Profile of Barangay Sua, Camaligan, Camarines Sur, Philippines.

BARANGAY PROFILE OF SUA, CAMALIGAN By: Dominador N. Marcaida, Jr. MENRO (Des.), LGU-Camaligan BARANGAY HISTORY ACCORDING TO KEY INFORMANTS A long time ago, before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, the place was abundant with different kinds of sour trees, such as pomelo, lemon, oranges, kalpe, kabugao and others. These trees were planted as fences around the houses of the community. When the Spaniards came, they called the place “Suha’, which is the local name for citrus fruit trees. Some other names cropped up, like Tampac, which came from the word “Sangab- Tambac.” One story goes that one Spaniard climbed a dalandan tree to get some fruits. The branch was broken, so the Spaniard fell over a pile of fruits (tambak na prutas). The Spaniard asked the people around what happened. The people said, “Tambak”. Since then the place was called “Tambac.” As years went by, it was changed to Tampac. Other names were given to the place like, Iraya, Kalye Pugot” or “Mangaho.” When the place was registered as a barangay of Camaligan, they preferred the name “Sua”, from the local word “suha”, the local name for citrus trees. Source: Write-up submitted by Ma. Mercy I. Abarientos, Principal I Sua Elementary School) Two residents of the barangay, a brother and a sister, one named Alejandro and another one named Ernesta Marcaida, served as key informants for this part. They gave the following narratives regarding some historical facts about barangay Sua before and after the Japanese War in the Philippines. These two key informants were the children of Nicomedes Marcaida and Eufemia Almendral (a sister of one Severina Almendral). Alejandro Marcaida, born in 1923 at Sua, Camaligan, lived at Sitio Manggaho (presently part of Sitio Tampac), with his wife Alejandra Morico. Alejandra had brothers named Gregorio and Sabas, and sisters named Iluminada, Aurea and Florentina Morico. Aurea was married to Bonifacio Agdan. Gregorio, Alejandra, Sabas, Iluminada, Aurea and Florentina were the children of the spouses Simplicio Morico and Sabina Zamudio, who were then living in the land of Gertrudes Zamudio, whose husband was Rufo Madrigal, a cabeza de barangay of Sua. Simplicio Morico had another brother named Fortunato, who was the father of Victoria, Dorotea, Felipe and Melchor Morico. This was before the Japanese war.

Transcript of Profile of Barangay Sua, Camaligan, Camarines Sur, Philippines.

BARANGAY PROFILE OF SUA, CAMALIGAN By: Dominador N. Marcaida, Jr. MENRO (Des.), LGU-Camaligan


A long time ago, before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, the place

was abundant with different kinds of sour trees, such as pomelo, lemon, oranges, kalpe, kabugao and others. These trees were planted as fences around the houses of the community.

When the Spaniards came, they called the place “Suha’, which is the local

name for citrus fruit trees. Some other names cropped up, like Tampac, which came from the word

“Sangab- Tambac.” One story goes that one Spaniard climbed a dalandan tree to get some fruits. The branch was broken, so the Spaniard fell over a pile of fruits (tambak na prutas). The Spaniard asked the people around what happened. The people said, “Tambak”. Since then the place was called “Tambac.” As years went by, it was changed to Tampac.

Other names were given to the place like, Iraya, Kalye Pugot” or

“Mangaho.” When the place was registered as a barangay of Camaligan, they preferred the name “Sua”, from the local word “suha”, the local name for citrus trees. Source: Write-up submitted by Ma. Mercy I. Abarientos, Principal I – Sua Elementary School)

Two residents of the barangay, a brother and a sister, one named Alejandro and another one named Ernesta Marcaida, served as key informants for this part. They gave the following narratives regarding some historical facts about barangay Sua before and after the Japanese War in the Philippines.

These two key informants were the children of Nicomedes Marcaida and

Eufemia Almendral (a sister of one Severina Almendral).

Alejandro Marcaida, born in 1923 at Sua, Camaligan, lived at Sitio Manggaho (presently part of Sitio Tampac), with his wife Alejandra Morico. Alejandra had brothers named Gregorio and Sabas, and sisters named Iluminada, Aurea and Florentina Morico. Aurea was married to Bonifacio Agdan. Gregorio, Alejandra, Sabas, Iluminada, Aurea and Florentina were the children of the spouses Simplicio Morico and Sabina Zamudio, who were then living in the land of Gertrudes Zamudio, whose husband was Rufo Madrigal, a cabeza de barangay of Sua. Simplicio Morico had another brother named Fortunato, who was the father of Victoria, Dorotea, Felipe and Melchor Morico. This was before the Japanese war.

During the Japanese occupation, Alejandro Marcaida, with his wife and children, lived at the poblacion of Camaligan, at Barangay San Mateo, in the land now owned by Jose Capucao at the site occupied by the bodega of the PMO-Camaligan. They stayed there until after liberation time, when they returned to Sua and lived at the site of present barangay Chapel. From here, they were able to buy their own land, which is where they now live. From 1965 until in 1978, where he worked at the PMO-Camaligan until 1985, he was employed with the Department of Public Works and Highways.

According to the key informant Alejandro, the residents of the barangay when he was just a child, were the following: Melecio Otor who had a daughter named Estrella (wife of Roberto Roblas), a certain Rivera of Tampac, Gil Marcaida, Severo Alinday, Florentino Aguilar, Antonio Ocbian, Doroteo Marcaida, Bruno Tablay, Maximo Laynesa (a professional carpenter), Ricardo Tawagon (father of Panfilo and Angel Tawagon), Juan Villamor, Esperidion Capistrano, Leon Abarientos (brother of Gregorio and Raymundo Abarientos. Gregorio is the father of Porfirio Abarientos).

Alejandro Marcaida recalled that the “Tribunal,” a structure made of

bamboo and nipa (which served as the material for it roofing and wall) and “hamorawon” posts, served as a barangay government center and the “hermita.” The “tribunal” was located in the site presently occupied by the basketball court. This was also the structure where the first classes of the Grade I pupils was held in 1948, according to him. The “tribunal” served as a school site for almost ten years, or, in other words, from the year 1948, at the time when schooling was started, up to year 1958, when the first Gabaldon-type school building was constructed at the present school site. This was during the time of the then Philippine President Ramon Magsaysay. The first school building was called “Sua Community School.” He said that it was a certain resident named Petronilo Abias who had the original idea of putting up a primary school in the barangay and to donate a site for this purpose. But since his land was located far from the barangay proper, he exchanged this land to that one owned by a certain Florentina Decena. Florentina Decena acceded to the proposal of Petronilo Abias to land swap. Petronilo Abias (the father of Antonio Abias, and also the grandfather of Rodrigo Abias) then donated the swapped land to the barangay as a new school site. This land is now where the present site of the Sua Elementary School.

According to the key informant Alejandro Marcaida, others who served as “cabeza de Barangay,” aside from the one mentioned below by his sister, Ernesta, were Eugenio Alinday Sr., Prisco Marcaida, and Rufo Madrigal.

The other key informant, Ernesta Marcaida, sister of the previous key

informant, said that the residents of the barangay when she was just a child were the following; Sarah Aguilar, Nicomedes Marcaida (her father), Teofilo Rey, Asuncion Atencia, Cipriana Almendral, Alejandro Marcaida (her brother), Rosario

Altar, Juana Alinday, Doroteo Marcaida, Bonifacio Diones (father of Modesto and Vicente Diones), Marcelo Sanchez, Victoriana Marcaida, Gregorio Villere, Sabino Manait, and Potenciano Almendral.

Two cabezas de barangay whom this key informant mentioned were a

certain Inocencio San Jose and a certain Abraham Alinday, whose terms of office she could not remember since there are no existing records of the terms of the past punong barangays could be found in the barangay.

This informant is also one of the pupils of the first Sua Community School

in the year 1948. (Source: Personal interviews with Alejandro and Ernesta Marcaida, 12 October 2007)


About seventy years ago, in the year 1930’s, the first batch of grade I pupils were housed in a little chapel made of bamboo and nipa. When that little chapel was destroyed by a typhoon, one resident of the barangay, named Leon Abarientos, who had a two-storey house, was kind enough to let the pupils and their teacher, the former Ms. Rufina Enguero, occupy the first floor as a temporary classroom.

When school enrolment increased, the parents asked a benevolent resident to donate a parcel of land for a school site. Because of his generous heart, Alfredo Abias donated one hectare of agricultural land situated near the bank of the Bicol River. The residents were very grateful. But since the site was a low land, very near the river, and was always under water during high tides, they though of exchanging the site to that one owned by Julio Capucao, a resident of Camaligan, whose land was near the road and the barangay center. However, this request was not granted by the owner. Thus the new school building was built in the original site donated by Mr. Alfredo Abias. This first building was made of bamboo and nipa and built through bayanihan effort of the parents. For almost fifteen years, the school enrolment was up to Grade IV only. When the pupils reached Grade V, they went to Gainza to pursue their schooling by crossing the Bicol River. It was only in the year 1950’s that the first Grade VI pupils graduated in this school. When Mrs. Ma. Mercy I. Abarientos was transferred to this school in 1968 as a classroom teacher; there were already seven teachers under the school head then in the name of Mr. Mella. She was transferred to the Camaligan Central School. When she came back, however, in 1992, the enrolment increased year after year. At present, there are already ten teachers handling ten classes under a Principal-I.

(Source: Write-up submitted by Ma. Mercy I. Abarientos, Principal I – Sua Elementary School) Barangay Sua Physiographic Profile

1. Geographical Features:

Barangay Sua is situated along the Bicol River, landlocked, and is

about 3.5 kilometers from the poblacion of Camaligan. It is considered as the farthest barangay of all the thirteen barangays that comprise the municipality of Camaligan

Its boundaries include the municipalities of Canaman (N-W), Barangay

Dugcal (E), and Gainza (SW). The total land area of Barangay Sua, based from the certification issued by

the Land Management Bureau of the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), is about 54.2640 hectares, including lands occupied by access roads and pathways. This figure however does not include the area occupied barangay waters, such as rivers, creeks, and wetlands. However, record from the Municipal Assessor’s Officer based on declared real properties shows a total land area of 60.657266 hectares which is the figure that we adopted here.

2. Geology and Seismicity

Being situated where flood hazard susceptibility is between 0.6 to 2.5 meters high, liquefaction susceptibility is moderate to high, and the peak ground acceleration value (G-factor) is 0.31 to 0.40 g. (soft soil is 1.39 g.), Barangay Sua, Camaligan, is a natural disaster prone area due to floods, soil subsidence and earthquakes. Hence, these factors in its topography and soil are very much considered in the design and construction of any housing, subdivision plans and other public building construction projects.

3. Climate

Barangay Sua, just like other barangays in the municipality of Camaligan, Camarines Sur, has a distinct climate and very pronounced rainfall. Its average rainfall is placed at 1500-2000 ml. annually.

Camarines Sur is a typhoon-prone area. As such, Barangay Sua is never

spared from the weather disturbances that affect the province. The barangay is most affected during the “amihan”, when the heavy rain clouds come from the direction of the larger ocean on the east, which is, the Pacific Ocean. The cyclone pattern is that of one (1) cyclone directly hits the province in a maximum of a three (3) year interval. The climate and the weather phenomena have direct

effect on the productivity of the barangay and the way of life of the barangay residents.

4. Rainfall

Its average rainfall is placed at 1500-2000 ml. annually.

5. Wind Velocity and Direction

The prevailing weather phenomena and patterns experienced are the northeasterly winds, or “amihan” (October-February), the southwesterly, or “habagat” (June-September), and the easterly to Southeasterly, or “hiraga”, during other months. Other wind directions that affect the local climate throughout the year are called by their local names, such as, the following: “salatan” (E-N), “timog” (S-SW), and the “dumagsa” (SW-NW).


Temperature at Barangay Sua ranges between 240C to 340C throughout the whole year.

7. Humidity

Humidity in the area is between 60% - 98%.

8. Typhoons and Storm Surges

Typhoons and Storm surges regularly visit the area between the months of September to November every year when the North-east wind (Amihan) prevails. However, typhoons and storm surges may strike the area anytime during the year.

9. Hydrology

Highest reported incidence of critical water level was during Typhoon Loleng in October 22, 1998, which posted at 4.04 meters high.

10. Topography and Soil

Barangay Sua has mono-topographic relief-flat lowland with slopes of 0.30, coupled with a rich soil (Canaman soil, Balongay soil, and the Libmanan soil) and considered to be suited for agriculture (89% is agricultural land). However, because of floods during inclement weather, its fullest potential is not exploited.

11. Demography Barangay Sua has a total population of 1,397 individuals, distributed among 408 households or families, in seven zones. It has a total land area of 54.2640 hectares, with a present actual land use of 109,529 sq. meters for residential; 7,000 sq. meters for commercial uses; 699 for institutional uses, 19,474 sq. m. for educational uses; 476,424 sq. m. for rice cultivation and 122,275.70 sq. meters as grassland and vacant areas for agricultural uses (there is no present numerical data for roads, bridges, creek, open spaces and institutional uses.) As to age distribution, there are 806 individuals for the age bracket of 0-17 years old; 670 individuals for the age bracket of 18-29 years old (youth); 338 individuals for the 30-65 years old (employable group); and 80 individuals belonging to the 65 years old and above (Senior Citizens), for total number of 1,397 individuals. As to gender distribution, male individuals are 758, and female individuals are 639. As to the number of electoral precincts, there are five precincts with a total of 925 registered voters. 12. Occupational Profile: As to occupation/employment distribution, the following table will show the number of individuals engaged in a particular occupation or employment:



Building Construction Construction Worker 38


Utility 4

Painter 3

Laborer 57

Carpenter 12

Electrical/Electronic Technician 2 5

Services Welder 3

General Services Maintenance Worker 1

6 Janitor 3

Plumber/Driller 1

Tinsmith 1

Security Services Security Guard 7 7

Home Services Laundrywoman 2

19 Barber 3

Househelper 5

Babysitter 2

Beautician 5

Manicurist 1

Caretaker 1

Health Services Hilot 2 2

Transport Services Driver 26

33 Pedicab Driver 3

Tricycle Driver 3

Family Driver 1

Marketing Services Businessmen/women 4


Vendor 5

Buy & Sell 3

Salesclerk 1

Saleslady 3

Salesman 1

Salesboy 2

Sales Agent 1

Promodizer 2

Store Aide/helper 1

Sari-sari Store Owner 4

Fish Vendor 2

Dress vendor 1

Vegetable Vendor 1

Hardware Attendant 1

Food/Restaurant Services Waiter 1


Helper 2

Cook 2

Butcher 1

Food Processor 2

Food Handler 2

Agricultural Services Farmer 55


Fisherman 5

Fish worker 1

Fish Port Worker 2

Farm laborer 4

Farmer/Padyak Driver 1

Farmer/Vendor 1

Animal Cartetaker 1

Office worker Government Employee 2

6 Private Employee 2

Office clerk 1

Secretary 1

Communication Services Broadcaster/Announcer 1

5 Photographer 2

Printing Press Operator 1

Graphic Artist 1

Computer Services Encoder 1 2

Computer Technician 1

Education Worker Teacher 6 8

Day Care Teacher 2

Student Student 7 7

Manufacturing Services Sewer 1 1

Overseas OFW 7 9

Seaman 2

Self-employment Self-Employed 7 135

Housekeeper 128

Barangay Officials Barangay Official 2 3


Retirees Senior Citizen 6 9

Pensioner 3

Peace & Order Personnel Military 1 1

Not Applicable (17 years old and below) 664 664

None (Unstated Employment) 217 217

TOTAL 1365 1365

13. Property Profile








AREA (sq.m.)

1 1 1 PRADO, Roberto 11,266

2 2 RADA (PRADO, Roberto) RADA 10,684

3 3 SIBULO, Filipinas 56,047

4 4 MORICO, Gregorio Valentin Morico 1,913


5 AGDAN, Bonifacio Bonifacio Agdan, Gonsalo Agdan 4,056

6 6 MORICO, Victoria Joni Morico 120

7 7 MORICO, Dorotea 3,639

8 8 DE GUZMAN, Lamberto & Imelda 3,239

9 9 MORICO, Melchor 1,072

10 10 ANTONIO, Canuto 869

11 11 MORICO, Felipe 1,405

12 2 1 SIBULO, Filipinas S. 56,042

13 2 SIBULO, Filipinas


14 3 AGAGAD, Tomas 304

15 4 AGAGAD, Tomas 304

16 5 CORDIAL, Rogelio 3,737

17 6 MANAIT, Cerilo 2,465

18 7 SIBULO, Antonio & Filipinas 2,482

19 8 DEL PILAR, Rafaela 3,245

20 9 AGDAN, Macario 1,254

21 10 CONDAT, Macario 1,485

22 11 PRESENTACION, Angelina 3,711

23 12 TAWAGON, Jose 2,797

24 13 OLAÑO, Consuelo 12,600

25 14 OLAÑO, Consuelo 30,000

26 3 1 OTOR, Melecio 12,389

27 2 GALICIA, Pedro 9,207

28 3 GALICIA, Pedro 199

29 4 SIBULO, Filipinas S. 21,940


5-A RIVERA, Tranquilino (RECEPCION, Aurora) 26,490

5-B DIONES, Jorge

5-C BAYLON, Pampilo

5-D MOLINA, Roberto

5-E DIONES, Joel


5-G ASICO, Eserson

5-H HAPA, Arcenio

5-I ARAGON, Fortunato

5-J BILALE, Michael

5-K MARCAIDA, Baltazar

5-L ABIAS, Amelita Vacant

5-M BARRIOS, Teresita Vacant

5-N AGRAVANTE, Jose Vacant

5-O VILLAMOR, Rosa Vacant

5-P CONTRERAS, Ernesto Vacant

5-Q VILLARE, Gloria Vacant

5-R GONZAGA, Vacant

5-S SERVIDAD, Lanie Vacant

5-T VILLAMOR, Clarita Vacant

5-U BRECIA, Alma Vacant

5-V ABIAS, Elvira Vacant

5-W ABARIENTOS, Cristina Vacant

5-X MANSOR, Delia Vacant

5-Y LAGNASON, Nelly Vacant

5-Z VALENZUELA, Erma Vacant

5-AA FRIAS, Gina Vacant

5-BB POLOTAN, Francisco Jr. Vacant

5-CC ALINDAY, Rodolfo

5-DD LABAPIS, Richard Vacant


5-FF ARAZAS, Remedios

5-GG AGOTILLA, Josefina

5-HH TINDOR, Mary Rose


5-JJ ARCO, Evelyn Vacant

5-KK COBILLAS, Danilo Vacant

5-LL SAN JUAN, Jose Vacant

5-MM GONZAGA, Reynaldo Vacant

5-NN SURTIDO, Balbino Vacant

5-OO DE LA CRUZ, Dennis Vacant

5-PP CORREO, Danilo Vacant

5-QQ DE LA CRUZ, Cipriano Vacant

5-RR RACADAG, Ronald Vacant

5-SS BAROSO, Estela Vacant

5-TT NACABUTAS, Alpedio Vacant

5-UU METILLO, Neptali

5-VV SANDUCO, Norberto

31 6 PRADO, Amparo 1,390

32 7 ALAYAN, Felipe 3,739

33 8 ALINDAY, Eugenio Sr. 7,355

34 9 COLLANTES, Efren 8,729

35 10-A Sta. Ana, Segundo (OLAÑO, Consuelo) Vacant 23,090

10-B BALANLAYOS, Mary Joy Vacant

10-C DEJUMO, Leona Vacant

10-D SAMALIA Vacant

10-E STA. ANA, Segundo Vacant

10-F OLAÑO, Consuelo Vacant

10-G EMILIO, Marilyn Vacant

10-H BEBOT, Jaime Vacant

10-I OCSALES,Lauro Vacant

10-J Vacant

10-K OCSALES,Lauro Vacant

10-L FLORES, David Vacant

10-M FLORES, David Vacant

10-N DEJUMO, Leona Vacant

STA. ANA, Libay Vacant

36 11 SIBULO, Antonio & Filipinas Vacant 782

37 12-A RIVERA, Tranquilino (OLAÑO, Consuelo) Vacant 2,687

12-B RIVERA,Gina Vacant

12-C OLAÑO, Consuelo Vacant

38 13 LAYNEZA, Maximo Cami Rivera, Lourdes Layneza, Alice Rivera 913

39 14 SAN JOSE, Pablo Marilyn Villanueva 2,564

40 15 VILLARAZA, Paula Violeta Roha, Asuncion Mariano, Lourdes Agagad, Salvador Alinday, Gary San Jose 1,074

41 16 TAWAGON, Ricardo Mamita San Jose 664

42 17 DIONES, Modesto 7,936

43 18-A STA. ANA, Libay (OLAÑO, Consuelo) Vacant 1,729

18-B OLAÑO, Consuelo Vacant

44 19 CAPUCAO, Felicisimo 10,575

45 20 SIBULO, Antonio & Filipinas Marina Alabat 361

46 21 DIONES, Modesto Vacant 1,075

47 22 OLAÑO, Consuelo 3,470

48 4 1 SIBULO, Filipinas S. Armando Las Piñas 9,842

49 2 PRADO, Telesporo Jr. 3,072

50 3 REY, Virginia 1,463

51 4 BELBES, Primo 3,873

52 5 EDUARDO, Hercelina (SAN JOSE, Pablo) 240

53 6 SALUDES, Victor Victor Saludes, Antonia Saludes, Allan Saludes, Amelita Saludes, 2,787

54 7 BILALE, Andres Andres Bilale Sr., Andres Bilale Jr., Amado Bilale 614

55 8 VILLAMOR, Rosa (BILALE, Eusebia) Vacant 614

56 9 BILALE, Eliseo Arnel Bilale 614

57 10 BILALE, Luisa Efren Almendral 614

58 11 TAWAGON, Flaviana Ernesto Contreras, Fe Caudilla, Melvin San Jose 4,655

59 12 VILLAMOR, Juan 57

60 13 VILLAMOR, Rosa A. Solomon Labandero,Pedro Labandero 236

61 14 VILLAMOR, Juan Antonio Sunguad 57


15 REBUQUIAO, Jima (VILLAMOR, Jima) Julio Labandero Sr., Julio Labandero Jr., Renato Labandero, Roger Labandero, Enrique Labandero 400

16 SALUDES, Estela Estela Saludes, Mario Saludes, Andres Saludes, Faustino Saludes, Tendinilla 1,976

17 ALINDAY, Lucia Oscar Alinday, Dennis Alinday, Lucia Alinday, Alfredo Saludes Renting: Barrios 6,934

63 5 1 ABARIENTOS, Josefina 18,670

64 2 RB of Pamplona Alejandro Ricafrancia, Josefina Pontejos 462

65 3 VILLERE, Flaviana Bonifacio Tawagon,Francisco Alimango, Randy Tawagon, Salvador Labandero, Fortonato Tawagon 817

66 4 VILLERE, Hilario Norma Villere 309

67 5 ABARIENTOS, Porfirio Antonio Abarrientos 350

68 6 BENIPAYO, Proceso Alfredo Benipayo, Proceso Benepayo, Arcenio Benepayo, Armando Benepayo 1,925

69 7 MARCAIDA, Gavina Aldred Ocsales, Severina Ocsales, Eserson Asico 799

70 8 CAPUCAO, Jose Roberto Robias Sr. 1,681

71 9 AURELLANO, Domingo Oscar Diones, 731

Guillermo Diones, Emirita Saludes, Efren Diones, Jorge Diones

72 10 BIHIS, Zenaida Vacant 6,851

73 11 BIHIS, Zenaida 1,038.66

74 12 VILLERE, Jaime Gloria Villere 753

75 13 TAWAGON, Ricardo Nelson Villamor, Honorato Villere Sr., Josefina Borromeo, Nilo Villere 519

76 14 MARCAIDA, Josefina Crisologo Marcaida Jr., Tomasa Aguilar, Paolo Ramos, Clarita Villamor, Pricila Abarientos 904

77 15 CAPISTRANO, Noel Miguel Buergo, Ariel Aurellano 323

78 16 Dep-ED Vacant 230

79 17 ALMENDRAL, Bernado (ALMENDRAL, Servando) Brgy. Health Center 305

80 18 Barangay Sua Brgy. Hall, Day Care Center, 200

81 19 ALMENDRAL, Servando (ALMENDRAL, Bernardo)

Lucio Asico, Arcenio Hapa, Amador Capistrano, Leonardo Suarez 915

82 20 CAPISTRANO, Esperidion Ruben Capistrano 3,151

83 21 ROBLAS, Leonila T. Vacant 11,100

84 22 ARCEGA, Severina Vacant 660

85 23 CAPISTRANO, Salvacion Vacant 680

86 24 SALVACION, Salustiana Vacant 680

87 25 CAPISTRANO, Esperidion Eden Capistrano 3,151

88 26 ALIPANTE, Rosalio Joseph De Mesa 12,000

89 27 ABARIENTOS, Porfirio 8,567

90 28 ABIAS, Rodrigo Vacant 2,631

91 29 Dep-Ed Elem. School 10,164

92 6 1 MARCAIDA, Alejandro Alejando Marcaida, Virgilio Marcaida, Victor Marcaida, Baltazar Marcaida, Vicitacion Bongais 1,850

93 2 CAPUCAO, Jose 9,080


95 4 AURELLANO, Domingo Edgar Capistrano 900

96 5 DIONES, Mariano Nancy Asico, Benito Balanlayos 900

97 6 DIONES, Celerina Alex Capistrano 900


7 ALMENDRAL, Armando Felisito Almendral Sr. Fe Garul 850

99 8 BALANLAYOS, Benito Segundo Sta. Ana, Pancio Balanlayos 800

100 9 ARAZAS, Gerardo 720

101 10 TABLAY, Hilariona et al Esperanza Marcaida 600

102 11 IMPERIAL, Alejandro Noel Capistrano 800

103 12 ALMENDRAL, Paulo Agapito Llanes 900

104 13 ALINDAY, Juana Ariel Alinday 800

105 14 ASICO, Lucio Jonathan Asico, Edgardo Asico 1000

106 15 ABIAS, Susana Elvira Abias, Rodrigo Abias 1,739

107 16 VILLAMOR, Aquilino Virgilio Villamor, Juan Vale 900

108 17 BERMUDO, Ruben M. Pampilo Baylon, Eusebia 1000

109 18 ATOLE, Miguel Vacant 1400

110 19 ORDIALES, Leticia Vacant 600

111 20 ABARIENTOS, Romualdo 800

112 21 MARCAIDA, Benjamin 300

113 22 DASECO, Reynaldo 200

114 23 MARCAIDA, Lorenza Samuel Daseco 180

115 24 BALANLAYOS, Benito 1,100

116 25 ALMENDRAL, Teodoro Delfin Almendral 2,588

117 26 ALMENDRAL, Crecenciano Delfin Almendral 50

118 27 ALMENDRAL, Potenciano Potenciano Almendral, Rolando Almendral,Vicente Brecia, Eusebia Latumbo 50

119 28 ALMENDRAL, Victoria 120

120 29 ALMENDRAL, Maria 193

121 30 MARCAIDA, Bernardita 271

122 31 DIONES, Juan 227

123 32 SAN JOSE, Prescilo Vacant 988

124 33 DE MESA, Marcelo Maria De Mesa 344

125 34 CAPISTRANO, Marta A. 255

126 35 HAPA, Wenifreda Bonifacio Hapa, Marlon Antonio 225

127 36 MARCAIDA, Victor Vacant 846

128 37 MARCAIDA, Violeta Vacant 512

129 38 MARCAIDA, Virgilio Vacant 471

130 39 MARCAIDA, Beatriz Vacant 476

131 40 MARCAIDA, Baltazar Vacant 632

132 41 DIONES, Florentino Vacant 711

133 42 PACHICA, Encarnacion Villamor 1,414

134 43 ABARIENTOS, Jose 1,900

135 44 MARCAIDA, Eulogio 1,882

136 45 MARCAIDA, Visitacion Vacant 643

137 46 MARCAIDA, Bernardita Vacant 408

138 47 ALMENDRAL, Bernardo 3,770

139 48 ALMENDRAL, Bernardo Vacant 500

140 49 ALMENDRAL,.Elvira Vacant 1,767

141 50 ALMENDRAL, Elvira Vacant 921

142 51 VICTORIA, Visitacion Erl Saludes 704

143 52 MARCAIDA, Andres 765

144 53 ALMENDRAL, Elvira Estrella Asaytono 2,680

145 54 CAPISTRANO, Roberto & Magdalena 3,402

146 55 BALANLAYOS, Benito Vacant 3,500

147 7 1 ROBLAS, Leonila T. Salve Amon 777

148 2-A STA. ANA, Servando (ARCEGA, Aproniano) Rolly Sabado 501

2-B ARCEGA, Aproniano Vacant

149 3 ARCEGA, Aproniano Ireneo Silerio 924

150 4 AGDURO, Hilarion Hilarion Agduro, Rolly Martinez 322

151 5-A DEL ROSARIO, Jaime (BARRIOS, Sabas) Jonathan Wimer 736

5-B SABAS, Teresita

5-C BARRIOS, Sabas

152 6 DEL ROSARIO, Jaime (ABARIENTOS, Natividad) 388

153 7 SILERIO, Primo Vacant 547

154 8 AGDURO, Hilarion 1,892

155 9 ABARIENTOS, Jose 1,592

156 10 ABARIENTOS, Esmeralda Vacant 2,313

157 11 ROBLAS, Santiago Vacant 447

158 12 BUENA, Vicente 3,820

159 13 Sps. DASECO, Reynaldo & Ernesta 1,089

160 14 SILERIO, Ireneo 3,093

161 15 CALLAS, Hilario 2,710

162 16 BUENA, Herminio 2,590

163 17 SILERIO, Ireneo 11,286

164 18 ROBLAS, Santiago 3,070

165 19 MARCAIDA, Andres 1,606

166 20 SILERIO, Ireneo 3,974

167 21 ATENCIA, Salome 4,918

168 8 1 VILLERE, Aproniano Calixto Villere, Romeo Villere, Jerry Villere, Avelina De los Santos, Alberto Villere Jr., Danilo Villere, Charlie Villere 768

169 2 REY, Nicasio Sr. Nicasio Rey Sr., Nicasio Rey Jr.,Nenita Marcaida 296

170 3 VILLAMOR, Maria 952

171 4 ABARIENTOS, Jose Vacant 714

172 5 VILLERE, Salvacion Fe Villamor 777

173 6 RAZON, Engr. Daniel B. Nestor Hernandez 16,471

174 7 TAWAGON, Flaviana Vacant 4,740

175 9 1 MANAIT, Valeriano Oriel Manait, Milagros Manait,Juvy Manait 2,744

176 2 MANAIT, Lolita Norma Roblas, 1,840

Alfredo Borja, Danilo Manait, Fernando Suares, Cerilo Manait Jr.

177 3 ALINDAY, Lucia Alfredo Borja, Danilo Manait, Fernando Suares, Cerilo Manait Jr. 4,416

178 4 BONAFE, Leodegario Vacant 1,710

179 5 ROBLAS, Manuela Norma Roblas 5,490

180 6 TAWAGON, Flaviano 8,828

181 7 Sps. ABIAS, Exequiel & Teresita 1,171

182 8 GALICIA, Rosario 77

183 9 GALICIA, Rosario 47,820

184 10 VILLARAZA, Paula 1,557

185 11 MANAIT, Santos 8,801

186 12 ALINDAY, Lucia 4,270

187 13 TAWAGON, Flaviano Vacant 1,014

188 10 1-A LAGASCA, Noel (LAGASCA,Alfredo) 790


189 2 LAGASCA, Rosenda 610

190 3 GONTANG, Isabel Vacant 4,000

191 4 SISON, Eddie (BICHARA, Victor Jr). Vacant 2,600

192 5 SISON, Eddie (DIONES, Modesta) Vacant 589

193 6 OCSALES, Lauro 676

194 7 TAWAGON, Angel 840

195 8 SISON, Eddie (BICHARA, Victor Jr). Vacant 2,535

196 9 PRADO, Melchor N. 3,245

197 10 AGAMOS, Maxima 1,283

198 11 PRADO, Amparo 448

199 12 PRADO, Joventino 1,108

200 11 1 LAGASCA, Elena 5,348

201 2 SAN JSOE, Benedicto 2,576

202 3 SIBULO, Antonio & Filipinas 2,943

203 4 SIBULO, Antonio & Filipinas 225

204 5 RB OF Nabua 2,227

205 6-A AURELLANO, Fructuoso 2,000

6-B SIBULO, Antonio

206 7-A FLORALDE, Fernando 300


207 8 TAWAGON, Jose Angelo Agagad 148

208 9 TAWAGON, Jose Gil Tawagon 474

209 10 SAN JOSE, Prescilo 436

210 11 SAN JOSE, Inocencio (DY, Elmer) Vacant 233

211 12 TUNAY. Lailanie Anecia Tunay/Rice Mill 450

212 13 SAN JOSE, Eugenia Vacant 597

213 14 SAN JOSE, Inocencia Vacant 335

214 15 MILANO, Abraham 268

215 16 AURELLANO, Zenaida 300

216 17 SAN JOSE, Celedonio Celedonio San Jose, Felicito San Jose, Francia San Jose, Ardilyn San Jose 661

217 18 SAN JOSE, Esmeraldo 2,420

218 19 SAN JOSE, Benedicto Oscar Frondoso 865

219 20 GONTANG, Camila A. Vacant 315

220 21-A ALINDAY,Ferdinand (ALINDAY, Eugenio) 567

21-B ALINDAY, Nida

21-C ALINDAY, Gloriosa

221 22 TUNAY, Anecia Fernando Saludes, Domingo Saludes 2,054


223 24 SALUDES, Eugenia Antonio Saludes, Estrella Alayan, 370

Total declared area 763,207

14. List of Household (Family) Heads per zone:



1 AGAD, Aryan A. 1 ABIAS, Amando V.

2 AGAGAD, Angelo R. 2 AGAGAD, Juan Jr.

3 AGAGAD, Arnold A. 3 ALINDAY, Ernesto

4 ALABAT, Noel A. 4 ALINDAY, Ernesto Jr. V.

5 ALAYAN, Estelita T. 5 ALINDAY, Salvador

6 ALAYAN, Serafin Jr. 6 ASISASA, Pablo M.

7 ALINDAY, Ferdinand Sr. 7 AURELLANO, Basilio

8 ALINDAY, Roberto SJ. 8 BATALLA, Alfredo

9 ALINDAY, Sonny T. 9 BATALLA, Alfredo M.

10 ALTAR, Joseph A. 10 BORJA, Alfredo

11 ALTAR, Leticia A. 11 BORROMEO, Tomas Jr. S.

12 BUID, Amar A. 12 DAPADAP, Ariel S.

13 CULLANZA, Domingo 13 LAGASCA, Raynaldo Jr.

14 FESICO, Mariano B. 14 LAGASCA, Rolando

15 FLORALDE, Fernando 15 LAGASCA, Wilmar M.

16 FLORES, David Sr. DM 16 MANAIT, Celso A.

17 GRONA, Eddie Sr. I. 17 MANAIT, Danilo Sr. A.

18 LAGASCA, Noel M. (Zone 6) 18 MANAIT, Oriel R.

19 LAGASCA, Panfilo 19 MANAIT, Valeriano

20 LAGASCA, Rosenda A. 20 MARIANO, Rodrigo M.

21 LAMAR, Virgilio o. 21 MARTINEZ, Ruley G.

22 LAYNESA, Maximo L. 22 MELICOR, Marvin S.

23 LAYNESA, Rogelio Jr. B. 23 METILLO, Michael

24 MADIA, Donato Jr. P. 24 METILLO, Nepthaly L.

25 MANAIT, Gonzalo S. 25 OCSALES, Jesus

26 MANAIT, Santos Sr. 26 OCSALES, Lauro Jr. A.

27 MILANO, Abraham E. 27 RIVERA, Ernesto

28 MILANO, Albert I. 28 RIVERA, Jimmy Jr.

29 MISA, Sofronio Jr. 29 RIVERA, Jimmy Sr. 30 OCBIAN, Juan T. 30 RIVERA, Ricardo 31 OCSALES, Lauro Sr. L. 31 ROA, Alfredo M. 32 PADO, Eleuterio Jr. G. 32 ROBLAS, Nestor B. 33 RIVERA, Aquilino 33 SALUDES, Guillermo A. 34 RIVERA, Benjamin 34 SALUDES, Ruben V. 35 SALUDES, Antonio A. 35 SALUDES, Sandy D. 36 SALUDES, Domingo A. 36 SAN JOSE, Alejandre Jr.

37 SALUDES, Oscar P. 37 SAN JOSE, Alejandre Sr.

38 SALUDES, Rodel T. 38 SAN JOSE, Gary

39 SAN JOSE, Anacito O. 39 SAN JOSE, Richard

40 SAN JOSE, Celedonio 40 SERVIDAD, Lani N.

41 SAN JOSE, Domingo Jr. Ron 41 TAWAGON, Abraham

42 SAN JOSE, Edgar Z. 42 VILANUEVA, Reynaldo

43 SAN JOSE, Elex

44 SAN JOSE, Priscilo A.

45 SAN JSOE, Loreto A.

46 SIBULO, Dan T.

47 TAÑAN, Crisanto A.

48 TAPGOS, Eric M.

49 TAWAGON, ceferina

50 TAWAGON, Israel A.

51 TUNAY, Jaime Jr.

52 TUNAY, Jaime Sr.

53 ZAPATA, Vicente C.



1 ALABAT, Macario Jr. B. 1 ABARIENTOS, Antonio S.

2 ALINDAY, Ariel B. 2 ABARIENTOS, Manuel

3 ALINDAY, Dennis A. 3 ALABAT, Loreto Sr.

4 ALINDAY, Lucia M. 4 ALIMANGO, Francisco D.

5 ALINDAY, Oscar 5 ALINDAY, Abraham A.

6 ALINDAY, Rodolfo D. 6 ALINDAY, Glen A.

7 ALMENDRAL, Armando Jr. 7 ARCEGA, Aproniano

8 ALMENDRAL, Efren 8 ASICO, Eserson A.

9 ARAGON, Florante A. 9 BAYLON, Panfilo B.

10 BELALE, Andres Jr. S. 10 BELALE, Amado T.

11 BELALE, Arnel T. 11 BELALE, Andres Sr. P.

12 DE LOS SANTOS, Avelina V. 12 BENIPAYO, Alfredo

13 DE LOS SANTOS, Ronaldo 13 BENIPAYO, Arnaldo

14 DE PASCUA, Virginia 14 BENIPAYO, Arsenio M.

15 DIONES, Viterbo Jr. B. 15 BENIPAYO, Percival M.

16 FERNANDO, Charles V. 16 BENIPAYO, Proceso Jr.

17 JANUARIO, Jesus J. 17 BENIPAYO, Proceso Sr.

18 LAS PIÑAS, Arman 18 BONGAIS, Lorenzo A.

19 LAVANDERO, Solomon 19 BORROMERO, Joseph

20 MARCAIDA, Antonio SJ. 20 CAUDILLA, Nelson Sr.

21 OLIS, Juan David 21 CONTRERAS, Ernesto V.

22 RAMOS, Vicente 22 DIONES, Beterbo A.

23 REY, Loreta 23 DIONES, Efren A.

24 REY, Nicasio Jr. N. 24 DIONES, Guillermo

25 ROBLAS, Queterio B. 25 DIONES, Jorge A.

26 SALUDES, Alfredo A. 26 DIONES, Oscar A.

27 SALUDES, Estela C. 27 DIZON, Angelito B.

28 SALUDES, Faustino Jr. 28 LATUMBO, Alden 29 SUNGUAD, Antonio T. 29 LAVANDERO, Salvador C. 30 TAWAGON, Randy M. 30 MARCAIDA, Alejandro A. 31 TENDENILLA, Andres S. 31 MARCAIDA, Anthony R. 32 TENDENILLA, mario 32 MARCAIDA, Baltazar 33 TOSOC, Enrique 33 MARCAIDA, Victor 34 VILLAMOR, Juan Jr. C. 34 OCSALES, Aldrin M. 35 VILLAMOR, Julio Jr. 35 PONTEJOS, Josefina A. 36 VILLAMOR, Julio Sr. C. 36 RICAFRANCIA, Alejandro F.

37 VILLAMOR, Roger T. 37 ROBLAS, Roberto Jr. L.

38 VILLAMOR, Ronald 38 ROBLAS, Roberto Sr. T.

39 VILLERE, Alberto Sr. C. 39 SALUDES, Abel R.

40 VILLERE, Calixto SJ. 40 SAN JOSE, Henry

41 VILLERE, Danilo C. 41 SAN JOSE, Melvin R.

42 VILLERE, Jerry S. 42 SANDUCO, Norberto A.

43 VILLERE, John John C. 43 SANTIAGO, Anthony B.

44 VILLERE, Romeo Jr. E. 44 TAWAGON, Bonifacio

45 VILLERE, Romeo Sr. SJ. 45 TAWAGON, Francisco V.

46 46 VILLAMOR, Marvin M.

47 47 VILLAMOR, Nelson T.

48 48 VILLARE, Gloria

49 49 VILLERE, Honorato Sr. S.

50 50 VILLERE, Jaime N.

51 51 VILLERE, Nilo

52 52 VILLERE, Norma N.

53 53 VILLERE, Rodnie T.



1 ABARIENTOS, Anthony 1 ABIAS, Amando V.

2 AGUILAR, Alfredo 2 ABIAS, Rodrigo Sr. V.

3 ALMENDRAL, Nilo Sr. 3 ADOLFO, Felicito

4 ASAYTONO, Estrella 4 ADOLFO, Felicito Sr. A.

5 ASICO, L:ucio 5 ADOLFO, Jevic

6 ASICO, Renante 6 ADOLFO, Jonel A.

7 AVILA, Rogelio Jr. 7 AGRAVANTE, Jose F.

8 BARRIOS, Sabas Jr. 8 ALINDAY, Ariel M.

9 BAUTISTA, Felipe Sr. 9 ALMA, Dario F.

10 BILALE, Romulo M. 10 ALMENDRAL, Delfin

11 BUERGO, Miguel 11 ALMENDRAL, Rogelio A.

12 CAPISTRANO, Alberto Jr. A. 12 ALMENDRAL, Rolando D.

13 CAPISTRANO, Alberto Sr. 13 AMON, Marino S.

14 CAPISTRANO, Amador 14 ASAYTONO, Roberto Jr.

15 CAPISTRANO, Joey A. 15 AURELLANO Crisanto A.


17 CAPISTRANO, Ruben Sr. 17 BALANLAYOS, Benito S.


19 DE MESA, Gabriel 19 BALANLAYOS, Robert A.

20 DE MESA, Maria 20 BALANLAYOS, Roberto A.

21 GAMBOA, Ruel 21 BARRIOS Teresita M.

22 GOLOLAYA, Rey 22 BAYLON, Eusebia

23 HAPA, Arsenio 23 BRECIA, Vicente A.

24 HAPA, Bonifacio 24 CAPISTRANO, Edgardo A.

25 LIGUE, Winnie 25 CAPISTRANO, Noel Jr. A.

26 MARCAIDA, Adela SJ. 26 CAPSITRANO, Blandino

27 MARCAIDA, Crisologo Jr. 27 DASICO, Ernesta M.

28 MARCAIDA, Elmer Jr. C. 28 DASICO, Hernando M. 29 MARCAIDA, Josephina 29 DASICO, Oscar Sr. M. 30 MARCAIDA, Nelson 30 DASICO, Reynaldo G. 31 MARCAIDA, Nestor 31 FAROL, Joaquin 32 MENDOZA, Michael 32 LATUMBO, Eusebio S. 33 PAIBAY, Edgardo Sr. 33 LAYNESA, Rogelio A. 34 RAMOS, Paulo Sr. 34 LLANES, Agapito Sr. E. 35 SALUDES, Er 35 MARCAIDA, Esperanza O. 36 SALUDES, Patricio 36 MARCAIDA, Zacarias Jr. O.

37 SUAREZ, Leonardo 37 MARFUEGA, Michael A.

38 VILLAMOR, Renato 38 MILANO, Joel

39 VILLAMOR, Valeriano 39 MORICO, Jonathan S.

40 40 SABURDO, Rolly I.

41 41 SAN JOSE, Salve

42 42 SILERIO, Ireneo Jr. A.

43 43 STA. ANA, Servando

44 44 SUAREZ, Fernando C.

45 45 VALE, Juan G.



1 AGDAN, Bonifacio

2 AGDAN, Gonzalo

3 ALABAT, Bernardo

4 ALAYAN, Sandy J.

5 ALIMANGO, Jovito M.


7 ALINDAY, Christopher A.

8 ALINDAY, EugenioV

9 ALINDAY, Noriel

10 ALIPAR, Corazon

11 ALIPAR, Hector D.

12 ALVIAR, Rogelio

13 ALVIAR, Rogelio

14 AMARO, Aaron

15 AMARO, Nonelon DLC

16 ANDAL, Romeo Sr. A.

17 ARAGON, Edgio

18 ARAGON, Fortunato

19 ARAGON, Liberato M.

20 ARAZAS, Armen A.

21 ARAZAS, gerardo Sr. S.

22 AURELLANO, Circuncision

23 AURELLANO, Manuel

24 AURELLANO, Placido

25 AURELLANO, Socorro

26 AZUTILLO, Vicente C.

27 BALAQUIAO, Agusto

28 BAYLON, Joseph M.

29 BILALE, Michael

30 BOLIMA, Bonifacio

31 BOLIMA, Jaime

32 BONAFE, Edmedio

33 BONGAIS, Jorge

34 CALONG, Alvin J.


36 CATO, Roger

37 CLORES, Rowena I.

38 CONTRERAS, Calixto

39 CONTRERAS, Henry D.

40 DE LA CRUZ, Dodie

41 DE LOS SANTOS, estelita

42 DE VILLA, Alfredo F.

43 DEL PILAR, Emmanuel A.

44 DEL PILAR, Jose P.

45 DEL PILAR, Osacr

46 DEL PILAR, Rosapin

47 DEMESA, Joseph

48 DEMESA, Mariano

49 DIONES, Jeremias

50 DIONES, Randy

51 DUMAGAT, Jesie D.

52 ESTEVES, Francia C.

53 LAVANDERO, Pedro C.

54 LAYNESA, Michael

55 LLAGAS, Edgar B.

56 LLAGAS, Edwin N.

57 LLAGAS, Leonora N.

58 MACABUTAS, Alfredo

59 MAGALONA, Efren F.

60 MALICDIM, Elvis

61 MANAIT, Cirilo Jr.

62 MANAIT, Cirilo Jr.

63 MANDIA, Rodrigo

64 MANDIA, Tranquilino

65 MARCAIDA, Asuncion

66 MARCAIDA, Dominic

67 MARCAIDA, Ernesta

68 MARCAIDA, Pobleo

69 MARIANO, Dante A.

70 MARIANO, Hector

71 MARIANO, Virginia

72 MOLINA, Roberto

73 MORICO, Carlos P.

74 MORICO, Eduardo

75 MORICO, Ramil

76 MORICO, Renante

77 MORICO, Ronnie

78 MORICO, Simplicio C.

79 MORICO, Valentine

80 MORICO, William

81 OLISCO, Joel

82 PALOMAR, Antonio

83 PARAÑAL, Godofredo

84 RADA, Remberto

85 RAMIRES, Jerson

86 ROMAGOSA, Calixto

87 SABELLO, Rogelio

88 SALUDES, Allan

89 SALUDES, Antonette

90 SAN JOSE, Inocencio

91 SIAT, Daniel A.

92 TAWAGON, Allan

93 TAWAGON, Allano

94 TAWAGON, Jose

95 VALENZUELA, Faustino Jr. A.

96 VILLAMOR, Crispina S.

97 ZAMUDIO, Michael