Problem Oriented Software Engineering: Solving the Package Router Control Problem

ISSN 1744-1986 Technical Report N o 2006/10 Problem-oriented software engineering Jon G Hall Lucia Rapanotti Michael Jackson 12 th October 2006 Department of Computing Faculty of Mathematics and Computing The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA United Kingdom

Transcript of Problem Oriented Software Engineering: Solving the Package Router Control Problem

ISSN 1744-1986

T e c h n i c a l R e p o r t N o 2 0 0 6 / 1 0

Problem-oriented software engineering

Jon G Hall Lucia Rapanotti Michael Jackson

12th October 2006

Department of Computing Faculty of Mathematics and Computing The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA United Kingdom


Problem-oriented software engineering

Jon G. Hall Lucia Rapanotti Michael Jackson

Centre for Research in Computing, The Open University, UK

October 12, 2006 DRAFT


This paper introduces a formal conceptual framework for software development, based on a

problem-oriented perspective that stretches from requirements engineering through to program code.

In a software problem the goal is to develop a machine—that is, a computer executing the software

to be developed—that will ensure satisfaction of the requirement in the problem world.

We regard development steps as transformations by which problems are moved towards software

solutions. Adequacy arguments are built as problem transformations are applied: adequacy arguments

both justify proposed development steps and establish traceability relationships between problems

and solutions.

The framework takes the form of a sequent calculus. Although itself formal, it can accommodate

both formal and informal steps in development. A number of transformations are presented, and

illustrated by application to small examples.

Index Terms

Software engineering, problem-orientation, problem world, sequent calculus, solution, transfor-



“We can start with the obvious statement that engineering is a problem solving

activity.” (Walter G. Vincenti, [44])

The problem-oriented approach to requirements engineering is becoming well established,

especially for software intensive systems. The foundation of problem-oriented approaches

has been laid in recent years, the most complete presentation being given in [25]. Software

development is viewed as a problem, the solution being a machine—that is, a program running

in a computer—that will ensure satisfaction of the requirement in the given problem world

or environment. Because the requirement typically concerns properties and behaviours that

are located in the problem world at some distance from its interface with the machine,

requirements are distinguished from specifications.

A. Requirements and Specifications

A specification describes the behaviour of the machine at its interface with the problem

world, while a requirement describes the effects that must be ensured, directly or indirectly,

by that behaviour. To derive a specification from a requirement it is necessary to analyse


the given structure and properties of the problem world that will both constrain and enable

satisfaction of the requirement. The ultimate justification of a proposed solution must be a

convincing argument that the following proposition is true:

“If a machine satisfying the specification S is installed in the given problem world

having the given properties W, then running that machine will ensure that the

problem world satisfies the requirement R.”

or, more tersely, W, S ` R. The entailment denotes a problem in which S and R are given

and the solution task is to obtain an S satisfying the entailment.

For any realistic problem a solution must be approached by a number of development

steps: an initially vague R or W must be clarified and made more exact; a complexity may

be addressed by decomposition; a known pattern of solution may be brought to bear where

it is applicable; or the impact of some part of the problem world may be carefully analysed

and encapsulated so that it need not be considered in later steps. We regard all of these steps,

and others, as transformations of problems.

B. Transformations

There is a substantial body of work on development approaches based on transformation

of problem or solution or both. Some transformations of the kind we define in this paper are

found in such formal approaches as the development of program code from specifications

in the refinement calculi of Morgan [31] and Back [2]. Some earlier work, for example the

work of Burstall and Darlington [14] and Partsch [4], used transformations of program texts

to improve efficiency. All these approaches focus on the later stages of development, being

concerned with problems that are already cast in the form of program specifications.

Our own focus is wider. We are concerned not only with requirements engineering, where

the problem-oriented approach has its origins, but more generally with software engineering.

In our view, software engineering includes the identification and clarification of system

requirements, the identification, structuring and analysis of the problem world, the struc-

turing and specification of a hardware/software machine that can ensure satisfaction of the

requirements in the problem world, the creation of the software product, and the construction

of arguments, convincing to developers, customers, users and other interested people, that

the system will satisfy its requirements.

Our conceptual framework takes the form of a Gentzen-style calculus [26] for software

problems. The basis of a Genzten-style calculus is a sequent: a sequent is, simply, some well-


formed formula (wff). In the calculus a sequent can be transformed into one or more other

sequents that advance the calculation towards its desired conclusion, or are, in some sense,

easier to work with. The essence of a Genzten-style system is to define the set of permissible

transformations on sequents, and the conditions under which each can be applied. Many

logical frameworks—such as the propositional and predicate calculi—have Gentzen-style

sequent encodings that, in turn, have useful properties, such as being amenable to computer

supported transformation (for instance, [6], [17], [5], [13]).

In our framework the sequents are software problems cast in the general form W, S `

R. The paper shows how to represent problems as sequents, and characterises problem

transformations and the conditions for their applicability.

C. Formal and Non-Formal

For software-intensive systems, development is unavoidably concerned with non-formal

domains of reasoning. These include: the physical and human world; requirements loosely

expressed in natural language; the capabilities of human users and operators; and the identi-

fication and resolution of apparent and real conflicts between different needs. In a software-

intensive system these informal domains interact with the essentially formal hardware/software

machine: an effective approach to system development must therefore deal adequately with

the informal, the formal, and the relationships between them.

As Turski has pointed out [42]:

There are two fundamental difficulties involved in dealing with non-formal domains

(also known as the real world):

1. Properties they enjoy are not necessarily expressible in any single linguistic


2. The notion of mathematical (logical) proof does not apply to them.

These difficulties, well known in the established branches of engineering, have sometimes led

to a harmful dichotomy in approaches to software development. Some approaches address

only the formal concerns, usually in a single formal language; others address only the informal

concerns, using several, often incommensurable, languages; few address both in an effective


The aim of the work reported here is to bring both non-formal and formal aspects of

development together in a single framework. The framework is intended to provide a structure

within which the results of different development activities can be combined and reconciled.


Essentially the structure is the structure of the progressive solution of a system development

problem; it is also the structure of the argument that must eventually justify the adequacy

of the developed system. The framework is itself formal, but it is designed to accommodate

both formal and informal descriptions of machines, problem domains and requirements, and

also formal and informal arguments justifying claimed relationships between development

artefacts. To capture the informal nature of such arguments and the relationships they justify,

we distinguish between a transformation rule and the justification of its applicability to the

case in hand.

In a calculus of fully formal sequents, application of a permissible transformation is

guarded by the syntactic form of the sequents involved. In our framework, the application of

a transformation rule is guarded, but not necessarily by conditions requiring formal proof.

Some transformations have formal guards, but some have guards that ask only for justification

that the application is adequate. For example, a transformation in which a loosely-stated

requirement is clarified may be justified by appealing to an informal statement by the

customer. A transformation which depends on a behavioural property of some part of the

problem world might be justified by testing. Testing is, of course, a standard way of checking

functional adequacy, and serves a useful purpose in real-world software engineering: that we

can use it, and other informal techniques, as justification is an important characteristic of our


D. Structure of the Paper

The paper is organised in six further sections. In Section II-C, we introduce the basis of

the framework, the problem, defining it and discussing their characteristics, with examples. In

Section III we discuss the way in which problem can be related, and the role of justification

in that relationship. In Section IV, we define a number of problem transformation schemata—

rules that characterise class of problem transformation that can be used in the problem

solving involved in software engineering. In the case study of SectionV we show software

development problem can progress in our framework. There is a discussion of related work

in Section VI, and we conclude the paper with discussion, conclusions, and ideas about the

future of the framework in Section VII.



We define a (software) problem as requirements in a real-world context. A context is a

collections of domains D1, ..., Dn described in terms of their known, i.e., indicative, properties

and interacting through the sharing of phenomena; the requirements R1, ..., Rm are statements

of what we would like to be true of the context given a solution to the problem, i.e., optative

statements. Thus, a software problem challenges us to find the solution that, in the given

context, brings about the requirements. Fuller descriptions of these elements of software

problems, leading to a formal definition, are given below.

A. Phenomena and Domains

In previous work, Jackson [25] describes six kinds of phenomena in two categories:

• the individual phenomena that include events, entities and values;

• the relations that include states, truths and roles.

This richness is representative of the richness found in development, and so will be useful

to us.

A domain is a set of related phenomena that are usefully treated as a behavioural unit for

some purpose. A domain has a name and a description that indicates the possible values and/or

states that that domain’s phenomena can occupy, how those values and states change over

time, and which phenomena – shared or unshared – are produced and when. The description

may be more or less precise, but should always be interpreted as in the indicative mood,

i.e., as expressing fact. That domain named N has description E is written N : E. The name

allows a domain to be referred to and enhances traceability through a development.

Associated with each domain D = N : E there are three alphabets:

• the controlled alphabet: the phenomena shared with other domains, and controlled by


• the observed alphabet: the phenomena shared with other domains, and observed by D.

• the unshared alphabet: all phenomena of D that are not shared with another domain.

That D(= N : E) has unshared alphabet u, controlled alphabet c and observed alphabet o is

written as D(u)co (or, sometimes, as N(u)c

o, when convenient).

More or less may be known about a domain and its alphabets, and the knowledge of a

domain’s description may affect what can be described of it. A domain that has been named,

but of which nothing more is known has null description.


The language in which a description is written is not prescribed by our framework1;

however, it should be possible for sense to be made of statements in the language. There is

no a priori assumption of precision or lack of ambiguity or completeness in a description; a

farmer’s initial description of a sluice gate that appears in a field might simply be:

The sluice gate was installed three years ago.

If a richer description is required to allow a problem to be solved, then it will have to be

found as part of the development. For instance, a developer with knowledge of sluice gates

working on a controller for the farmer’s sluice gate may be able to interpret the farmer’s

statement as identifying the SGVert model of sluice gate. The rule that accommodates such

‘sense-making’ is Interpretation; see Section IV-A.

1) Solution domains: A (software) solution domain S = N : E is, simply, a named domain

that solves (or is intended to solve) a problem. Within our framework, the solution’s domain

description stands for a physical software solution: as such it may have one of many forms,

ranging from a high-level specification, a description written in Z [40], through to program

code in some programming language. As a domain, a solution has controlled, observed and

unshared phenomena; the union of the controlled and observed sets are called the specification

phenomena for the problem.

As with other domains, more or less can be known about the solution domain, including

the phenomena it shares with its context. Typically, of course, problem solving leads us to

the discovery of the solution domain’s description (including the phenomena it shares with

its context).

B. Requirements

A requirement states how a solution domain should be assessed as the solution to a problem.

Like a domain, a requirement is a named description, R = N : E. We may know more or

less about a requirements description, again using null when we know nothing of it. A

requirements description should always be interpreted in the optative mood, i.e., expressing

a wish.

For a requirement R, there are two alphabets:

1It may also be the case that two (or more) stake-holders assign different descriptions of what is, ostensibly, the same

domain. In this case, a domain will be further identified with its description ‘owner’, as well as the name. However, we do

not pursue this complication in this paper.


• refs: those phenomena of a problem that are referenced by a requirement description.

• cons: those phenomena of a problem that are constrained by a requirement description,

i.e., those phenomena that the solution domain’s behaviour must influence to be a solution

to the problem.

That R refers to refs and constrains cons is written Rconsrefs . If refs or cons refer to phenomena

of the solution domain S, they must be specification phenomena.

C. Problems

Domains and requirements are bound together into problems using the problem building

relation – ‘`’ – that separates the problem’s indicative context and solution descriptions (on

the left) from its optative requirement descriptions (on the right).

Let W = D1, ..., Dn (n ≥ 0, Di(ui)cioi

) be a collection of domains, S(u)dp a solution domain

and R = R1, ..., Rm (m ≥ 0, Riconsirefsi

) be a collection of requirements. Then W, S ` R is the

problem with context W, solution S and requirements R (which will be seen in Section IV-D

to be the logical conjunction of the Ri).

Phenomena sharing in a problem is between domains in W, and between those in W and

the solution S. Given Di and S as above, a ∈ ci, for instance, means either that:

• a ∈ oj for some j 6= i, or

• a ∈ p.

Because of this, it is not possible to determine, for a single domain outside of its problem

context, its unshared, controlled and observed phenomena.

The first step in a problem-oriented development, is the synthesis of the initial problem

sequent from a stake-holder’s description:

Example: Consider again the sluice gate farmer, mentioned above, and let us suppose that

s/he wishes to employ you to develop a sluice gate controller. S/he gives you the following

starting point:

The sluice gate was installed three years ago. I want to be able to raise, lower

and stop the gate. The gate should allow water to flow in the field for ten minutes

every three hours.

To represent the farmer’s problem using our notation for problems we will need to identify

some named context domains and their descriptions, named requirements and their descrip-

tions, and place them in relation to each other and to a solution domain as a problem. Here


is a possible interpretation as a problem:

Farmer(raise, lower, stop)fc: wants

be able to raise, lower and stop the


Gate(gp)cg: installed three years ago

Controllercgfc : null


Reqraise,lower,stop: The Farmer should

be able to raise, lower and stop the

Gate. The Gate should allow water to

flow in the field for ten minutes every

three hours.

Here we assume that:

• the Farmer controls phenomena fc that are shared with the Controller, the solution to

be found;

• the Controller controls the Gate through the phenomena cg.

The farmer’s initial description lacks detail, and so to present their description as a problem

we have ‘guessed’ some of the details. These details include, for instance, precisely which

domains are involved in the problem context along with which phenomena are shared. In

any serious development context, such decisions will need validating. We will show how

validation can be done within the framework later in the paper.

Other problems are not so difficult to capture:

1) The null problem: The null problem is the problem of which we know nothing:

Context : null, Solution : null ` Requirements : null

Here, null is used as Context, Requirement and Solution description to indicate that nothing

is known about them. The null problem has a distinguished place in problem-oriented engi-

neering; it can be thought of as the starting point of all problem-oriented development, with

context, requirement and solution description being developed therefrom. We show how this

might be done in Section III.

2) Specification problems: A specification problem is a problem that has an empty context

(∅), a solution Solution, of which more or less is known of its description DescS, and a

single, fully known requirement, with description DescR, that references and constrains only

specification phenomena (those phenomena shared with the machine).

Context : ∅, Solutionab : DescS ` Requirementa

b : DescR

Example: Specification problems are typical in formal refinement settings, such as those

of Morgan [31] and Back [2]. The following problem (P1) is adapted from [32]

P1 : ∅, Solnrtsq : null ` Specrt

sq : rt = b√sqc (1)


in this case the requirement, Spec, constrains the value of rt to be the greatest integer less

than the square root of sq. rt and sq are specification phenomena.

D. Candidate solutions and solved problems

In parallel with, or perhaps following somewhat behind, the search for a solution to a

problem is the construction of an argument that justifies the fitness-for-purpose of the found

solution with respect to the problem’s context and requirements. Actually, the argument the

developer will have to construct expresses the adequacy of a candidate solution with respect

to a number of criteria including, but not limited to, those of fitness-for-purpose as a customer

might see it; by the same token, a presented argument might be a portion of that the developer

has produced. We will see how an adequacy argument is built in the next section.

Even to be considered a candidate solution, a solution domain must be compatible with

its problem context, in the following sense. Let a, b, c, d, o, refs and cons be sets of

phenomena with c∩a = ∅. Any candidate solution S(u)ab to a software problem with context

W = D1, ..., Dn, with W(d)co, and requirements R = R1, ..., Rm, with Rcons

refs , must be such that

cons ∪ refs ⊆ o ∪ c ∪ a ∪ b ∪ d.

For a problem to be solved, the customer2 must be convinced that a candidate solution is

adequate in meeting their needs, as expressed through their requirements in context, so that it

can be accepted as a solution. The conceptual framework provides guidance for constructing

adequacy arguments, built step-wise during development, that can be exposed to the customer

to convince them of solution-hood. The actual notion of adequacy depends on the context of

the development. For example, in safety-critical development, it may be that the appropriate

level is somewhere close to formal mathematical proof; should the development be mission-

critical, it may be that rigourous testing will be the appropriate level; should the development

be entirely informal, it may be that no justification is required. This context dependence of

the system we define – that adequacy of a rule application depends upon the development

context – is a radical departure from traditional Gentzen-style sequent calculi.

Example: Specification problems are easy to solve within the framework, (but only if one

is content with a non-computational solution specification). Consider, again, the specification

problem, P1, defined above. To solve P1, one can simply write (cf., [32]):

∅, Solnrtsq : rt := b√sqc ` Specrt

sq : rt = b√sqc

2And/or other stake-holders.


and call the problem solved. That a specification is its own solution follows from the fact

that Spec satisfies Spec, for any Spec.

It is worth noting that, although in this case solution and requirement descriptions are the

same, the solution description is indicative while the requirement description is optative. So,

although descriptions may, themselves, often be expressed in indicative or optative mood, it

is actually their position in the problem that defines the actual mood in which the description

should be read: indicative on the left and optative on the right of the problem builder.

Returning to problem P1, if one needs a code solution for a problem, one must work


Example: Consider again the formal specification example above; we may also write:

P2 : ∅, Solnrtsq :

|[var ru; rt, ru := 0, sq + 1;

do rt + 1 6= ru →

|[var rm; rm := (rt + ru)/2;

if rm2 ≤ sq → rt := rm

else rm2 > sq → ru := rm

fi ]|

od ]|

` Specrtsq : rt = b√sqc (2)

with P2 giving an (essentially) executable solution for problem P1. The justification is:

This solution is constructed by formal refinement, the complete development (with

proofs) being contained in [32]; we note, however, that as the value of rt changes

throughout the execution of the code, this computation must be execute atomically

for correctness.

This justification would be adequate for even the most safety-critical of safety-critical devel-



Problem P2 is related to problem P1 in that, in it, there is a detailed description of the

Soln for P1. Moreover, this relationship is justified by an argument of the formal correctness

of the solution, so that we can say P1 is solved.

We would like to make this relationship formal so that, in this case, P2 is justified as P1

transformed, capturing the progression of P1’s development. Software problem transforma-

tions capture and formalise such relationships: a software problem transformation transforms


a single problem – the conclusion – to a set of problems – the premises – and records an

argument – the adequacy argument step – that justifies the relationship of the premises to

the conclusion.

Suppose we have problems W, S ` R, Wi, Si ` Ri, i = 1, ..., n, (n ≥ 0) and adequacy

argument step J, then we will write:

W1, S1 ` R1 ... Wn, Sn ` Rn〈〈J〉〉

W, S ` R(3)

to mean that:

S is a solution of W, S ` R with adequacy argument (CA1∧ ...∧CAn)∧J whenever

S1, ..., Sn are solutions of W1, S1 ` R1, ..., Wn, Sn ` Rn, with adequacy arguments

CA1, ..., CAn, respectively.

The search for a solution extends the tree upwards and, as in other Gentzen-style sequent

calculi, problem transformation applications cascade with transformations lower in the tree

producing premise problems (those above the line) that transformations at the next level up

use as conclusion problems (those below the line). When there are no premise problems

(n = 0 in the above definition) we have reached a ‘leaf’ node of the tree, and upwards

development is complete for that part of the problem.

As the tree grows, the adequacy argument is constructed. The reader will note that we

make no requirement of formality in the adequacy argument step nor, therefore, in the

adequacy argument; the informality of the subject matter precludes fully formal treatment of

some transformations. Indeed, in the worst case, a software problem transformation may be

applied without any justification, whence we have no adequacy argument for the development

as those for the premises, i.e., the CAi, cannot be extended to the conclusion. Of course,

that no justification has been given does not mean that it cannot be retrospectively added.

However, a problem transformation that happens with no justification incurs the risk that no

justification – and therefore no adequacy argument – will be possible. Attitudes to risk may

thus influence the application of rules, and thus software development within the framework.

The justification of a problem transformation is, however, necessary if we wish to argue the

adequacy of a solution resulting from the development, even if the strongest possible (or

practical) justification may still be quite weak.

Example: Unit testing, also called software component testing, represents the “Lowest level

of testing that an AUT [Application Under Test] can undergo” [45]. Integration testing, on the

other hand, demonstrates that (unit tested) software components work together in ‘a correct,


stable, and coherent manner’ [45]. The relationship of unit tests to integration test illustrates

the relationship represented in the rule above: suppose the Si are software components such

that W, Si ` Ri is solved, unit testing being the appropriate ‘correctness argument,’ CAi. Let

S be the structure in which the software components are intended to work together3 with

R the requirement of their composition. Then J, the adequacy argument step, is integration

testing; the (full) adequacy argument for S is simply the conjunction of integration testing of

the composition together with unit testing of the individual components.

Example: We should write:

∅, Solnrtsq :

|[var ru; rt, ru := 0, sq + 1;

do rt + 1 6= ru →

|[var rm; rm := (rt + ru)/2;

if rm2 ≤ sq → rt := rm

else rm2 > sq → ru := rm

fi ]|

od ]|

` Specrtsq : rt = b√sqc

〈〈This solution is constructed by formal

refinement, the complete development

(with proofs) being contained in [32];

we note, however, that as the value of rt

changes throughout the execution of the

code, this computation must be execute

atomically for correctness.〉〉∅, Solnrtsq : null ` Specrt

sq : rt = b√sqc

to capture the relationship between P1 and P2 described above. Note that, as the justification

of the premise problem is missing, we do not have the adequacy argument for the whole tree.

The Problem Solved Rule (SectionIV-B.3) provides the required justification, as we shall see.


Equation 3 (page 12) presents the generic form of a transformation. Problem transformation

schemata capture classes of problem transformations in named rules. In a problem transfor-

mation schema schema variables, here written in calligraphic font, are bound to patterns that

can occur both in the conclusion of the rule and its premises, thereby indicating relationships

between parts of the premises and the conclusion.

In the following sections we define a number of problem transformation schemata.

A. Problem Interpretation

1) Domain description interpretation: (shortly, domain interpretation) is the Problem

Transformation Schemata (shortly, rule) by which a (non-solution) domain description is

3We will see in Section IV-B.3 how such structures are represented in our framework.


interpreted, i.e., re-expressed in some way to make it more suitable for problem solving.

It may be that the intention of the interpretation is to clarify a description, to introduce a

domain’s shared or unshared phenomena, to make it more formal, to disambiguate it, or any

other of a multitude of interpretations. The rule is:

W ,N : E ′,S ` R [Domain Interpretation]〈〈J : Explanation of why E ′ is better than E for the purpose in hand〉〉W ,N : E ,S ` R

in which E ′ is the interpretation of E , the original description of the domain named N . The

justification, J , for domain interpretation must argue that an ‘adequate’ interpretation has

been found; the meaning of adequate will, in general, be defined by context. The name of

the rule is written above the justification.

Example: Consider again the sluice gate problem. We will assume that the developer wishes

to change the Gate’s description to one that is more effective for subsequent development.

To do this, they apply the domain interpretation rule, with W bound to Farmer, N to Gate,

E to the description ‘installed three years ago’, E ′ to the description ‘the SGVert model’, S

to Controller, and R to Req. Whence, with changes emboldened, the rule application gives:

Farmer: wants be able to

raise, lower and stop the


Gate: the SGVert model

Controller: null


Req: The Farmer should be

able to raise, lower and stop

the Gate. The Gate should

allow water to flow in the

field for ten minutes every

three hours.[Domain Interpretation]〈〈The SGVert was the onlymodel of sluice gate produced3 years ago. It will be easier towork with this description as amanual describing its detailedoperation exists.〉〉

Farmer: wants be able to

raise, lower and stop the


Gate: installed three years


Controller: null


Req: The Farmer should be

able to raise, lower and stop

the Gate. The Gate should

allow water to flow in the

field for ten minutes every

three hours.

We note the first part of the adequacy argument step given–that relating to the installation

date of the Gate–is relatively weak: if, for instance, the Gate was not installed from new, the

adequacy argument step may be broken. A much stronger adequacy argument step for this

domain interpretation is that


The sluice gate model has been confirmed by field inspection as the SGVert model.

which provides validation for this particular development step.

2) Requirement description interpretation: (shortly, requirement interpretation) is similar

in form to domain interpretation, but the subject of the interpretation is the requirement:

W ,S ` N : E ′,R [Requirement Interpretation]〈〈J : Explanation of why E ′ is better than E for the purpose in hand〉〉W ,S ` N : E ,R

in which E ′ is the suggested interpretation of E , the original description of the requirement

named N .

Example: Let us assume that, due to discussions with the farmer, it is clear that the Gate

should allow approximately 45 cubic metres of water to flow in the ten minutes that the gate

is open every three hour period. This extra information is useful as it would, for instance,

allow a calculation of the height to which the gate must be opened to meet the requirement.

Using this extra information, we may interpret the sluice gate requirement to be (changes


Farmer: wants be able to

raise, lower and stop the


Gate: the SGVert model

Controller: the Controller

to be found


Req: The Farmer should be

able to raise, lower and

stop the Gate. The Gate

should allow water to flow

in the field for ten minutes

(flowRate ≈ 4.5m3/minute)

every three hours.[Requirement Interpretation]〈〈The customer has clarifiedthe amount of water that mustflow each minute. Knowing theflow rate will allow the heightto which the gate must beopened to be calculated.〉〉

Farmer: wants be able to

raise, lower and stop the


Gate: the SGVert model

Controller: the Controller

to be found


Req: The Farmer should be

able to raise, lower and

stop the Gate. The Gate

should allow water to flow

in the field for ten minutes

every three hours.

Here the adequacy argument step is predicated on the customer’s clarification of what the

requirement means.


3) Solution description interpretation: (shortly, solution interpretation) is, again, similar

in form to domain interpretation, but the subject of the interpretation is the solution:

W ,S : E ′ ` R [Solution Interpretation]〈〈J : Explanation of why E ′ is better than E for the purpose in hand〉〉W ,N : E ` R

in which E ′ is the suggested interpretation of E , the original description of solution N . The

adequacy argument step, J , for an application of the solution interpretation rule must again

argue that an ‘adequately correct’ interpretation has been found.

Example: Revisiting the formal refinement above, we note that problems P1 and P2 are

related through the solution interpretation rule, i.e.:

∅, Solnrtsq :

|[var ru; rt, ru := 0, sq + 1;

do rt + 1 6= ru →

|[var rm; rm := (rt + ru)/2;

if rm2 ≤ sq → rt := rm

else rm2 > sq → ru := rm

fi ]|

od ]|

` Specrtsq : rt = b√sqc

[Solution Interpretation]〈〈The solution is a formal refinementof the specification, see [32]; wenote, however, that as the value of rtchanges throughout the execution ofthe code, this computation must beexecute atomically for correctness.〉〉

∅, Solnrtsq : null ` Specrt

sq : rt = b√sqc

B. Problem Expansion

Our framework introduces a standard notation for the initial interpretation of the compo-

nents of a problem, useful for quickly filling out the detail of a null description.

1) Context expansion: works in a problem’s context to combine, in a given topology,

a number of problem domains. The vehicle for introducing the new domains is a Context

Structure, or CStruct. A CStruct is named, and contains the domains that will populate the

context. Let Ci = Ni : Descicioi

be domains, with the ci pairwise disjoint, and let c and o be

such that⋃

ci \⋃

oi ⊆ c ⊆⋃

i ci and⋃

oi \⋃

ci ⊆ o ⊆⋃

i oi4. Then:

CStructName[C1, ..., Cm]co

is a CStruct with name CStructName.

When a CStruct appears as the description of a context domain, introduced through an

application of the domain interpretation rule, the problem can be rewritten as shown in

4I.e., a superset of the ‘dangling’ phenomena.


(a)W, C1, ..., Cm,S ` R

[Context Expansion]W,N : CStructName[C1, ..., Cm],S ` R


dsply , KeybdinputkeyPrs, Scrndsply

sigs , DsplySyssigsinput ` DsplyReq

[Context Expansion]UserkeyPrs

dsply , UIF : KbdScrn[KeybdinputkeyPrs, Scrndsply

sigs ]input,dsplykeyPrs,sigs, DsplySyssigs

input ` DsplyReq

Fig. 1. The Context Expansion Rule: a) Definition, and b) Example

Figure 1(a). The justification for the introduction of the CStruct will appear when it is

introduced through the domain interpretation rule, hence the rewriting of a CStruct does not

need justification.

Example: An example of context expansion is shown in Figure 1(b), in which a User’s in-

terface with the machine, UIF, has been detailed, through domain interpretation, as consisting

of a keyboard (KeyBd) and screen (Scrn). The CStruct is:

KbdScrn[KeybdinputkeyPrs, Scrndsply

sigs ]input,dsplykeyPrs,sigs

the condition on the sharing of phenomena ensures that the expanded CStruct shares correctly

with its environment.

2) Requirements expansion: allows requirements to be structured. The vehicle for intro-

ducing the new requirements is a Requirement Structure, or RStruct. An RStruct is named, and

contains the requirements and names that will populate the context. Let Ri = Ni : Desciconsirefsi

be requirements, cons =⋃

i consi and refs =⋃

i refsi. Then:

RStructName[R1, ..., Rm]consrefs

is an RStruct with name RStructName.

When an RStruct appears as the description of a requirement, introduced through an

application of the requirement interpretation rule, the problem can be rewritten as shown

in Figure 2(a). As for the CStruct, the justification for the introduction of the RStruct will

appear when it is introduced through the domain interpretation rule, hence the rewriting of

an RStruct does not need justification.

Example: Most software systems have both functional and quality requirements (the latter

often called non-functional requirements). In the framework, there is no expectation for

quality requirements to be present in a problem. However, we consider it a worthwhile


(a)W ,S ` R1, ...,Rm,R

[Requirement Expansion]W ,S ` R : RStructName[R1, ...,Rm],R

(b)Context, S ` Requirements : null, Qualities : null

[Requirement Expansion]Context, S ` Req : R&Q[Requirements : null, Qualities : null]

Fig. 2. The Requirement Expansion Rule (a) Definition, and (b) example application

heuristic to use the following RStruct as the initial requirements interpretation in each problem

development, precisely so that any quality requirements are properly recorded:

R&Q[Requirements : null, Qualities : null]

with justification that most developments have both forms of requirement. Note that the

RStruct makes no assumptions about how the respective requirement and quality description

will be written, but alerts the developer that one form is missing. If there are no quality

requirements, this can be recorded explicitly through further development from this rule.

Given this RStruct, an example of its application is shown in Figure 2(b).

3) Solution expansion: Within our framework, an Architectural Structure, or AStruct com-

bines, in a given topology, a number of extant (solution) domains with domains yet to be

found. An AStruct can be named. For domains Ci = Ni : Descicioi

, and solution domains Sjdjpj ,

with the ci and dj pairwise disjoint, let c and o be such that

• (⋃

ci ∪⋃

dj) \ (⋃

oi ∪⋃

pj) ⊆ c ⊆ (⋃

i ci ∪⋃

dj); and

• (⋃

oi ∪⋃

pj) \ (⋃

ci ∪⋃

dj) ⊆ o ⊆ (⋃

i oi ∪⋃



AStructName[C1, ..., Cm](S1, ..., Sn)co (4)

is an AStruct with name AStructName.

In essence, by application of an architectural structure to a solution domain, we are

identifying the internal structure of the solution together with some of its behaviour. There

will be more or less known about the extant components, the Ci, that make up the architecture.

Solution expansion assumes that the software structure defined therein has already been

identified as adequate, through solution interpretation, so that the application of solution

expansion does not require any justification. Solution expansion simply moves the already


W , C1, ..., Cm,S2 : null, ...,Sn : null,S1 ` R...

W , C1, ..., Cm,S1 : null, ...,Sj− 1 : null,Sj + 1 : null, ..,Sn : null,Sj ` R...

W , C1, ..., Cm,S1 : null, ...,Sn− 1 : null,Sn ` R[Solution Expansion]

W , S : AStructName[C1, ..., Cm](S1, ...,Sn) ` R

Fig. 3. The Solution Expansion Rule

defined domains Ci to the environment, by expanding the problem context, whilst simul-

taneously refocussing the problem to be that of finding the descriptions of the domains Sj

that remain. The requirement and context of the original problem is propagated to all sub-

problems. The rule is shown in Figure 3.

Solution expansion is more complex than the other rules as it creates a number of premise

problems, each of which requires solving, and each of which contributes its solution to the

other premise problems.

Example: Consider a journal editor’s problem of producing an editing tool (EditTool) to

assist a User, working with a mouse and keyboard (m&k) to express their ideas, to prepare a

document Doc to a specific format (form) for a journal. For the purposes of the example, we

will assume that a decision has been taken to base the Editor on a current LaTeX system.

We will assume, therefore, that the LaTeX system has architectural structure description:

LaTeX[LaTeX Envstylecmds,EditOpsform,m&k ](LaTeX Styleform


whereLaTeX Envstylecmds,EditOps

form,m&k : LaTeX version 3.141592

LaTeX Styleformstylecmds : null

The transformation of the architecture under the Solution Expansion rule is shown in Figure 4.

Through it, the editor’s original problem is reduced to the simpler problem of developing

a style file that captures the journal’s format for use in an expanded context in which the

LaTeX Env appears.

Co-design: Application of the solution expansion rule produces one sub-problem for each

to-be-found component in the AStruct. When n ≥ 2, each of the sub-problems has a different

to-be-found solution domain as the solution domain, with the original context augmented


User(idea)m&k: uses mouse and key-

board to express their ideas

Doc(format)EditOps: a document to be


LaTeX Envstylecmds,EditOpsform,m&k : LaTeX ver-

sion 3.141592

LaTeX Styleformstylecmds: null


JEReqsformatidea : The EditSys should al-

low an author to prepare documents

expressing their ideas through key-

board and mouse to make a properly

formatted submission to the Journal.

[Solution Ex-pansion]

User(idea)m&k: uses mouse and key-

board to express their ideas

Doc(format)EditOps: a document to be


EditSysEditOpsm&k :

LaTeX[LaTeX Envstylecmds,EditOpsform,m&k ]

(LaTeX Styleformstylecmds)



JEReqsformatidea : The EditSys should al-

low an author to prepare documents

expressing their ideas through key-

board and mouse to make a properly

formatted submission to the Journal.

Fig. 4. An application of the Solution Expansion Rule to the problem of defining a document editor

by the other to-be-solved components, each with null description. When n ≥ 2, therefore,

Solution Expansion leaves many sub-problems to be solved ‘simultaneously’, the solution of

each of which may influence the solution of all others, a situation that we term the co-design

problem associated with the AStruct (co-design problem for short).

We give an example of the co-design problem in the case study in Section V.

Problem Solving: When there are no designable components in the architecture, i.e., n = 0

in Equation 4 (page 18), there are no sub-problems generated by application of the solution

expansion rule. In this case, the problem has been solved by the choice of architecture. Recall

that the architecture will have been introduced and justified through the solution interpretation

rule, so this problem solving step is justified.

Example: Consider again the journal editor’s problem. Let us assume that the editor is will-

ing to re-use another journal’s style, contained in the LaTeX style file JournalStyle.sty,

for instance. In this case, the architecture to be applied under the rule is:

LaTeX[LaTeX Envstylecmds,EditOpsform,m&k , LaTeX Styleform



[Solution Expansion]

User(idea)m&k, Doc(format)EditOps,

EditSysEditOpsm&k : LaTeX[LaTeX Envstylecmds,EditOps

form,m&k , LaTeX Styleformstylecmds]()


` JEReqsformatidea

Fig. 5. An application of the Architectural Expansion Rule to the problem of defining a document editor: a complete

LaTeX solution is chosen

withLaTeX Env LaTeX version 3.141592

LaTeX Style JournalStyle.sty

The resulting problem transformation is shown in Figure 5.

Separable problems: A problem P = W, S ` R is said to be n-separable if there

are partitions of W into Wicioi

, i = 1, ..., n, and R into Riconsirefsi

, i = 1, ..., n, with the sets

(ci∪oi∪consi∪refsi) pair-wise disjoint. In this case P consists of n independent sub-problems,

each of which is therefore independently solvable. In this case, the AStruct


, ..., Sndnpn

), with the sets (di ∪ pi) pair-wise disjoint

is a suitable solution interpretation. For the nSep AStruct, solution expansion reduces to:

W1, S1 ` R1 ... Wn, Sn ` Rn[Separable Problem]

W, S : nSep[](S1d1p1

, ..., Sndnpn

) ` R

One must, of course, be careful that there is no surreptitious sharing of phenomena—

one might say covert channels—between the partitions of W; if such covert channels exist,

separation will not necessarily be justified. This is not, of course, the case with the solution

expansion rule.

The case study in Section V contains an example of a 2-separable problem.

C. Problem progression

Problem progression transforms requirements on domains that are ‘deep in the world’ [25]

into requirements on domains that are ‘closer to the machine’. The idea behind problem

progression is to remove a domain (that we refer to as the to-be-progressed domain) from

the context of a problem, simultaneously rewriting a requirement description that refers to


(a)W ,D(a, b) : DescD,S ` R′

1, ...,R′m

[Sharing Removal]W ,Da

b : DescD,S ` R1, ...,Rm

(b)W ,S ` R1, ...,Rm

[Domain Removal]W ,D∅

∅,S ` R1, ...,Rm

Fig. 6. (a) Making an assumption in the requirement equivalent to the constraints a domain, D, places on some of its

shared phenomena, a and b; requirement Riconsirefsi

, becomes Ricons′i∪a∪brefs′i

with DescR′i

being “Assuming a, b constrained by

DescD , DescRi ”. Shared phenomena previously bound by a and b are, after transformation, constrained by the rewritten

requirement. (b) A domain that shares nothing is removable from the context of a problem.

or constrains it to compensate. In effect, we want to define rules that allow the following


D1, ..., Dn−1, S ` R′

[Problem Progression]D1, ..., Dn−1, Dn, S ` R

in which a solution to the premise problem is a solution to the conclusion problem. Here, we

have removed a context domain, the to-be-progressed domain, rewriting the requirements to

compensate. As there are a finite number of domains in the context of a problem, exhaustive

application of such a rule – should this be possible – will eventually end with the progressing

requirement being attached to the machine, i.e., it will become a specification.

The implementation of this rules is done in two steps, as shown in Figure 6:

• in the first, shown in Figure 6(a), we ‘unshare’ phenomena by internalising them into

the to-be-progressed domain, D, making an assumption in the requirement equivalent to

the constraints that the to-be-progressed domain places on its shared phenomena a and


• in the second, shown in Figure 6(b), a domain that shares no phenomena may be removed

from the context of a problem.

Example: Consider the problem of developing a software system for an automated car

body press. The problem you are given is as follows:

Barrierpos, Operator(safe)pos,cmnds, Pressactivate, Controlleractivatecmnds ` Safe Operationsafe,activate


which includes a safety barrier, Barrier, designed to keep the Operator at a safe distance

from the press. It does this by constraining the Operator’s position, pos, in the following



Barrier: Constrains the operator’s position, pos, to be a safe distance from the press

during press operation.

The problem requirement states that:

Safe Operation: The press should respond to the commands of the operator. The

operator should be kept safe at all times.

We wish to remove the Barrier domain from the problem context, to make the problem

easier to solve. We note that the Barrier cannot simply be removed from the context of a

problem (whilst retaining the same requirement) as doing so would lead us to the problem:

Operator(safe, pos)cmnds, Pressactivate, Controlleractivatecmnds ` Safe Operationsafe,activate


which is a very much more difficult problem to solve in software!

Instead, through the Sharing Removal rule, the requirement must be rewritten to remove

the shared phenomena between the Operator and Barrier giving:

Barrier(pos), Operator(safe, pos)cmnds, Pressactivate, Controlleractivatecmnds ` Safe Operation′safe,activate,pos


in which

Safe Operation′: Assuming the Operator is at a safe distance from the Press, the

press should respond to the commands of the operator. The operator should be kept

safe at all times.

As Barrier no longer shares phenomena with other domains, it can be removed, thus:

Operator(safe, pos)cmnds, Pressactivate, Controlleractivatecmnds ` Safe Operation′safe,activate,pos

which, through requirement interpretation, can be rewritten as:

Operator(safe, pos)cmnds, Pressactivate, Controlleractivatecmnds ` Safe Operation′′safe,activate,pos


Safe Operation′′: The press should respond to the commands of the operator.

leaving a much simpler problem to solve. The last requirement interpretation is justified by

the fact that the barrier always keeps the operator at a safe distance from the press.


D. Other Rules

1) Requirements conjunction: The ‘,’ on the right of the turnstile, i.e., between require-

ments, is essentially equivalent to conjunction as captured by the rule:

W ,S ` R1 : DescR1 , R2 : DescR2 ,R============================ [Conjunction Introduction on the right]W ,S ` R1&R2 : DescR1 ∧ DescR2 ,R

where R1&R2 is the name of the conjoined requirements, and DescR1 ∧ DescR2 is the

(logical) conjunction of their descriptions. The double bar means that the rule can be used

in both directions, both to introduce a conjunction and to split a conjunction.

Note that, in the propositional calculus, ’,’ on the right is usually equivalent to disjunction,

so that P ` Q, R and P ` Q ∨ R are equivalent. In the propositional calculus, equivalence

derives from the negation elimination rules, one of which is:

Γ,¬P ` ∆¬-elimination on the right

Γ,` P, ∆

For us, the left- and right-hand sides of the turnstile denote indicative and optative,

respectively, and movement left to right is only through the sharing removal rule, whence an

assumption is added on the right.


As stated earlier, the aim of the work reported here is to bring both non-formal and formal

aspects of development together in a single framework. The framework provides a structure

within which the results of different development activities can be combined and reconciled.

The structure is the structure of the progressive solution of a system development problem;

it is also the structure of the adequacy argument that must eventually justify the developed

system. Each is constructed in a step-wise manner: problems form the nodes in a tree with

transformations extending the tree upwards from an initial problem description. This is the

general form of a Genzten-style sequent calculus. The tree branches through the application

of architectural expansion that allows many sub-problems to be discovered from the problem

that is its conclusion. Another effect of rule application is that symbols are shared between

the conclusion and premisses of a rules application; in essence, the symbols used in a problem

development exist within a single name-space.

Software development under the framework proceeds by the application of problem trans-

formations each of which develops some aspect of a software problem’s description. Transfor-

mation under the framework in general allows detail of the software problem to be discovered


– the context and requirements are more known, and more is known about the structure

of the solution. The choice of which problem transformation to apply at any point in a

software problem development application is, however, ‘tentative’ as each transformation

must be justified as adequate before the step can be accepted as contributing correctly to the

development. Because of this, and as in mathematical proof in Gentzen-style sequent calculi,

problem transformation application does not always lead to solution; step-wise transformation

is prone to the discovery of ‘blind alleys’, entered by a poor choice of application of a

particular transformation. This reflects the nature of problem solving in that, in its general

form, it is exploratory of the problem and solution spaces. All that is needed, of course, is

an iterative process that, given the realisation that a particular transformation (or sequence

of transformations) has lead to a dead-end (or sub-optimal solution), can backtrack past the

problem branches, leaving the development in a better state.

The exploration of design choices, and subsequent backtracking on failure, is a valuable

component of rationale for a particular development; it can, for instance, help to prevent

re-exploration of designs that did not work. For this reason, and unlike mathematical proof,

we counsel that as part of the justification of the particular rule application at a point in

development the reason for that choice is recorded: i.e., it is the initial choice or has been

chosen because some other choice did not work. The case study illustrates how this may be


Of course, it is not our intention to suggest that all software developments take place

within the framework; for a start, the rules as defined capture the smallest possible steps in a

development. A similar situation exists within mathematics where little, if any, serious proof

development work is undertaken within the confines of Genzten’s systems. Even in systems

in which formal proof is important – e.g., in some safety critical software development – it

is often sufficient to rely on the judgement that all large steps taken could be expanded, in

principle, to those existing in a Gentzen’s system.

Our example, the development of part of a Package Router controller (adapted from [25],

in turn adapted from [41]) illustrates the application of the conceptual framework from

early requirements through to detailed design of a moderately sized example. The example’s

development is also used as a vehicle to discuss where larger steps can and should be taken,

and numerous other issues.

A. The Package Router Problem


A package router is a large machine used by delivery companies to sort packages into bins

according to bar-coded destination labels affixed to the packages. Each bin corresponds to

a regional area. Packages slide from a conveyor belt under gravity through a tree of pipes

and binary switches. The bins are at the leaves of this tree. The problem is to control the

operation of the package router’s switches so that packages are routed to their appropriate

bins, obeying the operator’s commands to start and stop the conveyor, and reporting any

misrouted packages.

We will illustrate how the elements of the conceptual framework can fit together, and how a

problem-oriented approach can lead to adequacy arguments on the package router. The order

of rule application in the case study is not meant to suggest a canonical order of application.




we must










computer is


to display,





sensors &


Figure 1: Schematic of the problem (based on [19])


label reading station

package sensors

pipe (for sliding down)

switch (not to be flipped

unless empty)

bin (corresponding to one

or more destinations)

Figure 2: Pipes and switches (based on [19])


Fig. 7. The Package Router Schematic

1) The null Package Router Problem: As mentioned earlier, all problem-oriented analyses

should, notionally, begin from the null problem. Our starting point is, therefore, the null

problem (relabelled for the Package Router PR):

Pnull : PRContext : null, PRSoln : null ` PRReq : null

2) Developing the null problem: From the null problem, problem-oriented analysis con-

tinues with an analysis of the customer provided documentation. Here we assume this to

consist of the schematic shown in Figure 7 and some other natural language description

(shown later). We will consider the elements of this schematic to indicate what needs to be

considered as the domains and phenomena of the problem. The schematic must be understood

as a proposed arrangement, and perhaps even to be approximate; for instance, there are only

three switches, four bins and two packages indicated, which is unlikely for a real system. We


must, therefore, recognise that any early analysis will be no more than an initial attempt at

capturing the problem, with iteration being possible should it not lead to a suitable problem

expression. Our approach is simply to consider each element of the schematic as one or

more domains of the problem, and to take the hard-wired connections as indicative of the

connectivity, i.e., the shared phenomena, between domains.

Of course, making this decision raises a number of issues: in modelling the context we

always have a choice between aggregating or separating the descriptions of relevant parts

of the world; but which is the most fruitful choice for problem analysis? In general, we

want to aggregate and model as a single domain identified parts of the world with pertinent

behaviours, unless such parts are causally independent. For instance, through aggregation,

we would consider the conveyor belt together with the motor. The question here is not

one of the correctness of the captured problem – whether separate or joint need not affect

the correctness of the description(s) – but complexity: a joint domain description may, for

instance, lead to simpler analysis by ignoring, or rather the coalescing of, the failure modes of

each component. When reliability, safety, etc, of the system are not issues, then, aggregation

of causally related domains may be preferable.

Secondly, an issue arises in that a language for the description of domains should be found.

Initially, it may be sufficient to consider iconic representations of domains, as is done below;

this choice may have some advantages:

• icons may be accessible both to customer and developer;

• icons may be a good starting point for traceability throughout the development process.

Working from the schematic, we propose (a) the following CStruct as representative of

the problem’s context:

PackageRouterCStruct[Operator, Display, On/Off Buttons,

Bin[1], ..., Bin[#bins], Switch[1], ..., Switch[#sw], Reading Station,

Conveyor Motor and Belt, Package[1], ..., Package[#pks]]

with domain descriptions being shown in the first column of Figure 8, and the inferred sharing


of phenomena between domains and solution as shown in the following table.


Operator Display On/Off B Bin[i] Switch[j] R S C M and B Package[id] PRSoln

O Operator

B Display 6= ∅

S On/Off B 6= ∅

E Bin[i] 6= ∅

R Switch[j] 6= ∅ 6= ∅

V R S 6= ∅

E C M and B 6= ∅ 6= ∅

D Package[id] 6= ∅ 6= ∅ 6= ∅

PRSoln 6= ∅ 6= ∅ 6= ∅ 6= ∅

The entry in column c, row r of the table indicates what is known about the phenomena

controlled by domain c that are observed by domain r. For instance, the Operator controls

(some non-empty set of) phenomena that are observed by the On/Off Buttons, but we do not

know, at this point in the development, the identities of the phenomena through which the

sharing is accomplished. Empty entries indicate no sharing (the diagonal is empty because

sharing is irreflexive).

The first transformation we apply is a domain interpretation of the PRContext domain’s

null description, which leads to Problem P0:

PRContext : PackageRouterCStruct, PRSoln : null ` PRReq : null

[Solution Interpretation]〈〈The PackageRouterCStruct CStruct is an initialattempt to model the customer schematic. Inthe CStruct we allow many Bins and Switches,and do not limit the number of Packages, eventhrough there are a fixed number of these in theschematic.〉〉

PRContext : null, PRSoln : null ` PRReq : null

The reader will note that all schematic context domains appear in the CStruct, but that the

Bins, Switches and Packages are distinguished by an identifier: although there will be a known

fixed number of Bins (#bins) and Switches (#sw) during operation, the number of Packages

(#pks) that will flow through the system is unbounded (or at least a priori unknowable). The

result for the framework of this multiplicity, as we shall see, is that certain transformations

will need to be applied many times, once per each instance of the domain. We see this as

providing no conceptual difficulties within the framework, although it motivates a number of

presentational conventions (such as the use of indices to distinguish domains).


P0 descriptions P1 descriptions





we must










computer is


to display,





sensors &


Figure 1: Schematic of the problem (based on [19])


label reading station

package sensors

pipe (for sliding down)

switch (not to be flipped

unless empty)

bin (corresponding to one

or more destinations)

Figure 2: Pipes and switches (based on [19])


“The operator uses the on/off buttons to control the conveyor through

the controller.”





we must










computer is


to display,





sensors &


Figure 1: Schematic of the problem (based on [19])


label reading station

package sensors

pipe (for sliding down)

switch (not to be flipped

unless empty)

bin (corresponding to one

or more destinations)

Figure 2: Pipes and switches (based on [19])


“The display indicates the state of the system.”

On/Off Buttons




we must










computer is


to display,





sensors &


Figure 1: Schematic of the problem (based on [19])


label reading station

package sensors

pipe (for sliding down)

switch (not to be flipped

unless empty)

bin (corresponding to one

or more destinations)

Figure 2: Pipes and switches (based on [19])


“The on/off buttons connect the Operator to the machine.”


1 ≤ j ≤ #bins

We should ask whether this level of granularity provides an appropriate level of abstraction for our analysis.

Do we need consider the conveyor belt and motor as separate or could we represent them as a single domain?

Similarly, should we separate pipes, switches and sensors? In the case of the conveyor, the controller has no

separate interaction with the belt, and the relation between motor and belt is well understood, therefore, we could

simplify the representation by considering them as a single combined domain.

Related to the above is the type of aggregation of parts of the world which is fruitful for problem analysis.

In general, we want to aggregate, and model as a single domain, identified parts of the world with pertinent

behaviours. For instance, let us consider again the topology of Figure 2. The behaviours we may be interested in

in this problem have to do with: a package label being read by the reading station; a package leaving the reading

station; a package entering or leaving a switch; the switch setting at any particular time; and a package being

dropped into a bin. A possible aggregation which may help us analyse these behaviours is suggested in Figure 3.

For instance, each switch has an incoming pipe and sensor, and two outgoing pipes and sensors, corresponding to

the two routes a package can take, while a bin has an incoming pipe and sensor, which is activated just before a

package drops into the bin.



Reading Station

Figure 3: An alternative representation of switches and sensors

Another issue is whether physical connections are sufficient to capture all relevant shared phenomena. They

are certainly a good starting point to look for shared phenomena. For instance, we know that sensor information

is sent to the control computer as well as readings from the reading station. However, there are other phenomena

which arise from interactions of otherwise unconnected domains. This is the case, for instance, of the operator

toggling the conveyor switch or using the display to read information about misrouting.

For bins, switches and packages an identity concern [19] arises: we need to be able to identify the individual

switches through which a particular package is routed, and the particular bin in which it falls. Notationally, this is

indicated in a context diagram by indexing the corresponding domain phenomena.

By taking the above considerations into account, a possible context diagram is illustrated in Figure 4. Note

that, as is always the case in modelling, that this is a sensible starting point for analysis is open to debate, and

something that would have to be validated with the customer in a real development. This is because the choice

we make in defining a context diagram have profound implications on subsequent analysis: we can only reason

about facts which are explicitly captured in the model; therefore leaving out certain aspects of the real world means

we assume they have no bearing on the problem under study. Making sure that our assumption are justifiable is

necessary to the soundness of our analysis.


“Bin[j] has a sensor that fires when a package enters it.”


1 ≤ i ≤ #sw

We should ask whether this level of granularity provides an appropriate level of abstraction for our analysis.

Do we need consider the conveyor belt and motor as separate or could we represent them as a single domain?

Similarly, should we separate pipes, switches and sensors? In the case of the conveyor, the controller has no

separate interaction with the belt, and the relation between motor and belt is well understood, therefore, we could

simplify the representation by considering them as a single combined domain.

Related to the above is the type of aggregation of parts of the world which is fruitful for problem analysis.

In general, we want to aggregate, and model as a single domain, identified parts of the world with pertinent

behaviours. For instance, let us consider again the topology of Figure 2. The behaviours we may be interested in

in this problem have to do with: a package label being read by the reading station; a package leaving the reading

station; a package entering or leaving a switch; the switch setting at any particular time; and a package being

dropped into a bin. A possible aggregation which may help us analyse these behaviours is suggested in Figure 3.

For instance, each switch has an incoming pipe and sensor, and two outgoing pipes and sensors, corresponding to

the two routes a package can take, while a bin has an incoming pipe and sensor, which is activated just before a

package drops into the bin.



Reading Station

Figure 3: An alternative representation of switches and sensors

Another issue is whether physical connections are sufficient to capture all relevant shared phenomena. They

are certainly a good starting point to look for shared phenomena. For instance, we know that sensor information

is sent to the control computer as well as readings from the reading station. However, there are other phenomena

which arise from interactions of otherwise unconnected domains. This is the case, for instance, of the operator

toggling the conveyor switch or using the display to read information about misrouting.

For bins, switches and packages an identity concern [19] arises: we need to be able to identify the individual

switches through which a particular package is routed, and the particular bin in which it falls. Notationally, this is

indicated in a context diagram by indexing the corresponding domain phenomena.

By taking the above considerations into account, a possible context diagram is illustrated in Figure 4. Note

that, as is always the case in modelling, that this is a sensible starting point for analysis is open to debate, and

something that would have to be validated with the customer in a real development. This is because the choice

we make in defining a context diagram have profound implications on subsequent analysis: we can only reason

about facts which are explicitly captured in the model; therefore leaving out certain aspects of the real world means

we assume they have no bearing on the problem under study. Making sure that our assumption are justifiable is

necessary to the soundness of our analysis.


Empty & Left [i]

Full & Left [i]

in[i][id]/ in[i]


Empty & Right [i]

Full & Right [i]

outLeft[i][id]/ outLeft[i]

in[i][id]/ in[i]

outRight[i][id]/ outRight[i]



left[i] left[i]

right[i] right[i]


Reading Station

We should ask whether this level of granularity provides an appropriate level of abstraction for our analysis.

Do we need consider the conveyor belt and motor as separate or could we represent them as a single domain?

Similarly, should we separate pipes, switches and sensors? In the case of the conveyor, the controller has no

separate interaction with the belt, and the relation between motor and belt is well understood, therefore, we could

simplify the representation by considering them as a single combined domain.

Related to the above is the type of aggregation of parts of the world which is fruitful for problem analysis.

In general, we want to aggregate, and model as a single domain, identified parts of the world with pertinent

behaviours. For instance, let us consider again the topology of Figure 2. The behaviours we may be interested in

in this problem have to do with: a package label being read by the reading station; a package leaving the reading

station; a package entering or leaving a switch; the switch setting at any particular time; and a package being

dropped into a bin. A possible aggregation which may help us analyse these behaviours is suggested in Figure 3.

For instance, each switch has an incoming pipe and sensor, and two outgoing pipes and sensors, corresponding to

the two routes a package can take, while a bin has an incoming pipe and sensor, which is activated just before a

package drops into the bin.



Reading Station

Figure 3: An alternative representation of switches and sensors

Another issue is whether physical connections are sufficient to capture all relevant shared phenomena. They

are certainly a good starting point to look for shared phenomena. For instance, we know that sensor information

is sent to the control computer as well as readings from the reading station. However, there are other phenomena

which arise from interactions of otherwise unconnected domains. This is the case, for instance, of the operator

toggling the conveyor switch or using the display to read information about misrouting.

For bins, switches and packages an identity concern [19] arises: we need to be able to identify the individual

switches through which a particular package is routed, and the particular bin in which it falls. Notationally, this is

indicated in a context diagram by indexing the corresponding domain phenomena.

By taking the above considerations into account, a possible context diagram is illustrated in Figure 4. Note

that, as is always the case in modelling, that this is a sensible starting point for analysis is open to debate, and

something that would have to be validated with the customer in a real development. This is because the choice

we make in defining a context diagram have profound implications on subsequent analysis: we can only reason

about facts which are explicitly captured in the model; therefore leaving out certain aspects of the real world means

we assume they have no bearing on the problem under study. Making sure that our assumption are justifiable is

necessary to the soundness of our analysis.


Readingdo / readPkg(id,dst)


after (n seconds) / releasePkg[id]




Conveyor Motor

and Belt




we must










computer is


to display,





sensors &


Figure 1: Schematic of the problem (based on [19])


label reading station

package sensors

pipe (for sliding down)

switch (not to be flipped

unless empty)

bin (corresponding to one

or more destinations)

Figure 2: Pipes and switches (based on [19])


Runningdo / dropPkg[id] Stationary



on off


1 ≤ id ≤ #pks




we must










computer is


to display,





sensors &


Figure 1: Schematic of the problem (based on [19])


label reading station

package sensors

pipe (for sliding down)

switch (not to be flipped

unless empty)

bin (corresponding to one

or more destinations)

Figure 2: Pipes and switches (based on [19])


OnBelt[id] InRS[id]

InBin[j][id] InSwitch[i][id]left[i]right[i]



PRSoln null null

PRReq null null

Fig. 8. P0 and P1: The iconic (column 1) and accumulated (column 2) domain interpretations for the Package Router



3) Further problem-oriented analysis: To be able to further understand the problem, it

is important to have more detailed descriptions. In this section, we show how such analysis

could be conducted within the framework focussing, for brevity, on the behaviours of the

Operator, the Conveyor Motor and Belt and the Package domains. (A more complete analysis

of the other domains is given in [36].)

Throughout the development, the domain description languages we use are English and

the UML 2.0 variant of statecharts [34].

a) Operator: We will suppose that the customer has described the behaviour of the

Operator as follows:

“The operator uses the on/off buttons to control the conveyor through the controller.”

That this description is not formal does not pose any problems, and although it would

not be difficult for a formal description of the Operator’s behaviour to be developed–

perhaps as a simple statechart–such formalisation adds little to the development while possibly

detracting from the traceability and accessibility of other non-technical stake-holders. We will

therefore work with this informal description, as far as possible. Other domains, viz. Display,

On/Off Buttons, and Bins, will similarly be informally expressed.

Using domain interpretation, we may replace the iconic representation of the Operator

in P0 with the natural language description (the result being shown in the third column of

Figure 8), update the table of phenomena to reflect the new knowledge of the phenomena

shared between the Operator and the On/Off Buttons (by adding ono, offo phenomena), and

provide the following adequacy argument step for the transformation:

J1.Operator: The customer has described the Operator in this way.

b) Conveyor Motor and Belt description: In contrast to the human Operator, we will

describe the causal domain Conveyor Motor and Belt more formally. The knowledge for a

semi-formal description might be available in a manual of operation, for instance. Suppose the

manual contains the (semi-)formal description of the Conveyor belt and Motor’s behaviour

shown in Figure 9, where on and off are commands controlled by the PRSoln solution

domain and observed by the Conveyor Motor and Belt domain, then a domain interpretation

application can be made.

The justification for applying the domain interpretation rule using the statechart of Figure 9


J1.CMB: for this interpretation step, we have provided a description of the Conveyor

Motor and Belt domain.


Runningdo / dropPkg[id] Stationary



on off

Fig. 9. Conveyor Motor and Belt behaviour.

c) The Package Domains: The Package domains also need to be described as does their

interaction with other domains. The description of the package labelled id, Package[id], is,

simply, that it comes from the conveyor belt into the reading station and slides, under gravity,

through the switches until it eventually comes to rest in one of the bins. The statechart of

Figure 10 shows this behaviour and, for instance, identifies dropPkg[id] as the event that

accompanies the drop a package from the conveyor into the reading station.

OnBelt[id] InRS[id]

InBin[j][id] InSwitch[i][id]left[i]right[i]



Fig. 10. The behaviour of Package[id].

Aside: An approach to development risk: The description for a package has been

arrived at through an analysis of the problem; there has been, for instance, no customer

input. During development, we could simply assume that the description in Figure 10 is

adequate in capturing the essential behaviour of the domain and leave the analysis at that.

However, we may also wish to consider that subsequent development may commit resources

– developer time, for instance – on the adequacy of this description, that such resources have

an opportunity cost, and so one would wish that such a description was more than just a

guess. Dealing with risk is properly part of development processes, and so should have a

place within our framework.

We cannot, of course, mitigate development risks through the application of the ideas of

the framework. However, that risk has been considered is properly a part of the adequacy

argument for a development, and we can record its consideration (and the steps (if any) that

have been taken to mitigate it) in the adequacy argument.


Risk management is a complex topic and a more detailed discussion is beyond the scope

of this paper. One option would be to ask the customer to validate the statechart description

as the basis for further development. For now, we choose just to accept the risk recording

the fact in the the domain interpretation rule’s justification.

Returning to the Package domains, we can apply the domain interpretation rule repeatedly5

with justification:

J1.Pkg: for this interpretation step, we have provided descriptions of the Package[id]

domain. There is a risk that this description is wrong. We have chosen to accept

this risk.

to arrive at the description in Figure 10.4) The other domains: From the iconic representation of Problem P0 we may merge

eight domain interpretation steps into a single step, the resulting Problem P1 being shownin Figure 8. More detail of the shared phenomena is also given by the analysis, as indicatedin the following table where some of the entries have been filled in (only phenomena we aregoing to use in the following have being detailed):


Operator Display On/Off B Bin[j] Switch[i] R S C M and B Package[id] PRSoln

O Operator

B Display 6= ∅

S On/Off B {ono, offo}

E Bin[j] 6= ∅

R Switch[i] 6= ∅ 6= ∅

V R S 6= ∅

E C M and B {dropPkg[id]} {onc, offc}

S Package[id] 6= ∅ 6= ∅ 6= ∅

PRSoln {onb, offb} 6= ∅ 6= ∅ 6= ∅

5) Requirements Analysis: We will assume justified transformations have added adequate

descriptions for each domain and continue the development by considering the problem’s

requirement. Suppose that the customer describes the requirement as:

“The problem is to control the operation of the package router so that packages are

routed to their appropriate bins or reported as misrouted, and to obey the operators

commands to start and stop the conveyor.”

5Once for each of the #pks packages.


so that, using the requirements interpretation rule, the null requirement description of Prob-

lem P1 can be interpreted by this description with justification:

J2.Req: This is the initial customer-provided description.

leaving us with Problem P2 derived from Problem P1:


PRReq : The problem is to control the operation of the package router so

that packages are routed to their appropriate bins or reported as

misrouted, and to obey the operators commands to start and stop

the conveyor...

Now, let us suppose that further discussion with the customer reveals that this requirement

has two components:

Obey Operator: the controller should obey the operator’s commands: an ono com-

mand from the operator should result in the conveyor belt state Running; an offo

command from the operator should result in the conveyor belt state Stationary.


Route & Report: the controller should control the package router so that packages

are routed to their appropriate bins or reported as misrouted: a package with identity

id and destination dst arriving at the reading station (arrivePkg[id]) should reach

the bin corresponding to its destination (bin[id][j], where Bin[j] corresponds to dst);

otherwise misroute information message

“misroute of package id”

should be displayed.

We may encode these requirement parts as the RStruct:

RStruct[Obey OperatorRunning,Stationaryon,off , Route and Reportbin[id][j]

dst ]

and interpret the current requirement accordingly, leading to a new Problem P3, with justi-


J3.ReqSplit: Obey Operator and Route and Report have been identified and vali-

dated by the customer as the requirements for the system.


applying it through the RStruct rule (no justification necessary) to give problem:

P4 :

Operator, Display, On/Off Buttons,

Bin[1], ..., Bin[m], Switch[1], ..., Switch[n], Reading Station,

Conveyor Motor and Belt, Package[1], ..., Package[k], PRSoln

` Obey Operator, Route and Report

An aside on quality requirements: It is worth noting at this point that there are no quality

requirements for this problem. In a mission critical situation, such as our imagined problem

context, quality requirements for system availability, for instance, would typically be made

and the lack might alert the developer to the need for a discussion with the customer of their

availability requirements. It may be that there are requirements of “high availability”, perhaps

“5 9s available” (i.e., 99.999% availability or, maximum, 5 minutes per year downtime).

QR1: The system should be 5 9s available.

There are two parts to the justification of the interpretation that adds QR1 to the require-

ments. The first is shared with all interpretations, i.e., that the description is an adequate

description of what the customer wanted, which can be validated in consultations with the

customer. This is simply associated with the step and can be ignored when validation is


The second part stems from the fact that it cannot be known whether the solution satisfies

a functional or a quality requirement until the solution is built. Hence, at this point in the

development, the best we can do is to ensure that future design choices, such as the choice of

high-level architecture or components, do not make it impossible to satisfy such requirements.

A simple example of what we mean is that one should not choose a processor that is known

to be very unreliable as the basis of the system, as such a processor is unlikely to meet the

quality requirement; however, even the choice of a very reliable processor does not guarantee

that the quality requirements will be met, as there are many other choices that could impact

the satisfaction of the quality requirements.

Many techniques exist to help with such requirements; for instance, in the safety-critical

context, it may be appropriate to conduct a preliminary safety analysis (PSA) on a step [30].

A PSA can help identify that a design choice will lead to an unsatisfiable safety requirement.

Although quality requirements are very important for the development of systems, for

brevity, we suppose that there are no quality requirements related to our problem.

6) Separating problems: At this point we note that the requirement description we have

arrived at has two parts that only interact through phenomena shared between the Conveyor


Motor and Belt and the Package domains. It is now our intention to find two sub-problems that

can be solved independently of each other, the solutions to which contribute to a solution

to the whole problem. For brevity, we focus only on Obey Operator as the progressing

requirement; the development for Route and Report is similar.

We wish to be in a position to ‘break the link between’ the Conveyor Motor and Belt and

the Package domains so that we have two independent sub-problems that can be solved using

the separable problem rule.

Now, from the previous domain descriptions, the Conveyor Motor and Belt controls and

shares only phenomenon dropPkg[id] with Package[id]. We may therefore apply the sharing

removal rule6 to the requirement:

Obey Operator′: Assuming the constraints on dropPkg[id] given by the state ma-

chine of Figure 10, the controller should obey the operator’s commands: an ono

command from the operator should result in the conveyor belt state Running; an

offo command from the operator should result in the conveyor belt state Stationary.

with the dropPkg[id] phenomenon becoming unshared in the Package domains. (Route and

Report is similarly restated leading to Route and Report′.)

As Package[id] behaviour places no constraints (i.e., neither requires nor refuses) the

dropPkg[id] phenomena, we may make a simple interpretation of this requirement, using

the added assumption to expand how the conveyor belt and motor work as Obey Operator′:

Obey Operator′′: The controller should obey the operator’s commands: an ono

command from the operator should result in the conveyor belt state Running; an

offo command from the operator should result in the conveyor belt state Stationary,

which is the original Obey Operator requirement. The application of the sharing removal

rule does not require a justification and leads to problem:

P5 :

Operator, Display, On/Off Buttons,

Bin[1], ..., Bin[m], Switch[1], ..., Switch[n], Reading Station,

Conveyor Motor and Belt(dropPkg[1], ..., dropPkg[k]),

Package[1](dropPkg[1]), ..., Package[k](dropPkg[k]), PRSoln

` Obey Operator′′, Route and Report′

with sharing given by the following table (note that Package[id] no longer shares phenomena

with Conveyor Motor and Belt):

6Applied once for each possible id.



Conveyor Motor and Belt

Runningdo / dropPkg[id] Stationary



on off


Package[id] OnBelt[id] InRS[id]

InBin[j][id] InSwitch[i][id]left[i]right[i]




Fig. 11. Supposing the conveyor can be jammed by a package.


Operator Display On/Off B Bin[j] Switch[i] R S C M and B Package[id] PRSoln

O Operator

B Display 6= ∅

S On/Off B {ono, offo}

E Bin[j] 6= ∅

R Switch[i] 6= ∅ 6= ∅

V R S 6= ∅

E C M and B {onc, offc}

S Package[id] 6= ∅ 6= ∅ 6= ∅

PRSoln {onb, offb} 6= ∅ 6= ∅ 6= ∅

An aside on development iteration: It is instructive to see how the development changes

should the conveyor belt be able to be jammed by packages. So, for the purposes of argument,

suppose that the conveyor can be jammed, i.e., it has behaviour shown in Figure 11.

A moment’s thought will convince the reader that, when the belt can jam, the Obey

Operator requirement simply cannot be satisfied: when jammed, an ono event will not result

in the conveyor belt state Running. If the belt can jam, then, we would need to revisit


the requirement – by consulting with the customer – finding a more permissive (original)

requirement description, such as:

No Jam Obey Operator: When not jammed, the controller should obey the operator’s

commands: an ono command from the operator should result in the conveyor belt

state Running; an offo command from the operator should result in the conveyor

belt state Stationary.

In this case, replaying the sharing removal above gives:

No Jam Obey Operator′: Assuming the behaviour given by the state machine of Fig-

ure 11, when not jammed, the controller should obey the operator’s commands: an

ono command from the operator should result in the conveyor belt state Running; an

offo command from the operator should result in the conveyor belt state Stationary.

or, more simply

No Jam Obey Operator: When not jammed, the controller should obey the operator’s

commands: an ono command from the operator should result in the conveyor belt

state Running; an offo command from the operator should result in the conveyor

belt state Stationary.

as the assumption is made redundant by the ‘When not jammed’ guard.

We return to the original problem.

7) Choosing a solution architecture: In separating the requirement into two parts, it is our

intention to deal with them as separate sub-problems. To do this, we introduce an architecture

for the solution, through solution interpretation using an AStruct, and expand it using solution

expansion. Here, as there are two independent sub-problems, the PRSoln AStruct is

2Sep[](CCccccco, RRCrcc


such that:

• the Conveyor Controller CC is the solution component for the Obey Operator′′ require-

ment; and

• the Route and Report Controller RRC is the solution component for the Route and

Report′ requirement.

The justification for this choice of architecture needs to argue that the architecture is


J6.Architecture: This architecture is adequate as there are two independent sub-



Application of the solution interpretation rule leads us to update our problem to P6:...

PRSoln 2Sep[](CCccccco, RRCrcc



with a separable problem rule application leaving us with:

P7 :

Operator, On/Off Buttons,

Conveyor Motor and Belt,

CC ` Obey Operator′′

P8 :

Display, Bin[1], ..., Bin[#bin], Switch[1], ..., Switch[#sw],

Reading Station, Package[1], ..., Package[#pks],

RRC ` Route and Report′[Separable Problem]

Operator, Display, On/Off Buttons,

Bin[1], ..., Bin[#bin], Switch[1], ..., Switch[#sw], Reading Station,

Conveyor Motor and Belt(dropPkg), Package[1](dropPkg), ..., Package[#pks](dropPkg),

2Sep()[CCccccco, RRCrcc


` Obey Operator′′, Route and Report′

with sharing defined as in the previous table.

8) Problem progression: We now focus our attention on the simpler of the sub-problems,

P7: that of interpreting the operator’s commands as made explicit through the buttons, and

of controlling the conveyor through the motor. The first progression removes the Operator

domain. To develop the problem further, we perform a number of problem progressions,

shown in the following cascaded development, to arrive at the specification problem of the

CC component (the premise of the whole cascaded development):

CConc,offconb,offb ` CC Spec [Requirement Interpretation]

〈〈In the CMB domain, onb results in state Running, offo results instate Stationary〉〉

CConc,offconb,offb ` Obey CC′′

[Domain Removal]〈〈CMB shares no phenomena〉〉

Conveyor Motor and Belt(onc, offc), CC(onc, offc) ` Obey CC′′

[Sharing Removal]

Conveyor Motor and Beltonc,offc , CConc,offconb,offb ` Obey CC′ [Requirement Interpretation]

〈〈In the On/Off Buttons domain, ono results in anonb event, and the an offo results in a offb event〉〉

Conveyor Motor and Belt, CConb,offb ` Obey CC [Domain Removal]〈〈On/Off Buttons share no phenomena〉〉

On/Off Buttons(onb, offb), Conveyor Motor and Belt, CConb,offb ` Obey CC[Sharing Removal]

On/Off Buttonsonb,offb , Conveyor Motor and Belt, CConb,offb ` Obey Buttons′ [Requirement Interpretation]〈〈In the On/Off Buttons domain, ono results in anonb event, and the an offo results in a offb event〉〉

On/Off Buttons, Conveyor Motor and Belt, CC ` Obey Buttons [Domain Removal]〈〈Operator shares no phenomena〉〉

Operator(ono, offo), On/Off Buttonsono,offo , Conveyor Motor and Belt, CC ` Obey Buttons[Sharing Removal]

Operatorono,offo , On/Off Buttonsono,offo , Conveyor Motor and Belt, CC ` Obey Operator′′



Obey Operator The controller should obey the operator’s commands: an ono command from the operator

should result in the conveyor belt state Running; an offo command from the operator

should result in the conveyor belt state Stationary

Obey Buttons Assuming ono/offo events occur, an ono should result in the conveyor belt state Running;

an offo button press should result in the conveyor belt state Stationary

Obey Buttons′ An onb event should result in the conveyor belt state Running; an offb event should result

in the conveyor belt state Stationary

Obey CC Assuming onb/offb event occur, an onb should result in the conveyor belt state Running;

an offb button press should result in the conveyor belt state Stationary

Obey CC′ An onb event should result in the conveyor belt state Running; an offb event press should

result in the conveyor belt state Stationary

Obey CC′′ Assuming the Conveyor Belt and Motor state results in Running when an onc is received,

and results in Stationary when a onc events is received, an onb event should result in the

conveyor belt state Running; an offb event press should result in the conveyor belt state


CC Spec onb event should result in onc; an offb event should result in offc.

It would be a simple matter to apply the solution interpretation rule to complete the

development of the CC component: this interpretation could provide code or, more simply,

use CC Spec as a solution description of CC. In the latter case, the justification would be

trivial: as discussed earlier on, a specification always satisfies itself.

The solution of the other architectural component, RRC, would, clearly, be more involved,

and we do not do it here.

B. The Software Development Structure

We have solved the problem down to the specification of one of the two architectural

components, at this point it is worth considering the design process that has led us here.

The steps we have performed, arranged as a tree, are shown in Figure 12. The traditional

Genzten-style presentation is textual, as in the above cascaded rule application. The tree

presentation clarifies the structure of the development and its argument by abstracting the

details of the transformation. The tree consists of a number of nodes, the named problems

we have derived, and arcs representing how those problems are related. One node is inverted

to indicate a solved problem. The tree branches because we have argued that the solution

should consist of two components.






P7 P8

Domain Interpretation

Requirement Interpretation

Solution Interpretation

Separable Problem

Problem Progression ...


Domain Interpretation


Requirement Interpretation


Requirement Expansion


Sharing removal


P10Solution Interpretation

Fig. 12. The structure of the Package Router Problem solving process: P6 is solved.

This form of representation is reminiscent of statecharts, showing the flow of development

and the steps taken, and suggests that the structure of development—the relationship between

the steps, rather than the steps themselves—is worthy of record. We say more about this

observation in Section VII.

Of the development itself; in the case study we focussed on the design of the simplest

component. More work would be necessary for the very detailed step-by-step presentation,

but we would hope that higher-level abstractions are possible that would mitigate the need

for extreme detail.


The notion of problem on which our framework is based derives from the reinterpretation

of a proof obligation in [24], [47], there used as one of the criteria for the completeness of

requirements engineering: being able to discharge the obligation W, S ` R determines that a

solution specification S has been found that, in the context W, provably satisfies requirement


R. For our framework, we identify and separate out this ‘problem component’ of the proof

obligation, re-expressing it in a proof-theoretic form to give our syntactic problem sequent

W, S ` R. This is our point of departure from the work reported in [24], [47]. Whereas in

that work, W, S ` R is an end point in some process leading to context, requirement and

solution description, in our approach we wish to synthesise W, S ` R problem sequents, and

to base design and development processes on their synthesis. A problem sequent W, S ` R

has first class status within our Gentzen-style sequent calculus: it is the object manipulated

by the calculus.

Our framework shares much with the conceptual basis of [47]. First, it allows for de-

scription grounded in the language of the domain. In particular, it does not prescribe a

single description language in which designations are expressed. Second, the control of

phenomena is an important part of our framework: a solution machine must correctly control

and observe the phenomena that its environment exposes. Our framework assumes that within

each problem each phenomenon has a single controller (either in the environment or the


Other related work is the Problem Frames approach, sketched in [24] and more fully

developed in [25]. This approach provides the developer of a software intensive system with

a focus that remains for as long as possible in the problem domain, rather than allowing it

to move early to the solution domain. The modelling of the intellectual tools that Problem

Frames provide to the developer has also motivated our work. However, with the Problem

Frame focus on the problem world, the developer’s choices are limited to those that exist

there: useful solution notions, such as architecture, are therefore missing or at best treated

only implicitly.

The idea of transforming requirements through to specification appears in many approaches:

in goal-based approaches, for instance [46], [43], high-level goals, which may be regarded as

requirements deep in the world, are successively decomposed and refined until operationalised

requirements are specified for a machine or other agent to satisfy. Similarly, in scenario-based

approaches [38], [1], [16] refinement is often required in the move from high-level scenarios,

often capturing business processes within an organisation, through to low-level scenarios

expressing the direct interaction between a software system and its actors. Our problem

progression rule is based on idea expressed in [25, Page 103]. There, a transformation of

requirements is hypothesised to exist that will keep a problem’s solution invariant while

domains are removed from the problem. More recently, the authors (with others) [22], [37],


Li et al. [29], and Seater et al. [39] have explored what the detail of such a transformation

would look like.

Transformations of the nature we define here are often found in the formal approaches to

software development, such as the transformation of specifications through to program code in

the refinement calculi of Morgan [31] and Back [2] mentioned earlier. We illustrate how such

formal approaches might be included within our framework in Section IV-A.3. Another aspect

of these formal refinements is shared by our framework: the partiality of their application. For

instance, the refinement of the specification w : [pre, post] by the specification w : [pre′, post]

is only possible when the condition pre ⇒ pre′ is satisfied – this is precisely the weaken

precondition refinement rule ([32]) that guarantees a correct refinement only when the refining

specification has a weaker precondition.

Approaches to software and software development based on logics and calculi have been

the subject of computer science for many years, and much has been learned about the logics,

calculi, and their derivatives, that are best suited to describe software. The many notable

examples include Floyd-Hoare logic [23], the Refinement Calculi [32], [2], the Temporal

Logic of Actions [28], and the Duration Calculus [15]. We hope that, with this work, we add

something to this list that stretches someway further towards the customer.


The main contribution of this research is a framework for software problem analysis that

allows software problems to be described, and software solutions and adequacy arguments to

be incrementally built. We have shown how various formal and informal elements of software

development fit into the framework and how they are related therein. This has included:

• the identification and clarification of system requirements;

• the understanding and structuring of the problem world;

• the structuring and specification of a hardware/software machine that can ensure satis-

faction of the requirements in the problem world; and

• the construction of adequacy arguments that show (but, in general, do not prove) the

system will satisfy its requirements.

Problem-oriented approaches to requirements engineering have suffered from being difficult

to combine with models of software system development that iterate between problem and

solution domains. Bass, Clement and Kazman [3], for instance, observe that early trade-offs

between qualities must be made if a system architecture is to be chosen, with the choice


of architecture driving the discovery of other system requirements. Other authors [27], [41],

[33], [20] make similar observations. This is an important issue, and one that we have tried

to address in our framework.

In previous work of the authors and their colleagues, explicit consideration has been given

to problem and solution spaces as ‘equal partners’ in software engineering [21], [12]. Hall et al

add to the Problem Frames approach a notion of architectural service [19], and Rapanotti et al

[37] add a notion of architectural decomposition, to allow solution options to be explored. This

view, balancing problem and solution, raises the question of the most appropriate way to relate

the spaces and has led us to the conceptual framework, discussed in this paper, for problem-

oriented software engineering. Here we have simultaneously generalised and simplified these

earlier approaches through the definition of a basic rule: we allow the application of an

architectural structure in the solution space structure to influence the problem space quite


The system we have defined is a Gentzen-style sequent calculus. Proof in Gentzen-style

sequent calculi appears to lend itself to computer support. PVS [35] is a good example.

Work on capturing proof patterns in Gentzen-style sequent calculi has produced the important

class of tactic languages, that includes that of PVS and [18]. Does our Gentzen-style sequent

calculus have an associated tactic language? If so, it would be a language for capturing

patterns of software design steps. This deserves investigation.

As to the Four Dark Corners paper [47], although the precise nature of the relationship

between the two approaches can only be clear when we have finalised the details of our

approach, we are led naturally to the conjecture that whenever (all) the conditions of [47]

hold for W, S |= R then W, S ` R will be derivable within our framework. This result will,

most likely, be our aim for arguments of soundness of our framework7. At some point we

hope also to consider completeness; but we believe that this must depend on a more exact

notion of adequacy than we have so far been able to formulate.

Of the relationship in the opposite direction, that a solution is found within our framework

does not necessarily mean that it will satisfy the conditions of [47], because:

• we do not limit ourselves to the development of solution specifications, i.e., the relation-

ships between events at the machine interface that mediate problem and solution spaces;

7And, although the arguments may not be trivial, our ‘problem solved’ rule in Section IV-B.3 goes most of the way, we



rather our scope spans the full problem and solution space, including computational

artefacts such as code; and

• we ask only for solution adequacy, not a proof of correctness.

Finally, we note that our concept of problem has no inherent bias towards software as

a solution, although it is entirely appropriate for it. Bleistein et al. [7], [11], [8], [9], [10]

apply the problem-oriented approach to modelling and tracing from business strategy thorough

to concrete system requirements, introducing process models in the form of Role Activity

Diagrams. This leads us to conjecture an extension of problem-orientation to other areas of

problem solving and thus, following Vincenti’s observation quoted earlier, to other areas of



We are pleased to acknowledge the financial support of IBM, under the Eclipse Innovation

Grants, and the EPSRC, Grant number EP/C007719/1. Thanks also go to our colleagues

in the Centre for Research in Computing in The Open University and elsewhere, including

Maciej Koutny, Andrew Martin and Brian Wichmann.



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