Santa Rosa de Lima

1601 N. Tennessee Boulevard Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Santa Rosa de Lima 1601 N. Tennessee Boulevard X Murfreesboro, TN 37130 X (615) 893-1843 X To be the place of encounter with the fullness of Christ in this community. Ser el lugar de encuentro con la plenitud de Cristo en esta comunidad. Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022 Domingo de Pascua, 17 de abril de 2022

Transcript of Santa Rosa de Lima

1601 N. Tennessee Boulevard Murfreesboro, TN 37130

Santa Rosa de Lima 1601 N. Tennessee Boulevard X Murfreesboro, TN 37130 X (615) 893-1843 X

To be the place of encounter with the fullness of Christ in this community. Ser el lugar de encuentro con la plenitud de Cristo en esta comunidad.

Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022 Domingo de Pascua, 17 de abril de 2022

17 de abril de 2022 April 17, 2022

WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL LIFE 0$66�,17(17,216


SUNDAY, APRIL 17 - Easter Sunday 7:00 am 8:30 am 11:00 am 3:00 pm 5:00 pm

Michelle Savko Saint Rose Parishioners Cathey Children and Grandchildren Hector Hugo Gaytan Mike Staudt and Family

MONDAY, APRIL 18 - Monday within the Octave of Easter 7:00 am 2:10 pm

Aurora Portuondo Praying for our Prodigals

TUESDAY, APRIL 19 - Tuesday within the Octave of Easter 7:00 am 7:00 pm

† †

Kelly Nelson Gaffney Jose Angel Valencia

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 - Wednesday within the Octave of Easter 7:00 am 6:00 pm

Mia Fuentes Nathaneal Kaesberg

THURSDAY, APRIL 21 - Thursday within the Octave of Easter 7:00 pm † Emily Mariano FRIDAY, APRIL 22 - Friday within the Octave of Easter

7:00 am 2:10 pm

† †

Garth Jordan Robert Eubanks

SATURDAY, APRIL 16 - Saturday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 am 4:30 pm 6:30 pm

† † †

Leopold Kostkowska Thelma Fuchs Samuel Angel Torres

7:00 am 8:30 am 11:00 am 3:00 pm 5:00 pm

† †

Larry & Carol Schlachter Saint Rose Parishioners P. Denise Cathey Consuelo Flores Santacruz & Miguel Cardenas Jack Scoles

SUNDAY, APRIL 24 - Divine Mercy Sunday

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7:00 am 8:30 am 9:45 am 11:00 am 1:45 pm 3:00 pm 5:00 pm

Mass - English Mass - English Confessions Mass - English Confessions Misa en español Mass - English

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6:00 am 7:00 am 2:10 pm

Adoration and Confessions Mass - English followed by Office of Readings & Morning Prayer Mass - English NO High School Youth Group


7:00 am 5:00-6:45 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Mass - English followed by Office of Readings & Morning Prayer Adoration and Confessions RCIA Misa en español Young Adult Book Study


7:00 am 5:00-5:45pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm

Mass - English Adoration and Confessions Mass - English Fidelis and Fraternus

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7:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00-6:45 pm

Mass - English followed by Office of Readings & Morning Prayer Adoration begins after Mass and lasts until Friday at 6:45 am Mass - Saint Thomas Rutherford Adoration and Confessions

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6:00 am 7:00 am 2:10 pm

Confessions Adoration until 6:45 Benediction Mass - English followed by Office of Readings & Morning Prayer Mass - English

8:00 am 8:45-9:45 am 4:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm

Mass - English Confessions Vigil Mass-English Confessions Misa de Vigilia en español


READINGS FOR THE WEEK • APRIL 17 - 24, 2022 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 [24]/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or, Lk 24:13-35 Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/Ps 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11/Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41/Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20 and 22/Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9/Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26/Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9/Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12/Ps 118:1-2 and 4, 22-24, 25-27a/Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21/Ps 118:1 and 14-15ab, 16-18, 19-21/Mk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Acts 5:12-16/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 [1]/Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17- 19/Jn 20:19-31

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Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua



Weekly Donations Offertory: Operating Deposits ................ 22,662 eGiving Deposits ……… ……….17,237 Total Collected……… ... ..………….39,899 Designated Donations: Designated Deposits…. .. ..……20,596 eGiving Deposits ………………....3,176 Total Collected………...….….....23,772

Total this Week:……..………..….63,671 *Average Weekly Budget..……..44,309

Weekly Surplus / (Deficit)…....19,362

Year To Date Donations Regular Donations ........ ...1,630,682 Extraordinary Donations.. ... 205,826 Total Year to Date .............1,836,509

*Year to Date Budget……..1,772,362 Year to Date Surplus/(Deficit)……64,147

There were 3,249 registered families & 654 families that gave via check, envelope or eGiving.

GIVING TO SAINT ROSE Please remember the financial needs of the parish. You may use this QR code or go to and click on Giving to give one time or to set up recurring gifts. Online giving may also be accessed through the myParish app

The radio station is back up! Listen on 99.3!

What Did Jesus Do? As we celebrate Holy Week and Easter, I am challenged and inspired by the example of Jesus Himself. During Holy Week, He consistently refuses to use the tactics of this world. He does not do so on Palm Sunday when the crowds are enthusiastically supporting Him, and He does not do so on Good Friday when practically everyone has turned against Him. He remains obedient to the will of His Father in everything. On Easter, the day of His glorious triumph over death, He does not make a great show of Himself and His victory but rather invites His disciples to see and to believe in Him for themselves. For example, no one sees the Resurrection but only the empty tomb. It seems to me that Jesus wants each one of us to encounter Him, to believe in Him, and to follow Him in freedom. I think that we would rather follow the crowd or join a movement. That takes the responsibility off of us, but Jesus asks for a relationship with Him -- for your heart. A decision to love has to be made in freedom. Jesus freely loves the Father and us in His journey to the cross. He gives us the opportunity to love Him freely. We fear our gift of freedom because it means that we are free to suffer for love and for the truth, just like Jesus did. We feel safer when we are told what to do, and we also like to tell others what to do. But Jesus lets us choose to love.

Faithfully, Fr. Baker

MOM’S BIBLE STUDY Saint Rose Mom’s Bible study is for mothers of all ages who are searching for a deeper appreciation and renewed commitment to their holy calling of motherhood. The group will meet at 6:30 pm on April 26 (Stonewall House). We will strengthen our faith and foster new friendships with other moms in our parish. Our study is “Searching for and Maintaining Peace” by Fr. Jacques Phillipe with the Abiding Together podcast. Babies and children are welcome. The more the merrier! This study will meet biweekly. For questions, reach out to Paula at [email protected]

SAINT ROSE LADIES GUILD, DAY GROUP Our role is to welcome Catholic women together in Spirituality and Service. Our meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am in the Stonewall House. Please join us on May 3. If transportation is needed to

attend the meeting please call (615)403-8300. For more information contact Clare Cannon at 615-967-8907 or [email protected].

TOTUS TUUS Saint Rose will host Totus Tuus this summer from June 12 – 17 for kids and youth. 1st-6th grade will meet from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday; 7th to 12th grade will meet from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Sunday through Thursday. The programs feature skits, presentations, games, and much, much more. Volunteers and hosts families are needed. For more information contact Lynn Sigler: [email protected]

17 de abril de 2022 April 17, 2022


BRIDGE MINISTRY—MISIÓN: ASISTIR A LOS FELIGRESES DE SANTA ROSA y de la comunidad con dificultades materiales. Dependiendo de los fondos de la semana podemos ofrecer asistencia monetaria para pagos de utilidades y/u ofrecer referencias a otros centros de ayuda.

Para solicitar ayuda, llama al Ministerio de Bridge (Bridge Ministry) al 615-692-0159, deja un mensaje claro y conciso con tu nombre y número telefónico (el mensaje es completamente confidencial). Bridge Ministry se reúne los Martes de 9:30-11:30 am para revisar el correo de voz y procesar las solicitudes recibidas. Si deseas donar al Ministerio de Bridge, favor de indicarlo en el sobres de la colecta en titulado: Choice Gifts Envelope.

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¿Qué hizo Jesús? Mientras celebramos la Semana Santa y la Pascua, me siento desafiado e inspirado por el ejemplo del mismo Jesús. Durante la Semana Santa, constantemente se niega a usar las tácticas de este mundo. No lo hace el Domingo de Ramos cuando la multitud lo apoya con entusiasmo, y no lo hace el Viernes Santo cuando prácticamente todos se han vuelto contra Él. Él permanece obediente a la voluntad de Su Padre en todo. En la Pascua, el día de su triunfo glorioso sobre la muerte, Él no hace un gran espectáculo de sí mismo y de su victoria, sino que invita a sus discípulos a ver y creer en Él por sí mismos. Por ejemplo, nadie ve la Resurrección sino sólo el sepulcro vacío. Me parece que Jesús quiere que cada uno de nosotros lo encuentre, crea en Él y lo siga en libertad. Creo que preferimos seguir a la multitud o unirnos a un movimiento. Eso nos quita la responsabilidad, pero Jesús pide una relación con Él, de corazón. La decisión de amar debe tomarse en libertad. Jesús ama libremente al Padre y a nosotros en Su camino a la cruz. Él nos da la oportunidad de amarlo libremente. Tememos nuestro don de la libertad porque significa que somos libres para sufrir por amor y por la verdad, como lo hizo Jesús. Nos sentimos más seguros cuando nos dicen qué hacer, y también nos gusta decirles a los demás qué hacer. Pero Jesús nos deja elegir. Elijamos amar. Fielmente, El Padre Baker

PUBLICACIÓN DE AMONESTACIONES Es un placer para mí publicar los Amonestaciones para la boda prevista de:

Jennifer Newman and Jose Cruz Reyes Esta boda tendrá lugar en este Santuario el sábado, 4/23/2022.

Si alguien puede demostrar una causa justa por la cual estas dos personas no pueden estar legalmente unidas en matrimonio, que esa persona lo declare,

al pastor, por escrito.

LEGION DE MARIA ¿Quieres acercarte más a Jesús y su Madre?, Nos encantaría tenerte en nuestra reunión. La Legión de María se reúne todos los sábados de 10 a 11:30 am horas. Venga y únase a nosotros en las salas de reuniones detrás de la iglesia en Salón 121. Para cualquiera información contactar a la señora Sandra Middleton (615) 893-1843 o al correo [email protected]

LA VIRGEN MARIA QUIERE VISITAR TU CASA. DEJALA ENTRAR! Para cualquiera informacion contactar a la señora Sandra Middleton (615) 893-1843 o al correo [email protected]

EL GRUPO DE MATRIMONIOS Los invita a sus reuniones semanales todos los viernes a

las 7:00pm en el Salon Jo Call. Ofrecemos temas para matrimonios

Tenemos cuidado de niños Para cualquiera informacion comunicarse

con los coordinadores Arturo y Cecilia Luna 615-556-1821

Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua

PARISH COMMUNITY SAINT ROSE FOOD PANTRY The Saint Rose Food Pantry is open to our parishioners and to the public every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am until noon. Please follow the signs to our location on the left side of the church. Call the church office at 615-893-1843 if you are in need of food and unable to visit our pantry so delivery arrangements can be made. Food Pantry current needs: canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, pasta sauce, peanut butter, canned chicken and tuna, canned fruit, pancake syrup. 7KDQN�\RX�IRU�\RXU�FRQWLQXHG�VXSSRUW�RI�WKLV�PLQLVWU\�

Please donate the following items for our Backpack ministry. We are

assisting children in the public schools who are in food insecure households. Chef Boyardee individual meals Thank you all for your ongoing assistance to help us continue this ministry.

Bridge Activity - March 2022 Total Families Served - 49 Total Dollars Spent (including gift cards) - $5646 Average Dollars Per Family - $115 OUR MISSION IS TO ASSIST SAINT ROSE PARISHIONERS and those in the community having financial difficulties. We provide limited monetary assistance as funds allow and/or referrals to other local resources. All personal information is kept in utmost confidence. Please call BRIDGE at 615-692-0159 to leave a confidential message. We meet on Tuesdays between 9:30 - 11:30 am. If you would like to donate to the BRIDGE Ministry, please indicate this in the memo area of your check or on your monthly Choice Gifts envelope. Walmart or Kroger gift cards are needed to assist with this ministry. Please drop them off at the church office.

HOMEBOUND, ASSISTED LIVING, NURSING HOME & VA PARISHIONERS Sharon Allocco, Fakie Bracey, Peggy Brandon, Frank Burns, Mary Casey, Jenne ClenDening, Irene Cutler, Michael Drislane, Bobbie Duke, Patrick Dunn, Georgia England, Robert and Marilyn Formato, Pat Gratkowski, Michelle Hauet, Melissa Herlevic, Ruth Hickey, Jackie Horan, Kennis Jung, Mary June Lavendar, Billy Lawrence, Peggy Lynch, Kay McCann, Edna Miles, David Miller, Dale Pelland, Roger and Bernadette Schafer, William Schumacher, Gladys Smith, Genevieve Vanderslice.

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list? Email [email protected] to add or remove someone.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR OUR SICK Tom Pedine i, Peggi Bordash i, Dale Earwood ii, JoAnn Bardet ii, John Yarusinsky ii, John Howell iii, Agnes McGill iii, Charles W. Lane iii, Tara Lane iii, Cynthia Hoopes iii, Donald Wisehart iii, Candyce Corcoran iii, Trey Cathey iv, Beverly Barker iv. Names remain on this list for 4 weeks. Email [email protected] to add or remove someone on the list.

CELEBRATE LIFE! PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WITH CHILD Email [email protected] to add or remove someone on the list.

PARISHIONERS - THE FOOD PANTRY IS FOR YOU! If you are finding it difficult to make ends meet and could use some assistance with food staples, please utilize our Food Pantry. I know it is difficult to ask for help but please remember even Jesus needed help to carry His cross! We are a community of faith filled people who stand ready to help those in need. Whether you need a little bit of help for a short time or may need to utilize the pantry for an extended period we are here to assist. The pantry is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-12. If those times do not work for you, please call the Church office at 615-893-1843 and other arrangements can be made.

SAINT ROSE WOMEN’S MINISTRY Sisters in Christ, have you heard of the Saint Rose Women’s Ministry? We are a diverse group of women in all stages of life, with unique perspectives, united by one purpose - to deepen our relationships with Jesus in order to be models of discipleship within our parish & community. We are committed to bringing women together through fellowship or

service, for the benefit of the women, children, and families at Saint Rose. The next monthly gathering will be on May 5 from 6:30 - 8pm in the Jo Call Room. If you are new, we know how much courage it takes to walk through the doors, but we promise that you will be greeted by BIG hearts. If you are a previous member, we miss you and hope to see you again soon! For any questions or special accommodations, please email Leanne Rayo: [email protected] CELEBRATE LIFE! Please pray for the women in our parish who are with child. If you or someone you know in our parish is pregnant or has recently had a baby and would like to receive some meals to help out during this exciting time of transition, please contact Carolyn Cespino at 615-962-5600 or [email protected]. Meals for Moms is offered by the Saint Rose Women’s Ministry as a way to help make this time a little easier for our Saint Rose moms!

JOURNEY HOME MEAL PREP The Journey Home is a place that helps the homeless and disadvantaged residents. They provide three meals a day, every day. Their goal is not only to provide for individuals in need, but to get them jobs and in stable environments. Our ministry prepares meals for The Journey Home during 2022 on the following days: Tuesday, May 31, and Thursday, June 30.

If you feel called to assist, please join us from 9:00-11:00 to prepare the food and/ or 11:00am to 1:00pm to serve the food. The Journey Home, is located at 308 W. Castle St., Murfreesboro. If you have any questions or would like to join our ministry, contact Suzie Schulenberg at 615-403-2837 or Nancy Pardy (609) 203-0433.

17 de abril de 2022 April 17, 2022


EASTER FLOWER DONATIONS ����������� �Ǥ�Ǥ������ǡ��Ǥ������ǡ� Ǥ�������ǡ� Ǥ��������ǡ����������� ������������� ������Ƭ������������ǡ������������ǡ��������Ƭ�����������ǡ�������������ǡ����������������� �����Ǥ�Ƭ����Ǥ����������� ��������Ƭ������������ǡ��������Ƭ�����������ǡ���������Ǥ������ ����������Ƭ���������������� �������� Ǥ������ǡ� ����������������ǡ�����������������ǡ���������������ǡ� ��������� ������Ǥ��������������� ��������������������� �����Ǥ�Ƭ����Ǥ� ������������ �����������ǡ�������������ǡ�������������ǡ�������������ǡ���������������� �����Ǥ�Ƭ����Ǥ����������������� �����������������ǡ������������������ǡ����������������ǡ������������������ǡ��������������������������� �����Ǥ����������� ��������Ƭ���������������ǡ������������ǡ� �Ǥǡ� �����������ǡ������������������ǡ������������������ �����Ǥ�Ƭ����Ǥ������������� �������� �����Ǥ��������Ǥ������������ ���������� �����Ǥ�Ƭ����Ǥ���������������� ���������������ǡ������������������ �����Ǥ�Ƭ����Ǥ� ���������� ���������� �����Ǥ������������ �������������ǡ������ ������ǡ�������� ������ǡ������� ������ǡ�������� ������ �����Ǥ� ����������� ���������������� �����Ǥ�Ƭ����Ǥ���������������� ����������������ǡ���������������ǡ���������������ǡ�����������������ǡ������������� �����Ǥ�Ƭ����Ǥ����������������� ����������ǡ���Ǥǡ���������������ǡ�����Ǥ� ��������Ƥ��� �����Ǥ�Ƭ����Ǥ� ����������ǡ� �Ǥ ��������������������������������Ƭ�������������� �����Ǥ�Ƭ����Ǥ��������������� ��������������ǡ� ��������������ǡ�����������������ǡ����������������� �����Ǥ���������Ǥ���������

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Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua



Are you or someone you know interested in giving their time and talent to support our Church? If you're a male age

18 or older and have been searching for the perfect opportunity to practice Catholic stewardship and bring hope to those who need it, look no further...Knights come from every stage of life, in countless corners of the world. Join us as we celebrate real role models in a world that needs men who lead, serve, protect, and defend the Catholic faith. Put your FAITH INTO ACTION...JOIN the KNIGHTS! Learn more about our council at Saint Rose at: ¿Hablas español? ¡No hay problema! ¡Podemos llevar a cabo una ceremonia de grado en español! Grand Knight - Barry Lee; 201-874-0746 or [email protected]. K of C Calendar: April 20 – Habitat for Humanity Build April 20 – Officers & Directors Meeting April 23 - Men's Group - Jo Call Room April 27 – Council Business Meeting April 28 – Fraternal Benefits Meeting April 30 - Men's Group - Jo Call Room For complete calendar details and information for signing up to volunteer, please visit:

Choral Music is coming back to Saint Rose and you are invited! We will field a combined Adult/Youth Choir and a Children’s Choir for the Feasts of Pentecost and Holy Trinity. And with only three rehearsals and two Masses, this is a perfect time for you to try it out before we start in earnest after Summer.

Children’s Choir – Grades 2-5 Rehearsals: Wednesdays from 6:30-7:10 pm. May 18, 25, & June 1. Masses: Sunday, June 5 11:00 & Sunday, June 12 8:30

Youth Choir – Grades 6-12 Rehearsals: Sundays from 9:45-10:35 am. May 15, 22, & 29. Masses: Sunday, June 5 8:30 & Sunday, June 12 11:00. (Youth Choir will combine with Adult Choir for these two Masses; we hope that the Youth Choir will be an independent ensemble this Fall)

Adult Choir – Grades 13-99 Rehearsals: Wednesdays from 7:15-8:15 pm. May 18, 25, & June 1. Masses: Sunday, June 5 8:30 & Sunday, June 12 11:00.

You don’t need previous experience. You don’t need to know how to read music (but it helps). You just need the desire to reestablish choral music in this place of worship! The Adult/Youth Choir will be joined by the St. Rose Choral Scholars (the small ensemble that has been singing at the 8:30 and 11:00 Masses for the last couple of months). The Children’s Choir will not just be window dressing in Mass – they will lead all liturgical elements of the service, from the opening Introit to the Communion Chant, including a choral anthem all their own!

To learn more and to sign up, please visit There you can also hear the anthems each ensemble will be singing in Mass. Please contact Brian Russell at [email protected] for more information!


17 de abril de 2022 April 17, 2022


MEET THE NEW PASTOR: FR. ISMITH DORISTIN� He was ordained a priest in 2017. Previously he was a vicar for two Haitian Bishops. He has been to Rome for training. His last position was vicar for thee Archbishop of Cap-Haitian and is now appointed to Notre Dame as pastor. Email: [email protected]

WELCOME newly ordained: FR. CARL-HENRY GARCON Carl-Henry was among 140 seminarians in 2015 welcomed to a new residence in Port-au-Prince following the earthquake in 2010. His education suffered multiple interruptions as the seminary of Notre Dame opened and closed periodically for disruptions and violence in Haiti. His sponsor for those long seven years was Jennifer Bryant a member of Saint Rose. We have sent Fr. Garcon our congratulations and offerings of continued prayers.

HANTISE-FLORE RENARD December 2021 college of nursing graduate. This past February she began working at Rose-Merci Clinic, and plans on staying one year as payback for support. This clinical time also helps to qualify her for formal certification. Carol Mitzner a Saint Rose member, sponsored her college education the past five years.

Saint Rose parish is providing educational opportunities for four adult Haitians of Notre Dame as well as the little ones in Robillard. Gary Wisniewski, has covered three years of Spanish and English language education for the principal at ND to be fluent in both for teaching. A pre-school teacher at ND will receive her teaching Certificate in June after three years of study. A member of the current teaching staff at ND has a daughter enrolled in her first year of Nursing School. A member of the Clinic has a brother enrolled in his third year of Mechanical Engineering at the University in Dominican Republic. Saint Rose parishioners, you continue to support ND School through FUNDING THE FUTURE, as well as feeding approximately 500 CHILDREN DAILY LUNCHES.

The 5th and 6th graders at ND are also receiving classes in agriculture, gardening and water preservation twice a week with the help of an agronomist. They share the garden produce with the cooks for their daily lunches. Trees are planted from seeds, taken home to grow and later sold and planted to help reforest Haiti. Proceeds from sale of plants are returned back to the program to purchase more seeds. Your support of the Rose-Merci Clinic benefits the whole population of this area with 24/7 assistance from the Physicians (4), RNs (3) and the support staff. Health issues are addressed, laboratory testing done, medications provided from the Pharmacy, Emergency treatment with referral to a hospital. There were 75 babies born at the Maternity Unit last year.

We always anticipate extra needs and repairs in the compound. The rectory and other buildings have sustained water damage leading to mold formation in some of the living quarters. The inverter which provides power to the rectory and church is being repaired with the possibility of needing to be replaced. The truck is currently running thanks to the money we were able to send for much needed repairs, but due to horrible road conditions, we anticipate more issues will arise.


Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua



17 de abril de 2022 April 17, 2022

PARISH NEWS REGISTRATION FOR COVECREST NOW OPEN! Covecrest is a Catholic summer camp for teens in grades 8-12. There are opportunities to swim, do arts and crafts, and most importantly, build community! Teens feel the Lord’s presence through daily mass, worship, Bible study and other spiritually engaging moments, and the sacraments. The camp is hosted in Tiger, GA from July 4 – 9. Transportation will be provided. For more information contact Megan Gregory at [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE! - BRASS AND ORGAN CONCERT, SUNDAY, MAY 1st at 7 PM Join Michael and Sandy Arndt for the next King of Instruments and Instrument of Kings concert. This program, rich in the music of the Church, will feature MTSU ensembles, as well as the winner of the 2022 National Trumpet Competition, Grace O’Connell. Join us for an evening of the music of Handel, Biebl, Bach, Stravinsky, and more! TEACHERS NEEDED FOR ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) CLASSES AT SAINT ROSE Saint Rose’s ESL (English as Second Language) program is up and running! Although he faced many challenges due to the pandemic, we hope to receive more students starting in August 2022.

We’ve witnessed firsthand many of our current students’ achievements and would like to share those with more Saint Rose Parishioners. Bilingual adults can enjoy more employment opportunities, communicate better, and participate more with their communities.

The next ESL season will start around the second week of August 2022, and they will take place either Sundays at 12:30pm or Tuesdays/Thursdays at 6:00pm.

If you would like to change a life by teaching your own language, helping people improve their reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities, please contact Melly Vega at (626) 590-4919 or [email protected]. More volunteer opportunities directly with Read To Succeed: [email protected].

PSR Easter Holiday PSR will not meet on April 17, Easter Sunday. Classes will resume on Sunday, April 24.

CALLING ALL 5TH GRADE GIRLS! Fidelis would like you to come & see what we’re all about! You are invited to our Wednesday Fidelis Nights for the rest of the school year and to be initiated as a Fidelis Sister in the fall. Fidelis forms girls - heart, mind, body, & soul - into a sisterhood of mature, virtuous disciples of Christ through the witness of Catholic women. Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 6. Please join us for mass at 6PM and then dinner & fun in the Jo Call Room. We will conclude at 8:30PM and moms are welcome to attend. Please see for more information. Please reach out to Sara Wylie with any questions: [email protected] or 615.900.7674

RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process that fully initiates adults into the Catholic faith. Classes meet regularly on Tuesday evening at 6:30. Classes will meet in rooms 329, 330, and 331 in Saint Rose School. For more information, contact Dr. Smith: [email protected].

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY A group of young Catholics (18+ year olds) striving for holiness in the world, and immersing themselves in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Scan the QR code to be added to our GroupMe to keep up with what we are doing. All are invited & we would

love to meet you! Join us for our Weekly Study/Reflection! Young Adult Book Study - Join us on Tuesdays 7PM at Red Bicycle (13 S Public Square) as we read through Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves by Jason Evert. We would love to have you there!

HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Come join us for fellowship and high school Catholic community. We will be meeting Mondays from 6:30-8:30 for dinner, a Lifeteen lesson, small groups, and a chance to make friendships. For more information, contact Megan Gregory at [email protected].

UNIVERSITY CATHOLIC MTSU University Catholic MTSU is a community of Catholic students committed to human flourishing, intellectual formation, spiritual growth, and apostolic works of service. Our motto is “proposing Christ, forming disciples.” For more information, contact Dr. Smith: [email protected].

FIDELIS forms girls — heart, mind, body, and soul — into a sisterhood of mature, virtuous disciples of Christ, through the witness of Catholic women. All girls in grades 6-12 are invited to attend. We meet weekly on Wednesday night at 6:00 pm beginning with mass and moving to the Jo Call room for dinner & fun. For more information, please contact Sara Wylie at [email protected].

FRATERNUS forms boys into virtuous Catholic men. Fraternus meets every Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the gym. Boys in grades 6-12 are invited to join in. The evening begins with Mass at 6:00 pm and then moves into the gym for dinner, games, prayer, and formation. For more information, contact Dr. Smith:[email protected].

TROOPS OF ST. GEORGE If you have boys between the ages of 6 and 18 looking for adventure coupled with virtue, we invite you to join us at any regularly scheduled Tuesday night meetings. Meetings are from 7 to 8:30 in the gym or the adjacent courtyard. The Troops of St. George (TSG) is a Catholic organization that uses the outdoors as a canvas and the sacraments as a path for formation, friendship, and service to the Church. Weekly meetings and camping/outdoor events allow boys and their fathers the opportunity to work toward achievements together, strengthening the father/son relationship as well as cultivating new friendships within the Catholic community. For more information, please visit or contact us at [email protected].


Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua


Pastor Rev. John Sims Baker 615-893-1843 [email protected] Parochial Vicar Rev. Edwuin Cardona 615-893-1843 [email protected] Parochial Vicar Rev. Juan Carlos García-Mendoza 615-893-1843

[email protected] Deacons Deacon Pete Semich 615-890-5146 Deacon John D’Amico 615-427-8968 Deacon Mike Plese 615-893-1843 Director of Sacred Music Brian Russell 615-893-1843 x 1021

[email protected] Director of Catechesis Ben Smith 615-893-1843 x 1067 [email protected] PSR Administrator Lynn Sigler 615-893-1843 x 1012

[email protected] High School Youth Group Leader Megan Gregory

[email protected]

Business Manager Kim Smith 615-893-1843 x1013 [email protected] Director of Stewardship & Administration Amy Swartz 615-893-1843 x 1000 [email protected] Sacraments/Administrative Assistant Christina Bien 615-893-1843 x1001 [email protected] Administrative Assistant (English & español) Sandra Middleton 615-893-1843 x 1003

[email protected] Principal of Saint Rose School Sr. Catherine Marie, O.P. 615-898-0555 [email protected] Saint Rose Preschool Director Nicole Chauvin 615-896-2071 [email protected] Saint Rose School/Preschool Admissions Staci Rose 615-898-0555 x1017 [email protected] Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Barry Lee 201-874-0746 [email protected]

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Saint Rose of Lima Church has the following full-time openings: · Bookkeeper Resumes can be sent to Kim Smith at: [email protected]

Saint Rose of Lima School has the following openings: · Elementary School Teacher · Extended Care Workers - part-time flexible hours!! Resumes can be sent to Susan Akers at: [email protected]

BAPTISM, CONFIRMATION AND MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES are all filed in alphabetical order in the Parishioner Pickup Box located in Shepherds’ Hall. There are doors to Shepherds’ Hall on the right hand side of the church (as you face the altar). We would appreciate it if you

CATHOLIC MEN'S GROUP Join us for our Spring 2022 Catholic Men's Group with an inspiring 12-part video series on men's spirituality. We are studying the "Into The Breach" series presented by the Knights of Columbus. Open to all men. Join us for coffee, fruit, donuts, and fellowship beginning at 6:00am in the Jo Call Room. The video session starts at 6:30am followed by group discussion with dismissal in time for Mass at 8:00am.

SAINT ROSE PRO-LIFE MINISTRY You are invited to join in the pro-life ministry at Saint Rose of Lima Parish. Through prayer, we will seek the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to discern the talents and resources available to serve as a witness to the sanctity of human life for our parish. If you are interested in this pro-life ministry, please contact Barbara Young at [email protected]

CATHOLIC BUSINESS LEAGUE MEETING Three Dominican Sisters, Sister Cecilia Anne Wanner, O.P., President of Aquinas College, Sister Marie Blanchette, O.P., Principal of Overbrook School and Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. will be the featured speakers at the Catholic Business League's April 14 breakfast meeting. All are welcome to join us for the meeting at 7:45 am in The Fleming Center at the Cathedral of the Incarnation. Visit for more information.

CHRISTINE WOHAR, AUTHOR OF FINDING FRASSATI SPEAKING UCat Speaker Series (April 20), 7 p.m., Cathedral, Fleming Center, 2015 West End Ave., Nashville. Finding Frassati: And Following His Path to Holiness, with author Christine Wohar, Executive Director of FrassatiUSA. All are welcome.

PRIEST EMERGENCY CONTACT Should you have an emergent need for a priest after office hours, you may reach one by calling 615-809-8736. If the priest does not answer, please leave a message.

CURSILLO Saint Rose parishioners, we are so excited to share that the Cursillo weekends are BACK! If you have been praying about going or have wanted to encourage someone else to go, the time has come. You can visit to read all about Cursillo, see when weekends have been scheduled, and even apply. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Megan Hutchings: [email protected] The Saint Rose Cursillo Family is praying for you!

Men's English 2022 Fall: Sept 15-18

Women's English 2022 Fall: Sept 29-Oct 02

Men's Spanish 2022 Fall: Oct 6-9

Women's Spanish 2022 Fall: Oct 20-23

AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR LOCATIONS In case you are ever called upon to get them please make note of

these locations: #1 - located in the Shepherds’ Hallway. Access this hallway from the right side of the sanctuary or the school hallway. If you are coming from the school hallway, fully prop the door open as you retrieve the AED so the door doesn’t lock behind you! #2 - located in the upper grade hallway near the exit door to the upper school playground.

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