editorial comment - IBEW


Transcript of editorial comment - IBEW


Members' Participation Vitally Needed In Local Union Meetings

It has not gone unnoticed that In the articles appearing in the " Local Lines" section of our Jour­nal each month, a great number of the local union press secretaries unfadingly urge our rank-aod-file members to attend their regular local union meetings. We thank and commend our press secre­tanes for thiS action and also of course for all their participation In union activities given so un­selfishly on their own free time. These Brothers and Sisters most certainly do help bnng unity and strength to both their local union and the BruthcrhlJl.)(] which In turn adds to the progress of the entire orgamzed labor movement .

Our press secretaries arc dcA ­nhely right, attendance by our members at the regular local union meetings as called for io the local union by-laws In accordance With the IBEW Constltution is most lIuportant.

Since the earliest days of the Brotherhood, as in loday's era, one

policy promoted extensively throughout the Brotherhood and one of prime importance that is consistently called for by lBEW leadership at all levels, is the urg­ing of members to attend and par­ticipate in the regular meetmgs of the local union.

The local union meeting is the place where the formal bUSiness that requires approva l of the loca l union membership is conducted. Local unions have always con­ducted their personal business aI­faus without interference unless a local union becomes grossly neg­ligent and does not promote the interests of its members 10 the IBEW.

Members should never take (or gTanted that their participation IS nOt needed at local union meet­lOgS. The local union officers need the backing of the members m order to guard against those inter­ests, in and Out of the union, who would destroy the democratic rights of the members withlO the structure of the Brotherhood. When members are absent £rom the meeungs, they automatically for­felt their chance to participate 10

the current business affairs of the lInion. They lose the opportunity to be knowledgeable of current local activities. They lose the right to express ideas and speak out on issues affecting the local; and If they do not attend the local ulllon meeting, the biggest loss to them is to vote on the issues as they mdlv ldually may deCide.

Regardless of whether or nOt the meeting is a regular one or a spe­cially called one, the busmess In

either case does require aCtion thut is taken only by the members present. And, when the members at the meeting vote on an issue, it is the prerogative of those pres­ent at the meeting that decide right or wrong, good or bad for the enure membership of the local IlnlOn

Too often members are heard to say, "The officers of the local ~lre

doing a good lob, why go to the meeting," or "Why go hea r the same old stuff." And, one of the most dangerous quoted is " If the chairman wou ld shut those radi­cals up, I wou ld 3nend."

When a meeting is disturbed by a radically inclined loud mouth or 3 misinformed member who adds nothing constructive to the meet­ing, the officers can set the record straight. However, they need help in doing so. By being present and intelligently participating in a meeting, members can help defeat any radical nonconstructive movement that would hun the local union which in tum might lead to hindering or helping to tear down the progressive structure of our great Brotherhood.

In coday's society, there arc many ~rsons and organizalions whose main objecuve, either for greed or profit, is to destroy organized la­bor. At the local union meetlng plans can be formulated on how to overcome these haters of Ulllons; and to guarantee victory over our enemies, it is important that every good, progressive-thinklng mem­her of our union attends rhf'lr local union meeting and helps the officers to protect our union way of life.

Those dedicated officers and members who do fulfill all their obligations to the Brotherhood make the mEW that much stronger. I urge all our members to join them to he lp advance the progress of our great union.

Charles H. Pillard International President





- #





Volume 83, No. 2 February, 1984

FEJ:lTLlJ:lES James R. McAvoy ApPointed to International

ExecuUve Council

ISEW Locals Give "Tons" to Help the Needy

International Representative Dorothy Husted Honored

International Executive Council Meeling

Mondala For President

1984 Most Important Year in Labor History

Address by Waller F. Mandale

DEPAJITIVIENTS Editorial Comment-Members'








Participation Vitally Needed in Local Union Meetings Inside Front Cover

Safety Tips

Washington Labor Report

Research and Education Department- Union Construction Workers Outperform Non-Union Workers

Local LInes

In Memoriam

Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report





63 64

Reflections Inside Back Cover

ON OUR COVER-nus wifltery scene

Is typical 01 much 01 the United States

and Canada this time 01 tho yeal. II

should also be a lemlndel to the public

that tBEW members ale on the job

24 hours a day, seven days a week,

in all kinds 01 weather, keeping the

electric, gas. and water tlowlng. Must


leading lor all IBEW members Is the

article beginning on page 14 telling of

union COfISlruction WOf1I:OIS oulpar­

Iorming the non-union. Copy this article

and dlsl/ibule It In your communities

It tells the truth on 8 most Important

topic on which the publIC needs to be



POST"" ... 'TeR: Ooa"", 01I0(I(l, ... C',dl on form 3519 __ 1>& NrIlle Inlem.llor." 11'011'01<_ 01 el«!ncal WQtlo."I. 11~ FII!IIOMth SIrMi. N w .. W81111ng1On. 0 C . 20005. PuI>I llilfId .,..,.,tll/y 8»0 HOOr'Id";"" PO" • .-id .01 W,ut\'''IIIO<'I. O.C and lO(I(Iittontl .nuy. Sl>IlItCrlplion pt'Q1 Un~od StalM and Canll(la. 11.4 POI ,.., In od.1Il'ICe P,",leeI In USA. Thll JOUANM. wi. not 1>& hoeIO ,.eponlll:Mot lot ._ '''",Msed ~ (:(IITIJI)OtI<Iftf1II T". I~II O! _ .,..,.,11> II cIoIlng <lIle All copy mJSIl>& In II1II1\11»01 on OIl>&torl It.tIlItnt p,i(! _'Mi~ng not ac:cep(eeI. 18fW Joum~ (USPS 15M-SoIOI P~tlon No. 21402.


CH",RLES H. PlI.L.ARO --112515Ch S1. N.W w~DC 20005 RAI.PH A.. LEICION --.. 1125 15IhSl. NW W-.gIOn. 0 C 20005

THOMAS VAH ... RSO ... LE .......... ,~ 1!56-II ....... A.......",. Fk.sIq_ NY 11385

VICE PRESIOEIIITS F .... I 0tstrIcI. K. O. ROSE 45 ~ ....... , enl, Su~ 4(11 cay O! North Yorl< WoIIowdalfl. OnlarlO M2N 5YI

Seoond DlrtricI. JOHN E. FLYNN 81ne<ym.m. P~ Ou"""". "'.Qa(:hu .. nl 02159 I"IlIfd DllI1ric1. JOHN J. O ... RRY 222 "'amaron..:k ... _ WhIte PIaN. New YorI< 10505 Foonh o..I,OCl, O. O. WlLU"'''''SOH nlo Readorog Road .fombotIIII_ E.-. Bldg ,"0' CIn<:one.an. Onoo 45237 FII'Ih 0iItt1Cl, OAII H. WATE"'S N02~.~ SuoIot 113 Oonningham, AIL 3S209 StXIt! Donict. JAMeS p. CONWAY 373 Sc:/Itn8I& RootcI. SuiIe 201 c..d su..m. ____ 1101.

s..- ...... OfIViLLE A.. TA TIE. JR. 44OOW.~P_y ... '" ~CCy.~ 73loe -"""'" JON F. WALTERS J30 SI-....p ......... , Sumo 2\)01 IcIano F .... kIeIIo 83402 _ 001110:1, $ . R . ....cANN ISO North W9tI '--... ," Walnut Or ..... CaIrIomoa fIooIS9I!I r.nlh Doll/let. ANMEW "". RIPP 0· ..... ortlca 8uIk!Ing I. Suq 720 10400 W Htggo". RootcI Aosarro::InI. 1IIinoiII1!OO11I EI&...."m DIstrict. JACK F, .. ooRE XKI SouIt1 Je" ........ s..~. XKI SprInglieid. M1U01J~ 1151106 r ... ,ftn o.l!ricI. JOtiN A. HIGHTOWER Fr.nI<l1n BuI4d"'!il. Suote 5'S Cl>etuHIOOg" T.MftI_ 37., I


""""'~ ~ W-. Sumo 207 2.21 f>roducIoon 0ft4 ~ __ 4Il2'1

FnI o..ma. JOI-IN J . McNULTY UI Wyonwiog ... _ Scr.mon. ........ ,.,..._ 111503 s.oancI o..ma. J ..... ES f . "ULLONET II DNoon Ootn/Iam ~ SlooI."'_Olm ""'" 0tstrIcI. RICH ... RD D. ACTON 1580 e,,111 23rd ~ a.. .... "". Oho:t 4.n 14 F~ 00s1llCl. KARRY BEXLEY SOl f'\jIqm 51" S.W .t.nanta, ~ 30312 FlIIh ~. ROBERT .. ISSEY 2131 S9If, SI_ St_ ~. "'_ 153110-2885 SI.<tn 00I1tIct, mOMAS H. PURSLf.~ 1511 81100 ~ Om. Q.tvnlOn. Te . ... 175SO s.v-n o.~nncl. OLEN O . ....cALL PO. 80.31311 Salem, Orl9Ofl '7302 EIgItII1 ~rIcI, JA .. f.S R. ""'AVOY 27SO au.<It. sute!. Room 12 Vlctonoo. 9nliah ~. can.o. veT 4Et

James R. McAvoy Appointed To International Executive Council

International President Charles H. PiI · lard announced that James R. McAvoy, business manager-financial secretary of Local Union 230, Victoria, British Co­lumbia, Canada, has been apPOinted as an lntemauonal Executive Councd member 10 rcprescnI the lEe Eighth District. The Eighth lEe District covers all the Provi nces of Canada. Brother MeA yoy is replacing Brother Herbert H. Fulton who resigned from the lEe upon his appointment as an Int ernational Rep­resentative.

Brother McAvoy was born on May 13, 1934, in Blind River, Ontario, and was initiated into Local 230, Victoria, British Columbia, in April 1957. He served Local 230 as president from 1967 until 1969 and served as assistant business manager from 1969 until July 1971, when he became business manager· financial sec­retary of Local 230, and has been re· elected as the business manager·fi nancial secretary of Local 230 in all subsequent loc.tl union election!>. Rrother McAvoy was a delegate representing Local 230 to the 29th lBEW Convention which was held in Septcmber 1970. He also attended the 30th, 31st and 32nd ConventionS as a delegate and served as a member of the prestigious mEW Law Commjuee at those Conventions.

Brother McA voy is well known as a dedicated trade unionist in the British Columbia area and holds important po. sitions in his many trade union actiVIties.

He serves as Chairman of the mEW Bri tish Columbia Provincial Counci l, Chai rman of the British Columbia Elec­trica l Industry Health & Welfare and PensIOn Plans, Vice PreSident of the Bm­ish Columbia Yukon BuddIng T rades Council, is 3. member of the Construction Industry Advisory CounCil of British Co­lumbia, member of the Canadian Federal Construction Industry Development

Counc Ll and memOc r of the I\nmh Co· lumbla Labor Relatioos Board.

Brother McAvoy is the proud father of three adult daughters. He enjoys all 1 sporting events, but hIS true love IS boat­mg. All the officers and members of the Brothe rhood extend congratulations and 1 beSt wishes to Brother McAvoy as he assumes his new duties as an In tema· '" tional Executive Council member.

Pictured on the lett Is James R. McAvoy, newly appointed Eighth lEe District member, being sworn Into office by International President Charles H Pillard. On the right Is Administrative Assistant to the President AnthOny Salamone.

Herbert H. Fulton Appointed International Representative

International President Charles H. pil­lard announced that Brother Herbert H. Fulton, who has represented the Eighth fEC District since May I, 1974, has res igned that office eHective JaIlUai"Y 1, 1984. President Pillard a lso announeed effective January I, 1984, Brother Herbert H. Fulton was appointed as an interna' tional Representative and has been as· Signed to the First Viee Presidential Dis­trict. The jurisdiction of the Fi rst District covers all the Provlnees In Canada.

Brother Fulton was born on February 10, 1933, in T hunder Bay, Ontario, and was inililll r:d inlo I..nc,,1 3.l9, Thunder Say, OntariO, in June 1952. Brother Ful­ton served Local 339 as business man­ager-financial seeretary from 1962- 1978 and became busllless manager of Local 402 in June 1981 after the inside and outside unitS were split off of Loca l 339 and transferred to Local 402. Appointed by International President Pillard as the Eighth IEC District member on May I , 1974, Brother Fulton was subsequently


reelected to the of Ace at the 3 1st lBEW Convention in Octobcr 1978 and also was reelected :11 the 32nd mEW Conven­tion held in Septcmber 1982.

Brother Fulton was very active In the labour movement serving as President of Northwestern Ontario Building Trades Council, President of the OntaflO Pro- ~ . villclal Cuum: il uf the mEW Utility Lu­eals, Canadian Seeretary of the Canad Ian Labour Council and a member of the ROMII of DircclOrs of the Lakehead la­bou r Cent er. He is also a member of the AdVISOry Committee of the Confedera­tion College for the Electrical Appren- .... tiecship Program and serves on the Board of Directors of the United Appeal In hiS community.

Brother Fulton :.and hIS Wife joy are the proud parents of four children and one grandson. The emire Brotherhood Wishes to express thanks and gratitude for hiS A!I\ loyal and devoted services rendered co -the mEW by Brother Fulton as a member of the lEe. All the officers and members extend congratulations and best wishes to Brother Fulton as he assu mes his new dmies as an international Reprcsenta­!lve.

• I

On hand 10 announce Ihe donallon are, left 10 right, Daniel Henroid, senior vice presidenl, Community Services 01 the United Way: LbcaJ 1439 Business Manager John Durham; Local 649 Business Manager Bob WhitJock; '1th District Vice President Jack Moore; LocaJ 309 Assistanl Business Manager Don Hitchens; 6th DIstrict VIce President Jim Conway; and Local 309 BuSIness Manager Mike Faust

Thousands 01 pennies represent a S33.000 contnbution 10 Union Eleclric 's "Dollar More" program by members oj Ihree tSEW local unions In the 51. Louis area. Here, off icials 01 the unions dump another wheelbarrow oj pennies into a growing pile of coins.

From left ate Eugene McMahon, prosidenl, local1439, Gary Kincaid, local 649 Negotiating Commlnee: Patrick Cook, Local 309 Negotiating Comminee: and Thomas Kraus, local 1439 business representative


When It comes to &1 Vtng, no one can tOp the mile tons of pennies donated by members of lBEW Lo­cals 309, Collinsville, IllinoiS; 649, Alton, illinois; and 1439, St. Louis, Missouri, to help the needy pay their utility bills. The rune tons of penmes amount to nearly SJ4,CXJO III each of two contract years fo r a total of S68,CXXl and represent onc penny per hour donated by marc than 1,600 members of mEW Local Umons 309, 649 and 1439 em­ployed by Umon Electnc Com pany. Missouri 's largest utility .

The donation was proposed by the bargaming unit 'S Negotiating Committee and ratified by the members of the three locals as part of a two-year agreement with the Company. The nearly S21.00 per mcmbcrdonatlon to the " DOLLAR MORE" program will aSSist the elderly, the handicapped, the un­employed and those who arc encQ,')' dependent In the St. LOlliS are:1 to

pay their uulny bi lls. TIle officers, bUSiness managers

and represcntatives of the three lo­cals are very proud of thei r mem­bers for Lhis tremcndous gift to the community. The mem bers believe this to be a posItive program help-1118 to fill the I1Cl-dS of the com­muruty. They demonstrated they really wanted to do someth1l1g to help. It IS si.ncerely hoped that the example set by mEW members will inSpire others In the community to give to the " DOLLAR MORE" pro­gram throughout the year of 1984.

Thinking in ICnl1S of penmes, 11

doesn 't sound like a lot; but when you look at the volume of over three and a quancr mdhon pennies, It really is overwhclm1l1g and illus­trates the impact thiS contnbutlon WIll have on the "OOLLAR MORE" program and the people who are energy dependent_

The donauon was :mnoullccd at a press conference held at 51. LOUIS

Centerre Bank, one of the state's largest, which agreed to stack mne million-plus pennics outSide ItS safety deposit vault to help dram­atize the magnit ude of the gift of the three loc.11s. The pyramid of pennies reached more than seven feet hIgh With a base 10 feet wide.

In town for the prcscntatJon to "OOLLAR MORE" were mEW In­ternatlonal VIce Presidents Jack Moore and Jm1 Conway, "We arc extremely proud of you and mem­bers of your local orgaOlZ3t1ons for the olllstandLllg charitable contn ­bUllon that has been made to such a wonhwlul e proicct," said Vice President Moore.

" I know of no other IIlstance III

our lntcrnauonal where such a con­tribution has been part of a contract agreement

"We all owe you a wann note of appreciation for hemg so sensitive to the nceds of others," added Vice Presiden t Conway .


International Representative Dorothy Husted Honored

internatiunal Rcp[C~cntalive DU!­olhy Husted waS honored by the Academy of Women Achievers of the You ng Women's Chri stian Associa ­ti on. ~h c waS Included In the 1983 class of the Academy of Women Achievers a t a luncheon in honor of the recipients that waS attended br. over 1,500 people at the Hilton Hote , New York City, on November 9, 1983.

International Represen tative Dor­oth y Husted WaS born in New York City and in her early life she and her family moved to New Jersey_ He r formal education took her through elementary school and two years of instruct io n in the Essex County Vo­cational School. She had no oppor­tunity to further her formal educa­tion and was forced by circumstan ces to learn and progress with the tools of her background- mtellect, hard work and an unYielding desire to have a better wa y of life. Her very

PIctured at the Academy of Women Achievers lundleoo is honoree International Representa­tive Dorothy Husted being congratu lated by Third Olstrlct International Vice President John J . Barry.


Intemational Representative Dorothy Husted, right. is pichJred with Sallie Melvin, chalrperson 01 the Academy 01 Women Achiellers at the luncheon where International R89I'esentatille Husted was honored as 8 Woman AchieV9t

first job was at the Western Electn c Plant in Kearny, New Je rsey, a sub­sid iary of the mammoth American Telephone and Telegraph Comp;my, Dorothy was ve ry young, poorly pre· pared, on her first job, one of 30,000 other empl oyees and sta rting at the lowest rung of the economic Illdde r. In 1942 her job was assembling tele ­phone equipment at a rate of pay of 4S centS per hour.

Seeing the economic plight uf hCf

co· workers on the assembly hne, her sense of digmty, fair play and sym­pathy for the underdog moved her to take actIon and her fighting spiri t took up the cause of her fellow work ­ers as soon as the IBEW appeared on the scene to organize these 30,000 Wes tern Electric workers. Sister Husted's work as an inside o rgamzer for the lBEW was a main factor 10

the Brotherhood gai n ing ba rgaining rights over six other unions compe t­ing for this large group of electrical workers.

Knowledgeable labor people who remember what it was like 10 1947 to o rganize a corpora tion giant like Western Electric, with ri va l labor groups adding to Compan y resist­ance, will have som e idea of the magnitude of this victory, due 10 no small measure to Dorothy Husted . So appa rent was her dedication, per­severance, capaci ty for long hours and hard work, that the lBEW used her on a tempo rary basis to help o rgan ize Western Electric, Westing-

house and RCA plants III Indianap· o li s, Allentown, Reading and Lan­caster, Pennsylvania ; Columbus, Ohio i ShTf'vl'pnrt, Louisi ana; and Duluth, Minnesota . Her success in e those orga ni zi ng campaigns resulted in her appointment to the mEW staff in October, 1953, making her the first wo man to be appointcd as an IBEW International Representative from the Manufacturing Branch of the Brulhcrhuud_ Today a:, an Int er­national Representative assigned to t the IBEW's Third Vice Presidential District, which includes servici ng 23 local uni ons located in the states of Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, her duties have been to o rganize and help train local union leaders. Her work necessitates J her involvement with the least skilled workers to the heads of the nation 's top corporat ions, not excludi ng their legal brain trusts. During her 30 yea rs as an IBEW International Represent · ative, Sister Husted has gained the <II respect and regard not only from local union officers and from the membership she has valian tl y rep­resented, but also from her peers in the labo r movem ent and the repre­sentatives o f the major corporat ions she has dealt with . All the officers ... and members of the IBEW extend congratulati ons to Dorothy and a lso si ncere best wishes as she continues her dedicated efforts o n behalf of IBEW mem bers and for the progress of the Brothcrhood.


l r



. ~




TIll. r~8ul.r mettln, of thc Imcrn~lion.l Eucuuvt Coune>! was called to order by ChlLrman Taylo. al 9;00 a III, Monday, December 5, 1983. Othel members of the Council in Incndance were Pursicy, McCall, Fulton, McNulty, Mullaney. AClon, Bedey and Mlucy.


Secretary Leigan presented Roam:!.l repun' covuill1> the [SEW PenSIon Fund, the Eltcme.l Workers- Bendll fundI and the Investment Portfolio of .he Brotherhood-both in C.n~da and the UntIed Stale,

Treasure. Van Andale attended the mccung and USL,.cd the lEe on sevt.1I1 maners


The r~pun 01 fund Illvntmcnt action by the International President and Inlemanonal Secretary since Ihe lUI Council meeling was presented 10 the IEC, eumined and ~ppfllved.


The ~udJtor '. reporu fUI the various funds of the Brothert"xxl were presented to thr [EC, eumined and filed


The follOWIng employee of the IBEW Ipphed fOI rellrement The IEC approved her requeSt to be dfecuvc as shown

Adnd Dungan-effecuve lanuary I, 1984


Approval was ganted by the IEC 10 thc following ]ntnnational Reprucm­nive requestmg reurement

Richard N. Rogers-effective Much I, ]984 lSecond DislTlcl I.R,)


In acco rdance with the !BEW COn$lilulion, Article Ill, Section 11(6), Ihe IEC approved one 1I1 applicalion for Pre· RclLrement Spou~e" Benefits

NGRIiL\L I'£JISIGMI Al'l'RGVED 8IJlNln, RGIle" G " Bilby. 8lftraotl A, a.ctn.I. John J " BliYen. WoIWd G

Tk '111l1li11_1 ElIc.1I¥t ClHMcll Bet~o._[ " McGu~" Wllter J IP~ low ,LIIIdtM .. lillY [..a) CocMt Geot~ l " COx. E~mt Il00I'I11 ".11011 _lit ",Hullo ..... 0lI01. EJIgti A " Holmes. Coy 101 10110.-1' [vtrbnO, fItmIIn " P!tr. Chilies H

~,St.S_" " Slt.<1r¥1tLI. RObtrt 101 ...... """ n £ ... ~C MOIIER'HIP lNI .......... RIymoniI H " Jenyn. ltn"iI G

III LII. lJnU. WiIkIm " n Martin, BurtQn C l)'Ofl_ 0rIId (; " Tllomi1s. 0- ],I ..... , w ..... P , McOoMII. JIi'nft £ "

__ w

flDIlon, IbcIIanI 0 , ,...,.,. Ivan w " ~.8M1OJ I\e!IIII W.IIim H , SrMII • .If • "IhcIInu I " KraM, Willrd C KIll. Iby10rd C_ , SOwn. 0tw!1I C n Mathews. GeofOI A PiIlI. Tone J , ....... -, " 1IIonon_ Ro.

" .""- , TIVCI'I. MhuI A " Kenyon. ~rIts C ............ , w_. 0IaIIIs W " Ctf.III WillIan F -..... , ha-II, DMd W " HutIIQ. I¥In 0 Bugllno • .IImII , ~. JDSIltI P " StnIIh CorwIrd E ~.Frri;S , 1iIIIrwv. FIonaId W " SrnoIII. Elt<IJnIl CIa. WIIIIm 0 , AIIiIon. James 0 • S(wf. IlMt E hmI . .a.nes C , -... • 8IrQIow. FfJIIIoIn Grosso. Georot p , """.-- • Gwlg. frtlleric:t 0 1tIndoc:ks, HmIIa H , Cwnrt. DonIkI R. • HoObs. Mrld G MmtnOt' . lYI~ , Poo1_. DM:I K • ~. DonP:I" M,IIer, tmicI H , • Cooper . GO L


In accordance with the prOVIsions of Article XIV, Sc:cllon II of the IDEW Conslltution. the ,urn of S69,590.S0 was Iflnslerred from the Military Service lund to the IBEW 'ensloll Fund tovuing the months of Augu$l , September and October, 1983


The International Eneutive Council received one (11 apJ>Cal which, aher review. was ruled 10 be improperly before the Council ~nd, therefore, could nOI be reco,"i~ed


President Pillard discussed with the IEC levelal mailers concerning the Brolhe.hood, I.e., leport of the Counc!! nn Industrial Relations' November session, Local Uninns nn Strike and number of members affecled, Progrul Mccung" Slaff Training ['rogramJ repon on proposed changes to regulations of Dayis·Bacon and Service Comrlct ACIS, Dues Rebate Prog.am, Withdrawal of EEOC diserimin~tion chilIes venus [BEW and Il of liS local umonSJ lomt Nauona[ ]ndustrlll Agreement fOI Instrument Technictans-Clineh R,ver Nude .. prol tetl A T.&T. dcrcgullilOn problemSI R.C.A. Service Company NatIonal Agreementl CampaJgn Contribution Report Prog.am, October 1983. AFL·ClO National Conventioni COPE activitie., and other matterS affecting all branches of the lI.otherhood


AI the rune ]983, .egul .. meeting. Ihe Internauonll httuuve Council decided 10 IOvuligate ch .. gu alleging vlObuon of Mude Xli, Section 4ldl of the !BEW ConstJIulioD by a lo.me. (pensionedl member of Loe.al UnIOn 121, Brother Robert E, Bnnk .

A formll heanng was conductcd Dunng the heanng, conSlderallOn was given 10 Ihe faclf of the clSe_ St~temenl' were made by the charged party that have IItisHed the local union [t is undeutood by the IEC that the mailer 15 amIcably rc.olved and thereforc, no further aCtLon WIll be laken by the [EC-


A lor mal chlrge was filed With the ]nlernauonal hecuth'c CounCIl The chllite allege. certain VIolation. of Allicle XII, Section Iidl of the IBEW CUnllitulLon by a fonnel Ipensioned) member of Loca! Union I I, Brorher Fled I. Belhke. The IEC reVIewed the charge. and ordned 8 fo rma! lOve,,,· gauon, heanng and repwl

• Ktnnfy. W,II.-m J ,~ Chtfry Rem; " ,.

• M&Nuny , .IuneI S ,~ Dugger. filM T ,. • AkIM. ClliI1n C '" Hm. Cecil G ,. " BlIGwIn , Cctwtn" '" DIlly. Poul E ,. " CopstellJl. ElmnI " '" IlicNrcls. J 101 , . " ..... ,T~P '" MiGcIlLItOI'L, /IQais J ,~

~ ..... - '" EmlI. fItmIIn E '" " TIIboI £mbIf 101 '" .... """" '" " SttvwIs. CI\aI1n l '" tonw.,-. ~rIts on " SIUIIf, Htnty C '" EdorifOl. Cliwe E '" " Goar.I. leo 101 on Vinson "' ... A on • "'q"INUl. =:1 J on lI/stIIr. frll"lCil 101 '" • Tanner, CIIrtra '" .... _J ,~ • ...... _GMrvtw ,~ - ., ""." '" • PoweI. IIaIph { ,~ V..w.n. PwItr '" • """- ,. "'-• .Jotactt l ,~ .. """"" w ..... e ,~ 11uIIo.~ ,~

• lagflllgl, PIwLop E ,~ __ S ,. .. a.... Thomas p ,. SImmons. James W ,.

• BnIsUr.. loW: J ,. .... - '" .. Grabowski. a.a... J ,. ...... , ThornuH '" • 1111_ I\otItrIW ,. l1li. C/Iauno;:8y E "' " HIIIncIer . ...."..,l_ ,. ft&r ThorIIIs U '" " Jo/In5on 'IIrnon H ,. BIkIwkI. f.-na L. '" " KN~F ,. FIco1<ow. WMter '" " ..., J ,. PrIce. HugII S '" , knucIse!I Arnold F ,.

'" WiIllilms, RIcnata C SInGefsan, VICIOr J ,""" 1Ihomt. .IICOb , JIc:oI>a. Sovmurd .. Hutwn.L. Georot F , .......... " ,. tu"",.ChirltsA '" SecI4Io, Domenk:ll],l , Milloy. James E • Ro<IIy. ;' • .Mmn],l , 0c:0nn0II. John 101 ,. Hirlli1fld, Eol"fr.Ird '" SUWnktw5lr;. ~, , KrynslU. T S .. 1Ionch, Joe 101 " ~. M/IlH II ,. CIeirJ. DI&rIIS J '" 0uiI<itrt. Ala , --, .. "'"'. """" n Ptrhllll . .loI!n J ,. (Xson. ArItIur E '" Hi1lLttan.Wt~F • l'IlI"" Pel, • Bemo •. wm .. m V .. 1\oc"JII, '"Il0l X ,. KDvKfL, FIlIIk J ,.

1Ioppe, Emnl • F\eedtf, .Mel< M ~ Mi r1'QUlno .)Dseprt " .... _J ,. Alt. SMnLIIIII. '" WI~r-s, Wl lter B • Brown. Hlrold " • Oatnon. PI"" J • SiksM. E.,.1d ,. ~~roD ..

R.i~, MuN • Hlrr'IISlId, II.Irry K, .. CoImtrOn. Georot II • S(,hultl , ChiI1n K ,. fraeml~, TlIomas R .. Baney, Willllm 0 • Jtnk\I11, Will:vn T .. Hutc:hlson, Will R • Skilr. W,llim v ,.

.IOneS. ArrIc>ICI J .. Minin. DonIJ(lB • 1I~, S,r~ N .. Campbell, Jonn F • Stadt. Jimes V ,. 1'lIors1ellLSOlL. John A. '" Mill. John M • PiI!N. Rld\lrd H • W!lI1mL5. KonoeIh W '" Wi4son, Joseph P ,. \VttIIeIiIw Thomas M '" ,. RoWl ,llanIkI • SIIm!, FIiIymoocI E " EiSin WilHlm ,~ VOU/IQ MI~ R ,.

tkIIIIng$WOllll. Jesse D .. '" IBEW JOURNAL I FEBRUARY 1984 I 5

.. " ". -- .. McCov HMf'/ II! " Crol>tI , Jerry E " F~, J. , Cl\arIH W • Hiys Milr~ /> 200 $c:hu/tz, JIs~ J .. fbdIiros, Gordon ,~ WI, WoJI" m S " KutIeNo, I\iIVJ!IO'HI A • RitdeI. ~ C 200 S<:o/)oe, Aobtr1 H .. Stoll , Herben V ,~ EW. 8mtr E " MilrtIft. Jr , lilli' S • Sllilitr a.yq H no ..,J, -, ." """" ... " '" EdoSOll fl'ri A " SiedI., l.w. II • ~, Jirrlet A '" --, ." And, Gtne S '" Emory Jf Ruswi E " .\cion, EmISI G • TIIomtGtt, WooIIIow W '" ~, 0Ir¥tr f ." Gawtns, Alben ,~ ~1er~S " 8uWI, u~ A. • Rq. Cluille$ G '" Shuntrl fr .... '" s.ppIe JolIn J ,~ Gns-oIa . .II , EdIwI E " Clrty. Emest L • ..",. ". 8r1hlm. HirlIkI A '" I(ec:k Pi .. L ,. """~ " "'" ""'. • , Oh/inotr, 6eorOt 0 ". M,1lUIIo 00-." A '" ~h, .a.naw ,. _ . G

" Goklswor1hy JoM R • JdVIson, 0- A 300 GI'IIWII. I'U .J WoIYmS. RcrrH ,~ -. ... , " __ W

• --, '" &Inri! .limes 0 ., TlIom~ I/WIg H "" McCor'<Ie. lINn 0 " SIeeIt, Illy E • 1IMIt' ...... c '" ow.. E ...... W •• "' - , '" ~, RoIpII E " Beams. Otis J " Ournty W ..... J '" $pIkh~ Gordon II '" Veil!! , Robtn G ,~ 1'hIops, RetIonI" " ~. OscarD " HDrIDn, W,!IWII T '" ),toler, E VO Ill",", S W '" ~, IIlroIflO " ~ RobtttE " Sipn W""," H ». M.~ lIsIIIG on ".iN SIIeItty 0 ., l"""Y~l " Buxton. KenwuIIJI f , fimIpI. MIl C '" Wo/It, Cllirles H '" 1Irown. AlIJI' II '" s....ws. Geofvt 0 " Clan.. 000akI p , • Emerson, W ..... '" 1Iud$On, ,/o$epfl E '" -""'" '" 111011 ....... £ " 0-,.. Gilm II , RoOtttJ. ~ '" BliIlDSky k1nk S ... Motoson huI E '" Rll'lllllan, .10M A " GonIoln Vern E " lin,", WdberI G '" W,_ .u... C .,

~Jr, Gectllt '" Sorce. III""" W " -- " • SdIwthr, flJ(lQ$ H '" A$hIIJ. JoIP'I'IIS II '" SWeeI. C W '" fWvI. CI\itIts J " ~ WIflQN , Searls. ~rA '" ElkIn,. Albell II! no login , GeoroIl ~, -- " Brawn, MIIInId l , __ J

~. Noc:t. Roy T ". Snglelon. R P '" IIK:UII, fbcrllflI G " ....-, , Ca/Ieno)et , AI'oIrI 0 ~, /ionIs, JKk II m Smrttl, IbcI\Itd B .. I\ttI:, W""",l " lu.:k. IIoS$ F " W_ry G!tIonl W ., Connolly , JoseiII' 0 '" 81J1"d1, o\nhur G .~ Kdp&Inc:t. Theodore R " 8nt!oo . llonildR n l'illWsIat. John f .. Io'.aJll$. Jostch 0 no Mat!J~. CIIIr\e$ A '" \.icon. ~ M " IIendmoo Gilbetl S n Mun'P. Cllirln G ~. I'Ildlilruk, Ailled W '" Sttwoedet . Geo!~ E ., lundtn, ArtNI M " Kelso, leona'" R n WIlkInS,Jr 10m0ttly L ~. Jones, WilIlIm A. '" Swr11lS011, HIflI)' ~, Morrow , Gill! " I'IiIn , Wirren H n &,<ers. J.ames W '" ... m. '''''''''' '" Sotwru4\, l'II i~ G "' Plvilroll, And, ... J " RolUm. Jose(>h A n 1"Ioon. AIChiIIlI '" Pttmell, llawltd '" Scot. Eubel! "' Wa"," , J.atk II " Wille, CtIesI!t T " J Welt, WLIlWn '" $!o ... WiJlon ,~ Creistl. EDoon l .. WtsSII liI~ A " CIOHoo , JOM 0 ~ Corrors, O'/u'd A ~, BU"lHS, ~~flIOI1 101 '" Porta! , Jcr.epn a ,. Wurnt Mil " S~ftl. JI" IQymoni:lI " Dis, tIe!soIo 0 ~, IIIrc1!l,lld. WI!lel ". PicdotIo FI1ncis l .. EI$an", H.,OI(I A n Koe~. (l!IQ C ~ Farr. OIl' f '" HoHy. Ctutlts C n. FlIlSlil. 1010/100 '" ~. WIIIIIeIIC n So.IIeyttIte. Ralpn ~ Poile';, Fos!tr W ~, --, ... W'\Iv!f$wo,u, . ArllW'Ml F roo TOWl1H!lCl, MelVIn W n 00IIlr. CturIMI A M ~mill'lek . WilbVn , ,. BI'ItII, FliI!!CIS R ." ffrguSOrl, Henry J '" Me~~ J.anle$J n £IWn, J, , .loB 0 M Wh .... eNrIts R ~. Diwes, IIomtr '" Wan. George 0 '" ClflIlIWle, ""~R " Ho/tIdiIw WiIIIIl • ~ers £Mn '" ltWltrltt, HeIIry f ." Dobson, WiI'fI'J II ~. PilClOfI MK:hH! " Jones, J.ames H • M~ , Ro!Ien C ~, GI~ John L. ~. (lIn.. HiIrr)' $ ., 1bOO\odI, Hen~ J " Owens. JuIiIn , • 1Inan. WoWm v '" M"ldIII!, JimR W ~. Grbbs SilrnueI 0 .., - ."" " DadIy. AI!ra:I f • Oyt, Ktnnt!!! II '" 1N1Ion. ltCI M M' ~. GWI!ldoIIn A 1015 ShitItf JI, l" II " tboombtr, Geotve l • Hin:llSO/l , Arlo '" FresflOur, AutllJJII C .. Ikown . C/w1e$ V "'" Slut, AnII>Ony J ,. --, • 4 1Ilun, Georve J '" lo!e/ , AIItn .. VelllUII, Flink " .. 8edntr, GlorII' C ~ ToIatsotI. JI. ~".." H • Mc£W" IlIIDorMIl C '"

""'"' _. ., "' ..,...L ". BIktr , eNrIn R ~ SdIIo~ . Hirry W • ~,I\ucIoIi:IIA '" Piauil, :=i ., GoIHIs. Herwy E ". 1ItIt. OIls L ~ 1l\I$ObIOn, IIobm H • 1IeOre/!, Robert P ~, ....... ., - .. ,,~ Byrd I/WIII J • Grinde. John A ~ _ .M '" VaugIIrI Vtmon C ., Jones. Aobtr1I1 "" HelM. W ...... H ~ $wneII , P J ~ $lilt, Morl'll W '" Dmd. AMn ( ., iNdwtII. DM:I L on, SO-S, Jr , ThurmAn 0 • Chrrchonlo , .lase(III A. '00 Cobn, FIIJ W '" MdIIr . ........ A. ." !II.r'<e. Eugn P 1319 Wyrn,~G ~ FiI/'IOW, Josep/! W ,m ... _.

'" Boyles. WoIiIrn II ,., RieboIdI, Uwlonet C ,~, Grant. eon.IO » Guo<mro , liIw ..... J ,m AmI/oIIt, Glcqe E "' J\otoorIso:r! , wan. ( ." .......... 1371 CoIIrnt. 6Ior9I E ~ 1teNQIIiIn. PiI\nd( f ,~

DlWDI. ~l "' fuKo . ~A '" W1IIer. FIotItn L "., HinlII. Wi/ftII G ~ Vnlrig1 F\otItrI G_ '" 6utrNm. lIDnmIl "' HutIinI , C L_ '" Geo'Iic. MvguII. "" Gagroon. Will*! A ~ Jenkino. Plant L ,~ • 1tDIn'IbIr\I. VemI! P "' MecbI. G 0 '" WalSOn. WJdoIII 1421 ..... -. ~ .IoIIiIMed< f<IrIcIs J , '" 1.iI\oton, JolIn N "' -- "" CAmpbeI. Thomas 0 ,.,. liIllIM. ,.., J ~ MiIor . PIIIiIP '" MansOII. HIroIiI V "' Sc:nwNn. Wlnlra:I C ., Gmes, Henne!tJ II "" t.Iordu$ki w...m A ~ Moroo. w...m 11.. '" 'unw. k. IoQ\ott A. ~, fIotJbn. fm B "" GitPbi. James W "" ~.fIriJ ~ Stec>m. Elmer W '" 1o!anzin9o. I\oIItrI ~ "' 101~£W "" 1oIcJoq. fra:l W 'W .......... ~ ChI'IIIiiIro • .IeA [ '" """" .... "' NotoIn. Gdber1 L ,,~ PISII. 0rH\IIcI E. "" JoMI. t.1 , ~ £lmvrtIeft. KInno\Il A. '" Gendl. lIo I' ... MIll. I.ImberI L 1212 lyon IIerbetI II ,~, -_. ~ 1Ian. Jr , Uu5 M '" CrIll. f .... W .. QIo. ~p "'" StonehoI.rw. Irhr1I L "" 1IiImiIIon. £omn E " ~. ElmtrO '" fmlII, eNrill J .. _.~C 1245 SWI\l. RiI'ymond H ,,~ &.IQn""". ""'" N ~ 8ounc1s , Jr . leooIl~ 6 ". Cl-.ISOII . John 8 ." Pinney. Alvin 1245 CoItttr. Rotoerl W ~ ~n,DIII!IIl ". Whitt. Jan-.s l .. 0. .... IdJnon 0 ,~, lInI. John A ~ ~!Initz . CIIvIes N '" Ca"""". lnbt E '" RIIe>gh , WJhlf H 1316 l)'Jl(ll. 0Ie01 G ~ -....... '" w.Mtll9 GuIIilW E ~, J(uMzj , Arnold 1319 OPTIONAl EAA LY AET!R£MUT Gooc!Mn. Josepn L " BWY<n , RIy l. '" -""" .~ ~, BJ\IOIE ,,~ PENS!ONS Al'f'ROVED Howl. flllll; G " Brown, Jr . John II '" • long. W~H '" Om.. Jirnn S ,,~ 1\otIin$On. Arnold D " Cook, James II '" GI~, o\IlenA. .. ~Qin. Vincent ,,~ fbi !Ml nI.lIDnil! Eu cu!!" Counc!l Welge!, Will1ft 11 " CoofJef. Ralph E. '" Sd'Iruedt<. Elmff A. ,~ Slef/III. eNt1es e .. ~ l~pl\I"d .. ". hn~m IIId 'trty·~I .. Efl9Iis/l. F.Mn II ~ e,SlbuJII. Elmer E '" Meloy • .10M P ,~ DlnMl. Wdr"". f . I!101 (761) O91k1n.l "r!'J ttllrlmln! pin, !" MJt1in. liIwrenee B ~ Milfl!\J",. W,,,," C . '" 1IooIs. Howald L. '" 1onorl. Me "" lIt . lliI IppUCllhlfll. II tal!or.&: SthItrman. Rutlln ~ PrMletlI. PIlillip 0 '" Bradley. Wt/1Ir A '" !LImen. H""" 'm ClaIMO. I" J " Quid!. Ra)'fTlOlld e, '" Sirama, StinIrt f '" Hd , Tho!nn W ,~,

M£MIElISH!P (lQtt~. PlIulE. " Sanertlekl. lIowiIll l . '" Eskew. .IiImes W '" 10111$1. Albert ~ ,~, !M LU. MoI'J'OW. JI • W,bII/ J " Wi~t/S, Dl!betI ".

lor\Iuo, ~M ~, 8ennen, eNlIn F "" ElIim. EdwwI e. • INII. Il.ilt. ,~

Sampson, I\No¥I E ~, PlIlmII', lalli C "" 1ItIm.'IIm, 01110(01 W , GambIt. JI • Ltstff • ~. M .. S. ,~

GilhooIey James l. '" M,JIItI. Raymond H 1613 fiWIII. IIlnlId L , 111100. Mofril, L • 0-. CIIIrtes H ,~

" Mdla .... Wilson A ~, -...... '"' Hoechst, Jose\lh f , 1IImbIin. AUSSII • 0urIIrty. CliIr H. ,~

Hithlld . Hiro!d H '" Johnson filII W 1110 1GIortn. Jici f , M!IdIII1. I\obtr1 £. • 1UyS. Nhl M '" 1ioppIr. Erw. 0 '" Hi,",. JAmIs 0 ,,~ KonI\auft, -WnI$ H , 1LIilIy. RiIymoncl E. " Kor1t. fnncIs l.. ,~ __ J ... MU/fIhJ. ff1(llc "M Hiwus. Roy A , Chirnbll1. 8urloo 0 " l¥ew. ScoII 0 ,~

0r1r'M'I. ~ J ~, VJllflilnItIl. flld " .. W~~M , -•. ~ " M,1IsOn. IrWIB ,~

1LImn. WiIIIrn 0 ... """-.- ,~, -. , , - .' " Morrow. !Wry P ,~

Cornr. I\otInI v ... Aumo, Reto It ,~, HiI. Georvt A. , 'Nilb'. Illy 0 " NoonIn, I.Joyd B ,~

Cornell • .t.bIaIIm l ... JonII • .IamIs W ", . ...... - , Allow. .loRItI P • ""."- ,~ - """" '" GafCII. £.m.GoI E "" ~. Aot.1C , ArouII. I.tsW T • StIamoc:k. M • fnnIo 5 ,~

MiIyo. HIrtIIr1Il.. "' ..,." ...... "" ~. ltir:nGIis , e.mr..n. OM! t. M $!wvety. 8iIIy 0 ,~ ~. F __ A

'" ..... - , 1IIMtII. John 5 ~ SWeet. Roy l. ,~ .. _ ...

'" - ..... , 8IIdII . Jom A M WNndeI'. J.aIVIt ,~

BiIIkI. W .... C, .. Ml:MiIIon. .IamIs J J 1IrKIIIr. Ard'IoI P • ....... - ,~ .......... .. tARO I. fORMERlY -- , CrIWr. CIrraIl • ~E<lwWT 'M ConIfr • ...,.... A .. THE to. af L U. ~, Anf'Iony J , DIcbon, M" ShIrrNn' • KIssel. Jr . JolIn L 'M

SdvnodI. btl 6 .. --, , FCIUCIIty. 11'N' J • Meytr'I. Jom J 'M Gould lola"," , Pr.sti . AnII\ofIy J , __ C

'" "'-..... , .... ... , fflll(:fl. AotIItI $ • SIowd. Jr . waa.m J 'M tcq.,. Thornu W '" Momson. CImIIon H • SIrom. George E , """'.- • Aemeur. Aotoert J '" KqsIr. WencIII 6 on CuIIIn. I..!_ H • 8taMIonI Adl.lr1 L • 60 __ • F\otItrIC. • .-.. GIorvtw ,~

BnrsII. 00nUCI 0 '" lrnch. II 5 • HoIIINn. woUwn f , ""'- .... • &0li010'. Ca~ 0 ,~

AhIQ ..... Jici W m &hII. Willi< • McElroy. JI. W ........ A , GrW\iIi Willer C. • [11\S1111O. CIw1e!I H '" BeIItr;. Sf .• Millin m S1ding 'lid II • Pierot. Keooe!TI R , \.tbtuIc. leon f ~ HlI1ctunos. Thom&s J '" A 1OItrtI. EIcIo H m DIy. HowIn:I 0 " Oned, John W • McDomeI. MIcIlIII P ~ KItt. 1lM:I A, ,~

lIH:h1. AMn A. '" !.ny. 8eoj.ImIn " Dulsen , DoMd H • NMo, J, . 80mmI f ~ 1.Ivin. Thom&s M ,~

AtrIN!I. EkIIIMI M .., Sd'Ittnrock. Helben M " StnQ«, Bolllil/d • HIdIoII , CIII!Ies E ~ UebNI!er, frri g, ,~

JenIdnt;, ffi/lk: T ., WWnl. ()!;, E " l6url. Jr , !11 W , f'IIerJ. RI)'IIIOI'Id P M Lomllin:lo. John J ,~

BIoon. Floss A. ,. AstIle)o . OMIlI G " And/tWS, Arm", II • SlUt! . M,nln J • MUr!I"Y. Jo/'o'I W ,~

1LIt1;h". Tom"", ,. Winsltld. WIIIlI W " to;sllCh. $1M • WIQsttI', Mi/Slon J ~ P\eIe. [o~n:I ,~

SrtIwder . ltllJ1Cl f '" Hoeis-en. 1'1111 T ~ Glskl, Jo$ffIfI J • ChicIt, RobeI1l • Rnooes. James N .. Hi/btl1, {hemu H '" Ca"'~ CI.11111fA W " fllnflllan, John ( • Ho/IIIIII. JI, John • Schroeoer, Josep/I f ,~

SInclaIr. 5r . RoIIIrt 0 ~, Langl , CIlat1es f " "'JOIIo , JoHpII R • ~vItr, AntlIIf e ~ Sindelar. Uwrtl'ltl 1 ,~

WtstmllJl!IM, Moses J ... Rllllllt , lou", V ~ 1~"anl. Dominic r.1 • W1n1dtf. flltlO ~ Thorrw. W:lbur C '" OMs. IIIIWI A .. GobDs IIl rlirld R • Samet! JolIn H " CoIbt/, JI ._C • 111' , I!tnI)' J '" " ' 1 IBEW JOURNAL I FEBRUARY 1984

WIiIQm$on. Geriod S ,. -- ., Boor1o. IhOnIIS H .. ~r\I", . .10M ... IIrfllifll, fflo" III ,. W~.~W ,~ Imr~, AIu '" PfCi. Moms A .. ',U*~A .. Durl! EdWlrtt 1 , . ... -" ,. UI..." .If . JImII W '" - ... ,., P....,....,~A '" -"'. ,. 1Wm, kkA ,. !kIr1 TIddIt Y ~, """" .... , '" lu,,* JaM II '"

.. _, ,. w ... ' EvnII w '" fuson. Gus ° ., .IoNs, ChesIe! W .. ~,RoIItrl E '" """"" - ,. YIhn, locatI: J '" ~.Jr,A,D ~, '--. ElWood S 00' CarIIr, JaM E '" -""-

,. Aoi, IIoDeI1 C '" ::"'1-' '" 80l0I, James l .. _.

"'" , '" """'" """" ,. , ~, HaIlItlE '" .... , ~, --, .. ........ - '" ~.~T

,. --,.,"" ,~ WiIIImr;, IrwIg II ., ............ .. s.- "'_H ." SoKaIne, Fm!II; II '" '1_, f,...;zs f ,~ ..... _C .. KIrnf. fomt M .. SIcIN_ l. II ." $MIt<, RM\III [ '" ...... _, ,y CtIII, RIy!rmd l .. McCIrtiI W_ J .. W~I""W '" ""'" ... , ,~

1IooMi;i:.e- M ,y ............. .. ~,£dWJrd f .. --, '" ---, ,~

HI. ""* S ,y ........ J B .. CIrIsa:I, GiICerI II ~, $leO. a.m.o E '" -_. ,~ --, 'M eo.r-_ $I , JoIIII/I M '" GoodII. Jot C ." er-,~C ". W ..... , MerPIJI II ,~

.IcInes.~W 'M 11IIomIo, ..IosepII C '" ItDaoIr II C '" -_. ". -_ . '" • 0IMr\, Cit! B '" MirIIJdI , IIowwd l '" -_. ." _ .... " '" -" '" ~,~A 'M -_. '" .... """" ." s...-,IWntE ... 1IeIiIIl, I'.emeI;!IC '" GnIM. RictIInI S ,. __ c

'" -- '" '" -, ... .. _C " . ., .lund W""" S

,. ~,JImIIW '" Itesr.r, MIrkwI W ." Mo<1QII, rr- W ., w_ Frn:tsM ". a... ......... V ,~ ....... ,-, '" ........ _, ." --, '" """ ....... .. ---, 'n Vunt Ell! J '" .......... , '"

_ .. '" ,.".., RoOm II D'

(lbonni """" G ,n .... , IMe '" 1.YIr, 'II' ...., H ." ~,o.-A .. W_,~II D' """" ..... c ,~ SyIoII, 1M 'I ,n PlIIIn, ,.,... L ." S/N1!I," II •• DIItI, 0 ... A '" _ ..... , ,a .... - ~, $!ont, PaI'IdI C ." ~ II'anIsA .n ........ '" """'" .....,. '" .....-, .. TIIIlIDfd, 8ennoe L ." -' - ... &/W, JIIIIes N '" I. -_. '"

_ ..... ~, WJ/T8!I , .IM>les e ." -- "OJ CJt\son, an.- E '" ~,HowMI(

,. 11'/kII, Arthur ° ... ~,W"""Y .. 0cIII0N.0I W ...... J " .. WIm! iii,,*, H '" _ ..... ,

'" ..... "" '" londan, 0W1Is" '" --, " .. MtBoOf, 0cNId .~ ......... , '" PwIa, flJllll L m _"'t '" """'" ..... "n ibflbqh 00nIId L ... -.. Co$IoIo, Edwlrd II '" F...,., AA*t" • n -"""' . M' -_. >on WAIIMnS,O»o " ...

GerIco, 0W1Is A. '" .... , ....... W .n w.a.amson, r E a' Gea<vt, Dan G "n Mic:bsI! KettrI N •• , 1IIpt, Ok...- J '" ..... , '" _ ...

'" ........ "n Rld<iblugn \lemon J •• _ ..... '" JIpIon, IIe&r)t ( '" CroooIey w.t\!,IC lot '" SNefI . .IoM A ,~, SdlMrtl. lJord C '" -_. '" kIIt,o Jr JoN! f '" Gnoens_~J '" eur .... DIltIH ,.,. UmUl.,Ir .. "" '" -_. .. ~,"J '" UopII, f-a ° '"

_ ...... 112. ~. GatdDnA ~,

...... _t '" _. ,- '" WNIIIer V..- l '" a.o.-l lUI Keougn WiIiI:I P .. -- '" lIkIf_ RobIn W '" "" ... C .. JarrII !lor S lUI -_. .,

l Hind RoIItrl S ., .... "--, . , 'I""""'. fndItIc:Ir; A ... -...... 11.1 ..1IIhMoII. AoOotI A ." "-.10011( '" c.ro.-. "- 0 ., 1IbIco. w .... e '" -_. lUI -_. "" SffltO. EdWJfd E '" --, ., 101_. RdwdE ...

"- "'" " . ...... , e ....... -" '" ~.RobInL ., ...... -, .. ...... -" ". --, '" YogI. EiIcfoI e '" ""-, ., ---, '" SMiI. IhIIIIIis K n .. a.rtt W_ M '" TDSU. l..:r ~ 'OS --, ., _ .. , '" ,-- ". --- '" .... - '" 1iWIII. f.- P '" VOCOIII, 1"...,B .. -,- n. s..~A. "' Waa.'iidIii HI!!y W 'OS -- . , _ . .... '" ......... ". --" ..

JooOy, 18ny' ,~ 1_. tal "' .... .11 ...... ' .. IIwIIIf (_ l "" -.._, .. -_. ,~ -- "'" '"

_ .... , .. DIwII. WiIInI W " .. .......... '" T ... , raollno S .. --, .. Iiibtt..-_ ...""" ... .... , .... E " .. -.-. V3 __ C

'" --, on CasIgJlI, _ It ., ' .. f ..... A ",. f~ J'MiC ..

IIipporl. """"' B .. ...... , on ~ ..... ., 1QsNuIo, __ A-12.5 Gam WIItIIIJ ~. "" ...... , '" KCiIIIIr. HInIIioIG on --, '"

""'- _. " .. ... -, ... ,. --- '" DIIInD. IIicfQnIl q, ~.II.""'M ., s-m..w_S " .. HoIlro. floyd W '" ~,Hlnyt '" _ .... , ., --, ., ~ ....... 12.5 -_. , .. --- '" _ ... , ., ........... ., -- ,,~ --" "" 1IIQr . .11 . TloamIs I .. ... -, ., ..... .. , ., __ t

,,~ -_. , .. 1'ooM_ PImII C '" ..... -- ., -- ., -_. "" """' .. -, " .. I!ocoa. 0.. 'I VO - ..... ' . , -_ . "' -_. "" --, '''' _. _.

m Z-, GInIiI C ., --, ., V ......... l .... " .. __ C nD ............ '" ~.6ontoa1l .., s.;e.n au-. H '" ,,*,1tioIIIirw8 1319 PIaant. 11m,- C ,,~ ........ ,-, '" 0-.... 1IIrINI" .., 5roor1. IbQnIl '" ........... Ill9 o..gr.ny. rn.y t "" ~.~M '" ...... , .., -.- '" I.IIdOW_( ,., ........... C "" WIIdo, V .. II '" AoIww. 1IotIIrI, .., WiIIsa, IIda1 101 '" --' "" -.n,JoMM " .. f.,.. Arthur A '" MnuIo. J C ... 1IWIIn. mnII f ". ""'" ...... ""

_ ... "" Sons. MiIIr;on C '"

_ .. ... G*:Ntst. Ei!'WJnI 6 '" -- "" Au$3oI. W ..... N "" ,,-, .limn 8 '" .... '- ... HIIggn.. ,.. G '" Young w-. II "" EItirIgotI JaIIi f ,., iif lInq. l'" G '" fQIIJIl. Qoflfttl W .. lUClrlO, lot B '" ......... ,." fIurUn. W ..... f " .. l*W. G C '"

_ .... ... ~, .II . ChIrIIt II '" Smflbr w...am S "" 1IIiIr. JaM ( ,~, -_. '" Humpnny. WiIIfm W .~ 8enwo. Joseoh S no Y,* IIaraId W '''' ~,JDoepnD 1515 , AIIe!oDn. Artht II '" ............ .~ KIug. JaM 'I '" Auslm. Jo5fIIWi II ,~, 1kInIIIny. fdwJrd E 1110 1Qgen. CIIyIorI ~ '" WiIbh HIIlIiCI J .. , 1'IossI, EI J '" \I.I~ JaM I ,~, -."'" ". _ .... C

'" f lkdl, F ..... W •• Ilu'rwonto. 0am0rI W '" RImn." J ,~, """"" -, ,,~

Urton, CIi1 W '" ...,. lnIiI W .. ........ - '" Rusto ..... l ". GoIoIaI. CirroI W leIS

tram. CIwIIs II '" --' '" SiohJII. Bull' '" ArlIiII GIofOiI C 'a' NN! • .limes T 2m ......... ' ... co. _, ... 1IIestnIn. [itfm lot '" ....... _, ,~, JuIIMi. Ar1IIur A. "" MeborI. IIiIpro 0 ... S'O .... __ M ... HtIeI. Fmk J '" ...... - 'M' Moon. IlDyd M "" tj. ~.J A '" ~ JaMN '" --" '" '_,o.E ,., --' "" 1lI'oiI, AoOotI C "" T-,-, M ".

__ c

'" """' .... W""" F "OJ ,-- "" FItIIIIIII. HIIlIiCI ., =.:. JamesH no _ ...... ,,~

~. Mil L '" _. -, ., -, '"

_ .... "" TOTAl. O\WIJIY I'£IISK»IS

GIno. lM1 G '" Tally AM" ., ~.AInOenf '" ......... "" .. ,""" s.-. ~E '" WJmII. J\IIpIo ° ., ...... "" '" ~,IIi:¥IW "" CtriDtd , ffri L ., "-::"I' ~, SmiaI .... '"

fIN c-:II ......... _ ....... .... ,-" ., -- ~, I .... ~W '" "'" . ....... ... ......, .... 1115) II1II ,. .... 1llIy 1IrMI. Jf . JaM A .. Swiv._ CIinno;:e W ~, ... .... , '" 11ft 1.0 " LO """*'"' .. W-..: Rw4. (\nil ° .. "'*'-. [)wIQ1II L '" -_. '" o..-.l_ --, '" BIoI DIvoIii l '" Iibns, Ca1as T '" • IIUlIEIISHIP 1IIodiQ. 0¥qI ~ '" 1ItwII. ~£. '"

......... , '"

..... -, , ." .. SIms. IbIpIo " .. __ C ... -_ . '" StIOIf, Hu!y f " -.. _.

'" --, ., lDrd.. HrqIIII m ....." " ~, __ , ,

Doms . .II . Jot G. ". 1IoOgt, __ 101

'" 1kW~.~W '" KtIrW.~H " ""'" ..- , ~_ Donalda ". 1obIigIn • ./InN C '" --, '"

lloyd E"-" ~ • CI'IamIIIq. Gervd ( , L.-.. WiItiGr II 3H TloamIs, IAIInd W '" Cohoon. CIIIIon1 W ." -- 5 ~. I\octIin1 J , Fb Vif9iI 0 3H --_. ., .... _, ." -- • 1IInd'Ir, W ....... C • 1 ...... ltrvf 3H ......... HIfKMI W .. --, '"

,.,.,_ RI'/ II ~ '"' -, • -- " 8Mr, Jame:s W " __ t

". ...... "'. .. 1tuItfIInooI. WiDIm S .. Hunttt. w-..,. ( " GiIInI. Hell J " HessiorI. 'o'k:Iof C '" M.1d'oII, JaM S .. """'-.V .. H '" -_. .. -_. n -- », w.... E"-"C .. Shaw, HMoIcI W .. JIfttry, PJUI E " SQeny. ~R " 'NeoIdIniIIDr>, IIobt!t E '" 8outQIo,:oo$. 'I"IOIi J . , -....,. . '" ~.I1 ....... ,a lot " 1ot1Kln!e. lJord W " ..... GiINIIIro. 51 -, .. SnWo, HIlson f ~, Il\ornp_ PJUI G '" ~. AItrtd J " -- • RIm. IIotoerI A '" Cit!, Cec:oIl ... -_ . OM Buller. Jf, Frtd W n ..,. _.

" GotdoII. (JIll '" O·AooSII. SW:o A '" 1lIiII:I<. 1\IcIItn! R '" GIoIbI<rr, GtorOt C n ,-- • Ptttnon. I\k:Iwd W '" Kelly. Motlll ... Sdrwirtt. Htr....n NO = Ro;tqo,dS n """ .1<. Hlirokl V 5

~rriI,~O '" MIdOig HffloII;IIt ... MtwlIoomt'Y. T. V ., Me ~ .... John A n 1Ioyw, DudIoy g, • 1rYioI, IIotoerI W '" Nul. Wi"" A, '" PirliM. [!by l ., I fYIOI, J, , HoI"" n ....... • SIMsi, .lido B '" 5n1Ollt, lHIiI E '" RIMs, .limes l '" Dust. Ciiude r "

lyon, _~ .. Brough, C1ydoo 8 ., S ...... .II"," . '" Pad<, Bali! B. on PoIIIrd . .o.rc/lle l " hlu...." SlepJlen '" " Jonts, IIDbM W ., ArOs, f rlni II ". W\I;ktInI. WillWTi W ." Uco1on, EiTIOIY II " 00nIy. Tid II • CrN!. TilTlOiIl'I' M

., E....rt, Hirokl W ,n lowery J, .... ' on fIyrwo. J_ J '" Met, Henry l " Olson. Hi"" A ., I\o¥!saoJIIIC, JoM '" ~n~ AibMC .. ,;.,.0111'1, Ray",cmcl ( ,~ Mo/ni,. JoIm J. • '" ~0S0Ut0JI . Jr • Pn<1'p •• SlOt. Wi''''' A '" Allslln, Dale '" f"," Gi~nd t '" ~.Chirlts "


..... "" ~ ThomPSOll CIattra f ." ,.nl£llf Of OlAfll IEIiEffiS 11011_ -~, ,~ _ ...... " 11~1

1IoOooson. ClIns l ~ M.lIe< . .If 'IIwImIs II '" RETlII£O IUIl BUlS CalIon. lIetsdleI w ,~ --- n~ ...... """" " ~ - """. ... sa.... ThDIofe C ,~ 1'Iyor. Guy II '''" """"-, ~ HoII, Vrmon II .. Tk 1oI,.' .. tloMt Ellelll .. touBcll 8t\nUIy ~ E- m IIIQrInI Jr . HerIleI1 M 1249 ..... '-" ~ Sds'-!. Ii.Ir'Y ~, ,p,,","" ,."" • ., 11l1li ... \11 ~1.1fiI Bentz Jen4d A '" Jackson, Wendell E ,,~

Soreostll, Ca~ S ~ lill100 HlI90 0 '" plp~1a ftd .. 1111 ,l11'l'i11_ 01 Alllel. s......,.. Tef:t! ,. I'NI<y JoIW> A "" Townsend, 1 J ~ ./Il<'It$ , JJmes f ,. XII. StelJon 2 11111. IlrN Co",111uUO/fI Mc:G/I!Iet, I\g 0 '" oWu, Moses "'" Rio, lY"" K • Wynn, f'aul ,. ID tho lullowln~ IwO hou,"d IIId Iattt CO'!'. S, ,,.., '" 00.1',,", JolIn V 13111

~m~nA " HctIeI, HOWl'. C '" IUD) _'I1t1,d IIIlmb.fI' dlllO"ltld locke, Willen G '" Fnl'll<o,.loII" 8 "n .... "M' " OWJnder, ~ ... '" Hlllflcllrln; CatJII. MItItrI S '" MOSIilll, Wllo.im G "" WotOC:n, rr.nkE n flllbes ~Iu P no li!\IlII,.jt ""'"W ,~ HIusser DI.<InI N '"' ........ , R ~, fIoIIenF '''' "E"BEIISHIP VKhon, Rooert J .. ll!!le/, WilIWII M '"' Goug/I W ..... l • MOm1 OAronao E '''' III L.U . ..... _" .. ~_ HlruklE '"' ~,8H • Crouc:tIef. G'eII l ,. &1, __ E"'lIitbIrI f , 1'IldatI, WIlle!' f .. s.t.~PI' Ilm4 L '"' SmIII, IttiwM\! II • W1I<ms, H_" '" au ...... Allred III '" 10'_ W G "" Groomt, FIJ/ICIIi J ~ He!/IIIIIon, lewos l '" De:uooI A~ E ,

Jones Jr, ~ II '" Se<smrIh, JiIIItS W "" --, , S--..y fA"" 0 ~ Gridy Fwos W .,

8ll"~A , Cannan, RoDen L ~, .......... J "'" Mitlll1 GIo<tIII C W ~,J' """ . •• 8or'<e, franl, , Ho"oen" llrlt>g!n J '" CAIID 1M HowJ'd. OMIt £ '00 WiI$Ot!, .Joe A •• BIow"lee, w,nOlm L ~, FORMERLY ,.,." Cod '00 Ho>lSll, John W '" Chelall;ov. VlCIor A ,

IlGnIIclSOI'I, TelTY M ~, THE Ul. Of L.1l. ~

Avan, .lImes E ,. Krnl'. Wilfj,d W '"

~$lt'"' Jriromt A , JO'U',Oll, Paul T '" r .... ', i\I"""d •

Conve'SI, John 0 ' 00 Bem MlIW! A '" G,atIIlInL lQOJis A ,

.1_ !'WE '" ~mpseII fIoscOi S •

Keoty, Jc>sep/I T '00 Hom Iiobboc ~ ... McCaoo, T_M , ItioObtiltf. Jime5 C '" B11e$on, llIeoc»r, K n

~, fflflClSE '00 S/IId<eIIOnI Troy l '" ooens, fU,ok\ , ......, ..... ,

'" Mdlll SWlIey K " !\nos M,ollll A ,

Ftluu- Robt<I V no Rl\clrftr "'3J'Mnl f '" -_. , COok MCIIIII 5 '" Cirey. Edward f ,~ - ... ' no ....... _, ., == W<llamC '" 1IucMer . .If . RIrfII; G " . 1IoIltoU, M .... l n, Btvwn. Jmmot 0 '"

5WMO'n, frtOdlf: L , ..... C '" ..... "'" '" Holm. GonIon V ,~ KrIll. WIWm£ '"

0ztncfI, SItot J , He¥o<1\ ~O '"

SIM'IIry, JeIIety c '" --, ,~ MiRhII, IIobrtI L '" Hu/)/Wd FIober1 8 • Sc:I\uC:IlrIIIn, 1'hIlIJ~ L '" KamrnonII FIu$HII A, ~,

811r11y, Jr .lime P ,. W'isoII p~ 0 .. ""'" Leon N " 0irue!t0rI Edward A. ., 1\uII(\\esIon Edlwrd J '" CtooIIa. JIoOen w ,. -.- 1245 OM, E~ G n ClSI, .II . John W ., 0U1ey, waoorow W '" Grimm, CI~ W " o.IIon .If. Lto J ,. OtItrI.ir. Jr ~. 12(9 CoIbrg, John f ~ I\orn.IrIO. Erneil ,~ 8a1l<wll 1IoyII W ..

Oo~ . .I, JOlIn J ,. iij, Joseph M "" E1SOfl Oonllcl J '" Jin/Ic, lIom~n P '" frlll\l~mofII, ~m P ,. I'tg<lm Vugd 0 "" M8Yt' 1Itn,.,. R ~

M~"lnQ!y Howard L '" JOhn$(ln, Mm., 1'0' ,. "''''J ~ /IoIin, FIobtr1 w ,. McGIw Wil..." I! "" CII.lSOfl I\ayr!Iond 0 ~

G",", Jr , I'Iiod'Iird ~, JO/IM\<I!I .It , GeorDt S 'M 1\oIIer1J, woWm I ,. 1kKde!I, Roae1\ 0 1516 1inI0I1, warner D ~, LepwI! frW; G '" !loa, '-'.1dlIi ,. YOUfICI IIt!tItfI W 151& ~.\\'''''''''8 ~ .......... ~, 80y'ngt0n, Wollam R 1141

~~dO ~ 1'noIr.. hIIcIIIIIf J ,~ CInar, ClrI 0 "" W· ' .IMne$ E ~

Erfwn,a, A$a G '" 1WnIiSMI. T\IorT'Ys II. '" Men. £UQe!It "" Oiv"/I, /Iomqn l ~ Eel WantrI L '" PUMllIT Of DEATH '[lImn

I'lIrd. lII,oId '" ~. 'n lin I! ". -- • __ c ,.. lI£nllf.O M!./IIIERS

c.m." WdO:aIIlI '" Hoow MIk:dm C • ~,CIw1nE ~, 1H c.-U I~ 1M P¥I!I'. co.n, RotIIr1 I! '" CARD II! fORMERLY "."'." . • lid, 8uuI 5 .. III d ... tII .,ufill . • lIbo1U ... '"11l1li --, '" THE 1.0. Of l.U. St<IerlQu,s\, leo I( • D.artly, FII'*IuI 0 <DO ,11Ir1,100I1 III Artlcl. lit. IIdlal ! 01

Crow Truen R ,. VonllOf1wt9 FIliP" M ~

~ Otm<$ C .. , th. c-tltllll .. to ilia 10110.1 .. lofTy·

ftldNlI$. l.I'f1'nonce f '" UII!!. Ho ... '~ l '" lieu" John L • 0Wlwi!~, 1bcI\a1~ .I '" IIW'" (411 !lllttd m.mb.,,· dilig.


SCftu~. WiliQrn '" Duwlln,~W '" ' ..... I!orace F "

~sktn J, ,~, m .. ltd h •• nellrlll:

.... - , .. lUPOI<nI. Angelo J ,. Kidrid< fIotII<I J "

1IoIn'w., JolIn f ." NENIERSJUP Gr_.1\oI'Wd ( . , RIchulIs, Rober1 W ,.

SIeYens. Lyle K " f'ynI. GmId T .,

1M L.U • Wlrd. John J ,. --, .,

.tonr.on. Glom E. '" "'""" '-', '" l1li, Enard .I ~ S/WII, J,. JlmHf .~ ......

""'" J ,

E-'Y ...... A. '" PnUlWc\ . .Ia'nIJ [ ., ""-.. ..... J • 1lMIIy. DoNId 0 ... PtmII.tner. A.lIralYm 0 , ,.. ... , ~, PwlIm. AlbIn J '" GIll Wdkam A ~

~, TrorJ ~, W;arren JolIn W , fllSll. Gr,1I! 1'0' '" Hertr. John N

., ... .... ~ "'" ..... .. Lew IIInoII C , 4 lINn! GrW 8. m TWW Raymond H ." N.cIIoIuI. 111,0l0i J • ..Iohnson. GoIhItII L ... MiCtey Jr

_. , CI~ , .. _1'0' "" En$ley. ::rc,l 1245 -. "'" . ~ .... - 'W f'hIII,PS. V\ImIII V " lluatIIIWum, Mdion E. '" Cunpbell. f 1249 V.M ... M~U!lCI 0 • IItrI.ad llodor .~ ....... MOrify 0 " HttJ<wojI .IDse\lII E. "" Stwt. Robfr'I C 1m 8a09ett,.IImn A " WIr1J AMOI1 S •• MLSGlIt-I. EVIII " Da~OI1, SuI A '" Lowtn. Wi~1am II ". Wilke, Leomrd W " M~wn. Ke.,n G '" S~rh. RO\' T " Gi!Iottson. Plul T '"

Devens. Vlmo!\ A ~ 0Ivls. Eb~ "" MftfOO. Robble A • llirrll.~ '"

Sornmtl1oeiol. Moo ~ WM •. P~IIIII ~, llenndlsotl. ~111Q 0 ~ ...... '" TOTAl. OIWIUTY PENSIONS OUIEO lIoN~ue. IIober1 0 • SallOnl, J, . Monrot M ~, Hosu. J,. John 8 • "'-, '" 1Iotrw. arrtotd A • SUn .IWo A ~, IIocM Jr ~ L •

Md\IIIoin. Pater A '" TlI.'ollowi., ilII1. (3) Iml flllblll" IIiJIiIW. Jtny G • VCllJJIg .limes '" gened0Cl. EugetII 0 " WIlmot. I\odfIo:i 0 • IIo(Qon I, .. k FI .. PI ....... HIlI tp"lcl~'" . 1It N' __ W

ro 1IInobI. WJtIeo- F '" M ...... Robert C ~

MttIInIy . Aadrn J ., III .. : KillIn C/QrIn W '" 1IoNMo . .IDI'III f ,~

•• Donald L. "' 1IIna. IIo)uogtu C ro

~.W"'" '" """'" _ J ,ro ....., .... ., 1I!./IIlERSHIP

RoIkIII fUroki f " ...... ""''' '" KnM. Allen L , . " .... ~l " ~.~M, ., IN LII . 1'1'001011. Oeo 1 n lIe<*tf, ~nl J '" !.!jill<. \.ouos ,.

sehInlrn, WUlwn 8 ~, I>Inlllll, A6In '" R.lkk:n . PnilI(I ,.

Unvet. f'nos J • kiIII, SlUol~ E " ,

8oIJoNP\l M '00 PIli"" •. E1~lh " M,rkg[ll f!l!<!ondc £ ~, Retm. JOlIn € '''' 0\01, en." n MOI)'tIIl • .limes M '" W!lIl.Im$, Dr.ryIt M '" I

"""-"'dson, IIorWll C '" TumbuO, JolIn J "'" M .... , J, R.ly""l-l'lll C • Tidlotk CIMn 8 '" WilSOll. Robert L '" o\II!I. AIIcI. M '"~ 1kIc~ G E .. 8o!Ig!lim, PIli! J. m ~tn. JIcotIIn J • r~U$OJl, JO\'M'I W ". Dtn, A J "" P~"". Ri'/ w " . NtwInI . .YmtI II '" __ ,n . ,

AnlICAllo-N$ fOR VUTtO AIGKT ..... - " . _""J .. Emerson. W~ '" CorNIInoI. fUtrwI •• TO PUlSION lElftfIT APPIIOVlO Dooton. GIor9II ,~ W;:;GeRldJ "" Wookinllgo frlllk .I '" J. DcincMrI, JolIn R '" ~'ns FIl/rIh £ '00 J L ., JIiIsIon. fIober1 L. ~,

AIwdo. II!,anI II on 1H \aim'!1MI1 £J.~lIIIft c-n --, 'ro Owtns, lJoDn E "' RobIfIs. Om:! E '" Dwtnt. W ...... T on """'" I$IpU"rlOI.1 lor ... ! .. r\gIIt HotrI.Jns 8ryct w '00 -- '" GrlIIJawSI,j. Htnry J •• RobertI. Om:! £ .., II pHdoo 1IIr.rII1I .. ...."...~· M~[<twIraS ,ro f1Tw1tr, W'oe'I hi '" Clssrty IsOIc R '" (lu",,", IIo<rJfd R ~, III". (ll) ",.mb.,,: SdIoToeId m.otI w ,~

SlIII1$, HIrIM!~ r '" Jo/IrIson, IlInmin B '" w.u.rd .If. W<Ihwt N OR KtDey, W,ttOl1 I! ,. ~ W'II~", E ." V~eI .IlmI5 C .,

Duprll'/. Paul J •• CARD IN 10RM E Rl~ MOO .. Gent J '''' s..!;I;~Me1"" la'!), 0 OJ Mwn;oy.J.i""'O '" fIIrI1'n, IIoward J •• THE 1.0. Of UJ. III)bInson JOM C ,. MlrM, Don;o\II J ... M,II" [I~ E "" l,,!llttlater. IIemItd •• Otto Eugene f ~,

Rude. M>Chilil e ,. l~. DIJIItI '" LIlmD.ld'l. Rudol~h G ." KIll, NlChoIH '" ~.W.hlmR no f\l1ley Iot.I:I\ItI W ~, &em/IJ". Robtn S '" _.

""" L '" M(MBERSlIIP M....,. JolIn E no ~~JIIIiI RlymoncI J ., ""' .. " "" HomnIty. OIls L '" IN L.1l. fup. fU'6 l '" MII'/tI" v.rg.IlI '" .... """ '" ~ !IoDY. HerDtr! M '" ... "" n, Mils. LesI« C ~, Grbler GotdIrI L ." 1IrIdOn. Kenne!II W '" ZIICUr. Mnur " SdIot1I$, E_ '" -. ... , '" OsNta. Kennem n. "" ... '" '" MUflI/Ir I\o!Ien I! n Sols, Yemon f '" JoIInsoo \\'_ A. '" -.- "" __ A

'" lImIun .limes L. ,~ TrMnOn.W!UllmA. '" HImI.~L '" 811s, RotIen S ,. CARD 1M fORMERLY Brown Wdltlm L ..

M,IIeo-, JoS4Ih ,~ fUrIIIt JImt1; S n. Si'JlIl.In. JolIn f ,~ TIlE 1.0. Of l.U.

Rieflmono;!, Wllbim O. ,~ SI>etIIR Edwatd J '" RuSsell. VlClo< L '" Ol/f'ln. JO\'M'I C '" 1'1" 91l1li. CNrIts ,.

51M!1t, Geg'1II II '" V.HfUI, Sltp/ltn T ' . Clrmln, l~tlI G '" 1Iar1ow. Wilton 0 '" Bngh! J.imuA . ,

Beatty, ~""~n II ,. Him, laITY .I ." lufldy. Thorms B '" "U -, '" Sianie'!, M!l\on .,

StdrIy. Josep/1 f '" 5_ JmitI f .,. 00IlI00. JaM .I '" WJOer$Dn, .I!- "". 390 RollInson, JOlIn M .. ,..... lfO<IItd f 00' fentoro, W.I4im K .. Si,_51 W'~mP ,~ Ho~.,n' Gt~ l '" w .... , ~"". '" o...r.s WoIUIn! J ." IJWIWI, Dun M .. ~, LeIIncI G ,~ SIIovts. CIIules .I '" Vlllty, JolIn J .. 8rd11'/. 0Iitta 0 m AndII1on. fIobIi1 N ,. HoI' DonA, '" IIATlI OATtS tOMfCTEO .... ...,. """" g,

~n BoIyf •• __ C ,. car, ilerMnl C '" ~.,t1)11 _ .. 1111 .'11 ~

..... -" '" ~ •. I1Id. '" -""'. ,. GI._ Aaber1 C a' ''' ..... COIf1c110111 ... .,. ~ ... MIM __ c

'" KIng, fil! ." 1li'At. WIfIII J ,. ~. 01IIII P '" 10 III 1.0 llcom II! l1li foIlowt.,

YItqUU fIorJntin II ., Allons, 1Ii~ 0 '" 1IinHrI. fIobtn ~ ,. TUOb$. llarll V .J> ..... hl1: f'IIUon ffod S .,

En.t, RlCIIanl A, . , ",,,sf! fIobtr1 C ,. 51.1,,*, la""""A T , . -... ' ~, BIandtJrt! LGJ.jls L '" Russo Pt!1! J ,. K~n GItM S •• CARO IN fOR MERL'

Um~ R.lymoM t. ~. G!>e!fltr. Rij'JllOrICI 1118 Tey1or. ltoJ\Inl M '" Su\lI\1" Ltooa,d J m THE 1.0. Of L.1l. Sn\I!n. Harokl II '" Om, Ed9Ir 1149 ),!,IItr, M>t/IMII '" KlI>p~ Roben W "'" Cream Ho"ard • .I oa.-y, .I_II ." IIlort'llllO Elmt< ". MoM. Edwa,a l ". CII'etlton Ruldlll E '''' NIdIOISOfl Mhur ~ n, Coilliit JoH9!l N ". ~Il. ChlrItS "n c."" J, -, ,~ co.. r<twlrd J ''''' MOIIiy ~ 0 '" 8 I (BEW JOURNAL I FEBRUARY 1984

il4EiI4IERSMI' -- m OJ~ Tern:e ~, -.- ." JlIITlI DATI NOT CHANGED 1M U I HuIItnIn, Geor\)t f • IYhne CI'~ '" GIIAm, fhlclduus '" !\oWl, VIIICeflI J , KembII, frW W " SdItIIIoft. Wdloam ~, -- ... l\toiIunl lor * ... II lilt "" .... ...... C 2 Wenf\eII JI , Jcr/IrI ~ ..... - .n ..... - ,00' -.I DfIIce 01 1111 IooIIew!ww "" ••

~,FIriS , W!IoImS, WIIIIIITI ,~ -- ., .... - " . II .. :

"'" - , -,- ". -- ., -- ,,~

hnI. ,"-W " \.t$4.Willtr ,m ........ •• ,-- "" .EMBEIISHIP , blWl, IIDbeIIl " '- .. ,~ -- .~ -- "" n ,

"'" ",", " -- ,. -...... . ,. . ......... "" --, '" __ c

• G*neo'. JI , lGM ,~ ....... - .. HIIIIIncUon, IIIInItd ~ ... """" '" .... - ... ntE . 00 IIoEGUW IIIE£TlNG "'"' ~~ J • _ ...

'" -- '" ClIrtuk. E6.nod S • -- 16' FIldiardsan Chv!Is '" f'IIh: .... ' ..... II .. w.nt1Ml1 I.I-*," c:..dI _ IIIIt II Ilol ao,u, DudIr 8 • _.-

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........., ,, ., _0-.._ MONDALE FOR PRESIDENT

Right now, and for the months 1m· mediately ahead, not hing we can do IS more Imponanl or has more far· reaching

... consequences than our campaign to help Waller Mondale Win the Democratic Presidential nomination.



The endorsemenl IS a deeply seriOUS effort In a very seriOUS and Important process whIch we hope ulti mately will result 10 election to the Presidency In

1984 of the candidate we honestly feel can best serve thiS nation and ItS people, and In defeat of an IOcumbeni President who we sincerely believe has served the nation and ItS people unfairly, unfeel­mgly, unwisely and unwell.

The ,oumey to those two goals begms, like the ,ourney of a thousand miles, with the first step, wh ich was the en­dorsement of Waller Mond3lc.

Let me men tion a couple of thmgs that our endorsement IS not:

We arc not engaged m any macho exercise In polttlca l muscle-fleXing. We've hcen around a long nme. Our credentials are solid. We don't have to posture.

We arc not trymg to capture control of the Democratic Party. We have no more Wish to control a politica l party than to be con trolled by one.

Our work IS certainly not an ad,unct of the campaign of the cand idate hImself He's running hiS own show among Oem-

... ocranc voters at-large, without any kib­ItZing from us, and we're running ours, among our members, Without any klb­Itzmgfrom the candidate or hiS campaign staff.

The AFL-C10's endorsement of Man­dale is not, m any respect, a re,eCtion, a repudiatiOn or even a critic ism of the other candidates for the DemocratiC nommatlon.

All arc good men. All, to differing degrees, have records of decent concern fo r the well-being of workIng Americans and needy Americans.

We com mend all of them, but we rccommcnd Waller Mondalc as the stand-

by John Perkins

National Director, AFL·CIO Committee on Political Education

out candidate 10 a good field. Look al hiS credentials and hiS record over hiS twelve years as a United Stales Senamr and hiS four years as Vice PreSident of Ihe Umted States:

As a Scnamr, he voted 93 percent " right " for workmg people, thelT families and their umons on the offiC ial AFL·ClO voung record_

As Vice President, he was a strong vOice wlthm rus administration fo r IS­sues of cntlcal importance to workers.

There Isn't a working family In the Umted States who hasn't benefitted from one or more of the things Walter Monda le fo ught for and accomphshed m the areas ofhea hh care, education, nutntlon, chdd carc, CIVil rights, women 's Issues, ,ob safety and heallh, lob-creatmg measures, transportation, minimum wage, DaVIS­Bacon protection of the standards and wages of bUilding and construction work­ers, public em ployee rights, unemploy­ment compensation, workmen's com­pensation, environmental protection, and energy mdcpendence.

While Waller Mondale always W3S 3nd remams his own man, we can never forget that hiS mentor was one of the most decent and concerned humans who ever graced the political stage.

Walter Mondale was Huben Hum­phrey's political protege and then hIS close politi cal ally and personal fnend and confidant because they shared a vi­Sion of a canng lIauon.

What W31ter Mondale has fought against tells as much about hIm as a man and a candidate as what he fought for.

He has fought agamst special tax pnv· liege for corporations and wealthy mdl ­viduals;

Against the almost bou ndless power of big 011;

Against the rape of our public lands by private in terests;

Against the nay-sayers and doom-cners and union·busters of t he righ t wing who saw nothing good in the presidencies of

Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, lohn Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson, and noth­Ing but good In those of Millard Fillmore, Wilham McKinley, CalVin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover

That 'S Mondale past. Mondale future IS the Important thing we have to con­SIder now. There IS every SIgn and token that he IS as close to us today as he has been throughout hiS many years In pol· IUCS.

He's for a full-employment law-with teeth In It- and for ,obs for all who want to work. There IS no chance that he would brush off 10 percent unemploy­ment as nothing bUI an mconvemem statistic.

He's for rebUilding Amenea 's st ncken baSIC Industnes. He knows, as we know, that they arc not onl y the source of nullions of ,obs, but the foundaflon of our economic strength and our military strength. If they crumble. there goes the reSt of It .

He's for fair trade that IS as bend1clal to American workers and Amencan·made products as It IS to the countnes we trade with. He will not stand by expoundmg empty dogmas about "free trade" while a ragmg flood of Imports drowns the iobs of millions of American workers.

He's for bener education, better health and better notrmon programs. He's com mnted to ,ob-creatlng step-ups In hous-109 programs, highway and bndge repair, to modernization and ex tensIOn of our transportation systems. These are ISSUes that govern millions of ,obs and affect the health, welfare and lobs of mlillOns of us.

He IS with us-with workmg people and needy people and sma ll bUSiness people- and he understands and suppOrtS the asplnwons of lust-pia III-people ev· erywhere.

Some pundits and even some candi ­dates arc seeking to label Walte r Mondale as a captive of "special interests"­

(Continued on Page 64)


SI=IFETY TIPS for you and your family •

LAWS ARE SAVING OUR CHILDREN Strange as it may seem, it is taki ng

legislative action at the state o r pro­vincial level to force many to take the precautions necessary to prevent serious injury o r dea th to their own children!

Although child restraints, which muSt be securely fastened in motor vehiclcs, have been available for many yea rs, it has taken these laws to convince parents to use them. As of January 1, 1984, 41 states and the District of Columbia had some kind of legislation that requires child re­straints or seat belts for children . Of the remaining states, AJaska, Iowa and Vermont have such legislat ion pending, carried over from 1983. Utah and Idaho each have bill s drafted to be introduced in their legislatu res in 1984. Only South Dakota, Texas, Louisiana and Wyoming remain with no action currently planned. Several states are planning on considering amendments to their laws this yea r, m ost of which extend the coverage or strengthen the laws in some way.

When such laws are passed, there are always some who oppose them, saying that the installation of such equipment, as well as its usc, should be up to the individual parent or driver. When these people speak ou t, it seems to be primarily from lack of understanding of the danger of nOt using the restraints. They do nOt realize, for example, that a 15·pound baby in a 20-mile-an-hour crash is thrown forward with the force of a 300·pound weight. The impact is the sam e as for a three-story fall onto a concre te sidewalk!

Approximately 1,500 ch ildren un · der the age of five are killed each year, and another 60,000 are injured in automobile accidents in the United Sta tes. Most of these child deaths and injuries arc preventable. Experts state that more than 80 percent of these fatalities could be avoided by using effecti ve child restra ints!

One family in Ulinois was riding in a stati on wagon on th e way to the children's grandparents' home to leave


their children there while the parents went Out for me evening. It was their 2-and-a·half·week-old daughter's first ride since being brought home from the hospital. The baby's grand­mother was sitt ing in the back sca t, holding her in her arms. As they drove on a divided highway, an ap· proaching car came across the me· dian strip and hit their car head on. Not one of the passengers was wear· ing a seat belt, and the little gi rl was not in a child restraint, even though the famil y had one at home that th ey had planned to install . All of the passengers were in jured, the baby worst of all . The woman driving the car which struck them was kill ed instantly .

This baby spent almost all of her first year in the hospital 's intensive care unit. In addi tion to massive brain damage, she cannot breathe by herself, and must be on a ventilator 18 hours a day, and the other six hours she is on a pacer which st im­ulates her diaphragm. Every two hours her lungs mUSt be suctioned to re­move water and mucus. Every four hours she must be catheteri zed to remove residual urine from her blad­der, because her muscles do not func­lion properly . A tube is in her stom­ach so that she can be fed through it, and her heart beat is constantly monitored by a device that sounds an alarm if it drops below 65 beats per minute.

After 51 weeks III the hospital she went home, with her parents com­pleting traini ng in the use of the equipment and procedures necessary to keep the little girl alive. The ex­tent of her brain damage is st ill not known. Specia l nurses to care for her have to be present at all times. The parents constantly watch over her during the night hours they have not been able to secure nurses for. The doctors have not held OUt much hope for the future. They ha ve told th e parents that the child will need th e ventilator for the rest of her life.

The parents of th is child say they

would have used a child restralOt If a law such as the one now in effect .. in their State had existed then. They said they had read articles full of facts and figures abou t child re­strain ts, but had never heard of a case such as theirs. They feel that if • they had, their child restraint would have been used, instead of si tting on a table in their living room.

All ca r seats now being sold m the United States must meet federal re­quirements . Some of those sold a few ., years ago do not. In addition, many infant carriers or sea ts were not de­signed or meant for use in a motor vehicle. To be effective they must be properly designed and install ed in accordance with the manufacture r's ins tructi ons. '!

All babies and young children should ride in these federally ap­proved child restraints. Adult sea t belts arc not a suitable substitute! Such belts focus the collision forces on the pelvis and lower torso, and children whose pelvic bones are not yet sturdy could suIfer serious abo .. dominal and lumbar injuries in a collision.

An unrestrained child is a hazard to everyone in the car. A coll ision could tum such children into flying missiles. Many children have been crushed when adults holding them ... have been thrown forward agamst them.

Certamly all parents should be anxious to protect their children from injuries like the one above, whether a law in their sta te requires it or not! ....

I ___ I

1984 Most Important Year in Labor History By Richard J . Calistri, Editor, Labor Newspaper



I •

This yea r, 1984, may be one of the most important yea rs in the hislery of the labor movement. It is an elec­tion yea r, a time to usc the ballot box to turn around current political POitCICS which center on union -busl ­ing techniques and on the dcmcanmg and downgradmg of the worker of America, their ski ll s and their con­tributions to the nation.

This is the year when workers must resolve to take actions designed to cnh:lI1cc the qllality of their lives and to right the wrongs fOisted off on them by a seemingly uncaring politi cal climate in WashingtOn.

As one labor leader put it (ceemi)" "the enemies of the trade union movement arc taking advantage of the drastic econom ic and political problems we fa ce today and arc spending millions and millions of dollars on uniOn-busting activities to weaken organ ized labor and to pre­vent unions from making further gai ns at the bargall1lng table that would bring more and more improve­ments for our members ."

But these enemies arc at work not only at the bargaining ta ble but in every facet of workers'lives. And not JUSt active workers, btl! retirees as well. For evidencc, witness the administra tion 's bnttle to destroy the Railroad Retirement Sys tem and its lack of act ion to kill legislat ion fa ­voring the job-destroYlllg coa l slurry pipeline bill- two batt les which rail · road workcrs and their unions won in Congress.

... Also witness the lack of adminis­~ tration action to prevent such umon­

busting tactics as are now being en­gaged in by such compumes as Con­tinental Ai r LlI1es, usmg the nation 's bankruptcy laws to litera ll y destroy the work fo rce.

Organized labor, worklllg under the umbrella of the AFL-CIO, has already endorsed a favonte son can­didate for the 1984 presidential run for the roses. He IS former Vice Pres­ident Walter Mondale, a cnndldate worthy of the conSideration of every

..,.,.. working American. However, Mondale IS not the only

candidate worthy of your examllla­tion. Nearly all of the Democrati c candidates now nlnning have pledged themselves to the cnusc of workers-

.. and thereby to th e well-being of the

nation. A tum-around in presidential pol ­

icies is necessary if workers arc to avoid being returned to the tWO class system of master-slave, haves and have nots, wealthy and destitute . But the struggle doesn ' t end in the chOice for the top job. All of us must also be concerned-and mightily-with the make-up of the next Congress.

If workers arc to achieve their goals they must have the help of a Con­gress which recognizes their needs and is willing to act upon them. Looking at the record, we ca n eas ily understand that it does littl e good to have a Senate, as we now ha ve, or a House of Representatives which ad ­heres strict ly to the anti-worker pol­icies of the administration .

The best way to change this situ ­ation is at the ballot box. If workers arc to tum back such policies, then workers must start thinkll1g right now of how they will vote in No­vember, 1984. Then, on election day, they must vote for the candidates who beSt fit their own ideas and philosoph y.

But, in 1984 more th an eve r, voting right at the ballot box may not be enough. Workers muSt insure that the right ca ndidates are nominated and have the financial means to con­duct a proper campaign. In other words, all of us must dig dow n into our pockets to help the candidat es

of chOice With some cold hard cash. That does not mean that we have

to stuff our favorite candidate'S pock­ets with our paychecks. Probably the eas iest way to help out financinlly is through our unions ' political action or political education committees and probably the best way to work With such committees is through regular contributions through pay­roll deduct ions, where possible.

Bear in mll1d that your union wantS the same th ings you want and you r uni on 's political education commi t­tee is most knowledgeable in know­ing exactly how to hel p your ca ndi ­dates.

Actually, making political COntri­butions through your union 's polit­ical committee takes you back to the old adage: We can do together what none of us can do alone . Pooling resources means that none of us have to suffer any great financ ial drain to help clect the men and women who can help us retain our liv ing stand­ards and help us to lift ourselves out of th e promised subjuga tion .

If you 're not on a pnyroll deduction plan already for a buck or two a week, you ought to be. If you can't be on such a plan, contact your local union to find out JUSt how you can make regular contribu tions.

After all , the future you save may be your own- and that of your fam · i1y .

'Now, There's Something Going for rou!'

( \ \ \ ,


Waspington I abor Report

AFl-cro Rejects Reagan Administration's Predictions for Solid Economic Growth

The AFL-CIO, in the lead article in the January 7. 1984 edition of the AFL-CIO News, has rejected the Reagan Administration's forecasts of solid economic growth over the next six years, calling them "iffy" and questionable and warned that a new downturn is in prospect unless there 1s a sharp shifl in national economic policies. The Federation's Department of Economic Research told a group of Washington journalists that organized labor has "reasons for doubt about the durabilIty of the cyclical upswlng--even through 1984--and certainly about the vitality of the American economy on a longer range basis . " The AF'L-CIO stressed that the economy is moving into a post-recovery stage with high unemployment and underemployment. and there is an increasing drag on future growth from the adverse balance of trade . In the absence of a viable tax policy. the APL-CIO said that the Federal Reserve Board can be expected to use its traditional money-tightening, high-interest rates will lead into the next recession .

Labor Department Wage Protection Rule Changes Delayed Pending Court Action

The Labor Department has temporarily pulled back controversial new regulations that organized labor charged will gut the Service Contract Act if they take effect . The department's deferral of the effective date of the regulations from Dec. 27 to Jan . 27 came on the heels of a lawsuit filed by the AFL-CIO and eight affiliates to stop the Reagan Administration from putting the changes in place. The delay is part of an agreement by the parties to the suit to aid in getting an expedited decision . The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia will hear the case Jan. 13 . Joining the federation in the suit are the AFL-CIO Building & Construction Trades Dept . . Machinists. IBEW. Laborers. Service Employees. Transport Workers. Carpenters and Seafarers . Each of the unions has members employed by private firms that have government contracts to provide services to federal agencies. The AFL-CIO's request for an injunction to block the rule changes asserts that the new regulations demanded by the Reagan Administration violate the intent of the Service Contract Act and go beyond the Secretary of Labor's authority to implement laws passed by Congress .

If the Reagan Administration has its way. a wide range of wage protections for service workers--many already low-paid--would be reduced or cut entirely, the AFL­CIO said.

• Good Thought lor the New Year-One Vote Does Count

A lot of folks out there still aren't convinced that one vote counts . Maybe some will never be sold on the notion . But there's 8 group of candidates and voters in some Ohio communities who learned it as a result of last November's elections. and if close ones crop up in one state, they crop up in 50 . One vote does count. and that's a good thing to keep in mind as we head into an important l election year. In Pickaway County, Ohio. it was two weeks after the Nov. 8 balloting before the election board was able to certify that John Jenkins was re-elected mayor of Circleville. That's because they had to check, double-check and triple-check and at last they could say. yes. Jenkins won with exactly one vote more than his opponent. 1721-1720. In Lake County, Ohio. eleotion officials flipped their lids when they noted that two contests wound up 1n a tie. They


decided to flip a coin to determine the winners. In one council race. incumbent Glen Kanaga cal led the toss correctly to break the 698-698 deadlock he was in. A

, 607-607 tie for a seat on the charter review commission was settled when Jonn! Clemett called the coin toss wrong. losing thereby to her opponent James

, Mathewson. Some folks are going to read the above and say, "Yea, sure, but you're talking about piddling little offices. I'm underwhelmed . Show me where one vote counts so much in a real important election." Well. to begin wi th, there's no such thing as a "piddling" office . They all count for something. In addi tion, some "real important elections" have been mighty close. Back in 1880, James Garfield

~ just made it to the presidency over Winfield Hancock by a vote of 4,606,159 to 4,604 ,261. That's a mere 1,898 votes out of 9,210.420 votes cast, a winning

~ percentage of 50.01. John F . Kennedy fared much better . He defeated Richard Nixon in 1960 by an average of a little less than one vote per precinct nationwide. Nixon made it up eight years later . He topped Hubert Humphrey by merely two votes per precinct on average .

... AFL-CIO Charges OSHA Report on Inspections Is Inflated

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration is continuing its "pubic relations ploy" of showing inflated numbers on worksite inspections when the true measure of the agency's effectiveness--the number of workers covered--has declined

_ by 45 percent since fiscal year 1980. Margaret Seminario, the AFL-CIO's job safety specialist, charged recently . In r'eleasing preliminary data for fiscal 1983, OSHA

;>. Admini strator Thorne G. Auchter said his agency is "on track for making the j,. Ameri can workplace even safer and more healthful in coming years .... " He

I pointed out that federal inspectors had visited 68,577 work sites in FY 1983 and 63,363 in FY 1980. Seminario, associate director of the AFL-CIO Dept . of Occupational Safety, Health & Social Security, noted that 10.368 of the worksite inspections really were "records" inspections. Thus. the actual inspection total

,. is only 58,209, over 9 percent less than the FY 1980 figure s. "The Reagan Admini stration is grandstanding and cheer leading. when an honest review of the inspection numbers shows there is nothing to cheer about." Seminario said . While OSHA touted its increased emphasis on construction site inspections, Seminario said this "artificially skews" the inspection figures because of the way OSHA counts those inspections . Each contractor or subcontractor at a job site is counted as an individual inspection, meaning fewer job sites have to be visited to "artificallly" increase the inspection total . The key to the agency's effectiveness, Seminario declared, is the number of workers covered by its

• inspections. That number has dropped more than 45 percent from 3.699,862 workers I in FY 1980 to 2,032.358 in FY 1983, she pointed out. Nearly every figure relating

to OSHA's inspection program has declined under the Reagan Admini stration. Manufacturing inspections are down 30 percent; maritime inspections , down 22 percent ; follow-up inspections. down 86 percent. and worker complaints. down 51 percent. she noted.

Walter Mondale Sets Key Campaign Themes In Major Address Before Press

Walter F . Mondale opened his 1984 campaign for the U.S. presidency by affirming ... his commi tment to liberal domestic goals and pledging to "take charge"--as !. President--of the nation's foreign policy and reduce the risk of nuclear war. ~ Kicking off the oampaign year with an address to members of the National Press

Club in Washington, Mondale dealt directly with criticism of his appeal for .... support among broad-based groups labeled by the media as "speCial interests." Most

prominent among these is the AFL-CIO, which has endorsed Mondale's candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination . Mondale spelled out his own concerns--the "millions of unemployed who ought to have jobs," the millions of young people "who need a good education but are being denied it by the Reagan Admini stra tion," the

r-- need to turn around the Reagan Administration's "shameful record" of civil rights laws. protection of the environment, enactment of the Equal Rights Amendment, an all-out attack on hunger and poverty, and the use of defense and national strength "to keep the peace and ... reduce the risk of nuclear war . " He used the Press Club speech to project the key themes of his campaign-"a more competitive economy, a more just SOCiety, and a safer world"--and focused the bulk of his

~ address on the last of the three . I IBEW JOURNAL I FEBRUARV 1984 I 13

department of Research and Education ,

Union Construction Workers Outperform Non-Union Workers

PCrlo<hcally, we hear or read trumped­up charges that umon construction workers arc nO[ productive and that non­umon workers are taking jobs away from umon workers because the non-umon workers arc morc productive, even while working fo r less than umon workers. Invariably, when studies arc conducted, they prove tha t such charges arc fa lse. Another recent study confi rms the fact that uRIon construction workers outper­fo rm non -umon construcuon workers.

In 1983, Dr. Steven G. Allen of the Department of EconomiCS and BUSiness, North Carolina State Umverslty, pre­pared a working paper, "Unionization and Productivity in Office Budding and School Construction," for the National Bureau of Economic Research that cor­roborates hiS earlier study, " Unlomzed Construction Workers Arc More Produc­tive. "

1979 Produ ctivi ty Study

The earlier study of construction worker productlvuy was conducted for the Ccn· ter To Protect Workers' Rights and found a large, positive umon product ivity effect in the construction sector. In Dr. All en's words, "ThiS study finds that output per employee IS at least 29 percent greater in unionized establishments in conStruc­tion. If this ext ra producuvuy IS enti rely attnbutable to labor, then umon memo bers arc at least 38 percent more produc­tive than other workers In constructIOn."

The 1979 study found no slgmficant dtlferencc m annual hours worked be­tween umon and non-umon construction workers. It confinncd the fac t that the wages of union construction workers are higher than those of comparable non­union construction workers, but pointed Out that "The productivity results im ply that these wage differences refl ect dif­fe rences in effi ciency, ra ther than mo­nopolistic control over the work place."

Dr. Allen wrote that "Construction umons proVide public or collective serv­ICC$ benefitting both contractors and workers, such as trammg.. lob mforma­tlon, and esPfJt de corps which would otherwise not be produced In thell ab­sente. II He added, "Umons arc con­cerned, nOI only with wages and em· ployment opportunities, but also wi lh the phYSical conditions of the work place, the syStems used to assign workers to jobs, the provision of trammg, and the


availability of channels to settle disputes between workers land the employer, along with a host of other facets of the em­ployment relationship." Funhennore, Dr. Allen stated, "Craft umons have played an active role In tr:umng new workers and reducmg ,ob sea rch COSts for both contractors and members, which should serve to increase produclLvlty."

• structed per man-hour and 20 percent more productive on the school prOjects when value added per man-hour produc­tion was measured. Hlsealculatlons were adlusted for capital-labor rattos, observ­able labor quality, regIon, and budding charactenstlcs. .;

Equa ll y as Important, Dr. Allen found that, 111 orAce budding projects, the dif­fe rence 111 productivity-which reached 5 I percent when measured in terms of value added, rather than square feet­exceeded the higher wage rates pa id to union construction workers. He credits "supcnor trall1i ng, lower SUperviSOry re­qUirements, reduced recrultll1g and se­lection costs, and better management 111 the union sector" as productivity advan­tages for ul1lon construction workers.

1983 Study

Union Workers Well Tra ined

Dr. Allen 's 1983 study examined the diffe rence III productivity between umon and non·union contractors In tWO facets of the construct ion Industry: I) com­merCial office buLidmgs and 2) elemen­tary and secondary schools. He con­eluded POSitiVely, "The popular belief that the buddll1g trades umons reduce productiVity 111 the II1dustry is soundly rejected In both samples."

He found that union workers were 38 percent more producllve on office budd­Ing projects 111 tenns of square feet can-

The eV idence speaks for Itself. The "1 Andmgs of Dr. Allen and the penQ(lic studies conducted by other authoritative


NOVEMBER, 1963 1981 '" 100

He.lth" RII(:'"-All t"m, TrlO' pCIf- Pfiaon.1 lion "

-~ 'N' Combl,*, ,- HoyeJog ClothIng • ' Ion eo .. RH d iog

November 1983 1192 112.1 122.3 111 4 1213 120 1 1180 Oc1obe, 1983 1192 112.7 122.2 111.1 121 .1 119.7 117.9 September 1983 1185 111 .5 121.4 110.6 121.6 119.5 117.7 August 1983 1185 112.6 120.8 110.3 122.6 119.0 117.3 July 1983 117.9 112.7 119.9 109.7 122.0 11 8.8 116.9 June 1983 117 4 112.0 119.5 110.2 121.4 118.2 11 5.3 May 1983 116.1 111.8 11 9.3 110.1 11 5.3 118.2 114.9 April 1983 115.8 110.0 119.3 110.0 116.8 117.7 114.1

November 1962 114.4 108.7 116.9 108.0 1181 11 4.4 112.9 November 1981 t04 .2 November 1980 92.9 November 1979 835 November 1978 76 .3

NOTE. CarlIIde. CorIeumer PrIca Index lor all items ,emaoned uncharogea .. 1192 lot the I'I"IOI"IIh 01 November The ne.-NM eluting !he past year was "' .8 I)OII'IIS. or '" zo.

EXAMPlE. For !hepeorlOd 01 November 196210 November 1983 119.2 - 1'''' . .. "'8 1nc1ex pomtl;.e dIVided by 1 U . .. 0<102 x 100 .. 4 2'\,

Pfepared by' Department 01 ReMetch.nd Educa.hoo. IBEW. December, 1983


professionals only confi rm what we In the building trades have always known­that ca pable, trained, and ski lled union workers are more producti ve than non­union workers_ All union bUIlding and

, construction trades inSiSt on apprentice and journeyman trammg_ The appren­ticeship trammg system, In most cases jointly admimstered with contractors, Indentures young apprenllces who must work on the Job under the supervISIOn of journeymen and attend, as a rule at

" night and on thelT own time, fonnal classes With textbook mStruction and regular testing_ Thus, the system trams and develops skilled craftsmen who, upon completion of thelT apprenncesh lp, be­come certified Journeymen. Apprennce­ship trammg is compu lsory) those who

~ cannot make the grade are not graduated and do nOI become union Jou rneymen. The non· union constructIOn sec lOr has nothing to ma tch nor even approach th is sytem. Most non-unIOn construcllon workers have had no formal sktll trammg and schoolmg, a fact that IS reflected m

~ their lower rate of productIvity and ac­ceptance of lower wages.


Journeymen arc well-rounded workers who have been tramed to work m all phases of their pa rticu lar occupational trade. ThelTS is nOt a fragmented trade, fo r each journeyman has attamed a high caliber of skills which he can apply 10

many areas of any gIven Job. He IS not restricted by speciaitzatJon; to fac t, he can perform a fuIJ gamut of dut ies, which adds to his profi ciency and producti vity. Journeymen don't constantly need to be told what to do. They reqUire less as­sistance and SUperviSion, a cost-savings feature to employers.

Unions are a ready source of capable, nalDed, skilled Journeymen as the need­SOmetlIDes, on short notlcc--anscs. They minimiZe the recrultmg and screenmg process for employers, another cost-sav­Ings feature_ Unions, With their adequate supply of skilled workers, permit man ­agement to plan construcllon prOJectS and schedule work assignmentS more efficiently, wh ich also contributes to the higher productivity rate of umon work ­ers.

Journeyman Training

Umon workers who have attallled the rank of journeymen arc nOt content to stop thei r education and traln mg upon completion of their apprenticeship. They know that continUing education and tramlng for the updati ng of thell Skills, often throughout thell workmg li ves, arc essential to their jobs, to the sueccss of their employers, and to their own and their families' livelihoods. They enroll ill jOwneyman skill improvement courses as a natural part of their rcsponslblluy



REFERENCE BASE, U.S. AVERAGE 1961 :: 100 .. NOVEMBER. 1983 App.llr, 1

AII11"n. • Trln.pot- MedIClI Monih Yn, Comblnl'd ,- Houl lng Upl< ... li lion Carl

November 1983 3014 2926 3245 1997 3082 3629 October 1983 301.3 292.9 325.2 199.8 306.9 360.9 Sep1ember 1983 3008 292.6 325.3 199.3 305.5 359.2

~ Augus, 1983 299.5 292.2 324.3 196.3 304.1 357.9 Ju~ 1983 298.2 292.1 323.1 194.0 301.9 355.6 June 1983 2972 292.2 322.3 194.7 299.6 353.3 May 1983 296.3 292.6 321.3 195.3 297.5 352.1 April 1983 2949 292.1 320.3 194.8 293.5 351.2

November 1982 2932 2866 3196 1944 297.3 3398

~ November 1981 280 4 , November 1980 256 4 November 1979 2276 November 1978 2018

NOTE~ COnsumer Pnee Indelc lor an ....... ~ 0 1 pOII"I1:S duMg troe pas! monm. Of 0 03% -eQUalled IfI annual rate 01" increase 01" 0 36" (0 03 )( 12) The ncrease In CPI dunng !he pasl year was 8 2 po;nt., Of 2 a-.

~. Percent illCfease be~ 1W'O dales is Cllculil1ed by sur»actlng !he Index 1lUfllbe, lor troe e&/be.

I date I.om tllatlor!he 1.811' dire end dividIng !he "su~ by !he Index number 10. the earlier date. tnen multoplyirog by 100

EXAMPlE: For the pe.iod 01 NOliember 1982 to November 1983; 301 4 2932 82 Index points 8.2 dIvided by 293 2 .. 028"W; 100 .. 2 8">0

Prepa,ed by: Department 01 Reseeret1 ard Education. ISEW. December. 1983

as Journeymen. Within the lBEW alone, approximatel y 11,(0) members partici­pate in skill improvement programs an­nually. Thus, we find mEW journeymt:n glvmg of their own time to take courses In weldmg, air conditioning and refrig­erauon, process control and IDstrumen­tallOn, bluepnnt reading, motor control, semiconductor electroniCS, theory, fiber opucs, solid-state fundamentals, condun bendlOg, electrical theory and marne­matlcS, the National Electncal Code, electncal construction management, etc.

In addition to bemg aware of the Im­portance of continuing their education and updaung their skills after their years of apprenticeship, union Journeymen are also aware of the nccesslty for union contractors to remam viable and com­petitive m the mdustry. Therefore, they make sure they know their trade, they take pride m thei r trade and industry, and they adhe re to the policy of a fall day's work for a fair day's pay. There IS a bond of mutual understanding between workers and contractors to promote union conSt ruction for the conunulng well· bemg of all concerncd, mCIJ" famlhes, and the economy. Unjonized cont ractors, cs­tlmatorS, supcn ntendents, and supervi­sors have also come th rough the ranks. They know, from expenence, the need and the va lue of fo rmal apprenticeships and ongoing education and traming throughout one's hfe. They reahze mat, because of union construction workers' skills and high level of productivi ty, many union jobs finish ahead of sched­ule, at additional COSt savings to the contractor and to the user.

Umon construction workers can also take pride in the fac t that, in addition to all of their other community mterests and activities, they assist in the devel­opment of vocational education pro­grams fo r youths m thcir com mum ties. Most defini tely, through their training, skills, and productivity, they outperform non-union workers. America's trades unions contribute mlghu ly to the well­bemg of our nauon 's economy.






Address by Former Vice President Walter F. Mondale To the 15th Constitutional Convention of the AFL-CIO

Thursday, October 6, 1983

Thank you vcry much , Lane, for that vcry kmd Introduction. It 's an honor to be Introduced by one of the labor Siales­men of the world and onc of the gUlIltS of our lime, my dear friend, Lane Ki rk ­land.

To those who make up the Gene ral Board of the AFL·CIO, and If I may slIlglc OUt oncdcJcgation- mydear fnend, D3VC

Roc, and the delega tes from my beloved state of Mmnesota- thank you, thank you, my fnends, for 101OIOg me 10 thiS campaign and for demonstrating yOUT

confidence In my candidacy and In my upconung PreSIdency.

As I came mto the hall and shook y OUT

hands, I was struck by how many of you I've worked with all my life. We 've been together all of these years. We'll be to· gether 10 IhlS ca m p:lIgn, and we'll be together In makmg Amenca work agaIn.

I've come before you many, many tImes, but this ti me It'S dIffe rent. ThIS time I'm coming before you as the candidate who wil l be nominated and elected Presldem of the Umted States.

Help Rebuild Am eri u

Today I'm asking you to laID my na­tional campaIgn to rcbulld Amenca. Your coumry needs you ag:ll n. You r hands bUIlt America_ You r struggle changed our coumry. Today there are mill ions of Amencans who may never hold a ulllon card who stand In you r debt- the chil­dren 111 schools, t he semors in dIgn it y, the mmori u es In the mIddle class and not m the back of the bus.

In fac t, today evcry Amen can who holds a safe job, works deccm hours, and cams decent pay IS standmg on your shoulders.

Yesterday thc world was remtndcd agam of the Importance of free umons to a free nallon when the Nobel Peace Pnze was awarded to Lech Walesa fo r hIS fight on behalf of the unconquercd 10ngll1g of all people for peace and freedom. And that IS why I'm fo r free Unions, not lust tn Poland but In the Umted States of Amer­Ica.

That IS why when thiS Administration says what ou r nation needs IS auman­free nation, I tell thcm what we need IS a nation of free umons.

As everyone in ttllS room knows, 1984 IS an elecuon that we dare not lose. The quesllon before us today IS not what I can do for you or you can do for me, but what we can do togethcr for our country.

The question IS not whether you WlO or Monrlale wms, but whether America WinS again.

When I grcw up, It was always assumed that each gencrallon would do a lltt lc


Hollywood, Fla.

bn better than the one beforc. But today, for the first lime, Amcn cans arc not sure that this wil l be true for their children. A generatlOll ago, our country stocked the shelves of the world. NOW, It 'S the other way around. Once our country felt sclf·sufficlcnt, now we feel vulncrablc to cartels. Once our country made room for our kids, toda y they're afraId of bemg shut OUt.

Mr. Reagan has a thcory about why we havc slipped. He thinks It 'S because Amencan workers arc lazy, so hc WClghS thc help-wanted ads as though millions of Amencans would rather get handouts than paychecks. He tries to ta)( unem ­ployment msurancc to "dlscouragc" un· employment. And he puts us through twO ycars of double-digit receSSIOns as though pUnishIng you IS good for our country.

He IS dead wrong. Look around thiS convention hall. You

don't sec any sign saym&. "GIve us wel­fare ." You don 't hear Amencans saymg. " \ Ve want someone to take care of us_" What you do hear Amencans saymg IS thIS: " We want to work. We want a Job. We want to have a chance to work for ourselves and our family, and to stand on our own two fect and to contnbutc 10 ou r country 's renewal. " That IS what the workmg mcn and women of this country arc as kmg for.

And we're ready to bui ld the strongest, mOSt productive economy In the world again. That 's what our campaign IS all about. We 're ready to work fo r America, and I'm ready 10 be the PrcSident who putS America back to work.

The time has come to reSlOre, restruc ­tu re and renew the Amencan economy_ To those who say we can 't do It, I would rcmmd you that thi S IS the country that rebUilt Wcstem Europe; thiS IS the coun­try that rebUilt Japan .

And now IS the time for us 10 rebuild the United SlatCS of America.

Undo Reaganomi cs

To do so we must first undo ReagllO' omlcs_ We can dig our way out of one term of ReaganomIcs, but four more years will mcan that our kIds may never sce an Amenca as confident and hopeful as we did. Unless we act for the rest of the 20th century, Mr. Reagan 's 5200 bllllOo deficits Will clamp a cClling on our economy_ We may never sustalll long-tenn economIc growth . Real mter­cst rates won 't fall . Young fanulles won 't be able to have affordable housmg. Hous­mg starts wen 't last. plants won 't bc modernized. New business won't find capJlal. Our currency values will be w3y

au[ of line, and one am ot SIX workers, those who depend upon exports, WIll be an endangered species. Marc farmcrs wil l be rumed. Exports will keep plunging. Imports will keep being sucked m, and our kids will pay the interest on the 51 " tri llion that Mr. Reagan borrowed for the rest of their lives.

We should be getting ready for the nc)(t century and not mortgagmg It. We should be heipmg workers to acquIre new skills, not helpmg cooglomerates to acqulJe new compames. We should be deepemng our harbors, not our tax havens_ And we ~ should be shehenng Amen can families, not corpor3te profits.

, It 's no sccret what Amencans want

from the economy. We want Jobs, low mllat ion, reasonablc interest rates, faIT taxes, and steady, long·term growth . I will bUI ld th IS campaIgn on my pl3n to "l achievc those objectives, and here It IS:

FlTst, I wil l InSiSt on a senSible budget for our country. I wilJ chop the deficits down, rebu ild the revenue base, and with a responSIble fiscal pohcy I will lOSISt that the Federal Reserve Board proVIde civlhzed mterest rates that promote long- j

term econom iC growth_ Second, I will demand a strong new

trade poltcy fo r our country. Much of our futu re IS trade_ I will match other COUIl­tries' export subsidies product·for-prod­uct and dollar-for-dolJar. I will prcss our multinationals 10 keep those hIgh-qual-ity jobs, our fu ture, here at home . I wdl te ll our trade compctltors that they must .i open their markets as Wide to us as wc open ours to them.

Third, I WI ll mvest III our future agam. I will create a capital budget to rebuild our highways, our bndgcs, our CItieS, our port5--0ur mnastructmc. I WIll strengthen our schools and msist on standards. I " will get our edge back III sClcnce and research, and J will make certam that thiS n..:)(t genemllon of AmeTlcans IS posltlvcly the best educated, the best trained, and the best eqUipped III the hIstory of ou r country.

Indus tria l Renewal

Fourth, I WIll bnng buslncss and labor lOgether 10 work for IIldustnal renewal. I will ask everyone to bnng somethmg to the table. To the managcment, I will sa)': " Invest agam III people and plants, not paper assets and wasteful mergers." "II To workers, I Will say: "Let 's put quality and productiVity first ." To all Amen cans, I Will say: " I WIll be nght there at the table mysclf. " I won't take a nap while our indust ri3l base sli des. I'll bc with you all the W3y. I won't blame govern· ment . I'll use It. Govern ment docs not ,


belong on your back, but It does belong on your side, and that 's where u 's gomg to be agam.

Finally, I will win f:umcss for your workers. None of us expects life to be an easy ride. Our parents StruAAlcd for what they achieved, and so must we. But what we inSiS t on In Amenca IS that everyone pitch In equally to build that future. The burden must be fau ly !>h'II CJ.

I'm a preacher 's kid I was brough t up to sec the difference be tween ngh t and wrong, and whi'lf 's hllppcnmg to the av­erage Arn cn ClIIl today IS wrong.

When gas su pplies arc on the nsc, It'S

wrong fo r your utilit y bil ls to go through the roof.

When your payroll tax, sales tax, tele­phone tax, gas tax, real estate taxes arc gomg up, n 's wrong for 90,000 profitable corpora tions to go tax free .

When workers make concesSIOns to keep fi rms afloat, II 'S wrong for corpo­rations to usc ban kruptcy laws to bust Unions, break contracts, and duck liabil ­uy_ !Standlng oyatlon_1

Abraham Lincoln once Said that ours IS a gOYernment of the people, by the people, and for the peoplc. But what we've gO! today IS a ~oYcrnment of the ri ch, by the n ch, and for the nch , and wc'ye got 10 change H .

Mr. Reagan didn 't cut taxes. He cut America. Reaganoml c5 15dl YIJIIIg uS mto two Americans, one at the very tOp, that thin vencer of th e wealth lcs t who arc doing bettcr and h{,Tli-r, and thc other for the rest of Amen ca who arc dOIng less and less well.

Reagan Shifted Taxes Reagan dIdn 't cut taxes, he shifted

them_ He gave himself a S9 I ,()(x) tax CUt auJ asked you to pay the bill. It works thIS way: If a person IS makmg 5200,()(X) a year, he'll get back 560,000 each year 10 real tax relief. But If you 're earning 525,000 a year, your taxes, when you count them all up, go up by 5185. It 's

~ bad enough to give wealthy Amencans enough tax relief to buy a new Rull::. Royce cvery year, but II t3kes g3 11 to ask you 10 buy the hub caps.


To all working Am en ClUlS who Inc being hun today, I say th3t I am on your sldc. To all Americans who demand 3 decent future for their children, I'm on your side. To all Amencans who walled long enough for SOC ial IUStlCe, I'm on your Side. And to all Amen cans ove r· whelmed by problems hcyond their ca­pacity to handle, the une mployed, the sick, the agmg. and the handicapped, I'm on your SIde.

Tax The Wealth y Right now, tQ(l3y, If I were PreSident,

I'd elose these loopholes and make the

wealthy pay thell fan sh3re of the taxes. I'd slap a hd on he3hh COSIS and make sure health prOViders get what they de­serve and nothll1g more. I'd elamp down on utility bill s and see that no Amencan has to choose between he3tlng 3nd eat­mg. !'d enfo rce workers' nghts and fight for the adoption of the Labor Law Reform Act. !Standlng ov:m on .j

I wuulJ LI3ck down on c",d nghts VIOlat ors. I'd make sure r3ce or sex had nothmg to do with P3 Y or success. I'll fight to get the drugs off the streets and put th e crooks behllld bars. I' ll usc the super· fund to clean up tOXIC waste. I' ll cnforce the envuonmental laws of the land. And I'd get Jamcs Watt 'sully fingers off our beaches 3nd ou r trecs.

The firs t term of the Mondale Admm­Istratlon wlil enll III 19R9.

By thc end of this decade, I want to walk mto a classroom III Amenca, ask the bnghtest slUdent what career he or she IS planmng. and hear many of them say, " I want to be a teacher."

By the end 01 thiS decade, 1 want to walk mto 3ny publi c hcalth chmc 111

Amen ca and he3r a doctor say, "We haven 't secn a slIlgle hungry chtld thiS year. "

By the end of thiS decade, I want 10 go to the most compellllve com pames In

Amenca, ask them wh3t their sec ret IS, anJ sct tlus repl y: "We listen to our workers on the shop floor, not lust to our cxeculLves on the top floor ."

By the end of thiS decade. J w3nt 10 walk 11110 any store III Amenca and pick up the best product of the best quality, of the best price. turn It over and read· "Made in the U.S.A ..

By the end of thiS decade, 1 want to say to a Supreme Court that I appointed. " Iusll ce IS 10 good h.1ock "

At the end of thiS dec3de, I want to go to my second Inaugural and raIse my nght hand and swea r to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the Uniled States that can tams the provISIons of the Equal Rights Amendment .

And for the rest of the decades of m y hfe, I want 10 reca ll my proudest 3c1l1eve­Illent, how I kept Am ell ca strong and free, but used that strength to reflect Ameri can values around the world and pull us back from the nuclear abyss.

I grew up poor 111 southern Millnesota My fatilci was a n1lmster, my mother a mUSIC teacher. We never had a dime, but our home W3S n eh III the thmgs that coullt-Qur love, our faith, the m USIC, and caring of neighbors, one for another. We were never alone.

At the core of my bemg and at the center of my Pll.::>ldellcy there .... ·ou ld be a phdosophy profoundly different from the one dlctatmg our lives today. I do not bcheve that Am en ca W3S meant to

be a Jungle where only the finest or the Tlchest prosper. I do nOt believe that Amenca IS 111"1 for people on the make. America was meam to be a CIVilization, a communlty, a f~lInd y, where we belong 10 each other, care for each other. and depend on one another.

Our history speaks to us . " We the people," says the Preamble to the Con­stitUllon not ,USt white, not ,USt men, but all of us_ To cstabhsh a more perfect Unlon, not SO se parate nalLons, but one St rong Unit ed States of Amenca.

To establish JUSttcc, not Just order­they'\le got order In Russia- bul IUSlLee. And then It SIIYS, "To prOVide for 3 common defense and to promote the general welfare." II docs not say to pro­VIde for a com mon defense or promOte the general welfarc. It says both, and we need a Presldelll who understands that.

I grew up bchevlllg that there's 3 bar­ga in m hfe m our country. When you work hard, when you pay YUUI taxes. when you 're a good parent and citizen and obey the law. when you play by the rules, you have a nghl tn expect certam things In ou r country- a safe lob, a decent Income. a safe community, good schools, clean air 3nd water. a chance to enloy hfe, a cushion against problems that overwhelm you, 3 secure retirement, a government thai cares. a strong country that 's free 3nd at pe3ce.

That's the Amencan promi se that I bel ieve 10, and that's wh3t J fought for all my hfe. 1 h3ve a VISion for our country, and I know how to lead us there. I know where the talcnt IS. I know the Congress. I know the White House. I know how to shape a government. I know how to defend thiS counuy. 1 know how to search for peace. 1 know who our fnends arc. !'m on toourenemlCS. And I know myself and I am ready, I am ready to be PreSident of the United States.

I am ready, and so arc the AmenC3" people. I have traveled ou r nalum IIIUle

than any liVing Amencan. I know your com munlUes. ! have been III your homes and your shops and 10 your plants. I have walked 10 your neighborhoods, and I've lea rned from you.

Americans want our edge back. We're ready to do our lob fo r our country. and to ach Ieve grea tness we'lI give greatness. We wil l releCt Ihe second rate, the short­cuts and the selfishness. We're ready for a season of excellence. We're ready to work for AmenC3

And so today, I'm asklllg fo r you r help III thiS great national camp31gn 10 rebUIld Amenca There IS no reason on carth for Amenca to fear the futu rc. We h3ve everythmg we need except a leader. and I Will be th:n le3der, and If you Will help me, together we Will help Amenca

Thank you very, very much




Stress Is A Killer LU. t li,cm,I,'""''' ST. LOUIS, MO.- The noun I Uess " ddl.ned by Webue. n ". faCIOI Ih., induces bodily 0' ment,l teos,on." As L. 1)'llIe.1 .n the alrWIVe medi., th is comll,.on I, StC,colypcd hom the lOap operas 10 pnme time as an exdusive IIaIC 0/ .he prole'sioll.1 JlC'tson, the UCCU!lVC '

• yeoon-whcclcl-dulc •• , portrayed by VUlue of IOClai rank (01 polSlblyustt l .. hIVml' monopoly on Ihls inner lEosion-hut the opposite IS true. Ciuol the SUI,con Gener.l '. Repall, " Hulthy People", the le is mOle suelt on the workpbce Ihln there IS in the penthOUK

To define workplace Stless would be In dlYlde the subleci InlO tWO tum., phYllul and menul The phylu:.alilleu i. a luclion 10 outside .timuh, the awayaunn one leels from eacen nOIse leYel" pallutanu, rxueme. of heal and cold or sudden chtnge., 01 the myriad choice of thmgs that make one uocomfonable_ Mental s tlen i. a different ,mmal, it is mvisihle and msldlous because thele II nmhin, Ihal un be Trally pinned down u the aWnatOf, Ind II II danlelous because II CIUK. normal bodlly runellDnS to Ihcl and physIcal chanset to OCCUI mlide

The .d,en.1 Ibnd WIth whIch nliUle hu en­dowed UI IcluKS .d,en,hn In to Ihe blood Ilium fOI luddcn enCIIY, and II a healthy, phy.,,:al ,e­IponK to da"&el 01 cacitement, but the elleTlOI portion. of the ,land (Ihe ad'enal conu) 10 con· tUnC !ion wllh the plluitary ,lind produce a su]). Slaoce called COIlIIOI U I ,esponse to mental IggJlwation-the immediate rnults I re I.lightly alte ,ed me"bulic $Iale, an Inelcucd heart late, Ind poSSIbly Iht feding 01 a lump in the Ihroal 01 knol \0 thc Ilomach that plecludes anle. The coonnual day to day IcluK of C01II.S01 IOtO the body scems 10 'aclllllle thc lonl telm fallule of the bodily Immune 'Y5lem, othel effects IOciude u..lcus, eohu., miguune hudlchn, lespiratory dlf· ficultics, high blood plcssule, in&omnll, f,ulue, itrokes, .nd hUll disc.sc , ami each .ffllcuon is potrlllially.n effecl of dilly mental IIIUS

C,USCI of menlilsuu5 often onclude economiC UnCCIUtoty and IOleculllYI the per&On has • lob Ind the paycheck IS necded, but how lonl will II laSI, or how ,oon is the layoff comingt Work In.n area IS getting slow and it may be time to ",wei agaIR, bUI no other alea is domg ve ly well ei thel, so II looks hke an unemployment check may be the solc means 01 mcome 101 an .ndefinlle pe liod

ROliliol sh.ft, may add 10 the suess flClO1 II the.,. do caUk bodIly chanIn Ind dIsrupt the body dock-they .Iso un causc I.mtly comphcauon. becausc the IIICII does not end wllh the shIft and II oftcn laken home_ Add in I faclor of. rcpcllllvc and boring Ilik dunng the workd.y and you hlvc a pt l.soll who mly get I ]jllie IUlly Ind hecdless of hIS own ufety 01 Ihat of othel __ lhe nUt Itep may include I 1111 cheWing by hiS fOleman or supervisol. Put. few combmallonl like thIS to­gethel and you cln Ke that menial JIress cln h,vc I snowbalhng effeci.

lsoill ion Ind lack 01 commUnlCl1l0n c.n .1&0 add 10 the buildup of innel ICMion If I ]>CUOO leeb alone and lack. a knowl~Ie of 01 Information flow cancumnl hi. economIc futule, a Kn»uon of a1"~nallon develops, somelimu hO$uluy. The nel effect II a "blame the Ylctim" alllludel Ihe 'UpervlSOry k"cl tends 10 leclthal Ihele II &ome­Ihlng wrong with the pelson 01 thlt he 11 USclCIl whilc the wo.ker feel. the fur emln b a 101len .... and-so or thlt the company is no good-thelefole a wldenmg mental chum and .n eKalaling hOl­lillly between Ihe WOlkerlnd thc pelson who h ..

connol Qve. his hvhhood Sudden chaDlu .0 the $IIIUI quo un UlC.UJc:

JIC'"on>l!lulmo.l Incredibly, Ihe huhh .nd ",dlarc hencfil! have been cut due to 1I11n1 m,ullnee premiums, soothe. wOlk fOlce Will be dolO, whn hu been tr .dltlOnally YOUI lobi the company h., deCIded 10 sh,h the hulk of hs ope/allan 10 Talwanl


Local Leaders Attend Foreign Conferences I..U. J U,o,em,II,lov ta.mol, NEW VORK, N.V.-In Iccent years the dem.nd for I.bo, and management represcntallvel from loeal3 .nd Ihe IDIOt Induslry Bo.1ld has been mct WIth Ihe acceptance of lOY" IItions 10 VI5II many fOlelgn caunmCl IS spokes· men for Ihc rle(uicallnduJtry In New York Cuy.

Recenlly thc flnancial secletlry of Lot.1 3, Hllry Van Andale, Ir ,wllihe invitcd guclt of the Moral Rearmament Confclcnce IR Switurland. Local 3 BUliness Rep lesenta tl ve Wtlh.m C(lIm ;ond em­ployment dllectol of thc !OlOt Industry Boald, Roben McColmlCk, welc welcome lIIulI II • loodwill conference In !.pan whele they wele c.lled upon to dnc nbe the comblncd lunclion. of Local J and the loinl Indu511Y Baud

AnisllnI BUlinc .. M.na/lel Loul' Sieln and BUllOu, RepreSCntlllve W.ller [nnon WCre 1110 inwllcd to be put of. fau -findlng commISSion on the IOdu5lllai and economic dnclormcntl in I, · lIel .

TICUUIC' of Lot.1 3, Lafayette ,'ck&on, .nd Buslncn Representative Bernard Rosenburg '1-tended I wmll.l· wide confcrence 10 Switulland whele Ihey mCI with the Dal! Lam., spirilual ludel of 0,"eI 100 mIllion BuddhIsts AI&O on their IfIJI they h.d .he plenule of meeunl Mah.atm. Gandhi '. "andl-On, MI Ralmohan Gandhi of IfIdl • .

From OctObel 15 Ihroup Octobel 30, "In I untillelli exchange of ideas 10 rromolt a "ulel understandln, of Inlernational I,bol ,elallon. be­tween the Unlled Slltuand thc Federal Rcpubhc of Germ.ny, .n unpleccdcnt~ educallonl l prn­,,1m fOI younl labol leadCI' wu held in Spr()(.k houel , WUI Gelmlny RePI.,.enlin..: LOCII3 In .hc , tudy tOU1 , whIch 15 coordinated by Ihe UOItcd State. Youth Counctl Labol Duk Ind fundcd Ihrough. lraO( from the Untted Sutcslnformalion Agency, was Cha!lman of Local 3'1 "A" Apprentice AdVISOry Commlttec Peter Manno.

Befole embalilln, fOI West Gelmany 1,0m Wash­inlloo, D.C ., Ihe dclel,lIlon partlc lplled in a SCIIU of Indepth bllellna SCUIOn. W]lh VallOul UOlled Stiles loveinment 'Ienc.e • • nd the Depallment of Inlern.llon.1 Alltlls of the AFLClO.

Although thele Welt many tOpl"" 10 be diSCU$Kd, conccrning the multl -faceled prlndplu of IntCI­nliion.1 Allaiu, Ihe maIO Oble(live of thesc dis (USSIonS wit to famlliarlzc the lIudy giOUp, by plcKntlOI them wllh • complehensive "ICW of I.bul ', 100uencc in intern.llon.1 Iffalll and the rotc thc labul movcment plays in the cduutlon of lIS membeu to perceive the .tratrlJie p()hCICS which affcci lod.y'. complu economIc IItnds, both herc Ind abra-d

WhIle In Gelm.ny. Manno and .he "ou," were hott~ by the worb .. ~ucillonal OlpnlZ.llon " Albeu und Leben", fllinslated Wo.k Ind 1.IIel whkh IS .hecountcrr.11 01 the Unlled Sllle, Youlh CounCIl L.bol Desk. The cUlliculum elllblbhed by Ihe Arbeit und Leben, fOI Ihe Youth CounCIl, Included cnnf(nncu with lI.de union ofOclll . and labur educllors to di,cus. the German L.bor Mowemtnt and Cducllional ploI"ms plepared by thc union. fOI .hel l m(mbell.

In lieu of .he IIp.dly changml economIc uend. of today, Ind tomorrow, thIS fau-findlnl 10UI wu m,ullllatcd to Impleu upon younl labol leadersl the faci thai thele II no lu.ur)' of ume when duhn& wilh Ihe unlve lul ploblems which the ITade unIon movcment pluen.ly bce., and that only 10 the spim of Brothelhood, both nat ionally and intemll;on.lly, can trade un ionisu cncounter the struggle, fOI Idvancement aod dIgnity, which they Will be laced wllh In the luturf ..



Recipicoll of JS-yur and le.irement pins.

Annual Family Picnic Held ; Pins Awarded I..U. I ' {II, I!VAN$ \' ILLE, INO.-On Scptembel 13 Ihe Annu.1 Family PICn iC wu held at Twm Towers Gran in Evansvillc. As i •• lways the case of there was plenty of barbequed ribs, chicken, sheed polk and all thc trimminl'. A very larle crowd was on h.nd 10 p.tllke in DOt only the culinary dehpl5 but 1I.so to engage to conWCIUlIon Wlth old fnends and become acqullnt~ wilh .somc of 0111 ncwel membeu As .. the CUStOm at each pICniC, scrVlCe pm. wele prCltnt~ by OUf bUSlnc," man'Ier t,1I1 Hoovel, SI., dlstnbulcd 1'105 to tht followm, membe" II .he pruent. tioo ceremo­nlet_ ThOK preKntcd wllh lS-year pins were Dcl Baker, IclT)' Chutain, hm Kaho, Bob McAlhaney, George McKibben, lerald Moorc, Larry Schader, Tom Thurler Ind 11m Underwood

ReclplcnlS of 3O-yu, pins were Larry Bell, Don Deeg, Marlin Hopper, Ed Ho,slman, WIllard liucb.chman, Oon Koestel, lim Plclce, Carroll Schapker, Frank Slevcnson, Herm.n Stock, Millard . Thurman, Kcony WIlliams, Ralph Worland and Bill Worman, 51

ThIrty-five yur pInt wcre pleKnled 10 CedIlC Apple, Maullee Bowman, 8111 Colhns, Norm Dlel­lam, Don " Ullmpy" HaITI', !ohn McQuay, BIll Schiff, NOlm SchmItt. Ed Sclapel and Bud WIld ridle .

Brolhel lloovel preKnled ' el"emcn. pm. 10 NOlrn Allen, Ernie Cauvcl. Ray Chenault, Jacob Colhns, Del Dec,", Lynn Hall, Murle H05tetler, Leo McDonald, I,mmy McManil and Vernon Picrce_

M •. F.ank McCloskey, a congressman who has proven to be a ,000 fuend of bbo" wu a s~clIl pen at the p,cmc He p,uentcd • United StatU n., 10 our pruldent, Lury Sl"nu The ~tUI Ind Slnpe. will be PUt on di.play In 0\1' hall I would hke 10 thank eongrusman McCloskey 10' nOI

r only taklD& lime from hll heCllt schedule lo.uend ow P'CIllC bUI also lor the concened e!lons on h" pan to .ui o.pnlzed labol In the Hou$O: 01 Reple· sentnlve

Aite • • 11 was SlId Ind done I thInk thlt Ihl. Will p.ob.bly one of Ihe bene. picnIc, we 've had In yeals, which was due In pall to the fatt that the wUlhe. was alnolulely ~rfect The Olhe. ruson la, success was Ibe Iupe,b JOb done by the Eret·

,. ouve ~.d and thert COhOll1 .n plinnlo, Ind selllO, thm,s op 10 Ihlr the rut of UI had nothla, 10 do but COIOY the IUl1v.uu

I WIsh to Cl.lend to the f.mlltes of B,others B.1l Ph.lhps and Chllhe RuschmeIer my most IInCCfe condolences. The..: 'Wl) mCII we,e rellled .nd passed from nUl mIdst a few monlh •• ,0

As • remlnde' 10 all au. membeu, ou, unIOn ~ meellD&s arc held the Rut Ind thud F"dlys 01

every mooth Snv[ HI'NNINC, P 5


Jobo Nol ... , 10 Pllt McMaoVl, 10 rhe midI! of dllldrCD wltchi"1 Ihe mlpdln .. the Chou", •• piny.

Local's Party A Success; Cable System Held Up LU. 17Io.al, DETROIT, MICH.-Thll Will be I short .rtlcle tb'l month, IS there 110 ' 1 100 much 10 fepon_ Neloll.llonl with the etty Publrc l.&hl

r:" 10, Ocpanment ,Ie mil 00 hold pendml ..:nle· meOI With the bUlldml irides On rhe 6·17·A &peemeDI 51111 nOlhlnl .. new WI lie IIl1uoI to lellOlIle wo,k on the 6·17·B IIl.eemenlll.xllnd,e All Base Ind are dam, lOme Illcel h&hunl We had oVCr 800 nam" on the 6· 17·UTf a"eement and .0 May of 198J closed the ,elell.1 bo<Iks Tbrouth the months .nd rhe procus 01 elimlnallon th,OU,"" the ,enewall, the bo<Iks now contlln Ip'

".- ploxlmately 150 men, and these men ha~e been I rcnewln, (heu n.mts e¥cry thlee months I ince

1981 Ind 1982. We IDllclp.te punm, on I few more crews the Rut 01 1984

rhe city of DCllolt has not Italt~J b",IJ,,,« Ihe cable syltem. It seems hke I've been willing about OUt anuclpued cable work lor the lut yca. At the presem ume the franchiJe il bemg held up between tbe city ,ollnei!, the m.yol', OffiCI, ~nd the usual other legalllln. One day, I'll rcpon we have th b work.

We held our Ch.ldren'a Ch"umal Puty on Sat urd,y, December J, .nd " wu qUlle •• uccen Our Santa even made Ihe loc.1 plpeTi By the way, Saola, thank you lor me Ind Ihe enllle membellhip for YOUI yuu of bemA Sanu The chI ldren, I know, leally feel you arc the " true S,OIa "

Unlll the neXI .lIIcle wo,k "Ie. don t IIUln, and eOIOY' God bins

Pl:n Mc MANUS. B M

- -­A few of the Brothers of Loul ::1:2, Omaha, Neb., u;oy reiru hmrnillilel one olthe ,encr.1 mUI· in" . F,om Idt 10 rlllll III Wilt OIecolkl, "en Von, Mi k, M,y~enbur" .nd Jlck Mtr.nbuI,.


P;~h .. td htlt IU Ihe loul'l offi cen Ind Eururivc BOI,d 1II lmbclJ. Blck lOW, lell to Illht, lit Leon Tlmmermln, L,.II f,ubur" BUlloul M.n' ler Ear l Olivc" aod Blil NII" Iront row, Idl 10 ' IShl, lit John Crot.o, PrtildtOI w.1t Smith , Vlcc P,u idenl S.n Scarpello, ,"d Chuck Sum.n.

Local 22 Helps Raise Money For Mondale LU. 11 (1,11I.'p'), OMAHA, NI!B.-Th.s PUt weeklnd wu ~ money rallln, evenl for thr W~hr t Mond.le campllAJI House parllel we,e held III ovel the alea IIIcludln« one II OU, Vice Pru.dent, Sam Scarpello's The bU11d1ll1l "adn u~ed Local 12's h.lI and PUI nn a wine and cheen piny 101 the evenl Notion many people !thowed up becau.se of the IC~ IIICetl thll 'ppearCli Ihat afte,noon Also. Rve mlOUte progr.m WII to be ."ed by CBS, but thIS wu r,eempled 10 IhlS IICl IO thin,. dIdn 't wnlk OUt 10 well Maybe bellel luck nut tllne

At the lime of thIS wllunl OUI lieu here .n Nebraska Ind Iowa .'c full of Ice and snow Th .. of COUIlt slows rhe conSU\I(:UOO licld down lOme mOle .nd m.kn ml"en wane 101lhe employment nf our B,olhers .nd S'$lers

Four Members Retire

H", •• y E \iIN". UP, P 5

L.U. 11 luI, ST. PAUL, MINN.- The Eucuuve Board w.shes you a Vcry Happy New Year r\J we ,0 imn the new yUI, we hope to IC C yoo 1\ our monthly meclmg' It could be olle of you, new yca. 's resolulions Why ge t the neWI .eeond hmnd when ynu can be right there! You wlll even be able to help make dceuions. Be a pan 01 .omethrng thot I, h"pprnm,1

We w"h to con,"tul.te the lullowm, Ill0thclS on thei. reti rcment and wbh them ,000 hulth

Beer Fest

Lo<:II 21, $1. Pul, MinD., h tld 3 M'" lut io O(lOM,. BUlinu. "hDiSCI I~ Plumber il $howo ta lklns 10 lome 01 the membe,s.

.nd many happy 1 .... u. Bl'othef! lobo C. RICI. Challn W Coleman, Ch .. lu R Hansen, Ind I.mes } McDnnuup, II

We had over onc hundled BrothelS at the bee, bUlt fun WI. h.d by.ll The graDd pnZC"-3 TV_ ..... glvcn 10 Mike Ma~anz AI50, Rve umoo lacketS were I.ven Iway. Wlnnell of the un.on I.ekell liven away n the monlhly meelln, Wele lmda BoItI Ind Inc Plumb

If you h.ve .ny neWs that you would ltke to sec In Ihe 10llrnal. 0 ' have news Ihat you wanl rhe ulhel Brothel' to know, please let me kDOW

l.o.MU DEflu, P S

Local Stages Two Successful Events L U. 1. 11"pI,u.cat~ l, BALTIMORE, MD.--On Oc:tobe, 22 , 198J, the Local 24 Entelumment Commillee sponsoled liS Semi-Annual Bull Roasl In the Champagne Room of 00 ' Headqu' rtell 8ulldrn, The event wu cateled by Mallin's. and musIc Wit plovlded by the band Saturday, The bullcr wu deliCIOUS, beel and 50ft dnnks We,e served, .nd everyone Igreed thaI the variety of mUlic .nd .ef.eshmentS prOVIded made th" a most enioyable evenm,

Saturd.y, December 10, oUllo<;l1 held liS Annual Ch.ldren ', Chllsl,"a. P.Hy ,n our Hudqu.rtcn BUlldm, Volunteer members anJ office .. be,ao 'IIIvmS IS urly 15 8:JO a m to begm letlml up ,nd prep.nn, lur Ihe pany, which ran Irnm 11:00 am unl1l. 00 p m Membtrs '!IIved wllh their children and wele \feated to a fun·Rlled day Hot do" . french IIICI, and 10ft dllnks were served Popcorn and cupcakes were ,110 IVlllable, and the chlldlen were rnlrllalOrd hy mnvle canooos aDd a rup~1 show £.ach eh. ld that III on 5anll'$ lap h.d h,,/ he, I'llelure uken and wu J'resenled wllh Ihe p.ctule .nd • $500 I,1t celliAule .nd a toy Th.nkJ lie due Ihe officers, Ihe Entenamment CommlllCe, .nd Ihe ehllrman, Ch,co VOM>, fOI a job well done Spe<:1I1 th.nkJ to oW" tWO SI.IIIU, Paul Kendall .nd E,nle MIlls, .nd the officers and the tommlllCt! who plIllClpared ID Ihe plann,nl .nd dlletllnl of Ih.s evcm

It I. 10 Ihe true srltlt of brotherhood Ihlt we close 1981.nd. Ilonl wllh the oflke.s I.IId memo bers, I would like to w.,h everyone a Healthy and t',ospe'OOJ New Year

Bargaining Rights Won At New Convention Center LU. 1', 11."1 WASIIINGTON, D.c.-The w~thel on the lo;re.1 sccne hIS been good 10 b,!h1S WmtCI The lob IItuation II sull one uf ups and downs with m.no. chanlu 10 Ihe tut~1 number unem· played

Under the moor a(IYn~e cnnliruolls PUI Qn us by Ihll Adm.nisllauon, however, we have sull been able to OIK,niu I neW COnllaC{Qr .nd s.gn Olhell who have ,one 1010 business. The new year appean to huld mo.e p, omlse for our industry, bu t don't leI thil election year plospelity fool you. It 's Ihe IImc charlcteu who brou,hl us unempluyment, "


hl,.IHo- lmpGSllble mttrUI lalU Ind unrrece­dtnl~ hip deRcHS. So ~w;uel Suppon Ihe cao· dldatu endorsed by orpOlud bhor [f you arc not leplteled to YOte, it 1$ mOlit lIoponant thlt you lake care of Ihis miller Immedlate[y Thll "cry Important elecnon WIll ~ here ~fore we know 11 Orpnl;cd Idlor Ind COPE need youl rallicl ralion in order to keep the WQlklng people of thIS eount lY IIton,

The loul union has been succcs$fulin wlnnln, balj:llnin,l rl,hll It the new Conyention Center flcUlty herc in the ulion's capilal and we look forwlrd 10' suceeuful conclusion of an 'II,cement in the nUl future

We Ire plused to report thaI electronic., the malOI lI'owlh facl or in our mduslry, II proceedm, iUI! fine. OUI fChool prop-am of eleetloniQ115 one 01 the finul m the country Ind has Illracled many 01 our K>timeyperlOOl 10 tbil clUI. We In: mOlt proud of the qualily of eIpemse oItho$C mcm~rs rompleun,thne roUlseS.

WADfi SItUllIl, B M

Members Donate Time For Christmas Decorations LU. 34 U,em,I' I,spa$.u tvl, PEORIA , ILL _The Chrlslmu leason was made a little bllghtel this yell thlnh to Ihe e!foru of Locil J4 Membell donated $4,lOO worth of bhol 10 check the 1,800 lell of Christmas lights and $10,000 worth of lahol to IIIIn, 150,000 feel of wire aod 63,000 Indlyidu.1 hghll. On NoYembe, Il, 35 mcn and S aICi con ".etoll PUI up the dlspby. The men whodonlted thell lime were Mark Ayers, PhIl Belchel, hm Cafl<" , p" Can-oil , Many Clonch, John Cole, Rob· crt Dean, Robert Deck, RIchard Dln,led,ne, Lyle Dou~I , lohn Endrn, RO~II Epley, CIII, Espmola, Eric Espinou, Mike Eyerell , Buddy Glhb" lohn Gruber, Crel Happ, Wilham Heitzman, Jonn How~, Plul JohnlOn, Bruce Kramer, SIC¥~ Kunlz, Leonard Lueo, Don LeRoy, ROller LeRoy, Edward Light , lamn McG.ew, lamn McGrew, II , Dlrrell Me­Inlyr~, Hulb McWhlller, lerry Martin, Mlk~ Miller, Dick Mon!i, NOYI Pluley, RIY Penn, D.vid Po"., rim Puckel! , DJlle Rcaktuwah, Bin Riq" Donald Rm,enber" Gerald Schroeh, Sleye Sbpe, Mike Snyder, Chl1"oph~r Stewart, Gerald Swarden!kl, Olck Towle" GCOlge Vandc.hei , Don W,lli l, loe Will" Ind llill Wln,fleld.

ArCi conuac.ot. whn donated thc u~ of 5150 0Cl0 wOllh of equIpment were Ohcrlande. Elcetrlc, 'hud Ruff Elcctnc, I C. Schadel Electric, Puckett Elec· tri c Ind FOl ler ·Jacob Eleclric. Oberlander Elecillc also donated Ihe wi.e and suppliu Thanks 10

eyeryone whn helpedl With III Ihe bitd news the~ d,y., I thoughl I!

wu lime lor a lillie humor. The followm, was givu 10 me by my 1001 buddy, Daye Shermln, of Local 890, IlnuYille, W'$COn5m


ill !kw"e the I!,htnm, that IUlketh In the un dUchlr,eJ ClpaCItOr, lest tt cause the~ to bounce upon Ihy hUllocks in a most unlechDlcian·llke mannci III Cluse Ihou Ihe switch Ihal supplieth lal~e quanllllU of IUlee to be opened and thusly IIggcd, thlt thy day. on thil canh may be long. 131 Plove 10 Ihyself th" all ci. CUII, that radillcth Ind upt)n whIch thou workelh ue I I0unded Ind Ihusly laued, lest they hft thee unlO radiO fre · quency potential Ind causclh thee 10 dl$Ch .. ,c mUIY fluidl I'" Tany nOlamon,$Ilhoij.C foob Ihat enplelh In IntentlOnallhocM, fOltheyare surely nonbeheyel1 and lie not 100, iOI dus world.. lSI Tlkelh car~ thar Ihou usclh Ihe Jlroper method when thou IIkest Ihe musure of • hl,h·vohl,e cileulI, len Ihou mcmer"e both thy~1f Ind Ihy meter , for Yenly, Ihou,;h Ihee host nOI mlkelh prolll for Ihy thop Ind can Clslly be l epllc~, the tCiI meIer dOlh hlye wonh and, IS. ronsequency, brin,elh much woe unto thy COntrleln. , 161 Tlkell clle thou tampe.eth not with .. !ety dcYlcCl and Inretlockl fOllhis incurrcth Ihe wlath 01 Ihe ufelY inlpeclor and brmgeth the lury of OSHA upon thy head and poueflor

111 Work Ihou 001 upon ener!LlIed equipment, for If thou doest, thy feHow worke" surely wlH buy beer fOI thy Widow .nd conlOle hcr 10 olher way. 181 SerYlee thou nor equlpmcnl alone, fo. cteellical cook,n, IS .I slow r,ocess and thou m.y Ilule m Ihlne own far s for hours upon a hOI Ci rCUli befo.e tby makel Ices fit 10 end Ihy mltery (9) Tnfle thou not with r.d'OICl1ye tU~S and dey,,:u le5t Ihou commence 10 glow in the dark hkelll • hghlRln, bug and thy wlfc h.YClh no further usc lor thee C~CCpl lhy wlllcs, 1101 Thou shalt nOI makclh unauthorized modlfl · catinn' 10 equIpment, but C~U!C thou to record III chJnllel mJde by thee, leu Ihy tIlCCCSlOr tear hts hlu OUI ~nd ,0 slowly mad in hillllcmpt lodcddc what manner 01 crealure halh made ilS nest in Ihe wllln, of such equipment

!kslde ~m, fUDny, there Ire lOme lrulh, 10

IhCiC ten commandmenll, 10 leld them throup once mOle and iCC Ihe SCIIOU' SIde

Unlll nUl monlh, he unIon, buy unIon and .how up ;It YOUI loc;ll union meelln,'

Gncc HA"', PS.


PiC' " led b~ re l ie yo lllnlee" h om Locl l ' I , Bullalo, N.Y., who worked on the Ronald McDonald HOUle pl ol~e l l hOnl . ow, left 10 rip . , IIC Bud Klel., Lou Cann juaro, I nd Iusc Mllchinda, lecond. row; Ch" lic Reich, Geor,e Stillwcll , D.ye Brunner, Red Eye, G~n~ Bu rnish, I nd Dnt Blllkowl.k, back row; loho Kjrbil, SlfYC ,ablond;!, Bob Ki, bj., Paul BIIIIMbeidle, Ind Mlh All .

Local Launches Scholarship Program L U. 41 II,u,fm lhp'l, BUFFALO, N.Y._NUt monlh, p. rucularly Saturday, f\-br ch 3[ , Local 41 Will once a,am bellO J ncw commitmcnl. Throu,houl our loclI's hlslory, education and the Importance of conlinulO, education, has Ilways hecn a SUbleel of lIleat conceln Jnd met head on 10 yallous ways. SJturdJY, March Jl al 1 .00 p.m., Locil 41 Will haye III IIlSt Innual Schoillship Awards DInner Dance.

By now e.·eryont hu recelycd the flne POlOt details oullonln, Ihe condmon' fOI eh,lblhly Ind JIJ'IICIPll1on. The Importance 0/ hum, I Schol· IIshlP AWlrd prol'lm m pllce cannor be IOSI, ~CIUSC It can and Will mean 10 much 10 III of us In IUlule yell'. The lec'p,entl of the tchoJal5hlPI WIll neyel fOlllctlhe htlp Ihey received from Locil .II 10 conltnum, or compiclln, their educltion The Idea of ,ell In, togelhellt a 5OCI.I eYent such as this can al~o serye ann lhel purposc! Local 41 and ilS memhers have neve l becn known 10 le t a chance 101 I plrty sILl" by I'le lle support yourself and enjoy ;In evenln, with your Srothers and Sistels

uS! Dccembel9 Local 41 , and in particular the yolunleers who worked on Ihe Ronald McDonald House: I"'0iCC1 lor Quld.en" H05Pltal were tha.nked for thclI many, m.ny hou.solltme ,pent m makm, .I d.um come lrue. Now people from III oyer Ihe country cao and WIll be Ible to usc one of the ftnC$1 chIld care !fUlmcnl faelhuu in Ihe world. When neccssary, Ihey Will ~ able 10 be houscd nca r Ihell chIldren dunn, whal " often. Ille· Ihrealenmg lime. We .11 I( one IImc 01 .nolhel flce. lam.ly CflSlS1 wllh youn, chIldren il'l even mO re traumalle, and thlt oppollunity now made aYlilahle to case In ,orne wa~ elthcl the fin.ncial or cmolional 5train of I child'. hospltaiozatiOn can and Will be. g.utlclief 10 tholc who need it most .

We can usc Ihe fine cum pie of the volunleell

al the Ronald McDonald House 10 make the Schol· "ship Awards D,nner the lucceuIt Ihould be We can enlOY each Olher', company .tnd help our Deyer· ~ndm, commitment to higher educauon Now is the ume

RoIEIlT P RAszt).owsltl, PS.

Construction In a Dry Spell L.U. 42 {o,Cl IV,rtb8l.govt}, IIARTFORD, CONN,-


It looks like our winter seuon hu lei In wilhou t much 01 a SUIOn lor construelion. This mUll be one of the 10n,csl dry sfI<'l1s on record. Since the " oil embar,o of 1973, Ihat con"en s 10 len ycall of hJI1IUlJ on with Yarytl1l delreu of dUfl<'fluoo. If 11 Waln 'l fOI Ibe different federally fund~d jo~, we would mOlit certlUlly be out of busmCSl by now

Follunltdy, we hlYC been able 10 do MIme raIlroad eommunlcalioo along wllb trafllc conlrol oyel the Iut few yells, We hlye al.., be~n very fortunlle UI beUl, Ible 10 m.lOIiUl II le.1! one distribution Crew in Vermom which" where we • hive been able 10 luin Ind wp OU t a couple of ,nod apprcntlcn, OUI sistel loc_1I hlye been I , . cal help ovc! the yells Ind we do owe I debt of , .. IIludc 10 them.

Thc construction fl<'ople haye taken a te rrible ~ltin,. I do hope we Ire over the hump Ind can poSSibly look lorward 10 the IUlu,c with lOme MIll of hope, Our people arc Killcled fa, .nd WIde Ind '" quite I lew are nill OUt Ihere w.itin, to come 1

home We h;lye Iccenlly ROIshed • Im.1I distrlbulion

lOb 10 wellern Mass.achuSCIII .nd cUlTentl,. Ihere is another one OUI 10 bid Po"lbly thi. mly be th~ be,innlO, of belle l Ihinp to come

We cert.mly hlye p"d our dun We lie nor the only onul look at Ihe Parco demlle, the Conti· nemal Allhne mUI and 1$ of thl ' Willing. Grey· ., hound Thele IS a Wlye of Inu·unlOnl.m .weepin,; Icr05l thl' country loeby. We IIC ,01111 10 h.ve eY~n louper hanlu 10 face We must do our .hare 10 OUSI Ron.ld Rellan Ind his clowd from Ihe While Housc, 15 he hIS shown hIS lrue colors I,aln and apin. Hi. Admmistration i, aou everylhm, we Slind fO I The Amelltln W.y, freedom of cboice and lI,ht 10 be union. That is 111 Ihe wOlker hu In hi' 01 het behalf and they arC wOlkm, on those .;&hts eyery day. We muSt do OUr shire when tbe '84 eleclion comu around. -;:;

We have sta rled I ncw VICltlOn lund, e!fecliye /.n. I, 1984, There WIll continue to be. 4 percenl deduclion from YOUI pay forwllded to Ihe locI[ for handlln,. InierUI will be paid on ,11 Iccountl .nd wllhdrawals WIll only be Illowed the 11,,1 IWO weeks of lune Ind Ihe Rrst two weeks of Decembel We arc pursuing a bellCl scrvlce for our member. and hopm, 10 JlJY a conSiderably hIgher Interell! rale thin Ihe old plan. ....

Wc hIVe l\'"Cently 'I",ed Ihe produelloo unn Ip-cemenl .. Chlnnel l 4, which Is •• hort ODe We will be rene,oti.I1I11' new one 10 urly Ipnlll .Ion, wilh the cn,mcers' contract We .I.e cur· renlly In Ihe throel of ne,ouiling the Alp lundh a,rcemenl In western Mau;lchulelll and" doe. nOI look Ihat good. [t will be I lou,h fight.

Thai', I II I haye lor Ihls I.,ue. So le IS look forward 10 a be tter year. '::

B~ American, buy Amencan. IAMU 0 f ...... n., P S,

Voter Registration Important for the Future L U. 481'. rul, PORTLAND, ORE.-The dCCI1OD _ ... YUI II upon us, bnn,lO, the hope that I pobtlcal Mllutioo Cln be found 10 Ihe economic doldrum. we flce In the construction Induslry. With ,oyem· ment lobi bell1l such I large plrt of the present market , we need $tron,er Davls·Bacon Ilws Ind bellCI enfolcement of Ihem to assu re union memo bers 01 tho,e jobl. InerClsed fundinll fOI mOle decn ' cal inspeclOrs Is needed to prolect the public from Ily·by·ni,hl ConllactolS who use anyone they "i wish 10 do e lec trical work, Improyemem of occu· paliona! salclY laws i. needed wilh .espeCI 10

chemiul and ubulos work envi ronments. We need workers' eompcnulion laws Ihll don' t JI('­

nlhu union conn aC lon because they pay beller wallr~ The~c arc only a fcw of Ihe problems we facc Ihl l un be: solvcd polttiully

YOII Ind your family un help ..alYe Ihne prob· r lemJ and more by ,etlm, mvolved ,n Ihe pohllc.al P'""U.' The first Ihlll, we III need 10 do IS ,el re&1sttred 10 vOle In OrepII. Ih,s can be done by mal l wtth an apphcll100 (ard aVa,lable from pos i olflen, COUnty of Aces, 01 the Ull10n hall In Wuh· In,l;lon, you need 10 lind I IClisHa! A. tc,isnu 1$

I !lamed vo[unleer who will ISSISt you 'n flUm, 0111 Ihe I(lphutlon They Can be lound " moS! fI .ehouses. counlY counbou.f<'S, or al the uDlon

J' hall A. numbt:r of our Washm,IOtl PAC membt:rs arc "&t.llaf •. Fo. dlosc of us wllh a IUIIe more lime and commnmenl. bt:comml I (IICcmCI com· mi llee person IS an impartan l slep IIJwuds .cuve mvolvemenl m Ihe palmcal r . ocen A (IrccmCl commitlte person makn sUle I,,~ lIc'5t. ...... U I;CI sample ballou lod caod.dalt IlIefilU/c p"or to the e]ttUOn Prttmct commillee persons Ire elected

"" m Ihe pnmary electiOn yeus If many posmons ire leI! unRlled, appOlnlmenl by Ihe county pany Ife 10mel1mU made,

In O.elon, the re arc a mmimum 01 two p,eclnct committee people fOl each pany-one male and ant fcmak PuC!nel committei' people lIe lruly Ihe I"JI ' OOIS of Ibe pany. They lIe membe:" of the coutlly pany .. ·h,ch meets monthly 10 endorse undldalct, sel Ihe platform and ciCCI ddelatu In

~ the I llIe and nauonal conv~nTinn.

In Wuhrnglon, there II only on~ p,eclllci com· mlttee pe lson fot nch P'''Y. PI.tfo rm and delepte Jc1cellon IS done II caucuses lIafllllg at Ihe pre· elllel level. All rel,"eled VOTen can all~nd rhr caueulU. 60th of our PoliTical Aellon Committees hi ve aelive precinci commmee reople who wl11 be: hiPPY to answe, qUCltions and Ulis t you and ynm I~mdy mcmbcr$ 11\ bccomlnK prec.nct com· mittee people Mote informalion I! ,variable lrom you. COUnty courthouse and COUnty pa" y hud· qu.ntrl

Congrltulillons II) .h~ mr.mbi:n of 01.11 Wash· inlton Poli lical "elion Committee Through Ihtu dltttive phone Call110 a11 I8EW mtmbc" in Clark COUnty and thell maihng, 10 union member!, Clllk Counly was the only county In Washlllgton 10 carry Mike Lowry III Ihe retenr senllonal elec· lion It ,ho"" Ihal wnh a little IIIvolvemcnl , ,,·c

... Cln make a dlffe.ence.

, To."1 HAllrQU, 1' .5

Brothers McCormick and Stammer Honored LU . .. , Iflb,ns ,as,ml ,eU,cm aapa), PO RTLAND,

~ ORL-Congralu!auon. to Brolhen Orv,11e Mc· ..... Cormick and Roger Stammer It I. alway. a pleas·

ure .nd In honor 10 participate III events I,VIIII .eCOlnlllon 10 01.11 Blolhe" .nd SlSlers for thell ded,catron to the IBEW Thll pleasu.e .nd honor " &fUlly enhanced when we hear those BroThclS and 5111els .e,pond by sayln&. "Thank ~"u IBEW "

Brother McCormick was honored II I dlllnel 10 milk hiS rClllemem and rece.ve hn 4O'ycal pili

~ He lomed local 48 III November 194J .nd luns­felled It a ebarte. member 10 lOCll49 tn 1948 In 1950 he ,,·cnt 10 wO lk 101 Manchesle. Chandle. Company, now named C 8 M.neheucr Corpo· ratton, as a sound CommUtllcallons lechnlc"n

~ I !

8rOlher Slamme. receIved hiS 10'yur member· ship p.n , he has served hll localu a Ihop Steward, a untl oflkcr, and on the Elecllon and Ne501l.ltnl Committees He il employed II ITE ElcCtl\c.1 Products, a d"·"lUn 1.11 S'~LUK".·Alhs, Inc

Loc.1 .9., CJ:tremcly ploud of thue IWO Brolh· ell They truly .eprcsent everything the IBEW IS aboul

Brolhel OrVille McCormick, I 1m sure, w,lI cominue h., closeness wi lh Ihc I8EW III .el"ement and BrOlhel Rogel Stammel Wi ll cominuc 10 be a pelion dedICated to Ihe IIIEW and conlltluc 10 be: the ben III his chosen Add of wu,k


Brothers Honored

B'Olhcl On·me D. M~Co"n ie k , Ih lrd from righ l. WII hono.d at • ' fli rcmrnt dina C! . Also aha" ·a, Ifft I .. . i,hl, "f Sun Olb, owaer 01 G. B. Manches trl, ,nd bi, wifc h l , lormerowDer B.oob M. nthuleo aad hi . w.lci fllncCli MeCarmicttand Blolhel McCormickl Uuman Tup'e, Inlf .na· Iional Rep.eJcnralivc, Ninlh Oiuricl , and 0 00 Shall", businfss man',er, Luc.1 ~ ', POri land, O.e.


I , ,,I .,, . '\ , ., / .'

( " - ' -_. , , Ro,t. D. Srammcr "ctiY;n, hi, 20-1"r pi li Iro m hI. Inhrr·in.law lierml n Teeple, Imer­n.tlonal Rtp. tstnUl ivr, Nl nlh Districl . Shown, left 10 ri, hl , ~r r Brolhu Summer', wife Anh a, BrOlh, r Summer, Htrman Teeplt, Bt llY Tn pl r, and Donald Shalltr, b,,~l ne,~ ml nalc. , Lora ' ....


Memben ol.ht Decatu. Ua i t of Local 51, Spdo,· fi, ld, Ill., pltpalt Ih ril OOl t 10. parlicipalion 10 Ihe Labor Oa, pa rade, Solidarit , 0 ., 111, ~ellu" II l1nol •.


Broth" LillY Ht mmr nl, Rockford , ilL, Grntral Trl mrmbrr , with his "Cl teh of the day" I.om • fi ahln, n ip 10 Shehan.n, Wis., Ihi5 . ummcr.

Scribe Reflects on the Importance 01 the Union L U, 51 !o,u,l ,ulv&' n b), SI'RINGFIELD, ILL._As willle l pa5SCS and onc WlntU by Ihe li re wtth the" f,vorlte bevrlage. It is often a II",~ tv len"'t Whl1 hie hn brOlighl! what we have made of II Ihus Ia .,

the ,oIId, Ihe memor,ble, Ilonl wllh Ihe bad A lime 10 I.ve thankl fOI Ihe friendship, we h.ve I.mcd and a lime 01 rel. ct 10. the enemiel we hive made. For one of the mOil Imponanl vlluct of Illc, we must nevcr lo rle t who and whal we "', nOI be IIhamcd 10 .... ~ f am unIOn. For wc I .e Ihc ulllon Because of Ihe Brothelhood we have been able 10 Illam a rewlld,nl slIndard of lovlnl fOl ourselves aod OUr famillel Wc Ire able tu p'vwuJe, 10 w\l.k. exefclse 01.11 "ghts by vo,ce and .euon, to help lay Ihe found.llon .nd bu.ld 101 01.11 own deJlmy, not only 1m OUlse'Ves bUI tho'e who foll ow

A, "'e entC! 1he ClCKUlUdl 01 the 1984 ciecllon Yel • . let us nOI III bKk and do OOlhlO&. for ,f we do nOI lel'Sler. ,upporl. VOle and elttl candldliU ... ho support Ihe poitCICS atlll 1:""" nf Ihe unloo workln,l; man and wom.n. Ihe Rcaganllil Will achlcve through lel,slll'on and Ihe cou. u what they have nOI been able to lCcurc In conCentOns Illle,OIl'lIon, and In .rbill.1I0nS.lel us nOllnve leu 10 Ihosc Ihat follow ,n 01.1/ fOOl5lepI, Ihln We huc rKe.vN from those Ihl! have proVided 10' USIOOay

Allcnd you. loc.1 union meellnl~ and .uppan your loca]'. I'ohllul ACllon Comm."c(. Thll \I

where II all begml!

Notice: Members Who Worked In Jurisdiction of Local 53 LU. 53 !o,u&IIsl, KA NMS CITY, MO.- Loc.1 ~3 " .n the process of lelmmUlnl liS penSIon fund known IS the lomt OutSidc Elcelncal WOlkers Rellrcment Plan. Undel Ihc te . mlaallon, pallLeI· pant) w,1l ro:<;c:.v~ ~ ~".h·"ut of thell ,ceounl balanccs

Local5.J doc. not have current addresses of many members of SISlel local, who worked rn our iulil' dic\lon dUling the pellud .n which the plan was In effcct, 1967- 198.3

If you believe that you may have partiCipated rn 01.1. Pen, ion Fund, plcsse immed.ately contlCI in Wlllln, Lyle K Qllerl)'. A"mmmialor, /aml OUt I .de Elec"'cal Wo.ke.s RCl1tcmenr l'lln, 1100 Admllal Boulevard, Kanu, CilY, Musou" 64106.

It is planned that Ihe cuh·out w,]1 OCCUI on [Inuary 3]. 1984. 10 1.0(.1 53 needs the cultem .dd,csJcIIS qu,ckly II ronlble


Brother McAfee Becomes Training Director LU_ 59 !I,a,u.em), DA1.LAS, TfX.-On '.nuary I, 1984, Brothel A C, McAfee,. 2J·ycar member of 1.o(al 59, look OYCI as nammg dlleclor of Ihe Dallas )O.nl EIKlllul APr.cnllccsh,pandTr.,n.n, Prolram

IIrOlhei "'\cAfce bllnl;s 10 Ihe job Con51derable npemse rn apPlCtIIleuhlp .nd lcach,nl. A C. IInlshed hiS e1celnulapPlcnllccsh.p m Ihe D.llas poo,:ram In 1963, Jcrvmg on Ihe App'cnlleuh,p C""llIuttce 414 ,crreacnla!!VC of Jabo, for I thlte ycal term, and Ihcn $luted hiS tcachllll cllter Wllh elttrncal apJ'lenllCCS III 1968 Thll back I;mund very well qu.llflcs Brolhe. McAfee for Ihe (llKllton of t,,'nln, drreelol

Not onl~ has Blolher MCAlee been aCllve 'n applCnllccship fOI many ~calS, bUI he hu been aCllve III the c1eclncal.ndullry, h,av'llI served IS

a IOliftleymatl. 'oltman. leneral foreman , super 1tIICndcnt, pro,CCI manager, and proieci (001d1lla \01 Expemse.n Ihe IIIdultry he has. We afC ploud of BlOlhcl McAfee and wlJh him evely lucreIJ m hi' new and ehallen~lnl pallllon m the electrical tndu~lry

Local 59 IponSOIi • goll 10umameni fOl Ihe mcmbenhlp .boul IW'ce a yur Th" fall' , IOU' namcnl was Ihe ulual ,ala &ood lime and lun Alltd day for Ihe panlclpanll Ray "Sm"", .1r Sw~nl.n, l\;Jmu ,ook lOp honou wllh IIrSI place 'n Alit lIiJlht, with Fran k MOleno, Tom McKenZie, and W,IlIC Claiborn pUII!ng the plcnu. e on h.m Fun place rn the second flighl W~I Bill "Sand BlgIPII&" 6o1,on, wllh Cliff Steward, Don Chllny, and BUll 21


Brother A. C. McAfu, Local 59, Dall ... Tu., Ihe oew n.lningdinclor ollht D.lIas Elu lrle. I IA TC.

Ball Team

Ht rt: . rt tht mt mbtn of Local 59'. soltb. ll lum: fronl row, lt ft 10 righi, Brothers 'ack Cole, C rtg Miuhtll , lobo Abbou, " Socks" Smilh, Cerald Mllhew •• ' ackle Whldey, nd Laten Sieglu l l ec· Dod row, left 10 righ i, BtOlhen MUtt Plll ltrO, Cah'in Carl to, Bo Slagle, Willard Crenshaw, Del· fino Campos, Johony O'Danitls, Slue Renfrow. Mike DtVtH!, Phil McC.be, Sieve McNul. Mike Blat k, .nd Ronald SUit , Jr.

Erv in elose on hIs heels . Thud fllghl lound Ste ve Renfrow the lOp playe r, w, th R~ndy Howdl, lim Milamomes and Je rry Harvey Ihe challenging t rcw. LongUI drive honors went to R,tbud Co. whIle Olil CeRonet managed 10 PUI Ihe little while pellet dosel! to the hole

Local 59'5 slow·pitch $Oltball team utabllshed lOmewhere around • . 500 season in the won- lo51 eolumn, but with a 1.000 percenl season when II comes to fdlowshlp and good Spoil enjoyment The won-los t column was not all tbat ,mponanl II compared 10 the fun and exerelSC the BrOlhen received. Brother Robert Kubelka was the long ball hiner while 'ack Colc wu the most eonsinent hiller in hiS tripS to the plue. All III all , they did a good Job of ' epre,enllng the IBEW and h.d some fun doing It.

R P O'RllEY, P S

Apprentices Graduate ; Receive Awards LU. 68 (i). DENVER, COLO.-Novembel II was • red·letter day, .nd one 10 remember for SO of our new journeymen The Iwardlllg of CertiBcatcs of Complellon for Iheu apprenticeship tlllII,ng sa.w the turnout of our newcst Journeym~n and wu.,· men, plus one Ilgnman Thll yur', ev~nt was held .t the EKecuuve Tower Inn, with the nighl's hon· oren and thei r guests enjoying a hospitality time. followed by dinne!.

Ron P. O' Riley, Ira'mng dueClo r for the Dalln, Tnn, Electrical Apprentlce$hlp Program, was the ~Ut speaker fOI the evenlllg. He delivered a Inmon·type addrcss. uSlllg Ihe National Eleemc Code Book, a5 the clcetrlclan's Bible. With the Vuluel of cnmphance I g ...... l, and non·eomphance u doomed to a dly of leekonlllg wilh inSpeelOrs, counly and Slate, whuever the location

Severa l 01 the new guilualing Journeymen were .ecognizcd for ouutlndlllg achievement wh,le In Ihe program. Brother limes R. Perizzolo, who held the hIghest grade point average. along with no absentee,sm du.ing the four yeafJ, wos awarded

Local 61 , DenHr, Colo., apprenlku hip . nd jour­ntym.n tr .i nlog i05lructorl Bob Hutman (Idt ) and ,ack Anderson setm 10 h ta lk ing shop.


Denver Phil Johnson is shown wilh membu Cary Wu.kly preceding Iht " Roy Kennedy AWlfd" Ishownl lo Ilmu Prrizzolo.

the Roy P Kennedy Award Brothers Matthew G Terlep. Ilimu R Hammack, Ir. , and lostillo L. utudillo Welf recognized for no more Ihan OM .bsence du ring the four·ycar prog. am. A grade POint avcrage of 96.3 was enough to eun Norman Lautenlchltger leader of the clan, with Brother Peter S. Dunbar followlOg a dolt ,econd wllh • score of 95.1. 10 the ReSidential Program, David Gustin received his award for a gude POIOI average of 91.2. This ynr's graduating dllS had 22 of liS number elfry I grade poiot nerage of over 90 percent. A$ the saYing goes, our apprentice dus getl be tter every year , each one more learned than the yea r before. Wilh OUr ever changlllg IOdultry, our hfe's blood for the futu re

10111'1 M Bult.u. TI .... P S

Showu arc lomt ollhe Lota l 10, Wu hingcon, D.C., membe .. receiving servict pint: left 10 right , blck row, are Srotheu Kuncth W. Cabrielsen, Michael I. Fowler, lamuil. Taylor, Sr., William A. Holman, and Millon C. Eubank) frnn l row, Itft 10 right, att Brnthe" lohn R. Elliott . Robc.t L. Fincham, SI .. and RichaTd L. C1Iucotk.

Members Receive Service Awards LU. 10 10), WA SHI NCTON, O.C.-Serv,ce pms wcre pruented co Loc.l 70 members at our No­vember 19S3 me'"tlng. IIrother lohn R Elliott re · celved • ol0·yu. $crvlce pili Thos~ ,ccelv,"& 35· year ,NVICC p,n, were Brothers Olin G, BleVins. Henry Donn~ch, e. lame. A. Eubank. fr . Rob~r! L

fmeham . Sr , Richa rd L Glasscock, bIt 8. Kahle, and Gwrge S. Miller, Ir Twenty·Jlve·ycar service pms Went to Brothers M.noo G, Eubank, T.lm.ge II. Eubank, Wayne Foor. and Robert H Stuckey. Twcney-yeu scrvlce pms went to Brothen Albert I Clopton. lohn A. Goldlzen, Richard Ii Russell. ami Marshall O. Tomlin. Fihcen·ytar serVice pins We nt 10 Brothe rs Michael I. Fowler, Kenneth W. Gabrielson, Wilham A. Holman, Ronald v. Kimble, William A. Moore, Lllr)I R. Nesscl rodte. Charles H. Scheidt. Jr., ' ames H Taylor, Sr , Larry K TIckle, George I Wallcn. Ind Wilham G. Newman.

I ho~ everyone hid I n'ce ChnSimU and that 1984 will be I healthy, prosperous year fOT .JI. Lei 's all 1010 togethe r, Bght for umons, .nd ,nend our local meetings

CH .... tts H. SCHEIDT, )a, P S

Work Scene Bleak


LU.1lIi,e&'cm), SPOKANE, WASH.-Once ISI,n "Old Man Wmter"'5 upon us In the Inland Empire. II1II

Our work pteturc seem, IS bleak as the wcathu. With 140 men on Book I. and Book][ nOI movin, In three years. Ihe s<:enc Can only Improve, we hop<

The renovauon proleet I I Kalsel/Trentwood has been some rcHef for a few of our local 's Brothe rs. Hopefully more will be needed 00 the proleet when spnng ,rtlVU.

Le t's have a Solidarity Day every d~yl (,. ALVIN E. KRust. P.S.


Roc: ky Owtns, mtJIIW. 01 Local 76, Tacoma, Wuh., working on manhole terminllions It SIUOp Nu· dn. Planl .

-Spud Andr.l5on wilh Lonl 76 m(mbt r Ed Young ~howin, nff last nalD O', ".ult deer u ophiu.

Scribe Reports On Joblessness, Party LU. 7611,em,rt5Ihp' )' TACOMA, WASH.-Grecl· lOgs from Local 76 Here 1\ 15 Feblu.ry already. another mouth the labor mOvement has suffcTed under RcagmomlQ

Local 76. like many other loc.1s aCrolf rhe Untied Stales. has many members on che books with no shoft ·ttTm rclid III Sight Th,s all proves even mOre that we muSt Stnve 10 ciCCI oIBe,"I, In governmcnt that .,~ WIlling 10 back the need, of the working people A maIn goal fot every IBEW member fo r 1984 ShO Llld be thc election of the right pany JII the White House

I recendy allended thc cndol·the·yeat pan y for our retired mcmbers and wu vcry pleued to ICC

the pnde showlnl through on the bces of those memM .. Many thanks to all who worked to mike the event a success

Take care and work safely r FI\AN~ Ill"noLOrI. P S

Look to the Positive. Says Writer LU. 77 (o,dlml" SEAlT1.E, WAS H.-As you Iud thiS arude we wIll ~ wdl IOtO 1984 tloweYer,

,. reli«lIni hack IDtO 1983 I luI the local hu aC· comphshed a number of thin'S on ~half of the memben we serve

We have orlamzed tWO clelleal unllS, one at Northern LIghts [leetncCoopelluve In Sandpoint, Idaho, and Inother at funklln County Puhllc Uuhty DIstrict

We also negollated an acC retiOn agrument wIth ... the Washington Water Power Comrany to cover

the new thermo uum genclaung faelhty It Kellle falls. The combinations 01 these .ctiYII.es have totalcd app rollmatcly lS new hitrgalnmg unit pu. Sluons under Our IUlIsdlctton

Lo light 01 Ihe poor economy and dlfflcultlcs that labor .s bcrng today al thc bargarnrng table we arc able to 5urv,,·e 198J negollallOnS wahout a lot 01 take·aways, or decr~ase our hourly wages that Ml

~ many olher umons upenenced dUllng Ihls pUt yeal

Anothe r accomphshment on behalf of the memo bers wu the adoption of the underground deelflClI wOlkers nfety rule, by the Department of Labol and Industries, cspeClally wllh the leqULlement 01 two qualified declllcal worke., neccssary to op. e.ate and energIze load break elbows ThiS Issue had long been a controversy and was finally .e·

.. sol ~ed m lavol of the un.on 's puslllon We also Instl tuled a quanerly unton newspape r

whICh w.1I prOVIde a better hne of eommuntClIIOn and rnform~lIon about m~lIelJ concernmg the local and organ.zed labol as a whole

We surv.ved the 1983 Washington and Idaho State LeglllatulC~ w.thout any e~tCn 5 .ve de t" · mental legisla t ion al:a.nst labor 0 1 the local, due In pall to Our fCtalnlng a lu!! lime lobbYIst to plotec t the mte. e5t of Local n

We werc able to dd I WOld proce$Sml program ~ to our computer ,yuem that w.1l Improve Ihe

operatmg elficlency m Oll r local union offices These are ,U5t a lew of the accomplishments

that were made dUllng 198J. Too often we Icliec i on the unsolved problems Ind nellecl to rcahze the progrcss thai has been made, evcn though at limes 11 seems slow we are no t stamitng sull

May the New Year plov.de.n abundance 01 good thmgs In hfe and a lenewed determinatiOn to

.. conllnue 10 fight for the dlgntty of Ihe wOlklng

. men Ind womcn of our country CIiAlILU p St~V[.NALI. 8 M

Negotiations Proceed; Secretary Mourned

~ L U. SO (i,o,ruAspal, NORfO LK, VA.-A lady wbom we an have come to respect, love, Ind arr lec.ate has been taken from us, Mrs Anna Wallace Water · field, age 72plu5, went 10 be w.th Ihe Lold on December 4, 1983 A bout wllh cancel 101 seveul months fina!!y look liS toll. Mrs. Waterfield w.1I be greatly mlsscd by all who knew her. She had se lved Local 80, and more buslfless managers than I [care to name, as office 5eCI(tary lot ovel 40 years.

r-Only wi lhin the pan few months she was unable

to work Every now and Ihen. member would uk her how long she had worked lor Local 80, she would say WIth a smIle, "I wu here before D. G (0, G. ClStlesl, bu t not before 0 C." This lady ncvcr forgot a name or a lace, Businus M~nagcr

, W. R. Sykes uid she wu known n Loci l 80. Yes. she was, all the journe ymen and apprentices were

! part 01 her fa mily. Over the years she pa id Union j . dues ou t 01 her pucket many times to keep a I member from going suspcnded, she was Ihat kind


I. D. 1I01l0mon, II .. and Anua Wallace (deceasedl, of See scere lary of Local 80, Nnrlolk, Va., s mil. for Ihe elmeu not t .... many months ago.


The lo llowins Dlotheu Itceolly .,, ' ; ... ,' •• ,,;; year pios: S15ltOW: Sam MOlley, Bill Driskill , John Cnhon, Tommy Farmer, "eond row: Lee Eyl t r, Jerry Byars , Sr., lamu o. 1I01l0moo, Ir., Ra ymond Van O'Linda.

01 I lady She lovcd to do 101 others A ,·o.d has been left In Local SO, but we arc all lIeher lor havmg known and worked wllh her Our Icmcm· brance 01 he . will always M In OU I hUrlS

The olhcI n.ght at the Lad.cs Aux.lIary meellng. I overheard one of our dear ladlcs tell another, "J've reached that mid POInt Lfi I"e Mlmewhere betw~en "The 81uc laf:oon" and "On Colden Pond" Iwhat .ge would tha t put he rll-

All you Brolhers and S.sters remembel that union meelLngs ale now held on the second Sat· urd.y of each month, begmOing al noon So fal, there have been onC hundred or more to ~lIend at each 01 the Saturday meellngs Thu has belped OU I out·ol·town membe.s to be p,esenl and take .. more acuve role

Ne'0tlaIlOns are well unde ..... ay wllh the con traclon Brothers John Kneece , III, Sam Morley, and R,ch,rd Sykes wcre appointed to Ihe Nel0tl · aung Commlllee by Plcs.dent Jack HICks. They WIll need our help, prayers, and iUpport before negollallons arc over. We ..... sh them well In .. lime when thIngs look bleak

Our mOIlO for Ihe negou.lIoos could be and should be: "Bcirevm& In Each Othel, Aehlevmg W.th Each Olher, Succeedmg Togelher."

A r«enl uudy by the Natlon,1 Bureau of Eeo· nom.c Rcs.carch has found union eonsuueuon workers 38 percent mOle rloduellve In office prOl · eets aod 10 pe.eent more effiCIent In construction of school bUIldings.

from the WIse Ole lourneyman comes th., hu 01 WIsdom "U you ha'·c !ned to do someth.nl and f ... led, you arc vastly benel off than If you had tned to do nothm, and succeeded."

f lOm our Safety Commlllee comes th.s w.sdom " All Ihe safe ty slog .. ns, prol:flms, lectures, and uletY dev.eC$ tn the world CannOt plevenl even one acc.dent Only you can do thai

Remember OUI SICk and relllees ,n you, prayers The lollo .. ·mg arc rcponed.1I Lou., R.cks, heut Ittack , Lew.s Palks, automob.le ~ccidcnt , Frank Bass, stroke, B.1l Leach, su.gery

LeI'S nut lorge t Valen tlnc's D.y, a box of candy, a ca rd, 01 jU5t ~ big hug and kiss clln mean 10 much. Happy Valentine's Day 10 each of you.

Word to the ..... se: "Pe.ce I lea ve wllh you, my

pelce I g.ve you. I do nOI gIve to you as the world gJVCS. Do not le I your hearts be troubled and do not ~ afr atd." !Iohn 14 271

I D. HOUO .... ON, 1R., P S

Inst.lIing conduit on hos pital projeCt ate Joe ,'I\eCuil , lelt , and Tom Joye • . membell 01 Local 81, SCllnlon , PI.

Hospital Expansion Helps; Local Consults With Employers LU. 81 Ii!. SCRA NT ON, PA.-The members 01 Local 81 have been lonun~te to &et rehef from the prolonged unemployment .n our IIca, due to • large upans.on prOleCt at Ihe ROMlt P.cker Hos· rltal In SIYle, Pennsylvama, ..-h.ch 15 90 m.lel from the '"Y 01 SClanton fOUl indiVidual prOlett, at the hospllal ale eUfl ently emrloYlng JO 01 our membeu The Ia .gest employer IS Dandrea EleellLe from Rochester, New York loe Loughman, genel.l lOleman. IS dOlOg an out5tandmg lob In kcepllI& the" proleet movmg on "hedule. A new meota l health bUlldmg. as well as an addl110n to the ULStLOg hospll.1 .5 bemg done by Mateo EleclILc Itom 81nK.bamton, New York. Bruce Kennedy IS the geneulloreman on thIS lob. lohnson Conllols 110m Wilkes Barre. PennsylvanIa, '$ al50 dOLng a large lob wllh Tom Ahero handltng the dU lL es The Animal Ruearch Budding prO)eCI, be.ng done by Boullle Eltelllc Irom ElmHI, New York, 15 toming to com ple tLon Locl181 membel V.C Caudullo, 'r., d.d. grut job 101 us on thll piOleCI. We lie gratcful fOI Ihe opport unllY to perform the work at these lobsi!es

AI Ihe prescot we IIC cxpenenClng the same problems that most of the locals In the nation arc The lack 01 respect for the utillz.allon of union contrac tors, emplOYing members of the tlade umon movement, " In ev"'·growmg prohlem With no sure cure Llkc m~ny others, we ile m~e1lng WIth OUI employer$ to develop methods 10 be compel· IIIYe wllh non·untoo contractoll.ln dmng thIS. We must never 100e silhl of the many years of hard negolla1l0nl and of the tlust thai bas been shared belween labor and management to ICI whe le we ate today We must pre\"cDI the total deStruclion of OUI wa,es, bt-ncflts, and worklDg coodlllons Ind liso compete with the m,ny oon·uDlon dements and IIlItudes whICh now uast.

Complere unde"tandlDg by the ranlt·,nd·file mem~rs, as well as the employe" and thell or· ",nl%l1l0nl must be had, and the nOlloo that you c,n dot e .. try " I" ~nd crOlS o·ery " t" can·t plevlI]. DIfferent methods and Ideas w.U b .. ·c 10 be apphed on I SLluauon to·SLlUItlOn baSIS All of uS must prerale not to ,et e¥erylhmg we want, but we must do whit IS morally nght for the matOrtly 01 the memM., we repruenl

10 m" I. McNULTY, BM

Brother Gurley Honored With 35-Year Pin L.U. 84 (o,u,la-cliv l, ATLANTA, GA.-BusLDess Manage r r W. GIles prcsented Brother [,So Gurley with a JS·yu l serVICe pin. Blother Gurley IS an elect lL t .an wOlking in the substation consuuctton de pallOlent with Georgia Powet Company. He hu been a member 01 Local 84 since 1946. Brothcr 23



8ro.hu [ . S. GUfl~l' 01 LOClI84, AdaOI' , Ga., WU PfU~llId his lS-yu . pia by BU$ious Mlu~ .. r I. W. Gilts.



Curley receIved hIS ,Wild dunng a ,ettn, Atlanta Unll m .... t lng.

.... pprolnmlldy 600 mcmbcts 01 OUI local umon have more than 20 yun 01 dedIcated serVIce. Dunn, the nut five yeau, there arc a number of members who will be eligIble lor 25·ft.! SCrVlce

pm awards. I.W. has .lready taken ntcU5ary SICpS 10 ,dennly those members who w,ll be ehgtble. P,ucntauons will be made in the fuunc u soon IS he ob'a'nJ the app.Qx,mne number of p.os

I\cmembc, leadmg .he arucle In the November Issue, ,naDuncm, the ncw business manage. Ind Encullvc ~,d membcn! Wdl, I failed 10 an· nounce the names 01 four ISSIStant busmess man · .,en On AUlUSI I, 198.), Brothers DaD Albms, fleldmg Curley, Denms WeStbrook and myself (Larry To""u) a«:~ptW Ih~ '~$pon$lhLi1ty and honor or USi$ting I.W. In the pe rformance 01 hi. duties at your husiness manager. We have combined our knowledge and dfon 10 rep resent member! of l onl 84 10 Ihe ~st our npaclIy w.n allow W~ IhaDIt you, the mem~rl, for the enthUSIasm and luppon Ihat 's been demonsnated m the laSt few months It 's a real pnvllegt 10 KJVe m your ~h.1f

MUIIl.111 conc~m for wagu, hours, and working cond'llons demand thai you and I sbart Ihe re· sponslblhllCS 10 kttp nurKh'U mform~d and Iden ufy wayl 10 make ImprovementS in theM: areu. If we all gCI busy and do our fur shart Ihe future Will be Riled wllh success duplle thc oum~r nf problems we face

II alwa~ .... dd~nl me til. hur someone say, " WhlI 'S Ihe UOIOO domg for mel " Tbe otber SIde of the quunoo mi&hl be, "What am I dnlng for the union!" It reaUy i •• IWO Wa)' SlfeCI Don't complatn, Icnd a helpmg hand and voice

february I. always a refleshlng month 10 take lime OUI to re,~xamme and .e·orgamze au. g<».ls and puonnes. If you do rake lime for th15 Wit of thing, eonMde. the follawm, thau&ht

The 1980's IS described as a period af nCllln, limn as "'ell IS chan&'''' limes, Yau and I a.e a part of, as well as workmg In, Ihe5C urnes. Oul mdunry IS also chang.", wllh theK limes. So, wh.le you and I lie hVlng and workln, an n:Cll1ng and changrn, 11m"", we lie ,Iso In the cenler of uemendo.., dlan,e~h.ngC5 cammg so fa51 , some management and lome workers have Immense dilRcuhy behevlng tho.~ Ildn will aflec , , hem

OUI OpIIOn$ of wha' we can do are llmlled 10 Iwo-e"her swim wllh Ih~ Ild~s nf change, Or be engulfed and drowned hy them It takes a special

kInd of p"rwn 10 re'ogJIlze the ruhun and effecu of these changlOg limes Wt should DeVel let ourself Itt c~ughl In the lIap nf taklDg thIngs for panted. ESp"clllly our lobs l


Piclu.d is Arrhur Bruu icki , a 76·yur membu nf l a cal 86, Rachu tel , N.Y., who reccolly died.

Scribe Writes of Member's Accomplishments L U. 86Ii,ru,ema.~paJ, ROCHESTER, N.Y.-We of luo;al86 and hIS many fnends of labor are shockw and uddened It the death of Our dear Bralher An Bruc.zlck,- WhIle An led a "ery full Ind long hie , II 'S hard 10 behevt Ihat hIS wll and w.sdom has passed on farever However, we whn knew him c.n and will chemh the legacy he letl III of us. lie was Oil.. p.lI1arch. a man'. man; • legend m h.s nwn lime The leg.cy he left us IS SImple-be strong, be firm, be kind, ~ gentle, M ,oad, and ahove all take care of YOUI Blolher He lived by these wnrds as we .llltnnw, and I'm sUle hll M,kel has prov.ded him hli propel place In eternity

An was born March 24, 1890, .nd was 101Il.tW IOta IBEW luo;.1 86 on February I I, 1907_ As • young lourneyman, he became vely active in unlnn aff.lrs, selving on many commineu Ind holdln, many elected offices IOdudtn, E.ucullve Board member, pluldcnt, and bUSiness manage. !19JI-194.()) M buslOcss manager dUnnl the depren lnn yean, .he local undcl his charge look~d OUI Inr thclf members, plavldlng soup hnu and Olher brolherly ICU. II should also be notW thaI when eXp"nses were taken care of and Ihele was no money left. he w~nt wllhout pay. An for many years was sccretary 101 the Allied Building Trade$ nf Rochester; and up until thIS yeal wu secretuy for the Retirees nf local 86, holdinlthat post since then Inceplion.n 1960 As a fining trlbule to An, the local de(hcated the meellng hall 10 h.s bonar "An BruCZICkl Hall" WIll foreyn be a tnbul~ Ill. hIS many cnotnbullooS

As.de from hIS many ach.evementS, he was filS! and foremost .. very callng p"rSOD; and up unul • "cry few months ala .\ age 93, ram nr shme, he would ,0 OUI laulinely YISillng the SIck and less fonunare, hrlnglO, Ihem lrull, walnuls, and always ,nod cheel Arl WIS .Iways , doer, ne"el one to Sl1 back .nd lCllhe olher ,uy do II, alwaysavulable when needed, ane you could always COunt on To knaw Ihts fine man and 10 be conSIdered his f"end II a cherished thmg and, pelwnally speaking, one thn I Will treasure fnreve . And so to A.t BruCllckl, Card Nil.. 113878, ynul lime has came. You have paId you r ducs and you WIll be mIssed by all of us Ynu nnw hnc ,elolned you, lnvely ",tie lucy whnm you last IhlS past March-your final leward Cod hless ynu, friend and Brothe.

RiCH"IlD MrTCHll~. P S

Children'S Christmas Party Is a Huge Success L U. 90 \i lllem), NEW HAVEN, CONN,-To the de light of ovel 90 chlld .cn nil. ' local held 111 first chlldlen's Chri stmas parry_ The evenl wu held II the labol Temple rn New Haven. Wlih ,ppu.ance, by Santa (l ee Bailey) Santa's elf (Ma.g.~ Evart. ) the CookIe Mnnslc. Ulm Ca.ew) a magIcIan and

Christmas Party

clnwn, the chlld.en ... ere PUI rn the Ch"Slmas Spllll. Clfll we,e p,esented hom Santa to aU chlldlen a!lendrng MUSIcal entertllnm~nt for Ihe fcsllve occaSIon was supphed by Blothe, Don W.l· e.sky of local 488, Blidgeport , In whom our app le· Cllllnn IS utended. Our Ihank!; also 10 committcc cha .. man KeD Bcrltm()Cs and hIS commmcc, Jnhn C,orllO, John Wolcheskl, Aody Slmmow, Mllre Brown, loe R~o and Dave lull

Our annual Thanks,lVlOg and Chnstmll collec­uon for Ihe needy was a complele IUCCCS5 as .. repon ed by bll$meu agenl Jerry Esposlla. Prescnu .. and food baskets were dutrtbuled to the under priVllcged. The generoSIty Ihat was displayed by the memMrs of the lBEW will always be ,emem· bered by thnse whn are less fnHunate

I'm su.e by now we're .11 aware of the remarkl made dunn, the Chflltma. season by PreSident Rea,an '. While House counselnr Edw.n Meese m. In ,eference 10 why some people 10 tOIDUP kttcheru • " because the foad If free, and Ihal " CUlel than paym, fil. l 11 " He .Iw claImed Ihal Ihe re IS DO "authnntallve eVIdence" Ihat there a.e hungry chIld ren rn Amenu. The tUlbul.nce cauled by thn m.n .hows how distant mcm~1$ of ReagaD's admlOlSuauon are with reahly. It appealS agalD iii it has so often In the pasl rhlt the wealthy ha"e p"alllY

ThIs is • follow up til. an Infnrmallonal sheel r:: which w .. sent oUt 10 all members lUI yur aboul RIchard D~Vos, co·ownu of Amway Co., who IS .150 a member 01 the Republican Nallonal Com· mlllee and an ami·uninn aC l ivi$t . HIS Amway Company WI5 fined $20 million by th~ Can,dran Governm~nl fnr fraud chargCl. By paying the fine, cnmmal chargel ag'lnsl four tnp Amway nfficials we le dropped

Suppon YOUI umon, attend meel1np Ro.EIlT Collll"ao, P S

Apprentices Graduate; Instructor Receives Award LU. 98 (1IIItm), PIll LADELPHIA, PA.-On Sat· ulday, October I, 1983, the loin l Applcnllceshlp ~ and T llimng Commin ee nl l ocal 98 and the Penn· DcHcrscy Chapler of NECA paid mbule In 47

".duatln, applentleCi at a banquet in Ihell honol It the flankhn Pbu Hotel in Ph.ladelrhia.

Followm, a dehclous dinnel , the "adUatCi and IUClII wele welcomed by Rube.t a .... el, ch.inn.n 01 the AppltDlice Tlamm, lor the E]eetILea] 10-d.utty, who innnduced thc fpukell fOI the eve·

~ nln,. These Included lim Mlek.n, bUSiness man­"el lor Locil 98, I~ Spllkl, [ntern.suoo.al Replell<"ntllive 01 the Thud ol' lIICt, and 'Ick McNulty, Inlernl tlon.1 bo:<:u\lve CouncIl mem­ber Ind bulLnu. man.,el 01 Loul81m Scraoton. hon.yluno. The 1151 .prlk.,. of the no,ht,. Nor­min O'H,", I represent.tlve 01 the Dcpartm.,ot 01 Labol, BUIUU of ApplenlLce Tllinm" was not Ihele 10 I've •• pceeh but In ...... d The Iw .. d

, wu.n "OlltUlndlOI MeILtoliou. Aw .. d fo r Ap· p,entlcc TlllOm," .nd WII "wcn to Local 98's apP,entlce u.mm, dneciol .nd fir., yelr m.l1\1c· 101, Norbell R. o,VII Norm receIved hIS plaque to I Ulnd,n, OVllioo and thloked Mr O'Hara fOI Ihe honOI bellowed upon h.m

Aiter the .holt spnchu, PICIldent fred Comp· tOP IOtroduced Clch new Journeym.n to the .p-

:" plauseof the .ud,ence NOlm oIYII, II. TCduCCIOl, wu the p,uentel of the awards 101 the (Yenln,. The " HI&bnt Aveu,e Awud" Went to John Klme for hlvin, the hi,hell ovclIll fCholutic avera,e 10. the four YCir 'ppremicuh.p The nUl .wud Wit lUI Ihe "Mv.1 lu.p.uHd ApplenllCe," .nd IhlS yClI'1 ICClplent WII Joho PhilO

With Ihe ceremoDln concluded, " wu lime for Ihe "adullel 10 enJoy them.elvel, 15 they d.d by

... dunkm, Ind li,nclO, 1010 Ihe ully hOUri of Ihe mornin,.

Thi. yur" ,radu.tln, clu. included Kathleen Pengelly, the fl rlt woman to complete OUI applen· IIcnhlp propam Nnd hfor.ome the first womao journeyman [n Loc.l 98 We would like to con· ""ulate .11 the ,,,dultel and wish them a suc· ceulul fUIUIC

HINU MU ........ T. , •. P 5

Local 99 Celebrates Annual Dinner-Dance LU." II.SOVI), PROVIDENCE, R.I .-On OCtO"",, 211, 1118J It the Venul de Milo RUtlUllnt, ovel 1,000 1.«11 99 m'mhfor~ Ind ftiend ..... erc 10 .,.

teod.nee " the ,.1. ei&blh InnuII dlOner·danee. MIO IttendlO, u IUClIl of the locil UDiOO wcn

... Bu.inc .. M.na,cu Kenneth lcech, Loc.1 35, CLIO Espl,lail0, It., Loc.1 90, ROllno I Gllllo, Loc.196, loseph Marchese, Loc.l 208, frlnc" Carloll, Ir ., Locll 488, Rui M Camnho, Local 12 T4, .nd lamu f . Kiley, Local 2J2J, InlelOluonal Representallves of Ihe IBEW Ind lepresentatlves of Ihe Siale AFLI CIO Ind their loyely WIVU Unlortunllcly, the busmeH maD.,en from OUI lI11el loc.ls 10 Mill · uchusettl wrre unable 10 attend becaU!le Ihey

.... were attend,n, Ihe Mu .... chutclU AFLICIO Con· ventlon We scnd our best n"ldJ to them and arc SOIT)' for the COnn,elLn, dilU of ennIS

.. -J

The hi&bli&bt 01 the evenm, wu the .wardlll& of e.,ht tdeYli lon leu lafned ofl u dool P"zu .Ion, with orher pIIlU ..tv".'e..t by the Lowe .nd GellOmmo flmlhes

Bu,mu. Mana,n RIchard E. 5tromber, Will boooled by Ihe p,esentatlon 'Iven to him by BLl.'!II · IIUS Mana,n Flink Canoll of Locll ~&a ~nd Buslnus M.nlter IOKph Mllchese of Locll 208, who made the presentallOn on behalf of themselyes .od BU'lIlen M.na,en Kenneth Leech of Local J5 ,nd CLIO £SPIII"O of Local 9() Thr f1,e~entallon WII a pen !leI Inscnbed "To Business Manager Richard E S!fombel" Local 99 !tom CIMBA-RJ­Man 01 thc year" which was hononn, OUI bUSIness man"cr 101 the 10rmul.II011, cooldmation, and developmenl 01 the Unlly bet ... een Ihe locil unrons th,oup tbe or"n.uuon of CIMBA_ ... here all of oUllot,1 unions arc worklD' tn eomplele unllY to plotecl Ihc interCJIS 01 .n OUI members

Abo, Ih il year we were honored to have with UI many of our Brothcn who have becn 10 thc !lxal UOJon for 20 years .nd OVCl. In 'PPleciatlon of Ihei. yca" of luy.l and ded icated .ervice the local \III,on pluented these Brother. with serVI~e P"". Cenlinly, wllhout their support and UnllY .hown throu&b Ihe YUll lhll loc.1 unIon would nOt have

,chleved Ihe wI,es and beneRu that we all now enlOY

PTeKnlLn, the sef\lice .w .. d pins wnh Businus MaOl,er Richlld E Strom"'lg was hlllovdy w.fe, Roberti Strom bel" P.esldent Ealll Cumn, F.nan· cial Secretary Alfred Spullno, TICI,urer CarmIne CcllOmmO, and Eucuuye BUild Challman Rich· ud l •• ~e. Conp'llIlauon~ In ~II fnr a loh well dnnel

00 the Monday 10110"'111, the dtnner dante, QcIObef 31, 198J, Ihe IOCII un.on rcc."vcd. Mill · Plm from the While HOUK Invll.n, BUllneH Man',er Riehlld E.. Suombe.~ \0 a bueHng wnh selllOI offk .. l~ of Ihe N.uon,1 Sccu",y CounCIl and othell, cove lin, recenl eyents In Lebanon and Cren.d. The locil unoon once "11111 IS proud of OUI many accompllshmenu .od u natnly the honor of huin, our BU ~lneu Man.,(1 1I\vned 10 the White I-I ousc ., mOil ,lIlIlym, A copy 01 Ihe MIII,lIm 15 hSled below

TO lUebtud Srrom/l,.,g 1'I,I<.nr .. .\l"n"Ier LU.

" Ch""m"n SI"te AppttnlleCJh.p CounCIl 14/effeuon PII,l, W"'Wlclt. R I 02888 As II ICJ ult o/ the 111$1 b,~,,'unB "v~nu 10 ub"non and Cren"dll, you lind YOUI rep rcs.,ntllUv" "re cordIally invited 10 aflend II b"efinl. 10 b" held rn Room 450, Old £neu(/vt Olfie, Bu./dUlI., The WIuIC Il00ry. 011 WednCJdllY. No~embu 2. 1983 III 930 II m The bn,filll. will be eonducled by umor olficlllb of Ihe NCJllonll/ Secutlly CounCIl. Stgle Dcpllrlmcnl ClOd The De pllrlmem of Defensc Thu bfl,finl. 1$ be,nl. offer~d liS II mcan, 01 in/ormltl, Icodels in Ih" Unlltd SllIru II) to recent e~tnlJ lind f!lOHe pollclcs In Ihou IWO CO!ln ttlU lind u.s. policy ptIJ,nC"~U 101 Ihe l!llllre

FOllh Ryon WhlltlC$cy AUUlonl to Ihe P,cs.denr fo. Puhl.r. 1.'Ollnn

W ... uu. Pu,n, P S

Scribe Reports On Transfer Of Funds, Work Scene LU. 100 (I,o,.,m."'), FRESNO, CAL.- AI OUI Novembel unton mectin" OUI membellhlp voted 10 move the Vlcluon .nd Penllon funds 10 the Elecu,c.1 WOlkers Clcd" Unton The ulnsfer of funds w,1I like place .. lOOn IS the truSieu ,CI Ihe delllil worked OUI

Businen A,ent M.f\l1I\ 10ldan leported Ihat the work IIIUluon wouldn 'l pick up unul .ft." the firsl 01 the yca. He 1110 repurted Ihat the 1011\1 Apprenucuh.p TralOtnJl Commmee is ,010, 10 ncsubhsh • two· year electrlcll pro"am IS. P'C lequ.s.te 10 enltlln, Ihe Arplentlceshlp Propam

A Calif Oint. Lcps],uve Commmee hu been tnVUII"un, COll""CIOIi Ihlt lie unde.ply,n" w~J..1II1I .. nit p;ioYOlentt, .nd fortIn, thelt employ ees 10 dona.e lime, elC., on plev'lhn, wI,e lObs A couple of OUt loc.1 UnlOP conlllCt015 and lOme non·unlon WOlken teillfied belole the eommJllcc Hopelully, wilh Ihe ICltlmon1 ,ivcn, the bids on prey,,],n! wa,e ,obi ",,11 hi: elmely looked at and Ihe conuaell awarded 10 le,,,,m.te umon con· IIIClon thar ply the prevlllln, w.,~

IIMIDt.U A,en. MlI"VIO lordan wu '\>tccn/ullO haYln,. liOn ·uolon elecule.1 conU.ClOI .~mo~ed from the fauuoo fa" Mall ulcnSlon PToIcctlhrou&h cooperallon of Ihe ~cnefll eOnuae lor, Locll 100 memben, Ind .11 uDlon euhs on Ihe,ob A non un.on I.,n comp~ny s.,ned the eollecttve bar"in­in, .,reement before per/olmln, any wOlk on Ihe ploleel At. lime when ... e'le 101m, I ",nlflc.m amounl of work 10 nlln·unron ContraCIII.5, II 'S n.ce 10 be abh: ttl ,el some back

8U'~II(;H I M .... nti. P S

Local Grateful For Assistance L. U. 102 Ii&.0), PATER SON, N.I.- Brotherl, u 01 Ihb wnlln, all member. Ire "'olklng, ~hhou&h lOme were on shon telm ,ob. Ind quite .Iew we.e . tlll workln, out of town in nelllhbolin, locals I

WISh to UplCSS Ihe thank. 01 aU of UI 10 our filte r locIls, Locll J, Loc.1 164 Ind Local 581 101 Ihell aSSIStance 10 employm, our Blothers We have been lIe~ted upccially well Thank you, Ihe ,nod deeds will II way. be rem.,mbeled

Not much neWI OU I of OU I loc.l now bUI even thou,h we ue quiel , neWI concermn, umonl .nd uOlon buslln, .CICIm OUt 1\ us from Ihe plJlCl of OUI newspapers It Kem. II If UnlOnl Ind unlOO membe .. ale undcl conll.nl Ittlck and In faCt Ihey Ite As nen the .m.llat UOIOP .s b,ok.,n or ruincd--IO II h'rpcnl 10 III of us The cham ,eu wcaker and mOle .UUI II PUI upon Ihe rcmamm, hnk •. We need 10 unlle now more than evel. pclly dIfference must be PUI as.de Or the whole union movement ... ,11 , lo ... ly sink beneath the "dtl 01 the Inll ' UO'On, .nll workCl sentlmenl tn,ulnn, Ih~ COUnlty now

LroNU Counr .. IUI P S

Trade Unionists Rally For Greyhound Workers LU. 10J (i,u,.e." BOSTON, MASS.-Mcmbell 01 Loc.1 IOJ and thouund. of MUIIChusciu Ilide UOIOOlS15 ralhed In the IIrectsol downtown Bolton 10 show suppo" fOI Ihe l",kIDS Aru Greyhound bUI drzvcls. Un November 2J the Ma.uehut-Citl AFL·ao called upon the IInlt and file 10 rally and march by the Greyhound termm.1 10 • pucclu] mannel. OUI pUlpDt-C was 10 lend a mUII,e of Ilrenr;lh and ~1"1a.,,y Iv the G.eyhound m,no,e ' ment and to all anll·UOIon fOlcn ID the Untied StatU Thele I. no wly thlt or,anlzed libor II going 10 .rand by Ind watch the ",ht ... m" Re· publican, .nli union forcu dLlmantlc UI one piece at a time. It II quite obvious Ihat theil p!an il to targe. the smaller Ilflhattl of the AfL·CIO .nd hue manar;emcnt show up It the h",lLnm, table wllh a take·n-OI·Ie.ye·n .rrilLUlr and hi lc .trlke· brcaken.o put.dded plC5lu.n on the unIon Theil<" .nu·union corpolations have ltafled their WII ',lLnst worken of AmertCi ~nd Were , iven the ,0 ahead by ReaKan when he filed the .ir traffic controllers and completely w1ped out. unton It is .pparent thlt they hive Ihell plln l.id out .nd Ihell IUllel)' well fi,ultd

ThIS " ... hy II Wl$ 100 lelliulln, 10 ICC more th.n 5,000 trade umonlstlglve up. mormn, ', p.y Ind Ihow up on Iuch Ihort nouce to help OUI BrOlhers and S.Sters who have been fOlted out Into the ItrCC" Even beloit the Wednesday momin, lilly many 01 Loc.1 IOJ', mtmbers were pVID' up ply and theLl frec tIme to man the p.ckel hnes, alle l C leyhound be,ln hllln, Imkebrelkel' to do Ihe dllvm,. Brolher Doug Do",o, Loc.1 10.1, Ind • UA member, were hUll on Flld.y belo.e tl.e •• lIy Blothel Dou, WIS pushed down and trlmpled by a no. horse, whIle the UA brother was l elu.lly Motltcd down .n IrOOI 01. bus and nurly crushed. We are h.ppy tl) rcpolllhil both W(lC not ""nously hutt, hUI bel,eve me, the BrOlher who WIS knocked down m lronl of the bu. " • luclty min I was several feet aWly from hIm Ind taW hIm leluilly under the front end of Ihe movzn, hLL\, ILlt:kily we were able 10 I tOp the hu, befole the wheel had • chance to trush h.m

Unlotlunately we Clnnot lepon Ihe IImc fOI Brother RilY Pbllhr .... ho WIS a member of the Aru. local 1()4J. Clevel.nd, Oh.o. Brother Ra, was run down .nd tlushed to death hy. sc.b d"ve r when walkzn, on 100J'. pIcket hne R.y PhIllips leaves a WIfe Ind t ... o chIldren, plu. IWO children from a prev,ous ma"",e HII lormer Wile was kIlled 10 • traIn cruh The bus ran over RlY'. Icg., continued nn and lin OVCI hll he.d, (ru,hlO, hIm to death. The sc.b dll~el then ploceedcd 10 ICCel· erate on hIS lO5IruCIOl·. command A police of Ace I chased the dllVCI fUI Ih,ee m.les befole the coach came to • MOp Don.llons can be lenl 10 Locil 1043, Aru, 1538 P~yne Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio ulI",

A ru Local !l05, IIo1l0n. Muuch.uellt, would like 10 thank al! !HEW Locil IOJ mcmbcli who ha~e assisted them m these h,.d times 1.110, Lor;al 103 would hke 10 Ihlnk II! nUl mcmben whQ I nswered the call to help. Those of UI who ,ot involved were nOI only fI&btlnl for the Iurvival 01 25


thc AllJ, bUI fat thc sutvlval of.1I or~noIC'd I.bot A,,"In I would 15k that wc.1I think tWI tC wh~

wc ' hop We must PUt Ament. batk to work In

01dc:1 10 Ivo ld Si tUlnons such .. the C leyhouod one. My theory i$ this: Gtcyhound would nOI hive ~«'Ived oyel 60,000 apphclnt. 10 Itrtkcble,k If thcte penple .Irudy had job, to fecd then flmihu Ind ply the lent . By no munl.m I.tleldng up fo r lelb., but in f.ct what I'm suuellinlll th" if we help put America batk to walk, we will be IUC'

tea.lu l in II l ippint the union bu. tcll of OM of theit maJor tooJ_st rikebreakefl.

Kt.NNtTII N ... olAv, P S.

65-Year Award

Local Awards Pins; Appoints New B.M. LU. II O!I,em ,ru"' sp,), ST. PAUL. MINN._Local 11 0 "ain sponlOred the Annuli FaIl1.uncheon for the rellled members of the loul on November 3. We had 100 nurec! ,nd luests in .!tend.nce. The luocheon alio gave the locil I chlnce to .ward ~rvice pm. to our long·tlme IBEW membel,

By • coojKrauvc effort of St Plul Ch.ptel, NECA, .nd the local, clectrlc.1 code boob Ife '"In belnl supplicd to 110 lOurneymen .nd Ip' prentltu

Loc,1 110 has, ncw busineu m.nager IIrOlhcl Clyde Millclbernd has been appolntcd hy 110'. Execullve Board to COmplelC thc unexplfcd term of Brother lohn ThllC'mke, who resllncd

Llvc UOlon, Ik Union, Buy Unton CLYD! MILllUU\NO. B M


,,' Loc,1 who ' Ie employeu of MOI,an

I Electrie Auox;lIiQn.

Dispute Setlled ; Line Agreement Ratified LU, III lo"'uJ. DENVER. COLO.-In I dllpute betwccn Local III , Commonwulth Elecm c Com· pany •• nd Dommion Cooslfucuon Company, the U S DllmCt COUll ''''udC'd I bvorable ... ttl ement to Loc.1 ILl Th~ di,putf evolved h om Ihe employers arbl '

tlarily movm, , hopplOg POlntl reQuL ung I 511· pfr dlY lub'is lence co I local Ion Ihey fc lt would . uuLt In ellciulIOn of IU\»15tenCe allowancf. Thi l action wu laken wllhout the conlent Qlthe local union

The Kttiemnl Inyolved mlny 01 our mcmbers, as well as ",vchng B.othus worhnlln OU I IUnJ ' dlCl100 dUnnl 1\181-82, on. IIlnSlDlUlon p1Oj«1 In L,udvIUe, Color.do. The members of IheK prOJeCtl hive 01 will receive mODIC'S In ImOunt. IIngtng lrom Silto SI ,650 Pruently, the com· panIcs have In .dmltted habillty oWlOlthe follow ' ing sum,; DomlnLon Construction, 515,6.36, and Commonwealth £lec ll1c, S7S,852. ThO$C men II· I«ted by this prolcc t h,ve ~en nouRed by thi. olAce re,ardm, their ICttlement. If you have nOI rCCC'lvcd you. notice, pleue tontlct John t . D,v;l, 1S1L5Ilnt bUllne ... mln'lcr, Immediately.

DUnnl thc lauc. part of Febl\1ll')l, there will be ,FITS! AId Ind CPR Cour.., oflc rC'd tOlhe Moum.ln StllCS ApPleol1ce. in Ihe Denyer area and con· structlon members needmlllO updatc thcIT cunent u.ds. PIUK be lure to contact IhlS office to '(I'sier lor thc clUtel

The Colorado Statewldc Lme AVeemeDt wa, rallfied dUrin l the month 01 Noyember. ThIS II. nioe·momh '1leement that ,1I0ws the 35·cent ' pcr·hou. lOe rease to be paId by thc connacton, effe<;UYc '.nuary I, 1984 Thcre was nO wage IOcrcase, although Ihe 35 cems calculates to Ip' proximately 2 pe leent beneA" carnmgs. The mne· month I"ccment CJme .bout to combme this .grccment with the Utility Cons truction o'\&lee· mcnt . Ne,ntiations on the newly combined Con· , trucuon o'\&rcemcnt . hould cQmmcnce 10 July of thlSycar

Otbel negOll.llon, that ale plescnliy In pro"cII include Slulgeon [le(lIlt Caragc, UmQn Powel Gara,c, and Mor" n County REA. NClntiations to lta ll 111 the nut lutu le include Asplundh Tlee Company, Davey Tree Company, Nelsoo Tlee Company, and WlIght Tree Company

«Ilo/ado· Ute E!ccttlc AllIOClluon, Inc., WILL be clos.nt down thei l Nucl' Cener.llng Station in March of thIS ycal The station will be closed fOI geMlillng purpulCi indeAnllely. Thc company il studYIng thc leulbllity 01 (Onvcfllnltbe IIlIion to a fluldlIed bed boiler .ynem II thcy deCIde to 10 with thl' un it, thele Will be utenslVC modlA· cauon 01 the Nucl, Stallon and the 1111100 WIt! not bot: back mtO ,cnellting service unul the Late 19805.

Wc have hd lar too many , ccldenls IOVQlvlO, our members in the PlSt few month, . The aCC IdentS h.yc involved eleClro<:ulion by IndUCtion, se llOUI flash bum" .nd IIl1ect (OntaCI I .m ,un: we ale all aWlle thai m,ny di/lereOl c" cumn,nces crUIt

.nd eventuilly result 10 ,ccldent •. Wheo we report 10 OU r work location Ihere should be 100 perccnt memal as. well II rhyslcal salety 'Hiludn I'¥cn of OUIKlves md fell ow workmcn, 10 Qrder to mllDllm the higheJt "fety lI.nduds.

Work ~fe, .ttend your UDlon meellngs. TOliN 1.. D ... Vls, P.S

Many Members Idle; Hunters Are Successful LU. 112 (i), KENNEWICK, WASII.-As thc soow flew th. , WInter, 10 did lOme of OUr IQC.II 8rothCII, in starch 01 wo.k. Sever.1 Loc.1 112 mcmbers havc lelt thc luIIsdlclion to flnd vccner pasIUICS. Of course, any ole r"ture would do 15 long as II h.d wOlk. Hank McDowell left lor New York in mId· December I ho~ New York I' rcady lor thtl , Good luck to III our Srothn. on the lo.d.

Thele wcre 225 Loc.1 BrothelS on the out·ol , work ItSt to grect SantI th " yur, with another 120 trlvelers llsoQn Book I r.lIny ol thc !Javelel' understand OU I .I tultion with 10 many local jKQple on the bench, howevc. , the le lie I lew 01 those u rd carner. thlt blrely carry themsclvcs above a bonzon,,1 poSition They h,~c filed NLRB charCe. ."IOSt Loeall 12 for .11e,cd dlKnminallon in OUt rdCltl1 Jlloccdurcs They led thcy should be Walk· tng whcn IQC.II ~ople a.e on the bench. Othcr loca!s beware 01 these Brothel' from the carth Don't IN them C'Ul .. you the V,el that they hive dealt us,

AI the 'Novcmbe. T,, ·CIIY Union meclin" r,m "Steelhead" Klsnc r Wal aWltded a beaulllul Lile Saving Award plaque fr om the IDlun.llnnal Olflce of the IBEW r,m recclved the lile saVtng award

Ute Saver


Don Welu l with his P"u bull elk.

. ltel Icscuin, • wOm.n from the rlvc l after her boll c.pltzed. Greal job, lim.

Sevcral good huntinl Storitl have trickled in ILnce the ian wntinll . Dave Davit from Oregon got I loul POint bull elk. Also, from the lOuth of the border, Bob Fnend got • , pike elk Ind. fOUf' POlOt buck. /otl HardlD& Bill Smith, Kurt Hughu. Ind Rod ..... h, tner hid sood succus 'Ithe W.tenhed thlt yeat. They tot I bullind twO COWl. The ,ill ' point bull that lod 'Ot h,d a neatly perfect lick On the Lu t d.y of the scuon, Don Wet:r.d from Yakima baUed • lill-seven,polOt bull elk. And then there Is Mikc Pntch"d who didn 't need to ,0 tn all the Iuss and expensc 01 going to the mountain. He n.i1ed a nice buck on the way to "­Walk on the Hanford reSCOl.llon

Aslillanl Busme51 Man.~r FOlltst B.ugher rc' turnC'd reccntly from a Iuccessful fishm, trip 10 Kidll c, Alukl. Dunng Ihe four d..y. thl! the,. Ashcd, thcy IIm,tC'd on 12· 15· 16 IIlver.,

I'm IOfry I don't have Iny good hunun, lIorin from H.rpoon Hennessey thiS ycar Tot had to CU t hh hunt . hort 10 hc could be 10 wOlk on Saturday

Bechld never ctasn to .mne me, WhUe Ihe ~ lu t ol the lufl,ditllon II on I 32·hour wmk week, thcy lie workI01I7·10's and I.yin, off

t....ltaY YOUNT, P.S

Local Presents Awards; Meets New City Manager LU. 124 U ... e,em,fm.rt ..... pa), KANSAS CiTy, .... ,"'D.-A luncheon for Loc.al 12" , retiree. wu held on Saturday, Novembot:r 11. R.cl iree meeltnt' Iff held qu.rterly a t the locil meeting ha ll and lie lUu. lly '(compaDled by. ,uutlpe,k .. r Memben blQUlhl thc" WIVCI to the IUDcheon on the 12th Ind . 1I h.d. grcal time.

K&nus Ci ty has hired. nCw eh, m.n.ger, A. I Wlltun, who rcplaces Raben Klpp whn rulgned reccntly. One of Mr. Wilson'. Arst aCII in his new lob wu to invile the luders 01 the K.nu. Cily


.-- ---=~i1


PfU~nt;ng th trophy lor Ihf Annual Journcynoan­Appt~ntj(t5hip Softball Gamc on Labor Day i ~

,. Emil Ducoulombiu, businrn manager 01 Loul 124, "ausn City, Mo., 10 Tim Zeigler. an .ppren­liu. Edwud Duh, prnidrn l, i5 too kinl on.


Edward Drah , pres ident , p.u elli ing Emil " Dukc" DU(Qulombiu, businus mallage l (I' Local 124, hi! 2S·yu, 5u~ict pin at the genelll meeting on NOHmbt. 9, 198).

Buildmg and ConSnUCIl(!n Tlad~$ CouncIl to ~ closed-dam meeting !O es tablIsh rappall wlIh la­bor We feel Ih lS he ralds a new ua In .elallons between Kansu COIy government and labo. ] and .Iong .. ·tlh the new Ctty council clecled last MIlCh, the avenge workm~ man wIll have hIS Yorce he~rd

Fo. the fim time In 18 months, the out-of work hn has dropped below 400 Work has Illclcascd only shghtly, however , and With wimer here , prospects don 't look 100 good for ne .. t yur

local IN 's PAC IS geanng up 101 the 1984 elctllons. BlOrhel5, all [ tan say 15 If you didn't Hke the ecnnomy ~nd the work plClUr~ the la,t three years, then pamclpate UI Ihe best way you can-Ihrou,l;h YOUt local PAC.

Forty-one meml>cu of local IN, Ulcludlng BuSl· ness Manag~ r Emil Dueou[omb,er, rec~lved the .. l~·yral SerVICC pUIS al thc general meellng on Novembu 9. Thu5c prcsent wcre lane F. Belz, james D Booton, Don~ld C. Bowlin, Richard CIII· ncr, Wilbul Cathcall, 'ames W CO);, Wilham L Eckan, Charles Elwrll , Lawlence 8 helh, VlIleenl p H~rgn, " , PUllck I King, )." Keith LaPee, Rubert P Long. J' ., lItuce K. Mills, James G. Reen", Jack R, Rng~rs, hmcs Rowd~n, Alex SadIe., LuUls Seufen, 1I!, and !.lobby D. Van l'cl t . The folluwlng members Wele lecognlzed 101 25 yurs of suyu;e Robert E McKelvy, " , Jack Shawvel, MalVin K Woods, Ed Ake ls. Edwlll L. Andle r, Edpi I' AI­lowood, lohn R Bryam, Joe Coslanza, Geo.ge R Ellio tt , Roberl E, Hum, Charles S. Johnson, Vernon o Johnson, W,]l,am A. Milu, Jr, Ronald SIClk, Lloyd E Bake., Sob L Bybee, GeOlge A. Gamson, lack Hawkllls, Phll,p L,cata. and W,lllam A Sal' lelflrld


Local Welcomes New Staff Members L.U. 125 jo,u8l. cal vj, PORTLAND, ORE.-Ponland Genc.al Elecmc" I nd Bonneville Power's .cp.e· ,ented employee, a,e Sci w uchange propo,als wllh thell ,especllvc compan'u By the lime th'5 amcle ruches you, Ihc "hard bonom-hne" Issun will probably be On the table

All connact5 /or Local I2S arc se ttled, and we uc now In rh( prn,es,of ~Ia ' iing Ihe n c\"c , ·cnd'n~ cycle of oegOllollon, again

We would Io ke 10 welcome IWO new stalf memo beu Iu Ihe local. Don Akers Will be handling eOnSlf\lCIIOn and .he PUDs, REAs, and Mun'Clpal,


Shown li t Loul I n mem~n U Ihe Bend Unit pin k.

wesl oj the rnOUlliams Al Sicwan will be handlmg Ihe same assIgnment cast of Cascade Locks. ThIS IUSi lgnment wu made III oldcl 10 s tabllo:c Ihe staff, and 01 WIll enahle OU r members 10 benefil hom a represcmall"c who WIll stay on a r",Bculal aSSIgnmenl for more than a yea. or 50.

Mnny 01 our pasl ,eprcsentallves on these smallc. aSSignments haye sul/ered ffOm "bulfloul"; and, hopciully, thIS ,eallanllmg of the abs'gnments will mlnlm'Ze stalf turnuver (Up 10 thiS pomt 5,000 to 6,000 mJ!~s a month for a ,cp,esenlallve wu nOI uncummon. )

Deane l'.e510n, the new rep,esemal1ve JOI Port ­land Gene .. 1 ElcCI Il C, cumes with good credenllals, and we are , ure Ihal they Will bc ,udlly acknowl· edged by the membership. PliO' to Dune's transfe, mlo Local 125, he had five yU/S as a bUSiness rcprCsenlal1YC wllh Ihe lBEW Beio,c coming to wo.k lor Local 115, Deane was employed al Nort h· ern Wasco PUD

Local 125 regleli Ihe passllIg of Brother Ron l..:IGUiIe Ron Wl5 a ,e rvlceman employed by Clark County PUD fo r (lver 22 yuu He was Involved III a freak aCCIdenl wilich look hIS life November 17, 1983. On behalf of Ihe siaff and membcrslllp of Loc ~l 125. [ extend OUi dec pUt sympathy to Ron 's WIfe ~nd ch,ldrcn

Local 130 Gets New Home


L.U. 130 [i8l.0), N EW ORLEANS, l. A.- Above 1$ I pIc ture of our new hume undt. cnnSltucuon In

Metalli. Each of us ,hould be proud 10 bc a pan of Ih,s endeavor We mUSI umle and ~lIcnd umon meetings lcgularly and pamclpate In Ihe union aCUVIIICI

Local lJO would hke 10 thank au ' Brothers and SISters who IUrn~d out lor Ihe blood dn'·e on Decemher J. We musl r ememb~1 that donallng blood IS b.:ndlclal to all oj us and au' famll,es

W"h the SIan of Iht World 's F~lI ,apldly ap pro.aChlllg. the work SlIuation remalllS good The Tenneco Job IS nOW in full SWlIlg wllh about ISO eleCIIIClanS pres(nlly tmpl(lyed. AitCllanuary thl ' lob should call ahoul 20 10 JO tIl",e people and puk at aboul 170 elec l licllnS.

V'c lIuss,e, prnldCnl oj Ihc Lou .. ,a"a AFL·CIO. called a speCIal one·day c(lnven l,On 10 d'5cuss how orgam:cd labo, fal/ed III the local and $Iattw,de clecllons, I1IcludU\g Ihe debu we IIlcuilcd Ae­cOIdl1lIlIO Mr, lIuule, we did pr(lIy good Many of aUf fn ends were elected Governo. Edwards and LICUlenanl Govcmol F,eeman both spoke al Ihe COnVenl",n They Ihanked bbol lor )IS hard wo,k helpllli 10 ~el Ihem elected Governo r Edward.

New Home

Pictured abovt is tht ntW homt of L(lcal 130, New Orlnns, La., which is pru tnt ly under connruc· lion. It hn four noon and .la'ge uumbly ctnler wilh a st aring upaci. y of 700.

n,d ,hal at all of the 991rops thar he made aClou the stue, labOl WaS well ,eprn.mod lie ,aid Ihal in Ihc 28 yurs Ihat he has been ,n pubhc offic~ , Ihe labol phone banks ~Ie Ihe bes, evel assembled

Labor people dug down deep III the" pocketS 10 help thell !nends III IhlS decllon. We hope t(l be rewaIded 101 OUI cllol15 by having the " Rlgh t·lo­Work" Law, and Ihe Workman's Compensalion l..:Iw thaI WI! passed under Rtpubhcan Go,·elllor Treen 's admlnlsuallon repeaJed. B.other BUSSIe staled that labOl Will go all OUI to try 10 have the " R'ghl·lo-Work" Law repealed 'n the nUl ,esslon

The AFt·CIO 15 III dehl In ueeS! of l700,OOO, 50 IIrOlhcl5 and S,slcn, we ale guml: 10 have 10 purchase many P,C Tlchu All of us shou ld par· tlclpate 50 thar the bUlden will nOI fall on a ce ltam few .. ·ho lie alw~ys wlllmg to pay Ihell way. The polmcal I lIu~lIon look, good for the nelt e 'ghl years, so lei 's keep II Ihat way by conmbullngour falf share

ImE .... P ... kl)(). P S

On Jobs

Shown on Ih Quill job in Lincolshire au, leit 10

light, Dan Swan, lIerni t Macrow~ki , Mike Sodaro , Nick Anone, Grif f Manarik , and from Locl l 134, la kt Schlein_

• Shown on th t St. There" job are , Itft 10 right , Randy Ochoa, Dow Ginn, and Jim Robinson, and lim Witdt< from Local ISO, Wauktgan, III .

Strike Nets Agreements; Coalition Formed L.U. 1J4, (l,e m,I,ru8l.s pa l, CIIICAGO, ILL.-On Oetobel 3, 1983, Local 134, along wit h 19 other UlllorlS. I lluck Ihe Ch.cago SOlid of Education The sIIIke luted 16 school days and resulted In wrllien aglcements for some umon' and a conlin­uallOn of Ihe plevaolinll wage "te

The .ul IIOIY 15 the fOlmulallon of I coalmon of 10 umons leplesentmg over 38,000 umon mem­bers undCl Ihe bannc" Sund Togelhe,/Stay To­ge ther The coalilion was fOlmed In March of 1981 by Bu~mess Managel Tlmolhy Bresnahan who 27


acted IJ co·chalrman repre~nullJ all unions co ... · ered by the r.evadlllg wage. Business Manage. Bresnahan uw the need for thc coahuon after the Boud of Educauon attempted to deal with each unLOO scJWatdy. BustnCSl Man.qer Br~nah.an knew that a100e no one union would be sucuuful and only through a commument to SIand together could the Strike be succusful.

Thb wu the first time In the bbo. hIstory of Chicago that 38,000 Board of Educanon unIon employee, bdODpnS 10 20 ddferenl Inul Unions flood shoulder In shoulder nn the pickel hne wllh a common bond of solidarity,

All of our members It the Bo.ard 01 Educauon m.imalOed the picket hnes. Our membe.s vol· w)teered thelT ""'teCS to handle emersenelU) lLDd Tim Ree~, stewa.d 10' the Bo.,d of Educallon, rrul1nLl.ned the hOI·hne setup tn slllke headquu· lers. ActLnS 15 s tnke coordmltor wu Busmen Reprcsenlluvc M.kc Bruton.

The highh&ht 01 the Strike clme on October II when over 4,000 worke.s I"thered at McKlOley Park, Rrl! to hea. from thell le,de" and then to demonstrate in Irom of the Board of Educallon olRect.

All membe.s of local 134 are proud of the work of our members It the Board of Educat.on, Stew.rd T,m Rene, BUSlOUS Repre~nutlve Mike Bruton, .nd Buslnes. Man"e, Ttmothy Brcsnahln.


IRS Ruling Unfair To Construction Workers LU. 136 (l,o,u8;.cm), BIRMI NGIIAM, ALA..-I .e· «nlly read a leucr 10 the eduor of the "Shelby CounIY Reporter" thai I feel .HeclS every one of us. I would hke for elch of UI to eoos lder the CODtenlJ of thIS leller Ind lake the Ippropnlle ICllon

"Tbe Internal Re ... enue Service b unlill 10 con· strUction wOlkeR tn the ,lIowaoce 01 reasooable aDd oeens.ry tuvd expenscs. It become. oecu· N.ry at urnes in a con$uucuon worker's hfe to travel to locallons outSide his locil "ea 01 tm' ploymeol . This person may have lived In a gl ... eo communLly lor yea". He has a home therc, hIS chIldren atlend school the re, he VOles there and pays IUtl thele. H.s w.fe probably has • lob In

the ume community. All consuucllon work IS temporary In nllure.1f

a contlruCIlOn worker taktl a lob I long dntance from hIS homt, he mUSt ei thel move hIS homc and famIly to that job or iocur suhstantial additional upensu, eLlher by tuvehng sevelal m.les each day or by leOIlOl temporary lodsms nur the job. I! is Io(lmellmcs Imposs ible 01 contrary to sODd hUlmen ludgment 10 move ncar the lob beuuse of housmg shortages, or the high cost of such housms. More Importantly, construction work is lOheremly uncertlln. Workers ~n be la.d off with jUst tWO hours' nOllce. Furthermore, the worker in th •• SIIUlllon Intends 10 work dOHr to h" tradil ional work area as soon as a lob II IVII I.ble. The wo.ker has only IWO chOiceI' rema.o unem' ployed, or Incur travel expeoses.n Old" to pracuce Ills trade. The IRS uscs the so-called "one'ycar rule"j60-1891 to dlullow Ifanl upenscs, alon, With Revenue Ruin 76-453 ;JJ\d 8J-8J. Thesc rulon,s do not take Into cons.derauon.ll pertmenl b.CIO .. In dealing wllh each CISC. The re~uh IS harassmenl, loss of lOCO me, ILDd necdlus WOlry for many dcscIVlns workers. Convess hu In Ihe palt diullowcd implementation of 50me of these R"'enuc Rulings 176-453}. Why should construe· tion worker. nOI be .ble to cl.im the $amc out·of· town expenses thl! attorneys, CPA 's, In~uraoce salesmen and maoy olhers C;JJ\ cIlLm thl! rdare to buslOus aDd milease expeoses! Even CODVess· meD and Knators arc conSldeled temporarily em· ployed and arc allowed expenses. There are CUI' rently five bIlls in Consress that "'ill alleviatc this problem. These arc S·1352, S·1353, S·11 19, H.R. 700, .nd B .R. 98. Thue bills, if pused, will settle rhe issue .nd COffeCl the Injuuice the IRS has pUI on tbe COMtIUctioo worker. I fed this . ltuatlon ha l bct;n around lon, enough, aod workers of all

(onslructton cultS should hand together and sup' port the cunent leglslauon that 's before Consress. TIme 15 velY short . Write or call your congressman and SCDatOIS It once."

Alter readlns thiS arucle se ... eral .... «b 19o, I checked with my conyusman to sce when thIS leSI.I,uOn would be brou&ht 10 I vote. It IppelR we hive unul around March 1984 to 1"10 support. Th,s lepllation IS despe rately n«ded. I urse you to SCt your lerresentatlvCS behond this lepslauon today.

At-nu BU1tNS P .S.

Cards Issued To Use at Retailers LU. u6 Iia ,"I, DECATUR, ILL.-The DeUlur Buildms Tradu ale havins cards pILnted 10 be given tOil" rClllleu. The cards will let the retailer know Ihat he has been patronlzcd by a unIon employ«. The purpose behind this prOICCt i, to show area norcsand shopl the ImOuot of bUSIness they receive from us. Hopefully they Will rec.p· roc~te .n kmd.

This is an excellent idca and it's something we can all take part in, bUI hke other Similar plans thiS one won 't work unless Wt usc the ca.ds. If I retaIler shows some InlereSt, take some lime and explam to him wh.t we arc all about.

One 01 the sreatcst th.eats to the surv.val 01 uoions .s pubhe opinion At thiS lime, public opmion s«ms to be mov;n, asaLOl t us. Some of thIS tS due 10 bl, bUSIness prOpas.nda portflylOS U! U overplld and nonploductl ... e. But It 1111", 10

part due 10 unloo members nOl speak,"s up 10 defend unions When the day comcs when you are emhanuscd to talk about your work or you. unIOn, thIS is dellnltdy the bepnning of the end

Loc.al 146 It In ... olved In scnIlI PUlIettS 10 Improve public relnions In our area. E.ch yea. we doolle thouunds of dollars In cash dooatlons and man·hours to local chant.es and CIVIC p'OICClS. We also have a publoc Iciallons comm.ttee responsible for advCIlLsLnS union plDlCCU paSt and prescot throu&hout the lunsdlcllon Thesc thmp arc 1m· po,tant , but our bluest pubhc relanODI tool Ihould be OUT members bolh on Ind off the ]Db.

The work situalLon Temuns prctty much the same "'lIh the Chnton PoweThouse pID,eCt plov.d· Ins the matonty of our wo.k

CHRrlTOP1'U ,. PJLOPfl, it .S.

Employment Picture Improves LU. ISO (i,em,rlSaspa), WAUKEGAN, l.t.L-For the sccond month.n. row Business Manaser Rose. Ankley ondICated that the employment p.cture h.d Improved. II'S oot good eoough 10 quit you r job and come runDlns Ln, hut the hst IS qu.te I bit shorter than laSt year. And, as we are ID the Wtnler months ilnd the hst IS ,eflLllJ shorter we can expect a reasonable spnns. Also thele are mlny larse offke bu.ld.ns, IU" comln, out of the ,round arouod the county that will be c.llLng fo r men about tbe lime you read th ••• rticle

AI the besmmns of December, after I Slll'month Will, the local recclved 144 officlallBEW hats. As thesc were a popular lIem, there may be some left by the time thIS article comes OUt. On a sad nOle, OU r coodolencu to the fflends and family of Pete Scrvi, who puscd away dUIIOl No ... ember. Also, Io(lITJ to hear .hat Bud MIliCI lell off I ladde., and will be Illd up lot Io(lme lime

P,ctured thIS month are Ihe men from twO dilfe r"otl0bs. Fllst is the QUIll ]Db on l.ncolnshire. Here IS .. company Ihat sraned ,n onc mao's lu.sement t .... enty ycars ago, Ind now 15 I mIllion· dollar mill oldel busmcss. The men arc WOlklOS on I warchouse Iddlllon, but soon expect 10 be workons on a new olflce bUlldins acroSS the streCl . Second is the SI. Therese Hospital job. This is the last of a luge Crew that Is WUppLDg up a multi ­milloon dollar addition .nd reOOV.lLon. W.th this add"'on St Thelcse is nOW called a med,c.l park, futunns I doctors profeSSIonal buildLD&" 650'car underground pallnns area, a new cnucal Care and

recovery ward, a new emersency /acIIIlY, a chapel, a reSIdence for unwed mothen, • hospice ward, I convent, 1 nursery, and a nuclear medicine de· partment. ln (}(:tnberl WilS a pallentlhere fOI thr« days Ind found the care CJlcellent. Fm.ally COD'

I'ltullllon5 to 'ames Tobey and Bob Wanalt, who i graduated In toumeymen Ln Novemhcl.

STtVtN l . SnITCH, P.S.


Shown II a Local 165, Chic.so, III., "ewlld. information mcetins ltC, left 10 riSht , Bnb Koo l)­cek, Jim Wasner, .nd Cbarl .,. Run.

~'h." .. ,~;;·.~.~.~cndiD& arc, lell 10 n,bt , Mllr l Fosle l, Beny ~wi" anG Sal Gal .... n.

Officer Conducts Steward Meetings LU. 165 (tl, CHICAGO, ILL.-All tnal, rel.IIDS 10 thc reccol sUlk~ 01 Loc.al16S .pmst Ihe Illinol' Bell Telephone Company have bttn completed, reports Executive Board ChlLrman Robert Tigge> I .... All putics charscd have been nmified 0/ their mal resuits.

La5t Decemhcr, Pruldent-Busincss Mana,er .; Robert Dahlke .e"'lewed the lateSt COntraCI wllh ,II thc local !tewards, in order to explain and Inswer '1UCStiOM they may have. These meelLng! took place al varioul locatioos th roughout the CIlY, ID order to accommodate all tbe stewards. Brothcl Dahlke cxpllLoed the new griev.nce lonns aod arbitUlion procedurcs 101 the ATIlS and BOC compan.es, whICh come into effect on January I , 1984, with the d.vestiture of.the company. .....

UWlIENcr f . BIUlL, P.S

Scribe Urges Members To Become Involved LU. 17S (i,o,em,camt), CHATTANOOGA, TENN.-No hie is full unless It i, hnked to some· thIng that son on aller we arc dead. If we bave '= nothlDS morc to hve fOI than lUSt 10,CI ;ahead in a compoclillve syslem, then democracy Will go down before other ph.losophies. I hope you belLeve thiS becau5C no truer statement could be made. If you do nOI owe Ihe IBEW mOle than 11 bit pvcn 10 you, sometblOl is wlOnS. U .... e do nOI ha ... e , commHment down deep w"hlD to leave thi' broth· erhood bette r than we found 11, we have I f.lse ImpreSSIOn 01 wh.t II is .nd why we arc Involved ,.. IDLI

How can we do thls 1lnvolvement, partlCrpallOn, education, VOlin&. Ind PVlOS tvolumartly cOOlnh· uunS to COPEI for $tarters. COPE (Commill« on Politiul Education) effectively keeps us (labotl in the mllo,ueam of the American political Ind lesi5lallve .. en • . Withoul it, you, labor, and .11 who earn thcil livlDS by laboring would be. down .. the tube •. Th,s yea. mOre than ever, we need you to involve yourself and you. family in every efiort


B ,olb~. Dick Slilwdl, lUI . NECA Chlplcr min­"sr., Ilm« 1I0wI«I (DuliI.ndins Appren.ke), loho

r EIIi, IOu,"undinl Appnoticrl , lod 80b Fo .. tr, ISsiuaDI billion. mlDil fr lod App'Ulik. ('om_ mint'r ,h.imu" I. ,h, Locll 175, Chillanoos", Tun., APPlfol ict)hip B ... qurl.

8COlbtr 111.0111 Muuly, lo,mfr : ;; ''' .1''';:''.~' p.~nll , memM. of Ihe Enul;,,' Harold has nlO mloy jobi lod d~. "ood job • • I nrlhiol he undr .lIku. li t is • tI.bili~iol fo.et in locl l 175.

10 chaniC .he Ufnd, Ih •• arr In.eluns liS fr um rYfry 1n&1e Plu~ 'nrl pav: H of Ihe Novcm~r ,SSUt of Ihe [BEW /uurnalaod then do IIOmflhml .boUI It II IS up 10 you' Slocr 11$ 11\(",,1108 Ihe

trlde I.bo, movement has sough. through (<)il«· live: b.u""olnr. pc"Jmcal ICllvum, Ind Itllslallve acnon, 10 bnns .bout I Ird.5l11bullon 01 IhlS DIlLon 's wealth and I b.()I.dcr .hallns m Ihc nchu oIlhe nauon

OUf hal. are 01110 Ihe employeu 01 Ihe !kllc lonte Nuclur Planl Ilncludlng our clectrlClan,) who save ovcr S 15,000 10 $ec [hal over 40 fanulin m the lack.on County .. ea were provldcd 5315 IKr famtly 10 buy Ihe necnmlu of hfe dunns the Lhnsrmu M:ason LaIK .. has alway, ami alw"r' wIll be m Ihe lore/ront where nceds of people allM: funhelmore, when labor II mformnl.nd mvolvnl,

• you wIll not find a more eooperallve youp any whele In d". U~IHl" I challcn,c anyone 10 chcck Ihe recOld. when II com" to tmplovlng the qu.llty 01 work Labor hu done more 101 the workm, man than all of mdustry PUI 10000clher m hum.n.lms the wo,kplace And b,mSln. about lob· related con ·

• dmons Congratulallons 10 Chatln E. "Grandpa" Dun

nms upon [he \Keallon of the billh of h.s first grand~h)M l.,"d~ay Jill Wtlhams came intu thl' world heahhy, WClgh.ng e.ght pounds and nme ouncn .nd "dDlng lUSt fine Is-o IS Sandy l_ Glandpa Dunnin, could nOt be prouder; and I m.ght add , nghtly s-o Grandma Dunnmg '$ even ploudel!

BeSt w)shu to Blothc. CO Pack IJ~ ylt. ) upon hiS 'c"'cmenl lrom Ihe tradc. Brothel Pack Clmc tRIO the local m 19J9lrom one of .he la lgUt Sign contUCtOU In Chaltanoog.i He WaJ .esponSlble for thc la lgest s'gns In our alca and mamtalncd thcm lor many yean. lie sa,d he IS buslc, nOW Ihan he wu when he pachd a lunch eVfry day

WISdom A man livcs by bellevmg something. nOt by debating ami arllUlUII ~l.ouul roomy th.nKS R~mCmMt Tact u the ability to .alilt youl

eycbrow,ln5lcad nf Ihe rool C·U at the next union meeting /lby God Blcs,

C.E. DUNN!NC, I' S KrN IAM LS, Assr 1'_5

Dinner Party

Local Holds Annual Retiree Dinner L.U. 191 (I,ulvlltml, ["I!KElT, WA511.- LouI 19101 Everett, Wuhln&ton, held Itt Anou.1 Dlnnel Party for all.elllni memben lnd WlveJ on Novcm "", 5, ~\ tl,,,, Elk '. Lodge.n 1011 Ven'lon II was well attended by over ISO ~cstt ,nd aCIlVf membels

!rlle.n.uonal Rcpruentauvc Don Macl'hcfJun wu the lcatutcd .pcmke. of Ihe evenln" 1I0ng with Bus mess Managet Boy.! MtEhoy. Reu.ed Inte. n."on.1 RcpresenllllVU II tnry ··tllnk" Conove. .nd E D " Red" Co krley wele amonl the bonOlnl IUtslt, along with .ctllcd 8u"nUl r.bn'lIellamcs O.lty an'[ Al'p.tnllcc~h,p Cooldmator Floyd 8 •• tlen

B.othel FOSlel Thomrwn .eud 1$ .Ctlvc lout m.nci. and L I 'Butch" OoUlhcllY did the honolJ IS ICUlce 1000~ tma,!C. Donner wu Klved r.omptly at I 00 WIth !;lln be,n&ofieled by BIOIhel Tho mp SoOn Interspe.sed thloughou. the r.o,.am we.e duw1D,s fo. doo. r'I%Cf 01 euh .nd nowe", Ten peuple Went home wllh no bIll! and tU wLlh polled rlantS, but lemed membe. loll Ibggen walked off wlIh the 550 dool r.ize

Meeting .dJou.ned at 4 00 P m wllh promiscs that God WIlling we would .tt meel agam on the Aru Satu.day 01 Novemb.:1 '" 19U OUI 111~"k, to B,olhe. Rogcr Bradt·s w.fe 10. the excellent plCtu.n of the IUIlv1\lcs

LoTTIl £Ln. I' 5

Local Conducts Negotiations, Organizing LU. 1\1) (l ,o, .. ,mll'p. l, SPRI NCfIELD, ILL-l hope you .nd your family surYlved 198J to &004 health to spite of the econom,e condltluns Wllh 19M helOt on rl~Cllnn Yelr, you can l'fI)bably look fl)l b.:ue. times but don'l leI th.1 1001 you I'm dra,d if Rugan lseleCte.! fOI anOthtrlelm, UnIO", U we have enJoyed them w,lI b.: non U'Slent You don 't have to look vtrylat tOKe what hn hap('Cncd to uot(>n~ who have lone on Ilflk~ to Aght the syuem They have etlhel becn bu)tnl 01 made drulLc ,0nCC$$lOo5 and loweled thc"ltandards 01 It~mg to surv'Ve Don'l forget Ihlt In No\"Cmb.:r

If you mlued the Ch""mJ'l Uance, you mined ~ lund lime Thele w~)a I,,"e turnout ~nd cycrY'''''' , eemed to bc cnJOyLOg Ihem,cI .. u The (led" th,~ year I\OC, to KeYLO Ind Kllhy Riker and Mike and Cayle RobLll~O" They 1'1.11 III ~ lot of ILme nd h •• d wo.k to put 11 tOKclhc. Al,u,. 81'cCl~1 Ihank. to the COntraCIOl! who donued ,he doo r p .. :cs

Wh ile we ue thankmK people, I would like to thank Ron Smith, Ron Shepherd, Gary IIllv~naJ, 11m I'etry, .nd John Riehm!,nd lu. thdr help pUIlLOg

the lighl.on the ChriStmas lIec for Un' ,cd CCleb.,1 Palsy this YUI, and Andenon Elecuic, ColvLO Eleclllc, and Egizii Elteme 10' the use 01 their equlpmenl It WIS apr lee •• ted

At Ih" I1mC Ihe Negol1. tinS CommillU fOI the mcmbers employed by C IlY Water , Llghl &. Power arc .,,11 uymg 10 gCI • IIC tl lcmcnl wnh the clIy. They I.e Vance Arnold, Ted Smtih. J,m Dam· b~ehel, )Im Sch.ock, and Grorge PClko II h.~ been • hud ycal fOI nelOllllUOnJ

Along wllh 01,11 Labol·Management CommLtlee, we lIe It ill meeting wilh the eonttaelon 10 comc up wlIh lOwe DCW Ideu on how '0 AKht Ihe non· un'On tn 01.11 • • ea l.ckt-onv,lIe secm, to be Ihe hardest hit 10 la l, bu t LtnC<lln and Spl1nj!;llcld lie get (Lng mOle Ihln thei. share, too. Th •• 1$ ooe 01 01,11 bl&SUt «>nceln, I hope we c.n wOlk 01.11 • solution toon 01 Ihc It,ht commerclIl work w,1I be gone hh the IUldenll.1 We 'll be talkul, molt lbout Ib'l latel

Wllh the new law Ihe governor Slgr>nI, j!;IYlnl people employe.! m the public secto. the 11gb. '0 collccllve ba'galn'n" we ale starling an organ':ung caml'",llft Ind hop<: by mld·lummClIO have sevcr.1 new membels In Local 19J

0" t..:h.1I III LtI., Mary, RIC, and Ihe ."" of th~ olAcCfI 01 Loc.1 19J, here', hopmg 1984 1$' great year 101 you .nd you. famtly

Oon'l lor,el 10 reg"le. 10 vOte Sec you at the union meellngsl

Service Pins Awarded

BIU N01\nu., B 101 fF S

LU. 1f7(llIem), BLDotIUNGTON, ILL._ Work II vcry .Iow ID 01.11 Ilea and stemS to b.: ,CIILng Jlowe. A lillie lellef In nlly Ipnn, IJ boped fOI

The local,. eUffently moving mlO n",O"I"OnS wllh OUI McLean County Eleell1c.a1 Conllactors AnOClllLOn We lie vcry hopclullor. good aglee' men!

Many of 01,11 members recelyed servICe pms tht' YUI Robel! Branom, Steye BUSiCk, Ron Peuig,rew aod PhIllip Writ/ali , IS·YUlpIDS. Dive 8rummLtl, Frnl Ca.lton, NOlm Haley and Ron Umbnght, lQ. yell p,nl, lece,vlDI JO-yu. rlOJ IIC Joe KImmons, Boh !too.u, Jelry Ruhrup Iud Terry W.nncmache, ReUlcmenl pins were !\Iven 10 Jerry Wagr>er, f.l . mond Pu.key, BernIe Pletl, CtOlge Cov,~ and lohn Nan

Flom 01.11 Admiral Planl IS-yea. rms were glvtn to Manlyn AtklnJ. Paul Altlnt ~nd V,de Trunnell and 2Q.yea. plnl were !\Iven 10 Ron Pe,le. and John 5chioedcI

The only .ppr~ntl~e graduallng 50 fa. IhlS yu. is Glel Potttt Cltff BLfky, Barb Kunkel, Dao W,lcox, Malk Schwellzel and lerry Melton h.vc Anbhed Ih~'r sehoohng Ind h.ve laken tbt Anal tcst , but Ife waLl,n, 10 pUt In a lew mOte houlJ 01 workmg nme The lATe hn also .tarted SIX ncw al'rlentLen Ih'J year

We lel,ct thc p.,,,ng 01 MaggIe Lamt"n MaggIe WIS I grcal help 10 Ihe IBEW 101 several years

We u.ge evelyone to get 01.11 .nd leglsler 10 VOlt and Ihen go Ind YOie

New Officers AppOinted

ROU1\T L. W'UlAMs. B M

L U. 2 14 {III, CIIICAGO, ILL - AI the regular mettlng held on Novemb~. 21 , 198J, the pOSitions of plt$ldcm. t.UJure. , .nd the two ElLe~ullve Bo.rd POStllon. WCle declared Va t ant by the tempo"ry P'C$,denl, Ted GUleldam due 10 thc f .. lure of the tlectcd membeu to assume Ihell poslllons The n.1llnl [aeeultve Boa.d h., arpolDled the lollow. Ing membels 10 fill the utant posmonl plu.denl, Paul Planeon, IcleClcdl, v,,~ P"'~I,J""t, Ted Cal le • .!am, Iteor.!,", KC.et~ry, Vug,l Hagedorn, lekeled ). An~n"al secletary, Charles Neary, IclcCledl, "u, u.el , Ed Slukell Exetullve Boa.d, Rcnlaml1' Rob!u I' " and [xceulLvc Board, M vd· lowuk

The members who failed 10 show up for thell .e~pcctcd POSIILOnt W( le all from the Minnesota Area

All local meelmgs arc held Ihe th"d Monday of 29


New Officer

PltlU'fd I. aewiy elected Genual Chai rm an f il ii ' lI hn tOD (rI,hl , of L.U. 214, Chlu,o, Ill ., cllttuu ln l probltllu n M· I9A Olef t! Ramp wjlh mtmHfI.

nth month Try 10 allend and bnn, you. ,uqu 110n.

On Oelobc, 28, 1983, Local 214 held II. Annual Rturfmem Piny Brothel John Weber , Kent,,1 chauman, .( ti red and wu r . ctcnlcd .. walch (n.1 urally ",hold app,oved] by newly elec ted General Chai rm an EIll! lohnson Illothe. Webel then give a ,hon speech of J!tll1Il.Ide 10 ,he friends he hId made through hi, many yeau of loyal ,clvice The party then went on with evcryone cnloymg both food Ind dunk

Early 'n the month of OeWbcl, Ccnc r ~1 Chall" man Elhs iohnwn and mytCif vlllled shop. In the ChlUIO Iru 10 'peak wllh .he cltelnc,_n, fiul hand and find QU, some of the problems ,hi, ex'SI We hue found 01,11 Ihat one of the bluUt problem. we 'le flCm, I. the temporary Icllef forem.n Thl' I. whe le In electnclan wo.k. pall or somellmu mou of the week u • relief fo.em.n and the IUt of the time on hi. lellulal lob Thlt bllnll' up ploblem. 5uch as eli'Ib ih ty fUI ovcmme, wmkload forced on iellow empluyees duc to hI! absence, and IU51 pbin conn lCt of inte lcst These prublems do Ulst and . Ie bem, looked !Illa al Ih" time

In last month', l$Sue J lold you of pru,ramS lhal welc beml mmated to keep membeTt well m · fO lmed of loc.l bustOus The filSt of thue P'O' &ram. e.me In Oclobe. A spe.kel .ynem wu InslIlled In the union office 10 allow a &TOup of membe,. who unnol Sit to on a meelinl 10 huen m by phone Thl' .1I0w. membell at o ullym, POlnlllO beller undeluand the operallon 01 umon busmess and spe.k OUt dueelly 10 the ,.cople whu ale worklnl to thell Mh.lf

lobt Ife h.rd to find .0 we 're ,lad to repoll In

th, . article that Brothel lerry Powen returned to the M·19A Diesel Ramp from a lonlt, unde~crvcd layoff

Localll4 wishu 10 expresslu deepell .ympalhy 10 Brothe. roc Pacheco on the lou of hi. b. other Hen!)' In October of 1911J

RememMl, -" union meellnl need. you 10 be productive

Both Sides Must Work Together LU. III (f, u ,em,nb,Cl tvaup. l, SIOUX CITY, IOWA _ As of thiS wnllng II ', Decembe. and II ', 10101 on ciShl monlhs smce Ihe plomMr. and flnen II lIke be,.n he re in SIOUX City For those 01 you who a.e . eadlng thIS article. you may wonder JUSt what Ihll pruhlem has 10 du wllh an IHEW {ournll} • • ucle. Pellonally, I leel Ihere II an 1m portant luson In th IS I !lLke lor everyone 10 Ihe COnSIIUCIIOD IOduu!)' When ellhe. Ut both SIdes Illek theu huds 10 Ihe land .nd the linn nf commumcauon ale clostd_ Ihe end !) ncar Con ".cIOIS ale unton employers bec.use they choose to be UntOCI. 001 MCluse Ihe Ilw say. Ihey hne 10 be unton Once ellher Ilde for,eta Ihll .11 problem. arc "Ioml" Indunry problems which .equlle COO!"CUIIOD from bolh Iides, I. when the nouble leaUy be"ns Th~ O'pmullons, whether Ihey rep.uenl labo. o. m.nll!cmcnt , Ihat try 10

opellt( cvcrythlDS as Ihoul(h 11 ', ei ther bllck or whitt w,1I evenlually haH I .. d endlDlI Nurhlllll that wo.h well 0lle rotcsltner p~.reci T he whole wo.ld lunClion. to IhOK Vay ~.c'" ~I ( I ( In 0'"

community. memMrs 01 thl ' unIon and Ihe olher bUlldlni ludes umon. know many plumbers who have Men hfe ·lo", {"ends and U" I . h.me 10 KC eve!)'th'rllthey hne fou"'l for dUllni the la~t so. plus years lost dunnl one nelOUlun, lCason Twenty· and Ihmy·year employees 01 Ihe same shop wake up ont mornml askin, Ihemselves how It ended soqu,ckly I dun'l know Iht! anyone could uy tltt! clther Sidc " 100 !"Crcenl II flUll , but u's been an eye opene. to U ~ Ihild 1'3r1y ohservers_ Maybe we , hould all spend I lillie mOle lllnc and erlo" wOlkmg logethel 10 millfe thn we haYe a futule

I would hke to Ihank L<x:al Umolls I, J, 13, IOJ, I Il,lS1, 444, SJ2, 490, 639, and 11410' workln ' ou. uavehnll membe., dunnllhe last yeal as well as any locals I may hive Inadyeflently ml.ucd I pess we all h. 1984 p.ovu to be a Miler yeu so we don't ha"e to hlYe any membelJ 00 Ihe road M.ybe II will stall Implovml ,f wc all ,ClOUt and YOle ne~t year

G .. n GllIUT, P S


Tht uneling ((ta l handlin, m.(hinn u Somelset Powfr Pl ant. The ma(hlne on the left i, Ihe "fIlCkel." Itlot. tU 180 dfB'fCi and piln th nl.1 60 IfC l high along 1,400 feet or railrold tracks. The 1 whitt rooms (Ilnlain the MCC'. (onllol and DC eonllol panels lor each machine.

/ I

Tht " Icclaimel" .. ~u the 01 the boom to di, iOlo Ihe coal pi les to the conveyor bdl5 Ihlt Iced the boilers. The coollol cab i~ IIUI 10 the buektl .. heel. II abo trnds Ind <GUltS 011 ni ls. Tht big -.quare boxu hold the (ounler"'eipU, lOO lon5 on lhe ,ecl.imcI, (Photll) l ubmhlcd by Loc-Ill7, Nial"l fa ll§, N.Y.I

Market Recovery Committee Meets to Find Solutions L.U, ll7(i), NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y,-The hx:.J Market Recov~ry Committee held. speCIal meet In, on December I to p.esenl a report Ihll .howcU markel (OndlllOn5 and ,,·ha. remed,CI should be takeo

Th( contraclon and local members made Ih .. repo" and have l&feed 10 keep Ihll In on'JPllnl comml ttct A second merllng of the local was held lanua!)' 27 for fUilhel dlKUUlon

The Union and the contr.cto. arc a paunershlp, and we both must do wltu " neCUSafY 10 mike ourselves competitive In today" malket The com' m!!lec encouragu Iny pelion who wishes to make I SIUcmen! to stnd it I<> the local offlce, care of thl5 COmmIttee

The l(K:a l athletiC assocI~tlun hu hau fm sale

wllh Ihe loul pitch on Contact Dave 5;lph. RIch Hlrpham, 01 11m Terftberry

lell Lowu 101 I lessoo from Ihe Mayla, lepa" min Ahel III the cleetllcil telll he did on hiS new wuhe! . he found OUI Ihe water h.d 10 be tUlned on

Benny Plrkhlll h .. been siudymi COndUII "ze. It seems th.1 he lo.ded and del,ve red some overSIze Ihree 10th conduit Ih.1 menuled four Inches The SlOth". , made a chart to help hIm OUI.

Rell red Srother Dan Tymllck has completed I

panel In the hall 10' enerlY managemenl It has tlmelS 10 cut the eleclllc unll heaters off al n'ghl With. thelmoalal thai ovrrndu II If the Icm!"Cr IIUle lOCI below SS degreCl Thelc I.e Ind,vldull swtlches 10 lurn rooms on If they are beml used It Dlpt Think you. Dan, for a ,DOd wQrk, nJ, line· looking lOb

The meelinKla!e 11111 held on thc Ih"d ThuudlY al the Elks li.ll Mike I New Yeu • • esolu tlon 10 Ittend .nd let Invulved

11M TUlluu,n, P S

Training Building <.

; viewed Irom the Loc.1 246, bulldln, p .. kl nl lilt , bouses Ibe Itllnlnx flcllitlu .

Apprentices Move to New Facility LU, 246 tl.o,m,ea.s~I, STEUBENVILLE, OHIO-­To help keep up With Ihe expandl", needs of LOCiI 146, Ihe Steubenville 10101 Apprenllceshlp Train' tnll Cummillee IS IATCI has mO"cd III headqulI ' Itll to the ,II new Sleubc:nvllie Elecmcal IATC 80lldlnl

The ne w 4,400 I-quale Icel tralnlll, cen ter, 10' cated on North COUll Sucet, Steubenville, i. dl' ,eclly Icron the .Iley from Ihe Local 246 buildin, adjacenl to Ohio Roule 7. It contllns I conference .oom, • tr aining director'. olfice, a c1as. room, an e1cclrlc.ll.lxlIalory,' weldinl .hol! , and a lal.,e

"Th( new bUlldlni gives us much mOre cll"' room IIIIce," 'lid 810the . lohn Habuh, traimnl d"eCIOI "Wc utended the bUlldlnl lour exulleel .. 10 .1I0w for I squire eJa",oom wnh mo. e slI"ce bclwccn Ihc lIudeDls ' ehlHS "

The e!utfoom Cltn accommodale 24 nudeDlI. lt .Iso hll I port.ble overhead p,oleCtOr .nd I pe:1

mancnl au tomatic prolecl1OD Kteen The Ilbo" tory hn work bcnehu wllh $I ~ removahle p.actlce boa,d. Ind Ihe wddlng shop conlltns loul weldtng mlchtne5 .nd pllv~le weldtn, blYs

The belhlY II owned by the Str;tfo.d Corpor.· t ion, SteUMnvllle. The Guy lohnston COnStrUCllnn ComplUy, Stetlbenvllle, was Ihe generll COntraCtOr Ind the Tri -Stl te Elec tll c Company of SleubenYllle WIJ the dccltieal conuacto.

The SIA T C members arc Blothers lohn Habuh, W,lham W Smith, Robert Swunnlen, President Anthony Shine of Tn,SI;lc Elteme, Fredellck C, r.ckMln of Sayre Eleclnu1. and Robert CIHrell of G W C.ll rell &. Sont Company Thc IOSlIuelOl' .. Ire 1I ,01heli Habash, Tom Strat~l, .nd Gene Du-CliO

Generating Plant Closes Two Units

Dol L ENuu, P S

L.U. 249 (ul, CENEVA, N.Y._ lly now I'm l ure everyune tn nU l own local knows of C .eentdge

SIJ lion dosln, do wn IWO UnttS by MIY, 198$, Thc two unll' which had I totll opUllin, capaCIty 01 40 megawatts we r~ pl.ced on line In 19J8 Ind 1942 fupeCtlvtly, Abo, New York SIne Elccuic and Gn II ld Ih,l one unit nch " Ihoce other slum ,eneraun, pbnl ' wllhm New Yo.k Slllt

• Elec:tnC Ind Gu p~nies woold be PUI on sundby StaIU. Mo.e mlo.mllion on Ihe unlit 10 be: pUI on IIlndby w.1I be JVJllable In III monlhs

The rusons New Yo.k Slue tle(.lf1( Ind GIt wIll .hu. down Ihese unll. are Ihlt Ihey I .e older and Ins effic.enl, and when Somersel ,on on Ime In Ihe lall 01 1984, substlntlll uvm,. un be ru,hied from Ih,s plln

The loc.al', maIn concern I' Ih,. 01,11 Brolhers' , Ind Slslers' )Obs Ife p.oteeled, and Ihn everyone

w,ll .emJID on Ihe propclllu A. you know we MVC an agreement wllh New YD. I. Stlte Electric and Gas on I IiUliion. luch a. thl', and how Ihey will be handled New York Siale Elc(.lf1c Jnd Gu lold Syslem Coun(.!1 U-7 that th~.c wuuld be dISCUSSIons on IhlS In Ihe vuy DU. fUlu fe 10 see how many p~ple would be affec ted and In what

.; way. As anon IS Iny Olhet inlormllton on thIS II Illade av.ilhble. you WIll hur .1>01,111111 your 10CiI umOn meelln,

1 wnuld IUU lih 10 remmd the hnemen of our iocJI and the other locil. wllhln our System Coun· col. ~boul the 12 kv memnundum of I,recmenl Syslem Council U,7 .nd New York 51111~ Eleen lc

t and Gn hive ThIS 1,lcement Clpllln, Ind de­""nbes everylhm, IhJt cln be done .nd can'l be

.. done wh,le wo.k,n, 11 kv Also. Ih .. rlrar.neC'JI Jnd Ihe salety T\llu Ihll wltl bc: adheled \0 while wo.klD, 11 kv hOI 0 1 dnd The leu,!m I lemlnd louiboullhlil. bc:uUH'ol some of Ihe dlfCUSltOn, I have hfMd al lhe loc.al UDlon meellnA' on Ihll lopl~. It ,..,ems Ihn there Ife lOme m.nJ~fmenl SUperviSOrs Ih'l have lo.,ollen lboUI thiS 11 ltv '&rument and the condtUo ... In whICh we walk 111 I know thtl seeml II"n,e, e~p"C1JJJy when

r some 01 Ihese very "me IUJlC"V,IOf. used to be part of Ihe Wr,lInlO, unll, Jnd walk Ihl' 12 kv IhemH'lvu How lUI they lor,,,t'

Ii ""y Brothers 01 51sle .. have any quutton. on thiS a&reemenl, or would like 10 .druh Ihell m"monu aboul II, .11 b"cullve IIoald membc:.s M¥e cOIUU of thiS ',Ieemenl, lod woold leI .ny· one look n II, I'm lure Also, 10 the hnemen', 1IalOm, manuJI. secllon 0'17. palca 101_108 eov· CIS Ih.s IOP1C

... I would lIke 10 lSI. everyone 10 like Ihell Dc· cembel, 1983 Issue 01 the 18EW loumlll. Ind on

, pa,u 64-65 there IS an IlIIcle fl am L U 1908, Cocoa, Fionda, which i. neeHcnt Take lime 10 rcad Illnd Ihen Ihink lbout II Ie will bc: time very well spent I think it is lime w" . Iallcd heedlO' the ad¥ lce from thl5 .rt" .. !.:. ". the writer Uyl, belole lit' 100 IJle

LU , 249'1 monlhiy mcttin,. lIe the foullh .. Thulsday 01 every month. Americln Le"on, ~,

nev~, New Yo. k at 8 00 p m 8c tlo" , ,,'



Brothers McQuillan, Blanco Appointed COPE Chairmen LU.:261 tmll ,mo&e!). GROTOS. CONN.-Of ~II the phra.H'S you h.ve eve. hU11l over Ihe yurs, the onc lhJI hu bc:eome the mall prOmlnenl to

Ihe locll :26 1 aru I, " Bro\he. un you .pue • oI,wt/" and no. we hive nOI IllIen on hard Ilmel The phrase hom the pUI wll brought back 10 hie when Busmus ManJ,cr Arnold Pmk"on ,.., Iecled Boh McQuIIIJn u ch.lrman of the PAC (Poli tical

....- Aclton Committeel campaign" thr f.leClIic 80.1, I Chairman McQUIllan and htl u,illlnl VmOle

Blanco and Iheir com min ce 01 elec tronIC Ind elec· trlc.1 neward, equIpped with C0 1'E ICommlttce on Pohucal Educationl deduClioll IUlholl1l110n cardl started 10 ,01Ie1\ Loul :261 membcu lo r lu nd •. The IUlhon 1llion ca .d. will allow the Elcc· uic Boal. as 1 collec tion 'genl, IU dcducl 10, :20, or 30 cenn a week Irom a Local 16 1 member'.

too! weekly paycheck. Member!, u they we.e .p. proachd by. ulllon ao tlci tor . wCr" ~Iven I .ml ll

COPE Drive

BRllhc. Tom McGovern l i,M COPE pled" clrd IS Ch.i,man Bob MeQuilll1l alld memMn look On. Left 10 ,i,hl IIf Gary fOlltaillC , William Ttr· raooya, Bob ,,"cQuillall , Jod Tom McGovelo.

ta lk. on the Importance of thIS lund raIS'D£ cam JlJIIl" Jnd made 10 undcrsu.nd Ihat conuthuuon, lie on • voluntary W"S and Ihal a ,ciu»1 10 paltlelpale .n Ihc p.opam would III nO way ~op Ild,n thelf lundtop to .he loc.al

The monl~ collecled WIll bc: used to help u many undldat" U po$s,bie JI III levds of 'OV e. nmenl and.o help enaCllaws bc:neflclII to wo. k In, peopl" and Ihelf famlh es 01,1. IOCII, the Metal Trades Loune,l, ""d the IBEW Study Clndld~lu II all levels 01 ,ovemmenl and will lId those Ihat will work 10 keep us wo rk.ng Thc penniu, nickels, Ind dImes collecled WIll neve, comrJIC 10 Ihe unllmned fu,,01~ u"poncnu .ecelve hom big all Ind other corporate PAC., bUI wi,h the "Pltn, of your COPE cud and Ihe voting power we have, we can ,tve Ihem a ron 10' their money, and 10

mlny tnSI.ncl'~ Ihe candlda1C of our choice WIll

be tlecled because of Ihe dOnatIOnS made by work· ing people

The Navy .warded Ihe (lectnc Boal In S814-mIllion conlllCI 10 be,1O wOlk on ltl 121h Tlldelll liubmltlne Thl ee Trlden" hlvc .Iread, "nn ole- ' I,velcd

TlItlMA~ I Mt;ConItN. P 5

8 rolhe. Ion leoun .idu • buehl 10 pUI Ibe IIn ishin, 10uehH on I ,ro·lool snowmall.

Members Ins tat! Christmas Decorations L U. :211 {1,flb,lu&spal. WICHITA, KANS.-it wa. Ihe [,'lC.IInt lu,,,UUt ever when Local:271 membc:rs Ind Ih" Kan.n IW1Chu~ A.cal Chapler of NECA membc:.s Insl~lted the downlo .... n Chn.lmu dec­OllIlOn), U Ihey do every yell Some 01 the un employed el«'I"CI3n. made a lon, day 01 il hy IIIHln, ca l ly on I workd.y mOIOID, bylOg 01,1 1

the deco r:ulonJ and r"pbeln, sevcral thousand cololed lamp.

Thc mlln wn.k Inrcr arrtved al 5,30 thai evemnj\

----------------------------------------Address CHANGED?

Brothers and Sisters, we want you 10 have your JOURNAl! When you have a change of ad dress, please lei u S: know. Be sure 10 in .. elude your old address and please don't forget 10 fill in L. U. and Card No. ThIs information will be helpful in checking and keeping our rec­ords siraight.

" you h.re changed Ioc.' unIon., .e mu.t hare number. ot bo.h,

NAME ..•..•.•..•.••••••••.•.••.•••••.••••.••.•.

NEW ADDRESS ••••••••••.•.•..•.•••••••••.....••••

............ .......................................

PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO ••••.••.••• •••• •••..••.••

CARD NO .••..••.••••••••••••.•.•...•.•••••••.••••• (II u"~"""",n _ e"'ck wll" Lncal Union)


OLD ADDRESS ...•••.•.•..••••.•••••..•••••.••. .

Zip Colle

FORMER LOCAL UNION NUMBER ................... .

Mail TI: Clrculltion Departllelt Interntlml BrotherbDod If Electrical Walters 1125 15~ Strut, N.W .. Washln,t .. , D. C. 20005



conslsung of a rrco.d oumMI of lourneymeo .nd apprenllce eic:c,nc"ns, along wllh .houynds of \lnllars' worth of matuials and equrpmtnt hI! nished by .he NECA conuactors

The "C. e~.e, Downtown W,chlla" organlUtlOn gave everyone a free mcal and had a . aWe while everyone Wa!l u'lilg. They abo un a Anc "thank you" ad 1Il ,he loc .. ] newspaper "r;anta su,e Knt • lot of hn helpe.~ O"el hele," u.\I one Imle bo)' 15 he wnched .he lIlslIlI.uon from h" Dad" shouldus


The Negotiatins Tum of Loc.1 275, Muskcgon, Mich., Manuf.ctuling Uni t lie, left to right , Terry HortOn, Tony Cotton, Bob Kahlu .nd Bob Paner­~,.


" lIerbie" H.mmond of Local 275 it on th t l ighl , Mrs. Kerry, hisljUrl .nd mother 01 William KellY, lormed, of I~\u.krson CentCf •• nd Brother Phil Hammond 01 Local 107, Grand R.pld~ , M, ith.

Local Welcomes New Contractors And Projects LU. 275 Ii,Cl tya.em), MUSKEGON, MI CII.-On Novembrr 4 . 1983, ODe of OUI Dldel leUled mem brrs pu5rd ,w'y He.b Hammond, o. "Herb.c·' u he was known, lomed Ux:.1 215 m 1945 and wu a memoc. for 38 YCII$ Hc workcd on 11 lot 01 bl~ lobs in Muskegon and also on Ihe .ud, relUmg.n 1971 He wu 76 yeals old and h.d recclyed a J5· year p.n n 01,1 . a'HIds banquel m 1981 Herb was a blother 01 Ph.1 Ihmmond 01 Ux:.1 107, G.and Rap.ds, t.hchlgan. and an unde of W.lham Kerry, a forme. 275 memb..., nO'" m .he Pl1ubulgh alta Our $fmpalhy goel 01,11 '0 hIS WIdow and fam.ly, Among 'host p~yLng thell 115. Inp~ets to liclb,e ... ere lIm Elam. bUSiness agent,Jlm RudlCll. Inter nallonal Replnentallve. rctued member fllnk Plahutmk, .nd Snapper DavIS OUI deel tuflel 5rUon'5 On from Novembe. IS 10 December 1,10 1 gueu we WIll heill a lot of tall lale! and mme from now on One lucky c:lcCII!CI~n, LaITY Dc H.,·cn, got I IUCe buck during bow and arrOW season, which p. ecedes 'he ILn~ su.on

Wt hayt IWO new CODlucton Ln 01,11 Ilea now Olle.s lIm ..... 111; a memb..1 of 21S Ind a very sood mdusrnal eleclflclln; Ibe OIhel .1 EPIC In$IIU menu from Te"u, wbo It pln~n' hu I con"lct P"'I<"<:I at 'he Ge.ber Baby food Cnmpany plant We have had lome men on 01,1 ' loul Allport InStrumenl Llndlng and Llghtln,; PIOI~ct since Au,;us, 1983 Rowen and BII", a Ullion contractnr 01,1 . of Kalamazo<>, has the mlln ~OnlraCI, wllh llela$<;O Electllc of Muske,;on beln~. lubeon"a"

lor Canh Dyel 110 lunnrngthc tob io. Ro ... en Ind 811" .nd L...ry DeH.ven I~ Ihe J'ew"d 01,1 . II(W I"olecled H. lton Ho,d p'Oletl " finally ofl the "round The CIty of Muskc"on hn pLlbhshcd tbe notu:c O/'Olen. for ,ile dea ling Ind the financing Iheleof Cllly ASSOCIateS has Jenl nou cu fOI bids .... "h a Slall of construcCton MJleh I, 1984 Thl. rlLl,e •• Will be L1n1que ,n Ihe fac i Ihar OUt Locil Z7S plnl"ed a dullo pay 10 ~rcen' of Ihe w.g.,. of .he ... ·OIkmen on Ihe P'Ojecl II an ,"Venmenl In I 10 pcrcenl lD,e lut bond or bond$ In ,he mdlvldual'. n.me Whtttake r Ekclilc has bid men wOlkLng on a new ooller prolec'. along with other .mplovemenu ... Ccrbc.. Baby Foods Wbll1aker 11M! II wOlklng on Ihe former Anlconda ..... lIe hctoly. Johnny Renu finished 1,11' the lemodchng lob I( Ihe K·Man StOIC He did I leal gnod lob,

MLlskcgon WIr" began lICM\lII~lInl\ it' second conlracr WL\h 01,11 lBEW ManILIJ~'UrHlK Unll a, of Ocecmbc. I. 1983. We look wllh g. ca, p"de allh" L1nl. Mu.kegon Wile IS a glow'"g company whlHC cb.tt busmu II wife d"""n,; and tempenng wife 101 JpnD« compaDln On Ihe negotlatmg Side fUI .he IBEW Wcle 10m [lam. bUllOUS agenl 01 175, Tony COli on, Bub P~lIrr~on. del'UIY chief newlld, Ttrry HOllOn, chid It~wnd, Ind 80b Kahl~., pres' Iden' and L1nl! chairman

The local recdved a nice letler fr um Doug Rood, a rctu~d IDEW member whu now hves In C.hIOl nla I. wu ture IIIce 10 heu from h.m Ind 10 rcmembc. Ihe good old days If any of you gUyl gel 0111 Ihal WlY, I 1m sUle DoUK .... ould be glad II you dropped 'n Doug's Iddr~n " 100 EI~I Cou, Ihghway, Newpoll Dcach. Callforllla 92660_

May 1984 be .he yea. 101 mor~- more worlt 11,11 our membcrt thaI" Don', fo.ge, Ihe WIHI lie plann'''' another v.lenllne Aw"d and App.ee .. lion P.rrv

LiilenioK 10 ,\I.(lndalc·s tpuch we.e Local 292 delfptel O.nn Schiei1man, lim GIIKI, Dan Bano, Dcnnli lohn t on, I nd 11m Ad. ml. Dick Larsen i, nO. shown .

Mondale Addresses Minnesota Convention LU. 192 lI,em,n b,lIsa.spal, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.- The MlllnefOll AFL,CIO Convenlion paned a ruolu.ion II Ihelf SeplemN. Convrnllon, unaDlmuusly lecommcndlllg endon"menl of for me ' V.ee Pru.dellt Walter F Mondale, fur endo.se' menl 101 ,he pru.dcney by Ihe Nlltonal AFl,CIO COnventiOn III OcruNI

The delega.et a"eod,ng,hll convention VOICed enlhos'UIIC suppon 101 Waher f Mondale's cam· pllgn 10' Ihe preJLdellty l and III hIS speech '0 tht conven lton, Mondll" UJeried Ihar "one lS,ue ,hat we face ,ogelhe" $ ,he IUlure of Ihe Ughl of people to OlgaDlU, to bargalll, 10 sUlke IUPpoiled by Ihe Ilw, 01 Ih.s land"

The 10lmel vIce pICI.denl. who IS' oallve Min ' nnoun. Kored Ihe Reagan admlnLSUallOn for "V­illI .00 much'· In lehd for Ihe wuhhy wblle "eklllg "'0 tax unemployment Insurance".n olde. ro ·'d,scourage unemploymen. "

Immedulely lollo,,",'ng Mondale·s speech. rn· olullon wu passed ulgmg hiS endolscment at Ihe n.llonal AFL,CIO Convenllon U ,heH Oclob.. r meetlng-wh.ch convenunn did endOIK h.m fOI plesldency III 1984

In addi tion to the ahove·mentloned delegates from Local 191, we We.t enUlled '0 have delegares 'I Ihe eonvenuon from Oul Remees Club They wrre BrolhelS Sidney Sanford. Earle TOlkelson I o H,",nbotham and Vern Sauby

CIR Decision Rendered

1,,'1Ui A.t'''M~. PillS

L.U. 294Ii,u,cm,lIb,lu&'spal, IIIBB ING, M1 NN.-01,1 . COntraCI be,"'een our loe.land Ihe T .... 'n POliS' Arrowhead chapler 01 ,he NallOnl1 EleeUlcal Con· lIaclors AS5OC.luon INECAI hn been deCIded on ~ III Wuhlllg,on. D C. by .he Counc.1 on InduJlllal ReiauonslClRI

We now have a IUldenual agleemelll Ihar we mUI' wo.k unde. "·hlch conn up to a I'" plu comple" with In S 1100 ~. hour .oral package On I.X plcx cons truct.on proleCIl and above we have. S11 27 .olal pickage plu5 1ub ply of $9.00 On lob$ over S70,000 lor Ihe elecllical, bnnglllg Ihe lotal 10 SlO.ll. Tbe only change IS ,hal we have an melcast 10 01,11 health and wellare of 1"'_ lr now works 01,1'10 $15 91 OD Ihe ch<"<: k andlJ ..... ,. health and welfare. plul $900 suh on $70.000 01 lbove el«lIIeal conliaCI

We a.e ,.dJened .0 repoll .he pIUlDg away of twO of 01,11 Blothe". B'Olher L ..... . ence Casper d.ed on December 1, 191J.3 Blolhel Lawlence was lDl

ulled 11110 CtUI locallD Malch, 19S3 and .cllrcd on lunelO, 1978 DrOlhe. 0"·1 Pauhu d.ed on Decem· b.., 6, 1983. Brothel OIU was 1D11I.,ed in ' o our local in Scp.emNI, 1966 and reured on Dec~mN' 31, 1979

All of us hClc ID Local 294 extend our det~1I Iympa,h.n 10 our depalled B,o.hels' famlhes.

We have one nCW JOb IUSI brpnnlDg 10 PUI on men, bu. II .... 111 h.rdly deu our loc.1 membo:" who a.e On Ihe OUI 01 .... ork 11$1.

1hel'Ipas Inc , from Lmle SbOOl, WlseonslD, wu • .", .. ded • lob tn Inlernalional Fall., MlDnClola, on Ihe 80lse Cucadc Paper Mill. II will lasl up to two years and '01' 01,11 a. 60 men We hope th IS w,ll be lust. start in our .eco¥cry to lull employ· ment To inSUre 01,11 fUlure we Deed 10 m~ke 11,1 ' ( all Our B.others and S'Slen Ind Ihell voung .ge fam.hu are regllteled and then make 11,1 . ( thl! Ihey VO.e We mUll get fnends 01 labor ID .11 political offlce_local, coun,y, sra,e and lederal­Ind then and only then 'he workIng clus can conllolatt pollueal olfieu

We havt I bailIe on OUI hands wllh Ihe IligeSt gloul'ol uDlon bUlllng pohllCLanSln .ecenl hl5tOl1' In olAce look., Cont.nental Auhnn, G. eyhound, and the lo.s of PA.CO. You can expecl "'cakening 01 alJ OUr unIOns Th"re ar~ huge companies that

~:~'~:~I~I:~'~~~'~~:! ~:~~:~II:~ ~~:~:~yb:::: .. ceuful

On a bnKhl no.e. Blot her Wllhe S~IIJ, lormel ownel of ,he EJ Dorado Lounge III Vllpn.a, MID nelOta h"lUS! o~ned. DeW bar and lounge known .. "W.lhe 's," which IS also loclled In Vlrglnl. , M,nnes.otl Stop In and say b. 10 Brother Wllhe

Un III nexl month, buy Amen can b..cause you ale nne and look lor Ihose union labels

E. Ll-ROT !.MIDE, P 5



New Agreement

Warr~n Murph,. vier , . uidrnl ,nd m~u,rl of o~rn;onlol Vermont Yankee Nudu. POWtf, Ind 1.0 . Mrrr;K"o, lIusineu manaler , LonllOO, Mont . P'f'lier, VI" siS" the .rernlly .rnrS0tiated a,rrr­mrnl .

Executive Board

LoclillOO ElI:cculiVf Btn.d mrmb-tu •• r, b.ek lOW, I>ruidut E.G. Robbins , L"o •• d Cit".in, Ed Con­ker. and "Kiehul ,'I cuilan, lrolll row, Larry ""blu,

r Arnold ," ri,.,and Dan Goo.bU. Mrm~n mi~sin, I'f T. Downey Ind II . !lammond.

Two Members Retire; Negotiations In Progress LU.100 {;&01. MONTPELIER, VT.-Two of ou. members have ,curd .ectmly Brothe. Arnold

~ Mr.,s rctued on CkIObc. 1 .lter mlny years with Cennal Vtrmont PubILe Service Corporation AI nold had bero an [KCCl,ltlVC BO<I,d member Icp.e­Sf'nlln, the SI Albans Unit from 1972 ulm] hIS ,CtlrCment Arnold had als.o $cfYcd on m~Ry N~· gon"URg CommHun 101 hiS unit He w~s ~walded a plaqu< of appreclanon lor hl$lonll $(nlce un Ihe E 8oa.d

., B.othcr Ken Donahue, al~ 01 Central Vnmont ""bhc ServIce, RUIland Unll, .ellied 10 AUIIU$I Ken h .. d ""en IIcaSU' ( l lol the loeal fOl many yuu ind also served on .he Execullve am.d for Ihe Rutl .. nd Unll for a short lime ""fOle h,s .e!lremeRt ScSI ulluck lu oolh uf them

Ahe. dendes 01 almosl unlOlerruplcd pIns In wages and ""nelit$ for thcll mem""l5. many unions

iii have h"d to grant conllan conCUSlons 100'010"1011 wage freezes and gI~e-b;.cks In the Arsl half of Ih,s yur m~IO! 1"001 conll~CIS resulted In .. vcragc annual walle IOcreases 01 2,1 pelcent-the lowen Incrcase In . he 15 ycars Ihe govc. nmenl haJ kepi s.allsllcs Wc arc most fortunalC and should take SOme p"de In Ihat even In theK "YlOgllmes, nOI only have we !wen able 10 hold on .0 all that We ~ have, but . hu OUI officcu have COllllnued 10 ne' I gallate Improvemcnts 10 wages and condlllons

Thc conSIlUCllon and uuluy Untt) continue 10

negollale .he ""51 ponlblt a~rccmenl~ fUI OU I members

NCllolI.t lOns ~re gOlOg on at lyndonnlk Ekc· IIIC . Vet mont Elc,,,,c CoopNalive, W~sh;ngt oR ElectrIC Coop.,allve, and Crlluns Utilities Set· tl cmcl1Is ale expecled soon

""\ Until next lime. take plide 10 beIng Amen can'! RI(';IlAJO.Il Srl"'A, " S

Brother Says Pray LU. )01 li,o& ul, TEXARKANA, TEX._The fol· lOWing IS an uII<;le 1 ,eeelved In ICSpon5C to my .equ~st lor help It w3Ssubmllled by Brothc.Lu.her S Mehon

Ok .. y, Pa, Howcll, you uked for 1\ .ncms 01 Inte.esil. As I look Ihrough Ihe o.,ecmbCI 198J IBfW /oumal and m .. ny olhers In Ihe rUt, I un't help but be UpKI, amus-c:d, and dOWnllYU have I'"Y on many of Ihe Blo.hel~ In OUI &.e"l 0111"01 :.1o1l0n aite. looking I' .he many lellen' UpllOns "Wo.k scene slow," "WOIk SCtnt Ii nOI 1l00d," "Scn"" wntes aooul SIgns 01 time. .nd last but by no means Ius., "Sell"" WIIICSOn suteol Rnnald Rea&an ,. My, what a 101 to wllte ~OOUI'

It seems to me .hat the IBEW " at IIi Wont Since the Hoover da~'s Imorale, Ihal ISII II Icems 10 me that II'S as though the whole wo.ld IS In

one of the p-u.ts. lurmOils tllal hIstory has ue. Setn sIIlce Jesus Chns. WaS naIled to the CIOU " tUt·tut, don'ttcll me .hn you WIsh 10 nlll Ronald Reagan to .he cross,'· Why! Because of the lack 01 p"yel The mynery of the deSign 01 prayel IS POinted up In Ezekiel 22;30, J I Do you hca. mel DUling a lime of nallonal apostasy Ian abandon mCnl of one's .ellglous iallh, pollllc,,1 rarty, 01 cause) Cod Slid. "And I $Oughl for a man amon& .hem, lhat should make up the hedge, and nand In .he ",p befo.e me for Ihe land, thai I should nOt destroy "_ bUl I found none Therdore ha"e I poured out mIne md'pauon upon Ihem, I have ton!iumrd rhem wllh rhe fi.e 01 my WII,h, and .hell own way have I leeompensed uron .hell huds," He.e I we Cod weklnII. 10 Ivold cxerclSlng jun, and deKfVed, ludgment Cod. himself, lon&, to spare the nallon But, suangely, He IS "helplcss" wuhout a man. "·lIhou. an Interccsso. II no one wlllmtercrde. God ~annOl wllhhold judgmeot, He unnot Slop eommumsm, He unnot SlOp .hdt, He unnot Stop the eVIU of 11'1'$ woold

Why should God be "dcpendent" uron Ihe pray' e" 01 a man 10 defend our nallon from Ihe lud& ments "'h"h He. hlmsell, WIshes to wllhhold! God 15 rhe Almlply and Supreme SovClelp of .he UnlvclSe Hc 1$ h,ms-c:lf the ultimate ludge. IUry and ClIeCUllvC and enforcement aUlhomy, 0, IS He' If He longed 10 wllhhold ludgment a"'lnst HIS people, If He yearnn! 10 show mercy, why dId He nOI e"e'ClK HIS supreme sovelelgnty and do so. .egardleu of the p,aye.s-o. lack of p.ayers-ol' any manr Moreover, Smce God's wIll" 5up,cme 10 all thlOgs, when He wtlls 01 plan, Certam dl~lOe purposes such as .he sal~ .. t ioll of I soul o. a .evlval 10 a speCIfic arca, why docsn'l He •• bllla"ly go over OUf heads and carry OUt UIS wll11 Why dId He set up a syslem whICh made HIm "dependent" upon a manr Is thIS not. bdlhog mystery!

Take a look how close commullIsm hu been to uS for a Ion&, long ume and &elllO& nen dO$Cr BlothelS, who IS IrylOg.O stOp 111 No one Now, [ am IU~I as much a democrat as any of you, and I 1m IU51 as much I ulllon man and mOIC SO than some. bu. I had ruher go hun&ry fOI I yu., <lnd hll"r donr ~o. than from nOW on, or "" shol .0 deatb by the (ommUIllSIS, w"bout pUlling lip a fillhl, I .emem"". yca.s a&o, 10 1.oc: .. l 386, we had priycr I. Ibe opo:nlng and closlOg of e~ery mecllng. muSt of the old·umets ""Ileved to playel, and It

wasn't Ih,s tongue"n·cheek praye., ellher Thcn Ihey would 110 home and ha~e playel Willi the" famlltes, and ellhe. Walk or fighl fa. thcli Job Scllcve me .• hat was when we were .1011111 50 well It stemS most of us arc tOO busy.o ptly We can'. get ellough time all the lob 10 b~dmoulh people 50 w~ 11..-., a cold supper by lIellmg on Ille phone ~nd calhng ~nolhcr Brolhe. Ihat we have 11,151 baJmoulhed Ind badmoUlh 50m~one else to hIm, and of course II'S 3 bad iob before we e"cn g~1 out on the lob Ibecause someone else has uld sol "-llhout ou. c~en trylllg It nut fI,s " of course, Ih~"1 standard opcla""g procedu.e ISO I'land Ihen we procJaStinalC for two to fOUl houn thlOkmg about ,he lob, and Ihmk cv~ .yonc else should walk Ihe chalk hn~ but us

When atc you gomg to take lime to p,ay and thank God fo r YUU I job. BrolhelS! [f you dOn'l hUHY, II may be tDO laIC "And I SOllllh. fOI • man, and found none"

Scribe Reports On Productivity, Safety

l'Al HOV.lLL, P S

L U. )02 li,o,.uIUpal. PLEASANT HILL, CAL­The olher day I had .he oI'ronunny 10 read Ihe Bech.el RLOP newslelle l Th" IS a ne..-5lellcllhll lel\5 of the condlllon of . he RIchmond lu"" OIl PrOleCt " Che"ron Refinery from Ihe CUSlomer's ro,nt of '·Ie .. ·

[t was very mtell:slmg .0 me for 1"-0 rusons II gave me an opronu",.y .0 Ke ho ... · .he cus.ome' vlcwed thc uOlon labol l""rfo.mance on the p.OleCI. and It also ~"ve me an mSlpl IntO .... hat Ihe customc, looks 10 .... ·hen they ratC the success of a lob, CerulOly production per man hour IS a b,g eonSldel.tlon There was I graph shOWIng actual po:.lormance versus scheduled po:rfonn .. nce, .. nd th .. came as no sUrp"se But nght nex. to .hat graph wtle tWu othcrs--<lne each plottll1& absen .cclsm and ufety, Theil concern In Ihese •• us wu 110. as obvtous 10 me unltl [ gave II some cueful Ihought When a man IS absenl. another man must take h,s 1'1." If .he lob 15 1I00nll 10 plIKeed a. a eellato ta.e, This meanS thar a CClialn se&ment of you. wo.k lorce muSt rCm .. ,D.5 "f\(),I­tels"_able 10 be movrd In vanous areas 10 fill 10

bolu 10 manpower Extra lime and attenllon muSt "" gl~en IheK meD 10 expla", .he lob .. nd "" uken away from olhel neeenary prOleels All of Ihu ~dds lip 10 wasled lime. low producllvllY, and waSled money_ I used to .h",k Ibar when a man dldn'. show up fOf wOfk hc SImply dldn'f gel pild fOI that cloy, h nevcl lM;eurrcd to me lhal there .. 'as in extra burden placn! on the lOb, the cus tomer, and even umon J..bo. per/onoance

The .. fety ""ph sho"'n! .he C05.0mel'S concern wuh keepIng the laool force healrhr Naturally we beneR. by nOI "",nll tnJured and rhelcfo.e dolnll " bettcr lOb, The CU5!ome. also h .. s 10 par less rnsuunce p,emtums ~fe.y works .0 everyone's ""neflt

So. how dId wr do' Undel the IItle 'outslandlng elcctnul pe.formance. Kmor cJce."c~1 super Imendent Chalhe Coopel noted that W.I)'Ile Neckc1 and hIS crew COml'lelCd the underglound hIp voltlge cable instalbllOn, some 230, 41l fcel, at 1

performance faCior of ~ 8 Thai means Ih", II only cOSt 48 pe.crnt of whn Bechlel thoughl 1\ ,",auld COSt to In5lall that eabk Mark Delnneon and crew ue neallngcompicuon of the high vollage splJClng, .ermlnallng, cheek-ou., and ene'glZlng .. t ape.· fOlmance factO! of 44' On Ihe nlllhi ShIft, Kevm tl ull and Chuck Tllmbl('s Crew compic.cd the cable pulls 10 the conllol house at a performance /actor 01111

Thmk of how happy IhlS musl make Ihe ellS' tome. Imagme someune coming o'·er.o palOl your hOIlK .nd lell"'l1 you that" WIll COSI a .hou .. nd dullars, and thcn only cha.glnll you $.ISO

A Sl'I'clalseellOn wu gIven 10 the conllol house II you could ,ud thIS Kgmen., you would oee that bolh Bechtel and Chevron were Impreued by Ihe ell" work 00 Ih,s very techmeal alea of .he IOh ThIS ro",on of Ihe lOb, by the way, was no. 10 .he OIl&lnll conllaCL We WCle granted that work com· plelely by v"tue of the prolCel all'eement

It should also be nu.ed that Bechlel has Inlllaled a rollcy of paymg workers fOT theu su"u"on~ of how 10 do thell lOb mo.e efficlenlly Chuck Tnm· ble, for cumple, developed a p,ston for cleamnll conduit and .ecelved a $1,000 bond ThIS and .he enllle new.klle. scems 10 ",dltate Ihat Bechtel ~nd u.he. umun COnnaCIOIS are rcady, willing, and able .0 do battle with Ihe nOnunion clements and challenge Ihem head'.o,head on dfieleney, plO­dUCII~lty, capabllllY, .nd .... OIkel·manallcmcnr CUSlume. uPPOI!

I can't tell you ho..- pleased t "'as to .ead thlJ ncws!e,," , The conl.actor wlSOnee agam b.ag;png about hl! mcn with cus tomers happIly agreeing This kind of situallon benefits us not onty on IhlS job, but gIves u5 the opportunity to do the same on lobs 10 Cume 33


CheYloo 15 tardully w~lthm, Ihe RLOP and companDIl " 10 a limlJar nonumon job, also on the w~SI coa~ 1 OUI abIlity 10 perform as well as we dId muns tHn mOle 10 h8,tn of Ihat fac l

Th,s was (lU' flnl prOleCI illrecmcnl 51j!.ncd 10

thl5 a.Ca Beuusc (If (lur wllhngness 10 go along wllh a few conCUSlOns, we g(lt au. 10 Ql In Ihe doo r ~nd added 5200 mIllion 10 additional work to the onglOll $600·mllhon iob. This mcant more work for OUI members and means rnor~ work 10' tomo. row, C(lngutulanons and Ihank you to all that WOl kcd (In thlt pr(liect

8m i.JLLtv, R.S


Local Mourns Brother Higham

Lonl 126, LlWrCnCf, Man" BIOIhtr Ken lligham recmtly passed away,

L. U. 326 ,u), LAWRENCE. MASS.- It IS always ",·"h d .... p .eg.et whcn I report the paSSing (If I

un,on memb<:r That »dncu 1$ g.eatly multiplied wllh Ihe death of a fellow hneman wllh whom I've wOl ked 101 nearly 30 years,

Ken HIgham 's he roic struggle with caneer lnted twO years. [n all that tlmc hIS cheerfu l .pim neve. leI! hIm. He wu a member of the Keystone Cancc. SUppOtl Croup at Ihe Bon Secout! Hospital , I group that helps other people face their balllc with CanCer Ken Wl$ help.ng 10 cheel othels when he eou[d very well hne been !eelmg sympathy 10' htmself Keo [Iced dealh wllh Incredible hravery, We']] ~]] mIss h,m

The pollll"ans are wIDdID!: up fa . IhLS yeu 's oallonal decllon~ Make four vote COUnt by sup· po. ung someone who' ll repreSCnl your IDterCSlS. Anli·Jabol legislation is finding it$ way th.ough Washmglon And il is legis lators sponsored by anti ·labor 10JCu who are dOIng it II anti Jabot lawmakcr~ outnumber those who believe," fall dea[mgs with wo.kers, it ,h(lu[d thcn he nosurp . i~e when employen demand pay cun and benefll take· aways. OUI children wtll fight to wm back Ihe benefits that (lU' fathN' gained for uS and the same bc.neRIS thaI We SO tlrelusly vmed IW~y . Oon'l VOte 1010 nallonal ofRee Ihose bw makers who Will take away your bc.ntflts and who will CUI YOUI pay. VOle lor !><,ople who .espect your ti~u as an Amenean WOlke.

filS! dass hncm~n Roben Matthews com!><,lCd to tht Ntw [ngland Kempa Stylish and Taikwando Rarale Second Annual Tournament He placed second m breakIDg and nO·contlCI spar"ng aglmst a ~ny w.de field of black·belt COmpetllOrs. Bob operates h.s own ka'ate school .n Pelham, New Hampshire


Scribe Asks Members To Talk To Each Other L U. J12 (iAlo), SAN lOSE, CAL-A" OUI mem' bers talkin, to each olht, anymorel II K erns 10 me thai we have morc ploblems wilh pcople nOI talking to cach (lther n(lW than we 've ever had ID the past. Whal I'm gam, 10 wnte d~s nOI apply fO everyone, bUI please rcad II carefully to make su.t Ihat pall of it d~sn ' l apply to you

Instead of taking the ume to lalk 10 his Blothers and SistClS and telling them they have a proh[em, some of au ' foremen lake Ihe Clsy lOute and l~y off one IIrolhe. or Sis.e. and hire anolher one 110m

the hmn, hall I can understand somc of IheLl ,duCllncc to dISCUSS a !"C' rson's prohlem wtth Ihem on the job sl tt. As the d,spatcher , I hear both ~Idu of Ihe 5IorYI and [know some people do nOI accept cnllc.sm krnd]y and I confrOntahOn .u ults. After cx!><,-"cncmg a confrontalLnn once or tw.ce, the fo, eman tS Icloctant 10 uy anylhlng. BUI since our fo. emen, ioumcymcn, ~nd app,enttC" aft all Bmlhe," and Sl' ters, and In lIuth our union " a Ilrg~ famtly, and basically we havc Ihe same goals and expectalLoM, h",pdully ou, foremen will lake a leadcnhip role 10 educale Iht Brothers and Sisters who havt picked up bad work hahtls, .nd take the lime to And OUI If Ihey or someone in thell famIly IS haVing I problem thaI is a"eelina thelf perform anct on the lob As consu uc lLon wo,ktu. we hh to brheve Ihat nOlhlO, rull y affects (lur perform ance on the lobil le Not even If we'lC/:omg Ihr(lugh a divorce. hue problem~ wtth our kIds, schools, d,ug" CIt ., oilicohol.~m, 01 'itkne" m the famIly We Itke 10 believe Ihat each mornin, when wc StUt to wo.k we luve Ihe.e Ih,n/:5 1\ home Few people tan do Ih"

What I'm asking ou r fOlemen 10 do when they have a IlrDlhcr or S,s ter tha t is havIDS dlfAculties !, Ihal Ihey take a Iitt[e ILme 10 tal k 10 Ihem alld find OUI tf Ihey have a rlohl~m or if thcy even rcahze they may have a prohlem. T he fo. eman is nOI dOlOg (lur mdustry a lavo. by lust I.yms off I

pelson, " "ducllon of work fOT CC," and K ndID g Ihem hack 10 the hll1ng hall to be d., plfchtd to anoth tr (OnllaClor wtth Ihe ume ClfcumSlancu In maoy castS Ihe elcc1t1cian's rroductlvilY has fallen off or h., nOt kept up wtth Ihe ebanges In the trade, hn famIly problems. ploblem5 himself wllh alcohol or drugs, and doe. not reahze .ha, Ihey have affected .helf lob r ctformance

So, be concerned about your Brothe, s and SiSle. s Spend a ILltie lime w'lh thcm to he lp uPlllOde the Image 01 our local un ton, .he [BEW, and ynur (OnUaClot

Nut month, [ w!\l wILle about the iourneymen and IPPlCnticu' .csponsib.lilLcs to OUr mduscry.


Meeting the Challenge Of Deregulation L. U, )J6 {I &.ca l ~l. CHICAGO, ILL _ l)crellulu.on and d,yuulure, tWO words Ihat hue beeomc part of our vO('abulary, along wllh tcchno[o,,,al ad vances, ha~e h.oughl much lu rmoil 10 OU I tclc phone industry . We have seen ,elocations and reas,ignments along wLlh a general ,eductIon in the work fo.ce. Our lobs h~ve b.:come more tcch· n.cal and compule. intcraClive, These changu annOuncc Ihe beglOnlng 01 a new era- Ihe IOfol · ml1ion age. Tht technologIes of Ihis era, lighl wa~e, mIcrowave, dIgital, au<ltO. an<l v.deo trans' m.uion, arc the Icehnolog.u of eommunlcallons which IS our craft UnIon skIlls arc a vllal m,re· dlent and .he loundallon of Ihe commumCIClons mdustry.

New sktlb will be .equlled IS Ihc (1ISlln, and newly formed eomp~DlU we work fo,adlU" t(llhe demands of Ihe de.egul"ed markel and contmue 10 expand Ih.s le rv ICC and product hnt . Members of Ihe IDEW have alwa YI met Ihe challenge wllh sk.1I dete . mlnatlon and ' pim It IS the spllil and unity 01 al l memhcn Ihll will allow us to conllOue 10 command a jUst waj!.e and cnhance the quaU!y I)f life al home and un the job

We are the fUlu.e . A~a(IIT J FIlANu.N, R S rrJl[A.~

Scribe Encourages Members To Attend Union Meetings L.U. 14J ' i), LE SUEUR, MI NN.- I would like 10 start thlS monlh by rncoulagtng all our memb<:'$ to lry and .ttend locil unton mec lLngs. [ . eaH:e It Ih is ILmc of the yu, the wea ther '$ unpre<lIClable and Ihc r(NIds cln be bad Wllh our ]ocal .5 big 15 il i. mnll of us hive 10 <lrive qu ile a dIStance. But let ', try 10 get some Brolhers together and CArpool to the mee lLng' Our ofA cers wouM likc to scc ncw !acu and hear new Ide~s al the [ocal m(elin~ $.

I would abo like to say thanks 10 BUSIness Manager Lloyd Ha,emann 10 1 dnvmg OU t 10 Beu· lah, Nonh Oako" , and hlvmg an miormallooa] meeting fo, ou, local Brolhers workmg out the re. It made Ihe BrothelS ftel that even Ihouah they ate workmg away from home Ihal Ihey are no. lorgotten,

If any of our BrOlhers o. Sisters have any infor· malion or pic tu res Ihat they would like to see in Ihe (auma/, they Can eithn get them tl) me 0/ the han and I' ll try to gel them 10 the fo!lowmg months.

t would l.ke to Start c10smg my articles each monlh wLlh inio/mation on union·made p.oduets. [ Will hue some rroduets you should buy, some not to huy and some on the unfall Itn. Some productS on Ihe don', buy h.t s.o.netioned by the AFL·OO Eucullve CounCllalC Proctet &. Camble Mig, Co., R J Reynolds Tobacco Co .• and Tyson Foods lnc WalCh 101 these produelS and don', buy. Tht boyeon on MagIC Chef, Inc. has been termi · nllcd as of Seplember 3, 1983.



Pictu red he't lie Iht 1981 and 198'2 duse5 of apprenticts of Local J 47, Del Moinel, low. ,

Work Slow; B.M. Recuperating LU, ) 4 7 (i ,em,rtb ,ruAlspa). DES MOINES, , .... . -B,others and Sisters, work in Our area is slow, ..... e have [00 jO \l rncymen and eight ap prent ices un· employed,

Newly elecled Busmes5 Manager Howud Flatt IS recuperating from a kidney .• ransp!ant. We send him ou, be$! and wI,h htm a lut recovcry. ..

We have some (lId business which we haven 't forgotten, so we w,U clcar the duk. We WISh 10 con,lItulate ou, ~pprcntiee, fo, ]981 and \982-Also, we want to Ihank B.other f tank Kenere t for Ihe 25 yealS ht tlUahl au' apprenlLcu. Thanks for I 10h well done.

In dosing we ,hould all remember to Be Union! Buy Unt(ln'


Brother Rynyk AppOinted Business Manager L.U. JS1 (i &o). TORONTO, ONT.- Brolher W,l · 111m G Hardy ~nnounctd hiS ,elirement IS hU$I­nus mana gO" of Ihe loca[ un'(ln ~t the ExecutiYe ,... Boud m(elLn, of OcIObe, II , '983, aod thtn at th ( gene,al mecung 01 (kIObe, 13, 1983.

The hecullve Boa.d mer on Oclober 18, [98.3, to cons.der the applica llons tendt red for Ihe po. 1111IIn. Aftel glYing this mall~' duc consider~l i on, Brolher Robe rt R,ynyk was apPQLn ted to compltte Ihe term 01 of Ace unlll thO' next elecllon .n lune, 1984 .

Bob has betn .nvolve <l with union activi ties lor m~ny yeln. He has part ici pa ted on Ihe SafelY


New Officer

M •• Robtrt Rynyk , .h~ ntW bu ' in tU min.,,,. of Loul ]5], To.anIO, Onl .

CommIUCC, ,he Labour COlmed, and the Turonw .. ,Buildmg Trades COUrltl1. u wdl ., holdmg rile

offi ces of h ccut!vc Sua.d member, vlee prulden t, prcs idcrl l , and businC5! repruentative

Ile&. tt 10 Ifport tha! slOee my 11$1 artlcie 10 Ihe /ournol, our loell lo,t lIS oldcn member, I.ck Holder Only 11511uly Brothel Holdc.,ccelvcd ht. so.yel •• ward I rec.lllh1t II Ihlt meetln& he w id Ihe member' he fel! we "e lelllnl loo~mJllaecnl We must SlIck 10&elher .nd wOlk 10. the benefll 01 III Also, AI Smith, plSl bUllJIeu m.n'Ie. Qf Local lJ7, Q¢en, Utah, IQ. mlny yeln, pUled IWIY Bolh of Ihese Brothe", wele dedlcaled mem bell Qf QU. B.othe.hood, Ind nQW, mly thell soul, .rsl III pe.ce




• Bob has a hl8 job In I'Qol of him, I"d we.lI wl~h hlln rhe be" l


Award Winner

• • B,orhu DeMonl Hill , Local ]54, Sih Lake ell" Ull h, and his wift Clyt , .flu hf . tnlved Iht Gcorge Muny AWI.d lor u lvln 10 Iht lI oy kouu of America.

Shown I. Ihf p.utntlrion l . t, lt l! 10 .;,hl, Ibu, Snetd, AFL.-C IO S~i.1 S" , v\Ctl ' ''- PI U t O"II'"f , Kcn Robinson, Uuh Boy SCOUI Council , OeM ool Hi ll , and Ed Maynt, ,.tJidenl , Utah Sill« AfL· CIO.

Two Locals Merge ; Brother Hill Receives Award L U. J54 Il,tm ,ml,tua.spal, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH-On kpltmbc:. I, 11183, Loea11l1, Ogden, Uuh, was amalgamated IntO Local JS~. Salt Lake CllY, Utah Ogden had a membe.)h'pof 147, Ogden

1It"11I have us own unll merlin, once I momh, Ihe I same IS Ihe olh~. unit al Provo. Utah Local JS-I . Will now have IUIISd,ctlon of the inSIde wileman', Con~!roCIIOn fOT Ihe enu.e nale

[)c,Mom HIll, a membel of our Pruvo Unit, WI! honord .eccntly JI Ihe Utah Stue AFLCIO Con ven twn. He .ecelved the Gcmge Meany AW~ld 10' h15 outstanding wOlk 10 Ihe lioy Seouls of AmerIca

"f'0vemenl. He has won many olhe. awards fIJ I scu 'icc to h'5 commumty. COIIsutulaILons, [)c,Montl carryon the good wOlk

B,olhc. Leo " Po. ky" Rowan, It ft , recrlvn fr om Loc.1151, LIS Ve&a_, Nev" P. u;dcnt Cecil Wynn, lr,

Brother Rowan Receives Award For Service L U,lS7 lI,oa.c), LAS VECAS, NEV,- AI QU. No vember &cnelll meelln«. BrQthel lzo 'PQ.ky'· 11.0 wan wal hono.d '0' III~ many yall 01 faIthful K'Vlce to l.oc.1 J51 Po.ky was p.eKnled wllh a lamp Ihlt has an elecUlc mele. for a baH The meIer adds up the wans when Ihe lamp It hI II was p. eM:old IQ hIm by Prelldeol CeCIl Wynn, II POlky has Klvcd on Ihe EJlCculI~e Boald lor 14 yurs, 10 year) on hne COn{f~CI nelOI1~"OnJ, otne years 00 hne IATC, CI&h1 yca" as elllel cook u oul Annual p,c",c, and lor eight ye~u has hclpt'd PUI on the Qldllmcu' ~nd k,d~ ' Cb"UmlS p"tlU

Porky IS a 4l'yca. membe. of LQullS7, bem& obl,&lled III Much 19-11, whIch makes hIm One uf Ihe 10nlUt memben of Local JS7, When cooking the meat 10 ' ou, p,cnIC, Porky uses the bal·b·quc pit behind Ihe Mou,e I\all 1928 un Like Mead Buulevard fur oUllul P'C"" he cooked 300 pounds of h~m and 500 puund, ul bed, and uk anyone ~nd they will lcll you il came oUltcndcr, dclicu)U5, and lu,ey, Some t lCdll .150 mu~t be gIVen II) 1'IJIky'I WI lt Ahce who p,epuc, those good tuttnM polk Ind huns. On the lamp there ". "& whtth r'lds "To L~o "I'mky" Row.n 101 mlny YU'I 01 lauhlul IC lvice 10 lo<;.1 J57 .. Porky, I.om evelyone In Local 357, we say thanks fbI many ,obs well donc .nd may you le rve m.ny mOle ye • .,

The wOl k Kene mlh'l aoea IJ ,tilly alow. 11 hI) neVCI been Ih,S bad befort On a 1m uf day. Ihele arc no tills There arc around 400 men on llook One, and 11 lakes aboul Ih.ee monlh. 10 &0 Oul on a lOb The trouble II the future doull't look any bn&h1C' I ~UUS with the PIUenl ,dmml~","cm III ""we. III Wllhm/:lon Ihml!' w,lI be bad for awh,le We mus, do 111 we can 10 J!CI IheK pt'orle OUI of office

Local Celebrates 80th Anniversary L U,l58l ia."l, PERTII A,'ltBOY, N, I.--On Novem be. I Z. we p.oudly eeleb.ated ou.80lh Anmvelluy wllh. &ala d,nnel dance held al Ihe undmllk Inn. Woodb .. d&e, New Icuey We were Yuy hono.ed 10 have with UIOIII D,s tr .ct V,ce l'rUldelll lack) i1alfy, lnlcrnallonal RcplcJenlallvtJ Edward Troy, AI C,les, Cralll Tl tC , our J),slIict IEC membe. fohn I McNulty and Ihel! lovely wIve. Mony husinen man~gcu, uillce", bro the l membels and &UCSIS hom our SISler 10c.1 unlU"" thlUughou t N~w '(fS~y, Pcnnsyl v'nl', ~nd New YO lk . 1,0


BII)i IlUI M~II,"e. ' .mu C.llah. n illhowllrudinl ;IIICI;ptioll " " plaqUf prCJell led 10 Theodore Ity" ; "f fQ. emotl [ju n ic 111 ( ... P. u ;dul Srhrill k all W; lnU.,

honoled ul wllh Ihell p.CKnCe V,ce Ple"dtnl Barry, on beh~1f of Ihe Thlld Dutncland the IBEW, tonglllolued BUlmus Manallt. JamCJ I Callahan. Ihe offlcen , and Ihe mcmbeu of Local 358 on Ibell 80 YUII of "cady P.OIl'US and offertd h .. word~ of wlJdQm IQ all th05e In ~lItndancc

On beb~1f 01. vuy &'~Icfulloell UIlIOII, BUSIness Manage. 'ames I Callahan and PruldeOi Stephen R Sehelll presented plaques to 8.0Ihe. Ha.ry McDonnell and M. Theodore Kyak of fo.em05t Ele,,,,e Inc. BrOlhel McDonnell , I 2S·yu. fo.mer member of our Execullve 80l.d, abo ~e.vrd as Ihe 80ard vice chaumao,' membe. of our Nelouaung Commlllee for ,pp 'O~lmatcly 20 yea IS, and still se.ves as delega te 10 the MIddlesex County Build­!11K Trades Council He IS a Iruly dedIcated membe. of th" Incal unIOn for the PUI 41 yurs,

Mr Ky~k was hono. ed 101 h,s mallY, many yurs of serVIce IS I member of the Rad ian Bay D,VISiOn of NEeA, whe. e!ll he served fallhfully and wah disllnCIIOn IS a member nf the lomt PenSIOn and AnnulIY Comm111e<: As a membe. of Ihe 10lllt NelOl1ll1n& Commlllee, Mr Kyak could alwlys be counted on to be a very fau ~nd mnsl honorable Ind,vldu.1 III Ihe lrue Knse 01 Ihe wo.d Once 'lam, We conlllluille bulh IheK fine IndIVIduals 10. Ihell 101l11y u",elfilh allllude and ded,cal1Q11 to the labul movcmcnl ~nd 10 our local umon

We thank you B,olhelS .nd SlSIe .. of Loc.al 358. and 01 course you. lully wond~rful WIVCS and IUUtl, fOI youl parllClpallOn and coopt'.al1on III m,km& Ihll, our !IOlh Anmvelsary. olle 10 ccmem be. Many Ihank. l/llln '

We arc always happy 10 .ero" when our app.ell lice Blothell have fullHled Ih~1I obhpuons and lie lecommcndnl by the fA TC 10 be t1evud 10 loulneym~n wileman 1111111 Th~ followml Brolh· ers Irc 10 be co",'llullled Clry Chlvln, lohn Sherry, lohn MllIntek, Frank MigUllk, Charlu Valu. Domllllck Rella, and Kennelh Pele",on C(>IIItIlIUblll>n~. II.Olhell'

C"nlutulUlonl uc also m o.der 10. BUSIness M.nlgel '.mes I Callah~n who "'~5 .ecently reelecled I(l anolhel te.m as prc51dcnl of the MId ItlC~CX County lIulld,nll. T .. des Cuunc,l A lough lob to uy Ihe leasl, but we a.c SUIt he will do a mo'l eummcnd.ble ,ob

Mlny Ih.nk. to our delegates IU Ihe AFL,CIO Cen"~ ! L.bo, Councll. lhuthelJ fran k Lomuu ro, WIlI"m lcwkcwitz, and Stcphel1 R Sehc,", along 35


"".Ih Reg'slra, GIlY Calb.h~o and J,mn / Mmmck, fo, I rob ""ell dooe dlillng Ihe PUI elecllons he.e in Ne"" Je,sey A ,u.lly concentrated dfoll W~$ pllt folth by Ihesc B,othc" calling Oil' un ,on Brolher. and SI51en to get 0111 ~nd VOtt Theil effort. really pa.d off, .11 of labo. ', (nends won elecllon 0' wc.e reelected.

The SPOilS Commi(lec has been Ic.:iCtl"' led un· de . the di.ccuon of Blothu5 Ed Sondd. Jr ., Chades Valaer. ~nd Peter Mama\:. . The ,ucccu of th.s commillee depends on ou r part.Clpatlon ind 5111" port . .... t Ihe time of thIS wlinng. a trip to the Meadowlands.s pbnned.

BrOther J~mts / Mtnmck reported the Gnlf Com· mlttee hn had a very successful sca!lOn and has .lready made plans for nUl ycar Evel")'onc had a lood time and the scorcs were vel")' Impressive

Mayall that we "",sh for oUlSelve, be also &lven to our B.others and S,steU May ""c live .n pu.ce and harmony. one unto the othe •.

S1"[V[ R. S(lI[IN. PRfS

Register, Support, Vote For Candidates L.U. l64 (i.em,rtS,spa&catv ). ROCKFORD. ILL.­Brolhell and S,stcU. the opcoming month, belore Ihe general electton will be the mosl Importanl ume we h.ve faced tn many ycars. It ·, Imponant thll each membe. not , it around and be .dle dUnn& thIS era II we. as a groop, do not let OUt and do ou, pilI to ciCCI officials thll we need. then we un 't complatn .... hen bustness goes on u usual. We. u a body. hne been lold many IImu to re&lltcr, 10 support. ind 10 vote for OUI candidatu. 11 we don't do Ihele Ihmg' for Ih.s dcclion. Ihen ""e might sec o'gamzed, uoion·bustlnl business take even mooe robs from us. The succus 01 IhlS uptom,ng election .s up to each one 01 us.

The wlllk In oor 3. ta is extremely good foo this tlmf: 01 the year. We have been able to PUI more nlvelers to work. Le l 's all be thankfol for what we have and nOI take it fill granted. Working logelher bUilds a S\long local

Remember 10 buy Amencan and be Amellcan!! TOM KrNo R(o. P S

Big Job

Menlbut 01 Local]69. Louiu ille. Ky ., Ihow their I.mi liu " The Big Joh"_The Marble lUll Nuclur Cene •• tiog Station.

Sears Buitds Nonunion L.U. l69 ti.o. u,em,rlh, lIs,esl'/;tpa). LOUISVILLE. KY.-A ne"", arllcle recen!ly announced that Scars Roebuck Company" pbnn.ng 10 remodel maoy of II$IIOICS. and to build many n(W Sto.es o. lIon· Wide. Here in LOUisville. Sears is building a new ,to • .,. bu. il is be.ng budl non·unum I'"rhlp. they h.ve plms to bUild non·union III you r arc. tl)<). Please write to Sun. 01 SlOp III to set your "Ol~ manager md let them know thaI you will boy

else .... here Ii Ihcy conllnue Ihts praCllce Tllls past Chll"mas wu • hnle brlgtlln fOI

some loc~1 families dut to the gene,oslty 01 Locil 369 members, and the efforls of Local Athlellc Committee membeu, who ga~e Ihen lime to PUI chase and d"1IIbutc food to those in need

Well. 1984 IS a preSidential elec llon year The tncumbent Republicans will be tdling uS what I good job thy haye becn doing. If you atea corpor'te execulive. o. a stockbroker. maybf, you will aglce. but hIe hu nOt been so good lor Ihe ""or kIng men and WOmen in Ihi' country. Unemployment h;, been hIgh. blldge t and trade de/lcllS even higher Uoton·bustinglaclles arc at an all·ume hIgh. Re · membe. what you. fede.al govemmeol dId 10 P .... TCO! Now big bu,.ness hu a new tacllC­bankruptcy. Newsweek magume .ecemly Stated Ih.t " Films like Conllnental .... lIhnes and W.lson Food Corpo' atlon havedecllltd bankruptcy chiefly to brtak labor contucu"

The elulyst lor Ihls ~ ctlvny. II seems 10 me. 1$ III the While House

Let us make labo,', vo.ce heard in 1984, alld ~top th'5 trend

CII.ECC frn.:(;t.RALD, 1' .5.


Pic lurrd hen is Cheryl .... nn Chickef, d,ughlfr of JOt Chiekty, who II • mt mbe, 01 Lou1375, BClhlthem, P • . Cheryl Ann hu .... on numerou. lOp awa.ds in Iwirlinl.

Daughter of Member Is Top Twirler LU. 375 111 ..... LLENTOWN, P ..... -The accompa ny.ng p,Clure ,hows Chel")'l .... nn Chlckey. 16, daughte r of BrOlhel Joe Ch,ckey, lrom Bethlehem. Pennsylvania Sht wlS rectntly chosen as one of the top /lve Penns¥lvania siite senior advanced solo IWIllen .nd will travd to Caesar', Palace III

Las Vegas in .... prilto compete wllh the tOp twirlers in the COUntry in nallon.1 compellIion. This paSt sommer she competed at .... mellca·' Youth on Parade al Notre Dame Univelsi . y and recelYed seyeral awards

Chclyl has been listed 'n "Who's Who in Baton" 10. the pall seyen yealS and hn been honored at Ihe Bethlehem Banquet 01 Champions fo r IW111111g She is a holder of ovel 400 tWllhng awards. Twirl · IIIg has taken he. to many pans of Ihe U.S. and also Canada .nd Spain. She perlorms al many local benefits and teaches twuling III the arta. Cheryl 15 a f reedom thgh School Mljorelle and honor student She would hke to pursue a career 10 law.

Her in"ruclors lie DaVId and Donna Cote of Penns Park. Pennsyl"ln", and Pam GameJli of Spllng/lcld. Massachuse tts. a lormc. national champion

We congratulate Cheryl 101 he . determlllition and ability !II be Ihe bcs l !lest of luck III your competition. Brothe. Joe Chickey has just reUOn 101 pndc \0 hi, daughtcr 's endeavors.

II 1$ with deep regret I report Ihe los5 of Brolher Wallen " Pat" Eck. ht paued a\olay reccntly and we convey our deepest symparhy 10 hIS beloved wife and bmily

We must conlinut to 5uppon those ""ho arc Illcndly 10 o.ganized labor Be Ame.icanl Buy Amencanl Bye no"'"


Negotiations Under Way; Dinner-Dance Held L. U. 19/i (U&I), L .... S VEGAS, NEV._The 19831 1984 Nev.da I'owel Plant Negotiatiog Committee


.gtr ," crl e Ci le prt.S tnll pl.que 10 Siner 'anel Sav.lIi. "counting delk IV, ~ntra l TdtphoDe Comp.ny, 10. I I yea .. of conl lo UOU I , ervice in tht IBt!W.

will be undel way as you afC rudlOg th" Illlcle. The NcgOlialiog Committee conSll llng of Billy Burton. JI .• qu~lified welder, Ronald G. MIlt .... ell. hne worklOg loreman, L. Nul Metcall. contIol OPClltOI, Roben K. Musg. ove, .elay dectncian, and Gerald R. S.mon. powc, mete. mln. are SUflCl' enthuslUllc in meeling Ihell challenge of bargain' tng tht best possible (onnlCI under the ca:iSllng wo.king condiuons.

On December l. 1983, LocaI396',SecandAnnu.1 Chn51mas Dmner-Dance ""IS held at the Hohday Inn, Center Smp. with app,ox.mately 1,000 memo be.t and gues15 ID anendance. Thll yeu', Dmnel' Dance Comminee consisliDg of Malk Brown. CP National Co,poration, Coorado Dommquez. Ne­v.d. Po""", Company, MIl")' Crif/ln. Cemral Tel · ephone Comp~ny ; Paul Gurtne l. Nevada Power Company, Roosevelt Guy. Cent ral Telephone Company, Bel ty /aspel. Central Telephone Com· pany, John loyee. Cenllal Telephone Compaoy, .... ngela Kasteli C. Central Telephone Company, MIChelle Millar. Ceollal Tc!ephOlle Company, Walt P,ylow5ki. Central TclcphOlle Company, and ShuOll PhIllips. Nevada Power Compaoy. truly duerve I ,ound of applause and a 'peeial Ih.nk you fOI ,och a splendid. ""ell-o.pni:ed unton socill luncllon. Ooe of Ihe evening's highhghll OCCUlTed ""hen BUllOeu Manager G.le pruented a plaque lecog· n.z.ng Jaoel S.v.lIi. accounltng eler" IV, Central Telephone Company, 10. lJ yurs of conllnuous IcrVlce 10 the !SEW. Plans and preparalions are 10-

Ihe mill for a bigger and bener party in \984. As part of the welcoming add ress given to Tel­

cphone Coordinating Counci ls 4 and 5 10 thell Itcently conduded conlerence held on December 5-7. 19SJ, at Ihe Holiday Inn. Cente. Strip. Las Vegn, Nevada. Local 396 Bllsmeu ManagcI C,lt e:rplained Ihat eonventioos and tou,ism are the pnmll")' indu5trie~ in the Las Vegu V.lley. Central . Telephone Company operators p.o<:csscd ovel 3 .9 mlllioo long distance calls during Ihe Rve·day Comde:r Compute, Coovenllon. Normally. oper· ato.s P'OCC5S over 600.000 long dIstance c.lI, lrom VePI One day du ring Ihe convenlion. opera lors p.oceued !l.37,OOO long diltance call • . Dupile thll .eco,d, Ihe number 01 call, did nOI b.eak Ihe one­day record set by the company operators on No· vember 21. 1980, dunng the MGM Grand Hotel /I .e. Central Telephooe Company .nstalled 1,700' . ddhional telephones in Ihe Convention Center as well as the H.l lon. Sahala. and Riviera Hotels 10 mcel Ihe demands 01 80.000 Convcntlonec".

WALT P"yto .... SICl, P.S. If.NNII SU! SMOTlIEl<S. P.S.

Scribe Asks Members To Attend Meetings L U. ]98 luI, CHARLESTO~ , S.C.-I c.n't hdp bUI ,emmuce each monlh as I Sit here and take tn the view and see so many empty challs and OUI Brothers arc so Ie"". What '. happened 10 oor mect­ings. as I look back Ih,ough the yea .. , Ind recall Sl) many came II) be a voiee and nOt JUSt $Imply carS. YOII SO rl~ thmk of '!length in numbc:rI, weI!. I c~n !lulhfully say. we packed I 101 of POW(, ,n

the mttungs 01 yesterday. To take I moment and look back in tbe JlUI, .... hen I few gave !IO much for I taUiM: thaI muS( bSI. I am IU rt • meeting 10 them wu a musl! they wut budding I loo;al 10 hand down 10 us. They bd'cved 10 theu cndC<lvon,

~ and the ro.ad was fl' ',om smooth. BUI wllb desue I and uosdflsh brotherhood, they !,roved what •

union un do. I can', help think, In DU. world 01 sp«d, we oever .... ltt the time to look !»oti, and see the Ibmp we lully should be thankful 10.­hke ,h,s umon for you and me

We bave a proud profUSIOn, and ODC Ihll JlIG­vides us well , lod yel I feel for many, when the men.", D'VII IfTlVes, they luvc what has 10 bt:

, done to thaI other CUY. Let's sUlook 10 the mllror 01 brotherhood Ind pass 11 10 thOK not berc, .nd ask youlScll thIs quesuon, "As. Brothel am I siocerc!" Do I make an dforl to like In my hvchhood Or iun keep thlnkmg cverylhm, looks toOd! lei uS nOI .esl upon our bu.e1s, and cake n all in smdel bUllake a SUI 'Ilhe meeun&: nIgh 1_

il IS reserved fo. all Ihose wllh pllde. I'll close wilh a hopeful DOle and Ihmk Ihal Ihe lime will come when we all can share. The niy,1 when Ihe local memhen are g,ule. Ihan Ihe loeal ', cha" ,.

In olhe. news, R.B. Koster and B II. Stokes rep' .eKDted au. loeal aI Ihe 1983 South Ca.olloa AFL· CIO Convention. Al$O 'lIendm&: tram our loeal were n. Sack and C.E. Brownlee

Our loeal 's condolences go to K.D. Tayor on the paumg of hi. lathe.

Our loeal il plannm&: another B·B·Q (ookoul ... carly In 1984.

ThaI IS all for rhll month hmuuc;r. Lu S"UTII, P S.ITr.fAS


.. . 05, Cedar Rapid ~, Showo fro m ltil 10 riShl •• e Cliff Hi"illl, lim Vick, W.lte. Mondale, R.y WiII i.ml, .nd D.u Winekle.

Delegate Liaisons Appointed ; Project Shelved LU. 405 ji.lpalmb), CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA-

• Finl I wanl 10 wllh tveryone a Happy New Yea. and bope III aU. luvehnl B'Olhen can be with Ibel. lamlhCl 10. the holld.y..

They jusl announced Ihll our p'OIeCl 10. ADM IlDd Inwa [Jecnic and Po ..... e. has been shelved 10. a yur. Thai IS ud beeoUK Ihal meam $Ome jobs for Ihe Ir.du.

MYKlf Ind Dow VOSI have been appomted II,,· ooru 10. Lox.1 405 10. the upcomm, deleple Klecllon prepam lor W.lte. Mond.\e We had our finl meellnl m ~ MOIna D«embe. 10 101 a IU'nUlIKSSlon John Pe.k,ns was Ibe.e .lon, with app.oxlmately 350 olbel un,on people from Ib.ouy,oul Ihe nate I w,lI have mo.e 10 report m my nUl lenel OIl Ihls

O.pDlzed labol mus. havc a lnod found.llon, and IhlS muns s!lckm&: toeethe. lor Ihe lnod 01

~all WO. kml people That il whY;1 is $0 impollam I we.ll 10 10 au. caU(UJU and help Walter Mondale

gellhe nommation and cICCI a lnod pruidcm We taonot stand fOUl more years 01 Ronald Rcalanl

UnilY is a mull 10 thIS e\eCtlon lor labo •. I know how dIscouraged a person can gel whcn you u k lor help on .n elecllon and everybody seems 10

h; vc an excuse no t to help. I've heard every excuse you can Ihink of 10. nOI loing to ~ caucus 0'

"1 he lping 10 other ways polhic.lIy. I hope more arc willin&: 10 help 10 th is elecllon.

The HOUle passed a Job·crU llnl domestic (on'

lent bill. Iowa h;d two congressmen tha t yoted fo. I! out 01 SIX (Congressm.n Le.ch, Firsl Dinnct, .nd Congrcssman H"kin, Fifth DtMllct ). Hope· fully, Congressman HarklO will be our new KnllO. after Ihe neIl ciecllon.

Well, I'm 10 I'lfl off for Ihll lime Ind hnpc everyone loes 10 the caucuses and we let W.lle. Mondale nominated at Ibe C(lnvenllon and elected ibIS lall

Sec you .11,1 Ihe umon mccllnl' There " • lot of work 10 do'


Labor Must Stick Together, Says Scribe LU. uo Ii}, RACINE, WIS.- At Ihe National AFl· 00 Coaveollon In Hollywood, Flond •. Ihe 794 ddelatc! endo",ed Walle. Moadale fOI the 1984 Demoerallc preSldenlial nommallon Thll was Ihe fi.sl lime eve. Ihe AFL·OO made an endO'Kmcnl in advance of Ibe pany pnmanu

Members, II we want to lei Rcagan out of Ihe White 1I0use land we must) all labor muS! Slick 10gelhcl, fi.st 10 Ihe pn mary, and Ihen 10 the November, 191i4 clecllon 11 we all .IIck wllh one c.ndldate, we can do II.

I c.n't upress mYKII enouy, on how Import.nt Ihis is. As lo. mer V,ce Pres Idem Mond.le lold the dclegatu, "I'd enfo.ce wOlkers ' nglllS .nd Rlhl 10. .dopuon of Ihe W,bol u,w Rclolm "By the end of IhlS decade, he SlId, " I WamlO walk IOtO any store 10 America. and pIck up the best p.oduct , at the beSI price, rum II ove' and .ead, " Made 10 the USA"; as all of us know, at the prcsc:nl lime you h.ve to .cally hunt fOf the Made ;n USA label Of course, Ihe ulllmate would be II Ihe label would say "UDlon·m;de 10 USA." I know thai '. askln,. 101."

Another Item we musllhink of IS, the.e are five Sup.eme Coun lusllcu Ihat are 71 10 79 yea .. 01 age .nd will p.ohably be replaced ;n Ihe nUt pruldenllallenn. 11 Reapn " 10 and he aJ'lpo'ntS, you know Ihat a lot 01 deCISIons that Will be comln, ou, 01 the Sup.eme Coun Will nOI be 10

favor 01 Jabor. These ludKCS arc appolOled fOf hie, $0 we WIll h.ve 10 hve wllh the" deCISIons 10' a toOd long time.

The prUldent al$O appo,nts other Judges and heads of the Nallonal L.bo. Relalions Boald If these people are antl·labo., behevc me, Ihc unIons WIll be hunml' You and I bolh know the R.ugan admlDlStratlOn IS out to b.eak unIons, and with IhcK appoIntments It can be done very easily.

Smce Real.nomlC5, the work PICIUre has been dIsastrous. We he.e in Loeal 430 have neve. h.d Ihe unemployment and unde.·employment thar we have upenenced for the laS! IWO yu.s.

I can 't beheve Ialklng 10 $Orne of OUr membe.s Iwho haven 'l beCD laid oll); Ihey think Rcagan· omlCS IS wo.klng. I un'l beheve that .nyone II Ibar nllVe.

F.om now unlll eJecllon IImf 10 November 1984, I'm Sure Ihere w,1I be .n upsurce 10 employment lUst 10 make mOre people behcye Re'pnom,,:s " WOlklO&. Don't leI Ibat fool YOU. II Rcapn &CIS b,ack tn, you 'll sec more of whal we h.ve now, the rich leI ncher, and Ihe middle class .nd pool eel pooler, and unIons let bUSIed

I know we cao WIn In 1984 If We .11 vote Ind vote for Ihe ny,1 pe'$On. We can 'l milch the Repubhc;ns' money 100 w'Y1. bUI we b.ve Ihe numbers and ,f used nghl wc WIll be succl'$slulln 198'


Local Work Sporadic; Apprentices Graduate LU .• 38 (i), TROY, N. Y.--C.ecllngs from Ihe Brolhers of Loeal4J8. ThIS IS our fi rst leiter 10 the /ouma/m several YUl!, bUI we hopc ro be able 10 wntc mOle frequently from now on.

Wo.k In our a.ea IS sporadIC. At Ihe prescnt l ime, December, 1983, all 01 our 132 journeymen, 13 app. entices, and 80 m"ntenancc members arc ..... o.king. A majority of Ihe work is in Ihe mill .,


The loc.U18, T roy, N.Y., IATC G •• dul liol Cia ... of 1911. ShoWD, left 10 rieh t. Nck .ow.re ,.m" Banow" Michael Bishop, Anhu. Frament, Ill, Ch. is Hermlns, RoK" Kn. pp, .nd DouI I ... Sit· ytnl, fronl .ow: B.enl Hn il.nd, II, Richa.d Ca· Illdo, Pn.lck bposilO, Mark LajeunelH,.nd "'ark ROll. AbaUI fro m Ihe picture were lamel P. An· deuoo, Dould I. MeB.in, and Mark G' OlIn.


The officers 01 Loc.1 43g, lefl 10 ' icbt , back row Ire Ra ymond ,'rYII, ,r., .nd A. D.le Hermao" peDalon !r\lSIUII lohn Macaulay, lreas.lle' l DouJ' lu Wi lkie l ad Todd Garneau, EIIC(:Ulin Board, I. ont fOW: CharI" fi lCh, ElICcut;ye BOlld l ,.m" Reid, bUllnen m. IL'Je'l Alberl "'arinucci, p.esi· denl , DOD. ld Cunnineham, rcco.dial secrrl"YI . nd ' . mel Chl .tr.nd, E.ec\lli .-e Board ch. i.man.

whIch operate "shut downs" dunng Ihe hohday period for mllnren.nce .nd machIne up· keep.

Many of our members arc elecunl .he early letlfemcnl op" on, due 10 the present work SIIua­lion Local 438 p.esently has 53 rClirees , The mOM .ecem include TImothy E. Shulel, Alex ZIgman, John foley, lohn Maffeo. lohn ReIlly, and Merion ChadWICk We WIsh Ihem .11 a he ~! lhy and happy .etllcmenr

local 438 .ecently hosted a graduallon pally at MIChul 'l B.nJ;juct HOUK 10 Lllh.m, New York, for the 14 'pprenIICeS. ThIS 1$ • Rne gmuJ'l 01 enthustullc, well eroomed mechamcs, m.ny of whl(h hive .lready a5sumedsupervlsory pos'llons AI our January, 1984, meellnl SIX new app.enllces WIll be inducted 1010 the loeal. They are Roberl L. Stevens, Thomas Pletcau, D.vld Verche.eau, M,· ch.e1 Du.linj\. DavId Golden, and David 8c;tty. lleSI 01 luck to anolher fine croup of fulu.e lour­neymen

Local 438 has ~n aCllvely eogapDl on the IBEW·COPE camp",n. wllh dona 11005 lar sur· pauml rrevioul ye~n. We hope to c:ontmue con· IfIbullnl 10 Ihu very Impo"am and wOHh ... hde aUK. Our finanelll secretary, Fredenck Nmlber· lei, WIll be wo.k,nl ddllcntiy 10 canvass .1\ of the members for the 1984camp"l1' endeavo., S,Dce thar WIll be an Impo".DI decllon year .


Local Celebrates 50th Anniversary L.U. 443 ji,o/Lmo}, MONTGOMERY, ALA.-On AUIUJt 13, ]933, Ihe chane. lor IBEW Local 443, Montgome.y, Alab,ma, was signed. On Augusr13, 1983, we held an Open House In honor 01 our !>Oth Annivcnary al OUr offices located at 33S I Arlanta Highway. The Open House Wa$ held from 1;00 p,m. 10 5;00 p.m., during whIch time we a]$O sponsored a blnod dnve and VOlcr registration, bolh 01 which were very successfuL Ref.eshments WCre $trved alonl with a huge cake bearinglBEW 37



Pictured is tht 50,h annivnury c.k ~ ul Lnca1441, ,'I1 ont BOmtry, Ab.


f rom It il to righ i, chant. m"mbtr W. A. " Bill " Bai lfY . BUlious '\b nager Ed , . Barn ti. no AI­JiUaD l BUI ;ntU "'lnSf:( R. E. Ranl om Wl lt h as Covernor Ctorgt C. Wallat f ' ;gnl Iht proclama­tio n.

local 443'5 emblem Ovc. I,OOOpcoplc !rum Mont gomcry and the su rroundmg ;11(1 Slopped by w pay m bulf 1001.1. 50lh bi rt hday We arc very fort unate Ihal we have a thartl" member living and HI vc ry ucellent hullh, Brothe. W A. "Bill" Bai ley, who '5 74 yean young. Coverno. George Wallace, OUt mancr of CfICmOnlU, p.tscnlcd SlOlher Ba.ley wuh I plaque from the local lnscnbcd, "To Brotht. W A " BIll" Ba,ley, In commemoration of SO yurs of dedicated and bllhluJ st.v,Ct 10 IBEW Loul 443, 1933-1983 "

Othe. special guesls commg by were Mac MtAnhuI representing L,eutenant Governor 8111 8axley, 81lly loc C~mp, Democrati c c~ndidatc for Congress, Don Slcglcman, sccreta ry of S t~ t e, Rep' resentative Charles Langfo, d, Mike Morgan, As· SIStant Di ret.or of Laborl Ht zlkiah Wagstaff 01 the Governo,'ss.all, Republican Mayor Emory Folmar of Montgomery; and Franklin lamu, O<mocrat;c und,date fa, mayo. New. medIa coverage was prOVIded by WSFA·TV

The " R.gh. ·ro·Wolk·' law fOI the st;!U of AI.· bama come,denrally has the Same annlvcrsary as LocaJ4.tJ . The law ",·as approved August 28, 1953 The " R'ght·to· Wo.k" Committee wanled Govel· 00, Wallate to de5lgn~tc the week of August 28, 1983, as "Rtght· to· Work" Weck, but he saId he could not do Ihal He dId proclaim .he week of August 22_111, 1983, OS !BEW Local 443 Week, whIch ,nd 'cates to me tha t olganized I.bor hu a h tt lc more clout wi.h the governor than thc "lIght· lo· work" ~ople

Here IS the proclamation " WheruI, In terna· tlonal 810lhelhood of Elcclllul WOlkels Loul Umon 44.3 hu always led Ihe fighl 10 improve .he siandard of ltvmg of all Alabamians, and

Whe!Cls, . housands of AlabamIans' lobi luve been los. 10 oUI-of'sla te workers, fOlcign Impan . Itt the name of "free Trade", and

Whereas. today " IS mo.e Importan. than e ve. 10 buy the p" ,.luc ts and serVICeS produced III Alabama and Amelica by Umun WOlken, and

Whdea., ,he mcmbe," of Internationa l B,o, h. uhood o! Elecm cal Worke. s Local Union 443 have

wo.kd to ensu re a Fau W,~~ and worklll, can dlUons for III Alab.ml'n5, and

Wht. eu, I, George C. W.IIl]c~, Governor of the SUle of Alabanla , WIsh to commend 18EW Loc,1 443 for tU CUlltlllUOOS dedlta!>!)n to Improve AI· abamllns ' stAndard of I,vlllg through ~nsu"ng fa ll W.ll~C Bnd u fe wo,klng condltlonsl

Now, thCldor~, I, Genrlle C Wallace, GOVCIIlOI of the State of Alabama, do hereby proclaIm Augolt 21-28, [983, as [ntern.llt;on~l Brotherhood of Elce· ulcallVorken Local UnIon 443 Week III Alabama "

Local to Celebrate 50th Anniversary

E j 8ARNU, B M

L.U, 459 lU,rmlkee) l, JOHNSTOWN, PA.- An· othel ycar has come and gone, .lind wi ll, II has come bad limes and ha ,dsh,ps. We can only hope th~1 1984 is .ll betlcr yelr We Ue suppr,scd to be seeIng an eCunOnilC recovery, bUI many Ife Un ' employed yet I would hope many of you wIll resolve 10 help our own by keeping our money" homc [f we help ou • • ulO Indusuy, and buy good unIon productS, we WIll help many to getttog back 10 work The male workm&. the bener off we a.e <lll the way a,ound

On the local scene, W~h GIll, our bUsmess managel, 15 uylllg to 0l'cn a beller hne of com' munleatron wilh uu , stewards He IS holding meet · Ings wllh Ihe steward, u a group and (neouragmg more meanmgful communrcauons. So fal everyone is pleased wllh the ruults, and tht bOllom linc is for all to scrve Ihe members belle. G"cvanccs arc mure complelt, r(:solullons ha rder to allam, and unlly IS needed He also IS trying 10 keep ,he stcwa"b mo.e Inln rmd nn uch step Ihe g"evance progrC5se. Also of In le rut locally WIll be the celcbrauon of oul SO-yeal an!llvclsa ry. There IS a commIttee fOlm~d \0 orgalllu the eV~nt, and wc ho('t II '~ n successful as .he mOrtgage burning was. W~ hIVe cvme a long way Slnte th~ local wlS chanc,~d, and have a way 10 go. Some of the gallls we have m.de we.c not euy, and fUlure gams Will be U IOUllh

I would al$O hope Ihat Ihe mcmbcl§ of Ihe local that ue no t ,eglsle , ed to Vut~ .... ould .esol vc to do so thiS year The pollucal climate of thtl country ,I changlllg fut, li nd mOle and male groups arc uS lIlg the" pohucil powel '0 g~lIl a be tte r contlol of thc" future AJ elli:cns, COnSumNS, and Ulllon members, we mOSt help 10 set thn our Ideals and goals ale strived fOI Everythlllg we gc' mu,. be worked 10'

[n dOSln~ I encoullgt all 01 yuu to buy OIllOn, buy Ament.n, and InVlle you all 10 allend the loc.I', ,egular meellng the fim Thursday 01 each momh


Scribe Says, "Let's Stick Together" L U. "7 4 \i,o,em ,rlb , rt~6.l pl ), MEMP ll[S, TENN.­Gleclings! By Ihe Ume thiS II p"n .ed wc' lI be cunklng up for electIon of officers' hope everyone condueu th~mselvC5 ugentlemcn or lad,es-mOSI of all ., Ulllon Brothers and SISleIS. We don't need to be duwnlllg OUr fello w memben. W~ ha~e enougb \fouble. With over 200 on tire books u I WI1IC thIS art itle. No IcJhng how many by the lime ,hiS IS pru"lled

M, Re.gan says em ployment ts bellcr th.n it has been m ycars Boy, hc's been looking In places thaI rieCtl ie lans don' t know any thing abou l. The law says igno,ance is noncuse. I "' isb he wouldn't make SO many ISIlolln l ""ements becaus<: wc' re ,II ~eUlng lIIed of hiS nculCI. Nelt yea l you will probably hut hIm uy "lr:IVe me anothe! fou l yean, you un't sualghten the economy and uncmploy· menl OU I m one tClm " Everyone knows hc huo't 5u llghtened Out any thIn, and I'm ahald he WI ll make It wo, se Think abou t .hl!-(lne of Ihe fint thlllgs he dId wu tv Cot Kvvn nment fun dllllJ on synthetic lueLs. As mos t of you know, we were 10 have a coa l ll~ s!flc"lIon plnnl here. Hi d thIS fo b gone we could have becn work ing Ilave le.s Instcd

01 haVIng ovel 200 local BrothelS and Slstc.slo<ll·

'0' Herc's hupln, we have a la rge turnout at oul local umon eleelion Allend your un,on mectings and above all buy Amen can·madc products. May God bless and keep you.

DoNALD RAY 8ocu , P .S

PEP Members

Area PEP PlembCIi appe.ring br lole Ihe ROluy •• Club of New yo.k, left to .ight, art Eugene D. Becken, pru idtot 01 New YOlk Rotary Club, Tommy Warren, pres ident 01 T. WIfUD, Inc'l Edd ie Wil~, . bus iness man.,el 01 Local . 79 , Beaumoot, Ttl ., aod B ' U Cf f i,kins, muagn, Regional Rt lal ioDl , Grnu. ' Eleeui ( .


lIubbard Eltctric crt ... on nt w Holidome, Holiday Inn lIoleL IIld Con~enl i on Center un 1-10 in Beau­mOnt are, Iell to right , Tommy Cooley, Stcve Graham, Clydf. Laird, Bill Hussey, Kenney Wilson, Lynn Wh ile, Allen Moyu , Phillip Wigstaff, and Larry Hicks lfo reman).

PEP Committee Productive; JATC Sponsors Classes L U. 479\1), BEA UMONT, TEX.-On October 18 8uJlne$5 Man. ge r Edd,e Wise and local bui ldIng COn tlll ctor Tommy Wartt_n were guts l. of Ibe Rotary Club of Ne w York. They Cltplainerl how the PEP Comm' ttee lPEP IS shOll for Pbnnin/4li Ecooomic P' ogress) was formcd m 1979 out of what was conSIdered a need for ,he labor peoplc and the bus,"u people of our community to work III h~lmony .ow.,d problem .,u s thai might have a damaging clfect on fu tu.e Industry 'fOWlh. Some areas t llcd Welt work 5Iopp<lgn, productivi lY, Ind ,ob abS<:ntee,sm

Brothe l WISe rdated to tht group rn attend. oce Iha, our local bUIlding tudes crafts have been-­doing a commendable job loward labor'. parr . PEP hu, upon dose InspeC uon, found scvcra l loslanccs whcle ploblems wele IIlced to managemen t. One instance whCle PEP interceded III problems on a loul powe, plant , by opening lines of commum· cation be tween labo r and management , ac tually saved the pub lic applolt lmately $60 mIllion by having the p,oblem areas solved and complet ing the power pbnt on u me. The FIn.ncial Newf!'ll Nelwo. k tam ed the taped Interv ieW which was synd,c<l.ed nallon.lly to more than 200 S!:l t ions .cross Ihe United Statu

Sevc.al of OU r sm. ll fobs have recent ly bun comple ' ed wh 'le no new lobs of SIZC have broken. A few commelcill lobs have been lei but no large Indu"".[ lobsia lcly. We have lever. 1 [oc.1 mcm· bers On the ou t 'Of'W01k hooks al prCSenl. An · nouncemen ts of Ihe Dig Hill Projec r arc Cltpcelcd) soon The, e il WOld that TUlto mighl begin

u pansion 01 the I'o rt .... lIhu/ Pl.nl neXI YUI. The local / .... TC wlll5poniol twO instrumema·

tion d.nes beginning In !.nu.ry. The lnillal . e· 5ponse hn been Vet)' laYIlI.ble .u I~ . The lu.;"l newsleller will advIse: the membership ol.n)' new

t coursn beIng offered by the ' .... Te in the lutu le DAu MI~~(I\, P.S.

Open House


Local 480 Holds Open • House, Fish Fry

L U. 480 [ilh m), J .... CKSON, MISS.-On Sauuday, Novembe. 5, 1983, Local 480 held opc:n house 1I om new !rJlnlDl': eenlcr The complelion 01 the traInIng eemcr was In evenl we have looked 101' ward 10 since our new h.1I was completed In 1979 Thc new I"inlnl': eentel'. outSide a. chltccture IS designed to complement Ihe h.ll which Is located . cron the SlIeel. The new traIning center has loul la.ge cluslOoms and I 70 lool )( 65·fool shop

.... which comains equlpmenl lor welding, mulOr cnn· n ols. electronic (Icml·cunductutl. Ind rl'frigtra· l ion cou.ses. There IIrt turrenlly 128 nuden" including apprenticn and jUlimeymen

We were honored w haye lIi1ly lor Cron, IUle d, rcclOr 01 Duch Unllmllcd. n thld chd, and ou r very Own TraYls W,lHcr as au ,,,.nt chd. They exhibited Ihdr prUyen know ·huw in the cooking of 250 pounds of ea,fhh fllel~ and luns of hush

• pUPP'CS fOI a IOIlI of approxlmalciy 430 people whu urn" by d .. "", t],~ I", .. ". ul 12.00 """II through 600 p m In Ihe everung


.... mong Ihe hono. ed gUC511 wcre Claude Ramsey, p. esldcnlol M/uisSippl .... FL·CIO , Wilh,m WlIght , rcp.e$<"nlllLve of Congrt5~m.n W.ynt Dowdy, LInda .... Idy. John Reeves, ,nd Emmell Owenl. nndidalu lor 51ale .epreSenlallve/ M.ck Conne.,. I .. , Ifate represcntallve 01 the Dureau of .... pp.enllce Tram· In&. Billy Hlrh. arr.rn"rr~hlpd"rrl"', l .or.aI99.~, !blon Rouge, Mcrldlth W Tllum, chaptcr managcl of NEC .... , J.ckson D,Y/llon, attorney lohn 5ulh· van, Sr., and lepreSentaILYU h om Bechttl Powcr Corpo.a"on, Port C ,bsun, M'lI,nlppl

We a.e vc. y proud uf UUl new faCIlity and would be dellghled \0 show ~nyone around whcn in OUI IrU

C"U Ihl)PJ('l, PS

I Market Recovery Program I Formed

LU. 494 (l ,em,ml,rt&lh pal, MILW .... UKEE, WIS.­The folluwing i, e~ce(pl e d flum an allic le wrillcn by BlIlthcl Don Sta lu fOl our uWn IOCMI p.pcr, Ihe

.. RtI~y We letl !lU I thut lTe lOme of Ihe Sleps

.. necen.ry 10 lurn Ihc indu, ,,y around. I .... nat lOnwide Mli lkel RecIIYc.y I'roM.om hu been

m"laled by Ya riou, IBEW 10(,1. th .uughout the COUntry in CUntUnClL on with NEC .... chaple rl In Ihclr .e'ptelive ueu. Loc.ol 494 hll become in. ..... IH..l II. Ih'5 progra m bec.use of lIS go.] to.eeure more: work fur our union members in Ihe conn ruc. lion mdust ry Meelings hn e been held on • 10(.1, Slale, and S,xlh D.urlcl level m Milw.ukee. M.d· ,son. W/sc:omm R,pld" and Chiugo.

Some of the d'scusslon 1\ Ihe Mllw.ukee meet . ing was on how you mOUYale the journcymen to ' mprove the,r knowledge .nd , kill . Ind to keep abrust of Ihe ncw technology in all . indullry Thll is • sellous problem Ihal mu\t be dul! with and solved

The fo.hd,son meeting dealt wllh prupuuls Ihu would give the Ulllon conUaCton a beue. ed,e m dealing wuh Ihe nOn 'UmOn elemtnl ThiS m.IICr was also dncuued at olher meetln~ '

In Wi5(:on$ln RaPIds thc parlln.greed III "pon abIlity," contractor's empluyed crO\l!mg local union jurisdlctiunal bound3rICS. The contractor mly lend one man pcr job ACrO$S lu,,!!dlctlOna l buundadu and IWO men On a se.vlce lruck 101 l eryice work for nOl longer than Ihlce daYI

In ChIcago. Ihe dcle831el hco.d reporls frum !HEW locals and NECA Chapte.s frurn llIinol" WIsconsin. Mmnesola, Indllna, an~ Michigan

Probably Ih mo" Impollant evnduSlLln made al I[,~.~ .a"u~~ 'UCCII"!;' wh 11o1L1 '],c , c ~Ie II

number of p. oblcms 111 our elccnicallndusuy Ind Ihc un'on and Ihe conl/actun mun become "not adversaries" but "pallners" in the 'OIUIIOn of these problems

Markel Recoyery P.ograms are hIgh on Ihe .gCotla of bUlldmg trade unsons, 1$ Ihcy conllnue to com· Inl the 1051 of lobs 10 open·shop evnl/.Cto.,. We WIll keep you mformed nf IUlUfl' prng'r ~~

On the brig.hIC' SIde, our book 11 mOVIng. Well, maybe movllll': II tOO sl/ong • word- willollhng would be closel In Ihe pUI two months we h. ve sem oul 32 members from Book I, bUI there are 511 11 142 on Ihe book

.... NDd C"WIUO. II 5.1B R

Members Donate to United Campaign L.U. 49' [u1. DES MOINES, I .... . - Ftnm CounCIl Blufh III Oskaloou. Iowa. a record number uf Local 499 Brothen and SIsters cunmbuled to the 19113 Umted Camp.lgn. Thanks III all whu rupl)nded

On rhe eycnlOgol Novembe. 4. Ihc .... llnu~1 Del MOIOc5 Fall Pan y was held at Ul11un headquanc", This yea. Ihe party honored clectric and gas ap ' prtnl1ces and Local 499 re tlrces. Thank, to Ihe committec for urganizlIlg Ihe pa.ty. pallitularly James Thomu and lury Palmer

BUSIOC$8 Manage. lerry Dun.gan u.gn all Local 499 mcmbeu 10 a\lend luwa political CIUCU8U In February. Wah our Involvement we can mike a ..l.H~.cucc .1 Ibe flUl]' III Nu.~."b.:,

J""[~ Fr17{.IM"U). V P

Award, Prizes Are Highlights of Meeting L U. 500 lu1, S .... N .... NTONIO, TEX._If Ihcre il one un/on meellng Ihat all of ul .hould hue IIlended. 1\ was Ihe Decembe. meet mg. It was. time 10 PUI as,de au. p.obkmJ md Struggles Ind Conecnl/ate on a happy fellnwshlp wllh Our Idlow B, olhers and S,s.ers ..... ierVICe aWild, a\lend.nce pnzes .• nd grn •• dreshmcnl5 we.e Ihe hlKhhghlt of Ihe ~v~ll1n&

.... 40·ycu IBEW se.VICe pin was awarded to Danny Crassel by l' rnidenl .... ndy Ruffo. lllolhel lack Lacey proudly spOk~ of Ihe many accomplish m~n" of D~nny dU'lng h" II yu.s IS trcaSIIICI of Ih,S local. By Ihe way. Danny WIll rel11~I" 11 CPS a whIle longer. so do nOl hC~II~ te to ~IYe h,n) a pcrsonal congratulation

Thc Dccembt:r mcellng would nOI he cumplete wi lhuul 3l1cndal1cc p.izes .nd Ihe lucky w;nncu Wefe Damel Altmeyer. Danny Cabrlal. Tomm y Withels. Clnrence Shodrutk. Norm~n lurdan. IJlrnc Cutierrtz, Juan Vala"'!uel. Ceorge ..... u mb,de, lesse Rod"qun. and Flurentlno La.CI

The Ref,u hment Commlllce composed of .... ndy Ruffo. Charles Carlu lh, Max Hernandez, . nd Ray Klug did a g. cat 10b of p.ovidlng. food splead Ihal satisfied Ihe hun lut of Cller ...... lso thanlts 10 , he folks who pllched in to help mike: 1\ • nice evenIng of ple.Slnl lellowlhlp.


Work Together to Solve Problem, Scribe Says LU. 505 (itIL01, MOBIU!, ALA.-I don 't need 10 tell you.ll limn arc hard all over lIgh t now. bUI we mus t not give up the flghl 10 repInthedlgnily .nd condition. we have had 10 "Ye away 10 make UI competltiye wllh Ihe nonunlun elemenl We 11111 have young and old members alike who .re WIllms 10 work .nd make ou, local union some· Ihlng 10 be proud 01 We h.ve our problems IU5t hke nery other o.ganiUlion. HUI Ihe only way to solve Ihem is IU . dmltlhey e~"1 and do something about them In Ihol!, apPlclLlices. come 10 yotll local unIOn meeting. and learn the opt.ation and pu.pose 01 you. unIon. Your umon mu~1 haYe sOl1lcthmg pot lnlO II 10 rtcciYe ,umelhing out 01 it Never before: hu organized labor needed Ihe partie'pallon of ill members more Ihan now. We lie ligh ting for ou. Ycry sU fvI~al What mUSI youl offlccrl .nd info .. ned b. other members do 10 1m· press Ihe 5el100sne" of our polition m lodIY', construction l.bur ma.kel l We arc nOI eh.ng' ng wuh Ihe timeJ W~ mil" n,'n our wiremen 10 Ih~ mOSI adv.nced lechnlquC5 .long wllh mstrumen· lation, and .nylh,n, else that would help III III

.egam Ihe work We hne lost ov"r Ihe ye.". It If nOt an Impo55lble lask, lOSt a very dIfficult one lIut we mu51 uenflce nur mOil vllu.ble I5SCI, OUI sparc time, to PUI back 1010 our 10(.1 un.on .ome of whal we hue tllken out

II uddens me 10 .eport the dellhl of two of OUI brolher members. Brother Malcolm Rodger" • member sIDee .... usuSt 26, 1941. died October 31, 1983, and B.othel L R. Hunt, a member , IDee Srplembc. 21, 1941 . died November 19, 1983.

lIuy .... me .. un. buy unlOn·made clolhes, apph­ances. and aulomob,lu Soppo/l olher ]oc.l, lI1/k · ID, 10 achieye Ihe" standards of livmg Ind wages

DoN,UO L .... "AMS, 1' .5

Busl nu. Ml n'Ker Michu l J. Counihlfl, righI , of 1...00;:.1 508, Savannah, Ga., , h.ku hInd, with Geo.­gi . COyernOr Joe Flink 11."i,. Businen M.n.gn Counih.n u p.eued th need for pol iciu to h,. erun K.owlh In our indUi u iu, Plotcc t .... merican workfff;, th f i. jobt, right i IUd wo.ku,· hu hh .nd II lely.

"Open Shop" Contractors Arc Growing, Warns Scribe LU. 508 [itIL01. S .... V .... NN .... H, C .... . _On November 10, 1983. BUl lnn, Manager MIchael, CouDlhan and P. esident Waite. M Crawford and my,elf met wilh CoYernor loc frank Ibfll' 11 I luncheon sponsored by Ihe Savannah Chamber 01 Cummer~e DUling Ihe d,.cu5slOn th .. fullowed, the CovcrnOl strongly ,uPPulled ,ncreased po" , aCHyilY slfenglhcncd by new Rnd "n])'uv~d l.oyw~y~ ],UkJJl5 ,he S3"~nnah I nd Hrunswiek lIeas with large r ,hipPlnJl . rcas. Thh in (u'" shuuld have a lob· Slanlial g,owlh effccl in OUI IleI producing many con~ trueHon iob~

Doring the month of Decembel. 5011 mourned Ihe ..leath of II ruthe , WIlliam Brodeliek. llill wu.


~ '" '" w




Trout Ind Bill Tournamenl. Firll row, kneelinl, Idl lo ril hl , lie Fred Ryao ,nd lOP Chri ', I~ My'n ,nd '00 T., . Second row, ,undinl, .re Plul "'oorf, CUllt WIUln, Robert Ry'n, O ... id Lomb, lury EIIi., lerry Counihln, Tony P'IIII, lIiII Seoll, " y Whilf, ,nd lot: hili. Third row, It II 10 ",hi, Ife loho Sp.:nn, 0011 IIlackburll, Duke Lamb, TIlIlY Ed,uly. , " hn Skinner, limmy Sp.:nee, Larry Pipel, lim 0 011011, Sr., John Ruutll , Olvid '.rke,. Ind Ralph Ihrri •.

lood union member 101 41 yeau. Accordlnllo The BUIlders Report the dra mallc

powlh 01 Ihe "open shop" over the PUI decade doe'D 't h.ve much 10 do with the free enterpnst t .. dltlon of mnov.lIon, hlrd wOIl!.. 0 1 eompel1l10n Inlltld, It it the dllec i resuh 01, clldully c .. lted pl.n by Ament. ', blUesl bU5lDes~.tO underm.ne the Inlele.n of UnLon eleclnCllns, CIIJl<ntel' ,nd plumbell

Pen.Uun, cOnnaCI0l5 WLlh ,ood labor leI,,,on., Ihue to'po,ate ,L1nlS, worl",n, th,ou,h Ihe !lUll' neH Round T,ble. lie movmg theil huge con. true· tion budgen lo "open shops."

Aceonlms 10 Ihe EIlJlII~nIl& New,· RecOfd IENRt "open 'hop COntr.c tors lit hav.ng lemllk.ble . uc· Cts' 10 .n.lLIl& very \use p'OleclS, meludml • number 01 ml)or mdustrial iOM .nd II IUsl 4J power pllnu In the South and Midwest " As • rnuh m.ny UnLon con".ctor_lOme wilh deCidu of Sood I.bor ,ellllon_h,ve decided 10 lump on the union bU'''Il& b.ndw.,on. They do It by gOing "double bleuted " This me.nllhll, while conlin· uLnl 10 do lOme unIOn wOIk, they stt up "open .hop" .ub,ldl.ui«. By channehng captl.I.Dd work 10 Ihe., "opt'n .hop" subsidlanes, "double h.usled" conn'CIOlS slowly kIll Ihell unIon Opel'"ons .nd desnoy the bUlldmg n ade. UOLon. In Diliu 'or eumple, up 10 60 pelcent 01 unton conn .clors ale now "double b.euled," reportS ENR Some of the bl"uI union fi rm_Flour Corp .. W"ren Ihothel Co. Jl1d Arthur G. McKee &. Co._have gone "double brtastcO" To bypass unton hldnS hall. Ind Ipp.enuctship program •. cOO"letOIl "e sel ' ling up Ihell own non,uOlon Job ,efe"al servIces Ind " .. nlng pro,rams. All IhlS IS done, of courH, with Ihe .cllve sUPPOI! of the gIlD! corpora lIon_ mlnullclulell, lell.len, uuhue_thn make up Ih£ BUllnea,lI.ound Tlble. To,ethellhey stek Ihe .. me thmg, dell,ucllon of Ihe unions Ihlt repre · Hnt construction workers

Congratulation. on the b1lths of new bable. to B.othel and Mil Caller Harvey, BrOlhet and Mu Gerald Johnton and Brother and Mr, W.yne Yeo


Scribe Reports On Union Busting In America LU. SIIII"ua.$p'}. GLOBE, ARIZ.-As mOil of you know, Ihele i, • movemenl by m.nagemenl 10 Ihb Countll', wh.ch IS becomrng mCleaslngly mo.£ poPUli' , 10 limply offel the uOlon IOvolved a Hlliement, laced wilh take-Iw.yt, upon Upl ' ration of the current .veemeot When Ihe unIon does the only lhing il can do economically, Ihat it, go on ,,,,ke, the company sLmply goes OUI ,nd hire, ncw employees 10 repllce the ,uike" Wilh over 10 m.llion unemployed wOlkels In Ihi' coun· uy. Ihl' i. a vcry euy thIng to dQ.

What II molt din,eutng ahoUI Ih ls t.CIIC is .hll It belnS don£ wllh Ihe lotal approv.1 0' the p.esent adminL'''"ion! So much 10, Ihat Ihe "f(:.h," a.e becomlns Ihe he'OI aod Ihe union '''ike .. Ihe b.d

Ell '" We stem 10 have 1051 Ihe stl of vllues Ihll we used 10 have .nd lepllced Ihem wuh a new ICI . ThIS set "ys, " No matttl Ih.1 Ihe uPlon IlIuuled lor yells 10 IlIlLn Ihe beneflll, condl ' 1L0ns, and pay they wcre recelvmg, 10 helt wuh them, let 'l take Ihe money and run ThIS sbon · "&hltd .lIuude is becomlOK more Ind more pop' ula' every day '" Ihls country Comp.Ples such u Phelps Dodge, Gleyhound. and Contmental A,,· hnes are al the fo.efronl of Ih.s movement They don 't ,Ive I d.mn aboul theLl employen. 10 lon,ll IIlhey can gLve their dllee tou thd •• nnual .JlLsn Greyhnund '. chief executive receIved almost a 10 percent laLSe rn 1982. Phelps Dodge'. ch.Lrman of the houd, Geo.ge Munroe, .eceLved over $400,000 m "Ja"el ln 1982, not 10 menllon the IlmOSI half· mll"oo dollll' he receIved in bonusel, proAl ,har 111& .nd Sloc.k o ... ocrshlp pl.ns Irom 1978 10 1982 Yet , Ih~ compaPles m. iu lhllihei, wOlkers IIkr IUM"n"ll cuu In .... lts Ind beneAu 10 " lteep Ihem .float "

There seems 10 be onl, one answel 10 Ihll dilemma, SCI lId 0' th.t Cl h'ornl. carpelbager wbo now resides m thc While Hou. e And, while we'lt at il . gtl rid of those Inti -union, pro·bis busine5s congressmen who have. ,long with Ihe plesldem. (onvmeed th.t counuy Ihat 11 .s the "m" Ihml to be anlL·uo.on

The NLRB hu • pohcy thll requlICl Ihe lull live· member bn;rrd 10 deCIde ma!Ol Inuu Because of Ihc turnover 01 bn;rrd members ovel the paSI Kvelll years, thele are SOO malOl Usel IWllllng thell deCISIon Also. the board has Ilmou 1.300 un'.11 labor p"c"ce (Uti h.n,m,. When you add th is to the delays m.n'lemenl lawyers IIC e,ulmg by dra"ing tach case thlough lenSlhy .nd lOme· limes Involous hligallon, Ihe Bo.ld has become. 1001 10 deny employeu Ihell legal lights Inllc.d of Ihe luaranteC$ we thouSh! we h.d under Ihe L.bo, ·Man.semem Relallons Act

Who do you suppose eonllol, Ihe .ppotnlments 10 .hb boardl It Wat only. lew monlhl ./:o Ihlt OUI ,nod prUldent apPoInted. lawye. who '0" melly headed the \e,,1 depi llment 101lhe National "RI&hI" o· Work" Comm," ee 10 the stcond mOlit Lmpo"aOI loh on Ihe board One wmel complrU thIS to " lcttLng the lox SUlld the chIcken coop "

We cannOt Sland loul more ycars of Ron.ld Rcagan If thc WOlklDS peopleol IhlscOI.Intry ... ould m.ke thell VOlt" hea ld by VO lltll tn 1981, we ... on 'l have to



o..usla) Zeliff, '0" 01 Btlly loe Zeliff of Local SUo Sia Bfrolldi .. o, Cllif., WIS !funtl, oIe,,«Ito Ihe NII;o ... 1 Achievrment ACidemy Il llllu .ulhm.

Brother Jack Jenkins Retires LU. SAl {Ia.mol, SAN BERNARDINO, CAL­Greeungs from supposedly sunny Cllilornl. l

Con,lIlulaILons 10 Dougl., Zellff, on hIS leCenl eleclLon 10 Ihe Nallon,' Achievemenl Academy of JournalISm. He is a HOIOI II Barllow Hi&h School .nd LS currenlly the eduOI of Ihe IChool newspapel DousJu is Ihe IOn ofSelly loeZeiLff, I COnltruel.on clel lt 101 ConTd

WD. " Iaclt" lenltrnl, LOstall.llon and repall teChnlcLln, VIctorvIlle, .eured lanuary I, 1984, wLlh 21 V. yelrs of ..,,,,icc with ConTel I.ck WII mllilted by Loe.1 47 ,nd held membershLp rn Locil 1008 belo,e cominS to Loc11543. He was presldcm of Local 543 from 1964-1975 and Ic",cd as our bUlmess manage, from 1975-1980, From 1980 10


Silt of the new wI.ehoule in "' ,n lt Cl.

hi . relirement, he servcd 1$ a "ewlrd. lack i. liso . • pUI cha"mln of Telephonc COOldlnllinl Coun· ell " and • PUI plesldent of Ihe Independent Telephone PIoneer Assoc.lIl1on Congillula"ons, I.ck, on youl fClI.ement, aDd Ihanlt you 101' all YOUI dedlcared st,,' ICe to Local S4J Ihrou&h Iht years

We relrel 10 report Ihe dUlh of HOI.ce "J.ke" lacobs, •• adlo lechnicLln tn BlrlIOw. He WII .tII led from Ihe All Force and worked lor ConTel .. fOT 8 yea rs. He will be mLned by many.

Dudley W.lton, a Hne connrucllon lechnic"n fOI ConTel fOI 5 YUIS, was recemly ha.pitalized Thil is the 6,,, ume in hll J3 yearl of worltln, in Ihe Ielephone rnduluy that Dudley h .. taken ume off 10' .n Illnen.

Thanlts 10 lohn Bos"'ell, ehallm.n 01 Telephonc Coord.na"n, Council 4 and Metle GUe. bUliness mlnagel fOI Locl l 396, LIS Veg .. , fOI , very good ' counCIl meel LOI. 5ptalter Mari Iyn Tei telbaum "ve .n InlormalLve ptesentauon on the dUly of fa" rtp'tSentalLon

GIscit "GuGee" Peal', dau&hte l of Vlclorville ~rator Lori Peal', died recently II the ruuh 01 an accideol in whICh I df\lnk driver lurned ,ud­denly in from of the cal in which .he WII a passtnger. She was a 19821"duate 01 Vieto. Valley Sentor HI &h School and I stmi·fln.li" .n tb~ Callfornil N.lLon.1 MISlTeen.ge. Be.uty COnlCSt Our condol~nce, go 10 Lon Ind her !tmily. Pluse .emtmbtl, il you d"nk, don 't drive, It·, nOI only yoursel' thlt you place in jeopardy

Mameea hu • new warebouse which we moved tnto by the end 0' Decembel II WIlt hOUK 10.111· IIIiO<l.ud leparr, conJlruCllon Urne Clew lod sphe· ingL e.ble mamtenlnce, lelelYpe, eenual olAce In5l.1I.lIon, pl'PI .esults .nd Ihc warehoust olAce

No mOle ne ... , for Ih.~ month BAUllllA r RlcItEY. P .5.



Having Fun

• Brothers


P.S. Urges Members .... To Write In

L.U. 545 (i l!ltm!. ST. IOSEPII , MO._Smcr local 545 doci nOl reply 10 my repealed plus 1m infO/­

malion from the local mectings, I'd like for alJ the .... .ctlred mcmbtrs that .ud this aflick to wrilt III

call me. l eI me know whn and how you ale doing, mcludmg p,cturu

• I leave yoo wut. (IllS thought Apathy, ,he be­

ginning of tht end of a uomnl DoUG H OWARI1, P S

Locals Help Each Other; Negotiators Selected LU. 551 Il,o&.em). SANTA ROSA, CAL.-Glcet· Inp, Brothers and S'Slt'$, /rom In between the

.. raIndrops of nOllhno Clhfomra "(.hps an m · ve rse ram dance would be In Older bc:folc we shdc 1010 Ihe <>cun wllhoUI benefit of 1ha1 unhquake everyone's prcdlCllng

~ II 15 always a JOY 10 Wlllt about cumplc:5 of truC brotherhood No, connalY to some belIef, broth· erhood 1$ not dud. Loeal 442, Reddmg, Callforma, IS bemg hIt pamcularly h, .. d by the$e hud IRe ·

~ ~~~~Ctaoo:ht;~ee:cu~l na~rs~~!11:4~,C S:~~a~:~t~ Callforma, a local beSIeged WIth problems 01 theu owo. The Brothers 01 Local 340 VOId 10 scnd Local 442 Ihe sum 01 $250 pcr monlh 10 help sec them

r Ihrough Ihe" financi al dilflculties Our congra tula u oM and ulut~lio", 10 Local 340

for their exempbry ael of thoughtfulness and gen­erostty_ It 15 ICIS ILke thIS thaI keep brotherhood

I"~ a realny, nOl,U51 a word

Not 10 be OUldone by Loca! 340, our membershIp voted al the November mccung to duplicate the I conmbullon of $250 per monlh to Local 44 2_ Along

• with cash, we would like 10 aho scnd our smcerc w.shes, hopn, and prayers for bener times

By th IS wflllIIg, II IS hnped 11101 reeenily rClUed

BrOlher Russ P,c rc.: WIll be well on h,s way to a spredy recovery fr om heart su rge ry. Run', IIIge· nutly, mechamcal excellence, and leadershIp .bil· .UtS made him a real trihu te 10 our trade . OUI best wishtS 10 you. Russ

Speaki ng 01 rellrees, " I, al way, a plenure to See Ihe old IIme.s take lime out hom Ihell hvcs of lelSu.e and attend unton meellngs As well u the enloymenl of $ecm& the crus ty old facu of lorme. "eomudes In tools," we can "Ill benefil hom the ,-o.ccs and VOles of our "mole cxpen­enced" BrOlhers

The new Negoualln& Committee Will COn515t of Rtchud Cla, ey, Rlchud EdgmglOn. Alan Fe"'5, Do .... GOIha.d, and Patrick lennlnv Desplle Ihe excellenl men Jnvolved, we know Ihey Will nm have an usy ume of" We also know Ihat Ihe kst poulblc lob WIll be dnne

The.e has been 1~lk .ecently of Ihe frequenl "anacks" upon Republtcan pohllC5 and pohnClanl allq;edly made In \IllS newsletter The. eto.e, 10' now. 1 WI ll ardently attempt 10 p.evcnl my pen from aPPloachlng thIS area Ltl USle1 Ihell aC l ions spc.k 10. 1hcms"lves. II t llcd.)

Remember , B. othe.s and S's lers, buy Amcrtc.n, buy URlon, and suppOrt YOUt uRlon

S<.:QTI L. Gtm."'~J), PS Dow Ii. Gon.ARD, PS

State AFL-CIO Endorses Hunt For Senate lo U_ 55) [i,o&'em), RALE]GH, N.C.-Our work '"uaUon has not Improved The malonty of our .members a.c wo.kmg OUI 01 Olhel locals. Many thanks to the local umons thn have g.ven Our membe.s employment

Thele '" a lot of COnStruCtion gOIng on m North Cuohna, but mOSI of II " &o.n& non umon. One lob Ihat we had hoped 10 &el was Ihe Goodyear Tile and Rubbe. Company They Ue buddIng, new planl m OU I lun5<l.ellOn 100 p<crcem non uOlon

The North Carohna Stale AFL-CIO Ius endo.sed Governor JIm HUD! 100 $ena tO. in \984 ThIS is a Yny Important poilucal race for the wo. k.nIPcoplc of North Camhna_ 011. present SCnatOI, Jesse Helms, IS velY much agamu organIzed labor, and muSI be ddealed I u.ge au. memM.s and thelf famillU 10 . eg'SI •• and vote

Due 10 lat:k of wOlk there Wele not any new app.cnuccs mdentufed into the app.cnllculdp prog.am thIS yea<. au. apprenllce,hlp classes arc going very well The ApPlenticeship Committee, InSnuCtOlS, and app.couccs should be commended lor makmg our proglam such. SUcCeSS

Remembel to attend you r local union meeungs They are held the second Fttday of tleh month


Reynolds Metals Job Reopening L U. ~58 [i,o,u.Cl tY ,rtb.rt s,rm .!Upl], SII EfFIELD • ALA._Greellngs, B.othe.s. The bl' news In ou. lunsdicuon at the ume of thIS wllung IS Reynolds MNais Company's annOunCemenl of the leopenmg of a pothnc at Its Liste.hlll d.vISlon. ThIS i5 an announeementlhat we have watted on for quite a whIle, and we 're (enamly hopdu] Ihal '1 IS only the lip of the Icek,g of bener news 10 come

Recently, the Tennessee Valley Au thortly an­nounced a power rate reduc,,!)n 10 mdusuy 10 the valley, 10 Ihe fOlm of whalthey te .m "mterrupuble power" WIthout gomg IntO any glCat detaIl, Illope II w,ll .uffice 10 say Ihat we hope thIS Will give Reynolds Melals the incenll"e 10 open mOre pOI hnes to the near future

QUIIC a bit of construe liOn work , bemg pcr formed by local contractors, has been done on the Alloys SIde 01 Reynolds recenlly Rumo. has LI thaI even more wOlk WIll take pb,e In 1984

Though th. s newS Imm Reynolds IS certainly welcome, " .s clouded wilh the th,ealened d osing of the Reynolds Wife , Rod, aod B .. plant_ Several mectlngs have becn held On the subjecl, wllh Reynolds askIng lor malor concessions. It IS my

underslandmg now that Reynolds has a new pack· aile 10 p.esenl to laborl but as far as I know a! IhlS time, th ings arc JliU p.elly well up 10 the air. The Alummum WOlken arc liking the lead 10 Ihese dISCU SSions, smcc they have Ihe greatest oumbe. of members 10 be affected.

Work for our smalle l contraclors. with the u ­cepllon of Ihe Reynolds Alloys plolects, seems 10 be Ihe same We conSldcl th IS Sl tuallon to be qUlle bad when compared 10 Ihe volumc of wOlk we have perfo rmed In OU I area In the past We have had a few small P'Olects announced, such u a few mOld. and IUlaurann, whIch WIll certaInly p.o­VIde some relIef Howevel. we ale Sill] fa . from ploVldmg full employment for our membersh.p.

Perhaps 10 Our neIl nauonal cleclloos we Will gel a good, DemocrallC p.es.dent; and the workm& men and women of thIS nation wlil be ab le 10 have Ihmgs work 10 Ihell favor lor a change

Speakm!; of pollllC$. we arc p.uently 10 Ihe p.ocess of fo rming a Poltucal Action COmmittee B,olher Dan Kelley , local UOlon prcsldent, IS p.es­ently appolllung members 10 se,,-e 00 Ihe com­mittee. I'm very c~clled aboUlthlS commlltee and feel il WIll be a big plus to our local UOlon Afte. the cornrnlllCC gCt5111tO full swmg, II Will cenamly have a ttemendous mllucnce on Our a.ca, as well as St ~ lC and hopelully evcn naltonal, politICS!


New Apprentices


Hcrc are the W;UDU. of the AnnUli TUlkey Bingo w;lh Ihe;1 prizes_

Negotiations In Progress; Call For Solidarity L.U. S86[i,0&.em), OlTAWA, ONT.~Ou. memo bershlp had a good yea! wOlkwlSe, but now Ihat Wmter .s he.e, II WIll , as upecled. d.op con"der­ably We w,ll be back 10 good shape IhlS comIng .pnng and summer

All the proposal. to our new collective ag.eement ha,,~ been SUbmlllCd to the CCO and arc now in the prOCe" of bem, dlScuued and ap proved by the full commlllee. From all,epo.u, 1I would mdlcale thn the Electllcal Contucto'$' Associallon of Omillo has iOLncd IOgelhe. with olhc. outsIde fo.ces in tr ying to !Cmove hom our colleclive agreements a number of clauses, t wo bemg union ri6-hU and worktn6- conditions_ All agreements a.e negotiable, bUI Ihe union IIgh lS and wo.kmg con· 41


dlllons cbusts a.e untouchablu. Ou.ltJCal. u well u the .... hole Indusuy. hIS II "eat financial u penK. pe.&On.1 hardships, and con'.nuous stru&8Je over many, many yu., .chleyed Ihue •• &hu and condLl1onJ They arc nntl 10 br negotiated away In whole o. pan TheK tWO cbusu are the back booc 01 our coliectlye agreements. Without Ihue IWO ciausn, you haye no more UOIon

The Annual l"' tJCkey Tou. nament IS to br held In Pete.bo.oujl,h, Onlallo, thIS comln& March 9 and 10. Our playen arC now round.ng 10tO shape ,od looking lorw".! to Ihe comul I w.sh sood luck to Blolhen Bob ~hll, buslnus man'ger of Loc,1894 .nd all hiS membrnh.p In Ihell eodea yow to sponf(l' th.s IDumament II ukts • lot of peorle, lime, ,nd har.! work 10 put to«elhe. such ao evenl

"It " 001 the JIIII but the sleady golO& Ihll &ell you the.e"

By MilCh, ]984 we ,II should know .... h.~h dll(cl'on the CCO has laken In our quesl 1\ a nc .... collectlye agretmcnl I Ihould also menllon that as fa. back IS Noyembe., ]983, elgh' On ••• io construction lIadn Irl • pallClo In thc Industry that may Iud to a caule fOI dlSscnslon WLlh the lemamlng non·commlned tradu, as well" In the P.oYlnel.1 BUlld.ng and ConSilucuon Trades CounCil of Ontallo The« nC&OlLalLons wc.e con ducted In tOI.1 «Clecy from then membelshlPS. I, being. delegale on Ihe CCO, hcard only of thesc negotlallons hom Ihe news media aftel they .... ere conducted

Th,s conduct demonslI'les the m'Jor wcak· nuses that prev,,1 In Ihe P.ovlnclal BUI]d.ng Trades .nd COnStruct'on CounCil II sUlcly cannot be called &Ohdallty The ICl10n of these tlghl trades can onl, Iud In helplIII to dutroy Ihe labour 1lI0vement In all pans of thiS country S!lC'eeh" by these ume people cr, OUI " We Will not ~Iye COOCesSIOOS." " We Will flshl any such proposlls" Who lie .... e kldJlOII If we .re 10 survlye In OUI Industry .plOn m,n'gement Ind love.mlllenl" dC<:lJlons .... e muSt Rrlu clran up our o .... n Ict Thll mrans sohdanty amonlSt ourselves tVen at "cat s.cnRcts. This IS .... hlt Ihe labour movement WI5 bUlh on 10 Ihl. country

We now Rnd ourselYCl maneuvered and limited 10 the nta of bargaining Will Ihis put the ceo inlO' c.edlblhty gap with its own membeuh'p/ The CCO mUSI prescnt ilsclf with • posIi'vc lIU1ude .nd "ek a fllr lod cquitable collecuye a"eemenl 11.5 In .11 b.rgammg. Ihere muSt be .oom 10 compromllC. but compromise docs not mean eoncelllOnt

My faith In Ihe CCO .nd ItS deleg ... :s Icmams as St rong II (vel Th(y .... ill IUlely br .uted 10 this YU,I" ncgOliallOAl UI uS nOI br our own wo.tt enemy 10 thiS IIIUUle.

On a more ple.sant note. I .... ould hke 10 thank all the office .. of our local for their lime .nd effort at our annual Turkey BlOgo held on Decembe. I, 1983, It w" Igam a greal succes" we had a full house attendance,

AI our Novembe. &eneral meeung we Inlliated 21 applenllces In all the yrall that I haye been a part of thIS lQ(al, I can lIy thai 1\ hIS «rved me ,nd ,II my other B.Othels very well and 1\ Will continue to do &0 To aceomphsh thl ' 's no seeftt ,un pUt. hllie back IOtO .... hat you have tahn

OU t " II', jU11 Ihlt IImple "He IS only uempl f,om f.llulu who m.kes no effons "

Annual Old-Timers Night Held


LU. s's (1,,"0), OAKLAND, CAL-The .... ork piC' ture •• lull slow. we have 180 members out 01 work ,n Book lind oye. 200 memben OUI 01 wOlk In Book 2 The work Ihat is commg IntO the hall .f«1lI' to be all .hort duralion II looks like lome movement Will br tak.ng place on • few of Ihe blue. lObI soon. howevc.

On the bughle. tide, Local S95 held thell Annual Old Timell Nighl December 2. 198.1, .nd a ,lloud time wu h.d by.1I All the Ilrothers eligible 10 rCCttye • pin .. arted the n.ght with. 511·down d.nner at 5 00, and then the lest of Ihe membership

fOllled us at 800 for the relular uOion mecllng. The awards presentallon began lIound 9 00 Local S9S glvcs yu. ptn. and K rolls Itanm& wllh :z.s yells of membe .. h.p We stalled by Illl100ucmg the varIOus gue5ls, lrom Inlernallon,1 Viet P."" dent 'Ick McCann, and some of his iI.II, to rep .cscnut; ... es of SLIter locals around our area .nd lome of the professlOn.1 people involved III OUI renslon plan, health and welfare pl.n, law films, Ind Olhe.s that help make Local 59; the loc.1 th.a " 11

We slllled by prcscntmg pms 10 the 0lde51 members firsl S E. Toslef(ln. 70 YUII, L.N 'i.le vens, Mark Narron, and E I Boehmer. 60 yurs IBrother Nallon and B.olhel Boehme. each h.ve t .... o sons and a gundson In the local which m,kes th.ee gencullons lor each family!. Three \Sycar pinS were pluenled 10 lack HOIChk.s., H K ShoTt. and f W SlIlIwonh We also had , •• 4~ye .. p,ns, 47 40ycar pms, 40 J:;yur plnl, 38 30·year pinS Ind 34 lS·yeu ptn~. Conglltuiall..,n. to .11 the BrothelS. After the meeting wu ,dlourncd I buffet table wu SC I up and hquld rdrcshmcnu WCIC servcd, tben e,'crybotiy rtnewcdold Icqullntancc.s. reminisced aboul al! the old lobs .nd .... o.k,ng partners unlllihe wee hou", of the mornm«



Pictured il Blotbe. Ben RickeTt, Loc.1 616, Tit­ronto, Onll.io. who frcmtly retirtd fr om Unit 19, Guclph Hydro.

Brother Rickett Retires; Negotiations Begin L U. 616 (u,aS,5p>Arrl. TORONTO. ONT.-BrOlhel Bell Rickett recently .ewed from UnLt 19. Cuelph lIydro, Bert had been employed fOI OYCI 2S yn •• wllh IhlS ullIIlY. He was vcry actlvc In I.boul affai" and serycd u presldenl 01 LOCiI S"8, IlIEW, fOt «ven ytl.s and as • member of the union ExccullYC C()mm.ttec. He alto was ch.irmln of Ihe Cuel ph Unil and an Execullye Board member when they 10lned f>J6 in 1978. Bcrt was abo yelY aCllve In Ihe communlly and held HILOUI posl· lions The local extcnds best wishu for a long and prosperous rNi.tment.

OthCl news on Ihe loc.1 sc(ne the loc.1 is &tarllll up for negollllions Because of the PIOYlncll1 Re· Itralnt Program. the maloILty of Ihe ,,,eemenn Will expire In early ]984 ThIS WIll keep our buslnen manager and representallvCS ullemcly busy

In Scptembrl, Buslnus Manace. Lome Ban and Rene Rlope] , u ended the flut [BEW ADT N"lon.) Conference In V,ncouyel Ue ,Iso has been lookmg mto several bUlldmgs m the Toronto area thlt .re for sale. hopmg to find lometh.nll ,ullable for • future ofAce

Scribe Calls For Political Action


L U. 639 (l,oAm" SAN LUIS OBISPO. CAL_ BUSiness Manatcr BIll B.o .... nle is eneoulIl,n,ll our SU ppOlI for polnlcal candidates .... hlch will help org.nized labo •. after attending &uelll mfolma 'IOn.) meelLngs on Ihe plOl .nd coni <'If yar[ou, clndidllcs. L,bor is supponmg Waite. Mondale., candidale for the DemocT3tic Plrty for the (lfnce of pres.dcnt, Ind we hope, with your .uppon, to


Thi. i. Inolhe. piclure 01 mem~ .. tRjoylns Ihe 1I,,· B·Qut. From Iclt 10 .ight lit Conr.d Mi(hel. Randy Clark. Roy KclloU, Ind SCOTty McL.ughlin 01 Local 191, buett, Wash.

unsclI Ronald Rcagan, the llIott Inll·unlon pres- • Ident .... e have cye. had 10 the While Housc. and h'l anu·UntOO 5Iall.

We mu~. 001 fo.gel hiS anack on Ihe cannollen of the IlIltO" some tWo yelfl'go. Aod laday u 's Ihe ClCyhound Bus Lm" he'. Il")'Iog to break, and he II coollnulDg wnh the big ones hke Phelps Dodge. whose 2,JOO IlIlners snuck 10 luly .nd hayc been repl.eed wuh the noo·union Make no doubl .bout II, Ihe IBEW .nd the whole AFL·CIO lion hiS hSI to br smashed

This and much mOlc that Reagan h., done to A­hun labor is why .... e. as unton members, must luppon our leaders II the polls now, Instead of 1;lIIng back on our duffs say 109. " My tummy 's full now, I'll .... 01T)' .boUI Ihe anlL·UOlon leaden when I'm Ihe one out of wo.k ," Becausc then. Brolher,. II'S al .eady tOO late. ,111nk about Ibat II the elccllons. We must support our leader, in the labo. mo~emem and blck Ihem 10 their bId 10 thei. trad;tion·shanenn& polilical offenSive play • to Win forme r V,ce P.eSldeot Wlher Mondale II our plcsident. The Iction 10 this unp.ecedeoted move by Ihe AFL·CIO 10 backlOg I candidate for p. cs1dent 50 early only undeucoru deepening awarenus amons a bro.d l!lC'c trum of thc AFl· cia leadersh.p that only by moy'ng u one. as a whole, on c.llic.1 iI,sues can it hope to r(yclsc the dechne of OIpOlZed labor

BUJlne5S Manacer Brown.e has In the pan yurs .. eonunually warned UI II eve!'}' umon meelln& of whll's ID store for U5 by the Repubhc.n .dmln"· lIa"oo, .nd hc has beeo 100 percent eorreel Brolh-ers, he's dOlOg hiS homewolk., so len do oun and elect Ihe people that Will help us, not deslroy UI Those thlt vOled for Reagan 10 '80, now IS your chance 10 leve.« thaI m.$Iake tn 'g4 As redeTl"on PreSIdent Kilkland declared, "Above .11, we oeed unny .nd • sense of common purpose " And we now kno .... how many unions havc had to, aDd Ire sllll hlylng 10, g.lnt connact concessions inyo]v,

inC wage freezn .nd cutb.cks. Remembe •• our negOtllllon5 are com.nl UPI .nd our businus man ~ Igel can only show strength In netOI\I"Onl If he hu UOity 10 the membersh.p, which Is the IIrenglh.

Also, there'lthe ncw breed of man.cement con· suh. nt, bener kno .... n IS "union busier," 'gainll organ.ud labor who '1 having a huge IUCCCIJ keeptng employers union free or ndding them of union shops ,ltogethe. Legisla tive prioril iCl, such as mass.y( public wOlks P.Olccts . nd fob programs alC $IymlCd In Washington by the Republican ,dnlln.sllation working 'n concen wllh a cop·


controlled Sen~I~. I ~m sure, BrOlhers, you could add to what I hue written above and I am sure a

-- different st~tcment from each and every member would be no exaggeratlOn. $0 leI', all come to the a,d 0/ Our leaden LII the labor mOvement and get OUt and show organ.zed bbor's strength and sup ' p<Irt Walter Mondale and .11 candtdatu th.u will back us ,11 our 8ght 10 preserve our way 01 life, wllh unronrsm.

Now, 10. the ,ood news The NRC, by II VOle 01 4--() LII WashLII,ton, has yanted Drablo Canyon Ihelr low.power lUI hcense so Ihey can load fuel III the plalll and hegLII teULII,. We, who have worked so many yealS al the plant, lie happy Ihat we un perhaps now, ahe. all thue yun, sec the

~ fTUlIs of ou.labo. and sec Ihe planl in full ope'alion this yca •.

Have a Happy New Yea, and lct', makc thiS the safnt yea r of OUT lives. Afte r all , if you 're d.ubled,

.. 1I hurts your lovcd ones much morc than you.

The.dore, don 't only look OUt lor YOUT own safety, but hrlp to look OUt lor other •.

Remember, push your COPE lick"" STAN GMLANI), PS.


Bueky Miyolld, fon of Gary Mayn. rd , mem· ber of Lonl 640, Phoc­nl.l, Aril., in OOt 01 hl l m.ny (Ompttilivt wlenlia, . lIncu.


Ud by BUJintu Manl,cr Dick Weiland, mcmbcli of Loc.IUO , how whu ,olldarity mnn, 10 them.

Local Active In Community Services

.. L U. 640 li,u,em,rlb ,llI&'ip'l, PIlOENIX, ARIZ.­Once aga.n the holrday se.son has come .nd gone By the time thIS rudIn, geu to p.ess, we w.1l have well started a b.aod·new year wllh hopefully more

~ wOlk lor the Brolherhood than we havc now W.th the uo,on·buslLn, antlcs by Phelps Dodge, Conti· nental A"hncs, and lUSt .ecently Greyhound Co. porallon, II IS f",hdul to thmk about the future

Jo of org.onrzed labor At any r~t e we aI Local 640 ehose to suPPOrt OUr

fellow unron Blothers and Sluers .n Ihr m.lllng lowns of An;ona by connibulln, money and food 10 theIr Rehel Fund Along w.th otlre. membe.s

"... of vanOUS UIIIOnS, we plan on ,howmg these luge I corpo.ations Ihat JolrdaJlly IS Ihe key 10 the ul·

vauon 01 o.ganrzed labor Ou. mien lion IS to show the med.a and Ihe gene.al public Ihat Wc d.d not

· .. achIeve a standa.d 01 livlIIg that we are ICCU~I<.>mcd to w"hout the hdp of collectlvc bargauLlng I believe anyone who feels he could havc done bellcr on h.s own .s very much nustaken

~ Tradilionally, our Community SCIV,CCI Com· I mlllee has once a,ain had liS yearly lood d.,.·c w

contnbute to mo.e th1n 75 needy fam.lIes Ove.

the Chrr$lmaS season Many thanks have to be ,iven 10 Ihl' commlllce ,mce many hours 01 time and prcparatlon arc g"'en by IU membe.s to make cha lL t~ble deeds Irke !h.s one a success. Plans a.e .lso In Ihe makmg to donate labor lor Ihe const.uc tron of a chu.ch for a needy pamh I would also Irke 10 extend my congraluialLons 10 Brothel Enc Copland, whose personal dedlCallOn to help Ihe VIC"mS 01 thc p.esent Phelps Dodge crISIS has been very reward.ng

It IS always very warmmg 10 hu. hom or about local BrolhelS who chose w .elocate III other IIUS

of the country. Recently Brothcr Bob Robertson returned 10 Ihe valley 10 5pend some p,eclous days wrlh hIS a.irn, lalhel Unfollunately, Bob's dad paued away afte. a lengthy fight wllh cancer Brother Robcrt.onldtlhc v~lley alter hrs doctor 's orders aboul five yean ago and dec,ded 10 scllie III Ihe Seatde arca Bob brought wllh h.m news of othe. 640 member!! such u Ron Bruer, Roge r Clark, and Dan Colme. who have also made new homes fur themselves 10 the Slate of Wuhmgron It IS

alway. nrCe to heal about au. fellow members and any such news and plctur., would be well appre· Clated. Good luck 10 all 01 you fellows", Ihe fUlu. c. Always rcmembe. you a.e Still a gue5\ In

another man's local, and .... e trust that you will aCI accurd.ngly

My pelsonal congJalulalLons a.e e"lended 10 Brother and Mr,. lod Wheeler on Ihe .ccelll rna, rrage of Ihe" lovely d~ugh t e. Glelchen This 5tUn nm, bnde became Mrs Seoll Keith on SlIIurd~y, November 26 AIt~r ~ delrc,ou5 caleled dmnel and some versatrle mUSIC, Ihe h~"py couple left for • week's honeymoon vaeallon m HawaII Gretchen IS also the granddaughter of B.other E"I Wheeler and the nrtte 01 Dave WheelN, both lon& I1me members of Local 640. The hospLlable and happy pa.ents pl.yed hosttooverlOOlrrends and relatives at a re(ep"on hdd at the local unIon h.1I after the weddmg

In the past I have enloyed ~harrng wLlh my leaders specral skills that ue possesscd by ch.ld.en 01 many 01 our members Th.s rs Ihe clSe of youn, Bucky Mayu.d the son 01 BIOthel and Mrs Gary Maynard Bucky at the age 01 e.ght YUlSold started LIllO a w. esllin, program thlll was eoord.uled by h,. fathe . , and eIght yea .. late. has pro, rened 11lI" one of the fine.1 h.gh ochool w.utiels Ihe nue 01 Anzon. w.ll eve, see. Th.s young lad hu won tuurnaments all over the country, as wtll as con s!andy b.eakrng .ecords III h.s Own d.vlS.on helt at home. A )UIllO! III ThunderbLld H'gh School, here Ole IUS! a few of the mles that Ihl S younJ;stel proudly enIOYS: five I1Inu Anzona Stale ChampIOn rn G,eeo·Roman and Freestyle, second rn the West ern Zonts CompetLlwn in Calilornra, agam G.cco· Roman and Freestyle, first .n Ihe Western Zones Compcullon III Calilolll" III 1981 , nluonal dum· p.on III 1981 III Lrncoln, Nebraska, whrch conSIl

tuted the GJllndnallOnal! III Gleco·Roman, second in Greco·Roman in the World Team competLlLon 101 198] As • freshman , hc w.estled on the vaulty learn at Thunderb"d, wh.eh .s also a TTlpkA Khool rn athlelLcs. ThIS h51 IS endless but Ihe !!aml1ts speak for themselvcs. Bucky, on behalf 01 myself .nd Local 640, I SLncerciy congralulate you and Wish you .he beSl of luck.n your wresthng careel

Well , I sec I've about run Out 01 sp.ce SO I'll elose a,am lor anothe! month w.shlllg eve.yone a prosperous and healthy new yea. leI us all mee. II! .he un.on meetmgs, and above alllet's nOllor,el Our .etlled membe.s

B.M.iF.S. Cites Duties Of Office L,U. 6.7 luI, LlTILE ROCK, ARK.-Occas.onally I am asked ~boUI my dUILC5 as the buslIlcn manager and flnanc.al secre tary 01 OUI local , therelore, I have summa"zcd moS! 01 the dUlLcs. They a.e nOt neccssarily lbled III order 01 prrorrtYT but natu rally, \eg.1 requ"emcnu must have fi rst priO!L!Y. Re qurremenl5 by the Jmcrnallonal Office lit neXl, and .mernal unrOn m~lIelS are lan, WIth the ex ceplLon 01 gnevauccs Gncvances must be gIven I1 rSt prrOflly along wah lulfillrng all the leg~] oblrg~ l ions 01 a labor organrzalLon. In o.der to dfeclLvdy evaluatc how well someonc pcrfo.ms a ,ob, the person mU!1 first unde. stand whlll Ihe ,ob IS When I fim took office, I dJd nol fully under · ,lind all Ih~, WI! lequued, ~nd J assume most members arc lUSt like me

The bUSllle51 manager/financul sec.etary must marn"," .e(ords ~nd file reporlS to fulfill all the .cquuemellls 01 a non·profil o.ganrIa.ion, plus all lequ"emelllsol a labor o.ganrzalLon ThIS .ncludes maontaonong a irS! of members, theLl dues pay menu, collecl1n,lt .he IntemalLonal ponron and lorwardrng II to Ihem before the IOlh 01 each mOlllh , adm.nLStr~"on of pensIon bencfi.s lor " A" memhers, p,epa"n, vouchefs 101 al( upendLlLlfu 01 unron funds , rndudong sal~"es of all officers, members who d.aw .. lary lost from Ihe company whrle on un.on bUSIness a~ a dclegue 10 a conven ILOn, labor school, steward trllLnmg semInar , Or rn COl1ncction with a grievance o. 2rb.traILon, etc

He muS! allcnd all mcelLngs 01 the local union, its ExeculLve Iloud, the .egular meellngs 01 the !'eut Jean Electnc Unll, and LIs Execuuvc Council, Ihe 121h Drstrlct Progless MeelLnJ;, the Uulrty Confc.encc, and the Internot.onal COn\,CnILOn, and se rve as a rnember 01 the AP&L and PJEU Nego' liatrng Committees Also, he IS e"pecled 10 travel the lu"sd.clLon 01 the local unIon. I m.ke a Inp each quane., holding rnformallonal meclLngs rn

- --------- ------------------------------1


Address CHANGED? Brothers and Sisters, we want you to have your JOURNAL! When you have a change of ad­dress, please let us know. Be sure to in­elude your old address and please don't 'orget 10 flU in L U. and Card No. This information will be helpful in checking and keeping our rec­ords straight.

" you have changed local unIon., we must have numbers 0' bofh.

NAME . ,. ,.,""" •• ,' •••.••...


s, ... lip Code

PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO ....... "., ••••••••.•••••

CARD NO. , ...........•..



City ..................

Stile Z.p Code


Mail h : Circulation Department lnternatlaul Bratllerhaad .f Electrical Workers 1125 15th Street, M ,W~ Washington, D. C. 2000S



u.ch oIlhc local 's Rve ,eo,r~phle dlvislons_ TOI~1 milu!c 101 onc complete 10uDd IS appro:lImalcly 2,600 mlks

He mU$! negollale lease .,rerments 101 ofllce sp,ce, equipmcnt, aUlD, etc., and arrange 101 m,on' leD,nce of buddm, and equlpmenl, and oblam insurance covera,c to protcet the local union.

Thc busiDCSS m~",gcr/finJnclal secrelary musl also mVeil Il/Iy excess funds nOI t""ing used altel monthly expenses, to insure Ihe most return. When I look office in April of 19110, wc were two monlhs behind on sending Ihe International Office Ihell part of the dues, because we did not have enough money tOOPClaiC. "he money we did have invuled was lied up on a seven·yur cert ificate and Ihe IIlle le" WIS being collecled and SpCnt 10 pay Uptn5C11 IherclOle, We were nOI gaonln, anYlhing. I wu lorced 10 withdraw the $.avmgs and pay OUI b.lIs, which resulted 10 a heavy penalty 10 Ihe bank, bUI we arC now in sound financial condlllon. Our net Ananelal gam, oncludl", mteresl received. fOI tbe fiscal year ending lune 30, 198.J, was over $30,000, which wIll allow U5 10 stan an insured money lund Ihould we ever need 10 prov.de Slnkc

benefitSlOOul membeu. Repolu mUSI beplcpared, monthly ~nd nmually, and prescnted at each mcet­mg of the local and Ihe Executive Board. The Iccord, mU' 1 be audlled al Ihe end 01 each fiscal year

The busine,. managcl/ /lunclil sccretar}' must cooperate wIth othcr locals and the Internalional's Utility Oep~lIIncnl 10 exchange of mlormation surveys ~nd lubmil a ,ummary repon al the end of each negollallon IU the viee president of our diStrict. He mu't obtain bid, fo r new contract books, o r supplemcnl5, and distribute Ihem locach member when printed Hc mUJl continually sludy the IBEW Constilu"on, BNA Umon Labol Reports, our agleement and bylaws, grievance gUide, and other soulcn of Iniormallon to be able 10 proYlde sound advICe 10 the members and protcCllhe ny,1S and .ntegrilY of Ihe local TIus li51 15 Incomple.e, but III I have space 101 in Ihis anicle . Other dUlles of Ihe buslOus manager, finanCial secrelary, 01

olher officers of • local union can be found m Arllde XIX of the Con$lllutton, Qr QU r bylaws.

801 Moo,,~, P.S.

New Officers Elected; Building Committee Formed LoU. 649 (l,o,u,III ,spa&utv l, AL TON,ILL.-ll has becn some I.me since anythmghas been mentioned aboul Ihis local, but Ihcrc haH been many thmgs happen.ng since the lut word reported.

Thc month Qf June brouy,t aboul Ihe local 's eJections Almost all of Ihe elecled olllcllb arC newcomen Congla tu!auo", to Brolher Cary Walker , pruldenl, Brolhel Phtl S,UOn, VIce pres· Ident , Brother Roben Whitlock, bUSIness managel, Brolhcr l.m Hememann, reluming as recordmg seeletary, and BrOlher Jack Tueth (feUUlel. Browel Whillock has performcd dUllu previously, such as plC5ldent of the local from 1911 10 1974. Also 10 nOIC, IhNe hive been many changes m the ElIcc' ut,,'e Board personnel OUI IUPPOI1 goes 10 the Blolhen as they carry OUI Ihell dUlies

Blother WiJ]lam E. Falker, !ellnng business man· ager, ha decIded to bring his local e.r~c r 10 a dose and go A!hlng He i5 WIShed a long ~nd healthy rClirement

OUr new admmlSllaliun has been busy. During the month 01 August , local olAcers and Exeeuuve Board members attended a two·day leadelsh.pdan al the hall The dassts were provided by the Imemallonal Olllce and conducted by Howard Mort'land, 1IItemailonal Reprcsc:ntauve 01 the S.xth Dislncl SI~ff The pu~e of Ihe class Wl5 10 Inform local umon leadell of Ihe comIng changu III the futule of the IlIde, conducllng uial boards, handling grievance procedures, and conducllng union busmen in the proper manner.

Seplember brought an arranged meeting belw~en Ihe local body of wuemen and hnemen and La"y Lawlcr , adm.nistlalOl of the IBEW·NECA Health and Welfare ln5urance !'ros .. m. The mceun" aJ '

rang~d by Ihother Whitlock, gave the wiremen an opportunity to discuss the program III depth wllh

Pins "="",....,.... .........

KMtling, Itft to fi l ht , al ~ 35·yu r !ccipien" , ~ .dc n , W, Slaten, E. Klamer, and II . KNle l back row, lelt 10 right, Ire R. Wuthcrholdl , L. Noblc, E, MannI, C. llion t ll, O. Doyle, C. Maguirc , aDd II. Muhus.

Mr. Lawler Mr Lawler uplalDcd Ihe linanctal condlllon of Ihe lDsuranee ploglam duc 10 Ihc hIgh unemployment Th" caused some coneelO 10 Ihe .dmlDlsuauve of Reels, and the officers dttlded on ~ few .mmedllif changes to help nsc the 5tllOn on the money IcserVes of the IOsurance plogram, AI some nl the Brothen coveled by this msutance proglam lound OUI qurckly, one of the changes madc WI! the IIllInll of the deductible portion QI thc rnSU raneC on maiol medicall rom SIOO .o 5100. M!, Lawle r also look qUCSllons from the floor penaining to individual claims made by Ihe memo bership. It was ve ry in lormallve, 10 say Ihe leasi.

Brother$ Walke. and Whitlock . tl endcd .he Sixth D,striCt Proglen Meeting held In Traverse ClIY, Michigan, on Ocwbcr 13 and 14. V.ce PrcSldenl Conway ch,"cJ the mtcllng, keeping Ih.ngs very mformal The meeling leponed the !lUU5 01 Ihe cOnStrUCllon, Ullltty , and manulactullng blanches of Ihe IIIEW

UOlon ElectriC hu !lulied IhcII ncw two-yeal COntract .g.reement . The Olhcr piants have thell conll3CU eomlDg up 10' negouallODs More on thn u thIn" prog.e5$

Tbe Coal C.t.Srflcallon and Lock and Dam Prol' ects lemalD the b'lI lobs so fat and are still go.ng slIong Ihus far

As many membe., 01 the local know, a BUildmg Commutce was selected by PrcSldent Walkel , Mcmbcn now scrvmg Ihe Commrttee arc Chalk, Yanccy, Union El ectric represen lative , Chuck Wagner, Olin rc prucntalivcr Larry CICCI, Clark Oil represenlat.ve, 'ohn Malloy, wireman appren· tice, Wayne Rohetn, wiremanl and Terry Wtlhite, wileman Prcsidcnt Walker called the AUI meelrng on Oct. 27, 1983 Prcsident Walker dIScussed an agenda the Commlttce m.ght conSIder Inllowmg, such as 10 what ordel Itcms m.y,1 t"" gIven alten' tion The prnenl condillon 01 Ihe bulldmg was Ihe biggcst COnCern The Commillee ducu5scd many oplions to prescnl Ih~ union body as 10 Ihe beSt po$slble movc 10 recllly problems beslegl", the hJ1l1I Ihe present lime. It was VOted upon 101 Blorner Milloy and 810lhtl Wlgttel tn share Ihe chairman'S dUlles The CommhleedeClded 10 meet on Saturd.y, Oerober 29, 1983. II 9:00 a.m. to make an insptctron of the hall . The rClults were plcsented 10 the body at the December mecling. More from the 8uildm, Commillec as Ihings de· velop.

IIrothcr Whillock a\tended a bu .. ncss lIlanager's mee ting on OC10bcr24 ~"d 25, 1983, In Champaign,

IIHnols. Vice Pruldent Conway chaired the IWO' day meCling.

One event that WIll Slick In evcrynne 's mmd .... will be the Membenhlp Pm Awards Plelenillion beld on November 4 , 1983, I I the Collage Hills VFW Hall. Begonning II 7,30 p.m., the regular monthly meeti", was conducled ilnt, wuh pin plcsentat ions and dinner follow.ng. President Cary Walhr led Ihe list 01 pin reCIpients in the order of years scrved. The pons were presented 10 each membel by Ilrolhcr Whitlock. On tOP 01 Ihe list with 40 yeau service wcre Blolhers 8m Downing and Bob !'rullage, wiremen. Olher recip.ents will be mentiuned at a larci date. The Ical plus gamed from th is mee\lng wu the attcndance 01 the memo bersh.p. At a latc i date, Ih.s local wtll honol the ret irces of Local 649 wllh a s.mlla. awards dinner. More 10 come nexl time

T£ .... y WCUIfTl, 1' .5.

Pin Awards

Recipients or lO·yur pin. wut, t 10 Brothers Oavc Canlpbdl , Gordon Rudd, Ir" Redmond, Ihrold Brtedlovt, lohn lIof/mn, Knutk, and Don Zimmer.

Local 673 Celebrates 53rd Anniversary

L U. 671 Ii,o,u,rrdup. j, PAINESVILLE, OHIO­Saculday, December 10, 1983, marked Ihe SlId annt~erury of Local 673 '. chaner tn the Inlema· 1I0nai Brolhelhood 01 EleClflcal Worken and an .. OUlManding reception was held at Ihe Normandy Pany Centel In lecognillon.

Corsages for the ladies and I conttnUllY ICStCI' flashhghl lo r brolher and , i$lcr members at the door sta lled an eventng of Kood 1O<.>d, {crrifie con· "CTsl l ion, music and dancing, a lillie p"tlical joking (jU51 uk BrOlher Mark Blanksl, and an overall au ra of brOlhcrhood and duerved pride tn our local union.

The parents of the gtlIduate apprentices, as gueslS, Icce.vcd the CQmpl,IDentary flashlight and Ihe Qpportuniry of leeing PreSident Ron Clangllcomo plcscnt the new 10urneymen thell ceruAcates from .. the Nallonal loin t Apprcnliceship and Tlllnmg Cummince

Presidenl C.an&oacomo 01150 awarded mCn! badges of honor fOI YUII of service to the foUowlng ... BrothelS: five yur_D~le Woods, 8ill Redmond, Oan Callo, Ted Daly, Cliff fennel , Cary Good· manson, Luke Hale, Ron Ham n c, Seon Hartman, Joel KDazek, Kuft Kmght , Milko Kristanc, lohn Parker, SteVe Pettus, Terry Wyse, Bill Hocrz, Ir., .­Paul Kallio, Mike Cilkelson, f rlnk Booher, Kent Morgan, M.chad Blnelle, lac Oav.dovlch. R.ch Caruckas,ll., ' crotne juill$kl, and lim Swanz. Ten years-Ed Heima, Di ve l'ludec, Bill lohnson, l im McCulloch, BHl Rensh~w , T.m Sukat, and Tony


Suhadolni k. Fiftecn year~Ron Adams, Bob Alex, Bob Atkms, Dave Cross, George Mansfield, Gerry Ondo, Aldo Pah.ka, DIck Poole, BIU Valen tino, and Harry Wmdle. Twenty·(lve ye"~BlU BIIIOI, Bob Ford, Bill 5afclk, Genrge Minger, Dale I'on er, and George Wai te' s. Thtrty yu r~Hafol d Breed· love, Dave CampbeU, John Hoffman, Joe Knnek, Joe Redmond, Gordon Rudd, Jr., and Don Z immer. Thmy·f\ve yea r~ChCJtel Freemln, Robell Bib· OOX, Raemon Buck, Dick George, Bi ll Hannum, 51.,

Carl Nosier, lamn Hosle r, Flank Mcehan, lohn Sankal, and Roben Covert. Forty YCl r~Edw.,d Alexandcr. Pluldent Giangllcomo thcn Icknowl· edged Brother George Hoffman, a ehaner member, who kmdly consenled 10 speak a lew word •.

Pl lor to any loell unIon extravaganu, whe the r It IS the picmc, clambake or chlnel pany, brother membcrs 01 the Ente rtainment Comm!l\ee spend many hours planmng nch event Committee

i-- membc" lan Echlc, Gary Gn<ldmanson, T<lm Gou, Dale Portc., hm Hnward, 5r , Bob B.eedlove, Lei Rkhmond, Daryl Kelsey, and Harold Riedel cln like deserved pride in coordinating an outltanding

• evening. Sec ynu at the next union meeting, until thcn,

suppmt U.S iob~buy American l JOHN NOAH, 1'.5.

I Donors

Local 683, Columbus, Ohio, member. gin blood during th blood drin.



BIO()dbank Commiltte membefl Ken Goldbach, and Bob Golden donor. It the blood bank.

Local 683 Members • Donate Blood

L.U. 683 II&'em), COLUMB US, OHIO-The Red Cross BloodmobIle wu lIl.uul6&J In November,

~ ~lthough bllXld donations were down from lut year, the Red Cross lUll appreciates uu. el/on s. Lucal 683 members helping with the bloodmobile werc. ChaI rman Luwell lIullon, Ktn Hams, Roy Goldbach, Bob Gulden, loc Melley, MarkGoldbach,

..... Sam Ealon, Ed Rowland, and Paul falk 1 The Local 683 2S·yul member' hd.! the .. An·

nual ReUnion November 19. The Ictlrccs Christ · maS lunchcon was held December J

We have several joulncYlllan sk'il ,mprovement dasses und~, way at thc prescnt time.

Work i, ~1l 11 tNnbk in Columhus, and we havc many 01 our members working out 01 lown. Loc. l 683 thanks those locab Ihat have been ~blc 10 employ some of our mem be ls.


Local Pleased With Arbitrators' Decisions LU. 69SIu). ST. JOSEPII , MO.-Our unum" very ple.ud wi th deCIsions gtven by "hlll'IUII rC­cently. Three g"evlnces WCfc flied and procuscd to arbitra llon in .n el/ort 10 lurn around policy changes Involvmg tranders .nd layoffs Initiated by In empluyer All thtcc gllevances have been suStaIned, mcludlng an 'Wit.! of back pay a llow anee in tWO of Ihe cases.

We still have !lOme members Illd off Hopefully the new hOld unde r construCllun and sueral Ie · modehng lObs w,ll 'mprove the ,"uatlun lor UIIS wcJluoul Brothers and Sla.ers III the eon,lIo"lon Ind mlnufaelunng ends

OUlloeal muurns the pantngul severll members recently. They Include Bruthers Ilaro ld Fleshman, Robcn Berkshtre, Ed RlChmund, Vern Holt, Joe Andes, Ilalold IIrown, Nelson Pele""n, VIIK,1 Kem p, A! Bledsoe, and 1I0b Thomu

l.me steward MarVin Brown hn been dec led prnidcn t of thc Lamplighters Club

T~o.,. SWtNnLn~. 1~, H M/f .S

Local Work Scene Remains Unimproved L.U. 700 (I,o&spa), FT. 5MI1'II , ARK._Oo yu" evc. fcd like someone IS mcsslng with your mindl In watchmg the na lional neWI, Ihe l.abor DcP"1 ment put uUI Ihe uncmployment fil'lUlCS lor Nu· vember That figu re of 8.4 percent I. prelly hlld fo r thIS guy to swallow I can look throu&it Ihe {Qulnnl. Ind I don't ICc any imrruv~ment in tile work

The manager of the nelghbo. hood "GllnGo" "ys that thmg, lie very Iluw, and Ihen I hrar.n annuuncement hum the SaIVIIlUO Army uking lor people IU flHI Illge grocery bag 10. I little boy or gill with IUyl so they mIght have mmethlng .hlS Christmas. They said lasl yen they needed 700 bag', th,s yur thcy nced 1,1100. Now I don't know lbout yuu, bUI Ih15 doesn'l reneCt any 1m· p.ovement 10 the econumy u far as 11m concerned II oli ly tells me thaI an ekc'lOn year is cuming up You will havc 10 uk yourself if you' re helle l off nuw than you were thlte yurs ago. As for me land my loeall, we lecm to stIll be gOing downhill I know huw I will VOtt Ilow about you!

The wOlk sctne in rhe 700 arca i. unchanlled. AI Ihe scribe from Local 611 put h In the December iuue, we too have gune lrum bad 10 very bad lice no Quick turn·aboul , FOI thuse of you who mIght .cad Ihis, and don' l look al all thc "l.ucal Lilies" in Ihe !oulnaJ. (would hke to puint out Ibe article w. itten by Brothe r Cunway from Local 332 In the Oec~mber luuc. FOI the "long h,ul" I think he .,Id II ,II

Buy Amentan, buy unIOn, buy COI'E ROI)N~Y Gun, PS_

1983 Was A Busy Year for Local 702 LU. 702 II,o,u,uow,em,rU,rtb ,spl ,' &'CIIV), WEST FRANKFORT, ILL_ AI we appruleh the yell's

end we look back on a busy yea r III te,m, of the numher of negolutions and g"evances handled during the yur Contlacts ncgmiated du rmg 19S3 include mSlde wiremcn, residential wi remen, out­side agreement, CIPS three d,visionspluJ New.on Power SlItion, lou. Southern C()()PS physical, and th rce clencal Southern C()()P agreements. PemtS· cmt Dunkhn Elec tr iC Coop, Ourk Burde. Coop, TriCuonty Coop, W.yne While Coop, CIlY of SlkUI<ln, Mo, WSlU·E Broldcl5l1ng. WSIU-C Brodeutlng. MI Carmcl Public UlillIles, IlllllulS Cunsolldaled Telephone, Cunllnemal Telephone, w.bl$h Telcphune, Marlun Carbondale Cable Tel· u lslon. Southern illinoIS Cable 1V and CIty of Hura and MI Vernun Industrial Eleclllc which are both lIiII In negotiation •. In addi.iuo we have a tcn .. llve flnt agreement wllh World Cablevislon of Mt Vernon, lIhnois, whlcll was <lr,anil'ed In 1982, and we ate still ncgotiatlng at Greenville, Illlno;" where we organi2ed I manufacturmg planl nlmed KfP Joe. The lIaff and office of Our local union thank ,II 0/ you lor the '''ppmt you have gIven UI this yell

DAVIP McN~£ty, P.S.

Scribe Encourages High-Tech Training and Voting L U. 725 (I ,ru&)(I _1. T ERRE II AUTE, IND.-The locil union uag was held on OCl<lbe,llIlhe Riley Conlervallun Club wllh abou t 100 members at · lending. G.eat lun and conversation was enluyed by,ll We hope to enjoy molt ge l-togelher! In the nell IUlure

We wuuld like to wish " well" .0 the lollowlng memb.:r~ that ICl ued In Ihcpasl year Don Cannon, Benlamln Smith, John Mitchner, Richard May, ladlsJav Michl, Wilham N,coson. RaleIgh Pmn· dexter, lohn Klug. lohn Fergu,un, Rulla Walls, lohn I'II5K, Clifford ScOIl, Harry Clines, and Bill Wald· rip We lIupe that Ihese Brulhers WIll enlOY their wel l earlled lellrement They have helped many through their acllve yea rs.

There hI! been much ola muve uf lare .0 "Iarm UUI " any higlHech work 10 non·union "wdl trained" technicians. We III shuuld push t<l gel ourselves trained in these fields by tIthe. encouragIng uur local to SUppoll the training th.ough group paltlc ' Ipallon or taking il on uor uwn (Q gC t the tramlng 1\ an aCCledlled school. Some of the locals are IOling a lUI of work thts way. The uld melhods are being leplaced by newc., more effiCIent nltans, Ind We all ahould aeceptthese newer methods and train ourselve. '0 thot thl' work Can be uu rs.

WOIk he re', ,1111 very slow. wllb mUre th~n 100 on !look Olle lur the pur several month. and turnover has slowed even more. It is takmg abuUl five months tU work up th ruugh the list

TIw' e of you Ihlt bcllevc tha l lhe cUllent admln· latration il leally helping should like a rcal cluse look II Ihe flock mllkel IU see whu IS reilly maklnR Ihe bucks. It IS not trickling duwn u the ougmal Idea suggested-" leUt not at my huusc. We mUll atllcmembcr that Ihere tli len th.n one year r rim !() Ihe election when .he nen one comes a.ound Encuurage everyone that you come ,n eomac. with to gel uul and VOle Iheir chuice at decllon lime

We have twu new bus'ness rtp rCscnlallVU here They lie R,cha.d "Sonny" EnS\rum and Terry Sutt,van Good luck 10 both uf them In Ihe lUogh limes


Involvement in Politics Pays Off L U. 728 ll,o,em,tU&'spa j, FT. LA UDERDALE, FLA.-I ~m pleased 10 ICp<ltl Ihat OUl inerClsed effoll in rece nt yean in the pollilcal communi.y, from 101l11111g a Political ACllon Commillcc IELEC­TROI'AC 728) 10 inCieasing our scope of innucnce throu~ coalitioll l wilh semur ei tl;::cns, women'. and veteran'. organiutlonl, has aga lll provided It'UltS. The r"cnt passage by Ihe Browud Cuunty Commlniun 01 a Prevailing Wage Ordinance on con~"uc ll on work, IU ou. knowledge, il ,he only 45


Light Poles

Membert of Loul 728, fl . lIuderdalr , fl. ., employed by I .e. EmSl, Itl light poici a. the ConI SquUt Shopping Ctntu in Coni Sprinp.

Th apprOlching pole­seil ing rig If Pifiu the "a" ( hiOlts we hu t nptricnctd in the r lcf­I.iu l indouty in . tttn i f U rs .

pro·laoo . lcgi,l~tI<m passed by a local gnvernmCfll In FJond~ In many ~ year. The C:lIcnlil0n of Davll­Bacon· type Icglsbllon to al! county construCllon ID Sloward, . egardlns of the type of hmdmg. IS prOltcttd to tntompus a bIllion dolla .s In con­SHUC lL on wOIk In the nell Ave yea'5. ThIS changr Can Daly enhance the nppOnunllJu for umon con­tractou to u.pturc the hon 'l .hare of future coomy construction WO/k lor our members. [ would like 10 uteRd my congratubuoo$ (0 Buslnns ManaKe. I,m Weldon, Bloward AfL-ClO President ChiC P~.u, and .0 all thc members thar contnbutcd then lime and elloft 10 th" Ylctory from it1l con· cepuon many month, ago, th .ough the mU51Ve POSt card campaIgn, the lob SlIe CanVISSlng. Ihe 1~l1e l wri ting and 01,11 early morning demonslI" tioll$ Well done!

Our line unit WIll open liS comract 101 negoll ' .. ions thu momh and , should have a .epon on who has been apP0In.ed to Ihe NcgOl1a tiOn5 Com· m!llce by next month. [ would like 10 (x lelld 01,1 ' bes t WIshes 10 B' OIhcn C. RIcha rd "Red" Lallg ~nd Remit O. 'tammond, Ir., 011 .he compleuoll of Ihei r line app.enncnhip and welcome them as our lIe .... u t journeyman hnemen

I .... ould hke to cx tend our sympalhy to the famIly and fn ends of letlled BrOlheil Wilham H Bunch, hnc unll. and George A. Smith, journeyman WHeman, who re<;ently passtd away

Mrc liAn FoltnN, P S

Scribe Encourages Registering, Voting LU, 756 (i,otusJ, DAYTONA BEACII , FLA..­Making for a bngh.el outlook hcreaOOu.s IS the awarding of the Sl3·mmlon moblle launcher plat · form (MLP) modiflcauon " KSC 10 Bechtel . Ap· parently, thIS job would have gone to the la.s wl,hout the ef forts of BUSiness Managcr Don Mo. · gan and UA. Local 29S BUslncss Manallci Ron Malphurs 10 takc whatever sleps ne(eUary 10 Insure that the p'O)eCI went umon BrothelS, make no mIstake about II, we are al wal wllh .he .atS, and II IS mandatory thaI we collecl1vdy accept changes that give uS and 01,11 COnllaCtor, the ability tu take ,ubi away from them. Qur prrOllUes now he nOI wllh what we can gam IndIVIdually or nltpickin~ OVer Ihl! or that , b\lt what we have to do 10 S\lIVIVC; and to 5\1 rVIVe, we mus l beat OUt th ~ ra ts.

BrothelS, aU 100 oftcn [ speak tn members that have no idea of what is going on In the local umon Or In IIX'd polilic, or in the" communi ty We mUll all pllfticipllte. whencver possible, in all of Ihe aboye. Recent statistics from Ihe AfL,CIO of Breva rd CounlY, Florida, , howd that of 33.000

On Job

UnIOn members IUldlng III tbe eoumy, less than nnc·thud wcre rcgl5tc.cd . 1,1 vo.t, and of those rcgt5\c led on an average, lu~ than nne thud voted. ThIS muns that only abou. one OUt of styen umon membels YOIC This SIlUallOn WII charaCICII$IIC of many arelS In the Unlled SUtCS So 10 dlecl, when you arc on Ihe- lob, al the unron hall or whenevc. union people gathe., look arnund, SIX of Ihe peo ple you He arc dependIng on you 10 VOle and vote Ihe " nght WIY· "

Qu. unron ', Political ACllon COmmltlec.s, and otber commlttces and counCIls, sfW'nd mlny houlS ruea.chlng vOllng Iccords, Inte rYlewlng candl ' dales, ctc ., to come up with recommendatIons Ihal would benefit us Ibe most. We must take advantage of thcII work and YOle al every opporurnlly, the " lI lIbt way ." Il rothen, YOUI VOle isltkc your payroll deductions lor your Insurance, pension, and Innges. It IS Ihe luge accumulallon of Imall deductions Ihat ma~es It w",thwh,k W e IlIU.t ~ ll .ule 11,1

acqulle the needed accumulallon [f you don 't VOle, you cheu yourstlf, yourlaml[y, YOUI fdlow unIOn members, and worll 01 all, you &lye our opponcnn dcar $311,ng to a vIctory I wondel whcle Ibe lia O\lt of stven unron membel$ that habllually don 'l VOtC would b4: If UpOn the ull 101 a VOle of Iheir accepunc~ Into the \lIIIOn, nobody vOled for Ihem

So cnmc on RrOlhr •. " all ynu .hal lion" VOlt know who you arc '{ou baye fibbed t(l yO\l1 Broth· CIS and othe.s when askcd If you Yoted 01 III lcnded to vote, hUI you cannOI he 10 youlSelf . '(ou be the one the othel III dc~nll upon. If you arc nOl Icgmc.ed, .egislcr NOW. h', be lle, bIt than nevell If you are regI ste red, VOT EI We cannot Win a lug· ol ·wal with only one 01,11 of sevcn pullingl

flit!) C. SVMON.\, P.S.

Construction Work Poor; Medical Costs Rise L U. 760 (1,0,u,rl5a 5p"l, KNOXVILLE, TENN._ As we go inlo 1984, our wOlk has not Improved much m tht connluclion indUsllY We have a li lge number of men on the book, and tbere 1$ no .cal way to determIne when wo. k WIll prek up w U to PUt 01,1 . m~mbef5 10 wOlk al home

With a lot 01 membels wOlktng m othcl lu rls· d,cllons .nd trYIng 10 keep up IWO homu, thi' h.$ made it hard on Ihem and !hcII famIlies. The comhined eflectS of p.ulonged high unemployment and the CUSII of Irving away Irum home rising all the time, IT hA ~ ..... f.nmr Iii fOr,,!! on membcl and family All 01 Ihis IS due to the construction .ecesslun vf the Reagan .dmllllslr itlon. Apparenlly

I'ruldenl Reagan lUst doesn 'l caTle abouf the work· m~ pe(>fllc o. the poor Ollhls (ounuy, only the nch and the super-nch. The TV news uys II IS ... ge ll ing beller. I don ', sec il fOI the members wbo have to make 1 hving workmg when there is no job 10 work on This 1$ anOlher disgu lscd anempt on the part 01 the Reagan admmisu ation tbn will be challenged III November 0/ thIS year by all worklllg people Ollhls COUnlry.

[n the other branches of our IIX'd, Ihe members have not had Ihe layoff and unemployment as tbe consltuclion branch has. 8usinen Manager Ea rl Scivers hn worked with each of the units' com· mltleeslO get the beSt ag.eement Undcllhe overall economIc SlIuallon As a resull, the agreemem s take longer to ncgoua te wilh lowel mcreases than '" YeM . , p~.' Brutl,e, Se'VCrs npllal,zu un qua lllY perfo rmance and more efficient ways of work in the u!lllly mdu5lry m all.he negotiations, m order to employ our longstanding members and add new .... membcfI 10 our ranks as nceded.

One 01 Ihe pnnclpal problems bas been the­medical benefi lS. F\lnd admm"Ir' tors .nd mutees have <;lIed SImIlar problems. Bnldes mflallon, COlli pel cialmille nil", tWice as fan at mflation In some casu the members are vOllng to reduce wages to COVCI the Increased COS IS . OthefS have cut btneflls COli conlamment hIS become Ihe biggest word in negoua ting medical benefits and ... mamtall1lng med,cal coverage wllh the Increased COS ts.

G~(N f . Mc Mn.t.AN, ASS'T B. M

Scribe Explains Sickness Benefits L U. 824 {II, TAMPA, FLA.-Article VIII, Secllons I and 2, In our conUact between Local 824 and ... Gene.al Telephone Company of Flol1da statU YOU I sicknns dlsabtllty benefi ts ag.eed \lplln by bolh palllU al the bargllll1ng table. Although many cmployen leel Ihese benefits allow them cen lln pllvilegu for lick time, many abus<: 11 and find themselvC5 under dlltiplinary aCllon by the com· pany. These benefits arc the re 10 be" used when needed but nOI abused

Slcknen, as defined In the contract , IS Ihe mao bll ll Y of an cmployee to perform work on ~CCOUnt of physlc. l or mental Illnen 01 Injury con{illlng ­III~ e",pluye~ (1,1 lIi.l ller hum" ur huspilaJ. The conllac t further SlatU that abuse of the sickness disabil ity benefit privileges shall COMt;tute jusl cause for immedIate dl5<::harge.

11 IS Importan t to unde rs t.nd you, righls as ou.lIned III Ihis section If yO\l call in Sick, fi rst ulk to your Immediale SUpeIVISOI if poSSible, 'econd, If you have to lcave your house or place . 01 conflne-mrnt till your su~rvlsor and Ie! ruml her knuw As Stated carhct, yO\l are confi ned to your borne or hospital unless you nouly manage­ment Many cmployees have gone 10 the drug store or doclor when sic k aDd le tu rned 10 find their supervIso. has made a VISit to their reSIdence and found the employee gone. D,s.tlplinary ac llon has been raken til many castS on this very li luillon.

Employees fi.ed lor such violations have found . Ihat arbilTatorl have ,ul~d in favor ol the company. With GTE lellmg obleCliYcs fOI absenteeism, 11 is 1Inpela tive tach employee unde rs tands that if you arc III and cannO t perlo rm " expe<::ted, do nOI repun 10 work but do not PUI yoursell til a de!ens lye poSture WIth your superviSa l. Undelstand what Slckncss disability beneflu mcan and don't abuse them

Congratulations go OUt 10 our business manager, ... Robe" L. !knton, fOI hIS leCent IIlvlfallOn 10 be g\lUI speaker for Local IJS] In HawaII . Brothe. Benlon spoke on many malleI! concem mg dere· gUllllOn, eonwhdAlion, and eomputen: AIIOn All F

expenses were patd by the TCC-2 CounCIl, and a very succusful meeling " lumed out to be

Brolher Benton WIll be speakmg III Mtaml before tbe Amen can A,bll ral1on Anociillon in Novem. be,. Rob has become recognl:cd U a ve ry knowl· ~dgeable and informat ive speaker on such manen .nd has been requuted 10 speak many limes. OUt loca l can be proud to have him as 01,11 bUSlllu, m~n~gc , and leading negotiator tOJ o\lr conllan s.


Coal Business Appears To Be Picking Up LU. 865 (n ). BAL TIMOR!, MD.-The new olAcus 01 Local 865 ale Karol ZaWit'Ukl , president , Earl T. Meyeu, vice presldenl , Paul Rlckctu, ,ecord,ng tenct.ry, Mlfk Parn, h, nll . ncl.1 He/cury, .,,11 Robert IrwlO, unsurer

I h~ du"", 1984 .11 of OUI member. who .rc not ,cg'fleld 10 vote, will reg.5le r .nd leI theIr

... VOlt. be counted Also, I would ilke every member 10 make I conlflbulI OG 10 COPE as every union member knows th., " the only wa)' we «!l cltet mcmbcn 10 ConpUI .nd other und",l.olt. 10 publIC offi ce supported by labor

We now have three eo.l p'er~ In OUI IIca. C~I husmess I' bd at the prueol time, but II look. like bUlmul " pltkm, up. A$ fa. u I know we have the only orc p,er on the EUI Coan th.t cln handle large , hip •. BUl lOt" II tint pic. is al so gClllng bcllel. r lurt hope in the new yu, all of 01,11 membels .... ,ll be wo. km, full time J see whele the eommmee In Wuhm,ton has ohyed I bI ll 10 d.cd,C Baltlmolc halbol from <12 feCI 10 50 feet deep. that w,lI mun b' Ucl shIps WIll be Ilnlhn,

• It 01,11 r'CIS tnd othel J"ell on the EUI Co.aSI I Brolhel Albeit Lamben, 001 former prUldent,

r has lellled on ~ ptftnlOCnl dIsability. BrOlhe. Lamben .. wcli hked by.1I of 01,1 . memben

The IUIIWO yurs have been 10Ugh 00.11 of our union Brothers and S,ste .. IhlDUghOUI Ihe United SUits ~nd Clnada. Maybe J should uy the . ecCl· ',on .... as wOlldwlde J thmk some of the rlllllnds .... elc hit the hardut. Anyone kno .... s thlt MilOt.· I l ioni .... ilh .he ra,lrnads th is time .round .... ,11 be (ou,h There are rumors f10allllg around no .... that

.. the eomramu .... ,11 Want a cut 'n every ",!rlnd .... olker's pay Ilh,nk .... e should allsllnd lo,cthcr Ind behInd 01,11 ch,ef nelDtlator and Inform h'm .... e •• e a,alnsl these CUll


I kno .... most of uS IUPPO" PruldCnl Rcal'ln 10 Ihe mVlS,on of C lenlda If Ihal I"oallon ...... allowed 10 rcmaui, mOil of Ihe Islands III thll pan of the wOlld would be dommlled by Ihe Rus"'nJ Ind Cubans Also. our hun, go 01,11 to Ihou mothers and Illhers who 10J! Ihell Ions 10 Beirut We hOflC Ih,s neye. happens a"m OUt local .... ,shu ,II our membe" and lemcn and famll,eslh lough' ou, the United SlalU Ind Canada. HIPPY I nd Pro, pc:roul New Yu. for 1984


Entire Local Working; Negoliations Under Way LU. '71iilhml, KOI(QMO, IND.- Local 813 un finally boUI thai all of OU I locil " back to wOlk altc r I long slow spell We a.e lonunlle and counl 01,11 blessmgs. Many of our ne,ghbors are ,till

,.. hopmg Inr fuU cmploymem Book II has about 300 men on 'I. We have I fe .... tr avcier, .... olkln', ho .... ever," doc,n'llook hke that number .... ,11 cyel be deplet~d

By ,he lime th.s tloc. to press. 01,11 COOUICI netloUa"ons .... ,11 be well under .... ay We Ire hopllltl for I utufaclO.., blend of siudy eroflloyment lod fill wa,es

In In dfon to brOIl den 01,1. educallon, .73 II no .... "vlnl • Stallc Control Clul 101 III 10urneymen WlIh oor coml'Uler ate commg on so IUong. it ', IPPI . entlhal Solid Slate MOIOI Conllol lIa mU$l 10f insidc wlI~men of Ihe fUlu re. These fIlSt couple 01 dassCi .... e hope .... ill lay Ihe ground .... ork for many to coroc.

/ conlinuaUy urge each Ind every member 10 be • Itron, unIon man .nd IUppel! your locil on Ihe lOb .nd at umon meenngs Local 813 hu liS

elecllons com Inti up III May, w lei 's ICI IIIvolved, IIrolhers


Work Scene Looks Good; Organizing Successful LU. 902110"1), PIllLAOEt.PIIIA, PA._A. we ,0 IIIto Ihe new YU', wo. kload prospecu for Ihe deetrical group look very good. AI present , Ihe

a'rcllit Cllller USS ForrcJ ltll II III Ihe Inl .. lhllA phau of he. ovelhlul All eleclncal·c!ectron;c cqulpmentlemoved /01 ovelh~ul .. e now comple!e and beln, ,nslalled

Duflntlthe first quane. of 19R4, three .... arsh,ps will en tCr the PNSY fOI thei •• egular ovclhauls. The lem.mder of Ihe yell WIll I CC an additional fOUl .... I/sh,ps emering Ihe bue alw /Of Ihei r rc,ull ' overhauls. Theu shIps all have I huvy d eclnulleleelronic work packl,e . The ycal 198a loob very lDOd

As Ihe or,.nu"n, dnve in l.oc,1 902 comes to 10 cod, BUlllle$l M.nlger Steve o.Tomo .epo.1J Ihe dllve .... u blghly lucccsdul Our loc.al 'l memo bersh,p mc.elud Ippro.,matel,IO perCent. M.n, ,hanb 10 111 $lc .... &ld., olflcell, and members who made Ih,. dllve Ihe IUtCes. " WII

As you know, OII'lIllZln, Ihe unorl'lnllCd I. In everyday .ffau, and our mcmbeu themselvu are our best o' ganlzclI Sieve lepoltl he .... ,11 stall lOolhc. O . g~IIIZ ln g dlive in the nell fmUie



Bob Schbacilff lod wife O.nl.t the;1 IC l inmCII! parly. Bob httded the Admininrllorl, In t., Ih.! hlndled the Local 915, T.mp., Fla., Vlution, Local hntion, Ind lI u hh Ind Well", P.o, rlml.

Brother Bowman Honored ; Change In Fund Operation LU. '15 1/l1I ml), TAMPA, FLA._ The PUI yU! has brought many chan,es In 01,1 . local unlnn Amon, them ...... a thlnge m the handlin, of 01,11 Health .nd Welfare, Vautlon, Ind loci' PensIon funds Bob Schlb.eke! .nd hIS WIle D.na have rellled liter uven yurs of carable and dedIcated "rYlce. Theil ,erVlce WIS an In houn operation Ihlt af· forded rtldy . cceu 10 the membership. They welc alw~YI plntant and w,lhng 10 hcJp We all .... ,. h them happIness and ,DOd hnlth Thank you for all you 've done

Qm VaC.1I0n, local PensIOn, and Health .nd Wellare f unds hive been liken over by Furlon, Admtni~lratlon, Inc. They .Iso plovlde.n .n·hou" scrY"e 101 members' convelllence The very u ­p.able Carolyn FUllon, is 111 char,e of thell ope ... unn hele 111 Tampa Furlon, Admlnisu.llon, Inc., Ilw handlts othct bUildlll& trldu progJlmJ 111

Soulh Flol1da, 15 .... eU "'BEW locll349 111 M,lmi Cillms superYIsnr Clonl Ballell hIS been .... L1h us Inr ovel lour years and .... iII eonllnue 10 pro¥lde us .... ilh compelent and COUlleOUI 'ervice. N.dllle Riley I, .1,0 un staff 10 nSIS! .... ith office visils and '~Ielaflll dUlln We .... elcome Furlon, AdmlnlStrallon, Inc. , to 01,11 un and Inlltlrate the continued 1'.0IeS5lOnaltsm Ihll Adm,nlSlla tors, Inc . p.ovlded

WlIh In elecllon yel f II h.nd, no ... " Ihe time 10 be sure Ih.t you are ""ueled 10 VOle . It onh likes a fe .... mlnUIU 10 letl,. ter 01 chan", .ddluscs or I'amu The country 15 .... ell IS labor eGnnn! Iffo.d another 101,11 ytlrs of In ll ·b OOr pollelc. I.nm the c urrent Reagan Admlllisuation

Con,rlluJ.UonSlre 111 order In Brntheil lm Iktw. man. Brother Bo .... man ...... ....... ded Local 915's " 1I,olhel of the yu." awa.d 101 1983. Brother

Bowman .... u tc lected by our beculive Board. E.ach YCiI the E.uculive Bolrd rev iew'lhe members lor Ih •• most hoooled ..... lId

Retired Brother Cox Mourned By Local

so. KAlslJ., P.S

LU. 9)2 (1I1Ie), coos BA Y, ORE.--On November 10, 198J, our locI I .... as lIunned by the pUJiog of Blolher Robert l . COl. Brothe. COli, 60, leeently reti red allel H IYln, almon 11 YUll u businnl man'Ie./ fin.ncial tcCrellry of Locil 932. 810lhel COli was • tremendous leade. Ind a Inend 01 everyone. He ...... the rock on which OU r /ocal Sload lor mlny fClII. We could I lwlY' dcpc:nd 00 Bob', wlSodom aDd knowled,e to make deCiSIOn. Ihll .... ould ",catly benefit the locli. Ouno, my yealS IS a job Iteward, Bob wal .I ..... y. Ihere .... ilh th~ I ns .... e . 10 any proble m that arose. Travele,. tomlDg throu,h Ihe alea .... efe imprU8Cd WIth Ihe cOllAeni,li ly and fallnns Bob .... tll be mIssed by m.ny, IIOt only from Ihe local, bUI OIhen as well 01,11 symplthy loc. out 10 hll IIm.ly aod loved

'"~ Thclc ', nOt hili, DeW 10 ,epoll in Ihe ..... y of

....o,k he.e It ,USl seem.t 10 be ,elllll, worse il InYlhm,. ulely there's been alubsllnll.1 Inefuse IIIlhe numbel of wllhdrawalt and relllements, due lalgely to Ihe econnmy I'm lure

It mIght be I Ilow recovery, hUI , if anything. no .... mOle Ih.n evel .... c need to keel' our unioll " 10n, We 've loulht too lon, 10 bu,ld OUr standard of IIvmg 10 .... he re illS no .... , .nd .... e can keep it by I llying a sllong unloo. WLl hoUI un ions 11"1" coun try .... ou ld hive PClUOl libol like 01,11 ne.ghbon 10 the soulh lod Ihe Onenl Ho .... would you hke 10 wo.k IIK ' lens 101 two bundled. monlh l ThaI '. about whal the uerage KOlean faclOry wOlker. ,ei for bUIldIng TV KII.

LeI '1 ,et OU t 10 Ihe un'on meellnp, second MondlY liB 001' mind find OUt what ', hlrpen.o, S« yl there!

B.u M cCAHan, P.S

Pietu.ed is 8rol hel Aldell "okanloD of Loc:.1 949, BU'DSyille, Minn., ~od hi' wile M"I arll . 8,01her 1I0kanson rttlrtd In Augun, 19U.

Brother Hokanson Retires From Contel LU. '.9 III ,tm,ll1Iutyl, BURNSVILLE, MINN.­A rClllemenl pllly was beld /0' Alden Hokaoson on Au,uS! 19, /983 . Blolhe. Hokanson reUled on a d'Ubll'IY pensIon. Alden WIS I forme l member from 19S / until 1976 of Lnell1 114 of Two Hubors, Mtnnuma. priol to thell me.,er .... lIh us

Pnol 10 hll relnement Alden ...... employed by Conlel 01 M,nnefOUI. Before Ihe I'urchau by Con· te l, Alden bad .... o lked for the onlmal DMIR rail · load .... h,el"l al lO h.d Ihe tckrhone ,n that IIU for many YUr,

B.other HokanSOft hIS KfYed Ihr ulllOD III .U g,P"1II0 of office . AI Ihe lime of Ibe melgel ill 1976, Alden beld the olflce of bUI;neSi mlna,er of that local. Aher the mergel he continued 10 se lve.

We .... "h BrOlhel Hokanson much happllleS! on hIS rellTemenl




Thu, ~ •• 10m, althe .t,i,.e, of Lonl 95), £IU Cbi.e, WII., who lurnd OUI " Ih' Sepf.mbe. mUlin,. 8u, io . .. MIGI," Tom Ihl • ., 11 10 Ih. IrOol tOW 00 Ih. ,., fi, h,.


Aolwn Lodahl .. nmpl#1td hi ~ Ippr,n, irr.hip u an ,I,cuici,n, SlIh·Slalioo h ello ...

Negotiations Completed ; Brother Lodahl Graduates L U. 9Slli,II ,I,f.m ,nn 'a. , p' ), (A U CLAIRE, WIS.­By the time you .ud Ih" arucle ,he holidays will br; over, ,od ,II of us here hopt' they wele happy one, '0' all of YOII and YOUI loved onu and .hl! 19~ will be. yur of prosperuy and pnce 101.11

With the economy and the unemployment Iii ' IUIiOO completely OUI 0 1 hand, we know 1983 wa, hard on I 101 o f you , bUI OUI turn will t.omc 10 show OU I ducontent .nd ,eyerU the Illuation ami lCI us back on the I~d 10 n:c(lYUy We mus, nerd.., our ,i"ul Ihis YUI Rell"e. and YOle. 1 hl$ eleeuon U)uld ~ the most Importanl decllOP of OUI hfellme It may well detemune your future .nd the fu,u,e of YOUI children YOUI lime dou count, but only If you do 1I0te.

Con,,.tubt;on. to Buslnrst Mantge r Tom H.ley .nd V,ce Pluidenl Ray Hol le for a lob well done negmiating ,he Nonhern Slatu Power Company ,veement .nd to Howard Brenhol! .nd hIS com­mllteu lor Ihe" tucccu In commg 10 .vumem In theu negol1,"on. ,n lOme 01 our eOOl'!erluvu Well done, menl

AsSlst.nt Dennis McMahon I. p/uemly in nco gOllllioOl with the wl .eman .nd hopefully by Ihi. ume he has completed the CATV ag.eement Hang in Ihere, Oenny, beLLel d.y, Ife commg,

Cong"tul,lIons to Robc:n Lodahl wbo eom· pleted bis 'pprentlCeShlP ., .n eleclnclln, Sub· Station Secuop

Our r.'lIIdnll'nrr~ In Ihl' r;,lhrn I.urhk~ ~nd Rny Cregory bmihes. Cll paned aWly OctObel I , 1983. .nd Roy on OCIObel 30, 1983.

Unlll next mUnlh I'll dose wLlh this lemlndel ALLeod you. UnlOP meelings, we necd your mput l Buy AIlIell':''', u",,,u ' UlaJ, P/uJU~h,


Brother Joe Carey Retires LV, '65 (uaem), MADISON, WIS,- JOe' Clley lellled Irom the WIsconsin POWel .nd lIght Com· ~ny on febIU"'Y 111, 1983, ~ltel havmg complrted 3B yean ,cNice, A .e t ircmem party was held in roe'l beh.lf at the Ve teran ', 01 fo reign WIr' H. Il, POll 1~9 1 , on lune30, 1983. The mIRy friendslnd union dignlllliu who c.me great dIstances 10 " rout" loe on .hI, spccl~l occasion ,.,IUled him with .emembllncCl, wtll w\,hu .nd gnod .dviee


Shown al Ihf Joe Caley lellnmeal (loull p.n y nl Lool ,,~, Madison, Wil., Idl 10 lighl , I I~ p.1I Ihl1inen Altnll BUll D.vies Ind Dan Cram, I,," liltf loe, PIUtnl Bus inUI A8'-1'" Mlchu l " Mid," Koehler Ind plSl Bu,ineu AlfII l C,ne Samuehon,

The .ecollectlon$ of IImu p151 bluughl back mem­or.u and chu~klu . The bon ~ oya&o: "hs uremo­mously wrar~ to confuse Jn. wtle I h, ·hte of the e~emng .Iong wllh loe ', ~'lOn.1 commenll to hIS many Inends Ind bmtly

JOe' staned wllh the Comp.ny on Oecembet 16, 1945, .nd was mLlLated LnIO l ocal 965 on May 7, 1946. JOe' s Clleel began as a serVIce applenLLce gu Ind deetllc . He compleled Ihe 'rplenllcuh,p and beume a lOulneymln H lvium.n loiS and c1eclIlC tn lune 1949 He WIS plomotcd 10 • KrvlCe spt: ' , ... 1", t,a~ .n,1 rll'nnr m r.by 1 (j~~ , a pnsll1nn hI' held unLLI he .etiled from work It WP&'L. cffeclL~e March 1, 1983 OUllng loe',31·pluJyunofservice wllh WP.!lL he nevel had • lost lime ICcldcnt AccOldmg 10 10<'. one Ol lhe hlghhghll LA hIS cllee, 's wOlktng 3B ytall wubuut ""tn, fi,ed

loe 's CUllenl hobb,es are golf, fllh,ng and buwl­Inl. loe ~Ionp to Ihe VFW .nd the Plonecr Club Joe laId he will now COnCenUlte on gardemng, IIshin" bowling, and ukmg trIpS I()t: '$ p4:nnanem mllitng .dd,ell on leuremenl II IllS Cenn.1 Allenue, BeIOIl, W,sconSID 5351 1 loe 'l Ituremenl calhng card leads, " IOE CAREY RellIcd-No Phone-No Add.n ..... No BUllnu_No Wornu_ No Money_No ProIipt:CII," Don't you bellelle 1\1

10e"1 37 yeau 01 membenhlp LA Ihe IBEW hive included 19 yflU 15 local unil chai.m.n and 16 years as I membc:1 of the EJltcu\]vc Board. Dunng thIS pt:llod Joe has H rved IS • member of Ihe Ne~u.ltin& Committee 00 IS ""-\'I".lle oegoll. ' 1I0nl .nd IS a membcrol Innumerable commuteu Talk IboUI dedIcation!

Because of loe'l VlSt knowledge acqulIcd over the ycall OU I local has becn fOllunatc to Se~UIC hb service. on I parl ·time bUll in • consulting cap,cllY wllh Busmess Agent MIchael " Mlck" Koehler

Locll 965 utends to Brothel Caley .11 the ben In hiJ ICm Cmenl yun .nd •• Ineerc th.nk you lor the pnvllcge of knoWLAg, wOlkln, and sh.llng hIS WIsdom . nd leI! whenevel needed. You'le • tough ,ct to follow loe Clleyl Cod bless!

MU: KAlL B GUff, P 5,

Some Travelers Still on the Road L.U, 970 (la,"), KELSO-LON GVIIlW, WASII.- At thIS writing we still have Kvel.1 men wOlkmg LA Nort h Dakoll IS well u m varioul nther Sta tCl Those In NOllh Dakota s hould be back ~fore ValentIne '. Day. No Ielling how long the Itsl 0/ au, men WIll be gone. (fellowl, don 'l forget candy a ' flowers /01 the 14tM)

1 checkcd'l the h.ll ho:lo.e wriung-m.ncd Ed so I u ked. couple of olhers whit', ~omg on that tould be lepolled m the february Journal. " Noth , in, ." I ,uppo,e thlt IS a f.lr report, bUll'd hke to report on ".omelhln," so 1I'III l uk fOI your help in kecpmg me up on 970', happen ings Let the h.1I know when thmgs OCCUI $0 yuu cln $CC tbem In pri nt I OtherwIIC you 'll hive 10 .ellie fOl tlUll1l1 like the 611 puint elk Sud Cl l h bagged up nUL P.ckwoud 01 that Our .horlUI uninll meeting of 1983 took pllce m NOllembel , IUlLng I full ~5 mlnUIU. Qur lad.u au~iltlfY did I "UI ,ob WLlh Ihe annu.1 Ch"umu P. lly The cookies were

home·baked! And thlt remmd! me, I'll, If tome· thIng goes w.ong It home Ind your guy il gone, c.ll the hall . There',. lin of volun teers who un " come to YOUI ald l

Our proverb lor Villenlinc's O'y: " lie who Aod • • wife IInds I gnod thm" Ind obtalnl Inol from the Lord " PR 18 ,11

I 0 "HOOGlf" Hoocu, P.S

BUJioCH Man.gtr W, Calion Bo.Jke y, Local 995, BIIon Rouge, La" IhoWII with .... ife Audit, .t tbe Inle,ulion. 1 Connniioo ht ld 10 Atlantic CII" N,J., 197B.

Brother Borskey Mourned; Bargaining Applauded

L U, 9'~ (l,o,rlb ,tl laJp'). BATON ROUGE, LA,­Wlthoul COlleClIve ~,g"nin&. there il nothlDglil, In the lutu,e, the wOlkers undelcslLmlle ill ne · cn.lLly and impo"lnee IOd uade It fOI olhel meth· ods, thcn it 'U mun I 48 ' Y"'1 reuell 101 organlzcd <t

Iabol! II look more Yel .s than some of UI halle h~ed

to WIO colieClIlIe bll,aining and wilh II came the IIrst inuoduclLon 01. f.il, dcmocil l ic bOIl ,wolker rel.uooshl\'l,

Wltbout II, there would be no VOln .nd the Walking maUel would be ,ubjteled 10 uc.h and every whIm or decillon made by the tto., Withoul iI , the employe, would ~ Icsponllble only to hlmsclf. He or .he could I&"Ole the gnod wOlke l .nd leward those In hll f'lIor. The employer could_ be I dlCll tnr in his own lil lie wOlld and Ihe.e would be 1I"le room 101 human d,gnllY .nd fair play. You mu,l lemembe. thi,. An employer might be very ch.ntable to some employeeJ, bul tbll, 10, dca r Blolhen Ind Sisters, il no .uMmUle for collccllllc b",aming thlt is democrlllcilly struc­tured.

Ii you don 't think lOme corporal( huds hue tWisted mmds. ,el I load of Ihlt IIltement ' "The ~ nghtsand mteletll of the WOlken will bc:protected Ind cared fOl, not by I.bur ."lItOIl, bul by tbe all' ~l'''" well IV ... louUl Cud, " ' H ... mnuite wi.· dom. hu gillen coollol of ploperty IntereJlS 01 the .. COUDLry." The "gentlem.n" who made ,hll IIlIe· ment was CeOlge F, Bacr. I ~t he il lull trying to &el Ihrough the "eye of the needle"l Could be he is kneelmg be,ide. mountain be",n, ItIO crumble down up<.ln hIm I

Upon hunng MI BUI'scommcnt, Teddy Roose· velt wrole these words , they lie WOlds, by the way, lome of UI could do well to ,emember. 1 now quute: "1£ I wele • hctory employee, • workm.n on the railro.dl, 0' • w.ge carner of .ny lOTI, I would undoubtedly fa in tho: union 01 my L1.de, If I disaPP.ollcd of ill pohcy,l would loin In order 10 IIghl that pollcYI II the UOloo leaden weTC dl.hon· ._ CII, I would join in olde l to PUt them oUI. 1 belielle In the union , and I believe that . 11 men who lie beneAlted by Ihe union afe morall y bound to h el p, 10 the e~ten l of thei l power, tn the common in le. t5t5 adllanced by the union." ...

If "mIght i. righI, " then you should lealiu OUI pOIllion WllhoUI CO lieClille ba.g.aininll Under col­leclL ve barg.aining the responJibili lY 01 e,lIbli.hing o.de . ly p.ocedurCl, dCIClmlnlng w.ge., houn of ~ wOlk, IItti 01 ploduc tion, layoff policin, Ind lUll pcnal"es 101 aU would belong 10 both the employer and the un ion IIcfo re colleclive b"glinin&. the employers were dele rmined 10 rendel the union ImpotentJ and I might .dd thlt they h.d Ilw enfnrcemenl, the court., legislllille bod,n, Ind in

some cases, the mIlitary, 1$ theil allies You may not like th., pllaguph, bu., neverthe·

less, I .hink thele IS some lruth In lI. ColleCtive bargaining must be flexible! It s.mply means thaI whethe l you freeze, back up, 01 move .hud. you d,d o. will have some say·so In the dec"u)D. h IS

lal bette l than them lefu,ong 10 negollate or us being told, take It 01 leave .t Only th .ough f1ui· blllty can both rame. walk . w.y from the ".ble with d'gnHy

On my desk, I'm look,ng "thl at II, II a label from a ,oll of vlDyl t.pe [t leads, ,n bold lene.s, "Unum Made"l and in lenen ,USt II bold II leads, "Made ,n Talw.n, Repubhc of Chma." Oh yu' It IS Underwll1er's Lab tested Ind Ihe UL number " hSled II 362K I'm.n the dark! Can someone help!

A "lip of the ole chapeau" and heany cong' lt· ulillons 10 the CHy Coune.l 01 Columbus, OhIO The counc,1 iust recemly adoptcd a resolullon ,n,,,·uellng the cIty's d,vUlon of purchu.ng to .!:.ye p"orllY contldClallon 10 lIems 01 serv"e! pro· duced In the United SlItts

Free ente.pnM: is no mo.e than a poh"cal, eco­nomIC doctnne, and II '5 supposed to allow a upnallstic economy to regulate llsell In I hee, compcmive milk" throuth supply and demand, wllh io nIc or no goyernment IntUVCnllon ThoM: 01 us who dvoclle no Inte,fe,ence by government

_ are askmg [0 be left II Ihe mClcy and hone~ty of bIg busmess

1£ Iree enlCTpn5e II so damn glUt, why IS n necessary to have SUbSIdies, tilt loorholes, mo· nopoly law" and low· o. nO·Inte .est loans to the buSlncss communltyl Why,. Uncle Sam buying unproduced m.lk Ind whut l

We UnnOt and musl neyer deny I decent rrolit to the busmus community, but thIS ptoli l should be m.de ,n .0 hooor.ble lod lepl way Corpora­IIDDS should use IIClla and SlIlIep thlt lie not hlrmhd o. dcmollh:ung to iIOClC ty , Ind In th,s tbey have been miserable f"lul cs. B'g Amencan buslDess coS! us, Ihe people of the UnllN St"CI, h,lhons each yur on tues for defense spend'llI bec.use, through 1e,lSbted loopholes, they arc allowed to sell to aoy enemy of thIS <,ountry products useful for a successful military mlehlDe

Bcc.ause of a two- month lapse between WIllIOI

a Itory and liS pubhulIOn, I lind 11 most d,flicult 10 Wille of seyere SIckness and deaths I must, Ihough, take cacepllon to IhlS nde to lepon the unllmely death of our luder and buslOus mlD'ler, W. C.IIO]] Bo.skey B.othe. Borskcy had many friends on the labor movement, IS alluted by the Fifth DlSlnct ,howmg of buslOess mlnagen, In· ternailOfu] Rep.esentatlves, and V,ce P,u.dcnt Dan Waters at h.s funeral Blothe. Boultey was a leade •. His tenule 10 office blought loc.I99S hom

• the bad IImU Into the good times and back IIItO the bad limn. It II no bowl of t hemes belDl! a unIon leadel and one must fonake many 01 hiS own IIIterCSIS to bllng UOlty ,ntO the fold. Brother Bo.skey po$snsed the qualllY expected of lleadel, and we .11 suspeCt that at the lime 01 hll death


Brother Borskey w" carry'llI a meDIal load un· known 10 many of us We w,ll mISs thIS man, and our prayers and condolences go OUt to hIS w,fe and famIly

As wnnCn ID the COnSlltUllon, the ["(CUllye Board appo.nted an Intellm bUSIness man'gel, Btolher Rodney OUISO. Full cooperation from all of U5 w,ll retain the unllY we arc ac(uSiomed to and bnnl aboUI thmgs benefiCial to all

Congratul.llnns to Ihe VOlers 01 lOUISiana' In one mighty thrust we ousted a Republ.can goyelnOI and the four fllp·f1ops who se.ycd hIm brmgrng dlSlnel 10 the coffers of lhe SUte and ruination to lIS workers I hope i t IS "clean" enough for you, D.ve'

Sec you nut month

Get Involved, Scribe Urges


L U. 1028 (em ], TUPElO, MISS._ Now thai the holidays arc behind us, maybe we un get down to 'orne serious work on our conllatt. We have a lut of g. ound 10 cover hdolt May 31

If you we.e not II the last umon mcellng, you missed a good meCIlng. Once a monlh we have. meellng. Thu .s 12 days 01.11 of 365_ Is " 100 much to ask that you "ve up One day a month for you. UntOn! The plant where we wOfk 1$ full of Cnllet_ They play no ball They Aght no fights They make no m.staku bec.ause they auempt no.hrng Down at the UOlOn hall arc the doe.s They make mlstakcs because they .Hempt many thlOlS

A per$OD who makes no mlSlakes lacks boldness and the sp'nt of adnnture. He or she 's the one who never Illes anythlOg They a.e the brakes on the wheel of plog.us And yet 11 unnm be truly saId he makes no mlSlakcs, beuu$C the b'MCSt mlSuke I' the very faci that he lilts nOlhmg, dOt"I nothlOg, but enuclus those who do thlDgs Wh,ch one arc you, a CnllC Or a doc r '

What 01.1 . local needs IS morc members gettLng mvolyed Those who are w,lhng \0 try new thmgs, make mIStakes, and learn from them What we don't need IS more cntles Those who knock every­thm, thl! anybody dse tiles .odo Iu," remember, no leader can g.ve people e~erythmg .hey wanlill the lime

OUI nnt meetmg w,1I be the fi rst Thursday ,n March [I you come. you mIght enlOY " don't knock II ., you huen·t tried II

Christmas Party Is Great Success

RulY DlllAIlO, R S

L U. H02 Iem], COVINGTON, KY._We h.d OU I Chl151mas Party on Decembel J Ind 1\ was grelt

I thmk thIS years Chnstmas PUty wn a little bene. than lasl yur', There were a lew mQle people Ihelt. Tht lillIe k.ds had ~ ,,"ut lime and so d,d the bIg ODCS. Santa Claus was there ag .. n 101 the lutle oncs. Everyone ate and dlneed and h.d a glCat ume. I hope to IC"C mo.e faccs neat ,. ..

I would bke 10 Ihank PreSldenl AlLce Rawls aprn :lnd anybody dse who hld anyth,ng to do wllh the ChuSlmas Pauy. EspeCially the onn who baked the ukes. Ahel " wu ovel, the rcmlln'lII food was sold real cheap

I am sIIn laid off work, and I would like to la, hello to all my coworkers and to Tony and AUSlln I hope to be b~ck 10 wo.k soon A year IS too lonl 10 be off

I would aho hke to say happy buthday 10 Eddy I Will dose for now, hopml to haH good new'

neK! month BA~BARA SI"ICl~. P S

Springerville Unit Has Meetings, Officers LU. 1116 Iu,em&uu], TUCSON, ARIZ.-A b,t mOre on the pICDlC-e¥eryone had a IfUI lime We blMel k,d, played volleyball, bneball. r'lched horseshoes, and dId a 101 of vISiting The youlII" kIds enloyed the down and ,he many cumpeutlve pmn the P,cnlC Commlllee had coordmaled 10' them I did get the names of some of the first \0

CIOU the hnes_ The .ack race (9-11 ycar 0lds1 lint pllce, Tyrone McNe,ll, second, Tereu Marc" ehak, thlld. l ome Bowman, (12 and ove. ' lirst Angela Bona~la, second, Sehn:l Sandoyal, thltd was a tiC, Gllben Bracamonte, II ., and MallO Cd lantano. In the ,h, ee·legged race Ill-I l l flrSI place, Andnona Canto a'ld Ekna Cervantes, second, Se· hna Sanduval and CIlSII lund,n, .hlld, loy and Teresa MIIC1schak All ages, Ihrec·leMed race lint, Kh.rt Butlt< and TYlOne McNe.ll, second, Gllbe" Bracamonte, lr, and MallO Cellantano, thud, Angda Bonavil and MlChdle Tcnpenny The egg carry lim pl.ce [II-II yea"l, Danny Cellan IIt1U, s~cond. lOlnt Bowman, th"d. M"hdk M~ kowskl l [12 and oveIllirsl, Gma I>hkuw.kl, .ec· ond. Ma"o Cell~ntaDl); and thtld, Selma Sando~ al To .he winners of the bean bag throw and the appk bob, lorry Id idn't get the names, but [congruulue everyone who paT1'Clpated Yuu lie all great SpoilS, and we all arc proud of you' The pinatlS wc.e gtCal fun lOT .11 the kids. 01.11 PlCDlC Commince ' s 10 great I They always do .ust the righ! th ,ngl, and on


Clg ... ",II .... y. h.n. lollow;"g, aDd eytryone hu a ,,"u'lime.

behalf of all whn anended thank you we appre ClIte you'

The SpnngClYllle pllm 15 &lOWIO&. 50 the J6 members now there have a unn me~"", each month B'Olhe. Larry Orenduff .eslgned U Vice plC$ldent of our local and hec:ame EJrCcullye ~rd member and ,h.llman of the Spnngerville Unn VIce challman IS Blorhe. D~ve Lull. RecoIder IS

SISler lou Ann BIckford SISter ClOdy While Ie· s.gned IS Execullve Board membel and accepted Ihe po$lIIon 01 ~,ee pruldenl SISter Penny Conger Wl5 appoInted to Ihe EJrCcullve Board lilh", the SCat vacated by S,Sler While Congl~tulallons to each of you! I am .!:Iad we have a unIt ,n Spnnler· yille_1I 'S timely

Congll.ulattons, too, 10 B,1l .nd Terry Farmer upon the .lIIyal of WIlham Arthul on NovemM. 16. 1983. B.others and SISterS, thiS IS \9g4 It IS alw time that you gel to the mtellngs and find OUt what IS gOIDg on If IS Impel/Qnrl

Whatevcr transpues dunng thc momh IS related 10 us III Ihe ne"t meeung No.h,ng IS be,ng WITh· held, 50 II 'S you, responSlbllllY to milk youl calendll 10. meellng 01&1115, and" IS your ICspon· s.b,!!ty to anend Ind find 0 1.11 Oon't CJrpect ro come down to the hall al Ihe last mlnule and lind OUt ncryth,ng, "does nOl happen .hal way Meet· "'gs arc the lir$t Thuuday of each momh.t 7·30 ,m


Member's Son Wins Marine Corps Award L U. Ill" (u ), ELIZABETH, N.'.-M.ch~el K Ko· z.k, son of Brother M,ke Koz,k, lineman grade one, New Blunswlck D,vlS.on, now a senlDr at P"uldue UmyenLty at WCSt la£ayt"e, Indiana, obtaIned the highest average at the Manne Corps Pllloon leaders Clau (PlCIII~lnlng th IS .ummer and wu awuded the "'Curnmand~nt'l T.ophy" 101 h,. ef· forts. The nyur·old KOl,k completed the second of the tWO ",,·week IIIInmg seSSIOnS with a 97.38 a~e . aKe to but .orne 400 othCI ~and , datcs from th roughout the Umtcd Sutes. The PlC prog •• m allow. college studcnts to anend Oflicer Candl· date'l School dunng the sumrnu and deCldc dunng ,hell SCDlOI ycar If they will acccpt aCllve duty commissions w"h the Mannes 49


Award Winner

Mlchnl K. Kozik , JOO of Brother Mlkt Kozik, Local IIl4, Eliubclh, N.J., who rece ived the " CoIDlDln,bo". Trophy" for hi. , .. tl'IC II Marinr COrpl Platoon Lude., Clan.

On Suunby, October 19, 1983, M K Ko:uk WI!

pracn,td with the 111·foot·hlgh trophy II half· lime ccrcmome. of Ihe Wlsconlln·Purdue football game The !I1nl trophy will be houJed In Ihe unlYtulIy trophy room. Young M,chel I" CIVIl en!lneering major He WIll .\tend the Martne. ' fhg.11I school altcl gladuillon from Purdue. He II a 1979 "adune of M.ddluu HIgh School [BEW memhcrs everywhele eon,ral ulate ~hehad K Ko· zlk and ,hlle III the pllde dIsplayed by Blothe. and Mrs KOZik.

See you at the next unum meeung EDwAllo IOSWIC~, PS

Brother Watson Mourned; Pins Awarded LU. n05 li,oa.a l. GAINESVILLE, FLA~AI the NovcmMI m«u", IWO outSIde .pphcanonl wele voted on Botb apphu.ntl WCle accepted Con BUt ulallons IQ Oan'el Wute •• nd Kenneth R. lonu upon Mtng accepted 11110 Local 1105's outSIde department

Ptn, were awa.ded 10 the follOWing membe.s, tongrotullllQn. to .11: 5 yea rs Steve Aldnch, Carl StalOn, 0111 Fisher, Pete Gleene, Terry H.mlll<ln, and Tommy Spc:ncer; 10 year. Don Gilland, Charlcs Grlham, Mike Horne, nd Lelchel WOlleYI JO yCIrJ I D. Frankltn The hit wa. won by Harold Hlggtnbotham, the lag by Bonn Brunelle, nd Ihe $]00 door pnze was won by DavId DavIS

Tragedy nruck In October as. man we all knew well dIed 10 a stemmgl,. Impossible Iccldent A I Wallon servcd IS bUltnUI agcnt 10 Loc.1 1205 from ]971 unlil ]980 A J was always 10 a\lend ance al un,on meellnp and .tllve 10 mlny unIon alfall' Ou behalf 01 Local I lOS, I 5IDceicly give my hnrtfelt sympathy 10 AI's famllYI .nd I'm ,ule we Ihall all mlJS him MlY God Icst hll soul to peacc

Congraluiallons to uri St"on and hIS lovely WIfe on the btrlh of theu daughle l

OUI wOlk situation at Ihl$ ume II slowmg wLlh hllle I(ltd tn s.ghl. Palatka slIlI hold, the majOdly of our work Our tn·town work picked "p lligh tly wtth GE calhng fOI a few men Crystal Riye l i. currently on a week and off a week A line job i. cxpecltd to Slart .hollly and should deu the oUlllde books and poss,bly lelleve Our Inc.easmg tn.ide employment IlI ua"Qn

At OUI Decembel meellng pIns wele aW~ lded W Ibe IQllow.ng membelt- IOyear-Chad Prulon, S·ynl-Tommy Redding, 2S·ycal-Ulyncs COl bIn and Warren Kelly , and 30·yeu-Charles Pol" pc:1I Co",utulallons 10 OU I fiye plD lee'l"iem, The hit was awarded to Ronme HIDes and Ihe four· way Icvt! was awuJtd to Terry Ham,hon I D Flankhn', name Wit dllwn fOllhe $]00 OOdoo. I"lIze However, I. D was nOt pruent .nd no money was awudtd.

COnpalulallOn, to Sh.wn Gllvn .nd hi. be.u tlful WIfe, Sandy, on the bllth of their chtld, Sh.un. Ash]ey Gllves. Sh.una gllced th •• WQlld .1 6Ih., 7 oz. Larry Langford and Clayton CInes btumc , •• ndfathell Con,. atubtlun. to .11

Crid 'Quched the hra.1I of.1I Loc.] ] 205 memo ben with thc palling 01 . nOthel member in as

many months Brother Woody Hue p'l~d ..... y November 11 MIY Cod rUI hn t<)\Il In puce fore vcr The ch.rle. hn been duped 10 h'i honOI

An Information.1 1I0(.IIh WU 10:1 1.IJ1 .1 the All · chua County hu fOI Local 1205 '.mn Cay IRd Lanny Muh,s arr.ollcd and $CI up the booth Olher • • crved I I unoul time_BIlly Mmnid .• nd hI, lovely wife, 1',1.11., Don Dickhaut, Micky Mulhnl, and Shawn .nd Sandy e,IVn. Thank you mcmbcn .nd W'Vt' for cood ICp ' CSCnl'110n

Journeymln dllsu , ' e 1I01n& .lon& well unde r the d,rection of Buck PrInce, .pp.tolltuh,p dutc-101 Two ""ddlng cbues lie currently ope"lin,. Anolllc, p,ol! •• mmlhlc (um laUt.s d.n I. I.kln, .hapt

In dOSing. mucad 0/ .eemg wh O! OUI union un do /01 us, let '. do whO! we can for OUI union Keep the fauh!

PAT RO'ilIl . P S


Ceolle Muny AWlld tenmony lie, It h to right , Feli. Mapponlli , dil tCIIII, AFt·CIO Communil ), Scryitu, C".ld P. T. Connor, plui· dent , Loc.1 ]lJl, Wilmin,toll, Del. , Our Cllney, .wlld recipient , .nd Sam ,"'fIIIO, b,uinH' man· IB", Loe.1 12.l1.

Brother Carney Receives George Meany Award Loul 1238 luI, WILMINGTON, DEl.-The only pc:.son 10 OUI Itate evc, to 'ecelve the George Meany AWlld, I.bor'. hlghell aWlld lor st.vlce to yuuth thlough Scoutm~ "our uwn Brmhel D,ve urn"y Active tn chu.eh, veteran. and communny .elYlces and. ScOUt fOI 40 yeall. Brother C.rney has won many .wards, tnc1ud,ng the Olde l of the Arrow and the Si]vel BeaYel. leeently given by Ihe DeIMarV, Counc.1 of Boy ScOUIl of Amelica, all Icflecttnl the delVee of hi' devonon 10 making "betler cllluns of the boy." whIle showlll' them, .. he pUll II. " the Jl;ood th,ngs Ihe world hu 10

offer " In JlICKn"", the 'Wild, which '$ I hlndwme

b.onzed med.lhon lu)pc:nded on a rcd, while, .nd blue nbbon wllh .n aceomr.n ylOg een IRcat t , AFt· CIO Cammunuy Sclvlce. Dlltt tOl Fel,x RIPflO" .elli honortd Dave C'lnty'_ dedlcalion 10 younl people al a United W,y Luncheon he le Novembcl ]6 At his wOlk location, where Brothel Calney holds down the mIdnIght , hilt 10 a power pl,nl control room, he was plalsed by BU110eil MlnaKcl S.m Menw 10. ce lelOony .ttended by the company ple1ldent

As a Scout MUICI who 15 snll a Boy SeOUt II

hUll , D~ve Carney embodln the hIgh value. and outsundtng ItrVlCe well dcsc lY,ng thiS .wlld

GAYAN"' ... MclI~ll)l, I'S

Local 1245 Presents Program on Safety LU. 1245 (o''' ,I,em,eIlV,IfIl ,KoVIa.pel ), WALNUT CREEK, CAL_ AI JI'" 01 , conllnuI'" clfolt 10

keep membell UJI to datt on the IatUt dudop' mCDls 10 l ieu of hulth .nd ufe ty, ]BEW l.<Ic.1 1245 has been p,uenlmR day· long IhQP "eward wmhhup. thruullho"1 the jun~dlclton foeU.inll on wUlkpl.ce . Utll Mcmbc:11 learn how to bell dell With .lIeu on the joh, IJ wrll as Ihe added ' UClI .unoundmg the ClII. I~quilcmem, 'nd dem.nd.

Shop 5uward. Dick lIoye., Ifft , 'lId DUll MOOIICY, I., right, of Loul 1145, Walnut Cruk, Calif., prcpalc fOI IIrCIl rolc·playing ntrdle " "celli worbhop with AlrOIl Bad" CCIIICf, rcpruellulin from thc IIIJlitulI for Labor ,od ,~CIII.llIuhb.

Shop sitward, hom Ihe EIJt Ray .nd Gentra l ConJltuclion gel ltl 10 cril ique nrcu role·playing .tbion.

placed on IholC memhcrs who serve as shop new ards

Tht WQrk.hopa Invo]ve Piestnlllion. by IBEW l.<Icll 1245'. Industrial HY!lenisl luh,nn Sum, A$.$lltanl Bustntl. M,nagcf Roo FitZSImmons .nd rCrre5(nllUVtl 01 the Instnute IQr Laboland Mcn· tal Hea]th headquanerrd III Oakl.nd.

Response 10 the wOlkshop prO!llm h .. been favorable, wilh member, agreei", Ibal I lleu 'c· comm<xbllon " ont Qf the hOliest health bsues of the] 980'.


Many Members Traveling ; Contract Negotiations Ongoing LU. 124910,u,a.(l ly l, SYRACUSE, N.Y._For the lut few months mon alJ of our memMr, h,ve m.n'Red to hIVe. job IOmewhele. QUilt. fe w are Iltll wO/kmg OUI of our tUlIsdlclion Howeycr, Qur work thIS fill hIS been tbe best that \I has Men fOI lOme lime Some of the job, lie fin l,hlll« up thu month though 10 I luppo~" will pUI Brothen back on the bench .galn

Our NeJDII.tlllg Te.m has lU.1 finlshcd getlinK I polcntlll '!lcement with OUt lice clearance con" aC IO". The new agleement wdl be voted on by the memhcrs II ttv",.1 mecltngs around the lta te wtthln the nut few wcek,.

We a.e presenlly negolt'ltng a conllaCI fOI Ihe Lake Pl.c id munictpal employeeslnd also one for Stcuben RUlal Elecuic in Balh, New YOlk. Our "A" mcmbc:u agreement IS aboul due fOI ne KOI;· attng agam .110. 8U.lOe55 Manlger Andy Mihok .nd Plestdent Bob L,ngtry will h,ve thelt hands full of conU.CII for , few month,

Our local hu pu.chased the movie "The LaSt Cbance" .nd II hu Men ,hown . t one of our union meel;ngS. It has .Iso Men let OUt to othel groups for Ihell vlewlIIg.

We h.ve been htl by lIC.b compc:ltuon the lame II uery o ther conJltuctioo local 8u.ineJI Man· ager Andy Mihok II " lakinK the bull by Ihe horns" and trying 10 lemedy the .IIUlllon belo~ it gets OUI 01 h.nd


Labor Stereotypes Hurt Unions LU. 12SJ (11, AUGUSTA, ME._ AI one IIm( Ot ,nolhel, we'y( encQunlered the phrase, ",," tude

Softball Team

Shown ,bo~e II Ihe Loul 12S3, AUIU$U , Mr" t lltr)' ;olh.:: lohballl(lufumtni l l Solid .. !!,. D.y, Stpl t mht . S, 1983. ~ft 10 ,i, ht" f M .. k Ollt ll ':: lIt, Craig Pnry, Terry Sltvtn_, Cary Perr y. Dan. L.n· nnu, Phil Nubi!!, Slnr ..... nrUUI, Did; tertlit, Tom Nason. Slln Wallacr, I(evln Nubl ll . nd Rick Hanlin.

adlU!lmtllt hour" Wh l) nee,!, ~n .l!lI!ude a(ip,ut

mcm1 Recently, a local member mentioned IU a family

member thai the Trade Council oflclcd II) rcnuvalc an old home mID the Ronald Mcf)<ln~ld H{)u~e ~t no CO$I. Th t corporation ,du_cd Ihe offer No OM knew the .usC)n Tilt family member replied, "Tha,'s because they'd {unjon er.h,,"cnl never show up o. be wo drunk." Have we ever wondered about IndIVidual no·,huw o,l,tenes, recordsl Hnw .boUI Ihe alcoholic Iha! comes on the tob, who's had a lew to<) m~nyr Shuuld we ov~r!{)(Ik this lob ha:.ard r How br docs the membership have to ,0 to help him I Whal doe!i the cltenl Ihlnk aooul all Ihlsl

How m~ny umel have we hUld 01 upressed such cliches" "Good cnou,h, I'll never sce 11 from my houn", "I don't c~re", "GCI my money, I'm nOI workln' In thIS plh~,e' ''1 "Union meet on,s are a joke'" ''The .cab, IIC takln,lt our lObs"! Aren'l we lupposed 10 sell qu~hty craftsmanship! Or have we become apathetic, audaCIOus ly allO' ,anI, spollcd hrats and p"ma donnul C.n anu scab labor slogans on tshills Or sluhlng IIIU md breaking hcadhghu on lorcign car, rel,cvc OUI conSClenccl Alen't thele poUlb,Uliu thai lome

..... feci protected, no rna Ite r the wlOn,l(, because ul the membersh,p ousling improbablillicsi

[)Q we realile, under contlnu.1 SC IUllny, thaI the genclal pub"c definn 01,ltanI1(d laoo. as la:y, arrogant and muncy hungryl Do wc realize an t i labor group. take great adVantl~cs of the" SIC. cotypcs! How many 01 os leel Ihey ale wrunKl Wbosr job ,5 n 10 pruv~ they'rc wrungl

So, In summary, without self ~walenen, Ihclc is no unllY, Without unllY, Ihere I~ no stlen!;th Without strenglh, we cannot sunlve. TherefOle, thIS bUIC surVIval equallon of self awarenen plus pohllt. ~qu,ls llvel!hood, definitely needs balanc Ing.

Wltb .esoundlng new Itrenglh, Wt al~ mU5Ivdy laUYlllg for tbe first lime IU endUlse I preSIdential candldale, 101me. VI~e P.eSldenl w.hcl Mondale, .... ho WIll support labor IUUes Rememhcl, ,I we do not uOlly 10 vOICe Ind VOle, nUl only WIll we conllnue to suller under the daslaldly deed} 01 Reapn, enlOYlng our lobs Will be Crlnbro, J·E and David Ubol Inun ale nOI dull nOI arc they rhelanc, th~y are OUI livelihood To I ctll~el and ncal reilleu, there muSt be CXI!ltn,lt eontinUlly 101 fUIUle BrothelS and S ISt~r5

This lime, we need to lookahud tnlO the IUIUIC. hopefully nevel 10 suffe r anoth(1 myuplc nll$uke 'gl1n We mu", s!and togelhel 01 diVIded .... e WIll fall Wc WIll be blllnlllaSI II Rcall.n WtnS anothel ,,~

Now a break for loc.l ncws BrOlhcl fled SCOIt'S tumor has compleldy dlurpurcd thunh \U ~n cally dlagnoSi. and ,.dlatlun trcatmel1t5 We"e ~II happy to hC~1 tvc rylhlllg .... ·mked Ollt'

To all inlcrested Incal memhcr,-an IIPl:udc 2 'i Hour ProgJanlmable COlllmller cuu r~e will bc I:lvcn by Brolher Jeff Dauphinee. A ",uunum 01 I",,, r ei class due to I,mlted equipment. Con'lnuou~ clanes .... 111 be held u lung as thcle arc IWO peoplc In le.· uted. Comact Brolher Woody COle for IUllhel Informallon The lenova,lons to Ihe '1.11 a,c now

eompletc and II ~u ' e I<>oks Kre.1 Many Ihank. 10 the Remet's Club 101 lhw vo)"nleN labm to make it po •• ihle


"Fearsome Five"

Piclured is 'he fUlSome Five 1,0m the uSl lie ollln, l ocal 1306, I)e~atu r, III" who .. e "plly lng Ih ei l pun as prisoners" on Halloween, flom Itft to light ar~ Rost Vte( hi , lolJ [nt .... lslle, Ann t Peli kan, lant Pieea tt o, lois It t lmlg,

Negotiations Upcoming: Local Hit With Layoffs L,U. \l06 luow ). DECATU R, Ill. Ve lY shortly. we WIll beg,tn cuntr~ct nc,ltOtl~tlUn~ wtth 11110011

l'owuComp.ilny QUI agteement wllh them expl les luly I, 11184 ThiS endea~OI to mamtatn and 10 implove wOlkmg (ondUIIl'U 101 OUI member~hlp will nu doubt keep OUI N(g,,"~"ng Committee busy lor the nell lew month~ ltt ui I\Ive them ou. tOlal ,uppon In nelY way thn we can The only Improvements we lec(lv" frnon 11I",,"s ,'owel are those &;Imed al .he halgllnm!: "ble

Management has hit us IJt.1tn wllh layoffs due to .. '84 budget euu," while at Ihe .... me lime luthOllzmg Ihe hlllng, of several additional non Ulllon pr;r$<lnnci m Ihe '~me depulmenu that CU I uniun pt:uplc. Hang ontu yuur work, Smthe" Ind SiSlersl NonunIOn employees Ire 10 over·stafled Ihal Ihcy ..... ould luve 10 do youl TOb to IU5111y thcII PUlltlun If you leI m~nallement uhl~1n pan of YOUI work, ",meone In IJ06 wllllo~c Ilobt !'Ieue help UI Ictaln UUl wo.k by r~ puntnll '1uullonable Ie· tlVItlCS to YIllU unton stcw~.d

Ale you reglstcred II> vutd Is youl IICI,lthool reKISlc.ed III YOte! Get Involvcd III thc next dtc· lion Another term 01 Ru!;.n WIll ,urely de'troy labl>! unions In thts country u we knnw them Su pleme Coun and NlRII applllntmcntJ, EEOC Bnngs, and tax cutS fo, 'he IIch, all IndlCl'C the dlrccllon Reagan IS gllln~ We milS! take an DeIlV/>, IntelCSI to InsUle that Rea,.~n dlJoeI nOI gCt Ie declcd

Becn to I unton mcelin~ laldyl We nced yuu Send In your COmment< r WIll nUl USc your

name, ctlhcr MA~Y E CIIAHAM, P.S

Safety Awarded With Savings Bonds L U, 1107 lu.!t.uu ·l, SA LISBURY. MO,_Dullng the PU t yeu I have leponed on the strong push fOI safelY both by thIS local and the company whIch cmpic,ys us Apparently work",& ufet payl off both phYllt~l1y and nnancI~lly Delmarv, Pow el·s salety I~CorJ unploved w much tn 198J thaI '" prcsldent, Ntv Curl IS, presenled everyone 10 Ihe company with an aWAld of U S uVln,lt~ oonds All hargalnlng Ulllt pelSonnel rccelved S I ~o worth, while m~nallement employe~s received larger ~mUUrlU, much lat~~t ~tI"'Ur1n In lu",e euu I 'uI>JI<.>~e thc mnney WHO ~lven nol only tu award 1!.l8J achIevement., bUI to ""Pile an equal Or bellel performance In 19~4 leI's tty IU have ~n accldent ,free New Yeat

l' , cs , d~n! nub Murphy and becl111vc DoarJ nlembers Kenny Snllth and L~rry fisher attclIIled Ihc 4th Dlstrlc! Ul illty WOlkshop Oecember 14-16 In CharlCSton, West VUI(It11a

I'm pleucd 10 r( pUII that our Il1l1u.1 VI'" 10

Hully Center 111 Salisbury, ,\\alyland, was ,~kcn on Decembel II by several membels and oillcels There we ' e plenlY of toys, clothes, lrull and atlen· \Inn 10 go around. We also arranged 10 have the Delmarva MUI Chou Vi511 and perlOim fOi every· one. We espeelilly wanl 10 Ihank them for uking umc 10 VISII Ihe Cenler w"h us. As always, Spllll$ were hIgh and all Ihe reslden's seemed 10 enlOY III the IUllv1\les. Think.. 10 I l1lhe members who donated their 1Ime and "Its so that ,hese people could fedlhe warmth Ind lOY of ChJ1s,mas

DUlin, the lummer 01 \1183 Delmarva Power "aued I 10lmahled tralnmg plO!;larn for all thell "nemen The plogram 15 an m·deplh one covenn& .11 phn'" 01 Itne work ~nd asSOCIated eqUIpment Thele lie 21 mOOuln w"h each one takIng .oou, three day. to (omplcte. W"h such a ttalnmg pro· gram", dfeCI 1\ 15 teasonahle to assume that hne work WIll be done much more effiCIently and mOfe .aldy In the fUlur~

Unlll nnt month_s trcn&th In unllY MIC" AEL A DENNIS, F S IP S

Local 1339 Moves Into Own Building l ,U, 1l39lu), BUFfALO, N. Y.-Well We gnt 1\ ­our own hamel local IJJIIIs now localed II J61)O Callforni. Dnve, Orchard Park, New York It wu In ,he mIddle of Decembel 'hn Ihc closmg took place To say 1\ 15 a monumental day In 'he hIstory of ou , Incal .... ould be an underSlatemCnt oillund plofXJlllOn The tnttr~ hutldmg committee de SNVU OUr thanh, hed~-d by lou Bohn as ehall min The committee ConSIStS of Ron Alfennk, Ed Cnffey, Tom Comne, frank Flay, R,ch Hubbard, Mike Kelly, and 8111 McDonald ThiS 15 'he prool that We art not only getlmg b'ggel, we arc abo gctun& bettel Although our bUlldmg needs some lemOOehn&. Ihe office w,1l be operatmg the.e al· moSt IS loon as We mOVe III The 11,800 tOlal sqUIIC leet WIll 01 COUll,e be dIVided 1010 uffien and a meeting hall When lenovated, ,he hall nol only WIll ho.I our 1(,ltu1u Dullalo mecllng8 hUI we Will have Ihe ahllllY 10 lent The bUIldIng 15 yours 10

come OU t nOI only 10 5ce II but to usc" Thls may be a good IImc 10 art.wer the few

members who seem 10 And 11 essential to bitch ahout anYlhln,lt .hlS local UIU to accompltsh There ale Ihosc few who conunually find fault with evtrythlng the ufficers ~nd E~ecu"ve Board mCm he l ' do 10 Improve not only the local In gcnelll hut ill WO/klnll rebl10nshlP wllh Nlaglra Mo· hawk . I am 111 no w~y implYll1g thai the people runnlll ~ th is local are beyond reproach but to ,h~ contrary , lh. , they arc alway, .ppruachable .... lIh con~lIuc l ive ClltlCISm lor thc bette.ment <Jf U$ III Nut ulendln& meelll1g' to ask questions you have unly leads to hearsay and rumors that conllnue u an undelCUllent Even Ihough I am an opllmlSt, I have ~O\ 10 behevc Ihat those I have lUst rderred '" .... Ill nm be ,uding ,h" artlclc 01 fOI th., maliC. be r,escnt at Ihe nc~t Ic&ulal meeting. So II IS 'he lime as ~pendlng time lelltnlllhc members who do (ume to meellllgs thai attendance should be Imploved-the onet hearmg arc the members who do not have IU be laid

11184 15' conlllCI yea. and ploposals should have been In at YUUI regular December meeting. YOUI ExeeUllve Board Will have 5Cleened them in Ian u.ry .nd exeh.nged proposal, wllh Ihe Company The uewllds' h(lp Will be needed, " " WaJ 'WO YUll .,0, w"h backglUund and other spec lAc mfomlallon pr;lIatmn,lt 10 thell depallmenu

How IS th" lor a (ltch~ clu.lllg1-"See you a. Ihe neJt meetln~ ..


Labor'S Members Must Unite, Scribe Says L,U. 1]40 ll, o.!t.~m) , NE WPO RT NEWS, VA,-On Decemher S, I)OSl, I , "ended our aru 's Cen"al lah ... Counci l', Chlluma, PallY Al.o attending werc some of Ihis alca', most prnmll1cot Demo' er~lic pollttcl.ns It is ,efreshlng 10 sec polttlcians who aren'l afraid to be n50Cta ted wllh Olgan,%ed 51


1.b(1I .n thuC' COnKO'allve limes. That'l why we muJt do III we un to belp OUr In ends In pollua. Labor'. polmu] Influence b pf{)wbly tbe mott .mportant too] we hue to 5«u. e a bri&htc. fu tu .c. [t i. not only you. n&hl but you. dU lY 10 UC. CI.se YOU I poiluul dou! 10 a wly lha t wIll bC'nd h 1,1t , II

I'yt hUld • few membC'rs Sly, "My unIOn un'! te ll mc how to vote" 0 1 "No one " IIo.ns 10 Iell me how 10 vote." Ma ybC' so, but when you. labor lu de rs endoue • c. nd.dne they arc SlylDS th" Ih" p"lieul~ . person Will be5l repreacnl the soa]s and ideals that you, 15 a unIon membu , w.sh to obllin . So when II is time to un your vote, the rteommendation of your union leaden should be uxd to help you make your deds.on. 1/ you are the t~ of pe rson who doesn 't care who you. ludell cndolle. then m~ybC' you s houldn 'l be • uDlon member. The labor movement can only move forw.,d .f 115 membell .,e united, nOI only on the b.uu of w'tes and workins condlllons but mOil unporu .ntly we must bC' united pollUcally

At our November meeuns our fine SC'cond'yea' apprentice Ins.de wuemen were Inducted Into our loc.1 union. They were 15 follows ' La rry D Asce, Michael P. Dllgnnuh , Danny L. Hodges, L.uren Mu"u, Sleven 8. Siowikowskl, DUIn L. $we· denbo. ,Il:. ' amn T Walker. These new .tlp.entices ,ep.ennl Ihe future of our loca l So let 's all take the ume to show them the Ide.l. that m.de un.on. veat and explalO 10 them the mOl.1 v. luu and fM'.$Onal conVICIlOOI UDIOO members should h.ve

It "eml th.t at every un.on mccllns I SC'e the same lacu month after mooth Thlt .s vut-I commend .ll of you who ~ttend un.on meellnss re(\llarly. Where arc the ref{ of youl I know we h.ve m.oy 8ro, helS 00 , he road, but we h.ve a lot of membe.t .n , own who do not bothe r to atlend the meet lOgS. Attend union meeungs, our futu re de pends on you . Let 's nOI be paCi fislI, hu t aCllv ,sts.

Remember, when you buy Ame. iean·made goods you save American lohs. Buy Ameri~an, ,he Job you s.ave may be your own.



Steward. from Loc.1 1341, Ciot innlll , Ohio, II · tendioSlheir II lininl sessioo io Novembe. , 1983.

On Job

':'~~:::;,~:::::"! ""' D are membC'n, I.om Idt to " Sht , Rob-en Hlnlml_, .. in p.« ideo t of Loc. I I ) 411 Wardie Nichol" , ,,oio' I'n"m.n " A"I aod los"ph Gel1, I,n"mlo " A".

Local Holds Stewards Training Session L U. 1347 (ul, CINCINNATI, Oill0-5t~wa.d , of Locll 1347 u.cnded a lIaini"g sen.on at the union h.1l .n Novembe •. Oificers of ,he local keep the

$Iewards advI~ on new p.ocedures and rdruh the Imporlance 01 a l1ewa,d 's rupon5.blhty by ho]dlDg these uamm, SHSIOn$. These ded.ca ted people known 10 .11 of U$ IS s.ewards Irt the "pobcemen" worluns 10 ..,e thl! the cnnUICI II uphdd. The stewlrd 01 ,he loc.1 union MOWS the conlIa~1 and loca] un.on bylaws 10 that he lIl.Iy beneSt.1l th" mem""r, when hlndlinSlnevances O. IU$1 answellng qUeillon, f. om the mem"".sh,p. The "eward .s. hnk of COmmunlCat.On bet",een the employee and the union offiee.s who keep communieallons flowlOg In both dlfecllons.

Members of Lo<.:.1 134111e fortunate to have . he dedicated stewards who take time OU t of thcu busy schedules to attend thue traming senions so they un Serve the membership 10 the """ 01 thell ab.llIy. To all of OUI lIewards, the membel' of the local thank you

Our local's meclmss arc hdd on .he SC'eond fnday of each monlh beSlOnms II 8,00 p.m. 1\

4 100 Cole.am Avenue Thue meetings I re for YOU I

plullC' attend. Thanks 10 Dave Bllb.o, reco. dlDS "creluy, for

submltung the above ullcle iU,y I"y, P.S.


ReprU en ting Loc.1 1367, Ch ic.go. Ill., It the II· linois State Conf .. enc" In September, 1983. we.e, left 10 righ ' , G.be Fis uuoa, reeo.dinS secreta ry, Eucut ivr Board member, Allen Yo unS, pres ident, and Richard Rubn, Executive Board member. p.ess ,ee.eta.y, and COPE rfl ;slI • •.


Pi" lured lie Ihe Chi· Clgo Ce ntr. ' Ove.hud Dep.umenl 51.rtinl fim period linemen on Gndll. l ;nn D.J' , OelO­ber 1, \ 983.

Scribe Notes Promotions, Anniversaries, Graduations LU. 1361 (u l, CIIICACO, ILL-Stan ing wilb Ih.s month's amde fo r Local 1361. in thia lBEW lour· 00/. I will be atlP.o.chml my Clghth conseCUllve year of reporuns newt for our great local next month Thll will be 96 conSC'culIve months of .epom", news and c¥cnu that have liken plae" m OUr three dlv.s.ons, Ch.ClSo North, Chicago Central, and ChlClSo South Looklll.,ll: ~ck, I b.avc S«n many chall&U and advance men,' Ihrough the ha'pnDlng5yncm I enJOY heannslrom OUt IIC',V1Ce annUllants .nd shall COfIllnut '0 ~nd them the lHEW loumlll Thank yoo for you. continued sup­port and lettcn of encouragemenl Consra tul~uons on theu promotions 10 IIC'DIO'

t.ee tnmmcr~ B.othelJ Ken JOISenKn from Chi' cago South to Chicago Central and Henry Gillen of Ch.cagn South, effective .n November, 1983. BUI of luck IS cx lcnded to both

For Ihe ll yc~u of sc rv.ee, cong .. tulallons ro the foUo ..... ;ngcdcb.ating cnmp~ny anlllHrUr;ts: With 35 years underg, ound plincipaJ condu.tman Wil · ham Gasparro, February 28, ]949. and unde rground

p" nc lp.1 eondui , man loseph Thomas, february 15, 1949 1 w.th 30 yuu SC'fVlce, IIndCISiOUnd .y"em reoorde. Ron.ld KoneckI, february 26, 19S4

Ch.ugo Cenual Ove.head [kpanment hu lu.st compleled I new ""hoDl for stam", 1I0emen flnt petlod CradUaliOn day was on October 1, 198J, and ,he .nStructors lor Ih,s schoo] were 8rother. DenDlI Bo. kowski . Ron eollld, Ind 8ill Kodow.ki Congratulatlons ,n Ihe 101l0wIDg first pcnod It~n ·

inghnemen Bob Pe lllt, Raul Ort iz, Terry Shelldan, ellal Carla, W!Ilie Alice., Ken Au.nda, A. Mu· che' i, John Cnffl n, Clarance Pe'lUU, Mike Fc rgun· son, ZClk Mathews, 1.10 Mo]oney and An thony Nevarn.

The neXi .tsulll meellll! 01 llx:.l 1367 Will be on febr\lllry 8, 1984, a Wednesday, $lining prom ptly at 8,00 p.m. 1\ the HillSide Holiday Inn . Sho w you. suppon , bC' p.tse:nt fot '84. The ElIecullve Board will meet on February 12, 122 West Ad.ml, II 1:00 p.m

Thil mon th we celehll ie LlDcolo 's Bll thday on february IJ and Wash,ngton ', 8 .. thday on febru · al")' 10. Also Ihis month, a very spec" l day 10. the lad • .,., ,ha t being St. V.len tine's D.y on T ueway. February 14.

In dOJln,ll:. remember, take the lime to thmk, It 1$ the $Ou.ce of POWt. ! t~ke the l ime to work, 11 II tht pnet of tucccss, la ke the ume 10 play, il I I

the SC'e ret of pc:rpc tual ynuth , and take the time 10 bC' fnendly, il '5 the road 10 h~tlPlDe". Do il todsy .nd not ' 'Titt D"y AFru, ... Think 5pnnS'

RICH Ruv.s, P S


fnr Loul I38S, AI · banJ, N.Y. Sundin" left tn "Iht, are Dennis Ri t,,;n, lIe.,u."" Pat SunkH, &.nand al ""e. ellrY, Ed Bell, vice prCllidtDl I Don R'Snn~ , pruident , Ind S. m Roni . • eeordins Hern.ry.

New Chief Steward AppOinted LU. 1]85 (IIOW ), ALBANY, N.Y.-We IIC ploud 10 announce and welcome f ran Foland IS the first woman ch.ef Iteward ID the h.story of Our 10CiI fran .$ no newcomer to Ihe un ion busIDeSl, how· evel l she has heen ac llve as 5Ieward ID one of OUI largcst depanmenlS for OVe t fOUl yUrs, hit bC'en an deeud member of OUr Execu ti ve Soa.d for the past lit! YUII, and has acted IS IIC'ClCtlry for ,hit becutLve ~rd We Wish fra n the very heSI In

her new position 15 chief s te"'ard. Once asain this year l ocal 1385 PreSident Don

Ragone. V.ce Pres.dent Ed Bell, and the o.her officers hive supported and helped the Unl1ed Way camp.!gn to raISe money for the needy pC'ople who use the Un.ted Way agencies. Our people h.ve shown Ihell Sene.oslly agam thiS yur and arc amons the lOp donators ID the Capllal Are.

Every 101;.] uDlon member should be aware of COPE which Ilinds fot " Cnmmiuee on PollUc.1 Educ.tlnn .. Th.s IS cspc:Clally Hue thiS yu. "". cause 11 IS • tI.esldeoual election yur It IS u;· uemdy .mponlnl that we clect candldatCi who sutlpon Iabo. poslllnns. If you lie nn, abudy s'pled up for COPE, pleallC' consider "VlnS' do­nauon whICh Will hclpcoDnnueou. un.on sliensth m Oh1llOIOSl11 soals for bette. work.ns cond.tlonl fo t all OUr mcmbers_

Niagara Mohawk lIattemp"ng to mSlltu ,e new two· man hnc Clews on Our property. T his is • m.ior problem ",h.ch has concerned P r ~sident Don Ragone 101 many months and is IIkmg up much of h.s lime meeung with the Compan y. We are hopmg that thiS issue Will be SC'!t]ed.n .. billa lion

to avo.d any fur lhe. p,oblema at conl" CI negot( · .. lIions Ihll yen

The officers of ou, locil umon lIe very mte, uled m safe ty, both al wo,k and II home, for 01,1 , members 0 1,1, p,uJden t has ,eQuu ttd safe ty mttl · m/l:t .n all TOC offleu SO we w,ll be Informed on salely ",suel In o, del to prov.de • saltr enViron· ment fo, ou r membe, ship.

Let 's everyone sUPPOr! Our officen m the upeom· 'n, negoli.II0n$ and .ttend ou, umon meeun,.

• .... NCOll FLLMIM.:, P S

New Recreation Committee Formed L.U. uoo !uJ. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.-At the Oc· lober member.hll'l meelln," wu deCIded to form

.. I new Rcc. ullon Commlllee Thc members of Ih" CommlHee lie 11m Cox, M.ke MIllime. jay Taylor, Tnm Denny, Roy Pru.tt, and Bob Coffman wllh TIm Coopcr scrvln, JI chllrman The oblect of thu Commlllee II 10 fund and hold evenlS thll

• Will be of • socll l Ind leercatlOnal nllure fo, members of th,s local.nd theLl "m.ILet

On November I. 1983, Ihe CommJltce held 'IS fI ' ,l meelmg. It was dec.ded II thai lime to hold

". I MODte Carlo Nighl 10 raIse mDnty n,. nenl wu held on December 2, 198J. The Commlllee provIded the free food and ,dreshmcnts Ind il was • very successful nlghl! It wouldn 'l hne been posSIble Ihough wuhout'lhe help of Ihe voluntcers

• from the locil Ind Ihe help Ind 'UPPOI! of Iheu WIVes who cDnmbutcd bolh II home WLlh en couragemenl and on Ihe n,ghl o. the Uenl by help.n, run the pmel Ind pus out food

• May Ih" be • conllnum, .nd enugcllc Corn mlllee and may n alway. have our SU PPOIII

Some of our neW "ewards h.d ,one 10 .IO·week school ;and th,ce OUt o. fOUl Hnlshed Ihe course They :ue M.ke .... Ib,echt. Din S.nders. Ind R.ck

t Ham Congratulauons and ben wl,hes for conllLl· ued successl

It IS my sad dU LY In rcpo" of Ih, ee de.th. m ou, local. Jim Roberts, Vernon Ham .nd Ermc Freeman, .11 members'lIlce Ihe mC~pllOn of thIS loc.l, WIll be sadly mlSscd

_ Remember-buy Amencan and SUl'lpon you, 10· calt



Pictured lie thr childtfn of Brothrr Frank Sturnl, Lou11402, 'iIUbu"h, 'a., Nikolll.nd Nalhaold.

, Scribe To Retire; Notes Attendance Policy t.U. 1402 Itm), PITTSBURGH, PA.-Wllh ,rul sadness I report the plSsm, of , ellfee Dolo, cs

~ Dlbrowski She d.ed On Thlnks/l:ivm, DIY. No· vember 24, 1983. She reli red July 1980 Condo· lences ~ rt u\ended 10 Ihe famUy

Brothe, Mllchell Babnt sul/e red teve , c .bdom· mil pams at work Ind WIS diagnosed IS h.nn, a perfora ted ulce , . At th,s wlilmg he 15 still in Ihe hosplt.L We send hun all good wishe l for. qu.ck rrcovuy and to sec hllll back .. wo.k before Ion,.

Blother luI)' Tlylor hIS hid .nother ope, atlOn on h.s elbow IS the aftermath of Ihe moto, cycle accident of Seplember 1982 ..... ft cr .cmov. 1 of the


cln and belore ,el'l l,cmg the ca.t, he noted I 101 more movcmenl .n 1115.n, the arm 10 • hIgher level The doclorSlle vcry plelscd wLlh hIS progrrn and lie ,,"ung theupy on .he I.m He wl1l mOSI hkely return to work dunns Ihe new yu,

It IS ,",L1h ml:led emOILons thlll must m.ke Ihls my lan/ouma/.rtlcle. I am rellllng at the end of Ih.s yell I hue .lso scrved IS ' eco,dmg sccretal)' slIlce Scl'ltembe, of 1980. I WIll ml5S both I.If my 'u',nmentJ bUI. hopefully. look loward the 'uture .nd ,et IIlID some wOllhwhile prolects My hobby II 011 I'IIIIlUnK, and I w,lI ,clurn to dau .Ite, I rell.e

ConCetnmS Ihe new attendance policy wblCh began October I , 198J, the union andcomplny arc 1,,11 Il)Iln, 10 mod.fy the rules So far. even a docto,·, excusc IS 001 accrptable. The policy '"'as drawn up m hopes of !al$lnl Ihe I"endance 01 I lew ch,onlc absentee memben. BUI, whenever rule •• nd .e,ul.llons lie SCt III moll on, II .1/«11 .11 membeff even Ihose who h.ve near pe,fecI attendance Wllh Wlllier hrre .nd the oold IDd nu scuon CIIChllll III unawIICS, absenteeISm IS a dllficull ploblem to control Down Ihe .oad. ,ftel leners .nd d,ys off as drscll'lhnary aCllon. IS Ihe Inevitable 5pCClel of finn,. n,jO pun a lot of pressu ' e on members who become le~lImllcly III I hope to IoCC some modificallon In Ihe sYfiem

With willie. here ulllily bills seem to h.ve no wly 10 ,0 bUI up As 'Clulllly as the SClsons, Ihe ullimes ask lor ,ate raISes

When any mcmbel has a grIevance and 15 be'ng repte.w:nted by hIS steward II • meelln, with the company. he IS caUUOIIed to exercl.., some control ovc, h.s UK ofbad larlpla,e The Steward IS advlscd to lemove Ihe gr.evanl from the mcelln, and UU\lOn h,m 10 calm down Ind use belle, language to expres. hlmsclf .... nd, funhcr, If the grIevant docsn'l hnen. Ihe steward should not relurn hIm to the meelln,.

In closinl!. [ wanl to heanily than k the IBEW . • nd thc /ourn<ll O"eCtor. Robel! W Mc .... lwee, lor Ihe oppo"unLly 10 upress mysclf III wrLllnl­

Gf.NEVlf.v£ SmllJ(;o\. P S

Workers Moving to Other Plant Sites L U. 1470 lem6.u tw}, KE .... RNY. N. j.- Whit I yUr th.s IS 101111 10 be fOI Our members he,e In Kurny It has III sti lled whe,e we arr find.ng our prople ,om, all ove,-Omaha. Dallas, New R.ver, Read· mot. Allcntown, and othel areas, and thIS iJ IU51 the belmlllnl-

In ,om, 10 these Wcslern Elcctnc planlJ, our people will nOi feel u.~nge beeau5e all plants m aU, sySt~m Item 10 oper~tc .n the same mllnncr Same rulu. IImc clock, same benefits, Ind even the color of the checks i5 the same But, 01 course, thc pay Kale .s a lilllc smaller Wc miss allihest de'l pcople. but Ihey arc workm, ~nd wUJ make the 30 yU/5 and OUI, no penal ty, and also be: able 10 get benefits lor l.fe II's som, 10 be tough on lome ,,~velm, lon, dLStancCI, bUI many have car pooled to make it Cls.er m ,Ding the dutallce from pll nt 10 home A fcw members have ta!<tn I ,oom Ind come home on weekends. Some have sold their homes .nd bought homes in the .. neW enV .. On· meRt. All In all. we that are left here In Kearny


10 this phoul N~w"k and Kumy reptuenlltiVCl lit Ihown In I reland mood.

w.sh uch one Ihe best of health Ind luck The company II th,owIII, h.nts that we w.lI .ull

be hue uotll lune 1985. a few people rem.mlll, ,nd il lu,e w!ll nl/\ lookm, hke a ,hosl lown Cobweb, w,ll be formm, .nd spidell WIll hive thell freedom to ro.am th,oulh.ll Ihe emply budd tnp Pe,h'p.ATaTm,ght ,elllthem. whoknow.1 It wlil be hke P,umll cemelCf)', fo, whIle Local 1470 wl ll.tllI h.ve Newark Gllew,y, Clllk, Con necnon. Ind Meadowl.nd, TV, pe.h.p$ we might ,dOCile OUI ofRcn clote by 10 Ihern And to thmk we uKd 10 complam .nd Hnd fault Some of us couldn't waLl to ' Cllle and o. course we Will m.ss III Ihese faults we lound beuu.e no place, bUI no place Will then eve, be good old Kcarny Woru

If the emply .paCCl .D the emply bUIld,ng' could ooly \Ilk, Ima,lne what they would lay on Ihe OVer SO yn,s .nd Ihe thousands of pcople who filled neh !",,,Id.n, 11111 nool

Never w,lI we lo.gel .11 Ihe mcmollu of daYJ and YUtI gone by

LtSA Loru, P.S


Rellrcu 01 Loc::.1 1414, Syracuse. N. Y., fRioy the bullet II the PcnJlonell Club .... nnual Christmu P.ny.

Retirees Club Membership Increases LU. 14U luowl, SYRACUSE, N.Y.-Nil,." Mo· hawk PQWtl Corporatlon I'enl loners Club of Syr· acusc held ill bus. ness mtetlnl and its AnnLlal Chnnmu Parly on December 6 II the Amenc.n legIOn, I'ost 41, in Syracuse. New York Moslol these l'IenJ.oner. we.e members 01 Local \484 Ind Local 79 The mO.e thin one hundred pllticipanll were u cand 10 I del.clous buffet lunch conSLSunl of • I"ge assortment of dclicllClsen mulS and Ullds, 1I0ng With cookiu and coffee

8rothel Marl Y Senn, forme . vice pruidenl of Local 79 and cun enlly president of the Pen.iOnell Club, wricomed the l athering. He inuoduced the olfiee" Ind guesu Ind asked Local 79 p.u idenl 53


Officers ..

Waher MU i 'Y, Local 1484 p.n idclIl , Ith , , ' ttU lobn Cion, riSh. , • fo rmfr p.uidcot of Ihe lotal, I ' the Chri5lmu pan y.

Ray Valli I", 10 s.ay a lew words. Thcn Wahe. MasHy, Localla84 pru,dtn,. welcomed the mtt' ­III, and prescnted a check from bOib locals 10 Fred Cole, oUlgOlnl pluldenl of the penSIoners, as .I

loken 01 apprCc.ullon for .. ,ob wtll done The year closed wnh an mtrentd mcmbcnh.,

of .cured BrOlhtrs and SLlters, who have come 10 look upon the" club each month <1$ an oudet 10 Ulry on contaCIS wlIh put fellow worken

Uou! nCII monlh, remember 10 look for the unIon labd, and come 10 our loc;.J union mccune the second Monday of the month.

T IIIOIl. Hncz, PS

Del and Gets New Lineman; Brother Injured L U. 149 ' (u). ENTERPRISE, fLA.-Brothel 0 .. ., Fuhoo, IICIIOII.IO' for Loul 14!11, lepo\'ls that 111:,01la1lOns ale ,Oln, slowly II u all, and he upeCtS a very lon, and arduous eonfrontallon It would bI: to every membl:r 's bl:nd'it to bI: pluent at every umon meeun, 10 keep abreast of Whll 'S happeDlng It the bargaIDm, !able.

The lme Department .t Deland has grown by one with the acqulsltton of Brothel lack Edwards Jack comes by way of Altamonte SprInp, and could eaSily have been drahed by the Wuhln,ton Red· skms to replace Dc~le r Manley As a conUllueOl of the late crew he dfecuvdy contllbutcs hiS time and talent to the smooth operallon 01 h" unll Clad to have you Jack

When II rains il pours, and" l eems another of our own has been mJured. BrOlher Clenn Pennell WaJ recently ,nJured when he received severe lac· tUllons to hiS hand It seems he was tum,n, up an anchor by hand when 11 shpped severely p,nch· '0.& hiS lell thumb and CIUllO, ICn s1l1chcs worth of dama,c.. Brothel Pennell, an aVId bow huntel, has had to make some chan,es In h,s bun un, hablu to accommodlte blS temporary affheuon_ abSlenllon.

I bope that all of us can enlOY Ihe New Year, and If any resolulIon can be made Ihlt can poSSibly bI: kept , I hope !t's fo r salel wOlk prac l icesi

S l NAS" , PS

local Member Enjoys Outside Interests L U. ISOI (tm&'mo), BALTIMORE, MD.- SiSler Barban ZavuOIk, one of our newel IcchOlcian, work.ng fO/ the Ohlt) l Olle lY, lor the paS! 18 years has been work.o.& pan tome as a managm, cos· metoIO,lSt, belpm, hrr hus!».nd wllh bl! home decoratm, bus>neS!;, la'S.n, thlee chlldreD, and, IDr the last el,hl ycars. tcachrn& and perfotm.n, '\l1ddle Eas.ern danclO,. Hamlressmll was always enloyable to ber, bUI Ihere WH no room to ,row .n IhlS Ilea, so she Slarted 10 look at othel fields of employment Wnh Ihe advancemeD! 01 com· pUlers and related electromcs mtO ~Imost cvrry aspect (If Our daily hvC!, she chose elcctroDlc., specifically field scrv.ce tcchnical work as he. Koll In May 1983, she Kradul1ed from TOlal TechDlca! In,,, tute in Cleveland wllh a diploma in Computer Hardware TechnoloK)'

Talented Member

SiSler Barbara Zavasni k, member of Loul ISO I, Balrimo.e, Md., working on an Oh io Lottery ter· mina l.

SiSle r Zava, nik JH' r· formin, the a ll of be lly dllncio, at oor of Ihe Cru k ni , htd u", in Akroo, Ohio.

In June 1983, she was chosen by Kong Features 01 New York Cny, JS one of 16 women across the COUntry that had set and achieved a CI.etl ,oal ThIS Kites called "A Beller Way" did a ball ·bour SClllleD! on each of the 26 women. One 01 tbe .cason, she Wll. chosen was bttlUse of hel diverse Interes ts and Ibe fact Ih~t she chose a predoml' namly male·onented field. In Au,ust , a field pro­ducer and full camera clew came 10 hel home to stan the tapon, Fo. thlee days, Ihey spl:n t many hours with hel and her husband lapon, her fam.ly and thell .cacllons 10 he r return to school, inter· v.ewlDghcr lOdePlh nloher Caree. choice, v,s,"n, and tapmg scenes at Toul Tech, and laplO, he. whole pe.formance at the Sahara Resuuunt, I lebanese .eSlauranl in Cleveland whe le she dlnces rellularly Then 10 Sep1Cmber hel husband Michael and sbe flew to New YOlk City to fiOlsh tbe "p.n, at tbe KlOg FUlurCi 5IUd.os. The show was aired in December 1983 on a uble channel aClflss the country. It was a ve ly exC1l1.O& Ind memorable ClIpenence lor hel whole fam.ly .

Wh.1e work,o.& as a ha.rd resser, one of he r co­workers W3S Irom Caito. ElYPt. &orb,IIa »w bel dance an Onenlal lbclly dance] routine II a pany, and she fell 10 love with Ibe art of the belly dance. She staned taklo.& lessons al a loul h.p school lUSt lor Ihe exer c .~e Thoroughly (Oloym, Ibe dance and muSIC, she practices about an bout every day. It Started as .. hohby, and the though l of e,'er danclOg 10 pubhc never enle red .nto ht. mInd A yca. after she 5111ted taklDg lessons, she was asked to pt:rform for a local lolk arts fUll val. Afte r her fi .sl public show, she knew she wantrd toeonunue pt rfOlmm" she loved ii' Ailer conunu;n, 10 I~ke lessons for Iwo more yean, she started telchm, the dance and would ptlform lor local clubs, voup!, and partin. She started danc.ng prolCSSlonally tWO yearugo, and now dancu at a numberof Cleveland and Akron Ilta clubs, to both A.ab,c and Creek bands. Belly dancm, 15 a true an and one that she IS very proud 10 be able 10 do well. We lotally agree, as we have v' sncd a C reek OI&htciub .n Akron, Oh,O, and enloyed every mlnule of 11


Bad Friend In labor Relations L. U. ISOSleml, WALT HAM, MASS.- In rupaMe to the IDlllatlve petition drive calhng for the reform of Ihe workmen 's compensallon syslem ID th., .. ate, the 1I0vernOi has appo.nted a 14·memher

COmmlSS.on to hellO looklo.& 10. ways 10 Improve the cificlency and OTI!.lDIllUOn of {be synem • Amon, the rdo. ms helO, called for 11£ [OSt 01 hVlOg adlustments. itmns on bwyer'. fccs, pt"n· allies lor dellY of payments, and lehab.litatlOD of workers who have . eee,ved 1 lump·sum paymen!. The CommISSIOn IS expecled 10 complete ilS report by Apl11 Con,ralula llon~ 10 PreSident Allhur Os· born and Ihe Massacbusctts AFl·CIO membelsh.p io. their fine work .n b"nlltn& about the coulton of the commISSion. The appOIntment of th •• com- _ miSSIOn 15 ~n ellimple of bow the strength and UOIIY of orl!alll:ed labor can wmk to make thmllS happen

"Dog no 10nllCr man's bUl luend- ask Ihe C rey· hound" By the lime Ihis IIlIcle comes to p"n t the chances are Ihat the Greyhound "like Will have been settled 10 one way or another, but I hope It 's nOt 10r,0Ilen_ The aCllons 01 the Creybound Company dunn, nelOuatloos wer£ nOl an ,sollted 4-

IOCIdent but In example of a treod.n labor rdauons pohcy Ibat .1 swup.og across the bus.ness com· munny of Ih,s nallon

One of Ihe fi lit tblnllS Ihat Creyhound did WIS ask lo r wl,e Ind benefil concess.ons $0 Ihey could compete wllh olhe. hus compamel. What they . really were looklnll 101 WaS a way 10 mtreue thelt profits and lIy 10 destroy the un ion In 1982 Gleyhound .eponed pronlS of over 519 million '" and ra1l£d the salanes 01 liS tWO lOP execullvcs 10 5S94,991 Ind 5447,084. Thell plea 10 Cui wag£s for panty wu a dub.ous n~tement at best .

The next thmg C reyhound did was 10 Iry 10 replace Ihe striking dllvcn with Icab help. These dfl velJ were sent OUt on the public $lIeen with a minimum 01 tr alOing and no e:o: pe rience. In doing th.s Creyhound sbowed liS 100ai disrel!a, d 101 the . n&hn of the workers on stnke as well as the »felY . and well ·hemll of the ,eneral pubhc. As of lXcem· ber at lnst tb ree people bid died 10 aCC idents IOvolvm, Ibesc scab dnvers. We should never 10IBei the len,th. thlt thiS company was wllhnl: I to go to m tbell IlIemplS 10 break Ibe un,on.

How lon, ue we ,omg to allow thIS type of ICllvny to conllnue! What we mus t do II prcss Congress to PUt an end 10 Ih.s assau lt on Ihe American worke", the abuse of bankrupley p' O' ceedm!s, the lotal d,sre,ardol the n Y1nof workers _ m collecllve bar,amin" and Ihe genetal atlitude .n the buslOcss world tha t companies c.n do any· thm, tbey Want dU rin, oegOllallonl wilhout fear of peoalty. You have 10 nil you r ltate represen· ta IiVC!, wll te letters to YOU I con,ressmen Ind $Cnators, and let them know you want 10 PUI ~n end 10 Ihis wave of anli·union activity.

The very bl:SI way to fighl il to work fOI the election of Walter Mondale 10 Ihe presidency. The .' elecnon of • Inend of labor 10 the While House: could be the key vie lOry 10 maIntaIn the r""lS and dlpluy of the Amencan worker Then is a les~n for 1I1i of WI 10 learn from Ih£ C.eyhound dispute , those Ihm,s th~t bave liken years aDd yea. s (If fi,hltn, to obtain can be 10 easily lost In a few shon montbs

Puu. C. .. MERATO, JR., P S

l ocal Negotiates Recall Rights

L. U. IS1S {emJ, S. MILWAUJoi EE, WIS.-In Novem· ber'1 ISsue, I tcported tbe 10$5 of an ar bllratioo case involvin, .ecall rIghts. The "b",ato l ruled Ihat tbe contrlc t was mute 10 Ihe lecall seCIIOO. I • am dehghted to lepon tha i the company requested that the uOion meet wnb Ihem and reWTlteconlI3ct language on recall Tlghu. It seeml tbat after t!y'n, 10 recall people thell way, Ihey Ian 1010 problems. Thanks to Pruldent ludy Brewer and he r .raff, we ., now have a liveable recallnghts KCllon added to OUI CODtract AI Pre,.dent Blewer PUt II , "We lost Ihe bal1l~, but we won Ibe war." It proves 3 po.OI Iba. workm, logc thcr can be benefiCial to both un.on and man;gemenl .

Good newsl It few Iaid'off members hive been recaUed 10 their job •. l et ', hope Ihe economy recovers 10 that .11 members wlll be recalled.

The deer huntlOg seaSOo seem. to have been bard on OUr hunters, too. Search in, for someone

• who bagged a deer wun"t euy Congratulauons to jeff Budish of Department 101, lecond .h,lt He" Ihe only one from Ihe ,hop who lIot • deer th.t I Ir.now of.

Slow lithe ben descrip tinn 01 work III our shop at thll time, A company nnuce poued in December bungs hoP'C' lor more wo.k in Feb.uary Beller production methods hopelully Will cut Ihe coS! of Ihe lights aDd b.ing III orders"

So much lor now Beline It or nOl, .pring Will • soon be here Soon we un PUI the snow shoyels

away and look lorward to lower he.ung bills. Gel the seed calalog. OU I .nd browse through Ihem and plan your /lower or yegetable prden.

Nexl monlh I'll have. repon on our Ch"nmlS Dance lor Iholt of you who could nOI a"end

February 12, 1984, I. Ihe d.te lo r the monthly meellng at PulaskI Inn at 10 a m I'll be therel W.ll you be Ihe.el

N ... N CY M ..... sIMu, P.S

New Residential • Agreement Negotiated

L.U. IS47 (l,o,u,e,rrSi.em), ANCIIORAGE, AK.­Things have been moving fight along he.e III

Alaska, A new 'Uldenual .greement has been .... nfgnrl~I~c1and fnrwarded to Ihe 1.0. The rULdcnliaJ

I hands got $1 00 IIlcreue ,mmed"lely, and .SOc: III

wage and fringu April, 1984 The ncw Mate.i.l

• Handlers Agreement hu come .fter many yun of frustrltillll neJl:OIianon •. Effecllve Immediately they w.ll receive SI 75 pay increase

AI the Novembe. Unit 101 meellnl!, we liked Bud how many .cuve leuers of usenl haYe been

• s,,,,ed III the lilt two YUli Answer-57 new lellers 01 ultnt have been SIgned maklllg I loul of 16S. This amount . 10 a S2·pereenl lnerealC

, The filiI organiulionai meeling 01 Ihe IBEW

IS47 " Remee Club" met mSeptembc:r Earl Plumb sugguled a mOllO, whIch we .11 ,ud III Ihe Re' porte r, .nd I qUOle ' "Old age and lTeachery will ovclcome youlh and ability every lime " Hen Ihal you yO\lng wh'P!'C'nnappers, beller SCt off .nd on! Pruidenl 01 the Remec'. Cluh i5 10lge fh~ , v,ee preSIdent .s Martin L. Anderson, see.etary/lleu·

... ~;'~~a~el~'~e~~;~,E~:~~;~~~::~a~leM~b e~::

• be" allendlllg and JOIning Ihe new " RCIHCf Ch.h" were John LanCUlel, Clyde T Ingle , Edwin A DIxon, MartIn L Andellon, C.rI E. Jenkina, Mel Rokeburg, Mdvm W Thompson, Jorge C. H,., Ollie Gill. hm Watson, E.rlPlumb and Earl Wri~l . Whe,e were Ihe reS! of you rethenl Remcmbc:1 this is you. club, you're the founders of IhlS, our

• firS! IBEW Reti rees Local 1547 Club, the heglnning, Our ,ock, and OU r lound.llon 10 bUIld upon, iuS! li ke you've been In all your ycars with our ulllon You who have worked .nd given your . uppo" III the5e many ycals We salule you, .ll Ihe leured

... Brolhen and S,sle .. of our IBEW We hope 10 make you IS proud of us tn Ihe yun \0 come as we 've been of you III tn III the yea .. PI$I . Thank you l

Our December meeting wenl very well, but il • wa5 sull a lar cry from the mee\lng 1\ should hive

been. I'm Ialk"'g ~oout "ullObe,. , we ml,,1 h.ve approx.mately 3,000 members here tn AO(horage, and how many we,e It Ihe Ikeembel mceun,1

, 17S-J7 wele "aveler., 141 wele 10Clls, and I whole lot of Ihose wnc 3pprenlieel To Ihe ap plenlleC$--you 'le 10 be commended, .nd the lUI 01 us "nld " "mers-shame! If the unIon .s ever 10 have Ihe strength and unity it was alwlYI meant

" 10 hav,",. 11 nr~d. all lt~ membeu supponmg II Remembel- YOu get OUI of anythtn" euclly what you PUt tnto 111 It's like wilh Ihe n.ttoMl dec\lons, Ihe people who ale too "busy" to go 10 Ihe poll l,

..... IU" as sure as you' re hom a.c the vny ume Jleople , Ihlt will stand and CliuCIU any and ,II . esulu I

know that Ihele are llrolhets and Sinels who neVel IIcend a meeung for one bme excuse or another Ihal arc COnstantly bellyaehlllg, To you I "y, honey, if you can'l hunt, don't howl!

The Norwcgtall$ have a good mOllo for uur people, and it su re All good union people evcry ' where "Yel milt! 1 del nyc uret"--"To . "Ive, 10 .eek, 10 find,- but neve r 10 yiehl"l1

Lo .. 1 ProUTS, I' S

Brother Victor Mourned By Local Members L.U. 1$76(u), LO WER ALLOW", l'S C RI!EK. N./ . __ Loul 1516 of S.lem GenuuIIlg StJllon In Han cock'. Bridge, New reney, legleu Ihe p"""g of Blolhel Ylctor l. WaiSOn, II" on November.J, I IIRJ Brother YICtOI, an .clive local mem~r, wu • lOY to be around on Ind off Ihe work site Ii,. lenle 01 humor Ind Ihe good limes Will be $O.dy m"!lCd by all

Condolences wele m~dc to hIS w.fe, N.ney SchU~le r Watson, and famIly at the vlewmg wh.eh was Inended by most of Ihe UDlon BrolhelS and S'llell. BrOlher Ylelol, age 26, died of • celcblll aneurysm, aftcl • gallanl two·week .lrul!J!le HII passmg is a great lOll to the IIrolhen and ~,nc rs

01 Local IS76 and alllhe people who wele counled among hIS fnends and ae'lu'lIllln~es

" Bull" M.oo re loolts on.

R,.,VMONU Ii UMI", F S lI""u"'llA BRUER, I' S

Electricians Contribute To Shriner's Hospitals L.U. 1.579 (;&tlll, AUGUSTA, GA.--OII ,I'e C'''"'''II of Satulday, November 26, DUJlness Manager T S Yllbrough and Mrs Yarhlough IUden), thl' re panel, and Carolyn Imy ~ucul, we.e dlUlnctly honoled Ind prlYlleged 10 hi! In .ttendance ~t Ihe Augusli Shnne Club fOl an dabOlate dlllner and Ihe Club's Annual InSlalla t ion of OIAcen fa. the ensuing yur of 11184

OUI group', jnvlI~rlnll rn ,hi. p.r . 'I~ull"~ r. rlvlly was inilined and e~lcndd byou. own 1571111fOthc. Kenneth illulll Moore, who IS, In hi . capacity as Aut Vice president of the Augusli Shrine, • rno" devoted and conscientious worker in , II Ihelr objectives III prov,dlllg free con.idcrauon and care lor crippled and burned childlcn In . 11 Shl!ner'l Hosp"al , Thei. , logan IS, .. A Man Nevel Slinds So TaU, A. When He StOOp' To lielll A Crippled or flulned Ch,ld "

in the COUfSe of Ihe cycnlll~" ce.emOlllet, Bu" ness Manage r T 5 Yllbrough, hom fund~ COnlllb uled volumanly by ciccI Ileal wOlkers on UIIOU. proJects wOlklng OUt of Local 15711 In nU l lU ll ' .!'" lion, presented a check III the amount of 51,628 65, 10 Noble Bubw Tedder, "haumlll of Paper Salts Allee Temple" 1o. uSe directly to IheM: Shune 1I0sp"lls' enduvor.

Spuklllg on behalf ol lhe olAce .. and members 01 Loc.1 1579, we take pleasule In ollellng con gratul.tlon. 10 the Augulla Shlll!e Club for all conlllbuuve eUo.1t III Ihelt commrn !l~hlr ~Im~

May God conltllut to bt:ttuW hll many blen mgs, bolh md,vldually and eolle,,,vciy, and In h., WIll and I!rae~. IIranl Ihem cuntlllullllliove ."d .uppnrt

At a re(elll mcttlnk, and unde! Report . of Del ClIatC! and Comnutteu, Our I ~79 dcle)i;~llon 10 the Oclober AFL ·CIO Convenllon III AII',,'a IlIus"'cn Malla!;er T S. Yarb,uullh, I'ruldcnl nal Cromer, and Execullvc Board member A,ble Thum~sl Kavc a very tonCL$e and inlo"n~llVe rcpoll 01 Ihue convcnllon aCIlVllicslD uur Il.cmheuhlp It's cn lighlening 10 ciCCI and lend luch (onicleniioul delegalcs with Ihe capabilltie. of lenderlng com· plehenslve reports Thank you, B,olhe .. , on a job wtll done

lIuJinc .. Manage. T . 5, YUbIOUgh, upon return· IIlg from hll fillt 1(lIlOn u an appointed CounCIl member 10 Wuhlllgton, D.C., leports both, reo w"dlllg Ind mformative lusion and eage.ly looks lorward to.1I ensuing lelivlties 10 Ihue regard.

OUI wo,k IIIUallOn , emams slable comparable to 1151 .epolI, WIth frequent referrals 10 various p,o,ecu We arc lookmg lorward 10 an overall bUIldup (manpower wlte ), hopefully ,n ,he fir~1

quarter 01 1984 Concermng our eomnbulions 10 the 5hnne HOI

pllals, we .. e proud 10 add an addllional amounl of SlG6 to OUI prevlou. report .

Good nlghl , good luck and God bless GENE B ... N15, PS


, .

Volelns hi. opinion II • local union meeling II M.y IlIydUl, I chlfltr member 01 Lot.1 1701.

Local Fully Employed Through Winter L.U. 170 1 {1,o,u,6.en), OWENSBORO, Kl' . __ Greel" lngt and Happy Va!enllne '. Day from Local 1701 11m h.ppy 10 repon Ihal the contractors at D. 8. W,I,on Powerhouse IIldiclte thaI Ihere should be enough wor" 10 keep Our local fully employed thloughout the wlllier

Dy".Iec.Il .. uf OwclI~LuIU. wllo has the brgol conllact at Ihe powerhouse, recently hlfed lour "ews 01 men 10 pull wIre on. mshl ShIft, bllng.ng Ihe lotal number 01 Iheir tmployment to a ppro~· Im.tely 170 men The n."'1 Ihllt II only 101 4 10 6 weeks and should be OVCI by Ihe Ilme Ihis article I. published Dynaleetne u!'c'cu 10 be fimshed wllh thell cunllael wo,k m latc spnng or early _",m me.

Shamb.u'" Eleclflc OU I 0/ FOil Wayne, Ind tana, hu I few men working on check,oul al the car dumper .nd u acke r leclalmcrs, bUI Ihe ma!OIllY of IhelT 125 ar t wo rking on 38 miles of conveyor .ynenu and tran,fer lOWell, Work ' I scheduled fur complellon un the con~eyou III Ap,,1

M W Kellogg, a conllaclor oul of HouSton, currently employ, 45 men WHit onc CreW wOlking a nlKltl .hlft. Ihq Antshed cons trucllon on Ihe .c.ubben on Deccmber 23 and hue a layoff, keep· Ing only. lew fOI malnlcnance and Anal ehcck

."' Rudy Ele~t"~, out 01 Loui.ville, employ9 IWO creW I wOlking on I hUllng .nd I n condilioning 55


!y~!C:m 101 311 of the PIOle(1 and pullins maulte' Mn<:t for • meeh3nlc:.1 (OnIl3( IOr They predl(1 • !mllliayoff 3he. the fi.st of the yur but do hive work for I fe .. · men up mto the ,ummel

The NLRB will hold a hUlin, In Owensboro 011

~cembcr 16 10 delermme If an election IS m orde r 101 Ih~ organlzal ion of Bear Eleelrle. We hope 10 luch an agrc~menl WIth BUI ElcclIl( bdore th.1 lime, bUI Illhat IS not posSIble an eleellon shnuld be held before February I

The connlCt lot th~ Bill Rivc ' 5 Unit of LO(.II 1701 woJl e~p"e April 22, 19R4 Although hath SlIleS havc alleady c~changed p.oposals nothing dellnllc Cln be .eponed It thiS IImc. It hu been staled that , as usual, negollallons will be: tou,h

AI our Novcmbe:. meelln" Ihree second yell apprenuces were .cceplcd 1010 Ihe membenhlp of t.oc:aJ 1701 They lie Barry Elde •• ~hkc Wtlh.ms, and Ikuye Parsons AI Ih3t "me mcetm" Dennis HIli and Mlkc Hapn recclved therr Oath of Obh ,ulon IS , roundmen Con,,3tul'1I0ns to thtse live membe"

[ am ud to .epon the death, of RIOther. JIm Bradley and Garland WC!! lim Wat mlllated mto Local 1701 In January 1941. He worked OUI of OU t \O(.al 10135 yun belole re ltrin, III 1916 and dIed November 19, 1983 JIm's son, Fled Bradley, III member 01 1101 Brother West became. member of Local 1701 on April II, 1964 Garland hat been worklrlg al the I &. M Powelhouse in Roekpo. t, IndIana He died unexpecledly December 9 at the age of 50. Two of hlf sons arc member. of our loeal Tim IS a conSIlUCllon member and KeVin works II BI, RlvelS. 11m and Garllnd we.e bo.h .cllve III .he local and w,lI be mISsed Our 'ym pathy '0 the lamllles 01 th~~ men and especIally to I!ltll sons who lit members of our B.otherhood

Rlcr .... llo TIIQM'>ON, II S


Tbe IBEW AII ·Star Selection, Irom the LOClI1 7)), F,edclic,on, N.B" HO(. key Tourument , fr om leh 10 r;,ht, •• t Allen Dickie. left Win" Lantnttr Subr Nonnand Uretlt, righl " 'in" Bucloueher ReM! rlttlc. ddtftct , Dalhoutie Nonhem U,hu, Flink ,"'clan· lon, defcnet , Buttouche, Bu, EvIM leetplln, on Hhall 01 DOU5 Coates, goahendu, Ltpruu , and , ..... ib Dunfield, eenttl , Laneutel Sub.

Hockey Tournament Is A Huge Success LU. 17]3 (u!, FREDERICTON, N.R.-The recent Hockey Tournament held in Buclouche was. huge .uccess, Ihank! 10 Ihe (11011' 0/ the ,poMon "ound the a. t a and the line work, long hours, and plenty 0/ huule by people like r.1auJlce, Andy, Donnie. and .lIthuse who unselfishly gave 01 theu Bme 10 make IhlS tournament. sucecssful one Remarks hom VlSllln, players from "ound the provlllce WIS 01 the ume lone "very pleased," '·we ll ,uuled. " ~'lulllme, • .. ·,ood hO$lIng. ''' 'wllI do II agam ~ BUI 00 malic. how the Suetouche boys looked .he. thIngs ofl the ltc, they ~lYt nothm, away while on Ihe ICC

The DalhOUsie Northan LightS workd the Bue · touche tUm hard In seml·flnal pl.y, .nd the same plessure wu applIed by the Llllcuter Suh team III the Rnal ~ame In Ihis wliter ', eyn, the qUIck IlIIe chan,n and many 10t ll;OM h om Ihe I>I:nch wcre the key prcssure pointS and Ihe lalge fa CIOU in Lancutel Sub's winning the cup, which Buctouche has won the lIS. IwO yea .. running. (There ', no


. lur ba" to R.othc, Delphi. Le,acy (eentu) " Bul El/o lI ." and Srother Don uRlane, " Bu t O", n· In.'' (.i, hl !-

ttuth 10 Ihc I\Imo. th.t the key pl.ys we,e m.de whIle LancaSter Sub e~ch, Eldort Smtih. WU up StallS gC1l1ll1t colleel

It ', no " 'onder the Buetouche boYl take 10 the ICC as eastly as they do DUling the lime between the ,eml finals Ind Ihe final, B,orhel Rage. Dllgle 01 BuctQuchc wu bUlY wllh .Iew dozcn llide bd$ around IU 01 seven yea" Qf age, pUllmg them through Ikaun, practIce .nd • lot 01 the basICS of hockey They really looked good, over In one corne. was ~ Iwo·and I half yea t old In a MQntrul uni lorm showrng us all whar II', III aboul

OUllng the weekend tournament, Brolhel John ScOIl of Buctouche dId I gleal lOb of useurng the p\ayus 10' Ihe [IIEW All St •• SelectIon which wu announced 1\ the clute of the final J!~me. The All · Sun are AIISllr ,0.ltendel. Oou~ Coatu. Le· pTUU. fOlw.rd. ,eleelton, Mike Dunfield, cenlCr, lInel.S lel Sub. Allen Olck,c, left Wlrll!. lInca"c. Sub, and No,mand Luctte, ught WIrI" Ructouc:hc , AII ·Stll dcfencemen, Flink Mel.nson, Buctouche • • nd Bob Freeze, DalhOUSIe Nonhern Ughu.

On hand for the pluenll!tQn 01 trophltS .nd awards wcre IBEW Intelllatlonal Representallve Bob Whllchead and Norman Branch. blanch man ager of Moneton 0/ New B.unswlek Powel A presentall0n of speCial IWllds suppllcd by Labau'. Brewery was made by Ihe bUlmen manager of Local 173J to Blmher Delph .. Le,,"cy of O.lhou5le lor "BeSl Eflorl ' and 10 Brother Don LcBlanc, BuclQuehe, for "Bc~t Organtzer", the aWllds .... c.c hockey gear b'j($ Lahill ', lito senl along $ome of Iheu little b.own bottl e ,wllds for the tum's rcfrcshmCl11S Ou, Ihank. 10 Lablu's 11.11 theu .uppon II IS hoped th.t next yeat 'llournamenl II of Ihe stme '''ceCIl

On Ihe rcurcment Icene. 43 of QU. membeu have opted 10 go urly f o Ihue membeu OUI beSt wlshn for • long and healthful retll cment lie utended On beh.lf of Ihe memlxll Ih'l .em"n and IhOlie Ihn come .Ion, to fin m the pDSlUons left vacant OUr thanks fOI .U Ihe yu., of be,n, unlon,slS and your combined efforts to aehlevt OIIr p.esent Condll1Or1I, benefln. life work hab"s, and our collect.ve l/tIcemenu OUI lOb nOW IS to respeel .nd p,otect all th(l!;e thing. which you I.boured long .nd hard for Wc .h.n·t fo,~et

BriT EV"'Ns, P S

Local Mourns Brothers Crompton and Thompson LU. 1739 (1.0), BAMMIE, ONT._1t 15 WIth ~reat SOrrOW I rcport the death. of two ul our Ion,· .tandlng B'Qthell Brothel Walter CrQmpton, my b.orhe. , pused.way suddenlyon Octobe. U. 1983, .ftel • short Illnus, In hll 54th year Beln, In "denl bnatc. and .n acuve .ub·\reutenanl ,n the Roy.1 Canadlln Sea Cadets, ht WIS "ven a military fune.al "' Ith an Hono, CUlld of ofRce •• and cadets from hIS own Co.p, " RCSCC. B'lIIe. " A III,e tumoul of QU. Blothell attended the funclIl, m.ny tlkmg IImc to travel hom thell jobs OUt of tOwn

BIOthel Meafold Thomp.on pl liJed away aitel I

lengthy illnen on Novemb.:1 21, 1983,.t the .ge of 68 Brothe. Meaford Thompson WII PUI plcsi · dent and PUI VIce p.esldent "I Qur loe.1 for many years and had lusl recently rellled from 0"1 local a few short yuu .go


BIOth", Sub/ l.icu tu· an I Walter Cromptoo, Local 17)9, Bame, Ollt., in "niform olthe Ro ya l .. C.nadlan Nanl Re· ,frVU, taken lithe I,e 'If 53.

Both Brothe •• had maoy Inends and w,l1 be , .eatly ml'~ by our membe .. U WIS evident al the large lumOUI of Brothers dunllllhelllunelllJ

On November 11, 1983, Brolher Emlc SWIft, Inle.nl"onal ReprelCnlauve from Toronto, pvc a Shop Steward Trallltn, CourH In Rame wllh a I.Ige lu rnout 0120 eleetrlcl.n, and nine aprren· IICtl from OUt local Con"atularions 10 III on presentation of thelt Cemficate 01 Complelion Awa,d,

Ou. work plclure 51111 .emarnS Ihe "me and we hnpe II Wll1lmr'Qve In Ihe new year



..J .


Tiley, 1837, , N.H .• 00 tbe lob II Brunlwick·TQpih.m Hydro Project 10 Mline. lie ;1 tlkln, . u dings 00 Uniu Two IQd ThIer which were lus l put no the line 10 1983.

LoCl/ IIIl7 meml!tnB. W. TUft' lnd W. A. lacbQo Inll.lllng cove •• on si,,·ineh luyl " the ntW hyd.o facili ty. (Pholo_ submitted by Chlliu II. Leduc, prenteCrellry.'

Brother Adams Elected City Council Member LU. 1837Iu8."bl, PORTSMOUTH, N.H.-B.othe. Dave Adam., a lield planner II Central M.lIIe Power Company" UWlJlon office. hIS been cJC"Cled


10 se rve I 1CC0nd term at a City Council membe. .. 10 the city of Aubum, Mame. Dave's compelitlon was vcry well organized and h.d • popular candl ' date to Oln agalrls1 him. Dave and several Locll 1837 BrOlheu gOI busy on the telephone and on the load to bnn, in the votes that brought succe51 10 Ihe campaIgn. Oro lher Dave Adam, hIS alwlYS been. Il . on, suppon cr of the vanous union. and Ihell memben We wi$h him well in his posi t ion as CounCIl member

CHAo_US H. LlDuc, P.S,

Local Gets Ready For June Negotiations LU. 1900 lu), WASIII NGTON, D.C.-fcb r \l~IY I. our , h OIlUI month, and before we know II March will be here! So Itt', nol w aSte any lime We mul' gel Icady for lunc when additional dUllu andlor rcsponsiblli t ies ale negotiated wltl! the comploy

We a.e making hudway in resolving grievances, but we au: still gelling 100 many Article 16 corn plamts. Be ware , Dig Brothe r i. walthlllg. Ccn ' )l:c Orwell ', 1984,s upon us. More has corne tr ue , hln we tare to admit to. We ale laced with unde rcover agems. splesaod I Property I'/mccunn Depot/melll Ihal thinks ;1 1S I combination of rhe CIA and the FBI

You musl gel mOle mvoh'cd now Atrend you r unu meetlllgs We 51$ocd an agreement wLih ,he company In you. aamt', so suck 10 thaI ag .. :cmcnt The company docsn ', need you. help 'n trymg 1<.\ cui b~ck thc working 10lce; let them IIY to do II

on Ihell own Don' t g.ve them ~ny morc ammu nIllOn, and we 'll have Ihem where We Wanl Ih~m

We can 'l do II alone- help U5 help you, II 'S yo~" lob and yoo l futo re and Ihe fOlu' e IS nowl

10HN R D"I.H, l' S


I'iclured are the dcleKllu Irom Local 1908, Cocoa, Florida, to tht Syutm Counci l U-4 met t ing, FrOID It II 10 righl Iff Ltt Grimn, Ttrry ",mmcr, P,U­idtnl fohn Sch.n lln and Viet I' ru idenl Mike Brooks,

PAC Fund Registered ; Stewards School Planned L. U. 1908 (u), COCOA, FLA.- I would hke 10 Itlrt off thi s month by .poJogizmg to our membenh.p fo, not havinK an art icle in last month 'l/ull,,1II1 I JUSt kept pU1I1ng off w. lting II unnl ( mlS~cd thc

.. deadlIne


I have JUSt relurned frum the System Council U-4 mctnng held In D.ywna. As usuol tht mceltng was vcry mlo.manve Cettlng IOgelhe. wllh our 8.OIhe'l and S,ue" fr om the olhN len locals On OU I plopelly 15 always benefiCial and helps us .uhzc tha i many 01 oUI problems arc common Ihroughout Ihe ,ysttm 1,150 lind Ihat 1M:mg with so many atllVt union mfmbeu In one place lume how IS ve ly uphftmg [I makes one lecllhal eVen with .llthe plOblem, We facc , and Ihere arc many, that m the end We wtll prevatl through the dl"'I' 01 these ded,caled and ha.d ,wOfking unwn mem be.s, I would like w Ihank Loea[ 1066, Ihe hU, 1 local, fOI the oUlStandmg iob they did PUII!lIK thl' meellng together, and the line hosp.ultty ~II the deleg~tes were shown while w~ w~re there

J984 11 gOlflg 10 be a ve.y husy yea. lor all of!,u In rhe Flond~ labol movement and I hope: our mem1M:rshlp Will du Ihelr share 01 work Ihal mu,t be done On our h)(:~l lront we SIIJI have n"lIoul lions, Ihat 11th,s wllung have not lM:en completcd Aft~1 negoll~IIOnl we WIll 1M: tryIng to unclog Ihe large backlog 01 g"evanen th~1 h~ ,'c been bUlldlllll up through the yca.s

Prcsldent Sch~ntICII plans to hold a slewa.ds school lh il yeu and Ihis WIll rrqu" c a lot of work We also have hid ou r I'AC lund leglsteled anJ we w.ll be uk;n, all 01 Ou r membcls lor their (UOP ( .. t ion to Ihl, Ye . y Imponam endeavor. We WIll also be hOSllng Ihe fuly System Council meetIng, and YOIUnlCel1 w.ll be needed in semng up and runnlnllhe meellng

On Ihe l tale Scene. the 1"C'ldenual I' rde.enee I'lImllY Will 1M: held un Malch Il , T he sta le legISlatIve sess ion SlallS Apltl ,\ Then We hlvt the pl1muy and ~cncI~1 eleClttlllS In Scplcm1M:r and November

If I,bo. IS to have an dfeel un Ihe'c ve ry ImpOf' lanl eYcntS, we WIll need Ihe help 01 OU I membe.· ship The few 01 us, who lit Ihe pUt hIve 1M:en dmng all the .... <J/ k, IUllt un'l do.1l Ihat necds to be done If labm IS 10 make Iny g~ID' '" [984 we mu~t wlJrk IOgether 10 gel them

In clu"ng I w"uld lIke to make ~ belll.cd wi<h 101 a hppy Ind safe hultday ,cason 10 all 01 you.

Hope: to see you al the hall on Fehluaty 14 at 800 PM

TlRlY L K"M"'l~ , I'S

Sirike Ends; Members Back To Work L. U. 1'14 lu& mo), flMNANOINA ftEAC II , FLA.­The ullke 15 fhully OYer at c.;onl~"'c. C;"'polallon uf Arnellea It luted 12 week., We 5ympathl~e wllh the othel u","n~ Il1v"lv~d .... ,h" ~m le.~ th~n thell 0"gi11lJ OU~I, hut We,. KI~d II> get b~ck IU wo,k

It wu Cuntalncr C"'p"!allon'.IMobll 0,[1 ~oal tu break Ihe unllJns, ~nd they dId I" a rUint When they made Ihe r.omlse HI hlfe neW WOlken off Ihe SlIeCI, they d.d, IS lar .way 15 Alab.ama rhe l'apclworkelS UDlon pelllloned lor a levule on Ihe IlSloffer Ihey h.d ~nd ICcepted the con\l~" Th" swayed the other uDlon, Into ~ ,cvOle, Ind Ihey all acceptcd. and Ihe mike wu 0~C/ With nOlhtn& gained olhel than 12 weeks' 10" 01 WlKCI They aCIU~!1y ~Ot les' Ihln Ihe comp~ny " oll ~lnal Olfel

The (omp~l1y daID" Ihu II wu slow after conI/leu were StgncJ and laid 011 about 200 pcuple mill wide We are worklllg n gellIDg their JL)b, back right nuw I',cs~dent and !I"' ''lell Man~~e l George Dnrscy seems to thtnk ,omethlng can 1M: wo.ked OU t

I and Ihe LU<.:al J924 111em1M:r8 who will work undel Ih" neW eonl/ac\ would like to Ihank OU r Comml\\ee lor tht fine ,ob they d.d They Irt P,ultkmlBu~lDe~. Man~gel CCOIKe l)uIKY, Wayne TelSte r, Ra ymond Cuok, Ind Chlls Chandlel lshop lIew'ldl

[ ,1$0 would hkc 10 brtnll 10 Ihe l\\enllOn of ,."me mem1M:u II you haYe I problem with Ihe way our lU<.:aJ IS belnl\ Iun, come to Ihe neXl meC\ln~ scheduled and complain Don'\ do II on eomp~ny plOpe"y, U II hell'S thl'm, not u,. You are ,Iw~y , welcome al OU' meellngs, lIur offlcen arc dOlllg • gre~1 iob

rrr Ra)onmer h~. lelurned 10 work al~o, They feeelved a 'pecl.1 I'ennll to upenre on a h.ghel pllllulLun lcvd unul IhclI new c'Iu'pmcnl " In· ,ulle,,] 10 ' (place the old. whIch was deMroyed by fi ,e Th" allowed them IU call hack most olthell help

[TT Ind Contalne. wgethe. bUlh .unnln", has beltun to b1lng up Iheeconomy "I Ferundln. fteaeh unce aM~m

We h"pc to Ice you ~lllt lIu. nelt meellnK

1\>. KMtJ', I' S

Local Mourns Deaths 01 Two Members L.U. 1951 (tnt l, fA ST II UTLfR, PA, Loc~1 IllS? membe'$ we.e uddened .~ccndy by Ihe duths of two of OUI .ewed ntembel~ Geo,ge Ikm,h wu 82 yur) old ~t the lime ul hl~ dealh Ce\Jfge was a membel ul ou. l",cal hum III~" 1111 11I6S He WiS •• anllm dUllnK h., emrluyment wllh Lo,,~l IIIS7 ~nd he w~s Ihc Ii." pe"'''' tn d.~w a rcn't<l11lrnm UU' IU<.:al Hl'mer lIenl"" w~, 66 when h~ dlcd lecelllly HunlCI w~~ wllh LI",,~I IIIH Ift)ln 11170 III h.5 retlremenl on Fehruary 26, 111112 Homer hid many lohs dultng h" employment ~nd he was a puwdcr core pamtcr It Ihe lime "I hlJ rCliremC1ll !loth men WIll be K.e,!,tly ml~,ed by Ihe rnemher) olu", local We e~tcnd OU I deepe~t ,ymrothy to the I.mi" c~ 01 CeUIl\e and lI"mel

8o~ P<lll,,\KY, I',S


. rll thll Tool .nd Oil' Room g .. dulles of 1985, NOllh Canton, Oh io. Ltft to Il lIhl I .f

lim Gen ~ l ry , p.uldtnt /businu5 manager 01 Loul 1985. l im Radford , GtorKf II r&gy, Larrv "ugdman, Torn ft lcdtnbach, Gltnn Fllr. Tony Piearri. I'n Farrrll , Duant Clatwonhy, Kfn MilIfl, Tim Tucktr. Tim Slegenihalr r, Ind Tom tlandwork and Ktvin II Uelflt ld 01 Iht Local 1985 Apprtnliecship Com· nll ll tt.

Members Complete Training ; Local Publishes Paper L.U. 1985 (rml. NOMTII CANTON, OIl IO- Mem be" employed tn the Tool and D,e Room com pleled thell f"UI'yell training undel the ~UCeI!QO of Ihe 101111 ApPlenuceshlp Committee and Ie· telYed thel/ 10UlDcypef:KIn certlficattS from Iht SUIt 01 OhIO [n .ddltlon, Local 1985 has Issued IBEW ,oulDeym~n and uavrllng cuds \" Ihtse newly aeeomphlhed mem1M:.s

Along olhet ]mu, 11 h~J been qUltt some lime SInCe Loca[ [9115 hn luhmllled an "lIde 101 r"nl In Ih '5 loul/IIII WhIle the IB EW loumal IS an ullemely fine pubhcalton wllh a cneulallon of 1,000,000 and ploYldu ~n excelleD! lo.mat fOI local UnlOllt 10 .eport tl) the enll.e IH EW B.oth c. hood, spacc II limtlcd, lIeeause the maIn fn<:us ollhe /ou"'lIllI dCllgncd 10 inform all mcmbus 01 the umon, evenu of COnCelD to all mU!it be ~.ven lOp Prll)rlty, hut the day·to,day ,"sutS 01 you. 1n<:ll union may only .flret few and the refole cannOI take plecedrnee "I puhllcallon Due to limned 'pace 10 the /01111101. Local 19115 publishes a newslenel. YOUt Union New,. maklOg unron neWI eUlly .ccestlble_only Ihe eflon 01 .radlOg It " necessary

Added 1M:nenls "I puhllshtnl! YOUt Union New, tnclude InlOUln-1I tells In<:al mem1M: l !i what the lotal hal done 10 PWlcct them, what the local olnee ts who .CplUent them ale dOing. whal ae liv' iues lie hemg planned, whal other localmembe. , arc IIIltle! ted III and what othCI Ilea unIOns ale dotllg

Sen the Icwr!! Slrilllthl-wTttten by and about local umon mern1M:fI, III poml of View IS Ih.t 01 tht local mernhcl5 Ihemselves, It du cedy an,wrn Ihe quemon, " Ilow docs thIS dlect affte t mel," wllh the fatU [t can addru5 rumon s tan cd by mJnJg~ment 10 d,VIde memhers by prnenllnllhe wo.kers' (and the unlon',1 SIde 01 .he IIll1y

["uealn-..... hal 1M:tter way 10 elpilln Ihe lonl COlleCIIVe b~IK"11Inl a&rc~mcnl IS the.e th~n In an arllcie de5Cllhtnll Ihe tntent of conllat tual languaKe hy .clatlOK to an undersundahl<:, hchev­ahle d.y,w·d,y Wotkplacc s"uallon

li.ellche& btyoml Ihe llital unllln Inemhershll)­..... hlle it', bllildtng pndc, Ih.· newsktter h151011 cally documcnl5 I,~ue~ and eYenlS 10 •• de.enct of IUlule genetat>OM In addulon, our In<:al newskt leI ruche, membcr~' blOlite5, Hlend~. ~nd uthe. unlun~ and O I~JntIa lltJn~, makIng OUI vmce heard [nud .IId clear

CUI/tntly, Y/JUt Union News has a Clltu[."on of appmumatcly 3,000 and 15 alnhated w",h tht Oh,O L.bOl P.ell As.n<:I~t"'n. M.dwU I Labor Press AJ~!)"'~t",n, Ind the Inlemanonal Labol P,en A.5oc!,alton -I he mal linK h" Indude, the mem ixl>h.p, H1IUU~ lah", un",n, and o .g~ntUllon •. manulat\ul~n" I'Kal IIrm".,. and ,nUHUItOnS lu­catel! wnhtn. l11ulll nate area Recently, edlllOn5 have heen p.C1e. vcd on mletofilm and arc avallahle in the 1Ic111Ye~ oj Ihe Ohio HIS I",;cal SocIety, Fo. Ihose OU I of state, edl1ion$ have been ple5elved If The Slate 1I 1'IO"cll SOCIety 01 WiltOn,,,,

In dO'IOK, when you don'l seC a local article 111 57


the /ouTnal. look on the other JldC'-look to YaUt Union News lor detailed mform~IIon that dITectl)' affects the memhcrs of Lotal 1985

00 .. HAV£R'5TOCI. P S


from left to right art Ih pruident of Local "" , Mankato, ,..,inn., Roy Holbrook, RU55 Smith , the Kl to puso nnd maDlgu , Pat Cure ly, IDEW rep , lim Conway, Sixlh Dis lr1c1 Vice Pruidut, and Sleu Pen.." geneul mlDagel 01 KalO Engin«ring Reliance.

V.P. Conway Visits Local 1999 Plant L U. 1'9' tem}, iI1.ANKATO, MI NN.-SI:uh DIS' U,CI V,ce Prcs,dcntl,m Conway was accompamed by aru rcp Pat Curley as he v,slled OU r new genefltor plan< In Mank.no, MmneMIla Kato En gmeenng has been bUlldmg hlgh·qu~hty, CUSlom bUIlt genelltors 101 many yeau with Local 1999 ConUlC1S Dupue the rece55lon. K~to wu able to open OUt new plant 10 tbe spnng 01 1982 Smce Ihat Hme we had seve.e eulS 10 the laoor lorce but we have conllnued our dedlcatton to qualuy, and the managemeOl has been very aggreSSIVely seck· ing new bus iness and deveJopmg new cost cutting deSigns

Brother Cnnway wu vc ry happy 10 see the lacu of many Brothcrs. ' 1m 15 no strangcr 10 our local becau~ he pcr$Onally helped negoullc conuactJ with kato as I O. representattve . Ceneral Manager Steve Perry was on hand to prov.de the tOur CJI·

plammg the van nuS processes Later Mr Conway wu InvHed to a cocktlll hour where Ihe local officers and shop stewards SOCialized. Most of the conversation concerned s tralegles for negotiating • new contraci In September. 198a, and procusmg .he nume.ous gT1evancu ruul".." from layoffs

Work Scene Getting Worse

SUVl VlAl. P S

L U. 2084 tern}, SYRACUSE, N.Y.- The wo.k SIt uallon In Syracuse .J 51111 at 115 lowes. level tn yea rs There are app rOJamately 400 of OUr Brothers and S,sters currently on layolf Sta tuS Althou,h Incoming Ollkrl arc u'J'C'cted to Improve, the fo.e cast for Ihe .mmedlate luture Ii sull uncenatn

Compound'ng our deprened ",ork stluauon 15 the fact that Crossroads Park a dlvl5,on of Cooper· Crou~ Htnds, IS In .he process of being sold to an Investmen, firm from New York Cuy. Decemb<:1 l6 was targeted as .he dale of dosmg the ulc. As a result of Ihis ule. an addiuonal number of Our union members will also be add~d 10 .he ,.nks of the unemployed


Representative Husted Wins Award LU. 2101 tem}, WATERTOWN, N.Y.-We take th •• opponunuy to congratulate Dorothy Husted, International Representative, who recemly won an aWlld hom the Academy of Women Ach.evers lor Womao of the Yur

Dorothy sllned he r employment wllh Wutern Electnc to Kearny, NeW leney. a. a5 cents J'C'r hour Her lipung sP"" lound a responsIve o.p n'ullon when the [SEW appeared on the Kene Seemg ",otktng ConditiOns 50 very poor her nnse of digni ty and fan play WIS ou,ragcd He. sympathy lor the underdog moved her to acuon, thus makIng the ISEW he r hldong urcer

Dorothy's duties conSISI of orgamzmg workers, se ... ·,CC to memJ,.cll, .nd Ullnong of local unoon officers_ She Ilso conducts local umon !ruls and IS .cuve m contrac t ne,Ollallons and arhn .. uons. bes.dcs ~rvlcmg 138 local Unions

Dorothy truly '5 "Wom.n of the Yur Con gra,ulanons'

Wah a lude bll 01 luck, by .he nme dll~ uucle gets into print , we sholiid hAve Our CUplCS 01 Ullr new contracts It "'Ill be a welcome Sight for everyone

We've had a new ddlllon to OUr Executive Swrd, Elfie Mazes Congrall,.Jauons

Some of our members h.ve mentioned thu they do not .ecelve COplCS of the {OUTDId If you would like a copy, contact Wanda Ash G.ve her your name and addrcss, and you'll rece,ve your c0Sty of the lourn~1

On January 14 we were Stroud to celebrate our tenth year as a umon Th.ough OUI ycars together U ISEW members and OUr support ... e have mde many pms The day. of $1.90 pt'r hou r beue. Insurance beneAu and nmonly pms are among some of th( Mnefits We can COIOY today

Although the fconomy 15n't th( ~Ut(SI now, we can 5UU enlOY Ihe (elebral1on--come toln us' Happy New Yur 10 everyone


Business Manager Attacks Reaganomics LU. 21] 1 t"m), OAkLAND, CAL.-As you know, nattonal eJections are eommg upon u~ In shon ordel The AFL·CIO Convenl1on, along with many olher labor organluuons, has decided to endor~ candidates be/ore .he primaries. That endone' ment, ovcrwhelmmgly in lavor 01 fo rmer Vice Pres.denl Waltc r Monda le, resulted tn over 90 percent of the delegates In lavor of one candidate Laoor leadels respect the prtvacy 01 the vOlln8 booth, tuman' usc the voung procedure Internally mOre than any othe. orgamzallon m Amenca} and don't presume to mStrUcl the mIllions of umon members on how 10 vote HowevCf, the rCipons. ­blllty to recommend candldlles that lavor workmg men and "'omen Isn't taken hghtly etlher Mondale has consIs tently supported wo,kmg people and condcmns the Reagan AdmmtslTauon's "Govern menl of Ihe nch. by the nch, and lor the nch. "

UnIons on oolh coaSts h"'e shown Ihell outrage al the SoVIets shool1ng down a helStIc55 atrhnc. full of mnocent ~s~ngc". Wt have backed Ihe nrugghng Polish labo. umonlSts to th"ir fight 10. fairness to .he workplace ","h dlrectacuoa, they .efund 10 load RUSSIan shIps. Rugan on the otht r hand talks a tou,h game but has yet to suStply eVen token reslnance to Ruulan arrogance InSlud he lends mlltt"y support to .yrann.c.1 dICtators .n .he Phlllpp'n" and elsewhere. And thar IS typical fOI ,hIS adm.nlstratlon-"Look Itke you att domg one thIng. then do somethmg eln " He loudly commends Poland', eflons lor a free laoor umon,. then destroys the Amencan All T raffic Controllers Umon aftc. promlsmg suppon when he "'IS a candldat c. He ,lams the Democ. ats for crcaung nattonal debt, then spends huge '(cord amounlS on hli favorite programs. 'PPloachlng $200 billion a ycar Ron St romlses tIX CUtS and then !lISU taxes .nd calls It "cnhancing federal income." 01 course, the "enhancmg" comes h om low·and mlddle·e1u. pocketS ThIS 5houldn't be a

hill surprise lor Cahlor01ans, he did euctly the $ame thIng as ~vernor Who un lor,et h" aool· IShlOg of mental Illness In California by refUSIng to fund mental haspllals And the Itn gOCl on­whIle CJ<p reS$mll h.s deep SIncere .ympathy for worke rs put out of work by Rcapnomu:.!I, Ihe admml5tral10n tiled 10 tIX unemployment beoefits 10 order 10 "d'.$Courage unemploymenl " Olhel dandy ,deaJ propost'd by .hlS admlmnrallon in­

clude IlXlng employc:e health benefits, tumg UP', a flal ta:. on mcome.lwh,ch would nalurally reduce the manmum WI on fICOPle mahng OVer $10,00000 a yell Who do you suppose would make up the taxcs they wouldn't pay! You gueued II!). At a recem news conference, Ron Slid even more cuI.!! in domestic spendmg are needed, but furthc r cuts In socIII plOgJam. lIke MedIcare would only tn· ctcase the sulfenng lor mllhons of Amencans

So, whttht r you agrcc Or dl5ape( wllh a rec' ommendallon from laoor, " 1$ becomIng eVldeO! thar Ronald Reagan IS nor wo.k.ng in you. beSt mterests



More membeu 01 Local 21aS, F.om Idt to righ t, ao unidenli6~d member , Rill H .II~II , shop Sit ... · ard; and Skip lIutchinlOo , "ice pruident 01 Local 2115.

Scribe Reports On Various News Items L U. 2 totS (gOVI), VALLEJO, CAL._Creellngs, Brethren,. from VallelO. AI thIS wrrung. wlnltr 15 upoD us. Wrnt(. In Ihls atQ lIaosllles InlO Wind­Slorms, drenching rarn5, muodated 511«11, bl-K' ments, and parilln, loIS AUlOmobtlcs arc dlowoed OUI, and mudshdes take homes with them WtJ· ~ome II) "sunny" Cahlomll

II you live In the Bay llca, lie employed, and a.e a r(ntel, you may lall Vlcum 10. "game" that IS 10 full swrng In tbat area. Landlords arc uSing .11 sons of ru~s to eVIct older tenanu lIong'lIme ru.dentsl. In order to rllse the renl l to whar they c005ld( r "mark(t" IItC$ These "market ratu" have been amAcl.lly Inflated by the vaSt .nflu:. of ImmIgrants that a.e having .hetf rems suhsldl~ed by tupaycl -funded ImmlgJ.nt granlS, welfare groups, and chamable organiza t ions. Thus, the wage-earning rentcr, lor example, in Sin franCISco, eVen il he IS carnmg a moderate ly good salary. finds that he is incapable of P.ymll the rentS Ihat the landlords know they Can recelvc lrom Immi· ~anrs. Th .. IS how II 15 In .he bIg cny




It~m.n th~ n~ws, uplloned' Bondholder Group. Push for Repayment of WPPSS Sl.2S Bilhon A· Plam Debl-Th,s makes reference 10 the holder, of Wash.nglon Public Pow~ r Supply bonds. The re was a default of paymenl of Ihe bonds held on Pr01ects No. 4 and No. S. These bonds seemed hk~ a reasonably good investment thai paId appro:u· malely IS percent LOtereSt ro Ihe holdcrs. The main allraCILOn was the Iacl thai that dIvidend was lax exempt. Now, thai inducement made Ihat InVestmcnt sccm lIke a very good deal. J! you know anYlhing at I II aboul InveSlmentS, ]5 percent In tCrest wnuld autnmllLcally p1ac~ Ihal InVUt· ment In the hIghly speculallve aru. The pOlllt of Ihe whole thmg IS InVuton that were enloymg a tn ·exempt mcome from the.r mVeslmenl5 now Want the taxpayers 10 bILl Ihem OUI If you arc a tupayer, thl' COnCernS you aod you should be uism, hell about that

If you arc unhappy with the pay r"se that IS of/ned to you. eons.der SOm~ of the alternallvu hems In the news AC TransIt Union Relccls PiY Cutl-Members of thIS BART uansLI local releeled pay CUts U a cos t ·reduction method of "savmg one hundred and Ih"ty·five lobs." Crcyhoum] Union Ta]ks Centel on ConceuLOns-The negotlatiOl18 centered &found employees acceptmg pay eUls of ovu mne percenl overthe next three yUIS_ Steehng Away- Isaacson Ste~1 Plant w,ll be lOrn down, shIpped 10 Shanghai, leassembled, and300 Chmese workers w,lI be employed.

On the wner/ronl- the process of upda"ng our waterfront work are~ IS. Conllnuous one .nd will become progress.vely be.ndic •• l 10 all of U5 New and very modem work faCllmes arc appc."ng .n aren that Wert only recently occupIed by very

... ancient Structures that have been Ihere lo r decades They had the appearance of beIng hlsloncal land· marks. As producllvllY n:qullements changed OVer the years, so dId Ihe luncllon 01 the bUlldlng9. The purpos~ for which it had bcen Originally Intcndc,j bas been lost 10 anllQuny. Most of them having been frequcntly readapted 10 satisfy prevllbng rcqull .menu For example, onc bUIldIng that was lorn down very lecently beg.n Its e~lnenee u a stable. In mOre r~Ccnt yeus, n wJS a caleten , Otber bUlldlllgs SlIIi in Use--{me was a stable lor cam~ls; Ihe S1able for horses waS used dUnn, a lime when horsepowel meant u.ctly that I the coal sheds were used to SlOre the bas.e method 01 producmg power for propublon, dunng Ihat pc"od

• Latcr, 0110 D.ue] would conVInce Ihem thai 011

wu the ulumate source of powel. What were the cl mds used fori I guess they

provl,jed the bas.c uansportuion 10 places like Reno and Las Vegas. What was the story behulLl

• Ihe NaYY USIngtamd,! Well , the grcat ·granddaddy of the guy that sold Ihe Navy a $400 hammer had a used camel and dunkey lot in Barslow. He dnhed .n Ihe Navy yard 10 Vallelo to ~t If he could unload a few Ihere. He met an ens.gn thn wn aCllng purchulng ofAeer He Introduced hlm~ll IS ' 'The Happy Armeman, " and ,""Id, "Have I gal a deal for you" He commented that camels wele tailed "sh,p$ 01 Ihe dueu" and pomled OUt the

.. ong.na] ~qu.pmcnt and low mdug • .

Tbe Commander was not amused; he had pur· chued 40 mules Ihat dJd nOI understand EnglIsh from the ume guy, and now he had camels thn dldn'l understand, e Llh~r . He promptly lI.ns{elled the ensign 10 a mIlitary nutpoSt LO Reno, as an obsClver MIlitary requlrcmenlS werC d.fferent in those da~1 The domlllant skill al that ume wu carpcnt~ r

The auault on your rel"~ment program contln· uu. You don 't hear much aboul !C , bUI II 'S 5ull lO,n, on

Some very kind comments on thIS column from .... Mrs Jocy Mahoney More On that In Ihe ncxt


rOSEl'" SCA~ON[, JR ., PS

New Agreement Ratified LU. 22521tml, ]IOLLYWOOD, FLA .-Trim Track LlgbtIn& of H.duh, Jfflliared wllb 2252, h., IU51 n~gouared and ratified thell new agreement, a very

,ood one] m"bt add, eon~l,jerlng the flunc •• 1 bllld the company was III last yur

Our Chnstmas pany, held on December] 1, was a memorable one, as Ihls was the lUI one we held If co· workers, due 10 Ihe sbul,jown of the plant th.s yca r. So we went all OUt wLlh a lIve band and all tbe other goodin. h also was a larewell of S01l5.

Welcome back S,sters Fun Taylor and Manha Miller , and get well 10 all the olhers OUI thcre.

By poohng Our Ch rt5lma$ and New Year's hoiL· days, the plan! was closed the week of Decembcr 261 • nlt~ ho],day vacaILon '

T.lI next lime'

Retirees Enjoy Party; Welcome New Members RETIREES .... SSOCI .... T ION OF LOCAL J, NEW YORK, N.Y., N. FLA. CHA PTER_ Our December mecILnl: all racted male members and theIr spouses than our usual qUOla The at"aC\lon was the ChlLstm,. and Cbanukah party, when the mcellng adlourned_

The food con~t~ted of bedhur!:cls, frankfurters, potato salad, baked heans, soda pop, and coffee and cake. Th,s cvent wu superbly marnged by Harry Gleenfleld as chef, Jack Chadnlck, BernIe Feldman, and thcu lovely SPOU5CS Evcryone enloyed this delightful SUrplLSC and had a &000,1 lime

AI th •• ume I have the honor to congratulate our former parhamen""an and board dneelo r, Henry KOSIer, and h'5 10Ydy w.fe Ma,,~ who have celebratcd their S7tb weddlllg annlversalY, and to our formet cha'iman, Chules Dancl5, and hIS lovely wife Helen whn are celebraung thell SOth weddIng ann'versary. I lakt the liberty 10 represent ou r dub in upresslng hear!Lest beS t w,shes for continued good health and hapPIll'"

The club is happy to announce the addtlJon of the foll OWing new memhers: lack I-Ielmowllz, Jack Halpertn, Lou Foodman, Rennell Cold, and Arthur Glell We welcome you 10 thc dub and hope you people continue to be as aClLve wlIh us as you were III your past per/ormancu up north

Try not to be dIstressed because our admmlStra· lion chuse Ihe m051 costly way 'I could to flgbt ,nnalLon_ h,gh unemployment. The prolonged tate 01 unemployment IS the p"ce that AmtILcan work· ers had to pay fOI the Reagan adminisllauon's eeunomiC program h has been and ~on\LnUC5 to be a costly program for whICh workclS pay dearly. No healthy mdustrial oallon ,hat wishes to brmg prospemy 10 LIS people should make thaI kmd of deCISIon

To all of us a Healthy and Happy New Year.

Scribe Reports On Chapter Meetings

D"Vl1) BlANC, P.S

Rl'TIREES .... SSOCIA TlON OF L.U.l, NEW tORK, N. Y., S. FLA. CHAPTER_ ]n the absence 01 Pres· ident Joe Bonn. who ., up north eelcbr.llng a bar mnzyah w.th hIS wife Ann, we 113111h" message off with happy tidings. V,ce President Jack Weber conducted thc Novcmber meellng tha, was well attended by 164 people. !'res.den, Ememu5 Lou Chase led us ,n a ulu,c to our nag, followed by Julie Schwack who displayed WIth reVerenCe tha t peaceful tb"ughts and to1:ctherness could be. Ihe answer to world ulva"on

Jeff Mmngoff nevCr faleered as he delIvered the mmutes 01 Ihe prevIous m~"lIn8 and the past "f..e(ullve Board meellng. Then lack Webel InIlO' doced the liOOOllble Armand DI An,do who first greCled h.s many old '"en,j5, thcn ve ry calmly told us that the employment SllUa110n was very good in New Yotk Cay, tbat our rC\Lrees penSion plan is in excellent shape which 1$ b~cked up by SI04 milhon Invested wISely III gile ·ed~ed guvernment bonds. ThIS waS Harry Van A.sdale's b.by. M3ny Ihan ks, Harry. Mayor Koch of New York CLlY talks and runs bOI and cold ond i5 In in his obligations, espeCIally to Ihe workmg manl hi' empty promlScs for a beuer New York CLly hav~ resultcd in the

rapId growth of drabnus and many potholes on the roads and sueeu of New York City. ThaI old song " G.ve Me Manhattan" has iost'ti f1avol We need a mayor hke the late FIOrello Laguard,a

PrC5.dent loe Bonn and yours lru]y receIved a speCial nod of approval by Armand for the coverage of the AfL 'ClO Convcnllon that renewed the confidence of PreSIdent Lane Kukland and en dorsed Waltc r Mondale as Ibe next preSIdent.

A very Imponant qUClIlOn was rllsed by Brothel [rvmg DobbInS about the supplementary Insurance iLke Blue Cron·Blue Shield for thc WIVes of the members. The answer wu that Ihe WIVes ue covered thc same as the member, and tbrough the good graces of our umon and the officCls wbo are concerned aboul the welfare of Our members and thel l w'vcs OUI SlIon& Jomt Industry Boa rd has eSlabhshed the Hospnal and SurgIcal Plan WIth I

ncw k.nd 01 umon made Cross and ShIeld Our new &old book bas bncfed us as 10 oor "ghlS

about retLltmCnt , and we w.1l be funher enhght · ened about Ihe l'rC$e"puon Plan Ihat started Ian· uary I, 1984

If you m.ssed thIS wellseasuned talk by Armand Di Angelo, you m.ssed a down·to·canh fo rm of txp rc$sion thu Ih" man IS gIfted wl1h A rtturn visn will be greatly apprecllied.

Soon it w,lI be Sir Danny Kaye, who will be kmghted 101 h,s dedIcated humanc work III UNJ CEF by Queen Margarethe of Denmark Max Ka· m.ns IS al50 proud that Brother Danny Kaye was Ihe Grand Marshal II Ihe colorful Tournament of Roscs In ben"ful Pasadena, CahfomLl We of the labOl movement also had our paradn all ovcr Ibe U.S. In a show 01 sllon, sohdarny

Bndly, Fred VaiLche happ.ly reponed a good lumOut at the Ed~n Roc Hotel Decembel I] , 19BJ. to bonol IrVing DobbinS. Lou Kiog. OUI finanCIal secrelary, r~poned a la15e .n rent has becn re · quest~d for ou r meclLng hall

Harry Bcnfleld praised OUr past pIcnic; Lester GabrIel lemmded us of COPE, Ibe AFL·CIO life· line to fI,ht aggreSSIOn Fred Engel bllcfcd us on the NCSC. FOlly·tblee bIrthdays were announced Forg've me, fellows, fOI not mentiomng all your names II thi ' would Iud 10 Wilier's cramp Tben mOle fcslivilics be.p.n ulrvmg DobbIIIs and Prts­idem Emeritus Lou Chase and PreSident Joe Bonn lab.enteel honored Jack Weber Tb lS veteran 01 boor was recol\.<llzed by Local 3 wllh a handsome plaque and in addmon with another tesl1momal plaqu~ tendered by Mayor Steve Clarke of MiamI wtlh a key to Ihe clIY 01 M13ml that dangled from a s.lk Ilbbon tbal was placed about Jack's neck by Mrs. Webu as Phil Albens' ~amcra clicked.

Now the pl ~ce de res.stance, where 12 anmVer §lry couple. were bonored, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Brambiel, Mr and Mrs Milton Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cambria, Mr and Mrs. Mack Druckman, Mr and MIS Max FOll, Mr and MIS. Max Launng. Mr and Mrs. Ira Rothsleln , Mr. and Mrs Frank R~ld, Mr and MIS Uyman Solomon, Mr and Mrs Abe Telaeh, MI and Mrs Jack Weber Mr . and Mrs. lohn MeMJnu. w~rt absent and have our blcssinl$. There was • flum .n Ihe eyes 01 IrvIIIg Dobbms as he k.ssed all Ihe lad.cs and congll tu · !aILOn, to Ihe men PhIl AlhertS' camera ehcked aga.n.

[I was a grand, memorable day. Thanks Harry and Tummy Van Arsdale, Armand Di Angelo, Joe Jacobson, Joe Bonn, Jack Weber, Lou Chase, Sam Dobbms, trying Dobbin', Jeff MHingoff, Lou Kmg. Fred Vallche, Herman Remel, Hcrman R'ch, Harry Benfield, Lcs tet Gabriel, Sam Scherel, and our many friends You all contnbuled to a very 'pc",I, greal day


Scribe Urges Members To Vote, Write Letters RETIREES CLUB Of L.U. II, LOS ANGELES, CAL.- By Ihe "me lBEW ICtllCU fec~.ve thcir monthly {oumal we will be well Into Ihe new year . We presume you all reViewed the cvenu of the paS! yeat and have made resolutions for the new ytar. We wish all will expelLence an exclling. prospCIOUS, and healthy 1984 "


You. alt~nuon, at Ih,s um~, IS mamly du~cI~d to th~ 1984 pruldenual ~Ie<:uon, whleh 15 "'P lor yabs If all of us wIll reglstel 10 VOI~, and uelCl.se 01,1. pnvllege, we u.n aDIIC'pne leadersblp in Ibe White House 10 Improv~ 10 1984 and ,nlO Ih~ ensuIng years We must M aWare ,hal unionism must M k~pl snoog Ihlou&h wucaled and IOle.· ellw panlclpauon. In paS! yurs we have !oush! ha.d Ind long 10. the n&h15 10 b"p'n colle<:t1vely, 10 p,ovlde labo.ers wllh Innge bendllS, luch u ~n"ons, SlXial seeurilY, medical and lik ins",!­ance, "nd on·lh~·rob SoIiety provisIons. l..ct 1,11 all make a Ncw Yeu") r~:;nJuuon to keep them m lo.ee 10. 01,1. ehlldr~n and yandchlldren. WIIIC youl c!CClW officllls Urge them 10 carry 01,11 your Wishes Conyess mo\'u m It the lut slSgcs 01 bIlls submltled when Ihey havc alrudy dlseussed and decIded on Ihell ourcomc. [t IS, thereiore, up 10 us to bc Iw,"e 01 the bIlls when Ihey are muoduced, Ind thIS mfolmation " bro"'&h' 10 us by 0"" vcryable BrOlher Cliff Holhday, leglslalive commillccman Lellers are c1lecllve.

The 1984 World Olympics WIll blingmany 18EW rellrees to Callfoml" Wc again uund an ,"vita· lion to all to VISIt 1,15 at our '(gu[" monlhly m~elings Ihe second Wednuday of every month al 10:00 I.m in our Local 11 headquIII(rs 01,11 CllY fatherS and thel! commillees arC hud I! work maklDg arrangements so that VISIIOI5 WIll Rnd the 1984 World OlympICS h,slOncally eventful

AI our lur reg",lar meeting, Nov 9, Blothe. Ralph La.km, pruldent, opened the meelln" '" usual, with a SoIlule 10 01,1. SI"" and Stllpes, I minute 01 sllence.o rupeel 10. thOK IBEW mem· ben who a.e no longel with 1,15, Ind then .~queued thOK present celebratmg buthdays 10 .em"m ,'andmg whtl~ w~ WIsh them III song m.ny luppy .elurns OUf Repolllng COmml1leel, all havm, done Ihen homework, I've us the good and the lnd news, after whIch Blolher Dan Cohen Intro· duced Mr I B.uce Kuhn, prcsldent of Bala Adven· lUlU He showed 1.15 sl,d~s of B.aja, Cahlornll, and of Copper Canyon, MCXICO, whIch we.e b.uthtlk· Ing. A few of ouf membe.s had alrudy cxpcllencw Ihese "&hI' In ~.son and emhusilltlc"lly endorse such" vataflOn ITIp for all of "'5. We thank B.OIhe. Coben 10. bnngmg such ento)'able p,oy"ms 10 1,15. Alit. 01,1 . mtctlng w~ all conyegaled 10." del,CIOUS lunch andsoclahutlon New memMrJ"nd VlSltOn Ife eneouraged 10 rolll uS

ESTlua Gmacl, P S

Chapter Members Enjoy Bus Trips RETIREES CLUB OF L. U. 24, BAL T I,,"ORE, MD._ We Ihe membcn of Local 24 have, 111 the past couple 01 months, made t .... o deh&htful bu. trips 00 Oclober 26, we left the Local 24 parking 101 101 a d,y tllP to !kdfo.d Springs, Peon,ylunll, a bc"uuful mp "I Ihl! time of thc yu.

Luv1llglhe parkmg 1<.>1, w~ proc~eded up 1·70 loward the mountaIns, Slop~d 111 F.wellck, M"ry' lind al a faSI ·lood .Utluranl fnr coffee and donul,. Alter thIS bnd rcsl we tonunued up 1· 70 over Ihe mount"mS 10 Bwfold Spnngs "nd then on to Ihe hotel 01 the same name.

The hOlel IS , tremendous b"'lld,ng, very lo,,&> abo"'t Ihre~ uones hi~, and bc1ll, '~S1 o red In ilS popular days, Ihe ' lOs, I thInk , 11 was Ihe summer vacation .pot 10' Ih~ dll~ 01 Wllhmglon, ~.C., Baillmore, Maryland, and PlIIsbur&h, Pennsylva ' ...

We. along wllh .wo busu f.om olhe.II"'Cf, wele led to the second 1100. of the hotel 101 I buffel lunchron Ihl! wuoutstaodmJ: Inwchlcken, r01l1 bcel, corned bcd, ham, three k11lds of potalO $Ibd, and I VUlety of vegetablu aod condlm~nl.S

Aller lunch we strolled throu&h Ih~ hOlel and lIound the g. ounds, th~n back to Ihe town of !kdlord Sp"ng. lor " &hlSe~lng ID thIS qU'lDt mountalll area BUI, U " the custom m most IIOUthem Pennsylvllll. and Wutem Maryland lowns, most of the bu"nen placu are closed on Wednta· day afternoon Th~ tnp back home was untvendul bUI very

bea",ufuL The loliage wal colorful and the day WIS bughl , cleaf, and a linle brisk On thIS nip we

we.e honorrd 10 han wllh 1,15 Local 24" Aoantl3l ~CUtary, BIll MIlls, and hIS charmmg .... ile. We hopc they eOIOYW the lOp u mucb IS we d,d.

On Novembe. 16 we and a gJ"OUp from the olSlillery Wo.ke" Remccs Club each took a tnp 10 Ad"nllC Clly. Thll WIS' day·long tnp to ¥lSII Ihe seasIde .esort and c;,.lInOS, 10 pmble II you so deslled o. 11,151 10 S1&htHe.

The day was Wllm, , unoy, and bc"Ulilul.l, and a good many olhers, Spcnl mOSI 01 the afternoon on the boardwalk, slIolling "nd ga:ung m all of Ihe shop wmdows Ihat line the l(lshOl~.

The USIDO I've everyone on e"ch bus I ~IO roll of quarters, bUI I don 't know of anyone bring.ng any quartel$ home

AI 5.15 p.m. we III boarded the bus 10' Ihe return nip, and I thlllk everyone hid an enjoy"ble day

Alfaro "S1O'" ANo(ll$Or-I , PS.

Fish Fry

Nul Bo i~, la r I~h, wu Ihe hud chef II tbe Fi~ h F. y.

Retirees Club Celebrates Sixth Year of Activities RETI REES CLUB OF L.U. 245, TOLEDO, OHIO­The luly and Aug"'" meellngs we.e held at Prov. Idencc Pa.k on the Maumee RIve. and Ihe Augu't meellng al Cu.n~ C .~ek Wildlile Preserve on Lake Efle. I'm sorry 10 SoIy that 000 Roth, the sklppe. ollhe 5h<fwoeePrlllccu. hnhadaspcll of Sickness; but we arc Sure h~ WIll bc back ,n '84 10 pliO! th~ slcam·dnv~o, rUI paddle wheel up the mighty Maumee RJvCI

l.n 5f:optembe. we were .epresenlcd 111 the Labo. Day Sohd"my Parade Not too much wallung, bUI all made 11 back 10 the hall lor r~fruhm~nlS. Lou C"mpbcll , Ihe nll",rahu, was ag,"n o",r fUest s""ak~r al 01,1 •• ~,ular meellng who commented on Ih~ wildlife III the alCa of 01,11 last picnic.

01,1. Annual Fish Fry was hdd in Octobc., and 01,11 Ihanks 10 rhe govermng membcrs and Ihell spouses for pnpanng the pleke.el: 10 AI BoIse, he"d chel, for COOkl"&l and IIe15Ulel loe Toback 101 secunng the Ash. Ovcr 120 all~ndrd th~ m~et· tD& nOI only 10 dln~ on Lake En~ pltk~ref but to Simple dlSb~s Irom Toledo Ind Ihe surround"'g .r~a 's AoeS! tooks, Out spousesl

NOmmatlons 10. our GovernlDg Commllitc 10' Ihe neJ:IIWO yurs we,c Ihe main o.de. of bUSlO~".

In Novembcr we celebraled our Reltree Club's Slxlh year of organiullon We staned as a " baby", now [would sal' ,,·c are" " Ieeme boppcr" and sull growing. The cluh IS up to 135 members, plus spouses and lady I"cnds. We put the welcome mil out to Robel! Perry, Olen Kinsel, Ruwland 5c:hwakc, Richard Tap', H. Dannenburgtr, Paul FOrlchc, and Harry Wannemacher from the Toledo EdIson, lerry Wenger from Local 19 EdISOn Offit~ Workers, and

Henry PIcken 110m WTVG Channel 13 The early .euremenl proyam of the Eduon should mc.use our membcllhlp

Carol Hldel, Employees !knefil manag~. from the T olrdo Edison, Was pr~nt 10 gIve u. cunent inlormal1on concerning OUI bcncfhs "nd "oswend many qucslloru from the membcn p,esent

Carl Yennck, fOlmer busme5s manage., SI"lrd that it 's Imperauv~ that we k~ep the ChallS full in the coming months, wllh negouauons around the cornc. and mOil compamcs 100klOg at Ihe weib,e alea to CUt COSIS. ThIS IS one alea t.n which we all plld the plice 10 01,1. working years and we SoIl', " Oon't touch "

We think 11m GunKlman, bUllDtsS manager, Ind 24S membcrs fOI plovldmg Colonel Sandell as Our maID duh

l.oeal 245 Chairman Ch ... h~ McGh~~ .dvises Ih"t you mlrk YO"'1 calendar now '0. Apnl 27, 1984, whIch 15 the \bte lor the Annual Dmn~I' Dance which you won 't Wlnt 10 min.


Scribe Discusses Club Activities RETIREES CLUB OF L U. 261, GROTON, CONN.­Instead of the regula. meeting On Oclobc. IS, we had I ,ood a"endance 10 OW' pol·luck I"'pper wilh many goodIes II usual, of which I won'l go lnlo detaIl, u I don'l WIOl those 00 I d,tllO bluk the tu.bll by lelling Ihem aboul all thOK ,ood,ts. Lei '. say It was a plellant eveOlng.

Now we wISh" sperdy re<:ovcry 10 our cI",b p.csldenl , "Shm" Roessle. whoh"d the misfortune 10 lall and break his h.p wbile visiling I Itstauranl one evening. The laS! report we had WII the hosPllal p"'t I pm 10 hil hIp and thlt he WIS imptovmg qUlle well . On the SIck hu "Iso IS 01.1 ' "fish flOry " leller, Charles Dugas, who sulfe.w • cororury "nd had to have I quadruple bypasl and also a pacemaker Implanled. We all cxtend 01,1. be" Wishes 10' a speedy .~covery

In NovemMI w~ ~d our ICfUlar meellng dis· cussmg ilems 10. the IUlure, lollowrd by cards Ind beverage.

We hid .nolhel OflStmas party on Oteembc, 14. We euhlngw glfu hke we did 10 '82, "nd Ihe WIVU supplied a fabulous chOIce of food for our Chl151mas pot·luck supper.

Aftel exchange of "fll, Wt bad a raffle conllillng of moncy, namely $50, $10, and $10 III cash.

At November 's meeting we talked aboul long· range planl 101 March. We WIll havc an e lecdon 01 o/flccn, and we arc discuss,"g planlto lake ou r WIVe. for a lovell' dinner of either baked nulled shrimp or p.ime nb lor tbe main COU.IC, and n.,urally the happy hour indud~d . W~ hope 10 have" good atl~ndance at Ihe dmne. p.rlY, $0

come on .11 you lick people and get well/ast. In April we are plannln,a.nothe. Las Vel's NI&h1

hke we had lUI ytar, "'hld! p.oved to M Rnancially Tewlldmg. II WIS a fine pthenng, and III kmd.l of gamn were playw WIth a la.ge attendance of very fnendly ~ople


Retirees Celebrate Christmas RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 349, MlAM.l, f LA.-In Occcmbc. we had oUlsupcr On5lm151"Iny, good tumOUI Ind no snow. Frrd Melllue, pvc the praye. Slim Edwa.ds led us in Ihe pledge 01 Ille· glance 10 0",< Dag. OorOlby Edward. lcad the mlll· UI~ of the \ISI meeu",. A lelle. was re"d on Ih~ 0001 lrom C"rJ Taylor stau", Ihlt he IS nOI ut· IIRed wllh servIce he IS gel1mg from the Nauonll Countll of 5f:onior ClIinns Insuranc~, mainly thl! they are nOI paymg hIS claIms. Marly Chew, nur new Loc.1349 presldenl, gave us a talk elfplaining that Gene Brumfield, PUI p.cSldent of Loc.1 J49, took Ihe lob as app.enllceshlp dlleClo •. Bobby Elliot IS vice pre'ldeni. lack LelchficJd Ind Skippy B.addock plued away thIS month. lack LetchRcJd can bc remembered lor hIS Ieillng 01 1111 raIn. Edylh C .een lave. talk on the ebangn in Soclll


Sccumy ... 1 Rubler Ic~d a pucrn "n old age, whrch was enloyed by cvn)'one A Chrr.,m~5 pan)' 'S"',

, a ChlUlmu jlJll y without plcSents, so we swappcd g.tu aU In fun, and Ihe lood WI5 so good. Mrl furlo", baked Ihc ham and we had cveryrhmg to g" wilh " from beans and sweel potat0<:5 to frUit cah Happ)' 1984

Tm"'vUL, PS

• Anniversary

Rfl;rtn fn jo)' lng Ihe 80lh ... nnivernry i)lnnN-). Dancr 01 Loul ]58, PUlh "'mbo)', N. I., art, lelr \0

right , Mr . • nd Mrl. lick lIanlldd, Mr. and Mu. Royal ... ndrrson, Mr. William f owlrr and 8UU t, fonncr BusinUI Ml nl8N Ind MI ll. lohn C. Boll ,

~ .nd M, .• nd Mrs. Guy Clark.

Retirees Look Forward • to 1984

RETIREES ... SSOCIATION Of LU. J58, PERTII AMBOl' , N. I._ ... nmhel year has become h,uo.y. and our IClLrcu I rC lookmg fOlwu,J 10 a new ycar

., wLih much hopc and an"c'panon MOSI celulllly ReaganomIcs hu ploduced many changes III the hfc of Ihe senror eurzen durlllg 1983 and thc afte r· cllttl Will most 8UICly be- Iell III 1984 by thc rculec

~ Duling the pUt yur, we have been m"u fortun· ate to have man)' 'JI"ahn come belorc our g.oup IQ lurther our knowled,l:c on such sublecn IS

fin~ncC5, n.edICltlon, SOCial 'CCUlIIy, hOUSIIIII­HMOs, polLliel, and eyen Ihe plOleclion of the .ctirec al home and wh.le trayclrng We werc also

.... vc ry pllv.leKcd andllulle honorc,J tQ havc wilh us On levelll OCClSlons Mu Edilh Edleson, a mn$t knowled~cab1c pelSon, 10 uy the lca~ r , .cgard.ng Ihe rights and p.oblem, fleinK Ihe senlOl citlzcn, ... , you can rc~dily .~e, I'ru.dcnt Flink Smtih hn

• becn ~e l )' actlye In trylrl,l! to providc OUI auoelal1un membe.shlp wi th u much IIIlonnAuon as poulble 10 help Ihem IhlOU~h Ihcs~ .o-cailed "Golden Yea r, of RetLfen1ent "

• We Ihank the many ll .()!hell and olflcus Irom OU r ac t ivc metubr=rsh>p 01 Local 358 who hive )oLrlcd wilh the relllce3 dUllng Ihe past )'U! alone 01 mo.c of Ihel r ,emman I'm . ure the inlOlm31ion

.. Ihe)' recclYcd made th~ l imc spent well worth wh,le

",uendance at OUI monthly meelln,l!' by the !Clllets, thei r W,VCl, and !:UCSIS hu been excellenl , and for thn I mun thank each and evc.y one ul

.. you Ically flnc ladlu Ind gentlemcn Many Ihanks Wc are lookmg fQlw.,d 10 eelebratln, thc 14th

anmvclsary 0/ OUI retlrcCi UiOCUItOn The .etllce! first mct on March 21, 1970. Since then they have reee ,vctl,helf "Ccrl,flule of Recognition" Challt r from our inlemillonal Office m 1981, and through a membellh,p dllve m Malch, 1983, we have reeeived ou. "chaner" from Thf Nauonal Council of Scmo. ClILzcnslnc. The lrI/ormarron we . ece,ve

~ from NCSC has been mosl LrlterUlln, and ve ry enhghtcmnl\ .... p.u,dent Frank SmLlh sla led ~t a prev,ous meeun" "We are nOw a sem,)! lamlly W1lh1ll thc Brotherhood "

... ...t the lime 01 this wrrtlrlll, we mu't .cport Ihal rCliree Brother Thomu MOlan" recuperaling from a .CIIOUS back operatlLJn IllOlher Tom " our QI I. F. Kennedy I-\ullillal and r(eu peralLng at home

-.. President SmLlh hn asked me I!l convey the as 5ociaHon', and hl$ hupe fo. a ~peedy recove ry

We than k IllO thc!8 "lIchac! Ko"owicz, S. , and lohn Ouoc for \akin ~ Ihe IIlne to attend Ihe Noycmbr=r mcetrng. The II rolhc" were (julte pleased

~ and , tated they wuuld t ry and attend futute meet Lng"

We wllh 10 thank BUSLnclis Mana~e l I~mn Cal lahln, gencral chairman ol the Dlnncr·Daoee Com· ml ll e~ Ind the members of Locaf 3:'8 lor invi l ing the memb.:n 01 Ihe relL.ees aSSOCta t ,on to help cclcb r ~1C our Local', 80Ib anniversary l'ou r d fOIlI, along with the members 0/ you r (omm,nec, 1ft 10 be commcndcd for a very finc II lbutc 10 our loeal UniOn

We send ,'celLngs to ou. .ellled Brotherl Ih.ou,hout Ihue Untied Stares. Sta)' ,"follned, keep IS aCILVc as pOSSIble, and enlO), good health and much happoneu 101 a happy and musl plO' PCrOU! new YUI

Lrr dy membtll 01 Rt ti.f u Club 01 Loul 479, Bu umont , Tn., back row, lelr 10 rl,ht , Ite Ab )' MeNerl, hedrll Norr, s, Lue)' Force, and Vlolf t GftoUlld, front row, left In righi , Mlld.cd Fall , Lor,n LeUell , Sedalia Ballard, and Sibyl Ra~.

AI Ihe nl tr l in, in OClober ale, from left 10 rl,ht , B.uce ,a(Qb,on , d ub treas UIC' 1 Lee L. MeNed, p.ufdt nl , Derreliyc SU8Unl lamn S,nglela r)" Bn umonl Polict Fo. crr and Johnnie Notrl ., ylte p.uldent .

Retirees Hear Talk By Policeman RETIREES CLUB Of L. U. 479, BEAU MONT, TI!XAS_The dub ccJebrattd Th.nk$glvlrlg wilh a dlllncr prepared by the lady membtfS nl our club We III came away aware olthe fact that clecilielan, marry good C<M,h

The meal was prepared by Loron Leg.gclI, Sedalia 8al1ard, S,hyl Ray, VIQI~I Glfou .. d. Luc)' FOlee, faedcll Nom', Emma Dav,s. V~ . al Nerl.nd, Min e Chclcn Mrldrcd FiLl , ",by McNeel , and llell)'

Fowlel The men whQ ove.atc were Dick lIanson, R L

Webb, Lelo), Fall. Bill Fowler, /ohnl1le NOIII!, Lec McNcel, 11m DaVIS, Howard Nc. land, GeQlge Fo.cr, F E " Red" Mack Ca.1 Leggctt, Loyd Ra)" Wlhon Gunua,d, ... M lacobson, Leo Chclctt .... <1 lack Ballud Wilton Girouard was named the ovc.Uler .no~t Ilkcl)' 10 ellplode

Our plUg.am cons.stcd 01 a talk and demon.lla lion un how SC I1lOl citizens tan p. event beon!!, .obbed, mUJlll:ed, anaulred, 01 raped by the " bad IUY"" who loam CQmmunltlCS such II ouu look· Inlt fo. potent.al v.cllm5 Our spukcr w"' Dcrec· live S" r ~eAnt lame5 I' Sin,l:l"t .. y "I Ihe Buurnont I'nir ee Force

llruthcr R L. Wcbbcautw"ed ou r memhers about the "b~d guys" who ha~e lau"ched an all uu t carnpalgn to make the public behne IhAI UIII"n, ~uch as OUIS lre responsible for the bgglnK eeon ' omy and the I~e k 0/ neW construcllon In our area Thl~ u"'pa'~n 15 especially Ylfrle ;n our Area, which Illhe home of so many union rnembru

We be t 'n and end our meellngs wrth a prayer, .0 I'U end IhlS article wi rh a praye. lor the welfare of eYery bmil), .ep.esenlcd by ou. brlo~ed symbol, "IBEW"

LEIlOV F,,"., R.S


lIonubuflt ailcraft (Cual ier ) built by W. It J(c l· lum, prtn icCreta lY, Re l irc~5 Club QI Lnul ' 80. Jach on , Min.

Scribe Reports On Luncheon , Hobby METIM f. I!S CLU8 OF L.U. 480, IA CKSON, MISS.­Wdl , the year 0/ '8J IS OVC' Seems hke IHne IU" 'hp. by when you have retrred and are frec to do thin,5 you hlYe alwa)" "'anled IQ do, but had 10

be the 1 •• n,ly p."v,der Iklnre OUt last meellng On Tuesd.)" Decembrr

6, we had I vcr)' wondcrful banllUel It was sup' posed 10 be I co~ercd·dlsh dmne!, bUI the I.d,u lUSt QUld,d Ihemsel ve-ll Bemg from Ihc s..ulh, I ,uPl'"'' I am IU$I panl~1 10 s..ulhcln cook'"g Airer the dmner wc had o ur tegular monthly rctuees dub meelLng h was p,cslded o.·c. b)' QUI p.eSldenl , Ihothe. Frcd Tolleson, wrth Mrs " Red" Magee dOing a good lob as rceordlllK seCletary EYeryonc who attends seems to have high IlIIe. eS! ' n Ihe club and speaks h.s or her own mind Afler the .cgular "'eClLnK we had. meetlllg of the Executive 1I0a.d wllh a full lIuola, whIch ra.d)' hlppens Cou ld II have been the luncheonl

I Was ,l:la<l In ICC llrothel Frank Worthy back as

he w .. III the hosPLlal dUlLng the lut mee\1njt K.()\hc r Lewis T,sdale had III OPC ratlOIl which IlIlIIed 0111 to be mOlt serious Ihan upcClc<l, but he Came through okay and is al home u present I WU lOrry 10 hear thai IIlOthcr "Duh" Mall,l:um hu 10Jt the sight 01 one 0/ hi' eyu, sorne type of Iccldetll Dnn't know the dClaris. Hc was Ilready parllyzcd 0" hIt leil .. de but still mana!;C! 10 get 11011& with the help of a cane tbllg In thc re o! bud~y

11m IU 'C mOSI 01 our rellree' and members have ,lavOfite hobby Ilue~, mme II unique I am vcry Interested m e~pcf1mcntal aod homebu.lt ai rcraft I lolned the Expenmental "'"cralr A5S0ell"on IEAM m 1968 and bUill and flew a IWQplacc Cavalie r by October 1971 Hove buLlt. two plaec CQu,ar .nd am work"" Qn an ulrn ·lrghl Would ento), hUllng Imm any IBEW membe.s with Ihe lime hobb),. I ,"Iended 10 send III a plClu.e of ou. memben dUling the lun~hcoo but Ihe pICture. haven 'l been deYeloped as )'et. So WIll 5ubSUlule • P'CIUfC of m)' homebu.h Cnaher


Club Thanks Local ; Welcomes Future RI! TIR I! D MEMBERS CLUB OF L.U. 488, IIRII)CI!PORT, CONN.- T he Retired Mcmbr.s 01 L U. 4118, Kndgcport, Conncelleul, have conduded .he yu. nl 1983 wllh a short mecllnJ: T hen we ~II ' clIr~d 10 the din"'g area. Whel t each of us PQrtonk 01 dehghtlul1y palatable .circshmenll, 1(1 up In I buffer 1I)'lt, by OUI beloved chRlfnnn, ' oe Z~horn~cky. Then amid the remmllcenecs 01 the pUI, dl5CUSling the presen l, and hoplll8 10r a better IUlure, we concluded the 11th yell of our CXll tCnCe as a lell re($ club "


W~ a.~ UII~m~ly g.aldul 10 Ih~ m~mbe.s and offic~fI of Local 488 fo. allow,n8 u, Ihe usc of the vallous IIU. 10' our m~etm" for our .d.uhment pthennAplace, for the UK of Ih~ kuchcn facilities, aod fa. OUI pnvalc flo.ag~ plac~ It I. In LDducub· abl~ plusu.e fo. us 10 plher on Ih~ lUI Sa.urday of every monlh and spend, few houlJ 10 • h'r monlOu, Ind fn~ndly confabulltlon, wuhm ,he w.rm .nd plulanl quar'e., of our union OUIS IS

• sm.1I dub 10 numcnc.1 membt"r.h,p, bUI 10

lums of \0111 conunuous . I:cumullfed slIndmg ID the [BEW, It r:ank. wllh Ihe ,I.nu of our fru~rnllY Our ",aId up membershIp "and. al 35. bUI ou r loul I:onunuou. member. hip of.ll those 35 loul, 1,505 yu •• 10 the [BEW Our olde" membc. hI! 65 YUII and au. yOUngUI member h~~ 36 yur~ • • 11 ~ ... ntln",oully accumuilled Tbose were by no mun. usv yean fo. Iny of us. Tbere were many bard,h'p"nd lIeullcn mfiicled on III of UI. The.e we.C many yeall of lus'enly and dls'ppomlmcn!lI fOI c.leh 01 us But .omehow we IlwlY' mlna,ed 10 OVC lcome Ihe cluel blows of dndny

We lie now bcgmnm, tbe 12th YUI of Our UJOC1I110n, lookm, forw"d wllh b,sh 'P"'u .,,", U,CI .lol1clpllion The fulUrc holds many enigmas and ,dvenluru fa. UI B,u we fed Ihat .he best " y~1 10 M We lie IIvln, from d.lY 10 day, bumbly grlleful 10 Ihe Alml,hty Cod. 101 ,lIowlng uS the opponunlly 10 bt" 11111 robull enou,.tl 10 III U

IpeCIIIO" on Ihc sldehnes .Ind witch Ihe patade of hf~ II II conunually unlolds ;1$ dUI,n , befOle OUI eyn


Scribe Reports On December Meeting RETIREES CLUB Of L.U. 595.0AKLA ND, CAL-_ The ,nhulng on I)e .. e",b." 14 at Flance~cu 'l Restaurant fOI our 11th Annu,,1 Ch".tmn Lunch · con Party broughl 10 a don a successful year of "Sood fellowship " Ind a b.,e IOcrUle 10 OUI memMllblp Atlendant t WIS Ihe l.lrsell lu.noul ID Ih~ club'. hlllOry. wllh the membcn and thell w,vtt enJoy,ns III the fenlvlllcs of th~ scawn A new lOnOUIIGn WII the plaYInK of I mUJlcal back,rnund ~",Ia ~m, .lIon, of ChflS1mu ealob

000. pilUS wel~ 'Iv~n ,nd the Annu,l Yearly Club Raffle .... 11 drawn PlltlClpatlOn 10 pm~ fOI OU r yearly funds .... rre pUlch,sed by OUI wOlklOg "'Olhru at Ihell Ole T,me" Nile . • yurly functi on 01 Loc.1 595, and by OUI retlleCi " the luncheon To .11, oUlthanks, for you. conlfl butlnS donauon. to Clrry on whit I. expecled \0 bt" .n even Mlle l 19S". 10 cvcnu and tnteflllnmeDt fOI OUI club.

Our p'CI,dent, Lyle Bolin, lOIlOOUCc:d 10 tbe g.ubelln.ll 01" guUIS, B,UlOn, Mana,cl Tom Swee ney. II well as h" It.ff PUt p.e"denu and ,he newlyelec l~d sl,,( of offieeu ~nd committee head_" fot the new year 1984 WCle also nf(h:LIlly ,nuo­duced

Also brough, forth . for all to see. w.s the large new plal,jUC wah the namt:.~ nl "' .. , nfflrt.s ~nd challci memh,n IIl scr!bcd ThIS wu a ILi, to Ihe club by Chcslcr Bakcl ThiS plaque Will selve Ihe dub for many future ycau. wllh tbe ,ddlllonil plalel to be lO $Cllbed w,th Ibe namn who WIll follow lO Our lOOUICPI

A MIlled Ih.n" was abo extcndcd 10 III the uDSlln, helpers and eommltteu whoH: wOlk and effnrt. In the club', bt"h.1i In,uled the IIIC«U 01 our ICIlVIllU dUlm, 198J

Our dub now looks for ..... rd to a ,.u,er H:IIU of ~venll 10 1984, Ind .... e once .IplO lO Ih,s ncw year extend an open hand of welcomc fo'.I11 rellleu and thO$C Brolhe", on d,ub,IIIY, who h,ve not ,clIDed U' • • n attend OUI monthly meelLn,s, beld the Kcond Fllday of n ch momh lO Ihe lowel hall of Ihe unIon 1\ noon

YOUI WIVes lie npecI.lly IOvlled to ,am uUI ladlU. u they. too. , hale III the many aCflVlllCl wb,ch mah up au. dub'. 'lIctenlul 10lmal

10m 10 Ihe "JL;ood fell owlhlp" and .enew "ole acqu.lOt.ntn", don 'l let the munlh, of Ihe yealS slip by. 01 WILt 101 "Ole Time" Nile," when we

oller all yUI • monlhly ,erto,ether OUI 595 RellJeu Club utends to III BrothelS

and w,ve! 01 OUt nu,onw,de dubi ~ Happy New Yur

8~1T" ItAU ........ N P S

Officer Reports On Trip To Canada RETIR EES AND WIDOYLS CLUB OF LU. 683, COLUMII US. OHIO- I lecenlly drove 10 Alaska lOWing a lJ· foot ltaLlcl The rOute wu Clnld.l Rnute I I.vm Wmmpcg 10 Call1ary. Ih~n north \ 0

EdmonlOn, hum tbere Ihe AICan ,hrollllh Hmil h Culumbia and the Yukon to Faubanks Ind then 10

Ancbolage Ibe highways lie Clccplinnilly JL;ood .Ind mall a'( fou. ·lane. It was I VUI advcmure Thosc who wI~h 10 take a lIaller ~huu1d make ruerva.lun~ ahcad. espcc • .I11y In Ancholll:t ~nd hllban""

While 10 Ancbollllc, I wu welcomed by 68J Imbasydor 01 goodWIll h.1 Lcadbelle. and h'l beauuful w.le Marge, Earl has be~n 10 Aluka nurly 10 yea.s and bu played hosl 10 many 01 ou. membels wh,le ,n Ancbora,e Cong. alula tions.lnd many Ihanks, EIII and Mar,e

Had a convcnatlon wllb Bud C"rnton, bll~lnt$$ manager and CtO'ge HICb, J'I~51dent of Local 1547 ICllret$ Bud. CeOl,r, and DIXie II~ 10 M conVatulatcd iOI Ibell enduvon 10 lormm, Ihe IClire~s dub and Iheu afllhatlon wLlb the NCSC, Also met Pew Bur, .. ). ~ ....... ,J,,,.,U' ,,' ,he Tum· tt~u dub

Any rellle~ who would ILkc '0 mOlor to Alaskl WIll find thelc re.lIy IS nul 100 much to 11 . vcry lillie difllcllhy from M .. ,d, tl",)u!;b O~wbc. Yuu w,ll find Ihe Mnunlles ;n Canada arc very coop· eral1V~ on r~d lepolls. elc. Conuct Ihe Canld .. n Embassy bt"/Ol~ leavmll Th~y will/urmsh .11 nec· uury InfOrmltlon.

AI our Septembel mecllng LI was unammou$ly agreed IU change Ihe name of our club to Loc.1 683 RCllleu and W,dows Club. the purpo~ beln, to hlve the Widows of both Our .cllreet .nd aClive m~mbers become m~mMfI 01 our club Thll IS recommendcd to all club.

728 Forming Softball Team


RETIREES CLUB OF LOCAL 728. fT. l,AUDER· DALE, FLA._ All 01 you .Cllled members thould have IIlended laM C'·e01n,'1 meelln, of Loc.1 728 "'COIC Cb.,rnl .. " ,.w , ... hutl ul.pbyed Ihe trophy .hat WIll be p.es~nled to tbe WlOne. nf the f.lmcd " M. Lcg,t\s" conleSI As of now Ibe fronl n.LnnCrS lit B M Weldon and YOUI I' S. We hopc you ,Uln OUt 10 5uppon onl! of ynur own You will ICC the result 10 nnl mnnlh 's Journal

Local 728's 50ftballlum \I now fOtnl1ng and has belUn p.acllc~ . We w,lI be cOmptllng fo r Ihe ca tther'. iob NOI 100 many of ynu ,upported yOllr leam lUI yell although Ihey were a WlOnel They played In IWO Ie.gues, Placed second In on~ Ind Ih"d In Ihe OIhe. ~nd we.e fifth overall Ollt of IIxty tum). Hnpe to ..... r all of you, nOt only II Ihe pmn but al the pIlCUC~ ICU'ons We WIll be plaYing two O1gbls eacb w~ek

II 's aboul lime fo. Ihe Local 728 blood bank r~ny. ru you know .h~y tlVt ~ d,nne. p,ny wben th~y 'ue've .wenty pLOU of blood. Blood Bank Chairman and Plcsuienl Ca.l WUcJt plesenled ,.lIon med~lhoni 10 SI51~ '1 Claue F'O$I and lanel F~an Also Local 728 Sccrel~ry Rn,em.ry In~h! . Each 90 d.y. Ihe blood bank mobIle unll \J at your hal] .0 accept donal1ons Now thai xli age rtn"e· flOnS lie hhed we exPCCled to $C~ m~1 01 you .Cl1reUII Ihe lUI ~ISII Cnme on down, you may onc day br able 10 U$C YOUI own blood You WIll .ecclve, Ir(:e dinne r and , fnhng you cannol buy

That wit a ~rand ~UIUt( wh"n you invited Lucy .nd Roscmary. Local 728 ,eCrtllnes '0 OUI next d,nnel meel1ng We art p.oud of you

~ ... .., HI=IN'. J1 S

Medical Advice, Political Action Stressed IBEYo' RETIREES Of BREVARD CO. JLU. l Ola SPONSOR)-AI Oul November metun! the club welcomed loscpb lI.1ker, Lo<al 125. Ponland, O. e,on, RIY lohnslon, Loc.1126. Phll.delphia, P~nn ' SylVI01.1) ,nd R.y Purccll, l.oul 134. Ch l~~gu. IIhnOl. Harry BlOwn. Local 7S6, Daylnna Buch, Flond • • nme tn Ih~ mODlh before

Our becuuve Bo..rd ch.um.ln BIU Pearsall, Ln· • cal S53. RaleIgh, North C:llohna, POlO" oul Ihal. while our club II under the superVISIon and ~u l d· anec of sponsoring Loc, l 1088. Coco .. Heach, flo r· Id • • our members come fr om .11 ovcr, havin, chosen Ihl~ aru 1m Itl;rrmrnl hvmS Anyone who rClLled from tbe IDEW 10 good Itandmg II eliSible, benefiCial o. non beneficial II you lit new he. e .nd mlercsted. lI;ye Bill. nil at 452·0529.

Also 11 our NovcmM. mecIlnl\, Wuesthoff HOI· pital scOl IWO medlc.1 employees to lell us ,boUI hean ,nack w .. nmg II",al., th~ ""'tficanc~ of blood pressure .udm,s, benefiCIal exerciscs, .nd d,el 10 r educ~ choleSte.ol. Membt". BIll Madlcn~l . ' Local 9, Ch,ClKO. UlLnois. mlde the 'nangemen". which mcluded ,hdu h om the Amellcan Heart ASSOCllllon Our scfgunl·II ·.Irms. 10hOle Camel. t.oc.l 558, Sheffield. Alab,m • • C.llnes I blood. prra.ure tClllng oUlfi t LO Ihe nunk 01 hIS ca., and membC':rt can h.ve thelll l ut~d Ift~1 meellngs wllhOUI cbll,e

Durin, Ihe C ren.da LOVlllon, IWO 01 our memo L." .... ,," '" IUlldl wllh thc ICl10n Al M"the .... s. l.oc:.1 SOl, While Pla,n,. New YOlk • • rTlDged an hour confcrencc .... "h IWO amateur radIO OpelllOIi on C.enada 10' Ih~ local newspaper dunn, tbe new. bllckoll t ~1I 1 k Crccnw.lld. Loul 2088. reo 4

layed menalts 101 the SUIC Department about the ".IIU' of CCfllm medical students wbose famihu hved m Breyud County

C~~:. h:~~I',~:v:cns~' ~::~ I~t :~:u:~~~o,~::!I1~~~ I soci.ll hour. businen meeting with sp~aker, IlInch· can. xnd diJlflbuILon of gIfts. Thc Ielephonc com· mlttee obvtousl¥ h.d done liS lob, bec.use 4J were 10 a"cndance-I ne ..... ceord. Ed Ruth is challman Th~ hl,.tlh,ht wu Local 2088 BuslOCI. Managel

Tom Ogden's mena,e He ,avc I .ynop'" of the ~ local 'l history and cun ent ".tUI. concludmJL; wl1h Ihe pohuCiI Import.n te of re!lleu in nul yur's eleellons Wllh Rn,ln appomt«. sc.un, policy 01 I.bo. boa.d,. employe •• $ay "Co Ihead Ind .ppeal." LO barplOlII' lIc.dlocki. fecl'n, conlldeD! of belO, backed by the gov~mment Unless R~."" (an be OU5led. ol&.lniIed labor'. fUlurc looks ,nm

1D~:~etary .Tlellu.e. Harold S,mon IS super II '" obt.mlDg hec promotion.1 hems Flom the Amer· Itan Bank In MenU! Island, he oblllDed ~nouAh new blankels fOI each couple p. elenl to b.lv~ one. Full weight . IUIt and fluffy. extra long, m.lde ID ~ US 1\ How in Ihe world dId you do It. Ha.oldl Coodic bagl Were al50 dislllbulrd Ind Rosa C,een· wald .... on a line cellm;( donr by p.CSLdenl MIllin KlelD

BIOIh~ r Ma. k CIC~nwald IQld of h,s up@llcncr • at a NASA f1acklDg $Iallon, and Al Manhews told of hUlln, C,enad. ,unfl,c on bam ladl O. Frank E'D.I,o of Concerned ScnJOIJ 10. Bellel Covern ment empbul:ed Brothe r O,dcn's .tmllk~ IlInlLl Ihe cruCIal nalUfe 01 tbe 198.1 cieellons

New membell wclcom~d welc 11m Evanl, C W Fry, Dun Plclce, Ind Tyler Tinker

'~ (" I (l CUUIl P S {

One of the best buys you can make . ..

a Voluntary CONTRIBUTION to


Prayer for Our Deceased Members

• Almighty Father. bless these our HrotJlCrs and SlSf ers whose names (lrc It sted here. Only yesterday

I they lived and laughed and worked among us and now Thou hast called fh em home. We miss them ,

I dear Lord. Please lake good care of them in your heavenly borne. Amen.

EWBA Death Claims Paid in November. 1983 "'" ... - _.

"'" ...- - .... , 5 ... 11111 "'*" "'" .... ~ ..... , w-.no 0 , , .. - """'121 _co , .. - ...... I'ltl ""',Ida f I , .. - 1'I!ra1~1 -" , .. -, -" , .. - -0' ... , , .. - ..... 11)1 ...... " , .. - F'IftI; 11g.i,

_ . , .. -, .. , , .. - ,.,. 0' ...... , .. - ..... 11)1' "'-" , .. - Ptns l' i71 -" , .. -, ~_, J C , .. - ..... '31 ... w , .. - "-ll11, ...... " , .. - ,.,. (!oOh -" , .. -• .... " , .. - -00 llMII, II I , .. - ,.,. (1"1 -" , .. - "-(!lOll -, , .. -" FIvuoeII. l E

, .. _ """PI $a/Ie'~1U H J , .. - ,.,. (lltl -" , .. - Pwns (!lOS! -" , .. -

" 14/1S01'O A G , .. - PtM Il) "'~. , .. - ....... 1' :W' M.I.snan W [ , .. - """' ISOII) 1rocIerd. W J , .. -L • -"' , .. - "'0, WDlll'l~ r A , .. - """ (1)(1 RoatClill G J , .. - I'e!I$ (Ull w.."q t w , .. -• ~" , .. - ""I~I ""_ II W , .. - ..... (lllj _os , .. - Ptns )SJliI -"' , .. -• W"'ll1l J £ ",y PnI~1 Wut_ .. P W 2,000 00 PIlls (l4J) III ..... G' , .. - """I~I 11-.. C It

, .. _ I • -. ., , .. - ""'151 -" , .. - "-110131 .... ,. , .... PIns ,nIl Corral /I II , .. -• -"" , .. - PInI(61 -, 2,QUI 00 "'"' (H~I flit l S , .... "'I~I '"~ I , .. -

" ~ ... N O UOODO I'wIs (6, _ ..

2.000 DO ,,"(I SOI .... , .... F'e!I$(~~1 -" , .... I • l~r\ty Jf J ~ 1.000 DO .... , ..... " 1.000 DO """ IISOI ..... " , .... PnIS!l!JI 80 ... 11 ~ , .... • n Jes1. A J 1.000 ao ""'191 Mes_, ~ w 1,566$1 "","(15.)1 ........ , .. - f'w (5661 M.l1'Ig'" A l , .... I

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, .. _ Peas (5731 Ikf_ 0 P

, .. _ on lM ........ W J , .. - ,..., (Il l ...... " 2.(100 00 "- (1931 -"' , .. - I'!ns (sm """ W , .. -r '" ... ., , , .. - I'wIs (I I ) _w. , .. - """'(19111 e..ro., J II 2,00000 Pwns (!>&oil (~lll , .. -,. -" 2000 00 ,..., (III l~ ~ S 2,000 00 ""'* (2121 -, 2,000 00 PIns (!>&oil .... ' W 2.000 00 ,. Maltlen\'. E l 2.000 00 ""'(11) Mckly ( II 2,000 00 ""'" 12121 GJ!\Io'III II J 2.000 00 PeAl (!>&oil .... .. 2.000 00 ,. 1'Itntne" H A 1.000 00 PwII\I Sunil. W II 2,000 00 Ptns 12U I ... " 2,000 00 Ptns (~91) CMT>pbeII' A II ',000 00

I '" l.tu E G 2,000 00 ~1 ( 181 CUf J A 2,000 00 PtnI (2Il) M.~ KIMOn, p P 2.000 00 Pen. (591) ""Kit. 0 2.000 00

~ '" f IKIII""' .D II \,113 13 Ptm (2~ 1 lQ"9 Jr , 1\ l 2.000 00 Pens (215) MorO'Ol1 J W 2,000 00 Ptns (595) MII~I'" M A 2,000 00

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I '" 8os1Ot>. W II , .... ,..., (311 Stn,,,, I £ 2,000 DO "'"' (22~1 V"""" J, "' , .. - Pwns 16O!>1 v." l-..gty ( 2.000 00

'" ShIll. G [ , .. - """ (l$1 W'II" A ( 2.000 00 I'wIs (2261 """ . 1,000 00 I'etIS (1111 C,!II' II J , .... '" -, 2.000 00 PaolI (M) OM' , .. - ,,"1226) ll'O'l J C 1.000 DO ....... rll31 ..... .. , .. _

I '" Pal"",. H A 2.00000 PaolI I'll ,-, 2,000 00 ,..., (2391 8o~1f1N" • 2.000 00 PaolI 16131 ' ,,"QII W l , .... '" GJrIIIy II l 2.000 00 PIns (42) ..... 2,000 00 PIns 12~21 WICI"t' W [ , .. - 1'etIS(6tn _M' , .... '" ' omlll\SOtl T G 2,000 00 """ (43) v .... C ~ 2,000 00 """ (2451 GokIstnoth ( , .. - Pw (6331 1Itr'". , , .... "' HII,.n .. o, [ C 2,000 00 """(UI PttI!1Ofl W M 2,000 00 Plnl 12018 1 -""'1"1 E II! 1.000 00 I'MI(&:II) ..... , 2000 00 .. _ ..

2,000 00 """ (451 ~~ , 2,000 00 """ (211 ) lot9~ l E , .. - Po!I5 (&:11) McGnH. C E , .. -"' !'mI. A 2000 00 I'IRI (46) ..... " 2,000 00 fIlM (180) .... ' 2.000 00 """(6)1) MOIUnl W [ , .. -'" 'oily .. H 2000 00 fIlM (46) .... " 2.000 00 fIlM (292) !(wi .• C

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'" .... -ow 2,000 00 ,.,. (47) ,~ , , .. - ...... (JO:!) - " , .. - """"(~) ..... , .. -'" WoWms [ { , .. - ..... 1018) -" , .. - "- (302) -" 2.000 00 Pans (&97) "')'II A [ , .. -<IS ..... " 857 , ~ I'IRI (ce) ...... 2.000 00 I'InI (3041 .. '" . 2000 00 Pans (HI) ,-- S , .. -"' Snwnetny ~ A 2.000 00 Ptns (4t1 .. ,,. " 2.00000 ,..., (31)1) G,,," , 2000 00 Pn(1W1 Clancy H W , .. -.. ~, ""'" "' 1,000 00 PIns (If) ........ ' W 2.000 00 I'I1II (305) ~'" PIlI ~ P

, .. _ Pens (1Ol1 "~JF 2.000 00

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PInt (11~1 1oW/8C J J , .. -., -" , .. - "-ISll) -, , .. - """ (Jill _os , .. _

"""Inti ~.CE , .. -., '_Gl "" . p.,. (59) ....." 2.000 00 ,,"13161 .... " , .. - """1725, _II , .. -.. Rotl' " J A , .. - ..... ,6<$) ........ , .. - Pnfll1) _ W I , .. - -""' s..."'6 A , .. -• ." _ w , .. - I'I1II(66) """'" , .. - PlMI3181 YOUtIII [ l 2.000 00 _oY, 0.-. " , .. -., 1,1_00 J , .. - ...... (68) WiUnY/I A II , .... "'"' )3261

_. , .. - I'wIs (1511 , ... , , .. -'" M,8<oOI. 0 a 2.000 00 ""'" (10)

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_n 2.000 DO ... "'" f .. __ ~ , .. _

PIns (llll l_ II J , .. -'" _ .. , .. - ...... (Ilt -" 2,000 00 ...... P57! , .... [ J , .. - """",1111 _ w, , .. -

'" Co. II l , .. - """ (M) "" " , .. - """ (:)57) ...... " , .. - """,W) CI.o~ II B , .. -~

,. Oo~ G W 2000 00 PM!; 1141 Md'NI J W aoooo """ (1581 ... " 2.000 00 Pens (1llIi1 ....... ow , .. -

"' ' ......... IIH 2.00000 ... , .. IIrIlllOCllAG 2,000 DO fIlM (1591 ", ... "tI J P , .. - """'(I«I lIoro;llW'S l S , .. -'" 1o!P.ejr W C , .. - """"(911) H¥poro P r , .... """ (312) fm J II , .. - Pn (lUI -" , .. -,.., f..-.... N J , .... ... "" ,. J J , .... ...... (31171

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"" '" lOt> N l , .. - I'IM (99) Upson W I , .. - ,..., (420) JIoottl W A '.000 00 """ (1001) ","" Jr .. tooo 00

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PIns (1161 0tIs/ltI. 0 l , .... ,..., (W) DeMIr" II W 2.000 00 PwII (UN ) 110" A S , .... PtnI ( I) ,-. "'

, .. _ PIns (124) SMIcIrrI r E , .... fIlM (413) 1+01\'. ~ S , .. - Ptns (I WI lJOt'ly R 0 , ...

I'IM II ) "' ... . 2,000 00 Pens 1126) I\UWIOI' II W , .... I'IM (413) L"~I'Qom, C A , .. - 1'IM.( 1 24~1 _ ..

2,000 00


.... .... .. - ,., ...~.

_. "'" .~- -- "'" ... - -""'" 112. 91 -" 2.000 00 PIns (I 0 I e..!tsoo N V UOOOO """ (I 0 j IlwMIIn ( '",,00 Pans (I 0 I ""' .......... 1, ~ UOOOO

Ptns 11m) .... > .. 2.000 !XI """ (I 0 I Boule ~ C uoooo Ptns (I 0) IIoftmin C 2,00000 PeIlI (I 0 I -.. '"" 00 Ptns 1131il MOIlirt)' , C 2.000 00 """ (I 0 ) Bun H l 100000 !'1M II D ) IIOInlQ'''$l E W tooo 00 PIns (I 0 ) Riddell J G 2000 00 Pn 1\330) "" , 2.000 00 """ (I 0) lItnson, C C

'"" 00 f'InI (I 0 I Hunt l A 1,50)00 Ptns(lO) Stlboj A 0 2.000 00

,,"PlY) SlemPOW$Al 1\ A 2.000 00 "'"' (I 0' I "". , '"" 00 I'InI (I 0' I

_. 1.000 00 PtnsIlO) Slrong T M 2,000 00

,..... /ll93) ......, .. 200000 """ II 0) Cortoo, ~ '" , .... Ptns II 0) ......,,, 2000 00 Pn(IO, ..... " 2000 00 ",",llmj .. . 2,000 00 "'"UO)

_. '"" 00

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'"" 00 """ II 0) l. W A 2,000 IXI ""(10) -Of '",,00

"'"' (1!>1n SiIveD. C W 2000 00 """1101 -" '"" 00 PIllS (I 0) '*''' ' .. 00 """ 11 0) Ynp:\IIi 0 • 2.00000

'-111031 .... . , ZOIX) GO Pn/lOI -'" ' .. 00 Ptns110) MMcD Jr J A UIOCIIXI """(10) Y_ A C 2,001) 011 Pn (1Il80l -"' 2.000 00 "-lID) ~,Jf 2,1;100 00 I'Wns (I IJ J ~JI ' .. 00 ,~- 1710 1M 99 """ (li&l1 ..... .. 2,000 00 ""0 0 ) 6*5. J , 2.00(100 "'"' (I (I I

... , 2.000 00 ..... \20 171 MeIlQlO I! M 2.000 00 "'(1 0 1 .... " 200000 Pn(IO) - " '",,00 PIns (I 0 I

__ , R II UOOOO I'InI [I OJ ... "' 100000 PInI (I 0 ) .. . S

'"" 00

International Brotherhood 01 Electrical Workers-Pension and Death Payment Report












S '1 .310,995 15

SSt ,3l1 ,855 _01

S 98,861 .16

ISEW Director 01 Organizing Michael Lucas is shown addresslng a meellng where more than 1,500 union construction worKers anended an organizing rally held In November 1963 by the NOl1h Georgia Building & Construction Trades Council 10 approve a ona·cent·per·member dues assess· ment lor Project Phoenix. NGBCTC Business Agent Charlie Key reponed Project Phoenix Is a special btJilding trades eHOf1 to "recapture tradlUonal union work in the construction Indus!r'y, and organize !he untapped source 01 new job$ generatoo by non-union builders ~ Projecl Phoenh( will be conducted on lour Ironts: public rela!ions, litigation, political educallOn and organizing. Two keynote speakers a! the rally were IBEW Organizing Direccor Michael Lucas and AUanla Mayor, The Honorable Andrew Young. Bro!her Lucas stressed Ihe need lor greater unity among building trflrios uniOns, and pledged support for the program IOf Inlernallonal ocmWUCIion unions. Mayor Young urged Ihe rank·and-lila union members 10 organize their "polillcal s!renglh" to nominate Walter Mondale as the Democra!lc presldenllal candidate, and !o defeat Ronald Reagan. He also attacked righI-wing groups which "blame labor and working people lor the problems 01 O\Jr nation." Other Pfomlnent Georgia labor leaders aleo cpoke at Ihe ralty



S 893 ,199.98


34 ,370

S 6,585.967 78


MONDALE FOR PRESIDENT (Continued from Page 9) meanmg us-and that IS pure, unadul· terated hogwash. In the vocabul:ary of .. pnl1l1 cs, "special Interests" mean exclu­sive mtercsts, and there IS nothing ex­elusive about the concerns of the labor movement . What wc want for our­selveS-lobs and JUSllce, decent health care, decent hOUSing. better education, beller nutrition, fait wages, faIT taxa- .. lion- we w:mt for 311 our fellow CIti Zens, bar none.

We have a "speCIal mterest" III all the people of the Umted States, an lOterest 4

that IS nOt shared by the present admm­Istratlon and ItS supporters who :arc ac­cusmg us of theIr own fault s ,




LE T •

A lineman's Wife

A lineman has a hell of a life, But then again , so does his wife . While he climbs his poles and

strin gs his line. She's home wondering if he' ll

make it home on time. She cooks his supper; only to sit

and wait. Then the ca ll comes-"Honey I I'll

be home latc ." • We cook a 101 o f suppers thaI go to I waste,

But when a line is down, it just can" wait.

So the next lime you ' re feeling sorry for the lineman and the

I" rough way he has to go; I Just remember his poor wife. she

does too and I ought to know. I My fathe r is a li neman, my brother .... is too.

I Then when I got married. what does my husband do?

He joined the local and is a lineman , 100.

So I know the lineman has a hell of a life ,

Bul take it from me : so does his wife.

Ju.oni, .. M. Srag • D~ug"'e' of Ch •• le'! V. 8'.8& ~It et of Ch .. le'! M.

8'.8& wifl! of fdw •• d t . 8 •• gg

• L I •

Lou11 1, Columbu~. O hio


My little girl thinks time is slow, " Mommy, will I never grow?" For me the time goes much too

fast , An hour o r two and the day is past. Bu t fast o r slow, we each muSI do All Ihat we can ' Iii our lime is

I th rough .

r The world counls not the years we


r-, I ~

But rather the help and joy we give.

Bonnie co> Wife of Milrk Co, lac.1 51, hit L.ke City. Uuh

From Canada

When we open the Journal, week after week,

There is something that always we seek.

It's a poem originating from a Canadian local,

But it appears we Canucks are not very vocal.

I just want to make sure you Ameri cans know

That our land is not just igloos, ice and snow.

We, too , have towns and ci ties with traffic and crime,

But now we li ve in the country and it is sublime.

My husband leaves early when it's st ill dark,

So I can enjoy our new property, just like a park.

Our maples change colours in the fall of the year,

The red , o range, yellow make us thankful we' re here.

But best for me is a man on whom I rely,

Together every problem we can surely defy.

He'll say it's corny if I say any more,

So I' l l just wait till he comes through our door.

M.on..n Yorke Wife of N. Rich.o .... Yorke loul l5J. Toronto, Onto

Essence of l ove

Soft with the softness of summer breezes-red with the redness of ruby roses, sweet with the sweetness of honeyed phrases, love has an essence that springtime discloses .

Just as the hummingbird comes to the feede r-so comes the lover, sipping love's potion. Much like the bud that is bursting and blooming, he offers his heart that is pent with devotion.

V~ni.I Bl.>kemore Moody Wife of Owillhl t. Moody l oul411 IY_ Cily. Mo.


I'm getting kind of weary, Guess that I am getting old, I'll be head ing back to Texas, Where the sun 's li ke melted gold. Now , I know a cerlain sacred spot , Where no foot but mine has trod , Where you can gaze across the

prairie And feel at peace with God. I want to see stretched out before

me, The cotton white as snow, The ca ttl e nearby grazing, The finest you can grow. I'll bui ld myself a little cabin Beneath a Texas sky of blue. I'll light my pipe, and set me down, And dream the whole day through. When at last I am too old and

weary Upon thi s earth to stay, l et me enter the gates of glory with The passing of a Texas day.

P.uJ MUrphy Ret;ffli ~her of Loul 520 Austin, leus

Suckle Your Sabv 'nto the Seat Suckle Your Seat .nto the Car


r--_~~::t-!;AFIETY BELT


How To Use Your Infant Seat: 1. Put your baby in the Infant seat and place the harness over each shoulder. 2. Slide the clip on the harness strap up over your baby's chest unlil comfortably snug. 3. For newborns, place a rolled towel or blanket on both sides of baby's head. 4. Place the car seat backwards in the car. Your baby should lace the rear of the car. 5. Puillhe adult safety belt across the infant seal and insert it through the opening on both sides altha seat. Buckle the salety betl. 6. If the adull salety bell has a shoulder strap, tuck the shoulder strap between the Infant seat and the seal 01 the w . 7. Adjust the salety belt so thaI it holds the infant seal tightly. Consider purchasing a locking clip lor salety belts that cannot remain tight when buckled across the infant seal.

What Else Should You Know? • The infant seat must face the rear of the car. • The Infant seat can only be used with babies weighing up to 20 Ibs. • The safest place for your baby to ride is in the back seat of your car. If you must use the front seat make sure the head rest Is down. • Do not use the center of the backseat if it has an armrest or if the baby would face an area in the seat which is not padded. • The Infant seal gets very hot in the sun; cover it with a blanket or towel if you leave the car in a sunny area. • Never leave your baby unattended in the car.

Editor's Note: Information for this safety poster comes from material by PROJECT KISS: Health Education Cenrer, Mary· land Department of Health & Mental Hygiene. Baltimore, Maryland.

An IBEW Monthly Safety Reminder

• .

I ,