Overview - Lupirka


Transcript of Overview - Lupirka

Nowadays, Indonesian situation is further complicated by a combination of excess service capacity and high levels of infertility among the population. Estimates of infertility rates vary, with the most conservative rates being between 10% and 15% of the reproductive aged population. These rates are extrapolated based on the numbers of patients seeking biomedical fertility care and are likely to be underestimates as they fail to include those people who do not seek biomedical solutions to their fertility concerns. Alternatively, based on data collected in Indonesia’s Demographic Health Survey - 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated the female infertility rate (combining primary and secondary infertility) to be 22.3% of married women between the ages of 15 and 45.

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) includes all treatments and techniques that encompass the in vitro handling of human gametes or embryos with the intention of achieving a pregnancy. About one in seven heterosexual couples experience delayed conception despite regular unprotected sexual intercourse for 12 months. Regardless of the difficulties in establishing accurate infertility rates for couples, we can be confident that infertility is a major concern in Indonesia both in terms of the real numbers of people affected and the cultural significance of childlessness. The desire for children is virtually universal among married Indonesian couples and the cultural definition of a family is dependent upon having children. Based on the current age structure of the population there are approximately 39.8 million Indonesian women of childbearing age. Even when applying the conservative estimate of a 10% infertility rate this translates to a sub-population of around four million women experiencing infertility. Employing the accepted wisdom that approximately 5% of infertile couples will be eligible candidates for IVF we can infer that Indonesia has a demand for 200,000 cycles upwards.

Readiness of health care provider, medical personnel and all people in implementing the concept of assisted reproductive technology is very necessary. Integrative collaboration between medical and health disciplines at various level of service, and harmonious relation between policy makers and health provider to infertile Indonesian couples, play important role in improving the quality life of couple by fulfil their wish to having a child.

With the theme of congress “Advancement in Assisted Reproductive Technology Between Ethics, Patient Expectation and Beyond”, we expected to trigger and stimulate our readiness in facing the infertility in this beloved country of Indonesia.


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Dear colleagues, We cordially invite you to take part in the 3rd Congress of Asian Society for Fertility

Preservation in conjunction with the 4th Biennial Meeting of Indonesian Association for In Vitro Fertilization which is scheduled to take place in Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center from September 19th – 22nd 2020.

We are more than excited to welcome you at Bali, the island of Gods. Bali is a small island, part of Indonesian archipelago, with breath-taking panorama that many consider as paradise on earth. Its unique cultural heritage blends with the modern society in harmony. Balinese cuisine has also received attention from the world, for its rich spices and flavours. Visiting Bali will surely be a great experience for delegates and their families who we encourage to bring.

The Congress Scientific Committee is working tirelessly to organise the programme that will provide you with updated knowledge, focusing on the advances in assisted reproductive technology. The venue is a world-class convention center, with easy access to hotels, tourism sites, shopping centers and the airport.

On behalf of the local organizing committee, I very much look forward to welcoming you and join us in Bali next year!.

Yours Sincerely, Ida Bagus Putra Adnyana

Chairman, Local Organizing Committee

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Message from the Chairman of Organizing Committee

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Steering Committe : 1. Prof.DR. Dr. Budi Wiweko, SpOG(K) 2. Prof. DR. Dr. Soegiharto Soebijanto, SpOG(K) 3. Prof. Dr. Samsulhadi, SpOG(K) 4. Prof. DR.Dr. Ketut Suwiyoga, SpOG(K) 5. Dr. Ilyas Angsar, SpOG(K)

Protective Board : 1. Head of Department Obstetric and Gynecology Faculty of Medicine Udayana University, Sanglah Hospital 2. Coodinator of Program Studi PPDS I Obgin FK Unud / RSUP Sanglah

Chairman : Dr. IB Putra Adnyana, SpOG(K)Vice Chairman 1 : DR. Dr. Ashon Sa’adi, SpOG(K)Vice Chairman 2 : Dr. Agung Dewanto, SpOG(K), PhDVice Chairman 3 : DR. Dr. Dicky M. Rizal, M.Kes, SpAnd Vice Chairman 4 : DR. Dr. Nurasyid, SpU(K) Vice Chairman 5 : Prof. Drh. Arief Boediono, PhD, PaVET(K) (ISHE)

Secretary 1 : Dr. Putu Doster Mahayasa, SpOG(K)Secretary 2 : Dr. Anom Suardika, SpOG(K)

Treasurer 1 : Dr. Made Darmayasa, SpOG(K)Treasurer 2 : Dra. Luh Ketut Ariasih

Pre – Congress WorkshopKeynote Speaker

Meet the ExpertControversies

SymposiumLunch SymposiumOral Presentations

Poster PresentationsAwardd



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Secretariat Sub-committe : 1. DR. Dr. Ida Bagus Gde Fajar Manuaba, SpOG, MARS 2. Dr. Ryan Saktika Mulyana, M.Biomed, SpOG 3. Dr. Florencia Desiree 4. Dr. Ni Luh Wita Astari Widhusadi Scientific & Meeting Sub-committe : 1. Dr. Achmad Kemal Harzif, SpOG(K) 2. Dr. Ida Bagus Kartha, SpOG(K) 3. DR. Dr. Ida Bagus Gde Fajar Manuaba, SpOG, MARS 4. Dr. Jaqueline Sudiman, GradDipRepSc, MRepSc 5. Dr. Evert S. Pangkahila,M.Biomed,SpOG 6. Dr. Made Anggadiningrat, M.Biomed, SpOG 7. Dr. Musa Taufiq 8. Dr. Daniel Hadinata Susanto 9. Dr. Andianto Indrawan Tjiptohardjo 10. Dr. Olivia Listiowati Prawoto

Workshop Sub-committe : 1. DR.Dr. A.A.N. Anantasika, SpOG(K) 2. Dr. Nono Tondohusudo, SpAnd 3. Dr. I Gede Deni Surasandi, SpOG(K) 4. Dr. Wayan Kesumadana, SpOG(K) 5. Dr. Jaqueline Sudiman, GradDipRepSc, MRepSc 6. Dr. Tjokorda Chandra Giram, M.Biomed,SpOG 7. Dr Purnama Adimerta, M.Biomed, SpOG 8. Dr. Made Agus Wijaya, M.Biomed, SpOG 9. Dr. Pande Kadek Aditya Prayudi 10. Dr. Budhi Prasetia Santoso

Event, Gathering Night, Social Sub-committe : 1. Dr. Nyoman Rudi Susantha, SpOG(K) 2. Dr. Kadek Ary Widayana 3. Dr. Prayascita Mahendrata 4. Dr. Denni Prasetyo 5. Dr. Agustinus Darmawan 6. Dr. Nimas Ayu Rachmawati 7. Dr. Made Nathassa Karisma 8. Dr. Pande Made Suwanpramana

Sponsoring Sub-committe : 1. Dr. Made Suyasa Jaya, SpOG(K) 2. Dr. I Putu Gde Wardhiana, SpOG(K) 3. Dr. I Wayan Kesumadana, SpOG(K) 4. Dr. Erliana Fani 5. Dr. Budi Setiawan Harjoto 6. Dr. Alisza Novrita Sari

Transportation & Accomodation Sub-committe : 1. Dr. Wayan Sukadana, SpOG(K) 2. Dr. Kadek Fajar Marta, SpOG(K) 3. Dr. Dewa Gede Sidan Pradnyandita 4. Dr. Ngakan Ketut Darmawan 5. Dr. Alfonso Anggriawan 6. Dr. Polo Ishak Kurniawan 7. Dr. IP Popy Kusuardiyanto 8. Dr. Johanes Nyoman Deo Widiswara Mawan

Publication, Decor, Documentation Sub-committe : 1. Dr. Ketut Darmayasa, SpOG(K) 2. Dr. I Gusti Made Kusuma Widnyana 3. Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Yudhi Pramana 4. Dr. I Putu Gilang Iswara Wijaya 5. Dr. Gde Bagus Rizky Kornia

Security and Licensing Sub-committe : 1. Dr. K. Putera Kemara,SpOG 2. Dr. Made Bagus Dwi Aryana, SpOG(K) 3. Dr. Putra Agung Eka Aricandana 4. Dr. I Nyoman Herlan Maharaga

Hospitality Sub-committe : 1. Dr. Endang Sri Widiyanti, M.Biomed, SpOG 2. Dr. Parwin 3. Dr. Ign Wiranta Permadi

Equipment Sub-committe : 1. Dr. I Gde Sastra Winata, SpOG(K) 2. Sekretariat Obgin 3. Dr. I Nyoman Rake Genatra Sardeva 4. Dr. Anton Supono 5. Dr. I Gede Bagus Garjita Masesa Putra 6. Dr. Agrifa Albert Eko Sembiring 7. Dr. I Gede Suputra Indrawan 8. Dr. Vinsensius Tommy Wijaya Japola 9. Dr. D.P.G. Jananuraga Mahardika 10. Dr. Ida Bagus Made Andy Wiraputra

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3rd Congress of Asian Society for Fertilty Preservation in Conjuction with 4th Biennial Meeting of

Indonesian Association for In Vitro Fertiization 2020

Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali – Indonesia, September 19th – 22nd 2020



September 2020 WS 1 Oocyte and embryo cryopreservation

Embryo biopsy

Sperm Analyze - DFI

Ovarium Stimulation Monitoring



WS 2

WS 3

WS 4

WS 5

WS 6

September 2020

September 2020

Pre-Congress Workshop


Prof. DR. Dr. Budi Wiweko, SpOG(K)

Prof. DR. Dr. Muchsin Jafar, SpPK(K)

Prof. Arief Boediono, Ph.D,PAVet(K)

Dr. Ida Bagus Putra Adnyana, SpOG(K)

DR. Dr. Anak Agung Ngurah Anantasika, Sp. OG(K)

Dr. Ilyas Angsar, Sp. OG (K)

DR. Dr. Dicky M. Rizal, M.Kes, SpAnd

DR. Dr. Ita Fauzia H., MCE

Prof. DR. Dr. Samsulhadi, SpOG(K)

Dr. Aucky Hinting, Sp.And, Ph.D












Woo Sik Lee

Nao Suzuki

S. Samuel Kim

Debra Gook

Yodo Sugishita

Ozgur Oktem

Nalini Mahajan

Seok Hyun Kim

Ri-Cheng Chian

Chii Ruey Tzeng

Seok Hyun Kim

Ir. Mulyoto Pangestu, M.Sc, PhD














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Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali - Indonesia



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Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali - Indonesia


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Panduan Peserta Scientific Paper Competition

PESERTA KARYA ILMIAHPenulis karya ilmiah harus merupakan peserta PIB PERFITRI & ASFP 2020 BALI yang sudah terdaftarApabila registrasi tidak dilakukan dalam batas waktu yang sudah di tentukan, maka karya ilmiah tidak akan diikutsertakan ke dalam acara PIB PERFITRI & ASFP 2020 BALI

SYARAT BAHASA YANG DIGUNAKANSeluruh abstrak harus dikirimkan dan di presentasikan dalam Bahasa Inggris

PENGIRIMAN KARYA ILMIAHAbstrak dapat dikirimkan terlebih dahulu segera setelah melakukan pendaftaran onlineSetiap peserta dapat mengikuti lebih dari 1 (satu) presentasi. Jumlah abstrak yang dikirimkan sesuai dengan jumlah presentasi.Karya ilmiah yang sudah pernah atau sedang digunakan untuk acara pertemuan ilmiah lain tidak dapat digunakan.Batas akhir pengiriman untuk abstrak adalah 20 Juni 2020 Batas akhir pengiriman softcopy e-poster adalah 10 Juli 2020 Karya ilmiah baik abstrak maupun softcopy e-poster dapat dikirimkan via Email ke [email protected] ukuran file lebih dari 25MB (batas maksimal pengiriman attachment melalui email), maka file dapat dikirimkan melalui fasilitas online storage : dropbox, google drive, atau onedrive, dan link dikirim/share melalui email ke [email protected] harus ada di lokasi presentasi e-poster sesuai waktu yang telah dijadwalkan, jadwal akan diumumkan bersamaan dengan Final Announcement.


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1. ABSTRAKTerdiri maksimal dari 300 kataJudul menggunakan font Times New Roman 12. Judul diharapkan spesifik, jelas, ringkas, informatif dan menggambarkan isi dari tulisanIsi dari abstrak menggunakan font Times New Roman 10Abstrak mencakup : o Judul o Nama pembicara dan Institusi o Isi (Latar belakang, tujuan, metode/rancangan, hasil, kesimpulan, kata kunci maksimal 5 kata) o Disimpan dalam file format .doc/.docx

2. E-POSTERFormat : PDF, JPG, JPEGOrientasi : PortraitUkuran : 1080 x 1920 pixelsDitulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia sesuai EYDPoster mencakup : o Nama lengkap o Kontak pembicara (telp, alamat, email) o Judul makalah o Penulis (nama tanpa gelar, nama pembicara digaris bawah) o Asal institusi o Isi (Latar belakang, tujuan, rancangan/metode, hasil, kesimpulan, kata kunci) o Gambar, grafik dan tabel disatukan dalam poster o Komite Ilmiah dapat mengganti format presentasi menjadi presentasi Oral atau Poster sesuai kebijakan panitiaPengiriman e-poster : o e-poster yang dikirim sebaiknya telah dikoreksi dan tidak ada perubahan lagi o batas akhir pengiriman softcopy e-poster adalah tanggal 10 Juli 2020

Format Karya Ilimah••



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3. PESERTA YANG TELAH TERPILIH UNTUK MELAKUKAN PRESENTASI ORAL, DIHARAP UNTUK MEMPERSIAPKAN PRESENTASI DENGAN KETENTUAN: o Alokasi waktu untuk presentasi oral adalah 8 (delapan) menit untuk presentasi, dengan tambahan waktu 2 (dua) menit untuk tanya jawab dengan juri dan audiens. o Materi presentasi menggunakan .ppt atau .pptx o Apabila slide presentasi memuat banyak video/multimedia, disarankan untuk menyimpan file presentasi bersama file-file pendukung dalam satu folder tersendiri, dan menyerahkannya kepada panitia selambat- lambatnya 3 jam sebelum sesi presentasi untuk uji coba materi terlebih dahulu, atau pembicara diperkenankan menggunakan laptop/notebook pribadi. o Pembicara yang hendak menggunakan laptop pribadi sebaiknya melakukan uji coba tampilan sebelum sesi dimulai. o Panitia dapat mengganti format presentasi menjadi presentasi oral ataupun poster sesuai dengan kebijakan panitia

Atas perhatian dan kerja samanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.


Seksi Ilmiah PIB PERFITRI & ASFP 2020 Bali

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Registration Fee


WS 1 Ovarian Induction and Stimulation

IVF for clinician

IUI for clinician

IVF clinics management

Male infertility

Fertility nursing

Infertility management for general gynecologist in daily practice

Embriology course from embryo handling until freezing

WS 2

WS 3

WS 4

WS 5

WS 6

WS 7

WS 8

Workshop Early Normal Onsite


Specialist Rp. 3.500.000 Rp. 4.000.000 Rp. 4.500.000

Rp. 2.000.000 Rp. 2.250.000 Rp. 2.500.000GP/ Resident

Symposium Early Normal Onsite


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Address : Jl. Diponegoro, Dauh Puri Klod, Kec. Denpasar Bar., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80113Phone :Email : [email protected] :
