... inN.' hI' would soon 1II'I'il"l' III Ihl' .'l'lil'('m('nl aj!'"' lInd 11(1111"11(11 vi'lil lilt .I' [ullin .. ' 1'I"Og'I1.'SS .\I t'I·linh'S 1111-I(,s.'l w(' IlI'ld IIII'm 11(1\\ II ill hi.;; " IW(').; of Ilw IHXKIs" ill '1','xII";.

About th e Railroad Re tjre me nt Act

Bill Ba l'!I\,''', n,.;sistanl Itl ,\I' l

1.,"011, lalllll' IlIl'm ht'I' Haill'wHI HI" li.'cllIl'1I1 HOllnl ('XI('Il t1I'd J,:" I""'lin/-l"s i"mm 1 ~l'o,hl'I' .\1" I ,,\'( III IIn,1 s IHlk('

Oil I he nlriolls H";Ill'('ts of 1111' HI' I il'c·

llI{'ul Art. H e a l~ distribUled pnlllphl('I"I 10 the d('I('1-\'1I1 ('s, whkh ('(HIIllinl'd 1\ gl'CIII d ral o f ,"aluahlr illl'Ol"lll:l,ioll 011 Ihe Ha ilr'oad H(', 1il1.'1I1I'1I1 ,\ rt und Ifai]l'Oati l 'u('lIl­[lIO.l'1I1I'1i1 IIt"Ul'il ll('(', .\1 r, Ha ..J)(' I'

al-.<) l'pI'1I1 Stllll(' lilll(' III1";WCl'illJ.:'

IllIesti!),,'! 1',li:-'I'1I hy Iht' dl'll'galcs. IIIIU' ir 10 IllI' il' "Hli'lfllctioll,

\ '1.", l ' I'\'sil lt'111 l~ aIJl"I'Y s]l1'111 11,(' t'{'lIlllintlt'I' (If 11,(' SI.'SSItJII Itll'll\t'rillg' qnl'..;1 iUlis 1'1'\)111 Ihe lit'I,', g'IIII'S 1'()J1('\'I'llilll! ,hi' II JIJllit';llion of I itt' WUj!t' " WI"',I-'<' . \ j!I'I"'IIll' lll alltl , hI' .Job I'I'oh'('liou Hilt! COIIU';Il't ,

11I/.!.1)1l1 ,\ :.::n'I'lIIt'IIL '1'1'1' ,11'1('gllh's Ivuk lip a I'ohm,

1111',1' 1',III"('HolI ,11111 IlIatl., 11 l!1' 11 -(,,'OIlS ('01l1l'ilmliull hI h(,lp om' ";11'1Idllg- IkOlht'l"S ou lhe Flol"ida East ('oma,

J\ l1Ipll' O]lpol"tlluil,I' 11':1.') g'in:'11 to all lilt' dl'lI'gall",,; to >;Iwa).; ('OIl('CI'I1,

iug :1I1~' ul' lilt, pl'nhlt'lils nf Ilwil' iu(lilil llllll 1"lil"oa,1. TIll' I!:l'Jll.'l'al tliM·U .... 'liol1 t·;utll' 10 an (·m] abonl num. 1111 Salul'''''Y anti \'i('l' 1'1,(,,,i· 11.'n' l'UIII ..... ·y ,hal)kl,( 1 till' (h'I('}!al('s I'or' Illt'il' kiml lIth'lltiOIl, allli

lI'i"III'" Ilh'm 1111 "U'KI SP''i.'tl J lolII(',"

( 1/1 II r1wt iU)i{// HIIJI'CS{lItfltil'c F rllIlI. U ltldllCY .H,iI "('frefs <If hlf l'IIJfl 'If) /,idlIl'LY II{ I/d/[IUlrs to Or, /'roflrlSs .I/u'/j'lylo /feWIIII/(IlIY

fMt arlif/(, bltl Ilromjll(s to r(("lif!! Ihf IIIflltU' 'Uft yOll", 11'(' "{''''lOW', ((/!li' will! (/1(1111.-" III( flI/IJd Jl'firk of /(f/J/'I.Wll /ut i,·c (;Jm/lIlY ilt I"CJlurt, illfl fill mccti/lrI,)

The intrica te wiring Iylleml On dielels, Ii ~ e the on. shown he ..<;t wo,~ed on by Bro the r Harold G. Morrin, L. U, 1115, Ken.e. City, Missouri, poinl up the need for S ~ ill Trlinin<;t pro<;t'em •. This topic rec.i~ed much inl., •• t at the P'o<;tr ... Mu l in<;t,


Ri ..... "idl Moto, Lodgl w~' ,ite of 'flnion.



G A'I'II EHl i\G OHl'{' more ill Ihe "(lanlcn S pot of thc ,,'orld,"

sOlll e I::!;:) (h'legatcs to the Twelflh I) isl I"i('t 's :-\i n('\ ('(' III II :\ Illl un I I'rog­ress .:'ol ecting elilllb('d high up ill Te ll ll{'s.~C("s Grcat f.;lIloky )loul1-talus to tile bt'Hutiflil Hil" et"side MOtOI' Lodgc in Gatlinbmg for two d;tys of busin('ss mixed with p[ell.SIII'C,

'\\'t'[('oming his :.Inff Hlld Yi:.itot'S A, W, Schmidt, Fourth District [nlel'Jlutional Ex~' ~' utiye COUII(dl lIleTlllwl", ,J. C. I':pprt'soll, Six th Distrh,t In\el"llil l ional Executivc Council member. and lIaydl'lI Bell , T \\"('lfllt Distrid IlIt crlllllioll­al Hepr('sclltaliyc ("ctired ) , In­lel'llllliona l Yi ('e Pr'es i<l ent "T, B. Petty op(,lIcd the Ill('eling" wit h u dinn ct' and short IIdd t" ess Oll

' l'h Ul'S(la.\', .lllile 2'ltiL.

P romptly at 10:00 n.IlI, tltl.' fol­lowing mOI'ning", nil delega trs \\"('1'(' wclcoll1('d IIml t'ni ight('l\ed b~- \ ·icl.' Pr('si(\{'lIt Petty ill lin opening addr('ss that CO\"{'rcd the Ilecessit.\, o[ Ol\r SlIppo !·ting tOPE, the progress on l'e)(>111 of Section H (b) 01" t he '1'lIfl. li ar-tley Act lh l'ouf!h Congress, o rganizing, ami tht' prott'dion of 0111' jllrisdietioll in th c electrical industl'Y.

FollolI"illg BI'other Pett.", tile lllectillg WIlS ad(I1'('~SNI by Bob Shaddi x, I'Cg-iOllill lIil'cctor o[ Ihe Builclillg" 'I'racles Df'p1l.l·tmclIt. Brother :::lhaddix en lnrged on the necessi l.y of our conincling ou r


legislatol's ill COUlIl,(,tioll Willi the n'pca] or I-I ( IJ ) , supJlOlting GO P]';,, and )}l"ol l'c,tion o[ Ollr' jut'i'ldi(,tioll in the eOllstl"ll(;\ioll field.

United Effo rt N eeded

Ire further 11PP(,1II ('(1 to the dele­gatt's rt'prcsentin~ (,Ollstruction local s by stilting" that we need more (,OOIH'l"lItioll 1)('III"(>en th(' YIII'iollS lut erlllltiOlllll " uions in the Bllilding ' I 'rad('.~. Slradtlix urged t)lIIt II'C I'cmt'lIlbcr the p ri­mary t('lI('t" of ulliollislI\ nn d \\"orl. tog-Nhe[' mthcr I.hun IlS illdiY iu_ uals.

JII clol>illg, the ('frec!s of the Ci\'il Hights Act 011 unions \\'l'l'e explo l'(>(\ lind disCHSS{'d .

OUI' IIt'XL sp('lliH' I' WitS lflll"old \\" t'il', :-'Oll l)1('l'II Hegio1l<tI Di rec tor o[ :'\"ECA,

.:'olr. Wei r pl'eSelllN\ a wry l>II'aightfol'ward diSl'ussion o n the aims of XJ;;CA thai WIIS inforlllfi. ,i\'c and could \\"{,[] be tllkell to heart by 1111 partil's cOllecI·l1 ell. One I"l'!lllll"k ill Plll"lic lilar, "Thosl' Ihillgli that nre goood for IBEW lire also good CO[' XI':C,\. lind those tlring-s tllllt arc good for j\"J.:;C,\ ~Il'(, 1£ood fOI' IBEW " '\';18

YCI'y pcn(·trnti ng, It mig-ht be wcll to t'l'm cm bcl' thnt i\ECA ltali

,joined 0111' BI'ot ht'rhood in LIlt' battlc H!.(lIinst ::;e('\ion I-I ( b ).

Anotlwl' pert inent point was raised whcn :\rr, Wei r' I)oinled out

thal N]<;CA was [orlll('(\ 10 ('WIble its mcmbc rs to make It pl'olit ill the eiedr'icll! eonlrllc lillg business, and Ihe li\'elillOod of Illflny Illem· bel'S ill our BI'olhcl'ilOOd d epe nds IIPOIl NECA COlllnl('tor'S mailing a profit lIltd staying ill bw;iness.

Concluding his talk, MI'. Weir informcd liS that St'!"\'iees such as P ublic Hc latiolls, :'Il arkt'iing, and Labol' Relations art' some o[ the olhe l' lItivnmagcs olrcI·('(t j\"ECA members li S weil as th" OPPOrtll­nit." to liSt' th e sen'it·t,s of Ollr uniqlH' IIlld much em'it'd COlillcil 011 fndu strill l Re lations.

Following" it nOOH bl'cak Cor lunch, the gmup \\"lIS cailcd to or'dc!" b.\' IlltcrnatiOllal \"icc Presi­dent Pi'tt,\' \\" ho th f'll ilitrorl ll ced N II;CA (;huptel' i'bll1llget' HII Y­mond ('lllh oUll .

Broth('r Culhoull ('xprcsse(\ hi8 plcllsun' at bl'illg illvil ('d to Ollr I'rog-ress :\I('l,ting lIud llllyillg tlJt> o pportunity o[ s('('illg so many of Iris ft-iclilis agHill.

Train ing and Educa tion

Brolll l'r Hobert Is. :'I lclnt.vre WIlS th(>n prese llted to t he group, and rmr(h, llll imp,·cs....;h'c talk 011 the vital lIe('essity o[ ollr mCIll · bel'S, Jotll"l\{',nll cJl, cOlltinuilLg t hei r tl"Hining" lind educatioll.

)It'. 'i\ldll t,\'I 'C, 11"110 is IlssistllllL diretlor or the i\aliollul ,Joint Ap­prenticeshi p alld 'r rnin ing Com· mittee for the Electriclll l ndustry,


poinled ou t t il a t Il l(' ('1C'C11' iM I in. dust r)' is IIlllking" su ell tremendou s tc('h ll olog'i(,ld :ldnlll("'~ Ihnt tl](.' I'c i~ Il cri l il'a l IH'cd for !)1I1' Iwo ple 10 keep pile.·, 01' WI' will bl' lost. Ill' ~Ia!('d Ihat lll1li's!; IBEW !lU'Ill·

b(']'s (·outillllt· 10 pn'pul'(' 1I11d 1'(111' eatl' I h ('I1ISI'I\·\'". Ihat SOlU\'OI!t' l'ls(' will b(' doillg 0111' \\'ol'l" l'rog"I·\· .... s is \'(lIllilllliug' <Iud it i.s our oblig-a. lioll 10 lraill 111111 ('dUelL\(' 0111' Il\('mbcl's 10 ('Inlbll' 11-; io kl'('Jl abl'l'lIs1 1IIHilllail1tlliu our posilioll.

BI'Otil('I' :\1(' 1111.\'1'(' ('otlfil'llled 1111110111' ILJlJlPrt'lIli.,C' ... h ip program is al·(·t'plabl,' to IIII' I,'(,(h'rnl (;0\'. (' r lllll('111, nud tJwt we Illll,'il (·on· lilllte (jlll' ('olllp l i1l1l('" wilh 'I'itl(' 29 ill t·.'l!anl III til!' 1;l'1('l'!i(Ju of lip· pr('nlitl's, 11(, Sll~n!('sl('d lllllt all lotals adopi lIlt' proe('dII I'CS liS . ..,IIg-g'('Sh·d b,\' I It(' ;\11 t iOll11 I ,I oi II L Apprl'lItil'(';;hi l) null Traiuil1g' Com· mitt('c II'hil,lt 1I'0uid nll('\'illh' un)' futul'l' probh'llls,

F'ollo\l'ing' his IIddt't'ss. HI'olh('r :\ldllt.\'I't, h('ld 11 (jll('J;liulI alld an· swer J;1~S!;iOIi whit-II hl'l'alilC some· what spirill'll.

11It('I'I1t1liIll1ll1 EXI'Nlti\·C' BOllrd "it'llIbl'l' ,JO(' I';PPI'I'-;on W/IS 0111' nC'xt Slwukl'I', and l'xplaiurl1 IIOw OUI' rr eXHS Bl'olllel's hull ellth


d 01l a ted *5.00 p (' l' 1I1('11I I)e ]' to be ll l;('(\ fO I' l)ol itield j>lI l' pO.-:;('!; HS

11('('drd , 'J'I1('s{' funds a r t' PI'('i'(' lItiy u('illl!' us('(1 to p a,v [01' publil'ily ill tile mass news media 1'01' the t'(' I)o':1I ur 1-1 ( b ) .

Ihothl' r E pPI'J'S()1I fllJ' l lwl' spokt' 011 t I!t' Ilt'('t! fot· ('ael! 01' It"; to {·iHI·

lat't Oltl' !o;1'natol's anti n t'I)I'('seutll' tin'S I'('g'<lnling th(' !'I'lll'llI o[ !::ie('· lion I I ( h ),

Civil Rights ond Appre ntice Selection

i'()II·diSf' I·;rnimtlion and the Civil nig'llt.~ ,\"t was Ih(' tll(' Il1(, tukl'l1 by Bl'oth('1' Bl'ltl'e Tomlil/, lI('xt 011

1 h(' s IWakt'I's' SI:11H1. .mel I'I'PI'(" sl'lIlll.ti\·e o[ lhe I ' llill'd l:)tatl'S D('· ])lU'UUl'ut of Labo r . BIII'l'lJU of Ap. pt'entil'eship and 'I' raillillg'. EdlO· iug- IIt(' sl'lllillll'I]jS of a ]>1'101'

speaker, Brother 'l'omlill lIddscd Ill' 10 adopt Ihe proN'dur{'s of th(' K,J.\ and T COllllllittec for the sl·!t'I'lioll of appn'nlit,(,s III simpli. fy lind pl'('n' nt problellls thaL would Jlmbab ly 01'('111' wilh in· di\'i dual Ill(,tilods,

The iIllPO I'!:IIIt'(' of Illldl'rslllllti· ill~ frillg'(' benefits whell Illld{ing llr('11 \l'lIgol' d('t('rminaliOIlf; \l'as also strl'ss('d. In nlall.',' casl'S the fll'Ca



\ 1'1lg-(' d(' t(' I'm;llntio ll is d ela}'ed elu (' to n lIt iSlllltil' I'SIHIHiill g of 111(' il1('llIsioll of f l'illg'(' U('l1l'/ils u.\' th e pal·t it'S.

Al this poillt s\'n'l'a l (]('It'g-nles 1\' ('1'(' ('/IIii'd Ill! 1'1'0111 illt' flull!' to ,Iis('u ... s 1111' 1Il/,thods th(',I' 11'('1'('

IlSiHg' ('UII"('!'Itillg' {'h'il rig-hIs Il1ld ;(PP]'('!lli,'(' s('II'(,tillll, lIlld nftl'l' a

h·llJ.!'t fry diS\'lIS~iul1 1 hi' 111('('1 iu:; adjutll'Ul'd fot· 1 he da,\'.

.\fh']' Iwillg' l'alh'lI 10 ot·ilel' hy \'il'l' 1'l'('sidt,tll I't'tty, 0111' Fialm'· day J1IOt'nillg' !o,('ssion ~()t in to fu\1 swillg wilh It S])t'\'C'!1 by Inl"l'lla· tiolilil EXt'I'uti\·.' ('01ll1l'il :\1(,111bi'r ,\ , W, ~(·hmidL

Brolhel' ~'khlllidt l'ndOl's('(1 the slah'U1('Il1s of 1)I'\'\'iol1S s]H'akcl's ('olll:t'l'uiug- thl' illlpol'taucl' of writiug' Oll r Il·gislutor..; 011 ]'l.' lklll or 14 (b) and IIii'll (k'w!'ihe(\ ho\\ the I BE\\, is "eopinl!" ( 110 ]HlU inlt'lId ('d ) wilh IIH' political situa­lion ill Flol'idll. li e \~Xplllilled that th(, F lol'idll. Sla\(' EI"I'(ritul Work. (' I"l Assol'iatiOll 1m,> (,llIplo,\'{'(i iI

fuilliul(' it'gislnlin' n'pl'{'Selllllti\'e 10 look aftt'r Ih('il' iU1i'r('sIS while thc sllll,' li'g-isllllllrt' is in session. 'I'his pro('I'd11 re apparently IS \\'ol'killg \\'(,11 nlld pel'll1lps some

F., 1./1: I.E.C. M.mb., A. w, Schmidl, l.ft: Bob Sh.ddil .dd"uel Ih, m.lting, low •• I.ft: H.yden a.H, ,elired in· le'"III;on.1 '.p, ... nl.liw •. a.. 10 .. : l.dill .Hlnd;ng lunch.on

given by M". Petty.


of Ihc ll ssoeiatiolls 1Il OUI' 12th District s hould wkc a clOM' r look at it,

Proble m 0' Non - Union Controctors

Brother C, T, Pa rker, business mallllgc r of I.oclil 132:1. Rock­wood, 'I'ell ll i'SS(·c. talk f'd on tllc probirUls of (; OI'('I'lIl11elll wOl'kcl's in our Brotherhood,

A110ther K I':CA Heprcsclltnlivc, T ed Diebeh, thl'lI discussed prob,

ICllls clI('oul1 tr l'('(1 wilh uufllir COil, t ractors in Iii )! III'l'/I, li e bt.' 111 onn cd lhe filet thllt. lil(> fil'st non-union eOll tnH'to r in 40 real's iii 1I0W doing work on the Pnh'(> rsilr o[ '1'(,11 11(>ss('r, lI11d Il11otl1('r Iurlt(' l'011-II'lI('t has jll..;l bren aw arded to IIll \lufair t'olllruelQ r,

A distlll'bill!{ nlling" by thc i\1. HH ill ~{'I\' York wlJidl 1I1i:,dll tl'11d 10 kllOl'k Otlt our lJirillJ,:' hall proi'Nlurc WIIS I1lso brought 10 our


Om' phOIO!{I'aph Iti.lOW', show'! (;on'I'llOl' ,Iohn L on' siA'lLil1~ impoI·t:1I1t It'gishltiol1 inlo law in 111f' PI'i''';i'I1('i' or IHI';W nll'ltll}('I'.'1 now ""I'\il1).:' in thi' ('olurado SIIlI" l, rl!islalul·('. '1'11(' hills bl'in~ l'i:':l1(,d h.,· (ion'I'II(J1'

[,on:' 0 1:1.1' Ii. 1!lIi.-)) will j.(1·I'ntl~· iIllJlI'u\'p WUI'kl1 H'u's ('ompl'Il'lalioll thmu!!holll tht' 'l11L1f',

Thl' hills illt'I'l';!"" II1l'{li"HI h,·nt·fits In :;:'1.:100,00, mul !'lIiS(' th,' 1\I·,·kl:.' 11I'lwfil *.I.:?I 10 :trIn,DO .\1"'1 1, .. IHhli"lwd 1\'lIS 11 lIi-.lI'lI"I· Inslll"11IWi' Fund whil'h woult! p!'o\idt, lOll).:' 1I'l'm aid 1'01' UII injlll'I'd Inll'kl'I', lind \Ihit·h (-QuId lx' paid I'UI' 1I1:111Y ,"('H I'S aflt'l' IIIl' IIOI'IIIH[ p:lYl1ll'uls Iwd (' ... pit·('ll.

Ihopl't'S('B1alil'(' ('Iwl'l('s [k.\lll1llill. a 1Il"IIlIX'I' III' [, l l, G", 1)"111"1'1', \1:lS \i(ol' dllli\'H1H1l of Ihe lIoll:.,· LlIhol' ('Olllll1i!lt'I' aud "poII<';Ul'l'i1 Ihl' l,ill'! ill tlm t hod,\',

Sl'IwlOl' :John .J. DonlcJII, who i" hIlSill('S.'l l1Iallll~('I' of L,P. J 13, ('olor:ldo Spl'inj.(s. ('al'l'i('(1 Iht, I('/..:islatioll Ihl'Ou~11 Ih,' HI'lllItt',

'I'h('S(' two IHI';\\' 1.,egi..;IIlIOI'S Wt'I'" al0,;0 pl'illlt' SPOII<;QI'S 1'01' 1111 ll{'l \\'hi(,h gl·eall.1' iUIJ)J"ol'cd Ihl' Ell'l·tl·it'al Lu\\'. '1'111' law now IIHS 1111 illl · pro"N] fcc sdll'tiul ,' and will Illakr it pos.."ible to pili on IlIHIl." mol'C iu.<;peelol'S 10 wOI'k ill the fil'ld,

IItti'l1 lio n by HI'oth er Dict~ch. Th is merl'l), nliirms a !) tlllCIl\('nt llIade 1111111.1' times 10 thc cll'cet that belll,fils and proc('dur('s broug-ht lIiJOllt after ~'('nI'S of col­Ii'cti\'e bllrgllillillg CIIIl bi' lost in minul('s Imd lit the stroke of /I


:-\EC'.\ . ('hllptr!' "i\[lIl1ngcr I,Olli s i\ lcGoldril'k WlIS in11'oducl'{1 uud ('xprcs.,>{'d his plellsure in bi'ing illvitcd, lind his illterl'st ill onr meeting,

Progre ss Reported

This cOJl('lu<ieci the formal ad­dr('sses, aut! \l'lIS folloll'{'d by 1'(' ­

porls of t'III'1'('lIt ('I'ClItlo, /Iud prog"­rc!-;.'I by the I'urious dt'll'~ati's,

Whili' II1m'h brllc fil'ial iufurnlll­tion ami l'xl'ltall~e of i(j('!ls lI'a"l A'aiued at this I1Ll'Clitlg', II,t 111(' hnsleu to l1S'IUI'l' our l't'lIdt'!"s lltat r('laxatioll and r('c l'('ati on Wt'ri'

/lIsa I'ealurt·d.

Lodies Entertain ed

'rllc IlIr~"'1t lurlloul nf ladit,~ ill lHemOI',\' \1'/1S 1"'('''('111 lit thi .. 1'1'0).:'­

l'i'SS M CC liu/-:,. \rhill' tht, IlIt'lll'olk wrrc busy, l ll(' ladi,'s I'JljoYI'd ! II!' 1tl~'riad "II I i'l'1 II illllH'lIl I'I'allll',,'I olTl'rNI by this 1'1'-.01'1 t,,\,'11, In IIddition to sho]lpiu!! alltl I'j, .. iliu).!. !)011H' -10 of thl' ladi,'s WI'!"" .'ult'r­tuillf'd at 11 ItlI1l'ht't1u ~il·l·tL hy :'Ill'S, Pdt.'".

Tllt'l't' I'" II 1't)!'t""I'linll Illal shollld 1)1' ltd(Io'd h"I'(', .\11 hUI otto'

of Ihi' ludi,· ... jllII· ... II(,1I till' 1""'1"'11-I ion.1I f:tI'ilil i,·..;. Si .. h'l· LYIII' ~tid

ham, d .. h':,.:'ull' fl'om 1,. 1'. lO~j,

('(llIk"l'ill,·. 1'1'1111""'''''''' wn..; 1"1'.1' tlllH·h ill 1I1t"lIdalll'I' at III,' husi­III' ...... :.{' .... "iOII'l, /11111 lIas illslt'l!tll"II"

Ild III om' IllItil1laiuiug' a hiJ.:It tll')..:I'\'t' of d"('III'Unl.

In (,In>;ill).:'. \\'" lI"i ... h 10 H).:'lItu

11Ikl' uoli"I' III' Iht· !In'''I'lll''' III' Broth"r Hili! :'Ill· .... 11;1~'dl'll H,'I I. '1'00 Ofll'll StlltH' of OUI' ,'·Ollll).!,·I· uH'llIb(>rs rail to 1"'Hlt'ml)('r II ... hard wodt IUIII d".lit·nlioll Illat \\,,'1'" pilI forth h." 0111' '1('1111)1' Bro)!h"rs Jik,' l la."\I(>11 BI'II. i,trUt'ls Ihlll 1181'(' IIIlul(' 011 1' 1IIIioll onl­!o.I<IIltlillg" 1I1l11 a 111'o111(' l'hoot! (If whidl \\'~' al'l' Hl1 \'ery pruud,

( We (ukllow/rlirlr with Ihf//lk.~

lire work of hl{('nllllimwf U('III"('­sell/alive J . .II , JJ l'iu)J{iillc 11t com­"i/iIlY Ihc «(bot·c rcport.)


In Ihe prelen~e of former Pre,idenl Harry S, Truman, P,uidenl lyndon B, Jollnlon ';9nl f~a So(.i.1 Se(.u,ity Amendment. I.w, In b.d9round .re Mil, John,on, Vic, P,uident Hump~ .. y <lind 1.4", T,um<lln,

THE New Medicare ACT

T TTE 20-"('1\1' battl (> for II Kf\· tional J[ eilith l'ISUI'<lI\Ce Pro­

gJ'alll, whieh W:I~ bCJ!:un hy 1'01'111('1' Prcsident ] lal'l'Y S. T ruman ill Ko\'cmbcl' J!J-I,), cullllina\t"d in vic­tory for the 20 milliOIl .I\ medelllls 0,'1'1' age 6':', when Pn:sitlcnt ,Iohn­SOil signed illio Inw the Sor ial Sccm'ity . \ nwndnl('lltfl of 1!165, on July 30th,

Pl'cs idcnt .Johwwll chose the H ill't'," S, Trunwn Lilmu'y in Jnde­pendencc, )1issol1l'i, liS thc sctting rO!' thc signillg of tiLr ;Ut'dieat'C Bill ill ol'del' to spotlig'ht the fH('1 tltnt the fOl'lIIel' P rcsident 1)('g'1111 the fight, for ;l hroad plHn of ttlcdicHI C1lre fol' the ;1A'l'd ,IS ]lal't of the Socia l Sc(:ul'itv 1)I'Og'l'um, Tile President suit!, " I iJ('li('\'(' IIll A nl(!I'iCIl shul'cs my joy 111;]1 Ji llt'!'y Tl'umHIl is pl'rselit noll' when Ihe hope hc offered be('oll1cs 11 t't'ali ty


fill' millions of 0111' h'llow titi1.('lls, \\' h('11 11l'(1i('11l'(' 1:lI.'I.'Ollh'S ('n-eel j\'C on ,l uI), I, 1!16G, 110 longcl' will vld('l' Art1('I'i('lllls lx' d('nicd th(' hcal­ing mil'aell' vI' modl'l'n lHt.'diciuc, Ko 101l1tl'I' \\'ill iJlllcs,'i ('rll.~h lind dc-811'0." Ih(' S1l\'i l\~s IhHt thcy ha\'e so cl1l'pfull." pllt away 0\'('1' 11 Iifrti11le so IhaL tll('Y mig-ht. t' njoy dignity in Ihrit, ]lltel' YNII'S,"

MOI'(' Ihall two hundl'l'd lawltlflk­el'S, Inbol' It'ad(' I'S and C:O\'Cl'lllll('ut (,lnplo,n's \\'ho had 111:1,\'('(1 kf'Y 1'01(',> in g'cttillg: till' \('g'islutiOIl passcd, \\'el'(' in nttCllrlulIcl' nl the signing', J.' OI'1I1(' 1' I' I'l'sidt'l1t '1'I'\lllla ll , 8 1, dsibly Ill()\'ed by th(' o('('asioll, de· ctHl'ed: " I alll ~hl!l to hn\'c li\'/~d lItis 101l g: nnd 10 witll,'ss thc signitlg of thr 1[l'dil';Jt'I' bill."

J\]·' I ,.(' ] () I't','sidt' llt Gcol'ge )rC11Il,\', \\,; I tlt'SSl'tl IIw sig-uinl{, and di.'('bll'l'd: "Alliong Iii] t he histOl'ic

Icgis!;lti\'(' aehicvelllen ts of I'cecnt mouths, this ilIay well be the grcllt­~t ill tel'ttlS of humlln happilles-<;,"

SC IIlItor Clinton Audcrsoll, ( Oem" N,'lL ) and HcprcS('ntati\'c Cecil King' ( Delll" C.ll i£.) wcrc SpOUSOI'S of the final bill fl'OlIl whieh 11edi('arc cmcl'ged,

Sllacc docs not pCl'1ni! 11 listing­of lIll those who ha\'c worked long lIlltl hlll'd rOt' the pas.''ilIge of thi ... it'gislaliol1, hut we must m('lltion i'\('I:son I I. Cntikshal1k, l1il'c('tOl' of O~' I)aI'tlllcnt of Social Secnl'ity, A].' ] ,·e I 0; .J olm Eddlcman, forlllcr legislativc t'<,pl'<'scnIHti\'c of the Tex tile Ww'ke!'s Unioll; IlOW Bxc· <:uli\'c iJil't'('\Ol' of the j\'ationnl Council of Scniol' Citi1.ells; and 0111' OW II Jnl CI'lllItionlil Officers, Pl '('sident (;0]'(1011 Fl'Ccman, who scl' \'cd wilh di ... ti ll etioll on thc P residcnt's Ad \'isol'~' COJllmittee Oil


Sotial Scturitr :lIld fou:::ht 10 I;Cl'P )r('di('HI'C in Ihc li'port: and 8(,(-1"(,­

Ill!".\" ,J oscph D, Kccmm, 11'110 (-011-Iribukd a g'I'C1Il dC[l1 h~ hclping to ciec\. men Irho f;l\'orNi 1 hc hill,

Wilhout the I'C('OlHlHl'I Hlatioll or Ihe CommittC'c on which l\ll', FI'CC'­

lllall seJ'\'l'd fo], tit ]'(,C' -,,(,[lI'fl, l\I ('d i­l'a)'e would pl'Obnhl r /len"I' ha n" (,OIllP liP fol' I'ote :It Illi>; ~C'~fl ioll of ('OllgTPss, 0111' i'I'(,fl idcllt wOl'kC'd long' and hani to hlll'(' the ..\ Ied i('a) 'c I'CCOllllllt'ndation made :1 fil'lll :llld intcg'l': il pal'! of th" A(h' isOI',\ ' (JOIll­JIliUce I'cpor!.

'I'llI' pl'O\' i" iollS of tllis 1'ur-]'rl1('h­illg piece or Ic~islation fal! under Ihree Ill<lill headilll-\'fl: I. lI ('alth Ill ­:;\1)';1 11(,(, fo)' thc Aged , II. Impl'o\'e­ments ill thc Old-Age, !=;UI'I'kOl'S

and I)isab ilit~- I m;Ill'<lll('C PI 'O!! I'HJIl1i, and III. I mpl'Ol'l'lllcnts in P ublic \\-dflll'C P l'ogl'ams,

The Dcp,JI'tmcnt of 1I (,:11Ih, l ~ dlL ­Clit ion lInd \\' l'lfarc is nOlI' PI'("PM­ing H filII kit of ini'onllntioll de­si!!llcd 10 aIlSI\'el' 1111 of ~'OUI' 'ItlC's­lions lilxllIt l il(-S(' IH,' II' PI"O!!I'lIllIJo;, This kit will I~ mailcd lo'a ll of Ih(' lIlilliolls who Illl\'c l'ctiJ'cd undcl' So{'iill R(-(~Ul'il~', Hailmnd JkliJ'I" lIIenl :md Cil'i! S(,I'I'icc lktil'CIlWllt, in D('(-l'lllhcl' i!)(i;i.

:--;ill(-(' , \ IJl('l'i("lIls of all a),(l's will hc ;lff{'('Il'd h.I' thc 111'11' ll'gi>;iatioll, this ;]I,tiel(' is 11 SIIIHlII;]I'Y of Ihe llliljOl' pl'o\'isiollS.

1. ~n:I)It',\HI':

Bnsi(' Il ospital i nslll'al1('e Hb"a/il'(' 0 (11(: ,Jill." I , 1966,1':\­

{'Cpl rO!, Illll'Sill),( hOlll(' 1I('Il('fi[-'; I\"hidl lIill nUl Ill' pl'odd('ll Ulllil ,/ IlUWIl".I' 1. 1%7,

1.'/i.llibilily : ,\ 11 tll'l'sOIlS G,; l1tl(l 0\·('1',



CX('t'pt ('('I'IHill g'1'(lllPS IIlld('l" F't'd('I'lli Elllploy('1,I Il l'Hl t l!

Bl'udits Ad :lIlll lllil'lls Il it h kr.s Ihull fi\'c ~'("nl'S l'l"sidclI(,C, Persons II'ho h('('olllc 6:; in 1!}68 01' thcl'c-11 ftr)' will hc CQI'(!I'C'd i r 1 h('~' h;l\'(" some Clllploymrll\' lIlU.l('I' tlU' S()('inl S{'('Ul'it,l' 01' l( aill'O:ld l(e t il"(,IllCllt ])I"OI!I'(lIt1!1,

Ul'I/l'/ils: S('n'iccs 1'01' wh i('h pay­mcnt 11'0111(1 h(' Illatl(" i1J('lud(':

Jl.uspilul \'UI 'C lIJI lu (iO da,l1i 1'01' ('a('h sp('ll of iIln('ss, with lhe pa­t i('nL PI1."illg' 11l e lil'ilL $40. An nd­d itiollHI :10 11:1,\'>; of hospi l:iliz:llioll lI'ould he 1ll'ailllbh' willI l11 C paliC'llt Pll,dllg' $ 10 il da,l', Bl'llclit PIl Y' rllCll l s will ('01'(' 1' tIl(- ('ost of 1'00111

Hlld bOlll'd ill st'lllip I'il'llle a('('OIll­Illod el'Hlio ns, IIl'dilllll'Y lluI'siu),!" ~l')'I' ires, :t11d thl' ('0,,111 or dnlJ.,,~

,111(1 slIppl i('.S flll' lli .~ IU'd hy Ihl' hos­pital. A "spt'll or illllt':-t~" b('g-ill~ with lhl' lil'st d ll.I' of hnspil,dizMioll and ('on li lHlt'.s unlil 60 days llft('1' (Iis{'hal'g-(' f)'olll H hospitnl 01' ('01'­I'tcd lIul 'lji ug' hOHlC,

Skil1rd I1\Il'sing' llOllH' (':II'C lip to 100 day,.; ill ('il<,h spcll 01' i llll("~ is p1'O\'i()('(1 :I I'H'I' ilt I, 'llst IIm"{' ,In,I's of hospitlllizlli ion. T his {'(lI'CI'lo! onl,I' f,H'ililif'S whit'll Illl'{'t high stand­al'(l!-l of l\I\1'Sillg ('III'e; it dOC'S nOl \'0\'("1' Stll,l- III t'u..;!o()i;tl-1n)(' IIHl'S­illl-( hOlllt,. Tht'I,t, is no {,hal'!!!' ttl Ihl' palit'1l1 1'01' th{' first :!O tla,l's ur sll('h ('111',,; tll{'l'j'arH'I', lip t(l tlw 100, ,hlY limit. liI(' j'h:II''':(' is $:; 11 <lny,

Afh'I' l'l'lt'as(' fl'VIll II lwspilnl 01'

lIlll'sin),:" houlI', Ill(' patit'lll Irlil,\' 1'4.', I'('i\'(' UJl 11) 100 h,)]])(, lLt'allh \'i~il~

in tht, Ht'xt ,\'I'lll' by H 11l1l'S(, til' 011Lt'1'

!t1'Hlth \\"ol'l, I'I' slli'lt ns II IIWI'lipist.

\ 'i--;its 11,\' II il()('hll ' :11'(' lIot ('{)\' l'l't'd,

Outpatit'1I1 din~ll ()sti(' tl'st~ in a ho~pitallll'l' ('u\"('I'('d 1I11dr l' this fOl'­llluln: Ill(' pnti!'llt pnys lilt' til'sl $:!O lIud ~O PI'I'('('111 uf tlt(' 1);IllIll('(' 1'01'

(,tI('h :!O,clny pcriod of d ingllost ic test ill!!,

I I()Jo; ion foJ' llIental ill ncss is ('o\'e)'('(1 on I he sn me \)Ul-l i!,l 119 othel' hospit:llizll l iOIl, except t hat thcl'e is a lif('ti!ll(, limit of .1 !JO days on p:IYlIH!nt fo\' treatment at a 1ll('Ut1il hospital.

Cost: '1'0 finance the l):1s ic hos­pitalization ins\ll'ance J)1'ogl'Hm, CIll­pl oyers :Hld 1\'OI'kcrs will Nlth pay n slll1lll »11,\'1'011 Inx on Ihe lil'st *r;,fiOO of (HllW;ll c(II'nings, ,~t lll'lillg

ncxt ' ];llIUa l '~ ', 'Phe moncy will be kcpt in II sepa rate nccoun\' f)'olll thc reg-Illn l' SOCifl[ SeC'ul'ity tux,

1-'01' lh c YC:ll' 1!166, the hospital ill SUl'll1lel' tllX will he 0.35 percent of ('OI'C I'N ] II'nges, J"OI' thc wOl'kel' lunki llJ.! $0,600 a ,1'1'<11' 01' morc, th is will {'O1ll(' to $23, [0 1'0]' thc ~'C:II', A p('I'Son Illukill!-!, $-4,000 Il'ould pay $ 14 on'I' Ihc ,wnl', 01' 27 cents a wcek.

' r hc lax rilte !-!,OCS up in lalcl' ,\'("lI l'l;, 1-' 1'0111 1!)67 10 1fJ72, it will 1)(., olw-half 01' 1 pe l'ccnt-$-33 a ,\-Ctl l' 1'01' a pC l'SOIl 1ll1l1,illg $6,600 01' 11I0l'C,

II would tlU'1l I' isc gl'ndunlly to a lOp of rij.!hl-t(,1l1hs of ] Pl'l'CCllt ill HJ$7 lllld thl'l'eaftcr, At Ihe $6,600 ct'ilinf,!", Ihis would cost \\'Ol'k t'I'S ami I'lllployl'l's $,)~,SO 11

,I'l'm't'H{'h, "'lL(' (;OI'cI'nuwnt will I))'ol'idc

fl'um /:,'I1('I'al lX'V('I1U('S lill' moncy to P;I,I' IIt'Il('fits fol' P(']OSQIlS Qyel'

fi:) who ;11'(' not und(-I' 80('i,ll Sc­t'II1'it~, ,

Supple mentary M e dical In surance

1~'D'('rli,'c /J rrfr: ,1111,\' l. 1%6, !:..' liyi/lilily: All J)('I'SOIlS G,-) ,mel

on'I', inl'luding- 1't'\il'ed J.'cdel'al CIll­plu"I'l's. ' l'lw pI'og"l'aul is \'oluntnl'Y,



Cosl: EMh person "ignil1g' up for Ihe PI'()I!I'ilJll plI,n; $3 11 lIlouth, and th.:> (;on'I'IlIllCIII llIatehcs Ihll alllount. The PI'l'lIIiulIl costlllay be adjtL'>lcd en'ry 1\\"0 yrat'1) if the I'ale

Ill'on's inade(llIatc 10 mcet costs, IJCJlcjiis: This insUI'allC(' Pl'ogl'um

is in{clHktl to help )lily for most IlIl,'diclll l'xIH'ns('s nol cow'rcd by the b;lSic 11I'Ogl'am including doctor bills,

In allY bcnefit ~'t'a]', the patient pays the fil'St $,,)0 of ('XI){'IISCS, Thl'lI the p];1Il will eon' I' 80 percent of the palil'llt's bill fOI':

&I'\'i(>{'s of phY'sieians, w]wther (lIl'uisll('d in :1 hOSI)itlll, clinic, of­fice 01' in Ihc homc,

( 'p to 100 hOlllc health \'isils wilh 110 Ilff'd 1'01' priOl' hospitaliza­tion. ,!,his is ill nddition 10 thc 100 post-hospital visits :dloweu uudel' the basic plnn,


Diagnostic nnd X-r;l,\' tl'sts, !'a­

llium !Iwrap,\", ("cI'lain '1lllbulal1cc SI.'I'\'iecs, rl'l1{ill of medical C(luip­ment such as il'On ltllll-.'"S Hud 11

variety of olh('I' Ill('cliclli SCITicel;,

Ho w to Q uo /ify

..-\11 JlC'r'>OIlS 0\'(')" 65 n:,eci\'in~ Socint S(,(,lIl'it~- 01" Haill'Oild H('lin'­ll\CH\ lK'uelits will tK' ('o\'{'l'l'd auto­ll\illie'llly hy thC' "asic' hosJlit;d in­SUl'llll{"l' program :lIld "'ill )"(>{'{'i\'c in the IIllIil this DCCClllhcl' infol'­mntion 011 htlw 10 s il!U up 1"01' Ihe Yotllllta!',\' -;llpplcllIclltal'~' illsuI'ancc 1)l"O/!I'illl1, There is 110 n('cd for tlwrn to eont;l(;t thC'ir Social Sc­CUl'it~· om{"l',

netirt'd F'C'dcl'ai emp[t)ycs will be mai\l,<! infol'llwtion on thc supple­ment:]]'y piau.

Pel'sons on']' G,) who arc not I'C­('('king- So("ial S{'('ur-it.\-, Baili'oad 01' Civil Sen'ice RctirCltlellt IJcnc-

An aged pal ient . e_ ceive. a blood I.ans_ fu. ion, Su .. h I.eat_ menl a. thil will be ava il.ble fo r elderly

under Medic ••• ,

fits should eonta('\ their lo('al Social ~(,(,ul'ity Adminisll'atiOlI Olne(' al'­tl'I' Septcllll}('I' I. 1%:), lllla Ix'forc ~ [al'ch :H, 1!)(l6--whcli tIlt' fil-st ('Il­

rollmellt period 1'01' thc IIIf'dicill ill­SlIl'iUICC PI'Ol!I'am cllds, Pl'cmiums will not be duc, howeHI', unt il the !ll'0ATillll gOC's into d'fccl ill July lOGO.

PCI'sons who ]>caeh 6-' bel'ol'c ,Jallua!'y I, 19G6, IIlllst sil!ll lip hy II :\[lIl'(,h 31 d('lId[in('--()I' "'ait un­til thc 1'1111 of l!Wi .md pay a hig-hcI' pl'(,llliulIl, Those who bC'('omc 6;) after ,lannary I, 1966, ha\'C' a s('\'C'n-lllonth ellrollmel ll 1ll'I'iod -fOUl' months Ucfore !hcil' G,jlh birtIIlJa~- to thl'ee mOllths ancI' lh('iI' birthday,

It is not necessary to bc 1'('til'C'd to I'{'eci\'c bell('fits undl'l' l'ithcr thc basic 01' supplcll1entl1l'~' h('alth in­SUI'aIlCC !U'O:;I·illll. _\ gc is thl' only cl'it('rion.

Reminder : Do not cancel any hos­pital or medical insurance you may now have, The health insur­ance provisions of the new law give no protection whatsoever un­til July 1966,

II, SOC I.\ I~ !=; IXT RlTY BEX EF I 'I'~

Cash B elleftf:,;: _\ 11 persons 011 the Social S('ctU'it.\, rolls Illn-c bc(,n gi\'cn 1111 illcl'C'(lsC of 7 perccllt, re­tl"oal'ti\'(, 10 ,/allUllr,V l !Jti,j, with a mi n imUIll inCI"{':lsC of $-1 11 llIonth for rctired workers 65 and oldcl', 'I' here is 110 nced to apply 1'01' t he ill(~I'cIlSC, Hct !'ollcti\'it,\' chceks will

be IU:lilcd to nl! eligiblc jJersons !ute ill ScptcllIb(' ]' and the Illonthly bcnefi t checks duc cIll 'l r in Octo­IJcl' will bc at the ncw l'tlt e, P e rsons


who I"<'til'c ill thc fut lll'r will 1'('­('r i\'{' bCllcfih III ICllJlI 7 IlCl'('('ut ltig-Itl'I' than Hude r till' 01(1 law,

TII(' I'i!\t' in thr amoulII of carll, illJ{!! slIhj('('i to S()(,j:d St'('ul"ily tax -f!'(J1Il $-I ,HOO IIndt' l' Ihc old law 10 :tin,UOO stlll'till!! , J HtllW I '~' I , l !)(jfi

-wi ll :':-l'adllllily ;1I('I'('H'Il' the ceil­ill!: 1'01' 1'!'til't'IIIl'ul HIIII sUI'\"inJl' hl.'IIt'fils well Jlhow PI'('..q'Ut !t,\(,1s.

Tlds will {','rlluI:dly l'aiS!.' til" ltWXLIIlllltl indi"itluH I n'til't'lllt'ul hl' l lt,nt al 111.:(' H,i fl'ulll lite 1'01'1111.'1" :li 1:!7 til $ IIiH, Ihl' lop 1'01' II 1'I'tit't't! l'UUplt' I)lltll G!i fl'OIll $ 1!10.!''i0 \0 $:!:-':!, atHl thl' IllIlXilllltili family IWlwfit fUI' sUi'\i,-OI'S uf 11 dl,t'\'uSt,d WUl'lH'l' nnd IIii' fll lI! ii," of 1I di"';lhlt'd ill' t'l't it'pd I,()l'I({'I' fl'(llI! $~fll \0 *:WK

/((/jl'(III(lll 'l'r.~t: 'I'ht, IIt'W luw 111'01' iell''', st :11" illg ill I !l66, I hat II 1k'IWfi('ial'Y Wily IIllI'I' Hllllllal t'tII'lI-

il1~"S of $ 1,;jOO alll i still ~l'! all his hene/its for th(' Y('Il I' .• \bo\"1' $ 1 ",}OO, hl'ucfils will hi' l'I't!ui'I'd $ 1 fOI'l'/leh $:! of (':II'n iuj.,"S tip to $~,700, Hilt! 011 i\ <ioIIHl'-for-I!()llal' h:lsis thl'l'('al't(' I' 1I 0\\-l,,'CI', hl'ut'lils 'Iill hI.' Ilnid, 1'1.'­

j!1tI'llIl'S,-; or 1lI11111al I'HI'llillg"S, I'm' HIIY lIIonth ill \llIi(·!. 1111' 1)('Il('fi('illl'~' 1.'<11'11<; $I:!,l 01' 1t,'>S ill \lUI{I'S_

F"r 7'11 0$(' i:!: ,\IallY IH'tlph' Illw work/'d, Ill' who'!t, hush:UIII" I\(jl'ki'.!, tou short 11 tillll' Illldl'" HOI'inl :4,'­('u1'ity to qlllllif,v fO l'lJI'llI'fils Ulldt'I' lill.' ultl lal\ wil l ht, 1.'II\ill('(1 to $:~;),n'I1lOlltll JlH,I'lIIt'uls WHit' " till' Ill'W law, stul, till~ ill HI.'ph'IIlIJl'I', .-\ n~' 1lt'1';;01l 7:! 01' ul<1r l' ,\110 IIla,l' IK'

ill ~1I('11 11 l.'nll'I{I" 'Y should ilHjlliJ'I'

:It th t' II('n"Nil H(J{'ial Ht'('UI'ity ill'. Ii (,t, .

Studt')lf Uou{il,f: :;;i,)('ial Ht'(,lIl'il~·

ht'lU'fits paid to IIlllllal'l'it'd SOilS tn'

tilulJ{htN'S of dt'{'t'HO;I.'d, di":lhlt'd til'

1'('t i 1,('(1 110l"kl' l"S ('olllillllC bcyond Ihe !lul'lIIal t'utoff II!!e or 18 if Ihcy aI'(' fllll-lilll(' studl'nts. PllrJllcllts to studt'llts e;1Il ('ontillllC 10 ngC' ~.!. Bi'ndits nrc l'l.'tl-o<leth·e 10 J mm­a 1',1'.

'I' i/lpcd 1111"0111(': \\'Ol'krl'!; \\'ho

1't'i.'I'in' tWI" or tlll';I' il1(,OIll(' ill tillS will hI.' alth' fill' ,h(, fil'St liml' 10 han' Ihi" IIWtll'r {'onsillt'l"('d as wug-t'S for SI.)('ial HI'('III·lty liS In'lI "" ill('\l1I1(' tax 1llll'pOses, By pll~-illg-1111' I,ltlplo,\'('·s Sllil"" of th\' Hoeilt1 HI'I'ul'ity lax 011 tip illl'VllIt', tIll',\' will lit' l.'li),:ihl,' fill' Illt'!!I.'I' IlI'lISioll lint! iW,UI'HIl('t' IK'lIl'fits, 'I'tI HI'('OIl1-

plj.jh I hi";, it Ilill be 1ll't'I.'S:-;:Il",r III l't'POI't tip,; "hil'l! a1lWllilt to IlIOl't'

than $:!O ill an," lllonth 10 Ih\' em­ploYI.'I', Il l', ill t\ll'll, will i/(:<iu<'i Ihl' Sodal SC(,III'it,I' allli illl'OIIl(' tax dUl' 1111 t ht, IIIIlUIlII\' 1-'01' a 11101'1'

( ( '(mlj'llul/ 1111 /1lI!JI 7i)

Local Gains Government Recognition lit :1 ('I.' I't'WIlII,I', .\ pd l ~~, I!)(ifi, 1't'III'('sl'IlI:lIil't's til'

mallll!-:'t'IIlt'llt atlt! 1,,1', :! I , \\"llshill~tOIl, I). ('., si~III'd 11 hlhm'·maIlJl!!t'lIli'llt aj.:'I'I't'Ill{'lIt whit' h lUIS HPI)I'O\'I.'d 11,1' th(' I>il,('('tor,

This agTI'I.'IlH'lIt llIal'!;s Ihc {,tllllpl<'lion of th,' third

Inhtll'-nta lwj.:'I.'1!H'llt a).:'I'('I'IIlClit in tht' B UI't'llLl 1I1l,1t'I' tltt' IU'ol·isiolls of !III' 1'\'(] l'ntl Enq)loy('('-M:lIIH!l't'Il It'1l1 ( 'OOPI'I'1i t io lt PI'O).:'I·;! III illst il IIII'd h~· E Xt'('ul in' O,',h'I' 1 0n~).;, I t i'l til(' lil'sl !'!tc'h ('onll'lI('1 ('o'·I'I'illl! i'lllplo,\"I.'s

ul' Ihe {'OllstI'LI('tioll alit! ltIaill!t'II:tIlt'I.' rUllt\iullS of tilt' BUI'{'au.

TIlt' lli l'I't:tOI' g")'ullh'tI 1.'""lu,;j"t' l't'l'ol.milioll for tIl(' 1':lcetl'i('iall ('I'n lt l'llit 11.'PI'('S('lItill~ SUllll' -10 1'111-

plo,l"I.'" hI LOt'al :\0, 1 ~ 1 , I BE\\" Oil :\lal'ch :W, 1%3, 1'h(' IIt'l{olialiolls rOl' t his aJ{I't'I'lltt'1l1 WI'I'I' I'lIit'l1'd in lo Oil ,!allllll!"Y HI, IH(;;; nnd SlIt'{'I.'s,-.fully 1'()JII'I"d,'d :'.1111"1.,11 :!, l !)tj;) lll"t("l' j'1_~t 1'0111' t'ol'lIll1l Ill'I.:Ol iatillll sl'ssiOllS,

S .. t,d, 'eft to right: W, A, R,hn, J, .. Ipoke.""n, Union N'qoli,tinq Tu", : H, J , Hol .. d,w, directot, 8ur .. u of Enq,,~inq .nd Pr int­inq: F, W. C h'pin, per,onn,t officer end spoke.",.n, Man'q,,,,.nt N. qoti.ling Tu"" SI.nd i"'q: C , J. Hodgkin., ",,,,,,ber, Union N,­qoli.linq Tu",: P. E. H,wk;n. , iet 1", ,, lary. Loc,l Union 121: A, J. Ha",berg, lup"rinl,~dent, Ope'elinq Fecililiu Divi.ion .nd """,b"" Men'qe"'e '" N,golia"nq Tu",: P. Schut",.n, "'e",ber, Union N,goliet1nq Tu",: W , F, Rhod" ., presid.nt Loce t Union 121; O. A, Burrow., dj"elor of Go~ern",ent Op"ration., 18EW: J , M. Moy." luper inl"nd, nl, Conliruclion end M,inte~'nee Division; W. W, Curtin, fo,,,,,,,n , EIICh;c Shop : A, M, Eqnol , ",.",ber, U" ion N,goli.ting r .. ",: G. W, Hell, enil lenl ,uperinl.", COMhuclion end

Meint,n,,,c,, Divilion end M"",b.r, Menegeme,,1 N,golie li"q Tum,


Pt •• id ... t Fteem.n .dd, ..... Auoeiatio ... 1.1t: M.t~ H. Beeeh.,. t ••• I.,t.cI .". t.tuy; Arthu, Mottol., t.ti"n9 .. : P, .. id.nt Freema .. ; R'ymon M. Rob .. h. nl'" ,h.irm ... :'n Win.9.rt. ... .. .

• I.d.d t .... ut ...

'rJlEI';i/.:"hih .\ 111111111 ('unf(,l,(,u('c of Ill(' :\;lliowil EIN'Il'i('nl

TI'aillillg- ])il"'('IIII1; ' \ "'SIN'ililitJIl \lllS

h('l<I at th" ('lhllIOINllitilll 11 011'1,

V"lIn'l', ('Ulul'llfln, .Iul,l" I , :! lind ~I,

Thi ... :lSS(winliou i<; 1111111" IIJl of full~tillll' 1111(1 paI'I.,ime dil·(·(·!tH'S

of lIPIW"lItil'(· ... hil' 111111 jnUl·II{'.l'Iuau tl'lliuillg IIl'Ogl'lUII" 1'01' rl(·(,tl'il'ian'i illll) lilll'IIlI'1I iu Ih(' (·],·(·tdt·al (·UII· sll'tH'liol1 iudll'o;ll'.I·. Ea('h elil·t·t·lor wOI·k,.., fot· n 1I)('nl .loinl .\ppn'lIli(·("

ship 111111 TI'aillillJ,t ('olllmillt'I' 1'11111, ph",·t! of I'(·III"·,..,\·1I11IIi\"(· ... 01' 011(' or

1Il0!'{, I lItl'('H1lliolllll BI'ulht'!'ht)()t! of

E II'l'Il'ic'al \\'O!'kt'l'S Il)('al'i alld 11

National Electrical

Training Directors Association

('hn ph'I' of till' Xa I illlllli E II,t·ll·it·1l1 ('uIII l'iH'ltll~ . \ ,,,,.;twia! illll_

'l'hl' I:I'I)IIP II it...;

\)"11\"('(' h.l· . \ . " a.l· 1\"(·I(·OII1('d tu

1: I·Hlwltl, l)Usi·

IWvot lIlillJ;lj!('I' 01' I,(l(';t\ 6<; :lIId a

11(('1111)( ' 1' or lil(' 1l1lliOll111 .J..\:I'.C.; ,luh!1 \\' . 11I'I,hl, (·llIqltt· I' lIlilIW:..'(' I',

Hlwk~' ) IOllllillill ('haplt'l', Xl1liol1al EII ,,·tl'i,·;I I ('onl l'a('I,)l~ ,\ ',,'''()('ial iOIl: 1It 'I'I'i(' k I~()th. pl'{·.,id('nt. ('olol'lIdo I.lIbm· ('uunril; SllIIllt·y E. Thomp. <;(111. IBE\\, Ei;.:hlh l>i .. II·it·! \'i(,(, Pl,t .... idt·ul . IIlId L;I\\I'(·Ilt.'C )Ie(:ill, ('hail'lIlllll, 1)('11\.\"1' .loillt .\ PPI'{'II' ti"I· ... ltil) 1IIlil TI'ilinillg COlllmitt('('. Till' ;!,'i()('illlioll \\11 ... also \\'('\('OII1('d

h~' .l:lt'k :-;PHIII', lIil'('('IO!·. J)('II\'{'I'

.'uinl ,\ PPI'\'lItit,t'ship lIlitl Tl"ilillill~ j'olllmittl'(' ;11101 l'illlit·1Il1ll1 of :11'· l·lll1l-{l·Illt'I1I'i (01' Ih(' {'onl'{,I·(,Il{,C.

(("!II/iIlUfri ()/I JI(lf/( :!(j)

Sealed, 1.1t 10 tigh t , L.w .. n" E. M,GiU, J.B.E.W, loul U .. ion No, ~8, D.n,." Coloredo; M.r~ H. Bee,h .. , Sicretaty. NETDA, Ni'g". F.II., N.Y.; Ron.ld Hugh .. , N.wbu'gh, N.Y.; Arthur Mollol. , Rlli" n9 Ch."m.~, NElDA, Lo .. g hl ... d, N,Y.; W.I,., A. G.ifli~, Allent. , G,0'9;.; Jed Sp .... D.ny .. ,; Raymon Rob .. h, Ch.i,m.n, Ri,hmond, Vi'gi"'a; Rob .. t R'gen, Bo,ton, M."a· ,hulelh; GOldo" Freem ... ,,nt , I.B.E.W.: F .. d L. W. t ... l, Milw.uh., Wilcon"n; M.lyi n W'n'9."en, T,ea,ur." NElDA, Tul •• , O~I.homa; Don Feddi" Portl.nd, 0"9on. St.ndi .. g: M. B. K'l ton, 1.0. R. p, •• , 8th Di, trid, A,y.d., Colo •• do; J, H. Ku.t, ... d, C.lifo,ni.; R. W. V.nO'lind •. Jr" No,fol~, Vi'gi .. ;.; 0110 W.b .. , S.n F .... ,ilCo, fo, .. i.; Rob.rt Mclnty.e, Ani.I,nt Oire,tor, N.tio ... 1 JATC, Wuhin9ton, D.C.: Philip T. V.iI. B.ltimo .. , M.ryl.nd: C.eig J.cob .. n, HOUlton, Te ••• ; H. Le. Btun., St, Loui., Millouti; Vint.nt V,, K ..... , C,ty, Mo.; Clinton B",or, Wuh'n9to .. , D.C.; D.n Whit •. LII. City, Utah; ROMld O·RiI.y, 0"11.,, Tun; W. M. Alb.flon Jt .• Littl. Rod, AtkanUl; M.d C. Sutton, Au.l in, T .... ; J.mll E.' .. g .. , Lintol .. , Neb ... l.; Henry C. ... St, Loui., Mo.; G.Ot9' B .. I, V ... d.lia, Ohio; S"nl.y E, nomplon, Vice P",id.nt. I.B.E,W., 8th Dill., Billi"g" Mon, tlnl; No"i. McFeely, Oll.hom. City, Ollahom.; N. E, (Pel) P.ullin, Vice P,"id.nt, NElDA, Po,tl.nd, Oregon; J o .. ph E, hylo.,

Directo., Skill Improv.mlnt Tr.,"i"9, IHEW, W •• h. D.C. ,....,.....--

IBEW to International Association

of Gove rnment Labor orficials

T il E ·IS! h COll-

+ "('III ion of the 11l11.'1'Il1ltioilai .\s-

~ ' ///" SO('ill t ioll of Go\'-(i,I/fIW (I]'llm t~lltlll Llihot,

• " Olricial,. \\'ns held tiL I'r iuo.;l'lulI, Nt'W

, .J ('t·s('~·, .July J !). 6J, D" /!'ga/t's of tllis COIl­

"clltion - SOlTle 150 of thi'm ­wel'e the ~tatc LaboJ' CO!1ltllifiSioll. ers and theil- assistants, pIllS GOY. Ct'llmCllt 1nbol' offi('ill19 f!'olll the I"arious p J'ovinces of Cnnnda.

OUl' Jow"//al I'ellde]'s mH,'" lik(' to know t he objects or thi>; OIWmizlI­lion which has bccll in Ol)(~l'ution undcl' its present t itle sinN' ] 9 1-1. We quote the COllsfillilion of I:\O[,O:

Purposes of IAGLO "The puq)QSC of this ol'ganil .. a­

lion shnll be to en('()m'a~c the l"oopcl'1Itioll of nil hl'anchl's of Fed­era.l, State, :mel P I'O,-il1('illl ~on'rn-1Il('llls who a!"e chm'j!cd with the administration of laws nnd !"cj!uln_ I ions for the JH'OtCCtiOIl lilld wel­l'al'C of wOI'kcl's; to CIlCOUl'age illl­pI'On~ III('lIt ill thc ndlllinistrnlion of fmch Jaws :md l'egui;ltioll);l; to Cllcournge progressivc lcgislat ion; to clleoul'Hge cooperalion w;th as­S(){'illiions of cmploy/·s lint! ('111-ployers; and thl'ough thc cxchange of information, to bl'inl! abollt a grcater ~\nironnity or luws lind l'cgulntions an d Ihe Ildmilli;;tJ'alioll thcrcof.

T he lBEW scnt fotll' or its l lltcl'-


IlntiOIlHI Ht'p l'csrllllltlw'" ;IS \' lsil01'l; lind (JhSCI'\' CI'S to th e {'oll\,(>ulion lit P I'; 1I('l'Ion; Il i 1'('('1 01' of )1 U II \ll'n('lul'­iul-\' 0WI'lItions l';llIl )'I (,Ilj!('I': I> i-1'('('101' of ('Ollstl'uctioll Hilt! ) [ lIiI11('_

lIil!ll'(' OP(,I'Ht ions ,/. 1\ 1. PIII'I,rl'; Director of 1Ililit~, OP(>l'fItiOllll Hi('h;lrd Hnpllitoni nnd I nt el'IW­lionnl 1{(>])I'(>:ojCllliltil'c [ ',\'Illl I\c rt h, who, U>I fOI'IlICI' [,n hot, ('0111111 ifiSiollCI' for tIle Rln!c of K f'l1lu('ky, WIlS a fOl'lllN lllf'lllb('1' of IA(: LO,

On )I ollda~', .July 19, by invita­t iOIl of 1' l'C'Sirknt UOl'doll i\L FI'ce­mall. nI l dl' l c~nl(,~ ~llld gUf'f>ts 1\'CI'e ClIlel'taiHed at 11 lunehcon spon­sored by the mEW, Onc of our f'l1l ploYf'I"S with whom we IUl\'c ngr'f'f'mf'nls in Ihf' 1ll111l1lfarllll'ing fif'ld, \\'eslf'1"Il l::lcctl'ic Compllny, sponsol'ed Ihc r\innf'r 1'01' the dele­gatI'S on Ihllt Slime dil le.

Reso/ulio n on 14(h )

'l'hf' most sil.mifi('mlt MUon taken by the ~roup, from orgnnized ];\­I>or"s point or "if'w, was the strong I'C!;Oilltioll passed pine-illl-! Ihe Inlcl'­IIItt ionnl A&'>O('iat ion of Do\'crn-11I('llwl I.llbol' Offi('iltlS S(IUIlI'el~' 011

l"e(,OI'(1 as fll"oring l"Cp('ul of Sec­tion 1-1- (b) of the 'J':lft lI ::mley Act.

I"ollowing is thc text of the I"NOlution

WIII':Hl';AS Article TI , S('etion I of the COllstitu!ion 01" the Intel"­I1ll l iolllll A,o;."O('inlion of OO\'f'I'n­lllCIII;tI l .nl)(1 I' Ollie-iuls provides s])cciHclil ly that nIl Imlllchcs or }'cdc l'IlI, Stale and ['I'ol'illCilil Gov-

('I'IIHl f' llls, which nrc c1wl'ged lI"il11 thl' ;r d ll1iJtis\I'a\ioll of lall"s and rcg-ula t ions 1'01' Ihc pl'olectioll nnd wel fare of WUJ'kl'l"s, be CJICOllHll,;cd

to 1.'00p(:I":llc in rhnt cndcll\'ol'; ,rlld \\'11 EHEA S 011(' of the Asso('in­

lion 's IUilin Olljcclil'cs is 10 cneOll l'­lIg-c pl'ogressi\'e legislation toward t hc betterment or wor'king concli­tiOIl~: lind

\\' J I E I{ I'; A S such lc!!islalion 1"C­sult~ in morc il1l1ieable 1"cl:Jtions betwecn clllployers ;1IId cmploye!';; lrnd

\\"IIE IH~A S wc IUlI'c s l l'h'cn to judiciously usc the in stl'ul11cnls of thc I:lll'fI and customs to safegu:tl'(l lhe workcrs' righls; to protcct and imlU'O\'C labOl' slandards, to pl'O­

\'ide fr'cc and f'qual opportunity 1'01'

all workers !"eg-ardless of rllce, el"('cd, 01' naliol1lll origin; and to fight the ('l'onomie hazards facing wage cnnw!"s; ,mel

\\' 111';1( P. A:-; we are dedicated to thc l)I"illcipl l.'S of fail' and progrcs­sh'c Icgisl;uion wh ich hrinf,FS .rbout understandillt! alllOllg the pcople of the industl'ial world, thcreforc bc it

ll ESOI,vr.D, that the J nterna­tiona l ~\ sso('ialion of CO\'(' I'lImcn tal 1.1:lbo l' Ollieials l'eaffil'lll its tradi ­I ional support of pt'ogressi\'c labor legisla tion h,l' recommcnding the l'cpl'nl of ~f'ctioll I-I (b) of the Taft­H Hl"tlc-," Act, \\'hich will promote the frce collective bar'gaining rights 01" bOlh labor and Il1nl1ngemcl1t.

THE ELECJ~ICAL WOIIKEIIS ' left: N .... J.n • ., Go ..... o. H"9~'"' Aui.I ... ! S.",.t.ry of labor E"~" P.t •• ~on, WII'e, .. EI.,,"ic P ... ;d ... , P.,,! Gotm ... .. nd Director of ""'a""f.elu.i .. g

Op .... tio ... P,ul ' .. 4.,ng'"

J. ""'. P.r ••• ,, of IBEW "o"d,uction .nd m,i"l.n, .. "" op, •• tio",. .um;n.. , pl,t. of m,n.m,d. q" .. 1t c • ., ... 1 du.i .. g , 10 Bell S.,.tlm .. hib'l .. t N .... York Wo.ld ', F"i •.


P,ul """"g" li.t.", to I~.. ... pl .... tion of ,"., during .i,il to Bell .. ~ibit. He tou,.d puilio" .. ith go.""menl I"bot offici"I •.

Th, tHEW Ipo""o,,d • luncheon lor d,l,g.t ... nd gu ... h. I .. 10 .. ' grou .. d ... tHEW .i,ito" .nd

obi"'." •.


'S EW Win s Cour' De cision

A COUHT I'uling' has eIC<lI'ed the wily fOl' the Jntcl'lJat ional

13rOlherhood of Electrica l Workers to bid fOl' bal'gn ining rights all be· hal f of nCll l'ly 200 cmplo:.cs at the Ontllrio Wulel' Resources COlllmis­s ion.

The origin al I BEW' applicat ion WliS dismis.<red h:.' the pl'odncc'g f!uhol' n clations Bonrd which cited the much-dcbntl'd C"own .Agency Act as a b:o' to the union's or· gHll ir.i ng dri\'c.

Acting on 1lI1 IIl>p(,lIl by OUl' union, ]\fl', ,Justice Edson Haines of the Onl[\rio ~uprcl11c Court, ruled thnt the "'atCI' Resou rces Commi~f;ioll wus not a C)'own :I1tC'J}cy within the pro\' isions of the Crown Agency Act nnd quashed the lahar bOHrd dec ision.

'J'he boaJ'(] will now deal with the lIH:\\' undc\' tile normal terms of the Luhol' Hela lions A ct,

1'he eoU!'t !'u1in~ l' r pI'cs('nts a victory fOl' OHI' R roth('rhood in Olll' f.l\l'Hl{g[c Lu 1't'lm,'!'!l! lI t Wah'r Hc­f.lom'('('s Comm isflion ('Tllp[oy('s at. 54 points in I h(' pl'O\'in('e. 1'he eln­plo,"cs op('l'ntc Wlllcl' \\'O!'k'i plants in commllniti('s which do not run theil' O\\'U systems,

••••• Opportun ities l or CClIlodjons

.II. statement was mode recently; by I mmi~rnlion .:'! finistcl' Nicholson thut the C:0"crIH1H'nt is launching a E m'op('nn 1,(,l' I'uitillg' dl'i,'c for 150,000 ski1ll'd wO!'k('rs. P r('sirlcnt Claudc .lodoin of thc ('Imlldian Lllholll' ('onf,lTl''OS, immediat<>ly is sucd n stlitelllcnt crit icizing th is poli(':o-', )11.. .Jodoin cited the C:On:' I'IH1Wllt's mo"t l'cccnt ullcm­plomcnt figuI'('s-~65,OOO Canadians in 111 i(1-:\ lay, This 11t\l1\i)Cl' is the equi,'alcnt to the cnt ire popula­tion of 1 he Cit," o[ OUowa,

MI', ,l odoin stated that first op­portunit y to fill skil1rrll:l boU!' necds shoul d be gi,'en to the Cnnadian u ncm plo~'ed an d thc record nu mber of youllg peoplc about to entel' t he



Clmnd ian labolH' fOI'CC, Mr, .Jodoin addcd that this could only be lIC­complishcd by cstnhlishinH adc­(1 1I~ltc tr:lining ]l1'Og'I'llIllS and th:l t steps should IX' tnkcn immed iatcly to stimulli le such tl'nining pro­gntlllS,

• • • • • Colour TV lor Conoda

Secretary of State Maurice Lamontagne rcccntly 11111l0Unced in Ottawa, that colout' television bl'on <lcm;, ing- will be pe rmitted to iX'gin in Cnllada by .Jamwl',v 1, 1967, }oI l", Lamon lagne al so men­tioned tha t the eBC will spcnd abollt $lfi million on faci lities [01"

llllt iQ1w) telrenstillg' in ('oloUl' fl'om th e l~xpo '67 s it e in Montrcal.

• • • • • Con vent,'on of ECA O

T.Jast mOlllh the Bl('ctrieal COIl-11'~lr l(w~ J-\ "",>of'intion of Ontario held it s annual 11l('('ling' lit Bigwin I nn, L llke·of. B:lYs, Follow ing lire a few si~lliliclUJ1 statcmcnts made ltl

spc('chcs llIul 1'('porls :

Pl'('s id('nt \\' , H, R obel,ts told Ill('mlwl's thllt th(' IWC\'iou,'! ypn r had been "one of the most success­ful in Ihe 17',W'Hl' histOl'Y of our 0l'gani7A 'lt ioll , "

A l O'point l)rog-l-l1ll1 for good electrical tcnderinl! »I-Mticc de\-el­oPNl nnrl adopt P(l nl thi'! l11Cf' tillg wus hnil('d h,\" ) 11', Hoi)(' I'I S as a plan "so ba~i(' that it would berome a eod(' of ('Ihi("" 1'01' the wholc industry. "

Ll1hol1r Rclations f'hllirman II, e, RlPn k 11(1I'n lin i1l'd I hc "histol'\-' making- l.Jnbolll'-JlatHlg-clllcnt COU;l­cil" liS Ih(' big n('hie\-Clllcnt of his group dut'ing the ~'C'lI',

[1 :0-'£11'0 Uelntions Cha il'mnll Gor­don K. HI'ow l! Ul'g'ed E CAO to wOI'k with lltilitips :11](1 t he inspec· tion deplll'tlllCnL on pl:lIlning and de\-elopmeuL

V ice F' I'csident W illinm J.Jl1 dyman was olle of II Illree-1I11111 pa ncl wh ich ad(hcssed t he delega tes at Bigwin I nn , Speaking wit.h him

werc '-'like T, Shal'p, E CAO d i· recto]' from OUllwn lind 1) 1'_ .J ohn T. Crispo, Unh'eI'8il~' or TOI'Onto economics pro fessor_

Diomond Jubilee of CE A

Also meeting' the end of ,JI1I1(',

Callndn's oldest electrical Ilssociu­lion held its 75 th AnnullI COI1\'CU­tion, The Cll.l1ndinn Electrical As.'>QCintion WllS 1'0 l'med in ]891 (the s:unc ~'C:tl' our Broth('rhood \\'I1S foundC'd,)

\\'hcn t he Can diHI1 Electrical As­sociation was formed, ill spi te of an nttilude of hmtility toward tIle IICW fangled "t"lt"c!ric," U hack­ground of indus!I'), histor? hnd nlrcad? been built.

]l:1l1lilton wns the first cit,\' in CUllHcln 10 hnye f'lectl'ie sll'Cf't il · luminat.ion_ T hnt Il'ns ill 1883, 1'ol'onto nnd i\ loll t rcu l followed a yen I' Int CI ',

'I'h{' fil'St f' le<'ll'ic u t ility wus set up by n. B. '.\ lcAlIist('1' of Pem brokC' in 1884, unci two ,\"('nl'S c:It'licl' P I'CdCI'ick Kichollfl srt un t1w '1'01'01110 Elc(-tl'ic Sl1ppl ~' COlllpn n," , whi<'h a yea I' nfl(' l' the fOl'lllat ion of 'EA, heeullle il1col'porlltt'd ns the Canadinn GCI1('rlll Eleet l'ic Company, By this timc the IWI\' T, Eulon COll1pany illld purclmscd the fil'St elcell'ic gellcr~110r built. in Toronto by ,J, .1. While, B~' 189 1, elcct l'ic lights WCI'('

sh ining in Kellol'll li nd Por tage L a P mirie, ~ l oo.'I(' ,law and Beg-ina, A sHwmill ill Cnlgar,\' was lX'illJ! run by un electri(' plnnt. 'I' he Victoria Electric Lig-hti ng Compllll:o--- fo l,(,· run ncr of B. C_ Elcctl'i(' lind B. C_ JTydro--had been 1'01'1I1e<l, und 'I'OI'Onto had its fil'Sl electr ic rail· way,

']' hc above hislol'kll l neCQulll \\'lIS taken 1'1'0111 an a rticle which ap­pcu rcd in u speci nl su pplement of Electrical B 1l$I'lICSS,

J ust a footnote to this lilllc h istory of thc begillninb"S of the elentr iCl1I industry in Cuna da,

Our Brotherhood became I nter-

((Jnnii1l1wl mt 1U106 20)


Les Nouve lles Ouvrieres

Ln PIOI-:- ddol'ieU"I' 11 11 11:; tlll(' dtki.-doll (it' la <':om".

Un jUg'eIJl(,llt d(' la ('Ollt', ",' lI(lu rt!('(>IIIIlI('ul, 1)('I'l1lt' ltra dtll'('lla\'lI l lt

it 111 FI'at('rJ1i\(~ l l1h' I 'lllitiollll1t> ,1('.; OU\Ti('l~ ell Elect I'i('itli ti l' Mpos(',' Sit l~fI\letc nfin ,I'i-II'C ,','('onIlUC ag'{'llt Ilcj.!ocint(' UI' ]lOW' II-s qlll'ItIU(,~ :WO {, l llployr~ cit' \a ('oll1l11is.-,.; ioll dc!ol HessouJ"('I'S lI ydr'llU liquc .. dc 1'011-"lrio.

],a IH'ClIl ii:'I'e l'('(I\U:I(' llc notre F"al{'rnitc fut !'I'jete!.' par' In COIII­mission de Jl(>latiOIlS Olln-ii're''! dc la P,'o\'illC<', cill1nt COllllrI(' "llison que 111 l.oi des .\g'(,II('C'S til' In ('Otl ­

I'OIiIlC nc pCl'lllcltn il pll'i tine rt'llI-c­scUtllt iOIl sYlldi<'ail'. I,a ('lilt!$(' fut I>ortl,(, ('n lippel PH" IlOln- ...... ndi(·llt , ct 1(' .Ju!!,c l::dsoll IlaillN iI(· la ('our Suprj;l1l{' d<' rOnllll'io n (>tllhli dans .!i:l d&'isioll '1111' In Comrlli...'i ion d('s Ues.,«)U I'CC"I 1 1~' dl'lllIliquf'!; Il'~tllil

PIiS IIlle _\~l'II('C (i{' III ('Olll'OUl1£' all ~'Ih 1)1'0111"(' l it· III !.oi. 11Ililulalll llinsi III decision de 111 (;oll1l11ission de H('latiOlls (JU\·I'j(' I·('''I. I.a Com ­IIlis."ion <levl'l! IIlnintcnnnt Ileg'O(' il'r d(' hOIllI(' i'oi 1I\"1'C 1I01 1'C 1·' I·all't·tdle.

Cc j Ug'(,IIl('nl fa"ol'llhll' n '!'I,}' S('nt(' l1IlC dcloi l'(' pOUt' 1I01l'l' 1·'l'lI· tcr!l ilt' "1I1l"l .!i:L lultc PO\ll' Ohll'lIit· II' d l'oit el{' Ilc)!oci(,t, ell fan'lII' des clHJlloye" dc III C'ommission lI y­dr'll11liqllc dall'l 5" div(' I'S('s 1()(';Lli lcs d(, 111 Prodlll't~. L("'I cmployes It'a­\'aillclll dUlls dl.'tl lIsines h~' ,ll'all1i­(IU('S de di \'(' l's('S nlulli('iplIlilcs (JlIi n ·Opi.'I,(,llt PIIS I(' tll' 1)I'Oll1'c systtomc,

OpporlUniles Pour l e s Cunodiens

1'lIe dCclal'111 ion 1'C(,Cli tC <111 )ri­ni'lll'f' dc' 1' l nlllliJ,rI'lIl ioll Ki('hol'lOll nous faisol il pal'l IIIIC It' (;OUH' I'I1 C­

IIICl1t anlit l' in l('n liOIl tl l' 1'('('l'u l ('l' qll l' l'lllt'S I !iO,OOO 011 nil' l').! sp("'t'ill Ii­sCs ('II Emoll(' POIIl' h' 1II111'('IJ(~ tlu tr'a\'llii all ('alladl1, I,e I' I~sid('lll

dll ('OII!!I·,'..", <Ill '['I'andl dll CHIHl d a, Claude ,JocJuiu, y I'cpomlil iUIIIIC' c1i ll letrll' lI t I'll t' l' i li 'lllII lI ~ Vi\'!' IIIC' ll t In po lili (j ll C dll (l ollvcI'nclllcn t, en


du Canad a

(.t' qtd 11 \I'ait all ('h"U1l1L~t, :W:).ooo (';lllllllit'n" SlI ILS t'l1l plui d1l1'!1I It It, l1Ioi.., d{' milL II Mlul i~lI ait qu'il "'II~i"i."ait Iii lit, t't!l[ui,alt'nt <It' ta IlUJ)Jlbltioll cillit"r'l' d e III "illc d'OllliWH.

,\l, .Jod oin :Jj(JlIlllil, (I'Ll' III pl'(" mi':,I'(' OPPOI'lllllil(' POlll'lt''! ('llIplnis "II{'lI 11 lli ,le\'l'nit (·tl'(' ll('('tll'tiCl' allx c lullu('U1').! (,<IlIO,Ii('Il'l ('I 1(' llUIII IJI't.' 1'{'('1.11'd 11(' ji.'ILI11'S (,ll lladit' ll" nl'l'i­\',mt SlI l' 1(' )lWI·thC <ill I I'll nLiI. )1.

.Iodoill. dans S('S l'{'lIl:II"Plt'S di";:lil {Ill(' 1(' (;OIln' I' lll'llIl'ul t!("'I'ait pili . 1(lt l'IIII'('J'!'l'lldl't.' illlll((,(linlt'lUl'nt un Jll'oJ.:'rnmmc d'('ll ll'ai lwllll '1l1 11. 1(0-(IIWI pOU!' l.clllCdit'l' 01 h'ltt' ptlllll'ic de main d 'O'un-c (1IIutifUoc.

Televjsion En Cou/e ur Au Conodu

1;(' Sc>el-claire 11' 1'; 1;11 , )laUl'il'(, 1.lIll1onlaJ.!'!t1' 11011 .. 1lll il00ll'lIil l-et'('IIl' Ill('ul (lliC l it t~]cdiffll .. ioll lit' IWo­J,r1'llrnm('s (' II ('oul('\II' St'I'1l prrmi ..... , 1111 ('anada it <'OIlIj)\(' I' <I II It'I' jll ll \' it,!, j!)(ji. :\1. I,Hmolllaj.tll(, JlI'{>riSlli\ cJ,rall'lIIrlll que l ~ ad iO' ('llII:1t11i d~ · p('IlS('I'a ('11\'iI'OIl I:) luillioll :1 ('t'l' fi ll '! l'lOlIl' la t~lcd ill·LI .. i\l1l I'll 1'0Ull'II1' ClHaliJlllt <Ill site d(' I' Expo/ 1i7 fl ) lolltl'c:l1.

Con9fes De I'A.C,E.O.

i J' .\ s,S()(' ialion dl's ( 'oIlIJ'lt('lt'lI l'!<I l~I('('tl'i{'il'lls de I·On\lIl·io II \(' 11\1 SOli

COII)!I'l'S rtlllllld 1111 BiJ..:'llill Irlll, 11I'l'o.j ell! "akl' of Buys I.. l1Ioi .. d(' I'lIiel', Qll('I' IIIl''; l'{'lIIal'(I\II'~ !I 'in­ICI·(:t ill'cj!anl iiI' 11011'1' 111011,','1111'111 <1<111'; din'rs 1':1 Plltll·t'l mCl'ilt'nt d 'i' ll'C sonli!!n{os: 1.(, I' l'csitlt'lIl \\' . It nob"I·ls. infOI'ma It's MI{>J,:'u( .... qul' l'allu(oc 'lui "il'lIt tI{' sc t('l'lIliIW I' rOt I'UII(' dC's pluli PI'(lSP"'I'(''' dall'! lC's 17 1Il\lIC1'8 t\ ','xiSIIlI\C'(' lit:' J'OI'WI­n islll(,.

l 'u 1))'0).:'1'11111111(' elll hOl-c {' Il 10 sujels vades ful nt!opl(> visHnt l'r fniJ'(' 1~lltifi{' i l'I' l'itldll ,~ II'i(' 101lt.,

('lJ l il'l'(" I' ! (IIJi IJOIII'!'nit dl'\"('llil' pil i '

III slli\(' ~on ('od e d'cth iqlll's ]lOIU' 1:1 P l'O r (''IS ion .

[,r I'n'"idl'lIl lin ( '(tm ite dl's n('· Julilln" OIl I'l'il'I'I'S, II . C. B!n(·khuJ'II. nj. ILl lait 1]111' Ii' (\fn~ il I'll H(,la liolis Pull'lIIll1l t,,,-! )lI"I'i;'I'I'S S';I "'.'>I'a ](' pillS g'1'nu(1 "Il('{'(o..; tI., I 'n lluel'.

I ", P r'r~i(h'nl clI'S HrI;lliol1s 11 ,'" dl'lmJilllll's (:01'(1011 K. 131'0\\'11 CII·

('III II·itA't'a I·A .... \.I(·i"lioll tl (-(Illllbol'I'I' nn'(' I('s ulilil{>s puuliqu('s ell 1ll,1 -11"'1,(, d'inspl'Clioll ainsi 'I lie <I,lllS sou pl'O,L:l'amll1(, d '('xpal1s ion futll l·t'.

l\otl'(' \·i{'{'- PI.csidelll William I.1I .1 .... lllali fll isait 1lal'Iic d'un {'omite dt, a (lui lId l','''''';:1 la pHl'Oic ;lUX d(>U·g'\I{>~. II c\nit St'('olld{> pal' if'S (JI'Hlt'lII'l'1 ~Ii k(' T. ShIlI'P, dilwtcm'. <1(' l' .h .-;o('itJIioll d 'Oll llwa , et du 1)l't)f('SSl' IlI' Dr .• John T, CI'ispo, <Il' l 'unh-('I'Site dC' 'I'OI'Ol1to.

7Sie me An niverso ire de "A .C,E .

))111'11111 Ic Illois de juin d(, I'ni('I', !·.\ ..,sot:·illl iOIl Glllladil'l1lle d' I';I<'<.'1 d · ('ill' It' liait St)Jl i;jil' llI(' 1'01lJ,r1-CS an-1tt1t'1. I I I'sl 11 nOle l' II lie III date <I,' [',,1111111 i011 l it' ('{'I OI'l!llll ili l1lC eoinei<ie nn'(' ] ':IIII1{,{, de fondlltiOIl {Ie 1I011'e

J.'I'II\t'I' li itc. I,a \' illc <1(' Jl amilton «Iuit la jlr·('mii·l'l' 1111 C'~lnada il oblc­lIi l' 1'(01('(' II'i ficaliOIl de Sl''i 1'11(''1 en HlloI :l. \ 'illJ'{'Ul cmHlill' ~ I onll-Clli el '['01'01110 Ull all plus tar'd. La 1)1'1'­

mii'l'(' ulilile Jluhli'pl(' fUl ['ondel' pll!' H. B. )I r,\ llist('I' d(' Pcmbrokc ('II I I'H". {'I deux ails plus lard FI'(,cll'l' i(·k :\icht)llli fonda it la Pl'('­III it" I'(' ('Oil I JlI I)!1l i(' d 'Ci ltl i P('II\{,II t cl(,(' II'iqur, '111(' 1'011 COllllait au· jOlll'(1'hui sou .. !t, 110m {I(' ('ompaJ,rni{' (;l\l\atli(' llllc 1;(oII(o I':.le EI"(·ll'illll(,. (" ("I I alOl'S ~g'nl(,ll\l'nt flU{' III Cie T . 1-:111011 lwill'lait I{' IJI't.'miel' :;!cllcm­\{'III' ('1 ('(' ll'iqu(' I'ahdqtlc it TOI'oliio pHI' .1. .1. W h ile.

E ll [,1o.I!1I. II'S I'U(,S (o111i('lIt dtijii illtlln in{>('s :1 "(oJ.'{' ll'irilc dan!'; [es \, ill.,,, \(,11(, .. <tIll' 1\1'1I0ra, PUI'IHgt' I ,ll !' .. nid,', ~\l O()S(' ,I n\l' ('\ Btig in:1. UII lIloulin ;1 s('ie :'t (;11Ig-llt,,\' ti l <! il

(,"illilc jJuye 78)


Exploration of Space .\ 11 • \ IlWl'i{'lI 111111 111(' 1'1'\'1' world /'fill 111 k(' lwitlt' in

tht' lat('~1 il('!ti('H'IU('1I1 in 0111' (,ol1lllry's ('on/llll'si of "pm'(', \YC' Iw\'C' "("illlg-ht liP" ill fI nHlg'llIfi('{'llt :nul 0;1'('('111('111111' WHy. 'rill' hig-h(· ... ' pl'uis(' of thril' <:Ol1l1lt·~·· 111('11 is jll~lly dul' th(' 1111('sl ('OUl'Ug:('OIlS ~pn{'(' Twills COOPt'!' llIHI ('Olll'all. nnd it is dll£, nil 111(' t\<;11"OII1lUtS

who hnn! ImH('d Ill(' 11'ul~' "unkllowl1" with slll1l1iuu nne! fOl'lill1dl'. ~o "mall nl1lnunl of ('I'Nlil is also tim' ,1101'1(' who "Mllnd nnd wail." IIII' I1\r'U 011 111(' ~rnllnd who ph-Ill f'll('h Sll'll of 11 o,J]lII<'t' fli).!'hl SO mrljf'lllolls1y .lUd who lin:- with it fl>(J1rl it ... ht'l,.dtlnill~ all n dl'ulliu/.! l)t)ill'd lv its ct)IIl,lusiuli ill ·',"lllolsllllo\\II."

Theil thel'r 1]]'\' \\'01'1\\'I'S, lind Olll' I HI·:\\, 11I('lnl}('1's

forlil nn I111PO I'I<l1I1 r OI 'l1s oj' lh" t hOllSl11lclil who 1)('1"

j'(\I'1Il t ilt' 1ll.\'L·in(1 IIl.~I(". i I1 1I'i(')11I' !lnd rXlI('li ll l-!'. l ilnt I'('ntl ,v lh(' SPIl('f' ship li nd !Ill ('ornpOIIf' ll h fOl' 111(' hig' "('ounl dowlI." They 100, hl1l'(, III11d(' a si7.lIhlc COil· II·ihulioli.

( 'oOpt'I'l1lion i ... III(' 1\('Y\\,OI'(1 or ('I·(' I'.\' spaf'C nri ... sioll \\.(' han' UlJ(lt'I'tnk~' Il, \"01\' 111111 1\"1' ha\'c caug-ht up 10 Ihc HII ... ~inns in U\I!' "'PIl('(' 1)]'()IlI'Ultl. il is Ih(' ~'al·IH· .. 1 I}('"il'(' 01' IWIlN' ·loI' ing IWnpl('s t' \'('I·~'I\'Il(.'I,(> Ihllt ('(). olwI'nlioll, IlCllioli h) nllliOIl. I'ml III' 1lI1 il1l£'IZI',11 pal'l O[ Slm('r ('xploraliml 1'1'0111 111)11 011 . I t w()Illl] II\.' 1\

wl'y 1'('111 and impI'('s<;i\'r sh' p 1'01·WIII·(1. not just 1'01'

l'uI·,h('I·:lll('C of s('i(' I1(·r. hul 1'01' thr j1I'OIlWlion 01' IWlIf'(' thl'onghonl lilt, \\'nl'i.!, if Hussia lind Ih(' Lrnit('d Slat("i ('otlll! join tog:('tlll'1' in plnlls fOI' a ntallll('d IUlldilljt on til(' moon,

TIU' n us. .. ian af'('OIIlJllishlll(·IlI'" nl'(' iII1PI'(";. .. il·('. Tltl' ('Ollrag(' or Ih('il' ll .. tl''OlllIUi ... IWI'nll, ' ls Ihl1t of Out' 01111 . \\'ot'kill~ log-ct\wl' 1111' 1'(' is 110 lilllil 10 Ilw lilt'!'al h('ight<; to which \l'l' lIIighl 'illHl'. .\ 11<1 IhllS frOIl1 ('(). OI)(,I·'!Iioll b:., twC'{'n 111('11 of 1\\0 IlC)I\"('rful lU1tiol)'1 Oil II fli\{ht 10 Ih{' mOOll, Ih(\I'(' jll"!l mi,,,dlt hI.' (,I'l'utl,d ('(I '

olwl'ation bctwcC'll Iho ... (' IIII'll of 111(' two POWI' I'ful Iwlions fOI' lasllIIg' IWHl't' Oil (' HI'Ih. I I i'l !i/lid 111111 Il(lliring NIII slup 1I111S.'liw 1I1' '11I'll('lioll of lir(' \\'ol'ld if \ h(' I\\'O 1I10S1 pO\\'(,l'ful 1111' JOIl" of I hI' wOl'ld ciN'iilc to mak{' 11'.11' on (';l(,lt Ulht'I'. B~' lilt' ... UII(' tok('n, il th(l,«' 1\\0 most 1)Q\\'{,I'ful nalion .. , fully ;1\\111'(' that thel'l' i~ hlli:lIl('(, of POW('I' in th .. wOI'ld, ti('(>ill(' in I!ood f.lilh to jlUl'<jll(, P('llet' , tllt'll pt 'm'l' 1./t,t'UHlt'S ilwl'ill1hl(', nol \1111'.

OUl' (-()1tIlO'Y ha'l tal(('11 Iht' iltiliati\'(' Ilnd lws orf(,I'('iI a 'll ,Ind ing pl'OpO'll1 I 1'1)1' 1I joint ~(J\' i('I -. \ trWri('1I II

Ihl'USI 10 thl' II1U011. WI' 110W 11111'(' 111'1 1Il\l('h 10 tlfT't·!' 111'1

till' I{ US. ... iIIlIS. \\\' al'e sl't'killl{ ]]0 fl1l·OI·S. All d we li\'(' in hope.


How Vital Is Edu ca.tion? In lilt' JlH'l1 ~'t':ll' 0111' (;0\'('1'11111(,111 hll>i lak('n SOlllt'

jll·Oj.l:I·t· ..... il't' ..;h' ps I'ol'wm'd in II si lH'('!'t' l1ttt' lIlpt 10 NIl down 11IH'111])lo,I'II1(,I1I, t' lil11itw\(' POI'('I'Iy allt} 10 illl ' ]WOW Ullt1 :-I1I'(,IIg'tll(' l1 ('dll('nliOI1I1I j'll{'iliti('s in 011 1' 1111-tioll. Tht"W 'I1I'p..; ,<honhl hl'illg hl' l1cfit"l eSI)('{'i;llly 10

1h(' -"(lUll/! IW()pl (' g-l'owillg- II I) in Ihis, Ih(' l'I('It('~l ('\)11111",1' ill till' world. But will thC'y!

1'lIfur'llll1J1h'I,I' too 1111111.1' of OUI' t('('I1·11!-\'('I"i lIill not 1)tO 11I'1'lI't1 h~' Ih(' ... (' 1I1('lI~II1'i'" bt'('lHl~ Ih('~' 1'('1'11<.<' to IlI'lp th(llllSt"ln's 10 11 <1('('(,lIt ('du('J1tioll, T his 1';111. whl'lI s('hnol "t' ~il1s. il i<; ('slill1:1I('(1 Ihll1 SOlll(, 7:)0.000 ~·t)lIn/!

IlMJlII' II ill tl t'uI! tlill of st·boo!' Totla~', 1'1'1'11 whill'

('oudi1i()l1 .... 11I't' I!ood. 1\'IIg:I'S nile! pl'ufits lll'(' both up ;llI d tht' 1l111'lllploY!lII'111 fil!lll'(' hmo! dl'opp(' tl !;olllcwh:I1, 11111 1 hnUtltil1J,l' slw('Il'(' of "1101 t'11011Ah .ioh!il t o gO :11'111111 , 1" is s l ill wi l h II". T l lt'!'I' ll!'(' ill t il(' l'UI']'ent I\'o l'k fol'o.:c lllOl'I' IlI'(lpl(' thall johs lIlId (,lllplo."cl's ('1111 IIn'ol·1i to

pi,," Hilt! ('IHlIl'OI.'.

. 1 11r111li'~· pi('k Ih(' ll]lpli(,l1IltS with th(' 1110"11 ('(hII'll' lion Hlld 1)('-;1 II'lIininJ;!'. 'I'h(' srhool dl·op·oul'i l1I'(' lr' ft hy Ill(' wiI.\·si.1 .. - th(' ItlM 10 bl' lJil·l'I\. T ilus JrI;lHY

~'01111g- 1}l1."" ami g-ids an' fllilill'('S Ix'fol'c th('~' ha\'(' l·t 'Hl ly I!tlII"11 slnl'I('(I,

I I i ... tlo t'OirH'idl'I1('t' Ilwt ('oIlC'g'(' gl'a£111:l/('<I ,' ,11'11

11110111 Illn·th in}s !lIOI'(' tlWIl hig-It s('hool I!l'UdUlilt'S, IIi ... IIc) ['(Jim'iil('m'p Ihlll hi~h S('hool g"!'adull/(,s (,111'11

Iln' I" Ihl·('('· f{ll1l·th~ 11101'(' thllll pCl'sons withonl ;111.\ hig:h Sdl()ollnlillill~.

:'\t' ilht ' l' is il "III'PI+.dll~ to find Ihat th(' UIl('lIIpl').I·'

IlwllI 1'/lIt· I' til' ...,·IIUtII dnll)()uts, "I!C' 16 to ~l. i'l IG.G I" ' I·t·(·I1I. IWlll' I~' fOil I' lilJl(,s tht' Illltional .1\·('I·lIj!C,

.\ n.1 if WI ' 1,)Qk al th(' 1I11(,lI1plo~' IIlC'nl I"a\(' 1'01' ('n' I'Y'

!rud.\- ill tht' 1'(llIull·.I' who i~ IH yC'III~ old and on'!' :nul 1IIt(l did lit)! fitli'lh hig-h S('ilool. lhat fig:lIl'l' i .. G.r. 111'1"'( ' 111. 11..; (·,IIIIPIII·I' (] to 3A pC I'C('nt for hig-h .. (·hl)ol .L(I'Hl llllllt' C:.

T lw..;t' fi~Hrl''', ill 1111l11Y I'C'spl'('ls, spl'l1k for 1111'111-

'>;(·11"1, ... . 13111 1111',1' <10 1101 Icll Iht' whol(' Slol',I'- III(' IIt'lII·tal·ht ·,<. til(' i'1'Ustl'lliions, lh(' 10Ilgilll,.'"S, tl1l' l'l'j!I'I'h til' th'N' Ilhtl fllih,r! III "sli{,k it out" find get tllO'il' nultlt ''l 011 Illal hi\{h <;('IIO()1 <liplolllll,

'I'h, ')'" a 1'(' ":\"\ ' pliol1_ lh(' ..o,(·all('\l sr]f·11Illt](' I1It'n nIl,l \\01l1t'1l who ha\"(' l·iSl'1l tu good positions wilh

liltlt' \',II11'aliOl1. B UI 111 ..... (' (fr(' 'hi' c.rcepfions, 1101 lIlt'

' ·Id ,· . . \ lId if tlltJM' ""lltt' p{'opl£' 1111(1 <1 s{'cond ('hllll"",

tht'."·" /.(1'1 I ill' . 'ol llf'lIlioll lil('.\· IliisSNI. ]1'01' IIho k l1 o\\s

III"''' 11I1I(·h 1'1I1'1)lt' l' Ih('y rmly lIal'c risen 011 tIll' p l·O·


\"Crbilll laddcr of succcss with mOrC training and "book IClll·ning'."

.\11<1 so 10 the' parenls who IIllly IX' rf'adill{! this JllJI!C, 01' :lny young I>cople', Or Ihos{' who II/n'c eonlad wilh slwl(,lI\s in Ihc prinwry l1ml <;{'{'oud,u·.\· S;ehools, ma.\' \H' lIppeal to you 10 do all ~'ou {'Hn to "ffP OUI' .\·(IIIIIg' p('oplc ICllI'ning'. The P!'{,.'1id('1I1 of thl~ , 'lIih'li :-;\ntes is pl'('s'iing this "Baek to :-;('hool" (·'lII1Jl.lign anti OI·gHlli7.('(i lal)()I' is hacking him :.11 till' \\,,1.\'.

L('ill'lIing is the door to t'al'l1in),( 111111 10 the 1)(',,1 Ihat Iif(' has 10 0fi'('1'.

The Seat Belt Campaign In an arti('II' whieh lIPPI'an'l! ill \IIII' .fol/rl/ol la"t

1I101llh, wc exp]x''i..'ied "cI'n eon('('I'n Ihat 'iO man)' m{'m, h(')'S of Otll' Bl'othel'hood and t1lt'il' familil''1 .11'(' Iwing " il ll'd ill tl'ume H{'ei(]ellis. 'I' h~' .\J-' I, ,(' IO, with tll{' l'IHlol'l'('III{'llt of Ihe Xali0I1:11 Safely ('ollll{·il. ill an (':11'11('<;1 t,n·OJ·t 10 slOI) the hol()(·aust of IIII' higll\va~'s.

is t'llIIdutting a " lIioll ::';af~'ty Helll BI'I I CampaiJ,!lI. The main IHl'lh I'm' this illlporiallt PI'()jt'(,1 will 1'0111(' dlll'iug thl" 1II0nlhs of :-;1~ptl'III"I'I' and O{,tollcl', E,wh 101'al uniOIl of OUl' lll,otll('rhoo<i whiC'h 1'{'(lu<",1s il will he 1lI11ilt'tl 11 paekct of matcl'ials !!i\'illg dl' lails of th(' {·'llIqwi!!II, 'I'he l BEW \)il'('I'lol' of ~af~'ly Opcrations, \'i(' Wiritl'houSf', is eh.lil'llwn of Illis IlJIiolJ,widt, ralll­['11 ign,

Wl' hopl" 111;11 "llloC'als of Ih(' BI'OIIII"I'hooi! \\'ill gi\'e Illis wOI'lh,\' \'t'ntul'(' fullesl ('00])CI'1II ioll, IHI';\\' 1I1f'1II­hns JI1I\'(' l'H'l',I'thillf,! 10 !!1Iin Hlld nothing: 10 losc by SUJlptll't of this Iwog-I'alll, 1.'1sl yr.u' .n,700 IWI'SOIiS 1\'1'1'1' kil1l,tl on Ihf' hif,!hwnys, ~ollle :!,-).OOO of Ih('se Wf'I'I' '1'(11'''''1''>, Timc los.~ b~' 1I'0l'kcI's duc to allto ill, jul'il"<; i ... 40 million 1I11111 -d'I~'.s P('J' Yl'lil',

(';m,'ful l'('scIII'eh 11I'OH'S 111lI1 IIl1iwl's:ll instlll1nlion and ('OIlS('icnliOlis uS<' of S('al h('!ts hy all wOl'k('I"i ilnd th('ir f;lIl1ilies :Ind friends ('ould I'(''!ult ill 111(' S:1\'ing' of I:!,OOO li\'Cs antl Ihc prl'v('ntion of ,')(jO,OOO S('I'ious injul'i('s r<leh ,\'Clll',

I n II\(' 1)I'1)g'1':1I11 hcing Ill'OHlOll"ti h~' ol'1!alli7.{'d lahol', SI,'al ht.'lts ("1lI be oblaillt'tl 111 11 1'('1111('('(1 ('ost and in­"Iallalion is nol difficult. Thc g'0:11 of Ilrc ~\FL,('IO i'! installalion of 10 million seal ht'l ... hy ,1;11111:11',1' I. 1!)6G, W(' hope lBEW IIIt'mh('N will do thcir full pHI'l 10 hrillJ! SU("('i'SS in Ihis hUlIIlmc ;uuhilion,

Wt' would li"c to makc one flll'llwl' SUA'l!cstiOll. It is nul ol'ig'innl but rom('S to 11'; throu,!,dl familiarity I\ith liI{' Hrli\'ilics of OUI' local lIniOlls as I'('rlort{'d ill Iilc "Loca l Lincs" S('elion, \rl' 1101(' thai on lIIany (1('C"lsioll~ 0111' loenl ullioll~ hold "pal,tic~" 1'01' tllc IwrfOl'millg' of dC('\ri{'al wor" gl' 011 (-()IJlIllUllit,l' Pl'ojl'(' IS, SVlIl(' ha\'(' had "Pill'l il's" 1'01' firt' donation ul' hlood 01' Ihe filling' of ('III'islnlll'l 1):I .. keis 1)1' 0111('1' wOl"irwhilc pl'Ojcct~, \\'1' 1I0t{' too tlmt till' Lallit,s ,\uxilial'i(''1 ortCII lelld tiwil' aid hy st'I'\'inl! ('oITI'C lind l'd,'('shlliC'nls.

lIuw ah()111 holding n "~I'ilt BI,It 1',II'ly !" ,\s a puh­lit 'i('l'\i{'I' 10 fcllow IInioll TnI'lIIh(,I~. Jl('ighl)()]'S lIIld i'ri{'lliis pk·" a loeatiOIl-II)(,;l1 1111ioll plld,ill!! I'JI, mlllli('ipal lot clc" and IIwl,e Sl'ill 1)('lls :I\-,lilnhl(' ilt thl" low CO.'lt the :\1-'1,·(; 10 pl't)~I',JJII p J'(I\'id('s, Hlld • ukcl,ti:;c l'i'ce insti.III:llion, Enlist Ihe 11itl o f youI'


. \ uxilial',I-, if Ihe local hns on{', :lIld SOIll(' of thc union win'S fOl' a l'cf"cshlJl{'1l1 dl'llril fol' ,hc "olunt(,(,N. ~lIeh H PI'Ojfft miJ!hl not be C;i«Y hut it would IX' l'('wiIl'dillg', lmd cCI'I:rilll,\' ill "t'I'pilll!' \Iith so many wOI'lhwhilt' ('Ollllllllllily !l1'Og'I'aIllS IIlld£']'la"CIl h~' 0111' I()(,;r\s ill \';Il'iOIlS Plll'H of t ht' rOIUIII·.\', TiI(' g'ood pull­Iii' l'I'lali(JII'i thus t'1l1!('nd(,I'I'tl would 1)(' IIJOst I}('n('fi('inl fOl' lillI' Ikothl'l'hootl :lIld ,III' ('lIlil,(' Inl)()I' mO\'CIllCIlt.

We Mourn Our Loss TIr., t"'1llusion amI lIash fil'(' Iilnt sll'lI(," ill n Titall :!

,\Ii"sill' Silo at S<oal'cy, 11('al' LilliI' HI)('k in ,\I'kansas, kiJJ{,t! :):1 IIl1ioll 1II('lIllx" ...... ,\m'lIll! th{'1JI WCI'(, 1:~ 1Jle'1ll· h('I'S of QUI' BI'othcI·hOOt!. It is a St'H'I'(' blow 10 this ol'gilni),..llliOlI 10 lose so lIlall~' ('Xjli'l'iI'llc('(I, tl'nint'd J-:1('('I1'i('aJ Wf)I'''('I'S in 11 '1ingl(' 'I'ilgi(' :l('t'itlcnt. Th{''1(' lIl('n :Inri Ihos!' of Ill{' ~h~'el ) I{'wl WOI'''t'I'S. P luml){'I·S. 11'011 W (jr"I' I'~, Ln hOI'Cl'S 1I11d ot hl']"i m't' hCI'O('S. c\,{'u if Ilwi!' h:lIt\{' I!'l'otllld \\'IS a fit'I'.I' silo illlli 110t a foxhoh' ill \ 'il'tn:lll1. Thcy W('I'(' (,OIlII'ihulinJ! Iheil' hcst ttl th{' st'I'\ic(' nnd PI'Otc<:tioll of Ih('il' ('Otll]II'~' anel tilt',\" g'a\'C tht'iI· all-the'il' lil'('s-iu IIJ{' pIII"iuil of Ihill dUly.

\\'(' slHll1 1'1'111('1111)('1' thelll \Iilh <;\11'1'0\\ hnt ;t\..;o wilh Pl'itil',

Where Were They? I r 11'(' il('1 in Ihe 1Il1l1l1l{'1' Illlll WI' s"unlt! in this Ii!'!'.

WI' II',\' to hc 10it'I':1Il1 of til{' sllortNlIllings of (Jlh('I'S, h{'ing mindful of nWII,\' or 0111' (lIlli, Il owc\'\'I', lireI'I' is 'll! indi\'idu:tI who al'OUSI'S 111,1' IITillh al lilllt''i :IIHI I filiI! it h:lI'Il 10 IX' !<,\'lIlpalht'lit,. ' l'lml iJl(li\'idnal i" til(' yOlIll)!' 1':I('cll'i('<l1 WOI'''I'I' who ('OI1lf'S (,I'yin!! 10 liS HIHI 10 0111' I()(':rl unions h{'g'~illg 'Hlmitt:lIl('c to Iht' union, mill if hc is l'('I'II"I,tl, Ill' pl't){'laillls illjllstic(' 10 lIn,dll)t1,\' IIho will !ish'll.

\\'(, h:l\(' a qu(' l1 fOl' tirt'''P youllg' p{'oplc, WII('I'I' wel't' rou rOIJl' 01' fh'c yrill's nl!(l wir(,n wc hCg"Hl Ih(' nPPI't'llliN'ship rlass you should Ira\'(' l)('ell in? Did ~'()II apply IhclI! Or \\"('1'(' you Ollr of th(yi(> who Slritl, " 1'111 1101 I!oing- 10 p:ly '1Il inil ial ion fff' to :Illy union! I tlon'l illh'utl to SIH'lItl :lIIy of Illy W:Iges ill IlniOIl du('sr'

'I'hl'I,(' lll,(' many yOUIlt::' Iwopl{' who I\lllit 110 Iml'l'i of tht' lIuiulI---flt firM. ,\lId Ih{'1l 0111' tla,\' wh(,11 Ih{'y\-{' 1)('('11 wOl'kinl! .l\\,hill' 1111''\' li'lII'lI 111111 lIlIion lIl('n :11'('

in IkmalHl :lIld COllllll1l1HI hi/,du'I' \\'1IJ,!('S, '1'h('~' fillt! out thaI IBEW uuiolls hold jom'lIe,quall skill illl+ j1l'()\"'lIlt'nl t,lnssl's I'm' tllt'ii· II1('II.III·I'S. ,\ ml tlll'lI-fin' 01' 'Ii" )'1':II''i too I:lh'. Ihl''it' sallll' ~'tlUIlI! Ilt'ople \\:1Il1 \'('1',\' m\l(,l1 hi ('Iimh on III IIii' uuiuu Imndwilg'()II, I'o"iuj! alOlI:,! iii 1)(O\t(,I' \\n!!t''i aud will'king contlitiOlls amI 'itt'adit'I' eltlploYlllt'lI1.

~Iall~' or our ullions han' oP(,Il('tl III(' doOl'S to IheS(' ~'tHlI1g IIUIH1IIion l!lcmhl'I'S. This i~ all wl,1I and g'ood :lIld ,Hill!' 1.0, I!;JS (,1I{"OIJl"I),!t'd IIIl' a('C('ptaIH_'e of all 'jlwlifil'd 1-:1('('\I'i('al Workl'I'S \\ill'i't'VCI' ptJssihlc. 1I 0w, I'H'I·. \It' 11:1\'(' litlll' f<ympnlh,\' 10 \la ... l(' 011 Iho<;{' who 111.1.1' 1)(' IIl1SSI'.! lIy, Jt is Ihl'il' faul. :111" lIot OUI'S Illllt Ihl'Y s()uJ.{irl the stt'cnglh lIut! jl l'Olt'c1ioll of OUI' unioll 100 latc .


DIRECTORS (Colltilntcd frum paye 13)

('i('s whieh lillY(- a trnillillg fnnc­tion. li e ~ llso ('xplflillCd S(lnl(' of til(' pmhlclIls ill lI111inlainiug OUl' jurisdiction and wl1<1t otll(' I' ('I'al'ts :u-e doing to 11',\' to gct into the cleell"iclll fil'ld.

In dosing' Ih{' Pr<,,,id('llt ~IPI)(,;lh'd to nIl prl'S{'lIt to p:in' llS much IIS­sistllll('e and suppfwl (I'" pU,,"-.jlll{' to PI'olrloting' Ihl' rUlHplli!!1l ill hoth apPl'cnticcsh ip li nd j011rl1l'~'1Il1111 Irllininp: Ix·in)! 1)1'011101(-<1 h~' the :\.1.\1'(; find lh(' IB I;;\\ ",

)11" j"I"('(,lllllll SIlid in plIl'l:

" )fl1I1Y of yon T l'llinill j! Di n:'c­tors 11«1'c today hun:,' liol1r 11 splC'u­did job ill ~'OI1l' 0\\"11 OI'CIlS of 11I'O!1\ol ing .JoII1'1l<'.nn;lJl 1" '11 ill illg'. This is well illusll'alCll ill lh(' ]nrg'c llumOC1'S of lB EW llI('lIlbCI'S who hl1\'c !'ctm'l1('d to s('hool Hili! COllI­pletcd OIl(' 01' more> of 111(' 11InllY Nurscs now Il\'lliln hl (' from tlie ~ntiOl1al ,I oin t APlll'l'1l1i('('sllip lind 1'rainil1 ~ olTiec-solll(' ,;0,000 hy Utl l' Iwst cslilll,lll'S,

" Once Jlg-ni ll J nlllsl Sll,\' r illll pl('ll>;cd by whM lIn!> b('(,11 nc­tOlllplislll'd, But ill tlris fie>ld I ;1111 I'llI' fl'oltl sa 1i sfi ~'d , ,J oIII'II(,Ylllun

training is sli ll O\ll' most lIl'/.!'('nt n('cd, Bv(' I',\' dn." WI' 111'(' Ihr'C'1I1C' I1 ('d wi lh loss of wol'l .. whi('11 slioul d l'ig-Iltfull." 1)(, OI11'S, II O\\'C\'C'I', 10

eillim it, \\'(' must 11;1\'(' mcn qual i­ficd I )('~'ond douhl, Illl'li wilh Ihe llbility to do it. 1111 of it. . \ 11 NI· Inrgw1 :md sllslnincd ('itOl't III

,JolIl'lI('.\'ll1a n Tl'aining ill a pl'('ssinl,! n('cd, YOli g(,IlII(,Illl'1I nrc ill thc lX'St position to h('lp II" fil l tlillt III'('d, .\ n<1 J)('Ji c n' Illl', \H' lI('fd

all thc h('1 p WI' (':'111 t{ct to ('1l('O\!I 'a!!(' jourlu'~'mun lnlillillg

Ihl'OU~dlOllt thc IlIllion" , ,

" T llll'Ongly \II'I-:C ."Oll, ."Oll who :I I"C Ihc (,;l\al,n;l~ 1'01' 1111 ou r Inlin­illl! prog-]'lIlIlS, 10 do your I)('st to $;('C thl'll 1'111 Elccl1'iCIlI \\'OI'kC'I'S hll\'c 11 ('han('(' 10 do thc cx('iling ncw ,,'ork Il\'a ilable 10dll."---('s.''!I'n. tinl tomOI'I'OW,"

,loseph R ' l'a." IOI', Skill 1l1lpl'o\'e, IIIcnt 'J'l'lIinillg" Dil"('elol', I IlI CI'll lt­

lion'll B I'olh(' rhoo<1 of 1-: 1('('II'i('al \\'ork el's, discllssed 111(' tlllli~' s of


his ol1i('(', U':lilling' Iwlt " "inl 1'1'1"

!l'lI'NI h,\' his olli('(~ Hlld l)IYt'l"l.'tI llssisllll\('e to a ll Iwog-I'Hms,

Mu ch Course Mate rial Available

Ht)lw!'L ,\1 (' 1111 ."1'(', 1'('IU't'';;('lIlillg

lhc "aliouul ,JOill1 , \P PI'\'llIi('('.;;hip alll1 '1'ruillil1g' ('Ollllllilh't" , li,;\('cllhc (,OUl'SC Im1tcl'ill l fol' hoth :1)lPI'('II­li('csirip lind jOIlI' IU'."1l111 11 II'Hilling' Ihat is ll\'lIilahl(' Ihl"lIlg"h Iht' ):\1-

tiOllal ('olllrtliuf'(', II I' also d is­('lIss('d in j·on.;;idCI'ahh' tkp l lr tile ])"01)(\1" st,If'('1 inn PI'ol'l'thll'(' liS 1'I'('omllu't1dl~d b,\' 1 h t~ :\0\1 ionnl ,Ioillt ' \ JlPI'(,1I1i('t'''!hip IllllI T 1'OIi1lir11-!" ('oll1l11ill('(' to h(' ill ('olllpliullCC \lith T ill(' :!!J , 1'111"1 ao,

1-('IH'('S('lltnlh'('s of Ihe ~mil h ""('Iding" ('OIllPIII1." mid Ihc Wil'C'­Ilwlt l ('oillpnll." mn,l(' PI'('sC'lllalions of \\'Iwt tll(' il' t'otl ll)lIlliC'.;; ('1111 do 10 assisl 0111' JlI'Oj.t I'ams wi l h sllol" dl~IIIO ! ISII':I' ion <'OI II 'S('';;,

'l'h(' ('ollf('I"C'II(' (' I)I"()IH' lip illto 1III't'(' " blll'.7." sessiOll s: OIl C' 1'0 1'

snwll pl'ognll!l ,~, 011(' 1"01' JIII 'g'(' IWO'

).!:t":II!IS lIlid 0111' fOI" IiIII' ]l1"I;!l"lIll1ioi,

10 g-h'c Illl' di,'I'{'II/I'';; all "jljll/I"­

I II II il ." 10 dis('\l!'is Ir-nining- pI'oblt' llls ('OIW('I' IIt,(l \\' illl Ihl' il' pil l'li('llll1l' tYJlI' of prOg-I'lIlJl.

l 'I '('"i ([ r- !lt (:Ol"fiOll Fn' I'IIlIIII, ),11',

Alltil"('\\' I ' hill i]l ~. ~II' , r'lll 'ti.;; \\'il­linllls, !\II". II, J,('f' HI'III1S lIli d ~II" ,

I-'I'('d {)<'I'lli W\')'(' (' h'('I\'d 10 hOllOl'­ll\'y 1Il('mJX'I'Sllip ill tll(, llit'\' ('lOl'S , \ s.'lQ('intion,

Important Commiltee Re ports

'I'h(' r'nnfl'I'f' I](,(' nl"'J Jlf'IlI'(j 1'('·

pOI't~ 01" il .. HI'';;('lI l"1'h ('ollllllil1('c 011 ,\ pl iludr 'I'(ISI illl! 1'01' .;;,'1('('1 ion 01" ;IP1)\'(' 1I1i ('('~ IIl1d frOlll IIt(' \ 'i.;;ual ,\ id.;; COllllltitt('C,

T hc following offi('('I'S WI'I'(l

(' [('('I(·d : ( 'ltai!'IIWIl Hnymon :H, Il oJX'I'lioi, I ~ i(-hmolld, \ 'il'),dllill: \ 'icc CIllli l'l llll ll , )1. E. ( 1'11 1) I")OlIlIliIl, 1'01'111111<1, 01'(,).:011: Ri;>('I'('t;II',I· )ll1l'k II , BCt'cher, XillJ.,\"lll"a "'ails, :\'('W York ( 1'('1'1 (,(,1(>(1); 'I'I'\ 'nslll" '1" 11 ('1-" in ,\ , Wirl('g:II'lr ll, 'I'nl"a, Okla­homa (1'C'{'i('('led ,)

Al 'thlll ' A. 1 10110111, l'f'lil'jllg ('JUtil'HlUII, \\"n~ I)J't'I«'Il I('d 11 pl:Ujl l(' ill lIJlPlw'iatioll 1'01' hi.;; 1l'l1dc'l'Sh ip on 1)('1Iaif of Ihl' 1ISS()('ililioll,

T h e I!JOG 11I1lluai H1(,l'linJ,: \\ ill he 11('1<1 jusl I)]"iol" 10 tht' :-;()ulil('l"Il ~Iut('~ APPI 'CJlli(·('.;;hi ,l l'Oll f('I' t' IICC ill J J"OIlSIOIl, '1'('X;1S,

CANADA (COII/iIlIlCd Iroln plL!J8 ,16)

IIntiol1111 O('lobcl' 1!), 18!)!) wllclI Ill" d('h'~1It('s 10 Olll' P illshlll'g-h ('em· W'lIlio11 \·01('(1 10 ('hnll~(, Ihc 1I1111h' of Olll' Oq!lIl1 i7.llIiOIl 1'1'0111 S"/;IIII(l1 Nrofll ('rh(IQ(/ (II RIN'trj('(l/ 1rm'/;(I",~ 10 11I/(I')I(I/i(1I11/1 n rollr(l"hofJd ',f Rlf'('/I";('(J/ W /)/'/;("8,

1'11(' til'S\ ('anadian 10('111 of Ihl' I BE\\, lI"a~ dllll'I(,I'C'd ill 01l1lW1\ III D('('('IIlI)('1" of l R!l!),

• • • • • Indus/rial Fatalities in Canada

Th('I't~ wcrc 1,2RO indll"tl"inl fll~

1l!1iti()" ill ( 'militia IllsI ,n'II", T Ilt' fig-lII'C for 1%3 was I ,:!:n,

Of Ihe l :!BO fallililics ill l %,L !J IB \\"('1'(' Ihc I'('''ult of beilll-: SII 'II (,k

h~' 10011'1, Ill:H:h iI1 Cl',V, mO\'i11g' \'1'­hil·lc" lind ollwl' obj('cts,

'1'11 ('1'(' II"CI'(' 26fl fn taliti('s ('111lS(',1 hy fnlls,

'1'11(' I' I'o\'iIH'(' 01" OIlI:II'io with 410 fOlI.iliti(,s INll]\(' pl'o\"i11(,(,S in 11111 !1-h('1' of flltlll l\('('id,' nli'l, or lir('s(' flR O('('UI"l'('d in llI:lIluf:lclm'IIl1-!:: i!i ill tt':lnspIH'Ii11ion, C'ollllllllniculion H11(l ollwl' IItilitics; (j(j i l l (,()lIstl'lldi\)II: and ;):J ill lII inill ~ :rnl! (1IllH'I 'yi\l~,

• • • • • Women in Industry

In P'JH4 , 1 he f('llIa 1(' popui:1 1 itm or ( 'lIlll1da, I ,~ yc:n's of 1Ig-(' ano! O\"CI", ('xcc('dcd Ih(' 11111 Ie hy !l I.OOO, 110\\'(,1'('1', lilt' 111:11(' luooul' fo]"('(' f'X­('('t,(lt ,d Ih(' f('llw le hy :1,000,000. \\"011\1'11 rollllll' iseil 28,S Pt'I'(-t' lIt lIf t h(' (,l1Ipl{lyC'<l population,

Si ,\('(' J!lJO, WOII1('n's l ion 1'll1(' 1 1ll~ 1)('('11 Wh(, I'Nls that of llIen d{,(,I'f'll si 11 JZ",

plIl,tic ipa­illCI'C'l,sillj!"

has 1x'~' 11

rll C'llnndn, sollie ullioll.'> h:wC' 11 la rg-(' PI'OPOI'ti (11l of \\"0111('11 111t'11l' J)('11I, fI (']'(' 111'(' <;Q1lI(, of lhl' IWI' ·

('('Ullll-\"C", Thc 11.(1 \\,1 ' ( Llulit's i: al'lll('1It \\'ol'k(,I 's) 1('1II1s III(' lisl wi l h 87 P CI'(,(,1I 1. Bui ldi ng SI'I", i('e 1-:1IlJ11 0~,t's-60 1ll.'I'(,CIl1: Hl'lail (,1(,I'ks-:)O PI~ I'('\' nl ; Office Ern­ployt's 1111(,1'11 ,llion:l 1 Union---ll,6 pCI'('('11I: I; 1':1 in :\ ' illc l';;-30 I)(, I"CCIII,

Pcrf'Cnlu{J(' of women lI!r'mb "'r,~ (II the In,.: \ ," ill ('(lII(ldi(lll loellls­./1 ]1("'(,(,11/, 1" 11 Ihe 1\ ul0 \\'orkl'l'S, the fij.!lIl'c is 6 )Wl'ccut Ill1d in Ihc ) l uchinisls-5 )('rccut.


Locals should


W I'; would like to (·nll tn tli(' nl\I-lllion !If nil OUI' IILt'!I\I~I'S

Ollel' ilA'aiu, tilt' illlpol'talll'l' of allilt­litton with tlu'ir state and loeal ('l'1l1I';1I lallOl' hvdit's.

W l' Ht1.' ,'('I'Y proud of tilt' splt'll. did ('oopf'I';J\ioll we h;I\'{' I'('('cin'fi fmlll so Ulany of QUI' IB E W local lIlIions in Ihi . ..; 1'l'!{:l1'(1, hut W{' ai',' 111)\ sati'lficti. W(, ('11111101 hl'sli lt'l ·

firll until I'\' t'!''\' hll'lIl ullioll 1111" HI kll'!t ;dYilla!t.'!! with 111(' SIat(- 1111)01' ol'g'J1tli;WlioTl in its stlltf',

(hll' )'t'HSIIIlS fill' ( 1111' (':II'II\'S( J'(,.

qUl'sl HI'(' l'l'I',V \'Idii!. SOIlI(' (If OUI'

loeilis IUiI,V 1'('('1 thaI litl',", of llil'iIl­!i1'II'I'S, ;1]'(' SII'OIl).\' lItHI 1'[('('\ [,'c nnd

l11'C ('lll'J'yillJ,r out 1I1('il' (-ollrrlil'c \);l1')!lliuiug' Opt'I'nllum, fluitC' sUC­et'ssrlllly, Hlld Wil1l1illl( IlIIHlI'I'OIlS

goon Is fo]' Ihl' 1l1l'Hliwl'ship. This is

all \'CI'Y \n'lI Hnd ).\"00<1. 110\\'l'Wl',

till'\'1' :\l'(' additiOlw] ).\"oal!-l wld!"11 m'l' illlpossihle 101' illdiddual local lIllioliS to Ohlllill all alullt" ' l'llost'

IBE\\, m('IlIIl!'l"s \\'ho li\"4' ill stnh's

with " Hi~hl 'I O- W01'k" and olht'l" lint i -la llOl' la\\s, know how \'t'l')" diffi{'ult il is 10 e1llT~' (lut uuioll

OI'j,!"1luizillj!" l'lIIl1paig'lIl1 alII! 10 1.Il' sW'I'ess\"ul 111 thl' hnl'g'ninilll-t t llhlc ill 1111 al'('tI wlil'I'e su('h lel!is1<1tioll IS pl"('I"HI!'llt.

legis 10 lion is Essential

go IIl1wll (If tl\(' \\·ol·k of Uq.(";IIl­ized InllOl' tht'SI' tlays. dl'])I'lId!-l IJil Ihe pmi .. 'i<Ig"e of l('j.\"islalion width will Ilid I"Hth~'I' than IW1"111 lIlIions ,111<1 Ill('ir IIl1'lIll)('l's. I wliddtl1l l lIIl'

ions ('an :1{'eolllplish little 011 Ih{'il' OWII . Bowe\'cl", wh(,11 nil of the In­eal lIuiollS of a eil~' 01' a slnt(' nt"(' hand{'d 10g"{'thc l' in 11 StI"(Ulg', mili-

111111 stale 01' ('ClIIl'al labol' hody, Ih{' ir ]cj.\"isilitioll ('ffons ('all hl"illl-\" 1"('llllll'kllhlc l·eStl lls.

I t is ill tile stut('s 1I11d Ihe eities


Ih1l1 th(' hatll('s II1"C \\"II~I'd tluil." fill' ht'lh'I' It ').! i"!;ltioll ill su('h Iit'ldl! H~ 1)]'Olwl' housin)!, adl"lll1JIC l'lhu:a­

lioll, equilable ';IXI'S. saft'l,\" s\:llld­<l1·tls, wOJ·k III(' II'S l'OIII]Jt'llsat ion,

l)('th'I' ph.\'sical ;Iud I1ll'lIt;il hospital (,lII'l', .'It.

(hll' I B E W locnls ha,·(' II'nlli,ioll­ally IX,t'li strOll1! SliPPOI''''!'S of gotll l 1t'g-isl;llion lIlld lIIost o[ thelll Iw\"(' jililll'd wilh thdl' fl'lIow IIWlIlht'l'S in lilt' gl;IIt' I,IIJOI" Ol"g'allizllliollS 10 t,U'-1'.1- 011 Iht' t";llllpnig-lls. 1"01' it is tht' sInh' <llId 10('111 1,1bol" Oq!;llliz<lliollS which Ilsllilily 1I1IlSI tlll(t' t!il' illi l i11 -tin' ;11]([ fOI'1Il thc IWI·t! COl'(' or fi:-rhl· t']"'l ill tJl('l!C \'('1'.\' 1I('I'I'SIII·." l"1·aY!-l.

'1'11(' h('sl WIl.\' 10 brill~ HhOUI 111(' Ie!ti,.:t nl i \'(' illl P l'I/\','!U('llls we so d{'­sir(' is IhrtHlj . .dl SII'lm!! S\lll\' nntl tClllral ];ilK11" bod it's, i;a(-k('d solid­ly h,\' (II/ Ih(' I(>(',ds of Ihe an'H,

All Should Shore 'he Load

'rJ1\)_~ I()(>al unions \Ihi('h do not joill and It'nd th{'il" fillaJlC'ial Hild lIIoral :mpPol"t [0 tht'ir IH"l!ilni1.lI­I i\llls, S{'t'1Il to liS to hc "OIIl{'whnl in :J silll i l<l l' enll'gor.\" as IhoS(' p('()ple 11"110111 \\"(' 1I1'C st\t'king 10 1'('Hell ill l"c])l'lIl of Rl'('lioll 1.( ( 11 ) of T uft- ll nl"lh'." IIlld till' SUb~("tlH'lll 111)01 i"llIIll'lIt of " H i1!hl -IO- \\' vl"k" Im\'s II hieh it wOllll 1 OI'{-nsiol1. As !lnioll !l11'1Il1J{'I'S W{' 1"CS(,lIt tho:!!' IWI'­SOliS Idw ('lIjoy ill I th(' IWlIcfils of twill).! l"l'IW('''I'lIted by II union, .\'('t

I'dll"t' 10 join iJlld Pll.\' tllI' h· !-l111l1'(' of Ih(' loat! in (h]{'s_

_\ 11 of Ihe IIll iol1 IlIClI1hel"S ill n stall.' 01' eity \xoncfit by Ihc {'lful"ls ]1111 flwi h b.\· th('il" :c>lale allt l (-1'11-

\I'll [ 1:11)(11' hodics. 'l'hl' I·('rllll'. :111 "llOUld Iwlp be:ll' Ih{' ('XP('Il'l(' ;11111 I'('spollsihilil." fOI" the ~ood wOl'k tll('.'- lWI·OIllplish.

TIl(' (BE \\' has nn ('x('('lIellt n'lmllit ion /"01" thc kind of snpport.

WC lIlt'lltiOIl hl'I'(,. ;\ \'1'1'.\' l;lq!c lll"O])OI'lioll of (Ill I' 1(I('lIls 111'(' l1U'lll­h('I';; of III{' ]l1'O)lt'I' la\)OI' l)(ldit's, _'I allY IU'lp('ti 10 I'tJIIllti Ihelll, .\ "('I'~' Illq:l' Illlllll)t')" 0]" IIH;\\" IlLI'III­

IX'I's (ill ]Jl"oplJ1'liun to O\'('I"-all II1clllb"l'Sllip) 111'(' st'ITill!! as offi<-cl's of stlll(' ant! IO(,HI orgauiz:llil)IJs. Bul tlds is nol ('Ilouj!h . • Ill should IX'lI p1l1'1: (II! should hl'lp hl':lI' tIll' l(Jud; all should hI' 1\(II·kill:.! 10 g-I'I 11 11('.-('S$III·,I', \\'01'11111 Ii ill' job (lml{'.

'I'h!' slnh\ 1111(1 lo.'al ('\'1111';11 1:1-1)01' OI"g:llllizlIlillllS III{J~I' lItli)}ns of Ullioll!-l Ihlll IIHdw lip tl)(' lniJo)" tII(lI'I' ltll'lIt in 111(' ,-10 slntt's 1111<1 ROO ('Ollllllllilit i('~ hun' 1){,I'n I-ailed ''\'il<lI lillk'l" ill tli(' 0\'1'1"-1111 sll'\1('-1111'" ,If tilt' AI-' I ,.I ' IIl . T hl'." 111'" Ihe h .. III.1s \\Iii('" hold ,\l1lt'1"i('l1'S UlliuliS (0).:1"111t'1". 'rill',\" pnJl i,ll' Ilml IIIlil('11 stl,\·tlj.!"111 11\'('("%111".\' 10 Iwill!t about \\ il\<'''pl"I'll( l ,,(wi:1I and It'l.ris­IUli\'i'j!(wl'l whif'h I:{O inlt'l"lI11li0l1nl ul1ions 111111 (iO,OOO 10(':11 unions. l':I('h 1](,liu).! illtlhitlu,dl.\', ('oulll 1101 po~silll,\' al'ilil'\'l',

Wt' htl]l(' Wi' hal"(' huilt .. (';j~ to ('f)lIdll('l' llll," of \JUl' hl('nl~ slill llll­

affililll\ '(1 with (11I'il' stat(' .11)(1 1.'<'11-Il'al hl)t!.I' c)f III\' illl]lt))'IHlle(' of thei .. joinillg' il1lltwdint('I.\·,

\\' 1' ('JIll lliilll, ti l' Illl nllirl 1I1'/!11-11I('llls lI)!l1illSt I llis positioll:

I f, ill -"OHI' Opillioli. Stl1tl' fl11l1 lot·nl OI'g'lI1JiZHliuIiS HI'c' HOI 1"\111('­

l iouing- IH.'('OI·dillj! 1(11111' !)(,sl ill[('I'­

{'sIs of 11111' l:kotIH'I'IH)()d :lilt! nil ()l"g"Hlliz('" 11111111", show a lillie of thaI II'aditiotllll I B E \\' It''ld,'r:;hip, join alit! ('IUlII)!!' a 1','11 1IIilll--'"'" But Ill'11 pal'l of 1111 111111 l'OIlt"C'I'IIS 01'­ganizl'ti Inhul" HlIII YOUI' Jiwlihood, 1101 just 1\ disS('l1h'I·.

If -"Ol1l' 10('111 h 'l'ls it l'l1ll1lOt :lft'tll"tl II) JOIIl Its ]11"0])('1' bod iI'S, just nsk, "Wilh :lIllh(')"e is lit slllkc todll,\', tll l1 \\'C nft'OI'1! not 10 joi l1 ?"


II ,



O IW.\:\ IZ EIl lalXlI' ill gelle!'l'll, alltl om' Bmlhl,t'hQt.k1 in pat"

lic'lIla!', han' alway'! hl.'<'l1 in Ihc fOl'cfl'onl of 1111 1lI0\"'IIl{'llls 10 pro· IIIOtC I)('II{'I' hOIlSillg lor Ih(' ritiY.('Il'l of tll(' l"lIil('d :-;lalC'S lind (';Illllda. 'I'll(' ~!hh ('()IIg'!,f'~'l, whirh is fa~t huildill~ fill' ilo;('lf Ih(' w{'Il·c1('scl'\'cd lill(' or "!)lit' of tll(' lX"'t Con­~t·\,s...~" ill 0111- (»1Iil'(' hi ... toJ',\-. Nm nl1mhr!' anlOlIg- il'i IIlhl'l' II('COIII­

pli~hlllt'III'l an Olllnihll'i housing hill wilh IIWIIY n\'11 i't'ullI]'('s 1\'lli('h htl'! IIOW IX'('1l sig]H'11 illto htw h.l- J"]'('Si­tll'lIt 1,,\'1111011 .lohlh(lII.

It i,,, oHI.1' f,dl' IIl1d filling: thllt 11111' .1 0I/l·lIffl Sl1.\· H \\01'(101' thunks 111lt! It·illll\(' 14) PI'I'~idt'lIt ·Johnson 1111<1 Ih\ls(' ~4']wl(JI'S nile! ( ·Oll!-(I'CS. .. •

1IH'1l who Sll\I' tllis 1f'l£islalioll thl'ouJ,!'h. ('i)lllllH'rll lHlI~1 1)(' IllIl<iC hl'I'(' (III 11](> II"()]'k 01' .\11'. BO!'is ~hi"Chkit1 01' tilt' .\I·' I,-f ' IO sInn' who was Ind.l- II Sh'IH lfmlt 1ll('IHOI'

of thc hOllsing' hilllllld who wOI'k('d

ulltiriul-!'ly ol'ganiliug- rOI"('c~ within and witholl l thc 1111.01' mOI'C'll1ent fo,' ils StlPpOI't.

Our o\\'u IlIt('I'IHlliOlial See]'etaI'Y .10000ph D. 1-\ f'f'ltall ... Iwuld r('('cil'C labor's ('()llllu(,IHllltioli too, fOI" a~ a llIt'mh(,l' of Ihc :\:lIiOllfll !lousing ('onft"'{,I1('{', !1"C w('llll" of Ih(' AFI,­('IO's spt'('inl I l ou~ing- ('Ollllllitlcc, _Hr. 1-\('('11I111 wOl'k(,d Inn~ and h:lI·d 1'01" tlli!! hOIl.;illlt ICJ.:i~lation. This i<; cs]lc{'inll,\- gn1lifying- to us m; Bl'OlhC'l'lloo<l nll'ml)('I'S. 1'01' in 0\11' \\'01'" \\'(' ~Inll d to I)(,lll'fit ill in­l'I'('ll~cd l'l1lplo.I'llll· ll t uPPOI'lunities


ACT OF 1965

111' n 1'l'~lllt Ill' tht' 11(l1l~ill:':- hill. This ('()upll,t! Ililh it~ I'I'ry humanc and wOI,tlmhih' ... wial ,,1l'I'('I'i tl1:lkt''i lilt' Ilothillg nlld 1)('\'('IUllllU'1l1 _\et of l!J(i.·, 1'~IH'I'inlly plt'llsiu).\' 10 liS.

i-'oll()willJ,(' i'i II ~Ulllltla!,." of Ihe IH'O\'isi{JlI~ uf I he IJil1.

1'itll' I of th(' U('II' IlIw !'I'ol'ides n 111'11' pl'tl~I'nlll of 1'('lI l slIppl(,IIh:IlL" for diNlth'lIl1tnW,d 1l(" .... (Jlls. I t :HI­,hol'iz('''C 1'('111 snppl"lIIcnts fill' tCIl­allIs ('Iif.:'ihh' fol' ]llIhlit' h()ll~ing 1'01' ,'ldt'I'l~·. IUllldi(,lIpp(,;I . tli ... plaM"d, \-i('lilll~ of !HI 1I,,'a I Ili~:IS'('I' 01' 0('.

j'UPHlllS of SUI)sllIll(lal'd hOIl~illg.

'I'hc i1tIlOlltlt of ,h(' 1'('111 ~lIpplc­

llI('ut pn.I·III(' Il1. ... with 1't'~ p('('1 101111.1' dw(' l lillg" would hc thl' tlin·~,)·{'llce

h,'!\\'I'f'1I ,III' fuJI 1'('111 1'01' 1111' (111'\,11-ing" uni, a11(1 :!:j 1)('1'('('111 of th(' in­r01l1(, of th(' fnmil." MCIII'.,·i!!!-\, Ihnt '''''dI illg".

1 1I('ollt{,~ of '('Il:llLl~, 1';{(>('pl fol' 1hl' 1'1(1\'1'1.1', wonld 1)(' l1'('1'1'Ii/icd "\'t'I'~' 111'\1 ,n'UI'S, 01' tllOl'(' f l·I'(III('lIt. 1,\- if lI('t'l'~'iHI',I", h.l- 10<'111 Ilffit'C'<.; IIlld lI).!('lleit's (1I'si1-( 1l111col fO I' this pur­pose.

• \<,; 11,(' in('olU(' of a I('mlllt in· (,1·('IL"t'(1. 111(' 1'('lIt 'illppl('IIt(,llt PII,\-. 1II('lltS w(lllltl 1)(, ]'('1111('('<1 n('~'Ol'd­ing-I.I-. until tht' tl'l!;lIlt ('oultl pay th(' full l'I'n!. "I IIUlI lilliI.', )'('Ilt SlIppl(,1I1{'111 ]lll,\'III('lltS with rt'~pl'et to Ihllt It'II1111t would ('('11-..1'. hul the fm1lil." ('olllil C'oulilllW to li\'(' in the unit.

H('nt SII Pl llt'll1(,l1t .·,11 111·11(·ls will be 1'01' ·10 ,rCll l'S, wilh n'lIl -JlI'Ofit,

limit('d dil'ith'ud 01' ('0'01) SPOIIMH'S, umlcr :!:! I (Ii )(:1) mlll·ket 1'11\('.

Th(' I'Cl11 SllJlplt'lIll'lIt pa,l'II1('llls ('Quid Illso 1.1(' IIIlull' with 11"'1)('('1 to \lllits renlNi Ulldt']' :1 It'IlS(' \\ith option to IHII·{'hll~('. I n ;Hi,litioll.:111 ('XP(,I'illl{,lltlll JI]·O).:I·lIl1t is 11111 hor­iz('d 10 IU'III-ide N'lIt SlIJlJlI('Ill(' lll !:>

fOI' h()u~inC' Imilt h." l)I'i\'lll(,. nOIl­p]'Ofil (II' lillliit'd ,1i\'id('lld ('1)1']1,)1':1-

,ioll'i 01' h.l· C'OOIWl'ltth,t's. 111111 Ji· n:lm't'd wilh ~1'(' li()t1 2:! I (ti ) (!l) b('lo\\,-llIlll·kt,t illll'l't''I1 1'1It(' 1lI01·t­

!Zagt'''. !l ollsiu).: for Iht> ('1(kl·l." I\'onld al~o Ik,' eli~ibl(' fOI' 1'('111 slIP­

p lC'ltlf'llts 1111.1 ,'1' this ('x lw l'inlt'lltlll p '·Ogl'lllll. Th is itlt'ludcs nil JH)lL~illg' ('()JI~tl'\lC'l'd Ulllk'I' 111(' dil'l,(,t Inall s(,lliol' (' it il('IIS hous illA' PI'O/-:,I';llll ali(I VII.\ Kt'('liol1 23 1 hOllsilt:t ill­slu'('d :1l't('I' (' IHI('llll('1lt of IIII' hill. O nl.l· 10 ]l('I'l't' ltt or th(' illtlOllnl~

lIPPI'O]) l'i att'd 1'01' 1'('Ut sllppll'ltl('Ut"C eould 1)(' lt~('(1 iu ('onl1('('Ii()1I with this Jll'Oj:!I'Olm mul l'l'nt sllpplf'llIf'nl pfl~'rn('l1ts ('f1nltol 1)(' l11ltti{' wi,h 1'('·

sp('ct 10 mOt't' ,111111 :!O ]WI'('1'1l1 (11'

thl' dwclIin).! IIl1it'! in allY of 'lIe

,,1'O]1('l't iI'S .

1'0 fill;lIH't' I·('''t "lIppl(,II1(,lIh, thc IIPPI'QPl'illtiol1'! authol'il('d w()ul(l lIInounl 10 no' 1II00'C thlln $;;0 mil· lion priol' '0 ,Iuly .1 , I!lG6. 'I'his anml1ll I1mOllll1 would 1)(' im"l,(,llS('d h.l- $-iO million 011 ,July I of ('nell of I h(' .'·('II1'S I !I6(i, I !lG7 111111 1 !l{j~.

This ill\·('~tlll('llt would (,lllIbl(' !lOIl-pl·Ont. ('V-IIIt'I'Il'il'C' :rnd liUlilt'f1 dil' id('lld SpOII"'OI'S '0 ('OI1SI I'Ut'l alHl


fiUUIICC, m'ct the ucxt four yeu los, ~I1IC :.I7;},000 stand lll'd hou'ling IIllil" sllitcd 10 the Il('('<is or low­iu{'ollll' famlli{'S,

'J' hc ncw IH'OgTIlJll authOl';z(>s;ft:W

mil1iOIl for n:nt sup p l,'lIu'lIl pay· Ull' lIl s i ll the fi-ielll :"('111' of I%G, nml addiliUJlul ulUouuls of *:1,; IIdl­lim l ill fis(-ul IUG7, $-10 lIli1lioll III li'll'/Il 1!I(ilol, and $-I;; million ill li,,('1I1 IH6!I,

T hl' law also ptO\' idcs 11 ut'W pro­~I'1II11 of $ 1,:;00 rl'hahi1itatiOIl ).I:1'11IIt'l ill l't'III'wal ar(-:lS, fIJI' hOIll('

OWIlI'I'" II ilh inCOllle IIntit'I' $:3,000 a ."t'lIl',

1,' 11)\· \ ')\ lllfl,I' pH,\' IIp Itl 011('

,\'1'11 1"" III'illl.' ipa i illl d i!lh\ I '(I~t Oil

JlW I'Ig'u).I:l'S wilel'(! hOlllc OWlll'I'S III'C

1I1l1'1l1J1hIYI'tl hN'allS(' of ('losi ng' of FI'tll' I'al im;tallations,

1,()\I'_I"'lIt Jluhli(' hOllsiug is cx­knlli'li 1'01' -I ."l"Il;S to pI'o\'idt' fOI' GO,OOO units Yl'arl,l', II lollil of :.!-IO,. 000 lIuits in f01l1' ."CH I'S, \I ilh fI('x· illl" IirHlu{'illJ,!" fOl'lllllhl pt'I'lIliltill!-\, ""l' of t'xi'lt ing- hOI1'1illg, Of I his lolal, ;J,·"OOO ullits .1 ,1'1'111' woutd II(' III'\\' ('OI1Stl'II('l ioll, J;;,OOO bvuj.!'ht

alLti I'('hahilitatcd fl'oJII I'xi'ltiug

Typiul of Ih, bli9hl of Ih. cou"l.y', hOUl, ;"9 il Ihil pil if ... 1 Ice", i" th, ".Iio"', upil.1. 8 ... 1 in b"ck9.0 ... nd th, •• "I, •• n, .. d, •• lopm,nl to ho" " Ih, plopl, of


Such ",uclu ... u this .. ill .1I,,,i,l, Ih' po ... rty in houling un.l" the Hou,;n9 Act

of 19115,

hOlls in!-!" Bud 10,000 IlIIils Il'llS('d 1'01' l()w-I'('111 uS(' fl'Olll III'illlh' own, I,'I'S, 0111." up to 10 1l('I'et' lIl of IInils HUI." lx' IClIS('ti as ('xistill~ hOllliil1~ subjl'l'l It) I()('nl aPI)I'{)\al, ill IICW I'\'ul (,,'I't ifi{';lll' IH'{)~ I'alll,

SC('lion :W'l 1101I -JlJ't)lit 1I0ilSill).l: fUI' tIll' l'ldl'rI~' I'wg-rHlII is t'x ll'utll,d rill' " ,n'al'S with an 1llltluJI'il.lltiou or :jq :-IO millioll, Ilmlllll' lIH1xilIItlUl mlt- I"' ... I I'llh' is I'\'tliwetl to a 1)\'1'­tClIlo

1-' 11,\ pI"t)j.t:l'ams an' ,'x ll'wit'll fOI'

1',)111' ,n'lII'S 10 ,JUIII' :.10, 1 !)()~l,

l ' l'hnll l'I'm'wnl PI'(\/-!"I'llitl i'l 111'10 ('x\t' luit'd j'OI' fOlll' ,I'PHI'S II it h $:!,H bi l li on atltlitiV llill llUllltH'iwtiv ll ill Cllpitlll gTilllt IllltitlJl'il,l', ~Oll-1'('sidl'lllilll ('x"(']1lioll i" 1'lIi,,{'d 1'1'0111

:10 JWI't'(lllt 10 :~::; 1)('1'('I'ul, 011 IICW 1II01lt,y only,

( 'olll'j.t:c housing- 1)1'01'1'1\111 i'i nil­Ihol'izt'd 1'01' foul' ,\'1'1I1'S 111 $:100 1\lillillu ."t'ady, .\ :J 1)\'I'('t'lIl in1('I'­r"l I'alt' will ht Illarl'lI till ('oll"He hon"ill~ 101ms,

,\ IIt'W COrllltHlllit.', 1'111'ilitit's 1)\'0-

j.!'1'11I11 i'i 11tItit{Il'izl't1 Ililh;'i(J Pt 'I'I'{'1I1 ~l'lllltS fol' hllsit: puhlil' WIII('I'-S(,W('I'

f3('ilili('S ami 00 Pl' I'ccn l 1'01' !Sl'II'('I"lI in small 1O\\IIS III('king lh('m lIlId wllh high Ilnt'lIlplo."lIlcllt, _\ lIthol'_

izcd <tbo UI'(' two-thirds I!l'lmts fOl' lleig:hho!'iI{l(}(i l':U'ilitit's to It>l:liI puh­lie n~(>JlI'it,~,

)'('al'l." l'ullIls fOl' thl'S(' 1'011111111 -

l1it~, fl1('i1ili('~ pI'ogl'nllL'I <11'(' .IUlhol'­

iZl'd fOJ' fUll I' Yi'l1l'S: \\'at('J'-Si'II't'I', !j::!OO III i II iOIl: lit' i go" h()I'llt~Jti f lH' ii ­iti{'\!, $,;0 lIlillitlll; IHl\nlH'C land II('

IIUisiliulL, :to:!:; lIIillioll, ' l'hl'''I' 11t'1\ l'tllllltlllllit." fa('ililil"_

prO~l'alJ1", liS \I .,11 as i:lIld deH'lul'­/!Icnt imHII'IIIl('t', HI'l' subj(,(,t 10

llavis- Bill'OIl [ll't'l'uilill1,! Wllg'l' ddt'I" 1Ili ll ;l l ions,

·~ I al{'llillg- gol'il n ls a 1'(' authol'i~,i'(1

to ;lsSisl lv\'1IIilil's ill PI'OI!I';III1S of I){';! II I inc'lIt i(!H lIUt! illllH'ol'clllcn t Of OPCIl ,SPlli'i' 1I11t! 0111('1' puhli(' Ill/uk The..;c' 1 1I'(j~1'1I111s 1,0tlili illclJlth' s\H,1I thinl-"S liS lill't'I'1 11I1ll1'l('apin)!, P1l1'1.: imp l'OI't'IIII'IlIS, 11'1.'(' plllntill)!, Hilt! lIpg-nl\li,,~ til' millis ami sqllal'l's

SlI(,h j.t:1'llIlts ('0111111101 ol'dilllll'il." ('x{'('ct1 ;;0 IWI't'I'11t tlf Ihc {-o. ... t 0\'1'1'

a lld llbol"l' Ihr 11H'I'a~(1 pl'{'\'iuu'l ('x­IWlld i hi 1',''1 l' (JI' sttt'h ;1 (, 11\' 1 t l{'S '1'111'1'1.' woult!, 111)\\"\'\' ('1', bc a $-; Illillioll dl 'ltl lIIlsll'ation j!l',llll 111'\) ,

g-I'aJU 10 i'lH'tlt\!'aj.t:(' t'XIWI'illlclltatiu!I ;Uld illllonit iOIl 1I!I(kl' whi('h ~I'llllts ('Oulli 1'01"1'1' uJlIO !)O P('I'("('llt of IIII'

total ('0'11, l'OIlII'lll't lIulliol'it." fOl' 1I1WU

SPll{'i' lallt! awllll'iwit hCllutifi!',llillll is ill(,I'I';!SI'ti by :to:!:!ri million int'hlll ing (!t'I"I'10[11111'1I1 ,'osl,

Additillll1l1 flilltls 111'C anthOl'iz{'ti .fOI' I h(' UJ"llllll pla lillillg' ,Is-"isllll!t't' pl'Og'l'lIl11 ( $ I:.!,; IlIillion ), publ il' 11'01'1.:11 111I\"1l11i'(' plallllilll! I)I'0;,:'I'a1ll ($.)0 Illillioll ), nlHl "'1'111'I'lll-SllI\(' lraillilll{ pl'O~I':Jllh ($:!O million),


d----,-+---+-~<---t-f Researc h

_ -+--+--+--n <!l Ed uca t ion

President Johnson Pra ises Organized Labor

P RES ! nEXT ·JOlIllSOI1 look lhe o('cll:-;iull of a bill -si:.rllillJ.! {:('I'(I.

mOlly nt thc\\'hilc ] Iollse j'cccntly to pa .... high 1l'ihut(' to the lahor mOn'IllCIlt. The hill i~ the Olelcl' . \ mcriClJI1S .\ el .)1' 1!l6.). which JaOOl' SI1>(lllgl,\' supported. Tl'ade lIlllon I~Pl'('selltativ(''l' WC l'C alllong those pr{,'i1'1I1 at the ecremony. .\ ftCI' I h{' ;:;ig-Il ill!.! 1 he P resident ~'lid:

"The .\FL-C JO has done mOI'C

good fol' 11101'(' people \ lwlI .my olhel' ~1'OIlP ill .\III(,l'i('a. It d()('Sn'l just II'Y to do 'iOJUNhing about wag<", and hours 1"01' it..; own IWOo

pic. :\0 j.: I'OUp work.; hnnlC'1' in the inl('I1.' st,; oi en." · .... OIl('.

" J t Iwlp..; thl' ."OUIlI!' lind old Imd midd l<'-11g:('(1. It's int(ln:s\rd in {'(I · ucatiOIl. hou>;il1:;! alltl til{' pOn"I'I~­Pl"Ogl'lllll. 1111<1 d O('s liS IIIIH'h g'ood fOl' llli1JiQlls who hll\"(' 111' \' (']' b('fol"(' b('long-('d 10 a lI llioll :1" rO l' ill' o\\"n 11:('I1]I)(']'s.

" T hat is 111.\' rOIl('~ ' ptioll of :lI1

OI').~llIl i zalio ll \l'or'king' ill Ih(' puhli£" intel"{·st. J " 'f' wHn!l·d 10 SiI .\' this rOt" 11 long lim!' ." till' I' l'rsidl'llt sllill, "I)('('IHiSr I hl.' li(·\'1' Ih,' .\ !!U'!"i­ean I}('()ple oug-ht 10 kllow the I'Clll11l'kllhlc rollll'ihl]tion \\hidl 01"

).wni7.ed l:lhOl' ll111k('s 10 11](' promo­tion of ,;()tllld Irg"islnti!Ul."

• \ .<; Ull ion nll' 1IIh,.·I''' you hn \'(' t' Wry l'ij.!hl to 1)(' JlI'OUtJ flf I his hi:zh l'('('oj!nitioJl of labor's dTOI'lo;; to ill1pl'on' the vellel'al \1\' lI"al'e,

Thf' Old('l' . \ l11e]'i('11IIS ,\ ('\, whic-h the PI'c-sidrll1 <;i!!llc.J . S(' I~ up 1111 .\d minisll·Hlioll on .\ g-ing- in tl\(' I)CJllll'tm(,llt of 'I ('alth, Edu(·ation Hnd "'('!raJ'{', It al--o lllllhol'i7.('S II fi\'(~-~'('llI' l)I'o,Ql'alll of ft ,t!f'i'nl gl'aut" 10 stat('s i"tw 1'('S('11I'('h Mid plmmin).! OIl pmje('ts to Iwlp I h,' IlKI'd.

~1;1Il.\· othel' !ei_ds];lli\'(' lIlt'aSUl'eS urged hy 111"01' Illso lw \'(' 1,1."'11 11c-l ed o n by COllg'I"(,;"S :llHl "i:':'III·,1 hy the P r csidt'nL OIl(' of tilt' lIIajol' 011('5, of COlIl'Se, is the ),l ed i('III'(' and ~o­('i:iI SeeUl"it,\' bill, which io; tll(, sub· ject of II sp('('i:11 :Il"li('l(' ill Ih i" i,.."l1e 01" the J Ottnwl.

Hou l ing Bill Poned

A notll('l' ic; IIJ(' fl ou .. imt :11,,1 rl'­b:m ))('\'('lopnll ' lI1 , \ {'t '11 FIG;), si)! lll'd ,.\ UIW-.;I 10, Th.> 11"\\ IIIII'

JIl"o\"idcs fol' 240,000 10\\"'1'1' 111 p ll h­lil' lltlus ing Illlil f; in rollt, .WII I·S, rQIl ­

linll('f; the Fi l A IIH)(h· )·a t('-i llf.'UHt('

housing Jll"og ... am 11Ild ('xII' ntls t ilt' lion-profit hOHs i n~ 1)t'Oj!r:lI 11 1'1)1' tilt' elderly and handi(·apped. II :11..0 in('lude!! a new pl'ogrnm of 1" ' 111

SupplC'l11ellts fol' 10w-inCQIII(' fmn i­

I iC<.;, 'rll(' L-I'b;]n J)cvclopment ..... ·('lion

pl'(widcs 1'0)' Ilind llctjlli .. ilioll.

!!l'anl" 1'01' ]msi(' S('\\'I'I' :lnl1 \\:11 "1'



Source : U.S, Deportment of Lobar

Bureau of lobar StotistiC$

'" n ... NS· INOEX O ... TE 1TEMS HOUSING ... PP ... REl8. PORT ... ·



(AI NEW REVISED INDEX SERIE S '-Reference Bose, Uni led Stoles Average, 1957-1959 = 100-.-

June 1965 110,1 110. 1 10B.2 106.9 11 1,2 1151 May 1965 109,6 107,9 IOB.2 106.8 111.4 115.6 April 1965 109,3 107.3 10 B.2 106.3 11 1.0 115.4

June 1964 108.0 106.2 107. 1 105.7 109.2 113.5 June 1963 106.6 105.0 105.9 103,9 107,4 Na. June 1962 105,3 103.5 104,8 102 .8 107.3 avail-June 1961 104.0 102.5 103.8 102 .2 104,8 able June 1960 103.1 101.9 103.0 101.6 103.5

1 Srarling wirh Jonuo.y 196~ N.w Revi,ed Inde. S.,i •• <0 ...... 10",11'1 uni" including indiyiduol wor~ ... trYing olon •. !!.el ..... Ihol d01. lh. Ind • • <0 .... " 10",;1'1 un;II 01 ..... 0 .... mo •• pe .. on. only

NOTf:-lnueo •• f .... An ITEMS d ... ;ng poll 12 ",onth. wOo 2,1 Inde . Poinll, 0' 1.9"10.

In(l_le for po" monlh "'0' O.~ ~ nd.~ PO'nlo, 0< ~

18) O LD INDEX SERIES-Refe rence 8ose, Uniled States Averoge, 1947-1949 = 100. Data for All ITEMS COMBINEo:--

June May April

1965 1965 1965

135,1 134.5 134.1

June June June

1964 1963 1962

132.5 130,8 129,2


facilities and oth('r IIcigh borhood I'nl'iliti('!ol, g l'lUlls fOl' nrhanlX'llll li !1-cal ion lind proj('(>ts fOI' 1I0I\, ,'C'si­delltill! I'ellcwal of 1'l1ll-down ci ty al'('lIfoI, I' l'inHc h(I\I!';in.,; 10,lIls II l'e to be {"Olltinllcd Hllde l' I"IIA and coll('g'c housill~ IIUlitOl'i):atioll!i, as wen as I'lll'!d hoU'"ing, 11I'C 111-

cl'('l\S('d, On till' IllIsis or gO\'l'l'lIIuC'1l1 fi~­

tII'C's it is ('slilllil!l'd tlwt Ih(' Ill'W

hOHsin).!; :Jel witl gelh'I';l l e tIl!' nll1117.­in).!; total or ~,G llI i ll ioli JIIHII - ylil/'~ of 1'lllpll),\'1l1(,llt rlm'inK ,Ill' Iwxt fin' yeal's, Wilh rl'I"'I'al, stall' illlll 10-('al pnl,til'ipation, it II' ill illl'o!l'(' ('Ollsl 1'111'1 inll I'XI1l'IIdi111 I"'S M $~!i hill ion , i\hm' llirlll IIHII' of till' ex­Iwndillll'C'S rOl' 1'(J]lSII'I1(;!ioll will ).!;O

to Ul'lmll l'enewal Pl'Qjccts, which ",ill illl'oln' 1.!i llIillioli 1I11111-.I'C'al·S

of work, J l ousing pl·O).!;I·;JIllS will


There have been llInny l"Juestions asked about textbooks uscd in the National Course for a]lJlrentices, And much discus;;ion on the pros and cons of which books lo use, how to use them, the value to the apprentice, and how the JATC should hllndle these books,

It is well established th;\t in lhe past the hig weakneSB in training ap­llrentices was in the WHY lIart-the tJleorctica l or technical part, the re­lated informntion. So relntcd clnsscs \\'eJ'e slatted; instl'uctol's taught fr'om an outline using books :IS a reference, assigning Jl:lges or cha pters to be rear! by the apprentice, This developed into what is now known as a s tudent work­book with Sl~ific Jla~s to be studied in textbooks and booklets, and (Iues­tions :lIIswered,

No one book could possibly contain information on the wide variety of topics that the ll.llprentice must learn about, SO several books and other ref­erence materials are used, The total number of these books must be keJlt

• EI/itor'8 Note: BU(I1/lle of the serieR of spl'rinl nr/ie/es Olt A11pretl­/icelillilJ fUlll Tl"(lj"jllff whit-h hm'e tll/profl red ill re('e'lt iR81H' 1J of lIvur J OUHNAL our l'eJlltlto' 1W/e1l h(llJe bce" heM, We cntel! "11 tilis monOl,


('rcntc tlllothcl' 1 million mllll-years of wOI'k, Comnnmity dcveloplllcnt Iwog-I'ams 1"01' puhlie fac ili t ies ill\d

nrl}:11I bcnulifie-ation llI'e exp£.'Cled to ))1'0\ ide nnolln'\' :!OO.OOO nl[\li­yelll's of t'Ulplo.'-lI)rllt.

I)espite thr exlenl of tht' ))1'0-gl'lIlll. it is l'ollsid{' I'I' d only a hl'­I!illllillj! to Ihe job IlwI HllI..;1 1)(' donc to llIel't OUl' !!I'owillg' Ile{'<is ill how;ill).!; all(1 Ul'h~IH I'{'IIC\\"II.

Other Legis/ative Adion

, \ 1Il01l~ othcl' lIl(,ll.sIIl'(,S soulllll hy l!lhm'. Ihe P I"i"sid(,IlI hns sig-rH'd IIIl ('('OIlOlllic d('\'clopll1('nt PI'OI,:'I'HIII 1'01' Iltl' <l1~PI·pssf'(l II -st III C ' \ PPlllH_ ehia !'l'g-iull; il bill pI'o\'iding' nit! 10 N! I!I'HlioIlHII.\' dcpl"i\'ed childl'I'1l [1'011\ low-incolile fnfllilies /lilt!

!!l"Hnts fOI' hooks, 1'('S{'lll'('h ami tl'llinillg-: ill1 1'1111111 voting" rig-hts

11('1; alHl cxcisc tax 1'('(luel ioll!! tOlal ­lillg $-1.7 hillion by ]!l()7 011 Ulllo­IlI0bil(''1, jewel l',", COSIlIl'tics und 1ll1lllY olltt' l' items,

Of 111IIjol' illlPOl't'lIIcc to Inl}()I" of (,OUI"I', \\,11;; "('pt'al hy Ihl' 11 011"1' or Sl'('tioll 14(h ) of Ih\, '1'an-lInt'l-11',\- J\et, width IWI'lIllltt,d slnlt's to ('lIat'l s(l-('alll'<I I'ig-ht to work laws, _H this \\l"itilll-!", thl' !H('Il"UI'I' was 11\\'jlilillj! Il1'lioll hy Ihc St'lI1l1t',

l\S ('O !'I'; Iws poil1ll,t] out. 1'('_

Iwal of I .. HII I !lWcll' it Ihl'()Il~h Ihe Iloll.'K' IJt'('nll~t' -IS or th(' ,jl lit'\\'

{'OI1:,!I'('Sslllt'lI t'll,,'tpd \I'ill1 lnll()I'

Sllp \wI'1 in I!i(i-\ ha('I'I'd tll(' fi g-hi IIg-HiIiSI l'llth\ to \\,01'1, bill'S illid 1"01' rl"l'e ('olll'(·ti\"(' hlll'g"lIillill/..!:,

This is "dtl('lIeC {,Iloug'h Illn l

.VOIII' dQlIlIl~ to ('OPE do wOl'k fOI'




at a minimum so the hest on each tOllic are released, The apllnmtice uses these books alld becomes familiar with them, and le:lrllS how to use reference materials, The National Course does not use all the infonna t ion contained in lilly of the references so the appren­lice can and will continue to guin knowledge frOIll them, When he fi nishes his apprenticeship he has a start on a good library so ess('ntiat fo r one who intends to keep up in his lr~ule,

Some of the reference material such as manufacturers booklets arc fur­nished by the Nutional J ATC with each studen\, workbook. It is recolll­mended that the Local J ATC buy the textbooks dil'ectiy fl'om the publisher to receive the proper di scounts alld is­sue them to the uPPI'entiee as the class hl> in gf'lllf'mhl' r .. r.arh 1I1111rl'n­tice pays the J ATC for his books, This system has severnl ndvantnges such ns having the books 011 time, having the right edition, getting thc beet price, and discouraging the older al)prentice from seHing his books-he needs to keep them as a library for fulure reference.


Regulations effective J anuary, HHH rel")uire that ench JATC adopt a wril-

ten procedure for the selection of :lPllrentices. On September 27, 19()3 the Nntional JATC office sellt out a " Procedure for Selection of Appren­tice;;" with the re-coJllll1entiation that it be adolltcd ami implemented by every local J A TC,

This procedure hns been attacked by SOme apprenticeship repl"esentath'es but it has stood the tcst and has been praisCfl by Illilily high-Je\'cl 8t;lte ilnt!

Pelleral t)eoplc l i S being the soundest a nd fllircst of any plan pI"Cpa red by (lilY Const ruction Industry groUI),

Here nrc certain high point!! of the plnn Ihat need Illention:

L It 6houl(\ be IIdopted by the local .I ATC:, that furt rftf'MdP.t1 in the committee minutes, and (l copy given to the Jocl11 :I]lprcnticeshil) T(!]lresentath'e,

2.. A]lplicalions should be uvailable (he year round to anyone want­ing 10 apply {the se riall y num­beretl al1llliclilions and record hook should be u!St. ... 1) ,

3. Some e<\uitable disllOsilion should be Illade of all apllticlltions and/ or ""miting lists."

4, AppliclIllts should be gh'cn ])(!l'­

linent facts ill writing, such as minimum r('(JuirClllcnts for in­ter\'iew, datc a l)plication must be eOlllpleted, etc,

5, The local J A TC should inlerview (Collti"lIClt OIl IH.lye 27)


In!'l. S.cret.ry Jen,ph 0, K"n'n pinl 25-yea, ."v;c, b,d" on N.llie Spa,h, cha,l.,

.... mber 01 loU. 1160.

SIXTH DISTRICT ((',nt/jll'IHI (""lit /111'11' 3)

and l1l('lIIlh" .... hip Jlal'lif'ipnrinn in {'orllllllllliry alrail"'!,

('oulleil ~rl'IJ)III'I' (' K Xonl· "11'0111 (,lI1plw!iiz, 'd ,'IIiI'II,I' I h(' Irot'k

til' 1111 ' 11';(' :tlld il .. j'l' IHli(ll1ship to ('I'('r~' 111('1111)(,1'.

Coun cil Cha irman Fran sway

EXf'('ulin' ('Ollll(·il ('hail'IIIHll U('x F'nlH"iw:t,l' spnl«' 10 IltC' .11,1('­goall':; on rIll' liYli1<'11I of "h('(·I(<o; llltd Iml:IIt{'('1i wili,'h ('xi"l ill Ih(' oq.!'l\lIi·

zatioll of OUI' IlI'Ollwl'llOOll. 1111 tit" ... iJ!llI'd to 1)('lwiit allli ItI('IIII)t' I~.

1l1'olh(,I' 1-'l'11Ihway Ihal IBE\\' r1lt'1ll11('l's

llt('nl iOIlI,d

(·mlld t:lkt, pl'id{' ill rllt' J,.!;()()d 1'1'('uI'd huilt h,v Ihl' rBEW IIIl'tIHg'11 Ihl' y('a!~, Ulli! ill tlH' fat'! Iltnt 1111' BI't)!!H'I'!II)()d

now <o;tal1(l'I no; tIll' fifth lal'J,.!;01l Ulliotl in rlH' w01'lti :lIId IIII' lill'W'st I'h,(·tl'i('al union ill IiiI' l\"Odd.

111 I ('I'TnII iI/lilt I H PIHI'lif']) I II I i I'e

DOllnl,1 ~lah()I1(',\' 1"0;11 spok(' HI thc t11WIIIIIJ,.!; sl' ... ~i(lll wit II l'f'),r1l 1'!! 10 IH'),r:lnizil1~ ill III\' 1I']i' pholJ(' til·hl. 11 (' t" ' I'i('ll('ft c·( ' t·tnin XI, I'll JlI'O­.'f'filll·('S that ('hull! lit, ILI'll'ful Illtt'lI IWlili(Jning rill' a l'f'pI'('wntlllinn l'Ii,('ti.)I1 .

. \ Jll'in('iplIl lillC'lIk.'1' at the :1ft,,!'· I!()on '«' .... "ilill \\'itS ., B IH'k" 1 ~llk{'I',

tlil'ft'lOl', Xutiunal .Iuinl .\PIII'l'n. ti('(':;hip :llId 'i'I'lIillill!! ('oTlllHilll'(',

)11'. Rakl' I' (':llltimt(,d III] ill nt-1('11(111 11('(' ;tholl! Ill(' oInll),r\'I'S in· ,'"In'd ill aIJlI\\illrt Iw ..... uns olll ... thl', to IWlldll' Oil!' II'nin·

illJ.r' Pl'ugTHIiIS.


O, I'gelu GI.dY$ l."i$O" .nd Madge

Gilluly, LU, 808: N.llie Sp •• l s,

fi,..ncial Slctet •• y, loU, 1160; hHy G'a~es, fin.neial

IIctl lary, and Alet~a V<lnce. "g,

i!l.a', L.U. 1504,

11(' iiI 1'('''''1',1 I1I11illll'IIllIH'(' .Jf Iligh standard .. lind "IHJlIHl"iz. ,t1 Iltllt a ('(lIllinllil1l-( pl'OJ.r'I'HIII I'VI' tl'lIillillJ! jOIll'Il(,.\· l1l1'il IIl\l'<t 1M' 1I1:11!t, Ilndla·

hh' in {,H'I',\' IIn'l!. l}jl't' c'11l1' I {ukl'l' Illlll·III'.1 (III Tille'

\ '1 1 ul' tilt' ('il'il HiJ.!hh Bill 111111 it .. I'datiol1"hil) In 1llliolJ II'aillblJ.! 1'!'t'),rI~IJIIS,

Othl'l' IlIt.'I·lwtiIllIHI H"PI·( '''''llla. li\'(':; who lul,h't .... ""d Ilw oIl ,h 'ualt'" \\'(,,'(' HI'''('HI'('II 111111 1':,lu('lllinn I)i· 1'1'('(<,)1' ,Jmlll's XIII' ",hn ... pokl' 1111 lIl{' rUlle'fi{lIls :tlld 1i('l'l'i.'I'o; of hi" tlf' PHI'tllll' ll! nnl] nie'llal',l I .~·thg .... , whusf' topic' 1111" till' 1ll'IWt',,,iltg of ul'hi!I'a\ion ('ll'i('S.

Th e Delegates Parti cipate

Of ('(Jill'".', thl" ~'I':tl' n" ill th(' [IllS!. it lIIosl \';t1I1I1I)Il' JlHI'\ "I' 11t(' I'I,ogl·t' ...... :'I 11'1,tiu),! '-iI .... "i()u .. \\'1'1'" 11]('

1'('pol'l" of I(lt'll] 1111 iOIl 11t' lq~H Ii'" llml Ih .... IIi ... t·u ........ iun tlll'I'I ' h,l" ('II J,.!;t'lldt' I'I'11. SJlnl~' I' ill lIul 1lt'l'Il1il

{'I'I'1I n l)l'jl'f !'t'POl·t 011 tIl\' l'l ' lltal'I,s (If ('1l('h !!1' II'g:tt(' Ilhl) SPOkl ' , hnl Ir(' llIt'lltiOIl n ft'\\, spI ':lkt' I"i :tlld wpies 'i() 11m! l'I'H(kl's IItll,l' H"f'('l" IHili holl' IHI'i('d nl'(' rhl' sult,JI'('Is d iSI'UsS('d n I l'I'OJ.!:'I'f's... :'111'1'\ ill),rS.

I:I'OI·J,.!;(' \'HIII,dlll, P]'{'~idt'lll or I" l·. 1!i01. Indianapolis. In"iulIll, 1'I'lxwtt'd l't' ld "I'()~!'t'SS ilt ... Or:ll· 11"1

his union \l'lIi eOlll'f'I'llt'fl. hI Iltt'

I'll'll ~·I'nl'. 1Ilf'1I11)(,I"ihip ill Ih(' hl(':d IIns itlC'!'('itS('d h,l' I1Inl'C tlt:lll 1000 1I1('trl]WI'S, H('('('ul ""glll ilt 1 itill" II it It till' \\"I' .. lf'I·1t 1,;It'c'rl'if' ('Olll]l1l,.,\, t'(' ·

"11111'<1 ill a wngt' ill('l't 'lhl' of 13 l'I'lIt" IW I' hOlu·.

Bnsiul"''' :'1 11111;11-:'(' 1' S('ott {'I'tll11·h. L.LT. I II :!, ,/oll('slllll'O, I ttdiHtw, 1'1"

pOl,t('d ('IIItSit!I'I'ahll' JlI'O)!I~ " " ill ill­l'n'Hsed Ililg'('<O; 111111 PI'OPOSl'tJ HI:'!'I'I '­Int ' lll dJanj.!:I's with I'm'allil,' Wil't, f) il' isillll, Es"\''\ Wil'f' ('Ol')lol'nlilltt.

l' .. \lI'llIli'IS/IIl, a ....... i"I;1111 hu ... iIH, .... " tll!l11;t~I ' I', I.,l l, ti!lT, (;;II'~' 1I1It! 1(;1111'

Pictu"d in In info,m.1 confab <I,e (II.nding): Don Mehon,y alld Fr."~ Klld.u, intllna­tional .eptesent. ,;ves; Oouglu Monlon, bu.ine" m,n'g<l', SVdem Council T.); R. A, Nidey, bU$in,,, manag", L,U, HIS. Seat,d; T. H. McGuinn'lI and Roy Hultman, ••• cuti~, boerd members, L.U, 1115; Wendell Melville, busine" man'glr, L.U. 8";

H,,,,,ay Smith. LU. 990 •• nd G, O. H,lton, financial secretary, l ,U. 3311.


mom1. Indimla, repOl'led 011 " IJi,"­illg W ith the COllullun il ... • and noin~ SOIll('thing for Ihe Com­muniIY." I •. F. G!l7 ha" partil'"ipall'{l in soml' :!O ("Ommunily projc{'ts in· e1l1ding helping 10 huild II $-tOO.OOO huildill)! for th(' ('1'ippl('(] ('lIil(h,(,1I _\.!!"ll(·y in th<.' (:011',"- 11 ;1111111011(1. J II( Ii Hlill llI·l'a.

Da ni(,1 f)i 'lI11ond. hll~iJH'ss IlWII-1l)!('1·. I., (T, ;;~. D('I I'Oil. )1i(·hi)!1I11 1"1'I\oI'!Nl 0 11 hi..; tWli\'ilil's liS 11 1lI('1II­hi' l' of III(' !BEW Xnliollnl ('(ld(' ('Olllillil\('(' ;11111 hi~ wOI·k llS 11 p;lJl('1 Illl'll1lwl" wOI'kill!! f(l1' ('h;I1Ig"('S in 11)(' Xatimwl EIe('ll"i('al ('od('.

H(lII ('I'1 1\i('I;(',v, Imsill!'s,,; IIWIIHg"('I' or I •. l l. I Gi), C'hi('IIg"o, l ilill(li'l I'e­plwlPd 011 111:1 11\'1'" ill l!i(' 1('1rpholle 0('1 <1 0 11 hclw1r of IiiI' ')'(,I('phoIlC 1(0(';11 ... in fl.,·sl(,1ll ( 'ollll ('il '1'-4 .

T h(' husillCs<; nHillag-('r of I ... LT. W=!. W('sl Fl'Hukf(ll'1, Il linois. l:('Ql"g-(' E, Smith. )'('porl('d 0 11 01'­)!;lIIizing 1willg- d OIl(' h." his iO<'lIl unioll. ')'he 1()('n1 IIns 1)('('1l ('..;re­

(·hllly su('{'('~ftl 1 wilh T\'-('ll!Jle I'lllpluy(''!.

11(' :"0;,{) lII('nliol1('(1 PI'O)!I'('S.S Jx.­illfr mad(' loward Ihl' SlIol'ter 'YO!·k W('('k. Two of 1 •. lT_ 70'!'s l" lilil," llt!"l't'('lIU'lJt~ 1)I'Odd(' for a shOl't('r wOI·k da~', .\ nOlllel' :l)l:M'CIII('lIt PI'('I­,ill\'''; fur (';u·I.\· l'('ti l'('ll1l'nt (a)!C' (i~ )

with full h('n l'fils. Shorl!.'· Ix-I"ore :li1jOll l'l1l1lf'llt on

Iii I' S(\('oIHI da .... of Ihl' IIIl'l'tillg-. 3fl'. 1.1I11"1"I'I1('C H('id, dil'l'('t01', {-ni­";1(' 1)('1"('11"(' ~.\·>lt(,IIIS Di "ision , SP('l'IY l blHi ('OI"]lOI·l1liflll . spoke 10 Ihe Il, 'II')!l1I('';; r"'j!<l l'dillj! pl'O(lut'l.'I ill data 1'1"llf'I''Is illg" pl'Oduc'I,.l h .... hi~ ('(m i pa II,\'. '11 (' l'Ollllll<'lllNl 011 illl ­Pl'(1H'I!IC'nls 1l1l1d l' in ('olll]H1I1' I'S. F'or' ('x;1II1pl('. til(' ... · ]llln.' 1)('1'11 )'(' . rhl('('{l in weig-ht fl'om J!I tons in 1!1:i:1 10 1 Ion in I!),i!l mid .1-1 pound .. in I!lGL

)11'. n"id also l'('lllillCkd hi'! awli('II(,1' Ilwl this pnl'lic'ulnr 111-

dll.;;I1·.... is ('xII'(,l1wl .... ('01I11)('lilin' ;1I1d IlIlIl 11 lal'j:.!(' 11111111)('1' of ('(1111-pani{'~. laq!('I .... nOIl-lIllion, aI'(' IIOW in Ih(' fidtl,

_l ust pl'itll, 10 clO'tilll:". ' -i('1' PI'('.;;i-111'111 . Iuhnson di-;('uss('d Ih(' lIIall('l' uf ('O P E ('OIl('('lions anti theil' im ­pOl·t;rrl('(' on Ihc politi('ld programs ur 11Ihol·.

.\ I))1IPO"11 1 h .... Hul,,'l"t t:(llItsl"lul or Id ·. :W=! thn t 11 ('ol l('{'tioll for' ( 'O PE bc w l,clI up mnong thc dele-


l!"atC'S Il(,\ted $1%.00 for t h(' fUl ul ( Olfr {/UIlI/;S .'10 tv Ilrt('rlw/iOlwl

/({JlrtsOII(llit'( 7'holll(ls J/(,iQl/{! for ,;rol'i(/ ill!l liS with Orl' l1I tl/ rriui (lilt! /Jictllrts for Ihis (luOIml.)

APPRENTICESHIP ( ( "III/illllrd from /HI'll' .:!J)

all aPlllieants who meel minimum requirements, and re[e-c t the lJe!;l clualified to fill the number pre­douslr decided on b)' the COlli'

mittel'. Star clear of an)' '"Iloint system" like those being sug· gested. Such a "system" is not neccs~ary, 110t practical. and will not he[11 the Committee to '[0 the best job of selecting lIllprentices,

Read the recommended ])l'oeedurc for more detail lIll'[ if your loea l JAT C needs help on Ihis matter, cllll or write the National JATC onlce.


When there is a discus-sion on trade training in the Industry two major areas are handled seJmrately-alljlren­ti~ training and joUrne}'man training,


Here we will touch brieRy on the

related infOl'mation portion, the WHY, and leave the manillulath'e HOW, to a later date,

Some would use the classroom hours to cram the a l,prentice's head with "facts" and expect that he would re­late them to his work and make use of them on the job. Rut it has been found that the possession of facts does not alwars mean an ability to use them,

A better al,proach is to teach some basic fact s. Then teach the apprentice to use these facts and reason-think through the problem and come up with the answer. With this approach the a pprentice cnn be stilllulated to seek more knowledge lind ('1111 be guided in his search. lI is (lue~t for informa­tion and anSwer:,; to his job problem~ will continue long beyond hi~ term of llp jll'I'n t iccship.


Even though most. jOUrlleymen ex­press n desire for some high le,"el "technical" training, their immediate need is for more ba~ic knowledge to " fill in the gal'S" caused by their lack of formal studies. When they lake the more bm!ic courses they find some things that ther have some knowledge of, but usually learn much and thereby de\'elol) a foundation on which to build, Then the more technical cour.oes can be understood and the journeyman is better able to apJl[~' his ne ..... ly gained knowledge to his work.

Don't Support Kingsport Press 011(' of illI' lon)!,..,t rmljor ..;/ r ik,,,, in til. , nll/ilm IIII' slrikl' :1~in~1

til!' Kinl-'"S III'rt Pn",~, Irw., Ki"I-"'port. T"lIn(k.~I~~IIY till: IIwmlwl"< of fiw ,\ FI .... l'[O nlli linlrli 1II1inll~. i. .... Ihl' B.lOkllillll!'l"<. Pn·,;.<:ml'n. Typu­~l~lphil·n1. Eh'drotyprrs !\lld )IHI'hilli"!,, is ~ ti[t !toilll! ,m. Aflrr lwarly :lO lII"utl ,"" {l1" 'r 1201} n1O'IllIo",,,, "j' tlu"!., IIlli,,"S lire "ti ll huldiug tlnn in Ih,·il" droi1'l"inill:1tillll 10 ~" " lIn' n 1'1Ii,' IIni"" H:,:-r·O'I·II)(,IIt.

Th,· nmj"r l"H~(III S wh.,' l\il l!-<');]l"r'l [ ~l"'·s~ . 111<" .. [111'< hl'l'l1 IIb[{' t,l nl'oid {·( ,mim:: 10 H fnir H):"r .... ·l!I,·1I1 Ililh il~ l<'I1I!-~.'n·i(·., Iinion rol'lplo~'ps nn·. (I) .\ unmh,'r OIf IPIHlill)! tI·:dl.,ok nll,I "II,·.u·lo]!I·llin Jllll,Ii~lwrs TrI\I"1' ,'''n­lirlll"'[ to III' c'lIslllll11'r'" of thi ~ urrfnir !'nrpt".I'I'r. (2) 'I' ll(' I·{,mp:my lws IH~'II nl,](' 10 ,lip into IIJI' Inl1!"(' HII"lIIpt"~'IIH'nl IJ<K,I III" .. lIrmllrHlint!" Ap­p:llIlI'I,in 10 hin' III1~killl~1 IIHrkl'n; .c-nll"j"ul J"r julio-, 1'\"/'11 lit ..,uh::;i:lu,lnrri .nl!..'"!· Il'n·l.., .. \ .... a rp .. ult. IIli~ plllnt is "IJI'l1Itiru! nml rnilli<ln~ I)j" ~,·nh·

pn .. IUI·''11 1,·:o(IIIIH,k,. nn' 1I{t1l" l'III"rin!:: hur ~dl,~,1 ~y,.t'·IIl" "\"/'n Iholl!::h It(K'k.~ .. I" {'(jllIIl nlllU'-l'r ... hwl~1 Im,Io'r fnir ,"'lItlilitlu..,-nrr n\":\11"hl('. 1 ... )(,,,1 .. .-Irool h{mnl~ IIr,' "1'pn"UI!:: .. 11,·11 pll"·h:\-.( ..... pl'rlU\p~ IIllknf>\\"il1zl~'.

II i" "lIr Iluly nll,l Ilmt 01 1"\1'1)' ullum III till' l'Ollllll)- jl) IlI"lp IlJl"'I· I"JUnl2"'~ )\'" ~irik,'rs, nrHl III till' '-llllll' tilll(' l)('rlurm 1111 illll)(.r1"lIt ullion Aritl ('i,i(' IlInl"lil>lI. II.·" ..... huw;

1. _\h·rt :til IInio" lIl1'ml~'N 1,1 till' hid tim! 111I'ir .,hil,ln·n or ~1I,1-drillln'lI nmy IK· u .. il1Z k\tI~, .. k .. pnKI"," .... 1 Ily .... ·nhs I1l1Oli'r 111(' Ulll"nir tltllll'ditiH' ""mlili,,"~ ,,1 Kinj.. ..... IH'rt Pro .......

:? niH' {'1"I'ry Ix,,,-,,ih[.· lIill 10 II I'nl',.:"r.trn in whidr I".:al Buanl" of E,lm'nli.'l1 nn' n"k .... 1 I" ,,,,I:lhli .. h 1J<.[i,·i, ... whi"h rl'jl,(·t tllJ('k. .... "I" l'uhh"II('N whidl nn.' prUthr{,( ... 1 IIIlIl"r cnll.litr"lli ,"mtrnr.,· In 1''''111'1" puh[i.· !II,lity.

.\[Ji,'d Kin1!"llIlri I'rt'SS CIILon;;;, ]>,,~t om",· B .. :o; IO~17

l\ inJ.,'"SI~.l1, T"III11"'S<'C


~ ~ : >: ' :t-.... . ' . "" .. '.' .1,~ ""~Go ... \ .... . ~ ... tr;I'#

OL-R )i ult' <'\ IJ.erirl1t'lIt ln~1 month Wllh "Sighli! arlll Sounds :lnd

Smells" lell your L:Hlie.!; Page Editor to ·'try it again." We Hskrd a few of the fine folk s :lround 0111' otJicc to tell us about something that h:l]I II(,II(>() to them in chililhood or youth (hllt Rtool out in their memory. We didn't ~a)' anything about good or had, ImJ)lIY or ~orrowrul, just mcmonNI. We wanted tho!'c we {I'll call it "interviewed"­hU I it realty WriS just n simJllt> Q\l('8-lion, (.-lend to friend) to tell us the li rE'l memory IhM 1X)IlPcd into mind. H('re are ~ollle of the result;::

")I y \'cry tirllt memory il! of a Chrilitmas mOI'ning. I W;IS two p.'IIN

old in Augus t and Ihis Wll!!. the follow­ing Christmll.!t. Wt' Ih,etl in a liUle mi ning town in 1'f'lIn;:>')v:l nia. )I y rather Ilieked me UII out of my ~I and it WliS \"el'~' 1'0111 lind he \\'I'a IIIJed a blanket all lIl'Ounll me lInfl C:l)'I'jed me dowllSGtirlZ, Thf'l'(' Will< :t fiT'(' in the round Latl'Ol)(> "to\{" an.\ the ligh t (rom the glass (l'Ont, W:l;; !'hining on n tiny little bahy C3ITiage, It WliS gr:t)' and :I little doll was in it all COH,)'Cd UII in a )"('(\ knitted hlnnket with a gl'ay ellg(', ;\Ir mothel' hall Iminted the little !'econllhan,1 cnl'l'inge nThl knitted the !'Ill 'end, I j'emem\.)(!l' e\'en now JlOW beautiful r thought thllt little cal'l'inK!' WHE'" :\1111 how warlll and (.'Ozy r (elt, 1 \\'nll too roung to unders tand anything about emotion then " but I lIa\'e al\\';I)'1I l'Cnleml)(>rel\ the (eeling, ~ow I know it wal' 6el'lIr· it)' and lo\'e,"

'" '" '" . InHII,'I1C('>I "r ChilclhO()d

Hel'C's a memory ()'om one of our "meN;;:

"" waS about eight ~'ears old :lnd tin Snlunlay m)' (athe)' wa!l caliI'd on to work I''(tra time nl the 111:lIlt where he was emilloyed, lie look me with him 10 hel ll, We workl'd hnl'lI all day, I )'emembel' two things about that day, I rememlJe)' th(' Ilride I (elt wOI'k· ing side by side with m('n, and how good I (elt when one or m)' Dad', co· workers sai t!, 'Your boy \\'o)'ked l)S well a s a man.' and 110\\ plell!>('(1 m)' Dud looked,

"The otlle)' Ih ing I )'ememIJe)' was, when the lime ('ume (01' m~T Dwl to get his pay, tllc bOilS didn't want to Imy him whllt was I'oming, Prl )' W1l9


Memories - Memories (0 1· so much a pi(!("c and wilh Ill}' 11('11), III~' fnther had a good dar's llay com· ing, 1 remcmber (eeling to the (1l'pthli of III)' eight-yeur,old soul the bO!ls' injustice, I felt something ought \0 be done about it." (It seems to me thnt tllis instance Jll'(1bably I'e lll'e~ent!l the first surge toward unioni sm in a little bo)' who was to g)'(IW up 10 be a union I('ader,)

• • • • • One of the girls on om' nOll)' hal\

this to offer: " One of the things I'll alway!! 1'1'.

member about Illy childhood wall Ihe Eas ler Egg Hunt nl)' gr:lmlmoth(' r :11, wa~~ held for all he)' grandchil(IJ'en 011 Easter .\l onday, I'm sure it wail :111 aw(ul lot o( trouble (01· her but \\1.'

kid .. sUl'ely lo\'ed it. I can ;<eo(! th:!t hig old yard now, and p:ll'ting bUl"h(,lI and looking bet\\'een tl'Ce I'oots, all,1 the jor of linding the bright, (Ired eggs,"

• • • • • :\ nother of OUI' officel'!! l'emini~c('(1

thus : "A day I'll always rememlJer, ill the

dny I got my union canl. 1 wail onl)' 16" but was still III'0bably 100 o.)l d to run all the way home to show it to my mother. But Ihat's what I di,1 rind I l'emembel' thnt all along the wa~' I kept Ilulling it out o ( my 1)Ol'k('t 10 look at it."

• • • • • Chris l luaS .\lemorie1>

A s in OUI' first il1!1tanee, Chl'i~tIl111~ l'ecollections )'unk high on the 111('nlOl'Y li s t. Here lire jus t a f('w:

"; 1'11 nel'e)' rOl'get the Ch1'i!ltlllllS morning I got my first Iwo·wheel bike, It was T'('II and shi ning and s tanding next to our Chri!ltnms tl'('(' , I don't think I'll e\'er (eel such a ilurge o( joy again as I beheld that wonder(ul biey(']e eS Jlecia ll~' si nfe my .\Iother and Father had Slid the)' ditln't think the budget would stund it thnt year,"

• • • • • " I remember Ihe firl'[t year I hall :'I

;-';ew Year's EI'e date-it was (or a dance-and I remembel' wishing with all my might that I'd get an evening gown for Chl'is lmns, But thel'e w('re a lot o( little ones at our hO\1~e and my mother had said I'd jus t hl\\'e to WClIl' lhe only long lI)'e!'s I o\\'ne<l-

the white s ummer one I'd hMt for grnduatiol1, I'll never (ol'get the cx­(Iuis ite joy when on Chl'istmns morn· ing, there was n big box undn OUI' tree with m)' name on it. I don't know 1I0w il l om ditl it..-ijhe must IIn\'e hllll to inch und \linch , but in th!lt 1'0 '1( \I'll !! n blue taffeta (\)'(> l1li, mo)'e benutiful to me at that moment , than an y I\'e evcr seen or e,'cr will see again, Ami jo~' or joys , undcr the rolds o( th(' ,1I'ess \\'el'e a pair or s ill'l'r e\'('ning !lli lll)C)'lI! 'All Ihis and hea\'en 100, apJl lied to me thut dny!' "

• • • • • "One of Illy 1II0St vivid menlOri,,~

('omes to me (rom the eady lmges ot Wodd Wllr I. , hnd two brother!! in the ;;el"\'il'(' and os Christma!! all· llroached our hig (amil)' was "od at the thought of the first Christma~ that we'd not all be together, .. \ n,1 then 011 Chl'istlllllS Eve, we got otT (rom work :It lloon aud when my sister and I came out o( the building where we worked together, thel'e wel'e our two soldier brothers waiting (01' us, Mimcle o( miracles, thc)' both got lea,'e! I'll never forget that tearfu l. joy(ul l'eunion and I guess a lot of OUI' 1'0'\"OI'kcrll won 't. forget OUI' eXII' l)Crance either,"

• • • • • Imlmrtnnl F iril'ts

Other memol'ies had to do wilh t[I'lItS:

" I'll lIe,'er forget my lirs t Jl:tydleck and tile llll'ill I got when I ca!lh('11 it and 1I0w i111 11OI'lll l1 t I felt when I g;l\"1'

part or the money to my mom,"

• • • • • " I'll ulwnys relllemOel' Ill)' fir!'t

hunting t rill, J was about Iii, It was \'er)' cold and thl')'e was snow on the g)'(Iund, I took my little (ox t (' )'I'ier along, He got 80 cold, I remember carryi ng him three mile.s home, tUl'k('(1 inside m)' jllckel. I can (eel tholie ('01,1 lillIe feet nex t to my stomnch now and the gruterul WlII'Ili tongue that licked my (nee." · . '" . .

I remember our first car, I I'an see the look of pride on my father's (lice yet, on the firs t Sunday that we h:1I1 it, when he piled Motlie)' and 1111 of us kids in for II I'ide in the countl'Y, I l'Clllembel' wlivi ng lo :.11 our l1eigh l)()I'!I :lI1d hoping evcl"ylxxly wa s wa tching


us dd"e away in our shin~' auto­mobile. .. .. .. .. ..

One day I'll always l'emember is my first day of school. I l'emembel' being so thrilled and excited, I had a new llencil box and a big tablet with a IIic:tul'e of a little girl with a bulldog on it. I remcmlll'l' my Mothel' w;\s crying, and I s;lid, ' I won't go if rou don't want me to, :'l lama.'

"And she said, ' I want you to go, hone\" and 1 said 'Then wh\' are \'ou cI'yin'g'!' ' "

"Anll m}' mother laughed and sai(l, 'You wouldn't undel'stand, But you'll ha\'c a little bo~' ai' girl someday and then you'll know.''' .. .. .. .. ..

SOllie lh,>i:olleetions Are FUliny

A few memories were in the humor­ous \'ein,

"I remember when I was about thn~e years old, my gmndfather came to \'isit and he took his false teeth out and jiggled them at me, I'll ne\'el' forget my feeling of tenor and horror as I ran screaming to my mother."

~ .. .. .. . '; 1 remember when I was about

12 gidng my protesting 4-yeal'-0Id hrothel' a b:lth. He was all soapy and slip \J (!I'Y and he eluded my gl'lISp and mn out of the house and into the st reet clothed on ly in a few soapsuds. I can heal' our mnilman chuckling yet and the horrified stare of 11 s\Jinstcr lady who Jived on OUI' block and would have to pass at just that momcnt! I can remember how embalT3sscd I was !"

.. .. .. . " ';1 remembel' one day my sister and wel'e in the back yard, We had

washed our hair and wel'e drying it in the sun. We had neighbOl's who were ;\ little odd, not very friendly and who kept to themseh'es, I heard a noise over in theil, yfll'(). and I cau­tiously got up and went o\'el' to the high hom'(). fence, separating our "ropert}' from theirs. Quietiy I lleel'ed thl1)ugh a knothole in the fence, I t was all dark and on the other side I could ~ee nothing, Imagine my con­sternation to suddenly realize, a dark eye was lleering thn)ugh from the other side, Neither of us could see a thillg-we wel'e 'eye to eye!'" . .. .. .. ..

Old F ash ioned Pleasures

Just "lain old fashioned joys came high on everybody's memory l i~t:

" I remember making homemade ice cream on Sunday moming and getting to lick the lladdle,"

.. . .. .. " " I remember on hot days, m}'

mothe)' would bring two big laundl')' tubs out into our back )'ard. We filled them with water and then, dressed in our underweal', we had 11 'splash


[lllrty.' No tl'ill to a fane~' beach in the yean; since has evel' equaled the old-fashioned joy we had with those old laundl').' tubs of cold water."

l'Cmembered. and in general we tend to forget, 0 1' at least minimize in memOI'y, the unpleasant eXlleriences, .. .. " .. .. . ~ .. .. " Mothers: "lake :'I l emori('s!

"I l'emember when I was about scyen, one night my fathel' callie home late ft'om the store whel'e he worked, alI(I I was in lled asleell, He called to me and said 'Come on, get up, I have something fOl' you.' I was so sleepy, I didn't move, Then I fell Dadtly Ilut something warm and soft and fuzzy, dght down on the l,ilJow next to me, lt WllS the sweetest, prettiest little pup"y! I WOIS wide awake in a minute because this was 11 fondest wish l.'Ollie h'ue." .. .. .. .. "

Anti so the memories went. Just 1\.<;

with ouI' "Sounds and Sights and Smelts" of last month, in general, it is the cveryda}'. I'elatively unimIWI'­tant things that make Ull OUI' stOl'e of memories-the things that have to (10 with the familial' expedences of home anrl au'' families. It is a fact that p~rchologistli proved long ago that \llea~ant things al'e tho~e best

\Vc haye s l)Oken man~' times on these pages to mOthel'S, u)'ging them to do things at home that will gh'e their little ones 1,leasant memories to can}' thl'Ough life, Such memol'ie~,

which bl'ing feelings of lo\'c :11lI1 com­fort and sC('ul'itv form a cushion in latel' vean; for the man\' ills and mis­fOl,tunes which m;\\' cO;lle, The chihl with a normal, happy childhood fos­tered by a ~en;;e of belonging, of doing things with mothel' ancl fathel', brothers and sistens-the child who grows UII secure. without phobias, will tUrn out to be a man aI' woman with ;\ good mental outlook on life, a solid ci tizcn, one who make;; a good pa)'ent, good emlliore, good neighbor-the "salt-of-the-earth" kind of Ilel'Son . Let us, nil of us, try to see that OUl' cllil­(h'Cn Ita\'e those lives chanlcterized br lIot'maley of which d)'(~ams and mem­odes are made,

Entertaining Scandinavian Style More ancl more hOllle mnker;;, wishing to entel'lain in a delightfullr

dilTerent way, are l'Csorting to a buffet table the way our Danish, Swedish and Norwegian fl'iCllds do it-br making a SmOl'gashOl'd . Cold meats, chee~es, chicken ~alad, tuna salad, cucumhel'S amI onions, potato salad, cold slilinon al'C a pal'l of n goO(1 SmorgasbOl'()., plus a few extras likc:

I-I A"I IWU L ETTES 2~i Ibs, Jlo ta toes 8-01.. finel>, choJlped lean ham 2 cggs

Pelll>CI' Salt Fl'yi ng fat

Cook the potatoes, drain, and sie"e them while wann, Put them next thl'Ough the mincing machine, Dice the ham, and mix with the potatoe~ togethel' with the beaten eggs, llelillel' and pinch of salt if neces~al'r, Roll the mixtul'e in a little floul', shalIC into long sausages, and then cut each into lal'ge pieces, Roll them again into balls and cook till a golden bl'(Jwn in the boiling flit. If pl'eferred, roll them in egg and bl'Cadl'l'umbs befOl'C frying. Sen'e with a l''Cd wine sauce, Cooking time: 111 hours,

2 Ibs, finely ground beef I~ cup bread crumbs 2 tbs, minced onions

.. .. .. .. .. TIXY 'S L-nGEH S

Parste)' I egg 8-oz, can tomato spaghetti sauce

Combine first fiye ingredients and season to taste, Shape into tiny meat baHs. Into saucepan IloUI' contents of 8-()z, can of tomato spaghetti sauce, Place 'burgers in sauce and simmer about 10 min_ StOI'e in l'efrigerator, To sen'e, just heat in chafing dish at buffet table. SUPIII)' cocktai l picks, . .. " .. ..

"ICSHIWOMS A U G I{ ~\ TIS Ig, can mushrooms Grated cheddar cheese

Butter Cook large can mushl'(Joms and add to cl'Cam Slluce, Place in baking dish, Coyer tall with butter, Sl)I'inkle with grated cheese. Heat o\'el' a moderate lIame,

~ .. , .. .. CR EAM SAUCE

I tbs, butter cup milk :l tbs. si fted flour

gl'eased cheddar

!\Ielt 1 tahlespoon buttel' in Slluccpan. Slowly add 3 tahlespoons sifted 110m', Acid I CUll of milk, more ai' less, to desil'ed consistency. Serves (;.


Report on the I. B. E. Iv.

PENSION BENEFIT TRUST FUND by the Board of Trustees

T ilE "'01,1.0\\'1 \'(; 1'\'1\0[" is 1I111,lt' on ) [ n,\' 11 , 1~1(j :; ill th,\ l 'it," of :-1('\\ ," 01'1" 11 fills 1)('('0 ('olllpik'd ill (" HllplillJlI'I' \Iith .\loli(·k ][1 -. \ , :-:\'r l iOIl 3, Pal'<\­graph ( I!) t)t' 1111' 1':IIII)l"Y~'I's H('lwfil .\ ),tI'('<'lIIcnL I t Wll"; un' ]I'I" l llis IIgl""" UII'1i1 111111 the 1\'II .. ion B ('II{'fit

T rU'it F Ulld lIn..; ('I'('llh' d lltll I IlPI'I'lllt'S. 'I'll(' p<ll"lil'uhll"

.... ·(,liOlIi .)1 t hl' Ilj:TI'('1Il('1I1. ,·j".d aho,",'. statc..; ti1;lt a ll­

IIlUlIt~·, Ih(' 'I'nl"'h~'" .. 111111 "!lwk{' II full lllld (,Oll1pll'll.'

I'qllll"" to ,III' :\1I1iOlII1I Board. On'1' 1111 ' yt';l1~ Ill(' '1'1'11'.1,·, .... of thl' "'mil] han' am­

plilil'ti 111l' \\tw,l .. ju .... , 'pWI\·d. iii illl'hull' a 1H1I1I1)t'r of ;11'\'1]<" II Id,'h (,rt'l1I'I~' !III lUll Ilil'-'<'11y Iwrlain to the 1'('I1 .. i()1I B wt'lit 'fl- Ibt Fund.

B,>(,lIu .... ' liLt, .)1\'1"1111 "011("'1)1 til' 1;,hol·.nlallll l1:\' IIII' lll I',·bllilllls hi 1'1 pal';lIIh)l1I)1 iIllP'WI:I IW(, 10 OUI' Ilalioll lUlIl it... ~'("JIII)lHI' 1I)o.]:I.\'. ant! Iw" 111'('11 for llJillly ycarlS. II,' lOll!.! 1IJ,l(J 1.lmJlthllll'.J Ih,' ,,1:1],11·11. millli'OI1:'I'aplwd

filllllwilli "\IIIi'III('nl" Il il h "pal~' ('(, lIIl1It'lIl, ill fal'or of a ,. full 111111 ,·.Ullpll·\" 1·, 'PIlI'I" tJf ,hi' I,I'PC ,"Oll 110W

'·"m!. OUI ' '1'1'11 .. 1.'.,,, Ik])o.))·! :lIh'll1pls 10 eOI','r 1I0t just IJII(' iU llltl l'l lt l l! 1111'11 \)1' lahtll"llla IIHl-(t'IIlI'111 {'()OIWI'lIliol l -1"'Jt~iol!"! 1'01' IIlJ1·li.'I·S in llll!' i l lllu'Ill·y- hul 11 IIllIn-

1)('1' of :1)·I 'n .. il. Ilhieh th(' ;\alill l1111 EIl 'i·II'i"111 COllt!',I('-1'11''1 . \ ssl)c'ia lio}ll all\1 111(' I nl,'I'lwli'HIHI B!'olll{' t'i1ood <II E II',·I .. i,·:" \\'()1'IWI'S han' 1I('bi(" ' (',1 11 WI·.V hiKh d('­

CI"'t' III' 1'()OIW I·lt liotl, T hi .. IS 1I SOIlI'('(' of I))'id(' nlld S:lt­is fHf'lit)11 10 Ih., utli('PI's (If h,)lh ti ll I' J,lTOllPS and 100\11' 1'1''' ]11' ('1 i ,',' It Il'mll"I 'sh ill'"

In Ihe Public Service

. \ s II puhli,' 'i,'I·li ... '. w.' IIm'(' nlll'lUph't! to make klh)\\ )1 I hi>; 1',ln)]',lhlt' I'X PC'l' iI' II(,I" ilS w(,11 as Ihc "Ilhy" :11111 Il l(' --huw" .J! il. \\' (' hOI)(' Ihat 0\11'

.,lrO]·I" II) >;p l'l'ml H ··l.!o"!I.·I·· Ih:11 works for Wi nUl.I·

Iwlp nilwi' f' llIploy,' ]'S and \·lIlpIO.I·('S lind Ihc 11'11,1' to In.hhl]·I:11 IWlI(·l'.

\\-(' 1''<liIlUlI'' Ihnl -.0111(' t)IW lIIillion 1l(']"SOn!;, ill all

\\:lIk .. of lift'. "lIW nul' 11.' llllI·1 (11 111"1,1'(':11' . du(' pal'll ... · In XEC·. \ :11111 JBE \\' ~li"lI'illlllioll, hUI ill lal'j!(' llI(':)S-

111'1' I h I'ou~h I h.' iII' l iOIl of (III r' ''Slt'(' I1U'd I ' uhli(· :\I {' III I)t,1'

,II l h(' ~alilJ1l1d E ml'I,).I·, · .. • H. 'nl'fil BOli n!. S(' lIatol' \\·,I.I·lll' .\1 1)1'-;(' of OI·")!lIn. N>IHlII I]' ) IOI'l<l' PI"('''''III1'01 Ihi .. 11'!l0l'1 \)11 Iht' ft.)!,]· of lilt' ~t' l wt(' :l1l d had il pllh­li"ll\'d ill full in the ( ·fll"'r('.~Ni,nHfI /(u'IJ/"{/,

Re mork s 0' Se nolor Morse . \ 11 .... 1'I1II1I1I .'nl" o f :-i"IIllI ,)] ' .\l O]·Sl'. nil I1n .... su hjC'('I ,

ill'.' llhll! ,rtl wU I'lhy 1)1' bl'ing- ]I:J"Sl' d UII, hUI we 1:lke


]1:11'111'111:11' ]111'11'.11 1'" in pn!;!;ing- all liJ ('S(> (,xI'I"'p"'d \\'Ol''' ~ [ll'in"'d 111 '/'11 0 Cuu!Jl'css iollat Hr('fJl'fl of .1111 .... :n, J!ll i-l :

"\\'111'11 1111' I B E \\' 1'1' 11'01011 B~nrfit TI'lisl 1-' 11 1,,1 \Ill" (,'lllthli ... I"'I!. ,III ' illll usl .· .... not only piOll(,(,I'('(1 Ih.' 1111 manil;II'iall ]lUI'JllN' til' Ih(' p('nsion fU II(I, hut il "1'1 HII I·XlIIIIIII., ,h:11 ('ulI",' 1I HlHIl,\' mhl'l' I'lIlpln .... "I'- llliioli )!]'OIl1N OIWI' 1111' illtt'I'I'(,lling ... ·('al'S 10 follow Ih,> IIllld, '1 l'x:lIIII'II' so.'I hy tlli>; film!. 1'h('l'c is no don ht in 111,1· lIIinll Ih1l1 ,hi' UUI!I'I'itIJlldi llj! l'I'atllt'd b .... tilt, X:lIi\Jual EII'I·II·if·al t 'uIIII':u-ttll'S .\ ... "oeiation :md th(' 11l1I'1'WI ­

lioual B I'OIIU'1'hUtk] of 1-:1('('lri(':11 Work('l"~ wlu-Il Ih,· ....

fir'sl ('!" 'IlI,'.! Ihi, II' U>;t fUlld. has donc IIlll('h !lI.H',' 1'111' lilt' ill""",,· .... Ihall jU,,1 (~tllbli .. h n 1)(,II:-;ion funt! 1'01' ]'di l','I] 11.'I·k.'I ....

-- " al", h"lpl,tl <'''Iahlish :l 1'('('lil1l{ of lIlutlwl 1'1' ­

S]I(',·I. wIII, ·'-..IHlli liu\.:" ami ucsil'l' for a ('oopl'r:llil\' 1'1'­

lation .. hil) 1,, ' 111'1"'11 Il l{' N)llt l·a(·tol'S a lld wOI·k(']-... whi,'" ha>; 1" '''111",.1 ill lid .. iIHhL"II· .... ·s ('njo .... ing 011(' nf Ill('

1)1.''11 1'I'('''I·tlS \,1' 1:lhm' ]'('laliOllships of an .... illt!ll>;l1· .... in Ih(' :-\aliou .

.• '1'1,, ' T I·lIs'~"·" IC(> pol'l 01' I hl' PI'lision Bl'lll'/il '1'1'11'" I"ulld. 1·t'f.'I~ I" tll(' l'l' ltlal'iwbll' I'l'e-Ol'd or Ihf' ('ollll(·il on Intius!l·ill] Hl'la liolH;. I do llol kilO\\" of 1111\' in· ,]II>;I !',\" 11 1111 IIlnl,'hi'S tlli~ 1'C']lwl"l,able ]'cC'ol'd uJ' 1;~1It' l!' fill >;~'I1I , · ItI(· 111 of lid}!)], (l isplli es.

" '1' 111'1'" i" ]u, d ')llhl ill Ill .... min d that tllc pl'oN,.hn','s aw l :tIlr"illi"Il'nliw !lulie-irs.. C's l " h lished h.l· Ihi"! il1dll ~lt·.,· ,11111',' thall -10 .... <'1I1'S ag:o, h:l\'c ('ontl'ih\l!. ',1 1!1'1'1l11 .... 1" tlit' !·I' lw tl ·knhl(' I'('('ol'd o[ industr ial s lllbiti' .... ill Ih,' 1111111"11· ..... T hesc 11I'()(,l'tlUl'<'S and polieil' s 1111\'" IIltllll' i t ]h'.·.""ftI'.' rVI' l'ulllnldul's IIntl'·l'PI1.'M'lltatin''l of III(' B I·otlw.-llOOd, 10 wOI·k out toge'ther 01'1' 1' tilt' ..... 'HI .... ill :1 IlI'l.!lItiatinl-{ almosphc l'e of mllillal 1't"'Ilt'('1

alll i ('110111'1'11 11\'.' l<1,i ]·it. thC' Y:ll'iolls ntlm iui:.;II·:tli\t' polil·.I' 11111111, '111'< "hi('h h'II'(' ariS('1I f rOIll li ml' 10 lillH'. \\'h. 'I1I '\"("· III"U wUl'k IO~l'lhc l' in su('h a ("()(}1k'I'at II I' " Il i l·il. in {'.IIllU'('lillll wilh 0 ('II URe liS hUmli nilm'j,lII ill ils J HlITlth.,~ ,I~ II IWlhion fund. 1111' .... arc bound t il

fill t! il lillII'll ,·""it' l· IQ S('ttlc through eonf(' I'('n('l'" il lIIl IW~Jliall()IIS n1h('I' IWohlelll" that l\Ia,l' ;l1·isc within ,h.· ilHhl"II·Y. i!l{'II1t1ill~ lullol' 1'('1!lIions lH'ohlcms. ...

-- I hllll' 11("'11 )l1i'lIM'd 10 ol)S(' ]·l'c Ihllt bot h sid., .. or !Il(' 1:1111.,. "0 HI spl'nk , S('(,1ll to he ('(lllnlly <1 ('<.:i!")IlS 1(1

S . ', ' to, il 1I1IIt :111 ... · .~ IlJ,:"I-:'('sl('d ehange in policy slwll 1)1'

PIIWIlt.l· f,ti l' 1<1 holll Ihl' Con l] 'a(~IO I 'S .Hld to 111(' mll"k . l' I'S. lI t'I',' i$ II H illtiust]'y which hns ('klll'ly (]1' \'l' lo)led


the hab it of solv iug' it~ pl'obl('IIIS Ihl"OIII .. :'1. 1L"l1~' ("(1111'( .. .. tke bn l'l~ainillg, Ims('u upon tite pl'ineiph' tllHt IIl1lt'S. .. 1L policy 0 1" Htl adjus llILr nt of II poli("~" is fllil" 10 both Conll"actol"s II ILlI BI·otiwl"hood 1II(,11I1K'1"lJ, it ('1\111101 be in Ihe best ill\e l"t'St or ('illl(' l" s idl' ...... "

With Ihis cloquctlt 1I1H1 ItIll('h 1I 111'1"('('i1l\('1I 11I'('8('nlll­tion fO I" J)l"olop;u(', wc ("0111 i III II' 0111" l'(' I){I I"1. ""l" l'li lt SHY II illl liilll'I' I"itr lIlld ('IIII\"it'!iUU, 111111 Iho~ !rood luhOl'.1l111 Illl /-:I'ILl('1I1 1 .. (·I1Ll ioll" !,oncil''' t\~(']x'i.'wd hr SEC.\ and JBE W, whi(,h St'IlHIOI' :\ltlJ"'e 1m .. hl'! 'n kind c!lolil-d i 10 pn,i:«'. haw' ]'(,('11 ('ontillm,d IIll ti

slIx'lIg'th(, ll ('d 0\'('1" Ih(' pasl ,I'I'ILI', III ra('I , 11'(. arc Il h.'lls('d 10 1Il1'1I 1iOIl Sl'I'('I'HI 111'\\ 1I1"I'IlS of ('oollt'l'lIliol1,

Ne w Are as of Coope rolion

'('he SnliOlllll I-: IC{'II'i('l1l C'ollll'lI('tOI'S ,\ K..;o('illliol1 ILllS 10111-; lx'(' 11 kl'I'IlI,\' iult'I'(' .. t('d ill tilt' wOl'k of IhC' :\n .. lional 1';\ectl'iC'al ('od(' C'(IlLLlIlitll'(',K E( ', \ 1111'11I1)(' I'S s il 011 all of it s J!1 PllllC'ls, whos(' 1!i·libl' l·alillll" (];'tPI'­mill(' lilc ('ol1c .. UlIII s iulltiards g'OH'I'lIiug' ('1('('1'''ic1l1 work is.''llt'ti ('\"1'1' .. 1' th l'I'I' ,1'1'1lI'S ItS th(' "r\il l iollll i Ell'c­tl'i('al ('oti('," :\1]". Hi('hnl'd Oshurn of ~E{' .. \ , has lon~ Jxoen Ihl' ('ontl"lIt'IOI"'" I{'atiin~ 1'!'PI'I'S{'1l1'1til'c il l the CI'U>;,1t!(' fo]" snfl'. IU'I\("Ii('11 I ('11'1'11·1('1\1 in"tlllllLlioll ill hlll'moll,l', with SE('.\ lind IBEW wiriuJ!' stllluilll"(l"!, !!l1lll'alll('('illj:! Sllft'ly to lIlt' puhli(' .. lit' SI'I'I"I'S 011 the {'ode {'ol'I"\'llIllIlJ! l'ommill('t', th(' lLIost l!ill-!'lIiliellllt of the PIIIICII'I,

Lust ~1)I('ml)(,I'" IBEW 1' t"(,,;iti(,llt (tOt'dOlI :\1. F'I'('('­man look 1I('lioll 10 hlWk lip Iht, wOl'k of Ihl' ('mplo~'(,I' }\'roup with uniOIl I'lnlllo,l'(' (-{rul,t .. 11 (' M'I Ullll 1:!"IIlt'IlL­hl.'r IBEW ('odc ('Otnll1ill('(' at II 1IL(,(,lillJ;!' in :-it. Louis and illllll('(iill\('lr SI'I UIII 10 ha\'(' tlll'S(' 1lH'llLlwl's 1'1 '('()j!­

Ilil',cil as plll'I of th(' :\uliollill ('odl' ( 'l)IlIlI1illl.'I' .. It WlI"! Uid ml"d O .. IJ(lI"lI who wOI .. kl't! sidc h .. I' .. i(](' with Om .. llOIl

J.'1'l'l'IIHIII ill iltslrut'lilll{ IILis 1iI·\\ !BEW ('IJJtIllLilll'l' ;1Ilt! gt'llillg it sIHI't('ti 011 its imp!)I"alit wOl'k,

Imst w('('k, in " 'Il"hingtIJII, I lit, I BE"" ('utlt' {'Olll ­mitt N' h('\d its s('<'onti 1I1(,l'ling. II I'POI't,!'I ot' til(' wOI·k dOllc in Ihl' l'I'!-IP('('tiH' tl isll' i('I'I 1\('1'(, (ltllslantiillg rOl" S() shm't II tilm', .. \ nd ilL :-;pill' III' illitilll opposilion hy lht' Suliol1ul ('11th' ( 'tIIlLllliltl,t, .. IBEW 1l11'll1ht'L')! lIL'(' noll' /tI('JI\I)('I'S 1'1' roUl' t\alioll!l l ('odl' ('ullllllill('<, PUIII,I" A:":llill, ~\lI', 0,,1101'11 atl('lI til'd lILt, IBE W 1l1l'('t­illg ;LntI W:I" l)I'ill('ipal s lwakl.'I', 0111('1' S E{ ', \ Coth' C'ull1m iu{'(' 1lI(>llIhl' I"!-I hnn' lI",j.;;It'ti tltt' I B E\\" ('odl' ('Olllmill('(' ill tIL~,it· ~(,og'I'lIpILiI'lIl Hn'lI". Thi~ 11(>\\ an'li uf ('()()1X' I"lIti0I1 1'1111 Olll~' II'ad 10 a

hl.'II('I" t'lI"I'il'il'al iutlU"'II·~' with imI1L'OH'11, "afl'!' &' I'I-i~'I' to the puhli(',

Annual Construction Conference

..-\ u i lLlltJlHliulI ,If Ihl' l'I'ol ILI' I'hoOi l 1k'g'IIIL las! )·1'111'

alld {'()lItinUt'l! Illi ... I'it-rhtl)" IwltmJ,.'S 111111('1" Ill '\\" lI l'I'lIS of ("oolwI"alioll, \\'(' !'I' I"I ' I' 10 t h(, IIO\\' i"!llIhli,llt'd .\11 " milt I I B E \\' COWi! l'Uf·t iOIl ('011 1'1'I'I'II('t', TIL is !Ili't't illj.!', {'on<i tt("IC'd iI .. l· lIw ('ull"II'II("lioll and ~l it i Jlll'IIHIl('I' Opl'l'Hlioml n~'pal"IHlt'1I1 o f 111(' 10]0;\\", hl'iI1I--'S su!Il(' :{OO Ot' ILIOl'(, IO<'ltl husinl"ss ILllllLn:":I'I'S fl'om l'O Il ~I I 'U('­lion 10C'lIls Ihl 'OIlj.!'holl t Ih(' 1I1IIioll, 109'f'111I'I' ill \\'n .. h­in~toll , to IIIt'(" wilh 1Il ('i l' t llll'l'IllL1i(lnal 1l111(,I,t's lL nd COlllnll"IOL'li HI')lt 'I'Sl'Il lnt i 1'1''''. 10 di,,!'u~s IIl'olllt'llts of clecU'i('lIl t'QlIs ll 'Ilt' l iOIi 1111(1 I\H,I'S Hnd IIlI'llll~ of in-


l'I'I'lI "iug' 1,It't'l L'it'nl t·tHI"Il'u" t iUIl lllLll 1I11l'ndant. job OPP()I't II II it il''',

Coop eratjon jn legisla tjan

\\" hill.' t'OOp(' I'atl011 of :\1-:(' .. \ ,Jlld I13E\\" ill I('g isla. til'\' malh'I'lI i ~ 1I0t II 11('\\" m'I'11 of ('{)uPt'I 'lttion, bUI lIlI oltl <Iud well t''1 tuhli"h('{\ 011(' ( lhollj.!'IL litt le knOll"11 10 till ' pllhlit' ) II 111'1\ ('11<;(' whi('h l'alL".' 10 II sU('I:t.'S'ful l'OIl('IUsioll Insl 1II01lth, If lwlifi('" I1Ildl' I" Ihis (·atl'l,!'OI"Y ..

\\"(' l'('f('I' to \\".I'umillj.!' 11lltJ Ilmt shltc's 80 .. ('1111('(\ .. , Hij.!'itt .. lo\\"ol'k"luw. 'I'hl' IS!:; \\" Ims i'ou}tht " Highl .. to .. \\" tll'k" law!! ('1('1' si ll{'(' t1wit' il1('('111 ion, II ft ('I' pllS· Nag'C' of thl' T aft- lI lII,tlt'Y bm in l!I-I7 .. \\"hile spa('(' will not IIt'I'lII it a 1{' lLl!,lh.I' <l i,,'u, ... iOIl or th('S(' law~ hen', thl' IBE\\' hll"! 11111 11,1" I'('HSOUS. 1111 \\'dl (\0<'11-lILell1t'd , fol' n hhol'l'{' II{'(' of I he .. H· '1'. W " })I'ol"isioIlK ' I'h(,,,(' ill('lulll.' Ihl' "Bllillll hIlSlill,l!" Iwtlll'(' of thc 11lIn;. Ill{' rnt'l Ilwl Ih<,)" el l'sll'OY 1'1"<'1.' ("(lII ('('lil'(, hnl'l:::lIillill~ .. IIIl1k{' II IIII)('k(,I',I" of th(' liuw·IIOIIOl'('d ltIajol'il~" rule pl'ill(' i"II', lin' dalllllj.!'inJ! 10 tlU' C<'OIUHlIy of ;l statc, :lIId (, "I'atf', 1"lIlhl'I' Ih1Ul Iklt'l', lalxll' strife,

'I'll(' Suliolllli 1';II'('II'i(,111 COIIII';H'tOI'S . \ ..soci:lt ion Ita" 9111'11111'11'<1 1111' Ul1iOIl in it'{ posilioll, It \l'a" lilt' on ly {'mpl",I·I'I' gTOIIJl ill thc IHition \l'hi(''' Nluod with il." t'Ort"l'''JltHHIiILg' IIl1ioll mill \(><.;tified 11g'1Lill'il P<lS-'1'.Ig'f' of T uft- Ibu,t ll''\" aud 111(' IlnlJl1L)..ring ~'('Iio ll I-I ( b ) ",hidl pI'I'mit .. Nlate " llij.!'hl -1'o,, \\"ol'k" 11Iws, IIh(,1I h('al"il1!,'S 011 tlw 11111 1\1'1"1.' Il('ld 1l('1II"1~· ~O relll'S llj!O ..

X EC'A ",hlll'l'S 1 BEW hop{'S 1"01' l'('ll('al of Sfftion H (h1 in tl1l' Jll'bwnt '{"'lion of ('(lIIj!I'<'''N, :\1(,:l1ll1"hil(', tOJ,(Nh(,I' W(' IUII'(' Illkl' lI II IIll1jOl' SI('P ill fighling

" Hij.!'ht-Io. Work" 011 till" "!nIt' It'wl,

Decision 0' Wyoming Supreme Court

Last rl'lH' 111I'\'l' I BE\\" Im'al lIniOIl!j in Wyoming', ill ( '11<'."('1111(', ('n"',)(,I" :lUll I.:n"amit', joined by two 1'lmpH'I"'I of :\ 1-:( '.\ , ('nlt'I'I'd "\Ii, 10 PI'('I'('111 ('nl'o l"cill!! ~\'diolL !i of Ihl' .. Hig'hl-w .. \\"m"k" la\\' , mllinl'liuing' 1111I1 lilt' bl\1 i .. 1I1l1'tJl! .. tilutiowtl. OIL .\pril 7th or this ~-I'al', lilt, \\" ,I'Olll ill ).: HIlIll' Supn'JII(' ('om-t, h." .. 3 .. 10-1 1'011', J.:'1·HILII't! Iltl ' pll 'lI I't ll ' illjUlLt'liul1 halTi ng ('l1fuI'C(" 1II~'lIt uf :-i('di()11 ii III' "1(' law, I'lII'hitlllillg' nOIl .. di!'l" ("l'iltLillaltll· .. I' (':'H .. lusin' l'dt'I'!'n l sy"t(,lIls, The ('om'l majoril..'" tlpll{·ltI tl1I' IBI';\\"·S E(' ,\ (,Ollt(,lItioll, that t h ill Jllll't illlL til' I h(, st lilt' 1m\" is l\Iu'()I\sl it III iOlla I

I II pas..,in).:, In' jll"t 1I11'1I1itJll, for tlL(' 11t'1!(>(it of IhO"(' l"I'lIllill).: thi"! 1'I']lOI'\' who lJLa~" klloll" liul(' ahoul I BE\\", thaI lid, is n 1II1ioli whieh has huil! a !!ood l"I'IHllntillll Ihl'lHIJ.:'h tht' ,l'I'lll'S. 1'01' hOIlI'''!..I'' lllld in .. 11 '~ I'i'~' ..

I.IIW~ likl' Taft .. II 11I'tl!.'I' 1111tl 1.1lIL111"um"(;I'iffin hl1\'(' 11111111'1'11 lit'I'l h ,1.! to k('('p'th" tBE\\" ill lill<', hUI lI(fI'(' /lflll a "11'1I1LJ.:' (11'I,'t'l"!'111 In JlI'())!I't'S."!, H (,I'I'1I1'..'" the Uml'I'1I1111'1I1 1'L'illtillg' Ofljl'" i"-~tH'd :1 puhlielltioll ('II· litlNl, "SIIIIIIIIIII',I' of ()III'I·lItiolls .. l!lfi-l--l mllOl" ~Iall "

Hg'I'IIII' l lt Ilt-POI'!iIlP; II IHI Di,t'lnsIlL'(' . \ ('1." 1n 1I1i,-; I' ll .. lin' !1II1t1i('1I1ioll of eli'/'S in whit,,, Ihl' L;LIldl'lIrn"(:]"iffin In\," IHi d hi'I' 1l l'iollll('(1, Ihp]".' IIllS onl ,\" Otll' ("I'imilllll 1I1'lion it l II'l1i('11 'BE\\" \\11" ('1"('11 1ll('lltiOlll:od, Al1l1 lid .. \1'11'1 a I'll"!' \\'hil'li t ilt, Oflil'f' I'S of lhl' BI'olh('l'liuod Iwd ill l't''1lignh'l l nnd l'OI'L't'!'II'I' IOllg hel'(JI'('- th(' UOI'­('I'tl lll l' lll 11"1'111111' illl'(III"('d ,

'1'11111. filii' lind hom' .. ' 1'llLplll),(, I's 11('lp 10 (:1'('1111' g'uod



UlliOIl'i i'i :11\ il'l'dulnhlc fa('I, Witllolll Irlt'1IUilig to bt' IX);Is t fu l, but ill Ih(' spil'it or IIwldujt 11'11111 kllo\\1I 10 Ihe puhlie, Ihese pasl I lln'(' pnnlgl'Hphs Wl' I'e \\J'ilten into l ilis 1'<'POI't.

Seniority Provision

Lm;t ,"('III' ill 0111' 'I'1'u"'II'''''' 1{('fIOI't, 11I('11 1i!)11 WIlS 11111111' eOIU'CI'ni l lg: OI'!!lIllizi l ll.; d l'i\'l 'S ht'ill~ eOlld m'I('d II." IUE\\' eonSII'II('lioll 11)('111'1 ill \'III'ioll"! PMls of 111(' (,olllltr~', T hi'l aelidt." i'i <1110111('1' wh i('h 1I1('('ls full :\, !-:C,,\ sllpport. 'f hl'Oligll OI'j.:-;IlIir.1ltioll of nOIl-lIllioll ('01111'11('101':;, lInrail' (,OIIlIK'lilioli fOl' :\'1-:0,\ COlltl'II('IOI'S i~ dimillishcd. ~illee Ihl' Ill'wly-o!,).!'llllizcd coutl'lI('IIlI'S IIIlIst pay thl' pl'e\'ll iling' W'I1-\'('. Ho\\,e\'l'l', OI'WlIlizillg aetivitics Pl't'SNlt >IOmc pl'llelil'111 JlI'Ohlel1ls whi(,h hnn' nothing to do with l'('lm'tanl ctnJll0,\'(lI~. Ouc or the objccts Wl"ittCIl in lo the I IlE\\, GOlIsiitmioll is "10 ol"l~'n ll ize all Electl'ical WOI·kel'.'I," " I :1 I1 ~· local uu ions wi'lh to cUlTy out Ihis ohject but ('1I(,Ollllt('1' some IlpJlosition (1'0111 pl'('S('nt lII(>1nlK'I'S. '1'I)('sc II1cmber"!, Ulldl.'l':;tml(l :tbl~·, I'Cl1l" 11 .. 11 addit iOllal wirClllcn might dcpl'i\'(! thclll of nnlilllblc work OPllOl'hll1iti~, should wOl'k bc('()mc l;('31'('C.

Out,I: .... t 1'('1)011 stilletl tl11l1 :\'1-:('.\ and !B EW IIlld appoint('(1 a :\"lItiOlllll ,J oint COlUlIlitt('(' to ('()nsidl'r This IlI'OhlcllI :nul Sft'k a solulioll. possihly thl'ou~h illioptioll of a Seniol'ily Clau~ in constnlctiOIl agt·('C­mCllls,

'I'hi!! l'ommittee wOI'k{'-d wp1I lind ill Fl'bnull'~' of Tid>; ~'('IlI' :\'EC.\ ,mil IB I'; W liIimulwnoously i'l..'itll'd inl'o!'lIlnt iOIl lind IIl1ld(' 1l\'ailllbl(' II 1,(,(,OllIlUClI(it'd ~n­iodlY (,I:III~, for adoJltion in allY ("(l1l"Ii'tlC­lioll ag"l'('('IIl(,lll 1'0), Thost, who dt'Sh'(' a ~lIioril.\' S~'lt-1('111,

National Ele clrical Week P,omotion

_h 1Il('lIliQll('d ill f11'('\'i(lu", '·('I'OI·ls. :\'EC'.\ hilS dOllc a "pl<'lIllid joll of pub1i('izinJ,:" Hil t! ]! ,'ollloling- thc elcc­II'if'al itldusI )'.\' , IWI'Tit'IIII1I·I.\, in l'nliOl1ll1 J-:lt~..tI"i('l1l Wc('k promotions. Thc Bmlht,,'h(iod, whilc nlwlIYs g-il'illg' 1Il0l'ai supporl IlIId fil1HIl('ilil SUPPO l't Ilt Inl('I'­Iwliol11il ()1Ti('c Ic\'(,I. 1111;; 1111<1 SCIIIIl' ('ah'hing' up 10 do in>iOfal' :1'01 PJ'OIIIOlioll on Ih(' (,Olllll11111 ily 1('\'('1 is 1"011-('PI'IIN!. \\'t, 111'(' J!llId 10 " 'POI't PI'ORI'(';;,'!, ("Ilion pl1l'ti(', ipillion 'lOR 1I0t (','('11 IIP]lI'~II'h I.'Jllpl().\'('r pll1·tit·ipa­lioll ill \"01111111' IIIl1I qllllillily a ... ~'('t, hHl 11101'(' IIl1d JllOI'(' 1000ai IInioll~ al'(' plIl·li('ipnljlljt. IIHIII.\· of 1111'111 joint Iy wit II illtl kill LW I ('(lI1I I'H('lol'S 01' :\' 1-:(' ,\ ('hn pl('I'S. 1111d Illc Ijlwlit,\' of Pll1'ti('ill1ltioll i ... ~ho\\"illl-!: ""II'ady illl-111'0\('1111'111 also. Bolh i\]o;('. \ 1lIid lin;\\, ha\' (' 0"­"'1'1'\',,11 that "wily CUlpIO,\'(·I"('lllplo.\'(' l.'omrll i l1l'('~ 1111\(' bi'l'll ~1I(·el's .... flll in IH1\"ill}{ Stllh' (;O\'t' I·I1(lI· .... IllId CilY :lf11.\'(H'''' i"' ... lIc :\'ntiol1lll 1';I{'('t1'i('nl \\'('('k proelaTrllltiolls, IllId \\'(' should ndd, WiTh ('X(,(,III'lIt 1111('1111:1111 ]lublieil,r,

Un ion Indus/rie s Sh ow

'I'llI' IBE\\' has nntiCI·tHk(l1l 11 sp(ll'i1l1 PI'Og"I·tllll of illllll-;II'~' 11l'01l10lioli llrio.; ."i'l1l', 1111'flUldl its allIl\wl ])111'­ti('iplitioll in the .H ' I,·(· IO J' lliOIi Illdustl'ics Show, T hi'! IlWHltII()lh ]l1'odm'lioll is p1l1 Oll l"'CI'.\' ,\'1'111', ill II lal"l--((' irll tllstrild tit,\', 11.\' t hc hIl IHh'('ds of Illit iolHll li nd inil'l"rHllional Illhol' unions ntlilia t!'<\ wilh 1111' 1\ 1.' 1, ­l ' IO. Th(' nttI' I1l1111\("t' nl 1111'''t' t'xhih iliollS, wld('11 1" 1111


ft)!· Ii\(' Ila~' ''''' \'al'i,''1 from II minimum of 3:iO,000 1)('1'­i'ilIlI'! 10 O\t'I' II Ulillioll , 1I('{'QI'dillg to the size of thc city ill \\hi(·h il is Il('ld, AI1Cl1dllll('C or 500,000 01' mOI'C is I'XI)('('t('<I ill Pittslllll'gh this 1I10111h, fl'om t he 2 1st to t ht, :!fillr.

III 111(1 PHst, IBE\\, cx hihits "" Iwcuding" 0\"('1' a 100· ruot nl'l~n Iw\'{' fl'n l lll'l'O clcell"ien] IH'Otl UCls 11111111' hy till' Bl"otherhood 's j\l"allul'n£'tlll'illg hl"llneh. T his ,\'('m'

the I B I~ "" t hemt' will cmplw:-; i1.c :I II a I'CIl 11I01'C 1)('1\('­n('ia 1 to l' lcctl'i('1I1 ('Ollst I'UC I iOIl 1ll{'llIi )(,I'S-lll1 phast'''' til CI{'l·ll·i(·;1! "c:ltin)!, and ait'-cond itioning, in 11 " Li vc Bl' lh' I' E lt'ct l'i('ally" setting-.

Union Shop Co,d De ve loped Ollt' Illst poillt lIndC I' IICW 1I1'(!1I"! of eoopcl':Jtioll. Th.,

Hliioll Shop GilI'd hLln~ in ('oll tra<'lo r 's offiel" si~1I

shop 01' I1HlIlUfa('IIlI' iug- plnnt, has IlhnlYs bcclI 1\ Sijtllitl to I hc Jlublic-" I le!'c is n fu il' cll1J)loycl', a work 'Iho]) wi l h d('('('llt ('()ndilions," I t has j}I'o\'cd 11 VIlIlllllJlt' bu ... im','i huildcl'. pm·ticullll'l,v in towns l1Iui ei l i('s ",h('l"t' unioll 01"g'ani7.11lion is stl'OII~, About 20 ~'(lIII'" agO, Ihi' !BEW stoppcd k ... uillg l'uioll ShOI) ('1II'd", IIo\\\'\"c)', aftcl' some study ilt IBEW hclldqmll·h'l .... 1111(1 !>I 1'QIIl! 'IUPI)(lI·t 1'1'0111 Ihe COllstnletioll DC!>II1,t­IIIt'III, in ,Jnnuill'Y of Ild'i YC1Ir, un attr.wli\'(, 111'\\ L'lliml Klinp ('Ill'd of 1110(\('1'1\ dcsigll WIlS issucd. It Ira ... IX'('11 Wt'll l'l'('ei\'cd Illid l't' PI'('!K'llt~ one 1II0l'C i'IU'Ct Ill' ('(Jo]J{' I'uliOIi Ix,tw{'(' 11 IBE W whieh issu('s ii , ;lI1d X E('. \ sllops wllieh display it.

Old Are a s 0' Coop e ration W(' no\\' Jlll"-S 011 10 tho'iC tilllc-honorcd llretlS \\'h('I'('

7\E('.\ - IBE W eoopcl'lltioll IIiIS ld\\'llYS 1)('('11 H'I'Y Stl'OIIJ,.:". While this nUltCl'ild i'! (Illill' i':lIJ1ililll' 10 IIII' 1l1l'1II1)(,1~ of OLlr :\'ntiOlllll BOlllXI, l)(Iel1UsC thollS/llld .. of ollr.·1' Jl('I'SOU'! will ('\'i.'lIll1all." l'l'll d this !'CpOI'I, 1II1111Y f)f whtUIl know nothing of 0111' Iwo orglllliz.'ltioIlS, Wi.'

1\'(,1 n I'l'\'i('\\' is tlg'nin in Ol'd('r,

Joint Prog rams 0' Tra ining I n l!l.Jl , .\"EC_\ lind thc !BE \\' set lip 11 .Joint _\ Jl '

IWt'nlil'l 'sltip COllllllittC<' lit tlic natiOlltll Ievcl, tlIl1\ in tllnt ~'I'llI' also. :l !«'t of IHlIiOlial !-lllIuhll'ds WllS d('\'{,I­IJlwd, Thl' ('It'elricnl ilHlustl'Y 111I~ 1J('(.'OIIl(' w('1! kllOWIl liS til(' fas!('S, ~1'Owin~ ns \\"I,ll /IS thc one most snhji.'(,1 III l'lIpid ('11I1I1g'I', of all ill IIII' 1'0nstl'lI('tioli fie ld, 'rh('I,'­for(', tlH' 'itlllldlll'lls W{,I'(' l'l'\' i<;('<i L11l1l i'!' til(' dil't'('Iioll of ;\'E(',\ 1111d !BE\\" ..... 'oilll ('olUlllitt('C in 1!l.J ."i, ill )!I:j:1. 1!I:ij ancl I!)(i:? AI:.;o ill 1!1-t5, the ,Joint ('Olll '

llIittl·t, llS. ... UIlI(,d til(' 1H1I1lt' whi('h il hca l'S todny- Tht· Xul iolwl ,JOillt .\PPI't·lIlie(''Ildp :llId 'l' rlliuillg" COl1llllit ­t!'~ , 1'01' Ihe ";leetri('HI l nd usll·Y. 111 1%2, thc COlllmit -11'1' st'l II]) H r];lliollHI offi(o(· \\ilh 11 full·tilllc Di!'I'('I()I '. 'l'odllY llil'('('IOI' I •. B. Bnk,'I' lind his :ls'listl1lllii, n. L. :\lI' IUI.\'I't' 1111<1 .\ . ,I. Phillip'l d(l\'ot(' their ('ntil'l' lilllt, 10 IIII' .' JlPI·('nli('c lind .JOllt·IIl'~'lIIa ll fi('ld of Inli llillg". SIl'i\"illJ!" to impl'Ow nllll cXlllillil the !lNg-ram of Ih(l Xlilionlll l'oll1l1litlt'c.

EH'I'Y Yl'l1l' th(' 11111111)('1' of 1000ul ·Joint _' ppI'('ntil'(,­.... hip t 'Oll1l1duc('o; is ilWI'('usillg', Most (,IlCOtll'llgillg" 100, IIIIS 1." 1'11 I hc g' 1'(j\\'1 h of p l'u\' isiotIS 1'01' ndC(IUllIC filllllle ­illg" of np]ll'cnti('cslliplll1d tl'nini ll g" pl'ognHllS th l'ollg"h ))1"1)111' 1' t·IIIIlS.,S hI Ih(' 1111>01' 1lg"I'('('l1Icnls.

1 II IW'\' III yt·III" .... lilt' Ilccd 1'01' gtllllda l"lli;wl iOI1 of


training' progl'ams was keell ly felt, llnd a~ Il l'C'Su[t 1\

Kntionul Elcctr iC[l 1 COlll'SC tOI' Appl'enticc -11I.'lidc " 'il'emen was de"eloped , alld the fil'llt yClIl' WH~ put into lISC ill Bcptemhm' l D6 1. Snhscljllcut yCHI'S have been I'elew;cd on Hchedu[c with the fOltl'lh antl finO'll YC'II!' cOll1pleled in ,June, 1!)G4, A continual IH'og:I'alli of upgrading the cOUl'Se :lIId :u1diug' visual aids is \.x>ing carl'il'd Oil,

'l'hc e!11plo~'cl'li I1lld the llllion in the el('('II'icI11 con· s(t'lu·tioll ficld hl1\'e ll l\\ll,\"li Hj"(T('('d 011 t\\'o ))oinl<;­onc, that an :1(\('(11Ial(O 1"01'('(' of appI'I'IHh,t,S lihou[d {'()II .

slnntly be add cd to CTnplo,l"H1cllt l'olls ill (lnil't' lo ill' SUI'\! a couslant supply of II'nillcd 11/Jl'klll~'1I to Il\('('t the ll<'eds of a ~l'o\\'ing i]l( l usll'~" .\n(11110 -t hlllll'nin· in:; of applx'llticcs nnd jOlll'IH'YIIWIl he thOl'Ollf,;"h nlld kept up to dntc.

'Yo llwnlioll{'d in Olll' I'{'POlt last :-'1'111', ('('I'laiu sin. t i;;;ties with regnrd to the O\'Ol'-all lIatiollalllPPI'cntiee· ship picture,

The Burcau of [.abc)]' Statisti!'>; plIhlil>il('ld an ;1I'li('l('I in thc Apri l 1!164 .lIQJllhly I,a(,o/, Nel'iclt' wldeh should pl'O\'C intcr(,sti ng to 1I11:--0n(' eOIl{'Cl'ne(\ with this 1'C­port. It stated thc sonu;>whlll IIt'I)I-('s-~ illg fact Ihat he· twccn 19;;0 and 1!l60 apPI'C'nli('('sllip lWlwidcd a dc­('l'cftsing Pl'opOI'tioll of Ihl' yoml!! \\"(jl'kcrs entering skilled tl';u1es, with the lHulIl)('I' of npPl'cllticC<'; (\I'op, pin~ 27.1 pcrecnt.

'1'hc al,ticle citcs CCIlSU~ BmCllu fil!Ul'('>; flho\lillfC that whilc tOlll1 emplo,l'lll(,llt in the huildill!-\, 11'lIdes

expmul('d during the l!l:iO's the IlIl111ill' l' of apJlI'(,II' tices fcll shlll'ply, ('xccpt ill lite elcdricilllt cnlcgol'Y IdlCl'c there 1I'1IS a rj~c of 3.1 11('/'r(' 111.

This 1'L<;e is C\'(' II 1II00'C sil!uifiellul wlJ('1l ('olllpal'{'d with the pcr{'entag{' of d('('line ill JIPI)I'('lllih'S, suff(,I'c'd hy other Building '1'I'ad('..: craft<;. B {'I\\'e{'1I ]!l,iO Hlld 1960, fOl' example, til(' llullllw l' of appl'(,lllic('I ('al'])('n. te l'S declined -1-1 pen'cnt, while thnc \Ias 011[,1- n !W\'('II pf'-I'N'nt. dl'011 in Ihl' lollil nlllllllf'I' of jmll'lw:--1l11'1l in the Irade, ] n thnt s.-'lIllC dl'('acic,lhe 101111 of apP I'('Il1lil'c Bl'iekl:l:-'cl'S droppcd 5 l Pf'- I'{'('111 and those en~ag'ed in plumhing and pip('lfilling' 33 ])('I'('('III\.

Sin('e l !)G:!, the l'c('O]'(l 1'01' '·]I,(·t l'jc'a\ slppl'C'llli('cs hllS continued to illlPI'O\"(', ae(,OI'din/.! to thc Cnitcd Stutes D('partment Ot 1)<1 1,,01', \1 hk-h !it,ltes that l'('l!i", t('red e lectrician apPl'ellti(-c .. ill('I,(,ll '«ld by some 2,000 bet.wcen l!)G~ llnd ]!)G4,

'r he Dcpartmcnt of L:loor 1Ins prniS<'d NECA· IBE\\T pol iey on hnild ill~ it s trllill('d w(lrk fOI'('('" ' I'liis has only bcen aecoTnpJil>lll'd through (,I,lS(' eooJw l'Hti(l1l :.llld the hard wOI'k of Joint APpl'('llli('('sh ip COllllllit­tees,

Journeyman Training

In Ilddi l iol1 to impI'ol'ing th(' 1I':1inin,:; of :1Jlpt'cn· tiees, the IBEW lllld N E('A spom'OI' :lIId finall<'C It

con t inuing tl ':lining IU'O!!I'HlIl rOI' jll1l1'IlC,VHICIJ" 'I'h"y recognize thnt in Il 1'lIpid [,\" cJlnng-illg' industl',\' tllC' l'C must be tnlini ng of thc jOUl'I1(',\-1111In to lllC'('It these changes-the men TIlUSt. dc\"elop ncw sld[!s 11!1d J!ain additional I..,'lowlcdgc,

T herc arc It Illllnber of jOll l'ncynlHIl SliOlt COIII'S('S that have bcen developed, such liS: Indllsll'ial Elt'c,


Irollics, Uoto\' Con trol, Codc, B lue p l' int !leading, ,1Ild nWlly olhel's, It is dimenlt 10 I(eep trll('k of ex;tcll.v how lIUllly wOl'kel'S Iw\'c taken a(h',lIll:lge of t he ('OUl'S('S of ndl'mH'ed Inlining oltel"ed to them, W e knoll' Ihnt 111:111," 113 1-:\\' mcmbel's ha\'c cOlllpleted some phll'w of jOlll'1l('Yllwnlrainillg' and all illcl"en.sing num· bl't, of IWW (,t'I'1ifil'nl('-,> of compll'lioll lIrc being is,..:ucd eW'I',\' yt'lil'.

Both ('olllrnc'1i)l'S lind l'nion hll\"e hccn ~t'Htificd tlt:I' the 1l'()l1hl('l iltlel (·xJlcns(, illvoln'd ill dC\'eloping-1I1Icl PI'II1!lClliIW jlllll'lW,l'Illall tmillillf,! JlI'())!l'ilUlfi hil\'C paid otT ill l' IWhlill.l! 11111' w()I·la'I'S to tat'kle the IlIOst inti'ieah' of Ilil'in~ johs.

Alomit Energy Tra ining

'rh{' nn:w hns {'ontil1lwd with ('()n .. id~' I 'nble 811('('C ..... <; ils 'I'a illinf,r of UlC'l11be l's in the (,OUlose, " l l1/1u-.II'ial J\ \(IlIIic Elli'I')!Y tT~'!), J lazanls lll1d ('OIlII'Ols"" This tl'HiuillJ.\', tii'sigllCd to pl'Olccl 1I"01'kcl'S aud the p\lblie, while at th('l Sllllle limc 1)I'Ol11ole valuablc nuclcnl' P(IWi'l' illstallntiolls, is lx' illg widcly taul!ht in ('Oil·

stl'lI('lion 10(,:I\s flS \\'el1 as utility locals of the BI'othe l-· hoof!. It is 11 llhm;c of tl'llining whi(,h ~EC.A has juilll'd I Ill' 'IBEW ill pl'oJilolillJ.\'_ (A /loLe oI iull'n'.st eOU('i'I'niuf,r this COUl'SO as dt'\'e!opc<1 by the Brothel" hood" Ali II publ ic se]'\'iee, ] B g W has f,!il'ell penll is· sioll fol' llUh[il"lltion of it" \"Oul'se as n !Zell(,1'1l1 text hook" 'J'h('I'c is n denrth or It'llil1in~ ]]wt('l'inl 011 this slIlI.1('l('l, lllld the pionecl'illg' of THE\\" in the field is 11I"()\'ing most "nllmhle to e<iu('atiollal iustitutions" . \ Il IB E\\" Pl'o('c'cds fl'OlI1 thc sale of this texL book will hc dllllalcd to 1m.l· ('1('('ll'icul eQuipmcnt in undcr· dcn!loIH'd (,()Ullll'ic!!, through the P('n('c ('OI'P!!, )

Council on Industrial Relotions

'1'he ('OUllei\ 0I1 iJlllu..:trill\ nelatil)ll~ 1'01- the E kf'-­tl'i('lll ( 'onsll'ul'! ion J IldW;ll'y, hns Ion/! hcell I'('ga l'ded as til(' Ollhtllluiing- uehie\"('lIlcllt in :\,EC,\-lBE W co­OIll'ration, .For the bmcfit o[ thosc r eudilll! ubQut til<' C IH fOl' th(' fil'St l illlC, it is the Ol"l,tall cstllbli~hcd-l:; :--('lll''': H~O, f,)l' the s(' u1ing of disputes in th{' cil'tll'il'al {,OJl~tl'\letitlll industl':-", nnd it is of len l'efcrt'cd to ns thl' ":-;UJlI'l' lII(, ('Olll't of Ihe ElecLric;1i I llcll1sll'~-,"

' r hc COllncil is made lip o[ ]2 Illembcrs, six from Ihe ('Olltl'1I('loI'8 and six 1'1'0111 the Union, The Coun{'il Imlld[I's Ihosc C1IS(,S in \\'hil'h thc 1I0l'llll1l ('ollecli\'c iJnl'/!ailli nf,;" pro('('Is.'iCS hClw('en local eOlltrne\or ;llld ItI('HI un ioll Illll'C bol!l!cd dO\\,11 and bC{,OIlI(' dead.iO(·kcd. 'l'his is Ih('l elc('tl'ieal in<!u .. II'y's lJllSI\""I' 10 sh'ikt's lind \()('kollts, '!'he COllllCi\ dcrisions Illust be llnnnilllOUS. Ollly oncc ill if'; -15-),('a l' histol'Y has it C\'l't' Ilad a c\('('isiOlI viOi:lt('d,

In l !J6 1, 102 ('HSCS WCl'C hcanl alld flt'ttled h~- tile ('oulIei!. ~\s thi .. l'('pol'l W(,l1t to I)I'('~, Ihc COlll1('i[ was p]'cpa]'ill~ fiJI' its SI'eOI1(1 qllal'tcrl~' meeling and IIlItl 42 {'HS('S s(,h('l(IIII\'<I fIJI' I'{,\' icw.

III Pllst 1'('1)01'1'1 \\"{' htJI"(' w]'itten much .nbout Olll' ('ll1l1H,jJ IIlid I'('('ol'd('d ('ommen!s fl'om lIIan,\' SOUl'CCS, l is WOI'III ill PI'l'I'(,lllioll oj' stl'ikcs nnd lo('koll ls, wi th thl'il' IItt('IlII111l1 loss or I\'nl!{'s to 1\'o1'l,l'I'S, llnd pl'ofits to l'mpIO,\'I'I'_S, is IWl'll III lllf'-llSlll'C, LT ll inlt'I'I'llp t('(\ S('l'\'· il'e to t hc plll/[i(' 0\11' ill<illst r,\' SCI'n'S, Iws hcell pcrhaps th('lIiIilS\' \'1dunhle eOIl\I'ibUlion of Ihc C llt


"-e shull not I"\.'\"iew the 1110,,1 l"\ '('t'nt Illamlil" 1'("

('{'iwd by the ('oUIl('il in this i-.slH' of the Trnsl('('!1 HC'P01't, hilt \"(' will lwing you it bl'i(,f I'(, \' il'w lit" a ('I I~ incident whic:h we found iHl en 'sling', One gl'ra t lu!\'a ntag-e which OUI' (;oUlwii hn'i 0\'('1' llll~' oth('I' tYI)(' or .\rbilrn l ion and ('OIwiliatiol1 OI"l:al1, is the fact thlll no impartial or c1is int r reslcd 1}(>1'SOIlS IIlllkc its <let'i· sions, }~\"(' I'~' ('onn{'il m('m1x-l' is 11 man w('II·Y('I"S('d ill nll phn<;('!; o r elc(' lricnl work and eoll('('li\'c bal"g'lIinillj!, The XECA and IlU:W Illclllb('l"S who l)I'il1~ th('ir di,,· ]lull''' to this pllu(' l, ('an certain],\' find coml"ol'l in the kllowledg'e, Ihllt whlllr\'(' I' the outeolll(', those hCllring Ih(' cas(' understlll1d ('\'cI'Y plwsc of it, because it is IllI' il' work. th('il' fi('ld too,

Thc incid('nl WI' wi"h to m(,lltioll, illlJlprllCd in con· n('NiOIl wilh <l qWll't('l'Iy l11('('ting of the C IR held in \\'a>;hill!!ton, D, C, ;:';ince nil s('!<:sions 111'0 O]len to tho puhlic, n l'('pOl'tel' elllll(' to ohset'\'c, \\'hen hc hnd nil

oPPo l'lImity. he snid to a IIlnll wniting' to pl'csent his cn"<.':

" 1 \'c ob<;cl'\'{'(1 rol' 0\'('1' 1111 h01l1' alld Ii.slenro to t1l(' qU(>slions askcd by thl' Countil 1ll(,lIlh(,I"S, but 1 can't disting-nigh lit. nil, which mCIl HI'(' llIanag-CIll('ut and whieh union, Can you point out which is whieh!"

We hclien,> this sil11pl(' stntcml'nt JIg-niH hl'inj!S hOll1e the great \'allie of th(' ('oullei!. It points out thc fair· nR~ of th(' Council I11CI11I)(' I"<; in 1 heil' ol)('rations, and indiealC>! praetic:tlly whnt :-;-)::('.\ lmd IBEW ha\"c always maintaincd philosophicltlly, thnt the good or thc industr~' tl'allS("('nds pCl"sonnl ('Onsid!.'l'ations,

OUI" onlr rC!!,I'('t wilh l'eg;11l'd to ,hc (' I H is that 1I101"C

l1IaJlnl!(,IlI(,lIt and 1ahol' groups do IIOt seck thc labol' p('acc wc Iw\'(' found, in simil<lI' tII('(]in,

Perhaps we hn\'c 1)('('1l too busy lllld ('01lC('I'IIN1 with OUI" own pl'ohl(,llIs to attempt to spl"{'nd the Council idea to othcl's, 1I 0pefull~', may wc do more ill the futlll'e, Oft(,1l wh('n kI1Olde<!g'e of 0111" Coullcil hilS becn hroul!ht to olhl'l"S Ihcl"(' lUl." 1)('(' 11 Ircmcndous int('t'cst ;mel Jl)an~' {ful'l'i('s l1S 10" \\, h~' hn\'c we !l('\"CI' Jlenl"d 01' this ('OUlleil bcl'ol'e? " lind " " 'hy dOll'!. o th!.'!'s hav(' a (' I IP "

P OI' ('xampk, 'J'(,lllpl!.' liniYC1"Sit,\' in P hiladelphi'l, 1"01' !«lllle (h'e yCll l'S llils d('\'ot!.'d s('v{'l'n l session'l of it s COU I"SCS in ('('()nomic.<.; nnd labor.ll1l1ll1l!!('I11('nt I"clntiolls to a stud." 01' XE('.\,IBE\\' r t"lnliOlls and Jllll'ti{'ull1l'1y Ihc COllnei] on 1n<111"II'i.1I H('I'ltions, 'r hOUSllndl' of the ini'ol"lnalionnl bookl('ts on [he CI H haw' b<.'(, 11 dislrib· utcd to the stlld('l1t~ 1'01' lISC ;IS t{'xt book mntcl'in!. The lBEW films whieh sho\\" the ('on neil in action lll'(' shown to the ..,[ud,' nl.;;,

By rcpon or PI'ofP'iSOI' )1iI('S Iloffmall, who teaeh{'s thc course- lit TClllplc, this pha ... (' of siudy evokes Ire· 11l(,Il<ious illt('I"(~t on thc !l:n't of his students,

P(' l'haps mol'{' pl"omotion of Ihis kind (-'an be done hy OUl' or:,!l'lni1.l1Iioll ill futm'{' y{'nl'S,

::U('lIllwhil(' W(' (,lin :It 1(';ISt r{'port '>Illll{, PI'O)!,I'('SS in th(' "prcad of the (' I n itll'a to 11l10thcl" pnrt of Ihe el{'{:'· II'i(,<l1 industry ('Owl'(\(l by nn~\\", Th(' Brothel"llOod and th(' EI~'ctl'ic l'tility Compnui('S in 11 stales (all in til(' "·('SI ('I'n pm'j of th(' ('onnll'~') han! sct up Ill}

organization know llS ].,\)[P ,\(', Ilt'Sil-:"ll('d to esta blish :til urea of coopel'1Itiol1 011 1ll1l1t(!I'S ali'ceting their 1Il1l·


lUlll intcrl'''t~, L.\)1 P .\C stands 1"01' " r ,n hoI' and )1 :111 · n~('Ill('nt P ublic .\ frail'S COllllllitt('('," The IBE\\' i<; 1I0W neti\'cly promoting, throngh thi'! ('Olllluitl('(', Ih(' {' I'('atillg' of ,\ l11!.'diulll <;imilal' to 0111' C In- nn .\ rbiu'a· tion Council 1'01' the C'tility Tndu!'!u'y, The Bmth(' l'· hOOfI is opt illliMit' in its f('(' ling that. 'io\1eh a (' lnIlH'i l (':111 and will 1)(' bl'Ollg-ht to fl' \Iition ,

I II Cnnadl'l, tiil'ollp:h the efforls of IBE\\' Yic"l' P rcsi<i('nt \\'ilIiam Lad~'mllll, a nllllll}(>I' or llwt'lil1!."-; ha\"(' l)(l{'!) Iwld nnd :l1tend('d by I HI':W I()('nl ltnio!) l'('pl'('scnt1l1in'li lind Cllll11diall COUIl'MIOI'S, I'm' l iI{' IHU'PQS(' of "Ill'('ndin!! ihc (' I R to that ('ounlry,

Wc 1>cli('\'(' Ihnt the induslrinl l)('ncc we hnw (IX ,

P(,I'i(,I1{'('d I'O!' 1llOI'e Ihan foul' dt'('a<ie;;; 'IllOl1ld I){' spl'('ll(l 10 olh('l'$ Illld e\'cn these limitcd j)o<;..,ibilitil's al'e cncoul'nging,

Safety KBC.\ lind lHE W hl1\'c COlllinl1('(l to f'OOllCI'at{' on

:::;.1\'<'1y, 'fh(' II10St impOl'tl11lt inno\,nt ion in tilt' <:nfl' t~·

fi('ld hn<: nil'('ad.'" I}('('u l'eportccI in the sumllwl'y of titr :-;-ational Elc('tl"icnl Cod(, work, no\\"c\'{~ I', w(' should mcntion Ihnt aplll'Oxilllnt('iy

11:llr Ot thc lC)('lIls of thc Hn;\\" now ha\'(' nCli\'(' :::;af('I~' COl1l1nillccs, ahout a 30 pCl'ccnt i llel'ea~c 0\"(' 1"

] !'l63, L(Lst .'"(':1\' nl'iO, as a stil11ulus to s.'lfet~· {'on~(,iou,;;;·

n('ss and 'Iaf(,ly training', thc lBEW c1('wll)llI'd n hand~lIl(' lit"('·"lIdn,r nWllrd to be jlr{'S('nted 10 iho'!!.' indh'idllals who h:).d Sowcd a hllln:1Il life, and to tlwil' locnl uniOll<:, H('('ol'ds i'J'01ll 1961 011 W('I'C t'h('('kl'(1. nml to dat{' 75 1 BE\\' llleml)('I'S :).nd 67 locl'll unions han' l'ecciwd this top n\\"lll"d,

Do es Cooperation Pay? ::H('ml)('l"S of thi,. ,!!'I'onp know thc allswer to th('

(jllI'slion, " B as :'\EC.\ ·IBI~\\' l'oop(,l'alioll paid oft'? '" Fol' the bcn('{it of olhel"S we Tel)()I't thnt pl'Ofil';;; nlHl wng-e.s :11'(' bOlh liP, ) [cllllX'IOShip fijtlll'('s of both ()til ' g"1'OUpS 11l'C ~I'o\\'ing stcadi l,\", :Mn,\" wc qUOII' n siJ!l1if. iCHnt St l1 l('I11(' llI from Ill{' lnl('!<:t " Dir('cton' of ~T l1·

tiOll'll and 1n t(' l'l1 ational L:1i}OI' lTni OI1S in til(' {'nilt' d Stntes," n puhli(,!ltion of the Unitcd Stntc<; J) \'llal'l . lll{'ni of LnlJ(}I':

" Ycal'·lo·~'('ar 1I1(,1I11)(1l"sh ip t'iulIlgc;; 1'{'I)Qrted hy th<­six Inl'!!f'st 11l1ioll'i in the lTnit('(1 S tnt('li, silO\\' thnl only 011(' union- thc Tnte]"naliomll BI'Othc]"hoo(1 of Eleell'i('nl \rol'k{'I"S, jt]"('w SI(,lldil.v dlll"in~ the !,(, I'ioll 1!):)I·l!)6~, 'I'll(' IBE"· il1(,I'('l1SCd its lllcml}cl'Ship ill lid" pcriod hy 2!'l:l,OOO or E)!'l p(,l"l'cnt,"

.\ t rh(' samc timc Ih{' ('Ol1tl'l1CtOl'S .\.ssoeialiOIl i'i )ik('wiS(' {,XI)(ll"il' l1{'in!! stcad." g'l'Owth,

Our cooJl('ratioli has (,(,l'lainly paid ofl' (01' tilt' puh· li{', ns i)('II{,I' :lIltl 11I0l'e intl'i('at(' wil'in!!" In'ill!!in!! elcell'ical h(':l1 nnd nir·("ond itiolling ,Hul new {'xp('ri · ('!l('t'S in ('I('('il'i('nl li\' in!! 01' mllny kinds, is beill1! l)I"ollg-ht into hOIllNi and factories, s{'hools, ehul'eh (' ~,

offices and Jlublic buildin!!'S C\'CI'y day,

Pension Bene fi t Tlu st Fund Ko\\' wilh l'('l!al'd to the finnl tll"{'il oi Jabo1"·lIlalltl~('·

lIl('nt CooJl{' l'l1lioll to be CO\'{'I'('(l in this )'{'pol'l, and thc onc which l.dH'" us enuS(' fOl' a )'eporL

Edelly, the historiC111 bnckground of lhc P ensioll


t I

BCllefit '1'mst Pund is M follows: ','ho ol'i!{inul JBEW ?l lt' lllOCI"i/ Pcnsion Phlu COVCI'­

ing bcneficial mcmbers of the union, WllS estllblishrd Ilt the 1927 COIH'cntion, lind the fil'St pension pay­!ncilis commenccd in J!J:!R Jnili1l1l), the bCllrfit IC\'I'I Wll'( $40 pCI' month, widell WllS ilU~ I'('lISt'd to $50 PCI' lTlonth IlS of .January I, 1!l17; Ihis ~ncfit WIlS pll,nlhll' to n rctirl'cl lllembCI' who Imd nttuiucd a~(' 65 ;lud ('olllplctcd 20 01' mOI'e ,\'t'lll'S of continllOlls JBEW 11\1'11I1)(' I''Ihip. In ]9:J~, til(' plnn was further ;1nH'rHlcd to IU'o\'i£1c that tl 111('1111)('1' iuitintrd 01' !"rinstatcd II!""'!' Jfay I, 1!):;2 would be ('Iig-ihlc for II bcul'fit of $80 IlLorilh ly upon !"etil'ClIlcut (lifte l' ngc (5) with 20 hilt Ic~'1 Illn ll 2fi yrill's of llll'IllIK'I'sltip, $40 monlhly willi 2!i hut less than 30 yelll's, and $:;0 mOllthly with ;10 or mor'c yrlll·S.

Until 'IH.W, thl'so hcncrits \1'l'1'C fin<lnrl'd cnti)"cly b)' 1111 IIppol'tioIlIl1Cnt. of the rJlonthl.v dul's (CXI'cpt fot' cnl'Jling"'( on Ihe fund) pn.vllblc by "A" (hclwficiul) 11IC'llIbcl'S, to tho PClIsioll B('n('fit Fund ndrnillist('1"Nl h)' til(' IIH:W.

JI1 1!)16, Ihl' JBm\' Ilnd N I':CA flg"I'('ed to cstablisl1 a jointly Ildministcred trust f1lnd to provide pcn~ioll 1X'IlC'fit'( to IHEW mom lJers, fin!lnco<l b,l' (.'Ont l'ibutioIlS of 1 1)('l'o(.'n t of the gro~'i lullol' pl.1Yl'Oli of Cll1pIO,I'C,( working Hlldcl' the tCl'lI1!! of tile fI~I'('CIllC I1t. 'I'hc ll!{I'('('H1l'l1t rstablished two trust fUlld!l, the ~atiollfll J-:lccl1'il'nl Benefit J 'und (K I'; IH') ;md the Pellsion Benrfit 'I'I'\I<;!. PUlld ( PB'I'L"), '!'he .L-pel'ccnt-o!"- pay-1'011 nss('<;.'!lI1cnts wcre pa~':lhlr to the ~ /';BF, which in 1111'11 tl'llllsfrl"l'cd to tho PB'I'J.' nil Ilmount 1'(111111 to the IIwmlX'r ('olltributions (alloC'llted portion or ducs) J)lIitl into thc P('llsion BCllefit 1"lInd nc1rninistCl'cd by thc Bl"otlll'rhood ( i.e., tl1c N I'; BI" pnid into PB '1'1" ('orlll'ilmtiOiIS IIllltclling tll{' Illlion IllrlllbCI'S' eOlltl'ibll­lioll!! to lh{' Pcnsion B{'lIcfiL 1.'und ). In ]%6, this "1I111t('hing" IWI1Jil"Cmcnt \I'US 1"{,IIIOI'cd, Ilnd tho full "I Pl'I'l'C'11 t COII11'ihu!iOIlS," II I'lc l' mccting CX1)(' 11 SCS Hlld pI'ovidilig fOl' tt SllllllJ opl'l'llt ing I'CSC1'1'(', WfiS ll'all);­rnitt l'd by thc N I'; BJ.' to the PH'I'P. Until 1!l57, the ('omhincd l'I'SOlll'CCS of the 1'1:S'l'b' lind the PBP WC'I'(,

considcrcd ns appli(,nble to IIICet th{' li,lbilitics of the IBI';W l\1(,1l11}Cl'S I'cnsion Pl nll, Illthoug-h S011l('Wlll1t less tlull1 half of tho tolnl b('IIt'ficial mcmbcloship of



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ii , - ~ ~!t-

- ! •

I I' j r It

----,-----,------,---JOURNAL FOR AUGUST, 1965

S(1II1(' :100,000 W(,l"e H('1111\11~' wOl'king for conl1'ibuting {'wII1'n{·10I'S. "lt l fnc l , 111'\<'1' CSln hlishmcnt of th(' l'B'I'J.', t1l(' pllyl1l('nt of nil 1)(,II~i(Jn IX'Il<'fils fo], ('xislin~ I)('n­si()]\('l's WIIS shiftN] fl'oll1 lhe I'BI" to Ihe PB'I'I", lIml th(' I)('ncfils fUI' nil Ilt'W pClIsionC I's wc]'e pliid fl'om tll(' I'B'I'I" unlil 1!J1)7,

.\n allwlldml'lll, I,rrc('\h'(, ,IUIIC 1, ]!JJ7, to tlJ(' EII1 · plo,wl's Ikncfit Ag-I"'P IIH' 111 , whil'h was 1l11lde in ordcr 10 ('om pI,\' with 11 1"1l1i1lg" of Ih(' Kational I ,abol' It(,llI ­lioll~ Bonnl. ('1111'1('(1 II t'Ollllidt'!'ahle ehangc ill th(' IlIlministl'atiOIl of til(' I' lnli. with !'{'lIPC('t to thc 1(,\'('1 01" h(']h'fit~ pllyahl(, fnJIII t'ilt'il fund and the ullillwl(' lillhility of thc 1'('~pC'cti\"(' funds. _\ s noted, priOlo to thi;; U1IIl' lldm(,llt, nil pt'llSiol1 tii!!hu I'scllwllls w('l'r trlHdr rnllll Ihe PH'I']", 111111 tIll' I'ln' W,IS kcpt full.\· in­"('strel, with ti lt' ('omhill('d runds nppliNlblc 10 the 1'1 1111 linbilit i ('~. 'I'he 1'0'('('1 or the 1!)57 1l1lH' lldlll ('IIt. \1'Wi 10 1'1'C'1I11' Iwo S{'Plll'IIIC funds, cueh with tllt'it' l't'­f;IW('l il'e 1i"hiliti('s.

"10 It r('~ult or 111i!! 1l11lpnclnwnt, tlll'l"(' now cxistf! a );('plI1'ate p];lll ('ov('I'il1g- nil (,l11ploycs (not n{,c(,"'~llI'i1.v l hdon 1l1rlll},Cl"s) (,0\'('1,('(1 h~' tho _.'\gl"{,C'lIIcnt Ix,tw('cn IBI';W and N I,:eA, 'I'ht' ('(llllr;loIOI'S (01' ('01'c l'('(l ('Ill­

ploYC'I'S) );Iill ('Ollll'ihuil' 1 ]l1'1"('Cl1t of gl'oss lal}Ql' pll~'­

mil of eOI't'l'Cd {,lIlploY<'i! to the Nl~ I3P , which pH,\'S ()prl'ntill~ CXI)('I1~S IIl1d Irllll);lIlits: th(' blllllllcr of the pn:\'I'oll a~,«,s..'!IIlCIII$ to I hc PB'I'J", The I'B'I'P pa.v~ Jl('lIsion bcncfils (lit lho 1'111t' of $50 IWI' month) to nil sl\l'\'il'in~ p(,lIsioncl'S who I'rlircd l)I'iol' to .Junc "I, 19!H (nil p(,ll~iol1(,I'S I"('('l'il'" $50 mOl1thl,\', sim·(, 1111 W('I'(' initillt{'d :IS nl('lIIlK'I'S Iwio!' to 19::;2), 'I'hc "BTl<' t!t(' I'rfol"(' has 1111 oblig"1I1ioli for p('nsioll ptl~'IIII'nl!! to n 1'losc<1 gl'Oup of 1'(1lil"cd ('mplo.l'cs, fol' whom Ihe Ilt'lls ion liuhilil.l' is t'Olllill1wl l.v diminishing'. Wilh l"<'lIl)('Ct. to (,llIplo.l'('s I'('!il'('(l nftcr ,' une I, 1957 the I'B'I'I" ]11'OI"i\ll's n P(,Il);iOli bcnefit thnt is 11l1s('tl 011 ""IIl'S ot" s('n'il'r in ('01"1'1'('(1 Clllp[OYUlC'llt :111(1 is g'('I1-;'I"IlII,v ('llunl to !)O ])el'('1'1i1 of the pCllsion bl'l1('fil 10 whieh nn "A" 111('1111)(.' 1' of tl1(' I rn:w would he ('llliilN1 IIndel' tlir I HI·:W 1\h'llliJ('I'S I'l'llsioll PI :1ll with 11 ('01'1'(,­

S]l()llding- pt'1·io.l of 1IIC'IIIb('I·sllip. 'I'he N E('A Plan JIU~ ('Ollnted onl .I' "('0\'c)"('(1 ('111-

pIO.VlIl(,llt" with a cOlltl"ihlllillg emplo.\·(,I', Jnilinlly "('()\'C'I'('d ('mplo,l'Il1cnt" WlI« l"('stl"ictC'd to cmplo.vlllt'lIt wilh nil ('lllplo)'('I' dlll'iug" IIlnt prl'ioel of timo which llit, ('mpIO,I'Cl' \1'IlS (lhlig-at('d to ('ollll"iiJute 1 IWI'('('llt tlf p<I.I'l·oll to Ih{' K l'; IH', !';inec 20 -,'cal'S of "('ol'('I'rd (,lIlpl(),I'IIlt'llt" is 1'(,lllIi]"('(\ rot, r ctir(,lI1('ut , lIlId sinrc ('Illltl'il)llti()us (nl111 1'001'!I'IIW' IIIly ('on'I'{'(l I'lrlpl(J~'-1111'111) t1i(lnot ('OIlIlIl('llI'l' IIlIli1 1946, no cmployc ('x­l'I'pt [01' III(' c1O!1Cd g"1'OUp l'plircd Iwiol' 10 6/1··!)7) hall I)(,CII ('lig-illir fOI' II IX'1U'fit frOIll thc r\ECA Plan.

On ~t'pt('rnlJt'I' 2G, 1 !)(i I Ihr definilion of <'o\'('l'rd P1l1pIO,\'11U'1I1 W))S IlIlWII(I(,d to pcrmit Iho ]'('('og"l1ition "I" lip to !) ,1't'lil'S of Plisl SI'I'I'icc (' I'cdits, for ~('I'\'i('{'

\Iilh an I"IJIplo.n'I' Willi' II) til(' datc thc cm ploYI' I' hI'­('lillie ohlig-Ille(\ to (,(lull'ihute. '1'hcsc past S('I'I'l('e ('1'l'llils l"Il\lIIt as yrlll'S (ll" s('I"I'ioc in ro\'C)"cd Clllp!O.I·­IIII'll! IIl1d 1\'('1'(' IIm(\(' 1·('tl·oll\"\il'o to clllpl()yes who rr­til'('ll , Iwio]" to ~l /:W/li l. 'I'llis lib(,l'1llb':lItiOIl 1lI('IIiIS tllHt t'ltlplo.l'e.~ n'til'('d afh'I' 1% 1 will COl1llllCllCC 1·(,(,t'h·iHg

bCliefits fl'om tllC I'B'I'].',


On the folJow illA' p:lJ{~s 3PI)('31' the fig:m'cs and elHll'ts whirh will COlli piNe the "full rrl>O l·t" on the P rnsion Brllefit T ,'ust Fund.

r Oll!' Tl'lIstr(><; 11lt'l monthly in eOllfOl'mity with Article ] 11·13 of thc l':mploy('('1'i B"IWfit .\gl'r(,Jll('tlt, to npJlI-O\'C npplit'ntions 1'01' l)('Illsinu lind I'c\" i('w thc l)('In· s iolL situntion as 1'('lIr(-1rll in 11\(.'1 fullow in g tnble:


0\'" ,.11 ... ,/1,,, n"....... nu",~" o.~'''d~. 10 fHEW


(Aceon"", Ta AclulIl.1 SludJ"

,~ ...... " ' K' ••••• 11,.11

'H' -----,.,.. m • ••••••••••••••• "".,

.... Id"""d 'dT .. ". D.al4.0 " .u, ........ \'."'ber [·._i.... ISJ5 •••••••••••••••• 35,51J December

31 , 1963 196 1

Jnnuar)' Fl'lwunry March April " lay June July August September October NO\'ember Deeember




" 39 ,13

1 " 41 ,11

" " 38 :!~

39 1 38


,\875 <9 30-1 1836 39 287 1793 ,' 3 260 47,11 <9 29' 1700 11 25 1 \fiG \ 41 233 1607 51 330 -\51)9 48 258 1521 38 2G8 H!J!J :!:! :!G5 I IGO 39 Z69 1122 38 246

• Readers wtll notc the Net Dec r'cn/!(! III pensions being paid from the Pen sion Benefit Fund. This is due to NL Il B ruling ns ex plained in the text.

However, the actuui I\UrnlH~l' of I rmw Illf!mhm·.~ nd­mitted to pension inCl'CM,cd, but their IJCnsions nre now being Imid from the IDEW Pension Fund. So nil may know the trend, the numbet· or membcl'S :ulmitted to pen· Dion in 1963 is pri nted in the l(ls t column.

]!16.J-Total ~\ dmitt ('d

RNm'!l('d to 'I'l'lu!e .. Denl hs ................. . N('t DC(' I'(>llo,;('

, 2

. ..... 50.J­

...... 50:.!


1963 '1'01:11 . .-\ (lmiTl f'(l G n('1tUl'ned to Trade 3 D('aths . . -I!l7 Krt D eITe(ISf.'. -19-1

1964 l'nla l .\l1 millf'd.... 4 Uf't\u'lI('d to Tradc 2 D('n I h~ ...... ;)(}.I

X('t III rrt.(I~c ........ 502

'I' hc followill\{ t:li>l(' illustI'H t<-..; 111('1 Illllllbor of 1llf'1l1. h('rs who \\'('1'\' dt'Il W; II )! l)('In..;ioll."; rl'OIll the PCll'lioll Bl'll('fit n ·u<;! Fund ('aeh qual't('I'.


OCTon~.R, 19,18 DOC':~IR.::R, l!)-18 ]of \RCII, J919 In: .:, 1919 S.;I'TI;M II~;n, J9,19 lh~n:\lIn;R , HU!) MAIICII , J 950 JUN ~;, 1950 S~; l'n:~I II'-:N, 191)0


2%2 29 -I 303-1 3122 3224 :1:\4fi 3,1:1'1

~ 3775


DtX'I; \l I .. :R, 1950 )'hll(,EI, 1951 Jl-SI;, 1951 S£''Tt;\lIIt:x, J951 l )t;Ct: \lUt;II, 1951 " ,\Ni"II,195? J E' Nt;, 1!):;2 SE1'T"\llmN, 1!)52 DI:n :M nt;R, 1!)52

402 1 4100 4189 4283 4355 440 1 4437 459 I 4697



1~1 J 11,2S1,i2U5 I~I . $1,414,41UI

I~I " SS,411,4tt.U 1I1a ~ $'l ,S41,505.n Its l ~ $la,UO,OlUIi IIS2 _ 511,111.111.. , 19S1

1154 1 1955

$23.21' ,621.52

UI ,6IiUOI.0G SJI"T5,5I6.t5

115' I 1ts1 I



'''' Itsl I su.m,uu5 $7J,5",,,.U5


m-."u5 '''' , 1.1 1 1151 ,

IIll I , ... 1101,650,68U5



l\IMtCH, 1!)53 J IT"IIt:, 1953 St: I'T';~IB':R , 19;)3 U':C I;~IB.:R. 1953 MARCil, 195 1 JI'SE, 1954 S.:I',..:\lBER, 19;)1 DI:('f:)IIIDt, 19M ~IARtll, 1955 Jl 'N.:, J9;;5 S t:''T.:MIIEn, 1955 D':O;\lRl:."H, 1%;; ~ I A IICII , I%G Jt-N.;, 195(; SEI'T':~IREII, 19;;6 Dt:n;~ IIIIill, 195G MAII(,II, 1957 Jl 'f:, 1957 S .:I'T.:Mllt;II , 19;;7 J)':CF.~IFII:Il. 1 !IS j M ,\RCII , 19 58 JI Nt;, 1958 S'; I 'T';~III';R , 1958 D.:n;~l n.;II, 19;;8

·\821 49:l:l 50n ;)26 1 5~67 5652

98 613 1 639 ' 6589 fi797 fi991 71G7 7329 iS9 1 i8 1G 8037 85-1:; 83a2 8151 i9G I 7810 j6ril 753~

MAnCil , 19;;9 j:178 ,111"1a:, 1!)Il!l 72m SI;,.,..:M IIF.R, 19;;9 7f.!.!!) OOC.:lIIIEH, 1959 (;:172 MARCII,1 960 fiROR Jl' NI!, 1960 j:I;6~

S.:I'T.;mU::R, 1960 liS·lf, OIX":MRt:R. 1960 642;, :0.1.\11:('11, BIGt r .. 1 15 JlSE, 1961 fi173 SEI'T.;\l IIF.R, 1961 l;n·li n.T .: \lm:II:.I961 ['~I:{I;

MAN{,II, 1!)62 [,j!,:! Jl 'S';, 19G2 r./o/if, S':''T.:\l II.:X, 1962 ;,M3 n'TE\Ellt;N, 19G2 [,-118 MAHCII , 1963 5288 Jt.:s.:, 1963 SI:I'Tt: \lIIt:R, 1963 f>1J.l2 DIX"!\I1It:R, 1963 .HI::!·I :o.I.UU' II , I!)GI li!;:{ JI'SI!, I 9G I Hif,l S I;I",..;\I 111:11, 1964 ·1;,21 J)'X'EM In:H, 19G4 4422

' 11'1 Jill'll I'ISO. p.yment 01 Cenadian Plnsions oul of the Penlion Ban. fi l T'ull Fund wei bllllln.

1Hi' fllCTilICAl WORKf~ S'


CASil ON HANO J ANUARY 1, 19G4 .............. S 807,451.00


Contributions from NEBB ............................ $11,725,000.00

Paynlents-Reul Estate Luau~ .............................. 11,386,084.00

I nterest: Real Estate Loans ...... 3,856,869.00 Securities ...................... ::I40,G8G.OO

Sale and Redemption of Securities .................. 10,203,191.00

Di\'idends .......................... 182,214.00 Rents .................................. 76,707.00 Commitment Fees &

Discounts ...................... 6,619.00 Other ..................... _ ...... _ .. . 3,750.00 37,781,120.00

CASll D' SI:IUKs~;:\I t;:-;TS:

Pensions Paid .................. $ 2,780,232.00 Securities P urchased:

Real Estate Loans ...... 20,155,4IG.OO Securities ............. _....... G,G21,300.00 Time Deposits ......... _._ 2,500,000.00 Stocks and Bonds _ .... _ 2,015,593.00

Real Estate Purchased.... 2,730,237.00 Im'cstment Expenses .... _ 292,4 75.00 Postage and Supplies ...... G,9 t 1.00

Other ................. _ ............... _---'-' 8","'63"0",00,, BALANCE

Quarterly Receipts From



1983 AND 1984


$2, •• ooo.DO




$ 5G7,720.00



CASH D~:n:'1Bm 3 1, J9(l.1

AI1l('I'j('un S('clIrity & 'i'rllst. Co. .. ........... $ 153,006.00

American Sl'cUI'ity & Trust. Co. Ag<'ncy ........ 75,1.16.00

I n Transit. ......... ......... 289,[i98.00

Bank of Nom Scotia ...... _---',:::,O~,O"O~O~,O~O

$ 567,720.00


J'o~ Q ..... rfu &"diH(I ,I''' ON~t For O""rl .. r J:"dinfJ A"' ''''~t

19-47 Juno $ 28 1,489.98 19$6 Mar. $ 1,465,ooU.UO Sept. '124,867.73 J une 1,915,000.00 Dec. 1;18,265.81 Sept. 2,085,000.00

Doe, 2,265,000.00 19-48 Mar. 459,789A9 ,m Mal'. 2,015.000.00

June 598.898.12 June 2,305,000.00 Sept. 531,O~6.90 Sept. 2,475,000.00 DC('. 551,136.25 Dec. 2,600,000.00

19-49 Mar. 5·18,528A6 19$8 Mar. 2,150,000.00 J une GI2.633.43 JUlie 2,180,000.00 Sept. 48{i,260.70 Scpt. 2,220,000.00 Doe, ,127,602.2-1 0 .. '1:. 2,275.000.00

" 50 Mnr. 391,057.87 19.59 Mar. 2,200,000.00 JUIIC 526,448.0G J Ulie 1,975,000.00 Sel) t. 680,989.66 Sept. 2,350.000.00 De<:. 470,511.01 Doe, 2,4 00,000.00

19.51 Mar. 573,773.5 1 , .. ., Mar. 2.200,000.00 J unc 603,385.69 J unc 2,250,000.00 ficpt. 832,518.92 Sept. 2,500,000.00 Doe, J ,122.832.8'1 Dec, 2,650,000.00

19.52 Mar. 1.4J8.242.35 1961 Mar. 2,350,000.00 J une 1.397,827.78 June 2.300,000.00 Sept. 1.837,4 50. 19 SeJlt. 2,500,000.00 Dee. J ,'158,439.70 Dec, 2,750,000.00

1953 Mar. J ,458,876.96 1962 Mar. 2,450,000.00 J une J ,G50,052.47 J une 2,600,000.00 SCJlt. 1,723,872.01 SCIJt. 2.7riO.OOO.00 Doe, 1,59 1,851.00 Doe, 2,800,000.00

\9.5-4 Mar. 1,79 1,740.46 , .. , Mar. 2,625,000.00 June 1,872,843.05 June 2,325,000.00 SCI)t. 1,820,376.39 :)ept. ::::,tH)U,UUU.OO ""0, 2,8G2,011.58 Doe, 3,150,000.00

1955 Mnr. 1,917,1[)4.98 " .. Mar. 2.500,000.00 J UIIC 1,90·1.222.16 J une 2,775,000.00 Sept. 2,190,701.55 Sept. 2.900,000.00

D"" 2,085,007.26 Doe, 3,550,000.00

You \\ ill nole that in the "StatC'l1lcllt He: Kumbcl" of Al cm h('I'N on l'ellsion-l !lG4 " that four Illcrn!){'I'S we l'e lIdmitteci to p<' miioll priM to KII BB l'uiillg and \alel' l1.'tuI·Il(-'(l to thc trude. Thcy han~ now asked to llJ.!ain 1·('C·I·h·c theil' peH!.iol1.

Tho KN i){'e l·t'HSC in l1um!){>I' of E il-dl'ical ,,'ol'kcl's l"e('c ivillg p('n~ i oll i'l'om the Pens ion Benefit 'I'mst I"uud ill IkCf'mbcr J!lG-I , was 502. JI\ 1)1'(,1'1111.1'1' 1!lG3 it W!\S .j!I-l. 'I'he total numhet" of pI'I'sons I'ccciving pellsions fl'OIll thc Pension BCllcfit Trust F u nd i ll l)\'('('mlx'l' 1!)G4, ;'Is shown in 0\11' stlltcllwnt, was -l ,-l~ :!. ]lo\\,cwI'. it lIhoulc1 bc poiJlt('(1 out ItCI'(' Ihnt tllc IIe-tWl! lIllltlh('1' nf IIwmhNs 1·C'(,C'il,inj.\' pCllsions from this fu nd IIlIIl tl\(' [nE\\' I'l'nsioll I·'und wml :!~,f;2G.

B~' tltt' limc that tl l ifol n' polt wcnt. to prC'ss that flgmc had incrcased to 23,789.


Responsib ili ty Con cern in g Pensions 'rIlIlt Ct)llf'lmJt'S Ih(' "Itatisti('al '"\'(>tWI and lilt' 011",,··

,·nliul1'1 wlli("h :'-Olll" TI'us\(o{'s It'I'1 <:hould IX' a part of Ihis II1l1111nl h'1)(}I·t Itl Ih(' Xaliol1111 Bom·d.

BI'h ind ,Il{' eold stllli .. li('S Iw-ordl'll Il('rc lll"t' Iivill).!; hlllllllll b<'illg-'I. To tlu;.'m. th(' $:;0.00 a month pensioll wlli("h tllt'y "{'("('i"t', Orh'IlIlWIIII~ 1111' difi','I"\'II{'C b('tWI'l'lI "livillJ.C" IIlId »1('1"(,1.,' ""('X iSIill,:t."' .\tI<lr<l 10 Social St'(·II1·ily 1)('IH·fils flnc! .. :l\·illL.'S. il rail 11"111," makr thai difft·I"f'Il<'t'. 'I'hlo...;(' J)(,lhioll 1Il1'1lI1)('1"'i al't' g"ratrfui f(II' Ilwi .. !WIl'!ioll. lI ow,·n'I·. il i" dne Ihl'lll, "ith J.!'·al i­huh,. 11('('1111"" it i<; Ih('~' whn h:l'·l· hl·lp,'d 10 1."1"('llh' 0111' ).t"1·.'al inllu..,t I'y,

It i..; fitliu}{ Illld IwoprJ" 111111 X E(" .\ · IBJ-:\\· {'(lOp­('I'ali\lll {"mhl'II('r'! Ih"1II also. \\"~, hll\"(' a ]'(,"'pol1'dhi IiI Y lQ IhOSt' wlm h,,\·(, \I"\ll"kI'd Ht the .'I('(' II·i(·1I1 Inltll'.\\'(' 111·(' 1l1l'('!ill}{ !hnt I·('spullsihilit,'·. ) Inll .\· of U~ ill til.'

('Irt,t1'i('11 I 11'111]'''' {'s])('('inlly lhr onie"I·s or h0111 0111· 01'­g-Hll i r.utioll" 1'('('1 tlwt \\'(' hH\'(' /111 (,,'{'II g"1·rlllr" l'I'SPOll­

sihility ill this l·c).!;Hrd 1111 ,1 ,\·r h:I\'(' worked 10\\!1 I'd lilK' lmll ('xll'ntiinJ! :-;O('i111 ~1'(,LlI'it." P11."II1('lIls, 'l'h(' 1"'1·('"i,ll'lil of IIII' H~EW, (;01"<1011 11. FI'(,('llllLll, ",·,·\,(>(1 liS II Illt'IllI"'1" M Ihl' .\ dvi>;()l,\, j 't)lIImitl('(' 01' tIl{' x..winl RI'I.'III'it~· BIIIlI"!. "hil'h 1)()(ly·I, ... ·I'nlly ~u"l1Iill{'d a {'())lI(H"t'hl'lIsin' '''''pO,'I, IIflt'l" it .. 1111'('(' y,'31'S of wOI'k, • \ ."1 :I ,'('..,ult of this l"'I)OI't, IlHlny iIl1Pl'O\'CIlI(,l1 tS 1)1'11('­

fi('it11 to WOI'ki1l1! IH'Opll' will 1)(' t'fl'('elrd. ,\ 1101(' of in\t'l"t'Sl in this llWllIioli of Soei;d SrI'\I­

J"it.", 011 )111." tlth :It Ih(' Hc)';{' (;:II·dl' lI of Ih(' \\'hi t(' lI (1us(' in ,r""hing'lolI , 1' l"t'sid('111 .10hn"01l JlI"<'Sl'nl('d 3 )11', \\'illi:lm KlIppr l wilh hi..; fir~1 !-jo(·i:d !-'('('uJ'it\'

rh(·('k, ]] (' i~ thr 20 millionlh I)('I-.;;on now dl'llwin~ h(·Il('lit ... mOlllhly, On .\ Iwil J )11', Kap('lI 1"('('('iH:'(·1 hi"! til",t $-iO,OO ('Ii('('k 3S a 1,(,til"('(imCIlII)('r of thr JBEW,

Conclusion ·W(' 31'(' gl;ul t1ll1t this 1"f'1)()1'1 ('illl bc (,OIl('hul('d 011

:J fi lln l oplillli"tir not(', In tOllll.\··S spa{'(' \'(,I'llII(·nlnl', "all 1',\""11'111'" :11'(' go" ill '!ofll1' ns th(' ('lr('II'i(':11 illd u:-;Il·Y is rOI1I'('I'lh"1. :\'0 intill ." t]"." )HI" II bl'ig-hll"· I"lItm·.' pl·O­.i{'cli'd f()J" i1. whi.·11 Pl"ojl'f' ! iOIl rxtrlld s l"ight ililo the lI('Xt ,'en t lll·.".

W(' Iw]j",'(' Illilt IIii' futlll·(' of 111(' ('kl'tl'il'nl indll"II'Y 11Ild o[ 0111' two OI·g' ioll"! whi('h l\l"C so IJIllrh n

purl oi iI, will be nwdc :.till bl'i).dlt(,l" thl"oulo!h un!' ('OlIlillllt'd ('()(ll)t·]";nioll in l'-;tnblishcol nl,\'iJo;, \\-f' ,,11011

l'OlllillUf' 10 M-;;k new ,",«·ao; of COOlll'l'ntioll, nnd )111),"1\1·

Ol1r poli('y of 1l1'al'l~' Iwi£ n C('lIt\ll',\' 01 hem'tits fOIl'

:\1-:( '.\ 1l1ld )BEW lll('ml)(>I'S and good .,.'nil'e 10 till' . \ lm·I"i(,1I1l puhlie,

Ht' II I·," :->, Owens aml COmpl)ll~', ('t'1·litit,d l'uhlil' ,\ I'(',j1l11Iallls. llil\,(' au.1ih'd the hooks of ,h(' 1'1"11 .. 11,-; fill' Iht' Y"lll' l!l6.t and a (,OPY or this Illldit ha-; 1.1,,·11 fUl'IIislwti 10 Illllllt'l1ll)t'I"'i .)[ Ih(' Bllal'tl.

'l'lit' .. ill(,t·,·\' Ih'J1lk .. of ~'our TJ"II"it('t"'llI'I' ("xII 1\.1,·,1 I., :111 I1wlI1ht'l", of thl' .;\f1tiollal BoaI'll ;Llld 10 1111' \ltli('(·l"";

111111 1II1'IlIh"I" ot the .;\lllionnl EI('('Il'i('nl ('OIl\l·llI"lOI-.;

,\ .. ".I/·jlliion ;Illd liL(' I nll'I'lwtioll:l1 B)"t)IIh'l'h.)I).1 III Eh'I'I I·jl'll l \\'orhr". rO;(l"('inll.\· to il arold .\ , \\'.,h .. ,I'1'

Hlld / ;(11·.1,,11 )1. i-'1"I'('IIJaI1, \\"1' ('xII'lid H SIW.,jlll \"ott:' of lhnl1l,s It) )11·. \\,ilfl-l'd n. lI ow('lt, (':Xt'('lltiw :-l .'('n··

tlll',I' of !III' Pt'IiSiOIl B,'lll'fit 'I' 1 ·l1~ t 1,'HIl t! j'.)]' hi" t'x .. d-1('111 wot·k of thl' }lll';t ,\'('HI· :Iml I'm· till' aid Hlil l (")(IIW l"ali\111 t'xIl'IHkd 10 U"; alll i 10 1."0 S. \\"otllk 1:11111 pl l·oll(·I' of tIl(' I BE'\" 1'01' hi~ he) p,

'I'll 0111· I'uhlil· 31('mb('I' oi' Ihl' Btl:ll"l. =--... t:1tor \\':I,\'1I1' ) (·01""", \\'.' I·XI)l'I·"-; 11('i.'p g"r:lliludt, for hi .. in­h'I ... ·'! in tUl1' P.'n .. iOIl FUlld nnd ill Ih(' laho)'-lIHlllll!!.·. IIlt'lll Iltlli(·i,· ... tli 0111' fll',:!anir.:ltioll";. lllul for hi-; ("xI,d­it'lil wm·1;. puhlit·ir.inz 01\1' {"iTo!'t..; .

H<'''p(·(·1 flllly ~uhll1 il It 11,

Joseph D. Kecnan, Trustce,

Robert L, Higgi ns, Trustee


We have discontinued the use of Post Office Box 1641.

Please forward future dues and dues books to:

Mr. Joseph D. Keenan , I. S . , IBEW

1200 15th Street, N.W.

Washington, D .C. 20005


Members Must Guard Jurisdiction Says L.U. L.U. 1, ST. LOUIS. MO.-On Satur~ day June 6th, Local No.1, in con~ junction with St. l..ouis ChulIler o[ the National Electrical Contractors Association and in cooperation with the SL Louis Tuberculosis Society provided to the 1l1crnbcrs of Local No. 1 fl"eC chest X·rays for tuberculosis tests.


Also pro\"ided was medical equiJl­ment to test for diabetes. Six hundred and fllty chest lJlates were t.lkcn of the members and their families and o\'cr 900 diabetes test kits wel1~ dis­tributed. More health tel>ts will be gh-cn at a laler dute which is all a service to the members in conjunc­tion with their Health anti Welfare Program furnished free 10 them through their working agreement with the \otal chapter of NECA.

We arc again calling to the :Ittcn­lion of Local No.1 members the lack of coopel·ation on their !);IJ·t with the business manager's ofllce in regard to letting wOl·k that l·ightfully belongs to the Electrical Worker slip into the hands of other tra(les. 11. scems that when wo,·k is plentiful many wil·emcn al'e prone to overlook Imd fOl·get about electrical equipment on jobs that can be easily handled by otlu,,· tmdes.

The llusiness manager's ollice is finding morC and mOrC CHSCS or Local No. I. members saying nothing ahout. getting on jobs and finding eleddc ranges, slove hoods with lights and exhaust motors, kitchen exhaust fnns, electde bnse boanl heating, and lllany other items including ceiling and walt fixtures set in place by other trades.

Business i\lanllger Lanemann llrom­ises thnt drastic action will be taken against members of Local No, 1 who filii to rellOrt to his ofllce nny such cquilllllent installed by any other trades.

It is a violation of the City and County Electrical Code for other than licensed contJ'tIctors to do electrical work. One of the biggelit I'iolations in\'0lve8 both l'Csidential and indus­trial ganlge door 0llener8. Thi~ equip­ment comes completely wit'ed and ns­semble(1 (l"Om thc faetor~' and is usuatly illst:llied by the dool· mall. If this is the situntion OIl you I' job, call the lJUsiness manager's oflicc at oncc.

'Intcrnational Viee I'rcsident FI'D.nk Jacobs tellliered hi s l·esignatioll effec­tive July 1st, (1)65, Brothcl' .Jacobs hM been active in Local No. I , for many yeill's, having joinCiI the 1)l'oth _ el'hood in I!H7. li e sel·veri the loc1I1 union as pJ·esident, then husiness man· ager. lie then moved to the Intema· lional OUkc BlatT, sel,\·jng 1IS 11 s pecial :Issistant to the Prcsident.

In 1!).I7, he was :IlIllointe(/ by Pl'es.i­dcnt TI':Ic), to tho Vice-Presidency of

Jacobs Plans Retirement

n new distl"ict, His l"('signatioll lWJl­IlCned so su(ldenly that thel-e was not enough time to gather a full stOlT by this month's deadline. However, 1 will try to get a complete history for next month.

Fn,\SK K,H·Fnt,\ X, P.S.

We Should Ins fall

T .. i. i. lhe commerciel type of gar0ge door opener that .... e ere hu,ng trouble with olh" tradu in.,.ting on 'ns/allin9. Th" unit camel On t"e job with the controll com· pletely wired end bolted on the motor mounting. Thi. i, eledricel work and .hould

be don' by memberJ of local No. I.

First In Line

Thi, i, wh.t frenl J.CObl, formet Inlernetion,l Vice President fo. the 11th Di,trict intend. to do with hi. time .fter he i, r.tired. Sit in hi. beck yerd, .mol e bi9 fat cige" end filh in the privete lele thet eio in. hi, property. With him il hi. wife, Irene, who

The doo," of the X·rey trud opened promptly et 8:)0 A.M. iJnd fint in line weI BUlin,,, Meneger Norman lan.m~nn. S.~er~1

f"m ilin were in on 9rouP piclur .. : .nd tho.e wishing it can h.~e a copy of th. pidure by contadin9 Mi" .... 1 Gibbon" President

uyl thet Ihe ;. in e"cord with thet li t up. of local No, I,


Southern Coloracio College Job

Mambe", of lOCit 12, Pueblo, Colo" employ,d by the Reynold1 Electric Compe .. y. pOSI

b.for. the new multi.million don.r S .... th.'n Color. do SI.t. Colle'le ptojul. Standing, l.ft 10 righi, .r.: Brothe" W, L Mill.r, Geo,ge H.Hon, Wellece Cole, Leonerd Swen_ son, Elmo Griffin end H,rold You,,'!!. K .... 1I"9. left to ,igllt: Welte. D,man, Robert

Knight, Sten HeHon, CiI .. lu WrigM, Enod SUdmof., Vic: Zupenc:i c; end Joe Po~loct

Local 12 Hails C IR Decision I..U. 12. "t' EIILO. COLO.-Enclosed is a Ilirtul'(' of local memheMi em· IltOyed hy thf' Ileynoldll f:ll!('tl"ic Com­Jlany wOj'king on the new multi­million doll:ll' SQulhenl Colol'1.lIlo State College {;u!iliti('iI here in Puelllo. COIll­Illetion of this Ilhnse of the I"'oject is c..:peewd Intf' this ~·enr. lI ow('\"er. the entire 1II'ogrfllll will tuke mllny years to oonl illete,

The IIUmtller WOrk has st;.II'ted Ilretty well wilh just II (ew wiremen ami linemen unemployed lit this time. The work I)icture (or the linemen looks good (or It (ew yeartl, However, there lire no sizeable Ilroj("Chi due to hreak in the n("HI' (uture for the insitlc wircmen,

Qur el('{'tion o( offi{"("rfI was held June 2, and the (ollowing members were ell'Ctcd or re-elected:

G, n, Allenbach, 1Irt'lIillent: Harold Young, yice'lIn'sident; Gonion Smith, recording lIec)'et:w~': It n, GI'instl'ad, financial FCnelal'y-busi ne~ij manager; Elden Walker, treasurel·.

Executi\'(" l1oal11 members ru'e: I)Qn Calhoun, George V, lI allon, Stanley Johnson, L;LIITence L. F r:lzim', and Hkhard Mailk,

Examining Board Ill('mhers lI!'e : L~'le Coole)" Claude Tous~aint, :LIl t! Don Bcekmnn,

The in~l;illation of oflkf't'" will ho held lit the .July Gth merting, HIli] will he followe(1 h~' :I Dutch IUllch and liquid reft'CHhments,


Negotiations for the inllicle agree­ments hm'e been settled with a Ii) cents per hour increase, The 15 cents request and 8 other items had to be submitted to the {;(lundl on InllulI­trial Relations (or scUleml'nt. Al!<o, submitted to the Council was the case o( an unjust dismissal o( one or our members by an employer in our :1I1'a,

The Counci l ruled that it was in elr«t unjust, lind :lw:\nJe<i back wages :lnd dil"CCled changing Jtersonnel l'ecoI'ds to reflect the decision,

We (elt that this was U gl'('ut "ic­tory for thc IUEW- not to try to

50-Year Member

Jo~n Mclucki. 1, COn9,elulal.d by BUli . nen Mane9 " Geo'9' W. Smilh fo, heyi"9 ',e-,iyed Inl.,ne lione l Offiu 'IC09ni',on 10' hi. fi fty YU ri of mlmbership in the Inler· net iona l B'otherhood of EI. e-ldcel Wo,. ,rI,

take the r ight or hire anti fil'e f rom the elllployers, but to make s ure thaL no ol1e is dischnrged beCIiUse of race, creed, religion, personality, 01' any othl' I' un(uir reason.

I wish that we had the money to h:\\"e Dutch lunch and I'errt'sh ment~ at e'"ery unioll meeting, it might help incl'euse ath.'l1dance at the meetings, We have tried about e\,erything I'he eXCel)t giving green stam)IS (or II door 1)I'ize,

Sce you next month! n. D, Glussn:'\I), B,)£.

long-Time Members Honored in LA Ceremony L.U. 18, LOS J\ :'\' GI~U~, CA LlF.­Qlle Ilundr!'!1 lirty-seven members WH(' honored ;It Local 18's Apl'il ]JIl)'('nt meeting (or having been membcrs or the IBEW fOl' 2::-' year~ or more,

W. L, Vinson. International Vice J>re~ident o( the 9th District, was the principal FIM'aker, III his addrl'SS, he trnC(>(1 the histof")" of Local 18 alld the role Ollr "eteran members IIlayed in building it into a strong, coh~i,·e :l1ld effedil'e orga nization,

J-'ollowing his address, Vice Presi­dent Vinsoll bestowed IREW service Ilins on Local 18's honored guests {or their long In EW membership.

Rrother J ohn 1I0y, who received a 5O-)'('ar pin und citation (rom the In­tl'rnatiOllnl QfIlce, was initiated in J910 by Local Union 169 in F resno, Culiforniu, whl'I'e he was emJlloyoo by the Sail J Olllluin Light and Power COInl)U I1Y lUI a lineman, In 1!.l1I, hl' went to work for the Hell Telephone System and remuined there until 1920 \\'11('n he went to work for the Lf:lll Angeles DeJlurtment or Water and Power, In 1922, he was Ilfollloted to line {ol'eman, ~lIId si nce thut time has fIl't\,('(1 as se~'ice ere\\' fo)'('mnn, heal'Y crew foreman and trouble (oreman until his retirement in 1951.

Another SO-rear member o( Local 18, John McLuckie, was uIl:lble to be 1Irt'.'.ent (or the Jlin presentlltion ~I"('­mony lind so his pin and International Qllice cit:ilion were )Jrescnted to him at his Pasutlenll home,

1Ie reenlled working in 1910 (01' 9 centll an hour, but stat('d thnt he hat! (Illite a bit of money because he was wOI'king 9 s.. hoUt's a dny at the time, II I' went to work fOI' the South­cl'n Ca li fornia Edison Comj)an), in 1911 , whetl! he allainI'd his jOIlI'lIC>" man lineman mling, In 1917, he went to work (or the Ci ty of Pnsudena, where, live yeal's latc r, he WIIS ])1'0-


Local 18 Honors 157 Members

Membe ... of loc:al 18 h/lving 30 or more yea .. of I.B.E.W. memb/ll'$hip are: I.f, to righi, fronl row, Hamplon Way, W.ller Esllin, J. Fred Snyder, H. W. Kinch, C. A. PI.II. W. A. Belllon, Fred M. Glen, Herbert J. K"tt. Henry W, Pelers; f" ,* to right, ./lcand row, Roy C. Wi99ins, Jolin A. Hoy, R. L Berry, William S. Did. Rupert S. La ... !)n, S. M. Wileo<, F. B. Oevi., Thaoda ... Scheurich, Fred Brindley, Guslav A. Koeple, E. A. Monehan; left 10 right, third row, John E. B.ag9, J. W. Jamieson, Richard O. Brown, Tom C. H"igle', Jame.

P. lund, Jame. O. Barna., Allon Reid, L. l. langford, and Geo,g8 R. 5c:oH.

International Vice President W. L Vitl,on pres .. nh /I citation from the Inietnatiol'lal Office 10 Brolh.r John Hoy denotin9 hi. 50 yea •• of faithful membership in the 1.8.E.W. Eugene 8. Robin.on, Pre.i_ dent of Locel IS, III end Hempton Wey, him.elf a 4b-year mem_

ber 01 the 1.8.E.W., ob.erve.

Sidy·fjve yea .. of Locel 18 membership in one fami ly. Donald W. Oidin.on, A"istant S~peri ntendent of Electrical Tro~ble, Depart­ment 01 Wat .. and Power, is congratulated by hi. wile. Beul.h, left end h .. twin si,ter, hl.h McBride. hch of the si.lers hu

20 years of memb ... hip in Local 18.

Newe,1 member. of Loc .. 1 18'. Querter C entury Club er.' I.ft 10 righi , front row, W. L. Vin.on, Inl.rn .. lionel vice president; Georg(l w. Smith, bu.ine .. manager; DaVere Donehue, W. T. Sferks, Hersch el! O. Whitely, Jr., John E. Hemilton, R. W. Flett, Donald W. Did· inson; left to right, second row, Leo J. Sjoberg, Herbert J. Ri el!, W .. rren L. Sacon, George J. Caldwell, P"ul B. Perry, Joh .. A. Gifford. George H. Otters; and left to right, third tow, L. A. Elie, W(l.yne John.ton, J . S. Slephen" Harry Harem ... , Nicholas D",lity, end David

W. Carl.on.


Big Month for Omaha Membership

moted t.o n heavy gung rOl-em:m. He se r'\'cd in this cUI13city 1915, when he was promoted to superintend. ent or O\'erhcad and Undergr'ound Di stribution. lie held this position until H151, when he rctil-ed.

In addition to our two 50-yeM members whom we honored this ycar, two other Local 18 members, Hamp· ton Way und F. E. D1ugosh, recci\'ed <IS-year Ilinll. Seven others received 40-rear Ilins. They were: W. A. Bea­ton, Walter Estlin, '1'0111 C. liaigler, John 111. Hanks, Willialll i'II. Kcl­hurt, E. A. Monahan and John E. llnlgg.

Also IJUrticipating in the ceremony WCI'C three member'S of n single [nm­iI~' who, amongst themsch'CS, h:ul 65 year-s of membership in Local 18. They were I}()nald W. Dickinson, who received II 25-ycl\l' Jlin, and his wife, Beulah nnd her twin sistel', Eulah McOride, earh of whom ha!l com1Jlctcd 20 ycars of membershiJl in the l.O,KW.

Local 18 ill Yery proud oC its mem­bers who were honored on lhis oc­('asion, rind welcomes this O)lportunity to Imy tribute to them,

Gt-:ORGE W, Si\IITII, B.r.r.

local Salutes Treasurer. Bowlers. New Journeymen L.U. 22, OMA HA, NElUt -This month I would like to hUl'e you meet OUI' Treasu!'/"r, Joe Sdg1i:mo, Joe hus been an netiw', hard-working member of Locnl No, 22, (or 27 yeu!'!:. lie has served as a delegate to the Cen­tral Labor Union, to the Buillling 'j'rades, and various othel' C{lmmit­tees and functions of OUr local. Joe was first elected treasure" in 19GO and has held the office since that lime, lie rememOcl's one of hi s first dulics as a member of Local No. 22, WMI to Illan lhe l'Ullll) on the burrel of beer aCte!' the union meetings.

He also can'ied the flag fOl' the local in the Labor Dlly pumdcs. Joe wus :l memlX'l' of the lirst uPIJI'('ntice­shill trninillg class, One of the first pl'Ojects he WOrked on wns the Hydro Electric l'lunl at Columbus, Nebraska, in J938 when Public Powcr was first

Th. food .t lhe Tom.h .... k Inn Sl •• ~hou" Wei wond.rful. Th. b.nq~. t .nd.d our winter m; •• d bowling lugu. s ... on.

A hiPPY group of neW iourn.yman posed fo, this photog,aph,

stal'tcd there. lie started at ,10 cents pel' hour us ComllUl'cd to $2,00 per hO\ll' the nJIIlrentice stnrUl at now, At the 1J/'cS<!nt Ume he is II general fore­man Illld 11180 works in the Estimating Dcpartment for Omaha EI('{'tric Com­pany,

Joe :md his gracious wifc, hene, relebl·.Lled theil- 2Gth wedding ;LIllli­versllr'y this ycar. They have one son, .Joseph Mike. who is now wOI'king on his l\1:L~tcrs Degree in Chemical Engi­neering nt Iowa Stale University.

.Toe is like many of our BI'Other'll nml enjoys bowling. lie has been :l

member' of nil the leagucs that have been sponsored by OUl" local and wall n member or the winning \.etllll in the winter mixed league, I-Jis l>ersonal high game is 11 249 :11111 he hus a 6,10 for high series, l1e hilS sevel'al hob­bies, but likcs painting' Ilidures the best of all.

Again wc want to lIay congr'atula­tions 011 your 27 yeurs of active mcmbershil), Joe, Ilnd lIIay we wish


More News From Local 22

Prnidenl Rich.rd W. Lintnu, left. prelenll the "Ouhtanding Apprlntiu of th, Y .. r

Award" to Roy Grev,lI.

you the best of luck on at least 27 more.

This month Wl' linillhed Our wInter mixed bowling league ~nson. The ::eason ended with a \'ery fine ban<luet at the Tomahawk Inn Steakhouse. Everyone had a wonderful evening, :lIId we all owe a \'ote of thanks to all the Onicel'S, CSI}(>('ililly to Leonnrd amI )"'onne Stahmf'f, thf' Sf'l'rf'lar)" tt1'311-urer. for a fine joh well done. The league ehamllionship was won by the learn of Charles and Alice Burns, Joe and Irene Sciglillno. The luckiest person at the banquet was BI'Olher Roy Jones who won a large bottle containing n few headaches.

Also with this month came the end of a long, hard road for 17 of our alllln"ntice!!. It mnrked the end of their four year training progrdm nnd with the successful completion of our lornl examinntion as well as the Omaha City examination, the)' be· came jOUl·neymen-wirelllen. In nIl' opinion, they ha,'e l'Cached one or the most impol·tant, find respected pla­teaus of their life.

I know ot no other cntft th:Jl 1m>! a tr-J.ining program that. eom ll:ll't'S to ours, or a craft. that is as skilled 8S OUI1l is. The new jounleymen just eOlllllleted four very imp()J'tant years of schooli ng bUI should reali:ze this is just the first s tep and it will refluire mnny mOI'c hours in the clal>S room to kcell UI) with our eH~r ndl'llllcing higher skilled tralle. They should be proud to be a part of it and the I.ltE.W.

A Graduation Dinner was held in honol' of the new journeymen. The event, a great succeslI, wus attended by leallers fl'OlI1 mUllulo:crllclIl, Iltl,,)r and education. President Richnl'd Lintnel' Ill'Csenteci the ccl"tificnt{'9 of ct)mpletion issued hy the Nationnl Joint AIJprenticeshi ll Training l.:om­miltee, to the following new Joumey­men: Roy Gravctt, nay Meisinger, Walt Henin . Mitchell Linflgren, Sam 'I'omas:zkiewicz, Don McCo!'mick. 1 .• 111'­ry ZOlwhn, Don Smith , F'1·nrH.:is lien­gen, Doug Wolkow, Alun J ensen,



J.,., Tr .. lu .. r

Uichnl'll ?Illota, Don ? Iareheck, GIII·y Chadwell, John &tos, Al Saggs, Jel'ry Weak.

noy Gravett WIIS IUI'llrised to re­ceh'c an additional honor. He was presented the Out81:lIIdink-ApIITCntiee­or-the+Yenr Aword . A8 the COmlleti­lion for this nward is Ollell to all foul·th ~·eal· UPlu'(>rltires, to receive this is re:dly fluite all aCCOml)lish­ment. Ills lIIillle will I.le added to the AI Gustafson Memorial Plaque thllt hangs in our Hall. So eongmtula­lions to you, Ro)" and to all of )·ou other journeymen.

The work situntion here is still pretty much touch and go, we lire just b:u'ely keeping the bench de:lr and there is nothing too big in sight.

Our eontracl e.xllires June 30th, so we are all a ..... aiting to see ..... hnt our new contract ..... iIl bring.

See you next month with. I hope, lOme good ne ..... s about the contmct.

n ,\I.I'1i ('ROWI .. P.S.

Preventive-Maintenance Service Hailed by L.U. 26 L_U. 26. WA SII IXGTOX. D.C.-On June 11th, the. tollo ..... ing camlillatcti were elected to omce, to serve u two­),('I\r tern): Thomus A. (Tom) Noone, IIrt'sident; Lawrence C. (Lal'ry) lI ogan. dce president; Frnncis J. O'Nt'ill, reconling foCcretary; C. F. «'Or.:NIE) Curtin, financial secre­lary; Hobert W, (Roh) j\lcAI ..... ~, uU!'incss manllg('r. and :'o lalcom Cox, t.1·ellsurer. (All were relected).

Reelected to the Executive Ronrt! were William J . (11i1l) Creamer, Wnde II. (Red) Sheriff, and Gordon Boteler. Theodore I~. (Ted) "Ioseley. Jr., was the new lll('mher elected. lie had sen'ell 011 tim K"umilling Ronrd 111111 tel'ln.

n~lected to the Jo:xamining Board were Wnlter E. Shoemnker, Jr. and C. It (Hud) Holt. Thoma!' V. (Tom) Ge raci WIIS elect('(l to fill the vaeuncy lett by Tefl Moseley,


Locel 22'1 jou,n.ym.n i, tong"t,,­I,t,d by Elm" A Smith, busin,U ma,.eg".

Broth .. Roy Jonu hold, hi, "door prize" eft" the ennu.1 banquet.

Business lIInnager Bob 1\lcAlwee wishes to commend II . B. Blankenshill, International Vice President or the I.R.E.W. on thelllonthly Bulllctin (I"Ot;RTH DISTlliCT NEWS) in­augur-dted by hinl this year, for the Local Unions ill the Fourth District which includes the Slates or Ken­tucky, Mal')'lnnd, Ohio, Virgini:!. West Virginia, and the District of Colulll­bi:1.

Through this bulletin the locnl unions of the fourth district will be kept. better informed all to ..... hat's cookin' at the 1.0. and it will bring closer together the loculs of the fourth district that they mill' 11I·ofit by the experience of lhe others in keeping abreast. of these fnst-changing time>!.

For example, the II. P. Foley Com­pliny has come Ull with a sen'ice thllt has been gi\'en yery little thought in the past. Up until the Ilresent day, who has ever tes~1 overlond protec­tive ue"ices lifter they haw! been in­fl talle!!, or for that mntter gh'en Ileriofiic tests as to whether the at­mospheric changcs ha\'e affected the emciency of the dc\·ice. This is a IJhase of our uu~incM' UraL "c ha\-e very much neglected, as the power of un· leashed electricnl energy is be)'oml tle.~c riJltiol1, especinlly when it cnuSt's blow-outs 1111(\ I)ower failures in hos­Ilitnl e. newspaper Jllunts and largc lIepartment stores where black-o\lts


Picture T ahen In 1941

Tn;. piclu .. of """,b,rl of lOCII 26 wu t.~.n in 1941 : m~n1 h.". linel poIlild aw.y, and loml h, ... r,tir.d, bill it brin'}l fond memories 10 tho •• dill liying.

run into millions of dollars in lost time and <hllllagt',

This service is called "PrC\"eJltiVe-­Maintennnce" (1':\1) and the Foley COIllI13ny hall nCfJuired two testing devices, one that will test. 111\)' oyer· loud IH'otedi\'c dC\'ice by simulating faulty conditions and overloads (roll!

1 to 125 AmIJllI. nnd one to test as high as 25,000 A ml)S.

To ol»crnt(' this equipment nnd make the tests IlrOIK!ri)', n coune gi"ell by the .'lulli.Aml). Corp. was taken by Brothers Stephen (Steve) LaScola, Arthur Mc Knc\\', K S. (Steu) J ustice, John Wege, F. A. Gebicke lind J ames M. Keehn. They all received a Cer­ti ficate of COIIII)letion in Pn!\'entive­Maintenance.

The above mentioned is nne"' field in which we nre very much illterested alld apllrecinte the efTorts of Mr. RnncroCt Foley, Jr. and S. R. Ash· ford. \'ice liresident of the Fol(')' Com­Jlany for tl1('ir iTl\'estment in both the equi pment lIncl the education of tllcir employes to A':lin this work for OUf

meml)Cl·s. Pl'esidcnt Tom Noone :lml RUliiness

Manager Rob l\Ie.Alwee have ex· plnined the results of 1\ meeting held by the Pension Io'und Trustees of L.U. 26 and the Contractors to rtc('i\'e the stUll), and llnalysis made b)' the actuaries of the PensiOn Fund.

Our trustees tellOrt thllt ('\'alualion studies show the fund to lit" in ex· ('client finantinl condition and with the additional 5 ('enls per hour com­men('ing July I, 1965 the benefits of the Illan ('ould be amended at the pl'esent timl'.

After r('('eiving the nctunrinl re­port, the trustees voted to raise the henefHs efTl'i'tive July 1. J!)(ir>. On that date the past service ncdits will be $2.(;0 nml the fulUrt sen'ice credits will be $3.25. A Death Benefit (befon! retirement) hilS been added which will pny $100 I)('r year for future !leNice not to exccNI $2,000. The enrly re­tirement nge in L.U. 26, hus been re­duced to 5& yenrs of age.

I'm sure you read tlle requcst. to ..

]111 press secretaries on page 23 of the J"ay issue of your J OlIHNAL. " 'ell thllt made me feel as sad as the Indy who \\'all trying to get what she had into a siU! 26 girdle wh('n what lIhe really n~led was a siu 46. So I wish nil you scribes would join me in asking through your column, for just a liule more money for the JOURNAl. !IO thnt our dear friend, ~I arie Downc)· won't hn\'e to be like the hutcher who wtUJ stuffing one end of the hot. doR"J with sllw-dust, "because he couldn't make both ends meet."



Syracuse Local Aids Salvation Army

L.U. 13. SYltJ\ Cl!S"~. N.Y.-The cor· responding secretary read a letter at our regula r June mecting from Mrs. Rrlld wick. wife of Retired n rother nob Brndwick. in which she adviSCl1 the Brothers of Locul Union .13 that Beb was ill a St. Pet.crsburg, Flori/hi hOlillitnl sufTering from internal hlei'd­lng, Being in need of blood 1\ Tllen was Illllde to RU!liness lfnnngcr Hkill JTndtey of L.U, 308 in that cit)' for USl!iatance.

mood credited to that local union was u!'ed. She reque>lted us to helll her reillace the hlood used from that hlood bank. Pr('sident l leInel'lle)" all­l)Cnled for voluntl!'Crs who we think will do that and nlso huild till a Rur· 1)lus (or nny possible future emer­gency need for Brother Rrllllwi('k. This surely shows n brothe!'!)' spirit on the part of our Florida {('lIow Electl'ical Workers. We lIill('erf'ly thunk them for this compa!l8iellute gesture.

Definite arrangements ha\'{' been made with a local grove for our dum­bake August 11, 1965.

011 our sick list are Brothers Dick Kerlin, Earl T inker, Sr., Tony

Penniwtto. Ray Benl!ing, Sr., and J ack Gallagher.

("ongrntullltionli to our two newest oblij:!'ated U)lprentices. James South· ard nnd J llmes E. Smith.

l...ocal Union 43 receivcd a letter of tllanks (rom the Salvation Army Commamling Officer in this cit)· for our Iionation of $1000. to their fund to enahle thenl to enlarge their facil­ities ill this area. Pictures of the ae· tl.lal ('heck donation were in nil the local newspapers and on n television new!'Cast. Local 43 received much fa\'orable Ilublieity for this gcneroull act. I'rc.!lident John ~Iclnerlley and RU!linpSH ~Iallngt!r John Harry m:l(le the IlretlCntation on behalf of Local Union <13,

\Vc extend our dCf'pesl s)'m pathy to Brethcr Ell Moynihan who I'ccentiy lost his father th rough death and Brothl'r Art Maroncy who lost his brotJwr the same way.

nusine!'s Mllnager John Barry con· tacted a local tavern keeller regarding eledricul remodeling work. The mnn has IIn'viously em)llo)'pd a non-union electrician named (ap)lropriately) SKATE!!!

Our bylaws are being changed to lower the length of time o{ all­)lrenticeship from five years to feur years.

nl'Othcr Dan Sheehan retired the end of Mn)' as Electrician at the Ed· ward s DeJlllrlment store after many years there, and I was requested to aUem)lt to fill his shoes-a ratber large task. So, here I all\ surrounded by hundreds of women, both clerks and customers. Arte r many years of Illllsculine companionship Oil constru('­tion work. I will have te watch my P'8 and Q's.

I read someplace that !lOme folks go on a diet----othcrs let destiny shupe their ends I


Unio n Raises "Peanuts" Against Exe cutive Increases l~.LT. 41 . UUTTE, MO:-.'T.-Repeal or Section 14 (b) of the Taft-Hartley Act is big ne\\"Il at this writing. The Presi­dent's )lrollOsai to rellf'al is 1I0W in committee. Proponents of this bill are in for a rea) battle. The United States Chamber of Comme~e, the Xational Aswciution of Manufacturers and the National "Right-to--Work" Committee are ginling for lin :all-out fight te ke<:p the Taft-Hartlcy Act retained as i1<.

According to 81111ill('811 lVeek (May 15 issue) these 11eO!lle nre confident they can prevent rel)Ca1. I urge nil 1.n.E.W. members to n!ad this articll'. Then continue Urgill~ their C(lngress­men to SUJlport rel)Cal. Our brothers in right-to-work states need our help. rBI/itor's Note : S;IIrc this lelln' rC{ld!ccll(8 llopC{ll of 14(b) haS1xtSII('d


Local 48 "Old ro .. - Imers Lend Advice to Apprentices

J. W. Seabold: "Hud ;~e jour­neymen that YOII .r. workj~g with end prot,ct yOIl' , •• 0'. by local

union participation."

Rey Ferguson: "11'. very impo,­lanl to conlinue your .Iudin end don', fo'g,t 10 hllp your ap_ prontice. U you would 10k, to

heYI been h.lpld."

Jam,. Caine: "Th,,& i. no pl.ce for '.crub' wireman in th, 1.,,0',. You mUll continue you, .du",.



Hub {HH} H.rri.on: "Tak, en ilclivtl pM! in your \Inion lind b,

well informed of ih .,Iiyiti •• ,"

Fred Haberl,in: "Your .d .. ution cannol stop .t thi. poinl if you wanl 10 mal, II lurn.1l

you cen,"

Ch.t C,.ig: "Do II good dlly', .... o,k unde' 1h. union IIg,"",en1

end leap ,ludyi"g,"

Ed Suplid: "Kee p li.lening 10 til. old •• mochani'a to mIlk ••• uceen

of your trad,."

Walt.. Roberts: "Don" fo'",! 11,.1 you'll novor b, too old 10 lu,n. 8, loyal to bolh your

union end IImployer."

Home, Gifford: "Te~e IIdvlln1lge' of 1he old. r iou,neyman', eoperi •



Local 48 Pensioners Feast

A group of Loc.l 48 penlionen lid,n 10 Hermdn Tuple. men. g" , .ddren their b.nquet.

J ohn DO<Igh.rly: "Stic • • 1 clo" .1 ponibl. 10 Ihe Code .nd your


tfH' flOltile. Bitt (tt this 1a'ili"" we still have to work tlery hard to get Sflmtt! 1XUlstlfl",)

Another nMicle in this ihue of BII/sillcSS II'",,!.- is rather interesting. Thr- salnries of the toll oflkials in many of the larger corporation!! are listed. Some 1)8 pen:ent of theS<! ex· ecuth'cs rcceived n median raise in salary of 11) I)('rtent over the )last two years. When one t'hecks the salnry scale, ($5:, ,850 plus for If. A. K:l.mmer, senior vice president of American Electric Power ('ompany to $343,817 !llus for A. C. Long, chairman of Texnco, Inc.) a 7'~ per· cent increase I)('r yea r is no drop in the bucket. It would be nice to know that 7% pertent would be ou r raise for each of the next few year!!. (We nl:l1mged to squeek out a 3 J{ percent thi~ year.)

Negotiations with Montana Powe r on a thrift 1)lan continue. The out· look for a workable plan is good. Considernble inlel'est has been shown on the idell. It is hoped agl'('('mcnt can be reached SOOIl.

TOllY 8utol'll(" representillg' vice llrcsident Stanley Tholllpson, ac·

cOJllJlanied Business Manager Bue) Crowle)' on his tour of unit mcetings during the Ilast month to llrescnl 20, 25, 30 and 3u-year pins to mlmy oC our Brothers. In his talk. Tony pointed out that wc lire now ('njoying the fruits of the labor and stri fe of these 10ngstandiJlg and loyal Broth­ers. I know I speak for the Ilrother­hood when I say we are grateful and appreciative of your efforts to build and preserve the mEW to what it is today. Congratulation.1

ED NAt:!C IITt::-.·, n .S.

Poll Taken on Advice to Apprentices L.ll. 48, J~O]{TLA .sO. Oll':'- )Iay 17th was the e\'ening of the Annual "Old-Timers' Dinner" held at the Port· land Police Athletic Club.

Sixty-three of our 209 retired Illem· bers were present for the fIOCiul hour, dinner and pin Ilrescntation cere­monies. Brothers Arthur Dienstel, S. E. Huston alld H. A. Reik all re­~h'ed 45--yea r Ilins.

Brother James Caine was the sen ior member at the dinner. At 8!) he still has some vivid nostalgic memories or the electrical industry prior to the turn of the ~ntury which he shared with us.

A poll was taken among !lOme of the retirees; we asked all the samc question: " What :uh'ice woulll )'ou gi\'e to an apprentice about to turn out as a journeyman?" We are list­ing Mille of the answers we )'('Ct'h'ed along with a picture oC each advisor. They all tend to agree on one b.'\sic point.

It. is gratifying to know thut there are so IImny retired members who s till I)articipate in local union :alrairs. We regret that we could not include aU 63 of our f,,'Uests in the poll.

We regret to inform the member­ship of the p:lssi ng of Brothers Hal])h Totten, John A. Fought 11m) Tcd L. Nelson during the past month.

1'In:sl; S~;CH~-:r,\I!Y COM~lITTE

Newark Local Reports On Elections L.tT. 52. ~EWAHK. N.J.-As this is written, the smoke of battle has just c\Cllred lind another election hllll passed into the loc;ll's history. All of the 20 offices were rather hotly contested except that Horace Greeley WllS re--elected Cor his 10th tenn as IJT'eHi!\r-nt without ollJ)OSition. Our Dusinetis Manager Louis W. Vehling, :lIMO had 110 competition with the mem­bel'll indicating that they are con­fident that "Lou" will continue to do a good job at the helm of Local li2.

Six hundred fifteen members re­corded their choice in the three voting mnchines that were in usc. The re-8ult8 were announced a very f('w minutes after the 1)O11~ closed at 9:00 I'.m., due to the enlcient work of our Election Boa rd. Charles Feh:en­berg. rhainnan w:as assisted by lI :arry ll rabban, Henry Gaffney, O. J . Kw!ell­meyer and RallJh Soden. John Wolfe was foreman of inspectors with Mil­ton List :md Leonard Gilligan assisting.

John J . Callaghan is our newly· elected vice I)resident. Howard E. Mandeville Sr. who haH held office for mllny years did not ~k reelection. ThomllS King was reelected as rceord­ing secretary, with the e\'er polJular Paul A. Krauss chosen as our fin:an · cial secretary by a large yote. Howard E. Mande\'iIle Jr. was selected as treasurer, for his second term.

On our four-man E)(C('utive Doarll in the usual order will be Raymond J . Greeley. Emil R. Lach, Theodore r'eind and Bernanl J. Clarkin. The latter two are new members.

The Examining Board will nlso ha\'e two new faces. They nrc WiIIilllll J. Zimmerman Jr. and Ron· alll Brown. Re-electco-I were Willie l\T ulthnner, Edwin J . Christiansen :and Bert Toner. Sen'lllg as trustees on the J oint Pension Ilnel Welfare Fund wilt be the reelected William C. Lum· bert and Bernard lIeyrieh.

('hOllCn as delegates to the Inter­national Convention were Business Mnnnger Louis W. \'ehling, Financial Secretary Paul Kl'lluss and President 1I 0rnce J. Greeley.

\\'(' of Local 52 of Xewark, salute the n .. w officers lind wish them luck and wisdom Cor their term of office.

Trn FEP.W, P.S.

Ele ctrical and Electronic Exhibit W ell Attended 1..11. !is, DE'fI{QI'I" l\TI CH- The 1!)65 l~lectrical and Electronic Exhibit W:III

helll ut the Detroit Artillery Armory, April 27, 28 and ~!). The exhibit was 1'I11onsored by the Elcctrical Manu­I:atlurers' HeprescntuU\'es Associn-


tion of Michiga n and the Electronic Heprf'sen tatives A&!;oeialion. Rellre­sentC(1 at t he ex hibit were Gene ral Elect ric, Westinghouse, the Detroit Edison Co., Western E: lectr ic, and uth':/"li. Thc!>e mllllllracturing fl nns d isplayed such products us lighting fi xtures, eable.llulling devices, motor control units, e ledronic counting (Ie. nces, and various othcr products used extensively in the industrial ami COIll­merciul electrical instnllalions in the Uf'troit area. Over 330 displny booths were maintained by uPll roximllteiy 3;:;0 Illanufacturing fimlK.

T he entire memhel1!hill of Local fJ8 and others werc invited to attend the exhibit. Interest in this ent€'rllrit<e was reflected by the ullendance. Ap­proximately 12,000 attended the I!:<hibit.

J ohn Wilkinson, prl'!lith!llt of Local !'is, stressed that th€' members of Loeul :is who took tillle to nllend the exhibit were well rewarded. Particillants were gh'en the opportunity to "iew the function of ad"oncC(1 elec::t r ical ami elettronic equillment, T he I)rod uct!! displayed, eXlllnined Mr_ Wilkin­son, )lredicted a br ight future for the eleetr iclll industry, Calln ble man u­facturers' l'cpre....:III .. li\CII wt!te pres­ent at the "lIrious booths and thoroughly explain(!(1 the engineering and functional Ceatures o( the dis­piny. The recom attendance was al'­Ilretiated by both associations s l>on­soring Ihe venture.

J ou:-; MAS~:It, P.S.

local 90 Starts "Nutmeg Federal Credit Union" IMt'. 90. :X ":W HAlf "; :".' , CO:X:'\'.­Work in this a rea is good at the Ilrel!­ent t ime.

One of our New London members, Dick Walsh, is in the h()511ilal with a broken leg.

To promote thr ift nmong our mem­bers, Local 90 stnrted a Crroit Union, the :'\'utmeg Federal Credit Union, back in January. Si llce then, ils membership h118 im'r('used to 101 and it hus n totn l of 1.800 sharell. The :Isseis nmollllt to $IO.GGO and llle lonns to its members tolnl $2.76=1. Th('S(! figures ptO\'e that this is a good denl for the member!! of L<x-al !l0. One oC its sl'lIing l)(Iints is its low ill tl'rest mtes on louns :Iml the protection and life.llu\'ing inKurance. U\l to $2,000, Any m(>lnh~r who wi~het; to join. I)lea sc contnet the locIII office,

T he ollicl'rs of the Nu tllle~ F(!(leral Credit Ullion a re: i'rl'sident Andy PdrllCCO, Vice Prellident Phil it l'illy. T re;ISUl'(' r IA'(! n ailey, Assistant T reasu l'e r Warren Thom l)SOll, He­cording Sl'Creta l'y Uominic 1';lnl1-grOMi. lllld A,Qs istant Heeon ting Sec· ret:n y ?llathew I.ynch,

The Credit Comm ittee members a rc


Electronic Exhibit

0.1 •• So;hn.b.I, m. nll f.dll .... • repru.nt._ t i~ •• nd m.mb.n of loul S8. upl.;ning . ngin ... ing f .. tll ... of ,,1.1., . wilch" 10 Ed Ho .. m.n, . 150 • m.mber of l oc:.1 51.

John Wil ~ in.on . President, loc.1 S8 . • nd Rob .. , McB.;d., P ... ident , E1.d . iul M. nu-I. du",,' R.p .... nt. tiw.. Associat ion of Michig.n, coo,d in. ting th • • If. i .. 01 Elu_

triul .nd EI.ct,onic E.hibit.

Chlli rman F rank Rowden, Ste\'e Brody, Andy Petmcco, and the SUI)en'isory Comm ittee consists of ('l,"irn",,, LuU'cr n urke, Paul Rabito, Carl Sarrari.


Good Sportsmanship Typifi ed Fresno's Election L. lI, 100, FI!ES~O, CA LI F_-Extl.'p­tiona I good-s portsmanllhi p typified Local 100's recent l.'lection of onkers f ,'om an ex~llent field of candirlatl.'l'I, 1l1'Other Fred lI ardy, bu!;inl'!;S mall­u).,rer. was rotu"ncd to Qilicc for H

rou"lh te n n. and til(' final I'esult~ are H~ follo ws: E. J , McCnhill , ]l rcsi(lenti J cl'ry Coffman, vice I)residcnt i IJall'

FII rnice, recording secl'ctary i Lynn E I'win, h 'easu re r.

I~xecu li \'c Boa rd: n ro thers J erry Gnlvuni , J oo Hammond, :Ind Ra y Sa lsman.

Exa mining Boul'd: Rodney Howard, Jilek lI owe]], lind Bill Walker.

Those who served the local o\-el' the )Jll1t gevl.'ral year!!. including' Jim Roh­in~on, outgoing I)resillent who dedined to run fol' an)' ofllee at this time, dellel've the local's aincerest thank!<,

Our COnj:tr;l lulationl" alto, to the City of F re:ono's III'W Mayor, F loyd lI yde, an outstanding IIllol'ney in the llrea. lind SOli of Il rother Henry Hyde. Henry "all awl 13 hill lIOn's mo~t ar­dent eampaigl1 boo!itl"r ill the labor field, ThereCore, we expect to see a somewhllt Jiberal, l)ro~e8Sive all­JlI'O:lch to the city's problems with fewer bee fs, more mox!), and I~s rhu­b;lrbll. Time, his tory, lind the !'!ll­lrl/ 1.(lbQr Citi:rn will follow thl' fn­ture course or events with interest,

Local 100 was saddened by the deathll of Brothers Carl Polk, Harvey Seruggs, al1(l Tommie Collm. Ollicerll and members oITer their deepest sym­l)filhy to the Camilie! of our deteused Brothers.

J h :K8 T-1t::TT, 1\ S_

Apprentices and Journey­men Receive Certificates L.U, 103. JJOSTO~, MASS.-Out J oint AppN!nticeshi p and T raining Comm it tee held i18 19th annual gradu­ation at the New !-:ngland LiCe lIall here In Boston. I t ..... as !'J.ulte an e\'en­ing for the ullIlrentices ..... ho graduated and also Cor those jou rneymen who rereived certificates (or Skill ImJlI'()\'e­ment Tra ini ng, as well as those who COm l)leted OU I' flrll t Stewards' T rain­ing Class.

Thl'1'P wnll lin l''(rel1ent. turnout o r wiv .. s and families to \'iew the rel'e­monies, e ... ~n though the weather was fluite bad. Thill interest o{ the mem­berg uTld thci r families hei lis to 8OIidi f )' good union thinking.

n oh Regan, director of the J oint A1JJlI'ellti~Jihi ,) li nd T ru ining COlllmit­tee and l;ommittce Membe rs Jack O' Bri('n, John Horan, nnd Phil Pir­I'ont', certainly did n fine job,

A Ce ..... weeks after the j!raduation. the apprentice dllnce WIIS held :It the Il lue lI il1s ('ounl!'y ('Iub. This e"ent W:lS nlsa well IltlendC'<1 hy membel's nnd wh'e~. alltl tho unlllal'riQ(1 mem­hers a nd their gi r l f ri('nds, The dnnt'e hall W8l1 eertnin!), r()('king during ~ome of the group trlle of danre~,

The al1llrelltit'e tiludl'nt ('ounel l took ('al'e of all til(' nrl'llng(' lllel1ts and the "ale of ticketll for this fine time. 1'he~e hOYK ;d!<O deKl'I'\'e a vote of con­fldl' llI'l' fol' a jou well clune.

A .-erent. .III ITlt SA l. i~sue had n Vic­tU l'e 111111 wrile-U ll 1\00ll t J a mes Fl'rtnk-

Local 103 Holds 19th Graduation

In th, fronl joYrneymen

Mike Bow,er, pI.lide.,1 of th. slud, .. t coun­cil, 'e",iu. hi. urtifiute of completion from John J. RIgI .. , h,le."etion,1 Vic.. Pr •• idenl, end Hub.rt L COMO', dirK!of of th, M,".chu~th Apprenliu,hip Com-

mitl ...

lin, Jr .. son of olle of our nlcmbers. Young Jinl, who is at l)res('l1t working as an apprentice lit lhe Rritish Ruilll­ing. was n re<:illient of the $6.000 A F L-C IO schola l'shi ll, II I' Willi an all "A" student and Will also II m('mher of tho Nutionnl /l onor Societ)', II I' won the 8cholarshil) by taking achieve-..

lQ~al 103, Bo,lon, Man., .. they .ttend f,llow m8mben and their '.miliu.

Did K.lliher, p .... ,n'ltery, r.",;vII hi, ".wI.d'. treining urlific.le of campl .. io .. J.d 0'8,i ... , I: .... i ... " ml .. lge" end

Bob RIgen.

ment tests put out by the National College boards. lie is entering lIoly Cro!;.!! Collebre this SeJJtember.

Jim's father, who is night Bignal SU llet'\-isor for the MBTA, hllM e\'ery reason to be Ilrou<l. Jim's Uncle Dick is aiM II member or our loclt\. Good luck to you, Jim, in your future ell­<!cavOI'S.


Governor Vetoes Bill Detriment.1 to Apprentice Programs

L. U. 125, I'OltTI..AN D, O l { ~~ ,-Thc evening or l\Iuy 25th '\'811 al1oth('I' event of good fellowship when we en­lc.'rlained our "Old Timers" at cock­tnits and dinner. Of the :328 memb('l's nOw on retirement 130 aUended the Iinnual affair, During the rc;)r 41 members were placed on retirement and :! I members left this world, thus mllintaining quite a consistent number of retirees correSllOnding to approxi­motel)' 10 IlCr cent of our tolal mem­ben<hil).

We were most fortunate and halJP)' that Vice President Vinson W:IS able to return home and attend the gather­ing in his new role as guest and guest Ilwaker.

It is a privilege to gather with these old membel's and watch lheir I"'ogress through the ~'ears and listen to their reminiscing of the past. It ill also a gentle but firm reminder that the lime ill fast app roaching when ol1e stellS over the line as guest,


A new membel" was initiated into OUl' "Elite Club" of 50-year membet'S when Vice Pt~sitlent Vinson p resentcd the ci tation anti cet,tificate to BI'other J ohn G, Bell , The roster in the club remains fairly constant at its presertt membel'shiJt of si);, Three membet's can boast o f 56 years, one membel' has 55 years and one has 53 years of membership,

OUI' State legislatUl'c adjoul'Ited on )Tay 14th after a ne;]r reCQrd session of l 23 days, One often speculates on what was actually accomplished dur­ing this prolonged session and why it took so long, It has ofte n been stated that, given a Ill"Oller progmm, a com, puter can give out :111 answer on any question in the matlet' of minutes, It would be most intet'esting to see the I'esults of a study comparing the ex­pended effot'ts and accotllpli~htllents achieved by 11 legislator dUt'ing this long !iession and those of a journey­man o\'er a similal' length of time,

A majol'ity of the legis.\ators re­fused to be gO\'el'ned by good judg­ment and common sense and allowed political pressu reS to influence their actions resulting in adjournment be­fOl'e their tasks were completed, To bl~ak this impass the Go\'ernor im­mediately called them b. .. ck in special session to provide fOl' t~apportion' ment of Congressional distdcts,

Labor s ponsored bills and legisla­tion failed miset'ahly at the hands of this legislature gh' ing ample indica­tion that laUol' must entirely o\'el'h:1U1 and I'eyaml) its IJ1~sent I>olicy and method of l"CCommending and SUPllort, ing candid'HeS for' publ ic offices,

Once again the house of labor found itself dh'ided on issues which mani, fested itself on the alllll~nticeship

training polie>', A dras tic cllange in the fl'ame wOl'k of the State ap]Jren­ticeshill plan which would have cur­t.tiled OUI" participation in thi s yital sel'vice was passed by both branchcs of the legislature, We extend our thanks and all]ll~ciaUun to OUt' Go\'er­not' when, realizing the Callac~' of the bill anti the chaos it wuuld create, he applied his veto thus preve nting it from becoming law of the land,

We question the sincerity of many sUP llortcrs of the bill in their conten, tion that the pl"O~Tam !>hould \.Ie gl~atl)' cXIJanded to add humireds of new apprentices and that II I'escrvuh' of tmined men is cssential to meet futUt'e ,~quit~ments, No Ill"Ovision WllS m.lde, howe\'er, to em ploy these men within the tr-.lde while they wel'e t'e­ceiving the expanded tl'aining,

Past actions b>' many of these sup­porte l's nroused our s uspicions amI we (ear their intent is to flood the labor nt;u'ket with insufficiently trained men and thus lower' wages and con­ditions for joumeymen of m:1Il}" tra.des,

We were greatly disturbed al~o by the actions of some industrial unions in their acth'e sUllport of this bill. It appears that they have a gl-eat desire to ex pand their field of ende;l\"OI' into bt-:lnches o f the tl-:lde p l~sently un­der the jurisdiction of other unions, " Itaiding," I believe is the proper de, scl"i ptiye word,

Sections or the IlI"Oposed hill or Jaw would have gl'Catly cUt,t;liled our par­tici pation in the administration of the pl'ogl"llm and, in our estimation, decreased the effectiveness o f the en­tile trammg progl'anl le.n' ing the graduate apll rentice with imufficient eXllerience and training,

50-Year Certificate


Vice Pre,ident Vin,on pre,en" the 50 year ce rtifica te to John G, Bell 01 local 125,


We are lllu'ticulal'ly proud of our present training pl'ogram which has taken many years to develop to its acknowledged high standards and we feel justified in demanding that t he pl"l~sent method of cooperative ad­minis t ra t ion b}' the union, the em, ployer and the State agenq' be con­tinued, Out' journeymen are the men who faCe the hazards, the "hot s tuff ," of electl'ic u t i li t ), work and we ha\'e an obligation to assist in the selection and training of their future working pal'tnel'S,

A number of unions put forth a great amount of enet'g}' in theil' ef­fOl'ls to ]lrevent the adopt ion of this damaging bit of legislation in Ol"del' to maintain the present high stand­ards of jour'neymanship, OUI" jour­neymen now ha\'e a gl~ater obligation allli responsibilit}' than evet' befot'e in supporting the :lction of the union and in cOOllet'ating to the fullest ex­tellt with the union ill it s efforts to meet the demands for joul'neymen even though unpleas.-mtness might de­velOI' on some particulal' job,

T he youth labor 01' poverty progt'am now under de\'elopment and expan­sion is creating a feeli ng of a llpl"e­hension in our thinking, The program appeal'S on the s urface most worthy, and in many cases justified, but we ~luestion the administration of any crash pt'O~Tam, Innumerable instances arise gh·ing indication that nearly e\'elJ ' educational body is greedy for a linancial hund-out in the name of Ilo\'erty eradication in an effort to expa nd its racilities and activities,

GO\'ernment agencies at all le\'els :Ire I)r'essed into hiring deset'\"ing ~'oulhs at .1 wage rate of $1.25 pel' hour which is somewhat lowe,' than the pre\'ailing rate, WOt,thy as the Ill"Ogram might be it is most incon­sistent when, as we find in this '-1I~a, the~ agencies discontinue a predous­Iy estOiblished IlOlicy of hil"ing college students at the prevailing wage rate to perform this seasonal but neCesl'ary work, Xow these college students find it most difficult to ohtnin summer work and labor is faced with the ex' pan~ion of low wage !-:lte categol"ies,


Decatur Correspondent Re­cords Loca l Notes of Note L. ll, 146, DECAT UH, IL L.- Work in general has i.leen accelerated by the arrival of continued fair, warm weather,

Constr uction on new buildings in Decatur's urbnn t'enewa! district ha~ been stepped up, A new Montgomerr Ward's sto t'e , .. downtown motel, and 11 new churcll are now rising where a sl um area once existed, 'Vork on the new Caterpillar expansion is prac_ tically completed, but the moving of


machinery will cont inue for some time. WOl'k at F irestone had been temporarily hal ted by a strike oC Firestone's em ployes. Construction workers will respect their pickel lines,

On Saturday, J une 12, l\liss Pris­cilla Ann HIMles , daughter oC one or Deealur's leading' electrical contrac­tors, Harrison Blades, was married to Enrl Df'nn Minich of Alton, Mi s­sou ri. 1'11(' wedding was held in St. J ohn's Episcopal Church in Decatur. We are enclosing two pictures of the wedding p:II' ly.

One wrek later, on Salunlay, June HI, Miss Diane ~larie Hertel and Caleb W. Wayne, son of the late Brother Jerry Wayne, were malTied in St. Tllolna9 Catholic Church in Deeutur, They lert for a honeymooll in Colomtlo after the wedding,

We extend the local's heal'Uesl COII­

grlltulations to the fortunate couples, To coin atlOid eiiche, "Mayall their troubles be Iitlle Olles!"

We also wish to congrlltulale the Robert Youngers and the James De­Itlne)'s, who have each added a new baby girl to the ramih'.

Alllon~ those re lJOrted 011 the s ick list at the last ngular union meeting were: Clyde Odie lind Chris Rozanski, both hosllitalized in Decatur and Macon County Hospital. James Daugherty, Jr., was ill St. Vincent's Hospital. Norman Huff was injured Oil the job but is back at work. Ed­\\'111'(1 Schneider was in St. ~Iary's for surgery. Jack Burt's wife was in St.


Pictur.d .re ne ... l.,....eds. Mr. .nd Mrs. D .. n Minich. Mr>. Minich, the form.r Pd •• cill, BI. d •• , i. Ih. d~uqhl. , 01 Mr. 'nd Mrs. H."i,on BI,du. Mr. BI . d,. i. • l .. dinq .lutriCdI conl .. cto, and employer

of L.U. 14h's memb.n in D.c.tur, III.

Mary's Hosllital, as was W:lll Chea­tham's wife. Homer Martin's wife was in St. Vinc('nt's in Tayloryillc. F. M. Meador was in St. Mary's HOSllital. Keith Slifer wus rellorted olT frolll work with back trouble.

J oh n "lIans" Zeidler has recently returnoo from a trill to Germany

Waukegan Local Graduates )965 Apprentices

Her .... the m,mben of the l'1h5 q •• du.ling cl .... B.d ro .... I,fl to . iqhl: Jo. El f.rinq, R,y Sh.b •• I" Tom Ri v.lli, Norman Piac,n .. , Middl. ro ... : ... Menaq" Jim M.lmqui.t, Bi ll B.in1, Don D.y, Douqlas l.~fb la d. Si ttinq: Dan V.dder, foud h.yu. in.truclo., and

Bill Riva1li.


where he visited rela tives in Bavari a , lie stilt has three Mercedes- Benz CM'S

of various vintages, one being an older model, sort of on the antique side, which " Hans" likes to tinker with. H e also has some pet ducks to entel'tain his small son in their back yard,

We are still expecting some pic­tures of the new Coffeen Powerhouse which "Buck" Williams has promised to provide. \ \'e also hOIJe to hu\'c some good pictures of the new Adolph Mcyer Zone Center (mentnl hospital) where "yours truly" und ubout 14 other "prospecth'e patients" are l)reS­ently employed. Heading the list we ha\'e an old IlrO, "Red" Moyel'; then, we have Gary, Jerry, Terry nnd Harry. Their last names are R('in­hardt, Davidson, Dall;lha and (H('{I) Ni~hols , respectively. Continuing the list are Floyd Snyder, DOllald "Grand­pa" Harri s, Harold "Shad" Shadowell, Harold Trummell, Burt "Rlue Eyes" Ranney, Bob "Lard Bucket" Ahlrieh, Carl "Casanova" Hill, Chuck ;'Cud~ tiles" Carter, Halph "Birdman" lIuwk­er, Bob "Scooter" Wa)'ne and F'red Klinghamrner. our geneml foreman.

Well, gang, aftel' those monikers, I had best leave Cor parts unknown. Send in your photos, either \'acation or job pictures, so we can forward them to the JOl'RNAL with our next article.

Eight New J ourneymen Honored at Banq uet L,t ' . I;}O, WALTKJ<:G AX, ILL.-The enlire membership extends its most heart}' congr,aluiations to our 1905 class of apprentices. The eil{ht lIew j ourne)'men I~i\'(~d their eertificates at a banquet held in their honor at the Parkway Res taurant On the C\'e­

ning of June 7. It ""as truly a grand event, on(' that

will be long remembered by the new journeymen. The affair W:lS nttcnded by the members of the 31lprenticeship l)\'ogr:lln, who through their untiring efrort.~, )'ear after yellr, made the d:IY possible.

Our local union President Rill Pulaski, Business Man:lger J im Maim­(Iuisl, and International Represe nta­tive Norris Haug were in attel1dallce, As officers of the local and IB !': W, they show gn~at interest in Ollr ap­I)rcntieeship lll'ogrum, It is their stutcd belief that the apprenticeship Ilrogram is the lifeblood of the !BEW, our local and, indeed, the electrical industry itself. II is for Ulis reuson that oll r local conlmctOl'1I share our fceling about the pl'Ogram.


All of us in Local 150 wou],] like to eXllress OUI' sincere thanks to everyone connected with the appren­ticeship program in making it the SHrres.'~ that it is,

The work si tuation has app'eared very bright during these summer months, Many conl't!'uction Pl'Ojects in the area 1Il"e now unt!el'wny lifter a slow start in the spring, Summer is our best season for work, hut it is also a good season for fishing, sIghtseeing, picnickIng and the many other interesting .u.:th'ities of the se'l­son, I hope all of you have a wOluler­ful summer.

Utica Me mbers Donate Time for Camp I..U. 181, UTI CA, S. Y,-Thc mcmbers of Local UniOrl 181, Utica, ~ew York \'olunteered theil' time and wlenlS to Camp Nazareth at Little Long- Lake in the Allil'Qllllack -' Iountains.

A new <lOO-ampere sen'Lce and fOUl' IOO-aml)Cre sen'ices were installed to­l,"Cther with electric hcnting in four cottages,

Work in the Utien Are;1 hn~ been slow but shows signs of imllro\'ement.

The annual clambake of Local 181 is 111annetl for July 2,1, 1965.

b:s .\h:.:la:n, 11.-'1.

L.u. 212 Awards Certificates to 26 New Journe ymen L.U, 2 l 2. (; I :-'(; I !' ~ ,\TI . OIlI O- Lo­cal 212 was s.addened by the deaths of four of its membel'S in June, Bn)ther William P. Hummel was honl January 31, 1880. initiatet! July 18. 1917, and died June 3, 19(;.,). Brothel' Edwal-d Huber was bol'n ,-\ugus t 2,1, 1900, initiatetl Febl'Ual'Y II, 1920. and died June 5, 1965, Brothel' J ohn r. Ha sselbcrger was bonl Ju l~' 12, 1888, initiated August 30. 1911, retit'ed nnd "all l.cIl,;iullt:J Ull Jill) I, 19,jG, and died .June 6, 19f,s, Brothel' William "Moon" Mullens, who was :1 formel' vice III'Csident of Local 212, wus born August 5, 1~\.I3, imtlated ,' une :!3, 192G, and tlied J Ulle 12, 19G5,

Brother Al vin Gerke applied fOI' his well·deserved retirement and pension which became effective Jul y I, 1965,

Loeal 212 and th Cincinnati Chap. tel' of the Nationn! Electrica! Contl'nc­tors Association ha,'e agrectl to entel' into a two'~'e:lr contl':lct. The new pact extends from June I. J965, to May 31, 1967. The new contJ'llct will III'ovide 15 cents per hour to be ap' plied to a pension lI'ust fum!' Local 212 I'esel'ves the right to a pply a see· ond 15·cent mise eithel' to 1m)' a l':lise


More From Local 150

Memb ... of the App .. nlic .. hip Boe,d. L.U, ISO, Weukegdn, Ill., e'e, bed 'ow. I,ll to righl: Rey Buh, Orv,lle Cot" Pele Zewes~y, Bill Snodgr .... Fronl 'ow: C, W, Car,y.

Tom Reven, Don 8erger, .nd Karl Hans.n,

l.11 10 , igh t : C. W. C .. ey 01 C.rey EI,cil,c; No"i. T. Heug, Int"n.I'on.1 R.p .... nl.· live; leon Elliott, D.petlment 01 ; Joh .. E, Guin, Bureau 01 Apprenlice.hip and

T •• inin<j, .nJ O.~i. L W.rt., Departm,nt of labo.,

l~ft 10 ri<;lht: Dan V~ddor, fo\ltth·y ea, illlt.utlor; Ditk C.rk. firlt·yur illl trUttor; Jim Malrnquilt, bUI;n,,, m.n'ge,; and Bill Pul .. ~ j. p.e.idenl. Roy Angl.d •. .. in".uc.

tor. end Jim Wieder, s.cond·y ... inst'udo., we .. to .tt.nd Ih. b.nquel,

01' to n henlth and welfal'e )lllln, The ~ecolltl rlliRc become!! effective ,June I. I!JOG.

High!}' qualified !"e]lr'esentati\'e,~ from the riehls of indu stl'Y, go\'('!I'!1-ment and educntion in the Createl' Cineinnati al'en offerell theil' cong'l':l l ­ulations, along with the congl'utuln­tions of 1111 in the labol' movement, on Saturday, June I), to the YOllng win­nel'!! of cOlll pletion of h'aining eel'­ttr1cUtCOi under the ,Juln t APJu'entlce­ship and T !':lining Committee Ill'Qgrnm of the eleeLden! contt'acting industl '}'. The JA'1'C JII'ogt'am ill umler t he to,

~ lK1n!!OI'shijl of the IBEW and the Nation.11 ~~lect1'ical Contraetors Asso" ciation,

('ongr',1tulalions wCl'e dil't'cte(t, as well. to the SUPPol'ters nnd adminis-1I',ltOI'~ of the lI'aining program which hus excelled in providing the swiftly IIccelerating demllnds of in­(Iustria! development with fIIore and more cl'ucially needed high pl-ecision ~ kil1.

OccasIon for lhe comlllunity salute was the annual COm lJletion of alll)I'en­ticeshiJl ceremonies under the IBEW­~f:CA joint tJ'aining pt'ogram held


at thc Shenltoll Room of the Gibllon, The toastmastel' was Hay I~, Hauck, secretnry of the Joint lIpprentieeshi() Committee.

Work at Camp Nazareth

Spc;lkers included the presidcnt of L.U. 212, Edgal' Haggal·d, and !..estel· Bertkc; sUllerviso)· of the Dellflrtment of LabOI·, OUreuu of ApJlI"enticeship fOl' the State of Ohio, William Sells; deun of College of Bu~inesl:l Admin­i~tration ut X~Lviel· Univel·sity, 1',·0-fessor 'l'hol11us lIailstones.

The messages of the spcakCI·s who I·cprcsented industr~', government and education, stn!s~cd the ]Joint that the fast puce of tOday'll jet HIII\ space :lge in new ted111i(juos dovc!ojlrd in tho shop ~l!1d seiontitit- lal!O/"atoJ"ies, lie· mantis a constant rise in the levcl of skilled stamlards. Apprenticeship training is IllOI·e intcnse than eVe)·, but, eV<ltl uftcl· completion of such tra ining, ace jouJ·ncymen muHt corl­tinue to leurll, rClnin lind UUtLJ)t to nell' processes and methods.

Ed Huggard, on hehalf of Locnl 212, grectcrl the ncw journcymen :lud cited the impot·tance of ellch c)·aft stlwn on the job todtl~' in commanding the lust minute know-how in thc usc of tool s and matcdals.

Members who volunteered their t ime ~nd 1~lenh to Camp Nfttarelh include: left to right, standing. John "Tid" Collver, Fether Francu Willen burg, Jim O'Lury, Don Collver, Chuck Paul. Leu Meeker, bu,inen ma/lllger of loul 181: end Owen Ev~n •. Ab.ent when the picture wu teken ere brothers RUSlell I,eac, Bob Aleunder, and

Art Gurdo. They represented the community .pirit 01 loul 181, Utice, N.Y.

Cincinnati Apprenticeship Banquet

Local 212 Apprenlice G,~dua) .. ~nd Tr.inin9 Program Boo.lers are lelt 10 'i9hl, Ii"t row, Ed. Ha99ard, president 01 Local 212, Williem, Robert Zehner, Robert H~yel, William Clury, Richard Gilb, Anthony W~ rlman. Robert Wray, F'ank Butler: second row, Robert Tharp, Robert Rueh l, William Winter, Alfred Niederh.lman, Jame. Dunn, Robert Blanchett, Edward Gronolle: third row, R~y Hauck, D~n J ohn.on, Jr., Don Surnbrod, Fr.n~ Beder, 1.11 of the Joilll Apprentice Training Committee). William 60111, Cecil

Didey, Mich .. 1 Scola, .nd Ken Bryen PATC) .

The deliciou. food was ,ully the hi9hligh t 01 Ihe evening.


The l)j ·e~entations of medallions anti certificlltes Wo"·C malic hy Don Surn­brot:k [l rld Oan ,/ollilson, Jr.

Ajl!lrcnticc completion cCI·tificales< wcnt to Thomas BCI·tke, Donal!l B1:111 t:h, Houclt Blanc!H'tl, William Ho~sc, I~rank Hutler. Williull1 Clcary, Clul"l'nce Colgatp, ,Jame~ Oappel·. Cedi Dickey, J ames Dunn, Hichard Gilh, 1;;d\l'tu~1 GI·(UlOltC, Rouel·l Ha~'es, Wil ­liam rolacke, BertHlI·" :"Ilurph y, Alrrc(1 Niederhelmun, Char·les PI1{'i~ter·. Holo­CI·t Ru~hl. Raym(H1(1 Schuster, 1\lidwe! Scola, Lawr·cnce Seymour, Hogel' Stapleton. Hobcrt Tharp, Anthon~· War·tman , William Winter, Ilohpr·t Wru~', Itohcl't Zehncr'.

Bon 1..ol\G, 1'.S.

Work Progressing on Brunner's Island Plant L. t T. 22!), YO I1i\, I'A,- The second unit of the Pennsylvanin Powcr and Light !lowe I' pl:lI\t at Brunner's [ s­land, York Huven, 1'<'lHrRyh'Hlria, has becll stul·ted with BI·oth .. H· Hnlph Fah~ :IS genel·ul fOI"Cllltill fOl" our 10(:al fon · tr~lctOt·, I. B. Ab£'lllUd SOli, The power output of the ~cc()nd I1nit will be ap­IIt·oxinmtely :1GO,OOO kw. A nc\\' 7G5,­OOO·kw unit will hegill in Junc, UJr,G, ami will 11Il\"e 11 ncw gencrating" capac­ity of t,17~,OOO kilowatts.

Bl"othel" Geol·ge Il;Ll·tl:lllb "'liS suc· ccs~ful ill ol/t;li ning a Jlhotogl"aph of the wOI·king fon'e. B,·othel' Willi,11ll Sutton, not l<hown in Ih(' pholog"rllllh, volullteel·ed to do this task for us.

EmJ!loyment for the summer look~ VCI·Y good. At the Jll"CSent limc wc


Pennsylvania Power and Light Plant

The work force on .he second unit of the Penn.y)~~nj~ Power ,one! Lig ht pJul indude the following brothe'$: .tanding , left ' 0 righi, Jomel Bl o ~ely, Local 908, Gre"n~ille, S.C.; Du n Wolf, Elmer Durdorff, Willia m Chronister, Herb Willa, ,"b·loremen; Pat S")hgi",,r, Edward Berrette, Local 932, COOl Sey. O'e.; James Denne., R.oberl Turner, He"y Thome,. Joseph Un.oeld, Loca) 7)5. Bur lington, low .. ; John Cole •. La" .. ) 932: Robert McDermott , John Mohr, foremen; Richard Winter.tein, lo",,1 H2, Green,boto, N.C.; John Sh"n~: Willi"", Kllole)" steward; Frank AI/one, working for Combust ion Engineering. Inc.; Kneeling: C. Fee"". H. Lamb""on, N. Be.'ic, George Hartleub, H. Gudeme", loce) lOS/), Glugow, Monl.; Simon S .. d, G. Critzen, Local 932; K. Shaeffer, Le.ter Stambaugh, .ub.foramen;

have quite a fell' travelers working in the area; we apprecin\e the hel]l of these Brothers.

Business lIlarmger' Eugene Gr'o\'e and President "Web" Kauffman haw! been stressi ng the importance of COPE at the meetings, ~o . if you haven't alr'cady received a COPE ticker, see anyone of the officer's fo r one.

Brother' Lester lIlelhom h,IS been hearti!~· participating in the local CO PE meetirlgs.

Don't forget the so-called "Hight-to­Work" Committee is vcr;.' active in Pennsylvnnia, working hard to \mdo everrthing thnt hns been done fol' unions through the real's; so, keep in touch with your' Rellresenlatives by letter or cards. All indications are that by the time I submit the next article, I will have some information on a new building. See ;.'ou lit the next regular meeting.

CLDI 1-l,1101,1:-;, P.S.

Long-Time Members Honored in Calgary L.U. 25.1, CALG ARY , A LTA.- Once again Locnl Union t;i4, Calgary has paid honor to their old-timers with a banquet.

This year' it was held at the Hcp­bm'n Motor Hotel on lIlar'ch 5th, 1965 in Calg:lry.

To start the affair ou t , E, II. StHrk, business manager r'cad out a list of the GO-year' members and their re­spective initintion dates, the balance of the membet·s were reat! and those unable to attend were noted. The nt­tendance was wonderful and it is ns-


and J. Raynor, Local 1925, Marlin , Tenn.

sured that all had an enjo"flbJe evening.

Rrother William Lallyman, fir ~t

District Vice-Presillent ali(I HrothCl" Al l\lcka lfe, Intcrnati01l<rI Hepr·e­sen taUve wer·e I))'e~ent at the hend table. Locul Union President H. W. Moore gave an (!nlighlening tnlk on

the pnst presidents of L. U. 25 1-Fra nk E. C, n ell, 1\"oel Bu\l in, and -' Iunlo C:lllr(!r·on .

At this ]loint ill the e\'ellil1g'~

activities presentations wcre made. Rrother -'I oore presentell past presi­dent (1!){i2-1!l{i4) -'Iunlo Ca1l\erO!l wi th a benutiful engraved wrist

Local 254 Holds Banquet

Loc~1 254 Pr •• ident R. W. Moore .• t ~nding. admiru e ngr~~.d ",rid ..... Iehu of. I~ft to righ l. Noel Bullin , .econd pruidenl; Frank B~II. fo", pr.,; .. nd Myrdo Cameron,

third prelident. n. 10~,,1 i. in C"lg"ry, All".


"Old-Timers" Honored at Calgary Banquet

Fi rsl Oislric! Vin·Prel id,nl Willi<1m L.dyn .. n, I, ft . IPO~' . 1 Ih, Loc.1 254 banquel. Busin.1I Man'lIer T, d Sla.\ welcomes lI u,llI in th, pielur. <11 righl .

watch . Mrg. E. II. Stark thcn pinned j\l rs, )\Jur/lo ('1ImeJ'on wi th 11 corsnge of red rosell, B rother Cameron thankell the local, arul el!:Jll'esscd all­m-edation to his wifc for h('r Ilalien ~-e anti 10le rllJlce during his lel'lll of ollice, lie nlso thanked the members t hat workell with him dUl'i ng hi s term,

Next, the IWlld tahle wns inlrodut-ed by Rusinl'Ss Marmger K II. Stark,

Rl'othe r W illillm Llul ymllll wa s first in line, lind :tHet' his )Ir-r~('ntil1g Frank E, C. nell. L,U . 251'11 first p .. esi,]ent; he 1;11\'(' credit 10 Ihe old timers for Ihri .. b:tekground founda­tiuJ\ lL nd Ilwi .. past ardell Is. II I' also congTlLtula ted the loca l for acknowl­edging- the ohl-timer's of theil' o r'gan­iztltion,

Brother A, J , Metcalfe then took the spotlight ami irl\'iled nil old-

t imers to lI11end their r'especti\"e unit meeti ngs, He said the present lIcti vc members would be delighted to see them lLml hell r their " jews.

Also, he pointe,1 out Ihll! l...oeal 20:\8, Hegioa, II l1d the indCllc rllient 10' e:ll have merge,l, hoping for' heller re lations.

A point of humour was hl'ought up, a bout negotilltiolls with jJjonecr 1':lec· t ric alxlut JO- IG years lLgO. As the sto ry goes, theM! ncgotinliolls were :lp l)lLrently dragging into :I lengthy l, rUcedure, The union negotiating teanl Ilecided to dose all windows and smoke ciga rs. You ca n imagine th a t the nWIIlLgement tCUIlI, \\"ho~e 11IC'111-bel'S didn't smokc, signed the agl'CC'­lIlenl in a hUrl'), ; lwd so 10 spcllk the lLgrc('ment \\' :I S ~lIloked out of them,

Union Vice-Pre~itlellt Har(li ll TlLylo r thclI gU\'C a speech on thc henefits thc old-timers left fo r present dar~,

The indh'idual old-limers \\'1'1'1' thell given II eh:lnce to tell thl'ir' hiles. Brother Harry Bellinghum Willi the first to sJlcak, lie was re-initiated in IHJO into 1.ocal Union '11 0, lie pointed alit lhat wlll'n he joined, there were niOO U.S, :It\d C:llllldilln members, ami 1I0W there lire !:lome 800,000, Quill' II jUllll'! The prohlems of early organi'l!illg were discu!UlCti, II I.' the ll congralulutell Brother Ted Slar'k on his fine job as b ll sines~ man­ager.

Brother AtI(l~' Park then look hi!! stand :lIrd (liseussed the meetings t hey used to hllvc. One thing we mighl notc, RI'Other 1':U'k will be I'<'tiring this Deceml.;c r 011 I BEW pension,

Following him came one of the pl'e\'iou~ apprenticeship instr\l('tur~, Bl'Othel' Charlie D:lw recalled mun)" or his instructing eXIICriences. li e joined the IBEW in ItHO.

One more poilrl bl'uught. to lilrht f rom the cvening's disc\l~~iot\s, was the fu('l UmL Brother C. lI . Dyson's father, W. J . Dy~on , was II presidl'nl of Local Union 3 18. Bl'Olher C. II.

Mrs, SIMI:. ;1 lhown pin ning a rOl8 on Mn, Cameron in th l pict url On thl 1, /t, Prel idenl R, W, Moore prelen ts pu l president Ca me.on "'n , ng ravld watch in th, rig hi pi~tur., Mn, Moo •• is lu ted,


Dyson is presently an udiw! mem­ber in Locnl Unio!) 25-!.

At this time we would like to thank those who plnllncd this alfair, ami nll the old-t imers who were able to :It­t end.

l~or those who found it ilnllOSl!.ilJle to attend, he nssured you r pN!i':ence was missed.

Still on :I light side of Loc:al 1.:llion 251, the work s ituation is good UII this wa>'. At )Iresent our hooks ure clear almost; and with work-a-Illenty in the fulurl', it would :llllwar that L .U. 2[, 1 will hn\'e a gOO<'i f:IiI a nd winter.

State Senator Addresses L.U. 265 on Leadership L.l'. 265. LI:-'COL:-' . :-'EBIC.- T he annual bnn(luet for Local L'nion 21;:; of Lincoln, Nebrn!lka, has hcwme II

\'ery IJOllUlllr e\'ell1 fOl' thill l«u1 union. WI' hllve alwa)'l! tried to get a !lpeuker who is Ilrom inellt in stah' ]Iolitics. At )lredolls su('h annual afrairs we hn\'e had Go\'el'llor Fr:mk )lol'riSOn lin!! Lieutenant GO\'ernor Philip Sorenl'lOn, This yt';Ir one of the most contro\'er~jal ligures in the State of Nehruskn was our 5]>euker, Senntor T('rry Carpenter of S(.'Otti':blulT, who has had a long ami \·ade.:! ca~r in I>olitics. lie hus served in the Xu­tionnl 11 0u~ of Rt'llresentali\'l's and has heen [ I c-Hndidate for Governor lind SenHtor, At Jlre~ent he is ~e l'\'ing hi~ fOUl'th cOlls('(: uti vc tcnll n,~ II State Senator ill our Sln!e L' 1Ii(:ameral. Senator Cnrl>cnlel"s view has <:011-si"tently I_II with tht' liIK'rnl side al1ll en'n though it hns I_n un­l>Ollul:u', hc hall never given in to the oppos it ion. Some area lS of OIJ]IOs.itioll nrc vicious.

~~~­Rob ... K. G ... ily

tnI'I R.p .• 1'10" ' nt' l V. P.


Local 265 Banquet

loul Bu.inUI Ru ... 11 Z. Mundorf, I. fl, .nd Arl i. F. H .. ld .I.nd 10' • pidu" .11 .. !hI b.nqu.t.

In his talk to u~, St'nator ('[II'W'lIter 1101('(1 some of \he!'e thingF [Ind u rged Olll' memhCl'~hi]) to l'Cmemhe r tllat in an 0I'/oI'ani7.(!(1 society where w~' mu~l <ll)l'rate liS WC do opemte, you IlIU~1 Rl't good leaders and Ihl'lI {ollow them.

Ilusines$ )Iannger RUl':-('lI Z. ) lu mIOl'f, acted as hosl lIllIl Hobert 1\. . Garrity, Inlel'na t iOllal Hepr(>!-('nta­li\'I2', (since J uly I , Vite Prt'~idf'l1t of

S.n. r. .. y .. v.t .. ,1 lib ... 1 l.g ill. lo.

111h I) ist r ict I.R.F;.W.) nctN\ liS nm~te l' of ceremonies, The \'et l2'rllll ll1(1ml.Jers werc relllcmhcrcd with ]lin 1II'{'l;l'nllltions 11l1d token girt~. He­li",d members who were honore,1 were .. \I\'in A. Fickett, Philip E. 11 :111 , 0110 W. Hinrichs, Chris Kelsen, Ha)' L. K l'r~hner, Claude )leMahon, I) , I). )It'ads, Wm. J-'. Oberts, Sid ncr G. It I2'lICle and R. V. Scell2'y.

Pr('ss Sec l'etnr y

R. ti .. d b.oth •• CI.ud. Md ... hon rec:e;y.d pin ,nd gill from lOCiI 2115,

---~---~---- ~--~.~---.---------

Corpus Christi Apprentices

Fourt .. " "pp'enlie" Wet" gr.du.ted in Loc.1 278. The Apprentice Committe. memb.r, end graduate. pOle .t th. c:ompletion ,.remoni".

Fourteen Honored in Completion C eremonies L.t 1. 278, CO HI' \JS CIIHI ST] , TEX.­the Joil1~ Appt'cntlccshi p lind 'I'naining Committee held a com plotion C(!J'C­

mony lind oanquet honol'ing the following I!'t"uduating Allprentices: M:nvin Borchardt, J ohn Glidewell, Kenneth ]Iastings, l-;ddic McDonnld, Ralph Oliver, Jr., Juan 'f1"C\';1l0, Ken­neth WYl.'he and Johu Zeller. Also honored were Journeymen Tcchnieiuns Iticlull'tl Beseda, Tommy IJlackslonc, Man'in BOI'ch:.rdt, E(hlie McDonald, Darrell McGonugilt and Gene It Smith.

T he Il rogrUtll lind dinner were held in lJel Mnr Technical i nstitu te dining ,'oom with Br·other· W. B. Tucker, husiness munagel' , as nmster of CC I'C­

ll1onie~. The invocation Willi given by gt'utluating Technician Bt·othct· Danell r.lcGonagill. Guitar music amt lIongs we\'c rcndered by Tow Seco Singet·s.

Urothe\' A. K Edwut'ds, Vice l' t'esi­(1l!nl, 8m'enth District , guvc II line talk on UIIIU'enticeship and training in our Lll'othel'ltood, giving us n picture of pl'Oblems that we IIl'e fnced with toduy thut clln be met onl)' by contin ual up­gt'aeling of OUt· knowledge through educ:llion. He s tressed the need fOI' conti nuing' leuming and ]Klillted out lhHl joul1Ieymlm training is a IIIUs t because appl'entice training alone eanuol meet technical demunds that our union is faced with today.

Mr. Churlie Mathieu, Governor or the l..<>cal Chapter, N ~:CA, slKlke on the emltloyel"S view of :lpPI'cnticeship and tl'llining. lie outlined the neces­sity und benefits from (t congenial understanding. as in most cases the wOJ'kman is the contraclot·'s only COI\­tact with lhe customet" CIIIIl'lie I)ointed out lhe value of Iun'ing ,,·oJ·k­men cn publc of dOing lhe joh without a lot of l'Iu llervi sion.

GI'udy St. Chdl', Pl'eNident of Del Mal' College, made the mai n mldl·ess.


lie spoke on the IIchool's \'lew or ap­prenticeship (I)\(I outlined WOJ'k being done by Del Mal' Technical nnd Vocu­tiona I Ins titute.

~ I I'. Cleve Cuilleppel', Stute SUI~r­l'iSOI', Bureau of A]Jpt'enliceship and Training, U. S. Department of Labol', presented eel·tificates to the gratluat­ing a l' llrentices. El'erett Williams, Dean of Del Mar Technic:tl Institute, IIIX'sented cCI'Wieates to the joul1ley­mell technician grnduates.

QUI' Credit Union, org(lnized just lIe\'en years ago, has now I'eached the $200,000 in assets with 4:l0 members. Q,'el' 1300 lonns for more than $500,-000 have been nmde dUring this time.

J ,uu:s C. P.\lWHI , P.S.

Fourteen Apprentices Honored for Perfect Attendan ce L.U. 308, ST. 1'~~'n: I ! S Il U IW, FLA.­The Electr icul J oint Ap]ll'enticeshill Committee held a com pletion ce re­mony and dinner on Wednesdny. May 2Gth at St. PetersbU rg' Junior College.

Louis W. Ruchholz, JlIlllCII E. Gnb­rio, J immy T. Penny, J ohn A. llitchie, Vincent S. S:dnti no, Chu rles H. Smith ami Sammy R. Wooten recei\'ed their completion certificlltes.

It has beel! the Ilrnctice in the IlIIst to reward our nJlprentices fol' their perfect attendunce lind Local :.108 proudly presented a check for pedect attendance to Willinm II. Andrews, Lotrry Barton . Allen Rean, Richard Rrydabell, Norman CI'llwfol'd, Hay­m01ll1 Kelly, George I~, Martin, Ron­ald Prill. Horst F. Hiecken, Andrew 1\1. RUIl", LUl'ry Severance, J :ulles Snow, James Vulerius and Robert Widener.

Checks were preAented also to Hob­ert G. Lee, John P. Runkle, Jr" Sher­man P. Soles, Cl'uig S. Goddard lind Larl'Y S. Kelly for only one (Ibsenc('. Rro the r HobCl·t Peny, one or our most (Ible instl'tlClo l's 111'('sented :I

special awa rd to Kenneth C. McFee

in rccognition of his I)rogress Illade in his clnss. Although he lmd not stltrled at the beginning of the class he caught up and advanced with the othe l' apllrelltices.

Rrother Skill Hadley, business man­lIger "resented hi s l)Crsonal gift to the II IlJ)rentices with a "erfect record, and the graduating allprentices re­ech'ed a graduation gift from the AII­Ilrenliceshi ll Committee.

I{obert Widener was chosen us the outl'lt:1I1l1ing 1I]lllrentice and hilS been I1IJI)ointed to attend the Southern Con­terence for upprentices with Rrother C. L. McKinney the sccret(l ry of our Apllrcnti ceship Training Progmm and vico president of Local Union 308.

Much llruisc must go to OU I' Joint n oard lutd Rrothers Allwurllen, J\.'l c­Killuey, Sinclair for Local 308 ami Hay Goodson, J ohn Gahrio :ulIl Bill ,],illis for the Contractors havc cooper­uted to IItl1kc our lll'Ogralll the finest in Floritla.

One of the highlights of this oc­('lIsion wus for Electrical Contractor John Gnbl'io, 10 "resent a COlllllIl!tion certitiente to his son, James. Actunlly I should suy, BI'Other John Gab rio 8S he was ;111 officer and dedicated memher of Local 308 and has done much, in the IlIlst. to advance the Ilrill('illios of Brotherhood and under­s landing.

Mr. Hay Goodson did an outstand­ing job liS masler of ceremonies :tnd illtt'odu('ed IIlllny of our guests and I)(lOllle involved with the apprentice­tlhip I)rogram. Among those IH'Csent wero Rrothel' WIllter Lightsey. reJlN'­IICnting llibor and (I member of the F loridll Industrial Commission, Mr. Ernf'st B. Heiney; state sUJleri ntend­ent of 'I' l'ade and Industrial f~duclI­lion; Mr. Sidney Bigham. dirc<:lol' of the Florida Industr ial Commission null Mr. J oseph Brown, senior urea relll'e!lentlitive of the Floridl1 Stille Appl'cnticcs hip Commission.

RroLher C. L. McKinney introduced olher ~pecinl guests: Brothel' WlIllel' A 1t(1 rewA, president of Local 308, S. W. II IHlIey. business manaJ,,"<.'r of Lo­cal :108; Rrother Halllh Belin SI'" former Jlresi(lent of Local 308-now retitX'd; Rrother Homer Ewins 11 memlX'r of Local 308 and leacher of the joul'neyman class this yenr; Mr. I)lIn Snyder, night Principal of Edu­cation at Dixie- Hollins School; Bl'oth­er Art Williams, St. Petersburg elcc­triCli1 illl~l'ector; Mr. Lewis Fry, m:ll1-IIgel' o r the Florida Em)lloyment Service in Tampa and his assistant. Mr. Pllul Davis.

I WUII especially pleased to see Mr. Alex Rril\SOU, former chairmnn of the Pinelhl!~ County Apprenticeship Com­mittee, present at our ce rellJoniel'l :1 11(1 fl'Cl thut his Wjl S one of the guiding hHUds thllt has made this progl'nm lIucce~A r ul.

MI'. Ilay Goodson sl(lled that we have tried to improve our llll lll'elltice-


shi p tmilling and an example of this is the work done by our instructors: Ray Turner, Ernest. Golly, Rob Perr )" E ugene De Pew :lntl J oe Gordon"

In the pU!lt WP. IHlVf\ nlways had a very fine guest. s penkel" who was directly or closely connected with our Apllrcnticeship Program but at th is time the banquet. commitlee WliS ,·cry fortunate to get Dr" J ohn )'I101"gnl1 Bevin, dcan of eliUClltion, lit Flo r ida Presbyte l"ilLII CoIICb'"C to speak at Ollr o;o;n~lIIunil!s. Dr" BevJn Is one of the lcading educators and learncli men in our cOllntry nnd his s pcnkinK elll-:"nge­ITlClltS al"e many and in gN'at dcnmml.

Dr" Bevin stated that our JlI"ogram to tench young men a skill was com­mendable and necessary (or the scheme of modern advunccmr.nt anrl culture hut he fil"tnly bclieves thnt un apprentice should fir~t become skilled in becoming a humnn being.

Mall is a man fil"St before he f\\lnli­tics ill IIny skill. li e dedlll"ftl that hc could (liSCUSll many (ucets of I('al"ll­ing but his main concern involv('s the I,uflluits of being n mall. You rc(lcct the t:alents thnt you have hut tliey have to be develolloo and shou1ll be developed for the sel"Vice of th(' l"Cst of hutllnnity" l)ro" n evin closed his nddl"CSS by snying '" The surviva l of the world depends on those that con­Cel"1l themselves with othefl'l."

n~:"'N~:TT COI!~;Y, P.S.

Secreta ry Lambert Waxes Philosophic This Month L.U_ :lU~ . E. ST . l.O UI S, I LL.-We held a get-togethel" ]Jarty in honOI· of old membel"S :Uld :lPlll"entices who gl·ndunted (I"()m our IIChool.

The old timers hn\'e theh· memories, good Hnd bad, of thi ngs achieved, things neglected. success alllJ fnilures" "Icmories Clln be IlleKaKnt, they can be painful, but meditation is bette)" Ihan reminiscence. Let us not liv!) in the past and waste OUl" renl:li l1ing ),el11"s" Let IlS nuL live in till! fulun' HI1I1 he­come il1\'oh'cd in a woJ"ld of unreali­ties. Some of those we cnll philos­ophers have done thut.

They jll"ojectell thcir illlaginntion , trying to )"each infil1ity, Lut ever"y· thing is in cycles.

Common SE:IISe "ill tell ~"u, :Ulli Einstein hus I)roven, Ihat Ih('re is 110

str"night line, it has to cOllle hack to its point o( departure, even like elec­trical (:UI"IOCllt. Pseulio Ilhllo llQllhel"s come back to that point not knowing any more than wh('n they stllrt('d.

We are in"nily now nS much as we e,·e)" wi ll be and it ill always "now." Let us live in the "now""

The young nre stn l"ting" The way "ill he easy ut times then become hal"d" You will go through many ud­ventuI"CS, dean and foul, pleasallt and painful, benr with them with equa·


nimit)' , lhey al~ n(!C(!IIf1l1l"Y :lIId will nil lellch you.

Centur"ics ago a Fr"enchmnn \"I"ote on his cont of III"II1S:

" I~:! it CII (!ue doiR, n(lvicnne que pOllnll""

Poody tl·III1Slatell: du what you should do, come what may. That fur mul:l trunHcellds all philollophles.

Ih:",.: L,HII\~;'(T, P .s.

Sacramento Loca l Honors Three Retired Brothers I..U. 310, SAc n MU:NTU. CA 1.I F.­At the regu!:lr nl('eli ng of I...ocRI Union 340, on "larch 8th, the members werc 111'ivileged to honol" thr"ec ul .1 tilllc retil"ell UI"othel"s"

!' resent to uccept 50-yenl" Ilins and scrolls wcroc ,,"r"cd (Tcd) Hoyt allol f'l"lInk J" Z'Bel"g Jr. lIoth of these bl"others ha,·e sen"ed the local in yenrll past [I II I~xeclltivc BOHnl M em­bers and have en\'inble ,"ccol"d8 of be­ing (uithrul members with good ut­t('lItlance I"(!(."()n\s.

This brings to mind the 1930's when L"U. :HO 1\(111 1I mcmbc,""hi]l of flultl ]25 to 150" In t hoSE: tlu),s OUI" meeting att('lIdunce I"nn consistently (1"0 111 80 to 100. 10'01" the pa"t 10 years our ml'mUel·shi ll has beCII IUU or" bellel"" OUI" attendance lit meetings (unless II

~ Ilceinl ol"del" of bU Hi lle~~ is in\"olved) r"uns cOllsil'lt('ntly (I"om 125 to 150.

This must be Ihe gooll union /IIcm-

bel" s pirit of (SI:IY away and let Gcorge do it), or which we hellr so Illuch fr"Om 111"eSS secretaries" Thllt, is lIot, the recommended way to build a ~t!"ong !J1"o thel"1lOuJ"

Thl! 10cIII :llso r"eceh·ed a GO·yelll" pin and scroll for ;\ l"enl old-timel", Alhl'rt II. (BlIldy) Schen-er, now IOC­tired und liVing 111 1'"I"e8nO, CalifOl"lliu"

A lettcr was reccived from I3J·othel" SchcI"I"er, ~tuti ng hi s I"egrets as he was unable to attcnd the prescntation.

Br"()th('f Schel"l"el· was a fOl"lllel" P resi\lent of L.U. 340 in the lale 1920's 01· enrly 19aO's. lie wns :l if'nell('r" of electrical elusses in the Fl"Csno high IIchool s for se\"cr"al years prior to his reti)"cment.

BI"()thel' SchelTer merits the I"eSI)cct and n well dum! (rum tim Brutherhood and the clcctl"icul intiustt"y in gellel"al.

C. A. H U:<;T, R.~I.

Perth Amboy Local Proudly Presen+S-I..U, 3(",8, p .. ~ nTIl AMBOY, N"J .­You who \"('lId 0111· ""~Icdl"ical Work· ers' ,/ourllal" :lj"e aware tlwt our III"othe1"hooli is mllde up of rair­minded, hard-wol"king Americlllls. You clo not ha\'C to be told this. But there are thOUII:l m]g of ullOI·gnnizcd wor"kers in OUI" society who do not know this. Anti-union IJI"O pagamlll scems to ha,·e ('(Itl"jnced thcm thal unions :Ire some­how un-Americall und bHsically un fail""

N.J. Brofher Accepfs Award

Broth.r Rob.rt O.hill, "9ht, II 40.y'" m,mbll' of Loul )5S, Perth Amboy, N"J"" II~d ~lIlety olli"", for th . P.rlh Amboy Po~i Olli,., lice. ph th. filth con~.c~IiY. 'Ifety awerd won by the locel POl' ollict. William Collinl 01 th, NIllonel S.f,ty COllncil ;, p .... nti~9

th, aWlrd_


These })COllie who should be for us are ag;linst us.. They do not know that onl! of our cardinal princillies is II.

commitment to "organize the unor­ganized." What are we doing to change this image! 18 there an~·thing we ciln do to com'inee :1 ffizable sec:tor of our citizenry that we nre truly American and belie\'e in fair play!

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico hired David OgiJvy about 10 years ago (or the express I)Url)Ose of creat­ing here on the mainland a fa\'onlble image of that unfortunate island. The island gO\'el'nor was convinced that such 11 move would nlean the salva­tion of his depressed Ci':onomy. So, what haJlllened?

Within olle decade the magic of ad­\·c l·tisi ng hl ill so tra nsrOnlH!d Pucrto Rico's image in Amedcnn minds thll t today most Ileoille think of it as a ll"()pical paradise. Ils allpeal to A med­can invelltors and tourists is the talk of Latin American embassies. ils economy iff nourishing. In his book. "Confessions of an Ad\'ertising J\I ;m," Mr. Ogilvy describes hla advertising campaign which made Puerto nieo's transformation possible. In his ad\'er­tisements he siml)l), emphasized the good things about this little Carib­bean island. And if the eXDmllle of Puerto !tico's "renaiall:lnce" is not enough to prove the l)Ower of ad­\·ertising. Mr. Ogil,,)' points to the case of A. T. and T.: "George Cecil ""rote the A. T. and T. advertising copy for 30 years anti succeeded ill building an image 110 favorable that it made a monopoly 1)Ol)ular in a country whieh has no love for monoIIOIiCI." Pel'hallS in these da),a when we ate huving sueh II time of it trying to l'epeul sectioll 14(b) of Taft­ihrtley, we would do well to hire II David Ogilvy or n GcoI'ge Cecil.

or course, knowing a labol' union fl'om t he ins[de is OIlC wny to build u f;wOl'nblo image of it. Pcrllal)!! if we spotHght a couple of mllk-antl-filc union men, we will get ;1 glimpse or ;l union from withi n.

We of L.U. 358 are Ilroud to Ilresent our Brothel' member, !tobert D:lhill. He has heen I I member of our brothel'­hood for 40 )·ears. When he was recording sec:retnry of our local in pre- Wagner Act dars, our Executh'c Board used to meet in his p:lrlor. Those were the days when we could not afford to hire a regular meeting place. Today nob is secretary-trens­urer of our Perth Anlbo)' Electrical Workers Association. lie has always been interested acth'cly in our union affairs.

DUring the depression when mem­bers were luck)' if they could st:I)' off the relief rolls, Bob took a job in the poatoftlce. I-Ie hus been thel~ ever since. The pay wnsn't much but it was Blendy and whenever he could he worked out of the locul us :In Elec­tricia n and kept hia 1.13.KW. dues (laid up. Two gener'ationa of Ele<:tri-


Brother " Stretch"

/ ,

Brother Ed "Stre tch" Shoobridg l , tend. on th Cli ffw ood, NJ. job lite, one of • lon9 lil t of eled.i.:.1 c:ond. udion job. tha t he

su perviled.

dans ha\'e known him ns the "mail man" and confidently went to him to solve their problems with postoffice red talle. Dob no longer l)Ounds the ""I\'ement with a mail !>.'1g O\'er his shoulder, lie is foreman of pa~l­post and footcarriers at the Perth Amboy General Post Office.

He is the proud father of two sons, both college grnduates. The elder aon holds a doctornte in chemistl·),. He succeeded in financing most of hill education b)' winning fellowshi ps. The younger son contented himsel f with his B. A. de"p·ee.

Another mcmber we nr'e pr'oud to rccogni1:e is Edward (SL,.elch) Shoo­hl'i(lge. He is a tall, stcl'll-Iooki ll g llHIll wilh a gruff, law-man like llwn­ntH" Fo]' 30 years, E(l hilS bec n )'un­ning jobs ill constl1..Lction, ce,.tninly one of the roughest of American in­dustries. The hail-fellow well-met type of SUjlcl"\,isor !limjlly docs not survive in this businesa. Ed had to be tough. and he was.

Many members recall the night n disgruntled Brother he had fired on one job wnlked O\'er to hinl before the meeting and after hurling insults tried to beat him up. Thia is the j)rite a foreman has to pa>' if he is determined to run a job in the best interests of the union nnd the employer. Howe\·er. "guts" is not the only quality a good foremnn must ha\'e.

"Stretch" knows hill business. He can look at a set of I)rintll for a I!hort while nnd he is rendy to I)ut n gang of mcn to wOlk Those who know him well daim he hal! a " llhOtogl'aphic memol·~"" And )lothi ng ever worries him, 110 mat ter how big thc job is.. Commended for his hOllesty b>' ut least

two bank presidents, "Stretch" is an Ullusual combination of courage, skill and homespun virtue. He ill the tYllC of man contnlctors will tell you are hard to come by.

Young allilrentices just coming into our local will hear many Paul Bun­yan-like stories or "Stretch" Shoo­bridge. Unfortunatel)'. they will not ha\'e the chance to work for him for "Stretch" has just retired. He is seil­ing his home in Keyport and expects to liJlend his golden ~'ears in Florida. OUI' best wishes go with him.

D. J. CONNQU,y, P.S.

Correspondent Speaks of De di cation of Rayburn Dam I •. U. 390. PO In' A In'H UI{, TF.X.­And so it goes--Jike the guy s. .. id as he SOI·ted hi/{ lind little pot atoes-" It ain't the work, it's the decisions!"

Tillie has once more pointed the finger of decision at L.U. 300. It is time to nominate officers fo r the next two years. This has been done and the slates ha\'e been filled to overflowing with the names of good men who de­sire to rel)resent the local union. This indicates the sign of a good omen, Ilienty of work, a certain amount of securit)', and a renewed interest in the affairs of the local union. Nomina­tion night brought out the largest crowd ! '\'C seen in many years--we ran out of chnirsj the~' hung fl'om the rafters, the short fellows stood on the shouhlcrs of the big'uns; and the smoke was ao thick, President Jerry Wood had to use radar to detect the upraised (IrIllS of the mcmbcl's II'ho wished to nominate a man (or a I)ar· ticular oltlce.

..... s your II ress sccret:u 'Y let me here and now stute thn(, I , being neithcl' II middle-of-the·roader, 1I0r leftist nor rightest; lind having sat 011 tIle "for it" side at a union meeting olle time lind on the "Jlgin it" side at another, I shall tell you here and now fo r whom I 'm going to cast my \·otes.

When the electrically controlled cur1.ains of the voting machine c1o!'Cs around me anti I am shielded from Ilr),ing eye!!!, I shall gently and firmly dellress the le\'er on the names of those men who I believe ha\'e the good will. strength. enthusiasm, and de­sire to ever impro\'e conditions for the mcmbers of this local union. "Hol~' Mackerel!" how'd I e\'er get started on this'! Let's mO\'e 011.

I'm hllilPY to report that at the present lime I have received no re­IlOrts of aerious illness among our lIIany n rothers; however, Brother Donald Aycock fell from a ladder of a loclli contractor and broke an ami. li e had the same tyt)e of accident ubout two yenrs ago and broke a leg. Tough luck Donald, old boy !


Because of the ]l1'e8sing obligations in connection with our semi-coM wars which are now as: hot as: a cOll I-burn­ing "Monkey Ilea tel'," the PI·e",iI1ell t of the United Slales was unable to come down to Southenst Texas to dedicate the great Sam Hayburn Power Dam,

He did, however, use the A, T. 1111(\

T. system nnd dellicated the dam I'in the telephone line~, lie, the \~ I'Csi( lent, was introduced hy OUt' United States Congressman, Mt', Jack Brook!!. ) 11'.

Johnson's voice l'ang out ol'er the sound system, ovet' the lund lille~, nnd every rmlio, inclu(ling the portlL­ble ones at the dam. Il l' "poke of the great (lam which when fillerl will he 150 feet high at the Ilam sile and will illl pountl many thou~[lndll of H('I'eli of waleI' atHI have a IIhot'e line 7!i(l miles long, As he talk ed, the watl' t' climbed highet' up illsi(le the tllllll, A ~ he con­tinued, he tolll the l'I"O\\'11 of the great things in slol'e for the grcat ~ tlltc of Texas, He spoke of the ~loon Shot Labol'atory at 1I 0uliton; of oil reo fineries; of hOrlies :Ill!1 ctlttle ntHI dce crOllS :11)(1 high·I)()I\'e t'ed (,:lrll; of barbecue and home folk!! alHl JlO' folks like me lind the watH ro~e high('l' in the dmll. His I'oiee ~ailed oul o\'er the gN'at State of Texas, from the "cold Siberia" of Not'thwe~t Tex:u~­the "Pnn lIantlle," down oq'r Ihe arid plains of Wes t Texa~, to the dry mountains: neal' £1 Paso; it saited down along the Hio Gnnule, the orange and lemon lnnd of lhe SUllny South, He spoke of the IP'e)lt imlu!!­tries from Brownal'ille 011 the horder of Old l\ le)[ico to I)OI't Arthur, 1;00 miles up the Gulf. The wuler climbed higher behind till' dam, II i!! I'oi('c cb'ded IIp ove t' the great " P iney I~o)'· est" of East Te)[as amI at'ound till' 7:iO miles of the SHm Haybut'n Lake; atld when he had fini she(l, 1 think the dam was filled,

F , M. "SALTl'" S,\I\' I)~: I! M. I',S,

Pre ss Secretary Requ ests Unit Ne ws L.U. ,120, WA'I'Im HlillV, COX~' .­

Local 420 has come to agl'eenwnt with the C, L. lind i'. for a t.wo-yenr con­tract. Also in agreement were Locals 753, 10·15, 11 75, 1221;, 1373 anti 181i,

Brother J oseph Fenian of I)e\'on retired from the comJlany in -'lay after 46 yearli with them, Local 420 wishes Brother Fenian nll)('h good luck ami hallilineslI,

Brother Paul DO\lskey hilS com­Jlleted 35 yent'll with the comJln ny,

Brother E rwin II , Westol'er of Devon sends this suggestion, It COl)­cerns what to do with the Sarety Award. Th is !ll'ohklll wall lHltHlled in a very Ilemocratic WHY :It the Devon Generating SIu lion, A com­mittee conductell n ))011 Ihl'oughout the lll:l1lY depuI·tlllentli in the plant


Texa s Brothers Donate labor

"'-5' I,

'i'C.\\\\i.1 ElECTRre CO, {Id


1!.l~lJl 111-1\1\

Th.le memb.n of Loc.1 Union 390 of the lion.1 810thethood of EI.cttic.1 Wo.lerl don.t.d I.bor to inli.1I .I.ct.icel witin'iJ in the nutly compl.t.d Fit. Gitl.' hut on the .nd 01 Plulu" 1.I.nd .t Po.t Arthut , Pict .... d, left to light, .t. Tommy Girolamo. Floyd And, .. " Jo. H.«;., M.lvin M.lionuul, TI.ining Oi .. ctor Floyd M, S.nd.n of the Joint Appl.n tice.hip .nd TI.ining Commifl u for the Union .nd th. Er.ctliul Contlectol' Auociat ion, Cecil Hid., Norm.n end H. w. "Swede" Han .. n (not .hown in photo), Rov Capp.donn. on. of "our new Journ.ym.n" came out Ind g'VI • coupl. of houl' WOf ~ .nd th.n ,ulh,d off hu"i.dly to b. with hi. wile

belo .. th, .tOI ~ .. ,i .. d,

and they voted to set Up :l \\"el f:lt'(' r unt!, This would help IInyouc who was out sick and who hut! used JIll t. II his benefits, So Devon hilI! no Ilrohiem of what to do with their ~:l fety uwarll.

Intel'es ted in becoming Il "A" mem­ber or wn nt infot'lllntion? Con tad Rrother Willinm Duncanson nt the rcgular meeting or at Midwood HOIul Wo1c:ott, Connecticut.

Your Pl'ess S('{'retary neeclll n('w~ for the JUt 'UNA!. fl'om rom' unit. If ~·ou have nny new!! 1)l ease gi\'e it to the business agent 01· sf'lI(1 it to mc, Guy D, Bu\'eh, Ih'idgell'ntel', ('on· necticut, 06752, The V. F , W" was Baldwin St., Wntel'bll1'y, Conn. ill thc place whenl yoU!' lOcal's regu!:u· meet­ing is held--c)Il the fom·th Fl'illny uf the month, Get ou~ and bllck youI' omcers.

Cl" · D. RI' !{(· Il , I' ,S,

Local Mourns Former Press Secretary

1.,.11, 44 1, SA:-l'TA ANA, C,\ LIF,- On ~l:lrch 26, 1965 Bt'oth(»' Dkk KI:"IIJA pUlIl!CII away, (Iue to a IWHlt aUHck, Il is sudden (lepul'tul'C WIIS II ('O!ll]flelc shock to thi s local union, AK you !'clul­ers of the I BEW mnguzine think h:u'k a few yeat'lI, while B)'o thet' Kla us WHS

;lct1\'C in our local, a member of the "E" Boa)'(1, our ),ecording secretal·Y :u III our seribe, you will recall his many items each month, presented a~ no othel' Bt'(}ther could do, It became a legend with our Califot'nin Loml l'niotl9 ami :lcross the nation, to first look at II'hlll. Brother Klaus had to say Ihill month from Local 441.

(I~·dil')/,'Ij Nole: JIIe i1l the JOUUN,\I. "(/ie,, tctlill IJ l'ot/Jer KIIIIIS (Uld his {illf' 1"'lide~ l'al/ vid(/ill. We ij/iI(1l "('Illeml'el' hi,J!. /(lU, in fIl·(lIi(lIdc,)

No\\" Brother Klau,~ has left us, but he will be remembered forel·er, About the first of May, his wife, hetter known to us all as "Sonny'·, con­tacteci one of our local members to f'Xlllain her plight. It seems Brother Klaus hlill stll rtoo to Ilaint his house, he finillhed the back, before he wa!'. taken from OUI' midst, lIere now was a hou!'C with one side olle coloI' IIml thl'ee "ides allothcr, She was informcd not to worl'y about it, that it would he taken care of,

On S:llurday morning, May 8, 196;) at 8:00 a,m, 11 electricians, a ll melll· 1>('t'l; of Local ,141 turned out to llliinl. By 4 :30 II,lll . the com plete house hall 111'0 frl'sh CO;lls of paint and was look­inlt bright nnd sassy,

EnelollCll is II pictu re or "Sonny" ami the It Locnl 44 1 members, who tU l'necl painter for the Ilay, we alAo wlint to thank them for a job well ,lone,


Painters for a Day

Loul 44 1, S.nt. An., po.., finishd th. hou'.'!'nq iob h. "" .... d b •• o •• h. d',d.

Solving Lighting Problems

Po"I.lIo, Id •. , .... d •• "en sI.inq'" 01 fiv. liqhh uch to lillh ' fen .. i, court •. Rel .... pi .. 11 I,om Ih. q.ound i ..... d. pon,bl. by wi .. ch ... t bu. 01 uch pol •.

Conlol. , .. , t.ll.d by .... mb." o' Loc.1 449 q,,,el co ... pl.t. 1I •• ibili l., 01 conl.ol 10 the .Iudent thu le. "I the Id.ho St"t. Un'''.''


Know-How Se rves Customers' Nee ds L. U • • \In, I'OCATI~LLO . IO /\ .-In the


May issue o( the Q,wlificll Cvtllrartor, the :-"ational Elet"trie;1l Contr:ldol'1l _'l agazine, Parr EIl'<'tric Company, Inc. of Pocatello, Idaho, rt'Ceh'ed rec· O/{nitiOIl for contributing knowledge, eXIJerience, ingenuity, ami resoul'Ce'­rulnes!! used in soh'ing a number of the lighting problems of 11 fa st-grow­ing institution. the Idaho State Uni· \'ersity. The article explains how, by taking a personal concC'rn and by making timely and a<l()(,lIlIte suggeH­tiOIlS that conform to th" hudgetary limitation s always I'rc.~cnt , the el('('­trical contracting industry may better serve the customers' need~.

An eXalll,)!e illustratNI in the :Irti ­ell' of the opportunitiC!I (or s('r\'icc iM the 1l1()(lcrn dimmer console ,Iesigned lind built cOlllpletely rl'OIl1 Imrl' ll1etul uy Bt'othel' Stall Po:,;t ill the PatT Elecu'ic shop. This con:,;ole is noll' in· slulled in the F rnzier Ha ll ( theuto r )

Uatk row left to right- \\' . K. Peel, Jules Bergeron, Dallas Wilson, Rob­ert Temple, Fred .\Ioore, William ilollaml, Ken Freeman.

fo'ront row I('(t to right- Woodrow fo~oster, W. A. Ferguwn, Mrs. K\:au B, George Amelotte, James Killebrew.

Elecioll of omcers of Loc:11 441 wa" held 011 JUlie d, 196':;. The (ollowing omcers were ('I('('too:

Pre!Oi<itnt Edwin J. (Ed) Hansen; Vice President James W. Kelly; Re­cording Secretary and Exccuti~'l' Uonrd Member Donald It Pohlman; Busine!Os ,\lnnager-Finnncial Secre­tary \\·urN.'n A. Ferguson; Treasurer Josel'h (Joe) Hauman.

Ex:eeuli\'e Hoard i\leml)('l"!I: Bergan M. Uavis, Kenneth Freeman, GeorgI' H. Gr:u:e, Charles Henke, George R. Smith.

Examining Boord ) Icmhers: Hob­ert Gll' n Bufor(I, James L. Carter, Frank Duff)', John E. Griffithe, Fred W. 1\I00re.

These officers will be installed July 6, 196:;.

J ,\:\n:s K~:LL\. P.S.

of the L'nh'('rsit)', and gh'es wmpleU' nexibilit)' of control desired, with a IIlwings to the customer of approxi­mately $lr"tlOo.

Further eX:llnples illustrate his 01" i>ortu nit i('s for sefl:ic-e. Lighting five out door tennis courts was accom­I)lished b)' seven stringers o( fi\'(' lights each, supported between poles at each ('11(1 or the couns. A winch loculed lit the base o( each pole (1)110-I'ite the loud end of the st ringer per­mittell the lights to be lowered (or r{'­lamping rrOIll the ground.

TheS(' are just two or th{' many eXullll)lell that this article points out o( how lhl' customers' ne«ls may he sen'ed by U ,,'l)()(1 custolller-contractor rclationshil). W{' are proud or the fuet thllt the !HEW is abl(' to furni sh the best ('ruftl.'lllen in the world to contractors, as this st imulates the cUs' tomer-contractor relationshil). As Mr. Parr put it, "As the article shows, crartsman~hiJi by your Local <119 Ilwn made this work possible. This is the 10th anlliversary of P:1rr Electric. We ure Ilroud or our record of 10 yea", as Vnion l.ocal 449 !Ohop without l..abor problems, and we Ute proud of our men. Thnnks again ror sending us cxcelltionnl workmen lind also ror the cooperlltion we ha~'e had." Parr went on to .\lay that he was especially lJl'oud or tJ1C cr:lrtsmanshill o( Brothel'll Stan Post, CI)'Ile Koroed and Ronald Scott, the members of this local who I)('l'formed most of the outstanding work de:'lcribcd in the :ll'tit'le by Mr. A. R. Woolley. Local Union 449 sa­lutes these Brothel'S as union mem­bers :lI1d liS craftsmen.

Thi .... outstanding article in the Qlw/ificl/ CMI/mcto)' was writtell by 1\1 r. A. H. Woolley, who until h is re­cent retirement was Intermountain


Oakland, Calif. Coliseum Construction

Chapter )I anager, NEeA. would like to take this opportunity to com­pliment him on an exceptional job, and also ",["h him mallY years of enjoy­able retirement. L~al 149 is proud of the relationship that we hayc had with ll ... Woolley, both as a contrac­tor for many yean'. and as cha lltcr Illanager. His mallY contribut ions to the electrical Ci)IJlrllcting industry will be long remembered in this are;1.

Doren Parr, Card Xo. 83328.), was initiated into Local I.:nion 449 in )Ian::h, 1947, and eomllieted his ap­Ill"(!ntice8hip. UIIOIl OIK'ning his own electr ical contracting shOll, he took a Partidpating Withdrawal Card on August 27, 19;)G. Local Union .J49 is proud to have Pa rr Electric ComJlan).', Inc., as a signatory controctOI" and congratulates them on 10 rears of successful busineu in a highly com­lK"tith"e field, and wishes them many more rears of success.

Through the adequate training for our journeymen ami allilrentice!' that is provided by the Nationa l J oint A w llrenticeship a nd Trnining Commit tee, and the local join t committee made ulI of members of contractors and the union, w-e will be able to continue to sUPilly the electrical industry with the best qualified c raf tsmell in the world. We look Corn"lInl to many sati!'fioo customers, such as )Ir. J ohn Korhh~, director of Physical Pla nt a t h bho State Universi ty, whose reRJlonsibili­ties inelude admini!ltration and sup,er­vision of all maintenance, remodeling, renovatiOIl and new construction. In a rapidly expanding university such as Idaho State. this is a big responsi­bility. This loca l union will I'Oll t inue to search to im prove our met hods to be of greater se n 'ice to the commu­nily and better sen'e the contracto r and membership.

Gt:RAl.I) A . G EIlIlES, B.)I.

County and State Politics Important to L.U . 595 L. U. 595. Ot\KLA~ I) , CALlF.- l-I m-e



T,l ing /I btu k .r., 1. lt to right , bro th.,l Don Loe ffl e r, J ohn Dirh, end Ken Mil l".

are a few pictures of the Oakland Coliseum and Indoor Rink taken ,1m·· ing construction in mid-June.

After spending i;Ome time at this job si te with brothel' Don r..oefflel·, I am cO!l\"i n~d tha t this will be a 11'cr('­ation show )))ace that AJamella County wi ll be proud of . Il l·other l..oetller is project supervisor fOI' Comstock Con-

!<olidaled, which is doing the electrical work.

Whell the Coliseum is a little further :I long, I will have mOI-e picture~ :11)(1 !'ome details Oil the electrical ('OI1!'t l·UI·­lion for a future issue.

Allhis writing , the C:ll ifornia Legis­la ture, aftet' regular adjournment wall just called in to n sJlecial bll(lget


Oakland Members

B'oth ... John Riley. I,ft. end Bob Griffith ;I\,I,U ridged conduit underground in 11,­

diu," bl .. ch ....

session. This was done berausc agree­ment could not be reached during the regular session on taXl-S or a stale budget.

And I)ieees of legildation thnt were of inlerr~l 10 liS, as citizens 311 well as union 1l](-1l11)('l'jl, died with the adjoum· ment of the legislature.

We 1Iiso (ace the big slate election next yellr that will undoubtedly have major chnnges in the Senate sents.

E"cn though we did mnke some gains in legislation, which we will have to c\'alu:.le nftt'r all the bills clear the Gon'mo)"s desk, these and ot~er IlI'ohlclllS seem to outweigh the g31ns.

The coming year in l)(llilies, county as well as state, could well be the most importllnt one that we will have here fOl' quite ;1 while,

The wide differences of olliniolls that al)llenr in both political I)arties, the a~Jlil':ltions of the jluI'ly lenders, the reapllOl'tioned SelUlte, and the question of how to get th(' legislntive job done best fOl' all tht' 1)('01)1 1' in the s tate are !!Orne of the mllin thoughts for uS to dwell on,

Faces of Jackson Local 60S

Th. M, p, , L Co, I;n. cr.'" from Hu.I"urst, M;u, ".nd for a pictur •• I,'t to 'i'lht.


Brot ..... H.nnington, Flow.n, S~tI, COni', H.mmoc1. Kin'l •• nd Short.r.

C, f, Sh.lf.r, Loc.1 BUli", " M. n.g. ,

M". Merion Lill.y Locel Offic. Slcr.t .. ",

I will bring you @orne details or OUI' legis lnti\'e program Imtl how our relll"esentath'es aPllroached it this yellr. But the state government as a whole should be what we are most concerned with now nnd until next yenr', elections,

V.:us n.:CK, P,S.

Lots of Journeymen

Working in Jackson

L.U. 60:;, J ACK SOX, ) II SS.-From OUI' u\'ailable information the 226 miles of EHV steel tower line is g('t· ling UI) just I.OOul ;1 full head of st('am, They already ha\'e Illimy CI'C",S of line· IIII'll, III("i ng and erecting towers in the Ilroximity of fo'ren ch Cam p, Missis· s illpi, wth their Job Headqual·ters in Koftciusko, Mississippi.

As we understan(1 it, the schedule culls for this entil-e ~~HV s~'stem to IIf' ollel'ational al'IlI'oximatcly two ~'eal'l\ (I'om now insofar as the owner com· Imny P l ississil)I)! Power and Light Compllny) is conCCI'ned, This will ill­clude a huge flew IIOWer plant on the MissillSi""i Rh'er just to the South of Vicksburg,

We would like to make this obsen'a­tion-that if this schedule is met, the I)('()ple who are engaged in this en­de:n-or will not have any grass grow­ing under their feet.

The J:.ckson-Bl'OokIHl\'en re·conduc­tor, rebuild job h!l~ been coml)leted to the Highway 55 crossing just south of '1'1'1"1")'. Mississi l'''i. And in additon thereto it has bcen rc· routed and rc­l'olHluctot'cd UII'ough the Cryst:d SWings Substation, With three s pan~ adjacent Lo the Sub being completed, thi" lillc had to he I'e-energized fol' the summer, Meanwhilc CI'CWS hare

J . W , SP&<I" M, p, & L, Co. S ....... ic.m~1\



"Gateway to the Moon" Power Plant

Iniide EI'l;!rieiani, telt 10 rit;Jh l. IIrft: fron t rnw, D. Elrod, A. 0"," '1' . E. Young, S. McC.rh, C. Will"" •. For'mln; H. Woodcock. SIMd· ing ••• : R. Wli9hl, Sup.rinl. ndenl; N. Griffi th. G., H. Reid, E. Jord,n, J. $mlllle .. , J. Griflh, J. D.~if. R. Hutchinson, B. Stud·

dill, D. t""'io'l . Fore","n: F. H"ringlon, C. Gil ••. B. F,il" For .... an; F. Klfn, Ind W, Cook •.

I~n I)ulied buck into the al'ea of Jackson, to build lmd e rCt:1 :lIlIJl"oxi­mately 20 "teel towers, :ilong with 1\

('olll;idcl'ablc nUlll bel' of pole ~ \ I'udul'cs, ,find in CUII!lcdiuli UH!n.'\\'ilh duing mnll)' t'c-routing, raising nnd cut-over jobs, some for new highwaYIi ami ~ome rot- new Rub;;, all of which has been on the Illi K V system.

We liti ll Ill'c(l linCUl(,1l 111111 other workmCll to man these joh~, Again nUl' r'nle for joul'llc)'Ill{'n i~ $4.:34, plus 2 Ilereelit (III :111 ~ tr'night time (or 1':!clltion I'll)'. We hnl'c two-II'a)' lnll'cl time lifter I'CIJOrting (UI' wOI'k 111. hcud'IUtll·tel'S, and douhlc time (or all over'time work ell. [f yuu arc in­tel'e~ted in I'oming hen,' 1!lt'a ~l' ('nIl our Omee !M8-5761 01' !}48-!'i76:!, MIl)' )'OU all hal'C heaven's hlcl'll'lingll!

J, W. Itn:st:u., P.S,

Orlando Local Th.nks Brother Roebuck I..U. 606. O lt L,\ .' f) O. FLA.-Am se nding you three pi('turl'!I hoping rOll can ~ holl' tlll'!ll in OUI' t:LI';('TIII(',\1. WOnK I,U:; J!l1 It:'"\I,, OtiC i!l pan of the c'rclI' of the inside EI('('trkians; lmother is tI 11:\1' \ of the line crt'w thaI h('lped build a 1l0WCi' \llnnt to fum ish liltht. ami powel' (or CII]lI' I\ennedy and :\!err'itt lslnnll known :I!' the "ClItcw:!y to the Moon,"

This i~ one of the IIlenm power I)lants being built by the Ilcelllcl Cor­Iloration for Florilla 1'0wI'r and Light. This unit Ilroc l uces l :I:!.OO(l·kilowatt~ ;lnd is located on thc hunk of the Illdian Hil'el' between TitUlwiJle allil Cocoa ill easl central Florillu,


LiMe c .. w, lefl 10 .ig!'I, Me: L. Wei')!. I, Superinlendent; W. T. HUrll, C, 81~Mh C. Gil. more, L, Sh~nrel l e., H, Jell ~nd E. Rob.rh.

Initial con~truO::liu" bq;"" ill I'\'\'­ruary I ()6:.!, and the generatOl' rollcd 011 schedule April I:!, and lI'('nt on the line Allril 1:1, 1!16[j.

Thr thinl picturr is of Rrolh('l' Hany O. HO<'iluek the "sllI'inK thi,'k· ell" of I..U. GO(;. HI'othel' !hwhuek \1'118 born July 1G. 18811 a1ll1 wa~ iniliatNI into L.U. 18 1 on Ma y :!O, I!.IOS, Ill'other Hoc'huck was 1It<:1'I)\('I! into L.U. 606 Dcc. 18, 1!)45 lind "ctirel! f)'om "activo" ]l:LI,ticiJlntion nn I)rt, I. l!1:)2, Since his retirement Brother H(){'huck has lIcted as exetulil'(' IIl'trC­tary to thc J,A.T.C, and has (Iolle an oulstutillil1g' joh of dil'eCting our Ap­llrentice JIl'og-ram, Rrotl1l'I' l {(wIJm'k has heen II wonderful examl)1c 1,1 OUI' IIppl'cntice ~ and jouI'llcymell, us a union lIlembCl' lind II Chri~tinn,

On May 7, 1!l65, L.U, /iO(; n1l't11bcrs ll11CI guests enjO>'f'(1 111\ {,I'(·ni ng of t1ininlot and t1ancinK at the HolX!rt Me)'(,I' l\Io\('1 in Orlando. IIrotlwr II nn'y Hoclruek was the )(1U'A t of honol' and we hclllCd him ('dehmle his

H.rry 0, Ro.buc~ 10 yell'l old, 57 y ..... i~ Ik, I.B,E.W,

80th hirthday nnd 57th year me a m(,rllhel' of the IBEW. E\'eryon{' I'njo~'ell thc outing IIml we are lookinK forwunl to lhe next event.

JAM .:!! M. S;ll ULU:N. P.S.


Local 631 Graduation Dinner

Th. ,,'ireG me"'"" of loul 611 .r., net,d, r.fl 10 "ght, Edward Whetmore, LID 0,Il0l,,,. John E. Mond,y. Sr., .nd Robert Hughe,. Sl.nding .r., I,'t 10 right, W,lt,r Il0l ...... 1, Sr" Edwin Cunningham,

R,tired memb., of loul UI, Robe.t Hughes, I,ft, chatl .... ith Edward 5'9", bUline" me .. ege., Rob .. , Hughn, I.u.u •• r, end

g.,due'e Otto 8,.ae" end Nid So,enlon.

Some of th, 11'11 .. "cerY,",,:! clt'ifiulu of compl, t ion Irom the 8UfUU of Apprentice.hip Training .re, 1,1, to "9M, Metth, .... Hill, Willi.-", Schmid t. Steve S.9.'. Ch.rle. Spring,

, I .. d, Otto Breitenbach end Willi,m Flannery.

Apprenticeship C ertificate Worth $25,000, Say Educators Lt' . 631, :"IEWIJU HG II . N. Y.- The Joint AIIIJ.,c ntil"eshiIJ Committee or IBEW l.ocnl 631 or Newburgh, New York held its 11th Annual Apllrenlice Graduation Dinner at the lIotel Ne .... • burgh on Thursday evening, June 17th, )965.

O"er 100 members lind friends of the local attended this affair. The speakeMl included Dr. lIarold Monson, superintendent of the Board of Edu· cation of the Enlarged School District of Ne .... burgh, and lIarr)' S. Nicko­.... itz. senior ap)lrelltice training rep­resentati"e, Bureau of A)lprenlice Training of the :-J.Y.S. Department of Labor.

Dr. MonllO rI congratulated the grnd· uates 011 thei,' atlainment and in· formed them that theil' truining under a five -},rnr program Wil li comp:lrIlble to at. lellllL n 2 year a ssociate degn.'c at one of the community colleges. II I! urged them to furthe r their l~dUCll'


!ion, if j)OS8ible. and to take part in communit)' activities. Dr. Monson said, "Take part in civic uctiviti(:s ami see that YOU I' Government Ilrllctices thl' best in civic leadership. Usc part of your leisure time to improve your ski lls and knowledge." The !!peaker pointed out that the electrical busi· ness is as \'igorous as law. medicine. education o r electrical engineering. He urged the graduates to be aware of new techniques and to keep up with the late!!l develOllmentll in the elec· trical trades.

Dr. )lonlOn said, "These new tech­niques have made it lKJ!!sible to work 40 houMl a we-ck or less but the amount of production continues."

Speaking of growth. the superin· tendent l)(lillted to the illcl"easing school population in the urea. He saill at the )lrellCnt rate of growth, $3 mil· lion to $5 million in school build ings would have to be el"t!(;ted eve ry fh'e yean;.

Dr. Monson continuelt, "We are now renting 12 ou tside cla991'oonl S and the junior high schools are cz·owiled. Each

SeptemlJer we lia\'e from 600 to 800 more school childz-en and thi s repre-8en ts 30 more classrooms and SUi million in 8<'hool buildings needed. This NO\'ember 1 we will have to come before you lind othcr "oten; to explain this si tuation."

The sup·e rintendent added, " \Ve've built :I1,out $13 million in schools since I ellme hel-e with your hel)1 and you've done a good job. Most of you have wOI'ked on the Newburgh Free Acad· emy IIl'Oject." The audience WIIS largely com l)(lsed of electrical contrae­tors ami IREW Local Union G3 l olli· ciuls :Ind representatives.

Mr. Nickowitz ]Iraised the progress of the tr:linillg program in the New­burgh urea and was ]mrticularly pleased that the apprentices of the J AC's of Ellenville Local 80G, ) l iddle­town Local 13:l, and Kingston Local IH5 were required to attend the classes of related instruction at the Gidney Avenue Memorial School in New· hU I"gh.

i\II-. Niekowit1. spoke of his trip 10 the 2 1st Eastern Seaboard Apprentice­shi p Conference at Allantic Cit)' th:ll week at which time he was in attend· ance at the Electricians ' Panel with nonald G. "Dutch" Hughes, secretary of the JAC.

Mr. Nickowilz expressed regret that ilarry A. Moss. Jr., dir-ector of thc Bureau of Apprentice Training was unable to be with the gathering that e"cning since the acth'ities of the Eastern Seaboard Apprenticeship Coll­ference detailled him in Atlantic City.

Olle of the highlights that came out of the conference was the fact thaL while the new!!papers Illay up the $500-$1,500 scholarships awarded to students goillg to college, the}' neglect to give lJublicity to the fact that a five,yc:l r :IIJllrenticeship course in the eleetl"icnl trade il; worth approximate­ly $25,000, including" the trainee's elll'nings, Ilfllctical instl'uction on the job and theory in the classes of re­luted ins ll·uction.


1\I r . Nickowitz presented the Cer~ tificates of Completion Crom the Bureau of Apprenticeship Training to the following grJ.duates : Sa muel Con­nelly, William Flannery, William Schmidt, Charles Springstead, Otto B reitenbach, George N'agangast, S te­phen Sager, Matthew Hill.

Mr. Fred Pelin, director of I ndus~

trial-Vocational Education, Newburgh Board of EdUcation, presented the school certificates to the graduates. He congratulated the eight graduates as did severa l union oftlcials.

J oseph Perreca, president of the Joint Electrical Apprenticeship Com­mittee ]lresided at the annual dinner.

The committ~ ill charge of ar­rangements included J OSCllh J. Per~

reca, chairman, Ronald G. Hughes, James V. Kelly, Edward Sager .

A good rellrcSCntatiOn of both the contractors and union leaders from Middletown, Kingston, Ellenville and Newburgh werc present. Among the business agents were Edward Sager, Newburgh Local 631; Frank Kennedy, Ellenville Local 806; Thomas Mitchell, Kingston Local 645; and Francis Ward, secretary of the JAC of Mid~ dletown.

Joe Parrella, Ed Cunningham and Norm Lc Clair, the instructors, WCI'C

Local 640

hOnol'eeI for the impor tant pa r t they play in the t raining program.

T he following retired employes were recognized f rom the dais : Tony F a­r ina, Ed Whetmore, Nick SorenSOll, Rube Fritts, Leo De Mers, Walt Mar­vel, Sr., Ed Cunningham, Jack Mu n­day, S r., Bob Hughes.

Officers of Newburgh Local 631 were recognized by James Smith, president.

A full course beef dinner was sen'ed, Ilreceded by a cocktail hour.


Phoenix to Host Next IBEW Bowling Tournament L. U. 6·10, PllO fo:K IX, AIHZ.-After having a wonderful time at J ackson­ville, Florida, site of the 1965 IBEW National Bowling Tournament, Local Union 640 of Phoenix, Arizona is pre­]luring for the 22nd Annual Rowling Tournament in 1966.

Using experience gained from our own bowling league and previous Na~ tional Tournaments we are hoping to have a successful tournament and convention . Any information desired concerning the 1!)(i6 IBEW 'l'OUt'lHl.-


The J 966 tBEW Bowling T ourna­ment will be in Phoenix, Arizona. For information , contact:

Charles Hend ricks, Jr. Tourname nt Secretary

22nd IBEW Tournament P. O. Bo. 14549

Phoenix, Arizona. 8503 t

ment should be addressed to Charles Hendricks, Jr., Tournament Seen~­tary, 22nd Annual Tournament, P. O. Box 14549, Phoenix, Arizona, 85031.

The accompanying photograph is of award winners in our Local Union Bowling League. The winning team in ou r second year of bowling was Sl)on.sored by Reynolds Electric and Engineering Company of Phoenix. Dyer Electric team wa~ )'unner up. Awan:ls were presented the last night of bowling.

001'.',\ 1.1) C. SHAW, Prcsident, BQwlil!.g iJcague

Award Winners

1_ , ' Receiving . ... ardl in t!.e l ocal b40 80 ... ling Luque we'e. bottom row. le l t to riq!.t. Dyer Electric turn: C hMiel A. Porler. Bill Porler. W ilbur Dyer. sponsor; Jod Derner. Ch~ rle . J . Porte r. Phil Mogel. and f. W. Robed l. Mernben of the Reynolds Electric. t eam and ind io "id u~1 winner< a re. bad row. le ft to right. Bill G ierke. Jim laughlin. C liff Murray. high . erie. handicap: Charles Hendrich . Sr .. Ray Linde ll , high game ,cr.tch: BiU Holt. high game handicap; DOli Sho .... Pr8lident ISEW Bowling leaque, high ,erie, ,erateh : Tony M •.

chacel::. Charlll HeMY. OIId Ch.rle. Hendrich. Jr., ,ecretary_trla'Url r JBEW Bowling lugue. high


Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Graduation Exercises

Pictured on the I. ft ,Ue memben of 'he In,id. Wireman Joinl Apprenticeship Training Committee, left to right, Earl Child., KaMe11. Par~er. lecretery and vice.president of Loc.1 728; 0"". W.y",,,ni, end Williem Sell, <,heirmen. On Ihe right line g,.duelin,:! apprentice

E. C. Powell receives en lIo"'II.d from Malcolm Get,u, "9111.\! pertners to th" dance floor in the I.ft pidur. followinq the ceremoni., ere, lefl to 'i9hl, Denn;. BO"91i end Bob Horen. Th. Loc.r 728 line G •• du"ling Cleu, pidured on th .. right, indudu, I.ft to righi, Curli. Andrew., McL .. yn, end E. C. Powell.

Judge Says Journe yme n

Train More Than He Did

L, U. 728. FT. LA Uf)EIW ALE, FLA . -App,'cntices of nil C)'UnS through­out the al"ea wcre awarded their cer­tificates Itt the second unnual gr:II{u. iltion dinner and exen:ises held on June 12 in the Galt Ocean Mile Hotel. They he:II'o the Honorable Judge Her bert O'Toole say that he always re­searched his subject when he received an im'italioll to speak at 11 gnthering of this /wture and what he found" w;rem.n gradu.te. of local 728 ere: front row, Jelt to .ight, Ron Ternago, Joe To"l, Bob Ho."n, Leonard Milel, and Bob Minh; b"d row, left to right, R"y W, G"iehky,


l arry Ford, G"ry Miller, Rog8' T"ylor, find Denni. Boegli,

728 are, 11 ft to righ t, Jaml1 ,Icre' ery: J ohn Coleman, chairman: Meleolm Glhee, consultenl ; C"rI Surey, Ind

Hanry Shaw, in"rudo', AI"K Bolion, eommitt",m" n wu nol pro.a nt.

about the lLppn:nti~ program amazed him. "I find that sollle or )'OU havc Ilut in more hours wilh )'our studies and on·the-job lI'aining to prepare you [or your journeymnll card than I did to Ilrepare me fOi' my profes· sion." li e went on to sa)' that he never kllew this as the newspaper of the area IlCvcr informed the public of this fac~.

"If I were you." hc added, " I would get this inConllation to the Jlublic even if it Illeant buying' advertising space".


There was no " Apprentice of the Year" picked this year as five ap­prentices tied [or that honor. Accord­ing to them the}' were all outstanding apprentices. The first year class is running even closer than this group. The grades run from a low of 84 to a high o[ !J6.

We hope you like the pictul'es but the one we wanted most did not turn out. You l'emcmbel' Mike O'Brien be­glln this class and thcn fell six sI01·ies. He had to give up the class. Al'nold Bleeker completed the tel'lll but the boys wanted !'.like invited to their graduation. Mike was not only able to make the dinner but has re­turned to work. Look for his and Arnold's picture at a later date.

The inside apprentices received vol­tage testers and the line alJprentices, pliers.

The work situation has remained good all summer and is expected to remain the same [or quite some time. Each one of you is working full time. Your billfolds should be packed. Un­der these circumstances people begin buying. This is as it should be. You may need new shoes, a suit of clothes or a hat to be bought, a house to be built, a loaf of bread, a new car, ciga­rettes, 01' a can of beer. The best shopping guide you call find anywhere is the Union LabeL I t is a reminder or quality merchandise made under decent working condi t ions by well paid workers.

Ladies ! Starting March 1, 1959 everr dress manufactured by membel'S of the Intcrnational Ladies Ganncnt Workers began to carry the ILGWU label. These rraternal Brothers and Sisters of )'our husband make upward of 130 million dresses yeady. Thesc all bear the Union Label. Surely you can find one suited to your needs.

Teach your husband, teach your children, to recognize and demand Union Label products. It is ou r life, perhaps yours as well . You women hold the 1lUrse strings so how about spending your husband's union-earned money fOl' products produced by other union members whenevel' 1lossible. There goes that cross phasing again. We blow more fuses that way!

A loca l union auxiliary cOllsists of the mothers, wives, daughters and sist-crs of union members. Surely one of your most productive members must have the required amount of female personnel within YOUI' own fa­mily to organize our most needed auxiliary. \Ve need marc picnics and dances and the)' are the most logical people to do it.

Bill Coogan reports the bowling teams did not fare too welt at the last meet but he has agreed to furn­ish us with some pictures for the next letter. Seems like there was something else but guess it is better to forget it as we have been requested


by the editor to cut down on the pic­tures and lette!'!;.


Baton Rouge Local Elects New Officers L.U. 767, HATOX IWlJGE, LA.­Local 767, on Tuesday, June 22, elected a new business managel··/lnan­cial secJ'etar~', treasurer, three new ~ixecuti\'e lloard members, and three new Examining Board memben;. The incumbent I)resident and recording secretary were unOPllosed, as was the new \'ice president.

The oflicers for the next two years to be installed on Tuesday, July 13, al'e as follows:

President Charles Scott (unopposed and re-elected); Vice PI'esident G. A. Williams (unopposed); Business Man­ager.Financial Secrctary Donald O. Fletchel'; RecOI..!.ing Secretary M. n. Kennedy (unopposed); TJ~asurer T. L. "Smokey" Lange.

Executil'e Board Members: James W. DUncan (1'e·c1ected); Frank C. Davis, Jt·. (re-elected); J. B. Bond (re-elected); Ft'eddie Gautreaux; Billy Goodale; Grover 1\1. Richards (re· lected); Sanfot"!' P. LeMoine.

Examining Board Members: Doug­las A. " Poncho" Hcrnandez; Richanl Haynes, Giles E. Merritt.

1\1. B. K.:x:-;";IlY, P.S.

Tele phone Local Demonstrat es Brothe rhood L. U. 827, Nl':WAHK, N.J.- Members of :llorristown , Unit No. 11, Telephone Workers Union, Local 827, recently ga\'e a vl\'id demonstration of brother­hood in action when they fanned a task force to help a Brother in dis-

tress, one Sunda)' in Mar. "You ne\'er know how man)' friends

you ha\'e until the chips are down," Erwin Dahms, a multiple sclerosis ,·ictim." said and shook his head in wonder as he watched nearly 55 fel­low union membel'S hammer, saw and paint to comJlletc a I~pair and land· scaping job on his modest six-room Cape Cod bungalow in Rh'el' Hoad, Stanhope.

"This is like something you would read about but ncver expect to havc h;lppcn to ~'ou," he said.

13t'othel' Dahms, who was an opera­tiolls clerk in the l\lonislown district for nearly J2 years, was fon~ed to stop wOI'k last October when he be­came ill. He contracted the illness soon after mOl'lng into the house with his wife and four children. "Since then. all these jobs have been piling up around here," he said. "Then the fellow~ all showed up at 8 o'clock one Sunday morning and starled to work. I can't believe how much they have accomplished in such a short time. I guess I have some very good friends."

He said, "I never realized before that pCQ]lle could be this neighborly and care that much about ellch othel·." Hi s wife, Shirlcy, added in awe. "The t rouble is, I don't know how we can sa l' thank "ou."

Dave Taylor, chairman of tIll: unit, said that the idea had originated at a membership meeting aile nigh t and was enthusiastically appro"ed. He said that this sort of thing was ·'some· thing you don't filld much of these days, but" he continued, "this is what unions at'e supposed to be doing for each othet· and fOI' themseh·es. After­all, we call ourselves a Bn)therhoocl and this is just another demonstralion of what brotherhood means."

The energetic helping hands carted away 20 truckloads of rock fl'Om the grounds, spread a truckload of dirt, donated by T. Landi and Sons, Inc.

New Jersey Brotherhood in Action

po.e motller .urrounded loy memloe .. of Locol B27. Ne ... or~. N.J. ofter the yard ... as seeded in <;Ira ...


Helping Out A Brother

Broth,,, .ded u .. p.i, .... ," 'nd dOl,d in .. Im,lI lid. porch. Many h."dl from Loul 121 .ccomplished .. !I'''' deal in .. short time.

Broth •• 0,1.",,' houw "'11 1"Mformed f,o m .. 9""'"9 ... hil, 10 .. Iplrkling brown.

of llorri~town, and ~(!tled the 111\\,11.

They hnuled in II lond of ('rushed slone tor the dri\,('wn>', ulso donated by Landi, I1l1d P;I\'('U :I walk from the drh'C h) the front do<w with II load of cement contributed b)' Gmr Con.<;truc­lion COllllHlny of lIIol'lilltown.

Their paint bl"U~heR 1t'aIlSronllCU the hou!Ie lind garnge frOlll H grnying whit(' to n freshly gte;lIning brown in two hoUl's lint.

The wOL'kcrs brought along their ..

own food 1111(1 d rink lind made a dllY­long I) ;cnie of the job.

" We'roe meeting all th(' e:q)"nll{,11 i",'olved," TaylOl' said. "The unit 1>1 llroviding the paint, gr'ass seed, fer'ti· Iizer and itrrnbel', besille!l manl)()wel',"

As the r'epail'nren fini~h('d closing in the small side por'ch, the o:lhms' ch i! · dl'Cn, Dehbie, 12, Kath)', 10, Don 9, and On\'y G, nlll exl'iteltiy insid(' :lnd out to watch the Ill'O(.'('edings,

" We'r'e <111 overwhelmed," !mid Mr~, Dahms, who is cXJl(>(,tinj{ theil' fifth child in cady Augu~t. "The whole family cer'tainly all ll r'('cilltes thi ll,"

"I don't think anything else hilS l'Cached me, HftNI my 111Ond(' like thi ll s ince I've been s ick," Da hms mu:wd, " It 's like !\ miracle dr'ug,"

As word of Unit 11 '8 hr'()theJ'ly ltet became known in other' ('Il'('IIS, con· gratulations I)()urcd in fr'om other' union memhers in other units,

President Merrigan ell lJreSlIed hill congrntulntions to en;t 11 for' what he called "one of the fin('~t IU:ts of union brother'hood I ha\'c e,'el' I«'(:n."

HODF..R'T E. nYk~.:S, P,S.

Correspondent Asks All to Study Constitution and Follow It 1..1',952, \,EXTl' IU. CA1.1 F,-T han' just returnl'<l fl"Om Sant;L Bllrhal':l, California, \\hel'C thc !(outhern ,Ioint Confel'CII('e Meet ing wa~ hosted by Local II:!. Business Mnnagcr I)al(' Milne, hill staff ami tllf' menrlK'ndlip of Local ·II:! lire to 1)(, (,ongratulated for a fine job well Ilon(', Thank ~'ou, l.ocal 11:3,

I might lll~o mention that til(' I1l'Xt confel'ence will lJc held in Sun Diego, with Local Union 56!) ns host,

The Bus iness Agent's Meeting on i\lay 21, WlLS something no one CQuld fo rget. us each business agent has different. IJI'Oblems, which indirectly affect. each local, new electl'ical Ilrod· uets and who's going to install them­new wall paper, heating, «iling hent· ing; tl'Ouble with other crafts that lU'C

doing underground work: rll'al organi· tation~. 8uch as non·unions, District sn, and abo\e all, the ABEW (Ameri· can Brothe"hood of Electrical Work· ers).

Brothel1'l, these lire 1I0t :<mall proh· ICllls when you sit fOUl' and five houl'~ and Ii,.;t('" to some very good busineslO agcnt" ami Intenrational Representa· ti\·es who d('bate man)' of these i~su('~.

How cnn we com hat the 1)I'ohlellill and IICl'manently CUI'C them? Thel'l' is 110 curl' uut we can help oursel\'('s :r lot if we all take a little time to face the fUt.'lll and, through a littlc stud)' of OUI' own Constitution, we could leul'n to H,"c UI' to it.

n was stated at this conference that :r lot of the membel'S of these rll'al organizations were once membel'S of the IIn;w. Let's begin wilh our tra\'eling BI'others; if we would go by our Constitution, somc of them would not get millll'Cllted.

I think there is reason enough fOl' an Amel'iI.'an who fought in the war8 fOl' you, me and himself to expect all assumnee of fail' and ellual tJ'CatnJ('nl and the right to make a Jiving as h(' ~l'ClI fit fOl' his family. 'I'hel'Cfor-e, it is quite I)()ssible that the memhe!'!. who ddftctl aWlly frolll the IHEW feci the Mille lI'a)',

I think the fact that;\ man can IJ:I ~!I ft good ('x:lmirlation jll'ove!! he wants to be a good union man, ami he IOhoultl be taken into OUI' great organization, fol' we do not want these men in rind organization!!. HCI)1 ('1l1i:te1'. Brother'lI, if a hig I."nough gl'oulI get!! aPJl ro\'('tI as :L lal)()r or'gani1.aUon, it will I.Je ofT and running, It is ]l1'()\'ed that thc A BEW is being hclped b)' :I politicnl jmrty thl'()ugh donations and inde· pendent rontn,etOI'5. Bl'Othel'5, do we need this kind of cOllllI('tition in the I HEW' I think we !lhould again study our Constitution, follow its rules, think a lot, close ranki< and get h. .. ck to whllt thill I BEW WlHI intended for and ~till iii, if we want to keep it the organiJ;ation that it is,

I remember when it was a pleasu,'e to go into other localll and work. It felt \'el'Y good to ha\'e a husin(-lls n]llnager sa~', "IIi, what can we do (or you ,.. If he did not have work, he would helll you 011 to 1I0mc oth ... r local. Nothing wall e\'CI' lost, but 1,lent)' Willi gained in fellow~hip and that g:t\'C you COUI.LgC to try to be :1

l}('ttl'l' union man. You enn al!k Br'Othel' P(,I 'I'Y B,lkl'l',

llusinesR AK(>nt Tim Cook in Kansas, Nick Nil-hols in OCI1\'el', Mu t t Thomp· son ill Mon tana, Nell Thomilson in Texas, 1111(1 l.onnie !'ate in Alabama


fOl' answel'" to some of the kind of problems we have, and I am sure these Brothers will know some of the answel·S that will help us cope with the Qne~ at hand in nlQst Qf the locals.

Well, Brothel·s, I think thi s is enough Qn this subject, but «Qn't take Qffense, just think these things Q\·el·, and if )"QU come up with sQrnething, write in to the .IOtTRX,\I •.

I win say this, too, that when most. tr.!\"elers deposit their clln"is in rour local when work is slack, 1Il0st of them mo\·e on to other areas and sometimes a local lIl;;n at· two go with him. So, it all evens itself up. An~'way, I (10 not think that locals were set up fOI· only the men in the local. If th is were so some of them could not exist for a lack of membership. Tax money, which comes from evet·y taxpayer in the 50 states of the union, is Sl)ent on defense jobs and missiles sites, mili­tary bases, etc., and they:u·e certainly builL to protect e\"erybod~' in each of the 50 states.

Now, back to Local 952's problems. I am \·el·Y sony to l"Cport at this time that wOl·k is very bad in Ventura and the 952 area. Howeve l·, plenty of work will be on the agenda in fall.

A lot of our wOl'k was shut down and sent to Alabama, Mississil)pi and Texas, but these same Brothel·s there need the work, too. I al!lO ha\·e heanl ther l"Cspect fellow travelers. This makes fat· good unionism.

We ha\-e some Brothers on tIle road now, some young fellows and some oldel· Brothel·s. [ hope these young Brothen; will learn some good and better ways in which things are done and how other locals opel·ate.

We ha\·e Brothers in Ohio, lndi:ma, Texas , Michigan, Oregon and Wash­ington, so, we have travelers, too. Hope that when the>· come back in they will have some good ideas to help

further the cause of all organized labor.

Brothel·S, I want to tell you about an attractive item im·ented b), one. of our members, Brother C. B. "Blue" Sinutko. "Blue" has taken out a patent on his 6pinli (·Q?lt'l! . (three inches in length) which can be sli Jll~ed over the lights of the Chl"islmas tree [or added attraclh·eness. They at·e coiled in one-half inch metal (stain and tamish-proof) and (""ollle with a fiberglas washE'r that fits between the socket and hulb for Ilrotection in cas;e a socket should short. Since the cones come in many different colo I"!!, they can be used in lighting decorations for any festil"!! occasion inside the home or out in the patio the yeal· round.

"Blue" has run out of money and also his doctor tolli him to quit work­ing with it, as thel"C is too much 1)l"Cssure all him. His patent is for sale or lease. If you al"C interested in bu~'ing an~' of the cones, 01· if you are intel"Csted in leasing or buying the p,ltent, wl"ite to C. 13. "Blue" Sinutko, 5150 La AvenUe, Santa Susana, Cali­fornia .

W. J. "In;o" DEA[., P.S.

Service Awards Ceremony Held in Detroit L.ll. 1063, IH:TlWIT. m ClI.-GI·eet­ings from Local 1U63! Here is the latest news with a picture for the JOl,;nNAL.

Recently, we held ~l ~el"\·i("" e awards cel"Cmony and banquet ~lt the Hal·len House in Det roit, at which time A. G. Bosanko, vice IH·esident of the LT.E. Circuit Breaker Coml)an~' of Philadel­phia, was the speaker.

E\·eryone had a wonderful evening. Refreshments and dinner com illete()

t he Ilresentation ceremonies when watches and pins were presented to the union memberS and COllll)any rep­rcsen ta tives for years of sel·vice.

Those honored were: R. Colgin, W. G)'OIl, i\I . Rydzik, J. Kupryan, S. Rzeppa, E. Su<ia, E. Giel"ula, J. Glu­gia, W. Hereza, K. Hawrrluck, W. Guzik, J. l\IuJawka, R. Sanders, S. i'elc, ;II. Stanko\", C. Forcz..'l.k, Al Zann, A. Paur, S. ~~alzone, F. Lingo, J. lIowe, C. Szostak, C. Hartsoe, R. Teml))in, J. Likki, P. Ba rrinton, :\1. Parent, C. Chojnacki. S. Stefaniak, and W. Wysocki.

I've certainly heard of the many more members who rcad the JOtlUNAL now that we have been submitting letters for publication in it.


Ambridge Local Wages Successful Strike LX. 1073, A;lIHHIDGE, PA.- We would like to report that Loml Union 1073 which was 011 strike against the II. K. Pf)r\er Co. a t Ambridge, Penn­sylvania fOl" 13 weeks settled the strike back in J une. We want to com­I)liment au)" Negotiating Committee, which was headed by our PI"Csiden t Lou Cvetnich fOl" a job we\) done.

We settled for 21 cenl~ in wages Sp;tced over a two-year l>el"iod plus another 8 cents in fringe benefits. This is :1 long step forward from the cuts in life insurance and the cost-in­living that the company wanted to fO I·c(' on Ul' before we went on str ike. We feel that OUt· President showed real leadership during the strike and through his efforts we benefited finan­cially and in fringe benefits, plus maintaining our dignity and pride and we Ilroved to the people in the labor mo\·ement that H. K. Porter can not

Detroit Quarter Century Club Banquet ...,......,...,,---

Walchu and pins ... ete ptesented to both IBEW local [061 members and t. T. E. Citcuit Btuk., Co. te pt. <anl"ti.e .01 " tecenl banqu.1 in Dalroi t .. Hatlan Hou~e .


Annual Meeting for Locals 1238 and 1307

push us around and rub our noses in the dirt.

We renlize that our members suC· fere<1 during the strike since we in the TBEW do not get any strike bene­fits, but through the effol·ts of our President Lou Cvctnich we were able to get free food from the Be:lver County Oflicials which helped to cuse sOll1e or the hardships. OUl" President also helped by getting the Th:avcr County Housing Authority to cut the rents of our str iking members to n bare minimulll while they were on strike, plus many many other serv­ices during the strike like going to court to fight against the injunction that the ('Ollll'any tried to get aguinsl our local union, and which the COIll­pall)' did not get in the Beaver County Courts. Also our IJresident orwUlized the "icketing of the H. K. Porler Building in J)iHs!Jurgh, Pennsyl\'ania plus lJlany ru~ny olher things, and services during the long strike.

We would also like to thank the ruany local uniOIlS ill the Third Dis-


n. offie." .nd .~ocutiv. boords of Louis '238 .nd 1301 .... 1 .. Dour, Dol. .oeonlly to dhc:ul< pte .. nl wo.king condilions "nd penlion pl"ns. Th, "Mu"lmeeting c:oMist.d of • dinn.. follow.d by smaU .. io tl


trict that helped us in many ways and we want to say that we alll)rec:iated it from the bollom of our hearts, and we want to add an extra thanks to Local linion 201 at Beaver, Penn­ayh'unia and their President George 1\1 rvosh for the extra effort they made to help us financially, the contribution they made to help us in our time of need we shall never forget.


Large Crowd Attends Election Meeting

L.U. 11 25, BI N'G II A-'ITO:-'- , N. V.­Over 150 members attended our last meeting, at which election of oftlcers took pl;lce. They were rewarded with the unexpected I}}·jvilege oC hearing International Representative John p , Dldy alld System Coundl President

Carl )le:lten speak. Both spoke on the progress of current contract nego· tiations and stressed the need for strong unionism through an informed al1l\ milit:lllt membership.

The large crowd attending should refute once and fOI' all the comlJany's theory that you are a ]lus~i,"e and "captive" group. To p(lfaphrase Churchill : "Some Cn]Jtivc;-Some Group!" Keel} it up! l.Alt your rep­r'esen ta tives f\peak to the COlllilUnr knowing that we ha\'e unity and your full SUJlPort.

I"or the benefit of new members, the results of the elections were: A. Stuart, president; N. Teed, vice presi· dent; A. De Higo, financial secretary; J. Brofcak, treasurer; J. Dunn, re­cording secretllry.

The Excc.uth'e Board consists of: 1". lIarend7.a, J. Kristek, D. Glover, M. Reagan, :lnd J. Bulger.

"lie who knows only his side oC Lhe case, knows little oC that."-J. Stuart .1\1 ill

J. M. DUNN, P.S.


Officers of Two Loca ls Hold Beneficia l Meeting LU. 1238, WIL)IIXGTOX. DEL.-On Thursda)" c\'ening April 22, 196.5, Local 1238 (rom Delnware Power and Light Company and 1..0<::11 1307 from Eastern Shore Public Service Com­pany of :\br)·jnnd and Eastern Shore Public Sen'ice Compan)' or Virginia held an in formal meeting or their offi­cers and Executh'e Boards.

The two locals met at Voyer, Dela­ware which is the half way poillt be­tween the two locals.

Brother Monroe Whaley, president of Local 1307 was ullable to attend due to a heart attack.

Brother John Ryan, trea surer of Local 1238 had all operation on the day of the meeting.

At the time this article is being written, both Brothers are at home and doing nicely.

For the past two years these locals have been meeting before each local s tarts to negotiate changes in their working agreements.

A suggestion was made by Brother Frank Smith, president of local 1238, that each I)(!rson give his name, the dellartment he worked for, and the type of duties he perfomlS. This seemed to create a good s tart for the meeting.

Most of lhe individuals doing simi­lar types of work began to talk on their various problems.

Discussions were carried on in groups, and although no Imttern was set on how the talks would be con­ducted, many ideas were exchanged.

It seems that both locals are in­terested in better working conditions, improved vacation a nd I)(!nsion plans. or course money was a lso discussed, but by the time that we start to nego­tiate, the patter n has already been set and the only course for us is to fi ght to get the trend in our district.

Here's hoping that Local 1307 gets !:lome good changes in their working agrooment this year.

C. M. GONSA I.n:s, P .S.

Local Me mbership Re ports High of 10,500 I.x. 12 15, S.\ N Ff{A~"C1 SCO, CA LI F. -Local 12"5 has been absent fl"l)m "Local Lines" for awhile due to a hea\·y schedule of acth·ities. ~ow that most of our 1965 C(lntract negoti­ations and our elections al·e behind us, we can Imuse long enough to l"elate a few itelns of passing interest.

On organizing the basis of our ex­istence, we can t-eIJOrt a membership of o\·er 10,500 at press time. Thi~

figm"e is nn all-time high and we are s triving fOI· that magical 11,000 fig­Ul"e by the end of the year. C'"edit


goes to OUI· representa tives alld stew· :Il·tls, h;u.~k", l UII by the busin('ss onice, the ~xecutiv(' Hoard, the A(h-isor>' Council and the unit officer.;.

E\·ery member of Local 12"5 will r1'«i\"e or has recei\"ed a wage in­("rease in 1965. llany will also ,-ecei\"e imlll"O\·ements in fringe benefit!'. L'p­coming negotiations include &tcl·a­mento Municipal elility Dist.-ict and the l:nited States Bureau of Hecla· malion, Regioll 2.

Our new jul'isdiction C(l\·ering the Cnlifornia-Ne\·ada Line Constructors Cha11ters of the KECA which we share with Local '17, is beginning to pro­\'ide work. mosO )' in Local 47's terri­tory. We eXIICcL to Ilick UII mOI'e work in our terl'itory as conti-acts are let for E.lI.V. constt'uction involved in the Pacific Northwest-Southwest regionnl intel'ties.

Utility work is holding up fairly well as summer constr-uction and han­dli ng lhe service needs of an expand­ing number of gas and electl'ic cus­tomers keeps our peoille busy.

Our elections rcversed II l1"end found in numerous unions of late ill that all incumbent officers were re­elected. Those who will begin another 3-year tenn in July are:

President Leland Thomas Jr., PG and Eline subfOi"eman of Sun Jose ; Vice PI"esident Marvin C. Brooks, PG and E Gas Light Crew foreman of Modesto; Treasul'u William R. Mil­ler, United States Bureau of Recla­mation lineman of Tl"acy: Recording Secretary Andrew A. Clayton, S tand­al'd Pacific Gas line mechanic of Anti· och : Southern Area Board Member Albert G. Callahan, PG and E senior s torekeeper of Wasco, Board Member At-Large Anthony J. Boker, PG alld E General Construction tractor OllCra­tor o r San J ose: Central Area Board Member J ;unes M. Lydon, PG nnd E Gas Light Crew fOI·eman of Oakland; and NOlthel"ll AI"ea Boal'(l Member James H. Fountain, PG and E "A" clel·k of Novato.

YOUI· scl'ibe, Honuld 'L'. \Veukley, wus l"eelected to the post of business m:mage !··jinancial secl"etary, having served continuously in that callacity since 1951. Prior to his becoming an oOicer of Local 1245, he was emilloyed as a watch engineer in the Stellill Gen­eration Department of PG and E, be­ginning in 1940. It may be noted that the memhershill of l..ocal 1245 has selected a fa irly broad spre:!d of de­Imrtmental and craft representation to assure the leadershill of the lal-gest single utiJit)' local union in our Brotherhood.

In 1966 we ~hall be engaged in negotiations on all fronts, along with eieeting our delegates to the Interna­tioMI Con\·ention. We shall alllO cele­brate our '25th Annh'ers."1r)·, hin·ing been originally chartered on April 18, ifill.

It should also be reporte(1 that our new Vice Presiden~ W. L. Vinson, has

been ,·ery cooperative whene\'er we have sought assistance within his realm of authorit),. While we do a prett)" fair job of standing on our own feel and handling our own problems, it is a good thing to know that we have a Vice PI"esident who knows his stulT and \\"ho can be depended upon to render administJ-ath·e deei~ions when Prolle,",}· called ulJOn to do so.

Aside from union business matters, we find that mun}' of our members go East for vacations. We believe in the principle of "reciprocal trade" out her·e 011 the Pacilic Coast and we wel­come all IBEW Brothers and Sis ters who wish to have a memorable vaca­tion eX llCrience while they spend a few toulist dollars to help the econ­ollly of the fa stest growing are:l in the U.S.A.

1'h:lt '8 all fOI" now from thc Golden West.

RO:<;AI.D T. W~:'\KLEY, RM.

8th Annual Apprenticeship Completion in Syracuse L U. 12,19, SYHA CUS f-:' ~.Y.-The Eighth Annual Comilletion of Appren­l iceshill was held Saturday, June 5, 1965 at the Hotel Syracuse, Syracuse, New York. The dinnel· was altended by all apprentices in the program, officers. business agents and Execu­th·e Board members of Local No. 1249 as well as C(lmmittee members and contr.Jctors. For the fi rs t time the wives were in\·ited and each was pre­sented with an orchid corsage.

Certificates were presented to 1'2 new joul"fleymen; William J . Ball, Jr., J ohn Bergner, J ohn L. BUl"flett, Barr)' K. Closser, Les lie K. Comins, FI-ed­erick Conners, F I·ederick C. Genkos, Harvey I). Hole, Gerald C. LaBumba nl, William H. Stehlm· and HichHrd 1'hol11I)8On. They received both New YOI'k Slate APPl-cnticeship Council certific:ltes and I BEW certificates.

Fr-ederick Genkos was p!"esented a lineman's ring for being the olitst:lIld­ing gr:lduating apprentice.

The principal spea ker was Hugh i\lul'phy, adminis trator, Bureau of All' pren t iceshi p and Training, United S tates Department of Labor. He gave a vel·y inspiring address relating his I·ise from an alJprent ice to his ll resent ]IOsition, to illustmle th:lt opportuni­ties m"e unlimited and the tn!.ining they receh·e as apprentices is a good basis for advancement, not onl)' in their own industry, but also in other indust.-ies and government.

Monsignor J:lmes A. Healy, ChalJlain of the Elie County AFL-CIO :md Xiagara County AFL-CIO, gave the inn)Cation and benedict ion and also made some brief remarks to the grad­uating aPllrenlices.

Wil liam lI. Shuttt"r, busi ness man­ager, Local Union 1249, welcomed the gues ts ns did li:lmer Wahl of Power


Lines Consll'uclors, Inc. on behalf of the cont,·actors.

Kennelh L. CarpC:nter, safel}' direc· tor, gil\'C 11 short. talk on safety. en­courugillg lhe wives to think about the safety of t.heir husbunds.

)Iurk II. Beecher, training director, made the arrangements and acted as toastmaster.

The ee,·tificates of Completion were pl'esented by )11'. Wahl and ~11". Shut­tel'.

W. D. 1I 0l1CK, ASST. R.M.

P.S. Hoover Instructs Classes in Radio L.U. 1306, I)ECATI II{. 11. 1...-0nc of the many llddleges u\'ailahle to citi­zens of this great "Land Of The Free," is that of Amateul' Radio Com­municutions.

Each year, claSHeS of instruction arc held in most !;:chool districts under the GO\'ernment-sponsored Adult Ed­ucatiOll Extel1sion program. Here peo­ple of all ages may meet. and study fOI' a l)el'iod of ]2 to 2,1 weeks, and by ap!)lying themseh'es, qualify for 111\ Amateur Radio License.

In the accompanying piclUl'e, Da\'i<l Re~·nolds. WA90EX, is shown about to I'ecei\'e his FCC examination f"OIl1 instructor, Dan 11 00\'('1", J))'ess secre­tary. Hoover was rct:lined by the i\lolltgomel'y County P:lI1handlc Dis­tl"ict No.2, io instl"ucl a class in Radio from Noveml>el' 1964 through April 1965. There wel'e eight other c\II I1S members whose pictures were not available.

Rallio is on l)' olle link in a chain of OllpoI·tunities we ha\'e to kllow each other better through improved com­municatiolls. your JlI"eSS secretary know what you are doing.

D. A. 1100\1:.11, !l.S.

Cincinnati Local Organizes Advance Deposit Blood Club L. U. 1317. CIi\·CINN ATI. 0 111 0 -Local union 1347 is I)rou(\ to join her sister IOCllls in reporting once again. We wish to keep OUI' members in­fomled and to acqu:lint the other locals with our happ·eni ngs, benefits and progress.

This article will be devoted to an explanation of local 1347's Adnll1ce Deposit 11I00d Donor Club.

Less thMI :1 year ago we were st ruggling :llong with our first blood donor club. We seemed to a[wllYS need donors but ncver got them. Rea· sons. I won't mention. were used as excuses for not donating to II Brother who WIIS in ,tire need of units of blood. While our Donor Club WIIS failing. our interest in it was lagging.


FCC Examination

Da~id Reynolds. WA90EX, is kended kis technician R.dio Eurninalion que.lion. by

hi. ind.ucio., Dan Hoo~e., loul IlOb.

At this l)Oint Mr. Geil«'11 of the Uni· versity of Cincinnati Rlood Transfu· !lion Sen'ice called ollr local. Mr. Geisen's offer to affiliate with the U.C.B.T.S. was promptly accel)ted. Rules for our A.U.n.D. club were drawll Ul) and acceptcd hy ou r mem· bership after considerable thought and discussion at several meetings.

Tho purpose of the A.D. B.D. club is to provi(le through a blood donOl' service, replacement bioOlI for mcm· bel'S amI their beneficiaries.

~lcmbers fi 9 years anti O\'er ancl re· Lired mellllwrs holding an honorary withdrawal card are eligible for bene­fils while being excused frOI11 donat· ing.

The u.c.n.T.S. can send or credit blood almost anywhere in the conti­nental Unital States with rare t}'pes of blood :\\·aihlble.

MemiJershi p was opened February ifi , 1964. On September 2·1, 196·' the mobile unit of the University of Cin­cinnati visited our local's hall and 83 Ilints of blood were del)()sited at that. time. We had withdrawn 24 units from our account before ever deposit­ing one. We thank the University of Cincinnati for dealing with us in a moro than fni!' mannCI·. I'm glad to say thlle nt this time we nre 27 units ahend in our account with approxi· mate!y :1:1 11('1" cent of our mcmber-­ship participating.

The chairman of admillistration of our club is our union sccretar)', Carol Steffen. Ctlrol is the one to call if blood is needed or other problems arise. The sincere thanks of all the club members are extended to Carol fOI' the Hne job she is doing by keep­ing all the A.D.B.D.C. records in spite of the bUrflen of other tasks she hun­dies daily to help our union office run smoothly.

1 f ),OU are not 11 member of A.D.R.O. club, see your muster stew­ard for infon11atiol1 :18 to ,ill the

benefits and how to apilly for mem· bership. Uo it today.

Recentl)' a mClllber of our brother· hood wus killed working il tower line as a trainee. This brother and I had worked together for the pre\' ious yea .. out of Brecon O\'erhe~l\1 Hcadquarters :\Ild had b<ocOI11C good friends. When writing my first articlc for the JOl"l(­NAL I asked th is brother if he knew of a way to shake the members into rccognizing their responsibility ill at­tending union 1l10eting, voting and otherwise advancing th .. 1I11ion cau~e. lIis wonls-"A lllan without. II \'oice is a man of :LI1y acceptance." 'l'hnnks, Hl'other Larry Schweincfus. May the Lord be with you until we 1ll~et again.


Railroad Local Praises Skill Improveme nt Courses LU. 1353, LOU ISVILI. E, KY.-)Iem­bers of l«aJ Union 1353, Louhwille, Ky., who are employes of the Louis­ville and Nashville Ibilroad COlllpany arc participating in a Skill Improve· ment Program offered to its members by the 1.0.

For O\'er 10 ycars there have been several strong advocates of some type of an extra training progl'illll among the oflicers and memuers of lhis local union. 1I0\\'evel", the issue \V IIS some' what like the proverbial weather in that e\'eryone talked but no one did anything about it. At least. that was the case until 18 months ago.

The spark that actunlly started the Skill Improvement Program in this, a Railroad loclil union (the In EW h:ls had such Jlrograms in other branches of the trade for sev­eral years), was the result of several closely related events like the final pieces of a jigsaw falling in place.

On Jllnuary 21, 1964. Brother Thomas Ramsey, Internalional Vice President. IB EW, Tenth District (Railroads). announced that Brother J. G. Hayes had been appointed as an International Represelltative on the Tenth District Staff effective Febru~ ary 1, 1!)(;,I, lind would he assigned to handle the promotion of our J our­neymen Skill Impl'oVllment Program for' the Elecll'ical Wor-kerR, as well as the enlargement and improvement. of the apPI'enticeship program.

On ~~ebruary 19. 19(;4. Brother Hayes llirected a lettel' of infonnation concerning the program to all IBEW Hail road gClIeral chairmen. Brother Ira Decker. b"Cneral chairman of Sys­tem Council No. 30, IREW, lnune­diately forwarded the infonllat.ion to nil officers and members of all affil· iated local unions urging their parti­cipation with the plea that. the pro­gram at IClist be explored.

UlId('r lhe inspiring leadership of Presi(lent. L. R. Kelsey, Local Union 1353 did explore and, following the example set. by Hailroad Local 848


in establishing their Electronics Pro­gram (story of which appeared in the Electrical Workers J ournal in April 19(4), an Education Committee was appointed. A survey of the mem­bership revealed enough poten t ial in­terest to form at least one class, and after many meetings and correspon­dence with various school ofllcials, re­presentatives of the Federal Appren­ticeship Bureau and the IBEW In­tenmtional Hepresent<ltive in charge of Skill Improvement Training, a dass in Basic Electricity began at the New State Area Vocational School, Jeffersontown, Kentucky, on Novem­ber 4, 1964, with 25 members en­ro!!ed.

Being a strong advocate of a train­ing pl"ogTam, as we!! ns one of the outstarHling Electrical Workers, Brother Glen D. ~los!; was unanimous­ly selected as instructor. In "iew of the fact that some of the materials needed to prol>erly pl-esent the cour·se were not available, Brother Moss pron.>d his exceptional ability as an instructor by imllrovising both with respect to lesson material and lab ex­periments. Interest ill the class was such that enthusiastic students often J·efused the opportunity to work o,·er­Ume in order to be present, ami as a result attendance was excellent throughout the two-semestel· course. For various reasons such as change of shift, etc., seven of the students were unable to continue through lhe second senlC!;ter. However, on June 9, 1!l6{i, the following 18 ml'lllbers of Local {j"nion 1353 were presented with Certificates of Accomplishment for having successfully completed both Units I and II of the Rasic Eleetricity

Course: I ra Decker, J . R. Staashelm, W. G. Callahan, C. A. Toole, D. H. Wells, J. W. Kenealy, Jr., E. L. Trip­lett, R. G. Casper, R. E. Young, L. R. Kelsey, D. II . Lane, J. H. Maynor, E. L. Garrett, W. A. Gambrell, C. E. Anderson, J. A. S<.;hnerillgcr, J. P . Hagan, and V. A. Stokes. In addition, the ahove graduates also received Westinghouse Handbooks of Mainten­ance Hints which were generously provided by the Land N Railroad Company through Mr. R. E. Triplett, supervisor of employment.

As further demonstration of the en­thusiasm and interest inspired br such a program, approxim:rtely 20 mem­bers ha"e signed up for a four-semes­ter course in Industrial Electronics which is tentatively scheduled to begin on September 13, 1965. In addition, attempts al·e being made to schedule a second Basic Electricity class in the fall.

As a result of the combined efforts of the IntenJational Ofllce, System Council No. 30, and officers and mem­bers of Local Union 1353, this IJro­gram has created an acute awareness or the need for skill improvement to meet the demands of the elccll"Onic age. AI! who participated should be commended and have every reason to be proud of their accomplishment.

l)nESS S.:cm:r,\!ty

First Union Contract Signed at CG Yard L.U. 1383, BALTDI0 1~E, MD.- How­dy. folks! From the land of pleasant

living, we welcome you all to read our letter about the news from the United States Coast Guard in Curtis Bay, Baltimore, Maryland.

It is my privilege to J·eport that on May 8, 1965, the first 21O·foot medi­um endurance cutter was launched and grllcefully glided to the waters of Arundel Cove. The second 210-root M.E. cutler hllS her keel started on the ways llnd before long she will be launched to take her place proudly among the Coast Guard cutters.

Brothers, these are the fruits which our Congressmen and Senators went to bat for us at the Yard. A vote of confidence and many thanks are due them.

It is with regret that 1 announce the retirement of Captain Columbus as commami:lnt of the Yards as of June 30, 1965. Our new commandant is Captain Engle. We all wish him suc· cess in his new environment.

And now, for the highlight of our union report. NOW HEAR THI S. The first union contract in the histor}' of the Co."lst Guard Yard has been negotiated by the !\fetal Trades Coun­cil, AFL-CIO-CLC, Baltimore ;lrea .

• • • Following is an account of this

event by our Recording Secretary Rob Walter:

"On July 27, 1965, an agreement WllS signed, under E.O. 10988, between th Baltimore Area Metal Trades Council and the United States Coast Guard Yard, Curtis Bay, Baltimol·e, Mar}·land. This was thl' fiJ·~t ~uch agl-eement signed at the Yard and it covers about 830 non-supervisory wahrt! board emllloyes.

"The Coast Guard Yard is the only

Basic Electricity Course Graduates

Eighteen membe .. of Lo,,,! 1]53 ,ompleted Unit. I "nd II of the Basic Eledricity Coune. 'ndud'ng, dandin9. left to right, Ita Deder, General Chairman. System Council No. 30; Eledric,an J. R. St ..... helm; Apprentiu W. G. Callahan; Electrician C. A. Toole; Appren/i,e D. R. Well.; Etedrician J. W. Kenealy. Jr.; Eledri,i..-, E. l. Triplett. Chai,man, Eduulion Committee; E1edrician R. G . Casper; Ap­prentice R. E. Young: Electrician L. R. KeJ.ey. President; EJeelri"an D. H. lane: Eted",ian J. H. M .. ynor; and Eledri,ian Glen D. Mon, Trea<urflr and In"rudor. Kneering, lefl 10 right, are EJ.d,',ian E. L Garrett. Vice President and Membflr of Education Committee; Eleclri,ian W. A. Gambrell: Eledriciiln C . E. Andenon; EJectric'"n J . A. S'~neringer, Membilr of Education Committee; Apprilntiu

J. P. Hag"n; and Eled,ician V. A. Stokes.


Coast Guard Contract Negotia ted

---Offici.l, of loc.1 IlU, who p.rticipal,d in Ih, p""nll'ion of ,he conllacl b,lw .. n Ih, U.S. Cout G".,d Y •• d in B,ltimo." Md. and the B.ltimo .. A, .. M,t,1 T .. du Co"ncil, .re, I,ft 10 ,ighl, RolN.1 L W,lt,r, r,cording $Oc,et.ry: u.w.,nc, J. T .. lton, p.uid,n':

oonn,1I J . Go .. "ch, vice·p .. , id,nl; ,nd Willi.m F. K"p,r, I, ... .,., •.

Pict".,d ,bo¥e ... offici,l. 01 Ih, B,[limo .. A ... M,I.I Tred" Council ,nd Ih. Unil , d St,tu Co •• t Gu .. d ha .. ing compleled II., ,i9n.lo,y .. "ion. 'ncl.,d,d .... finl .ow, Wilf .. d E. SlolI, AFL·CIO 'ep.",nl.liu: M.yn.,d J. S"lh.n, chi,1 n'90Ii.lo., BAMTe; Geo'9' R. Her';" p.uid,nl, BAMTC; Arthu. B. Engel, Capl., USCG, eomm.ndin9 Offic .. of Ihe Yard: Loy W. A. R,n.h,w, e.F'I .. USCG. Indu.lliel Mane9" of th, Yard: 'teond .ow, members of Ih' BAMTC N'9ol,.I,n9 Committee, I,fl 10 ri9hl, oonn,1I J. Go'."eh, Edwa.d J . Bed .. , l.wrence J. T.,lton, Arth"r W. Wybl" Sr., Ed9" C. ouid.on .• nd

Woodrow T. Bol.nder.

shillbuilding and repnir Yard oper· ating under the Cnited States Coost Guard. The Yard (at first called Ih·,ellll.· CUlt.:! l· Sen' ire Depot) was originally est:lblished as a snl!lll boat­building pillnt ulld omcers training school in 1899. A few )'e:lrs I:lter, the ollicers school (now the Umted SUites Coast Guard Acadcm)') was trans­ferred to New London, Connecticut, hut the 1>ol:Ilbuitding I1lant continued and grew to IIccollljllish nwny addi­Uonnl dutil'!!.

"The YUl'd has dC\'clojlcd into one of the he~t ('(ll1il1PI'<'I nnrl m(l!>t I'om­plete shipbuilding and repair pllLnt!~ or it.s kind and lIire in the count.ry. It builds and repnirs a \'uriety of bonts lind shi llS ronging in size from

small plastic dinghies t() 327-foot cut­ters. Il also manufllctures muny specialized products for th(' ('Ollllt Guaro and other I~ed{'ral a,lC'{'nciell, Buch as buoys and arctic housing.

"The Ynrd Ollt'ratell all :1 !l('lf-IIUII' taining industrilll llCth' ity und.'r an industrial funding 1I),lI tell1, r('(lulrlng no direct taxjlayer support. It 11I"C1I­enlly employs O\'er 1,100 ('i\'i1inn em­ployes and hus II militur)' (,01ll111('IIICllt

of :'1Jllroximately 110. "We want to take thlll OJlPor·tunity

to thank Brother George Kllnl)' of tht' InTf1rnut.iolll1l om!,!', who work!!d along with U9 110 well 10 he lp us nchieve our goal."

President Lawr!!nce J. Tnrlton and Broth!!r Donald Gorsuch rellreseni.ed

Loeal 1383 dUring the whole negotia­ting period which lit times was "cry storm)'. Like good Coast Guard fler­I<Onnel, we uccomlliished a great dl'al IIml completed a great mission sinre our juri~iction of Local 1383 has been chnnge<1 to include the Baltimore a~ll.

Int(Ornutional RepreS<'ntati\'e Knaly and "rt'sident Tarlton are currently orgllnizing and signing-uJJ new mem­ber~ ~t Fort. G@'Orge G. o:\leade.

So, there you hn\'e it, Rrotht'rs, from the land of ))Ieasunt f(>ports.

Do not neglect the safety first rules that :u'e gJven to you!

Ih;t' l!l:;l' St;'\IIS, P.S.

Detroit local Reports on Election of Officers L.U. 11 17, DE'1"IW IT. " " e tl.- Top fltory for this month is the election of otTker's at the June meeting. All Om('eN! weN' J'e-elected: Jim Schmidt liS prftlidellt. Hill Deboiak as \'ice president, Stan J eziak as recording secretur}", John Geddes as finanriul secretar)', and J oe Kramek as treas­urer.

The new Executh'e Board consists of Manch Ilo),ster, Frank Boedig­heimer, Chester n oduch, Stanley Dar­rllgh, Jim Zemke, J im Isaacs, and L:lrr), Smith.

Apllrt.>ciation ill due to the men who ran nnd lost. Our thanks to these men .... ho were willing to run and ~er\'e·-,h!rry ZYFk, D<tll Andt'rt:OIl. and I:;d SteinlauL

To Mnx II Ullt, OUt· COIIg-I·alulations. Max hns hung up his soldering gun und ncut slick und been promoted illlo mnnugelllent. We wish him the best or luck in his new job.

Al the "'l'st Side we ha\"e two dp­Imrturc~. Duve McConnell is going to Grand Rapids as branch manager. Gelle B07.e is tuking a similar post at Flint. We wi!'h them both Juck in their new assiglllilellts.

STA:-:U:,' P. Jl:!ZIAK, P.S,

Te n New Counselors in I 505 Community Services I..r . 150:;, WALTlIAl\I. M.I\ SS.-Lo­fal 1505 hUll 10 graduates of the Com­munity Sen·ice.!! Progrolm. Last lIlonth 10 or ou r members COlll llleted their cour!lC'S in this fine work. Five, Ilamely J O.'i-C llh Carney of the Exceu­lh'e UO:Il"d, Stewards Henry "Chuck" Bouchard, Donnld Kelleher, Member Willi:lln McOsker and Treasurer Maurice Mainville uHended the sell­sions held in the Lowell urea. The remaining Ih'e graduutes were Sl('w­ards Arthur Osborn, James Harri­son, Emulluel Gianino, Mary Chll\"Cs


and Lillian White who were gradu­ates in the Boston area.

Everyone of these graduates is to be congratulated for their willingness to give so much of their time, freel>', whole-heartedly and without cost to the union. AI!,o, let none of us forget that they gave this time-not for any ;;elflsh I't!asons in ortlcl' to benefit themselves-iustea(1 they gave thei .. time and energy to help cHch of us shou ld the occasion ever a l'ise for us to need their hell) and advice, These Brothers and Sis ters ure anothel­group of members who, along with so manr other groups that al'e commu­nity minded, ha\'e mude this local and its members known throughout the state as generous. wHrmhearted and loyal groul)S o( union member!'. A local is indeed fortunate in these (\:Iys to be able to point with pl'ide to groups such as these Community Services graduates and the other groups th:;t have been mentioned be­fore in this J ounNAI.. As time goes on, we intend to inforlll the member­ship of the other groups that (II so serve.

While I'm on the subject of the Community Services Progmm, I would like to take this ollilortullity to thank Sal Camelio, I)resident of the Mass. ... chusetts State Labor Counci l, AFL·-CtO, fol' his recognition of the outstanding work of one of our mem­bers. A long ovenlue but greatly appreciated honor was given to none other thall Connie Morgnn. Local 1505's rocOl'ding seeretnry nnd a charter member, Connie attended the Community Services Conference at Washington, D,C. as :til official repre­sentative of the Massachusetts Sta te Lubor Council, A FL-C IO . Congr(ltu­lations from all of uS to YOll, Connie, Keep up the fine work!


Fine Political Rally Needed More Participants LU_ t 579, AUGUST,\ , GA.- l had the pleasure of being one of the delegates to the Fifth District Progress moot­ing held !\IllY 291h and 30th at New Orleans , Louisianll, and what a won­derful experience it \\Ins!

The first Fifth Oi strid Prog!'C!;s Meeting was held in 1046 as an ex­periment a nd has conti nued ever since,

Vice President Bat'ker of the Firth District presided over the ml"Cting. Brother Joseph A. Guirovich, Jr" B .l\I., welcomed us on behalf of Local 130 ill New Orle:lns, the host local, and what a ni~ meeting they had. Vice President AlII'ker had e\'eryone to introduce himself and the locnl he re,Iresented. There were business agents and delegates from nil over the Southeast.

Se\'eral of Ollr Intel'national Offi­cers were there in addition to Vice


Union Counselor Course

receives hi. diploma from ~;~lIi:;:cin:~~;;;;;: Servical, ~I Helen Tafe O'Donnell, Vic. Prelident the Mallachy.el l$ Slate

l abor Council , wait. to prelent Art with hi. Clan Pin.

President Barker: Vice President w. B. Petty from the Twelfth District; Vice President, A. E. Edwards, Se\'enth Dis trict; two International Exccuth'c Council Members A. W. Schmidt. Fourth District and J, C, EllJlerson, Sixth District. All of these officers ga\'e real nice talks on \'ariOlls phases of the labor mo\·ement.

International Secretary Joseph D. Keennn was also present :tnd gave a lIice two-hour talk on everything in gencral, (rom COPE to safety, f l'om the finances of the International to 14(b).

One o( the things that really sur­pri sed me was that Vice President A, E, Edwal'ds flies his own plane everywhere he goes, lie gave a nice talk in New Orleans Sunday after­noon, and was due to speak in Los Angeles, California Tuesday morning, (M:IY his house always be safe (rom Gremlins.)

Saturday night. Local 130 gave a. buffet dinner and dance at the Sea­man's International Union on JackllOn Street. The dinner and dance were wonderful, but what really inlrigued me was the building. It was really beautiful. Thanks a lot 130!

Conventions :ltId t!'ips are wondct·· ful, but 1 certainly wns glnd to get home!

Not long ago, JUlie 81h, the officers of the local nnd the COPE Committee arr.:lnged a political rally at the local union hall. 1'hey were listening to the candidates running (or the Geor­gia House of Ite ]lt'esentalives. There were four men running on the Itel)ub­lican ticket and four on the Democrat­ic ticket. They were all smart men and gavc nice talks, These men wct'c talk­ing of locltl issues that concerned the people direct1)', like water systems and annexatlon, I counted the peo]lle that attended. I think there were (j0, Now, isn't, this a shnme that a group of men and women will put in hours of hard work to put across something and all they ask of lheir Brothers is thut they give an hour and hal( of their precious time to Bit and listen to what a grou p o( men ha\'e to sa)' abou~ their slate Government.

COPE bucked four men and one of thelll got elected, which was vcry nice. But the sad 11llrt :\bout it was that each position was decided on b)' about 350 votes, und we ha\'e 547 members.

The Women's Auxiliary served re­freshments, Keel) up the good work,

Filth District Meeting

G. x, Barker Fift h Di. trict


AFL-C10's Leadership Training Seminar

0 .. "b y 4, 1965. ,h. N,.,o,';"" .offectiv,.. It wu 011 'hil Hutch '''91 who were ably ind ividu.lly bill Iliffice it

M.,.I TroOde, Council end Me •• hl.nd Hu,l Shipyard beea"., • r .. inin9 Sem,,,,, commenud, h .. d,d by 0110 ".9&" end Pa ... 1

... i,ted by Olive, E. McMillen, Jr. of Ih. Univ."ity of Celilo,"; •. 5p.u will lIot lM.mi! .. eming Ihu. me" 10 '.'1 th., they w ... conce,ned e1l01l911 10 "' ~ II,. mei llod. of '.p •• , ... I;n9 ou, 7,500 olhe, employe,.

Th. June ...... lin9 . ew th. oe th 01 obli ." . l ion t' ~ lIn by ,ev ... 1 new memb./l 2145 tum. Pt • • ide .. 1 Vi ' gil St,u llk welcomed the newcomtn with the • • p ..... d wi,h 10

u. Ihem regulerly . , forlhcomin'i1 m .. ' iIl9"

girls! Tht're was a nice Climer;! giw'n away to sollie luck}' member. So, e\lm Ir )'OU don't. enjoy politiclll ~I~hes it's :I nice evening away from home unJ )'OU might win one of the nice doo r Jlrixes, Fellows, lH.> SUf'(' and I't'gisler to ,'otc and st:lr~ partici pat­ing mo"e in your lcell]'s ;tfrllir8, Re­member, lhe~' a lso sc rn:-, who only sta ll(l a nd wuiL

You remember F' 1'Cdtly M('mlow~, (ai n't tlmt right, Sam), Well, he'll still on them th:u' pans!

Work h:IH leveled ofT !I<Ime in our jurisdiction, but we lire expet"ting II lot more in the near future, I hOI)(>,

"Make ),our:;('lf an honest man, lind th('n )'OU ma)' be sure that there is one ra~lIlles.i in the world,"-(arl)'le

Goun;:,\, U, CASTO, p,g,

With Pe ak Me mbership Local Looks for Home L,U. 197 1, 0)11\ 11 .'\, ~ F;IIH.-Well ,


hello again, Due to tht' I Jt~~s of busi­n('!'.", we hm'(' 0(>('11 1I bit i)('hind in ou,' articles but ho"e to kN'1I U]I (I'om now on.

At the ]we!lent time, our local has reached an all-time 1)('lIk of a little o\'el' :~]()O membel"!!, K('('I) ull the good work.

We hu\'c also just fOl'lllC<I u buiM­ing corporation a nll a l'(, in lhe l)t'oces~ of pu rth asing lal1l1 on whit'll to build, E,'eryone is e;'gel'ly 1()okillg fOl'\va),,1 to the t ime we can stall I,uilding, and call a Illuce OUIO own, I'm SIH'e we'll ha,'e :1, 100 sidcwalk lIul)('rint('ndents anxiousl)' watching nntl h('lping to take l!art in each lItage or develop. mento

Everyone in the Cro!l~bar 5 shOI) was halllW to hear that by the sum­mer or 1006, it will he air-cooled,

ilargaining on the eliminntion of classHic:ltions in the tl'lllies ill con­tinuing ruthel' I!lowl~'o

OUI' locHI is 1JrouII to unnoullce its part ill the Western 1~lectric , Omaha Works, receiving the Minul(' Man Flng

ror the sale of Savings Bond!!, the fir'st III ant to r{'('eh'e such all awat'(1 in Nehlon~k:l sillte 1!l,11,

We (111 wi~h OU1' former 1ntet'lla­tional H('Pl'(',~('I1I:lti\'e, B1'othel' Rob­('l't Ganitr, success on his new up­lIoi ntlllent as Vicc P)'csident of lh(' Eleventh ])i ~tl'icl. K('CII up the gooti w01'k, Boh!

Bal'gaining will lloon be starting on the wage reopener, Needless to say, we will all be anxiouslr awaiting the result!! or our committee's hard work and effort on our beha\(o

Vacation tim(' is upon u!' again, Mu)' ('\'ef)'one take care, as we Wllnt )'OU hucko Have run anc! we wish everyone continued !lucce!!!' !

VI ROGUlS, P,S, ---:--c:

Resignations of Business Manag er Dee ply Regre tted 1..1I. 2 115, " :\LLEJ O, CALlV.-ln this age inrused with an abundanec or h'illUI"{: time, it is oHen diflieult to fllld a m:ln who will l"('sllOnd to thnt dililant ll'um ]!et call to tiuly, though th{' Aounrl~ are e"('I' there, It iR I'al'e to find a man with the talents, thc cour'ugc (urd !jclf-IIHI'I'Hice l'e1luired to h{'{'(1 thl.'s{' Ul'g'{'nt noles or obligatiun th:lt IllU~t be he:llod al'OuO(I any Ol'g:rn­iz{'(1 gl'OUI),

W(' at Locul 1 115 rouilli this mIlO in Allen "Cul'l>'" (oats, lie organized u!!, Ill' led U!" lie taught us the impor-1.;\II('e or the (IUelit or knowledge or our union-itll hilllor}', Constitution, bargaining 1ll{'lhod,:;, and its gouhllo

I know or no m('lllber who does 1I0t sincerel)' :lJlIII"e1!iute the g('nerous efTol'ls of OUIO husinelill manager but I muH s(uHy state that I know of ver}' rew who UIIIICl'stOOl1 lhe large measul'C of Iit'lr-denial re(luir"('d to serve the


membCl'8hiJl or OUI' locnl in this c3,mc­ity,

Meetings wilh mengel' ntlen<iance, stagnant and inacti\'c committees, in­dolence and thoughtlessness on the part of a rew , , , all of these things changed the distnnl truml>cl call to a din of Cacol,hony be)'ond accepted en­durance,

Allen Coats I,resented his resigna­tion to the fo::\;ecuti\,e Board effecti\'e June 1st, It waS ncceilled onl}' after much delibenltion lIud with great re­luctance,

We know lhat Il'ue ullegiunce is a fm'ce lhat rises with us each moming and goes to rest with us lit night. It !'Cuches out about us with the fingers oi hnbilual intelligence, As Glndstone said, " I t is the ~hndow that dea\'es to us, go whel'C wc will,"

The ,'csignntion of Curly Conts leaves the recollection oi a shadow we will do well to remember,

In the interim ]lm'iod between Ihe business manuger's n"signalion and the selection of u IH'edecessol', the 10-cuI's p!'Csiticnt, H, Virgil Strunk, has been usked II)' the fo:xeeutive Board to pel'form the functions of that onice,

nl('IIAJu) T, R"Rlws, p,S,

MEDICARE (Contilwcd from /,(t[JC I;!)

detailed I'Xplnllnlioll, I't'qu<'st I~ea[­let :\0, G f"om a [()('al ::;()('iai ::;"('lIl'­it~, Offic(' 01' from Ih(' Sof>inl Sc­('tIl'ily Allmini .. tl'alion, Bnltimorc, ,\LeI. 21 ~!lfi,

/Jis(I/)ili/y (,II(11t{lc s: Ulidel' old law, bcnefit .. I\"Ct'(' pu il! onl,v fol' dis, llbilitics (,XI)(,('I('([ 10 bc of iud('fiuito dlll'lltion, 'I'hr nrw Ill\\' 1111011'8 bellC, fit>; 1'01' di .. :d,ilitil''' ('x l)('(' I('d 10 last at It'lI .. t II yt'lIt' 01' \\'hil'h ('lIll be ex, pc('ted 10 r('sult in death. Soeiai Seem'ily di'!nhilit,\' l>eltefil'! .md WOt'klllt'n's <'otlt lwllsal iOIl henefits ('OllihiIWd mny Itot ('X('('('<I f.O per­('(,lit of Ih(' wlII'kl'I"~ n\"i'I'Hf!t' (':n'Il­inj£s hdut'(' (li"Hhilily, .1IlhollJ!h this (,l'ilillJ,!" wil l 1)(' IIdjlt .. ll'fi pt'I'iotii('ai­Iy 10 IlIkl' 1l<'(,Ollllt of ('llIlII~es in ltafion:ll l'lll'llin,,"'! 1t,\"(,I'i,

.. \l\othl'I' Ilt'O\i .. ioll of the new law lihl'I'ulin ... tIl(' dl'finitiOIl of .. hlindlll, ..... 'i·' ror disnbility ocnefit IHI"posl'>;.

H'irl,)!f','I ' /Jolrjil s: \\'idows may now ('hoose 10 t'1'('{'i\'(' IK' lll'fit .. at age 00, hut if ti ll',\" tlo t he IIrl!otlllt of th(' 1l!()IIlhly bClwfit will IX' less t hnn if t!try wlIil Illltil ag:C' 6~,

/)c/lcm/ol/ s' Unll'jils: l.lihcl'1l1iz­ing elumgell Me Ilwde in eligibility o[ widows 01' widowcl'S who r c-


111111'1',\', lil'finilion of cili!(Ii,(,1l fol' 1I(,III'(il PUI'IW'«'~, IIl1d ('lIlill('lIlent of 1I dinll'(,I'ci WOllHl.I to IX'llefils 011 h('1' fl1l'lIll'I' hl1~hH1\lr ... ;1('{,Ol1llt

pnnidilll{ I hi',\' hlHlllI,t'llll1ll1Ti('d at II';I"'! :!() yl'HI~ hl'I'III'I' Iht' <lil'OI'CC 1111(] thl' hl1~]wll(l IU1\1 ('OIlIl'i1mt('d 01' h('('11 nhl iA'lIlt,tI h,l' ('IJIII't ordcl' f() ('()IIII'illulp Itl 11"1' "'IIPPOI'! wh(,11

JIt' hl'('aIlIl' l'lltitlt'd 10 Soclli &-('111'­

it:,>' JII'lwfits 01' dil'll. Cot'l /'fIl,I: I)c)('lol~ nlHl illt('I'IlS

al't' hl'olll-l:hl lIucil'l' So('lal :-i('('ul'il,\', t'j('I'g',I'IIII'1l JUln' 1I1ll1flllitilJl1l1J pcri-1111 10 npplr I'm' l'O\'CI';lg:C, nnt! nil fl])liOlWI ill('\llIl1' l't'pOI,ti n!! 1)1'01'1-si(l1l i .. nnlilnhlr 10 st'lf-('mploy('d fal'IIII'I''1 willi t-rI'US'! fUI '1lI cal'nill~'S

1111(1('1' $:.!, 100 II rl'lIl', (' r,d: 1'0 fiulIn{'(' Ih('S(' irnpl'o\'Ni

:-iO<'ial ~1'('Ul'il:,>' ('ash 1}(~Ilt'fits tiJ(' amount til' WIIg:t's ... uhj(,(,t to the SO<'ial !-;(,(,III'iI,l' lUX i ... l'lIis('d fl'oll1 tIlt' PI'(''>I'1I1 $'I,~OO ('I'iliJl!!, to $6,600 in !fIG/i, '1'h(' Inx 1'1111' 011 II'ol'k('1'S l1Iul t'lII plo,l'I 'I"! I'i",''! in slt'ps from :l.h:i 1lt'I'("'1I1 ill 1!"l66 10 -I ,h;) IWl'ccnt in 197:1 mill tht'l't'nflCI',

In 1!J(iG, tlU' wQI'k('1' Iltaking­$6,600 n ,1'1'111' 01' 11101',' would pny $:!:t·UO ill 8nt'ial 8l'(,III'it:,>' lax~s, .\ddillJ[ un 1 hI' 'il'llal'nll' hospital iIlSIll';1IU'(' I1IX, whil'h ill Ihis ('asc would h,' $:!:l,IO, Ihl' 101111 pnYl'oll (1/'(im'licm w(J\lld hI.' $~77,::!0. P~I'­~us lIIukiuK ]l',,-"i thull $6,600 a yenI' wou[d pny SlIll1ll('I' umounts,

' l'lt(' Sodul S(,(,lII'ily Illx Oll the 1IlllxinHI1II ('oWlwl slIllII'Y of' $6,600 1I'0uld J,fO up to *~:;7.-10 ill ]%7, to $:WO.-lO in I!Hi!l, nnd J('wl off lit $.1:.!O,1O in 1!l73 and IIwl'l'llflcl', plus tl](' )1('{li('IU'C In:-:.

I II. \\' I'; I,F.\ H I,: .\:'< I EX Il:\IP.XTS

11 (I'I'·J/i/l.~ I III/Ima'olllla/s: ~tnt('S with K~' I'l'- 'lillS 11I'0gl'lllns of mcd­iNII hl'llcfiH fol' thl' 11('('(1:,>' nged will 1)(' 1'('([ll it'('d 10 {'xtcnd Ihcse !)('Ilcfits 10 Jl('I').;tlll'l, I'('glll'!llcss of ag(', wlro UI'I' Ix-inl-:' h('lpro by pub­lie lIssislllllt'C pl'Ogl'nms fol' de))cll­dent ('hildl'('Il, thl' blind lIIul the disuhl('(l pI'o\'iding thcy meet the Sllml' in(,OIllC lcst I'cquil'ed of the lIe(>dy ngI'CI,

Slnte "rn('HnH I('sls" fol' eligihil­il\' 1I'0uid bc lihel'ulized MHI Ihe ('I'dl'I'I:,>' cOllld no JOI1I{'~I' hc denicd 1)('1I('lils 1){'(~HuS(' Ihe' ill(,OIll(' of the ir g:I'Oll'll ('lJildrf'11 cxc('('drd n set HltlOllll1. !=;tn tl' 111'01-\'1'l11llS 1I'0uid be obliwltctllO Itrl p the lJ('cdy el dc['lr


Pll,V the drdu('tihlt' nl!1oullIS I'e· quil'('d undcl' tit!.' ,\I( ,di('lII'c pl'O­gl'alll, '1'11(' "'ctlc'I'nl ~lulI't' of the ('ost of lite pt'O~I';1II1 would be ill­('1,('lIS(,<I.

('/liM 1/((1/11, ( 'flrt: IIt'nllh (';II'C 1'01' IWi.'lI,I' ('hiitil't'll is impl'ol'l'd Ihl'Ou).!h 11 fil'("Yi'I1I' 11I'O!!,I'lIIll of spc­('ial j!'l'Hnl~ ttl )ll'od(iI' ('olllpl'('hcn­sin' III'1tllh ('lII',' allil >';('I'li('I'S, in­('huling' tlt'll!al ('III'!', 1'01' ('hildl'ell fl'oll] I\m,ill('(JllIt' fawilil''', (l1h('I' J)['O~I'aIllS HI'I' slt'Plwd liP,

1'lIvlic _1.~!li~I(IIIfI: 'rltl' Fl'th' I'HI "ltnl'(' of pll,I'IIIt'lIl~ 1111111'1' :III slate public a~"iislllll(," JH'OJ!I';HIl'i i'i ill­{'I'('ascd 1111 ;1\'i'I'IIg't' uf nhollt :j::!,!iO a 1II0lllh fOI' tll\' 11I't'd:,>, llJ,!l'd, hlind ;nI(l disahlt'd laud $I.:!;) 1'01' lll't'tty ('hildl'I'II, t,n't,(,ti\'(' ,1a/IIIllI',I' 1, 1!)(j6, Stnlt's lilli'll JIll ...... 1111'S!' illl'I'I'IN'S to Iltt' in<iil"itltwls , Stllll'~ 11111:'>', if thcy

wish, I'aise tht' HlIIOU ' lt of cllI'nillf.,"S allo\\'('d 1111 individual 01' I'nmily I'('('('ivin).! pnhli(' a"-"iistan('t',

('!/,~I ; Thl' \\'('Iflll'l~ impl'Ol'('ltwnts will lx' Jwit! fill' 1'1'0111 J,f('n('l'lri 1','I'C­IIl1t', Xo paYI'oJ[ tnx is iUl'olwd,

'I'h(' JlHssaJ!{' of this n('! I11St 1I10nth 1I1:1l'k~ lllIQtl1('!' lundllllll'k fol' 1111' histol'Y of Oil .. ('ountl'y nnd Ihl' histOI',I' of ol'J,f;lI1iz,'d labOI'. 'I'h(' .\10'1,-(' 10 !lilt! nil its IIffililll\'s 11:11'(' wl1!!'I'd 11 10111{, "WIllI:,>' hal tl(' 10 hl'illg UboUl [his h'Ki~ll1tioll whic,lt lI'ill h(' such a ht('" ... ing- to all W01'k­

ill~ pI'opl!.', OUI' 1lH'1lI1)('I'S :1Ilt! thuse of OtllCl' ulliollS J!HI',' Illt'il' I)('st er­r01'ts to Ihis lillht al'!o, \\'itlwlll the \'otl'!> of lahOl' IlwllIbt'I'S alul t lli'i I' lel1cI').; to l'tlllKI'N,", ,\ It'tiirtll'(' ('Quid not hll\(' h<'l'oll1(' n I'('lrlity, ConRl'nllllulions are ill Ol'(lel' all al'ound!

LES NOUVELLES OUVRIERES ( ( ',, 'lliIlIU (1 from PUff( Ii)

d~jil d(''l'i('I'\'j pal' It' 1)()\IYOi!' Cicc· tl'iflll(,. TOI'!1II10 alnit eg:al('IlH'llt son pl'Olwe ('llt'lIIil1 dt' ft,l' Nt'('II'iIIU(',

Ct"i Q\lt'iIIIl(',; fail .. histol'iIIU('~ de 11011'(' intluslt'i(' !<OlIl ,il'(>s d 'un nr­tj('le dall'l lUI sllpplcllu'nt lillN'bd dll 11H1),tuzil1t, 1':1t' ... I .. i(,:iI Bttsillt"',,"i,

XOliS dt'isil'OIlS njlllltrl' cf,::lll('III('nt (IUt:' lIull't' 1"I'lIt('I'lIit(, d{>bula S(,SO opcl'ations Sill' IIIit' hll'i(, iut('I'IlH­tiomrlt' Ie I!I o(,tulll'!' IM!)n, lon~ de In COIlI'Cllt ion il l' iushul'j:d1 11 In­quelle Ic~ dclcg:lI('S (j('('i(U'I'('nt dc Ch:nl~(,I' 1(' nom <1(' "J-'I'at('I'lIitc 1\11-tional(' d(,s (lUIl'it 'l'iI 1' 1\ 1';I(,(,1t'icite" P;l1' ('('lui dc " J-' I'lIl('I'lIitc IntHlla­tionHlc d{'s OUl'I'icl'S cn 1';l t'CII'i· cile, "

I,n pl'('mil'I'(' 1I11iou ]O<'III{' ehnl" tl-ec uu Cnlladn pal' In 1,'I{)E flit ('clIe d'OUnwa ('11 dCN' lIIhl'e IS!)!).

F{lllIlitls illdusll'i('lI('s nu (,nnndn

]1 y cut 1280 a('('idt'nl~ I'utnls lIU ClIllada I'ull d('l'lIi('1' ('oillpltl'nli,'e­IllCIlL il J233 ell IflG:l, Dc ('('g 1280 fata lites CII InG4, 318 l))'ol'(,lIai(,llt dil'cclclllCllt de IMsstl l'cS occnsion­nees pili' de'! Olllill~, mll{'hin('I'i('s etc" 2(j!) ctniell t ('llllsC('S pat' dc)! ell lites,

La P I'o\'inee <I 'Olltll l'io so c!nssc au PI't'util'1' I'II1IK tlllns Ic 1I01l\hl'C d 'llct'idellls fn1nls: rlS d nns l' ind us­tric m11l1ul'ncIIII'it' I'I', 75 d llnli Ie

trmlspurt l't COllllllun iCl1tion; 66 c1:lI1s l'intiu~II'il' elu hilljlll('llt ('\ 53 d'111S I'indnst!'i(' millii'l'C,

I,{I .Ill/ill d'Vutl'rc feminine lIuns I'industric

1-:11 J96-1, la population fcmiuinc IlU ('anada, Ill-rh' tit' 1-1 ans l't plus clait de 9 1,000 de plus qUt' It's eito:,>'cn;( IllllseulillS, Cepcntl:lIIt il y avail J,ooo,ooo tl'hOltllllt'S tI(' plus SlIl' Ic mal,the dn lI'll\ail. L('s em­ployes fClninins l'l'PI'CS(,IlICllt :!,s,tl POUl'('t'1I1 ell' In populntioll oUlTi('l'e,

J)('puis l!J;jO, ce IXHII'C('lItllJ!;(' d'clllplo:,>,ecs feminines ('olltillue d'mi~l1lt'n1l'1' landis quc celui dcs hOllllllcs COlltinuc dc dimiulI(' I',

.\u Clllladn, plliSiclll'S s:,>'ndi('lIIS Ollt lx-a 11<'0\11' Jllu~ de felllTII<'S pIt l'llli Icul's mClllbl~S (Iue <I'hommcs, pal' ('xcmpl(', (hillS l'indUSll'ic dll I'elt'­

IIlCllt pOut' dames, cc pour(,('lItll!!,(' cst de 87, Dans les (,1I1 1>lo:,>'('s d '£'<1ificcs publies--(jO IlOUI'e(,1l1; Ics COllllllis nu I)cta il-50 pOlll'('euti Ics E mployes de BUI'CllU-l l ,6 pOlll'cent. J~n ee ([ui :l Il'nit a nOll'e FI'llt('l'­nite, leg cm ployes l11nseulins j'epl-e­scnlt'llt 89 poUt'cent de nos cfi'eclil's au Cllnuda, IJIIIIS I'indusll'ie de l'Autol11obi!c !eM i'ellllllcs COllsl itul' 6 pOlll'C(' lI l, ct POUI' ec qu i cst de l ' A&.sociIl1ioll d(~s .\ lnehinistf's- 5 pOlll'eent.


XNM RXHM Prayer jor Ollr Deceased Members

I)('(/r DOr{i. 7'1I 0I{ 11' /10 fire I he F atiter of 1111 mOl. 11'(' / Urli 10 7'1If(' ImiflY ff) (uk )"011 If) ft}f;k willi 1111'/

(II.d ml'rry (/li d for"it'C l lf'SS on t he 111011 0('1"$ of mtr /J rofhrr lwlJ(l II'ho II m'(' I}fUS(" / (HI. " 'or 11' (111 flte c.rritiufI

lI(lVC)I /U I'C '/I'hich is l if e 1"8 (II'C/' . Lcl th em li nd pc' fl l'e (/Iul co m/fJ l' l (1/ Ih r ~lId . 0 I ,on! , (/lid .w/frly t il Th y 11'(1·

com i,,!! l/rms.

Sf/r mw lies IIWt,y 1"" Ih e hearts (m(l IWIII('.~ of t hose clos('.tt to tit rlll. III 7'lt y lol'l', lift t "",~ brtrdOI fmm

their sords, Fal her, (/I. d /e/ th cm too fi nd 1U:lICl' f/l l(i comff}r t ill 7'lr y Jmmlisc of rCSIH'rrtfio l1 IIIHI rClwif)lI.

" (u lly . Lord, remember lIS II'ho r(l ise Qur IIIIIII /I(e h ('(l r (s i n pr(lyc r . J/akc 1/8 mille/fill (If tll(' right 1I'1/!1 II) live (/lui gi ve 11S tlte .~t "(,"!Jfh 10 follow IIwl wil y whic h is your Wil y . l\ef' l) us (f11 ( f "ur lot-('(I olles i ll ytJl/r

luv i1l Y Cflre 1t11til yO ll Nlfl IU home.

JOlJellh Illodnikar, L.U. 18 Ba,n J ... .. . " 6. I,O)

I .. ",.,~J J . .. ~ I. /9 4' D,~II J.,u U . 196'

Ik rna rd J . Fact or. L.U. 18 a", .. F~ ...... .., 11. n "

1,,"' .... 11 A .. , ,, , , 11. 1941 '" L.U. 46

D;~J M oy H . 190

Arlhur II. lierman, L.U. 18 JI" . .. A",,, .. H. " o6

I .. " .... ~II M •• d , H . 1947 D;~d F •• , .... , II, ' 96'

J ohn J OBe jlh, L. U. 18 JI " ... A,,,I 19. n"

, ,,,,,.," J ....... , 10 . ,,], Dj~J M oy ,. 190

II. II . McDonag h, L.U. 18 8", .. A p. i, &. 1&80

1 .. "i ••• J M.~ 1 J . 1904 ." L.U. 96

Vi.J J II"~ 18 . 190

l.eo l1 C. Meyers. T ... U. 18 If ..... A",,,,. '. " Of

1 .. ", .. ".1 A p,,' I . 19'6 D .,J A,,'/ 16, 196J

Nick Pace, L.U. 18 II ... .. M~ U. HI"

' '''''.''0 Ith. , " " . 19H Dj.o J w .. ~ 1. 1961

Waldo I'erki ns. L,U. 18 If ... " A .. , .. " 11 . "00

1 .. ", ... .1 M . ... 10. I H 4 D "II A p,,1 1'. "Ii'

Edwa rd ~~. 1~lI rdy, L. t!, 18 II ... .. D." ..,b • • Il . 1910

1""i.'eJ J«,, ~ •• , I . 1P' 7 Died M . T 10, I'"

Tom S mith, L. U. 18 /J " ... J ... ... .., 19. Ill"

1 .. " .... .1 , ... , . If. 19J7 D j.J Ap .. /ll1. ' 96 '

Ja mes O. S t illwell. I..U. 2 1 If" . .. o.,<>b •• 1'. ""

1 .. " .... . .1 $.' ..... b" I. "61 0 .• 0 10" .. /6. ""

lea ll)h I-:. Trl1 t'sdt' ll. J r .. L.U, 26 II ..... 10." J. " 06

/""'."0 M ••• • ' 9 . U~1l . .. L.U . " J

Dt.o I .... 16. U 6'


. I mell.

I.el, Kamil1Hki , L. U. 41 II" , .. N,, ~ .... b • • 1. 18"

1 .. " .... 11 M .. , 24 . 19'6 0,.11 M-, '1. ,,,,

Elwood J-:. Hentley. L. U. 48 . ..... A .. , .. .. 17. "" ,,,j,, .... J I ... .. . ., I I. "U

, .. I. .U . 49 I)j~J ", .,,10 H. 196,

John i\ , f'ou g hl, I..U. 48 II " ,,, O .... b .. 12. 190J

1 .. ",.".1 A" , . ", 16. " 4) 0 .. .1 J ..... 11 , ' 96'

Hobert t:. Milla rd. L. U. 48 s,,'" 0 .... ..... ". 111'1

1 .. ", .... .1 S., •• _b., 11. " 41 D.~J A , ,,lll. ""

Hobr.r t It Murra y, L. U. ·18 II ,,, .. 0<101> • • JO. 11196

l "i"."J N ....... b" 27. 191J /),~J Ap,jl JO, 1963

Haymond T. S ),h ·ester. L.U. 18 JI" . .. I ........ ' 11. "10

I .. ", ... J No ........ U . "fJ D .. II M-, 7. ' 96'

Ih l,.h Tolle n. I..U. 48 /J" ... J"'r 4 , "0'

I N", ... J S.,,, . ... b .. /J. J "O , .. l.U. ~ ~

J) .. J I ..... 9. 1'6 '

Earl YOllng-, S r ., L.U. 6 1 S" ... F. b , .. ..., J , '8"

1 .. " .... tI 1 .. 1)' 7. " .1 V rrJ M., 26. 1163

C It'n G. lluAA, I..U. 160 /I ,,,,, J~I, 17. "02

/N", . .. J Ap.j/ 10 . 1 94) /) •• J I .. ... JO. 1961

Ceroy A, Xel llon, L. F. 160 1 .. ", . .. .1 D" .... b .. /6. "J 4

0 •• .1 J.d, J. "61

J oh n 1'. lI a~iI"'herger. L. U, 212 II", .. 1 .. /, 11. 111 11'

' "" .... .1 A .. ~ .. " JO, " , I IJ"d 1 .. ... ,. 19'J

Edward lIuhl' r, I..U. 212 II .. . .. A ... . ,,' 1 4. , 900

, .. " , ... .1 , .. ..... .., II . " 10 /)" .1 1 .. " ." 19d'

William F, lIurnn1t'I, L. U. 212 /l",,, I ...... " JI, III~O

1 .. ,".'~tI 1.1, III . "" /),~tI I .. .. ~ J. 1963

William Mullen. L. U. 212 If" , .. A .. ~ .. " ,. IIIU 1n", ... J I .. .. . lj , "ld

' n l.U. 101 /).,,1 J ..... 11. ""

Clegg H. h l')" L,U. 312 flo . .. "'.7 16, 1916

, .. " , ... . 11 0 .. " ... 10 . /Ul I).~J I . ... 1'. 1,1f,

:'Ilaurice S mith . I. . • 3ri3 If ..... D ......... 2 7. " 0 /

1 .. ", .... .1 0 . ..... , U . " . , D.,J I .. ". 17, " "

J ohn n. llu7.e )" L.U. 474 /J" ... A" . .. " U, "U

h l" ... J N"" ... t> .. I, 19.0 l)i.J M ' 1 6. /96 '

C. M. ero .. ·, I_ U. 479 /J" . .. D.u ",b .. I. " "

I ..... . utl 0 ....... " , /9 40 II. L.U. '"

0, • .1 I .. ". J , ' 96 '

W. J. Derouen. Jr .. 1 .. 0, H 9 /J .. , .. s., ........ " 190 7

1 .. " .... tI M.". l lf. I'H d 0 •• 11 I .. .. . 11 , 196'

Neil W. Mdtighl , I..U. ;.58 flo, ,, N .. . . Oft b .. 4 , IfU

1 .. ", ... .1 I . ... ' 7, " ' 0 ... l.V. 429

D •• J I .. ". /J, nd'

Wi lliam II . ftet" 'u. J r ., L.U. :ia8 I .. " .... J M .T 7. /90 '

/) •• J 1 .. .. <: 16 . ' 9d '

II l'nry II . lJohllon, I..U. 613 /l" •• 11."",1> • • 1 . "0'

1 .. ....... .1 A , .. I U" , .. I .. U. 1/.,

1) .. .1 I ..... 19'"

Edward C. Gl·orge. I.. U, 613 /J .. , .. 0 ....... '. " H

1 .. ",.".1 ~I ., 6. l'lfO fJ,~J J u . /961

lI erbert It Grt!gg, L.U, 760 8 .. , .. /) ,,~ ... b; , /J. I ~O] 'w", ••• J I YI)" I'. "41

O .. d M., 17. 196'


Hob(,l't J. Os . helder . L.U. 965 B" .. , DN~mb~. 21. 1907

/";,,.ud O</ob~, 9 . 19 J7 O;"d 1o",~ 16. 1061

Frand!> S. B ;lIldin, 1..1' . 12 19 II",," .1"~,,,' Ill. 1896 /,,,,,.,,.J ",.,<1, JO. 1946

D,,,d ) .. ,," II. 1961

F ran k Dt'Carnbra, L U. 1260 ll"m M IrY n. 1921

1,,,,i.,,J July I. 19" m L V. HJ7

D i",j ,\fdr lB. 1961

J oh n E, S .. ndrock. L.ll. 14 39

l . U. , , , , , , , • , , • • • n .. n

" " " U ~

" ~ '" " " " " ,,\

" '':': . ;~ "q

" •• " , .. " " .. ;, .. ~ .. n 'M IO~

'" 1I5

'" '" '" '" '" '~I

'" II I I~i '0 1:$ !'~

'" %1 :; 2:;t ~;;: ,~

2:S ~ ~ ~

'" ~IJ ~!S ,~ ,,. '" ~'" :,:;~


'" .'lil~ ;<6g M. • '~9 ~~4 lIT

'" , ~!

Bo ... N"."mb~, JO, IB81 "",i.'td A p,j/ 1946

D;rd J"M 9. 196'

N . ...

) I-)"l. W .. U""''''r. " I·.,"oo,n''''. , , " rI'<irk-r. , " ... h.-Lo.,k'. C. ... )1 .~ .... .. X.I_ . ... I:. . \Zl<l,.,...,... .. C (:.>rd.",. ,. .. l lobtn.~"' • .. " Shaul. .. " " ........... • C. ' :. ll n~,,·. G ... .·""",,,,,,, .• n,. ... ,. ........... , ': . II~",. • C. 0 ll .... ln • .. ... Uul";'. ". ,. II.U,.,. O. .. .1,-,. e. 0 l lou<~. C. c' \\1,h''''<I. G G. " .... Id~. " C lI.m ..... "". , , llorru. W C "' .1 ...... ,. W I'yt.-........ ... , w~"".". ,- w·

""". C ,. l lod,._Io.=>. , 1'."" .... " " 1/ ... "". t: , , 'lion • " t:. " ~n", H. " t 'nI"". w . ,. Kw,ltl ..... ,. ~ ... ll <'Cllall • ... \\,n ....... ,- ,. .I "",I,\. H. ,,, II." ........... ,. , lI ol"",,!>. " " K .......... ,. ". \ ·OWlI. " ... I:nnLrr. J • . • , " ' ''~ll . ... .. . l d,lman. " - . ... " !ii,"", .... t:. , )''''''''. I:. . ID • ...,U~ • .. H''''"",. ". ". l'~lm. ,C ""....<. W. " ,_ . ,,, .. " ,,101 .... . , l "uNI . ... 1...,_1",. ". " I'f'''''. ", .c. 1'1 .. "., .. " . )1, 11 . ....... ) t , .\fdl<. c· C· )I ... ·"""h;i<. " ,. ........ lIu).· •• " I; .. )""". , . ... .\0,",,'"," " . ,; ,."'" .... , ... O. ". " ........ ,. ,c. W . 1II"~l s. "

, lI .... tlrI<~ •• • C I: . '; .... 1 ... ' ... ... E .

'''''' ~'. W ", I~~·""''' . ':. .. ' ·a" er. " ... nUl. , ", I.".' ..... ,'. ... . . Perk in >. , lI .. nk>. I , .. C· W. .. """"I",,~ . ,c. ,'. .. !:I1l1OO·" '. ,,, ' ''It, ,I<I • • •. "

.., ~"" "" . ... " Ill"" •• , T,,",pkin •• I • • I . ,. 1""'·lIn~. ,. ,C, IAn k/,,'d • ... ,. l'At ... ,. ': . .;" •... , t:. .'1., .. ",. ,. 'o. P I",un,,·, . W . , ,la,,, •. ,,, , .

Mabel T. " ohs. LX. 11 39 B"", Dar.nb~, 19. H ' 06

I ";,, . ,~d Frb ... ",,! 28. 1946 D.ed /"" t 11. 1961

Em anll{'1 Wilborn, L. U. 1.&39 Il"", A"x"" I'. 18Bl / ... "",,,d F~b'''.TY 9. 19~6

D'rd M..,. 26. 196:1

Louise)l, l-I lIwn rd, L.ll. 1;.05 / ",,; ... d .1,,,,/ 2J. 19:11

D'eJ } " "e 17. 1961

Ernt'Sl H. Anderson, 1..1.;. 19i ,1 II",,, N""",b .. 11. 1921

/ ";".'ed ) .. 11 19'9 D,~d ),It'" 16. 196j

Hay mond I •. Carlson. LU. 19ir1 Bo .. ' f~b." • .-y 1 . 19 15

! ,,,,i. ,,,d F~b .... " /9 ' 9 Dord A p"/ 19. 196'

Da vid S. li ar ris, I.. U, 19i 1 8"." M.rrh I. 1918

/ .. ",.ud f"b . .. . ry 19'9 V;"d J.n"." 28. 196'

.4.l le n:'l1. :\ lcKe nzie. L. U. 19i1 Bo'" D c'ob ... 1 7. /9J 7

/ ... ".uJ O",,,h. /96/ Vi"d M d) JI. 19dJ

Reid J. 'I'homllson, 1..11. 197-1 B"", J."" ,.., 16, /9/j

/ ""'.I~J J."" •• , 1961 i n I .. U , 1964

D'"d D r«mb", 2. 1964

Donald L, 'I'hom s('Il, L. U. 19i4 B" ." D""mb", 19. 1919

I ,.'".,<d Frb . .... , 1919 V i"d M#)',. 196'

Death Claims Paid In June, 1965 A _oun' l.U. /<I . .. e ... .... nl U . /<I .. ,. A .. Oun'

fI,rloo(l.OO '" H.I"., ... •. , ,. 'U~HU'"

, U 1~1~1 )I ."""", c. C !I.MII.OII 1.000.00' m ""' ..... ,. W 1.;0.00 I. O. 41 :,,, 1I ...... ,.-1"'-... n. W . " 1._.111' 1 ... 111-'.' '" ""''''''''. , , 1.'.".08 , O. Il H II .·.tn' .... , ,- ... 1.00".'" 1.000.00 roO! ' · ... n. • "

,.(0lI(l.00 , .. '"!Yl' "'''''' . .. , , .. 1.-''''' 1 ... uUII' rrli !;,Ill., .. 1.01)0,l1li ,

" II :"&1 \\'",\ ..... W . .. I.WIt .... 1._.(00' la " .... ,...-. , 1.1>l1l'i.(111 , " ,,,::;, \ ' ..... ..., . .. , .. , I."'"' .... 1.00u.1M1 ~ : I W af • • .. C 1.000.l1li I'M'-~ '" 0 ...... " ,. 1.1000.00 1.""'.0" -I;:; t; ....... .. , 1._.111 .. " '" m""lrJ. Q. " 1._,,", 1.lIItol,\IP ill-; (I. ... ~,. " I."'''.''' I' ... ~ '" -'<t .... o,." . " ,- 1.1"".,"1 1.000 .... U l ,~~ ". , 1.000.011 ,-, '" II • .-n..n. " ,. I._,IIU 1.'"OO.Ott '" Sr-t...rt.nh. ' :. W . 1.'oMJ." ,_.

'" K ... Drd)·. 0 ,. 1.II\IOI.lMJ 1._,"1 .. " 1 .. "tllJt • W (:. .... !.t""',111 ,- m "'lIIila. C' .. ... .. .... U ..... OO 1._.00 I.,; lllll.,. , C 1.1>00." 1' .... ,,- '" I"' .... • 1.000 .... \.00II.00 m )I~U'DI.I • .. , 1.Il00.'' I'" ... ,~, lIuh"""'~"'.

, l . ( l,Ott'UlrIl '" I ..-I~I"' • ... " I.OOMJ." I·,n •• '" m nb .. n. ... 1.000.GII 1.1 ........ ~,-.. ' :n.I"', • .... ... 1.""'.1l\II ,-, '" '''''1'1 . • 1.".00 1."' .... 00 ~ 11 1<1.<0<' • .. = ... " ~ '" K ............... .. ,. '. 00II.100' 1._ .... .~g:; II.,., ...... , " " 1._." I ... " .. '" II ... "" •• ... , 1._-,0(\ 1._.00 ... ~ '''"' ...... "

, 1._." I'"" .. I II, 11.1"",,1. ,- , 1 ...... 00 1,000,_ . .. 11",10" ... . 1. " 1.I11M' •• , ....... 1:tT 1 t;'·. II'. " 1 ........ 1 1.1""'." • n ')Utn,<OI. .C • ,. 1.000.00 I'"" ... (1"",,,,,1)' ., U,-all, . , , 1 ...... l1li I.tIIII." 61~. M "

, 1._ .• , ..... ' .. H J' ,, ~"" .... , 1.-.... l."'IO.M s.r. 0 ' ''1'11. , " 1.000.00 ,~" II~I ) Illbr,,!, ,. " 15<1.00 I .... ' .... ... lit)'''''' . .. W 1._."'" I ' ....... I'·~) II· ......... , 1.""'.0f 1.'"'-'.l1li • It 1t.""}No>I." • w. I .OOO.IMI I' •• ,,, (&U \ "unx. ~ , .. t: . 1. (HIf,OO

1:5." Ol~ ,-- " ... I.OOUJO ,~, ,"' X ........... .,. ... . , l.lMJCI.UOI 1.100."" Ol~ lIa1'd)' • ... H . 1._.00 I'",,, '"' ll oK'Ml •• ,- C 1.00f.1I!! 1._ .• "S "","h. ,- '.OOOI.Ott I.,' ...... (.;) 1,,,,,,,,. " " 1. 000."'" 1.1" ...... ,36 II.''''' ..... W ,. 1."00.00 I'''''" 1>31 K ... II, .... 'o. ,'. 1._.l1l'i 1.1>00.00 'M t: ........ , ". ....... 1.000.00 I...., .... '"' .. """"II. .;. ,C. 1.,NMl.oo I.IIIMl.tIft , ... ~ J , ........ ". " .. ... .. 1._,(>(1 I· ...... I.~I II;.". ,C , 1.,""'.00 1." ro.lloI ,;1 lion". ". 11'. 1.000.00 ''- !I"'" 1 .... 1 ... ,'. " 1.", ... 00 1 .... 00 .... .,3 '1 ..t>l' .... '~1. " ,G .. 1.'roe.OO ,~, 0 : 11 "","n. " ,C. 1._.00 1.91111." '" K,I ..... .. ,. 1.000.00 I· ....... 113H .1"",_0,1 ... C· 1.11<00." 1.00II.001 '" 1:. .. I",n • . , " I.DOII.DO ,~, (ll-I) Js nn. " C 1."".00 !.t ...... lIe '" 1'.,,1,;10. W . • 1.(11'0.00 I· ...... 113" ' ... 1oIId. " C 1. ''''''.00 I .<!IOO.I"I ~, I·.,·D, . " . ... \'("III.DO ,~. 11131 ' \""1'. W . ", 1 ..... Ot 1.Il00 .... .... ,_ .

" ,,, r.IJO).ou ,~, "~,, "", .. "t. .C. 1._.,",

1.0l'I(l.00 ~ 'J'wlll<'r. w .. , I._.DO ,'"" ... (iSI) ", ,,k~f. .C. " 1.II1II,00 I ._.M ~ " .. ,I. , ,,, .. 1,l1OO .• I·, ...... l!~11 11>", ... . " 1.000.00 1._.01> .. , II"",. C ,'. '.000.00 I· ....... (Z12 1 II~_I_. ,. /'_.00 1._.011 ~n l .J.ok . , .C. 1.000.00 I · ...... , :llt l 1"'Wlnd . w. l. iIOO.OII 1.Il00.Il0l ~ 1I<""',r, ... ,. 1._.&01 I '""". ,ZU, lIoud1 . ". , .. 1.000.00 1.000 ... V'O ,.J,otlr. •. ". .C. UII.OI ,- I:tri.» I)bt"I1~ . " " 1._,00 1,(100." ,~-. lIa~. ,. ,'. 1.000.00 I' ...... l:!t$, 1: 11 ..... .. _W l.tolO.11t'l 1'1'$ H.d • . .C. \. 000.00 I'"" ... 1:19, ' ·h . .. d l .... W . " l .toe.OII I.M.tIII ,QI ~ 1)oor.U. " , . 1.Il00.00 I .... "' ... I ~ ;ol !!hr I'lll>.D. W , ,. 1.00II.011 1.1110.l1li 11."'" ~". " ... l ·"n.~ ':;II , Ktt ..... ' ..

" I ._.~

1.0fI(I.O<'I l lal I .. "" •• ... " 1._.&0 ,-, l:I9fl ll,{: .. ,.. ". , l.WlI.fII 1.000." 121'0 "mon, . ,. " :ul.~. " ~ IZU31 "U" .... ... .. I.I1tIrII.OO ,~, \·o"",,,brr<o. ,C, .. ... 1.000.00 "- ,~, ' '''''''. ... , I.\IOIJ.IIII

:;(lIJ.1MI 131a Sl I.",. ". 1.000.00 ,~, 1311\0, lk.· ... !J . , ,C. 1.{>OIl.1<! 1.000,110 1316 \\,.lt~ . ... ... 1.1000.00 ,'- 131;' )Id.·~". , ,,, .. . , .000.00 \.Il1>0.00 13'>: """",\1. t:. , 1.(100.00 I'..". 1:t:.~1 Il,,,,,· ,,. W . ", 1.,)00.l1li '.000."" ,m 11.'11 .... , ,,, 1.001>.611 , ......... ,~, lI"dl .... , " 1.<>vII."" 1._.11<1 11 10 1\, .. "1""' ..... ". ... .. ' 1.000.00 ,~, 13ll/1 11'0 1, 1>. ,. I.OO!I.OII 1.()O'II.OtI !l,U 1I«o .. "d,. ,. 1.000.00 1'''''''. ,:U .. II •• ! .......... ':. " 1.000.11G 1.<><Ml.OO I-H., 80-0"'''' .... "

, 1.000.l1li , ... , .... ,m, Wa ol, ..... nh. ,. ,. 1.()!IIl.1IO 1.000.") I~H "·,,11,<. ". ,- .. 1.+)(HI.1I1 I ' •• ". li llO' ~1,..rQ.

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1.00Il.00 I "U Illt.l<try. , ... .. '" 1'." .. Il:m )t,~ ·"l1o,,,,h. '0. w. I.OOO.fO 1.000.00' I~H It ll • • ,- to. 1.UOO.Oo' " ~ lIa, ,'''' .. C ". 1.00t/.'I\I I.fMlII.OOl , ~, ~ I ..... ""'.".

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" I.IIOO ,<}II

1.(11)0.00 I. O. Itl'9, 11 ",.;" ". ,C. ... 1.000 ,00 /"''''. 1111.1 " J) .. ~". " " 1.000.""" ].1100.00 , ... 11!38) II~" . ,. ... 1.000.00 /',,"-'. IISII ) 1'''''''' . " . ... """" .(0(1 l. (l/I().OO ,. O. ,g~OJ Q,," )'. ,- , .. .. .. ...... ,. 000.00 T,~~ ' I'a,.,,,",,, " . ~~r,6.~ I ' .6fr

CHAOS O'tr t he hu .. dle~ I' ut III' b), mOil lI ur tlt· Ihe re~t of 11 8 A~ well n8 WI" can .

~~IIXIF. IlRAXT. /,,( . 136. Il ir",ill,h m. AlII.


I han' hurd lirolihete of doom in my d.r And their lIudlent't they d id .... ,1)'.

And though the future looh II r i,hler In enr)' WilY. B rought on b)' hrotherhood in action 'I'h:u's her~ to ~l li J'.

They li re Itl1l at It predicting w Ith dismay

T hai it will f~1I apa r t li t lhe ~am.: It w ill never hapjJen n lon, lIS men h~ " e

h"11I'8 lind d~HmB ! Al oat:A1'\' K RINSK Y. I •. U. 3. New Y~rk. N. )'.

• • "The mA n who dou not wo rli: for the

10"1' of "'ork lIut only for mouey iB not likely to) make money nor to lind much fun in llfe."-CliARI.r. 1\ :'>1. SOli WAil .

"T he secru o f mnkill ,r o ouelf ti~lIOtne I~ not to know when to I tOp."-\ ·OI,TAlIU:'

• " 1~"f'rJ' IDan'l tuk ia hi, Ji(e pre·

~n·er."-G. II. E14r.a80x.


The cry of the blue jn y II th rill in , and rr« :

It hrings b(l('k II flood of 8"'ee t memor ie~ 10 me.

All a youth I nlC1:'(1 lI f1 er them through the sprilla:: bret'Ze.

ilut ollu)1I they crllHl from t he nu t , I'm-e or trUll.

A flal'h of IIriaht blut· 1 1 ;~lnBt t he elu ll sky.

A wi"Sinl' 10 freedom And ;rnce the re on high;

I surely would ellteh II,em IIO me wonder­fnl tiny.

11 11 1 their wilt! . awec! refrllin came froUl fu r ther OWlly.


'I'hough I hn .. e not en lltured them. !!Omr dlly I 1\'iII :

T heir br i,ht. r inginlt mus ic jUlil 1'lI"~ r t he hm

InTiteR me t o If)' lit end les~ I )' l:iI'h11t My bel l to Ihe muaic lI ud .-:hlllll'lIl:/· ,.f

livi llg. D . A . 8 00\·r.K. I ,.U. I S06. JJ«f,I lh·. III .

• • "T h llt fell ow is ce r lal nl y II live wlrr ."

rem ll l'ked one I,~ rty gocr. " Yn." a nswered 11 f ri rn,!. " Uu t he geu shorl·cil'cuited 1IOlllI'lime"

a t hia parlies by gettint O\'f rlo~dtd and paMing oul."

DA\'£ Bl.OOw. L.U. ". NeW) York. S. Y.


A litt le lIi t of Hell "en So I l l'eciou ~ Plld 110 /leur "~.-e n 11 11 I hold ),011 I can' t 1M! l ie\'e you' l'e hfl'C-'. T he "uy IIkil'~ li re In y"nr eyl'~. All '-'Iut al< lJIue ('8n IN' The wonder (){ it 1111 Is Ihllt yo u be lona:- to lilt. 'I' hese litt le hll lllill lIueh power 1il'~ 'I'h ll t 811 our hl'lI l't 'l r n l "'i ,, ~

Aronnd )'oll r lin.\· fillj:e r Oh ,i ll rlinj( bally mine ~

l'.UH\,I • ..: F .\TI'I')oo.~lI. w;fr (1/ 1'U y.olIOH JI.l ~'''· I ·mltos", . 1 •. (1. /470. h·" /Ir Jl /I. N .. f ,

---------------------. I

NA.ME. ....... _._ ..... _ ...... • ...... · ...... _ ... ·_ .... ·_ .... _ .. ··_· .. ·_ ...... ·_ .... •• .. - .

NEW ADDIfSS ... _ .. _ .. _ ....... _ .. _ .......... __ ....... _ .......... _ .. _ .• __ ... _ ... :

-... ---... --.. ---.. --........ - ... -...... - .. --.... - .... ·······_···· __ ····_···_· 1 e lly S', ' . Zip Code I

'USENT lOCAl UNION NO ............................ ··" .... _ .... ·_ ...... • .. • ...... ·I CARD NO. __ .. __ .. _·_··_· ____ .. · .. • .... ···_·· .. ··_ .... _ .. _ ...... • .... • .. ·_ I

(I f unknown _ doKk wilh loul Union' I OLD ADDUSS _____ • _____ • __ .. ___ .. _· ___ "I

··_-_···_·_---_··_· __ ·· __ ·_···· __ ··_·_-_·_·······- 1 CII'f Sill. Zip C.... I

FOIMH lOCAL UNION NU ..... SU .. ·_ .. _ .... _ ...... __ ...... ·_· ...... · .. · .. __ • .. I IF YO U HAVE CHANGED LOCAl UNIONS


Mall 10: Circulation Departmenl Inlentltional Broltlerllood of Electrical Worker. 1200 15tb Street. N.W., Wlshin"on, D. C. 20005

I 1

:'> In)' ,he hin"c~ of f l'iendsh i l l newr ~H r ll"IY.

A " ' rl'h"l<ler hllll ~I" I '~_ A mi!l>lIf' I' ('U II

' "' )'Hlrll.

11,' "I", hf'f'<l~ ~ftr .. ,)· in e"('n' "'8)' ",ill Ii.·" I, ... "j",. JUI"lh~r "ay.

JAlU:8 ItO.I.

1 • .1. -'00. hbNr,. /,,,,,1;. \~,.


HOW A IIJ~ YOU? II"", JlI'/' ynu Ihrq(, linl' ~pri",Il "~yll? t 1[1. jll~' ,..,· ... _in II ~"r! of It ,..tll': 11 0'" "rlhrili~ ill till' lin~", ,\ rhtll And IIIIill'< "'1J\t'fiml'~ INI~I'. T h<'r\"" lI"t lIIudl thl' nUOlfrr " 'i lh nw. 1'111 ""lIl' hl'IIlllty nil (,1111 he; .\1)' 1'1I1~,· is wf'llk. III.' hlood i~ Ihill. 1··. ·.·11 11 ): IiJl{' ("I' , Iw ~Iu' lle I'm In . / 'JlII', ... "Ik Qn t l,.. ~Irp"t Hny mor". ,...·.·1 1:'''''' "'''.1'. J f" ll "" thl' flf>f)r. 1\1",,1' ,"'"",11 I" 1111' I'pry l" l f' li t ni):l lT : T h.· 'I'T) III'XI oill ." 1' 111 feel in):' nil ri,llhl. .\I '·IIl"r.l'·~ r:tilill!::. h .. n,r .. in II ~ I ,ill. ]0'" ,·111,,: Ii,,~ fvl' I h .. ~h,'1"-' ]'111 in I "ina:: "II ,I"y. er)' thO' Ili,llhl thrll. "IIII'! Ihink "f "IIythillS: ciS{' HI du. 1t.'Un I" Nt)' .. , '111 lint ",ilh II i!o)lII: " ThUll "'1'1',. for 1II),1)('1( 811 thO' day Im'l:"

U,,',rro t("",ber . 101' .. '1'1) I. I'(I.:E",U!II. /,.1. 3 . • \(Ow ror" (·j l ,..

• • ,\ ,lnl1l 1II1I~1 III,. " hf'l."11 the ii I'S! .. Iel'·

Ir"lIi\' ""'hnit-inn- h" "II I,t1lil''< Iltl' ~])8r,· 1'1I1'!1I (ur Iii .. "'"rld'~ li l'~t loud ~11('1I1i~r.

'111" '\'n~hlllgt"" p,,~t.

" ~:I''''II'I<~., \\'''l'kl'nI hn .... • 01. hf'~1 ,.""t",./. anti mnlt/' Ih .. ,".S! /"0"" .... ,;11". "r "",. unln" in IllI' l ·nil .... 1 :-;tlltl'~_"

QU(lllI l i"lI (mm .Iohll !tnPI'. ( ·lIrl .... ' ll i~' for f ,,,I'9f".

X,· ... 1\1"l:nll rur 1~1,'<'l ric """' l hhrll~h I '~" r~ :

" 1 1" II~h y,,' 1T [t'I' lh Iwi.,' .••. ,,:' .. .' III)'. .IUOIT 1': Io"'ltl"illu I ",i,'" II •

~ .... ,


"'"~ ~ID""inJ( III ('elllr,,1 I'llI'll ''''f' ,,(I"rn,1II11 ..-1If'1I 1\ "1"'ff'~hil' Inll,I.·oI "lid ""m.· littl .. ItTl'<'n nll'lI h"I'I" .. 1 ,UII ,,"01 I"'~IIII ~"""11ins: ,h,' 1111111""" 1'" with fi",,1 1I1,,~,,'~.

.\ ft'·r ~lI l h"rilll: UI ' III~ ''' · ''TIIII··. 1;111111.' ... ·"t "'PI' It",1 It~k ,'d: " \\, hll l IIr.· ,'"'' "",ki"s: r .. r·!'·

.\ ,,01 "" .... f II ... litt],- ):,1""'11 ""'n nil· ~".'ro .. 1 " Littl.· IIr~"1\ ""Ill,," ... r ( .. '"1' .........

CIO))"» ! ']'10,· h",jllt'.,.'!"",, "IIIHj'(1 hi~ f,,.·ol'ilf'

"''''"111'''''' 111101 " .. 10'1'('(1 ~aI\MI:""'~ ,,1111 "".,1"'11 1 ~,I'"' .. ,~,

11,' 1",,1 jll~1 ~ l lIrlr.1 worli " " "1'" ~" II · ""1:" ,,10" 11 h.· ,li~"""'I""1 Ihll l il \·u,, · I lI iu",111 pir,,' " f m .. \I,T lir'" 11,· dl'III" 1111",1 1111 ' ·.\ I,lllIIlIli"lI. 'I'lli' w"ill·r. ",,11 Ir:l ilwol. h ll.1 II ,-.·,,,1.1' !I"~,,,.·r.

,,' " •• ,..'T." 110' ,.."hl In hi. ,...", ... ',..1 I "nl'~. .. ..... liT" 1'''''1111 ,,, olNUI"I"lrnlf> "III' pr"g. r"~~. I I'" jll,..' nll .. lh ,·r ('xII"'I'I .. ,.r II ... tn"I"r.-ur r.·"lndul: th~ ho l'8('."

PAINFUL! And Workmen's Compensation Never Equals Union Wages Either!