Pokémon Resort: The Ultimate Retirement

Pokémon Resort: The Ultimate Retirement By Wolf-Prince-Leon & ReadyUnknownFox ~~~ "What do you mean there are too many trainers now?" An Articuno comforted her little one, a meeting of legendaries gathered to discuss a problem. “An overpopulation of trainers in the world would lead to its end.” A Lugia said. "We must protect the freedom and harmony!" Mewtwo said. “And how do you suppose we do that?” Reshiram asked. “Well... the ultimate tool was just completed.” A Shaymin timidly mentioned. “Ultimate tool?” Zekrom said as the group of legendaries turned towards the Land Shaymin. “Um... anyone have some Gracidea Flowers... this crowd makes me nervous.” the little one gulped, being stared at by giants compared it in size. “I got you covered.” Mew said, giving the Shaymin a Gracidea Flower. Once Shaymin got the flower, the magic of its pollen suddenly changed its form from Land Forme to Sky Forme. Suddenly, the little one was energetic and happy. “Soooooo much better.” Sky Shaymin said telepathically, “Anyway, turns out Dialga and Palkia just completed the Resort! We can collect up all the trainers possible and make the human world as though trainers are a brand-new thing, starting it all over from scratch!”

Transcript of Pokémon Resort: The Ultimate Retirement

Pokémon Resort: The Ultimate Retirement

By Wolf-Prince-Leon & ReadyUnknownFox


"What do you mean there are too many trainers now?" An Articuno comforted her little one, a

meeting of legendaries gathered to discuss a problem.

“An overpopulation of trainers in the world would lead to its end.” A Lugia said.

"We must protect the freedom and harmony!" Mewtwo said.

“And how do you suppose we do that?” Reshiram asked.

“Well... the ultimate tool was just completed.” A Shaymin timidly mentioned.

“Ultimate tool?” Zekrom said as the group of legendaries turned towards the Land Shaymin.

“Um... anyone have some Gracidea Flowers... this crowd makes me nervous.” the little one

gulped, being stared at by giants compared it in size.

“I got you covered.” Mew said, giving the Shaymin a Gracidea Flower.

Once Shaymin got the flower, the magic of its pollen suddenly changed its form from Land

Forme to Sky Forme. Suddenly, the little one was energetic and happy.

“Soooooo much better.” Sky Shaymin said telepathically, “Anyway, turns out Dialga and Palkia

just completed the Resort! We can collect up all the trainers possible and make the human

world as though trainers are a brand-new thing, starting it all over from scratch!”

“And you’re sure this is going to work?” Lugia asked. “You talked with them earlier about it?”

“Dude! Don’t you remember?! This is our ultimate project, we all worked together to fine tune

and perfect it to make sure it would work!”

“Oh, that’s right! Must’ve had a small memory lapse or something.”

“Lord Arceus, the resort has been magically charged up, fully stocked and staffed, and is ready

to deploy to start collecting the humans upon your command.” Sky Shaymin said.

“Very well. We start collecting immediately.” Arceus said.


It was the end of the league for the year. Hundreds of trainers competed, but only a few could

truly win. So many were emotionally and/or physically exhausted, as were their Pokémon. It was

about time for a break.

Rumors began to spread about a place where trainers could get a well-deserved break from

their training. A paradise resort that doubled as a Pokémon Daycare so that Pokémon could get

some R&R too.

It got around to all the trainers, and while some dismissed the idea, others wanted to see what

this resort was all about.


It was another day at the Westmere Paradise Resort. In the lobby, there plenty of humans and

Pokémon. Some Pokémon were getting their trainers to relax. Some were playing with little kids.

Some were even caring for baby humans.

A Shiny Lucario was just getting ready at the front reception desk, as he was joined by a Shiny

Sceptile. “Morning Leaf. Sleep Well?”

“One of the best I’ve had in quite some time, Mamoru.” Leaf said.

Mamoru smiled, looking over the list. “You were at the desk yesterday, how many rooms are still

vacant out of the one hundred?”

“There are 16 vacant rooms from what I checked yesterday. Two of those rooms are for our

combined room.”

“Only sixteen left? We’ll be back in the Paradise at most within the week. Here’s hoping we get

kids so we’re not stuck on staff... again.”

“Here’s hoping, Mamoru.”

Soon, the two Pokémon heard the little bell at the door ringing as the door opened. In came,

their first visitors of the day. It was a boy along with his Dragonite.

“This the place, Draco?” the boy asked.

“Nite.” Draco nodded. The boy then approached the desk.

“Welcome to Westmere Paradise Resort and Pokémon Daycare. I’m Mamoru, this is Leaf.

How....” Mamoru noticed the boy was a bit surprised. “What? Something on my face?”

“You’re… you’re talking…”

“Oh, that’s right.” Mamoru rubbed back of his neck. “This an enchanted resort, so it gives

Pokémon and charges a few nice perks. The first one. Every Pokémon who enters, has their

voice converted into a human voice, permanently. This allows them to talk like a human.”

This made the boy rigid. “Every.... Pokémon?”

Mamoru nodded. “That’s right. Even your Dragonite over there.” He looked at Draco. “Go on,

buddy. The magic should have gripped you by now.”

“Like this?” Draco said. Then it covered its muzzle. “I... can talk?”

“It’s all part of the magic, buddy.” Mamoru smiled.

“I can talk!” Draco hugged his boy. “Eli! I can talk!”

Eli was rather surprised by what transpired. “Wow…”

“Anyway, how can we help you?” Mamoru smiled.

“Well, Draco and I heard about this resort, and we were wondering if we could stay here for a


Mamoru nodded and pulled out a clipboard of paperwork. “Name please.”

“My name is Eli. Eli Lonehelm.”

Mamoru wrote down the name. “Age and Hometown.”

“13 years old, from Blackthorn City in Johto.”

“How many Pokémon do you have total?”

“Besides Draco? I have 5 other Pokémon on hand, and 17 in the PC. And I’d like them all to be

part of this vacation.”

“And you want Draco with you for the resort to stay instead of the Daycare?”

“Draco needs to stay with me.”

“Any other Pokémon? You’re allowed up to a team’s worth.”

“The rest of my party Pokémon as well.”

“So, six for resort, and seventeen for daycare. How long will you be staying at the resort?”

This puzzled Eli. “I… I haven’t really thought about that yet.”

“How about the whole year?” Draco suggested. “League was canceled for next year,


“Good thinking, Draco. Write us down for one year.”

Mamoru wrote it all down. “And before you pull your wallet out, this is free." Leaf said. "This

resort is a league funded project to give as many trainers and their Pokémon a good break after

such a league year."

“Really? Well… thank you.”

“Okay.” Mamoru handed the clipboard to Eli. “Just sign here to be begin your year long stay at


“Here goes nothing.” Eli said as he grabbed the pen and wrote his signature on the sheet. As he

signed, some magic snuck its way onto him. Eli didn’t notice this, but the magic had suddenly

turned his underwear into a crinkly, poofy, magic dragon themed diaper. Unnoticed by the

human, the diaper began to work. More and more, Eli was becoming more of the charge, and

Draco was the one now gaining that authority.

“Okay then, Eli. We’ll get your PC Pokémon into the Daycare for you. Your room is 102.” The

Lucario handed the boy a set of key cards with mentioned number.

“May I have one of those cards please, Eli?” Draco politely asked, his authority kicking in over


“Oh, sure thing.” Eli said, handing the card to Draco. Draco got a lanyard from Leaf and put it

around his neck.

“Let’s go settle into the room, I’m sure the others will be happy to get out of the Pokéballs for the

year.” Draco then gently picked up his boy, putting Eli on his draconic shoulders.

“Couldn’t agree with you more, Draco.” Eli said.

Draco smiled and proceeded to walk over to room 102. “So, Eli, how are you feeling?” Draco

asked, trotting down the hallways.

“Pretty excited about the year to come, big brother.”

Draco stopped. “Big... brother?”

“Something wrong?” Eli asked.

“You’ve never called me that before.” Draco smiled. “It’s kinda nice.”

“Well, I feel like you’re family. You were my starting partner, and we’ve grown up together. I

figured you deserved to be the big brother here.”

“Well… thank you, Eli.” Draco smiled, feeling the effects of Eli’s magic diaper, he felt more in

control in a sense. For years, Eli was the one caring for him, but now he was the one caring for

Eli. “I’ll make sure to be the best big brother that I can be.” They came to room 102. Draco used

his card to get them in.

Once the door opened, Eli was surprised to see that the room had a dragon’s den feel to it.

“This is a cool room! Bring out the others, so they can see this!”

Eli let his Pokémon out of their Pokéballs. Out came a Flygon, Noivern, Kingdra, Goodra and


“What do you guys think?” Eli asked.

“Gon!” Flygon smiled at the room.

“Oh wait… the magic hasn’t kicked in yet.” Draco said. “Long story short you guys, Eli’s brought

us to a magic resort for a full year vacation. And the package deal comes with human voices for

Pokémon!” The other Pokémon looked at Draco and Eli when Draco said that they’d be getting

human voices. “But for now, let’s get settled in around here.”

They all nodded in agreement.

As the group settles in, the magic soon changed Eli into a pair of adorable looking Dragonite

mitted, hooded, footie pajamas. The hands perfect imitated Dragonite paws, but he felt thick

padding, his hands were useless. But he noticed quickly he could feel the thick padding through

the entire footie he could barely move.

A pamphlet appeared in Draco’s paw, labeled ‘the Pajamas’.

“The pamphlet says that the pajamas are to keep the trainer contained, having them be

completely on break from work. I guess we care for you.” Draco said.

“So, you guys take care of me?” Eli asked.

“Is that okay, Eli?”

Eli nodded. “That’s okay with me.”

So, the dragon Pokémon helped Eli get settled into the room.


From outside the resort, there was a knock on the windows.

Leaf came over to the windows to see who it was. In the river was a Lapras.

“Hello there. Do you need a way in?” Leaf asked.

The Lapras nodded, looking at the human trainer, the Poliwag, and the Buizel all sleeping on its


“Let me open up the moat entrance for you.” Leaf said, pushing a remote button, which led to a

door opening where the Lapras was, the river brought them inside.

“Thank you... oh... I can speak?” Lapras was nicely surprised.

“It’s a perk of this resort.” Leaf said. “All Pokémon are given human speech permanently.”

“Wow. Thank you.” Lapras smiled. “Forgive us coming so early in the morning, but Yukio

needed this vacation, and the sooner we come, the more time he gets to be on break.”

“It’s quite alright. Let me just get some more information about the boy. What’s his full name?”

“Yukio Flynn.”

Leaf wrote the name down. “Alright, next is his age and where he’s from.”

“14, Valor Town in Hikario. He was given me, Aqua, as his partner.”

“And besides you, how many Pokémon does he currently have?”

“Lily the Buizel and Poli the Poliwag on my back, three other party members in Pokéballs, and

an Articuno in the PC.”

“And who’s staying with Yukio at the resort- wait a minute… Did you say he has an Articuno in

the PC?”

“Long story short, he saved an Articuno egg, but it hatched and the little one thought Yukio was

its papa, so the Mother let Frost stay with Yukio. Anyway, me, Lily, Frost, and Poli stay with him,

the other three go in the daycare. They disobeyed Yukio during the league, getting him DQ’d

and disowned from his own family for failure.”

“Ouch… that’s harsh.” Leaf said, writing the details down. “So how long do you guys want to

stay in the resort?”

“All year, Yukio needs a long break. And is it true that he’ll get... younger and under my


“All he needs to do is sign, and he’s yours.” Leaf nodded.

“How... much younger, might I ask?”

“As young as you’d like for him to be.”

“Well... okay...” Aqua nudged Yukio.

Yukio began to stir, and slowly woke up.

“Yukio, we’re here. And it’s true. I can talk now.” Aqua said.

“Huh? Aqua? You can talk? Whoa...”

“I set up all the details. The Shiny Sceptile has a paper you need to sign, then we and Frost get

a year here on vacation.” Aqua smiled.

“So, I just sign?”

“The paper please, sir.”

Yukio looked at the paper and signed his name on the dotted line. Yukio didn’t notice the magic

going through him. The magic then changed Yukio’s underwear into a magic water themed

diaper. Aqua could already feel as she gained control, becoming more and more like the mom

to Yukio. “So, can you give them Webby, Calk, and Bemsy’s Pokéballs, so they can get Frost

for us?”

Yukio obliged and gave Leaf the Pokéballs. The magic then retrieved the Pokéballs and placed

them down to where the Daycare would be. Then a Pokéball appeared in Yukio’s hands.

“Bring out Frost please.” Aqua smiled. “So, he can enjoy things too.”

“Come on out, Frost.” Yukio said.

The Pokéball opened up to reveal an Articuno, a very small, cute one. “Is this the paradise?” He


“Yes, it is, Frost.”

“Frost, can you give these keys to 192 to your trainer?” Mamoru held up the keycards on


Frost nodded and grabbed the cards, proceeding to give them to Yukio.

“May I have one of those, Yukio?” Aqua asked.

Yukio nodded, giving one key to Aqua.

“The stream will magically carry you to the room, miss Aqua.” Mamoru said, getting Frost onto

the Lapras’ shell.

“Okay, then. Yukio, are you and the others situated back there?”

Yukio nodded.

The stream soon shifted the floor into a path leading towards the hallway. Aqua rode the current

right on through. “So, how do you feel, Yukio?”

“Feeling good, mama.”

Aqua stopped. “M... Mama?”

Yukio blinked. “Something wrong? Was it something I said…?”

“When was I considered your mom?”

“You’ve been so kind to me since the beginning. You’ve been there for me, when others

weren’t. You became my mom. You are my mom.” Aqua could feel as the magic made her more

and more of a mother to the boy.

“Yukio, calm down. Take a few deep breaths. Are you sure you feel okay?” She asked in


“I’m okay.” Yukio said, taking deep breaths. “I just feel, you’ve been more like a mom to me than

my own mom... can I call you momma? Please?”

“Of course, you can.” Soon they arrived at room 192. “Your key card, sweetie?”

Yukio swiped the keycard, opening the door. The room itself resembled a nice little cave and

cove. “Whoa!”

“This is a nice-looking room.” Frost said.

“Agreed.” Aqua smiled, led to a little side pool, the stream now gone behind her. “Can you two

wake the cubs?”

“We sure can.” Frost nodded, he and Yukio proceeding to wake Poli and Lily up.

“Huh? We’re there?”

“That’s right.” Aqua said.

Soon, the magic began to clothe Yukio in some Buizel themed baby onesies, with Yukio noticing

thick padding all around, making him barely move. Scared, he reached for Aqua, but suddenly

his hands were magically seal up in thickly padded, water blue thumbless mitts, matching

booties sealing up his feet. “Mommy! What’s going on?!”

A pamphlet then appeared near Aqua labeled ‘the Pajamas’.

“According to this, it says that the pajamas, or in your case, a onesie, are to keep the trainer

contained, having them be completely on break from work. I guess that means that we care for

you. In a way, I get to really be your mommy now by caring for you.” Aqua used Psychic to bring

Yukio onto her shell. “Relax, I’ve got you.”

“That sounds really nice right now.” Yukio said.

“Frost. You and the cubs get everything unpacked. I’ll see about helping our boy adjust to these

restrictions.” Aqua instructed, acting like a parent.

“Yes ma’am.” Frost said.

The three cubs proceeded to get everything unpacked while Aqua began to help Yukio adjust to

the restrictive outfit.


A Houndoom was running towards the resort with a boy laid across his back. The kid was rather

young, seven at the oldest.

“Scuse me, is it possible for a Pokémon to advocate for a human here?”

“Of course. Explain your situation.” Leaf said politely.

“Jerry here was abused, and to make sure he was safe, I ended up regressing him to safely get

him away from the abuse.”

“You regress your trainer?” Mamoru blinked. “Were you at least away from other humans when

you did?”

“No human was in sight when I regressed him. I, Cerberus, ask for Jerry to be admitted to this

resort so he can be safe.”

Leaf turned to Mamoru and nodded. “Admission granted. We need information from him.”

Cerberus just gave them a scroll he had in a bag.

“All the info’s on this scroll?”

“Yessir, I had him write it out before we left the human house.”

Leaf opened up the scroll. “Let’s see… Jerry Thompson, originally 12 years old, regressed to 7.

Snowcap, Westmere Region. How many Pokémon does he have, Cerberus?”

“Me and five others. Jerry believed in quality over quantity.”

“And will all six of you stay in the resort with Jerry?” Mamoru asked.

“Yes sir. Jerry needs his real family. Now more than ever.”

“All that’s left is for Jerry to sign.”

“Jerry. Wake up, Kiddo.” Cerberus nudged the boy.

Jerry proceeded to wake up and let out a yawn. “Are we here?”

“Yep. This Lucario needs you-”

“Am I still dreaming... or are you talking?”

“Oh... wait... I’m talking?” Cerberus just then realized it. “I am! I am talking!”

“It’s one of the perks here at the resort that Pokémon gain permanent human speech.” Leaf


“That definitely helps.” Cerberus smiled. “This nice Sceptile is willing to let us stay in this resort,

where we’ll be safe. You just need to sign a paper. Right, sir?”

“That’s right.”

Leaf offered the boy the paper.

Jerry proceeded to sign. The magic quickly turned Jerry’s undies into a magic fire themed

diaper, quickly making Cerberus in charge of the boy more and more.

“How are you feeling, Jerry?”

“Like we’re safe here, Cerberus.” Jerry said sincerely.

“Your room is 123.” Mamoru said, giving the keys to Jerry.

“May I have one of those keys please, little buddy?”

“Sure.” Jerry said, giving Cerberus a key. “Can we go see the room big bro?”

Cerberus looked confused. “Big bro?”

“Well... I’m kinda regressed into a little kid now. So, I’d say you’re the big brother now.”

“Well thank you for that.”

“So, can we go see our room?” Jerry asked.

“Of course. Hop on and I’ll take you there.”

“Bro... I’m already on your back.”

Cerberus blushed for a moment. “Right. I’ll lead the way.” With that he trotted down the hall.

“So, Jerry, you doing okay so far?”

“So far, I’m doing okay.”

“Okay, cause I was concerned the resort’s magic might’ve had an effect on you.”

“Like what, big bro?” Jerry tilted his head.

“You seem more... obedient, like I’m suddenly the master here.”

“What are you talking about, Cerberus? Our relationship wasn’t like a master and pupil

relationship. I always thought of you as like a brother to me.”

“Really? Always?” Cerberus felt the diaper on Jerry was bringing truth out of him. Jerry nodded,

Cerberus’ feelings being truthful. “Wow... I dunno what to say...”

They arrived at 123. “Well, here’s our room, Jerry.”

Jerry was in awe as the room had a fire theme throughout the whole room. “Whoa… this is


“Bring out the other little brothers to enjoy this? I’m sure they could use a little time out of the


Jerry let out two Pokéballs, and out came a Vulpix and a Tepig.

“Vivi, Oink, welcome to your home for the next year.” Cerberus smiled.

“Wow… this place looks really nice.” Vivi said.

“I call bunksharing with Jerry!” Oink called.

“No, the boy stays with me.” Cerberus said, getting fatherly.

“Cerberus? Are you okay?” Jerry asked. “They can share a bed with me.”

“Well... okay... but they take turns,”

The cubs sighed with relief. Then suddenly, Jerry was magically dressed in a pair of Houndour

mitted, hooded, footie pajamas with a bunch of padding on it.

“Huh? I’m all padded up.”

Cerberus then received the pamphlet to explain it.

“So, the pajamas are to keep the trainer completely contained, only allowing basic movement.

So that means that I’m in control, I guess.”

“Oh! Like Cerberus gets to be the trainer now!” Oink said.

“Seems to be the case, Oink.” Cerberus said, tapping the pamphlet. And Oink and Vivi were

suddenly in fire red footies too, all padded up. “That means I’m in charge of all three of you.”

“So not only are you like a big brother, you’re like a father.” Vivi said. “But... do these have to be

padded up?” The sweet little cub whimpered.

Cerberus smiled. “For you, Vivi, yours don’t have to be padded.” And the magic soon got rid of

the padding on Vivi’s footies. Cerberus then got things unpacked, having the three little ones



Mamoru was bringing some sodas and juices to some of the Pokémon and trainers, “A soda for

a good little boy?” He offered to a little boy, no older than seven.

The boy accepted the soda. “Thank you.”

The Lucario then offered one to the boy’s Pokémon, a silver blue Lucario. “You chose only

seven?” He whispered.

“I thought it was a safe age to stop at.” The silver blue Lucario whispered back. “Chase is a

sweet kid, I figured he deserves to be old enough to play and do things.” He accepted the soda.

“Chase. Please tell Mamoru here, how have things been since we checked in last week?”

“Things have been going really good, Toshi.” Chase said.

“Good, because Toshi’s application was accepted.” Mamoru handed the silver blue Lucario a

collar. “Welcome to the staff of Westmere. We’ll be working on Reception together as of now.

Do you have a Pokémon to watch Chase for now?”

“My little brother, Kamae, needs to stretch anyway. Chase, please let Kamae out of his


Chase nodded, pulling out a Pokéball and letting out a silver blue Riolu cub. The little one

stretched. “Thank you for letting me out!”

“You’re welcome, Kamae.” Chase smiled.

“Kamae, my application was accepted. So, while I’m helping out with Reception, could you

watch over Chase in my stead?”

“We stay in the Lobby for now?” Kamae smiled.

“That we do.” Toshi nodded.

“Okay, big bro!”

As Mamoru brought Toshi to reception, in came a Kangaskhan and Dusk Lycanroc. In the

Kangaskhan’s pouch slept a little boy, about seven in age, and a Rockruff puppy.

“Welcome to Westmere Resort. My name’s Toshi.” The silver blue Lucario greeted.

“Permission to advocate for a kiddified trainer?” The Kangaskhan quietly asked.

“Permission granted.” Toshi nodded.

“I’m Kanga,” She bowed. “The Lycanroc is Rocky, the Rockruff is Cubby, and the boy is Tommy.

He couldn’t live up to his father’s suicidal standards for a trainer, and the father wanted to...

snuff him out.”

Toshi gasped. “Oh my… how horrible…”

“We had to kiddify him to hide him. But what he needs right now is a safe place.”

“This is the place right here. But I need information about the boy.”

“Ask away.” Rocky nodded. “Also, can we sign in Cubby alongside him as a charge. I also had

to devolve him to hide him as well. They deserve to both get the perks of the resort.”

“You got it.” Toshi said. “Alright first off, I need the boy’s full name.”

“Tommy McColley. And Cubby is his brother by bond, so Cubby McColley.”

“Alright, how old was Tommy before you regressed him down to seven?” Toshi asked, writing

the information down.

“15. We’re from Paradiso Town in Navarro.”

“That takes care of two things then.” Toshi said. “And how long do you plan on staying?”

“How long can we stay? Is there a limit?”

“As long as you’d like.” Toshi said.

“Five years please.” Kanga said.

Toshi wrote the information down. “And one last thing before we have the boy sign. How many

Pokémon will be staying with Tommy, and how many will go to the Daycare?”

“The three of us and Tommy’s other three Pokémon, Dawn, Wing, and Dante all stay. And

again, Cubby is signed in as a charge too.”

“I have Cubby down signed in as a charge. It’s all written here on the list.” Toshi said, showing

the info. “Just need Tommy’s signature and Cubby’s paw print. Can you wake them up please?”

Rocky nodded. “Tommy, Cubby, wake up.”

The little boy and the Rockruff stirred. “Kanga? Are you talking?”

It was then that the two big Pokémon noticed and realized. “Wait… we’re talking?”

“The resort turns Pokémon voices in human ones, permanently. You will forever talk like

humans now.” Mamoru smiled.

“Wow… that’s awesome.” Kanga smiled. “Before you ask: Yes, you’re both still regressed, and

you’re going to stay that way for a while.” The two looked themselves over, realizing they were

still young and Cubby was still devolved. “Rocky and I brought you to Westmere, where we can

enjoy a good long vacation where you’ll be safe. These nice Lucario just need a signature and

paw print.”

Mamoru held up the paper.

Tommy signed the paper, and Cubby put his paw print on it.

Soon, the magic took a hold of the two as Tommy’s underwear turned into a magic rock themed

diaper, a matching diaper going on Cubby, magically hidden. It also felt like that Kanga and

Rocky had more control over the two, like they were suddenly more and more like the two’s


“Your room is 128, one of the extra special rooms.” Toshi handed four key cards to Tommy.

“Tommy, can you share those key cards with all of us, please?” Kanga asked politely.

Tommy smiled and handed the key cards to Kanga, Cubby, and Rocky.

Toshi even gave Rocky a map of the resort.

“Can you lead the way?” Kanga asked, keeping the cubs snug in her pouch, not letting them get


“You got it.” Rocky said, leading the way to the dorm room.

“Kanga... I have a question.” Tommy said.

“Yes, what is it?” Kanga said.

“Can... we start calling you... Mommy?” Suddenly, Kanga stopped walking.


Tommy nodded. “Yeah... you’ve been a better mommy to me than my own Mommy. Since you

signed us up to stay here for a long time, I’d like you to be my mommy while we’re here.”

“Tommy, I’m flattered.” Kanga blushed. “I’d be honored.”

Tommy then snuggled in the pouch, Cubby snuggling with him.

The group then started to make their way over to the bedroom. It was an adorable park theme,

with playground themes for everything.

“Looks like you get a fun one. Can mommy have your Pokéball belt, so she can be in charge of


Tommy nodded and proceeded to give Kanga his Pokéball belt.

Soon, the magic began to hold onto both Tommy and Cubby again as the two of them were

dressed in different kinds of pajamas. Tommy was dressed in a Rockruff mitted hooded footie

while Cubby was dressed in a pair of red camo footie pajamas with black sleeve cuffs, a black

collar, and black soles for the feet. The pajamas were thickly padded, keeping the two of them

completely contained.

“Mommy, I can’t move.”

“It’s okay, my little puppy. Let mommy do the work. Just relax in mommy’s pouch.” Kanga petted

the two little ones. “You don’t have to do the hard work anymore. Okay?”



Toshi checked the clock, it was only 10:00 AM. But Chase was urging for something else to do.

“Something wrong, Toshi?” Mamoru asked.

“Chase needs something else to do. But I’m still on shift till noon.”

Leaf then opened a door behind the reception desk, revealing a little playroom. “This magic

playroom should suffice. Designed to be able to entertain the children belonging the employees

on shift. He’ll be happy and safe here all day if you let him.”

“I’m sure Chase would really like that until I clock out.” Toshi smiled, bringing his boy and

Kamae to the room. “Chase, can you behave and play in here until I get off work at noon?”

“Sure thing, big bro.” Chase said with a smile. As the two little ones went in and played, Toshi

closed the door and returned to his job.

From the suites, an Infernape walked into the Lobby, cuddling a little toddler boy all snug in

thickly padded Chimchar mitted hooded footie. “Mommy starts work now, Ken. She can’t play.”

She told the boy.

“But I wanna play with you more.” The boy pleaded.

“Maia the Infernape, I assume?” Mamoru inquired. “Here for a two hour shift?”

“That’s me.” The Infernape said. “But Ken here doesn’t want me to leave just yet.”

“Perhaps the playroom could suffice while you work?” Toshi offered.

“Playroom?” Maia asked.

Toshi opened the door behind the reception desk. “It’s for children who belong to the

employees. Just give him a buddy to watch over him and the room will make sure he’s

entertained until you’re done.”

Maia smiled, pulling out a Pokéball and bringing a Talonflame. “Can you keep Ken in that

playroom for the next two hours?” She asked, mounting the boy on the bird’s back, much to the

boy’s dismay.

“Okay Maia.” the Talonflame nodded.

“Ken, it’s only for two hours. Arrow will take good care of you. Please behave for Arrow.” Maia


“Okay mama…” Ken nodded, as he was taken into the playroom, and the door closed.

“So, what do I need to know here?” Maia asked.

“Just make sure that the information about the child is up to date when signing them in, and the

magic diapers make it so that the Pokémon that the child is with has authority over them.”

“Like they did for Ken.” Maia said.

“That’s right.” Leaf said.

“Okay then.”

Leaf then noticed a young boy outside, by the berry garden. He wasn’t a charge, as Leaf

would’ve recognized him. The boy looked hungry and looked rather worn down.

“Excuse me for a minute.” Leaf said, going out to check on the boy. “Hey kid, are you okay?”

The boy panicked and tried to run.

“No no no, I don’t want to hurt you. I want to make sure you’re okay.” The shiny Sceptile caught

the boy by the hood of his jacket and plucked him right off the ground. “Please come with me.”

Leaf carried the boy into the resort, into a second door behind the desk, where it was an

employee lounge. The boy was seated on the couch, legs held in place with magic to keep him

from trying to run.

“I wasn’t gonna steal any berries, I promise!” The boy pleaded.

“That’s not what I’m concerned about. I was wondering if you were okay or not.”

This had the boy confused. “Wait, I’m not in trouble?”

“No, not at all.” Leaf said. “My name is Leaf. What’s yours?”

“Johnny.” The boy said.

“Okay, Johnny.” Leaf sat next to the boy. “Let’s talk.” He petted the boys back, secret turning his

undies into a magic grass themed diaper. The magic secretly made the boy more and more

obedient and truthful. “So, what were you doing here at the resort?”

“Trying to find a comfortable place to stay.” Under the pants, the diaper was moving like it was

gulping something down, and Johnny failed to notice as he shrank. The diaper was eating away

at his age, swallowing years until he was about ten.

“So, you need a home?” Leaf asked.

Johnny nodded. “That’s right.” The diaper ate away more of his age, leaving Johnny shrunken to

age seven.

“Okay,” Leaf then pulled out the paper. “I need you to fill out your information on this, then sign

your name, and you can stay at the resort as a charge, under our care.” He handed the

clipboard and a pen to Johnny.

Johnny went ahead and signed his name, putting his information in along with having his

Treecko, Grove, as well as his other party Pokémon stay with him.

“Welcome to the Resort. I’ll be your caretaker, now just relax for now while I clock out.”

Leaf stepped out, and soon, Johnny was dressed in a pair of Treecko mitted hooded footie

pajamas, which were padded extra good to keep him under control. Along with the magic aura

coating his body, the little boy was held completely still. As Leaf returned, the boy looked happy

to see him.

“Ready to go to your new room?” Leaf asked.

Johnny nodded. “I’m ready.” The boy was scooped up, arms rested on his belly and legs

dangling, as he was carried off.

When the two made it to the room, Johnny was in awe at its appearance. It looked a lot like a

family home. With warm colors and twice the normal size. “It’s big...” He said as he was seated

on a coach.

“That’s because it’s a shared room.” Leaf said.

“Shared?” Leaf proceeded to feed the boy a magic potion as he explained.

“Basically, it’s two regular rooms merged into one, large room. I share this room with Mamoru

the Lucario, since... well, we’re brothers by adoption.” As Leaf explained, the potion that he was

feeding the boy began to fill the boy up.

Feeling full, the boy licked his lips. “Mmmm. That was really good.”

“Do you like it?”

The boy just nodded.

“These potions are very filling. Anyway, you look like you’ve had a long day.” The boy let out a

yawn, signifying that he had a long day. Leaf brought over a blanket and pillow, moving the boy

into a better position and tucked him in. “you earned a nice nap. Sleep tight, buddy.”

The boy felt comfy and fell fast asleep.


Back in the Lobby, Mamoru was serving a few more drinks to the Pokémon and humans. But

then he noticed two over by one of their special spots- The healing stream. It was boy who

looked ten, and a shiny Charmander who looked a bit beat up. The boy was wary, looking

around, trying not to get caught as he brought his friend to the stream. In fact, the boy himself

also looked beat up.

Mamoru made his way outside, keeping his eyes on the two. “They need help. Badly…”

The Lucario then began to approach the two. “Are you two okay?” The boy panicked, only for

him and the Charmander to be held in place by magic auras. “No need to run. You’re not in

trouble.” Mamoru patted the boy’s head. “Hoping to take a dip in the healing spring? You both

look like you need it.” The boy nodded, then he and the Charmander were magically changed

out of what tattered clothes they had, into swim gear, and were gently placed neck deep in the


“How do you feel now?” Mamoru asked as the magic of the spring healed the two.

“Wow... it really works.” the boy smiled, before looking at the Lucario. “How are you talking?”

“The resort allows Pokémon to permanently talk like humans.”

The boy perked up. “All Pokémon?”

“All Pokémon.”

“Even Pyrrha here?”

Mamoru looked at the Charmander. “Well, Pyrrha, how about you answer that?”

“Me?” The Charmander then perked up. “I... can talk?!”

Mamoru nodded. “Indeed, you can. So then, you both should be healed by now.” The Lucario

gently plucked the two out of the water, revealing fully healed bodies.

“Feeling better now?”

“Yeah!” The boy nodded, as he and Pyrrha were each dressed in a set of pale blue footie

pajamas, with Pokéballs dotted all over it. The soles of the feet, the collar, and the cuffs, were

plain red, Mamoru secretly putting a fire themed diaper on the boy underneath the pajamas.

“Now then. I’m Mamoru, what are your names?”

“I’m Ryan, and this is Pyrrha.” The boy said as the magic from the diaper began to work its

magic on him, surrendering control to Mamoru.

“Are you looking for a place to stay?”

“Yes. A place to call home.”

Mamoru produced a clipboard and pen. “Just fill out this information, and the resort can be your


Ryan started to fill out the paperwork, having his party Pokémon stay with him and Pyrrha, with

the rest going into daycare, and soon, the diaper started to gulp away at his age, shrinking him

down to seven years old, yet neither he nor Pyrrha felt anything was different.

“That should be all of it.” Ryan said, handing the clipboard back to Mamoru.

Mamoru took Ryan and Pyrrha’s hands and walked them inside, into the employee lounge. “I

need you to stay put here, while I clock out.”

“Okay.” Ryan said.

As Mamoru went away, Ryan was suddenly extra snug as the pajamas that he was wearing

turned itself into a Charmander mitted hooded footie, padded up really thick. Pyrrha tried to

help, when her own pajamas padded up even thicker. Neither could move very much, as

Mamoru returned.

“What happened? What’s going on?” Ryan asked.

“The Pajamas are to keep you under control. You’re not gonna do any work here at the resort.

It’s all about enjoying the break.” Mamoru whistled, calling a Ponyta. The Ponyta came over to

Mamoru’s side. The Lucario mounted the two kids on her back. “Can you help me get these two

cubs to my room?”

“Sure thing, Mamoru.” The Ponyta said, trotting off with Ryan and Pyrrha on her back to

Mamoru’s room, the Lucario coming right behind.

They came to the shared room, where Leaf had Johnny napping on the couch.

“So that’s your kid?” Leaf whispered, trying not to wake Johnny up.

Mamoru nodded, converting the other couch into a bed. “Ryan and his friend Pyrrha.”

“He must be very lucky to have a shiny Charmander as a friend.” Leaf smiled.

“You can summon a friend for your kid you know,” Mamoru said, as he sat his two on the bed

and the Ponyta departed.

“And I know just the one too.” Leaf said, pulling out a Pokéball and letting out a shiny Treecko.

“From what Johnny wrote down, this little guy’s named Grove.”

“Umm... hi?” Grove was surprised by the situation.

Leaf took Grove to the kitchen, out of earshot for Ryan, and explained. “Johnny’s under my

charge now. I’ve turned him into a little boy, and I have control of him, in turns of authority. He’ll

be staying in luxury here at the resort, for the rest of eternity.”

Grove looked rather surprised. “Really? That’s very nice of you to do that.”

“But now, I’m giving you a choice. You can either join him as a charge and be forever young. Or

you can undergo rapid growth overnight, evolve, and be his big brother.”

“A chance to be forever young… a chance to be the big brother…” Grove’s head was wrapped

in different ideas. “It’s so hard to choose…”

“You like both choices then?”

“Is there a way that I can do both choices?”

Leaf smiled. “I’ve always wanted to use this spell.” Then with a pat on the head, Leaf coated

Grove in a warm glow that had a good grip on the cub.

“Huh? What’s going on?” Grove said, having to close his eyes.

“See for yourself. Open your eyes.” Leaf said, as Grove also felt something fastened his lower


Grove opened his eyes and was shocked to see an exact replica across from him, as well as a

grass themed diaper around his lower half. Soon the diaper began to sap away at Grove’s age,

gulping a few years off of him and surrendering all control over to Leaf. Now just a cute,

adorable little cub, Grove gulped as Leaf picked him up and hugged him.

“You get to be young forever, while your other half, Jungle, will grow up and care for both you

and Johnny.” Leaf then dressed Grove in some cute little green camo footies. “We need to hide

your diaper for now.”

Grove just blushed. “I… I don’t know what to say… thank you.”

“Jungle, for now, Johnny’s bedroom is yours, make sure he doesn’t see you until your all grown

up.” Leaf instructed.

“Got it.” Jungle nodded.

As Jungle left, Mamoru was walking Pyrrha into the kitchen. “Oh... were... you explaining things

to your kid’s Pokémon?” The Lucario asked.

“Yes. Grove couldn’t decide between the two options, so I gave him both.” Leaf said. “Were you

about to do the same?”

“Yeah... can you watch Ryan in the living room, while I talk to her?”

“Sure thing. I’ll let you two talk about it.” Leaf said, making his way to the living room.

“So... you know the situation, and the choices. So, what will it be?” The Lucario looked at the

shiny Charmander.

“Decisions, decisions… it’s hard to choose…”

“So, you like both of the choices then?” Mamoru inquired. The little one merely nodded.

“Looks like it’s my turn to use the spell then.” With a pat on the head, Mamoru covered Pyrrha in

a warm glow that had a good grip on her, forcing her to close her eyes.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

“You’ll see soon enough.” Mamoru smiled as Pyrrha was able to open her eyes again. She was

shocked to see an exact replica of her wearing a fire themed diaper. The clone soon got

regressed thanks to the diaper’s gulping of her age.

“What the?” Pyrrha blinked.

“Pyrrha, this is Kiara, your other half. She’ll get to stay young while you get to grow up.”

“Wait... I...”

“Do you wanna be the young one?”

“...Yes please.”

“Then allow me to swap positions.” Mamoru said, regrowing Kiara and moving the diaper over to

Pyrrha, making the process much slower, as the Diaper began gulping.

Pyrrha began shrinking down in size and age. Redressed in the footies, Pyrrha was carried

back to a tuckered out Ryan.

“Ryan ready for a good rest with his best friend?”

Ryan nodded, as Leaf brought over some fire themed blankets and pillows.

Mamoru then proceeded to tuck the two in together. Ryan was soon asleep.

“So now we have our own kids here.” Mamoru smiled.

“It feels really nice to have our own kids.” Leaf smiled back.


Toshi and Maia did a good job at the front, watching over the guards in the lobby.

“There you go, little one.” Maia was handing a little boy to a Dragonair.

“It’s okay, I got you.” The Dragonair said, coiling around the boy nice and snug. “Mommy’s got

you now, Tobias.”

“Thank you, mama. I got distracted and couldn’t find you…”

“What could’ve distracted you?”

“I saw a really cute little Eevee with blue fur. It was so cute!”

“Could you show us where you found it?”

“Arms please?” The boy asked.

The Dragonair uncoiled Tobias’s arms, and he pointed to the couches. There, a little blue furred

Eevee with a magic, blue diaper sat all alone.

“Are you okay, little one?”

“I don’t have anyone to care for me.” The cub said.

“Would you like for us to take care of you?”

“You’d do that?” the cub asked, his diaper gulping, and shrinking him to seven.

“Of course, we would.” The Dragonair stretched and coiled around the Eevee cub nice and


“You got this now, ma’am?” Maia asked.

“You can count on me.” The Dragonair nodded.

As Maia returned to the desk, there was a kid entering inside from the front door of the resort

with a Glaceon by his side.

“Welcome.” Toshi said, surprising the boy.

“Whoa! You surprised me.” The boy said. “Wait… did you talk?”

“It’s the magic of the resort. All Pokémon permanently have their voices converted into human


“Whoa… that’s surreal…” But then something dawned on the boy. “Every Pokémon?”

“Glaceon, you should already feel the magic. Go ahead and try to speak.” Toshi smiled.

“My name is Frost, thank you.” The Glaceon said, then covering her mouth. “I can talk…”

“Frost!” The boy picked up and lovingly cuddled his Glaceon. “You can talk now!”

“Bryce… I can talk!” Frost said happily, her tail wagging.

“Anyway, here for a vacation?” Toshi asked.

“Yes sir.” Bryce said.

Maia handed him the paper. “Filled out the information, then sign your name.”

Bryce took a look at the paper, making sure that he filled out all the information that was

needed, and signed his name, choosing to keep his team of six, including, with him while his

other Pokémon stay at the daycare. Bryce didn’t notice that his underwear magically changed

into a magic ice themed diaper. Quickly Frost could feel a new control over Bryce, a control that

just grew.

Bryce yawned.

“Looks like you need some rest. You’ll be in 070.” Toshi handed him some keycards on


“Can I have one of those please?” Frost asked.

Bryce nodded and gave Frost one of the keycards.

“How about you carry him to the room?” Maia suggested. “He looks rather tired.”

“One problem though. Frost can’t carry me. She’s too-” It was at that moment that Frost began

to grow bigger than Bryce. “...Small?”

“Another perk of the resort. A program called Pokégrow, which allows Pokémon who are smaller

than their trainers to grow in order to better fit their love and protection. Pokémon can even

evolve if desired.”

“Hop on, Bryce. You’re still tuckered out from the tournament.” Frost said, feeling in charge like

Bryce will obey her even command.

“Okay Frost.” Bryce said, hopping onto the Glaceon’s back, Frost then trotted off.

“We needed this vacay.” Frost smiled.

“You think so?” Bryce asked.

“You’ve worked way too hard, you need this year off for sure.”

“So, sis is gonna take care of me?”

Frost then stopped. “Sis?”

“We’re more than just trainer and Pokémon. I feel we’re more like brother and sister.” Bryce


“Wow... I dunno what to say.” Then they came to 070. “Here we are.”

As the two entered inside, Bryce was in awe as he saw that the room looked like their own

personal ice cavern. “Whoa… it’s just like in my dreams, sis.”

The magic diapers soon began to clothe Bryce in a nice, warm pair of Glaceon mitted hooded

footies. All padded up, magic slowly lifted the boy off of Frost. It carried him all the way over to

his new bed and tucked him in. Then, suddenly his eyes began to swirl in a rainbow of winter

colors, and they began to grow heavy.

“Sleep Bryce… sleep.” Frost said gently. The words were implanted in Bryce’s mind and he

slowly fell asleep.


A Mudsdale came trotting through the doors. On its back was a little boy, as well as a Shiny

Hitmonchan and Sandshrew. A Shiny Machop was walking alongside the equine Pokémon.

The little Machop jumped up, trying to grab the counter edge to climb up.

The Hitmonchan proceeded to dismount the Mudsdale and help the Machop climb up to the

counter edge, just picking him up and sitting him on the counter.

“We’d like to advocate for our trainer.” The Hitmonchan said.

Toshi turned his attention to the Hitmonchan. “Certainly. Welcome to the Westmere Resort.”

“I’d explain... but I promised Chopper here to let him explain. He hoped that by being the

responsible one and explaining things might earn him the right to be a charge too.”

Toshi smiled and petted the Machop. “I’d be happy to listen to what he has to say.”

“I’m Chopper, the Hitmonchan is Takashi, the Mudsdale is Clyde, the Sandshrew is Digger, and

the cute little sleeping boy is Marcus.”

“So, what can you tell me about Marcus, Chopper?” Toshi asked. “Did you regress him to save


“Actually, we turned him into a kid just to give him a break. He’s worked so hard during the last

year. So, we thought he needed some time being the one being taken care of.”

“Well you guys came to the right place. But if you became a charge, you’ll also be cared for, not

caring for Marcus.”

“That’s okay with me. After winning the tournament for Marcus, the others decided my reward is

being spoiled alongside Marcus.”

“That’s very thoughtful of them to do that for you.” Toshi said, petting Chopper again. He then

gave Takashi the paper, “Just fill out the information for Marcus, then have him and Chopper

both sign.”

“You got it.” Takashi said, filling out the information needed; name, age, hometown, and the

Pokémon in Marcus’ party who will be staying with him, with the rest going into daycare. “Okay,

that should be it.”

“Digger, please wake our little angel.” Clyde instructed.

The Sandshrew nodded and nudged Marcus. “Hey buddy, wake up.”

Marcus stirred. “We... there yet?”

“We’re here Marcus. This nice Lucario needs you and Chopper to sign this paper so that you

can spend the year here.”

Marcus looked at the paper and signed his name on the line, not noticing that his underwear

had magically turned into a crinkly, poofy, fighting themed diaper, Chopper getting a matching

diaper, hidden behind the counter so Marcus can’t see the diapered Pokémon, and the diapers

surrender control of the two over to Takashi and Clyde. The footie pajamas that Chopper was

wearing was themed on a fighting gi, covering the diaper up nicely.

Toshi handed Chopper to Takashi, five lanyards with key cards on the cub.

“May I have one of those?” Marcus asked.

Chopper nodded and gave one of the keycards to Marcus, the other three going to Takashi,

Clyde, and Digger.

“Takashi, mount Chopper on me, we need to get these kids to the room. Marcus needs a good


“You got it, Clyde.” Takashi said, mounting Chopper onto the Mudsdale’s back.

Clyde then trotted, Takashi following. “This place looks pretty nice.” He said, as he trotted

through the hallway.

“It’s very neat looking, that’s for sure.” Takashi agreed.

“Big bro, how much farther?”

This made Clyde stop. “Big brother?”

“Yeah, we’re like a family.” Marcus said.

“We are?”

“I’ve always considered my team as a family.” Marcus admitted.

“Wow, thank you.” Takashi smiled, as they arrived at their room.

Marcus was in awe when he saw what the room looked like, as it was themed on a personal

fighting dojo.

“So, this is our new room?”

“Sure looks like it.” Clyde said.

Soon, the magic began to clothe Marcus in a nice comfy Sandshrew themed onesie with

matching mitts, booties, and even a hood as well. “I... can’t move much now.”

A brochure began to appear in Takashi’s gloves with the title ‘The Pajamas’ written on the front.

“It says here that the pajamas are to keep the trainer completely contained, while only allowing

basic movement. I guess they want you to be under control as you nap.”

Clyde nodded, as Takashi picked Marcus up and proceeded to tuck him in.

“Get some sleep, buddy. You’re overdue for some rest.” The Hitmonchan said.

Marcus let out a yawn and proceeded to fall asleep.


Toshi was looking at some of the papers at the reception desk.

“Toshi, was it?” Maia asked.

“Yes, that’s me.” Toshi said. “Maia, right?”

“Yes. So, who was your kid?” Maia asked.

“My kid’s named Chase. I turned him into a cute little seven year old. And you?”

“Mine’s named Ken. He’s turned into a toddler.”

“I see. Did he really need to be completely regressed?”

“It was for his safety.”

“I see... So how do you feel about the coming fate for Ken?”

“I feel like that this resort will be the best thing for him.” Maia said.

“I feel the same with Chase. He needs this.” Toshi nodded. “And with Kamae helping me out,

he’ll be the happy kid that I remember.”

Soon, a Zangoose and Furret came into the resort, the Zangoose carrying a young boy on his


“Welcome to Westmere.” Toshi smiled.

“Permission to advocate for our kid?” The Zangoose asked.

“Is he in danger?”

“Actually, he isn’t in danger at all. We were thinking that he needed a well deserved break from


“Okay, you may advocate. Tell us about the boy.”

“The boy’s named Alex, and Scout and I made him into a seven year old before coming over

here. My name’s Zane.” The Zangoose said.

“Why’d you turn him into a kid?”

“We thought that turning him into a kid would help him relax. When he told us about it, we

thought that was a good time to regress him ourselves.” Scout said. “He needed a good break

after a demanding league year. So now he’s a kid, and we’re gonna spend the next year here,

on vacation.”

“Ah, interesting.” Toshi said. “Care to fill out all of his information on this piece of paper here?”

Toshi then handed the clipboard with the papers over to Zane.

Zane took the papers and filled them out.

Name: Alex West

Age: 14, but regressed down to 7

Region: Lilycove City, Hoenn

Pokémon in Party: Zane the Zangoose, Scout the Furret, Milly the Miltank, Toro the Tauros,

Chip the Rattata, Arrow the Pidgeot

Number of Pokémon in PC: 0

“Okay, that should be everything.” Zane said.

“Will all six Pokémon stay with the trainer, or will anyone stay in the daycare?”

“All of us will stay. But Chip should be signed in as a charge as well.” Scout said. “Alex will need

a buddy.”

“Bring out the Pokémon in question, then have the boy sign and the cub add his paw print.”

Zane and Scout got the Pokéballs out and let the Pokémon out. Out came a Miltank, a Tauros,

a Rattata, and a Pidgeot.

“Chip, would you be okay being a charge alongside our boy?”

“A charge?” Chip asked.

“Under the resort’s care alongside Alex.”

“That sounds nice.” Chip’s tail wagged.”

“Wake the boy so you two can sign the paper.”

Chip nodded, and nudged Alex. “Alex… Alex… wake up.”

Alex stirred, opening his eyes. “Where... are we?”

“We’re at the resort that you told us about.” Scout said.

“Resort?” Then suddenly, Alex’s eyes went wide. “Wait… did you just talk?”

“It’s the magic of the resort. As of now, ALL of your Pokémon have human voices.” Maia


“Whoa… all of them?”

“That’s right.” Toshi nodded. “Anyway, your Zangoose has something you and Chip need to


“It’s right here, Alex.” Zane said, showing the clipboard.

Alex signed his name and Chip placed his pawpad on the paper. Soon, the magic began to

envelop around Alex and Chip, as both were magically now wearing Normal type themed magic

diapers that were hidden. Chip was now wearing a normal type themed mitted footie.

“Your room is 152, here are key cards for each of you.” Maia handed a key card to Alex and

each of his Pokémon. Zane was also feeling as the diapers gave him more and more control

over Alex and Chip.

“The cubs go onto to Toro, no walking for them for the time being.” Zane commanded.

“I want to carry Alex though.” Scout said, feeling the same amount of control that Zane was

feeling. “Let me carry him on my back.”

“But, you’re too small.” But Zane was quieted as Scout began to grow.

“Zane, let me carry Alex please.”

“Well... okay then. Alex, you will ride on Scout, clear?”

“Okay Zane.” Alex said as the Zangoose placed him on Scout’s back.

“Alright, let’s go.” Scout smiled, leading the way to the room.

“Big bro, big sis, how long are we staying here for?” Alex said, stopping his Pokémon in their




“We’re a family. And since I’m now seven, I’d say you two are the big siblings now.”

“Wow… that’s really nice of you to say that.” Zane said. “So, does that mean good little Alex will

do as big brother or big sister says?”

“Of course.” Alex nodded, as they came to the room. It was basic, with a nice silver and blue

color scheme. It had all the things that Alex could ask for, including a TV and a computer. “Wow,

this room’s just for us?”

“Yep. It’s our room.” Scout said.

Soon, the magic began dressing Alex in a nice and comfy Zangoose themed onesie with mitts,

booties, and a hat that resembled Zangoose ears. “My hands, I can’t move them at all in these


“I think this might have the answer.” Zane said, showing a pamphlet for the pajamas. “It says

that the pajamas are to keep you completely contained and only allows for you to have basic


“So... you guys are gonna be feeding me for a while?”

“Looks to be the case.” Scout said. “Speaking of which, let’s get you settled in so we can go get

lunch for you.”

“Sounds good.” Alex said.


A Primarina adult carried in a cute little boy in her flippers, coming up to the reception counter.

“Greetings, and welcome to Westmere.” Toshi said.

“Permission requested to advocate for my little one?” The Primarina asked in a polite and

motherly tone.

“Permission granted.” Toshi nodded.

“I’m Angel, and this is my trainer, Mike.”

“Nice to meet you both. So, what brings you here today? Is there any danger that needs to be

aware of?”

“Oh no, nothing like that. Mike’s just in need of a break. He’s worked so hard the last year,

making his team the best we can be. So, we’ve decided to regress him and have him take the

next year off. He’s earned a good break, for being such a good boy.”

“That’s very sweet of you to do that for him. But before we can have him in as a charge, we’ll

need some information about Mike.”

“Well... he’s asleep... and my flippers are no good with pens.”

“I’d be happy to write the info down.” Toshi offered.

“Ask away.”

“First thing’s first. I need Mike’s full name.”

“Michael Ray McColley.”

“Okay, next is the age he was previous before you regressed him, and how old you made him

after the regression.”

“Twelve and now he’s seven.”

“Got it. Next, the region you guys are from, and the town that you reside in.”

“Ikki Town in the Alola Region.”

“Alright, and now the names of Mike’s current party members, and how many Pokémon are in

the PC.”

“Myself, Poppy the Popplio, Sonic the Dewgong, Tank the Blastoise, Nigel the Pelipper, and

Skipper the Quagsire. They all stay since what’s all Mike has.”

“Okay. I believe that’s everything. Out of curiosity, is Poppy going to be admitted as a charge

also to be with Mike?”

“What perks come with that?”

“He’ll be under the resort’s care along with Alex. Think of it as a buddy system.”

“Well, okay.” Angel used Psychic to get Poppy’s Pokéball and let him out.

“Poppy, do you think you can wake Mike up and tell him that we’re here?” Angel asked.

The Popplio nodded and nudged the little boy.

Mike began to stir and proceeded to wake up.

“Hey there, Mike.”

“Angel? Did... you just talk?”

“That’s a perk of the resort.” Toshi said. “All Pokémon can speak like humans in here, and it’s a

permanent perk too.”

“So... Angel can talk now?”

“Not just Angel. All of your Pokémon can.”


“The nice Lucario wants you to sign something for him. Think you can do that for him?”

Mike went ahead and signed, Poppy adding his print.

Once the sheet was signed, magic began to cover around both Mike and Poppy, turning Mike’s

underwear into a water type themed magic diaper. As for Poppy, something began to tickle

around his neck as he was now wearing a nice and snug collar. Angel could feel the magic of

the diaper and collar coming towards her, giving her the feeling of more control and authority

over the two kids.

“Here are your key cards.” Maia handed over key cards to Angel.

“Thank you.” Angel said.

“May I have one?” Mike asked.

Angel nodded and handed one to Mike. “Hop on Poppy, we’re off to the room.”

“Alright.” Poppy said, hopping onto Angel’s back as they made their way over to the room.

“This year is gonna be good, right, Mommy?”

Angel stopped in her tracks. “Mommy?”

“Well, you’ve cared for me more than I have for you... and with me now being a kid again... Can

you be my mom for this vacation?”

“Whoa… I’m flattered. I’d be happy to be your mother.”

“Thank you.” Mike smiled as they arrived at their room.

Mike was in awe when he saw what the room looked like. It was like the inside of a suite at a

beach resort. “Whoa… this is our room?”

“Yep, our home for the year. Let’s get settled in, it’s about your lunch, right?”

As if on cue, Mike’s stomach started to growl.

Angel sat Mike down on the bed, as the magic began to clothe Mike in a pair of Popplio mitted

hooded footie pajamas, his hands sealed by flipped and his legs sealed by the tail. “Mommy... I

can’t move...”

A pamphlet then appeared in front of Angel. “Seems like this pamphlet says that the pajamas

are to keep you completely contained, only allowing basic movement. It’s okay sweetie, Poppy

will be here to help you while I get some lunch for the three of us.”

“Okay, mommy.” Mike said as Angel went off to get lunch for the three of them.


The clock began to chime, signaling noon.

“It’s noon. That means lunchtime.” Toshi said.

“And time for us to clock out. So, who fills in now?”

“Looking at the schedule, it seems like it’s a brother and sister who are clocking in next.” Toshi


“You called?”

Maia and Toshi turned their attention and saw a Gardevoir and Gallade coming in.

“Aria, Percival!”

“Good to see you, Maia. How’s Ken now that he’s been age-gulped?”

“He’s been doing good actually.” Maia said. “Age-gulping him has let him be happy again as a

simple-minded toddler.”

“And Toshi, did you age-gulp Chase as well?” Aria asked.

“I did. He’s enjoying being a seven year old again.” Toshi said.

“Wait, only to seven? What for?”

“He doesn’t need to be a toddler. I decided he deserves to stay old enough for things like eating,

reading, etc.”

“I can understand that.” Percival said.

“Anyway, it’s time for us to clock out.” Maia said, going into the playroom. “Ken?”

Ken’s attention perked up. “Yeah?”

“Mommy’s done at the front. We can go get lunch now.”

Ken motioned his arms upward for Maia to pick him up. Maia scooped up the toddler.

“Chase? Kamae?” Toshi called.

Kamae brought the boy right over. “Yes, big brother?” Chase asked.

“Time for us to get lunch. My shift’s over.” Toshi called upon a Midday Lycanroc. “Terra, can you

carry our little cubs to the feed zone?”

“Sure thing, Toshi.” Terra smiled, as Kamae brought Chase and himself onto the Midday

Lycanroc’s back.

“Let’s go.”

Toshi and Terra led the way over to the cafeteria for lunch.

As Maia and Toshi left, a Krookodile and his trainer were entering inside the resort.

“Welcome.” Percival greeted the boy.

“Wait… a talking Pokémon?”

“The magic of this resort permanently converts all Pokémon Voices into human ones. And yes. I

mean, every Pokémon.”

“Even me?” The Krookodile said, then gasped. “I can talk!” He then grabbed the boy and

hugged him. “Kyle! I can talk!”

“Crunch, can you let go of me please? You’re kind of squeezing me.”

“Oh...” Crunch set Kyle down. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Kyle said.

“So, what brings you to our resort?” Aria inquired.

“I thought Kyle needed a nice deserved break.”

“Me? I thought you wanted a break for you and the others.” Kyle argued.

“It’s for all of us Kyle.” Crunch said.

“You explain then.” Kyle said.

“The whole team needs a break after we trained for the league.” Crunch said. “After our

performance, we all need some rest. That includes you, Kyle. And this is the best place for both

trainer and Pokémon to enjoy a vacation.”

“If there was ever a place for both trainer and Pokémon to rest, it’s right here.” Percival said,

pulled out the paperwork. “Just fill out the information here and sign.”

Kyle took a look at the paperwork given to him and filled out the information needed.

Name: Kyle Dawnbreak

Age: 14

Region: Nimbasa City, Unova

Pokémon in Party: Crunch the Krookodile, Zap the Emolga, Monty the Excadrill, Tyson the

Scrafty, Arachne the Galvantula, Yucca the Maractus

Number of Pokémon in PC: 12

Number in Resort: 6

Number in Daycare: 12

Then, he signed his name. As he signed, he didn’t notice that his underwear had magically

transformed into a crinkly and poofy diaper. As that happened, Crunch fell a new sense of

authority coming over him.

“Welcome to the Resort, here are your roomkeys.” Aria gave the boy enough cards for all the

Pokémon and himself.

“Can you share those with all of us?” Crunch asked, testing this new sense.

Kyle nodded and gave Crunch and the rest of his party their cards.

“Let’s head to the room then.”

“Lead the way, big bro.” Kyle said, stopping Crunch in his tracks.

‘Big... bro?”

“Crunch, we’re like family.”

With a smile, Crunch picked up Kyle and put him on his shoulder. “Little brother rides with

Crunch, understand?”

Kyle nodded. “I understand.”

Crunch carried Kyle down the hall, feeling more and more control of Kyle flowing from the magic


“Let’s see. Where’s the room located?” Crunch said.

“There!” Kyle pointed a door with, believe it or not, his name on it.

“Well I’ll be.” Crunch said. “The door’s got your name on it.”

Soon, Crunch opened the door and Kyle was surprised to find out that the room was themed

around a city alleyway, one of his go to hideouts when he wanted some time to himself. As the

Pokémon set his boy down, Kyle’s clothes slowly began to magically change into a pair of

Sandile pajamas, complete with mitts, footies, a hood and a tail.

“What... I can’t move...”

A pamphlet appears in Crunch’s hands, and he reads what is written on it. “Hmm… seems like

the pajamas are limiting your movements to only basic movements. From what it’s saying, looks

like I’m in charge.”

“So... you care for me here?”

“Seems like it, Kyle.” Crunch nodded. “Now, give me your Pokéballs and your backpack,


Kyle obediently gave Crunch his Pokéballs and backpack, the magic from the diaper slowly

giving Crunch more authority.

“Thank you, now let’s settle down and chill here. It was a long journey just getting here.”

“Alright.” Kyle said, heading towards the bed to lay down on it.


Percival and Aria were looking through paperwork, as the next group arrived.

The group consisted of a trainer with a Winter Sawsbuck, a Nuzleaf, a Lurantis, and a Skiddo.

The trainer was a cute young boy on the Sawbuck’s back, looking no older than seven. “So...

this is the special vacation place?” He asked.

The Sawsbuck simply nodded.

“Welcome to Westmere Paradise Resort.” Percival greeted, and the boy and his Pokémon

looked at him with surprise. “What? You never met a talking Pokémon before?”

“Pokémon… talking?”

“The magic in this resort converts the voice of any Pokémon who enters into a human one.”

Percival then checked a watch. “In fact, your Pokémon should already be revoiced.”

“Revoiced?” the Nuzleaf then covered his mouth. “I... can talk?” its voice was high pitched and

kinda cute, like a child’s voice.

“That’s right.” Aria smiled. “All of you should be able to talk now. Go on,” She looked at the

Sawsbuck. “You look like the parent of the group. Give it a try.”

“Like this?” Now the Sawsbuck was surprised, her voice was very motherly and mature. “I really

can talk...” She looked at the boy, who was really happy about this. She then looked at the duo.

“Scuse me, I know we’re supposed to sign in and all. But, so you have a quiet place that my

trainer and rest? We’ve been on the road all day, he needs a proper bed.”

“We have the suites. I guess we can settle him in and let him rest while you get him signed in as

a charge.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

They all go to a suite, that has a really nice forest theming. “Wow! This is really cool!” The boy


“Just like how a forest would be.” Aria said. “Now go ahead and get cozy while we talk with your

Pokémon friend.”

The boy nodded and got cozy in the bed, the Nuzleaf, Skiddo, and Lurantis there to keep him


Percival and Aria were brought to the side by the Sawsbuck. “My name is Aile, and the boy is

Zeo. He’s a very sweet trainer... with a rough past.”

“A rough past? Could you please explain?” Percival asked.

“Youngest of five siblings, never getting proper attention, basically alone before he became a

trainer and got me as his partner.”

“So basically, he was isolated? Neglected?”

“Yes. So, after the league, I used magic to make him seven, and we brought him here for a well

deserved vacation.”

“I see. So, you want him to get a break?”

“That’s right.” Aile nodded.

Percival smiled, holding up a clipboard and pen. “We’ll need some information.”

Aile took a look at the paperwork and wrote down the information.

Name: Zeo Grove

Age: 12, regressed to 7

Region: Nimbasa City, Unova

Pokémon in Party: Aile the Winter Sawsbuck, Vinny the Nuzleaf, Mantis the Lurantis, Greg the


Number of Pokémon in PC: 0

Number in Resort: All

Number in Daycare: None

“Anyone you want as a charge alongside the boy?”

“I think Greg deserves the break with Zeo.”

“Just need signatures from both, and the magic will handle the rest.”

“Okay.” Aile brought the clipboard to the others. “Greg, Zeo, these Pokémon just need you both

to sign this form, so what we can have our vacations.”

“Just a signature? Seems okay.” Zeo said as he proceeded to sign the form, Greg placing his

hoof on afterwards. As he signed, he didn’t notice that his underwear had magically transformed

into a crinkly and poofy grass themed diaper, a matching one on Greg. Aile could soon feel a

sense of control washing over her. Control of Zeo and Greg, like they will obey her like a good

son obeying his mother. Not to mention, both Zeo and Greg were dressed in warm onesies

themed like a winter Deerling, with matching mittens and booties to keep their hands and feet

under control. “What the?”

Percival hands Aile a brochure to explain the restrictive clothes. “This brochure tells you that the

pajamas only allow limited basic movement. As of this moment, Aile is now in charge.” The

Gallade explained.

“I am?”

“That’s right.” Aria said.

“In that case... Zeo, Greg, let’s get you some sleep, as agreed.” Both Zeo and Greg let out a

yawn, confirming Aile’s suspicion. “Get a good nap, okay?”

The two charges couldn’t keep their eyes open for long, and soon they each fell asleep.


As Percival and Aria came back to the lobby, a trainer and his Zoroark came into the building.

“Oh, welcome!” Aria greeted.

“I overheard about a special resort. This the right place?” the boy asked.

Aria nodded, then turned her attention to the Zoroark. “What about you? Do you think this is the

right place?” It nodded. “C’mon, give me a verbal answer.

“Verbal answer?” The Zoroark asked before covering his mouth. “Wait… did I… just…”

“The magic of the Westmere resort converts Pokémon Voices into human ones.”

“Holy Arceus…” The Zoroark said in astonishment. “So, this is the paradise resort after all, go

on Cam, explain,”

“Oh, right Shadow.” Cam said. “Since the league’s on hold indefinitely, we thought it would be

good to have a break.”

“Do tell.” Percival asked.

“My trainer has had a long year training and has been upset about the league hiatus. So, he

thought that a break could help ease his mind.”

Percival simply handed Cam the clipboard.

“You want me to write any information down?”

Percival just nodded.

Shadow looked at the clipboard as well. “If you need any help from me, I’m right here.”

Name: Cameron “Cam” Moreno

Age: 14

Region: Opelucid City, Unova

Pokémon in Party: Shadow the Zoroark, Gem the Sableye, Vully the Mandibuzz, Crescent the

Absol, Overalls the Scrafty, Blade the Bisharp

Number of Pokémon in PC: 13

Number in Resort: 6

Number in Daycare: 13

But once Cam signs his name, Shadow secretly adds something to age. “Regressed to seven”.

As he signed, his underwear soon magically turned into a crinkly diaper with dark type themes.

But then it began to move. It seemed to briefly expand and shrinking, looking like it’s gulping

something down. With each gulp, it looked like a year was being eaten up as Cam was

beginning to regress in age. Shrinking down, as Percival took the clipboard.

“What the?” Now seven, Cam was scared.

“Easy little guy.” Shadow said, picking up the now seven year old. “As of now, I’m in charge.

You will be under my care, none of that trainer nonsense for a long time.” As the Zoroark said

this, he could feel a sense of control and authority over Cam, which just grew stronger and



“No buts, you’re not doing any of that pesky trainer stuff for the next year. You’re going to be

completely on break, as a good little boy under my care. Understood?” Shadow spoke very

fatherly, and his control made it impossible for Cam to disobey or complain.

“Y-yes sir.” Cam nodded.

“Good, now I’ll be needing your backpack, pokeballs, your belt, your Pokédex, your wallet, and

gearwatch. I’m the trainer now.”

Cam proceeded to give Shadow his backpack. Then he reached into his pocket, pulling out his

collection of pokeballs and obediently handed them to Shadow. He soon undid his belt, which

held the pokeballs of his six Pokémon, and handed that over to Shadow. Reaching back into his

pockets, he soon pulled out both his Pokédex and his wallet, handing both of them to his faithful

Zoroark. Finally, he took off his high-tech watch, but seemed uneasy handing it to Shadow, who

noticed. Shadow then just put it back on Cam.

“You can keep your watch, but no trainer apps, okay?” Shadow instructed, setting him down and

placing all the surrendered items into the backpack, which then transformed into a pack worn on

Shadow’s own waist.

Cam simply nodded, putting a lock on all the trainer apps. Suddenly, Cam found himself snug

and contained in some Zorua mitted, hooded footies, all padded up and he could barely move.

“Look at that, I guess now that I’m the trainer, you get to be a Zorua.” Shadow picked Cam up

once more and cuddled him, as Aria brought them the card keys.

“Your room is 153.”

“We’ll make our way there now. Thank you.” Shadow smiled. Taking the cards, he carried Cam

to the mentioned room.

Once they entered inside, it caught Cam by surprise as it had a complete dark type theme to the

whole room. “This... for us?”

“Indeed, it is. Now, it was a long flight and bus to get here. How about you get a good rest?”

Cam just simply nodded, looking rather tired.

Shadow placed Cam in the bed, and proceeded to tuck him in.


Aria watched as another group arrived, a young boy laid asleep in the arms of an Electivire,

accompanied by an Alolan Raichu, a Pikachu, and an Electrike.

The Electivire came up and tried to communicate using gestures.

“Hey, it’s okay, you can just tell me what’s going on.” Aria said. The Electivire looked confused.

“Ah, the magic here in the resort allows Pokémon to talk like normal humans would.”

Hearing this, The Electivire was surprised, “I... can talk...” He soon covered his mouth. It kind of

relieved him. “My trainer needs a bed. I know the rules and all but-”

Aria put a paw to his mouth. “This way please.”

Aria brought the group over to room 195. It was a simple, yet nice room, with a subtle storm

theme to it.

“I’ll let you guys relax in here before my brother comes in with the clipboard. You guys okay with


“Thank you.” Electivire tucked the boy, the Pikachu, and the Electrike into the bed together. The

two little Pokémon cuddled the boy, who smiled in his sleep. “Just relax right there. You’ll be just


“So, while we wait for my brother, please, tell be about you and your kid?”

“Well the kid’s named Max. I’m Bolt. The Raichu is Psy, and the cubs are Chewy and Zap.”

“And may I ask what the reason is for coming here?”

“To retire Max, permanently. He saved our lives one by one, yet has been denied his own

dreams time after time. I regressed him to hide him and we came here under the idea of a

vacation. But I know what really happens here.”

“That’s exactly what we want for Max. We must end his trainer life permanently and let him live

in peace, letting us care for him rather than the other way around.” Psy said. “Our little human

cub has suffered long enough. He saved us, so now we save him. Is there anyway we can sign

him in without having to wake him.”

“There is.” Percival came in. “The parents package. A Pokémon can sign in as a parent,

designating any human and/or Pokémon as their various family members. But that would also

mean your claiming him as your child, permanently.”

“I would have to become his new father?”

“As long as you're okay with deciding the boy’s fate for him.”

“Yes. He needs this.” Bolt took Percival’s clipboard.

Parent Name: Bolt

Parent Species: Electivire

Other Guardian(s): Psy the Raichu

Child name(s): Max McColley, Chewy the Pikachu, Zap the Electrike

Age(s): 12, regressed to seven

Pokémon in party: Six

Pokémon in PC: Three

Pokémon for Resort: Six

Names of additional: Mandy the Plusle, Andy the Minun

Pokémon for Daycare: Three

Note: Max is not to be allowed to be a trainer ever again.

Bolt had added that extra note, before signing his name, sealing the magic contracted. The

three in the bed were soon diapered up through the magic, and then dressed in electric themed

mitted footed pajamas, Max’s themed after Pikachu. Bolt and Psy both felt more and more in

control like parents.

“Welcome to the resort.” Percival took the clipboard. “Enjoy your stay.”

“Max is finally safe and unshackled… he’s finally free.” Bolt slid onto his knees, smiling. “Thank


“We’re happy to help. Enjoy your new suite.” Aria and Percival then departed.


As the sun was already setting, Aria was tired.

“Our shift just ended. You seen the Sunset shift?” Percival asked.

“Isn’t that the mythical team?” Aria asked.

“You called?”

Then, in came a cute little shiny Mew, with fur in a nice little light blue. Right behind him was a


“Hello there Milo, hello Finn.”

“Looks like we came just in time.” The Mew, Milo, smiled.

“Sure looks like it.” The Jirachi, Finn, smiled back.

Aria yawned again, as Percival held her up, bringing her arm over his shoulder.

“Looks like Aria’s tired, Percival. You gonna bring her back to your room?”

Percival nodded.

“You two deserve a nice rest. Enjoy it.”

The brother and sister smiled and went off to their room to enjoy their evening.

Then as the two Pokémon got all clocked in, in came the next group. Through the door was an

Ampharos and Serperior, holding onto a rather tired seven year old.

“Oh... looks like another tuckered out cub.” Milo said. “Need the room first?”

“If at all possible.” The Ampharos said, before covering his mouth.

“Yes, all Pokémon who visit are permanently give human voices. “This way please, to room


“Are... the Pokémon... talking?” the boy yawned.

“Shh… it’s okay little one.” The Serperior said, rubbing a vine on the boy’s head.

They came to room 126, and it was like a true dream room for the boy. It looked like a

combination of a bedroom, as well as an arcade.


“Easy, Jay, let’s get you dressed for bed.” The Serperior took the boy into the bathroom, with his

backpack, closing the door too. Before long, there was the sounds of a bath inside.

“So, that used to be your trainer?” Milo spoke to the Ampharos, the three sitting at a little table.

“Jay’s done so much for us. Wait. first, I’m Sparkz, the Serperior is Ivy, and the boy is Jay York.

He was one of the kindest trainers you could’ve ever met, as he treated his entire team like a

family. As both Ivy and I are his first Pokémon he got, we thought it would only be fitting if we

were to show him our thanks and give him the same treatment that he gave us.” Sparkz’s tail

slowly started to wag.

“So, why’d you regress him and bring him here?”

“Ivy and I want to take care of him ourselves. After we regressed him and made him take a

much needed break, he’s told us before that we’re like parents to him. We wanna make it

official. We also told the rest of his party about this, and they agreed to help us take care of him


Milo smiled and offered Sparkz a clipboard. The Ampharos smiled back and began to fill out the


Parent Name(s): Sparkz, Ivy

Parent Species: Ampharos, Serperior

Other Guardian(s): Seeker the Noctowl, Jet the Floatzel, Mysto the Hypno, Okami the Ninetales,

Artemis the Umbreon

Child’s Name: Jay York

Age: 17, regressed to seven

Pokémon in PC: none

Pokémon for Resort: all

Note(s): Is there a way Artemis can be a charge too?

“There is.” Milo nodded. “Place his name alongside Jay’s. But, keep his name in guardians for a

cool trick to make both possible.”

“Okay, I’ll take your word for it.” Sparkz said, writing Artemis’s name down next to Jay’s.

As he did, the bathroom door opened, Ivy came out, so did Jay, in a cute little set of silver blue

footies, looking comfy and warm. But also with them was an Umbreon. With blue rings in place

of yellow.

“I brought Artemis out to help with the bath.” Ivy said. “He wanted to keep Jay company while I

cleaned him up.”

Sparkz smiled, then signed the form. Then magic surrounded Jay’s wrist and Artemis’s neck.

“Huh? What’s going on?” Jay asked as a silver and white striped wristband appeared around his

wrist and a collar appeared around Artemis’s neck. The wristband showed Jay’s name, age, and

his parents being shown as Ivy and Sparkz. “Parents?”

“Your training days are over now.” Sparkz said gently.

“What?” Jay was then wrapped up snug, coiled up by Ivy.

“You’ve spent the last seven years working so hard, and being cheated out of your own dreams.

No family to go back to, no league for at least another year, Renault having a grudge ever since

you knocked him out of the preliminaries. Sparkz and I plan on remedying that, and as such,

you can’t be a trainer again. We brought you here to be permanently retired. It’s for you own



“No buts, you’ve suffered long enough. Let the Pokémon you’ve given everything give it all back

to you. Your time as a trainer is up, so now you can just enjoy peace with us.”

“You’re... sure this is for the best?” Jay asked, as Ivy and Sparkz could feel control over Jay


“We’re 100% sure, Jay.” Sparkz said. Suddenly, Artemis was split into two identical Umbreon.

Soon, the real Artemis suddenly devolved back into a cute little shiny Eevee cub.

“What the?” Artemis looked over himself, as control was surrendered to the parent Pokémon.

“Artemis, meet Apollo.” Finn said. “You’ll now be a cub brother for Jay, while Apollo becomes

the new big brother.”

Artemis whimpered, only to be cuddled by Apollo.

“Hey, it’s okay little one.” Apollo said, reassuring. “Now, it’s getting late, and it was two flights, a

bus ride, and a train, not to mention an hour walk, to get here, bedtime.”

The three adult Pokémon proceeded to bring both Jay and Artemis to the bed, tucking them in

snug. “Tomorrow’s going to be the first day of your retired life.”

All Jay could do was to let out a yawn. Soon, both he and Artemis fell asleep.


There was only fifteen till closing for the night, with all the guests either getting ready for bed, or

in bed already.

“You sure you predicted the final trainer for this collection is gonna arrive at 8:56? It’s 8:55.” Milo


“I’m sure of it.” Finn said.

Right on cue, one last group arrived. It was a Lucario and a Girafarig. The Lucario was

piggybacking a tired, sweet little boy.

The Girafarig, knowing all about the resort, took in a good breath of enchanted air. “Apologies

for coming so late, but.... Do you have a room to spare?” She asked in a very concerned and

sisterly tone.

“Well, if memory serves me correctly, there is one room still available.”

“Is it at least decent?” the Lucario asked, sounding mature and brotherly.

“I’m sure he’ll enjoy it a whole lot.”

“Please, let us rest there.” The Girafarig pleaded. “We-” Milo stopped her, placing a paw to her

muzzle to shush her.

“The boy’s needs, right? You want to put his needs first.”

The Girafarig nodded.

“Let’s head to the room first. This way, you can tell us all we need to know.”

“Thank you.” The Girafarig nuzzled the little Mew. The three were taken to room 127, which

turned about to be a really nice, simple, blue colored room.

“Wow... this is really good.” Leon yawned.

“You seem awfully tired. You think you’re ready for bed?”

Leon nodded.

“Let’s get you cleaned up and in something more comfortable first.” The Lucario smiled.

“Lead the way, Aura.” the boy smiled.

The Lucario smiled back, and lead Leon into the bathroom.

As the sounds of a bath are heard, the Girafarig collapsed onto her rear, breathing in relief and

gratitude. “Thank you so much.” She said, such gratitude and sincerity in voice. “It’s been a

rough year for us, even more so for Leon.”

“How so?” Finn tilted his head.

“The boy... he’s Leon McCloud. As in former heir to the McCloud family, before his father

disowned him. I’m Gaia, and the Lucario is Aura.”

“I’ve heard of the McCloud family before.” Milo said. “Leon was the one who was... disowned

after he lost the finals of the League... right?”

“Yes… so now we want to retire him and be his true family. We want to keep him safe and love

him like a true family. Unlike his fame obsessed father, who doesn’t care about anything but his

own self-centered ego. Leon saved each of us, made sure we were healthy, clean, strong, and

most of all, loved and happy.”

“Now you want to give him that same treatment. Right?”

Gaia nodded.

“We have something called the Parent Package for situations like this. Pokémon can sign in as

parents, and claim their charge as their child permanently.”

“Are there any drawback?” Gaia asked.

“You would have to decide the boy’s fate. For him.”

“We actually talked to him about it. Leon has the gift of understand Pokémon, so, we discussed

the idea of permanent retirement, and he’s happy with that, as long as we’re there with him.”

“If that’s the case then, we just need the information on this clipboard.” Milo said, handing the

clipboard over.

Parent’s Names: Aura and Gaia

Parent’s Species: Lucario, Girafarig

Other Guardians: Veno the Venomoth, Blaze the Talonflame, Mytaro the Metagross, Arctic the


Child’s Name(s): Leon McCloud, Zuma the Rockruff, Mamoru the Riolu

Child’s Age: 17, regressed to 7

Pokémon in PC: 15

Pokémon for Resort: 8

Pokémon for Daycare: 15

Notes: All possible perks for vacation stay. All offers go through parents first.

“Is that everything?” Finn asked. “All that’s left is for you and Aura to sign it, and it’s official.”

“I’ll wait for Aura.”

A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and Aura brought out Leon, now all clean and

wearing some rather cute, blue mitted, hooded footie pajamas. The boy was holding and

cuddling a little Riolu cub, and a Rockruff puppy was in the bathroom, shaking off water.

“You feel better now, Leon?” Gaia asked.

Leon nodded, then yawned cutely.

“Aura, we need to both sign this.”

“May I take a look at it before signing it?” Aura asked, and he was shown the paperwork.

“So, once we sign, it’s official?”

Milo nodded.

The two Pokémon looked at each other with a nod and signed their names on the dotted line.

The moment the paperwork was signed, Leon was fitted with a blue wristband, and Mamoru and

Zuma were fitted with blue collars. Each one displayed the wearer’s name, age, their appointed

parents, their room number, and a few other bits of info.

“Why does this say... Gaia and Aura are my parents?” Leon asked, before being picked up by


“Your training days are over now.”

“What?” Leon asked, his regressed mind having forgotten their discussion.

“Remember? We agreed you would be permanently retired. And as of now, it’s official. You are

hereby permanently retired, and all set for good, long vacation.” Aura smiled.


“Yep.” Aura then tucked in the three little ones into the bed. “But we can talk more about it in the


“Well... Okay, Aura.” Leon couldn’t notice as Aura and Gaia gained more and more control of

him and the two cubs.

“For now, you need your sleep.” Aura said. “Just relax, and sleep.”

With little resistance, Leon had no choice but to fall asleep.

Gaia smiled. “Finally, he’s safe, and unshackled.”

“And we’re now officially his parents.” Aura smiled back.

“At long last, we’ve saved him, just as he saved us.”

“And he won’t have to worry ever again.”


As the closing time arrived, Milo began locking up the resort. “You lock up every entrance and


“Every one of them is locked up and secure.” Finn replied with a nod.

“So, with one hundred trainers collected, you can bring us out of this world now.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to use Wish. So let’s bring this resort back to paradise.” Finn

smiled, preparing to use Wish. As soon as the move was used, the resort began to disappear

from Earth.

And with hundred trainers rescued and retired, it was time for phase two.