PROCEEDINGS - Repository Poltekkes Semarang


Transcript of PROCEEDINGS - Repository Poltekkes Semarang



2nd International Conference

Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

“On Handling Non Communicable Diseases”

Semarang, 2-3 September 2020

Pusat Unggulan IPTEKS (PUI-P2PTM)

Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang



PROCEEDINGS 2nd International Conference Poltekkes Kemenkes


“On Handling Non Communicable Diseases” Semarang, 2-3 September 2020

Ketua Penyunting

Dr. Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti, SKM, MNS

Reviewer :

Dr.drg. Diyah Fatmasari,MDSc

Dr. Sri Sumarni, M.Mid

Dr. Melyana N.W, S.SiT, M.Kes

Dr. Bedjo Santoso, S.SiT, M.Kes

Novita Kurnia Wulandari,


Edisi I, Cetakan Pertama 2020

Diterbitkan Oleh :

Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Semarang

Telp : (024) 7477208

[email protected]

Jl. Tirto Agung, Pedalangan, Kec. Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah,


ISBN : 978-623-6730-03-4

Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang

Dilarang mengutip, memperbanyak dan menterjemahkan

sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa izin tertuis dari






Pelindung : Direktur Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Penasihat : 1. Wadir I Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

2. Wadir II Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

3. Wadir III Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Steering Committee : 1. Ketua Program Pascasarjana

2. Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat

3. Kepala Pusat Pengembangan

4. Kepala SPI

5. Ketua Jurusan Keperawatan

6. Ketua Jurusan Kebidanan

7. Ketua Jurusan Gizi

8. Ketua Jurusan Teknik Radiodiagnostik dan Radioterapi

9. Ketua Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi

10. Ketua Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan

11. Ketua Jurusan Analis Kesehatan

12. Ketua Jurusan RMIK

13. Kabag Adm.Umum dan Akademik

Organizing Committee

K e t u a

Wakil Ketua



Dr. Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti, SKM, MNS

Dr. Runjati, M.Mid


: 1. Hermien Nugraheni, SKM, M.Kes

2. Marichatul Jannah, S.ST, M.Kes


: 1. Endang Krismawati, S.E

2.. Dian Enjas Ramasputri, SKM


1. Ilmiah


1. Dr.drg. Diyah Fatmasari,MDSc

2. Dr. Sri Sumarni, M.Mid

3. Dr. Melyana N.W, S.SiT, M.Kes

4. Dr. Bedjo Santoso, S.SiT, M.Kes

5. Novita Kurnia Wulandari,

2. Acara : 1. Sri Wahyuni Sigit, S.Kep,Ns, M.Kes

2. Sudiarto, MN

3. Sunarto, SKM, M.Kes

4. Novelin S.Maulida, S.Tr.Kes

3. Publikasi Jurnal : 1. Dr. Kun Aristiati S, SKM, M.Kes


2. Dr. drg. Lanny Sunarjo, MDSc

3. Mardiyono, Ph.D

4. Chobibah, S.ST.,Mkes

5. Fauzan Ma’ruf, S.ST

4. Humas/Dokumentasi : 1. Dr.Ta’adi, S.Kep,Ns, MHKes

3. Sawab, S.Kep, Ns, M.Kes

4. Bangun T. Nugroho, SKM

6. Sekretariat dan IT : 1. Rizal Ginanjar, S.ST, M.Kes

2. Iqbal Kurniawan

3. Dimas Bagas Prakosa

4. Muhammad Nauval Rizky

7. Dekorasi &


: 1. Adhani Windari, SKM, M.Kes

2. Nanang Qosim

3. Wakimin



Praise our gratitude for the presence of God Almighty, for His bless and

grace, so that the implementation of this International Conference can be held with

the theme “On Handling Non-Communicable Disease During Covid 19 Pandemic”

which aims to share information about current issues regarding Non-Communicable

Disease during the Covid- 19 Pandemic, Facilitating a meeting forum for scientists,

researchers, academics and students to exchange experiences and research results

on all aspects of handling, and controlling Covid-19 transmission to people at risk

and people with non-communicable diseases and facilitating forums to share

interventions in dealing with the prevention and control of non-communicable

disease during the Covid-19.

The International Conference is expected to be a means in efforts to prevent

and control public health problems through research based on science and

technology that is built from research and publications activities an the applications

of research results in solving health problems in the community, in terms of this is

a matter of NCDs prevention an control. The industrial era 4.0 also requires

academics, students, and health observers to always update their abilities through

research and scientific activities, to contribute to the handling of NCDs, especially

in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Our gratitude goes to the Director of Ministry of Health

Polytechnic in Semarang, resource persons, paper contributors and all related

parties so that the international conference can be held well.

Semarang, September 2020

Committee Chief,

Dr. Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti, SKM.,MNS



KEY NOTE SPEAKER I : Artificial Intelligence Role in Global Health for

Covid-19 Pandemic (Naoyuki Kobuta)

KEY NOTE SPEAKER II : Risk factors and Comorbidity Among Non-

Communicable Disease Patient during Covid19

Pandemic. (Prof. Dr. dr. Suharyo Hadisaputro,


KEY NOTE SPEAKER III : Possibility Aplication of Plasma and Ozone

Technology on Handling Non Communicable

Disease durung Covid-19 Pandemic (Prof. Dr.

Muhammad Nur, DEA)

KEY NOTE SPEAKER IV : Nutrition for Prevention and Recovery among Non

Communicables Diseases Patient in Covid-19

Pandemic. (Prof. Pooh Bee Kon and Dr. Kun

Aristiati S, SKM, M.Kes )

KEY NOTE SPEAKER V : Maternal and Child Health in Covid-19 Pandemic

(Emily Rose Smith, Sc.D and Dr. Runjati, M.Mid)

KEY NOTE SPEAKER VI : Promoting Health Status among Non

Communicables Diseases Patient in Covid-19

Pandemic (Prof . Sang Arun, PHD)

KEY NOTE SPEAKER VII : Indonesian Public Health Problem in Covid19

Pandemic (Prof Dr.dr Anies, M.Kes .PKK and

Prof . Dr.drg Diyah fatmasari, MD.Sc)




Assalamu'alaikum wr wb


First of all, I express my deepest gratitude to God almighty for His blessings

as the International conference conducted cooperatively by health polytechnic of

Semarang can be done successfully On this very special occasion, I wish

particularly to give my best thanks to Mr. Marsum, BE, S.Pd, MHP and her

colleagues as representation of POLTEKKES Semarang, for giving me a huge

opportunity as a chief commitee. i am most grateful for efforts put forth by all of

the International conference committee, who diligently worked throughout the

process of inviting both participants and speakers so that the event goes on the right

track Finally, I do hope that the event will contribute positively to health

professionalism itself as well as to establish a wonderful networking between health

organization and significant others May God bless our good relationship and good

will so that He will only bring goodness for al

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

Semarang, September 2020

Chief Commitee

Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti, SKM, MNS



Contents Page

Cover Page i Soft Cover ii Verso Page iii Committee iv Preface vi Speaker vii Speech By Chief Organizing Committee Of 2nd International Confrence viii Contents ix Analysis Of Iron Level And Acceptability Of Chicken Liver Nugget As Alternative Food For Anemic Female Teenagers Myrna Sally Hardeanna, Sunarto, Mohammad Jaelani


Handling Training Of Hypothermia Using Pseudotem Banana Nesting For Pregnant Women And Health Cadres In Cepoko Village In 2019 Melyana Nurul Widyawati, Sri Sumarni, Sri Wahyuni, Sri Endang Pujiastuti


Overcoming Dismenore With Sunflower Seeds (Helianthus Annuus L) Tuti Sukini, Masini, Rosep Lubatin


The Effect Of Education About Toddler Nutrition By Using Audio Visual Media On Toddler’s Mother Munayarokh, Rizki Winarni, Arum Lusiana


Description Of Adolescent Knowledge About Non-Communicable Diseases Arising From Smoking Behavior Titi Mursiti, Sri Setiasih, Titik Sapartinah, Rozikhan


Survey Risk Of Abuse Of Drugs In Student Smk In Purwokerto Aris Fitriyani, Siti Mulidah, Maisje Marlyn Kuhu, Wicky Sri Erland Adityas


Prevention Of Cervical Cancer Through Animated Media In Improving Childbearing Age Women’s Knowledge About Iva Examination Siti Rofi’ah, Imroatul Munawaroh, Ribkha Itha Idhayanti


Peer Group Support In Prevention Of Teenage Girl’s Anemia Siti Rofi’ah, Rini Dwi Mulyani, Sri Widatiningsih


The Effect Of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract In Reduction Of Blood Glucose Levels In Patients With Type2 Diabetes Mellitus. A Literature Review Novita Kurnia Wulandari, Suharyo Hadisaputro, Mardiyono Mardiyono, Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti


The Effect Between Exclusive Breastfeeding, Complementary Breastfeeding (Mp-Asi) And Growth Monitoring With Stunting Events In Toddler Age 24-59 Months At Pamengkang Health Center Cirebon Regency In 2019 Ade Iko Roviko, Rani Widiyanti S.A


Seft Therapy (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique) As An Attempt To Decrease Maternal Ness In The Face Of Childbirth: Systemmatic Literature Review Aldila Noviyanti, Palupi Bodro Sayekti


Anxiety Levels And Coping Mechanism Of Hypertension In Puskesmas Magelang Utara Yeni Yulistanti


Cabbage Leaves Compress To Reduce Breast Engorgement In Postpartum Mothers Tatsa Putri Kumala Sari


The Effect Of Various Types Of Attractants In The Ovitrap On The Number Of Aedes Sp Mosquito Eggs Arif Widyanto, Agus Subagiyo, Hari Rudijanto Iw


Quail Eggs Prevent Anemia In Pregnant Women During The Covid 19 Pandemic Budi Astyandini, Tri Nurhidayati


Tuberculosis Prevention Model Development Family Based In Indonesia 101


Jenita Dt Donsu, Harmilah, Rita Benya Adriani Pufa And Mufa Dietary Intake On Lipids Profile Among Coronary Heart Disease Patients : A Narrative Review Baarizah Febriana Badri, Mohammad Jaelani, Dian Lutfia Muninggar


Health Education Effectivity Using Group Discussion And Education By Bkr Towards Parents' Attitude In Facing Teens Reproductive Health Arum Lusiana, Christin Hiyana Td, Siti Chunaeni


Literature Review : Effectiveness Of Hydrotherapy On Blood Pressure Among Hipertensive Clients Yasmina Izzat, Muhamad Jauhar, Fajar Surahmi


Fighting Against Covid 19: Radiographer At Covid 19 Emergency Hospital Kemayoran Atlhete Village Fatimah, Siti Masrochah, Muhammad Erfansyah, Salis Nurbaiti


Mental Health And Psychosocial Impact Of Adolescent During Covid-19 Erna Erawati, Moh. Ridwan, Tulus Puji Hastuti


Algorithm Variation Of Fbp, Idose4 And Iterative Model Reconstruction (Imr) On Image Quality Of Msct Thorax Low Dose For Lung Nodul Detection Siti Anikmah, Yeti Kartikasari, Ary Kurniawati


Relationship Between The Consumption Of Fe Tablets And Anemia In Third Trimester Pregnant Women At Talise Health Center Palu City Gabriella Sakulat, Arie Maineny, Gusman Arsyad


Hearing Distraction Technique In Dealing With Insomnia Herry Prasetyo, Ulfah Agus Sukrillah, Petrus Nugroho Ds


Education With Stick Images And Leaflet Towards Knowledge About Maintain Dental Health Nining Mustika, Diyah Fatmasar, Salikun


Tomon (Tooth Monster Hunter): Innovation Of Dental Health Promotion Using Smart Toothbrush Salikun, Hany Windri Astuti, Magfur Ramdhani


Breastfeeding Counseling: A Comparative Study Of 10 Hours Modified Modul And Who 40 Hours Modul Toward Breastfeeding Practice Krisdiana Wijayanti, Kuswanto


Factors Affecting Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) Of Pregnant Women Puji Rahayu, Wahyu Pujiastuti, Tuti Sukini


Literature Study: Audiovisual Based Health Education Media Improving Pregnant Women's Knowledge And Attitudes About Signs Of High Risk Pregnancy Titah Pangesti, Dina Indrati, Iis Sriningsih


Application Of Neuro Digital Massage Stimulation (Nedimas) Toward Muscle Strength And Range Of Motion Of The Extremity Joints In Stroke Patient Sudirman, Ahmad Baequny, Sumarni, Hendra Marwazi


A Descriptive Study Of Early Detection Of Mental And Emotional Disorders (Kmme, Chat, Gpph) In Children Aged 36-72 Months Sri Winarsih, Nuril Nikmawati, Suprihatiningsih


Training For Additional Food Making With Balanced Nutrition Based On Local Food For Cadres In Wonosari-Kendal Village Ana Sundari, Heny Rosiana, Sri Setiasih, Titi Mursiti


Exclusive Feeding Relationships With Nutritional Status In 7 Months Age With The History Of Born Stunting Esti Rettiningsih, Herlina Tri Damailia, Sri Winarsih


Effectiveness Of Intermittent Kangaroo Mother Care Method On Weight Increase In Low Birth Weight Babies Nur Syahria, Olkamien J. Longulo, Putu Candriasih


Android-Based Application For Early Detection Of Pregnancy Danger Signs As The Prevention Of Covid-19 Nur Syahria, Olkamien J. Longulo, Putu Candriasih



Compliance With The Use Of Amoxicillin Antibiotics During The Covid-19 Pandemic By Patient At Pangkalanbaru Central Bangka Health Center Rachmawati Felani Djuria


Economic Potential And Market Solid Waste Management In Bandar Lampung City Imam Santosa, Enro Sujito


Role Of Sequent Diffusion Tensor Imaging (Dti) In Brain Mri Examination In Cases Of Brain Tumors Hendra Aji Nugroho, Yeti Kartikasari, Sri Mulyati


The Differences In Perineum Massage Health Education With Leaflet Media And Demonstration Methods Of Perineum Massage Practice In Trimester Pregnant Mother Iii Siti Chunaeni, Ningsih Widayati


Enhanced Immunity And Mental Health Capacity Cmhn Cader And Society During The Covid 19 Pandemic Suyanta, Sunarko, Angga Sugiarto




The Effect Of Reproductive Health Education On Adolescent Knowledge And Attitudes About Sexual Transmitted Infections Ni Made Julia Wulan Dini, Anna V. Pont, Selvi Alfrida Mangundap


Herbal Therapy As An Effort To Reduce Blood Pressure Of Hypertension Patients: A Systematic Literature Review Nurazizah Putri Rahayu, Tasya Nurlaila Dilla, Nur Syahria


Metal Biomonitoring And Comparative Assessment In Blood Of Lead Smelting Workers Mela Firdaust


Prevention And Management Of Hypertension In Pregnancy With Covid-19 Ika Wijayanti, Desi


Supplementary Feeding Treatment Toward Tuberculosis Patients In The Community Walin, Ulfah Agus Sukrillah, Herry Prasetyo


Screening Preeclampsia Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Risk Factors: A Systematic Literature Review Yeyen Wulandari Dhanio, Tasya Nurlaila Dilla, Rili Ronia Nggosual


An Analysis Of Course Material Sufficiency For Wishful Brides Nur Khafidhoh, Rizky Amelia


Effect Of Use Of Maintenance Kangaroo Methods Against Weight Increase In Lbw At Rsd Gunung Jati, Cirebon City Aulia Agyanti Rahmah, Diyah Sri Yuhandini


Comparison Of The Effects Of Daily And Weekly Iron Supplementations To Non-Anemic Pregnant Women: A Systematic Literature Review Desiska Pricilia Tumatar, Krisdiana Wijayanti


Factors Related To Female Baby Circumcision In Citangkil Health Center Cilegon Banten City, 2018 Cylia Dzikra Ayu Berlitaa, Triana Indrayanib, Delmaifanisc, Dita Cahya Pratiwid


Determinants Of Low Birth Weight In Rsud Wates Chyntia Punky Permatasari, Suherni, Mina Yumei Santi


Differences Of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy: Puzzle And Music For Demensia Elderly Sunarmi, Dwi Ari Murti, Adi Isworo


Effects Of Complementary Medicine On Reducing Anxiety During Labor: A Systematic Review Farah Salsabila, Jauza Annisa, Luthfia Rahman


Factors Associated With The Incidence Of Stis In Fsw In 325


The Work Area Of The Meninting Health Center Upt Blud In 2018 Gandi Ari Savitri Widayani,Suwanti, Irmayani The Effect Of Green Grass Jelly On Blood Pressure In Clients With Mild Or Moderate Hypertension Indriati, Sri Utami Dwiningsih, Sri Endang Pujiastuti, Novita Kurnia Wulandari


Empowerment Of Elderly Health Cadres Through Brain Gym To Prevent Dementia In The Elderly In Rw 3 Kramat Selatan Magelang Devotee Lulut Handayani, Hermani Triredjeki, Pramono Giri K, Tulus Puji Hastuti


Utilization Of Herbs For Perineal Wound Healing In Postpartum Mothers: A Systematic Review Jauza Annisa, Luthfia Hidayati Rahman, Farah Salsabilla


Effectiveness Of Smart Brain Exercise And Loving Touch Therapy On Behavior Among Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Sutarmi, Siti Kistimbar, Erni Nuryanti


Improving Community Awareness Of Covid-19 Through Personal Risk Assessment, Online Education And Enhancement Of Resistance In Jambewangi Village, Magelang Regency Dwi Ari Murti Widigdo, Heru Supriyatno, Sunarmi


Influence Health Education By The Video On The Level Of Knowledge Mother About Growth Toddlers Nova Agustin, Siti Chunaeni, Arum Lusiana


Factors Associated With The Incidence Of Dysmenorhea In Ma'arif Gamping Junior High School Students In Yogyakarta Intan Putri Utami, Istri Utami


Intravenous Pyelography Examination Technique In Ectopic Ureter Case In Installation Radiology Of Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital Semarang Siti Masrochah, Yudi Indrajati Nugroho, Darmini, Dartini, Dimas Prakoso


Lipid Profile Of The Program For The Management Of Chronic Diseases (Prolanis) Surati,Ririhjatmi Wikandari, Hening Imawati


Use Of Ginger Therapy And Lemon Inhalation Against Pregnancy Vomiting Nausea: A Systematic Review Juliana Sion Sihombing


Factors Related To Adolescent Married Sex Behavior In Sma Negeri 01 Sungai Kakap Khairulisni Saniati, Eka Santy, Jehani Fajar Pangestu


Potential Massage Oketani Alternative Non-Pharmacological Interventions To Improve Breast Milk Production: A Systematic Review Luthfia Hidayati Rahman, Jauza Annisa, Farah Salsabila


Study Of The Effectiveness Of Plasmacluster Ion Tools As A Cattle Odor Reduction In The Limpakuwus Village Of Sub-District Of Sumbang District Of Banyumas Tri Cahyono, Hari Rudijanto Iw


The Effect Of Mung Bean On Increasing Hemoglobin Levels Of Pregnant Women With Anemia Sofika Larasati, Mugiati, Warjidin Aliyanto


The Relation Between Breastfeeding Technique And Cracked Nipple During Puerperium At Sekaran Regional Health Center Frizka Indarningtyas Nur Pratiwi, Agus Eka Nurma Yuneta


The Effect Of Fe Tablet And Ambon Banana Towards Hemoglobin Levels On Anemia Female Teenagers At Dormitory Of Midwifery Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak Luluk Handayani, Rini Sulistiawati,Vera Renta Siahaan



Nutritional Status For Toddler Age 1 - 5 Years In The Pijorkoling Village Of Southeast Padangsidimpuan Naimah Nasution


The Effectiveness Of Acupressure And Smart Gymnastic On Fasting Blood Sugar Level In Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus Patient Dian Apri Nelyanti, Ta’adi, M. Choiroel Anwar


Role Of Women In Maintaining Relationships Dental Health Dental Hygiene Mouth Of Children Tk Bhakti Nurush Sofia Mutih Kulon Area Health District Demak Wedung 2 Dr. Bedjo Santoso, S.SiT,M.Kes ; Indiyah Sulistiyowati ; Yodong, S.ST, MH.Kes


Potential Herbal Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum) As A Herbal Diabetes Treatment: A Systematic Review Nurul Herawati


Pregnancy Assistance With O-Mom Approach (One Mother One Midwife) Based On Mother Need" Listyaning Eko Martanti, Agustin Setianingsih, Rizky Amelia, Triana Sri Hardjanti, Prita Yusita Isdaryani


Early Antenatal Care And Detection Complication Of Pregnancy During Pandemic Covid-19: A Systematic Review Maya Latifatul Masrurroh, Amran Ali Mustofa, Naimah Nasution, Palupi Bodro Sayekti, Frizka Indarningtyas Nur Pratiwi


Factors Affecting Mother's Anxiety Pregnant Trimester Iii In Dealing With Labor In The Village Of Muara Ciujung Timur, The Working Area Puskesmas Rangkasbitung Lebak District In 2018 Dita Cahya Pratiwi, Triana Indrayani, Delmaifanis, Cylia Dzikra Ayu Berlita


Smartwatch As A Monitoring Tool For Fetal Well-Being Among Women With Induction Of Labor: A Literature Review Vina Dhian Titisari


Betel Leaf ( Piperbetle Linn ) Herbal Therapy As An Alternative For Perineal Wound Healing In Postpartum Mothers : Sistematic Review Palupi Bodro Sayekti, Naimah Nasution, Maya Latifatul Masrurroh, Frizka Indarningtyas, Aldila Noviyanti


The Effectiveness Of Nurses In Application Of Informed Consent With Critical Care Assessed From Nurses Education Levels In The City Of Semarang Yuli Sulistiyo, Bernadetha Tri Handini, Rizal Ginanjar


Herbal Zingiber Officinale (Ginger) For Relieve Dysmenorrhea Primary: A Systematic Review Rohmatun Nazilah, Tiyara Safitri, Ulfatun Khasanah, Ermi Lilianda Alang


Prenatal Yoga: Overcoming Lower Back Pain In Pregnancy Rohmatun Nazilah, Tiyara Safitri, Ulfatun Khasanah, Ermi Lilianda Alang


Factors Causing Rupture Perineum In Normal Labor Rohmatun Nazilah, Tiyara Safitri, Ulfatun Khasanah, Ermi Lilianda Alang


Teacher Information And Counseling Center Improving Students Knowledge Of Reproductive Health Puji Hastuti, Rusmini, Vina Nurul Utami, Fajaria Nur Aini


Relationship Of Knowledge Levels About Pregnant Women Nutrition With Trimester Iii Fetal Weight Estimation In Puskesmas Galur Ii, Kulon Progo In 2019 Siti Syarashinta Cahyaningsih, Margono, Wafi Nur Muslihatun


Non-Pharmacological Intervention For The Primary Dismenore : Riview Systematics Syifa Sofia Wibowo


Technique Of Electron Radiation Therapy In Postoperative Case Of Ear Leaves In The Radiotherapy Unit Of Rsup Dr. Kariadi Semarang Siti Masrochah, Fatimah, Defy Indah Permatasari, Sigit Wirawan, Dimas Prakoso


A Description Of Occupational Health And Safety In Radiology Department Asri Indah Aryani, Ardi Soesilo Wibowo, Panji Wibowo Nurcahyo



Effect Of Object Position On Image Quality On The Examination Of Lumbal Vertebra Radiography Ardi Soesilo Wibowo, Gatot Murti Wibowo, Siti Masrochah, Panji Wibowo Nurcahyo


The Effect Of Yoga Therapy On The Reduction Of Primary Dismenore Pain Levels In Class Xi Adolescents At Sma Negeri 1 Cibingbin, Kuningan District, 2019 Efah Nuraropah, Nurasih, Rinela Padmawati


The Role Of Telehealth In Health Care During Covid-19 Pandemic Era : Systematic Literature Review Refa Khairunnisa, Sri Sumarni


Optimization Of Image Quality And Anatomy Information Of Mri Prostate Of Axial Slice On Diffusion Weighted Image Sequence With B Value Rini Indrati, Ni Kadek Ayu Tirtasari, Sri Mulyati, Siti Daryati, Agustina Dwi Prastanti


Parental Knowledge And Verbal Violence Behavior In Children Alfiah Rahmawati, Kartika Adyani, Apriliana Eka Putri


Literatur Review: The Effect Of Giving Honey On The Increased Hemoglobine Levels In Pregnant Women Alfiah Rahmawati ; Muliatul Jannah ; Yunita Anggeraeni Putri


The Effectiveness Of Giving Sicomal Father's Booklets (Alert For Covid-19 With New Normal Pattern) On Behavior To Prevent The Spread Of Covid-19 Murti Ani ; Krisdiana Wijayanti ; Marlynda Happy Nurmalita Sari ; Dina Dewi Anggraini


Prevention Of Non-Communicable Disease For Reproductive Women In Covid-19 Pandemic: Systematic Review Bekti Putri Harwijayanti ; Aulia Fatmayanti


Authors Index 628

2nd International Conference on Handling Non-Communicable Diseases Proceedings

Semarang, 2-3 September 2020



Murti Ani1* ; Krisdiana Wijayanti2 ; Marlynda Happy Nurmalita Sari3 ; Dina Dewi Anggraini4

*[email protected]

1,2,3,4 Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang ; Jl.Tirto Agung, Pedalangan, Banyumanik ; Semarang and

50268 ; Indonesia


The background of this research is that COVID-19 is declared a world pandemic by WHO and determined by the Government as a non-natural disaster in the form of a disease outbreak that requires mitigation measures. Education on preventing the spread of covid-19 can be done using bookket media. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the SICOMAL Father’s booklet (Alert COVID-19 with New Normal Pattern) on behavior to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This research method is a quasi-experimental study with pre-post control group design with cross sectional design. The independent variable in this study is SICOMAL's father's booklet and the dependent variable is behavior, including knowledge, attitudes, practices. The sampling technique was proportional random sampling. The number of samples in this study were: 80 respondents, consisting of 40 control groups and 40 treatment groups. Analysis of research data using independent t-test. The results showed that there was an effect of SICOMAL's father's booklet on the level of knowledge (p 0.000 <0.05), there was an effect of the booklet on attitudes (p 0.000 <0.05), and there was an effect of the booklet on practice (p 0.000 <0.05). The conclusion is that the provision of SICOMAL's father booklet (Alert for COVID-19 with the New Normal Pattern) is effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Keywords: booklet, COVID-19, behavior

1. Introduction

Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by the SARS-COV 2 virus or Corona Virus. Corona virus infection is called COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. On March 11, 2020, WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. As of March 21, 2020, the number of cases of this disease reached 275,469 people, which is well known in 166 countries, including Indonesia. Indonesia then declared COVID-19 a national disaster on March 14, 2020 (Direktur Jenderal Pelayanan Kesehatan, 2020).

This virus spreads very quickly and has spread to almost all countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months. According to data released by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 of the Republic of Indonesia, the number of confirmed positive cases as of May 27, 2020 is 23,851 people with a death toll of 1,473 people. From these two

numbers it can be concluded that the case fatality rate or death rate caused by COVID-19 in Indonesia is around 6.1%.

Common signs and symptoms of COVID-19 infection include acute respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough and shortness of breath. The average incubation period is 5-6 days with the longest incubation period of 14 days. Severe cases of COVID-19 can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. Clinical signs and symptoms reported in the majority of cases were fever, with some cases having difficulty breathing, and X-rays showed extensive pneumonia infiltrates in both lungs (Direktorat Jenderal Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit, 2020).

Until now, there is no vaccine and drug against certain viruses to prevent or treat COVID-19. However, people who are sick need treatment to relieve symptoms. People who are seriously ill should be taken to the hospital. Most patients recover because of the treatment for their symptoms. There are several vaccine candidates

2nd ICHNCDs 617

2nd International Conference on Handling Non-Communicable Diseases Proceedings

Semarang, 2-3 September 2020

and certain drugs that are still being researched through clinical trials (WHO, 2020).

Therefore, integrated countermeasures are needed including the involvement of all components of society in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Community empowerment in preventing COVID-19 is all the efforts made by all components of society by exploring the potential of the community so that they are empowered and able to participate in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 (Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 2020). In response to the current COVID-19 outbreak caused by the corona virus, the role and function of the family is the main basis for cutting the chain of transmission of the corona virus in the community. The head of the family plays an important role in helping discipline family members as the smallest unit of society to care and carry out all efforts to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19 (Herlinawati, 2020).

Education about COVID-19 is needed, including by providing information about COVID-19 (causes, transmission, prevention), providing education on ways to prevent COVID-19 (cough etiquette, how to use hand-held washing hands, how to use masks), encouraging citizen participation in maintain personal hygiene, clean house and environment, limit physical contact, do not crowd or gather, stay at home. Educational facilities can use

loudspeakers or toa, electronic communication channels (group whats app, etc.) (Directorate of Health Promotion and Community Empowerment, 2020).

Education can also be done by extension methods. Health education is a combination of various activities and opportunities based on the principles of learning to achieve a situation,

where individuals, families, groups or communities as a whole want to live healthy, know how and do what can be done. This is in line with the results of research conducted by Wahyuningsih (2019), that there is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and behavior after being given health education.

Selection of the appropriate extension communication media is able to provide information that is easy to accept and easy to remember by participants, thereby encouraging participants' desire to know and ultimately get a better understanding. Health education media is based on the principle that the knowledge that is

in every human being is received or captured through the five senses, the more senses used to receive something, the more and more clear the knowledge is obtained. Communication media is a very important means of conveying health messages capable of providing health information in accordance with the level of acceptance (Notoatmodjo, 2007).

The media as a tool to convey health messages varies greatly, one of which is booklets. Booklet is a small book (half quarto) and thin, no more than 30 pages back and forth containing text and pictures. The term booklet is a unity of the words book and leaflet. This means that a booklet is a combination of leaflets and books with a small format (size) such as leaflets. The structure of the content is like a book (introduction, content, cover), it's just that the way of presenting the content is much shorter than a book (Hikmatu, 2019).

The SICOMAL Father's Booklet (Alert for COVID-19 Transmission with a New Normal Pattern) is a booklet containing material on the meaning of COVID-19, transmission of COVID-19, signs and symptoms, the role of the head of the family, Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS), ways to prevent transmission of COVID-19 -19, increase body immunity by administering vitamin C and sunbathing, washing hands with soap and running water, washing hands properly, applying proper cough etiquette, disinfection of equipment surfaces,

how to make disinfectant solutions, new normal era, packaged self-isolation practical and attractive.

2. Method

This research is a quasi-experimental study with pre-post control group design with cross sectional design.

Pre test Post test Group I : O1 ---------X----------- O2 Group II : O3 ---------X1--------- O4 Note: Group I: Control group Group II: Treatment group O1: First measurement in control group O2: Second measurement in control group O3: First measurement in treatment group O4: Second measurement in treatment group X: Extension using leaflet media X1: Extension using booklet

The independent variable in this study is the SICOMAL father booklet and the dependent

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variable is the behavior to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which includes knowledge, attitudes and practices. The population in this study were all residents of Mintomulyo Village, Juwana District, Pati Regency. The sampling technique was proportional random sampling. The number of

samples in this study were: 80 respondents, consisting of 40 control groups and 40 treatment groups. The research instrument used a questionnaire to measure the independent and dependent variables. The knowledge questionnaire consists of 20 favorable and unfavorable questions, the attitude questionnaire contains 10 favorable and unfavorable statements and a practice questionnaire. Data analysis used independent t-test.

3. Result and Discussion

The initial conditions of the subject between the treatment and control groups need to be compared to determine the homogeneity of the subjects between the two groups. The distribution table for the characteristics of the respondents shows that there are no differences in age, education, occupation and sex between the control group and the treatment group as shown in table 1 below. Table 1 characteristics of respondents

Variable Control (n=40)

Treatment (n=40)


N % N % N %


<20 year 1 33,33 2 66,67 3 100

20-35 year 17 60,71 11 39,29 28 100

>35 year 22 44,90 27 55,10 49 100


Primary school

2 66,67 1 33,33 3 100

Junior high school

5 62,50 3 37,50 8 100

Senior high school

27 48,21 29 51,79 56 100

College 6 46,15 7 53,85 13 100


Work 40 100 40 100 80 100

Does not work 0 0 0 0 0 100

The data normality test used the Kolmogrov-Smirnov. The knowledge data normality test was 0.188> 0.05, the attitude was 0.059> 0.05, the practice was 0.200> 0.05, it can be concluded that the data were normally distributed, so the data analysis test used the

parametric test. In the pretest homogeneity test of knowledge in the control and treatment groups the results were 0.136> 0.05, the attitude was 0.191> 0.05, the practice was 0.161> 0.05, it can be concluded that the data variance in the control and treatment groups was homogeneous. a. The Effect of SICOMAL's Father's Booklet on

Knowledge Level Analysis of data to determine changes in the

level of knowledge before and after being given education about COVID-19 using the paired t-test.

Extension using the SICOMAL Dad booklet was statistically significant in increasing the knowledge level score in the treatment group, namely p 0.000 <0.05. An increase in the score of knowledge about COVID-19 also occurred in the control group during the post-test, namely p 0.000 <0.05 as shown in table 2 below.

Table.2 Test changes in the knowledge level score in the control and treatment groups

Know- ledge

Control Treatment P

Min Max Mean± SD

Min Max Mean± SD

Pretest 15 70 42.25± 11.718

15 60 37.55± 9.347

p= 0,027b

Posttest 45 90 65.29± 11,288

60 90 75.39± 8.417

p= 0,027b

Δ score 0 45 23.04± 10,912

20 55 37.84± 8.903

p= 0,000b

P p=0,000a p=0,000a

Note : a = paired t-test b = independent t-test

Based on the difference in the scores of the pre-test and post-test knowledge levels in the control and treatment groups using the independent t-test, the p-value results are 0.000 <0.05, so that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. Thus, it means that there is an effect of SICOMAL's father booklet on the level of knowledge. The results of this study are in line with Wowiling's research (2013) that outreach can increase people's knowledge. This is also supported by research conducted by Wijayanti (2016), an increase in knowledge shows the influence of extension activities on knowledge. Extension activities are proven to have a positive effect on increasing knowledge, so it will be even

better if they are carried out continuously. Cognitive knowledge is a very important

domain in shaping one's actions (over behavior) (Notoatmodjo, 2007). Knowledge is the result of a person's learning process for something both

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heard and seen (Fitriani, 2011). Knowledge is divided into three kinds, namely knowing that, knowing how, and knowing will. "Know that" is knowledge of certain information, knowing that something happened, knowing that this or that is the case, that what is being said is true. This type of knowledge is also called theoretical knowledge, scientific knowledge, although it is still at a less profound level. Meanwhile, "know how" is about how someone does something. This knowledge relates to skills or more precisely technical expertise and proficiency in doing something. "Knowing" is a very specific type of knowledge concerning the knowledge of something or someone through personal experience or knowledge (Honey, 2015).

At the "know that" level, in this case the respondents did not know that COVID-19 was an infectious disease. At the "know how" level, in this case the respondents did not know how to transmit COVID-19. Meanwhile, at the "know will" level, in this case the respondents did not know the importance of making efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. After counseling using SICOMAL's father booklet media, there was an increase in knowledge. The increase in knowledge in this research is supported by the existence of supporting media for education that is packaged practically and completely, interestingly.

Selection of the appropriate extension communication media is able to provide

information that is easy to accept and easy to remember by participants, thereby encouraging participants' desire to know and ultimately get a better understanding. Health education media is based on the principle that the knowledge that is in every human being is received or captured through the five senses, the more senses used to receive something, the more and more clear the

knowledge is obtained. Communication media is a very important means of conveying health messages capable of providing health information in accordance with the level of acceptance (Notoatmodjo, 2007).

b. The Effect of SICOMAL's Father's Booklet on Attitudes

In the treatment and control groups, there was no significant difference in the mean attitude before counseling about COVID-19 (p 0.954> 0.05). However, after providing counseling, the results of statistical analysis showed that in the

treatment group, the mean knowledge increased significantly (p 0.000 <0.05), as well as in the control group who were given Covid-19 counseling using leaflets, attitudes increased significantly but the mean value was more lower than the treatment group (p 0.000 <0.05).

Based on the difference between the pretest and posttest attitude scores in the control group and the treatment using the independent t-test, the p value was 0.002 <0.05, so that Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected. Thus, it means that there is an influence of SICOMAL's father booklet on attitudes. The data analysis test can be seen in the table. 3. Table 3 Test changes in attitude scores in the control and treatment groups

Attitude Control Treatment P

Min Max Mean ±SD

Min Max Mean ±SD

Pretest 10 90 40.78± 18.638

10 80 40.59± 15.673

p= 0.954b

Posttest 20 90 70.59± 15.800

60 100 80.39± 12.955

p= 0.001b

Δ score 0 70 29.80± 18.600

50 100 41.57± 18.041

p= 0.002b

P p=0.000a p=0.000a

Note : a = paired t-test b = independent t-test

The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Purwanti and Sobri (2014) that the attitude of the respondents after counseling showed that the majority of them were good. According to Arini (2017), a person's attitude means a feeling of support or favor or a feeling of being unfavorable or unfavorable to a certain object, and attitude is a potential tendency to react in a certain way if an individual is expected to a stimulus that calls for a response.

Attitude consists of three components that support each other, namely: 1) cognitive component, which contains one's beliefs about what applies or is true for the object. An attitude of trust comes from what has been seen or what has been known. For example, someone has the belief that COVID-19 is a contagious disease. 2) affective component, which concerns a person's subjective emotional problems towards an object of attitude. In general, this component is equated with the feelings that you have for something. For example, someone has feelings of anxiety when signs and symptoms of being infected with COVID appear. 3) the conative component, in the

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attitude structure shows how the behavior or tendency to behave in a person is related to the object of the attitude he faces. This relationship is based on the assumption that beliefs and feelings influence behavior a lot. For example, someone has a positive attitude towards preventing the spread of COVID-19. Extension as a health promotion method is important for changing people's attitudes in using to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

c. The effect of SICOMAL's Father's Booklet on Practices

Extensionusing SICOMAL's Father's booklet was significant in increasing the practice score in the treatment group, namely p 0.000 <0.05. The increase in the score of the practice of preventing the spread of COVID-19 also occurred in the control group during the post-test, namely p 0.000 <0.05. Based on the difference between the pretest and posttest practice scores in the control and treatment groups using the independent t-test,

the p value was 0.002 <0.05, so that Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected. Thus, it means that there is an influence of SICOMAL's father booklet on practice. The data analysis test can be seen in the table 4.

Table 4 Test changes in practice scores before and after treatment in the control and treatment groups


Control Treatment P

Min Max Mean ±SD

Min Max Mean ±SD

Pre test

15 65 42.25± 11.718

15 60 37.60± 9.435

p= 0.030b

Pos ttest

40 90 64.02± 11.706

45 95 73.80± 9.666

p= 0.000b

Δ score

0 45 21.76± 11.697

10 55 36.20± 10.953

p= 0.000b

P p=0.000a p=0.000a

Note : a = paired t-test b = independent t-test

The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Maghfiroh (2018) which states that extension can affect knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Practice is the real action of a response. Attitudes can be manifested in concrete actions if facilities or infrastructure are available. Without facilities, an attitude cannot be manifested in real action. Levels in practice: 1) Guidedresponse, is an action that is carried out in

the right order, a person is able to take an action

systematically, from beginning to end; 2) The mechanism(mechanism),a person who can

perform actions in the correct order, the meal will become a habit for him to take the same action; 3) Adoption (adoption), an action that is well developed or modified is called adoption

(Notoatmodjo, 2007). Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that with good knowledge about COVID-19, there will be a positive response so that COVID-19 is not caught out so that a behavior to prevent the spread of COVID-19 will emerge.

4. Conclusion and Sugestion

There is an effect of SICOMAL's father's booklet on the level of knowledge (p 0.000 <0.05), there is an effect of SICOMAL's father's booklet on attitudes (p 0.000 <0.05), there is an effect of SICOMAL's father's booklet on practice (p 0.000 <0.05). Increasing public knowledge, attitudes and behavior about preventing the spread of COVID-19 can be done through extension

activities using booklet media.

5. Acknowledgements

Thanks to the Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang for facilitating this research, and to those who have helped carry out the research

6. References

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Ade Iko Roviko 55

Adi Isworo 312

Agus Eka Nurma Yuneta 449

Agus Subagiyo 89

Agustin Setianingsih 493

Agustina Dwi Prastanti 601

Ahmad Baequny 178

Aldila Noviyanti 61,516

Alfiah Rahmawati 606,613

Amran Ali Mustofa 497

Ana Sundari 191

Angga Sugiarto 235

Anna V. Pont 246

Apriliana Eka Putri 606,

Ardi Soesilo Wibowo 588

Arie Maineny 143

Arif Widyanto 89

Aris Fitriyani 31

Arum Lusiana 23,115,379

Ary Kurniawati 138

Asri Indah Aryani 585

Aulia Agyanti Rahmah 286

Aulia Fatmayanti 623

Baarizah Febriana Badri 110

Bekti Putri Harwijayanti 623

Bernadetha Tri Handini 525

Budi Astyandini 95

Christin Hiyana Td 115

Chyntia Punky Permatasari


Cylia Dzikra Ayu Berlita


Darmini 393

Dartini 393

Defy Indah Permatasari 579

Delmaifanis 299,501

Desi 264

Desiska Pricilia Tumatar 291

Devotee Lulut Handayani 336

Dian Apri Nelyanti 470

Dian Lutfia Muninggar 110

Dimas Prakoso 393

Dina Dewi Anggraini 617

Dina Indrati 170

Dita Cahya Pratiwi


Diyah Fatmasar 152

Diyah Sri Yuhandini 286

Dr. Bedjo Santoso, S.SiT,M.Kes


Dwi Ari Murti 312

Dwi Ari Murti Widigdo 368

Efah Nuraropah 591

Eka Santy 414

Enro Sujito 211

Ermi Lilianda Alang


Erna Erawati 135

Esti Rettiningsih 194

Fajar Surahmi 119

Fajaria Nur Aini 548

Farah Salsabila 317,419,344

Fatimah 126,579

Frizka Indarningtyas 516

Frizka Indarningtyas


Gabriella Sakulat 143

Gandi Ari Savitri Widayani


Gatot Murti Wibowo 588

Gusman Arsyad 143

Hany Windri Astuti 156

Hari Rudijanto Iw


Harmilah 101

Hendra Aji Nugroho 219

Hendra Marwazi 178

Hening Imawati 401

Heny Rosiana 191

Herlina Tri Damailia 194

Hermani Triredjeki 336

Herry Prasetyo 148,268

Heru Supriyatno 368

Iis Sriningsih 170

Ika Wijayanti 264

Imam Santosa 211

Imroatul Munawaroh 36

Indiyah Sulistiyowati 478

Indriati 331

Intan Putri Utami 386

Istri Utami 386

Jauza Annisa 317,344,419

Jehani Fajar Pangestu 414

Jenita Dt Donsu 101

Juliana Sion Sihombing 405

Kartika Adyani 606

Khairulisni Saniati 414

Krisdiana Wijayanti


Kuswanto 162

Listyaning Eko Martanti 493

Luluk Handayani 456

Luthfia Hidayati Rahman


Luthfia Rahman 317

M. Choiroel Anwar 470

Magfur Ramdhani 156

Maisje Marlyn Kuhu 31


2nd International Conference on Handling Non-Communicable Diseases Proceedings Semarang, 2-3 September 2020


Mardiyono Mardiyono 46

Margono 552

Marlynda Happy Nurmalita

Sari 617

Masini 15

Maya Latifatul Masrurroh


Mela Firdaust 259

Melyana Nurul Widyawati 10

Mina Yumei Santi 306

Moh. Ridwan 135

Mohammad Jaelani


Muhamad Jauhar 119

Muhammad Erfansyah 126

Muliatul Jannah 613

Munayarokh 23

Murti Ani 617

Myrna Sally Hardeanna 1

Naimah Nasution 463,497,516

Ni Kadek Ayu Tirtasari 601

Ni Made Julia Wulan Dini 246

Ningsih Widayati 227

Nining Mustika 152

Nova Agustin 379

Novita Kurnia Wulandari


Nur Khafidhoh 280

Nur Pratiwi 497

Nur Syahria 198,203,252

Nurasih 591

Nurazizah Putri Rahayu


Nuril Nikmawati 187

Nurul Herawati 484

Olkamien J. Longulo


Palupi Bodro Sayekti


Panji Wibowo Nurcahyo


Petrus Nugroho Ds 148

Pramono Giri K 336

Prita Yusita Isdaryani 493

Puji Hastuti 548

Puji Rahayu 166

Putu Candriasih 198,203

Rachmawati Felani Djuria 208

Rani Widiyanti S.A 55

rdi Soesilo Wibowo 585

Refa Khairunnisa 596

Ribkha Itha Idhayanti 36

Rili Ronia Nggosual 272

Rinela Padmawati 591

Rini Dwi Mulyani 41

Rini Indrati 601

Rini Sulistiawati 456

Ririhjatmi Wikandari 401

Rita Benya Adriani 101

Rizal Ginanjar 525

Rizki Winarni 23

Rizky Amelia 280,493

rmayani 325

Rohmatun Nazilah


Rosep Lubatin 15

Rozikhan 29

Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti 46

Rusmini 548

Salikun 152,156

Salis Nurbaiti 126

Selvi Alfrida Mangundap 246

Sigit Wirawan, Dimas Prakoso


Siti Anikmah 138

Siti Chunaeni 115,227,379

Siti Daryati 601

Siti Masrochah


Siti Mulidah 31

Siti Rofi’ah 36,41

Siti Syarashinta Cahyaningsih


Sri Endang Pujiastuti


Sri Mulyati 601

Sri Mulyati 219

Sri Setiasih 29,191

Sri Sumarni 10,596

Sri Utami Dwiningsih 331

Sri Wahyuni 10

Sri Widatiningsih 41

Sri Winarsih 187,194

Sudirman 178

Suharyo Hadisaputro 46

Suherni 306

Sumarni 178

Sunarko 235

Sunarmi 312,368

Sunarto 1

Suprihatiningsih 187

Surati 401

Suwanti 325

Suyanta 235

Syifa Sofia Wibowo 558

Ta’adi 470

Tasya Nurlaila Dilla


Tatsa Putri Kumala Sari 81


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Titah Pangesti 170

Titi Mursiti 29,191

Titik Sapartinah 29

Tiyara Safitri 527,536,541

Tri Cahyono 434,444

Tri Nurhidayati 95

Triana Indrayani 299,501

Triana Sri Hardjanti 493

Tulus Puji Hastuti


Tuti Sukini 15,166

Ulfah Agus Sukrillah


Ulfatun Khasanah


Vera Renta Siahaan 456

Vina Dhian Titisari 512

Vina Nurul Utami 548

Wafi Nur Muslihatun 552

Wahyu Pujiastuti 166

Walin 268

Wicky Sri Erland Adityas 31

Yasmina Izzat 119

Yeni Yulistanti 72

Yeti Kartikasari 138,219

Yeyen Wulandari Dhanio


Yodong, S.ST, MH.Kes 478

Yudi Indrajati Nugroho 393

Yuli Sulistiyo 525

Yunita Anggeraeni Putri 613