Secret of Quantum Particle and its Motion - Cosmological Truth

Secret of Quantum Particle, its Spin and Motion Gate way to understand Nature and the Cosmos By John Paily It is very clear that in the absence of Truth the advancement that western civilization and its scientific quest have brought is creating more disorder than order. This has created instability in every aspect of civilization such as social, economic, health, food and climate and so on. We need a radicle shift in thinking to evolve from Information Era to Knowledge Era or Era of Truth. Only this can take us to golden age. Ideas and thoughts I share here cascaded as I left Plato’s chair of science and walked into freedom. The thoughts explored here are built on pure imagination and are devoid of any complex mathematics. It includes all developments in science, except that it is viewed form a different perspective. As a small farmer residing in a village I am helpless to bring it to the world that is dominated by conquering motive of physicists and mathematicians. The secret of the universe and its oneness here is understood from is a simple shift in thinking from outward to inward, inventing a New Space-Time or energy/information field in life that expands and collapses and expands in never 1

Transcript of Secret of Quantum Particle and its Motion - Cosmological Truth

Secret of Quantum Particle,its Spin and MotionGate way to

understand Nature andthe Cosmos

By John Paily

It is very clear that in the absence of Truth the advancement that western civilizationand its scientific quest have brought is creating more disorder than order. This has

created instability in every aspect of civilization such as social, economic, health, foodand climate and so on. We need a radicle shift in thinking to evolve from InformationEra to Knowledge Era or Era of Truth. Only this can take us to golden age. Ideas and

thoughts I share here cascaded as I left Plato’s chair of science and walked intofreedom. The thoughts explored here are built on pure imagination and are devoid of

any complex mathematics. It includes all developments in science, except that it isviewed form a different perspective. As a small farmer residing in a village I am helpless

to bring it to the world that is dominated by conquering motive of physicists andmathematicians. The secret of the universe and its oneness here is understood from is a

simple shift in thinking from outward to inward, inventing a New Space-Time orenergy/information field in life that expands and collapses and expands in never


ending cycles. It is comprehensible to all, provided it is read in freedom – you are free tocontact and explore it further. I am at my best when I discuss it. If you feel there is

substance, take steps to publish and reach out to the world by any means you can. It isextremely important. Our world is endangered by partial knowledge of science and self-

centered intent of religious institutions.

"Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure youmine are still greater." Einstein

Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere- Einstein

Abstract Quantum Particle, its spin and its motion is governed by a PRINCIPLE and DESIGN that is inherent and universal [Holographic]. It is spiral and it is same for smallest quantum particle to atoms, systems and the whole universal system formed form it. The principle has both assistive and resistive force. The system by virtue of design can impart huge amount of energy to one quantum particle and has the ability to create New Space-Time from the Black Hole and thus conquer time and perpetuate in it eternally. Universe is Energy or information or Knowledge unfolding and enfolding. Here in this short abstract I am bringing the union of science and spiritual knowledge of ancient.Modern science can only comprehend its own inventions and visionssuch as Big Bang, Parallel and Multiple Worlds, Ekpyrotic Scenario, Self-Organizing Universe, Electric Universe and so on; only when it visualizes it from living system point of view as the ancient east thought. Mind of humans plays an important role here. Unless humanity awakens to his pathologically criminal mindset, set it right with Truth and knowledge and learn to live in harmony with Nature, life on earth is doomed.

Introduction 2

Human mind from time immemorial is trying to know the universe, its beginning and end and its perpetual existence in time. This quest of human mind is powered by a quest to control once own destiny and an attempt to be immortal. Before modern scientific knowledge, there existed spiritual knowledge that helped humanity to live in harmony with oneself and with Nature. This knowledge deteriorated and gave rise to formation of many religious institutions. When these institutions were filled with self and material centered people it further deteriorated. Modern science came possibly at akey point of deterioration of this knowledge. With it the hold of religious institutions on peoples mind diminished, but human self and its conquering and material centered attitude has thrived creating more disorder. The present state of the world is direct reflection of this. If the world has to survive out of this disorder, Truth needs to emerge to create a spontaneous order. With the failure of science to unearth the Truth in simplicity, material centered minds are exploiting partial knowledge stressing earth to its critical limit. Situation is made still worse byevil minds in religious institutions who are trying to fish in troubled waters, leading the world in the path of religious strife and war. It is time science advances to know Truth of Nature and God in simplicity beyond religions. This cannot happen unless we bring radicle shift in our thinking.


Truth is that all of us, who enquire into Truth of Nature and God, are pulsating beings, born from a point. Unless we grow beyond our mind to realize the pulse within and are called to deeper level to the tune ofwhole system of which we are part, we can never understand Truth. The only way to understand and comprehend our scientific discoveriesis to view universe as living as ancient east understood it.

Story of modern Science and where it erred Modern science came when religious institutions had deteriorated and evil minds were virtually ruling the west by force in the name of unseen God. This led to some great minds to craftily separate the realm of spirit and matter [body] and start a fresh enquiry intoTruth beyond religions by observing Nature.

Birth and death, Motion and Change are fundamental to Nature. Force is the Key to It. Much of science is pivoted on the quest to predict motion and change. Natural Motion is characterized by spin and curved displacement in space. Newton assumed that the force ofnatural motion is strange attraction between objects called gravity. However he failed to answer what property gives gravity. He also introduced another term“mass” that for all purpose is gravity, but is not gravity. He failed to differentiate gravity and mass. When encountered with these questions he shot back “I frame no hypothesis”. With this assumption and


imagination and careful choice of mathematics he succeeded to quantify force and build a picture of universe. His assumption that all matter moves in a straight line in a uniformly accelerated manner was a key. This possibly was done to introduce Euclidean geometry. To account for planetary motion he assumed the existence of non-equilibrium between the objects such that one object curves under gravity force and moves in relative path to another at a distance. The world of Newton was simple. But it demanded the existence of a body that is huge and binds all system around itself and perpetually rotates everything. This body is supposed to impart the spin and motion to all other system. In short it gives life to the universal system. This thought could be compared to Higgs Boson or God Particle that scientists seek in an atom, which gives mass to all other particles. Science flourished because of its predictability.

When scientist discovered light particles, Newtonian world view began to break down. Light and its properties did not fit into Newtonian perceptions of Nature. Einstein saved the situation with Relativity Theory that included the concept of field and electromagnetic phenomenon. He used Riemann’s geometry.However, this era of science failed to visualize and differentiate light and atomic matter sensibly. The atoms and bigger objects moved under gravity with a minimum speed that is centripetal [unless influenced byan external force]. But light particles in contrast


moved with maximum speed and always moved away from thesource. In Einstein’s world, gravity became more an expression of space-time net that holds the material objects. But it did not do away with the necessity of acenter which contains more than half of the mass of theuniverse such that the whole universe exists as one.

Problems erupted in this thinking when the second law of energy was applied to this thinking. According to this the revolving objects like planets and electron inan atom should lose energy and fall to a center. This is the basis of Black hole, Singularity and Big Bang concepts. Here Scientists failed to perceive the cause for origin or creation and existence of the universe. Einstein, thus for much part of his latter life,strived to invent a second force and field that acts against this collapse into black hole and singularity.

Before Einstein could rest on his glory the foundation of science was broken by discovery of Uncertainty Principle that gave rise to Quantum Mechanics and brokedown the classical physics. It split into two realms; realm of atoms and higher material objects and the realm subatomic. The key difference between the two realms is that atomic realm is predictable and the subatomic is unpredictable. Scientist now changed the language to describe Nature. At the subatomic level they chose to use statistical language in place of


Euclidean and Riemann’s geometry. Even science bifurcated into linear and non-linear science. Science and our understanding of Nature since then became more and more complex involving more and more concepts and complex mathematical languages. Its quest has added more and more technologies into the hands of humans. But the Truth seems to be eluding and he seems to be digging his own grave in ignorance. The situation is best summarized in Einstein’s quote

"Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal." – Einstein

I am not a physicist, but as I pursued these thoughts and ideas conceptually more out of my conscious call. Ifelt that all the confusion in our understanding of Nature has its base in our failure to comprehend the cause for gravity, mass and motion. In spite of all advancement in science we still do not know what causesmotion, why a quantum particle and everything in Naturespins and produces curved displacement in space? Why a quantum particle has uncertain existence? We do not know why light or electromagnetic particle is a strong force and gravity is weak force? We do not know how andwhy quantum particles manifest into matter and how space- time and all the system we see in the universe comes into existence? We do not know how the system is governed by gravity or centripetal force eternally exists in an orbit without falling to a center in time?Why ratio of acceleration of two interacting bodies is always 3? Why dominant and recessive genes? Why DNA is


double helical, why triplet code? Why pairs of chromosomes and so on.

In short science has created more questions than what it has answered. It has opened Pandora of Paradoxes andhas led itself to catastrophic pictures which it has failed to resolve, such as Big Crunch, Big Bang, Black hole, information loss, runaway universe and so on. The most important among them, but less known, is the paradox of “Ultra Violet Catastrophe” of classical physics, which states that smaller the wave length, higher will be the frequency of the particle and higherwill be energy content of the particle? It is incomprehensible how such energies can be compacted into smallest particle and its vibration. Comprehendingthese questions and paradoxes is the key to understanding Nature and the universe we live in. It isthe only way out to survive the endangered state in which we are now with partial knowledge. We need a radical new thinking to answer and comprehend these paradoxes

The New Radicle Thinking"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Einstein

Two famous equations governs the modern world; one is the equation F=ma of Newtonian world and another is equally famous equation E=mc2 of Einstein. “C” here is


a constant; “a” is a quantity that is imparted by external body. Let us over look these aspects of the equation.

Now Energy becomes mass [F=m]. The natural uniform accelerated motion that Newton assumed then becomes inherent property of particle, an atom and the whole Universal system it forms. This property should be governed by a “PRINCIPLEAND DESIGN”.

Understanding this “Principle and Design” could help usunderstand why a particle spins and shows displacement in space, why uncertainty exists, why material matters like atoms and complex systems form and exist and functions as we see. We must note here that the steady state is disturbed only when an external force is applied. When we try to locate the source of external force, we note it has its root in us the enquirer and his thoughts. The ball that Galileo rolled from top of the slanted table to show that free fall acceleration is independent of weight, could not have gone to the top of the table, if not for Galileo and his mind and its intent. We the people of modern world have failed to introspect and observe once own mind and its thoughts and the direction in which it is taking us. This reality has come to haunt scientist in quantum philosophy. It has become very clear that observer cannot be isolated from the experiment. Any radical


shift in thinking should be towards introspection and observation of ourselves and our mind as ancient east thought and explored the world.

The uncertainty principle essentially brings the idea of existence between two limits right and left, upper and lower. This is so evident in Nature. The system becomes vulnerable and begins to collapse when pushed to the limit. Life becomes impossible in extreme heat and cold. The vision of limit can be extended from straight line motion to circle and into globe. A driverdriving a train on a track is an example of straight line. A hammer throwing athlete is an example of circle. The most important however is the comprehensionof globe. The best example I can think of is human heart that pulsates. In all these case a life especially humans are involved. All great scientists are great spiritualist too. They all have spoken, especially Max Plank has spoken the need to study and invent mind and consciousness. Einstein strived to invent a New Space-Time field that opposes gravity field.

Another important point is that the two laws of Thermodynamics or energy are unflinching. It is inevitable that all picture of the universe eventually has to account for these two laws. The second law of thermodynamics or energy is a stumbling block around the neck of physicists in comprehending the universe its origin and existence perpetually in time.


According to it every matter and space-time should collapse to a singularity in black hole. Here it gets devoid of a cause of origin. The great quest of westernthinking thus ends in void. Common sense at this point can settle the choice between linear and non-linear science and settle in favor of non-linear science and thus bringing the living point of view of universe thatthe ancient east advocated. But let us not go in this direction right now. Einstein struggled for large part of his life to counter this journey to void. He tried to visualize a second space-time field that opposes thegravity field and gives stability. But he failed to visualize it.

It now becomes important that we imagine and visualize a new space-time field that opposes the gravity and gives stability.

The first thing I observed as a free man in Nature is that life is instinctively Anti-gravitational. The second law of thermodynamics applied to life and material world showed this opposition. Further my casual reading of ancient scriptures showed me that theancient east seems to have understood universe as living reality.

They seem to know of a parallel space-time fieldin life. They called it conscious field. Their emphasis of study seemed to be on this field andthey seem to have traced time back to one life,


one Primal Soul and called it God. In short ancient spiritualist traced Big Bang Origin to one Supreme Soul and its pulse and they visualized universe as living

A Critical Imagination towards Knowing Fundamental Particle and system it forms Let us now try to imagine a quantum particle, so that we can comprehend all the developments in science. Before we do it, let us think what the most important characteristic of Nature is. Evidently it is quantum flow of energy leading to motion. A flutter of quantum particle is energy and is information. This means energy flow is information flow. Spin and motion of quantum particle also should be associated with such flow of information. Flow necessitates two parts; one that gives the flow the other that receives the flow. In short we cannot do away with Parallel World Concept.The flow is powered by an instinct to seek equilibrium.Equilibrium is seizure of all flow and motion. In shortit is death.

This means the perpetual quantum dance and existence of the universe should be based on


some form of non-equilibrium on right and left and a design that resist the equilibrium leadingto perpetual Quantum Dance.

Below is the picture of “Principle and Design” of the quantum particle that I imagined and visualized by Grace after great thought and contemplation of all conceptual developments in science. We are visualizinga STRING here with a positive and negative end in 4:3 ratios. Now we can visualize Newtonian attraction and Electric attraction leading to a twist. The particle strives to unite and reach equilibrium. But by virtue of design and quantum Nature of energy transfer [Max Planck’s law] it leads to quantum dance where the ratiochanges right to left and the system dances between twostates. [4:3 and 3:4].

Note – The picture depicts a single Quantum Particle or Light particle. The reality we witness is many systems formed from the union of these light particles in space. Reader will understand it as we go further.


By virtue of its design, the collapse and reorientation leads to spin and curved displacement. This quantum particle dances freely in three dimensional space and instinctively travels to reach the parallel world with maximum speed. [Note -It is has highest level of instability in three dimensional space].

This quantum dance is a three step process see fig below


First Critical Point

Second Critical Point

Third Critical Point

The 4:3 and Nature of design leads to a phase there is an instinctive compression that takes it beyond the first critical point. Beyond this point a resistance comes into being in a system [We will understand it as we develop the picture of the system from particles]. By virtue of non-equilibrium design, what we call equilibrium becomes a zone around the second critical point.

All system wishes to stay around the second critical point. When pushed to first and third critical point itresists. By virtue of quantum Nature of energy transfer, a reverse journey to the first critical pointordinarily becomes impossible for a system. The resistance in a system with many particles and atoms invariably means creation of disorder. We now see a hazy or cloudy picture. But non-linear science tells that time direction exists even in disordered state of a system. This invariably means a time direction into black hole and singularity is not avoidable. The question now is how the system originates and exists intime perpetually. Let us leave it at this point and explore the particle before we come to this point.


First Critical Point

Third Critical Point

But by virtue of quantum Nature of energy transfer a quantum dance changing the direction of flow becomes inevitable.

By Design and Principle this quantum particle has to move in spiral manner seeking a pair. This means force and all motion in spiral manneraccompanied by a pulse

This invariably means there should be second system or world from which another particle emerges. Smaller the particle smaller is its wave length and higher is the frequency of particle. This means it carries the maximum energy. The particle above can be visualized aslight particle or electromagnetic particles. It accounts for why all electromagnetic wave travels with same speed. The force of attraction emerges from the particle moving in spiral manner between these two worlds. In other words light particles moving between two system forms the gravity. [The concept of Graviton thus is valid]

Note – Einstein in His auto biography did speak of replacing the constants of physical science with ratios, suggesting that he dangled with idea of ratio but failed to concretize it. Ratio concept emerges in many areas of science. The fundamentals of genetics are built on it. It also exists in physical science whenit speaks of energy. It tells us that energy exists as ratio of potential and kinetic energy and when potential energy increases kinetic energy decreases and vice-versa. I wish here to call yourattention to the concept of inertial and gravitational mass whichscientist assumed to be same. To me they too exist in ratio. In


one world when the ratio favor gravitational mass in parallel world it favors the inertial thus balances the system. This is apparent in day and night cycle on earth. When one part on earth awakens to light and gains Gravitational energy and unwinds, another part of earth simultaneously sleeps to darkness and windsgaining inertial energy. When a body is accelerated unilaterally, its inertial mass increases and gravitational mass decreases. The opposite happens when in deceleration. Both unilateral acceleration and deceleration leads the systems to collapse. In short the system should exist between two limits. Awareness of these limits thus becomes vital.

The particle, its design and the Nature of its existence also answers the uncertainty and wave particle duality of the quantum world.

The particle has a phase when it is acting towards the center and a phase when it reorganizes changing its flow direction. It expands and re-collapses changing the direction of flow. The motion here is spiral accompanied by compression and expansion. It is a Pulse. Faraday as we know perceived and imagined lightas an electromagnetic pulse. But the scientific community laughed at his thought. It took nearly a lifetime before Maxwell proved this reality and new revolution began.

Electromagnetism was a great revolution and turning point. At this point of my write up let me share how I visualized the experiment.


The above particle vision and its spiral pulsating motion was the first thing I visualized as I left my career as a bio-technologist to stay with my consciousness and seek Truth in freedom. Free in Nature, I began to visualize spirals and parallels thatare opposite but are one everywhere. I was intrigued bythe DNA double helix, parallel chromosomes and the process that goes inside a cell to sustain life. I was specially fascinated by the power that drives the process. My experience of handling cells in hundreds ofthousands of test tubes in a quest to clone many commercially important plant species, very clearly showed me that genes cannot be the factor controlling life. At best they are like weight a BALANCER uses to balance the balance. The BALANCER seems to respond, to environment and energy changes in it. I am not alone insuch thought DR. Bruce Lipton a well-known cell biologist, elegantly argues for Epigenetic factors controlling genes.

I began to perceive some serious flaws in biological science, searching the root of it led to physical science which actually seems to influence the development in biological science. Biological science is still largely founded on mechanical world view of Newton. Mechanical view is in turn is largely built on one force; gravity that is centripetal. But my observation of life showed that all life instinctively grows against gravity. It made no sense to me to visualize a picture of world in isolation of life. The


discovery of a second force [electromagnetic] that actsperpendicular to electric force thus caught my attention. When I overlapped my perception and vision of quantum motion on top of it, it instinctively openedup new interpretation of electromagnetism and gave clarity to my visions. The figure below gives the famous experiment that showed electromagnetism and the existence of a second force.


The first figure above shows the school level experiment. The interpretation of this experiment is done on the basis of perception that force act in straight line. The vision of force as a spiral dramatically changes the interpretation of the experiment see the fig 66 above. The flow of current is powered by an instinct to seek equilibrium and thus it further strengthened the idea that fundamentals of Nature exist on a non-equilibrium design and there should be a design that resists the process of equilibrium or death. This design can only manifest from a ratio design and quantum Nature of flow that is mutual. The spiral Nature of light or energy flow invariably means the particle in motion is funneling ortunneling out field from parallel world as it moves to the parallel world. The existence of parallel and multiple worlds now becomes necessity. These parallel worlds cannot be equal, for equal and opposite cancels out. The only other way out was to visualize ratios.

In other words I began to visualize gravity as manifestation of electromagnetism and vice-versa. Both are powered by an instinct to seek equilibrium, but this equilibrium is denied by


The next step in this process of thought is to extend this vision to three dimensional spaces with three left and


right frames see figure below. Suddenly I began to see the deeper secret hidden life. Why DNA is double helical, why pairs of chromosomes, why mitotic and meiotic division, why male and female and so on. This in turn led me to visualize information in life not as pairs but as 4 paired dynamic units that exist in relation to similar dynamic units in parallel worlds [Male Female] and how it facilitates life to conquer time and death. Let me not discuss these sudden insights into the secret of life and the universe. I cannot expect you to grasp it at this point. Let us therefore return to our quantum particle or light particle and build the picture step by step.

We can now visualize two light particles, say “A” and “B”, originating from two sources spiraling towards each other. They can collide to lock up the energy in space [Recall E= mc2]. Note that absolute opposite is impossible. This is so because equal and opposite cancels. This means “A” and “B” also should exist in a ratio 4:3. We can now visualize the manifestation of material matter [hydrogen atom] that shows gravity. Theatom formed by virtue of non-equilibrium design also can produce quantum dance between two states and thus exert force on other objects. If we extend this pictureinto three dimensional spaces, we note that A and B forming a hydrogen atom need not and will not come fromdiagonally opposite but from perpendicular opposite seefig below


The attraction is initiated by the direct opposite. This manifests as winding and results in two atoms AB and CD. We must note that two atoms AB and CD also exist in ratio 4:3 and thus tends to attract and pair thus to H2 molecule.

Thus we see the relative Nature of quantum particles oflight and atoms. It is important that we note that the equilibrium point of the quantum particle lies outside


+ A

+ C


-DFig : Pairing of light particle in space

manifesting into material matter or two hydrogen atoms AB and CD

the particle. This equilibrium point shifts towards thecenter once two particles collide to form a matter or atom. This vision also means there should be 2 pair of parallel worlds from which the light particle emerges.

At this point we must note that we have visualized and differentiated the light and atomic matter.

We also can perceive here, why light is electromagneticand has maximum speed and it is a strong force. When two light particles collide to form matter much of its force is neutralized. This explains why gravity is weakforce and is centripetal. Since absolute equilibrium isnot possible and some non-equilibrium exists, it is capable of quantum dancing and thus capable of communicating and exerting force on other bodies.

We have thus visualized how gravity manifests. We can now safely conclude that what we call mass is the measure of non-equilibrium.

Everything is held by electromagnetic force. Atom is held by electromagnetic force of highest order. Much ofthe force here is directed to the center. However, the design and non-equilibrium invariably means it also canexert a weak force on the external world as it quantum dances. This explains why the mass of material object that is disturbed and accelerated increases exponentially. In the modern world I see this force of


acceleration coming from the self-centered and pathologically criminal mind set of us the humans.

A third level of union is possible in 3 dimensional spaces when two hydrogen atoms in 4:3 ratios fuse. See fig

Now this gives spatial dynamic status and relativity inspace. Here one particle emerging from one system is not only related to its pair but also is related to complementary pair. The structure and design also becomes applicable to atoms. This imagination means there should be four pairs of parallel worlds which contribute the particles. We can extend it further to imagine 8 pairs of parallel worlds that can give rise to two helium atoms; one with right twist and another with left twist that exist 4:3 and forms a pair and so on

The most important point we must take note is that by virtue of design, we can visualize an


Quantum Particle [Light]

Atom [hydrogen]

Helium Atom

inner space or Black Hole forming in the helium atom that is closed yet amenable for opening andinteracting with external space in three steps. Important Note – Modern Science is obsessed with symmetry. There is an apparent symmetry here only in near equilibrium relative. The system tries to sustain the equilibrium with constant exchange of information or expenditure of energy.

A renowned self-made physicist, Nassim Haramein has spoken about black holes in atoms. This black hole in inert atoms has a specific right or left twist. The helium atoms are stable and dynamic in three dimensional space. We must underline here the formation of a New

Space. This space [black hole] of helium atoms becomes store house of energy and information and can open up and collapse into new order exchanging information withanother helium atom that has black hole with opposite spin in three steps.

Together they can act as double pump [Like heart] sucking information and feeding information. We can visualize this as double


torus. Within in the torus information is transformed and vitalized. We can visualize it as initialization of the information in relationto change in information in outer space.

These paired helium atoms are quite stable in space. A still higher level of organization can takes place when8 such helium atoms come together and so on. We are nowextending and discovering new dimensions of relativity at system levels with multiple universes or worlds. Here the pairs of particle, the pairs of helium atoms etc., form the parallel worlds that are quantum entangled. They are instantaneously communicated through internal space of black hole and also are communicated in time through the external space. [See fig- parallel worlds below].

The particle and the systems formed form it thus have Holographic Design and is bound by one Principle and Design that is built on a ratio. They are designed to


Black holes

Dominant and Recessive Helium atoms

Instantaneous communication

Time bound communication

sustain themselves through creativity and information build up. They strive to sustain certain near equilibrium state and resist when pushed away from equilibrium and also towards equilibrium. It is important that we explore creativity in pairs of heliumatoms. The pairs of helium atoms that have opposite spin are quite stable in three dimensional spaces. Theypair without any chemical bonding. They have near equilibrium point around which they strive to exist through creativity. We know that inert atoms are stableand only respond to heat induced winding and unwinding.

Now we can imagine a universe that is built on apair of helium atoms. It forms the soul of the living universe around which everything exists.

Creativity is simply a process against time. It cannotstop time. When stressed to first critical limit they can add on non-inert atoms on to themselves so that they resist gravity force and is balanced. Here we are seeing the formation of DNA Double Helices that can wind and unwind. It is like a BALANCER balancing the balance.

The black hole actually perceives the external force and manifest creativity [building of DNA and the body] and its sustenance.

Creativity and information build up [DNA and the complex body] happens in near non equilibrium state. Ifthe critical state is reached, its sustenance takes


place by receiving and transmitting the force to the opposite side creating a pulse or Quantum Dance.

The helium atoms can make an internal rearrangement of force through compression and expansion of its inner space. This is then translated into movement of its component parts accompanied by relative change in space-time location of the parts so that the system is balanced. This creates the movement we observe. This can reverberate in the whole system through the outer space that gets compressed and expanded.

A living system, its DNA works on similar process that constantly takes place. This means at the core life there exist Inert Atoms and Quantum Particles that dances, exchanging information with outer world.

This is first level of quantum entangled informationexchange that reorders the system. This could be viewedas breathing or pulse of life. This creates a pair of spiral wave, which acts like a double pump or heart of a living system. The inner space here does not open up. This quantum entangled information processing and reordering of force that creates a spin and motion [pulse] is not beyond time. Some energy or force is lost in the process and thus in time the stress on the two helium atoms increases taking it into second critical state. Here the helium atom opens up taking energy and matter to create new images of itself. The


process now creates four worlds out of two. One dimension now gives way to two dimensions. This processcreates many worlds from one world.

We can visualize this from picture of cell division. In cell division we can also visualize the formation anexternal network of spaces that forms the medium for communication of information in time. The process of division gives rise to whole system with trillions of worlds, but it cannot stop time. The gravity increases as time goes and thus life ages. The ability to createsthe pulse and renew cells of the system decreases as life ages and thus system tends to collapse.

The important point here is that each particle, atom and each system is unique. The perceiver or Creator force here exists as the Spirit or Light or Energy enfolded in the inner space of the inert atom. Life forms from the information held in this space in spiritual form. The ancient east understood it as Conscious and Intelligent field that creates and sustains life and the universe. They also could visualize two Supreme Inert Atoms or souls with which everything else is relative and categorized it as God Souls


It is important to note that the system is kept pulsating and in motion by ONE QUANTUM PARTICLE that exist in the dominant helium atom at the center of the system. It perceives the stress from the external world. The dance of this quantum particle reverberates in the whole system containing trillions of worlds. Theenergy of this quantum particle carries is unimaginable. We must here recall ULTRA VIOLET CATASTROPHE of classical physics, which states that smaller the wave length, higher is its frequency and higher is its energy and information content. Every time a quantum particle dances it loses out some energy. This means beyond some point in time the systemis bound to collapse into black hole or meets death. Modern science utterly fails to comprehend this death.

It is important to note here is that; what we call energy is a force or stress imparted on to a particle. There is Supreme Inert Atom [Supreme soul] and its inner space that carries and imparts this energy to a Supreme Particle. The dance of this supreme quantum particle manifests life to all systems.

The inner space of this Supreme inert atom becomes the key. It perceives the force and actsto trigger the actions. It can eat up [enfold] all information and energy and release [enfold] all information to sustain the system eternally


in cycles. In short universe is information unfolding and enfolding.

Where modern physicist fails, we can make sense, if we look at it from a biological point as ancient did. Lifeis based on parallel world design; male and female. In other words duality is reality. A singularity and capacity to conquer time and perpetuate in time exist in life as a small phase in life cycle. In this phase the essence of Father enters the black hole of feminineto conquer time and initialize it [reproduction with evolution of information].

At the universal level this needs to be understood as information or energy unfolding to conquer time and initialize it. Conquering of time and its initialization needs to be understood as transformationof the system.

There is no physical collapse, but a spiritual or information collapse and its rebirth.

It is important we understand it little more elaborately. Understanding this calls us to visualize universe as living one and understand the process by which life conquers time and death to perpetuate in time. It all makes sense when we visualize universe as a system that is evolving to unfold information and knowledge to humanity giving him freedom and leading him to Truth and light and enfolding it when our ego and self-centeredness makes us turn from the Creator


Spirit. Its full implication unfolds when we combine our knowledge of life deduced to quantum particulate level and take few leaves from spiritual scriptures andphilosophies of ancient east.

A short summery of Secret of theUniverse

The gravity force of all atoms [Both non inert and inert atoms forming millions of worlds] directs to pair of Central Primal Souls [Inert atoms]. The creativity of this central pair of inert atoms thus creates and Control the universe. The Black Hole or inner space of the dominant of the two central inert atoms and the One Quantum Particle of dominant atom thus becomes vital to understanding the secret of the universe. As time direction manifesting as winding or unwinding force of the universe tends to two possible critical limits; the outer and inner. The inner space of the Dominant Primal Atom perceives the stress and the One QuantumParticle in it thus gains unlimited energy [Recall ultra violet catastrophe of classical physics] This particle eventually Quantum Dances reversing the time direction. The Quantum Dance unwinds the Primal Atom as a String and it directs itselfto the black hole of its pair. Thus a conception takes place where a SUPER BLACK HOLE gets formed within black hole of the recessive. Now all the gravity force of material world [inert and non-inert] directs to this Super Central Black Hole and gets transformed to gain New Life. In short the system unwinds effortlessly till it reaches the boundary limit. Here the Super Quantum Particle Again Dances returning to its original parallel world state. In short the Creator Recreates His body and initializes it


Understanding the Universe from Spiritual and Philosophical Point Note – This part speaks briefly the parallel with many religious scriptures. It does not mean I support any religion. In fact I feel it is time we grow beyond religions to know Truth. Spirituality is real knowledge that comes from within. Religions in contrast are compromising human creations; an attempt to protect these revelations such that the system does not deteriorate quickly.

One of the basic premises of spiritual scriptureis that souls are indestructible entities and the existence of Supreme Soul that creates and controls. It is the womb from which everything comes and to which everything falls back. Earlier we saw that a pair of helium atom is dynamic inspace and has creative capacity. It can transform gravity force and conquer time and thus is indestructible. It only reacts to winding and unwindingstress of heat. Heat is the basal form of energy and energy comes from flutter of quantum particle. Flutter of quantum particle in turn is information. Life is information unfolding to conquer time and death.

Universe now can visualized as energy or information unfolding from quantum particle fromthe womb [black hole]. Universe makes sense onlywhen it is visualized as living being.


A living system is information unfolding and enfolding,evolving and involuting eternally in cycles. Let us imagine a human being. It consists of several trillionsof worlds. Billions of cells die out every day to give rise to new cells. This huge system has emerged from one single cell, which in turn is formed from information from two worlds [male and female] which areone. Life is information or spirit or energy that is unfolding from this one cell. This information unfolding as per our discussion above can be traced to a pair of helium atoms; one each coming from the male and female or parallel worlds. The life gets triggered when the information or spirit from the male unites with spirit of the female and reorganizes in the womb. This union and reorganization is nothing but conqueringof time and unfolding of new information that can help the system to conquer time and survive. Life, we must underline is a constant struggle to sustain itself within two limits around an equilibrium point. So is a pair of inert atoms. Gravity is inevitable and thus stress builds on center. To in cycle of creation and destruction and new creation.

An atom we know is held by strong nuclear [centripetal force]. This force is nothing but very strong electromagnetic force. When it is compressed they can leak energy to sustain itself and this manifest as weak electromagneticforce. The two inert atoms are held by gravity


force which is just another form of electromagnetic force. The pair of helium atoms can show creativity by adding non inert matter on to themselves to resist the force of gravity and thus through a constant balancing process can develop what we call DNA and biological information and the complex structures. But a living system is not beyond time and death. Thus it has to work against time and stress manifesting as gravity. Weak nuclear force probably is the loss of energy in time. Thus as time goes, the gravity force of materialworld stresses the central helium atom. One of the particles in the atom by design experiences the maximumstress and gets energized to maximum state. Eventually the helium atom breaks down and opens up as string and directs to the feminine system to get enclosed in its inner space. We can visualize here one atom gaining maximum kinetic energy and its pair gaining the maximumpotential energy. Their union creates a union and new equilibrium.

This union is key to life cycle of livingsystem. Here new information is formed and unfolds. This is a phase when the spirit or information of the dominant world pierces the recessive parallel world and exist in a time conquering and recreation phase [Ekpyrotic Phase]. This


phase is expansion from within from a point [small area] and hence can be viewed as Big Bang. It is monistic state or singularity phase. Once this phase is completed, the system initializes to start a New Time Cycle [Dualistic Phase].

Here there is a phase of quick expansion, [childhood] fallowed by early adult hood, late adulthood when mind and self-manifest leading to deterioration, this is followed by a phase that leads to collapse and death. Death is seizure of life and motion. Such a seizure is meaningless, thus life is bestowed with a capacity to evolve by conquering time and death.

Key to life is two organs the heart and brain. The heart forms the off centered center of life.Life can exist in brain dead state but not heartdead state.As life forms in the womb, it enfolds into inner and outer, heart becomes the center of the inner world and brain becomes the center of outer world. The brain is aconnecting point with the external space. It takes information from external space to the internal world. The heart has its own brain and mind which actually control the beat and controls life [AV Node]. It processes the information and directs the body to act in specific way and thus balance the energy of the system.


The true intelligence that controls life exists in the inner world and its mind. When external mind begins to process information and takes decisions independently of heart, it makes errors. Thus life deteriorates. The ancient spiritual scriptures depicts this fall as the product of ego, self, “I” and so on. The same should be true to the universe. Life has a creative and positive expansion phase in the womb stageand in early childhood state but once the mind and “self” or Ego or “I” manifests it enters the resistive phase.

Life and the universe is a system that instinctively works from within expandinginto the external world. It is anti-gravitational. The primal space-time field therefore is not what western civilization studies, but is a Conscious Field that ancient east knew and traced to a Primal Soul [God Soul].

Evolution and universal time cycle now needs to be understood as information or knowledge unfolding - Bothpositive and negative information and knowledges unfolds – Eventually Life or Positive Wins


We can bring in spiritual quotes in support for it fromall scriptures; Vedas, Bhagavad Gita. Bible, Koran ----let us not go into it, let religious people do it themselves

Note - This struggle to sustain the system between two limits around an equilibrium point also reflects in Nature.Earth has parallel and multiple world design. This gives its environment many layers and grid points through which change occurs. We must note that when one part of earth awakes to sunlight and enters the energy cycle [unwinding],the other part enters a de-energizing or materializing cycle [Winding]. Earth thus acts as double pump or heart. When energy peaks in west, the cycle shifts favoring the opposite. The opposite happens in the east and thus it forms a day and night cycle. This 12 hour cycle is embeddedin another cycle that manifest as climatic cycle. This energy cycle is dynamic, stable and self-sustaining including living system. Plants play an important role in biosphere of earth. They capture light and heat and transform them into biological mass. Thus they cool earth. They also take CO2 and release O2 that is vital for animal life including humans. The growth of plants is controlled by herbivore and herbivore is controlled by carnivore. Thewhole earth is dynamic and self-sustaining GAIA with no time direction. But this self-sustaining capacity is brokenand a time direction develops when we visualize it including humans who are made in the image of the Creator. Earth’s struggle to sustain the energy to matter ratio is astruggle to manage the heat or energy of the environment and its flow. The balance of biosphere begins to collapse when

The heat of the environment increases to a critical point,

The plant mass that transform this heat is decreased to critical point,


The night cycle in which the system tries to cool and balance is decreased

It is evident all this is happening. We humans and our by self and material centered thinking are challenging the balance of earth. She is reacting violently. Here again twoforces are unfolding; the force of unwinding power of heat or energy in the environment. This is opposed by material earth that tries to wind in opposition. In the light of exponential increase in heat or energy in the environment the force of change is accelerating. The time period over which the change used to occur smoothly is getting shortened. Thus we are seeing sudden peaking and falling ofenergy. This is manifesting as uncontrolled fire, increasedfire accidents, lightening, unexplained light and fireballsin sky and so on. The winding reaction of earth is leading to flash floods/ snows/ hailstorms. We hear month’s rain and snow coming in hours. It is also the cause for huge earth quakes and volcanic eruption. All these are going to increase exponentially in the immediate years to come. Very clearly our ignorance of Truth; the PRINCIPLE AND DESIGN on which Nature functions, is causing the deterioration of spiritual, social, economic and climatic fabric of earth our only abode. The hope exist knowledge orlight unfolding awakening humanity.

What we discussed is summarized in the fallowing figure



Heaven – White hole


Forbidden Path

Note – the above figure present the non-equilibrium state. In near equilibrium state it presents symmetry 1:2:1, which is sustained through constant flow.

We see here two parallel world male and female each with two worlds. All these worlds in turn are filled with trillions of worlds. Let us assume these worlds ashuman souls [inert atoms in pairs]. The material force of non-inert atom directs to the center. The souls or pairs of inert atoms can creatively resist this. The creative activity is always directed to heaven or whitehole. It is centrifugal.

But when human minds become self and material centered and non-creative, it actually directs


Fig: Parallel worlds- male and female



Hell – Black hole

with gravity to the black hole. This means the body of the whole living being deteriorates. A resistance thus is placed on humans by the Creator Soul.

Bible thus speaks of Creator giving dominion to Adam and Eve, but resist them from eating from the Tree at the Center. The tree at the center is the Black hole, to which gravity force is directed and information collapses. Bible further says that the cause of fall comes from a fallen angel – whose ego leads to its fallfrom heaven to hell. This angel manifests as serpent, coaxing eve and making Adam to eat the forbidden fruit.The angel thus begins to create its kingdom at the Costof the Kingdom of God. Serpent here represents a self-centered mind. The figure above speaks this. What this fall depicts is the formation of many Gods or worlds from one world, all of which eventually in time directsto the black hole.

Light thus gives way to darkness. Knowledge gives way to ignorance. Simplicity thus gives way to complexity. This fall needs to be understood as knowledge deterioration or deterioration of Truth and justice.

The Vedas of east describe universal time cycle as timecycle of Truth and justice, where Truth and justice deteriorates in four quantum proportions [Yugas]. This is described as Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and


Iron Age. It is said in each of these stages God Manifests on earth to Restore Truth and Justice. Spiritual scriptures and Epics depict wars being foughtfor such cause. In Epic Mahabharata Lord Krishna leads the war as Charioteer to Arjuna [warrior] who surrenders to Lord Krishna unconditionally. In realitythe war for Truth and justice belonged to the Lord Krishna. Bible says Christ the Son of God came to restore the Kingdom back to God the Father and He won the Battle single handedly as HE BECAME SACRIFICAL LAMBin Calvary and whoever believes in Him and takes His path has victory in the end.

Prophet Mohammed manifested when Christianity as a religion deteriorated down to an organization that is amassing wealth and ruling people with iron hand. The organization called Christianity that was formed to awaken human consciousness and his spirit in time turned into religious institutions became heaven for evil minds. They instead of awaking human consciousnessand the spirit of God within humans bound the Spirit ofGod back into temples mixing the old and New. A clan ofpeople began to form who exist on sweat and blood humans and whose intent became increasingly questionable by their acts. They had grown too powerful for any common man to oppose. Prophet Mohammedcame around this period proclaiming the judgment to come. This also transformed into another religion. Creator thus always worked against spiritual institutions and its deterioration.


Then science came, where people carefully separated therealm of soul/spirit and mind from matter and began to investigate matter leaving the realm of soul/spirit andmind to religious people. Science has come one circle to conclude that mind and soul cannot be separated frommatter. We humans investigating into Nature thus take an important role. We need to introspect to know Truth.Unfortunately temples of science, just as religions have become salve to money. No wonder Einstein said "Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it” Noble laureate James Lovelock once said that the four years after he was confirmed with the noble prize and gained huge money and gadgets to his lab was the most unproductive phase of his life.

Knowledge does not come with money. Huge gadgetsexploring external cosmos and breaking into atoms cannot lead you to Truth. It cannot come from years of study of spiritual scriptures and doing service in temples and churches. It comes when we transcend our self-centered mind and fathom the depth of the inner world. People can fail in this path too as long as one carry self-centered intent. The ancient east understood this Truth.

The universal time cycle written in Vedas also can be visualized from vitality cycle or life cycle. First being Childhood, early adult hood, late adult hood


where “I” and “self” manifests and old age leading to death. This life cycle is inevitable in all life, all spiritual institutions and the universe. Complete understanding of this cycle can only happen, when we understand the process by which life conquers death andperpetuates in time. In short we need to understand howspirit or information survives and sustains life eternally overcoming death.

Life is information, spirit or light unfolding from a point. Ancient east who understood universe as living, thus spoke universe as consciousness and intelligence unfolding from a Primal Soul or God Soul. We humans areunderstood as individuated consciousness that is born from it and dies back to it.

We humans are limited in space-time and have a relative existence to the Universal Being that unfolds form a Big Bang.

Information in the one cell gets truncated as it differentiates to form many worlds. In reality all the cells have complete information of the whole system, but the information is truncated for specific purposes in a life time. No cell in a system has independence from the whole system and its wellness exist in doing its function perfectly and resonate with the basal frequency of the Master Soul and its Spirit that Created and initialized the system. The wellness of Master Soul in turn exists in the wellness of the


cells. It is mutual. Any cells that turn against the system become cancerous threatening the whole system. The life force fights it and destroys it to recreate it. The system is designed in that way.

We are like cell differentiated from on single cell. Our independence, our self, our separationin the name of caste, creed, color, nations---, our ego and dependence on material power and force etc., is our illusion and is our ignorance.

The search for Truth of the universe thus cannot be sought by enquiring into external worlds through a divisive approach. Truth can only come when the enquirer, conquers his mind and explores the inner world and transcends “self” to ascend the deep to reachthe root. This is true spiritual path; the path to Truth. The East thus taught meditations as the first step towards spiritual growth. Absolute Truth however is beyond human mind, for all minds enquire Truth with intent. This intent is always self-centered. Thus faithis considered more important in spirituality. Indian philosophy speaks of 18 doors to Truth and light. It tells that a teacher can help the pupil through 17 doors according to merit, but leaves the last for the student to open. All who opens it utters a word “neti” meaning “this is not”. The means the purpose of his quest gets defeated in the last step.


In Bible Jesus fills His disciples with spirit and commands them go and spread Good News. He tells them “Don't take any money with you, or a traveler’s bag, or an extra pair ofsandals”. Mahabharata Lord Krishna tells Arjuna “Do not let the fruit be the purpose of your actions”. In all cases where human souls are included in the Divine Plan the God choses to enlighten soul by the Spirit.

Our mind and its intent, its attachment to a school, a religion, all becomes a stumbling block in evolution towards Truth.

No amount of study of spiritual scriptures, a life timein temples and churches, can bring you to Life and Truth. New Life comes to those who accept death without question and conditions. It comes when we emptyourselves. It comes in the moment between life and death when time stills. A great act of conquering time and ensuring the world perpetuates in time probably happened in Calvary. In Epic Mahabharata Lord Krishna achieves the goal of killing the unconquerable great warriors, by stopping time and enlightening them. In Bible God chooses ordinary people as His disciples, forpeople in temples were filled with ego and are inaccessible. In Mahabharata Arjuna the warrior gets toknow Lord Krishna because Lord choses Him and reveals Himself to him to carry out His Plan. In Bible the Disciples of Christ knows Him when the spirit of Christor God descends on them.


Today the energy of Creator or Life force through Christ is open for all to breathe and come to life. It is exist in open to all souls with free will

To make it short, all scriptures have depth. All those who enquire it in freedom see parallels and beaks free to know the oneness and Truth. A bird’s eye view tells me that best and logically written scripture are Vedas and its extensions. In the time scale of universe, Calvary Sacrifice of Jesus also becomes a key point. I understand it as a point of recreation and restoration of the universe. In other words it is conquering of time and time initialization.

This possibly occurred when ¾ of the soul’s takes the forbidden path and the balance gets upset [See fig above]. The Creator now exists inCreation as a silent witness.

Universe need to be understood form ratio and trinity. There is initial state where majority of souls and its forces are directed to White Hole. We visualize this asBirth and the Beginning of Life cycle or state 1. This possibly happens when ¾ of the population is directed to White Hole. Life Force in the system diminishes as souls fall to forbidden center. Time is inevitable reality of living universe and thus in spite of resistance angels fall and instigate people on earth against life force to form their kingdoms. What gets


stressed is the conscious field of the creator forcing it to enfold. Two worlds now become four worlds and on.This needs to be understood as loss of information or knowledge.

Conclusion – The Danger AheadScience is a quest for Truth. But this quest cannot reach its end unless we introspect and seek the Truth from within. We are on path; quantum science has already showed inseparable nature of the observer and therefore the mind of humans. Life science has already become a key point of research. However, much of it is directed to exploring the brain and mind. Even consciousness is sought in brain. This approach, If I am to put it in the worlds of Nassim Haremein “ is like searching for the speaker by breaking the radio”. The ancient east knew that the Truth exist beyond brain and mind. Thus it taught people to transcend the mind and explore the truth within. They probably knew of space –time or energy field [information field] that unfolds and enfolds from within. They called it Universal Consciousness and Intelligence field. I by Grace visualize it as information flowing in and out from theinner space of life. The question of birth and death now could be traced to dual world that are one and can be traced to One PrimalBeing, One Primal Cell, One Primal Soul and One QuantumPrimal Particle [Higgs Boson] and the space within thisSoul. This Primal Quantum Particle can carry immense


energy to give life to all other particles and the whole system [Recall ultra violet catastrophe].

The only way all conceptual developments in science canbe understood sensibly, is to visualize universe as living being as the ancient east thought. Universe needs to be understood as information or spirit or energy unfolding and enfolding. It is knowledge or lifeforce or Truth unfolding to give New Life to the system. This Spirit or knowledge sustains itself by revitalizing the body of the system.

There is no collapse of universal system or body. But the information collapses and it re-emergence from the black to revitalize the wholesystem.

In spite of the instability of earth’s climate, instability human mind and society that is manifesting into violence and self-destruction with all the weaponsof mass destruction in hand, I have positive vision forthe world. We are due to enter the Golden Age. Universeis non-linear and living. Non-liner Science says that as the system it tends to near critical disorder a GREAT ATTRACTOR EMERGES within and the system collapsesinto new order.

In parallel to evil and self-centered mind we already are seeing people awakening and getting enlightened. Itis matter of Truth emerging by the Grace of the Creator. The Creator has exposed His Heart giving FREE


WILL to all souls to come to NEW LIFE. Now it is matterof time that He reveals His Mind.

Two possible path of destruction that humanity faces I am positive and hopeful of golden future and I am striving at it relentlessly against odds for decades. What I am not sure is how much destruction humanity hasto face, before the ego of religious leaders, leaders of nations, people in temples of science and various organization governing our fate breaks down. Modern science in Free Will has gained immense power toexploit the material world. He is moving forward with aconquering motive than understanding motive. A smallpercentage of colossally rich and their material wealthgained with self-centered mind seem to determine the fate of the world. The religious leaders and leaders ofthe Nations exist as slaves to them. Their pathologically criminal mind set is infiltrating into the mind of individuals around the world. And in greed all are engaged in building a cozy boat for oneself at the cost of breaking Mother Ship that is sailing the increasingly turbulent sea – We the humans then call ourselves the intelligent species.

I am sure reader has already perceived the two counts by which we could encounter huge destruction coming at us. We have dealt it briefly above


1] Earth has a PRINCIPLE AND DESIGN by which it maintains the heat and temperature of earth. Earth works to maintain the ENERGY TO MATTER RATIO and thus heat and temperature of the environment and earth within some limit such that life can survive. We in ourgreed from industrial era have been exponentially increasing the heat of the environment and have been intruding into the night cycle in which earth cools theenvironment. In our greed we are also upsetting anotherratio [CO2 to O2] that is vital for life.

The several layers of grid point around the earth through which change and flow of heat occurs. The number of this grid points are dissolving as we increase the heat of the environment and thus the climate change is accelerating creating huge destruction. If these grid points are decreased beyondsome critical point the system would break up and collapse.

The parallel design means we are heading for huge destruction by unwinding and winding force of Nature. This is manifesting as increasing destruction by fire, flash floods/snows/hail storms. This also is the cause for increased earth quake and volcanic eruptions. When something accelerates its mass increases, so one can link the increasing fire balls and meteor strikes in sky to it. The sudden peaking and falling of energy is making earth fragile. This if it continues unchecked can virtually destroy life on earth – Noble laureate


James Lovelock has predicted large scale destruction ofhuman population because of increasing heat.

We can save the situation provided we awaken andmanage the energy of the environment and developnew technologies based on life.

2] The second concern is about religious people. In theabsence of Truth and increasingly unstable situation ofthe world, the leaders of religions of the world are trying to fish in troubled waters. With weapons of massdestruction in hand religions of the world are leading the world to possible self-annihilation. It is time people awaken to Truth and come out of the bondage to religion

Thus the Truth of Nature and God [Higgs Boson Particle] in simplicity so that common man understands it is necessity for the world to survive and enter Golden Age.

I am not a physicist and know little knowledge of mathematics. I am not trained to think as physicists who rule us today. However, my quest to know Nature andher Truth by Grace ended in revelation of the Principleand Design. The more I contemplated on it, the more I began to visualize all scientific concepts merging intoit revealing the simplicity behind Nature and the beauty of spiritual scriptures. But I am helpless to reach out to convince people in temples of science


chained to Plato’s Chair. Thus I keep it on INTERNET and use social media so that it can come to our rescue when things go beyond the control of minds ruling us.

Since it is a conscious call, I strive endlessly in spite all my weakness of language, communication skill and finances. Those of you read this article, if you feel there is some sense in it, please circulate, publish and help the cause. There is not much time. We are already seeing huge destruction around the world.

For further reading –