Primera entrega de Ingles Noveno grado DIAGNOSTIC TEST ...

Primera entrega de Ingles Noveno grado Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________Grade:9 th .__ DIAGNOSTIC TEST 1. CONTENIDO: Temas vistos en Octavo grado. 2. EXPLICACION: Repase los contenidos vistos y realice los ejercicios del diagnóstico. 3. ACTIVIDADES A REALIZAR A. VOCABULARY Surline the Word or phrase that doesn`t belong to the same category. There is one example. Subraye la palabra o frase que no corresponde a la misma categoría. Mire el ejemplo. 0. A. use pesticides B. ilegal mining C. deforestation D. recycling 1. A. volunteer B. pollute C. rescue an animal D. sign a petition 2. A. waste B. reduce C. reuse D. recycle 3. A. plastic bottles B. recycle C. fruit peelings D. magazines 4. A. protect the B. take shorter C. have solar panels D. use energy Environment showers light bulbs 5. A. I strongly believe. B. I`m certain… C. launch a petition D. I’m sure… Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one provided. Escoja la oración que se acerca al significado de la frase dada. 0. Alejandra plays basketball four times a week. A. She does sport often. B. She never does sport C. She does sport once a week 6. Mario has a headache and a stomach ache A. He needs to drink some B. He’s feeling ill. C. He should go to the water doctor 7. Jane has a nutritious diet. A. She only eats sweets. B. She drinks plenty of water C. She eats food from The five food groups In a balanced way. 8. Bake the mixture at 180º A. Store the mixture in the B. Put he mixture in the oven. C. Mix all the ingredients. fridge. I.E. COLEGIO TÉCNICO LA PRESENTACIÓN I.E. COLEGIO TECNICO LA PRESENTACION PAMPLONA N. de S. Fecha de Aprobación Aprobado por Resolución No 003963 del 28 de Diciembre de 2020 TALLERES DE INGLES NOVENO GRADO Worksheet 1. And Diagnostic test

Transcript of Primera entrega de Ingles Noveno grado DIAGNOSTIC TEST ...

Primera entrega de Ingles Noveno grado

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________Grade:9th.__



Temas vistos en Octavo grado.


Repase los contenidos vistos y realice los ejercicios del diagnóstico.



Surline the Word or phrase that doesn`t belong to the same category. There is one


Subraye la palabra o frase que no corresponde a la misma categoría. Mire el ejemplo.

0. A. use pesticides B. ilegal mining C. deforestation D. recycling

1. A. volunteer B. pollute C. rescue an animal D. sign a


2. A. waste B. reduce C. reuse D. recycle

3. A. plastic bottles B. recycle C. fruit peelings D. magazines

4. A. protect the B. take shorter C. have solar panels D. use energy

Environment showers light bulbs

5. A. I strongly believe. B. I`m certain… C. launch a petition D. I’m sure…

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one provided.

Escoja la oración que se acerca al significado de la frase dada.

0. Alejandra plays basketball four times a week.

A. She does sport often. B. She never does sport C. She does sport

once a week

6. Mario has a headache and a stomach ache

A. He needs to drink some B. He’s feeling ill. C. He should go to the

water doctor

7. Jane has a nutritious diet.

A. She only eats sweets. B. She drinks plenty of water C. She eats food from

The five food groups

In a balanced way.

8. Bake the mixture at 180º

A. Store the mixture in the B. Put he mixture in the oven. C. Mix all the ingredients.




Aprobado por Resolución No 003963 del 28 de Diciembre de 2020


Worksheet 1. And Diagnostic test

9. In order to be healthy, you need to sleep well.

A. In order to be healthy , you B. In order to be healthy, you C. In order to be healthy

have to sleep for eight hours. should sleep for eight hours. you can sleep for

eight hours.

10. If you believe everything the media say, you’ll feel frustated.

A. you have to believe B. You’llfeel frustated if you C. you shouldn’t believe

everything the media say. don’t see the media. everything the

media say.


Choose the correct question for the


Escoja la pregunta correcta para la respuesta

0. I sometimes watch TV.

A. How often do you watch TV?

B. Have you watched TV?

C. Do you like watching TV?

11. You should go to the doctor.

A. How are you?

B. I don`t feel well. What should I do?

C. Should I wash my hands before


12. Yes, it is.It provides protein and fibre.

A. Do you like quinoa?

B. Is quinoa from the grains group?

C. Is quinoa nutritious?

13. Milk and soy products are a good

source of calcium.

A. Is milk from the dairy group?

B. Are soy products and milk


C. What food is a good source of


14. I felt positive and ready to participate!

A. Do you7 have good self.esteem?

B. How did you feel before the race?

C. Did you win the competition?

15. You feel more confident and prepared.

A. What happens if you have positive


B. What should you do to be healthy?

C. How often should you have positive



1. A B C D

2. A B C D

3. A B C D

4. A B C D

5. A B C D

6. A B C D

7. A B C D

8. A B C D

9. A B C D

10. A B C D

11. A B C D

12. A B C D

13. A B C D

14. A B C D

15. A B C D

Worksheet 1.

INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: -Describe y compara actividades físicas. -Obtiene, clasifica, completa y verifica información -Reconoce los significados a través del contexto. -Responde preguntas de información personal.



Adjetivos descriptivos, el genitivo sajón ‘s explicado con los miembros de la familia.



Estos adjetivos son los que utilizamos para calificar o describir características de la persona,

animal o cosa mencionada en la oración. Nos pueden indicar la forma, el color, la apariencia,

el olor, la sensación, el tamaño y la edad, entre otras cosas.

Usualmente, se ubican en la oración, de la siguiente manera:

Subject + verb + qualifying adjective

My brother is a young man

The floor is sticky

Your house is big

A continuación encontrarás una lista de varios adjetivos de este tipo. Recuerda que los

adjetivos en inglés no varían según el género. Character Adjectives / Adjetivos de personalidad

Size Adjectives / Adjetivos de tamaño

Honest: honesto

Intelligent: inteligente

Brave: valiente

Friendly: amistoso

Tolerant: tolerante

Sensible: sensato

Generous: generoso

Responsible: responsable


working: trabajador

Dishonest: deshonesto

Foolish: tonto

Pessimistic: pesimista

Coward: cobarde

Rude: grosero

Intolerant: intolerante

Senseless: insensato

Selfish: egoísta

Lazy: perezoso

Detestable: detestable

Big: grande

Huge: inmenso

Heavy: pesado

Thick: grueso

High: elevado

Tall: alto

Deep: profundo

Small: pequeño

Tiny: diminuto

Light: liviano

Thin: delgado

Low: bajo

Short: corto

Superficial: superficial

Appearance Adjectives / Adjetivos de apariencia Condition Adjectives / Adjetivos de condición

Beautiful: hermoso

Clean: limpio

Elegant: elegante

Chubby: gordito

Pretty: lindo

Attractive: atractivo

Horrible: horrible

Dirty: sucio

Informal: informal

Skinny: delgado

Ugly: feo

Unattractive: poco


Crazy: loco

Sick: enfermo

Drunk: ebrio

Asleep: dormido

Hungry: hambriento

Energetic: enérgico

Dead: muerto

Open: abierto

Single: soltero

Sane: cuerdo

Healthy: sano

Sober: sobrio

Awake: despierto

Full: lleno

Tired: cansado

Alive: vivo

Closed: cerrado

Married: casado

Emotion Adjectives / Adjetivos de emoción: Texture Adjectives / Adjetivos de textura

Happy: alegre

Angry: bravo

Proud: orgulloso

Grumpy: gruñón

Jealous: celoso

Scary: aterrador

Sad: triste

Calm: calmado

Embarrassed: avergonzado

Nice: amable

Faithful: fiel

Peaceful: pacífico

Hard: duro

Rough: áspero

Solid: sólido

Wet: húmedo, mojado

Slippery: resbaladizo

Soft: blando

Smooth: suave

Liquid: líquido

Dry: seco

Sticky: pegajoso

Age-Time Adjectives / Adjetivos de edad-tiempo Tempeture Adjectives / Adjetivos de temperatura

Old: viejo

Modern: moderno

Updated: actualizado

Fast: rápido

Past: pasado

Young: joven

Ancient: antiguo

Outdated: desactualizado

Slow: lento

Future: futuro Cold: frío

Warm: cálido

Hot: caliente

Cool: fresco


El genitive sajòn es una construcciòn grammatical para indicar relaciòn de posesiòn. Se -

añade el apóstrofo + s, alos sustantivos en singular.

Ejemplo: My brother’s name is Camilo. (El nombre de mi hermano es Camilo)

-añade el apòstrofo solo a los sustantivos en plural.

Ejemplo: My brothers’ names are Jhonn and Peter.(el nombre de mis hermanos son Juan y


Los nombres de mis padres son Julia y Robert / My parents’ names are Julia and Robert. Los nombres de mis hermanos son Gustavo y Fernanando / My brothers’ names are Gustavo and Fernando. El nombre de mi gato es Titi / My cat’s name is Titi. El genitivo sajón se limita (con algunas excepciones) para personas y animales (sustantivos animados)

El primer elemento es una persona. Ejemplo: John’s job is boring.el trabajo de John es aburrido.

El primer elemento es un animal. Ejemplo: The bird’s wings : las alas del pájaro

El primer elemento es un país, ciudad, pueblo.. Ejemplo: Spain’s monuments are very nice. Los monumentos españoles son bonitos.

En el siguiente enlace encontrará una explicación más visual basada en el libro English Please.

Family members vocabulary:

Male Female Plural

Father Mother Parents

Grandfather Grandmother Grandparents

Stepson Stepdaughter Stepchildren

Son Daughter Children

Brother Sister Siblings

Boyfriend Girlfriend Couple

Uncle Aunt -

Cousin Cousin Cousins

Nephew Niece -

Father-in-law Mother-in-law Parents-in-law

Husband Wife Married couple


A. complete the sentences with a qualifying adjective

a. Johnny Deep is a _________ actor. (condition adjective)

b. Pegaso is a ________ horse. (appearance adjective)

c. You are so ____________. (emotion adjective)

d. My family is so __________. (character adjective)

e. The clothes are ___________ (texture adjective)

f. The Holy Bible is __________ (age adjective)

g. The lava is _______________ (temperature adjective)

h. The White house is ____________ (Size adjective)

i. It is important to eat _____________ food (Condition adjective)

j. I like when the bread is _______________ (Texture adjective)

You are going to read a letter from a guy to his family where he describes the family he

is staying with in Arizona for the summer. Pay attention to the words he uses to

describe the people he mentions.

B. Write 10 adjectives in English and Spanish that you look on the letter.

___happy_: feliz _ _____________ : __________ _________ : __________ _____________ : ___________ _________ : __________ _________ : __________ _____________ : ___________ _________ : __________ _________ : __________ _____________ : ___________ _________ : __________

C. (track 23) Listen to four people talking about their families. Match the families’ a-

d to the pictures 1–4.

Audio script.

a. I am Michelle and this is a picture of my brother Felipe’s family. Felipe is 30 years old and his

wife’s name is Laura. She is 25 years old. Their children’s names are José and Pili. José is three

and Pili is five.

b. This is a picture of my sister Caroline and her family. She is 30 and is a single mother. Her sons

are Mario and Fabio. Mario is a teenager- he is thirteen years old. Fabio is seven years old.

c. Hi! I’m Jenny. My father just got married again. He’s very young. He’s just 45. My stepmother

is Betty. She’s young too. She’s only 40. Her son is Billy and is fifteen years old. He’s my


d. My name is Mateo. Our parents adopted the three of us. My sister’s name is Anna and my

brother is Kevin. Our parents are Rita and Joe. Our mother is 37 years old and our father is 47.

We are a big family now.

a. Felipe’s family b. Caroline’s family c. Jenny’s family d. Mateo’s family.

D. (track 24) Listen to Michelle, the first speaker, again and complete the chart.

Felipe’s family

I`m Michelle and this is a picture of my brother Felipe’s family. Felipe is 30 years old and his wife’s name

is Laura. She is 25 years old. Their children’s names are José and Pili. José is three and Pili is five.

Name Age





E. Complete the sentences about Felipe’s family with a word from the box. Surline

the correct.

Brother Sister Niece Nephew Sister-in-law Wife Mother Aunt

a. Felipe is Michelle’s ________________________

b. Michelle is Felipe’s ________________________

c. Laura is Felipe’s __________________________

d. Laura is Michelle’s ________________________

e. Pili is Michelle’s __________________________

f. José is Michelle’s __________________________

g. Michelle is Pili and José’s ___________________

h. Laura is Pili and José’s _____________________

F. Look at carefully the illiams family tree and answer the questions.

a.. Who are Michael’s parents? George and Lilly are Michael’s parents.

b. Who is Joe’s nephew? ______________________________________________________________________

c. Who is Steve’s sister? _______________________________________________________________________

d. Who are Sarah’s grandparents? _______________________________________________________________

e. Who is Lola’s granddaughter? ________________________________________________________________


A. Look at the Williams family tree and write sentences with the names and people. (Debe utilizar adjetivo sajòn siguiendo el ejemplo)

1. ‘Lilly is my daughter.’ (Donald) Donald is Lilly’s father. 2. ‘Lauren is my sister.’ (Kevin) Kevin is___________________________________________ 3. ‘Donald is my grandfather.’ (Michael)___________________________________________ 4. ‘George is my husband.’ (Lilly)________________________________________________ 5. ‘Rudy is my mother.’ (Peter___________________________________________________

B. Describe the following celebrities, places and situations: (2 adjectives)

1. Emma Watson is intelligent and elegant 2. Your school is ___________________________________________________________ 3. Adolf Hitler was _________________________________________________________ 4. Your Math’s teacher is ____________________________________________________ 5. Colombia is _____________________________________________________________ 6. Your best friend is ________________________________________________________ 7. “Betty La Fea” is__________________________________________________________ 8. The sun is ______________________________________________________________ 9. Santa Marta’s beach is ____________________________________________________ 10.The poem“El Cantar del mio Cid” is __________________________________________ Read about Sandy’s family and complete her family tree.

Hi, I’m Sandy and this is my family tree. My parents are Nancy and José. They are good parents.

I’m an only child, but I have two twin cousins. Carlos is very clever and Cesar is funny. They are

my Aunt Patricia’s sons. She is very nice. Uncle James is their father. My mum’s brother is Tom

and he is single. He’s my favourite uncle. He’s great. Doris and William are married. They are

my father’s parents. Martha and Juan are my mother’s parents. They are divorced. My

grandmothers are both lovely and kind. My grandfathers are amazing!!


En la siguiente hoja aparecen los controles de seguimiento, recuerdo que la autoevaluación la

realiza usted como estudiante de acuerdo a la responsabilidad, puntualidad en la entrega y

actividades que desarrolle. Al final dice nota, debe escribirla entre el rango de 0 – 5.0.

La coevaluación es diligenciada por su acudiente de acuerdo al trabajo de seguimiento

observado sobre su trabajo, la disciplina en casa y su horario de trabajo para organizar cada

actividad realizada. Igualmente debe escribir la nota al final del cuadro.

Estas dos notas hacen parte de la planilla de calificaciones.

NOTA FINAL:______________

NOTA FINAL:______________