rssssss^ Ifjstfr lEttcttfns IffraUi tio n s Irtuie Gift Pens For Mothe ...

r-•»■’•* •*..» .-^rr-. ' <*■■» 4*■«^« <w i ■ -. ’■^■^ V i- \- About Town lotMTMtod is tanrlM to tlw AoMTlcuia folk duioo lilBc put on ky the ■Mi am . floout traopa •t «te St. S umomT Sdiool mat XaitlM’nn and St. trdNa tomorrow aftar- S to 4 la tba yard of Mnot. m e«w of xata wia So pcmpooed *0 isitr !«• mmnal maattes of tha Var> FT*, wfll bahald Tuaaday rssssss^ MummtMB Mhar In i SlHW 1 nw s ^ y fc ta l l 2 k. idaht at S J o ^ ..t a tlw aoSool nudttortaiB. Iflaa ^ M acf of UM State XXpartiiaat of Ikfiioa- Uon wUl ahow oUdm of Sar roomt vW t to SwadOH and talk alwut tha aduoatioMl pco(mm « f that country. , v •A iBMcial maettnsof thaSt. Md> '.’a Canatoiy Aaaa. wm jte haM S*. tha lowar church at • 1 .Hoa- day. Dua to tha raoaat onlaci^ Bwnt of tha 'oaawtory andsttw plau baiac formad for Itadr aunt. It la aJopacM that puhihionara a w anah to^Ate aad paitldpafa l^tha arafS of i aaaoclatton. Mra. Normaa TraVla, M Turn* buu Rd., who la ra^alai Oyda O. Bockwtth. M l Mlfh^ tu a 8 t, amployod at Caao' Broa. lac., aad Richard A- Chl«M— MS HolUater S t, amployod at rear-Hart A Moftmaa- Baotyle <3o. la MirttOrd, haaa been ad to mSahonhlp lit tha laart< ford' Cntptar. NaUonal tloa o f Coat Acoountante. ___ lOS ' homo fo f Ifjstfr lEttcttfns IffraUi FRIDAY, MAY S, 1958 y alcbt at fit of I tlonafor ty of Ordar pi p.m. Uka, dTlag raoarva* aanivaraary par- Aaaambly No. IB, w for OirlB, _____ ...M ay 14, at « . Maaoaie TamplA would m aeea|yieaa by Mao'* Claroaea T. loa St., wiU a'aetback party _ S o'clock for tha/beaaflt of 8un2 It .CouacU N fi/ ^ t )a * r e o of Pocahoataa. till Vtmbara cordially lavl| _-Jjaatar man ara __ ____ amployaa at Pratt and itaojKAircraft who won a tote} ~~ 'M In monthly aussaatioa at the .Eaat Hartford acoonUns to William 'P . gaaoral managar. They are 1 ^ lb. Dubola, SS Enax St, who, won SUM -lad Hamilton HannayT^fS S t John S t, |1|H. WCTU will kayo an aU<day ttiaaday. May 10, from 10:90 ajn. la tha South Matbodiat CSutclw: Rad Cfoaa aowlnt wSl bo foUowod by a potluck Kmeboon at nooa, la charsa of MrA Marlon Barrott and bar committee. At X R m. tha Rov. John B. PoatW tlw orth MaSiodlat Chureh\will apmk cuV<AlcahoI, A cairlatlaa RaapoBaUMlity,** ^ Halrdraaaan 'of Manobaater adio contributad ganarouMy to ^ arthritic clinic at Maachaator Mo* mortal Hoapital have baaa laritad to laapect tha a*w therapy depart-, mant, Wadneaday, May 11. at 1:90. Mr. and'Mra. Ruaaall T. Mocmaa, 58 Chaatnut S t, announce tlw Hrth of a daugb^, liaidA Jana, on ^ 9 at tha Wtotford'^oapltol. Tba mMarhal grandparanU are Mr. and Mra. William P. McOaUand of 91 Lako S t and the pi grandparanta ara- Mr. aad Richard Mooaan of Old Hw Bowora PTA win hold ita gnmal awatlng Monday, May ». in tha aefaool auditoctum. Prompt- ly a t T p jn . ahrth gradara wUI pra- aont a half hour eoacart’ o f muaic ahjoyad durfog the year. A t S o'clock olactloa of OBcara for thp eomliig yaar wlU ba bald aad r4- porta for tha praaant yaar wUf ba aubmittad. A aortal hotm^wl^ape dial rafraahmaata will oor prograln. ia SmblarnA^ No. 0 Day moating at S pm. at B lte NbiBa. BbckvlUa. A aortal wOhrSiteStalMnta wlU fol- W Stanlay McCray, ba aaali^ Mra Claranca Ka- Andrew damaon. Oraat ' Booka Dtacusatan win meat Wadaaaday night Tso at tha Mary Chanay U - ; The book to ba dlacutead la Vicol'a"Tha New Srtaaca." I . Changed fo r Bridge Party! The data of the annual daaaartl bridga party of tha Woman’a | ' Manchaatar'Mamorlal P iiagad from 0 tha follow- ] ly It, duo/to| ant for iha | Thiajrbar'adaaaart bridga. which] la b < ^ eallod tha Tulip ^Mma Paa- Uvai Bridga Party. wdU birhaM la | tha hoapital d in fv roam at 1:90 whoa a ohoieo of "ter dcaaorti" and oOffaa will ba i Mra. WIIMm -Stroud, chairman for thf party, haa an- nouacad that than will ba priaoa. AMESITE DRIVEWAYS \ EltfEim.Y INSTALUD _ — Ponaa SetT-— Ttmtt 1 Teanla Caarta — Walks tmans Xotons ' igod If. Imwiod .nONS SOTBBWiatiD^BV BROTI HEi> ItM - ANTTIBfE V -—.. HABTPOBO CHapaM-S«t i R sb Member af the Aaiit Baraaa ef OIroolattan z Mtatcheiter—Village Charm The Wsstirar Paramot af P. M Waottw TitegM llr-TiniMf may, dhawam after tettalgbt, Law la laibX.tPa. ahowarn. B g ii In aspar M>a V VOL. LXXIV, NO. 185 ............ ." ' rr (TWELVE PAGES) z. MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1955 /■ aa Pag* M) PRICE FIVE CENTS / JPire Takes Nine Lives Aa tha a^artty of tba, hwplUl aiwing rOom ia limited-tw47 taalaa, I advance 'raaertatloaa Should bal made; by eaUlBg,Mra. John AlUaon | or Mra. PhUl|);lilWrcomb^ ............ tions Irtuie ^you're T ^ ht Ae fe^nmy/~with Hie r /I / ■ .y'-'-v' ^ X / '; \ ■V Tbs isBMiit diMtIkst doM wooden for your fom - enf snd . teflorodwEiiSBifNSnosB pMfaottoot AoUoikbsdc pleste g|veyowrsiin»estesesee...siopls, ' InMyoorwsMlIaeSast,.. ^ ehb eoBereiBM worn twwayA Fies< biosdetel lorfbeMtsdrisc. Sbee ab I d 4a AfahtteiU W \ MNI_ eeoMd sow* bioedele*...wliiie. kft peitgiL Gift Pens For Mothe 1 - Parfoct arTtOii P«ui »n ngiflar fo u n ^ p a n i aad ball point ESTERBROOK F O U t ^ N PENS ............... $2-50 PAPERMATE B^IATOINT PENS $1.69 snd $2.95 KETRACTABIE BALLPOINT PENS ......... 59c SORIPTLKpUID LEAD PENCILS ........... 49c HOSIERY For Mother's Day Ohs ^ Full fashioned nylons in sheer and service weights.,.^, with reinforced heel sndided for extra wear. - / NdrMEND SHEER NYLONS $1.25 antT $1.65 PK _NO-MEND SEMI-SHEERS / .. $1.35 in d $1.65 Pr. A lba sheer nyl 6 ns :;fe iT ^ 9 c tc $i.i9 Pr. NO-MEND NEW STRETCH N ^ ^ N . . . $1.95 Pr. 'STOCKING X STRETCH NyLON . ... ^ $1.95 Pr. ARKWRIGHT 60 GAUGE^HEERS .... $Tt06 PT. NOySEAM SHEER NYLONS . $1.35 and $1.50 Pr A^JInnsi^^ ^ Gift Billfold For Mother Plan qualt^ Lady Buxton genuine laathar bUtfoid all with changa compartment. $ 2 '^^ to $5 * 9 ? **'• ' y TheJ S K IU U COM MMKMnTCa. COMM- ^ \ Stored In Our Own Vault On The Preihises PURS^STOREO FOR 3*A OF YOUR VALUATION UNTRIMMED CLOTH GOATS ~ Ha 5 e FUR TRIMMED CLOTH GOATS $2 j N ^JW HAU com MAMCMitTMi Comm * ■\ '■» ii s X es on X Plremaa aaaiat two reaMente of tlw Caaifirt hotel dawa hi the Chleago hatrt. NIm lodgora wore fcSM aad U Injnrad. mead oootoa o f Uvea. (KBA Tbiaplwto). -\>. aa a a ^ ladder ddUteg tod. raM actloii'^' a term alarm Mato 'police aad draaaea TOPPERS in Baa^lful Pastel C d l^ i _ $|Q. 9 |il Cift For Mother Colorful printa aad att a ^ te haadkeKhtafa with Uea a 4 ^ or ombroldorad eorhara ' , 25 *' ta Z*9C Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales .-7 fi* iir^m ..'.A / 7 / ik.JW.HAMUbiui ^ MMWNnm Cemr, -/ ./ Boost in jobs Seen Boon to GOlP ’56 Hop^ / Waahington, May T (P>—Soma ./Rapubllcana aald today a aaw> gala la employment—If the trend con- : tlnuaa—promlaea to undermine a jppteattel Democratic taaue In tha- ISM 'iM ^dcntial caaipaign. But aoma Demperata inalatod that an April flgura of 41.68S,0^ paraona -working on rtviUaa ,>wa te "mlalaadlng,** arguing th*ra la oriUoal unompioymant in many areaa of fba\country. A joint re- port yaatarday by thd Labor aM / ' Ooaimerca Bapaiwenta alto Mid' unaaqtloymant dropped by 900,000 to about 3,M2,000. dop JaateSed , San. /Tvaa ( R ^ ) aald the re- port that aawloy;fwat roae by a record l,X0e,0o0 from early Mardi to. larly April "antiraly Juatlflaa tha pra^tioaa Ow adiMalatratlon Jaat yteriwbte Doaip- crata ware crying daproiwian." San. Kuchal (R-Cahf) aald in a ' aoparato tatap> law that if tba tread oowtlaiwa' “it tertalaly will da- atroy a Daawcratie campaiga laaua for ItSd,** Oa the. other hand. Sea. Blgora (D-W Va) contended the govern- mant report overlookad what ha aald waa aarioua unamploymant In m a ^ regtona. "Thla uaempl 03 nnant U going to (Coatteuad an Page Etevea) / Newsmen Rap Censorship of Formosa News f: say good morning to summer w i^ a garland of appleblpssoms lovely for Mother’s Day giving it’s an Taipal, Formoaa, May 7 OP) — Tan foredgn correapondaata sraatar- day protested that^-a, condition of affactiva da ,facto cahaorehlp now exists ia Farmoca.' They object- ed to the attitudaa of both Na- tionaUat ^and V.B. officiala toward mtws. ' r The cornapdadanta made one eomplaiiUt in a latter to Wu Nan- Ju, diraMor of the HationalUt Oovemmant Informatioa Bureau. ' T lw y aaid the cenaorahip ia not ahamtetrlxad by tha delation or failure to clear nawa atorlea but .*T>y the withholding of virtually all information no matter whether It la o f a nature whlrti ahould ganerata abroad claairar unda^ atandlng ef the govammant and Its cauaa." “This condition haa grown pro- gra^vely wqraa during racant daya," the lattai* aalA "Tlw at- titude with which wa ara mat ia aha of polite but aoaathrtam Srm raaUtance to laglUmata raquaata for nawa or background informs- tkMIe - “Conununication between the govemmrtit and tba foreign preaa has in practical affect become lim- ited, to the tsaulag of occasional coBununiguaa which era both too brief and too vague to ba of maan- Ingtol aarrica." rae T«k widi ToilM Water. l AO Cream Pew4sr witk Creamy Skia Pwfaaw, 1.56 T ^ k t Water wilb AhmI mt .ISO DwdagPmitewjili ToiktWalMilOO i K .ir-i Deli^btfol (rs*rsiiee of lore and ludi... ts Ui^tt... youtkfcil... ewsiss s saw , asM for Utu « by mekfa« 7 W feel ilie.iavi|srali9| eastisawel of Puis in the Spriag! TjW/etitetesg items ere elw ewOekle 6i Moiteel A e Sail# FlrfarntLSaiiO ToOstWater;U5 sad 100 TwiilkkSelidCeb^liS Ctm isr SkM Pirfm M ; 14)0 Tale«a,1.00 "tewMwlawplSbfteemilw,teaJA' a0tmOit ■right appleblesMms cover this tleak coachman howococrtl ha now ombouad cotton b tiuua walght, nen-dinging, lovat ioop»idi;..and needs no ironing to slay hraih and erbp os • sunny day. K g p ^ o ts bold shopping fists. . . big buttons onhonct hs Hny wabt. KuO, dotfodll, pink. .correspondents urged: Intarpratation into Enghsh a f conuntmiquaa, spaedixig up of distribution' and rtniultaneous availabiUty to aU. . X. That fully informed spokes- Bsan of government regularly or (Oaaltonad an Page Five) Cjaghji Held Fralt of Pilot Sixes 12 to 20, 14>/s to 24^--S8.98 sm 7v . Waahlngton, May 7 <iP) — Va* of proper flying teehniquaa probably could Iwva avotdad a rtana crate teat Noy. 5 near Olaatonbury, Conn., in which one person was kiUad aind another sariously In- jured. says the Civil AaroaauUca Board (CAB). Tha plane, a tockhaad Lodestar ewaad by Joha Fox. publUber of the Baatm Poet, was an route lipOuardia Airport, N.T., to Airport, Bootoa, wbaa it mltea aouthaaat of .Jt sras trylag to Bradtey Fteld, W i n d s o r , Xe mites awe; MQad'ibM Pilot Jo£i K. Ma^anste aaaiaaair bdomd. Tbraa ] away. . was I aa Pbgo lira ) vSs reported riue Waahington, March 7 (/P>—An afijeeinent near today to end the 65-day strike on the Louisville Sc Nash- ville Railroad Monday morning and send the disputed issued to arbitration. The agreement was hammered out at an all 8 (ht aasstea' of union and awn-V' arm janwat rapraaantatlvas with the NaUonal Mediation Board. Sonw' detaU* ■till ware being -worked out but the mala faaturas o f the agraamaat—the basis' for arWtratiag tha case (wbmitting to a nautraTa binding decision)—bad bean dsoMad upon it waa tearned frtmi tea nagoUa- tors. Might Taka Several Bean They aald it bdght taka several boura for tee final arrangamaats to ba amda and foraial doeumanU wriUaii and tegaSd. But'It waa apparent teat tea loagast railroad atrSie tea nation has exparia4cac la 99 years, ia- volvbig XS.OOO workanr, . waa rapidly eosalag to-a eteaa. Madtatioa Board O b a l r m a n Fraarta AJ CNeU Jr„ said tba longtei.pravioua atrika waa oue that fan over 10 &ey» in 1P9S, ona teat ^ tha ualofna. / This praaant walkout started March 14 aad paralysed rail trana- portation over most of tha South. It haa had wtdaapraad economic affects, partieuteriy in tha coal in- dustry. Datsite of tha agraamaat ware withheld, pending slgnaturaa. The strike was oa tha verge of aatUamant Thursday night whan tha fatal shooting Of a striker near M t Pteasant, Tana., atallad tke nagotiatiana iTba Mediation Beard auccaadad, feewavaf. In gat-, ting tha negoU^oas raaumad frt- day aftamoon and they coatinuad all Bight. > ^ ThON had," baaa . a .ipimbar of othto teooUhiga aad oUtak-'vtefl^oa in tha }0ng vraJkout, ' ik- ' Traia-Oyaalrtteid:-''''.;,-^'’-" bnly teat alght company aaiptl- atora reported the dyaJunitlBg of a train la Kentucky. Masawhlla, ’ Raymond D;' Mur- phy, X9, a LoutevUte A Natevllte Railroad Bridga guard, was/ ahot and killed near FVaakfort about ntelaigM. State 'Pollea said tea shoottog waa acrtdontal. Offioara quoted Murphy’s broth- (Oahtiaaad oa Page fiv a ) Formosa T^uce Hope Brighter, Menon^Claims New DaUU, India, May 7 V. K. Krlahaa -Menon took dR for Peiping today declaring the *'at moaphara for aatttemaat of the fbrmomn' quaation lii daSiiitaly batter" than before. As Prime Minister Nehru's chief fhfatga policy adviser boarded a pteao cn tasilo- to taBu wMh- Red eWaa'a Pramter Ctom Bn-lali ToralgB Office nwkasman aaid he w m M probably raniain in Prtpiag 10 days to tsro waoka. Naaru ia sending Menon to Red China In an effort to keep talks over a negottetad aatUement of tha Formoaa erteis alive. The visit waa arranged after Chou announced at Bapd:^.-two weeks ago that Red China waa ready to negotiate the Fomteaa altuaUon d ii^ tly with the United Statea. < Aakad whether he waa carry- ing any definite formula for presentation to Chou. Menon rc- farrad newsman to What Nehru told Parliament April 30. Xtetertala Na Piajodieea* Ihe Prime Minister said then *Sve entertain no prejudices. Wa do not feel oursalvaa barred la respect Of any approach that will lead to peace.'’ .-Informed acNtrcaa aald Niehru 'had aaked Menon to atop off in In- -dochlaa on hte return from Peiping and make an on tha spot study of tba situation in South Viet Nanu . These toformanta said that “if -davalopaiaats warrant, N e h r u cnii^t even ask Menon to procoad direct- to Waahing^n to talk to tha other skte, bu t'It all dapanda on what happons batwaen now and the nast fortnight.'' (OoateiBod OB Page P Iv e j' U.S. Urges [ Halt of AU Salk Shots Washington,' May 7 The goverament today urged that all polio vaccinatioii pro- grams be halted untiLIt can report Sunday whether, in its view, present supidiO} of the Salk vaccine aiVkiwfe. \ . Surgeon Cenertl L a o n X r d A. Scbecle' made this aanouncament early today, several houfa after a alx-man medical panel completed a two-day study Uf the way \ia which tha aerum is manirfaatigbd and tested. \ Scbeela gave np hint- of what' tha panel had raportM Ha Indicat- ed, .though that other “infbrma- Uon" alao Wrtild be consldarad be- fore tha Public Health S e r v i c e gives an offlclid opinion gu n d a ^ - Cleared Vaortae Safe Only yesterday. Scheele had rec- ommended that vaccinaUon pro- grama be continued. He aaid then that vaccine already cleared by. tha B ^ th Service for public use waa aafo. - Officiate of the National Foun- dation for Infantile Iteralyais could not bcreached for comment on the lateat move in the vaecine aituaUon. The medical papal met' at the National Institutes of Health, Bethaada, Md., after a number of statea reported post-itioculatlon polio casex One member of the group waa Dr, Jonas Salk of Pitiaburgh, developer of the vac- .rtax',,' Urgsa Pestpaaemsat Tha Health Service said in a 111 ...... . Blast Effects Manchester ‘Sits Tight’ With Plans I" . The starting date of the mass anti-poiio inoculation program in Manchestef and Connecticut depends en tir^ on word due Sunday from Washington bn an evaluation now being made of a. report 'pn the Salk vaccine. Harold 8. Barrett, a state dapbty health conuniaalpner who Hvet ^sqt 120 Lakewood Circle South, said “Tha program te not being canceled, but we're Just sit- ting tight'^x United Sta'tM Surgeon Oen. ard Scheele'early this mora- l a s u a d anXaaaoOacatBant ig that aU tnoouatioas ba held up Ttrading comptetion o f a atudy of tm. report miulo by a panel of top medical experta. Schcete aaid tea evaluaUoa would bo ready tomorrow. The 'report was made by a six-man Oommittea hm involved mrthods and mamuac- ture and testing of the ih^ertao, ' Plana Nat Oaneetod Meanwhile, Dr^. Stanley H. Oa- born, Connecticut^; state health commiasioner, said ^ atate will Civil defanae ebaervara, St Survival City, Nav:, to Icani Srat hand what aa atomte baaab can do, gat a graphic lasaaa (Blay •) aa they view the wreckage af two bouaea which were Mnaaheil la explosten tee day before. At right la wraehage of-a two-story hridc hoqae and at left a oae-atory. fteme honoe. Bote were 4,7M feet frem the exploalon. (AP Wlre^Mto). ' ' IJbrary Rites to Mark Truman’s 71 st Birthday Kansas City. May 7 UP )— On tbs tbroabaid ef 71 years, Harry 8 . Truman can't sea anything but) work ahead. 1 'He wouldn’t want It any oUtar. way aa ha raachas that aga tOinor-| row. Ha Sguras It wUl taka many! mere annivaraariaa before he runs' out of aoraething to do. .1 “Something always (wna 19 ,“ j hs said, referring to his ' recent | quips that ha'U run tor pnstdant; again when be raachba M. - ) To him Sunday’s anniversary j wOl be something apartal. I OoM-Platad Shovel * In hla. hometown.of nearby In- dependenea ha’U take up a gold- plated ahoval to hraak ground for hie dream, tba fl.TSQ.OOO Hafry & iTwan- Ha la lookteg forward to having tha papers e f hte 'ad'rtnlatrathm under one roof where /tfaay’U ba avallabia to sehoteia and hlator- Birthday Sunday' statonwBt that it would evaluate tha panal'B racommandattoos a i^ bthiir informatioh. than aanounea ita ending. It SMSd; fPanding tea Sunday anaounea- mant, the Surgeon Ooneral rec- ommended that atatoS' and mu- nirtpaUtiaa postpone their vac- cinaUon progranu.’* Schaala. had announced yaStar- day that tha government was (OonttaMd an Page Flys) . X , ^ ~ \ , Biltler Assails Defense Q iiefs ^Paper Gurtain’ New London, May 7 UP )—A top Democrat today had accused 'De- fanae Secretary Wilson of having aat up a ''paper curtain" of cen- aorship In connaeUon with the ac- UvlUea o f hte dapartmant. Assailing tha SXsanhower ad- mintetrmUon in a speech before tha ConnecUcut State Convention of Young Democrats hero, Damo- craUc NaUonal Chairman Paul M. Butler said teat night the enUro pubUshtag-^:. industry U disturbed over what.ha termed tha canaor- ahip rule impoaad by Wilson. BuUor aaid Wilaon has issued an ordar that all praaa rateasaa from hte dapartmant must make a ’cbnatrucUva contribuUon." “His rule,'’'Butler Said, “sate ii|i a papay curtain which may ba used by his'department to hide any- thing that does not show him and his departilMBt in the moat favor- able light” YT- Butter said a canaorshlp ayatam Buch as aat up by Wilaon would not be Justified even In warUma. Ha added: .“ Mr. Wilson dooa not understand that hla gag rule has no place In the public buatnaas.” Butter called the order “parti- san mlamanagamant on an alarm- ing scale—mtediractlon of-govern- ment power In Uie moat aenaitlvo area of popular aalf-governmant— the arte of proas freedom and-tba- ' public's right to know."-t^' •The “muxiUng order” grew out of two’forms of axtramim. ter aald., W .v- One, he said, was the fetish for Steely ^arttL ^est T.eadeTs Cenwiit Turn -i'V - - About two-teirds of tes coat of tha atructnro have baan rotead, wban' completed tea library and its ertitents will ba offared aa a gift to tha United Statea. ' Queato at tea caramonlaa Sunday aftamoon and a'M g Mrthday din- -har that evening in Kansas City WiU find Traman. Wall recovered from the aorioua gaU Madder opar- aUon ka uadanraat text m/tamn. Hte awn apprasial of hte oandRlon IsteiB: ' “A t 71, I foal aa good as avar, altboqgh I can’t go as fast aa 1 did 99 yaars ago.*'^^ Owsfe Uait Dtottogliaha#. ThaguM list for tea dual af- fair !a g Haig CM of fonaaa ertU- ■not nwatofra, ■poaaoqntto party ;s; 9 in u ]f ara Daa* ie h aagn; focmar Sacra- tary .of Stita; W. SnyOw., former Secretory- o f teo Traaaucyr' Warren Auatln; fnhgii ctaiaf date- aau to tka Unttod Hattona, Jniata .T« MaOayq;,,. » riBak-:Att|l|y«y (M Roqd Financing Watelhgti Cora (D-Taiin) said today ba ba- Itevaa a ravislon in. bis highway :<f[n«Miiig- bui 'voted by tea Sen- atePHbUc Wosba Cbnanittca should allmlnata - aU cppoaltkm from state govamora ItepubUcana bacfctng Praridant Bteenhowar’a aitamaUve road- building plan bad baan eoiinUBg heavily on prossura from tho gov- atnoiia to swing congraaaional santlmant In ita favor. Bavtral RapubUean aad Demo- cratic governors Igaka' out for „tea admlntatraUOB p rop o ^ /at mast: bigs hare aarUer in qbS praak, al- tbgugb tba Gore maasura won aomo Daraocratle support. Tlte ravislon Oora igoka of woUId^ .<C aalNga nao) lie Survival City, Nav.,,May 7 UP) -Man-made steal, ^ c r a ta and earth shelters may^te the only soUd defensiva anawar .to man's moat terrifying waMXiBi, atobilc and thermonuclear bombs. That appaari today to ba tha forqmoat tonglbla reamt of opera- tion cue, the major CIvU Defanae test, and allied military expari- manta in Thursday’s iwwarful atomlo shot. Two dogs in a conerota bath- room ahalter Uvad through the blast that teyaiad tea rest of one houao'7/8’of a nUte from ground saro.' Mannequins in ahaltera in Bhraddad go ahead with,its plaps to Inocu- 1^0 ^ o o l ^ d r o n unlrtw it ia toM Oil W orld ProbleiDs another house were un- affected. And tha eommah^ar yof Task Force Rasor, tha tank )m up which bi » , rode out tha blast in SS, tanks at 9,100 yards,' said they might have been twica aS cloaa without dan- ger. ’ ’T beUava wa could move them (OonttmiMI' on Rage FlVa) News .Tidbits Called from AP Wires vice Praaident Richard M. Nixon aaya oasanca . of Formoaa problem ia to “maintain paste without aurrenderlng “our nation’s rights . . .-Oil palateig from ter .1|3astaM Churrtim te-among glfta given Arthur' Hayai Sulrtterger marking bis XOte anidvarsary aa praaident and pubUabaf of Naw ■fork Timas. Mir. Fraaklyn D. Roosevelt aaya aba wlU deeSae say pension voted by Oingraaa for widows of Prasi- danta . . ...Soviet First Deputy Pramisr. taw ir ~lf. Kaganovich Raaaina'detogatloB bi Prague to help celebrate 10th ahniveraary af Ckachoa,lovakte'a Ubaration from Naste. Imprisoned bank bandit ia suing talovlaion program sponaor (or 910,000 oa charge o f reanacting crime hs''Committed and invading hte privacy . . . Anwrlcan actor, writer and dlractor Orton Wallas Stea formal -notice on hla 40th birthday of tatentlon to marry Italian actioaa Paoula Mori American daatroyera will^aobn armed with gnISed mlaallaa and ultimately wtO ba atemlc-powarod . UB. Court of MUitary a[ boMa naa af wirotap avidance gathered from armed forcaa, tela- phone Unas. T u g ^ a v dlMomat in- Hartford doctei^ “It ia abaolutaly naces- sary that stotaa with differing so- cial aad poUtlcal syatema cot- labmnte to aatve tlio problenH which might .lead to World War m .”.. . , Ocaan Unar traffic pIlM ap to Xivatpaai, England aa unoffi- cial atrlko by Augboat man para- lyaaa this buw port. Polios in (^vantry, R. I. aay lS-yaar-o)d teadar of gang of Juva- nlla thtevaa -whose long aeries of broaka came'to-and this-weak really wanted to ba cbemlat. Magaalna Aaro Digaat aaya Rua- alBB agglnaar may kava baeoma tUxt paatoo to fly Ska a bird in anUptena w in flapptog wings. PsHo, May 7 (jp)— Westernts*"*** c Wm of auta. - former Emperor Bao Dm, againat Premier Ngo Dlnh Diem. FoUowlng Diem's victory over the rebel Binh Xuyan group in last week's bloody fighting, the issue now is. whether Vlat Nam wlU ro- main a monarchy or bocoma a Ra- publlc. Raporta from thO 'Scute Viot- itomaoe eapitol of-Saigon aay Diem ia datamilned to aat up a rapubU< and sqtiaaaa out Bao Dal, if t l' Big Three wiU racognlM sucj move. Hia FVanoh ara raporta*^ anx- loua to achieve , a Joint SVanc))- American poUCy on all hhiaea cif the Indochineaa rttunmn. Roproaeqtatl'roa of both aldea In the currant VletnaipMaa streggia 'w ill be on band snould tea Big Tbi-M want to hfor their vlawi'. Bao Dhi haa laft Ma French RIvi- ara rotraat from which ha haa behti trying to maatermlnd tha VIethamssa .ertete to be on hand iW tha talks hero. biam'a brother, rovtng ambaa aaddKNgo Dtnl. Luyen, baa also arrived in tha french oapltal. The Big Three mtntstaro ara also expected to examine the recent Rad Ohinaaa offer to negotiate the ..diapiAa leaders gathered here today to thresh out the snarled Far Eastern Situation and to wel- conie sovereign West Gcr- Inany into the free world al- liance. Secretary o f. State puUea ar- rived by air from Washington at 11:15 am.-for tea meeting. In a statement to ne'wamen, ha aald the -preaent mood was one of "graatar confidence for tha future of Euro- pean peace.” The U.S. Secretary, who appear- ed spry aad -Wall rested fftar hia ovartii^t flight in President El- sanhowar'a plqne, tha Cbtumbtna, added that ha^opad aoon to atgn an Auatrian ptoce troaty. Meeta French First DuUaa' first aaailon, howavar, waa with Pramiar Edgar Fauro, Foraign MbUater Antoine Rlnay and other high French officiate. They ware tO meat immadlataly to discuss tha crucial Indochina aita- Gtion. Later, BrtUah Foreign Secre- tary Harold Macmilten^waa to Join DuUaa and tha FrancX laadan in a >raUminary atudy o f tha whole Far Baatem queatiop including For- moaa. , Of immediate foncern to the Big TTiroe diplomaU was the seething poUtical eonfUet which haa pitted rivlae. ««>t poatpoplngV hold- ing up murthlng unlaaa waS» told to ^ ao,’'N » aaid. “Wa'rA ( rylhg on aa wa planned.” / He aaid it Would be point and eonfualng to poiiemant and than Jo announce that tear will ba on again. DatpiU SrtMrte’a statement -tbs SiaftiGtlOB eUKUlUlvl morrow. Dr. Barratt^ndieaM 1 m^ felt no certainly/thte-^rottertete' data would be m et ■ “ The report has already be«ydaUyad.” he aaid, hddlag^ ‘TU eypect it when I it" fa Wnli\ Schcal^ aUtwnent early today did not A ffect ConnacUcuffs plan, accor^g to Dr. Barrett \ . ^No- bod)^lanned to go ahendi (with th^lnoculation program) <in ad- ice of the evaluation report yway.” he aald. ”We. hat planned to wait.** . 'nia MainchestSc program te aehodulad . to gat underway in toCB of tho ‘■"■m Forosnaa- United eutsis. I dlractly with the (OMttoiaad ap Pago Five) - Peron *8 PolicejQrush Protest by Catholics Bum.0. Alraa, Argtetlnm-May (p>—Sabar-awlnglng' mounted po- lice broke up a maaa march through Buanot Airea laat night aS Roman Catholica da^onatratad their loyalty to tea church in lU current’ dlfficultlaa with the Ar- ganUna government ^ A t least 40 marchers ware ar- roatad. Ona ^Uceman waa In- jured In tba acuffla with tha crowd, which ahoutad pro-church slogans. One of te# arrested men waa idantlSad aa witlrad Army Brig. Gan. (Mrlos Cterrta ■toga^rkRSr'ln evening Mass arMstropoUtim Oa- thadral attended by an ovarSow crowd that blocked traffic in tha aquarc. Worahlppara, unable to gat into tha cathedral, Uat«ad to tea tarvica through loud apaakm. nia huge aaaambly ahoutad "Our Uvea tor Joau5i” '>Snd "Argan- Una 1a Catholic.” Tbby H*.* national anthem aald OlhoUc hymns. After tea aanrtce, tee march began - down faahionabla Florida Street. *• A handful of poUoa watched m tea damonatantoto poured through tha city's thaatar district, and along Cterriantea Straat. After they had gone 12 hlocka, a- cordon o f police attempted to stop the march and fighta broka out The mounted offtears thaq moved in to break it up.. TIm- damanaUrgtteu cams aa. tea (Hmgroaa atedtad roaaa- onfsailisd at g^arattoff ahurrti iciam lx tea official state roU gion- ' . ' A t a May Day damonatration against tha church Sunday, fol- lowers of Prasldaht Juan Paroa vociferoualy apaakers advocating an and to thq church's position. Paron has bean waging a run- ning battle with the churrti ainca Hovambar wban ha accused aoma msmbara of tha clergy of at- tempting to undarmine hia re- gime. -TOa church denied tea 'charge. Twanty-alght Ptfoato have .featlLJBCrmt.i4YA)9«»J" " " gan. In addition to aooklng aa and to Cathoheism as tha atate roligton, Paroa'a aupportan have introduc- ed a bUl in thx Senate to outlaw Oathrtlc rrtlgloua teaching in pub- lic schools: This measure Is paoted to cloar both HOUaas quick- ly and ba signed Into law by Par oii. The government “temporarily" haltfd rollgious education in pub- lic aad private acboola Jlw** waaka ■SO- Argentina j^ la tes have protest linat P a r on's offorta to tha tlaa between church and state. Utay contend tha churdi doss not oppose a divialen of pow- ers batwaen tea two, but strongly Opposos their'm oral aaparatlon, Oovamroant paymant of rt*flted talarloB would and if Catholicism ooaaod to ha tea atato rtligloa. Tba goviwMagBt baa paid teeae day morning 15 Jamas alamentary achoolg and ii} St. naa Parochial School. A hum- (Oonttonad oa Pago Fivo) Biilletiiis froia the AP Wires \ PLAN BRIDOBrOBT EXODUS Bridgeport, May 7 UP)—A pfaua far toe vohiatary avacnatloa of Bridgeport la tee event of na •temie air attack haa - been drafted by tee OivU Defense ar» gaaisatlaa aad approved by Mayer McLevy. The plan la da- algned to mo\-e-'tho c i^ s U SA*# resideBta Ifr to Se milea to the north as that aa poaalUe. CHIANOy WARNS EGYPT ^ Cairo, Egypt, Btay 7 (P>—Na- flonaBat-Chiaa told Egypt today abe will Bot bo held re^enelhto for aay diamage to Egypttaa ahlpa or goods la Famaan Strait, llw CMaaaa Aateaaaodar ooavayed hts govanunaat’a peal- tiea to the Fareiga Mtadatry. - Trade hetwoea Egypt and Bed Chinn Iq^ expected to hepranaa-r FIBE BOUTS S2 FABOUES Naw Havaa, May 7 UP)— Thirty-two famlUaa were driven to the etreet In a Sre wUeh dM aa eatfanated 92,990 danmga to a Tark St. apartaaeat bulldtag bare early today. Fire (M m Tbamas C oU ^ whs Sxed tea leaa, aald tee die was esaSasi to a vaeaat fenrtb-Saor two roam apartment. ' ELY HITS SAiOON CHAEOE eommlasioaer- general la ladn oblaa, today daaeribed Vlat Nam aocnaatlona teat Fieaeb sStoen tnraad mualtlaas over to tbe mrttow Blab Xuyan aortal aa a dlatortlan. ■ ______ CUBIC FOB MAO IN UN Bwk Hiu Pblla, PnH Mny 7 m r^Ybe director of tbe Wertd Oeonqll of Cnnrcbee^ Gemmle- alen an International Aflnlrs •aggest tent n sincere eosamlt- amat be given ta sm tba way far nMlaB an Bed ditoa’a atatoa in tea Uattad Nattena. govacMaant - *ha Chur ' mnny' I itvaB tealcbardi otear flnaa- SM for yoan. UALENVOY TO SSaB' DUUBB E Ybiaspaaa Jr„ flaw ta TmOa tadMT for af I .7

Transcript of rssssss^ Ifjstfr lEttcttfns IffraUi tio n s Irtuie Gift Pens For Mothe ...

r-•»■’•* •*..» .- rr-. ' <*■■» 4 *■« « <w i ■-.. ’■ ■

V i-\-

About TownlotMTMtod is tanrlM to

tlw AoMTlcuia folk duioo lilBc put on ky the ■Mi am . floout traopa • t «te St. SumomT Sdiool mat XaitlM’nn and St.

trdNa tomorrow aftar- S to 4 la tba yard o f M not. m e «w of xata

wia So pcmpooed*0 isitr !«•

mmnal maattes o f tha Var> FT *, w fll bahald Tuaaday

rssssssM u m m tM B

Mhar Ini SlHW 1nw s^y fc ta l l 2


idaht at S J o ^ ..ta tlw aoSool nudttortaiB. Iflaa ^ M a c f of UM State XXpartiiaat of Ikfiioa- Uon wUl ahow oUdm of Sar roomt vW t to SwadOH and talk alwut tha aduoatioMl pco(mm «f that country. , v

•A iBMcial maettnsof tha St. Md> '.’a Canatoiy Aaaa. wm jte haMS*.tha lowar church at • 1 .Hoa-

day. Dua to tha raoaat onlaci^ Bwnt o f tha 'oaawtory andsttw plau baiac formad for Itad r aunt. It la aJopacM that puhihionara a w anah to^Ate aad paitldpafa l^tha arafS o f i aaaoclatton.

Mra. Normaa TraVla, M Turn* buu Rd., who la ra^ala i

Oyda O. Bockwtth. M l Mlfh tu a 8 t, amployod at Caao' Broa. lac., aad Richard A- Chl«M— MS HolUater S t, amployod at rear-Hart A Moftmaa- Baotyle <3o. la MirttOrd, haaa been ad to mSahonhlp lit tha laart< ford' Cntptar. NaUonal tloa o f Coat Acoountante.

___ lOS' homo fo f

Ifjstfr lEttcttfns IffraUi FRIDAY, MAY S, 1958

y alcbt at fit of I

tlonafor ty of Ordarpip.m.Uka,

dTlag raoarva* aanivaraary par- Aaaambly No. IB,

w for OirlB,_____...M a y 14, at «

. Maaoaie TamplA would m aeea|yieaa by Mao'*

Claroaea T. loa St., wiU

a'aetback party _S o'clock for tha/beaaflt of 8un2

It .CouacU N fi/ ^ t)a * r e o of Pocahoataa. till Vtmbara cordially lavl|

_-Jjaatar man ara______ amployaa at Pratt anditaojKAircraft who won a tote} ~~ 'M In monthly aussaatioa

at the .Eaat Hartford acoonUns to William 'P .

gaaoral managar. They are 1 ^ lb. Dubola, SS Enax S t, who, won SUM -lad Hamilton HannayT^fS S t John S t, |1|H.

WCTU will kayo an aU<day ttiaaday. May 10, from

10:90 ajn. la tha South Matbodiat CSutclw: Rad Cfoaa aowlnt wSl bo foUowod by a potluck Kmeboon at nooa, la charsa of MrA Marlon Barrott and bar committee. A t X

Rm. tha Rov. John B. Poat W tlw orth MaSiodlat Chureh\will

apmk cuV<AlcahoI, A cairlatlaa RaapoBaUMlity,** ^

Halrdraaaan 'o f Manobaater adio contributad ganarouMy to ^ arthritic clinic at Maachaator Mo* mortal Hoapital have baaa laritad to laapect tha a*w therapy depart-, mant, Wadneaday, May 11. at 1:90.

Mr. and'Mra. Ruaaall T. Mocmaa, 58 Chaatnut S t, announce tlw Hrth of a daugb^, liaidA Jana, on ^ 9 at tha Wtotford'^oapltol. Tba mMarhal grandparanU are Mr. and Mra. William P. McOaUand of 91 Lako S t and the pi grandparanta ara- Mr. aad Richard Mooaan of Old

Hw Bowora PTA win hold ita gnm al awatlng Monday, May ». in tha aefaool auditoctum. Prompt­ly a t T pjn. ahrth gradara wUI pra- aont a half hour eoacart’ o f muaic ahjoyad durfog the year. A t S o'clock olactloa of OBcara for thp eomliig yaar wlU ba bald aad r4- porta for tha praaant yaar wUf ba aubmittad. A aortal hotm^wl^ape dial rafraahmaata will oor prograln.

ia S m b la rn A ^ No. 0 Day moating at S pm. at

B lte NbiBa. BbckvlUa. A aortal wOhrSiteStalMnta wlU fol-

W Stanlay McCray, ba a a a li^Mra Claranca Ka- Andrew damaon.

Oraat ' Booka Dtacusatan win meat Wadaaaday night

Tso at tha Mary Chanay U - ; The book to ba dlacutead la

Vicol'a"Tha New Srtaaca."

I. Changed fo r Bridge Party!

The data of the annual daaaartl bridga party of tha Woman’a |

' Manchaatar'Mamorlal

P iiagad from 0 tha follow- ] ly It, duo/to| ant for iha |

Thiajrbar'adaaaart bridga. which] la b < ^ eallod tha Tulip Mma Paa- Uvai Bridga Party. wdU birhaM la | tha hoapital d in fv roam at 1:90 whoa a ohoieo of "ter dcaaorti" and oOffaa will ba i

Mra. WIIMm -Stroud, chairman for thf party, haa an- nouacad that than will ba priaoa.


_ — Ponaa SetT-— T tm tt 1 Teanla Caarta — Walkst m a n s Xo t o n s 'igod If. Imwiod


i R s b ’

Member af the A a iit Baraaa ef OIroolattan

zM tatche i t e r— ■ V illag e C harm

The WsstirarPara mot a f P. M Waottw

TitegM llr-TiniMfmay, dhawam after tettalgbt, Law la laibX.tPa. ahowarn. B g ii In aspar M>a


............ ." '


z .


/JPire Takes Nine Lives

Aa tha a^artty of tba, hwplUl aiwing rOom ia limited-tw47 taalaa, I advance 'raaertatloaa Should bal made; by eaUlBg, Mra. John AlUaon |or Mra. PhUl|);lilWrcomb^............

t i o n s Irtuie

^you're T ^ htAe fe^nmy/~with Hie


/ ■ .y '-'-v '

• ^

X / '; \■V

Tbs isBMiit diMt Ikst doM wooden for your fom - enf snd

. teflorodwEiiSBifNSnosB pMfaottoot AoUoikbsdc pleste

g|veyowrsiin»estesesee...siopls, ' InMyoorwsMlIaeSast,..

ehb eoBer eiBM worn twwayA Fies<biosdetellorfbeM tsdrisc. Sbee ab Id 4a

AfahtteiUW \ M N I_eeoMd sow* bioedele*...wliiie. kft peitgiL

Gift PensFor Mothe

1 -Parfoct arTtOii P«ui »n ngiflar fo u n ^ p a n i aad ball point

ESTERBROOK F O U t ^ N PENS ...............$2-50PAPERMATE B^IATOINT PENS $1.69 snd $2.95 KETRACTABIE BALLPOINT PENS . . . . . . . . . 59cSORIPTLKpUID LEAD PENCILS . . . . . . . . . . . 49c

HOSIERYFor Mother's

Day Ohs ^Full fashioned nylons in sheer and service weights.,.^, with reinforced heel sndided for extra wear. - /

NdrMEND SHEER NYLONS $1.25 antT $1.65 PK _NO-MEND SEMI-SHEERS / . . $1.35 in d $1.65 Pr.A l b a s h eer n y l 6 n s : ; f e i T ^ 9 c tc $ i.i9 Pr.NO-MEND NEW STRETCH N ^ ^ N . . . $1.95 Pr. 'STOCKING X STRETCH NyLON . . . .^ $1.95 Pr. ARKWRIGHT 60 GAUGE^HEERS . . . . $Tt06 PT.NOySEAM SHEER NYLONS . $1.35 and $1.50 Pr

A ^JInnsi^^ ^

Gift BillfoldFor Mother

Plan qualt^ Lady Buxton genuine laathar bUtfoid all with changa compartment.

$2 ' to $5*9? **'•' yThe J S K I U U COM



Stored In Our Own Vault On The Preihises



^ J W H A U comMAMCMitTMi Comm*

■ \

'■» ii



es onX

Plremaa aaaiat two reaMente o f tlw Caaifirt hotel dawa hi the Chleago hatrt. NIm lodgora wore fcSM aad U Injnrad. mead oootoa o f Uvea. (KBA Tbiaplwto). -\>.

aa a a ^ ladder ddUteg tod. raM a c tlo ii'^ '

a term alarm Mato 'police aad draaaea

TOPPERSin Baa^lful Pastel C d l^ i

_ $|Q.9|il

CiftFor Mother

Colorful printa aad att a ^ te haadkeKhtafa with Uea a 4 ^ or ombroldorad eorhara '

,25 *' taZ*9C Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales


fi* iir m


/ 7 /

ik.JW .H A M U biui^ MMWNnm Cemr, —

-/ ./

Boost in jobs Seen Boon to GOlP ’56 Hop^/ Waahington, May T (P>—Soma

./Rapubllcana aald today a aaw> gala la employment—If the trend con-

: tlnuaa—promlaea to undermine a jppteattel Democratic taaue In tha- ISM 'iM ^dcntial caaipaign.

But aoma Demperata inalatod that an April flgura of 41.68S,0^ paraona -working on rtviUaa ,>wa te "mlalaadlng,** arguing th*ra la oriUoal unompioymant in many areaa of fba\country. A joint re- port yaatarday by thd Labor aM

/' Ooaimerca Bapaiwenta alto Mid' unaaqtloymant dropped by 900,000 to about 3,M2,000.

d op JaateSed, San. /Tvaa ( R ^ ) aald the re­port that aawloy;fwat roae by a record l,X0e,0o0 from early Mardi to. larly April "antiraly Juatlflaa tha pra^tioaa Ow adiMalatratlon itn ic Jaat yteriw bte Doaip- crata ware crying daproiwian."

San. Kuchal (R-Cahf) aald in a ' aoparato tatap>law that if tba tread oowtlaiwa' “ it tertalaly will da- atroy a Daawcratie campaiga laaua for ItSd,**

Oa the. other hand. Sea. Blgora (D-WVa) contended the govern- mant report overlookad what ha aald waa aarioua unamploymant In m a^ regtona.

"Thla uaempl03nnant U going to

(Coatteuad an Page Etevea)

/ Newsmen Rap Censorship of Formosa News


say good morning to summer wi^ a garland of appleblpssoms lovely for Mother’s Day giving it’s an

Taipal, Formoaa, May 7 OP) — Tan foredgn correapondaata sraatar- day protested that^-a, condition of affactiva da ,facto cahaorehlp now exists ia Farmoca.' They object­ed to the attitudaa of both Na- tionaUat and V.B. officiala toward mtws. •'r The cornapdadanta made one eomplaiiUt in a latter to Wu Nan- Ju, diraMor of the HationalUt Oovemmant Informatioa Bureau.' T lw y aaid the cenaorahip ia not ahamtetrlxad by tha delation or failure to clear nawa atorlea but .*T>y the withholding of virtually all information no matter whether It la o f a nature whlrti ahould ganerata abroad claairar unda^ atandlng ef the govammant and Its cauaa."

“This condition haa grown pro- gra^vely wqraa during racant daya," the lattai* aalA "Tlw at­titude with which wa ara mat ia aha of polite but aoaathrtam Srm raaUtance to laglUmata raquaata for nawa or background informs- tkMIe

- “Conununication between the govemmrtit and tba foreign preaa has in practical affect become lim­ited, to the tsaulag of occasional coBununiguaa which era both too brief and too vague to ba o f maan-Ingtol aarrica."


T «k widi ToilM Water. l AO

Cream Pew4sr witk Creamy Skia Pwfaaw, 1.56

T ^ k t Water wilbAhmImt.ISO


i K .ir- i

D eli^btfol (rs*rs iiee o f lo re and lu d i. . . ts U i^tt. . . youtkfcil. . . ew siss s saw ,

asM fo r Utu « by m ekfa« 7W fee l ilie.iavi|srali9| eastisawel o f P u is in the S priag!

T jW /etitetesg item s ere e lw ew O ek le 6 i M oiteel A e S ail#

F lr fa rn tL S a iiO ToOstW ater;U5 sad 100T w iilk k S e lid C e b ^ liS Ctm isr SkM Pirfm M; 14)0 Tale«a,1.00

"tewM wlawplSbfteem ilw ,teaJA' a 0 tm O it

■right appleblesMms cover this tleak coachman howococrtl ha now ombouad cotton b tiuua walght, nen-dinging, lovat ioop»idi;..and needs no ironing to slay hraih and erbp os • sunny day.Kg p ^ o ts bold shopping fists. . . big buttons onhonct hs Hny wabt. KuO, dotfodll, pink.

.correspondents urged: Intarpratation into Enghsh

af conuntmiquaa, spaedixig up of distribution' and rtniultaneousavailabiUty to aU. .

X. That fully informed spokes- Bsan of government regularly or

(Oaaltonad an Page Five)

Cjaghji Held Fralt of Pilot

Sixes 12 to 20, 14>/s to 24^--S8.98

sm7 v

. Waahlngton, May 7 <iP) — Va* of proper flying teehniquaa probably could Iwva avotdad a rtana crate teat Noy. 5 near Olaatonbury, Conn., in which one person was kiUad aind another sariously In­jured. says the Civil AaroaauUca Board (CAB).

Tha plane, a tockhaad Lodestar ewaad by Joha Fox. publUber of the Baatm Poet, was an route

lipOuardia Airport, N.T., to Airport, Bootoa, wbaa it

ml tea aouthaaat of .Jt sras trylag to

Bradtey Fteld, W i n d s o r, Xe mites awe;

MQad'ibM Pilot Jo£i K. Ma^anste aaaiaaair bdomd. Tbraa ]

away. .was

I aa Pbgo lir a )

vSs reported riue

Waahington, March 7 (/P>—An afijeeinent near today to end the 65-day strike on the Louisville Sc Nash­ville Railroad Monday morning and send the disputed issued to arbitration. The agreement was hammered out at an all

8(ht aasstea' of union and awn-V' armjanwat rapraaantatlvas with the

NaUonal Mediation Board.Sonw' detaU* ■till ware being

-worked out but the mala faaturas o f the agraamaat—the basis' for arWtratiag tha case (wbmitting

to a nautraTa binding decision)—bad bean dsoMad upon it waa tearned frtmi tea nagoUa- tors.

Might Taka Several BeanThey aald it bdght taka several

boura for tee final arrangamaats to ba amda and foraial doeumanU wriUaii and tegaSd.

But'It waa apparent teat tea loagast railroad atrSie tea nation has exparia4cac la 99 years, ia- volvbig XS.OOO workanr,. waa rapidly eosalag to-a eteaa.

Madtatioa Board O b a l r m a n Fraarta AJ CNeU Jr„ said tba longtei.pravioua atrika waa oue that fan over 10 &ey» in 1P9S, ona teat ^ tha ualofna. /

This praaant walkout started March 14 aad paralysed rail trana- portation over most of tha South. It haa had wtdaapraad economic affects, partieuteriy in tha coal in­dustry.

Datsite of tha agraamaat ware withheld, pending slgnaturaa.

The strike was oa tha verge of aatUamant Thursday night whan tha fatal shooting Of a striker near M t Pteasant, Tana., atallad tke nagotiatiana iTba Mediation Beard auccaadad, feewavaf. In gat-, ting tha negoU^oas raaumad frt- day aftamoon and they coatinuad all Bight. > ^

ThON had," baaa . a .ipimbar of othto teooUhiga aad oUtak-'vtefl^oa in tha }0ng vraJkout, ' ik -

' Traia-Oyaalrtteid:-''''.;,- '’-"bnly teat alght company aaiptl-

atora reported the dyaJunitlBg of a train la Kentucky.

Masawhlla, ’ Raymond D;' Mur­phy, X9, a LoutevUte A Natevllte Railroad Bridga guard, was/ ahot and killed near FVaakfort about ntelaigM. State 'Pollea said tea shoottog waa acrtdontal.

Offioara quoted Murphy’s broth-

(Oahtiaaad oa Page fiva )

Formosa T^uce Hope Brighter, Menon^Claims

New DaUU, India, May 7 V. K. Krlahaa -Menon took dR for Peiping today declaring the *'at moaphara for aatttemaat of the fbrmomn' quaation lii daSiiitaly batter" than before.

As Prime Minister Nehru's chief fhfatga policy adviser boarded a pteao cn tasilo- to taBu wMh- Red eWaa'a Pramter Ctom Bn-lali ToralgB Office nwkasman aaid he wm M probably raniain in Prtpiag 10 days to tsro waoka.

Naaru ia sending Menon to Red China In an effort to keep talks over a negottetad aatUement of tha Formoaa erteis alive. The visit waa arranged after Chou announced at Bapd:^.-two weeks ago that Red China waa ready to negotiate the Fomteaa altuaUon d ii^ tly with the United Statea. <

Aakad whether he waa carry­ing any definite formula for presentation to Chou. Menon rc- farrad newsman to What Nehru told Parliament April 30.

Xtetertala Na Piajodieea*Ihe Prime Minister said then

*Sve entertain no prejudices. Wa do not feel oursalvaa barred la respect Of any approach that will lead to peace.'’.-Informed acNtrcaa aald Niehru

'had aaked Menon to atop off in In- -dochlaa on hte return from Peiping and make an on tha spot study of tba situation in South Viet Nanu .

These toformanta said that “ if -davalopaiaats warrant, N e h r u cnii^t even ask Menon to procoad direct- to Waahing^n to talk to tha other skte, but'It all dapanda on what happons batwaen now and the nast fortnight.''

(OoateiBod OB Page P Ive j'

U.S. Urges [ Halt of AU Salk Shots

Washington,' May 7 The goverament today urged that all polio vaccinatioii pro­grams be halted untiLIt can report Sunday whether, in its view, present supidiO} of the Salk vaccine aiVkiwfe. \ .

Surgeon Cenertl L a o n X r d A. Scbecle' made this aanouncament early today, several houfa after a alx-man medical panel completed a two-day study Uf the way \ia which tha aerum is manirfaatigbd and tested. \

Scbeela gave np hint- of what' tha panel had raportM Ha Indicat­ed, . though that other “infbrma- Uon" alao Wrtild be consldarad be­fore tha Public Health S e r v i c e gives an offlclid opinion gu n da^ -

Cleared Vaortae Safe Only yesterday. Scheele had rec­

ommended that vaccinaUon pro- grama be continued. He aaid then that vaccine already cleared by. tha B ^ th Service for public use waa aafo. -

Officiate of the National Foun­dation for Infantile Iteralyais could not bcreached for comment on the lateat move in the vaecine aituaUon.

The medical papal met' at the National Institutes of Health, Bethaada, Md., after a number of statea reported post-itioculatlon polio casex One member of the group waa Dr, Jonas Salk of Pitiaburgh, developer of the vac-

.rtax',,'Urgsa Pestpaaemsat

Tha Health Service said in a

111 .......

Blast Effects Manchester ‘Sits Tight’ With Plans

I "

. The starting date of the mass anti-poiio inoculation program in Manchestef and Connecticut depends entir^ on word due Sunday from Washington bn an evaluation now being made of a. report 'pn the Salk vaccine.

Harold 8. Barrett, a state dapbty health conuniaalpner who Hvet sqt 120 Lakewood Circle South, said “Tha program te not being canceled, but we're Just sit­ting tight'^x

United Sta'tM Surgeon Oen. ard Scheele'early this mora- lasuad anXaaaoOacatBant ig that aU tnoouatioas ba held

up Ttrading comptetion o f a atudy of tm. report miulo by a panel of top medical experta.

Schcete aaid tea evaluaUoa would bo ready tomorrow. The 'report was made by a six-man Oommittea h m involved mrthods and mamuac- ture and testing of the ih^ertao, '

Plana Nat Oaneetod Meanwhile, Dr . Stanley H. Oa-

born, Connecticut^; state health commiasioner, said ^ atate will

Civil defanae ebaervara, St Survival City, Nav:, to Icani Srat hand what aa atomte baaab can do, gat a graphic lasaaa (Blay • ) aa they view the wreckage af two bouaea which were Mnaaheil la explosten tee day before. A t right la wraehage of-a two-story hridc hoqae and at left a oae-atory. fteme honoe. Bote were 4,7M feet frem the exploalon. (A P W lre^Mto). ' '

IJbrary Rites to MarkTruman’s 71st Birthday

Kansas City. May 7 UP)—On tbs tbroabaid ef 71 years, Harry 8. Truman can't sea anything but) work ahead. 1

'He wouldn’t want It any oUtar. way aa ha raachas that aga tOinor-| row. Ha Sguras It wUl taka many! mere annivaraariaa before he runs' out of aoraething to do. .1

“Something always (wna 19 ,“ j hs said, referring to his ' recent | quips that ha'U run tor pnstdant; again when be raachba M. - )

To him Sunday’s anniversary j wOl be something apartal. I

OoM-Platad Shovel *In hla. hometown. of nearby In-

dependenea ha’U take up a gold- plated ahoval to hraak ground for hie dream, tba fl.TSQ.OOO Hafry & iT w a n -

Ha la lookteg forward to having tha papers e f hte 'ad'rtnlatrathm under one roof where / tfaay’U ba avallabia to sehoteia and hlator-

Birthday Sunday'

statonwBt that it would evaluate tha panal'B racommandattoos a i^ bthiir informatioh. than aanounea ita ending. It SMSd;

fPanding tea Sunday anaounea- mant, the Surgeon Ooneral rec­ommended that atatoS' and mu- nirtpaUtiaa postpone their vac­cinaUon progranu.’*

Schaala. had announced yaStar- day that tha government was

(OonttaMd an Page Flys) .X , ~ \ ,

Biltler Assails Defense Q iief s ^Paper Gurtain’

New London, May 7 UP)—A top Democrat today had accused 'De­fanae Secretary Wilson of having aat up a ''paper curtain" of cen- aorship In connaeUon with the ac- UvlUea of hte dapartmant.

Assailing tha SXsanhower ad- mintetrmUon in a speech before tha ConnecUcut State Convention of Young Democrats hero, Damo- craUc NaUonal Chairman Paul M. Butler said teat night the enUro pubUshtag- :. industry U disturbed over what.ha termed tha canaor- ahip rule impoaad by Wilson.

BuUor aaid Wilaon has issued an ordar that all praaa rateasaa from hte dapartmant must make a ’cbnatrucUva contribuUon."

“His rule,'’'Butler Said, “sate ii|i a papay curtain which may ba used by his'department to hide any­thing that does not show him and his departilMBt in the moat favor­able ligh t” YT-

Butter said a canaorshlp ayatam Buch as aat up by Wilaon would not be Justified even In warUma. Ha added:

. “Mr. Wilson dooa not understand that hla gag rule has no place In the public buatnaas.”

Butter called the order “parti­san mlamanagamant on an alarm­ing scale—mtediractlon of-govern­ment power In Uie moat aenaitlvo area of popular aalf-governmant— the arte of proas freedom and-tba-

' public's right to know."-t^'• The “muxiUng order” grew out

of two’ forms of axtramim. ter aald., W .v-

One, he said, was the fetish for

Steely ^ arttL e s t T .e a d e T s Cenwiit Turn

- i 'V - -

About two-teirds of tes coat of tha atructnro have baan rotead, wban' completed tea library and its ertitents will ba offared aa a gift to tha United Statea. '

Queato at tea caramonlaa Sunday aftamoon and a'M g Mrthday din- -har that evening in Kansas City WiU find Traman. Wall recovered from the aorioua gaU Madder opar- aUon ka uadanraat text m/tamn. Hte awn apprasial o f hte oandRlon IsteiB : '

“A t 71, I foal aa good as avar, altboqgh I can’t go as fast aa 1 did 99 yaars ago.*' ^

Owsfe Uait Dtottogliaha#. T h a g u M list for tea dual af­

fair !a g Haig CM o f fonaaa ertU- ■not nwatofra, ■ poaaoqntto party

; s ; 9 in u ]f

ara Daa* ieh aagn; focmar Sacra- tary .o f Stita; W. SnyOw., former Secretory- o f teo Traaaucyr' Warren Auatln; fnhgii ctaiaf date- aau to tka Unttod Hattona, Jniata.T« MaOayq;,,. » riBak-:Att|l|y«y

(M Roqd FinancingWatelhgti

Cora (D-Taiin) said today ba ba- Itevaa a ravislon in. bis highway :<f[n«Miiig- bui 'voted by tea Sen­atePH bU c Wosba Cbnanittca should allmlnata - aU cppoaltkm from state govamora

ItepubUcana bacfctng Praridant Bteenhowar’a aitamaUve road- building plan bad baan eoiinUBg heavily on prossura from tho gov- atnoiia to swing congraaaional santlmant In ita favor.■ Bavtral RapubUean aad Demo­cratic governors Igaka' out fo r „tea admlntatraUOB propo^ /at mast: bigs hare aarUer in qbS praak, al- tbgugb tba Gore maasura won aomo Daraocratle support.

Tlte ravislon Oora igoka of woUId

.<C aalN ga n a o )

lieSurvival City, Nav.,,May 7 UP)-Man-made steal, ^ c ra ta and

earth shelters may^te the only soUd defensiva anawar .to man's moat terrifying waMXiBi, atobilc and thermonuclear bombs.

That appaari today to ba tha forqmoat tonglbla reamt of opera­tion cue, the major CIvU Defanae test, and allied military expari- manta in Thursday’s iwwarful atomlo shot.

Two dogs in a conerota bath­room ahalter Uvad through the blast that teyaiad tea rest of one houao'7/8’of a nUte from ground saro.' Mannequins in ahaltera in


go ahead with, its plaps to Inocu- 1^0 o o l ^ d ron unlrtw it ia toM

Oil W orld ProbleiDs

another house were un­affected.

And tha eommah^ar yof Task Force Rasor, tha tank )mup which

bi » ,rode out tha blast in SS, tanks at 9,100 yards,' said they might have been twica aS cloaa without dan­ger. ’

’T beUava wa could move them

(OonttmiMI' on Rage FlVa)

News .TidbitsCalled from AP Wires

vice Praaident Richard M. Nixon aaya oasanca . of Formoaa problem ia to “maintain paste without aurrenderlng “our nation’s rights . . .-Oil palateig from ter .1|3astaM Churrtim te-among glfta given Arthur' Hayai Sulrtterger marking bis XOte anidvarsary aa praaident and pubUabaf of Naw ■fork Timas.

Mir. Fraaklyn D. Roosevelt aaya aba wlU deeSae say pension voted by Oingraaa for widows of Prasi- danta . . ...Soviet First Deputy Pramisr. taw ir ~ lf. Kaganovich

Raaaina'detogatloB bi Prague to help celebrate 10th ahniveraary af Ckachoa,lovakte'a Ubaration from Naste.

Imprisoned bank bandit ia suing talovlaion program sponaor (or 910,000 oa charge o f reanacting crime hs''Committed and invading hte privacy . . . Anwrlcan actor, writer and dlractor Orton Wallas Stea formal - notice on hla 40th birthday of tatentlon to marry Italian actioaa Paoula Mori

American daatroyera will aobn armed with gnISed mlaallaa and ultimately wtO ba atemlc-powarod

. UB. Court of MUitary a[ boMa naa af wirotap avidance

gathered from armed forcaa, tela- phone Unas.

T u g^ av dlMomat in- Hartford doctei^ “It ia abaolutaly naces- sary that stotaa with differing so­cial aad poUtlcal syatema cot- labmnte to aatve tlio problenH which might .lead to World War m .” . . . , Ocaan Unar traffic pIlM ap to Xivatpaai, England aa unoffi­cial atrlko by Augboat man para- lyaaa this buw port.

Polios in (^vantry, R. I. aay lS-yaar-o)d teadar of gang of Juva- nlla thtevaa -whose long aeries of broaka came'to-and this-weak really wanted to ba cbemlat. Magaalna Aaro Digaat aaya Rua- alBB agglnaar may kava baeoma tUxt paatoo to fly Ska a bird in anUptena w in flapptog wings.

PsHo, M ay 7 (jp )— W esternts*"*** cWm of auta.- former Emperor Bao Dm, againat

Premier Ngo Dlnh Diem.FoUowlng Diem's victory over

the rebel Binh Xuyan group in last week's bloody fighting, the issue now is. whether Vlat Nam wlU ro- main a monarchy or bocoma a Ra- publlc.

Raporta from thO 'Scute Viot- itomaoe eapitol of-Saigon aay Diem ia datamilned to aat up a rapubU< and sqtiaaaa out Bao Dal, if t l ' Big Three wiU racognlM sucj move.

Hia FVanoh ara raporta*^ anx- loua to achieve , a Joint SVanc))- American poUCy on all hhiaea cif the Indochineaa rttunmn.

Roproaeqtatl'roa of both aldea In the currant VletnaipMaa streggia 'w ill be on band snould tea Big Tbi-M want to hfor their vlawi'. Bao Dhi haa laft Ma French RIvi- ara rotraat from which ha haa behti trying to maatermlnd tha VIethamssa .ertete to be on hand iW tha talks hero.

biam'a brother, rovtng ambaa aaddKNgo Dtnl. Luyen, baa also arrived in tha french oapltal.

The Big Three mtntstaro ara also expected to examine the recent Rad Ohinaaa offer to negotiate the


leaders gathered here today to thresh out the snarled Far Eastern Situation and to wel- conie sovereign West Gcr- Inany into the free world al­liance.

Secretary o f. State puUea ar­rived by air from Washington at 11:15 am.-for tea meeting. In a statement to ne'wamen, ha aald the -preaent mood was one of "graatar confidence for tha future of Euro­pean peace.”

The U.S. Secretary, who appear­ed spry aad -Wall rested fftar hia ovartii^t flight in President El- sanhowar'a plqne, tha Cbtumbtna, added that ha^opad aoon to atgn an Auatrian ptoce troaty.

Meeta French FirstDuUaa' first aaailon, howavar,

waa with Pramiar Edgar Fauro, Foraign MbUater Antoine Rlnay and other high French officiate. They ware tO meat immadlataly to discuss tha crucial Indochina aita- Gtion.

Later, BrtUah Foreign Secre­tary Harold Macmilten^waa to Join DuUaa and tha FrancX laadan in a >raUminary atudy o f tha whole Far Baatem queatiop including For­moaa. ,

Of immediate foncern to the Big TTiroe diplomaU was the seething poUtical eonfUet which haa pitted

rivlae.««>t poatpoplngV hold­

ing up murthlng unlaaa waS» told to ^ ao,’'N » aaid. “Wa'rA ( rylhg on aa wa planned.”/ He aaid it Would be point and eonfualng to poiiemant and than Jo announce that tear will ba on again.

DatpiU SrtMrte’a statement -tbs SiaftiGtlOB eUKUlUlvl morrow. Dr. Barratt^ndieaM 1m fe lt no certainly/thte-^rottertete' data would be met ■ “The report has already be«ydaUyad.” he aaid, hddlag ‘TU eypect it when I i t "

fa Wnli\Schcal^ aUtwnent early today

did not Affect ConnacUcuffs plan, accor^g to Dr. Barrett \ . ^No- bod)^lanned to go ahendi (with th^lnoculation program) <in ad-

ice of the evaluation report yway.” he aald. ”We. hat

planned to wait.** .'nia MainchestSc program te

aehodulad . to gat underway in toCB of tho


Forosnaa- United eutsis.

I dlractly with the

(OMttoiaad ap Pago Five) -

Peron*8 PolicejQrush Protest by CatholicsBum.0. Alraa, Argtetlnm-May

(p>—Sabar-awlnglng' mounted po­lice broke up a maaa march through Buanot Airea laat night aS Roman Catholica da^onatratad their loyalty to tea church in lU current’ dlfficultlaa with the Ar- ganUna government ^

A t least 40 marchers ware ar- roatad. Ona ^Uceman waa In­jured In tba acuffla with tha crowd, which ahoutad pro-church slogans. One of te# arrested men waa idantlSad aa witlrad Army Brig. Gan. (Mrlos Cterrta

■toga^rkRSr'ln evening Mass arMstropoUtim Oa- thadral attended by an ovarSow crowd that blocked traffic in tha aquarc. Worahlppara, unable to gat into tha cathedral, Uat«ad to tea tarvica through loud apaakm.

n ia huge aaaambly ahoutad "Our Uvea tor Joau5i” '>Snd "Argan- Una 1a Catholic.” Tbby H*.*national anthem aald OlhoUc hymns. After tea aanrtce, tee march began - down faahionabla Florida Street. *•

A handful of poUoa watched m tea damonatantoto poured through tha city's thaatar district, and along Cterriantea Straat. After they had gone 12 hlocka, a- cordon o f police attempted to stop the march and fighta broka out The mounted offtears thaq moved in to break it up..

TIm- damanaUrgtteu cams aa. tea (Hmgroaa atedtad roaaa-

on fsailisd at g^arattoff ahurrti

iciam lx tea official state roUgion- ' . 'A t a May Day damonatration against tha church Sunday, fol­lowers of Prasldaht Juan Paroa vociferoualy apaakersadvocating an and to thq church's position.

Paron has bean waging a run­ning battle with the churrti ainca Hovambar wban ha accused aoma msmbara of tha clergy of at­tempting to undarmine hia re­gime. -TOa church denied tea 'charge. Twanty-alght Ptfoato have.featlLJBCrmt.i4YA)9«»J" " " gan.

In addition to aooklng aa and to Cathoheism as tha atate roligton, Paroa'a aupportan have introduc­ed a bUl in thx Senate to outlaw Oathrtlc rrtlgloua teaching in pub­lic schools: This measure Is paoted to cloar both HOUaas quick­ly and ba signed Into law by Par oii. The government “temporarily" haltfd rollgious education in pub­lic aad private acboola Jlw** waaka ■SO-

Argentina j^ la tes have protest linat P a r on's offorta to tha tlaa between church and

state. Utay contend tha churdi doss not oppose a divialen of pow­ers batwaen tea two, but strongly Opposos their'moral aaparatlon,

Oovamroant paymant of rt*flted talarloB would and if Catholicism ooaaod to ha tea atato rtligloa. Tba goviwMagBt baa paid teeae

day morning 15Jamas

alamentary achoolg and ii} St. naa Parochial School. A hum-

(Oonttonad oa Pago Fivo)

Biilletiiisfroia the AP Wires


PLAN BRIDOBrOBT EXODUSBridgeport, May 7 UP)—A pfaua

far toe vohiatary avacnatloa of Bridgeport la tee event of na •temie air attack haa - been drafted by tee OivU Defense ar» gaaisatlaa aad approved by Mayer McLevy. The plan la da- algned to mo\-e-'tho c i^ s U SA*# resideBta Ifr to Se milea to the north as that aa poaalUe.

CHIANOyWARNS EGYPT ^Cairo, Egypt, Btay 7 (P>—Na-

flonaBat-Chiaa told Egypt today abe will Bot bo held re^enelhto for aay diamage to Egypttaa ahlpa or goods la Famaan Strait, llw CMaaaa Aateaaaodar ooavayed hts govanunaat’a peal- tiea to the Fareiga Mtadatry. - Trade hetwoea Egypt and Bed Chinn Iq expected to hepranaa-r


Thirty-two famlUaa were driven to the etreet In a Sre wUeh dM aa eatfanated 92,990 danmga to a Tark St. apartaaeat bulldtag bare early today. Fire (M m Tbamas C oU ^ whs Sxed tea leaa, aald tee die was esaSasi to a vaeaat fenrtb-Saor two roam apartment. '


eommlasioaer- general la ladn oblaa, today daaeribed Vlat Nam aocnaatlona teat Fieaeb sStoen tnraad mualtlaas over to tbe mrttow Blab Xuyan aortal aa a dlatortlan. ■ ______

C U B IC FOB MAO IN UN Bwk Hiu Pblla, PnH Mny 7 m

r^Ybe director of tbe Wertd Oeonqll of Cnnrcbee Gemmle- alen an International Aflnlrs •aggest tent n sincere eosamlt- amat be given ta s m tba way far nMlaB an Bed ditoa’a atatoa in tea Uattad Nattena.

govacMaant— - * ha Chur

' mnny'I itvaB tealcbardi otear flnaa- SM for yoan.


E Ybiaspaaa Jr„ flaw ta TmOa tadMT for

af I


I ( >. .A.,




Rbdkvillc-V^on, /Diane mtrke Named Queen For m il National Guard

, May T (Spactal)—I Burin, duicftter of Mr.

^Mro. rruoeio Borko of » Bt hH boon ooloctod by

. of OaTiC. leStB Infantry RoCtaant aa *VUio Baay Oom-

wlU rbpraaont tb«i Mattonal Guard iinlt at tbo third anma) ariUtaty baU in a oontoat (Or aolMtiOB of ‘Miaa ISMb g a n ­try Baflawntr If Mlaa Burin abeuld win tbla oontoat, aba will ba bonorod aa *‘Guoen of tbo Ball” and wlU rocoiYo a boauuful trophy, tofotbor with otbor priaoa. In- cradtnc aa oiqwuo paid trip to Chmp Crum, T. duriny tboportod of Bold trainlnr of tbo royi-mont. and will partlctpato la the Oovomora* Day coremonloa.

Mtaa Burko ia a craduato of the local Hi|b School, clam of IMM. Bbo waa aocrotaiy.of tbo Glee Club oo^aptain o f tbo cbaer

.la a d ^ and a member of the Ma- ttonal Honor Society.

Bha ia alao a paat prorideat of tba CTO and of tbo GhUdroa of Mary of Bt Bomard'a Church. She ta oraployod by tho Oonnooticut Mutual laaoraaco Oo. oC Hartfdrd, which aha roceatly roproaUhted aa a plaaiat on radio atation W tlC duriac tbo March of Oimoa cam- paiaa.

B uy Company” will bo aaeortod to tho ball by tho offtcen aad man of Oo. E, and aha will bo ehaporoaod by Mra It T. Dunn, wlfo id' tho unlt’a lat Bet

Tba third annual ndlitary ball of tho I6Pth Infantry lUcimant will bo at tho State Armory, Hart- ford on May Id with Govomor A. lUMeoS aad hia ataff hoadlne the Uat of honored guoata Tlriieta may bo aocured from any member of company B. or at the State Ar­mory on Woat Mala Bt

Blmr AtlittA OwM H Tho^Opan HonaaThoM in tho

aortal rooma of the Union Con' urafatlonal Chnrrtt laat ovaalaf by Un hbmomahara of T o l l a n d Onm^, aa pmrt of the obaorvaneo

Homo Demonatratton Week, I largely attondad by roaidonta

from throughout tho county.Among tho oxhlbita by groupo

\wore: Pond Hill clam, Covontiy, Tolland Homamakora;

aoutham cookery; Tumblobrook Neighborhood Club, Vernon, lunp^ ahadoa; Bmpoic View HomomalceTa, aafoty in tho homo; Bow and Bara,

droaaoa; R o c k v i l l o Homamakora. fabric p a i n t i n g ; Longview Homanmkera, etching m aluminum; WnUngton Thuraday Nightara, map’a and hof* ahirta; Manaflald City, amawial decora- tiona; Modem Mra. of V orn on , yeaat broada.

Oroupa from Cblumbia.vAndoTer and Vernon ouhiblted b r a i d e d ruga, and the hooked ru| drew many-iteetatoiu. Of apeciil note la t w mhibit waa A jm ir runner bet^-dudd M ii,

, .df Columbia,vrtdch ca^ed a mi rtfiturti dtpiettiw VBfIbtiA

Mra.pcaaldad at tho p ro m ^ during the •voaing, with lua . Wilbur Widmor of Manaflald aa conunentator for tba Dram Revue. Women who modeled droaam which th>^ had made included Mra. CUvoDlBama- boo, Mra. Mildred B. HlcWiw, Mia. Margaret Klanbury, Mra. Myrtle White, Mra. J. Bamabm, Ooventiy; Mra. Jndami B d w a r d a , Mra. Thomaa Henry, Andovar; Mra. Oathorino Vonamk, WilUngton; Mra. Theodore Palmer. Mra. John Bmot Mra.'RuaaoU BHna, ToUand; Mra. DotoUw Mim Clara M. BOia. Mra. Louim Hawley, Mra. Douglaa Porter, Mim Gloria Boil Hebron; Mra. Bvorett G a rd n e r , Mra. Whitney rerguaon, Mra. John Bobth, Mra. Jrtm Wattera. Vempn; Mra. Beroleo R. Labota, thla ti^ .

At the oonclualon of the Drum Revue, Ludwig Hoffman of the Hoffman Nuiiery in ' Bloomlield qtohe On “Beautl^ Tour Burround- inga mttii Planned Landacaping" gdrtbg advice on the aaleetion of both mrubbery and peroanlala, to- gether with apraya to control In-

Following hia talk, an opportun­ity waa given for thorn preaent to eric guaitlona in regard to their peraonal garden problame.

A ooffee hour followed the pro-

E n g a g e d

'Baebrack nou> Mim deyee D. Oreeaweod

Rockville, May 7 (ip ecia l)^ Mr. aad. Mra. John Greenwood of Meriden havb announced the en­gagement of their daimhter, Joyce Dorothy, to JefTrey N. Shinn of Roekvme.

Mim Greenwood ia a graduate of the Univeraity of Cottheetieut and ia now interning in dletetlca at the Peter Bent Brigham Hoapital ia Boaton, Maaa.

Mr. Bhinn ia the aoa of Mr. aad Mra. Byron Bhinn and haa attend­ed D rm l Inatttute aad the Uni* veralty of Connecticut At preaent he la atudyiag. mechanical engi­neering at Univeraity. -

Tha wedding will be Bept 10.

gram. Mn Manaflald

Mra. Luther Bteama of waa chairman of tho

arrangeinenta aaelated by Mra.H. Lucler of WilUngton, Mra.

Homar Walts, MTa. Jom ^ Gworek, Mrs. Fradorick Steullet of Rock­ville; Mrs. William Farr, Vernon; Mra. Ceil Netami, BUington and Mra. Bdward Foote of Hebron.

Oueet CaBer TUmday Dr. Wlnthrop Tilley, aaaociate

profeasor of Ikigliab at tho Uni­versity, of Connecticut wlU be the guaa caller for tha 'Dioaday night worimhop of the Vernon Square Dance Club.

Prof. TUley will conduct the workshop In place of Bari Johnston, who has been engaged aa guest cfellcr for the WUbraham Bqubre Dance Club at Wilbraham, Mam., on that evening.

. . . Oenteaaial Banquet Tho centennial Week at B t

John’s Bpiacopal Church la draw­ing te a cloae, with the featured event, the banquet being held to­night at 7 o'clock at tba Kogrtum ko Club on Vernon Ave.

n o Rt. Rev. Robert K. Hatch, D.D.. suffragan bishop o f the Dio- eem, will be the brii^jiii:,apM^ The n iiit i ‘n'llt fhitliiimlirtiiiw'i'eiMuror. Biraderiek

' The fln a ljli^ t bi the weak-l«^ obaemUiee V will come tomorrow morning, when a group of mem-

tra wUl gather at Talcott Park in the coatunim of the ISOS period and walk to church.

•tU ” e33h5**

BSST F B u r a in jio

Mother’s Day ab the Lodge of Mi imorrow,jWlM a Uln-

TbeaervancewiUbeheld nor will bo akrved at. 8:80 pjn.'fqr .ntembera andxteair famiUm at the Mooae Home, ^ e dinner wiU served by the men. with George IQnor aa chainhkn of tha ooamit- tee. Bach mother premnt wlH re- ceive a gift.

TtetlaMiliU IW>fir John H. WitUams of this ^ity,

district commander for the Fourth District, American Legion and Mrs. Helen Wood of Moosup, preeident will be honored at a tea- ttmonlal dinner at Moosup tomor­row afternoon at S;80. A dinner WiU be Mrired with a program of entertainment and dancing to fol­low. Members of the American Le­gion and Auxiliary from this city are planning to attend the event

Te Be Menered Menday Coogrammah-at-large Antoni N.

Sadlak of this dty is one of the five alumni of Oforgetown Univer­sity to he honor^ on Monday when he will receive the John Car- roU. Award. The presentation wlU be made at a dinner named for Archbishop John O a n ^ first member of the American CathoUc Hierarchy and founder of the Uni' varsity in I7M.

Btadergarten Bsglatratlaa Raymond Ramsdell. aasiatant

superintendent of schoois. nouncm that the registration for kindergarten pupils who are to

enter the mAeota la Bapteaeb^ WlU take place Friday, SB* from U:S0 to S p.m.

Parents are akked to note that it is aot asceamry te bring tha children with them when register­ing, but they must have birth certifleates, and aU chUdren must be vaccinated before the start of. tea sohool year.

BpMlal Meetlag T8e Polish National Alliance of

Amerite wUl bold a-epecial Ing tomorrow at 11:80 a.m. at Bt. Joooph'S'BebooI.

Moteiet*o Day<There wUl b# two amvicas on

Mother’a Day ..tee UUlon Oon- gregaUonal C hur^ n e Family worship Servtco .W^ iU rt at 9 with Churrti. Stmopl claaam following for aU ages, imuding a clam for adults. v

The Junior and Junior Bchool Choirs wiU sing and Gail Btevanaon wiU giva original story. Mim Antoinette Bierce, director o f ReUgioua Bdu- cation, WlU taka part in tea mrv-< ice and the Rev. Fontet Muaser WiU have a chalk talk mrmon en- UUad *T>erfect Love.”

At the lOifS service, at the Union Oongregetlonal Church the following members of tbs Wom­en’s Guild win asalat tba pastor: Livocetioa, Mrs. Blaie Southwlck;

ipoMlve reading, Mrs. Mabal Wiicoac; Jtmior atoiy, written by Mra. Gall Btevenaon end reed by Mra. Barbara Ludwig: scripture, Mrs. Netelie RamadeU; prayer, Mra. Berbers' Mark' aad mr- monatte, Mra. Bouthwick.

A apeclel mrvice ia honor of Mother's Day will be held at the Methodist .Church with a greet grandmother, a grimdmother, and a mother, taking part Tha graat

randmother ia Mrs. Roland ahtr; tea grandmothar, Mrs.

Cbarlm ROblnaon and the mother, Mrs: Jomph Long, 'iho Rev. Oerl Bauaders, paatior, win um tee theme ”Ronor Thy Mother.”

Mn. Nethaa B. Burton, wife of the peator of tho. Community Mothodist Church at Gryitel Lako, pFitt conduct tea 8 a.m. Mothar’s Day Berries tomorrow aad bring tea maasage.

A Motlwt's Day aarviea o f wor­ship WlU te held at 11 a.m. at tho Baptiat Church. Tha pastor, the Rev. Edwin A. Brooks wUI deUvar the sermon on the theme of the fmtival ef the ChrlsUen home, with Deseon Ben lOoter during the mrvioe. \

The Rev. George-B. Higgins, pmtor of tte Fint Oonmgatumel Church of Vernon, wUi spook on the subject, "ReUglon in the Home” at Um 10:48 atrriee. The conflrmatioa clam will mast at 8 p.m. at the pareonage and tha nlgrlm FUlowahlp v w mast at 7 p.m. at tha Church.

NatlonU -Family Waak wUl te obmrved at the 10:15 mrriee. First BvangeUeel Lutheran Church with the sermon by tee peator, tte Rev. Gordoa B. Hohl.

HighA high Mam waa sung this

morning at St Bernard’a Chiuuh in honor of tho Blossed Mothar for MarVo Day. A group of 150 achoot chlitnen »£ng tho Gregorian Mam, under the dir ef Mercy.Advertlamnwit—

RockriUe'e store bOun: Open ell day Mondays, closed Wedaea- deya, open daily until 8:80, Fri' paya uiitU 8.

iTrecUon of the Sbitert

iraid Raakriia at 1 Market St. riBe TB 8-8188.

Spring Card Party Planned by C ircleFinal arrangomente.for tha an­

nual apring card party of B t Mar garet’s Clrclt., Daughter. of Im. tella, have been oMaplated. Mrs. Bhner W. Grehamreanounced to­day .that' rapmim from members ot the verkkirMminitteee Indicete enthuelaatlc req«naee from mem­bers and frianda of the CIrrte.

A oo-oonunittee from the newly fotened Junior CIrele haa been in. rited te assist the aeaior eommitte* during tea evenlag of the party, Friday May 18, in Bt Jaamr Bchool haU. Only a. Umltcd nuniber could te aooapted for this oecaaioii, beaded b> Lorraine Pltcber, preai- dent, they iiMlude tee following: Undh BaUe, BMrioy RabegUno, Patricto aad Maro MacDonaoU, Jeanne BrettenlM^. Buaaa 'A lex­ander, Katberine JaalowekI, Mary Moriarty, Patricia Ohenot Mar­garet Derby, Claire BaporlU aad BUxatetb Poogratx.

Prograaslve setback wiU te p la j^ as waU as MUltary Whist add ia proribg to b** an nddad nt- traction to guests wtio .;plan to mate theirs a Mr. and Mm. party.

Home baked goods wtU te on aale and home made rofratemente served after the gamee.

The public kr invited and Uckete may jbe obtained from aMmbora ot tho committee. .



Mim Joan Aiu| Quinn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.* Thomas Quinn, Now BodfOrd, Man., became tte bride Of . . Paul Joseph OqiaaBaer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Gruasaner, 68 Benton Bt., in a doiAle ring ceremony'nerformod thia taornlnig at 8:80 in Bt Jamas’ Church, New Bedford, tho Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher offlotated. White gtofUoU decorated tte altar.

Tb8 bride, v/bo was snorted to the altar and given in marriage by b4r father, bad for bor maid of honor, Mias Patricia. Naagua of New Bedford. B. Harry Msgnuaon of this town waa beat man and uataera ware H eiteti RObtnaon, New Bedfotd, and Rlnherd Bru-: nette,. Coventry.

Hie bride’s gown of oasbroidared tuUe over end mUn waa fash­ioned with a (U M bodice, V-nOck- line, abort, ohirrM sloevaa, and (ull. Ucrad aUrt Hm ftaijm-t^ veil (aU (rem a lace^aiwuqted satin pillboK with under-rtilB tim. 61m oarrlad a,giraym book wlUi whUo baby orchids and sprays of ivy and vaUey UUas.

Hm maid of honor wore a gown of ohrimp tidlo over net end taf­feta, straplcm fitted bodica of cryatelette, outUnod. with frtda of

me materiel and detacheble cepe. Tte fvU bouffant skirt -f tulle Sepeisted from tba weiat, with ahme folds flowing into a bank panel effect She wore a matrtitng circular cap of woven horseheir and teort circular veil. Bhe carried a cascade bouquet of valloy lUlm and swmtheart roam.

Mnr. Quinn miected for her deughtsr’e woddlng mink ertoroA lace over taffeta, With whio^ aha wore a bat of aahea of rpsos: Her Ooreage was of pale'green baby ordilds, surrounded by apUt white eanationa.

The mother of the. bridegroom Wm attired in blue lace over taf. fata, pink-trimmed navy hat and pink aecasaories. Her corsage waa of pink baby orchids, ringed with pink apBt cernattops.

Both mothers vUll aasiet tha bridal party at a raceptlon for over 300 gumta in the Oold'Room of tbS Now Bedford Hotel this eftarboon.

For-an auto trip to New Tork, Washington * and ■ Virginia, the bride will w,ear « pink drees, gray fitted root pink end black patent leqtkeir accessories and coraige of techids. They will make their home at 83 Vernon Bt., Manches­ter.

The bride, a graduate ef Now Bedford High Bchool, hm boen em­ployed M a toiler at Mecbanica Bank,. New. Bedford. The bride­groom, a graduate of MauChmter High School and Hartford Technl' eal School, a«rv#d two yoara with tha Army/gte is employte as A draftsman at Pra Aircraft.

Pratt and Whitney

1 rauT ■nil a m tBan Calhaaa . JbIm Adaat

Hite Leotofs”At t:N

“Ms aad PaKettle

at Walklkt* At i:ie


Sh9 Will Enjoy Boing Takon To Tho

VILLA LOUISAWbM« Hwy s^BdiSM Ib ravMt «Brf otkWlM fM^B.

OBfiaiB, B a a f i ^ s a i Weddinga Rm Ti. WIb m a a i lig B e n

J tL m M in , MMnliiitir, C—p.


. Ia SetOTaeaea aaS CaUr . Jaaa Maaasn - OBbarS Maad"UNDERW ATER'^

8hawa t!lM:tS.|e Ate la Claaw 8 e»H aad Cate

R ack H i m m 1m

SbaaraU e h fle e f"«ilMiU

STARTS SUNDAYla CteamSeaBa and Cate"CUbI Craiy Hont**

WMh VMar Mate a8a«aa Sal fbava 8aa. fiMdliMtM

"UNCHAINED"_ WHh . Kter nnh - Shawa Sea. S:ea4:aoe;te

Ixm goE xpecU D em ocrats W ill

Vot^ A id B oostHartford, May 7 (B) -1 pem-

ocratic Laadar Joaeph B. (Norwich) says that whUp * .Mil lacreastng BUte aducaUtpi grants to munirtpaUtiea by 38 mMBon dol­lars la expected to atli* up a Senate debate, Democrats ulUmately will go along with It /

At the same Unie, Laagp has aasured Benstp 'RepubUeans that tba chamber act promptly on tho moasuro. already approved by thd ilOP^ntroUed House.

Tte btil propoeeT^to boost the average per pupU grant by 831. bringlhg tba new figure to 885. It roatted tte Banate yeaterday and wila aant to tba Senate Appropria- Uoas Committee.

Republican Leader Theodore S. Ryan (Bharon) asked for essur- enco that speedy acUon will be teksn on tbo bill. H« explained that sonie towns are liow working On their budgets and would like to know d d f ln i t o ly . h o w much money they can expert (roin tte state in education granta.

T have no doubt tbat,^ii eok-

Wed. ' ’Kea OsM Pte*”'i(

V^rni’ N

■KM T8KITSThe CriM «Bd CMleute* tt The ’teverVKuM’ audita •*CBCLL 3488, DEATH ROW”

Shawa ledl

«J.. ___BiBDLldl_________ _SVX.. MOH... TVKS.

Wtae Batra ii Shawtee


Paeaia C ’’JESSE

Shu*latle_- TacbatelarJAMES’ WOBOBN”Shawa l;W .

mlttee wlU/act promptly,” LoagO asBuredlteah.

Ganaralb'i Damocrata say they favor, higher education grants but woqld Uko to knew whara tba money is coming from to flnanee them.

Ben. Harold Borden (D-Hart- ford), said he wilt not vote for tte MU unleaa Houao R^bUcans agree, in turn, to aecqit a Demo­cratic moasuro requiring towns to pay their teacheih a minimum el 88,000 a year salary or forfait their state aid grante .

The minimum pay meaaura was opposed by all RepimUeana When it naasad tha Damoeratlo-controUad jBenate. /

Berdan’s athtement does not rap- the. official DemoeraueUio Btote aid Mil, Longo

resentstand I told m

The House aad Banate appravad almost 100 bUla and raseratlona yasterday aa thay wound up tte warte’B aeUriUes. Includad in tte total won aome SO reseluUona con- Arming nominations by tte Gov- ern<« for varioua State agmeiss.

SS Oawa Baaee

R e s d H e ra ld A d v s .

ROSAUE A. CHAPDELAlNlB.i;id h *r dsitCBfs w ill p risB n t \

. . . **and «way we go!”# : 15 FRIDAY, e v e n in g , M A Y 13

VERPLANCK SCHOOL AUDITORHIM/A du lts $ 1 .2 0 — C hildren 7 5e

. -


MOM'S NIGHT OUTBistor, Brother aad Dad are takteg Mam to the OAK CWILL tonight—for a right oK pIna a wonderful aieri. AH Mem can aay le "MAKE IT MORE OFTENr

Tty. eew 8So Daily Lnneteoat.


88 OAK BT.


LAKE HOUSEH O U TT « .A r -h 6 t .T 0 N


i. F eatarlngt. ■. HEIBN \

Plane and Bong BtgrlUt TOMCOSTBULO

VIhea, Bnx, Clarinet' CLINT OBYLLB


Rm Feed—Mi Oefir- -Hs Miiimin

f a s t H a r t f o r d


Vu HHtU A. Bar "Banie dry”

(U Techalc*|*r> . I-— Ate —

*Prowlere ef the Bvergtadm”

•ea.i ■ellier’e Bar BM- n r taow

Pm* OW Te A8 The Ledtex Shew ateria l>U

2 c a r t o o n s

BoltonMeeting Votes SBC Fund^ DebOftes Architects Status


Jahn AgarLeri Neuan




I Everyday—AO Rights Reearve*—H. T. Dleldaeen A OOi 1

•'RCOlhl iR hOl i LR

\ \ M Iv’h \\ - i i ’J a r i l $r-

Bolton, May 7 (Bpacial)— The •talus of the architectural firm of Bbbette, Frid'and PMttee entered Into* elmqat qO of {he discussion at the aJ>acial\Town Meeting laat

^ night <u the’ new Bchool BUUding CoMmitteo was empowered to hire

- ^ a(c)iitAct end given the appro-r. prietlpns requested to proceed

with its planning. The amounts were 81.000 for architect’s fees

* and ISbO for Committee expenses.An attempt by Edmund J.

/ Perasluha te enter^a recommenda­tion that the new BBC give care­ful consideration to retention of tho Frld Arm in the event the town wiU accrue additional ex-

••hiJ ‘ penaas by hiring a new architect " feUed. James Rogers, who maln- V „;i; tainSd the motion was out of or- the grounds itothing could ^ te introduced that waa not o n ^ e «... ''-'ceU, made a motion to table which T-f cherted 18 to 9. At least two mcra-

berd^ thenew SBC voted 4;einst •,i. the t^ b ig meesurb.»•“ Bpeeklng for the a>mmlUee, r.;: Raymond b . Cooper, arid it wae

ihlirriewUig* archltacU in an st- trtnpt to tetsemine the various

/moutoio used to'ioVor costs, that ’ tte comnrtttee luri Viot ditermtiMd , y wMcb awiltsrt. wouldte Hired imd

; that “it may te Irid.". He also• - read a legal optriok of AHy. lUy- * mond B. Johnson, who riRrmed - the OoihmUte* wia corrert In Its

aaoumptlan (hat:Aa a newly appointed O o ^ lt-

tee. it la not resp«ris{ble for obUga- tlOps «

.^ R eu n ion M C


Aa Law As^ lO jU a itW y Ptaa

• tU|J~lalec heating plea a

tepfiy- BMlteiriaK Aiaa- iama OB Berom. Wet pesmite hasMMri St imi





Cheeael a. Hew BaTaa, Caaa. t’Seseel U iasttee. <tea. Chaaart U BwetlalS. Maw. Chaaael M fteTSltata. Caaa. Chaanel IS walitaaty. (tea.SwteS 8 SSaelilMlilMi.



A oB B cy. Rm .OHAigUS W.LATHBOP 198 Baal Carter Stnat


Tadayi ”Baat ot Bien"StCRt* STATE O

"Haatera ot tha Deep*Daata Open Irtl

Ooak Fram ' 8 P. BL


•tie iiesi) SAcnE oleamn bbow< I) mCKEY BOOKET BEOW <1041) DOTTY BAGS SBOW <tt) WBB8TUKO _ ««) STAB TOKIGBT■ollywoob<ll) TBB THK 'Oil* ( Ml) SPBCTACULAB — •'Tba

MMi) osA ju tsrsu jnMl) VABlCn^EATEB —;**Wa(arlaa BaaS" ..<I04I) Two FOB TBE i -BOWET—BaA BhrlaarfSi.a a. ft IS R -K I* F *7"*»UiW -<tl) .COBFASS(H) 'FIATBOUSE OF STABS . <aOri) |riu>»l8IONAL FATB-

um J oeij^orB inr pabadbSTILIE ^<M) CITY DBTBCnVB — "Mr BalafaS Aaai”(IS) WBBSTUKa -<H) T.BA, ^UiSreU) BOOHLiaBT BOVIBUiie f I) trA su^oS SS ’ mKnr



S t e .* % ^ V /& S £ T _Ml) inUT OXB PBBSOX ChV

4iU.Mt> DOci CBjrSABV TBBATEB •iW I 04l> YOU. aI^ .rUBBB

,X ,

____tte prerioui (Jommltteekt8eany» Hrtt the new Commlt-

tte V a et nriite for Archltert’a tncirtnd by.tho prerioua Commit'

''m '-'AM 'thAt the new Committee la iuMe for any actions of theprerioua'Committee. _ . He sAUlVthe opinion had moo obtainad toVvold the type of attu- etlon Manamster had racantly boen th ro u jr^ regard to « r ^ - teeu and to five the

...Wttee A.'clean qtart with abUlty to make tte ownvdedelona.

rTWaBrntoleateed ^ In dlscuMing points raised W

PereSluha. Cooper that im- other drqhltect couldv concetvaWysave tte town much mhro U »an^fee it would Nteve to W *2<J.which te said cOuJd not teHp alw) toldcould rwrt aam ir^tteWiU.remember Frida h|n\ln itsdeliberations. . "

---- CSopSr Arid it Is not known W it

Jphik I. Huiane, 'a memter of the. clam of 1940B, M d ^ eater Higk S cw L is to tii toaatmaater at ttte IB^fShr reunion <Umier. dance^teing^8!M 8t the Rainbow Oiob in Bolton on May 14.

Hultlne ia waU remembered at Manchester High Sehbol as an ac- Uv* partlrtpant in many clubs and, sports imd in liea<lership, hav­ing aervad as clam prmident for three years. Ha..ia amployed by tha BouGierii New England Teier phone Co„ recently as assistant

/manager of the Manchester of­fice, and at present •• commercial

Frld would te willing to go_ view of t

' WWW *** mmnom


H. W. ALLENn o o R san din gAND FINISHING



VT:tt <ll) WKFJf: VIEW .BB-1.11 < stemTpaiVATE SBCBEriuT

<U) BALF*IW)rB?ILMitU IS) » O b Se *£oBBELL SBOW•ill C I) TOAST OB' TBE TOWH — EMI* FMrr, Blchard Wfeme, Tke BariMrt, K l^ ItertM. Hte Mrip d •‘omor Ites Lnr»” - wiui LmIU Cwte aad Fnd Atelrr,- Bias CseS^r

<•!> VOMBDT _ ' A Iwwl* Mar-« U )<»> hJJ^^TBBJtOES

—“Bwtut buxSAt''*..KaA « l) TBE---


UrtI <U) —"AMewla Far Btr«”Util (U) WBBSTUHO Uiti (M) TBE LATE SBOW—”Oaaw W Daaser”





(ID GUY LOBBABDO •iW ( M i) TELBTIBtOH FLAY-■ pu sE -^ ik la a Sawn



ADYldmnilF'(« ) tr s AQBBAT u n ^


“ ■“ a iss!?«w a L r” “ '


•MamafJ^”(11) TV TBBATI UiU ( D PlBBSnU —"TbaOaBIr", mo

iOHKirOLS»>NFehtw wd Deceieter


TOBOBUBTnOlUOBTI UiMi (W) TBLBTBBATBBUtM ( I) 8im B..IT BICBtin (U) boAbbt « . Lbwm liM (lO'ltenBBB

it” -,' I

bo^ th tte Job in view of new concept of whot should b( built and in view of the fart U»i. future punning wUl not be a m ^ -flcaUon of the recqnUy d*f**tw propoeal. Frid may weU feel te &)uld te reimbureed aeparately for'the work he haa done to

He expUlned the preeent SBC finds lUelf in the same poriUon as tte . previous committee in respect to obtatainr prritmlnary p l ^ « the plan to be preeented Ofv July i

“• by the SBC U rejecte<l_by tee . town. Cooper arid the Oommlttte• \ )iaa deteyrnined tee town would be• Xliable for no more than 10 per cent i Of what tee architect’s fee would I hero been if tee plan were cured < to '(^mpletlon. Ha said ha felt it waa safe to

I— tee same formuU appUes/ to tee prerioua Oommlttee. On tte

basis of the previous SBCs- roport,■ this woul(l placo Frid’s fee at

it was also brought but the new SBC only baa tee power to

. build six classrooms and no power to plan alteratibps to the existing

/ buUdlnf*/ FoUowiiig tabUng of Pereslriia’s moUon. Mflton Hatteway •ate<t for an Interpretation of tee final turn Uated in every warning for a town meeting which reads, to transact any other bueineae proper to come before eaid smting.”

Moderator James'Hasmtt said te interpreted it to mean the meet­ing could consider anything that pertained to items Usted in tee warning and teat he therefore,

' had considfste Perealuha'a motion entirely in order and had . treated

_ it as such. Conflrmati<m of this ' riowpoint was given by Cooper

who alao said ha felt tee Peresluha motion waa: in order since it per

‘ tained to the items Usted in teeMil.PTA riaaa

John Van Zander wUI be gueat speaker at tea PTA meeUng on ’nieadSy night at tee Elementary SebooL' Hs'WlU ahow colored lUdes taken-TMr a-tour of tee Paclflc Northwest and West Coast made by tee Van Zander - famUy last

.., f summer.'" The retiring Executive Oommlt

tea of the PTA wUi h(dd a brief ameting at 7:80 p.m- 'Tuesday. Hoateeaea for. tea evening wlU be 3fra Donald Tbdford. Mra B u r^ ■TutUe, Mra Paul Wlttey, Mm. ioon Kessler and Mra Russell

;,W inteer.Papriar PwgmiB

Tha CUmera d u o hm Usted popular program, for Ita .^onday night meeting at tee achooL A general invitation has been issued to all to' vtew tea colored eUde show to be presented by-James HsUer, Ahsco representeUve.

Bilrtbdsiy Party Deniso Morrs,. daughter of Mr.

, : aad Mra Gaaprin Morra of dark Rd., waa hoabrad at a party this

' liiibfc'eitehmtihrhlp ' Guaata ranging la age from thrSe

force Buperriaor at tee main of- fi(ie In- New Haven. He and hie wife, tee former SaUy Palmer of “ roei kDanbury Haven.

a<rir la New

‘nckets for tea dinnar-danoa are atiU avalUbla and tee com­mittee urges anyone who haa not made a reservation to contact any member of the (wmmittee and Uckete WiU ba mailed or deUvered personally.

Those <m tee committee are Lennart and Evelyn Toratenaon, John Oerrini, Laiira Belfiore. Ralph Runde, Howard Cemn, Rika Horvath and Howard Mur­phy. .

N oted Colum nist ' Speaks to Club

The Women’s duh' of Manches­ter, for its annual dinner Monday, May 38, at 6:80 p.m., plane a re­laxing evening in an attractive •etUng, Bunaet Ridge dub. Bast Hartford

A amotgasbord (Kttner wiU be served by Zimmerman Catertrs and the entire ^bhouM has, been engaged so' thaC qi large grmp may be accommodateit' '

.darence T. Hubbard, newspaper columniet, aiiteor and lecturer, wUI entertain. Hia topic will be “Humor. Hobbies and Hocus Po- ctM.” In bis after-dinner speech he. will dlecuss hobbies on which he la an authority. Ha will talk •bout constrwUve hobbies, aa well as those teat are lidlculoiu. aadi use his own hobby of conjuring to Uiustrate hie talk.

Members are reminded teat tee dinner will be open to guests on May. 10, and teat reservaUons will close May 16. No Uckete will be' •old at tee door.

to 10 yaara old, eqjoyed watching Denise eait her own UtUe cake. In turi ; . ehe was fhaeihated iqr tee games flayed bJ her gueata. One rt Uie (Ilf • - -was tee a from the atork.Sln Denise’s' ease, DrX WiUlam Stroud-of Manchester,

VOoimregattoMThh "FasUval of the CbrisUan

Home\ will be celebrated St tee onal Church at 11 kni.

worshipNAomorrow. .The Rev. Ar­thur A. V ivace will deUver a ser­mon enUned "Rediacoverlng tee Home.” Church Bchool will be held at 8:30 a.m.

Maesha at Oiapal Masses wUI 1m celebrated at St.

Maurice CbSpelXtomorrow at 8:80 and 10 BJn. The Ladies of St Maurice will hold Me regular meet ing at tee Rertoo\on Monday at 8 p.m. Emphasis has been placed on tee' euincfuncement teat tee meeting wUl be held Monday since some thought bad been given to bidding the meeting on another bight

Metkedlet Schedule,"What Makm A Home Chris­

tian T” WiU he tee quetUon ex­plored in a aermon to be giyen by tee Rev. J. Richard Yeager at United Mateodist Chiircb at 11 son. f^ureh SebodI'service wiU be held at 9:80 oun. • '

Meetlnga during tha week In­clude tee MTF « t 7 pjn. on Tues­day. Choir will rebciuaa at 7 p.m. on Wbdneaday and tee Fteance Oommiarion wiU meet at 8 p.m. teat teiy, „

ChBMh PUgrboaga ConnecUcut Conference of

Congregational Cbnrchea wlU cop- duct its annual Town and Coun-' try life Pilgrimaga Tuesday with a tour of three churches in-' this area, The pilgrimage to obaerve, hear and discuss tee situaUon and problems of individual churches wilt begin at Colchaater at 10 aja. Ube R^JOerald Jud of Wart Ha­ven will speak on "The Miniatry of tee Church to tea Unchurched” Lunch udlLbe served at-dhe Col­chester church by its women’s so­ciety. .

Next stop on tee tour wiU-be Marlboroimh where the Rav. ken- nete -D. Beckwith 6f Ambeirsi, Maaa., aaeociaUon minlater of that tionfatanoa, wiU apeak on "The

SattUng- and- Holding rt an . Ade­quate hOnlatry.” -

The Weetchestar church wiU be the final atop on tee iUnarary. Here the Rev. Wesley HotchUss of New York, director rt the Town and Country .Department, of the Board of Hiune Mlaaiona, wiU •peak on "what la the Church in Town and Country CopnertlcutT”

Tha Rev. and Mra. Arthur A. WaUaoe WiU be among thoae local people iriio wiU partieipate ia tea pUgrimaga on Tuesday.

Bvfriag HenddI mteheUi

Ike at D edicatibn O f JNbw Tem ple

^aihlngton. May 7 (*r—Preri- dent Eisenhower helped dedicate a hew Hebrew temple last right and Spoke from tee pulpit of each Anierlcan’s responaibUity to pro­tect the spiritual rights of aU.

Mounting the pulpit of the Washington Hebrew Oongrega- tion’s new temple, Eisenhower spoke to the congregation of some 3800 persons about uOae spiritual rights which he said are enunci­ated in tee declimtlon .of faidepen- .dance. j

*Tt ie not emmgh to know that God gave theee rights to-you qiri to your neighbor,” Eisenhower •aid in his brief informal talk. "It it well to remember tela also: You may not protect those righto (mly for yourself. You must protect teem for aU, or your own wiU be Ioet.*»

The President spoke'after tee regular Sabbath .evening aerrice during which he Joined la respon­sive prayer. reading and listened with interest to the ' alnging of Hebrew hymns.

Etoenhower, a Presbyterian, called hia attendance at the serv­ice a natural thing for him to do, even though it Involved a faith other than his own.

“Thei« la nothing unique nor particularly extraordinary alxitlt it.” -,, he saiA “This country la a spiritual organism.” .

Electing O fficers O f HoUister PTA

A bit rt old'Sweden comes to HoUlater Strept Setaooi T u e s d a y evenlBg at 8U5, when tee annual PTA potliiek supper teheia tee form ' of a smorgMboird.

Mn. Sylvester Barnes, '84 8. Al­ton St., and Mrs. Harold Burnett, 4 r E Middle Tpke.,'~are co-chalf- m ^ of tee supper. They have re­quested teat teoee attending bring teair >eWn. cup, plate and 'aUVer- ware.

People btinjitog covered diabes or food articles on plates are askad to label tee dishes -with t h e i r names in order to aeriire having tertr diahee returned to teem at tee end of tee evening. Entortein- ment 'wilT be provided by Miaa Margaret DeClantia’ 7th - g r a dd' dramatic club, which will preMht a minstrel. • / -

Anyone desiring to attenA w)io haa not been c<mtacted by rocln moteere, may call either Mrs. Baroea or Mrs. Burnett and make further arrangements wite .them.

Formal election of offlrors will take place at this time also, and parente . are urged to attend and.en- Joy tee last'meeting rt tee aeaadn.


P J L C .



Custer-August W edd ing

Arthur H. lUlng, auperintoident of achools, and Edson Bailey, prin­cipal rt Maneheater High Sehooi, will ha honored guaste of thertaas of 19S6B at iU '3Qtlr reunion dinnec-dance, on .Saturday evening. May 38, aV the Rainbow Club in Boltoin,^''

f fr t i A. Verplainck, former au- ,4i>erintendent of achools, to whom

the Claes dedicated its Boinaahia, has been Invited to be the guest of honbr rt tee- class on this oc- casipil but Witt be unable to at- teiw. '

The, next meeting of tee com­mittee' planning the reunion will ba held. Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Rainbow Cttub in Bolton.


Miaa Evelyn Judith August., daughter of Charles A. August. 18 Golway: St., /and Howard C. Cusr ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cari E. Custer, 2i8 Elm St., were united in marriage tiiiq morning in St. Bridget’s (ttiurch.

The double ring ceremony waa performeA -'at 10 q'clock by tbs'. Rev. Theodore Oubala at a nup­tial h i^ Maas; Mra. Ariyhe Oar- rity played the traditional bridal marcb(k and sang "Ave Maria” ;and '1 Love You TVuly.” Whitecarnations, anapdragona and glad­ioli were on the ritv .

Presented in marriage by her father, tee bride waa attended by her sister,- Mias Alice August, aa maid of honor. Brtdeamalds were Mrs. Leo F. Ridolfi and Mias Joan KuUavage of West Hartford. Ed­ward C. Ciiater was best man for his brother and ushers were Atteri F. Oogooi- aqd George C. August, brother ot the bride.

The bride’s gown o f white silk embrotdere<{ tuUe was styled >dte a fitted bodice, V-neckline and short sleeves with which ahe wore matching gauntlets.' The bouf­fant Uerett skirt had. a short train, Her fingertip veil of French ittusion"Waa. caught to a half hat of nylon tulle, trimmed' with seed pearls. She cairtcd a prayer book with white orrtUd marker atid petal stieamers.

71)0 honor attendant, wore a bal­lerina gown of wtHtyrilk organia, embroidered with blue fioweri. She carried a colonial bouquet of mixed apring fiowers and blue streamers. .

The bridesraalda’ gowna were identical in design and material to teat of Miss August, except teat they were embfrtdered with orchid and yeUow flowdrs. Their colonial houqueta were tied, with ribboiUi to match, their gowns.

> Mra. Oayiand R. Abrahamson alater of the bride, wore a dress of hydrangea blua ChantiUy lace and nylon tulle with blue accessories.

Mrs. Custer, mother of tee bridegroom, received jn a gown of ihoM rose Belgium lace and plilk accessories. Both wore orchid cor­sages. A reception from no^ to 6 p.m. will beteeld in tee American Legion Home Tor ISO guests. Deco­rations are spriijg cut flowers.

For a motor trip to Florida tee bride will wear a jight grey sUk


^ I * N * 6 *IViRY/ $AT. MGHT—NEW TIME tHK) F.M.



N O W O P E NSPine-Leuoz Phannacy■ 19fE.CEN m ST. (COR,OFLENOX)^ OPEN SA.M. ID 10 F.M. DAILY


■ ■ ■ i i G i ■ ■

dress, navy and white accessories. On their return they\ will be at home to their friends after May 33 at 53 Mitt St.

Tha bride, a graduate rt Man Chester High Seh(Ml, is employed at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. The. bridegroom was graduated from Manchester High School aM HiUyer College, and served with tea U.8. Army in World War H. He is employed by the Navy Cost InspecUon Service, East Hart' ford. /

T; e bride gave to tee bride- groom luggage, and Jo her atten­dants, compacts. The bridegiroom’s gift to his bride waa Jewelry and to his beat man and uteefs he gave Watteta. / T-



Invite Educators T o Class R eunion







S h w r io it O f T h e S n w rt CorsA MWHOMSIfOflOw R IM WEH

ROY MOTORS, Jnc.341 N. 8L, TeL MI 3-5118—185 Oeater S t YsL BO 1-1838



It's aa dfliple as ABC. Stop in at Sloan Bros, for a signature sheet to be signed by the members you pro­pose to haye in the Shoe Club. Fellow

'workers, members id your ' (Auircli group or aodal club —an make ideal members. As .Gub -organizer and cap* tain you are en­titled to" free mcc.- chandiae or cimh at Sloan's:


i - a .■V ' • .F?.' • I'll-

•A:-;. ». , fr\ -■-/<,

And Her DancersPresent Their

14th AN N U ALD A N C E R E C IT A L ''Dance Capers O f'55"


Tieksts en Sale sf the Door


* • ' I

at Reasonable —d ^P tices


And Up


3 For $1.aQ0•adap '

RBEMTUM 35c And Up

FUCHSM50c And Up P

.’f e•r :■ -• . tS ;

, I

/„•, 'i -r '• ..

V */ . . IfA N C H ESTE lt EVEN IN G H B B A tiP , V AN CH BSTEB, OONN« S A tU R D A Y . M A Y 7 , IS U

\ ''X." V,’ 1“ r J"a. V i/,t-,V M AN CH EEIRB e v e n i n g H E E A L P . M ANCHESTER. OONN« SATU RD AY, M A Y 7 .19 66 P A G E flV X

EittttistQ IftraUim e

••«•'••••••••••••**•*•«•••••«••••••••••** \


eUMtcrit & A. '

AMSSRSaysn^lOBl arran ■arnMnag m M>

aafwHAM I-

Its « ie ^ lu £ U g “

Satarday. May T

A T yrum r B cgiM T » B a iA Waahiactm cwTaapondw l

On otbar «Mtod aa anoay* BMOB tealga diptomat, obatrvlnc tta VTMdactoa aetna aa foUowa

•TlM adalnlatraUan haa found ‘ ft aa«r confl awna that it can gat

•way with raaaoaafcte poUdaa.'Or; aa tha eorraapoadaat, Jo*

C Biiad^ in tha Ctetattan M aoea |CoBlt«r. phraaad it in hk aaaa uraida, aatlaBal laadar* aMp ia tMginniiig to. find itaalt ftoa to do tha Ihlitfa it bafiavaa IB detag.

What thia amouBta to ia tha dkpalling at a wida oaaortmaat of faara orhkb hava had WaaUng' tan aUtaamaa and poUtidana •Uta la thrall for, ashay yaan.

Tharo haa baaa a loag parlod ia which wa wara afraid any mova at an ia tha diroetloa of pa would ba labalad lun^aaaaroant

Ohr laadaraWp araa aftald to ad- Bdt that potaatlal aaaaiiaa ailglit alio ha hoaiaB haiaga baoaaaa ■amtor McCarthy nsight than aan thia laadanhip *Wt'* aad •traitoroui.'*

It araa afkaid that If it Miowad •araathlag laaa ttaaa a complata loyalty to tha wtahaa at Chlaag Xal-Ohdc it would auffOr poUUcal itpitaol at bonw, 6rfim tha ncaa tight wlngr“

It waa. afraid to tmat Amrl* eaaa, bacauaa it had ha^ told, loudly, that thara waa only ona way to gat loyalty from AaMri* .caaa—wfaldi waa t^'compal it

It waa afraid t p ^ tha oonunon aanaa thing about farm policy ba* eauaa it waa, afraid of how tha fhnn Moc i^taa would vota.-

RapuhHchaa Wara afraid to ba fcr ractprocal trado baconaa thay faarad tha aatlra Aaiorican buai* Map' oonunuaity agiUBat thant .

DacnocraU wara' afraid to aX' hlbtt public, raapact for, pad

' loyalty to the namory of Frank* hn D. Itooaayalt bacam thay faarad/M had been aaiauad.

Araarlcaaa wara afraid to ad* aiit'ralattawWUp arlth other Anwr* icana let aloM Ruaaiaaa. '

Many o f thaaa faara are now batag diapaUad.

Tha attack on them haa baan. prlmail^, tha work of one man. It arM ha who taeklad the farm bloc, who admittad fritadly cor* raapoadeaca with a Ruaatan, flrat darad ^Mftk of coaxiatenca la the wnarid. artm darad ohallaaga McCarthy aad tho _ Jlopublicaa right wlngN

Tha aurpriaing raault waa that hia praatlga Incraaaad rather th u dlmlalahad. It waa diacoverad that

* ha waa doing what tha Aaiarican paopla waatad Urn to dft aoC what they raaenled. It appeared that there waa really no liak at ail in trying to ba hoaaat aad la*' talllgaat — maraly reward. The dragona whMi had baen circum* a*Tlldng cor poBey and our ntood, thraatanlng to daatroy aqybody wbo-Tloiatad thair vMaat aad ax trama precept*, turned out to be papiar»B>aoba.

Well, aa raadara of tjtaaa oohimna mig^t racaU, If thay had

^ I d Paper M flkaluai•aaea—It’s woadarful. Furthar*

Bwra, wa hava it hog*tiad, dalhr* and. aafO ia our dipkanatic atroagbOK. Thara'a ao doubt about it.

TM aawB fact which parauadiw I W t thia happy state o f aftaira

deaa axlat for ua ia thia: Siaea tba of World War H. tha United

gtataa haf nagotuted and algaad ao laaa tliaa M traatiaa ia which tha nuiataBaaos aad protecUoa o f paaca haa haaa pledged,

Thiidt of it—I t traatiaa—It— aU gusrdlag the paaea.

Thaaa. traatiaa'drcla tha world. Tho pacta which thay ateka kava iatarlocklBg membarahipa, ao that many aatioaa, ouraalvaa lacludad, are pledged to peace auuty awratlmae thaa Juat one tiiaa. ___

Navar la bumaa history hs|, peace baea guaranteed by ,oo Buay paqdA i» oo many dif*

it ways, by so auay dif­ferent traatiaa.

It ia a papat mUlaaium.Thara are only Um or two guaa*

UoBs which alight causa some minor trouUo, ia tha oraat at trouble.

If there were an aggression Uumdiad, it might take us a few waaks to dadda which particu^ pact ought to hava JurladK^oa over It /

Tha fact that we have sp aiany paaea baaketa ktaps ua tpm put­ting too much real la to t—and too nraeh’ leaf raliaaco—la any oftt o f them.

And all thala M m pacta, ex­cept oBO, have ^ a common de­te c t T h ^ are hot with the aa,* tioos with whem wa think, in our preaeat moo^ wa might aoma day ba at war. Thair supposed prevaa* UoB of wai- lisa only ia thair show of a choodag of aldaa fov war, not ia tha ooUawlng of war itself.

Tha one treaty out at all these Id which may ysally maaa aoma thing was tha vary flrat wa lotnad —Id years ago at -Baa Fraadaeo. It waa the United KatioBs Char* ter. It is tha only treaty la wh^h aoma of our potaaUal eaamlaa Bra aignara. It ia tha only treaty which is agaiiaat war, rather than agaiaat ooma aatioa or g m p of nations. , It la the oniv/' trai

ia not Uka sU .Im ethtr titeatita in history UMch hava proved aetud atepptag atones to* ward tha wars t ^ ware daalgnad to pravaat Wa^would be batter off..lf we had thia ona treaty, and TaaUy b a lla d in it, and really supported it, aad had none of tha other if.

wUat ovaryfhtag that ip s « thU' other aide pa ooma up aiowly, like a continent ridag aid advaadag ganUy to greet us, not a M m ka fb p la rto Oap our landing gear onto. Thirty ailaatea croaalag thO AUaatic? Progrtas? Tha and o f aU prograaa, rather. Frogieas, la etviUsatioa. wbuld be slowing, all ahipo.domi to a moath, aad hav* lag averybody hava timn to taka one.

Oontlauod oxpaaden by, iaduo*faiid building trial plMUp tetM aQ tV k m aae^


E p A .H .0 .

TtedlUoiialiy. a poUUcai party ba ia a Cartein'q^aelfle.dtua*

___before it takas a atratagic andtemporary atead for reform o f the Oonnectimit minor court watam.

First, It itaslf does not m

o f tha atete coathmoo to add to tho already over hurdaned aehooia in tha sector. Long eetebllahed fam* Biea are oftaa aecnaed at loaUar down- thair aoaaa at tho aaweom* am who have baaa. attracted by tha ommrtuaitiaa oihrad'by 1 try. h m y. sad to aay, atuT that tba laddk o f wockara thair teaniiaa is craatiag only a tamporaiy houdag aad sdibot shoctego.

It wiU bo temembarod that it waa tbasa'aaBia poopio who aaM aomo IS or IS yadsa ago tho war worfcsra would pack hp and leave when tha last w ot waa dred. The

iva tbaJudgaa at tho momant.

aaednd, bacauaa tha .other party does hava tha Judges, It can bp aura that no proposal for court co- form is ia any r ^ danger of being ftd(K>te<L

The rarity ta tba third dtuatlon —in which the party which does hava tha Judges also propeaaa to have tho luxury of bdng Mr re­form, on .the record, at laaaf. Thia type of play requiras all kinds of flnesae. The great risk run, of course, la that tha reform pro- poaala might ba accepted by tho other party, edilch does net have tha Judgaa.

Two aaad ona ago, Domoeratie,, Bteta Chatrman Bailey had Judges, at thought ha had. m m safe enough in ^ ta af appraach-. ing court teat of hia poasiw on pf them. But ha also thouiJit M would hava tho luxury of b a ^ ter re­form. So ha announewl/that be was about to hava t)M Democratic Sonata report a diauiet court MIL

The MD n

ob*ealtaB tamporary' winrirorketa la ihdet toateaeae are atin.hete and bava traaaplaated their root|: to OoiinaotioUt soil jponaaawtiy. So

leaadaiaMo to aa«I •m u m tho I o f aay MW taalara*

Ren of familiao by tho AtoScHO*, aaarch plaat' down the rlvar wW boeomo parmanant fteturas.

PISM such aa thoao a

would turn

.long."hasmocloft it waa prsdsaly in tha

belief that this particular man would be Hie man to ctrlke an end to the fears dominating and dia- toctiag American Uvtiig and AaMcloaa p^iey that oohminai threa years ago, argued for the alacUoa of Biaenhowar as Pradidant Ba has begun to do tha ||ph ha waa calM upon to do. Ha ^ bofua to teateee the natioual ■taaate in which the tight thing, m OfiBBioB aeaae thing, tha aana ttHg; doowT aoam to have throe IMhaa agaiaat i t Wa have al- faady atappaO. a littie, being bfraid o f paaea, afraid of our* j^lvea. Afraid of .casttiepou, aad

Broom aticksWa are aot sure that, during

the past .yaar, era ever actually saw the Dior look; If we did, wa iviro -unconacioualy loyal to its principle, and didn’t even notice It .

In any ease, the welcome frurii ion news from Faria is that tha famous “ flat look" haa baan abandenad, even by ite Originator, and that tha new fashions tha Faria dasignera will try to dictate to all tha woman of tha world won't have such tough going. Thay will allow'women to look a UtUe the way thay might look naturally. Tbara'a no need for criiaada against this, nor should thore bd any great raatatenca to i t <Bva m : woman what they v w t—or, mora ImportenUy, what they think the man. want—and half tha aalling battlf la' ovtr.

Oivtn such encouraging nawa friun Faria, era are eaMureged in to* a rather , inclusive hope. It that, all efforts te take women back' into the twanticS, Just, ba­cauaa thia is also a decade follow­ing a world war; will ba doomed to failure. Thara ia anough ah- nermal and twtatad and deformed about our world already without putting .womaniMod into the broomstick mold again.

Trip W t WoaH Taka-The main thing about it la that

wa want no part part of it—creas- ing tha Atlantic in M m im itf ere mean.

That kind of trip was prom! aad, before the United S t i^ Chamber o f . Oommarca tha other day, by an axpart on the use of atomic power for transport. Tha apaakar in question aaid that pao|ds now living would aaa this happm, and taka that kiad of ride, If they waatad to.

This is to make our ao-raaarva- Uon. Wa love tha AtUuiUc as wide,, Mmltlaaa aaaming axpaaaa

tetthfut '«f'-haautar- aiid-tsirbtfeBeei' wliKO.' ter-tham'ftkB f m ^ y ;'ia a th f ^caps aad mlm, sun and storm be­yond whidi Uea a atm ga and myatarioua ooaUnant, frill xiarvals hard to ieacb. and thare- fora tha more precious. Wa love tha Atlantic aa a thing to spend at least two wadis on shipboard on. Wa Ilka ta atead on thia Shore o f the Atlantic, and feel it backon, as it eaca beckoned to man email ahlpa, who went oa it not baeauaa it was safe, or quick, but bacauaa it lad tham thay know not where.

As for reducing thia proud, myatarioua, wonderful aoHM SO-minuta gUmpaa through tha stratoapbera, we went none of

vti—Hxiimry a offlee in tim toeloptfiaiiim Mans

the lanaaft'inw that Bailey ft StHeyW afraU that tha

Mteaaft wham .OavaiM r Ledge wpl aeataHaMa aUa to anuMimir lato arneptento •< teraft toey d lia ’t really She at

" It w tai 1* toklag Ms ■ adag It.we ata ataalt, dlia’t

get vi^ amah pnhile eradit far halag tel oonrt reform, la thia aaaatoe, Batlay kaa tha

;Udgaa. At tha same time, tha character and reputation of Gov' amor Ribieoff dictate a play on the rdorm aide of tha ia s ^ Thia l lay has now baaa made. It ctona, ibet, in Governor RibicofTa denun' Giatioa of tha praaant poSUcal acraadila ter the minor court Judgeships. It camq, second, in 'jkrvamor RlMcoffa promise te ra- erard tba BapubUeana, if thay

'ould paaa a court reform bill, by itting down with thdr laadara aad

mUdng a 50-00 political In tha Ur of new state Judgaa who

ba upoiatad, ia tha i aaadon. t o e ^ tha refennad court lyatam.

Tha Govenxw's promlaa to gaga ia aucb a aput o f patronage tp.the eomee of a laoVe which ' s&ppoaad to irtform thd .minor eonrta by taking the petty pa­tronage out of tham was. in itealfi, ■omaUiiag of aa aathetie obntradic-

‘ \Ho wna-danonndag poStiM onthe ana hand, nnd oHarlag to play tt aa the aHier. -Iho Be- jufrllfinaa have baaa qaiek to aan tola, and manat n plattarm af parity, am which they aay S adgh* ge tar canrt letam , bat net In leapaaaa to any chaap

briba. BIMeS, oa the Id. amlatalM ha la

maraly donSag with the facto « f Sfa. aad pdata eat, trathfany aaangh, that tt hM atouM baaa aemabodFa foal af laiSig pa- franage wMeh hM kithartokIBod oonrt reterm. ;

teit the niJiod i ^ t . aa it ax tends toward tbs ttapubUeans, that tha party which haa tha Judges haa aapouaad reform more apacIScaUy than It has aver before baan aapouaad by a pafty'whldi had 'the Judgaa. Mora thaa that, tha propoaal U not only out there, for tha RapubUcana to pick up, if thay dare, but the RapubUcana can hava, if they can conquer thair sudden aversion to anything aarthly aa patrenaga; a niea gob o f it, Just^or gotng_for reform.

Now Um RepubUesais may tftkt tho view that this U merdy the moat clover play yat made. Is tha dlraeUon o f haviiig tho Judgaa and credit’ for raform. too. That, un­doubted^, ia exactly the way they fad about. tt./nia fact remains that thara Is only cria sura way for tham to axpooa thia nefarious Dome* cratie plot Tliat is to mova for­ward aad aay thay'U taka it

by the Consdldatod Cigar Gtestonbi^ to'aatabUih^ii

' town aan build a alaa aMa to the fMak tba Fratt

ia Bast-But* terpondMa for tlm Tbouh It oeatrib*

utto largely, other ahopo aad ua* rdhtodAdda awdi tha overaU to* tot ■"'

IPBr tbooa taitdligent' tUakara pmo agree tba praaeat problama art not going to vaniahteto thin air tbouf h they may impou to have orlginatod ovuniikt. a ra* view o f ”a rocant talk given tqr Bkadarie C Wood, oeaaulUng angl- nau for tha First National Bank of Gieanwich, aoama la ordu.

At a forum oa mimioipal finance, Mr, Wood choaa todUacuaa, "Can wa reduce aeiiool'; bulldlag coaUr* s

Already the ayas are aterting to qmricla, M lat'a gat Into the awat of Mr. Wood’s talk.

Fopnlar aad Ooatoavaralal HO rafera to tha problem of tha

coot of huUdiiig adioola aa a *>>p* u lu aubjact" and vary eeatra* vantal om ." Ha qympathlaas with the towns baeauap tha school build­ing boom baa coma at a time when coats axe at thair hlghaat and the situation iaavoa no altemativa, but to build, ^

Tha popularity of thepontrovardal subject ia ___spread. AU of tha towns have bad thdr khara and Mr. Wood has u - rived at a cause for much of thq unrest Ha ihys that wa hava no satisfactory units for maaftiring tha Mat of a aehod buUding. Tha mixing c f adnoatienal ataadarda

A Thought for TodayVABABLB f o b MOTHERS

The young Mother aat her foot on the path of life. “Ia the way longT" aha asked.

Aad her Guide said; ‘Taa.,And t»ay is herd. But the end wUl

ba batter thaa the beginning."But the'young Mother was hap­

py, had aha would aot beliava that anything could ba batter then ^••a go dia pUyad withher ehUdran, and gatharad fioarata

jB S J fts a t .

sun shone on . them, and Ufa was good, and the young Mother criad, "Nothing wlU ever be lov^sr iheff this."

Than night came, and atom, and tha path waa dark, and tha ebUdran mook with fear aad cold, and tha Mother draw them cloaa and covered tham with bar rnanUa, and tha chUdran aaid. “Motbu, wa are not afraid, for you are nau, and no hann.caa coma," and tha Mothu said, ’Thia la hatter than tha brightnsaa at day. tot have teuA t my ebUdren courage.'

And the morning came, thara w*a a hUl ahaad. and tha childraa rHmhart aad grew weary, aad the Mothu waa waaty; but ht aU UmM aha aaid te tha children, "A Uttla patlanca, and wa are there." . go tha children cUmbad." aad when they -bad xaachad' the

.fhat at alL If wa creas it, wa waatltop, thmr said, "Wa cauM net bava •Why wara. Wa waat to 'ba out o f I without you, Mfithu. 'Itho Mothu, WMB

A lon g the R oadWith Joe

E diU w N ^ ___


poaita agurd urad by a unit

into a com*or volume to tha old

and to

glvab ft raault Joke «« mix njnahimlaaa a t ^ h a Mat p u

AnWtorto A d i to-Ha furtbar

many diaagraa. that tha i add to tha eeafUslMi w1

ptUI SCMM iSMI i the. "eampuA’- type, atnumim Mhaia such as U|a loft. Mock, and abftsd piana to mantloa a few.

Though ifr . Wood haa aot said it publiely,Ste Uka as many othars, a* doubt dMdiaa ta sea a ualfum- ity in tha f l ^ o f Aehool buUding. Variety aaa bamM. but amasiva, as.tha pou ovu bHritonad tax pay- u la teaming . \

‘ lehg tha reasons givsn frir tha laivanoas o f actaod buUdlqg ay tba dowaatete' bA B kar

are: Both sekoel admiaUtiratioa ■aad archltactuiBl designingbaecato Mghly drvaiopad p____B lau whim are attracting Ughu typo paraaaft m ua oapaMa and mora ooatly; aaoaoy wasted oa Items net uaad such a veatOaUag aystemi: aad lack at Judgmant by School hoards,

la dataU, Mr. Wood Matanda tha adaquacy of'Rte,ualta ter awhs-

uriag buUdlBC costa, attoamto te osUmato oootft aad tho asarch fu aooaooqr are the bugaboao.

Ha odtera ft few stepa toward aMvIiig tha problam. whteli read wtil oa popto u d a a d to the Itetee- ar, but ara taudly oomparahte to hte "eapoM" c f the raaaoM fu the bigti coote.

Soma othu time **Ateiig Tha Read," OBsy go into tha eaeond aoetloa of Mr. Wood’s ttHory on reducing school huUding costs, but ter Ilia prawnt lat’a eouldar/ttia ramarka diaeuasad and aaa If the ahM flta the town in. whiM you Hva.

D ou your board at addeation

"H itiymda-

aot itself bp u aUghtiu than thou but really lack Judgmant, though aa individuate sack maubar te a rinoara hoaaat ,paraoa coavincad he ar Hia ia doing « community Im T

Do you undaratoad the aaimbo Jumho aomstlmaa gtvra firaaly by the deatgursT Did the pcopoud ■mail, addition grow to double the ■tea Cnea it hit a drawing board?

Think a whUa aad m a ^ you'll■gras tha facUlttea being planned, in the installation' a U ^ or al­ready ia iiaa, are a Uttla alaborate. Sura, Juniu ahouM gptft good d« but ao ahbuld mm. and dad-

Tha prUbtem la bare to at^^In- teUigant thinking, not wide eyed entbueiaam or coneantratad con' parvativenofti WlH aolva K.

and said: Thia te a batter day than tha teat, fu .m y chUdrsn have teimned tertituda^ia the faca ofhardtoaaa.”

And tho naxt day cams etranga cloud* which darkened tha earth— elouda of w u and hgte and avU, and the children gtqpad and atom* Mod,, and tha Mothu aald;\"Lodk up. U ft your ayas to the tigh t" And the ohUdran looked and saw abdva tha elouda and Bvartaattaig Otecy, and it guMad tham ana brought thorn beyond tha dark- neaa. And that nifht the Mathu aaid, "This ia ihirhoat day o f an, for X hava shown, my childraa ■God."

And the days want on. nnd tha waaka and tha moatha and the yaars. and tba Mother graw did, ahd aha w u tired and weary. But her children wara tall and strong, and walked, with eourage. Aad whan the way w u bard, - that halpad their mother; and vdMn' the way w u rough, they lifted h u and carried h u ; and at tu t they canto to ft btU, aadDaycadtha hiU they could aae a Hiinlag road and goMan gaten flung wide.

And tha Mothu said: "I hava raacbtd the and of my Joumay. And now. 1 know that tha aad to batter than tho beginning, fu aay dilldran can walk alone, and thair children after them.’’

And tba chlldran oaM, "Tod wUl always walk with us. Mpthar, even whan you hava gOM through tho gates."

And thay stood and watehad hu u aha want on alone, and the gatea cteaad after hu. Aad they ■aid: ^ a cannot sw hu, hut aha U with ua stiU. A Mothu IJka oura in 'mora than a mamery. Mm U a Uvtng Fraaenca."

^ T a a ^ Bailey. - SpoMuad by The Manchaater Cmmetl at Churchto. .

Atheneum Notes

"Off fu the BoUdayb”, Avery Court and Frlnt Rooms (through June <). Special axhiUUon of paintings and watercolora devoted to tha (hama of uavol in « heUday mood, both at home and abroad, u Amarteana hava kaowa it fu ovor a century.

"Ooailima CoUuUoa—OutaUad- tog AddiUoaa ia 1961-54” . Spaeihl Exhibition Galtory (throiigh May 15). Ooatumaa, Juralry. textites, faaa, bate from thaha past lOO yaaia.

I ^ — l_"'..T -'l tiia MoUtor, whao aha lay m>wu f l SK* Wa « ^ lortiadup attlia.(pSft

* f ': ;

Ttiaaday. May Kk. at 13:Sd, Ite- corded Music, ViUa-Lobqa—<9oa- carte tar Piaao and Orchaotra.

Wodaaaday, May 11. at 19:M, ‘Wings to Franca"', travel film la eoter, Morgan Lecture Room.

Thursday, May IS, at 1S:S0, Ra-' cordad MuH^ Maaaaaai—Seaau nUeraaquaa.SBEK TO. OLBAB KOAD LAND

Hartford. May 7 Iff)—Gov. Abra­ham A« Ribieoff says a grai^ of New Hqvea Oiuaty bankers 1|U agreed to aarva vMunteriiy '« ’ ‘■craaning commltteu". to^ ^ i. aapadite acqulaitten of land naadad ter right-of-way fu the Orauirleb* SaiUngiy Bxproaaway.

Tha ooBunitteM would review af­ters made by tha State fu pur* ebaoM-ot right-of-way tend aad advtoa tha Highway OoquateHaau .ea thHr dt^cHtiaa.CboatF baakafs kava work ia thair aroa.

R ein iiig to n K iU ers Sentence DelayedLawMbun. Fa,. May 7 (»)

Threa caavfcts,*who pludail- guil­ty to aacond dsgroa murdu to fodaral eeurt'yoaterday ter the prteOB alaytog of former oconomiat William Rsmtogton, had thair M teaetog poatpoaai until May

Tha plaaa, whlHi ware chaagad fitom Inaocont, were aateiwd ba- fera UB. District Judge iVadutek Fbllifiu by:'. Lewis Cagle Jr., 17, Chattanooga. Tban.; Robert .Carl F u k u , n , Waahingtoa, D. C., aad Ooorgo McCoy, 54, Grundy. Va.

The . court fixed May IS for ■utanrtng paadliig the sac* of MdCoy’a wise tha dhtw will ba da:

Ramtagton, 57, wqa aarvlng tbraa- yMr aanttaca foT perjury iS daayihg ha paaaad U .i. a<torate to a Cemmunlat qpy ring. Ha' waa found on tha floor of hia call in' tha Lawisburg Fadaral Frison teat Nov. S3, badly beaten oti tha hand. Ha died the next day.

UB. Atty. J. JuUiia Levy' aaid tha UB. Attomay Ganaral had ■uthoriaadsliim to aaeapt a ucond dguM murdu-'plaa.

Hannr M ^aa, chief fadarM probatiea offleu,' said the man ,oouM ba given panalttea of from oaa y ou to Ufa imprisonmant. AU three hava been aervtog-aaataacM fu taking ototen can aeram state Unaa.

TO BAISB TSBA1 BOOFStratford. May 7. m -A "rooT

tna” oaremeay May IS wUI cHa- brate the oompiotlon of tha Amu. lean B h a k o s p a a r a FoativorLThtater. "Ralatog the roof tru " la a tradttiooal eld world mony signifying corapteUon at tha outer frame of a,buUdtog. The sturdy pine troo lacad to the top- moot girder augun good luck and a flourishing houM.

D roodletBy PWCOCB rfelOB


'M othu Hot Dog Fralealing' Utter from Maatard Faddte*

t picked this Droodla about^Mothu tiova bacauaa (a) Sunday te Hoth- or*a Dity aad (b> ararjnma ia la favu of it a ad l figure it's a clev- u way to build up Clrculatlcft fu tbla axcallant. aawapapar. If, fu toaUnca, Td tlttod this Droodla "Mathu Ha4 Dag

S Ta Sayaga Mnstoafi die," I'd get hundrads at angry lottars tauiiig me to go back whara

came from (tho oo^ plaM I nav- ■r get latton like this from ia Waat Virginia which U where I do coma from). And agato, if tha

were cafisd-.^aO ur Rat Ihtntog Babtea Ovu to Faddte to Sava HuaH

would probably ba mobbed by UieuBanda of irate Mothars. Aad rigbtiy aol r

Deaths Last PfightBy THE ASSOCIATBD FBB88OilcagO—Ridiard J. Flnaagan;

70, conwilthig editor of tba Odcago SumTimM, wboM CSilcago nowa- lapor caraar eovarad mora than >6 yeoam and who was fonnu editor

and pubUaber of tba old CUcoge Tim u before the 194g mergu wbioh craatad the Sim-Tlmaa. Bora la Chicago. Died Friday.

WUmIhgton, Del.—Col. Otay T. 'Wartaa, 69, ehtef of maintanuiM ■ad repair for tha UB. Tkannorta- tion Corps daring Worid War n . captain in-the field artiUaiy to Franca during Worid War 1 and ■toca 1955 praHdmt at Fuau ft Jonaa Oorp. of Wiindngton. Born la Hinton, W.Va. Died Friday.

Charch Of tha Narawaa 4M Mata Bteaat

a B. Wiaatew. kliatetor Ftoraneo Wood aad

G utnda WMaOB, OrgaatotoSunday, May S.Oburch School 9:30 a.m., Nateoa

Kilpatrick, supartotandant. Jualu and Intennedlato dapartmonte at Youth Canter, Sherwood Fiah, ■upartotendMit.' /

Worship Barvica, 10:45 aha.;—T-r* "Mothu."Youth Service, 5:50 p.m, Martha

McKtonay.*praatdaat.Junior Soctety, 6:50 p.m, Rita

Craft, auparvlau.Evening Sarvlc*, 7:50 pm .; Mas-

saga, "Ravaslad Railgioo."The Weak

Wadaooday, 7:46 p:aL, Mld-waak urvlca with mteaimiqiy amphaHa 9 p.m., CSwlr rHioanial.

Thursday, 7 p.m.. Caravan. Friday, 7 p.m.. Youth Choir ra-

haaraal dad Fallowahto Hour.Saturday, 11 p.m.. Junlu CSufir

rahtaraal. 5 pjn.v8ttoorifiaad aetiv- Itlaa at Youth Canter,

Radio WGTM-1419WBAT-B19'w nb-il9S 9

<Sfarf of Salk Shota Jlere iButle^ Assails Hinged on S»ftidci y( epor| Pefense^^

m anpyltei by tha laMc a Matftad an anhjaet to

I’a to yea b % a u

«f MBHa

I tnoa Fags Oaa)

CoiuMcUcut oemmp* Ito start toocti-



ia Hwto


r HMeMaljCdSSLSw



af MuHaMsa* _




V*.. Rad I

Paa» M HMVM _ ^V*. ItodSoK

’•efiTv*. R*4 Sm J afra'PBrtr

Oaqpal HaS415 Ototor St.

10:50 a.m,Brfi|Bing of Bread. 15:15 ptoL, Sunday SobooL 7 p.m, Goapai Service.

TIm Weak.Tuesday—

5 p.m., Prayu Maottog. Friday—

S pan., Bible Study. .

BTUBsanr o o n o u lvb lirAMss. ..Hartforil, May 7 UP>—Today’s annual fo fa i^ pottey confaronea Hioaaorad by the InternaUcoal Rolatlan* Gluba of .Trinity and HUlyu CoUagadlwas expactad to draw atudanta frOm mora than 50 New England ot^ogoi^ Subject tar tho confaraaca la "Anurica and tha Soviet union." ' "


•iSmaaara PB.AmmaaamrnmA .TdflTfsiM PysipnuRs

Or E||s J yn

' Wow.Chrtetiaa Seteaca Haate


HtAUNG”WHAT 510 Suaday, 5:11 am.

Fantl^ *1 dead Hluta

-Itort HjK*_

bar of BlUas arelationa

But, unlaa* Dr. Schaate’s evalu­ation U ready W Monday at the lateat, IfrutoMateira. program will be d a la ^ a wtolL^•c«wrding to Dr. Nlfdiolaa Maratalo, town health (|b«ctu. Ha M^TVosday

X te tha only day available f ^of tba doetor* who will tbair aarvlcaa to tha ma*a tiOn pmgnm.

“ wa have two more «»y*> uk amenamani oi 'Which to hau from Washington,” Kp pay 55 pat ,ha aaid, "and We’r* hoping ba ^qd value at able to. go ahead aa .we had planned.^ / \

Local Daotota Cimtar ' The fhat-braaking davalopmente In the poUo\atoty lad to an in­formal moaUnk test night between

:aae«]fniiaaiSStnWar lor Tcufii - _J*«icim o.

WH&T-jhatUr F*n«l

ii-r-.-r, - jUh» Qtoi Bowl^ 9S;:SftSi9 ts:naar #

, Fsatl

ittsrmm :—— ----- \



*>SrWHAT-Lalauno Nov«m WTic—Bona aramhoay I v . ■


-lUeord Rnriaw •- ~ lOCBaada

3TB—CarttoSAT—lUeqrd RtrUw . to—laboritaac*'RO—Country stjia fCTB-Lmbaido Land ITBA_

.T-Jl*cor4 Roviow ' iwllanca^^ra-4:.e!^d?^L aad UB.A

W U T --W I«rM PMka Bof

ATOra^Saatw of tto Air ''*‘ wSAT-=--«itilw ■froit Felka Bop

-------- *c too Air' T--fIallor Paot Patoa Bop

WOTB—Tboaur of too Air . ' 19i<4—jT-rPallor Fp«t PMka Ibp e wMh A BcuR. ™r.SottlAAC#— «r ofMeoaliabt Mattoo*

WOTB—Daaco OrdMitra ” U»to—_'Y-^eWa; VooUlaM MatbMa Woatoar



Orchcatra)t Batlaco lloronada


GREENpharmacy101 E ^M iddteT phR .


W r DrHvrt



DON'TSHU plenty af wear left la akoM when braoght ban fu .expert tapalrlag.



15 Mania St—Au«to From tin t 'fraMeaal Fatktog LM


AW CONDITIONINGCall us today fo r free M tim ate onG -E A ir Cor- d ition iiif fo r your home, o ffice o r businesf.

<y=S| L

oontidarablaGore UU would

abbot 55,610,000,000 to ■tata matching tends for the ateta m tam ovCr a flva-yaar pa-' riod. Under the ravlaad formula adopted yesterday, the federal government would pay i% bUUon at this and the atatea 501 million.

TJiia would mean a saving to tha

‘Paper Ciw(OeaManad Miai Faga < a)

■acracy ragariUhg titary weapoaa, InsUdlal

[and bttotagtea "which ia poaaibte I only u h te a dictatorship."

'Iba ether Butter described as

Dr. Barrett, DfXMarstolo and four othu local dOctoto at Dr. Barrett's home.

The six doctors, Barrett said, triad to datermlna whatbar .Schaete's atatemants, to quoted to tha prsMyaoterday, h adu y affact on Ilto state aad local program.

"But wa decided,” Bam tt aaid, "that wa ware doing what was being naked.”

In tha maantlma, enough vac­cina to inoculate 'some 2,400 first, second and fourth graders witlr their first shot of tho Salk vaccine te being stored to rafrlgatatora under lock and key in the. Munici­pal Building.

It waa daUvarad yaaterday by Dr. Barrett, who la auparriaing the diatributtoa Of .the Vaeelaa to 28 towns to aaotem Connactieut. Ae- eordtog to present plana, tha Man- chutar vaccine will be stored in the Municipal BuUding over the weekend and- will be delivered to tha aehOote Monday ia. preparation f u tba Inoculations Tuesday. How- avw. If the program la delayed, tha vacctoa will stay whara it ta.

Farfca-Davte ProdnetThe C^onnuticut supply of the

Salk polio vaccine, ■ which waa flown' into the state Thursday night, was maaufacturad by Farfca-Da'via, lac., of Detroit, tha pharmaceutical house that pro­duced 50 pu cant of tha vacctoa uaad ta the field teste to Ctm- Buticut test ytor. At that time, it waa found to be 90 per cent ef­fective in preventing paralytic polio.

A second ahipmant ofr-Uie vac- ciaa will ba naadad fu tha eaeond ■hot la the Mriae, now scheduled

amendment of San. Casq cant of tha utUitla*

lovad.ia the road-l pro-

StatM of about $1,500,000,000 aa| "partisan praasorq fu a oyatam ofpublic ralatlona that wUl ma^t

» » » . I nwRteteacy, covu up^u^ars aadtiv^v “ *• t S * s y viewlively yesterday to accept ito jj,, j„ powu.**

(R;BP) Butlu. also charged Welfare LSacratary Ovata Cuto Hobby with drawing a "aUkan curtain’ ovek what te happening to tha polio'

IvaectoaVrogram-and daserbiad as ’ ’absurd" atomic energy C^m io- ■km aacracy.

Aa anoUiu exami^ of what ha calted the KUmhoeru'admtotetra- tloa’a "hidtog from tha public tliings that tba paopla have a right to know," BuUu aaid tha admto- iatratloin has drawn a curtain of ■acracy around Ua managamant of

j'tha ; fadaral amidoya’a security program.

be menSrmtox, ____________

U.S. JJrges Halt of AU Salk SHdts/ ; (Oaatkiiiad from Page One) .holding up clearance of new batch­es of the vaccine until it could be certain that "every conceiv­able aafeguard" waa being used.* . . .

He toW newsmen the inspection I cnilt tralalag at the M a^e Ooru of new vaxrclne auppHea would he|RaCTult Depot at Farrte Island, raaumad right away if praaant ~■afaty maaaurea ware Ju d g ed adequate. Ho said thara would be

About Town'Fvt. Robert L Ritchie, son of

Mr. and Mria WllUam T. Rltohia, 15 Anderson St„ has completed ra-


SrUl yRcdnjy ArrivesN m i i i

t:- '

e - i - ^

8. C.__ ^____ _____________ _________ Daughters of Liberty No. 136a few days' dalav if mora exhaua-l udU meet at tha IfHmaa Funeral Uva U«tLthoda wara n e ^ ^ Home Sunday at 7:15 p.m. to

Scheate atraosad there was "no | tribute to Mra. Jaitoj# Oreaiw causa fu . alarm" in tba holdiip ofj jjh®. •‘1 J****’^ ^ '' toapactiona—a atop that pravantsinew batches from betog ahippad hy • flaughtpr of Mrs, Fitch, manufacturara. ^ -m

In California, plaaa ware an- iS jnouncad-befora today’s Health O rfu of Rafrtoow f o ^Sarvlco recommendation waa made "»••* ^ M aa«w ^ '^pto I t o -publlo—fu leauncng vacctoationa I 7:50 p^ii. TbebustoMs wmh a lU d io ^ y T ^ o 'hTrt—t hit ■miMiy ftatfs I **** term. After the meeting asome ChUdran Veloped n o U ^ I ** ******■imUar symptoms following In ocu -I^ , » program on tehialation. ’ , faatttogs.

Bterly today, however, CaUfOrnia announced tha program .would re­main auapaadad until the Health Sarvica makes ite fiadiag.

Tha Kanaaa State Board of Health — "

. Betald Fhela.Dr. Harold 8. Barvatt of 190 Lakewood Ctoete So., • deputy State

hoHtk-eontelarioaav' and auparvteor of the diatribution of tlM Salk poUo vaccine to^Eastem Connecticut, pisparaa to store tkraa pack ogaa of tha^vficctoa in a rafrigarator In the Municipal BuUdli; . Tha vacctoa yrtU ba stored until Mwiday whan it srUl ba dlatributad te tba acixipte' tor use Tuesday, provided present plana are not upaat by a tapotk made.OB tha vaccina by panel of axperte in Washington; (Sea story ori Faga 1). - X

lima, Manchester wilt need some . 3,4<X> cubic * cantineters of tha ‘ vaccine.

Tba 1,000 ^ctra- shots ar* re­quired fu the' town's third grade pupils whO participated in the field tcrt-iiH year and will ba given a iMstar shot.

grato.; What affect today’s announca-

T- Atjthbt jnent would hava m tha plaaiaof

Glastonbury Crash H eld Fau lt of PUot

XOaellaaed 'ags Oaa)

— Robert W. Mudg* .and Raymond J. H^oraa, both Ur Una pllota, and Mathaw C. Abbott, an atec- trical aagtiieu — radalvad m in o r injuries.

Tha plane's 'right angina bocam* vary rough, and ba^flrad fla-

/ quentiy aoout 13 mUaa aanthaast of Hartford. Ooaa.. near WUU- mantle. Conn., the CAB said yes­terday. Thf eaptato "featharad”

' tha right 'prcqianar and made a wide turn toward Bradley. Field. The plane kept descending gradu­ally, howavu, untU it struck troas Gnd cni^ibde

The CAB ruled that the prob­able causa of the accident was not fUlowtog accepted atogte engine procadura after the olhar angto* nlted "which raauTtad in the air- craft losing altitude and striking tha ground."

It te an accepted practice, the raport said, fu a pilot with ah aa* giM out to uaa full pemar on tba rwaatoing angina nnUI. flight with • ' minimum loo* of Utituda te oa* tabUshed. after which power can ba raducad to tha hart perform- aac* of the ptena. The CAB said the pUot and onO-paaaengar testi- fled that power waa incraaaad only by araaU amounts.during .the an- ttoa load of Utituda and apaad.

"Hod tha accepted technique been used It te, believed the Ur- craft could have bean flown to an avUtobla Urport." the raport aUd. It added that had the pilot made a

The Holy Angela Mothers at a meettog at the home cf pita- Richard Clay, elected her aa laadar of tha Circle tor the coming .yaar.

f« I Her aaeuiate officers wlU be asalwiid 'oUowa: Mrs. Edna Mlkolowsky.ahead with it* vacctoatlon P«>* | ,qjrt»tajry; Mrs. Raymond Tierney,

traasurar; Mrs. Btertco RaUs and Mra. Anthony Giyk.- repreaanth* tivaa; Mrs, WUUam Dlugoa, contact chairman; Mrs. Edward Moriarty, librarian; Mra. Robert Broam, pub- -UUty; Mrs. CUffonl RautenbeiW, historian and wUfara. Hie (kite Of Wadaesday, June 5. was set fu the annual banquet at the Old Farms Inn, Avon.

Mary BuahnaU Cheney AuxUlary No. IS. USWV, WlU hold ite month­ly. buHnaas meatlhg Monday at 8 pm. in the State Armory,

The Womante Aui^ary of St Mary's EpiocapU Church wlU hold ite annual birthday party in the pariah* houae > Monday > *v*ntng. atarting with a poUuck aitopar at 5:50, with Mra. RandUI Toop and> her eommitte* to -cham at the* supper. Mrs. dhariea B. GUbart,

chairman of Oirtetfan'ad- will speak oa "A Houaa-

of Faith." . ,Werbner, shoe buyu fu

Ohiabaeb’s of Los Angeles CaUf., who has baan attending the faU shoe show to New Y uk thia weak,

------ — ,------- ajiending th* woekand with hia1 parm ^ffr. md Mrs David W ^ nar, 59 Stephan St. Ha Uvea with hte wife sad dauU>ter, Laurie El- lea, in North HoUywooid. OaUf.

Kansas and other states was not known immadiately. It was ba- Uavad that few atatea had planned weekend inoculations.

Soma' health authorlUas askad federU official* yaaterday if tba hut to to^iactioiia meant disap* provU of the vacctoatlon pro­gram. At tho time, it did not mean caacaUation of spproyaL

StataaHBt ^Thaa* queries toff

teaua a staUanaat a laraona apparently argad constdarahly* <

of Schaale'a coi Ilk sUd• made

ail aapocte of tha the same car* waa followed testa of th* VI

Moat of the poot-labculaUan v ic t ^ had lOoaivad vaccine made by Cutter Labontoriaa of Barks- lay, OoUf. As a raault, aU Oittar vacctoa was withdrawa from use teat weak.

Am of yesterday, 41 cases ot paralytic and thioo of aon-para- l^ c pUlo were report^ among, the estimated five u six miuira children InocuUted.

Members u the medics] 'paifel that met at Betheada were: Dr. Salk, Dr. David Bodian of Johiia Hiqikiaa UnIverUty, BUttoiore; Dr. John Bndeia, Harvard Uni- voruty MedlcU School, Cam­bridge, Mqaa.; Dr. Tbomaa Fran­cis Jf., University of Michigan,

turn at tha time ot the lUura. the res«

ar distance mtol>l have^ S e fe tin ra , the resulting ahort

- • • *-ave enaoled theBradley Fieldplane to reach

**C & toveatlgatora found evi­dence of some fault to the in s o ­lation of parts of the right eagtoa, "at aom# time prtu to purchase of the oogtee.'

Gore lo r ReviRion O f R o a d Financing

(C Fag5 Om )require tha fadarU government to pay nlnJe-tenths of tlie coat of ra- huUding and modernising the na­tion’s 40,000-inlte teteraUte hlgh'- way syUbm. Tliat 90 per cent ig ura compares with the 75 par cent XleoakaApeopoaeA* ^ £ « ib ^ r had proposed that tba fadarU government pay prac- Uealiy aU tba coat of the interstate aystem. '

Tba committee worked on the biU all day yasterday. hiaklng sev­eral ravtetona. It plans to meet again Monday ipomlng and ia ex- ^aciod at that time to raport out tha revised Gore biU. *

Tbe group voted 5-4 yesterday to Safest, a Republican move to aub- atituto the Eteenbower highway p i f cu tba Gore measure.

Tba key fratura of tba admlnift tratiOR program ealte tor outlays at about 35 bllUoM on tho inter­state aystam in th* next decade. tOC this, the atatea would put up 'only about one bilUon; tha 35 bU- Uon fadwU _ahara would include n btUloo rateod tiirough a hood

II waa tUa ftauM W Xrb

itidiard Hunt, atorakaa Ser aaa- maa. trSN, eon ot Ur. and Mrs. C. A. Thompson of 151 Maple St, ra- caatiy visited the Grand Pslfce Gardens to Bangkok. He Is a crew-

• 'i, -- .--------—. I man.of the daatroyer USS Ever-Shaugh-Jaole which made a four day good-a e ^ , XHtoUa Department o f

HaUtb, and Dr. JoMph Smadel,WUter Reed Army Medical Cen­ter, Waahlagtoa.

SCHEEUCs I^T E M E N T Washtogton, Itay 7 — The!

fOUowtog , is the FubUc BeUth L . ^ __appointed chUiman for UiTcoi:^

y * "- Tbirty-flve women have momliigs at the

m loom m uU tj^ when the aDeyg are 1 '*'**y teelr first

Serviee announced that the sarv-1 . '

wilt visit to threity in late March.Mrs. Melvin, L Jochlmaen, 41

Jarvis Rd who haa served as ebUrmaa of the TW Wives Bowl­ing Club, ona of the nawaat and most enthnaiaatic woman’s groups of the loeU' YWcA, haa baSn re-

tee haa under coaaidaration the recommendation from an expert comniittee of advlaera in the fleldir| of poliomyriiUa, viralogy and toi- munology 'wbidi coochided a two- day aoMrion at the National Inatl- tutea Of Health, Betheada. Md., teat Bight

'Before announcing any con- clusiens with respect to the in­vestigation of the manufactur* and toating of polio vaccine un- dertitoen foUowliig tha withdrawal of vaectae d)stributad by the . Cut­ter Laboratories, tha Surgeon

Tickete may be purchased tp5ay only at tha 3. W. Hole store for .the 32nd annual tour of Homes •nd Gardena, banOflt of the Hart­ford Art . School's SchoUrahlp Fuad. Th* tour days era Monday and Tuaaday, rain or. shine. Tlek- ate. good aiUiar day, may bo pur- chaaad at aiiy of ths 15 stops on tha itinerary.

-r—-ManchiMter SoropUmtste are re­

minded they are to loava Monday at' '5' p.m."-ahaip for Hartford,

Steely Eartn Cement Turn Atomic Fury

(Ooattanod frooi Faga One)in to 3,000 yards, and some of our people aay 1,600,’’ declared L t OoL John G. Wheelock of Saginaw, Mich.

Fifteen hundred yards is cloaar than the flrat row of houses to' Operation Oil*. ' -— .

Moraovar. scores of teat dogs, rata, rabbits, guinea pigs and mica aurvtvad tha blast in ahelters, both aurfaco and underground, from 1,050 to 3,750 feet. R. L. Corsbie, director of civil effects teats for the Atomic Stoergy Com- mlasion, aaid 34 hours later, "I doubt that any were killed."

Clvii Defense heads were en couraged ,by the fact that two con­crete Modi type houses withstood the blast at the % mile point. Only their windows and doors failed to hold. ,' Some^^of.-the'Wiapons the mdi tery. uses: Linay ' prove useful to hripiag etvlUaha aurvlve.

Army . tank' expeita havp gSated that tonka and the- tog. track-Iaytog vebiClea U ^ ar- mored personnel carricna, wotod M -Valuable to helping remMe -eivU' Ians from a bombed .'city/

Very clear was. the nM fqr pro­tection to bbmea ftoni flying glass and other debrie- ..^ en to homes that withstood tM awful blaat. mannequins, draperies and walla were riddled or pitted by alivers ot glaas, and floors were covered with a'- carpet of glass pellets.

apecial boxes or trapo filled with plaatlc material to catch debris or mlaallm for more careful studies Of their speed. Impact and dan­ger.

WhUa a shelter may atead up under the hammering. fiat of an sdhmie blaat, thia ia no aasurance that humana would come through unharmed from -tiie. phyaieal ef­fects of blast or pressure to which they were subjected. The experi­ments with animals ranging from mice to dogs ware derigned to ob­tain'vital information on thia point at the biological effects of. blast within shelter*. It vrlU take some months for these atudies to be coinplated.

End to. R a il S t i^ e Monday Predicted

Make V oten Todmjr

Ifoter making seasloa 'win ba undarway today from 1 p.m.' to 6 pjn. in the office of Ttora Clerk Samuel J. Turklngtoo Jr. Persona eligibla to haCme' voters may taka the oaUi. In order to qu sl^ as a voter a person must have Uved to Connecticut for a year and to Manchester for six months.

Newsmen Rap Censorshiip of Formosa News

I piaa :. /■

(6mttaaad I Faga One)


Leaders Meet orld Problems

requited be. available, for brisf- tog of oorraapbndahto.

8. That higher officers of gov- aramant h* avallabla to gtva such background information aa ia naceasary to IntaUigant reporting of nawa.

4. That rallabl* fixed arrange­ments ba mad* for movamante oforrawondanta to areas of news.5. That the government recon­

sider the whole field of informa­tion with a idew to relaxation ot categories of ao-callad "classified’’ Jacte.

Ooplaa o f tha latter wara sent to F ^ d en t Chlang Xto-ahe< Foreign Minister (laoi Dafanaa Minister Yu ‘

Th* aam* ooitanieiiilente also wrote UB. Amhaanador ,lU rl L. Rankin aa rtpg; "The bSaia. for Sven a mlnlmM working relation-

'oo^ieraUon between the SUtea MAAQ (MlUtery jr Aaaiotance Group) com­

mand in Taiwan -(Formosa) and mambera of tha visiting press. 'Whether American or representing other friendly, nations, does .not exiat." ■ / ■

Gen. WUUam G Chase, chief of MAAG, could not be reached today for comment on the charge. Aides said ha waa\out of town aad did not discloee where he had gone.

The latter aaid correspondente "have tried to alter this condition, bellevliig it to be Inimical to the general interest and contrary to accepted principles'governing ro- lations between the Ave press and tha armed eeUbllahmcnt.- "This effort has proved vain' tha letter continued.

"No intervlewa are counte­nanced by Ui* command. When legitimate and'nonsecurity infor­mation la requested it la navar forthcoming, It ui impoosibl* ev«i to get help to organising a story ■aytog tba armed forces ot tha United States are doing creditable work."

Th* corraapondante raqueated Rankto's good officaa "toward the

of thia difficult and amber' altuaUon."

Engaged \X

carrying local circuits, and ripped out most of a aide'frf a nearby ■tor*. Th* blast was tha aacond* to occur under U4 bridft Wilhlm’s weak and tba third atocs tha atrtica began.

At Knoxville. TCnn., thr*4 strik-ar-

tWo *x- d Mayor >t to MU" nee. :

wete enS,r cpmmisaion in

three cabiM wara

ing talephi reatsd in conned ploaions which George Dempatai order to queU

Bavsml h put out of Ga., whan aged by >uU*te.

:lais hava danlad an* knowiiriga .of reported violance.

T. Jones, vice prasidant of thrCWA, aaid recOhUy that South- prn Bell has importad 9,000 work- era from the north to help nian Strikebound switchboards. He also ■Md -O oUaga atudeate were betog dihployed ai) omaU wage*. • -The LAN strike began when the

two rides failed to reach agreement on a health and welfare pro-vialon for employe*, premium pay for Sunday- and holiday work, and other ioaucs. ,

The telephone strtk*. iis over a nGw cofitrGct. Th# corapGiiy hi> beGn iiiGUUar pA a no-Gtrik« clauie. Tile union aaya this is secondary and that wages and . complata artotratlon are the main iasiiwa.

Judge John B. G. Rottner order­ed a warrant issued for the arrest of Gordon Ehlera, 30, of 15 Byron Rd. who failed to make a ached- uled appearance to Toarn Court thia morning on a charge of violS' tion ot rules' of the road made when ha waa arraated^rartarday hy

Ganaral said that it waa naoaaaary | where they. wUl have a dtoner- to evaluate the recommandations | maettog at the Hartfbrd Gas Co! of the, .technical group and other] haadquartars On Paarl St. ThO lafwmation. ]maal wlU ba praparad under the

Or. Bcheela aaid that tha aarv-j dtrocUon of M>aa Alyoa Sallatoury, lea’s raeommandation would ba re-'l home aarvica dlractte. An impor- laaaad Sunday, May A ]taat bustoaaa ■aaaian wiU follow.

"Pandtog the Sunday aanounea- mant, the Surgeon' Ganaral roe*ommandedBidpalltiaa

that postpone

and . their

Accept Invitations' T a x C sx# T k iss* ijis -t teday along tba WUlxir Croaa High-

l O t i O I 't .1 U in iieri^|^ jB ]j[,uK hasterhy5U teF oU ca-

A local man and four other per- ■one ware arrested yaaterday and

Top laoal gtMteramant officials will ^guaate at'tiM annualdinnar- meaUng o f the Manchester Cham- bar Of Odmmaiea May 15 wiiap the ehiaf ^laakar wiU bo Julas M. Graubord. Now York City inveat- SMnt hrokor.'

M i^ HaroU A. TtiiMiMtoa and ifra. Tikktogtoa aa ivall aa Ganaral Manager Richard Mfirtin and Mr* Martin have aooapted ia- vKationa to attand tha dinner which tahaa toam at 7jijb . at tha Maadieatar Oountry C5ub.

Grauhaad, o f 'B a m Oo., _W«)I

Charlaa gangs. Four face apaading chargea. _

John FUlbramo,*^, of 131 EUaa bath Dr., waa arrosted at 5:30 p.m. yesterday on a cborga of faunr*

■ i^ at Tolland ly. Hb ia Mao to carry Ua

;to atop at the [.Ttihs. and th*': ebargad'Wtttr'i drivor'a Moanoa.'

Arreated.todv and charged with weeding ware Barry *of Lyaiii Maaa,ly. 34. of lay H. HakeFa. -'■>

m m a m

— , R. Faikar. 15,

Jn. a , -------

Fag* Om )ar, Harold, as saying Raymond Murphy was pulling a shotgun fronv behind the beat of a truck wheii tho weapon waa accidentally discharged<and he was shot in'.tbe chfttt.

Mr* Bhirlay Murphy, Harold’a wife, who was aeated to tha truck, gave a almllar account .of the ■hooting, police aaid.

Tha rail dispute startad among nonoperating unioaa—clerks, abop- woirkera and others who service the tratoo—primarily qver a demand for a health toouranco plan, which the nonoperating unions had won on moet, other major railroad*

Operating unions—the aagtoaera and othars who asaa Uib trains—wm ■ • ' R M ' WaU VUl W 1PQ§iee-- ^AtW€ste lUMi'-'ieHm?

tsFOhi-0^-^ combined picketing of LAN opers'tiiona kept train traffic over tha 14-atate ayatem to • trickle.

MaanwUl* a dynamite Maat, random cable cuttings pad an ex­change of statements maikod de­velopments to the South’s other major labor diapute, tha atriks agatost tha BouUiam Ball Tela- phoB* Oo.

'Th* pho|na company turned down an offer of the <30 Com- municatlona Workers of America' for full public arUtratidn at th*

Court Cases

Silspends an’8 Term


Joyaa AnaLoriag I


_____ Ow)Tliia *v*nin,T

miniatan M tite Atlantic, nwaity wlB aaaamble in tha Bfl- tiah jae^may u> tnaugumto tha

organisation of tha Wwtsm European Union (WEU) wiilch ia to poUca the arms progriun of th* mambar state* /

’Th* WEU nCx/fMa. Ttaaaa, Germany, Briiahv Italy; Bal- Hriland and Luxambouiig by the Bonn RepubUe and Italy old Brussels treaty power*

. 'th* WEU into ttoiteton will;


Mr. and Mr* Emila LtBlaae an­nounce the coming marriage of their dauikter, Joyce Ann Con nelly of 75 Wedgewood Dr., to Benjamin Michael Burba Jr., son of Mr. and Mr* Benjamin Burba of Amston, Gmn.

Tho.weddiiig will take place on May 21 at-10 a.m. to the Church of the Aamimption, and will be fol­lowed by a reception at tha White EaM* Hall. /

tion, dayswith _15th iiiai tic Traaty

NATO pi Mteiday * ChaaoallMr K< be welcomed.

Consider Dulles, Plnay

meet with Ad discuss moves a Big Pour man peace expected ■atUemcn:

which Gennany aattVAs th*

■■ Allan- NATO),

ceremony O artoan

wilt tohte*

FarieyMacmillan Will

tomorrow to Russia into on tha Ger-

ara also diactiaa t6a Austrian


ton, pleaded guiltyxto 'Superior Court tills weak to Sv charge of larceny growing out of\tha ran- ■acking of a Manchaater was given a sentence to Reformatory, auapended.'

Brennan, was bound over to S' . perior CJourt Jan. 31 by the Town Oiurt Ho had also been charged with breach ,of the peace, a count nbUed to the higher court.

•TIm youth: was arrested by local lUce' Jan. IS after ho had ran^ icked the home -of James Suin- . at 20 89ro S t He told polite

ho had' come to see Summers, wno t him, casually and said be

him a j ^ When he ar­rived at 'Um Surtmera home, he found it opoa^aad unoccupied.- He cooked mmaetr. a meal and later took money and ukithing from the home, put it in ^ auitcaae and left, acebnitog

Brennan told

' Walter A. Stnuit Walter A. StraatT 17 Strickland

St.i died this monung at hia home.A retired grato malar, he had

bean a raaldant of Manchaater for 55 year* He/' waa a member of the Center CMigrcgatlonal Church,- He leavea/one son. Dr. Charlea W. Strantbf Coventry; one broth­er, GeoiW Bttant.of this town, and ona /gnuiddaiighter, Caroline Strant ,' ' - ■: ,'

Private funera) iMrricea win be he!d’'Monday at the Watkins Fu­neral Home, ;^43 E Onter St, wit)l the Rev.CUfrord O, Simps

later of the Center C ong^ Church, officiating. Burial

be to the family plot In East Ometery. ■ '

Thera will be no calltog houn^

’clock: at i Chnrch,

parenta wereX; and brothers ■aid he had Uvtog to Inuitel

court his- sisters

dely scattered. He m hitchhiking and

________ .

Mf*'>fcmile V. Fltcfc The funen^of Mr* Jennie V.

Fitch. 41 i ;b k ^ t , win be held Monday aftemoorKat 3 q'c1oc[ tha Onter Com with the Rev. CUff< mlntater of the church.'t^tciating. Burial will be in East Catoetery.

Friends may call at the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St\t0- night from 7 to 9:80 and.tomoi from 3 to 5:30 and from 7 to 9 p.m.

Bktro^an Raymond____Joseph. S. RIcat^, U. of New

London, fined $21, arrested yeater- day by Patrolman Samuel -Mol- tempo; and Donald SUveira, 30, S b ^ Dartmouth. Maaa., who foi> feliad a 515. bond, were 'both charged with speeding.

Several caSea to which th* driv­ers wqre charged With violatiaas-of the nuaa of the toad war# heardl They war*: John MarsUlil, <>aB- ■ton, R.L; Victor Roberta, 55. An- dovor; and Martbria McCavanagh, 33, 591 Porter S t, all fined 515; Harold Carpenter, 55, South Coven­try, fined 513; and Louis GalbogU, 50, Watartoiry, fined 59.

Ateo, Steven Whit*. 74; Suffleld; and WUUam R. Plantara, H artf^ , arraoted following aapsirate accl- dents, bad thair charges of viola­tions of tha rule* of the road noUad on reconunandetion of Proaacutor W. David Kotth.

Rajmand U Haganow. 17. of 551 WoodUad St, arrastad yootarday by Patrolman Richard Tedford, wa* fined 513 for otMiating a motor vehicle with a defective muf- flV*

itobert Prentiss of 51 Union St, arrested on April 50 by Patrolman Samuel Maltempa, was ftoad. 57 *~‘ -Tt"^ai5liig niiii iiiia wiihlii niaT town luBtt* .Se was defendad by Atty, Paul Marta, aubatltuttog to the aboeace of Probation Omcer Jamas Duffy. AUy. Marta said th* youth did not know about the town ordtoaaca.

Nancy BaU, S3, of Vemoo Rd., RFD 1. Bolton, charged with faU- ura to carry the registration (or tha car aha wa# oparattng, bad tba charge noUed on recommendation by the prasacuting attomay. He aaid aomaona had ramovtd tha ragiatrotion from its accustomed


Class R ec^ves Holy- C o m i^ u iiio iiL*rgest elaaa/in tha history oft- TmiMM* MwbUwU eta a iTl_j

ing at'St James’ Chutoh.A opaeial Maaa waa haid\ at 9

o’block for the group. The Rev. George Hughes conducted the Maaa. ,-\ .

FoUowtog tha Maas, the young- ■tera ware th* gnaate of the church at a Communion breakfast at St James’ School HaU.

Hospital Notes

Southern Bell turned th* offer a: calculated attempt to gain

from an arbiter what, tha unionhaa not throua

able to iuotify procaaa o f . coliacUvn

■frflia alKi is inMast at thk,______

;C R atol«f tiifti

idac* jn th* car without linowlo4ge.

raaaa cwUinuod wato thoo* of AUpat Fnlmar, 99; of 940 Parkor St. ehaigad wUh latoany, on a day to day hoaia under MM bond;

^f**"*® yjRajs 155a d m i t t e d Yr

9frw Tdr5t1»lw rce. 109High S t; J**®- *31ed* Nelson, 71 Dehhont St.; Eletha Flake. 332 Woodland S t; 5(ra. Mart* Daleb, Windsor; aCr* Helen Dorsey, Stafford; Chriattoe Unders, 57 Mato S t; fjecll FiUton. 115 W. Center S t; Anthony Kikucunaa. 64 Trumbull Rd.; John J.'Borland. East Hart­ford; David WUey. 100 Oak Grove St.; Albert H. Merrcr, 410 Hack- matack S t

AD5HTTED TODAY: Mr* Baa trice Ruggiero, RFD 1, Bolton; Jeffrey Rheaume, RFD 1, Rocki viU*

tliRTHS YESTERDAY: a aon to 5fr. and Mr* Daniel Rladar, 29 Nathan Rd.; a son to Mr. and Jdra. Edward Hobron,. Glastonbury; daughter to Mr. and Mra. Douglas Wegner. |IFT> 2, Rockville.

BIRTHS TODA'T:.* daughter to Mr. and Mra. Charles Spicer, Bol

DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Mr* IMhor Kaye, 15 Aahwortb St.; Mr* Madalto* Fov, 27 Oliver Rd.; Billy Baldwin, 57 Daapwobd Dr.; Mr* Gertruda La Shay, 3 N. Fairfield S t; Eiwto McAdam, 55 Waavar Rd.; Mr* Hasel Sheridan, 77 Durant S t; Mra. Alice Jbhasdn. RFD 2, Coventry: Albert Down tog. RFD A Bolton; Mr* Eleanor Bodo and aon. New Bolton Rd.; Mr* hlary Appleby, 54. Chestnut S t; Mr* Olte Olson, 53U BiasaU S t; Carole Ltodara, 65 Main S t; Oonnit Sborrock, 275 E. FUddle Tpk*; Mi* Floranca Robert* 93 S. Ftoto S t; Mr* Mary HUIo, South Ckrrantiy; Mr* Boanor Borhero, ThompabnvUla.

DISOIAROlb TODAY: Com-BhUlg E . Cafro, 37. of 07 Drive F. ■riMt gJ^ ^ ^ Tarttiaea drittog,Ts^ aea drittog. un-

1*0, Fayora; M, oaHk.» vMotioft



Dlplo Oboervars :geated two poariblath* smlln.

would ba to send 4 Joint note' to Moscow inviting thavRns-

to a conferenc* \The other would be for thoX

Three western rapra*anUUvaa\to bring'th* subject up with Soviet Foreign -Mtalster V. M, Slolotok whan they meat'la 'Vienna—^pr^\ itoly May 13—to Mgn tha Austrian/ traaty.

Before leaving Washington plana last night Dullaa aaid fiiat if th* talks now under way with tha Ruastana in Vienna ean break th* 10-yaar-old SUlemai Austrian treaty, ha wm fly there from Faria to caaclii)la the docu­ment

Seas New Enrope In his dapegrtura statemant

lared' that "Dulles dacli ’ ’a now Bu-ropa, united,/free and secure’’ la aaaurad with Gannany’a entry in­to N A T O ./ ,

Formojsa Trace Hope Brigl^er, Menon Claims

(Oaatiaaed frMi Page Oaa)

' Sources cloaa to Menon said that daring a private dtonar Nriiru gave for U.S. Ambaaaadoy John Sherman Cooper Tbunday, the In­dian government obtaiaad ' tha latMt UB. "raactitois atto' atU- iudaa’’ on Formes*

Praridsnt ISaanbowar. told a news oonferance April 27 that th*

___United States would be glad to~ s i m p a o n ' w i t h Rad Chtoft about a — • ” ’ Formosa cease-fir*.

-r-Suffers In ju rie s / •

As C ar H its PoleSusan Carter, IS, of 165 Boulder

Rd.. suffered minor, Injuriea fol­lowing a ona car accident e a r l y last night oh Spring St, w h i c h resulted in the arraat of her older brother, .Richard, 15 driver of the ear, police sold. On thatcharga of violation of th* rules of the road. Judgment waa auspanded in Town Court this morning.

Patrolman William McDowell tovastigatad and said young Carter waa headed east on Spring S t near tha toteraaction With S. 5fain St when his s i^ r dropped aomathlng on the floor.' The driver raiiehad over to pick it up and lost control. Ha, hit a pole, an^ping it off. and M about flSO damage to his /father’s car, police said.

A younger brother, also a pas- aengar in the car, was uninjured. Prosecutor W. David Keith said ii) court this momtog that witnesaca

accident aM 'tte' ear :waia only going at about 25 m.p.h. and Keith felt the accidant' was the raault of an error in j u d g m a n t rather than a criminal violation.

Chief Harman O. Schandel took Susan to the Maacheater Memorial Ho5pital, whara aha was given emergancy treatment fov f a c l a i laflerationa and released. He Uvae near where the accident occurred.

SOVIET ACK-ACK TO BfAO Ttopei, Formosa; M-.y 7 <g>

—A Nationalist Chinaaa nawa agency claimed today Umt Soviet

haa provided the Ghlnaaa uniats with enoL-qji latast- ■nti-alrcarft gims to equip

defonre dWlsioii*agency operated by

the latertnr Ministry and ing malnlim coatacte, tranafar tooKxpiaca at Maneburi* \' Hare to TSIpai. t)M Fonnosa pro-

vlnoial guvermnearxlauicbed % pladga


two ITatao>

aignature campaign to support FfMidant rfirit to hid avowed < to defend the offehore ()tMmiby and Meteu.

m3B i «299 GRIIN ROAD

©PEN ALL DAY SUNDAYn o M i i i m t T t :

Firem en Attend Game in Boston

Some 57 mambar* of tha 8MFD Hoia Co. No. 3 and tbair gUMte left Mancheater at.8 a.m. tooiy by chartered - bus for Boston to aaa the Yankeas-Rad Sore game at Fan­way Park.■ - The excttrstow kt lha B0Mpas>)f*a° aprtog outtoc. Gcaate ot U>a fire­man include fir* commlaaionar* ■hd other 8MFD official*

They couldn’t hava Picked a bat­ter, game to wa. aitiier, W auw today la Hall of Fiam* Day to Bos­ton and Uvtog mambera ot bai bidl'a HaU ofFhme wlU be honored to appropriate careooiilaa bofera tba scheduled American League game,

Amuigamente for th* outing war* EMUla by Harbart Flavell, Harold Ebftett and Burton lab- man.

Ballotti. Glastonbury; Pater 38 Horton Rd.; CUfford

______ 75 (fraatwood Dr.; JaredHUH; 47 Buae* D r.;'M r* JuUan Urda, Btafford , tetiaga: Mr*

' DiWaa,.58T ignma Bh9



Irth ir | r i | Mm w




'CoM|dete!y OverbanUd


MOTORS, IncS58 East Center St.

— V- .' ;4) V Vs,,-

\ /? '■■| ’• ... -r

\ /


M A N C H ESTER E V E N IN C m S R A li) . liA N C B E S T E R . COHN* SA TU RD A Y . M AY 7 . 19S5

■f.' • . • • ■' 1 1 t - '

'-■. V


t l i u n ^ h e ^Vk»>FMtof

tM hx ■»»■■*•• ■• XAm*, to tiM PMfUr

O mhIm «. W alnlq'. - X n u l lify Mi« CIUln MM U r .

W m otk lbaa ia Aft«r EMtarMaUMr’rl>ay, May ^

XXaiM WoraUp alid cauuch ■cboel t and 1 0 ^ a.m.


t t . Jtaioaa> B. jCL Chafcli IMv. Jaka r..ltapaaa . Paatar

■•a. Oaarga P. Hafkaa■aV. B d |w PAncO Bar. Pniaeia T. BaUar

aaMtad aMB ta Ua aam fanaiab la t)ia tmaM oC Oad eraatad ba him; mala and towiala eraatad ha tham., Aad Ood aaar awary tldiic that ha had mada, and, hwold; tt waa w y good.” (Oaa. l:M , 37. SI).

CorraUtiva paaaagaa thaChriatian Scieaea taxtbook, ‘‘8d> anca and Haalth .arith Itoy to 'th a Scriptyraa” by K aiy Bakar Eddy;* inchida tha foUowtnf (p. 470:31> 33): "God la tha n aa to r ot man. and, tha divina Prtndpla of man ra«

-malning patfact, tha dtvina idaa oc raflaetion. nuu>, ramaina parfaet,”

•yrauBtain Bavart^OpaaUiff Bantanca

"Sanetua”(•aeond aanrtca) ''Sing

■ Mow with Ona Accord'

Sol* ............... H artartA««mi—n (aacond aanrtca) "With a

Btnaatial ChoirViMca af Stagtng" .............ShawJ

BapaK on N. E. Confaranca Con-1 aw tien (aacond aarvica) . ^ ,

Harold Baad OBactocy. "Andaata" . . . . . 0 | ^ ]Bannoo: "Maty tA* juma* . . . . . .A a r . Harold Pauat|P M ^ te . *TraliMp m O M h J^’

(Tha O raat). . . ; ........... Bach ]S;M. pra-ConSmatioa Laaguc,

"Xaithar'-MalL'ThaW aak \

' hfeoday—«:tS G ilt Scouta. Muaic Jtapm. •:30 Laagup of Woman Votwo' |

eunp^L W har; H alt

8:30 Ladt«r Aid and W. SC. S. tour of (ha HoaplUl.

S:1S Brownlaa. Mualc Room- 7 Boy Bcouta.S C h il l i Council, Board Room. Wadnaaday—S;30 Tooth Cfcolr.7:30 dr. CSaao, MuBcl

Hftfun, ^7:8Q U i t t e Laagua n - l

^**7!iS^ Enmnuai Choir.Thnraday—

, S todlaa' Aid. racapUon rocm 0:30 TW-DalU auppW, Imthar]

Ban.0:30 Gbl Bcouta, MuBc Room. Triday—3:30 OtoV Choir. .. .7.*30 WMB practical work aaa*

' Poe aodta, 0, 7. 3, t , 10 and 11 o'clock with two Maaaao a t t . one In tha main anditorUim for adulta, | and ona for tha chUdran In the I baaament; and two Maaaas a t' 10, ona in tha main auditorium and) <»a in tha baaameht

Church of tha AaaipipBM Adama St. and Thampaou Bd. Miaalau Church af St. OaaWa’

Maaaaa a t 7. 3:30 and 10 a.m.

i t Bridgafa B. CL Church Bav. dahn d. M a te y . Paatar

- Bar. Baberp Otrrall and Bor. Thaadar^OUhaK Aaaiataata.

Meuife mi Amday a t 7, 3, 0,10 and 11 a.m. apd Maaaas down- •talra a t f and 10:45 a.m.

----- SC. FHaeB AaaM Church .Sauth TVlndaor. Bahta SO

Bar. Arthur d. B eBeruuu, Paatar iSor. Baunath V. BarraHa, Cbwate

ICaaaea a t t , 3;80, 0:30 and U Am.

SA'MMuBe'a B. CL Church BaltauOautcr

Thu Bev. s^Bni^ BaUy. Paatar

Marth MathadUt Charch 447 North Mala St.

Bar, deha B. Poat. BDidater dauica W, SIcBay.Minuter af Mnaie

Sunday, 10 Am.Order of Worahlp

I Prelude: “ Tha PeaceProcaeaionid . Hymn:

Home" \Raaponalva Reading: CbUdim'i

Day, 2nd reading ' 'Old Teetament Laaaon: I SamualJ. Anthem: *Th Heavenly liove Abid­

ing'’ —MendeUaohnNew Teetament Leaaon: lAike

8:36-33Offertory: "Contemplation"

—-RitterHytnn of Preparation: "Happy the

-Home"Sermon: "Achieving a Chriatian

Family”Raceaeional Hymn: "O Love Divina

and Golden'Poethide: "JubllaU Deo" —NoIU

Today4 p.m. Intermedlate-Touth Ppl*

lowm p6:15 p.m. Senior TouUi

abip "CUmp Alderegate” night 6:15 pmt. Bible daae in uie nar-

thex \ .Through the Week ,

Monday, 6:M pan. Supper and

PosHioii Is Evcfprthii 1b G olf

Sunday a t S:S0 and 10 annual meeting the church ly, 1:30 p.i

Buildingin. Prayer Oroup


Sacrai Biearl oiupch Ohufch S t, Vameiu ^

Sunday Maaeee a t S and 1Q:W a-tn.

Saturday—0:30 Boys' Choir. 1 Dorcas Pood


ZUu Bvaagellcal Lntherau Church I (Mcaaorl SyiMd)

O a o ^ sad Rifli Straata Bar. Paal O. Prakopy, Paetor

lyias Sfatlou A. B rd ^ Orgaalatj

Bala, Iditbar


O tfhB jTaSunday, Slay 3. tha Pourth Bun- j

day after Biatar, ChriatlaA f^am* | f ^ c a rn Uy Da^, BtoUiar'a ^Day, Church.| try a Service

/ ajn* Sunday Oiurch'Be*i^ and Paranta' CSaaa.

10:15 Am. Worahlp Sarvlca (W iliir^ to tha partB luwm).Praiuda . „

"Abeadlad" . .victor Hammaral Byma—"Xxivo Divtoc, All la m

•BEC DhH***i iitimni

nowimaad Day of S to U ^ hbod" . . . . . . CaH r . MuBlar-

* M n Ourl^raB"Win C Ma^Arlana

•Eaak Him that M a l ^ ^Saven S ta n ’’ Jamas H. Rofara

Hjngu)— "Now Thank Wa All Our God" ^

May 8, (tontata. Fourth Sunday after Eaatar.

0:00 Am. Sunday School. (Neta:Free Bus tranaportatlon for chil­dren wboae paranta cannot bring or send them, or Uva atw dletance.Pde information kindly/dial MI3.0403.) /

3:30 uni. Adult Bible (Hass.10:00 a.m. Nunwry In. the pariah

houm during church Worship. 1 sorvic.. Kuiu.r*»rv.n i.n*^» 10 a-m. Divina worlhlp. tt*t:iSTada 8. n u r a ^ w o t^ p in m. 87il4; Thame: Our Cara and PBurlU Houea," 87 Pm^ S t

Tuaaday,7:30 p.m.

meetingWednesday. 3 p.m. Ahnual meat-1

I lag of tha Joy Circla I 7 p.m. Choir rahaaraalPrtday, 7 -p-m. Waaiay Kuhrt of

the Gideons will apeak to tha mem^I bars of our two Bible claaaas and [anyone alas who U interaatad.;^

B t B brya Epiaeopal Church O u M aad Locust 81a.

The BSv. Alfred U WIMamf,. Rector.

The Bav. Paujild N. Huugarfard, Ourata.

Sydaey W. MacAtobw. Orgaalat and OheB Dlractor.

Mrs. WllUam BlaMfuburg, Church School O rganlat/

4th Sunday after Eaatar—3 a.m., Holy Ck>mmunlon.3:25 a. m., Plrat C h l l d r a h ' a

aarvica, kindergartan t h r o u g h • • ■ tha

"Spring la in the air"

S e rrie dA t N o rth C h u rch

. Ttouorr ew will ha chaarvad as iPunily Sunday to tha North Moth- I odist- Church, with paranta and Ichlldtoii'af the .upper claaaas a t Itha church aChoel partldpatlag to l a aarvica af Worahlp a t 10 o'doiB. iThac* adn ha no aeartou of tha Irlaaap a t tha Oemmunity T this ISunBgr. ■ '-.xI ^Tha Rav. John B Post arin Ipraach a SMClal. maaaaga In this INatlmud MmUy Week, entitled {"Addevtog a d teliilaa Pamily."

1 th/M entlra tomllles ariU sandcA


PhileoSBpenrised Ssratee AtsUsbld At All TIsms

WILL HILLSH m m m i 9 - M f t



C o v e n try .

C h u rch to D ecide P arso n ag e Issue

Covantry May 7 (Spaclal)—The gOcood Congregational Church mmnbera will have a spaclal meet­ing T ueM ^ to decide whether or not a parsonag* ahould be built or t)ic pfeaant one renovated.

A oommlttoe hMded by. {.eroy M, RoberU was appointed Jan. 31 to present a report on the parson­age within. 60 days. TbU Mudy

it baa bean reported, favors, proooni

i f tha mMUng votes to biiild ant structure.


Golden Gate GardensMAX AHNERT, Msasfsr


M g N r’s hay Floem^o u t •ARDiNS «Bt CHOOSI

ItOM OUR WlOi SOICUONS -rr3>-r*tin*crrr*


Maxi P B jw a id J ehaeea'a - " Off id l i Oak Eadga Melel . A t OSa. A fnitttaui Aaaeehitaa Baalaurant Bapf ilM. 1

group, It repairing tha

If tha mM _ new parsonage the dlepcaal of the praeent building will be discuiaed.

Mom school Aid Under Hpuae Bill 1833 paeecd

May 4 la tha State Lagtalature, concerning pupil aid for public achod oparationa, tha town will be aUgihla for conaidarable aid, l i . Ook Stapitan Ixtyxim, repraaen- Utlva; said today.

State aid to the town will be $86,136.30 iiietaad ''of 356,425:20 which the town taceived thia year.

FTA Study Cammlttee The PTA Study Committee win

. meet Monday a t 8 p.m. in the Rob

About TownP v t Franda P. Smith, 31. aon cf

Frank. C. Smith, R t l , hlanchastar, recently was - graduated from tha laundry and dry cleaning machine operation course at tha Quartar- maettf School, F t Laa, Va.' He entered the Army last Dacamhar.

A.aon Waa iMm a t tha Hartford Hospital on May 4 to Mr. and Mra. ^o m aa K. Atamian, 14 Sunaet S t

Alwut 75 paramu attended the recent eueceeaful aeuMck party Scandif Lodge No. 33, Oraar Vasa, held in Orange M alt Mrs. JuUa Johnson wa# h l ^ seorar for the woman ahd Elmar Swanson for tha men. Mra. Mabel Brown was low acorar fOr tha woman and Cart Andaraon for the men.

The Mancheater Cbaptal' o fth e Laymen's Retreat Laagua la laav-

next Friday for a weekjnid at the Holy Family Retreat Houaa on Tuhxie Rd.. FamUngton. About 150 meh from Manchaetar Will leave the carea of the world liehlnd them itnd spend aweekend cloae to God. AU return home bound and determined to make Utis a batter world for evaryona to Uva In. Any-

«rUon school. Mrs. LAWranca one who bps not m ^ ^ r ^ r y ^ Snim of the SUte PTA will die- Uo«W muit^do » by > to ^ y by CUM advIeahlUty and problems of | contacting Joseph Sd ia u e ^ . having two PTA unite In town. *:— “. The committee is making a Rockvilla Emblem Club I ■tudy on tha auggestion and WUI wlU aerva a public auppar Satur-

DIRECTORYSolve PBiAt Problefns at Sherwin-WilJiaiw-s^

thethoughts of many, even the young fry, are turning t o w a r d that favorlta Scottish sport, golf. If tho large number aignad up for the YWCA sponsorad golf elaasSa a t the Manchaetar 0>untry Club la an^^dicatlon .

Alex Hackney (left)

to be enjoytog Instructing his eager young pupils ta hla Wadnea Aay evening clase, (froovleft to r lA t) Peter ZagU6>, 13, Judy Beat, iS, and Torn Scrantqm' 3.

Whan tha YWCA/announced a few waaka ago t l ^ i t waa

i.Tor uing golf

•*Ood'a Furpoaaa for tha Home"Organ ORartory— . J - __«

•lEdltatton" Ale*. Gaorgas 'Hymn— "Forth In Thy Name,

O Lord. I Go" “Tbathida—"PosUuda on Vanadlc-

aBD^ Domino"Joaaph Momh'

7 p-m. lu th a r Laagua maat- toa. «'

■■ ■ Tim WeakTuesday. T:30 Sunday

Behool Workera’ Pm orm eo.Wadnssday. 7:30 p>m. . Choir

vubuttPMiLTVMay. S p.m. Second Tear

for Tbeaa In OUr Coun­try’s

11:00 am . GoUasdienst12:80 p.m. "Tbls la tha Life."

WKNB-TV, channel 80. For Other channels, kindly «mault new*-

p.m. The Lutheran Hour broadcast over WOTH.. 7:45 p.rh. ''Momenta of Com-

fort’’. Radio. WHAY.. '/ -The.,.Wadi

TViaaday, 7:80 p.m. Adult mam. berahlp group.

Wodnaiday, 7:30 p.m. Sunday School Taacbors.

Thursday. 10:00 Am.-4:00 p.ip. Vacation Bible School workshop | a t Bethany Lutheran Chihrdt, W att Hartford.

Saturday, -10 Am. Confirmation claaaca.

10:05 am ., Junior Churrti, Jun­ior Choir, morning priyar wtth| addreaa by tha rector.

11 a ia . Morning prayer w l t h | ■aermon by tha curate.

Musical outlinW of this aarvica: I Processional, "Jasus Shall R a t g n

craft for all ages for sale at their M a j^ a Mart to ba held in Waaley Hall a t th« church. Rafreahmants will ba aarved. fnoro will be toya for tho children. Evaryona is wel­come to attend.

7 p.m.. Chancel Choir rahaaraal.Saturday, 11-12 am ., Oarol Choir

rahaaraal. 6:30 p.m., Potluck aapr Married Couples Club, Ooopdr

W ^ and play days at Camp Aldaragata wUl taka place b a P r l- day and Saturday, May IS and 14.

/, Center OongragatMinal Ohoreh

CSSord O. Stannaak, Mlnistor WatoM WabdraB. DJ>.

MtaUtar, Enarltoa A:ndmw B. Wataoa

. Mlaistar af Mualc

Rea^onalva R M & em , “O

I’OrJTiaCantlclM, "Banadlctua aa Domlna"

— Malthews: " J u t^ U Dto" ToitpS — Gragortan.

Saquance, "JesM LtvasI'*Offertory, "C ow , HtHy QhoatT."..

PalestrinaRaceaeional, “Through “ Hm Night

Of Doubt And Sorrow.”'Phe Confirmation Class of 1355

will make their corporate com­munion a t the 3 am . a a r v i c a , breakfast follows.

S t Mary's Benior Choir J o i n with others Sunday night a t 7: for a Choir Peatlval at Trti ' Church, Hartford. Why not along with your choir T Wednesday— •

Mid-week oe)ehration of the Roly Communloa 10 am . wi)l be held in the "close" or "Oourt- yard" weather peimltting. Monday—'

6:30 p.m., the Wopoan’e Auxili­ary plan a potluck birthday supper meeting. Mrs. OiD>art who la tha Auxiliary'a Diocesan chairnun^of Chriatian Education Will/be the spaakar.

Owigeegattaaal43 Bpraee S t,

B a v ^ l U a y***Pnrtah Wai

\Sunday, May 6 Sunday School a t 3:30 amt Morning W oral^ a t 10:45 am .

' Junioc Barmon: "Tha-Tithing' ' Myetary"

Murnlny~3Pa eaga; "MotfaePa OldA gift will ba presantad the old-

eat and youngest mothars in .thb nudianca as wall as the mother with tha moat chUdran praeent in the aarvica.Bvanlng Service a t 7:30 p.m.

The th n , 'Elbla on the Tbble," Illustrating the bansSts of family dsToUena will ba shown. Savaral a t tha young naopla Of the chnrch will have a n a ra in tha aarvica also.

- Tho WeakTUasday, ConSmatlon Class a t

T p.m.Hl-Laagua a t 3:15 p.m. Wadnaaday, Mid-waak sarvlM a t

7:30 p.m. 'Choir pracUca a t 8:45 p.m.

'.Thuraasiy. Masting a t tha Open B s a i^ hUBBlan inHartford.

Prtday, Juniors a t church a t 7

SkUtrdqr, Young People and Hi- Lsaguara wm attend tha showing of tlM Billy Graham Sim, "Oil- toem. VA-A.V • -

CoesBwalty BapUat Chnrch 503 East Cbnteir 8t. at the Green

Jahn B. Nesphaft, Minister Bahart M. Jalma Chalrmaater

Naaey Whflehill, Cirgaatst

3:45 am . Church School for all Bgaa ChlldiWa program through Morning Wormp.

10;l5 a.m. Morning Woraliip. Praiuda "Prahida In C", J. 8. Bach. Hymn, "For tha Beauty of the

Barth". ,Ctiildran'a Sermon,. "The Wlaa

Man"., \Hyma "O Jasus Thou ArtXtand-

Ing". ■/Anthem, “ O Happy Homa", La-

Spltta-Baenby:Scripture Laaaon. Bxodua 16:1-18. Barmon. "Who WUl Ba tha Head dP

YourHouasT"Hymn, "Lord, aa Wa Thy Name

Profeaa".'Postiude, “Marcia", C. 8. Mallard.

Sunday, 7 p.m. Youth Fallowalilp masting a t the church. -

T te WeekWadnaaday:-----------------

7 pjn. Board of Deacons mast­ing.

7 p,m. Board of Truataas mast­ing.

6:80 p.BS. Finance CommlUaa meats..'ibursday:

10:30 ' a jn . Annual Meeting, Woman’a Baptist Missionary So- clatyi First MpUst Church, Watar- bory,

6 p.m. Mother and DaughterBanquat, flute duet; puppet show praaentad by the Senior High Youth Group. . 'Friday:

6:30'p.m. Man's Chib supper and meeting. .An interesting speaker will be heard.

7 p.m. Adult Choir rahaarsal a t the parsonage,Saturday:

10:30 Junior Choir rehaar-

11:30 am. Sanior^High aadOldqr Youth Choir rqheariml.

7 ^ Holy 8. 3:15 and 11


Sunday. May 8 dy-Oafnmunio

\Chu . servieas.

South Matbadlot C 3 m ^Mala Street sad Barttord BaM

Bav. Fred B. Edgar, Mlnislar ' Bav. Percy Smith,

AaaoekUe MhiMar Ptdllp Treggor, M hiM r Of Mnaie

■ .mwi I , WSunday, May 6

Service of Worship 6 am . Prelude, ''Chorale''—Kdrg-Elart Hymn, "For the Beauty of the

Earth’’Otfertoiy aolo, —June Gaal, ao>

pnuib"' " ' ' ...... : '—Hymn. "O Lov# that WUt not Lrt

Me Go”Sermon, "Thraa Great Virtues'*—

Dr. Fred R. Edgar ' ’Hymn, "Saviour l ik a .a Shephard

Lead Ua"Poatluda, ''Fugua"

Servico of Worship, 10:45 am ."—Bach.

'Spring Song . . . . . FaulkasAnthem—"S anctu r . . . . Gounod

<3:l5) Senior/Choir ahd soloist, Frank MaloMy"Ba sun , A y Soul" ,>... Bataly (11) (Quartet: Dorothy RcdMrta Martlta/Martln, Sidney Cu^> man and . Richard JohnstOa

ScriptuM Reading —1 Corinthians (R.8.V.)

Hyihn—"Before Jahovah'a.wtut Ihrons" ..............Venua

ithem—'■"Be Still. My Soul" ....H aU ly (3:16) Senior Choir.

"How Beautiful Upon theMountains" . . . ............ Harkac(11) Soloist, Dorothy Roberts

Offertory—"Oadla Song" Hailing Sermon—"Love HI. Love la

Never SclSah’’Hymn—“How Sweat the Name of

Jasus Sounds"......... JtatnaglePoatluda—“Sortie” . . . . . . . D n b ^

3:15 Church School, kindergar­ten through Junior high.• 11 Church School, nursery through Junior hlgli. ^

10:S() am . Special Church masting In/the sanctuary.

4:30 Pilgrtm ing.

6:30 CYP Cluh, Paranta* NighL / ■ HmW aak

Monday— 4 7 Girt Scout Trom* One.7:30 Prudantlal Oommlttoe

maatbig. - 7:45 Loyal Circla King'a

Daughtfrai.TUasday, 7:45 Board, b f Dea­

cons moating.'Wadnaaday—7 Bethany Groupr 3:30 PUgrtm (tooir. rahaaraal. 6:30. Boy Scout Troop 38.7 Girl Scout Troop 50.7:30 Senior Chotr rahaaraal.6 Church Council moating. Thursday, 7 -Girt Scout Ttook

Simday, May 6, morning' w ahip 10 am .O gan Praludea; Prelude to C

Major .................1. J B. Bach“Adagio" (Sotiau I in P Minor)

— — reUxrMandalsaohit Probaaaional Hymn, "Now Tbank

Wa All Our God ' >Reading, No. 033.

Love How Doep'.Titeomb

Children’a Btory Church School Racaaaional, “O

God, tho Rock of Ages" Scripture Reading, P r o v a r h a

ChmXar 31 Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer Offertory SoIO.-'Mia Helm How

landSermon: “In Praiao of a Splrlf* Raoassional H y m n , "Oradoua

Spirit, DwMl with Me”Poatluda, Chorale la A Minor

C tsftT; IhrMiek 6:30 p.m., Mu Sigma'Chi mast­

ing.The Weak

Monday—*,JT:00 p.m.. Girl Scouts.

Tuesday—8:00 p.m., Tosar. gnwp masting

a t homa of Mrs. Haleh Sahrbaekar, 13 Denver Road, hoataaaaa, Mra Virginia Manchaetar and Mra Virginia Anderaoa Wadnssday—

3:00 am .,' Lucy Spencer Rum- Sale a t tha Church. Oratrl.

Pellpwahip maat-


Be#a* OengragaBeeal Church Tho Bav. X rth v A. Wallaee,

MbristarTPalte Orayhi Orgaalat

Sunday, 3tay S *Faatival of the CbriaUau Homa 3:30 am . Cluuvh School, r 11 am . sarvlca of Worship.

Fwoaaslfwisl Hymn: ''Now Thank { WaAUOurGod"

Anthwn; "Blaoa This House"-3IayH .B )raha


Plrat Church af Christ, Sdaattat . Maaaalr Temple

Sunday Sarvlco, May 3,11 am . Sunday School, 11 am . WadnMday Meeting, S p.m. RaadUig room hours:Tuaadsys and Pridays, ISuaoon-p ^ .Tuaaday


“For tha

Daut^cnomy/g:Plnlml45Bokuty of tha

ItadlartmailiHi too*Th6

iy,’7-3 p.m.Wednesday, 7-7:55 p.m. .The public is cordially Invitad to

attend our aervicas and uaa tha roaillnr room.

"Adam and Fallen Man" will 1m the aubjact of the Laaaoa-Sarmon for Suivday. May g. Tha Golden Tint ta from I Corinthians (15-32): “Aa in Adam alt <ha to (Shrist ahak all ha mada aiivar ■ aeldfctloiie from, tha Blbla Incteda the toSowlag;: "Aad Gad said. Lot ■■ maka' man hi dor tm acal fO m m tt \ t fu fa m • . . . s 4 « W

. J:-

Identical to Dm • a.m. with (oUowing axcaptiona:Anthem, “Foravar Worthy la Thy

LambTschalkowsky Offertory anthem. "My Soul Truly

Waltath"—Staana• 3:10 and 10:45 am .. ChurchSchod.

10:45 am. . Nursery. I7 p.m. Senior MTF Installation |

of new offleara will takh ptoca in a special aarvica In tha sanctuary.

7 p.m;, A Mothar’a Diay program will be hrid by Epworth LeagtM to which they will helwr Mim M air

^jJtona to.A jnemodal,aende#„.The Weak

Mondiw, 7:45 p.m:, FaUowahlp Group; 7:45' p.m.', Eipworih Circla wiU meat at tha home of Mra. Dorothy Retnchl, 31 Walker St.; 7:45 p.m., Glaanera Oroup meeting, ladies nmdor

T u a a d ^ lO JO am ., W C T U wUi do Rad Cross searing. May Day luncheon will ba sarvod at noon by Mrs. Marlon Bairet.and her commlttaa. At 3 b’clock. tha Rev. John Poat will n aak to the group on "Alcohol and the Chria Uan ReaponslbilUy,*’ to which the public. Is cordially Invttad. 3:15 p.m., Girl Scout Troop 17: 3:15p.m., Browalo Troop 24; 7:: BOTSbanta

Wadnaaday, 3 a jn ., Doccaa Gram, all-day maetlBg: 7A3 Maatmg af primary dapartmriri taaebars, ladiaa Parler,

T tonday, 3 :lf p.m.. Girt Scout T nap 14; 7:33 p.m., SpIttoMI Idte 'CteSB. ■ ...

PMSap, 6 . 16 PJB., BffUm GMOt havh

Friday—3:15 Brownie Troop 33, 8:30 <»-Woda maaUng. Saturday, 3:30 Cherub


Wapplag Camneonlty Choreh Bav. DavW Oraebatt. Btlalstar

Blary Bnraham Diaalew. Orgaalst aad Chair Director

Sunday, May 3:3:30 am . Church Bchoot 10:45 am . Worship Service. Prahida, “Melody in F" Rubinstein, ^^^yrvm tyK ssa xern r, vKSosat:Hymn, "Now Thaidc We AO Cor

God." Oriiger.Anthem, "Oount Tour Bleeatiiga,'

G H ara Senior Choir.(Xfsetory. "Barcausa," Oratefa-

u tnoff.Hymn. 'G .Ood, Hear Thou the Na-

tioH'a Prayar," O mhainthe


Sermon, "Honoring Mother." Hymn. “For the Beauty <<

Berth." Kocfier.PoeUuda March frimi “AthaSa'

Mandaiaaohn.7:00 p,m. Pilgrim Tooth Fbtfow- ahto In tha Ctonasoatty Houaa'

Partioo of offleara

l : wmnan and

children, haginwars and/ with Hackney aa tahhXKtor to iD I tha clamas, the o tt l^ w a a deluged I with raquaats to M ra d p a ta Ovsr| 100 women aiMKyouiiEitara taking laaaon* ahd thara te a longl w a it t^ list for tho o v a n i n g claaaaa ^ '

laoend CMgiegntlannl Ohmeh i U lla ta Street

^n h M W. Teaar, Mtolatar Bnrday P. Wood, Orgaalat 3 (ra Barhnni R. Baekart

Choir Dlreetar

Cana. Brlgadlar aad M ra WUUsm I BaarrtMtl will bo apeeial gnasts for tha day.

2 pjn.. Silver Lana Sunday! School, OecU Kittle ta charga.

3 p.m., Hoqrttal visitation riith tha weakly edition of tha War Cry.

5:45 p.m., the Band will laavo for I Hartford to play a t 41 Baocoa St.

7 p.m., Prayar masting in theT.P, Hall. '

7:30 pjn.. . SalvnUon XMoUngj ndoctad—to BMffadiw.J7Uliam

Baarchall. Band and Bongatar music.

Tha W a*Monday—

8 pjn.. Tha PHandahip O rclal wUl meat in tha T.P. HatL Tuesday— .

2 pto.. The Woman's HemalLaagiia win wrap baadagas for tha Hoqiltal. '

3:80 p.m.r Junior Soagatar praa-1 Uea.-Mia LUliaa P arro tt .

6 p.m.; Junior Baad pracUeaRobert Richardson. >

7 p.m.. Senior SoogaUia Mra LUliaa Parrott.

8 p,m.. Senior Band praetlca C Pater Osrlaoa

3 pja., Bible htudy group with M ra Floraaca Stavansoa Wadnaaday—

6 p.m., A pot luck supper and Chptaln Ida Murray, mimionary from Pakistan, will bo spaclal spaakar. \ThUMday— \

6:80 pjn.. Corps Cadata 7:80 p.m., Cpm air sarvlca /8 p.m.; Midweek aarvica A t.

and Mrs. Jamas Munaia In chm sa

t a n auUona recalvad Tuaaday night or

call M ra Ralph Roekwaa A busi- naas msaUng wUl fmiow Immadi- ataly afU r lunch. Hoataaaaa, Mra, Evelyn Slawaon and Mrh Kaaney.

6:45 p;m., YouthY:00 p.m., Boy Scol7:30 p.m., Chancel Choir.7:30 p.m., Mary W iUia& Group

wUl mast with Mr*. Rosa Leonard. M7 Beat Middle Tpka.

3:00 p.m., Strickland ■ Group maating. homa of Mra Samuel Hai)deraoa, 205 Woodland St. Prtday— , ,

3:00 p.m., Maiy Cushman jgrouB monthly meeting a t hom anf Mra James Brand. Hootaaa.Mra Wm. Winslow.Saturday—

3:80 am., Boys' Choir.10:30 am ., Gtt-ls* Choir.1:00 p.m.. Junior High Pilgrim

Pallowship WiU meat for UewUe hlka Each boy and girl ahould bring a bicycle, kneh and soma- thing to drink.

3:00 p.m., Toaar group card party.

United Ibthadlat Ohateh Baitaa C aaa

Sunday. May 8 11. sjn . Worship aarvica

Orcan Praiudad f Hymn, "For tha Beauty af tha

Earth"Intent Baptism ‘Hymn, 'Every Day sind Hour" PrassnUtlon of tithaa and offar>

Inga. ' I 'Offertory Antham- Hymn of Conaocration Hymn, "Happy tha Home'Whan

God IsThriw "'+Semwir»sWlhet..AMEee»*vcHe*m

Chriatian'', tha Rev. J. R. Tasi- 'Sar.'

H ^ in . "G Love Divine that ,Through Our Homes Dost Mdva",



GOSPEL HALL4 IS C s n ts r S trs s t, M sn c h s tts r, C onn.B u t God com m oudoth h is lovs w s r d s us, In

th a t , w hild we w ere y e t s inners, ^ r l s t died f o r us.F o r w hen we w ere y e t w i t h ^ s tre n g th , in

tim e C h ris t died fo r th e uhgpfUy. /T h e r^ o re being j u s t i f i ^ b y ^ fs i th , w e nsYW-

pesedsw ith God th ro u g h ^ Lord'jTesus C h ris t.X .Muchr m ore th s n , b e ^ g now ju s tif ie d o y h is blood, w e shall b e ssy M fro m w rsD i b j/h im ,- (R onuuu 6 :8 , 6 , 1 ,

YOUBring Tour Bil


make a rtport and recommenda­tions a t the PTA meeting Wednes­day night a t the school.

n e committee is making a re­search in view of the fact there will be two elementary schools in town with the beginning of faU •ossiona when tha new s c h o o l )>uUding : in the north district is cxpectadlNto be completed.

X School Mentis Tha school lunchmanus for the

weak wUt ba: Monday, frankfurts in rolls, buttered com, p o t a t o chlpa, paaehaa; Tuesday, )>eef and noodles beats, grapefruit sections; Wadnaaday, hash, tomato cup, catsup, oooklaa; Tburaday, chlekan noodle soup, peanut butter and JeUy sandwiches, cake squaraa; Friday, tuna fish salad, p o t a t o cMpa, carrot stlcka, ice c r e a m . Bread, Initter and milk are served with all maala.

Grove Vialta Uaiveralty ■nia Oo-operative Kindergarten

session vlaltad the dairy and new horUeultnral buUdlngs a t the Uni* veraity of Connecticut this week. Mra. J. Paul Brennan accom'panied

r group to Assist Mr*. Burton E. », teacher.I Nursery Clsas la planning to

aimilar visit soon.Little Chef* WiU meet

day. May 14,, a t 6:30 a t tha Elka Home in RockviUeX Mrs. Oaorga H. WlUiama heads tha supper com- mlttad'and Mrs. Earl (larrity of tha ways aad meaaa commlttaa is co-chairman. Rasarvationa may ba made through Mra. EmAst* W. Spellntan, 184 Summit St.

Mrs. HeUan Merritt HoWland of WyckofL N. J., wiU'ba guest soloist a t tha 10 Am: aarvica to­morrow in the Second Congrega­tional Oiurch. She is a dau^ te r- In-iaw of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. How­land, 71 Strickland St. .

Supreme Preeident Mrs. Grace Prats of Detroit, Midi., will make her official visit to Daughters or Lilierty No. 125 a t the roaetlng Tuesday at 6 pjn. in Grange Hall. She will ba accompanied by Mra. Jtmn Owmbarlain of Ghio, past supremo (president. They will ba guea^ of Supremo Deputy Mis&esa Annie Johnston of Haw- lay S t during their stay in town. The annual mamorial aarvloa for deceased members will be a part of the program. Thoso participat- Ing are asked to wear their white

i glovenan of the D of L advlaory board juuLhia commlttaa will aarvo re­freshment*.

h, — ■ I

Marine S g t Robert J . Hoffner, son of Mra. Calvin C. Hoffner, 78

. . _ Floranea S t, and husband of thaMonday’s maatings include Cub former Miaa Joann L. Boppart of

Scout'Pack 57. Dan 1, 7 pjn. with Hamden, waa promoted to his Mrs, Robert Clevardon; Den 3. 7 present rank a t New Rivar, N. C.. p.m. with Mr*. John McQuown; at the Marine Air Facility on Aimi Den 4, 7 p.m. with Mrs. Michael 22. He is serving as a squadron Kelly; Boy Scout Troop 65, 7:301 clerk, with Marine/ Hcllcoptor pjn., Pond HIU Bcbool; Cub Scout [Transtort Group 26/of tha 2nd Pack 65, Den 4, 6 pjtv. with Mrs.[Marine. Aircraft Wing. He en- Leon Chase; S t Mary’s Senior j tered the aarvica in May, 1660. CTG, 8 p.m.. Church Hall; North and South Coventry Sramcn, 3 p. m., raapactlve Srehouaea; Amer­ican Legion and Auxiliary, 3 p.m..Legion Home.

Tuesday instead of Monday at the home of Mrs. William H. Kenyon, leader. They will have a cook-out a t 5:30 p.m.

Mai5day*a Meetiags

TaleettvIRe C*gves»#eB- Bav. E eatuM A. Maiphy,

■ba. A ..J. UttaaeUV'I • / ■ ,Sunday, Ifay t \

Service of- Worship a t ll^fJB* Organ Prahida, / \

tfUrCVUM -aa>*6«a*3aa QOQWChiu to Worship - ^Hymn No. 20,"When ICifiUnc Gilds the SUas"

Hand Lord’s Prayar Reading No. 45

S t M toY

U m A v.ltayB STS. Ham. 16:S3t U gh


"^~RSa SrivnMau Army SSI 8fato StraaS.

Mslar wto Mia. M bs PlckuR OCOewa to C terga

Simday, May g:6:36 a js .. Sunday School clamaS

and 3foti)or*s Day pragram. Tauth Baud Mild Ctomis, RuasaU <f«««gp'i young paopia’a iwrgaaat major.'

16:48 UJri., Prttoda of muric ifnm tha new song books fey the Baud and Songstars: "OoAofOur Fitbars", "In tha Oardsn". "Jaaua, I Coma", "Have Thlqa Own Way, Lard", aad "Naur ta tha USurt of Ood”. Lynatta MuxwaU wlU glva

laaeriptlva plUM eaUod "I Am a ng Book." Major . PMkuB sdU

boulB t t e ■nory af Btotfear JaaAau Mia-


as ,Reading tho Laaaona, Tha Bpla-

tlaa of Paul to tha OotosaUm 4:1-6, 14-15.

Antham."Just for Today" ........ Bauvar

Sole, Gaetano SlmoncaUl Thq caiuinh a t Prayer Offertory, "The Lord la My . Shepard" BlcheffDoxology ........... .Hymn No. IM, - . .

'The Sw M Story of iOld"' Sermon,

"la the PamUy DislatagratihgT" Rev. E. A Murphy

Hymn No. 61."O God Our Help in Agaa Past”

O rgan Posth)da,"March Harotqua" Satot-Saans

of Ood Ohayal' 314 Spruce Street

Bsuuath L. Ouatnfaau, Paatar

Sunday, May 3 6:45 ujn. Sunday Schoed 10:45 u.m. Morning Worahlp

. 7:00 p.m. Bvangallstic aarvica with Dcnald Gustafson aa apaokar.

Tha WeekWadnaaday, 7:|0 - pjn. Blbla

Study and Prayar Saturday, 1:80 p jn. Itoppy BlUa

You are eordlaUy tontod to at- tend each of thaaa sarvleaa a t tha ChapaL

Bamambar to tuna to a t 10*>. Suaduy uvaisag^to ‘'Bavtvultlaaar heard error WCffiM to r iartferd. ,

Tfea Bar. wmrn/U. E


May A., Ctoireh sebooL U oam ra^D aj a

OOBflCitOOte*p^m., Toung FwpU'p F il-

lownhip maating, social rooin.lOdW' Tnaoday a large data-

gatlori of BueklngtouB Ctaucb paa- pla WlU attaad tha annual pU- frtoMga. of tho Stet#' Oi

ROY MOTORSm c n i T u s T . — i k . M I 3 .1 2 2 4

Are you planning on nsdocoratf^ Ing your homo this aprlngf If so, do atop In a t tho Sharadn-WU- Uanw Store a t 716 Main S t and *ak to sea their 1665 Homa Deco- totor book. Thia" beautifully ll-luatratad book abowa you in color tha nawast trends In hbme beauty and alab shows you in a simple

uncompUcated manner Just how to paint vmiibua articles. Soors, woodifork, waUs, etc. You WlU be smart to visit the Color Sarvlca Canter of. tha Sbarwln- WilHams Btora and aaa the hun­dreds of glorious colors for ovary room In your home. WUljUurd Marvin, manager of the Sbarwin- WlUiama Stora^ WUl ba gla^' to assist you and adviae you on paint­ing problems. ..

Sbenrin-WUUams houso paint Is quaUty. control paint Starting with the raw materials 'which

EveaiagCoventry eoireapoadeat 31r*. C. L. WOa, Mepfeona, Pilgrim 8r6S3L

Six Ckmnacticut women Interost- ad in international affalra and ac. Uva in their communlHea will tian- efit by seholarahipB to tha Colga^ Conference on American Foreign

n«i«i61 Policy, awarded by tha Beatrice Fox AiuiriiBeh FoundatloB. the

Herald Photo.

Hobby Grows into Bnsineiw2

story. No wonder ao many peo­ple Insist upon SWP house paint

Super Kem-Tona comas in ISO wonderful colors and this wash- aide latex waU paint can trans­form the walls and ceiling cf the average aise /room for leas than 310. You can do a professional Job youraelf, goes on evenly, dries In an hour and It is twice as feat and easy whan you-use a RoUar-Koater. Color harmon- laa are aasurad when you use the Sherwin-WlUiams Decor • Aider. Ask about the Super Kam-Tone Appitkay that gives you Indlvld- uAl design effect* by simply roU- Ing your AppUkay design over f rm ly applied Super Kem-Toser

For every palnUng need, youwUl Arid a Sherwln-WilUama Paint that will make home decoraUng a pleasure Kem-Glo the wonderful

----- - ___ ^__ I enamel, porch's and Boor enamel,come from aU pver the^rond, am ,emi-luatre a m nsany others. StopBherwtn-WUliaihs mathtalns its own nflning and procestoig plants to aasuro uniform high quality in thase materials. Throogh its manufacture, tha paint is con- troUad 6n4 chackad. amT whan>A batch ia Snishad. it is aubmittad to nine dtffarant testa to insure lU

Gmatar «*»w aimulata the effect of

nyin a t your Sherwin-WiUiama store and gat acquainted with their truly wonderful products.


Weiat Haven, May Y (3B—Medi­cal Examiner Lawronca M, Tlar-


S pecial O ffering■ m ' rm* ' • 1 I lAy for a acholarahlp

, A t Z ion -C hurch

e c fP A to o v w s e iDeSotthPlymouth


pawai itaartag,- • • • a , , , S 1 9 9 Spawar fenkes. Om

19S3 CHEVROLET AOOOR SEDAN . . . . . . $1391Btoek, pawas gS«a,*radla and kaater. ExeeptloMlIly deam

1983 HLYli. CAMURIDOE 4-DR. SEDAN ... $1MSVary eleaa, aaa awaer.

19S3 PLYMOUTH DBLViDERE........ . $1398S-teM. tadia aad kaater. FveaptlBaally claaa.

19S2 PLYM. CRANIROOK 4-DR. SEDAN .. SAVERadla aad kmtar, aaa •waer, vary law ariiaage. Om af the

• alaaaaat STa fee tawa. Mast ba aeaa t o fee a p p r ^ ta d .

1982 MUCK MODEL 72R HARDTOP CONV.Bad a m blaek, amtehiag leatosr latarlar. am feaatar. Maiajr etfem axtraa.

1951 RUICK MODEL S2R HARDTOP CONV. S149Sm to am feaat ar. A real sparty ear.

s a a a f a a e

.radla .am I$1791

r. hydra-19S1 CADILLAC MODEL A2 .

A hsaalltol dark griea, ww ttrea,.■' • — Me. ia tm a CaWtom eamttliba,

1981 CHRYSLR WINDSOR 4-DR. SEDAN. . $291- Oawa

S taaa giaca, radla a m feaatar, antnamtie traamilsrisa Oar-to"ta.r*:w;n-w4-!

19S3 DODOE MBADOWMtOOK 4-DR. SED. $1298Dark Mae, radla aad feaalar, aataamHe tnmaMlmlnn, A real

1949 DbSOTO SEDAN CUSTOM S 6 • 6 6 $191Itowk


daws. Maay atfear extras.'

.. $298. Dawn

feaatar, feydrimaWr, alactrio wta-

1946 NASH 4-DOOR SEDAN $298

1944 PONTIAC STREAMUNER 2-DCOR .. J 97J 0- SaaTfA ;47, *4S can . Na mabay dapra. |3 . 16. f t

0 ^ 9 ^ t o 9 P ^

/ Together with liundred* of con­gregations of the church at'large, I Zion Lutheran will give apaaal|

: consideration to the spiritual am I aocial needs of the 32,(>00 men and women of the Lutheran- Oiurch- MtMOUri Synod who are In.^UA. •ervica. Fof a number of years a I special offering has been taken hi the churches for this purpoaa on Mother’s Day.

Tributa wUl also be paid to the' mothars during tha aervlcea Sun­day morning. Folders, lettara and offeri^ anvelopaa have been aent to Zion's parishioners.

Tha Armed Sendtoa Ckwnmla-i slon a t Waslitogton, D.C., working fee conjunction .with congregation* and pastors, supplies each service person an inltlM kit of a service prayer book, an idenllScatlon tag and tm eU eapectolly ptoparm for them. Bach month a . tovotlonal pamphlet, Loyalty-C h r4 ■ t m d

-CkiUntry. is aent to every service fiersob on Me. Quarterly of Dotihiemme, the Lutheran aanrtca paraons, la toir Ciudad in tha maUmg.

Tha Lutheran Senrtca Ckmimto alon malntaina 46 amvlca and pdriah canter* a t home ana a^iU L Thera are of., tha Lutheran .Church-Mlaaoqri S ^ o d oil active duty.

Weicoma to extended to aU ta- tereeted, especially to those who h*vD tic church home*

T n in m to M ark 71st A n n iversa iy

(Oanthraad from Page One)GenaralrPbU Butler,tha Nbtlonal tea. am Mtoaouri's two Stuart S y m ii^ n a m Thomas

tha Harry S. Truman Ubrary, Inc., will meet with the . t o the letting of contraiSttfor the building.

Truman wlU ba given tlw honor of turning tha first apmaful of earth a t the ceremony. ,

Tha format Praaidant sMd t o ' day he didn’t gat much w r k on a

ahoval durlag hto youth on the funxia

"I ones had a Job. on the Sm U Fe Railroad from Atherton, Mo, to-Kansas O ty.” he recited, ' ^ t I didn’t get mudi acquainted With the ahoval work. 1 was the tlma- ksapar." . * ■

, THROUOHWAY NAfeIB~ UBOEDHartford, May 7 (A h-‘The Nut­

meg State Highway” t o the name favored by the LegtoUture’s Roads, IM dgei a m Rtver Oommtotoe for S a new G fa^cb -K U liliily Ex-^

[Fox Auarhaeh Foundatton. the conferenoe to be bald from July 10 to 14 a t (Colgate Unlvaralty, Ham­ilton, N. T., csi tha thama "Peace Through Strength.’* Any <3bii- nacUcut womaii Intarastad may ap- friy for a acholatohip hy raquaat-

Or-ttons. 356 Mala S t, Hart­

ford. Deadline to May 20.

months of outdoor axpoaure. In tha Said, actual exposure tests a r t made on testing stotlons aU over the'country, along with oUi-- -Touthtol evening dresros from

h m V ^ ^ r i i u r ^ e paint to P«rta have lace trim this spring.

tha Sndlnga rapqrt®6 f® toa labor-1 ftogile chaatUly are used.

SERVE BOTAL ICE OREAl|^ a (liiiimnal a (Malt

• TWrtaaiaa a NavaMaa Whalaaala and Retail

W am n St.



GUERINl snd MORE8CH1 Accordions

Private Instroctioiis lB6tnuB6Bt6 and SagfUet

O rchertra^For Biro '

Mara feauasaare palatad with 8. W. P. than any aths*

, poMt,

W tlU A M SWa i


fa* pkyaMasaC^

aaveadagasihallt i ^ /---: '• f a i / i s iM 'U ^ t

Cannon, 70, whose body waa found washed ashore yesterday near the end of Sandy Point Beach.


bally . MsaOMl—aaovaalaot as assay (lam/tfea feoto tfeereagi tel*. DMItoaHva Bsryltab Ma '■a PbeURIaa. .

T- P. HOLLORANr u m * -------*—

JOHNACRAITYJR.m o a m s a s



B X P n n AUTO BO OT a a i . FE N inat REP AIRS




TEU 3I1-SB466




- - - . 1 0 - 6 ^ 1

Til* do-it-yourself taovamant k as^ atriiek Juat about everyotia, but one c f the moat .faacinating ones to that of (Tsrasnlcs. Hera in Manriieatar this ha>-. bean nmda even more pctuilar by Mrs. OsmUla. iW kar and Mrs. l/cnothy toibb of the OamDot Oeramiea now located on RewU 6, 117 N4W BoKon Rd.. (the fonner location of the Mun­son Gandy Kltcban>. Tbeira to a story of a hobby growing Into a f ^ tlm* buainesB.

Osrstoc* are talcing tfadr placa a most useful and -beautiful

of piany a home, for you can make breakfert sets, oaaserolea. complete sets of dishes, plain ao that you may decorate tham to amt your U -U or with a copy of Wedgocrood. The coet of aH thia to not too much more than you would pay for them in Uw store, and it to ao murii fnn,to ntoke tham youraelf. V • /

U you know nqihing about cer-

BeraM Pbete.firing leaving the pattern to the porcelain.

H am throwing on the wheel to aleo taught. 'Ihto to one of the old­est methods of making bowls, vases, etc. out of Clay, Souipturtiig to another art taught hy thaaa var- aatile women.

Did you know that you can make your «wn ri iha dinnerware set a t camDotr Hiey have real china blanks and you may them to your ; own design. They offer Instruction* in this also. Who wouldn’t ba proud to diaplay a din­ner set of their own daai^—and the coat to very reasonable.

OamDot OsTwmics to cloaed "rueaday during the day to allow Mrs. Bubb am Mn. Paricer to pur­chase aupfrties. They carry lead Ing ceramic supplier, firing to done every day and pouring to done Monday. Wednesday and Friday, 3 to 11 a.m., am l to 8 p jn

amici It would pay you to taka one Thursday and Baturday.-l-pjn, to or two lessons;' tlisy <mly coat 31 ' ~for a two liour leason! OeinDot haa over 1,000 molda a m the coat of using a mold to Juat $1', and tlia alip (which is liquid, clay) 1* only 11.50 a gallon a m you can pour qidta a number of pieces cut of this.

3 p.m.; Thursday evening 7 to am Tuesday evening 7 to 3. Stop in and sea Um womerful things there. They sell their ftiitohed products also. You. will love mak- ing ceramics. It to easy , a m to rawarhng—how about one of the new tile top coffee tables? Make

Mrs. P u lle r end Mrs. Bubb also [ ypur own tile* and design a coffee give toeaon* in different glasing table top Uipt b the latest fariifcm techniques, lace figure haplng gt a cost far leaa than you ixMld for poreeton flgurinee—c o 11 o n | purchase one. lace, cotton or wool materials, are lalxed with the slip very thoroughly a m thto to 'w ned away In the


SUPPLY COT VCorner Mala to»es6.and .v

Mlddla Tpk. Baat (Opp. Gannaab BnMi Sta.)

Per a coasplato Bm af f e ^mmAfra M/aM UlUOtHkNlI MNMUUSaDistrifeator for Ahmaiaam Oem- htaatten Wtedswa aad Dooia.




39 E A ^ C E N T E R ST.—T iC M - 8 - 8 0 ^

Have Tear Pleor* Baafsi Aad Itotohed With tha N«*


HOT WAX raOOESSOlvea Seera everliwtiag bsaalg.

C O R D T 'Sllo a r Ctaaalag Sarvlea'

Baadlag aad RiSabfel n a , 30-3-6363





TRUCK LETTERINGla ToUsad C ooatj G6t O ar Eatiauit#

SifBS Of AH Kiada


218 Eaat Blala St* BockrlDt P hoat 5-8481






PiiaiH ra d EfDeMpt PrtaSMs af -An..BBla

GOMMONin FRESSoar. Nai Mala feai Ma.

M Hwll^ fy filieaa A k o b u y i i

r N0Wt. £S%a Oeaeral MUhrark aOampleto Wtadaw Ualta a ABSIsa Doors a Mlttad aad Qhiad Trim a Expert C u laat Work a Cooipleta Hardware DapL

Yosr Ydn Shop•6 OoHan ■t'-ni, 30-64388

Cm apletb Hba o f y s r a s s a d k a i t t i a i acesssorieS. s tsa ip ad goods, ta ib ro ld e ry eottoB s a d U t t ia g th roads. F ree p riv a te ia s tm e tlo a .H o o ts : 9 :45 A. M. to 5 P . M;

Evenr Week Dsjt; O p6aT liar8 . to 9 P . H . /

IN MANCHESTERand vicinity its



No Laaapas Baqnlfed' *• 1 -

117 New B oltoa Road, Routk"5—•BfLS'5755.

WllUaa H. SiUsM(tUSSBtoea SL M . MM-IOTS

^ O R P C I I A M O N E Y


aad Scrap IroaCALL OB OEI4VBB TO

OSTRINSKYto W ^ a Motarlab

131 PABKEB ST.TSL 1044138 or M l SUB

: - X


FINEST FOODSExperUy Praparad By

Blaster OhefB A LL LEG A L B EV E R A G E S

Gar new Baaqnat Boem Mfer anan tor WaSdIaga,


D rM i RwlairM i336 BABTVOUD BO.



ixNMip ta t-mwf

AatkorfeMd Dealer

B, L HORRISDHFuhri aad Wallpaper Oa.S6B OBNTBB STBEEt

Mapkefea m 6-6113. tpaGtoaBbMrO'


•4 OuUuud SlKMl TgL Ml*3-73i 4 ^Prau DuRvury


lugBxyou A ^ iv u by iudofaiu. '


BtBtoaaBSL B U em lO BOTID


; ?o HI-"



Open Satarasy ■MO B pea.



REPAIR SHOPWiffiaai H. G r e ^ Prop-

Cohiaibia B m ic a Goodyear Ttrea R epaint Service

A eeeenrin 180 Sproet S treet Phdae MI-9-0859

DUN WILLIS X GARME18 Maii^ S t* T el M l-U-dStl

Speddbhg h IRAKI SERViCI



PliO M s: S t a m 9044 o r M ltehen 9-8888



OoRiif WiltMi lit .m V i BpcneaBt, TM. 3li44B U

POR YOURjuNi nwAanMNTDiamond


o em o lo q ibt 666 Mato St. — SLUtMl 18

M m



V,. T'


\ '

IIA N C H E S T E K E V Z an N G H ERALD ^ M AN C H E STE B . OONN^ S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 7,1951^


p iriM crs TH*, ■M Mm ^iyomr

rr$ Ataeommx MHP> ATOWI tn' iaoc VUti.

S e n s e a n d N o n s e n s eis t IM M taltWltlvT

Quintbtl I am tlM food in* lopoetor/

XT " .... ..

Story Triltr — A woman fag worboard and a ftganUc ahark oUi^tanead all raacuft boata At tha last Instant It, sklddodto a stoo and snlekly swam aw n . _

liatsntr—It nevsr touched a rf Story Teller—No. Tou s h .MI

was a man-eatlns shark./

knowing.— I let-



o u t O U R W A Y

BUfle facta worth •ilie Bible contains^ 8.6M,480 ters, 810,687 words, 81,1TB verses, 1,188 chapters and 68. books.

The loupest chapter U the

^urtest and middle chapter is tha^lTth psalm.Tvi middle verse of the eighth of tb ^ i8 th psalm.X The longest name U in the dghtii chapter o f .Isaiah.

The word "and" occurs 46,637 times; the word *T<ord” 1,888 ttmea. ' .. . .\The thirty-seventh chM>^r of

TfOieh and the nineteenth chap­ter Of Esther, and tha shortest verse'* is me thirty-fifth of the eleventh chapter of John.

In the twenty-first verse of ^ seventh ' diaptw of Earn is the alphabet.

TOe name of Ctod is not men-

tioned in the book o f Esther.The model prayer is the seven­

teenth >chq>ter of John.The' thirteenth chapter o f 1

Oorlnthians Is the chapter on Christian love or "charity,” as it is called, and la very helpful.

Overheard iit, government bufld-S coCfae har: "Oee. Td better

back to the office or ru be

arencaloapeople have their msoBta

on which outings, and

. ; their inninga HBhahnon W e in Satevapoat^ ^

C A R N IV A L E y d ic k t u r n e r

Irate cop — What happened] herpT

SCuod lady—l- I c-c-can't t you. officer, I-d-l-dida't s see the I accidant'happen. I-I*I< I was Just| driving onOsOf the c. c-cars.

Tou can eon^ca. others by your I arguments; you can only persuade] them by using their own.

Editor—Say; this stbry cen*t be] printed. It says here dmt the] heroine was ntrae.

Author—That’s idl right. Xj in me II next Icover her with remorse


ThOodore ROoeevclt brought more pets to the White House then I did eny other {Iresldent. He had i pcHiies, cats, IhSuds, guinea pigs, Kangaroos and a ntunber o f o h *-

IClsslonaryIII i,ii ..m,.—.,..1

„Why do you loOk ]


/ '>/rvB h a d

. » Plos WITH

I r u lo


THB TOil. OP irl-THH6H-W 8H/veH T iH 6rr,*tH 6fiM H T^-m e <

r OP.HAVlM6tT6TOLEM-^(iHAlB 1IrfMeH «raALir4S rr h a « <

......... iSsCOM H^A /MOL•MACeeTH/*J

'WHVhErmMBn <arr 6HM7ivw ia<^ f.fC ’W .W & w -


,^ r rA 6 A , 'fiSUVEMiBf

«*N9w b ilh to psrtieulsr •parhUon, you im ttlk iw w th ittllM patiantW in condition to loco s tot o f In on oyr

S iv B iit ii P r t i i f l t n l


iN lsJadtson

ISurocm a USurglealaaw iSOotmaelar mnaataaodIS Indistinct

STravWs TBocdSfSd sm u t drink 8 Century fab.)

ISDctast llPaiBoUs

IshadMol a * gods

iroUqwac 3! Hmie’s gaH 33 33

* S 2 S “ “ * « S S S ^ > » wS oS m i » » “ ”


exacuttveaSSSoUtary "Z Z i.- /

" 2 i ^ e l d t « ? 5 ^ « «84Slec«aiaae

garment SSAseoraus

looker 88 Hebrew

asceUes fOQondaeti dlCaUias to

to frottou syn tH oi


38 Islands (fr .) STHuri SSSpsnisb )ar SOBsmboolika



Indiaas |.- 4SHindu

point gam fot Into dSOthamiaa

siHawaOsn fen Beaiatad 83 Entohislegy

42Psrtainhigto ^ (J b .)^ ddos 84 Note in

48 Nuisance'’ Guido's smla 44 singlai voice 88 Streets (eh.) /

41 U tfd tench/ 460rask istttr



n,wvmm pp*swsgr to many B.

BSChaste > n> M H ch add -x> P tIH chadd-x

peraenuity STChaadas aSEaptosIvt SSSeoRiah aril

I Pswlac cctoa. I FlddMag

aSStSal4Mbbad fabric I Greek lettor



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P R IS C IL L A ’S PO P The G n d iM fe


IPI ' rr«->.y,xw »vw »



H grs H o Com es; B Y V . T . H A M L IN



“SB *C A K K i

rnnsiHkak* T .n i»naaa«n


8 U tM t)U R O O O K »m ^----- IMPROV/EO A'



-^ itxJN N asu Tb B a L > \ d u iiia c ^ W k L iteryagp ro iM

rm K E N W IN S TO N B Y j e r r y S IEGELwuid m ik e ROY


■ ^

GMWVLXy, SOMNOUWSLW ABM•q o p — akb mv DOM rm oaok 91MR9 M rm THE MOMB OP mcLo& Komx/rmtA,rm b a m m o WtHUTUm.

BOOTS A N D H E R Coins Bade\


n ^ j Aer rm Aoenr on rm iAuimfrwwm . m PBBKB IN rmwHA m.mnn.y a<jaamr f

iir?rn i"!"iT jff'

AKD ^ EAST Qf NbVVtoNft ,‘TO O tXt O M S

YO A n.V5 WOORG--------




monyuBUdflYOMBir 3«1THIPO«0-] fnCKwoutp MNotenr BMXtMv


POUCE mA09aEETEE8... muMCKEYFINN D toik tcrt B Y L A N K LE O N AR D

MNW ttNONUMM^nVEijmsmm-OE.arfnrTZE,smittiojimiosrcomoU


’ TM tooW otouotoiPi w riTgpPOKT XBtoC Wh» WtlBP

Tir o n n w i i6 h ^ >pnoop.------------------

One Chance B Y L H B U E T m U jlB B ] roB fg ic i.E R a n d m s FR IE N D S


Y ob A sked F or I t '





V IC F L IN T Libby Gets The Job B Y m C H A E L O m L L E Y T H E STO R Y Q F B IA B TH A W A Y N E Back HoBHi B Y W ILSO N SCRUGGS

frw eM T K J trvcA u »«M *e u Aam v

TM «AANP,01i VBAH,HinC»m



L 'j

X ,

. M AM fm iTjgTER E V E ^ G H E R i^ . M A N C H E STE R , CO NN., S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 7,'195B

't- f t .1 1.


Hi^h Nine Outlast^\Windhani in CCIt Attraction Herei l i a h T e i i ^ M a y S h o w

V i c t i m o f D o p eI Johnson Blmy tbive Been i Doped Before Meeting ! Mederos in Feotnre I ' Eyent in Philadelphia

Philadslphls, >Cey T<jr>—Inbora- tety tests are axpeetsd to provo today whsthor Harold Johnaon, No. 1 light heavyweight Utle con­tender. wae deped or tho victim of s-stupefyiag punch by Oibea hMvyweigfat Julio Ifedcroe nt the Arenn Inst night.

The SS-yssTKild Jcdihson, n 4-1 favorite, nUed to answer the bell fOr the third round of a echcduled 10 rounder and Hedcroa was aw nrM n technical knockout vic- twy. Johnson ooUapaed in Me cor­ner and had to be removed from the ring on a stretcher.'

Alfred Klein. SUto Athletic I commliaiaaer, told reporters that

there was aoautblng "deflnltsly mysterious about y M happened to Johnaon. The doctors believe he may have been drugged. We will conduct n through Inveetlgatlmt,"

I he anhouneed.J t o i ^ r ^ U m a n a g e r of

HadenW, dimhUnad the d ^ talk as nonsense. White eald hie fighter belted Johnson groggy with a right

L bend at the bell ending the first p.rauad. ACsdaros, who loet a deci- [ slon to Johnson in Miami last Do* r c^bar, gained hie 18th victory In

MSghto.Night at Heeptlai

I Johnmn epent the night at I Hahaanuhm Hospital where a blood

teot and brlnanalyeie were per­formed. He is expected to be re­leased tooay. T ^ cloak and dagger atory told by Johnson’s handlers centers arouiul an orange.

Clareneo ( S k i n n y ) Davidaoa, I . Johnson’* trainer, mid the fighter I ' began a c tl^ "queer " be bis dress­

ing room after taking a bite ot an orange. Ha told Klein end re- jporters that Johnaon coihplalned tho orange was "Mtter." He, amid the PhUedclphia l i g h t hea.vy

I weight daggered about the drese- h lag room, but that Johnson claimed

M o j p r L « a g u ^

't-dk *a*im es^-------J


a K G ; '* * - .■ '"T M T a

O. .Ml;

__ Ml___aerelaad.

Mow Ba.. M; MICBun. trolt. It; ~

at, baU) - , .tfl; Power,[ta botretL .an:

Kvena, Oatroit,

_lIoublM—i,cMo. Beaton aaS Wilaen;: lie. Boam, KueaB,^____ aijr, . __________________,

Detroit OM Fdwy aaS PMaea. Kas->(4e^>Vn. CMeaso kaliae. Oa- *■ eeven blwen^UeO with ».

Ceflar,trolt. a

Nl»-__ andajran tied

Home Bina- T;Ban. CblcaeD, Kal|M, nMtreit Eeryti, Ky ieaa CHr^b; aix pujran

M lo^, Cbicafo •; tshtnatae, 'ft Jeaaea. Boetoo >. MmA t;' tea Narere lied

Turley, Hew York. SO.- SO. iJO

ctiy.Oovoiam; SO: Tur- Lonoe, Oavolaad,


rto Score. CYoS T m ; 1voa, BootiM

lor. New _ _ m BuIUvoa,ChleacD, as. \'/ , HoUooal Loagsol; i ^ ^ ‘W .Yolk. .asa: bt. louto, .no-.

um omian and Balder, Prooklyn i' BmtmL MUwaakae, 1S:\ Cant- paaella aad yuriUo. Brooklya' mroo. Milwaukee, if.

In Bnlitrr asd Cam- pasrila'i. 'Brooklyn. M; PUrlllo, Brook- Ira .and Tbomao Mllwaiikee, , Milyn and Thom/_____________. ,pV>ndy.''Chlc*co, It. ' i

aila^MiMUer, New York, SI: BcNt- 8t Laula.Sarau. Mihnwkea

at: Catnsaaella,

he felt fine before entering the ring.

Johnson did stumbls entering tho ring, but wae thought hetripped over a rope. In the first rotmd tha PhUadelphian danced around atahbtng MMcroa rrith a

' eharp litfMsb.^But just before the bell, this S3-year-eid Cuban cmight hiih wtMt a riiUd right to the cton. JohnsCn staggered to ’ his corner and his seconds wmrked feveridd^ getting, him ready for tha,socon< round E fll.- ' '

JohnsoB anpoarad Idgy and hla eyas were.glMay ea he came out for the second round. Howcvm’, be managad toJiaep iip m* Jeh end run attack lariil auddauiy, without a blow being atnick,.he feU to hto kneea.

He ngeined Ms feet and Me- •teas, amtsing that Jbhhaon was out tm his feet, rushed in forH ie kilL The <3UbeU didn’t appear to lend any dagtaging punches, but when the bdl rang Johnson again tottcfOd toaratd his comer. He had trouble locating tho stool and • -han finsfiy seated, he fell o ff tbs etooi, / . .

Dqrion^Hroa^ Ayallo end Wil­bur strieklend, commiaelop phy- sfetona, cxasriBod the Mricken flghtor sngStoBaled thm hO Could not continue. Modnoi, who teemed

/ as atunned by taar^eiopniente as / the taandfut^sfiVaietatan in the

Arena andbM oountieas televialen watriMta, tafiT hta Band exUridSd by fteferee Dnve B ekff in sign victory.

Under l>«nnsylvaiiia /rulaa, when a boxer , —.-----answer the baU for a roupd the TKO'bekmga to tho previous round, so Moderos wss ewsrded a aeoend

'■ round TKO In the'nstloiudly tele- viaed effeir. Johnaon w4s uneblt to get up and % atmeher was

■ b r o ^ t into th# A ig/n ie doctors . stiU wars unable n to bring the

- flghtasnraaad in Um dreselng rooin andJMri hliBsee**ed.te,tiie hoa- pital.

A pobceman wae stationed out aldo Johnaoo'a hoepitri doob with ordenr to M W r ^ y the figtatar’s mothinr itod hie ‘ minleter. Ktaih threw a Maekout over! any infor­mation, requeatfng boaptul

. offlcinlS laiue no bifonimtlon. But tt wan Isanwd that detoetivaa to- tervl^ired Johnaon after he finally beesMM ratkmaL' Johnaon, who hopes t * fight tmwinner of the Archie Moore-Ceri (BCbo) Olson Hgbt hmvyweight tlUe fight, loat his eighth fight mr against 81 vlctoriee. He wns an ovenehrimin*' favorite to tske Me- deroa, n aubstltute in the bout tor Tomtny (Hurrioene) Jackson, was.fOKod to bow out when he in­jured an ankle In, training,

renght Bfeay HcavleeJohnson wek^ted 178 pounds as

against 188H tor Mederos, but t ^ light hmvywrisht to used to fight­ing th* Unable to findeneugh eompetlUon in hto own

■!&Brookim.'DauM»(—Hodet*. Brooklyn aaS Ro- mWO. Sc L■oat f; nbw pUyero tied witfcl., Triples—Bhiloe eed Seron, Mllweu- k«r. 4; Yondy. Chkaeo eSd-CMDenlo ■ad Im w Ptttslwikirs.

BomoittMS runllo. Brooklyn. C| Bnldrr, BmUya aad xluniwmi. Cln- einnetl. 7; (MmpeMle. Brooklya. Jack*, oon, ChlcapD. andBcpilMOit tsola.

■tolen Hasos-tHUto. Brooklyn Boyer, at Deeto. 4; Temsio. Clneia- natl, t; Lockmon oad Irrin, New Vorfc. a.

Pttekias--- Brokto*. Brooklyn. 40,t.OOO; Newcombs. Braoktya anil JeR- root. Cbleasa, *0. 1.000: Roehoek, ^eyer andLehlne, Brooklya, Davis,

and Nicbols. Milwauks*. SO,Bmkeouts—Aatoaoni, New York. 40;

Jones. CMeago tl; Conley, Mllwaiikee, |i;|*^^^PitaadslpUa aad Baddto,

R o c k v i H i ^ N i i i e J l e f e d t e d A s i3 -A' I y ■ .. ,r -if-S- O

All of the -acoring was the seventh inning yesterday noon as WetbersfiM IBgh/handed RockviUe Jta third riralght defeat 8-1 in a Valley B League contest played at Wethsnflcld.

Jsy Beel was ih complets^m mend on the mound for the vlqtore allowing'three migica, wMking four end striking out 11. / Coach John Ganaveri uaed three , pitchera agabiat hto riveto who maiuged to

fat only five' hits. Lefwelder emr Letendre singtod home

Wethersfteld’g first two teDtos in the etventh./ And BUl Greene wee tito otUy ptayer from either teem able to get more than one safe­ty. /'■ '

A fter ataiting the aeeaon. with trifiih]di over Mlddietown,

„ » has now loet to WUaon end Ptohivnie (8-1) in sddl-

to yeatordayB defm t Cane-

the a ect^ tof JcAneon in 18 meet- inge with iMevywelghtE-.

PVinntr .ohempion Jersey Joe Walcott was the last heavy-to stop Johnson. ’ Ironlcslly- too. Johnson lost to Wolcott-without beiog hit. HaroM coUepasrb to tho third round with » heck toiury and wee out ofnctlott tor almost a year.

Yi^ferday*4 StarsB n U t n g - ^ l t o y . CstoPanrito^

Dedgata, dfov* in .two (UBS wlto a doubtaHB thSuJhth toning to give Brooklyn a 8-4 Vtotory over the PhiUea.-

Fltctong-Bob Turley. Tankeea, i ‘pitched a two-bitter and fanned IS . ta^aimtClag out the Boston RedSox ito.

stay out

■-..M ' ‘ X ’ • / .Ttjoo Strong und Silent Type Fellows F a v o r N a s h u a

I n S l s t D e r b y

S t E i i ni T i H n / f t i M t i E B t i s r t bB r o o k s N i p P h i l 4 , N e w c o n r i b e W f a i s

LoulevUle, Ky.. May 7 <«)—'Ihle .la the day Naahue, the odde-on- favorite, answers the big. 'quea- tkm in tha 81st and' richest of all Kentucky Derbies.

’Ifie opinionated Bay colt firom ’\miUam Woodward's Betoir Stud jitoMa hto envisble record of 10 'iiietortos end two seconds in IS racds on the line against taiiie Other rasOr-shstp - S-yesr-old horses at 4:80 pjn. Bastora Standard.

And at tha end of the mile and one-quaftor, a colorful 8138,000 added test of speed and etemlns, some 100,000 spectators and the unaeen televtoi.on and radio audience ahould know whether Nashua to worthy to have hto name written alongside the truly grmte of the turf.

IfStelHd OlMttMany already hae attariied the

label "great" to this royally bred ot-Neerulleh, -who aeemtogli

penchant foe-drawing the fine end repeatedly has

refiiac< tot go 'with,So the ptover heNto said to pomess.

But thetovare others who ask,____ „that the pridd of Betoir, condi- Uoneii by 80:>]^-old Eunny I Fitximmone and ridden by the | bom^ peerless Bddie Arcen,. prove him' ‘

M o r h a r d t a n d J p t p s o n £ a c h G e t T h r e e H i t s


AYW BBBVtaS lelweel

MUwamee Jt ~ ^ )m le I.Brooklya S, FUCriUwe rutabuim t. New Yom 8 CtaclBnaU 4, CMotpe 8Now York 4,1S!5Sr^

M e D o n o iiiih ^ E h u V io>

lory/ in R e l ia f - .E n le ;

L o s e r s O n th U | g| c a b ;

\ P la Y B r is to l T h it fs i^ y

s tea d ily

llAcheetor -Windham

r P et887 800

‘ 800 . 800


MUarUktO. Now York



Arcen. pn aelf again today in tm., country’s I

de. They klnrik such John^ W.

4*<13>.-' Bristol HSU \MaridA|ii . .............1

- ■ - W p a t Bm/nuso . Ob-Csptalns^ Mde. MqHiardt aad

Gene JiAnaon, ahaig irltb Xf^es McDonough citoitainsd their taimts

-n I yimterday afternoon at' ML Heho { to Imd Coach Tpm Kellay'a In- fu Idtons to a ctoee 8-7 -triumphtovar ,fH I stubborn WMham. Tha riln

I moved the htceto ipto, sole poeeei- aton o f first plaea ~ta;-tha, iQClL thanks tc^yesterday’a hpM|t'ric- tocy by Nell over Mertdm.v .vThe

I W errion eheded tha Red RaMers 8 In 10 innings. .

ladtomTraUTralltog by one run In the tost

I half of tho .sawonth inning, Mbic> ------- - - <*-l) I hardt led off with a Btajiflebut .■waa\.'k S S 5 ^ / W CTsv.U»S-lC.ll»er ®«t taSCi^

(80) or Sbents (1-1) vs. * " ' * “




*IS gD *^ f^ d cNo. 1 gtomor horm reieakod him to do it Bgal; . ____ ___worthy rivalgas Mrs; John^ W. I (3o> or Sbents (F-S) vr'wyaa (td). " | first on a fielder's chotcK. JOhn- Oelbreeth’s Summer Tan of „jfe'»*rawi st nV******’ "" son 'was aaerificed to iMoond and1. ^ . . rtu.- o _ ^ -------- .r?^Jw!i«>n va gs5*»«i (MO reeUy tamed on the ges.t*4tanelarioy, Ohio, Rex C. Eltoworth’gv.:^Vw Yi____Celifomie-owned Swaps end the I PL Dstock (M ). one-two punch of Racing Fool and ^ If;Flying Fury from Capt Harry F. „Guggenheim’s CJain Hoy Stable. |_BrooBm,.et 1701-

Thiure's no doubt but what he’ll 1 Tt So'be the choice of the crowd packed viT l^uri (fl in the rambling stands extending i Milwaukee at for five-atxtccntha of a mile end overflowing into the Infield. He opened at 4 to 8 in tha betting.And it wouldn’t be Surprising if they were even ehortar when the field gate the word "go" ‘ from ■tarter Ruby White. . Only horeee like Native Dancer, arid. Citation in recent years have to cri?tured the fancy of tho public.

Endeagere Record

:«w York—Pufker (81)as Windham’* third baeemeh bbot

BOX Moaner’s routine grouader. started Tuimtag .on the


Ltojl«»i*iA jiOiki) — hit and never stopped’ (mm cseee- O briSSSL^ftr «M )lln g t ^ Plato fW / S ^ ^ toe

Louts (elghU Isky (00).

H a r p e r ^ L e a d s . - - ^ .Mr I pronqiUy etoto aedoad frtnt

X e X a S JL O U m e V hardt’s third smash Of tonliner to canterfleM. X

Fort Worth, iPex., May 7 (g>—The <mly thing Chandler Harper

Some o f the experts even have I had to worry about in the third I . . predicted that Nashua wiU en- round of the 838,000 Colonial Inri- '

ipoof. throw by shortstop “ llUslsy who/recoVsipd

Thsre wsre two outs at With two down in .

Alan Colo came torbuglusriUt:.hto BSGond hit of riia. atUraobn and

where oirMor-

aM tem -

who trilay8d> qtaidfriwakl Id ths aaventh frame,

held the WUppeU ecoretosa jn 3 gk giring up three aln-

danger 'Whlrtowey’e IMrby record I taUon Golf Tournament today was j £ j ^ r ^ ^ k '^ ou T '^ se^ n d *^ *i f too sarly pses is fsat sfaough. I blowlnx a ssysnatrohs IsAd.


Now Tork, May 7 (SV:-Ths way Hsrb Score and Boh Turiira have American League betters fanning the braesa these deys. it may be that Bobby Feller’s atrikeout re­cord wto' have to dust Itself off

ksap an eye on Its first real

1*0 lads just aren’t getting th * Idj^Roborto 28-1 1 srith mea on bsaea and as * d a t a ’s nnle la 44 tflt fharXrit 11' ranhera etraBd- 848 3/8 tamtngs In *88restflrnM Tirit

ed yestordsy. ' „' Tuesday ■ ."afternoon' Rockville

plays hoet to Southington at Hen­ry Perk.

WsIbOTiNM (•» _ab. r b po a s rMCsrmur. lb .......j 0 ®,Ji® J 9M aftm . e ........... 1 O 0 U 0 0 0Dibunsto, rf ....... i I 1 i ? n oGrevnr. ts 4 1 1 1 1 0 0Wamastsr.. lb .......4 J £ § 2 2 iDvrlBskl. I J ? f 2 ? iiS Batttou. Sb..... I, 1 ‘ 1 2 1 2

al, p .......... — —

'a achievement is a phan- 's Iwnrec been chased, un-

Eebe Ruth’s home run record fhet Ip t h t f to.aisort ttself prec-. tfcA y eS «V year. ’Ihose 848 strikeouta In 1883 were the closest snyoM ovsr came to Feller’s mark..

Now some HighbelHh’ Herb and BoUetBob...-'1/.., \ Ahead a< PaeaStore, the 30-yaar-old lefty

Clevelan^a Indians have toqted as a aoutoMw Friler, actually is

lad <* FeUar’e pace. After hla first five appeerenees in '48. Fel­ler had whiffed 48. Score after five games hea fanned 80.

Turicy, at toe seme five-game milestone, has struck out 48.

Beth Score end Turley, toe 34- Id righthander vi toe New>

■re a Mt ahead of ,-long average o f I per Rina innings, from 8H years in

28 yaara rid; worked in '48, adding up Ho won 33. lost' 28-18 for Phila-

gamss and’88.

TRrjsy, who worked only 347 1/8 biainim f®>' Baltiipore while tying Roberts for the maim league strikeout crown yrtth in last see-, son. picked up ground on Score yesterday, fanning IS in a two-hit 8-0 vletoiy over Boston. Score eat down 10 in a toree-hlt, 4-1 succeae against Kansas City.

In other AL. games, 'Virgil Trucks two-hit Detroit for a 1-0

yoar-old York Tankii Friler's oi|tot a

FeUer. toe Navy. 1 in 48 games i 873 1/3^--'

TWals f . i . . . . M 6-'6T7 • » 6

___ aS 3 S S S ? / * .: : : i S ? I ? f 8

J 8 1 1 1 8 8'...L.'i; 1 0 0 7 1/0 0 er. u ..4 0 1 '-S 0 0 0

;v. F .... ; £ 2 1 ? 2 2UW, 7b... */.L..'ibeaaatoi lb .... {

pOha, p ......... . 0ordaa. *

JInfmodt >S .......oOnus. tb^i.^.».'.., J .Murpkr,.1b ______ _

**a*jl^’s * ’bstt<ii for 8®5in nSiSS—•

nS^pIBatUii*: pS..

0 0 0 0 e: e 0 0 0 0 10 e .e e.. o0 e 0 0

s 0

LOS.WlCS) trwsoff KM4 i ' tor's fiS ji in Innl^:

H a l l o f “ F a m e I> i| y

T o d a y p t B e a n t o i m

Boston. May 7 (* )—Ordve, Coih- f| i^ <Fex* and. Simmons—tnem-

“ * *ietica team—and the old BostonRed.. Sox outfield of SpeiJtdr, Bo<H>er end Lewis are having a re­union 'today at Baseball Hall ef Fame Day in Fenway Perk.

They’re just eome of a group hf toe greatest living pUysrs whow ill tsks part in ceremonies prior to tha Red Sox-Ntw York Ysnkese

(Cy) Young, toe eldest mt 88 end the wlnnlngast pitcher in history with 811 nisjor Issgus victoriss, will be among ths other ^Ignitariim to appaas oefors the

wUF “CDtoariaaleasr Ford Frlrii. National League PresidSBt W arm t. Giles end -American League President W ill Herridgs;

CGrk Griffith, presiitont of ths Waahingtan. Senstora for nahy years, UfM Cari HuMmU. big Ed Walto.:. Ted Lyaaa . and taMtor

J ( t 9as* ether f

Chicago victory while WasUngton edged Baltimore 3-1.

Bpmeln a Wlaaer'In the National, Brooklyn re­

mained a winner, beating Philadel­phia 6-4 in 13 Innlngi; Pittsburgh made it six straight, 3 3 over New York; Cineinneti beat GRtaaga 4-3 and Milwaukee beat St. Louis 8-8.

Turley, who one-hit toe White Sox jUst lest week, hfd..another ohA'Wttar in hand with two out tar toe ninth. But Bill Kleua heat out an infield roller and Turley ended it by fanning pinch-hitter Sam Mela. It wee Tbrlsy’a fifth victory without defeat, beet in toe taiajors,. and the shutout lowered his earned run average to 1.4(1.

Mickey Mantle and BUly Hunter each -amaeketr. hotne- ruaa for the Yenka who hit Frank Sullivan and two relievers for seven aafetiee.

Score, now S-l, fen Just two Short of Frilst's two-conmcutiye-K me strikebttc rsoord oC 38 aftsr

ving mlessd FSOsr’e ont game total of 18 by the same mugin Sunday against the HSd S«x. Two ■ingles airi a walk snsMSd Xaneas a ty —«o-taam batting ls)idtF in ths ' AL—4CO mar Sears's Shutout Wd in ths' asvanth. Davs Pope and Haifk MajssU both hmnered bs- hind Score as the Indiania took .full tHie to first place.

'Trucki:' and toe White Sox knocked Detroit out o f .a ehare of toe . lead. edglEg IS ppetoatage points ahead o f toe Tigars, now tai tidni. TruOka; wboi won .18 last scaspn, msde it bis first complete game o f toe year for a 3-2 record. A l Kaltne’a single with' two out in toe sixth spoUed hli no-hit bid.

^ e d Oapvsr was hit hard early, but ~Utwai<Bd Sox scoring efforts until toe seventh wh*n hla Own throw tog error fdUowed Sherm LOUer'sdOL-blt. ' £) ./ ■.

Whirlaway eel up the race standard o f two (ninutes, one end 2.8 seconds in IM l.

I not isriM a tres paaa whils I ing rietory No. X of

ilphia, Don Newcombsion for insub- h' ’The weetoermen saw the poa-

A t—ricaredordination only hours' before stepped la to wta» in relief after Roy doubled two rune .bp: a 4-4 tie. I t toa ‘ victory in 31 games, pttEUng^SW^^gamsifaHSail^ofltM

OnciaheU ^helpto fr i l toe GUbs' beck, beating them for tnp first ttane this ysSr after .five Timely hits did It, with e. three -singes Wramlng It \up against loaar.FauI Mtainer end M- liefer,Hy Cohen,to the fourto.\ JoeN ^ w o n h l e t o i n r o n . e t o - l B r i s l o l s ^ I l d O w l s

The dutch relief pitching o f Ben

aibUlty of thunder showers befors race time but. a light, rein would only tend to make toe track fester. It ie baked eo herd now trom eeveral days'of ButudSne that a utUe .water wouldn’t hurt The tempentturas wSre expected to be to ’ toe low 80s, making It eome- what uhcomfortabl4i,iorjbe fans, .espedally those sfeklito -'to See

least .a part of the race from Infield.

Um SMSon. BsMndXMttaia . '

Zatkowski who whs .continual­ly behind the hlU^ivaU day really ran into troubl* i|v the seventh im tog when .-Re' .was tagged for six snemy runs. The letteAton. rigbthhnder, who GOUMrilidcnttol hta'cuiva. threw' poorty to fim ,baM ee fiyal pitch­er Ed Caejka waS' sato'^h tha isis- cua. Rieley wall]a#-6Ml6 waserased at- aecotad aa Tto^lOarritt

m a fleldet's chbM and (taajk*. racaoLto third. .Garrittreached on


Wade, e Dodger castoff, kept Plttsbufgti’a string alive. He came on with one run to, the tying run on third end toe potential wtaining marker on eecond In the laat of the fitaito end efter intentlonaliy walUng toe batoe fun, get tool next three man he faced. Ronnie Klina wee the "winner, outpitching Johnny JtotonelH imtil he weak­ened in .toe ninth.

Pafke Bravee HareAndy Pafto wae the Ifllwaukae

hero, driving in three rune with two doublea. aa the Braves peatsd four St. Louis pMcbera to' breeh * five-game loel% clomp. The vic­tory jumped'MOwaokee Into third ahead of the Giants by two pef- centegs pointa.

MenST’" Itoul Richards of BelU- more sM Chuck Dreesen of tha Saaetors each interference'rnltaga as WeaMhg ton; moved ahead of the sagging Red Sox into sixth place. Dean .Stone, who gave seven bite, took it from Saul Rogovin, whO allowed eight. '

Coach Paul Phinney’a strong High track squad raced to e pair of victories over Hartford And Bristol yesterday .afternoon at the West Side OvaL The Indians trounced the Owls 76-S9 "While edging toe Beil; Towners' 5i>4t. Bill Smimond was ManchestSYsAnly double win­ner espturing fin is in both ths high jump and broad Jump. Thf. -host squad haa now won tores dual masts while losing to New Britain.

The SesiBuuriM lOOyard dash; 1. R...Nepoll

>. Ouvel, B: I. K^rhan, h ;

He was worrying, too.*Tve never had a laad this big

beforei." he said yssUrday aftar poattng a 8 uadsr par 68 to go with a fin t round 88 for a coursa rs- cord-equalUng 134 total.

"Now Tvs got to worry about blowing it. I know I could do that, too.”

I t the baldinf. 4 Vysar-oM for­mer NaUonal POA champion plays anywhere near like bis first two sswads todfiyand tonwSrbw 1m ciuiquit worrying- -*' K ‘

‘ Thrsa.Playsn T M ' .<Hoping.,<leapsratsly to “ t o k j p i - ^ -

with N®rp®r ®r at least gat wltWn «^® 6®®^_ . .ahootiv Atotancs of that $8,000 filled m B^MoOurtoy’aR p fltH I f i « t Prt*® money wars tores play-lE s c a u il ■ ■ Zatkowaki got.Keiunto Wifilama

Ben Hogan, pre-tournamant 7k- U® ®{(y “ Norm HoWtatoal at vorite to uSa hla fifth Cokmlal **“ ‘ “ * " “P Tournament, waa brackstad at 148. P|^ to ^ 1?® ^^

.M ’ S ™ i sAntonio Carda of Buanoa Airea, «"®^™*«®f ®®®*f*

Dow Finatarwald of Atosna. Ohio. I ?^ta;e aingle to cenfm ^t.Dave and. Julius Boros of Xlh] Pines.N. C, wen Ued for eecond. Otrda tumetf to yeeterdey’e'aeoond low­est acore, 87. B or^ Finstarweld,Jack Burke of Ktameaha Lake,N. Y., and Doug Ford. XQameeha Lake, ell had two under over the per 88-86-70, 7, course.(handler Beider, (awtumooce,


ir per 7,088 jrard

lltaM. H; ■ A Phil-inuui, mi Rs jriui* ] Ton. . >

llsoo, H: A 6qua- Aataslo Cetde. Buenqs Air/■ fcass—liu I ! 74«-141

h; 1. R, Nep f r i Duvet.

lUno. H: A Fhll-

A^Nepeltteiw, B;1 A Lerson,440-yard dash; 1. Fthm.' H; 1 Ijl-

Br«cb«. H: 3. KirschMtlii. B; 4. D«- lislfj^.^ t. omfon, B: t. (hursrA

lodged priests .on I tpO-yerd m ;'l. (fiote. M; 3. Ruqulst, Unri aa W aS h tox -l»fA ^ »;^ «> . NVJ.

1. Vinton. M: 3. VIcchl. M; A Pallmaa. B; A Wriant. B: I. Brediry,

4. /O'hrlsn, Time.

Umpires SchoolJi ^dhps^y N^ht for X . ' £ » . Volunteers

Umpirea’ Achbol fo r voluBteer<$nant, Fnnk Gelhw. Cert Hempton,


UtUe League.-wUl again be-- held. Umpire-in-Cmef

umpires this season.

Sam Vacanti re­ported.' The first essrion Is sched­uled Wednesdsy night et 7 o’clock St the Wsat Bide Rac. Anyone in- tereeted In umpiring is tai'vlted to attend.

The program will be handled by Esri Yost a nacobar of ths ODn- nactient Board of Approved Um- qilne end the New Bm(ta<to Inter­collegiate Aesa. of UsapircA

This eexson more vttomtecr um- ptrse than ever are needed to work all gaseea to toe little League pro­gram. For tha fin t time staiee toe ■port atarted here to 1800, there win be throe leagueo opsrettog this

John Crane, Bob Oarieon, Norman LaRosa, Rowitrd 03rs> GU Lewie. Mtae gaveriek, Henry fYksSr. Bob Sweet and Mos Morhardt. Alton' Oowlea aa l Ty Holland have also agreed to work another seesmi as well as Donald ..Oowlea., Henry Wittke, Yoab Vinbrk. Gebcge Fra

IIh / B ; a Wriaiit. B: I. BredI .. A O'kscfr. B. 4:41.Ajtried IM p: L. Stenuind. M; A Us

among Lasesrtes end Duncan. B.. and i/PuSairH;.*. Curry, M; A 8cbuwerk, H.

----cs, w (Ml; IH Inchra__ .lAUnp; 1..8lemend. M; 8. tl« ^

twM^EiptoU. M, and Btnnj; BtlA lie batvssn Purkan. B. end WU*ag*, M; A ll« totwren Clement, B, and

, H. Iletahl, ( '(eeL 3 Incim. vault: 1. Curry, M; 3. D. 8«>«t- ' ' *• Hi .4, NcOtors.TL

/avsUn; 1. Smith. M: 3. Netlson, 'R; I S ItaqaM; ■: 4. element, B; A Curry. M. DManch. J'5‘- •

JIM HEROIC nporu that he ie 1 Wik?MrA' ‘he*i I cW tS; ' looking for two icofen fOr hielB; A CisMak. B. ptsunce, 41 fiet. s

1. B«.«uck. B: 1 Wlchnmn, I mtSon Park end Weddell School). I b ; a csertak, B; a 8. swtrtto. m ;| Any local peraod Interestad in- ®®*l5J'*|. *’®*’ **' *“ ^curing a suaamer job may contact I *| K ln relay "HMtUe at' toe Beat Side Itec. < - - -

D^Ptamtenmld. A t l^ , ^Julius Boros, Mid Pines. — _

N.C. . J 7MS-1U^N Y ‘ **•“ •■*• n n mJack 'Pleck Davenpe^ la. ToS-lO Kd OUver, Lomeot, Bl. ■ i 31-71—Jl*

■Tommy Boll,, Houston . - U'!?—}ft?lyron Nelson. Beanofce. Tsx. 71-71—14J ohnny Palmer, CharlOtU,N.C. 70.74—144

Fred Wampler, tndlaaspolis 7S-71--M> asont Bayer, OleaMed

tuA RalpK lyier, Lenny (e Cook, John O’Neil S T "eJly

Among the new voKm tears whoVxikf^t ta/w*

they would like to umpire tiM following: John wagxVagner, Jpe Gtanpolo, John Blglay. A l Supre-

GeorgeFortin and Dick: Naaaiff.

It te tha hoM of Vacanti to get at Jeaat A etan of 30 men toatart with. Experience in the peat hae been that a ncsaSier of vohmtoere to the qMing dropped from the program after asverel gemae were played end when the weather got hot.

xrs expwted to ...ImatonXlfiMMrta* the tmdl

PresMent IBrnie . Dowd: wiU an- nounca full'ifetails at * later date.

•Radio, T V Sports






H i g h G o l f e r s T i e

N o n - L e a ^ e R i v a l

« ■ •..I

WKNB— 840 Yankeea ve. Red Box , WGTH-TV—1410

'TaqkaM va. Rei Box' Wt>RC—1860

' Kentucky DerbyWHYN-TV-Ch. 86

Ho?re Racingw k n b -t w I o l so

- Kenees City vs. OevHand-i ;B6 w o t h -t v >- o a is

Yankees v* .Red Bex 4:00 WATR-TV-«hi ST

. Hesoo RMiac_'‘ ' 8:16, . w a B E ii; 6k. 4ta,

Xcfatoefcy DSrtgr

■-x5 J

The High goU'teem played a 6-6 tie with Wsthcrafield yaateMay af­ternoon at toe Wetoerafiald Cotut' try Oub. It marked the Indiana’ aecond atalamata of the week hav­ing tied Meriden lest Monday. Fri­day. the Red Aiid White squad an- gagea Briatci la a COL match to M Bell .Town,


H Best Ball


Local Sport Chatter

miy. nsysr, « . . ™Ben Hogan, IM l' Wertk,,7J-7>—14# Csry Mlddlecott KlefV »haA ^^ lu rJ r, PpSeeaf'Menc


Pbrd, klemesbe Lake,Clark, Laguaa BeacA

7746 -14478.71-141

Dtstence,,. 1. Hartford (Pilon.XepoiitHt®' H., Na^ll-'LaBrcche. A. Napoli' ^

laao). A Mancbetf®L Time. I:/AUTO. PABTS (Maachaater)

Will practice tomorrow morning *t I Charter Oak Park at 10 o’clock. Tha Partamen will perforin la the | Rec Softball League this aeeaon.

R a c q u ^ l e e r s D r o p

M a t c h t o W in id h a i i i

FOX OUTFOXBD HlMgEUr GelSsburg. lU. <F)—Robert Eric-

son. state conservation officer, found a fox that waant^ao Sly. The fox made the wrong ctM when he wee anoopitag around Clark Sher­man’s horns. Bhsrtnan wqnt down in the .basement to tend htgHfur- MCAheard the shrill barking of

I f i » trapped in a window well, and caught lU

S lu g fe s tANOTHER TEAM is needed tat I , . v w. i. Th.i— l

the Rec Softbatl League to make .1 " ®It t 8ve-taem circuit. Interested j coW ss

ere urged to oonUet Jim] ‘ •*® Windham High tannis team | CoW, ss.Herdic before Monday


I league’s acheduie will be drawn at that tttaBA P in t gama

i r ^ - 'PhrtK

Jlm ltoe Windham High • UnnU M m CoiA ?JuSht M l defeated toe Htdiene-8-3 in a C a L F H g ^ «>.£?........} J

I encounUr. Os-cimtam H o ^ Jolm- .... .’.V.'.V. J itreutaCBd (w k e ** > * “ *'.""2 2

aOsopes/rM**. S/trest,' fit ■

po a s rMT 3 0 0a e 0 J

! 20 0 0 0

jihn taw of the two d o u h l . e a t f e ^ e ^ n . - ...... *l-utehee. The Red and WhlU aquad I McDooouSh. P


0 1

INTERMBDIATB LEAGUE]fo r fe i ted toe third elngiea match tmsIs tryouts will be held Mondlty an d ],,^ that proved to winning mar T uesday night at 6 o'clock at toeigta. ' _West Side Oval. Oommiasloner j sinxlas:'Widmar (W ) dsfeated u s i r A i . | ‘ I ? Bobby DtBatttato raperu that aUl<johen 8-7. 6-4. 6-1; Johnaton <le-l jK^Sa^iiuem i'ik t i 1 13 new taaitaa, wilt ba aclacted this[faated cnarke 6-3, 6-3; M ancheatsrii2?^*ii 4 1 1 1eummer. ' . Iforfeitsd. third meteb. DouhM:iKM»ma Jwmiams. c 4 J ? •

" ” W) ^.ss.sese • B 1 ^NEW PLAYEBS wsrs pWtsdlend MUawskTcW) S , ^ l.lR S S S lr d 1 * ® ®

on Alumni Lssgus ‘ tsams tost] Widmsr aita.Oarks (W )^ ^ f«U d night Hw list will bs announc-j Johnaton and Sob w iniier 6-3, 6-4.l.|^o,,,

' -------— --------- - 'Maecbesttr

1 Si....,' w t 14 » 10WMtam 11).A r k ipa.^rkj

0 0 0 o i l 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 1 S 1

1 * 0 : . 3 1 0 0

ed to Monday’s Hsrald.

LoMt N igh t's FightsPhUadslpbta •— JuU« MadsroA

ISSVi, Havana^ s to p ^ Harold Johneon, 176. P Wtodelphln 8. iOiarlottetcwn. N.Sk-rCoby Xle-

C3uskey,“lB8, HnUfax, eutpetetoR Rudy W a t l^ 188, New Toefc. 16.'

• A ■ .

■ -L I

8GHOLA8TIO BASBBAtXNew Britain 18. Weaver, 7.East Hartford 7, Hertford .6. lopu; Woj

William HaU 4. Merid®*\8 ,(10 to-jgu j^J*

F^lfutawster 8, Windham 7.Middletown 17. Newington 3.;Qiestenbuiy S; FamlngtoB.

IV }......... ....4# 7 1

^J^*/(Jm5ittL8A^^toKS^. ildit ■ ■ "W. irortatSt; LOBi

Wladbam U: BB, 'A *C n ^ 1: 8a, M ^

PksB^I^CsaJka 3t


1 3* iDoeoufh 3 (os • m?!. •!.* Hlk fbmsuf

*l3Iorj| runs la 3l Cswa Kur * I 1S_8l 1«P. ■ky..gSmwtai :

I Fracckia’s poke to left I misjudged gotog- for I double and wyntoii and IWUhaihs raced home'-# . nine Ineluding toe tying Mc­Donough repuuSd Hudwtail on toe , mound and hie wfid pitch eoored White putting the Wtappet® ahead 7-8 before getttoi 'lCkejka on a fly to Mosser in left’ f -

Onto AdVBxfsigwt Bob Pbanaut stsorWAon'tlia hlU

for tha visttare tMMI li^tar rt- tlring the ficel twa.IiBltafii in tadtlet frdrae WM ta oM ^ fo r Blngtae by Johnaon EddieWojcik, with toe UJtSr etopB<<ig at second on tlw tnrow:, to third trying to natt-Braxami.! HShenthal rasensd '‘ W a tsemmstes with a bloop gUgle to center. Moixsr fol­lowed with ths Indians* fourth straight safety but SteVe Cooper took a third called strike to end toe inning. A ^ n in toe second Inning with two outA conascuUve singlea_by Cole, Morhardt and ' Johnson, aided fay a WlodlMm er- ' ' ror, gave toe OC3L Nadars two more markera and A 4-1 advant- age. The Whlppetajhad tallied e tone telly la their hell of tha sec­ond on e eiagls by White who scored .ell toe way fioin first on . Bobby Swset’s error'of Fracchie’s ' roller. , . - - .. Kelley’s talented eqiaait 'dented

toe plate twice again in to* fourth frame as Sweet led off with a aingle and moved to second'.oil'.a . passed beU.' Zatkowaki laid down A nice bunt and Phancuf threw to fln t but luHxxiy waa'.oovering end Sweet acobt/fd heme ftom second ss ZatkowHtt^took an extpa basA ’nia latter went to third on Cole’s sacri- 6ce sad cams homa ox-Morilardt'a sacrifles fly to canter. And tbs reat of toe scoring is-hlator]r 'ga the Indians pteksd up their, second

I triumph of the cemtaflgfi** egatnat one losA It was WtiMhism'a third looi and they have, won yeauA

- Leadtng Stars’Qgensivaly for .the'; winners.

Morhardt and Jotaasan sfich had torse hits xnd'' CMs end 'Wojcik

chances without an erior to grab .defensivo honors. Johnson made, toe best ptay of tbs aftamoon in the fifth inning when, he back- handsd McOsrt^s imash i » back of Um hack and retired the run­ner with e beeutUid, kng throw to Hohenthel.

WhlU elao bed thrSe ataigUe for toe loefre end McCarthy and Ken- dall Williams each contributed two! hitA Kenneth WUIlams handled twelve chances flewlessiy at flrst

MontUy at 8 o’clock gt M t Webo the locals engage New Umden in a tton-Ieagua encounter. Thureday they travel to Bristol for another OCn. conteet egatawt toe BaU TownerA'


10, PUlmriUe 6. Wethsraield 8, Rockville L

— ’ A ^ S S f f ^ItteaM O'Leair.

r ■

m Mttlanal fecest UM* five MBM um ber anoMOly.

fcfii 1 ■i. .

T A G E T ^ N

C la s s i f i^

A d v e rtise m e n tCLASSIFIED A D '^ v

DEPT. HOURS S :i5 A . M. to 4 :30 P . M.


MON. THRU FRL 10:30 A« M.


r o d s ooorE B A 'no y w il l . b e appbecxated

Dial M I-3-5121

ABtoBMbOeo fo r Solotees CHEVROLET Mdtti two tOM btuo-tvory. B xtn elmui, SMS down. Em t piiymwBt pUa. Ooof- IM Moton, SttlU la.

lICl MERCimT ciuO coup*, rodtot lioatw, ovwdrlvo, vn y cUon, througbout. DougUs Motora, SSI

lies FORD Victoria, rodio, hoator. Fomodatie, teaad now white wall Uraa, vary clean thnmgbout. Dodslaa Motora, US Main.

BEFORE TOO BUT a uaod car See Oonnan Motor Saiea. Bolck lalea and Serrtca, 3M Main atraet. Ml. OdStl. Open eveninga.

IMS OUMSMOBILE. Coupe. Gocal condition, Mter S p.m. MI. O-lTei.


I call

IMO <XJD0MOB1LE "M” S<door aedan,. radio, heater, hydramaUe, Bignala, white wall% gun nietal gray. Ml. M4M.

Loot and FoundFOUND Fart B*Hle, tamale. Hack, brewn and white. Dog War­den. MI. S-4S40.

FOUNIV-A pUce where you can aecure a complete line of knitting

yama and acceaaoriea, atamped gooda emhroidary cottooa imd

fhra»d« At ToUr__XaHL~ Shop, 10 Cottage 8t. Phone ML

9 -m .

LOST—Rub cap for aedan. MI. l-ltM. -

1K> Buick

LOST—Pin with two gold hearta arid arrow. Sentimental value. FlndW caU MI. ton s. Reward.

LOST-Black ateer calf. Reward Martin Murphy, Vernon. Rock' viUe TR. 6 - ^ .

lies, STUDEBARBR four door Commander. Excellent condition, radio, heater. Private owner. MI. S-7010.

m i FORD cwvertiUe, , Box “dition, $100, B

Vernon. hO. 8-TIMMountain

g o o ^ oaln Driv

rA BE A L A W !\ ■


M A M A K K M If MKnElUA^.VMSIOMtID *rMI 0000 OaCTOft UKI to<*

S o HOW 0 6 ld ^ IT SHE CAM ffESISTAREEHWENT w h en the «P P P doc 1 R 6


539P rr HOLOtMR.'.

IMS CHEVROLET 4 door Bel Air nwytot, fully equipped. Certified 13,000 mile local car. Muat be Been to be appreciated. See Bob Oliver today M the home of the beet in uaed care. Ml Main St.

1M4 CHEVROLET 4 door, heater, delToater and signal Hgbta. Driven leaa than 8,000 milea,- Lihe new in every raepect. See Bob Oliver today at Center Motora Salca, 461 Mein St.


IMS CHEVROLET eport coupe un dor 4,000 milea, 6 cylinder, heat­er, whlu wane. Private party. SCI. S-63M.

•OMETHDrO NEW at Dairy Quaen Ho. S Dairy Quaen Sandwich and Dairy Quaan DUly Bar. Dairy Qnaan, SOT Waat kUddla TumpOia.

FMt Man who care, vlait Danta’a ^wbar Shop. Plenty free park-

P cnonalsBARRIET: Don’t bo dlacouragad if Donald's foot need extra shoe care. Leonard'a Shoe Store, 881

St. speClallaea In corrective : with PoU-Parrot Guide-Rite

They helped my childrm lure they will help yours

My Jimmy's feet were bed a year ago, today^ la rarin' t o ^ ^

----------WANTED-Rldeshift, from Vet ■te. ba. i-aaM.

Aircraft, first end LydaU

A otom obiks fpr SiBt^ ^

1M4 DODGE.IMS Ptyniouth, ISO. MI.

Excellent buy.


SsknuSn W antsdSALESMAN—The Grand Union Co. has an opening on one of tie routes cowering th« Mencheater-Roclcvllle area. Routo consiata' ef nvar 000 estabUahed family accounts. MSr- chandlao aOId is a divaraifled Una of more then fiOO grocery, articles and houaehold apimancee. Vehicle tumlahed and ita expenaos paid. Guaranteed ealary {due commU- elon end hoouaea. AU personal benefits Including hospltelUation. g m p insurance, vacations, sick leave, and retirement plan. The Buccessful applieent wlU be 38 to 88, married end Uring in the vicinity of Manchester. Previous direct selea or route aocperience could qualify the eppUcant for oUr Management Trainee Pngram with guaranteed promotion within ono year. Phone Mr. Sheehan,, Hartford CH. 7-3T71 after 8:00 p. m. or write P. O. Box 844, Hol­yoke. Maas." /

88% OFF ON lawn mowara, whoH hacrowa,' lawn apraadara end lawhioUers. C. J. Mortiaon Paint Co., MS Center St.

Boats siHI AceM soriM 43FOR QXnCK S A ik IS ft. d ^ e doutboard koat. Maataroraft traU-or, |3M. Make an STS No.Main St. lO . 8-7128. X

Aata, D riv in f S d ioolAUTO DRIVINO Instruction tcon your homo. Insured dual control car. Laraon Driving. SchooL Ml. 80078. ' ^

2 ::M ptorcyclw T ’B l^ d lif 11

LARGE DISPLAT of chain drive trikes and Uttsp. buUt like new, very reasdnsMe. MI. 8 46M. 48 Lake St. Extenalon.

tricyblea, b«ea, Rcf-

m a y*ORD clu b coupej^or IW Chevrolet convertible. Ml. 8-482S.

1841 FORD four door aedan, ma­roon. Radio, heatar, good condi­tion. Spocial tSM. 1841 Ford con­vertible coupe, ertem,* good top, radio and heater, 8448; IMS Ford two door sedan, six cylinder. Mack, radio, heater, very, very clean, leaa than 16,000 mUea. Guaranteed. Trades accepted. Terms. MI. S-48S8.

1838 CHEVROLET running condition, 8-SHI.

coupe, . Price

in good 140. MI.



SsnricM O ffo td 13


COMPLETE rubbish removal, ala eadar clothss poise. 8-7844.

AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., local And long dlatanca moving, packing; stonva. Call Ml. S -iw . Haitford CH. M43S.

M. AND M. RUBBISB ramoval. Aabaa, yards, attica, and coUars claaned. CaU MI. 8-8787.

EyiXDOZlNG aradlMr. excava- tion, loam, gravel, peat. CaU for oatunatea. Noadbrt Constnictiian Co. t^aa^ ML 8-7406. Eva. • MI, 8-8488. \

ROT’S S8 * .Columbia bicycle. Grandview St.


BICTCLE REPAHUNO/aU types, English a specialty. Now o i^ 4 p.m. to 8:80 ‘ManchasterC ^ a Shop, IM West MldtSe Tuni- pUte. Ml. $-X0i. ..........

W anted Aatow— M otorcycles 12

V AND M jubbUh zomovel odd Ipba, 8-8088.


HooscholscholdSsrTl'D ffsred , 13-A

1880 FORD emivertlble exceUent condition. A very good buy, Cell

.81 Oak St. ___________ : '1848 CREVROUrrS, two door, four door, radios and heaters, m ? Chevrolet aedan, mechanlpally ex­cellent, Douglas Motora, MS Mein.

__ FORD„ CUSTOM four^loor.Hack, radn, beater, signal lights, uadaneoated. Only 7.M0 mUas. Owoar in the service. Car at 80 Jarvis Rd. TeL ML 8-8881.




1 9 4 7 Studebaker Champion 2-D r. — ^ d io and heater^

.11961854 Plynmth 4-Dr, Sedan—FuUy

e tUpped, low mOe«4;e. Excel­lent ■ > ..'.... . . . . . . . . SAVE

18BS StudcM^er v-S Commxndor Sport Cqubo—3-tona, radia, boater, aatqmaUe drive. One o w n e r . . . X . S A V E

1853 Studebaker-Champion 5 Paa- aengsr Coup*—'Two-tooe, low mtloegc. l$xceptlonal . .81.845

1858 Pwd V-S Victoria. R itr^ p — 3-tono, radio, boater, con­tinental wheel. Lowmileage .................. '...51895

/1961 Mercury 4-Door Sedan-rRa- dio and heater, Mercomattcdrive ............... 1985

_ J96S Studoheker V-S Commander Hardtop—3-tone, radio, hoat- ar, automatic drive, ex­cellent ..........................51095

1951 Ford V-S 4<-Door Sedan-Ra­dio and hMter, overdrivo 5S95

~ 1960 Studebaker %-Ton Piek-up-r A-1 mechanically. -

; Many Othera At Low Prices^ . CHORCHES MOTORS

- Studebek.jr Bales. Service SO Oakland BU Manchester Open Sivenlnge Until 9 P, M.

■ MI-9-9483X Terms at Bank Ratee

DeCORMIER MOTORS S A Y S :^ “ True automobile value is the driving pleasure ,nd satisfaction o f the ciis-



A very sharp e u . Low mUeage, ayery extra. Pricedxto sell at UU' baatabla terms1968 W ILLYS 4-DR>SEDAN

A very clean one ownbr car. FuUy equipped Including ^ e r ; drive. Only 8895 down.


Tu-toae groan. No mUeage. A amaxt economical car. Only 5395 down.


The flneat '51 Mercury for'eels in town. See this baby ooll today: Only 529s down.


A fine aU owner w i^n. Equipped and clean as new. Only 5295 down.TRUCK and JE E P VALUES


A good healthy Jeep. Full price 5595. "


So nice you’)) think it’e new. Only 5195 down.


McCLURE PONTIAC, Inc.373 Main Street

Manchester MI 9-4646

Open ^ veh in fs Until 10

CHEVROLET four-door eedan. Radio and heater. Good condition. Best offer. Ph<me J. S. Spitko. MI. 94028.' — ■

lMt-40 OLDER ChevTofete, "Forde other good traneportatiou. Good credit mables us ttf eceepi 58 down. Douglas MHm, SM Ma^

STA’nON WAGON—1848 or 1880 four door, three seeter. Must be very clean. Ml. 8-9168.

Bustneas Servicea O ffered 13FOR PROMPT. EXPEAT




Eaat Hartford BU-8-3740NO HANDT MAN in your homt? CaU ML 8-2373 aad gat those Ut tie Jobs done. K' .


Quality top soil, A8k about our quantity prices. Prom pt delivery.

Phone MI 9-2401 o r~ W iilkpsntic ACademy 8-3283

HAND ened.ML 8-3380.

power mowers ritarp- Jed and aet, pich-up.

MELODY RADK night calls. Guara hfl. 8-:8-2380.


PLOWING AND hi Woodland St. Tel. MI.Morierty.

GONDBR’S T.V. Service, avallald^ any time. Antenna conversions. PbUco factory superviaed servlci Tel. Ml. 9-1481.

WS2AVINO of buraa. moth bolaa , and tom clothing, haalory ttn \haadboga repaired Mipptr i 'placement, umbreliee repaired, 'men’s shirt coUari revetaed aad replacaa Mariow’a Utile Mend­ing Shop.

FLAT FINISH BoUand v window, abades, mada to maaaura. AU metal venatlan blinds at a low price. Keysmade whila walt.Mariow’s.


FORMICA counters, plastic waU tile, asphalt, rubber, vinyl, lino­leum, cork tile. Headquarters for "do-lt-yourseU," ML 8-3888. Tho Tile Shop, Buckland. ‘ t

BbUdiiir— C on tn etiag 14NEW ipONSTRUCnON.^tnodol' Ing and repairing oxpsttiy dona. Bstimatea gladly givtn. Robort M. Alaxander. Ml. 8-7711.

MASt^i — Fieldstona a specialty. EmastYoM*- MI. 8-3207.

STONE, BRICK work and concrete worh. CaU ML 84481 days. 50. 8-8042. Valentino Bellueci.

GENERAL Oonatxuetion, aMara< tions, remodaling, pteme tile, counter work,, garage, etc. No job too small. Eugene Oinudin, IS Trotter St. JO. 840M. '

OONLUN BUILT garagee. Genei> el buUdlng, elteretiooe, ceiUnga and overhead doon. Plans esti matea gl4uUy given. Contua Con Btruetiqri Co. 50. 8-8833.

contractor, alterations, aiding, eement work

on ftniahlni 3 rooms up- ,000 up. Free estimates. TR. 8-sm or 84»4.

DOORS OPENED, koya copied, vacuum cleaners, guns, etc.;' repaired, knives, moweni, etc., put dition tor coming neiMla, welte, 83 Pearl e&eet.

PAN EL V-8Practically new. Save 8800.

Never lettered., Pull price 5L085.1962 CHEVROLET 1-TON

PLATFORM STAKEAn original truck in near per­

fect. order. Only $298 down.

Many 5fora Fine Cart On Dleptey At . ■


ABC SERVICE GO. F4mtory au­thorised servicing for aU. Hot- point applianCta, / All wringer waehere, Blacksteiic, ABOomi^c, Idaytag automatlce. Kitchen Aid diahwaehera. Work guarahteed, 31 Idaple. Ml. 9-1878.

antiquesBtOI P «t rates.French’s


Junction 84' MI. 8-3884

fumitu^ ro- and holrlooma rs' wooderorkfaig. Ex,' Ip. Reaaonable

mates gladly given, 'ood Producte, Route

id 88. 50. 8-3016,

M ovinK >-TnicIdiifS ton g e 20

eryr Refrigerators, stove monng apeoalty. chairs for rent. ML 9-0783.

deUv- Miahm and


Psintiiig—Papeiing .21PAHmNO AND PuMthanciiv, quaUty wOik, rtaaonaHo pvlcoa and jmmpt servlee. Free eeti- mates. Fiuly Insured. CaU Bert Plante. 50. 84868. '

WALLPAPEl removed, atoaming, |8 aingls room, two or more 87 each. Evdnlng accommodationa. 50, 8-8188.

B (>nd»~Stock»-~ M ortgages 31

Help W ynted-^ X M ile OF' Female 37

5tAN,OR woman for 8 or 4 nights a wack. Occasional Sundays. Ap-Sy in person 8-7 p.m. Dairy

lioen, 807 West 50ddle Tpke.

Situations Wanted—Fem ale .. \ 38

CURTAINS laundered and ironing done in my home, 50. 8-4188:

YOUNG PERSONABLE married woman, nine years experience ih aU kinds of office work In a book stora, aa private secretary to ad­vertising manager of lArge appll anc« oMopany branch, and in ona girl offica at A new car dealtr’a, wants part time work' oveninn, 50. 8-4808.

BXPERIBNCBD woman deairea babyaltUng, day, evening, by hour, -50;. 4.4091,-'"''-~'iy-~

SitnatioBB W antsd—Male 39

THREE ROTS desire garden,.yard work, etc. 50. 8-7818 dr after ~ p.m. 50, 84088.

Dogsr<^Bird s P ets 4 l

MOTHER'S DAT SpSciaL Six weeks old parakeets. 50. 9-2848.

FIRST AND Second inortgages bought tor our oWn account. Fast, conftdantiai sarvlce. klanchester JhTMtnient Oorp.. 344 Main street. ML 84411.

“ ACCEPT OUR OFFER”If you'fy not satisfied with the

solution to 3mur money problems offered ,hy Friutk Burke or Mel Redman, there’s no charge for servlees. CaU CH- 4-4897 and ask About a 2nd mortgase. 53,000 at 550 per month.


27 L iw is Street Q srtford

REMEMBER MOTHER with boautiful baby pirakcet, AU btrda bred on premises. Control bred from finest stock. $7.90 tm. Ninety day health guarantee. We also carry cages—aiq^oa. lUaitora welcome. Weekdays welcome. "Weekdays 74 AU day Satur­day and S u n d a y . 'RSymar Aviaries. Route 44-A, Bolton, Conn. 5Q. 84818.

Help Wanted— Female 35saleslad ies, chUdren’s apparel. Experience preferred. 40 hour Week. CaU for Interview. Mr. Res- nick. MI. 9-4437.;

WANTED Experienced sales help, fuU and part -time. ' Apply Peggy Lane, 777 Main St.

CLERK-TYPIST. Branch otftce of nationaUy known insurance com- pany has opening for clertc-typlet in afancheater location. Diversi­fied dntias, soma, Shorthand not required. Must- be a high acbotd graduate, preferably slhiie under 88. Five day week. Excelleat insurance benefits. JA. 7-7m. — yv- ,, ..

pa l m e r andcontractora. Free Job_ too bte or

■ Rock8-4T8S or

34 Maple Street 5Canchester

Auto Accessories—T irts 6

HAND AND power lawn mowara aharpened aad repaired. Work guaranteed. CaU for and deliver. Meal Grind St. CaU 5G.leal Grindlnr Ahop, 378 Adams

I. 84130 or 84878.ANTIQUES Refiniabed. Repairing dona on any furniture, 'neman,

-188 South Main St.. Phone 5Q. 848U. .

NOW 18 THE time to bavo your Ikem mower aharpened ahd re­paired, En>ert workmanship. Pick up -and ' delivery service. Ml,

• 8-7858. .

sedan, fuUy eqtiipped. Nearly new in ever^ respect. Driven leas than 10,000 milee. Just traded in on a late model CiMUlac. See It, buy it today at Centeii; 5Cotor Sal^

1888 FORD kCainllne 4-door aodan. Black body with Ivory top and

' back fanders, Sinai U^te, heatjw and defroster. Clean. Pi50. 8-1408.

Price 8878.

1880 STUDEBAKER Champion. Regal deluxe, radio, heater and oivaidrtve. Excellent condition, 5818. Tel. 50. 8-8088.

4851 PONTIAC CataUna, radio, heater, hydraihatic. Excellent coa dttiea. BeSt'tradar, Douglas takaa low down payiaant. Douglas SSotflfs, ttS Main.

SSH FORD Faittaae cfeih 1888 dqws. Radio., haalar. walla. Me. Nav«r


CHECK YOUR car’a exhaust eye- tern. Muffiere, pipe#, clampa aad brackets avaUabU at Ward'a low prices. Low cost inetallaUan.

-Montgomery Ward, Manchester.• - -BMli I

Anto Driving School 7-A

OOhtPLETE REPAIRS by Stiiart R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­matic waMUag maebinea.sidaU appliances, welding. 180 Main Street. 50. 84678.

5CORTLOCX’S OReVINO School. Lost confidence quickly restored by a skiUad, courteous instructor. Licoaao iacludod. Insured, dual c o troUad ataadard and hydrama- tie cars. 50. 8-7888.

DRIVINO Instructions from yrur borne. Oual-control InsOrod car. standard or automatic. CaU 5(an- chester Driving Academy. PL 3-7348. ToU free.

INSntUenONg given from your home on tneored dual honttuUad «sn aundard or automatic. M. * M. Driving SchooL 50. 84S4L If no anewer caU 50. 84838.

AUTO ^R ivm o Initructioo. AU liaaona on Insurad dual control ears, aUusdard or automatle. Ospahlo axporiaoeod lastxuetora. OpcMwr Auto SchooL ML S4010;

FURNTTURB Repair ' Service: Complete repairii^, rafinieblng, restoring on aU types of furniture. Zigmund Golds, Prop. Formerly of Watkins Bros. Tel. 50. 8-7498.

GARDiaiS AND lawns plowed by rofotiUer. Vm. Rider, 888 No. Main St. 50. 84818. If no answer esU 50. 84866.


Lswns snd Gardens Plowed CHARLES KING

MI 3-6i445CANCHESTER - T. V., Servloo. radio and T.V. apoclallate sines 1884. Chartar member ef.Yelaa. 50. 8-88180 or 50. 84807.

■nos 18 WHAT you've heen.hxqi- liq[ fori Lawn tree, ahiuh, flowar garaan cars. Bstimatea at ao ob- Bgallon. Satisfaction gunrantasd. Chn HsreU lisk. 50. %fB5.

mason mates. No

aU 50. viUe TR .^744. ,

SFM rists—N n i iM ^ '^ 6

MOTHER’S DAT plante at reason­able prices. Tuberous Begonias. $1.00 and up per plant: Geran­iums, tsc. each, 8 for $1 and up; Agnratum, SSc and up; Ihichala, SOc and up. Hydrangai, Asaleaa, cut flowera, mixed pots and baa- kete. Large assortment of potted plants, flowering shrubs, ever­greens and vegetable plants. Mc- OmvUle Greenhouses, 80S Wood- bridge St. Tol. 50. 8-8847. Open every n i^t until 10 and aU day Sunday.

CLERK-TYPISTHW anted fo r varied dutira in

srosll o ffice . Must h ave'h ad trainihg and soma experience. Knowledge o f ;Shorthand de- sirsbla. Liberal benefits' In eluding profit sharing. Pleas­ant air conditioned o ffice . 'Apply to


Takottville— H i 8-6128

R oofin g -A id in g 1CFOR THE BEST in Bonded built up roofs, ehliigle roofs, gutters, coOductora and roof ropaua caU Coughlin. 50. a7707. If no answer caU 50. 9-4481:

ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. AtteratiOM and addlttona. OaU- in^. WdrinikanMi

LOW PRICES easy tarms, on fine roofs of aU types inchid^ Bird

. paetelB. McKinney Lumber, Bol­ton N ^ . 50. 8-4838. .

RAT’S ROOFINO GO., a h li^ and huUt up roots,'gutter and con­ductor work, foot, cMmnojf ro- pairs, Ray Hagenow. 50, 8-3314. R ^ Jackaon 50. 84838. ■

R oofing and; Chimneys 1C-AROOflNO—SpadaUalng In repair­ing roofs of aU ktnda. Alao otw toMa. Gutter woriu Chimnaya cltanad, xnpalrad. 38 yean’ qx- parianca; FTaa aatlmatea. CaU mowtey. Mancheatar 50. 54881

H esting—Phnnhlar 17LENNOX FURNACES a»4 warm air hmtiwg: B u i Van Chmp. ML

TOUNO WOMAN wanted for tuU tinte Job in locel retail store. Five day week plus usual benefite: Ap­ply Montgomery Ward-

NEED E9CTRA money for hew fur­niture. TV 9et or new car? Real opportunity for willing workers. Write Rot Q. Herald.

EXPERIENCED young lady to work as ealas clerk. Good salary, ateady employment. Apply in p^- eon. Lynn Pouitiy Farms, 808 MelnS).

WANTED—Reliable woman to do housework one day a week. 50. 8-8883.

Help Wanted— M sle SC

WANTED—Good homes for cute kitteni. 50. 84096,

Livestock— V dlieles 42WE BUT COWS, calvec and bast cattle. Also horaea. Piela Bros. T*L 50. 8-7405..

Poultry Snd RnppRcs 48BROADBREASTED Bronxe tur­key*. Fresh, frosen, 10 to 35 pounds, Schaub‘8 Turkey Farm 188 HiUetown Rd.

A rttdas FsY’SalsBLBCntOLUX vacuuaa claaasr, all attachmante, la very good con­dition. al9« ktfehen tablo. 50. 8-1888. ■

CRIB AND mattresa, clothes reel, 9 piece Jacobean dining room set. 50. 8-8313.

14 FT. d ec k e d outboard boat End ICaatercraft trSUer, 8180 for both, SUtceUent condition. 50. 84844.i H. 'P . CB OUTBOARD motor. Just oVirhauled, for quick aalo 548. Phono 50. 848M.

Bonding Blatcriais 47NEW LUSfBER for eal4, pin# %X 8 ” X 4" X 8” wide.Mwn' fumltur*' or fences, other uses. Sell in email lotdi He aq. ft. 50. 8-8861 after 8:80 p,m.

ftenlture. « ! l^ t l0 4 1 ,

Sb b v b l REFRIGBBAT^ hixe model, excellent cbM either bottled or c)ty gaa. 8-7181V

U WOOD PANELS, 4%’ by 10%’. Excellent for siding for garage, bam or shop. Also throe sliuce. Reaaonable. 50. 84897.-

Diamendn— W atches-v Jcw slry 48

LEONARD W. T06T. Jeweler, rw paire, adjuata watches axpartly. Baaiwnabla peteaa. Open . daUy.Ihursday ------- — ^Sti&LMI-m.vssr- 138 .l^nice

18" OOlfBINATION VHF-UHF televUion, baby rocker. Can be

\ aeon at 3 VUlage St. Phona 50. 84810.

G ard en -^Prods 60

APPLES * Manlntom, R o m a a , Greaninga. Also other varieties at «38 West Cantor I t Phona JiL 8-8110.

POTTED T05IATO ptonte, cab- baga, lettuca, hrooeoU, kohlrabi, cauliflower - and. parSy plimte. Knuiie Groenbo«hM>83i Haittbrd Rd. 50. 9-7700.

rh u barb f o r fraosing, 18 Ihs. $1. Rhubarb rebte, • for |1 Pramier aad RoMnaon straw bony plante far aale. O’Ooimor,

1 Union St —171. 50.DAHI4A BULBS, three eolers, doaea, Paul Robotto, B irch /M t Rd, ’

Houashold Giwdn 61CIDEUt 50LL Antique Shop, Route .8, and. 44, Bolton,. Antiques bought and sold. Opah daily and ave- nings. 50. 84880.

VERT GOOD SELECTIONof rscondiUonod television seta from 858-up. Furniture for the en­tire home. An>Uancea and TV.

OHA5fBiai’8 FURNITUREAt The Green

Hours: 10 to 8—7:50 to 8:30UfTIQUlE—Old time phooogra^ with 76 cylinder recoru. cheat of drawers end other' Iteins of Inter- oot Open from 0 to 8. Te Old Art craft Shoppe, 81 MiU St

Hohsohold Goods

BART CARRIAGE and almoM new pad, 18; full etu metal bed, aprlnga and mattrsas, 86;lain top kitchen table and |30: smaU B ite uprip' wriiorer washer, $10.|30: smaU Bite uprightpiano, |8;

10, JIL 54017.

door. St

iedtric range. White ScreaAs, pereen

after 4, 301 Henry

We an buying and good uaed ftenltura. Jo

88 Oak i

8ACRIFICB. 14 cubic . freMtr,. best offer takes. 516 W. Center.

ft. ivright. as, l^w ra

BEAUTIFUL lO-piece walnut din­ing toofn set 8130.' Antique aettoa, |30: rocker, |5. MI 3-8140.


9 eu. f t nutom stic defrost. Ua«d 6 months.

You get n new refrigerator, year guarantee.

Reg. Price 1299.96 Special A t Only 1179.96

Easy Term i C H A D W IC K ^ CO.

664 Center » tro ft C om er o f McKeS^

MI 9-0669THOR SEMI-automatic waMier, 8 yean old. Good running order, MO. 50. 8-8819.

8 H.M ach in eiyS i^ T oob 52P. BEAVER round all

putpoee tractor, fully iactadtiif trailor. Bxcelli dition, OOl

con-MI. 8-4787 after 0p.m.

COME TO 1188 Toltoad Tnnmlite and try the Cboremastor flne- ntary mowen, tlDere, tiUer-mow- en, garden tractors, and chain sawa. Mervin Threaher. 5CI. 8-8388. -----

Moaica] Instm m eBts 63TWO GENUINE ttudio upright pianos from $88^ one only a Year' old. Also Loster Betsy Rom spiBet, beautiful mahogany cniatom cabi-, net. save $360 on Boor model from regular price. Gom Piano Oompeny. 317 Asylum St, across froto Bond Hotel, Rartfort, JA.

A rticles For Sale 45FOR MOTHER’S DAT, choose un­usual gifts from Tour Tam Shop, 80 Cottage Street. \Handmade Jewelry and other attrCetive gifts.

CLOTHES UNS. For thtt Zip Grip clothes line requiring i o clothM pine, call JA. 0-1734.

LOAM, DEUVTOED, $3 yard. Gravel, stone, washed sand. Im­mediate delivery.phalt Nuesdorf Sand Co. ML 0-7406.

Hot mix and Stone

THREE NEW bouae laddsn, kitch­en sink, new wheelbarrow, diding' Bcreens. Forced to move at once, (health). 88 ‘Trobbe Drive.

WOOLEN REMNANTS and tug Btrtpa for braiding and hooking. Jen s Rog Shop. 66 Taleott Ava., RockviUe. TR. 84T06.

SCH(X)L DESKS, saf*, 14-foot banquet table, 12 f t table, elec­tric motori, Jointer, hand drill, electric, folding and regular chain, boat. Inquire 61 Orocn- fleld St.. Hartford.

FOR SALE—88 gal. metal drum* in A-1 ahape. Inquire Herald Oi- ftce, IS Btesell St., or phone 50. 84131. .

YtteH-FARM loam, bnled bay, aad hardwood, delivered. 5 ^ 8-8801. GigUo Broa., Route 44-A, Bolton.



But In Good Shape Just Like New—Guaranteed Wen, folks, here Is the biggest

bargain we’ve had in many a year —If you want to MVa a bundle of

n«n—and who doeen'tT ‘Ihen this ia for you. Just oee It and you be the Judge. You gObhothIng to loM and-bolleve us a lot to gain.



coL bR ic r a n g e ’Sealy Box Spring

and JfattreMRugs, lamps,, tables, pletures,

Undeum, poter end paaa-and other items to comploU your hoine.


ON EAST te r m s Froo storage u i^ wanted. Free

dellvory; Free setup by our own niiahle men.

Np ym entf To Banka No Finance CompaniM

MONTHLY p a y m e n t s AS LOW AS 315.37

Phona Ma BnmOdiately HARTFORD CH 7-038S After 7 F, M. CH 5-4590

See It Day or Night If you have no maans of trahsr

portatloa rn send my auto for you. No obUgation.

A—L-^R-iE—R—T—•—S 45-48 AUyn St, Hutferd

. - Froa Paiiting .Cor. AUyn and Trumbull

SMALL STUDIO upright piano. EXcaUant condition. Kemp's, IpO.

Oorona port- typowrfiara.

ROTAL AND Smith-Oorona able and standard A ll' makea of adding machines told' or ronted. Repairs on all makM, JCariew’s.

-.c-RED C:BDAR clothes polM stalled. Cijl ML 84767.

RECORD PLAtER and radio com­bination (Spartan) mahogai floor modd. Like new, $78. Wll mantle HA. 8-3378.

DUlfWABHER and porter wanted.

MAN TO ASSIST.. )>artmeii7. Appri low’s, $87 Main I

> furniture' de- pereon, Mar-

PEAT HUMUS—ExceUent MU con... #PBf AsTM—lMf-A IJiiWHllA'iw tliy ilHO—

and screanad. 50. 34515. ■

TWO EXPERHOICED die makers. Apply Guhver-Mfg. Co., 334 H al­ford Rd.

EXPERIENCED automobUa Ate chanic,. steady work, exceUent

. conditions. Apply in person to Bruno JCasxoli. at Manchoater Motor Sales, before 8 p.m.

Sakamen Wanted 36-AMliESMAN. Sondtona Oorp., Brea- ford, N. T... wiU hire pno Man-

• chMter area residaat to roproaont them exchiaivaly in this territory. Complete training provldad lor aemMMufOMioaal aeUing to oetab- Ushod cUentele. The right mah win opemte his own fraachlad withia 80 days. For totorvlow ap* grintinqot caU CH. T<«m. Sir.

TWO MANUAL hot water gaa beat­ing unite, one hot air furnace with grate*. Will *eU at reaaanaMs price. 50. 8-5467 after 8 p.m.

PRACTICALLY new de luxe Her fol^iqM^uriege andtirssi.

THAYER CARRUGB, marae good condlUon, $18. MI. 84008.

DARK, RICH top aoU from Ibnod and fcrtUlMd farm fields. Coven'

'try. PI. 2-8788.DIAMOND aiqtageinent ring, $18 gent’s 18 Jewel wrist w i^ . $10; 8x13 fibre rug, M: vanity aU with 3 folding mirrors, $18; a other erticlae. 84 Elm St., East Hartford.

THAYER STROLLER, tricyclo- wagon comMnallon, high chair. Sho-fiy rocker, wringer type washing machine. 5Q. 84883.

HOT POINT electric range. Excri- lant oondition, practieaUy at Phene 50. 84HL


PUieCED SEWERS MACHINE aEANECSeptle Taadia, Dry WeBa, Bawer Lines laetalled — Cedar Water-

Praaftaig Dana.

/ McKin n ey m o s .BEWEBAOB DIBPOCAL OO.

135-133 Panri Bt. TsL 5^-54555

1 9 ^ 4


PuDy Etmlpufdl \

$ 2 1 9 5


368 East Center St. Open Eveninga


USED StANUBT roli% .door wttk kardirun, r x •* x r . ML 540SL

Tolland, Conn*B esutifol BBthentic 6-room Cape Cod. Attached twa

car g a n g c . T a lly cemented cellar, ceram ic tile imth, JliUstjk^^ FpU Isig s

twB large n om a npatsiiOvpiped for heat and extra bath. K ing-abed' living room with fireplace. Many, nuny ex­tras. Costom lmilt.^1.38 aeraa.


Crestline RMIty, lnQ.7 S lU l^ I>KLYN STn ROCKVILLE, CONN.

^ 6-3369 or 5-3360K vifliB t M rs, P i f i^ 7 ^ % ^


> f .if


MoMcal Inatnim eata 53 iUBSfier Homos F or Rant 67MUSIC bBttimuutai rutaj. Onn- plsta Baa of UMnnriaiMa. RentalMflUnc %nai. MUNwp ssen. p m * lor md W ap». AMttr*s MuMe studio, ITIMcKaa. 5 a S-7M».

W aated—T o Bay , 88

WANTBD-Ptoy pen. MI. 84788.

OU5 ORCSURD BEACH, Main*-1 ~ CAPE CODQuiet aadth shore, cosy ■ roomi . LA PL LU ifJ ?^ ^ *^ * ‘S 8 ’ ’ ‘2L**'***"»****'l Ovwalaedcuotom-humhoma, - electric r e fr ig e ^ , feigned for easy Uvlnr. L300 oq.

'"• ‘ lu ^ g area Srat floor. Plenty Thr*. S ?^ lei»i5aleB aeeeed floor withTnrw mta. Wuk to wido Mndy 11— wtrlmr. nMaHi flooflur. beach. A ' few opaSi«a left. 888 • weekly. Write O. Wood, 3S lAarM Road, Windsor Lobe, CMn.

RoNNoa W ithoot Board 89

Basincs. Properly Far Sale 70 hraaoeway.— . I ■ I ................. - .... Itreek.' MustVERT DBSiRABLB Ntottmarcial | dated.

FUBASANT nam foe one or two. Pariting, Private entrance. CaU after 4. 50. 84988.

CLEAN, C05CFORTARLB. singto ' er douaia, sleeping room. Excel*

lent bod. Very central. 50. 9-484LFarom and Land For Sale 71

B E A U TIF ^T fttrntehad room wttsoomplote Ugf lioopmg faemtioa avaUal root stogie or douhlo. Ch cMtod (Umited). Central, iila . 50*. P o i^ , 14 Arch

EASTERN ConnecUettt—Exo-. al buys deify, poultry farms, or. without stock, 3 to 800

. ROO|C, PRIVATE family, t o Ytoman or glri. Qtoct. 234 <T

50. S488S. CH. 8-4TI8.DNE fUBASANT furnished rooto. Cooktorprivtlegea. SuitahU t o ene adu lO S . 84834. ~

ro o m Wit h aU Canvaolences and parking. 374 Suauntt St. 5 a840M. ".\-

HICELT FURNISHBD tooto, clean. AU convanlencea. residence. For a gtoUemaq/816 Sprue# St. •

30 PORTER 'B room, canter coloniaL'shopping. MWag room with ture wiamr and Breplaea. room w )» buUt-ia comer eup-

kltchaa aad lavn- Beaatifiil master bedroom,

fnU length of the bouse with vary la^e, walk to cleaeta. iMxgt twin-aisad badromna,

ROOM. 3 minutes taurant. Fra# hot water. Flioite

IN PRIVATE Uae, riiarmto ^ ^ pamto^

Private ML

, near bua large knott;

bedTMm wlti Suitable t o two. iVUegoa optional.

room t o rent near St. Gantieman praferrad.

8-3170. 8 Hazel St.

BusIbsss Locations For Rent 64

OFFICE SUITE, sxoallant daoor, cnniplate fadHtioa, stnot aad rear pariong. Rmtal 875. $81 Center i t 5 a 5 -im o f 50. 04545,

TWO ROOM office, auUaUe for proAMMoQal or tniilnfi lo i Hartford Rd. 50. 84088.

AIR OONOmONED offica-100% JCain Street location, parking. Ap­ply Mariow’a, 887 Main St.

garage. Parktog fadUUes. In quire 551 Cmtar St., aaeond floor.


5CANCHESTER -Corner location, 38’ front SF deep—oft street park liqf t o $9 cars. suUabto t o drug Btofa, Sm ctaanera or appilanr-

.5 0 . 04988 after SAo p.m■toro.BMAIJ. STORE toront, Buckland presently used as Ice cream aw candy atora. 5(0. $-8088.

ROCICVILLE, JCarket St. -Large store, duitable automatic laundry appUimcee, fumtuie. markot. (huga.'ctc. RoasenaMo. Hartford. JA. 34788. AD. 3-7748.

Sabotban For Rent 66ROCKVIUA, 34 Orovo tt-S inglo and douMe, Hght houackoop^

R0CICVILLX-I4 Laurel t t , 3- room fnraiehed, aifarUndnt In' quire Apt. 5. /

B oosM For Sale 72


troperty, one Mock fr ’,008 aq. ft. with amealto parking.

Sacrifice. Pbon# Owner, IO.

I \toBmoKiai I frm Main St. I aealte parking.

twln-elaa. kitchen, at

picture be apt

MOW DOWN, laiga S baidme ranch, BrowMa, 1 aera, Mgb si»> vatien, tram, gafnga, auhurhan. OKiten iTwiiteblns. l a 9 «I3 ,

Can Owner ; after S:S0 P. JC

THREE FA50LT, S3W monthly In- eoma, atnr oU bet water boat, ra> daoocatad year age, M5-3W. Carl- ten W. Hutchins. 50. 94193,


Agency, Coventry/

H oai

MANCHESTER 188 Baldwin R osd

7-voem tanch. Cbotoa reeidenttol saetUn. teib* bft eomptoteto land- ae^aA Large trees, eutalda ftra- plaea and patio. .Opu front pstto with flowar bed. Altamtoum oemM-

.nation atorta windowa and doors.„ __“ ^ iL lv ia g room with Breplaoo. PinoF4W/BB1S ••leenetod den, unusual ytehen-dlnlng

"— -------~Kinir4l>«*n4 Automatic dtoh-earriwi I waahor. Two baths. Laundry room,

daraga. Large finlahad recreation 'room. Tlueo bodroonuk Seen By Appointment—No .Agenti

CtoU owner 50 9-S36TGREEN 5CAN0R—Six room ranch, attadted garage diahwaaber die- |osal, ranga. rm ^om ter. SlSJW.

* MM, oisMita dnM. tfOM* ftStoa, only HleOOO. dxhm BUtehIna. ML 34133. 84H6.


A. R. WBkia * Co.

FOUR R005O1 tun baaamant OB heat, copper p^ b to g , dty.water I MANCHESTER-Immedlato oeeu-erect. Large lot Quick oc- cupancy. ra ce -fiajM . Chartea | Lesperance. 50. 8-7830.


CHECK LIST OP VALU ES111490. . - % ef a "Du^SST ‘ 'Vary ]

naat. oantraL hot water heaLMI.<OO...Four rooma plus latxa

hreaseway, garage aad worx- sbop. In Bolton. WIUGL

5IL100>..Aw>tbor four roomer with hceeseway and garage ia Bdton that win o l

511400.. rix-room heme enth two-car garage. OU heat OentraL on hue line.

514.700.. .New Ranch Homee la Bolton. Basement garagea, qual­ity ccnatmctlen.

|15,7W...New Ranch Hornet in Manebaater. Choice Have four of those. —— v

510480.. .Larg* six aad aix Du­plex on the West Side. One va­cancy.. One garage.

516.500.. .TIm Bomee with "wife on tardaU Bt Only the

yMlow houea If available.118.600.. . Three hadroom Ranch

on Oakwood Rd. Baaemcat g s ^ e .* Twp flroidaeea. WUI

M tiiw .. .Choica homo on CMum- Lakc. lOO-foot waterfront

Mx room ranch, seracnad altodiad garage. exoaUent

May be purclMaad OX . NO down payment

. chargea approxi- Warran E. Howland,

f. ML son i,i,.''Rowan. tractn BALDWIN

attraettva Bva tom hunt, features. I appreciated. CaU 8-S6M weak daya a time Saturday and by appointment No

ranch, cue- oM,' many

tol a

.a*. Any Shewn

SEVERAL SDfOLB and two i hemaa. For umotatmem caU' Reato, Rnkar: SO. 8-1918 botwa 6-7 P.XI. 4.

Fbr SslB 72Cap* Cod, 3 unBaUhad, open atainray, raoraa

room, bar, nice lot, traaa, out I Brmlaeo, near s<toeol and

hua. Unmr 613.0W. Carlton W. Hutchins. 511. 64133, 6-4W4.

LESS THAN year old, Bva room ranch, throe benroama, fuU ca- ment baaemant, hot air ell heat dty water, $6,4W. Oootf e J. Cole­man. Broker. Conn. Bank A Trust BMg., Roekvffie. TR. 64015, also TR, <4710.


WEST BIOB—Two-famUy Flat 4 j<ooma each. Two-car garage, lot 100 foot front Ctooo to jMa aad ■tores. OOeupancy ene flat 60 daya Price |U,600. Jamm J. Rohan A Bon. Raaltora 8 lf Hartford Rd. Tstophone MItcheU 3-7453.

VPRNON —New five room ranch, ■ttArhad garage, flroplaca. A won­derful hm. E A E Realty Oe. 5 a 64387, 50. 34480.

aCANCHESTBR-Slx-room Ctpa attaebad garage, ecreened-glaaeedporch, large cahlhet ktteben, ceramle tile hath, flraplaca Bn-, lahed recreation room, dormora nlcMy laadaeapod let 513,660. Warren E. Howland, Realter. 511 3-6600, l a 3-571L

58 VERKON bt. — Neat enianU

S*yMPCapo, ooaventontly toeated to Green fbopping, sehoM, bus,

xyoouu; 8 partially ftotohad, large fnuagr WtdMn. huge baaemint lakreatton room, H-W '«U >aat plaatefod. aawer, 70x150 tot FRA 1 3 ^ down. Can MX 5-590T now!

IM m fo r Sirfo y iBOLWW-Euaamg Ibu. cn# aert and over ISO’ -fRok aadi, aatab- Uabad, raaldnitiM area. Ptioad to aril. Warren a Besriaad, Real- ter. 5 a 34600,/ML 5 4 m ,

lUaBrt Ptbporty fiw S sk 74abou t $0 mtoutee from Man­chester nssr WUbur Croee Ogh- way on Route $8, winterised, rooms, bath, automatic hast, on Lake Chaffee. $ 8 ^ . Amoo Realty, Broad Brook. Irindaor Locks. NA. 34718.

w S u - VBRNON-On# year old apUt tovaL ” ****""• ‘ glx rooms. Breplaea, garage,

]Miced right. E A B Realty Co. ML 8 4 ^ 5 a 34480.

3 bedroom a home t o

5CANCBE8TER-Newranch. fuU baaament, yotk E A E Realty Co. 5 a 84387, ML 34480.

FIVE-ROOM RANCH/-Hot water tUa bat^ plaeterad

m. garage In LeapOrance,

oU'walto. fuU haeemantMI 8-7630.

333,000...Large family? Stop worrying. Look at the four-1 bedroom home at 110 .Main S t I Easily mad* into five or more bedrooma.. Owners, are flsxlbta, | wlU consider a trada-ln deaL8TART PACSemG CALU

T .J . CROCKETTReal Estate ErMur

Phone Offles. Ml S-M16 Or Rasidencs, JO 6-7751

W VI'RSiSSrwater ■eraened basement < inlaid rub Bowers I ■gents.

O.E. hot 1, diahwaaber,

with awnlnga, ' knotty ptao

. J*, lovely yard, 33 /Direct train owner. No


NEW THREE room apartment and garage, heat and hot water, geven nitlee nnm ManriMster $n a month. Coupia only. PI. 3-8080.

OFF PORTER 8T. —You wiU *n-j Joy living in this axcepUonaUy traettvo 8 room hem* on -qv sstaMlsbed street with neighbors. Living room with place, large hitmen, dining three bedimma, full baaem* hot water hast Price f MadeUne Smith, Raalter./6-1843 or 8-U48,

A Dutch TrsatEIGHT ROOM otdor beat: barn, germ , abont % acre. To Lento St. Near btia, ping d ltolet Not Oeotga L. Gratia 8-88T8.


Here’s a "Dutch Traht" t o your Utchen! Teu'U enjby em­broidering these lovely Dutch de- tigne in oaay-to-do . cross-eUtoh ■ito gay ■ e o l b r i . "’ Pattern No. 8363 contains hoV,

Iron tranafer for * curtain, pot- hOlder, toaster and towel rootlfe: materia] raquiromente and dlrec- tiona for toaster cover: color Chart. - -

Band SSc la coins, your nai ■ddnaa aad the pattern, wimhw to ANNE CABOT. THE H AN-CH M I'ER e v e n in g h e r a l d , 1166 AVB. AMBUCAB. N1 YORK SB. N. Y.

Now availahto—the 1663 Noq- :4toweik Album printed In attrac­tive ookna. It contains 86 pages af to v ^ datigna-pha 3 flft^pnt; tanCA CBreettona printed m baok Only 3Se a oopy.

b : Now availabto—the 1966 Naadto-IwErk ’Aftmm printed-In attractive . It. ecntalaa 86." pages of

iss:OM rM d s MVY- ' 3


Four rooftiB finished. 'F H A thirty year mort­gages avsilsble.

ToUsnd R ^ Bolton./'

L . F . i)eM A R S /B u ild er . MI 3-6420

AMSTOIf\LAKS; Oolarful and cosUyround Ilvlx^ attractively painted red with pin. Bunt II plus 6x34 making overall Uvlhg' room, h( place, vestibule,*n, 3 bedrooms, bath aad eadar cloaot etalrway to 3 incomi. m> (walla and ceilinga PuU baaemant, hot water oU double giarag* detached. Br ahruba. Approxlmatety t06’ the lake. All this ^ua Bv* adjoto tag bttUdhw tote 80 X 100 aU cleared (8 faetag on Beach Rd.. 3 facing on Wbodumd Rd.) priced at only ^ ,000 Chpuld ha an indi­cation to have y«w pan ready to ■ign on the dotted imiB aad quick­ly. Walton W. GrantTRaaltor. JA. 3-7884. V ■ ,

coop, estate.

8, tiioj^-----tu .o* .Realtor, l a

Saw It Tw q W a y s '

MANLUESTER —8 room homo oonveniont to hue, stores anti schooU. OU heat, nice lot, Ideti t o the growing fainUy. Only $13,800. Alio near Parkway, now ranch home, thrao hodrooma, ceramic tUa bath, fuU cellar, $13400. Many m en listings avaU- abl*. $8800 and m Gaston Real­ty ^ OfBce 181 SdMMt 8 t l a 8 4 ^ 84711, 64831.

FO UR ROOM O p* Ood, oxoauant condition throuMMUt Atominum ■tcrai wttdcwa, atepa to adtoot, hue, atcraa, baautifnl back yard with rock garden. Shade troes. and outeld* Breplaea. Tciirs for comfortable tlvtag offered for quick sal* at a aaerlBce, Fbcn» and drop around and see for your­self. Right oft W. Jtiddte Tpke. Priced to aeU tost at 18086, Phono owner, ML 6-1863.

FIVE ROOM ranch, full basement, hot water oil baaenoard radiation heat, plaatared walla, fuU taeula- tton til* bath, high elevation, large lot. Immediate occupancy. Charles Li sparine*. ID. 8-7630.

5CANCKBBTHR—Ex e * p 11 o n a firee-badream ranch, hot water bast. fuU ceUar, trees, near 1 ■ehea atorsa. Bxcellent condi- Uon. Only 613.000. Gariton W. HutchilurMI 64183, 64696.

ISCANCHB9TB15>-lhitr room home,1 aU ooiavAtiaacoa. aU utiUttea.

FnU prioa 60600. Short Way out Beautiful tour room ranch with endoaad hreaseway and L u g a lK . FnU ptlc* M1J60. OtaatenbutT, Ukatrent year round four room MUM plus Jaigo pordi and two4ar garage. FUU prte* |$3eo. JIany m en UaBnga of aU

ta dty er country. OaU the BOmneth ICtteo Agency, Real- tank Ml. $ >9»>. er 5Ir. Ogglaa.

..jq.AMOS.iMANCHESniR-Larga tix room

eotanlal, breeseway, two car at- tachad garage, amemte drive, rec­reation room ta basement, 1%

eabtast httchen, dlsbwasli- tituated on tot 100 X . W anw E. Howland,

Raaltor. l a 34600. JfL 34711


iVENTRT LAKE-Gertid Park, rooma, bath, baseboard heat, ' w weU. fuby taeulated, lOO

X ISO, Lake mvUeges. Priced for ie. UroUmanUc HA. 34378.

SubofliBa FEr S slt 71

LAKE Sevan room I ft. waiatfront lot.eottago. 100

“tie .

grounds.' ^Sn'JocaU on. JRrieedtower floor, wtateriaod. nddtiono flropiaee, largo pqrdiea, Mwotifulat $18400. T. J. Qrockatt Phono 50. 84418, or in . 8-7781.

ANDOVER / 'A ttrsetive Csipa God

Clean as s w h istie / five finished room s, oil heaL large ot. Full priM | T l,6 d ^ ALICE C L A M P E T ^ e o l^

M l ' "VBRNON-Four romh oxpmiddHo randt type house/ pletnn win­dow. hrseseway, ganuu, ametite drive, ahimtanm combuation wta- 4kwa. Lot 1 0 ^ 800. BeauUfuUy landacaped. /Chlchen coop. ML 9-0173.BOLTON /~ Attractive cOton home, toatttriag knotty pin# deb, two flpsplacoB, nreeaeway, two^ar

, hot water oil hast and ap- ly 3 acres of land. bO'

mediate occupancy. For furthor formation contact Elva TYIer,

l a 94480.

W oated— Real Eotate 77USTINOS WANTED - Sfaq two-family, Uuea-tamlly, jhi neaa property, Hav* raaqp' cadi buyata. Moitgagaa arranged. Please caU Oaorga U Orauladio, Raaltor, l a 9-nTS, 108 Henry Street.

WANTED—From private owner, 4 or 8 room house ta Jfanehseter. OaU after 4 p.m. l a 8-3388.

ARE<;TOU OONBlDBRlNa BELUNO TOUR PROPERTTt Wa wm apantoa your praps

free aad wftbout any ohllcatton. Wa atoa buy praparty t o caah. SaUtag er bnylag contact ' 8TANLBT HtAT. Raalter


P r o p o s e d M e iit ific a t ip ii T a g s

Fred Edwards, local CPxdbee-t tar, today urged every perm^hi Mandiaster 'to take steps to tain tdeatiOcatlon tags like the on* shown abovo.

Edwards Joined CivU Defense Mlyden on tho state and national levda ta emphaeixtag the Unpor-

M* of the tags ta making It ■tar- to reunite famiUes who

might be aoparated ta aa enemy attack or a national dUaeter.

The Ug» are betag distributed by a major milk eanatag Company through grocery stores over the nation. Reteaeo of the tags natidt- aUy was held up uatU after the atomic teate at Yucca Flats. The mUk Srm distributed hundreds of the tags to Las Vegas, N*v„ achool ebUdren at tha time of the tests.V Beginning today, atoroa ta town wUI dlsptoy posters encourag^ persona to obtain tho tags. ;Qro- eery atorea wlU have appUcatlon

leo. sn uiBi. IT— uiB lacents, aceordtag to Edurards.

On MondM. Edwards and Ray rquhart, CD oparatlona offioer.

Boost in Seen n toGOP’56Nope8

« ''O gaO pa).

ta which can be mailed to the Srm which makes up and dla- tributea the taga.X The price of the tag Is 35 caate unlfim four or more tags art or- dared. In that, ease the coat is 30

OnUrquhart, CD oparatlona wUl dlaeuM with a school official a plan to send t o taga for adiool pupUa through tha school tom.

.Tho tag contataa the name ot the person, the ham* M a person who should bo .eontacted ta aa emergency, addreee, birth date and religion.

While tha tag cornea equipped with a naekchaln, Edwards aald. It doea not have to. ho worn around th< neck. The ittportaat thing, Edwards aald, la that petaona have them in their poeeeailqn at aU times. :-» •

hurt tha RspuhUeane next jf*ur,'*Rllgera amertsd. *No matter ii>haZ the etatletlca aay, you cant amh vinca a man ha ha* a Job tt b* deswi’t have' ona.”

Sen. n n (D-Ala) aaU the tulal / C R - . employment figure la "mlaleedtag'* f '■ M m he eontendsd It d o e o A /^ l;r ,: ; take Into aceonnt :aa taereaM the total labor supply, m u noted that factory Jobs were stUl weO belew the postwar fseord t o April > /HV ■1958.

"In epite of the flgurea, w« an- ' fortunately stiU have a very eon- elderable amount of unenratoymant ta Alahama,** he said. "Thera are far too many pOopto out of Jobs and nnahto to find thoia. Tha eltn- ation ta Alabama to only part of the ptoture."

Ivea and KudiM agraad that R*- puHIcana can ha axpoctod to hana- flt poUUtaUy If employment een- ttaues at a UMi tovri into 1866.

"It thto econonde aitnatian boMa and wa don’t get tavotoad ta a ■hooting war, the Democrats will not have a ehane* to heat Haw* bower next year,” Yvea daetored.

HUI complataad, hosrever, that the Elsenhower administration is "doing nothing" to moot tho prob­lem of soft a p ^ ta the ocoaomy.

"The best thing they could do weuM ho te go hack to a aouud (am program." ho aald. "Vhrm purduOtag power to way down and that la coating Jobe for a tot of paow erhe mako thtaga tha farm­er huyx," ha said.

W a p p in g /


deatree three bedroom newer home. IH baths. Prefer ranch type. Net over MSOO*. Mutt he ta good, convenient residential ana.

WriU Box M—c|o HenUd

Wild Chase Ends I d Man^s Arrest

Wapptag, 5Uy 7 (Spocial)— State Police apprehended David

SEIXJNG? We are looking to buy aavaral homes' In and around Jlandiieatei, loi oui' own acceunta. We also list aU types of propwr- tioa on a commiMton haaia. CtoU Eltowocth Mitten Agency. 5 a

W. Meade, 87. ofT aleott Avo., RockviUe ' on * Netderwofer Rd. about 3 o’clock this morning after

chaao which started ta Vernon. Trooper william Tomlin ob­

served the Meade car travritag at high rate of epeed ta Vetwon

ABOUT TO SeU your prapariyT Immediate action ■■■Ured. A. J. Oatto Oo.. Rwltqrs. CH. S44H. (nm,, JA. 34888.

IF READY to buy, saU, exehaqg* real aatate, mortgagee anrangad. Oanmlt Inward R. Baattaga, Agency. 5 a 9-UOT.

lota with dty Writ* Box" H, Herald.

SoboflNUi For Ssls

W.ANT8D—Four rooni homo. $8000- $11400,\also 8 or 8 room home, $13.000-$16400. Several ettante witli aulwMtol eaXh, Carlton W. RUtchtas, Sa>8l32, 84IB4. '

ROCKVILLE—Eight room ah four' large bedrrxMU, dewMe tag room; dining room, large kltelwn,' IH bmha, two-car ga­rage, an dty oonventonoaa, on- mediate opeapanty,Oaorga J; Odaasan, Broker, Cann.Bank A Trust Btig.. Rockvttl*.TR. 8-404ff.’atoo TR. 8-4710.

BOLTON-^teal neat ranch w it t iP r e S e i l t four rooms, largo bewseway and orardsod garage. No haaomont,Asking price is $1S4D0. Should qualify t o GI loan. JIany more |Uettaga in Bolton. T. J. Crockett,

FOR PR05IFT''nautteoUB aervte*, saUtag or buyfato real aatate. eaU

ohnaon BuUdngTompany. Man- 5 a S-T4I8

and. when he gave chase Meade increased his spMd as 1m traveled over Dart HiU Rd. from R t S3. At one time, poUc* say. Mead* turned his lights off ta an attempt to avoid being aeon making a turn.

At Neiderwefer Rd. he lost con­trol. ran off'tho road and-neariy hit a troo haforo coming to a ■top. He was airaatod for recktoea driving.

BRA Heaitag A hearing of tl)o Zmlng Board

of Appsala ia aehedutod for 5fay 33 at 8 pjtt. at th* Town HaU to consider the ^nUcation of Jlra.

H. R*]molds<«f Dart HIU Rd., who aeeke an exception to the. front yard requlremwL AU per­sona interested may aiqwar and be heard- - •

OStoeia Btoetod the annual meeting of

the Wsdneeday Afternoon ^ b Mrs. C. B. Mono wae ro-etoetod

hrokor. 5D, 34418, or residence ta Bolton Cento. 50. t-7m .

dare Route Np. 8 toft boum ' ^ nrassnnaariy.hldden from Mgliway. rounded by three acres of hoi

At proJfrs. Halw advisor of Bock

dramatic dub.

thie* aeraafullyahada tree*,' on and naw^Four bedrootoa.

lliie* acres of hoauti-1 „ ■gg-TS

wUltod "High next nMcf er

n. 5y

■ t u d a n t ■kit wtit-

Area" at tha Parwt-Taach-

of JCancheeter Monday.. avwtag,

at tha'hlgh achooL east ineiudes the following

a tta ch garaga. SpUt level type] “ *1*toiUt of atone. SmiSl barn »n d ^ y ° ^ y 9 M l JfacArffle. guest house. Priced under $30,000.1 H a i^ J. Mahoney, state etipoT'K r appotatment caU JiM. PralL a orv lc^A n dow W . 8-788# or JA, 341U. ^ S t*toE d u < »U on D e p a rt^

win d i s c Of a "Guidance in Our ’’ Mr. JlalMoey ia wsU ta this 41410:—

'Tba pubUe ia cordially tavltad to a^end.


axchi-J. Watson Roach and Oo.,■iv* agente. 31 Oantral Row, B aitto^ Raalton, Appratoera.*


LSkafMnt, 8 rooma on cna.itoor, haaement workshop, paneled Uv- tag room, .flrei^ae*, esdMnot bitch-

JUlwaukoo (P)—Chuck Taantr, rciokto outfltider t o the Bravos,

w , oU funa<^ large iandacapadlwaa an aU-araund athlete at She- tot. Asking 518400. “


Juat '’ tha thing for vacation wardrobe ptons — a youthful yoked frock to raw with atoSvea or as a sundrora.

Pattern No. 6160 to ta atone 10. 13. 14,16, lA 30. aim 13, etthor venton. 4 14 yards of 3 8 - i^

For thto pattern, eand.ISc ta coins, your name, artdiepiiifim de-

' tha ratten number toj BUB P vm a/S t. THE 5IAN-

BVBNOfO l i f t AVH. naam aa

mar, '86 to aa axdtiag, way to feOgw guide for ovary wemui

iraiv.'Bo aura m raoS-fari eopy today. 38 aaa

bSdULar, Nlealy a 386. m m .

FOUR FA50LT. 134-131 Spruca St OeatraL CaU pwntr 50. 8-6373.

$1600—FOUR larga rooma, ptaXter- ad walto, oil tet wMar hast.Carlton W.

Ittton. .vary <W H W tlT M l,

sx- -_traL 64133,

BRAND HBW 3 kadm Hot wMM M bai^ 6isi^ns^issML]

4 rooms, poreh, oB haat garage, privet* beedi. Reouesd to 58406.

4 rooma, suapttreh. gatago, dou­ble tot near achool, automatic heat

-^400. , poultry taeuM,

t o road, lovely 4H haaement garage.

'406.'efher hdmae, farms, eet-

5L700 and up.WBLLBB AGENCY , Oevwtry—PI 3-0573

VERNON C B N ^ liiC S ^■aaaibly priced. Near entrance to WUbur uraee Bghway and only —imites from downtown HartSord. Good residential netohbochood. cloaa to dnnidi aad acaoeto. RaU ■era tot, hut tbarmenana wtodow hTapactaua 17 x 17 Maaler<» bed­room frames a tovaly plctum of our peaceful Now England coun- tryaldo. AU 6 tooms are ovarStood. tafth alone being 8 x 13 with staU ■howor and ootored Bxturae. - Aa "Up-to-tha-mtauto” modora home wlto dtobwaebar-diraoeal and toiOt ta tarinerator. Tha lataat thing in iUumtaatod Mtchra cahtaoto. Dto- tograyh B n alarm ayatom. D cat mlat thtoramraMl h e v ^ at Ifra

■■ago High araool ta New Caatta, Pa. He wae the star for four yoara oh tho football and baakethall teams. In hto aentar year he wae th* captain. Chuck also won two tottors ta track and was Weatarn Psnnsylvaala ehot-put champion in 1946.

A dramatisation of "Tlila to Tour Life" was given by the bosteen

ArndBary Ofltoera Alt a mrattag of the, Aha JIUlsr

Feat AuxlUray this .Mra. Howard Bennett was eleeteo preel' dent Other offloera elected wer* Ifra. Alex Chtoky. Brat vice dent; Jfre. J4bn Trtpp, aeoond vice preeident; Mrs. AMor Beaudoin, ■acrotary; Jlra James Joyce, treamrra; Mm Gertrude MlUer, cbaplata; Mrs. Ida Johnson, his­torian: and Mrs. Alfred Hopkins, rargoant-at-anhn

Th* Exeoutiv* Oamnftttee In- eludes Mrs. Edward Kushn, thr*e y*an; Mxa. Daanto Rtordan, two yrara-iBAMtaL WUUam Ebon one year.

Tha Auxiliary voted to buy an American flag to ho given t o tlM Probate Court. At tho noxt meet­ing Itoy IA a propoaed change ta th* bydahn will be voted oh.

S r .M d g B fs

M a y 9 , 8 p ji$ .

lou v er € h « *

/ . ■ jtoicheular ■Bag H c r n l i

oarrera*aStitt> N**- An-

R a iit B a H ir ifi

nrosldant Others r*4leeted wen I Mte. William Aletiita*, vlee proal-

nt and Mm Herbert Twining, icretary.Jfre. Daniel Cav

hhe been treasurer for.vanaufh, tor oight J


retired, Shd 5Im Thomae ForanJ sriu riected’ treasurer. 5|m Rod-i ■rick King and Mrs. NeVihan Wal- kw wars named co-chairmen of | the Program Canun)ttee.

Cenununion Breakfast' Members of tho Motiwn’ Clrdra I

UMl tho Rosary A lto Society Of I Bt. Frencto of AaStol Church Wlll| attend the annual Oommi breakfast tomorimw ta' tha diu hall after the 8:30 Jfail. The , ,Arthur Beffranan; .pastor, wlu be tho apoaker. Then Man’s oita win | serve tha breakfaaL A of the paririi are welcomi



: — MnebhmBpmad r l Fartue Be* — Few*I PariftoLata — Thnuto Oagito — WaD»

im edltt DiSrai**-A U . OntALLATIONB BDrSnaSED BY—


fia iJ . NOW — A N Y Tim \ MANOHEBTEB IH-3-769I — HARTFORD UPhptt 7-SSlT


kalt wU


The Rev. David taka ’Monortag t o ^ of hto sermon

n. a*rv^ at the mnnity ^urch Pilgrim Youth T*P*®w*l*‘P most at 7 p.m.Houa*.

SchoolWah^mf Hamimtwy Achool Will prmimt^ lWo“ opcrottaa i$ th* ■ehooi audUorinm. Grades one through four win' present T h e arcus Parade" and grades five through eight wUl gtv* a preran- tation of "Rto Van WtaklA" The proeoede wlU be uaed for claeh- room Ubrartes and audlo-vtolial aids. '

Mra. vraneb PhtodA Mfthday party waa flran

Mm .Ann Frimdi of Smith St. at bar hosno Thursday night by members ot tho Ptonoer Paiachuto Co. of JCanchoeter, with about 35 attsndtag. Mm Praneh was pra- ■entad a ehaira loung* aad chaim

X /






nal bttftlM___ _ B kIumW _Erenlnee and waakanda call 5Im Pratt. K 8-7888, oe pbOM JA.

^ ' BUMh and Co., Hartford. RaaL ■W9 sb9 A f

S4HA J. WatocnOtBtral ~




Balrf QMii Nt-1 ialri Qiin Ht. 1o A 3 d jfhnaiad By .

Opening Monday 10 A, M»


Y ea ’ll find.aooM o f tho fiiwat s^tiqaM at syudsl yrk ca fiw oyon ia f day, m okiiig it poaoUde foe OTory oa t^ u e kragr to toko hooio aoaiothliig.




rAGE TWELVE iEattcI|[»iitfr 1|?raU t

About ToWnOirferd Pmilih OiKptwr, DAR,

^ hidd a dw trt card party Wadmcday afternoon at l:sO at tha home of W a. Bruca Baala In IWcottvUla. i

' 31m AuxUlaiy PoUm will meat Monday idght at tiSO in^ the auxDiary room at Ftdlca Head* quaitera, wh«re a pidgran da- votad to methoda of aeddant in* veoUcation wiU taka plaCa.

A adn. thalr drat cdiUA ^ bora'laat night at tha Hartford

to Mr.


Hoapital__ ____ .. and Mra 3i'narnay. e i S. Alton St. TOtt aatployad at Hfcn»Uton^6 ard In Windaor l ocka ^ a act up TTi«n Mra. TIernay ia/tho fotmar Halan Aniesaon o^ ntlBald. TOa matcmal graaidmothar ia Mrp. Ed­na Aaderaon of^lndaor, and tba Datamal granofathar la MtchaOl fieraiyr c< Coepar HUl ,8L

■ubUttva meeting of tbai PTA wlU be bald at

tfdoek Tuaaday night in tha M library. TIm regular meat* of tha. PTA ^ be held at g

/b ’eio^ in tha achool auditorium, at which time, after tha taductiad of the<aaw omoera. Jamaa Hmdie. neraation director of the Town o f Manchaater, wiU apeak on

x"Summer Racraatioa”


Heard A lm g Main Street

(1* ■; :

-4li ; x ' :




•Preae-ent R-amwrImpraaaad by tha dignity and

bearing of thalr auparlor ga he marched paat In the Tall Cadara' parade laat weei^ thia corpa of at- tabdanta in a St. aervice ata*

ytion Bununoned up all their mill* w y majeaty and extended him a tcnnal aalute.

uTct,. the manager of the ata* tion, la sajM to hava muttered

/ rf t NATIOHAi yy conoN wax (l{ . II(IAY9.m A

MondsT Shoppers

Do cotton pi doriog iBiprts big




2 ^ HDan Rivei# fabrio, pre* (hrunk, comfort*cut. Sell

'.up to $1 diewhere. 3 t6fL

Ho*iron cotton; 1inan*weara. 3*6. 100


,4.9$ Volvts

Chooaa from-numy deco­rator' colora in fine cordu­roy cheiUl!^''*^ •. ■



t higa* Walafc argniidy

Extra wide hemmed ruf*' flea. W hite, colora. 8 4 ' anAoam II.54*.63'Ionf<


Thrift-prlcod ut Oraala

Reg. 59c| ydChooaa from a big aaaort- BMOt af dainty print abaera. Permanent S iah.Olbtr ib aara . . . yd. Sin

W . T . C R A N T C OMliJUm STREET 3

aomething about "thoaa d ^ — jokera,*’ aa ha paasad in review.

Strange Efnlpnent” Our ubi<lu)toua epiea are now

reporting on a new gardening development New to ua, that la. It aeema mechaniaatlon ia taking oome atrange forma.

We are not apeaking of tracto'ra, dr familiar mechaniaed farming equipmwit Rather, our Intereat ie in other—perhape more biaarre —nrdeninr implements.

One of theae la an attachmeht which utHiaee the power of an electric drill and hoes the garden. It la our imdentanding that thia

a newly deeigned gadget The manufacturer saya “ it tmtee the work out . of gardening—leaving

uat for fun."it from aa to argue with

big Corporation which,, no doubt haa a grdat deal of money invested in the facilitiM to produce this wondrous todl.. But we feel, In thia inatance at feaat, that the company is proceeding on a fun* damental mlaconceptiM.

Gardening used to entail some pffort and yielded ita aatldfactlon preciaely because one was tb when the day’s taeka were doi St< ' iis If we are wrong, but we laboredxunder the impression that moat gardeners liked this hard earned feeHng of SccompUahment

Another riew device is ahaped like a monstrous hypodermic and la designed to kill weeds by Inject Ing poIiMMi into them or their root systems. Is this sporting?

-Then there is a w l^et sha] like an invertM drinking gl which la p la(^ over en indivPual weed and ^^iSon Is inti^uced through 4 ^ openliw in w h^ would be the bottom of the glasA Mighty fa n cy !/ ^ ^

W^don’t pretend to know where thin trend is leadlng^t we hope the useful plants surave. We used 6 know an old time farmer, rest is soul, who womd probably have

died laughing if/he had seen aome of these fabulous garden gadgeta.

Why Exeavaton?There are no more grave dlg{

in the Manchester Cemetery

partment There\are *'cemeterl- la,” but no grave ^ggera.There usbd to be grave diggers,

the memorandum, ot under* which the town manage-

the town uttMB are now there areXonly

ebaage ia teing miade at the ewggwtlba of twveuperintendent of cemeteries whb u m the men who di^ .graves doh'tXjlke to be called g rirt diggers.

TOaPe .Wbat IPt PerA motorist wpa riding along - -

of the main thoreu^area iii town when he began to smell something burning.

In front of him wah an armored truck and lit front of the armored, track, a trailer truck. \

All of a sudden the armored track passed the bigger vehicle aitd its driver began to wave ffaA* Gcally at the trucker. He flagged him down and yalled aoautnmg about a Are. ..

The track driver jumped out of his cab, darted .n look betMath tha trailer at the flame. Then the mo* toriat saw him slide beneath the trailer and begin to blow at the Are. •

In a moment he regained hje aenaes and grabbed for the Are exUnguliher in the ^ab.

X . Blood fltatt’ ldMtlfled A blood stained envelope arrived

at Police Headquarters recently and caused some little stir. After it was opened. It was found to con tain an anonymous letter which led to the solution of a minor mystery on' which police were working.

Chief Herman O. Schandcl aald he bad no explanation of the meaning of the Mood on the letter. No one aeemed to feel it was of Bignlflcatice. aa it did not aeem to relate to Information in tha letter, which dlvdlged only a license plate number.

Some more ImaglnaUve mem bars of the conunuhity, however, thought the Mafla, .or soqM such organlaa^on, might be at wipric.

We are h^ipy to relate that such is not the case.

It seemed one of the naW cruis­ers had a projection in its interior «m which the policeman delivering tha mail rat hia Anger. He, aU ua* knowing of the contents of the fateful Tetter, didenot mention bow the stains came to be made. And he left the Police Station before the mail was opened. Oh well, ah* other good story down the drain.

Dancing en Baaepatka A local alumnae groiip of a New

Ebgland woman's college recently hit upon a new solution to an old problem that sCems vary eenaible to

^blem ^-aad what to do aboutxlt—ci^ e up tn Connection with tlM chapter’s plans for lU

i,^ u a l tortnal dance. It seems the husband<K involved are not happy abdut toe annual affair and gener* ^ giye to ba badgered into at'ten ^ g .

Tne solu tob balky : strokes of genii Aa related to i

the proMem of ids was. like all simplicity itself,

us by a member of toe dance committee, which ia credited with toe Idea. It was de* elded to chuck toe dance altogeth er tn favor of a trlp\ to a big league beaebaU game\ la New Toric.

4eb far ParentsSomething ought to be \done

about the childran who are d^wn to Memorial Field, by the fascl ing construction work which ia ing on. '

wTe can’t blame them much for wanting to hie aiound.,Wliat could ba more adventuresome for youngster than a place where giant crane swings a monstrous


\ T V E L 6 n c y





816 Center S t^T d . M1-8-51S6



Fewer ateertaig, power bralne, dyaaflew, nflto m A beats iMiflaNlea.

limFORDMOOR Sffi Badle and heater.



I1IS2BUIGK RIVIERA OltHBadia, fennier. ^ '



y o u r ; h n c k dealer . .I f f MAIN ST— Ma n c h ester ; c o n n .

IfHOME M kM ITIyiO fEM EVgiiNOi tlMTIL fsEt |


lOvan-Hillery /bedding Jarvis Awarded Bridge Contract

Ibe JarvU Oonstructlon Oo. been,awarded a 131,600 contracl for the Mootistructioh and widen in g ‘cd the Union Street Bridge^

Engineer. James H. SheMtsy announced yesterday

Bide for the Woricyesterday at S p;m. _ ______who la acting general yunagar in the absence gg Oeneru Manager Rlchaid Martin. .

JArvis fleto submitted toe only Md for tm entlra contract. Standard flMuotural Steel sub* mitted an Jlil.600 Md fob toe steel work MfjnA,

’iihe contract includes rebuilding and widening the narrow bridga aied relocatlnig it to boom -oxtsnt to out down toe sbaipness of toe

^uTv# north o f the bridge.



Miss Cynthia ,Ann HlUery,<6gowned in aquamarine irideacentdaiii^tar of Mr. and Mira. Paul HUIery, 231 Porter A t, and Kna David James Donovan, eon of Mr. and Mra. JMin O. Donovan, Lynp, Masa., formerly of Mancheeter,

united ra marriage this morning at l l o’clock ia the Sacred Heart CMUreh, Coronado, Calif. The eeremohy waa par* formed by toe R t Rev. Msgr. John Purcell.

ThaJtride, wba Was presented, in.: marriage by her'father, wore a Renalasance gown 6f antique pure silk, its fitted bodioe fashioned with a wide V*neckllne, collar of imported. re*embroldered AlenQon lace, and loiy sleeves forming a point over the hands. The full skirt of unpressed pleats with scaUop^ edge Md a nylon tolls dust ruffle. Her veil at imported illusion was disqted from a crown of iridescent beads and pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of white rosea and valley lilies.

The matron of honor. Mra Blair

taffeta, desigmd in princess style, toe bodice pleated and the waltii length skirt bouffant She carried aa arm bouquet of pink roaea and valley lOiea Lt. Blair J, flmlth waa' btot rfian. The ceremony wm fol* losbed to a reception at toe Of­ficer’s Club, CoroMdb. *

Oh their return from a motor trip through Southern California the couple will live at 643 Oliva Ave., {Coronado, Calif.“ The bride war-graduSled from Manchester High flehoM and S t Lawrence UiuVereity; Canton, N. T „ and la a member of Alpha Delta PI Sorority.

The bridegroom graduatad from Msntoester High Sdiool and Dartmouth OoUege and ia a mem­ber of Ki ^pa Sigma FVatwmlty. He ia at present serving with the Naval Air I Force at San JJiago, .Calif. The toide, accompMUed by her parents, ‘ flew; to San Diego for toe wedding. Mr. and Mra. HlUery plan to spend two weeks

J. Smith of Coronado, CaUf., was on the Paclflo Coast.

desp labyrintB crlaacrosses back and forth, find elfiphanttne ma­chinery lumban about?

But toe place le obviously dan* geroua and the children have to be kept away. _

Jamas Perry, toe clerk of the works, could do It If he had noth­ing elae to do and had a liMge staff

'> it with. TO* construction era could dp it If they didn’t to build toe sehoM.

•lice Chief Herman Schendal do it if he ftogot all about

' of toe poUea. work and whole force to estabHah around toe field.

An in job MU w M t be

looks As though the :k on parents, azid it

Habt TOst End, Joel ,Aa employe ra toe Board of

BducatkA report^ to t ^ Munici­pal BuUding recently tm aa er* rsiad. Be drove Uude in a S*ton track and had.brwfht akmg two hMpers. ,

SMiglit iafOrmaUcii at the aa to the wberaabouta of

load. After a while it became apparent that the man, who un* deratood^he was to trfip^pdit Tor* Blturs, waa realty aent to pick up a box of adrenalin from toe Health Dapartmant


t a ;m . t* tP.M .

\ \ V \ \ \ \ \ A ■> \ A \


ULUfilTM H W L f tT f * ? I n A n T i v f T J

QUINN’SPHftMacirDPEN ninEYS lAsMelilPJI. i p j M i i r a i

■M/ . .

iWOnly $ 9 .9 5

White Unra White Calf

; gUvar ' \ Brocade

■Also to. MedtiW HseU

Dyad Any Color Free of Charge


That Interpret The Wiibcs Of The Pfifiilr




psm lAUUHUIS m . Ml S.2SM


AiilNir ilvf

/1951 / pLDSMOBILE

SUPER "SS** 4-DOOR SEDAN Radioi Heater,



368 East Center St. Open Eveninfs



EveryiMn^To Be Sold To The fl^e Waits



_ Sale Now_Going Oh


M&M OIL SERVICE TOMYTo spray yeiif lavra with Ifqiiid fortHnr.

Serai thM ooji boek-braoldaf wOffc. FREE ESTIMATES * FRlEE SOM. TEST

TEL Ml f-7S40 -w Ml 9-5S49




C06L84J5;Per Tto'.

Order yeute today.


COKE $23NPer .Tea : '' 'J

for Cash A tM lrarj.


See Fluid Heaths Line Of' B onxB S •> w a ^ f l a m k — w a r m a ir u n it s

P U toatm e BURNBRSAlaa the lAtaet S-Ta* Air OendMener



316 BROAD STREET — TEL. 60 6*4816

b Wliel YeallSeyAbewt ACETO*S


Rocesler’s FaaMNH Franks aMCeidCnte

Ice Creapi Frosen Foods Soft Drinks




/ATiraxe Osily Nat Frees Rnn

Pmp Mm Wash Baded n May V. ItM

1 1 ,6 3 1■'at the AtoMt ad Oboflatlen Is Manekegter^A City o f VUlago Charm


The WeatherFwataet af U. ■. WaaOM

TOtogMlMr^Blag to Im p 46ne by aacty waijw lag. Tneaday moetiy anany and BMeh wanaar. in atteraaen, flSgto cat tamperatare In d6e. -

Western Ministers Wait Ike Word on

P srii, M ay 9 (/P)— ^The B ig f ot Atate Herbert Hoover Jr.Three foreign miniiteri awaited word today from President Eisenhower on a propoaal for a meeting "at tha summit" with Soviet

Nikolfii Bulgfinin in Switeerland next July.

•pehaamen Ter toe. BriUah, wbo with the French have been press­ing tor a top lever-meeting, said laat night Seeretaiy of State Dulles had promiaad to aak Bisen* bower for en anawer an,t8e pro­posal within 46 hetoa.

(In Washington, tha White Houafi reported an axNianga o f datoes be* tween EUanhower and Ounto over tha waakand but dacUned to aey whathar a top level Big Four con­ference waa tba aubjecL

(Aakad about the Paris reports. White Houas Preas Secretary Jamaa. C. Hagwty told newsmen the President and DuUea "have been in communication by cable."

(Ragarty said Dunes, when out of the country, "aiwaya koqto toe Praaideot coraptetely infonnsd." But ha addad "I cannot oay any more.” whan naemmen asked whether tha topic of the weekMid exchange waa^the poaaibiUty of a BigFour moating.

Tha Praaa flaatatory added that Waanhowar and UMar Sacratazy

farred yaaterday and again(In recent newa

Elsenhower has would prefer a m eet^ of Four foreign minlate^to advenes of any top-level Confwsnee. On Kerch 28 'he sad he wodid favor "new exploratory Talks" after toe now-completed / ratification ofagroement to tofizm West Ger­many.

(Lata last month the President aald he saw no oocaalon at that time for a conference ot the chiefs of state.

(Hagerty declined coaunent whan a reporter asked if that stin Is the Praddent’a poaltion.)

Here for the North Atlantic Council meeting to welcome Weat Germany Into NATO, DuUea con­ferred most of yesterday with British Foreign Secretary Haraid Maemllllen sM French FbrMini Minister Antoine Piney on toe prospects for Big Four -talks and the.Auatrlan Indapondence treaty. West Cterinan Chancellor Hoterad Adettauar joined them last idght.

Thia afternoon, in between NATO meetings, the Western Big Three were to take up the situa­tion in South Viet Nam in an ef­fort to pound out a united policy. Premier Ngo Dinh Diem, who

(Chattaned an Regs Fenr)

Overseas Aid Held Vital to U.S. Defensetold

Arthur . . . I t _____Ctmmss today the For-

!' digs miutenr aid program \p«rmite the United States "to ' reduce the total number of

tro<ma that we must main- t ^ o a octira duty."‘Tom aeUttery iM fragrant te

------ ", . . ween it nto Tol^tteetrangth wWch has hew g«Mr- atod m toe past flva»aan by our AlHse and in mbst Uutances mads peostolt by oUr miUtazy aid pragroma— tha toquirenMnte of our own pragram would be much laiigor."

‘BeaUflaB Bsisra ScmV> The nation's t<m neilli rial teqtmto before Foreign /Relations headed by Sen.The committee is hearings on ths ralalsIratlon’B z lioB/doUan la,

: July


Senate ttee'

(D-GaL midst m

ad- for 8H Ml-

friyths yeartdtaL aomd 31.7!

ia earmarited enher for.military eqnlpm< and guns, or tpr Via direct topport of mlUtary , forces of aUlefi with wbmn the.'Ualtod Statea has mu- titel dafMM trsatles.

/ In pdvanee ot ths hsa^tog Sen.

/« I an .1 ^ khnr)

/ A-Scientisi Hits IJeS. ‘Seerecy’ As Peril I to CD

X CSdcago, May 6 iff!—An atomic arientlfit-auUior charged today that ’’axeearive’* govonunsnt fiecracy caused "a* year Of pfi^ysia’’ C3vU Defenas prsparatibha to ir tho new peril of deadly radioactived u s t____ ____

Dr. Ralph E. Lapp aald the Atcmlo Sneigy Com mi eelon waited

’' untanfiariy a year after the March 1. 1664 BlklrU H-bomb teat before revealing raozM facte” about Its radlofictlra faU-oii- to toe. Ameri­can pe<vla. ~ -

life er Deftto Matter Deelering the knowledge could

: have- boon ‘‘of Ufa and death" im portance had nuclear war broken out. Lapp aald:. *TOw federal governnwnt has pvsn BO ecnalaUnt noc adequate reaaoB for its fatluro to inform ito

_ poople about the dangere of faU- out Oertainly BO reasons have been advaaosd which would outweigh toe flaking of toe lives ot 80' mil- Uon Atoenrana"

(OraOnnel en Ffigw.FNnr)

-W e e k e n d .- -M i 8 lu ^

K ill Seven in State“ ^ m ABMUIATBD FRHflS

roar persons drowned and three died in autombbila aoridents ia Oonasetleut during the weekend.

The body ot one of the dzowaiag victims Btm was bslng sought in Long Island Sound off Stamfor*. It Is that of »-yea]>olt Duiu • Pat­ten ot RidgsDrid who waa among a flahtz{g ratty of four. Only her father. 9miiam, a S8MU b pan Print

43, survived when lat Cepslsed near Wiip-

Tito nUUr victims of the tifg i were Mr. vM Mrs. Jaee^

TheeC Stamford.

’ifet^fficerPay Hike Held Sure Even if Vetoed

^ M L* XJndNOfflRHnB/ Washington, May 6 (ffl—ptiao-

cratie leaden predicted ths^Ouieigitoze t ^ t o r r i d A S rm i-

dentlil Veto today anApaas by big margin b bUl tit by an average 3A per cent the pay of the 500,000 poet office emiri^ea

RepobUcaM riso aeemM ready to concede/approval Of the pro- posed raise, consideraUy above tha top tout favored by President

passage is likely to be dupUcated by the Searier which voted for an increase of 10 per emit. ,

Sees laeqsiUM'In a letter to House GOP Leader

Martin (Maas), Postmaster Gen­eral Summerfield said yesterday ha "corid not in good conarience" recommend that Btenhower sign the bUI. He aald it would create new inequities while fatllng to ccr< reel existing ones ' ‘’This legislation is now so

drfi;^ as to nwks it utterly im- po^ble for any poetouster gen­eral te administer it with neea"Av arid. -

"TheXlcglalatioa would create serious ppy distortions. It would ruM thu uonkG ^ ai much■s 6 per oral, while leaving at only 7 per cent toe Increase of many employed at like dutlee., . . ^

"It wriild destroy toe concept of equal » y for equal WoHi."• RepubUean leaden predicted toe 3.8 per cent biU'wtil be fired beck ^ Oongrese as excessive. But House memberaeppeared nady to cross the veto bridge If end when t i^ co m e to lL '

TOe measure before the House ia a compnmilaa of, fa r in g ver- BloM pasaed earlier by the House and Senate. It provides tor aa an-Poet Oftioe Draartment payroll.

Of the toh^ actual pay, in- maaes reimoest 311:3,300.00q and the rest represents en inmoaae in travel allowaacee from 36 to 36 a day for the poet <fftl£e_tranapor- taticn ’ service, longevity pay for

(OraUbned en Page Fenr)

^ a ir d .^ t e r

Chi(iaffo,/Msy 9 »(fl>) -i- Sewell L.'Avsry, Sl-yeor-old chairman of Montgomery Ward and Co., resigned tOr day, two woeki after fight­ing off on attempt by Louis E. WolfsiRi to win control of the moil brder firm.

John A, Barr, vice president and secretary who conducted part of the histme April 22 •tockholders’ ZEieeting ia Avory'k place, was named to,.suceeed Avery aa chair­man of ths .board and chairman of the rieecutive committee./ Bomalee Director Avery will remain a director of thb company. He is one of the randidatee on toe management w te of directoee for re-eloetion. .Votes taken at the etockholderff meeting April 22 are being counted and tabulated.

Financial eirclss reported Avery had planned to retire as chsirman aonu time ago but that whan Wolfson, New York and Florida financier, made pubHe bis pliui to seek ..control of - the firm Avery stayed on to lead toe management «ghL, Avery had headed the firm, sec­

ond only to Sears Roebuck A Ck>., In ths mail order and retaU field, since 1681 when J. J», Morgan A Cto., put him in control to save the con­cern from going under In the de­pression.

D i^ g Avery’s regime four Ward presideata and about 40 vice presidsnU bad been fired or quit

Avery bet no immediate com­ment on bis resignation which was ■afiounced in a statement issued by toe Ward board of directora if- ter a special meeting.

Thfi dlreeton adopted a resolu. tion recording their ‘profound an- preriation for the pr klent leader- riHp which Mr. A W ^ has given the company d u i^ his long tenure and for toe aopfid flnanrial condi­tion which toe company has sn- Joyed durtoir his devoted and dy- namip administration.’’

Bara has been a member of toe W ud ditectorate stnc' 1680.

.Early .in his campaign to seiu 'Contaol ot Um mall order bouse WoifSon announced he would cap* tore enough dtrecton to wrest management from the hands of

(Cswtolwd aa Rage JTsnr)


■g aa Fago 13) PRICE FIVE CENTO


Dulles Cites Soviet Shift Oib Austria

Pi^s, M*y 9 (flV“U.S. Sec- ratory of Stete Dalles, said today thfi most spectacular change in Soviet foreign policy this year has been Rus­sia's i iparent willingness to complete on Austrian treaty of ii^ependence.

However, basic Soviet poUries remain unchanged and there should be ~ no relaxation o f east' erni vlgjlsnce, bt\told a closed session of toe North Atlantic Pact council of Foreign Ministers.

Any settlement that would store Independence te^Austria and bring with it a witodrawal of toe big power occupation forces, in- eluxUng Ruaaia's, would be the first fralte of Paris accords freeing and rearming West Germany, the Secretary said.

y 18 SDnlstors Meet'‘Ilw 15 foreign mlntotara, with

West German. Chanceltor-Forel Minister Konrad Adenauer siti In for the first time, cussing a paper subm it^ by tbeir experts seeking trenda in Soviet forelgii’ policies.

Even aa tbey were .debating the subject, word came from qualified British inforntonte that Russian Foreln Mlrister V. M. Molotov hM nifnifle{l^nis readlnees to meet his American, British and Frsneb opposits numbers in 'Vienna Friday formally to sign the long-delayed Austrian .treaty.

F re i^ Focet;^ Minister Antoine Ptosy later told npritera that the Austrian treaty probably will beBimMd Sunday.


TBig 'lim e Meet on Far East Problem, 'V ief

a r tn « .tion

John Footer DuBea, left, UJS. Secretary ot State, shakN hands with French : latter's realdeaee la Parle (May 1) as repreacntatlvaa of the Big Huee met ' Icnu. ' Others are British Forrign Seerctary HaroM Macmlllaa,SOnlotes Aatslae Plnay, ssnfisr, and Frsnah State Sserotsiy far aad Feure met earlier an flooth Viet Nam proMcma* (AF Wlrephote).

' Edgar Fimro at Far East ptob-

M t: f reneh Foreign LaForeat, ilghL Dniles

Rail Strike End Slated

Polio otslunched with DuUee, Brit­

ish Forrign Secretary H a r o l d s Maemmuia and his ^ c f i T i f '

Dembecat Raps Business P lw For -Tf« Slask

Washington. May 6 (FT"^-Rop, MiUs (D-Aric) today diqnited a bnaineas group'a proposal that higher, income.thracketa toonld got the Mggeat percentfigis cuts la a geaSral income U|x reduction ex­pected noxt year.

MiUs commented after the Oomaalttes for Economic Develop- ment (CBD), in ai poasible pre­lude to some of the Slsenhowsr edmiatetration’a 19M tax pro- posala, reported it should bo poo- atble to cut taxes three to five billion dollars next y*ar.

‘Ihe CED Is sponsored by n group of prominent private bust- ‘Beasmen to make studies and re­ports oo federal poUriee which af­fect the nation’s oconomy. It has Aad cloos ties with teislnessmen who are now leedere In the ed- miniatrationr and Its tax propoaels have often fon-riiedowed Eieen- hower admintetratlon policies.

In a 30-page report released over toe weekend, tho CBD field continued eccaomic growth, ptua restraint in fedfiraf spqiw g, ■houM lead to indlvlduel income tax cute for everybody next year. It also BUggasted amaller redue- tiona in corporate income end ex- riae taxes. «

TOie optimistic outlook for tax’ reductions was nlnforesd at Hot Springs, Ve., whsre flecrateiy of UteTOfiiMiiry: Humphrey apoke be- nfiul cloacd doors to too 'BuatneM Adviseey Cktnnril of UM Conuderca Department Humphrey reported-

(Ceatiaaed an Fage Fear)

premier Edgar F aii^O t h e r aouroep have been cau­

tious about prsdiriing that the eig- nature aotmtOy wUl tahe place. Some P ril^ > remain to ba aettled with Ute'Rufifiianfi.

It whs believed that the most imimpottaot of theee is the way in vmeh the four big powers would

guprantoo Austria’s nautrallty.TOroty Hopes Seen Good

MerimUen .said prospects .iPr signing toe teeaty look very gpod.

Told iriiat Flhay badsalcK ac- millan replied: //

en l ^ Fsnr)

Krushchev 'Hails W est For Role in Nazi Defea:t

r ' . " • ■,6 ' "<^~®**®**hteto>played toe leading role in Hitler’*

<Weat but ad<M that "The role played by other armies should notbe unC

DieniBids West l^ u m Bao Dai; dolonialisni H it

Party (toief Nikita B. Xhnuhehev toasted the Western Allies’ role In defeating Hitler at fi 'VE-Day celebraUbn yesterday. But other high « e ^ loth annlvei itula-

or re*. of Nari capli

Uon by tdaeting the West to arming the Gerniani

Khrushchev Saluted Itumla's wartime alHas at a party ^ven by tbe East German Embasey and stressed- the Soviet govefament'e desire (Or.good reUtions with all eountriaa

He paid tribute particularly to tha wartinte collaboration of toe Soviet Union and Marshal Tito’s Communist Yugoslav partlsana, but also mentioned' the United fltatea and Britain by name.

Keeiev HKe FeonnlBi Earlier in MoaoaerisBeitool

Theater, Deputy Miniriar IVan 8. Konev, denounew* thi Peris rearm­ament agreements and said florist

undarevahiated."■ In East Berlin, the conqueror of

‘**o»'tJte> 'Uw'fisrmer Rrich capital; ManbaP

othor drowning' flatu^day iibreae must be at a "nocaasory 3 ia Braafoed. Charles lever'atoee‘‘lawmMlat eiralsB an

. ■; ....... near anflag West OafasBity."MariAal *

Saigon, South Viet Nam, May 6 O^^Warnlng that the *netaam- see people would tolerate ao/re- rival of colonlaUsm, len d er Ngo Dinh Diem urged toe Western Big Three last night to spun CUaf of State Bao Dal's latest efforts to retain-power.

Ri a broadcast addrdiaed to the free world, but aimed qwcificelly at ths Western Foreign Mlnistera meeting , in Paris, Diem dSriared Wet Naih’B future government arquidy be decided only by domo- era tic means through electiona '

Befora to Power 6 h »/ A MxAeonMn said Diem referred to BaiO Dei’s reported ptan to ob­tain big power oencticn for bie return to Vpt Neni as e eriutitu- tionet monarch. TO' plan was aald to include an i-ppointed high coun­cil end aa assembly of Vietnam- ase notsMea to ’ which both the Chief i>f State and Premier would •urrender their power* It would ignoreo Diem’s project for -an' electod aaeeznbiy. , -

Before announcing a new pro- riaionel government. Diem is awaiting raeulte of talks fin Indo­china crisis betwaen SocroUuy of State DuUea, French Ffirelga Min­ister Antoine Piney and British Foreign Secretary Harold MaO' mlllan. The ministers, who ere meeting in Paris, ere reported to

(OoallMwd oa Page Fear)

Washington,' May 9 (/P)— An agreement was reached today cidling for an end to the story, 57-day Louisville A Nsshville roiUx^ strike at 8 a.m. (EST) Wednesday.

The union i^resentatives and manegement negotiators were in separate rooms. Government medi­ators riiuttled barit and forUi for signatures to a aerlae ot documents tost called for ending the strike and Kbmlttlng unsettled ■ issues to aebltratioa. ^

A formal govsrnnwnt azinounce- ment ot the stride-end egre-iTOnt was made at 11:48 e.m. (XDTK.

Referee to Settle IssM The .agreement caUs' for sub-

tmittlng key, unsettled issues to a neutral rero^ .for. a/binding ar­bitration decision.

’rhe -ttrtke.'to&tkcd at times by riolenee, had cr^>pIed - rail service In 14 southern states for nesriy two months. It waa the longest raU strike since 1922.

The strike affected 26,000 em-' ployes.

CluUrman.' Ftanris A. OTZeUl Jr., : (ff the National Mediation Board announced the agreement for an end to the strike in this statemsat:. ''The National Meditation Board,

at long laat, is pleased to an­nounce that aa agreement has been reached between the LoBlsriUe A Nashville Railroad affiliated rall- ipads and >aU unions which have been on strike.

decision will be final and binding.'’AU employes are to return to

service and full operatione -M- Bumed oa Wednesday, May 11. In

(Ooatoraed «■ Fsg« Four)

Oeofgl 2Uiukov, defmse minister of the goriet Union; charged that West German reannament could plunge Germany Into a ' ’new catastrophe." He urged West Qfir- man woriMvs to thwart tbe Paris gM ^brlnglng toetr country into

III a speech obviously aimed at the wsstera foreign ministers now meeting in Paris with West Ger­many aa a NATO partner for the flrat time, Zhukov-declared tbe're­armament program is forcing Bast Germany to take defensive measure*

This apparently was a refarenoa to the Communiat-bloe oonfersnoa opeztoig to Warsaw Wednesday to, ocganlss a miifled Rad jnlm atycommand to rival NATO.

On too other Bids o f the' Ixm

K l e b f r g E ties

Cowboy StatesmanKtogsriUe. Tsx., May 6 (F>—

Rteliard M. Klstong to., coirimy aad OoDgrossman, was a Texan in the grand manner, a giant in the storied traditioa of toe ranch country;

He died yesterdsy at 68 in- Hot Springs, Ark., r victim of a heart attack. KM m g was chalrnMn c< the board of the l,2S0,000-aere 8Bag Ranch, a:, enpiro of cattle aad norSla, oil and.cottoo. He waa a grandson of Rieherd Klnig, to* foundtr.

Bean casual acquaintances eaUed him "Mr. Dick," ebanasd by hi* fiasy dasBoeratie maiUMr.- A taU, Aaf»-halnd. strlktag man, ba tovsd

.« ■).

News TidbitsCnOed from AP Wires

Greenland Department of .Dan' ito Government announces death of Ootah, Eskimo wbo accoosps led Rear Aton. Bobert E. Peary to North Pola/ln 160a..Twentyrflve Japanafia girls who survived Hiro shima a t ^ bomb 10 years ago,

lAzriva ln_,.ll«K„Yad;.„.c»uttoMl!y. hopeful that miracle of plastic surgery can gtva theaa new face*

President James G. Patton of National Farmers Union says in Washington farm groups shai aoppert 31-36 mlalmnm wags in return for help given by labor to enacting high rigid farm price supports . . . India sends "strong protest" to Pakistan fiver week' end cla'to in disputed Kashmir between Indian troops and Pakis­tan border police.

Antivirus drugs to combat flu, grippe and catarrhal fever nwy net be far off. Society of Ameri­can BacUrioloidate is told In New York..Canadian Haj. Gen. B. L. M. Bora* chief UN Paleetlne trttoe ebfifirver, saya to Cfilrfi Egypt a»-

■siaHeso" hia four ipoafilB for Aaaroaaing lararit*

tontoan to Ofifia sttip.eemioiGls '

Salk Injections Delayed Week In Manchester

Manchecter’a anti-polio Inocula­tion program baa been postponed.probably until a week from tomor­row, but faith UT the Salk vaccina locally Is reported as stiU strong.

Dr. Nichoiaa' A. Marsialo, town

ashingten. May 9 (/P)—The nation’s polio vaccina­tion program slowed toward a temporary atondstill today fdr a new |riant-by-plant safety check by federal health authorities.

Surgeon General "Lieonard A- Scheele voiced confidence five laboratorlce now turning out Salk vaccine would get a complete bill of health, and sold he hoped the first held-up batches of vaccine w.ouId be cleared' for Immediate use late this week.

Scheele, head of toe' U.8. Public Health Service, likewise pro- . _ nounced tbe vaccine every, bit as[claion by tbe State safe and effective as originally an­nounced.' No cause for Alarm

Ha assured parents whose chil­dren fiaye been vaefito^ted that “in the verjr./best jud^ent of the Pobiifi Health Service,\hey have no cause for alann." \

Scheele’a announcement — a "strong recommenttotion\ that aU vaclnationa be suspfindedNfor the time being—came as A.dramatic Sunday eveiUng finale to a. week­end of confusion over the fitotus fit the vaccination program. X

A» late as tept Friday, Stoerie himself had recotomended that thfi inoculations be .continued wber* vscctoe waa avaUaUe. Then early Saturday he suggested a Weekend halt In tbe giving of toots andfollowed through, with yfisterdoy’s recommendation foe. a further Be­lay for iriiist he caHed “a double oheck.'"The dispute wito-to*nononewt- v—-------- ——. :

ing organixatlons Is tonSTsub- , 3*®"* oooa»d dls|>osed toi^ 'ied to a neutral refaroe whose ?****•*• • •’•rommmdatioo.Hew Jetsfiy and Ofinnecticut,

among others, had vaccine sup^es ready for the start of toots today, but called a bait Indiana’s Health (Jonuniisloner first said he saw no reason for delay, but later recom­mended postpomment.

Many States had no choice. They lacked sufficient vaccine to start or ' reautnfi their program*

But in Michigan, Health Oom- misaloner Albert Heujdia said that state’s program wiU continue tm- leae there ia a "direct order"' not to do BO. "Wwhave ample evidence that the vaccine we nave- used is

(Cootloued en Page Fear)

health director, this morning ah- nounoed ths datoy in the Manches­ter program, foUowtng toe de-

n liy the State Health Depart­ment to call off, temporarily, tha inoculation progihm In Connect!' cut.

At too same time. Dr. Joseph Barry,' school physicton. reported that Manchester parents have con­tinued to Indicate confldenee in the vaccin*

Few Withdraw Ceaaeat Ha said that only a "very few”

parents.have withdrawn consent for tha inoculation of their chU' dron and that although many have caUed to ask whether 'the vaccine has been double checked, "aU they art waiting for is the approval of toe vaccine-" - .

-*TOe majority still want It for \th«r phildren," he ad{je4 "and I'm sure as soon as the vaccine is ap- pkwed, they'll go- along with ths program.” '' ,. Dr. Barry - himself fixprssaed

completa efinfldence in the vac- .cine and fiaid toe r'echecking ia for **thr pevntrlBf mizid of the public’’ and to Insure that “toe public is amply protected."

He also said ha expected q fa­vorable report on the lot-b‘y-lot investigation of the vaccine aith- In "two or three day*’’

The announcement that the State was holding, up ita inocula­tion program, was mads, by Dr. Harold S. Btfrstt, a State deputy health comhflaaioner. who Uvea at 120 Lakewood Orcle S.

He said the postponement waa in compliance ’’with the request of the surgeon-general,” Leonard .h- Sheelc.. The government' yesterday' ask-'

(OMtiaoed om r»go Tour)

Paris; May 9 —>YhsNorth Atlantic eoonra 'wel- comsd Wsat' Germany today 08 ito 15th member in thS Western alliance against the threat of Communist aggres­sion.

Chancellor Konrad Adenauer took his zdace at the NATO Coun­cil tableyor toe first time in a pub- Ue scafiian in the PfilaUi de.Gbail- IpL TIm top NATO grmm opened a S-day aesricn in. m nem s of Western European dfifenaa and other issues of gtebal import, x

For the 76-year-old w «^ GerX man statesman the epremony mariced a culminating stage In hia long and difficult campai^ to ea- roU his countrymen as an equal partner in the rairits ot tha free world’s democracie*

Adenauer’s place at the council table, aUotted by alphabetical or­der, waa between Francs sn4 Greece. /

' Only 10 years ago both eountrla* were deUvered from toe Nasi In­vaders who had ravaged them dur­ing World War H.

Outside and Inside ths NATO headquarters, the black, red and gold banner of Bonn RapnbUc flaw for tha first time aluugpld* Ih* flags of the 14 other NATO mem­ber* .

Simultoneoualy tbs West Ger­man flag waa raised at SHAPE, the SuprenM Headquartera Allied Powers Europe, 12 mUes west of Pari* Gan- Atfrsd Qrueqtosr, tbfi

ns Allied esmmanaar, aad former (ten. Hans SpeldaL new head o f Weat (termany'a Uaisfin mission to 8HAPB, attended to* brief ceremony there.

Greek Foreiipi Mbilatcrltteplum Btephanopoulo* prmldliiK at the Oouncll session, dsetatsA "aU countries of the wfirld, and not only NATO zasrabsr ooontris* Should rejolcS" to West (ternm ^s inclusion to tbs' alliance. '

Aaserttog that (termanys admif-\ aloii would Improve European unity ba said:

Europe, which for so long has held pride of place to modem civi- Usation, haa itself too often been tha theater of Internal atiuggles which hava stamped themselves on too minds of ita people;."

Sees New OsoporaHea Paying tribute to ths "greatest

qualities ot statesmanship’’ rsi- quired to bring the Gennana into NATO, toa Cfareek diplomat de­clared "ths ufdty of Waotern Bu- rope, cottfirmed by toe Paris agreements (on Weat (tezman rt- armament), la daatined within Uw NATO framawork to open up fresh prospects of cooperation and stability for its peopls*’*

After Steptaanopoulos. each iff the other mlnistera roao tn turn to welcome their iSth member.

U.8. Secretary of State DnUaa termed toe step one of "hlatorie algnlflcance" which demonstrated. toa "capacity of tha Atlantic peoples to submerge ancient dif- ferencep in order toe better to se­cure toa value of Westsza civi­lization."

DuUea' emphaiiaad that There la no t^erabla aubsUtute for peace." He said all toe NATO nations knew from bitter experience that peace IS not achieved merely by deal ring it.

"Lariing peace," ho aald, "de­pends upon dsdlcatlan to prindplas ' of justice. And there must be pro-

(Omttoned eai Page Fear)

Vertical T ake-O ff Is Seen Making^"Big Field Obsokde^

6 <ff>Washington, May dustriallst Harry F. Guggenheim said today the rapid development of pircraft which can take oft isnd land vt!rtlcaUy or nearly ao soon may inake many large airports and long runways obsolete.

Such aircraft at tbs same Urns may "turn. the. tops of buUdinge and small areas in or near toe cen* tezs of cities into busy airport*” Guggenheim said In a talk pro- pared for ths annual meeting hero ot toe Foundation Committee of too Daniel and Florence Guggen- helm aviation Safety lOshter at OorncU Unlvaroity, Ithaca, H .Y ..

tedmioal ovolutlon of

— In-«dnutlcaUy the pattern of human flight,’ ’ he said.

Saea Safer Faring Guggenheim, active in aviation

dtf^opment since the 162()s, eqid also that ’With tpe advent of ‘Ver­tical risers and other new devalop- menis, there is no reason why aviation Should not soon reach toe -oal of making flying toe safest form of tnuMportation, as wsU as the fastest.”

Guggenheim said travel by- alr- Une mready baa been zoade aa safe aa raU traaaportation. Ha added that since 1646 the alrUnee have more than douhlod the number <ff

carried aad the numhertPeohitioBary psoportloiis is oe- aoRto whMt promliia to a>^, . r a B M O M t l -

' Bullelms(ro» tha AP Wlrra

HARBOE FUNDS . SOUGHTWaahlngtoa. Blay 6 (ff>—Firaii

to tnitiato work fer tho eltsady antheriied StoolHgtaa Barber pcejMt hi OesuMOtiest wen ' uriM teday 'by Rep. Seely- Brows (R-Ceoa) befen aBeoao Appeepriatteae aalii'ieiainlftes

TED w n X lA liS IMVOBCBD!MkwsL Fla., May 6 (F>—DeHe

WUBams w{Ba giaatei a dhrotee today .freoa the feimer Beatea . E S rm " rldgj|firr: Va'WIMbiSHr bat dreott Jodie George IL Halt pot otr hte dselsIsM an Mw

eettlemiat. The dlyefee wee greeted after a aonteate hearing In the Indie’s ehontoM WflIUuaB, who dM hs4 oeotaat aetlea, attended the haairing hot didn’t teke the atsnd,COVBT KnXB BVBIAL SUIt

Waahtngtan, Mny 6S e j^ ^ ^ C e e tte d y •nweeff'*

idlaa <U kfllad to Ke-tker the lawn flaF* had f t e i M / S *



.. .V >
