Quell Dance Brawl - Columbus Metropolitan Library

•^S^nnm-^eS^lTSstlsti'' 15TB-* BIOH ST. -. COUItBUS, OHIO ' T-isrsr OHIO VOL. S, tim. 17 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 11*1 WHO'S WHO IN SPRINGFIELD lySfKeLUe ffWt) YOUNG LAOITO oat talk- " ing on o betmtiful fall after- mwri. Their discuitsion covered many subjects, After a period ot time, the subject jumped to .rlp>n4i-.hip. "1- can't *et*m to make many frte-ds,*' asid one attractive voting lady. "If yuu vant In irrake Iriendi*. forget yourself." you. They are bsterested in themselves,*' sold another. That is why you can moke mote frtertds in two months by becom- ing inte-rt-sled in other .people than yini con in lwo yeers by trying to get other people inter- ested in you.*' —of a friend who will delrnd you when you are unjustly assailed by thc tonguos of calumny, who Wit! not forsake you when you have fallen into disgrace, woo wlU counsel you in your doubu aad perpfexilies, who will open hi* purse lo aid you when you ore in need, who will rejoice at your prosperity snd grieve at true Imndship. Among the bless ing* and enjoyments of life there ore few that can be com- pared in value to the possesaion of a faithful friend, whe will Kill' ETA CBEt < l.l tt gov sitcce-stfut bid whist party the borne of Mrs. Smith, jLower Valley pike, Fri- day. Itefreshments and prices were enjoyed . . - The Jr. Ma- Irons Charity club i* «.p<insuring a card perty Saturday, Nov. 14, at the YMCA. Mrs. Ellen John- Allen is club president . . . Th Usher Board of Nort St. AMI.' church appeared morning. Kev. T, M. Grernt ', dedicated them ana ad dressed t . . . Th* White Can* Baptist, sponsored program recently and presented Mrs. Sayde Dunham of Coving- Ion, Ky. The affair *«« held in the church. Pres dent' of the club is Rev. w. s. i.;kiii •••< :.i,- Vvuthfui group pictured above was entertained receetly bf Twilight Klegsrs st Catawba** Religious Trainlag buUtate (RTI). Irorn left seated: Lorraine Morton, Mont Storcl, Bessie ResectL THK POWER &ssts& suss.. ^^^.^!^^^^J^!^J^^^^ John Baptist Mitctieii Issues Statement Giving His Reasons Why Wylie Shoukl Be Elected day afternoon. DevoUons were trad, followed by a song festi- val. Teacher* in the workshop itK-luded J. Johnson, Mrs. H. Cosby and H. Cosby, all ol Mt. Zion church; Att'y W. R. Ellis of North St. church; Mist? Ella !d Willi "p= Bermuda al a later date aed Mrs. Huitelf, formerly of Coluw baa, has already returned te her bowe bs Les Angeles, haying beea in Csbunbas dee to death of her father, principal apeahers daring the affsbr were Dean William Huston. Rev. (Mrs.) RtreUe Williams, Guests inrladed Rebecca Holiday, OweoSrslra Atkins, Mrs. A. L. Fowler, Louis RHd. Thelin* _es»darrant, AHre ft. legss, Jontsa Brittotsn, Hattle Rogers snd sirs. Essie Dsvis, hostess ter the evening.—Pierre Pbole. . o( Mt. Luis Bapli H. Myrirk and L. C. Smith, all of Si. John Baptist, and Mrs. C. Bascome of Phillip* Chapel CME . . . Annual conference of the Ohio AME church Will be held at North St. AME OcL tVII. Bishop A 9. Allen uf Cleveland will preside. Preparations for URBANA CALLING By Shirleen Tsbers 124 E. Broadway URBANA.—The Mechsnicsburg district institute was held at under direc- Bethel Baptist in Fostnria Saturday "and Sunday'. Mrs. Mabel Hon of B.ev. T. M. Greene pas- Waugh Is president. lor of thc local church. Kev. Rev. S. E.,Lanro-ter and con- r Sp r-7— ~~ Greene is serving his first year gregstion of St. Paul AME hcjd i_,,B resident of Vrbano. die* here after Serving flyif years at services in Mechsnicsburg Sun- Saturday. His funeral was held tuff. Map. ing campaign strategy In Chalnter* P. Wylie'* bid fsr Colsmbu-t eily attoraeyship sr* Bash p. Mitchell, left, and Wy- lie. Mitchell, in accompanying *lery, gives hi* reasons for uw- •tusltfied endorsement of ysutbfal offlee seeker.—Pierre Photo. This week. Chalmers Wylie. wwinlnnt attorney gen- eral ef Obit, and candidate: for Columbus city attorney, talked with Bush P. Mitchell, prominent Columbus attor- ney, concerning plans for his campaign. After the thipped in Urbana at 2nd Bap- * • tist Sunday. Rev. Ruffin is pbo- IN OB.SFKVANl _ ot Keligitius tor. Rcfreehments were served EducaUon wees., St. John Hap- oy the Mirisionary Society. The tist Board of Christian Educa- Usher Board o( St. Paul AME cS^*^^/whwXga5 i^uraaaVThose *«*»*•* *»» JJ Monday of this week, Thc *choo. JUrv. and Mrs. Ladd. Mrs Uul- £•*£»*• g^jfift it set up on an interdenomina- '"•• **"• Marion Couta. Laura tionol basis ond i* not limited Lancaster, Sophia Buckney, St John. Four Alms Otey. El the home on tt Ward s ifficialed . . . John Car- r died in Ridgewood at-the nine nf'bis .**rether* REV. AND MRS. ft C. r.anc»*- r have seturned fiom Union- Pa., where they attended , rim night school, whii day, Oct. L The Moriday <.... working with youth. Class house mother at Kin . _ Slokes. Hottie Duncan. Ino (•___ w - ,t _ w or _* ««- * « r fl **• t-iost's Kn- S 001 *- £*•**•> °* e >'- fanny An- Emnry hall hcuxej, 110 boy.-.. Cullman's duties are .to n the hoys to their various keep . the records and supervise ihe hall . . . A-2C Otet- Wvl itchell released statements for the press. Wylie e said: "It is my drier uftduct a clean, but ifa. -th ol ihe t unlvi on aggr. pa ign in of Columbue I here definite sp __ ia | importance to tbe Negrt i Ohio Stat irews, Harriett-Tabern, Jiomcr Roberts, Horry Fisher, Sheridan Lancaster, Jr., Nedra Walker, ViviMJLswZi Mack Luwson, Charles Brown. . •- nd daughter uld -*•*•<-• Ucf°rd, stationed at Wr - Ernest Harmon APB in New- foundland, hus been or} a 20 day -ugh visiting his wife," Elea- 416 S. Kenton St., Urbana. Benne'tt, Martha""^'. Veda i)!^^^^^__^^!_^ and Lula Richey. Junior Bennett Wilber- S , * n '' jr usher* sre Bernice Couts, ier mas- Anna Buckney, Alberta Stan- is true tor hope, Mayme Slecher, Susan btlitie.* of the city attorney. I MhsU in'.-.. lF.r>>rwn 1» the voier* •er pos:t;_, ori|t«_. isoce of- ,llm7an<x ^ _'... fectmg my offiee- •e'hich arise* impa,d<^, lh_ p.,, Kf . doring Ihe campaign- As city at- torney I shall perform Ihe du- tie*. of my fjflit-e honestly and MITf'III- II,. obviously pleased with the conference, started, "Mr. Wylie is elected, that 'h IUOVMJS 1 * outil > s**etecl *roup.w _^op, p r, g_rdle, well * color in ,h «- with other depert- psedgsd. fill -onsen f race, ere .ained e iiiglu-r poeition »t the club a . steward. slum clearance and urban rede- velopment program. "The present city attorney hits campaign because T •* ?t * lv -" *" *>« credited with having ipidly growing city thought of a «>r>_iacrimir,ation need* a young c ' au ''«-' tar t-he urbapTedevelop- man for cily attorney who will nient legisialion-^For the tot** dry tie- his full time and energy lrf ,h ** record, let it bo kno'.vn Wpkt solution of the many prob- th9t 'n*" ^'y *s receiving a grant __ Fisher*. Ethel Dudley, J«sse Kev. J. Beru-aic Mason, a native of Liberia, Africa, whi ing tor hts bachelor and divinity degree.* i». .. force university and Payne Donetta Howell, Dorothy I •iheoiogicai seminary. Other in-' and Wnnd « Ware. siruclur* ore Mrs, w. O'ltourae . » ' and itev. Ur. S. D Edwaids, pas- MRS. .SOPHIA BUCKNEY and lor ul St- John. On tne t*oara of Mrs. Addic ! Allen spent the (...Hi .i..m Eaucation ate Clinton weekend in SL Pari* at guests bailee, channian; James Oray, ol-.Mrs. Amanda Carey . . •. Mrii. secretary; Wallace Wva-unore- Ida Sutton and Mrs. 1-lva Mack- Howard jrtogun or lion War- land and Rev. Edrfafds, cbtircii tin visited in Springfield . . ."field? Is Dick Peppers really. pasior. Donald Barrett U nam- after stepping out on Janice Ladd or lUt. APOLLENIAN musical {.pending two yearn in Korea*. A is it just her Imagination? Which program under direction oi.aii,, lamily atnncr was gircn in his street doe* Joe Gardner jive^ on, Vio.a lij•-,)•, was. presented honor at Uie home of Mr. snd Hopperacl or Powell? Is Estella Sunduy in ML Zion aa^iisL Tne Mrs. Oliver Weaver .- , t Rev. Eisner really Shirley Holland's group belongs in the Nst'l Fed- and Mra. Hufiin. have returrted competition? Why did .Barbara tration of Music. Miss Delori* from the natiapal Baptist con- Bowser have fifth period studp hnott is president ol the Red vention in Mismi, Fla. . . * Mis. hall changed to otxtli period? it . Thefe is nee now, and has been, for sev* al year*, an executive order acts which engage the attention mad*.* by the president of th* of the city. The slum clearance V. S. which .requires'e non-dU- end Urban ftedevalopment pro- crimuution clause to be placed MitcheU been acgreauve in-giving legs! i important proj- Cntjlc tiiris, sponsor ol the al fair. .Mi.'., Minnie J- Williams i suie-ervisor. President of Mil sionary Circle 4 it Mrs. Mirini f»ng. Mrs. Deloris Smith, sec president of the Mu Chiistuie Stunbopc and Mrs. It _;er Roberts , Vedi. Brown spent a day in Co- brother's time lumbus ut tin- iminf of Mr.-and Haseel?. is I'JI Snirlcy > reoti/ On bashfui'or is it ju-.i *n nct{ ed Tabern, What happened te Mack Lawson ef I grams are of vital importance t legislation.'' i music presented al sie Walker. ten's division meeting ot lurnbo* at tl onal Baptist convention *«-". Mr »* w tently in Mian'-. Flu. Clair av. . . . Veriyn Ihe sick list improving in Mercy Memorial alter, the football game Friday* hospital, bpnngiteld; Mr*. Bee- ntght? What r-ertaii- ii.-t.cmi, in Co* craey about Ceorge Scott? Are e home of iter sis- Douald Ladd and Mack Lawson trie Catewood, SL still giving Alice Canada tha Edgar Boyd, a bfo iu.ii? Quell Dance Brawl The Columbus Police Dept. dinjiatt bed 12 s<iuad cars bearing 30 policemen to squelch a near-violent «(., about 10:5,0 p. Tbe uprising wan touched off when Det. Robert Garri- son, on special duty at the dance, used his mace to sub- due Allle C. Hill, 1040 At- cheso'i st., when Hill be- came Involved in a heated argument with Frank Ware. promoter of rh*» °tf~ : - Wheri Dei. tiurrison :»t- tftmpted to quiet the oqueb- ble; Hid reportedly became incensed and thi-eatened to , kill - the officer. Garrison then was forced to use his elublb place Hill under ar- rest, according to- eve wit- Another off-duty officer, wit- nessing the brawl, thought Gar- rison was in trouble and pharted headquarters for help. Continued On Page 2 A vUit to tbe Ohio State university campus fids week by Teena Lane, Drue tshropsbJre, Carroll Torrence. C. Green, Col Beeeevcit Carter sad bis lens turned np this attractive covey ef . lees MtMurry. Dorothy M.irklio, Phyllis Jwhosiin. Bottom rew: QBV coeds rretn throughout the state. Top rew from left: Betty Cathy Evan* (she's fiwtn Ksnsas City), Lavsn Hammock, Edith Ie Carter. RHHs Johnson (the Crbsne beaut who watkrd away Voneg, Erthram Brookt thow'd he get Into the a«IT), Dorothy with '".Miss Bronse Ohio" honors to Two Sentinel's bathing beauty Grey, Rims Johnson. JaAnu .Smith, Sally J ohason, Dorothy Tsy- rsvse la August), J*aa Robinson, Carroll Torrent*. Second row: lor, A. Taylor.—Carter Photos. Mrs, Chrismon Rites Friday pramlnrnt L. Chrijunatt, worker and a resident ef Ce- lentbus for 00 years, died st her home. 163 N. Z2ad st.. last Tuesday, following a brief M- nssss.. Vlnsl rites for- Mrs. Chrismon wer* Friday after- nos-L Story en Psge t. ».:•

Transcript of Quell Dance Brawl - Columbus Metropolitan Library

•^S^nnm-^eS^lTSstlsti'' 1 5 T B - * BIOH S T . -.

C O U I t B U S , OHIO '

T-isrsr OHIO

VOL. S, tim. 17 S A T U R D A Y , OCTOBER 3 , 1 1 * 1


ffWt) YOUNG LAOITO oat talk-" ing on o betmtiful fall after-mwri. Their discuitsion covered many subjects, After a period ot time, the subject jumped to .rlp>n4i-.hip. "1- can't *et*m to make many frte-ds,*' asid one attractive voting lady. "If yuu vant In irrake Iriendi*. forget yourself."

you. They are bsterested in themselves,*' sold another. That is why you can moke mote frtertds in two months by becom­ing inte-rt-sled in other .people than yini con in lwo yeers by trying to get other people inter­ested in you.*'

—of a friend who will delrnd you when you are unjustly assailed by thc tonguos of calumny, who Wit! not forsake you when you have fallen into disgrace, woo wlU counsel you in your doubu aad perpfexilies, who will open hi* purse lo aid you when you ore in need, who will rejoice at your prosperity snd grieve at

true Imndship. Among the bless ing* and enjoyments of life there ore few that can be com­pared in value to the possesaion of a faithful friend, whe will

Kill' ETA CBEt < l.l tt gov sitcce-stfut bid whist party the borne of Mrs. Smith, jLower Valley pike, Fri­day. Itefreshments and prices were enjoyed . . - The Jr. Ma-Irons Charity club i* «.p< insuring a card perty Saturday, Nov. 14, at the YMCA. Mrs. Ellen John-

Allen is club president . . . Th Usher Board of Nort

St. AMI.' church appeared •

morning. Kev. T, M. Grernt ', dedicated them ana ad

dressed t . . . Th* White Can* Baptist, sponsored program recently and presented Mrs. Sayde Dunham of Coving-Ion, Ky. The affair *«« held in the church. Pres dent' of the club is Rev. w. s.

i.;kiii •••< :.i,-

Vvuthfui group pictured above was entertained receetly bf Twilight Klegsrs st Catawba** Religious Trainlag buUtate (RTI). Irorn left seated: Lorraine Morton, Mont Storcl, Bessie ResectL


&ssts& suss.. ^^^.^!^^^^J^!^J^^^^ John Baptist

Mitctieii Issues Statement Giving His Reasons Why Wylie Shoukl Be Elected

day afternoon. DevoUons were trad, followed by a song festi­val. Teacher* in the workshop itK-luded J. Johnson, Mrs. H. Cosby and H. Cosby, all ol Mt. Zion church; Att'y W. R. Ellis of North St. church; Mist? Ella

!d Willi " p =

Bermuda al a later date aed Mrs. Huitelf, formerly of Coluw baa, has already returned te her bowe bs Les Angeles, haying beea in Csbunbas dee to death of her father, principal apeahers daring the affsbr were Dean William Huston. Rev. (Mrs.) RtreUe Williams, Guests inrladed Rebecca Holiday, OweoSrslra Atkins, Mrs. A. L. Fowler, Louis RHd. Thelin* _es»darrant, AHre ft.

l e g s s , Jontsa Brittotsn, Hattle Rogers snd sirs. Essie Dsvis, hostess ter the evening.—Pierre Pbole. .

o( Mt. Luis Bapli H. Myrirk and L. C. Smith, all of Si. John Baptist, and Mrs. C. Bascome of Phillip* Chapel CME . . . Annual conference of the Ohio AME church Will be held at North St. AME OcL tVII. Bishop A 9. Allen uf Cleveland will preside. Preparations for

URBANA CALLING By Shirleen Tsbers • 124 E. Broadway

URBANA.—The Mechsnicsburg district institute was held at under direc- Bethel Baptist in Fostnria Saturday "and Sunday'. Mrs. Mabel

Hon of B.ev. T. M. Greene pas- Waugh Is president. lor of thc local church. Kev. Rev. S. E.,Lanro-ter and con- r —Sp r-7— ~~ Greene is serving his first year gregstion of St. Paul AME hcjd i_,,B resident of Vrbano. die* here after Serving flyif years at services in Mechsnicsburg Sun- Saturday. His funeral was held


Map. ing campaign strategy In Chalnter* P. Wylie'* bid fsr Colsmbu-t eily attoraeyship sr* Bash p. Mitchell, left, and Wy­lie. Mitchell, in accompanying *lery, gives hi* reasons for uw-•tusltfied endorsement of ysutbfal offlee seeker .—Pierre Photo.

This week . Chalmers Wyl ie . wwinlnnt attorney gen­eral e f Obit, and candidate: for Columbus city attorney, ta lked with Bush P. Mitchell , prominent Columbus attor-ney, concerning plans for his campaign. After the

thipped in Urbana at 2nd Bap-• * • tist Sunday. Rev. Ruffin is pbo-

IN OB.SFKVANl _ ot Keligitius tor. Rcfreehments were served EducaUon wees., St. John Hap- oy the Mirisionary Society. The tist Board of Christian Educa- Usher Board o( St. Paul AME

c S ^ * ^ ^ / w h w X g a 5 i^uraaaVThose *«*»*•* * » » J J Monday of this week, Thc *choo. JUrv. and Mrs. Ladd. Mrs Uul- £ • * £ » * • g ^ j f i f t it set up on an interdenomina- '"•• **"• Marion Couta. Laura tionol basis ond i* not limited Lancaster, Sophia B u c k n e y ,

St John. Four Alms Otey. El

the home on tt Ward s ifficialed . . . John Car-

r died in Ridgewood at-the nine nf'bis .**rether*

REV. AND MRS. ft C. r.anc»*-r have seturned fiom Union-

Pa., where they attended

, rim night school, whii day, Oct. L

The Moriday <.... working with youth. Class

house mother at Kin . _ Slokes. Hottie Duncan. Ino (•___ w - , t _ w „ o r _ * ««- * « r • f l **•

t-iost's Kn- S001*- £*•**•> °*e>'- fanny An-Emnry hall hcuxej, 110 boy.-..

Cullman's duties are .to n the hoys to their various

keep . the records and supervise ihe hall . . . A-2C Otet-

Wvl itchell released statements for the press. Wyl ie

e said: "It is my drier uftduct a clean, but ifa. -th ol ihe t


on aggr. pa ign in of Columbue I here definite s p _ _ i a | importance to tbe Negrt

i Ohio Stat

irews, Harriett-Tabern, Jiomcr Roberts, Horry Fisher, Sheridan Lancaster, Jr., Nedra Walker,

ViviMJLswZi Mack Luwson, Charles Brown. . •- nd daughter u l d -*•*•<-• Ucf°rd, stationed at

W r- Ernest Harmon APB in New­foundland, hus been or a 20 day

-ugh visiting his wife," Elea-416 S. Kenton St., Urbana.

Benne'tt, M a r t h a " " ^ ' . Veda i ) ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ ^ ^ ! _ ^ and Lula Richey. Junior

Bennett Wilber- S,*n''jr usher* sre Bernice Couts,

ier mas- Anna Buckney, Alberta Stan-is true tor hope, Mayme Slecher, Susan

btlitie.* of the city attorney. I MhsU in'.-.. lF.r>>rwn 1» the voier* •er pos:t;_, o r i | t « _ . isoce of- ,llm7an<x ^ _'... fectmg my offiee- •e'hich arise* impa,d<^, l h _ p . , , K f . doring Ihe campaign- As city at­torney I shall perform Ihe du-tie*. of my fjflit-e honestly and

MITf 'III- II,. obviously pleased with the conference, started, "Mr. Wylie is

elected, that 'h IUOVMJS 1*outil> s**etecl *roup.w _^ o p , p r , g_ rdle,

well * c o l o r i n ,h«-

with other depert-


fill -onsen

f race, ere

.ained e iiiglu-r poeition »t the club a . steward.

slum clearance and urban rede­velopment program.

"The present city attorney hits campaign because T •*?t*lv-" *" *>« credited with having

ipidly growing city thought of a «>r>_iacrimir,ation need* a young c'au''«-' tar t-he urbapTedevelop-

man for cily attorney who will nient legisialion-^For the tot** dry tie- his full time and energy lrf ,h** record, let it bo kno'.vn Wpkt solution of the many prob- th9t 'n*" ^'y *s receiving a grant

__ Fisher*. Ethel Dudley, J«sse Kev. J. Beru-aic Mason, a native of Liberia, Africa, whi ing tor hts bachelor and divinity degree.* i». .. force university and Payne Donetta Howell, Dorothy I •iheoiogicai seminary. Other i n - ' a n d W n n d « Ware. siruclur* ore Mrs, w. O'ltourae . • » • ' and itev. Ur. S. D Edwaids, pas- MRS. .SOPHIA BUCKNEY and lor ul St- John. On tne t*oara of Mrs. Addic ! Allen spent the (...Hi .i..m Eaucation ate Clinton weekend in SL Pari* at guests bailee, channian; James Oray, ol-.Mrs. Amanda Carey . . •. Mrii. secretary; Wallace Wva-unore- Ida Sutton and Mrs. 1-lva Mack- Howard jrtogun or lion War-land and Rev. Edrfafds, cbtircii tin visited in Springfield . . ."field? Is Dick Peppers really. pasior. Donald Barrett U nam- after stepping out on Janice Ladd or

lUt. APOLLENIAN musical .pending two yearn in Korea*. A is it just her Imagination? Which program under direction oi .ai i , , lamily atnncr was gircn in his street doe* Joe Gardner jive^ on, Vio.a lij•-,)•, was. presented honor at Uie home of Mr. • snd Hopperacl or Powell? Is Estella Sunduy in ML Zion aa^iisL Tne Mrs. Oliver Weaver .- , t Rev. Eisner really Shirley Holland's group belongs in the Nst'l Fed- and Mra. Hufiin. have returrted competition? Why did .Barbara tration of Music. Miss Delori* from the natiapal Baptist con- Bowser have fifth period studp hnott is president ol the Red vention in Mismi, Fla. . . * Mis. hall changed to otxtli period? i t

. Thefe is nee now, and has been, for sev* al year*, an executive order

acts which engage the attention mad*.* by the president of th* of the city. The slum clearance V. S. which .requires'e non-dU-end Urban ftedevalopment pro- crimuution clause to be placed

MitcheU been acgreauve in-giving legs!

i important proj-

Cntjlc tiiris, sponsor ol the al fair. .Mi.'., Minnie J- Williams i suie-ervisor. President of Mil sionary Circle 4 it Mrs. Mirini f»ng. Mrs. Deloris Smith, sec

president of the Mu

Chiistuie Stunbopc and Mrs. It _;er Roberts , Vedi. Brown spent a day in Co- brother's time lumbus ut tin- iminf of Mr.-and Haseel?. i s I'JI

Snirlcy > reoti/

On bashfui'or is it ju-.i *n nct ed Tabern, What happened te Mack Lawson

• ef I

grams are of vital importance t legislation.''

i music presented al sie Walker. ten's division meeting ot lurnbo* at tl onal Baptist convention *«-". Mr»* w

tently in Mian'-. Flu. Clair av. . . .

Veriyn Ihe sick list improving in Mercy Memorial alter, the football game Friday* hospital, bpnngiteld; Mr*. Bee- ntght? What r-ertaii-

ii.-t.cmi, in Co* craey about Ceorge Scott? Are e home of iter sis- Douald Ladd and Mack Lawson trie Catewood, SL still giving Alice Canada tha Edgar Boyd, a bfo iu.ii?

Quell Dance Brawl T h e C o l u m b u s Po l i ce

Dept . dinjiatt bed 12 s<iuad cars bearing 3 0 pol icemen to squelch a near-violent

«(., about 10:5,0 p.

T b e uprising wan touched off w h e n Det . Robert Garri­son, on special duty at the dance , used his m a c e to sub­due Al l le C. Hill , 1040 At-cheso'i st., when Hill be­c a m e Involved in a heated argument with Frank W a r e . promoter of rh*» °tf~:-

Wheri De i . tiurrison :»t-tftmpted to quiet the oqueb-ble; Hid reportedly became incensed and thi-eatened to

, kill - the officer. Garrison then w a s forced to use his e l u b l b place Hill under ar­rest, according t o - eve wit- •

Another off-duty officer, wit­nessing the brawl, thought Gar­rison was in trouble and pharted headquarters for help.

Continued On P a g e 2

A vUit to tbe Ohio State university campus fids week by Teena Lane, Drue tshropsbJre, Carroll Torrence. C. Green, Col Beeeevcit Carter sad bis lens turned np this attractive covey ef . lees MtMurry. Dorothy M.irklio, Phyllis Jwhosiin. Bottom rew: QBV coeds rretn throughout the state. Top rew from left: Betty Cathy Evan* (she's fiwtn Ksnsas City), Lavsn Hammock, Edith Ie Carter. RHHs Johnson (the Crbsne beaut who watkrd away Voneg, Erthram Brookt thow'd he get Into the a«IT), Dorothy with '".Miss Bronse Ohio" honors to Two Sentinel's bathing beauty Grey, Rims Johnson. JaAnu .Smith, Sally J oh as on, Dorothy Tsy-rsvse la August), J*aa Robinson, Carroll Torrent*. Second row: lor, A. Taylor.—Carter Photos.

Mrs, Chrismon

Rites Friday

pramlnrnt L. Chrijunatt,

worker and a resident ef Ce-lentbus for 00 years, died s t her home. 163 N. Z2ad st.. last Tuesday, following a brief M-nssss.. Vlnsl rites for- Mrs. Chrismon wer* Friday after-nos-L Story en Psge t.

» . : •


If s Ohio Sentinel \% Soween Block * , Aatos H. LTHCII

ftej sajsgT SUra's Use swpe a . Tk. . . a l l * I II.11,.era •task pan , , tWb la ta . series

Ml naaasta stage, kj

Dance Hall Brawl

lltli collapsed white awaiting, arrival of the wagon, which took htm to St. Francis Jrinspital where bo was treated end then booked at pi-lice beadouerter* op drunk, disorderly and reatot-

Kia case wss continued until I week when be appeared m

police c-ourt Saturday.

fixed his bond at $200.

'taturday the 1*M slock party wiU be Ute biggest, longest lasting sod Ihe best ie bletory. Pehtttester pUygntestn, Mt N. Chsmptoa a v.. again will be'

e-ta_r bttsuwe* firms

jEastside .thousaada of re-freshmeet tresis . • - sslt drinks, apple cider, apple*, cee*_e*, candy, popcorn, pret-

will'be srallattl* to you. you'll be cntertsiaed with a

complete lineup of aew Ideas fer fun and everyone will be

/given an opportunity to com­pete fsr one of the hundreds «l cash and merchandls* prises being assembled by The Sen tine) promotion* staff.

Coming to your party for the first time this year will be Ibe *« o • d I a g Amusement Co.'*


The Merry-Go-Round is a gift of * group of ML Vniniii sv. merchant*. Free ride tie- ! kets will be distributed by these msrchaMis surtlag en •

Thersisy sf tUs week. Turn to tbeir ad oe Page S af See. X far the complete list of

OTHER HIGHLIGHTS will be a window decorating eoo-leat for fifth and *i*te grade pur-il-, at Douglas, Pair A"-. I'elfea. Garfirld, Leonard Av.,. MI. Vernos Av., St. Cyprian sad St. Dominic's riemrntsry •-•'•••••. . . . a g*l* parade through EaiUldo street* . . . free movie* . . **Uygreend game* and eoatesta . . . dane-lug . . . a variety show . . . and last, but probaMy tb*'


the Meek party variety show"" Andllton* will be held ia

IJneeht kallr**opa, Long *t. *a_ Garfield sV., Sunday, Oct. « under dlrectiee «f Eddie Jay Colston, KenUnel theatric al editor.

Applicants, _ ihey ara ea rolled st Cfaampton and East high schools, may reglater with tbe sebeel sfftes. other* sbentd regtsteir at Spring HL YMCA, Nrighborbood House, Pofndexter and Beatty cen

Don't waH until it's too Ute. Msk* year plans now to at­tend snd participate to l_* 8 e a t i m e i s 1KJ ttoUoweea block party.

Neil House Hotel Group Organizes

Boorgauit*lion ot Nell House Walters elub Ibi* week was anesenml by PnMitlSt Dajta* 1-rby. A Itetol service orgaolsaUon, It 1* designed to promote goodwill ansbttg eatntsyses of the fjetoiftbn* Itetel *ad store its Inception In IMS hss gained atotewlde prominence for its seegram *f rlrlc end seels! aeUviiirs. From left, seated; Erby, A. L. Stacks, Sr., ExeeoOre Board mem­ber; Joosee Denlap, aocretary-, EmUe l-eon, treasurer; Stanley Lewis, Exceeds* Board mru>-ber. SUedlag: A. L. Starits, Jr., vtee president; Robert l^r I'hUllps, sergeant at-srms; WHIIso. •Jones, assistant oeerstory; James leodram, Jerry StaafleM, president; James Young, paths •eretsrUn. Not pic tared la J*me* tUarhs.—Carter Patt-to.

Choir Day Observance Sunday At Columbus' Shiloh Baptist Church B, KATBEBINE .:. IIATNKS

Dr. James W. Parrlsti, pas tor of Shiloh Baptist, Columbus Bsed for his morning subject f u n d . , . "Palth In Gods Book." _ _ _ mm. by the senior and Gospel choirs under direction _ _ _ _ a Johns snd _ . „ _ . Bartadai. . . . t l . in | e . , u l _ Sundaj evening were bapt,s ln * _ _ ™ _ _ _ " • • • Choir day will be obasrved Sunday, Oct * " a d o l l n B . J o h n s . w l _ , _ . Beth Barked.!. . „ „, , _ „ , ,

_ _ _ _ * " » • • ' ' ***> " " I t ,_ub will .ponso, , b . _ ' Saturd., , -Oct io. . , _ , , . . . Cteaners. ML V.rnoo . . . _ " _„_!»""' • « _ _ U Weald™, axl fcmma L- Cash is chaimian.

« ~ B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ » and

~ W 0 h t 0 ^ t l ^ ^ 's_e r _ i _ _ CUAHPlusj.

I'&. i_53£ *~-*'2

COLUMBUS . • _ _ • -TELEpaoME, jmSk, PElBwaod 1414 '•sW&f

larwo u _ . o _ „ _ _ J .

i .i is..,, a, i s - .

senior department, of the Sun­day school « r , preMntin,, t _ i r annual harvest lea Sunday, Oct. 11 from J lo S p. m . m Burk'a auditorium. Mr. ami Mr. w U. Ogle.br ar. supervisors . . . _ a. Delaney Missi.aw.ry Society l u l . P , T " ~ ' , , "* - ™ - 1 -Ms-Is. ___•_***>- «• Dwells will be published later . . . Sonde,

will mark nine reofs of the church „,„, _ „ .

mumty by Dr. and Mrs. J w Parmh. Thi, also Is a prcvl.v, of Ihe annual homecoming cele­bration. '

To Install Dem Officers

CINCINNATL — LeHoy Ph lips, enforcement supervisor I thc Ohio Dept, of Liquor C< trol, along with other officer.-, tbe Iflth W a r d Demo.... Ass'n, are (dated to be inst.ill at a gigantic public meeting the Cotton elub. Tuesday, o 13.

Scheduled to porticlp.it i the program are Judge RUSH •I- Ciitcr of Dayton, John Holly of Cleveland, mi'tnlx• the Stale Democratic Executi Committee, and Cou n c i l m -Theodore M. Berry.

iHimii « « . BErrCet Fit-STtft YOU« MOOD WITH S*SJL1wNsK

»-rw BUJO-J (nuKT eon, e»u*e ****** Urod, run-down feeling thst so of •«*•*• occur* after a cold. Rt*baild your blood witb S.S.S. TONIC Fool your normal, poppy *e!f quicker. BuiU oicn, SSD, rown-MCKW SUMO with a.SA TONIC. tetnri* *tek h m n M r U l s l l W !•*> f Ita-eraases tho aumber of red blood

colls, thus building «5cn, sss> s-LOOIi! l

9 Stimulate* the flow of mAl, " • • * uxtmvx juice, thus improrisg


3*tlllitH.s Cttrtitn. «ff NHHf !«*•

SSSTOMIC _v«l Bar th. l.r— tn llottla, 12.30 M aO IlT—I i




M t e d By George l e w r e s c e




IIBKKAI-S ARE balling appointment of Gov. r_rI Warren of Call-"• lornU to chief juj.lic-t* post of V. S, supreme i court as almost aure sign of victory for fight against segregation in public achoots. With the important cose coming up in December, swearing In of Warren last Monday should prov* of historic- moment . . * This question ot Integration In education works both ways, according te statement ot Ruins E. Clement, president ot Atlanta university, who discl-jsed that more whites are going to Negro colleges every year, Clement waa in attendance at united Negro college fund convocation "along with 30 other prexies at Chicago's Sherston ho­tel. At the same conference, Harvey B. Firestone, Jr.,.of thc tire and rubber family, called for better and better educational oppor­tunities fur Negroes,

Some ot the happiest kids in U. S. this week arc'.those eight little edorables, German "brown babies," who became Americans via adoption route last week. They arrived together on Scandina­vian airliner, scattered to Wasrtingtonf D. C , Bronx, N. Y., Orangeburg, S. C , and B-limiore.'-Md. . . . Whole town was happy when Louisvilte, K_, veteran Sylvester Williams was awarded toO.OOO by all-white jury in damage suit against Paul A. Condor, utcd car salesman who is also of the "other aide." Williams lost

i legs last November when Conder run his car into barki truck of the vetei Jr., wus the triumphant lawyer.

D. C. DATA—Those political plums pr .dieted for

children. Charles W. Andersen,

faithfuls. .Si small ones are dropping, as wit­ness appointment this week of Dr. Prank s. HerAe us special assistant 10 lfousiug and Home Finance Agency Administrator Albert M. Cole. Into Home's former role as racial relations advisor goes Louisville COP notable- Joseph ft. Ray,- S r . " . . . Then there's Ieuls B. Taamrr from down Georgia way who we* sworn in OH treasury gen­eral t*-ounset lust Wednesday with a smiling Eisenhower look­ing on.

theatres in Washington silently dropped their, barriers of racial discrimination . . . . Nat Feeniea became, first Negro to be listed on rosier ot a Southern Ass'n ball team when be wos sent a contract by thc Atlanta Crack­ers. Peoples, who hit .329 a* an outfielder for Kvansyiile, Ind., this past season, said he first thought the contract wus a mis­take. It was later verified . . . Another "first" was chalked up by attractive Josephine Delores Rosa of sFerodale, Mich., when she enlisted in the WAVEs. Miss ii" ... got her initial taste of ac­tive duty aboard a transport in the Atlantic area Inst week.

BUSINESS LOtlKS GOOD, or so *ay« the Nat'l .Hotel Ass'n, new organization ' formed by owners und operator!) of Negro hotels. One ubject of group is better service. With so muny of "our" hotels infamous for giv­ing worst of service, maybethis hails a new era . . . S. B. Fuller, developer and owner of'Fuller Products Co. of Chicago,' will receive 1953 outstanding busi­nessman award from Nat'l Ne­gro Business League. Citation will be given at group's Atlanta

Cote Insurance' companies, of Durham and Los Angeles, re­spectively, were represented et recent meet of. Life Insurance Ass'n in Cincinnati. Thc two are only Negro companies honored with membership in the national body . . , Federal authorities re­portedly broke up a two-state dope ring in Toledo this week. King netted' *7000 weekly . . . Numbers racket opcrutura arc toking cover in .Cleveland :is a grand jury . investigation gets started. Seven witnesses were subpoenaed to appcur before jury to testify againat Alex tSbondor) Burns, alleged king-pen of the numbers racket in

IN PASSING — Palhcr Divine has banned Life magazine from "heaven." He detected subtle note of ridicule in publication's

opening of his recently

Une-Askins 6 Loaded Will. Veleran Players

Lane-Askins girls' basketball teuni, 1&53 Ohio AAU champs and first all-Negro team to pluy in the national tournament at Wichita, Kan*., will have a host of veteran players fdr the com­ing season, according lo Coach Sarah Moore.

Back from last year's fine sextet sre Huth Hsrmrjn, Culeen .Locke, Catherine McRae Cran-tisHi. Helen Cleuge, Dorothy Bynj • Penn, Ida Smith, Joan JtMuon and Geneva Colston.

acquired Phiiodel-JW Life ia u dud in his ,. . J a m e s B, sim-

, a Democrat, placed u 5fl man contest to

Tuesday's lection us candidate

ior a seat in Toledo city council at Nov. 3 election. He polled ie,2»2 voles. Simmons, a Negro who served three former council terms. Is jints ot 18 candidates who will asptrc for the nine

N. Y O H K . - ~ T h e N A A C P Thursday called uper> "-he lead­ership of the American Federa­tion ' of Labor to take effirma-tiv« action to'end various forms of racial discrimination still practiced by certain affiliated international unions.''

In a telegram of greetings ad dressed to George Mesny, presi dent of the AFL, Walter White NAACP executive sec r e t a r y hailed the labor organization "at a great pioneer and orgonizer of American people in achicvi more abundant Ufa fur all

ft B g; Communist totalitarian it continuing to practice segregation --and discrimination here at borne they negate and seriously jeopardize thi

rum: of American foreign policy throughout the •

Genewa Free, f^P Leader, Backs Candidacy Of Gordon Kichard W. Gordon for Colt

In placing her unqualified en-jrsement behind Gordon's can-idacy, Mrs. Free,' past presi­

dent of the Frsnklin County Colored Women's Republican club, made the observation that' in ail of her public life there have been few public officials Like Gordon, "who' have shown by their actions, snd not just political 'promises, that they

BOLSTERING HCR conten-jn with two well established

Free pointed out th.

Brutality, CS Bias On NAACP Slate Civil Scurvies* Comii lice brutality In state penal fastitutions, have been placed on the -agenda for' the first meeting Thursday night by a special committee of the Ohio Ktote conference of NAACP branches, Att'y John l.. Francis, president, announced this week.

The action of the cnmi-.ittce is in keeping.'with three rt'VWlu-tibns 'adopted at the' NAACP state conference s t , Cincinnati Sept. 18-30, Francis said. Way* and means to carry out the in­tention of Ihe resolutions are to be discussed at thc meeting.

tlomey singlehsndedly battle against a well

which sought itc against Negro few years" ago, and

his recent appointment of Ed­ward J. Cox as his chief coun­sel. The appointment of Cox marked the first time a Negru hus held such a high position in Ibig state.

In conclusion. Mrs, Free, a power to Republican circles for many years, declared, •'rUrhartl W. Gordon is ,^ pub­lic official who deserves tbe

GENEVA FREE support of all citizens In Inn esmpslga fer reelection as clfy attorney.

•'The time has come when Ne­groes must support a public of­ficial by his record and not a cutididiite who.' makes cheap po­litical promises." •. v

Pointing out that the forth­coming election ia non-partisan and thut both candidates are Re­publicans. Mrs. Free urged both Democrats, and Republicans to support Richard W. Gordon fur ctty attorney Nov. 3.


Heiuon Singers Appear On WVKO

The Henson Gospel Singers made their initial appearance over Radio Station WVKO, Co­lumbus, Sunday

i with.the singers' met, they will be heard i Sunday from 5 to 5:15 p. m.

Ne Ruth Eriksoo and Doris Jo!





Refrigerators Range. Deep Freezer.' Washers-Irone—'

Living Rooms Bedroom Dining Room T V and Ravdio





409 W. Goodale St.


wrth your ntw fall


Htfi you will f_ ihot. WHi Avium Fashions . . . I* fo m 9 u s fabficsinth. Mason'« elomof ous shedesonti toloft. (BOOM o Handbag win. yow

w w v j jail ot co*., 'eersn* \


EASIEST TERMS Will oiiange any credit terms lhat oil most coflrenienl fo, you!

178S. High Street

of IJ.SBI foatll.1 A. —Us*, sf Uss s . ea

a a , af .•—•.*.—Casta

af fJWs tPTJPOl . . a r e a s , lost t3.tsrsIsj-gBB.av at Uss s art* deleg.u-s stt eactlsg Ires. Iarasgae.1 " _ _ _ _ ' • « _ *CBO o«l-sfter c s v e s t t s s SBj . sr .a_ Oealeri r n a left. Jaases SL tTUsa. rf D.Jtas, FCDO .erretarj; l e r . , Pkllllat of Llaelaaata. Okl. « | Basselt A. Jaekssa, twltsr W T s . OBI. a a a t t - l srSa c i t e d . * s . gsest a. J<*. O. B- lv . rCOO p.e.ldo.1, a p . Mr. Ball , . Blgfcl:

.rat io , progress ctsatrosss. p—t .e legst . 's kaslgs a . D s j w s Maslrlpal J s sgs i !.. Carter, prlselpgl eeavratlsa .pe.fc.r * .



Daily 7 A. M. Till 1 A. M, 100 North Fourth St. -. MA. 0018

Bob Canady, Manager

Artbe Imchet Kicks

OH f e m 1-WMB Shows Arthur Treacher, stage ar

screen c*omedy star, will kick off a new series ot programs lot employees, of tbe Farm Bureau Insurance Cos. Tuesday, Oct 13,

The series, accenting to Ted .Henry, horn* office personnel m a n a g e r , will provide i em­ployees with some of the culture available to university students.

Treacher will enact buinorous selections from several plays and books during th* opening program.


That's R i g h L . O d o ^ Is WUILE . M H 4 M MONTH

Automatic Washer With .__


Mrs. Chrismon, Club Leader, Succumbs, Buried Friday

Funeral services were held al St Paul AME church. Colum­bus, Friday at 2 p. m. for Mrs. Mayrne Chrismon, w.-U lutown civic and religious leader, who ..•spired in her horn*, 107 N, 22nd st , lust Tuesday after a brief illness. She was tbe moth­er of Robert (Bob) Chrismon, clubroom manager ut Franklin U-dge of Elks, IM Lexington

Mrs. Chrismon. a Columbus re.-Jtl.-ut for nearly 00 years, active in numerous national and community organizations. was a member ol St. Paul AME church for over 50 years. A tune of her death, aba held membership in tb* following groups: Woman's Council, Moth-

Paper features A-M TAl-LAHASSEE. Fla. — The

Democrat, local daily, recently

t»N8TANT -tNVAtiKR, <!__. maUc stones of the war against tuberculosis, _ narrated by Ed­ward Arnold on the Dayton Sta-

WING, every Sunday at 2:30 p. i

Paul AME church; 22nd St Neighborhood club, ladles aua-iliary of War I veterans. Phyl­lis Wbeatley club, Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary and Ohio Av. Day-Nursery.

Survivors, in addition to Mr. Chrismon, are a daughter, Mrs. Georgia C. J u h n i o f l ; three grandchildren, Ruth Chrism.*, Marina Bell, Bruce S. Jotum-i, three great-grtusdcbildrcn end a boot ot ether relatives and

Rev. J. D. Howell, pastor of St Paul, officiated at the final rite*. Interment tree in Green Lawn cemetery from Mrs. D. A. Whlttakt-r and lions funeral

WaCOHEMAT in bring dusted oil

fpr TOO OB 1

MT. VHrSON AVlSftif See- The £ t _ _ _ Nov. 51


•no MT. VERNON AVE. . t _ l _ * _ s , O.

JAMES W. PARRISH, M.ni.tcr •

Preaent. These Feature.

ANNUAL CHOIR DAY H r * Cheer. Singing



SUN. NOV 1 . _,. Jumm w p

_ - J M 2 _ * . ** SitriMlteU, o - „ D '

t t S S a . t & V 5 ^ & t ^

WEDS' NOV V _ ~ * r - * « « frarar Mesa**

S s ^ ^ l i J Z ' - **' Ho-aU. ot St. r .ul AME

f ^ r l ^ K " r 2 ? ' ^ c ? ? i ' y Cl~i»« - SpaaW. Dr.


""ftlL '_?_^L"*^*»-»-*'r t.- rriaa,*-. ana.


Maxim Caldwell B p . B t m r D. LtmEAS

Bishop Join W. Martin will be Os. speaker st 11 a. ni. Sunday. OcL 11, at Caldwell Temple A*IK Zion, Cultimbus. Biskop Mart— presides over Ik* lad Kptecopal _ l r l c t in the AME

Knifes Hutsby

Chester Thomas, 20, 110 Mich­igan a*., Ct^umbus, was stab­bed last week by his wile, Irene, 17, during an argument at tbeir borne-

According - te police,. Mrs. Tnw.se stabbed her husband in the > atnmach with a butcher knife after he struck ber.

J^on church. Tbe senior choir, directed by Mrs. Nellie C Gram, will iominrh muste.

Mt p. tn. Sunday, Rev. Mat thew Carter executive secre­tory ol the Sfiring. S t YMCA, Will be tbe speaker. Evening service is being conducted by tbe Jolly Rulers club.

With a skit presented by tbe Buds of numbers popularity contest of members ot the YW Society concludes Sunday,. Oct 11, at 0:30 p. in. Contestants are Mary JECliubeth Reed, Merry Frances Slade, Harriett McCbaneU, Chorions Murdoch, Cecelia Kerr, Ger*i-dine Hairston, Carolyn Davis. Rhode Held, Sylvia Murdoch, Shirley Davis, Carolyn Kerr. Miss Georgia Woods is advisor.

Mrs. HaxerXerr la entertain­ing the monthly business meet­ing et the Nurses' Corps lion-day, Oct 12, at 0 p. m. at her borne, 1102 E. Long s t

Social night for. members ot Unit No. 8 WiU bo held Satur­day evening, O c t 17, at the borne ot Mr.-end Mrs. Elijah Howard, 1025 Camden av. Mrs. Susie Burks Is president

Annual calendar tea of the Nurses' Corps will be held Sun­day, Oct IB, st tbe church from

Mrs. Hazel Kerr, Mrs. Rosette Sexton and Mrs. Alary Shaw. A musical program is planned,

Thei pastor. Rev. Alien J. Kirk, is reported to be conva­lescing rapidly at borne, 1750 E.


B4V0 Frederick St ,

-%1 Mrs. BaymoBd Bnssfofl^ NESalti-^NVILLE. — Pfc. John

Long, Jr., Is home on on emer­gency leave from the marines in Korea te be with his father, who is seriously ill s t S t Fran­cis hospital In Columbus.

The condition of Pat Chapman remains unchanged. He Is con­fined in Mt. St, Mary's hospital.

Twig 0 held a skating party laat Sunday. The next party will be Nov. 1 from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. It will be a masquerade witb prizes being given for the best costumes.'

Mr. and Mrs. Charles -Pep-

nnd Nelson ville. Mr. and Mrs. William Brut*.

aton were Sundsy guests ol -friends In Lancaster.

Anniversary Sunday The Well Wisher club of Union

Grove Baptist churcb, Colusrv bus, WiU observe Ho 27lh eiMlt-versary Sunday, Oct, 11,-et >


ROY CAMPANELLA Baseball's Greatest Catcher -



. They-aay the way for young guys to get into the majors tiusc days is to be a -catcher. It's a hoi position. Itough, (tough. Not many tfuVa go for it. But to me it's the greatest slot in the game.

I even prefer catching to hilling. And I Teally like to hit thai ball But cat dung's best . lt_ keeps you on the ball. I-rn in oa plenty of

plays. I Uke calling pitches and I get a good feeling every time we get a strike-out. *

Lois of guys in baseball would say I'm all wet about catching. That's their idea. But it doesn't change mint. Not a bit

Lots of things are—what d'you caU it?—-all a matter of taste. Like smoking. I go lor Lut uea. POT some reason, Luclcies taste better to me. I can't prove they're better than other smokes, but I know they are. That's why I smoke them.

Maybe you figure the same way. Ltiuetways, that's the way I feet.

On Smoking Luckies Issee'ao good i*tine why Boy sCsfcaOgsissSs*. *s6s**ja*T**nn| taste better. For, h tact, they do taste .scatter. Two tltingS tLB«ure you of tin*: * _,

First, L-9./M.F.T--Lucky Strik* iseoue ttno Ubaoc*. Obvloeldy, to tabss l ee , light, sistnndly mild tobacco t e give you a bsttsr-taatoing cisarett*.

round rand Ornt, Alwsys aroooU-r-amoldng and • .Why not try Lsttaua* today? Get s pack, light up and

•njoy ttadr better settte. Be Happy — Go Lucky. Ratraembar: tasakiaa ore mod* by The America a Tobacco

CtnOrpany, America'* leading ntanufartuinr of ct_*irttes.








T-ione Steak k 69c M i tstes . ft. 79c

3bs .$ t .C*

Lard Bui 2ftL 39e Osct Wm ft. 39c S M M Spot Mb ft. 39c Veal tssps . . . . . . . ft, 30c

Round Steak 590 Efis . . . . . . - Wi t* tats fez. 49c liCW - « * * OM*f n0t*li 3 w i . 4y_

l !AnTr ***%** *«-••*-*• - < »• 70*. w rEXTMaQM«st ft. c« 15c''*'


A T i l « M o a - T W . * 8 T i l 8 Fri-S.1

t a , st. MAIM ST.

M I U E R ' S F U R N I T U R E STORE Cs-ttS-W** Us* «f U**d rttr-aitw. *m* Bog*

BmOsofot, Rad»i_**wt*-**. Wassntt*. S*wia>a, M**tUn** EAST TOURS PRSE DRUVRRT



ifkee BEDRtXJM S U I T .

Bed, D i c e r A Che.1

S ne*m Bex Sorts,, Mattress Extra

NtOQON FURHmJtECO. :, Otata ET. Oat


John T. Camming*, 44, 493 Grove st., tt** sentenced to a total ot MO stays in tbe workbcsise and fined MOO snd costs when he ap­peared in musucipal court on two separate ,fbarges Tuesday. Judge Charles R. Petree itnposed a SJ day workfexise* i and a t * » fine upon Cuinmtn_s when he pleaded guilty aaesaing numbers . ckets. An _rnti<ral worfchtxise .sentence waa

him by Judge Rodney R, Ross, along with a 1100 tint, -then Curnmings wag found guilty of operating * motor vehicle driver's license was under revoi-atkir*.

Chester Jones, tt, 421 N. Ohio •*., apprehetMb-d at tbe Colum-

bus Laundry, 900 Mt. Vernon milting a liquor taw where he bad Stolen cloth- His rase was rxmiH>.rt-d until

log, waived preliminary exami- Oct. SO. bearing on a burg- TRAFFIC COURT

lary charge Tuesday and was George V. Gore, 38, U6 High-_ and ju/y under band ar., wa* fined .100 and

$1000 bund, coats m Ira Hie court Monday Charles S. But tun, HO. 344 Jef-j when toond guilty ur operating a

tenon av., and Jame* Steele, I motor vehicle while iD'oxicated N. Garfield sv.. both j and not having a driver's Im­

pleaded guilty Cealed weapons in police court Tbosday. The former was fined tfti and costs, while the latter

•ear tsftng s t , police reported. Aiense Hard, ft, B* Rarth-

asae av., Was sent to the wesfchsese lor 10 dsy* and fitted $20 and costs by Jodg* PMreo Ssterday. Word was sloe fined »JS am a t>eece*l*d wrspMt* csunl sad US sad easts «-» a re»»_tl«r aa offleer

, Jsfca II. Berg er, CI, gee*.

Scheduled to answer lo idrnti cal offenses Wedn- sday waa Jame* McDowell. 34, 737 Harri-

Char, driver ;

i yield t. mid

Oatorday when fsetad .witty *f baraertoe withoni a Urease. Booked al police beadq-atartcr*

Friday nigbt on g a m b l i n g charges after the Columbus vice squad raided two r e p u t e d scheme of chance establish­ments were Betty Jean Harris, 11. 41$ Clarendon av.; Irene U. Harris. 39, 605 _ Grove st.- Ed L. McCrsy, 24, 977 Elm St.; hall D. Botes, 54, W W . Walnut St.; Itobert -F . Harris, 39, 805 Vi Grove i l , and WUU* E. Sim­mons, 31, 144*5 Eastwood av., all arrested at 250 V.. 1th av.

Nabbed in a Gambling raid in the rear of 1001 ML Vernon av.

Billiard Lawscn, 40, .,33 H. Monroe av.; John W. McDoo-

Jd, 40, \\t0 N. 18th si.; Carl Bui nett, 37, 1001 Bennett *t; Buck W. Runt. Si, 1020 ML Vi

'.; Thomas A. Berry, 2t Btjcltingluirn at, and Jan.. Jackson, 20, M7_ N. Mth s t All were released on $10 bail, felted when they failed it PSar in court Saturday. Cecil Stigger, M, vl the E. 4lh at drees was charged with

IJ.II were lodged Carr, 42, 2023

Payne av., arrested Tuesday at Indianola and 7th avs. His case is to be heard Oct i a

K. C. Chapman, 26, 225 Brier al., wa* cited for reckless driv­er* ke*. INflDK.NTS AND ACClBKNTh

Ullle Mae Walter, .25. 324 N. Monroe av., told police that when she refused tu give sn un­identified man a date, he shot her in the forearm Sutvluy nigbt while ahe waa visiting a s t t

treated at St Francis hospital and released.

Attempting to force his way

b*rts*rf,-#0, III V . Goodal* L was shot irm the right instep. Pu lice said Htmo Jeter, 56 of thi

"scare" Cumberland awmy from her home. The victim _-_,, treated at White Cross hospital and released to city prison where b e . was booked on * drunk count

When Hubert Br*'*due, 23, 1125 Harvard av., lust control bf hi* car al Taylor and Ha wthorn* sv*. Sunday, he landed in a dwelling house et 1906 Haw­thorne av. He was treated el St Anthony's hospital and released.


I.'gf .-Coaolry r m s a l a . t ic

OPEN SDK. TIL 1 P. St 3M E. Illh Ar. . . Cor. Clan KL. 15*7


Burger Wiederr—aa Red T o p Per t _ M


.STEARNS" t"-li l',"".l i\n ••> |,__f


M blstsS-MB.

em mt D _ _ _ _ Fallow Ibis Direct—,

T . Better Taasori.1 S e r v i c "

Pierce's BartierSriop Complete Barber Servic*

4a , B. L o * SL

BATS BARBER SHOP « t 3 H.rr ison Ar* .

*****, Women, Childrea'a

Hoircutting —- Fac ia l .


„ art E. Long st-Complet. Barber Service I Barbers — Sug llolman,

Albert Johnson

Bah- Calais,

Barbershop I S . B. seh A M .

B,n, sVaroca aad Childrcs's ' UsUl 7,30 p. M.

Sal. U.iil • p. M. Ore. «val A l l , , . . . .


t i t E. l aag st. ' Complete Barber Service

Irene Ta—er A Balh J . a e . UF.LUXl.-FACIALS,



THOMPSON BAUBEU SHOP , ratoiwrt, ML Vera*»-si. Clsl, Barker Shop t-M MT. VERNON A V E . , Near 18th St.

SEVEN CHAIR S H O P . Ctnotete Barber Scrrle*

Mrs, Besses ssd Calldres's Hair Coltlsg aad S.jl.'o, A tpeelstl,

Ladles Bair Bskhtag. Se.lp TKatoseat, Deroxe Facials Barbers: caa i ie . Oostlej, Asdrew Harris, Dsasos Lrseh,

sfaa— Lsag, Chester C Sharp; JfJBN THOMPlvON, Prep.


Pochsts sad seal , Trraunest. A Speelalt,

Bessie Wil-han Remold. and V. J. Saber. Barber.



OPEN SUNDAY FROM . A. M. UNTIL 10 A. tl. Tbo Store wirh Tho F.Madt, Als...,fca.a

Q..I.I, M. .„ . . . Cawwwio. — M.I.. tL Msgoagh. I*sap. I . lk lah—raol, Csa—. FrM Cllg-WU. BaU—r,

MY LITTLE MARKET 10 lbs. $2.98

Chack Ooast . fe. ISc Heck Beties, Pig Tails & Ears . . lb. 15c

All Popular Brand, of Beer sk W s s . . 1 Cat R a t . P r i e e .



0M0 MALT B E t _ s ^ l _ n t l ^ tO. W PI. Fourth S t Cel-o A n . _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ » THE OHIO SENTINEL

Bronze Star To Columbus' Pfc.lf.LCobb A young Columbus 'si-ldlcr has

been awarded tbe Brcetxe Star rnedal for outstanding bravery

l*fc Cobb's heroism

server, be rehtsed to vacate his post Xtmoogrh surrounded by the enemy snd eompletedly espos-ed to heavy J_e.

Hit valiant stand was Instru­mental in the successful defense ot tpo outpost.

Pfc. Cobb was given the medal by order of Pros. Eiscn-bower on recommendation of Me), Gen. Hidings. He entered the army from Ohio and is with the 15th in fun try regimt.nt, 3rd division.

Vital Topic On Town Meet Sun.

Sunday, Oct

The forum will be aired and telecast oyer W&JNS radio and TV at 1 p.

Sol Mortem Isaac, Columbus attorney, is slated to be mod-eratot. Speakers w_l be Nat & Phtney and Ernest K. Llndley, Washington bureau chiefs of tbe Buffalo E v e n i n g Newa and Newsweek, respective!*/. telephone, Fl. 3801..



•asT./SOT. 2 * 7 . r r * rr-c



Seel Volunteers Number 279 Moskin's Among Ca0ifal's Most MGdern Stores I W f dtd i.i agantl And it

bigger »nd beUer Stan a Label dsy v-_ttU.lr-»r* who a ed addreas Ubelt t# Christtna.4 aeal letters last Tnursday bered 270! '

Tables were set up in 1st Con-gregatjonai church Columbus, to accommodat* 270, and emer-Aeocy measures were-taken at the test minute to uke care of the 1,-vtrrflow.

Volunteers represented score* of club* and orgaituuitions In the county's largest community-wide effort

THE rtHMCCT sirned to "ad­dress", by label 1«.000 Christ-ma* seal letters between 0 and 4 p m . The nne day job was completed by 3:45 • m.

A free l*unche«-n was served at i-roue with lb* menu contributed by Columbus food Arm*.

. Tne ittunul ChriMmus seal sets, only *upp"rt erf tbe Cuhtni bus Tufaen-uheis Society and i t s free X-rey si-tvn •<-plat-e1 in November, Tbe ''tobel-ing" operatise) la the In aeries of steps in preparation for nest month'* Christina* to-, mailing. The society is 00t' member of United Appeals.

In charge of Label day wei Mrs. S. C. Follmer, Wester-ville, and Mr*. Victor J. Werk-sn, 7-11 College av.

Volunteers included. ' Mrs. Animon (i. Bro-*n, lt»3

Harvard a*.; Mfs. Pearle Rotv , 2STM N. aith's!. . Mr*. J.

Howard, -Ul Eldridge av.. Mr*. Eli*

Brun»4>n av.; Mrs. Jame* Owens, 2041 E. Stb av.; Mrs. Danrelle Ruder M2 il 15th aV.j Mra. Frrder-ck Wilcesen, 1000 Woodland SV.


CUP AND PASIf HtSfflE YOUB m>*ia*«01tE 1100K FOR f l iTUM USE



Bats Ctsaaat - sail, s—Be. Salt. Clesaed A pressed

Is. ML Versa. Ave.-Col's, (1.

ROGERS & DAVIS Bods. MMI Televi.loB Bepatr Step

All Iter* GsarssUed Bra. I A. sL M*f- * . Electric as* Asp—Sees _ . , . . . .

Ml MT. TEBNON'AVE- . ClOBSSS.. a F-S- Us t


ssd esehasge roar koak. asd osagaslses . . . st SSS's ML Versa. Ave. . . . at lha tigs •f as Owl,, aad slap thi. wsr .hoist hook,.

FF.. TS74- TK- 7174


Iteflnlshlng Anytime V R Red E—Wa B. 2. M Boar wrecker Service—Cars W»ok*4, Bskked CM, B a s e *

t i t PAsUOMS AVK. Catsosbas, O.


Classen o«* lauaulerrr. of .Jaality and DisUncUos A 0»« Si— C I . . . . . . S, r , .c . All Wort Don, Al Oai Plant

. t a . E. LONG ST. Coloabu. o. IE. s-


P A I N T SHOP •as Ms* Tssr Bad, Mas

OS E. Oa, St. - B e EV. Mat Alter . P. M. CsU EV. tftl.


F o r ' l a s . portraits cal l Carter' . Studio. Fe. 6509 , 76» E. Lotuj s t - Collarobes.


maa'a o*od ,la.h|qg. Cm.. Loag' A Craal


Picks,* A Deliver, I K . ML Veraoa Ave.

EV. IKS* - Cslsiabss. a.

H a t b w s , A Fergusoa BOOFIMO



Cigars, Casdja. a s . ice Cold tWfl Drtsas




JOE I B LAIJKM, Cosaprot. Laondrr SenMs.


A** E. Pa l l . . St. FA W I . I CmSsssmmm.. o .

S»U a i ttmmmu R«—tatar., Slarl.r.


AD. S M . 84 Hr. So—aw

s t o o i r A ELECTRIC SERVICE Raoeiria. Csa.i.Sw.

* . . , .—- . Start,,, 4 H , . * ' . . . , . „ . . Av.


OP-TOP CUAttatS At* Ms. V . r . . . A w . c r . o.

Pick Up s s . Dell..— Oa. Os , -a—ke — CE. 371.

MOCslEY UUIIORY MS Mt. V o w , Ave, Cmfs\ O.

All Line, of Laoadr, Work Work Clothe. A Specialt, O m S.t- TU 11 P. M.

Afek&ioscj jhBtirke SHIN* PARLOR

Deluae Dyeing Is Shining

, Ava. Col'.. O.

E D W A R D P. I l l - , Bl.y.1* Tires ssd s.pplle. ft—rpeatsg mt Lswamowers.

S t l i n n aad Ealrat AR S i _ , . , Keys Mad*

Bicycle, for Beat EV. SSM _ M S . OHIO AVE.

Alar.,, sap, "I saw it .rjverti«ecl ia Th. Obio SeaUael."


set ML V „ . . . A...., o r , 0

- Pboese FE- 1011 Fossil, . . . B.ua.1., S . . . U . Dr . . . . . U1. .1 . , . R . „ i „ *

l l l l l i l l i .


C.I.ate., Q. Repairing asd ReaMid.liag


Ma' i Drear*

815 — 119 — 295

693 — 1*9 _ ooo

ROrOSE'SDIUYDAUY Ladies' and Gents' Used Clothing Shop

A Iters U oat ssd Toitsrlng IZ PARSONS AVE.

R*is*4>t-*a Msrhdtt Complst* lint of groeeriea. 010 B. Long St , Colomtiiis. 0., FA. 4.620.

COAL W . Va. and K , . lunsp, e g g s n d stoker. No slack asaj low la ask. Grave Coal Co. for 3 0 yesrsa

N o w owned far,

W.M.L0NG t O t ML Vernon A r a .

A O . 73S1




MAin 3 2 0 6 BWimTBflAWWrc&mCO.

264-266-288 SPRUCE ST.

___e_b o.


FBEE Eo-sTMATES Balh, Kilckea ,

Wssklag, Waassg Floors Why NM l iar . Tha Best

T . Ds Tsar Work BBUCE FBAZ|E K , M ( r t

FE. 135.


ELE0R1C REPAIRS Eleetrle miser., toffee mak­ers, juli .r . , w . m e Irons, roasters, tress, both electric tad.sleam. Bam. asd ante elettrle clocks, electric rssors aad r.ss. All work gu.ran-



MoskinV C r s d 11 Clething Store, 171 S. High s t , Cetam-bos, which recently underwent ramplete remodeling, a * w ranks fsverabty with .newt modern and attractive stores ia ceiumsee, att oatete above attest*. Attractive _ 1 s p 1 a y w i s A own highlight sxterior while elaborate UgbUng, pro­gressive mei-ctundlsa displays sod stylised srf.ee fsclUUe* sre tedtared In I n t e r l e r . Founded h» 14ms, O., 40 years ago, witb a tingle store. Mot­ion chsla now consists ef lt-> anils In p r i n c i p a l ciliet throughout tl. S. Columbus store is managed by D, J. Wil­cox. MassUn's nj.ercbsDdl-.es fram IS depafimeat*, each sleeked wllh natlenaUy adver­tised product.. Recent stork addition* Include w s I e b e s. jewelry, radio*, stssns *pph-snees.—Fierce Photo,

Big Savings In Housekeeping's Current Sale offered ts cbandlse Frig Id air* Monday

many items of m n the^October sale products that oper the Good Houseket

ing Shop, ISO a High s t , t>lu

slight blemishes. All carry the -manufacturers full warranty. * .

und dryei-i,' A ._1U-r.1l trade-in allowance will be made for old appliances throughout tbe sale, according, lo Mgr. Robert Boy-

Hunter Whisky

Visits Cap City At Hunt, personable sales rep-isenlatfve for Hunter-Wilson

Division, Frankfort Di-.tiil.-ni, Inc.," bottler* of Hunter whisky, will nrrive'in Columbu* Mon­day, Oct 13, his first Capital City assignment appointment

Hunt, formerly of Toledo, is well known in Ohio Elkdom and will be remembered by Colum-L area Elks ttr the gals party he hosted diiring tbe recent

it Cincinnati. He is. the first Negro in the cm-Ploy of Hunter-Wilson and will work the Columbus market for three weeks. .-

' TKS: am a ENTINE


miHiiMMednsio ta A Different V iew Of Harlem

f i t

And Your Community THIS SYMBOL Is ofteb called "the 1 hallmark of circulation value." lt is th« jsisffrrie of the Audit 12ureau f't Circulations. And, since October is being: observed as ABC montfi by bureau members, we should like to pause from oar news gathering du­ties to explain the aiffniricance ot our ABC membership to our adver-tisers and our readers.

Just as manufacturers and mer* chants buy and sell merchandise

iwii standards, of tirade, weight and prepared to. tell advertirtors alt about

That's why we belong to the bureau—to give our ad­vertisers a verified count and description of the circulation audience that they get when they buy advertising In The Ohio Sentinel.

The bsreau Is a non-profit, cooperative association of S450 advertiser,*, advertising agencies and publishers ot newspapers, business publications, magazines and farm publications in the U. S. and Canada, ft has a staff of ex­perience ci circulation auditors. At regular Intervals .these men visit all publisher members ami make a thorough audit of their circulation recoriis. The information from these audit* is then issued in reports which are available, to advertisers. ^ .

While the major objective of the bureau's work is b furnish advertisers with verified information .about tin circulation nf publisher member . It also has a very rea importance in our relations with our readers.

By OkUVK A ADAMS M YORK.-Global. — A couple "** of week* ago, ws had com­pany from out of town- The lady

eseursitn-lpsat trip around the inform a tion*to l*e bad. Island ef Manhattan which ne- ' .•ear thoold miss, either. -We bearded aa excursion boat

'Tbe Normandy"

heard shout all-the sights York had to offer, and she w ed I .take' In a few-of them, have a look-see at some of the tall buildings, bo wa followed the advice of the travel folders.

They were right The

Negro Harlem.

livers a prepared "spiel'' en a ind tke points ef lalerest slang the

Wc heard a great deal about thc early history ef N. fork.

We heard aoecdolcs aad la-rldeaU esving to de srith ]

. I .-;•>:: Island af York's early days, aad stories

amp. And then

. Coney Island, the i

tonalities who contributed le the grswth *f the big rily. We tpotted most ef lb* early sky­scrapers, and had painted out

tbe M*nbstt<a ak/tlnc

ommunity full of sober, hard working citizens who con* duct more than 0000 busines; en of tbeir own, including every­thing from newsstands and small stores to ' haberdasheries and manufacturing plants. . .<•

has been played up, there a. *l*o beautiful church edifice, representing thousands of di

1 contributed t


York which Hl'l IVUKN""I'lif Normandy" passed 110th st. and was gliding

rommunity fchown1 tis paint ifl'just a few

Urbancresl School Palrof Sworn In

uns verified circulation in-y accepted standards and nly publications with paid

For our advertisers, it rr formation, based on universu practices. S ince ABC audits circulation, our membership assure* advertisers lhat Tin S**ntine| stays in business by the voluntary support of Its reader*.. % • . . ' * '•

To mArntain that voluntary reader support we must demonstrate our responsiveness nnd responsibility to our readers. T h e ABC audit of circulation tel ls both the ad-

r newspaper is pertorm-vertiser and the editor whethe -if the readers don't went it. Ing a service to i

neither do the advertisers.

The Sentinel johts with almost 1900 othpr nevvspapers And some 1600 advertiser, advertising agency and periodi­cal members ih paying tribute to the Audit Bureau of Cir­culations this month. We are proud to be a member of the bureau and to display Its insigne, which has become syn­onymous, with the words "factual" and "integrity*' in the uttoroste of bcvVi the aUven,._T ami the reader.

I was itching te say that UtSth s t offers a model to •*-terreclal living, where once there was conflict I wsat**,. -.e toll them, too, that sltht. .4 Harlem has IU cay night . .*,

Nesroe*, which boat

Oavsslse et the above photo wss swearing la eereaseay of teres ochsolbey patrolmen at tlrhanereat Kltmentary school last week. 1-t. Reesevelt Goede, Frauklia county deputy sheriff, right. Is shewn pinning badge on Oesi-ge Morgan, ce-eaptsln at patroL Others to tb* photo are Cecil Twine, school principal, ataadlnc extreme rear, sad back row, from" left, Eddie MeClrey, Arnold Bark. Nathaniel Rrewn, captain,' and George Morgan.

M*r_*n, Byron Tatum. Ranald Bark, Ar-

teoce, and t panics that operate under tne Strict Insurance law* ef N. York *tate. The*c are just tiny t rag meals of the Harlem story*

B bal they point np tbe Negro's 'vital role to the life of N. j

Terh City. .. •

'NOW. Or (OUK.S1-;. the opera-tors of *"T1ie Normandy" cannot be expected to do a public rela­tions job on Harlem, but just the same, it would have been good to let these visitors know sopiething of Harlem's real life,

th* people who, through the years, have helped to develop this cily within a city by faith and hard work.


Housewiveil Turn your bode on oU-fathioned waiiSday diudgeryl Buy

an automatic electric cfoihsi dryer ond you'll sliminots clothe* line

diwitorj, lugging h-savy baskets of wet ciotho . hanging ciofhsi indoors

and sprinkling piece by piece. Your automatic sisctnc cioffisi dryer

wilt fluff dry your clothes ai easily at ABC Simply place lh* clothes in

the sledric clothes dryer, set beat control, turn on the automatic timer

•witch and take the clothes from tht dryer damp dry for saiy

^ , .ironing, or fully dry, wrinkle froe. and raady to put away.

•UB your favoritt Sfsillii. appIianCR deafer today! IttHBSf *w KWWBI w a nciTtM IVBtt-y

| p S B B j B . B ^ » | . M _ _ 1 0 B _


Moms, Dads, Kids Share In Fun At IBPA Fall Festival Oct 15 i Professions! Ass'n) fell'fe*-

titral and barbecue, scheduled K. Market p-nc-

Th* harvest celebrat •nark only the *e>i--oi*-B conimu-nitysulc celebration on that site since the new market house was

dedicated four years ego. The first, a, •*we_-otne home" event honoring Columbus' Korea- War POWs. drew a crowd estimated by the Columbiw Police Dept. to h-ove been "more than 4000.''

At' next ThurMdey's turnout, however. Cohmibunilc* can look tot word tu a long, evening of fun and fine food. There'll he ne speakers- ju.it alS htxir* of con-

and . wide asaortmrnt of c .ml- Ural stts, .IH B-riwa k * a c u l t a a t _ « ! > - " » . * ? L _ " vol garsvrs, . « . « rrr.it.gli Is « * - . **mM st d s s c . a s - l . c torg . « t h « « __»1J^swbecu. supply laugh, aril lh . like, for fer Ike k s . p l haste. verts .1 pit. B«ri*e<_ sandwich., and Jr., little sister. Mams and tt» cmoaatillv. Dad.

dinners will be served uously from C p. m. -

F.sUvol p i s . wUI iocliida Ciirb service will b* futurnl the popular barrel pile* and throughout the .versing.

t b . Illl'A s .sitasisata feet _ » , ' . . k m baseball throw. Regular c .ml- Proceed. svegt..!*.. II t u , ta s s t e . val prii*. will be awarded to _ _ „ , f _ d and to Ul* refresh, laat I s . IBrA, masks I. » - stlnnrrs of these game*. „,„, , , u n d i„ r _ , . ohle SVnli-alsbuse* trams Ja.kle's O s , . • • »' „.[•, ,Uth annual Halloween

-.. BVKsr. a a . , , leealed WALTEB LEWIS and Grorg. hlock party, s laud tor Poindrx-aerwss tb* slreet frem tb. fes- Berry, two of Columbus' finest t .r Playground Oct SL

F. acHoouMS t*JD roouns L-ilors: Pal Ind Shirley Ion,

Contributors: Carolyn Joan Morgan And Diantha Fraxler (Easi)

Phyllis Ray And Phyllis Stevens (Central) • Rosalie Gore nod Norma Hoove (South) # Brands Willis

And Kobert Taylor (Franklin) # Pat Black And Larry Klkins (North) 0 Jerry Bonduraot And

Ruby F*-eeman (Everett)

r SEEMS An-Wbell-B Ho&nson is pretty lonesome without Robert Rk-hermm . . . James Garland ia loosing Pearline Fratherstone's

Wd* . . . Why won't Ronnie Strsughter give the girls a break? . . . Dotty Porter and Shirley Moorehead, what did you say your line was? . . * .Everyone is trying to claim Teddy Wright as their sweetheart, ae What about that Barbara Simp-urn* . . . . SMMIIM PhU Pegram took the hint concerning Boot* Scott . . . Are there any liappeninea between Cerotyrf Cummins and Lawrence Knight? , . . Is it true Preston Casket has quite a few admirers around Cctn- * triil, tnc-ludinc Annette Cody? . . . Who is >t Doruild V.'est, Ko-.ie McParland or U u r * Willis? . . . Phil Frazier wants r>rancis Wheat to toll him what Ihe wink was for . . . Betty Bowers and Eugene Bcnford seem to cere a lot for each other . . ..JVhat's to. the report that Tommy Starne* was going to the OAA party? After all Tommy, there is always the Hi-Y for boys!

CAsUH,Y*N YOUNG and Cart " Tr~~ ***—'—." Smith seem to be a rv-ewscrn* Robert Tatum romance ia stiU.

- twosome . . . 5kipp_ Hobin*H*n. going strong . . , Who'* the if you had "to much money as chick playing ''Dragnet'' on you have, chicks you would be e Wayne White? He can't nwrve an mighty rich men . . . Who i»c'i without her uking notice. thinks eorunahtly of North's Jr. . . . Where has James Caldwell Franklin and of how mighty *i"n* and.toben is he coming sharp he is, when, everyone else back? . , . Bundy Harrison, why know* that be is? , . . What in- don't you want a certain girl to. spired Waydell Gaines to write iose weight? . . - Say Cbarleuc' the beautiful song, -iTomele"? Droadus, who is H—Joe Berry . . . Why doesn't Gene Bennett or Dickie Caldwell? . . . It Alex give Central's chicks a chance? ifebifuon doesn't break troon and The girls are wondering who his give one of the girls a. break newest tew,, turned Jennie, Is? they'll probabJ; so cru-t-y. . . . Is it really true that PhyUis SO ANNAJttl LE HA KLIN we Stevens has eyes for Levi owe Frank Hester is your guy. Wright'.' . . . A certain Central . . . B o b b y Moore is surety itiick is gone over Calvin Fer- crazy over Ednu Jotaison . . , gueon and we really mean gonel Is the Harold Harland-Donna . * . Who's Quincey Spergon's Jackson romance lighting again latest? . . .The Margaret Lewis- this year? . * . Who does Phil






1 Large setec-


$195 Up FREE


SUITS Ready - To - Wear

and Tailored To Order

Low, LOW Prices


Anderson come to see Kottt High? . . . . James will -.iron talcs a two wet cation without credits doesn't, watch-a certain short ,'nsir.• .•. . Hebecca K und Johnny JoJihaim mt cute new couple at East Maltio *8urnner, who's who *eta' your sbui <>i. Mary Johnson ..nd So

er . . . What's thc titled. "Peek Ai-ound H a I r o y, and

. . . David Lynch

Powell marching * East's majorettes • • • Bobby" Barrett seems to go for Vir­ginia Covington * . . -Era Wright seems to receive a lot and pictures from John Stills. . , . Jeanne Wright and Charles (Weasel) Evan* arc engaged. Congrats.

WHAT'S IN Z-i.rs.ilk- that attracts Quincey ISpergon and John Robinson? . . . Why doesn i Krta ge. her Jameses straight,' . . , Bub Combs bee eyes for a certain Shirley ' who attends hwOSt . . . Carole young, who in tt now?.. . . Laura titcks und Paul Locks ere still together. , , . W h a t keeps Joan Payne in Yelttiw Springs so much? Could it b * Donnie Boy Benmng? . . . Could Joyce Thurmaji'* secret itdniircr be Andrew Spencer? . . •> Way don't Phoebe Ctegg and Alice Lewis give tbe fel­lows a chance? ', . . Doca Ann Holland still go for John Mo-Daniels? . , . Why did Eddie Johnson tell everybody be was going to the marines? . . . Are Frances Wheat and Funnie Clarkson still going together? . , . Beverly Clegg and Joe Jonn-.*:..... are still on the steady list. . . . Who are tbe million chick* trying to occupy Eddie Thur-

WHAT'S WITH Nutc Harris. . . . Who is thc new East boy in fin,. 107? The one causing so

right, has been Mined to manage new Wool-•rerth Ave and dime store. ISM Mt Vernon av., Columbus, ar cording to snaooaecmeat Ibis week by firm's district tnassgrr C. L. Swayi*, of C'leveland. He will be aislsted by Kobert I.sughlln, left, wh« will also *erve as slock manager. New Wool worth store represent* Investment in exerts ot ttt.MS sad will leature tt departmrots. Including sale ef live sets, hortiealtore product*, electric lighting flxtares. Closed te ML Yemen *v. tboppcre siare early May when tnovo was made U new qsar-tors, Weolwortb'a will have its formal openlag daring gs ls three day celebratisa New, j , gt 7.—Pierce Photo.

SONO TITLES — 'You, Vou, You"; Diontha Frailer to Tim Blaloek. "Trust in Me": Bub­bles Garland to Pearline Pcaih-e r s t o n e . "Baby It's You"; Peggy Jackson to Raleigh Rag­land. "Have Mercy Mr. Gib­son"; All Chicks to Bunny Gib­son. "Cool £upu'". Carolyn Morgan to Jim Anderson, *'Fat Daddy"; Florine Parks to Dic­kie CravTr. "Nadine". Harold Smith to Pat Black.

CLUB NEWS — The' Joyntak, ers, a teenage club at Poindex-tcr which recently bought some

about a Halloween dance that j new club of girls down ot the boys' Y is giving. Save a date around Halloween, for it's going to be a lot Of fun . . . AU of the Lockawanas that are lnteresit-<j in Joining again this year ate asked to contact Mr£ Walker at Pouulcxter this week * . . Co­lumbus Holling A c h i c

(CHAi are also gfjistiflg for trieir annual masked ska1

party. So kids, you'd be start on your costumes n

i beat

does Carolyn Young go urnund singing "AH About Ronnie"? . . . WiU Jeanette Barfield ever give Bart Chapman a chance? . . . Carolyn Culson and Ernie Hoddy are still going steady . . . Pat Black and Harold Smith are real gone , . . Does Delm.T Lips­comb miss Howard Tyler vet*

NICKNAMES — Jam. , Gar­land and LcVerne Banks, Bub­bles. Jim Tatum: She Nuff. Joht Robiiison': Honey Hush. Pa ul Oatcs: Little Bit. Jeanie Hollis: Varnish Kid. Millard Upshuw: Uppy. l->chjjtrd Crosby: Span-key. Elmer Stevens: Cracker-Jack. David Lynch: Little Pint-size. Harold and Willie Smith: Cough Drop BroUu-r.-, David Clarkson: Blunder. Imorc Jack­son; Mamie. Hattie Key: TonL Arleulis '/..omas: Reedy.


MM BWSBS—I Slrle CeeUag

Oar Specially, /Ul Kind, CM Sandwiches

Baa-keened ttlks, Csatsbrle Meals A Short Order. Served

<4 Basra BsUy IS , N. 17TH ST. At long SI.

New Sentinel Advertiser Tops OR S. Side

If a survey of Columbus sees appliance distributors were tak­en thia week asking selection of the city's most progressive dealer. Seneca Appliances, 193 Thurman av., would rank high.

Seneca's Thurman irv. loca­tion is for removed from the .Southssdc'a principal shopping centers, but thia has little bear­ing of the merchandising job offered by the firm. Honie ,,,T-vice—personal calls—is the big tiling with Seneca's efficient solas staff and wherever they've cubed the spirit of good neigh-borUneS* has been their calling card.

Seneca, open daily from 0 to 9, sella and services a compjete line of appliances, washers, dryers and ironers, radio and t e 1 o v i sion, refrigerators and freezers and many others. AU merchandise in naturally ad­vertised and has thc backing of fartwog "name'' manufacturer*.

John Baker is the firm's sates manager.

Y-Teens all once again organising and i calling all girts who enjoy »•• ing together and enjoy mak new friends and working on i ferent projects. Everyone welcome so why not Join the < at your school now?


Your Heir in

IO Minutes! with

K0N60LENE TK* Original

Hah* Stra ightentr You can get . waterproof job and youi hiir will stay irrsight (ot 20 dij-s or more. For strsighrcning thoner standi (up to 4 iacfaet) stk for Koogoiene tt any drug "ore Uie only*. label dif ro*. StiU leading after 40 constcu-rive yesn.

^ M S s ITO OltAICHnH Tr* HA»

If lour dmirtitc.ntioisu|. y

iKOW.0 aiDlllCAL tt*» VVTIT a f i t . „


.C0.be. I yiajoTf ,

- J T V _ _ B .....IPIaTg


Carver Center Releases '53 Fall, Winter-Activity Slate

post -graduate students), Mrs. Mrmtyre supei-visoi*. **

WKDNESDAVS—A p. m , Girl Scout troop (10 years of age and

The schedule follows: MONDAYS 1 to 3 p. m., pre­

school play school Ithrough Fri­day); 3.30 p. m„ Miss Muffet's Club tor Girls < 1st and 2nd grades), Mrs. Helen Burke su­pervisor; « p. m., Berben Airdw club (8th and 0th grade buys)* 0 p. m., Jr. Homemakers (ftth and 6th grade girts), Barbara

adults at Hobby Hat alley (Uiose interested caU Mrs. Marjorie Mclntyre at the cen­ter. 2-7976).

TUKSDAYS~3:30 p. in., Little Dukes club (1st and-2nd grade boys), Myi-on Lynch supervi-ioj''; -l;30 p. m., Jr. Teen Timers («lb, 7th. 8th grade boys ond girls); Mr*. Mclntyre supervisor; 6 30 p. in., .)uirtn Chapel Youth Guild, Mrs. Mclntyre supervis­or; g p. m.. ST. Teen Timers (sophomore, junior, senior and


TELEVISION a "Five O'clock Blues"

—-Memphis Slim— Q "Swing; Train"

•-—Lynn H o p e — Q "Tbe Propose !"

-—Shirley and Lee-— • "Herd Rock"

• - R e d Prysuck— • "Rack 'Em B e c k "

— B o b b y Mitche l l— Q ^'Said Yoa Love M e "

—Fat« Pomino—• Q "I Had A Notion"

—Joe JMorria-— D "Pleading B l u e s " '

—The Swallowa— Q "Fnt Dedtfy"

—Dinah Washington— • "Write And Tell Me"

—The Orioleii— . 331 N. 20TH ST.

Business Phone-FA. 7101 FE. 13B9-Re*tdence

C'»laotb*aa. O.

visoie; 6 p. m., Our Gang club (3rd, eth grade boys), Myron Lynch supervisor).

Tlll'RSl. _ .S — 3:30 p. m„ Golden Rub- club (3rd, 4th grade girls); 7 p. m.. Freshman club (skating one Thursday a month s p o n s o r e d by Quinn Chapel church at 7:30 p. m.), Mrs. Mclntyre supervisor; Car­ver Center Trustee Board meet­ing (second T h u r s d a y each

FRlDAVS-3:30 to 5:30 p. m„ movJea; 3 <i. m,, Kobby club; 6 'to' 7 p. m., junior chorus; 0 to 11 :-€6 p. m., Teen Csnteen.,, ,

DANCE CLA.SS in*rtructiona for youngsters 4 yt-ur.s and over are being accepted. Helen Harper is supervisor . . . Community Con­cert Ass'n memberships ore now. being sold for the coming season. Members are entitled to attend three concerts locally and concerts in nearby commu-; nllies- Contact Mrs. Mclntyre at] the center (--7V76 or 2*001) tor tickets. No single admission* are sold.

TflK CENTER IS seeking | young adult girls and women to serve as hostesses for a party at the VA Tuesday, Oct. 13. Those, interested are onRcd to contact tiie Center by Monday, Oct. S. Transportation will leave the center at 7:15 p. in. ,„ . There is a serious • sjecd ut the center for




'Lighthouse' In New Hour

Tiie "Lighthouse" program, a •veekly interpretation of interra-ilnl attitudes, by Dr. Nimrod B,

over WBNS-AM and WELD-FM, in being heard at- a new hour on Sunduy—at 10:45 a. tn.

The Merry-Go-Round



I I OZ. DENIM Saafarirett

lay Yaar Exact Sha

GtMrcfRtMc, ta R* fatal...

Cellaat tk- tall

$ 3 1 5

Gold's Is Open 8 A.M. Til 10 P.M. - Sun. Til 9 P.M. Free Parking At Rear 01 Store





- - - *;-> ..


l*4_ TT1E OHIO SENTINEL S A T - J S P A Y . O C T O * t _ IB, 19S-,

Springfield Church .Scene Of Smith-Hurst Rites SPR1KGFIELD. - St. Joseph length dress ol nylon and net THE ATTKACTlVEi.V decor-

church waa lbs scene of tho over taffeta, featuring a very sted recei'' wedding Saturday, Sept 36, at full skirt, Jace bodice witb tliu- tusted by

:eption tabic

_ „—i! bound with ne. l fd shape ' , and pearls around th* neck. The ***•*-*—* . The long sleeves of tbe bride's

i point i

i tiered cake In the a churcb. The ice

. especially delightful _ •_--— - —- .» red. sbpper frotcn in the

~ ... _ *~--.„ v..c. „.c hands, cente'f of each individual serv-_ fastened with covered buttons, . ing.

Mis* *hirl*y Smith slater ot **« veil was fingertip iUusion Husic wo* played throughout the bride, served sa maid of *** fatWoned to the tiara et tho evening by Mra, Edith Wor-hc«or. Narishe Hatcher, Janice •**•*"*» - • f t d -"hineetanee. Tbe ley. Smith and Veda Patterson served b r i d « «••«• •»-**» etlnnera. M a n y j ^ i BWj <,_, , as brideaniaids. Mrrnics Jenkins *___-_-_. TKi. EAUXT morning guests sttended th* wedd was the flower girL wedding the bridal party was many lovely gifU were r

Tbe bride was very beautiful, tonercd witb a breakfast In tbe ky tbe bride and groom. uttircd In a white ballerina, YMCA on Center s t The newlywede ere

A lovely wedding reception their homo at ISM O.ik.1 h.inr.t ing the bride and groom Springfield, was held in the VWCA on E. -r-High s t from 3 to S p. m, H«et- _ _ _ , _ l t

eases were Mrs. Phylis* Rue, U / O r t C ^ - t l * A ll**->n -Dayton; Misa Steele Rice. Mist TT flllotl t T l I J C l J Ruth Stevvtssen sad Miss Helen

lions adorned the gowluj^ol f l O n O r C U O i l

The bride's mother choac m

blue t-fttta atrect-lcnith gown, featuring a waist length jacket

_ working outside tho hon*.* . II ply lo "give Rose everytl only child she is, in tact, denym

$.J» MM

T w . Pairs

M O M H O H E R Y «___*___•#_ ^ • e r v . ' t r tstlt Mt Ventee Av. FE. u »

tt E. State at-AO. CMS

....thing something more precious, to a r happy, child than anything else- her It things self. A child Meets her mother lo eputation understand ber, to eoeourage bin Id in the not push her, and to accept her

i Birthday £*!£_ •* for being the

Mra. Jennie Le« Allen honored class; although she has a great at she is. her husband, Wanser, with an desl of ability, she refuses to If you can get Roue's mother elaborate birthday dinner par:y learn. Hose's mother works hard to give up her job and actual). Sunday afternoon at their home, on her Job to give Ross *very- benefit Rose, you will be -er MO S. HIsMand av. Columh..*. ihm, formfnr m _-™i,s- ,„ - l l forming a service I

« _ , _ _ _ ~ Z~ . ' u m i vacation in Idlewild, Mich.. -«>. « ' and Mrs, Dayton Erby, her and feels she certainly (L« H W r * • • • • » . I wbsre they stopped at the Case j * - * Paarl Wood and Mrs. Lula should do better in her *chool be ed

e*Z _ "*' * * I Blanco hoteL They also silent o AUen. of Pittsburgh, Mis* Cece- work She has often told Hose of Betel CetSunbos, O. . - ! * * • * days hi Detroit, stopping at ••• Mattison, Mrs. Elms Bush, the family* efforts in her be- N. Tt

and black accessories. Th* mother of the groom

cboee a green lace street-length - ~. „,"" - , .. . . - " " -

• ^ • i * _ = ! . _ * - i ^ _ _ : Sii"'BTXr.v*.:Saiamhbr' ^

• The following guest, wer. Around her pa f a t t e n V a t - a i t * * served . delectable dinner: perfect anrrl. bin .„ aim— ner ,..,».» •« ges in . alien . w o - v i . .—***.—a j ^ ^ j , , ^ J < c d ) ; _ , _ _ teachers suffer and tier mother wonts ond need*. Ber mi.lhr

Sirs. J. J. Carter and dauth- ' ' • • •»'• ant1 sir*. Arlaur Rich- is often called to school to dls- should be lh* oft. to giv , ll I ler Belly Jo St Miami av.. Co- arttsoo, Mr. and Mrs. Jotnes cuss her behavior. Rose's moth- her.—B. B.

Hlumbus. hav. relumed from a ? " b . "'• *** • _ • J o h " R l * _ •* "'" m u ' ' h d'"""bed about Idlewild I l c s ley, Mr. and Mr* Dayton Erby, her and feels .he certainly (Letter, to Miss Ball ma, «tlewiw. » « _ , _ _ „ s _ _ / . . . '• * . g . s r . s s s . to k e . la . sre of

f . _ _ _ _ _ . w „ _ , _,„ „ _ „,„„ „„ 0 „oee w Helel Theresa, •** . Wk A.., lis Mattison, Mrs. Elm. Bush, Ihe family's efforts in her be- N. T.,k City, e . Glalwl N.w. Paul GUIs. half and Irled to make her see Sysdtesto.i

later in Ike afternoon, Mrs. how well she could snd should — — — — — Allen further honored her has- do in school. They orr s.-ry de- _ l . n f l . f t DOTf f a m n hand wltk a ressentlon. Refresh- s.rous that Rose shall have a aosra"*W• BWI* U l l i p menu w « e served lo a number professional career, snd Ihey es- TAIXAHASSES, ITs. ef friends who called to bring pert her to brl gifts and espress b i r t h d a y grades. greetings. They included, in ad- What is lo be done about chil-dltion to th. dinner guests, Mr. dren who don't seem to appre-aad Mrs; JLefl— Stiles, Mr. and c 1 a t • th. opportunities they Mrs. William Bigger., Mr. and have? What would be your ad Mrs. TUIey Rogers, Mr. and vice concerning this child who Mrs. J, B. French, Mr. and Mrs. has ability but refuses to use Uelberl i-rjllerman, Sr., Mr. her (Jod-given talentsT Rose', and Mrs. William Mann, Mr. mouier and I are eager for your and Mrs> William O. Colwetl, reply.—Mrs. L. P. Mr. and Mr*. A, J. Coleman. DEAB MBS. I.. P.: Vo

' Mra. Mark Edwards, hav.


Madame A. Walker Taylor's Sebeol at Mad*Man, ffissasafclsg

E renin*; Class** i-» r. M. M**MU


71 E. «TATE ST.

• Friday

AD. » , «

top Pcndergrast, editor ot the ISM Florida A.M yearbook, attended

* " advanced ROTC summer camp at Ft Bliss, Tea.

Mr. and Mra. Al Kirk ot Los <\ngelea, Mrs. Alice Williams, Mrs. Goldie Holmes, Mrs. Annie rrsntz. Miss Blanche Van Hook, Rev. Ira W. Newsome.

. Th* nth her

a let i



111 If. Wsasssgua Av..

ParlaU asst Maalreie. Aa 1-ssse* of Beas t , Csltsrt

Opea Ball , Ns AppeaaSoaeat N.eeasar,

Baa: MA. tit* . Be. . AO. 54M COB1HNA .NICHOLS, Prop.

McAfee Beauty Won r.toBlM. B e . « , Tre. lm.sl

sarak MlMlnaa. tTBu _ _ vT.saiagle., Operstsra VEBO.NIS HeAJFEE. Prop

tsvj. B. — . , K F t 111,

MONDS' CLASSIC B s s u l , Sate*,

1)20 K. Long — FE. 1)132 Ctigaa.., rogabv. A Brala.

New Loeatios taygaa B o s s s B * . Classic

Beauly Salon a t , Mt. T a n s . • s _ _ ,

CSS.,let* Besuty Service ntABI.IF, MAE LO.NQ snd ANNA nOZiMAS. Prop,.

Operators: l _ _ Mossier, . Lerella a.ddark Alice Petly. Learn Wad*, Harriet Dtinlap I

C l - l ' — tsmtts, Saryw. Wins I , I a n * . . . I , . . ,


i*e* c . , . , 1 , 1 . _ _ r/L l u t


J.g H. to t . Si. _ r A. 1310 Couplet, Beast, S e m e .

lays Crew.. stAuager Winifred Mitchell, Soil, Not*.. Jahssl.

Virginia Ssker. Os.rst.rs RicprM., Anna Plenard,

Elgelha Curringloo, Owner


Tlllcen's Bcaute Shoppe Jsssl* Ms* Vltssos.

H e l m Olvess, Rises Brown • Operator.

Fro, . ABTBTLA LOOAM CM. Wsvtsg- Boa Crl l sg

Msrcelllng It* Appointment Necessary

HI ML Ve—sa Ave.-FE MM

Col lage _ . u t , Baa StU ML Vernon A r . .

Ev.satt Ceesplote Besot, Servic.

Opt. PSUIID. aasan Pro,, Jon . Unmia,, Carr

Fairose Beauty B a n m Mt. V . ™ . A. . . -FE. U l l seslp Trsausaog . sseclsltj Hay . Ssaaders, lues Beeerls Mar, Le* Waller, Operators Ferrl. Beasley, Bssslie w.

Pan**, rreprleur.

L long

MODE BEAUTY SHOP (Farsset Location of Charm Reuse)

1040 E. LONG aTT. FA. tttt

Ul Phases et Besaty CuHur*

Frsp*. Birdie Breedlove, Katblece UKitty) WUks

Operators: H-ttie Pierce, UllUo D'dtltfc, 7_____j »«--K»lgM. Ms'ry Sbelrta

Parents often for their childn

parents never thought of in their day. That is only natural, and It is every parents birthright

subject a little child to constant pressure over her school work and to set goals lor her thut arc much too high.

Consider the problem from Hose's putnt of view. It would probably be a safe guess that Hoee want* only to bo loved and accepted as she is. Sh* might waat only to romp ond play with ber mother and enjoy some

j simple plessure. rather than be dressed up like a doll and taken out to be shown off. Children place little value on material Wings, Expensive toys, clothes and entertainment ore often taken lightly by children if they are denied tbeir natural share

Jot love.

Now, ot tx-ui-se, ROM'S mother ill probably protest that she

docs love Hose tery much and ' — ahe would do anything

. -orld for her, and you mi tion lhat she works very hard - ' Rose everything. But at •

B time, she has set hiifi. standards of performance for

• Rose so that she will be tjaid | back for her effurto. -

After you have looked at the problem from Uie point of view of the child, perhaps yru con




h** At stMKa. ItasVtasH. partin* ar frfi-*-I«. —*

- _ _ ^ _ 5 S f . f n u A _ i •tec* 1.trass 1*TBI*\* (las i

£'•?• *^ ,*_•_?___•* i fata maoat^tSrfi I JriaBjT*

BUCS STSANB. I 'y?°B—*-*!"*/_;*

B a s , Parent . Serv ic . LUCY DEAN NURSERY-'

aeltgioB. Training S44 St. Clair Ave. - WA. U S ,

Columbus, O. Cars mt Chlldre* I to . Tears

T a. sa. unUl 3:3* p. _ BANNAU BABNETT, Pre, .

TrtassarUUss Parslske.


Mothers Club Has Meeting Easterners Feled

TIM Hosnera club ot St. Paid AME chart*. Columbus, held rto regular meeting at Ut* borne at Mrs. Metaalasain CUrk. 000 Miami, av., rocssjvtt/.

The dub' made plans for an j dinner hortorlng an Of Cdturnbos in th*

r Alba** Mrs. Modi* Evans was mads general chairman ot the dinner, Mrs. Lucy McGinnes chairman of the dining room and M n . Yatnells Clark chairman ot th* buying committee.

It waa revealed that Charles

Brown, buaband al Mra. Clara Brown, died in Urdversity boa-pita] recently. Mrs. Ettssbeth Curtis, sister at* Mrs. Vinous, Clark, was hospiuiired ta Uni­versity hospital during.a visit in

After tbe business meeting a social hour was enjoyed and re-frwhrnents served to the follow-' ing members:

Mesdames Mayme 1* Chris­mon, V i n e l l a CUrk, Msdie fevaris, Margaret Walt, Jessie Pierce, Coldis Hammock, Julia

At Dem Dance Talent Hour Friday At Mt. Olivet •Br RUBY SNOW

Frlduy, Oct 0, at i;30 p. m., the Beasley unit of Mt Olivet Baptist, Columbus, will present a talent hour In the social ser­vice chapel. The winner will re­ceive a prise . . . Sunday, Oct 11, ia Youth day. The Sunday school will show a film in on effort to stimulate interest and .Increase attendance . . Sunday from a to 0 p. m., the Thomasite snd Love units are presenting a $2000 tea in the social service chapel. ',•-•• public is invited.

The Willing Workers ore spon­soring "The Feast of the .Seven Tables" Monday, Oct* 12, at 7:30 p. in., io the chapel . . . Wednesday, Oct It, M t .Olivet will play host to the Ministers Wives of the Baptist Aniance Also on Wednesday, the -Ma­trons Circle will be guest at 2nd Baptist

Federated County Democrats of Okie at Usaa's CIO ball were Mr. nnd Mrs. Lake Ms-Murray, 711 E. Starr a v , Co-tembns.-~Cembs Fboto.

Your Sentinel corres­pondent in Nelson ville ia Mrs. Raymond Brunston. 5 8 0 Frederick St.

Os* flee* Ci**tua# 3«r*U* Hon, AvalUU* For Tottr C*-a*cs.,*at-a

NoST-o-andie Cleaners A n d Tnilora

205 E. Lttg Si. AD. S54S


GLASSES t 7 . 7 S a p Guarantee. - Materials



—"When, wc becorne honest with God, our duty becomes

Give Upftblileretl Fufiiifure Sun Bath

Give upholstered furniture a good sun bath at least twjc* a year. If it ia Utoxougbiy brushed

baths you wiU

And* it is just os important to dust upholstered furniture as It is to dust your clot-hea. XKtst wears out the fabric when tt Is permitted to remain' in i t A good clothes brush, lightweight whisk broom, or vacuum clean-

should be used weekly on up-

Tstt Pstlb&ini Pmmsintt

BEST MERCHANDISE MART T k . A**«** a Steal C s t ' s l t Asipllanco Sttwe-


Smith, Frsncis Bumey, Caroline King, Lucy McGinn! a, Fallie Slsumate, Misses Louie Hunley and rlina Meere.

Others present Were Mrs, Elisabeth Curtis of Macon, Ga., Mrs. $osa a o b i s b y , James Jackson, Lonnle Burney, Mioses Lsvon H a m m o c k , Mary A, Clark, Samuel and Larry Clark, Benjamin Clark.

Mra. Vinella Clark Is president and Rev. J. D. HoweU Is pastor.

Capt. Nancy C. Lef tenant, Miss Mary Lef tenant, of Amytl-vUle, It. Y„ and Mr*. Kdna C. Fields ' of, Philadelphia were house guests during the ' past week of Mr*. Florence Howard In Columbus. The guests were delightfully entertained by Cot. and Mrs. Vance Marcbbsnks, Mn). and Mra. Warren Jenkins, Mr. and lors. Phillip Browne. Mr. end Mrs. John W. Long, Maj. Eve C. Longmtre and Mrs. Addle Edwards at a lorewall dinner party prior to their de­parture, given by tbe hostess.



"1 saw II Is Tke Ohio SeaU-


g199-_ 14,



nothing changed

but Ihe price!

/6-feJ^ a^&tt-/Hamilton, tbe tripmat auionmictfothe*.

dryer, now ai wonderful new low prices. Stop waiting j -

snd hoping —start enjoying work free wssbdsj-s now . . . ,

right now, with this uttk't u-muV

Come in and sec for yc-urseff- Tbcte or* full-site, standard roo-Jeli-

not "striD-downs" or "almost as goods." Yes. sod tbe fewest

dollsri in clothes dryer history will put one of these

wonderful Hamilton! in your borne

Com* in or call tn —but find out now why this offer is tbe

bsppicM wsibdsy news in town'

f H g O R I G I N A L



DI . 3440



Hu 3*m. fuu SIZE THIS

mppun *i7995 <Sr^S RetBNGE RANGE

i£^ MOW

41%, s13995



USE IT! 24*0$. 10 PAY

!__. I I K Fit Elv

Oa I . I k 3c S id .

Of Mas. S t a r . . . .

Free P a r k i n , -

Nerta u d Saata

af M l . Varaaa

Ara . as l a d . Si.


W i * nei-o-Speetl Ore* pta


gaUJISatEN: ! _ . ,

THUMA S-TCF.II Oeasrsl Mssag.r

Ta*. ML Vs—aasr. Ra. Headquarter. S tar . I * . att. V.ioos «r.,

Carser 111* at. " t " Baa, . a .as. Is < s j

, rrldsr _ . p _ .

, Sak-bslaw,

> Slaaal Taw,

<vs» Bra, Oaar . tsssm\mtan t a W

a a , T a r Kssg. Pass. A Ussier Wfcs Csrsts* stesslrs For n a St—es Urn S .H. . . ' . We Carr , StiJst. U Bessn* *

•ea.sees.saf Psrts T . Serv* tsar Castsoser.


SH4— Boat Mala sL Dull, trass s s.sa. Io

« >••»- M . . . . 7 A r'lidaj. >. Is , , i i .

ias, A. Davis, Kraest D. Ms***, , Causal* s irs , , J M O B . P.wrll, J i . „ Ckrlst,

Open Evenings By Appointment .

You'll Do Bel ter af Spicer's-Our Locafions Save You Krone-


j Democrats Enjoy Luncheon

Kajsylar a e*cl*t Interlude are above Democrats who *t-tended fifth snnusl conventioti *f Federated County Democrat* •f Ohio st Lima laat week aa Ihey took time set of tbeir sneet-lags fer a delightful laawbeoe at American Legion eteb. from left: Mrs. Msry O. Jones, Dsyton; James J. MrCown, Colutn-fas: Alt'y 1. Msyoard Dlekenest, Vo.i,-.slowa; Mrs. Miley O. WlllismaoB and ber see, Leo WIMamsou, both of Dsytast; Perry D. Jon*., Colombo*; Sylvia Davis, Toeagstewrn, east Joseph Jeees, D*yt*e.—Comas rhet*.'

Honor Older Residents By MATTIE It. wniTK

The Church school of Centen­ary Methodist, Columbus, with Russell W. Pace as chairman, on Sunday, Oct. II. will honor the older people of the church and community. Morning wor-sHi*yss at 11 a. m, with Rev. T.

rt«i. Operate Oi

Half Million less

*IS,6M.000 by Congrea* i propriation to the statei

itmg expenses of adt

11. Hines, pastor, delivering the wim.,.!. Music will be rendered by the junior, Methodist Men and Gospel choirs.

Immediately following morn­ing service n short tesUmonial servic* will be held snd dinner served tbe honored guests.

Al 5 p. m. meetings of Inter­mediate and Methodist Youth Fellowship* will be held. At g:30 p. m. the Young Adult Fel­lowship meets.

Evening worship Is at 0 p. m. re than ^ ^ D r K\Mm M _p«a__ f. Mu-I Bg ap- MC u , b y t h e G o B p < ! l chorus, lor op- Midweek service is Wednes-

compensation laws, Ohio Bureau of Uncmployn Compensation' will operate <

Clyde Haynie Recovering

ID University Hospital Cl> de Haynie, 301 N. Garfield f--, Columbus, is reported re­

covering from an operation at ersity hospital: He has been e hospital two-weeks.

day i The pastor will leave for

Washington, D. C , Sunday for one week. On his .return be will stop In Canada.

Sunday, Oct. 18, the district auperlntendent wilt speak st morning worship.

t.OfilnfS *25l9tt00Q

IT 0 A DARK world tar Ik* slgfcUssa. Bat vonr costrtb.-U M U tk. Dslled Appeal sap-salts tk. Mos.lt Haa.. . . "Bgatk.SM tar Ike fcllsd," wksr* ta. klsad ess sajrk asd IBS. rcrr.s—a.

Fast serrlee sad Fslr Friers At

BOB'S PLACE . . . _ _ <***. CHI-CHI 6IGN1 111 l iar , . . . . Ave _ _ , _ _ _ _ - O.

Oar. im'sm - H l f J * , 0 ^ " **** • ***•-*•* >»*B*wl..M OB*» S AM. Ttl 1 A.M. W e e k s . . . . Snsd.v U AM. TU 1 AM.

WISE SHOPPING' with /yttMr* _

tkMi of st Yot . . . ttipit Minndi Modt *% Wke* tliscHsg

mt m .jtWotttd •»• ttrip you t*jamt tb* diodst BgMsr, ten •stir, tsttar lo*a-f*_ tfcJ* rsw'r* **ht*oyt traiad. ha-*Mntam In Km 7 doy_ Me***» atioiwe •t-t*t^aoCwe*r**iri-Woll^^ . . . tttty wan. Stort pMting rMWitfl rtWt. tew by try***) e pw e* steck 0 WMH ***SSM0_ Croat* ttd*ry.'s%tt M f a aot n-d*.

*d_ lsn'1 rSol 'anal va, i s . oo>'l



I. B. P. A'*. ANNUAL


NOW...See the most AUTOMATIC RANGE money can buy!

Today's Matchless GAS Range hag every cooking convenience

you could wish fori Easy-to-use controls give you.

automatic cooking a l its bel l . The turn of a knob lights

top burners, ovens and JbroHers . . . without mulches.

Accurate.oven temperature control gives you finer baking results, vand cuts down on cosily meal shrinkage. •

Flame-kissed — smokeless — door-closed broiling insurer* *

a Better flavor; a cleaner, cooler kitchen. Add to these

the extra speed, economy, safety and efficiency of modem

GAS cooking . . . and you see why over 85*/* of

the homemakers in this area prefer to cook with gey.

Today . * .

See the Matchtciz

Gas R a n g e o t

Your GAS Range Dealer

The turn of a valve lights

oven, broiler, top burners

——all without matches

the ohio fuel UCld company J

See the new Diotte LUCM Cttolitig Show, 10:30 a. m. e a * Friday, WBNS-T V, Charutel 10.


! '


GAS RANGE TW ssatshtaos gas rango with "giefc-a-paa**

C-Amportm-tn** with h***-"* for sets, seas

No Money Dovni -21 Monlhi To Pay

DAVID LYLE, WC. oreNtrvK-riL^ LU.3543 3250 N . HIGH ST.

Satisfied Gold's Customer


H a t * FREE

Isr t l l . l lrt IU. . strWtjrir.


The World s Original and Best-Known


Mwrrm n^fe/iti/iko-mr Jhy your -ivasQi in a Hamilton

t sajsjass team* •**• • a s o r t r **... at a * u M _ • - * » • .**-»•• r, #»*»t.ki.«, b«**r s t e rl S M t a . tira _*•»*• r>»t4-*<. -• . S____l MM M M . , - *«"l ••ky*-B->r's •**-••. wswMiWfl m t i •. . ' - ,' t-i„, „ Ik. .Hlwi-ut a t , W ma • sttrai Ma-ttart.!. An* i ' t l t lOrf . psAiaolrO "Can*** (*.-«*l" tei.ag SKAU-S MertM mo tarn aam aki* at I M * n*+Uti,o at > N I atsaml i r n t - s )

ftltSOalrt Ipifit* I6AS1 »1GULA«P«IC, . . . . mr

~&tar^~7^^ now $9.4.050 lfe«a5a5SgH5 ONLY Z T J I C M M M l>srVT**r i* , « . art. T U , ate. r i t t t t » * * • nsntnl 00 ^ _ F

Ssttt- ta B a M la - O f f > j p • - " •:.


tnnotofto) t«es aed *t**frl*l MasSssss soventeyi*

b u h i ) rjajeiH* o_r - V e W - Dry*- •leVb

ROBINSON'S AtXJ-ltl 6ey art T1arrs>--.wtvP. 0101 Oaoo Wsiteey frfi <***** Wtsjsds !•_-*M,-*a'a»t

lad Long St Mr*. Ewing 1* pictared with eew ntatrhlea* RCA Mutate i*s radge, installed In ber heme | e -eentlr by, Oold'*. Of thc RCA rsnge Mra. CwIng soys, "I've sever enjoyed cooking so much in mr life aa I have since my

•odm raejze was delivered. U s like having a helper In the kitch-en . . . a Hoe addition to the RCA family." Mrs. Ewing aad sale* staff at Gold's Invite other Sentinel readers to get en the bandwagon by baying their nest range at Gold's, ''Ohio's moat aausual stare," *pee every day la the week. .-ADV.

Pep Rally In Hanford

O . D a v i s o n . 2019 Kent

f goals lor each urea, and mapping of general cum-i strategy, was attended by

ampoiigu Theme in attendance include,] nal pre- Mesdames Helen Margurt-t Ful Tuesday Um. Walter G. Davison, Han rs. Wal- ford Community Chest chan

man; Willie Kelley, Laura Wil lis. Emma Amnion. Sally Niv ennw Ann Glenn. Margaret Mill er, Mildred Welch, Beuluh 11... Tin, Iris rlowell, Mildred Qulni chett, Ollie Chapman, Mason and Mabel Welkins, pul litity ihuirman.



RCA Estate Anniversary Special


...when you buy BUS woaiiefttti, H I

^ l l C A Y ESTATE JK WHAf you SAVTf

OI.ISB veks,-' 9239.SS

CSKS NflvyoNLY NowiaoiMTNaMifoa

A cuar utttata


ram PAiawe IN lEA l


9 A M. TO 9 P. M.

St. Paul AME Pastor Leaves For Gotfferenee B , LOUISE llll.L Before leaving to attend an- and service rendered the church

, — , _ _ _ , , , nual conference of the AME during the past yeor, and their s. .sis V. . 1 a . . l . . _ I . . . church, Columbus district, in desire for his return after cori-

2 ? , 1 5 1 * , l i . 1 , . ree.lv'. *wr-w*te , I h r o u g h . S u n d . y , ference. fhen. awl v . ' sk i l l k l . s l a . . ' ° c t ' **- l h o D a '" , r U u , n l " : d U " ' * * s*L stosk l l - I . congregaUon for lis cooperation ANNUAL PBOHOTION 'day

. . . a s . ^ o n d support, u/hijp , _ choir's and vesper service uf Ihe Sun-

J M 2 taTrV?"! _• " - '»'»»" - " ^ r - n ' r t c S pro'.Vn. not S 0 5 . s£9£^kat « - P — the hand o, fellow- P - n l e d . Hev P h a , ; D Hale

i 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 sbip, expressing appreciation J j J J J j ^ P , ihoirs participated. for his successful achievements Certificates and pins were

awarded members of the Sun­day school cUsses lor perfect

' song dedicated to memory. The presentation was made by Att'y Edmund B, Pax­ton, general superintendent.

Raymond Ft. Davis, lormer teacher ot Class 31 for many years, received the highest hon­or for having an attendance rec­ord of 24 consecutive years.


WELCOME MAT ia bung dusted off

for you on


See The Sentinel Nov. 5!

Pins' Certificates Are Given During Shiloh Promotion Day

. lUrt lf l . ; !) This pre by Everett Sanders,

of -the

Shiloh Bapti* Columbus, observed . motion day services la day, when 93 boys and _ celved pitMiii.tiun cmifH ..tiv

•o addition to the promotion,

it-nted , ; Sunduy school, sented pins to the j I pr)>_ perintendent, the t.._

Sun- general superintendent*- and thc ? f 'J -*,c'i isral officers. The general **"-**. t n t

superintendent, assisted by his ——'ants, presented pins to su-

sors and assistant super-ognitlon service wa* held, Dt.' visors. The itupervisors in turn James W. Parrish, pastor, pre- presented pins to all teachers,

...;.,-. — asst-ilant teachers and other of-all departments of tbe Monday Is Big Day

Of UA Women Workers Monday, Oct. 12. is the big

day in Columbus as volunteer workers in the women'* division ot the United Appeal-Red Cross campaign begin their house-to-house solicitation in the commu­nity.

Approximately 4OO0 women in sll setJJons of metropolitan Co­lumbus will go out to raise their 0300,000 share of the campaign goal of |2,S13,Q74.'

Every house is to-be visited Sometime during Ute week.

Women and others in the borne can speed the work of tiie volunteer solicitors by having their contributions or pledges

Sunday • . In all. SS pins and buttons

were given out by the Sunday school. The pnntur closed the

with a reded lea tion or ull Sunday school Gen'l Supt. mXTL* Nix •d the occasion us "the r for Shiloh Sunday

assistant Sunday school. -

Reba Randolph was pre-Pi-V, posthumously, for ken uttendunce record rs, eurned by her hus-' late Paul Randolph.

Community, Baptist Church Project

Rev. Fredries BuUcr, Pastor A Pounder

Community pining Room 349 W. Goodale St.

"The Best In Home Cooked Foods"


No. 1 and 2

• H i

Easy Ways to Beaut/

Lord's House Of Prayer General order of services for

the Iarord's House of Prayer for All People, Inc., 780 St. Clair av., Columbus, follows: Sunday school, 10 u. m. Sunday worship, 11:30 a. m. At 7:30 p. m.. Evan­gelistic services, Bibli

each Wednesday i omitted in last week's

fleers for the -church: Mr*. Amanda Harris is one of' the mothers of the church. Mis. Harris, 60, is klso ill st her bome, 1124 .N. 4th sL Bishops H. A. Adams and I.. It. Kato will motor io Springfield Sunday to

11 M : U A I , inttrxruitY

MRS. O. A. WllITI'AKtUt ANO s o n , INC.

FUNERAL MOMS 720 E. Long St-

EV. 9549

A. F. C.UNN, JR. FUNERAL HOME 98 N. Oram A r e ,

AD. 6525


1108 E. L O B , St. FE. 1411


. 8 1 8 E. Lcng SL

C. D. W H I T E & SONS F U N E R A L H O M E

1217 ML Vernon A r e . EV. 1514


1 0 7 2 E. Lang St. Fat. 1558

Tke Above Ust I s e l a . . . M.mlrr , Of The Columbus Psseral Ass's.


FE. 5511

.Us** _-*r__Si £^/fa,4xe6> «519*_. Even if you have never paint-«I, you con give walls and •tpodwork a uniform cost of color . . . with this ve lvet -smooth point.

KBIGLO * 8 - . 3 ^

frVwson freely, dries iu 3 to 4 hours to a satiny *urfsce like be had en* md. Beaultfiil lustm enamel for kib-hens, botb> rooms, sll woodwork. 20 colors.

BEST MERCHANDISE MART "The Avenue's Most Complete Appliance S t a r "

1013 MT. VERNON AVE; Ff - '. C-Saal... p.




1903 to 1953

We're Reniodeling... But Still Available To Serve You And Yours If The Need A i ;es

In thu our fiftieth year of jservlcc, we rededicate our.

•elves to our soletnn pledge: **To give careful attention

to every detail and ihou^htftd consideration \*yy every

SMI*., assure a funeral service that is infinitely comfort-

ing, deeply inspiring."

Mrs. D. A. Whittaker and Sons, Inc.


720 E. LONG ST. EVer.re en 9549 COLUMBUS, OHIO


M CttUMWI--Sift* CLOtt 10 HOMl AW) SAVE!

tjOOOWIR'S Frmh f n . . u . - v w w U .

ajta E. L a , So—,FA .141 4.0—I. to U . S . I'M.

T • „ . a p a l

WOnti B r o w . ' . Frttil * V e g r l . b l - Mkl.

Sta*s. S« — East Mart., Haanu a * , M - , . . l . PJE

BAlMTT Fresh Fisk • JPeultr,

I t t M H Of EN DAIL.V * SUNDAY Rr ML Vernoi. al l ? l h

Columbus. Ohio

P A U L ' S CA.ar our STOStc

IM WIU.o Cora . Oak — W i . , — A U — . . . . ,

D.livarr—F.V. 3*13

J . f f cr soa s a d ML V . r o o o CONFECTIONERY N H . . . O . I . U —. Fr. l l .

• a , A Wsss. To Caw— Oa, U l Ml. V . , . . . Av,. FE. S31I

- T. J. t- . ,r>, Pro-s.

frank Black's Market

Good Eating With Ground Beef A ftsensgor's idee of Utopia proportion el fat to make ten- ground beef loosely covered In

includes s liberal diet of ham- der. Juicy finished dishes, such coldest part of rcrrjgerotoc until burgers—tender, juicy beet pot- sa meat loaves, casseroles snd ready' to use. Us* within M

plump buns with works,'' as a teenager deacribe catsup, mustard, onion, etc., t go alongside.

skillet dl>he*. hours of purchase Proper mixing uf ground beat longer storage,

for ''buroers1* or loaves Is

• frecse for-

important factor. Treat ln cooking ground beef, re-Tbe popularity of tbe bam- the J i t ^ S . r S S g well, « - * « ^ U S i * ' T l

burger isn't confined to youth, but lightly, so as to evokt a * _ t J L * ! _ I ^ J E Z ? 2 ^ J ! ! i Nor is the sandwich form the compact texture after cooking. « « W « u « * « • * U D • • * « -only way in which ground beef Avoid overcooking, which causes a a r a me»** •°*1* rates such enthusiastic ap- dryness and touehnos*. Follow store cooked ground beef, proval. American homemaker* these precautions and you'll covered In refrigerator and use buy actual ton* of ground beef have a moist, flavorful meat within two or three days, each year and use It in a variety loaf, delicious served either hot -of savory dishes s s the basis of or void. economi .ol, satisfying meals, • * *

o • • UKRE ARK A few more t ONE SECRET FOR the sue- to remember when planning

res* of ground beet is the use of use ground beef: coed quality meat, , f r e s h l y Allow 4 servings to tho pou

•ouird. Plate, shank, neck and when buying ground beef for round are commonly used cuts, hamburgers or loaves, 4 Chuck or shoulder meat makes servings when tho meat Is particularly desirable ground used In combination with beef, since it contains s good foods in main dishes.

Bib**: VALLEY Bimtt


STANDS NOS. 2, 3 A 10 Cor. Miami *

. ' « _ . » _ • , , : ; •

SHORT RIBS lb. 23c

Untrlmmcd, Fresh

(ALU HAMS, ft. 53c

Fresh, l.r:in

GROUND BEEF 3lb$.$,.00

SUSSMAt! A SON .\^li'iXrJi.rmt' ssnt Orocarav. 'U1.AR BRANDS BEE* S WINE

10»2 MT. VERNON A V ^ c 5 . ! _ _ . , O. - EV. 2581 — — — — — W . Deliver ,


. Meals al low Prices C u b . Steak | _ 79, . Beef Steak n, . a , Caack S t e a k . , . 3 ^ G r o " " * ' Serf 3 Ibo. f 1,00

BEER * . WINE TO CARRY OUT «s«rs S:l* A, M. unlll S:M p . ty,. Maada, l ira Sslurdsy

Smsda, t A. M. until I M .


Shipments Ever , Tliur, A Ust Ses Bsss • Ocean Paa Treat

•Crocker. A Porgle. ' WIU Take Lay-aWay Orders

B , Phase Os Monday. Tursdsr 1400 HAWTHORNE AVE.

EV. 7276

the Sentinel's

EDITORIAL SECTION Columns e Editorials

Speaking of Politics • By i oh n B. - (0 mbs

WHILE line, high brow Democrat* who refused to fall in line with the Hotly movement

But despite the jagged road­blocks placed in hia path, the iron fisted little leader led his group to a stratum where today it is recognized as the only

Ohio (FCDO) et their fifth annual c o n-v e n t ion at Lima l a s t

what became of a similar or­ganisation among Negro Repub­licans which st one time func­tioned throughout the state.

FCDO, organised by its hard driving chairman, John O. Holly of Cleveland, In 1040, haa worked ita way to the top in Democratic circles.

Holly, considered by some SS a sort of dictatorial type of per­son bos not had an easy took in keeping the organlMtlon In­tact. This was particularly true at th« outset when be encoun­tered stiff opposition from old


WHILE THE USUAL array ot Democratic office seekers who bsve attended tbe yearly event were absent at the af­fair last week, It should not be considered aa emen that they are lot lug respect for tbe poorer of Its leaders. It simply aaeaet that there are as state ' offices st stake this year. But wben FCDO convenes bs Co-Iambus nest September, if* a efatcb they won't be able te supply enough chair* sround the speakers' table to accom­modate the candidates. After five yesrs of continuous,

successful operation under Uie stern guidance of its pint-sited chairman, FCDO ha* practic­ally absorbed all Negro Demo-

While the Democrats are united In a solid front, state­wide, organization among Negro Republican* is just a memory; And the irony of it Is just s few years ago the latter group was known as the moat powerful and effective political Organization

colored Republicans began crumble down when the late Al­bert u.-: II. Conn became 111 in the summer of 19.8. and after his untimely death in the spring of 10.9, It gradually faded, away.

S e v e r a l years before bis death, Conn, an assistant attor­ney general under former Gov. Thomas J. Herbert, and Hugh S. Jenkins organized the Republi­can Advisory Committee.

This group Wss comprised ef boy Negro OOPers from threacbont tbe state. Prior to the Republic*• state cenvesv tten every two years, the RAC met snd adopted resolnUons which wer* presented le the stale eenvenUon for Hs e*»-

UNDER TIIE ASTUTE lead­ership of Conn, RAC was cred­ited with having much to do with electing Tom Herbert as governor and sending Sen. John W. BrTcker to the Senate in 1940.

The late Harold Gassawny, a veteran Cleveland city councit-man, presided ut the last meet­ing of aRAC during the bested mud*slinging senatorial contest between thc late Sen. Robert A, Taft and former State Auditor Joseph T. Ferguson in 1950.

Daring the campaign Ust year, RAC members stepped aside, or perhaps te pet M more correctly, they Were brsshed aside le make way for a younger element of Re-pubUcsna, led by Walter Hoes-ton, ef Clnelnnstl, a newcomer

before election day, instituted a new movement in Obio politics, as he sought to conduct a cam­paign spearheaded by Inexperi­enced youngsters.

In projecting youth lass tbe

affable CteclnnaUae set off a "tag sf war" among veteran > Negro Republlrxns. As a re-suit, they literally dragged their feet making only a token . effort te assist In the cam­paign. Today, eld line Repub­lican* are pointing tbeir lin­gers at Houston, placing the blsme sf the poor showing He-pabUean candidate* mode in Negro wards on bis broad shoulders. As matters now stand, It isn't

her Houston will at-me back next canv 3t, but having been the political waters,

guess he will. But if be i:. to succeed he must win the friendship of both the old guard and state Republican bosses. And to accomplish' that rnoun-tainrjua feat, he must have the intestinal fortitude of a John Holly and the wisdom of 'King Solomon.

But today, Houston ts not in good standing with either Uie GOP top brass or the veteran

paign baptized i

Statement Of Ownership

[STATEMENT BEQUIBED BT THE ACT OP AUGUST *4, ISIS, AS AMENDED BT THE ACTS OP MABCH S, IMS. AND JULT , , IMS ITIUe M, United States Code, SetUss gstl I5HOK1N11 THE OWNEBSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIBL'ULATION OP THE OHIO SENTINEL, saslisked weekly ai Columbus, Ohio, fsr Oetsksr l t , IKS. L The names s s d sddras , . , mt tk. BMslishsr, edit—, ssas-

sglsg editor, sad tstnrfaeas msaagers sre;

PBkHsker, Tk* Okie Sentinel PssHsklsg C r a s a s j , I s . , , t i l E. lass*- SL; Editor. Bs—.11 A. Jacks . . , Stt-i Ts j l . r A r e ; Managing Editor. Jek. B. Casks . ISM Blekai«ad Are.; Bastsess Maaager, Aaale B. M a r . , SM', T a , k » Art.

J. Tk. ew—r la: IU .rawed k , a corporation. Hs s e a s sad | address sssst k l stated aad s i s . bas.sdUt. lr tkcresoder tke

rs ssd saArMta* sf rUeskolder. ewass , ar kskUsg 1 per-s r t**-» at tatal s»na«il s i sleek. « aat . s s . l r j t a v .

I ( .ratios, tk* sas .es sad addresses mt Ike Isdleldkal awar— I mast he glv.su If mmrami k , a partaerskl, sr other aaktriif,. [ r a l e . firm. Ma u a . SM address, s> well s s last Id t a s k ladl-

' laol member, sssst he gives.l Tk* Oka. »SBllB.I Pahllsklag C . tee., 1*1 E. Las , S t , Os-

Hmta . , Okt.1 Btatell A. Jackass, Sat,-. Taylor Ave:, Coksas-kas, Ohle; Edward T. Stewart, U» Third Av. , d u m b o s , OU. ; Hait i . P. Msrsk, 171 N. Champlo. Ave., Apt M, Oslsssksa, Ohle; Asia. H. Ljseh, 11, Clittsa OL, AsL 1, Cols -has , Okls; Charles W. Seward, Sgl Clev.ltsd Ave., Otarassa, Okls; Brass . B. Msrtls, SSS N. Garfield Are., Celsmbss, Okt.; Aaaat B. H u r t , U t t t Tajler Ave , Colambus, Okie; Dr. it. E. BUod, USA ArgUl Ave., Menspkls. Teas.; L*r.r PhlUlps, U l W. SI* SL,. ClBClasstl S, Ohio; Edassad B. Pss los , IM N. Ofcta Ave., Co-f s s l . t , Okie; Attj. Bar E. Hughes, H H . m i l St., Cetaashss, Okie; Jobs B. Ceaaks, IMS Blehraaad Ave., O a n a h s . , Okie; Otfles Jose. , SSS E. SUrr A . . . , Columlnis. OWs; Dsvtas Erhj, SI Braasoa Ave., Oloroso . , Okie; Edward L. Moore, Jr., UtM T.jlar Are., Cahuaass, Ohio.

S. 'Ike known Bondholders, mortgagees, and Starr security kelders ssrslag sr holding 1 perrent er more sf lolal assassBt of kssds, mortgages, or stker tecsrhle. . r e : tlf there are twite, •egtate.l None.

. 4. Parsgrsphs t snd 3 Include, la esses where Ihe stall­holder sr security holder sppesrs upon Ik* books s i the com­pany as trustee or la OB, other fiduciary relation, tke Sanaa sf the person or corporation for wh.m such trostre Is acting; aloe tke ststements la tke two paragraphs show the stllsst's fall knowledge and belief a , to tke circumstances and csadtiisas sntdcr which steeUuUtra asd seearlt, holders whs de sot ap-sear upon tke books sf the company s s trustee., held slock ssd sersrilles la a capacity other than tkat sf a bona fide owner.

3. Tke average number of copies of each issue ef this asib-kVosUos Mid sr distributed, through Ihe malls sr otherwise, lo said .ub.rrlber. during the U months Brecrdlkg Ute dat* shown sbove waa: (This Information la required irons daily, weekly, semlwrekly. ass, triweekly newspapers only.) 45M.

* ' (•) BUSSEIX A. JACKSON, Edlter.

fiwors 1. aad .ut.crlbed before me Ihi. 2lsl d a , of Septem-

aideration. larrfroat sf Iks rsmpalgs tk. Negro Republicans.


P O T P O U R R I By Russell A. J a c k i o n

precludes our ability to' do the subject justice, but that incon-v e n i e n c e. notwithstanding we beg your indulgence while we tack a few adjectives on to a

brief stay in the

Our mesndei-jngs for some city

had-: fortnight ego, taken us to tbe Allen county seat and thus our view of the growing metropolis a hundred miles, give or take a few, to the northwest of this .typewriter wss of slightly nar­row gauge.

W« hasten to apologize to the good' people of

Lima and envlr-

ONCE WE HAD checked into the iVrgonne hotel, racial preju­dice was tossed unceremonious­ly out the-windows of the up-to-date inn in downtown Lima.

The welcome mat ran the length and breadth of the Ar-gonne and spilled over into the Burr a few blocks away. "

Perhaps it took Lima a little

i h o r tsigbted-ness, but hav­ing now tasted

the superb hos­pitality shower­ed o p s n . this

Lela Wright . ' given.

I N I T I A L L Y , thanks to the ingenuity (and it takes plenty of ingenuity in . community as rock r i b b e d Republican as Lima and Allen county) of the Federated Democrats of Ohio, whose annual statewide con­clave we were attending as a guest, we had tbe good fortune to be a party to the taking off of the racial wraps, at the local hotels. Never before in the town's history had the brother of color been granted access to the facilities of the Lima hos-

' Incidentally, e r e d i t the

i the small "d" sense ins been established we have io reason for complaint,

AND WE WOULD be derelict n our duty to you and yours vert; we to neglect mentioning

tbe ail too short span of time We spent at tbe Turner-Alexan­der American Legion Post 160 at 11 E. Main at

This scrivener has catered to his hunger in more first, second and unmentionable class eating and' drinking emporiums than he can recall, but you never for­get a spot like the Turner-Alex­ander Legion post.

Yea, dear reader, eon take our word for it, we bare never at any point in our advanced lifetime been rewarded with better service er more excel­lent food than we were fortu­nate enough to enjoy at this location. That's s broad state­ment but to compromise with conservatism in describing our adventure In eetlng and ser­vice st the Lima Legion would

be seeing fl-ve piece an injus­tice,

. A FEW.OTOER facts and fig-. ures about Lima: There are some 6000 Negroes Included In a total a-population of 00,000 . . . The Bradfield Center is among the most modem recreational facilities in Uie midwest. Cost *i 25,1/00 to build, tbe white brethren shelling out $100,000, Negroes the remainder . . • There's no dearth of fine brown frames about, the ac­companying photo by yours truly being submitted in proof of that assertion. She's Lola Wright whose hostessing at tbe Dems* confab was in keeping with tbe many reasons Lima is one swell . place to visit . . ' • Manager of the Turner-aUexon-der legion club, and our cdopt-ed host during thc cc-nventioti, is congenial Jess W. Jones whe informed us that the place was recently.- remodeled from stem to stern, u conclusion we bed already drawn. The commander is John Fields.

m V H YOU HEARD the one about tbe American clergyman who had the nightmare in which he was summoned before Uie McCarthy committee? "Are yen a member et the Protestant clergy," McCarthy asked. "I re­fuse te answer," replied the clergyman, "on the ground at might incriminate me." . . . California, N.„ Mexico and Ari­zona have repealed lows forbid­ding liquor sates to Indians. Now they arc ready for civili-zaUon. SELAH!

same organ! ration with

Delano., Wilkins Oct. I t Speakers RICHMOND. Va.-Judge Hubert T. Deloney will be the prin­

cipal speaker at the closing session of the 10th annual convention of the Virginia state conference ot NAACP branches at Fredericks­burg on Oct II. The three day convention will be opened on Oct. 9 with a keynote address by Roy Willtins, NAACP administrator.

• : ; -

SEC, t—PACE ,11




School Boy Patrol Case' Defendant Gives Her Story -- - - — - — — '«—. a a . . _,™.tr t , cmsn. Hat-v*r AkrUrs, over a*ttl*B** ma*

tk. vltsnilor at ttA s a i l s , s s * I weal a*. I* stop, thosaght the biggest I 4k* .at of co—*"'

a. hard _ _ , fj , . . r . mt th* scfcaal DOT petrol fit fjaavana*.,-

B . T T ' * » « - * V, HAlltCltOW Mrs. EH. Bowers. 107S Bennell —4 - , _ 1 a t . w«a as tk* TkasJt, af Stk **•>

Praak C. Skeirer. M M . ual N« l . v s . savj etscouatered UsM M tke, test risriiMf a tk . ss-caDeit CIBIBTI- _ _ , * i _ _ i t , „ _ sue aeaool- s s . st a . IU . . — . —.—. —— — — _ _ - _ bus patre4."te« case." . . _ . , _ . patrolmen who claim t h e , talaar st tk. ksra at t o . at tt k_l> b a m s * ef . . U i e . k m tersned It told Tk. _ * , w 0 „ _ , , « . AJIA flaga pre- . s l g _ . " l*j*fc'_tac_«it l*st » * • _ wber. ^

SritT-r *£*** 1JS.S ;_f_r_SL t ie 5 ,_L'__it_r«rz -jara -a . M £ 2^^,.******.**. Xi^^^^^z »JE_K! i t£ • •• rn.' tka^^ ___ *-"->*« "«* gg* arrested (city ^jth'fber _U|omobU*. |wahing it

are ia accord with the city traf­fic cede and if my client bad The youths admit that, *t-been guilty of the offense of though they told liar to stop, sb-which site bos been •ccuoed, I did have the green light fi-ern w.-uid be die first to recommend the electrically operated traffic


It all began lost week

Crippled Child jtrCltrfy MCtrtS



Ss«a. BOWP-ltS states tkat-

S B a > ^ . r r i . * ^ ! ? £ ^ r < "* °**» ***—*' *»• Crlrajled Chll-aa— —.raor a, o « s — ^ ^ ^ ^ ( | J ^ ^ fc ( _ , _ _ _

ttaekr- Satassisr, Oct. 17-11, at the Desa­lt—* I ler-Hlltuo hotel.

Nina Redd.Ex-Chi Defender StafferJsSesitinelEditor

M. Redd, torm.rljr of Chicago, joined The Oka, Tke S40i annual meeting irfths f_njj'_i luff Lhia week as clt, editor.



Miss Redd comce U The Seo-_ , _~ _ __, . , ____, - was assistant woman's editor. .toel from the edrtorlsl stsff of ^ . ^ ^ f r A d u t t a * ^ , ihe Chicago Defender where she School of Journalism, Lincoln

' , university, Je-fetwcn City, Mos,

Gaioline-by the) gallon

for v»^ advertising, too!

What o fix we'd all be In without thoae standards of nv-asurement for the goods you buy and seli HflUgfcw the confusion, tvaste and doubt in business transac­tions if we-didn't have sci*pted stsrrdsrd* ot weight* end measures-known values.

We believe tt U just as iMr -aaayy for ur to tell you what you get for your advertising ddlars, in terms 9! known circulation value, aa it is for you to do busi-Beas with your customers on the basis of recognized standards. That's why this newspaper is a mettber of the Audit Bureau of Ciiculstions.

WHAT I S T H E .AJ8.C.? The Bureau is 0 cooperative •nd nonprofit association of 3460 publishers, adver­tising ajr_x*ies and advertisers in the United States and Canada. Orgsnized in 1914, A.B.C, brought order out of advertiaung chaos by wUbJishtng a definition for paid cii-ctaUtioia. rules and sUiidartht for meeuw-iag, oudithsg and revoxtmy. ihe cii*cuUtion§ til news-papers and periodicals.

WHAT A.B.C. .DOES FOR YOU. A t -t-egular inter­vals S M of the Bureeu's largo sUBf of expeiiesjted e^uUt fon aaditora cornea to our office and makes a thorough audit of our circulation recant*. Hs has ac­cess to aU of our books and record* te obtain tha FACTS that tell you what you get tor your money when you sdvertise in this n**rwapaper.

W H A T A.B C. .REPORTS TELL YOU. Tin) circula-tion FACTS obtained by tbe tVkXC. suriitor are con-oeosed in aesy to n n d A R C fepotts which tetl yoe: How much ciiculfttioa we have; nrhere the Lhurfn

sold 1 nr«ny other FACTS about the sndisnre we provide for your salsa rs .ess JIB Make your adver-

- - 1 k l _ Q \ xu** -•"••••lasili *w tho -basis * * * _ _ S B i o l torn audited iidanMttaML Ask

0 H I \ l o r " " P y °f out A B C . t



She wks also'feature editor of the college yearbook and winner of several scholastic awards,' including a four year scholar-' snip from the Nat'l Pepsi-Cols Scholarship BoartL

Miss Redd is a native of

Iter/. 1 Deadline v

TALLAJJASStX. FUL — War. 1 Is the deadline tor out of town iaibscriptions to the 1*54 Florida A-sl itaiversitv yearbook.

* . * .c atpoara— racrt st * IASIC MIASUHI or ADVEITISING V A I U I


IGrsce) Lee's I s e d a n , essj. , sart st ker eoJamo. It's as4 • a t , Insplrtag Sat tt kas a ser-soaal teaek as If she ts ta Ike sasa, room wllk raaj.

saat lalel , II kasa't I

Ok , . . . tkat picture l . t t . 1 give her jusUce—msjbe , ' * . o a l d take sese Us.l weald re-.eoible her more.

I sask sma Isr glvlsg Ikto letter s tkaagkl! — Mrs. t. L. Walker, I U tuueasberger Ar., SprisgM,_

fWe, ta . es jo , Mrs. _ . ' . lasplraag ssessage. It Is regrst-tsl thai from tlssl ta Urn. spsc . MstlttHs*. i emlsslo*. We at _. W * _ r , however, that ker kv teresl wUI esase us U be s i*r . tksagkllsl la Ike futarr.)

SEC. 2 — P A G E 1 *

Women In Politics (The fo l lowing ere excerpts from e n address en

'-Wctnten l p f o l i l i c s ' m a d e b y Mrs, Mary Uverfay Jones of Dayton, secretery of the Federated County Uemocrets of Uhto, at that organisetton's recent state convention in Lima. VVe e r e reprinting them because w e bel ieve they contain considerable food for thought as to tbe woman's place in present day political affairs a a d in the hope that Mrs. Jones ' comments will inspire woman reader* of T b e Sentheel to becoose more Active in the polities of their re-.pect ive t i m m u n i t i e s . — E D I T O R , )

pOLTTICS la tt compl icated gam« iu which the expert is r bcuvily frtvoied over t h e amateur. After ovor a o years of exercis ing the franchise , women as a clans stil l have n o amateur status, f o l a t e s la our way of l i fe , a pursuit ao Mjrfuu* and practical t h a t our wel fare and our very Uvea depend on it. Aa a put-suit, politics requires act ive politi­cal inUreat , a l ively sense of .political' participation, a cer­tain degree of exper ience and the p o s s e s i o n of a substan­tial assortment of political' facta:

T h e pol i t ical universe which encloses ever Uvea m-cJudee a l l phases e f the vast compl icated end oll-em-bracing machinery nf government; from t b e first t w t t -essinvg aa * , through I -day's work, our i esiinvg tn t b e not reation. atsd o « _ ond furnish indisL

Ji c lock vigil In preserving our wel­fare nnd a-anisterimg to ts* in a number o f ways .

T h e children g o to public schools maintained by taxes and administered by a school board- tho women h e l p to e l e c t W h e n s h e g o e s to market an official from tho B u ­reau of W e i g h t s and Measures has m a d e periodical teats of the accuracy of the scales , the goods on the she lves are graded and labe led nntfer federal d t a t u t e , j r h e bank is un­der the supervision of tbe U. S. Treasury, A s voters , wom­en h e l p nominate s n d e lect -representat ives w h o will oper­ate government machinery . Aa a member of a political party s h e baa a voice in se lec t ing those w h o will speak for her ia party council . \

W o m e n h e r e enjoyed the legal right to participate la politics for over 3 0 years , but their own Attitudes have not been fo l ly adjusted to the polit ical equality which is on the statute books. -.

W e constitute 5 2 percent of tbe voters .

The wopsan who desires to participate in political ac­tivity ttas an exceuent chance, isy beginning, on uie yrt*-cinciflevel, one n_*y oner her aaeieiance to n«r connniuee-vvoman, inia is tne lirst oirect step. Join tne political or­ganization in your community, j/nis organix^uon should Know the candidates go as to tell otners and dhKtias the is-ottes of the day in their meetlnga. interert of h«r party is not an end in itself, but a means to an end, the end being thesuccessful consummation uf the party's program. Fail­ure to identify yourself with your precinct organization will mean failure to find effective means of translating social and political beliefs Into public policy.

Women in auayton ruccuuy piuyuu an important role' ia the liuc'cc-wi. in Humiliation ui JU•.*,<* carter in uie .riugust prunsry. tney raniea uciimu nun AUU percent una aia a vfonueitui joo. uui, as u rutOj tney uie given tiie nomjital role ana lueu are a.ept in a curner out, oi tne way 01 real

• party uusiness. 'tne possiuiiiues lie anead mr mure active : puruL'jpuUun in policy ana slate mautng activities on the Iczectitive commiuce tfr party orgaiuxuuon. - .

l t is gull a nig Job %M arouse women t-Etizene to their special opportumuea and responsibilities nun provide

ftrainrng grounds tor executive leadcrsnip which might he f transferred to party organization, item party paru'eipa-i tion is measaroa, not by the number of hours spent In vol­

unteer party work, but in the voice women have in party committees where slates are drawn up and policies formu­lated. ..

Ohio has been one of 19 states granting women a par­tial voice in paily affairs on the SUte Executive Commit-


As I See It! BybKbsLlse

Several million women for various reesoti* go out daily to work, and then home to undertake the house­hold duties loft smdosso m their absence. Women should be informed so as to use their rote a* an expression of

In government service usually women are called upon when needed, and dismissed when the need haa pai_ed. The Increase in numbers has been the development of spe­cial skills or increases In numbers trained. . .

I Women of the V, S. have never used their power; vary few realize what power they have. Men seem to be mere aware of the poMtieal power of women than are the women themselves, otherwise they would not have labor­ed so long with ao small a proportion of the fruits of poli­tical activity. It is a shorteorning not to demand more.

OBSERVATIONS 'The Republican* hav* managed to turn hope to dislltusion-

at.ent, prosperity to a ease of tceraemls Jitters, 17. S. prestige abroad to defensive nets, snd national ofAhnism te a drab pessi­mism, tt Is sn achievement, la lis own way, almost without parallel In our history."—Max Lernsr, ft. York Post.

T h e great labor organisations ot this country always hove a great many friends tbe dsy before election bat It always bap-pens that those friends sre a let harder t e find the day after ettetioe *»y."—Sea. Btariey Kilgers (D, W. Va.).

P1 IS- K1NDA LATE to mention it. Isn't It? For It was 'way

back on Aug. 20 The Ohio Sen­tinel said to tho good etixens of Columbus: "Come o* *_, to Big Walnut Country eleb snd pic­nic with as sad help es to pick eel tho proiUost bslhieg bessty at'lne town." And, do yes know, a whole let of poeple went out there and said "amen*' to tbe affair. That Is only a part ef the newspaper's service bat it cer­tainly Is a grand part.

Tbe excellent organisation of ' tho a Hair and its clockwork

movement certainly displayed' the Intelligence behind The Sen­tinel. 1 recognise that it is not chic to praise tbe weekly which carries my weekly-writings, but how can one help from saying "bravo" publicly foe such splen­did work and how else is the public going to know that 1 thought it waa a grand affair at the Country club 'way back in August? ' _

TillS SENTJNKL, only four years old this poat June, bus taken the torch of leadership and gone forward in community

.affairs. It Is the medium of pub-lie expression and tbe only me­dium that reaches all the public with vital information. I do not belittle other brganimUons but none of them have ether than mass meetings or what crump­ed space dallies yield up, to in­form the public unless tbey talk through the columns of The Sen­tinel. \ -

The first year The Sentinel was alive, it grasped an oppor­tunity to take vartdaUsrn and property destruction out bf the Haltouceu celebration by con­gregating the fun seekers at one point and amusing them other­wise. After that first so-called "block „..< .ty," residents ami inervbi._u of the near-Easts ide sold they were amazed at tbe soapless window*, the clean- and noiseless streets, ae well ea to little property damage on. liallo-

TUaJRIr; ARK .MAN V who Will brag that they never see a Nc-gfo paper or haven't seen one in ages. That is imfc-rtunate tor those who adhere to this old cliche of intellectual ar.'ectution. Oh yes, there are those who

press discrimination against Ne- test arc deeds that will • gro journalism but oh, if any of national Interest eventually. AJ-those sophisticates had a small ready the community baa begun portion of the intelligence ol a to look-forward to them arid ex-staff member of Negro journal- poets .them, which means that ism, they really would be Intel-* tbe community f i n d s much in:.-. merit in tbem. But, what about

other civic leaders? This great big city is pepper­

ed with segments of Negro j

It has been said times before but it ca

S i T 1 t^u- iTS . ? h ^ i i ^ S S "-tfaaS " a t t t l a n t 5 T 5 S ^ i s K menu, which the intellectuals ^ C O f t c e r U ; d e t t o r U __ _ „ ^LZelY ^JayMi ' ^ r C _ ^ -J»r t of other groups to keep tbe

ra.jz-.cl wrute puDUc, were won j-juggj ,„„„ ^ o ,^ m y , niche. The Sentinel is the cementing

inding force of all

through the pages of the journalism" Negro pape papers like The Sentinel which r^_".-T"J_" "__""*. *_>._L_L" have braved 3 public coaster- _ _ « _ _ g £ f i , a ^ t - i r nation to point out wrongs dune , , , f, , , , ' ,__L the Negro when other organ- . - _ . _ _ . -' _ _ _ _ _ _ * " . " ' Hon. hive pussyfooted todark 2 _ . _ _ * , _ _ ! _ _ _ _ * . corners ur-*ii ***** tirini. h „ Negroes and are objects of i

BUT IT i s HOT tbe bravo apfaiU fights ot Negre ateawnal-

been able to nip some parte of the growth. The Sentinel is a fighter bv that wise.

ON TBE OTHER band. The Sentinel cements these seg-

otherwise wbca it invites alt of them te come out aad snjey Halloween la one spot snd have all go te the eenatij for see day's eating. It hi good that communities get together once In awhile and get te knew one another. That Aagnst shin-

might have their dark sides, 5 * £ " " L ^ J J V 1 ____£_ there are many very bright spots _**__*".."f1*1 k**__*"__f1

which n e a r - t ^ u i d c 1 o'a d e r . f ^ ' ^ . J ' S J T J . 2 ? * hove brought Into existence. *** ra*DJr n o n WUCu -'••••*• . There are some well kept I cannot take credit away streets, yards and- residences from other civic bodies and or-wlth good dtixen deportment dcrs who throw feasts for tbe which are attributes for any public like the Elks' day at

community. There ore nice office Buckeye lake, or the church buildings, tine chuiches and dinners or pk-nics but Tbe Sen--night spots of good repute which tincl picnic waa different. While help *a commi_aity'a good name, everyone may be Invited, special But wese things afford only pass- groups generally attend the ©th­ing remarks about a comma- er affairs but everyone feels nity. himself a welcome guest at the

THE SENTINEL has created b l o c k P*rty* some things for topics of convcr- Trenicndous p l a n n i n g and satlon everywhere to give the work go into those affairs but I community a very good name. , have to laud The Sentinel for

A community gets Its repute- keeping a staff which con carry tion by its deeds and certainty en.

Orleans Msrdi Grss. This, Tbe Sentinel has given the city and last August It Inst Hated an­other great event, the anneal pii'rue out Country club way. There is no other section that

liar, the personality which the near-East tide has and, j while

parts of that personality


Baptist General Ass'n Convenes In Columbus October 12-1*8 Tbe detst annual aeesien of the

Obit* Baptist General Ass'n wilt meet m Columbus Oct. 12-1* st

OUAUIY fOOD SHOP . N a . I * t

Its Ml. V.raas i . , 1 1 MM 1 . Tk. Strastssr

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Pried CM.be*



TAHO* i t. 5!h k m . FL 3438

— NEW LOCATION —* First Bsees West Of Old taesstfen Columbus, Ohio

mhnd Baptist church, 104 N. 17th a*L

Taking in sir districts aed bating over 1M.0M members, the association is one of the largest denomlnationat bodies in the stale. -

Highhgl.ts will include the an­nual president's message by Dr. Charles H- Crable Tuesday eve­ning, Oct. 13, a special t-htl-


Churches Mary Martin Saturday morning -__-_- r n urssi m pt_rt.K. -s_i_rd.lv after- <- T. Todd, J. JL Barron, F. B.

I**uderdalc. L. Happy and A. I-parade Saturday after-

Dr. Homer £. Nutter, presi­dent of th* Kentucky Stat* con­vention, wilt be guest speaker at the cloeing* session Sundsy aft-

THE TROLLEY • I B Mt. Vernon Ave.

Open 2 4 Hours Daily

Vegetable I'lai* Special Noonday

Complete Meets

Krant.ee Thurman, Mgr.

Mason. Business session." Intro­ductory sermon By Rev. Harry Brown, Cincinnati, H*v. B. E. Kflnu-mi.on alternate. Service of worship, Rev. B. N, Parker. Reports by Dr*. H, O. Mason, A. W. Jacluon, J. Ashburn, Jr.,

___ snd Rev. L, If. Johnson- Moder-

£. H , r ^ •*•"•• **»' •)ir«"<i bv "*-• j-_ , " " ' **• A. Dsitaw. ParticipantsT Revs.

T. II. Hood, A G. Freeman, Ed­ward. Jones. Dr. J. C. Walker and Or. Ashbum. Address, Di. W. Henry Shillinglon.

TUESDAY EVENING — Wor­ship in sung. Olivet Institutional •lunch, Cleveland, Rev. O. M.

Hoover p».lui. Keport of educa-;«rrtiYllil.ee, Dr. C. t \

J. T.

altrn Dr. J. A»ht>un Rev. E. S.




Call M A I . 9847

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Ctsss T . T o . A. Tour T. lesk. .« • We Mpeel.lise Is

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President's annual i

WEDNESDAY —- Service ot prayer, Rev*. L. H. Juhiis-m, A. I- Dykes, H. A. Thompson, G.


SM W. Goodale St, the 9 Ittest le

Home Cooked Foods DAVE GOODMAN, Mgr.

Open U Hoars Daily

Utterbsck, Piqua. Final reports of committees. Worship aervice by Rev. S. S. Hodge*, Hamilton. G r e e t i n g * from auxiliaries. Election and installation of offi­cers. Sermon, Rev. C. P. Smith, Gallipolis; alternate. Rev. H. M. Wingo, Chillicothe.

WEDNESDAY EVENING — Worship service, Rev. 6. * S. Hodges. Final announcements. Closing sermon, Elliott J. Ma­son, Toledo; alternate, Rev George H. Caslin, Cleveland.

Women's auxiliary: Song ser­vice, Ann Chapman. Moments of worship, Lucile Pauley. Open­ing remarks, Ednah I_ Lewis, president. Welcome a d d r e s s , Odseea Allen. Response, Mattie Hubbard, Cincinnati. Appoint-; ment of committees. Solo, Rev. William D. Mosley, Jr., Athens. Missionary sermon. Dr. W. C Somerville. Solo, Rev. S. L. Toy lor. Hamilton.

THURSDAY — Song service, Ann Chapman. Moments of wor­ship, Lucile Pauley. District

lidents' reports, -Beatrice

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President's sddress, Ednah X*. .Lewis. Annual sermon, Rev. W. M. Downs, Cleveland; alternate, Rev. S. S. Hodges, Hamilton.

FRIDAY — Conference hour, Esther Johnson, Gertrude Cta-ble, Lucile Poulty,' Mrs. E. T.

president Women's Auxiliary, Mississippi general convention. Report of committee on nomina­tion*. Guest speaker, Cora J. White.

SATURDAY — Final reports. Memorlsl service. Child t m ' i hour and program, directed-by Mary Martin. Devotions, Sylves­ter Neal and George Harp. Speech, Richard Anthony. An­nual address, Helburn Meadows, president ot Laymen's League. Remarks, Dr. W. A. .Page and Dr. Charles H. Crable. Parade, viewing of new headquarter*. Annual sefmon. Dr. Herman E. Nutter, Kentucky.

SUNDAY — Morning service. Dr. C F. Jenkins in charge. Sermon, Dr. Charles II. Crable. Closing session;" D.iv Homer E. Nutter, president of Kentucky state convention, guest speaker.

Bethany's S e w i n g Circle Has Rev. D o w d y A s Sun. Speaker By LOUISE EMORY

The Sunlight Sewing Circle of Bethany Baptist, 4th av. and Gth st., Columbu*. held a pew rally last ,Sunday with Kev. Shelly Dowdy as guest speaker.

Rev. A. I,. Mason, pastor, joke Sunday morning. Music ss by the men's chorus. Two L-w members were added to

il! be toniniu

I Sunduy ning at 7:30.

A turkey dinner will be giver by the nurses corps Thursday, Oct. 15.

The young adult choir will

Members and friends of Beth­any are invited to the homecom­ing Sunday, Oct. 30. Kev. L. R. Walker of Huntington, W. Va., wilt be guest speaker. A basket dinner will be spread in the low­er auditorium. All person* over

Calvary Tremont Choir Presents 'Gang Sermon'

Friday, Oct. 9, the young peo­ple's choir of Calvary Tremont Baplist church, 679 N. Ohio av.. Columbus, Is scheduled to have a "gang sermon." The program will begin at 7;M p. m. Speakers will be Revs. Vernon McNeil of Calvary Tremont, Joseph Pride of Union Grove, Granville A. Seward of Shiloh Baptist and Keith K. Keels of W. J. Payden i« pastor. M Diontha Frailer is president*

Meeting Sunday At Church Of God

There will be s meeting' „, the Church of God In Christ, 1U71 Payne s t , Hunford Village, Sunday, O..L 11. Rev. (Mrs.) Shirley Freeman and a group froWi Cincinnati will attend. A tree dinner will be served. The public is invited. Elder 0 . Halt


• C.lamb.s, O.S. ' \ . Churcb Scbool: 0:11 A. at

Morning Worship. 10:11 A M

£vrning Woriblr,. 1:11 P. st



Visit Nest Sunday

Mt.OiiveiDapiisi church "NO CKEED BUT CHSUST"

tZI E. State St. Columbu,, Ohio

Worship . Training Union -

The Church i

Id. - Baptist 1:30 P. Jd. .

t Worship


CHURCH llamlllon at Ml. Vernon Ar*

d u m b s * . Obi. JAMES W . PARRISH

.Yllnt.ler 1:15 A. M. is,,,.!ni Broadcast

t A. M. Church School 11 A. M. Church At Warship 11 A, M. (Continued Churcb School for Children) Small

children may be left with competent workers while

you worship . P. M. Baptist Training

Union — Full Time Program of Christian Education Community Playground

1:30 P. M. Worship Music by Five Choir*

S A T U R D A Y , OCTOBER 10, 1953 T H E O H I O SENTINEL S E C 2 — P A G E I S

W o m e n ' s D a y A t Friendship

The Medical Arts Group met at the bpmo of Or. and Mrs. II. H. Lynoh, 182 Jefferson' av., Tuesday. Plans tlt.ro made for m rummage sale In the near fu­ture. Mrs, H. H. Lynch was named' chairman onU Mrs. H. D. Giles eo-cbairntun. Plans for u Christmas party were also discussed, with Mrs.- H. D. Giles as chairmen.'Next meet­ing will be held at Uie home ot Mrs. George McClung, 307 Tay­lor uv., at 1 p. m. tueoday, Oct. 20, honoring new members Mrs. George Boston, Mrs. John Hoscnumd end Mrs. Arthur E. Calloway, In attendance were Mesdames P.. H. Blount, IL D. Gllee, J. J. Carter, A. K. Law­rence, George McClung, John. Rpsemond, Arthur E. Calloway, R. A. Bryce and George Boston. Verdun Chapter 4 and the

auxiliary of Disabled n Yeterans arc holding

their monthly meeting Thurs­day, Oct. 0, ut 8 p. m. The chap-

of Kansas City, Mo., with -breakfast Sunday. Guests were Busker at-the Dr, John D. White, Att'y Wil- « r * m ** **•-'• *** *--" J**nson,

> Women's day will be observed at* Friendship Baptist church, 442 E!. Donaldson St., Columbus, Sunday, Oct. 11.'

inking pro-

three Weeks' visit With her sis­ter, Mrs. Fannie Scott, Blue-field, W. Vo.

J. H. Uurksdulo has returned from Detroit, where he visited hia son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Penson, and

Horn Toler, >rof. George De- P«»tor of Christ Memorial Bap-W h e , Pror. J. Arnott Mitch- t , 8 t ' Two speciel -ell and *J. W. Williams. Mr. JJJJJ^ pilfman returned to lftmsas UT^ E _ n a h L e w l S i A k t D n >

City on Tuesday. president of the women's ausili-

3 p. I

.Last event of tho all-day ob­servance will be a- dramatiza­tion of "The Lord's Prayer" by candlelight and a rededkation of lives at 7:80 p. m.

Mrs. Gertrude Hill le chair­man. Rev. R. T. Gleaveo is

The home of Mrs. Saruh Long,

party, in honor of her slater',. Mrs. Charily Cordon's, 80th birthday; Thursday, Oct, 1. The party waa given by Mrs. John Slade, tbe honorec's daughter, and other relatives. Those pres­ent were Mi. nnd Mrs. Robert Slade end daughters, Alice Ma­rio and Mary Jean; Mr. und Mrs. Joseph lluirston and chil­dren, Jo Anna und Erick; Mrs. Bobby Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. John Albi-i'i Slade, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lone, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Long, John Slade, Mary Francis and Norma Jeun Slade, Mr. and Mm. William Sawyer, Miss Elsie liorden, Mrs, Edgar Norman of Nelson ville, Mr. and Mrs. James Bruce of Reynolds-burg, M ... .".lit-.; and cards

202 K, spring st. und the auxiliary at 90 N. Monroe av. W. C. Sawyer ia commander of the chapter and Lillian Jeffreys commander of

LL and Mrs. Thomas E. Jctm-son (nee Juanita Bynum), now aUtioned at FL Belvolr, Va., are the parents of a son, brtm Aug. 4 and named- Barry Ed-word. Mrs. Johnson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les­ter Bynum, 400 Clarendon av. Mrs. Bynum has jus. returned from a four weeks visit with her daughter.

Dr. und Mrs. Arthur O. Diggs, 205 Parkwood av., honored Mrs. Diggs' father, Arthur Pittman

Workers Conference Is Held A t Second Baptist On Sunday By UATTYE B. REDMOND

C o l u m b u s . Willing Workers class led devotlonals in charge of Mesdames Hattie Frxist and Rel-*ecca Hudson. C. H. Potts is supervisor. Lesson resume was by Mrs. FotuR.

At morning worship respon­sive reading was by Rev. Rich­ard Taylor and prayer by Rev. Stanley Smith. The women's chorus song with Mrs. Leone Bray at the piano. Anthem was by the senior choir with Mrs, Kathryn Thomas os soloist. The pastor Rev, C. F. Jenkins, de­livered he sermon. Miss Marie Baker sang a spiritual. Commu­nion was administered.

The women's chorus sang at 7:45 p. m. und the pastor was again the speaker. BopUsrti and

* observed. "

The first workers' conference was conducted at 3:45 p. m. with Rev. J e n k i n s , Robert Gwynn and Robert Tyler as leaders. Emerson Blnck is su­perintendent

PRAYER M E E T I N G is Thursday at - 7:30 p. m. . , . Usher Board meets al 8 p. tn, Friday . . . Sunday, Oct 11, at 10:48 ». m. C o l u m b u s and Southern Ohio Electric and Co­

lumbus Transit employees wlil worship in a body as special guests of -Deacon Jasper Law­rence . . . Mrs. Hurtlin Miller's mother sustained a fractured hip and* is .<,-onvolc*cing at bsr

Entre N o u s Meet ing Held

Opening meeting of the Entre Nous club was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Robert N. McCsnn, 1441 HildreUi av., Co­lumbus.

After, the business session, Mrs. Doris M. Parlci presented • travelogue . Illustrated with motion pictures of her recent trip to Bermuda.

Members of tbe club are Mes­dames Paul Alcxundcr, N. B. Allen, M. A. Allen, John Arnold, A. P. BcnUey, C. W. Bryant, Ii. A. Bryce, Raymond Davis, C. B. Dean, George Dickinson, William M. Finch, Carl Jenkins, Joseph Gray, Harry Jefferson, Robert .McCann, Thomas Mc-Roberts, J. Arnett Mitchell, James Phelps, Homer Taylor, R. M. Tribbitt, Cborlea Valen­tine, Forrest Whittaker and J.


WELCOME MAT in being dusted off

for you on

NT. VEfiHOH AVENUE Sec The Sentinel Nov. 51

de Paur (bona Opens A-T Lyceum Series

GREENSBORO, N. C — *) dc Paur infantry chorus, group of male singers, will open the fall lyceum series at A-T college witb a concert In the col­lege's Harrison hall Wednesday evening, Oct, ML

Shop At RICE'S


Beef Liver J H 0 LEAN-LAYER

Sliced Bacon u, 650

Lunch Meats \B 450



Stew Chickens .390 FRESH PORK

Cube Steak . 5 9 0 ^RICE S WEffiLY COUPOH SPECIAL j


WI1H08DEM0F j l ft. Bag 7 3 0 |

$5.MorMore J With Thi. Coupon

Limit 1 Bag




Good on Friday 8C Saturday only I il 1 Bag To A Customer .'





2 No. 2 CANS

1 lb. CAN

8 oz. BAG



ItklYAMS 3


35c I F OR W t .

l F O R * "






19 N . NELSON RD. — Cor. E, Broad FA. 6559

Oprn SunOS J . , . A. M. TU I P. M. Hsadaj-Satarila, 9 A. M. Till 9 p . M.

938 MT. V E R N O N AV, — Cor, 17th FA. 0312

Opea S*a_rti S A. U. TU1 S P. St. Maaaaj-FrltJay S A. M. TU1 7 P. SI.

Satonlajs I A. M. T1U S P. M.


.' tec a—j-ACE ia

*_e 3 -Tl Skassw-J -Cdn k **r.r -Vsaaral as-ir- r-c_~._n»rtr « M * _ « s . r f l ta*


sss lbs CROStEYtv with the electronic Picture

t l l i l i l l t l t t t

V fy-"""**-- o

l i f 7 ^

iPiViviZMul . a-ufc. . o^uas- .MOpeia

Exclusive, Picture-Sentry wipes oul roll-over . . . streaks . « . cmd flutter . . . automatically gives you true-fo-l i fe pictures Ask paople who've already seen the t Croalry lesevMoa sets. They'll tell you bow unbelievably dear, sharp sod reel the pic­ture is. The* go- to your Crosley dealer'* and ss* for yourself. Hs won't high-pres­sure you—b* won't have to. Turn on a Pit—u-ts-Sontry Crosley. -Compare it with other tnakea. You convince yourself thst

- Crosley television is your television. And don't forget to ask about Ikes, ousor Crosley fasluros.

Ceoaarr'. hsM.as ' lM, r.npM.n give* you sJlrBclsamsel.-other UHF-VllFisau-binalions optional. Crastsy prlc.. [ i n . , , l a . s i s l aaslas t s * mm* t o . ' , . a . . . . I , on picture tube as well as 90 daya on chassis parts! P . — w i . n . ,1 , i l i l teas. . . . _ dial fussing. All rkfc w a a . .sfclnsl. . . . Dot

•aeai Cor fringe ar wlaasw . . . you can clean window snd tub. face yourself. art*Mn.ao mast Ban. taaansf. in front, in easy reach. aaaolnaMa Osml mm a i . t . u s . . . . . . . no more squinting. . P a s . a . H n _ mssnsrm— your '64 Crosley will receive in black and white all progrsms l»o_ cast through the compatible color •ystant Using developod by Ihe lelevisioa

• a r k . * b y C r . _ , ' . Base. T k * a

tAMllOmmmSammm Cmtmm CJ Q u i . -eV"T M ^ H . * - - —, • . —,a~

JvWicijniA.owtuSua^^ F l A i t t * i A ^ - - * t ^

TiWhaa.»-,a.OtsuUtj. _ £ _ - y*_Jt* ii4> emtAria^

You con see it jBETTER]on a C R O S L E Y

Columbus Dealers B u c k s , . Rmsilm Lab.

M « . . VWi i l t l . r $ l r . , l O A . M O ,

OsytsU Oej>f . D r u g S t o r .

C a n t e r G r . n l A v . a u . A lass* St.

P L 1441

aisMWASM... . . m t KUCaf n CA.IH

L u c k o f f . F u n w t v r * S f o r *

2 » C. M a l a S K M PL.--511

Moor.'s Appliance, I U . S. H igh s i c l

aaucr. . . . a n v . a o t * S ( , « 0 ( . . T 0 » U N . . A M . , o o » W A . i , o i s r o s u t . t u c t . i c

J * * * f t T V a A p p l i . n c . 11 N . Fount , s i r , . , FL . I l l ,

Out Of Town DI »;i Dealers

R i c h l r n F u r n i t u r e t A p p l i a n c e C H I L L I C O T H E , O H I O 441 W . T a w s Slraet *. c . M U S I C P L U N Chi l l i—tha M I J I

COI01 I A 0 I 0 I


P . . M1S4


M l . V s r a a s I t S M

sHAStsr Sums*, Att** m tst OX TsMsk* I M 1 - t l .C t l l c . . . . o i l . AUIOSAIIQ HOB. WASH.. .




—BOSVlll . W S J


Go For Luckies' Says Campy In New Ad Series

For rtjost smokers tbe clraret choice Is based on taste, and according to new ad series soon ts appear hi The Sentinel Lucky Strike ts odda-on choice- of Boy Campanella, Brooklyn Dodger catcher and Nat'l League'* most valuable player for 1901 and 1950. Roy's facsimile Is festured la Leeky Strike's point of sale posters currently displayed oxer smoke stands throughout Colum­bus. Above,-drag store owner Ted Greene spots one of posters over smoke shop counter In his Avenue Pharmacy, 9*1- Mt. Vernon av., Columbus. Others, from' left, sre Bit Taylor, cashier; Amos It. Lynch, Sentinel advertising director, and Johnnie Plnkney, clerk. Lucky Strike poster is first tobacco product ever displayed tn Avenue Pharmsey, located In hub of Ml. Vernon av. shop­ping district.— Pierce Photo.


Whaley's Barber Shoi Off ers Television By KATHLEEN V. HARRIS

Whaley's Barber Shop, 614 _C Long at., Columbus,' is now of­fering Its customers TV enter­tainment along with deluxe ton-sorlal service.

The modern shop Is operated by Whtllis Wholey who hus been proprietor for 27 years. Ho Is well known ih Columbus, taking un active part in religious, civic and business life of the city. - Among the shop's'features are haircuts for men, ladies and children, facials, scalp treat­ments and hair straightening for men.

Mr. Whaley .Is ably'assisted by two lady barbers, Mrs. Irene Turner, Bluefield college grad-

T H U I U . N O V . 5


was graduated from Kelly Bar­ber college.

The shop is open, daily and close* at noon on Wednesdays.

• • • i LAKE SHORE GRILL, 435 W.

Goodale st., is one uf the ultra modern grills ol the city. Both

Adalaide Ross, waitress. Specialties include barbecue

ribs, fried chicken, • seafoods, beer, whisky and soft drink.*. It is open from 0:30

THE LUCY DEAN Nursery, >40 S t Clair av., Is still register­ing children of pre>school age,

Children attending the school have the advantage ot expert instruction periods supervised toy Mrs. Hannah Barnett, rest periods, two meals and play­ground facilities.. The first Moth­ers' club meeting was .held last Week with the president presid-


SALES TAX AGENCY Formerly Located At 117 N . 20th St., Io

Now Lociited At 817 E. Long St. Under

The Management .Of Lawrence R. Curtis.

Agency Hours Are 9 A. M. Till 4:30 P. M,

Monday - Friday, 9-12 A. M. Saturdays.

Telephone Is FA. 6666.

. LENA MOND3, .. Mond'a. Beauty Shop, Long st., Is back on the job aft­er an extended vacation Birdie Breedlove, Mode Exquisite Shop, cotton. She returns this week-

Advertisers Join Sentinel, Gas Co. in 'Matchless' Gas Range Promotion

A p p l i a n c e d e a l e r s Ing f o u r r e s i d e n t i a l C o l u m b u * th is w e e k j o i n T h e

city wide Range" campaign, a promotion designed to show homemakers in , Sentinel circulation areas t h a t the a u t o m a t i c gas r a n g e "is the best for cooking and baking."

Matty new models of modern, fully automatic gas ranges can be seen on the dealers' floors, on the display floor of the Ohio Fuel (JOB Co., and throughout tho campaign, in thc dtapluy windows of The Sentinel.

Because 70 to 80 percent all cooking today is done on tl top burners the heat should I

gas runge the t choose

for the type of

becsuse tbere fa heat." With a gss flame yen con concentrate the beat tii-rcctljr under'lhe utensil. None ef It escapes around the ed_e*. The ga* flame is flexible. It

Van, be tailored t(t* fit any uten­sil, large or smalL The'burner, In every position from high to low, spreads heat- evenly over the bottom of the skillet or pan.

Other features of the modern gas range prove that'^cooking w.ih gus is coaler. demon-strut.

Six lee cubes a piece of the same insulat-

g - material that surrounds


tho o v e n . T h i s p s c k a g r

not inrlte-t Broiling in the modern gas

range is dpnc with the door closed—to keep thc heat Inside. . These are but a few of tho

features of the "Matchless Gas Ranges" awaltirfg your inspec­tion and selection on the floors of The S e n t i n e l advertisers whose' ads appear elsewhere oh the pages of Section 2 of the

editioi Regardless of the age <

present range,1- if you do not hove a matchless runge, 'you ure urged to visit one of these dealers or to call and ask about the range bis firm is featuring during the campaign.-

Ex-Resident Of Springfield Dies Saturday

SPRINGFIELD.—Mra. Geneva A. Boone died Saturday In her residence near London. O., fol-

North St. .AME churcb and e in the So-Re-Lit club end

church organi-ations. She





Installed & Serviced Fret

In Your Location or Place of

Business on « liberal Commission


Trse SEEBURC SELECT-O-MAT1C . . .. W o r l d ' . F i n d Coin-C-peratt-d Phonograph.

Uwndale 3255


N i g h t . . Sixtvday. - H o l i d a y . Call KLondike 3 7 3 8 2 5 9 1 N . HIGH ST. COtUMBUS, 0 .


Clul'e?e£tO/ 772 E. Long St. THE REG Al, FOOD BAR


Take Home A Stab Of Barbecue Ribs We Also Have Barbecue _ Chickens

T r , Oar IKl . r lM. CUoko. . — w.lfle. srtaa Baa. ,


1954 S 1

. . , » , . . , GIOSGI OCISHWIN't _ "RHAPSODY in BLUE"

_ - a * ^ ' ~ , , t a t r a o r s HE* t u t o r 1 C0U.SEUM rtaXuMuun

COtsJMtUI. OHIO Sattrej,0d.17.ltnStt-»*i,Od^ _ _ _ NUMT «:15 P.M. <Ea..srt Sum,.,.! \ 5 * ' l •Ltl i i HEHIWS MUSIC STORE * _ M j * |

Moonlight Jam Session Every Saturday From 5 A. M. To 10 A. M. At The Troc



JACKSON ' . n d a l l


First 1 0 Couple . Before 9 Admitted Free Each Night


- I N P E R S O N - i -



as. am® OPTPBOI And Hit Music


771 E. LONG ST.


sun., on. t t

ALARM CLOCK THOUGHTS IN THE YAWNINO—Neat- week*, or maybe'thr week after, 1 durmo, I'm going to take an ad out in

Ute lost snd found section of tbe dstly papers, and HUM is what I'll "I.OST: 30 YKARS. WiU finder please return to Eddie JayT

Liberal reward and no questions asked." I always feel this way| morning after. Last night I was out on the town scouting • for this week's column, snd If anyone wants to know how I

feel this morning, I can answer in one word---0_chI

(JIX, IT DOESN'T SEEM U K E IT'S been loo Jong ago when I could dance and run all night and get all the sleep 1 needed in my study period thc next day. Today when 1 sit down I'd just as leave the telephone didn't ring to tell fne I was a sweepstake win­ner, if it wasn't within reaching distance. .When I run for a bus I'm where I'm going before I get my breath back. I think they're building the stairs steeper these days, too. 1 know the chairs are higher because it's much h„rder for' me to tie my shoe laces. Get-ing back to this lost and found ad, I oan't go along with the non-lense about growing old gracefully. Gracefully, thy eye! Kicking ind screaming is more my .style. But enou<:h crying' over spilled -ears; let's go to press. ^-*

THE nRONKF.VII._JS GAZETTE-Sir Stork presented Artie and Beverly neatb with a beby girl at University hosp. last Fri­day, giving Litltsa Jackson a membership in tbe Young Grand­mothers' club . . . We graciously gave up our office booth at the Skyline Io Ho- Mstbew Hills, who were entertaining Rob and Betty lUrvrl- I'd like tu remind Matt, that it wus brandy in tbe long stem glass 1 was toying with, and NOT wine. Sudden thot: WUI I ever Live down those wine commercials 1 did on the weekly TV show last spring? . . . , Ruth Covington, of the hour glass form, win make a third trip to N. York to visit sister, Itesa— hhe saysl . . ' . -St-••-Hi-. VX-- the entire k.col gentry turned out for "Jazz At the Philharmonic'' Monday at M-halL That wus a real crazy night.

fcANDOM NOTES ON THIS AND THAI—Ballet dancer and fashion show promoter Jacq** Tynes opened his modern dancing school at 18th and ML Vernon last week . . • The much awaited reopening of the V* Imoflt club is scheduled, for a allowing this Thursday night . . . "Rett Top" Cromwell, tb* popu' ir promoter for tbe Columbus Rolling Achievers, reopened tha Plaza Cleaners on Hamilton off the "Block" und will specialize in Sunday n ing pressing, solviirg a lot of guys' problems Who say, "What this re_atrivneeds Is a rood five cent clear sad a place .te set your t (stars pressed en Sunday msrninga."

THE MYSTERY OF .THE WEEK:" Who do the false teeth bet to that Wus found, in the back seat of thiuauuimobileowned by Timothy Lawrence Davis, Jr., of Paris, Ky.? Davis vows his car was stolen,, but his Columbusite girl friend in really sizzling be­cause she thought she was thc,one and only . . . Ollle Milner, who selkt custom made ftixniture for Jslutssn's new estabbshment at OM Mt. Vernoti, has inViti _ uu over to hsve u lociksce at the latest thing in modernistic designs , , . The Cavaliers club is putting the finishing touches on plans for Un entertaining-Halloween ball a't Uto Lincoln ballroom..

HARRY Till-: HAWK TALKS — Dave Itumnbrles, sporting a flashy, spurkllng new Mercury "short". Sure it's red; whatja think? . . . Elsie Hawkins, one of B'VIIIB'S most efficient wait­resses, work* with a full house at the Sky lounge , . . Every world series game was replayed play by play in front of the 740 AC by the Long at armchair experts, with gestures and e l l . .Sometimes I think those guys go in training for these sessions . . ' . It was re­liably reported that tbe Lexington and Long night club owner was escorted wearing handcuffs from bis place of biz by the local gen-doi-mee to /ace a minor charge * . . Maria Devtreaax, who has ditched the marriage idea mentioned in this spate a few weeks

I'on't let Eddie J a; make me look like i k l d . w B K .

the COLUMN'S PRETTY GIRL OF THE WEEK. Waller, who recently returned from California with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Gibson and Bister Barbara, tells us of the host of Colum-busltes out there, whom we will mention in next week's pillar . . . Tbe XJtchford bar, shuttered for a few weeks (or violation of Its permit claus.ee, should open within the next law days . . . Count Basle's ork in town Saturday morn for a stopover breakfast at t Novelty liar . . . The Harnonaires have inked a contract for Detroit concert.

' AT THE END OF THE LINE--We've been listening to" Mur­rey Jseksoo, WVKO's chatter happy deejay, play sll the different piattars ol "Dragnet" and it reminds us that a noted write veals why Stan Freberg changed the title of "Little Red Riding Hood" In his parody of ''Dragnet''! "To prevent an Investigation ef a Riding Hood wbo was admittedly red" * . , Until next column time REMEMBER THAT EDDIE JAY SAYS, "Work hard and save yoar money and when yea arc old you caa have tbe things only tbe young can enjoy."



PrlrHANtr«U flavara at wi . . . twit!, Woe

. . J ,1.11.. at, fast. M . NT. VERNON AVE.

Ctassow. O.

" HAL'S PLACE 4-4 PsrsMs Are. - FA. B B

[ , Sandwiches « Specially Assorted Sandwiches, Chicken


For Tatl. food Lillie Richardson.'

FOOD BAR 1074 M L V. rooa A M

169 CLUB I t , CUveloo. A . . . . .

Beer . Wla. A rood

r l s . tlur Bpe.1.1.,

Prop, i.i 11 I I NAT

VILLAGE TAVERN ISIS MT. VERNON AVE. Serving tils P.ople In and Around 1-oiauexte. Village .

SEEK. WINE . GOOD FOOD [or.o 7 A. M. - C l _ . I P .M



I.-:..', I A. M.'


Hub, Iladilen and Margar.t Tucker, Prep*.

. v i t a '•


DON'S GRIU 797 St. Cl.ir AT*.

col.!.,, . , , a UN. 0376

Special Featur.: -Spaghetti To Carry Out

Or Serve Hare Assorted Sandwiches

Beer . . .d W l a *



sseeiaiislat Is Home Cooklog arTEAKS,' CHOPS SMI

FltlKD IIIHEKN 11 a. in. t'atil 1 a. m.

WE DaXIVEB Operated B , Halo. tVbarleo


Tab, H-B©snb Score Hit With Trocaveria Crowd

United Recording artista Tab Smith and H-Bomb Fer­guson, the hottest package to play a Columbus Eastoide tavern this season, are rockin' the rafter* of Club Troca­veria, Columbus' top jazz emporium.

Portly Tab Smith, whose great disc hits, "Cherry" and "Red, Hot and Blue," are on the best seller lists throughout the U. S., and H-Bomb (Slow Going Crazy) Ferguson opened


Big Show Due At Memohall Oct. 27

America's juke box favorites, Nat ( K i n g ) Cole,. S a r a h Vaughan, Ralph Murterie snd Illinois Jacquet, will sppeat—et Memorial hall, Columbus, on Tuesday* Oct. 27, in the fall edi­tion of "The Biggest Show of '53." Two performances will be presented, st 7:30 p. m. and 0:30

This I* the fifth in a seri "Biggest Shows," and the for this aggregation were picked on the basis of reports from dis< h-ckeys and jukt) box operator all over the country.

Additional acta will Includi those of Peg Leg Bates, George Kirby snd Helene snd Howard

Tickets are on sale at Heat on s Music Store. Moil order: must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed enve

limited Tuesday night and heard nightly thn

They'll play a t.

Turner's Restaurant iAX',* B. Lang St*


V..;i Tb* Natrly D**e»*t***

PARANSHAFE 878 M L Vernon Arc .


Mike Meehan Is Ice Show Star

When -roller skater* get to­gether , for informal sessions concerning stars in their field, one of the most frequently men­tioned nnrnes i* Michael Mee­han, featured star of "Holiday On Ice of 1954." The Ice spec­tacle comes to thc Ohio slate fairgrounds Coliseum, bus, Saturday, Oct. 17, through "Sunday, Oct 25.


work and years of tra After winning the nations er skating championship, hun decided it was tin transfer his natural tali-n artistry lo the more fluii dlum of the ice stage.

Months, six to eight daily, were devoted to th, suit of better technique: methods on ice. These n of practice evidently havi

nil claln

riety of jumps, including split, Sulchow and difficult Paulson.

Tickets for performances of "Holiday On Ice'* may be pur­chased at Heaton's Music Store, 50 N. High at.. Columlxis. M

Reform To Lincoln


be Willis 'Gatortuih Jackson and his orchestra. They, open Tuesday.-Oct. 13. Jackson is the

xtth blowing tenor sax play-who skyrocketed to nution-e popularity while

the shadow of blues styti

worked origin*

its backing Mis* B Is but emerged as

Tenor ssx stylist Choker Campbell snd bU orchestra return te the Btsge of Unrein bsllroom, Columbus. Sunday, Oct. 11, ce-bUled with the bet sod scnssUeaat Crickets, new­est entry in the vecsl greups field. Shew Is booked far tne

BROWN'S CAFE Food, Liquor Be— A W i s .

3 3 7 S. G R A N T A V E . Colombo,. O,


WHISKEY' Single.' — UvabMM

Beer, Wine , Food

MICKEY'S GRILL Bom. Cooked Feed. w e S P E C I A L I Z E lis


ityl.-O N I N I O H T O N L V - 2 BIO SHOWS. -7 :30 - t r :30

M E M O R I A L HALL-Tue . *~ O c t . 27 r'rl'.,. 1.T| . I .M. |JM*'] .H Itat hall

nped, self-addressed . . by


liter & Wine To Carry out FINE FOOD

FA. 0 5 3 3 . O p e n « A . M. T U 1 A. M. FA. 0 4 3 0 1228 E. LONG ST. Columbus, O.









S V / S t a * . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 •6 -12P .M.

THE oHio sarnNra. u-jmawAT. tx-»OMat ta, taw

Peyton's Service stations offers Ohio's only

winter protection

that's guaranteed

for sure starts

a l ! winter long •OHIO GUARANTIED


ptnrrctts HWICE JTATIOW •oars. . FA. .US las t , at T*rbr - rA. t i l l sa at SL rial . St. Clair at L r — r l A. . I l l rA. BIT

GIs Gel Points From Campy Two tit Deader fans get pointers on setting frent B o / Casa>

psaetta, Nst'l Leagne's a s s t valuable ptarer, jaot before epen-tng ef world series which Campy sad Brooklyn mates dropped lo N. York Tankers la six gooses. Meetlag waa arrangsd by r s o \vhoss service* era made possible by united detestse fond. Latter Is ftaaneed through Cemmaalty Chest sad ether united eommnaKy campaign*. '



1224 N. HIGH ST. K 1 _ 3 3 U Er.rrg.orj C*U VS. tilt

C l s s s t a t , O.

Plan Suii-iky Cage LooftAfBeeort

Plana Bar* bMB-aaereysd my C o 1 u m b u . Recreation D*uaL ' chief, Hick Barsck. tor Ut* for­mation of a d a s * AA Pre-Se*. son Basketball League t* a . Plajrarl Sursd*v, st Bestir Cea-ter, XJir. Earl Joan, atstraaarsat trill week.

Th . league-will be cornpcee*. of eight clubs, with H. Artatrica. Aviation, Carroll Grill, Novelty roorl Bar, 14-C W I B M . Richard'. J.welry, B w Brew Beer seal Lockbourne Air B s * . the favor, rd franchise hoidar*.

345 — 4*4 — 697

312 — 402 — 696 -

Ftm For All The F.muyfl

WNE Start, Thursday, Nov. 5

In The Ohio Sentinel


fhase a sari I si eee » neu» osn tht satis f t alsaa. Yean • a t a w r law. W g r i t . !

eat-c.i.i.11. Ti- - -sa>f_ Hotblsa etna aJaee te ree ft*

3*JUUL i


T»*rt • * t*b»»Tf yoa bay or art


OUR STORE PayaeaUs-baaewM-vavOAWtH*^


SPORTS (.LEANINGS By William (Bill) Bell Sentinel Sports Editor

|WO SEPIA halfbacks , teams who were ovexabodowed in publicity by their better pub­

licised teammates showed fans and sport* writer* they will have lv* reduced with when the* start issuing All-Amerlcan swords, by leading their trams to vloiory

We ore referring to Bobby Watklns ot Ohio SUte whose brllllant running carried the Buckeyes to a 33-10 victory over California, and Leroy 8old*sn, who scored all three of Michi­gan State's touchdowns against Minn." "i-i to enable the Spai


Wstkla*, who was eapoetetl U bo the eonnler ttttck U keep tne defease honest'far Joke Bori-se'a passing sod D*p Csttsdy's h r s a k-awsy ran­t-lag, showed » .««• California

have le be consider**, as star In his earn right by -*a-siag through, over and around CalUorois for leer tsnebdowns sad a sstat of 145 yards la M attempta ter a 1.1 average per try. HOLDEN TOOK OVEB in the

second ball1 after the Spartans bad failed to score In the first two periods. Be sprinted 01 yards for his first marker, it yards tor his second snd nine tu chalk up the final TD.

If Bolden and Watklns con­tinue to roll as they have started 'Nov. 7, when they meet in Ohio stadium, may not only decide the Big Ten championship but may also decide which one ot them wiU represent the Big Ten on th* major AlbA m s r i c a n teams this fall.

From oar scat In front ot tbe

eat b**k we have ssea at Ohio Stat* In- many a moon. Most of tho great backs et recent years were rilber fancy Dans, speed merenaaU er hamse hattcrtag rams. But they had only one style.

WE SAID LAST vTBHW, when we picked .Brooklyn in sis gamea, tbot it w e were Walter O'Molley and they tostr we would fire the whole shebang, because we would tool they were choking up because-of the Yan*

ship, are the better team, other words', we believe if & Stengel hud been managing Dodgers they would have .

To show the difference in way the two men operate, Sten­gel believes in mental pressure,

esaen apparently does not. When the Dodgers knocked

Watkins-Caroline Clash Highlight Of Ohio State-Illinois Grid Tilt

• - • / " ' '

• The outcome of Saturday's meeting of Big 20 gridiron tKl&ni. Ohio State and 1111-nols, may well rent on the sturdy frames of their st-iisiitional halfbacks, Bobby Watklns lot the Buckeyes and J. C. Caroline for the mini. .

WoOtins ond Caroline have -—i • . , , . • - • , . . . - -.— •

I n ^ r l ^ n W ^ m a i ^ P*1*"." i U . *e*-9U*. compiled a average of V yards. Hi . lop of. their team s starts and their £^« > • y.rtjTand a per try I*-**" was a 71 yard TD gallop meeting In massive Ohio at*- ' ' < , l " o r m y r M "" "* __f £ 5 brought Illinois a 2 I - 2 I 1 H J

game, what does Casey dot H« puts out the ..tiny that

Allie did not run out of gas, fatvJUMd his buck in the third inning. Why thi* atoryT For its p.>>'chu.ogii_il value, of course. If the Dodgers know they knock­ed his best burler out ot the box, naturally they will have confidence that they can kick his other pitchers around witb

Stengel had already boasted daring th* regular season thst tbe American League hitters gat stag* fright when they saw Allie coming eat ot thc bullpen aad that la why be wss so see«*ssfal s s a rs-liefer.

te could not lo** hole In the battle

Contrast this strategy with Dreaaen's type ef thinking. It is thc first ot the ninth,

two are out Cart Purjllo has just hit a two run home; Allie Re. up

Brooklyn. to slay sllv* in the serie*. The next hitter is the pitcher. What does Dres-sen do? Does he send in a hitter for Clem Lubine?

Nu. He lets Labia* hit lor him­self. You suy whom did he have

lut? Shotgun Shuba,

Saturday afternoon stacks up aa a classic. In two games Wiitkins accounted for 30 of the OS points registered by the pow­erful Buckeyes. The buli-Uke rushes of the It, Bedford terror hav« accounted for 100 net yards gained from scrimmage and he has yet to be dropped for a loss.

As' s pass receiver Watklns pose* as still another threat to the Illini. He'gained 70 yards in the Butte opener on four recap­tions, une going for tt* yards and a TD. . -

WATKINS' SPLENDID show against California last week be­fore th* nation's TV .screens— 143 yarda and four TDs as welt as s standout defensive display —won blm Associated P i* ss "bock of the week" honors snd catapulted him into scriouu con­tention for All-America aelec-tion in the eyes of millions of home televiewers. '

The niini. more than any other club the Bucks will meet this tail , owe Ur. Watklns a debt of high respect,, for H was against tbeir 1802 eleven -that Bobby made his first Big . 10 start. And ha made It a memor­able one, too, ripping the Wim forwards for 100 yards to play a big role in Ohio's 27-7 victory.

CAROLINE, a s o p h o m o r e from Cohinibia, S . . C , will ou­ter tho gome - with etna of the best ball carrying records in tbe nation for in his two Starts Caroline, virtually unknown un­til he popr-cil up on tbe Cham-

bo batted -300 in the 1952 ost important, v, , sent Reynolds in the first ga:

with u pinch two run homer. • Thst would have put the

same pressure ea Reynolds the Ysokees were putting on them by lending la Big John Miit-. /


mh.Nfbr.iska two weeks t He has scored only tbe once

•but Is a thrcet any time he gets j his hands on the pigskin.

background d e play in his own right, will be a n o t h e r sophomore, Mickey Bates, a hard running youngster from Kcwanee, lib Bates has an average of 4.4 on 10 carries and baa Bcored twice.

A third player of color will appear in the Illini lineup as a reserve right tackle. He is Floyd McAfee, 212 pound strongman from Houston, Tex. He's a soph,,

JACK GIBBS, reserve Buck fullback, has completely recov­ered from the shoulder seporo* tion that held him out of action against Indiana and California. and is-slated for Some reserve duty in Saturday's fray.

Game tint* is 2 p. rn. and a sellout crowd that may exceed the 80,000 mark Is expected to hum out-tor tbe game.—AMOS f t LYNCH. *

'Wolves May SsmUr The Timberwolves, runnersup

in lightweight ploy in 10S2, will o*pen the season against the Mid-City Merchants st Gowdy field .old Goodale field) Sunday, Oct. It, at 1 p. rn., marking the open­ing of City Lightweight League play for 1953. The league is un­der direction of the Colbmbus .Recreation Dept.

eglerTO or tier


Pro-season f o r e i a s t's that Dsve Parks' Central Hi Pi­rates would walk off with ths .City League football crown •null! easily Htand up if the

Rive raiders can get by their Friday night hurdle—South. But the Bulldogs, downcast after consecutive losses to Grandview and Toledo Centra) Catholic,

be taken lightly. They WtU pack a mean bite and it

luld take a lot of starch out of the high .riding Pirates who

asily than the score indi­cates, downed a plucky East tl team, 14-7, Ust week.

Other pairings on Friday's ilate send Aquinas to Linden

and East to West North draws the bye and will sit it out prob­ably In the stand* as spectators

Ted's Lunch squeeked out the closest team victory of the sea­son, a 2417-2400 three game sweep over Dean's Hardware, in the YMCA League setto Wed­nesday n i g h t Wiedemann's edged Avenue Pharmacy 3311-2090 and Banncy Floyd bowed to tbe Smithites 2100-2270. Higb team single, BOO, was recorded by Wiedemann's while Wilbur MeNsbb < Sm ithitea) captured Individual high single with 103. Bass Embrey's 311 was tops tor three games and pushed by Rosce* Lofton's 508 . . . Teams in the Lotus (Ladies-Thursday)


8HM* ami Tit. Bd B.n*_

»*tt»r*r ,w.

Loop and the Friday .night mix­ed teams brockets sro still seeking sponsors . . . For the record William ( M e a t b a l l ) Lyons shook Elfin Ford •with a 242 in last Friday's play, high mark for th* night's kegling. Clint Turner (224), Jim Hood (223). Lewis Kelly (220), Albert Wooden (.200) snd Don Wilker­son (204) crashed the "200 club' •gain. Turner's 224 was best among the "pros." Three game

: posted by Al Gambrinus Beer'.

high series 2613-2507 win ovc YMCA catapulted tbem into firs place In tbe Merchant-Industrial .League Tuesday witb a point to­tal of 13 and a 9-0 won and lost record. The Brewers also fired the I- p team single, 000. Cul­pepper Realty upset Pepsi-Cola 2538-2400 and N. York Cool Sales dumped. Novelty Food Bar In two of three sets but dropped total pins 2483-2521.

TOM'S AUTO UUNDRY SERVICE Wash, Polish, Simonlxs, Rub Out A Wax

"Best Job In Town" Guaranteed Upholstery Cleaning

1207 MT. VERNON AVE. Columbus, O.

Pirates Could Win It All If They Get By Friday Hurdle

the Panthers Oct 10. GENE BENNETT, Central's

triple treat nee, leads the- City Lesgue in scoring with 12 points and Is second In Greater Colum­bus with 24. Other sepia players figtfrih. in the scoring columns are East's Willie Smith, 12, Tint Blaloek and 'Dave Lynch, with

ch. Lynch counted his

line. .**£.

GEORGE MACKEY, who was at quarterback when East dowitr ed West in last year's CL cham­pionship game, sat out the Cen­tral fray in civvies, benched by. Coach Jackie Moore "because of his attitude." Msckey has had Constant verbal clashes witb Moore and tbe last one cost him a shot at Central and may have contributed something to East's



This Ad Is Sponsored By —


AM EAST n i m i SCHOOL UOO.STl.il —,

America'. No. 1 killer ol ctuUdrea and Ns. t aistase killer is CSBesr. 11—tag the past year more H U B IM cstsat, residents vislled U.* United Asse*l-a*psorlt4 Columbus Caster Clinic.



W00B E _ _ s » s * r — ,MCm

U T cnmu-s FlWAlSlrOP

tt* E. l a s , IL . , v at*.





eater's Studio et Pboiography

• P.r lr . l l . • Croat. • Siwei.l t . e u U


Football Feature Contest

WIN $75-00

n £ t w **L> T l " S *^u i *? .* 1 B W : , i / ,^ I P S i 0 0 • * r i " M°"** * * • •"**• CantMt Editor. T o .

U S O O M s k i a g The Second Week's P r . . . Tota l $50 .00 . Each W e e k That I t e r * I . N . , T a . Pr ise M o a e , Wil l Increase $ 2 5 . 0 0 .

RULES L Ceesestaot* mast ute ottitiot

eratrj blank* a* eclated in The f+esliorl. Ne ethers will be *e copied.

t As many eetrles may be oeb-mltled ss desired bul esch most te as official entry stbutk.

1. t-urii- must he ae the desk ef tbe Coetest Editor ky C p. aa. Friday ttefsie game* arete be pl#yed and bet-a me the s*4e preperty of Tee Obi* Seatiaci.

5. Tie games Use uales* ladi-cated a* * tie by centcsUnt. U s tie g*ear 1* Bospected. write the werds TIE GAME between the team* playing.

«. CeeteatssU most make U (eiglUeen) rarrrct prediction* frees the IS games selected la tbe official eulry blank.

T. Mac* a check mark er cress in the bos alter each team se­lected but d* not select wore than one winner fer esch gassc.

S. Tbe Statist! will spat ctutles-tonto 1* points en the Ohle Ktal* game esrb week. Contes­tants MUST indicate tbe num­ber ef patbrta Ohi* SUte will scare la the but provided and de lakrwi-c with the opponent. The TOTAL number «t points of both tessa* a* indicated by

snore thaa IS points over er matter Ute total number at seints actually scored by the two teams when the game one beee completed.

9. flhonld a lie occur between two or ours eonteeunu Ue on* wiU the meet perfect seero will be atedged thc wi*

10. MaU ysnr eatrlea t* Football Contest Editor, The OU* Sea­t-eel. IS! E. Lang St., Colum b-Mf, Onto.

IL Atl game* teaat be stayed after 1 p. as. Jit turd* j .


$ 2 5 . 0 0 Football Feature Contest







c r t T .

I — -





BAUWtfSS Carnere ! . ! Prtslers

T a . Mas. . It . . . We'U Prlat III

l « t E. Lsag St. - PA. ! l t t

. CsUaoebas, O.

Tear Team laser Cars

That Hrs.arke Wllk As

Assirts Frees


s n E. l a * , SI.

Sleek V , for Toar

tjaasrtlss. Befreshssest

J *i

( . & G. CARRYOUT n» r- Lsag HI. - IA. om

Calssskas, O.


Yoar Eastside Hesdqu.rters

F.r Ail Sparl. M.gastBes A


ITS Ml. Verona Are.

rA. t w




44t W. B r . . . SI. . MA- 1117

Don. Jus! Talk About Wirier Corning, DO SOMETHING!


J . FOKD Mir. lltr . •41 FOBO S-Dr. BAH S. HUDSON Pscerssker. BAH

'IS BITCH Sedanrtle BAH

'at FORD I asl.rn (SI Mir. BAH

•it FOBO Csar. BAB ssstl

'St BUICK .Super Csar. BAH, DvBSflsw SttSS

'St PLYMOUTH Cos. . BAH l a w Mileage . S1U5

•51 PLYMOUTH Belvkter. BAH, Lew Mileage . tltfla

'11 MEHf'L'BY S Foasoagsr Cse. OB. BAB SUM

'51 KOKD Deluxe l » S-Dr. BAH SIMS

•5. PONTIAC S-Dr. BAH s i n s


SSSS i STK /. sn»

1*15 It OLDS oVsek.l (I) t-Dr. BAB SMS




Oo its*

dum dum. And

the t a c t s Joes, here tie. ' Esquire S h o p this week ob­serves a foist boithdate 'n' if y o u a e g u y s

Chief you'll d us Frydee

Mr. Morris l«*d stuff

iupply of IMfr. B shirt* we're bed

loedin' at the ridiculess tab ot *3.M (Reg. $4.83 values, . . . •2-iO cravats (ties, ya know) at St-M large men's hankies at

dime . . , Heavy men's .ac­ts, and ouah competitors wiH

ask ya t« give us life for sauna.' Utese 91-L0& jobs for ,10.9' . . . Keg. one buck argyie BOX at .71 a pair . . . Reg. 014.95 llannel siax fer only $10.80 . . . 'n' da' Chlef'Il probly giv.

aid , i be-ship-


Wurkin' man Don Weaver, ,-inior major domo of the E Long at. Laund part of comfort ..- , -0 in his

Wrangler jeans, fresh off the racks at £ * . * . » Shop . . . and Rusty Wryant, Uie sax tootler, dropped in the other ayem to tell ye olde scrivener

i inked a one year pact as ure bandsman at Carolyn per .pub . He'll thump tbe for ouuh Mr. B wide.Hpreud

collar shirt* which be wears on the job cver'night * , . Didn't t-.itiitni'limuYr Duke Humilton become' a Benedict Arnold s rortnight ugo? . . . Rtjn prr and Tom Campbell, salesguys on the

•ay roll, continue to set pattern for male gen-m K. Bread st. brain

- , . .Theirs and •tCsquiru's latest fashion hit sport vesU called by Interior decorator Haul Cre-anc, "the latest touch of genius by American designers and a must for every young man's wardrobe." The Clothes-liner agrees and 'til next week stay steady with Eddie, daily un WVKO at 4:05 p. rii.-AOV.



CITIZEN'S Basement B a r g a i n .

You Can P a r M o r e —

' But W I . , 7

Magic Dorothy W. Va. $12.75

Sun Kist Ohio lump $10.75





A * . O S * . Braiaa,. U 4 1 . 0 . . ^ T Z s ^ i i r . - ta - 3 5 1 ' who., last ksews . .Area, ta 1 W | A — _ « s , laws, wilt l a s . -^_ C ' •S" , ^™ , ! ? * * " . A P 0 _ , l J ! ' aetl.* dial SB SeBteBl..r t t ,


Quickest and surest muy to buy, sel l and trad* in t b e Columbus "Family Market" is wi tb n Senti­nel W a n t Ad* They're easy to ptaco—•

Just Call FE. 7416-7417 A l l f o r A a Ad writer

In D . y l o n Call FUl lon 5 7 6 4

e . P. M., San Frlaotae., Call- t M j i L. .*a WIU file, ker m*n- Fire res*, single sa Osltaws, lamia, will lake nolite that SB U o „ i . | k . Commas Pleas Cesrt SepUmker 14, 1S5J, wilma _ r „ _ _ , c.untv, Oslo, Dirt-llranuin filed ker oeUtlos IB Uie , | _ . , Dome.lie Relations Is Comma. Pless Casrt of Frssk- c . s , e No. W i n , m a r i s , far s In. Cously, Oklo, Division of a j . o r e e from blm OB Use grounds DomesUe Relations Is Caase Na. „, , „ , , tsegleet ol . a t , . , -?1SM. pr. j lsg f.r a dlvaree S l l d „ „ _ w m *e for searlsg from bin. on tbe grssad. .1 „ . , , n , t N.vemoer It, 1S5S. gro.s segleet ol dsly. j , , , , A Toler, AUjs. I

Said raa.e .111 be Isr sea.lag U-S."!. 17, 14, SI. 11-7, lfrJ*. oa or slier Ortober 31; ISM.


Psttersos, w h o s e sddress- ta unknown, will

Uke Ttollee laat as Se.UB.ser Reese, who.. ' last It , 1SS1, Melvls Louis Patterseo

Ave. S5M., S5M down.



V. P. WILSON IM. E. lasng SL

FA. M - KL. Z5J1

EASTGATE t seres with five ream modern We have the best home. Gas, electric, bath, fur­nace, bet and celd running water, newly painted. This

>, three and four bedroom homes for **!«-

asd up.

Several eemMnatsen k 11« b apt.., consisting e.f furnished b „ M | i 9 5 3 j o h B A ' Ref',.', J r . , uUsns In Cmiute Ne. t«llr, prsf-reem snd kitchen utilities, ho- nicd h i s petition in the Commpn ing for s divorce frem her ea rated downtown. Adults pre- _ | e ** Court of Franklin County, the graunds sf gross neglect ef


ferred. MA. ««g.


Ohio, Divblon of Domestic Ro- doty, lation* In Csuse No..71538, pray­ing fer a divorce from-her en the (rounds of gross neglect st daty.

Ssld eanse will be fer hearing an ar after October 31, 1S53.

Said cause wiU be for bearing er _»er November 7, 1914.

Wm. H. Brooks, Atty. MS, 10-3, 10, 17, 24, 31, I95L

lake Tor swimming snd fish­ing. Located 10 miles north ef Columbus st Cm ton, O., en Rt. 3. All fur fSSJOg. About WEST

Midland Ave. New listing. Three family s i n g l e . Immaculate condition. XZ000 will handle.

FOSTER NEWUN, Broker •att IMS a . Lost SL Columbus, O. F l T e

Eves FA. t i l l „ , ,

NACEAVL ira single. Two

WANTED-FEMALE Derethy Ruth Tyn Ust known sddress Is -2!>1 K. tillon in the Common Pleas- . ,, _ __, _ A - _

tour, .1 FrsakllB C a t , . Obi., ^ f f O i M E F O R Y O U !


Micblgi Ice that oa Septem- uivlslon of Oemestie ReUtions

, 1953, Alfred DcVsugbc ta C t o < N „ , TttH, prsylng for u f l n n . filed his petition In the ™ d l T O f C e i rom her en the ^™°??__? _ _ _ ?

Common Tleas Court ef Frank- grounds ef gross neglect ot duty.

Fslr Ave. Immsculi

SOUTHEAST Eight room brick.

17THST. Bald •

Uttesekceper and eeefc fer three Coogres* i adults. Good salary. Uve In will I optional. AD. Wit. bsr

three—Ivtdroom bouse. Living room, kitchen sad bath. Pall Vacant basement OU furnace. $1500

Ksperlenred trnek driver. Coed 7 M « °7»jll_r" "for' V 'd ivVree W" ™ '"^tSSo\\7io*n% Atty. **om. Immediate possession. •"**'•

!Kl__W__P i _ ? _ 5***di.* frem' her 0B tbe **>»»*• of M > t Ui !«._, i», n, tA, ISM. uirAHT Iftlt FAD IAIF N0BIH middle aged ntan preferred. f r o „ _ e f i e c t 0 | duty. Wllliim L. Martin, whose Ust Y A l A r l . L U I ) rUK J A U HWRtn APtdy Mason-Dixon Cost Co., Said cause will be tor hesriag Eddr*.«a j 3 unknown, will Uk* LErONitBD AVE. (East of 1644) It room brick double. Splendid Sit Longvlew Ave. WA. 9509 on or after October 31, MM. j^jfe, that on September tt,, i>rire f lew. cooiUlioo W U m l M . Two *sd Kl M_r •** M* Gmyoa, Atty. I W J hucmt Martin filed her . « s . WATNE AVE. Priee ear garage. tSOOO will handle. . . . aAAu. ramrea. ^t% ^ 1 M ,Q 1 7 M .9SX ^ j j m e Common. Pleas fOSO.

The best coal track drivers and C o o r t ^ Fra,__iin County, Onto, m i LEONARD whcel-ia men ia Columbus. UatUe Simmons. wh«*c last Division of Domestle ReUtions flOO.

tin County, Ohio, Division of Domestic Relations In Csuse N


AVE. Price

COBl llattle

401 knows address I field, Peutlac,

Apply Citizen': W. Mound SL field. Pontine, Michigan, will m divorce from

Bellboys, maids and cooks. Uke notice thst on September grounds ot extreme cruelty.

Bloom- i„ Caase No. 7*039, prsylng for in. will , divorce front blm on the CHARLES F. WORLEY

Stead, emiliojment. Apply la 8 , 19M, Charles 81m person. Betel SI. Clair, 331 St. ' Clair sr. , FA. n i l .



WiU be for heartag . . . petition Is the Common M. or alter November 14, 195S.,

Pleas Court ol F.anhlla County, Webster S. Lymes, Jr., Atty. Ohio, DivtaloB af DomesUe Be- _ , , l», n, tt, II, I M , 1S4S. lotions la Csuse No. 3343., pr.y- _ ^ _ _ _ _ g _ _ B _ — s s s * a . Isg for a divorce from her s s SBOBB—^^SBBSBBB Ihe grounds al gross neglect of | Q J | j _ Q FOUND

Sard '


t l i E. Long St.

Robert L. PoweU, whose Is. Flashy Brhtdle Boxer pup. Coll , _ _ „ , M „ „ bj West Vlrgtal

FA. « M , II a. sa. le 5 , .


Children 14S3 Mt. Vernon A r e . Open ing Sat. , OcL 10

8:30 A. M .


College, Institute, W. Va„ will Uke noUce Uist as SeoUm-ber St I95S, frlildred E. Powell rued her peUUoo in th* Pleas Court ot Frsoklln s « . . . . j , Ohio Division of Domestle Be-lations Is Cause No. lira", P™I-Isg fo. a div.rcs from him -os the grounds of gross segleet ol

"said causa vrlU be l .r hearing . o or alter November 7, 1SSS.

Toler snd Toler, Attys. 3-24 IM, at, 17, »4, *•• l t a -

like wsUet s sd IdeBuflcsUos returned by mall or otherwise. FE. OSS, 148 N. -Ssd SL, t>-lumbu,.

List Tssur Properly For Sale Wllh The

REDMOND REALTY CO. . R e s i d e n c e — RA. 8 8 3 7 - ' 3 6 3 8. Highland Ar* . Notary PBbH« ColurobBa 4, OU..

Charles* A. Frsseta - BA. Sta. Benry Warren - JO. TO. Valerie Warren - JO. SIS.

VALUES J • William Woolen, whose last O s * r g . War*, whose last _ , " _ _ , d d , e s s Is » Wallace St..

haews sddress ta SIS W. Good- H _ _ " I f , „iu take soUee sta sL, Columbus, Ohio, will U k . ,_W*. 'Se„,em'ber 1, 19S3, DO'ta ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ • Botlee that on August 14, 1933. J _ _ " . _ _ h „ p e _ o n In l b . Doable frame boose. Moi le - , U d l . Ware Died her peUtlo. in * _ _ " ' „ , _ oJtrt of Fr.nk- six room, ^ r side. N.rth. * • Common P i e s , Court ol J,! ? ° „ , , Ohio. Divlslo. sf _ w dorm. Fraaalta Coanly, Ohio, Division B » <***£ | _ v - la C s ^ N*. mt Domestic Belalloas la Cause • _ " „ _ _ . , , o r s dlvore. t f.mUy hrich apartments. new-No. 7«»B, praying for a divorce __"> . ? " ' _ . * ^ * „ouads al _ decorated. All hardwood from him oa Use ground, of »*_• _ ™ K 1 rf d . „ . . floors, gsa faraaees. IBeoas. grot, neglect ml duly s sd ex- • _ _ • _ _ ! ^ ^ w i U be to. beartsg aver S3M ser m«rth- Priced Irrrae cruelly. J " « _ J _ _ 2 _ _ YA, _ * . right to .eU. Owner moving to

SsJd cause will be lor bearing «• ** * % , _ V s n d Toler. Atljl. ColiforBis. Located on Fair * . u alter October II, l _ J _ J * 1 M l t j wa. Are.

T . l . r snd Toler, Attys. *•"• " ' **' ' ' AU, tt, I M , 1, . 17, 14, 1S«S. „ _ h „ e ia,t known t fasnu, brick duplea piss third

Jfr" u Ml N. E. 1th St., fls*.-, »dinleBslonal waUpaper, N « a Phillip., whose last " * ^ _ _ * ™ - oklahoms, will garbage dlspotsl OS llrst tad

to... addre., I. Blsto. Kes- " " * * _ _ , , _ , „ October 5, second Door., all newly d . . -taclr,, win Uke sattle. lhat on • « • _ * • _ _ , „ _ , _ K U . .rated, hardsrawl floors, ,ri-

NEW F O R D HOTEL H O . 2 4 5 2 1 EAST LONG STREET Tel . A D . 0421

T,au.*i.al aad PorSUS.Bl Co.,I . Ford Hotel No. I Still Operated at 179 North 6 th SL

MBS. B. H. FORD. Propri.tr... HA. S M .


Colambu.. Ohio W « W.lcotaa, OM l t d New Patron*

Transient Guest Welcomed W e Continue to Render the Same Exclu. ive ,

Efficient Service

AagBsl g. 1,13, Cay S. m i t t s . ^__ _ _ . _ _ _ _ , P _ u ceart r a t . . strsaees. Located on « « 1 hit peUUo. la the C.mm.u ' ^ F _ _ _ . * _ _ » . . ohta, DM- P r u i B . A . . . prie«l to sM. Plea. Court of Frssklts Csunty, . F ™ , " ^ _ _ ' , r , . J _ _ , in -OU*. Dlvtai*. sf D e m w u . Be- ri.s .1 » ™ » U c • * _ ? _ , . _ . . , . kri,h • a U . . , D. C . . « No. 71*!., pray- ? _ _ . _ _ _ _ , ,Tt .? . rJe ! j« l . • room. I • * • » • OUsttft team h.r on a j T ^ . ^ _ _ _ . ^ , ! 5 £ _ i „ ftovrs. I e J h e ( j g » _ d . mt g r ~ , « , t a . t . , f ; * _ _ , _ _ ? ' " ra°" * rlgbL

Said taa* . trill be for hesriag »*ld c a u s e ^ _ * _ ? _ _ _ * CsU Mr. rVTb**, P E . aa, sgent e . ar afttt October 14, 1SSI. • • — *"** Noremser »., « ~ . f M p i ) a r e Bealty, US N. High

Jess , a Dickinson, Atty. Webster 8. Lymsn, Jr., Att, . - , .p^ihltment to see. t i t , » , n, I M , u . il, w i . i»-i^ n, tA, n, us, it, I A _

-Well-furnuhed, clean . l i b very Rodcra houi faciliuea. Known from coast to coast tor homelike stmoaphere.-

• Cooper' . Tourist * I S . H. 17th St. FE. 0113



Franklin Ave., Ide, hardwood garage, priced

Hottta Of



t 3 Cleveland A v . . Cslr—tas. Ohi.

Bigger rn' Better Buys In Used ( a n

J .W. WATSON & CO. rmtm DuuW. Fa, SO Toon

1288 N. High St. U N . 2 1 1 8

Columbu*, Ohio