Overriding df Vetoes Mi End of Sessit - DigiFind-It


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Transcript of Overriding df Vetoes Mi End of Sessit - DigiFind-It

City Likely to Movepaity’e service In i f 11. He haa works* *g ft firem an. Th* company had no know ledge o f w here he w ont.

New York Is Checking Jersey Auto Violators

Of Fifteen-Day RuleYoric b EpwldL

Report BemKardt Suffering From Severe R ^ p s e AgainP A S O , M *reh~>4 (U nited P r e « « ) _

Madam* Sarah Bernhardt aurfeted a u v o r e relapm today. FkyaM aaa an­nounced har condition la m oat ( n r i .

Mma. Barnhardt baa barn in (or o w t o t CM haa auffarad from (a ln t- 1»C aoa lla b a t haa ralllod oya lo aad a«aln . ' Each tim e th at oho * , l n , ■tranath tbo aotad actraaa Inalata on • t ta m p tia c to Mao aad s o to tb o thaa-

* ' A* orMuMMt ’ m *W IK Bairark bay* Ityht aaa tas from 1 A. M. on tbo t re t ■adday la April (April » > aaUt t A M. • a tba laat Baa lay la Saytambar (Say-

Watch at Fem e* to Compel Tab

ing Out o f Licenses, Director

Lord Writes Dill.

I m J m j M f t J e n r i i Breaks Up. Water. Go Down

FOOT J S K t1 1 . K. J U IIa N b » « ( * ) : —T ba fl* * -te lla ire I d a la tba j m « -

M «*r t o r * w hich r e m a tlr

From tba (Vaatoa Bureau a/ tba » H -sm a y m

TRENTON, March *4.—taayactorh a t tbo R a t York Bureau of Motor Vahtdaa a r t ehacktas Mow Itraa y automobilaa and trucks a t tbo farrloa for tba par- yooo o( eompalllns tha* owooro ...lb taka o u t llcanoaa la Haw York Stata. This Information la contained Hi a oommonl- eatlon to' OefiUMMlanor Dill from M iw to - t o r t to t* of tbo W jm - .fork

B atuba . ' . '. Hu,, "We h are ear Inayeatora a t tba fo rty la New Tark," Director Lord etatea. " ire* -to * tb aao .aa* 'it s re a t maay of Mm. Maw l amay —re aad tracks aam- ln* oaor la our atato with only Maw Jereay llcaaaaa. eWa ara chock!** them r e red a fte r fS taaa days will require W han tb o « # • » apeclflcatload (

|cam # a y l a th a aaaata , Maaara M s St arena. R ichard*. Party and PM apoha t o I t Mr. Mathia —its th ou gh t th a O orernor ■*— WMjgi l l

Ifa m J a !* M r f iS fh V r tr A o fa lS U ^ outad yavlus. a ay tef M u n m i M l far altar*** t r e t o ——«r had madai itharo was a dollar arnTt J a d r a n t J« ® s : 3 s

' Fra— Altlra. M s year* old. o f IT* M btiH kaM M W w a* tak en to Urn City t b a p t a l la a d y b ts condition th is n f-

n m down hy nl C lifton a ren a# trotlay ear a t Norfolk and'MUftfMPd ot'roato. Mar lo ft toy w a* yraellcaH r ainyulated, by th a w boata

i Motoi man O aorga Haahayan > bad Imffara ware fc*<

ch a rs* a f tb o ' car. W arden MeOuln- naaa * f Bm eo u a ty Ja il, w hb haypcned by. took tb a ch ild to tha hoayital In

W H MS ■ w l i l *» - t t l »--------- & aI p pB b'JW W m WP aM p p W 4 " *

>ta« aeaecftyttac n w r U re e l, a month. taatodteo H M a ram , h e re to * yoat ea a B atata* » , . i c t r i m matter.

N O . 12 .213 Copyiifht ftp TIM V m ln c News FikU hlM On. • t Newark N. J.. 1>U N E W A R K . N . Jm S A T U R D A Y . M A R C H 2 4 . 1 9 2 3 - 3 6 P A G E S f i t -2if Herbal a t . Newark. * A

Dally. Szoayt Seaday. T W O

New Signs Appear Of French Trend Toward Liberalism

Reflected in Spread of Doubt About Success of Ruhr


Man Shot In Gunmen PursuitNEW TO RS. March 21 (JP).—A mao

Identified by the police an A. A Brun­ner. a Brooklyn contractor, today plunged 1S5 feet from Brooklyn Bridge to the Eaat River and escaped w ith an Icy w etting.

He told three men who fished him out that “he wasn't hurt to amount to an yth in g .” Physician* a t Gouverneur H ospital,* w here he w as taken for treatm ent for shock and submersion, corroborated hts sta tem en t

Link w ith Communist F r .a u j 1 ^ ^ ‘M a r s h a ll’

In Model’s MurderConflict Between Extremists

Given Evidence by Events Also

in Britain and Germany.

Nutley Pair Sought After Hold*

Up in Belleville Avenue— One

Jumps from Window.

Board May Pass on Gym Teacher s Act

Use o f Spiled Shoes to Frighten

Boys Arouse* Education

Body President

Flees as Woman Blows Auto Horn | Dr. Corson Considers Reprimand

T w o young man In broad daylight th is m orning held up and robbed Henry von Spreckelsen In hie store at 102 B ellev ille avenue of |71 and then dia- appeared In . their automobile. Pur-

W haf punishment le to be meted out to Louis A. Horwlts. physical director


Seven Assemblyman Recorded in Favor o f Putting Measure Through Over Veto Not in House at Time—Dis­

order Marks Closing Scenes o f Session.

Ike TVrmton Bureau o f tfte I V I - i th e a ff irm a tiv e w ore not In th e chant- .V/.VG N KM’S. b a r w hen the poll w t i called snd did

T R E v m v u . . w •* i * ._. t ' n o t an sw e r th e ir nam es, a lth o u g h th e reiV ~:Ln *a .b 1 7 M f ! * • * • r a p lle . from the others- These

i .2 H i . L * r * A d . m a * . f K** ex, * a n . p b . l l o f“A , P ! r t , c ‘ ‘on , r " “ M onm outh. C om pton of C lo t ,tn e w eek s o f s tra in th a t h ave m ark ed 1and De Loren so of Bergen, Gibbsof the Minor Street School, for h .v tn * , » * •« o f Itba H » a .In c . January *. the , Bnd McCnllough of Somorwt

frightened tw o e igh t-year-o ld boya by . *^ °rL w ° i *PP*r*nt euc< e»n of the nicaiture| last night. The clock In back of the ' -

Overriding df Vetoes Mi End of Sessit

— yRepublicans w ith Dem ocrg

Aid Rut Through Road '

Grab Bills.

. ' ,l* u ,« o t •B'kaO k ftn n a .ln n . aboea. , Hpoakot-a chair re*l.torad : t l . juat aweu u led to Nutley. however, where thta ‘ may he decided by the Board of Edu-*i It had reg istered th at hour since early

Pecora Declares Mystery Man Is

J. K. Mitchell, Son-in-Law

of L T. Stoesbury.f from S ta ff Correspondent.PARIS. March 24.—The con flict be-

twoon tha parties o f reaction ftnd o f rad icalism haa been the sign ifican tn ow o f th e paaainn ween, beg inn ing in Prominent in Philadelphia Societyb n f ls o d , w h ere tabor's attack on rapt- taliam m arked a date tn B ritish par- 1 lam en tary h istory, contin u ing in O er- mAn>r *rtth th e revelations o f th e m on arch ist plot and endin g In F ran ce w ith yesterd ay’s Com m unist fra ca s in th e C ham ber o f D eputies.

Although It la Impossible to mea-WPU th e exact va lu e o f th ese var iou s | te iiou g » | | r. W ilson.” "Marshall s'* sec- d am onst rations before fu ller d evelop - J ret ary. w ho w as said to bava accom - m en ts reveal th eir depth and pow er. P*nied the Phlladslpblan to the K ee- c v e n t i m ay w ell show th at th e F ren ch nAn John H. Jackson, s NewIntlSM t eoBUina tha seed of a r .a t . - ' in c h c l l . Hated In the Phlladel-a *n m ean re than what happened in ] phla 8ocial Reglater a» J. Kearaley England er tn Germany I.M itchell, l'e president o f the Phlladel-

A lthough thera la absolutely no foar bh ,a Rubber W orks Company and hua- ln Frunea of any Communist danger, I o f M n r r ' n” ‘ fitot' ,bury M ,,ck-and from that viewpoint yesterdd y’s even t Is m eaningless, nevertheless It

afternoon an automobile bearing the sam e license number as that reported used by the bandits was found by P o ­lice <’htef Sutcliffe.

This w as In front of 274 Harrison Nutley, the home of Mrs. A l­

fred Nelson. Chief Suttollff*. who had been tipped by the

cation To g e l the boys to confess to, . . . . . . _ j H ouse gu lt at t P. M . but that Is theI ncy and other misconduct. Mr , f lot ion carried out year after year l»y, H orw lts suspended them Thursday the L eg^ la tu re In both houses In order

o\e-r the spiked s h o e s and !« t their H meet * he term s of the sine die ad- v . . . . „ . . . Journment reaolutiohs passed long In, knees touch the aplkea w hile , g<jvai|C#

| thrv** c lasses o f g i l ls In thv school ! The fin al Important act of the House | gym nasium looked on ! w»» ,*Ba passage o f a road-grab bill.

Newark police, j The boys upon whom the punish- qUMlIoncd M r. N ,l .o „ . and . . Mia w a . | m, nt WM | B„ |c tcd are K ann .th K in- ta lk in g she blew the auto horn a num

I which had been sponsored In the Hen- I •#•••*«»» sw<* #••»*•* . mi#- St««*asv « * ^ . . n m . .ate by Senator M athis of ocean snd o f House even balanced a chslr U .U .r. Leaders rraiSC Work. . . . . . . . . ■ # M I . I I i. . I tt. I * h I I. a AW, 1,1.. n I I .. I .... . . ,f

In the House m akes It a law I* The H ouse w as In commotion mo* i o f the tim e during the last two hours , J o f the session . There were frequent i ' recesses w hile athe members swatted ! the arrival o f b ills from the Senate and j ' th is tim e w as consum ed In singing i F inally som e one threw a handful of I

loose b ills across the chamber. This j I was the sign a l o f throw ing of every- j I th ing from memorandum puds tu metal !

w aste baskets and water. One attache

, i Senators C riticize

Refer Particularly to Opes

ding and Highway Probe w l

They Are RepassedL

NEW YORK. March >4 < # ) .—A aeist- ant Dtstrlct Attorney Pecora today a n ­nounced that the m ysterious "Mr. Mar­shall," who w as the la st person know n to see Mies Dorothy Keenan, elafn m odel, before she w as chloroformed, w a s J. K. M itchell o f Philadelphia.

Mr. Pecora also identified th e m ys-

which had been Vetoed by the Gover- sey of 122 B igelow street and Bertram i "<»r. And the c ircum stances of the _ . _ . . d- _ . - i- . wi. ! m easure's passage may Interest thoseBrown, co lor.* , of 43 P a n n .r lT .n l. ( wko | f | un. . . q M , B, ^ ' w lth , h. m. „ .avenue i ner o f turn ing the w heels In the leg-

"SU'-b a thing as Mr. H orw lts re- j islative cham bers. The bill provides sorted to sm acks of m edieval tim es j for th e addition o f a road from Csm- and certain ly haa no part In our mod- den to Toms R iver to the sta te high- ern schools." declared J. Henry Bach- way system and m eans sn expenditureeller, president o f the Board of Edu- ! o f many thousands o f dollars, yet It Is j Ing the greater part o f the last session,cation, today. * doubtful If any member o f the House. • but as the mom ent for qu itting ap- i

Mr ’ Bacheilar added that he had except M ajority Leader Corlo. who | proached A ssem blym an Rowland o f jtaken the m atter up already with Mu- handled It. inqulrad Into Its provisions, j Camden w as In th e chair There wereperintendent o f Schools Corson on the | . Minority Leader G eorge attem pted the usual encom ium s during wnlch I

ten ta tive ly w ith the evident intent of throw ing It Then he changed his mind and put It down. When the mo­th* n to adjourn came eventually ttie ais les and most of the floor space shout the desks were covered with a thick blanket o f loose paper and hooks.

A ssem bly man H ershfteld of Passaic took the place o f Speaker Evans dur

her of tim es.T h e ch ief and Patrolman Thomas

Murren. suspecting a signal, ran for tha house, Murren to the rear, and Just as he reached there a man got out of a w indow on the second floor and dropped from the roof of a low e x ­tension , then ran across the lota. Mur­ren took up the chase and flrad sev ­eral shots, but the fugitive got aw ay Murren la certain that h

At th is Juncture ] and Seerey o f localters. w ho orlgtnally naa iracea owner- ] \ name. Then n# turned the call over .*••*....«—w J •«»»*- ***„ L P- c* r *o Nut icy and had I th« ,nat™ ^ ,on ™ « “»Htea. | to A ssistan t Clark Parker The m inutes particularly b itter—seem ed to be for

'* m eet n ext y J nf m * House w ill show the bill passed gotten In tha joy of finding that the

at he hit the man JV. _h_ _ . *r0nld take It up fur- lo th ® ro ,l on th* w *l. but he w as many o f the m em bers sounded theDetectives Gannwi r>r . •„ » * » greeted w ith cries o f *,A ye,‘ froki s ll praises of Mr. E vans and the majorityI police headquar- " . _ , h _# parts of the | |o u s e In answ er to every and m inority lenders. All the figh ts ofhad traced owner- *nd t etar A- c a v ic k (nam e. Then he turned the call over the session—and som e o f them were

asked C hief 8u tcllffe to be on the m lttee w ill Ipokout. arrived la the police car and • night, w ith th e N utley officials began to I "If there was school th is com ing search the entire neighborhood for the J week." Mr. B acheller went on. "I

would recommend or Instruct Dr Cor­son to suspend Mr. H orw lts tem po-

by II to 9, hut seven men recorded In 1 end had at laat come.

M w orth noting that the Communist cam paign against Poincare, carried on

m issin g man, but In vain.H orseback H a st Begwn.

D uring their search the police, with gu n s drawn, entered a barn, badly scaring the owner, who was In It. W hen the latter learned the m ission of the police, he saddled some of the

ell. prom inent in Philadelphia and New York society.

Returns for More Data.Mr. M itchell came to New York laat

i n igh t in response to a request from {h orses which he leases by the hour to 1® axtrem lat fashion and for d ifferent ‘ — - *- ‘ * “enda. w as not very different In th e ; facta used from the widening Liberal ! opposition to the national b loc.f

Liberal opinion is as em phatic aa j tha Communist In d lsappovlng the I afternoon

rarily pending an Investigation by the instruction committed:"

"It w as very foolish for H orw lts to resort to such tactics," is the view of Superintendent o f Schools Corson. "The only th ing I can do Is to reprl-

d him and I w ill request his ap-


Girl Shot by Suitor Oxford Defeats Who Ends Own Life Cambridge Eight

further data" afterRahr enterprtee .„ * |B »Btlc lp a ttn * I 'O -P 110"* convarretlon w ith tta, .a -

w ! distant

j before they arrived another [ hurriedly left the hou*| Mra. Nelson was taken to Newark ! Pollcfe Headquarters where she Is now i being questioned w hy she was blow ing

Lakehurst Clerk Wounded by For­mer Fiance in Critical Condi­

tion at Hospital.

*_•« . I prosecutor.It* failure. S ig n , o f . c o u n try w id e | , n m, u lng kno wn yesterday his in-•w ta g toward tha le ft—against the re- | tention further to question "Mr Mar- ............... .....actionary extrem ists o f the r lgh C -are | shall." Mr. Pecora said he hoped to j the horn of her car when stopped'by tnerm ulng re fast that rumors are now | o'***1" from h,m »ny Information re- I C hief B utellffe__ . .. , . . I gardlng a tip that the g irl had been i When, tw i affable youns men strolledfly r* th a t the governm ent is g e il- ; k illed after she had refused to Join In i into the candy and soft drink store of oggly considering the advisability o f a plot to blackm ail hlgi. Mr. Pacora’s ; Spreckelsen at 9:20 this morning, they H ading an excusa to precipitate e lec- theory w as that "Marshall" had gone ' smilingly displayed interest in an Easier lian a before the Ruhr outcom e la de- tw ,h e m odel’s suite the night before basket long enough to draw the store- Cided A rgum ent for auch a course 1s I *h<? w as #,aln 1# ra»aln ^ t*p® w ritten , keeper to the rear of the store, then sud-

. *** ; her, and that the blackm ailers, fin d ing I denly they ordered him to "stick 'em up."■m h an th e fear that next year lib- th em selves thwarted, turned on her. | j “ *Von 8preckelsen handed over a $2erallam w ill be so ripe that it w ill { Mr. M itchell is a son-in -law of Ed- i bill and som e small change from his■weep th e country. ward Tow nsend Stotesbury, P h lladel- pocket, om ittin g to give the men the

Tba L ib era l, declare that th e Ruhr he*<l "f Dr“ *‘ * c ° ,4 ®. •* bU1* h* had ln -»»!•« *nd B„„ ___________ R M . ______enterprlae la backed by French °.! P h “ *d' lpi;U „and » ^ ™ b«r I* u * Wh,Ch ‘? * Jr dld , ",d- »«*- r.anca or other act o f authority here-enterpriaa la B U M py rvp n cn f|rm o f j p Morgan i t Co. of New cauae th ey w ere too considerate to o»rr> tofor. „ r hereafter paaae<1. adopted, ap-

‘ proved, made or g iven by any person

though the school law pro in fliction o f corporal punishm ent on children by teachers, it does not pro­vide any penalty If such punishm ent Is adm inistered. He added that he co n ­sidered Air. H orw lts* action in the - cla ss o f corporal punishm ent and th e j special Service the SK W B. only recourse the parent* o f the boys J^AKEHTRST. March 2 4 —Facin g the had w as a c iv il suit. I . . . . „ a1-,

The section o f the achool law tu , * ,r! » ho had returned hia engagem ent w hich Dr. Corson referred reads: I rln*f which stm had worn for more

"No principal, teacher or other per- than a year, Jack Boyd. vete*an of son em ployed or engaged In nny ca- j tfi« chem ical w arfare service, ended paclty in any school or educational in- _ , , . . . .atltutten w hether public or private. | h l’ P'»»» «t 2 o clock thle morn-shall Inflict or cause to be Inflicted j In* w ith these words:

Dark Blue Crew, with Two Ameri­

cans as Members, Shows Way

to Rivals in Thames Classic.

Return of Ring Led to Tragedy' First Victory Scored Since 1913

corporal punishm ent upon any pupil atten d ing such school or institu tion . | and every resolution, bylaw, rule, ordl-

"if I can t ’ have you, nobody else will."

PUTNEY. England. March 24 (By the Associated' Press).-- The Oxford %r*w, stroked by W. P Meilen. American, d e ­feated Cam bridge over the four- sn d -on e-b a lf-m lle Putney-to-M ort lake rout sc on the Tham es River today In their annual in tervarsity race. Oxford finished a length ahead o f her ancient rival.

Meilen Is one o f the tw o American members o f th e victorious crew Me is

m eta llu rg ists liv th e hope o f forcing j York German Industrial lata to yield them a ; A Hat o f tw en ty-th ree articles, con- atxty par rent. Intarast In tha Ruhr I f 1",'.!"? “ f. fA * A "d _hl.ndb.*.f*:m ines In return for a forty per c e n t in ­ valued a t 914,995. belonging to Miaa

carry th e aearch so far.B efore bidding the stpre keeper a or persons whom soever, natural or arti-

pleaaant "good-bye," the two rifled a fic ia l, perm itting or authorisin g cor-caah draw er and a cash register of poral punishm ent to be Inflicted upon

. . . . . . . | K eenan, waa aent to pawnahopa a s , f 49.95. A fter leaving the store, they any pupil attending or that may a t-tereat In th e Lorraine foundries. This f m issing property by Inspector Cough- j entered a sm all closed car parked in tend any .achool or educational inatl-project th e Germans are res istin g In , Hb - The m ost valuable piece o f Jew- { Second avenue nearby, and drove away, tu tlon s h i l l be henceforth v£ld and o f favor o f g iv in g the French on ly forty > •*** diam ond ring w ith | W hen th ey were given chase by anP*r cent. h . « k . B *hr m l . . . , r e u .n ln . jtha contrelltaK Intaraat them selves. J c ig a rette caae. w ith tha Initial “K." ret j ^ * , . * .

The Llbarala conaldar that F rnnm la i In w ith roaa diamonds, waa valued a t —awn* T a s a t f d s a r Vaani Aid.up acaina* dlffleultlaa a tlffsr than Is oftielattV adm itted, sa y ln f th a t tw o- thirds o f tba Lorraine Induatrlas ara new abut down for lack of coke aad that the UMI* at**l th ey are produotn* th*y are unable to *oll because th e Ger­m ans haa* w holly underbid them la a ll m ark at* w here the Lorraine factories form erly sold. Hence there I* destroyed on* a ( tha Chief French n egotia ting points in th eir claim for a share of Gartaah m etallurgical m arkets. This corrsapoatdlagly g iv e s Germans ex tra n eg o tia tin g strength.

B il l in g B ritish Crel.A aothar M ftoua point, according to

tbo Lfberalo, la the fa c t that Gormans BOW b u y in g real t a g supplies from England, are guaranteeing to E nglish lat*r*ata akaraholdlnga la th e Ruhr SAiarp rlnaa a fter Reuldatton o f the y PMWfc a^ *»tn r». *o wh*a th* French h * « te X M tU I IIW I they w ill find tkam aalv** fa stn g a b ig Aaglo-G arm aa eoathinatton In th * Jtnluf.

T Iharal orator* w ho are now g o in g about lectu r in g French audiences a lon g the*# t a r e are ga in in g tea se g ftea tto a and th *r claim th at public a p la M i i s Already being pargad g n tiw lt o f th e daluatoa o f g e tt in g reparations from tha Rnhr.

W hile It lo too early to taka th ree l ip u ta t i tn ir o f th e L iberals aa d ef- la tte ly rag lliod their prarenm can s a t r e ig r e w * . ; ~C- 1 U

Platt Adams I* Appointed •"Chief Inspector of Boxing

f r o m c m o m mwarn jrlfi. . .. . . ■B M W * March i t .—Aarem hlym aa

F la tt Adaaui o t South Oraag* wag to - ' ga y appotateg by m ate O ontroll*r

i l f | - n s o S m H i w W f ** *sa la ry * f l* .**t. Thn app*lnta**at w a s autg* m»g*r th* te n s * * f th* maaaur*

w p w a w w *^ . f l i ’I M l i k o f th a

to tha, coa

*909. \Mrs. M itchell riurprlarg.

PALM BEACH, F la . Marroh 24 (JP). — Mrs. J. K. M itchell o f Philadelphia, w ife o f John Kearaley Mitchell, named by A ssistan t D istrict Attorney Pecora In N ew Yor btoday a s the m ysterious "Mr. Marahall." today professed utm ost surprise when acquainted w ith the d e ­ta ils o f th e announcem ent.

Married aa H eiress la 1MB.PH ILA D ELPH IA March 24 (JP).—J.

K earsley M itchell, announced ln New York as the "Mr. MarqhaU" In the D orothy Keenan case. Is flfJy-one years old, son o f the la te L ieutenant Colonel N athaniel Chapman M itchell, and a neph ew o f th e late Dr. S. W eir M itchell, noted neurologist and w riter. He m arried F rances B. Stotesbury, the you n ger d a u g h te l o f Edward T. S to tes­bury, on January 9, 1999.

Mr. Stotesbury gave h is daughter on h er w edding day a check for 9L000.900 and Jew elry valued a t 1599,909. Two years la ter Mrs. Stotesbury gave the yo u n g pair th e beautifu l Red R ose Manor, one o f th e fin est country places In A m erica, situated a t V lllanova near th le City. I t Is an esta te o f more than 999 acres. T hey have a town house here "and a sum m er residence a t Bar Harbor. Me.

Mr. and Mrs. M itchell have tw o c h il­dren, a daughter about tw elve years old aad a son several years younger. T he pair are exten sive entertainers and a re am ong the m ost prominent in ex clu siv e socia l circles o f the city. Mr. M itchell la a member o f many P h ila ­d e lp h ia clubs aad o f clubs la New York a M Boston.

M ra M itchell Is w ith her father and step m oth er a t their w inter home, "El MlrasoL" one o f the show places o f P alm Beach. Mr. M itchell receatly re­turned from F lo r id a No Immediate m em bers o f th e fam ily were in th e p ity , todap w hen th e New York aa* h ou acem en t waa made.

no force or e ffect.’"I probably w ill m ake a report of

Mr. H orw its's action and the result of (Continued on 2d page. 4th colum n)

T he tw o w ere about tw enty-four years old and wore dark overcoats.One w ore a cap and the other a hat.OnW w aa apparently attem pting t*> grow a m oustache. Both were dressed n ice ly and spoke pleasantly through­out the robbery.

The. storek eeper w as alone at the tim e th e tw o entered.

W hen the tw o caught s ig h t o f bas­ic tots o f E aster eg g s w ith toy rabbits crouched In eaeh, one displayed in ­terest. He w alked to a table of baa- keta tow ard the rear o f the store.

"I th in k she'd like to eat these." he rem arked. "Can you change this rabbit for a candy one."

The storek eeper came from behind th e soda fountain to w ait on the, two.W hen he bent over the basket the J lr st I Humanity that sweltered yesterday may m an ordered "Stick 'em up!” "8t1ck j shiver tomorrow hereabouts. On the last 'em uo!" echoed the man behind Von j day of winter this neck o’ the woods was Spreckelsen. And up they went. Both visited by a snow flurry and three days poin ted la fg e black revolvers at the later-—yesterday—came a thunderstorm.

From Sweltering Heat

To Cold Snap and Frost Weather’s Latest Tidbit

Thunderstorm Almost on Heels of Snow Hurry Forerunner of

Chilly Wave.

surprised storekeeper. The one tn the rear nudged him with the point o f the gun

"Hand over w hat you've got," he de­manded.

Von Bpreckelaen edged toward the rear door, he says, and attem pted to open It suddenly, but found the door locked. A s he put h is hand on the knob both m en became threatening and told him to leave th e door. He then handed over th e 92 bill and the sm all change.

Too G entlem anly to Bearrh Him."They w ere so/ gentlem anly they did

n ot g o Into my pockets,” he aald. later, producing a w a lle t from hla £lp pocket. U contain ed 949 in bills*

"Lucky I th ought o f leav in g th is there," he said. ;

W hile one covered the storekeeper, th e o th er w ent to the cash register. Tharq w a s on ly som e change Inside. T he sum o f n in ety-five cen ts w ss tak en o u t and a quarter w as le ft. When he w en t to th e other side o f the store he found a wooden cash draufor there. H e took $99 In b if li end 994 In change.

*X>ood-bye," they called to von Upreekeleen a s th ey le ft by w ay o f the fro n t door.

A s th ey disappeared through the fro n t door von Spreckelseu le ft by the rear and dashed Into th e butcher shop o f Adam B rothers next door e t 399 B ellev ille avenue, where he told Arthur Adam o f th e robbery-

W ith sev era l custom ers fa llow ing th ey van to th e corner o f Second end B ellev ille avenue* In tim e te see the tw o M f - « 9 m en leisurely step Into a rnnsU closed oar they had le ft parked n ear th e corner and drive south.?Aa automobile met and passed the

Oar o f th* JtoMMip men. The group of pursuers h a u iu fht* oaf. A man had woman in the car. whose names are unknown* turned about Adams en­tered the an# w ith them and they gave

Now It is on the weather curds that frost will str ive tonight, not only In New­ark, but a s far south as Southern Georgia, and cold wave warnings are hung out n* regions to .the north.

The snow, though only a flurry, fe ll W ednesday afternoon on the la st day of w in ter sn d the thunderstorm cam e yesterd ay afternoon—not much more o f a thunderstorm than the snow was o f a snow storm , but s t ill a thunder­storm on th e second day o f spring. Just before th e therm om eter took the drop th a t w as probably m erely a n ­other sign th at yesterday's high te m p ­erature o f 79 degrees, w a s not to be taken as m eaning th at w inter, though form ally dead, haa actu a lly passed on.

The fu ll extetot 7>t th e tum ble a c ­com plished hy the m ercury since y e s ­terday afternoon w as 24 degrees, to th e low point o f 43 a t 7 o'clock th is morning.

F a ir and colder ton igh t and tom or­row, stron g north w est w inds, is th e o fflc la t forecast for N ewark and vicin ity .

T em peratures today—-9 A. M., 46 d e ­g rees; 7 A. M . 49 degrees; noon. 49 de­grees. H um idity— 7 A M., 97 percen t.; noon. 49 per cen t. W ind at soon — N orthw est, a t 29 m iles an hour.

Tem peratnrea yesterday— H igh, 79 d egrees; tow , 49. degree*; average. 40.9 degrees. H um idity— High* 190 percen t.; low , 91 per cent,; average , 77 per cen t. P reva ilin g w ind—S o u th w est; m axim um velocity . 99 m iles per hour. RalnfaU*"w<9 Inch. C haracter o f day— Cmdjr?

T em peratures one year a g o today— H tgli. 99 d egrees; low* 99 degrees; a v ­erage , 19 degrees. C haracter o f day— Clear.

Drawing a revolver from hla pocket, ! f rom New York, tw en ty years old. snd h . fired , t th , s ir l. mlreln*. A , .h« , «•>, hret * trok . Oxford h a .. . . * ' j B - - , I had a lnc. th« war. K .lth K an. of N .wtu rn .* to fire, he ,h o t V ain. th . bul- ■ port, H g A , American *•-let piercing one o f her lungs. Boyd ] is No 4. In the crew . Meilen v ,.•# then turned the gun on him self, fir in g ! *>t|l 1®9 pounds end had never .wed three tim es. One of the bu llets went | in * . v®r ,*ty even t before. On Uo other through h „ h e a r , and h . dlad a lm o.t J* f i g g S T " " " u ^ n £Instantly. | w ster a n i on the gridiron.

The g ir l, Mlsn E thel Richmond o f i The rival e ig h ts go t o ff e t 6 i fth is place, n ineteen years old, a clerk . ° clock th is afternoon. • At the firstin Silverm an's departm ent store In i m>'* mark Oxford w as lead in g by a Lakewood. Is In a crltlra l condition at J U^arter o f a length , hotly pressed by the Paul Kim ball H ospital. * ambrldge. At the end of two m iles

The sound o f the shots #w oke her .1 * K torc w as s t ill ahead and had in ­mother. Mrs. ty in iq m Richmond, and ! f.reaa<. !**J®P* 9*_9>af# a length. The*


From the Trenton Bureau o f | | f J .V/.VQ \K M ’S

TKEN'TON. March 3 4 — T^ank I from wlfBtn all blesatugs flow,"

That was Governor Hilser s i turn when the legislative correepon went to him in a body last night M d him that the Legislature about to adjourn sine die. Me been asked if he cared to commuatl the session.

"You m ean "praise Ood,' don't ; GovernorT" he w as ssked. 1

No ; thank Ood la good enough,** repiled.

If they stay, they couldn't more good." he said, "and If they I they can’t do any more harm."

The Governor ie preparing a ment reciting what he thinks accomplishments of the session will Issue it Monday.

brought her to the parlor. She found her daughter gasp ing on the floor and the body o f the man ly in g nearby.

B a la n c e B egan a Year Age.The romance, w hich ended In

tragedy, began more than a year ago w hile Boyd w as at the I*akehurst Prov­ing Grounds In a branch o f the chem i­cal w arfare service, where experim ents were carried on In the use o f deadly gases. W hen the proving grounds were elosed about a year ago, Boyd w as d is­charged. He w ent to Jersey Ulty to live, returning to L akehurst a t lntsr- vala to v is it the girl. He w as about th irty years old.

It w as a week ago that the girl re­turned the ring to Boyd. Yesterday the ex -serv ice man came to Lakehurst and last n ight escorted the g irl to th4 Firem en’s ball here. They remained there until 1:20 o'clock.

The young wom an ie^a niece o f Mrs. Ivy Glberson, who w as sentenced to life Im prisonm ent laet fa ll for the murder o f her husband, W illiam , e t tbelr Lakehurst home the m orning <ff A ugust 14 lest.

JERSEY CITY. March 24 (Special). —The city directory here lists a John Boyd as liv in g at 171 F ifth street. Members o f an Italian fam ily living there said that no one o f that name waa an occupant o f the house now and w as not known to them.

The local police are seek in g trace of Boyd’s connections here.

Inquiry made a t Governor’s Island yielded the Inform ation that when the L akehurst Proving Grounds were I abandoned the enlisted men w ere transferred to the Edgewood Arsenal, near Baltim ore. Md.. o f which Captain Moyer Is In charge.

From another source It w as learned th at Boyd waa a firem en em ployed by the P enn sylvan ia Railroad at th is city, that' ho had en listed a t M eyerstown, Pa., October 21. 1919.

A local o ffic ia l o f the P ennsylvania Railroad said that th e road had had an em ployee w hose name w as John M. Boyd, but th at he had qu it th e vom-

Oxford shell drew farther ahead in the next mile, and a t the three-m ile mark was leading by tw o lengths. Cam­bridge gained a lit t le during the laat mile, but o x ford m anaged to finish a full length in front.

H uge crow ds lined both banks of the Tham es for hours before the race began. The w eather w as Ideal, with bright sunshine and lit tle winds, and the river w as balm.

Oxford Won th e toss and choae to row on the Murrey, or so uthern side, of (Continued on id page,"47h column)

Messenger for Rippel Robbed, Thieves Mail

Back Nearly All Loot— I U'Grt h fur Inf Ilia

F ro m th e T tr u to n B u rea u o f tk o-V/.VQ A g l l g.

TRENTON. March 24.—ThlrtF«! new U wn w ere made by the Lsgtg in Its fin a l session , which sndad » 15 o ’clock last night. In ovef>*vf vetoes o f G overnor Kilter A If*Joint reso lu tion waa adopted d#Sj • he G overnor’s disapproval.

The m ore Important measured* through by th e R epublicans w ere: ( specif tret Ions, election ioveetlggjfl bureaus in E ssex and Hudson ©oqq. Fascoe w ater b ills and the boxlaRj. per. The resolution provides for f In vestigation o f the bridge v m | the Htate H igh w ay CommltsICAf c n tly ou sted by the Governor. .V * ■

D espite Inform ation given qjtf before th e h ou ses met that the ernor’a v e to e s o f several road grab i would be a llow ed to stand th ese pushed through.

The H ouse d ev iated from Its sst>i gram to p ass th e vetoed b ills Kemblyman K lein o f E ssex prsvlt fam ily and tra ffic courts for Nex and Jersey C ity, but the bills the Menate.

The Senate m ade more or lei Joke o f the c lo sin g hours by Jamg through the n ine road grab ftete toed by th e Governor There v i | i _ cam p aign in g and trading o f VOta2|. the floor. M inority Leader nim pwl^L Hudson h elp in g out the R epubltee| where he could. He said, aa a reg that there waa ao much trickefjU' dou b le-crossin g g o in g on, both hetH^ R epublican m em bers and b e tw e e n parties, th at he fe lt he ought te j out men who had been good to

For in stan ce: Senator YYal(worth 1 a bill ad d in g a route. He got tetl t Sim pson hadn't voted. He w a lk ed ! to W allw orth and asked w he™ ! tricked him W allw orth pointed- Senator Sm ith o f Passaic. The noticing th e m otion, loudly said he hadn't— th at be never v o t ld l , the bill. Senator Sim pson immedlafi

eleven th vote ftg j denounced Mr.

worth for in flu en cin g Sim pson bju" alleged untruth .

Securities Snatched in New York wre". ^ T S S X Z from Coat o f Runner for New­

ark Investment Banker*.

r l t rSeven Newark city bonds, valued at 17,000 and some Standard OH stock valued at 91.000 were returned by the first mail this morning to J. 8. Rippel Co.. Invest­ment bankers of this >cHy. after having been stolen from a messenger of the firm tn the Equitable building In New York yesterday afternoon.

The thieves retained two vouchers for other securities which they will not be [had a route bill v able to realise on, and one $500 Liberty ler ty o f hi* ow

sponsoring the m easure V> g e t more and he w ould ^ up ply the eletrg and he did. Kenators Pierson. 8ter Case and W httney w ere power!sgg l prevent th e trading. Senator P a rv $ | Ketex w a s th e only other member ; stood w ith them .

Richer**** M ar a t O m r s s a The w id est la titu d e w as given

bera to put over their bills. A roll ca lls w ere allow ed. If ne Once, w hen Senator Mackar waa |q || chair and ther»- was a lull, he "Han any Senator * pet bill be w tiH H j

Senator R o b e H ij h ran a lo e * Ilfi H f

Burlington.bond of the 4 ^ per cent, denomination. * {didn't w ani to v •• for It bee

The Rippel firm has been In business ! m ight be «aid h« was doing so here for thirty-two yearn, and this 1* the j him self and made u plea for Y e tq .^ —- first experience It lias had with robbery, th is ground He got them from - JBhip^L Ingenuity was shown by the thieves In • »tors w ho thought It w as rather MR. the manner In which they obtalne# the him to tak e a chance on lo s leq 1 |B | | package of.securities carried by the men bill rather than to vote for It h lM M E^g eenger. Indicating that they had planned ! S("n* u a iy th in g s w ere said M l B r ^ the theft with a degree of .-are out of the passage o f the vetoes. During

| proportion to their net gain. debate * n the h igh w ay lnveailgf<flB8|^gJ The boy messenger, a Rippel employee, (resolu tion for Instance. Senator 2tMMg

had taken his coat off in a wash room !a^d,, aU • ort* o f kRtlmatte®a NRgHgI and hung It on a hook. Two strangers [ Iceders In the D em ocratic party Wjjm t j passed him. snd one of them dropped some j ,n on ,n connection With m mJ coins at the messenger's feet and asked j Amboy b ild gc . Here le one th ing. q| | | jf

him to help pick them up. As he stooped h* ,,i . -.ngHBto oblige, the other thief reached into his Two exp erts gave estim ates o f i p |g f coat and lifted the package of securities. ' a,u# of. land tn.v.otY?d - M L the two then making off. *a ", l ta w a# v e r th |* 9 M 9 9 I f J i i S L

The .robbery w as im m ediately r#. president o f th e Terth Amboy ported to t h , Rlppol firm by te l/p h o n , 11 ".>?■“ ■*■“ ! !°okby th , m rerengcr and bro.dcret °* 1'^ d lr r e 'o r . o f th a t re»y r U tfinancial tick er* It w o , a l„ . com- ' ?**?*"* b ” . . ' . ' T H*____. . . . . 11 don t im ply any aigmificanee, but ttrm u n ir e l^ to police »nd othre x tith o r l-k |H l t „ . UK(„ u *11 w *t ndt wall wlMB tie* A reault w*« th * . City Commls- h< v , to.^ the resolution."•loner H»«re. director o f revenue and | Th, o o r rr n o r w a# told o f Iht* l#te* finance, notified th e Sinking F u u d |Jind jaUfrhed a t th e s u g g e s t lv e n * « l2 £

Uommiaslon and th e National State lh „ remarW He has been a d i r e e t T S Bank, the only agenclea which could . tx« bank a moWth and a naif, he g m

j pay coupons a ttach ed to the city bonds, j while th e e st im a te w as made tw o yqgjgKL thus e ffec tiv e ly b locking any attem pt j affo !t req uested of the b a a h B B• a wrenltmre na. IKxaua aao.i vtl..n n't. . . . ___ . . — .a

i l S P f

P i at Santiago i d to Write

i Big History Page; American Conference to

P fad d e Problems Added by World War.

M eet in M any Y ea rs'

H fr fc d States Delegation Likely j

to Play Prominent Part in


B ureau of


Hundreds o f Homes Under Water as Unprecedented lee Jam Twelve Miles Long Holds Back Waters o f Missouri

River, Threatening Deluge When Break Takes Place.


■ s i . O f Woohbtgton , g V B S IS O !'(»■«.

aMnHINOTON. M«rrh 14 - T h . firth | hr u> t M brokf,n__lUmal Conference o f Amerfean i #r, a |V, B the name o Mice and the flr»t to be held In | K , W K

la ik e abate ptrrare. rea d ta f fraae le f l la risk*. are j B a a — I*. I . Malian ten yaaada a— A. t . ir t la e I H l t a a b e fy aad M ertaal. ITC M e a d e

by aad Meaaeaaeel. tSI aaaada. I "J. K. fodder I bbrattabary aad W ore* voter) p. Mailed H aaeaed aad B raaraaael. ISA baa a de l a u e a l a

H aariaa and H aem al. Id! aaaada. J—1*. e . Waaa ICaateebarp aad . K. Kane (Harvard and B alH el). IS* raaade. &—J. C. Matter W hite

104 raaade. T—O. O. K lchalU (C lan aad Maddale a ). 1H raa ada. I ira k e » . < lapre rtea I b u l l i o n . MS s a a a da.

W t^ H A . Neb., b ir t h 24 (AeaocUted Fraaa ).— Unprecedented Mammoth Ice fo r g e t la the Mtaaonii fttrer and trlt»- u tarr ttream a aear V erm ilion . 8. I> .M et* City, and Omowp. la., and Dakota City, Neb., today h a te precipitated con- d ittoes a h lch resent a flood to -n a x for a ll the low lands between Verm il­lion and Omaha, the flooding of th ou­sands o f acres of rich farm lands In the three states, destruction o f hut* dreds o f form hom es end s t least the partial Inundation of gtoux City anti"* several leaser t itles snd tow n s

Mors than 444 homes in tbs bottom Inods o f tUous City were untenable j L\ r'

I rt.e In 1 1 . *11

The police t men Men.

fhsrltn* of thirteen >esre w ill open Vgaatlauo, Chile, tomorrow It need#

to consider even’s since the Inst ran*-; In 1»14. the upheaval In

______ ■ affa irs with Its obvious effect*^ E fin sssk en ln a foreign Influence on this nHldMisphero and strengthening the rein*

I position nod Independence of th* pytoas, to realts* that tltts Is likely

the moet Important niestlng of S t so f»r held.

conferences hsv* grown la since the first on*, which was

la W ashington In lll* -» 4 . M la October o f th e former year.

M not adjourn ontll April of tho . Its proceed ing , thus covering s

pJ t o gl* months. Th* second waa J In M exico City la I M l and lasted f | p | months, th* third was hsld at VdO Janeiro In 1144 gad laatod for

I m onths and tho fourth a t Buenos Jn t i l l lasted for s llttlo more

| gtx weeks.[MUpmtaa W rit n»prevented,

r A a u rtol h representation la then# h a s bean particularly d is­

hed. The first wag opened w ith g l by Jam es O. Mains* than

j o f State, w ith Prealdent H ar­r s* a guest o f honor. Ono o f tho

m to th is conference was Carnegie snd hi* Interest la

Hhah International relation* was Jgamd by th s sesatoaa that he eon- id # (several m illions o f dollars for founding o f tb s Pan-Am erican

a-and fo r th * building o f th* m ag- ; structure In W ashington which

fid tP M the arganlaatlon. Henry i'o f W est V irginia w as chairman

_I Am erican delegation a t th* too-l gath erin g and Bllhu Root, tb s Beo-

o f S tats, .waa oh isf American M W H l at th e tMrd. Henry , form erly Amhaeeader to France

Subsequently a member of the tea delegation a t tho Faria Peace once, headed tho American data- a t th * fourth aad meat recant

HUhneMaA conference In ItM .d istinguished American d e le ­

ft!* th l# le s t conferenee were _ _ _ e Crowder. Judge advocate gen -

a # the army d atin g th* la ta war. m o w Am erican Am bassador ta

'aad John B assett Moor*, later 1 Of the State Departm ent snd

P ’ member o f to# Permanent s o f International Justice, founded

L eague o f .MatlOBa.• ' ‘Mng h se gra de Ms ss s g s I M ss or ig in a lly arrangrd that 8ec-

t o f M ato Chat I ts E. H ughes l Journey to M m tlago to open tho I t ceofersnca , hat th s uncertain

o r a ffa irs o f Rum p* has ' pro* hip going. Ho has. how evsr.

S i M essage to th e conferenee w ill he reed by H enry P.

hr* chairm an i f the American Mr. F letch er la a form er

or to Chile and M exico and U pgsM ered to be beet Informed

diplom at In m atters o f South i Central Am erican affaire.

Other members o f th e American Alton are form er Senator Frank il l eg g o f M innesota. A tlas Pom*| f Ohio. W illard Saulaburr o f

M ea n . Or. O eorge E. Vincent, far* I f president o f th e U niversity o f

IWiMota. and now president o f tho e fe ller Foundation, aad Frank C.

"»e o f Vermont, farm er United Minister to Voneeuole.

i S an tiago program adopted In ed- I by th e govern ing board o f tho

■UAMerloan Union, covers n ineteen ‘i B t a a number o f which have to

____ W Hh- reciprocal trade betw eenH jp u rt# * * natlbns Tnl* phase o f the r'WMforeoee also should make It o f the

M l Interest to every Am erican liter . Importer or m anufacturer i t t now Interested In tho dovelop-

H M M o f foreign trade. For tho first U P M th e U nited S ta tes Is en tering a____MAm erican conferenee w ith a fu llyOEM *Itched and keenly fe lt Interest la I#M» Problem o f trad* and commercial ■ M W and much o f the detailed H S M o f the m eeting te expected to P P f » to do w ith K.

t j l h a y Trade Problem s to F ate, ^ a h ie m o e t o f the trade oueetlena to B B fjp nilderod Is e proposal for se tt le ,

oy arbitration or e ll eom m erctel Dther Instructions o f agents

m t to the •Im pllflcstlona e f paae- ", the study o f agricultural prob-

reduction o f m ilitary end oavel Relation*, standardisation o f ual-

verelty curricula and mutual recognl- ■ H M Of th e valid ity of professional de- a B * —» *ba right* of a lie n s protection P m A rcheological end other records noe*

• •e er y to construction of sn adequate p U M flc a n history, progressive dtmunt- | M a Of us* to lntoxloetlng beverages,

cod ification of American laws, con- , tfOl o f Infectious d iseases improved

..transportation and communication.regu lation o f aircraft snd w ireless

PM M m tP by.,un iform ity e f shipping and M *** ranee docum entation, uniform ity | jge c lassification of merchandise, unl- fr a r n i parcel post regulations.' fret p M M f * o f raw m aterials from KUMUtry to anotherw ^ V e r y significant are th# new tub-• loete that ere com ing up. Motor trant-

portatlon h»* been cited for discussionpwM h th e Intercontinental railroad [ project, which ha* been broached in I ftprevlou# conferences. Commercial s ir- | i praft and w ireless com munication ar* | Udubject* which have risen to th# leve! I* Of International interest since the last 1 I, tBUferen»e thirteen years ago.\* 5Vh# proposal of a treaty providing | [cf*V'Commercial arbitration, while It Is I, A hew subject for an American Inler- ftjArilonal conference, has a forerunner fe te the work of private commercial as- p OOCIatlont. The United S u tc s Chemher .. o f Commerce has entered into erbltra- |;d l* » agreem ents with chambers of UUommerc# In several South American ’ countries governing transact Iona be- ' tw osn their respective members, which

proven highly auccesifu l snd f • Mnrk the w sy for sim ilar International

.agreem ents.There is reported to be sentim ent In

s sv e r tl o f the Latin republics for re IfcjfBrtctlon of the use of In to ilcatlng pvlkiuors. In Mexico. It is said, there ts

ooury probability e f a referendum on •Mo question of prohibition In the near UM pf*. I* I* doubtful If anything more I M P discussion of this subject w ill oe- ■ H Ih the present m eeting, but th* iMpklPlcan governm ent hopes to a t least H M ito in terest In the subject of reclp- ■ w p reistion* e f liquor shipm ent In P t tiM# w ith the dom estic law s o f the (iWtotou* countries.l i r w r MfHswltw |n the w sy of such an HMfeMMBaaA lies la the hug* profit* ^ H p l i Cuba, M exico aad other nearby M M ttriO * xra m aking from movement t | # **nt»ub*«d liquor Into the United raMMHA A source o f public and private H iM # o w hich they are loath I o’g ive up B j l j ft'P has bean more actual tr iv e l -M d trad* between the American na-

...J-'M th* l»»* five or six years than j. th * w h o le previous period, aad It to tjh» fo flected fa a fa r closer Interest

dderstlon o f the questions which J p a lH ifr Up a t Santiago In thoH I M f f i K h t i i s K l i . * • '* **jf...-".in ....... t

o f . Robberies Reportedr • to V w h o dsllvsrad eeg s tsb ls s

l l l iO W M ir had to ft M n . A m elia « r to t d lsoovef. 4

^ i t f a U M k f l u r tak U

i l

Whll* m eting the Rights lent nlc*»t W ehrr Rice of Zl Orrae etreet. Wor- r t it f r , Mu>.. went Into t saloon at Plane and Campbell streeta. He had two traveling bags a t the time- Ha woke up today In a doorway In A cad­emy street minus his hags. He doeaft't know when b« left the saloon or bow he got iq where he w as when he cam e to. Rice notified the police. The bags contained clothing and linen.

Republican Women’s d u b May Occupy Plum House

Announcem ent has been made by Mrs. John D. Berry Jr.# v ice chairm an of th e Republican County Com m ittee, that aegotla lions art about to he com ­pleted by the Essex County W omen's R epublican Club for securing as club headquarters the old 8tepben H- Plum house. I t Peril plaoe. The club’s fo r ­m er headqsarters w as a t Id Park place.

The bu ild ing adjoins th s Robert Treat H otel and |s owned by the hotel company. The property and the one adjoin ing a t No. H were purchased by the hotel com pany In l i l t w ith a vlehr o f erectin g a m illion-dollar addition. P lans w ere prepared, but no steps erer tak en to be^tn construction.

Three Years at Hard Labor Sentence Given to Nelson

A letter w as received by Chief; Long today from Oeorge O. Henry, ch ief Inspector o f police o f Baltim ore, s ta t­in g th at Percy E. Nelson, a lias Robert M. Nelson, who w as turned over ta th e police o f th a t city tay Captain Brax a couple of w eek s ago, w as sentenced Thursday to three years at hard labor In the Maryland Penitentiary. It waa on w orthless chock transactions that N elson w as arrested here by D etec tlv e s Sw eeney and Schumann for the B altim ore f police.

B e Ison disappeared some tim e ago a fter com ing to th is city from Stanhope w ith a load o f eggs. H ts truck w as found an Mulberry street and h is dls appearance w as a m ystery. H is term o f Imprisonment. If commuted for good behavior, w ill expire Septem ber 21 IttS .

Foster Trial Jury Tampering Hinted

Worker** Party Executive Secre­tary Testifies Radicals Now

Have Legal Policy.

Defense Offers Camden Affidavit*

Ancient City Ready To Greet Hardings

College. Oxford, w as second w ith t t feet m laches.

T avls Huhn. formerly e f Princeton, com peting for Oxford, won the » • - yard hurdle*. H. M Abrahams o f Cam­bridge won the quarter-m ile run. W. E Stevenibn of Oxford and l^ iaceton was second.

Oxford won seven of the elevenSt. Auguitine in Gala Attire for ! even t* American student* a t Oxford

won tw o firsts, tw o secon d s tw o thirds snd tied for second In another e v e n t

Deisler Not Man Given Money By Court for {Motor License

Yn sta tin g yesterday th a t Harold Delator o f II Paine avenue, Irvington, w a s before the T raffic Court T hurs­day n igh t <fo a chars* o f d riv in g an auimmobile w ithout a license and had beetfL given f t by Judge Murray and th e prom ise to g e t him a license. In­stead o f a fine, th e Newfe w as In error.

D eisler w as before th e court on a charge o f f»ot having h is license w ith , him and w as paroled. Judgo Murray could not remember the nam e o f th e m aa to whom he had been len ient, but th e records Indicate It w as a man w ho had given hie name as G eorge Thom p­son aad h is address a s I I Mulberry street. There Is a lodging frouse at th a t address, but Thompson w as not known there. It w as sta ted in answ er to Inquiries today.

The reason for the len iency o f the Judge In the case o f Thompson w a s the story told by the defendant th at, h a v ­in g been out o f work for a long w hile and havin g to support h is m other and a crippled cousin, he had tak en a i position as a chauffeur and hop ing to | g e t by w ithout a license un til he had J worked h im self out o f h is f in a n c ia l, d ifficu lties , when he intended to g e t a license. ____ *

Harrison Informally Indorsed by *92 Class for Princeton Board

The cxfldidaey o f J. Henry Harrison, form er prosecutor, for the com ing va ­cancy on the board o f trustees o f Princeton U niversity w as Indorsed In­form ally last n igh t at the ann ual re­union and Informal dinner o f the Princeton cla ss o f 18B2 a t the Yale- Princeton Club, New York.

Mr. Harrison ta a candidate for the alum ni trusteeship for D istrict No. 2. w hich Includes New .Jersey , M aryland and Delaware.

Am ong other members o f the d a te who were present were Vice Chan­cellor Church, Edward D. D uffleld , president of (he Prudential Insurance Company; Professor V. Lansing Col­lin s o f Princeton, secretary o f th e un i­v ers ity , Brigadier G eneral Richard Coulter o f Greeneburg., Pa.; Sheppard Rom ans of Englewood. Jam ea C. B rew ­ster o f Short H ills, Cheeter B ayless Sf Caldwell. J. W. Rufus Besson o f H o­boken. Pierre F. Cook o f Jersey C ity. John L Rank In o f South Orange. Peter Vredenburgh of Freehold and Charles Spooner, son o f the form er W isconsin Senator, who presided a t th e m eeting in the abeence o f the c la ss president.

ST. JOSEPH. Mich.. March 24 < Asso­ciated Press).—Triers was no session to ­day of the trial of William Z. Foster of Chicago for violation of Michigan's syndicalism law. Adjournment over the week-end was taken last night with the defense only partly presented. Adjourn­ment was followed by rumors of Jury tampering

While state officials refused t o discuss those reports. Judge Charles White re­called the Jurors and, after barring news­papermen from the court r o o m , conferred with them five minutes. He declined to say why tha Jury had been recalled.

Charles E. Ruthenberg. executive secre­tary of the Workers' party. Successor to the Communist party, a defense w it­ness. gave a lengthy hlatory or radicalism and testified that the s ta te s case rested on a program abandoned five m onths prior to the arrests. He said the Common let convention raided here last August was failed for the purpose of adopting a legal program for the Workers’ party.

T ells e f %e«e m Change.He testllfed that when the conven­

tion voted on the question, advocates o f the Workers* party were defeated by one vote, they castin g 22 votes aga in st 2S cast by the so-called "goose caucus." composed o f the radical e x ­trem e le ft w ing. "K97," a governm ent agent, who attended the convention as a d e legate apd who testified as the sta te ’s star w itness, adm itted he was In the "gooes caticus.” Ruthenberg w as gtlll undergoing d irect exam ina­tion when the day closed.

H e testified that there la no Com­m unist party In America at present-— th at It w ent out o f business a fter last fa ll’s convention, having been su c­ceeded by the W orkers’ Party.

The defense read yesterday a num ­ber o f depositions taken a t P h iladel­phia and Camden. N. J., In an effort to attack the credibility o f Francis Mor­row. known a s **K97." The depositions, made by th e secretary o f the Socia list party a t Philadelphia and members of the Workeiw* party a t Camden, stated th at Morrow’s reputation for truth and veracity w as bad.

Nineteenth Visit of President to Winter Resort.

Dines# of Afflicted

Child Rouses Interest In Her Neighborhood

In the neighborhood o f the home o f Mr. and Mrs. John F. O'Brien p f (80 Summer avenue, the serious illn ess of their tw elve-year-old daughter, A gnes Mae O’Brien, who has never been able to w alk, has arouaed unuaual in terest and fee lin g of sym pathy. As la cu s­tomary, the child's c lassm ates a t the parochial school of Our Lady o f Good Counsel Roman Cathollo Church have


mf £ v.y.-’f H S M

*ssK ‘ I


Her Hair Torn Out by Handfuls. Woman Charges; Landlord HeldTart o f a charge of aaaault and hot-

tery brought by Mga- Luola M ol, o f SS Hayea atraet axalnat Potar Vucola Is the allegation that ha *»v* h e r tw o b l a c k eye* and a cut ovar th* le f t oy* and ala* fora out two handfuls o f bar h a i r . Vucola. who Urea at SO V lncant atreet. was arrested yaaterday aad held In f t 404 had for exam ination W ,d n » * day by Judge Orlce In th# Fodrtk Pre­cinct Police Court.

The complaint stated that un til last I Saturday Mrs. Mole had Heed a t ST

H ayes atreet in a house* owned by V «- cola. end that as she waa m ovin g a dispute arose over *15 w hich she claim ed *he had paid down Tor another apartment In the l a n , house.

The fourteen-year-old dau ghter * ,f the rqmplalnant also was attack ed . ae> ’ cording to the testim ony, and waa hick In bed a* a re«uU.

Vucola claimed that he had b en t a t- tacked by the woman and her daugh- ter and that he had etmply defended hlmaelf-

Ma* Ague* O’Brien

been praying for Mae daring tha tw o w eek s aha has bean 111 and h a v , kept a votive' candle horning for her. W hile they hav* been out at play they have b e ,i f th lnhlng o f Mae, whom th ey can not evan talk w ith now, becam e ahe I* too sick . She haa redelved th e last rite* o f t h , church.

It 1, because of an Injury to her haek that Mae has never walked- Last summer atie underwent th* f if th op*, ration, and the prospect o f bolng ablo to walk w as grow ing brighter tor Mao until she was taken 111 w ith n s ligh t attack o f pneumonia tw o w soka age. w itk septic poisoning follow ing.

Not since Mae w as confirm ed four years ago haa the m issed receiv ing communion once or tw ice a w eek. She waa taken to the a ltar In her earring* by tho boys of tho aohool. In tho sunny parlor o f Mao's homo Is a picture of her in the white dross she w o r , on confirm ation day. w h ite flo w e r , ia her hair and tier prayer book in M r hand. In th# corner o f tho pnrlor la th* violin case w ith Its vio lin that Maa loves to play. Her music la on tM m etal stand where aho placed It a fter ahe and her e igh t-year-o ld slater Anna had played together. Anna playa tM piano. They are Inseparable lit tle chums.

Mae like* to study, those w ho know M r aay. She !lk»d to atudy oven bet­ter than to play With her Mg doll.

g a y a prayer for her.” the mother te ll* the Inquiring friend*. All w ho know Ms* ar* praying for har. th* mother said.

Daugherty to Rejoin Executive

ST AUOU8TINE. Fix.. March 24 ( IP) Drctacd In har moat gala attire, this anrlant 8panlah-bultt city today waa prepared to welcom e two o f har old w inter residents— President and Mrs. Hording

The President’s arrival hare today waa to mark tha nineteenth conaaov- tlva year in which ha and Mra. Harding have v isited St. Augustine. Years aga. before Mr Harding had attained tho rank of atata officia l or Senator, ho began com ing here for a few w eeks each w inter or spring, aa the editer o f tho Marlon (Ohio) Star.

The arrival here marks the end of th o .hou seboat cruise which started on March 4 at Ormond and extended as far South as Miami. D uring th at ttma both the President and Mra. Harding have obtained the rest which they caihe to Florida to teak, and ha has found more seclusion than perhaps any president has been able to find In many years.

Although the seclusion w ill not bo so great as during the housebost trip arrangem ents have been made to pre­vent any interference w ith h is rest and recreation.

MIAMI. Fla.. March 24 (& }.—A ttor­ney General Daugherty w ill leave Tuesday for 8t. A ugustine to Join President Harding, according to plans announced by Mr. D augherty’* phyal- clan. Dr. J. T. Boone. The A ttorney General probably w ill contlnu* to Aahe- vllie. N. C., and to A tlantic C ity for visits. Dr. Boone said the s ta y a t Miami Beach had hurried th e A ttor­ney General’s recovery.

Wind Smashes Glass# Tears Hole in Roof

On Capitol Building

Broken Fragment* Shower E*»ex

Senator'* Desk, but No

One I* Hurt.

From the Trenton Bures* of the BFB- NIN O S E W 8.

TRENTON. March 24.—The wind and rain storm which swept over thl* c ity , yesterday even ing blew aw ay th irty- five square feet o f the roof o f the sta te house and shattered tw o large w indow s tn the Senate ga llery . A show er o f g la ss descended on thq desk o f Senator Parry o f E ssex and those of others nearby. v

The portion o f the roof destroyed w as over the w est section o f the front of th e building, over th e library. Mos*. o f the Senators were In conference

J rooms at the tim e and no one waa in ­jured.

The temporary wooden victory arc# erected in front of the e la te house at the c lose o f the war. and which waa la ter removed to Stacey Park in the rear o f the sta te house, waa alm ost com pletely demolished.

Slight dam age w as reported In other section s o f the city. A sm all wooden cross atop th* steep le o f the Saerod H eart Roman Catholic Church waa blown away.

Improper to Ask Juror If He Is a Dry Leaguer

Such U Ruling o f Judge RelUub

in Liquor Cm * Involving Ln- Brecque and Other*.

Some Had Admitted Membenhip

Abrahams, w ith h is throe v ictorias for Cambridge, waa tho vIndividual star of the meet. Two varsity records w ere broken by Brown’s shotput o f 42 feot t Inches and Abrahams’s broad Jump of 2S feet 1% Inches.

Cambridge has won tw en ty -s ix of the lntervarslty track moots aad to ­day’s v ictory brings Oxford's to tw enty-four.

American Elected By Rome Congress

Willi* H. Booth. New York Bunker. Named Head of World Cham­

ber of Commerce.

Economic Conference It Favored

ROME. March 24 (A ssociated P ress) — W illis H. Booth of New York and Los Angeles waa today elected p resi­dent o f the International Cham bar o f Commerce. Mr. Booth, who is vice president o f the Ouaranty Trust Com­pany o f New York, has served aa a vice prealdent o f the organisation.

The congress of the international chamber last night passed unanim ously the resolution introduced by th e A m er­ican delegates favoring a world eco ­nom ic conference and also including pronouncem ents on the question o f reparations. Interallied debts. Interal­lied credits and budgets and exchange.

The resolution w as presented to tha Congress by John H. Fahey o f B oston, form er prealdent o f the Chamber o f Commerce o f the Unified S tates, w ho said It represented a statem ent o f th e princip les on which a ll th e Americana reached a common ground; that It w as a stra igh t outline o f tha m easures to be und*?Uk*n If International fin ance aad trad# ware to be returned to n or­mal. Each delegation to tha Congress' had Its spokesm an ta lk In support o f th e resolution, and w ith out any debate It w as passed.

The Italian delegation du rin g y e s ­terday's session presented a m em oran­dum on reparations and in terallied d e b ts The memorandum said repara­tion s hinged on the capacity o f co n ­quered nations ’to pay. It added th a t If the reparations question had boon handled by practical persons much trouble would havo been averted. G er­m any, It w as declared, had on ly paid fiv e per cent, o f th e value o f German production.' which w a s leas than th e sum saved by her by reason o f her dim inished army and navy.

today, aad a tw o-loot rise in the w aters o f Floyd Rlvsr. backing up from tbo Missouri River, would, so - 1 cording to police, inundate an add i­tion al forty residential b lock s The occupants o f the near-river section w ere driven out by pollee last n ight w hen tha sw ollen w aters gradually crept up.

le e F iled Up E leven Miles.An ice gorge reposted to b a te at

taiaod a length o f eleven m iles, and _ w idth In places of seven m iles near B rasefteld Island a t Sergeant B luff, la., south o f Sioux City, is strangu lating th e m igh ty Missouri River. The stream , stren gthened by thaw s and spring floods, is engagsd in a tltanttc s tru g ­g le to break tha death grip. In Ita grapple th e river is d issipatin g Its stren gth In overflow into the lo w ­lands.

A decided drop In tem perature this m orning helped the Ice m ass retain Its grip.

But any moment the river's terrific pressure may triumph, and then its dam m ed up. choked, and denied w aters w ould surge down the valley. A co n ­serva tive Sioux City estim ate placed the num ber o f farm s In the path of such a w ater w all a t tw o thousand.

Ten counties of South D akota. Iowa and N ebraska would bear the brunt of tho onslaught. Among them, esp ecia lly am ong the Iow a counties, are to be found som e o f tbe choicest corn lands e f th e corn belt.

F orces Res iden ts to Floe.L ate la st n ight an Ice gorge formed

near Onawa. la., and flood sta g e d e ­veloped* forcing the residents o f the low land s there to flee. The gorge form ed squth o f the c ity and a t m id­n igh t had grow n to be three and a half m iles long, w ith tow ering Ice p e a k s At th a t hour th* authorities a t Onawa

gave up hope o f shattering the gorgs w ith explosives.

At Verm illion. 8. D.. a gorge formed yerterday afternoon and before m id­night menaced tbe surrounding river districts. Th* gorge caused the Jam es R iver to rise from backed up water. A rapid rise w as experienced early this m otnlng In the B ig Sioux River at Elkpolnt S U.. where conditions s im i­lar to Verm illion were reported.

Sioux Ci*y today w as threatened with Increased perils as the denser became acute that the gorges at V er­m illion 'and E lkpoint m ight break Breaking of the g orges would flood

the low lands bet wean Verm illionand Sioux t ’lty and cause a rise In the Missouri and Floyd rivers at Sioux City.

CMy A gain Threatened.A dan gerous situation w as also de

veloplng early th is m orning at Homer. Neb., the scene of the great 1120 flood, when the town waa virtu a lly wiped out o f existence. At sn early hour th is m orning efforts were being made to dynam ite a gorge that had form ed In Omaha Creek tkere, and had caused a rise o f ftvo feet in a few heurs. flood ing Main street.

How tw o ferrym en rescued W illiam Hanson, w ho had decided to dlo rather than leave hla property on flood- ■wept Brapsfleid Island In the Missouri R iver south o f Sioux City, w hile an aeroplane overhead dropped bombs near them , w ee learned today. Late yesterday When apparently a ll had been removed. C. K elly and Chariot Newton, ferrym en, discovered that Hanson s t i l l waa on the Island, which waa then covered by a foot o f water.

A lthough K elly and Newton bad worked tw en ty -six hours w ithout a rest, rescuing islanders and tbelr pos­sessions. nobody volunteered to aul them and In sp ite o f protestation* started to row through the sw ollen stream . They found H anson on a tiny k n o ll w ith several bead o f l iv e ­stock about him. th e w ater running around th eir feet. Hanson in sistin g he wanted to stick till death. K elly grappled w ith th e Islander, who put up a terrific fight.

W hile the men struggled an aero­plane suddenly began dropping e x ­plosives. Several o f the miasllva struck w ith in 100 yards o f the fight - fag trio. The rescuers finally su c­ceeded In binding Hanson and brought him to shore.

ton Harbor, ha* been ordered by Judge John E. Sater. At adjournment over tb e w eek-end yesterday, the court ten ta tiv e ly set Thursday as the day for conclusion o f the case. Defense attorn eys Indicated four more days w ould be a ll they required, although it had been predicted that the case m ight continue several weeka.

Identity o f th e w ltneaeee to be called Monday w as w ithheld today. Much Interest haa been displayed in tb e early announcem ent that Maryp u r o . i t w it . o f th* a w E jg M y - W " jam ln Purnell, - a * to take the otand.

The defena* called four wltn**,eH la te yootorday, a il o f whom M A M testim ony for th# pla intiff *M ‘ tjj* “Inner clrele", o f tho organisation In-

dulgod in Immoral practice*.

Drunken Driving Held Growing Peril

ctsion only a fter a fa ir hearing an 1 careful consideration o f th e facts."

Dr. Corson said he had not yet re­ceived a w ritten report o f the Inves­tiga tion made yesterday by A ssistant .superintendent o f Schools Charles H. Gleason.

A lexander J. Glennie, principal o f the school, declined today to comment further on the case o f Mr. Horwits.

"I have noth ing to say." he said. "It la \ m atter o f o ffic ia l action."

A sked if he Intended tak ing any ae^ tion on hla own Initiative aga in st the physical director, th e principal replied he did not.

"Mr. H orw its has been w ith our school about three years.'* he w en t on. "He cam e from som e other school, but I do not recall w hich one. ‘He hied a very good record.**

W hat School Board Member* Sap,George A. Allsopp, a member o f tho

Board of Education, when asked hla opinion of tho affair said today: "It seems to me that a man tn tha position of Mr. Horwits ought to havo known hotter, but, coming on top e f this other affair— when a colored girl waa slapped by

to .,. T tt r / _______L t A v ir s l in n ‘ teacher—it seem s to mo something shouldDill Tells Conference Intoxication | ^ done We oufht u» be able to hav*

on Highway* More Dangerous

Than Ever.

Seeks Aid of Other States

bettor discipline without resorting to any- thing like this. Something ts wrong some­where. Reprimanding this man might be enough aa ho won’t do it again.'*

Thomas L R. Crooks, another School Board member, said:

"I don't care to express aa opinion at this time. I probably will know more about it tn a day or two."

__ ________ - 4 ifitdxi- Frederick W. Ball, also a member ofHARRISBURG. Pa.. March 24— m w xi ^ Mid that hls knowledge 0feated automobile driver* are a greater t ^ w u based merely on what ho

"Most Timid Maa” to Pay Wife For Maintenance $ 1 0 a Week

Franc!, P. Duffy « f M Montroa* atraat. a hefty h lackan ith . but who. n*vorth«l**a. haa bran d#acrtb*d by h i , aotlcitor. Howard F. Kirk, aa “t in moat tim id man I have avar m«L" la to aay SI* n weak toward tM nepnrat* main* t.nanco o f Mra Ju lia F, D u ffy o f U Harmon atraat an# M r , daaglttor Dolor**, about ton r*»r* aid. S o i* alao to sa y » eounral Cm a* M M to Edward J. Oilhooly * f toolb ar 4 Q ll- hooly, w ho uronaeutnd Mra. Duffy** aalt. Vlo* Cbaneollar Cburek to d*» ortpd is an oolnloa flltd yuatarday.

M ra .D affy 's cbarM tarlaqtlon o f bar huabaad on t a , witaoaa aland d id not

w it# p i Kirk**, aad V to , C fc u .

iotaM oarlMr In aoam y k a a r d rf e l l gjKmSuuOui",■ mdri

Date of Y.W.C.A Fund Campugn Fixed for Week of April 9 -1 6

Tha T. to , C A. enm palyn to obtain 141,(04 to *nppl«m*nt racatpta from a ll rcyu lar aoorcea o f Ineoaio baa boon oof for April * to 11. Btxty-nln* woman cumpoaa tho cam pa ten com m u­te*. Mr*. J. Henry Barb uKor o f FT Johnaon /avenue In chairm an and M M JMOI* to , Falrlt* o f Id* Hoooylll* a re ­na* to 'Vto* iibton— / .. A t - V ' .’,*

Mow b ora o f t*« toBitojK * to * trdui thl# city, E**t Or*n«*. Orane*. Mob*. tdnly and L yvai, -. _ :- y |

Spittent Forfek C*d» DepoditoT w w to m m4a.:|B» b : j« »d .tb* i t -n u e ss& % s.

From tho Trenton Botuoa o f tb* B F 1 -v / n o s r w t .

TRENTON, March 14.— It to not proper to quoation a Juror drawn to try a aaaa involving allayed violation o f th* national prohibition act te dftw adn* whether ho Ja a member of th* Antl-Salooa League. Thin point wna decided by Judge Rrtlgtab in Federal Court h*r* yootorday after­noon during th* drawing o f a Jury to try Edmund J. LaBrooqut, Joaoyh Eplfani, Looter Cameron bad Joseph A. Barrett. Indicted Jointly fur alleged ooaopirady to bribe Captain William A. Drake, a former prohibition enforcement agent.

Following tho amm o yurauod by Jama* R. Nugent ln n liquor earn enrltor la tha week. John A. Matthew*, representing Eplfani and Cameron, naked each Juror whether he w u a member o f th* ABU" Saloon League. Affirmative aanwarg wor* alven by several, followed by ohaltongeooa tb* part of th* defence. Finally, however, the government objected to tkla line e f questioning aa Improper, aad th* objec­tion w u sustained. Mr, Matthew* con­tinued to aak the queetiona hon o u r , tor th* purpose of haring exception# noted la tb* record.

ta tb* prwioua case la which Mr. Nu- gnat figured In which aa *xo*ytt°*s were taken, fix* of tha Juror* caned war* chal­lenged by th* defence oa th* ground that tjtoy had admitted membership ta th* Antl-ankme League The question pro- aentod to a novel on#, la this JortodlqtMBSt isss i. * t

Tha trial yaMorday programed only U far u th* taking of s o n preliminary testimony by Captain Drake, who will bd recoiled when th* c u n to resumed ea st

Oxford DefeatsCambridge Eight in Thames Classic

(Continued from VtiM Pag* I

fh* rivar. b«t th* export# m r i nggt th* qptMoa that there waa Mitt* ad­vantage in t ka choice of position*. ..

Oxford Abo Win* Track M ad *

tin t ad m a a Oxford defeated cam . M M to U to | |W i8f»> 'Jg ldvni track ■uot of th* tom ntovoraHtta bold a t

Holds Big Business May Upset Politics

Senator Ladd See* Upheaval in

1924 Likely Unless Monop­olies Are Curbed.

Calls Seven Cent Sugar Graft

WASHINGTON, Mar. >4 (to ).—A pro* diction that 1(14 w ill eoa ta la Impor­tant surprise* for tb* o ld -lta* p o litica l

1 parti**, unload som ething ta dona to curb b l« bustnata, w aa mad* today by Senator Ladd (Rep.. N. D.) la a s ta te ­m ent Joining In tb* dom aad for aa Investigation o f thd "sugar corner"

“Tb* paop la- said donator Ladd, “are Ions stretebaa abend o f tb* backw ard- looking parties, w ho atom w ith out oouraga to too* tb* problem s o f th* American mass**." A* a coneaquance, ha declared, old party Haas ar* '‘cru m ­bling.“

Raven coats a pound far auaar t e th* consumer tha Sou*tor characterised aa -pur* draft aad wore*,’* aa d ha aakad far th* proaocutlon o f th em respon si­b le for th* prnoont “robbery o f tb* American people by a sugar corner."

Farm ers aad ooaaumors ar* grattlng tb* w o n t o f It IS price reodjaatm eot generally , Mr. Ladd added, w ith tb s Chicago packers bu ying b ogs about ton par cant, botow pre-w ar price# aad sellin g lard to tea per M a t , bam to th irty-five par cent, aad baoo n a t from tw en ty 'to tw en ty-five per M K . above pre-w ar I n t o He said be w ould Itka to boar from tb* packoru w h eth er “th l* I* a question o f m onopoly or in crooned coat due to th# tar iff .”

fa r * Faap l i B ring SUhhod "For avtry one ooat rig* la th* prlc*

of sugar." said Senator Ladd to Ms formal statement, "the people W thin country are being robbed to tb* rat# to SSd.SSS.SM annually. W* Mb told that sugar mfw a s to twenty *m u

r pound botora Jan* t. Under tho## ..edition* th* American hauaowlrto aad their tomtltoa a r t to b* robbed to abeot tb* rat* to I ld M JtM M a yaw for th* beatd t of a hunch to ~ tori, gambler* aad •taftaam whom ar* oridoMly not only noriaty. but. If W» boiler* th* rtUMora, ar* bolding responsible position* a t 0 » will of th* people.

’T hat* Iw s booa too m ock o f th l* to th * pact e ight year*. A M th * oemaMB people ar* toning confid en ce to': th o— whom th ey (m ra h pnorod to th * (mat and old p o tty line* Ora crum bling a to ll . M show a to tho to s t e leotioa , party M dM a* longer iaaor* dlbrttgoo w h oa th ere are g i l d prim ary law * m th a t Uw wlU o f th* | l i> »( m ay ho frao ly

XpHkML” ft*■ w ir in g t o “fa it# t w a i i i i F

S jd tost Secretary H oover to ((o a n O d ih w ith th e sugar price een trovtray . D i­rector Juliua K lein e f to o Conuaoro*Department’* huroaa to t o ta ls * and da*m astic com m erce datfarad to » .d p n it : m oat today thM '’Wl^'MtM*ar h a d mo know ledge to to o Deport m eat's a n ­nouncem ent to- sdPW production a a #todsuspdW b antfi' n fta r : ,tt h ap b a t o gtvwa to to* ptojt l a .• - ~ T h * f d>raot*r^ i «iMl f :. aM m isM ' : ^ jth idp afbw w r forvtjMV'aanotraeamo.to,'f i n k* relu ratod . tod. a to nassijHlan y a n d tc tle a to a Xudbr ahartatto a M

menace than ever before In the hlatory J had read In of t h . automobile. W W o m U DM. lMw n M o t^ T w i l l Jersey oommtmionor of motor vehicle*, tow th* highway conference hare today.

Ho enld th* motor law* of Pennayl- ea a la aad Now Task war* inadequate and th at thl# waa of aopaclal concern to Now j« n * r boeaaa* during tb* summer months there were more foreign than Now Jersey rriitolw on Now Jomny roM a

‘T h * halt, th* tom* and tb* blind may Ortv* automobiles Ip Penney tonal* and New Tort," Dill declared.

Benjam in O. Bynon. Pennsylvan ia registrar o f motor vehicle*, to ld tho conference th a t It waa hoped th* prqx- ont L egislature would paaa law * re­qu iring exam ination o f d r iv e n In P oaa-

"com m laolonar Bonnet o f Connecticut urged mure adequate regu lation o f th* w eig h t to m otor track* axing th* h igh - w ays. “Bom* o f th e commercial ve­h ic le s aalng our rend* look J t o l house * M tot com ing down the h igh ­w a y .- bo said.

Th# ooaforeno# waa called hero by G overnor Placbot o f Pennsylvania.H igh w ay authorities from tw en ty -fiv e sta te* ar* attending th* m eeting. A t

H orw ttg I* sa tisfied , h e r a id " “ . J T Z n E Z : < today a t h i . horn*. M l Milford avoau e

th* newspapers, “an," be have nothing to m y until

official tecta."“I don’t know n thing about tt and

her* nothing to m y.” was th* eommom of a fourth board member, Harold d- Rothschild.

Con daman gaeb Free adui t.“My kn ow led ge o f th* a ffa ir la lim ­

ited." said Mr. Cavlccbia. “but one th ing la certain, and th a t is that w# c o n ­demn ouch procedure. I t lo o k , too much lik e t h , Spanish Inquisition and t h ,r , ia no excuse for It. In JnaUo* to th* principal and th* s ta ff o f teachers o f th a t school, I w ant to m y th a t they ar* absolved from a ll blame, because th ey kn ew noth ing o f whad w a s g o ­in g oa.

“Tb* aohool I* oa* o f th* boot con ­ducted la th* city , and for th at roaaon I recent .thl* occurrence ae muck aa tor an yth in g alao. Tb* m atter w ill t>, properly d ea lt w ith , however, a M tb* com m ittee te now g e ttin g to* too ts to ­geth er ae th a t th ey m ight be eubm lttad to th* ta ll beard Boat Thursday night."

Thom as J . D. Sm ith, Joseph M. Byrne aad Mtaa J. Isabella aim s, other atom- bora to th* board, eea ld a c t be reached for aa expression on th* affair.

■ ays Ho W ould R ot Harm a Child.I f th* tw o boy* bar* baa# convinced

th a t th ey hav* been oat Rpo# to * r ight

M M *

thy Cid Cuk Hmif, Vile At Ham ri ttoaj Tri#

"Ml adm it th at 1 probably did som e­th in g I should n o t hav* dm**,” ho said “I did not ph ysica lly barm tb s b o y # I only sou gh t to gear* thorn. I w ould not w illin g ly harm a a y child. I accept taH roopoaaibttity tar w h at w a s dan* to th* boy*, but Insist th at I had Abso­lu te ly no Intention o f hurting ritker aa* q f them .”

Mr. Horwits lay* hls notion ta over- sealoueness ta m ektag to help th*

•ra i recommendation* on th* mtbjeet* , to road eoaatraettoa and tra ffic regu ­la tion . ______________________

Irish Rebels Turned Bade In Slrirmiih at Mullingar

MULLINGAR, Ireland, March >4 <F).__Irregulars early today attacked e a t - _ ____ _panto o f Ifa ttosa l troop* quartered a t , boys. F o r a y ear h * haa been la charge th* railw ay sta tion aad near th* tow *1# , f to* J a a lo r F a tre l to Ah* eehooU reservoir. Tb# band wa# repulsed a fter I w ham h e la p h yltoa l director. H ls t o - g a k j g r i r ifle and m achine gun l ir a par lnra la to* ecbool system hav* earn-

B ea d ed M s w ork w ith th e patrol jm d on to * pteypreaBdA be sa y s . Laot year ha had charge e t • ram m er p lay ­ground to H aw k in s street.

Marwltg arid ho h a s boon to p toy- g r oand w ork ta u t y e a n a M haa boott la th * N ew ark school system aa a p h yt- teal tra in in g Instructor tore* yonra. H o Is about th lrty -flv * yeare o ld a M married. ‘B o baa s o children to Mg OWR,

“Tb* w hoi* a ffa ir p a y bo trace# to a w ar. back to ary w ork W ith to * bays la s t year,” Mr. H gfw B lI oeatla a e d. “Ia th * p rapam tteM mad* by tb* aebeot fo r too- K ay tour yarodo, Otadutoe l by th* H otory i Crab,

t h o National* suffered a* casualties.DURIAN, Match M ' (A ssociated

Prose).— A v io len t eaptosloa Into teat n ig h t w a s foltowod by a# outburst o f rovslour. r ifle a M M A I m c m firing: T he exptodl** wa* due te a m ine, w hich w recked to* lobby o f a m otion picture th eater. Wo 0#* wa* Injured by th* guilfB'lW h a t ' a man ora, seriously w oaadad to tha oours* to th* ahootto#.

B ond May Pais on Gym Teacher^ Act

(ObBtlBuod tram F irs t P ago) B ertram '■ t o .Mttl*

m y tavm ttgatlon to the Board o f E du­c a t io n ” Dr. Coreon added.

Th* board will most next Thursdayi § R m .

CaOM M art Uaod Other Htobada. cW uaulag Ms Dis tort i n of* tb*

aa**, th* guportateadeat m idi . .WRote *.■gafmoleo from ton hoys be oeuld

M K ra::«M »|oam '*tttoam M m & p'dM . Bgt jmvo.to ,'tako them botora tooO h C®r*o* unqualifiedly condemned

to>rwtt«'b itctlon. Me-mid- k* a r nodrf- •. W*

■s u m ' k u ow tef#* o r h te jM t b eeu a e (ta o w a 0* tb* ora o f * fuU -w aok od-

division . Bertram r o n e W O O -S e e a M I grow v e ry read o f Mm.” .

Mrs. ofR ommAl J K ld l i p too Buwtotty givou1 ”1 will not say th* mhool aatkorltim

number o f UmoapoaHk i l him myself #. wi lev WU* tola#* he hue

K M .J& Dr. .« N M arid, •% ta h ars-a W k '.w p i toa.-prto'

dd .to # gto«»l a M

SP S ^tou m t o r ir a D ii a uf

rs^S g 'a lB f if iW P RM l l i l i i l ■ i P i

tM M ftltef WlH

n atttM toa tofy t aatte a to'.bo publlebo# They Mould bar* Oottb ta me flrtt.”. H eai rifk mBh jm U o* from aaothec to a m D v M g -Btetoer a M told to i M m i

by w kteh ^ record* th* co M u o t o f her rey a . There w ere equere* o a th*

: t |M tr t f f (^ : l*Vftr day of tha b o xA Gold sta rs r eprmaa tla# good bebavter .wore, placed on th s.’s h b i l W l p g i p f K :wao g o M ic a d iriwqt.fD^fDjjggj|rjjg|»-|

to d boy S S f f (

• B to n M to a m tb i

tb* past

r .n to

No objection M < r t M M the oppt>- neat* an d Mr. Carlo, in shoving tb* m tM rtic merely made a perfunctory rec a n t that •the vsto** be overridden

r iv e House road Mila v ara repsased lif the House and all received the m a0"

’tion of the donate. They vara; Betrs* IK , h r Mr. Crawford of Hudson, -m SP' In* the Barren .Turnpike a part o rth * Mate- highway «r«em : House U*. |y Mr. d tratton of Olatte ester, providing a ytate highway road frm* WeatvMl* to ♦#»«* Orova; cnmaslttea subatltut* for H oused*, by Mr. Powell of Bur- 11 net on. providing a state highway toad tram Paintyra t e . Berlin- House S«1 by Mr. Manelacar of Baser, sUhnl- natthgr e dMour to Mlnomftetd EMM ,OM sta ts ten*? from Nowark to ‘rsW son;I Meue* t n . by Mr. Oibbs sf ren t den. ftrevtdle* a e te ts highway road fnotn Berth* to Maya Landtag.

: Other ganatsW H * th a t petard bath : M e« 5 B t* p # i^ .tm i» «rer#;.teaala U«.m ,itrto ra itr prlvsis eoacsfaa fe VHfOd tun-'■ISfHiBSfiiSTiilalrafTinr iiirBBIa til , la i ll

out a afatcBMM waa Mr*. Elizabethf a n m % 2 d n l , H ? H L a * e ^ IM * t & t j ^ rtS S ^fttiled toAvMUt, Brooklyn, II, 'Ym WIfl Who It make rfelttttMi pf Which It© Had <*ol-

| N M § i | # 4 | l paiLA Mb. ow l M atyalgued Hbnday Lady M M Camp ta d Royal Nei(h- , morning In the fw j* crim inal Court

j » j a D ™ 4 — WHVB T i . . teto te TtW * tM dupfiah.

,Bgy:lfe»?|te>wi fcy Auto Dies

f l l E S K i

wMdty known aa an officor of the jeetsd.bora of America. S Mra. Taylor saidT

“Not for ymrs MOo I boon «Mo to taee my aboet. For fourtet* weeks njr arm wa» melon and f wtwjtf bare 40 Jiff I Up and down from the table.Tho ©riant my left lop was aJmootM k H M b la .■» M aa4Uu| - , \L*a|«4nndn o N JIlp ffw^r 4* wltt Old*

g j g f l M i f e 'mm. SSrR Slid fawlM»lon Mi «ad my frteadi remark owned iM |M |.anutaysue sod was(W*»ly-tige>gw,

- ~--v ‘ .■

: of t* I

Vcmzdos Presses Athens Viewpoint

Everybody admires a good complexion

R e s in o l

AUTO COACH WORK183-197 S o . 1 8 th S t(At Central Are.), Kaat Orange


H ig h class salesmen w anted,to sell Peerless automobiles. N ot necessary to be automobile men. O nly quality men need apply.

J . W . M A S O N & S O N S10115 B R O A D S T R E E T

sk the man a)ho smokes ’emflerfecto k E specia ls JLlCKstrai v I f you seek the extrem e in cigar good-

n ess, just step up to any cigar counter and say: “Holland Society.”* W hat d elicate aroma! What fragrance in the rich biend of Havana’s m ost costly tobaccos—topped with an imported Sum atra wrapper.

Light up your favorite size today — and you'll know instantly why H ol­land Society Cigars have been leading sellers for the past 40 years.

Royal Mrfeeto 2 for 254

Made byB. re iF E jt a CO.

New York City

Also Maker* of: KEIFER’S UNION { W i


Im perialsW rtratftt R«ina nK

Victoria ^ Sanitary W rapper

. I W t r i d s

Behind 5-5-3 Ratio - With Battle Fleet I ii

l'3W Officers Sav Tonnage Not Correct Method to

Determine Strength.

omt to British Advantage

iiench Admiral Arrerts English Withm Rights in Making Altera­

tions on Vessels.

_____ ____ _ _ n m B H M M w i f d P M Mpluadtrad.**

Mr. o f llkM Ieaex called a t ­te n tio n to th e Huiioa record w hich •how * Sir O to rg a an d o th e r D tm o- ctmta r t c o f t e d ta th e n e g a tiv e upon th e b ill o f A aoem blym an C ham berlin

E u r t . H o u m i H . w h ich w ould have re p e a ! ©d th e e ls c tio a b u reau su p p le ­m en t to th e e le c tio n law

Mr U eorge rep lied that, if th e u l n - ut«*a show ed him aa v o tin g ag a in s t the Mil. an e r ro r had been m ade aa he w as not in hi* aea t w hen ft waa moved. He then a n n o u n ced th a t, ber-auae the M iokay b II i .« s so had. he did not pro* l i e s |o \*>t»- upon It and he hoped the othwr l> iiiiK i a t i w ould follow suit.

The H ouse a aa u n d er c a ll and Ma­jo rity l e a d e r 4 'orio a sk ed th a t the ru le «-«imoeillng m em bers to vo te be In- \ oked

"T here a re not enough a e rg ea n ta -a t- a rm s in *lie H ouse to com pel me ta vi le." Mr G«org»- rep lied

The r e I t w as th a t th e ru le s were airoie«i and none of D em ocrats


Goethals Planning f Big Job in Turkey

thtifagC th behalf «f the goeernment » «Mh*Pb4eml j n lg t VlwfigMi- The |f» * ] e rn m ea t assum ed lia b il i ty fo r th e aatia- I

[fhetion o f dny decree* a w a rd e d to th e ! {llbelthftt. <

Judge R unyon Iw u e4 sn o rd e r re- . leasing the Red ndo and today ZU»f !

" i made a tr ip ba< k to Jc to e y Oily to tak e 1I f a - n *c e \\ 1 /* I l **** *H «ur» n o ttreII A f t f O I I R atines O l^ t o n e w * r The m -idenr warn, in a w ay apesk - 1

j mg. a*l in ihe da> s w ork fo r Zipf. u ho j I had begun b> m a k in g a h a ir-ra la in g j trip by m otor a cro ss th e m eadow a w ith . I a re s tra in in g o rd e r a g a .n a t an au ction { j sa le of m ining s to ck , a t r iv in g in Je ra ry j ! City a t | n i | w hen th e sa le w as due to

s ta r t, at 11 o’clock

siom He Will Build Railroads,

Develop Oil.

o le being c as t by

W a s h i n gfl\ e - th ffe

May Verge on British Clausa

S in ff Corr«apond*sce.NEW YORK Ma#rh ?« R a f f a- I

t i o i o f co n cess1 .ns tn th e <ntom an- j A m erican T**\Aeh>pment r»*mpany. • w hich h a s be.-u app roved In p r.ocip ie by th e M ecufm * b ranch «»f *he T ur- J f r r P kiKh governm en t an d now a w a its fa vorab le a c t l .ii l*> hr* N ational Asaem-

! Four Hours to Execution, Gets Stay on Legal Query

Fpnner Prem ier Appears Before

Allied Sub-Committee Consid­

ering Turk Reply.

Greece Has Long List of Claims

W ta l ' w i t H M whaa n < Saaabgd will * * t-nndldate fo r re -e le c tio n tlov- •Y»®r Si liter a lso w hs com m ended fo r h i t honesty, but th e s p e a k e r declared th a t the G overnor w as no t th e only hpacst n u n a t T r tn to u o u r d id the D em ocratic p a r ty h a v e a m onopoly, on honesty

T ouching on th e liq u o r question . -Midge M urray sa id th a t In h is o p in ­ion the K igb teofilh A m endm en t waa hare to s tay , b u t th is f a c t d id no t p re ­sen t a lly ra t Iona W tg g m ad e th a t would m ake It m ore a cc e p ta b le to (he peopi- a s a whole. He d e c la re d th a t am end m g the am endm en t w o u ld no t be mi. h a serious job and th a t th e full of a m en d m en ts o f o th e r p a i ls i f the C o as tiiu iio a .


T he b ill w as p assed by 38 to t. bl *. will ta k e A m e ric a s P anam a Canal

t or m in ing (h a t coun try

'E ver aim *

• tilers t h r l | | ! ( p ro g ram t.. m,,O eaty fleet, .n naval o ff ire rs . i ■in.fi » . a i . 'u l

ub je rtMk a ru inpnatton m u

■ i *"n fa c to rs of n n \a l • n -«idered -«ome o f f h e r ; , > 'iso ry |)o*:ti«.ns h t tp t» -n t a re IrK-iined to r«t nav ies of G reat B r 'tam . h :a te and Jap an , respec tiv f .«-fo u r basis, w ith th.* Ip laced m the position lu lled to n<odern>ze h»i if she Is to re s to re

X pert ’hap*- V hoi-

■‘•upylii^ I ‘epart

• erned i i.pon

deb- naval

es a id S ta tes


to Cnileil i » in a s ix - m ted S tales

• *.f being . om- i»-i « ap ia l sn ip -« the coiupa rat i v.-

• landing fn whb l, she suhscriiietlrevised b ests is adm itted ly

raa hed on Incom plete itifornm i i„n D eclare l e s d i i l u a Well Known.

N aval o ffice, *. wtl„• n p re p s ra th ri of ihe ,* ,f '■h.eh the A m r in in . - n 'e Lfltjon ai-» ,• .1" " e n i n i , . . t a l j j i...-.i:toU fi - la t lv e st m d 'iiij ,.r th*. n.t>.»h* e f fe ,t . sboubi the I nlted i H to remedy ex istin g d*f '■«•« w ell know n \<» a ll h> ,

nd th a t th e H a ir .»f the l ,,;t. to rem odel h< r f|

conceded In an y o th e r < .i

much d iscussed n av al ra ti thn fln a l an a ly sis h rat to n n ag e , w hl. h is a mlno 'o m p u ta tjo n .>f n aval sir*

In au p p o jt of th is \ i w th a t th e n av a l w ar cone*'* hoard at»d a m ajo rity /.r th

. f* 'eps who m ake up Se< re• ff ic ia l c irc le s o f advir,*i . have slatedtb.eir npm lO Q jtha: w ith a fair!;, equal fle e t apeed and n superio rity of .1.000 ynrds in fleet b a tt le A ge the Hi)li*h ^l#et holds an a d v an tag e over th a t of *he I ’n itc 1 St-ites. w hich can be ,i- pu’ed a* h igh as tw r ,ty per cent

I^ick of n« cur.-V* d e ta ils as to J a p ­anese na < a 1 ai-tlv lty Is s tre ssed by*

the a in g le n e sa t \e v Mr la>prete o f Kss< x.

"I*n t it th e sense of th e H ouse th a t ■'lie,!i »* ,neans a vo te »n th* a f f irm a ­t iv e ’'" Mr \ \ i Ilia ms o f P assa ic a«ked afte* the t‘« su it had been unnoun-eu

It U too la te in th e sensicn fu r the S p eak er (o i ule on auy question of »* nee in the H ouse.” an sw ered Mr H *r*hfield. who u * i p re s id in g \ \ om en M em bers ( g s i s s l D lf e iw BUi.

' not her s l» r p f ig h t In the House w i* s tag e d v. h» n Mr C orlo moved th e ; u c i g i -if S rim t-ir B lackw ell s bill fM^vidiog e x tre m e c ru e lty as a cause ] ^ t r . i\.»rce and p« rm iu in g th e s ta r t in g 1 of such a c tio n s six m onth* a f te r the . inyiissto.i of ihe act Mr I»e Voe H H m I »>f M iddlesex, opposed the bill, h’otpe* of th e R ep u b lican m em bers w ere

bu ilder. G eneral to T u rk ey iu tak-

• leo rg e W Goethala. !>urt In ra ilro ad , cop- : • 11 ,^ a e lopm ent* In

been hattRi'iK f i i» Gene ral| **Id yepterda . ’! - W l-lth a t tl?n*- bv • n* ‘ Id-r •vansine© th** ' \ h- h o n rnan -l»cv©lopn>*p t i •nu-anv n w hon** of tht* -i r . *■ >. h ha t a k trt.ncesslo tis ay a -.n w ith thegovernm ent

'A few d;iv( nqo n ir r#-prt *.1 . ou rluded an a rrm K f-

>n has e th a ls ed at

M arch 24 t . r t -P a u l leap­ed w iser he w as w ith in

four hours of ele. t r o r u t M last n ight, was tak en ou t o f th e d e a th houaa a t the s ta te p rison today ao d a ss ig n e d a cell In (he c h ee rie r aec tlon . Pappaa. who was conv icted o f th e a tabM ng of Alice A rsenau lt w hose body w as found five m onths a f te r ah* w aa killed , gained stay of e\e<-ut.on u n til May 1 on a point of law- ra ised by h is c< un-

!(h I am11 UP theKemaMst

Net • The full

Will dec id- in IS*:: -ind

capital - ss,

er .-h of th e Suprem e w h e th e r a s ta tu te e r w hich a y e a r must nvtotlon and a e n tn > app lies in h is - »»«•.

a d m in is tra tio n •• < i a • 1 nM antlnopi

evidence «»f gis-d fa ith m • our p a rt in the concession-*

"The rstificH i ion by : b Pn t ll.«ment Is n* - e*sar

c 111 ;i t V e-4v\*h the 1 ie|-»si!<*«l bank as ! » Ins n 'lt

Funeral Arranged for Rev. Frederick Bloom

ch am b er w hen the roll call | „r l l l a , i ken h a \i>-Ran pih! th e re w as a de lay w hile Mr. Corio and o th e rs h u n te d th em up and I -irHed th.-m In t<» a t sw e r th e ir names. Th»- 'Vo'-- w as 32 to 10. T he vote waa The v •*! *- w as 32 to ]0 Mrs Brown of H udson and M rs N orth and Mrs Sc h er - in.-i !.t»i n Kssex w ere am ong those re- «->r,icd in o p p o sitio n to the bill

Two p e cu lia r s itu a tio n s a ri.se In the lio t.se w hen D em ocratic sponsors of Dili* \e to e d by th e G overno r declined Ip pr- sr , h>m fo r p a ssag e o v -r ^ is die-

T urk ish

-pat- h th a i . Servicr to Be Held Monday Nightn c go tfwt ballsably, shall

The( ’ompa n y which ha im n the • sides (Drier.11 H. Hr-useen uof th«- I’o-iii

If Ihe concession r» to T u rkey i ittom ai. Vr.ieri-'A"

pet * ab**ut essions Th

oct hals.N t 'he* t - (V rea l •

>4-,..,.- 1• d r**c* -*r i r e Ad mi i

in Jersey City for Secretary of Newark M. E. Conference.

LOMlHlN M arch 24 »Aa#»cla4^d Press). - F o rtner P rem ie r \ en lae |oa of G reece appeared today b e fo re th e f i ­nancial sub-cotnini*tee o f th e glff-d delegates, w hb a re con sid e rin g the T urlileh co u n te r prop<»aa)s to (he L su sanne Peace T re a ty d ra f t , and gave the G reek g o v e rn m en t's v iew s concern ing \h e various f in a n c ia l c lau se s and the A ngora g o v e rn m en t's re lfe ra te d re ­qu ests fy r Indem nifica tion fo r th e d am ­age caused In A n a to tta by th e G reek a n n y

W hile no o ff ic ia l In fo rm ation l« availab le respev 'ting th e p rec ise c h a r ­a c te r <*f the v e te ra n *Tsteamsrv‘s re m ark s it Is believed h** Inform ed th»- Mtied rep; eaeiita llv es tl-at if Turkey pressed her c la im for a » « r indeinnltv . Jr*-.-, c w oi||d p re sen t ;« s im ila r d e ­mand for the d ea tru e tto n caused by the Kemal.«t troops, as w ell an f-‘r Indem n ifb a tio n for the S m yrna fire and th- expense of car in g f »>r thc»ityillton and a half re fugees fo rced ou t of Asia Minor

It la understood th a t V enlaelo* also tojd th** aub-com tnltl® e th a t If the T u rks re fu sed to ren o u n ce th e ir claim for Indem nity G reece w ould fu r th e r d e ­mand com pensation fo r .her c o n tr ib u ­tion to the a llied v ic to ry tn the Groat W ar. us well a s in d em n ity a g a in s t the -out of the S m y rn a o ccupa tion . G reece having u n d e rta k e n th is occupation a t

Workers in Move to Use Only Union M ade Badges

rour Months, Died Yesterday

. ppKtval. an d R epub licans , ta k in g them t-i liaixi put th em th ro u g h . The f irs t wa: 11• • *ise 134. bv Mr. C raw ford of H udson n rvkm g the B ergen tu rn p ik e from H udson in to B--rsen C ounty a part of the s r e e h ighw ay system , and the second w as H ouse 23K. by Mr. Mai shall of '1**iof*r. in c rea s in g th e sa la r ie s of D is ttic ; C ourt s e rg e a n ts -a t-a rm s .

Mr C ham berlin took up th e advocacy ° f Mr .1I.4rshallx lull a f te r the la tte r bad asked th a t th e veto be allow ed to s tand . The b ill w ill a f fe c t Joseph C. C npiio. an I ta l ia n le ad er in the F irs t \ U r(i of N ew ark , who is s * rg e a n t- a t-

ms in th e K earn y D ls tiic t Court. It in creases h is s a la ry from $1,200 to 11 .'.mu a y*-at.

’ G. 0 . P. Leaders Praise Sessions | io r Few Laws It Made

S peaker E v an s and Ifo'Qse M ajority j L eader Corio joi«t*d In la s t in g a s ta te - j mi-nt in w h ich th ey iw ie w e d w hat they

reg a rd e d as ih e acco m p lish m en ts o f the .se ss io n , w hich, they d eclared , app ea led

. , . . . | l o lie "one o f th e m ost n o tew o rth y invm srlcan ex p e r ts In everv study thev .. . . .. th e h is to rym ake > f the s l tu a c j>ress rei*enfly pubi t-i*- c u r r e n t naval

n0n.otu» y**n fo r flee t." hut advices

i’ll. The Japanese shed a s to ry th.4t ■st (mate* included ‘■modernizing the to th e Jap an ese

T!mhassy in d ica te th a t th is sum is csT « u la ted t<> cover a period of e ign t y ears and th a t only a litt le over 2.000.- one yen, o r ro u g h ly tl.O00.000, Is to be sp en t th is y e a r D etails of th e p u r . poses fo r w hich th is ex p en d itu re will go a re not a v a ilab le

F r e n e h H u p p o r l A l t e r a t i o n s .PA HIS. M arch 24 (A ssociated P ress)

—"T he W ash in g to n tre a ty perm its v h an g es In old w arsh ip s, hut \’ital ch an g es a re u n fe a sib le ,” is the opinion ( ..p re s se d hy Vice A dm iral Lacaxe. one «>; th e m ost d is tin g u ish ed o ffice rs In tpc F ren ch navy an d fo rm er M inister< f M arine in com m en ting today on the d iscussion of the tre a ty te rm s now go-i .t on In E n g l tn d and th»* United

jB&p**As I u n d e rs tan d It.” he continued,

♦he p re sen t d iscu ss io n re la te s to< iianges fiiade In B ritish sh ips under co n s tru c tio n a t th e tim e th e tre a ty w as toad*. Ho lo n g a s th e se sh ips rem ain under 35.000 tons, a n d w ithou t exceed­ing th e c a l ib e r p rescrib ed , th e re ,1s n o th in g In th e W ash in g to n tre a ty p re ­ven tin g th e B ritish from m ak in g the sh ips in q u estio n lo n g e r o r re d is tr ib u ­tin g th e ca liber, so long a s the to ta l c a lib e r p re scrib ed is not ex ceed ed ”

A dm iral In c a s e m ade it p la in th a t It la no t in sy m p ath y w ith those who wish to sc rap th e c ap ita l sh ips and he claim s th a t th e w hole q u estio n o f lim itin g the num ber o f such sh ip s is th e re fo re an Idle one.* "W e a re hy no rp rans a t the end o f w orld w a rs .’’ he asse rted . "The n e x t w il be m ore te r r ib le th an the last cine an d one o f th e m ain fa c to rs in th a t w a r w ill au re ly be U*e b ig sh ip s.”

G lS A lte ra tio n * F o rb idden .LOUDON. M arch 24 (Aaaoc!at«d

F*ea»).—On« o f th*> p rin c ip a l ra a u lti o f H aoretary H u fh e a ’s r / c - n t s ta te ­m ent, W ithdraw ing: e a r lie r s ta te m e n t. t h a t c e r ta in B rlllah w arsh ip* had been a lte re d t e « lv e th e ir gun* longer ra n g e , h a s been to c re s t* a g re e t deal of d ieeuse lon aa to w h e th e r a lte ra , tle n e In th e a rm a m e n t o f old w ar- sh lp a w o u ld c o n s ti tu te v io la tion o f the s p ir i t o f th e W ash in g to n n av al tre a ty w h ich Is m a in ly d irec ted a g a in s t the eq u ip p in g o f new w nrahipa, and on tljla p o in t v a r io u s op in ions a re ex ­pressed .

T ho o p n tro v o ra la l frolnt I* w he ther th e t r e a ty p h ra se --general type 0f m o u n tin g ” m ean s n p a lte ra tio n w h a t­ev e r e r w h e th e r e lev a tio n o f guna to •H ow lo n g e r rg n g * ^ w ith o u t a lte r in g

* -* m ount I hr

th* s ts te"T his L e g is la tu re w ill h sv s the

uniqu** d is tin c tio n o f h av in g passed th e least a m o u n t «»f b ills o f any ses­sion since 1851.” »ald the sta tem en t. "T he L e g is la tu re o f 1922 estab lish ed a very flue reco rd , bu t th is session *wil! h ave a p p ro x im a te ly 100 b ills less, the n u m b er b e in g a b o u t 100 ch ap ers .”

The p rin c ip a l a c ts p assed w ere r e ­c ited as th e M ath is open spec ifica tions bill, w hich. It w as a sse r te d . 1* intended “ to o b ta in open co m p e titio n in t've road c o n stru c tio n a n d to p rev en t « x o. uon a te ra te s fix ed by th e p a te n t pav ing In ­te r e s t s ;” th e H tevens b ill p rov id ing a S ta te H ighw ay C om m ission of four m em bers; th e b ill e x te n d in g the period fo r p ay in g th e so ld ie rs ’ bonu.*»; th e In­c rease in the m axim um w eekly pay ­m en ts u n d e r th e w o rk m en 's n»;np-nsa- tlon a c t t» $17; th e n o -n lg h t-w o rk -fo r- w om en m easu re , th e c ity m an ag er bill, th e com m erc ial a rb i t r a t io n p 'a tv

T he P ie rso n bill p ro v id in g the a m o rtiz a tio n o f th e am o u n t the s ta te ow es In th e te a c h e rs ’ pension fund, co n tin u a tio n o f th # p ro v is io n fo r three- m o tith s ' no tic e to te rm in a te m onthly ten an cy , th© H on© b ill v e s tin g J h j l i t is o f th e sta*e In th e M orris C anal In the M orris C anal C om m Isljon fo r one year, th e a n tl- ly n c h in g m easu re , the jo in t re so lu tio n fo r a p a r t ia l InvestgaU on of th© o u sted S ta te H ig h w ay Com m ission, th e box ing b ill, th e v eh ic u la r tunnel b ill m ak in g such c o n s tru c tio n by p r i­v a te com pan ies po ssib le , th e election In v e s tig a tio n b u re a u b ill, th e Joint

tre so lu tio n p ro v id in g an In v estig a tio n * f law s r e la t in g to ch ild ren born out o f w edlock, th© bill g r a n t in g M orris C ana l m oney fo r th© p u rch ase of th© sh ip can a l r ig h t-o f-w a y . the^Joint r©so- lu tio n p ro v id in g

B arnard , i man J »h n .ittornev

The basis of its («>sslon g r a n t e d T u r k s ' in M itcheL <*hest**r co n stru c t ion o f and th** ex p lo its and oil p ro ject* a long th»- i--.i

The proposed line . be« :s ;- ■ i-rora the B erlin -B av d ad !•> iere-1 the opposit.io i of 'h*' vvh« ae in fluence in C o n s ta t." then pow erfu l. D uring th-- t v*-ar* of the B alkan W ar im< impo«!*|i>le. and w hen th***-- initialed i11 the Kun*v*.i»' 1 the compan-. n p ten had »-■« old s to ra g e

V, ith the (o n c l.'s lo n of • ■ ■>> K enn-'dy. a y ouiig <'«i*n*I i ('ffl* er. A ho se rv ed w ith ' ' s i r force In the Bla< k S*-a ram s ln te re * fe«l in th e A *i->i < ess ion. II» is now one »-f 'h-ro s * * n ts 1 1 V e e o f t * i e A " , . > >n in T u rkey H is ass'MM.i'e I ch ea te r, son of th e j«<in.iral talr.ed the f irs t concession

A ccording to inform :!tinn by th e T b rk lsh in fn rn i.u i n New Y ork th e ra ilroad* to under the C h es te r p ro jo t r low s:

L ines Included In the mein S iv a * - H * r p u t - D l a r h e k 'r - Bit li^ m iles; H a r jiu t-Y ouinoiirt;C v

-a su re r , c B. |

i d N or- io r a t l«»r ,

r r of tho \ F tt’.s CITY. Mr rch ffi Kev Fred*»rl!-k

T * f|!|liRt of th© ATh a alii ©d v 1

and i he Turk?> “ ii Mte th ©ir . 1th*- t ;rr*ek t' »• Van,I th© mk fe*'iNal.i Mlno r faNh< ■ u 1 1 F-ll • ii. itt ral t rlbm ittl

allied ( le w Is th a t the G reeks ks shou ld m u tu a lly r e ­c la im s fo r re p a ra tio n * —

a in^ the G rea t W ar th e * * o n q u e ro rs in

fa ilin g w hich , bo th sides c la im s to a m-u-

A move to » a rd h a v in g a ll b*«4x-* used by th* v a rio u s t r a d e un io n s mad- in union shops la u n d e r w«> At a m eeting of th* K ssex T rad e* « au m il ls*t night, D eiegst* K«tward R*vd of th* M etsl Hulls h e m to ld th e repr. sen tg tlv es of N ew ark u n io n s th a t l«i-

g iv ing th* nam es o f co n ce rn s em- J plo> log union lab o r m th e m anufm etu rr j of badges w ere in (he h a n d s o f couiis* I

and would be a m t b ro a d c a s t a s au-oi 1 as approved

The d iff ic u ltie s o f th e tra d e uit.ons 1 w ith the W hitehead a. H oar t o H ere j recounted and p a r t ic u la r a t te n t io n a a * J called to the fac t th a t (be un ion irade j label app ea rin g on b a d g e s m ade by

th a t com pany a p p lie d o n ly to the p rin ted m a tte r a p p e a r in g th e reo n and

] had ab so lu te ly n o th in g to do w ith the j m etal o r o th e r w ork .I D etails of a re cen t c o n fe re n ce w ith j H erm an C. Rage, re p re s e n t in g th e com ­

pany. w ere to ld by C h a i le s IV Inga lls j of T ypograph ica l U nion .No. 102 who

I said that In view of th e fa c t th a t the unionised p r in te r s in th e p la n t c o n ­s titu ted onl> a very sm a ll p e rcen tag e

| of the w o rk in g fo rca , th e union wa* i not e n th u sias tic a b o u t b o o s tin g the I concern a goods.

Mr. Reed said th a t th e d iff ic u lty at ’ the p resen t tim e wa* due to th e re fu sa l

The d u if use of Retinol Soap lot the toilet end hath keep* the akfci m l. clear it cannot help being hr ngHgF It it unusually cleansing and at th t same time so pure and miki \ «HI M irritate the mof* renawv* slrfctt. Up*

Wives aided by Raemol fhatw s 'lInis io dear away kiotchaa. * and ether facial blemfhaa. Y e w daak Raamel Sea* sad Qmttasat. AJk fm 0

V* a co n ­i' a n of 1 Unlby '!

f*.r th* T urkey



• V* WAS»s «-u I ; r a t l->n put in

i laytonflvlris

Mr 11 ish be

\ r t hur h<> oi»- .

• nnt i a c t . Nan. i-fip

( .NDditer-

Judge Gives G. 0 . P.Credit For Restoring Normalcy

of the union to a cc e p t a second tenI per cent, wmh** out. O ne w ag* cut1 mad* In 1921. vvhs a cc e p t e«| by thej uni,-ns and a a©lo n d w as old* red In

County Committee. Lacking Quorum, Listens to Praise of

Party’s Post-War Service.

Appeal Made to Support Ldge

i.tnean ). 303 m i l '1’ . J »iarl»*-kit-Mosul • S ilefm an.e. 372 mile* to ta l, I ’J25 miles

Lines Included In the **-**• tid conira«‘t . SaniRoun-Six a*. 241 m iles; M-*us t K'cuv ■ Anffora. 803 m « , <’hal»y-K rzerum .

I 102 m iles; Krzermn-Tr*-b:z«ind. 155 I m iles: to ta l. 891 m iles i Line* Included in th* th ^ d «-nntrart I K rzerum -B av ezid. # 15^’ Siv-is-

• ’csaiet*. 13*» m iles; H adji S a ifraa tv - OesareH. 93 m iles; t V«.»re,'i-< >ulou

t K ishla. 128 m iles. ila-lji Huy ram I D elldje G uechid. 1KI nub s, tn ta l. 07<*

miles.G eneral tJ - 'e th a ls is now rnea ffed |,i

•'losing th e <*ffi«-** n f the N»\' York S ta te F uel A dm iniztra$ion . of w hich he is ch ief He will he free early in th • sum m er r* tak e up th e T u rk ish proje.-i lie said y e ste rd ay th a t a n rnhah le ,ims«»- r fa * e on h is t r ip w ould he Adm iral Rousseau.

ro e s I hi© d ip lo m atic Involving B ritish r ig h ts <G reat B rita in 's m an d a te te rr i to ry , a rc invo lved in A m erican concessions.S ta te s D epartm en t o f St supported specific claim m an-A m erican Develojm beyond the- g e n e ra l stau -m cn t of police th a t It w ill not recogn ize any fo rm er G erm an concessions, now held by ->thei In te re s ts In m an d a te te r r i to ry , before A m erican concessions s im ila r to the f h e s te r concession a re re ognizi-.l by o th e r In te re s ted Pow ers.

•-inference si tic M*-n«l«y n igh t n fay»*t »*• i'U ur*li.

H rv. F re d e r ic k Bloom


Blls-t la past(»i Mr B loom 's death oc- , g ;it 14»r» ril Ul l'*'<l >• '-sterda v at b is hom e. 12 l-miory j *!>lto Ui>St rcet li*> Ii a '1 l•c«*n ill f*ir fou r i1 , ra tio Ulimoi, t n.H. luv n ,a; Im•eu s t r i rk «n w ith itr©s*« Jriit' iiuih i f§ fovr-r in Novemb* t , had 4- t

Tiir sit'fV ler will »>*• b g j l noted hy |iari 14Rev. 1'.f tJcoiK© ♦I. \ ' >K»-1. !«UI'>*■ n u t ©ltd - j1 H h'lrnik

Lack ‘ f « q iin rum last n ia ltf nrc vented a ncli* •liik .l « m a rlin g o f th** Uss**x t ’-ouiitv 1! r-pti Sll**;! n » '* on ini 11 *-< .IF**** ShIhuoi. r iia n m an «*f th e com mitt© . ai.d .-i-mmid? riti»'e num ber •*'the nv-*m'i»rs w • i ** in T i h i I'-ii w;vKcli Itrg th*- d>in*r f - u is ln tu rt j> --*s m tn obliv Ion \ I- ** >'ii.iirnwjp i *!i1st* tin-oi <*uIlei| the o i.-.t.nu **i i|»-r © noiit H..V> o Cloci i»ut -• i i iiiiiiMug noses dei larcil th a t r-- bnsin»-ss i mii -| |,r t ■ a m.«•:*■ »c*|

'll,*; H- a Pin h 1HII. I . J -I .ltc Mur nc, <<f tb-- S* > <-n«l l'o |ii «* Urecim i ' ’••tut v p-11. - for iiimut n h a lf hour, if a I - Inn a t t e n t i o n a m o n g o t h e r t h i n g s , toih*- n e e d o f o r g a n i z a t i o n m p o l l t i

s in bosincKs Mini eulo- rxl o f th** K*- mu hi lea n • reconst rm t ton period .st* o f the W orld War

tb .it p a r ty h tu s wt-r*- for- z th e g re a t struggl*-. d<- i ih a t th e r f w as a Demo • *t and a lit-piihlii »n I'un

d---!.n . d H a t it

1922 The un ions n o u g h t a com prom ise on five p**r 4*ni . bu t th e com pany r e ­fused to com prom ise .Mr. R eed declared that Mr Bag© had a lw a y s a ssu m ed the a t : itude tha t h© w as a lw a y s r ig h t and tb*- unions a lw ay s w ro n g

Michael Cop d r on o f th e H a tte rs '1 n.on told of h a v in g v is ited the V\ hit* head A H oag p la u t to pla^© an order for Ladgea, bu t h a v in g re fused io place it unles* th e p la n t w as fu lly

iorfc-intsed. | |e d e c la red th a t Mr I’a^e ass'-nted, but la te r te le p h o n ed th a t un-

' I * as th*' unions w ould p re s e n t a c.ew A j propnrdtion, a c o n fe re n c e w ould l-*»I u id ' » ‘ M; C otidron s a id th a t tne |

unions had never m ade a n y p ro position . | father than lo aeek a com p ro m lae of | five per ceirl on th e w a g e r-d u c lP -n In J 1922. and th a t it w as u p *n th e b u lg e > i oncern t»> effect a s e tt le m e n t

Union men w ere urg*-d t** buy ugly i h a ls co n ta in in g un ion la b e ls . It being declared th a t s ev e ra l s to re s m :ii B road 1 and M arket h tree ta h ad c e a * .d •«» ht.n- J die uitipn m ade headw -ear

Tel. O ran g e *>420— KeU 1 8 U


The finest m afpriala anilThe finest m ateria ls and the skilled application n f over thirty-teven years ' ex­perience is embodied rn all of our worlf.

Complete departments for Piinl, Upholstering, Glazing, Wood snd Metal Work will carry 01 your most exacting plana.

p artie s an Rising Hi*- " , pa » t v du ring f

; fn 'low ing th.- i rlarin^. tb

cut of tlif .l*‘rsc> ( ' i t \ d 1st riel " f Hi* Method tat ♦ 'h u r ',h and lh»r**will Io- b r lr f i i H n s i n s hy Rev a.lam*-a .1 Mac I hm a Id of tin- K m niy I 'h im l i and K* \ A ustin Fl A rrn.st re n g o f tlw-h *&fy- Siixth H Irref I 'h t i n h liay m m c Rart- t-.»o- .-ol-s w ill he ren«l'-red hy L <1 • u rrm l. chm is te r o f th e Lafayett*-, t'iiu r-h . am i th e p a s to r w ill pronounce

I M-llim-ri induct i ii i

onniplioatbvn Ih»* lim etlirtIon .•laimed umlf-r 1 nt4-rtnetit . T uesd#} m«*lin \# r T u rk > h at Lfbaim n Thoee o ffici,

th© p.-nliiu: grav© will 1v© Rev J o h n 1The United 1 th© NWst N»-w York, v’fitir

tat*- ha*- n t l* <’ n.iNifi in f>f ill*- L«-t>aof the O tto- Mr Blorinii w as hot tv tn

*nt Uompany. : Septotnht r 12. l*r>2. end hi

Kilt he a t th<-

K NY t ight of h. and Rev koi f 'h u rch It f’leaJ<aiit

R e p i l f d i c a ft v h a t k i,»

h h* h w-r t . <1 . JpMu.ttler tile P-»!m M

?»n:i\ Mv p-iint-ti o tid itionx w ere n o t -

. and ttia t mi*unplo> m ent was a H-tfafg «*f the pa t, i-iting the recent re- oriiin-M'dat l«»n «>f Si-i i p ta ry M»»ov«-r th a t the go v e in m en t stop a ll fo<iej 'I ,'unst rin-t i-oi w m k uni ii such tnire as lah«*r w as not so *u»r**|y n«-eded In in - •lust > \

Henat*»r W alt h i g h l y *-*onm*-iKi W a s h in g t -> i i a n -1 a s a vvhni*' w;i

Fl, Kd a e w as a l ■ fo r fils se rv ices .it J

u p p o it <>f ihe parly | u rg . d fto- th** ram

fif ty years ago he served h is .tune Mr. and

H jB H | ............... .. _ com m ission to con ­s id e r th© fu tur© o f th© -M orris Canal a n d t h . b ill to p u t hold In f com panies u n d e r th e P u b lic U ti l i t ie s Board.

Land Rum Ring, but Fail to Solve Rem ington Murder

Sailor with Gun Fails

To Daunt Deputy Bent

On Libeling Ship at Doclc

t h e i r g u i d o n w r .•Members f r o m j e u r e a t t e n d e d t h e ! '■ h o n o r a t

th* f . n . r a l m ethod* o f ............. Iw ould bo allow ed u n d e r th e tre a ty .

T ho A d m ira lty re fu se d to ex p ress an o ff ls ia t op in ion on th l* poin t, hu t itwon nnofftctally asserted In Admiralty circle* that tb* British attitude I*

T/5S a NGELEM. M arch 24 < » ) .—F ed ­e ra l a f e n t* to d a y d ec la red " th e c lev er­es t and l a r f e s t liq u o r r ln * on«U ie P ac ific C oaot" w a* c ru s h ed by tb* a r ­re s ts a t L ong B each o f e ig h t m en. In­c lu d in g som e p ro m in en t fn b u sin ess c irc les.

B u t hopes t h a t th* an rsa ta and th a se lsu re o f ISP casea o f liquor, tw o t ru c k s and tw o a u to m o b lle a w ould l«ad to d e fin ite In fo rm a tio n a s to th* s lay e r o f E a rle R em in g to n , e le c tr ic a l en g i­n e e r an d “ao c le ty b o o tle g g e r," aho t to d e a th F e b ru a ry » . w ere abandoned .

A lexander B. S te w a r t, p re s id en t o f th e C u rllo C o rp o ra tio n , f ish packers, on* o f th o se a r re s te d , w as re leased tn S2S.MS ball,

An o b s tin a te S outh A m erican sa ilo r i arm ed w ith a rev o lv e r fa iled y e ste rd ay | to p rev en t IV p d ty U nited S ta te s M ar­sh a l G eorge Z lpf from scram bitnK over t h e , aide o f th e s team sh ip Redondo, ly ing a t th e foot o f W arren s tre e t . I Je rse y C ity , and lib e lin g th e vessel.

Z lpf ap p ea red a t th e dock yeste rday w ith p ap ers em p o w erin g him to seize th e vessel, b e lo n g in g to a S ou th A m eri­can line, in o rd e r to sa tlo fy a claim [ a g a in s t th e R edondo he ld hy L Jvcr B ro thers , a J e rse y C ity firm .

He w as n .*t hy a deck hand from M a n n in o W a n I . th e y ease I. w ho o rd e red Mm no t to go 1 I r la n n m B' " “ B l aboard . Z lp f f la sh ed h is m a rsh a l 's I West or Sod b*d#a, bu t tb© sa il o r h a d hla o rd e rs | from th© cap ta in a n d w as ta k in g no o thers .

(Mtire life In th l* M ate He grew up 'n H unterdon »’nunt> ' an d w as in a rn e l

iti F ren c h tow it. w here f ir s t p a s to ra te . Last |lv s B loom «-elehrate<1 fading a n n lw r s a r v nmt il p a r ts o f Ihe confer .h*» re c ep tio n h*-l«l in th e Isafayett*- Uhureh.

’ of which Air Bloom h ad se rv ed as p a s ­to r for seve ra l y ears .

('♦her ch arg es , held p re v io u s ly , w er • ! in Bayonne, P a te rso n . E liz a b e th Dover

and NVfmdbridge. Upon r e t i r in g fn*m l the Hf'tive m in is try ab o u t five yeai.s [■ago Air. Bloom w en t to B ayonne , wh.-i <[ w ith his w ife, he re«*ui©d u n ti l the r* j tu rn of hla so n -in -la w an d daugh ter | Mr. and Mrs. ( 'h a r te s ( »ord>. from the ' $ i'fst, when the fam ily m oved in to

th e ir newly p u rch ased hom e in E»o**-ry s treet. In ad d itio n to h is o th e r con­ference d u tie s Mr. Hioom w as , w r » - ta ry «»f the a lum ni o f D rew T heo log ica l 8«-niinar>. w h e .e he pr*-t>ared fo r th m ln ls tr} .

Mr. Bloom Is su rv iv e d by h is widow and h is 4t;iughter, M 'n. G ordy. A nother daugh te r, Mias E d ith M ay Bloom, died In 1913


in Murder, in , Belief o f Police

thmt th* treaty, •( least In spirit, dees pet permit snp alterations la these gum whatsvsr.


______ _____ an d faauad a den ia l th a th« w *s g u il ty o f v io la t in g th a V olstead net.

Z lpf tr ied to im p re ss on th a gua rd p n T

Ovenriding of Vetoes Mark End of Session

Gladys W alton, Film Actress,

(C o n tin u ed fro m F ir s t P a g t)

bureau bin over the veto, but to no •Vull, Benator Msrkay entered into personslltte* lb crlclclxing the two, and Senator Parry's comeback was that when a lawyer has a poor caw ha ususllp attacks counsel (dr tha othat stda,

P aseo e B ills W ide T h rsa g h . t h * Pasco# w a te r h ills w ar* n u t

th ro u g h th * N o a m .tn a few m iaatea . No ob jec tion i n s ra is e d by

th e s lg m flcaace of th e se lsu re papers, b u t th* o n ly re s u lt w as th a t th e sailo r im pressed on Ihe m a rs h a l 's r ib s the m ussle o f a p isto l.

T ho m a rsh a l m ade * qu ick move „ , The s a ilo r s tru c k a pole and narrow ly

GeU Three Day* for Speeding S p u t t u Sth e aafaure n o tic e on th e c ap ta in 's cab le . | \. Th* c ap ta in In - th e m ean tim e had been In fo rm ed o f th * h appen ings. H r received t h e . m a rs h a l po lite ly anil . acknow ledged th e selsu re .

T oday U n ited M a te s D is tric t A tto rn ey I ' — ~W elte r O. W lrfhe, filed a su g g ee tio n of tipreH tm tt-vtee e f •»« * » » • ■

BUJOMINGDA1.E. M arch * t.

LOS ANtSgLBB. H a rc h 24.—O lsdys 'W alto n , f ilm a c t re s s , w a s to d ay aen- tenuod to se rv e th re e d ay e ta Jail fo f speed ing . H e r re q u e s t th a t she be a llow ed to go hom o a n d ch an g e h e r d re s s w a* g ra n te d . S he .w a s coavdeted o f d r iv in g a m ach in e tb lm y -th re* m iles a n h o u r In th o o l t r llm * « .' *

Special Service a / th* S E W S . ,ro.MPTON LAKKS. M arch 24 John ‘

M anning, who Is w a n ted In tb e m urder j of h is w ife tw o 'w e e k s ag o . la no t In | th is v ic in ity , bu t Is now som ew here j in th e W©st o r fiUmth. a c c o rd in g to po- i lie© official© here .

New p h o to g rap h * fro m p riso n re c ­ords a l T ren to n , log©thaw w ith a d e ­scrip tion o f th e m an a re b e in g m ailed to ©wary la r g e c ity tn th a co u n try .

Month Without a Marriage .b Record for Btoomingdale


________ P o r thej f ir s t tim e s in e s B to o m in g d a le becam e

a borough, ft m o n th h a s p a sse d W tth- I nut a m a rr ia g e ce rem o n y b e in g p e r­

form ed w ith in t b s b o ro u g h lim its , o r a m arriag e Means* b e in g g ra n te d by there g is tra r o f v i ta l - s t a t i s t i c s , E dw ard e . Bali. '

T a v k ir S a v s W e ld o n a C on* Avert Collector Embezxled $ 9 0 0CITF. M arch 14.—H ym an

Old. o f 4M

D earbo rn M organ f rtte il; X O w n ( i t t t M ' V l M D ean* t e lw a l o f M lM e M U y U l l l O f . * t to 24. c t o i t t i a a un-m a u i am— tm n m wm ib r iia t th* O ran g # m M ' i a w a it t r i m a M X t lM K m X b i t O m K H U I M o X a a r t h r w . :

trail* D ata* — <» tho n ra t basket, an* (feat war tha only ttma tha visiter* had th* advastag*. tha Orang* aehaal k re p ta g an* aa tw o p o ln te WMML, A t tha tad af Hat area ad q u a r te r th a aaara •toad U to I* mi favor a f th a ham*

Make Off wi& 4 1 3 0 0 f a RaBNEW TORK, March 44.—Three rohfcwi

today attached JFaea dW iahaan»,, « e * |e r • T a a Diamond T raaa. ta th a t iH w a f * ( tha plant aa Baeattlh a taaaa a n d fled in a taal w ith a 4MWBSF O g J lB S ; girl tag* attached white m » traa w aR teg Sir aa elevator.* O re rahbar plaoad h it hand near her a iBMl NhBI thp ( t ha* IRq — *■*—* th a s te a m /s • iffiSMIi '**« ■ im fS a m l

8 p p a a f th e w h it* a lar# tra ffic M a i dad to create a ash-com m ittee MBa b orttt artth tha International W N art ao to aaaara tha protection H r M* tauaigm ata. Tha aab-com -H U t g A a n s r sB B t f K » d a le ig ta a f tha Jew ish gW Iteh fa r tha P rotect!** o f y ou» .

■r t i M i y ML M h b y t l« * p * 4 s ta .

rte* W « r« :s t* re4

S a f e r .| F ab from Pole. A m B rakes

Ned, the Pipe Smoker, em i Jimmy, Who Wat e Fire H orte, Among Thou Sold at Public Auction Today.

4u « n c e

RShorts” Covered■ E f . „

York Agent of Saunders

Say* Most of Bean Have

Accepted Offer.

fr o Settlement Expected Monday

YORK March 24 <.9i —The Na- I Bank ©f Commerce, w hich yes-

t t r d a y dispensed P lg g lr W ig g ly s to rk I k e i t r m c d "short© a t SI Oft a i h i r v J

l i r In s truc tion ! from the M emphis k Of C larence Saunders, p residen t

a# P lgg ly W iggly S to res Inc., who *n- J g jgoarsd a c o m er In W all S tree t, an - j M«RC«d today th a t such sa le s had been | ■WpiRSed a t I o’clock y e s te rd a y —also

^ W r In struc tions from M emphis, ■ g m t bow many of th e sh o rts had j

ta h o a over eould not he d e fin ite ly ss- j e # f ta ln t 'l Mr Saunders, s t M emphis. T ag quoted as say ing th a t s e tt le m e n ts (

S heen m ads fo r only HO s h a re s of j IS.000 th a t had been so ld sh o rt j

tY Bradford, f e n e r s l counse l of i 1 p « v i y w i n i y . who baa boon h an d lin g

th a N#w Tork and of t h . s s t t l s m s n t for &;Mf. Baendsra. n l d th a t w h tl . only 110 m S k tir U ac tu a lly had b##n delivered to " him . tha N ational Bank o f C om m erce

g* S h d aold enough lo re v a r p ra c tic a lly ;‘2 d S a < th a ahorta.

f S o aaaum ad tha ahorta w ere w a itin g tw ill Monday to aottl*. ta k in g advan - baga a f th a fa ll tlm # fo r ao ttlo m .n l allow ed by tb a board o f g o v e rn o rs of th a Maw T ork Btack S xch aag * . A

: Saw ahorta at!II w o rt b a y in g F id d ly wW ajaato "over tha e o aa ta r" In th a o paa H j j i i t i today a t priaaa a ro u n d I t

j f Baataan* M aah P r i e s t*** H S t r a n . T a n a - M arch t« (Aaao-

P ress).—Shares of C law A P tg- W idely common s tock , hold by

ica dauadara , p raa td an t o f P lg - W ld f ty d toraa. lac ., w a r . pries- today.th la n o c k , w hich y oa ta rday t h .

f id d l y W idely hand qu o tsd to "abort*" 'A IM * * p a r Ohara. T hursday a t IISo un-

t'clock ta th a a f te rn o o n an d fo r th d fa a fta r a t l l l l . M r Saun-

I 'd ec la re d la a a ta tem a n t a t t a r la * _ f l a a o a ta W all S tre e t" la ta last

•? h a v t no p rtca of a a y k in d to o ffe r lb h ay fa r t b a r sho rt ta ta ra a ta . Even

m g S * a sh are would n o t buy from me certif ic a te t a r a -abort.' My

m a m o f It** w aa fo r one d ay on ly and M S B h a t ha s x t s n d s d ’® Mr. Saunders sa id bo w ou ld h a re -

.’dbuinoa o f hla stock by ao lllnd to th o pooplo— th e y t ru s t me.

h th a r d o a 't t r u s t W all S tre e t." Ho p a t a llow tho s to ck to bo sold

H ip aa rb n w rk s t. ba Inaiatad.

I Bid for Purchase Amy Base Rejected

Burtau o/ tbaWrmmra nv'

lAAHlNOTON, March 14.— Tha War .rtmsat today rejected tha tw o n id t wora opened Thu reday for

I'aniw baaa a t Part Newark. A cting o f W ar D aria concurred In

fudsm ent o f Caloaai W alton, ch laf i t . Conetructlon and R eal E atate

Mato*. that tba bid a f tl.ooa.aoo o f M Newark ta d th e bid o f |1 , |H .-

offara* by Pradarlek C. Schnstdsr daw Brunswick w ars entlraly tn-

ita and that Iks sffor ta Initiated y ta gat a prlvata bid o f about * aboutd ba praaaed

MM eatd a t Colonel W alton's that th a dapartm ent la ready and

• to coneldar any bid htdhar than offered by Nawark; th a t tba ds- isnt la aaataa* to sa il tha plant.

I la daeldadly not ready to saert- ? I f tha naw effor ts to obtain a

fa ll. Colon*! W alton said there N w ia nothing (oft but to lot th e property ■ f f N a . ___________ ____________

y t f China’s Diplom ats in 1 Europe Quit W ithout Pay

Coble fa the Newark I r n i a f • Horn* sad PMUdatpbta Public Ledger.

B f c j M M I I , f t 11. All Itiph'e Reserved. W g p B W S . March S I —T he rdslgna- I f l l d a f H uan* Pu. tha F oreign Mtnla-

W*B closely fo llow ed by th e dtl w a *jf a ll tha hands o f Chl-

legatlona la Europ*. T hey kave___ . okildad to go w ith ou t paym entflR ijh a tr salartaa for ton m on th*

Tha governm ent Is v ir tu a lly bank- W l i ln hut Is urging Its d ip lom atic rep- E M p ntattvae to remain nt th eir posts. | | t w ill try ta raka up su ffic ien t funds SS4****t tem porarily th e adm in istrative

dpaes. w hich approxim ate 11,000,- go ld , m onthly. G overnm ent’s In-

however. a fter ta k in g cars o f . i t io aured lean ob ligations. Is nearer |&^]$M.tO« gold a month.^ ^ p n w M inistry aa a w hole w ill rem ain

»<hadft'.e. It la appototing G eneral Wu n -Itt'u lUutengnte as M ilitary Gov-

of th« Southern provinces, vlr- lt(ralit!ng the Northern m illtar-

gttem pt to conquer Central and “ China and to drlvg Dr. Sun Yat- frum Canton.

Tisbo, in Jail, Weeps, Proclaims Innocence

Steamship Ticket Agent Held dt Naples to Be Tried in Ithly

on Larceny Charge.

Wife Defend* Right to Jewels

NAPLEO—March 14 (A ssociatedPrase).—Franaaaca Ttabo. tba fu gitlva Naw Tork steam ship ticket a g e n t w hs w a s arrests* bars whan ba arrived With hla w ife oa tha (teenier Taormina from New Tork Thursday, buret Into te a re when interrogated la tba prison today and declared him self tanoceat of the grand larceny chargee on which be hat been Indicted In New Tork.

Mrs Tlabo, who also Is being de­tained. told the authorities that the Jewels round la tba couple’s b aggage on thalr arrival belonged lo her be­fore ehe want to America sad w ars not purchased with money that bad been deposited In the Tlabo bask.

NEW YORK. March 14— Franceses Tlabo. Indicted here for sw lndllnd hundreds of Italian Immigrants out of their savings and who la uadar arrest hi Naples, will ba triad In Italy, tba Italian Consul General In Naw Terh baa bean Informed.

Tlabo, with kta brothers. Vlncenao and Vito, wore Indicted on ebargoa of grand larconv after tba 12.000,400 fa il­ure a f tbs Tlabo Brothers' Steam ship Ticket Agency. Many of tho Immigrants who lost tbolr savings have filed alvll and crim inal charges a t the Italian Consular offices.

Francesco Ttabo. It was pointed oat by the Consul General, Is not aa Amer­ican efttnaa and tha Italian govern­m ent w ill Inalnt upon trying him In Italian courts. The sfflcta l said ha had conferred w ith the atntrlet attorney her* and that thara waa a com plete understanding as to th* procedure ta be followed. 1

Juror Quizzed on Bribenr, Alleged in Small's Trial

CHICAGO. March U <H|).—J. BirnU Fields. st»t« game warden at Havana. III., and on© o f tha Jurors who l i l t luoim ar acquitted Governor Lsn Small on chargaa of mfauna has bann quattfonad by A. V. Smith, state's attorney o f Lake County. It ba- oama known today. Tha Lake County grand Jury has baan ordarad racon- vonad Monday to invsstlgata charges of Jury tampartng at tha trial.

Vialds ralatad details of a question­ing by 8 ta ts‘s Attornoy Smith: ‘*8tatas's At tor nay Umith. said WQtiam Riloy. a former saloon ow ner at Antioch, had told him that h a Riley, had received $1,000 w ith which to bribe Jurors. R iley told Stata'a Attorney Smith, ha said, that he had given me l i l t o f thla.

'T novor received a cant. From tha tim e I waa called for Jury service until I waa called In by tha state** attorney I waa able to account for ovary m in­ute o f nt? time.”

|8 * M h

Reds to Take Place O f Convicted Men in SovietWABSAW. M arch 34 (A ssoc ia ted

.—T hree hundred an d seven teen P y lt lh Communists h av e n o tif ied th e

p W H l i l i n t that they a re w illin g to be a§O$M ttg0d fo r 617 of th a lr co u n try m an

Sound g ou ty by R uastan t r ib u n a ls o f anti-Soviet activ ities ^ Tha exchange will bs a ffec ted u n d er leg isla tion ra is e d by th e Po lish d ie t R ad la eorfo rm ance w ith a conven tion negotiated b itw een Moscow and W ar- •AW. The C om m unists agr+ e to loae tkair Polish c itizensh ip . Am ong the prisoners fo r whom th ey t r e tu be ex- changed a re tw e n ty - th re e Po les now under d eath sen tence

Refugees at Mersina Getjgees « Turk

ATHENS. March It__ Th* Near E astR e lie f a representative at Mersina. Aala Minor, aant tha follow ing measag* to th is c ity today:

"The Turkish police announced this morning that Christian r tfu g see who do not leave Mersina within four days w ill be daporlad to tho interior. Tba refugees hare now number 4,500. Tha Alllea should make strong representa­tions to prevent such a deportation, far If then , people are marched to tho in­terior more than f it ly par cant, w ill dl*.

“There are ships In the harbor now th a t can ta k e the re fugees o ff If aay one w ill receive them .”

A dosen keen-eyed men. roughly d rsssid . soma with long buggy * * )* • la tbelr hand* gathered In an alto:’ aant to tha dlath Preelact Police * te - tlon th is m orale* They etood looking Into the doorway of a steh l# In th* rear of the dtatlvn house, ta lk in g and ch affin g on* another Ooeaaloaally one would carefu lly place a half-am ohad cigar aa th* concrete window s ill and w alk In eld*.

Th* atabl* eoatalnad aavaa sla sh hay b a r s * . Another group of peep la, bat- tar dreseed, sad I nclading tw o worn**, w ere exam ining tha horaaa dargoant McEvoy. In eaurmaad af tha m ounts* aqua), acted aa guide and * * n ee leg ist . The anim als stood m eekly In th eir stall*, aa i t acaeing w hat waa com ing

A abort,'atout man w ith a ! • • * *v*n bustled Into th# place.

’’Gentlemen, nr# you romdy. no

**“ Th# auctioneer. ’ whlepered aeveral In th* group.

And in thla wlaa did aovan veteran* of th# four-leaged membar# of th# Police Department pass thalr laat m la- utes In public Ilf*. An hour later and all w ere sold. Moat of tham w ill jog arouad tan bark track! or w ith a group of other horac* w ill trat th# O range Mountain tr a ils carrying on thalr hacks rldlnn academy pupil* aaahlng to reduce, or apprehensive young p eo ­ple proud of shining naw boot* and natty breech##. On# bora* found a home with tw o young boy#. Another w ill drag a b u t ty behind him. Tha end o f thalr service w ith th# depart­m ent waa brought about by tha Inea- nrablenesa of ttma— tim e th at baa made tham too old to b# of affoctlvo aarvlc*. and Urn* that haa made tha hora* ob so­lete a s an effoetlv* Instrum ent o f th e law.

MeEvoy P a r te w ith Momnl.Th* nuctloneer w as brisk , aa a u c ­

tioneers m ust ba. H# hadn’t, baan la th* atabl* more than a m inute or tw o whoa h* commanded. ’T r o t ’em o a tP

S e rg ean t McEvoy want Into tho hen sta ll a t th* and o f tho atabl*. A c lea n ­lim bed hors* turned and w hinnied aa h* opened th* door and th ru st a loan mu tale aga in st th* policem an's naek. Th* w eather-beaten sergeant stroked th* hora* and whlapared Into a cocked ear.

“HipI C m * on out. there, you old rascal.” h* shouted loud ly th* nant minute. The about wag too laud, hi* vale* toe atralaod. to g iv e th* o ffse t o f braosy nonchalance th e veteran a f- fioer tried to m ake convincing. Th* haata 'of the hora* thnndarad aa tha floor and than bast resoun dingly an tha hard concrete pavem ent a f th * allay. Up and down M e l r e f ran th* kerne that h* had rtddan w inter and summer th*** sintaan years.

. . ! I "What's hla nama," asked a prosper-of state fund*. tlT, bidder.

'T h ey’re sold by numhor.” th e ser ­geant laid . Jealously concealing th* cognom en o f Tom. Old Bay. to w hich tho bay had answ ered him m ars tbaa a decade and a half.

"What am I bid. gentlem en—and ladle* I" asked th* auetlaaaar.

On* af th e unehavad and eorduroy- elad man Jerktd th* hora*’* m outh open. Ha shaok hi* hand, emi led a n lg -

i m atically and spat reflectively . ‘Twan'-flva." h# affarad.“Forty,” capped oa* o f th* arsman. ■Tw<a a s' a ha’f." countered another

stableman.Tha auctioneer waa M. t . O’Connor,

w ho haa so ld everyth ing from autom o­b iles to sltbors for forty years, so ho rem ained Imparturbad. He laughed , h* frowned, waved hla hands la depre­cation when som e on* reload the bid fif ty cent*. And in a short w hit* Tom waa sold to Mias M. Schoollar and th e real o f tho few years rem aining to him w ill be passed w ith a South Or­ange avenue riding school aa hto home.

Now Women fag O thers.Jimm y w ee the seeend hors* to go.

O fficer G allagher o f tho Third Precinct w asn’t thara to sac him sa id fo r M i to Robert Rader o f Montraaa terrace, Irvington. Jim m y w ill d m w a ca r ­riage a fter thla. and h* augh t t* be good a t It. far year* a c e . before ho becam e a poll** bars*, ha used to draw D eputy F ire C hief MoDaratttt'a g ig an

aw ing on hla tail w ithout d raw in g a whim per or a motion from th e old horse, tho second oldest on tho force, w ho had carried M oEntrre oa m any a mad gallop after runaw aye and w rongdoers for more than fifteen year*.

O fficer McHugh's Lucky o f th* S ec ­ond Freelnet traffic squad and O f­ficer W o lff a tw elve-yaar-old Earl K in g ware sold to F liuneel. w ho hae a str in g o f forty, saddle horses In H il­ton . for l U and ITT 50, resp ective ly Tape, another veteran of a doaan years com panion-at-arm s of O fficer T u lte of th* Third Preelact. w as acid to Mr Vogel Justice, who had served a fu ll decade w ith th* dapartment. and who last carried Officer Keelan o f the Fourth Precinct, was sold to D aniel W. McGee o f 1T4 Montclair a v e n u e and waa Immediately claimed by h is tw o young eons. Justice probably w as the lu ck iest hors* thara.

Complete riding equipm ents w ere sold for 97. The stable w as e ls e red The new owners led the horses aw ay, and tha city's mounted force w a s re ­duced la an hour's dickering by m ore thaa half. Oaly ala horse* rem ain In th* mounted division o f the P o lice D e­partm ent. Boon their time w ill com*.

Edge Plans Early Reply To Dry Debate Proposal

Will Restrict luue to Effective- neu of Voliteed Act in Cate

He Accepts.

Denies Balking Jersey Enforcers

the Washington Bureau of the E V K S I S G S E W S

WA8HD6OT0N. March 2 4 —U n ited S ta te s S enator Edge will h a v e an a n ­sw e r Monday to the sug g ea tlo n of Rt-v. Dr. Jam es K. Shields o f th e A nti- Faloon League f©r a p ro h ib itio n d e b a te be tw een Mr. Edge and fo rm er S p e a k e r H o b a rt o f the New Je rsey Aasembl> a t Caradenj A pril 12. Mr. E dgeart A pril iz . Mr. E dge w aa a ' h is office {here today, but s a id he had

n__ M . . ^ . , - . : no t received the le tte r o f D r S h ie ld sto®. Aa ^ _ M |4 n o b i l 4 h aa IWWaS ed j a a published in n ew spapers h e re la st

n ig h t He understood It h ad gone to A tlan tic C ity and is being fo rw a rd e d from there.

Mr. Ege indicated he w ould ina ia t a s a condition precedent th a t th e d e ­b a te be confined to the q u e stio n o f th e effec tiveness or non-effc< 'ti\encc« ' o f th e V olstead a r t He sa id he had no in ten tio n of being d ra w n in to an y o th e r attitude*

Mr. Edge denied the acc u ra c y o f som e rep o rts published y e s te rd a y th a t he w as in te rfe r in g w ith en fo rc e m e n t in New Jersey by hav ing in te r n a l R evenue Com m issioner B la ir ho ld up o rd e rs fo r tran s fe rr in g a g e n ts fro m th e s ta f f o f the s ta te d ire c to r to th e

j new ly o rgan ised s ta ffs o f th© re g io n a l ‘ en fo rcem en t chiefs Mr. E dge th o u g h t

th e se rep o rts too extrem e and w ere u n ­fa ir to him and to th e p ro h ib i tio n a u th o ritie s .

T he tru th of the s itu a tio n , a c c o rd in g to Mr. Edge, ta th a t th e re w ill be no ch an g e fo r the present an y h o w In th e Now Jersey enforcem ent o rg a n is a t io n , an d w hile ha had conferred w ith .C o m ­m issioner B la ir about the m a tte r . Mr B la ir had assu red him o f th is fa c t w ith o u t his b ring ing any p re s s u re to bear.

tha Fire Department, so tha m otor- 1 ejreta la raplaetnf the horae In the Follgo Dapartment. and ap»ad and ©f- ftelency triumphs over sen tim ent and th e picturesque

Detectives Follow Man, Nab Him Forcing Door

Warning to Leave

M n. Walter Brown N. Y. Estate Appraited at $ 1 0 5 ,066 Value

NEW TORK, M arch 1 4 — Alice F leh e r Brown left an e s ta te In th te s ta le am ountln f to 4145.048 w hen, aa a reel- R ant of Olen R M re N J.. she d ied ,mi Oetober 1*. accord ing to a tr a n s fe r lax f la t* ap p ra isa l of p a rt of her p ro p . • r ty .

Under her w ill, execu ted on S ep tem ­b e r I. 1922. she o rdered h e r net e s ta te $0 ba divided In p a rt a s fo llow s

W alte r Brown, husband , the re s id u e ; JfPS. C aroline E H u n t o f London and H a len E. M. M cKenete of S cotland, eln- tara . each HOono. Mr* Lucy P tav e lle Topping niece, of M anaetl. Mich., a

jJM* In te re it In a 415.400 tru s t fund With th* principal a t her d ea th to th i la t te r 's issue: E le tn B B row n of N ew-

IM m. N. J . and Annie M. K y k e rt o f th is City, each 11.000. A nnie end C arrie T u r- par. both of Scotland, cousins, each

flBJMd: Mrs. P h y llis F le tc h e r o f H am - ,H toa. O at.. 11.400: M rs Dell Boyd of n i s a B Falla, N. J.. a n d sev e ra l o th e rs

sack and th* M ount H am ilton ,U t o f H am ilton , O n t . $2,000.

M ontclair T ru s t C om pany is th* _ _ a r * f th* o e ta te . Th* p ro p e rty

a ta te eonalet* m o stly o f m ln ln * " l a d s to ck *

X m |W Bureaus to Co-operate

Civil Suits Against Sabas Transferred to U. S. Court

EASTON. P a . M arch 24.—A tto rn ey s fo r John and David Baba of E as to n , do* fen d an ta in civil actions s ta r te d In tho Sussex C ounty <N J .) co u rts a s tho.ro* su it o f c ircum stances g ro w in g out of the m urder of A lbert K oetor a t Cut Swamp, n ear Andover. N. J., Jung 24, 1921. have succeeded In h a v in g tho caaea tra n s fe rre d to the U nited States D is tric t Court.

The Sabas, who a re brothers, a r t be­ing sued by Mrs. Albsrt Hotter, widow of the m an murdered, for $106,900; by C laude Resh. driver o f the tru th hold up. fo r I&0.000; by Chariot Mains, helper on the truck, for $10,000. and by th e Sussex Print W ork!, w hose truck w as held up and s ilk stolen, for $60,609.

Esthetic Nudes Only on Paris Stage, Cabinet Rules

Special C oils to tho Newark Mvontng News end Philadelphia Public Lodger. Copyright. 1SIJ. A ll R ights Roeervod.

PARIS. M arch f t .—Nudee o f tk« P a ris s tag e form ed tho subject o f a dig* tu s sh n of the f'-binet council today, w hen a declw.ou w as reached that n akedness If vulgar must go. The

th e staimp of approval Is only to be placed on nudes w here are genuinely esthetic .

C onsideration of the subject InvoJvod b roadened somewhat during the slon. The final verdict o f th e council w as that the curb of censorship m ust be placed on "certain words, certain p h ra ses end certain gestures."

English Woman Defeats Mrs. Mallory at Cannes

‘CANNEN. Franco, March 44 (M )As a result o f her victory aval' Mrs. Mallory In tw o sots yeatardny, Mr*. Beam ish, th* Brittah tennis atar, w ill oppose Mies E lisabeth Ryan, tha Cali­fornia t lr l. In th* finale a f tha w aai- *n’a Sinaloa

Thouch Mr*. Mallory extended Mrs. Boaralah du rtn , th* aiatoh, tb a latter w a s able to triumph. 4—1 and 4—7. f t cam* aamawbat a* a surprise bacauaa Mias Kathleen McKent, another Brit­isher. had fa iled bafor* Mira. Ms IIm f Thuraday.

ca llop through th* straat*.And th* s tree ts in F ores t H ill w ill

eoom e iranavty em pty n aw , and th* children o f th* school* In th a t n e ig h ­borhood w ill M w ithout *h* a f th* dearest playm ate*, for Mail, th* pipe sm oking, kn ad-shakin g gab a f M ounted O fficer M cEntyr# waa th e third bars* on th* llat. and th is w as. perhaps, th* unhapplaal fa t* a f th* aavun. Ned w aa aold to a commlaalon d ea ler In horse* for $1144, and w hoovog u lt im a te ly buy* him w ill. In a ll probability , never know th a t n fou r-year-old baby can

Panel for Grand Jury At April Term Drawn

Twelve Newgrken in Lift of

Thirty-five Ndmes Submitted

to Chief Juftice.

Final Selection! on April 3

A g ra n d Jury panel of th i r ty - f iv e nam es w as d r tw n before C hief J tistlr© O um m ere todsy From th is n u m b er tw © nty -th ree will be se le rted A p ril 3 to s it as the g rand Jury fo r th e f i r s t h a lf of the April term of E ssex C oun ty c o u r ts The nsm es of tw elve N ew ark - ©rs w ere draw n

T he panel is as follow sN ew ark — Kranel* T M cK enna. 7©

A a to r s tree t Dr laoui* N B lan k . 7t S ou th Ktgh'.h s ire e t . W illiam F f ’|* pbers. 312 Dlifton s tre e t . F red P M er­kel. 131 South T w elfth s t r e e t , Lout*0 F au ihaber. 21 W hite te r ra c e . l»r C h arle s F K rasm er 774 B road a tre e t . R obert W H artpence 2$ I<©aht* a t r e e t . A ugust G B trkenm eier &29 C lin to n av en u e ; t 'h a r le s If, W olber. M St. P au l av en u e . E d g ar S B am berger $6 Van Ness p lace. Dr M aurice A F low er. 1©©? B road s tre e t , Bamuel G aiser. 117 M apes avenue

M o n tc la ir—Peter O uen 627 B loom - ' fie ld av en u e . Geofge B"xall. 1©9 M>d 1 land aven jie . Dharlea R. R o ee \e a r . TJ.J (1 la rem on t avenue . John 8 t 'a r la o n . i M ontclair avenue

L ast O range--W illiam H off m ail. 191 N orth P a rk s tre e t . H a rry H |v*tv . I t7 A m herst s tre e t , P e te r R s th g e h e r . 224 N orth Grove s tre e t . Thom s* A M or­row . 327 S pringdale avenue

Houth O range—-G eorge W. W h itn ey . 170 Sco tland road. John <> B rah n ey . $0$ Sum m it avenue . Jam es H Mr- D utchson . 1 Halsey place

B loom field— w illiam W B rock. 1$ A ustin p lace; P a trick J <‘on ro y . 69 Spruce s tre e t

N u tley —John t 'la rk . ♦© H ills id e a v e ­n u e . Dr. H arvey Van It .*er. 23 t 'h u rc h

j s tre e t.j I rv in g to n —R obert M adlinger. 38 T re -

m ont s tre e t . J F ran k D onovan. S p rin g fie ld avenue. C harles T Moo r . 24 T rem o n t s treet.

I t ile n R idge—V W eston B ailey . 93 ! R idgew ood avenue. Frederl- k J <*gdcn

121 F o res t avenueV erona—Jesse K B arm ore. 14 N orth

C la rem on t avenueC aldw ell—H W alte r S h a rw e tf 32

A rlin g to n avenueW est O range—C harles O. l>ehrer. 5S»

Mt. P le a sa n t avenue.

Seven Hurt in Series Of Motor Accidents

Vanishing Truck Overhauled in

Q u it and Driver Paroled

After Injury to Boy.

Two Other Children Are Felled*

To autom obile acc iden ts in vartoua p a r ts of th* c ity last n ig h t tw o men s u f t t r e d possible fra c tu re s o f th e aku ll. a man and wom an su sta in ed possib le

n <>f the If* a child * leg wag and iR 'i «-ther th ild re n w ere

h e iii^ possib ly in te rn a lly in ­ert hosp ita l tre a tm e n t,

r* la te r tak en home

fra t tu b ro k © r h u r t <

| )ur« d 1 though ' F red W alk | M ulbcrrv r I leg; w ;* * bf'j lx4 *i a t i..M>4 o j ** h©n • r 5* i n a j S co t» Ktre- t at j F rafik Sch inp mij t 4 Hj k I hr !>•■> 141

In hi* *iu'«>nv>h||a. w » h -un <l«*vh n t»y a

j bv Sm ith A Solmno m d dr»\*n |»v l.er. rv-nd .hi r f that • •f 32 • ‘inm ifrc* at r

r» He the !»•(

M u 1 be t 7 »r

191 ( • • H©*h


ear* old o f 374 th* *'hlld whose

alao su ffe red [ He w as hu*t rr\ s tre e t, neap lo*k last niglif 'hadw lck avenue

Is rae l H osp ital e bov. it is said. ’t»*r tru ck ow ned r New B runsw ick ,ane of |7& Red •

H a rry Solom- n Hew R m n sw 'rk .

wmn *>n the ir ijrk w ith hint The tru ck d id not atop Mnd w as chased to Cam p an d Broad s tre e t In IxjuIn Baaa o f Tf Rose s tre e t arn! H erm an F tep n e r of 411 H u rte rd o .t s treet

W hen the pursuer* overtook th e tru - k th e \ ©topped It. . ailed T ra ffic O fficer BiRch am t he ».»ok tru c k and occu p an ts in the F irst P recinct S ta ­tio n Lane said he did not know hla tru c k hvd *tru4 k an> one and no e y e ­w itn ess of the accident w as found The bov w as picked up a f te r the tru c k had passed L ieu tenan t K enny paroled Lan©

of being run dow:n in •ar lludsoh a tree t. >©« n. Isabella H am m er-

vrar-n old. of 212 o ra n g eI!*' t ' i t i H ospital su tle r itig ions of th** r ig h t a rm and •rnal in ju ries She w as • hosp ita l tn the «a r th a t

Tbi-i w as d riven hy th© ue| M; n ♦ z <>f ]6 H edden>range.

Pritencr Found in Darkened Hall

with Screw Driver and J in n y

in Hand*-

Shop Entrance Found Scratched

Found a t 14 o’clock laat n igh t w ith a aarawdrivar (a d a lltoiay in fro n t of th* door o f a taller ( h i . In i darkonod hallw ay oa th* third floor o f th* b u ild ­ing a t 444 Broad straat. P atrick Cun­ningham a f 414 Sorgan atraat. w ho had baan followod from tho Four Com oro hy dataatlvaa. la leekad up a t polios hsadquartsr, pending Invaotlgatlon.

Thor* w srs scratchsa on th* door.Shortly bofor# I* o’clock D atoettvos

Kanny and Manning standing a t M arket M d Broad strssts noticed a m an w ith a bundle wrapped In nawapnpar under hla arm going couth In Broad ntroot. They followed him and on th* w a y mat Dotaatlra* Reilly and K lnnoy. who iotnod thorn-

T lisy saw th* man enter th* b u ild ­in g nt H I frond atroot. A f* w m in­ute* intar tea dataettraa entered and mnd* a search o f th* building. They found Caaalngham In frant o f th * door o f Auguetlno Montomurro’s ta ilo r chop.

T h* glnaa In th* door waa broken and mark* oa th* w oo# showed th a t an a t ­tem pt had boon mnd* te tore* th * door. Th* ala* a f tba mark* corresponded w ith th* aoraw driver found In Cun- r. Ingham’a posse aa ton

Unabla to otp ia ln hla action*. C un­ningham arm, taken t* headq uarter,. H* denied aver havin g baan arrested previously. A clipp ing found In hla paahat* shewed that he had served thrsa months In th* pan ltoatlnry for havin g aaaaultsd Patrolm an K egaa .

Raaantly aavaral robbarlsa have > s# n com m itted and a acraw driver unod to gain entrance.

lander* Bhtanbloom o f 444 Spring- field avenue reported to th* p o lice to ­day that th# front door o f hi* sto re at th at address waa forced last n ig h t and men’* clothing valued nt 4 U I sto len . »

T ik « Out Car Without Consent. Diiregarck Signal. Is Fined $ 5 0Charged with having u k o a an auto'-

moblle without concent o f th* ow ner and With' disobeying th* o lgn al o f a tra ffic officer yeatardny afternoon . N athaniel Crawford, colored, o f 44 Green (treat wan fined 444 a y A cting Judge Rooney In th* F irat P ree lact Court today. Oraan disregarded a s ig ­nal o f Patrolman Berardt, w ho w aa do­in g traffic duty. Whan It developed th* car belonged to W alter H. Nue- baum, th* aocond com plaint w aa mad*.

Consumers League Head Discusses Night W ork Bill

Mrs. G. W. B the New Jer»©y Consum «r*’ I*eagu©. add ressed a m eeting of th e E a s t O r­an g e u n it of the W om an’* R ep u b lican f .iu b o f New Jersey a t th e hom e of Mrs. Theodore H Sm ith. Rutted*© a v e ­nue. FSsM O range, yeste rd ay , p re s e n tin g s ta tem e n ts ©n the n o -n ig h t-w o rk -fo r- wom en bill.

She s ta ted that th e re w as tn th e potieesaion o f the League o f W om en V o ters * signed pledge from m em bers o f th e S ta te L eg is la tu re lo e u p p o rt the bill ag a in st n ig h t w ork a n d to fu lfil th e ir cam paign p ledges to see It th ro u g h That form er G overno r S tokes .

su ffe rin g fm m h possible ^f the r ig h t le g . M iss f a t h -

>i t»f .556’ H igh s tre e t , te- lam tn Beth Israe l H on- shri w as ta k e n U si n ig h t


Holds Up Station A gent, Returns Him Small Change

MATAWAN. March 34 — In . th e C liff - wood Station of the New Y ork St L o n * j B ranch R ailroad near he re a t ? o’c lo ck th is m orning. C harles d a r k , s ev e n ty y e a rs old. the s ta tio n a g e n t , w as h e ld up by a young man who ro b b ed h im of h la own and th e company** m oney . J u s t how mtlch w as ta k e n ta n o t d e l* tn tte ly known.

Boon a tto r th e th ie f en te red th o ota* t to n he grabbed C lark by th o th r o a t a n d dem anded a ll the cash In tho*9Tgce

1 Aa Chirk had seen him a b o u t C liff - wood qu ite frequen tly he th o u g h t he w a s Joking.

C lark soon rea lised h ia m is ta k e . A fte r g e ttin g th e m oney th e th ie f re* tu rn e d some sm all ch an g e to C la rk a n d bolted from the s ta t io n . ' T h o u g h C la rk gave chase, th e h ig h w a y m a n g o t away.

C lark w ent to the hom e o f H a rv e y SttUwmggon and to ld him o f th e hold*up. Mr. S ttU w aggon p n o n e o , w re p o r t of I t to the M ataw an po lice a n d to th e s ta te police a t F re e h o ld .

Cardinal lor W estern U. S. To Be Named, Author SaysN EW TORK. M arch 24 (A*).— V an ce

Thom pson, au th o r and fo rm er In te r* m ed ia ry betw een th e A m erican E m ­b assy a t Rome and th e V a tic an , a r ­riv e d on the Lapland today w ith w h a t be declared is positive In fo rm a tio n th a t A rchbishop H an n a of C a l ifo rn ia soon Is to be elevated to a c a rd ln a la te .

©This Is being done." Mr. T h o m p so n said , "because the V a tican h a s n s v e r h a d a card ina l w est of th e M iss iss ip p i R iv e r and a man w as s o u g h t \w ho w ould he th o rough ly A m erican a n d rep re sen ta tiv e of tne p ro g re s s iv e s p i r i t o f th e W est."

P ad re Gennochl, fo rm er ly a p o s to l ic d e lsg a te to Poland and th e U k ra in e , a lso ts to be given th e R ed H a t. M r. Thom pson sta ted . P a d re O ennoC hl, • a id Mr Thompson, had been b a n is h e d fro m Rome fo r seven y e a rs fo r c a l l ­in g upon ex*President R o o se v e lt d u r ­in g , h is v isit to Rome a f te r th e P o p e h a d declined to receive h im b e ca u se he f i r s t v isited a M ethodist I ty s tlfu tlo n .

Thuug | f r a r tu n - i erin*- HullDi \ fused to rrii

pit a I when*a f te r being s tru c k a t Spring fie ld

f hue and BraiifiHd place by an a u t" j :n*>bllri drD#*h b> Sam uel Satifey o f L»8

\N llltam m m S atsky then took her C ushing, p re s id en t o f I home.

Fl$©->©sr nld H elen Jan tn s o f 340 W est K ;nney s tre e t , w h ile ‘c ro ss in g the ©tree-t near her home la s t n ig h t, w as knockeil down by an au tom ob ile d riven h> M orris l*©vln© of fi.74 Houth Belm«*nt avenue. Levine »*>ok th e g irl to I'.rith Israel H ospital, w here she w as tre a te d for la re ra tio n s ©f th© head, far© and left knee. He then look h©r home.

John H. Golden o f lM M ulberry a tre e t w as s tru ck a t M arket and Ai­lin g ©treetN laat n ig h t by a tax i d riven bv M ichael Boylan o f 363 E ig h ­te e n th avenue. Bov lan look him to th e t ' i t y H ospital, w here it tv a s found he had a possible fra c tu re o f the s k u ll in add ition to lav e ra tio n s o f th e face

An aut4>mobtle d riven by F red M iller o f 237 F erry s ire e t w as In th e p a th o f Louis O’H ara of 138 N ew ark s tre e t , as he s tepped from th e c u rb a t B ank and Fum m it s tre e ts la st n igh t. O 'H ara w alked a g a in s t th e m u dguard , w as knocked dow n and su sta in e d a possib le frac tu r* of th e le ft leg. Th© F o u rth l*r»clnct au to p a tro l took th e

1 in ju re ii m an to the. <Tty H osp ita l.| W hile c ro ssin g the s t re e t in fro n t { o f the Tube s ta tio n la s t n ig h t. Jo h n | K reseh le r o f 62 H olland s tre e t w as { s tru c k by a Lyons av en u e J itney ! d riv en by Irv ing V an H outen o f 83

Spruce a tree t. T he v ic tim re fu sed to ' go to a hosp ita l and co n tin u ed on home

Possib le fra c tu re of th e s k u jl and r ig h t w ris t w ere su ffe red by Jaco b K ush lgo of 182 B arclay s tre e t w hen h© w as s tru c k a t W est K inney and P rince s tre e ts la s t n ig h t by an a u ­tom obile th a t did not stop . K ush lgo w as tak en to th e C ity H o sp ita l in th© F o u r th P rec inc t au to p a tro l, b u t a f te r receiv ing tre a tm e n t in s is ted on be ing ta k e n home, signed t p e rm itted to go.

c n a irm an o f the s ta te R ep u b lican i>r- I { g an fsa tto n . w*as a m em ber o f th e boa rd ! I o f .d irec to rs of the B otany P a ssa ic | I W orsted Mills, w as pointed o u t by h e r |

No ex p lic it c ritic ltm of th e fo rm er j G overno r waa voiced by h e r. h ow ever, j

Mrs. Cushing also said th a t Mis© E lla C lare NorMtup of B loom fie ld , i p re s id en t o f the New R ep u b lican C lub j of B loom field, has been o p en ly lobby- j Ing a g a in s t the bill. i

Mia* N orthup said today a t h e r hom e , th a t she and Mrs. C lara W ard C a r te r , w ho is a l io a health co m m issio n e r in B loom field, did lobby a g a in s t th e b ill fo r th e reaaoiia th a t i t w as “c la s s le g is ­la tio n " and "unw isely w orded .’’

Students in Night Clothes Flee from Burning School

W ORCESTER. M ass. M arch 24 4.T). —A ssum ption Collegia in G reen d ale . e s ­tab lish ed In l$ 0 i by a band o f A ssu m p ­tio n F a th e rs who had been ex p elled from France, w as d estro y ed b y f ire e a r ly today, bu t th e 130 s tu d e n ts e s ­caped in s a f e ty a lth o u g h th e y sav ed l i t t le except th# n ig h tc lo th e s w h ich th e y w ore. The b lase w as d isco v e red sh o rtly before 4 o’clock by Jo se p h M i­chau d of Lew iston. Me., s m em b er o f th e freshm an class, who so u n d ed an a la rm In the d o rm ito ry c o r r id o r on th e top floor of the th re e - s to ry m ain b u ild in g and s ll the s tu d e n ts flsd .

T he f ire departm e** ' fro m th is e |ty w ere called on tw o a la rm s , b u t th e y w ere handicapped by la ck o f w a te r p ressu re and th e h e ig h t o f tb * c o l­leg e bu ild ing on a h ill In G reen d ale .

T he loss Is e stim ated a t b e tw een $300,000 and $260,000. T he s tu d e h ts w erq ta k e n in and sh e lte red by n e ig h ­bors.

S ta te Inspector Edw ard J . M cC arthy, in 1 investigating the fire, found a t the foot j of the elevator well an em pty kerosene J lam p without wick, b u t showing signs of having contained kerosene recently .. This lam p had never been seen a round the college before. The finding o f th is lam p, coupled with the fact th a t Rev. Louis A. Deydier. president of the college, received an anonymous le tter several m on ths ago threatening destruction of th e college buildings, leads to the belief th a t the flte w as incendiary.

re lease an d w as

Coal Bagging StationsMay Close Next, Saturday

Recommendation that J tha b a ( ( ! n ( stations sstAhliahsd hr Mayor B rsld sn - bach'a coal eommltta* n* closed n ex t Saturday, w ill be mad* ta tb s M ayor oa bl* return from Bermuda by Joaoph H . Luchins, chairman o f (the com m ittee. I t It Mr. Luokias’s b e lie f th a t th* aanarfsaoy period ha* passed and th a t H w ill oot be advisable to con tln u * th* stations.

Th* official dally record o f sa ls* by th# various station*, h eretofore mad* each day to Mr. L uchins, w ill b* d is ­continued today. Salas laat w eak by th* b a t fte S station* to ta lled I ,U l bushels, th , sm allest num ber so ld , w ith tbs exception o f th* w o sk o a d ia s December XL sine* the op en tn s o f th # sta tion s December I. Y esterday'*

laa war* 144 tons and thoa* o f T hura­d ar 117 ton*.

"Bar Teed to Get TokenFrom Other West Essex Bills

Four o f ths ftvo Woat Eason "B ill*’’ ar* planning a surprise for th a f i f th *B U l” It It scheduled for th la a fto r - aoon. -B ill" Shears. "Bill" W rafW th and "WU" Healey o f CaldwoII and TMU" True* o f Vorona w il l praaont to " ill l" Tsad o f Roaeland a s ilver-handed can* It w|U bear th* Inscription , *TTn B ill Teed From lb* Other B illa.” , ,

Th* fir# BUI* hav* m ad* sev era l ft ah In* and h u n tlM trip* aM h year ter **v*r«t years.T**d recently retired a fter th ir ty years' asrvlco a* a pro*oeutor‘e a aCaq Uv*. H* la look la s forw ard t y a t m f o o t of fteh tes

Democrats Ask Small G ivers To Fill 1924 W ar Chest

WASHINGTON, March 14 (U nited P row ).—A 1414 “victory cam paign." th e goal of which la a |1.04*,044 cam ­paign fund, haa baan undertaken by th* Democratic National Com m ltta*.

V ictory clubs w ill be form ed th ro u g h ­out th# country, tha m em bership fee o f w hich w ill ho |4 upon Join ing and

sim ilar amount on Janu ary I n ex t. The cam paign already I* reported u n ­der w ay In several s ta te s , inclu d ing Pennsylvania. Delaware. G eorgia.Maryland. Florida and W est V irgin ia , and w ill bs Uxtsndsd th rou gh ou t th*cauuWT- '

B y soliciting th*** *mal! su b scr ip ­tion* th* Democrat* -hep* to hav* a com fortable war cheat before tb a eam -

; paign open* sad tbaa avoid th a f in a n ­c ia l shortage they encountered Ip tba 1 4 H c a m paign.

W est New York Mon and Fiancee Die on Som e Day

W IS T NEW TORK. March 34.— W tth li tw elve hours a fter th o death o f Edward Qulnh Agnsw o f 111 T w elfth straat In SL Bartholom ew'# H a awl tab Now YUfk. M* fiances, Mlaa Miry' W acht o f 144 S ixteenth atroot. su c ­cumbed yastardny. a fter thro* blood tr a a s ta tio n , la th* North H udson H os­pita l Agnsw and Mlaa W acht w ar* tn hav* * •* • married tn Aoptom ber. rM te* Wacht bad baon III from m u s­cular rhsumattam for about te a m onths, a n d ' te r te* r wash* waa In t l t e h— p ft il . B leed u n p te N iP n l d te m a .te in r U d T io

tw iceanother brother a similar quanttty7 Th*

woman waa’ twanty-tw# y*ar*

Two Yale Teams WinIn Tri-College D ebate

CAMBRIDGE. Mas* M arch 14 (F >__T ale d eb a ters won o v e r H a rv a rd inth# H arv a rd end of th e H a rv a rd -T a le - P rln ce to n t r l a n e u la r deb a te b a rs la s t n lg b t. receiv ing th# unan im ous v o te of th e th ree Judges The aud ience vo ted fo r H arv a rd Th* Blue team to o k tho a ffirm a tiv e o f the qu estio n : "Reaolved. T ha t the Policy of the P resen t A dm in ­is tra tio n T ow ard E u ropean A ffa ir* D«- aerves th e Bupport and A pproval o f Thla House ”

NEW HAVEN. M arch 24 ( F ) . —Tal* defeated P rince ton her* la s t n ig h t In one leg of th e tr ia n g u la r d e b a tin g co n ­te s t betw een Vale. P rin ce to n an d H a r ­vard . In add ition to rece iv in g th e v erd ic t of the Judges th e T a le d e b a te rs received th e v erd ic t from th e aud ience . 141 to 44.

Yale took the n eg a tiv e and co n tended th a t th e ad m in is tra tio n had no con ­s tru c tiv e p ro g ram In re la tio n to E u r o ­pean a ffa irs . T b s P rin ce to n d eb a te r* said P res id en t H a rd in g ’s policy w as th a t o f tho public, w hich so u g h t to k e tp the hands of th e U nited S ta te* free.

PRINCETON, M arch 24 ( P I —H a r ­vard defea ted P rin ce to n In th e s ix ­te e n th an n u a l debate h e re la s t n ig h t, w in n in g by a 2 to 1 decision o f th *Judges.

Woman Badly Injured in Fall Through Skylight Into Caf«

Whtl© ©leaning' w indow* on tb a sec­ond flo o r o f a b u ild in g a t C o lum bia and G reen a tree t* y este rd ay a f te rn o o n . Mrs. A nna Cxtok o f 135 B alm on t a v e ­nue ste&pod ou t a re a r w indow to tb a roo f of an ex tension an d fa ll th ro u g h a sk y lig h t In to a cafe below. An a m ­bu lance took h e r to th o C ity H o ap tta ! w here It w aa found th a t ftho h ad tw o frac tu re d rib a an d In te rn a l in ju r laa.

Centrifugal Machine Bunts.Three Fur Workers Injured

Three man. amptoyad by P h ilip A. Stager A Bros., fu r dressers, a t 144 Malvern atreet, war* lajttred th la a f ­ternoon when a cen tr ifu ga l m achta* buret. Nona o f th * throe waa sa id t s

.h *v* been vary eertouaty hurt. Al­though on* W*» rem oved to th * C ity, .; H osp ita l _________

Delaware Dayftght* Saving Dieso d r a a . ' ' Oat,. M*rih t i CM).—Th*

hilt, reoently pasted b p th* Dataw are Laglalature aboftthln* d ayligh t sa v in g i th rou gh ou t' th* *t*te. automaticnJIyw S i P ^ i i S p r " * P « i i ' o o v o re a pD snnsy talttnc to Vat* It In th* tim*




County ProsecutorGovernor Withdraw* Fallon'*

Name from Senate— Two Nom- inat'ons Not Confirmed.

Ccllcghan Loses. Hamburg Holds

» « * * •

Trenton of Special Interest to Women

Hxrv«N of the r \ l£ -. II i

- ' Ms h 21. John M Itonf* 1 io„ <>un»* I of Jet*© }• ■ |*. r«. .r, 1 utiviisor to M ayor F rank

1 **• •< •*5 • « I S tate* S enator Ed ■" d •• •• • • .^tii^t> Vail©) R ailroad• ' f* 1 «•• ! ». *«: w «. i n o m i n a t e d by* ' 1 ’ * ' r n o r .‘ lx*- f -r p r i o e c u l o r o f th© )»N .i - tn II >:■ v.,n « i-uiily > ts i ' rdav and• • • n f i r n i e d t»> t h e S e n a t e i n u t i i d U l r l ) .

Th»- Mill 1* m it sh w ith wluv.ii Mr Mll- t**n Wu* W id- pro*© cu to r w as th«‘ sur- P ’ **«• nf th© '-losing Hay «*f t h r session l ’ wan H il i r r l ) unexpected anil t tu inox r w as mM oxer l*efore anyone really rr.i!l»» J ' a ha t It w as a ll about The G o v ern o r rv ta llv d the .nam e *»f John J FaMon. county counsel of Hudson. wh*-*h has been the p roperty of the S en a te d u rin g in'**! o f the session

T h e r e are v a rio u s * to r> * of the w hole a ffa ir,. but the one (h a t in itt*

d e affrtti bill 1 h*’ oil '• th a t is given••t f rede lie (\i* an ezHni|>ie of Hudsoninl> p’tli t ics There> 1* a lot olI(*uev b©i’ween May ti>r H ague and. o r ’ f a i r l»*k G riffin of Hoboken.Ion. i< i* am id. i* G rif flit's man.jff*t the notn inni ion o rig in a lly , th*


M Wjfl litSf*rya lth o u g h h' n o m in a l muT h e re Mas hold up on w eek w ent

• ie s tu r*-nb \ M<n'»rit\ m-t ion. but Tb« n ye*!© A tlantis- bti

dnr u t • f

it ag a in s t H ague 's wmhen. >* jnade it ai»p*ar th a t the

w as all r ig h t fo r him. nui< h m ystery abou t the

the nom ination as w eek by byw ere made ever so often

l-eader Sim pson to force lie n e v e r got anyw here

H erd-|\ S en a to r Rji hard* of bustled a round w ith a ro u n d -

tg votes ag a in st rep o rtin g • •mm It tee Kail oh * nam e He d why he opposed Fallen iu< h H ague.” he said.

T hough th e l l t l session leave* HtU* o r go im p rin t on th e le g a l i t a tu a o f women, th e p o litic a l p o r te n t o f worn* en 'a a c t iv it ie s d u r in g th e la s t elevan

. w aeka a t T re n to n c an n o t be Ignored.] W hat th e r e s u lts w ill be am ong the i wom en o f th e tw o m a jo r p a r tie s la the | su b jec t o f e a rn e s t d iscussion and p re - . (Motion In th e c o rr id o rs o f th e copItoL

D em ocratic w om en c la im a decided j advance in In fluence . T hey laud th e

cou rse fo llow ed by th e ir oue wom an i leg is la to r , h x s . B row n off H udson, and

feel th a t h e r co>operatigg w ith Mrs., y e lc h e r t In secu rin g th e en ac tm en t o f ( the S tevens n o -n lg h tw o rk Mil w ill

m ake ex ce llen t c am p aig n m a te ria l n eg t fall, w hen. they say. th ey ex p ec t to re tu rn * D em ocratic m a jo rity to th e H ouse of A ssem bly M oat s ig n if ic a n t. how ever, is

1 the outcom e o f the session am ong the , G. o f w om en T he in c id en t of t M

rem oval from th e flo o r o f th e House on the even ing w hen th e n tg h tw o rk h ill w as under c o n s id e ra tio n o f th e ir leader.VIra K. V. K e lck e rt. v ice ch a irm an of the R epub lican S ta te C om m ittee, by S peaker E van* am id st a b u rs t of ap-

j H auae from th e body, la considered fa r ; from closed.! \ j While women near to Mrs. Kelckert a

inner circle a re reaffirm ing iheir alle- Eiance and resenting w hat they term an affront to a courageous and determ ined , leader, o thers on the o u te r fringe of the j

j organization in terpret the occurrence a s ( I the beginning of ebb tide for Mrs. Peikert’s

prestige, claim ing th a ^ o n -p assag e of bills ! ) ir their orig inal form a s advocated by ! , the New Jersey Women a Republican I M iub. to be a repudiation by the p a rty .! I Much is being said am ong both men and ‘

women concerning a change in leader- , ,h *l) Republican women. Though, there have been frequent previous rum - i ) lingM of dissatlafactiua, never before has

ihere been th e earnest conference snd definite search for availab le m aterial, as r.ow. Individual nam es a re receiving

l booms, and there is said to be a rallying t the discontented to new standards. > I When asked how a change could be m ade I ■ hi the vice chairm ansh ip of the state oom- I

mittee, when the present incumbent has ; or,l.v recently been elected for three years,, Mr*. F e lckert's opponents reply that her

icsignation could be dem anded, and that « curt ailm ent of funds with which *o f>nance her P lainfield office and her o r­ganization would provide indirect but ei- f'eetlve pressure.

a en ta tio n . b u t p o t so la rg o a s to be u o w tsldty god liie ffic iest.

M iss E lia C lg re N orthup, p res id en t o f th e Mew R ep u b lics* C lub o f B loom- fteML w a s Is T ren to n d iscussing w ith lo d ig s a tk ra g p a ra g ra p h a ttr ib u te d to “• • • • t o r E d g e 's paper, tb s A tlan tic d t p Press,** w hich s ta ted th a t , w hs* I B h F e le b o rt w as o rdered from th e f l° °* By S p eak er E vans A irin g th e M oose a c tio n on th e a o -a ig b t-w o rk BUI. wom en lobbyists* w ere g l-l«w ed to rem ain . M iss N orthup In te r ­p re ts th is s s an a tta c k upon her. and iM W tr i by a s s e r t in g th a t n s s e c re ta ry o f th e w aps and m eans com m ittee o f th e A ssem bly, her leg itim a te place w as o s tk e flo o r of th e e n s b e r .

• Be tim e has come for a ch an g e of lead ersh ip ,” con tinued Miss N orthuA “Muccess can not long a tten d a n o r- g s n ls a tlo n w hich openly uses coercion so d th re a ts — aud ‘c rack s the whip* a s A a s .J I ra . K elckert d u rin g h e r le g is la ­t e * activ itie s . Men ju s tly re sen t be­ing to ld th ey m ust obey or be read ou t o f th e party .

“Aa fo r the p resen t session, I rea lise th e trem endous handicaps under w hich th e R epub licans have labored. W hile the D em ocrats have a p p aren tly fu n c ­tio n ed by and fo r the one and only H udson, tb e m a jo rity have dem on­s tra te d the tru ly R epublican p rinc ip les o f t ry in g to serve the s ta te as a whole.( n d e r th e c ircum stances I have on ly p ra ise fo r the resu lt* E specially I i m ust com m end the d ignified and loyal serv ice of Mrs. Hcherm erhorn an d Mrs. N orth , w hich Is viewed by th e ir E s ­se* c o n s ti tu en ts w ith app roval and sa tis fa c tio n “

'» estim ate the se t- sero a*

• reach cu rren t speech

Mr S1mt*fr"i» rh ou ted t ha l •4i© woulIdn l•t;:n< 1 for k*Sling i he i*al!on n i­nil na l Ion* i«l said lit- w<>tild f.. r**e a ■»wd' »\v nH. ■!a >nu il t h»- \(»t( A m 'l'll fiI nn Fa 1 -lo r Tbe >. hII -*f a sudd* •n. 'n i am©n me ©sag*- from llie GUVlTll t ei al lingF a ll im'* S4»me one. MO t n© re-y. i t wit* bonded out. had l ' .Id tii© f l «► v -tr i in ' th a t F a rIon i■otiifln'f m u-r , im•d * be a shed the M «l«'«n fir-en n ix a tio n fo; hnotlie r rho i i - \ fewinibit te* la te r in w ©nt Mifto n'A nom inaf-lion.

Rio'hard* wa ■> then a*k<ed how h©liked the sui»st i* u te II© *« id )1* W (uu!dha v© to find out. and h© w alks■d fo t h©c o rr id o r ou tside the h»* m et and ta lked J*>hna«»n. rig h t-h a n d g ta te s S en a to r Edge.

cham ber. T here w ith Enoch L m an of United the R epublican

le a d e r ° f A tlan tic C ount).An ex ecu tiv e session w as called. S en ­

a to r Sim pson w ent th ro u g h w ith his m otion* to have a show -dow n on F a l­lon. He asked fo r a m eeting <>f the Ju d ic ia rv com m ittee and go t it. Sena- to rn S tevens and Iherson. the o th e r m em bers, told hint th a t tin* R epublican co n fe ren ce had voted to pocket the

! A* K©rtnane to the tasue of a possible shift tn p . O. I*, leadership of women \oter* there

; is constant speculati'«q aa to the a ttitude <.f Hi. 'm o ts ' ” B d j , win* ot , h, w rtT

| i"W»r<l Mrs. Fetrkert* . followers, who as , the New Jersey W omen's Republican ttu h ,

have gone on recorrt d ra in s , any mvdtfl- I vi iton of present enforcem ent laws, snd ! whose an ien t support of S enato r Fretlng- | I uysen last fa ll was Insufficient to swing ! pendulum to the bone^lry m erk In j retrosi>ect. now th a t the seaelon la over,

wotr.e,. a re desiirnatii.y as prophetic a paragraph prin ted In the O ctober 21 num-

| Iwr of the bulletin of the New Jersey | ' ' " m m 's R ep u b lican C lub It read: F re- j linshuysen an d Runyr.n have stood and : i,re a 'andln* fo r the th in s , women believe I * nd c* r t tor. and If they should lose

th rte would be sm all Inducement to other I >»ndldaies to roneider the women's view- , lo in t tn politics. Every woman, without I regard to part* , should m ake It her per- i ttonal t u tlnese to see tha t they do not \ lo»e

F a llo n nomiination, and thev re f usedto le t it out Then th© Senator* re -t u rned to th© exe< u?iv© session.

The F a llo n w ith d raw a l w as read and■ Pi*rov ©d. Then Mr. S'tnpaion m'u vedth a t Mr. Mil ;oti i>e '-onfirm ed wit houtr©f©rrno© to com m ittee. S enato r 0If oh -Rrds mad© ai apeech fo r Mr. Mi iton.T he ve>te fo r co n firm atio n w as 19 ito 0.

Aero rd ln g to the po litica l rep ort*.H ague n ev er rea lly w an ted F allon , b© -t a u i f ir»f hi* re la tion* w ith G riffin . Ithad al ready been p lanned th a t Mi itonv. 4 4 | (i» get »h© Job w hen F a llon w ast how n a* no t h av ing a char.ce. Thetw o a *si*(an t p ro secu to rs had been

In th e m ean tim e Mrs F e lc k e r t . desk is b e in g sw am ped w ith le tte rs f r o m - w om en e x p re ss in g In d ig n a tio n ••ver the tre a tm e n t o f Mrs. K elcksrt by S p eak er Evan*. R eso lu tio n s of con-

ud | fidence in Mr*. V e lc k e r t have been i'aased by v a rio u s g ro u p s , includ ing the *’o u n ty C ouncil o f U n its o f th e New J e rse y W o m e n s R ep u b lican Club of H u riing ton C oun ty , whfcti has < opjes o f I ts v iew s to S ta te sen t

M rs K elrkerIson lx “th a t 't w as aa near;It Is possible fo r sny seseton 'She s ta ted , how ever, th a t t v ersion of a P assa ic Pount m ade by her. to the effect th a t “none of th e leg is la to r* should be re-elected nex t year," is a m is in te rp re ta tio n

"W h at I sa id .” s ta ted the R epub li­can w om an leader. " mh« S a t it would be an a d v an tag e to the * tau to keep hom e th e P assa ic <’ount> de legation and none w ould be mitned We a re c e r ta in ly g ra tg fu l to the tw elve A»- sem b!>m en who. In the conference, w ere th e only ones to stand by th e ir prom ise for th e ntfeht-work h ill In its o r ig in a l form. They are M« »srs Todd. De Lorenxo, Dyons. Powell. Lopret*. H arb o u rt. Robbins. Hexsmlth. t 'am p- bell. B ark m an Pascoe and ( ’lift "

Mrs. S cherm erho rn of Essex, rev iew ­in g h e r in itia l y ear as a leg is la to r, sa id : “R eg a rd less o f m isu n d e rs tan d ­ings. m is s ta te m e n ts from ce rta in q u a r te rs , e rro n eo u s In te rp re ta tio n s of m otives sn d actions, as jvel! a s oc- castoua l c lashes. 1 have enjoyed and a p p rec ia ted th e fine sp irit of good fe llo w sh ip d isp lay ed by a I «>f my co l­leagues . s n d by my co nstituen ts ."

- f e lh r D be.-M gnged

Mrs. N orth o f E sse* says that a first le g is la tiv e y e a r is an apprenticeship . E x p la in in g h e r vo te on the p rohib ition re fe ren d u m , in answ er to p ro tes ts from w om en, she said : I fe lt th a t the people of th e s ta te were c lam oring for an o p p o rtu n ity to express th e ir w ishes by a d irec t vote. Had we not^ s u p ­p o rted th e re fe ren d u m plan. Mr. U orio’s re so lu tio n u rg in g fo n g re sa to am end th e V o lstead s e t would, in a ll prob-

I ab ility , h ave been favorab ly reported , and Mr. G eo rg e 's liquor b ills m ight possib ly hhve m ade progress."

Mrs. B row n o f H udson calls th e l e g ­is la tu re a ‘ session of su rp rises, r ig h t up to th e e le v en th hour ” Of the work o f th e y ear , she s a id - ‘T h e on ly o u t ­s ta n d in g c o n s tru c tiv e leg isla tion is, to my m ind, th e com pensation law by w hich w orkm en benefit. T he te n a n ts

Head Section Bureaus

Cm c x and Huckoa Men Elected in

Joint Senion o f the


B oon for Verdon Rattens Out

•r um iv * .


From tkr f r v s l s s B urtou S t SO S B W 8 .

TRENTON, M arch 34. -W ith o u t a •In g le a p p a re n t public ripp le of oppo- '• ltio n A braham H. R ach lin o f M ap le ­wood an d T hom as A. M cDonald o f J o r • sey C ity w ere la s t n ig h t chosen b y tho L e g is la tu re In jo in t aesalon a s s u p e r ­in te n d e n ts o f th e e lection In v es tig a tio n b u reau s In Ease* and H udson co u n t ten. re spec tive ly .

A c tu a lly th e re w as no o p p o sitio n to K achlln , who front th e f i r s t h a s had th e su p p o rt o f R epub lican C oun ty C hairm an Jeaae R. case o f MclH>nald.o f H oboken w*as a c o m p e tito r fo r theposition , o ffe r in g to do th e w ork an d i tlem en t of th e re c u rr in g fo reg o th e sa la ry o f li.O M It c a r r te a J * ith the nom adic R tu tes u n d er the M nckay b ill, w hich w as The «« ttle rs . so th e ir spokes passed y e ste rd ay o v e r th e veto o f j Ar<. tir e d o f nil th is tro u b le . G overnor S tlzer

In a jo in t c au cu s o f th e d e n s te an d 1 H ouse R ep u b lican s th e nam e o f V er­don wan p resen ted , and It is d ec la red J to have received e ig h t vo tes fo u r from Union, P ow ell o f B u rlin g to n , hob- j b in s of M ercsr, C am pbell y f M onm outh j an d d tev en s o f Cape May. a ll Asaem - ! blyrften T h e selec t lo t o f M cDonald w as th e n tnada unan im ous and Verdon w as not n o m inated on th e floor

L ieu te n a n ts of V erdon, who h » \* I been here w ith him th ro u g h o u t m ost c f the session , gave R epublican N a ­tiona l C om m itteem an H am ilton V K ean c re d it fo r th e Union C ounty s u p ­po rt hi th e caucus, s n d th ey blam ed U nited S ta te s S en a to r E dge fo r th e sm all vo te th e H oboken m an received j B efore th e L e g is la tu re m et y ea le rd ay j th e VVrdonites claim ed to have en ough :X ot'S tn win.

"I o ffe red m yself In th e belief th a t .1 to u ld ser» e th e people ° * H udson C ounty and p roperly rep re sen t th e ! p a rty , but «ny serv ices w ere d eclined ." ; said Verdon "1 have n o th in g m ore to t

•A L T LA K E CITY. U tah . M arch 24 (JP i.—Oid Posey, len d er o f th e ren e ­gade P iu te In d ian s , h a s ta k e n w ha t p ro b ab ly w ill be Bis Inst s ta n d la Dry W ash, tw en ty m iles from B lending, tb e w eek ’s s to rm c e n te r o f th e Indian tro u b le s a f S o u th e a s te rn U tah .

W ith th is v e te ra n o f h a lf a dozen fo rm er a rm ed c la sh e s w ith th e w hite s e t t le r s a re Jess th a n n score of tro u b le -m ak e rs , m ostly P i u lea. but w ith n few U ted re c en tly jo in ed to the band.

S u rro u n d in g th e f a s tn e s s <*f the rocky reg ion , w h e re the In d ian s h iv e ta k e n re fuge , a re p osses led by sh eriffs i a c tin g u n d er o rd e r o f U n ited P late* J M arshal J. Ray W ard , w ho has a s- | •um ed com m and o f th e s itu a tio n .

M «nnubile , H. E. C ro c k f tt . a c ting I G overno r o f U tah . In th e absence of I G overno r M abey. h as indica***d th a t to- | day he w ould p lace a re w a rd on th* j head o f Old Posey. B ut th e posse snd i

S alm on; bu t In tb e j the s e tt le r* w ho sen t th em a f te r the W illiam P Verdon Indian* need bu t l i t t l e im p e tu s to th r l r

p resen t d e te rm in a tio n to fo rce a setd ifficu lties

nen say. . D rillers j

In th e W ildcat o il f ls ld s e f San J u a n C ounty h a v e th re w a dow n th e ir toot* and gone a w ay t# a w a it a se ttlem en t

On p rev io u s o cca s io n s o th e r w h ite s have left tltla fe r t i le a r e a because of fear. T he m en who w e n t to nee th e coun try developed a r e g o in g to force th e g o v e rn m en t to c o n tro l th e P tu tes. th e y soy. I f tk e g o v em n m n t does not exercise co n tro l, tb e B o ttle rs say they w ill.

M arshal W ard w a s o u t w ith the posses e a r ly th is m o rn in g , g a in in g a firs t-h an d k n o w led g e o f the te r ra in and the d iff icu ltie s . H e w as a c ap ta in of f te l l a r t i l le ry d u r in g t h e W orld W ar. Many m em bers o f th e posse, lik e ­wise. saw serv ice .

How long It w ill t | |k e to fo res s u r ­ren d er o r ro u t re m a in s to be seen. It may tak e fo r ty -e ig h t h ou rs . I t may ta k e a fo r tn ig h t . B u t th e Issue w ill be decided.

M eanw hile th e Ind iana , who a re u n ­d e r g u a rd a t S tan d in g , led by Old P»lk. th e 107-ysar-n ld ch ie f o f th e 'P iu te trib e , a re ta lk in g peace. T hey have had enough o f d e ten tio n .

M arshal W ard h a s re lieved the county o f th e b u rden o f m a in ta in in g the f if ty b ravea. sq u aw s and papooaes who a re held . U ncle Ham w ill pay th e ir board b ill h e re a f te r .


w a n n a — a w n

PRINTINGv * o fw M H I _•M iaato on «ny )ofc ot yon k m h i C M M s S yon w * w iltin g |» pny a P rice fo r M O t r a d e w ork , w e p r in t—

M ageM een Booklets L in n e ts Cat* legs Program*A— — n w m t aInvitation*la t te r Heed* .1!Mil Honda Envelopes Window Cards

—everyth ing printable. w

P R I N T ]251 Market Stm al

For Many Yearn Home of Good P rin ting* \

Jersey Woman Is Held j U. S. Gets Bribe Money In Shack Owner's Death j As ‘Miscellaneous Funds'

E v e r y D r i v e r a a E s c a r t

Mrt. Rote Fulton and Man Will Be Arraigned on Charges

of Murder.

Dry Agents Declare Brother* in

Alleged Liquor Plot Won't Get $20 ,000 Back.

Hammer Uted to Kill Victim !Pair Out Under $15 ,000


B a li

NEW YORK. In a B rooklyn

, 8S>Tn* po litica l feud o f Ve

i Kdge i" o f long s tand ingW hen th e ro ll whs called joo th e

nam e of Mr K arh lin only th lrt> nine I of th e le g is la to rs re sp o n d 'd T here I w as an im m ed ia te w h ifpered di*< u*- ! slon Home of the m em ber* bell**ved ! th a t the e lection could only he by a I m a jo rity \o te of th e w hole num ber. { e ig h ty -o n e , in th e L eg is la tu re

A tto rn ey G eneral M et‘ran w as s t i ­l t i n g in one o f th e p re ss g a lle rie s and

S en a to r R ich ard s of A tlan tic t (insulted him. Mr. McUran g a te an o ff-h an d opin ion th a t it w as necesaarv >nly fo r

E<barges cen tric

found k near

Mr. R ach lin to have a rm<j< to te s cas t and th a t, as the had not p resen ted a candid E ssex m an w;<* ru n n in g h1<> tion w as lega l T he Repi not ta k e a chance in th<Mr. M cDonald w hich fo ihx w as g iven fo r ty - tw o votes no D em ocratic c an d id a te ,McDonald.

Mr. R ach lin Is now s m em ber of th e E ssex t ’o u n ty Board o f E!e< tions Mr. M cDonald Is ch a irm an o f the H udson f o u n t ) R epub lican C om m ittee and c a p ­ta in of d e tec tiv e s tn the p ro secu to r 's o ffice o f th a t county . He 1* the f i r s t

r i t y <if t h e I le in o rra l * te and the ie. hi* e lec -id !,.m s did • tec; inn of ed and he T here w as g a in s t Mr.

M arch 24 l . f < - F o u n d p a r tm r n t by d e te c tiv e ,

who had ,e , r r h « d fo r th em th r«* d»>«. M r,. I(„M F u lto n and J o h n M ann, w ere to be a r ra ig n e d t«»da>

| of m u rd e rin g L udw ig and l l/oii" i Scheehlngev. w no w as

h am m eted to d e a th in h is sha< Jam a ic a Bay la s t T uesd ay

M rs F u lton . be lieved *to h a \e abandoned her h u sb an d and baby in P a te rso n . N. J., s* v e ra l m o n th s ago w as suspec ted bv th e po lice of being th e a u th o r of “ ra n so m '' le t te r s found in th e shack . In one o f th ese the w r i te r said *be w as a c a p t i te nud a sk ed fo r $25 to buy h e r l lb e r t) p» is tng to come to B rooklyn w hen fr They

_!;«• ilie u te n an t o f R epublican S ta te Com - j ried, a lth o u g h I h m ltte em an P ie rre P. G a rte n , who h a s j Dorn my huahand been ac tiv e in g e tt in g th e leg is la tio n th ro u g h .

ni - e«|.

w ere m ailed from L ittle Kali*. N. w here Mrs. F u lto n a p a re n ts lit#-

H anna and Mr* F u lto n w ere n lcn ti-• fled a s the pa ir who w ere seen at the ; shack hist T uesday by Jo sep h Nai - . bu tt. Mr*. F u lto n to ld police they• found 8chechln*,er badly wounded

w hen they v isited him and th a t theyj w ent to get a docti>:. T h e body wa* j found the fo llo w in g day.J Mrs. F u lton , who 1* a lso know n to j th e police a s “ Rose S m ith .'' adm itted i she w as "an in tim a te fr ie n d " of the ! ham m er victim I knew S chech lnger

and I In t td him ' l.cr s ta te m e n t c.m- uued "W e had p lanned to g e t m ar-

no t been divorced

m .h s f | * . . th e B u r ltn B to f lT ra l.U U v , o f , h * w " ' * ,*° " " ' ' “ •.i’" * * " - II d

ha v

picked IM * *?id. and a re to be At oy si us ? l(M al no and M inorltv L eader W illiam G eorge of the Assembly.

T he G overnor, in w ith d raw in g the no m in a tio n of F allon , ch arg ed the S en­a te w ith h a t in g fa iled in it* c o n s ti tu ­tion*! d u ty o f e ith e r confirm ing o r r e ­je c tin g th e nom inee.

F red e rick \V. G nichte! o f T ren ton w h* con firm ed fo r the Public U tilities C om m ission . Ju lia n A. G regory o f E.-iM O range fo r th e P ort A u tho rity .. U lar- c.Kf- P e tt i t for th e A tlan tic C ity Dis- t r n t C ourt. W. P. K ren ter fo r the C am den T ax Board. Jo h n J. M cGowan o f Eiivu beth fo r d ire c to r o f pub lic re c ­on i* an d John M cGinnis o f B ernards- t i d e fo r the S om erset C ounty Tax B oard .

N om ination* w hich w ere le ft u nacted upon w ere John P. C allag h an of N’ew r fiik f T enem en t H ouse Com m ission, and .same* N. H utl* r o f A tlan tic C ity, p ro se ­c u to r ; in C ape M ay C ounty. S enato r f’n rry cou ld see no reason why A ugus­tu s V. H am b u rg shou ld no t be renam ed to th e T en em en t H ouse Com m ission, so he d idn ’t feel he had to vo te fo r Mr. C a llag h a n . Mr. H am burg: w ill hold ©ver. A vacancy on th e C ourt of E r ro rs and Appeal* bench w as not filled .

Several Tax Rates Lower , On Tentative List in Union

Kpveial Im 4« •/ the S’BWf.RI.IXABBTH. M arch 24.—A drop In

• h r i , x r a i n In M ircrat m un ic ipa lities tn th» co u n ty la no ted In th e te n ta tiv e lis t itlvan by th e Union ro u n jy Board c f T ax a tio n y este rday . E l isa b e th ', re ­du c tio n la from l . l t to 2.01. Sum m it from 2.49 t o -2.42. F anw ood from 2.44 to 2.«2. U n d e n T ow nahfp from 1.11 to 1.79, R ah w ay f r o m 2.21 to 2.22 and Scotch P la in s fro m 2.22 te 2.11.

T h e g re a te s t Increases a f fe c t K en il­w o rth , w h ich Is lacrahaad e ig h ty -n in e p o in ts , an d Haw P rov idence BorousU. w h ich a scen d s from 2.22 to 2.72.

T h e c o u n ty board w ill a lt nex t T hes- d» y “V* co n firm th e ra te s . T h e r a te s of th e o th e r to w n s a re i a a fa llow s, the f i r s t I t f u r e b a in s th a t fee- th is y e a r an d tb e second fo r 1222;

f - l a r k . ' t i l l , 1.22: C vantdrd. 2 .0 . 1.34: (Harwood B orouah . 2,94. 2.74; H tlleide Tow nship ., 2.42. 2.14; U n d e n B orouah. 2.2ft, 2.5«; M oun tain side B o ro u ah . 2.2g, 2 ,2 4 ;' New P rov idence T ow nship . 2.42. M l : P la in f ie ld . 2.94. 2.42; R eeelle B or. O itah, 2.14. 2.44; R oselle P a rk , B orouah. 217 . 2.44; S p rln afle ld . 4 44. 2.47; Union, 214 . 3.47; W estfield . 3.21. 1.12.

le a a ilo n a n d th e preea.Mra. K e lck e rt saye th a t h e r friends

d ip p e d a n d m oun ted , fo r d isp lay ...ce tlnga, e la h ty - f lv e fee t o f p u b ­

licity . bo th new a and ed ito ria l, from aix laen p ap ers, a ll lined on M rs F e lck - e r f a aide o f th e K e lc k e r t-E v a n , ro n - iroveray . •'! am convinced ." sa id l i r a K elckert. " th a t if th e H ouaa had no t l»^en so ru d e th e S e n a to rs w ouldn 't h a te m ade ao d e te rm in ed an e ffo rt to concu r In th e n la h t-w o rk am end- men!*."

Com m ent on th e sea tlo n I* m ade by th* New J e r s e y R epub lican , th e o ffl- c ia F o rg a n o f th e New J e rse y W om en’*R ep u h llran C lub, u n d e r th e cap tion J

W h rt Th th e O utlook fo r W om en In H ere Is th e s ta tem e n t of Mi** F lor- the"* R epub lican P a r ty ? ’ is In troduced | ence H alsey , p re s id en t of th e League by the a s s e r t io n th a t th o u g h ts o f th e ! p ! W om en V oters:R epublican w om en le a d e rs “a re none • d em o ra lised session en tire ly w ith - U*o p lea san t to d ay . * A le g is la tiv e re - I e u t c o n s tru c tiv e lead ersh ip o r a p ro ­po rt by Mrs. F e lc k e r t Is a llu d ed to aa 1 &r*m w hich e n v isag ed the good o f th e

th a t my re n t law has taken them from th e g ra s p o f th e p ro fite e r in g land - lord .” ._

M iss S a ra Pollock. M ercer C ounty D em ocratic S ta te com m itteew om an. le g is la tiv e c h a irm an fo r th e D em o­c ra tic w om en, g ave *• her opinion of th e L e g is la tu re of 1123: ‘T h e b iggest bunch o f m ieflt* th a t ever a ttem p ted to re p re sen t th e people off the S ta te of New Jeraey . I t •* t® Be hoped th a t w hen th e p a r ty leader* a re look ing a ro u n d fo r m a te r ia l fo r the 1$2* L eg is­la tu re th e y w ill call in th e a s s is t- ance o f o u r s ta te p sy ch ia tr is t* to get th e *?. Q.’»’ o f th e w ould-be Solon* so as to be su re th ey Are not moron*.

Garven to Quit PoliticsExcepting in Bayonne |

JE R S E Y CITY. M arch Zi F o rm e r ; P ro se c u to r P ie rre P. Oar\«*u ,*f H udson * C ounty to d ay Issued a s ta tem e n t to j

lu it politic*. I

NEW YORK M arch 21 LY).—A l­ready th e U nited 8 ta te* g o v ern m en t is $20,000 r ic h e r th ro u g h th e a r re s t of Ralph and C h arle s H abhatlno , b ro th ­er*. a rre s ted on c h a rg e s of conn iv ing t«* rem ove $10,000,000 w o rth of liquo r from a H ntokiyn w a re house by b r ib ­ing o ffic ia ls fo r fo rg ed perm its .

J The $20 ooo w as a lle g ed to have been | paid t <2 tw o p ro h ib itio n enforcem ent | ag en ts. John M urphy and l i s t e r A | Reeve* Upon th e re le a se o f th e tw o

b ro th e rs y e s te rd a y In S I5.000 ball each j Mr M urphy g av e som e ad d itio n a l In- I form ation .J "Tiic S abbat I no b ro th e rs short : changed Mr. R eevea an d m yself." he I *iiId “T hey had a g re ed to pay t j $11.00'' eai'h , hu t they b u lld o ted ua in to

ta k in g $10,000 T his m oney has been sen t to th e T rea su ry D epartm en t a* m iscellaneous c o lle c tio n s* It w ill not be re tu rn ed to the S a b b a tln o b ro th e rs ."

Found Guilty by Jury, He Denies Intent to Defraud

In d h ted on a c h a rg e o f fa lie p re ­tense*. John la iw ren ce o f l* (O lden s tre e t w as found g u il ty la* t n ig h t In Judge ( ’a f f r e y 's co u rt, th e ju ry iccom - m ending m ercy. He w ill be sentenced April 2.

L aw rence w as ch a rg ed w ith p rocur- a l t ln Reed of 2ft:

E a s t O range, c

tb e e ffec t th a t he would ex cep tin g in th e c ity o f Bayonne, w here he ha* th ree tim es been M ayor T he s ta te m e n t was coupled w ith an ex p ress io n o f g ra tif ic a tio n a t th e a p ­po in tm en t 4>f T hom as A M cDonald as s u p e r in te n d en t o f e lec tio n s fo r H udson

a s s is t- I <‘oun tv .T ta k e th is op p o rtu n ity . ‘ Mr G arven

says, “of pub lic !? ex p re ss in g my a p ­p rec ia tio n o f th e w ork o f th e R ep u b li­can m em bers o f th e L egiR iature In b e ­h a lf o f th e B ureau of E lec tions b ill and th e app o in tm en t o f T hom as A Mc­D onald a s su p e r in te n d en t o f e lec tio n s fo r th is coun ty .

W o rk e d In P a te rso n H e M a u ra n t.Special Rerrio* of (hr S K W S . j

PATERHn.V, M arch 24 M rs Rose U n» f**om <’ (F u lton , w ho%e nam e is v n n e i led w ith |H°*nh W alnu t s tre e t th e n e a r Jam aica B a t. N Y . m urder o f® } 1* pre tense th a t he Ludw ig Scheek lnger. Is th e d au g h te r of Mr and Mrs. W illiam L oscher of L ittle F ails. She Is n in e teen y e a rs old and w as marrt»4] tw o year* ag o to J o ­seph F u lton o f 615 tVe scen t s tree t.B rooklyn.

In P a te rso n Mrs F u lto n ansum ed the nam e “ Rose S m ith ." She w as em ployed

on the p a r t o f th e leader* in bo th houses o f th e L eg isla tu re .* '

T he a r t ic le goes on to te ll o f a m e e t­ing on F e b ru a ry 9 o f R epublican coun ty c h a irm e n ln \ T ren to n , w hen a m otion w aa m ode by A. D ayton O tl-p h an t o f M ercer, su p p o rte d by Jesae - -R. 8ftIrnon o f E n u a n it c a rried . M u - «» ° t Privfttft » " 4 M n j ln te r e .t r in« th e C a th e r in e on re c o rd a g a in ,1 Aa ha w aa no t o f th e ir th e n ig h t w o rk M il. O pponen la o f th e | « '» n n » lo r l ty .In th e > g l ,1 reso lu tion . It I , a ase rted . w ere 2 l« a ra . I »bora**lY sac rif iced the beat In te re s t , Georg© H. J o h n s to n o f U nion. C harles *

Th© R ep u b lican s her© ar© under---- D p resen ts a very la s t in g o b lig a tio n s tc2 l nite<L*,Mtates

d isco u rag in g p ro sp ec t fo r those who j s e n a to r Edge. S enato r M ackay «if Ber- belleve th a t th e re I* no safety fo r th e . C o un ty and hi* a ssoc iate* f„ r th© beet A m erican Idea ls ou tside th© Re- v ig o ro u s © ffoits mad© in b eh a lf o f th is p u b lican p a rty . H ad G overnor Hllaer j bill an d th© appointtn-m t. h appened to have been a m em ber of • * i am p leased w ith th© ap p o in tm en t 'th a t p a r ty a fin e p ro g ressiv e p ro g ram fir s t , because M cDonald is dese rv in g of j m ig h t h av e been forced th ro u g h in th e honor, and . secondly, because it 1 sp ite o f th© d iff ic u ltie s of s a tis fy in g g iv e s the th e lo n g -so u g h t o p p o rtu n ity

in th e W esterm an r e s ta u r a n t in M arket s tre e t from F e b ru a ry 23 to 26 th is year.On F eb ru a ry 26 she w as a r re s te d on th© c h a rg e o f c ru e lty and neg lec t of her ch ild v

Soon a f te r her m a rr iag e to F u lto n he w as a r re s te d in New York and Ren­te need to tbe R efo rm ato ry a t E lm ira on an ind e te rm in a te sen ten ce of from one to five year*. At the L oscher home in L ittle Fall* the fam ily knew no th ing of the d a u g h te r * w h« re a b o u t1* Th**> saw h e r last on M arch 17. w hen she '•ante hom e for a St P a t r i c k s Day party .

The fam llv was called upon recen tly by a Brooklxrt la w y e r rep re sen tin g th e 'l* g a in * husband . wh«> in form ed th e fam ily tha*F u lto n desired a d ivorce a s Mr* Fu lton had ©greed

w as o rg an lain, rpo ration fo r th e m a n u fa c tu re of

fire -p ro o f p a in t and th a t Reed w as to be the sh ip p in g c le rk a t a s a la ry of $60 a weeV.

Reed m a in ta in ed th a t I ^ w re n re had made no e f fo r ts to o rg a n is e a com pany and alleged th a t p a rt o f h is money had been used by L aw rence fo r th e p u r ­chase of an au tom obile .

lagwrence m a in ta in e d th a t he had In his possession fo rm u la s fo r a fire -p ro o f pain t which w a i to he p u t on th e m a r­k e t a* soon sa he secu red enough money to organic© a com pany. He denied any in te n t to d e frau d .

J ta e y City Boy I* Shot I sRifle in H u A d f Brother

J S R 8 K 7 C fT T .^ J ta re k 24.—V incent B n m . elK ht year* o i l . o f 32* Seventh

r' a tre e t . w a a ah o t (h rn tig rt bo th cheeks y e s te rd a y a f te rn o o n by hla b ro th e r Jo seph . »en y e a r ,

T h e y o u n sea t B o r n hoy B id ' p lay - in n w ith a n o th a r hoy. K dw aril S lav ta . t e n y e a r ! Old. w hen th e O lder b ro th e r cen to t o t e the. b ack y a rd c a r ry lo * a am all rif le , - i l e ahned_ th a H€»9, a a r -

. o ra l tim e s tn th e d ire c tio n o f th e h o y s an d f in a lly I t ; w o* (H«char«*d T he y o u n s a r h o y wno fram e d at kH hom e. Mia co n d itio n i | m h M W P e f S t g i i*£|

S c n U c h a M a tc h . T h « i T a n k o f ^

‘i f M e k 34 M i

8 th n t o f B u r lln s to n an d o thers . T he p a ra g ra p h co ncludes: "Many o f tp e wom en c o u n ty v ice c h a irm en a re In ­ten se ly In d ig n a n t o v a r th is , and th e y say th ey a re g o in g to re q u e s t th e s ta te ch a irm an to Inc lude th em In fo tu rd con fe rences o f co u n ty ch a irm en ."

Mr. Salm on, scan la Trantoa th is week, declared he waa not present at the m eeting o f county chairm en at the tim e th e n igh t w ork reoolutton we* acted on, h a v in g been called aw ay to confer on nn appropriations m atter.

The s ig n in g o f Senate 12. tha no- ntght-w ork M il. by G overnor Sllaer on W ednesday afternoon , w aa th e occaeton of a Fathering e f w om en from varloua O rganisations w ho have been punMng the m easure, to w ttooea th a cerem ony. They Included Mra. B. F. F elckert. vice president o f th e N ew Jeraey W omen’s Republtcdh Club; lira . Edward Ftah- w lck. the 'le g is la t iv e chairm an. Mrs. W illiam K.V C ooks, president e f tbe Federation 6 f W om en's Church O rgani­sations; Mra. Brow n. Assem blyw om an (root Hudnon; M is, F lorence Halsey, president o f th e Now Jeraey League for W oman V o ter ,; Mra. Charles A. W oodruff. M ercer C ounty Republican R a te C om m itteew onign; Mra. 49, W. S . Cushing, p resid en t o f th e Consumers* League: Miae K ath erin e W iley, execu­tiv e secretary o f IM Consumers’ League; Mrs. A. B. Jones. M rs Frank Hyde Jr. and M ra Andrew J . R eelm an. N otices o f th e a f fa ir t a d been dent -to tbe n on -partisan a eeo e la tlo iu tly Mra. Cushing-, w h i le . M ra F s le k e r t notified th e women leaders o f th e politica l o r ganlaatlona. l ir a . R obert Norton, ohm chairman o f tltd D em ocratic R a te Chun- m ittee. te legrap h er h e r ,: reg re ts to M ra K elckert an fo llow s: "R egret Impossible to he ore e r a i w hen Ge v s fnot the- n igh t-w ork URL. A ccept m m eon- grotu lstton e o n tho gploodld fig h t you m»de for, th e w om en o f th e Mato.” T he pen w ith w hich G overnor R ip er signed th e MR was praoeRted to M r,. Caablng, an a f it t in g honor t o tha pioneer tdMMv

i.-T h o w hich endedth e 147th L egtsto tara a lae aoaoded th e d r a th -k n o iT ^ f 'a m r a ta m ta ta a . a te d h y Joint ra a eta tlm i o f th e 1222

J * ! rta* 2f *tli<i aahooguaat- B w airaW '

t a d fhere boew a e ta A a o a n ce o f th e

o f th e sta te for p a r tlu n advantage. L osing out because o f the Governor's clearer purpose and greater sk ill they are today utterly revealed and dia-

■ credited."To place th e reeponalhllity for the

laek e f th is leadership which the state to sore ly needs la not difficult, in my opinion It rests w ith tha churches and esp ecia lly w ith tha mlnlatera w ho fre ­qu en tly do not them selvea take the trouble tn vote or to vote Intelligently and do not Inatet that their church m em bers shall taka an active. In telli­g en t and contin u ing Intarast in the d u ties o f d tlaen sb lp . Bad we a seal- nua and p o litica lly Intelligent Chris­tian church there could be no such un­d ign ified spectacle sa that w hich w as prom oted to ua a t Trenton th is year.”

M ra J ob s D* Berry Jr., v ice chair­m an e f th e Basex County Republican Com m ittee, s ta ted : -O w ing te tha nu­m erous m ooted questions which arose and upon w hich there were tuch vari­ous opin ions, rasulta ware aa good aa could be expected."

On Thuraday a question waa raised fry th e G overnoifa o ffice coneernlag H ouse 224. th e chiropractor Mil. w ith regard to Its e ffec t upon former s er ­vice men. Dr. Mary Miller and other frtsnds o f th e Mil hurried to Trenton a t a xntlefnctorlly explained the section, whereupon It w as approved by G over­nor Wiser.

la a n address m aking hi* farew ell to t b f leg is la to rs for tk ls session. Speaker B ra n s paid a tr ibu te to th e three wom an le g is la to r s ,, Mrs. Brawn. Mra j a h i i iB t i t a n t '!>»< M rs North, prais­ing th e ir modafa tlo n and co-ope rat Ion g t M l tim es .,

• T he priv ilege o f th e floor o f tho H ouse w as ■ accorded Friday to Miss C arolyn MHes. d sa g h ter o f Aam mbty- man Ktllaa o f Salem .

. d e h wom an, esp ecia lly members o f TBs C M tom porary o f Newark. N. J.. deplore th e fa ila re o f tha L egislature to gnta th a g a t d irectin g dry oeatatodl- tlaa to be m id by. w slgtit. T h e atan- dard urotght f o r braad bill, tarn, w as

to fo llow my d e te rm in a tio n asid e an d g ive up f u r th e r * |a c tiv itie s , ex cep tin g In Bayonne'. wher« It Is my tn ten to n to d* a ll I can fo r my fren d a a t th e e lection In May "

Assemblyman Says V ote on Evans Bill Cost Him Job

From tke Trenton Bureau o f tke RV K - X IX Q X K W S

TRBNTON, M arch 24.—A ssem hlym an Lynn* o f B ergen Is ou t o f a Job. Mr. L yons h a s fo r som e tim e p a st been e m ­ployed a s a n acc o u n ta n t la th e office o f th e B ergen C ounty en g in eer . W hen th a f i r s t o f th e R am apo w a te r b ills of S p eak er E v a n s w as m oved In Ihe H ouse la s t w eek, Mr. Lyons spoke (o r i t and denounced th a p lan o f B ayonne to d e ­velop lh a w a tersh ed . T he th re e o th e r m em bers o f th e B ergen d e leg a tio n w a rs a g a in s t th e MIL

'T la y m y rem o v af - fro m th a an - »'!!L**r (,..??*** w * 2 a d Ion on. tb e E v a n s b ill." s a id Mr- L y o n s la s t n ig h t.

in th a R ep u b lican p rim a ry In B ur- J r " '*** f*l* Mr. Lyona r a n a s a n in f d ependan t a n d won o v e r a w um ap p u t up by th e o rg a n is a tio n ad one Of Re

H e aaye th a u s h o r t ly a f te r ."® .® r *mo fy h a w as to ld th a t h la s e r ­v ice* 'w o u ld n o t be req u ired In th e en - F ta ra F o office , b u t h e w as con tin u ed u n t i l hu vo ted fo r th e E van* M il in

» H h th e Vlawe of. t h a B ergen R*pub!fc*tt le t t fc r i .

F relvkt Hwndler Hurt.Whil© pu llln* » h a n d tn i tk in*»«i© ..

f re ig h t c a r a t th© W averly t ra n s fe r of 1h© P en n sy lv an ia R ailro ad toda\ Xj»omas Ft a dm or©. 46 B aldw in »tr©©t. ’ aUpped. fell out o f th© ca r and brok© h is leg- lie w as rem oved to St Mi- I t h ae l 's H ospital In th e S ix th P rec inc t | au to m o b ile patro l. i

Jury Gives $ 2 ,1 0 0 Verdict For Auto Fatality in 1920

A Jury in Ju d g e D ungan * court la te vcBterday aw ard ed $2,100 to Mr* H a n ­nah T lach ler o f 15 Som erset s tre e t

M orris S tr ln h o its o f 1266 O ak- wood avenue, leyona Farm *, and hla son. P in c is P S teinho!tx Mr* Ti*oh- l©r. who*©' husband N a th an died a f te r being run dow n by an au tom obile driven by P lncus, s o u g h t $20.00© from each defendant.

Th* acciden t occu rred J u n e 10. 1120. at M arket and Plan© a tre e t* P lncus w*n d riv in g h is f a th e r s au tom ob ile west In M ark e t s tre e t , w hen T U chler

*t©l>pcd from th© cu rb an d w as s tru c k .Morrl* H telnholtx w aa m ade a d e ­

fendan t because he w as th e o w n e r of th e autom obile.

No Luxury Except for Real Comfort

R id in g in an y t a ^ | cab was considered a lux­u r y u n til busy m en and : women fo u n d it a rea l economy.

W htrC kb is a 2 4h o i|r a day chauffeur th i f saves you .time and money. There’s no necessity to £ | pend on the whims of y n tg i private chauffeur. No needb§;| go into a cold garage in t* |^ emergency to get and drtVR :* your own car.

W e o f f e r y o u a l t - the Luxury o f a private lim ousine at ra te s w hich I make the owning ofo private car high in comparison of coat.

T o d a y JfeflxrC U isa business necessity and a family necessity and is as indispensable as a telephone.

W e g iv e y o u t h 4 | b e s t in city r id in g for * small cost, any time, day Oill night — we’re quick to I**! spend to all calls.

j W ow Cab r e g a r d s warmth and co m fo rfo fi p aram o u n t im portance, a‘ | vital factor in its winter let*, vice to the public. i

2 5 / fo r th e fo n t % m il* J 1 Of for each 2/~ mile thereafter 20 f fo r each extra passenger

fo r entire trip.

m iC B E ll

2 0 0 QOrange Residents can ©mmJbfibr Cthexchange through:ORANGE 2002’without stny extra cost.

Prior t* Second Ihmaee, *1 :-.-V ■ 'tC'- JpP, • ' I' ' *• ' ' ’ ,'J

■ "’IM* j

^ g r a m , ra , gameEraMarah. 24.—Tq h is rwa

Anne Cooper Hewitt Wins Point in Estate Contest

PAWnWON. ngtaTi ,-.<*h4-AJras Cooper B ow k*, w hose le g a l s ta to s is qrajliNMhMl M s t I M f W s i r o f s tru st fu sd under th o w ill h f Peter cooper.* * M * I her r ight determ ined In court “ a reoult o f s Sarii lra mg tho AppMIhM • W © Ot m * T ora. 8he la the daughter W M m f y a w B rugiere. f» r - ■4HgE Hlra K sr lsa A sd r o w a .o f V tr-' gh rts, and w a s h ors Is Fhalt, A ugust 1. If r a Bha w aa ^goptad kg N R a tC o o ta r H ew itt, g ra a d so s o f ' P o to r ' Cooper, v rttaL . t a h ra rtto « -1 K ra ." » m g lo ra toP M to , eavoral pesra later. A fter Mr. * « 2 Mg g \ ©sariod

• d-Erishger, a Briton, s o d a r a o t-2BV t U f t f l l . ’aM M o f Fh lorvCoogor

th » t a l M J k i t a 4 M w ith out lu u e aod “w ith ou t h sv lo g axsrctssd g pororoo" «©. t o dlSFOOa OF hi* Mrm a W M O 't g m m to tho tru tt o o u t*

»M» t t a -w ill o f F o u r Coogor.” S Tbo oogrt ordor rootorgar w as eon-

.j m m m m u t m - t m , m m ,TIM ntt' ta il ' hor mothov, fo r ethOr h eirs # Potar Ooopor, ooeking to have tha r i g M a ^ W ^ t a M t o r - s t a V tapH W r r a i

: _v .t . J


“E v e ry PietmraTells a Story’

Feel S tiff and Achy After Every Cold:1)0 You S»ye Constant Backache? Feel Old and Lame and

Buffer Sharp, Rheumatic Pains? Then Look to Your Kidney*!


DOES every cold, chill or attack of grip leave yo« voni-out and utterly miser­

able?' Do you foot old and lame, stiff and rheumatic? Does your hack ache with a dull, unceasing throb, until it seems you fust can’t stand ft any-longer?

a s Then look tn your kidneys! Grip, raids and chills are mighty bard on the kidneys,

flit A* blood with poisons and im- im that the kidneys must Altar off.

i kidneys weaken under this rush of new work; become congested aad inflamed.

It's little wonder, then, that every col-' leaves you with torturing bseksche, rheu­matic pains, headaches, dizziness and an noying bladder irregularities.

Don’t neglect these early symptoms! Kidney troubles, if trested early, are usuaHy easily corrected. Neglected, the wav is paved for dropsy, gravel, or dreaded Bright’s disesM. Help your weakened kid­neys before it is too late. Use Doan’s Kid- nay Piths Dean’s have helped thousands nad should help yon. Ask yoor neighbor!

:ffJ 8e Sor These Newark Folks»2»:I.

“ft was s ksrg fall that starts* mv ktd- •©r trauMa. V t a t ( m i t mM It aggrars<«e the ramjtetat. Mr MM Metw a r - ^ s s s L r a j n s u r s

? H V iH l AIM * e t f f l i i l f h t t« MUM Qm

i s «#-•w w ^ m- wuwvMvwg ;MV*.'.

was. o. aatrrare; T h s d a trouhla and my back amor I Seat to Sail pains darted tkrougk t a c k . W M B 2 ■ tlttMs ' flip Mwjlr. W' e o m O 'jn e r n »

iWKiy w ise«od Mtaiy-ayw; *1*42,*

•M ack o f kidney 1 badly. Wb«n- sw eep, c o llin g 9 s m a l l .o f uiy any lan gtk of

O lasy spalls M M M k M

have been In



< — « W InvM iM M t t M l t l m s f - tested by th* rapid I n d u M i *( * — ( w i n a c tiv ity i n h sv tad the of-


Hospital Buttdmg lo Go Up •t Man and Central. b


.Transfer Just Announced

J i N H r t la current that tk* Hom**- R esp ite! of Essex County la to • tl.0M .IW b i l ld l i f on ttto

corner o f Control and M inn ■oat Oreng#. A corporation

by Hoary T Stotaon vlco o f (Ho OcaWtaclon. hna ar-

yta y i n r at that point that la 0M feat square Mr Siotaon

H f M a l to con f ir * or d#nr tha

p ro party j f M-*. William H f t Sooth Mona avonaa. and

I No. 17. nant la ir , t-n which iwar hom t a f Harry E. Chip- aw a f South Ora net. '• locat.it

frbat hna barn b-iuah* by tha orblck la aatllkd . tha Kaa-

n b a l t v Company. Tha fortnar hna C p a a la » I Of t l* fool In South Moan

SBd tha latter St<> faof. Each a attoaat to t foot daap.

Hr. I w a n said the raaHy .ompany kt «ba proparty far da valor

f l S l would not am plify bla ttata- ■ j f a c t fy bow or wkaa It would ba

‘ aor tall w ba tha othar tn-ara wara.

J f V s a l l C * a a a o f Oranga. an- tru stee . aald ba araa "not at llb-

fo aay." Ha added that no oaa W tlttem A. Jaaoa af Coat Or-

tea proaldaat aad Mr. Stataon Boon s* tba altuatlon. Mr. Jon#*

i H M »»wa.gao l w as aasotlatad by Edward

; A CO.rjgO plUI Is Sow la LRllaton ova-

th lo c ity Announeotnant hot boon f i s t s so w ba tiding wao pro-

A alto wao not montloaod. bow ­

e l Oxygen in Room Caused Couple’* Death

I too t made by County Chtmlnt j d isclosed th at Mra. David

wboaa llfalaaa body waa I sta h sa ld a th at a f bar hoabaad la

■ Of thalr hama a t 111 9 ln a - I P HHSIi Hast Oranga, Thuradny

1 from auffocation i t bad IE aappoaad that tba eottpla

aadtdaaUy aaphylagtad la tha roaoi.

m ty o f Dr. M i l is that Mra ■WAS s a ffo c a u d aftar flaaiaa

b t f a a atova. and a!no braath- th o ooupta. had aaad ap tha

■Js tb o room. Tha kltabaa was SUy paa lid by claaad doors oa4

husband, Dr. M o l believe#, aur- | p .a ir daplatlon, bat was

t by aoaaplas s a t w h ta lack astlagu lsh ad tbs flaoiaa.

a f th a death o f bla kd a lttar-la -law , Mr. sa d Mra •.. b p . b sw a ss f s r aoeoonri

....tesiudr. - Mash rarsoaonG osaaw ick atraat. Haw York.

sad ar-told Qua-

of K a a fa

betas foaad Tbara- tbat tbsrs survive sips s

j Maryarot Farguaan. af bla Bad another brother, Thomaa

„ « N l W ist Twaaty-alntb titew Tsrb. Ha knew af sa role-

. Ferguson,< ear aoald baM f lig h t e a a report th at tba

SA adopted daughter.I G rant* police bars Isaraad

E*.. Mater o f MM, Targaaon. Mrs. n B H f t t , llvoa la Fhttadelphte.

h * v * aotlftod bar o f tb s d osth a ftauaral w ill toko place tom or-

bo ss a s t a’bisab from Mr. M jfrlrn i I t North Crater street, b i t Mt. O litfft C ssM tsrr, B teem -

■ | n b r ie f pitas w ill ba *o«-r a v s a r t a a t a l tba Ckarck o l tba □mail, fltat ta

tv Himself bl i e B e A im e d

Patrolm an N slae a t tba Plrat « t w aa paaalns Braafnrd place

k in g ton stree t about a o'clock m m M saw a colored man

I s tka Shadow a t tba Mow otophone Company building, sa

jTwaitlBt tor soma o a t, sa d m a t. i i ! Maine!f. Maiaa questioned s s aad. b eeom lh f su sp ic iou s

M m bad found a tt-oalibor tu to m a tlc revolver, fu lly loaded,

u n m e tta k in g (bo weapon Nolee took v« tba pollca atatoon aad Ibis [A c tin g Judge R oom y bold him >RM for tba grand jury. Tbo paid bo waa Ernest Cook of - .e t s s s t Maw Tork. Ha aald

ffp m p b t t b s revolver for IIS | K colored man on Flap* street

before N oise arretted him.

Women Reports Swindle


ivct or flo w in g up th# looni mmrkmt. in th# opinion o f market «♦«•- manta ora- Bn th at u It a a y . a w#dkmarked by thn o ffic ia l ann ou ncem e nt o f la# Public S e rv ic e Corporation's pro a ram for revision o f IU financial U n w - taro hap noon a continued ooftnoao balk la thn corporal ton’s major aocurttlaa

M e TnmrtW orn flian Tnmrt 0^1!O tr traes Co.....................I m l w a i B u t G»..........Kewart* Trane O f.. . . . . . .ntatnn Tram O n ...............gpitnfftsid ▲ vn. Trant OnL m vtf Trani Cn..............Wnetting!no Trant Cn

. . . . #?*

E lIrvington NationalBant Oraayn Bank.....................p n H County Trant....................•a* laynatmnnt A Trant gecond Nnrionnl Bank. Oinagn•Ornngn Nntlnnnl Bank Want Mvinen Cnaaty Trant

_ . . . . . , , ___ __ . __- _. *Ntl a*«tn Bn nk Clliand In thn underly ing traction ban4a, a ' Un}oB Co Trant O

At le f t Is O iy C om adietoenr H ow s s t foot # f d t y hall steps pinning mod s i on G eorgs H ospidor, City Home buy, who w on th e first grand p r lie snd first prize in G roup Na. I, Other p r tie w in n ers are show n, with their handiwork.

Cleveland Junior Boys Again Win Trophy for

Building Bird Houses

Besides Cup to High School

Group. Three Pupils Awarded

Individual Prizes.

For tha second su ccessive, year C levelan d Jun ior H lsb School today w aa aw arded th e silver cup for tba sch oo l p resen tin g the greatest nu m ­ber a f bird h ou ses acceptable to tha Judges In tba clty -w ld a bird house build ing oonteat. held under tha Joint au sp ices o f L. d. F lout A Co. and flu bays’ w ork urbanisation a f tha city . One mora w in w ill place tba cup tn tha perm anent possession o l tha school.

Thirteen boys were made happy w h oa th ey w o n eollod from am ong th g *71 en tran ts hy Director John H ow e o f tb s Departm ent o f Revenue and F in an ce tn tha rotunda o f tho c ity b a ll thta m orning to resolve aw ard s for tb t ir sk ill and orig inality

In bird bou se construction, la addition to thalr group awards three o f tha boys wara sw ard ed astra prises for thalr work.

G eorge H ospidor of the City Home w a s tba w lA ntr o f tha gold medal of- farad as tba first grand prise, e lse w in n in g f ir s t prise, n camera. In group •a u , sm all bird houses. Philip S ega l o f tb a Ctavalaad Junior H igh School w en th e second grand prise, n s ilver modal, aad alao tba first prtae In-group tw o , bouse* for birds s lig h tly larger th an th ose la ggotip op*. Tha third grand prise, a brouse medal, w as won by W arren Brundag* o f Scout Troop Ho. M, w ho w on third prig* In group th ro * largo bird houaas. and aeeond prts* In group five, lead in g stations.

'Other prise w inner* by gronp* w ere: Group on*. W illiam Borgar, John C at. Itn School; H arry Eldalghalm. C leve­land Junior H igh School. Group tw o. Norm an E. W o r n aad Aloaaoder M t- Mb, both C lovoland Junior H igh School. Group throe. Edward Voraoechlo. C ity H om o; D aniel M elik. Scout Troop No. l i Ouordon Brundag#, Troop No. *. Group four, E dw ard Schm itt. City Hom o; H oy Voo», Clovoland Junior

H igh School. Group five, Louis Ureen- fedor and John P. Bruch, both o f C leve­land Jun ior H igh School.

Move Thaa SB* Shown.Tha va r ie ty o f housaa aad tha w ork­

m anship d isp layed woro outstanding fea tu res o f more than !M bouses on exh ib ition for some time at tha Down T ow n Boys' Club. Broad and M arshall streete . In presenting tho p r ists D i­rector H ow s stressed the point to th e b oys th at a ll could net ba winner* but th a t tha a b ility and ganlna shown by tba w inner* should act as an asam pl* to th em In fu ture contests aad th a t tb ay should determ ine to mak* them - aalvaa w inner* In the nant contest.

Tha first contest w as kald seven yat^ra ag o under th* direction o f U


Oldest Tombstone in Orange Burying Ground It o f Sturdy Puritan Whote Public • Job Wat to Round Up Planiert and

Bring Them to Atsembly.

Inseparably connected w ith tka u p ­building o f Newark and Essex County a r t tbe •ffcn trt o f the Fundam ental Agreem ent who cam# hero on a certain May day In 1MI and those who tattled in th e tow n during the first quarter of n ttn tu ry of Itt existence Than# nam tt a r t recalled at title tim e because the nant few days w ill bring th e . 200th anniversary of the first known in ter ­ment In the old burying ground. Or­an go. which, according to the epitaph

tbo lane now know n ae .Vorthfield av e ­nue. a few hundred yards southerly- W heeler, w ho g ave the land Incorpor­ated in the Old Burying Ground, died three years la ter , in 1710. at the age also o f e ig h ty -sev en years.

Not very far from “Uncle Tony’*” home waa a colony of beavers at tha brook which now crosses Valley road at Park avenue. These industrious

daveiopm ent th at has been in progress for a fortn ight or more.

Public Service common stock wont to tho highoet point roorhod since

I t t l . a fter tb e publication o f tbo now capital plan It has shaded o ff with som e stead iness, bot w tthta narrow lim ­its. since K reason assigned tn fin an ­cial elrcloe la the expectation that ru­mored dividend changes based upon tho division o f tha common stock Into no- par chares at the ratio o f tw o for eaeh of tbe present par shares w ill n o | d e ­velop tn th e near future and may not ocm* at all th is year

The no-par common appeared In the latter part o f th e week In trading on * 'when ianuod" basis on tha Now York Curb M arket and transactions up to 52 were recorded

The eight per cent preferred of the ••nrporetion waa traded In lightly at l«5 to 10*. ex-dividend, an unchanged pries on that basis G ensrsl m ort­gage Ss w ere weaker, ranging from M m H * i The co lla tsra l 7 per ©ent. bonds were o ff about a point to 102\4- Perpetual cer tifica tes w ers quiet at

to »«**Traction bonds wars so ft with littio

trading- North Jersey bonds wars e ff fractionally a t S3V6 to I4H - Con. Trac­tion bonds w ss k s r at 771% to MW. price varying, but averag in g a half point lower. W hite Line bonds were variously quoted Mso w ith a downward tendency, betw een ■* 17% N ew ­ark P assen ger R ailw ay bonds were quoted to a point batter. Con.Traction stock w as quiet and un­changed-

Gas bonds were, on the contrary, strong, considering their own relative Inactivity, few com ing on the market. Newark Con. Gas I s and Hudson

I County Gas 6s sold at unchanged price*. !94>% to 95. and South Jersey bonds at

9f> to 91 The g s s stock s w sre Inactive j and w ith out price changes.

Bank sto ck s on tho local list ware_ _ _______ more ac tiv e than l e racent weeks-

i M erchants’ A M anufacturers’ National Paequalo Gallo, th irty -five years j w as sold a t SISH to 2 tl. I nisi udiag_dl v! -

old. of 301 Hurlbut street. Orange, em

Tbe W tiBM lai He MM Ifentelai* Kseeg Trust Cm . . . Federal True* Ce. Rights.


...____ *s.* *“ *•m er icee ......................................... i fI n m i ' t ..................................... i f f

Com merc ia l C a s u a l ty ..................... | j•N»» Brunswick Fire................. | f•New Jsreey ................... f tF e s i e F i r e ....................................... ( |American lanraera Rights . . v f


Celluloid Co. ................Celluloid Co.. pM.............Crocker-Whocier Ce Crocker-Wheeler. pfC •Hat ken Beck Water . . . offsekeneaefe Water, pr ..N. J. Etae C o ..................Singer Mfg Ce................Wart Leek Washer Co

Pries Rare* “ Mteee#i f»eis

n e

Bends, guaranteed stocks sad Publts • er* vies certificates quoted “and Interest.’*

Note—Prior to January L l f l t . all ateska wers quoted on nor com basis. Hi m Janu­ary I. lets, si! stocks have boon quoted dellara par share.

'Par Valuo—Morris A Earn. M i; Warrea RSUrosd Company, fee; Riverside Tmetlea Company. IIS; Sltsaboth A Trenton Rati*read, fid; Elizabeth Oaa Light Compel (If; Orange National Bank, l ie . National ita te Sank. Bllaabath. * " “au rmnee Cam pear. M S . ... ............. .......Company. M; Firemen a laeuranoe Company Iff; Commercial Caeualty Ineuranoa Oeta-

9IS; New Brunawirk Flra In

IM; Prudential la* American Vaaumsoa

Hit Horse with Shovel, Stabbed It with Knife,

Complaint by S.P.C.A.

rear empeny M l: Mow Jersey Flra Inaoi

Cempany. Ml; Har Sanaa eh Water. Raekem^♦neack Water prafarrud, f t l .

tNew stock.asaanteMi;

The A risto cra t o f G in g er A le s

Excavation Watchman Said to !

Have Become Angered When

Wagon Got Stuck in Mud.

The delicacy at O’Keefe's, the ab­sence at obnexfOAA ranee and pepper* hotness, wen Instant favor with ermeal and discriminating people. Mild and dry—exqnisH* in flavor.

MaO* wMb u lnaaa l .B Tar* Baring Water

ployed aa a watchm an at Lincoln and F airview avenue*, that city, where an

anim al# fa iled trees and dammed the i excavation Is being made for a dw ell-brook to such an extent that the

on tba tom bstone yet standing, w as on i adjacent land w a i overflowed and March I f. 17St. Tha stone memoraMsea caused considerab le annoyance to thethe nam e o f Anthony Olive, who w as am&ng th e company o f New Englander* m ak ing their hom t In Newark. Orange being a part of tha original territory T his Is the oldest known tom bstone in th e county of E ssex, It le believed, and Olivo, w ho dlod a t the age o f o lghty- •even yoars. w as born In l f f f elxtoan yaare a fter tha landing o f tho May- flow er Ftlgrtms.

W hen Olivo dlod do les ware ca l­culated by tha Jdltun calendar, then elavati days behind the Georgian, which Buropa did not accept aa a substitu te for th e Julian nntl! 1712. Therefore, by modern reckoning Olive's death w as on March 27. But the calendar am end­m ent act o f Parliam ent made another ch an ge In British practice, for It epoelflad that tha new year should begin on January ! Instead o f Mareh 25. Lady Day. th# Roman Catholic fe s tiv a l o f the Annunciation, which up te then had bean tho first day of the B ritish year, and despite Its “P arish” orig in w as no observed by the Puritans who settled Newark.

It w as on Mareh IS that tho quit- reata. w hich caused so much trouble at tka beginn ing between the settlers and th e O ovem er, Carteret, w ee gathered, only te be returned, because paym ent w as m ade In good# and not tn money demanded by tha agante of tho G ov­ernor a t E lisabethtow n.

L lew ellyn Pack W aa HU Farm.Oilve'e nama fir s t appears at tha

m eetin g on January t« 1177, when he agreed w ith the other planters to pay M i proportion o f money toward tha m atntsnsnee o f th e mljtlater. Olive w as one o f tho first to locate In tho terri­tory now known ae Orange, hie farm batnc In tha tract now so w ell known a s L lew ellyn Park. He waa appointed constable by the town m eeting on Jan­uary 1, 1CM, to asslet tn bringing In tho plan ters who did pot attend the reg ­ularly called assem blies. This wee large ly caused by tho long dlotanco tho planters had to travel from the outly ­ing section s, and in the rounding up o f the delinquents much dissatisfaction w as caused.

O live waa fam iliarly referred to In hie advancing years aa Anthony and **Une!e Tony** and waa a neighbor of N athaniel W heeler, w hose home was on

Iqdjaeont aettlere. Their fur made many a settler m ore com fortable In the w in­ter months.

It wa* the custom o f “Uncle Tony” to proceed down the path to the highway, now Main street, leading to the m eeting htouae on th e 8sbbath day to attend service at th e regularly appointed m orning and afternoon hour*. For m any years a fte r he died this lane wa* known as “T ony's Path.” With hie death the nam e disappeared from the life o f the com m unity, but certain a t­tr ibu tes o f th o man's character have survived th rou gh the years, being handed from generation to generation. He w%* not on ly a consistent and wbole-aouled Puritan but also one of the leaders o f th e community, and with N athaniel W h eeler had a great deal to do w ith the estab lishm ent of the new m eeting housa a t tha Mountains, now the F irst Church o f Orange.

Evening High Schools Hold Commencements



Seventy-five Diploma*

at East Side— Home

Douia* W earaar. w h s occupied ~ t t t In th* Ktnnay fcutldin*. ra- j » ih# patio* yaatarday that aha

Fa K indled ant a t I1 7 .lt lxat TSaa* Kptr'A man w ho called on bar and B Whom ah* mad* arrangem ent, I*

hi* agen t tn dlatrlkatlng w a s gr. 8h* araa to pay for th* paper : waa te fvrnlah boy* ta aatl tbo

; from bona* to heua*. She rave stran ger a check far th* amount

with which to pay for paper. , baa aeaa noth in g of him alnc*.

b* catbad tba check. She aaya nfca tba fo llow la a faker Ithe

rlbod him a* about fifty yaare old.

r ta v t A Co. aad waa afterw ard taken up by varloua organisation*. Two year* ag o a consolidation o f tho v a ­rious in terest* w a s effected aad tb a a ffa ir has slnco bean held under t h , direction o f th o Plaut Cortpany. tho Down Town B oys’ Club. Ironbound Com m unity W ork. Newark Boy Bo out*. C entral Com m unity Boys' W ork. N ew ­ark Council, Colored B oy# Work and tb* R otary Club Boys' Work.

Tbo com m ittee In charge waa com* posed o f Cheater A. Brown of U 8 Plaut A Co.; W. E P lllaa. superintend­ent of the Down Town Boys’ Club; Raym ond F. T uttle. Central Commun­ity Boys' W ork; W. W. Brundag*. Boy giwttt E xecutive, and Robert K. Han* son. R otary Club Boy*' w ork. Much a ssis ta n c e w a s rendered th* com m it- t ,« by Ph ilip N. W agner o f Cleveland Jun ior H igh School.

Of Every Thousand American Boys Only

Nursing Course Completed.

Fawcett Institution Stays Open

Ten Finish College

Authority on Heredity Declares

First Year of High School Nor­

mal Intellectual Limit.

H W ^ d r a a so d and about tlvo foot o ith tNew Effort to Settle

Strike on English Farms

m ootin g o f Aurora Chapter. O E ptll b* bold Monday evening at

Masonic Tempi*. 201 Plane An officia l v isit w ill b* mad*

.W a rtb y D ietrlet Deputy Elisabeth ftjaftatd.A m u sical recital to b* rendered by

P M rrtea Post 16, American Legion, iv ie d for tbe latter part o f April,

gSh etp postponed Indefinitely, i l ls - on o f piano for the affair w ill b*

kt up at a m eeting Tuesday ev*. a t A cb U l-S M U efa .

| f tg . Jam as Plrtb. a chiropractor, w ill on ’"Brain and Cord" tomorrow

LONDON. Marsh 2« ( # ) . —Another effort to se tt le tbo atrlk* o f farm laborer* In N orfolk w ill ga t under way today whan representatives of am-

Special Service o f tha JfBWg.PRINCETON. March 14 —It Isn’t that

too m any men go to college but that som e o f th* w rong kind o f men go. Thle faot Is pravad tar the recent In­vestiga tion mad* by Dr. Carl C. B rig­ham o f th a Prlaeaton Psychological D e­partm ent, w ho state* th at on th * aver­a g e 'o n ly tan out o f ovary l.SOS w hit* man In th is country carry tholr educa­tion a lt th e way through college gad g e t diplom as.

P rofessor Brigham, who la the author of "A Study of American Intelligence," w hich w g t recently published, hgthosed h is opinion* an a thorough study or th* schooling o f th* nsttv* born

f i n e a t l i o'clock at th* Robert H ote l and w ill dlseua* "HighPressure and Its Complications

^ E W p e O h . Dr. Firth Is a Palmar K d graduate aad Instructor In HgigfOCtlc sym ptom atology.

K rU U U a m B. Kerr Company Em- WOO* Socia l Club has boon organ- Ib F m en a t th* plant at 144 Oranga

T h e president la g. Taylor, tha SS W. A. Herrmann and th t

K b H. Rosa. It la th* parpoa* rd u h to arrange social a ffa irs

JiP1 w**h*-; A tok en a t appraelatlan for f if ty HMRfVtp* John P. Kaknbaoh a t Itt

avogpa. S fU* cutter, ho* did* tn to ld by officiate o f

B ratharo Company bp which em ploy**- About a year ago

~ (k or a t Union avenue.egtetod a sim ilar len gth

w ith th * concern aad w a s

w hit* draft during th* war, s t ax amplad by m ort than lo.ooo c a s e s o f every thousand boys who enter tb* f ir s t grade, ITS go op to th* aaoond grade, S4S remain through th* eacoitd

frade. t i l l th e fourth grade, 116 tbo Nth g r a d s T il th* s ix th grade, fttt th e

seventh grad* and l i t tb* eighth grad*.Of th* original thousand. I l l entered

th* h igh eohool. 176 finished th* seeds*year, l i t tha third year and n in ety-five w ore graduated from the h igh school. Of th* a ln e ty - f lv s f if ty awn entered co llege, forty h a st op to th* end o f th* second roar, tw en ty to th* and o f junior poor aad tan w are graduated.

"It fa ImposatW*. o f couras" com ­m ented Dr. Brigham , - t e determine how m a n y o f those w ho leave school leave on account o f lack o f pecuniary oppor­tu n ity . or on account af lack o f la - talUgoae*. 1 f t I* rtdtcuieus to aaaum* th at 1,606 man la 16.666 have su fficien tIntelligence to graduate from co llege

■ I a i t a ‘ ills

1 ( ) R F S

o f IObnba(lF

players and w orkers moot la th* o ld P sla e* o f Rtebope la Norwich. Several

th* difficult!**a ttem p ts to bridge RAP* a lready failed.

Tb* farmer* have made wag* eon- 0*1*1 on* hat on terms unsatisfactory tto th# man. Th* coatonGan of th* fsamara th a t tha. condition of thalr tbBndtry does not tnoblo them to pa r • M * la racognlgad. but th* man say th M .tb ap eon not Ur* on tha tarm* iBilff amplayara offer. 1 .'Bet s o f HUi targe Igadswuef*. In-

oiodlng tk* Earl of U nbortp . h a m 4 s iM K lM ,« i» of tk* tehorora. 'K ing Oet i f h t ^ i i n j p » r a * Ot tk sb ig g es t

of Horfplk—« * Baadringhom *a-

and equally absurd to aasum* that only ton In 1.000 have a high enough In­te llectu a l endowment to graduate from c o lleg e"

Th* average man 1* Incapable of de­velopin g m entally beyond the first year S t h ig h aehoot, according to Professor Edw in Orant Conklin- Whan in ter­v iew ed on Dr. Brigham ’* statem ent. Professor Conklin, t a ’ authority on m rod lty and environment, declared th a t man's m ental development la lim ited from th* turn* o f h it tarth. aad sa id th a t th* aver eg* could not go be­yond tho frashm aa year la high school.

-Mo doftatt* ease* oaa bt assign ed to aeeount for th is beyond tb* t u t that each ttan'g deficiency I* Inherited," sa te Dr. Conklin. T | th is country, kdw- ever. the low avarag* can t t at'tribute* to the proaano* tn thn popula-........................................................... A i ltton of people haring low' IntaBtgant* qustlants, mainly th* Slav* aad South- ora Italian*, who have form** th* hoik, of th# Immlgmats for (ho last thirty y a m u r . ■ '’ . Th* »*• salted pgyohoteglcal t**t* af* a groat Htlhg, aoeordlag to both Of. Conklin and Dr. Brifteuh. la tholr prta-

;w ««o ' roduetloa or an’ ' teortasa o fm tu h s** m m

opt «m ' of ollmlpaUM m i l . th* J*BBUm esh d lSs t t P '.... tpf.oqitteM .tkoM 'xfh* a r tunauaHfted f e l l ia lh t f ' t a t t l l g l i l i f s l .Itai

« !« p * S r - ' ' rs p S t t I ’- - ■ >- " r

Com m encem ent exoreises at evening high schools la st n igh t marked th* close o f th e ir school year except at F aw cett School of Industrial A rts That Institution w ill be th* only public school open n ext week, tho others ob­serv in g th* sp r in g vacation. Fawcett School w ill eloo* only on Good Friday and w ill resum e regular work with th# day schools, Monday. April 2. continu­ing through April. Th* commencement w ill be held A pril 24. A spring tarm w ill open April 60 and close June S.

A t E ast Side E ven ing High about sev en ty -fiv e pupils received diplomas and certificates. About fifty bad com­pleted tw o y ea rs In th* Industrial de­partm ents w h lla other# had taken th ree-year cou rses tn savaral related subjects, and another group hgd given three years to a s in g le subject.

Th* program Included vocal eolos hy Mies A n gelin a Sena, a member of th* facu lty ; se lec tion s on stringed In­strum ents. b e in g a part o f the program given by th e day high school students at th e recent convention of music su­pervisors; read ing by Miss Esther Louis* P ick w ick , and folk dancing by young w om en of the evening gym nasium c la ss The diploma* and cer tifica tes wore presented by th# principal. EU P ickw ick Jr., who Inter announced to th* faculty mam- bera th at h* did not expect to undor- tak e th* prlnclpnlshlp o f th* evening school a fter th is year.

A special fea tu re a t this school was the com pletion o f a tw o-year course ta hem * n u rsin g by a c la n o f young wom en under tha Instruction of Mia* E llen F. C onntngion, R. N. The course em braced h ygien e , hom e sanitation and f ir s t aid. D iplom as w ere awarded to H iss Toreoa Murtha. Mint Veronica W arner, Ml** H ern ia * Mngtra. Mri France* R ankin And Mrs. H attie Emory.

Diplom a* w ore g iven four pupils la th* academ ic departm ent o f Bergen S treet E ven in g H igh la s t night and certificate* to 121 in Industrial subjects.

About 1,206 students attended tb* d o ttB g *x* raise* a t Central Evening H igh, w hich w ere o f • social nature. Including h dance fat th* gymnasium and th# carving o f rafroahment* in on* Of tb* school lunch room*. Tha prlnd- pal, WUllage W iener, declare# the year s a ttenda nce h as been excellent. Thera era* no aw ard in g o f diplomas there.

m * Himself as DidFour O thers in Family

TRENTON. Mareh 24 <J>)__w. Lri*B w a tt a Moreor County farmer. 1s dead by hi* ow n hand, tb* fifth member of lh * fam ily to com m it suicide within th * past f if te en years. His father nn unole. M e brother and tho brother's w ife k illed them selves. 8w ett drowned h lm aelf a fter firing a bullet Into hie m outh. Hi* body w as found h i A sha llow pond.

A genti U te Hatchets During RaidHOBOKEN. March 24 ( P J —U ouor

whteb they va lu ed a t f t , 666 waa coaflB- <mt*d by fed era l prohibition ngdnta la s t n ig h t In a raid oa w hat they ear w as th* biggeuet Illicit liquor manufac­tu rin g p lan t over found IM Hoboken. U q a o r o f v a r io u s brands aad about 1,6*6 g a llon s o f near w as seised. Can* b a rre ls crock ery and bottle* were de­stroyed h y th # a gen ts , w ho mad* fra* aa* a t tholr h a te S tta

Elizabeth Main Survived bySeventy-four Descendant*

•pactel Service a t f»* JffW B.' ELIZABETH. MANh t l ■ JhBmMah

XteMfte Who dlad yaatarday at hte t e a s t t d Marsha ll atraat, ig ourrieod W ■ w n w SUM anijrtBgM ." Iteam *

W at Itvad with oao St m t - ' « . ..

Inf. hdiram# an ferrd y4»*t«rday wh«n a t *am o f hor##a waa unablr to m ovi X wagon whl^h had sunk In th# aoft f*«rth. and hr is a ll« f«d first to havq struck on# o f th s hors*s w ith a shovsl and lat#r to havq stabbed it w ith a clasp k n ifs w hich was afterward found tn h is pockrt

Gallo pleaded not fu llty whan ar­raigned before Judge Bianchi in th# Oranga Polica Court today.

Both Gallo and tha drlvtr o f th# taam. W illiam Farman, th irty-tw o yaars old. colored, of 426 W ashington street. Newark, w ere arrested, aftar the horse had le ft a two-m ile trait of blood betw een the place where the team got into th# mud and where the debrl# was deposited In E ast Orange.

The driver said that G a llo , when th# horses fir s t fa iled to pul) the wagon out of th# dirt hole, took one of the horses from th e pole and harnessed It in front o f th e other in order to release the w agon. G allo remained behind with th e horse w hich was afterward found stabbed, w h ile Ferman held tbo head o f tho front horoe.

W hen th e tw o men were searched after tb e police had Investigated tbo case a c lasp k n ife auch as m ight csu se tbe wound w as found in tb s posssssion o f Gallo.

The men w ere arrested by Lew is C. Teed o f th e 8. P. C. A. oa the complaint of 8am C hrlaitsllo o f I t Avenue C- ow ner o f tbo team o f horses. Gallo was bold and Form an w as released.

In po lice court Judge Bianchi found Gallo g u ilty o f atabbiog tho animal, but deferred sen tence. Dr. E. D. Bach­man. a veterinarian , o f SIS Bergen street, w ho exam ined tho animal, said the wound had undoubtedly been In­flicted w ith a kn ifs . but w as not dssp.

Lawyer Sued by Contractor for Damage* on Fake Arreot ChargeC laim ing 910.000 dam ages from P.

Henry B trassa, a law yer o f 4SI Bloom ­fie ld avenue. M ontclair. Charles J. Romano, a gen era l contractor of that tow*n. <has filed su it in tho Supreme Court, through A ssistan t Prosecutor J. V ictor D ’Alola. for fa lse arrest, and a copy o f th e com plaint w as served on th e defend ant today by Special Deputy C harles F. Hummel o f Uto sheriff's o f­fice.

The su it is the outcom e of Romano’s arrest la s t D ecem ber on a complaint that w a s afterw ard withdrawn.

Serviced at House of PrayerRev. T. B. Campbell, assistant a t ths

Episcopal H ouse o f Prater, w ho had beep In charge o f th a Lenten servlets In the aboence, duo to Illness, o f tho rector. R tv . W. T . Venables, has an* nounced Palm Sunday m asses for 7:99 and 10:30 o’elook tom orrow morning, w ith solem n procstsion w ith palm s a i the la tter , and even son g a t 8 o'clock, at w hleh F ather Campbell w ill preach.

Monday. Tuesday and W ednesday m orning m asses w ill be a t 7:90, and at th e 9 o'clock serv ice Monday n ight Rev. M. L. W oolsey. form erly assistant at th e church and now o f N « f Tork, w ill preach Maundy Thursday there w ill be perpetual Intercession through­out th e day before th e altar, and on Good Friday th e m ass o f the pre­sanctified w ill be a t 9 o’clock, and the three-hour service w ill begin a t 18 o'clock, conducted by Father Camp* bell- T he preacher In the even lpg w ill be Rev. F. A. H eteley o f Ntttley.

Address by Colored MissionaryDr, J. E. E ast, corraspondtne ssora-

txry o f the N ation al Baptist Conven­tion (colored) w ill address Ute vnte- gtonxrF m ass m eetin g In Mt. Zion Bap­t is t Church tom orrow e ft ,m o o n * t M l o'clock. Dr. Boat hxgspcnt a number o f years In Africa.

O thers ta k in g part tn the service, w hich w ill b* held under th* directlan o f R tv . Dr. W illiam J. Jonaa. m ission-ary secretary am ong colored Baptists - elio f th* c ity an d vlelntty, w ill bo th* pM tor o f th* chorch, Rev. Dr. 3. R. Brown. R*V. J. C Love, Rov. T. T. Tucker. Rev. E. A* P. Cheek. Rev. C T. W itcher and Rev. F. W. Means, local clergym an.

To Give Two Stereopticon TalksR ar. B. F. Dlcklaaon, pastor of Cen­

tra! M ethodist E piscopal Church, w ilt •tv * pteraoptlcon lecture* tomorrow afternoon and ev en in g la tho T; W. C. A. bu ild in g and th* Central Church, ra- spsetivolv . Th* r a n t w ill b* a t tb a reaper serv ice o f tb* aaSoetatlon. whan ho w ill ehow picture* o f -Th* Passion Play, a t Oboramm ergau.’’ whleh bq w it­nessed la st aununer. Th* aarand w ill ha taaturad by v ta w t w hich Jte took darteiB h te v is its to I p B PnrfagalrGreece, P a lestin e and Egypt.

J|r, D ickinson w il l atari apeak a t2:41 o’clock tomorrow afternoon in Do Groot Methodist Episcopal Cljarch.

Breaks Leg in FtH from Window. aOROrt AaSeroaa of ^ in i ii l ML wfetta a t work't*dor;*a ate ascend floor g f ■ aB e llev ille grw atto,: 4 1 p ; , r o w p 3 M M p

« * » • # .xll'p ilteii, f**t, and broha hl*-rlght My. Andersoa waa taken teth * City Raepltal te| tho

acS aaoT aacorrid shgotlj after* t wo* h*M bp hy t«mqso W,w

dand B slas o f F ld#lity Union Trust Block Kt 845. sn d o f F#d#rftl Trust rights s t 23. aqutvslant to 190 for tk# new stock, wara raportod.

American Insurance l ig h ts sra prac­tica lly unchanged, averag in g around 2%. T he stock ranged from 18 I# 29. quotations vary in g on d ifferin g volume bases. Othar Insursnea stocks w#r# quiet sn d unchangtd.

Am ong tha local ind ustria ls Cellu­loid common Is quoted somewhat w idely betw een 92 and 9IVt> ax-divi­dend. Tka preferred la a lso more vari­ably quoted than la usual, between 108 and 119, but is unehanged at tka average. Zinc shares w ars stronger.

Order from yeur Dealer. Ctib. Hotel er ENO CAMPBELL. N. J. D M H N iff

Feef «f Mxth M.. N e M e e Tel. Mekeken 1M4

O K M F E ' S

se llin g up from 171 to 116, and Slngor ' * ' W I lf .oold o ff th ree poin ts from 114 to '

Th* m unicipal bond m arket continue* active but w ith out price changes. Mon­mouth County during th* week sold 11.166.666 Of It* bonds on a 4.2* bagl*

Th* tellowlag quotation* are fyrelehed hy J. A H i,p.l A Cat


ft. J. mate Highway Is, l i l t . .N. J. gtat. honue is, 1*41----Bergen County 416* 16*6----East Oran*, t e 1*11Bast Oran*. 4t i e 116#.... . . Baeex County 9.66a, I6*e-J4...A m i County 4* 1626..............K een County 6*. 1*11..............Bees* Cooaty 4a, lf*}-44........Emm Cauaty 4a 1*41-47.......County Is, 1644-47. ■ •

Ceunty 4s. IM * .,----County 416*. l**»... .■ county I k x 1»2M

_____ 4 County i» * . I™ - •Hudson County 4e. 1JJ4............Huttsoa County is. I l l * ............Jarsay O tr lt |X ^ J N » ...............

MEN'S SUITSF or E a ster

$ 2 6 $ 3 0 6 3 5 $ 4 0

$2 Down

Kreea County Hudson Hudson

le t te r f » y 4a W tl,..................KaalalaW.te. » n ! :» L ................Newark 1160. I f i t - M ................Newark 616*. 7*44-4*..............Newark *#. . ......................Newark 4*. ............................Newark 4a. l»4f-»*....................Orange 416*. I * * * ,,-- ..................Union County 4s, .........................

I (uirinte* every ralt te bo all wool —the smarteet pattern* and skilful tailoring, Ceeh or gwwroas term*, tb* price In tb* **ft* at Slew in’*.

Bln* tercel, splendid value, S35. 137.40, $40.

Union Label Suita Rocheeter euiti hand tnllorad, $35, $40.

H y $2.00 Down—Btltne* weakly i ' t i * ti i «»*ry two waekt or monthly, or you: 4 t i A i l , ow n term*.

Men, married nr aimgle. In nearby towns, nr* Invited to epon a Confi­dential Charge Account—Welcome.

416 I I I 4.IS l .f l 4.1* i . i i 4.6* 6.11 4.1* i . i i

BAILOOADAPrice n**e*

O i . X J . 1 6 l (teoal te }*** J* Unit N. J. jC *, A J i*a ■ 1»*« •» U.N.J.B RACaaol ' t a ‘• } L S!-qaabar* 7i»„te »*S i V C S C te lw a III* 66Morris A Ea**: Warren R, R- Ref *%% 3999-. f t n ¥ : 'L « k ._ A " «*s .t: r r «Central L R- e f n TJ- N ■ }52

Dk. A Iinp. C f . »$

M R . o f N T . 4

Ce. ta t*>* ' ', 1641


IM■ i Tf 164* 6*

m m

150 Market St. Newark


Leh. V. K-R. » t s . x. |SNbw i«r. JkE R jgf tstBrig 1st Can. OnM J fj9 8 9 ........t r i e p rio r b * * 4# J H J .............. j lfiri# den. Wsn t i k l N d . - , ’ - - JJ Srle Penn. Coll, T n p «•*T.oir P» co. db*. Beta t e ’leM 1JJ Midland R B- tat t e KN. t7. dun. * West. 1st Is. 1N» M H. T-. !«>. A Week MN Y..Qr—nwqrtd L IL 8 ." lS 99 99 ***•

traction.Price Rent#

fe n r r Clta * Newark P*te^Swcim * qwjmo i'**'.^*

J*va7».yM6 > g '. f tpaa*. A New *»■ True- t e

5 Co- lly . « n H . I |M JJ

, f c T . f i s j t e g l g l «» ‘l i 1 ^terjtaa ? t f M i, K S :? « n , y 9A 3ff9jla .

R J I N-Wr*. A r " c * t e 'teKirVrelde Trec. let 6* 1*4*... wm-. A Treat** tat t e t i l l .Traataa H te . J te - t e H i N L Treat#* P t J te T H x h . i j n Traataa *4. By. e r a 4a. 1**1..


ftawark Cax.. Oew_ 6*. 1» «

t X t e t e tM*J \ e l t jet*

m ix T*wa Gas U gkt 4Paw Braoa L . H. A F.INDUSTMAL AMD MHCaUANBOU*.

Pile* hsooe

M W i t- aa., „ ___ | p k iff# ftf . • J M e f m y u . t o i l k -

ipragle trster Cn. 5s, 1937


j r

S i d ' S : : : : T I E


Others!C#m CM

m il t O A D t

'4M V '«H »1

Cq*‘»d**Ve!•• • Ob*#>*4pj' lOn..kreyedwnil; i **l»»*«4»*t I. ••••«« v * * #'-oowrngguopactaaobfjkfps

wsmjmm, *••• »•»««tt'ofd’Oim

T h e H A o f th e Town”P A R A D I S E

MICE PHUCE1 Brood aa d HUI Mo.

A m orien'eM cot B eo nttfn l SnW SenmARD

RAY M ILLERa a d HI* W e n d irfgjT O icheatra

D ahring B rary N ig h t a t I e'Clncb gnlgrdmr A f t e i n i n s t $

S p ed a l F aatn res I v e r y W eek

ELECTRIC LIGHTSta T A ? Z T iJ S s ra i SUIS M F S f c f iL



A this, msmmam flinsssP- snttKK a fem e » H B ' l j l t o i ! T |w m tm n f ig M iig p B M l i n P J p i ' t n is 'By J i

I 9a So



Wall S treet S tock M arketSpec to l len to* of the SEWS.

WALL STREET. Sow York. M areh 1 4 —Tha decline in stork* today » t i

Th#g e n e ra l w ard rno'-«m« c en te r in g <n

* 1+ *. A - » *.fc(sn the

x* «•ptione to th e dow n - * *»rr not im p o r ta n t, f -* in d u s tria l epecAal- ■indri i . r i ' t r pool coa-

tt t!k& l0«« uf (hr ua> the specula-tr • » r ,. djnn th |r - . f iv e S*id

h ii tt a* ten pufufP from th iir h igh*ttf f* e 'par. 1 h'- ' im mum loa» oc*a jr f f ■J n iiork h i kv »he raof^t• or • nd <‘*trn I'rodurlS, m w hichvp» 1 ' ions for I,:. ! ,st* hsu been con -w •a ih e mo#! | Atru? again »y Steal4 n*»res. i :* ri uuiar i> t tie iitockfi of in«t -• a! leu independI* iitn, »«r* notl '#•aul:> kveal, h:,.J g vk <*; f Me SUgiir» In* ie la t t r . inetani - the *»• i li ii x hdid more* f ,an e i u *e . • ■ ■c • ffortfi Ht U afih •

Bton to »b- rcien t r 1 :*• in. jg a r price*.

Interest sttl! * as strong tod*> in the f i f f ! y W lfgiy affair Attorney E W Bradfoid. for President baundere. aald that the offer to allow shorts to rover at |1 '*« * s>iare Aad expired F r i­day and n «• therefore, those not cohered th-js» go inio the m arket W hile a Ur** p* r rentage o f sh orts took sdv«ntag* of the offer of 1100 tkere mss m i'I b tubft'artial short in ­terest

Th* selling was very persis ten t throughout the ten-hour session, the low prlrrs for toe most part being reached In the las* half hour Pullm an »a* off five points In week G en­eral Asphalt was down nearly six points fr« m Its recent top P o d s In the oil shares were either unw llllnv or unable to hold thsir specialties up against the tide American Wool broke sh a rp ly on running sales and so did A m erican f a n

The___ range of today s prices for thetnora active securities in the New York m arke t in contrast with the previous

oain.. . ..ng quotations, as furnished for the News by Post & Flagg. is given below •

—Today’s n—*

Advance R timely..P i i Rubber.......Allied Cb.dDya.A nJa-Cbal ..........Am. Ag. Chens.. Am. Beet Sugar-. Am. Beech Nag. Am. Can.........

Am. Cotton Oil... Am. Drug Syn...Am. Express----Am. Ice........—Am. lo t Corp...A * . L a F r .F E -Am. Loco-.........A lt. Metal.........Am. Safety Par.. Am. Ship A ComAm. Smelt.........Am. SteelEdy..- Am. Sugar-.~«—

Hl*h Low. Close.17 V 17 It

13 S 13S 13 s75»» 14(, 75H49 49 4932 H 324 32)4

0 )4 4451k 51 51k

lcoift 98 )4 98 *i*l V 181)4 181)415 H 15 1514b<4 6 *14

134 134 134108 1C8 10831 30 30)41214 12)4 12*4

134 :33H 133)453* 53 538’ m 7)4

1834 18 18)405)4 MH 641439* 39 H 39)4J9 * 78)4 78)4

. P rev 's

18 H 13 H 7 5 # 4 9 # 33 44 W 52H


15 H 6 *

107 v 30V « V

133V53 H8V

17 V 6«V 39V 79 X

Am. Tobacco----- 154X 1MX 1 « X 1S4J*Am. Teb. 153 152* U 2V U J HAm.Teb.,pr. ,new 101V 101V 101H .......Ab .W.W.EI.,6... 56 55 * 5 5 * 5 7 *AB. Woolen...... 105* 1C4* 104* 105*Aceconca......... 51 5C* 51 51A it’dDry Good*- 14 65* 8 3 * 8 4 *Aw’d Oil............. 122* 122* 122* -----/ . te l ......._ ......... 103* 1C3* 103 X 103*Atlentic ComiL- 121 1 1 9 * 1 1 9 * 1 2 0 *A 0 .F i.i t ......... - 2 * 2 * 2 * .......A. C. W. 1____ 30 * 30 * 30* 30A. G. W. 1., pr- 24X -4 24At.UnN.cioW... 29 * 2 9 * 29 * 2 9 * laid . Loco_____ 1.9X 13»H 139* 13«X1. ft 0 ............... 54 53)4 53V 53Vtu n td iU A____ 33 33 33 33FsmcdsllyB....... 20)4 20)4 20)4 21Yfctoptiss Mining. H H H ..a...BccchnutPsckCo. 79)4 73)4 78)4 74Seth. Steel B..... 68 67 47)4 68£«th. S tnl£,8 %.. 108)4 108)4 108)4 108VBooth Fisheries... 5)4 5)4 5)4 •aa*-BUyn Ed. Elac... 112)4 112N U 2N 1131 . R. 7 7t . JL T. cfc.— 6H 5)4 5V 6VRktn Union G**.. 119)4 117 .m... 117VBrown Shoe....... 10)4 59)4 60N 61VB una Bros......... 141 141 -~141 144Bun* Bn*. B.... 38 37 V 37V 38BatttCep.ft Zinc. 10 9H 10 9 NJ i t s ft S ap ..... 34)4 33)4 33V ——Butterick C a ....... 19 19 19Caddo CentO. &G 7)4 7)4 7N 7 V1*1. Ptcking...... 84 X 83)4 M V 83VCtl. Pet.......... - 105)4 105 105)4 991 sllshsn Zinc L 10)4 10)4 10V io vCan. P*c........... 148)4 147 ?4 148)4 148Cen. jxetker.^... 37)4 37 37 37VCen. Lceib. pr... 77H 77 77 V .......CttTods Pasco.... 47 H •47 47 47VChandler Motor... 71)4 71)4 »4V 71VC. ft O............... 72)4 32V 72V 72VC. ft O,, p r . . . . . 103)4 103V 103V *.*•»Chi. ft Alton, pr.. 4 « 4V «V^hi G. W., pr... 1«)4 14 yi 1«V M NC. M. ft S t P... 25)4 24)4 24 V 24C. M. ft SL P.pr 43)4 43 <3V 43N(Li. ft N ’we,!... *5>» 14 14 *SN( h i PneuTcolCa. •7)4 87 *7V 87N| | , L l f 36)4 3$£ » N 36VClue Copper.*..» 28)4 28)4 28)4 28VC tiro Capper...» 29 J4- 29)4 29V 29N(m elt Peafcedjr... 73)4 72V 72N r t v1 cce-Cole......... 5«)4 7S 75 75Cel. P. ft 1........ 29 29 29 29N( cl. Cas ft K ee. 109)4 108 V 100* 109VCol. Gripb 2)4 .* » t v 2 NCol. Graph pr...» 10 10 10 ««iNCom. Soivent* A*» J»)4 3SV t t v . . . . . .Com pat T. R ...— 80)4 79N M NCan. Cigar.......» t t 34)4 35 35VC ta. Gel...— — 67)4 66)4 66V 67Nl e t s . TertBe...!.. U N U 13 U NCon. Con.,....*«. 47)4 47 H «7N « NCoal ICUiiiw— 10)4 ’ ¥ 9 « 9 NC m Pieduch.... 129)4 1 » N 128V 130VC a t o € * . . .» • » H »7V » N E MCnciLle 8teel,..- SIN SON * N S INCmkCaoa Sugar. l»N l«V m » NCib.CaMSaf.pr.. 59 » a 59Vc « x A » a « iw - 33)4 31V n A NBtvfion, C. H ,-- 35)4 J4N 35 0 ,D. A r l fittiwy»»*4 11®N 116)4 116)4 ##»,«*%,$}., L A WaMoaana 125)4 US 12$ 126U eia . M in a ...... ; « 41 4 ) O X

PootdoN1*-™ 117 USX U $ N U »ofiatoKaSak,-w t w t f n t

. ;w

Be •• «m*W*4»«*i » *1 9 *

m g n o * u e j i H Q♦ s t * x . o* m mW:W*M» * r * rI w at uvl

§ x W•m p h i * N « n s ? * m m

i r h s l i f M T f ' 't i * m M

fM tf f H A m » N » X M H

H a t] * u f * Im m m m m m;b» ckn4 mtmk mtpm

■ " ■ H im

Hepp Motor C « . 28 27 * 27 * 2 7 *Iffim* C « L .... 115* 1 U * 113* 115*Indubotn. R .. .-Indian R rf.......laapmtiaa. - .......Inter. RapidTruuInter. Cement__Inter. Comb. ling. 2n. H u . of H. J . Inter M. M., pr­int. Nickel..........!nt. Paper.. . . . . .



41X259 0 *4 2 *14*54*







4 1 * '25

» 0 *

<1X M * 53


3 9 *

21X 42


« 3 *155 4 *

Invincible Oil---- 18V 17 M 1» V U VIron P ro d .......... 55V 53 V 54 55Island O il.......... V V V NJewel T. Ce_...... 23 22 J4 23 22VJewel T. C a , pr~ 78 78 78 79Jones Bras. T u . 60V 60 60 60VKsnsss A Gulf ... 2 IN IN 2Ken. City So---- 23V 23V 23V 23V

33*< 1 *5»X41*1 1 *

Kml C t* So. pr.Keyatr A Co....Kel.Spring. Tim.•Kennocott........Keyrtone T. A XKnege S. S........L. E. A W. Ctfr .L. E. A W.,pe...toe Tire..............Lehigh Valley__Liggett A My«» ..Lime Loco.... . . . . 7 1 *Loot lac ......... 20Left Inc.—......... I *Mack Truck.___ 15Macy, R. H . Co. 6 9 * Malhneon A Co Maacti Sugar...* Merlond Oil A RMartin Perry....... 31*Market S t Ry.... 16* Maxwell hi otnea, A MexweUMoton.B May Dept Storm. 74* Mclnl’tcPor'paM 19* Mexican Seeb..*. Mexican Scab Ctfl Miami Copper....Middle Statea-----14 id rale Steel...*Min. A S t I*, newM . K. A T., pr...Mo. P ec .......... *Mo. Pec. pr. ......Monk Power..... .Montgom.-Ward.Moon Moton....... 27Mother Lode C...

55* 5 5 *4 1 * 4 1 * 58* S9X4 1 *10*

202 * 202* 202* 32 * 3 2 * 3 2 * 73 71 733 0 * 30* 3 0 * 6 7 * 66* 66X

205 205 2057 0 * 71 19* 19* »X

84*68X 34 6 3 *50*

to4 1 * 4 1 * 10* 10*

3 2 *

316 7 *

» 1 * 20

8 * 8 * • ♦ * I S * 6 IX 6 1 *


3 6 *645 0 *

30 * 3 0 * 16* 16*

3 6 *6 1 *5 2 *32X






* * x17*7419

5718*7 4 *19*

4 2 * 4 2 * 18 17*

17V 18 l a .High. Low. Lest.

u 0. • %*............. 191 1 101 00 101.91U V28V

v. 0. Ub Id 4#......... f t - 11 • 7 13 97.1$28V

u. 0 Lib. 1st 4%*.... IT.17 • 7 14 97 . Uu. 8. L 1st •%*, re* 97.16 • 7 14 •7.19

U 12 u. 8. Lib 3d 4%a •1 M 97 I • 7.1u. 8. Lib. 2d 4%t, ref td 4% *....

•7.1 • 7 1 •7 130 30)4 u. 8 Lib 99 S • I 7 • 9 tv. 8. Lib kl 4%•, reg 91 4 • 8 4 I t 4

8 *V u 8. Lib 4th 4%*.. •7 21 17 14 97 1642 V

V 8 L 4th 4%s. res. •7.14 • 7 14 *7.19u 8. Viet «v*......... 100 1 100 00 199.41

l» v 17Hu. 8 of A• 4%#.........

VWsks• f .00 99 10 • 1.10


47 X 4 5 * 4 5 * 6 9 * 6 9 * 6 9 * 23* 23* 2JX

26* 2 6 * 1 2 *

Naab Moton....... 109 109N at Acme.__ - 14* 14*N at Biecnit....... 4 2 *N at Con. ft Coble N at En. A S ....

1 2 * 109M X

4 2 * 4 2 *

6 « *70» V27u v


N. Y Air. B n k t N . Y. Central....N . Y Dock........N . Y., N H .A H . N . Y .,0 . A W ._ Norfolk South ....

Nor. Pte— •Okla. P. A R__Otia Elevator......Otia S taa l......... —Owen Bottle.....Pac. Develop..—

Pacific Oil......... ..Packard M. Car- Pan. Am. P a t . . . Pan. Am. P e tB .Penn.......— ......Pana. Saab. SMl Pam Marqnetn...

Pierce Arrow-.. Pierce Arrow pr. P .A W .V .S .R .

Pr. Steel Car— Prod. A R ef......

Pullman........ . . . .

Pam 0 3 C o..l... Ry. S t Sp.. . . . . . .Ray C one..........

Repiogia.........—.Rep. L A Stoat.

Robert RaX C o ..R. D. N . Y........S t Joaeph L ead-1 L A S . P .....S t L. AS F., prS. L. So. Vim:.. S.L. So. W ag.pr Seaboard......—Seaboard, pr...— Stan , Roebuck... 8enoca Copper....Shaftuck Aria....Shell Union OiL . Sinclair Oil— SkeUy 0 3 —So. P a c .......... —So. Porto R .S .—Smith 4 y ----- —Sonth. Ry., pe.—

Sk Oil of N . J„

Bhb. BentCocp— SnpariaeOB.......Tknn. Copytar... .Ttama Co l a m i a S u lp h a . X H M iftPM Ie... W b b C A O .....;t y M A mnt — .

I N ■ IN I N I V70V 70 70V 70V16V 16H U N 16V

100V 100 100 ...a*.37 37 37 37N98 S7N V H 97V24 23V 23 V ......19V U N U N U Nl» V » V 19V16 1 6 . 16 ......

U 2V 112N 1 U N ......U 2V 112N 1 U V 112V78 77 N 77V 78N

2N 2V 2V 2 V142V 142V 142V 143

14N U U V M V50V 49V 49V J0V

> v I N IV I N80V 80V 80V 1144N 44 N 44V« N U U 1579V 78V 79 79V74 73V »3V 7446V 4*N 46V 46N4V 4 N ♦ V ♦ V

40V 40 40 404SN 48V 48V 4966V 64 64 • » NU V U N u v U31V 31N J IN a*a„a37V 37 J7V 37 N

122V 122V 122V69 69 69 69 N« N M V *4 V U N

102 K? W IN 101V129 128 129 129 v•4V 61V • I N 64N29V 29 V 29N 29V

.120 120 120 120VU V U N U N 1677N t i 77 »7N27 V 27N 27 N 2864V *1N 6 IN 64V20f t 20 V 20N 2260V 60 ‘ 60 60U 18 U , , .. .,» N 50 N 50V 4 121V 21 21 21N2S)ft 2SN 25N 2649N 49N 49N ........34V 34 14 34V61 «®N- 61 61»N 7 7 7 N

u 12V U l» N» V •7 V «7N « N11 11 U U N* N 9 N 9 V * N

J iN U V U N U N» N » N *6 N » NU N U V U V m« N M V M N M

57 60M N » N U N >4» N M N m » N•ON » N O H » N• I N 0 H O H 40 V

116 U 6 U t 1 U NO H M V 99 - M VO H M N O H 61

1U l l* N l » N / m v17V m . I f 7

122V m n m v 12313 ' U N u v U V

H m m m IMU N U ' u v U N• I N O H » v f tM N o « N» * f i - k v PH.S IX » * u * u *1} * i n |m mau.

W * m e n fM d ..- K X i S | | UjK » X^ |f i i i |M tr iB .,A .. « 4 * « X i ' ^ i « X

M l . M Xux:»m cisssarMr..!H | H H

V m .U m P m r n . U ,

|k X ‘1hMu' w

_______Wxbash, ft., A... Webcrd Hwlbr r ,West M4 ______Wes. Md.g 3d pr..

W m m h e . , pf- V 'm tikghi—

D M U r U u W him Esgk Oil-. Whim M otam ....Whim (ML........Wkfcwim SimL ... Willys-Ovsrlaad.- Willys-Ovsr., p t.-Woohrortk---------Worth. P im p ....W iig ^ A sn k -----

•Em divided.

A N » N m t« V « V 41V»1N U N 21NU MV U N33V 32V 32VIS M H 16Vu v U V U Vu v » V M VU N 17V 17 V60 60 6064 63V 63N

1U 1U 1U9 V * v 9 V

2? 21V 28V5*V 56V » N♦N 4 4

U V 11V l l V7N 7 V 7V

52V 52V » V213 213 :21337 37 37» v 9 V » v

tE«. tights

Special fprvieo of fke NEW S.N EW YORK. M arsh 14.—T b v rs w as

no In d ica tio n of buying pow er fo r h ig h g r i d s secu ritie s , e ith e r L ib e rtie s o r c o rp o ra tio n Issues, in th a tw o h o u rs o f t r a d in g In to d ay 's bond rn s rk s t. A tch iso n g e n s rs l 4s m ads s new low fo r th e y esr , which w as sleo lo w er th a n any p rice at which th e bond so ld d u r in g 192?. T his Illu s tra te d tb s t re n d T h e ra w ere a fsw excep tions w h e re fra c tio n a l advances o b ta tn s d su ch a s Illin o is C en tra l rs fu n d ln g 4s a n d N o rth e rn Pacific p r io r lien 4s. b u t In th e m ain th e re ac tio n a ry m ovem ent c o n tin u ed

T h e re w ere a few spec ia l m ovem ents. D o n n e r S tee l 7s advanced tw o po in ts , p ro b a b ly on th s re p o rt th a t th e A m er­ican R a d ia to r Com pany w ill p u rch ase th e N o rth T onaw anda p lan t o f th s D o n n sr com pany. T here w a i m ore a c tiv e s p ec u la tio n in M srland Oil bonds, w ith w a r ra n ts bo th In the 7>,* and th s ts . In t h s fo re ig n lis t th e fe a tu re w as th e a s t tv t t ly In D utch E a s t Ind ies 6 Ha. w ith a fu ll g a in , and In Seine 7s. w h ich eesm ed o u t o f lin e w ith o th e r F ren c h Issues.

Ths list of bond salsa en ths New York Stock Exchange teder follows.

Canada tigs Canada ts,Canada ts.Canada Is.-Ouba tlx# cfs.............P r in rh .............French ts ...................Mexico Ss ...............Mexico 4sUnited Kingdom I k s ' t l 116V l i t 4 United Kingdom I l i a ‘17 101% 101%

BaUwpd E ssie . A. T * 8. r . gen. 4sA. C. L. 4%s ............E. * O. 4e ...............B. A O. re f ts .........B. A O. evt 4% s...B. A O. 3 %s. S'wu Div.B R. T ts cfs ............»• R T. t e ...............B. R. T. Ts cfs. . . . .Onn Nor. Ts................Cnn. Nor. deb. 4 4 # ..Cen. Pec. 4s p e rp .. . .C. of Os Ry. Cs........C R. I. rig. 4s ..C .T .R A8 E. 1st ts C .gt.F P .M.AO .’.sh Chi. t ’n. Sta. 4 4 s Chi Un. S ta <Hs C..C.,C.ASt L. l a sor.Col. A Sou. rfg. 4 4 sCuba R R. Is .......C. A* O. cvt. I s .........C. B Q. gen. 4e .. . .C.. M. A St. P. cvt. ts C . M. A 0t. P. 4s----C. N. W. Ts...............C. N. W. 6 4 s .............D. A R O. ref le Dee M. A r D 4a Erie 1st eon. 7s ex t..Brie g e a lien 4aErie cvt. 4s A .............Ord. Trk. ef Can. 7e ..Ord. Trk. e f Cen. Is.a t. Nor. Ts.................Ot. Nor. 1 4 s . ..........Hud. A M ref. t s . .Hud. A M. adj. lnc.III. Coni. 1 4 s ...................I. C. A. C. St.L.AN.O Jt ts A til. Cent. rfg. ‘

. . . 35 84%

. . . 12% 82%

. . . 100 99 %• 81% 80%. . . 10 79... 92% • 3%. . . 71% 76%. . . 12% 91%. . . 82% 83%. . 114 114. . . 111% 111%.. 77 74%

.. . 190% 100%.. 77% 74 %

... 77% 77%•s 83 93. . 80 89%.. lift 114%A. 100% 109%.. 12% •3%

144 *14

100 10% T9 %



1310R JI41%13%



I. R T. cvt. 7e..........I. SL. T ref. 6s.........I. R Y. ref. &e stsI. R T. 4e.I. A Ot N adj leK. C 0 •eK. c S. let •a ’K. c Terra 1st 4s

• 4 4 1lo t 106414% 14 54414 414

m % 1034 41% 41%41 47%

114% US%104 101%147 104%IT »S 4 •0% 10% 61 41%

100% 1004 •1% »1

• •4 •*

Man. Ry. eon 4s.............Mkt. St. Ry. Is .................M., X A T 1st I s ............M.,K. A T. Is, Ser. A. w. I. M..K A T. adj. Is. ’<T w. IM. K. A T Is w. I ...........M. Pee. la .......................M. Fee. gon. 4s ...............Montreal Tram. rof. I s . .N. Y. C. dob. Is .............N. Y. C. rof. A Imp. Is . N. Y . Out. A W . ref Is

II19%M S49%41414<6%74%43•:%71%10•1 4•I•4%M

90469%4*4•»%414114 44% 7«% 60% 97% 7*4 79 13i t115

N, Y . Weatch. A B 44s. Sort. A 8. gan. | s . . . . .Nor Pac. Is, ser. B ........Nsr. Pec. 4s .................Nor. Pac. sen. So . . . . N. Pac. r. A |. l a rota Ore.-Wash. R R. N. 4e . P.. L.. M. R. R. f a cfs.Penn. Is .........................Un. PSe. 1st Is Un. Psc .,T tf.

104% 104% •3 4 92 %•1% 11%41 4147 II

104% 101%*24 « |4»*%0471%734•9 4II

4•I71T t499!!K


100% 76 % 7749319%

111100%92%%t90 13% ••%94

1044107 44 4 42



.S Sss90%ill ••% 41% •<% ei% 74% 60% •7% 71% 79% • 291 •4% 47%m C


109%•1 449%94714S S

Un. r t a ^ f . 4s ............. 914 91% 114•* ?• 4 * * AC oot * r , l f »•% 44%8. A. L. rff. 4s................. 41% 44 41%

A. U adj 8. A. L. eon Is

p . evt. 4*30% 20%44% 14% 91 **3

8. p. r f f . 4s..................... 41% 88%8. Ry. gen. 4a...... .......... 97 46%g. Ry. 4%s....................... 191 109%St L I M A 0.. R. A a 4s 77% 74%8t.L. A 0. F. pr Mien 4s A •4% 99%St. L. A 8. P. fte, Ser. B. •1% •0%I t I I I F. sd j f t. 79% 71%0t. L A 0. F. Inc 9r---- 96 9»V s.'R y. 4* ....................... •2 •1%West. Pac. fta ................. 19% 80%


MleseH—ssue sad Industrial Hands.191% 101%A. A. Chem. ?%a

A. A. Chem. ev. Is Am. cot. o n is Am. im olt. 1st M. . .Am. Bug. Is .*..........A>. T. A T. cvt, Is. 4*6 4 4| Xi clt. le . . A.. T. A T. col. Is . Anaconda Is w. 1 ... Ahavonda 7s w. 1.. Armour A Co. 4 4# ML Refry, deb. le ..left o f P e . i t ........1 iH of Pa. Is re ts ..

dlt. I t , 1st ext. ladh. «t. le ...........

Oop. le . . . . I t . 440 rets

Ed. 7s. 8sr. D . . . . 197% !*7%jrn. Ed. I f

Jyn. Un. Ons I s ..............in. Oon. E. I s ............in. I 8. Linas 7s..........m* Loath, gen. I s . . . . . .Hr da Pas cvt. I s . . . . . . . .l it. O. L A C. 1st I t . .

Chfls Cup. Is - ................... .

L i s 'w s ! ! ^Commer. Cable 4e . ..........

' i imonwealth p. I t . . . . .L E M V * : :

_ Amsr. 8ug. -is. ly s r Cm s 4s . . . . ,

I * * "M .trh «.b! IH t

S R fe L ' i f • •

». a a r .„ Sub. O , l » . . .H X ***■ »*•n. Mm . <f«b. in-----SI M i u i k e» .

rt«k (gl> "

,*7lift* bin M

r y m b*!» »*?lf t tt t U t t t :» 3 B *’sYl!•4% 11%

t i l 1N% : 92 90%

l!i% IMtt1074 107% :

• H

1094 m uif J miln H i j l S i

w s s j J l Ri t i ^M ft


m mwm

n »

Y f i m l m . fib. w . V. M l t o . . . . . .Wasttoghotwo EL 7s W hubsst ir R. A 7% s., WUson s C a 1st i s . . Wilson A C a s ea Is

• s i M i f - .M b> M k H t*t i f f i » (190%, m 2 1(1 k99?; h S C

914 99%

( The Curb Marketfptfctol Service o f ths \ |W «

N EW YORK. M arch 2a- -On tb s C u rb E xchange today tb s se ll in g co n ­tin u e d tb s sam e a a on tb s b ig board . Lea d e rs o f tb s rs c o a t up w ard m ove- m e a t w o r t heav ily sold, es p ecia lly M araca ibo OIL Schulte R e ta il S to res a n d S o u th e rn S ta te s Oil. S u p p o rtin g o rd e rs cam s in In su ffic ien t q u a n tity to ra l ly th# stock In th s la ta tra d in g .

F a v o ra b le developm ents e ffe c tin g S o u th e rn S ta te s’ ho ld ings in M ontana an d re p o r ts o f re cen t ad d itio n s to Its S m sck o v er h o ld ings w ire re sp o n sib le fo r a renew al of tb s upw ard m ove­m en t a f te r re a lm s axles bad been a b ­so rb e d D elaw are. L ack aw an n a a W e s te rn Coal wan a fe a tu re , g e t t in g ®P * 4 p o in ts a t ons t im e S tren g th w as a lso show n in New Y ork C annere. th s s to c k g a in in g over a poin t.

t lf w sad closing prises ea the NowYork Curb Market today follows:ROHM.

High.Allied Pachere <e............ ITAsa Cot. OU I s ................. | |%A * , Oao A Else I s . . . . . M%A. Light le wltk’t w ar'u 191 Ass. fum atra Teh. T%o Am. Balling MUle Is ..Am. T. a T !• ...........Anaconda ( 1 .................A h sio sla 7a .................Anglo Am. Oil 7%s___Armour A Oo 7a

•f Del 14a »«Armour h Beavarb* «r -J Beth. Star'. Ta. '- I Beth. Steal 7a II One Nat Ry. Equip 7a Oan. Nat Ry. le . . Charcoal Co Am. leCit. Sarv. la I ............Col. Oraph le guar, trustCone Textiles le ............Deere A Co 7 4 « ... Detroit City oae Is Detroit Edison I s . . . Dunlop T A R. To.. Fteher Body Corp. fi Oalr. Robt , 7a


Low Loaf<7 4?•1% 91%•ft •4191 141•7% •!%

5!"3% 193%111

M 9479 79

190% 190% 10«% 192% 19” % 192%lii% vat % 10|% 91% 99% 91%97 97 97

1444 1944 19«421% 26 2S %

162% 192 192%

dread Trunk 4 4 s ' a la.dolf Oil of Pa

Kennocott Cop. To Louisville O. A E. Is. Manitoba Prod. 7a . . .Maracaibo OU Ta ........Nat eLather la ..........Naw Orlaana Pub far. Ohio Powar la B . .Phi la. Co fa ............•oara-Roab To . . . . . .Southern Cal. Ed. la.8. O . N Y T o .........Solvay at Cta I s ........South watt Ball ta . .Swift A Co. la ...........Unttad OU Prod. la.

• - 199% 100% 109 %.. 190% 100 100191 1*1 19396% 96% 96 %. . 99 »»% 99

.. 98 (7k 97 %. 194% 1*4 % 104 %... *4 • ih 94.. 104% 104% 1*4 %

•4% • •% 86 2. 97 •t t:19ft 176 11*191 * 191 1*1

fta •• * Ift *9•ft •ft 96

v . m i191%199%

101100 %

• • 2 m ! 19.. 197 197 i o r.. 194% 104% 104 %. 102% 101% 192 %49% 94%

194 194United Ry of Hav 740 101% 194% 165%Vacuum Oil 7o........... .7. 197


Aetna Coal ................. 41Am. Qaa A Elac......... i f fAm. Drug .........................Am Hawaiian 8. 8..........Armour A CS. of Del., prBuddy Buda .....................Celluloid Co., p fd .............Cent. Tartaa .....................Century Ribbon M Ule.... Centrifugal Iron P ipe ...Chicago Nipple .............Colum. Carbon Co. v t ofeChiyamal Fruit .............D . L A W . Coal.............Dubllter C. A R adio ....Durant Mot.........................Oardnor Mot......................Gillette 8 R .....................Ooodyaar T ire...................Goodyear Tire, p r .............Hudson A Man R. RLehigh Power eec.............Nal't Dept. Store* w. l. ..Nat Supply Co. of Dol. .N. Y. Cannera w. 1............N. Y. Telephone Co. pfd.Peerleeo Mot ...................Radio Corp..........................Radio Corp., pfd..............Rao Mot..............................Rosenbaum drain Corp .8chult* Stores .................So. C A I .........................Stuts Motor .....................Timken Axle ............. . . .Tobacco Prod. Exports...

194% 194%


1% 126 22%•ft •ft1% 1%10ft 109s





\ l %44%4134


44•1 491


•1 4 • 2C0%14%



213 16% 16 %Pi36%

4% 4 %4 4 4 7-11

Todd Ship Triangle Film .


Union Carbide United Pft. Shar., n o w ....United Retail Candy.......United Shoe Mach. Corp.U. 8. Lt A H t.................Utah Idaho Sugar ...........Wayne Ccal .................Yellow Taxi Oorp. N Y

IndependentArk. N a t Gas ..........Big Indian OU ..........Boston Wyo. OU . . . .Carlb Pynd..............Clt. gerv........................Cit, Sarv.. pr..............Clt. Sarv. -B " ctfaCreole Synd.................Equity Pet. p r.............Engineer* Pat..............Federal OU ................Gilliland OU .............Olen Rock Ol! ..........Granada OH ..............Oulf OU of Pa .......Hudson Oil ...............Keystone Ranger . . . .Livingston P o t............Lyons P a t...................Marland .....................Maracaibo OUMargay OU ...............Max. Oil ...................Max. Panuco .............Mutual OU vot. cfs .Omar Oil A G as.........Penn Beaver OU . . .Pan nock OU ................Salt Crook, new..........Supnlpa Refin *..........Seaboard OU .............Sou. States OU ..........Texon OH A Land----Turman Oil ................Wilcox Oil A Gas___

StandardAnglo-Am. OU...................Anglo-Am Cor. of 8. At.Atlantic Lobes............... .Buckeye P. L .....................Cumberland P. L .............Gal.-Sig. OU.......................Humble Oil A RefIII. P L . • ■..............Imp. OU of C an ... In te rna l’! Pet. Ca Prairie OU A Gas..Pralrl# P. L .......................Solar Roflntn...............Southern P. L ...................8. O. In d ............................S. O. Kansas, naw........\ .S. O. K y .............................S. O. N. Y.. now...............Union Tank Car L in o ....

Mining.Alaska Brit.-Col.................Am. Commander Min. .. Arizona Globe Copper.. . .Big Ledge .........................Boston Mont. Corp..........Calumet A Jerome


44414•* H 4% • 4


14%P H 71 94 19 i :*4 144

23 41%4%• 4 14

1% 1 111 1 J-14 *% 4 4 t 4 t% 2% :%

147% 129 Stocks.

* 4 «%26



21%19»59%• 4*417

6447940I t126%a*





14449%J*4>1 ) 14 II 4%

1 5 II


142«144 4m







4 4%1% 1 1-14 2 2



14 21p i15 *%

114 1 %• -14 1 3-19 1 6-1 fi i% 1%

1*4 13%1% 1 6-19 *% 4*4

13%24%• 4

13%1 4-14


J M23


• 7 4%



13 4m4423






234249I U 4



119 22%

940 111



49%ml i t12%

>40112202% 2024 202 $ U 24 1124 1124 46% 46% 66 %*“ 10 10

994 lflft 41% 41%49% 49%


Candolarta Mir Continental MinesCons. O p . Mines tamp, cfsCorte- :vor •.....................Crass* • ’4 ....................Fortune Minos ...............Goldfield Development ..Gold Coin Mining............Gold Zone .........................Kill Ton NevadaHU! Tim Net Howe soundMeson VaK .......................National Tin .....................New Jereey June..............New York Porcupine—Ohio Cop. - ..................... .E lver King Dlv. M. reorgTook Hughes .....................Tonopah Divide ...............Tonopah Extona .............United Vordo E x t .. . ........Unity Gold ................Went End Ext. ..................

2% 2%ft ft

<7 ftft2 1

29 1729 1ft27 24«% 4%2% 9%•9 47

2% 2 11-14$26 I I13 1271 * 7220 30

1 7-194% 4%

2%tt $9119 11049 4114 Tt14 l t


22020IT•%* 49021 12 71

30 1;4

4n o Hf j t i1% 1 1-14 1 1-14

7? 74 7117

i , i JH

77 T#1% M 1*1

>f% *17 4% *M

STANDARD OIL STOCKSThe following oloolng quotat

week are furnished by Mil liken!«atatleno fa r the

A Poll:Anglo-Atnerfcma ..........Atlantia Roftning, now. Atlantis Refining, p r ..Borno-Berymfir ..............Buck aye Ftp#................Cl>M.kr.«fh Ch«M kr.a(li M (| . f r . . Continent.I O l,..............c n «Bww n n w . . . . . . . . . .CaaiM rlud Vtpk"."** ■ m k t . . . . . .O aldk^ndw j a t M H 4 t i * 4n i l M M ... .' . ............■fiM M I Plivi*u . . . . . . . . .In l.rn .tlon ,! r*tra........Motion,! J i m * ..............Mo— Vork Tran.tt..........

«M. tr .

HortbrnnOh la ---- „M an.-M m . r» a , M tU k Ok ft «■S i j S m ■»••..M u Mkfii,ik«ri> ijnfSw iftfSwitk ' iw » . i f fx&SiH B m m hB iM M f

i B

to H a lt before tbs t g —tn g cull was w i i i .

In a general way the so iling was ht- tributed in n growing belief that com ­m odity values wore too high, and there w ere rumor* that banking Inter eat* looked with disfavor upon further In­fla tion Trade Interest* wore moderate buyers on th* break and tk*ro wan a good deal o f covering which checked the decline and caused rail is* of s ev ­eral point* from th* low**t right a fter th e call, but tha ton* o f tk* m arket w a s nervous and uagottiad-

There w as enough covering and trade toy in g to eaua* alight mill** during the middle of the morning, but ovary bulge n e t rmowed liquidation, and loweot prleo* of tha day w«ro touched in the Into trading, when May eoid at t t 17 and October at 24.99, or about f t to TI point* n*t lower Th* oloa* wan weak at a net decline of 99 to 77 points

Cotton fu tures opened w eak; May. 29 19 to t f . i t . July. 29 94; October. 24.41. December. 24.14; January. 24 &&.

Today’s Financial Review and Forecast


T h e R e m i e n o e u o f F e l k o W h o L U t e G o o d

T h i n g * t o E m — A t M o d e r a t e P r i c e *

i i i T i k n m s » w » H « .

fportaJ Service of the S EW S .WALL fT R E ET . New York. March

24.—-For today's continued reaction of th e Stock Exchange there were no reason* beyond tho*e repeatedly

Solnted out on prevloua day*. W all treat, o f oouree. alway* prefer* to j

ro to r every movement In *ome out aide eauae. consequently R kept on ta lk in g about th* possibility o t another ad- vane* in Federal Reserve rate* next w eek , or If till* d^d not occur, a *tat*- m eat that w ould toad to dlacour*** •peculat ion.

The market went down today a* it w-*nt down yesterday for no other rea­son than that th* speculative cam ­paign had gon* stale Outside o f * few special stock*, attem pt* to revive specu lative Interest had been fa llin g more and more for two week*. The •cquet w a*, aa it alw ays t*. * sudden reversal o f th* professional attitud e In favor of the celling tide.

In other quarters beside* the stock m arket speculation was receiving a pretr> decisive check. Cotton broke sharply and there wap further undoing o f the effort* made early in the woek to put up French francs. The wag* question in the New England <otton intlla haa now become an important factor in the speculative cotton m ar­ket end Increase In cotton w ages s im ­ilar to that announced by the woolen m an ufsi turers might compel an in ­crease in cotton goods prices su fficien t to bring about curtailm ent of the demand.

IOTELH o ar th a fi—fi— ■— I M M

As a Place of Permanent

ResidenceUn’, it fin* ,0 think that

yon have • hotel like thla to coma to when you want to litre up the work and worry involved in housekeeping?

Hare you have comfort, cheerful, homelike eurround­ings, liberty to go and coma aa you Uko, and you arc con­venient to the center of every, thing.

Delightfnl Restaurants Moderate Chargee

JAMES A. LEV1E, Manager

v_Chicago Board of Trade]

b'X& K:; r . v w v '


Special Service o f the N EW SCHICAGO. March 24 —Wheat covered

* range of oly % during the greater part o f the session today, but In the last h a lf hour of trading the m arket had a adlump. Seaboard reported a l it t le w heat sold to Italy and some M anitoba* *o Hamburg and France. R eceip ts show some Increase. Sales o f 100,000 bushels of wheat were made to go to store. Market closed % <9 % cen ts lower: May. 12001.119% ; July. 1 16 0 1 14%; September. 113%:

Corn developed a weak ton* w ith w heat in jlhe 1st* trading. There was considerable corn put Into the pit by an Omaha house early and th s loeau* at support prices. However, whan w’h est broke the buyers became scared and unloaded. Offerings to arrive o f corn were nil despite advanccsd bids sen t to ths county last night. R eceipts are ropping off. Domestic demand w as m oderate and export business la r e ­str icted because of ths inadequate car •upply In th is market. The close w'as unchanged to % cents lower; May. 78% ®% ; July. 76% to 760% ; September. 77% 4 0 % .

Oata followed the trned o f leading gra ins. E levators bouxht early and la ter cash houses transferred hedges. Sales o f 60.000 bushels of oats ware m ads to go to store. The close w as unchanged to % cent off. May 44 4 ® 44%; July, 44%; September. 42%.

Q uotation w as again In evidence in provisions and pries levels were low ered In consequence 17% lower, ribs 16 to 27% lower.

the s tate of Nsw Jersey, do hereby csr' th a t rhom lcsi Company of_ America. Inc.,



Chicago Livestock

, te s tified contained the information Lard closed 17 ® I M&t * m astin g of ths association eqvgral

- o f th e m em bers confessed that th ey hadbeen g u ilty o f duplicity by not okay­in g the rulsa regarding priesa.”

The tr ia l w ill be continued Monday.

Special Service o f fhe SEWS.UNION STOCK YARDS. Chicago.

March 24.—No good cattle were o f ­fered today. In the hog house the m arket w as uneven. Sellers had more than 9.000 held over from yesterday. Sheep trade w as of no account as few an im als w ere on hand. Receipts today w ere 1.000 cattle, 12.000 hogs, 6,090 sheep and 400 calves.

Some sm all lota of cattle sold at u n ­changed prlve levels. Compared w ith a w eek ago prices for steers closed 16 ®26 cents lower. Cows and heifers closed 16 cents lower In spots, but m any deals showed no change for the period.

H ogs were about steady from the start. Choice ligh t stock sold at 8.50 early In the day, but the market w eakened later and many deals were o f f 5 cents. Bulk of good butchers w ent o ver a t 808.40. while plain packing s to ck sold around 7.25. A w eek ago today, top hogs made |8.40. Best p igs w ent at 808.40 , while plain packing stock Bold around 7.26 A week ago to- today, top hogs made 8.60. Best p igs w ent at 8 0 4 26 today. fb ily about 2,000 w ere unsold at the close.

Practically all of the estftnated 6.000 sheep and lambs for the local yards were received by big killers from other trading points and sellers had llttl* to do. Prime lam bs were quoted at 15 25 and values closed mostly 50 cents h igh er than a week ago, w ith shorn lo ts about steady for the period. Aged m utton were up 26 cents with choice ew es a t 9.00.

j Vegetable PricesN EW YORK. March 24 (F ) .—-Quota­

tions today on fresh vegetables are given below as collected by th s New York S tate Departm ent of Farm s and M arksts:

B eets— Per barrel (3 bu.). long, 1 50- 1 0 0 , round. 8 00-3 60. Beet Tops—-Per 22-quart hamper. 2.00-2.60. B russels Sprout*—Per quart, 10-22; m ostly 15. C abbag9-~P er head, savoy best, 6-8; large , 10; sm all and ordinary. 4-6. Car­rots— P er barrel (3 bu.). washed, bast, t . 60-2.76; ordinary, 1.50-3.09. C hives— P er box, 90-100. Dandelion Greens— p e r 32-quart crate, fancy* 3.00-3.60; fan cy , 3.00; fancy, few ta les, 3.76-4 00. E ndive— Per pound, 16-29. F lsld Salad •—P er crate (32 qts.J, best* 2.00-2.25; ordinary, 1.10-1.76. Horseradish—Per bunch, best, 10-13; fancy large, 1 4 -lf; ordinary, 8. Knob Celery—Per bunch* best. 19-29; fancy large ,.23-28; sm all, 10-16. L eeks—Per bunch, 4-6; fancy large . €; O yster Plant—Per blanch, best. 12-14; fancy, 16-11; ordinary. 20. P arsley—Per barrel, cut (H ym leha). best, 6.09-6.60; fancy, 6.76-9,09; ord i­nary, 4.90-4.80. Parsnips—Per barrel (3 bu ). w ashed, best, 3.60-4.09; fancy, few sates, 4.90-4.50, Potatoes—Bulk, per 169 IbS., No. 1 Green Mountain, 6.69-4.99. Radishes—Per barrel (I but ), black, best, 9.69-4 ‘99; fsaey , 4.69; ord­inary, 2.69-2.94; te d tip, per bunch. 4-8. Rhubarb—Per bunch, best, ft-19; fan cy large , 12; sm all, 6-7. 8qviSb<"~ P*r * lat barrel* Hubbard and marrow* 6.50-990; fan cy, 6 26-9.60. Turn!pa­p er bbl. <2 bu-). w hite, 2.60-4.99; fancy. 4.69; H ' ^ npSajjrutftb**M , 1.M-S.M.

Karl G. RoeUing Estate Valued Above Six Million

t n m YORK, Hftteh M—» • te te t ,• * * * f l 0 . ;o< Jokm A. RoabH n, i t w Cnaa—k j . a te n a fa e t* r* r, » t w ir , •* * ' f n i t w .* 4 RM bUnc. «Nte vdWNF w t . r .w j h m m u M rtftfifirta t n it e fa r t u

S S P Y i l P i y ’w k i jM y w i i i iC T M■ft t4 te« i U r i i 1»« 7■ ».,»■ fit,* at m m m

.. ........Hm m * krMte*. -Iftieii ta ter j h j M j**

U. S . Senator Nicholson Under Shadow of Death

DENVER. March 24 (A*).—Hop# for sa v in g th e Ilfs of United States Sena­tor Sam uel D. Nicholson, who te cr iti­ca lly 111 here from a tumor o f tha stom ach, w as practically abandoned tod ay w hen physicians attending him issu ed a atatem ent’announcing he w a i not expected to live through the next tw en ty -fo u r hours.

Gives $ 2 ,280 ,000 Surety for Administrator of Ayer Estate

NEW YORK. March 14—Th* N a­tion al Surety Company, through tta Cam den tN. J ) agents, the Sm ith- A usterm uhl Company, executed y e s ­terday a 92.280,000 surety bond on be­h a lf o f W ilfred W. Fry aa adm in­istra to r o f th# esta te o f F. W ay land Ayer. Mr. Ayer w as ths senior partner o f th e advertising firm o f N. W. A yer & Son o f Philadelphia. He w a s a resid en t o f New Jersey and th s e sta te is b e in g adm inistered there.

Clearing House StatementNEW YORK. March 24 (JP).—Ths

actual condition o f cleartng house banks and trust companies for the w eek sh o w s an excess In reserve of $6,666,490. This Is a decrease of $1,162,470.


su gar m ark et was unsettled and price* w ere easier . There were no sa les re­porter, a lth ou gh Cubes In nearby p o s i­tio n s w ere offered at 6%c. cost and fre ig h t, equal to 7.16 for oentrlfugal.

T he raw su gar futures market w as w eak , w ith prices show ing declines o f 21 to 24 poin ts during the early opera­tio n s under rather general liquidations, prom oted by reports o f a continued de­m and for consum ption and the con­tin ued ta lk o f trade Investigations, w hich had an un settling e ffec t on sen tim en t. It Is generally believed by su gar men here, however, that a n y la* v e st ig a tlo n o f the situation w ill tend to em p h asise the moderate supply and th e sh r ly decline w as followed by rtl* l ie s on coverin g. Final, prices w e r t n in e to e leven point* net lower. C los­in g : May. 6.44; July, 6.99; ’Septem ber, 6.80; Decem ber, 6.92.

T he m arket for refined su gar w as unchanged at 6.76 to 9.99 for fin# gran u lated . Hut aside from a m oderate dnqulry a t th e Inside figure, bupslness w a s lig h t.

t e w YORK PRODUCE MARKETN E W YORK, March }« (» > .—Ryo—

n a r ; No. 2 W cattrn. ,4 % t . o. b. N. f t . • a d *3% r . I. f . export Lard— Easy; M iddle W „ t . lI .U 4 M 3 .lt . Spot Coffe# — D u ll; No. T Rio. 13?*. Tallow—Easy; •p e d a l to o w . , : M in k » V

B u tter — M m . Receipt *, 3, Ut . C raaaterr. h igh er B u n extra ., - 1M §

cream ery, w tr a a ( U .cora l, H g i C ream ery, flrete ( t t Ut I t eeorai, 4*1* ■SO: , t a t e dairy , floret. 4»H fiS0.-4

Cette—S tea d y . Receipt*. I M K - N ew I t t m y . h en n ery white. locally eaodted n t t u , «ftd; s la t* ,W eetarn h*na*ry whit*, f t n t , to *»♦m s - p o m ® ? . : :•CfieM w ltr « to lo r . R kccipta I M i i N f i M N , . > J iH B |

NEW YORK MONEY MARKETT O B K , M arch 44 (» ) ■- jM — M :

utfe* *aet*f. O lB t BrttalN—I -Hm '■ fifirt* . A ttXh riraao*—

1BBf ~ mm


mean, a keen pertenal in* tereat in your tnccea, and ■ readin«M te do nil any bank cnn do to kalp yon win auccott.

Service hero »Uo meant 'Right Banklnc” — that rour fund, are alway, safe In our ear*.


Open Monday Evenings From 7 to 8 P. M.



Oman* EL at I t t t vf lh A m

l& w fV 8 t t lB lilk n tS ( iiii» l, u-vA rt.aU v'o-^c^ . a .

Henry H. Gronraxn31 CLINTON ST, Newark. N. A

n w n 4 t i , Mark*,

LEGAL NOTICESi T X r i r s n S w j iX iB t . E f f f l U n T

O r ITATE:I. Thoms* F Msrtln. seeretery ef s ts te s f

* --*■------n ibdid on the tM-entieth dsy ef Pebfsx*7. _ j»23. file in this department a certlflesle • f rod act ion of tin coihmon capital sleek from ll.eoo,OSS to 1,000 shsrss of no par vsiuo, as by tha statwtaa af this s ta ts re­quired. In testimony whereof I have here-

- unto Mt ray hsnd and affixed ray official ««al at T '-nlon. this

4 mentis th day ot Pobroorg. A. D. 1928.


Trenton W itness Testifies In Action Against Potters

N EW YORK. Msrch 24 ( * ) . —T esti­fy in g a s s governm ent w itness y sg tsr - day s t th e tr is l of officers o f tw en ty - th ree corporations, s llsg e d m em bers of

p o tters’ combine, charged w ith v lo - l s t ln g th s Shermsn a n t itr u s t lew , G eorgs G. Dyer o f Trenton. N. J., s e c ­retary o f th e Sanitary Potters' A ssocia ­tion , a sser ted that some members had not adhered to the rules on pries*.

The governm ent charges th at th* ; com bination arbitrarily fixed prices for j th s s l l * and shipm ent o f sanitary pot­tery w are in Interstate trade, thereby see k in g to s t if le competition.

A m ong tb s docum entary exh ib its PVO*


I , • • « fam iliar ta m aay. W o or* arn on , th* tertuaat* m lt tr lty th a t uadaretfiada all t t tha PPM and c a p , a f trading. W hy not trad* w ith knawladga t t aiarkat condition* by ava ilin g yaoaaaX o f aur a fflea and faetlltteaf

W . H . D IC K E N H O R ST f t C O .


*4 Paw T a b

MuL tfatm BuUdlaa a Chat** gk

U n l i t M. g . I

•*n!*d by t h , proxcu tor w a , on* Dyar' that Eis e u S K ing






Barnes Finance Company


6%With Participation

Particulars on Request

1 Clinton SL, Newaifc, N. J.


P O S T 8C FLAGG* th, lb * Twt lucb I


t t i m i

1ERVATIVEInvestment Bonds

P M O n H w it f iS




e lig io u s , P h ila n th r o p ic a n d S o c ia l S e r v ic e A w r a e sp H aw Silver Jubilee ’ Newcomers to America

Mass, Then Trip Abroad Find Ready Help at ‘Y*

ijpur. Gilbert Dolan. Benedictine

I Monk. Completing Twenty-five

Yean in Priesthood

And They Seek Varied Kind of Service as Witnessed by Re­

quest of Tony.

Has Taught Here Since 1908 Work of Twelve Months OutlinedwT

O p p o rtu n ity to visit lien* M*the R ifatf t te o m o n aste r ie s of Lurc-p*. to -pend

j W ^ l s r t i i I g k t in Roms, to h s \e n u d en r*~ j | | | l l th s Pape and to s tudy condition*

j t y , ab ro ad w ill be the* rew ard for tn « n l | jE e 'f ly z y ea rs ' a s r v b e tn th e priesthood .% (Hat Rev. O llb e rt Dolan of St Mar: a

^ Reoedictiite Abbey, a t i ! l H igh l t d * * Junt----------- - a t — --* £ & ' >

»tt* to u can d do llar, you g f tt*

f t

S p s d lc t i f l * Abbey, a t i l l H igh i p H i enjoy d u rin g the sum m er ^ § N» f l laSton h av ing been given by aU* H | t t , fit Rev Rrnegt lle tm s ts t ts r . O, ft. B , F a th e r G ilbert is p lann ing t f ggtl from B oston abou t t is th ird weed * Jan e . a« oom panted by his brother.

tjlav . D r K ran n ii X ffc»i*« rec to r of |j |i f G rego ry a 4’h u tch . iw tri'heaief t> n - : m , i t the ar«’hdlo*‘«se of Boston. S i l l i e r G ilbert wilt leave th is city W ithin a few days a f te r the cloning, p it Ju n e M. o f 8 t Benedict a t 'o llsg s Where ha has been a p rofessor for

’A tte e n years.p r ie s tp p lan to v is it during tk s ir

th ree m on ths a bee nee F ram e . Belgium. &4tmmny, A u stria , Sw itzerland . Italy,

^ m a n d and Scotland, and to g o to Ire- ..tkfed or. th e ir h o m ew ard trip , v isiting


And why sh o u ld n ’t the Y M <* A he asked to ren d e r such a service* It had done p rac tically e v e ry th in g else f<»r let u« «nl) him Tony, th a t an o rg an ig stto n I'vVid do fo r an Ind iv idual, and T<*ny

m ore need to be met he- for.- se tti ng dow n in th s co u n try of

■ his adoption He w an ted a helpm eet, j T t"» had been aided In find ing IIv*I Ing qua. -r» , he w as being ta u g h t to | speak uni t . d and w rite E n g lish . he | was hav ng lust.** t.ou in th in g s relgt*, Ing to the g o v e r n i t . r 't of the land to I which he had recen tly . ome and em- ! plownenf had been found fo r him -

quite tia fu ra l. th e re fo re , th a t : be a -so - j e la tion should he lp h im now In finding■ a wife

iiu t a ll who m ak e th e ir w ay to th *J office o f Koa»in«.n I Vail, c ity -w ide In ­d u s t r i a l and A m e r'c an isa tlo n sec re ta ry .'I n the • y b u ild ing a re not In search ; of wives. lu fac t, t'u p id . m ore often 1 than not. has accom plished h is work i before the new com er reaches these . shores, bu t th a t m e a n t aom ettm es th a t ; th e re la a “ weddin* pend ing" and (he j logit a l th in g . If th e th o u g h ts of those 1 most concerned could be ao expressed, j ia th a t th e m a rr ia g e should ta k e place J In tha p resence o f thoae who first held , ou t a w elcom ing h an d to the s tra n g e r ; In a s tra n g e land.| At le a s t th a t ia th e w ay one couple • seem ed to feel a b o u t It. for It la not . long since a re a l w edding took place In 1 the a ssoc iation b u ild in g

In te rn a tio n a l, u n se lf ish and w ith no ! object b u t se rv ice .” is th e way Mr. Vail

defines th e “ Y” p ro g ram for em ig ran ts and Im m igran ts.

X**t L im ited by H u m or f re e d .“ It tran scen d s ." he a ffirm s, "all b a r­

rie rs o f n a tio n a li ty , creed, c la ss an d condition, and It is m ade possible by j the co -o p era tio n o f th e v a rious n a tiona l com m ittees and th e m any I b ranches o f th e Y. M. C. A a ll over the w orld."

D uring th e la s t fftur y ears the local . d ep a rtm en t, u n d e r th e sec re ta ry sh ip trf. . a . __ , I Thura

C oncerning the Philosophy o f Suffering

Upper p idu.r shows class in citi­zenship being taught by Attorney A- H. Poppke. In lowev one Rossmtn I. Vail is seen making out application for citizenship paper for prospective American.

Noonday Services During

Holy Week Will Be Held

In Theater and Churchesv . ndfiy scr \ ire s will be

w«*'i< Holy Wee'* tn I*rort< ter. under (h r n u sp L rs of th F edera tion of I 'h u r h r* , al*

opal f a theliy Kidl la lsey :churi he*•horch of

The th 2?30 o c|.

low s : Mi*I j G r a c e K n k l i f h L u t h e r a n

I. in <V ntral andM ♦**■! Mr*t h • irt |*t Kpl*rn paland In thr* l ’nlvwr** list

th • Rfriwonici.ntr*r m*»rti n u ­ f r*m t t tnk Vll II l»o addrp nnr.d **• ir«i.

dny. Hev M S. W * trr* r>f

day. Rev M ethod is d;.y. Re\

Mr. Vail, has p rom oted an Ar..ertcan gallon p ro g ram w h ich include*, fo r In-' s tance. E n g lish an d n a tu ra lisa tio n c lasses, le c tu re s an d p rac tica l talks, he lp in g m en to o b ta in th e ir d tlx en sh ip papers, and a d v is in g them in various ways.

D uring th e tw e lv e m on ths Juet { ended f i t m en w ere en ro lled In the j E nglish and n a tu ra liz a t io n d a raea .

■ M f th # b irth p lac e * o f th e ir p a ren ts m any o f w hich a re In session every “ ^ jg i a B ened ic tine mottle. F a th e r Gil**} w eek In th e y e a r , 15J lec tu re s were

Will be ea pec h illy In te re s te d in th e ff*v*n a t w hich the a tte n d an c e to ta led

K arl K <Kpiscop.*

I '»• M. J< P'-ddic Rev IV

\ 111*'h tirch

Ju tm by of R*I <*hu»ch. \Ve*lnes- **eph 1 worm-y. F irst .VI ♦ mo i ia 1 I 'h im h.

T. P o r te r Iir'im tn,I N orth

Rev IR eform ed V hurch . sud r. <'baric* I,<*p R eynolds

ftf*. r a th e r (illb trl. O. I . K.

1 Prcaby te rian < bu n r h Singiing wl| l*d by f ’a rl B« n 11a ft r ‘ and Mr*.

s« f F B ted XX ill 1i tnt th e iIiiano| Spf»sk**r* 1it Tri nitv f 's f h *dr* 1J be In th - i r .• rd e r; A r«m a n >n F rt

Irk B C s r^ *r of M ontrU lt . Rr-V■ (J*orSP r 1“ ughc rt v ref *Yiri*f 1icopal C’hurc h. B1nom field jintl

It. [ S M ti ; a tn j sta rted o

nd 801 meet w ere d e fin ite ly , th is c itym o n a s te r ie s ab ro ad . Ha w ill visit, o th e rs , th o se o f R lnsiedeln

H and . H o tte d In B avaria and * ta C as t I no in Ita ly .

H M a Oft J tiiie 80, 185*. th a t F a th e r • f t w as o rd a in ed to th e priesthood

iH *. Cathedral of th e Holy Croat,Wf- t h e la te A rchbishop

_ aoia. J t tn e 1# * th to y e a r fa lls on a m i th e s ilv e r Jubilee w ill be

gf f p w a t e d a t a n a n n iv e rsa ry m eat a t th a t d a y ln ' Bt. M ary's

th e Ju b B arlsn a s ealo- SWNNIfc r a a t la te d by R ev. •• Polycarp P P l t r s r . O. 8. JSL. a n d w ith Rev. W altei

B*. a n d Rev. Jo h n F lan ag an , m e m B., a s I h c o r and sub-deacon, re - pjr j jh *tive ly . Tins serm on w ill be by Rev. f F a th e r C o tn e l I its, O. S. B . d irec to r of

JB sned ict's C ottage.H . ‘A w eek ta la r , J u n e 17. a s im ita r m ass

be h e ld In S I G reg o ry ’s Church. • p ro g ram ” f M l i J iiiottor. w ith t h e re a tn r . F a th e r GU- ) a . V. H a m b u rg la ch a irm an o f the PjMHPPa b ro th e r , a n d a n o th e r b ro th e r, t com m ittee c a r ry in g on tn la w ork . and m m . B e r tra n d D olan, O. 8. B.. of St. j a t prevent th e n u m b e r of vo lun teer p M h e lm ’a P o lls* * , M ancheste r. N. If.. In f te ach e rs an d h e lp e rs ia n in e teen These jgPp.': a a n r tu a ry . F a th e r B ertram ! w ilt I men v o lu n te e r th e ir serv ice* for a

Each th e serm on . T h e second m s an j period o f fif te en w eeks. The num ber g beat» dec id ed upon In o rder th a t • * - *

R ld;;e; Rev L K York. R* \ .1 hin<*“eraon and Canfin

Hr Kpis

lenS u n d erlan d of X«w I Mc<’l t ;»' V of Pat G ab rie l F a rre ll of

G row ingw ise and s tro n g , g o o d n ess and h a p p i­ness w ill fo llow ; b u t s tru g g le m ust

on the road to c itizensh ip . ISJ i o f whom w ere a ss is ted In o b ta in ing th e ir f ir s t papers, w h ile 6!9 w ere helped to secu re th e ir second o r fina l papers

"And a ll th is w ith o u t coat to the men," Mr. V ail p o in ts out. and adds " I t Is not done In a sp ir it of conde­scension b u t o f brotherM bod; we w rrk w tth th e m en r a th e r th a n fo r them O ur pu rp o se In th is w ork ia to con ­serv e th e ideals o f dem ocracy , to t ' t t i i i an u n d e rs ta n d in g of and g love fo r A m erica, and a d esire on the p a rt o f th e fo re ig n e r to le a rn to read , apeak end w rite B ug lleh . to becom e a good A m erican o ttlsen a n d to pupport A nurl

Included am ong the speak* r* sched ! uled fob th e O n t r a l <’hu»« h service* ! nr«> R»-\ Dr. II K ugene F lir ts of St f.iike’s I’hu rch . Itev Dr. Jam es C lacton j H ow ard of H ulsey S tree t Chur*h. Rev J D r Fr»»d <*lar« B aldw in , superin tend den! of (he N ew ark D is tric t of (he j Meth'>di*t K tdsonpal C h u r ' b. and Mr. j Q ulm ‘ V of th e R n « e\llle t ’hu rch j

In the H alsey S tree t f h u r c h ihe j»er- | vb'e* will be p receded by a fif te en - | m in u te o rg an r e d ta l beg in n in g a t I? o 'c lo ck . follow ed by a b rie f song ser- I vice The a d d re sse s w ill beg in at 1? 4* and w ill be g iven as fo i l . .u s , Monday, bv th e p a s to r Dr H o w ard ; Tuesday

can In s tltu tIo ffe a n d law s. T here a re • Rev. Jam es B re tt K erm a. p a s to r of 288 sec re ta r ie s In loca l association* . ‘ ‘e n te n sry th ro u g h o u t th e U n ited S ta te s g iv ing W ednesday spec ia l a t te n tio n to Juat th is k ind of ' Rev. t 'a r l

f t

^ M p t lv e s a n d boyhood fr ien d s of the w h o cart n o t a t te n d th e **r-

Itt th is b u y m ay be p resen t K i p k l b a r G ilb e r t Ufa* born a t Cam- iPlifldge, Mas*.. D ecem ber 8, 1872, th e son

la te J o h n a n d C a th e r in e (Dowd) ^ ■ 1 * , Mr. a n d Mrs. D olan had ten | | p M a n d tw o d a u g h te r* , n il of whom.

t h e , ex ce p tio n e f F a th e r s G ilbert -vgnd B e r tra n d , a re liv in g In M assachu-mm*.p |6 J l l t # r a t te n d in g th e p a ro ch ls l »chool P | | f :'t > eih,W lge. F a th e r G ilb e rt en tered fe ^ fe T h o n iae ’* C ttllgge In th a t citv . from

# h tc h he w a s g ra d u a te d In 1*81 He ^ I p i l b e g an h is th e o lo g ic a l s tu d ies in

S em in ary . B oston , and upon th e m seven y e a rs la te r w as

P P p a lMed. A fte r peev ing a t St. V incent’s

serv in g la s t y e a r In th is way. to ta led th ir ty -fiv e .

G en era l W o rk fe e F o re ig n B ern .B rie fly sk e tch ed , th e Y. M. <’ A. has

a fo u r-fo ld p ro g ram c o n s ta n tly in ope­ra tio n In b e h a lf o f th o s e com ing to and leav ing th is c o u n try . F o r Instance . In c o u n trie s from w hich fo re ig n e rs come and a t f ro n tie r toV n* re liab le In fo r­m ation Is fu rn ish e d In co-opera tion w ith g o v e rn m en t o ff ic ia ls ; cases «-f personal need Igc iden t to th e em er­gencies o f traveT a re dealt w ith le t­te rs and ca rd s o f in tro d u ctio n are g iven fo r p re s e n ta tio n a t **Y” h ead ­q u a r te rs In c itie s t r f w hich tra v e le rs a re go ing , and e ffo r t la mad* to p ro ­tect In d lv ld u a ’s from thoae who would

Mr Q utm by; T hursday K Bash of th e K n ic k e r­

bocker M ethodist E p iscopal ‘’hurcb B rooklyn: F r id ay . Dr. H ow ard andS atu rday . Rev B. F. D icklsaon of F en- i fra l I ’hurch T he Good F r id ay arid res* I will «’«fnstitute a s te reo p llco n !e<-|ure j on "The P assion P lay ." w hich Dr. H ow -., a rd will also re p e a t in the evening. j

Rev <»'• H en ry R Rose, th e pasto r. ! will speak a t th* serv ices from 12'2a | un til 1 o 'clock in th** r n D e r s a l l s t t 'h u rc h on "T he F ixe V irtues." H is

I topics. In th e ir o rde r, w ill be; "A m ia- i . iH ty l "S im plic ity ." "Senahix enesa.” "Sunny M indedness" and ‘C o n se c ra ­tion .” Good F rid ay even ing l»e will f iv e an a d d re ss on th e su b tec t. "W ith i t 'h r l s t tn th e U pper Room ’ and th e | q u a r te t w ill sing H ta iner * "G ruel- j flxlon."

■ S i- A b b e y I* B ea tty . Pa.. F e t l i . r n i l-1 r r - r unon them W m . w en t t* 8 t. An»»Im'» r o l l , * , anil | T b - »yrvi<-e r . n d , r , d at (he |m ri» nt K , m th e re ra m * f t tb i« e ttv In l»h*. * m b a e k a * * i In r ln d ee .n m rn u n l.'a lln s

lo re I Collette th e n b e d abnui n ln e iy w ith re U tlv e e n t e m le re n te In troub le , n t* T o d ay lt» en ro lm en t le ra r ln « to r thoee w ho a re III and In die-

Ahfout g5» I tra s s ; d is t r ib u tin g h e lp fu l ........

Fifth Avenue Church to Support Missionary in Valparaiso, Chile


m i l t e r H ilb e r t le te e c b ln e e te e .e , In w rllln e l e t t e r , an d «end‘.n« lele*r»m » c iv il G overnm ent. T n lled S ta le . , In tb e n a m e . ..f jh e t r e v e le r .: a tv tn c

owe .n d j - h r l . i l .o d o c trin e |ln * tru c tlo n In E n g l l .h In t h . e m la r .n tlesom e "nd en

ftl>8 G k r ta t l f» dm ftrlne. f - F f t h e r G ilb e rt is w ide ly know n a s s

M B p aw r a n d p u b lic »|>eaker and also B^shugb s p ir i tu a l r e t r e a t s w hich be has

B S b d ilc te d ' fo r s is te rh o o d s In th is s ta te e gtid e lse w h e re . l a s t sum m er he wg*

R g F c h a rg e o f a re tr e a t fo r secu lar h e ld a t O gdensburg . He

p -'frm rehas a t th e 9 .o’clock m ass every f fA m d a y In Ft. M ary * «T»urrh and fo r

la s t tw e lv e y e a rs lias been the p re a c h e r a t th e C hurch of the

A scension, B rad ley B each, o f which Rev. C g P lU J- O’W ara is p a s to r

Tn a d d itio n to h is local d u tie s . F a th e r ^ G ilb e rt goes ev e ry F r id ay a fte rnoon to

■ ^ a n v iw l S ta tio n to g ive a conference i |a t h e no v ices a t St. E lisa b e th 's Con -

'- • • n t .

ho te ls; p ro v id in g xvholesome re c re a ­tion. gam es, le c tu re* fn d e n te r ta in ­m ents. and a s s is tin g , w hen necessary . In shopp ing and in m oney exchange.

A "Y" w o rk e r’s d u ty on sh ipboard Is to p rov ide socia l and rec rea tio n a l a c tiv itie s , and lec tu re* and c lasses th ro u g h w hich e m ig ra n ts m av acquire some know ledge o f th e co u n try t»

re su lt of th e unan im ous de- r |fco p of those a ttcm '.in g the church m ee tin g lost Sm idiiy n lc b t In the F ifth A venue F*r«**V te r ta n C hurch , of which Rev Joseph H u n te r I* p a sto r , the p a r ­ish is to have its ow n re p re sen ta tiv e on the fo reign m iss io n a ry field.

T he decision to su p p o r t a fo reign m ission.-ry b ro u g h t from te r ia n Board th e r* the church assum e ih ta ln iu g Rev Robert w o rk e r In V alparaiso .

th e P resh y - 1‘m m enriatIon th a t

e cost of m aln- Klrnore a s a

( ’hi le.

Christian Endeavor

| | To Ask Return of Dr. MakoskyTn acco rd an ce w ith th e unanim ous

god* o f *the m etfIFers o f the F irst v B a th odist F r o te s ta n t C hurch Its dele-

g a ts to th e n in e ty - f if th an n u a l session the M ary lan d C onference of the de

, fioijninatton w ill req u est the re tu rn of Ifcgv D r E u g e n e P . M akosky to ib« local p a s to ra te fo r a n o th e r year Dr. | |s k o # k y a ssu m ed th e ch a rg e In 181-. fo llow ing th e d ea th in Ju ly of th a t jrisar o f th e p a s to r . Rev. W illiam S h e r­m an P h illips.

T h a co n fe ren ce , o pen ing A pril 4 wilt / he ld in 8U John s M ethodist Pro tes-

tan t Church in B altim ore.

? Christadclphian ServicesJ- E ven ing serv ice* o f th e N ew srk

f ig ta d e lp h is a Kccleaia w ill l»c re- j aum ed to m o rro w n ig h t a f 20 Hill s tre e t I

R- A. B rit t le as th e speaker. Mr J j l lp y f t t la w ill b eg in * se r ie s «*f th ree j

•♦ rn ions d e a l in g w ith the "Second J n 'v^M nlng o f C h rla t." H is in itia l them e J

be “T he T r u th A bout tin* Second j ‘ C o m in g o f t ’h r ls t ; a M essage for th e jfy ir ld Today “

Dr. Twomey Speaker at MeetingDr. M. Joaeph Twom ey. pastor

t f tfaf F irst B aptist Peddle Memorial w B l address thw mass m eeting

men tom orrow afternoon at 8:48 k ^ ^ e lo ek io W allace H all o f the Y. M.

A. b u ild in g . Mi* th em e w ill he ”An- H m s ) , and Cleopatra. Or Do You Al- ^ ^ g j r g ' t l i v e to F a y r Spetdal m usical

'W S tm rn m U t h e .jend»Ye4.

w hich th ey a re go ing .The asso c ia tio n baa a s ec re ta ry at

every port o f e n try In th* United S ta te s and th e re th e new com ers are met and adv ised acco rd in g to th e ir p a rtic u la r needs, an d in som e port c ities given over to sn id e s who d irect, or, If need he. accom pany them to ra il­road s ta tio n * o r to th e ir d eetin stlon . At th e se p o rts too. c a rd s o f In troduc­tion a re g iven to be p resen ted to sec ­re ta r ie s o f tnlitikd a sso c ia tio n s

"E d u ca tio n a l M lssh-ds a t Home and Abroad" is trie kuMc< i f'*r C h ris tian E ndeavor m eeting* tom orrow . R e fe r­ence: Act* xix. 8-7h

W est. F if th A venue and C en tra l P r^ sb y te i jail so c ie tie s In th is city w ill ho v isited , re sp ec tiv e ly , by W E Thom pson. Le Ro> R Newell and J. H enrv H u n tin g to n Sd

Thn co rrespond ing -e c re ta rv of the E ssex C. u n tv t ’nlon. .1 A rth u r H alsall. h a s been ap po in ted .-halrrhan of the com m ittee to a r ra n g e fo r the an n u a l

| M emorial Day out Ing o f E ndeaxofers

;Ten Clergymen Will Speak In Clinton Avenue Church

Ten c le rgym en a re schedu led tn ! *peak a t the H oly W eek serv ice s In * the C lin ton A venue R eform ed Church. !

j of w hich Rev D r P h ilip H. <^lfforll ; Is pasto r. Seven of th ese w ill give six • m inute a d d re sse s each a t th s Good < F riday serv ice from 12 u n til S o'clock.

Tom orrow n ig h t Rev. Dr. Sam uel M.7.w finer, m issionary to C airo , Egypt, xvill preach and T heodore W ebb, b a r i­tone, o f .N ew York, w ill aing . T u es­day n ig h t Rev. Dr A ndrew M sglll of the F irs t P re s b y te r ia n Church, j Jam aica . I*ong Is lan d , w ill g ive th e ad - j d rrss . w hile th e sp ea k e r W ednesday i nljtht xx ill be Rev. Dr. Lym an C. P e t- | tit. p as to r of th e W est P r s s b y ts r la n 1 Church, th is c ity .

Dr C liffo rd w ill conduct a com m u­nion serv ioe and sp eak a t th e T hur* day n ight serv ice . w hile on Good F r i ­day even ing S ta in e r* ‘V ru c ifix lo n " w ill be rendered by a c h o ru s o f fo r ty voices under the d irec tio n of Jam es P h lllp - son. o rg a n is t, an d xvith f’h a rle s H a r r i ­son, tenor, and Iy>uls B urke, ba rito n e , as a ss is tin g so lo ists.

The th re e -h o u r se rv ice on Good F r i ­day. a t w hich Mr. W ebb w ill be noloiat. w ill be ad d ressed , in o rde r, a s follow s: Rev. G eorge C la rk V incent, p a s to r of Bouth P a rk P re s b y te r ia n C hurch : Rev. W tiiU ra M. Thom pson. S outh B ap tis t; Rev. Dr. H. E u g en e C urts . Ht. L uke’s M ethodist E p iscopal; Rev. Dr. H ugh .la« k. C alvary P r o sb y te r ig n ; Rev. A r- ,• her B Bass. ( ’Union A venue B ap tis t, Rev D.. T. A lrd M o ffa t of th e kTrst <'oug rega ( Iona I J u b e M em orial C hurch, and L>r. P e ttit .

Mission Services and Speakers* p^v. C arl W ea te rd ah l. p a s to r o f the Swedish B ap tis t C hurch , w ill speak a t the ra lly serv ice to n ig h t o f th e Good­will Home and R eacue M ission, 58 P lane s treet, and th e q u a r te t and cho ir of th e chu rch w ill re n d e r selec tions.

O ther s p ea k e rs schedu led a re : F o r tom orrow a fte rn o o n an d even ing , E dna Rost, e v an g e lis t; T uesday n ig h t. Louis H M ackenzie, w ho w ill c e leb ra te the f ir s t a n n iv e rsa ry o f h is a ccep tan ce of C h ris tian ity , an d T h u rsd ay n ig h t. Rev. O scar B randorf, w ith m usical num befs by Mrs. B randorf.

Rev. A lbert G ordon, p a s to r o f the F irs t U nited P re s b y te r ia n C hurch . Will speak a t th e se rv ice In th e N ew nm Rescue Home. 821 Mt. P le a sa n t avenue, tom orrow a fte rn o o n a t 3:45 o’clock, w hile in the e v en in g th e sp e a k e r w ill be the m an ag er o f th e home. Louis O- Simmons. Mr. S im m ons w ill sp eak in tbe a fte rn o o n a t the serv ice o f the R oseville W C. T U a t 1 tiu m b o ld t s tree t ___________

To Give Religious PlayIn Forest Hill Church


Broad Street and Branford P lace

Dr. W. J. Dawson. Preacher

Services of Holy Week

rriiity Cathedral ChurchCXPWCOPAL)

■ p fc X y . Military Park1 i s . M-— Holy Communion.' 4 1 yO ock—Morning service

Sunday, March 25th10:30 A. M.

Palm Sunday Service and Ser­mon by Dr. Dawson

7:45 P. M.M usical Service

Verdi’s “Requiem,” Part 2 With Address by Dr. Dawson

A cordial invitation to worthip with us at these services is ex­tended to all.

T I C S O t l . S t R I H 27—8 P M. —- Serm on by Rev. K M.

W ylie. TV P . o f C en tra l P res­b y te r ia n C hurch . M ontclair.

MRDAGXOAV, MARCH 2*—8 P. M —Serm on by th e V ery Rev.

A rth u r P u m p e r o f T r in ity C ath ed ra l. N ew ark .

T H I R 8 D A I. MARCH 2 8 -8 P. M.—T h e H«ily Com m union,

w ith A ddress by Dr. Dawson.FRID A Y . MARCH 3 S -

12:16 P. M.—N oonday "Good F r i ­day” 8 e rv lr f , w ith A ddress by Or. D aw son.

8 P. M ... M u s u a l S e r v ies. D ubois’s“T he Seven l.a* t W ords." A d­d re ss by Dr. D aw son.

SATURDAY. MARCH I I —4 P, M.—O rgan R ec ita l by Mr.

R odney Say lor, a ss is ted by Mr. G eorge K uhn , V iolin ist.


—A T —

Central M. L ChurchSUNDAY EVENING „

By th e P a s te r , shew la g h is s m p ic tu re s ta k e n la Again. Portugal* Greece, E g y p t a n d P a lea tlae .

Noonday Services Daring Holy Week 12:30 to 1

PARK CHURCH!B«n»T<!t« A»». and Kcsrey 8t

10:45 A. M.—“A Gre it Qneatios and Its Answec’' 1

7:45 P. M.—“Bible Prosperity" Rev. Charles Lee Reynolds,

f t D , Pastor

Friday, 8 P. M—Stainer's “Crucifixion" WUi Be f la g

“The Truth About the Second Craning of Christ;

A Message for tha Worid Today” SUNDAY, 7:30 P. M.

m a s o n i c h a l l , n h i l l s t r e e t , N e w a r k

tkd m S S m tm . .cim mmrn.

P A L M S U N D A Y i g

South Park ChurchH M si SI. a t C llataa * » * .

• * * r X i « . « .“Mistakes of Ignseaace”

g w i i ^ a m *ML V1NCXNT -U A f K O Sg

A th re e -a c t re lig io u s p ro d u c tio n e n ­titled "T he R ock.” by M ay P. H am lin , w ill be p re sen ted to m o rro w n ig h t In the F o res t H ill P re s b y te r ia n Churcty by th e Society o f th e R e lig io u s D ram a, made up of m em bers o f th e church .

T he play p o r tr a y s th e c h a ra c te r developm ent o f tb e ap o stle Simon P eter, w ith th e scene la id In th e co u rt yard connec ted w t t h - t h e house of Simop.

Those co m p ris in g ' th e c a s t a re the pasto r. Rev. Jo h n S. C ar llle . in the ro le of Sim on P e te r ; th e M isses M arlon Se«, M arguerite Ruaby. R o s in a R a th b o n f and Joseph ine R ath b o n e . a n d W llla td Cum m in, A ndrew J a c k . E d w a rd B rlg - den, H e rb e rt Noon. F o a te r H onnsas . and S tu a r t C um m in. H. B. R athbone j for

The a g e - lo n g co n tro v e rsy c o n ce rn in g tk# value of su ffe r in g co n tin u e s to be w aged P h ilo so p h e rs ta k e opposite s ides o f th e question . On th e one hand a re ran g ed such p ro p o n e n ts o f the h e p p ln eea -a t-a li-co e ts th e o ry a s K. C. Beaton, th e p u b lic is t, w ho a rg u e s th a t su ffe rin g does n o t conduce to d evelop ­m ent. Oa th e o th e r le a g ro u p re p re ­sen ted by B asil K ing, n o v e lis t and

j essay ist, who p u ts h is th eo ry In to th is concrete form :

“U nhappiness Is good fo r os. W ith ­ou t It we could no t grow . It I* the hard th in g on w hich we w h e t ou r m oral te e th We a re too s en tim en ta l w ith o u rse lves . W e a re to o f a in t ­h earted o v e r o th e rs If we belonged to a m ore h ig h ly developed race, we could poselbly do w ith o u t s t ru g g le and pain, but we can not d.» w ith o u t them a s .we are . T he a tte m p t to s id es tep them Is w eakness To try to o m uch to ease them for o th e rs , even fo r our ch ildren . Is to m ak e th em w eak. We m ust w ork ou t o u r problem s, and nine tim es out o f ten we m ust n o rk them out th ro u g h su ffe rin g . All o u r In ­s titu tio n s m ake fo r th a t

"W h eth er th e In d iv idual Is happy or no t do esn 't seem to m e to m a tte r . O ur m otive In go ing th ro u g h th is phase of ex istence Is not. I should say . to be happy: I doub t If it Is to be good ^ J t j P to grow w ise and s tro n g ^ B Rfi

IwlSL8 ness w ill fo llow ; bu t icom e f irs t

A longside such co n te n d ers i* tn ese a re ran g ed p h ilo so p h ers o f th e opposite school* con ce rn in g su ffe r in g and h a p p i­ness. B etw een such ex trem es, w ha t Is th e "m an tn th e s tre e t" vo th in k ? Shan he ta k e th e position th a t “w hen «°«*ore d isag ree , d iscip les a re f r e e r Shall he d ism iss th e w hole su b jec t a s a q u e s ­tion from h is mind, ta k e w ha t comes, be th a n k fu l th a t i t is no w orse, and le t It go a t th a t? O r shell he t r y to build up an in te ll ig e n t and w o rk ab le philosophy th a t w ill hJ m . ,nsome m easu re to In te rp re t llf e ^ Ac­cord ing to th e v a rio u s school* o f p h il­osophers. th e m a tte r o f pa in , su ffe r in g and s tru g g le seem s to be a n open ques- Hon. The w » y f» rln * m an I* th * re fo re a t lib e rty to d tacaaa It . . . . .

We all love ease W . a re Inclined to envy thoee who enjoy the sreatea t degree of leieure to neck ease, pleasurable forma of activity, and th e deltcioua aenee of being able «o reel » hen c ie rc iee produce, weariness. Htalory , w -m , »“ mdlcaie that E ngland ', tim e of g reatest a o * ’". progreae end contenim ent was the Vic­torian era. when the country suffered least. Peace and plenty a re often made synonymous with pleasure.

S u ffe ring fee Sake a f P rin c ip le .on the o ther hand, we recall the

mediaeval flagellants, who went through the streets and crually scourged them* .riven on their hare becks, believing that the shame of nakedness, the d isgrace of publicly whipping themselves. Ihe physi­cal pain end the m ental anguish would make them m orally and aplritually worthier. We recall, also, th a t long be fore thoee flagellan ts were the m artyr*, willingly bearing persecution for th e sake of their fa i th ; m any of theta actually courting to rtu re and eagerly aeeking th . m arty r’, crown of death.

The Mali of Sorrsxxa took and held His undtv iatlng course, though He knew w hither it must lead Him. The C hristian world commemorates the deepest gloom of that, course in Us observance, next Friday, of the ann iversary of H is cruci­fixion. The apostles followed th e exam ­ple of their Leader in their willingness 10 suffer fo r the sake of their principles. Prophets before them held the sam e Idea. Sages, philosophers, pioneers, w ise men, from ancient Eocratea down, have w ill­ingly * suffered and sacrificed, sometimes

be sake of the causes they chantla th e d trec to r. T he c o stu m es have been m ade by M rs. G eo rg e J. S w ift, a s ­sisted by m em bers o f th e P a s to ra l Aid Society, and o f th e W e s tm in s te r Guild.

It is th e d esire o f M r C arllle . who stud ied fo r th e s ta g e b e fo re e n te r in g the m in is iry . th a t d ra m a tic exp ression should form a p a r t o f th e a c tiv itie s of th e chu rch a s a m ean s o f In te r ­p re tin g Its m easage. N ex t y e a r th e Society of th e R elig io u a D ram a, re ­cen tly o rg an ised w ith Mr. R athbone aa d irec to r, w ill p ro b ab ly in c lu d e In Its enro lm en t m em bers o f 8t- M ark ’s E p is­copal C hurch , o f w h ich R ev. Louts W. P it t is rec to r.

T he tw o c o n g re g a t io n s h ave been u n itin g d u rin g i^ent f6 r w eekday s e r ­vices. and on A pril 8 a jo in t p ro g ram o f Sunday a f te rn o o n a n d ev en in g s e r ­vices w ill be o ff ic ia lly lau n ch ed a s a resu lt o f the vo te o f ap p ro v a l g iven th e p lan by th e session a n d v estry , r e ­spectively . o f th e tw o ch u rch es .

T he plan p ro v id es fo r v e sp e r serv ices a t 4«Jo o 'clock in# Ht. M ark ’s an d ev e ­n ing serv ices a t 8 in th e F o re s t H ill C hurch, w ith b o th p a s to r s ta k in g p a r t in each and a d d re ss e s b y . v is itin g

'clergym en, to g e th e r w ith sp ec ia l m u s i­cal p rog ram s a t In te rv a ls d u rin g tb e season.

pioned. sometimes fo r the effect of the discipline upon themselves.

Inasm uch aa there is such a d iversity of opinion, would it be possible to put th€( m atte r on the basis of the Individual him-' self, ra th e r than upon the ab strac t princi­ple of suffering for happiness?

The lower anim als react to stim uli mors or less un ifo rm ly . T he sdm e co n d itio n s will produce in them much the sam e Im­pressions. and we can gage w ith fa ir act curacy the results. W'lth hum ans It is not by any mean* so simple a m atter. The actipn and Interaction of th e many hum an emotions a re not so easily charted. The complex hum an mind is not so plainly readable. However much progress has Veen made in. ttxat direction, we a re yet fs r from having arrived.

8ince th e n no g e n e ra l a n d ab so lu te Judgm ent can be fo rm ed a s to bow hum an beings w ill re a c t to s tim u li and Im pressions, e spec ia lly a lo n g th e h ig h q r em otional lines, it m ay e as ily be th a t one Indiv idual* w ill f lo u rish on w ha t would k ill an o th e r . T h e w in d th a t blow s th e b a rk e n tin e o u t o f I ts cou rse only se rv es to In c rease th e f ire d ra f ts on th e s te a m s h ip ., .

gome flo w ers th r iv e b ea t In h o t­houses, som e u n d e r th e o pen sky. S torm s and w inds to u g h en th e f ib e r o f

ftftki o th e r tre e s need b o a t, su n sh in e an d a d ry c lim ate . T he s u ffe r in g s of e a r ly childhood seem to have m ade som e men s tro n g ; o th e r ch ild ren , pam pered w ith lu xu ries , h av e g ro w n up to be w eaklings. Home boys o l l a p t e u n ­d e r h a rdsh ip and a d v e r s ity , w here* m any ch ild ren roared In lu x u ry hav- developed in to a tu rd y an d w o rth y c n - sen ship.

O tkee K l . a . n t k r . n l „T he sera*U o-b red o ff sp rin g o f an

t le n t A siatic co n q u ero rs w ere k n o u ■< som etim es to h a r e lost w h a t tb e lr fo r . bears won. Also, how ever, boye b rr.l n k ings households h av e becom e g re e t

leaders. The ls r a e l l t l tb Mokes >■ pro.rf enough o f th a t, to n o th in g „ f A laa- a n d e r the G reat.

A g rac ious % en tlew om an w as h eard£ ? y# * * ° lh a t , f ”u “ * r!n ga teat o f c h a ra c te r , o r a badge of w o rth in ess » „ M h i , . , „h , „ * ? ? * .? /ro r She had ne>er had a h a rd sh ip or » "7 angu ish In he, i , f , Y„ ' J• Oman la on* of the f in e s t p ro d u c t. ,.r

P e rh a p . under a d s c r . l ty long con tinued .h e m ig h t ■ u have shown the sam e re su lts .

* lth Tom l-lneoln-* w ife, g " wh# S '■ • '•o r w aa one o f pov. ■ h. k rU ,J '■ Pa l»- se lf -d e n ia l. .W ould

n „ f° r ,h ' '‘ •" '‘d end fo ra ll tim e What „he did hf she had b e .a A d a u g h te r o f ease and lu x u ry J

« “ »»'!<<" o f p a in aa a p re p a ra , lion for h app iness w ill p ro b ab ly r e . m ain an open one E very b o d y w ill h , . .b o rn e Wd Mf* . liV' dom e w ill he w ill he^tlT " S U“ ,r •»*"< .« .; o t h e . t Tied .1 ® *‘ron* " fo r h a v in g a t r u g -h iW fe tw i* h ea rin g th em Some w ill IH . w i 1* " IO ,h * Worl,, b ecause o f •he golden epoona w ith w hich th e e w ere born; o th e rs w ill use th o se sp o o n , a , ladles, sh o v e l, scoops to he lg them selves and th e w orld . • 9

W e don 't know enough ye t ab o g t th* m y e te ilo u l realm o f th e h um an m ind to apeak too conclusive ly . s „ me dayL h * . , P*y ‘ hol° * 1* ' m i,v d e te rm in e w h e th er weal o r w o . is m ore co nduct, e to ou r w elfare They h av e no t decided• * >•!.

M eanwhll# then* a rc som e th in g s tn s t w ill u ndoub ted ly h e lp us. W e can keep on the sun n y sld e o f Ilfs. W e can rem em ber th a t th e re I* | n life, a s in n n tu re a round u*. m ore su n sh in e th a n sto rm , o r d rabness , o r both . W e can

f *®ke th e b lu dgeon ings o f fa te w ith a fa irly decent g race. W e can le a ru th a t no road th a t a c tu a lly lead* a n y ­w here rem ains A lw ays ab so lu te ly sm ooth W e ra n le a rn th a t no ah<p has ever sailed th e seven seas bu t ha# encoun tered som e g a le s

I don’t m ind h a v in g fa te w a lk on me and w ipe its feet on m e.” sa id s w him sical ph ilo sopher; "b u t I th in k It o u g h t to s tep o ff o cca s io n a l!} . so th a t 1 can get my b re a th !" P e rh ap * th a t de ­scribes o u r condition . So long a s fa ie doesn’t d is tre ss th e In d iv id u a l beyond h is ab ility to b e a r th e b u ffe tin g . It mity be fo r hi* gpod. F o r th e re s t he need* to lea rn the p e titio n s o f th e lltan v ,

X. T 2

Reformed Episcopal ServicesRev. Dr. R obert W. Peach , re c to r o f

E m m anuel R eform ed E p isco p a l <*hurcE j w ill preach th e s ix th in hi* s e r ie s o f j serm ons on " F u n d a m e n ta ls" to m o rro w

m orn ing , w hen he w ill p re s e n t th a question . "W as th e D eath of Je su a C h ris t a S u b s titu tio n a ry H acrifire?"

F o r the la st of hi* L en ten lec tu re* on "R eform ed Episcopal P r in c ip les ." to be g iven Tuesday n ig h t, hi* them e w ill be " f 'h r is t Did Not D escend In to H e ll.''

T hu rsday n ig h t tb e fo r ty -n in th a n - , n u i l union com m union se rv ice to be held in th4 ch u rch w ill Lake p lace w ith Rev. Dr. C h arle s I*ee R eyno lds and

I Rev. Jam es B re tt K enna. pasto r* , re - apaetively . of P a rk P re s b y te r ia n and C en ten a ry M ethodist E p iscopal churches, a ss is tin g . Mr. K en n a vvill p re ich the serm on.


Clinton Are. and Rainer St.PALM SUNDAY

11 A. M.—Rev. Philip H. Clifford, S. T. D.7:45 P. M.—Rev. Samuel M. Zwemer, D. D.

T he 6 re n t n ie e le a a ry e f A rab iaTanadar. 8 P. M.—Ror. Andrew Magill, D. D , Jamaica, L. I. Wednesday. 8 P. M.—Rev. Lyman C. Pettit, D. D . Newark

Thursday. 8 P. M.—Communion nod Reception at New MembersGOOD FRIDAY


D r. Vincent Dr. Thompson Dr. Curts Dr. Jack

1 TO 3 P. M.. Dr. Bass

Dr. M offatt Dr. Pettit

“ Dr. CliffordMr. Tbe odors Webb. BaritmT'Will Sing nt Above Service*

8 P . M . S T A IN E R S C R U C IF IX IO NChoir o f Furly V atem . A ssists# h r CM8 WC— H J S S IV O * . T ts u h a a #

l * C I # ni'M K B. aarKuwC.A COWOIAI. M V IT A T M N TO AMU


. M #r*toc 8#rvlwThe Christian Triumph ^

RvBd^f Service y.Choosing I Master

p i c i u m b d F '.C B R |.H A . j iTrendnr Erentag, 8slA ,#l€liH prtb» J4*i Csnrert

N# tdmtoilre Charts


F e r. Clin to • Awe. and M *a— a lk I t .

Passion W eek ServicesT z m d a# R te a la g

The Pastor Speak#W ed n fsd n r R v p a jR i

Dr. Charles Got; Jail PreachesT h u rsd ay U xenfng

Major Setler of Salvation Army Preaches

r r M a y E v en in gStainer’s “Crucifixion,’

Double QuartetLord's Supper ObservedAll 8 r n lc p s R eg ia n t 8>M

N Cordial W eletoae lo ALL .................... ........... Atm ........................ ■


Passim Week Noon Meetings

At Proctor's Theater12 to 12:80 o’C lock

March 28— Rev. M. S. Waters March 27—Rev. Kert K. Ouitnby March 28— Rev. M. J. Twomey.D.D. March 29— Rev. T. Porter Drnmm,'

D. D.March 30— ttsv. Clinrlcs Lee Rey-

nolds. D. D.Auspices Newark Federation

of Churches

'" 'S t

North Reformed Church■van# * M f 'S - M s , O l f f t l

n » « . T . P o r te r B te n e i . H. m a l s t r r Wurwhln a t

W allace H all— Y . M* C . A.N stn e r . O f* , t 'v g n r S ts s n t .

t o , « a . w^—r e v . s . w . . i t u d n a .II. o . Eg I te r mt I k . -W ootem W el l e no# su e mt th e t sswokoo t n o t ho Hr Ire o n th e H ostcm q u e stio n , w ill s e r a n r •he go lg lt.

t h s . i*. m .— d r . D M i e i t r e iH A r in w i

“Marriage—and A fter"A s ss s sow f o r Wns » W nhr r s

T a n A re CerglQUx i k t U H so W orwht* W ith I * .

VESPERSERViCE* p . tk . ■

p M H t f ie f t s t m L m ircDaak . ypre .i, *1.

‘mauciraMMi"- > Akatona


E M W M a R^ ■ B H IW Merck M, « # • P.>M. rnS IA S P. M.


w t M n m v m m m & m m m m

^ T U r a r ,

AM m m M

v M M R*w»toM?


Palm Sunday and Holy Week ServicesC lo s in g P er io d o f L enten S ea so n , W h ic h B eg in s T o ­

m o rro w , W i l l B e M arked E sp e c ia lly b y M au n dy

T h u rsd a y and G ood F rid a y O b serv a n ces.

Holy W eek * h trh b rin g s to an end 9 day n ig h t, w hen S ta ln e r 'a "C rucifix ion”w ill be su n g , th e eo lo lsta w ill be Mr*. G eorge W B in g h am , soprano ; Mrs H enry G E ly . c o n tra lto ; C harles K G ullck, bass, a n d W illiam s St. John, teno r, an d le a d e r M iss Isabel M awba w ill be a t th e o rg a n

th- fo r ty d a y s of L e n t—-the aesaon of l»e n iten re . # rlf-d # m al and te lf-d lsc l-

C o n flrm a tlo n w ill ba adm in istered

P im a—b e a m s tom orrow . Palm Sunday T h ro u g h o u t C h ris ten d o m the ohs**r\- snee of P a lm Sunday com m em orates the t r iu m p h s e n try of the Founder of J C h ris t ia n ity B Je ru sa le m five days |

H is cru . ifiM n w hen the people ' _ fc••took b ra n , h « .,£ pa lm ( e r a and *<•((( I om “ r r “ * m o rn in g In O r* c . E n r ll .h fo r th to m*M Him L u th .m n C hurch , w hile on W .dnraday

In R om an a th o llc and many Epta- | and | | ' <u>r »v* " ln ** th « R‘ v;copal c h u rch ea palm s w ill be carried I M 8 W atera . w ill conduct apaclal tom orrow in procession and la ts r dls- p re p a ra to ry s e rv ice s fo r th e E aeter tr ib u ted am ong the w orsh ippers and I com m union ashea from pa lm s b lessed a t the ser i\lc e a will be use<l J>y p rie s ts at the beg in n in g of L en t nex t year to make th e s ign «>f th e r ro s s upon the fo re ­head of th o se a tte n d in g Aah W ednes­day s e r \ lc e a In c h u rch es w here : u> h a custom p re v a ils .

O bservance o f Holy W eek re n te rs la rg e ly in th e serv ice s of Maundy T h u rsd ay an d Good F rlda> . nn im en i'i- ra tin g , re s p ec tiv e ly , the Institu tion of th e L ord 's S upper and the crucifixion T he fo rm er w ill he m ark ed by ce leb ra ­tio n s of th e holy com m union and the | t la t te r . In a la rg e num ber of ed'l-fJ'rea. by th re e -h o u r servlt-ea from 12 until I o 'c lock , th e h o u rs w hich C hrist t* re* corded to n a v e sp en t on the cross.

In a d d itio n to th e T uesday n ight p ra y e r se rv ice In th e F ir s t M ethodist P r o t 's l a n t C hurch . th e pasto r. Rev. I»r. E ugene C. M akosky . w ill conduct special e v en in g se rv ice s M aundy T h u rs ­day and Good F rid ay

The s a c ra m e n t o f the L ord 's Supper will be o b se rv ed T h u rsd ay n igh t In T h rls t R efo rm ed C hurch , of w hich Rev.

| H enry K P ost Is p a s to r , and an address j given by Rev! E d w ard H. Bishop, paa-

of H yde P a rk R eform ad Church, E ast O range F i ld a y n ig h t Dr. John O. Medd of New York w ill ba the sp eak er

D ubois s "Seven L ast W ords of C h r is t” w ill be su n g tom orrow n igh t Ir. T r in ity E p isco p a l C a th ed ra l under the d irec tio n o f A lb e rt L Faux, o rg an is t: w ith Mias Ida K B u rn e tt soprano. Em il Zeh. te n o r , and T hom as A ( ’aider bass, a s so lo is ts . T here will be 11 o clock c e le b ra tio n s of the Imlv com ­m union M onday T uesday and W ednes­day' m o rn in g s , a lso T h u rsd ay evening a t S o 'c lo c k . Good F rid ay service a t 11 o 'c lock and In th e even ing at t when M oore 's T h e D a rk e st H our will be ren d ered . »

Rev Dr \V J K w affleld of Plain- field. who p reach ed la s t Sunday n igh t In th e F ir s t B a p t is t Peddle M emorial C hurrh . w ill occupy the p u lp it of the pasto r. Rev I>r. M Joseph Twomey. ag a in to m o rro w n ig h t.

In St. J a m e s 's E p iscopal Church the re c to r. R ev P e rcy T. O lton will co n ­clude h is s e r ie s o f serm ons on "C hris­t ia n F u n d a m e n ta l* .'' h av ing as hi? them e "T h e A to n e m e n t” At the e v e ­n in g se rv ice th e p reach e r will be Rev T heodore A ndrew s. re c to r of St G eorge s C h u rch . Passa ic .

R#\ R u tg e r Do*, a c tin g supply s t the R osev ille B ap tis t Church, will preach «»n "T h# T riu m p h a l E n try " a t the P a lm S unday ' serv ice tom orrow m orning , and in th e evening , w hen a *pe<’ial se rv ice fo r th e L adles ' Aid and M issionary so c ie tie s w ill ba held, his them e w ill be "T hose Women.'*

• f t h , te a t m m h« » S M l H « w ro te a a fa llow * :

D ear M r. B ia a l l— I h ,v » y ,o r fav o r o f M arch t .

1 be lieve in God. th e F a th e r A lm igh ty . M aker o f heavan and ea rth .

And tn Jeau a C h ris t. H is only Bon, o a r L o rd ; W ho w as conceived by th e H o ly G host* ' bo ra of th t V lrg ta M ary, s u ffe re d under P on­tiu s P ila te , w a s c ru c ified dead and b u rled ; th e th ird d a y He rose from th e d ead ; H e a sc e n d ed in to heaven and a l t te th a t th e r ig h t h and of God. th e r a t h e r A lm ig h ty ; from th en ce H e ahu ll com.* to Judge the qu ick e n d th e dead

t be lieve tn tk e H oly G host; th e H oly C a th o lic t b u rc h , th e com m u­nion of s a in ts ; the fo rg iv en ess of stag. th e re s u rre c tio n o f th e body and th e life e v e r la s tin g

A ll th is 1 s te a d fa s tly believe V ery tru ly yours.

B ISHOP THOM AS BOWMAN. D D. T his h a s t ru e ring .* H ere Is the e x ­

p ression to d a y of th e fa ith of John i W esley. F ra n c is A sbury and m any o th e rs o f th e fa th e rs .

H as n o t th e tim e com e when In th e ch u rch es a t th e lim e o f the repe tition o f th e c reed by m in is te rs and w o rsh ip ­ers. th a m in is te r shou ld perh ap s s ta r t le the peop le by aayu>g solem nly , as th is good b ishop w ro te : "A ll th is 1 s te a d ­fa s tly beM eve?" U nbelief. em pty churches. S te a d fa s t fa ith , w illing h e a re ra


Tattler RevealsiH of Pupils

McKinJry School Paper Exempli­

fies Patient Persistence

Drawing and English.


Principal Praises All-Year Work

New Bible Concordance"N elson C om ple te C oncordanca to

th e A m erican S ta n d a rd B ible." by M. C- H azard T h is Is s ta te d to be tha f ir s t com plete co n co rd an ce to the A m erican s tan d a rd v e rs io n of th a Bible. W here a nam e o f a person o r p lace le m en­tioned. a b r ie f d e sc rip tio n is glvan . to ­g e th e r w ith th e m ean in g and the p ro ­n u n c ia tio n o f th e n am e In E nglish S ubdivisions a re p ro v id ed fo r w ords th a t o ccu r a la rg e n u m b e r of time*. The con co rd an ce co v ers 30r»,000 re fe r ­ences, a r ra n g e d u n d e r 16.000 headings and su b -h aad ln g s . T h e volum e con­ta in s m ore th a n 1.300 p ag es Thom as Nelson A 8ons. New Y o rk City.

‘‘Der Freischuetz.” Opera,To Be Broadcast Tonight

At 8 :4 5 by WJZ Station j

IU v Dr. D avis W. L usk , s ta ted c lerk of th e P re s b y te ry o f N ew ark . w ill give a s trre o p tlc o n le c tu re on “New New­a rk ” to m o rro w n ig h t In R oseville Av«- nue P re s b y te r ia n t ’huroh. of which Rev. Dr W illiam Y. C h apm an Is p as to r

Solem n e u c h a r is t and serm on, p re­ceded by th e b le ss in g o f the palm s and solem n p ro cess io n w ith palm s, w ill com- p rise th e m o rn in g s«*rv ir# tom orrow In G race E p isco p a l C hurch a t which th e re c to r. R ev C h arle s L Gomph. will conclude h is se r ie s of serm ons on “The Holy* C a th o lic ("huroh " p reach ing on th e su b jec t "T h e c h u rc h an d I«o>alty .”

S e rv ices w ill be held da ily next week ill E p isco p a l chu rches , and a th ree- h o u r s e rv ice on Good F rida v in Grace. S t J a m e s 's , g t. M ark s. St B arnabass. 8t. J o h n 's , a n d 8 t. P a u l’s churches In th e la s t n am ed ed ifice the pulpit of the le c to r . R ev F red e ric k A C<«leman. will be occup ied T h u rsd ay n igh t by Rev C h arle s H e n ry W ell* o f St Andrew s C hurch , w h ile on Good F rid ay evening a h ter*: op Moon le c tu re on "The Passion P la y ” w ill be g iven

Rev Dr R oss F W icks w ill preach hi* n in th a n n iv e rs a ry serm on a s pasto r of the B ellev ille A venue C ongrega­tiona l C hurch to m o rro w n ight A cho rus ch o ir o f tw e n ty -f iv e members will beg in Its d u tie s a t th e church to morrow

'I n d ia of th subject tom orrow ' of the la st of thre p ro g ram s on In d ia fe a tu r in g the m ee t­ings of th e E p w o r th L eague of St P a u ls M eth o d ist E p iscopal Church. C larence T u r to n and C harles Yocum will be in c h a rg e

H a rry W. G ray , ten o r: will sing ' The F a lm s by F a u re a t th e m orning s e r ­vice to m o rro w in St. S tephen 's E p is ­copal C h u rch an d in the evening the *X>uclflx1on" by S ta in e r will be sung u n d e r th e d ire c tio n of Alston L B raudes, o r g a n is t and cho irm aster.

R ev T h o m as A. Hy de, chaplain, and s u p e r in te n d e n t o f C h ris t H ospital. J e r - 88y C ity . w ill occupy th e pulp it of Rev. •• F red H am b lin to m o rro w n ig h t In St. J o h n ’s E p isc o p a l C hurch .

T h , « v e n ln r ra rm o n tom orrow la t h . E p isco p a l C h u rc h o f St. M arv M agda- U n». o f w h ich R ,v . P h il ip P W srlsln 1. rs e to r . w ill b« bjr R«v. C harfss p T in k e r o f N utloy .

- 0>lv * t to C a lv a ry " by M aun-«*£ b* "On* T h u rsd ay n ight In St A lban s E p isco p a l C hurch o f which R«v A ddison T t D o u g h ty rw ?tor.

U- o f V crd l’a "R equiem " will • s s u n g to m o rro w n ig h t In the F irst P re s b y te r ia n C hurch by the q u a rte t and c h o ru s c h o ir u n d e r th e direction o f th e o rg a n is t . R odney Saylor, w hile on Good F r id a y e v en in g "The Seven L a s t W o rd s" by D ubois w ill be re n ­dered an d a n ad d reaa given by the p a sto r . R sv . D r. W illiam J. Dawson. O th* r H o ly W sek s e rv ic e , s t the ch u rch , a l l In th e ev en ing , will be ad d reaaed a s fo llo w s: T uesday . Rev. E d­m und M alv llle W ylie , p a s to r of C en­t r a l P re a b y te r la n C hurah . M ontclair: W ednesday . V ary R sv . Dr. A rthu r D um per, d e a n o f T r in ity Episcopal C a th ad ra l. a n d T h u rsd a y , holy com ­m union a n d a d d re aa by Dr. Dawson.

Car] von W eb e r 's opera . “D er P raia - ch u e ti." to be s u n g to n ig h t by tha W ag n e rian O p e ra C om pany at th s Dea- | Ington T h e a te r . New Y ork, w ill be | b ro ad cast by W JZ . b eg in n in g s t I 45 o’clock.

M icrophone* w ill p ic k u p th s rau s’<* : and a sp ec ia l w ire w ill re lay It to th* b ro a d c as tin g s ta t io n In N ew ark.

W JZ .W JZ a lso w ill b ro a d c a s t to n ig h t:

5.36—R adio so nig* by Mi** Byrd Cook.7—Uncle W ig g tly s to r ie s by H ow ard

| R G arisF u tu r e ” w ill be the | r 30— F ash io n ta lk .

9 56— A rlin g to n tim e s ig n a ls , w eather.T om orrow th is s ta t io n w ill p re te n t:

10.30 A. M — M usical p ro g ram11__M orning se rv ice s «i St Thom as s

Episcopal C hurch . New York3 p . M — R ad io ch ap e l serv ices by the

R u th e rfo rd M eth o d ist C h u n h . Rev. Dr. F red e ric k 4 \ M ooney o ffic ia ting P ro g ram by th e ch u rch choir. F red p H unt o rg a n is t and d irec to r

4 \n h a t D oes th e M in is te r Do ."* Talk bv Rev. G eo rg e 8. M iller, o ran g e .

4 15—C oncert by Isa b e l Sm all, soprano. New R ochelle . N. Y*

6 .3A— R ead in g from B ubb le Books by R alph M ayhew .

7 15—E ste y o rg a n r e c ita l P rog ram : “C oncert O v e rtu re in F . ‘ W olsten- holm es, "B a rca ro le . Ju n e , from The S easons.” T a c h a lk o w ^ ^ ^ V a p r l c e . ” O u ilm an t; "R hapap tfle HoTTgrulf#." L i s s t ; "S p r in g S ong .” M acFarlane. "G rand C h o ru s In D." G uilm ant.

r__8peech*s a t te s t im o n ia l d in n e r toJohn D rew , a c to r , a t H otel H iltm ore. Ne w York.

g45—C oncert by C h a r le s H. Lench.tenor, o f N ew Y ork.

9 55— A rlin g to n tim e s ig n a ls , w eather. W OK.

Thre* re p re s e n ta t iv e s each of T r in ity College, a t D u rh am . N. C . and New York U n iv e rs ity , t a k in g th# a ff irm a tiv e and n eg a tiv e , re sp ec tiv e ly , w ill b ro ad ­c a s t a t 5 30 o 'c lock to n ig h t, from WOR rad io s ta t io n , a d eb a te on the question of the so ld ie r bonus.6*: 15—1S p o rtin g new s.6:30—-Saxophone so lo s bv A rth u r M iller. 6:45— Book rev iew b y E a r l Dana.7—Dance m usic by C arl L eonhard 's

N ovelty O rc h e s tra o f E lizabe th .On M onday th is s ta t io n will p resen t:

By Its Im u * o f th a S p ring num ber o f The T a tt le r . M cK inley School has v isualised fo r th o se ou tside th e achoo] several p h ases o f Its w ork Though moet co m m endation haa b##n wen by the p rin t in g d e p a r tm e n t fo r th s p ro ­duction o f th e m agaxlne. g lim pses a re g l '# n o f m any achooj ac tiv itie s . * and the cover page, bo th In design and color schem a, b e a rs w’ltn eas to the sk ill developed in th e d ra w in g olasa

F red eric A. B rau n , In s tru c to r In p r in tin g , haa c a r r ie d p r in t in g from linoleum b lo ck s f u r th e r th a n h a s been a ttem p ted In o th e r schools In th is city, or indeed th a n Is cu sto m ary elsew here in e lem en ta ry schoo ls T he cover of th e c u rre n t num ber, ta k e n from a pos­te r design w orked o u t In the draw ing class, la an ex am p le o f re s u lts o b ta in ­able by c h ild ren t ra in e d in tb ta art c ra ft.

I t la not a g e t sk ill-q u ick scheme, but It la believed th a t tn the long proc eases lead ing to th e p ossib ility of p ro ­ducing such a m a g a iin e ro v e r aa that of The T a t t le r th c r^ have beeu acqu ire 1 by the pu p ils h a b its o f accuracy a p a tien t p e rs is te n c e w hich a re la rly v a lu ab le to th e type of ch ild p re­d om inating a t M cK tn le) At the same time the. pup il* a re doing th is prevo ra tio n a l w o rk a n d acqu iring p rac tical h ab its tha t w ill he lp th em w hen they leave s< hool an d e n te r on w a g e -ea rn ­ing, th e n a r t i s t ic In s tin c t# a re being guided and g iv e n m ean s of expression.

W o rk D e ac e i Cave*.T he cover d esign is a p o s te r com po­

s itio n baaed on th e p rob lem o f adver lining lamp#. T h e design , w hich Is tre a te d e n tire ly from a decora* Iv. s tan d p o in t. In c lu d es a lam p and h -wl of flow ers. T h e p o s te r rep re sen ts two lessons of n in e ty m in u te s each on the appearance o f a c irc le in d ifferen t positions; one le sso n on th e c u ttin g of good bow l shape* an d flow er shap-*; One lesson upon th e d raw in g of the lam p, th re e le sso n s tn d esig n in g g>>od b ack g ro u n d s; one lesson In the assem ­bling of th e p o s te r , five lessons In p a in tin g the n>oater aa a tr ia l poster when each co lo r w a s te sted , and one u te n n in th e f in a l m o u n tin g bo much

W hen thl3

o th e r p o aa tb ilitie e I s th e a ll-y o o r schedu le . I f fo r th e g r e a t m a jo rity of pttp tls o f fo re ig n -h e rn p a re n ta g e , th e lo n g er school y e a r cou ld bo m ade the m eans o f g iv in g th e p up ils a m ore th o ro u g h g ro u n d in g In the e ssen tia ls then It w ou ld be beyond question v a l­uable. he a d m its . Mr G reene la am ong th e e d u ca to rs w h o do not app rove of th e child u n d e r fo u r te e n e n te rin g hlgn ach<»oJ. b e liev in g th e a v e rag e child of tw elve too Im m atu re m en ta lly fo r sec o n d ary schoo l w o rk .

A ll-Y ens A dvan tage* .T he p o ss ib le g a in e f tw o yearn in

an e ig h th g ra d e c o u rse Is m ade by but a sm all p ro p o r tio n o f p sp ll* a t Mc­K in ley School, w h ile o th e r undoubted a d v a n ta g e s of th e a l l -y e a r school are the com m on, g a in o f a ll. As M cK in­ley le in th e h e a r t o f on e of th e n t>


S u rv ey fa r Tracker*. Papito and Others•afgeeted th a t them whe use »h#aa weekly qelxsee dt«

» of imports or*. *0 that th#r may he better prepared to answer the S

IN T E R N A T IO N A LOne—W hat reply haa F ran ce given to

tot! mat Iona th a t G erm any might seek mediation ee to th e R uhr? W hat groups in nevera) countries a re said to be work­ing for peace? To whom m ay the dis­pute be referred? ifow h as Berlin su s­tained resistance in the R ih r according

m ost co n g es te d d is t r ic ts en d th e pup'.la to Frem h te p o r t"a re d raw n fro m h o m es o f m uch th* T w o -W h a t group la considering the sam e ty p e i t la eaa> to com pare tue 1 Turktah counter-proposal* g e n e ra l co n d itio n o f th e pupil whom ains In school th ro u g h th e sun .m ar ••sa lo n , w ith th e one w hq w ith d raw s and spend* h is v a c a tio n la th e s tre e ts F o r th e M cK in ley p u p il Ihe choice Is not be tw een a c o u n try o r seash o re o u t­ing an d sch o a l. b u t b e tw een school and

t a n a th e te c e m e n t hometh e s ire s 'W hen th e fa ll te rm opens and ell

ch ild ren a r e a g a in en ro lled . Mr. G reene d ec la res th e re la a m a rk e d d ifference In ap p ea ran ce , h e a l th an d conduct of tha a ll-y e a r p u p il a n d th e s t r e e t v a ca tio n ­ist. v a s tly In fa v o r o f ihe child who haa co n tin u e d In th e w holesom e a t ­titu d e of th e school.

the L*unne d raft trea Three—What statem ent a s to Soviet

Russia did Secretary H ughes m ake’

Central School Anniversaryj • • I r our— w ny na»* in*

t o m m e m o r a t e d Ul M a g a z in e ' given up th e ir national In favor of a taie

NATIONALOne—W hat a re soma of tha investiga­

tions being conducted by »'ongreeelonal committees and continuing a fte r the a d ­journm ent of Congress?

Two— W hat a re some of th a conclusions of Professor F . W Taussig aa to the ta riff bill now In force?

Three—W hat declaration aa to P resi­dent H arding s Intention to seek e renom- Ins non has been m ade by A ttorney Gen­eral D augherty?

F our—W hy have m any banks recently

C en tra l A v en u e School, w hich Is ob- | s e rv in g It* f i f t ie th a n n iv e rs a ry th is j year, h aa m a d s th a c u r r e n t nu m b er of { Its school m a g a x ln e a com m em ora tive

partlcu - j num ber.

Mies A lice B u rn h a m of E ast O range, who sp en t five y e a rs as a m issionary in N o rth e rn In d ia , w ill give an address on th e w ork an d needs th e re a t the p ta > e r se rv ice T u esd ay n ig h t in the g :rs t U nited P re s b y te r ia n C hurch, of which Rev. A lb e rt G ordon is pastor.

S ta in e r 's ’C ru c if ix io n ” w ill he sung at 4 o 'c lock to m o rro w a fte rn o o n In Mt P lea san t B a p t is t O iu tc h . under the bire< tion o f J A very Dunn, organ ist: and w ith the a s s is ta n c e of th e choir of the C lin to n A venue R eform ed Church and the o rg a n is t . Jam*’S Phlllpson. Soloists w ill be B ruce Cam pbell, tenor; j . L yall H u tch in g * , ba rito n e , and E lm er E Ross. bass. At th e Good F flday n igh t se rv ice in th e Mt. P le a sa n t B ap­t is t C hurch th e p a s to r . Rev. Sidney W. Pow ell, w ill s p ea k on "The Seven Last W ords on th e C ro ss ."

T hose to he con firm ed tom orrow a fte rn o o n a t 4 o 'c lo ck in St M atthew 's E v an g e lic a l C h u rch , o f w hich Rev. T heodore 8 K ey l is p asto r, a re the M isses R u th ' M. E d w ard s . Louisa A. H am es an d E ls ie H au ssn er . E dw ard W. C. B eckm eyer an d A dolf h O. Helm.

Rev. D. F. K e lly w ill g ive th e last of tils noonday L e n te n add resses for th is season In S t. J o h n 's Rom an C ath­olic C hurch on T h u rsd a y , w hen he will speak on th e au b je c t "God’s G reatest M an ifes ta tio n o f L ove.”

Palm S u n d ay g e rv lces a t th e Gospel T ab e rn ac le o f th e C h ris tian and Mis­s io n ary A lliance, 83 JJorfh N inth street, w ill Inc lude s e rm o n s by th e pastor, Rev. B. F. A rm s tro n g , on "The Holy S p ir it and th e R esu rrec tio n " in the a f te rn o o n an d "T h e D estiny o f th e Jew t>nd G en tile " in th e evening.

A p a g e a n t, e n t i t le d "T he Trium ph of t o t s , " w ill be g iv en tom orrow n igh t In R o se v ille M ethod ist Episcopal C hurch . T h s fo u r even ings Holy W sek s e rv ic e s w ill Inc lude an add ress T u esd ay b y th e p asto rs Rev. K arl K. Q u im by; W ed n esd ay , by a fo rm er p a s­to r , R sv . A le x a n d e r H. T u t tle o f E ast O ran g e . T h u rsd a y , th e holy com ­m union , a n d Good F r id ay , S ta in e rs •^Crucifixion."

‘•W as E v e r L o n e lin e ss L ike T his?” from th e c a n t a t a "T h e T rium ph of O ur C ross," b y M atth ew s , w ill be sung a t th s m o rn in g se rv ice s In South P a rk P re s b y te r ia n C h u rch tom orrow by M iss M ay K o rb . In th e even ing her se lec tio n s w ill Include P a rk e r 's “J e ru s a le m " a n d "P a lm Branches*' by P a u rs . T h e l a t t e r se rv ice w ill be tim dotally f o r y o u n g people and w ill bo fe a tu re d b y s ta g in g by a chorus of 166 a n d a n a d d re s s b y th e pasto r. Rev. G eorge C. V in cen t. G ood F rid ay n ig h t Stainor** “C ru c ifix io n " w ill ba sung by g c h o ru s o f th i r ty voices, w ith Mias K o rb a n d M tso Lola M. V incent, con­t r a l to ; B d tr a rd B oyle o f New York, to tto r, a n d W . R. M cAdam s o f New

y-^^York. b d rito n e , a s so lo ists.^ \ \ ♦ • •

\ , ' Roffv B r , M o n ry R . R ose, - p a s to r o f tb o U n lv e rs a lta t C h u rch o f the Re- dssnsor. W itt co n c lu d e h is se r ie s o f ear* m ono on " G re a t D iscoverie s in R elig ­ion" to m o rro w m o rn in g , w hen he w ill

Plea for A uertion of FaithIn Doctrine of Christianity

■peak o n "T H , D isco v ery o f t h , P , r te s ta b i l i ty o f A ll M an k in d .- In t h .•▼ •nine h e w ill ( W , r e r tn* n m

• t i n t , h i* U1 t u t r a te d le c tu re on -T he 1 ,2 ) p i n i o n P in y o f O b*rm m m «ttnu.”

Confirmation will bo ndmlnUtewd nt f t , j* o'clock norvleo tomorrow morn- te c In th* Redeemer Lutheran Church In Omfton avenue, of which Rav. An-, m a t P . Brunn 1* pn,tor. In tko ,ve- n lM there Will bo n reunion for »n who

’ hnv, beenJ confirmed within t e , l u t ten yanm *1 which t h , r , will be tko

■ nnannl roll call. nWo an oddrem by. th* •*•*•*• ... . - >. • •

l iw t D r.'8 . S a c r a , Curt*, prater of iS v aS S te fJS T Rplootm l, Church;

will conduct n oommunico raryte* d w tVrMter cvcnltt#. Tomorrow nfUraoon


T o 'th e E d itor o f th e S E W SSir,—T h e g r e e t d e file s o f th e country ,

y o u rs Inc luded , h a v e recen tly teem ed w ith m a n y e x p re ss io n s o f unbe lie f In the te n e ts o f th e C h ris tia n fa ith .

S ta tc^n en ts o f u n b e lie f m ay be b e t­te r "n ew s” a n d m o re p o p u la r w ith your re a d e rs th a n o f b e lie f, b u t I doub t It.1 have s o m ew h a t w ondered , th a t th is Insld tou* p ro p a g a n d a shou ld no t have received fro m th e pen o f em inen t men, c le ric a l a n d lay , m o re a tte n tio n to o ff­se t It w ith e x p re ss io n s o f firm belief. I t m ay b* deem ed th a t th e fo u n d a ­tions a re so s u r e t h a t th e w;inds m ay blow a n d th e s to rm s b eat, b u t In vain, a g a in s t th e so lid ro c k o f th s C hristian fa ith , an d th a t th e p re s en t recu rrin g o u tb u rs t, w ith o u t sp ec ia l a t te m p t to c o u n te ra c t, w ill, a e th o se In th e paet, all p a ss a w a y a n d leav e no d isas tro u s e ffec t.

N ev erth e less , I am v e ry g lad th a t B ishop M an n in g , fo r th e Episcopal C hurch , h a s sp o k e n w ith no u ncerta in sound, a n d I t r u s t y o u r reader* have seen, th o u g h n o t g iv e n q u ite so much p u b lic ity a s th e ex p re ss io n s o f unbe­lief. th e re c a n t ex p re ss io n of Blsljog A dna W . L e o n a rd o f th e M etb E piscopal C h u rch , p re s id in g a t New J e r s e y C o n fe ren ce a t A sbury \ to th e e f fe c t t h a t h e "p itie d th e jn a n ln J th e p u lp it w ho w a s fa ls e to th e tr in e o f th e c h u rc h ." B ut a s I feel, as B ishop L e o n a rd a ls o ex p ressed h im self a s fee lin g , t h a t t h e p re s e n t p ro p ag an d a la In d a n g e r o f " d e s tro y in g th e f*Hh o f th o u s a n d s o f p eo p le ," I believe th a t th e fo llo w in g s ta t e m e n t m ay be help* ful, to y t t tA recently a r s i s to the senior bishop

of the Evangelical Church of America, Bishop Thomas Bowman, well known to many of yoar readers lit tbe city of Newark and very favorably known m tha religious world, stating my thought, th a t tb s recent endeavor to Instil tn tho minds of ths people th*t the creed of tb# churches was forma- lated centuries ago in benighted ages, and wee som ething which no .one of enlightened mind in these later days believed, and to whieh leaders o f the churches tbemselvae would net new subscribe, wen doing Incalculable harm and suggesting f£ would he well to -meet it, Srihe#.. - Wif&dt t and) the sta tem ent ef his abidingf s ^ ^ j h ^ ^ ^ ^ t v ^ J r e n U W m ^ w m |


for th e p o ste r, a s such.roinpofeit# p ro d u c tio n o f tb e t las« w as p rin tod in tl selec ted fo r re p ro d u c tio n as a 1 '*ver <i«*- sign it w as n e c e s sa ry to redraw tt in reverse a u J on a reduced scale in gg (he page T h I . re q u ire d several hours of w ork and w aa done by R oom l.up- mnn a m em ber o f th e c lass , wh traced It on (he lino leum sheet

At th is s ta g e tho cover became ap rin tin g p ro p o s itio n . leav ing the s u ­pervision of fbe d ra w in g teacher. M is.Marv i Uoodell. and pass in g to thedirection of Mr B raun . The p rin ting ............

ircii th e m ak in g of n ine linoleum I Btr(, , t >nd W av erl t . and th e ru n n in g of th a b " 11"

h the p re ss n ine tim es tpi order o lu ra a# ust-d In tho

S k e tc h e s o f I ts th re e succes sive p rin c ip a ls a re g iv en .

G eorge O. F. T a y lo r w a s th a f irs t, hi# te rm e x te n d in g fro m 1873 to 1899. His c h a r a c te r a n d w o rk w ere h igh ly com m ended by th o e e w ho knew him a# the head o f th e schoo l, th e m ag asin e tells. H is e a r ly l lfa w a s one of toll, it i# p o in ted o u t. F o r y e a rs he w orked a t a s h o e m a k e r’s b en ch , u su a lly w ith a book open b esid e h im . W hen w*ork w as s lack he a t te n d e d Irv in g to n A cad­emy an d la te r N e w a rk A cadem y. A fte r he had e n te re d th e te a c h in g profession he co n tin u ed s tu d y in g , d ev o tin g S a t­u rd ay s and v a c a tio n s to advanced courses

At Mr T a y lo r’s d e a th E lm er K. S ex ­ton. now one o f th e a s s is ta n t c ity su p er- Intendetit.H. w as a p p o in te d t«> th e v a ­cancy, com ing to C e n tra l A venue from Ann 8tr«***t School. T h e p re sen t p r in ­cipal. B en jam in C M iner, a lso served a t Ann S tree t b e fo re g o in g to C en tra l

T he d ev e lo p m en t o f ph y sica l t r a i n ­ing, niuM.- and th e m a n u a l a r ja a life* the o p en in g o f th e schoo l la ou tlined In th e E m b ry o T he m agax lne t»

honi p r in t shop.

charte rs?Five—W hen will day ligh t saving begin

tn many la rge E aste rn cities'*Six—W hat subject haa Senator Edge

announced he will debate"Seven —W hat bids w ere received on tho

Newark l*ort a rm y Ivaae*

LOCALOne—W hat w ars som a of

passed or M o a te d by tho LagkdotSM) • • Jt] It closed Its eeosions fo r tbo p a a r ia f r i | | bfHo? Wtflch has tho Governor How many did he veto?

Two— W hat wet I-know s Newariisr, marly In the circus an d tho hotol neae. died?

Three — As to tra ff ic on w hat haa there been wide discussion? proportion* as to regulation of have been advanced*

Four— W hat society a f profaosldgfl| gg | men celebrated its tw elfth s i l l l lW b iy jsjjT by opening a new auditorium ?


One—W hat new novel by Zona G a lt has appeared*

Two— W hat govororooat departmoafeheld a conference a s to rad io? W k T i suggest Ions a s to w avo lengths W grip n.ade" What w arning a s to ^opyrigk8«i4i*l songs used w as given by a r tp i seen ta iled <>f song au thors, com posers an d pub­lish e rs’ .M

SFORTS.One—W ho is the s ta te cham pion In

ketbail among the public schools?ihe private schools?

T x o - W h a t meet was bald


One—In a le tte r to a friend tell w'hat your school has been doing in preparation for the final subm ission o f essays In the Perm anent Industria l Contest

Two— P repare a plea e ither tn favor of or against allowing Jitneva to continue on Broad street.

Three—-Describe th e m ost exciting event in an ath le tic con test th a t you recently attended.

arm ory? Who w ere some of tha 1

RAPID QUIZ, o n ,— w in th , I'm tra Mtetce

th . S o rt* R u n la n governm ent'’Tv. o— w tu t b ill, h e , G overnor

approved ’Three— W het b ill, h ra h , v j t l l C iFour—Will r rm ld e p t H erd ing ctefc A

rrnom inal Ion ?Five— W hen will day ligh t ra r in g k e g te t six—On w hat a trra t t , a n e ttm ngt t e 4

h , m ad , t s fu r th er re g u la r , Irc f fte •au ­d ition ,'’

Seven—W het t r a m , won a te tc eltete' p lonihlp. In b u k a tb c IlT

Eight—By w het mran* I, Bcrtte raid to hav« encouraged r r a le tc n r . In te » ,| Ruhr? J

Saylor to Give Organ Recital In the Temple B’Nai Jeshurun

th is sp rin g nor do they s to rie s read o r

by them , the s to rie s questions tf ftlmift and l*o rea lly under#t<

requ *h«-ctlootigt<, reproduce th

— u l n , in w rl.ln *M i l <>“*' >- K‘' pn1 I n d i c a t e d b> .1 d c p , r i m . r . t h - e d e d ."Th lr» by l . t i l - V o lk s " W ith J - ' iren t ion t h , o n r -p a r a x r a p h ra a a js m

P n u m b er n ro no t o rig inal.aasn m e to b r Tlrcy a r r

Id to th a U til" puplia and re to ld an d w r it te n and r e u r l tL n

B efo re th s ch ild ren re te ll th e y a re waked many d ra w ou t th e ir Impree-

. u h t h e r they have 1. fo r th e re boys and

g irls com e la rg e ly from ho m e, w here E nglish Is no t sp o k en , and eon)etlme» U h a . beeu found th a t th e lr read ing and use of w o rd s have been w ith little u n d e rs tan d in g .

Tony W rlle s e f H4« Deg.T h s ex cep tion to th e g e n e ra l ru le in

th is school m a g a z in e Is l i t t le Tony Ma ia n g a 's com position . “Mv I>«*K Ton> a co n trib u tio n cam # q u ite spon taneously and w as p r in te d aimchange, and seem * in indi special m e thods adoj: th re e y€*arB in . _ .E n g lish a re ben r in g fru it. Tony ia in th# th ird gra<le and i'J seem s pr«*b-able th a t he w ill .............. ... Hi-e ig h th g ra d e a tm B jW fc UB *“ • g u ag e hand icap . i i a 'e in an j p redecesso rs H is com position

“My d o g 's nnm

R odnsy S a jlo r . o rg a n is t . asa!»t#d by M ary P o tte r , c o n tra lto , w ill give, undet th# auaplce# o f th e W onvan'k Abboi ia- tion of T em pi# B 'n a l J e a h u ru n . th# th ird m onthly co n ce rt In th a t tem ple High

avenue , to ino riow a fte rn o o n at 3 SG o 'c lock . The fo llo w ­ing p ro g ram w ill b# p re sen ted t* rg an --

<a) Scherao fro m S o n a ta No

(b) In te rm ezao . o n g - ' My H eart a t Th:

G u ilm an t............. H ollinsD ear Vot«n"

S a in t-S aenaO rg a n --

(a ) C anon Op 66 Schum annib ) "Song of S o r ro w ''.....................Nevln(c> "M arche P it to re a q u e ' . K ro eg cr

Song—"Bong o f th e R obin W om an”('adm an

O rg an —(a ) "M ed ita tio n ” fro m " T h a is " ..

M assenet(h i “H a lle lu ja h " c h o ru s from "Th#

Me s s l a h " ......................................H andelTh# co n ce rt ia f r e e to th e public

w H bout th a t t h l

•d \v ith in tw o *>r School In teach ing

of hra

is B ohhle He2:30 P. M — J o in t pro jp-am . given by J w a trp dog W hen 1 corns from school

A ndrades L in d eav , p ia n is t ; Mrs. H. | r u „ 8 a ll a ro u n d me H# h a rk s a\ K ing R es vis. so p ra n o ; C arro ll C lark . | n(# m s ta il is long and lo» atandH upb a rito n e ; M arlon d u n bo* 'ce llis t, and A thas B a r r in g to n , te n o r .

3;30—-F ash ion ta lk fo r wom en.W R A P .

W E A F w ip b ro a d c as t to n ig h t 7:90— " N ia g a ra F a lls J u n io r .” ta lk by

T. K e n n a rd T hom son , eng ineer.7.46— C o n cert by th# A lfred U n ive rs ity

Gle# C lub ; a d d re ss by D r. Booth# C. D avis. D. D.. L L l».,A lfred U n iv e rs ity ; v io lin solo by B en­jam in M. V o lk ; vocal so lo by R ay W. W ingate , acco m p an ied by Ada Becker S e ld le r ; r e a d in g by I rw in A. Conroe.

9— P lano re c i ta l by F e lia n G arsia.9:15— "A. New R u ss ia n S a in t," ta lk by

C h artea H . J o h n so n o f th e A m erican I re lie f a d m in is tra tio n .

6 :J6 --8 o lo i by C a rr ie D* Voe, d ra m a tic soprano.

6:46— P lan o re c ita l by M r. G arsia. j On M onday th is s ta t io n w ill p re s e n t : I

4 P. M.—Bongs b y m a te q u a r te t of P iedm on t C ollege.

4:30— R ec ita l by F r a n c s s C. M iller, d r a ­m a tic s o p ra n o s .

4:45—C hild im p e rs o n a tio n s by Sh irley Hess.

5—R ec ita l by M iss M iller.5:16—C h ild Im p e rso n a tio n s .

WBB.WB8 w ill b ro a d c a s t to m o rro w :

1 R. M.—-P rog ram b y B illy Birk*s W hits

He is a l i t t l e d«B He b ite s everybody th a t hl»a him . H ie ee ra a re long. IB s lege a r# b row n. Hr eta> a up ail n ight | to ae# If any hod v k ic k s h is dish !u ; th# m orn ing he ru n s a ro u n d th# yard • and he b eg in s to b» r .ind wag his tail j

M< K iiiiey Is one o f th# firi»t tw ■ schools ftut on an a l l -y e a r plan an* though th# p rin c ip a l, W a l te r J Greer,| | i believes th e In s ta n ce s a r# exception .il , ■where a ch ild can su ccessfu lly i the tw o y e a rs g a m over th e eel h av ing th e lo n g v aca tio n , he


h » i.« f:v r r . . \ k.a h ' £ » »y.» Special Noon Day Serv ices Each

Day Durin# Holy Weeki s o n « c * H r r i r A i .I) ,|R __aK H V II'K12:30---VI VtiK

, |„ n . l n .— HKV . J . « . HO U i l iD . n .D .F i l i n H a l ie r M. M. K. ( k n e l l

Yweeday— HK1 • J . B« KKNNAI 'g s to r t e s t e s a r y M. B. fk«M %

d e d r e a f a y —H l . i . KA 1(1. K . H I IBBY P a s to r It «•# v I lie M. E . f 'h a rch

T b u red ay — R E V . < ABU, BA8H P a s to r K n lc k e rb o e h c r Ave. M. E. < h lir rh . B ro o k ly n

F riday— PASSION PLAY M oving P ic tu re#

S a tu rd a y — R E V . B. F . OICK IM O N P a s to r t c n tra l M. B. Cknrefc


T he M o tln g P ic tu re s o f th e P assion Play W ill Also Re Show n F r id ay

E v e n in g n t 4i o ’t loch „

iiko echo..Is

W ay O rc h e s tra , p re s e n te d by D anny Sullivan .T om orrow th is s ta t io n w ill p re sen t:

P. M.— “H ow B o lsh ev ism R uined R u ssia a n d W hy I t M u st W ork R uin W h erev er T r ie d ." le c tu re by Dr. N ew ell D w ig h t H lllia . p a s to r o f P ly ­m ou th C h u rch , B ro o k ly n .

S:40— Men’s c o n fe re n ce In th e B edford B ranch , Y. M. C. A.. B rook lyn , w ith Dr. S. P a rk e a C adm an. M usic by G lo ria T ru m p e te rs .

7:20— M usibal p ro g ra m fro m C apttol T h e a te r, N ow Y ork .

I— R ec ita l f ro m th e S k in n e r O rgan C om pany 's a u d ito r iu m . Now York C ity , by H e n ry F . S e ib e r t

WBS.wfll broadcast tonight i 7:80—Musical program by tho Olsa

Ridge Masqueraders.______.

DR. M. JOSEPH TWOMEY. will -rarah oa

“ Anthony and Cleopatra”m D* T ra

t e r a i R r a . t e f r a tA 4 . S M te Tm m m •* W —

"Why Jesus Came to Earth”L E C T IR E BY

S. E. DINSDALEAt 771 B ro ad S t. Near Market


Sunday, March 25,3 P. M.g ra ta F re e * • Collect*®*

All W elcom eAsspft##* ®f International BIW»

M odests' Association

Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal Church .

Broad S tm t and Fourth AvenueSunday. li:08 A M ‘Christ # D#»th #

Substitutionary Sacrifice.••-"•Christ Wd NotTuesday, 8:18 P M

Dsscsad 1st® H e ll’*Thursday. 8 P M —Annual Union Com­

munion ; sermon by Rsv. J#ro#s B. Kotina, r « v . Dr. Charles t«ee Reynold# also taking part. «

“Ths Darkest

Iter. D r. R o b e r t W . P ea ch , Rector

Gera Friday, l . :M A. M - D .r la t h , WWld', HWtory ’’


Good Friday Night, March 30In th e

Christ Reformed Church

W a sh in g to n an d D e lav an A venues 7 (45 P. M.

JOHN C. MEDD, M. D.n t V n t T a r t ( I t , , W ill .p e a k nn

“The Vicarious Atonement of Jeans Christ”

A naplcrs E v a n g e lis t ic C o a n l t t r # o f K ew arh . E v e ry b o d y W elcom e!

Great Palm Sunday Subjects! DR. ROSE at 11

Fin a l H a rm o n y of A ll Souls w ith G od

I l lu s t r a te d L e c tu re 7*45

19 22 Passion P la yF i r s t T im e t n A m orim

Church of the RedeemerB read O ppoofto C ity H a ll

Service, Good Friday, 8 P. M.

Methodist Episcopal ChurchMatte M W alaut »««- R u t Oraaaw

Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church

Simuncr Ave. and Kearny S t

DORR FR A N K D IR FR H D O RF M te ta tw

JAN E8 BRETT RENNA. Minister WUt Pws rfc Tomorrow

*11 A. I L - d a H w t i

•Tbe Christ of th# Moun­tain Top”

iM M g a n k s d g a s # A vw seP r c o b jr tsr ia R C t a r c h

k o S H

11:00 A. M.—-The Crons, the Sign of Conquest

7:46 P . M.—Jestis and the World’s Lost

Th* f t — rr Choir—A Notrarkm m m m

Good Luckla th o u g h t to go a lo n g w a r . b u t G o od Ju d g m o o t goos fh rth o r.

TO V IC a s


•The Ton th a t Is alw ays R oliablo."

FLOOR FINISHLet the Attic DisgorgeC h AIRS, dressers, or tables now resting in dust-l*den repose, should be in active service downstairs.Save them with KYANIZE Floor Finish, the ideal, easy- working, water-proof varnish. Eight shades, from Light Oak to Dark Mahogany, or clear varnish if you prefer.Tough enough for floors — the very reason it’s ideal for furniture.

G U A R A N T E E — Absolute satisfaction whan appMad a* d ir e c te d , or m o n ey back for tba em p ty can.


HRRK’* OI K TRIAL dFFKR ON KYANIZR FLOOR FINISH r u t nut th's advertisement, bring tt to th# store of any of th#

riealrrs iis»#d »n«i psy- IS r#nt« f<»r # good bru#h t® a p^ly theKyanitr. You! Floor Finish, rr ugh t<

• apply theff*o of charge n quarter-pint ran of RyoaJse

finish a chair or small table Choice of 8 colors.

Manufactured by BOSTON VARNISH CO.New Jreaey Office. 340 Hillside Av®., Null*?. Tolepheae W i g 1884

NEWARK DEALERSG. L.-KJmtneri# A Bros, 391 Spring- | (' H« hn#id#r J r . 418 Orange gt.

n#l<1 A v# 1 H L Houaman. Inc., 1039 So. OrangeArthur 8 a a |w w f> 401 Clinton Avo. I AveRising A Thome, 4T6 Broad ^t IVdliam Ruvlnsky, Tt WashlBgteaA A R ippl. 41 Market Ht Ave.Robert Cook. 2T2 W ashington Av#, \\ it ftrudder. 389 Belleville Ave.

EAST ORANGE DEALERSEast Orang# Hardware C o. O Main | J H. Lindsay, 97 Fourth Ave.

* ' | r. I., K arl., 1,1 North Park SI.J. H Owtn. In e . 489 Central Av# | • F Wcner J r , lfa ia I t.

Sf H t’RRAN DEALERSOrgnjts- Oranf#

Main HtIrv inrien- -Wm.

Springfield Av#.



241 Hdwe. Co.. M l

R#U#v!!ie—Georg# R atty ir Son Nat ley—C B. John#. 1*4 t ’hsstnut

Ht.E llseb^h—Bdward McK#*Rehelle— B. V. Tuttl# ro.(ranford—Fr#d H. Jahn Bloom field—Hallinan Bros.Vprnna H. J. 8h#rtdan ArUmrt oa » Fr#d Rubl Hontclair—Montclair Decorating Co. Maplewood—H V. Fraeot*#!.MUlharn—H T. Tl#«r M rathfldd—w . 'r . Johaucn

-Trow b rid e . * A (t » f .k rW f.

|*8—A r1 - - ^ - J. H.

Paaaale—Radnor Fasaaic fit

P a m ir Park—Matthew® H ard* ore St or a

Paterson—N. V«anboer. McBrideAv#

Palersee—J. w . W alkar Hdwe C a, 177 Market gt

Paterson—Hubbi riser B rea, Unloa Ava.

Clifton—Van Revren A Son# Rutherford—John W.’ Young A Co. M i l Ruthwrferd—R. Cleans.

‘hors*—G«orx« H. Babooek k—Georg# Dobaum

.. - -Ooore# W. B akerPaosllsa giaalley Rroa.Plainfield—HaJton Company Homsrrf lb John A. H artm an

Faint Co.

e i e l e c t h i e yY O U H H O M E

^Concerning Building and C onstruction|D ld Devine Residence

In Park Place Is Sold To Fiedler Concern

Real Estate. Insurance Corpora-

lion to Erect Own Building

on Homestead Site.

H O M E TO BE F E L L E D B Y H A N D O F P R O G R E S S . T Princeton Residence,

Of Historic Interest, Bought by Financier

|Former Home of John W. Garrett, j

Long in Diplomatic Service, {

Sold to Edgar Palmer t j u u m




30-Beautiful Building Lots-30 To Be Sold i t Absolute Public Auction

By JOHN J. HAYES, Realty AuctioneerThen* Iota a re located In V erona on H ighland road, Birch

road and O verlook road and P a rk place on the Pompton * tu rn p ik e .

Bus passes th e property. Rale w ill be held at contor H igh land road an d Porapton turnpike a t 3 P. M. on Saturday, M arch 31. 1933. •

Thiu Is one o f tha fln eat residentia l section* In Verona and these lots w ill be sold regard less o f price to the h igh est bidder. For fiffther Inform ation,

Land Development & Finance Co., Inc.222 Market S t, Newark, N . J. Phone MHcheB 2601

m k k t t u b R n m n m r a n v i M n u u R o c a mNEXT I A T I R IU T A ND SUNDAY AITBENOONI


A rtistic Fixtures Vacuum Cleaners

W ireless Apparatus


P a v k O e c ttk fy m p a ip 15 Central Ave.

T im e has cast the shadow of Its d> ^ ® * ji|fS y ln g hand upon another of New-

%rke re s id en tia l land'nirks. and a ith m gSYsral months tne < Id L>evine henrn

Iff 14 Park place will »*» conurtrU lu te a modern offtoa build tug The PjSldrnre Is between the tow ering V eils o f the Newark Athletic «’luh and th e skeleton of what was or.re the residence of Mrs Elsie Prddt*. InuYage, new being torn down t«» m ake S l y for the now build ing of the Fir«- men s Insurance Company.

The Darin# nropert), which t* now seen plod by Mrs Arthur Devine a* I her daughter, w as purchase.j to is week by the Fiedler Corporat loo. Which now occupies one-hslf a floor in

life; th e Firem en's building The Fieri l*-; rdffeeern has secured the Isnd l . t- -m m *

Hs recent development and Inabsh.y h find Its present quarters spa«W«ua

H r j hpllgh. Arthur Uevtne and Paul I' g . Dovlne, sons o f the lat* Arthur !>*•- ^ ^ td k S , who for many >ear» lived In tn.* g | did Pack place mansion, r ep re sen tI ' their father's esta te In the tran»n« -

M E .- Th# building TV it stands at present tS four stories high, with a sub-ba;***- ntent. It Is o f red brick construction With bro VA atone trim m ings sorem iniscent o f the architecture of o th e r f c r » It Is tho plan of the Fleon r concern to remodel tne building thut Its architectural features w ill conform

Ith th o se Of the Athletic t lu h and the F irem en* building. The real-

set back thtrty*efght feet th e building ling, but It fa pro-

p M jj>sd to bring too front o f the build* t t a f forward In line with the adjoin .

' i t n f structures.j p F la* Three-Story Building.

__The plot ti tw enty-flvo feet front Uyjj§jPP* foot In depth. ( present plans call

| Ibr g three-storv lim estone front M piBgturSk The fram e of the old resl- | | W t l n is i many o f Its palatial interior mBw Mw s Sri such as open fireplaces* etc., ■ Will b s retained as much aa possible.

AMWHo tb s fact that the number of I# to be decreased from four to T h is w ilt be don# by com bining

tb s sub-basem ent w ith the first floor *»d th e to u H A floor w ith the third. T b s tw o upper floors w ill be used by

m F lod lsr concern for Its offices, H I M # ith * main floor w ill be turned

P rin ce to n Is a tow n o f anci. nt | shade treea , spV ndtd G othic unh< r- j a lty bu ild ings, res idences w ith in w tr ■•*** ( w a lls sleep m any s ec ie ts of h la fo r.c j in te re s t T hus w hen ch an g es <•«."» a newr build ing re a rs Ms atone sh o u l­ders. a fam ilia r tree fa lls before ti e I a s s . a h.*us“ steeped In roman* ** *-f j o th e r days chan*;*-s hands, th e Prl < * - ton fo lk and o thers . t6o, lis te n w ith j In te res t

P r ln ce to n lan s andtoo lans. to g e th e r w ith had occasion t<» v isit p e rh ap s r e ra ft the


In Some Parts of Manhattan Today One Square Foot of Land Is Rented j

for More Cold Cash Than the Whole Island (.ost the 1Dutch Settlers Many Years Ago.

If th e Indian* who fo ld M an h a ttan ' Is lan d to th e Dutch se ttle rn for abou t

• n e spacious office which w ill be I $24 (In c lu d in g u few plum ed h a ts and

!•* th s transaction w e fs ■ p e d th is w eek , but building opera- gBffljSff W#H not be started until Mrs. |>«- _MB!» Wo k ss to other quarters. It is IffB llcIp ated th at building w ill start I g U * . tllp* I** 4hs early summer, and ■ P w proposed structure w ill be ■ g P g W fU g c u p B B c y by early fall. The ■MLjNM HffBff w ill be about 160 feet

rem aining back yard Witl be used for a time, a t least.

J * » * f * nutom obiles owned by mem* ™ F 2 X . P * ******** Wh*t fu ture use

m ay be put to has ,ae yet p R I been disclosed.

Avenue Plot * r a | Sold to Manufacturer

p p o n ia il Concern Purchase* Land

<f,. 25,000-Foot Area forj |y Future Development.

Other Activities of Past Week

th e ch ie f c itie s of A m erica and C anada. I* of in te res t to the re a lto r and the

| ow n er vof real eata tc A lm ost every y has Its own s to ry to te ll. N ew ark

b o tt le s o f prc-V olstem l s tu f f ) shou ld I recen tly revealed an am using one w h r ti com e hack from th e ir happy h u n tin g I It w as announced th a t p ro p e rty g ro u n d and view th**lr enle they w ould | the co rn e r of M arket p ro b ab ly declare em p h a tica lly th a t ( a tre e ta whic^i th e y w ere Indlan g lvers T hey 'd w an t < f/*r

1 • Ath e ir is lan d back, n o t c a re < to p a rt w h ich cam e In I

a lth o u g h they m ight w ith th e red liquid


I B roada tre e ta w hich In 1824 w as pu rch ased f/»r $2,250 w as sold for $250,000

A m an in D etro it. acco rd ing to an -

Tha sugge* lion l« rid,fell joy s. ofcourse. but It serves t<» show howvaluahl e New York City land h:i * he-come. Otj« of America « largest knit -tltiK mills. It Is pointed out I11v thelocal Read Kritate Hoard. has n storea t the corner of Fifth avenue a ndF o rty -sec o n d s tre e t for w hich an a n ­n u a l r e n ta l o f STo.non i* paid. T his a m o u n ts to $86 per s i j i i .i r«* foot. o r a b o u t tw o an d one-ha lf tim.*« ibe o rlg -Inal p u rch ase price of the e n tire Is land / T h is la p robab ly a* high a re n ta l as in b e in g pa id an ) w here In th e w orld. I t la said.

T h e Ihcrease In bu ild ing nnd land v a lu e s , w hich is to be no ted In all

\ o th e r s to ry . Inherited an Im proved lo t I j n e a r the h ea rt of the c ity , iand and I build ing* being w orth ap p ro x im a te ly J $40.Oho. not m any years back . T oday ' th is p ro p e rty re n ts fo r $42.5'*o a y e a r ( I T he value o f business p ro p e rty , a* - J co rd in g to th e Heal E s ta te B oard. Is I dep en d en t not only on grow th o f po p ­

u la tio n b u t a lso on the in c re a s in g I volum e o f b usiness in A m erica It has

been e stim ated th a t th e Volume of A m erican business g row s a p p ro x i­m a te ly six per cent, each y ear. 1» is fa ir to assum e, therefor**, th a t b u s i­n ess * p ro p erty va lues In A m erican c itie s have not yet reached th e ir h igh p o in t and th a t th e re a re s t i l l fo r tu n e s to be m ade fo r the w ise and fa r-se e -

o f Ing investo r. -

fo rm er P rim e- th e rs who h a ' e the place, w 'll

a r r e t t p ro p erty at 8 to ck to n s tre e t and B a )a rd lane, w hich w as sold th is week th ro u g h the o ff ' « of W illiam I*. 1 'lyat of P rin ce to n to E d g a r P a lm e l ..f New Y ork and H>e. N. Y Mr I a lm er Is p re s id en t o f the New Jersey Zinc I'nn ipany.

Mr P a lm er Is a g ra d u a te oY P rince ton P n u e ra U y . c ls^s of 1903. and the only s<>n of th e la te S tephen Talm er. who w as a tru s te e of P rin ce to n I 'n l- v e rs lty He has b* en liv ing in FVIn- e- ton d u rin g the past w in te r and occupy­ing “W estland ." the residence of the la te P res id en t G rover C leveland. It Is expec ted th a t Mr P a lm er w ill Improve th e G a rre tt p ro p erly and m ake It his home d u rin g most o f the year, sp en d ­ing h is sum m ers at Kye.

H o m e lis a H is to ric lateeest.T he G a rre tt p roperty is one o f the

o ld est o f P rin ce to n ’s haUtcsn* esta te* . I t has a fro n tag e on Hi -ckton s tre e t of 2*f fee t and 539 feet on B ayard lane. T h t house, o f colonial design , la bu ilt o f b rick and con ta in s tw en ty room*. In ad d itio n th e re a re a c h au ffe u r 's co t- ta g r . g a ra g e and Servants* q u a rte rs . T he m ansion s tan d s in a p a rk w hich is b e au tifu lly laid out In tre e s and s h ru b ­bery . F o r m any y ears th e residence w as one of the P rin ce to n hom es of the T o tte r fam ily and wan su b seq u en tly occupied by R ichard S tock ton Conover, and la te r by the M isses S tevens.

A ftd rw a rd It w as ow ned and o c ­cupied by the la ta I*ero> H A nderson, t re a s u r e r of the P n ited New Jersey R ailro ad & Ganal <*«» In th e n tn d ie s It w as occupied by Mrs. T. H arrison G a rre tt o f fla ltim re. w hile h e r son* w ere a t the u n ive rs ity . A fte r th e ir g ra d u a tio n . I t w as p u rchased by John W. G a rre tt o f the c la ss of 1895. who fo r m any years w as in the d ip lom atic serv ice , being m in is te r to Veneguela. A rg e n tin a and th e N e therlands am ong o th e r posts, and who a f te r his re tu rn from th is serv ice w as sec re ta ry g en era l o f the *I>lsarmament C onference called by P res id en t H a rd in g and held In W ash ing ton

W hile n e ith e r the fo rm er ow n«r no r the p u rc h a se r has d ivu lged the am ount of m oney involved In th e tra n sac tio n , it Is sa id th a t Mr. G a rre tt held the p ro p e rty a t $150,000. T he tra n sac tio n is one of the la rg e s t s in g le rea l e s ta te sa le s ev e r m ade In P rin ce to n , It is said.

Ineluit*- m r n t tm tW hmi»« nt 106* | a t 7« N»»hilt « r*e t. *30.«00: (J , « t * h o n s is tln g of g a rag e a t 176-7* WIHIam street. $20,000

K * 1* o t **• la r* « , t com m ercial aaiea g i i » * • w eek n a n th a t o t a p a rce l of g W * » t 228*42 Now Jcrecy R ailroad | |p t* * u a . Thla p ro p a rty cn n atltu tea th e jgjjW h * Wock f r o n t ln , on th e ra ilro ad

ru n n in g from C heatnu t a free t to c ^ ' y t r a lra e t. T he purchaaer, w hich ^ M ev red th ^ p ro p e rty th ro u n lr the n f . W fk H e t i tiOUla Bchlealnxer. Inc.. « ,■ the KSP*®*** C kem lcal A M an u fac tu rin g

I f a t p re sen t located a t th e S i i f i f lk e s s t co rn e r o f New J e rse y R a ll-

S avenue and Chestnut street.• |dot w as owned by Joseph V.

■'IgF®. president o f Job De Camp. Inc. M i f - p r e p w i y has 218 feet on Railroad

16* fee t on Oliver street and *m Chestnut street. The to ta l

M « f the property Is 25,000 feet' I tk lio v ia . Chem ical A M anufac-

Co. is en g ag ed In th e b u sin ess / P i P tS itu fa^ tu rlfig liquid go lds a n d 1ns- g H M i o r s to r # I m and* i^tass d e co ra - W m k T h sy a lso m an u fac tu re t h e m -

B a l t ic quarts lam ps fo r th e n o d ic a l v l | | dsntu! processions.

th ^ k p s B t tc q u a rts lam ps a re s ^ B p iq i throughout th e co u n try and a re

WpHt fo r tre a tm e n t of a w ide v a rie ty J l^ f f lg s a a e a , e spec ia lly fo r fuberculosiii.

w ool Infections, sk in d iseases an<l in a i- nutrition. M any o f th e local h o sp ita ls Bke equipped w ith these lamps.

recently acqu ired site h a s been M . lbased to provide fo r fu tu re expan-

No im m edia te im provem ent la contem plated.

* k '/T h e com pany w as ret>resented In th o tra n s e c tio n by W. R ichl and F \V. R obinson. T he se lle r w as rep re sen ted leg a lly by John F. M urray J r

Sixth Street Property Sold. Property at 49 South Sixth s tre e t .

i consisting of a th ree -fam ily dw elling OP a lot 31x100 feet, has been sold

&'■ through the o ffice of George F\ H ew- SOSI by A lexander A Simon D corken to

* M krtln B um bal. The new ow ner, a f te r alteration s in add ition to e rec tin g a

: , three-car garage, w ill occupy one of : th e apartm ents

P ro p e r ty a t . 618 South O range av e- %■ fine, c o n sis tin g of s th re e -s to ry b rick % fchUdtng w ith six ap a r tm e n ts and a s MMg1* s to re on the ground floor, ha*K Iffen sold th ro u g h the sam e office bv ■ Rev. P ln k u s G ladstone to Venanxio

^c jU te lsn L As soon as the preset»t lease yaffil th e store expires, the new ow n er

to p i *t up as a cafe and P/:.«iBtkursnt.l^ .^rrBBO rty ot 189-191 W eequahic ave-

»»Uiv‘has beep sold for F*.mll Eyricb to ^ ^ P n o b s th R Plcoakv for Immediate

’'pigsession. The property consists o f ^ ^ pfcsro-famllv fram e dw elling on a lor

; g |g 100 feet. The house contains four- rooms, tw o sun parlors and mod-

§ m tm proveroenis, The saie was made ^trough tt»s office o f Harry J. Btevens.

I ^ ^ t k t r pales reported through the E m m * o ff ice Include: The three-fam ily

dw dlling at 21 North F ifth .street, sold W k iff Frank U Gaffney to Catherine j

fflK kley. This sale was made In co- gjpsration w ith the office o f Frank M. I

r-'-TEriinlrtn o f Orange. The new colonial > r.^ p p llin g being completed at 33 R ich- |

■"ItMlm place, sold to James P. Carpenter H | | K Turk. Mr. Carpenter plans to ,

jffriipr thu dw ellin g upon tak in g title .J .n u h a . Mid th , tw o-fam ily

..DIMN* dw.UlnET at l t - l« laalx-ita ave- p S E ~ t a Owar** H. F u ll.r . th rou th the SSBV de#. efCIce. The property la located

t , , t ard has sixteen ate steam heaters and e lec-

f lig h ts. Thare is a one-car garage, p rsp sr tr w as pprahssed * for p e f -

f i R t o ' office - lU ch e l F. Z T W k gold tho six-room , one-

A lt Balmont avenue M u l t - * R a m a n . Mr. Herman

tp iM ta il .team heat M < a l.e - _M a aad w ill occupy th* pr«m l«.s

BHNHfU**' ‘■ 8 , 'a f f to , 0t H atha w a ri foRawtnp *al.« have been fpm lly hom . e l Edward C.

t Qpharn. terrann. onn.tatina

“ fW fajri ttrh -tam - l •»«>'

G rove s tre e t . Irv ingtnn six room s nn«l hati». ow ned l>y Mrs. M aud O w ens, sold to Jo seph ine I .aP U n t . o n e -fam ily home of C harle s M ayers. 148 l*ehtgh averTUe. co n sis tin g of e ig h t room s and sun parlo r, on a pL f 4;*x100 fe e t, w ith a one-ear g a rag e , sold A l\in C h am b er lin : one-fam ily hom e of Mr*. Jo sep h in e K unge of 17 S ten g e l avenue..o n s is t ln g o f eight room s, sun p a rlo r and b a th , on lot 5i)xl«»0 feet and h av .n g a tw o -c a r g a rag e , so ld to W illiam A. A sm ut n. A

T ho tw o-fam ily brl> k d w e llin g a t 38 B le e rk e r s tre e t Ua* been sold th ro u g h th e f ‘rm »*f J. lv MamiiHson. ln<-. for A braham Y adkowskv to M y. K steile T. M erritt Mrs. M erritt e x p e r ts to oc ­cupy th e p rem ises nt an ea r ly tint**.

B u sin ess p roperty a t 41 F o u r th s tre e t , co n ja ln in g one s to re and five flitts , h a s been sold th ro u g h th e sam e o ff ice fo r th e P aram oun t R ealty p an y to K eaw ury Dembsky The b u .ld - ing Is o f fram e co n struction on a plot o f g ro u n d 25x100 feet.

hantow ifx A Bowyer. two three-fam ily dwellings at Sfix and 370 Chadwick ave­nue. $19,000 each

•S. Ruben, t h r e e - f a m i l y dwelling a t 109 R e s i le S t ree t . $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 . H. Cnmiro. stores ar.d dwelling a t 194 W arren s t r e e t . $17.- SOO . Bookbinder A W annerrnan. dwelling a t K 2 - 6 4 Goldsmith a v e n u e . $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 . E. Plunkett, dw pi e, $12,000at 119 and f>00 each ; J.35 fieaumon dwelling at Russell A S F'rfllnghuysen Muller.$10,000; I*. Hubtrg, dwelling a t 291 Plane street. $10,000; C. C. Jaeger, stores a t 216 Runyon street. $10,000; W uellntch Cons. Co., dwelling a t l C arolina avenue. $10,000.

veiling a 1 x:1 M'•nf Uvell** ave-; I). O. Kvsns. 1[Wit <1 welling.'*121 Go!deni Ith aven ilf. $12.-

. and E. II. Hop-r. dw elHng a tit place. $12,000 . J. Mac!* ter.

2X0 Ly ims avt*nue. $11,000 ;chwartz Co. . fit 4 at 1135en avenue, $10.500 . W. G.‘lllng a t 20- 22 Keer avenue.

Tenement House Plans ApprovedB uild ing co n stru c tio n v a lu ed a t J

$1,075,600 w as approved th is w eek bv j th e 8 tx te Board of T enem ent H ouse .Supervision. Of th is am ourit $244,600 w as fo r co n struction and a l te ra t io n in

he i th is c ity and Included. B ritm an . G or- n* j sky & Ellen port. 928-934 B ergen s t re e t ,

tw o th re e -s to ry fram e. $42 ,000 ; Sam uel C lin .an . 790 C linton avenue, fo u r -s to ry b rick . $100,000; Sam uel to llm an, 786 C lin ton avenue, fo u r-s to ry b rick . $100.- 000; F ra n k L s Rica. 415 J e f fe rso n s tre e t , th re e -s to ry fram e, a lte ra tio n , $600; K nullo C arlllo . 171 O liver s t re e t , th re e -

The ! s to .'y fram e, a lte ra tio n , $2,000.O th e r co n stru c tio n ap p ro v ed l a ­

the fees collected amounted t<> $1,791 20 , e lu d e d : . . . . .a , aBalR»t *47«.9«7 *nd 1*05 f.o Cor th« K ra rn y —J» co b R ut«nb*r* . 241-242Mune w e lt In 1022. An uhumwl num ber i >rvIb av*nu?, tw o-R tory fra m - . 112.000. I T J I & 2 S worn l» ,ird -h i. w « k for I H o b o k r n - H . r r y « r « , . 1028 O .r d .n

Building Permit Is Granted For High Street Apartment

Included in the permits issued by Building J>ep#rtmcnt tills week w as one fo r a f *rt> -two-familv ftpertm ent which will be erected at 738-44 High street hy the G G. & S Realty C‘>mp«ny a t a c«*Nt of $1X5.000. The liuiitbng will be f«mr stories In Leigh!.

The number of permits issued this week w as 105 » » ennijHired w ith eightv-fiv uttring the some period last year. er>KtR of the huildings will be* $707,492 and j

Public Auction SaleS A T U R D A Y . M A R C H t i . *• • F . M.

O s ik e Proeercy

4— n * r w - F » m ily D w eIH n g » — INo*. 88-97-M-101 Summer AvenueB stsuss B Io m o field usd Park Avenues.

L ittle c u h ■ sees— ry — Rssy tens*

S A T U R D A Y . M A R C H St. S i I t M F . M . O s the Ptsperty

4—One-Family Dwellings—4Noe. 128-ISO-1,12*134 Emmet StreetSaeh Dwelling Contains 6 R omms. BathEasy Te w Few hnndretl IsUsss will

secure any house.To Inspsot take South Bread trolleys

or Jitney* t i Kmrne: Strest, w alk Short 4tstaacs oast to propsrty.


On tho Property

6 -O n e-F u m ily B r ic k D urriH nge-SNoe. 80-S0A-S2-34-34A-S8 Cloy 8L

(N ear B rood Street)

DweUtnss contain 6 to T rssme cock. Few hundred dot!ore w ill seesvo any

haaoa. Maalspt kind of t m



Pbotie 4860 M kt 26 OlntaR 84.

p riv a te and public garages.A perm it was issued tn th e Kllxabeth

Avenue Presbyterian Church fb r a Sun­day school building at Kllxabeth and W il­bur avenuea, the cost of which will be $36.i>00.

O ther perm its Issued w e te - West Knd Building and Iv a n Asm**iati<>n. additit»n to building a t 866*68 Broad street. $25,-

; I,ouift BrunOtein, two dwellings and »urkg*'s a t 162-64 and 166 Pom ona ave­nue. $40,000; II. Rachtln. dwelling a t 4k- 50 Millington avenue. $25,000; J. J. Jack- son Company, addition to factory a t 160 A stor s treet, $22,000; J. II. Carlo, garage

s tre s t , fo u r-s to ry b rick , a l te ra tio n . $2,000.

J e rse y C ity—B sy a rsk y A R oth s te in , n o rth w e s t co rner B ergen a v en u e And M orton place, fo u r-s to ry b rick , $85,000.

Irv in g to n —- I#eon S ldorow tcs, ITS S outh T w enty-second s tre e t , th re e - s to ry f ra m e ,' $14,000; S tephen B arcaJ, 422 T w e n ty -f irs t street* th re e -s to ry fram e, $14,000.

H ills ide—B ernard M adtng. SK Cos avenue , tw o -s to ry fram e, $1B»060.

O range— N apoleon V lselone, 266 W al­lace s tre e t , th re e -s to ry frAme. a l t e r a ­tion . $3,000. ,

Place Your InsuranceFire—Ante—UsMttty

Through U» inStrong — Old ■— Reliable New England Companies

H i

Save 1-5 of tk e CostMATTHEWS & CO„ Inc.

B B O A il

G A R A G E SBalMHu*

W « M ain M u l l ook l.ll>* WmU. W* t n u , Obfaato



m uun

Garagsm n n o R s



Let Us Build Yes (S » W Our Many Attractive

TO LEY « P 0 R SALEn u n o o r


rmW-H---- -a .....

Monticello ParkSouth Orange Ave., West of Sandford Ave.

Adjoining the handsome and exclusive Montrose Park section, this new 23-acre development is most delight­fully situated. It appeals to those who want a sensibly restricted borne location—healthful and beautiful. Photographs and plans of houses now under construction can be seen by prospective buyers at our office.


You can buy home sites in the Mnplecrest Section of Maplewood, N. J., now and pay less, or you can wait until a future date and pay much more. Every­day that you wait costs money. Hundreds are comiiu; to the Maplecrest Section —the choice spots for homes are slipping away day by day. Thousands of dol­lars are being spent for improvements of every sort—sewers, water, sidewalks, lights, municipal park, a $125,000 club house. Maplecrest is an ideal community. Line up and profit by this rush of activity—don’t wait.

Maplecrest Has Every Advantage for the Home Owner and No Disadvantages

Maplecrert i« truly the garden spot of the “Garden State.” High above the sea level on the slope of the beautiful Orange mountain range. A pretty all year round, well kept restricted community. Beautiful winding roads, a delightful municipal park. Fine modern schools, and a public play­ground supervised by trained instructors. A SI25.000 Country Club House being erected, an 18-holc golf course, tennis courts, etc. Maplewood has churches of every denomination, women's club, lodges and societies.

Maplecrest. the last word in suburban de­velopment, is in the Metropolitan District, less than >30 minutes from the center of Newark by trolley, 35 minutes to New York. Transportation a pltnty and plenty of em­ployment for thousands of men in the large cities all round Maplecrest. Maplecrest values can not be equated anywhere. A large 50&1S0 ft. plot from $1,500 up that can be purchased on liberal terms with the fullest co-operation given home builders.

What excuse have* you for not investi­gating?

Plots 50x150 f t

Investigate Maplecrest Any Way You Will—You'll Invest in It

Maple Crest Development Co.tuy direct Managing Directors—Stoeckel Realty Corp., 82 Monticello Ave.,or thru Telephone Bergen 3130 Jerney City, N. J.

B °ro keT n T*** Office—Geo. p. Ucombe, Agent, 1639 Springfield Ave. at Tuscan RoadTelephone' Bigelow 0743 Maplewood. N. J.


— y<S-v IHBEECH 1

*^7 / | SPBINO 1^*• J J I HILL 1

,,,,,7TTT.... “ Y" Sc. OranO

Add chib* ytV1

DLfVV r.r. | |


H ie Opening o fBEECH SPRING HILLSouth Orange, N. J.

For the Construction of Homes o f the Better Sort

Beech Spring H ill is a beautiful tract o f land lo­cated in th e m ost delightful and fitw ftS p i section of South O range. It lies be­tween R idgew ood Road and W yom ing A ve., northwest o f th e village center, and only gt short distance front two sttttan s o f th e D 4 L. & W . and tro lley line.

formerly com-ig K

tractive w are*.......... 1 M H M

■dsAra s


These plots w ill be closely restricted, and sold on very convenient term s to those who plan d ie construction of homes o f d ie better sort.

Every m odem improve- induding gas, elec-

> p o sa l, etc., tor Bepch

____ be sn abso­lu tely |d ea l residential com*



fTttUxtng th* pr«*t*nt »*nictur«, which la to h« extended and %>tilit upon, p a r­ishioners of Si. F rancis Xavier a <*!iurrh. Ablngton avenue and Seventh street, are preparing to erec* a com b-nation church edifice, school and hall a t a cost <»f -000, work to begin In J u re . P lans for the building have been rtrnwn ry Nc.l ^ Cwi'®ry. archlte<’ . and H«-\ «’am lllus T>. I>f>pontJ, w*o will complete nine > ears a s pastor on April 1

Since repairs at a r f S->.9h0 » « emade to the lower flo*»r » f the clturch.

following the Incendiary blaxa, Octoba# I 14. 1929, which practically destroyed the ' edifice, the congregation has been w or- 1 shlplng there and will conttnue to do

»o during construction work. Th# new 1 edifice will seat 690 persona, four e la te ! rooms will he used a t first In the upper I part of the butldtng end additional room s

will he placed In the rear when necessary. | F ather Lx»ponle aald today th a t In the j two and a ha lf years, since the fire. $29. - I 099 debt has been sa'lsfled H e com ­

mented that the original purchase of the I old Moeller house and three lots, a t an

expense of $9,009 waa quite sa tisfac to ry , a a th e property la w orth $25.000 today. A to ta l of ten lots w as purchased for th e extensive parochial holdings, and th e pa rish Is growtng fast, h s s tated , and now has 2,009 membership.

An svent the parishioners a re looking fo rw ard to Is a big carnival, w hich hi to be held the first week In May. Mon and women are organising com m ittees fo r th e several departm ents of the en te r­prise to be provided and It is expected a substan tia l addition to th e nqw building fund will be provided.

Will Convert Lovett Estate On South Orange Mountain

Into Modern Home SitesThose who or* fa m ilia r w ith th a old

Now Jeraay landm ark* and g anea log lea ■will receive w ith e o e rta ln p e n * o f r e ­g re t the know ledge th a t th e lea t tw e lv e aeree of th* old tx tv o tt e a ta to In S outh O range haa been ap llt up In to plot* w hich w ill be aold fo r realdenco con- a tru e tlo n purpoaoa. T he F ie d le r C o r­pora tion of th ta clt.v h aa been g iven th# roaponatb lllty of co n v er tin g th la t r a c t of land , to bo know n ae Beech S p rin g HUL In to a m odern re a ld e n tla l co m ­m unity .

Th# ootat# one* covered a conald- e rah la portion of th * ao u th o rn elope o f tile O range M ountnine. C overed w ltn ap p le o rchard* and ovory v a r ie ty o f ■ M ta rn trees, th* t r a c t com prised on* of th * m ost b eau tifu l section* In N o rth ­e rn New Jersey . I t w a* *o s itu a te d as to overlook th* v ae t low land* s t r e tc h ­in g o u t to w ard Now Y ork B ay and th* H udson H ire r. Ae ha* been th * caee w ith e a ta ta i Ilk* th is , bo th In A m erica a n d E ngland . It w aa g ra d u a lly s p l i t up an d cold li t t le by l ittle .

T he im posing l» v e t t hom estead a tenda In th e c en te r o f th e rem a in in g tra c t . T he t r a c t tte e lf l ir e Ju st n o rth e f th a South O range F ie ld C lub and n o rth w es t o f the v illa g e of S ou th O r­an**. betw een R idgew ood ro a d and W yom ing avenue. I t Is. In a eense. a ■mall rep lica of th# once ea ten slv * ,* ta te And though th e m arch of c iv il­isa tio n haa tak en up th e au rro u n d ln g U nda w ith homea th a t en h an ce ra th e r th a n d e tra c t from th* b e au ty o f th*

lands, ape. the w onderfu l pan o ram ic ■ lew i.. of courae. unchanged

The land w ill be apllt up Into g o c - eroua-alaed plots, and th o u g h re s tr ic te d w ill be sold on te rm s fo r b u ild in g p u r ­poses. E very m odern Im provem en t w ill be made. It la aald. and though th e t r a c t w ill become an In teg ra l p a r t of S ou th O range, w ith th# m any ad v an tag e * th a t th la v illa** o f f e r s I t w ill h av e ce rta in poin ts o f eu p erto rlty o v e r th* rem ainder. F o r on* th ing . It o c cu p ie s

fnr as' aconlc beau ty goes, th e choicest portion of th e v illage . A ro a d ­w ay will be cu t th ro u g h the r e n te r of th e p ro p erty c irc lin g a round th* Larvott homeaTekd. jo in in g R idgew ood road and W yom ing avenue. Bo fa r aa Is poe- elble th e n a tu ra l beau ty o f th e land w ill be kep t I n ta c t T h a t Is no tre e s w ill be cu t dow n un less a b so lu te ly necessary , and It Is hoped th a t la n d ­scape g a rd en in g w ill be p rac tic ed g e n ­erally .

Long Lease Has Been Taken On Lincoln Park Apartment

Now Reaching Completion

Paramus Education Board Lets Contract (or Two New Schools

The B oard of E ducation o f P a ra rau* . B ergen C ounty, haa co n trac ted fo r th e co n stru c tio n o f tw o schools, w hich a re to be e rec ted In P a lrm o u n t and M id­land avenues, accord ing to B ro w n 's L e tte rs , co n stru c tio n report

T hey w ill be of b rick co n stru c tio n , one sto ry , 35x135 feet, from p lan e p r e ­pared by C. V. R. B o fe rt T he c o n ­t r a c t fo r th e g e n era l co n s tru c tio n of bo th b u ild in g s h as b een aw ard ed to th* K erber C onstruction C om pany, on a bid o f $29,400 fo r each b u ild ln r . T h e h e a tin g has been aw ard ed to C B 4k B. H. S te lnke Co., th e g lu m b ln g to D an ­iel M rC rath A Co. an d th e r le c tr ie w ork t<> C harle s K rsu s.

B u t a few m inor to u ch ss re m a in to be appU ed to th e new W arre n A p a r t­m e n ts a t 5-7 Lincoln P a rk b s fo re th ey w ill be ready for s p rin g occupancy. T h e a p a r tm e n t, w hich ie ow ned by R u ssa ll 4k S ch w arts , bulldera, h a s been leased fo r an u n usually long period of y e a rs to W arren E. F a s tn ac h t. p ro p r ie to r o f th e T rem o n t House a t 6# P a rk p lace.

C o n stru c tio n w as s ta r te d on tk s a p a r tm e n t m ore th a n a y e a r a g o , b u t p ro g re s s w as slow . T he apartm en t* w h ich is fo u r s to rie s in h e ig h t a n d o f lim es to n e and ta p e s try b rick c o n s tru c ­tio n , ad jo in s th e 8 o u |h P a rk P re s b y ­te r ia n Church. P la n t fo r th e b u ild in g w ere p rep a red by E d w ard V. W arre n , a rc h ite c t.

T he a p a r tm e n t c o n ta in s one tw o an d th re e -ro o m su itee an d is so m ew h a t lik e th e C alifo rn ia a p a r tm e n ts In re s p e c t to th e one-room s u its , w hich c o a t a in t d in in g room , bed room an d p a r lo r in one. T h is is m ade possib le b y th e u se o f fo ld in g tab les and co n v ertib le beds. T h e re a re tw en ty a p a r tm e n ts In a ll , o f th e th re e ty p es m entioned, m a k in g th ir ty - f iv e room s. T liere e re tw e n ty b a th s and a sim ilar num ber o f k itchenettes

A ll o f th e room s w ill be re n te d f u r ­n ished . P a rticu la r c a re h a s been ta k e n In s e le c tin g fu rn itu re an d In te r io r dec< o ra tio n s . The a tte m p t has b sen m a d s to g iv e th e room s in d iv id u a lity a n d th e hom e sp ir it , accco rd in g to Mr. F a s t ­n a ch t. T here w ill be a r e s ta u r a n t la th e b asem en t, w hich Mr. F a s tn a c h t w ill su b le t. T he lease w as m ad« th ro u g h th e office o f E. E . B ond h Co., R ea lto rs.

Come Over Today and Inspect

N ew jersey’s Finest ApartmentOn Boulevard w ithin walking distance o f Summit Tube Station


Th* D uncanC om er Hudson Boulevard & Duncan A ve., Jersey C ity

A m a g n if ic e n t too family structure located in th e very best real' dential section o f Jersey C ity Heights. Thoittughlymodern,fireproof, soundproof, and in appointm ent and service unexcelled by anything m the M etropolitan d istrictMost o f its spacious suites o f 3 rooms and 1 bath to 9 rooms and 3 baths, have the advantage o f Southwest exposure and its broad courts o f 30 fe lt in w idth insure aa abundance o f light and air.

Oocu?AM 9t M ay i »t 6 a T hereafter.M any residents o f Newark and Suburban H ew Jersey engaged in business in New York have already rented, appreciating the distinct advantage in th e saving o f time and money by living in th e very beat section o f a fXOgmww Q ty , only 90 m inutes from N ew York's fin-

T O M O R R O W -


THE New York Sunday American has established perma­nent Newark offices* with completely organized News* Editorial* Photographic and Advertising staffs* at the

southwest corner of Broad and Market streets* and w ill issue for the first tim e to-morrow a com plete news and advertising section covering all the local activities of Newark and vicinity —the Clubs, the Churches, the Schools, Society, M ovies, Drama* Music, Sports* Automobiles, Fraternities* Real Estate* Industrial Activities—in fact if it is news of interest about Newark and contiguous territory* you’ll find it in the new Newark Sunday section every Sunday. You’ll find this spe­cial Newark Section to be a welcom e addition to Newark’s in- stitutions-a welcome visitor to your home every Sunday mor­ning. It w ill be an added section to the great New York Sun­day American which will elim inate none of the features that give the New York American the largest circulation of any Sunday newspaper in the world—more than a m illion every Sunday.

SPECIAL NEWS SECTIONDevoted Exclusively to



r a n

Don*t Miss It! Buy It Every Sunday!O rder Y our N ew sdealer to Deliver It to Your Home Address Every Sunday Morning

. Telephone All D epartm ent,—M ulberry tSOO

S odhl and Personal A ctivities


% k . **


I -I

I :

_________ ____ J m m t- a t t o o n W■ i i w t u m ta u t* «**y _wtu m * ? O i l t i W t , A rt*. « » • « Mr. * lra ey * r o n iK « d w ith th* United Verde Cop­per Com pen f ________

Throng Attends FuneralOf Patrick J. Gunning

W ith M oral of team ootlva !» P»*l,e I f fa lr i attending and o t l i n In prominent w a lk ! o f Ilf* offering thotr prayer* fo r a mourned political leader, the fnneral o f Patrick J. Outtnlng wan held thin morning. Long beforn the hour for thn cortege to ntart for gt Bridget'* Roman Catholic Church in Plane »treet. near W illiam ntreot. a crowd o f hie old neighbor* gathered at the Gunning home. I l l Went *treet. and a aquad o f police under direction of Deputy Chief McRell kept tb ; throng m oving. .

W hen th e precenelon wan form ** about 10 o'clock m otorcycle mea «

i f i e t i 7 _ 5many ocnoots meet mAnnual Rutgen Debates

South Side High Beats Barringer. East Orange Is Winner Over

South Side.

Results in Other Contests

Under the direction o f th e In te rn eh o l* aatio debating com m ittee o f th e Phil* oclean Library Society o f Rutger* Col­lege and the State U niversity of New Jeroey d e b e te a w e re held lent n ig h t be* tw een team a o f many high nehoola of thin sta te and th e Hudson River vnl-

about I f o clock m oio rcy ce i j#y o f Hew Tork Stain,verted a ll otkar traffic f^ A m ajority o f Urn school* to the church. Thin worn W aft ntroni. ^

- • at roe t.

Mint Dorothy Moore, daughter o f Mr. •ftd Mrs. D. ♦McFarUn Moore o f M l P ark avenue. B ast Orange, w ill g iv e a lunckeon E aster Monday a t Ye Old# W ashington Inn, Maplewood, for th ose w ho aye to bo attendants a t bar w ed­d in g to Addison Confer Burnham o f j t fw te * Center. Maes., on Saturday.M f r l *

The cerem ony w ill be performed at d ll# o'clock at the Munn Avenue P res­byterian Church, Kant Orange, by the ■ after. R et. Dr. Robert B rew ster ■ ta tt le . A reception wUt fo llow at

the W oman's Club house. W illiam and P rospect streets, that city .

Mies Moore since her graduation last June from Skidmore C ollege has been em ployed as Industrial ^ c M ts r r of tha Y. W. C. A. of the Orapges. At the tim e o f her graduation from East Cr­in g e H igh School Miss Moore won the vote for the prettiest g ir l In the class.

Mr. Burnham Is a graduate o f H ar­vard U niversity and served during the war as a lieutenant In the naval av ia ­tion.

A* number o f a ffa irs are being planned by th e young people In tha O ranges In honor o f the prospective bride.

m r :m 'i f -

"**• | i l e s Miriam Strait, daughtsr o f Mr. a a d Mrs. W illiam M. Strait e f 107 Third avenue, and Henry Fairfield Osborn Sp*lr. fo il o f Mf. and Mrs. Francis S p tir o f South Orangs. w ill be married J f c t l 14 a t the Forest H ill Presbyterian Church. Rev. John S. Cariile, j5astor, w ill perform the ceremony. Mrs. Arthur $ • * o f R ockaw sy. N. J.. Miss S tra it’s cousin , w ill be m atron o f honor. Two brtdssmatdn w ill be the M isses Lsetfe P e v ey o f * Montclair, M arguerite A* P ilgrim o f South Orange, B laine J. Metier. H elen A. Hallock, Mine Strait’s f f u s ln ; Marlon P. Jaehnlg and Grace J e w ett . F. Cecil .Spetr, Mr. Speir’t broth er , w ilt be beet man. The ushers Witt he Thom as B. Annin of Brooklyn, ■art C larke -of Moatelalr, Howard P. A rm strong. Sherrerd Depue. Hubert C. H utchinson. Arthur B. Manchee. a ll o f t i l f etty . aad I t Wade Speir o f Mon- fn jfi. a cousin o f Mr. Spetr,* M iss Stra it attended th e Knox School. In Cooperetown. N. V. Mr. Speir w as graduated fro st Newark Academy. B oth w ill ha enterta ined a t dinner Tuesday

W om en's C lubs, Mra Irm e A. Johnson, president o f the F ssex County Women’s D em ocratic O rganisation, and Mra. John D. Berry Jr., v ice chairman o f th e Republican County Committee.

T ea w ill be served e t the c lose o f th e m eeting, w ith Mrs. R eginald Man­ners Laird and Mrs. W illiam Ham ilton Osborne presiding.

s e eThe Ladles* Oulld o f N ewark Both

Israel H ospital w ill g iv e a benefit card party W ednesday afternoon at L Bam berger a Co.'s store. Mrs. N a­th an ie l Price la chairman o f a com ­m ittee com posed o f Mrs. Aaron Retch. Mrs. Jacob Po lev ski. Mra. Harry Queen. Mrs. W alter A. Hoffman, Mrs. Nathan Morris, Mra. Julius Levy and Mra H. H. Schary. *

s e eT he earliest year book o f Nova Cae­

sarea Chapter. D. A. R.. w as given te the chapter e t a board m eeting y e s­terday m orning a t th e Y. M. C. A. Mra W illiam H. Tracy, regent In l i l t , e ig h t years a ftsr th e founding o f th e ehap

par Mb # * d M ra Joseph Theodore D avey • f M ontclair. M ist H allock la g iv in g

M ontgom ery street. Qultmaa Clinton avenue, W ashington street Court street and Plane street. W ith tke deputy ck ief o f police march ing at the heed of tke cortege m otorcycle men In relays kept the route a lw ays open.

F ive w agon loads o f flow ers pro* ceded the hearse and, bealdea tke l*® f\ line o f coaches bearing relatives and friends o f the dead political leader, scores o f men marched along to tke church. /

Rev. W. B Maetereon. rector, was celebrant a t the solemn high m ass of requiem ; Rev. James (‘ulllnane, deacon, and Rev. Peter Freda, suh-deacon. At th e Cem etery o f the Holy Sepulchre prayers w ere said at tke grave by Father Maatereon.*

D espite th e rsln last n ight hundreds o f friends. Including members o f so • clot lea o f w hich Mr Gunning w a s a member, stood In line at the house and filed past the bier. Newark A erie o f B aglee. th e G ottfried Krueger A ssocia ­tion. the Third Ward Improvement A s­sociation. the Third Ward Democratic E xecutive Committee and Third Ward D em ocratic A ssociation were repre­sented. a s w ell a s tk e Police and Fire departm ents.

On m otion o f Henry Hsbeler. repre- s e n t .l iv e o f Stationary e sl. tb . E i m T ra d ., Council at th .lr m eeting laat Bight atood a mom ent In silence out o f respect for Mr. Gunning.

Mrs. Grace T. Hannah* Die*; Wa* Niece of Dr. T. De Witt TalmageMrs. Orsc# Talm ags Hannah* died

yesterday m orning a t her home. I M yrtle avenue, fo llow ing an Illness o f about three m on ths M rs Hannahs, who w as s lk ty -slx years old. w as the widow o f Frederick W. Hannahs, vice president of W ilkinson. Gaddis A Co. and president o f the National W hole­sale Grocers’ Association. Bh* w as a niec% of Rev. Dr T De W itt Talm as^, pastor o f the Brooklyn Tabernacle, and daughter o f Rev. Stephen L Mer- shone and Mary Talm age Merahone. She was born In E aatham pton , Long Island, but had lived in this city forty- six years.

Mrs. Hannah* wa* a member o l tne R oseville Avenue Tresbyterian Church. In which *he was an active worker. She held o ffices In the women s m is­sionary societies at various tlines aw represented the church on the l>ea- r o l l . . . Oulld o f th# Preabytary of Newark. Her husband was an elder o f the church Funeral services will be held a t 3 o'clock tomorrow w t* f- noon , t I ho ch»p«l. w ith tb» p«,tor. R»v Dr. W illiam T. Chapman. In charge. Interm ent w ill b . In Rouodalo (Vin*t*ry. M ond.y-

Surviving Mr.. Hannah*G rarg. C H annahs. and »MIh Laura E. H annah. Th* latter made b ,r home w ith bar mother.

Funeral o f John Aubertin:Enisled Twice in Civil War

F uneral eervtcee w ill b , afternoon at 4 o’clock at tha Home fc Services. Id* Clinton Aubertin. a veteran of th s Civil w a r . w ho dU d a t h is home at 511 Haw thorne avenue. Thursday ferm ent w ill bo In W oodlawn Cema

m ajority o f the schools hsd been divided Into groups o f four. W inning team s la last nigh t's Contests w ill de­bate for cham pionship April 17. A choice o f th ese tw o subjoets w as given laat nigh t's team s: •

No. 1. R esolved. T hat lu view of the econom ic d istress o f Europe the United | State* should canes! at Voast fifty per coat, o f the war debts o f the Allies.

No. 2, R esolved. T hat the merchant am rlne o f the United States should be subsidised by th s Federal governm ent.

Subject No.*.2 w as debated In s tr i­angu lar group made up o f Barringer and South 81de. th is d ty . and East Orange, la each case tho affirm ative team w ont out and tho negative re­mained at home. The resu lts weru a# fo llow s: South Bids won a t Barringer; E ast Orange won at South Sldo. and E ast Orange won a t homo against Bar­ringer.

Ths rosu lts from anothsr triangular group dabating the ship subsidy were as fo llow s: Irvlggton won. taking tho n egative side aga in st W est Orange at Wept Orange; W est Orange won. with Its n ega tive team aga in st South Orangs In tho Colum bia School auditorium at South Orange, and South Orange had the v ictory w ith Its nogative team again st Irvington at Irvington.

Am ong the rural schools were the fo llow ing, th e w inn ing team s being Indicated by the letter "A" or “N.” which appears Im m ediately after their nam es and whloh also s ign ifies the side they took—affirm ative or negative— the figu re 1 or 2 Indicating which of the tw o subjects w as used: Bounton ( A, No. 2) Dover, a t Dover; Roxbury H igh, Succasunna (N, No. 2) Rock

■Bigg* S « H u _______

Talk* a t e , w ar. m m , h r «**» - 1 ■ XeXMuU. M M M i M J**" * * f- g s a ’l e e r m l t u . : Jam a. T. ■ « . p r .i !4 .a t o f t h , q — .r a l L a e t * * Cea»- pany; G*org* W. W. Porter. Cokmsl Clto- ton O. Holden, M a n g e r o f tha MMatl* Club. Edward B urks o f rh llsd slp h la; John CalUhaa o f tho Hlvoroldo S u s l Casting* Company o f th is o ily , and John J. B arton o f tho Ellaahoth plant of tho Durant corporation . ______

It was reported th a t o f tha votes which th e a llied Durant Interests hsd pledged the nasal ves to sail a s ths mlalnutm number. 110.004 already had boon sold. The vote g e ttin g campaign w ill c lose neat Saturday.

Loot Diamond Ring Recovered

From Catch Basin of Sewer/

Under Lugidry EstablishmentM r. Harry B en nett o f Park .ven ue.

Caldwell, lo rejo ic ing today a t tho re- covery o f h er diam ond engagem ent ring which sh e had believed w as lost forever. A nother diam ond ring which won preeanted to her a s a birthday g if t gevtral yours a g o aad which was lost w ith th e engagem ent ring, has not been found.

E arly la th # w eek Mra. Bennett gave a bag o f c lo th in g to a local laundry. Tho fo llow in g m orning a m essenger from tho laundry took to the Bennett home th e r o u t e s o f w hat had boon n sm all pasteboard Jew elry box. This box bad boon te w ater and tho bottom was out. Mra B en nett recognised the box as one In w hich sh e hod kept the two rings when she did not w ear them. In som e w ay tho box had been bfushed from a dresser and g o t Into the wash.

The laundry people offered every a s­s istance possible to recover the rings but a search evaryw bere about the laundry fa iled to roveal tho lost J*s* elry. It w a s than su ggested that the rings hsd probably boon washed into th e sew er. The sew er catch basin be­low the laundry w ne opened yesterday and the one ring w a s recovered.

Ancillary Receiver Appointed For Irvington Plumbing Plant

W. R. H ughes A Co., a New York . plum bing m anufacturing concern with J a plant a t 04 Colt s tree t. Irvington. If* j In oquity recolverahlp and yesterday j Federal Judge Runyon appointed Per- clval WUds. a New York attorney, as ancillary receiver, u n d e* a bond of .

------- mod New ,W S L . , , . . ____ 92.100. Mr. W ilds w a saw ay, a t Succasunna; Mtliburn (N, No. j York receiver W ednesday by Judge9) Sum m it, a t Summit; Bernardsvllle (N, No. 2) Bound Brook, a t Bernsrds- v llls ; Bernardsvllle (A . No. 2) Somer­v ille , a t Som erville; K earny <N. No. 2) R utherford, a t A rlington; Madison (A. No. 2) Chatham, a t Chatham; Belvldere (N. No. 2) H ackettstow n. at Belvldere; N utley (A, No. 2) B elleville, at B elle ­v ille ; Sussex (A, No. 2) Butler, at Sus­sex; H igh Bridge (S . No. 2) Hampton, a t H igh Bridge; W ashington (A. No. 2) Clinton, a t Clinton; Woodbrtdge (N. No. 1) Rahw ay, at W oodbrtdge; A tlan­tic H igh lands (N. No. 1) Freehold, at Freehold; Haabrouck H eights <N, No. 2) Caldw ell, at Haabrouck Heights.

y . t*r. w as th e donor. Mrs. Jam es M. iy Y F isk g ave a copy o f "E arliest Fam -

_ __ _ a I Mies In Meodham, New Jersey." T w o tery. __irtd g#~ for Mini Strait tb l . sft.rnoorT a t : now m om brr, w o n adm itted. Mra. B. L M E 1 S | ( » c 5 K w Ybar homo, f i t H ollar parkway. I* Eootor and Hla* Mildred H. Oaffoy. j • ^ " t , N,w Joraey V olunteer.,, F o lio w in * th .w e d d ln * . M ia. * tr e lt’« 1 * U * H J n n e P w e r roportod o n th o . t a t . | ^ e n d ! In tho Independent

Miss Anne Morgan Outlines Plan of Battlefields Tour

W ork being done by the Committee for D evastated Frauce, o f which she Is chairm an. « a* told by Miss Anne Morgan o f New York a t a m eeting o f representative* o f the allied Durant Motors. Inc. Interests and Newark bu sin ess men last n ight In the Newark A thletic Club. Miss Morgan explained th e plan under which a certain num ­ber o f young women are sent each year on a trip over the battlefie lds o f France as g u ests o f the committee.

The m eeting, over which Joseph M Byrne 9r. presided, w as to perfect an organ isation through which It Is hoped, to have one o f the young wom en em ployed In the Durant o ffices

A ugustus Hand In th a t city , and yes terday’s action here w as made upon application o f Furst A Furst. counsel for the receiver and th# p laintiff, tho Standard Sanitary M anufacturing Com­pany o f New York.

According to the bill, th e defendant company, w hich has Its main office at 507 T h ir ty -fifth street. New York,has liab ilitie s am ounting to | 100.000 w hile th e New York and New Jersey a sse ts are respectively 9*5.000 anil 92.500.

A vo lu n ta ry petition In bankruptcy w as filed by M artha Plnous. proprietor of the D ainty Corset Shop o f 404 Bloom ­field avenue. Montclair. The liab ilities and assets, according to the schedule filed through the attorney. Harry A. A ugenbllck. are 92-429 and 91.200. re- apectlvely. Upon application of Furst A Furst. Sam uel Hollander w as ap­pointed receiver under a bond of 91.500 by Judge- Runyon. The petition was referred to G eorge W. W. Porter, referee In bankruptcy.

Store Awards DiplomasStressin g the fact th at the securing

and keeping o f th e good w tll and con­fidence o f th e public w as Just as much a part o f th e alm s o f the L Bamber­ger A Co. organ isation as the selling o f m erchandise. F e lix Fuld. vice presi­dent o f th e concern, today presented diplomas to th e graduates o f the store’s secretarial train ing, salesm anship andJunior courses. He praised the edu

becom e one o f a party which Is shortly j eatlonal departm ent for l ie share In to be given a trip to France by Miss bringing th e store Into closer con U c^

en listed tw ice. H is

grandp arent!. Mr. And Mrar-John W. D enny, a ls o o f lOt Third nvenue, and p . , | » 4 Mra. Strait w ill f iv e a recep­tion a t th e ir home. The bridal party Win be gn ea tt at dinner o /ter th e re­caption .

. . .John A, C airn., w a o f R«t. and Mr*.

A la u n d .r C h in a o f 744 IU 4* , itraat. M l return horn, from Princeton F rl- | d a r Ink th e Eaeter vacation. Mra. I C a lm , w ill *o to Detroit about tho m iddle o f April, to v t . l t her dau*hU r, l ln h r . C linton B o**o. Hho w ill a lto *o to Toledo.

* , •Mra. Carl M on o f ITS El wood a n n u o

n n a bride* y e ,lo r d * / for tho b en e­f i t o f tb* ehhrltlo , o f th* Pon and

conference laat w eek In Trenton. I » ■ F ifth NowT b . C atholic Toun* W omon . CluV [ t a n S ? rooctvjS »*• honorab l. d l.-

w lll leave a t S o'clock tom orrow morn- char** Juno t . ^ born In Franc* In* from th* tub* station to *o to th* w Mr. Nearly alt of hi* llf«Carroll Club In New T ork for a on*- “ Newark. Mr. and Mr,,dhy retreat. T ea w ill be om itted to - S * ! * ! ! ? e.i .b r a t* d tholr *old*n wod- morrow afternoon a t th* club houo* v .„ * - „ - i v*r«ary June 4 o f laat year. In Broad .tra e t. d l a « anniv.raa__7 ___ ............ , h t M K > |

T he last of the dlacusalona o f Amer­ica a t a laud o f contrasts held by th e Irv in g Club took place yesterday a f­ternoon a t the home o f Mrs. M allns B. Tom pkins. 424 Bummer avenue. Mrs. Fred H Goble w as a ssistan t hostess. The subject w as "Bast 1a E aa | and W est la West.** led by Mrs. G eorge J. Croe- m an o f Irvington. Mrs. George H.

Morgan's com m ittee.T h st the cam paign to be waged by

tb e a llied Interests o f the autom obile com pany w as not for the purpose of ad vertisin g th e concern or so le ly to have on# o f Its em ployee! Included In th e party waa asserted by Carrol! D ow ns, president o f the Star Motors Corporation and vice president o f the D urant concern, who read a telegram from W illiam C. Durant Indorsing the work o f th e com m ittee and pledging the entire Durant Internets to further the m ovem ent. Mr. Downs asserted th at serv ice to the people o f France w as the m ain Idea behind the Interest o f h is concern and th at service lo

w ith Its custom ers.The salesm anship course Just com­

pleted w as th e fif t ie th conducted by the company, w h ile th e secretarial tra in ing and Junior courses w ere th% f ir s t to be g iven .

S t John’s Church Sermon SeriesRev. D. F. K elly , a ssis ta n t paator o f

Bt. John's Roman Cathollo Church In Mulberry stree t, w tll begin tomorrow afternoon a t 4:15 o ’clock a series o f serm ons on th e subject, "From Geth- sem ane to Calvary*" w hich he w ill re­peat a t 7:45 In th e evening.

F o tet C ircle of^CaM well. About 150 Schumacher, president, w a s welcom ed person s w ere present. Members o f th e J* club to the fir s t m eeting she s ta b attended baa attanded In more than a month

* * e j becam e o f lllneaa. The annual m eot-M ajor aad Mra. Eu*ana W. Stern o f I ,n.f, °* du b , at which now offlooro

SM Warn E l*hty-alxth a treot Now I -* •} b . propoaed, w ill taka placa April T ork , have aanouaead tk* en*a*em ant *• ,h * , « of Frank B. Shaw*er.

' tk .t r daa*htar. Mlaa Helen Stern, to M ark C. Moltaer Jr., m n o f Mr. and Mr*, t t k f t i C. M eltier o f T74 Clifton avenue. Mlaa Stern I* a graduate o f Taaaar. claas o f ItSS.

. . .Tk# Kaat Side M y Nursery and Tam-

porary Shelter for Motherleoa Bablea w ill have a benefit April • a t the Broad atreot theater. “G reenwich V il­la * * FoUtaa*' w ill b* preaented. Miss Louise D. Sbucard I* chairman o f th* com m ittee o f tw en ty which to Inchar**- • • B

T he b en efit performance for the Hos-

42 VernOn terrace, E ast Orange. Mrs. Edmond 8. Bhawger. Mr. B haw geFs m other, w ill receive the club there. Mrs. Ju lia M. Brown o f Irvington w in rem ain In office as corresponding sec­retary. aa during the la st four years.

R epresentatives to the annual m eet­ing <*f the New Jersey State Federa­tion o f Women's Clubs In A tlantic City In May. were elected yesterday a t the m eetin g o f Curtomis Club a t th e home of Mra Jam es Btoddard o f 287 H ill­side avenue. Nutley. Mrs. Carl P. Astrom. presidant. and Mrs. G eorge Paddock, w ere appointed, w ith Mra

pita! for W omen and Children at th e { Robert K uebler and Mrs. Margaretf f t y Theater ha* been postponed from April 0 to April 23. The play w ill be "Daddy Goes s Hunting." given by the Maude F ea ly Players. Mr*. G eorge A. R ogers, chairm an o f the com m ittee la gliargs. Is being assisted by Mrs. D o ia B. K ing, and Mrs. Joseph L. Farden o f th is c ity and Mra Caroline A. E se lg o f B ast Orange .

• e •T he Miriam A uxiliary o f C ongrega­

tion Oheb Shalom le arranging for a b en efit perform ance o f the "Mikado" w ith De W olf Hopper the even ing o f April 2 a t the Shubert Vaudeville T heater. Governor 8 llter and Mayor BreidOnbach have been asked aa g u ests o f th e an sillary . The benefit w ill be for th e congregation. Mrs. Nathan K uesy Is president o f the auxiliary.• • •

W . G. Nerpel, Miss Llnnle L. Nerpel and Mrs. A. J. R ieker o f S22 C lifton aven u e are spending several w eek s In A tlan tic City.

a • *Joseph F. T al.on o f SM Parker street

h a t announced th# *n*a**m ent o f hla daughter, Mlaa Lillian W Tslaon, to J r t i B. 8a*#horn o f Philadelphia, for- m arly o f Chtca*o. Mr. Sa*ehorn served ovtraeaa Tn tb* World War.

* * *M lis D orothy M. Rudd o f 114 North

F ou rth street, accompanied by M iss I l i M . T . Harper o f I i7 Hummer av e­nue. W in d th le m oraine on th* Fori H nm llton to r Bermuda They w ill be a w a y «t*h t days.

Sella of E ast Orange aa a ltern a te s M rs B elt, w ill be chairm en o f the com m ittee la oharee o f the pro*ram for next year, assisted by M rs J ,Henry J o n es Mrs. Paddock, M rs H ow ­ard A H ilt and Mlaa Nall L Goodrld** of E ast urange. F ollow ing quotations from Emerson a t luncheon, and e lec ­tion o f representatives. Mlaa Good rids* read a paper w ritten by Mra. W illiam J. Sw eeney o f E ast Oran*e on -‘Groat Men and Great Days.” Mr*. Stoddard ta lk ed on the subject o f th* beat In m otion p ic tu res revlew ijl* several.Currant topics were discussed by M rs Thom as L. McEnte* o f N utley. M rs K uebler talked o f the ann ual m eetla* of th* United S tates section o f th* la . ternaU onal League for Peac* and Freedom a t . W ashington. Th* club w ill meet April < a t tba hom e o f M rs Astrom . 14 Chestnut ; (tree t. E ast Orange. * * *

Th* Traveler** Club w a* entertained yesterday by M rs W illiam Alfred Oayo f l> South T enth street, a ssisted by __ _______________M rs John A. Furman. Mias Ada S ty les . M ontclair addre.a. _Totten read a paper by Mlaa L illian E.^ ------- gVan Em burg on “Raco* In Raaota.” M rs Thom as E. H offm an’s subject waa R us­sian re lig io n s She road a lso aa account of a Russian wedding. R ussian m usic waa played. T b s club w tll m eet March 2* a t th* home o f M rs H offm an, l f t R o.ev llt* avenue.

iL iA w T h to w ife b e leave* th re e s o n s

f f i w s s s a *drea also survive

lRev. Marcelline Kneuer D i« ;Funeral to Be H fU Monody

n .„ M arcelline Kneuer. a brother at Bt M ary’* Benedictine Abbey >;k M lgk street died y*»t*rday after an ilin e .* B B month* fo llow ing a atro k. H . wax aaventy-four yeara old and been at tha m onaitery aiace com ing to th is country from B avaria more than

thr . yo & ‘ n Y .; - l.m m s .. w U l^ h e ld

' M aryS^Church!1 preceded by th* chant- “ g o f th" Office for th* dead at » o’clock. B u ria l w ill be In St. M ary a Came tery. _____ _

Funeral of Alfred S. BadgleyFu n e ral aervlcea were bald tbl# a f­

ternoon St Mt. H*bron C*m *t*ry. U P- per M ontclair, for A lfred S B ad gU r.

' form er town attorney of MonVcla lr. who died Thureday at bl» home m sa fe ty H arbo r. F la . The rtrvlcoa were conducted by tb* M ontclair Maaonlo Lodge, of w hich Mr. Badgley waa a

P* iV mB adgley Waa aaventy-four yaara old and had llvod In F lo rid a tan ya ara

S u rv iv in g a»* hla w lf* and threesons Theodore J. ktown cousao l o f M ontclair; O liver IL B adgley. alao o f M ontclair, and Alfred B. B adgley o f d afety Harbor.

Mr*. Addik GoraunH r s Adel la Oorm an. widow of

Thom as J. Oorm an. died at her horns Haw thorn* p la ca M ontclair, laat

PONers organizations

< O h Fatar Roberta o f Mt. Vpiwaa, N.a memtoer a f tk* international cam -

m itt** o f th e T. M. C. A., recently re- turnad from a world trip, w ill bo a

i l t o Tuesday a fla faoen a t e a open

;ijgF^uadtr th* join t a m p le s t . o f t b * , cHlaeneklp com m ittee, M rs

Mlaa Sarah Malvina C o o k s daughter o f Mr. and M rs Jam es a . C ook, e t *04 Hawthorn* a v .n u s th is c ity , aad Irw in Nusa, ton o f C lem saa Nuaa a t 2(1 B erkeley avenue, B leom fleld , w ere m arried a t I o'clock laat n igh t a t tha hom e o f tk* bride', p a ren ts Rev. C hari* . F. N e tt lo h lp o fflcU tln g . Thar* war* no a tten d a n ts T ha bride, w ha to

and N ew are n a n norm al school, is a member a f tk* facu lty a f H awthorn* A venue school. After a tr ip , to W aah-

n lgh t . f t e r aa lllnoa* o f oeveral m ou thsH r s Gorman, w ho wa# eigh ty T « t « old had llvod In M outalalrfor' th irty y e a r s She la sur­vived by tw o d a u g h ters tk* H laee. L oretta and Iaa Gorman, both o f th*

Fun‘. r e l i c t . wTll be held a t tb . house tom orrow. Rev. W illiam H. T o w e r o f M ontclair officiating. Burla. wUl be in Rooodal* C om eury-

Pastor’* Mother Die*w h ile conducting a eervlc* laaj n ight

at the South B aptlet Church Rav. WHL lam M. Tbompeou. th* paator, recotvad w ord o f th * death o f hi* aaotbor. M rs Parm a!! • Tbompaon o f South Boston, V s Ho had had no Intim ation o f her lU arrt Ha le f t Im m ediately for

V Servl**** a t th e South Baptist Church w tu be conducted tomorrow by R ev. H. jj H atchm an o f Jorsay City In th*

-Year Rug Is a Mirror-It reflect* truthfully your fasti and innet. lot# of cleanlinaa*.

You orifinally selected your rag for ite gey coloring* end sheer beauty—eo why permit theee coloring* to be dimmed by a film of deeply imbedded dirt? Nothing hut e sudsy wet shampoo will refresh it like new (without tny risk to tbe costliest Orien­tal). And the cost It leu than you expect!


112*120 Arlington S iN. J.

Okfteit, la rg o * “ASTTel. NM eM i ISSf. . ^

Near Court StreetFa-te-Date Caraat-Claaulag

I Ike Mate

i “ t n

Four ouncesKonest quarter pound o f

BAKER’SCaracas Sweet Chocolate

Pure— wholesome—delicious

Made from only KigK grade C« cocos, pun cam sugar and flavored vritK Mexican vanilla beans.



j i

A. & B. Is the PERFECT Butter, churned from the richest of PURE SWEET CREAM—PER­FECT because it satisfies every-, body’s taste. Contains no neu­tralizer and keeps longer.


Tins Handsome Caratol Leather Shopping Bag

(Actual Size of Bag—15 Inches Wide)


FISCHER'SSweet Marie Bread


Ask your grocer for Fischer’* SWEET MARIE BREAD and save the wrappers. You will surely want one of these bags when you see it. Bsg sells for $1.00 up in most stores.

F hdier Baking Co, Newark, N. J.

-------------------------------71Good Things to Eat on

EASTER-DAYFor Breakfast: Crisp, meaty FlNKCO

BACON with eggs — irresistablV.For Dinner: Spicy, toothsome FlNKCO

H am. „ { dDoth are good for you because they ' are so absolutely pure.

Say "Finite" to your hatcher

C t.



s . ■ - ly . i iw W ’-- - - . v « -

J t e f t* w m i + 'm m T

m e ftea aa I « i f4 M i e n h e le ft 1 w f i- lw , t*« iu m I etneee «r 1 • f Tha K m A w c m m Ii M i n i Th# K m r k Kvenlag K m «

N M l i M M l y . b m l u d i f . fey t b I m i i f K* « • h k i l U a i Co , U l- t lV M a rk * i t . R m i f e . K. J.

b u m a t i ho Kaoaffc. W. 1-. F . Q. *«ceas-Claes M atter SATURDAY. MARCH 24. 1923 Telophooo, M arket • • • • . P riva te

Cost * “Cobb mUm All Do p o rt m oots 13

g iber Net Well Adrbsd so Open Bidding and Rood Prebe

Now Jersey will flu* out within a short time w hot her the open specifications meo- gure now a law Is what Governor 8ilser said ftt wasn t when he vetoed It. or whether It la what the Legislature said It was when passed over the Governor's veto. The 81Uer view la that the new* law will not lvnpfov* conditions, but will perpetuate existing evils. The Legislature is convinced that It will mean real competition In paving and wilt end the patent paving monopoly.

The (acta regarding the actual operation of the law can not be hid from the people • ( the state. Th~re Is sn honest State High* way Commission that would hot try to bids the (acts If it could. If. despite the new law, patent paving la laid In New Jersey a t exorbitant prices, and non-patented equiva­lent materials can not compete, then the party responsible for the law In Ita present form will have to admit it was wrong and take lta medicine, which would be a bitter dose. If, on the other hand, the act brings about real competition, then the Governor must acknowledge that he was misled.

In Section* 2 an d 3 o f th e new law a m e th o d la p ro v id ed fo r ad o p tin g plan* an d sp ec if ic a tio n s fo r d iffe re n t ty p es of puving a n d g iv in g th e body h a v in g con tro l th e r ig h t to ch o o se th e ty p e consid e red m ost s u ita b le fo r th e w ork a n d a w a rd th e c o n tra c t to th e low est res|R>naible b id d e r on th a t ty p e of co n s tru c tio n . C o m m en tin g on th e se s e c ­tio n s , G o v e rn o r Bilzer sa id in- h u veto m ea ­ts ge:

Under these sections it is clearly pos­sible to designate patented and un­patented types, and when the bids are in to select the patented type. There can not be the slightest question about this.Nevertheless, there is a question. For

Section 4 of the new act provides a dif­ferent form of procedure “whenever any patented, proprietary pavement or paving m aterial, or ingredients used in paving, is Included In the specifications.** Then the body in control must a lso p lace in the specifications one or more equivalent types of construction not patented, “an d b id s sh a ll be asked for on the various types so sp ec i­fied, and the award shall be made to the lo w ett responsible bidder on the types of oonatrkctlpa so placed In competition by the governing board.”

T hat seems to mean the widest kind of fa ir competition when patent paving Is one of the types Included In the specifications. There would appear to be no warrant for going back to Sections 2 and 2 to find lan­guage th a t covors competition with patent paving when that is done distinctly in Sec­tion 4. ••Whenever'’ is a sweeping enough w ord to-m ake"the meaning of that section unmistakable.■ I t is to be hoped that the law works as

It ought to work, for If It does not, then the people of the state will be victimised, as they have in the past, and the waste of the proceeds of th e $40,000,000 bond isaue Will be disastrous to the road system, 'file original Mathis bill was not a real open competition measure, but It was revamped by those who were in fear of being “caught with the goods'* by Governor Silzer, and they nAay have done a better job of it than be was led to believe in the short time he had to study the bill sent to him.

From the surface Indications the Gover­nor, too, was not well advised when be vetoed th e resolution for a probe of the bridge work of th e ousted State Highway Commission. As It was repassed, the state will also have a demonstration as to whether It was needed.

porter of prohibition within the meaning of the Constitution, and yet have no stomach whatever for the excesses and hypocrisies practiced in Its name under sanction of an act of Congress

In Mr. Edge's repudiation of league dom­ination in procuring the appointm ent t" rro h ltitio n enforcement officers he ts on strong ground. i ’rofeseedly nonpolltieel. 1


th a t o rg a n is a tio n a r ro g a te s to its e lf th e p o w e r to d e te rm in e how a n d by w hom sh a ll be en fo rc e d a law th a t h a s becom e so u n ­p o p u la r a s to m ak e o th e rw ise re sp ec te d a n d la w -a b id in g i ltixi n* o p en ly flo u t i t Hy w h a t w a r ra n t?

S e n a to r E d g e s tak e s h is p o litic a l fu tu re on th i# c o n te s t, a n d s ta k e s It b lith e ly . N ot a lo n e fo r h is co u rag e , bu t a lso fo r h is p u b lic se rv ice in try in g to e x tr ic a te h is p a r ty fro m v assa lag e to th e A n ti-S a lo o n L e a g u e , he 1* to be co m m an d ed . A ll th e in v is ib le em p iry is n o t in th e K u K lux.

Torture Chamber Methods in Public Schools

C ru e l a n d u n u su a l p u n is h m e n ts have

a lw a y s b een a b h o r re n t to th e A m erican^

peop le , so m u ch so th a t fo r m o re th a n 111

year* th e C o n s ti tu tio n h a s fo rb id d en th -

c o u r ts to in f l ic t th em even u p ^ n th e \vor»t

o f m a le fa c to rs . B ut if h a rd e n ed w ro n g ­

d o e rs a re im m une, how m u ch m o re so

s h o u ld be te n d e r ch ild ren , su b jec t fo r f i \e h o u rs a day to th e d isc ip lin e of te a c h e rs in loco p a re n tis !

o n e ’s fe e lin g Is incensed a t th e re c o u n t­ing o f th e In q u is itio n a l m e th o d s em p lo y ed bv th e p h y s ica l d ire c to r a t th e M iller S tree t S chool to w rin g con fess ions of tru a n c y an d p e tty th ie v e ry fro m tw o e ig h t-y e a r-o ld s h a v e rs , tu rn in g th e g y m n asiu m in to a t o r ­tu r e c h a m b e r a n d m a k in g a show b e fo re th r e e c la sses o f g irls o f th e t e r r o r an d m e n ta l ag o n y o f th e y oungsters.

I t is u t te r ly beside th e q uestion to se t u p a s a d e fen se th a t th e se boys cam e to no p h y s ica l h a rm . T hey w ere m e n ta lly t o r ­tu re d , b e in g s u b m itte d to tre a tm e n t o u t c f a l l p ro p o r tio n to th e o ffen ses ch a rg ed , a n d u n d e r co n d itio n s th a t w ould w ring “c o n ­fe s s io n s’’ f ro m th e in n o cen t, i t Is d iff ic u lt to a p p ra is e th e shock e ffe c t upon th e m , an d on th e litt le g irls a s w ell, an d th e d e p th a n d d u ra b il i ty o f ’ th e im p ressio n th ey rece iv ed .

P e rh a p s m o re to be p itied th a n an y b o d y else In th is co n n ec tio n is th e te a c h e r h im ­se lf . T h e a lm o s t dev ilish in g fn u ity w ith w h ich th e p u n ish m e n t w as devised su g g es ts & fu n d a m e n ta lly m isd irec ted m ind “ 1 Just w a n te d to f r ig h te n th e m ,” he suid. "N ow I re a liz e th a t I w as w ro n g .”

I t is ju s t th is in s tin c t to te rro r iz e th a t u n f it s h im fo r co n tro l o f y oungsters. T h e re is no p lace fo r su ch a s he in a pu b lic schoo l sy s tem .

Voisteadism Inescapable Issue to S tate G. 0 . P .

Soon th* Republican* of Now Joraejr must B in d up end bo counted for or ac&ln.r Valet eadtsra.

That much Is mad* curtain by Senator Edge', acceptance of the offer of Superin­tendent Shields of the Anti-Saloon League t# a rrange a debate In this state with Osorg* * Hobart, form er Republican Speaker of the Assembly, la which the Senator mag point Sut, th e fault* and lneffsctlveness of the Volstead act.

The certainty th a t there m ust-be a re­statem ent of the party’s attitude toward «Ma sum ptuary legislation is Intensified by ferm er Governor Stokes’s public reavowal of (Its opposition to th* measure as outrunning th* very Constitution.

Bow doe* Senator Edge and Mr. Stoke* S ri hi th is regard Is kdneed by th* form er's S tu n g In words clearly consonant with the whola trond of th* Stokao utterance th a t “seme of us believe it more Amertonn-Uko to Write th e Eighteenth Amendment Into the Volstead ac t ra th e r than have the Volstead net deliberately v totatlsc th* Eighteenth Amendment." , S ;

The die 1* cast. There Is no escaping that fact, w hether th* outoomn ahall b r t o dte- rupt a m party in th* stam, o t to MbwaMai i t by cutting It loos* from th* leading of th* tansno. Th* whaMf-BMpt’ last If taaaa thinking visualises th* forth* gaming contest a* merely a fight fer cantrol between th* wete and th a *nr* g J W th a r 'S e n a to r Edge nor. Mr. Stoks* ttop** for, m uch less expecta, th* repeat of

- the Eighteenth Amondsnent. Neither rails f t t h o srBMtittlmi o f th a jw fr a t W a#pnH s'

/ y WtWi fa TWPum fa'thiato th* a n a a la la w . ' What they

do ebjeet t* te th * atra-C onstltutional fee terra o f VoMeadtem, which, tasking In n .

o f th e swaprtm snt, p rlra a t tha aaie

' h o ™ " * - .

( B t a

m m m

More People Than Ever Use Bus in Local Transit

Official figures on the vo lum e of loca l Jitney bus traffic thmsr a g rea t in c re a se in the number of p a i t ix'-p.'.s‘*encers c a r r ie d within th e c ity liir.iU d u r in g th e first two m onths of this y e u r as c o m p ared w ith the corresponding months last y ear. T h e In ­crease was more than 3,000,000. On th e other hand, the sum total of people u sin g the Jitneys in the first two months of 1023 la approximately 300,000 leas th an the ag­gregate for the m onth, of November and Decomber, last year.

It m ight be erroneous to deduce from this record that Jitney transportation, which Increased 13,000,000 In 1123, approached Its peak In December. In that month the Jitneys carried 7,381,12 paid passengers. In January, this year, the aggregate dropped a Uttle to 7,171,711, nd in February to (.744,271. There were specific causes for a reduction la riders In this period, however. December was a mild m onth and good w eather prevailed. Th* next two m onths were more or less stormy and Jitneys found the going unusually difficult over the snow and Ice covered streets.

February, too, was a abort month, with three days leas on which to count traffic than e ither of Ita two neat preceding months hold. In average daily business, the buses carried throughout February 4,072 more, people than during January and 2,117 more than In December. There were In operation 402 buses In December, 412 In January and 424 In Fobrukry. Th* newer buses have larger capacity than tha older ones and as the num ber Is Increased It seems th a t people to fill them are to bo found. There Is also t e ho found a corresponding offset upon the problem of traffic congestion.

Hughes Tells Why R an k b N ot Recognized

Secretary Hughes has two roaoona fo r refusing to recognise th* Soviet government A " Russia. I t «§n * 0 | b e depended upon W rsdpoot t te -International obligations." i t B IB Ms* Of starting a worldrsvoluttoo. F o r thss* reasons, ha say*there Is s o “seuad hasla t e r International

fef o f th a pM B on H r.Hughes took last yaar when Ite demanded of

hy firmgm iW y * »>*«*> Wu»om. the aanottty o f « f ftep labor.

H I :Wear. His

OPt '-OMMUM* *

fir* th ro u g h o u t th e w o rld . T hey h a v e sevp th e i r in flu en c e w ane a lm o s t e v e ry w h ere and h a v e h ad to ab an d o n a good m an y o f th e n o tio n s th e y started o u t w ith a t hom e. Now th e y a re on th e d e fen siv e , in s te ad o f th e a g g re ss iv e . T h e ir u tte ra n c e s , w h ich Mr. H u g h es q u o it d to th e w o m en 's d e leg a tio n In te rc e d in g w ith h im In fav o r of re co g iu - ti in, c an he in te rp re te d to m ean th a t th ey w o u ld o v e rth ro w o u r d e m o c racy If th ey co u ld ; b u t perhaps he ta k e s th e se too l i t e ia l lv

So f a r a s th is c o u n try l» co n ce rn ed , th e re se -r.js to t ';o :h i..g t. !«e ga ined p a r t ic u ­la r ly fro m leco g n iz in g R u ssia . Jt In a s c le a r now a s it w as w hen th e R o lshev iks first se ized po w er th a t K u sria needs th e o th e r n a tio n s m o re th a n th e y need he r. R ec o g ­n itio n by o th e r n a tio n s , a s Mr. H u g h es p o in t- o u t, h a s not b ro u g h t any d isce rn ib le cro r.i tnic c d v a t.ta e. N o r h a s it p ro v ed of a i.y p n i i l tc 'l ad v an tag e .

If it is no t fo r o u r b en e f it , th e n it m u s t Eg to r H u M a 'v th a t re co g n itio n is u rged . T h a t is a v a ila b le to h e r w h en ev er sh e w an ts It. In h is Itttc.si. in p rev io u s u tte ra n c e s , M r. ! iugh* ■ has-Let tlie Soviet cf n d fa ith en d r n d a vent pg iven he r.

mvft w h a t is re q u ire d , u m e n t d e m o n s tra te its t» fo r c o rd ia l re la tio n s , f.umiv ta b le w ill be

Public Service Plan Has Need of More Clearness

B efo re th e s to ck h o ld e rs o f P u b lic Service

C o rp o ra tio n vo te on ‘ he p ro p o sa l to r e ­

f in a n c e th e c o m p an y th e r e Is a seem in g

c o n tra d ic tio n In th e p la n th a t s h o u ld b* c le a re d up . I t a f fe c ts th e q u estio n w h e th e r th e p ro p o sed In c re a se ih c a p i ta lis a tio n Is m e re ly th a t o r on ly a m e a n s w h e re b y m o re p re fe r r e d s to ck can be p ile d "n to p o f th e p re s e r ; co m m o n stock .

In hj» le t te r to s to c k h o ld e rs on W ed n e s ­d a y th e p re s id e n t o f th e c o rp o ra tio n sa id :

A t th e p re s e n t tim e th e Issuance a n d sa le o f p re fe r r e d s to ck Is lim ited b y th * p re s e n t Issue o f co m m o n s to ck , a n d to p ro v id e fo r a d d itio n a l aa le s o f p re fe r r e ds to rk w ill re q u ire a n in c reaa* In th *common stock.The re f in a n c in g plan calls for doubling

the authorised amount of preferred stock, m aking It 2100,000.000 Instead of 450,000.- 000, as now. As to common stock, the pro­vision is more complicated.

First, th* present authorised common stock, amounting to another 150,000,000, Is to be doubled as to the number of shares representing It, the number becoming 1,000,000. shares Instead of 500,000. The present shares have a par value of 2100; th* new shares would have no par value That would not affect values a t all, as each stockholder owning common shares would get two new share* for one old share.

In addition, however, another 1,000,000 shares of common stock would bo au thor­ised, which when sold a t whatever price th* directors decided upon would add as much m ore common stock participation In tha company aa there now te - In other words, th a common stock la proposed to bo split into twice the number of shares now avail­able, w ithout change In Talus, and than tha new num ber of sham s of common would ho doubted, te effect doubling th* au tho r­ised common stock capital aa well aa th a t repnaen tad hy preferred stock.

T b s risoluflon upon which t k l stock­ho lders 'w ill vet* April I provides th a t a t M Bum shall Uw NUMBER of preferred shares issued and outstanding exceed tha NUMBER of common sham s Issued and on litan ifln f T h at Is also th* p rison! ra te Of th e corporation. B ut under tte* »«W hnonrlite plan th a eparation of Wte ra te manifestly would m ean th a t TWO shares o f preferred could be Dkg 'for. each ONE ahum of

re sen ted by tw o h a lf-s h a re * , *o to *peak.T he m an ife s t e ffec t w o u ld be th a t t t e new

ra tio w ould be one d o lla r o f p re fe r r e d fo r e ach , fif ty ven ts o f c o m m o n , c o n s id e rin g th e p resen t p a r of th e co m m o n to h a v e been no m in a lly div ided b e tw ee n th e tw o new s h a re s o f com m on Issued fo r e a c h p re sen t .-hare.

I f th a t be so, Mr. M < C arte r 's e x p la n a tio n in h is le t te r m ig h t m is lead . W h a t w ould h ap p en w ould be t h a t th e co m m o n w ould not be “ In c rea sed ,'’ u n le ss th e d ire c to rs d e ­cided to issue m o re com m on .' H ut w ith o u t Issuing a sh a re of co m m o n b eyond th e p re s ­e n t V A LU E o f co m m o n s to ck a lre a d y ou t, th e d ire c to rs cou ld Issu e tw ice a s m an y s h a re s o f p re fe rred a s a r e now ou t.

It need no t be a rg u e d w h e th e r th e r e ­su lts o f such a p lan w o u ld fa v o ra b ly o j 'a d ­versely a ffe c t th e In te re s ts o f th e com m o n s to ck h o ld e rs an d th o s e o f th e pub lic . T h e q uestion u n d e r d iscu ss io n h e re is s im p ly w h e th e r th e c o rp o ra tio n h a s c o rre c tly e x ­pressed an d a d e q u a te ly t la r if ied it* rea l In ­ten tions . I t is a ll a q u e s tio n o f in te n t.

Daylight Saving Expected As a Matter of Course

On th e q u estio n o f th e a d o p tio n o f d a y ­lig h t sav in g fo r th is y e a r , no g io u n d ex ists, so fa r a s m ay now he c o n je c tu re d , fo r b e ­liev ing th e C itv C o m m issio n w ill d o o th e r ­w ise th a n to follow th e c o u rse w h ich h a s been m a in ta in e d lo n g e n o u g h to h a v e b e ­com e a n e s tab lish ed c u sto m , a n d p ass th e o rd in an ce n ecessa ry to p u t t h e c lo ck an h o u r a h ea d .

D ay lig h t sav in g b y o rd in a n c e la n o t an e x p erim en t a n y lo n g e r. I t h a s h a d a su c ­cessful t r i a l fo r th re e y e a rs . In tw o o f w h ich th e s h o rte n e d pe rio d f ro m th e la s t S u n d ay in A pril to th e la s t S u n d a y in S e p tsm b e i w as tr ie d o u t an d p ro v e d m o re s a tis fa c to ry th a n th e lo n g e r p e rio d flxsd by th e fe d e ra l s ta tu te th a t w as re p e a le d a f t e r a y e a r ’s tr ia l .

W e h a v e show n p re tty c o n c lu siv e ly by th is tim e th a t \ • :re a b le to a lip a w a y a U ttle from reg u la : < .> by th e su n , s ta y a w ay f e r a re a so n a b le an d e n jo y a b le p e rio d d u r in g th e y e a r a n d th e n s lip b a ck a g a in In to a c ­co rd w ith n a tu re ’s ro u tin e , a l l v e ry easily a n d sm o o th ly a n d w ith o u t d is tu rb in g e ith e r n a tu re o r business, o r o u rse lv e s o r o u r ne ig h b o rs . And o p r s i s te r c o m m u n itie s on a ll Sides, g re a t a n d m e d iu m a n d sm a ll, a s w ell a s th e ra ilro ad s , h a v e sh o w n eq u al c ap a c ity In th a t re sp ec t. T h e com m ission is a little la te in g e tt in g dow n to a c t io n on th is su b jec t. I t is t im e It g o t busy .

L e tte rs su b m itted fo r p u b lic a tio n m ust b e a r the w r i te r s nam e and ad­dress. a s ev tdencs o f good f a ith . No co nsidera tion can be g iv en to those sen t anonym ously . W rite only on ons side o f th e sheet.

Visualizes Future Traffic Demands In Light o f “Battle o f Broad Street"

To fk« Kditor o f the N E W S -’ Sir—The bottle of Broad street le not ell

being waged Is the open, bat extends Into many dark alleys that should be Illuminated.

This controversy seem* to havo boon started by raqueita, both In Trenton nnd Newark, nnd the New*. (by request, can render n great nervine to the taxpayers by Illumi­nating the dark alleys.

The Bnrkmsa Jitney bill. If a law, would eventually give a Jitney monopoly to the largo puMle utility companies and destroy Oil competition’, thus eliding the fIvo-cent ban ride.

What Newark In Ita marvelono develop­ment askdo te nil kinds of good tra nsports- tte * facilities, every posolbte teen** fer terteglsg people from outlying districts to oosmwbsro near the center of th is great ■hopping aad commercial district. Newark will be tejora* by the dllmlsntlon o f nsy one of tb s present methods of transporting

jktepte to and team Uw nea te r of (fcfrteltir.Tte* groat pabllc utility cerperatlona all

***t tli* Unite* gtatea ore tklnkiag sertoosly o f what the preoeat bus dove lop moot means

In T w tfd la tro l le y s w hich c a r ry the o th e r th re e -q u a r te rs la a b o u t Theb ases c h a rg e f iv s ccn ta . th a tro l ls? a ch a re* s ig h t co o ts

But h feus com petition Is bound to su rv ive , and I f by ls g ts la ttv a m ethod* o r “rw jntM b ills’* th is bus serv ice Is e llm in a tsd N ew ark w ill bo th* a u f f s ro r . Ju s t s s I t w ould su ffe r If tho t ro l ls ? w srs e lim in a ted s s d n o th in g took Its placs.

T horo m ust bo Im p ro v cm sn t on th s p a r t of u tility co rp o ra tio n s , w hich m oans th a t they m ust run up to -d a te bus lln s s If th s y a - a P hold th s i r business, b u t if th sy a rs g r a n 'v i a m onopoly th a t w ill h aad icap th s p resen t bus asrv loe— w hich to Im prov ing da ily —com ­p e titio n w ill bo o ltm lo a to d and th s body po litic w ill havo a n o th e r po in t added to th* In d lrsc t ta x r a t s t h a t leg is la tio n h a s m ads It possible fo r “sp ec ia l in te re s ts ’’ to lsvy and colloct

N ew ark Is han d icap p ed today by n syvtsm o f o v e rh ead tro lley w ire s , fo r w hich thoro to no excuse W hen th s fran c h ises w e ts g ran ted p e rm ittin g o v e rh ead w ires , they w ere g ra n te d su b jec t to the co n tro l o f th e B oard o f W orks — now C ity Com m issi oner e—a n d th e o v e r­head w ires can be o rd e red u n d er g round at an y tim e If ou r C ity C om m issioners could be persu ad ed to ta k e such action .

I f th e C ity C om m issioners w ould o rd e r the tro lley w ire s u n d e r g ro u n d (as they e re In a lm o st o v e r? c ity in tho co u n try aa la rg e a* N ew ark ) It w ould open th e w ay to re lieve th e co n g estio n trem endously , because, w ith th e d a n g e ro u s an d o b s tru c tiv e overhead tro lley w ire s u n d e r g round , buses s im ila r to those o p e ra tin g on F if th avenue. New Y ork C ity, w ell o rg an ized , w ell reg u la ted , w ell b u ilt doub le d eck e rs , could be run w ith o u t e n d an g e rin g the lives o f th e 'p e o p le who ride on th e u p p e r decks.

Such a move w ould a lso bo to th s a d ­v a n ta g e o f the Pub lic Service C orpora tion , p ro v id in g it decides to o p e ra te bus lines again .

B uses shou ld be s tr ic t ly re g u la te d and the re g u la tio n should be th e sam e fo r a ll buses, w h e th e r o p e ra ted by ' Ind iv iduals or tho la rg e s t c o rp o ra tio n . T h e ir d r iv e rs should he c a re fu lly se lec ted and th e speed lim ited to a sa fe ra te .

N ew ark 's fu tu re la a ssu red , b u t th e d e ­velopm ent can be trem en d o u s ly re ta rd e d by the lack of p ro p er tra n s p o rta tio n .

O ur c ity fa th e rs shou ld have a p ic tu re p a in ted fo r them o f fu tu re N ew 'ark w'lth Its h igh speed t ra in s ru n n in g in subw ays, b r in g ­ing people from a ll o v e r New Je rsey th ro u g h N ew ark to New Y ork, w ith the s tre e ts c leared of o v e rh ead tro lley w trea. Is lands and a ll su rface tra c k s , w ith p n eum atic tired , w ell equ ipped buses of th e fu tu re c a r ry in g th e su rface p a sse n g e rs fo r a il sh o rt h au ls w ith in tne c ity lim its. W ith th is p ic tu re in view, w ith th is in e v itab le developm ent th a t can no t be stopped , th e c ity fa th e rs should m ake every m ove and ta k e every s tep to accom ­plish th a t re su lt, and not w aste th e ir tim e on le ft n and tu rn s o r p e tty su b te rfu g e s th a t w ill never reau lt in any g en era l and p e rm a­n en t b e tte rm e n ts . JAMKS M. SEYMOUR.

:THe House by

Cat Described as Farmer's FriendIn Opposing Sportmen's Attitude

To the, K d ito r o f the N g W S :S ir— In “O ut in th e O pen” on M arch 2C I

read ab o u t th e c a t bill. I read th a t the S en a to rs w ho a re in fav o r of th e bill a re sp o rtsm en . T hey th in k on ly o f them selves And have no co n sid e ra tio n fo r th e fa rm er. A ll th e y th in k of is com ing o u t Into the co u n try in th e fAll and sh oo ting rabbit* , nv-l In o rd e r th a t they m ay have m ore ra b b i>» to shoo t th e y w ould k ill th e cat, th e fa rm e r 's friend. The epo rtsm en In th e c itie s receive la rg e w ag es; th e fa rm e r 's Incom e has been cu t dow n to the v a n ish in g point and m any fa rm e rs a re se ll in g ou t a t th is time.

The cat sav es th e fa rm e r th o u san d s of do lla rs , bu t I p iu s t con fess w ill occasionally catch a you n g ra b b it. R ab b its a re a g re a t tro u b le to fa rm ers . T hey destroy th e p lan ts in the g a rd e n s an d In ou r cem etery they eat the p la n ts on th e g ra v e s as soon a s they a re se t o u t by re la tiv e s and friends. The ra ts and th e mice cau se the fa rm e r to have g re a t losses. In m y p a s to ra l c a lls I call w here fa rm e rs have had hundreds of baby ch ick s ta k e n a t n ig h t by the r a t a I had a brood o f tw e n ty nice chicks. I w as very p roud o f them . I no ticed th a t th ey d isap ­peared u n til only fo u r w ere left. I lif ted the coop and found a r a t hole, look a spade and soon dug up my chicks. We saw a r a t catch a li t t le ch ick In b road d a y l ig h t We took o u r c a t to th e hole an d he soon had the ra t by th e back of th e neck and o u r tro u b les w ere over. R a ts a re so num erous in th e b a rn s th a t I have know n them to e a t the h a lte r s t r a p an d se t th e ho rses free d u rin g th e n ig h t.

L ast y e a r w hen we w en t on o u r v aca tio n o u r c a ts w e re le f t o u t o f th e house and fed by o u r ne ighbors . \Ve w ere gone fiv e w eeks. W hen we re tu rn e d w e found th a t th e mice had m ade havoc. T hey had knocked the covers o ff o f Jelly g la sse s and ea ten th e c o n ten ts o f a b o u t tw e lv e g lasses. A pile of new bags had been e a te n fu ll o f holes. A m ouse w o rk ed i ts e lf u p s ta i r s and a te a hole th ro u g h a shaw l, a s w e a te r and % k n i t v est. W hen th e c a ts a re In th e house th ey c a tch the m ice a s fa s t a s th e y come in, an d If a r a t m ak es Its ap p ea ra n c e I find It dead the n e x t m orn ing .

I am p lead in g fo r th e ca t. th e fa rm e r 's fr ien d , and I do n o t th in k he o u g h t to be k illed In o rd e r th a t p ro sp e ro u s spo rtsm en w ho liv e In th e c itie s can have m ore ra b b its to shoo t in th e fa il. I h av e been a co u n try p a s to r tw e n ty y e a rs ; th e fo rm er p a r t o f jmy

_ *** 0 ra t a s* w«sai mi 1iw mbs mm - -r : c

DAWNA cross th e d o rk h ills a t th e tim e o f d aw fe

W hen th e b a n n e r o f day Is un fu rled . Comes so ftly a sound , a s a b re a th long

d raw n ,A b re a th from th a h e a r t of the w orld.

The m irac le th e re la th* b ir th o f day.T he lig h t w h ere w as n ig h t b e fo re :

A hand u n seen d ra w s th e b o lts aw ay.And th e tu n com es th ro u g h the d o s t,

/ A NOTICEABLE FAILURE.F o ilin g In a n e f fo r t to find a specim en off

th # p in k -h ead ed duck , an exped ition In to t k t w ild s of In d ia in sea rch o f th a t ra re M f i hoe re tu rn e d to c iv ilisa tio n Not one Job*II t i t t l e o r lo ta did th is exped ition add to th # to ta l o f the w o rld 's know ledge of th e platK* 1 headed duck . I ts a p p ea ran ce and Its trtll% > yet In its d e fe a t th is e ffo r t d rew m ore a t tea* tio n th a n It w ould h av e had It been brt!« lian tly su ccessfu l In b r in g in g hom e the bacon Ih the fo rm of a b lack -h ead ed gooes o r $ r in g - ta ile d m onkey o f fa m ilia r kind.

T h is q u est becam e fam ous because o f tbO jj unusual, the curlo»lty-fl< k llng . n a tu re o f Hn . object. One goes ou t Into th e n e ig h b o rin g fa s tn e sse s o f New J e rse y and b rin g s b ack any q u a n tity of qu a il o r o th e r b lrda n a tio n to th e c o u n try , and th e re la li t t le comment* *jj even In te re s t. Rut le t him em erge w ith jM t on* sm all e ig h t- to e d equ ink . a b ird w hich doesn’t e x is t an d by Us n a tu re cou ldn’t s iM « and th e re w ould be n o to rie ty enough. L o t him even an n o u n ce pub lic ly th a t he Is g o in g a f te r an e ig h t- to e d squ ir.k an d th e re w ill bn ta lk , no end.

No It Is s«-en th a t a un ique fa llu ra In p re fe ra b le , from th e s tan d p o in t o f fam e, to success a lo n g som e m ediocre channel. Romo o f o u r m ost n o te d ^ s ta te s m e n have dem on* s tra te d thin, and the lesson Is le f t hero fo r y o u th fu l re a d e rs to ponder.

EVERYBODY'S DOING IT.W e w ere d > e in g —th re e slipped—dyeing .

D yeing p re t ty E a s te r eggs.And th e y o lk s and w h ite s a r t d ry in g

On th e k itch en ta b le legs.8ome w ere b lue and som e w ere c rim son ,

Nome w ere g reen an d som e w are p in k ;Borne had sp o ts w ith o live rim s on.

Borne resem bled p u rp le Ink.And th e end o f a ll o u r labors.

As we dyed an d dyed a g a in .W as fo e n te r ta in th e neighbors.

And an In su lt to th e hen.

W hile p u b lic In te re s t In old K in g T u l« an k b am o n Is p e rh a p s p a llin g a bit, from tin t# to tim e th e re com es a lo n g a p ic tu re w hich cau ses It to p e rk up no ticeab ly . T here w ad one a p p e a rin g a few days ago. o f a s ta tu # of th e re c en tly exhum ed P h arao h , d e p le tin g him w ith w h a t re sem bled a bass d rum s tic k In hia hand.

B ey o n d -d o u b t It w as a b ass drum stto ll in re a lity , and th is c a s ts a new lig h t og m usical h is to ry . T he E g y p tian s of th e Tut* ankbam on period a re g en era lly supposed t# have been no t fa r advanced In th e a r t o f harm ony , yet h e re is an effigy p ro v in g th a t th is K ing w as a p e rfo rm er on one o f th # fin es t o f m usical In s tru m en ts . The b a t# drum has been rid icu led and be littled , but ( • th e h an d s of a v ir tu o so It Is capab le o f m ar* velous e ffec ts , p ian issim o , an d an te , poco non troppo, fo r tiss im o , fu rloso . To h e a r som a tim e a band co n s is tin g e n tire ly o f bass d rum #and slide tro m b o n es Is w ith us a life u n b i*tlon.

Now th e v a rio u s boom s a re being filled w ith g .ts In p re p a ra tio n s fo r fligh t, we 101 per cen t. A m trlcu n s a re w a itin g In k een expectancy from day to day to see w hl#k g re a t p a r ty g e ts o u t f i r s t w ith the declorn* tion o f the c le a n -c u t issues w hich o r# t# p reva il and save th e n a tio n a y e a r fro n t nex t fa ll.

life was spent In Newark, where I was born and brought up. I am qualified to write and I plead that the country cat may be spared to be the farmers’ aid and not slaughtered to please city sportsmen.


Suggests Plan for Garages as WayTo Relieve Congestion in Streets

r * tha matter ef tha N E B ’S.Mr—Mr. Fottlngsr Is RIGHT In advo­

cating .th a t the pity should provide park­ing places for owners of automobiles^ whether they come from the city or out of town. Tho city of Pittsburgh has savsral such packing places In the business district.

Lot mo suggest to the proper authorities that tho city should purchase several ^plots o f load convenient to tho buslnooo cantor, lease these lands for a term of years to responslbl# parties who will erect garages thereon and charge as rontal such amount as w m k reimburse th f city on taxo# and four par cent. Interest on the manh y Invested.

f think d o t this plan would greatly help t# c la r i f y t l» situation a# te th# eongesttoae p i our principal street*, aad th# city will net golfer any fiuanotol lean

An E a s t O ran g e fam ily w hich maintain# a sm all w h ite dog Is lo o k in g fo rw a rd t# sp rin g h o u sec lean in g w ith p lea su rab le antici­pation. ex pec ting to g e t su ff ic ie n t dog hair# off th e ru g s to r e s tu f f th e liv in g roomfu rn itu re .

"As W om an R eads B u rg la r G ets G em s In Next Room ," w hich w ou ld m ak e a cap ita l* a d v e rtisem en t fo r th e p u b lish e r of th a t p a r ­tic u la r book, p ro v id ed It w as a book.

T he one o u ts ta n d in g fa c t com ing o u t o f fuel In v e s tig a tio n s Is th a t Im ita tio n coo t g ives Im ita tio n heat.


Temperatures East of Rockies for Six Years Generally Above Normal

T he y e a r 1922 w as th e s ix th co n secu tiv e y e a r w ith te m p e ra tu re s g e n era lly above n o r ­m al e a s t of th e R ocky M ountains, ex cep t th a t 1920 w as s lig h tly coo ler th a n n o rm al fro m th e Ohio V alley so u th w ard and In th e w e s t G ulf d is tr ic ts . T he a n n u a l m eans ra n g e d from o re to th re e d e g rees above n o r ­m al In a ll s e c tio n s e a s t of th e R ocky M oun­ta in s , b u t w est o f th e m o u n ta in s th ey w e re s lig h tly below no rm al In m ost d is tric ts .

The f i r s t th r e e m o n th s o f th e y ea r w ere ab n o rm ally cold in th e m ore w este rn states* an d F e b ru a ry w as esp ec ia lly cold In th # N o rth w est, w h e re th e m on th ly m oans ra n g e d from n in e to f if te en d eg rees below no rm al. M arch, A pril, M ay and J u n e w ere p e rs is te n tly w arm from th e M ississippi V alley eastw ard^ a lth o u g h te m p e ra tu re s , a s a ru le , w e re o n ly s lig h tly above no rm al in th e G u lf d is tric t# . U n u su a lly w arm w e a th e r fo r th e season w ag ex perienced d u rin g M arch in th e C en tra l- N o rth e rn s ta te s , an d In M ay from th e O hf# and m idd le M ississipp i v a lley s northw ard* Ju n e w as u n ifo rm ly w a rm e r th a n th e a v e r­age, excep t a t a few p o in ts In th e N orthw eat*

July was the only warm season month* with temperatures below normal In most eiee- tlons of the country, although August wag unseasonably cool In the middle and South Atlantic areas. September and October wer# wanner than normal throughout the coun­try, except In a very few limited sections* principally In the South and far West. No­vember was uniformly cool west of the Roeky Mountains, and the averagt December tem­perature was below normal Ih the more northern states from the Atlantic to th# Pacific Ocean. Otherwise these months wer# wanner than the seasonal average.

W hile th e m o n th ly m ean te m p e ra tu re s rag . q u ite u n ifo rm ly a b o v e n o rm a l th ro u g h o u t th e y e a r tn m ost sections* m axim um tem - j p e ra tu re s w e re n o t u n u s u a lly h ig h a t a n y tim e a n d bo p ro lo n g ed h o t sp e lls w ere ex* perienced. No pneVtoue h ig h reco rds w er# i

Jfjl y







?Sv the D ram atic, Vaudeville and O ther StagesF lp w ice& u W t^v'Tkew/kiri. n of New York"/!


w1 ,

Y itiw M aduoIOa\ vVvo

E H P 1 R E -kM M i

D o r o k h /B U k e s^ w P A L A C

GEOHOE A RL1M Will brain » w i s h 's i t« r H n | M i |a |r i i .m i a t tb* t*r«*d mrmn T b ra ta r m u Monday nw w . i Ikk A* w di p rcw m for' i l » ftr»t

Uni# her* W illiam A rc h e r* fo u r-ac t dram a. "Th* O n m Ooddaea." HI* re­appearance a fte r a n abamroa of aeverml rea r* f r a * the local Man* mean* lit* i n o m a I of aequain tanc* with one of th e fmeet dram atic a r t let a on , the EnflhA* apeak in* a ta «e and the Intraduotloa. th ro u g h th e m edium o f hta play, to on*

P M the foremnot English erltloa. Such a n omens unity te r en joy taa their eom- M aed taloata la not to ba llah tly ianorad

. .. Aa a p layw righ t, M r, A radar ia not an wall M ow n to tbo mane of American th e a te rg o e rs aa Mr. Arllae In aa a a act or. By those pa trons o f th e d ram a who h a re

1 kept In close touch w ith happening* In th ea tric a l circles ab ro ad and a t home during Ike la s t th ir ty y ea rs or more, the Baalish w rite r no t only la highly esteemed a a a conacleattoee an d au lh o rtta ttre re ­view er a t ydaya la U a l a i . but te r hta

: exert tons in tra n s la tin g lh e e n s plays and bringing about th e production of them la

.„ # » 'B rtUab cap ital. It la said of him th a t b a long go confessed h is Inability

’ # w rite ‘.a p lay w hich should maaoure Up to hla s tan d ard of w jutt a a artim ie

' m sven aa en terta in ing d ram a ahould be.Various ysaaons combined to make him

i trader!* k* the tan a o f w riting one. a hy g a means eao g an M p a st lens fo r hhn. fur MM reason th a t th e w riter* and the p lay ­ers, wtidm. In th e perform ance of his

| Jjldp, b» had bean otmipeliert to discuss, Sm ( a lw ays la la v tswa favorab le to them.

war* nkaly to h av e d a rts ready for hurl- ^iwir i t mbhW M m . A rc h tr 's k s o i r k d i * o f th e th#*H nw t fn u M iic I t t r r a tu rn v u .

• f eour»«. v e r y h e lp fu l to him in feeh- to n lf if fell In tro d u c to ry w o rk i a a play* W ig h t H e k n rw w h a t w » i lik e ly In

^ Ig R U itia m a te r ia l an d th a developm ent iftf ft to In te r ru t th a public. He a t- ipilM pdad n o th in * o f a "hM rh-brow * n a - | n » , b u t w an c o n te n t to be judged by

W hat |to cou ld tu r n o u t In the form of a ro m an tic m e lo d ram a . In tru a t la * hla p la y to W ln th ro p Araea, th a A m erican p ro d u ce r an d m t o a f i r , th e U tta r found

H i #0 Arllaeth a place In th e B oo th T h ea te r, New Y ork, tw o y e a ra ag o te a t Jan u a ry . Hla

ia " f ib

P r ix c illa k n o a le r |“Why m&n Leave Home” aA W\«


A riles’a be lie f In th e appeal It would have fo r p lay g o er* have been <on- ftrnMxl by the e x tra o rd in a ry auc<ess scored. T ha p ro d u c tio n rem ained la Near Y ork fo r a y e a r Si no# then ithaa been seen la a few of th a la rg e (Kies, w here It h aa con tin u ed It a proa* pem us career.

T he b a ck g ro u n d o f th* action In th e p lay i s a aeg n ca te red and barbaroue coin m u n ity In th e Hi m ala yea ru led by tha K a ja o f R ukh . who. h av in g been educa ted a t C am bridge. Is fa m ilia r w ith tha B ngliah la n g u a g e and cuatom a. An acc iden t to th e a e ro p la n e In w h ich they a re tra v e lin g o v e r the H im alayan reg ion fvroea M ajo r A nthony Creep! n of th e B ritish a rm y and Dr. Baall T ra ­h e rn e and th a te t t e r 's w ife to aeek tha R a i s e h o ap tta llty . R eceiv ing them In a n a p p a re n t ly fr ien d ly ap lrlt he soon reveal* h la s in is te r n a tu re by to ttin g th em knew a f h la in ten tio n t a p u t bo th man to d e a th In aeprlaal fo r the co n tem p la ted execu tio n of eotne o f hla w ild su b jec ts by th e E nglish . He w ill spare th e w om an fo r hla ow n p u r­poses.

T hus a s i tu a tio n la c reated whtgh ca lls f a r a l l th a n e rv a and Ingenu ity the I ll- fa te d t ra v e le rs can m uster. Tha m a jo r s tu m b les upon a w ire less ap­p a ra tu s w h ich th e R a ja had In sta lled in h la palace. T h o u g h he Is ehot and k illed by th a v in d ic tiv e ru le r, who d is­co v ers Man u s in g th a m achine, he had m anaged ta sen d a m assage to B rit­ish fo rces n o t f a r d is ta n t. Boon a fls e tof a s r op lanes sw oop d o w n o n th e tow n _____ __ ......._.............. |and re scu e th a su rv iv in g cap tives, j t holr" s tro n g e s t Inclinations. F ro th th is s k e le to n o f th e s to ry f t W orld of M ake Bellieasily can ba In fe rre d th a t th e play co n ta in s such e x c itin g Inciden ts and e lem en ts o f su sp en se a s m ake fo r s t i r ­rin g e n te r ta in m e n t.

L ong no ted fo r h is su b tle ty In d«l U neating s tro n g ly m a rk e d ch arac te rs .Mr. A rllss found In th e R a ja o f R ukh a ro le to h la l ik in g and one th a t g ives him a ll th e scope needed fo r em ploy­ing h is a r t is t ry . A m ong h is assoc iates

■ _ , «■ V ^ * »- ,k -ft V a .7**

> r o th /\V a k lat the STATE


7 - r

=©=Pore Bernard

aX \\v.cLYP1C


THE MAUDE FEACT PLAYER8A i ia n c n m cm to w n p an ir ip iM A o n s n s '

April 2d | “B M N f t B p n s n1 h n c k t o b 'M a Ta#* jtoaaaa*. Keane todnan

Aprfl 9 t h i( “ Os the Stairs”) In w hich A in lid P a ly #d##wd a t l i tt Ttortoaaa Ito a to B

April 1 6 t h |( “ Getting U s m n M ”1 B t o r W a ir t aaw “ t o r w t a b r I t o I M id. who haa IsOraaOad as tha M— da F a d , V F la y a iu to# ik lT IA L r a t a t t i le a . hadaaa

glaatoe Haw T ato

April 2 3 d <( “Daddy Goes a-Hunting"| M a rla # * Nam bsaW . t a t o toaaaaa a* t a (, Plym aatb Th#a«a*

AHm s s Vbaly

he the City I Me n


Playe New aad Nww Before 8wa Is Nsswfcs ^ r g a a f M g g t ^ s a s s s i n x

Work af Marck M S A W * « Tnm*nan rf

THE SIGN OF THE CROSS”T Z jr z s r .Z .* ' ““ ” *“

GoorA?A rite ,L eo n a rd Y illey !F red crick L lo y dtluabethRielOtt m mTHBCgEEMOOPPECfV*« POAD-

w ill g iv e a a #2-


Not only f req u e n te rs o f v au d ev ille , b u t o th e r p e rsons fond o f Jess a re lik e ly to w rlrom e th a an n o u n cem en t th a t Ben H em ic and hla b and o f aynco- p a to rs a re Im-luded am ong the e n te r ­ta in e rs booked fo r P ro c to r 's P a lace T h e a te r nex t we»*k B rin g in g ills band to New York from the W est six m o n th s ago. Mr. H ernte and h la m u s ic ian s show ed such a b ilitie s In m ak in g m usic o f th e k ind exem plified by Jdhsera th a t

an d Will co n trib u te to the p le a su re d e ­riv ed from the perform ance.

A m ong the p rinc ipa ls in th e com ­pany. num bering fif ty s ingers, dangers and Jo tte rs , e re th e i ’u rc r lla B rother*, Zeno an d Greene. Iren e Shaw . F lo rence S chubert. Roy C um m ings, r u r e n . « H a rv ey and K yra, th e O rien ta l dancer. The cho rus will be a s igh tly a» well aa a n an im ated fa c to r in the p ro d u c ­tion. P rio r to the p re sen ta tio n o f the e x tra v a g an sa seve ra l vaudev ille acts w ill ba staged

A nna C handler and J a n e t Adair. Ib .y qu ick ly tonk ran k w ith t h . L o p « i f VTIIlism M orinsn d th . W h lt .m sn bands. 81* c o l l .* * . , S M A rJ g g S £ .* a f th ro w e r , snd j r . t . . . and un iv e rs itie s , am ong them C olum bia.Yale, the M assach u se tts I n s t i tu te of T echnology and the C n lv e re lty o f I n ­d ian a . a re rep resen ted In th e B ern le o rg a n isa tio n , som e of th e m em b ers of w hich decided a f te r sp en d in g m o rs o r leas tim e in p u rsu in g th e h ig h e r educa-

•juare C arden and' .h i ion . f th f . r pro w ran «■ •• \ »»e . . . , .v ;

e \e rv perform sn« «» A n^ local r id e r I iv lnvlte<i to c o n te s t w ith e ith e r of them in th e ir daily ex h ib ition .

■— -----e ---------

“Breaking Into Society"The ••tJIrls from th e P o ll ie s” rom -

•:*ny o f burl<s<]urrff w ill a p p e a r In th e i.-h s i e x tra x a g s tix a "B re ak in g In to

.'i" :et>" a t th*1 L> rlc T h e a te r tom or- "*w a fte rn o o n ami co n tin u e In i t th ro u g h o u t the week.

The hum orous co m p lica tio n s In th e p roduction re su lt from th e a tte m p t o f

schem ers to de lude a w e a lth y socie ty w om an in to th e h e lta f th a t a v a g ra n t D utchm an is o f n o b is b ir th and is a d esirab le catch . S idney R ogers, who m asquerades a s th e hobo. Is sa id to give a droll perfo rm ance . A sto - . l&ted w ith him In th e fu n -m a k in g a r s Bonnie Dale. Eva Lew is, N ote E d ­w ards. R u th Page, F ra n k A nderson, la rk f’oyle and Mack an d B ernard . A ctively su p p o rtin g them is a cho rus n u m b erin g a dosen o r m ore young wom en. -

PRICES---WM IsMra -4 M «M a m.

Last Two Times Today—“Mis’ NsOy of N’OHsaaaP( S I M M t s r k ls f s* » w t— ■ ■ ••■ •Miss

LYRIC PhoneMarket 4057

“GIRLS a la CARTE”tion , th a t they p re fe rred m usic to e n g in eerin g , m edicine o r th e law a n d could be co n te n t only by fo llo w in g


w r a n a m a n a g e r , h >« ' c-h . . k«*v, wingon r r»d.p ro m is in g th a t he engaged Mr. *" ® • Leonardfo r th * p rin c ip a l r» ls sn d s tag e d ^ ^ m R ^ Vsn>un ira i t . . Osvnek T h . s t . r Vsu- I W lllsv . M orris W. A nkrum , Roy van

ftfefth he G reen G oddess '' and Mr.

W illey. M orris Alien. R. C a r r in g to n S h o rt and V era T o m p k in s

Stock Companies to Revive Popular PlaysG te ln g i t i f l n a ! p e rfo rm an c e -o f "T h s ,

M iracle M an" In th e Bftrand T h ea te r to n ig h t, th s S tr a n d P la y e rs w ill p re sen t

E a t e r s n e x t w eek A very H opw aod's f i b r e s - s e t com edy, 4*Why Men Leave

T h e p iece w as p roduced In v jto w Y ork e a r ly In B ep tem ber la s t and

In te re s te d m an y p e rs o n s w hose cu- r to s lty h a d been p iq u ed by the t i t le

Kftfcat I t e rn t ln u e d th e re fo r a couple of M on ths o r m ore.

% T h e lev ity w h ich h a e colored much f t Mr. H opw eod 'a fa rc ic a l w ritin g s for th e s ta g e Is n o t a b s e n t from th is e re - a tlo n , b u t In u s in g It h e has also goutided a s e r io u s n o te In show ing why

, pom e h u s b s n d a h a v in g g a d ab o u t wives, a r e Inc tiaed to w a n d e r fro m th e ir own fire s id e s In a sh rch o f th e eow panion-

f. sh ip th a t w ill e n ab le th e m to w hile aw ay o th e rw is e lo n e lv h o u rs . In ex-

u ftlo ltln g th i s th em e th e a u th o r In tro - idNlcea th re e b ened icts ,, know n m erely a s Tom . A r t ie an d Bern, who try to d iscover a m e a n s fo r c u rb in g the w an-

. f te r lu s t o f th e i r ep ousea w ith o u t a lien - a t in g th e ir a f f e c t io n s

A t th e o p e n in g o f th e action Tom In h i t Long Is la n d hom e Is bew ailing h is tofteJfnee* a n d th in k in g h a rd th o u g h ts abou t th e s e lf ish n e s s o f h is w ife F tfl, w ho h a s b een In P a r is fo r severa l

r' m o n th s an d h aa Ig n o red him even to j f tie e x te n t o f n o t w r it in g home fo r |r m oney. , ,

U n ex p ec ted ly sh e a p p ea rs and Isg u le k ly fo llo w ed by A rtie and Bam e rtth th s l r w ives. A f te r m u tu a l g re e t lu g s th e h u s b a n d s w ith d re w to com- ftg re n o te s a n d to fo rm u la te som e plan

► w h ereb y th e w om en, whom theyw edded w ith t h e ex p ec tlo n of secu rin g h e lpm eets , c an be m a d s to rea lise tbe\ e r ro r o f th e i r w ay s and to se tt ledow n to th e ro u tin e o f dom estic life.

O w ing to th is s e c re t confab, the w iv es Jum p to th e conclusion th a t d u r ­in g th e ir ab se n c es th e h u sb an d s have been f l i r t in g w ith o th e r wom en e#»d proceed to show re sen tm en t. But the M en so tu rn th e ta b le s on them th a t th e y becom e q u ite c o n te n t w ith the socie ty o f th e tr b e t te r ha lves and w ith th e hom e c o m fo rts p rov ided . W hile all th is Is t a k in g p lace th e a u th o r s tre sses th e m ean in g of th a t hom e life w hich Is b lessed by love an d ch ild ren

T h e W orld of M ake Believe.** a new c re a tten by H ockey and G reen, w ho a re am n ag th e m ore y o u th fu l p ro d u ce rs In vaudev ille a n d h ave g iven th e v a ­r ie ty s tag e such a c ts a s "S ta rs o f Y es­te rd a y ” an d **8tare o f th s F u tu re /* WlU em ploy e ig h t o lever e n te r ta in e r s an d w ill be p re sen ted w ith som e s u rp r is e s In scenic e ffec ts. Tom H ow ard , a w ell- knou-n fa rceu r, w ilt a p p e a r w ith J o ­seph Ly<>n in a sk e tc h e n title d o u t " E a rl H am pton a n d D o ro th y B lake w ill p re sen t a s k i t o f th s do ­m estic o rde r, called "B eaueoup N on­sense** T he C ath ed ra l C horal C luh of th is c ity and n u m b erin g tw e n ty s in g ­e rs w ill be h eard In sev e ra l se le c tio n s M onday n ig h t only. A n o th e r loca l o r ­g a n isa tio n . th e P h o n o g rap h C ity T rto . com pris ing C harle s K enny . L ou is N oll en d Jam es W helan , w ill s in g s a v e rs ! songs.

.............. ............. — ---- ' ’ Among th e c o n tr ib u to rs to th o p ro -A t If «io»*4 by ■ A stir* to n b u th* T M b* g fr»*n t*« In Aid o f lo o tl * . . . _ , , c h a r itie s tom orrow w ill be P a u l

p rn l t s n t l s l s s u e n M iss M xuds F ra ly D sc k rr and rom p sn y In tb s sk e tc h , "I ■II) rev iv e W ilson B s r r s t t , re lig io u s H e a rd :” Os Lyle Alda. E d w ard T iern ey d ram a "T h# S ign o f th # r r o s s .” In th# , *n<l Jam es D onnelly in th s m u sica l C ity T h e a te r n e a t M ond .y n t . h t and | W lf f 0dn‘ n*t OU ? 0 «*m<2dl1.n -

H irr lr .g tv n and O resn In th s sk e tc h "N obody's G al:" th* Bobbl* P t n d t r , tro u p e of e ccen tric d a n ce rs : M ontana b an jo la t. Combe and N evtns, s in g e r , an d C orlnns and H lm ber In a m ualct I an d d a n rln g act.

w ith h e r co m p an y w ill ap p ea r In I* th ro u g h o u t th a w eek . •

W ritte n a t le a a t a q u a r te r o f a cen ­tu ry ag o by Mr. B a r re tt , th en In tho prtm * o f h is p o w sr an d p o p u la rity ss a d ram a tic s ta r a n d p lay w rig h t, th s d ram a, o rig in a lly p roduced In E ngland, scored such a auccaaa th e re th a t It w aa Im ported to th is coun try , p re­sen ted w ith C h a r le s D alton In th a ro le of th a h e ro a n d m a in ta in ed Itse lf In p o p u la r ity fo r to v o ra l seasons. W han Its p o p u la r ity on touV began to w ans It w as re le a sed to o tock com panies and con tinued to a t t r a c t la rg e audiences.

Tha scene o f e c tto n la an c ien t Rome and th a p e rsecu tio n o f th e early C hris­tian a by th e ir p a g a n ru le rs fo rm s th s back g ro u n d o f th * d ram a tic develop­m ents. Th* ro m an ce Invo lv ing M ercia, e s te a d fa s t b e lie v e r In th e new fa ith , who h a s been c a u g h t In th* Im perial n e t sp re ad fo r th # C hrle tlene. end M arcus S uperbus. th e young Roman pa tric ian , w ho Is co nverted by her g en tlen ess , c o u ra g e end aeal, Is u n ­folded In such s i tu a tio n s a* firm ly hold and re w a rd th* a tte n tio n of a u ­diences.

Mies F ea ley w ill a p p ea r a t M ercia and Mr. B yron a s M srcus. Th* neat a lso Includes E l isa b e th R atbbun . L il­lian Concord. M abelle H astings . H a r­r ie t M urw ela, E d n a E ck e rt, O. Laeter P au l, J a c k W L ew is, W. O. M eW etere. Bobble L iv in g sto n . Jac k Leahy, Louie B ray , E dw tn B ra n d t, C harlce Nelson and B rnaat M orey. M ite F ee ly baa ex arted h e rse lf to provide, euch a .cento In v e s titu re an d costum e# ea th# period o f th# p la y re q u ire end to m ake th# rev iv a l ae eom m endab la In all w ays a s w aa h e r re c e n t p resen ta tio n of

, "W hen K n ig h th o o d W ee In F lo w e r"

Revivals of Comic Operas at the Shubert 1T h a t m an y lo v e ra o f ganu tna «P- nlngham. a baritone, whoaa *qtee and

» i th i« m tv t o f t " * ability atrong ly renommaffd him:ecettaa an 1 comic operas in vnix h it AJ|e# MacKenxla, a young aoprxno. the and neighborhood welcome thle form , quality of whoae tonea and whoae •tellt of en tertainm ent en d ere willing to I In vooalU etlon Im ve celled forth many

....................... ...... I fav o rab le com itien ta ; B ernice M ershon,su p p o rt It 1* no t to be d isputed. On* | ,,ontTmUo) W in ifred A nglin and H enry p roo f of th e tr ta s te end deelrea Is the . K elly. Any o rg a n is a t io n engaged In h la b u s in ess done by "Bloeaom Time" ‘ p re sen tin g th e o p e re tta # In th e H epper

. .w n v h s s r s r laet week | re p e rto ry m u s t la o lu d s not only g ifteda t t h o B road S tr e e t T h e a te r le s t M com edians b u t accom plished elngers. T he bouse co u ld n o t aocom m odato a n I g |p j , r t h u r R u lllv sn and R eginald De w ho w ould becom e a cq u a in ted w ith th e i Koven w ro te aonga w hich requ ire p ro d u c tio n To g r a t i f y m a n y ' p e rso n . . “L JJtT " i / U * i . e , , , t * * '

T he Whirl of New York" to Be Presented at the

A fte r a w eek of e tr a lg h t v au d ev ille th e m an ag em en t of th e S h u b e rt T h e a te r w ill re v e rt n e x t M onday to th e "unit** fo rm o f e n te r ta in m e n t, com ­b in in g specie It lea an d e x tra v a g a n s a .

T he fe a tu re of th e p ro g ram w ill be a con den aed v e ra len o f th e M eaara. S h u b e rt's W in te r G arden p ro d u c tio n . "T he W h irl o f New Y ork/* a concoction o f com edy, aonga, dancee an d sp ec ­tac le , th a t fu rn lah ea v a rie d an d In te r - e a tin g e n te r ta in m e n t fo r aud lencea . M uch o f th e e la b o ra te ic o n ic tn v e a tt- tu r# an d m any o f th e p ic tu re s q u e a n d exp en siv e coatum ea p re p a re d fo r th e o rig in a l p roduc tion w ill be need h e ro

<'hape lle and K tlnettc. rolorv«l *• it k K ram er and Boyle, com edian*. HashM and Gael, J ap an ese gym naatn , and Buddy Doyle, e lng ing com edian, will end th e ir engagement)* tom orrow w ith perform ance* in a id of local ch arltlen

T he perfo rm ance next M onday nlgM iw ill be fo r the b enefit of t h e A A P. I With Eddie Dale A Mickey Markwood M anagers* A aaoclatlon o f N e w a r k , j A bout 1,000 m em bers o f th e aaeof la- tlon rep re sen tin g 140 starve, a n d t h e t r fr ien d s w ill be p r e s e n t . A p p r o p r i a t e so u v en irs will be g iven a ll th e w o m e n w ho a tten d .

LippeTt “Kutie Kids" Booked To Appear on the State Stage

H x v ln g th e ir E a s te r V acation nex t w eek , those p up ils in D avid L ippel e dan c in g claaaea who a re know n aa Llp- pe l's **Kutie Kids'* w ill a p p e a r a t L o e w s B u te T h ea te r, p re s e n tin g an ac t d iffe re n t In m any p a r tic u la rs from th a t in w hich th ey w ere seen th e re d u rin g th a C hris tm as holidays. T w en ty - five g ir ls and boys, a ll o f w hom a re u n ­der tw elve years o f a g s , w ill ta k e part.

M ost and F ry e , co lon l com edian a, w ill co n trib u te th e ir n o n sen s ica l sk it. "How H igh Is Up," to th * p ro g ram . T h e ir com ing engag em en t In s a id to be th e tr f i r s t in th e p o p u la r p riced h o u s e s ^ E ek h o ff and G ordon. In a m edley o f f m usic and comedy. D oro thy W ah l In i songe and pianologue. an d R eo and H elm ar. equ ilib ris ts , a lso w ill ap p ea r. j

A fe a tu re of th e bill, w hich w ill have J p a r tic u la r In te rest fo r m any N ew ark e rs

.w ill be th* m ads-ln -N ew ark p h o to play. "T he G rea t Leva," tom e of th e seen*** In w hich w ere enac ted b e fo re the cam era on the S ta te s tag e an d In view o f th e audiences th la week. A ll th e ; m em bers of th e c a s t a re a m a te u r p la y ­ers. liv in g In N ew ark o r n ea rb y tow ns. |

T he feature of the motion p ic tu re sec- j tlon of the program will be th e P a ra - | mount production. "The Leopardess." It\ t which Alio# Brady to Ita rred . Adapted to the screen from a novel by K atherine Newton Burt, th e play depicts th e ex ­periences of T tera. a white girl. living | w ith her fa th e r on a South 8ea island. | There she m eets Seott Qulgg, a scoun­drelly adventurer, who by exerting his wiles Induces her to m arry him. Ill tre a t­ing hta bride during a voyage to this country, Qulgg la called to account by Captain Croft, owner of th e vessel. A fight ensues and resu lts In th e captain being thrown overboard. L a te r develop­m ents show Croft, supposed to have been drowned, es appearing a t the Qulgg home. ] W hile attem pting to kill the visitor, Qulgg himself la fatally wounded by a leopardess he had caged In th e housa

G O O D W IN StartingToday

1Ui a positively your last chance to ace thla wonderful picture down town.



— A b o —

Buster Keaton, in T he Electric House’PATHE NEWS CUKXENT EVENTS


Beginning This Monday Night, M uch 26MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY

A Thrilling Hay of


Whithrop Amca Pracnts

M .S . S C H L B ilN O E S

w ho were tttiabl* to (sc o re *«*ts M»n- •B*r B chl*siae*r hs* xrr*ng»1 for n return #n fa x etn sn t s a d Mi* work w ill b* presented In tk* Bread durtaa th* ■ a sk b eg in n in g Monday, April SS.

Further evidence o f tb s llk ln f for ligh t lyrical w o r k s other than muslost som sd lss la supplied h r tk* numerous req uests for sea ts r*o*lv*d by Manager Sm ith o f th * Bhuhart Th**t«r *lno* tb s announcem ent w aa mad* In th*

.Jtaws la s t w ea k th a t Da W olf Hopper gad hi* com pany w ould b*fta aa *n- >xg*m *nt o f Ms w eek# a t tkat houa*

: Monday nlsrht. April S, and pr«»*nt tuck « M C sparks aa G ilbert and Bulllvan’a "Th* Mikado." -Jetnntba." "Th* Taoaim #r tk* Guard." -T h a Pirate* a f p*n- •anak- an d "K. M. R Pinafer*" aad Da K ov#n and Sm ith's "Robin Bond.*.. T bs t»lrt»ads a f tkaaa aparattaa. which w *r* banrd by m illions a f muale lor la a p ta r a * * n n f tsr "H. M. A Pinafore."

- Ifea t i n t In n Iona a«r1«s a t *uoo****,.I aw*r fo r ty yaarp ago, by Mr. id hi* sssocta tsa bars b#*a

S h y O rg* audl*n«** wh»r»v#r i |M sa pr*a*atad ShM aaaaoa.

v ls itsd th* company ap­i s f ir st-a la s* thm tara at

o f prlosa. Naw- th * lr neighbor* ar* ta lack

: ta Urn 4r*ana*m *n t ■ b«tw , m an d Mr. Roppar,

‘Twinkles o f 1923” to BeStaged by Local Amateurs

R eh e a rsa ls e re u n d e r w ey fu r to e "T w ink le# o f 1921," to be p re e e a te d T u esd ay e n d W ednesday n ig h ts , A p ril 10 an d 11, In th e K ru e g e r A u d ito riu m b y C lin ton H ill M asonlo L ed g e and E le c tra C hap ter, O rd e r o f M notorn S ta r. M any fr ien d s o f th e p la y e rs h av e a tte n d ed th e reh e a rsa l# h e ld tw ic e • w eek In th e C lin ton H ill M asonlo Temple*

A nu m b er Os n o v e ltie s w ill be In ­troduced th is y s a r by th e ooaoh, G eo rg e H. K ahn . A m ong th em w ill be a Ju ­ven ile tro u p e , a b u rle sq u e on to e "W ooden S o ld iers" a n d o th s r fe a tu re s . T h e le ad in g ro le a g a in w ill ba ta k e n by H enry J , B u sh ie r, w ho w ill b e a e - ■iRted by A rth u r H e r r ig s 1, E d w a rd H offm an. C h arle s M eyers an d J . G oerk . T he e lnge re Include A) B undy , D av id M oines and Mias J sw e l P a t te n , Mine Je s s ie Q uelch w ill be th e p ia n is t.

A n o th e r ch an g e to b e In tro d u ce d to la y ear w ill be th e re s e rv a tio n a f num ar* ous sea ts . M any M aaenlo a a d B o etern S ta r m em bers have p la n n e d . te en te r* ta in p a r tie s a t 'Twinkles.**

“Hippity Hop" Burleiquen to Entertain Patron* of Empire

T he "H ipp ity Hop" com pany o f bu r- leaquers, under th e m an ag em en t of M essrs. Peck and Kolb, com es to the S m g lre T h ea te r tom orrow fo r a w eek 's engagem ent. T he o rg a n isa tio n Is one o f th e beet equipped o f th o se to u rin g th e Colum bia A m usem ent C ircu it and a p p ea rs In a p roduc tion w hich Is said t e be ho tab le fo r scenic In v e s titu re and beau ty of costum es.

T h e princtpal com edians a re '*8hort»" M acAUister an d H a rry Rhannon, w hose com icry hae com m ended th em to p a tro n s of burleeque. A m ong th e tr h s - | eoolates in th e coat a re M attie De Lece In th e p rim s d onna rola. K itt le M ad- I Ison. Irens L eery , N ina M ack, A lliene j R ogei s. Joseph F o r te and H a ro ld C arr. ; T he chorus com prises n early a sco re o f y e u n g women and lx active In so n g end donee,

An e x tra a ttx ao tlo n th a t w ill tn te re* i m any N ew arkers, p a rtic u la r ly th e fre - ! quen ter* of cycling races, w ill be , Sam uel (H etm an o f th is oltv an d D avid 1 L an d s o f Irv ing ton , who fin ished second I In to e re s e a t s ix -d ay race in M edtson j

GEORGE ARLISSIn WilliuR Ardwrti The

GREEN GODDESS445 Tima at Booth B o le , N. Y. C. 77® U m o ta U. 8. A.

London Enf wnwto Begin in 0iftw>«Nl,hi* Me lo IXM. Mata. Wad. a *4 Sat Me. I1.M. » U * " i * *

Hie Female Billy Sunday

SUNDAY NIGHT—AFEIL tMiss Rheba Crawford

*T1to Angel df BwsiwF

AU aaato Bta aad Tk*

Easter Week—Another Gnat Musical SheerMata. Wad. and Sat., Me to IX AH SaaMaga Ma to SXM aid Ta*




w*Il *« n a tu ra lly good v*1**a.Mr. Hopper1* rev iv a l* #f lh*aa o*ml«

op*r** w er* <1u# n a t on ly ta k la b#11*f th»« th* pub lic w ou ld b* lnt*r»*t«d In U>*oi. b u t t« h la k *an d u t r a i s p o rtray the w *ll-d r*w n c h a rac te r* h i aaauaw s la them , ch a rac te r* w hich c a ll f a r da- lln aa ttv a aJtUitF If th* b u s k e r w ith w hich tb*y a re c lo thed I* to b* *d«- q u a ta tr **pr#**#d. B*f»r* t a k t a , up th* O ltb* rt and S u lliv an w o rk , b* had d is t in g u is h * , h lm sa lf h r num erous *chl*v*m *nt# a a a e ln g ln a ac to r who ootUd do Juotleo to oocoatrtc charaotoro. A m ong h la m o rs Bkataorabio oroatlono w ore O ansra) O U oadorf ia “T h a S a m a r S tuden t,’’ F au ean lx * In "Tk* Lady o r th o T l f o r - a n d tha t ltlo e h a ra a ts rg la "Dr. Spu ta* .” "W aae ." “B C ap ltan ' and "M k P ick w ick .”


ms EprXBHMBsrHmeBEjausaLw—wJ8t8MHfca|iBBH9

p p m PKM__I W fetoiK totoftltoH___________________________________


FM araa aa* t a r HH l ffiii IB B■B R X H 0U M Y

rT f ix h wIN GALA AJKRAY •

M a r Oaamtoal t *«»

t r n m a Raw H a d a a ta



wmi m , at.

m u m mt a r o d l a t t o

aakora aaO that

MjgM m m ; r i t -

Ed Wynn is " Ih e Perfect Fool” Soon to Appotr at the Broad

Bd Wynn, to wkeas verbal aad pkyatoai antic* many fan-looon da- Ilght, w ill' com* to tk* Broad Otraat Th a tta r for tb s waok boalnnlng Mon­day, April S, W ith hi# company ho will appear ta tk* review entitled “ Th* Far- test Fool," la wkioh ho hex otxrrod totopis tha las t' otghtooa month* aad prowmtad gxloty by hi* perforaansaa.


JOE LYONSa# -etna ta w



DONOTHyBLAKE II "lliswi imm **nn n r

P H O N O G R A P H C ITY T R I OK E N N Y - 4 W ^ - W M y t A H l

M m

T E D L E W ISa ............. "

o m i a i m A M U M i a n ^ '

m m

Whlta Mr. Wyna, his Aownhur t o t o i

and hhS mnl . ) « to

w£ mJ . . >

i , ? m I P i i ■ 1 . -


S3 Li tto.wound'l and

mmvj - j

M m



JACK PICKFORDi» “u r n i w n fiiis r "



* THRILLING PROLOGUE L in Raw Harm* la .M b a

£ IN T R Ak c e n t r a l . A ve. a t a * i t .

I n r II «C» TOU-IY: " \» IT M TO t o l TH~—"MHUtD TAI Co"MuRJRI--Tr u ArJ—WrttniMlRI

PAULINE STARKE ut “The Kingdom Within**JOHNNY*HINES in

“SURE FIRE FLINT**M M 'taNitM ittir wKKK

ThiriJi i - n lw l i ir H l i im dAyLON CHANEY in


“SALOME”>fwt w a r

■ t m M I L * « t j

TOM MOOR* -PAWHBT ’’ rlS j j U'e ' rh’i). “(LARENOr■m m m a w . “la .

IB S T*—*—■ Ita CtfXu,'*u row,



LOEWSH o p e H a m p to n .,a n d E .K .L iocoIq

'**■ Tfte LioM* in. the Dar-k " at"foe B r a n f o r d

C fiarles R icfjTnaa., Barbara Castleton. and Baby S u n sh in e m M.v F rien d .th e DeviCali ffoe

^ TvA . . B

L igh t in I h r P a rk ," a H"p»* I H am pton p ro d u c tio n , in which I th a t ucfresR e n ac ts the ro le of

th** hert>in«* and is supported by Lou f H aney. K. K L in cn 'n and o thers, w ill brad th e at(racti<>nn a t the Bran* lo rd T h ea te r t" d a v and .jittil n * \t Fat* urda> . A C h ris tie com edy, p rasey Jo n es Jr.." and w w i r»-\l**ws a re in ­cluded in th e hill, m d the on-heM ra p lays F tl--d iuann> "S lavic Rhapsody As an ex tra a t t r a c t io n Mian I*oroth> f ’u lm cr of th is cit \ w ill pr*****nt forty nf her pupils in a dan c in g act, en titled “The W him sical R evue."

A no tew orthy fe a tu re o f "The L ight in the Hark** in an ep isode depleting th e Holy (Ira ll legend, th e acehe being* ulored by th e new K astm an process. It is th ■ f ir s t piece of m otion p ic tu re 1 * I in to be show n to th«* m aking i f w hich the K astm an p r »ees« w as s p ­illed . T!ie re s u lts ach ieved a re said to be beau tifu l and to m irro r n a tu re e ffe c ­tiv e ly The a c tio n hi th e s to ry revolves* round the in flu en ce ex e r te d by a cup «»f queer design . found in an E nglish fo res t and b ro u g h t to A no-rira it j.laxa• n im p o rtan t p a r t in vi ra l d ram atic Inciden ts in New York s underw orld• nd e v en tu a lly b r in g s h app iness to a )o u n g g irl s tru g g l in g a lo n e in th a t c ity .

by the S e lsn n k film . ‘'P aw n ed . tea- lu ring Tom Moore a r t E d ith R oberts, and will include an epkaode of the serial. "A round th e W orld In E igh teen P a 's ." and the com edy. "A Laidv's Man." in w hich " B u 'l" M ontana a p ­pear* 1 oj M onday an d T 'f s d s y Agnes A \re* Walla.*.. Reid. Mj > M«*.\vo> and o ther prom inent p la y e ts w ill be s-’d i in the Param ount. pb ’tu riE af ion of Booth T a rk in g to n s "t ’la ren ce ." The U niversal p ic tu re . "T he K en tucky ■Dffhy." a lso W ||% be show n

"The t'o iin try F la p p e r .” w ith I »»r*»- tny Gish and t i le ry H u n te r \% th e cast, and "The i 'u h R c p o ite r ." s ta r t in g R ichard T alm adge. w ill be th e p rin ­cipal a ttra c tio n s W ed n esd ay . "<»mar the Tenlm.i ker." w ith G uy B ates I hurt in the title n»le. haa been booked for T hured iy and F r id ay , an d w ill be aup- pon-en ted by a new ep;Nfide in the '.•rial. "B lunder,” in w h ich P e a r l Whit** is featured.

A!|c*« Calhoun h ead s th e c as t in "The (Jitl In His Room." to h*- show n S a tu r ­day. when a co n tin u a tio n of "The Mo­d a l B uccaneer” s - n a l , Neely K dw aids in the comedy, "S»i?n»* S erv ice ." and a farce fea tu rin g M onty B anks, w ill l»e presented

i C arl C a n i v o r t ;,nd it"b« t Mt Kim ! assum e the pnn< tpal role* in the plc- ■ tu re . which is a m ix tu re ot rom ance fund ad v en tu re w ith a W este rn ba< k- ' ground| Miss Lf>«h4 L;i l i a r an all* fetal m ind . r e a d e r , w i l l a p p e a r t h r o u u h o i i t t h e


“My Friend the Devil" Among The Attractions at Terminal

"The Dangerous Age” ListedWith Attractions at Tivoli

"Bulldog Drummond" and Other Films on Bills at Clairidge

The final o p p o r tu n i ty fo r seeing R ichard U arth e lm css an d I>orothy Gish |» th e phdto p lay , "F u ry ." a t the Tivoli T h e a te r w ill be a ffo rd ed to n ig h t, when

f i lm ! “T o reh y S teps O ut." w ithth eJo h n n ie H ines, a " F u n n y F a c e " c a r ­toon and new s ree l w ill be show n, and Adolph M ilar. a m em ber of th e cas t In * F u ry .” enda h is en g ag e m e n t as a vocalist a t th e p lay h o u se by sing ing an a r ia from L eoncavallo 's ”1 P ag liacc i.”

D uring th e / .*t h a lf o f the week J o h n M. S tah l .- la te s t p ro d u c tio n . "The D angerous Age. * w ill head th e screened O fferings, w hich w ill inc lude th e Eels* Hick p ic tu re . "Love s M asquerade.” fe a tu rin g C onw ay T ear!* ; "The M es­sage of E m il ro u e ," a n d a comedy. "A ny Old P o r t.” w ith N eal B urns in the lead ing rolg. L ew is S tone. C leo Madl- *on and R uth C liffo rd e n a c t the p r in ­c ipa l ro lea in "T h e D a n g e ro u s Age.” Which show s Row m a r i ta l happ iness m ay be im periled w hen rom ance is fo r ­g o tte n by ono o f a m id d le -a g e d couple.

Miss E elin R u sse ll. a S co ttish , con ­tra lto . now liv in g In E a s t O range , wt i lie th e vocal so lo is t " lo n d a y . Tuesday and W ednesday an d w ill be heard in R oeckel’s "A ngus M acD onald .' and the old Scotch "A nnie L au rie ."

The cellu lo id a t t r a c t io n s d u rin g the l a t te r h a lf o f th e w eek w ill be the R rlin ick p ro d u c tio n . “Paw ned.*' w ith Tom B ril Fox fit• nd Monty B an k s in th e fa rc e . "Love T aps." d e p le tin g th e a d v e n tu re s o f u young m an e n g ag e d in in v e s t ig a tin g a gam bling ring , “P aw n ed " Is d ram atic in its d evelopm en ts and c o n ta in s m um th a t has* an e x c i tin g e f fe c t on th e ob ­server. T he sp ec ia l a t t r a c t io n a t the Children 's m a tln e ee n e x t S a tu rd a y w ill be Mae M arsh h» "P o lly o f th e C ircus.” *. M aster. H aro ld P o lk , a boy soprano, w ill sing S a u n d e rs 's "A L i t t le Tow n In C ounty Down* an d B e rn s te in 's "Loving Sam " T h u rsd ay , F r id a y a n d S a tu rday .

‘’Bulldog D rum m ond." a H odkinson p icture, fe a tu rin g « 'arlyl« B lackw ell, will he the p rin c ip a l a t t r a c t io n a t the C lairidge T hea te r. M o n tc la ir . M onday. Tuesday and W ednesday AiU».>t*-d front a s .o ry w ritten by an u u th o r who prefers to be know n ax "^ ap jie r,” the film depicts the a d v e n tu re s o f a B ritish arm y officer. F in d in g life tam e a f te r leaving th e serv ice , he a d v e r tis e s for em ploym ent th a t w ill n e t h im e x c ite ­ment. and g e ts it.

A p lc tu risa t ion o f Z siie G rey ’s s to ry , "The M ysterious R id e r." w ill h ead the program to he p re s e n te d d u rin g the la tte r h a lf o f the w eek. C la ire Adams,

"My F riend th e Devil.** W illiam Fox 's screen a d ap ta tio n of G eorges o h n e t • novel, "l*r. Katnejita'* w ill featu;re the e n te r ta in in g schem e a t ' th e T erm inal T h ea te r to d ay an d u n til n e x t S a tu rday . A nother Fox ptVt u ie . “A C alifo rn ia Rom ance.’' s ta r r in g Jo h n G ilb e rt; an Al St John com edy e n title d "Out of pi re ." a new s reel and p e rfo rm an ces by th e o rc h e s tra and o rg a n is t round "Ut. th«* pfogrVfST. »

C harles R ich matt is seen as the c en ­tra l figure. Dr R am eau, in “My F rien d th e Pevil. w hich la s^ id to be a pow e rfu l d ram a fine ly e n ac ted E m btt te red by an ex p erien ce in n is youth . R am eau has renounced Cod. beileves owl* in s c ie p r - and h a s a tta in ed p rom inence a s a ph y sic ian . L a te r in life he fin d s **vhl»nce o f hlr. dsad

j w ife 's faU e ii-ss and . In a frenxy . tu rn s th e ir d a u g h te r from hom e He rep en tsw hen the g ir l ta i ls se r io u s ly 111 and

; ex h au s ts h is K now ledge tr* sav e her. j H er recovery re s to re r h is fa ith In the I A lm ighty.| A ssociated w ith Mr. R tchm an In th e

east ar« B ennie G rau er. W illiam •Tooker, Adolph M ilar. M yrtle S tew art.

B arbara C as tle to n , B aby S u n sh in e and | e thers.

"A C alifo rn ia R om ance" t r e a ts o f 1 the days w hen th e G olden S ta te w as l annexed to th e Union. The hero, a

> <>ung M exican, re fu s e s to f ig h t and j th e hero ine p ro n i!s»s to w ed his riv a l [ un less he sh o w s b e t te r s p ir i t . E ste lle ■ T ay lor. G eorge Sefgm ann . J a c k M ac­

Donald and C h a r le s A nderson su p p o rt i Mr. G ilbert in th e p e rfo rm an ce .

SniCK p i o u u c u o i i . i i t n n r u , w i mn Mocf t an d E d ith R o b e r ts in the ru*ln%Lrrole*; S h ir le y M ason in th e i film , "Y o u th M ust H ave Love."

' J

tH / U K E T S T O P P O S IT E B A M B E R O E P S




H f e i M O S S e ' f :R Yr % cue mated L tNTSRWNBtS REO&HELMAR



(First Time in Newark)1

In Avery Hopwood’s Smashing Success

Varied Program at the CourtThe film p ro g ra m c o m p ris in g the

Goldw yn 'p ro d u c tio n . "B ro k en C hains.” t fn w hich C olleen M oore a n d M alcolm | M cG regor a re seen In th e p rin c ip a l j Teles, Jo h n n ie H in es In **Torehy Step* j O u t” and a c h a p te r o f th e *erla». **IV ( Social Buccaneer.** w ill be p re sen ted fo r j tb s la s t time In tb e C o u rt T h e a te r t<r- alght. a^ T o a o f f s y** ai f a r ^ m wHw b a topped |

/ 41 \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ v y v v

i . ^ T j Ci . « ,% i# A ' j . H - J t v i . - i

■ J a c k P ic k fo r< t Im. " G a rr iso o .3 F in ish .at ffxa N E W A R K .

« n p H £ “ I Tri

4 1 P

Toll of tb* Bo*." *Toclmlcolor production. M il to fcpve Boon photogrmph.* I* Botursl tint a id I to n a rk

, * mow d a n k p a M t In tho ooloftOf of ■Mllon plotoroo. will b* th* outotoud-

•IIM I I tool la th* ocroonad offorlnca a t . .. tb* JIUlto Thoator today and until noat » S ta r d a r . Otb*r attraction* will b*

H o Worn**'* How* Companion film. J B * Old Faahlonod Fl*pp*r;“ an nda- oatlonal plotura ontltlod O la* » loaat." aad tool* of current b*p- ••nlng*. _

e A Chip*** antroon. Anna Mar W m f. *Jk #*** In *** of tk* loading twin*

"Tk* Ton of tk* h a " Km aath Harlan, ■•atria* Bantloy and otbar* portray pvomlnant character* la the story. Which Is a variation of tk* tkaam InJokn L utb.r Lon*’* "Madam* ButUr-

W a g ? Lotus Flower, a ewamm maid.; .jaartl**. aa American only la b* for-

B*ll«* whoa h* r*tum» I* hi* aanv* land. Badly ah* await* k l . . return apd wk*n ho bring* with htia an Amarioaa krld* ok* aad* k*r uakapptno** •* • tragic maanar. Th* production la arid

,to contain away picture**** aad ip le B r ta * Man** which ar* mada mor*

appealing a* tinted by tk* Tochnlo*lor

Jack Pickford, Bhek in Films. J§|/ In Racing Picture at Newarkj f e : ‘Aftar pg.akdk*** o f a ln w t two y*ar*

b o a tk* tor***. Jack Pickford ha* ro- «arn*d la a picturiaatio* of w . B. M.

p H n wiw iaf* aovtl. "O antaon'i Flak*.*' Which feature* tk* pwgraa* p m w M

lit: ‘|* th* Ifawark ThaaUr y**t*rday aad » t * *»pftoa*d' th a n aattl nout • F rl- S l ik s . . Tk* t i l la d td w a a . amualng j 'to P rw iy . “Robin M*od Jr." featuring

Frank!* L*a .a tal*nt*d uhild actor, § aad th* a n a l n*w* r*vt*w«. Th# ^ S i h a a t r a play* tk* *v*rtur* to iW to ro i i‘p.«TtorriePA" i THrrl»on'», Fin i*b" la aald to e*a-

ta la m im of toe to r i raring m » h p a t la a *creon Hay, Including *pr***atgtlon of th* running of U tlH k r Darby a t Loulavlll* and

tk* Metropolitan Handicap a t Balmont b H C p iw York. Mr. P1*kf*rd aa-

oaw«o th* rol* of .Bllll* Oarrloon, a j l looker who I* “framed" by • couple of

racing toata aad charged with BgjHbporlaF * rae* ail a Mow- T*rk track. P jjifM il being ruled o ft th* t u t ho Is fp S td e k a d by rowdMs aad a w fifs th*

m f M i i a of hi* awmary. H a lo toupd in n — ” §jwhi b itlV AN ri* n

M * a tk * i i r « n ^ H S ^ M ^ w iw . la, k wWith w t f S m j m f f lk W k . M , lib. to rtu s* * ' take ■*• turn - for tpc hotter. HvM tually he r*d**mg h iaaalf (a. 4 pan* ef itwy. — • • ■IF Bappprtw e Mr. PMkford la the p«r-

iC* ar* Mad** Bellamy, Chari**

Anria Mam, W orxg

to tk* Mr*** by tk* W arner Brother* Company with Marl* Provoat and K«n- n*th Harlan In tk* principal r*l**. will b* th* faaturad offering a t th* Oo*d- wln Th**t*r far th* w**h beginning today. It depict* the gay life led by an excitement craving net e t young peo­p le the reeklew conduct of a newly pmrrled couple aad th* near tragedy la which they become Involved by th*lr ogtravaganc*. A comedy sad a*w* reel* complete th* program.

Prominent Screen Player* toBe Seen in Films at Cattle

Th* program featured by the Univer­sal ecreea version of Booth Tark lag- ton's etory. "Th* Flirt," will reoetve


Dcs/axsfeK>5 J

* final ihovlng at th# f u t i e Thant ar. Irvlfifton. ton I* lit

Handtnff tha attract Iona bookad for n n t Monday and Tuaaday la a plctar- taatlon of Marla Coralll'a ,*Thalma.'* with /an a Novak In tha tltla rola. “Tha Maaaaffa of Emit Oooa." which daacribaa tho doetrlnaa of tha Franch advooata of aalf"hoallnff. will ba Included in tha bill

Itlchard Talmadffa In “Tho Bpaad Klnff" and CUIro Adams In ‘ttotdon Dreams." from tha Ooldwpn atndloa. will ha tha principal attractions Wed­nesday aad Thursday- Bookad for Frtday and Saturday ara tha Universal

-_ h iW * * r C M * ayM t o ^ m jatokhd fOaa *4 Daaghtor • f t m w r * Ik WhWM Agnes Ayr** Is sees aa the hereto*-

Throuffhout tho weak Herman w ader Will demonstrate th# w a r e — of tho orffan recently lnatallsd la tha play house.

Two Govemon Among Speaker* At Holy Name Annual Banquet

The fifteenth anniversary ben*u«t ef th* Essex plvlslo* of th* Holy Name Federation will be held a t Aphtel- Btetter'a on April If. Among the specs - #r* Invited and sxpectsd to he pres­ent nr* Oovemor Smith of Now Terk. Governor biller. Mayor tame* Curley of Boston Senator David J. Welsh end Congressman OalHvan of Miionchu- se tu end Rev Fnthsr Ripple, O P . on-

I tionel director of tk* Holy Nome Bo- I clety.

Th* committee nrrnngtng for th* nf- I felr I* Composed of Hubert J. Row*.! chairmen; William B. Cor boll*, eecre-

tn ry . P. J. Duffy. John Bates. B. J. Keating. J. J. Mueoch. Chnrle* F. Byrne. John Frshn, Patrick Dunn. William R. Knowlen. Frank O. Ro- brecht, Nlcboln* Morel. J. J. Beenlln. M. O. Cassidy. W. H. Bulllvnn. William Jr Ottor John Kelly. J. 1- ■•“ brocht. P. E. Flynn end William M McEnhlll.

Three Alcoholic* in HoepialBuffering from lnr*r*tl*nn of Ih#

hand abrasions of the face and *lco- hollsm. William Rodgsr* of IM l*f*y- s tts street we* taken to tho City Hos­pital by th# police tori night from Markot aad Ferry street*. Rodger# could not tell where or hew he sus­tained his Injuries-

James Fries of 144 Cabinet street and Joarph. Lyon* of II Ward street were taken to th* City Hospital from W srren aad Bergen street* *arly thl* morning aofforlng from aleoholl*m. The Fifth Precinct poll** removed

| them.


A a a o f April* s b it o f M ay, s bred* o f J a n e . A N e w Spring O xford w ith lifo arid you th in ev ery H ue

Severly sim pl In p attern a n d m oderately w id e in la s t la G old en B row n, R u d d y B ro w n or B lack CaMMdn


to do

formanOffle, Bthol Otroy Tarry* Tom QatN,

m<3 *reuse Barton aad ether promt) flay e r* .

"The Kingdom Within" Figures. f t On Film Programs at Central- *T*uth to T**1h." | Moira production

featuring MRU* ©**• M f Cultott Laa- dta. aad th* F m ptelura, "Mixed Face*." xrith William Ru***lt la tk* atollar Vole w ig b* ahows la th* Caatral Th*et*r for th* la ri time tonight.

Th* program arranged for Monday, Taaoday aad W odnuday w in hav* aa Its principal a t traction* th* Hodkta *0 n film. "Th* Kingdom Within," In urhleh Paulin* Stark* I* ***n u th* |UWl* » aad Johnnie Hlnet Ip “Burn Fir* FUht." "Th* Kingdom Within" !■ a * appealing play with a strong *pl-

j'BMunl flavor. Gtorion Ola** play* op- f. jtaalto Ml** Stark* to th* production,

assuming th* rol* of a crippled boy- Wfeoo* father hat** him bcceu** of hi*

deformity. Th* heroin* I* *mbltt*r*d toward tb* community to whtoh thoy live. Bow ctrcumstnnccn bring about MSFtoaW for them 1* depicted to ap ••grossing manner.

During tb* la tter half of th* wook.____ Alt* Maximova win h* teen toB ar ptetortmtlon of Oscar Wild*'* "Ba-

" and Lon Chaney will enact th* principal rol* In "Flesh and Blood.fl "Salome" la based on the Biblical etory trea ting tjf th* peation of King Horod'* stepdaughter for John th* Baptist, who suffers death when be resists h*r lures.

Photo Play Recently Shown at Rialto Features Goodwin Bill

F. Scott Fltsgerald's novol. "Th# Beautiful end the Damned," a* adapted


T h s r t t Men o f M 4 Inputs Mood.. T h a tV a u a ra f if to ic t a b o tth S t S t f f l M K B i sad purify M r blood and W ld 'a p newotrencUt B N M H . H f S H r l l H U l O t W f has b t s i r I b s f m r i t s tome and blood

Don’t Let a Headache spoil your fun!D o n ’t say “no” to the party —veto the headache. Take Kohler-Antidote now* and be* form you’ve finished dressing* the headache will have gone.Has been used for 35 years. A f; r ^ m n ^ t o m d f c y H M f o d B S . Delightfully easy to tsbei In the welldcnown powders or dm hoiMly new tablets. All druggists


(QitddkDinto\ m f t r r if S h o d & vie/uri

HM K t o t o o l t e a mFatharMn't


« lu ri as ( m s as say sf a v tu s ily (ri a mid, I always (Ive them Father John’* Medici no. Ooo of jsy bSMos as welt aa my husband h*d pneumo­nia two roar* ago, sad I believe that Father John'* Medicine helped then to regain their hoelth. I elwaya use Father John’s Modi

fd." (Signed) Mra. »4

cold* an^wiugha^ aa well ”aa to fet .rld

as aay_of u* sat «o!4" (SienaNlcnoiea, 2936 Hazel

up atreagth

Kept Itching and Burning All Night Cuticura Heals.’#» ■oubl» uMPtoPaadhyaridag

__.many wmria My wbol* f*o*tooh* ep» whh ptomlaa Tiny warn

and nd. aad tori heh-_______ mtog *11 ntobt long *o

that 1 could potatoes. Mytriawap di*Sgm*4 Th* uoubto toamd abcaP thr«* month*

" ttop aw kOtanaam and i--------- . - _ofCullcur* Soap and «h«* hoaaa of Cotlcura Ointment I ws* eomplriily ' - 4" (Signed) Mtoa L o ttie ,

grin 4S1 Mmeeytvaoda t o t - Bw klyn.M. T

la Soap Ointment andTai-*11 pop peri tor pB.aottot.

Js ta E. Erie. Fe. For ‘ef theta. Father Jeha'e Medicine has proved Ha value by more than *7 yews of success. It is the standard family medicine in theusaada ef homae aU ever the country. Guaranteed free from alcohol aid dangerous drags la say form.—Advertisement.



ex tra attraction

GASTMAN& LANDSS*>ll<m ri*y*w Ir ikWkftSTra.

TODAYVauBeville Jubiler______________ ___

ancBBBT vA t'inm ixa pazagNTS n s c n z r i» r a > u w j msvbb

THE WHIRL OF NEW YORK’•SafeU - J 5 L . “ I V Balia a# N*w York” J i ^ S S S L

W ltk tb# Ortffteal Cast a a l • M*wl. B taaty Ckwi T A B M W M 1i P tin l i i by

r o y annoN G BWITH IBBNH m u m SHAW





at Extraordinary, Staffing Monday* April 2T M B S H v i H I T MAMAOHMHBT HAS TM H HONOR * 0 ANNOCMCBDE WOLF HOPPERAT POPULAR PRICES1 st Weak M K M r U E n k l M N # *- — m_— M utlm n U tr Me* fS# l i a d a p M #ll#« i Bff#* JMbfo M s

" m * —r - Siitor w m o as*, aa*. a t o t t o t , r ------ —aT to S to I f i & a i M i i g j a ah pri«* i*ri*a* Tan

Company at 50 Chorus of 30• __________ i i aa—ani —adhrihBiaentmnasmtVTBCIAId M K W T I A

h r C l u b #v M— r y O rder

NEWARK STORE: 843-645 Brand street. NEW VQpR VTOMS. 1141 Oarit i t M L 00-02 N u n atrori. MOl-ldflA Wroodway, 191.133 W est 30# rin ri. - Other Store* in B kO O K LlE mri PML4DBUFH1A.

i.far Idafl Owkr*. 121 Paaato ■ i l L WBW TOMK O T T . •

Fat? It m elts away. Am azing harmless liquid JA m a z in g Mis absorbed through the shm and a c tu a lly dissolves th e fa t-c e lls

Be shapely and slander. Rid yourself of awkward, birds*, some tot. t f

Thouaonda of delighted people hare discovered that with o single treatment they can now quiddy reduce. They con actually mould their figures es a sculptor model* day. They take off fat Just w fhtn tk tj wont M ejf without dieting. en»> dae, mataege or pfflat

PaaM F. taabagrikr awaa baaaaa tiaanc. T to h l - t tB r ifrity a g a t ia i

*Tto M eW drieftitedm oeg*

Slenderize with

It toar Cat path

I t haabdea found that IM to bat You. tem eaataew eaa ri* r. Yea can

Oat a JarIt isMki

Hew Y




c o a n n a r a o D i c r t o r i



BssdV, Apia


A w rre y of tlf* .Ixtr-nliM mil** of toad w ar to Plainfield .how . that forty* atno aitlaa o r . par ooat «<m4t.tton. . w alla tb o . n u t a l t i , mliaaca varies from fa ir to poor. - T M atgr »n- I tM tr ln t Osaartment Is ptanalnp an aa t ja r tya. .arearam of repair - w ork, ehloflr to tbo .***—<*■ roads. ' W latori Clinton. I f - O' eltir of N.SSS popula­

tion. has 4 ,0 0 0 passe ope r earn HO motor W m twenty taxicabs and tea


That t*te la the ossa season far “Itin­erant m e p m sk sH . W ale woadsr pro* Ouosss, tsortst prepapandists. paper trail amt HoHu s adverttslne exports aad schemes to flood poor community wMh aatsmo n i tOBriata" Iw pointed oat by Hnsspsr Phsler of tbs Apts* awhile Ctah o f Seattle, ears the ife . ttoaal I h lHSU hssoslatlsB. v a tu , la sppi'ielmr tho Simpabia amasatatod by Mr. dhefor to warn the pablloa r a ^ g J i r a r j i i a a .. ■ — i . . W | . . . | . | | ^ i t « t w .

Wews from Varied Fields of Interest to theSPRING’S ARRIVAL FINDS


Dui Many Roads Receiving Repairs Which WiU Permit Motor Car Driver to Continue Through While

Construction Is in Progress.

S p f lm - t r c o r d in g to the men w ho e o m p i* ou r <-aleujlar»—has coma. But t h e r t - i r e o ther signs which te ll us *®*«t th e a ir is •non to be heavy w ith th s g e t nt of flowers. A peek in to

apparent!} deeerted p riv a te w ill reveal friend m o to r is t

I ' r e e n i i f his m achine fo r Its f i r s t J au n t t<» sp o ts of besuty. In public f u r t i e s ' ' • r l c fo e s on s lo n f the esm e lines. R ad ia to rs are being d rained o f non* Xfpess p repa ra tions , bolts a re b e in f t i f htSfted and p a rts a re b e in f pu t in e b ap s fo r the six or seven g lo rious ■»,*nths to come

W lf te r . how ever, has been a h it hard • n ***• highw ays. Even the c ity th o r ­o u g h fa re s reveal w ith w hat re le n tle ss r a c e the w inds and snows ran up and

w n th e s tre e ts , leaving th e ir s u r- * “ *• in a very much ag ita ted s ta te of u p heava l. | Num erous N ew ark s tre e ts T ’ c s e n | a so rry sigh t, while in the fu b u rb g m any of the main a r te r ie s a re

d is tre ss in g condition. The d ir t ro ad e espec ia lly a re In such cond ition a s to m ake it seem as If some fa rm e r 's r i n w had been d raw n over them .

Wa«^ of the roads which w ere le f t w ll In splendid m otoring c o n d i­

tio n k a v e su ffered severely a t th e N an d i o f w in te r The P a te rs o n - M « n tc to lr s tre tch , fo r instance. Is In f i n a b le shape, w hile the fam ilia r Sun* d sy d riv e betw een N orthfield and L lv- In g s to n has begun to show s ig n s o f b re a k in g up Yea. there a re bad ro ad s a p le n ty a w a itih g the ca r d riv e r. One rn0t0rJfei w ^ ° recen tly trav e led th e

Irpv idence-O lU ette road d ec la res 1! »o f*e the worst in the w o rld " H »weverk sp rin g is here And th a t s •o m r conso la tion

_ l*w p s i • Is? R em its t m e t ten. (Respite the fa n tha t many ro ad s

Nava been dam aged by the sev e rity of W inter, s ta te an»l «ount> o ffic ia ls have f 'litlln ed reconstruction p ro g ram s w hich sh o u ld re su lt In speedy rep a ir to m any o f the roads.

T h e r e a r e ne%ertheif>ji«. n u m e r o u s d e t o u r s in t h e s t a t e m p r e s e n t . F o r ­t u n a t e ^ t h e t > p e o f c o n s t r u c t i o n o n m a n y r o a d s , p a r t i c u l a r l y thoe*-- t h r o u g h s h o r e r e s o r t s , is o f s u c h p n a t u r e t h a t r o a d s n e e d n o t Ue c lo s e d a n d t r a f f i c I s p e r m i t t e d t o g o t h r o u g h w h i l e w o r k i s In p r o g r e s s A l i s t o f s t a t e h l g h - W-a j d e t o u r s , a s w e l l n s t h o s e n o w t o N e f o u n d In t h e v a r i o u s c o u n t i e s , h a s b e e n c o m p i l e d b> t h e S t a t e H i g h w a y

• C ‘ • m m i s s i o n T h e , l i s t is c o r r e c t e d u p t o l a s t w e e k I t f o l l o w s-

R a t e H ighw ay lle ts s r s .R oute 4. Section l i — A von-hy-the-Sea.

U nder construction . No d e to u r nerea • a r y . T raffic w ill go th rough c o n s tru c ­tio n .

R oute 4. Section IT -B a rn e g a t, u n d er c o n s tru c t io n No de to u r n ecessa r> .T r a f f ic w ill go th rough construction .

Rotate 4. Section IS—T uckerton . u n d er co n stru c tio n . No de tou r necessar> .T ra f f ic w.U go th rough construction .

Route 1, Section I —Speedwell av« r u e . M orristow n, under construction . T r g f f lc b»lng m aintained .

Route S. Sections 8 and •—Between G reat NttUfawg and Haci^ttstown De­tour a t iatIkeU itovn on Main street to MounUh avenue to route 1 2 . thence to W tih infton , Oxford Furnace. Butts- vUlo atd route 8 . Beividere and Dela­ware. i

Route !, Section 14—Broad street Woodlury. Under construction from railroad crossing at north end of town to Rtd Bank avenue. Traffic being main alned.

Roate 8 . Mantua avenue. Woodbury, between Broad street and present Im­provement south of Waodbury. Wo de- tnu* n a ctu a ry. Traffto will io through c o n tra c t io n .

Rout. 4. Sections 10 and I t—Vndrr con.friction between Quinton and

ridge .on. Detour from Salem through Hagerietlle. 'Hancock'* bridge. Har- r .*r»vlle. Canton, Oum Tree Corner. Town Hall. Kama Corner and Roada- town <o Bridgeton.

Roue I. section B. Plainfield, under cnnstactlen. Detour from route > to Jluhlmburg place to West Second • tre e to Clinton avenue, to West Front sired, or route *.

Unite >. section I, under construc­tion between Somerville ona North BiSicb. No detour necessary. Traffic w it go through construction.

touts I. sections I end IA. under eoti- «t net ion between Bloomsbury and Fflllpsburg Detour via Clinton. t31en o rdnor. Hampton. Washington. Brood- uuy and NSW Village to PbMllp.hu r r

Route Id, section 3, between U tttc jerry and Ridgefield. Traffic being nutntalned.

Route IK. between Rio Grand# and Goshen. Bridge construction over Bid­dle Creek. Detour from Goshen to Capo May Court House and route 14 to Rio Grande.

Route 1 *. section 2 . under construc­tion between Mine Mount road to Bed- tulnstar Comar. Traffic can ( u through construction.

B u n County. *£ o construction work is under way.

AHhuMe County.frowns town-Mays U sd lsg road un­

der construction. For Atlantic City and Mays Landing from Buena, detour northeast to Hanvmonton; thence east to BgS Harbor City; thence sooth for Maya Imndlng or continue east for At­lantic city,: j '

T ■ Beatsn County. -■r i r a t street. Hackensack, under con-

a t ruction - IdtWMS ' Beech Jlflaet and Droller line. Detour over local streets,

■urttagteu CMaty.Ht. Urlly-Msdford road under con-

a t ruction.* .T m ffla Veiits maintained.Ckootor■ uvwotta, Moorestown, under

gongtradtUm- Detour over Third Strom, Statu wick avenue, to Brldgeboro road.

camdea County.C ota road under

BaflSSfaua - -ptku to -Camden T rnf|to being maintained.

y L > | Haalssdaa County.Mo eonatructlon work Bkdor way.

R iv e r road from fie udder F a lla to W ash in g to n 's C rossing under c o n s tru c ­tion. T ra ffic being m aintained .

Wlddtrees (e a te f .S ta te s tre a i. P e rth Amboy. T ra f f ic

being m ain ta ined .Moomooth CemtF.

No co n stru c tio n w ork u n d er w ay.Howls On—if.

lxong V alley H unterdon C ounty lino io .i1 unde.* construction . T ra ff ic b e in g m a in ta in ed .

bonnes t 'em tf .luakeslde boulevard. L ik e H opatcong .

• n d e r construction . T raffic be ing m a in ­ta ined .

F red o n -S tlllw a te r road u n d er c o n ­s t r u c t io n . T raffic being m a in ta ined .

In tenH ills ide avenue. L iberty avenue an d

Kalt-m road in H illside and Union to w n - ah ips under to n at ruction . D etour o v e r local s tre e ts .

S p rin g fie ld avenue. New Prov idence, u n d er c in s tru c tio n T ra ffic b e in g m a in ta in ed .

M uuntxii. avenue. W estfield , u n d e r / v n i t r u d l o n . T ra ffic l*elng m a in ta in ed .

Wnrron to —ty.W a sh tn g to n -B u ttsv il le road under

c o n s tru c tio n from B uttsv llle H ill to s ta te h ig h w ay route 6. T ra ffic b e in g m a in ta in ed .

Oeoah County.J a c k s o n 's M llls-Im laystow n road

u n d e r construction . T raffic being m ain- ta in ed i

B arn eg a t-B u d d to w n road u n d er c o n ­s tru c tio n . T ra ffic being m a in ta ined .

Pneanle Comfy.*'henry lane. H aw thorne, closed **•-

tw een W agargu ro sd and D iam ond B ridge D etour Lincoln s t r e e t and W ash in g to n avenue.

| B elm ont avenue, under co n stru c tio n . | T ra f f ic being m aintained .

l ’asa* lc avenue, betw een fa s a a lc an d j C lifton , under construction- C losed | from B rook avenue to E ssex C oun ty i line. D e tou r Bloomfield av en u e o r i F ra n k lin avenue.

•atom Co— ty.Eliner-< 'e n te rto n road under c o n ­

st ru c tio n . T ra ff ic being m ain tained .•omeraot County.

W atch u n g avenue. borough o f N o rth P la in fie ld , u n d er c o n stru c tio n T ra f f ic being m aintained.

Cope Mby County.No co n stru c tio n w ork under way.

Cumberland County.L an d is avenue, section l. from

C a rd 's c o rn e r to Salem County line. D e­to u r from P ea rl s tre e t a t B rid g e to n av en u e , o v e r ftosenhayn road, to R osen- h ay n an d local roads a round end o f c o n s tru c tio n , o r tra ff ic can use L an d is av en u e , u n d e r tem porary condition .

IHouseater Co—ty.Mantua-Olassboro road, undtr eon-

] structlon between Baras boro and P it­man. Detour over Barnsboro ovor R i c h w ood road to Pitman road via Alcyon Park to Pitman.

Chestnut Branch Bridge on Barns- boro-Beweil road under construction Traffic la being maintained for all loads tinder three tons. Other heavy traffic detour over concrete road from Barnsboro to Mantua, thence on Knights Run road to Sewell.

Hudson Couuty.No const ruction work under way.

! B ack fired In to P r in t ^

Mr. Motorist -Wins a Prize.It Is interesting to note, in a pam­

phlet issued by the National Automo­bile Chamber of Commerce, that two of the three winners In a nation-wide essay contest conducted In conjunction with the national automobtla show wero connected with the motor trade whllo the third man was Just a -plain motorist. Thousands of eaaays were submUtpd and the committee Judging them has been three months aolactlng the three beat from them.

•‘The third winner,” so the Com* merefc Chamber says, “apparently came fropi the ranks of the motor car own* era. His essay would Indicate that he to of the type of enthusiast to whom the motor car to much more than a piece of machinery and an automo­bile show more than n number of cars.** The topic of the contest was

i the value of motor shows to tho pub­lic. to tho company and “to mo.** En­tran ts were permitted to writs from either of tho throe viewpoints.

Say 60,000 Sav Auto ShowWell, tke Fifteenth Annual Automo­

bile Show Is on* with tk* memory of mil tho exhibits which came before It. This year's-skew -had at least e ae dis­tinctive feature—Its visitors war* more numerous, by fur, 'than a t aay pre­vious exhibition. While no official count has bees taken. It Is *Htm«t*d by Ctsnde E., Holg*te. manager of th* show, th a t mors than 4S.M4 visitors a t ­tended. T his estimate la taken from A. r ongh count of e*<Sh, day’s attend­ance. I f Ik s crowd of Inst week la an Indication a t what will happen meat season tho shew will base to bo staged fk one of th* city's parks If a ll the motoring fans ore to be accommodated, Mr. Halgate declares.

P la in f ini it l l i a h n m f Ml. . .

j Autos' Influence on Church Subject for Essay Contest i

i 1 >For th* fourth iKCtadv# year high

■chcol Mudvnta of tho notion ore to bo gtv— opportunity to win whot Is cold to >o tho lorgoot <duration* 1 award in tho Uultod State*, according to tho Highway Education Board. Washing- t— . Tho award la tho H. 8 Firoatono (our-year unlver.it> ocholarablp. pro­viding not oalv tuition, but room, b—rd. books aad apodal fees for the student writing the best os*a> on th* subject. “Tho Influence of liignway Transport Upon the Religious Life of My Countr>\“

Announcement of the ennteet io being made to superintendents of ecHoota. high school principals and students as rapidly as possible and all available lilerstiire la being listed and tabulated f®* lha Information of the prospective contestants. Information regarding the contest was recently received by school principals In this city The board an ­nounces l(o willingness ’© answer any Inquiry students yid teachers may de- Jlr* to make, but It points out that all

n*veMary is compliance with the simple rules of the contest and the 2‘r*P*r*n©n of g TOO-word essay on the subject. Essays should be submitted to the high rchool principal by May 1.

Pennsylvania Will End Road Oiling July First

Recalled that Autonts Last Season

Were Inconvenienced by Sticky Highways.

Heavy Rains Might Hinder Plans

It th . night befor, no. notChristmas—but the Fourth of July. !»2t. A truck laden with black, sticky oil opened forth Its spray upon one of the main Pennsylvania routes leading to the Delaware Water Gap. The act. of course, meant Utile to the driver who apent the week-end at the shore, but It was something never to be forgotten by local motorola, to- gether with hundreds of other drivers, who had planned a trip to th.* Penn­sylvania mountain lands one has merely to close his eyes and Imagine the slopping sound and the mor. sloppy appearance of the machine when the run was completed

B ut P en n sy lv an ia has had an a w a k ­en in g . W hile oil la a very ex ce llen t s u b s ta n c e to lay th e dust, it la not so good a s a body polish. F rom th s h e a d q u a r te r s of th e P en n sy lv an ia 8 ta te H ighw ay D epartm ent com es In ­fo rm a tio n re g a rd in g th e lay ing o f oil in th a t s ta te fo r th s com ing sum m er. I t re ad a in pa rt:

“T h e re w ill be no road -o ilin g ope* ra tio n s In Pennsy lvan ia a f te r Ju ly t th is y ear , un less the w ea th e r In te r ­fe re s w ith th e plana of the S ta te H ig h w ay D epartm ent W illiam H. C onnell, a s s is ta n t highw ay com m is­s io n er , has d irec ted the m a in ten an ce fo rce s to com plete a ll su rface t r e a t ­m en ts be fo re the d a le m entioned.

“Mr. C otine ira o rder w ill re su lt In a m in im um o f Inconvenience to m o to r v eh ic les u s in g P ennsy lvan ia roads. T h ese v eh ic les w ill cover 10.000.000 c a r -m ile s dally , and 80.000,000 p a s ­s en g e r-m ile s dally .

“The operator! and owners of cars will be saved a huge sum of money because of a minimum of damage to machines and clothing. No estimate can be made of the vijue in the saving to temperament.

O disf Eads Jaly 1.“Oiling crewa will go. to work on

the heavy-dutjr roads 'first. They have explicit directions to treat half

1 the road a t a time. And they may not go tb work on the remaining half until the first half of the highway to ab­solutely dry. th is to an Innovation. The Pennsylvania vacation period boglns about July h - Prom that date until the achool4 reopen in the fall tho roads see exceptional heavy tra f ­fic. I t to the department's Intention to cause this traffic no Inconvenience so fhr as road oil la concerned.

"W hat we are going to do la put . these roads In condition for the

heaviest travel of the year—not simply finish the road treatments at the be­ginning of winter,** said Mr. Connell today. “And we will do It unless it ra ins unseasonably until July 1.*‘

Free First Aid Repair Service WiU Be Arranged for Members

Of New Jersey Motoring ClubTho Plan of tho Ho* Joraar Auto­

mobile and Motor Club. ort#tna»-d by ita momborahtp eoinmitt,., for free first-aid repair aamlro to members cars whllo touring, will be Inaugurated Boat month. Hor.rxl garnets hnvo already boon slgntd up to g i r t tbo service, and It la txpeetod th a t tho number will be added to right along.

E sses County will be covered first, and then Union. Morris Passaic and Bergen counties When North Jeraejr In covered the club will extend tho Borvteo to Central and South Jersey.

Th# Club hah recently obtained soma, members In 8outh Jeiaey, where Allan Powell, a d a b member, add former Newarker. has been doing tome mis­sionary work among tho motorlats. Mr. Powell la living ■ la tteiom and says th s m otorists there have shown a de­sire to become affiliated with some m otor organisation that la advancing tho in terest! of automobllthg.

W ith th* baglaatag' of spring w eather there has b oagn saw influx of member* to ther d a b from among reddest* a t Newark and- other sec­tions of Essex Couaty. Host of these new W ashers, have been .brought in kg W. B. Price, who la In charge of the d a b 's 'membership drive.

W ith Springtime Here Sussex Beauty Spots

Call to Auto Owner

Famous Rhodondcndron Road U Suggested as Place to Visit

as Season Opens.


I f th e sp irit of (he au tom obH lng w orld bad hovered over Sussex C ounty d u rin g sn y of the num erous snot* S to rm s of the w in ter. It m igh t hsx e found t-oiigulation only In the th o u g h t th a t the county Is sn exem plifica tion o f th e la * of averages. W hereas, u n d e r cond itions as they now ex ist the m o to r is t will find som e d ifficu lty in tra v e lin g Su**ex County roa»l». or the ro a d s o f any county in fact, the tim e is d o t fa r d is ta n t when a ll n a tu re w ill beckon the m oto rist and his fam ily to th e coun try . F irs t th* fa in t odor* o f sp rin g , and then the sh a rp e r sce n ts of bum m er will be in the a ir and the road i s pa show ing w here to go and how to g e t th e re w ill be thum bed to ex tin c tio n .

T h e re has come to be a ta c it fe e lin g am o n g au to is t* th a t the e a r lie r they g e t th e ir tr ip s planned the m ore p le a su re they will have in them . T h ere Is a d e lig h tfu l period betw een th e tim e when w arm w ea th e r has fin a lly pe rm itted th e roads to beput I n good shape and the tim e w hen c o n ­tr a c to r s go to w ork on new Jobs and th e “ Road <'losed'* sign p u n c tu a te the d ay ’s ride w ith dashes and e x c lam a ­tio n po in ts D uring th a t tim e the a u ­to is t w ill not be sorry who m ak es up h is m ind to see Bussex ( ‘o un ty f ir s t.

T here is an ever Increasing num ber, bo th o f re s id en ts of the coun ty and th o se from th e com m unities, who a rc com m itted t m entally a t le a s t) to an a n n u a l p ilg rim age t<> th a t Mecca «»f a cen e rj lovers*— the fam ous rh o d o d en ­d ron grove.

F o r sn> one w ish ing to ta k e th v d r iv e here a re the d irec tio n s Go to B ran ch v llle and thence to T u t tle 's iV t - n e r on the D ingm an a road. T ake the

1 f lra t im proved r> «d to the le ft, going | to Bevans. From th e re ta k e the R U er | road an d follow it to F la t brook \ III*I T here bank upon bank of the s tr ik - I ingl> beau tifu l flo ral d tsp la )* '-t»> t I th e eye of the tr» \e le r , a ll furniNhed I by n a tu re as only n a tu re can fu rn ish j them . Mah> visitors, a f te r thi!' d rive

w as com pleted, have tried t i f ig u re out w hat the Hcene would he w orth D It could be tra n s fe rre d to a busy m e­tro p o lis and th e re exposed fur an a d ­m ission fee. But In Sussex M's free. The tra v e le r may then cross 1»> the R o acn k ran s F erry Into IV nns) Ivan ia

| and on an Im proved h ighw ay may tak e• h ls choice . f going to D elaw are W ater | Gap o r re tu rn in g over the D ingm an 's I road to B ranchvllle* T he road th rough the g rove is very

In a rro w . but in spite of th e d ifficu lty of d riv in g , the v is ito r feels am pl) re - • pa id and th a t the d istance a ll too abo rt.

M cAfee V alley D rive A lluring A n o th e r d rive th a t should be a t ­

tra c tiv e to m o to rists th is y ear is the one th ro u g h the McAfee Valle>. T here Is now a g rav e l road, th e la st section o f w hich w as ju s t com pleted before cold w e a th e r se t In, from K oess C o r­ne r. on th e N ew ton-B ranchvIlle road , th ro u g h l-a faye tte . Monroe. H am burg . M cAfee. Vernon and to th e New York Fit a te line n ea r New M ilford. T he t r a v e le r headed for W arw ick . Goshen o r M iddletow n, to -v a ry h ls p rog ram , m ay ta k e th is c ru ise th ro u g h som e o f th e m ost b eau tifu l scenery o f the co un ty . F o r m iles he tra v e ls In th e shadow o f the Poohuck M ountains and can en joy th e rugged sp lendor of th o se

[ h ills . And besides, if he h ap p en s to be In C kiro, o r In F rem ont. Ual., an d h e a r s som e one aay “I’m a P o cbqcker,’' h e 'll know w h a t he m eans.

W ith th e possible excep tion of th e R o ss 's C orner-Susaex road. w here w in te r in te rv en ed betw een th e s t a r t ­in g an d f in ish in g of a s tre tc h o f co n ­c re te . S ussex C ounty expects to keep lis t m a in ro ad s free o f d e to u r s ig n s n e x t sum m er. I t eounds lik e a New Y ear 's re so lu tio n , but C ounty E n g in ee r H a rv ey Snook s ta ted th a t 1a th e e x ­p ec ta tio n .

T he g ra d in g of th e F redon-Y ellow F ra m e ro ad w ill be com pleted ab o u t J u n e 1 an d if no surface is app lied th is y e a r th e road w ill be scraped and k e p t tn good shape fo r trav e l. T h is w ill p ro v id e a good road from N ewton tp Y ellow F ram e, bu t a s ye t W arren C o un ty haa no t fu lfilled Its end o f th* p a c t to h ave an Im proved road ru n ­n in g from N ewton to C olum bla-on- C ha-D elaw are. Tn view o f th a t au to - to ts h eaded fo r the W a te r G ap a re a d ­v ised to go b y 'w a y of D lngm an’s.

I t la expec ted th a t th e m ile o f co n ­c re te b e in g la id on th a B ran ch v llle D ln g m a n 's road will be com pleted by J u n e 1. T h is road w ill th en be In good sh ap e from B ranchv llle to th e In te r s t a t e b ridge . M eaaw hile t r a f f ic w ill be m a in ta in ed . The c o n cre tin g o f a p o rtio n o f th e R oss's C orner-S ussex ro a d w ill be com pleted by J u ly 16. If I t becom es necessa ry to c lose th is road th e re w ill be a m arked d e to u r o r th e a u to la t m ay go a round by** Way B ra n ch v llle an d B eem erville. I f h e 's In a h u r ry to g e t to the o th e r end h is te m p e r m ay In te rfe re w ith en jo y m en t o f th s d r iv e ; b u t If no t, he to le t t in g h im s e lf tn fo r a course th a t ta k e s him th ro u g h peacefu l farm s, som no len t l i t t l e s e tt lem e n ts and ch an g es o f sce n e ry th a t su rp rise and "d e lig h t a t m an y tu rn s .

The grading of the Fredon-r8 tlllwater road, now under contract. Will be com pieted about September 1. The new concrete road from 8 usaex Borough to UnJonvIUe was. of course, opened late last Jfgll and will be available for those doslrtag to make time on their Journey. Busses County contemplates, during IMS. laying a mils of cohcrste on the Newton-Stanhope road, a mile of eon crete la Hopatcong Borough and con­creting a portion of Mill street and Newton avoeut. Sussex. I t Is Im­probable that the Sparta-Woodport toad wilt be surfaced this year, ba t the top wilt be kept In as good nhapa as a d irt toad can be. This to a obort cut from various parts of Bosses County to Dovor M d towns south.

The genefeus covering of inow and constant cold weather protected the roods of f m i i County th is winter. Nothing like tho read damage of a year ago, with Its frequent freealag gad thawing, occurred.

J Indicate Highway Direction ) I By Colored Bands on Poles j

i j \M otorists who don't believe In Mgns

had be tte r undergo a change o f h ea rt— th a t Is If they plan to travel Jersey h igh ­w ays th is spring and summer. This ap-

{ p lk i , however, only to c a r d rtvere who are unfam ilia r with roads In various sec l tions of the state.

The S ta te Highway D epartm ent has ( had colored bands painted on telephone , poles and trees along Ita thoroughfare* 1

! Py these various colors the ca r driver i J will know In w h ig direction he is travel- 1 >tig It is easy to become confused a t ! cross-road*, and many s driver has won- | j tiered w hether the stretch he is traveling

is going vast or south.The i tands. however, will be of assist - '

ance. Blue on the poets means th a t the toad Is running north and south, while red shows th a t it lies east and west. ' Yellow bands, on the other hand, tell |

J th a t the highway takes a diagonal course | northw est and southeast, while brown in ­d icates a diagonal road running north- ! e a r t by southwest. I t w as not until Iasi fall th a t the work of painting posts ' w as concluded, so th a t they will probably j be new to m any drivers. l»etoura, too. a re to be indicated with signs biased ' w ith a rro w * pointing the direction of i

• the detour.


Driver May Either Take His Kotor to Garage After W in tefl Long Hibernation or H e May Do the

“Dirty Work” on It Himself.

Federal Highway Funds Unused by Many States

Hence Million* Are Tied Up at Washington Depriving Autoists

of Good Road*.

"Mile for Mile” I* U. S. Policy

Du# fo fa ilu re on the p * rt o f m any s ta te * to develop a road b u ild in g p ro ­g ram . th e re Is a t p resen t a to ta l o f 1107.182,795 o f F edera l a id h ig h w ay fu n d s In u nob liga ted balances, say s th e N a tiona l M oto rists ' A ssociation, in de- cr> Ing a cond ition w hich re s u lts From th e \a rio u j. s ta te s being fa r In th e r e a r on th « lr h ighw ay c o n s tru c tio n p ro g ram s Added to th is Is a n o th e r fund of $•*;».ooo.tu>o recently m ade a v a i l ­a b le by the ag ric u ltu re a p p ro p ria tio n of th e la st t'o n g re ss

"T he huge to ta l of u nob liga ted b a l ­a n ces w hich when m atched b> like fu n d s In the xnriou* s ta tes , re p re s e n ts be tw een six and e ig h t thousand m iles o f f ir s t-c la s s hlK hw ajs, has acc ru ed fo r one reaso n on ly .1' the assoc iation poiht* o u t. “and tn a t Is. the s ta te s to w hich th e y a re due have m ade no p rov is ion fo r o b ta in in g them , w ith the re s u lt th a t m an y s ta te s a re s till hub deep In m ud w h e re th e re should be fir s t-c la s s roads, t ra v e lu b le th e y ear round.

“ W here F ed era l a id money Is to be ex pended on h ighw ays, a lik e sunt m u s t be ra ised by each s ta te . F a ilu re to ra is e these sum s in th e v a rio u s s ta te s h a s re su lted in the funds r u n ­n in g Inactive . The w'hole p rin c ip le of F e d e ra l a id Is explained by say in g th a t if a s ta te w ill build one mile o f road . F e d e ra l a id funds w ill build a n o th e rm i le .

“T he N a tio n a l M otorists' A ssociation is b en d in g its e ffo r ts to th e e ffec t th a t th e s ta te s to w hich these fu n d s a re due w ill ta k e some action th a t w ill rem ove th e se funds from th e T re a s u ry a n d g e t them placed w here th e ev er- in c re a s in g horde o f au tom obile ow nera w ill he ab le to use them In th e waty of b e t te r tra n s p o rta tio n and. Inci­d e n ta lly . b e t te r business.'*

To garble a bit of plagiarism ona might aay at this season: “Now to ths time far all good motorists to coma to tha aid of their cars.“ Whether or no the motorist bai used hls maehlao during the winter season, ths spring housecleaning Is always a necessity In either case, and especially where the car haw not been used, this to tke time for a geaeral going over of the various parts.

The man who permits hls machine to hibernate through the long winter months will find (ts Joints quite stiff and In need of attsntlbn. Tires that have been unused for a long period may need repair, provided they were not taken off last fall and securely wrapped.

There are two waya of prinking the car for Its spring use. declares H. Clif­ford Brokaw. technical director of the New York City West Bide Y. M C. A. automobile school. Hs continues:

“One to to undertake the Job per­sonally. Another le to take It to a service station. Borne may be able to combine these two methods by do­ing pert of the work personally and leaving some of the more technical phases of It to the expert akill of the auto mechanic. Each owner will have to decide for himself how It shall be done. The Important thing is to he sure the needed work is done

“Probably many cars needed a tten ­tion before they were put away, but the owners kept running them with the idea that they would luon be stored. When they w en stored they were forgotten. The garage Is usu­ally cold and consequently la not a very Inviting environment compared with a good book and a cosy fireplace

te r t s l s A (tout la us Weeded."A car which haa been run only one

season needs certain attention. It 1a well to have the carbon removed from the cylinders and the valves inspected and ground If necessary. The spark plugs should be cleaned and the points evenly adjusted to get an even run­ning engine. The vacuum tank should be drained- The strainer located a t the top wheite tpe gasolene feeds Into it should be taken out and cleaned. The float should be tested. Fill with gasolene to see If the float rises and closes the valve.

“The strainer located a t the carbu* reter should be takan oue and cleaned." Mr. Brokaw continues. “At the same t in s the carbureter float chamber ihoiHT be drained to remove any w atar or sediment that may hava collected. Tha same should be done to the main fuel tank.

“While ths gasolsne fuel fine Is dis­connected from tha vacuuny tank It should be blown out with compressed air. This may ha dons with a tire pump. In this case the fuel line is left connected to the main fuel tank. The dirt la thus blown Into the tank and

therefore should be dons beforf fuel task to drained.

“Drain the oil reservoir of tlN gin© and pul In a new aupfly af Where there to a screen at tk this should be taken out and Take tha battery to* a aarvlca itaUo% have It tasted and recharged If sary. The Interrupter points should bo cleaned and adjusted. Inspect the OM*> mutators of the starting motor t i l generator. Clean If npcesaary. If fli ia not smooth remove and smooth in a lathe. Check up the tension of tlM) springs oo the brushes to be Sure tho brushes contact with the commutatOVBt Lubricate the bearings of the atartlOdf motor. Take off the ignition l l te tributer head and wipe It out.

Broke Teat la Important.“Check up the brakes to

if they need relining. If not malt* sure they are properly adjusted. Drain the transmission gear case aad tho differential gear case. Wash out tbog* oughly with kerosene aad put In a fresh lubricant. Fill the steering gear bousing with lubricant.

“Tbs universal joints In partlCUlat should recetvs attention as they apt to be neglected during * season’* run AI ng Lubricants should be sup­plied to all parts taken care of by grease cup. The grease cups should be refilled, also those parts that are Intended to be lubricated by oil from a squirt ran.

“All wheels should he removed, bear­ings Inspected for excessive wear Mr breakage, cleaned thorou%hly repacked s ith fresh grease and carefully •#» justed. At this time make sure ( to re lr wheels are perfectly tight on their axles. Where wheels are keyed OB there should be no play between the wheel and the axle Where wheel fastened by flanges, be sure the ere tight.

“The body springs should be rated with graphite either ti and dissembling them or u i the car and using tools spread the leaves. Go over every nut and bolt and be sure all i.re tight A*d supplied with locking devices such a* cotter pins and lock washers.

“Check ur on painting requlremsofg* If paint is In good condition give the surface a coat of varnish. Look over the upholstering, the top and side cur­tains. Clean the muffler, then foull forward to the best yet season's ex­perience with your car.'* concludes Mr. Brokaw.

B q d e e B r o t h e r !MOTORCAR

B onnell Motor Car Company 562 Broad Street

Newark, N. J.

Club Has No SolicitorsM em bers o f th e N orth J e rse y A u to ­

m obile c in b o f P a te rso n and a ll m o to r­i s t s In th e n o rth e rn p a rt o f th e s ta te 1 a re b e in g w arned th a t no so lic ito rs a re I em ployed by th e club to o b ta in n ew i m em bers. T h e announcem en t w as j m ade a t c lub h ead q q g rte ra to d a y fo l - , lo w in g th e co m p la in t o f sev e ra l m em - - b e rs th a t th e y had beeq ap p ro ach ed b y j s o lic ito rs c la im in g to re p re sen t “th e A u tom ob ile Club.** ^


fCHEVROLET JFoley-Chevrolet M otor Sales Co.

554 Broad S t r*M. himbob am

Fanaoriy Chc*rol«t Bra Bek•57 Bread S t

■B n, Mtrturt a m

National Motorut*' Body Warm Of Vartout Fake Pfopapadsta

F O U RTke Dort Four Harvard Sedan

A t a Low er Price, # 1350T h» year finds the Dort Four Harvard Sedan still m areacar o f beauty and fine re­liability. The radiator is now nickeled; the hood rounded. Bodylineaaremorecfaann- ing than ever. Thera is new and better equipm ent And there are other important improvements, too numerous to menticty This finer car at a lower price re-empha- 8w e and reaffirm s the great value that D oit haa always given m£oui>c|dinder care.

Fbnn and S/m fiem $870b $1465, at Flin t

88EREn8ww^i^SdI!eZ&!!is^i^sEmE5ii[l7S§lOT11 in w irn in ii -:' A x ,* « » ! O M M ir n M


mlt m u m m m S ta a s a i Bm K m m m m m K m m m m m ................ M M n t a B t a m t n n n n n n a M n K W i i U M M M MMMBMaB a p a i a M M aW B aWM X M B m m m M m B m B B a M B i m i

S O R r T S ' '" TW estern N atators

S h a tte r R ecordsM iss C ollett Tops

N orth -S ou th FieldZcerwouky of Wisconsin and National Champion's 88 I* B**t

Breyer of Northwestern Star Score in Qualifying Round at Princeton Pool. . at Pinehurst.

Intercollegiate Finals Tonight No Jerseyites in first Sixteen

FBINCBTON. M arrh : i . .1 M idd le W ait • rx collegian* bro • r n ln ta rco lM giatp iw irnm n* k i r « la s t n tfh t Id th* p rtlim m tlM s ix teen th annual <~hatnpi Bffly or of N o rth * c itte rn in th* i • * im Re#rw©n*k> of W inn, tkta 100-> trd b re a s t atroL* v% • t a r p e r f o t m e r s Vs I# a n d r k t T t the la rg e st num ber of m fa r th e f in a ls in the Broku* i h i f k i

W aa ttm e ra b roke both re.-ord DrankX o f W isconsin clipped i •BdS a f t the b re a s t s troke r> <■ IW th e d is tan ce In 2 nunu

fo p honors In th e 444-yard ta b lis h in a a new Exatern re • t la tit ss I f 2-5 seconds Tin W tta m ade ta th e prelim mi

» -T »» I'p 't <•til •V f ' tf o' it* a rv i >•. jir Kan-- 1 i.M. ill N t ' , Ma: h - » M ie* '

ff.N.rtiH <; . in IM t wl ,i it of i r<iv tJ< a <*. i aiiontel |.UI rWL wf t )•«■• j » a ffi »!••(# n tirr uf thw• MlMll l»- ;«§g -< h \ \ ii •; .;f t ;• <i a !149-v a11 j fit 1 t 1 Jt.» t ontpp' m m l > *( tnai § a «Tnu n i j;i’ i r * k • in 1 a if., in* ro.jutl ,(Tf ( If of Ui te'.M Udl \ r i i ih SJe.iiih in ijrnain r. t ji :ii4-fioii j i j l f Ill a v hlip m m th*- f o ’d itarda.. ju r\ ivu» * Vt ll 1 » ro'j nd of v 471 *«►«»! I" Ml*

1 '!) M*l.fU i > a j i. i! . i #* of 7o 'jng«iorifi. |

t t i . i i tp i a. > a me uecon l vaIiii •u 'h i <J .41 4... 44 b1.- a itd Mrs Konal'l !

\*n f«*r •tl. tna k •

Ji it.rn ,t. w i ’liilteijdlphia wait tli rd.VV 1 • tl 40 14 hou< lit p a*© ri ent lo |

a « 7 4 - | MM a AII 11 M Llhtn** uf Chicago, w iih a 1>rt» iih»k , card or 4 . 4 ta—ta 1rim. e»- ! Miaa M arion H ollins of Laat la.ip.ird In .'t N V . Mis* t i . l im h pred*« «aaor aa na► m ark * . tional <[•nantpton. w ent out In 44. »»u«f rt>(.o 1 • took a 4b t-oming in. and tied fo r fif th ,•p ot i >ir pla* at 92 w ith Mina C lara l.oui* j

M id tinder th e auperrlson of the Inter* • cot le g a te Sw im m ing Association

» R stg e v i captain Ctare. I$, 0 label o f R u tp e rs w as th e indivtdu p! i

• th r , w inn ing Ms heat In Iwu event* | » « d p lac in g second In a th ird He will j 1 m po*« in t S m iv .B t i to n leh l. H-

m m h*w h*ot In a * ltd -y a rd berk s t r o k e in t m inu tes S 7-10 serum ls. j m t M -y ard b re a s t-s tro k e in 2 m inutes M | . l f second*, and placed second In J hfts h e a t |»* th e 444-yxrd rw lm In e . fa tn v te s 2» 2-5 second*.

■ M ie T ala team w as strong in the • BiCBM. w hile th e T iger* qua lified In I

d lf f tc e a t even ts. In the fif ty -y a rd • m. #M fc fin a ls th e re will be threw Vale •

m an c u t o f th e fo u r surv ivor* They < a r a C ap ta in J tall iff*. B anks and Su111• | w as. Mold! o f P enn Is the fou rth s u r- j

o f the T oungsiow n CountryK ri Club

Ten o th e r* qua lified for m atch p i* ' for th* champU>n*hlp. which w’lfi begin j today |

F o u r tee n New Je ree y p laysrs quail* J fled In the follow m g order non** o f ] t i n m m a k i n g t h e « h a m p l o n u h t p alxt<»*n.' \

Mm. F r a .^ r T K « M . Hprtng Lek* 1 4 * _ » |. Mr* / H Irx

*i ea—m i .4* -l«*J 1V«

l'a« ketuMM-k. M i i -IS*. Mr* Arlriiir. I»e»!. i* M - t» i . M

It*. kenwark

Irving. Englewood. M. *eele>. F.**e.


.1« m»* I miw* Mr*.


n r . m

V. H* ml1 Pait#e«on. Pi F Uebeia.k*'

i if. j j - le t infield, i t 56- H*eken*aek. 4*.1 Montclair ii.

I l i . Mian Mary Baulahwrry. V»w Brim**''*1 i f «2--IIS Mr*. T A. »VO*ll*g’i»n. V t M.*nt«!«1r, S'*. 4* 11*. M'** Faroivn Big*F'l*.«t.e*h. *1 «™ p?f Mrs R <\ Blanche.Ewrex Fell*. 64. 43-1*7

l a tfcf Ild -raV d hack s tro k e H utger* ;hha tw o men. w h ile P rince ton and Am- | L |n »r L W1*L 1 a n f l U a o f .n U n i each q u a lifie d one man. a ie b d . r i u i c n . w u n i -JO. a n a n a g e n , an d * 0 1 Sr# th e tw o R u l f r , on M u l l . D rap er o f F r ln c tr t t i sn d W ar At 138. Leading at Asheville,k * r o f A m herst o r* th* o th r r two

‘J j f i p t B t t e q u a lified th* earn* tw o m»n Ik Ut* l td - y a r d kw iir tlao . Thry w ill kk SppSSS# W M arshall of Yu'* and t w j i r o f S row ji. E ig h t qualified In

l E t a M W dlro . ItklbkCli of t'olumblH t n f i r s t an d Mo**r o f Princeton arc-,'vXkS*

B ears to E ngage In In itia l T ussle

Newark Bruins Are Stated -for a Game Today with Rexkvtlte

High School Outfit

May Make Catcher Out of Knothe

I f • / / CorrespondenceRCUMBV1L.LB. N. C , M arch 26 —R sre

b u t th re e d ay s , th s N ew ark B ears have had su ch s u ita b le w e a th e r sod sp ir ite d In fie ld d r i l ls th a t they h iv e p ro g ressed f a r In th e ir tra in in g p re • cess and th e m o n o to n y o f ro u tin e p la y ­ing w ill be b ro k e n th is a f te rn o o n when th e l le id w il le H ig h School n in e will be m e t a t R ed P a rk , w here the B ruins a re tra in in g .

A s h o rt m o rn ip g d rill w ill he heldf irs t. M an a g e r ’ Jdlckey D tr ln e wl'.l loan to th e schoo lboys t y o p itchers and a c a tch e r . As E ddie M anley is the only c a tc h in g re c ru it, he w ill probab ly

; p lay w ith th e schoolboys, w ith D tr ln e d ire c tin g h is ta le n t from the p la te . Vln H aley an d S o u th p aw R udle K aeltch rosy p e t th e a ss ig n m e n t to p itch fo r th e sch o o lb o y * H a rry B aldw ia will p itch fo r th o B a s r a The fo rm er B a l­tim o re s h ip y a rd r l r e t e r h a s been ta k - inir th in g s e a s y b u t y e s te rd ay ha added speed u n d e r th e w arm sun and th s b a tsm an w e ra w h iff in g th e osone a p len ty .

G eorge K n o t he. th e ra s a a lc y o u n g ­s te r . w ho Is o u t fo r th e sh o rts to p b e rth , m ay 'be co n v erted in to a catcher. K not he haa th e fram e bu t needs m ors w e ig h t. M an a g e r !>ev1ne w as tu to r ­in g him y e s te rd a y in th e a r t o f c a tc h ­ing. H e b e liev es th s t K n o th s can ba developed.

T he B ears a re n e g o tia tin g fo r egh i- b itio n g am es. Tw o a lre a d y have been a rra n g e d fo r A p ril 3 and 4. w ith th e W in sto n -S a lem P iedm on t Leaguers. T he fo llo w in g day w ill be th e la s t here a s th e te a m leav es fo r Y ork. Pa., to p lay a g am e on A pril 4. T he nex t gam e w ill be a t H a rrtso n F ie ld , w here the P h ilad e lp h ia N a tio n a ls w ill be m et Sunday a f te rn o o n .

Gertrude Ederle Retains Free-Style Swim Crown

I t A a U i r H C a n . March U UP).— M m ' G artraA* Edcrl* of the W oman’s •tr im m in g Association, New York, re- th lM * h*r nartMtkl !30-jt*r<l fro* otvl* •W tm m lac crow n with eace here last Might.

S ^ W W B h Bwiimnln* Aftwelk'fon flr la M M and th ird when Ml** Alleen

th* Olympic national and m i n . hue hoard fancy diving queen.

I bahm d Mlaa Bderla and M in . MoOory took th ird place.

Mlaa M art* H ttltfk * of th* Philadelphia * ten«*m elnde ta adll th* Middle Atlantic tM yard b rcaa t etroke champion. Mlaa H tlln ra a Who won th* cornurv breast alroh* I It I* In I l i l and l l t l , rep*nted With *ar*. Mlaa Ruth Thoma* of th* A m b a « a d a r Cluh. swimming tmattach*d. * a * aaaaad. Sha finished ahead of M lu

■S M uf M jp »fy . ano ther Turner entry.

A SIIEV II.I.r* N r . March 31 (.T> - iPrinceton Teams at WorkJOCK H i . t rh l .o r w ith 1J« for th ir ty -a la | O u t d o o r s i o f S c h e d u l e sholes, led a field of tw en ty -fo u r play tng here y e s te rd a y in the seven ty -tw o- hole A h h ev ille -ltil |m o rs Forest open g o lf ch am p io n sh ip tou rnam en t. The round* w ere p layed in a d riv ing rs ln over * Kogsy course

W alte r H agen wn* socond w ith 133 and Jo e K irkw ood, handicapped by badly K tralned sho u ld er muscle*, th ird w ith 14T

l»ther w o re* w ere: Bill Melhorn. 144; F ra n k C la rk and F red M ethod. 147; Jack B u rg ess and John F a rrell. 14S. i

H agen e s ta b lish e d s cou rse record o f* 44 in th e a f te rn o o n , p lay in g in a fo rty - m ile g a le an d heavy ra in . K irkw ood had a 47 In th e m orning. C larence H ackney s ta r te d w ith a 43. but the s to rm In th e a fte rn b o n w as too much fo r him .

The score.;

Special Service o f tk s .V fF S .PRINCETON. March 14.— With the a d ­

vent of spring, ath le tics a t Princeton have taken a new lease of life. Throe Indoor sports, w restling, gym nastics and swimming, close their winter season today w ith the tnteroollaglaU championship* and frem now on th* three m ajor sports of th* spring season will hold tho center of the atage. These a re baseball, crew and track .

All the squads have taken to the o u t­doors. Coach C larke had his outfielders

Numerous Soccer Battles Scheduled for Tomorrow

Cleveland Bowlers Lead In Contest at Mlwaukee

C a p T ig F in a l fo r H a rr is o n

Jock Hutchison. Olenview Waiter Hagen. We*teheat*r Joseph Kirkwood. Australia W. B. Meibom. Shreveport Jack F«re*ter. Deal, N J Fred MeL*od. Washington Jack Bargssa. 1i*k* Geneva John Farrell. New York Frank Clark. A*herille T«m K errtran. Btwanoy V. Fast. Biltmore Forest. . . C. Hackney, a Gentle City..

f L aur ie Ay ton u n e t t ached


La «• 71



d a r k s of tha Phtiadel- de la the m m Middi

(t m style champion.K P I T B rm min Ik in ta the new Middle At m S m 1M -yard

1 Walter Bemloh. Rochester.f T. O'Conneil. Saratoga........

0*L*ughltn. Plainfield .

Y a k W restlers Surp riseIn Intercollegiate Meet

Wf. '* ITHACA. N. T.. M arch !4 UP) —

’ Y A I* we**t1*r* tp ro n g * *u rprl*e her* t a i l fligh t w hen they qualified fiv e M M «m» 1*4 th * field In the tem i- • t lA la o f th e an n u a l In te rc o tl.g ia t* w re a tl ln g qham plonahlpa. Cornell. 1121 •b am p lo n * a n d favo rite* . w*r« tied a t

*M pM 4 P lace w ith th r** m en w ith Penn ' gggt*. L *hIgh cam * neh t w ith tw o

An4 P r tn c* to n cen t one m an to th* ' fina l* .

• reault Tale now In cnneldered

i / * !l Myers. Jack Gordon, Wm. Goebel. Henry Weeta

Providence. Buffalo. . .

Ch*H ott e . N. I, Ashevi lle.

. <1

. .7T T«

. .76

. .76 .77 . 7t.76

66 16666 13676 14177 144t l 14776 14874 14«76 1417b 166Tt 1617! HIn HI76 II I V7777 HS '7776

n s ;166 1

76 166 |61 H I62 16!

and ba tte ry candidate* out on tho H old;Coach Kiupatrtck hla track man.

In addition to tho full-fladgod a ta rt of th* m ajor .po rt* team * lacroaa* got Into | action th is week, although too lato to | got sufficient practice foe tho gam* w ith j m o rro w a fte rn o o n . F in a l d*cl*ion or gtevena inatltu to , which w as scheduled j tn* seen* o f th* e v en t w ill n o t b* m ade

F o r th * f lr a t tlm * In the h l« tn ry of th* c o m p e titio n a n a tio n a l soccer cup ti* f in a l fa lik e ly to be s tag ed in th is v ic in ity a w eek from tom orrow . The c o n te s t. If p layed h e reab o u ts , w ill b*p u t on a t H a rr iso n F ie ld betw een th e j ,n A lo n g d is ta n ce fig h t, w hen a w ear S cu ltln S tea l F. C o f St Louis and tlie • w in n e r o f th e P a te rs o n -J . & P. t’o a tsm a tch c a rd e d fo r H arriso n F ield to-

Soccer co m es in fo r Its sh a re o f the sp o rt lig h t to m o rro w a fte rn o o n on the v a rio u s p la y in g f ie ld s In the vicin ity o f N ew ark . T he p rin c ip a l a ttra c tio n will be a t H a rr is o n Field, w here th* P a te rso n k ic k e rs m ee t the J. A P. C oats team o f Paw’tu c k e t. in th e E aste rn d iv is ion f in a l o f th e N ational Cup

i aeries. T h is g am e decides the team to c lash w ith th e S cu llln S teel F. C. of 8t. L ou is fo r th e n a tio n a l title .

The H a rr is o n te a m also re tu rn s , m e e tin g th e B ro o k ly n W anderers a t H y a tt F ie ld k ick ' o f f a t 1 o 'clock.

. . . _ ’ T he P a te rs o n C aled o n ian F. C. w ill re-Ing dow n p roc* .* I* th e p ro im r p lan of r pU y th> Kame w )th c # 4 i | c l l f f , Fa t ta c k , bu t In a sh o rt bou t o f tw a lv a j c at the c i ty . T he P assa ic U nited rounds, p u n ch in g w h ers W alk e r d id j F. C. jo u rn e y s to C arle to n H ill to m eet

Punches to a i l t s l spot w ould have had q u ick e r an d m ore dedalV * resu lt* on th e S c ran to n boy, who show ed a w oeful lack in defense.

T he punch W a lk e r used is a good on*

for today but w as postponed Indefinitely. The golf team Is swinging clubs around th e cam pus, bu t has not ventured out on th e m ushy course a s yet, and the tennis squad p ractices dally on the indoor courts a t the Casiqo here, the outdoor courts being unavailab le a t present.

The firs t scheduled meet on the card for the T iger trackm en la the Penn relays, which w ill be bald on F ranklin Field

u n ti l a f t e r th e E a s te rn fina l h e re t6 - tno rrow . I f a decision is reached In to m o rro w ’s b a tt le it is believed th a t th e f in a l w ill be a tag ed a t H arrieon w eek fro m tom orrow .

have entered th la carnival, including a (nnr.m il* mitartst from Oxford. While

• S I d a n g e ro u s con ten d er fo r C ornell's la u re ls In th e fin a ls ton igh t.

h Toronto and Cincinnati in , y . M. C. A. Basketball Final

P h il lip s In P ta a l.'AT. AUGUST INK. Fla., M arch 24.—

H ard ea rn ed v ic to rie s on th e e ig h teen th g reen y e s te rd a y o ro u g h t C. N. P h illips PT At l a n t ic City . N. J., and Dr. W ill­iam M o ffa tt of U tica . S . T., th ro u g h to th e f in a l o f th e w in te r cham pion­sh ip o f F lo rid* . B oth w ere de ra il* on th e ir o p p o n en ts a t th e sev en teen th hole.

M o ffa tt d e fe a ted Roy C ulver o f New Y ork 1 up a f te r h av in g tu rn ed Into th e h o m e s tre tch 4 dow n. P h illip s w as 4 up on A1 W arn er a t the n in th .

T O tm aR T O W N . O.. March 24 (JP).— fk ro ii to an d Cincinnati win meet tonight IB th a fina ls of the Y. M. r . a . in te rn a ­tio n a l basket ball tournam ent.

T h a C anad ians earned the honor by •tliyitnating Detroit. 30 to 23. in the semi- finals. While th e Ohio S tate champions w are defeating Springfield. Mass., 46 to I t . Bpslliaflcld had been picked by many to w in th e championship.



Kanm and O’Connell in Action fat White Sox-Gianti Battle

■AN ANTONIO. T*x . Mareh M.—Two baseball rec ru its worth I too.004 4n the ag g regate , on whom fans everywhere b a b a th e ir eyes, were opponents tn the exhibition gam e here yesterday which th a Chicago W hite gox won from the N ew York G ia n ts 5 to 3, making a sec­ond consecutive victory.

T h a two, W illie Kamm, the $123.0*0 in- fta td e r purchased by the Sox, and Jimmie

. O 'Connell th e $75,000 outfielder bought by th a G iants, both from ' the San F ran- cigeo Chib, played through the game N either distinguished himself at bat. hut K am m covered himself with spring glory In th a field.

Gattmin and Lands to Do Turn On Home-Trainers at Miner’s

p r


S am m le O ast m an and Dave Lands, (h a N ew ark boys who gained a U p d u r in g th a la s t ten m inu tes o f th e la st s ix -d a y ra c e in New York, only to lose I b a t r a d v a n ta g e a few m inu tes la te r w h e n A lf G o u lle t and Aif G rands re - p a s te d th a G astm an-I*ands s tu n t, a re t a a p p a a r a t M iners Em pire fo r a w a a k s ta r t in g tom orrow afte rnoon . In 4k h S M a -tra in e r stun t.

O a i tm a n a n d L ands have o ffered a • l iv e r lo v in g cup to be p resen ted th e W ln n ar o f a series of h o m e-tra in e r racaa b a tw ee n local am ateu r r id e r s T h a R aw a r k am a teu rs have been In- v lte d to oom pete In races every n ig h t ROXt W aak a n d tom orrow afternoon.

Chesters Win Over RamblersA t (A* 1114*. S tree t B cbo,l cou rt la s t

th * C h**t*r, defected t h . R ant- h l* r» * f A a tU -tlt* ./ SI-*-. The cam * <mm «•*** th ro u c h o u t. th* C hm ter* f a p t a y A th re e -p o in t load over th e ir ■ M I* H * a t th a end o r th * f t n t half.

front Five Ends with Victoryf l j j fh * Doral » C « v * laat nlcht d«- fW M th* W ait Inrincton Bt( Five.

f l n t i j B j S (ta final eon teat of th* SIMM, Th* Do rate hav* a record of

■ m m m m . s t m t m • « o f tw e e t r -;;lg M g » » A ,.* h S U w was. coached h r

M t s M h a s I s f i o l f V i c t o r .B E L L E AIR. HEIGHTS, Fla.. M arch

24.—R o b er t A. S tran ah an of Inverness won th s B ellea ir a m a te u r g o lf ch am ­p ionsh ip y e s te rd a y w hen he defeated G eo rg s E. M orse o f R utland, Vt., tn th e th ir ty -s U -h o k a fin a l by 2 up.

Townsends Trim Stengels In Hard Basketball Tilt

th* official entrta* of th* PrlnoMM team have not r* t b**n **nt down. It le known th a t Mvcrml T tsa r eta re will eompat*.

Coach T ay lor will enter th* quarter. B runo H llte will oompet* In th* ehotput and th* hurdtaa, Bob Beattie, who won th a ehotput ag a in st Syracue* In th* M eadowhrooh t»m e* two weak* •«*. will en te r th is * r*n t aaaln, and a relay team probably will b* entered.

There le much promising m alarial am ong th a m an from laat year * freshm an team , bu t Coach F lttpatrick haa not aa y*t held tlm * tria l* for them , and he refuse* to com m ent upon the prospect*. W ork *o ta r haa been ham pered ecene- w hat by th* chilly weather, and the pro­gram for th* distance men ha* consisted chiefly of cro*a-country running. It I* expected th a t th* atadtum w ill be ready fo r use early w ait week.

Rutgers to Follow New Plan Of Selecting Cheer Leaders

th e e lev en o f th a t p lace a t 3 o'clock.T he B lo o m fie ld G. E. C lub m eets th e

T ren to n R o y al O ak s a t B loom field a t 3 o 'c lock in fo u r th round com petition. The A m erican A- A. a n d Babcox A W il­cox F. C. o f B ay o n n e m eet a t C lark F ie ld . E a s t N e w a rk , a t 1 o’clock.

T he B ay o n n e C e ltic s and H lspanlcs B team a re to c la sh In th e f ir s t gam e of a d o u b le -h e a d e r a t C ity D ark; B ay­o nne T h e R overs an d H ispan ic A e leven p la y th a sacopd. T h e f i r s t gam e

In caa a ( h e P a te rso n and P a w tu c k e tiL » t* © ’e w eak kpo t w as h is ch in a n d t s t a r t s a t I o ’clock an d th e second a t I t ie gam * It w ill be no t h,> hack. W ith a le f t hook M ickey j o’clock.

dropped L a tso In th e fo u r th . A fte r j ‘th a t L a tso w as h a rd ly s tru c k on th s ch in ag a in u n til th e n in th ro u n d .‘w hen a n o th e r le f t d ro v e h im sev e ra l fee t from w here U id k ty pu t th e punch over.

w ou ldn ’t h av e even knocked o u t a l ig h te r m an th a n L atso . W alk e r 's r ip - ! te a r in g a s s a u l t to an opponen t’s j s tom ach , w ith w hich he haa b ro u g h t j dow n m any a fe llow , w as en tire ly m iss- | ing. E ven th e success th s w e lte r­w e ig h t cham pion had In s ta g g e rin g L a tso w ith n e a r ly every le ft hook h* lan d ed co u ld n 't m ak e h im re a lise th a t

W IL W A U K E E . W la., M arch 14 (A s­so c ia ted P r e s s ) .—C hanges In the five- m an s ta n d in g and hew d ea le rs in the s in g le s an d a ll-e v e n ts fea tu red laet n ig h t 's p lay tn th e A m erican Bow ling C o n g re ss to u rn a m e n t. T he Brooks Oil C om pany te a m o f C leveland ro lled Into second p lace w hen the-y to ta led 2.115 on gam es o f 9*0. $$7 an d 1.011 Duetsch J e w e le rs q u in te t , a lso C leveland, took th ird p lace w hen th ey tu rn e d In a 2.891 to ta l. T h e ir Tow f ir s t gam e in w hich th e y had n u m e ro u s sp lits , k ep t them from g o in g In to th e lead.

In th e e ln g le s ev en t Tsledo m en p lay ed h a v o c w ith th e stand ing , a n ­n e x in g tw o le a d in g positions. W. E1- w e rt c lim bed to th e h ig h e s t s e a t w han he to ta le d 711 on gam es of lif t, 258 an d 198. a n d -F . W ilson , s l s o ’of Toledo, ra n a c lo se second w ith 795.

C h icago w aa u nan im ously selected a s n e a t y e a r 's to u rn a m e n t c ty . B u f­fa lo . D e tro it. G ran d R apids *r»! IdOtus- v id e w ith d ra w in g th e ir b id s mid vot Ing In fa v o r o f th e W tad y Ct(r.

e lev en s p la y a t ie gam e n e ce ssa ry to rep lay th e co n test a week fro m to m o rro w . T h e B ears w ill be b ack a t H a rrie o n F ie ld A pril 8 fo r an ex h ib itio n g am e w ith th e A th le tics.

3 m H oI Service o f tho N tW S .N EW BRUNSW ICK, M arch 14.—A fter

conducting a thorough survey regarding th e plan followed by the leading colleges

! of th a country, R utgers has established a now method of soled

T h e S. P. T ow nsend b s sk e tb s ll q u in ­te t b ree sed In ahead of th e S tengel F ive o f New Y ork la st n igh t a t its B loom field cou rt, d e fe a tin g th e G otham to sse rs b y th e sco re o f 3$ to 32.

T he g am e w as ho tly con tested h ro u g h o u t and W as only decided In

th e la s t few m in u te s o f play. F ran k T ow nsend . R adgley and D onahue s ta r re d fo r the T ow nsends and M ount fo r th e New York five.

National Turner-Bay View Tilt In Store for Basketball Fans

T h* N a tio n s) T u rner* »nd B*jr Vl*w W heelm en b**ketb»11 tra m s a re to

la th In th r second or a fo u r-g em s aerie* to m o rro w n ig h t a t th* B a r View court.

B oth o rg a n isa tio n * will u*« th e ir c la ss ie s t p layer* . Th* W heelm en oast w ill eo n e ls t q t F re d Roll*. D ick F o w ­ler. E lm e r R echow . Jo h n n ie Sim mons

nd D u tch B chslllng Th* Bruco S tree te r* ' l in e -u p w ill Include th s R ehelling b ro ther* . OH Schwab. S eh w n n k e rt and T ueeehler. R iv a lry be tw een th re e tw o club* began long ego. b u t th is **r»e* bear* g re a te r Im ­p o rta n c e b ecause th e B am berger cup goes to th e w inner.

p g _____ ting Its cheer leadera and aw ard ing th* Insignia.

Th* new gy*t*m Is based upon tn* on* used fo r tho selection of m anagers. D ur­ing th s laat h a lf of tho freshm an year candidal** will b* called out and a cine* In ch**r and aong lending conducted. F rom th is g roup sight men will be se­lected to serve aa assistant chesr leader* during th e ir sophomore year. This group a m be reduced to five a t tha end of th a second y ear and a head cheer leader and two a ss is tan ts will b* picked from the** flv* to serve during th* la st year.

A com m ute* composed of th* graduat* m anager o f a th ls tlra th* dean of s tu ­dents, th# head cheer leader and the cap tain s of every team will do th* se­lecting.

Instead of aw arding sweater* and In­signia to every cheer leader the head cheer leader will b* given * whU* iw eater w ith a scarle t varsity "R ." white hi* tw o

I s lan ts will rooslv* soarlst sw eaters With a black "cR T Indoaed In a diamond.

In th* p ast th* call fo r cheer leaders haa been m ade from th e Junior claaa In th* spring and following th* cleeetv In cheer leading four cheer lender* a nd one aong lender w ere chosen by popular election by th e Mudant body.

F a w tu jh * t . F a ll R iv e r and St Doul* p u t In b id* fo r th e fin a l, b u t T hom as W. C ah ill, s e c re ta ry o f th* fo o tb a ll a s ­so c ia tio n . ho lds th * opinion th e t th* g am e sh o u ld be p layed In th e m e tro ­p o lita n d is tr ic t . C ah ill ad m its th a t the a sso c ia tio n p ro b ab ly would ta k e In m ore m oney a t th a g a te In F a ll R iver o r 8 t. Doula. b u t he W ante a f in a l to be p lay ed here . l a fo rm er year* th# so cce r fa n a In th * m e tro p o litan d is ­t r i c t p a tro n is e d th e v a rious round* and th * M m l-flnal* . b u t th e fin a l round wa* p la y e d In New E ng land o r St. Louia. T h* Scu llln team has been In th e c o m p e titio n fo u r years. Th* club won th * (Jtl* tw ice , wa* ru n n e r-u p on a n o th e r occasion an d has qua lified fo r th e f in a l a g a in th is season.

Soccer Tourney to Be Continued

Wyonas to Swim Bay View “Fish’Th* W yona Cano* Club w ill sw im

a g a in s t th e Bay V lsw W heelm en a t K ast Side Pool tom orrow m orn ing a t ID jo o 'clock. Special even ts w ill b* a f if ty -y a rd rw tm . a re lay aw lra and w a te r polo. Th* lead ing sw im m er* e f th e W ynn* Club a re H enry Pfell. N or­m an B lrk en m eler and J. S w tkard . W a lte r P o fah l of the B*y Vl«w W heel­m en ha* been challenged to a f i f ty - y a rd aw lm by th e W yona men.

Uhle to Oppose Red*C LEVELA N D . O.. M areh 14 (JP>-—

M an ag e r T rig Speaker o f th* C leve­land In d ia n a p lanned on sen d in g O sorgo U hl*, w ho haa no t been scored u p o n 't h i s season , ag a in i t th e C incin­n a ti R ed* a t L akeland . F la ., ts d a y Ut th a f in a l gam * o f a four-gam * gMtea. C in c in n a ti ha* w en tw o a t th * th ro * aen taa t* played.

S p e a k er w a* grw atlv pleased w ttb th* p itc h in g o f M oUvIer. fo rm erly o f Joraoy C ity , and J im E dw ard* ag a in s t B ro o k ly n y e s te rd a y In th* t i n t g a a *th * D odgera h av* Je s t la atx

Stunm *

T e n t T*t option* B ow l la g -D A A ccounting

* m *a*ur* o f th * A th r* * gam es,

tw o

S en sa tio n a l f ie ld in g by Hom er a ls o w a* a fa c to r.

D efat Cardinal*BltADKNTOWN, F la , M arch f t .—F our

q w d rm te wflro th o h igh g p o tte U te heavy] MBmLd|M*gnMki A HM I.^M LwAM ataNII ■ eaptarod {from tho a t umO

H ^B M tap v Ifto f.DecpKd

Notre Dame Track Team To Com pete at New, Haven

NEW HAVEN. Conn.. March t4.~Th* Yalta track aehadulo, annouaoajl **•* night, inelude* an lnt*ro*etlonaJ W *t with Notro Dam* hero on May 11. « • - port* from South Bond. Ind.. th a t th* moot would be on May II wor* declared to b* erronoonc by th* Talc manage-

W arn in g W a re s

m ont. 1 1 „T h# t r a c k schedu le follow *:, «, v a le Freshmen va Hill dehecl a t

PMuSiwn. P i!’ I t end t t Fean Belay* a t PhiladelphiaMar r v a r w ty r* Prtaoote* e l, Prlneet»n;

i rm k ia m v*. F iiiiit M W k B x ii ath 7 v*7 a n d V a r e t t r V* N e t r T K m e a tSSI :V* rrmhiMr ^ ’Harvard

?™rtm.7 ai C.mUrldmrS-scbelaatleq; ** '■r jJSST'l. varwty va Barvatd at Naw ■avaa.

. . . Tale latar- IntarsaUagtatca at

Chattle Hi^i Bueball SoundMoundmenHu Two Veteran

W han Jo h n M cCraw, th# N apoleon o f B aaeb a ll. w aa forced to d iscip line Oil S m ith , hi* hueky ca tch e r, an d . J a c k S co tt, tb # h u r le r who g a in ed hla n ich e In th e B aseball H all o f F am e In th e W o rld 8er1#s la s t fa ll. It earn* aa a sh o ck *o ea r ly In th* e»ason. A fte r a w in te r la y o ff It l* considered th# W(M s tu n t to ahow a t on*’* boat tp , h , t r a in in g t r i p B ut the Inner m an e v id en tly rebe lled , w ith th# re a u lt th a t S m ith a n d Sco tt w a n t th# ro u t* fo r a •p e ll w ith th* “co rn a tu ff" fam ed In S o u th e rn h la to ry In th e caa* o f Scott, a p itc h e r w ho haa nevar been any g ro a t ••punhln*." th * d e p a r tu re from th * a t r a lg h t an d n a rro w w ould n o t be g re a t ly fo lt by b aaeball. b u t w ith Sm ith It le v e ry d iffe ren t. B aseball *xp*rt» h av e d ec lared tlm * an d ag a in th a t h• h aa th * "m akln**" o f th* h*#t c a tch e r In th * gam *. H * h aa l lttl* To te a m About th o em tehtn* trick s , w h ilo of b a t ho to • Aomon, one w ho cro ck s 'em h a rd a n d o ften . H is fo llfii* to tohtpor, tem pernsnen t o r w h a t yon w ill. D u rin g th o p o s t tw o soosons. w hilo a c tu a lly f i t fo r th s f ir s t - s t r in g c a tc h ­in g a ss ig n m en t. Oil h a s been u n ­g ra c io u s onough to d uck o f f fo r s to w d a y s In th o m a n n e r o f %th e la to R ube W ad d e ll, one o f th o m ost co lo rfu l o f baoobaU 'o c h a rac te rs . And on on# oc­casion . w h o a Cosy D olan, G ian t coach, ro m o n o tra ted w ith him . S m ttty to t fly a fo w P unches a la Jaq u e s Dempeey. A f in e w a s th e n a tu ra l re s u lt a n d a g a in OH w aa on McGfaw*a b lack lis t. W ith • p h y s iq u e such a s h e possesses an d h ie a ll-a ro u n d p la y in g c lo u It bohoovoa th e f ie ry ca tch e r to ten d to hto k n i t ­t in g o r th o ch u te s w ill be g rea sed fo r h im lo a d in g to th o buahes and. ob ­liv ion . M cG row 's pa tien ce som etim es ran ch o s tk o lim it. •

T he o v erh an d r ig h t n a tu ra lly neces­s ita te d u s in g m ore en e rg y th a n an u n d e rh an d punch, s t i l l W a lk e r kep t on u s in g th e s led g e -h am m er b low con ­tin u a lly . H ad he tw itc h e d to* h i t s tom deh b low s a f to r p o u nd ing L o tto on th e back fo r a few rounds, th e c h an ces a re W a lk e r w ould h ave a d ­m in is te red even a w orse b e a tin g , to th e title co n tender. A ccording to L a tso e own adm ission , th a t tr ic k f ig h t h and sock of W a lk e r 's d id n 't beg in to te ll on him u n t i l th e tw e lf th round w hen he com pla ined to h la h an d le rs th a t pains w e re b e g in n in g to c reep up h is le f t aide. Som e o f W a lk e r 's r ig h ts lan d ed on th e so lid p a r t o f L a tso ’s b ack and d id n 't have m uch s tin g to th em a t all. P e te claim s, th o u g h ho fa it ev e ry one o f them , p a r tic u la r ly th a ones he c la im s w a rs In ten tio n a lly aim ed a t h la -k id n e y s .

T he B loom fie ld G. E. F. C. and the R oyal O ak F. C. o f T ren to n , Champions of s o u th e rn New Yeraey, m eet In the fo u rth ro u n d o f th e N e w Je rse y s ta te q u a lify in g cu p co m p e titio n fo r soccer te a m s S u n d ay a f te rn o o n a t Sprague F ield , B loom fie ld .

And all o f th la m oans n o th in g atoe th a n th a t W a lk e r to n o t im p ro v in g a t a ll since he won th e chgmpionalMp, and instead o f le a rn in g he seem s tb be fo rg e tt in g w h a t he d id know . T he excuse th a t W a lk e r w as too eax lo u e to knock o u t L a tso le a poor one, fo r a cham pion o u g h t to bo adv ised m o re e x p ertly th a n to go o u t an d sw in g n o th in g b u t a fu n n y lo o k in g punch th a t would even look o u t 6f p lace if a p re ­lim in a ry boy w ee g u ilty o f it. R ig h t crosses, n o t one . w ere a tte m p te d by W elk e r , u n t i l th e tw e lf th round, an d n o t even (h e s l ig h te s t sem b lan ce o f euiy b o x in g a b i l i ty w as d e m o n stra ted by th e K e re lg h H ead boy. a l l he re tied upon b e in g h to su p e r io r s tre n g th an d p u n ch in g p o w e r s ad , hope to “buB** L a tso In to subm ission .

B a s t P e r n F . C. A fte r Games.The East Dover Field Club baseball

team le a f te r games for Seturdey end Sunday afternoons and holidays during the summer. George Msgll! of 881 Blackwell street to manager.

Newark A xis Trade Li s p n .Donnell, 471, 6»9. 443; Packard. •*(, 6t

•40.Cadillac No. I. 143, l i t . S3I; Beset sto

age. (34. Set, 871.Chevrolet. (S3, 389. 849; Dunham 47

719, 995. IKiln, TSt. T99. 431; P erth Jtartey auto

forfeited.Cadillac N». 3. 938, 988, 744; Bceitamy ,

forfeited.W a if . >14. 1«*. .14: R tedeM ,,. 1M.

that the team , war* tied. Platt Adam* and Ray Brundace, th , roapeftlv.anchor* , w c u ro d tp a re a , le av in g tb* c o u n t s t i l l tied . B y th la tim e th * *>• e tte m en t w a a so Intone* th a t n o t t, sound w m u t te re d . B ru n d a g i w aited fo r A dam * to ro ll h la la s t MCI. P la t t ew ap t th e a l le y * B ra ad a g * m * n g e t w h a t th a b o w le r* dco lared wag a -p a r- fa c t” h i t b u t on * p in r o u t in e d g fand tng a n d t h a t on * p la WM th* io M g |a h r w h ich R oaovltl* c a p tu re d th * g i g , and th e s e r ie s , th a a e a ra re a d la g ta d ta H I .

P l i c a■SDUCTDN

S p e a k in g o f O u c -P la M a rg in ,

W ith ten ef ( • « year1* letter men cut fo r f in d practice. Couch** Murray and Porter of Chattla High aspect ta

W a lte r Reed Schooling?

have a fast * S m >«gtMMHg« the Loug Branch School on th# dlamoad_____ S i O i t a c a -con. *Sacco M < * fvaar-a b a r te r s , a g a lu W ill te g th a

CIc m fo llo w ers o f fla tte d o tag e In th t f ta w u n r* a tlll w ondering w h y

Hundreds upon hundreds of howling match** hav* been we* gag lest by a sing!* pin. Night a fte r night after “shooting” Into n hoi* and -btewteg- th* ninth pin. tn nn Ineffectual attempt to register h Mar*, bowlers hav* w it­nessed tb s defeat of their t*am by a solitary maple bottle. TBurMteahl bowlers tlm# and agate 6 f*g beau through all this *xett*mant, ba t the very nest time a * eltnetlon hrlgea the pla knight* ara te s t *».t«ngd,hnjl ex- m table u before. Members ml ■ the Rosaviu* A. A. and M *«te|t A. C gate* tet# in tha Athtette atm talking aboat victory cccrod by Rogovlll*. Vt night. I t w m apparent from th a g u t of tha match O ta tronblg w m te d|p(n for ante* nan. Th* Mm p cam* thtung b 1

with a L t t t count te-ifeo ( I t far EantarlUn '• tk o Rm m IU* W»|d apllloro got teMg t e t t l M rogtetcrod LM> wh«o tho u i .

yaar’a hurter*.ru b b s r • V,

Manager ClaMy haa M l t e f l j t •ehedute o f Mvcatacu games th* te a t

% « m 2 a

Mickey W*Ik*r felted ta ns* h it famona two-ftetod body attach against Pat# I g R , Thursday night a t tha armory Inti T il o f M awkward overhand right awtaw a ba tes '! hack round a tta r

A right uppercut ta ' U tM T i and rihth tended as aftM M rig h t t a tha wgtea 6t the kld- Hght havc : succeeded la lh|teg-

tag tA taa dawn long before tha?|i|kjy|Mk; ■ texto Adi AMD pan MdlMDI

t h a “rn h b c f" g a a a n a f a w . b a ll f r iM f e p ta '.w a i ia a d ’h y fr id ad g te f a lik e I t w m n ritaod t a O g

m ma n d i t w h t t e B i i a t a ' f a r to th o w te ta f r a m e ' B o th c tdaa Mag*' a p t e r a .h w P a a s a n lt u p o a th o V S ta ' ' v A P w A l i l M Or. BteVOM' fto tohod w i a . h M l . k lgteteridhihA nnh lE M ASAAA.’tad A d A W iD ta! .iawweeW E|— S WwOBte'■ M* —----------- m.---mSMBlUv ijljPIMs

Galvanized A O -StedPlpeprud _ _

Any SiM a r OotegB

WilKui'i Sket Metil Wwki116-124 Mala S t, Em6 0n a |t

pace u t t u t s o n s


C ta f U r N M b At*.

PLAY BALLb a s e b a l l s e a s o n


Va have a t a f t *tock ef baea ball* and bate that are guar­anteed. Full line ef nits n d

▼e have a targe (apply, all n d reek.kinds of fly*, rote


Jacobsen’s SpGitShopM M m m m im a w ..Wfelnb J '*. vV'' nkrrcLAiE

4 M tete


1 1

r iff*

Orlandb Piani Is Due Here This Afternoon

Italian Biker on Board French Liner Pam. Delayed a Day

By Stormy Sea

Jk Colored Boxer MArs Three T ips | Phil Solon, Bennie Rothweil and "e*,ne wl 1 • *^our

Say Muldooa Won’t Allow Bob Roper to Meet Firpo

Saunders and Haynes > Trio of TitleholdersPlease Troxler Fans In Turner Tournament:

Yo r k . M a r c h 34 — T h e B o x i n g vim,i m a y h a v e s o m e t h i n g t o i>' t h e »«*. u n d a t o p tn t h e b u i ld *

■ L u i s F i r p o b - a i p a t e h • a t t a i n !:•■>« I l o p a f W i l l i a m

‘ » a d <• f t h e b o a r d , i n d i c a t e d

Paul O ’N eil to Lead Setonia Baseballers

South Orange Boy. Veteran First Sacker, Elected Yesterday by

1923 Diamond Squad

nS •»« Pennsylvania Teams Cancel Dates

to Floor in Short Four- Round Engagement.

Andy Brown Are Scheduled to Defend Ring Crowns

l i n e

Wortman Hangs k. 0 on Krtchell ■ Floyd krebs of Bayonne EnteredT a If ht

Bui h > * . • • m a d i a - ' pii n a f<> r *■ ig h t fui « l e n i e n t t i . em a d e • p ««i f a n fSf h s f i r s t r».i i d e r * r e e l i n g t h e :a <• f

t t e u r b o x i n g r h a m

I” t l«e N a t i o n a l T u r - r tu >: i . a m en t *<hed- s . : * f t c l u b h o u s e t o ­n i g h t I’b 11 S o l o n o f


•I. h-'

• n r t u

V lJ t h#


m u o /1 n if u n »•#. h s f f v t a n d r e a d ' t • > tt iv «l a u n d e r s a l«>pie»j tin* t • t d l i t a l»<‘e • r till h e r l." Mr' e b e a \ > d a m a g e b-it w a - t r a p e H a > n e a uh«°» uep i .n

T h * m i In bi- ' i t t /e l w ♦*# m a n a n d 2<taiiL> !<•-»• l• 11 a t x th r o u n d K c U h e l ' p o u n d * a d \ a n t it k ** o v e r W o n n . a n t u tWan •hort*-r In s t a t u t e T h e c x i r a W e ig h t seem ed to he fa t w hl h m a d e it • a a y f o r W o r t m a n . u ho pu n. h r d a w a y u n t i l h a w a s r e w a r d e d ** m l • a m r a f t e r a f ew m l n u te a ..f f ig h S in g K a tc h e l I w e n t dots n fur t h e , . . u n t of • I f h t A n t i n g to hla feet he w a s a g a i n • • n t o v e r t h a ro p es in a *1e fen * e le» > c o n d i t i o n R e f e re e W a l t , i Rosah u m a n e l y en d e d th e bout K e t c h e l t p l a y e d f o r W o r t m a n a atom.%. h t h r o u g h ­o u t t h a f i g h t b u t mi seed r e p e a t e d l y K o te h a l l ah o w a d b u t l i t t l e a n d s e r v e d a a a p u n c h i n g b a g f o r his l a n * ' e r op f U Mtl

JO« Q a p u a a n d Mlcl tev r , : | f f 1n s ta te d • a r l y In t h a f o u r - r o u n d bout hf d *■ %• c h a n g e d a f u s i l l a d e *«f p u n r h e * w i th • n t a n y d s l a y Gap is b r o u g h t t h e “ r a b b i t punch'* 1n»#» e f fec t »e\eri«! t l r n m . B o t h w e n t d o w n In t h e t h i r d t o t t d .

F a t O a r r l a o n . a l l t h a w a v f r o r n El F M a . T sx .. a n d l o o k i n g l i k e t h e " H a i r y A& % m ® * t h t o W a t a r l o p a t t h e h a n d s • f L o u F o r r y o f t h a H u d s o n f l u b . G a r - d t l g l o o k a d l i k a a h a r d o n a t o b e a t • N m B ! • c a m o In t h a r i n g h u t s t a r t e d

Otlt a a r l v T h a b e l l s a v e d h i m I f i r s t a f t e r h a h a d g on a d o w n i a o o o n d h a w a n t d o w n s o h e a v i l y

h la Bacond a v l d e n t l v g a v e u p a l l I | M t h r e w In t h a t o w e l • k C a l l a h a n p i t t e d a g a i n s t R a y

i c o l o r e d bo x e r , k n o c k e d h i m o u t t h e s eco n d r o u n d

Bid M i tc h e l l w a» u n a b l e t o r o n - O l t t a h l a f i g h t , w i th M i c k e y J o n e s in IBB l a i t r o u n d o f t h e i r f o u r - r o u n d b o u t S P t o b f t l w a s s u b j e c t e d t o H„ , h a r dSi d h t m g t h r o u g h t h e b a t t l e p * t

Vina a l s o h u n g th a s l u m b e r s i g n o n P k o g B u r n * In t h a s e c o n d r o u n d .

.)#* p p . 1

f l u b ,

e c h a r t ; i urel«!


k I 1 ii H uf B a y o n n e ,• • m . t t e n n t e R o t h w e i l i k m g <>f t h e 136- , • " I ' Hr »w n o f < ) r s n g « 3T>'p<ifind t u l e h o l d e r Line a h o w i l l M g h ml

T h e s t e a m s h i p P a r i s o f t h e F r e n c h | , t t l i O r l a n d o P l a n t a i* o a r d n d u r

t o a r r i v e In N e w Y o r k t h t a a f t* m o o n | M a n a g e r i h a p n i s n r e c e i v i n g » r a d n . . « y e s t e r d a y f r o m P l a n t s a y i n g t h a i th** , b o a t w a s a » a > '-a'.e d u e t o a ftt(»rm> JMM T h e Its l iH * l o s e s t a r i* m a k i n g U ,e t r i p t o V i f le t . r a w i t h E u g e n e j . i i t j u i . t h e F r m h f e a t h e r w e p , r w h .> on - w a v t • V t a L*olit w i t h J o h n n i e K i ib an # -

P i a n t w i l l l e s t t o d a > a n d t o m o r r o w a n d t h e n s t a r t t r a i n i n g M o n d a v f ° r t o e o p e n i n g w.#-*i «>f t h e " ' a r - - ' \vhi»"h Is s l a t n l f. r s w e e k f r o m t o m o r r o w P l a n t s h o u l d be tn g «»d o o t i d , l i o n s u m m e r , a s h r h a s n t c o m p e t e d in an > s i x - d a y g r - n d e a n d l . a s j u s t d«*n»» n o u g h r a - i n w t h e w i n t e r t i a - l v s i n K u i o Jm* • I k »■ • p h ! insf I f oil e - l g e

ngA t a t n e e n o o n :n t h e g S e t o n H a l l ! 92

h e l -1 y e s t e r d a y n the v e t e r a n * b a s e b a l l t e a m

A' w sa

L '


f i r s t

r t h e ' of H i.vooi..

\ ICk it .-po l*a n d F ra i . l ,

h i e o th e r * '> #t h w ell. |h«- I P a s t i m e s w in

e n | * ' b o f \V

W id e Expected to Sailide Lxpecte For This Country May 12

m a w T O R K . M arch 24 t .T ) -.Tlmntle W i l d * w i l l ga ll May 12 f r o m F n g l a n d fd P N e w Y o r k to Comp’e t e h is t r a i t ! l n g f o r t h o b o u t P r o n m u r T o m O’R o u r k e c l a im * to l a v e d e f i n i t e l y » r r a n g e d In w h t r h t h e K n g l i s U m an w o u ld I vv

" ’ >• act u.n w i th F r e d K»r P i i v s u a l C u l t u r e P e t e r K e r n s o f lhl.«

of th e O r a n g e V M AngueMa f r o m E i i a a - i th a t c ' .ase 34-pou i/d ( h a m p e r of • I.* t r e s id e n t o f t h i s

w W « w k b w a r e s a g a i n s t r l e s S in h n v u -h of the F o g l e r A C B a y o n n e P a t s y P a r a d i s e o f t h a

l i a r * A c I iinni.ts C taaao n . u n a t - t a r h e . i a n d J o h n L r d o s of t h i s c i t y a r e e n t e i e d ‘n t h e I "■-p o u n d c l a s s

Th.* O r a n g e I I .g h i-oaer. B ro w n , w i l l d e f e n d h is t i t l e a i t a in s t s u c h m e n a s J a k e F r i d e m a n of t l u P J n k e r P h y s i c a l ( ' u l t u r e O lu b . K ddie G a r tn e r , t h e N a ­t i o n a l T u r n e r f l a s h . F r a n k f ’o r c o r a n o f t h e O u t law A c , a n d S am E h r e n - k r a n x o f t h e M o h a w k A (V G a r t n e r ,

iri t h e I ’e c e m h e r t o u r n a m e n t a t t h e B r u c e stie*>t g y m . h a n d e d B io tg n th e f n * t ktftv-kotj* of h s ca re e r , but B r o w n got t>a<-k a t t h e T u r n e r lad r e c e n t ly by t u r n i n g t h e t a b l r a o n hlnv g a i n i n g a t e - h n i c a l k n o . k o u i o v e r t i a i i n e r

F r»*d K ret.a. a i . o t h f r R a y o n n e s c r a p ' per la a f t e r i . lp h o n o r s In t h e I m ­p o u n d . l a s s K r a b a h as lost b u t o n e f i g h t a t t h e T u r n e r s in tw o v ea ra . a

-ord f e w h a w be#h ab le t o s u r p a s s

E a s t e r Sumlav a n d K a i l Saldoth e Se. a U« US K«'p?v*»v ann i n e t e r n >e a r ■ no v i( e l a« t Ma

v . . P e n ’ c o n - | tig e v e r ' ;

,ii a n d « P i a m 1 n m a t c h r a c e •

A g a i n s t W M li e I . r r m * A n t b -i v l ie . k n v s n

T h e e n t r i e s

a t e l ' a f " e i w i n n i n g h i s n o v t - ■ a ( r a c k a m a t e u r B e c k v Is h a r d w i t h t h e i d e a o f w i n Mi a n i e y h a n d St t h e o p e n B e c k m a n r . Ie in a s e n s a n - * n e r in t h e « hi< a g o s l k - d a v h a * h a d a g o o d r e s t s i n c e t

T h e r e w i l l tie t h r e e oth*- i t o n a l r a c e * n o t i t e s t e d . *h B r e l d e n b a * h S t a k e s a t f i v e m i l e o p e n a m i m i l e . o n a c a . .

A m a i • u - en* n e s a i e p <* , • t h e m i l e n o v i c e h a l f - n t le m i s s a n d - o u t i n \ i t a t l * » n

( ' h a p m a i i a n n o u n c e *

b« a s k f l b \SUo1 Trl It Mt-"Utn goi ;t> I n f: ; ik .» i i i . t» ■. i* ii . V mi# r •

il ­ i . * d ft n .ium > n« i-t-n

h--* -

IH li.il'U ©d• 1 1

K l.» « •Sci-stt#- , . f I h r

f'wjj* W .IB III gl td ! IV W i l l s

t t ,i« K ' - ni in f*ti» *.*'«!

P a u l O ' N e i l l o f S o u t h t t r a n g e r j o f t h e 1929 n i n e O 'N e i l ! n a s

j a t t h e c o l l e g e , t h e o nly r e p r e s e n i I o f t h a t c l a s s w h o h e l d a r e g u l a r I l a s t s e a s o n T h i s ia h i s *ec**nd | o n t h e v a r s i t y H e is a h a r d *■, w o r k e r i n t h e r e f i g h t i n g a l l t h e

O ' N e i l l s < l e v e r w o r k a r o u n d s a v e d t h e I n f l e l d e r s f r o m m a n v a b a d

' m a r k a f t e r m a k i n g w i l d t h t w * m | t h e g a m e a l a s t s e a s o n In t h e H o t v j f r o m g a m e o f l a s t M ay t h e n e w c a p | t a i n p l a t e d a n I m p o r t a n t p a r t In h o l d 1 l n g t h e s t r o n g New E n g l a n d t e a m J a 7 1 w i n . O 'N e i l l l* p o p u l a r w i t h I I n s l e a r n m a t e s a n d t 1’#- s t u d e b t * r .f ' S f i i i m * a n d a h o u l d r a k e a < a p s b l e | l e a d e r

C o a c h C a v a n a g h t i a d t i t l e a l l y a n e w t e a t n las<1 v e t a w e r e f e w a n d t h ^| n o t a n y l o o g o o d T h e i p r o c e s s l a s t i l l g o i n g o n «

o n l y a f e w m t r r e p r a c t ic * t h e o p e n i n g g a m e T h e f o r t h e E a a t e r v a c a t i o n

ANV*A0( J tkS

l <

(V » r* J <*h i ft B j s a a j a i• *' b v Gd 'o h ; i br<-ih#*r

1 k»>#*% h •>*%• wft <*an p la y a* r -• k «*'■ • w XKll> 1

\ ir \v;»«i ki.»<1" It w..i* h-S w ■. , . (VH| Htlli*

L ^R .C ja rtfH o w ard ^l ndc X iggily and the Tired P**.

m h l s p e r e d J o h n n ia . L o o k i n g 4WMB *B|e|| , :0>ct he a n d Bil lie s a w l ' n c l » w i e e w t i * 1*0 ui lo p u t on h i s s l ippe r* . w h sB ,. f a s u d d e n th e d o o r o p e n e d a n d • ‘dtoi■ ii** in

w h la p sf f C

r i u g j r

t o • • , Mr.


W h a ' sf-" T o | .Uv (

' L i s t e n A t' -red J o h n n u

.via> i c it s N u r s e J a n e . 'Ill 1! ie

Hut it «ra«n t It w a s t h e F«»» In the ro o m he c a m e an t i H a o>oktd s i i nc ie W ig g i ly s t a n d i n g a B B t ; t h e s l t p n e i t

W h a t w | r e v o j g o i n g L o n g ' a r s ' " s n a r r d t h e F o x

"Well, I w as g o in g to p u t on mjr s l lp - per* a n d sit in t h e e a s y chair,** M l4l | ill.- b u n n y g e n t l e m a n . "1 r | | g wt i r e d a u d —----

" J i r e d "* Y o u ' r e n o t n * U u t t f t l Bft i a w . " s n a r l e d th e Fo x . "I h a v e b e a n ( h a « l n g y ou a long t im e , t r y i n g ! • nib* b le ><>ur ea rs , a n d I a m v e r y ( I n i r

N u rse J a n e u l w a v a | L e av e y o u r s l i p p e r s a lo n e . 1 s h a l l p u t



H lot

-,t ab-f iK ,i It'! 1. U'*- k • '! 1>

ft w i l l 1 t 1 » k m o n F i l l«• t o l.ft mm a -.r t u p a f#b u t Gift . dir.I'fjinS.lo.il " a (

w ith

> I se t - up. a t le as t

11i'm i' and M a n a g e r Three Champion Grapplers

i W ill Wrestle in New York

Firpo, Walker and Others To Box at Charity Bouts f V Y - i k

o f I ll. .]fit at

W* I

1I I P o u ' 4 f ' i m —J o h n O'Mar* u n a t ­t a c h e d , Vi ehey I>ell. New Je rs ey I r i sh - A m e n c a n A t ’ . C ha r le s M ck n ig h t . C a r t ­eret A <* . Jo e Hi• r !»• 11 , u n a t t a c h e d , ' ' h s r i a s Rot»er:« T u r i t a n A (' . Sam in ie Moskowltg. P a t e rn o n Y M « A : Michael Bel i«r ie K l i / a b e th T u r n e r . J o e Meiillo. N a t io n a l T u r n e re . F r a n k R edd lna to n . Ou t law A l ’ J a m e * Green . N e w a rk T. M <’ A r>avld Cook. Y M r A

t l v -P o u n d (.Mae*— Phil Solon. Cr ys ta l Boys C.uh B a v o n n e F red Appall R lnka r P h y - .eb h t "’ire c -jb. Ha>onne, P*ter Kerna. u-ih < ' a c h e d . Ni< i. A Repoli. Ora tif e y. JJ' ' g r * n k Anguel ia. u n a t t a c h ed . E l i s abei b

).'•» Pound ( '**» I 'h a r U s Slnhwvl trh .Bayonne . P a t sy P a d a d lse .

T h o m a s Giaaaon. u n a t i s - l i e d . j Krdo* ima t ta .~hed . Bennie

ne A ( ' . New Vo-k *e - F r * i k A ' o r eo ran i» u l -

A J o e Krankl, : i . Alpin* A < Or O e . a r Yeager Nat ion*; Turne r* . J a k e

t- r .de-nan . RViker P»iv*i el ( ' a . l u t e t lab. r i ayoune Anthony Brown.. Oran*Sr ho . | . Ha r ry .1 udenfrle-o], ' Gold e Ra\<»rin» V i i m n l Kn iigh t. u n i w a r . 1 t i a r t n e r Na t io na l Turne-«Krnlit , M " F i » k A C

M* PoiMid ( Ine*—George Scot* JerseyII a • e ra i f r s e y Ci ty , lame At !ferma., uo- a ' l a . b ed . J . .^ f t- ad d o rk i"arrol C n u i x K

Ilp h t fh sn . Pe te r R h'aily. k * N e w a rk Jo h n At her*. K! *a bell i Y M

' A J a m * . MWihii. u n a n a d i e i i u - k r ay lo r , u n a t t a c h e d . N’utl*>. Malcolm M f I r v i n . u n . . « r hed R a ip h Boswell . O ra n g e ’ , ,, n A J " l am Klapurot l i . u n a t t s h -d

u « . P o u n d « las s—-Fred Krebe. r .h . k e rPhyni %l Cu l tu re Club. Pa t K-e!*w K of c

k . J a r k P e r sh in g P a -k View c .

N E W YORK. M arch 7 1 A n g e l F i r p o . S o u th A m er p t o a t i l l s bout w ith Je« w o r l d c h a m p i o n h e a v y w e i g h t

V ) L u i * G » i* i ra n i l •etupsey w i l l bn*

L<u e l

"e ll . Paetii Pour.d C!i

. n < e ;

H ig h

a t a c h a r i t y c a r n i v a l a t t h e K in k S p o r t ­i n g f l u b n ex t W e d n e s d a y Might Th»- e v e n t is f d r th e b e n e f i t " f t n e ('«*m m l t t e e f o r D e v a s t a t e d F thmO

A n u m b e r o f r e i g n ' n g a i d !»**l b o x ­in g v h a m p l o n * a l so a r e b i l l e d i o a p ­p e a r on t h e c a r d b e i n g a r r a n g e d by T e x R i c k a r d , p r o m o t e r , f r M ia s A nne M o r g a n T h e Hat wil l I n c l u d e B en n ie L e o n a r d l i g h t w e i g h t c l u u n p u n. Mickey W a l k e r . w e l t e r w e i g h t r h . i m p b m . F r a n k i e O e n a r o . A m e r i c a n f l y w e i g h t c h a m p i o n ; G e n e T u n n e y A m e r b u n li gh t h e a v y w e i g h t c h a m p io n . J o h n n i e D u n dee . ’ J u n io r l i g h t w e i g h t ih**mpion. H a r r y Wil l* . co lo r e d h e a w w e i g h t c h a m p i o n . J a c k B r i t t o n , f o r m e r w e l t e r ­w e i g h t c h a m p io n , a n d P a n - h o Villa, f o im c r A mer ican f lyweigh t c h a m p i o n .

ZlllU H riM.ii i 1111k < n a n . |! < ■ 111.K >• r)I J i l l i L«>nd«‘»| ft* n a h i ' l a l


th iEd

i- ii* iiituon.

| , l a t i !•** S. veii t 'I l i- I v f " i i r l I

. N. v, Y o r k Ca 1 i n t r.1,, W ‘- i ’d I 1‘L w is . * i r e * ka n d t h e I t a l i a o «;)iaij>p('*n.

o i ; u i d I -1 1 T h . > 6 i l l m * c t t h r e e ,,i. r a in t l ie w t . a t l l n g g a m r m e n h a v e p r o v e d t h e i r a b i l i t y t o . w i t h r h a m p H ' i i s C l i f f H l n c k -

k R o l l e r a i u l J o h n K a l o f f . i f -

T ' . r 11# llli< ck lias u a>l#* Law is,i i,,..U‘* Il g ,...i m in hi''!• w i i n v l.r a 1*

••hr *« w l ih l h»* 1 # ,i:d(i •• k a*1-. >: .#1.n. i ’.i v i . i. ;. Ii'«• r ft M HtM'Ul' . i 1; • il 1 '■! ». . . p p o iu M hiii hJ* pftH 1 ftM tll^ fan M. Slral»*il»‘i in a r ! l<>n h a s«*«» * f tii** «*tm iitn ..f a rU-VSi

m i l

Marquis Defeats a Miner In Scotch Amateur Boxing

a p p l y i n g h is f a v o n t . i i ,g. •< a t hi; . K ' K i-iR m u c h(* a r >i 'I t*i d o r s w h i n s t a l l - c k o u t t»lov%

s t u d e n t s d o n o t r e t u r n u n t i l A • ' o n p e r I n ion Is b o o k e d f o r a S o u th O f a n g e A p r i l T.

D an D onovan In Mlooed T h e w e a t h e r m a n I n t e r f e r e d

p i a c t l c e y e s t e r d a y a n d C«>a< h Cav 1 a n a g h h a d to be c o i r ten t w i th llgh*; b a t t e r y p r a c t i c e In d o o r s J o e Dtw te«| t* t h e t w l r l e r o n w h o m S e to n w i l l | t e l y f o r t h e m o r e I m p o r t a n t g a m e *

A l t h o u g h on t h e m o u n d f o r h is f i r s t { c o l le g e g a r a e s l a s t s ea s o n . J o e m a d ^ i s f in e s h o w i n g H e s t i l l h a s a r a t t ie r j e w k w a r d s t y l e In t h e b->x b u t t h e i <<>ach li. g r a d u a l l y po .to l l in g h im »i p I a n d « >p*i t» h im to be o ne o f Die lead I m g c o l l e g i a n p i t c h e r * b e f o r e f i n i s h i n g I Ids c o u r s e D an D o n o v an . J o e s but

t e r v m a t e o f l a s t s e a s o n »» not a t th e I c o l l e g e t h i s v e a r b u t F a t R e v n o id u i*| b e i n g c o a c h e d to f ill the b a c k s t o p " pop!M«m R e y n o l d s h as b a d *<>ine r \1 p er ,e t i . e b e h i n d t h e p l a t e a n d s lm u .d

d ev f l o pT h e B u c k n e l l a n d G e t t y s b u r g g a m e *

s c h e d u l e d t»* l*e p la y e d In May a t H o u th O ran g Q h a v e b een c a l l e d o f f C o e f i i i t- Ing d a t - s w e r e t h e c a u s e of can*-.- .lng on th e p a r t o f th e P e n n s y l v a n i a t .-am* T h e Set*>n H a l l m a n a g e r Is m a k i n g an e f f o r t to a r r a n g e g a m e a w i t h tw o s t r o n g ( o | ! e g e te a m * f o r t h e s e d a t e * D a t h o l h I ' n l v e r s l t y a n d V i l l a N o v a a r e arnonfc tb o * e b e i n g s o u g h t by S c to n ln If t i l t s a r e a r r a n g e d w i t h t h e s e c«-l l e g e s o n e of t h e b a t t l e s wil l m o r e th a n like ly be p l a y e d h e r e It ha* b. en t i m e s i n - e e i t i i e r nf t h e s e t e a m s m e t J

| S - t o n H a l l Villa Nova w a s b o o k e d . in b a s k e t b a l l « t h e i r t e a m w a s d is - I b a n d e d h e f n - e th e d a t e

D E A R MK* yM V E R Y T I U K D , S I G H E D T H E B U N N Y .

of t h e g a m e

•-st ii «>ii my o w n p a w s a n d . w h e n I jMBm <1. I il n ib b l e yo u. Yes, 1 11 n l b b t o *

v onSo s a y i n g t h e F o x s l i p p e d h t« P * * *

Iei?nto Hi- n a i l e d - d o w n s l i p p e r s RB4I j s t a r t e d to sit in t h e e a s y c h a i r . B ill

w h e n he t r i e d to m ove , t h e F « l J « o n id n ' t He w a s h e l d f a s t W i th h i#

p n w s in t h e n a i le d s l i p p e r s | O h ' \V h a t ' s t h i s ? Ha'. I s e s ’ A trhB* i You ii , nk you h a v e c a u g h t rad tn •! i r e p " h o w le d th e F o x "M y p aw g !' c a n ' t m o v e t h e m ' T h e s e w e r e n ' t • H i l l

t o r * a t , a l l ' T h e y w e r e a t r a p ! m mHraB vm



Pivcl Might Meet Donley After Battle with Duffy

j Bucher, Running 4.23 Mile, Beats Joie Ray in Chicago

G I . A S G O W .

d e f e n d h i s w o r ld ch.vmpioiiMhip f ly w e l f h t t i t l e a g a i n s t P a m h o Villa, f o r ­m e r A m e r i c a n c h a m p io n . O K n u r k e a n n o a n c e d to d a y .

D i s p a t c h e s y e s t e r d a y f r o m r a r d l f f . W a l« S . s a i d W i ld e w g s t r a i n i n g t h e r e , h u t h a d n o t ye t r ece iv ed i n f o r m a t n m t h a t a r r a n g e m e n t s f o r t h e t i t l e b ou t w e r e d e f i n i te . O 'R o u r k e ho id h e h a d w . ! d '* ' s s i g n e d e o l t r n t ;.«td t h a t he w i j c o n f i d a n t t h # B i i g l i s h m a n w o u ld l i v e u p t o It.

Arrangements for Wilde-Villa Bout Will Be Completed Soon

JTBW T O R K , M a r c h 24 <*>). — A r- r a n c e m e n t s f a r t h e w o r ld f l y w e i g h t c h a m p i o n s h ip b o u t J u n e 16 a t t h e F o lo Q r o u n d s b e t w e e n P a n c h o V i l l a a n d J i m m i e W i ld # o f E n g l a n d w i l l be c o m - p U t e d w i t h i n a f e w d ay s . T o m 0 * R o u r k a , m a t c h m a k e r f o r t h e P o lo E r o u n d A. C , d e c l a r e d l a s t n i g h t . I t s h i # t h a t l g n e d c o n t r a c t s o f b o th b o x - a r a , h a aa ld , a n d o n ly a f e w d e t a i l s r«*

t o b e I r o n e d ou t.

K S - P o u n d (' !*»•— J P? pgerts d .ouncil K of C , Georgs Menter. r-ol


Steve Latzo Retires from Ring; Seeks Position on Police Force

H a z l e t o n , r * , M arch 24.— S te v eL a t s o . w ho r e c e n t l y a n n o u n c e d h i s r a« t i r e m e n t f r o m t h e b o x in g g a m e , In w h i c h h e e n g a g e d f o r n e a r l y t w e n t y y e a r s , w i l l s e e k a p p o i n t m e n t on t h e H a x l e t o n p o l ice forc<;, h e a n n o u n c e d t o d a y H e w if i t a k e t h e civ il a s r v i c # t e s t a t o h e h e ld A p r i l 7.

l . a t 3o s t a r t e d a s a l i g h t w e i g h t , b u t l a t e r e n t e r e d t h e w e l t e r w e i g h t d i ­v i s io n . a n d a t t h e h e i g h t o f h la c a r e e r w a s c o n s i d e r e d a m o n g th e c o n t e n d e r s f o r t h e t i t l e H e f o u g h t J a c k B r t t t o n . t h e n c h a m p i o n , tw ic e , a n d w e n t ’ t h a l i m i t e a c h ti m e . L a t s o h a s a a v e a t h e m o n e y h e e a r n e d In t h e r i n g a n d o w n a c o n s i d e r a b l e lo ca l p r o p e r t y . H e B u f ­f e r e d b i s f i r s t k n o c k o u t d u r i n g t h e l a s t y e a r a n d d ec id ed th e n t h a t h e w a s th r o u g h *

.V 1 — T h e .Msf q u i a o f D o u g l a s , a pn>ininc:i* O x f o r d t nt- v e r s i t y b o x e r . I as i n ig h t d e f e a t e d a m i n e r J . A H e n d e r s o n , o n p* ,n «• In t h e ' f ir s t V . n l l f y i n g r o u n d <f t h e a m a t e u rm i d d l e w e i g h t c h a m p i o n s h ip s .

I ;a v P r y e ’. F’l t t a b u r g h l i g h t w (*ight. w h " i s t o r tn-et J i m r n b - D u f f y , v e t e r a n \ * w Y o r k e r , a t P a d d y M - n i u i g a n s H a r - r . ' m i «' 111 b T i o n d a y n i g h t m a y m e e t M o k e y i m n l e v a t t h e o r a n g e a r m o r y

O H IP A G O . M arch 24 1 k n o w n an t h e w o r ld ' s d i s t a n c e r u n n e r . w»* m i l e r a c e a t t h e (Trbag«*

Chapman and Gardner at It AgainR e d C h a p m a n h a s b ee n m a t c h e d by

h i s m a n a g e r . P h a r l b t ' s r d i o . t o b a t t l e S p e n c e r G a r d n e r t e n r o u n d s a t th e V a l i e v A. C„ H o ly o k e . M a s s . A p r i l 2.

W i l l i e ( Y o u n g ) G r a d w e l l . C h a p m a n ' s s t a b l e m a t e . w*ho wor* h i s t w e n t y - s i x t h c o n s e c u t i v e f i g h t t w o w e e k s a g o by d e f e a t i n g B a r i F r a n c e a t F a l l R iv e r , w i l l m e e t t h e b e s t b o y o b t a i n a b l e f o r t h e V e t e r a n s o f t h e F o r e i g n W a r s C lu o In P r o v i d e n c e , A p r i l 9.

j w ; t h t n t h e n e x t t h r e e we«k« D onle y is Keen a b o u t t r y i n g c o n c lu s io n s w i th

I P m el a n d L a d d ie K u s y ia sa id to be e a g e r to s t a g e t h e m a tc h

\ It h o u g h a n a t i v e o f t h i s c i ty . Don- J ley ha* not e x h i b i t e d h is f i s t i c w a r e s

hivre m q u i t e a t l n A \ n ea r ly tw o y e a r s

,P l —J o ie U ay. f a s t e s t m id d le d e f e a t e d in a b a n k e r s ' t r a c k

I m e a t h e r e l a s t n ig h t by R a y Hu- h e r i o f t h e I ' n l v e r s l t y o f C h ic ag o , f o r m e r I h o l d e r o f t h e E a s t e r n a n d ln t I g i a t e a n d n a t i o n a l c o l le g i a te l tw o - n i l l e r u n . T h e tint

23 s e c o n d s

lie - fo r th e

w a s 4 m i n u t e s

R ed C hapm an D efea ts P a a l D em ers.K A I. i / r IV E R , Mr , . M a r c h 24. - Red

C h a p m a n . B o s to n f e a t h e r w e i g h t , d e ­f e a t e d P a u l D e m e rs o f N ew B ed fo rd h e r e l a s t n i g h t in t e n r o u n d s C h a p ­m a n h a d D e m e r s on t h e f lo o r tw ic e tn t h e l a s t r o u n d .

F r a n k I e D a ly H nlda D elm oat to D raw .M ic k e y D e lm o n t o f t h i s c i ty a n d

F r a n k i e D a ly of S t a t e n I s l a n d b oxed a n e i g h t - r o u n d d r a w a t P e r t h A m b o y l a s t n i g h t .

P I T T h B l ' UGH. M a r r h 24. To m H«*dk»’i. s p o r t* promof*-r. i.« in New York to c o n s u l t w i th I t i l h e G ibson , m a n a g e r of w o r ld l i g h t w e i g h t c h a m p io n B en n ie L e o n a r d , c o i i c e r n i n g a m a tc h b e t w e e n L e o n a r d a n d Pry* I to lo- s l x i m #t F o r b e s F ie ld . P i t t s b u r g h th e la s t w eek in May !t4»dkin s t a t s * t h a t he ih p r e ­p a r e d to o f f e r a s m u c h as 9:«J> ffilS fo r th» c h a m p i o n ' s scrvlcej», T h e l*toii. if a i r a r i g e d . w i l l b e f o r t e n n o -d ec i s io n round*.

4 o l o n l a l s W a n t <>ame«.T h e C o lo n ia l C lu b of S o u th I w t j n

Is d e s i r o u s o f icauicS w i t h Junio i ' h a s t - b a l l n in e s . \ \ r i t e t o M a n a g e r J<»ac|ih M c L a u g h l i n . S o u th O r a n g e C o m m u n i t y Club.

So tin; ( w ■. M# * \ .iqil i r i #• 1••i *n*-.ikftd in toGift 1u-. ' low M i: mp PUliKMloW S u p l\ftlli’iu •h. th • r ■ m »• r . I l ■ . le W i g g t h k: m m r« (#n th# D H ii f u r h i m »* a s si li:» i f It t. .ok but h f# w mliiutftft t«»n a i l t h«* ftlip pern U'»w Ii. ft'> th e y ro l l ld n tlift m ->v . .1 Nml y*t \ mi r o ii Id not *. fttli#* ii all* bv w hu h fh»*> iiVft*T ft hr•Id f a s t

' N#tw w ft'II h id# in M i l<«ftftt a m ii u a ’r hw h a t l ' i i« 1 ft I f ' f t I k * lb" ft \v hen h#* pl.t*hi* p f iv u l n hi* i>lll>l- i-r» an d c a n lm o v e ." c h uv k 1 rtit J o in Itlll

Tb<» t Wf # > ftu ulr i f tl bm ?. hi t tti#* rtisftl vft*In a rli ipet n#-ar l>\ ,»n.l w « i t «-«1 «t h e y hft.i i d 1 t i d e W 1K u i -> r u m . a l o n g .f c j it \ • h#»p

* D#-ar ni#* 1 a m <i #• r v t i r e . l . ' ftlahr-dt»r«: lilJUH * ' Ami 1 . ii bln i f in d a»i M B I-i* ndv :l t u r r ' (»! ». d. a i

t k e e p m e h e r # ' BaB v a v ’ Z(uip ' W o o f! T h e r e ! ” p u l l e d up on h i s p a w s w i t h a l l ig h t T h e s l i p p e r s d id n o t b u t t h e t i r e d F o x p u l l e d h l a p aw # .’;-* th< s l i p p e r s so s u d d e n l y t h a t h f

r* lI 4|<>w ii a n d b u m p e d h i s n o sa ,I'lll KM ’

<*h s o o p l e ’ W o r s e a n d w o r i f P ^ h o w le d th e Fox. a s h e p i c k e d hilBgiRTT up. r u b b e d ni* n o s e a n d r a n a w a y . Aimmm J o h n n i e a n d Hlll le In t h # c l o s e t laUJfham|S *4» h a r d t h a t I n c i e W l g g l l y 4RBR^ S t h e m And o f c o u f e e h e f o r g a v e th # S4] u i r r e l boy * f o r n a i l i n g h i s ■ U p g # f^ ;^ fa« t W o u l d n ' t you , a f t e r t h e y

" H e * t i t 4 'd . a n d he o n r i g h t a w a y a n d i

II p u t h i s s l i p p e r s i e ' 11 see Hi#- fun .

c.-vtiaht t h e Fox. e v e n t h o u g h d b ln ' t m e a n to"

I ' m l e W i g g i ly p u i l e d h is • H f P Wjf l loose w i th t h e t a c k l i f t e r a n d t h e # h #- popt>ed s o m e c o r n f o r t h e SQUlffgl b O f f * a t id t h e y h a d a f in e t im e . T h # J d k t t u r n e d o u t r i g h t a f t e r al l .

And if t h e f r o n t p o r c h d o e s n ' t c h a t # t h e m i lk m a n a r o u n d t h e h o u s s t o •aa

, » b o t t l e of c r e a m f o r t h e d o o r mat#I'll te l l you n e x t a b o u t U ncfe W l c g l l y * * - ^ n ew u m b r e l l a .


Thomson Machine Bowlers Winners in Suburban Loop


T h e S u b u r b a n M a n u f a c t u r e r s ' f b n v l - i n g A s s o c i a t i o n h a s J u s t c o m p l e t e d i t s s e a s o n , w l i h D ie T h o m s o n Machine* f p m p a n y rp.l ler s a n n e x i n g h i g h t e a m h o n o r s , a n d B e r n a r d o f t h e S w e e n e y t e a m a n d Mf 1 efioir o f t h e T h o m s o n q u i n t e t s h a r i n g h i g h i n d i v i d ­u a l h o n o r s . T h o s e t w o p i n n e r s r o l l e d t h e h i g h a c o rc N f<>r t h e l e a g u e . B e r n a r d r e g i s t e r i n g a 245 o n t h e P a r k p l a c e a l ­l e y s a n d M e h l w d r t u r n i n g in a 241 o n t h e B r a n f o r d p a t h s .

T h e a v e r a g e s ;Team Averages.

W. L Av 11 H.Thomson Ms-'hlno 44 17 814 43 005Newark Rtftrling 43 20 412 tb 909Swftonev Llthn 40 23 801.27 954H a n Ion • ( load tn a n 34 24 402.31 964Overman Tire 13 30 7*9 7 *14International TW’kftt 2b 94 761.52 879^ogors W irs Wor a* . 14 47 70| .1 433Wall*''® A Tier nan It 62 769.34 449

Individual Average*.G. A v. I I I .

Srott. Overman .......... 30 174 4 :25Chniftiftyi Sw-ftftnfty . . . Wftndllng. Thomson

. . 48 174 230. 57 177.2 229

Furman . H*nlon-Oo»#dman . G 1 7 2 44 314Mnrral. Hanlon-Goodmai . 43 170.5? 218Bernard, Sweeney . . . 42 144 14 246Mooney. Hanlon-Goodman ..99 144.2 222Wvlde. Internat ional . . . . 39 147 34 325Hood. Thomson . . . .4 3 144.47 216Flynn, Overman .. . .54 H., 45 216Olsey. Sweeney . . . . . .67 145.20 t hMartin. Newark Sterling ___&7 144 30 326E. Melchoir. Thomson . ___40 163 3) 241Heuer. Newark Sterling ___M 141.34 ”43T. 8kldmore. Newark Sts rl 'g 42 D 3.25 >39A. Beams. Newark Sterling .40 163.23 243A. Skidmore. New ark Sterl 'g 91 161 13 1*0Derbyshire. Overman . . .97 141 4 223Lockheed. Internat ional ___92 140.27 213Temple, In te rnat iona l ___29 160.13 264FwHetlo. International Glmbley. Overman ........

___29 150.10 919...8 1 181.47 1*4

J. Beams. New ark Sterling .31 188.7 io;W. Connelley, Overman . . . . 98 i l l : 1*4Dicker, International . . . . . t l 189 48 206Lei by. Rogers ................. . . . .8 7 185.43 219J. Connelley. Overman . . . . 8 4 155. l t S3*Wlegman. Thomson . . . .4 9 191.31 1*9W. Melchoir, Thomson . . . . .3 7 191.14 311Northrup, Sweeney ----- . . .4 3 156.93 191Trigiraer, Thomson . . . . . . . .4 6 156.37 215Ochrey, Inte rnat iona l . . . . 44 186.39 261

There’s An Arctic Sweetheart for


CASTLESMost Joyous




. 1 1 8 119 i« i m i ni n m i t f

Total*. 696 791 746 Totals.. ITTYIt 719 DRY GOOD#- SCRIBBLERS.

eeden . 164 ITT 1461 Case........ 199 112 164bertin. . 164 166 1761 Dunn........ 171199 144ra tte r . . I f f IM 114 «gg#........ 916 196 l i tftsekt... vi* fH n « w v a r . . . . 197 193 199patjste.. 196 199 iCftDtmaatek. M l 191196Taftals.* i t i m i i i i TMala.. 911 719 799

"331W g tirp m of these dsnonstntioM is to s m

If you want to rids behind s truly g rad motor,i i S i f i ' i l f r f n f f l r n m • . zm tim *,<*.«. xorawsi.

M l (41 MM«»M...

s M I *


Y N THE TW O vital phasss o f driving, the new 1 Q h ato B erk n ew eeeeed ed to b s w lA outpesr. I t m asters h ills w ith thrU ltng dsdslvsasss. I t s ir ts s tiiilh itrtrings ilslIgtiMii iro il o f ■ p c H s n

ptfformance powen are now being made on Eagle Rock HflI. .

Blocs dtffkult taels of engine etoadns are not locally possible. RcgardleM of weather conditions, Hie new Chandler, tro s ttn g in h ifh


M il lw a rd « I IS 1»1 1691 Shie lds .O'Neil. . . 199 166 266 WosrnsrRpresstsr. 161 ...........IGarvsy..R e b o ll.................... I l l 177 New ton . .I t l g k a n o . l t d 147 111 [H ughes .O ra l......... S it 396 147]

T p ta t s

199 197 i«6 144 111 141 14V 179 174 179 117 lf« 164 111 914

766 799 966.Totals- • 646 91TfT4j . DIV. 8UPT8

HOUSE FUR’ I NG* Berman. . 319 179 171Rickards. 146 166 1 J*iDupontS m ith .. . U 7 [F ryer.. . .W agner........... l i t 364 Stags* - -.Nixon___ 149 196 14S{W!gfal!..Goebel. 147 134 113}T ru ss___ 149 197 141

164 199 264 161 111 144 1T3 191 174 197 174 147

To ta ls . . •19 314 144

T otals.. 731 919 6711 FURNITURE. PIANO.

CahosaL, 321 176 149[Broekh's . 169 171 119Unger___ 113 lfg llI IG arrlty ..• te s ts .. . . 133111 147 L ev s .. . .Fuller. . 14# 1 to 17* FrancisKraemer. . . . 116 l i t L a o f .. . .

Now! A n Ice Cream Sundae in an Exclusive Package

C a s tle s h a s a n o th e r d e h g h t to o f f e r y o u !

A rc tic S w e e th e a r ts — a rea l in d iv id u a l Ice C re a m S u n d a e , in a n e x c lu s iv e p ac k ag e . I t co m es to y o u d fre c t fro m th e f re e z e rs , u n to u c h e d by h u m a n h a n d s .

A n d , oh, h o w g o o d ! C a s tle s f in e s t H e a th iz e d V a n illa Ic e C re a m in a g e n e ro u s q u a n ti ty , w ith a " h e a r t of sw eetness,” a d e lic io u s c e n te r o f f r u i ts o r s y ru p s , frozen r ig h t into the ice c ream . F iv e f la v o rs— s tra w ­berry, cherry, p in e a p p le , w a ln u t o r c h o c o la te .

Try one *t your nearest Castles dealer TODAY!You’ll w ant to serve Arctic Sw eethearts at parties, teas and luncheons. You’ll want to treat the d iildren . You’ll w ant to take hom e Arctic Sweethearts to the old folks.

m S m mR —tK IL L M AH— At O ranga *• ’ ■k | t , I , s i . u>m H o lm l « c « skutm aa S e ts U v m e i ( iu «

— . D E A T H SO m m Y i x (.-w e n t o n > - a « « ••“ 1 J U w i b u r n . i u u k • ■ Thwodajr. V *rch

m J o b . M . D ,;ow J bu,b«n.i of " M m D. A abortl* (»m M oatyli ' v V *

M r Funeral services will be be Item * f# r SenrlTH. 1M H itt* *

| Ml Sunday. W * ru 29. •» * A .J i letlvre and friend# ere Invited »•

g M M t io W oodier d Cemetery •« l“ *J j M r t M M of t k « fami ly. g B W H i m r T I I I 'A lM . l ' « ! » C#uuty. XfcT S r l f t , 1433. JM kua Purdy.

f l m d r i l*bebe E. Benedict tuee S*v™>- B » Tlth y e e r Funwre! at b i t •treo t. M arrh Id. a t J *• ° ' M a t la Ev»rgre«o Cemetery. aitaa-, i l j .

BLOOM—Oa X .rc k II. I l l l . £ r'd**f* | H t e . K t n l . r i a t lb* » W K » H " M “ '

U K m fo to a r , >1 l a ra.iaan. a. II E o i.frc u r N J F . n . r a l m m , ® I®

. . . . I. Ma!h .a il . t U h u r - h . Monday a u n t * , m . , I o citM'k I n te r m e n t l-el»siu*n

, , —m*’ churxk C fa < t '(> .f t l A M . 1 oa* V , M arch 1?

f tl te a D Y —Ob M arch 53 1»7* Jana Bra*1*•M Hajlth-. beloved wife of the lala Job* | M | | a t ha r residence. 41 Kouta Tao*. h

Notice of funeral hereafterf l b n W T I Ha M a rc h 21 1121, O la d y a be

O L H H 4 d a u g h t e r of H a r h a e l Br own, real ™ n E sE jeB , • N e v a d a a tr ee t Re la tiv es and

i , a I ao m em b er* of O«»od 8a inert tan■ K f l « D e p a r tm e n t No 1. a re Invited to

t f i l l a n d the fWiare fr».* H J H r o n n a pr ‘l l l ta ta perlu r, t i t B a n k s tr ee t . Monday. March

i t | c Clock l« le r m * « t in KveigreeS ‘ S h S M te ry .

_O U Q H A L —On Friday. M arch 13. 1411. word beloved hue bend of Catherine

hal (nee VoelpeD. Relative# and_I i r « inv ite d to a t t e n d the fune ra l ear-

I •« h is home. 21 N orth F ifth at reef, on H t r M arch >1. a t 4 P M la tarm aot at

U earsala’nca of tho famtiy.0RA1O—Jo h a Craig. a* « l H r - ™ V .

a r i l i a a today (S atu rday>. M arrh I t. 1 H T 1 J. A J. Holla a funoral chapel 114

place. la ta rm ao t in Koaedaie Linden. N J .

DAVIS—-Suddenly. on M arch S3. ItlS . at y fwddonce e f har daugh ter, Mra. 8 Draw w*«, 41 M erten piece, Ka*t Orange. N J . l l e t k Davie, widow of John P Davis.

I a e th e r e l F rederick W Da via of Moun- l Lekce, N. J . Notice of funarsl hero-

WSON - A t Verona. N- J ., on March 21. Annie, wifa of J . J Dawson Relative*

friends e ra invited to a ttend the fu* service* a t har residence. I t Elm- reed . Verona. N. J . on Saturday. 14, nt S o'clock. In term ent n t conve­n t the fam ily.


A GENTS—One can t postal card brings sworn proof ef $4 to 111 dolly , new Mple euar-

an teed hosiery. ST styles. I* colors; neither experience nor cep I te l needed. Just shew •ample*, take orders, wa deliver and col­lect. your pay daily , all im neportauon charges paid. monthly hof.ua besides. 12_ hour earv i.* . 7 pairs m«e a hoes I t 41. 7 pairs ladle*' II 74. guaranteed T m onths, complete outfit furnished, all color*, grad«e Including all he. Mac O Chee-Mill# C o . suit*41 •E__^'lncin*a rl_< » _ ..... ..............AUk STt H- Man* 11&-I3j daily tak ing orders

for the "Diamond Iron " «ute ironing time In k a lf ; average Ironing cost* on# cant; beets electric Iron, burn* gasoian* or kero-, sene, lights w ith m atch W rit* today for proposition. Akron Lamp to . , 474 iron si..Akron, 0 _ _ _ _ ____ .AOENTH—Oat our big sam ple *»»<*rtm#nt

free, tee. coff.-e eatre< t*. spices, big lie* of foods, laundry and tul.at soap*, things people eat and use •dally, everything ftff- ntshed, send postal quick Dept 1941. H a r­ley *'« . Dayton I »Allk.NT4—114 see* eaa> . *>ur Iron board

ron-r« tubbar aprons, shopping bags sell fa*t fres sample « ffn 'A n.ertcan Uiaiding i'« , m fr* . 324 Monroe. f h < ago

AD other MWAntw adrertkbf wffl be food ia fclewigg tedioo

H E L P W A N T E D — M EM

*h»WUMFT LING—On Saturday. M arch 24. I4tS.

iM ry, beloved husband e f There** A. I ne# ■ H U ) . * t his yeeidsnes^ l i t F irst *»•«•, aged 14 yours. Not:c# of funeral here-

ptf*— CO-—Joseph, died on March 14. I t Banes County Hospital. Belleville:

'k n o w n address, 140 fom m arc# street l friends or relatives m ake funeral sr- Beats w ithin th e neat th ree days burial

pfch m ade by the reuaty ..ONS—A t H u k . l l . N. 1 . Mkreh l i ary K. Glbboua. widow or W H Otb-

, form erly of O range. Notice of fuaeraip g r .

LGORMAN—Entered In to Ufa otoraal. a t ■ H iM P i N. J ., on F riday evontng. March B, 1432. A della, wife of th e la te Thomas F {tonaaa. F uneral ssrvlces will be held a t ^ home. 14 H aw thorn* place. Mootclsir,

“ afternoon a t 1:14 o’clock.k. MANNA lift-—-At her homo, 2 M yrtle ave- ^ T e e F riday . M arch 2*. IMS. G race Tal-

k, widow of F rederick W H annahs. Fu- [Services w ill be held a t th e chapel of ■gggrllle P resby terian Church. Sunday. It 94, a t t P. M. In term ent, a t the coo-

i rtf th e fam ily.V M f l M S - A i H ilton. N J . March IS.

M ary K. P arker, beloved wife of 'i H. H astings, in h e r 44th year. Fu

t r vtceo w ill be held a t her borne, 174 j avenue, on Sunday. M arch 24. a t 3

Relative# and friends s r* invitsd to In te rm en t m Hollywood Cemetery

[ B i convenience e f th e fam ily.MATS—At M orristow n. N. J ., on There-

lay. M arch 22, H 2 i. H arry H unter Hays, " h i services a t his resilience, 27 Pros-

street, on Monday. M arch 24, a t I Ifttsrm ont in B vsrgrsen Cemetery,

■ ■ own.MSALKT—-On M arch IS. 1*21. a t fho rori-

s f n is paren ts , • M yrtle avenue. John la s t nan « f Jam a s J . and Violet E., (M s Jonn lngsL aged 7 weeks. No- I funeral in Sunday Call.

ET—A t Belleville. K J . on March Chris to p h e r Heaney, beloved hue-

. f M argnrot Hoonoy (nee M aheri. Rei- I and friends and m em bers of the Holy

j Bscisty a re respectfu lly Invited to a t- th e funeral from his residence. 134

l s tree t, on M onday. M arch 26. a t 14 . U R P o u r 's Church, Belleviiio,

_ _ n solem n h ig h m ass of requiem will p w M ta r the rsposo of h is soul. In te r- I P h BL Peter*# Cemetery.

aW E IL B R —On F riday . M arch 21, r p j g d c t k H ohw aller Cnee Btaokert),

. 4d w ife o f Lents H ohweiler. Relathros I friend* a re k indly invited to attend tke Sat tra g i h a r residence. 42 Hobson street, Monday, M arch 24, a t 1:3a A M.; thence Baagsd Baorarnent C hurch, where a high I f raqt^onL w ill bo offorad to r }hs re-

J j h e r ao«l, aft t A. M. In te rm ent ia fpBWF'a Cem etery.

L M *g—On M arch 21. 1999. Garris, he- W lh a t C harles Holme* of 169 High

'i ggad 44 y ea r* R elatives end friends _ ..JVMad la a tte n d th e funeral services i l h e p a r lo rs o f th e People 's Burial Com-

960 B read ntreeu on Monday, a t 9 In te rm en t In G lendale Cemetery.

F rid ay . M arsh 29. 1122, a t ' Ridge, N. J ., J u lia Ann. wife of

Jo h n If. Holmes, in her 14th year. %! gervicon n t th e P resby terian Church,

’ flidgo, on Sunday, a t 2:26 P. M. h% In Bvergroon Cem etery.

PltA lIL K B —E ntered in to rest, a f te r a short Oh T h u rs d a y M arch 22, 1922, Ju liana

• (Bee Fonako), beloved wife of the n ih e lm KasUk«. aged I t years I t

Bfths 22 days. R elatives and friend# are My inv ited to a tte n d th e funeral from

gatAdonoo, I I M ain s tree t, on Monday, oh 24. a t 2 P. M. In te rm en t in Fair- h i Cem etery.

K IRSTEN—At W est O range. N. J ., on Frl y , M arch 23, 1923. Florence J . , d augh ter

A lbert F . an d Jenn ie K treten. Funeral w ill bo held nt tho fam ily home, f

A avenue, on Monday, M arch 29. a t 2 R elatives and friends a re k indly to ­

t e attend . Internment In Roasdals

D E A T H !IT JtlC H -Entered Into reet. on Friday

Maroh .3, 14.’3. F rank I ’.rlrh . h*:ok*«, son ef Mart* C inch an«l the la te Jacob l irlch. Mgvii 31 j ear* 7 rn»nt)ta 9 day* Rr .sttv** and fn«n<i>. also P»i*r Cooper Council Mo 14*. J r O C A M . sr# k in J v lO 'lted to attend the funeral «ervt<-es on Hunday Mar* b 2.1. at 4 P M st his horn*. 314 ikiuth Twelfth st-ect In term ent In Fair- ninunt «Vr»ieter> on Monday at the conve nienca oi the family

WALLACE—On Friday . M arrh 23. 1423 Matthew B . heioved husband of K atherine Wallace (nee K eogant Relatives end friends, also member# of the Holy Name Ho rlety <>f Kt Hove of Idm a'e Church and Newark Council No 164. K nights of Col uni bus. are kindly InvIfVd to a tten d the funeral on Monday, March 24. at 4 I I A M . from his resident**. 42 N orth F ifth s tree t, thence to Nt. Rose' of L im a's Church, where a solemn hlyf mass of requiem will he offered for the repose of hie soul a t 14 A M in te r­ment In the Cem etery of tho Holy 8epulcl.r«

WINN—o n F riday . M arch 23. 1421. Mrs Let it in Winn. Rolativea and frlenda are In­vited to attend the funeral on Monday. March 24. a t 1 19 P M , from her home. I West street. Bloom field, and i t I F M from Union B aptist Church, Conger street. Interm ent in Bloomfield Cemetery.

M O N T H 'S M IN DFAGAN—A high maso of requiem will he

offered for th e repose of the soul of Ann Fngnn, a t Bt. J sm n f* Church, Monday morning, Maroh 24. 1921. s t I 14 o’clock. Relatives s a d frlenda a re kindly Invited to attend . *

MALONB— M onth's mind h igh m ass of ra- qutem will be offered for th e repose of the eoal ef John F rancis M alone on Monday morning a t 4 o'clock a t 8t. B ridget's Churcji. Relatives and friends are kindly Invitsd to a ttend . .

A N N IV E R S A R Y M A S SGARRISON—F irs t anniversary h igh mass

of requiem wiU be offered fo r. the repoee of the soul of M arcus Ford G arrison, n t 0t. Aloystus's, Monday. M arch 24, 1923, a t9:34 A. AI Relatives and friends a re In­vited to attend.

GODFRBT— E igh th anniversary mean will bo offered for th e repoee of the eeul or Mary G. Godfrey on Sunday. M arch 24. 1921. a t I At M . a t St. A ntoninus's Church. Relatives and friends a re Invited to attend .

In our hea rts your m em ory lingers.Sweet and tender, fond and true,

Thors is not a day. dear m other.T hat ws do not th in k of you.

BBRKAVBD HUSBAND AND CHILDREN.ROGERS—Second anniversary m ass of r e ­

quiem will be offered for the repos* of the soul of Mrs. Susan Rogers a t St Catalan 's Church, Upper M ontclair, on Monday. M arch 26.

Though lost to righ t.To memory dear


IN M E M 0 R 1 A MIN loving memory of our dear beloved hus­

band and fa th er, F rederick H rim lck. who departed life M arch 24, 1929.

In a cold and rilen t grave yard.W here the tree* th e ir branches wav*.

U se the one we love so dearly And in vain we tried to save.

Do not ask us If w s m iss him .There i t such a vacan t p lace;

Can we ever forget h is footsteps.And his dear, sw eet, loving faoof

Gone, hut not forgot ton BEREAVED W IFE. BON AND DAUGHTER

IN loving memory of ou r dearly beloved m other, Marie Louise W ldm an. who de­

parted th is life M arch 24. 1929 BEREAVED SONS AND DAUGHTERS

C A R D O F T H A N E SW E desire to e ip re s s our moot sincere and

hea rtfe lt th a n k s to a ll re latives and friends for th e very k ind expression of th s lr sym pathy and beautifu l flora l tribu tes ex ­tended a t the funeral of our beloved eon and b ro ther, Joseph V. Creehoekl; special th a n k s to tho Rev. F a th e r P e te rs and Rom- moly of I t . A nn 's C hurch , and also the choir.MR. AND MRS. VICTOR CREBHOSKI AND

FAM1LT. ___



C E M E T E R IE SGLENDA Lf,— A beau tifu l' m odem cemetery";

prices reaponable. F rank lin 6 H , Bloom. field; phone Bloom field 1299;

FLORISTSFLOWERS—Freeh cut. a t p roducer's prices

and absolutely fresh ; w s a re grow ers and we deliver by parcel p o e t Telephone C hat­ham 716 for p rice* o r w rite . Also fn ll 1km of flow ering p la n t* V isitors w eleom a Bunny wood# Greenhouses. 99 H illside a v a . C hatham . N J.__________________A

A f t s UAGENTS—<?r«w n.»

lor> . I » d.ll jr . J * ' " ‘ “ . I „ i . , r, l . c t r l c l ig h ted * » n : t , c — . - r , .ou l. , » o r l » ) e d r « — ^ d . » • * * i r , h ' W .l |S for s im p le Goldsmi th . **•Ch!<~sgo __________ _ . . ----- — l l jg S r .A G E N T # - - d a le s m en . d *a*r , b « t# f* "

K«rd t i n . , , . -buy In q u e s t it m s . wearpro** . x*4 »Wg pro fi t H h l t e !».— C a s t in g u .West G r a n d a v e . C h tcago ._________ . . . -AOKM l * — H » a .e h o ld He. ' **' 1 r . . W.

product*. lo. l el f ' T . . ! . . c l * » o « U , rtiusil l**. soepe . two h i N o r t h u s k ie y . t f i W est e rn P r o d u c t * 444 N o r t t t u e * .Dept » , ChK-ngo_____^ ------------------ — * — 7ZA U K M d tV 7 !1 ll^ r r * u r d h t T ? u . v . r r

f u . u . l l . w n « . h» l • » » “; “ fur

; r , ' . u ' : . , " v , , ? ; ‘ L . r . v “ v » — . > -

. . k »A'***•' * _ _ ... < ■r.H hsL>*Wt >>S “ •new iron ng w . « pad a n d A ou( | | | d a m p # b oa rd . P^f .. *![>. Brook >»•I s a k e e *»« A t lan t ic ®________^ ^ • , , , d r uw n . m * a#AGEN TS— A bus iness of >« - [ number*.

S f a ik . in g gls** u* m e *»<• | l lu,me* kerbosrd*. m*d* • * « \Vo<>ei' r -(( ra t ed book free, a r a . m * * •O h i o ............ ........... " t t cAGEN TS— New on spo t.

profit every do l la r #** ,mi„ t i t i o n . s am p le l icense u n n ecessa ry . »*o *n»Uh. Detro it ,f ree Mission Shop . 2 « l b 0*11"-

-------- * ^ t ~ e . i s " • • e k l * f re e s a m P 1 ♦••AGEN TS— |7 i - $ l 4 0 aign l"t - .l arges t a s eo r im e n t or _ unneceess ry

*»• — ' ,h , jV o ^ N T ^ ' l l ' . n huur. n r . . , . h . l . h « t o . L

every w o m a n use* -4 | l " T h o m a sseller, btg p rofi t* . **nip-c ()M (g C*> . Drew 14 99 n^_ -W l C N M . i l A l J t l lM K . ' ' - , u « r -

P lugs , se ll ing l lhe h o [ Buck? 741te r fo r s a m p le a n d propoel N ew ark a v e . J e r s e y City . — - ■■*T- e v T f t __j ia da ily se ll ing **'7-l ig h t in g g a sAGLN I e — a * n / f ric t io n req u i r ed .l ig h te rs , no mat* he# or ir

s e m p le 1CM? R*P»d Mfg t o . l« t ee n th st . New Y**rkA I U N T A W . W « u J u . •*•'soepe. e s t r a c t e p s r fw tt M , to Dept,peri enco u n n e c es s a ry t s r n a t i o V • t l i , St L o u ia

A l 'T O M O B I l. E SAI.KSMfcN tr. Mil' C^ ' ” j

. . l u m u b l - - » - Mr ' * ' * ^ * nI “ »r Motor• * .r , I I t P M . • n rC o . B r a n fo r d pi s* Sp r tn g f

A l 'T O SCHOOL. D R iV IN G . of>Why pay m o re ? W* , *ac !’ yoU ( #t s

r n r d . t . k . j o « (or l « o n d , r .Job. ou r r ep a i r course for I I * »■ » day a n d even in g 24 «* W a r r r t atA I T U MBCHAXK-. f trot - ! « ■ ‘ “ r * „ , „ d .

■ tr ad y work t ~ 1 of s t a t s w h a t m ak e t ru c k y**« h a v a n d w h e re employed. Addresn W M.,12. New# office ____________ -—■ -a Tt u m o b i l e ” ** a i r m a n . :

o n . l iving in or f . , . , . l . r - t l j• n g » g i ro full t o f o r n i . f »• • J? <lr*a n d phone Address A L . »*•office. _ ... . - r “AUTO- W A S H E R < w h i te i , ^

s t a t e eg* e n d e a la ry e * p « c te d . • * * *• ne c essa ry , m u s t fu rn tah ref e ren ce#N , Box 47. News office AL’T O M O B I I K MK. H A S H T - * n l*d.1

f l u . in r . p l r . t . l . . g o on . r , d « , r ; d - experience, etc. A d d re s s K »-*-•N ew s o f f i c e ____________________AI TOMOBII.IC MBi ' H A M ' H. 5

r ep a i r m e n . s te a d y e m p l o y m e n t a n d to p w a g e a T J But le r . 440 l l a r r i e o n » v » , i ta ir lson ____ ______ - -

O T IV E E L E C T R I C I A N w a n te d , uch lv ex p e r ien ced on m a g n e t o a and ore. D W M ay. In** . 324 C e n t ra l a v e


O R A N G E AVE _ _______ - ... —A U T O M O B IL E P A I N T E R , good ch a ss i s

hand. R o b e r t D. H a r d g r o v e . 44 Unions ve , I rv i n g to n ________________________ —AUTO M fcCH AN ICS w a n t e d , only f i r s t - d a e s

men need a p p ly P o e r t n e r M oto r C a r C o ,14 Essex s t .________________ _ __________A U TO M O B ILE m e c h a n ic , f i r s t - c la s s A p ­

ply Reep A B la c k fo rd , 44 G reenw ood ave. .Montclair . ______ \_________ -AU TO M O BILE M ECH AN IC S, ex peri enced ,

w an ted . M ain Ga ra g e . 444 M ain st . . E a s tO r a n g e ________________ _______— -----------A U DITO RS fo r g o v e rn m e n t s e rv i c e Income

t a x unit . S a l a r y $1.too |3.400. T h o usand# needed n ow E x a m in a t io n s Apr il 7. i n ­fo rm a t io n free. Dept . F e d e r a l I n s t i tu te .W a sh in g to n , D. C. __ _____________ACME O P E R A T O R S a n d •" •■t

m i l lw r i g h t ’s h e lp e r a n d on# G lshoit n a n a .O r a n g e B e a r in g C o . Orange^ N J _______ _ASSISTANT B H I P P I N O C L E R K , e x p e r i ­

enced. Th* D o n a ld F u r n i t u r e Co., M a rk e t s t








k X N lU X lt—On F riday , M arch 92. 1929, p t h a r M aresll K nauer, O. 0. B . aged 79

I , Relatives arid friends ass klndiy In- K B a tte n d th e fuaera i on Monday.

. Bh 26. from St. M ary's Church, a t 1 i.......... w here th e office fo r th e dead will beB l M f t R l r i In te rm en t in St. Mary’s Cemetery.

SON— E n tered In to rest, on Friday, t 23. 1929, A nna K rew son (nee Zeh- widow e f V tU h m Krewson. aged 42 I m onth 29 day a Reaidence, 217

a n place. R elatives and friends, also em ployees of C harles R. Debevolse

y . ews k indly invited to attend the serv ices on M onday. M arch 26. a t I a t Bu Andrew # Eptseopal Church.

on rivenue and Seventeenth stree t. In - a n t In E vergreen Cemetery.

I ' McKEON—On M arch 23. 1922. Eugene, be­loved husband of A nna McKeon (nee K em p), a t m residence. 162 W alnut street. Notice a# funeral h erea fter.

MILLS-—At E ast O range, N. J .. M arch 22. 1992, Annie M ills (nee Collins), b*lo\pd wife K th e la te P a trick M llla Relative# and friends are k indly Invited to a tten d th e fu- f e r a l from h e r residence, 94 Rhode Island avsnue. B ast Orange^ on Monday. March 24. y I A M. Solem n high m ass of raquftem,

of th e Blessed Sacram ent. 9 A. M *nt i a H oly Sepulchre Cemetery. Au-

Us cortege.a M OFFETT—A t Scotch p la ltta N. J ., on

M irah 22. 1929, B enjam in F rank lin , husbanu o f M ary H ead M o ffe tt aged 47 years . 8*r- r io ts a t h is residence, W actfteld avsnue, on

~HSh#ay a fternoon a t 1:99 o’clock.MULLIOAN—Suddenly, a t Detroit, M ich .

la rc h 22. 1923, John , beloved son of Pat- end C atherine M ulligan (nee McGovern), t of funeral hereafter.f e u *

MURPHY—On F riday , M arch 99. 1929, a t B ar home. 926 Sussex avenue. M argaret, widow of W illiam Murphy. Notice of fu- M te l hereafter.

A t Springfield. M aas. on 21, 1923. Johanna, wife of th* I at*

. P oem pnsr. aged 63 years Relatives friends a re Invited to attend funeral

. on M onday. M arch 26. a t I I A M . home e f her daugh ter. Mrs H annah

221 Beyden av»nu<*. HUtun, N. J I n ­st In Hollywood Cemetery.

BOTCH—-On M arrh 23. 162». M argaret •loved wife e f th e la te !,»opold Rusch. tor-

If of 197 T hom as stig*’ R e '.a tlv* and m and m em bers of St J a m e i'i Branch ■99. L. C. B. A . a re kindly Invited to

th e funeral from Tim othy V Fovle # _ , 219 W arren e treet. on Monday?

r rh 99. a t 1:39 A M . uP St Columba'a . h, w here a h igh m ass of requiem will

hffered to r the repoee of her souL In- ^ W t^ ln th* te m e te ry of the Holy

S iT E B B O K —En tsred Into rest, a t the a th lc H ospital, on F riday, March 22 ,fh4!)intna Ryerson. Notice e f funeral

r Call. P ate rson and Parnate papera

•■niM t. l»,!»vort daugh ter of W llllun • W i t . Euhmldf. R .la t lv . . and • r , k tn d jr l a n u d to k it .n d funeral

, _ J on Monday. M arrh . t I J . p M h e r r«»M*«adt i n Camdon a in e t ' i>:

■Wat p r l r a t . Sa Hollywood c « M te ry .§ g * S M C K ~ O a S atu rday . M arch U . I l l , M aiW wtJlTwigdw a f Rev. I v w . achw lta

Z U S S C •*t**8** * U1 *>• held a t ha r K e rth s ix th a tree t. on Monday eve« T * * . « I J S l S T mN. J . , a t t h s eonvenienee n r th e

to w iy .

Phone H uritbeldt #791.PEO PL E 'S BU RIA L COMPANY.


floe black, w hite or silver gsgg c lo th casket, w ith bar handles, sn g rav sd nam e plate, casket beautifully lined w ith fine gilh; ad ­vertising. em balm ing, dressing, - shaving, crucifix, candelabra , globes, chelae, hesrse

; and tw o coaches to any e tty cemetery. F uneral parlors free.

PEO PL E'S BU R IA L COMPANY. Phone H um boldt 9707.


phones 9902 M ulberry. M arket 19999. JOS, HARTH FUNERAL CO..

213 South O range ave.1190. choice of black, g ray o r w hile cloth

esakets, handles and nam e P late, em balm ing services dea th notice, candles, gloves, dregs* Ing end laying, hears#, 2 ltm eurines to any city cem etery; funeral parlo rs free; ca lls as* •w ered as fa r as R ahw ay. Jersey C ity, Mar* rtstow n, Caldwell.— JO S E P H > . i lU R P H t,----------------ru n e ra l D irector. 142 F lem ing a v a ; MaL

0414. (tolls attended to any d is tan ce ~ ' FRANK A. irO LET, "

UNDERTAKER.149 Renner a v a W averty USA.

JOHN D. CRANE. FU N ERA L D ti( jB C |6 £ 241 KEARNY A V E . KEARNY. N. i

PHO N Ba KEARNY 1991-9199.

L O S T1SAR PIN —P latinum , se t w ith d iam aads;

Orange or E ast O range; rew ard. A ddress J . W H., Bex K, Newg Office, Oranga.BAG— S tack duvetine; lo s t ' T hursday 4 f .

M . M arket and BroaA P indar keep money, mall bag and con ten ts to m Bergeneve., Keerny._______________________________BAG. black, con tain ing valuable a ip e r i .

L iberal rew ard if re tu rn ed to SI rm figqs ave., phmie W averty 9991.BANK BOOK No B ill* on O ra n ( . t a r t i i n _ Bank.. K to d lf re tu rn to bank.COAT—lla n 'n sp riR t coat, lost Satnrdm r

n igh t on O range car. between O range amd Ampere. P lease re tu rn to Peterson. 999 N orth S ix teenth st.. E a st O rsngs.

BOY, abou t 94 t® 19 J»ars. C hristian , living ia o r nea r Irvington preferred , am bitious

and neat, fo r general office w ork; chance for advancem ent; s ta te age and wage* ex­pected. Address A lert. Box 31, New# office.

BOYS WANT ED.W anted, h igh school boys t® work a f te r­

noons and Saturday* In ou r branch ateres. Apply M utual Grocery Co., 71 Belleville ave., rityBOY for autom obile rep a ir shop ; good

ehanee fo r on# who Is w illing end oager to learn. Call Newark Milk A Cream Co , rsn r-o f 29 B rid ie s t ; Inquire of John Rings!BOY w anted; 13 year# o ld : to w ork In paper

box departm ont; $12 a week. Apply Mon­day morning, paper box depa rtm en t, Chas. R Do Revolt# Co.. P lano and Acadom y s te

BOYS over 19 on foot presses; s teady work end good pay leading to piecework., New-

s rk M etal Mfg. Co.. 41 S . J . R- R. ava.BOY, ovor I I , for general facto ry w ork;

oady Job w ith advancem ent fo r w illing who can shew reference*. Apply 49-92

S te rn a st.. n ea r Lackaw anna.

BOY w anted to help !« .» « • * ^ * 5 and deliver o rders w ith F ord car. R u b e r 'a

SSI Valley rd.. W est O range_______________ .BOY to work In store and deliver; good op-

port unity. By m eg 's Surgical SupplyStore, 199 South Center st., cor. H enry ®L.Orange, N. J . __________________BOY. abont 19, to run e rrands and m ake

him self' "generally nsefu l; loam optical trade Broad st.

___ _ opportunity toA nspach B ros . 974

BOYS w anted to work In fac to ry on as­sem bling e f Iron novelties; 919 to r ia r t.

g enera l Iron M fg Carp., 44 South S lxth st.BOY. b right, s trong, am bitious, to learn

poultry business; good hom e; fa ir play; w rite pa rticu la rs Aldan. Neehan lc, N. J.BOYS. 16 to 16, in fac to ry ; s teady work!

good ehanee to advance. K raou ter A Co., S ixteenth s t and N ineteenth ava.BOYS, 16 years old, as m essengers, s te .;

neat, in telligent, s ta te #du«*»**« Add**##M B , Bo» 31, News office



A P P R E C I A T E DT h o s e f a v o r i n g t h e N e w ­

a r k , E v e n i n g N e w t w i t h

c l a s s i f i e d a d v e r t i s e m e n t s

a r e e a r n e s t l y r e q u e s t e d t o

h a v e t h e i r c o p y in t h e

h o m e o f f i c e a s e a r l y a s

p o s s i b l e , p r e f e r a b l y t h e

a f t e r n o o n o f t h e d a y

b e f o r e p u b l i c a t i o n .

H E L P W A N T E D — M E H



F or serv ice in JE R S E Y CITY.

PENNSYLVANIA I t R. Free Em ploym ent Office.


■ E l y W A N T E D - M M

Cf & £ ‘“ i j e y • ■ s T e m s m hm * tmr-■ - i 7 " I J O M , . ( • 0 4 H la r , u p « l i l * « « w F. U » M i it , S w t i , . '

E a S K , . l o r i o c O ; .O o n m l . . 'P y l 1** «M N O * — , A. CundarL, 11 N .ftK P .a r tk mL. H . r r O . . ____________c o o V r '* “ J*e. ••— ■e o . a . a u t ™

G a^k a a r t a r , far a laad r poallloa. Im jalra W M ,l> ,rry ac . I t a a dard h a a ta a ra a i _ G* J * ^ * * —•*> axparlaa—d for r a a t a . r a a , - Amapd a, M l Ik w a fto M a v a , Bloom nald.

d v r a n V MOTOR o o . O F N. 1 .


EX PERIEN CED ,A l T(.M OBILE a I m H U A U OR M * C H A N JC R “ “ * “

f A ERIC STOCK CVTTWRA—k x p b r i k n c r d .m a c h i n e u p e r I t o r I o ^ t r .


S t a d H B


NORTMTA N D N S S r i« tT o r T '<ZS,

Ex N AO E R ----------

P roduct, to **11 ourronua „ i . „ 7 ,rml; *»la«».i>. a a l . r , , on 7 J | b iu tnraa aommlMlon,a»»<I t E S L E - * ' - b,r R M w i anhigh - A . ^ * • m ake real money,pa in t# T he ®°*1*®#* and IndustrialC c u i L a i ^ * 0** C W m a a * . O.. m anu- h7 « ^ S . ' ***l>a» “ W l-K A preaent


S K b t 'J B K ’CED ON DERION OFC*, ***ICAL e q u i p m e n t " a n d

a p p a r a t u s ,

ANDs a l a r y e x p e c t e d . #

ADDRESS D. B - b o x 112, N EW S OFFICE.

i n r w u tm -m *f i r : r u i i i M i i i T T in r i i ■■■ i...........

auttam . Jus. Mmm 41 Ca., U S O R i<bar Lyurig m , k v k H a ______i t o l i h ' W |W l—s r i . m q> rdsn and

Unlvernal pruusis S tandard P rln tlag Co.. Dever, W. J . ; te lephene 9.FORGING m aektoe s ne r a ter. Apply np»«

i P lainfield . K. JMfg. Cor#., South Ftotoftoftd.

OROCERY SALESMAN WAJfTRD Th# Palm olive Company require# th o r­

oughly experienced grocery sal s e i s e , no o thers need apply, to work te rrito ry la pa rt of Hudson and Essex counties, ta le work la vdry Im portan t and only h ighest caliber salesmen seeking a perm an en t connection w ith excellent fu tu re w ill be considered for tb* p self le a ; salary , romnstoriaa and ex­pense busts. Raply by le t ta r sn ly , giving detailed expert#*cs, tra in ing , etc . also give telephone number, to Mr. H ew itt, car# The Palm olive Co., 199 F if th ava.. New York City.

GROCERY CLERKS for our serv ice stores.Charles M. D ecker A B rea . 999 M ala at-.

East Orange

GARDENERS w anted to work on p riva te places; m ust be thoroughly experienced

and good w orkers; If you are aoft In this Mam do not app ly , men living In th e vicin­ity of Bloomfield and Glen Ridge preferred 47 High s t . Olen R idge; F. D ahlgrea . land ­scape-gardener____________ _________GARDENER, one day each week. A pril to

November 27. Overlook ave.. W est Or-ange; phone O range 694J, •_________________GRAIXER# W ITH EX PER IEN C B ON BU F­

FINGS AND .COW HIDES. APPLY 8TK1NHARDT LEATHER CO.. 199 MeW IIORTER 8T. ____________________GRINDERS w anted on rough ca stings; two

or three good hustle rs fo r steady work. American Abraslva M etals Co . 499 Colt at.. Irvington, N. J .

HOME W O RK T H ard soldering on sm all w ork w ill he

given to thoroughly experienced m en on contract prices. Unlqua Metal W orks, 94 Shipman at.; phoaq M ulberry 997ft.

HARDWARE CLERK w anted to work in store and d sllv sr geode; m ust be a c q u a in t­

ed w ith tow n. Ford car. Call a t I^w ren ce Moore, 419 Bloom /tpld ave.. M entolalr.N . J. HARD SOLDERERS—-We can use tw o or

three good, thoroughly experienced, hard soldsrera; stsady w ork; piece work for fas t men Unique M etal W orks, 96 gh ipm an o t. HOT8EMAN. clean; do general w ork , m ust

live on prem ises. Call 979 B read at., or phone M ulberry 9999.HOR8E8HOER WANTED. E. H. WYCK-

OFF, EAST MILL0TONE. N. J .H a n d y MEN and laborers. Apply Orble

Prod je ts T rading Co., Frellngbuya®* a v a and Virginia a t., elty lias.HANDY MAN to building tins w an tad . A d­

dress Builder. Box 144. N eva office.

m k k f o r r t r a d t w o r k ,CHANCE TO LEARN S E V E R A L


D oom o r f a c t o e t . a f f l t a n t m o e n in o , p a s s a i c m e t a l


BORING M ILL MAM w anted for production work. Lucas boring m ill; must oe able to read b ias p rin t# set up own work and w ork to ClOhe m eas­urem ent#; g>od wage# and excellent oppor­tunity for advancem ent fo r com petent m an; s ta te *g». w ages expected and exparlencs. Address K. A . Box 44, News office

. , d r a f t s m e n .M rw rtw .1

- “ J K i K r r u , * - £ « , s t y T : . rment. A 99*W em ploym ent departT 2 5 ARJ ‘1 11 b o a t c o r f .B®wark Bay Ship Y*m>*

P o rt N ew ark.

BATTKRY MAN. experienced, to ta k a out batteries and d rive F o rd service car. A p­

ply a f te r 10 A M . Sunday, a t Vesta, 12-SI Rranfnrd pi.BAD DEBT ME*N=-|l40 weekly aVaolutely;

no soliciting accoun ts; co n trac ts only; new original plan; excluOiva o r homo te rrito ry . W rit# Sheehy M ercantile Agency, Lexlng- ton. Ky.BLACKSMITH—E x p e rt w agon b lacksm ith

w anted; good p ay ; steady position. J e -seph Nut go, I I D elancey a t .. city.________BLACKSMITH w anted fo r an tem akll#

spring work. Jenson A M itohell. 9 H oyt at , Newark.B h ic liL A Y E R S w anted a t Ridgewood rd.

and Euclid ave.. M aplewood. Apply an-perln tanden t. on Job._______________________

T in te d ; gteatiy Job; good w ages E. Danielson A Co.. 919 O range

rd . Montclair. _______________Bl'S HELM AN w anted ; steady Job; good ,

wages. Danielson A Son. 347 P a rk at.,Montclair, N. J , __________________bUT<’HBR— Younig m an wanted* to drive

Ford ca r and help In sto re . W elm M arket, 444 W ashington aved Belleville.BRICKLAYEIRS W ANTED; BRIN G T 5 f t l

TOOLS. 42 DURAND RD.. M A PLE- WOOD.______BRASS BO LD ER to ’ w ork on squeeser;

steady work. Apply 239 J e ll lf f ave.

f a W O n BOAT CORF B . r Ship T .rda ,

F o ri .N ,w ,rk

D r.t < -u ;7 A M ^ I,r onP * T * £ ^ l>Cr2Lmp‘ - *lT* ,u)l P.rtl<mlsr>. . . .

D fo im £ V {f»A®'A ®» M mnklnf,d r* wl"« <D«. fo r .u to m o b il.tore i'nH «•*.? ahaa r operators, press opera- J acetylene welders. Applym g.7ai.k>,,g- y»• N«rll‘ -3rN..” i

H A N u i MAN (w hite) w anted In p a ln t fas- tory. Call 296 Adawy at.












1 u S l N A r i r . i « S JL..K£ p E R 1BNCED ON A U T G U l% tn 10£ L k,5°UB1LB ACTION AND OXWIM n a r i l l S 88®® STEADY JOB.

C O , t it FRK-

irzjrT L Sr* »»*•" — •U „ Llb- r*r W .le h C u . C o,— l-»*®Ponard st.. New York City.

D Jent2P MaKERS. .leo^chin'lats, Bervici^MaKr^ n/*n 1 assured.K^h N. Co* lu PIn* •*-. BUaa-D RIV ER; m ust knew how to rK*ftg» tires WU?ilmf^5Il ,,a r WlU y« ic®»l*tog. Call |9DR IV E R w anted on city wagon. Apply —People a E xpress Co.. 246 P assa ic a v a / * *

D5 E ? # .CLBI4 C' '•SM tared . w anted; s teady ^ position end good pav to tho r ig h t man. A ddress Drugs, Box CLN aw s of firs, Oraneo. DRUGS—R egistered a ss is tan t; a ll o r pa rt

tim e; w onderful chance fo r advancem ent. K*ttonal, Drug, 191 B road at., E lisabeth . DRUGGIST, registered , sxporloneod; good

sa la ry to r ig h t m an ; refsreacea. A ddress Drugs, Box L. News office. O range.DBUO C LE R K ; live*wire Jun io r; geod saT-

# ry ; sh o rt hour#; rsfo rsneo# A ddress W illing, Bex 149, Nows office.DRUG C LER K ; R EG ISTERED A M i f I S F r» g ^ s s r a fta f ppM" ctssz g tBranch, N, J . ____________ -S ^ P ^ r O R O B HAM M ERM EN1’ W a V ^ED !


D ISTRICT representative# w ith a u to ; ex- otoefve te rrito ry , on fas t selling. nsUon-

S ,7«ad^*r t , « d nacsasltlss; b ig m easy . H. F. Co., Bex I7 lf Bt. Joseph, Mich.D OPERS; experts an sp lit le a th e r fo r out-

of-tow n. Call un til i p . M-. rep resen t** tlvo, E lisabeth B lum * 199 M a r k e t e r



MANOR, 79 AVON AV E "DIAMOND BETTER on fin e n la tin m i 3pg n

and Jowriry. Japan A W oodland C o !T j G arden at.

JANITOR w anted, who can m ake him self useful in a moving p ic tu re tkea to r. 189

Blofiwfloid avo.KNITTER on 7 -0 hand m achine. B ra n d -

ford K n itting M ill# 97 M orton a t .; top f lo o r__________________

LABORERS—F R E IG H T HANDLERS.Steady work. Apply O epera! F orem an.

7 A. M. AND 7 P. M





LA BO RBRS^-H lgh-grade laborer# or men who w ant to loam operation in m an u ­

factu ring p la n t; otoly men who app rec ia te steady work need app ly ; foreigners who sp«ak and understand p la in E ng lish con­sidered; preference given to A m ericans; P ro testan ts preferred. A dd rm s Laborers610 Broad at., Newark.__________________

LABORERS, several; • -hou r d ay ; p ick and shovel w ork; A shland S tadium running

track. Coma ready fo r w ork 9 A M . Tues­day morning, N orik C linton s t . E a s t O r- anga.LABORERS w anted for nursery w ork; a too

a man who has had experience In p lan ttnx E lisabeth N ursery Cd?

LABORER8 w anted fo r s h ir t w ork In panor m ill; l-h e o r sh ift. A pply a t once, the

B a rre tt Co.. E lisabeth ave. and F irs t s t? E lisabeth

“ B, B' * l i l t , r a n ,*• o’ooror; com m issions p a id daily

l E E S r . r 9* * 1 ^ rm o U v n m a ta rto to ? S t a r llshed 19 years. Em erson T a ilo r in g Co Seventh and A rch, P h ilad e lp h ia . P * . "

J L S 1 M m H klnw onderfu l inven tion u

F ord ca rs . Just o u t; c re a tin g b ig savtFda*B'a.5^** **9 uulqk. S tran sk y C996 S tluaaky bldgM Pugw uua, f t p» ._____

LABORERS; Inside an d ou tside ; stoutly work. Apply em ploym ent office. B u tte r-

w orth-Judson Corporation, Dor em us nrm NaHvark.______________ , *LABORER f i r Im U . w «rk 5 S r S r a E S

d a p .r tm .ii t ; a tu d y w o r t K r .« u t . r R c « , S l . t „ n th IL and N ia .tM n th »v«.E E bS S k r T » « k d la M k « te c to r r

R U a n l * ItothchUd. Ims.. M ain , andK ossuth sts.. N e w a r k , _____________LINOLEUM u ltT H R i u R a r l ra m d ; M aaia

work . . 4 Road o a l.ry to tko rig h t man. H. Plkgor * Io n ., 1(0 M ala a t . H ack o au o k .W. Jo

i b t wanted, sxpsrienoed on tapping k» 4 - ehlnt and drill pros* Koohler Mach. A

~ ml C u, 191 Sussex ava.S r i f o r f a c t o r t w o r S I g o o dFAT. A FFLT MR. MOHR. 411 WILSON


l i i P

DOG—R ew ard offered fo r th e re tu rn n i a smell Meek Pom eranten m ale doc lo s t a t

19 A- M. S aturday. R e tu rn to 74 U alsn ava.. Irvington, o r 292 H alsey et., N ew ark : phono M ulberry 1271 or W averty 7719,DOG—Will p a rty who picked up em ail w ilt*

F rench poodle W ednesday evening, M arch 7, vicinity o f Benson st., k indly re tu rn to heartbroken .ch ildren . 27 Benson at.. Bloom • field; phone > 443 .__DOG— Reward offered fo r th e re tu rn o f" _

•m all brown dog. loot T hursday morning. Plceoo re tu rn to Fred Gergely, 44 Rleh-mond st., Newark, ______________DOO—Largo A lrodel* Put>py. black w ith

taw ny lege end heed; seven m onths old; reward. Mrs. D. Patterson , M arlon ave..Mi 11 burn.______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _DOG— Male hound (brow n t ic k ) : nemo

‘'B row nie." R eturn to V an W inkle, 29 M ercy st.. Bloomfield.F R A T E R N lrr FIN. A lpha 6 k l K ho; m l

w ith pearls and g am ete ; ow ner's nam e on back; rew ard. Phone M ulberry 9429. John F. Qrsol. 911 Essex bldg.KEYS— Bunch of'- k*y».~bet ween i f W right

s i. and Clinton ave. Rew ard If re tu rned to 99 W righ t o*.KEYS—Bunch on ring. Rew ard if (wmmu-

trtcats w ith Q 9 , Bex 79, News office PACKAGE—L ori, to d teu th O range onr. co n i

tam ing sw eeter, p e tticoat and tw o scarfs. Saturday m orning. K indly re tu rn to i f H lgh - — l ^ k k *SSk —bpldt *

BOY. strong, to m ake h lm aelf useful around Modern KngrUvtng Co.. 199 Avon

lew ark . N. J ._______________________ _BOYS w anted, ln q u liu a t facto ry . Arrow

M eter A Machine Co., 717 Frellngbuyssn ave., N ew ark. N. J .____________BOY w anted who can d riv e F ord and help

plum ber; |19 . C A M ills. 29 Proupeet pi., E ast Orange.BOYS w anted fo r office w ork ; s ta te age

and ealary. A ddress F . K .. . Bex l i i . News office.BOY, about ‘ 16 to 19. w anted to w ork in

shoo sto re; experience not ncqpoeary. 129r y r?BOY to help In office end ru n errand* Ap-

pty People 's E xpress Co., 199 Peasalo a v a BOYS WANTED. TH E PURITY IGB

CREAM CO., 14 BLBECKK B 8T . CITY-BOYS for d rill proas w ork; steady John

Apply 4th floor. >34 B ank s t., Newark. BOY w anted, about 16 or 17 years old Ap­

ply Sterling P h o t* C#.. 447 B reed s ty t j B lP IIW j « V - . . - - - — — — >[ |S o Y w anted to solder gold jewelry! Ap­

ply 1462 Springfield ave.. Irvingtony if ». .4HRIGR.BOYS w anted to r ligh t foot press work.

Tho Inset Qa* 399 South st.. roar._______South st.. roar BOYS to help wn wagon. Apply Peoplsl>s

Express C a , 399 Paeoelc ave._______BOYS u n i yotmg m en; light factory w a it!

Third floor. 94 Academy s t

ot.. o r phono 2939 X p a iRING—G el# r in g w ith ruby, In or m front

ot B rand 8t. T heater. Rew ard if retu rned to 437 Bloomfield eve frclty.R lN Q ^ f n e t ( t o l H r i W Wow York a t *

1 M. K . : i u F o rty at. ’ ________ ^TW INE—On# reel tw ine and one bale paper

nea r W estfield a t e . E lisabeth ; reward! Notify C. O. W h a n Co., 129 F re lteghuyeta ava.. city.WATCH. n l 4 S t w t l M r a y w * S « S E :

n»l« c u . T b u rU .T . , M I M ra . F . J F lrag . room M R F ab llc * n k » T ,rm tra f >W f.i »»»»>«.

FOUNDi f c g g M K O u a s a g s a r

l » t W r l i i l i k , A O n

. f j ;' M i l

Hows office. > u itk g tf i :¥ w o "

i C. B., Box H R




'BOOK - k e e p e r .Experienced book-keeper; m ust ha ab le ftp

keep a neat, accurate set of boohs up to securing tr ia l balance*; a ta tem en ts n e t re­quired; modern office; seven m inutes from H ided and M arket. A ddress N., Box i l l , ite w t afttos. . . .RO O K .K RK rRR r a a ITFlO. M t l l l l j g l l ;

p c , i k m N r t n l 4m aaRM a M a t ; h lc h . r lu , I N c k l l r H U M * M «ra| M at* q uatlflra tion , fully u | m 4 .i t M n I i » . g o ri unity A M m m ». C.. B ax I t , U m

BOOK-KHBFKR: *m —UK l a n w m - .a r i a ta a N p H a i M at# au tH F r a 4 « ■

------ ----------- \ M M. N r a .

qt »li N w t a b .

M k a c t.. Adairrat lutantaraS B lra

m m m n m ~ s x ^ r b m m o Sstore and lumbar yard; must be om m » meed; #ssd rgfsrinsse isuirifed. Apply by totter, Davuupsrt A Moody. New Foend-

; f i | |K |S

CUTTER O RIND ER.Specialist, tho rough ly espm iencod la

grinding following cu tte re fo r production work ; Inserted too th faoe m ills, g ang mills, ream ers, boring c u t te r* form ed out to rs; we do net w ent a tool m a k e r or m ack In let, but a men who to e c u t te r g rin d e r specialist; one who has had autom obile exper ience preferred; s teady em ploym ent and good opportunity for advancem ent; s ta te age and experience; all correspondence confidential. Address Cutter, Box 47, Nows o ffice


W anted. sxp #rlau ood sa le sm an to repr esent old, established house; se llin g coffee and teas ; to Essex end H udson counties: to re te ll grocery tra d e : on tthom l oauuM mson husto; reply, giving fu ll rep o rt of pea t experience, references and p resen t em ploym ent . A ddress Sales. Box 44. News office.





ENGINEER, licensed, G rads B ST C, tor I* hour sh ift to sm all p la n t w here t i ts

equipm ent is la rgely com pressors, vacuum pum ps and o th e r sm all eug teus; p resen t opening on tho x i |b t s h if t ; s tead y position to r experienced com petent m an. M rtredC

King age. teperience. etc., to W. H.. Bex * News office.

B N oim cB R . ih>u m 4 a u s s r a B a r s :. ! . • * „ " * « £ “ V w i u j wI R-« Box 19, Nswa o t t k e ________

LAUVDKT DRtVHR to ^ y r a l . .- • « - M b an d r r a c k d ry ro u t . In Union

w d E lluko tK i u R M tw c . and (In t-e lM i r .f .ran cM n m t f r a A d d rra r C hatham L oan dry, ChrtKhM. » J,Chatham .

Rhon* 1 1 1


FU L ; OOOD W A Q Sf; ITEA D T WORK. ELECTRIC LAUNDRT C O , U t SOUTHb t ., N e w a r k .l a uw d r t e p u p g S r s a a a x a

route; m arried m en p re fe rred ; good op­po rtun ity ; experienced an d reference*, r ie re# Service Co., t i l Vnlluy u t . South o m n m .LEATHER S P U T T E R » l M ; su e w ho h as

experience on u p ltttln g dry, sM o le a th er; m n give a day#' w ork A utoak. A ddrum

Bag I I j tw g p M to nLEATHER WORKERS wutWI; tan horn

and i u howM m m ; gm *. w a .M u a ataa* work. Apply Mas Lmtbtr Co., M V.nmn pro.LINOTYPE lam raetlm ; day,

( h in d I f m w i t t S rpaetra Emplra lB h a it I; ■a., H.w TntK.

M U b- r—■- n th

~ r -------------------------------------------------- :—CARPENTERS. BRICK LA YERS AMD

BUILDERS m a u d ; Me l a t a t a d u —ha aan r , . d p la n .; M ad fo r f n a M at , "Ho— to Bead B lah P r in t . : " tmeloM U . Is ■ tu n p . fo r p l a u o t K oaaala—, We. A ddrM . BatUUnt n « p .r tm .n t t i l l . C h lc a .o T acit. I l l tM t T w .n ty -w rth at.. Chicago

EXECUTIVE—ForoWul m u to M l , t—. .fe e - eld JM l mining BMRggsy Mlllng t t .

ontput In N e -a rk - k e k u t h . ab ility to

Kiah tor g rM ter capacity and o u tp u t; a ;if« .ng puettlon to tk e r ig h t k in d ot a m u .

Apply Mr. Yeung, I I C lto tea a t .: W ghtk2 S E —BMBOggKRg. e ip .rl.nced . — aut-5 on apllt du e iM tk— — —. . ....... ..................

LUNCH MAN u d abort Apply Seram ■

i r a . M eatcltfr.r a w —u ted. i f f E leem fleld

, MpenanoM, v u t H an apllt htk*r far out-of-town. Call until

- - . —. repyw eata tlv ., t l lm b —’- ------U t MarkW A -U X 8 bb|_ pftfM w if —mitod oa ~wU

~ 6 i0 1

c a r p e n t e r s - d a t e d fo r coaereto form work. Apply II W m ihlngton pL. Hut

O ru n g t N. J- ___________ „Ca r p e n t e r s —ra te d . B u r y

phene M ontolelr B fflE .CHAUFFEUR r u M fa r ko a r* trn d d a g

only; m in t k n n M t a u t l rp frV enpw f - mmo u d com a - d l l r e w t o to d W i ne to k e n need npgiF i ve ry good n ln i y to d u r t ; u en e e lle n t eppurtunU y to r nd- vnneement. N. J - W nrehenM /O e.. 1IT-1M R ld g .» eed -nr—CHAUFFEUR t» d r te e no te W m ki one nm d

t s - h o tn a ie g reew y B nnM iji; Wnte an-

Jurtene, and —n g r a A d d n aa D E C , Ren t N— a office.

CHAUFFEUR - n o te d to d lto e TH -ton Mack truck . Apply Pandky, b e t—eon 1:14 and

t l A. X. s tan d n rd T elle— Co., B lnackncd at . Ne—a r t

dene to . lk to to r out e f to—n . g m n o ro - n ta tlree , tM H . r h . t W.; E l lra betk B l u e

i V l ^ t a f c R l w u te d In le e t lu r totom p, iten g e l A R tokcklld , to n . M ain , nag Itom

n t h a te , Ne—erk .iDfOLItTH BAO M A K E R i - t n t a d . Renci".

bach-Gold—ilth Co.. 79 St. F ran c is st.

l J C E N g X D 'p iR n & N - e n t r a Km Mtgi- nssr. w T cftn isn s t,


Sbo—Ing .m o u n t o f a i r p r u nre to Urea e t e ll tB iM , - e r e egeinat under tn f ln t i r a thereby toereeelng li re raltoege e u - tM rd ; uulqna toW M etrmtar e t tre c ta e ttan tlen to- • t u t l y . —hick enebiM o a r m ln— r a to m eke — —■ ~ a*4 ¥ ■ «am_MWr»itng

fd lf je t to ca r e—nem : free hnek- illm tra tin g ottr mUllen du lU r Itoi prednton a n t on r au ent ,

Rnkker Co., gtotohnW N. c . ;J k - '

le t

M W|~r—u t d d f t enee to r - to a d y nw p liy - m ia t under .yang w orking n d n m w n t

Q rU ley eutom ai

CHAUFFEUR. Iltong n ea r South O range, to r pe rt tim e afteraoeae , erenlngn. Addrum

Chauffeur. Ben M . South O range ‘ COOLER.

e x p e r i e n c e d o n W A TER . TIGHT B A R R ELS



Q E tg E E T T I K, J ._______


W e p H f t - e Weedy »— lny w t . . te two amp—teahad Ford m e eA u tm i good gap.

Apply to



I l l CENTRAL -V E .

f n a g arorkli_ . in tlc oparatora, g ea r u t t e r ,boring m ill. n ) & a tU to g n u c h ln e , le tk e keynmtor en d drUI nraaa B p e re u n ; ntoe bench k u d a : only tkoaa —k o g u ro to r to

iP le re n fo r p ea t ruaerd o t ch e r-

m n p .^ — 'S J X Z T c ? .;c|f, 1 , •Ie IrIhfr lEBRsilEe—j l o t * toggp"Q d t e S m th e f r tS v I m - —

of te—• en d eMMtoeato a n m ne prupared to

—tildeted Electric : MEN Oeod "opneri

W W W ,« f

s tu d y H pftii ;. te se te n ll i u i f t i u ^ s p tg to rrr ----- * fts enter eel-•ufassftsn: free

CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN — Fructlcel m en w ith exporienoe t s ce re en try end

m esonry w ea tsd t e g sn sre l build ing cen tres- to rs; m in t be b u s tle r en d cepeble eesum lngen tire ------ — -i — a ----------nlty

-------e# e w i i w www urprdiv o a n m ii i• ch e rt# «* o s s re t te s ; good #pports-

W rits D. P . W \ dosond s t . H sboksn.c a r e TAKER fo r foundry building; m ar­

ried m en w ith gem# m em bers o f tho fum lly eb te t e ma k e rounds of build ing endaa^ Lr1 ^ R ^ TOUI^MAN WITH1

' —rita Na—ark FortlUma On., sT oheS

E m a a i

I c c c m






MEM M E N IIgsrf# company requ ires th e service#

of ell types.Perm anent positions e re o ffte ed to


d ire men who hev# h e d runl M t i (• o r Ineurene# experience.

•*•# t e doveteu our financial departm ent.Apply 16 to 4 P. M.

Ce n t r a l m o r t g a g b o o .Room 299.

' 947 M arket st.,N ew erk.

l ^ l —Ggod stro n g m en w ea tsd . un­custom ed to fre ig h t handling-«M #r#iaoFe

War*L,B* conditions; no In k er trouble Apply reedy for work. 7 A U i S L J - Z n f Flm t et. end Eilxeboth e v o , E H vabeth. N J

®T.*r a1.1' tra v e l; m a k e secre t_ rep o rts ; s a la ry and ex-5*"***' •xperleoce unnecessary . W rite J Qenor, Form er QoVt. D etective . S t Uoglm

** u waB*e<)' ed u lt* eg e s 39 t s 74 to book orders outside o f c ity to r ' am m

»reeiti» V,n®^ roooo; com m ission paid •no# Unnoceaeery. W estern

New Y ork-N urseriea R ochester. N. Y.

MEN N f t i r i firem en , brekem # t e i t e r s ; experience unnece

unry . 9139-9299 m onth s ta r t . A ddress Inter Railway, Box 64. News office. / ”

* * P f' • • • te 99; experience unnecessa ry , *r l V*i ’ »aeke sec re t Investlgntlone, reports

• S y le e : ®*Psnsen A m erican r ^ o t in S ^ . tlv s Agency. 399 S t Louis. ^

9499-lSSt w ssh ly so lic itin g no- counts for lerg# a d ju s tm e n t o o r p m t ts n ;

apply im m ediately fo r vnlunblo ta rrttn rv P im sto A djm ffng A F inenc# C M p , t t a i f t Veo Bnren, Chlceyo, ^

J ? ;" ’$99 w##kjjr' lS k r o - fboda. d ire c t to—--—m o--»M-« n a v v E d _

ednturner; $199 worth of f tH I Adam Xathout, 999fro# outfit.

Chicago.• i Also

W##k; free aempiee; quid ..a” 4*" w l n d o w u ; easily amBud;

t f t t e . M etallicChicago.

M#t " ttinirxmrs sxpei fs__straight eenvess work. Tndusiilul oldfor

, . ■ " - j r — w w iLine Co., apply room l i t . Pollack, between |- » a M bldg.; SamM?N , reliable, sell g u aran teed treea , ehrube.

dem and ; p ro m p t p a r ; new w t t w a H errick N nrseriee, K o e li i f f i r J i .y .

5 n n rssry a n d h e lp d ig and . Plant trees: m en used to fa rm w o rk pre- fsrrod. N orth J o r a y N urse ries, Mill burn

“ f t to r w o rk l a olwmicej J p l s y t . U. A R adium C orp., 422 A lden r i ?

tp w ork In fa c to ry ; 9(fl to S ifth k P * * ^ ^

W i r i t e ^ r w ork; good p e y ; no U y s tsAf »Gt J . Bnston. 374 J r iH f f ,w ent*

M *N —aatod. Ayply d t m w L ra d X T forlM ca. ChaDOl a t. an d U t t a r ava.

M EN CIO a t I n- U WL iflto w ra a ta g T W - tra a c a a f H 'H l t o W a r . M aw R I t

MAN la aaoh to v n t o g t o to a —to M r t a 'r—- ^ t a M f c T S j w S r W to T m lr :

r o w M . adatM m, ky a . — m w k o d : l i t d u ty ; g o y rita l or rap arlM M n g - l r a d i a a tf l t

MAN to do llrar l i g h t _____________ ■ _____I

-ri*!S X SrV SP lM JK L J? AS?

j M f W ^ n s E e . t -5IT.taalty u maehlu ogorator * ar ^m ot;

‘ i l iW aloa a i s A m w ica ra —r a t . d ; g B N W W A l t o - M ac b ln ,.

A s s e s s

p inn t: ckencs . Box 144.S S T t o

W B K g H g r• r i m R f f n h w----- ia —ara horaa t l h a

- S a r i a E w S W Mm

i L L L M l W t ea n S r n ld , BBS Matoiy wTNanWb


Ei A J a - i i 1! ln k w i1— H W I,c w o n a r i , rim sT -c l a s s . w a n t e d

tfW iT i f 0 8 5 l a c t w o o d w iSSIANm K S X S j ^ L . S - ^ M f T v w y w i n s MANUFACTl lUNO CO.. U JORALEMON

j f ^ I B L U V I U E K, ys u c h t n w f i ^ q R i y p a w i n * m iu ®p#-

r*t#m u d JontB U n m i *rv«t lath# •pnrater# lntrrn*uoo#l Meto< Co. Plata•WML N. J ____________ ________91ACitlNlSTA » tiUMl on hem atite lung me— K * ****?1* » ob i i n n c u n m*-•Risen for hen 1 kerchief factory,S S S •»!* 8 Posner, 194 AAm m fj.

• u ( « d for e t r h ea K S t Apply Beaaeil Motor Car Co..

r o S p n t f r H r per Rear. Apply Batter- worth Judoon\Corp . Doremue e ra . Mew-

I R R O W 3 ! ! n H [ t h r e e X TPERIBNCED MOTOR TRUCK MR-

rK A N irs a t o n c e . a p p l y e a it k r m THOMART. 1MC.. M RIORLOW «T.MSCMAMICR—f c i K t m M m .t . r truck m .-

rhentco w»nted at one*, good wagoe te right moa. Ask for Mr. Rea; Ludlum Motor * ar r*e., ST Bridge atMECHANIC h HELPER on Installation

" •rh . Apply Canoe Brook Pumping Sta- ' Soa M Commonwealth Water Co. aear Summit.piinim niflcM A N IC I -aoverel high-grade in ec baa tee

te work ua V*tjrp# motors Apply Mr- vie# Department. J. W Maeen A Mm, IMA

MCMAMIC. firet elaan w aited kjr the Childs Brown Moten, Ian . Service ita -

MG. AM Ogden a t , V tew anL M ^.CK A N ics KELPBRS w e n te d te warC

ea earrlca trucks Apply 41 Beet Al- i S e et-, ettyMAcWTk S HANDS—R A tM e a t tk screw

machine Randa Apply I I I BUsabeth a re l*“ ............... r a f i m : 1VlLLMAM for soneral ahop werk. Standard

Matartala Co . MulRerry at., Bloomfield; tel- Blsomfleld 4«»l.NIOHt w a t c h m a n w .at>4; | n i • .p . r -

tualty for steady mao. Ueenaed finpreferred. otata references. age aad eelary

Addroea Night, Boa “IS. Newa

IV W AT&M AN; m a t t e r,lUM«: » ■Im I furnish good rafaraaaaa J. B Bean. 141 Prellaghuyaea are.4 W ater opera tor (white) wanted; ~ * * 7 time Reaper, rear of

an te w e rW wanted for 114 South

p o a e n n o A L INTELLIGENT,







w m e t B 5 T for large manufacturing con- earn; moot Re neat. Apply Rubbereet Co,

St fe r ry et.


h a n d s c r e w , DRILL PRESS.

Experienced opera tom can u r n good ■Many at Oswald Acetylene Co. i t l Fre- ttaghuyaon ave., Newark.

R a Ts K Toreraan wanted, to taka charge of rolling aad plating depnrtmant; ono

who Rea Al. up-to-date experience la turn- tag out small articles made of stool In Might nickel aad gilt fintgkoe; m uit aleo be expe­rienced la leoouorlng brum-plaited goods in high gilt fin ite ; excellent pooltion for the right party, s ta te where worked before asS salary expected; all coi-foopoadonco etrtetiy confidential. K. ft R. Novelty C l . I l l ca l- yer et.. Brooklyn, N. T._____ _____________

PATTERN MAKER« WANTED; good wegos, steady work. Idoel condition# aad ao laker trouble.


Tul'pohocRea aad Lafayette g ta. Beading, P a PREBSERS—Experienced on u i ' i aMrta

•hadeher Bro# I Sewuehalb. 41 Warren et.^AfNTfc^. Orel okas# wonted: eae who can

taka charge a f work; twrtde aad eutolde; good position. Apply IIS Summer ava.. Sal- M a y . between I and f P. M.; Ales Mc- E W phosi Bruach Brook t i l l .

p a i n t AM b moor c e m e n t: Saleanaaa; aelllag plan allowe you te meet

Casa petit! e a ; liberal drawing aceouat. United Builders Ce.. MIS Wade Park, Clove-la id . 0.

PAIN TERS cpaporhangora glvea preference);a p t g ive o f # nationality , nam e o f last

em ployer eeeentlal <w ages IT). A ddress P a to teL. Bap -M^-MaEaLeffNA_______________PAINTBU aad pam hangere w anted;

ft ret-clans; only union s m s ; steady work. A A- Laeser, i l l Fail-view eve., South Or-

w an ted ; only f ire t-c la aan ae need apply . CRH 4 te I . Sal k, T w iM tem pL, M ontclair.

Saturday after-

^ J W l R I expert* need, e a Vue hod lea Wleaer B ody Co.. MS A cadem y e t . aear

' W IM nlffi t t .^AtW TBB W ANTED. | | 6 w5 a T

— -----[WOOD TB it., IliV -i o r n o m , i i a u n roR X crtA NK * OJ*LV

— H » . ifcvtJMTOM.

ffo«d . . . . ftmalty wttB ■*1 i K u r n lo r U v u e a m n i Apply

B J H P . M u m i l m . Tl w r t * g>-n M K k B H K ] F * M M ( i i T l n M

r S k rM BB o S S «i

yfclpBWm______ , JO O K i m m I i n m i I p w try mtor i B t t l M . B B IO T M l w w i «t-

I M—««mt> pi.S r mll-tfommi

nuipry work, u i k n Uml«m A n MIB.

8 F 5 g ywM 3U n A mi. M m Or.,

_ Apply'a t fmrfe a t" - ^ W A N T i b



BBTATB l i i j U k A i r '«« wmrti U ttm

___ f wir s s to weiKI age. ugu agteaaa g ^ — ^

Addraeg |T . B e« M.


■ I B .

m m .B riM M ; H I M w a r mau u k rt l i yrmtri

t e





l ib e r a l c o m m is s io n sON WEEKLY BASIS,





Wa are looking for the right man. W* want the man who has vision, a true eelllug instinct aad an ability to graep bests eae fundamental#. That man will start as a salesman to sell high Clasa securities. With the full aad tireless co-operation of a house with over thirty years* standing.

Until the ability of tho man w# are seek­ing becomes strongly evident we will Rave a remuneration ea a cornmlesion beets How­ever. th a t eommlaelM basis la ona that willhave A vary strong appeal aad la one that will Increase liberally with a volume of pro­duct Ion.

We are produetag lire lead* far the right man te work ea.

If you Relieve you eueltfy. eome aad tell ua why. Ret bear la mind th a t we desire permanent connections that will grow rap­idly la ta high position We request thatyou oall In Parana. If possible, aad aa soon aa year conditions perm itlone perm it

SUITE 11-14.1 CLINTON >T., NEW ARK, N. J t

SALESMEN—Men between the ages ef M and 14 are offered the opportunity te tell

ea commission basis the prod act a of aa aid eetablfched nationally known maaefaetarer of direct by mail advertising; many sales­men now employed by this company Rave aa enviable record for length ef service and earn from 41-444 te 914,004 and mere an ­nually; only men ef good appearance and fine character seeking a permanent position will be considered; la apply tag pleaaa use a typewriter If possible, aad answer the fol­lowing questions: t l ) nams; (!) address, telephone; (I) age; (0) married or single; (I) number e f depenaeutg; (4) now em­ployed. If so by whom and what capacity; length of service and present earnings; (?)previous employer, length of service, annual income; (I) when do you prefer personal In­terview, daytime or evening 1 Writers ef satisfactory letters will be granted an early interview Address Madison Square Station, Bps 174, N. T- City.SALESMEN to sell specialty advertising,

Itboral commission. drawing account

HELP WASTED—H ill- I -------- M B S H O P n e ---------






SALARY EXPECTED.a d d r t r s B C. BOX >11. n b w i o m c B .

BBCURITT SALB1MANA local financial Institution, with assets

la auceua of a half million dollars, has op­portunity for a competent security solos-

ja a a far Investment preposition, the position jg one which leads te bigger things and large yearly taoeme; man with Insurance experience preferred; only man of Integrity- ------ Jp-— fjg ||g | —|g *--------k aaad e l Ivtng habits desired; te eneh a

Is offered a substantial eemmlaetenaad a drawing account will be established upon evidence that Re knows hew to pro­duce; references are essential. Sea f o r m M Clinton s t . Newark; room 144.

B iio a I a Lm m b n <>•> «Srt5T S 5 S T S IWlAay and Sntwday extras; Reura fosm

4 t# S. Williams's Women's Shop. 41-44Market s t


QE t S O K O r experienced, steady fee latnrdays, good pay Harrison shoe

114 Marrieoii ave , HarrisonSHOE B A LU m a N; exportancod only.

mo us Shoe Store. 14 Marhot s t_____SWEATEiS.





SIT-U P MAN.Man fam iliar with drilling, capping and

" * * -------Ale partsmilling of email InterchangeableApply Then A Edison. Inc.. Oats 41.

Lakfalds ave.. West Orange._____STENOGRAl^tekll— Young man. Christ Ian;

Import, export office; s ta ts reference#. •*- irience. ealary. Write A. W. s Co., I l l

trl bL. New York CityK?STAMPER on automatic board lift drop

Rammer, accustomed to eottlng dies; must Rave a full knowledge of sterling spoon and fork stamping; steady fob. Dominick A Haff. 147 West Twenty-third at . New Torh. or MpCheeney Co . 144 Orange e t , NewarkSHEAR FINISHER wanted for steady work

on small shears and ecleeors Kiaes Cut- lsrv Co.. Roes and KtSP sts.. city,

against actual expenses; an op port unity for ida man of good personality and fine charac

ter to connect himself with an old estab­lished manufacturer doing a national bust- nrss; poeefble earnings of $4,400 annually; In writing be certain to stats your ago, whether married or single and give a complete ac­count of your business history, stating def­initely your ' experience for the past five year# the capacity In whl'-h you were em­ployed. -the product you sold and annual earnings, an inter v is w will be arranged within a week Address N, Box 444, I f Bast Forty-second st . New Torh City.. _

STEAM ENOINEKR. licensed man; familiar with ell burning and refrigerating plant#.

Apply Rutterworth-Judeon Uorp. Doremue ave.. Newark.SPECIAL OFFICER, with own uniform, for

a moving pioture theater, who Is eieo willing to de Janitor work, l i t Bloomfield ava __________


SA T U R D A Y S■ re s p e c ia l R e a l E s ta te

d a y s in th e E v e n in g

N e w s . O f f i c e o p e n e v e ­

n in g s u n t i l 9 o ’c lo ck .

C o p y in te n d e d fo r p u b l i­

c a t io n o n th e fo llo w in g

d a y m u s t b e in by th a t

t im e a t th e v e ry la te s t .


TOUXO MAN te asetet nns of ike loading designers

New York City In tb» advertising and printing buetneae; he must ham a talent for drawing; a fins future for the right man Address R , Rex 111, Newe efflca

. HUP WANTED—WOMEN tOm. S w a t a 5 iE m irt»m ■RMwmF^m—emnmmia. I i n t n m .■ t i . t . w n l l n t t in t floor w ork .,, to

■mtro Bmr«M of Doaootu Ko.olr.monto. •44 M- u — ■—* *-------Main f L Bunt Qganga______P y O O w aitresses, chans her maids lawn-

dr oases, nurses, ceuples, housoworfcers, trouted e t s e c a Reliable Agency, t i l P arkuva. Orange, pkswe Orange 44TI ________COOK, young and experienced white wemas

fee private family refs maces required I 1 Aprtt t . city. Address White, Bex 4. Newe office.CQQpE add chambermaid-waitress, 1 gtrls. _refW eaeee; email family. Phone Orange 04T4; apply H t K srruoi e t . Beet Orauga COOK, experienced, white, aiee eemed maid’

email family, no laeadry. referhaco re tu ired Address • M , Boa Uf, Newa officeCOOK, piste . gunerai heueeworker l i t

Grunt >»», Nut ley, call NuUey H4J. tO l’N TU t OIltL wanted; sx perl eased la

bakery. > n Mt. Proepett avaCHAMBERMAID (w h ite ) , yeueg girt for

upetaire w ork, small adu lt fam ily . oem fort able hom e; good wages te w iilteg aad re fined girl Apply 4>I H ^ k st.CHAMBERMAIDS want. refereuoee

quired Apply housekeeper. Hot si Edge mere. >11 William at.. Boat OrangeCHAMB&RlifAff) (w h ite ) ; g - wages As

ply rear ee traae e , 44 P ark pi.l f E ^ i l l ) 9 wanted ■ Immediately!

Hotel iusiq M Best Park et.______CROCHET BBADBRS wanted, time work;

highest pay; also homeworkers wanted' Moody week all pear. Call M U Thirteenth eve . corner » « « « • t . . eae Meek Mouth Oeaege ave.CROCHET READERS, experienced, on silk

bio usee and d resses. Inside and home--- --- WWW B«u aoniimrk Roseville Embroidery Shop. 417 S*

Orange e t

YOU NO S H I M trerk in drug gCeroT l i years or overs must be neat and auacgatlQ

Apply Bradut r u Pharmacy, t i t Parh stMeutelair. N. J.{[OUNO MEN—t u « am iltioue yeueg men

of 14 to s ta r t !• m echos leal department ef out lory shop. J. Wise A Sons Co.. II Littleton ave. ___ ________YOUNG MAN for Pord truck, knewtng New

York, worker; Mate expert ones, salary references. Address X.. Box 74. News office, Ifotngton1fOUNO MAN for wood working machine.

steady Job with advancement. Kre«uter A Co , Eixteenth et and Nineteenth aveYOUNG M E N W ANTED TO DO TESTING


polishing, meet be steady and reliable. Address H . Box 47. Newe office.YOUNG MAN to loam hardware business,

only hustler need apply. Erbacher, 414 Main st.. Kast Orange._______YOUNG MAN for factory bench work. good

wages: advancement. William Hal Co, If Johnson et.Vo UnS MEN for light eeeembiIni. steady

Job# Call The OUehvlM Ce.. I l f Bank

CANVASSERS {*); taking seders for r r# tonne sets, e ta ; geed salary, comm tael ou-

Call after ft or morning before ft. Gorfinko! I# Roosevelt ter., Irvington; Market oar.CANVASSERS wanted te eell from houi

te heeee te eeU lime and fertiliser Call er write Newark Ferllllm e C e. 14 Church et., room IIS.w., room sis.____ ________COMPACTION or nurse for middle-age^

woman not aa tavalld; reference; wages $7ft per month Call Wuverty t i l l- P L

8HIKCASHIER wanted far restaurant, near fo u r Cemere; with reforencee preferred. Ad

C. W,, Box 74, News offlqac i s m i i r for a moving picture theeieri

bond required; beet re foresees. I l lB loepflelf evq __________







DRESSMAKERS, experienced, all around hands on fine work aad finishing 144 Mt.

Prospect eve


•ODA DISPENSER, experienced; neat, feet worker; alee one for part time. Apply

Aiello B rea. >1 Park pi., opp Hudeou tubes.

SALESMEN—Exceptional opportunity for high-grade salesmen experienced in selling

office device# to sell thv Safe Guard Check- writer In Newark and Immediate territory, aleo in Warren. Suaeex and Hunterdon counties, our machine Is u*ed and Indorsed by i l l banks tn Northern New Jersey, every buelnege firm a prospect; salesmen earning from $1,440 a year up; If you are a real salesman and desire to earn real money, here te your opportunity. Hale-Guard Salsa Co.. 144 Lawyers' bldg.. Newark, N. J.

SALESMEN—Here Is an opportunity for capable men with sales experience to con­

nect with one of the largest advertising spe­c i a l l y houses in the world; our line nation­ally known consists of high grade art aad commercial calendar# celluloid, leather, metal and paper specialties for advertising purposes, comprehensive sales helps fur­nished. every bank and reliable business bouse is a prospective customer; liberal commissions with weekly remittances, per­manent connection. W rit# giving age, ex­perience, references, etc.. American Art Works, Uoahocton. O ._____________________


PINING COMPANY.Gasolene salesman, eae who knows gaso­

lene trade In Jersey City. Newark and su r­rounding territory; tfiuat be oopable of establishing and supervising teak wagon route#: good salary; excellent opportunityla reply state age, nationality and experi­ence In gasolene business; interview will bearranged* Address Oil, Box 111, Newe office.


REAL ESTATE SUB-DIVISION.If you know that you are rated above

the average in selling, own and drive your own car. and by past performance have aa earning capacity of $5,404 during spring and summer months: write In detail. Room •04. W in bldg.. Newark. N. J , have no room or time for drawing account seekers

SCISSOR FINISHERS, experienced, wanted;good, steady position. H. Boker A Co..

Rutgow et and B am ott ave.. Hilton. N JSTONE SETTER Tor hammered-In work on

gold ring# Jonee A Woodland Co.. I Oar- den et.r r a Y **, M w iM M A j m m 27~ 5 5 S §

p»r T X , city.r r u n s N T c l e r k

hi title work.law office to

1st Prudential bldg.



Accepted applicants for motormea aad conductors* Jobe

WILL BE PA” > SPECIAL WAGEduring Instruction period or until

they qualify.Apply any day except Saturday

er Sunday.In Hudson County-—At Pelleadoo and Ravtno

evos., Jersey City.la Far— County—At Public Service Ter­

minal, Newark* room 111.



SALESMEN—High-elaes specialty salesmen to call on the beet house owners; every

one a prospect and ready to listen; excep­tional profits to good closers and hard workers; permanent self-growing duture business certain; special bonus until Aprtt II , Call Merkel, I t l South Twelfth et.. Newark, ft to 4 dally.____________________SALESMEN*—Do you want . a really good

side line? Sell Curtis Fiber Envelopes; •very manufacturer, professional man and bank which hen heavy or bulky mall to send out need* them. Outfit weighs 14 ounces: t i l to $1S< $** month easily earned; eom- mission, paid on acceptances of order# Write Curt Hi 1,040, lac., Dept. 2. 104 Ann a* . Hartford, Conn._____ _________________SALESMEN—Exclusive line to- sell; open

stock and special', ^ante assortment# queen aware, aluminum ware, enamel ware, glassware and business stimulator# In email towns, te hardware, variety and general •Cores; liberal weekly commission checks; must he experienced; established concent. Eagle Importing Co., 1400 North Tenth e t . S t Loul# Mu





A U T O M A T IC S P O O L B R S .Experienced.


All department* have good poet- tlons open for experienced girl#





TWIST I NO DEPT.MOST MODERN CAFETERIA AND RECREATION CENTER OF ANY PLANT IN NEW JERSEY.Tho* plant whore young women who are particular about their •urrouudlnge like to work.

T H E CLARK THRBAD CO.. E m ploym ent Bureaus;

C la rk Ohd Ogden e ta . Newark C en tra l ave .. B ast Newark.





ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Wanted, young lady for clerical position

in accounting departm ent; one who hao hod come experience la book-keeping; perms neat position; location. Morristown, N. Japply by letter, giving full detail# The

■ •* l a Mo— ------- ----- fiElectrical Alloy Co- Morristown. N. Jg i B B H l i a wanted: attractive wages for

quick, amort girts; prefer girls ex pen­anced on assembling small electrical work: time aad Piecework Apply Beaver, i l l North Third et., Newark; near Bloomfield ova


TOOL MAKBRS. machinist*, bench hand# •crew m athlne hands, soft aolderera on

SelvanisuS sheet m«to!; eteedy work and Igheot wagoe to capable men. Apply F. H. Lovell A Co . Arlington. N. J. __ _




SALESMAN—V e want a married man, aged 24 to 4ft, who has always worked hard

and who In willing to continue doing so, and who ecu furnish references ua to ehar- acter. etc.; muat live tn or near Newark; pleasant occupation and a Job. for life: ea­ses t is 1 horns artists. For appointment ad dross F. O. >08 t t . Newark, It. J .

TOOL MAKER. f1rot-e»ae#i steady work;

r>d wagon Address Competent, Eos N<

SALESMEN—A few good salesmen can moke n goad connection with a drug con­

cern; experienced, some detailing required, phene Murrey Kill 7140. or write Eukoi Chsnilrsl Co., 4»4 Broadway, for interview drawing aeeennt qgnlnsi cstumisatone.wing nc

UESMAh_______J T WAKTKDU iH K D W H O U i A U K W H , TO CALL------------------I C H f t # V r c .i - l o c a lON OMOCKBI. BAKBRS, BTC , LOCAL

r jK K A K iy r p o s it io n ; STATB AOK, EXPBRICNOK AND AALART

„ ADD RK aa o p p o R T i n r r r r ,A i w a o t r e i

w»f » C kw4 S m*w tlh a Mt m * ta tt l in g <m I „ ,» r m d .n i

MW of w M l w a n n r a i l |1 , M In a , . ■ M M , In Hw . . g g i . l d l l e t t month* t l J t n t t t r r n d n i> r a » r t ; w ilr »- tsp -n ste tw r BMd AFFlP- H o r g u K otor CM Co.. K w d Id K I M , * , g w * * .

t u n n a —w i m t u m w m m m to MAO i lw r io of <rnr tln n ln * n t m i m t t t hvt

th a w w ho i n c o n p .to o t t , do .11 AM A. of iw t M M M od M P lr. I fM Rroo., A r n a o * M d P o lo l.t , i t

8 S W B — Klnh-MOAO — OMA M WMklp FA pm ont.; o .p o rtM itT io m o k .

» H .M .n .n t eonnoctloA with offbot t n d k h w n n t k , kM toow . a , M r * Fltag--- ------------------ - S . --------^m-

U S M., WowAfh,IUcmaM.

,_________ i w a i ■<g iiw ro ■ Mrrlooo j r t

Wtth W M I W obtutr: Uon; t»r» o jM rtM - ■ n it, d ll . OtAwAP

rporntlo . Awlroo to11>, yndmn«Ut. Ahttttr: I N M M t I

(A L M M aN MW colling M A op.rtttm t, A raff *»A milMWF tttrtt ■ nw J.rnorK.W , W j j | M

L V a h A H - e . o U . o f f ^ ' u , M iM M h_____ 'z& aessB ,OJEFOrlMM Mt. OOMltlOl. hot m A I M WM W ,M d W

r v . 2 a B a U B B a w m m a g E g U H g m 3» | AM. A M lm MMM URftAMj «VM lM iM l djltOf w h i n M n

___ ____ I aph lF ■ M tf fm 'k i O f M S--------------— a r w s

TOOL KAK K R w m m A; o m osporloneoA o , l .w . l r y to o l. nr.forreA . Coll MOnAop.

A, F lioho r Co., Inc.. I I i w t K lnn .y I t.TOOL KAKKR wontod; good poMtio, for

right m«n. Apply H. Bokor * Co., R .tg .r , , . gpA B nrn .tt i n . HIltM. W. J.

K oM O ftlr.-

T A U O N O K A CH tN R aA LO M B K . b r a m i e r b SMC SO PINO1

Wo M O Ira tho Mnrfooo of Mporl- WMA to I hi o f mMhlno ■ taWBIM l ■ M l hovo flrat-olM . gsta* iwtMA m A rofgr«ncM Apply i t B u h r . m a t Ofllro. • • BM k « .. I wwom , A K. M b I P. K.

L. BAKBCROBB A CO.. -O n . o f AawrtM'g Oroot

BOOK-KEEPER.ExptrfonroA booh-ktopor; m int ho M l.

to hoop , noM. occur.t* oot of hooks np to Mcurtng trial b o lo o c ; m t ,m ,n i i n .t n -

♦ A iW i k T K E L P WMtoAi M B m 4 t u i

k lZ o R E b m i & U K M ^ M p i r K P K ry S u . W M M g t ■ ■



M UTER KARRI! CO. n » r l m . N J.

e o B B e g x m r j w p mt t t U r T t m W g j * m

hT S i a - — - — **

■«*»»» i O O P .

5 3 W iB i j S »w a W tM gr Bogyr WIMUCg g . ,

B S T f i r *r CroM. Co., i i

...... %3MiXj^S^«fA*iMB. forotoody pooltW ,. U w «lro Jo k a COMoilty.

L g n tr la h s s i: nslllG IfurfoNU r t

fc S W a m J

III PAID, apply benjamin * JOHNEa. 41 WARREN tT.. NEAR WAEUINVTON. .

EKA— tE E E o p e k a t o m w a n t e d




OPERATORSw .„ J lf i-N B E t)L I O s.w w .v M ,,



•curing trial o m d b m , , k A t » m p i i i , i w i i t -

Si l r e d ; m odern oftloo, seven M n eto e front head aad M arket. A ddress R . Box 19A

Newt office-

BOOK-KEEPER; euo w tth tnsnraaco ex­perience preferred, s tate salary and an-

nsrlence. Address Insurance, Box 89. Newe ow es.

BOOK-KEEPER, to take complete charge ofbooks In moiMtfaeturinf concern; steady

nesM ent s ta te age. previous sxporlonoe and salary expected. Address B. X.. Bos 141, Newe s in o aBOOK-KEEPER ud typist for general store■ a n d inm hsr must

m p k y ; s ta te <

mnntred. loody, Newfeui

be exnertenee<! Apply V lottsi eundfonfC N. J.

isneed;le tte r,

__ ____w tth knowtedgu e f stanog-s ta te ago, experience and salary

In own handwriting. Address Ban M h Nows offlen.

DESIGNER and trim m er: meet be expo* rlenced for millinery work, good salary;

steady work all year around. Mr Horry Ptttle, 114 Springfield ere., cor. Prince. El e v a t o r GIIUAI, •lperlenoed only Ap*

ply Hotal Rlviara, High end Clinton ave. FIRST FLOOR w o r k e r (white) by AprTl

I for English family whola or pert time, help given, poaition held by gentlewoman

years. Bingham. 12 Rldgevlew a re , west Orange; phone Orange 4411__________









GIRLSw a n t e d f o r
















If you deotre •toady employment on


e r ligh t, in teresting , high-grade w o rk ^ a g ^ y a t th e em ploym ent of­fice efthi WESTON ELECTRICAL INSTRU­

MENT CO.. _ d Prellf ‘

N ew ark, :an d rrwlly h y w aeon.

■ p n g KMoaTMhdS; W .lli Girls wanted for

^ o S ! K ^ S S k . _ t ^ M gtT_l,tK h#raS m u m m m m i k j .. 8 m id.



WBBTINGHOUSB ELEC. A MFG CO .Orange end Plane e ta . No — “ -

haua.w d n b tA mS w g s a : whoM a te Insandeaeont tem p in­

fo war k. N. J .A unty : Em ploym ent Burean. W ane st.

g i r l s :hutt-weldlng lead wires af all slsm,

■ Save a_ w ry food. M m R t t t r t t . room dll. Id

■ m Mb* n p .r .to r . m a t * »n lodlW m 0.11b w d .rw M r; bright

«,ERK*¥tP!»T. is m.nhf>otortng office;boon, s-d. a n ti M B iin w nnw l m jm t tm m b H I », t a j a B i i , m 4 M l 3 8 3 MpiHdBd, t. mdmiMd tb.Im pw tM d, <i f l n d h * rwWM. B p « f « t ■MdttlM t n y ty . h a B d M h _.dMMjM. Jw -

t r t t r ; «M tM U , dBi M K p d. b m b M d t u t t t

girt, win b . t .o g h t th . work M g p u d whll, tw ralng: o n k work; t lw bright g ta . m i t a fhr woHm I work Id fkotorw

THE LJNOERIB CO.,A W.gdd P1MO *L ____________f u n d hom .


r n i & s r l■hoiiraAddHnnJoffice OraagA ■ __

i.< ... r n j ^ t jRraowAjd-U1RLIOKIGIRLW ~ etty.

middle-aged C on C

GIRL or yeeng ‘ Aj ••tend.

Jheatw ^________ _GIRL; experienced

dreeeea Apply

lady want ppiy Box efflca.



wttk laundry or without. Poliak er 1 preferred: family of three. Addrste M Wells. 101 Beeenwood rd.. Summit. N. tel I $44.6ENERAL HOC8E WORKER w S P f S

ever 14; two la family, no laundry; p lan - eeeen fa-ant koma and good wagee: re fe r# in

quired Addreee H L . Box 194, News 4 GENERAL HOUSEWORK two la

refereec-eo; $54 per month. Mru Hamblen. 142 Main et . Ckatbam

good nUdS*HOUSEWORK aad cooking;women, must be capable <__ _ __

dry. aad help with cleaning Call a fter S# Monday, 145 South Munn ava. Bast Oroigfkl or phone any tlm* orange 1774. . Jlio isL W O R kL R (w hite). ex p er isS 9 "^ lH p

ercoinmodeling, email family la Mash* wood; wese# $15 with laundry a id $44 WWp- ou t. personal references required.South Orense 1424 NlM'hRKEEPER WMfwT M . S 3

| p»*fer good home in prefereeee U j wRgea. no ob feet tons to widow with i 1 h ■ jdren Boe 10. Newton. N. J

GirlsWho Deeire

Steady Work

Telephone Operators For Posit leas in



Luaehee a t Cost.• 14 Per Week te Start

Rapid Advancement Apply

Any day between ft A. M and ft P. M Except Saturday. 4 A. M - l l M.

Room M l, t i l Washington st.,

Newark. N. J.New York Telephone Company.





IPlant u ith la easy reach of Newark akd

•11 bur be of Bloomfield. Any trolley. Lack­awanna Railroad er bus line from Bread st.. Newark, te Dodd and Proepeet sts., Eaet Orange.



tortenced, and '# fow ta m p machine# making mSFg Brea. A S onneC alC d l


fliltE for geoeral housework ; small family;gs te ee ashore for summer. Mr# Thom-*

sen, 117 Glenoid# rd . . phene South Orange i l lGIRLS wanted for mangle work in laundry;

operators and pressure wanted on I_____Apply Mlee Wagner, 210 Plane et.. >rd ftAWf . OPERATORS, experienced an stmrts hofiBw

machines: steady work. Daisy Underwear Ce.. 441 Fifteenth ave.. eor. Thirteenth rOPERATORS, experienced, on silk

Apply et Employment Office er If unable te call

apply by letter, giving age and experience tn fu^.











With eome experience on SEWING MACHINES.

H*'ME Wo r k e r s , heed ch ild ren* d ria iM , ernes-et I tel

• mocking: eteedy. good pay. Add B «i II. Newe office.HOUSEWORKER. •xpertenced.

Monday er Tueoday morning, lander, II Baidu in ave.; no eeiered. f S S XHOUSEWORKER. experteneed;

tng; no laundry. 8. Orenet. 17 are., News rk. N. J . phene *NfoteW ^ L - - ., H drllW ()R K --< ilrl "or womeo te

th« work for a buoineea couple with Mfoj;.* children Phen# Weveriy 4444. iiO l b EW ORE—Oeed home fo r~ g e ^ X f i

•men family P a lt .4 2 H om eland i B K k w near ne w them e qve., Newark.iiot-BEwoEKBE, ■••U.; . a U . Ig y««_<>«. Mr., y. e u.HM. m 6* 9m m

»*"\mli , i«toh»*>» HM.H u ritw O R K E R ( n T w , t _____ , _

rh lld r.n ; . r l , rrt.nod ho rn , N fraM I, H J ok neon ava.; Weveriy ftftSd.tf<Sl-h*KERp8R~ir^ft,.ii L .„ |fc M T 1

children, want houeeheepar; no If tM fe li 914 Call Orange NftftHOUSEKEEPER wanted by widow wha f l p

four children. Call after I t , A, ML St reel# 114 Bndger avaHOUSEKEEPER; two adults fo

laundry given out. Call 999 Nsft •nth et.HEM STITCHER, experienced on shM foflff

dreeeea Apply w 7 J. Sen tt Co.. W Plane et.__________IRONERS. PRBSSERS.

Experienced en ladies* m setts steady work and Lingerie Ca. A. W. MeCnbaT 949' second fleerJUNIOR BOOK-KRHPRRi

operate typewriter; good develop In accounting; s ta te salary desired. Addrei New* office.


Experienced saleslady or aa- •latent buyer for blonsea under­wear and hosiery; wonderful opportunity for advancement | liberal salary aad eommlasteas.


LADIES. If you have a few hnurs te 1 each day wo con show you haw ta i _

91 en hour for every hour you work, tan! on your friends and neighbors; once necessary , Just a wllllngna part to follow laalructlose; rollOM| pany; 1ft year#' success; writs te easy plans; sand no money. i Products Co.. 9941. American bU clnnatt, Q.

cueLADIES—Earn $11 475 wash; only

Pn ' “ ‘ cure, beauty

of; _________M itchell t i l t i

t e f . .............. . __ ___manicure, beauty schoel, 94 up ; days, t earn while learning; circular explains. Broad at.; gftgai J ‘ .......S S jphon»Q p | ^ i i > f i i l l waohly detnig fohSF

a t hame; materials furnished; atemped ( H l H — - - Reliable fttMveiope brings particulars.

Cincinnati, O.____________________ W fifiMAII) for general heueework; gootf

references required. 47 rhaetnu i s t., f o R | Orange, phene Orange 2742R.UU.V&RT H IU > want.,I. . « p . r l . n « l " S i

Indkperionced, In all departmentg: m sf|t- er# sorter# feeder# folders. rneilISft. wrapper*, etc; steady positions; naf •nd bonus Newark Modem Laun Montclair and Woodeldo avea.; li

feet car or Summer ave. bus going 0 Montclair ave.


I-Alt F1NISHBRS. A SHORTERS BUNDLER. UNION LAUNDRY. 999 f STL A U N D ltM (while) to Iron famiijf

•alary $59 per month with fuil ft nance Phone B. B. 4041 or coll Mountain Hanatorium, Verona, N. J.LA UN DR EH#" ('olored )T~Appl y P rW w iB B ;

Hoapltxl, 27 South Ninth et.MODEL.

Young lady. tall. 89-Inch bust; w h ite m fs part time. Apply W elngarten S lt f t . m 3High e t . _____ ____________________ WBT><MAID wanted for general houaowork

fgmily of adult# Call any time, “ land ave . Montclair.

work I s S fe *•. 79 8 |S .

MAID for general houaeworkAllan, 497 Highland ave.. O T«El taking

Box 144. Nawa efflca.i f 6 T H k i t a n d d a u g h t e r f o r b o u w v i

e a re o f c h ‘“ mMARCEL WAVER; all around

Peggy Wood Shoppe. $43 Mala ft. Orange,NURSE

ildren. Address

Will teseh you te make high-grade underwear aad pajam as and pay

you well while ieuralhg.

DELPARK. INC. Plane and Academy e ta

Tenth floor.

OIRL. bright, ao typist and offtee aeatatant; ona capable ef taking eom* dictation; a p ­

ply own handwriting, state experience and •alary deetred. Address H. w .. Bos 125,News officeOIRL to do simple book-keeping and help

In store; stenography deetrabla but not essential. Byrne7# Burgle#! SuppUe# 145 South Center et., cor. Henry at.. Orange. N. Jg ir l 's . over 14 yeara old, wanted for light

factory work; excellent chance* for ad ­vancement. Apply Han»on * Van Winkle Co.. Chestnut and Van Buren ateGIRLS, sorting buttons; steady, well paying,

light work' experienced make high wages; 2 blocks te Newark Center Now England Button Co.. 94 Mechanic e to ih lx , experienced poiiehora on rings aad

platinum faced Jeweftry; good wages and steady work. Bred A C a. 99 Beamier a t . W ir West Kinney at.GIRLS <2) wanted for entire work of

bouee; only those having referaneee need _ * ply- 9 Quentin ct.. Me

South Orange 999Rnppl; 9 Quentin ct.. •plewood; phono

OIRL wanted; white, must us nest and clean; for general housework; hours from

4 te 4 and no Sunday work. T4 Myrtle ave.. Irvington _____________GIRL (white), reliable, for general house­

work; 3 adults; reference# required; car­fare paid. 49 Hillside av a , Glen Ridge. phone 9949W

mother’s helper, help cere for young infant

upetaire work; reference required. fl Highland a v a ; tel. 7994 Branch BlOSh,

F 5 S B |required. M iNURSE MAID— Experienced young Wi

children aad de UgMto care for chtldroa aad 'do light jm* •taira work; good pay, good homo; refof- •ncee. 224 Delavan ava







I I I A R I I T .

:1‘J i■ffl


Experienced opera tore Gdatod 441 breeder## Apply th ird Deer, The rharlee R. Do Be vote# Co., Plane end Academy ate. ■M



A Glbbe machines; good pay and Steady ork ail year; time or piece work. 434

South Tenth e t ; first floor_OPERATORS, experienced, and a fow ]

ere on power r • * ahlrte. ShedakorWarren eft. ________ , ,GPKR ATORS— Experienced knife a u t t S


ClM fcAtfir ' p r e s s ’ OPERATOR* w a x t i d .H H E m u E N C E D . ro w yg*< T «5??JAir■ m S n o i , g o o d w A < , w . .

H v * T H E KIBCMHOF ,’* TIt i Tlf f! _ f l R w t f t r i K O gT B E A K . O N E IIAI.KH f e r V " r o K N E B H10M BT *NI>PKIXOFIKM' AJ.lt^ B K 5 ” V b E»» OVICRATORIS. EX BKB I-

____ jJ B B S r. o i JE k ATu IUI C A S LA RN' ■ J » W W T S T E A D Y w o r k u n d t k d k s i h

a i l P C g r * K i x n i r m s s a p p l y o w v k l oj ^ B f t U t N K CO.. M* r K b l . I N t i M l ' T S E NH i NgVAAft* N •> . . .. ._ . .K a i f e * ' If f fc kin— K \ P K K I K N « KD STRIP * E # * T 5 u HL T U R N -IN GIK1-H A M ) S T A i fe-HJ*.H n U o | , g A R N l h 6 A l l U P f i I M f 'U O r i M l W V GOOD W A G E * SK LLKY T l 'B K AB B t t S T tXJ.. §§* C E N T R A L a v k .W tiH S & r~ ~ 1hoX K8-: E x p e r ie n c e d *t rlT*l—r«@ H p w e le s i" «‘rl wo' L^m ».»u OmaiMr.i B H S d feat hoxce. »too at ay era. •’ •’• <1» »«»»*. I ^ B T a t y . J. tfetacl. : : Bedford •<.. m yH P ^ 5— p a p e r b o x ica

ty y f)*arM »irtpp«ra twru-lns a*»d table aiao lesrner. Apply at «nr». I*

g g ff if tfs n b .j ir »T N.«ho!* at % _"esperietoetl on *•»»*'• ahtrt-

ift— B m ». A. <2 W a r raw »;SS IB T R Y CURL < while* w a n t e<l f*-ed —

j ^ P j U a j y r n r »B'r»o«-», i t F irk ylE X P E B I t . N i WU. E M U . ABI**.

V4* r'K COLUMBIA _*T _ _________ . _ .f f e J M C o c i i A P H K R - YOUNG WOMAW. Ifg jlP ? ’Ut! M T I a -V F«»K l*OSlTl**N IN gALk.ri ^ ■ W M T M K N T «*F AN 0 1 4 ) KMT AIV

rWEMK'Al. H < H 8 K . M I S T UKP J K S b l e •»* t a k i n g d k t a t i - nK ^ B sCKI.Y and TRANS'HIBINtl NOTES W m B Em m cTI.Y. MUST HAVE AMU.ITT To

CAKE < *6 liEN'KMAl. " E H ' K l»E Bi t NO! IN AN EXECUTIVE

^usX rA C IT 1 . RE»1*T. STATING A«4K and PREVIOUS EA Pr.M la;V E ADDHEM p O M E i( E R B"X » » NEWS



l* LARS VO < T 339 BK"AIH\AV,

YOUNG LADY to ifirrranlii* h u

rap id nrr,»r»l tix I to 4 SO. M:ary ‘ iprrlrnr* t»4 r I*. * #7. News < i)<">Y M i G I H U *

a o' h an<1 < o< 7i HillM'l- pi

r >w« ■•»r . phone’Y ■ 'I NO LADY m

w rl il n f. also Mat- at*, t * pert Add Y1 UN


AT PIOl*ltKS i AND HARDI Mil* p a y .Pi S.L PARTI*

Ri h i M Z6*l, NEW TURK

s lo m l . wish*# p os it io n a t a we**. Of Job * • p o r t -*

re f e r en ce . w r i t s or ca l ' West K in n ey ^ T -

r i a t i t a ' | i . good e d u c a t i o n at nsotstsnt in t**1 ****** iork. Boa M. N « » » ©fflco.

nWT w1«*hee post -

lor clerk in largo a«l vanncm.-nt la

tearsi. >*>«r». ■ 3* |14. y u i i *€•.

A t l d r n a P. O .

with ho i*»-

11' yearsi good roforonros ow a t. B *H*nifia d

light benchheahandy with t«

ISa. N**wa offl*oi.a. Addr^os Y

EM PLO Y M EN T W A N T E D -W O M E NIs u.aurnn «

Addreaa Poal

oronfe 1 Rnography with fieri »parted

•» H»l(’ B«ii 59. Nc.<) I.AI'Y «• •teiiogra. 0 work . R'n»l> I-ONIInr.'i Art i a ' > wantH,A N li-'M 14 V S'awi

h«, <;iKL <>r oiphsn v

yof.No< wh.t


• ! b I; daya*h

WOMAN f«>r >. nu in undry .

nj.lv J 4 XI * IN LADY wanted

vho *n apeak

•day. at 60* t t i

U«m>K K E E P E R . M p r i r t K f l ine, knowledge of ty p in g

non. Boa J 1 . N—'» offico.__ ________ _r O M P A N i(»N - Cultivated Amorlfnn indy

* !'j#atiori. eapori«r»r*d t.ia““ *"* pan ion or g«tv*rneaa: »*<*•<.Addreaa K <V. Bo* B.DAY ’’W O R K E R S KKKK. A1

P K M B N C K tJ IN ANY 1 , 1 » » »*V W OR K B A II> HY T H E I IO I'K . KVEI lY l> S E W II.

r 7 jY<»t'N(l LADY f*

fire 2 1-nttM Tuesday morning*Tfl ><} I .AI 'Y '

prHid hour a•: B o

.led r« l«.d% •

light < ly at

irral h»»us*wnrfc aaant aum.tind p! II U 7K4

■ < lor h a! work . a 'tan preferredII Senerth ave. j DRKSSMAKINf

evening aewn




•penih'i App.»

urk in r >om

dental of. 310. apply

Ma <1D- Apply


I j o f a ewHiMJ J ppM l ate

sppertunAy for srversl eapo- nagrapt.rra who ran qualify.

ITMBT1NUMOUSE L A M P CO.. WAisaaidng Station.I).. L, A W. ii. H ,Eloomficid. N. J. *

SoORAPHEH. rolisbio sod aersrats (r with know.edge of general office ; steady position with manufacturing • should reside In tko v»« niiy a<* that

Will Fa eaafaalsst to obasrvo t o'clock ig i raforencets r**t*lr#d. Lnrtar Af t P a rk lx rjt gt. _____

___ lift A PM ELS. ty plait, of f l i t aa«l«| S T nook ko' par* comptomatnr, ul« ta-

— gad| awltr-hboard operators. New York ^^■^■^Safw tr posit lose; $ i l - | SO. hoys placed

(k |i Doyle Agency, u East Fortieth Mt Fifth a»«-; l i l Naa—u at , New Yyh.

W W ilHM lTi*tlKR—Mlaa Saoinenig'a ito^a- y H E | | | Sekool. 4*1 Broad *rt . astahitahed

typewriter for each *lrU locked, guaranteed free (htoafA Tke Broad

KH+ip **wpfoyw»«** A »»K f -^9BAPMLft-<^^ceiir»t opportunity

competent etenogTapher in private Call b tlv c w • end II. *1 E***s

i t Orange, or phone Orange ?!** wM fiiisnt, _______________

B is R A l ’HKH and typlat eaperienead. " , l t o h . . i u i campaign work. Apply

** Perk pi., between 2 and 4Ifc , neat Monday........... ...... ........ ........... ......

M P d OHAPHEH for law o f f ie . espetl* raSga required. A4<lrca Steno, Mot L,

Office, Orange__ _____ ____Sffl$ApH»fc~tf*w' office; Underwood tkioc. Addreaa L. 8.. Boa MS, Newa

m m * _________ ______________ -— ......' S A L E S L A D I E S .

p f e v i t y 1PffiAVAIL.







O H s a a r eaperlepcnti, wanted fur per *•■Hit position; pfanaant working rottdl- wj good nalarlt"; vnlimlled opportunity

f*»r girl* of charu-1 *r ami n m . Apply Peter Rabbit Stores, ft**

Ata JM * Or tag*._____________ ____LADIES wanted to «eii M»itat good*

" i t t a n m in t at area and drug etar*e; I ka af aaat appearance and eapertenced

........... H i * m g “*■*■ “ ■M a i - 1 ____________ ___E K lADY for tioatery departm ent - iduat ^'Fagperlenced i we Have alao an opening

'g a d commiaalon. Apply n in th floor. j Fl>»ty»i>eeottd a*. | M. Y.

Y*»t'N I lillll,, moat know stenography and lyp«>«riling very wall. «'all 14 William at.

VUl’N.. *^HITK». T » 1'AKL t akaOF CHILDREN__*10 CLJFT«)N AVE

YDUNO <1IR).~wanted t«* take rare of c! l ( t Springfield a re . store

H E L P W ANTED— M E N AN D W O M ENAGENTS—-Men and women to se'.l direct to

consumer well-known line of guaranteed hosiery for ladlee. m<*n and children, all grades, we pay l>ig comIiilaalon and 'ea^i you lioe to tell Immediate delivery Write today, Lynx Knitting Milk*. 72 Leonard at..Naw York. ____________ __________BOY to wash ditties and do porter w«rh

aiound reataure.it. girl to wait tab>* ; estaerlenca not necessary. 47 Center a t,

,» referen* ea. f l i c e ^ O r a n g e VoMEN. LX

UK . I.

. IIVK A IKH.I , D A Y ,RK' ViM M KNI 'K D . , <ll 'K ** ' 'TTO IKIM.KAHf: A 1.1.. SEI.KI T w m e nTH A T L I N E <*K W«'RK AM D4iMKSTl*‘ AND PR* »KErh o u r s . 7 a m 7 pAtJKNt’ Y ttR A NO K i f 41 '•%*: ____________I i h M D MAKKK. lire* < . .pcnlng an s e ­

t a hi sh im »*t w ould hk> e f- w « * * • JM- t e m - r a . f i l l i n g a spe<-.l t> P h o n e Bige low 1704 J m . _

f lm t-c laae . good IS day Addreee

mat ;log. B*-« I V; News offi* • __ _____DRESSMAKING AND w ly

t 'L E V E K . AR TM T1C. M O D E R A T E . BOXI >2. EAST ORANGE ____________1 •kKSKM. K 1Nti at i ."m«, m v l e r a t e p r ic e s

Addrees Roacvlll*-. B,,x_ ‘ - T % * * * rDc*r.1 ) 1 R P (Tailored) wishes h - u e e w o r k . p a r t

l im e ; r ef e rence 211 VA’e r r r n st . . a ecundfloor _ __* . I I lL withe* general h<M»** <•' k . alaop

hmiie < all * 20 P M . 11 Itu*gore a t . pity. _____ _ __ __ • ; ■HD U fiBEEEP K K . e«| .. i tenced . wl£h 2

year-o ld girl , would .!«■• pos it ion, full cha rg e . «‘ali Sunday m o rn in g noon. 31 Leali* a . Last O r a n g e .per# St a ti on ____ ... . ____ _»fliCHEK EK.PKH * - P r o t e s t a n t A m e r i c a n

woman «»f re f inem ent w ishes posi t io n as h- im-'Ki'Sp e r . t r u s t w ' t h y a n d Capab le juf • u k i r g f ii * c h a rg e Addreaa K G.. Box 130,

will take •»r a fte r­ear Am-


COUPLE—Man and wlf« for a family of four adults. Pasaate, N J . ; to d > rooking,

laundry, land furnace, etc.. prt\»te hath, give age, nationality, wages required. Ad- dt%»a_B._H.. Boa Ti. News office pCOUPLE, with no <hlldr*n tw hiteI. ad ja ­

cent Jersey suburbs, man as chauffeur, gsrdhaner. etc.; woman for housawork. etc . Gorman preferred. required about May I. Apply 143 Montclair ave., Montclair, N. J . phone TIM Montclair___COPiFLl eaperlenred. White, lo tales entire

charge of place; two In fitnlly. wife, cook and genera) housework, husband, butler, chauffeur, handy man. private bath and sitting room; references required Phone South Orange 13CltCPLIS twhite); cook and house man In

Institution, man must be t sndy with tools and understand rare «*f fiin m e , ref­erences required. Phone Market *334. o r

I m a n a o i n u h o c m e k e e i ’B k — *refined Protestant woman. physician a 1 widow. In middle life, -n all around esecu- | tlw manager, with six years experience as I hostess and managing hnu*ek«eper In ln- I aflluftonai work, toeing used to hiring and I supervising aervanta, syatematlglng house­

hold work for help, keeping accounts, buy- Ing. etc., dealrea to make a change April 1

I and would like a responalWa position In ■am* line, either In some well-to-do I rot- eatant private family or In some school or college girls' dormitory or girl** home, or a small institution where reaJ executive ability and conscientious service will be ap ­preciated and peid fqr accordingly, and a good, comfortable home assured. Norths n New Jersey o r New York I’Ry or nearby suburbs preferred, finest of references from former employers Address X. Y Z.. 431 East Twenty third •» . T a t arson. N J . «ar* E. M. r . . phone Lambert. 3A&0J Pater­son.

n pen 1st. aJao organist de­cipher at home or traveling;

•, and Syracuse, experienced; Address E. T . Box 123,


CO U P L E—-Cook, b u t le r m u s t pave r e fe rences

PIANIST a<coi sires position

stud'**! Pea bod. a< t «mp ishedNews of.be.____________" _____ ___

SEWING, wash dressea and neck- m a i l * t o o r d e r . P h o n e O r a n g e

PlftM. ___ g ____ I ______KTKKvidSAI-HMl ^EC'BBTARY

Seven years’ diversified experience; book­keeping. general office routine, position <n Newark. $30 week. Address (1. H Box 140,Nsws office. ________ _ ..................... .WOMAN. 6anlth. with aoven-y ear-old

daughter, wishes position as houseworkar.191 Leslie^sL, second floor ___WOMAN- rcoiored) would like washing to

take home. Write or call 11 Meade at..West Orange___________________ ____.... _WOMAN of middle-age would like light

housework with small family; good homeH.,_Box_ 1*0. Newa office.____ _

WOMAN colored, would like work as cook or light housework ** Oakwood aea..

Orange. ___________ .to take care of furnDhed 1 WOMAN wishes washing to take home or

i go out Pall Branch Brook 140*. ______ _' WOMAN 1 white) would like laundry work.

Apply 11* Main st.. Belleville__________ _



A P P R E C I A T E DThose favoring the New­ark Evening News with classified advertisements are earnestly requested to have their copy in {he home office as early as possible, preferably the afternoon of the day before publication.

H O U SE H O L D G O O D S — F U tN IT U R E

TWO tables, bads and Wddtn*. lea box. *»■ range, chairs, writing desk, oil heaters,

screen door. Mrs. Henry 7*0 Hunterdon et TWO tugs and two bed room sofa one

dintng room set 47* Chancellor avw.. Wav 11*4_____________________________

WILL sell five-piece oak bed room eulte.Including box eprlngs and real hajr m at­

tress. for 169, worth 921*). oak aacretary (combination desk and bookcasei. for •:*. worth 11*0 Call evenings or Munday fore- roon 'no dealers). U * y . 204 Fatrtuount «ve . near South Orange ave., 34 floor_ _ '.VILL eacrlfic# for eaan. dropnead Singer

sewing machine If sold at onca. I* Balle-vllie ave. __ |________________ ________WASHING MACHINE easy vacuum, used

only a few times; perfect condition ard % real bargain Cut! *40 Center et . South Orange, or phone South Orange It*

ALLENHURSTRent June i l to Kept. 11; Maul

summer cottage. I rooms; a ll improve­ments. furnished; pear ocean aad boardwalk, beautiful view.

H C. FAIRCHILD.Phones Market l i t i , Alienhuret 24*>J.

**« Broad et., Newark._________1*9 HOUSES FOR BALM


J. A HURRY AOENCY.1*9 Pilgrim Pathway.Ocean Oruve, M. J.

Carfare refunded oa aalea or rentals out of Newark. M. J.

A snrr.T p a r k a n d o c e a n g r o v e .a l l e n h l r s t AND TKTXITY.

Furnished cottages for ren t and for aala; bargains in aaaehore real estate

C U V E R A HU YtLET t i l Bond et . Asbury Park Telephone Asbury Park 14*4

H ousehold G ood* W u t t dDON'T REU. T O f* VI HNITl'BE UNTIL*

YOU RK1S US LERMAN. AUCTIONEER, buys any quantity of furniture and house­hold goods, highest cash prices paid for flats, furnished rooms, hotels and glares; all business strictly confidential aad promptly attended to. estim ates given free. Sand postal or call Market *2*4.


VAN POZNAKpays highest prices f t r contents of fla ta homes furnished room houses and mores; we buy small or largo lota; sftlm afse given free or yodr furniture

AFZVR YOU h a v e TRIED OTHERS write or *eo

VAN POZNAK.42 South Orange ave-, or tsl. Mul. t*TL

LEONARD'S always pays highest prices for househutd goods and furniture, carpets,

rugs, bric-a-brac, braaswara. offica furni­ture. etc., large o r small lota; when dealing with Leonard’s you'ra dealing with a reputa­ble flnh . business confidential; prompt a t­tention given

all 414 High atCOUPLE (white), man to be generally use­

ful around house and garden; woman for general houaewoik. wages *1*0 s month, good home for right couple. ('all Mont-cintr !»*»■_______ __________ __COUPLE wanted, wife co*»n and chamber

work, man chauf»*ur and handy man, good salary Lang. 241 Yen llouten ave.Pa.aaaK‘. N, J .; nhone *.4 31 j _ _____ ______COUPLE wanted for entire work *>f house.'

only those having referen cue need apply I Quentin court. Maplewood; phone RoutnGrange »*>R. ________ _________ _____UuU* LK (colored); wife cook and cham­

ber work; man butler and generally uee- fu l; * adults Phone 24*W South Orange, | Address F. 56UPLE—Wife as cook and upstairs work 1

man bujtler and general utility; refer ence. Orange *641,COUpidC wanted.

room house. Inquire at store of 147 Mul- herry at.


|ib ' having a thorough knowledge and I gxeUt |g buying. Mia rock. Broad and

m 4 rH i . ' . __i____ wm ■ 99H BHKAADY'r-Tnorouglkjly oxpetdynced aalex-

arrl.down’a new* a t women's i ahop; salary and tommiuiun* M,pWiiinfc- ofOQ*. Morrtatawa. N. f .____

BBES&HSwiW l a s a r ---• depart-■t; must bo thoroughly experienced others will be considered. Apply Mia-gjond S"d New p*s«______ __ ______

LiiflLADY, experienced, to soil alfka and IfiMlmj Apply * to 10 A. M. and 6 to i % Stephen e Silk Shop, fifth floor. Wise

g fl Broad at . _S O d y Experienced. steady employ-

ptani. between L'S and 36 years of age. fk Oo-Cart Mfg. Co., 19* Waehlngton

V?C*MEN. " experlenceiT In children's infants' wear, goo I opportunity of- Kotheteln. 413 Spiingfivul Jive. U d YT" EXPZ RIKNC ED. ~ BRODY. O inH ORANGE AVE.


MEN AND WOMEN—-Commencing Monday.day's worker*. laundreeaea cleanera;

white, colored women, men, by day. sent to all ftufroundlng towns free of chargee; help •elected carefully, references; nurse a by day, hour, for children; white, colored; maids.

And useful nun ,Phone Orange -076.

GIRLS and men, w.tu experience si small and large armature and field winding;

good working conlitlona and ateady work.Apply Dlall Mfg. Co , First ahd Trumbulln t. , Ellas bet hport. N, J.__________JANITOR—-Couple I while). experienced',

•mall apartm ent; 2 rooms, bath. heat, light and., f 10 a month for services, no children. Address Janitor. Box M. Newaoffice, Orange._______________JANITOR wanted for apt. huitaT no steam

1 heat. Inquire 63 Stratford p i.. Brody j MEN o ft WOMEN—Beat season now fori rect from mill; extra bonus;' comm last on *1; I H O U SE H O L D G O O D S— F U R N IT U R E! J jv .n e .. H lH M»n s winner Styl« | AT'U ETEE 8 rUHNITURE HOUSE, j Hosiery Co., Now Haven. Conn. PLANE ST.; MEN. WOMEN—SalarjT17S~fim~Tfm"e7TTVo } If you want t« buy real bargains come to 1 an hour spare time, selling the genuine see Meyer’a. cbeapwit dealer In Newark: f ! guaranteed hosiery direct to wearer beautl- i will eel) you 10-niece dining room set for

ful line. International Mills, Norristown. Pa *126. coat |S00; I-pleca bed room aoL fT I, I MAN and

all cal's. Wrtta or phona LEONARD'S,


PIECE OF FURNITURE FOR YOUR USED PIECE? We ara In a posit Ion go o f^ r you a better price for your furniture, aa wa • re dealers In hlgh-claes new furniture and slightly used geode, we buy. sell and ex­change household goods, office Xurnlture end reetxurant supplies. H. J. Hunt. 333Broad at . phona Humboldt 1**3.__ >METERS pays "the beat price for your sec­

ond-hand furniture; small or l&pge lots: we pay spot cash: call and be convinced; I buy all kinds of flat*, furniture, household goods dressers, qhiffonnlem. anything you got to aell; no difference, small or big lots; also office furniture. Meyers, 279 Plane at.; phone Market 1106; evenings, W avrrly **74. J SILVERAa N. 216 HALSEY COR BRAN­

FORD PL , pays highest cash prices for part or full flats of furniture, household goods, rugs, carpets, a te .; office furniture, in larg* or small quantity; I am buytng and •eiltng for past 16 years; satisfaction guar­anteed. If you care to deni with a rel txblafirm, _wr*ta._call or phona Mitchell 1*11.__MICHAEL’S pays highest prices on small or

I lafge lota, odd ptecea, eulte* flats, furni­ture of every description; office furniture, antiques; write or phene; prompt attention; reliable firm. MICHAEL'S. 7* ACADEMY

| »T ; MKT. 7619; night. Waveriy 60*6.


Modern furnished r o u g e s for rent or sale; choice Mocat ion.

Me NELLY AGENCY.Main at . npp Railroad Station.

Bradley Boarh; phon* Asbury Park *•*.< K'EAN"*OROVE-~Tho" paradise of America

for vacation rest aad to bay or rent, aee- son or yearly. Tilors. 99 Maine ave . come.w rite requlremenia. _________HEA SHORE homes for sale or rent- Write

or phone 17. L. Silversteln. 71* M Ninth a ve-, Belatar, N. J._____________________

FU R N IS H E D H O U S E S T O L E T - S E A S H O R E _______

SHORE front bungalow. May 1 to Octobor 1. living room. 3 bod rooms, kitchen,

screened dining porch, overlooking bay; In­side flush toilet, electric lights, running »aier. gas; lath and piaster interior; sea son rent. f>26; writs for free booklet. Ap- pjy Morriaey it Walker. Inc . Kesnaburg.

Fo r RENT, furnished room house, second and third floors fully furnished. 1*

rooms; heat, bath, electricity and gas. near beach and lake; year or season Address L> w' Wlilgus, 7*4 Monroe ave., Anbury Park.i J.; phono 267W ._________ ____ ____BRADLEY BEACH—A ttractive cottage.

near ocean, hath, gaa range, coal range, redu-ed rates till June 12; summer season( |3e0; four-room bungplow. *26*. Gentllss preferred. Qw per. I l l Sa yre at,, El l ta both


33*9 TO 11.909 P. HALL PACKER.

_ Call M-119-9IW Sea B right. N J ___

SUMMER HOMES for sale or ren t; will meet trains by appointroent. Mrs. George L

Reed. 992 Fourth ava., Bradley Beach, N J. M ANA8QUAN — Furnished bungelow for

season; living-dining room, kitchen. f"u* bed rooms and bath; two-car garage Apply R. F Newman, Box 4. Manasquan. N BUNGALOW. 3 froome]

Beach, naar water. |*94 season, can com­mute. also 4-room bungalow at LaurenceHarbor, by water. Phene *924 Mulberry. ___SNORE home's .^furnished; Avon-by*the-Sea.

N. J. Martin D. Murray Agency, opp. R. R. elation; Sundays by appointm ent PhoneAnbury Park 341. 1**4.____________________Ocean Grove N- J . cottages. 9*69 and up.

A. O, UMBSCHKIDEN.___ II Abbott ave . Ocean Groyg.______

BUNGALOW, 4 roofas; accommodate 4 or 6, near ocean, *269 season. Box K42

Balmar, N. J


AVE.—One-family. 19 rooms and bath; steam heat; all modern lm p ta ; rent $59 per month. Inquire

KRA8NER A HERMAN.109 Broad at..

Room 1.

t»ll iwtlCTUuw IM M. CIi»«o«. I* t .


HOUSe. SOUTH OBANOB OR MAPLE­WOOD; RENT |T I OR M*; RBTERBNCE*. ADDRESS CH 1ST IANS. BOX 1SS. NEWS. .p r i c e . ____________________________ _HOUSE or bungalow; H room.; lmproro-

n p s ti, year lease; mala line Lackawanaa. between Summit and Morristown; rant a ban! *49. P. O. Max 14. G^leiU . N. J REFINED, mature couple; nothing to annoy

any one. want half hodaa or floor, good section only; Summit. W.. Pootofflco Box 411. New York City.REFINED couple wish to loose nix or

•even room house. Oranges; give full par­ticulars first letter. Addreee M.. Box 117,.News o f f i c e . _____ _____________________ ____BY M*> 1; * or 7 room house, la refined

section; modern Improvements: xrlth ga­rage Address G. B C . 34* Waveriy ave.. Newark- ■___________________

r o c * , i w w ; All l a » t , u r . p t R « a . H I _ «mn> T » « V « t ; hi—In M nw .CM'R RftOMS ANB r a TTH « r # u i r x ;


f iv e rooms, bath; |S7; April L Inquire oa premises. Bahr. T4 South M sngatb at.,

near Ceatral ave.. or owaor, 14 Isabella nun. ♦FIVE * rooms; a ll~ lm p ta . Jaa ito r oor vtoo.

plenty hot water all year; aafuraiebed II*. or fu nished. with plane and 1 mac bln*, 1*6 3*4 Falrm oaat ava.

TO rent or buy modern house on or neat main highway; suitable for h igh-dess tea

house. Addreaa Modara. Box 6*. Nawe ©f-

F1VK large rooms, both; all w»sflora tag* proeomeata. auttable for F * y is is i , j a p n e

parlor 1934 South Orange ave., S H r l a a * - lord ave , Vallsburgb.FIVE redecorated rooms; all improve­

ments except heat; adulta only; M l. SStFair mount aye.; inqalro first floor righ t__FIV U rooms reception Hall; improvements;

In two-family house; rent 164. Inquire Kellcnbeax. *94 Mouth Eighteenth sL FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT. AT !W WA1H~


front; all improvements: near Seventeenth • v». Asx<>d>. l i t High et.________________

WANTED, to rent, house or part of two- fitmlly hpuse In Summit. N. J . Sjrker.

21*7__Bedford ave.. B ro o k ly n _____________8IX or 7 room' house or apartm ent. April or

May; Gentile family; Al references. Phone Orange 4*13 W__________ ___________ _____


Summer Rentals.9*9*—Attractive bungalow. 3 bed rooms,

bath, living rooms; inclosed perch; modern imgrovemonts. garage.

11,399—Very desirable bungalow; living room a with fireplace; 4 bed reotua. with 2 baths; all m odara improve­ments.

11.499— Beautiful estate. 4 single. 1 double masters* bod room s 9 maids* bed rooms; 3 baths. 2-car garage, large shade treea

E RAYNORS SONS.Weethamptoa Beach. L. L______

TH REE-FAMILY bouse a t Belmar. 12 rooms 4 moms each floor; all im pta;

suitable for rooming house; will rent wboie house or Individ'

onui; large porch; all Jm pta. except heat; *34 Inquire premldM. 91

FIVE nice room except heat;

Sixteenth ava.; Laub. n V E ROOM* I . 1.1; All 5 S w 5 5 g 1a-

quire Mrf. Himkill, Oral floor. 191 Cam­den et.. Newark ___________F iv e ROOMS, all Im pta; newly C S fS * 3 R

first floor. “ .. ...... *ave.. .Newark.

2 Hillside m ,

FIVE rooms and bath; all hnpreveaMaiPt beat furnished. Call 44 Monmouth St.

FIVE rooms and bath, hi two-family hom to aduits; *49. loqulra >9* Avon a n .

FIVE rooms; all Impta. except hunt. i f tFourth et.. near Bloomfield ave._________

FIVE ft OOllS; all Impta.; separate beat ere;$19. 769 Huaterdon at.

FARLEY AVK.. 7—High-claee aP*rtm eut la 2-family house; reetrioted aeigbbtrhaud;

7 rooms with extra room for m aid; all Im­provements, ready June L Inquire Mr. Hlrach.FOREST HILL—Six

m enu; with or without garage; I house; separate entrances. Address t . Box 147. News offica

rooms: all I reprove- •family


rid USA apt


FOR RENT—Three-room apartm ent, bath, large, sunny rooms; on Milford a v a ,

rent $79. Phone Waveriy 1471, ar address. . . . . . . w... . . . . ------ J. B . B..1 117. N .« , ottteA_____________apartm en ts Address > FLAT to let;

eiTleaT. F.. Box >9,A P A R T M E N T S ,W )0 M S A N D F U T S

T O L E TAPRIL I—Five room*, flrat floor: 2-famliy house; separate entrance; steam heat;

electric, shades and screens; hot water heater and steam radiator In kitchen; all outftlde rooms; garage space tf desired; 7 ■'o'>n from 8outh Orange ave. 29 Gladstone ava.

I APARTMENT, near city hall; sevaa la rja . ome. furnished. Union | n h | rooma bath; steam heat. Janiter service, all Improvements; ren t reaeonnbln Inquire Samuel H. Levy, *90 Broad sL,

APARTMENT, four rooms and bath, la ele­vator building. Apply KRASNBR •

HERMAN. *99 Broad at., room 1. APARTMENTS. Beatrice Court and Edith

Manor, cor. Johnson ave. and Bigelow st. — 4 to I rooms; all Im pta; decorated; rents very reasonable to tenants with good ref­erences. Supt.. 8. Heinow its, 139 Johnson ava; te l Terrnqp 9**9.

| HIGHEST prices paid for household goods and furniture In large or small lots; also

office furniture. Court Furniture Uo.. 39 Springfield ave.; phone Mulberry 1999.WE pay highest ca«h pries for household

furniture, any quantity. W#4te or call. Abe Greenberg. 379 P lana a t . ; M arhat 9179. HIGHEST prices paid to r furniture, large

----- - _ . or small qugatlty. M. I.own 19 Southhalf and part-tlma. couples, man, wife. Tel , ptnt9r d ., Orange; phona Oranga 9046.4116 Marhat. _ _ --------------- — -----------


N. CASH. 146 Waahtagtoa st.. phone Market 2880, pays highest prices for ail kinds of

household g'»oda ai d furniture.





SHADES- We have «n opening In our shade department for a girl who t* ab’e to work

Ktewing machine App y R H Muir, Inc. I r M Prospect ct*.. East Orange.

1 on ai.iall hard J>)er«? work. A.p- 44 Shipman at..

•49MLDEKKRS. experteru ; eotdernig ; good p»y a r

J)ly Unique Metal Work aPUlM, r o ne

I H A D K I S u n r . t r d , e x p e r i e n c e d «<n ivory -hiK lone; gowa c h a n c e t o e a r n big money.

“ * | | g Market at.| ^ | | | p y £ r o « Button i V . 397 _ gliU'r■'-■WfMA W OPrr.rt A »«)HS wants M p | n 4 children's h»ts 240 Cl

^.floor, Jeraey



l i J P i S R SEWING .MACiilNK OPERATORN ’gran ted. Rattrhba< h -Gol«l*m lth t 'u. . 1 V St.

im.\;t ^ a*)cie at|#;"^|ft,EPHONK o i 'h iAToK. With knowledge

Of t y p e w r i t in g Addr eee O p e r a to r , Box H.News offi

j CtHK RK—1 >ply be 1 n o t

| t nut(i Th e a t 'w d s r ^ r « •

thirty and-jgftW. who have e 'Slng abll :y. t' ptmuneraUv, t»ui dii.y n-at^r ai J

vtufore monopoiixed H> men: act -••edge of materials no? e«^ant)al. vv< : you; drawing accotm $39 p*r w**-»k ’.lour qualific.j and if you ba>«

. mddreeg for appointment P o B* Newark. N .1

«en-re wanted. Ap- . wu M re McArdle.

ilucat I »n to ente

i ( r'd.

WOMEN preferably In cat et erif>. tht* w

Bppllcante with the ‘ be «wndde-ed

narried; for floor abort hour v ork .

•ery best qualtfb'x

__ __ rife (white), to do work of a Ihouse for family of two. Apply Mra F. 8 I

. Turnbull, Highland a v e , or Cr set moor rd . J i Montclair; phona 773.I i ik 'x ANDWOMICN •t.n l'a : m ,k , l i i ts

$199 weekly celling household necessity. j I sells feet; sample free. F C. Gale Co., 1*4 ' i ^ toboeo st., Boston^ -I Ha M and wife to take care of small apart- |

m-nt house. Dr. 8trauesberg, 6*5 High at.' TY IGf»TR^Ea7n $23“ $1 »9 weekfyTapa' re time.

copying authors' manuscripts. Write R J. j Carnes, authors' agent. Tallapoosa. Ga . for ; particulars ___ ______

| E M PL O Y M EN T W A N T E P -M E Ni ACCOUNTA^l1. book-keeper, auditor, manu [ facturlng coats; sixteen years In reapon.'t- 1 ble position with large corporations a-Kurea 1 ealtsfactory service In difficult, responsible 1 positions: excellent record and Indorsements.

Addre*s Dickson. Box I4J. Newa office.! AH8I8TANT MANAGER wishes position as

he«d waiter or captain in first-claaa hotel or reataurant; best of reference; open for engagement on or after May 1 A B . care K. FUm her. 642 Bergen at , Newark, phone Terrace 1814. __AUTO MECHANIC, trouble man; first-ela*a

tune-up, carburet*.* and ignition man, Cod oad man. 12 years’ experience Ad ilros M 8.. Box JO, New# office _ ACCOUNTING, audita, systems, tax reports.

Investigation!) J . F. S m i th , ro om 1109, Ordwxy l>idg., N e w a rk , p h one 9949 M ark e t .

'A C COU NT ANT , u n iv er s it y g r s d u a t e . seeks office space In r e tu r n fo r p r o f "rab'nsl aer-

■vIces A(l«lre s K N . Box 159 N ew s office Bt.>OK-KBErV;R. 1 s^hfe r. offi ce m a n a g e r .

mbid.e-pge.t man with 55 years’ experi­ence in office w»rk. competent to take fu<l

.charge. ('. Dirk, 42 Columbia ave.. tei. Market 4645 g|CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, whits; 9 years' ex-

perlenee. desires position; private family, city or counirv; thoroughly experienced on all makes of cars, first-class personal raf-arence_Apply. F h Box 64, Orange.|']|AUFFEUR, Swede 22. re<'ently arrived.

desires position with private family j me- • hant*-. careful driver, willing to be gen­erally useful. Rohm. 199 William st . N»w Yjrk^ H___CHAUFFEUR, handy with toots, dealrea po­

sition. private. Addreaa C II . Box 179, News offica.CHAUFFEUR desires position with private

cost $299; parlor suites for 969. coat $209; e have a full lino of all kinds of furniture.

ruga, carnets, dressers, chiffonnlera. $4 up; special price for bungalows. It will pay you to look us over before you go alaewhara.


F U R N IS H E D H O U S E S P O N SA L EEIGHT rooms; «U improvements, with 6

rooma rented out; good Income; furniture in first -claaa condition; residential section.Address M . J8ox 111, N e w offica._____ ___BEAUTIFUL home, ten rooms, all Improve­

ments: completely' furnished; expenses covered: long lease. Addreaa O n tra l. Box 2. Nows office.

10-plece walnut dining room eulte, $14*, worth $809; 19-piece walnut dining ro<m suite, $219. worth $490: 4-piece walnut bed room suite, |119. worth $399; dreamers and chiffonnlera $9 up; buffets, china closets, library tables and alt other furniture re­duced to half price. Call and see our prices before- buying and save dollars. jAT ONCE—Must be sold at a sacrifice. 1

contents of an almost new house of fine I furniture, ruga; separately or together; I

1 good chance for couple starting housekeep- | Ing Call today and Sunday, dealer. *6 .

1 South Thirteen th st. |: AT~A BARGAIN If sold quickly, practically I

new parlor, dining room, bed room, living i mom outfit player-pin no. ruga, curtalne, : I portieres, kitchen outfit, phonograph, etc., I

•ell separate or together. Call today and 1 tomorrow. 19 Mercer at., near High.

TEN ROOMS, centrally located, completely furnished; all improvements. with long

teaaa Address P., Bo» 1>*. Nawa office.

HOUSES, 9 rooms, Ogden at., near Third ave.; $26 monthly, same aa rant, and $409

cash buys same; why pay rentT Coma to office and talk It ever: bring deposit. Beyer. 59 Court st., above Broad; open evenings. ROOMING. 36 Eighth ave., corner Broad at ;

16 rooma and bath; a number of rooma already rented; rent reasonable. Apply F. J. Kngelke, Wilkinson. Gaddis 9 Co., 95 Park- burst s t . elty. ____ ______

APARTMENT. THE RIDGEWOOD.Five rooms and bath, second Door; two

.rooms on Clinton av a front; heat, hot water and Janitor service; to childless Gentiles only; rent $44. $•• Clinton a v a . cornerRidgewood ava__________ __________ _ _ _ _ _APARTMENT. Drat floor; 7 rooma and

foyer; Janitor service; hot w ater throtMh- out the year; good for dwelling or profes­sional. At Falrvlew Apartments, corner Oiln- ton and Farley av aa ; call Waveriy 4616.



value; 4 rooms and bath , living room.15x14; bath room tiled to colling: master bod

PP Pl ________- -oom, 14x1*. Apply Dr. St reuse berg. 649BALLANT1XE PARKWAY SECTION—One- • j l g h s t __________________________________

• APABTM KNT-Tl.r« II«MCORNER bouse, 96 Rldgvwood ave.; eight

rooms and bath; all improvements; withor without garage._Phone Btgelow *777.__UP-TO-DATE 4-room house on Sandford

ave ; $85; April 1. Inquire 569 South T w elfth et.: Terrace 3462.APKiL 1—Vailsburgh, #3

rooms: all Impta ; rent J U. Spawn, 389 Grove at.

Finlay p i.; 4 966. Inquire

SEVEN-ROOM house to lot. with improve­ments; $33. 47 Pennington a t . Newark;

B a e r . _______________________________

of ftvo largo light rooms; iloctrlo furnished; Jaaitor ear- nonable. U r,. WUllanu. M l




HOUSE. * or 7 rooma with atoam and elec­tric. and garage; Newark or Irvington

Address W N . Box 31. Nowp office.

FU R N ISH E D H O U S E S T O L E TFURNITURE" of 9-room house. $i>$99;

houea can be rented a t $66 month; all impta : 6 min. Broad and Market. O.,433 Elm st.. Arlington. _____ _ ___NINETEEN-ROOM furnished house; can be

used for rooming purposes. Inquire Metropolitan Lumber Co., 19*6 Broad at., New_arh.___ ____________ __ ______________ _


FOR RENT, furnlehed, June 1 to Sept 16.$109 month, dear tittle semi-bungalow, prt-

va'e clay trnnie court a ttached; 9 rooms, all conveniences, 3 bad rooma. summer screens porch and house, grand piano, gar-

UAHGAIN—For your reception hall; a very den apace. 6 minutes Ampere Station, church.dd black walnut hknd carved old an- shops, theater; recently painted and deco-

Ique chair for sale, price $29. Phona rated 119 Ellington s t . East Oranga. N. J ..Smith 449R West fluid, N. 3 .____ _______ phone Orange 7789W.______________________BRAS* BED l i f dark oak buffet $1S; J FOR RENT—Amply fam ished for light

R ich a rd so n A Boynton combination coal I homekeeping, two rooms and bath ; olOc- .1 ml $ aa range |59. Ampere, phone Orange l Dl** U#ht, heat, hot and cold water; in new 4*54M 1 house, saving fireplace and large closet;

; ----- i.— ■ — -■■•—■■■ | Newark bus pAanes door; suitable for oneBUFFET—-Oak finish, 912. Ellison, 194 <>r ^ 0 persons; for week-end* or per-

South Twentieth au_____________________1 manent Addrcua Poatofflce Box 383. Pomp-ton Lakes,

BY May 1; 6 or 7 room houaa, In reftnad section; modern improvements; with ga­

rage. Address O. B. C.. 243 Wavarly ava.,Newark. ____________________ ' ____SIX or '7 large rooms to ren t; ail improve -

ments; garage; Vailsburgh preferred; rent reasonable, Phona Ma rket 9169R. ________

T 0 L E T — O U T O F T O W N

COLONIA—Ten miles Newark, main line.Pennsylvania, half mils station; on oloc-

trie lighted macadamized road; top of hill, high, healthy, pleaaant; excellent neigh­borhood; ted-room frame house, slate roof, ail improvements; garage; chicken house, flowers, fruit; year lease required; |69 par month, also 12-room house, 979 monthly. Addraan K.. Box *1, N o w officaEAST ORANGE—Move righ t in; 19-room

house; residential location; all Impress­ments; only $1*0. one-family #

Six rooma, $69. ail improvamanta.Four rooma. $60; you can 't boat thaos.

Open evenings.MORRIS RffiALTT,

REGULAR BROKER.US Main s t . East Orange; Oranga <994.

Night Phono Orange f»T3.

rooms and bath, with every convenience moderate rent; corner Lincoln ave. and Mayat._A pply xuparlntendent ow premises.APARTMENT of f! ------

atoam and electric vloo; rant reasonable,Broad st. , B. J*._*434._____________________APARTMENT ta now two-temUy house; $

rooms, tun parlor, extra lavatory; r tr* !* ; a t 171 Lehigh ava Call M arket 47*9 orWavarly 9491.____________________ ________APT.—Largs, jight 7-room ap t.; every Im­

provement ; garage If desired 63 Baldwin at., oa* door below High at.; phona Marks: 1194. ___________________________

five rooma; improvements; Hunterdon st., near Fifteenth a v a In ­

quire 99* Fifteenth a v a , c ity ; Thq Hill Realty Co,FLAT, aeven rooma; all -Im pta; *Po4alor

at . n*ar EllMbeth ave.; aduttn only. In­quire 13* South Fourteenth et.1LAT—7 rooma and bath; all Im provnaonti;

newly decorated. 285 South R ghU i at., city.FERRY ST. 12*—Four largo, light

wash trays and gas; newly painted Zemel, *2 Vincent at-

ii* .

p Xir m o l n t AVK.. »»!—• « H I M ; a t C prove manta except atoam; $49. Inquire lr t

floor.HILLSIDE AVE, 194—Pour rooms and

bath; all Improvements; boat furnished; possession May 1.

FEIST * FEIST.73* Broad of._____________ M arket $$94.

HUNTERDON ST., 174, corner South Orange avo.—Five-room apartm ent; nil modern

Improvamanta; all bright outside rooms; pos­session April 1; reduced ren ta l Inquire Janitor on premisesHOBSON ST., I t, cor. Bragaw ava.—Plv*

light rooma and bath : all Im p ta; atoam heat; new house; rent *44; garage on prom ­ts**, $1. Inquire Frank Zwlgard, I t Porterpi , Tel Wav. 141*._________________HIGH 8T . 624—Pour and 7 rooma; nil Inioot

Im pta; garage on premise*; central loca­tion^ possession Immediately. Apply gup*. HIGH ST., *90. corner Court—First-class

apartment; seven rooms; nuitabto te r doc- tor's studio or private family.__________IRVINO APARTMENTS. 334-319 BROAD ST.



APARTMENT, high class; *2 Milford avo.; 6 ropma, foyer hall, every Improvement;

adults. Phone Waveriy * 4 7 4 . ___________APARTMENT—3 or 7 roem sf Sherman a v a ;

will decorate; rent $99 and $44; no heat. Inquire 14 Crawford st.APARTMENT; second floor; 7 rooms; all

iihprovemonts; janitor service. Apply flrat floor, 211 Verona ave. _______APARTMENT of five rooma; all latest Im­

provamanta. Inquire supt,, *9 Broad at.; phone Humboldt 4l*7.APARTMENT, Nprth Fifth et.. 443— Four

rooms aad bath; electric; Just being dec- orated; rent $34.ATTRACTIVE 4-room apartm oat; all modem

Improvements: jan itor service; newly deco­rated. Columbia “Court Apartments, 49

AVON AVE, 41—Two unfurnished rooms;all Impta; telephone; business lady pre­

ferred; Mock to Clinton and Elisabeth avaa

APRIL 1; aeven largo, light rooms ta Ms- family brick apartm ent; electricity; hot

water supply all year around; atoam ; JaaKor service. 62 Chester earn.; apply Janitor- APRIL 1—Bight rooms, newly decorated; all

improvements; two-family house. Call Sunday, 277 Peshlno aye.APRIL 1—>riVE~NlCB ROOMS. 341 WAR­


KA8T ORANGE—Exceptionally fine location near Park and W ashington ate.; 12 rooms

and two baths; May 1. See

perfect order; possession

! rONTKNtS of beautiful ten - room home; everything solid mahogany. including

Ivoir enamel b»*U room seta, twin bode, good ms new, can not be duplicated today; unless

< interested In high clam furnishings do not apply. * Orange 799>W.

1 'CONTENT# of throe-room apartm ent; al- | moat new; must be sold a t once, reason-

abler wo dealers Stine, 44 Baldwin st.____1 CABINET ta*~ixnge. Ice box, child’s white | mantel crib and white go-cart; all U* I good condition Inquire 142 North Day st..

Orange. - . . .DINING roo m a r t modem mahogany,

j Phone Orange 4294 for appointro<mt.____r im s a l b -Sd a t 5 e d ; b a r g a i n : no

DEALERS INQUIRE B U lT . 192 ROSE-| VILI E A V K .______ ___ ___! ' GAS. COAL AND OIL 8TOVB8 j Porcelain, enameled and Mack combina­

tion coal and gas ranges; atoam. hot water 1 heaters, laundry stoves; also repair* of all

makes. Stove Repair Corporation. 194 Mul*


On* large adults and

J., Lake Mueconotcong— room, bungalow; suitable two

wo children; $179 eeasoa. FIVE-ROOM bungalow; $229 eeaeon.

GEO. A. MAYLAENDBR.737 Bergen at., Newark.

BELMAR—Naw to the tlm* to pick choice locations for renting of 4 and 4 room fur­

nished bungalows: city water, gas and elec­tric light; rental reasonable. Wade, 131 Main s i . Beat Orange.BELLEVILLE—Six or eight room house;

furnlehcd; ail improvements; large porch; $*4: references. Apply 197 Ds W itt ava,a fter 6 P M _______________MY TABOR, N. i —Six-room summer

home. completely furnished: electric

EUGENE A. KELLY.Opposite Bast P ran g s station.

VERONA, not far from trolley, highwa)— Old farm houss,

tngs and the use at several acres of land; I rent $1,900 per annum, from April 1; lease

for one year with privilege of another year. For further Information apply to Barnette Smith. «ol» agent. 393 Bloomfield ava, Verona, N. J.MAPLEWOOD—8 rooms and bath la ssmU

detached house; modern house; steam heat; convenient to station and trolley; with

■ garage space for l car; $99; possession May '

BALDWIN AVE.. 49—4 beautiful rooms and large (oyer; host resi­

dential section of city; Immediate possess Ion. Inquire on premia**

BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartm ent; Am t S5l section; 193-149 Second a v e ; and 4-room

apartment, 99-lei Second ave., May I oc-cupaaoy. Phone M arket 4494. __BEAUTIFUL 7-room, modern apartment,

all Improvement*, for rent. For tnspse- tin t call at 143 Clinton a v a ; for Informa­tion call Waveriy 3349.


ApplyS I 1 j f r - - K ‘

l / n r r m in u r~mt i *-wy i inn w n n yiivmtwt . , r . —- _ . , , , , ,family, city or country; 14 ycara* expert- | berry at , Newark; phone M sraet

years old, white, do own repairs references, hlgh-claee care. Addreee

C., Box_I7l. New# office.UFFEUR (colored), sing!

GAS RANGE $8:wardrobe $11: quartered oak pedestal dining tabt# $39: couch, mattress

$*; two single Iron be<l«, mattresses. $6 each; 4 iron bed. mattress $7. 194 North Walnut,

YUAN 1 to do p.iiin rook|^Li$tsqp first floor in order; no 'M id i.; feint1 y four adulta. breei

6:29. lunch a t noon. Put ‘‘•P h tw Ael>ury I’m rk in sumnper. wa ’ yr^*te*!cea required. Addreaa C , I . office.

w a n te d to d o fan c y w o r k 1 Yi. f p a r r h o u r s . m a t e r i a l f u rn t e h e

: a ta m p e d en v e lo p e b r in g a pai p ^ ’nderw ood A r t t 'o inpa tt y ,^fiteu th . O'‘ ili’OMAN. m ld d c-axo<i •• V pe r cu re d .

care of two hildren, dealn Jmbking for and

M Sforsbee* PhoOr

years’ % iron position - East Orange,

U t . 99 Oak •any* 432J. 1rhiTe». with 1* ?tout h Orghg*.________ \_________

position with g a s RANGE, cabinet, first-clsad csndlttdh; iMet reference*. I Cheap. Inquire 123 Booth Twedty-flrst «t., we office. j rvlngton

GAS RANGES (3). in food ceadltlea; bar­gain; mast be sold. Janitor, 4 Center at..

lights, running w ater; fi.S gp caah.Geo. W. Earl.________________ _FURNISHED country cottage, near station*

lake; hour out: tSI Oct.; also cottage, Sullivan County. Va Nesq Poreptoa, N. J. MONTCLAIR—* rooms, 2-oar garage; a t ­tractively furnished. June or July to Oeto-

ber. $ 169 month. Phugo 7*9 Montclair, SUMMIT—Seven-room'llhows on Woodli

ave.; Aprfl to October; moderate rant. ft$R.


^tO H-WigSJinomlng ex«'«pt

b e H B

liM i . i l i l ! 111111 ■HBflBMi Iswi

i will »* t»prw«r iat« *00,1 }!io*n**ion* O' t nil 340 Irving ave..I764JA*eist w ;th houo work every»Ptln* s<andiiif from 8 t » 12.and «ffcfcin*.. Vail•burgh see-to 3 CVcninfa . JMItchell 1798>ekee»'«*r "for fa ml ly of four.s ntgh < 0 or make honie withgea; ha V* r-al home Ilf*

timatn* on butldinga garages, *»c.; teh- < btng aqd repair work M arket 747*; H art- ! m**' ^ . * .

CARPENTER and Vull4#t wants work; new ! or alteration. M. Nleffen. St Abbotsford I ay#.._ctty; rail Market >383. j CifEF—Good all around French chef; arl-

vate lnn>tutlon or rceiaqfuitt; best rerer- I enrea Address Chef, box 1$, News office.

<«• I OA8 RANOK t i r M l,; *«T *o«4 - '■ h .. _w«;;lor. | Call w .lM t. l , . >«« FnW W « - • ______

J___________ 1 OEWWIWB Ort«at»l T O th row rt«M. »IMvante work

..Wages; have real home___ _______;4rW<J9I1H* w ktite-i. a few avaiiable vaca

f a r t t r t i i 0®#»,iwv k ■ h « .» _

m *

m m m r i m Ugkt factory work $KTie. 4 p. M The Insel Co ~


DRl'GGiST'S. relief clerk, experienced; sev­eral days a week ofu-n. Phone Waveriy

8411. «

I P l i J l J'Jwanted for- ^gged home; -dDhite'

i M 13S ^ p E "te


hours 9 >A { GARDENER, head, married, aged #4, one 299 South e t.; I *>oy 8 years, wishes position on geafle-

man's private place; life experience ta flow- I tra, greenhouse, vegetableq, fruits, lawns

and livestock; first-clam references. Johnhousework; Mrs. B. F.

sm rw .,

H R Whtesn ave., NewarkwhiteC to take home einaH wash.

_ tamily; Bast Orange. Address Box *4, News off tea.

! Ewoaea. 139 Ridgewood ave. Glen Ridge, M. J.

__ iA lf, OtmmUmt. middla-agad; goodpjreterence; general housework; family of

T 1 . |?” F OrABM_________B F 3 B O e S ? K r* '* « rk - m M . trSST i

j>*r weok, no colored. f$R

Mro daye a Weak, waskiatg a n d ! MMmNfe'i rthaK family. Address P. D. q .,

" "v * 'due' 'or

d ly s a week. Addrsaa Weequakic.

■fl u* h d M T tfe re iiO . H d VaL» ! ■ ■ £ _ _ _ _ _i _ m

r w iAVE.,w s m m ^ F .

m m a a c wW EibNdwS • steady tios with private family; experienced.

. N , 3»9 Main el.. Meet (.Range, ' LAWYER with egi4*ldlYe iHhl M W lfM > I t -

siree connection with good law firm enhefd he eaa handle tria l work; not looking for ordinary opening, as V have been practising •uccensfully for three yearn. Addrees X . F.. Box 1*1, N e w qffIMh..- ,.r ’

MAN. experienced, wants position aa route talesman or collector; can drive Ford ear.

A ddref C- M„ Rex Ik, News offica,MA^. lfc. dertree > e t 4 * i » ^ a day aqfrt4* • work; compensation reasonable.

M k H , Xdwat •' .:• r i f l l x i l i i M t ’. t x w i a L

wants work: dayand .guhYMliaed

8<>uth Orange; phona I34W South Oranga

LARGE combination gas and coal rang*.with two overhead gas ovens and extra

coal oven, almost new; mu«t sell an urn are moving; price $126. Call 77 Van Ness pi., Newark. , ......LA ROB family *Ue, modern ga* range;

large iron bed: small refrigerator; excel- lent condltloo Janitreas, I»» Milford avaLADY, leaving town, tW ••!! Aeolian

Wheelock player piano and cabinet, with 199 rolls; cost over *990. for 92*4 caah; other furn!ahingii; no dealer* Saunders, 493 Central ave,, Newark. .LEAVING the city, must dispose ef house­

hold articles: ad so roll-top office desk and chair 73 Farley ave.MOVING—Mtut ecu new smooth top gas

range, gas (date, ga* dome, parlor rag, ha)} rack, stair carpet, runners, matting. Englander couch, brass bed, springs, hath cabinet, etc.; price* very reasonable. Dun- ham, 2*6 Qeraids at.OAK dining room table, for sale ___

able. Chit 799 Hunterdon s t . near Run*yon id.; Iffldrif . . .OAK extension table, side board and six

chairs; cheap tf SSld quickly. >91 C3ev land aL, Orange.ONK THATCHER t t rang# and one Rich-

ardaon A Boyntew, cheap. 77 Bergen it.ORIENTAL B7K68 to t Mde. prtvateiy. ■ M Evergreen pL. Item Q»angs.


tef-M rnm m -

wants work: day or.Antos^aimdW: TTi ZniKR'lNte M . pPa m t o e Q;1 !

OtaftterlML 'BkMft'' 'TjfT TkiMIliiltn-'’’' 7*<nh ; . Fi f t eent h >ny^.reoig,; j f t h

I j»ftOV]DE.«rr m l H a m ta r mH», 8 U .1 M ir . t | i WwiiW M ' vWMM. i a

g w iW Q M A crilH ib; H W tt?| m d WatMW M I . W M W Mw jjww m m . . .n ln , . - U J lltfc i f , ; Wat. *w l.•iWtN<> 'M A C H p ir ' dr,»RM 4, U- c«n

I n t iu ir , <U n S r o i i s l i t t M t t ■!.. M tr [ •M tfc OrTOM AM- U flMT. . . IIB V lN PIRCK diiUM TWHs Mt. ramM H k ;

r n m m t i S i

i K a U d



W i s m b tor the summer, furnished coua- try hou#*, with tetnmvemsntn; garden

and gskrage; state rental aad number of room*. Addreee R. 3 , Box T*. Nowe offlea.

FU R N ISH E D H 0 I E E S F O R S A L E O R T O L E T - S E A S H O R E


Opp. R. R. Depot.See us for beat offertagn In enttngen f i t

gale or re n t 1_ Furnlahed, for erxeen 1933.

po I n t p l b a s jG^t . n . j . 1r.Summer cottages and bungalosra, aesekerq

aad river front properties; also eholee It•tad cottages for sale. For particu lars In*

H Fan Camp. *39 Arnold avs,*quire o.tfl. 133.3F.ASHORE COTTAGE. Monmouth B tw K

Ocean ave.—Ocean frontage; fully fin*- alahed; all impVa; garage: near station; rent for season; self very okaan; or wl- M&nf h • M/ytehMte. *44 E. tW k mT, Mt H B lBOARDING house, 3S eleepera, furnlehei.

including linen, silver, dishes; Ocean Grove, overlooking ocean; term*, $lt,989; srttt rent «ix months. 31.599; your agen t’ or owner. I t Otto at.. Ocean Grove. N. J. '■1 r" MlMJRY l»AltK AND V lfe W lf t ....r

BUMMER COTTAGES.w r a i t f 4 ( f t . •■Tit BAW I AVE.,


• S u ? *‘i n r a m n x X " 1 * "


; r w a H T i w l& n u H a ■USam"" p u S S rwf«M, C 1 i.'i 'XK:s n S g g r g - i j r i a

The J. CHARLES O’BRXBM CO..Opp. Sta tion, South Orange; Tel, E. O. 119. i i -ROOM house, for large family* hoarding •or rooming; 4 minutes from train ana

trolley; 3 baths screened perch; large ga­rage; ail modem Improvement#; flret-clae* condition; occupancy April L RhoneOrangu S434J; 27 North Maple ave.. East Orange.SOUTH ORANGE—-Beautiful 1-family houea;

7 rooma auti parlor, e tc .; moat modern Im­provements; eeteet neighborhood; 934 Hill­side ter.. 3 block* from D., I* A W. R. R. Station; term* to suit. Apply Simon A Mantel, attorneys. Q iH*» bldg., Newark.HOUSE—19 rooma and bath, btnam heat;

all Improvements; on Groenwood ave., near Grove *L-station and trolley; May 1; rent $196.« MUCH MORE BROS..

14-14 Baton pl . East Orange.WEST CALDWBLIa. N. J.—Atwactive coun­

try home, 19 rooms and bath ; all Improve­ments; I t acres ef land, large barn, apple orchard, gardens, soma woodland aad brook

BEAUTIFUL K-foom ap t.; steam aad hot water; latest Impta.; must he seen to be

appreciated. Apply Apt. No. 1, 199 d in tea pLBEAUTIFUL four-room apartm ent. Inqutre

Brovyna* 314-317 Clifton ave.. city.BURNET ST . 31, nea r O range wL. N ew ark

—Six rooma; h ea t, hot w a te r; $94. In - quire W ell; phene H um boldt 4993.M l M k ST . $h—F ive room a an d t e l ^

all Improvamonta except s tea m ; ren t $49. R ing —send floor b e lt BELLEVILLE AYE.. 391 H t t e em >pnrt-

m eat; all im provem ent s ; re n t reanonnhia Inquire Janitor.iiW S fT H S 5 $ * N tAfcXikFAYETTE E Y ^


IF you can not find r e o a a we nan atere year furniture in locked reem a $$ up:

large padded vans. F. W. Serbs, Ins., I I Washington ave., Irvington; tel. W ar. §931. JOHNSON AVE.. 191—Six-room ap t.; oa let

floor; all Impts.: separate heater: posses­sion April 1; rest >51._Call Wav. 4134.JOHNSON AVE., I l f —Seven rooma: all tm-

provemants; rent 991. Apply Greene, ea premise*; phone Waveriy 3443.LITTLETON AVE.. between South Orange

and Thirteenth avee.—Seven nice, large rooms, separata laundry; all Impta. Inquire 237 South Orange ave-, Newark; top floor LINCOLN AVE., 23— Six rooms and bath.

improvements; newly decorated; adult* only. Addreas^F. _U., Box 12, Nawa office HURRAY ST., 47—Two large rooms, water.

gas, electricity; quiet house; cars and Jitneys nearby.NEW YOfBt AVE.. J : ,—Six* rooms; mod

era Improvements; rent reasonable. PROSPECT*COURT, l i t Mt. Prospect a v a —

Apartmoat has been occupied by doctor ten years; 4 rooms, bath; all I rap u .. t ie $1$; ready May 1. Inquire Janitor or phoneMarket >743._______________________ _____ *PENNSYLVANIA AVE.. 149—Six rooms';

•team heat. Inquire Loebcl, l.*0 Mark*; at.; phone Mulberry >3}6.PHYSICIAN wishes to share apartm ent with

elderly lady or young couple. Addrees K., Box 61, Newa office.ROSEVILLE, Myrtle Apartm ent. S Myrtle

ave.—Five rooms and A ath; heat: Janiter service; April 1; $74. Supaftnteadeat. or C, K. Shipman. 843 Ernes building. ROSEVILLE. IM N*rtfe Fifth ■rt.-4M .nd

floor; I robma; steam, electric aad query Improvement; April 3. Kynor A Unger, $13 Prudential building.ROSEVILLE—Second flat, two-fam!ly; elec­

tricity, gae, heaters; adults; Y Address Pro tea. Box 199, NewsROSEVILLE AVE.. 33*. near Lackawanna

■ta.—3 rooms/ bath; modern; I exposu res; vacant April or May 1. Apply supt. ROSEVILLE. North Fifth i l l —T w . U r* .

rooms for light hous ekeeping; Improve­ments; all conveniences.____________ROSEVILLE section, I rooma ba th ; Steam

heat; electric light; $4*. Addreee W. K., Bos 139, Nows offlea „_____________ .ROSEVILLE—Two or 3 room a all Improve­

ments; suitable for business couple. Inquire Market 3114.___________________________ROSE 8T.. 31—Four rooma p a rt Improve­

ments. Inquire » Stratford p t ; ■»« » •BIX rooms, high class; all modern improve­

ments; a t 39 May st.. ketwsea Lincoln and Summer avaa Inquire Janitor a t p»m leea or sail owner, Wavsrty 2334.BIT rooms snfl tisth flrxt floor in n fgmli j

konst; all tmprovemeate except elec­tricity. Inquire second floor, 11*A Quitman at., or phene Orange 741*.SIX rooma, bath; electric, steam ; flnet fleer.

I-family house; near dm^ot, care; WHte le t; $94; vacant April 1. Address Boeevtlle, Bee 111, News office.

d porch; ta len t 3

CLINTON HILL—N i h . rM lM.I w .M f T O M lthbl. for two f.ralltM w M M : f t . ,

noma, hoth w d »~-oh m n « Rm i t a r room , hath aad two » .n > M th ird Oo m : m o m (or on . « tr i now koono. N d » MW W W «*• , _________________CLINTON BILL—Uppor odonmowi la <»o-

fiittly h»dM: Bln. toosm and (two kdttwi .dnltd o u t,: MW t A ddnM A. N.. Box Id, New* office. i

running through property; Immediate pee- aeeston, rent $139. Phone 3*3 CaMweliHOLLYWOOD AVE., 143, H8S*tde— Six

rooms, every Improvement; one-ear ga­rage: handy to stores and transportation; Inspect any time; ren t $74. Fur further particulars -nee Mr. Hopper,

KRAEMERq 77* BROAD ET.SEMI-DETACHED House and garage tit

Watt Orange can be ren ted from .M ap I ;consists ef $ rooma and aftle, with modem Imp!.; convenient to troltey, and D., L A W. Railroad station. 2t i l dp* nags; addrene X., Box *1, News office. £ a KB HOPATCONO—d^ew •te-»5*«n^

lew, Woodpcrt rd ,; unfumtshad, $39* sea- ■eh; furnished. $39#; Map 1 to OfM Mf l i t also six-room house, furnished; garage, gar­den, well water? $3it season. P. & Dsiaucy.Wtmrton. M. R. F. D, Jfs. g .___ INGP1ELD—Heneeid * m am a w T

Improvements; garage; g a rtte iiiv fiwVl chicken house; flan location; near Lacka­wanna station, trolley, naheuts, qp-^-*— *^*'

Farrell, phone tU Mlllburn; stegfteld. N. J. wL F»

SpriniW m

i Cl •• WCI, churches. • ; MorrmtH

. ■ » '****>•mm> mm9499 en^i tNW« M r why M F i m t i

,1.. xhov. BrMd, W tw tatti TOM M M l i ’

m MdCK- 'R ->*, ’EM M ite EU^aswa- ymmmm

n s

tw e -fe m tly l ^ ~ tewihp '

J ta te n h dMONTCLAIR—Nfn#-n

efflee. Meuteimr. - r.’I ju n tu S S

„ IU CMtk C m n t h dL, Sk - s r a i ¥ i n a i i r T s « r S h » ^ran . IdMWto » d . ( m m m i dl*Td--,1 ( MMddWd Id d t .

E S B a E l t *

u d i p i t T O M J h d m

U i » s r i u t ^ - c i * d roMMi « jl"Id d iW M m w <Udt*ddt{ I i w k J. Urimm, W a»«U> TwddWdfR g f

c Q l i l f W "toM ^-Cdddd. » TdWtjT CdWMI « rMWd dMI M th t All I d l t i H d U H ; 0»»-

tlldd. fchxlw. 1H CfcAdwidd m ■ ’ CLINTON H ltA —Tlvd t i l d l dw ltfcdatl dfl

Ixa i d i i w i l i i I W N W > l. l* " d «l ROW I»dWr. I8d Rwnydw «*.

i t i J ^ n w r i v k . u L d M f L f f i H F4 and 8 JW d W f e ld jS rjid e i^ T w f w3 m ? NW l l H I t a « > w i t « — MM. (1IL drMlRMd HttMRholdt H U .

CMIRLEHtlRMT, w r u f M t f n w M u d Klwodd, d* M : • eldud f-fdaa, H tt» t n t w l w W d r a m i \ wwWdi dhhMd. JdjgW d (dwtfdd.(W U M B M AVK.. I t n .x r s m t h ( k u n

aya—Bu a tlN ! W W f *Art 1 twr-lAAtUy hMMt • mawa: Alt tmvrarwiAotx. O w x.r,E S T h m : w5l MArtMdTtW.CLINTON AVK, !«♦ »Wf>d j gddMA WUIM

hiw fdlt tMwly dWArAtddi nwddnti j m i -BrAMh KmaM P»r>-SI , WMt» ; a w f TArh a, a w id'

■COLORKPjdrhAnt.t l And T itUtA. lArtr. ll«Mi■ B B IU Sdrgdw xt . l i n t M M ;

OK LwAh, A».n xr»., ran w r Twrlfthl a d r xxd t AIM MMMI aII MMMa ; hdtM,

MilBddlrtdWT,- WdAXA Awd Wdt WAfTMdddWT. WMtrteity, dtddw AA, dwt waiat* KCW liNj' AhArtin.ht t

AMd; O r. i m m W d iW l WOO dft(iM» t

W lw tF *i m » a IKn o On t■—“ * XMCMWeidW-^

A MM1 a r g e , l lg h t r e e m * ;a l l

SIX beautiful light reemn; _______

Jalet Getftlle neighborhood; c o in _____ _lines; garage; references; adulta. Wa-

vurly 4*3LSIX rooms; ftrrt flear. l-fam lly ir ic k hones;

alt lmpr*usm*ate; steem. 339 Woodalde a v a , Newark;

ligh t airy;

I B r o o w n>dt fiM r. t w , m mkt _ .hit tmptx iM d U d W U M M I Mar S; O.A-

id3G T « t K ldt dwe«d aaa. ; p M d If

d ix hM Alifl m m d, »dw tww-fAmRy h iw i;1--------■**• ------------d h r t f dOddd•very Im»«WTCdMMi M M TOrt n f lw d

ddMMwrMdd; Mdfdldi f f l tM QdfcwM Mr. g tx B o m H iddMd A»d hdth ; M » MdM

A |»rtm «it ho am ; W M j h U ( M i d d y .

&r Iddltfddd i n

ImmAdtAtM.odnd iAVA, KAWATh-

_ roonu. ulAd hAtk, «M payIat, m n r IldlM TlNtt*! haw MWMi M n c f t M

Lwilddlrd. «< 0fA»d W A. Vm i&mbkR.I B i w S i M«r , >th dL, B w OwMw I m i

■U lidUdTddUdld MMwt (HdW dMyi tM , m . y j . ( W f , <8t w attm w .

V * G ^ S rW “ M r S S L T R iD i l d l t t ifa . e a rn s q sn iii a ampfix Idijr^fw iW

Add diM M M Allt TM! .JMdT -----tAi WddilSi

. td mw MdrtAT to m w 8>)dmtly ____ I Ild-W I Oddtfe XMUddCIO dt.j IA-

M w i i i im o > liW d iW rfK ._• _ . ' ■

MaaIat. 1«4 OMOdWitA M » ; .. 'MIX ROOM* Ail I W g Mdldt d M, T aUa-bxrtk MAtlAA . f NAWATk; VAAAAt ARrtl It.dw S fa i. t V m * ■ »* f* * : •— .• •- ■•■■■*--• ■

'dad hAtk; fedd t.fdm iA M i mac.

tatlRO O id AMdywMM j j i m g m wS f m S

n f »AAMd dad m t i » AO i« A»d M th : ^TiI d i n i f n l i WdKwMAddMrt

AVA.. KdWddfc . . . . .in x R cx k M i,M M e w M * w H m M t

g g C M M } ^ g ^ « g g ~ T w ' S r o i

iT MWdCMlt; dL ; KdfMA la m t , M .Sfiw iM ds- dd.: W i i 0 * ,


t t n i O C R A \X , 126—Five rooms and ihou

tn c T i

to r; first floor, sew two-Ixmily P»fWrWBWt>, ) | | May L fiTCKNTH AYR., Iw F tT t rooms, IS Avon

*v*■* * room*, steam boat furnished; Jaai- *>f nervico; rent reasonable. Ter. 1U4.f t r a m d P iK C b a v e . c6 r .^k r c a m d e n

gT- f o u r n ic e l io h t bo o m s . ____FAMILY resilience at Osborn# tor. and

U k t f h «v». 4 room*, ana parlor, tiledMtBs. showers. Instantaneous heater, all iin-

rrovamenta. ready April 1 Apply room M l, I CHatoa at.; Mulberry IMS. ._________

W o rooms to root, all Improvemsntai on m c o m floor. Hammer i t s , near Second.

Phono M il Humboldt .__________________I arse, light room# and alcove, vacant

April 1, a il North Seventh StTWO lars*. .igbt adults 175 > ifbt rooms; gas aad water;

fieeath are.THREE-ROOM tp t _ unfurnished. a ll

ta ip ta , also 3-room apartment; furnished.Sll im pta Apply m Orchard st.__________THREE light rooms; all improvements; secw . ; adults. Phone 571IW MarketTHU PARKblDE. S44 Belmont are — Six

rooms and bath, all conveniences. Apply J* a lte r or call Market H ff THIRTEENTH AVE , 111. corner Bruce si.

—Pour corner rooms, rsnt 924. Inquire I f 1 Bruce i tf t TO-DATE I room apartment, large bath

room with shower; sen parlor, new house; parquet floors; vacant May 1. S79 Parker£ ■ - cl« r ___________________________UP-TO-DATE 4-room apartment. alt light.

Airy rooms. I Hunterdon ter.; phone Ter­raco 2P1i 'W i r V l o o r two-family house. 10 rooms.

2 baths, sll latsat improvements, rsnt res - 51 Homestead Park.so nab la.VAILSBURQH SECTION

Apartment, first floor. II North Munn Avs. near East Oranga lisa; newly built house, in t eat Improvements, tiled bath: par­quet floor; beautiful sun parlor, private gsrage, now ready for occupancy; rent 1100. V A tiffet'H O H SECTION “7» D . , t u

near South Orange ave—I rooms, tiled hath, Baa kitchen. 2 porches, windows fully Mreened. sll im pta . rent 966. April 1. Oh flat lane Inquire j l r s t floor.▼ All------^ H ’A lU B U nG H BECTION—Sandferd ave.. nr

Weet Clinton ave.. 2d fl., 8 rooms, bath, parquet flooring; garage; wonderful location, hew bouse; |100, Christian family. Wav. • I l lVAILSBURGH—New two-family house, five

rooms tilod bath, flrep.ai«. g&a ki*cli*u. Sit latest Improvements; garage. 102 IsaBella ave.__________________v X n S m -R o H —Ptve rooms.

H E f U l lor to v n h

APARTMENT, g _jan ito r service; M i; f r e t

ply Q rssfe ; tal MM Orange^ x ia r s r s s i

0 B E I t—n ™ t K w t MV two-fam:lrhouse; two sua parlors; all Improvement#.

41 Division a v e . BeileviUaARLINGTON—4 rooms, all im pta; parquet

floors, garage if desired, admits; 140. Ad­dress Lot. Box its . Nows office.A R tlX Q fO N . i f 7 Davis a v e —five r eam s;

second Door now 2-faally house, all im­p rovem ent^ adults._________________ _____

AMPERE BECTION. East Orange—I rooms.hath, large sun parlor; all modern impta.;

separate steam heater. 2d floor. 2-family house. 147 Fourth ave ; a valla bit April 1. BRICK CHURCH—W!U 1m m n . b a iillM

boms, hjgh-ciass !n every respect, two______ tptlarge, sunny rooms and bath, unfurntahed;

adults, breakfast aad lunch can ha or*ranged: convenient to station; references. Orange !M 1_______________B EA l'TIFUL five-room apart meet; large,

light, airy rooms, large foyec; all im­provements, fine location; convenient to tra in aad trolley; May 1. 42 Park ave.,Bloomfield, see Janitor.______________BEAL'TIFUL. now 4-room apartment; sea

parlor; improvements; M minutes New York, near Erie station. C. Bassett. I t Osborns at . Bloomfield, N. J ; phone 12I2M. BElX lV IL U X —Tte». r h m i ; »!l Imprsv*-

monte, electric, beat, hot ernter fur nishod. rent |4 l ; couple only- Phone M l#* villa 547 ABLOOMFIELD—Small apartment, suitable

for two. all improvements- in hoaee with owner. Phono Bloomfield I049J.BLOOMFIELD. I I W alaut at.—Five rooms.

all Improvements, new house, separate #n- tranee, private porch.EAST ORANGE, on Booth Parkway—Upper

apartm ent. 2-family house. T rooms, I baths, steam, electric, possession MAy I; ren t $*©, adults only.

WITHINOTON A TIPUN, t i l Mala st . opp. East Orange station

__________ Phone Orange 2141BAFT ORANGE—From May 1. up-to-date

apartm ent; 4 light rooms and sun perch; Janitor service. heat and hot water fur­nished; 2 minutes to Bast Orange Station and trolley; refined Gentile adults only; ref­erences W rite W W McCollum, 50 South Arlington ave.. Bast Orange, or tei. 4IIIM Orange ___ _________

All other “Want” adm ttiaf Wfll be found in following sectionAPAKTKNTS, ROOMS AND FLATS

TO LIT-OUT OF TOWNH O i r r c t a i R —a ta r i - e t i i r * n M -ra M n *»*rt-

m oat. In a ttra c t iv e tw o-fam ily houeo.every modem convenience, large living room with open fireplace, boo beanos, besmed catl­ing ; a rtis tic . a few ententes’ walk to Lacka­wanna aad Brie railroads, stores, trolley, ate.; l i l t ; financial references yeqtttred. Ad-dreee E». Bex 2, News office, Montclair. MONTCLAIR—Second floor apartment. U

modal twe-fam!ly house, centrally located. T room s tiled hath, every tmprevemeet. Ad­dress Owner, ITT Claremont a m , Montclair.

MAPLEWOOD. 24 Burnet at —Upper part of t-fam ily hones, • rooms, extra lava*

lory. all Im pta, parquet floors, adults pro- ferred . May 1, convenient station aad trol­ley. Phone Booth Orn a te 122W.Ne w NOVAK. Six rooms; all impta.; sssse l

floor; w.th or without garage. I t Mai*r*MA_pt. . . -ORANGE. N J . Bsrwye st., 4*. near Brick

Church Btatloa—Five large rooms, perch;all improvements Inqelre Condor ORANGE, corner Perk end Bn yd or s ta —

Five-room apartm ent; 9?#: Ms rooms |T9t May I. Phono Montclair I041R.________ _OJtANOB—Five rooms and b a th ; first fleer

two-family House, |75 monthly; adulta Photo 5TI7 O rangs________________ ___ .

mBfSECOND apartment, t-fam ily hoi one on stroot. every modern Im p

f rooms and bath, rent t i l ; May . . Park auction. a t Central avs. trolley.

MUCHMORE BROS.14-24 Eaton pi.. East Oraaga

tones sain ? 1S5

f i S m r 'o I X S ^ S T l K r a 'K I ^ A r a c r a r a i ,I rooms aad hath; newly decorated; all

ooavealences, near train, trolley; beat, hot water supplied. roat reasonable. Apply

Oraremises to Janitor, or phono owner.-42A _______________SEVEN rooms, f sua pariere. all Improve-

m eets, parquet floor; rent. 1114, includes gas aad electricity. 44 Sunset eve.. North Arlington.SOUTH ORANGE. Finlay and Holland area

—Six-room upper floor of t«<>-famlly house, modem Improvementa Mltte »ll ffttl. NlX RrxSil fla t, all Improvements Byrne,


SA T U R D A Y S•re specie! Real Estate daya in the Evening Neva. Office open eve­nings until 9 o’clock. Copy intended for publi­cation on the following day must be in by Sat time st the very latest


»1 Haisted s t . East OrangeEAST ORANGE—Five-room apartment, one

block fiwm station end trolley; 175 per | m onth, condition excellent. B#e

I bCOND FLOOR 2-family house. 4 rooiI rooms, ilahsd: »

EUGENE A. KELLY, Opposite East Orange station.

Improve­ments; w ith or without garega 11 Valisy

Ft . near Stuyvssant *v#

WBEQt’AHIC, C u .t.r tv» , IM _H lgh-el.t.apartm sn t; new two-family house; reedy

May 1; 7 or 4 rooms, sun parlor. 2 Paths, garage; reference required. Waverly Otlt. W U M JtA H fc, Schaerer ave, 174- --First

floor; five rooms and sun parlor, latestImpta.; parquet floors, awnings, stc., garage If ----------* ’ —desired , reasonable, immediate possession. WEMQUAKIC SECTION—April 1; second

floor; seven beautiful rooms; ail im prove - ■boats; root reasonable 142 Renner ave.; tel M til berrygl 114; inquire 8undsy morning. WEBQUAHIC BECTION—Three rooms and

bath ; for light housekeeping; heat, ^as And electric furnished; for business couplef r two adu lta__367 Shephard avs.WBBQUAHrC PARK— KlghV bteulTlVt

rooms In two-family house, with all modem impto ; garage. May 1st. Call be­tween 2 P. M. and 7 P M . 18 Lehigh ave

I LAST ORANGE. Wtnans st.. t l , Langham • Apt.— Five large, airy rooms; Immediate ’ possession, rent 1119, one block East Orange

Depot.r H 8TIGER,

Main and Harrlncn at*., East Orange.__EAST ORANGE—Upper apartment, two-

family. Sevan rooms, two bath rooms; screened porch, parquet floors; ail improvd menu , excellent location; adults only; poe- ••Mion Msy 1. 1104, 134 South Munn ave. near Central ave Inquire first floor. _ EAST ORANOE—Eight rooms’. Improve­

ments. for one or two famine* or beard- j ing . 95 North Park et., near Dodd st ; North

Park et. Jitney passes. Inquire premises or next door, or Boyer, 44 Court st., Newark; l*t3_M arket^_EAST ORANOE, South parkway, near Cen­

tral ave —Second floor, two-family house; 8 rooms and ba th , All improvements; first- class condition. Real estate department, Fideltty Union Trust Co., Prudential bldg. EAST ORANGE—Apts, in 2 family houses;

5. 4. 7 rooms and bath; 945, 945. |75, Impts . separate entrances and heaters

WEBQUAHIC SECTION—High.class »-r< apartm ent, second floor of new two-family

hsuss; all improvements; garage l t i Pomona avs.WEEQUABTC PARK. Goldsmith ave.. h'j --

5 rooms, sun parlor, high-class now two- family ; parquet floors; fireplaces, garage.S S S Q tfitn c 'S K C T IO S —M.J. 1. ftr.t

two-family: 4 rooms sun parlor, bath. Owner, 14 Nyn sve.. aerond fl'o r. S iR Q U A H IC — H lih -c l.u apartment. six

rooms sad sun parlor; first floor. n*-w house and garage. 121 Lehigh »vp WfS O U A h V - ! EOT IO V—Ft >«

parlor; parquet floors; all latest iqipts.. garage. Waverly 0045.I ROOMS end sun parlor: oil Impta.; ei-

cellent location; poasoaalon Immediately. Ma s ggwal. l i t Ridge wood_ave. r t o w fla t end bath In 2-fatnlly house,

t^nprovements. Apply 21 Seymour t


APARTMENT wanted May 1, five or s*x rooms; a ll Improvements and heat; cen­

trally located; two adults and girl 14. A4Breas B, T.t Boa >4. News office. AMERICAN family, two well behaved chil­

dren 4 and 4, want four to six rooms, Improvements; rent 130 to 940. Address A.. j o t 442, Nows office.ADULT* w ant t or 4 rooms; rent reason-

able. Address H. B . Box 73. News office.MT young business couple; 2 rooms or l

large room with kitchenette for light

ftraM ka•plng; electric; vicinity of North road s t.; s ta ts terms. Address A. R . Box 142, News office.

f o t f p u f T no children, desire 4 rooms, sll improvements; Clinton Hill section pre­

ferred: rsn t not over 240; May !. Address J. H. M Box 157, News office.COUPLET desires 3 or 4 rooms, kitchenette,

hath; May 1; heat and electric supplied; 1st or 2d floor; Roseville, Clinton Hill, Bagt O rangs. Orange 707w _CdUPLE would like flat of fl vs rooms a ith

part im pts. by May 1. Address W B.. Boa 24. Nowa office.

FOUR or five rooms for small family; part improvementa; rent not to exceed 139. Ad­

dress E. Morria, 372 Market st., city. _ fS U tT or five rooms, by middle-aged cou­

ple; p a rt improvements, reasonable rent; about May 1. C. P. R , 17 Clinton et., Belleville. N. J. ________POUR or five rooms; two adults; second or

third floor; locality of Tenth to Bigh- tten th e ta Address C.. Box 197. News of- flear o i i lT room* wanted; improvements; not to

exceed 924; Hill section. 171 Broom# at.; M- Stern Ick. _____

PTVE or 4 rooms, all tmnrovementsr three adults. Christians, Roseville; May 1. Rhone

B B, f i l l ; W K M., 232 North Eleventh st. FIVE or six rooms; improvements: by May

1; adults; rent reasonable. Address A. R , Bog 104 News office.

earn), good locality, convenient to Qrova Mr*-et Sts. end trolley. Tel. Hackensack 424. EAST ORANOE—First floor, two-family

hou*#. 7 rooms and bath; 4 minutes from new Brick Church Station; 974-

MAt K A FALKE. INC.S5> Main s t .. East Orange.

EAbT ORANGE—Vacant, 4 robins, bath;heat furnished, rent 974; 143 Amherst s t.

on# house from Central ave PI.ones Orange 40t< Market 5595 Osia»r A Co,, 774 BrOtd EAST ORANGE—Upper or lower apartment,

two-family house, 7 .rooms and bath; steam electricity, gas: separate entrances; good locality, ronvenlent 200 Amherst »t. EAST ORANGE. South Twentieth st., near

Central ave. --Upper apartm ent; five rooms, sun parlor, hath, garage. Inquire H. Hornecker. 7 7 Centrai_ave., East Orange. EAf*T o r a NGK—Upper apt nqw h'»use, ITT

Fourth ave y seven rooms, including sun ►room. every tmpt . tils bath, shower: 9140; garage if desired. May 1. CoR Oranga 1444. LAST ORANGE, near Harrison st.—-Attrac­

tive apartm ent, five bright, cool rooms and sun parlor; 4 minutes 40 Brick Churchstation. Phone Orange 7077R. _EAST ORAN'OE-—Ooslrabie 5-room flat, seo-

ond floor, two-family house, all Improve­ments; 976. including hast; adulta Geatllss only. Phone Orangs IMIREAST ORANGE,' 441 Park avs.—MBy T;

upper floors seven rooms, bath, pantry, extra lavatory; all improvements, 910. Tols- nhone 5774 M Bloomfield.EAST ORANOE, Epptrt at.—Upper apart­

ment. 7 rooms and bath; occupancy Juno 1; adults only; rent 9104. Including garaga Owner; phone Orange 741._____ *EAST ORANGE. William st.. 144—Fiva

rooms and porch; In high class^aj tnent house, near station; rant phone Orange 4214J.

i apart- 9112 44.

EAST ORANGE. Way ns avs., 4, cor Ban- ford st.—First floor apt. in two-family

house; all impta. Inquire premises after 4; phone Orange 7204,EAST ORANGE—Upper apartment, in now

two-family Bouse. Park ava.; 7 rooms, 2 baths, sll tmprovemsats; garage. Phone4214M Orange._______________________EAST ORANGE. lT* Summit et.—Five

rooms; near Lackawanna Station; steam, electricity, bath ; rent 970; afl Impta. Ersklne.__________ .EAST ORANGE—High-class apartment, six

large rooms; all improvements, one bloek Lackawanna station; rent 945. Phono Orangt 7142 ________ ,__________________________

Two >nnnoetlng rooms; also large room kltchanottf^. running water; housAsopiny.EAST ORANGE. Brick Church sect Ion-

Five rooms, ba th ; first floor, two-family; 141 llalsted st. Phono Orange 4444.______EAST ORANGE. The Hamilton, Munn and

Central uvea —Btx rooms; elevator; toilet and both. 4134. Sm ith; Orangs 407D.EAST ORANGE. Central ava. 154—Five

rooms, every impt ; hoc water all year; possession April 1. Apply Jaaltar.EAST ORANGE—Well arranged light 4-

room apartm ent in new building. 14* Chestnut a t.; phone Orange 4144.

MIDDLE-AGED couple, no chlldran, want thru* or four rooms, with Improvements

April 1; Tw elfth to Twenty-second st.. near Bteringflsld a v a H. Ftgas, 911 Twenty-first jf . , Irvington. N. J. _____________

ONE 4 and one 4 room flat, by May Y rent raaaonabis: city or nearby. Address

M. R., Box 124, Wows office.REFINED couple desires 4 or I room fla t

by May 1. ren t reasonable. Address J. a. Box 24. News office.SMALL refined Hebrew family desires

strictly modera apartment in a two family house w ith garage; good neighbor hoed; answer, giving full particulars. Ad

la. ~ ** fijBox 61,_News office.dfass' Responsible. . ..iMALX^faunity would like hat, 6-4 rooms,

with garage: Clinton HilF sect Ion; rent

Set te exceed 975; for May 1. Addreae R.. lex 129. News office.

TWO adulta w ant two or thro# light unfur­nished rooms; Hill section; impro—g----

Address E. F., Box 162, News office.f s l i l



____ unfurnished housekeeping roomswanted May 1 In Newark or K eany, by

oung couple. Address Mrs. MacArthur, l l C l i --------- *------'laremont* ave.. Montclair.

THREE roam s o r two large rooms; watSr and gae w asted, by mother and daughtar,

by April I I or May 1. Inquire 944 South m t th gl.. f e e t floor.

^'roatnn ' alV lmprovementoT"■ ter twohdu ltt; A pril or May 1. Address B. A..

Box 15. N sw a office.fMBXfCW four rooms; a ll tmpta; rsnt not________ ____ mpta; f

'to exceod 924 or |94 ; April 1. W i a r t f dfff.


i m m n r r s s s r by businsss t n y l i ferJ o y t* Addrsos B. C., Box 42. Mhwo

m * - wr I w M M , b ,tk ; * , ch lM rui m i w « n i » H „ > w » » i > m t

• M T H ) . K W L w a r u n r tm m t at taro- tu n l l r M * « I room, by r.m lly of | Malta; with com* ®" potaHot or taHP _______ __KaS. J p r e i _

hhorhood. Phono R B. 7412, after 2

w x mi n mat tfiroT *..*A „ StaaTSit**WE!H

m ***» r « ^ i

flat. Ro^rUto Mctloo, tlmo imtfcu in k I t e r t ; i t f m i t t j l l w »

M aB te tea . K. J .

z tzx s ss sx( Mr ft refined widowed Indy, Bear

i% UMfornlehed rooms, or wumd with m tu ta s t lady. | at I te . Newu offieu.

WANTED, M ap L about 5 rooms aad hath, Bhftgo gpBteaal, by middls-ogMl C irlatlaife

cauElof fl|Ato r e n t Address D. SL, Box 349.

EAST ORANGE. 2 South Maple ave.—Six- room apartm ent, heat; June 1. Inquire

Doolittle, or phone Montcis ir 144IR.EAST ORANGE, douth Clinton st.—Five

rooms; first (ioor. state family; |2I. Ad­dress O.. Box 357. Naws office___________EAST ORANGE. Wlluam at-. 217—Two-room

apartm sn t; ons block north of ArlingtonAvenue Station. Inquire Janiter.______EAST ORANGE, 34 Bouth Bigmet st.—fw<

... second floor front, rooms, also oomo furnished.

largo, light,mfuraiohod; s' _EAST ORANOE, 24t Dodd at —Second floor;

sevea rooms, all improvements; screened porch. Owner, 4* Ksnmore ttr . , -______EAST ORANGE—Second Beer, six rooms;

all Improvementa; adults only; April 16. 92 S t ‘ -------------1 |Worth Eighteenth at.BAST ORANGE, 24 Christen at.—Pina apart­

ment for ren t; ail outstda rooms; excellent service. Apply httpt.

bath, electricity; steam heat furs:__minutes from Brick Church Station Can be seen Sunday. 2 University pi B u t Or- hngh*_____ _________________ ___________SECOND floor seven-room a par (meat; all

iraprovomahto; two-family house la Or­ange; centrally located; adulta preferred; rent 979- Address A F . Box 167. News office.TWO aportm enta now two-family house; •

rooms, bath, sua parlor, all modern !m restricted neigh hor hood; roat

Dawson av a , Boonton,pro vsm ants 974. F*rod KropiN J . ; phono I I I " __________________‘t'too connecting froat rooms or throe if

desired; second floor, etesm heat, gas and electricity. 26 North Willow et.. Mont­clair.____________________________________

ergo rooms^TWO pleasant, unfurqiehsd. M L... . .very reasonable, phone Orangs HIT.

Central av a . East orange‘fitR E S nice, light rooms; wafer and S j

and two room* on first floor, water and■■na. 425 Burnside st.. Orange.TO LWff. unfurnished or furnlsbai, oneLET,

large room. largekitchen; all Improvementa; rent |22. 642Nye av e . Irvington. M. J-............I ______UPPAR p art l-iam tly house; I rooms; al]

im pta , southern exposure; 444 Chestnut st., Arlington

2 verandas.

VERONA—Centrally loeateX nsar schools and stores. second floor. 4 rooms, bath,

all Improvements; perfect condition; Imme­diate possession; I I I . Carl Mnu, phene Verona 6200._______________ _______

WEST SUMMIT—Throe-room apartment.with ba th , first floor; heat and electricity

furnished, April or May 1; I mlnutea to s ta ­tion; rent 944. P. O. Bo« 111. Summit. WEST ORANGE—Six rooms and bath.

second floor of two-family; steam, gae and electricity; for |40 per month, in fine residential section. ■ M KARAM 4 SONRealtors; phono Oraugo 3441WEST ORANOE, 47 Quimby pi. —Six rooms;

steam heat, electric light, all improve­ments; us* of largo attic Apply Ellison. 132 Nassau S t. New York City; tel. Beck­man 4947.APARTMENTS, ROOMS AND PUTS

WANTED—OUT OF TOWNBCfTNJtrt COtTPLR dM lr, one or two rooms

mnd kitchenette; unfurnished; Hillside or near Bitaabeth preferred; about 930. Ad-drsss M. S., Bax 1-04, News office______F Iv it or ate rooms wsnted by 3 adults In

vicinity of Main and Day eta, Orangs. Address M.. Box 7, News office, or phono Waverly t i l l ,

THREE. 4 or t rooms wanted in Arlington. Call or write. L. A.. I l l Washington ava.Newark! phone 9711 B. B __________

fd U f fy COUPLE would ilk# two or three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping In the

Oranges; rsn t reasonable. Phone Orange1417 R. _________________________________WANTED by couple, four or five rooms in

two-family house, Irvington: all Impta; not to exceed $44. I l l Fortieth at., Irving­ton; Mrs. CurlWa n t e d —F W of 4 or I rooms, inrtng-

ton, near center; May 1; I adults; Gen­tiles Address €1 Millington ave., city, ar 4927 Terrace._____________________.. ,


ATTRACTIVE I room s bath . _ .nicely furnished; heated. 116 Montolalr

ave., cor. Mt. Prospect ava Janitor.modem apart.,


lift—Five or seven beautifully furalehed large, light rooms; all Impta;

BROAD §T.furalehed

garage If desired.CLINTON AVE.. 997—Choice l-reom suite;

private; all improvements; parquet; extras; With or w ithout kitchen. Mrs west.ELEGANT S rooms end hath; nil linens

dishes silverware furnished; hot water; Janitor service. 49 Thomas st.

MT- PROSPECT AVE.. I l l —Largo 2-room furnished housekeeping ap t.; all Jm p ia________ _________ 9m g . . . . . __ imMft;

first floor; private; reasonable. B. B. 1440.APTm 1149 BROAD ■ £—

THREE AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS;ALL FURNISHED; RENT 111 TO 920 IN­QUIRE ON PREMISES OR CALL MUL- BERRY 4414,____________________________ROSEVILLE, Sixth e r a . 321. nsar Ninth

st.—2 or 9 stenm hasted rooms; light housekeeping; convenient location; private heqee.TWO nioe furnished rooms; private bath;

four largo elqoota, steam, elect rlo and hot water furnished; excellent for busineoe or young m arried couple; private family. 242 (Hove i t . near South Orange ave.TWO rooms and bath: kitchenette: all

tmpta.; furnidhed or unfumlshsd.yll Psnn- syivanla ave.; inquire Janitor.

WR WISH to share our six-room, furnished apertm ent with a young couple, business

couple preferred; best of references are .ti* quirsd. Address A. J-, Box 29. News office.


TWO rooms, kitchenette, hath, by refined - ““ gi ' ' Address M.

EAST QRANGE—Desirable 8-room apart­ment. second floor; 770 199 Park ave.;

phone Orange 7174J.i U T ORAMjGB - From May I ; 4 teems and

coUpie: must be In NewartL C.. Box I I I , News office,

hath , w ith all Improvements; adults only. » t W in wood ave.


1K JT ORA.VOK—# o u r C J , room,: M am ■ - * ----------------I I I Mh m t and hot irn to r nppMM.

for* a tKtaHT-ROOM »p«rtm «»t; t h>tht; l« f<

butlor'o pan try : all a ,—!y deroratad; all lm prorom «nt,: n l t a b l , far a n , or fwa famltlaa: oao-halt bleak from oehoala, two block, tram bl«h aehaal: near atatlon, trol lay. IM N orth Clinton a t . a oar Park m Baat Oranao; phana W ON.

BEAt'TIKT'I. 3-room apartmont. with hath: larac. llrh t, a iry rooma: aow and aapaa-

afraly faralahad: a* Improvomonta; fin, location. convonloat ta train aad tro ll-r , •ubict May to October t l Park are., ■ looafleldi tel, form bow. Bloomfield MM

iwo BAST OItANOK—Ridgewood apartm ent,, a tf t South Munn ara_ near Central e r a ;

•hart Slataaea I ra s Bagt Oraasa Statlen.Lackawanna R. R. aad two trolley llneei r.fth floor apartaaaad da luaa faralahad ar SSiteW . naataltet at 1 rttra aad •BU ilf l lWtM. hath name, with all madara eaaraalaaoeeT2SI' «mte.kaani.' ted everything up ta date aad of the fteeat ; Mf himiSS 'at!*^?1 OraS-F"”* laaadry faeliittee aad atom roam la bam-p o in t rooma, hath.

s t orange, ! Inoludlnjm g beat, eW -

tric, gas. la f d m ; H», M « j u n p g ja! ava, and Cbeutnut at, radas; —I it nYn, b— hmwu Ute dear. K. Meynr,

Colon* m tf% 999.


lauttdry fnclfi—- — - - jmeat and aaa a t glaaa-lacloaad raaf gard< ararlooklng Orange Mountain,. Apply ea promlMa. or of 1DaaM M. Dunham, tM ira a d a t . Newark. N. J.; room IH . .

POOR grata taam flat talati tmpMwiamla .Maagr t t e i s I te ra a r s t W t e M t

y d t ’R ^ - m a te r jmmll family, a l l Fraakllaare .. Bloom PaidPIlric ROOM- apart. tm-

■ t e a t t r a t fW P ark are. Rant O raaga; will r>

fa IlM - >

t : « 4 "S ___ M Rall altea: kMuttfally

BAST ORANOB—Well-turnlahad t-reem and aun parlor apartmant, tram April f t ta Baal III n atrieted neighborhood, t mtautae

ta D.. I . a W.: an conraalanem; player* ptiai vacuum eleaaar, ala. Par detain

O raasa I

U VWWt •■■BUBmSlsfer*c2ii

ahaaa Oraaga gWTW.

PIVR Iraama: ail Impre.amaat.; widpra rentj la Otihsa ar Waal Oraaga; goad I*, cation.] B J Mauanor, lit Bargee at.SSimNf*■ a s ....................... -I--*- i — .

■AST ORANOB. U Ma. H th at.—i-roam Blooty faruM hed: I-famlty hauae;




Unusual increase ta our bust- ness has compelled us te seeklarger and mere adequate soar-

fremtora. hsnes oar removal the old Bridge street addn In oar bow homo tr« will bo bettor equipped te fulfil year requirem ents At your first sp- portunlty drop la aad see ue sod inspeot our aew stebloe aad herooa

Juet rssutvud olsty head draft i of thehorses, among them poms c . __

finest hor ses that have been shown te Newark for a long tlmo. ranging in weight from 1,169 to 1.490 pounds Alts o 'ergs supply s f second-hand horses on b a n 'aad.

In addition am aftertax shoot twenty-five second-h* ad rackand coal trucks.

Work harass to him



i r h m a rsra csrT H O I H HOT. PROP.


AND FRIDAY.Wo are pew agents far the Bagla



wa have Just received a special consignment of about 99 heed efextra choice d ra ft aad genera! pur­pose country homes. Among theare several wall mated farm chanks They are an exceptional lot sf horses and are all acclimated aad ready for Immediate useALL MONET REFUNDED IP YOU





Wo will sail on Thursday, March 99. an express load s f extra choice Penney Ivan la farm horses, weighing from 1,144 ta 2,944 lb s : they constat of draft, delivery and gen­eral purpose heroes. Several wall-mated pairs among th is lot; as good a load of horses as aver faced an auction block. Our usual largo run of eity-uaed horses ter the high dollar.

HARNESS, WAGONS. BLANKETS, BTC. ------------------------------------64 WORK HORSES TO HIRE J. i . WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEER.


477 South Twelfth st. Tal. Waverly 412A SUCCESSOR TO J . KIRCHOES8NER.

Just received an express load sf laws horses; ales load from Pennsylvania, weigh­ing from 1,444 to i,944 Iba ; oil acclimated; fair trial given; also horses for hire by the day, week or m onth; reasonable rata,


FOR SALE, reasonable, 9 good serviceable horses, weighing from 1,499 to 1,294 Ib a ; re from 4 to 19 yeare old; one well matchedage from 4 to id yeare

teem of bey horses, 2,409 lbs. 7 aad 9 years old; those horses will suit nay one and no one need pay for any home before___ ... p i . . . ____ . .trying him. Hudson County__Dairy, 269Schuyler av a . Kearny; phone Kearny 4949.

VIRGIN A Jumper. 14 heads high. C years old. $196, a bargain: 2 saddle and driv­

ing ponies, 949 each; brown toddle mare.16 hands high. $49; 9 pony saddles, new, one Western sad d le 19 saddles and bridles.reasons bl4. 1999 Springfield ava, Hilton.

EASTERN EXPRESS TRUCWNO CO. Will rfx horses anddispose of 1ft head of wen. _ __ ___

mares, from I years old and op, aad sev­eral matched team s; collar given with every horse. Call a t 119 Sheffield e t , ooraer Javr.es e t . one Mock from Oraaga a t

Wa t so n d u m p i .vo w a o o n ITFirst in the field, last in the repair ehep;

no stalMng on the dump; wagons told on time to responsible people. M. O. Furman, agent; yard, te s t e f Center s t ; phone Mer- ket 4424; residence phone, E. B. 2949.TEAM bay m arts, weight 2,440; sound, kind,

true; exceptionally powerful: fully guar­anteed; two moaths* trial allowed; heavy Walsh harness; strong lumber wagon; all In perfect condition; price rig h t Address L. L , Box 24, News office.CTW a Kk and Flew York Transfer Express

Co. must dispose of fifteen hood young horses; also several matched teams; prices 929 upward. Con be seen a t 44 Eagles st.. Off Orange s t <FOR SALE—Good, Mg team sf males; work

single, aad a re gentle. Hudson County Dairy, |S4 Schuyler av a , Kearny; phone Kearny 4949.FO k flALB cheap: two

single harm*tv-----------

NothZSi ♦ u * ,1,1Bhrr BrM,

i S t m U

Ktew.M-J. t e .s - e u J ^WRSrtWB KRES m ctw w B ; littf.

M u i r : m Umt tln B m , rtrm , M l C rara K , i n lM IM I t e i f t e .WANTED—Old h a n m , ot

k n g k t, aM .A K k n k u h

M hanH a, J f M , I w i m i m ;hoy, ftM M , 999: Ixdtan

, ■ w — mmm w .i.A f l M AM OMgg i U . IH |M m aw .. Ir rm itM .W H H W gr tew ing — , . . . . « . . .

, H r . n u u 4 wkltA rjg^l AM grtv.i.


t i n m te w htek, a*.■ m m m ___■Ateigi.teite. Jw .awte»>:.t— I t w k , w i t e l t e M gL, iteM w.

g i n v i u u < u r - f » . . iM ir te r a m a i ' R n -w as; g g * r

lta * te a* 1 h > M ,

M te tea .

■ _ aaliral f t w n t e t w

f a w .

I M K k r Aaggi,R wilklaaoa.TWO extra Baa rad*la kmai anM te

" + * * -* •b a t M M upk Baraara a t e fra•al*: HitAM. ter anHwr. Call i m

» single phone

’S H B S S n i S P r a saara a t e aarrtaara te r m Ia I t OnharB

business opportunitiesm BAhaVfir

CIgaru. soda, light lunch; closed Bundeyn holidays, must sell immediately. will accept Ferd sedan ta trade. 64vq klu;berry e t.,hnoday a t 992 South Oraage a re_________•I 'g lN B M c a r d *. 1 biriheeda. iotterhea<ie.

1.404, SETS; seal, quick, prompt. Koee------v - t neat, quick, prompt.Ft aaa. 74 Clinton a t. near Mulberry■ 0 ¥ ¥ S r . eggs, dairy otore; bueineee axre.1-

leu t; receipts 44#4 weekly; reason. si< a-a«wn Oroenberg’s 54 Frtnco et , M |t 7564, BEAUTIFUL heme. 19 rooms all Impia .

completely furnlehed, vxpoaeaa covered; >e*ee. Address Central, Bei 23. Nowa o f­fice.BEAUTY PARLOR m u,t b. .old b m n of

tllnoaa; roaaoaable price Cali afternoon. 40 C lte tss ave.. Mui. 4444.

CENTRALLY LOCATED RESTAURANT Sido etreat, near Broad, store 39x41. ren

aMSmiOMM MMMMMteMIIOmeluSINESS OPfOKIUWlULS^ATENTE—W rite ie r tran gplia hooR Odii

evidence ef eeaeapUs I doeertp t ior sketch and description of your lavas tie*,

for free opinion of Ito polos table nature; high##: references; prompt service; reason* able term* Victor J. Evans G Co., Dipt.

I. W eel worth building. New York O V I- - “ * “ “ * ---------t, p C .;«alB officoo. 404 Nint87 WaihHEtex, PATENT rights for~ealo. to right party

only, reaooaahlc aad aimpla ta manufac­ture. targe field and largo income; as spec- eiticu on tko m ark e t Address Paten t Bax 134. Xewa office. . _____PR IN T ER S—9994 hoys email pleat, oetab-

iiet.ted, good iccattoe. a bargain Addroco Opportunity. Box 66, Nowp offloa PR1STINO SHOT ter ■.!«; v . l t MtAklUteg and felly equipped; act qulofc. Address P. ft. Box 141, News offloa ___________

|94 a m onth; splendid opportunity KRAIM ER. 774 Brood et. Hoe Mr P/e#e.

COM FLBTt sot rooting outfit for lead eoidiera Indian* and cowboys. 9?5 caeh

l ie William at . He levin.CAPE for oaie. wtii sxcrifUo to quirk buyer;

good mason Address 8 , Box i l l . Newsofn o a ____ _________________ |D tR T R taU T iR l wanted. Wondrr bevrrageo i

and ala# ail competitive bev*rnees. got thane valuable franchisee now. the follow tag territories a r t epea: N t* Brunswick. Plain- I field. Perth Amboy. Rahway. Morristown I and odjaeent towns, not much capital is re







REPRESENTATIVE WANTED— _______ ________ . . . Experience la real aetata daairahlo; oollqHired to aetsMIeh oneself in good paying 1 ing experience, good character and claar business, will enly consider men who can m f a s ------ — ------------*—«-*— . r. — -give personal attention and drive the true ha. Standard Bottling Co . 291 Sher­man nvu . N ew ark .__f th u o a+O hE t tr sale, must have quick

buyer, excellent opportunity for He uir>. bust nose for 1922 9:1.609. Addrr«a H T.Eex 194. Newt office __ ____ rDRUG 'STO^B POk SALE CHEAP TO


DRUG STORE for ml#; good opportunity for enorgetio mna. Call Orange 7 05

Bs u c a t e m r e n and grocery Btore for aal# cheap; 9 rooms, both, hot end » 'd wafer,

tube, aleetrletty and gae. rent !«• 2-jear laaea. A lfr ttta Moore. 213 Fourteenth a** .

vi-ord ewonttal; wo am applying the same , cata.oguo and advertioing methodo to the aa!e or aeathoro real aatato that ha% made us the largest eelltag organisation on the Jersey coast, the man we want must be aMe to m aintain himself on straight coni

I mission basis without drawing ecouat; our ea'.csmon make 92.644 to 17.144 yearly.

| pioaae give full information, ago. oduca- ( tion. exp»'ience. former connection*, whleh j will be held in confidence.

MOKRIMEY A WALKER. INC., Keaneburg. f t J.

t RESTAURANT aad rooming house. w itlT It room*, furnished or unfurnished, opposite

International Motor To., Plainfield, for sale or to lot; Union car passes the door. Kapel- Bf’hn. 114 Market et.

td h wt a g AMOn r u c r iu m o r a Mo w * i

CMUag. I I , ra- B ite M . ____at.; opp Wilbur a v a ; phone 1149 Wr

___ irx m e t a l c k iU mo tS-Z ,1 * * te*— • • * — r* gaaraaM teHH I Q ggrag a . __ p , m W .» J


ALL WORK OUARAMTRBDu.IraiTAL r r i U N n a A tth w a i JM?.

JAR V. MAOUIRE. >3, H.Imy .1 , K M H W l Phone Mulberry lif t .

BRTAL C tlU N O B and walla Parker. 911 North Third et.. Eh *

a rk ; telephone Harrison 9742.

SrrateR AwtefA Stars S«6, MBiOUTRIDE window aemeaa carried Ml

n i l g ■

ri___ B E ------ -— — E I HEPWILLIAMS. 942 South Tweifth ML

H lb c h cypruo frame* men tenoned; host galvanised wtre u sed ,j

tees an standard else* PONKEBS

DON’T DELAY, order now at redacod ra jte t repreeeatatlvo will call wtth eamalte and

ootimato. Now Jersey Screen C a, 42$ Eighteenth ave.; Terraco 2142-

? I P —Orderscreens e a r l y . ---- — 5

John Kopp, 422 So. 4th elstorm sash aad kN hE teSP

W hvlW B%phono 1A fflC N tlO N —l^or wll^aw and m i l i l

• f quality got estimates from the x g Screen Works, 144_Shaw q v t.; Wavarty I iC R ftN S —Window id parch

made ta order, estimates given.thnr. 141 Chestnut e t.; phone Market

MUSICAL UtSTlUMENTSP i r r m r r 4 0 t( rrs


Kin, mahogany, tt-n o t. PLATER-FIAMO. ,1*1

1 * > Including ben«*h end muele r o l t e j ' : Small deposit down end $2 per INMp

On sale—Several good used pin a te ' from 946 ap.

, -r , - ------------ ) RKHTa URANT. elegantly equipped, oeatlngDELICATESSEN TTOKE for eet* on the , rapacity 136. will sell a t a bargain; easy

busiest spot of Springfield ev* . Geniii- j t,rm *. muet ho aeon at onee. Call 9414 trade, no roaaonxble ofler rofuaed Apply J n rn«<t at . phono Market 19169.316 P o eh in e ave . 2d floo^__________ %___________ |DEI.tCATEsSKN and lunch, rent 176; no

rooms, doing $865 now. |460 in the sum­mer month*, price 92.604. Addreas L M .Pox 44, News o ff ite_ _ _____________iJe LIc XTERSEN~and grocery etore, Income

9104 weekly, on# room: price 18.400 Ad-dree* E R . Rot 33. New* office__DEPARTMENT STORE. 13 mile* from New

a rk . account other bueineaa. good propoal-

7New York, 14-year leaoe: prion and terms teaaonable, hlg opportunity. Buhot, mom J:o. 6 Heckman at.. Now T ffh KFS^AVHANT. lunch room cheap: OPta^-

MrIiciI many year*, doing good buslneso. ieaae. rent |?e. 64 Norfolk at.. Newark.ROGMi.NG HOUSE. 36 Eighth ava, comer

id M ; 16 rooms end both; a numberip»ition David Groan, 144 kfarket at D R v’ flOODS «»Tf»RE- lcM *al«-, "'reaoonxbl# .

new otot’k and fixtures, sell a)•irately Hose Ilros., "-4 L N.t ^ M h iy -____________ m m __________ ..DRY GOODS and houeefurntahlngs store


account of sickness David UroM, 144 Market


of rooms already rented, rent reasonable Apply F J Kngalke. Wilkinson, Gaddis A• V 65 Perk hurst e l . city.__r o o m in g and boxrdTng house. 14 rooma t

bathe, rent 9144 month; living apartment for family; Income, rooms ell rented, must soli on errount elcknepi; net quick. 1114


___________ >M BROAD »T.N$W and used player- pianos.

Tow as 1160. upright pianos, . . .|140-424S.|244: buy here, Just around thE corner we treat you right, “eava a hUAO'If!---d r o d p i a n o s to rent, $1 monthly; Sleri 91 per m onth, organs, phanafrfti&ft tf up, easy {payments, open evenlngaUtr, >44 Washington et,_________

PEASE PVaAYER PlANOl. Highest development in a standard

printe moderate, old ptanoe takea changeplayers I*ese<» War# Rooms,


- I-------1— . - > w |sen vo n Ur a t terma. used uprights M 4 ^•d uprignta M a. } ± S X S L M Mce. very V tSH H


DRY unsiD S STORE for saK with 3 room*, rent 935. lease if wanted. 45 Park eve.

city _ * ________DISTRICT MANAGER for 'Eastern terrl-

te rv . big business for alert worker*. 441Broad i t ____________________ §§ |g |ESTABLISHED battery, generator and mag-

partlcuter*. ; Anna at . F UxaHeth. N. J________ ______IIEaX~ KUTATK ANll INglTRAl^cri PA RT

neto service station, up to date end finest equipped shop in Newark, all isteat and modern machinery, bargain to quick buyer. Apply Ptnkol. 164 Market a t. room 31. M arket 9197


Broa.. 1©31 Springfield nvo.. Irvington.STORE, including living rooms; cigars et*.

, soda.>nery. ice cream, soda, general marchan disc long lease, ideal location; very beat aquipm ant; naw fountain; profit* $9,464 rea r; good reason for Belling. Particulars, vlugg* Agency. 104 Washington st., Pater- eon. N J . ; phone Lambert 4t74

________________ I__________ sS a s h o r r ’ h o t e l . 344 yards from bnth-ESTABLISHED confectionery busines*. Cen mg beach; spacious lawn* and porches;

tm l ave corner. Jumtion location, a# 14 room*, partially furnished; good location sums chattel mortgage on fixture*, foun for tranafenta. money maker; teeson's rent tain and purchase stock at inventory. 6- |706 Address Owner. Box 111. Keaneburg, year lease gtvan. Stevens. 473 Central! ave. j .EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, w .ll-,.l*bll,h-'1 | SEASHORE RESTAURANT "ter Ml* M »•-

bustnoea. splendid future for the right , count of death. For further particulars p a rty , reason for eeliiftg. on account of J. Am rich. 142 Market at.otll»r b u rin - .,. « • te>« th - b,»t of tr«.l- STATIONERY rontertlonMT. to. ,rw m . Ai&rbm Ag«nrr. P o. Box III, B u t U n n , . r tg .r . g ro ..r r ter u l . . n - . r K-hool » 4 ENGINEER, wl’h manufacturing expert factory. 1:6 Peterson ave . East Ruther-

• nco. wishes to acquire active interest In established business, give full particulars. Add rote E- H., Box 142, New* office. EXCELLENT chance for man understand­

ing sea food line to handle this on a per­centage basis, new place, just opened. 134 North Seventh et. ____ _________

ford. N J

FOR SALE—Fully equipped small Jewelry fac to ry ; excellent condition, owner de

ceased; ootato must bo closed. Merchantsft M anufacturers National Bank . ______FoR *ALE—-Bakory In Cranford. N. J."i fine

equipment and fixtures, cheep for caeh. rent reasonable, laquiro L F Harsh A Bro,, Elisabeth, N. J.9 9 K Ha l e , now and eocond-han<i furnl-

turn business. wonderful opportunity for right party Addreae A , Box 5, Nows office l^OR SALE—Delicatessen store: does $500

week; very reasonable. Inquire Qross.Union bldg., room 419; Market 6734.______FOR SALE—Art atora and_____ __ _ itudio at Lake-

wood. Nra J. Inquire 101 Clifton ava ^OR SALE—Two bowling aiieya. ftalle an^

nine choep. 44 Fleming rfifs opportunity ^or uve. energoilo man.capable of handling Introductory phase of

new enterprise, man who «an organise sell­ing fores th a t will dispose of da ly (Wpac.lty of plant will make |40 per day. product in­dorsed by landtag Newark citlxens; univer­sal possibilities; $500 for complete outfit,

only. Post of flea Box 27 Newark FIRST-CLASS rooming house, 11 rooms. 3

ha tha all improvements, income 9125 over axpsnsss, beautiful home for a young couple, 9464 cosh required. Address L M.. Box II. News office.FURNISHED room house for sate; 10 rooms;

bargain, centrally located. Address M. N, Box >1, News office-FRUIT aad vegetable store for sale; goo3

location aad business; owner has other business Call 141 Bank st.FRUIT aad vegetable store, for sale cheap

to quick buyer; good location. Tel. Waverly 7676.

GOOD, established shoo store, on principal business s treet of a Jersey town, popula­

tion 40,004; 4 o’clock store, Inventories at $11,004; stock can bo reduced, cheap rent and long loose; owner going West, don’t answer unless you mean business Address W. L . Box 22, News office.

SHOE shine and shoe repairing shop, with all the machines needed, to be sold at

once on account of sickness. 116 Warren Bt.1 NewarkSHEET "METAL WORKER— Yeung," n r .u

class, all-around mechanic will Invest 9644 as partner in established businsss. Address Metal. Box 37. News officw_____SMALL etore or concession on main atrsot,

near beach; rent only 9119 soason. Ad- drees Owner. Box 149, Ksawshurgg N. J. SELL your "business or real estate of say

kind through Buhot, I Bookman at New York; Cortland t 4244; buy ora on hand.SALOON and property wanted; cash huvor

waiting*, must be good location. IRV1NO N<»HToN. Prudential building

NEED caah; mutt sell s t ones, very .able, elegant mahogany player-plft*%

hem n. n>iu. Slightly used Call todOF eftes tomorrow, !» Mercer st., near High. -/fcjff” PIANO TUN KR— P ra d teal piano maaeriv

pairing, all branches; new strindU*F. w . CANN. 113 Brunawteh r t . ; 9171

a *p I a n o TUNING AND REFAIRnwi.'

Player actlono regulated and vlMM%] Richard, 199 South Orange ava.; Wt e



condition, wilt eacrlflco. Call, at 11 SOUTH ORANOB AVE,

2U&TKY two-manual pedal rood organ, 4$ME S ir , ex* client condition; aultahle SdteE

church o r studio.__B. K t i l l .CONWAY player-piano, best

$764, for |376; music rolls, etc. xro., Irvington, second bail



CHEAP upright piano at onco Addi C., Bos O, News offics, Oranga,

642 Lincoln pi., Orange.

make, ''W SM

ot te ll

PIANO TUNING--I lrnon pteyera, 6% repaired. work guerantead, W. Sckefi

Ricord s t . : Market 4794.....,..... mBEAUTIFTI. used mahogany player,

easy terms. Baker <’a , 224 Was!st.; next t# Bamberger’s ________PiM YEIt PIANO, "used" Stager 9lH

terms. Baker Uo , 224

m .

asst to Bamberger’a FULL else used player-piano,

terma. Baker Co., 224 ” ’next to Bsmborger’s . _____PLATfcHPlANO u,«d. i t f l i

Baker i*o., 224 Washington Bamberger's.


S 2 S 3 1easy tu . st.; nests* S

FOR SALE upright piano; L excellent condition; pries

Bergen s tLauter miksTTS 9124. Nash, f i t %

USED player-piano, 9 Uo., 224 Wsshingti

9236, easy terma

b arte r 'sou si , next te

KM:FLA*EH-PIANO 9156, easy term a

Co.. 284 Washlngtdn o t., asxt borgors______________________

ato mjijjim

STATIONERY and confectionery atere; har- galn, must sail immediately. 41 South

Orangs ava

VD>;KTABLE store for eats: ownsr has te leave city; reasonable 141 Sixteenth ave.

WONDERFUL opportunity for right man 96.00© to 94.009 cash, good rsstauraiit;

very good location; good businsss; partners disagree. Address O. B , Box i l l , News of­fice.W I£l finance, manufacture aad put on

market arttolee of metal with merit. Ad­dress Manufacturer, Box II, N ew offios. WANTED, rooming house, 10 rooma partly

furnielted preferred; reasonable rentmoderate income: by April 1. Waverly

H . Box 129. Hews of-©862, or address it. ftes.WANTED—Confsctionsry store aheap for

caah: good location; throe raam a Address C Box 110, Nsws office.

15% AND SAFETY.W hether you can get 19% return

on money invested and be certain of aafety. of your principal depends entirely on what is hack of the in­vestment. A 4-story brick building in an exceilsnt renting location with very low rentals is back of this one. Make a personal call and be convinced of this fact.

ROIWEK. REALTOR,994 Msln strest, East Oraage*

GOOD-PAYING, moving, expra**. truckingbusinesft; good reason for selling, located $850 NET PROFIT WEEKLY

In M ontclair; terms can be arranged. Ad- j from local business for 92,609 cash; this dree* L. K . Box 11, New* office. Montclair . business requires no previous experiencs; no

Tn*i I agents. rive phone numbef for Interview. It ! Address K. J-. Box 112. News office.GOOD paying business with route

established trade, truck ami ama.l _ of d ry goods, sell at a real bargain UaM or writs 23 Passaic st , Dover. N J._GENERAL STORE; will sell reasonable.

doing and will guarantee |30<> s week busi- neo; four beautiful rooms, rent cheap and loam; must mil on acsount of sickness. CaliS??*7f*..*?**--------------------------- --------------- - i 36.0M> l o a n or partner wanted In growing

|85'.no>» TO loan or Invest for expanding rn<«] enterprises. In amounts of 91.004

upward Address Banker, Box 8, Nows office. |67«; Tn VESTED in safe merchandising buai-

n m can make 918© a month or mors; spars time Address Baiba. Box 3. News offics.

GROCERY sad port delicatessen. fin' business section in Newark . owner leaving

city; positively no agents. Addreas E. F ,Box 104, Nsws offics._ __GROCERY and dalicatoMen store, will sac­

rifice for quick solo; U. tf silcor, marble fountain; 2-year lease. Call at 14 Brunt- wiok at.GROCERY, delicatessen and candy store;

rent 991: loam; 4 rooms, sickness forcessale; price |406. 61 Camden s t___Gr o c e r y and "vegst able store, exceptional

opportunity; Jong lease. 180© receipts.Phono Newman, 1108 Waverly

snufacturing business; best of references. Addreos f.oan, Box 3. News office.93 50 BUYS candy store, with rooma; 9944

buys candy store. Including fountain, with ©rooma. 113 Rose st.____________________


ORCfCBRY and confectionery store for osls; | must be sold on account of sickness. 105 :

William st-, city.GROCERY and butcher shop for sar)e, doing

good busineoe. 303 New st.OARAOEH.

Several good garage propositions, some properties, others with business, on our list.

CRON HEIM. 190 MARKET ST Come in and talk it over.

GARAGE, over 10-ear space; good location;long loom; price reasons bis, good terms;

must m il; reason, sickness. For informa­tion. 297 M arket st., H Nhaptro. room 7oi

ARE YOU SLEEPING IN COMPORTt If not. see Psshkow shout having your

m attress renovated, wa are equipped with the moat modern sanitary elec trio renovat­ing machinery.

Feather pillows renovated, hex springs repaired.

Box springs m ads to order, 911.94 up; special prices for homos and hospital*

Representative will call promptly. Estim ates given, samples submitted.

346 MARKET ST.Opp. Penn. Station. T#L Market $4dt.

APPLIED ROOFING COSpecialising Exclusively In

Recovering Old Shingle Roofft with

OARAGE and oil station, on Newark and Pomp ~___ pton turnpike, for sale or ren t Phono

Humboldt 4214.d i L k i d l for sa le ,"h 111 section; good pay­

ing haatnasn for right man. 531 Bergen etHARDWARE, houaefurnlshlngs and paint

•tore; good location; fair businosa Cali 944 South Orange ave.; MkL 4117; no agents; owner going In other business; net quick; opportunity for good man.HARDWARE and paint business for saisT

long lease: easy terms. 244 Ridge rd., Lyndhurot, N. J . ; phone l i f t Rutherford. iNYENTOR of safety alarm clock and also

Slats Surfaced Shingles.Colors: Rod. Groan and Blue Block.

Pavmenta to quit your convenience. Covering a ported of months.

No Interest charged.Got our estim ate and proposition.

Both will interest you.729 BROAD ST., NEWARK-

Phono Mitchell 1384.Shore branch, tel. Asbury Park 33I4W.

UPRIGHT ^IHckjsrtnjr piano for sals.vorwan, Box 163, Now Providence, v S I

STANDARD upright grand piano, bargain, coot >746. Bigelow 2644,

Vif’k i W Berhey piano for Mia; In p N p condition. 22 Hillslds ave., city.

4 9

Ussy, Orfaas, Etc, VastoiCASH paid for new, slightly used or Met

hand upright pianos or piayer*p|ftp| Samuel Orr, 390 Washington i t . New tel. Mitchell 1601, or send pdotal: wljfl CA*k paid for"mied^ pianaft and vletr

Newark Plano Storage Co., 997 “ Orange ave.; phono Mul. >678 _CASH PAtD FOR USED PIANOS, p C I i l





Taldat MacluaggVICTORIA—Largo mahogany finished (H ip s

not. 9199 si**, ploys all records, haa 44flp6j bins tion reproducer, automatic stop* 0 phiro point, record shelf and record*! for a i l Cable Express Co.. 4TI io. at., near Springfield, ave.; from 14 to 7y ^NEW ta¥lo model combination rspreSSS R

lot reoords. mostly new; sell very chNdftj terms. Add rose Machine, Box P, N4#B Off ice, Orange. -


tion m ust be seen to bo sjpproctel cheap, ft* Avon ave., a fter I P. M.


SAXOPHONES for sale; easy teflER Bucecher agent, Gerardo s School of Mu hR -^^

114 Lincoln ave., Orangs; 5174W.SAXOPHONE (Buaocher), C melody;

new; will sacrifice. Hill, 799 Grovo Irvington. :FOR BALE—Saxophone. K fiat, a lte l U«fe

pitch. F irst floor. I l l North F ifth SIT

F « Sahwr i t f i in tWILL SELI. or exohaaga 81-nots playtF

piano for Ford touring or sedan. Thomdg Ragonea. 317 Camden K •



siBstshliahod 1443.

NEW AND USEDMlllsrs, Shapers. Lathe*. Drills, Foot and Power Presses, Universal and plain GrindftiR s tc .; Chucks, Anvy*. Bio worm. Forges. Viaee, post Drills, Pollshiag Spindles, etc.; Hangers, Shafting. Pulieya, Belting, sto.

Ws carry a stock worth while and wvHeyour Inspection. __- .


Phonos; 6419. 6411 M arket______



Bought, fluid. Exchanged, Repaired and Rewound*



Light and Power. BROWN-f•HUNKELB CORF.,

94-14 Mechanic st Phons Market I94LEstsbllshsd 24 Years. %

Motors and Dynamos sold or rented on monthly payments.

VENINO BROS. A CO..41 Hamilton st . 363 Sooth st.. Newark. N. J.

Tel. Market 6444-7-1.________ _MOTORS FOR RENT OB EXCHANGE.

Good, honest, reliable repairs. ELECTRIC MOTOR A REPAIR CO„

244-344 Halsey s tPHONES; MITCHELL 3*47. 1291, 1944.



Wo repair, paint, tar. etc., every kind ef eld, leaky roofs, gutters, etc.; lowest prices and guaranteed; eld shingles or other roofs covered; new roof*. Phene Marksx 4243; >1 yeare doing roof repairing, painting.. etc.

OIL ENOINK8.Twenty end t l horsepower otl engtaett

ntoo other sixes; reliable and cheap 9*8•#» Backus Ce., 174 Pennsylvania avs., JIS9* ark.


a machine attachm ent for duplicate cut ting out uf irregular sheet metal shape# —umr~ ----------____ financial help to plaoe wither orboth on th # market, or. i ( preferred, may sell Inventions. Addipgs T. J ., Box 111,Newt office.ICE CREAM and confectionery store, doing

good business; must sell this week; sacri- ftce to quick buyer. Bigelow 3566.

In your home or my shop. FURNITURE RE-UPHOLSTKRBD.

recovftred. repaired, refinished; full Hue samples; brass beds relacquerud; make everything like new; reasonable; will ted . Wm Huber, 643 B erytn s t . ; Terraeq j j p i

PRESSURE and axhaust blowers. qCMF bench, safe, drop hammer*, gas furnategy

Jewelers machinery, benches, foot “ *“ motors. Lei man Bros., 174 Christie eft.

h m - i s

ONE 20-horsepower. Backus gae engine 1 a drees m uffler and equallxer, can be One

running nt our plnnt Standard T eg • , C a, 1*7 Laural ave., AriingtoAM fy .---- ---- ----------- --------

NO. | Languor swedglng machine;American anaeailng furnace: Herrin|

doable doer safe, sloe 2x4 feet.Link. 407 Mulberry si.

MONTCLAIR RENOVATING CORF. r o o f in g —MUto n ita Asphalt, Asbestos and




Conpor Shingles applied over aid shingles; all work guaranteed- 9C rd.. Montclair; tel. MoalolnIr uTIl.

C C R S F tnltsv a tg ra wtth three______ __ P I S E . M property; 1deers from Clinton ave.; prtte 95.144, pai

* * floe



* “ 9947; tit._ R R repaired

t e s te d , w e spagtuiiso over weodea shlnglen.Prop.: 19 Hodden p i ; Why.' " kinds ef reefing laid.



nntr1KETTTiBft ftvir5T te sS u te ir

cast Iron; #4n T t P ^ i l u i t e Osm sSe HB. R 479

cash Inquire 179 Joiiiff qve.. aoeond floor. " .. SL FORD ^E IS S , ~

BRASS BEDS and furutturu refinished___r v n y w M w .

N IW A R K ’S WOMAN BROKER.our prom loco; m attress renovating I N

new furniture. C. Otrrhaoh, Crescent Rsdln-. . . -------- — — i l V l m .Puratshsd room honeea from 9444 up; nay-

wkefa. tfgntefrtru Open 4 AM. t e l p, m.ilSWEwJWh jW ^ tef hwdaSf ptiftsSriy

Ishing Ce., 439 Bprtngllald nve.i Whv,

f i m J B l and stilta, a lu m in u m ,___east Yten: mixers, englnsa. pumps. •

chlaery RsJBquipment Ce., WavsrIF 7747.m


»u—l . R i t e s ; pnrt tmprevssishts; garage; o te t i f t • j p a r uA the wans

Chimneys rebuilt aad repair elsanod from tap Ip bottom, 974 RssguP sLi ihaua Wavewyrepaired ; shimmers ttom . I f “ ■*par Due.

lift#.SHERWOOD * OO.. enrpentare and build

i 7 S ^ d l work — * ‘ -------

r f f i

r a n «n • u m M * te •

w k m q t e t e t l .

W aeM14 to 7ft H. a t lettar.

era ; h igh g ix lp wusj i ; akhfr k S E R i ^ g -

P . Olva all -alma* Ert #

Mawark. N , ' I . ,. . w -jantsdwivaiT styla, I t e f a p craak <not a jtw ||tfe i. _H- P. Cwp,civ.

MAgoI. WORK: e k te a .n - YgtedH, t e i M li H U M H ) KltranUera; Jo H lig • ragte|jtete

i « 2 *l i r a

U Lt q w

t«tec,' «iteratl<teg; MUli • rarateltr.ISTOJtT"winffl

rate*, x i , Mtmmm, »»WAHTEP

jflAMWt1' grte.g raid ter rate-i—ararara r a u 'a Miltg. BMIMI


^ r i m r a t .1

T AJJZ ' W h M H M M

! £ % S S

m E E ItC I ACTIO*. F"- m i R - a»o«**AM .

& « u 3 & a n B & .* *ioN K T

^ > Q > l» » .. .^ o S f V ^ * TY >u £ h r ? ,HIH h a i f t

«_ r a n & « • * * ™ TU rd M arltXM . T " 'a lo T c r a * < ro .l lo o Loonq.

J. D EAMVELTON.____Qpy. r < y t Wwn*_ HOVIT tO LOAN ___


■ o 'T T . p I t i p w r o w * . c.«a»«iRM* HONEY TO I>JA.N

Ip 0#__THIRD MORTOAQtA.R x r v f . a u t o h o r il k i . __ « * i .


i ^ a r 11-Om r m L ja

_ — B r i l l 1 ,sCF". F1HAWTW TO * £ Vrt\ MO BONUt NO WAITING.V BN Om m * tB ewWtrweUeeM§iv m | | h ftu i' notlca

* 5 * ■ fe iL o w r a id . i * c .■f ’ | | | 4 Qianwood »**. ZL --| r a f f f f W A r « 5 p IsDTONETEUCTtON“ h o r t o a o m

IlM M ta In w ti t^ H y n r suburb#

*“ HONEY "fa C>AN



' ' X S c E H t t bo . “mo la vartoiM im «u«ii ooollaMo Im (A ISAM. AWIIcaII—» AAAAlVA » » « » »

JOB. M BTRNK CCk. .Ml Morhot a»,; l«l. *Al. I W


o f l t jg r g A M * OR W BO *B »;KtCKLBR. IM RBOADWAT.

3 BONCE 6 WI.AAI AA I d H0»d


; P llwww

k tt MM. IfttaAflRKIAA; AA boAUA IM .Wen c o b p ..

U L M lttesl) 8449. ""W prtoM bJk

■ ■ I M M r«i« of Mth< of I M N to B4.tM.Ml

a i n co ., l i t b b o a c, , m w f l i y w g g i H rOND AMD CONHTRUCTION.

in fund* mow i v i IUMi .B r. WIUIOPT. INC. Montclair Canter; p h iin N i l .

■[ w i m W # * » k bORTGAOKS.

■ ■ ' r - .i .h t hour.,MIMTON charfod.

u s t u l maSas?

INSURANCK CO. ia ta UaMa n t I n i mortiACAABT m SS.. mbwarC w. j .

j j f w T t f i a i :■ a m p c o m b t r o c t io mBAORS; ALTO PRRTONAL LOANS;am ount a v a u .a b l b a t o n c r . TCEOR. MA b r o a d a t1 t6 LOAit h ( Im u l oooond m utt-

" t e g ? ! ■«*a s — !• __________

IA I AAA AA oooond m o n g o ,., oloo Iteo tlnii I on no; second mortgage* t n a i l f Mortgage Corp.. Bobnr t

TM lf B Uw ioana and p rip tld B.>L*8SrTBA<I» C O .,M T Morkot at,

. I . lo o k dk.Arot kwad u i ’ mortAA.* '•MB' I R > m l ; m u •( I AAA

IAA ARIMaI . lAllArrlUfc.AAAA A AA. CAAAAA1. nl M-1AW. M l Brood f t

lo M ln g Afld Laaa WaA»F~ TOWER » A U AM N

* * * * m f t t a g r w y■ j I to t ;^ _ M c o Wd lJo ttM A U tf koNKY

♦ ll KlABAr l l i f c , :■ p r o w s M o ^ fb w n a .

ATB ANb B I/lL D toq AND LOAN ' AVAILABLE. AAMUBL M HOL-i£ i» c i j n t 5 n i t . ■_____________n M p t u f K ANT AMOUNT IBP IN 4i HOURS. ALLAN KRIR. COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. IAI UNION

MARKRT I I I . ________I H R y W i B d A <A. AACABd And AAAAtnrOAA I SAHA; prAmpt At-

M .IH n ta r Kortgftgti for « | a at on Bm Imom property in ptnln-

T| IM A. K.. Bttf l i t , New* offleo.f s n c r n r on Mcond m oHftgM .

t p u E S p m m m .

Raa; quick rAAAh. A m « .r- - ' j g MRt. AAAI.

. IA All AUtflA loAAAd on f tm And A 0 A R |A tu ; alAO purchancd. M in

AW IH , |A CIlAIAA At. MAAAjfc,• ••j .MA t« Alt,AM At IM And • RAT A« n m bond And a w y n i H Char. eAAMAlot.«i-Uw. H crHnton n .

‘RPIATBI.T AvnUAblA. con.truettoa. 1 L ond ncond awrtfABA mon.p, A. g .

M lAAA An t n d and raortgAAA > M. L., A w t t NAWi offIoa.

„ wnr R rd Add aoaamI TtwAMAf BIaaw Coep . » Clinton .1


MORBT VOR FAMILY MB*.A M B'* !»m!lr AfUntlwA todi ATAdit Ifest AA* only kA

■Ml AAt Of InlATO OAPWlRf a; wa W fAWlly WAN MAM AMArfAB* Atn And rat off Old «aMs by i B f e l tboni M f . IM* M lo n l n t n aa fe«tna fnrnltur* with- AAt rAntAVAl, rapAyAblA In aaaf

• MatAllawntai oar nld la I— A WatA AAd oonrid.m ui

Call, wttta or pkOAA, Markat M - l- l . OranfA


Cantury Bit#. I Market at. nark, N. J.

t Center bid#., MB Mala aton Oran#a. M. J .


On mar weekly payment*.Any security yon hare te offer.




Open I to i II P. M.Banking B o n n No. I f A

TOC CAN BORROWrum* up to fIM at coat provide# by law from a llrenerd and bonded loan concern on household furniture, planoa. ate.; prompt, com'tewua and qul^k oervtco. Write, call or pbone Market 4HI. _


Fourth floor, room 111 Llcenae No. I t .Moure, t to I; Saturdays. I P. M.

e q u it a b l e lo a n #.I l l te | l l l .

Quirk oorvlre; le«al latereot only.EQUITABLE LOAM SOCIETY.

I l f Marnat at Proctor a Theater bid#.Fifth floor, phone Market MSI

Open daily from • to • ; Wednesdays. • at 1 State depart meat Ucenae M. and

Branch offices. Elisabeth and J ereey City.MONET loaned on your automobile. W* do

net taka the car out of your pooaeoston.Loan* for period* of four. five. ala. a*van,• ifh t. nine, ton months.




-M n k .r and P n h lo . ataaom o . * au Clan . mlatAtar. II A M "Ood . VIpiatIom PaIw a" I P M. •Anll-l'brlAI.'-

•BNTRAL PREflBTTBRIAN fHUBCH—Balmont avenue, at Clinton avenoo. Rev.Loyal W. Graham Jr . paator Church ser­vice* a t !•:«• A. M and T :ll P. M. W* welcome all.

THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Ab- laton avenue, at Ridge street. Rev. Hobart S<ott lag lie. D D . min (star. Bible school a t 1:41 A. M. Morning aervlca a t 11 o'clocR.Evening worship a t I o'clock.

SIXTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Cor­ner Lafayette sad Union otroata. Newark.Charlas F. Batata, minister. II A. N , t oo Triumphal Eatry." T:I4 P. I f . “Dtvlne Invitation#’ Luclll# Hot hoi. oolotet.

SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Waahlngton and James streets. Rev Pleas ant Hunter. D. D.. pastor tl:M A. M.. morning worahtp; aermon b» paator *• •Sabbath School 1:41 P H-. Chrtotian En­deavor t :4 i P H . ovenlag worship; ad-


CHlTtCH—Comer Norwood street sad South Orange avenue. Minister. Rev. Samuel D Cham bers M. A. Sunday school a t t : 4 l A. tt- Morning aervlce s t 19:4ft o clock;•object, "The Tee re of Jonuo." Evening service, f:4B; subject. "Deeple^ and Re- Jsstn#/ *

CLINTON AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHCBCIf--<!or9or of South Sliteenth street.Bov. Joseph r Folaom paster Morning service, topto. "A P afm at nfEvening a t t:*ft: topic. T he Religion of Broad R f N i" Sanday achool. l lft A. M Christian Endeavor. T:4ft P. M. Midweek setwise. Tuesday evening s t • o'clock.

FOREST MILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH —Heller parkway and Highland avenue Jah a i Carlll*. minister. Sunday. March tft, |4 fo A. M.. sermon* by Mr. Cnrlllo."Makln# Straight a Highway for Our God.• p. M^ presentation of the rallglous drama."The Rock.'* School of Religion and Mono Fellowship at noon

ROSEVILLE AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Corner Susses avenue. W. T.Chapman, min let an Sunday meetings: • 4ft.Sunday school; II, Dr. Chapman will preach on "The Conquering H#to, 1, Christian En­deavor; ft, stsreoptlcon leotura on "New Newark," hp Dr. Davla W. Lusk. Tuesday.• P. M.. prayer meeting.

ELIZABETH AVENUE PRE8BYTBRIANCHURCH—Elisabeth avenue, a t Wilbur ave­nue, Arthur Northwood, paator. 9:94 A. M .Sunday school. 10:4ft A* M., worship with sermon, "Chrtst, the King." f P. M., Chris* linn Endeavor. Intermediate end aenloR I o'clock, evening worship, "Bought with a P ries."

FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Corner Roseville and Park ave­nues. Rev. Joseph Hunter, minister. Sun­d e r .School 9:4ft A. M. Morning worship 111 sermon. "Christ’s Offer Rejected."Intermediate and Senior C. E.. 7 P. M Evening worship, 7:46, sermon. "Cloud and Sunshine." Mr. Huson will sing. Strangers cordially Invited.* MEMORIAL PRESBTTBRIAN CHURCH— .. .......... . . -

South Ornate avenue and Seventh street. Y. M. C. A.. Halsey, opposite Cedar k ra a l Andrew #. Zimmerman, minister. I:W, 10:46 A. M . H«v 8 M. Zwanmr, l) l> .Men’s Bible olsse. Junior Endeavor. 19:39, sermon, "The Second Mile." 2 1®. Bible giBooi. 9:4ft, Young people's ntbeting. 7:4ft,Sermon, "The Poor* Everybody **>■ "but for religion the world would go to ruin.”

-Then why not go to church?WEST8IDE PARK PRESBYTERIAN

CHAPEL—Eighteenth avenue and Seven­teenth st. Rev. John B. Wlsdlagor, paator.I P. M., Sunday school, primary depart­ment; ft P. M. Sunday school, senior de-

eirtment. 7 P. M ., Intermediate Chrtst tan ndonvor Society. I, evening worship.

Tuesday, ft P. M . meeting of Sunday School Association. Friday, ft P. M . special service.

SOUTH PARK CHURCH—Broad street a t Clinton avenue. Oeorge Clark Vincent, minister. 11 A. M., "Mistakes of Ignor­ance." 7:4ft P. M . special Young People's service; chorus of 199 vplces. 19 A. M .Bible Classes for men and women. I P. M..Sunday School; classes for ali, 7 P M .Christian Endeavor service. ' Tuesday, ft P. M., player and fellowship aervlca. F r i­day, ft P. M , Good Friday service. Stnlner’a "CrucifUlon," special quarte t J

WEST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCIf—Lit­tleton and Eleventh avenues Rev. Lyman Clayton Pettit. D. D . minister. Dr. Pettit will preach at 19:19 A. M. and V:30 P. M Frances Elisabeth Wat* will be the soloist

a t the morning aervlce and Robert Mom pert will alag at the evening service. Sun­day school a t J:S9 I*. M. Christian E n­deavor meeting a t 9:4ft; Mies Helen Brown, loodor. Prayer and conference meeting Tuesday evening s t I o'clock. You are In­vited to any or alt of these services

PEW SMITH MEMORIAL PRESBYTE­RIAN CHURCH—II Hudson street Sunday school a t 19 o'elock; Samuel Galaer, super­intendent; classes for all young people. Spe­cial beautifully colored elide lecture, "The Empire of the Northwest," given by the pestor. Rev. B. Q- Schwitters, a t 11 o’clock.C. B. meeting a t 7 o'clock; M rs Charles A.Smith, leader, on "Educational Missions.'*Worship a t 7:9ft P. M.; them*. "A Positive Testimony.'* A hearty welcome awaits •very body.

PARK PRESBTTBRIAN CHURCH—Belle- vtiie avenue and Kearny street. Charles Leo Reynolds, D. D.. minister. I.4& A. M . Bible school, all departments. 19:4ft A. M., sermon; topic, "A Groat Question and Its Aacwer." 7 P. M. Young People's Society, leadej^ Miss Helen Hail Smith. 7:4ft P. M , sermon; topic, "Bible Prosperity." The pas­tor preaches at both services. Tuesday, 9 P. M.. prayer service. Thursday, I P. M..Union communion at Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal Church. Friday, ft P. It-. Good Friday service Stainer's "Cruetflalon” will be sung.

FIRST PRB8BTTRRIAN CHURCH— 129 Broad street. 14:30, Palm Sunday service gad sermon by Dr. W. J. Dawson. 2:39.Sabbath School. 4. Adult Bible Clans. 6:4$."hrletian Endeavor Society. 7:45, musical service, Verdi's "Requiem,” Part II. with address by Dr. Dawmn.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TAB­ERNACLE—Lafayette and Tyler streets.Rev A. Gordon MacRury. pastor Junior C. K.. 9 30 A. M Morning worship, |H:45 A- M.: "The Trial of a King." Bible school ft :1ft P. M. Evening worship. 7 41 o’clock."Letting Jesus Alone." Tuesday, i P. M.. prayer service. ,


CHURCH—Cite ten evenue. opposite «*4» street. Rev Dr. T Eugene Sunday morning service at l* 4ft. Evening service at 7.9ft. Sunday school « » : » a *>

ST PAULS METHODIST EPISCOPAL— Rev F. J Hubech. A. M.. D D MS*®r Special Palm Sunday servlesa; m »«c »y chorus choir. Pastor’s subject. 19 *• a . a r . “The Glory of the Christ." 7 4ft P M.. Did Christ Die For All?*’

ROSEVILLE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH—Orange street and B atngase place. Karl K Quimhy. minister ^ ie »• A. M.: "The Success of Chrlntlanltf- 7.9* P. M The Triumph of Love." |M#«MjjKwY Olrl Scouts Rose Bryant, contralto aoloint. Seats free. All welcome.

HALSEY STREET METHODIST EPISCO­PAL I'HtTRC’H—Haleey street, near New Rev. J Clayton Howard. D D J ® » * *.**„• "Paatortai Relatione” 7:4ft P H . * e t,®*ht l M., Sunday school 4.4ft P M . Epw orth League. Tuesday. I P M-. hour of p rayer Welcome for all

V A I L S B C R G H M E T H O D IS T E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H —Richeli eu ter race . Dr A. p o y i a n Fi tMlermld. m in is te r Su n d ay schoo l. » » • A. M . ; communion. M orn ing s e r v i c e s a t 10 I I o ’c lo ck . " A scend in g l ’p to J s r u n a l e m , specia l mus ic by Mr. Dory W e rn e r o n t n e violin a n d M rs W a rre n Ya tes on t h e o r g a n E v e n i n g se rv ice At 7 4ft o 'c lo ck ; W U l i n g - noso to 8uf fo r "

CENTENARY METHODIST EPIBCOPAL CHURCH—Summer avenue and Moarny street. Jam es Brstt Kenns. *n‘nl«*r .A. M. Men's Bible Close graded Sunday achowi. 11 o clock, morning worship; sermon by the minister, Tne

j Cross—^The Stga of Conquest." « r . m . Young People’s social hour. 6 4ft ” • M . Young People’s devotional meeting. * 4* o’clock, evening worship; eermos l a *minister, "Jesus and th# World a Lam, Tuesday. I P. M.. Prayer meeting.


—94-91 Steuben street. East Orange, between Central avenue and Main street ! • : » A M and 7:4ft P M . the R«» T Sttmrt Moly- neu i and the Kev ( hsrlcs F respectively. 12 M.. Lord's Day school with Adult Bible Classes. 7 P M pie's Society Gospel service. * P M*. Wed- needay Good Friday service. I P S . w itn Holy Communion. A CHLRC1I OF CON­TINUOUS EVANGELISM.


Clinton piece and Bragaw avenue. 7 3f F* M. Sunday school 7 10 P M.. preaching by Rev Henry T Miller of Drew Seminary.

FIRST METHODIST PROTESTANT .CHURCH—Clinton and Treaty avunuaa. H I A M ; Bible School 11 A M . P a l m Sunday service with appropriate muair and aermon on "Hosanna—Who Is T h lar 7 P. M.: Christian Endeave»r. 7 4* r » Evening worship, sermon theme: "M accning with King Jssus.” Tuesday Thursday and Friday. I P. M.. Passion Week service#. All pews free The church with a glad wel­come for every ons. We invite you.

F r t t M ethodistFREE METHODIST CHURCH—19 South

Twelfth s tree t Preaching services on the Sabbath, 11 A M. and • P N. Sunday school. 9:4ft A M Evening service, evangel title service. Rev. W. H. Van Ness, paator.

R eform edN E W Y O R K A V E N U E REFORMED

CHURCH—Morning services, 19:30 o’clock. Sunday school. I 16 P. M Evening service. 7:4» o’clock. Pulpit supply provided by New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Prayer meeting Tuesday evening a t ft o'clock.

FIRST REFORMED CHURCH—Clinton and Johnson avenue#. Rev. Otla M Trou*^ dale, D. D , minister. Morning service a t 19:4ft; topic. "The Greatest Pact of H is­tory." Evening service a t 7:4ft; topic. "The Spiritual Medicine Man." Sunday School a t 9:SO A. M Young People’s service a t 7 P M Service with sermon and chorua choir on Good Friday evenlag a t I o’clock, la auditorium.

CHRIST REFORMED CHURCH—Corner Washington and Delsvan avenues. 19 45 A. M , "Ths Higher or the Lower View of the Personality of Jesus Christ." 7:4ft T If., “I t Chrtst Should Coro# to Our Chnrch. preparatory service on Tueeday night. Com­munion on Thursday, March 19. at a> o clock; address by Rev. E. H. Bishop of East O r­ange. Friday. March 10, John C. M«dd. M. D . will speak.

NORTH REFORMED CHURCH—Broad, noar Bridge street Rev T. Porter Druram. D. M , minister. Worehlp at WaMace H a 1 j .

S p M a l kr m r r i p i r i t u a u i t c h u b c * m a p i .k

LEAK, INC—MaaU III WIlllAm atrAAI. Newark, tbp Boer. Come and hoar oar out- of-town gifted medium. Sunday evening meeting at I o'clock. All are welcome.

NEWARK TRUTH CENTER—4ftft Fourth avenue. Meetings Sunday 8 P. H. Thurs­day. 1 and I P M. Telephone Branch Brook 4444; have men qnd woman helpers and teachers to call a t your homo, if illness is claimed.

SPIRITUAL CIRCLE—II BlB f f f l l hu#. first flight Tuesday. 8:89 and 7 4ft. Thursday. 8:30. Spiritual ad dr eas sad psychic demonstrations. Professor Astroa and Mrs Oration, tradon and Inspirational mediums All welcama.

PROGRESSIVE CIRCLE la hold ovary Tuesday evening a t ftftft Summer avenue, 8 to I t, directed by Miss Jennie Gleason and assisted by Mr. Frederick Ryan. Address by the Rev. ArabeHa Clark, followed by


MONY bold services every Sunday and Wed- needay evening, l o'elock. la Odd Fellow** Hail. 14 Washington street. East Orange. Take Orange car to Brtck Church. Sunday evening lecture followed by messages by our pestor and Mrs Keene.

SPIRITUAL CHURCH LIOHT. TRUTH AND LIFE—111 Springfield avenue. Ser- vlt-«e la different language* for enlighten - ment end teaching of soul sad spirit second and fourth Sundays of each month a t 8 R- M Every Thursday evening a t • meaagss by pastor, Fred Loebrs. sad others. All am welcome.

SPIRITUAL CHURCH OP ST. JOHN—188 South Sixth street, between #euth Orange avenue and Thirteenth avenue. Services Sun­day, Tuesday. Wednesday aiyl Friday eve­nings a t I o’clock Lftcture and message Sunday evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. AM messages by Mr. Pfeifer and other# Welcome to nil.

INDEPENDENT LECTURE #OCIETT— ••ft Broad street. Announces —r vlceg a t 7 4ft o'clock Sunday evening, conducted by Rev *0. D. Chapman Lecture by aaaietant. ‘‘Spiritualism from a Scientific View.'' It will be of Interest to you te learn our a d ­vanced ideas on psychic phenomena. Como nnd hear the wonderful messages. Bring flower#

SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF TRUTH— Tents* Hall. 19 Chestnut street, second floor The State Board of the New Jersey State Association of Spiritualists will have charge of the service on Sunday evening. Messages by the president. Dr. Mamif L Emery, and other# Message service l^riday evening. Dr. Mamie L. Emery, pastor of F irst Spirit- unllot Church. Patsreon. and president Of N. J. S. A. 8., will lecture and give the messages. Everybody welcome. _

FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SPIR IT ­UALIST—43 North Eleventh atront, near Seventh avenue. Regular services Sunday evening, I o’clock; Mias Jennie Gleason will lecture and give message# Tuesday afternoon. 8 o'clock. Mi# Agatha Remoon, message bearer and spiritual healer, in charge, German and English- Wednesday evening, 8 o’clock. Mien Jennie Gleason, all message service. Friday evening, church benefit circle; Mr# Bmmsrmow. spiritual healer and message bearer. Everybody wel­come.

FIRST SPIRITUALIST SOCIETY OP LIGHT AND TRUTH—49 West Kinney •treet. Newark. N J This Sunday evening, a t 7:4ft o'clock. Mrs. Hellaioe Mangrum wtii give an Inspirational lecture, followed by messages. Mrs. Mangrum will also con­duct the Wednesday evening message ser­vice a t I o'clock. Wednesday afternoon, ftt 2:39 o'clock. Mra. R Palumbo will coaduot n message service for ths benefit of tho church. Sunday afternoon, at 2:99 o’clock, the Progressive Lyceum holds Its regular ••••ton. Corns out and help us build a strong organisation of real Spiritualist#

SECOND MOUNT PITCAIRN SPIRITUAL CHURCH—474 Broad street. Pastor. Rev. A. L. K. Clark, aaaietant medium. Mr# T. Field# Sunday evening service, • 7:4ft. Wedneeday evening message service, 7:4ft. Thursday, 8 P. M., healing and messages. Friday evening service, 7 .4ft; conducted by the paator, assisted by Mr# F. Palumbo, pianist, Mr# P. Rodsr. Saturday evening. March 31, 4:30, whist and bean board games; benefit for the church. Saturday evening, April 14, reception and musical program, benefit for the church. Public in ­vited te all services and benefit# Sped#! service for Easter Sunday.

CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL PROMOTION AND HARMONIES—112 Springfield avenue. Sunday sfternooS at 1:41 o’clock. German •ervtee, Mr. O. Bobacher, lecture and floral message# At 7:4ft P. M . lecture given by Mr# R. Palumbo and messages different mediums present. Tuesday and Thursday at 8 P. M. sharp, message and healing ser-

iv «v « . . . . — _______ . vice# Mrs. M. Btlshl. address and healing;editor of th* Moslem World and one of the ,«ome and hoar hsr. Mr#- dJejl Monica will foremost authorities on ths Moslem quee give lecture and messages at 7:4ft Tues- tton will occupy ths pulpit. Dr. Drumm [day evening. Thursday evening a t 7:4S our preaches a t 7.45 P. M.; "Marriage, nnd ■ faithful missionary worker of N. J. A.. Mra. After '* a sermon for home makers. Come I Dennison, will be with us and a trea t In and worship with us. I store for you; other prominent mediums will

TRINITY- M & U I1 I5 4 C H .-R C -H -K .rr, . V““ C°m * M l

EafiUi Lntkeraa• O v e r ta k e n S p e c ia l singing by vested

choir a t hbth services Prayer meeting Tuesday n lih t at 9 o'clock. Good Prldny service prjfpara’ory to communion Friday night a t t i o’clock. Special music by vested choir. C/bmmunlon service Easter Sunday

GRACE ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH —Mercer sweet, near High street Rev. M.

S. Water# paator. Palm Sunday and con*

I b s s i M

___■ . - . ky. ™ ai ■ i a. |imi V, • • imorning 19 89. • Sunday School emerctaes j finnatlon service# 19:39 A. M. Holy Week Easter Sunday afternon at 2.30. npeciai j Wednesday and Friday evening# Amusical service by vested choir Last or sun- cordial welcome lor #11. day night at t i l . Take South Orange avenue ear at "Four Corners” going nnatj on Market street marked “East Ferry. Lara •top at the door.

CLINTON AVENUE R E F O R M E D CHURCH— Clinton avenue and Halsey streeL Rev Philip H Clifford. 8 T D., minister. 11 A M . a spiritual m0” **,* Jy the paator. 7 4ft P M. Rev Samuel M.Zw*-mer. D. D . will prosch; a groat preacher, a great missionary; founder of missions In Arabta Bible school a t 9:41 A. M Christian Endeavor, Juniors a t 3 p. M . Seniors at 7 P. H. Tuesday. # t 8 p M Rev. Andrew Magili. I). D., ofJamaica, Long Island, will preach W ednee­day, a t ft P M , Rev Lvman C, Pettit. D D . will preach. Thursday, at ft P. M . com ­munion service and reception of new m em ­bers a brief aplrltuM message by Paator Clifford. Friday, from t to 3 P. M union services. "Seven Words of the Cross. Seven- minme addresses by Dr# Vincent. Thom p­son. Curt# Bss# Jack. Moffatt and P s ttlt Friday, a t » P M . Stainer • 'Crucifixion, by chorua choir of fotty voice# assisted by Charles Harrison, tenor, of New York and Louis Burke, baritone. Mr Theodore Webb, baritone, of New York, will sing a t the services on Tuesday. Wednesday. Thuraday

nd Friday afternoon# A cordial Invitation le

FREE LECTURE Sunday I P. M . a t l i t Broad street; subject: "Symbolism la Ja p a ­nese Art:" lecturer Georgs Rockwell; for books and free literature on theosophy ap ­ply to librarian.


Fourth and Dickerson streets (take Cen­tral car). Rev. Allan A. Swift, pastor. Sun­day school, 19:45. Worship, 3 arid 7:30. Wednesday. 7:30, prayer meeting. Thurs­day, young people, 9:30. Ten days’ conven­tion. March 39 to April I, Inclusive. Three meetings dally. 10:39. 2:39, 7.30. Special apeakera You are heartily Invited to all these services




owners. . Instalments

Interest only for_ — —■ ------- ---------- rinses and profes-■topa! man purposely flnanes this company «• enable folks l i moderate circumstancss »• h ar row on a safe. Mlf-respecting business ■bgato; conalderatloa and privacy prevail throughout the satire transaction; your in ­quiry Incurs no obligation. Gall, w rits or


* Room ft92, Wtss bldg., fifth Boor.Entrance 871 B rm 4 st.

No. 71. N. J. S tats Banking Dept. Newark Chamber of Commerce.

Usited PrssbytsrissF I R S T U N I T eV) PRESBYTERIAN

CHURCH—184 Bslievllls avenue Albert Oordon. paator. Morning subject. "Christ's Entry and Rejection.” Sabbath school a t noon. Young people’s meeting 7 P. M. Eve­ning worship. 7:43 P. M ; subject, "Ths Repentant Tnjef.”

FIRST BAPTIST PBDDIB MEMORIAL— Broad and Fulton street# Rev. M. Joseph Twome.v, paator, D. D Morning worahlp, 19:39; auhjeet, "The Proceexlon that Stirred

te all services.Christian Scienct

FIRST fHVRCH OF CHRIST. SCIEN- TIST. OF NEWARK—Clinton and Hllloide avenues. Sunday services at 11:1ft A. M. and 8 P M subject, "Matter.” Sunder school a t 9 4ft A M. Testimonial meeting W ednes­day at 8 P M. Free public reading room in the church edifice open dally. I P M. to I P m . Sunday and holidays excepted.

SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SC1BN- Tiirr. NEWARK—Secumd avenue and Q ar- elde street. Sunday services a t 11 A. M. and I P M ; subject. "Matter." Sunday school a t 9:49 A. M. Testipi®*1*1 meeting W ednes­day 'a t I P. M. Free public reading room, a t ftt Clinton street, open daily 19:30 to ft • nd 9 to 9:39, Sunday and Wednesday eve­nings excepted.

FIRST CHURCH O F' CHRIST. SCIEN­TIST. IN ORANOKS—Cleveland street, near Main itreet. Sunday services a t 11 A. M. and ft P M . subject. "M attsr ” Sunday school a t ft-39 A. M. Testimonial m eeting Wednesday at • P M Reading room, a t 191 Main street. Orange, open day and •venlng, Wednesday evening excepted.

FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN­TIST IN EAST ORANOE. N. J .—-N orth Parkway, near William street. Sunday ser-S S M it *. *. • P; >f i"Matter. Sunday school a t ft:|0 A. M.Tsnttmonlal meeting Wednesday evening a t it o’clock. Reading room, in th s ch«M«h edifice, open week days from 1 to ft P. M.

V w u 'i Chrifti*R T s s s u ww c T. U. No. 3—43 Bellsvtlle ava.

Sunday 3:4ft P. M , Mr# Simmons <P> will h»v« c h .'r* . L. t . u r r k u r . I I I P. M. Evening service. I o clock. L. L. Robb, corresponding secretary.

ROSEVILLE W. C. T. U.—l IIum baldt , t r e , t—Meeting « _P. H. men •

P8YCHK’ INSTITUTE. NEWARK—Br special request ws will visit the bed-fast to administer or teach the psychology of sue- cea# etc. If you dsalre an appointment to save time walling, address 28 Hill at reel. Institutional hour# 2 to 7 P. M., Sunday and dally.

QOODWILL HOME AND RESCUE MIS­SION—63 Plane street. Gospel rally tonight. Sunday, 3:30 and 7:4t, Evangelist Edna Rost, former actress. Tuesday, Louis H. MacKenxIs celebrates first spiritual anniver­sary. Thursday. Rev. and Mra. Brandorf. A cordial welcome • watts you.

NEWARK RESCUE HOME—321 Mt. Pleas­ant avenue. Sunday services, 8:4ft P. M.; Rev. Mr Gorden of United Presbyterian Church will speak. 7:4ft P. M , Louts O. Simmons; Mr# Wells Browri of Bslievllls M. B. Church In charge of singing; sho rt tes­timonies. Good ringing a t all services; come, foin with tts Mrs. Mickenx, violinist, and dr# Robert La Ra# pianist_____________

PUBLIC AUiTIO* SALE f t , U m kr F o rl.r u l U k n MIIWB M

Receivers of Ths Robinson-Roders Com p a y . Inc., pursuant ts an srder of Ron. Charlun F Lynch. Judge sf the United States Dim trte t Court for ths Bistrtet sf Mew Jersep, dated ths ftth day of March. 1933. in an action entitled J oseph W. Woods A Sons Company, complainant. agaJnsU The Rob,f" •on-Rodsra Company, Inc., defendant, wtH sell nt public auction to the highest bidder on ths t th dap of April, 1923. commencing nt 11 • ’clock A M at the County Court House la the city of Hswark. County «i Essex, stats of New Jersey, ths real hereinafter described; said sale to bo held according to the term# coaditlooa and limitations hereinafter set forth:

All the right, title and Interest which on th s 3d day of November. 1933. The Robtn- •on-Roders Company, Inc., had in all those certain tract# or parcels of land and promises hereinafter more partlsnlarly described as follows:

(a ) All that certain tract or parcel of land nnd premises aitwat# lying and being tn tho city of Newark. County of Essex and S tats of Now Jsrosy and mors particularly described as follows: *

Beginning a t ths southeasterly corner of Now Jersey Railroad avonoo and East Mechanic street; thence running along ths easterly Has'of New Jersey Railroad avenue south forty-four (44) degress one 41) minute •rest on# hundred and twenty <139) feet to land belonging to Oortrudo E. Wriglor; thence along tne same south fsrty-fivs (4ft> degrees fifty-six (ft#) minutes t u t one hundred (19#) fsst; thence still along ths same south forty-four (44) degrees one t i l m inute west twenty-nine (39) feet to a point in the northerly tins of th* right-of- way of the Newark A New York Railroad t now the Central Railroad of New Jersey > being distant fIRy (S9) fset northerly a t right angloe from ths renter Uns of the same as filed In the Secretary of State 's office; thence along said northerly line of •aid right-of-way south sevonty-four (74) degreos thlrty-ono (31) minutes east sixty- two and sixty-ono ono hundredths (42.41) fee t; thence still along tend belonging to the Central Railroad -of Mow Jersey south forty-six (44) degrees forty-three (43) m in­utes oast twenty-nins and stghty-four on* hundredths (39.14) feot to the westerly tins of Bruon street; thence along the same north forty-four (44) degreos east one hun­dred. and ninety-eight (19l> foot to tho southerly liae of East Mechanic s tre e t; thence along the same nosth sixty-nine (69) ( degrees six (I) minutes west two hundred , and oaa (891) fast to the place of beginning.

(b) All that tract or parcel of land and I premises situate, lying and being In the | City of Newark, County of Bosox and State of New Jersey and more particularly de­scribed as follows:

Beginning on the easterly side of the New Jersey Railroad avenue one hundred and twenty feot southerly from the south­easterly corner of ths same and East Mechanic street: thence along said avenue south forty-foor (44) degrees west thirty (39) foot; thsnco south forty-six (46) degrees thirty (SO) minutes east ons hun­dred (199) foot; thencs north forty-four (44) degrees east thirty (39) feet; thence north rorty-olx (44) degreee thirty (39) minutes west one hundred (199) feet to tho place of beginning.

Said two parcel# last above described, being tho same premises convoyed to paid The Robinson-Roders Company, Inc., by Robinson-Roders Company by doed dated the 1st day of April. 1911, and recorded In tho office of the register of tho county of Essex and stats of New Jersey on tho I th day of May, 1911, In Book F-49 of Deeds for said county on pages 315-218.

(c) All that certain tract or parcel of land and premises situate, lying nnd being In tho city of Newark, couaty of Essex and s ta te of New Jersey, and more particularly described as follows:

Beginning in the westerly lino of Mc­W horter street at a point therein distant 115 fast 4 Inches southerly from the sou th­erly Hat of East Mechanic street, which point Is in the range of the southerly side of tho church building of the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel; thence running along tho promises belonging to said church and along premises formerly belonging to Sam ­uel C. Colyer north slity-two (62) degrees twenty-one (31) minutes wrot seventy-three and twenty-one ons hundredths (72 21) feet; thence along the westerly line of said ColyeFa lot north- fifteen (1ft) degress thirty-three (31) minutes east eleven t i l ) feet to the rear of lots fronting on East Mechanic street now or formerly belonging to Paul A and Joseph Curtis; thence along tho same north sixty-seven (67) degrees seven (T) minutes west thirty-seven and eighty-sight one hundredths (37.18) fool; thence along tho westerly l.ne of said lots north fifteen (1ft) degrees thirty-ftvs (15) minutes east one and flfty-aeven ons hun­dredths (1.57) feet to a point distant fifty- six (54) foot northerly from the southerly Line of Lot No. 8 as shown upon the Burry- ng Ground Map measured at right angles !hereto; thence parallel with said northerly lino of Lot No. 2 north fifty-one ($1) degrees fifty-two minutes west flfty-nlno and ftfty-soven ons hundredths (59.57) feot to tho easterly line of Bruen street; thsncs along the same south thirty-eight (88) degrees forty-three (43) minutes west ons hundred and fifty one hundredths (199.39) fset to tho westerly line of tho right-of-way of tho Newark A New York Railroad (now ths Central Railroad Company of Now Jef- •ey) being fifty (50) feet northerly from tho eenter lino of aaid railroad, as riled, m ea­sured a t right aaglea thereto; thence along 1 the same parallel with said center lino of tho railroad south seventy-nine (79) degreos forty-etght (41) minutes east ninety-nine and fifty one hundredths (ft. 19) fsst; th tneo north thirty-eight (31) degrees forty-threo (48) minutes east thirteen and slnty-throo ono hundredths (18.48) foot; thonco south seventy-nine (78) degrees forty-eight (48) minutes oast seventy-one nnd forty-ono hun­dredths (71.40) foot to tho roar side of a frame dwelling house now standing upon tho promises herein described; thonco. through tho center of the partition wall between the house standing upon tho promises herein described and tho house adjoining It on the south (now taken down) south firty degress (59) sixteen (14) m in­utes east twenty-two yid forty-five ons hundredths (22.41) fset ftt the w#v*erly tins of McWhorter street; thence along tho same north thirty-nine (29) degreos east nine­teen and rifhtoen one hundredths (18.12) feet to the placo of beginning. Tho bear­ings In the stlbve description rofor to tho true meridian#

Said premises last above described being the same premises conveyed to said The Robinson-Roder* Company. Ino., by Joseph V. Lupo by deed dated the 16th day ot January. 1919, and recorded In the office of th# Roglator In the County of Essex. State of New Jersey, on the 17th day of January. 1919. In Book Y-60 of Deeds for sal# county on pages 165-567

The said property Included In sal# sale will be sold free and clear of all liens and encumbrances thereon, and It la provided In aatd order that the proceedx of and from aaid sals of said real astate be hold by said receivers subject to all Hens and en­cumbrances thereon to all Intents nnd pur­poses as though said property had not boon •old. subject, however, to tho further and final order. Judgment and decree of said court as to the validity, bdnafldo# p ri­ority and extent of each of said li«m*?v

The term# conditions and limltatlhns under which said sals will be held are aa follows:

1. Ths said property shall bo^-offered for •ale at an upset pries of two hundred five thousand (8341.099) dollar#

t. Each and every bidder nt nnd prior

day Of March, IMS. ta a ra us* lfnrgnrM FltaMnunona la s s a p k is *

a n t and you. IVodorlck A. Son ms. Jane Son i a and Cecil A Clark* asp dofoadant# you #ro r equired to appear, nftsad. an#war or dem ur to tlM MU of aaid complainant on or hofor* tho faartoonth day of May, next. 1*21. or tho sold MU will ho taken aa confessed against you.

Th* aaid MH is filed to foreclose tho equity of rod caption now hold by each of you la sad ta eortala lands In the olty of Newark. Bosox County. Now Jersey, and you and onch of you are made defendants because you own aaid lands or some part ther eof.

JOHN FRANCIS C AMI Lift SoTr. of Consort.,

4ft Clinton Street.(11###)___________ Newark, Now Jorooy.CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE—-Take no­

tice, that by virtue of a chattel mortgage made and gtvon by tko Bureau of In terna­tional Investigation, mortgagor, to Automo­bile Flnaso* Corporation, mortgagee, datsd tho eighteenth day of December. A. D. 1922. and records# la lbs office of the register of the couaty of Essex In Now Jsrosy. tho condition whereof has been broken by de­fault in tho payment of tho moneys thereby secured and by ether default# I. tho sub-

............................... ..... id at-aertbor, the duly authorised bailiff an< tornoy of th* mortgagee, shall sell a t public auction the gsods. chat tala and property therein mentioned, for the satisfaction of the moneys due upon said momkage with costs and charges, on Monday, tne second day of April. A. D. 1I2S, a t 8 o'clock P. M . a t Nonpareil Garage, 418 Washington street. Newark. In tho county of Essex, in New Jersey, which good# chattels and property a re described at follows: Ono (1) 1918 Wla- tA« sedan; manufacturer's number, 82799.

Dated March 21. A D. 1918 ________ WILLIAM J SHUPT, Conotabio.IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY—Be­

tween Ephraim F l>e Groff, petitioner, and Blanche H. DoGroff. dafendant. On petition for Jlvorc*. Notice of order of publication.

To Blanche H. DoGroff:By virtu# of an order of tho Court of

Chancery of Naw Jersey, made on the fifth day of March. In a certain rauae wherein Ephraim F. DoGroff la petitioner, and you are defendant, you are required to appear and plead, answer or demur to tho petitioner's petition, on or before tho seventh day of May next, or In default thereof such decree shall Im mad# against you aa tha chancellor shall think equitable and Just.

The object of aaid eauss !• to obtain a decree of divorce, dissolving tbo marriage between you and tho raid petitioner.

DE GRAW A KEATING.Solicitors of Petitioner,

poatoffi'-e address. 2 Clinton street. New­ark. N J. _________ _____(812.49)

IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY—ToWilliam Miehtnfslder and Catherina

Mlchenf elder:By virtue of an order of tho Court of

Chancery of New Jersey made on th* 29th day of March. 1822, in a cause wherein M argaret Fitzsimmons Is complainant, and vou. William Micbenfalder and Catherine Mtchsnfelder, are defendants, you are re­quired to appear, plead, answar or demur to tho bill of said complainant on or before tho 21st day of May next, 1928. or tho aaid bill will be taken as confessed against you.

Tho aaid bill Is filed to foreclose th* equity of redemption now hold by each of vou in and to certain lands In tho city of Newark. Essex County. Now Jersey, and

nd each of you are made defendant* you own aaid lands or some part


Sol’r of Compl’t.45 Clinton Street,

Newark. N. J ._________________

H oaSSr*

H arry K tara u < H i , Harry i k M . M i

Mr# Arthur O- Headley, fig wtfej JaftA- than M. Elstoa and Mr# .L m t f t u K Elston, Ms wife, and Harry AftSsT Oa- howms.Take notice, th a t hy virtue of an order of

tho Court of Chancery of How Jqrusg, mado tn a cause wherein Jamas R. Mxgout M complainant sad Margaret Fltsalmmans sad you aad others are defendant# dated Feb­ruary I t . 1938, you are required to Ugpoar and answer tha complainant's MSI of com­plaint on or bofori) April 19, 19f8« or te de­fault thereof such decree will ho m odi against you as th s chancellor shall think equitable aad just.

Ths said bill ta filed for th* partlthm orsale of a eortala tract of salt meadow land,

t e a l______________ ____ — rowed byWilliam Brown and Cyrus Durand, a s ­st tuata in tha city of Newark, county Essex and state of Naw Jersey, conveys# by

you ambecause

signooa. by dsod dated August 8#, 1881. and recorded ta ths Essex Couaty register's office in Book K-2 of Pood# page 84], o t# , to Stephen Headley Jr., who died seised thereof. Bounded woot by Caleb Camp, oast by William Brown, Esq., and Samuel Du­rand. south by Benjamin and Haary Brown and Matthias Rom. containing 8 88-19#

Aad you are mad# defend ea ts because you claim, or may claim, eortala ahartft righ t# title or interest la Said tend.

Dated February 28, 1888.JAMES R. NUGENT, gol’r pro e #

(888 48) 778 Brood si., Newark. N. J,in c h a n c k r t o f h W jK R fe rr—t .

Marianna Dt Bello:By virtue of aa order of tho Court of

Chancery of Now Jorooy. made on th a day of tho date hereof, in a certain cause wherein Guisoppl Dt Bello In petitioner, and you are defendant, you are required te ap­pear, and plead, answer or demur to peti­tioner's petition on or before tho 88# #ay of April next. or. la default thereof, ouch doers* will bo taken against you an tha chancallor shall think equitable aa# lust.

Ths object of said suit la to obtain a doc res of diYoroo, dissolving tho marriage between you and tha said petitioner.

ANTHONY R. FT NELLI,Solicitor of Petitioner.

P. O. Address. 81# Broad 8 t .Newark. N. J., U. A A.

Dated February 34, 1989. (819.46)TO 8TEN. G. PETERSON. New Hava# f w j

Naugatuck, Conn., or to whom It m ay concern: .

Take notice, that on March 8#, 1888, a t 14 o’clock In tha forenoon, a t 188 North Sov*ntb street, Newark. N. J.. wa will soil n t nubile auction one Reo roadster, motor No 69498. Con# registration 1928, N # 194-894. which Is Indebted to ua for storage charges in tho amount of 8199. This earn will be hold under tha. garage hoopers lto# act. known as ChaptorTlS. Laws or 181ft.



TO CREDITORS OF THE NATIONAL TRANSFER A WARE HOUSE CO.In pursuance of an ordsr of tho Court of

Chancery of the state of New Jersey, mad# on tho day of the date hereof. In a cause whoroln Henry A. Underwood Is complain­an t and National Transfer A Ware House Co. ta defendant, notice la hereby given to tho creditors of said company to present to Peter A. Cavicchla. the receiver of said company, a t his of floe. No. t l Clinton street, tn tha city of Newark, county of Bmox and state of New Jersey, their several claims and demands against aaid company, duly verified under oath or affirmation, within one month from ths date hereof, or they will be excluded from the benefit of such dividends aa may haraaftar be made nnd declared by aaid court from tho assets of said company.

PETER A CAVICCHIA, Receiver, National Transfer A War* Houso Co.

FREDERICK J. WARD.Solicitor of Complainant and of th* Receiver.

790 Broad at , Nawark, N. J.Dated March 14. 1981._________________

STATE OF NEW JKR8EY.~DEPARTMUff OF STATE:I, Thomas F. Martin, secretary of s ta te f t

<he state of Now Jersey, do hereby certify that Chemical Company of America, lac., did on the twentieth day of February. A. D. 1923. file in this department n certificate of reduction of its common capital stock from 81,099.000 to 1,499 shares of no par value, aa by th* statutes of this s ta ts re- (17.99) Secretary of S ta tequirod.

la testimony whereof I have here­unto sot my hand and affixed

) my official seal a t T eu ton , this twentieth day of February, A D.

<*1828.THOMA8 F. MARTIN.

'Hotel Jevfrm e» r « t

Capacity 509 Open aQ yearaad la rspoas f h s t

... mates water and triaglservice »a ritjowsa __ .Clerster service Orchestra. Oaariag. 8sa water# all kotka

CUStgLA STATE Owners aad


C a lifo r n ial a l l m t w mm4 D M * Nat. P ark .

P e r s o n a l ly C o n d u c t e dLEAVING NEWARK JULY 7

Write. Phone os Call

L . N A U G H R IG H T118 Nosth Fourth St.

Newark. N. J .FImhm Branch Break MSI

C L A R K ’S U tli C R U ISE , Jo — IT

» MEDITERRANEANM f e f t f e S e W M H S i O 1 1

% A m c wn£ra * —- »- - ftHHM - - ■ — -* *- -« J»- - — a-^ ey MvIMMa IMMMMmanaged hy I®. C. Clark. Knew. Athena Spain,

£ o 3 t 1 » & v R ^ : i * r sa Europe and*

Sakia." «S

PROPOSALSFOR SALE—The Board of Education of

Newark offers for sale tha grandstand, located on the Vailaburgh playground trac t west side of Boylan street, together with ail fixtures and fittings contained therein or attached thereto. Sealed bids will bo re ­ceived at the city hall. Thursday. March 29, 1198. at 4:34 o’clock. ,

a T o w 1’ Evening worship, 7:39; apodal 1 Brother Louis Simmons from thaovaagsliattt service; preacher. Dr. W. J . Nawark' Rescue Homo will bo th# lender. Swaffiold. Covenant aervtco Thuraday, 8 A number ot th# friends and w orkers will

MONEY FOR EASTER.te 88## to housekeepers on furniture

A M other focurlly; pay .til. t , .m all . S W IM * MMIaoMo. lata iaat c h a ro d oa lr

a a aaoa li b a ta n c .' l a a d O l t . 8,rvic«—No Publicity.

i DTOUITIIUL LOAN SOCIETY. INC., U P M M I to EaulL bt. Industrial j t i n

HMMy, taa.V;. iH n a t l l . Halt bid*., rc rn .r C ater.

' - Taka na i a taa ta fourth floor.■ h ? ' . ' . - » _ »•* BBOAO KT~

Hp*- Tanatnol aad Cantor Horkot.* H oakla, Doyartmont M m q q t n .

SIMM Harkat M l .

Ej y k u A . k i f y r i o n — * —^ i— i

P. M. Every on# welcome.FAIRMOUNT BAPTIHT CHURCH—Fair-

mount avenue, near Rank street. C. E. Tit- ton. minister. 10:30 A M., "Christ a t Our Gate." 2o30 P. M , church school and adult Bible clause# 7 P. M., B. Y. P. V. 7 46 P M.. "W hat Shall We Think About tho Kingdom of God?" Prayer oervlce Tuesday # t 7:45 P. M. Special aervlce Good Friday a t 7 .48 r . M. All walceme.

CLINTON HILL BAPTM8T CHURCH— South Fourteenth .street and Clinton avenue. Rev. Albert BrOlaehaaldar. paster 19:8# A. M.. serm on, "Chrlatu# unaer Koenig." 2:16 P. M-. Sunday school. 7:48 P. M.. sermon topic, "A Sanctified L!f#’r young people's mooting; Rev.

isodny a t 8. v. William

St V, bust-Schoeffst will apaak. Thuraday nosa mooting, Friday a t 8. Gun# I vie# Special singing by choir and m ate

Iday nt I. Good Friday ear-___ _ ngtag byquartet. AH arc walcome.


■ r 'jN h irk J r' S S r t e i m

SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH—Boot K lan .r m i l M » t.p . from Btted. William m.

TkamMaa. mlaUt.r. t :U A. U., Sandar i s M ; alaaMa far all a n a t t , m oraine w arihlai aoWact. "Madarn N .tu rallnn and (ha Hlraculaaa E l.ra .n t tn tha Jtth!*-“ t p . H . T aaa t .Paapla'a moot In,. oaa.n in , w anhla; tkla aanlaa will la b . tha ta n k ' of a hi* Bahia Clara; t h . M otor will aunt- anarira H u araoMj»f Holy w rak—* tfeouah l M r aaak dor- W S j a tha oha rrh ra I k . cordial kand. AM jralroraa.

THE C W rtO H AVENUB HAPTMT CTfCKCH—CMaraa and Nanaum tk afraata. w i l rarara yaa to Ha f a t a landay aarviaaa a> l f A. I M H t i * fc- H. fw raiia toMaai it e ra lae J t o ^ i M y JWfe*. K ina;" ,iraafeii. — ” Taka and R rat** M Ui rai Weak

A number — s - - - --------------- .com# with him and good ringing an# good talks will be tho order of the mooting. Tea served a t close of mooting. Everybody invited.

WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION—118 Mulberry street. Saturday. ! P M.. praise service. Sunday, 4 P. M., Miss Esther Bifroth of Haddonfield, N. J., r ia ta president of th* W. C. T If.. wHl bo the speaker AU W. C T- Unlona ago invited. 7:99 P. M-. Mr*. Johaio H artm an will ba tho loader. Wodnoaday. 8 P- M.. business meeting from 9 to 4. p rayer kaur. Wednesday. I P. M., Redeemed Mop's m sat­ing. B r# Knock*. Every lady wotcoap# V


ANCE—I* North Nlyth ctrrat. f t F.t Arm- M n u . WMrtJitaoteat- f a t e * . I f V * * . • HindrancM to t o . Holy too r t f , M a ra t . H U ." t « , mM m L "Tha P ratiny at t h , tow and Oantlla Natlona" feaa d ay Rrhaal. i p . K. Taw»K Paapla’a oarvtra a r ts P . H. T a u i lT t7 « Y U., BIWa Train ta a {Mara. T hun tey . I P. H.. t lr tn a hoalln* a a m a a t i t t P. M., Blhta rtn d r aad prkyw aarrlaa.

to tho maktnr of aoy hid ohall b . r.qutrod to doportt with tho Mid rrc.lv.rn r u h o r a cortlflod chock cquiv»lent to a t toast twonty


X D C C 3 C

HEW THOUGHT—H ra Roaalla f t B ra tty . P h B. Wodtrahday. t i l l P. K . a t M l B r i l l raraoti "Tbo Splrttaal and Mota- D hr.lc.l Application or P m h w r a r to Selontltlc LfrinK. Admlralon froo. A ll ora waiaara,, -

NHWARX TRUTH CENTER—M o ctlan to S tey . * P . f t ! T handar, ( and. • P . f t At .11 Fourth ar.nao a t North N in th atroot. N.wartt- Root OraARa kaa a t lfo rk c t an a Waohtocton itr ra t,. para oar door. Tan M M . J to a lralaa tna . Call.’ wffto o r M t* ifeaht for adrtro or kolp aay H an . H rom k Brook M H. Wo M u j ta m t tm w ith Tutor * notlooal Hyatlc, Occult and MOW T k o a th t 3 3 S B S a Tfe* O tte r of m : f la lte n Rnlo HtoMkHira TOM B; 'S I W I f t ;'WtAA to n a ■oat. traran A a daHrlOH. to kai arao ac tlv . raflator a t ottoa.

TOW HTHHfe l OP .l S m i S l w ',»iis*>.


i S H f e a L a Km s . proa.fcra art^kOto fiaHina. K w to i . Hip. "Moh. Jopaa Kta».-- NImtk aonlronary

HwafetNftp 3 *rnw Owar- raa. RacaUont fal-m ' r e a m M S-



the purchasing agent of tho county of Essex. N. J., in th* freeholders' meeting room, court house, Newark, N. J ., on F ri­day. April 4. 1888. between 11 o.cleek aad ll:lf t oclock A. M.< for repair of bituminous pavement on Central avonoo, East Orange, from Newark lino to Orange lino, w ith as­phaltic concrete pavement, In accordance with plans and sped fleet tons pre pored t e tha county engineer, nt whose office ta tb4 court house, Newark. N. J., tho asm# may ho Inspected and forms of p r tn ta a li ob­tained.

Bach bid must ho hteloeod In n sealed en­velope and submitted a t the lima and placo above specified. No hid will Im roeotvM t e mail. Bach bid moat bo accompanied hy ait agreement Of a surety company te bond bidder. If successful, together w ith a cer­tified check parable to Richard W. Booth, county treasurer, or cash Hi an amount equal to 19 per centum of tho am ount IM#, provided that, no chock or cash ringtail need bo mom than 889.999, hut shall r m ha loss than $599.

Tho successful bidder will be required t e furnish a bond te the county of B itty la te * full amount of the contract aa provided t e law.

Each bidder most strictly comply with-aril requirements for a regular hid. a s directed or required by this notice, tho s ta tu tes in such eases mad* aad provided, and Ute specifications. Notice la hereby gtvon to aft bidders that If their M il a te informal, fective or Irregular tho agate will t e ten* mediately rejected.

The purchasing agent raeervan the righ t to reject any or alt M#% and his action ta subject la at) raapacta ta tho approval s f tho ftnsrd o t Chosen XToohoMom of the county of M m ,

COUNTY OF ESSEX,Br Ooergo c . B ergen,

■ F ireh te lag Agent, SEALED PROPOSALS wlfl be t m iv o d r t e

the purchasing agent of te g county ot Bonex. N. J„ la th* freeholders* mooting room, court houo*. Nawark. N. J ., on F r i­day. April 8. 3933, tetwooa l i o’clock an# 11 :M o'clock A M,, for «#Wter 'and NMW Volte m ottim of _County regtetar, court hoaos, N*’ M S go, In asoniritnos with npirifirniinan a i l form of prsponnl prepared by tha purchaa- Ing agont. In w te te office copies of tho «fta* may bo obtained.

Bach bid must bo dacTposd h» a r tH lt l tfivetopo. gdriro—ad to Georg# C. B e rm # purchasing agont, and submitted a t th a Haw- and p)ao* ateva apocifiod. K r M # t e t e ritetea* t e mail.■ Bach hM or proposal must t e aceam* pentad hy a cortlflod chook made payahlo

m -mtB *a- like amount, to Insure an* acution o f contraet. If awarded, togothor with a oartiftoato of a anroty company

, agroeing te tend jNMrior for tho full am ount *gf te# -t e R i M h ' *- • .x . Each Mddaf.mari Mriotly enanply w ith a ll roqnlrementa tor a tegular Md, an ftftite

'.te te te i t i i . - w ■ JfM#''##*!••;'■ .tea ntatatonl i f f

per cent, ot the said upset price of two hundred five thousand ($845,999) dollar# to w it: 841.999

8, The residue of said purchase money will be required to bo paid to tha eal# receivers at their place of business a t 87-88 Now Jersey Railroad avenue. Newark, N. J., within twonty day* after tho said sale and for which a receipt of said receivers will hn given.

4. The receive re* deed will be ready fa r delivery within two days after confirmation of said sale by the court. Th* receivers are not required to send any notice to tho purchaser.

6. The purchaser of Said promises wilt a t tho time and place of sal* sign a memoran­dum of his purchase.

4. The biddings will be kept opon a fte r tho property Is struck down and Hi case a t e purchaser shall fail to comply with any 4tf tho abov* conditions of sale tho p r f m lm so struck down te him will te again put up for sole under tho direction* o f leuftil receivers and under the same terms of aula without apptlesiioa to tha court, unions tho toeelvora* attorney shall aleet te m a te an te application, and such purchaser will he teM tiabie for any deficiency there many t e t e - ' tween tho sum for which said premies* shall be struck down upon the ml# and th a t for which they may be purchanod on th* resale together with any costs or expenses accruing on nueh sale.

7. The ante will be held subject to ap ­proval and confirmation by tea court a u not without runorvt.


aa Receivers of Th# Rohlnnon-R i # te tCompany, in#,I T - in H v Jersey Railroad“S S L S T VFRANK M. PATTERSON.

Solicitor for Receiver# . (1184.88)149 Broadway, Mow Yoqk City.

*» cnica mua- ding inriftana t lha Emm# Newark, f t

to raftot aHLto i j

s s S s tuunuun

« a i t e i C t e WP.ftBf iteforn ite.

» p 8 l ;teoervos^tte

KM CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY—T o A.Conklin KMMR) te d Minnotta A. >6699.

Mn wife. ■By virtu* of an order o f the C ourts of

Chancery of th# gtate of Now Jiggaa^Htepi^ February 26, 1888, in A flhTi P l f i l .............Franco* 1 WlggHw 1* oom plafuteiM

oar, plead, answer or t e f l f t e j p l teanua bui, t e a r tefnni tha M & 4 tl, next, w the' Mid bill will t e <Uu

A- Conklin Knapp nnd M iamteb::^'.; his wlf# a re deiondant# you are roqt in appear, , - - - - - - --complainant' of Aprn, ntn.,.-gn confessed against ten , .v. -----------’ Th# aiMf MII is filed te mortgage, gtvm by A. Conklin F n i ig and Mlnnatta A Knapp, his

eaSnant. under t e r w -Im p h . Laack# dated J«ty t L HMT

property f t th# town of KnooiR____county of ftilMi nnd , m ate M .M M ___An# yen. A. Conkttn R ^ ftfe i t e nriido I te riant to aaftd suit, baoanso you oteUL rite said mortgag*. an# are tho o v w r # f t t e premia*# embraced therein, an# «la|Bft t e

~ ‘ *ai# pro«n)n;s; aari

otter jo o r i_____up. FohTa. 09 8_____

K S T c C t o k .a - . i r a a .

“#ka M k Ba W ralii-

i N u i m

Virginia ava., second house from B oard*alh and 8teel Pier. Every appointment. Highest standard In cuisine and s#rvtc# Booklet, gpoclal weakly rate# J. EOTHWMLU Propk

B ca4U y l a c k K A



Beautiful Cottages for gate ot Kant Inw rrilet* Aiptlnntlnn Advlnahlo

For booklet aad real estate Informatlba writ#CHy Clerk. BRADLEY BEACIl 81. J,


Sunset Avenue. Second House from O w ia * “ - R at# 818 to 88f

HAWK. Prop.Spootal Spring B at# 8 tl to 889.

X d o d m a n r --------

HOTEL GARDNERNow opo# Rooms only 89.9# atngl# 88.it double, per day. Phono 918. M. P a r t nut.AQ H 8TP V P A R K 894 Grand Av# Op# A S l H J n l r A R R Marlborough Hotel Attractive rate* for Easter.


O c m b Grami f

Oeona Grove. M. Oooen Pnfthwny—AHmod- convenience# A L E. M r. f tm ih n rg g r . P t.

ih?*” 80SC0BELi r i w w f t f t J .

^ E M B A S S YN,w and modern throughout; fam ouaH un- aarian raMaa. Sun parlor;, a rilla M lllarda orcheetra, danctn* Milt. Ph. Lakaaood s»i. N. Y. o IU co .II .. Bwoy. Pfc. Bchuylor l ! ! t .

THE MAMMON. LAKEWOOD. K. *.O .ii luuhtmir loh. (loll. C hriitton cll- n-S a lKoSl.t. ’ M i n i h . M W f H.o n e , m l f t Lakewood Horaoliho. NOi t toko and attroctlono. Phono I lw . Epoool, l l t - I I l . A A p. o. araltk.

Mr4mm.N . J.

RIDGEDALE INN, "A8 'T *Tha ioa 'a t ladlrIdunUtr

Reeervnttona now for te rin g nnd Hummer Attractiva - condition# home-lit# horn"., highest elans cuisine and rihfls*. Iltvh altitude, dry air, beautiful ground# porch* >; garage on promise#

Cram, Pa

old m m ^ r s r r ^Stoom hrnt. Booutlful location. Homo ronktn*. T»wt W toW to .aoaao,.. . DratoM. r t a a r a n . m r v u h a e l An o f i k i .il

h . (StatiM Cram) TH E G LBn F e RE AIS ^ U tjlodsrtt impt# Bath*. Steam heat. F ar a product a. Good fishing. W H. BREWER.

I A P o m m , p « . ■

MEADOWSIDE INNN*wly teHtJ #11 otttrid ' rooms; at earn

heat, n ftK nt^jrt f r lw t i hath# Booklet.

W J M M M M B ___I JPR RR prnnd

IjJSk^KSa^-^1toaralara M»arad- hE.iralR f e ra d M P il

H a r ik M laftotta Ao Knttewi )-hww_. jp ip ff m use you aril t e # Wlift ;#f Knapp, and aa n d ' elaira. to t e 'n h i f t l i f "om laoa covnted Y

Bated March 8.

to orkoni It m ar oaaao.[w k a ftaftef, - -m C S H

IM L a l l* a-rtod

Smm M m m m m S ik l«#«#f. Mnter ^

■ B j t e i i j t e h y B- S \ s

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fltnA i SUB That ta fry- -' IM a DdHdooa

Puritan lea Cream , 'frw eeK-cno

g m / g O B

- V 0 O L L A L I M E I C E

» r,r i a u i B V ^ '

i , A erwtioH that hi ftp In food «nd I toalc vd—»—wtioham e. rofrtUiing

W i e a H v a M f a r a f t m r f o » O i | | To «—«»


Articles relating to the Heme and Position* tad other nova of lotoreot to tad about women. Book Review*.

TiliphOM, M v h tt i t e f Private Exch»n«* C oM bctlf Ail D—artmaatm_______SATURDAY. MARCH 21 192:5Eot«r«4 at th*> NbVBfft. N. 1.. P. O. m

RoMiml-Cfua H it tor

Maplewood C l l l ) Chib'a easy new hoot which ha* ju»t

V been opened. Glimpses / J of the enhance h»lt, l— U reception room tad / m

and dining room,

v .v ) ? ji^ y

A granddaughter of ManhaB Field who will marry a British peer. She is Mist Gwendolen Mao shall Field, a niece of lady Beatty. Her marriage to the eldest sen and heir of Sir Archibald Edmonttene of Scotland will take place April 7.

(P. tad A. Photo)

At swelling brook heralded the marsh of spring through the woodland out near Fairfield.

•a sb Bta a o ath rtaat, hot really wasn’t, head so collision between the .locomotive* of two j the Northern Pacific Railroad near Boise, Idaho, ao aae was injured.

WBd htrda ta a New Jenoy Audubon Society trap. The Utd* captives are "tagged" with e num­bered aluminum band and than released to assist ornithologists ia determining winter and maimer habitats, ranges, seasons of flight ote.

Captain Jamda Wataoo, recently appointed chaplalo sad librarian of the Federal penitentiary at Me- Nefl e Island. Ha to the firm Sal- vatfea Army officer to bo named •e each a position

(Uadtrsrooa t Uadorwood paste)

PEIS t in t . w

ILL FIGHT ECHOES WBUGHTED ROMANCELitigation Over Freeman Estate Revives Memories ' o f Courtship Days of Brilliant hut Erratic Doctor

i l : and Mary Wilkins, Rising Young Author.


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: i p1 8 9 1

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HAT 414 I tail you”Accompanl«d by * w rttl#

tea* of vote* and a certain fleam of tba oya. what a

Ml exclamation that can he. It la irtty Itaelf—the banner of a |y triumph. If the paaaafe of

FfffftiHri than twenty years has been |a4 for Its effoctnatlon. so much

. more gratification In the final i f - WOrtm<P i ; New Enflan4ers are a long-lived | . ghee, aa4 they have long memoriea

There must be more than a few people p ;#: lh Randolph. Hass., today who are gfw. Ihanlsg the harvest of their vision of

Twenty-one years ago they predicting that fthe marriage of

Mary JS. Wilkins, their distinguished gi tpwnswoman. to that man In New Jer- j- gay. Dr. Charles M Freeman, would

twra out badly. At last they have beta rswsrdrd it has.

—j. v,; \?# Ghlly too badly. In the sunset of H~f»v; their days two finely sensitised people | u | l dMhie to a deadlock. Now there Is no mgp^llhMMe of Its breaking, for death has

__ Sgffifpt the last word on one side and onother the taw Is the only pleadsr

f. Metuchen Is a small town, but ae- B ^ tV I t f t a e d to celebrities. For many S J years U has bad two famous cltlsens B lfclftjpru . Mary R. Wilkins Freeman.

Whose stories of New England have |iV J WWI her an almost unique place In p-fWJWature. and Henry M. Alden. for •i$v flf t y years editor of Harper's Magaslne.

had credited with having In hla life­tim e developed more first-rate writers

any other individual editor la the fp jP h a try -

M r. Aldan has been dead nearly five yaars. but the .tradition of him still

hl» old home, a quaint,4 gambling affair on a aide street near

^ ; P h main highway, standa just aa he J i l l It. t t was In this home that JChartte" Freeman, the tojwn's rich Ahobelor, and "Ifollft” Wllktns met.

Hleh with Literary MemeHea.The Aldea house Is saturated with

| l twmrr memories. To It In It* heyday M » i Many front writer*. from W ork.

S K M k Lafcadlo Hoorn and How,II, ■ S i . Mr. Atdon himself woo of tho •i OM t)p< of booklah man whom? r.col-

SO pU oak want back to tbo day, of poo - j g j g W M. P. Willi*. Ho had tbrao daugh- . ' tora, oa* • of whom. Anno, woo hor

fh tb ars right band, tha bavins. It waa •bid, unerring Inotlnet In ooloctloa of

M ttth -w hil* manuscripts oubmlttod to ?g * magaalae. For yeafo oho waa a

M*rpxr roador. m d on hor word bar M m r loonod heavily.

_ Whan yeans Mary Wtlklna wrote bar JS M tt atari*, ah* m?nt th .m to Har* t! PWa. aa w ary ambitious w riter did In ■ m pM days Hath Anna and bar father H jpbaad la tha work of tho Now Eng- ’ tender a now typo, and hor Morioa Ware

toexpted. Thua srew ay a frlandehly •hat iaatad until the death of Mr. Aldan

hla three daushtere- For they all 1 dead, now, and tho old hoqac la

come so bad that s legal separation had been entsred Into The "What did

1 tell yous" had been H-htWhat has hsppened since Is too re­

cent to require much detailing. Free­men died March 7. last, and a few day* later his will was offered for probate. He had cut his wife off with fl and to his four sisters he had left 1 2 0 0 each. Previous wills were said to have bequeathed all the estate to the wife and sisters. The will now under con­test leaves the whole amount, less the tiny legacies, to Harry Mohrtng. chauf­feur for Freeman.

Before he was engaged, only a fow months ago. to drive Freeman's per­sonal car. Mohrtng drove one of the

Im m


Yet Controversy Over Afro-American Invasion with Noisy Apparatus Htis British by the Ears, Literally

and Figuratively, and Wastes Warm.


t i SI®

Blaa-blaa- Zing-boom -blaa- Moesting. groaning. Saxophoaing.Zlngboom • bl aa.

—Jams Anthology.Thus the poet.**Muslc—Any pleasing succession of

sounds or of combinations of soundg. melody or harmony; as, the vtusio of the winds, or of the sea.”

Thus the dictionary.In consideration of the preceding

quotations from two unimpeachable authorities. It Is pussll/ig to* read In n dispatch from London that the impor-

■ $99W .

f e


im m m

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ta t Ion of American negro cabaret artists and performers of Jams music fts under such serious consideration la England, from th e standpoint of com­petition with English music hall artists, that the question may evea roach Par­liament.

"What.” any American who has done a hit of caharetlng will ask. "has teas to do with music?" That, tho g}f«od author of the dictionary say s at h pleasing succession of sounds or of combinations of sounds.” "Jaaa." the American caba rcter will cry. "la a suc­cession of sounds all right, and ovea a succession of combinations of sounds, but anybody who maintains the succes­sion of sounds or of combinations of squnds is pleasing hms got to provo I t ”

There Is no Intention on tbo part of this w riter to suggest th st tho lavasioa in London 4s not as serious as the com­plaint would Indicate. If the J u i la anything like the jams whose rackety din and bombitation make Newark's night life terrible In spots, the natural reaction la to feel a deep sad syrapa-

coal and materials trucks In the busi­ness. . He Is a negligible figure In the story, except for his being the heir t s whatever estate Freeman left. It might have been any one else. Ha was nearby whan the will wa» drawn, because after Freeman waa discharged as cured from tho Etate Hospital at Trenton, he went to live on the second floor of the ga­rage building near the lumber yard. There he died. He had for some months

i l for by Mohrtng. Hf. deathM tl, th« Illustrators. who resolved I to heirs of tbo loot of tho Aidoho.

i Thirty year, 0 , 0 tho loading cltlaen Metuchen w a, “Judge" Manning

He wee a lumber and coal politician and county booa—tho

I (mail town “rich man." Ho wna M b ro e i Tank** wtth the acquisitive

et, and in built a fine honee, good tarson and. m or, or Io n

tte itx d affaire In the community, itttl* came from hi, appointment aa V lldga of tha Court of Common

aa office—which was purely honprary—now extinct.

.• C o u p le M et « t H om e i t t H o t iy A id e s .

.M an tling Freeman had a eon. Charles Manning Fraomaa. a brilliant though

f jp R B ih g l erra tic man. From *tme forebear he had be com, heir to a taeto fa r poetry and tbo arte and waa a

' Oroamer aa wall aa practical buelnose had prof*.,lon*l man. He went to R a t.

jvSJiura College, and after graduation In l i f t decided to taker up the eiudy of

^ M M etaa . Ho attended tho College of S M I M m i end Burgeon*, la New York. WmgA for a short time prnrtleed In that H f f . Ha did not care much for tho pro.

jl er t ten. after all, and toon afterward look a place a* examiner In the Peaelon

■j Office la Washington. That wan In tbo

wna audden.M n. Freeman Blame* Nan*.

A caveat ha, been filed nanlnet the will bv Mt*. Freeman and the four Minna* Freemen. Mainly the conteet l« to clear the name* of tho wife and ■latere. Mr*. Freeman 1* well off— possibly better off than her husband. She voices no blame for what has hap­pened except upon the mental decay of tha brilttaat man she married years ago. Today eh* I* a proud, self-con­tained woman In her sixties- It la not Ike type that wears the heart upon the sleev*. She wants the will broken

2 0

for th« sake of bsr pride sod that of the sisters.

There are stories in Metuchen— there aTe all sorts, of course—that be- [ men or womenfor« he drew the will leaving his estate , names In glaring headlines, in con- to his chauffeur Freeman consultr-d j nection with what might sound like a three alienists and obtained certifi- .• common brawl? They would prefer to cates attesting his sanity. If the case j,HVe their cases settled as quietly as coraos to trial these will cut some • possible. Perhaps, too. they are only figure. Fcrhap*. though, they do not | too conw.|ou, „f the general lack of

No. 1—The Freemin home, where the widow is living and which for t many years waa a social center where hospitality was unbounded.

No. 2—Mrs. Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, from a photograph taken at the time of her marriage in 1002.

No. 3—The old home of the late Henry M. Alden, for fifty yeara editor of Harper’* Magazine. Here Dr. Freeman first met his wife, famous as a writer of stories of New England. This house was for years a literary abrine.

No. 4—The lumber yatd garage1 building i* the one in the foreground. The windows on the second floor s‘how the room in which Dr. Freeman died, attended by the chauffeur to whom he left hi* fortune. The other building* are a barn and housing for'employees.

exist.I F Metuchen and New Brunewlck.

and among the many old friends of Mary Wilkins and fharlle Freeman, the only reaction to the unhappy ending of w hit had seemed no charming a i romance Is sadness that It had to be. They both w*ere so fine, so lovable and loved. It is too bad.

But up in Randolph, where the cur­rents of life are sluggish and the harsh standards of the meaner side of Puri­tanism often are encountered, along snith all that is noblest in the nnclent stock. It may be that there can be beard from behind some close drawn blind an acidulous voice:

"What did I tell you!**

§pil i

Administration of Cleveland, pad when

Im m 'i S f his

Republican, raaaaumed power ho • bock to Meiuehen. Than ho da­

ta go Into tbo baalneea built up Ms father. In that buolnoaa ho re-

—. Btalned until tho day of hlo death. *The Freem an, and the Aldan* .were

Wary friendly and on* day "Charlie"- Freemen called there. Ae n house

gneat waa Mina Mary Wtlklna. Neither_ _ J | M b Ri d ra t youth, (n "Who'* Who In

XT jm ir la a “ Ih i record shown 'that Mian BPOBISIlila* was bom la l i t : . Freeman.

bpera’a supposedly Incurable bach- H Waa a year or two hor senior,

the first there teemed to be a g ree t attraction. Every time Miss

pwnkfcitM was the guest of the Alden* gjFreomaa haunted the house.[ .M e r e la where the first “What did A tell yeus" had their Inception. Mias t W itklna mature and with har place

to , American literature secure, waa ,r, f e n * d that to become too much In­

terested la Freeman ultimately would •Man unhepplnea*. Freeman bad been A well-to-do bachelor for yearn and ho

i we* no Puritan. In n Iowa like Me- tuehen every on* knowns every one aiae’x bunloose—and then some—and Charlie Freemen’. Bohemian tastes had

f geovldrd all the old maids with gos- alp good for a whole afternoon's die-

. Hbanlon.Kacagomoot Netaed About,

i t got nolaed about that Freemen and W ee Wilkins were engaged. Then It waa declared they were not engaged.

; R . l i said now th a t Mr. Alden strongly disapproved of tho match—he know all I about Charlie Freeman. Ha loved h im .' but he x u a little afraid of him ae the husband of a wett-polaed woman who eras something approaching a genius. The whole town talked of flttle alee.

Time went on. "They will m arry; •hey will not marry*' was n favorite theme. Now It Is said that what Wally wan happening wax that Mina -Wilkins was putting Freeman on pro­bation. He swore to change hla mode

L #f life. She healteted long; finally ;g h e believed him. They were married

A t Randolph, her home town. In IN I.- p a y n time all went smeetbly. Free- . aw n was devoted to hlo clever wife and

Immensely proud of he.-. For fir* yoarx bo trod the straight nnd nar- row path, and the trouble mongo**

-W ere silent. Freeman wna high-spirited and prone to quick rages, hut •heir married life waa on tho eur-

t t t t Ideally successful. Both lovedH i . entertain, nnd the baadaema homo

• a the bin th a t had been built by the Older Freeman was oftan filled With

pmfbtthgaMMdcompany. In the mean time '■•■ a an tag Freemen had died and MB son gSmMtMd In h it Mead. Everybody know

'h im and everybody liked him. W hat do t« thta day. Tit# only

fS m iM r: w i i by Mei uehm fdlk over WhM fcaa happoaod lu kooa regret,

home fifteen years’ ago We toWB goo- ' MB revived. "Charlte Freemaa in net*? M g np again," the ward flew. Mkth- » # |g aMCh. hnt when Mrs. Freeman went

T eacher C ites H er ExperiencesIn C ontact w ith Unruly Pupils

/ ■—— ————————

T e lls o f O ccas io n s in P u b lic S choo l W o rk H e re W h e n S h e

a n d O th e rs o f H e r P ro fe ss io n W e re S u b jec ted to

In su lt a n d th e R isk o f P h y s ic a l In ju ry .

would c«r« to •«« their* during: the war, to nuy good-by. .ju s t before he left for France. An we left the school that afternoon lm the com­pany Of another teacher, a (big stone flew by us, then several others. One burely missed hitting the heAd of our companion. It suddenly occurred to *js that we were being stoned. The other teacher knew just who tt might be—a girl who/liad been reproved for using rouge earlier in the day! The fact that we had a soldier and an offi­cer In our party did not in the leant deter her Intention of carrying out her threat to “git her”

Rsrfsssded by Swarming.

understanding and, of course, sym­pathy that the public might feel for them. Certainly the thought of pub­licity and notoriety is a nightmare w hich makes the difficult task of such teaching at times unbearable and well nigh a torment. I often wondered If I would ever have the misfortune to oe "nearly” killed, and If 1 would

being assaulted there has been tome indignation over the teacher's first having slapped the girl. It Is against the law, and I realise how smooth and clear these words sound: "How can a teacher ask respect for the law when she herself hrtaka U?” That aeems so direct, simple and unanswerable fo all who only know two schophH-those I mentioned before, the one In their own nelghbohhod and the one they attended a t one time. But* in these schools I have described there is always the agonising worry—when will one’s breaking point come, that day come when there aeems nothing to do hut to retaliate, .meet force, with force, curb an Insult with a sharp slap? Human nature can stand so much, no more.

!*ve seen mothers who adore their children, good little children, lose their patience or use force deliberately; hut

surging over one. and -to wish lA idon well In any movement It may under­take to the end of rtddlng Itself of this

i affliction. For jass Is ths boll wesvil I which flourishes wbsrs music seeki to | grow, fattens and fssds on the tender

shoots, and Is Just as insidious and twice as dlaastroua In Its ravages.

The history of Jam . repellent as lta ' subject is. ts not devoid of Interest. I Having its origin In an sffort on tho I part of some entertainer, who had

failed through his limitations as a per* former, to out-syncopate the syncopa­tion which flourished a decade or s# ago, the movement found eager recruits and gained momentum as a cloud of grasshoppers or one-way locusts does before It descends to devastate tho fruitful farmlands and Jack up the coat of living.

Ragtime An Frayed Out.This first sxponent of Jass. on# of

Newark's closest students of the sub­ject informs, took a hit of ragtime and further frayed tt, finding with delight that nobody to whom he played the tune succeeded In recognising it* Though this was not Jass. being only a sort of super-ragtime, the Inventor was encouraged by his early success, and it was he who thought of Introducing a pianist and a aimultaneous perfor­mer on the drum and cymbals, telling them to ayncopate any measures not already syncopated, make all the noiso possible, and by no means let one per­mit himself any notion of what tha other was doing.

This result seems crude, looked baoll on from the height of present day ac­complishment. but Jsxs was horn. Th# fruit of th s first excursion into the ua- staked land was Imperfect, for a bit of tune stuck out here and there from the mass, like an arm or a leg from an automobile wreck, hut neither was the first steam locomotive perfect, nop

a teacher muat never, not once! And j the first cotton gin. nor ths first derby

TV appended article was inspired bjr a recent «|>la*dt resulting front a tencVr slapping one of her peqrila. It was written t j n teacher in mi, «f nnr public school* and is, of course, merely an expression of a per­sonal viewpoint TV Miller Street School affair, made public yesterday, gives added Interest to the question of how far it is desirable to permit a teacher te go in the punishment,of pupils.

0UR public schools have

changed — they ars not what thsy were — and cortainly there can be few to contradict

this statement. I am not rcfsrrlng to ths much-disputed subject of curricu­lum or ths bemoaned expense of their equipment, but It Is to something vastly more fundamental and ele­mental.

This change is the result of tlme,*»nd tide, the latter having far overtaxed the former. Upon the crest of the tides In the last few dpesdes have been borne to our shores hordes of aliens, and so they, in turn, have in j still greater numbers sent their off­springs flooding In our school*, ch an g -, lag their character and making a new : problem for the school authorities to solve.

I have never argued the point or ouv Immigration laws—the subject has nover particularly aroused met—which perhaps Is etrange. because I have worked so vary hard, and with at times heart-sickening discouragement be­cause of them, and through them. There la just one aspect which touche* me deeply—the children are here In our aehools—they are to he taught. My problem—as with any teacher Is with their presence In a class room and is not with their presence In this coun­try.

AmevtraW Debt To Imaalgtawt.America, after all, owes her being

m l existence to ths Immigrant. She owe, much to th* ,turdy. tndurtrtou, nnd thrifty peasantry t* which *h* ha* opened her doors. But she baa had to

tha worst wtth th* boat, and th*r* up . swarmed boro in groat nnmhor* a peasantry which t* non* of these things —one which has lived In squalor, filth and misery for generations—living a tasy.haphasard existence, without much moral or spiritual restraint or aolf- dtmdpUa*—and little or no education. To the boat and tha worst Indiscrim­inately America ha* offered th* prlvt- leg , of her wonderful tm tltutlon, a fro* education. . . . . . .

I t to a moat natural thing for th* gaoplo of one tongue, with tV oqate manners and custom*, to cona regate together. I t I* far simpler for tV m IB a tow age land. Ant aa, wo find whole dlatftata and quarter* of our etttos which nr* wholly foreign, the only American Institution la t V neigh­borhood being the public school, t t n a y bo *lmptsr fa r' pur niton, to Mvw

E>gtn«l horhnptpaFiiI among their klnomea, hat.It greatly MHMag tagonmd > retard* ttair aoHqrtlaHow Jat* tar • tV gnwpn* to ' In glean that a rift j war, aad .add* tremtadoeenr t t tta

~ tata **tad In th* luta. Mrs. Fr*o- ; burden and problem of th* t.acher* »»t a a__and- ta ld V r j m the** ftafttata: t

ai t an iid it vmutd < v a jm*b :m . t a ta y fi CkaHh FrMmea aad hls'knblts. J thlag a f.w y**n ago—a public school ry^ojl^uta-.lo.:Vtauct.-hU-»ro..IS th M * tboucaad chUdr*n. *v*ry oa*M g g B i | M p ; ji B i N ^ M wipt m m S k m S S T w f m m ' aw t th a t

wa* g aVHtia !h , . r r r r " " " aatttn~'*r Mad tVm8 T 8 i F iS R m B p h j h - < v t*

W K m S m B B B m ma aaBMi t a J j f e * .

However, In reading recently the story of a young teacher In such a section, who was waylaid after school by a parent and knocked down and beaten Into Insensibility. 1. longed to throw restraint aside and tell as forcefully and vigorously as I could something of the real tru th of what it means to teach in theae districts.

But—I hesitate—and 1 wonder why. Why should I shield the public sensi­bilities? Why should any teacher shield them from a knowledge which ought to be their*? It in trot, how­ever. a pleasant task to shock other*. It Is not easy to give a recital of brutalities, profanities—and w'orse— and thst Is what' It would mean to tell the whole glaring truth.

For four year* 1 taught In two of Newark’s hardest, toughest schools, and two year* before I had been In a neighboring town which haa a foreign element school. Htx years may n o t#be a lifetime, but six years of dally work —and such work—has brought with It a clear knowledge and some firm convictions of the situation. I am. In a sense, sorry that physically I could not stand the strain of all that this kind of teaching entakla. One dislikes running sway from what must he done, even If It Is hard, but I am now grateful for the peace of mind -and well being which has corns to ms In a new and better environment. All that I went through, and all that It meant to me, or all that i t m eant to any teacher, has surged back tto my memory at thia story of assault upon a teacher.

I t le nothing abort of a miracle to me that this or somsthtng sim ilar h a t

nave to live through the harrowing experience of the details being pa­raded before the public?

To my mind flock memories of msny ugly expsrlences. each one In Itself narrowly escaping disaster and pub­lic ity To each one Is a 'nam e, place and date.

One of my earliest experiences was with a big overgrown “tough.” As I teach shop work, my desks are movable, and oof morning I observed that this boy had pushed his desk sway from the others and was sitting with it tipped back. He was eyeing me with frank defiance, as though tempting me to "start something.” 1 asked him to put his desk down, hut he refused contemptuously, yelling "no.” After 1 had ordered him futilely a number of times he asked coolly. “What are you going fo do about it?” And what waa I? What could I do? ) sent for the principal, and ho was surprised and Indignant.The boy. It seemed, had been expelled a few days before for stoning one of the men tearhere. and had just run in off the street to annoy any one he could. But stoning a teacher!

Then again, there was a day when a boy ln_a rage flew a t me because 1 tried to ?hseea4^Klm. and before a class room of ch lld ren T 'w as forced to battle with him to keep his fists from pounding me, and as physically h* was the stronger, he conquered. Perhaps he only conquered because of the vpethod he used In the end. He hurled his teeth In my forearm! The Imprint lasted for days on my arm and left an Indelible Impression In my memory.

The boy ran from my room and played truant for day*. *ending me back messages which were Insolent snd defiant. The children told me he was playing crap all day, across the river in a town which they character­ised a* "tough.” A* though It could he any tougher than their own neigh­borhood !Finds B oy Brandishing Pistol in School

One day I took from a boy a revolver —took it from him In a class room, where he was brandishing It about.And on another I didn't "re­move.” but 1 grabbed what teemed to be a small pistol which ono hoy was holding against the stomach of an­other. shoving him about the room.The owner felt aggrieved a t my horror —the weapon was "only" full of g . B. shot! This* boy was being treated a t the time to love and kindness and moral suasion; he was out on probation from his almost ‘habitual residence, the re- _ forma tor y. But afte r two months of I tl

M e i

We hgd In short order a mob swarm­ing about us to see. what the trouble was, for the mob element ie very, vary strong In Fttdh nelfhborhohdi. t h ’ fact, that element la aa ever present problem and worry!

this treatment he was to every one*« relief. Including hj* distracted mother*a, returned.

I recall the teaeher with a bandaged eye* who had had a hook flung a t her* breaking her glasses, cutting her fade? And another, who had Ugly cuts In her arm made by vicious finger nails, or.

Not long ago I was Raving my shoes shined by a yonag foreigner, and a t a recent period a student of this school.

entertained me with what he thought of teachers. They made hint “nervoim.” ((^^jjljouf!! One day, he said, fie wefttAo school feeling “crasy/ As he felt "crasy” he ate peknuta and threw the shells on ths floor. The teacher told him to stop, hut, see, he was "crasy,” so he wouldn’t! t

Besides, aa he calmly put It. she got him “nervous" talking to him; she should have hit him. not "boddered” him with words. Finally* she tied, grabbed him by the collar, to get him out of the room, as ho refused ell her orders. And as he was "crasy” he struck her In the face. His boy chum Jumped np snd slapped him tn turn, but be. admitted he held nothing against his*friend. "He dono right—he had hla rights!” But the teacher had got him "nervous,” and besides he felt "crasy." And Just who can picture this urttoie scene—In their own school experience!

1 distinctly remember two occasions where a mob of children gathered after school to "git d teacher." The police patrol took one teacher aafely away, and a taxi waa called for the other and spared them tho stoning which waa in store for them.

Another Aspect mt Problem.All these experiences are physical

but there is another aspect which Is a t times as hard. If not harder, to bear. As these children are not spared any­thing of the brutalities and tndeucentes of their homo life—for, poor young *ters, they find themselves with their whole family crowded into s few rooms —their language Is a sad and horrify­ing reflection of their knowledge. Ob­viously l can not, nor would. If 1 could —give in detail my experiences along these lines. Many -times teachers en­counter filth and obscenities, hut It is a very difficult problem from every as­pect. with which to deal. A teaeher Is almost helpless before It. 1 had ono case of a very backward hoy of ifa-* teen. % degenerate in every eenee, with whom 1 and my data , had a revolting experience. But that was aH I could or would say, and because I would not any enough It scorned as though I must kip further inflicted with hla presence.

'Aimothe# teacher made a similar com­plaint. and the boy was sent to tha "ungraded school.” gome time later an officer came to see me to get full par- iculars, as his new teacher had mad# bargee against him., along tho

not happened before; that* the papers ‘ again. 1 recall the story which horri-have not on many occasion* biased forth with such a Case. A merciful Providence has kept ths physical aa- j sauits upon teachers from going ao fa r | aa their actually being beaten Into In - 1 sensibility upon a public street: j

The many, many cases of teach e rs ; being less h a rt have been carefu lly ; guarded from the preaa. Por J u s t . what well bred, sensitive and educated |

tied me of a teacher's desperate fight for possession of a knife.

On still another occasion 1 wrested from a boy a blackjack with which he waa. In a howling, ungovernable rage, try in g to boat another teacher ft was a vicious looking weapon of ebony* 1 believe. I carried It home as an added pyoof of my experiences.

A cousin of mins came to my school

line. The officer said. "They say you school teachers make a big fuss oof of nothing, hut I know you don't.” fina lly I wrote out Any complaint, a s fho other teachers did, and a woman m m sent to get them. To complain* along Chads lints, is obnoxious and u tterly (distaste­ful, only lew so than the antont experi­ence. ■' f

To be cursed a t by a boy o r g irl f t hard to stands for I’ve heard teachers called by names or spoken to la a Why that would make any red-blooded Use his Hats, or if Were to -a woman f man of her family would use hft In hor behalf. But a teacher ft forbidden f t tew to , touch a child. '

la this recent case of n teacher's


“You’** a ta t colt," aaM »•* ohm with th* awotltn ch««k.

replltd th* bum Who wo* coughln* In th* n*xt choir.

*%o grip**." correct** th* other. “Whof* th* difference F*-WriUaom. do*tor*«uk* th* differ­

ence It. Yta t MOTtr In *tth*r can*."-Y ta lan’t it. fanny tt# wnr thorn

chore* you for tlMtr IMtXft Wood to to onBod o' eotd. and rea didn't bother

to tta doctor's at all. Now wrenr- ' tto | t t » tad■ , ........pilMiataii In potting rich."

- , , u l * f c ta wjB O ia gTM l i l i MM*t * toddy—hat now tt t o M li • tr ip M r*, detan «a aar* t* w ondtrfal." I " “Yoefr* .tacky’ If to o doctor d ao sat

I g t o jg a it tuftoM aa. It's fa st a* > |to..M*i to toFJk It dgRtada ta

potap to thi body haa .

maybe with a an**** thrown In. I f , only tho prip; If tbo cough* arc longer, tntluenxa."

"Your dlagno*!* isn't docorotod Wtth scientific verhlng*. t a t I W M I t t f world yeTra right."

"Right, you ho t Didn’t aty little hay have' a sold thia WIBttr. my wife tho fig aad tho M W B teach of mrtof, t should sxy 1 know the difference. Taers Isn't any- But y*a know a fellow oaa’t afford to tttod - any stances O " w ta tta r,- W S& .-M JS; A

; ' At this point tho dootoF* office door apomd. "Nethtag oertoua," h* t u say­ing to a thta-lsoktag woman. "Fibrosis 1* rather common; nothing to wsrry s ta ta ,* ,? 5 ,

"What's ftbeostsr naked the man who df tto am* wtth AO!

r "The doctor la n prMty genUt-too*. teg person."

. "That's why h , hM tm many p jf t a j M They h a r , confldanen fat h i* . Q a tt fidcnce 1 , half th* cam." . ■ «vj _ "Partioalaily whra ttwra'a I to n w H

to o m atta r “

t a t a att poit l t a l i fty; ttwWg i m S S «to m atter w ith them. *hay JaaT to ? ' • t ta * M t t A Hill* W BWTaqa 1 g a iaa i''Now''gi*rrbainwtt’ aay iw i* .

to flto TWboetty of — rr t i Bt l f t *: tormlaology. m tmthtag o t ta r t ta » —, t a H j t t t a A g i n i i r l i M N g » ' ' - y

"QoHol ripht about ( ta t .- said the tagw wRh-th* awoiloa ctoak. "Eaasaa . m o ara f

Ebtorgtng f s ta r t pwtad totor. I

to think that nation# glory tn the use o f force, v/hen reaeon and conciliation hae failed, and hallow It# performance; but under no provocation whateoever muet a teacher do the inetlnctive nor­mal thing! If ehe does, her name will flaunt before her in the preee for days? It ft the law. and in thle adherence to the letter of the law ft a certain Irony, for perhaps only a minute be­fore some hoy or girl waa utterly law- leap and dtireepectful to authority. Tho law ftp la a cant like th ia used merely

with which tow**ak vengeance.

There waa one, letter which epoke of th ft ypuag teacher'# assailant i s "a poor. 'Ignorant woman.” 'Tho word **lf t 0r" te said# from tha point; there are .many communities which are "poor, hut self-respecting' and law-abiding—hut 'ignorant,” yes. She was ignorant. It never dawned on her to do anything hut obey her daugh­ter’s request to "heat up my teacher.”

It ft the same kind of Ignorance

hat. But the pioneer Into unchartered fields was not discouraged, and like many another Inspired by the Orient ■park of something or other, eet him* self the task of reaching that perfec­tion. hie faith told him existed. And so hie take was taken up with a good heart, being aimply, as appealed thenp- to remove the suggestions of recognlx* able tune or melody which protruded in a definite manner.

The pianist and the drum-cymbalist were spurred to redouble their efforts to otown out any hint of a tune and the record says they did their best. One by one other Instruments were added. Ths fiddle was Introduced, but tha first fiddlers were unable to break away, for a time, from the old traditiog th a t notes must he played as fotind*

[Fiddlers were spurred on to ignore ths notes to as great an extent as possible, and I I a fu rther effort to achieve per-

{ faction were caused te weave about (and writhe V s though subjects of tho ! concurrent attentions of rheumatism

which made a mother think It would and St. Vitus's dance, hut even this, make a favorable impresioa upon a • though working aa Improvement, wag teasdier If she kicked, hit and tore tha j not enough.hair of her forlorn little daughter, ahak- j • P ____ * _ _ JIng ker like a ra t and finally-knock- j ® DRUR-JO MIG

Then the SaxophoneA banjo, such as Old Bftek Joe never

would have recognised Banging along­side the sh o te l 'a n d the hoe. wag

Ing her down. This, in her "ignorance. 1 she though! would make the teacher realise how much she disapproved of her daughter's behavior. I t was only when the teacher’s horrified protesta­tions sank In on her did she stop. "Ignorance” of this kind must be cor­rected and punished. Probably most crimes Can In some way or another he laid to ^Ignorance.” but dealing with It laxly or excusing It with sentimentality would be n menace to the community.“No Teacher Likes to S U p a Chikf

No teacher tikes to slap a child muat he obvious t t Is only wtfsn

brought in, and this seemed the Isst word ugtil a sedulous and explorlns eye full on the saxophone, an instru­ment theretofore filled with dignity nnd content wtth an unostentatious place In the music orchestra—music orchestra, as dtfferentlatedttfrom the jass orchestra. It was ,found that the saxophone could moo like a cow. grunt

i like a pig. howl like a hyena, proafc frog, bray like a mule,like a frog, bray like a mule, cater-

• MR* h cat, gobble like a turkey* 1 Mat like a goat^—4p other words, when | perform like a menagerie of %ild ani-

every thing else pas failed aad she te | mala aad a barnyard of domestig a t th* end of her rewure**. In th* n .n - J ***»*'• f w l « '• 8 0 th« * •« *era I ran of achoOIa It Is navor don*, nover thouqht of, for th«rs do little 'or no occasion for It. Th* parent* nr* dolnf their part a t home. In my own school experience*, my own school days, t nover saw It dono; It wan unthink­able. And what a relief now, -to ho tqstotnc tn this kind of n school, what • Vsrden off one's mind and seal.

On on* occasion a father earn* te school «hd cursed a t m , furiously .be­cause I had “drained" him to ach ed Didn’t I have s i t s stick? Whs bother him? I t t i s M floor his hoy. Ho couldn't bo bothered, ho had n nor* foot! And so the discipline of t t a homo wu, thrown back In the school. Cortainly It t had been able to undertake th* tosh, f should have been fa r lean b-utal thus the boy'a "own tstbor.

Tho puatshmentx meted out to these children t r i shock In ! In tb*ir primi­tive ferocity, ta d tt' seeattenss .tta children to very violent punishm*»t* IS iijU f mere Word# almost totally In­effective. Teacher* many times find th a t they have to Wit upon th*

phone waa turned over to n performer who hod take* a coarse In lessons oa th* steam calliope and then It noemod that tho jams band waa compltt*.

Came other Inspirations. The po­liceman's ra ttle was taken nnd th* cow hell, the wooden whittle tm itatln l rooster, crow tni a t daws nnd babies erowiny a t ntyht. t to trtan ile and sev­eral ether tmaitnahte and untmaitnabl* devices for m ak tn i sound hut not mualc. The ensemble Wan (hen necom- pltabed aad the performers were In­structed to Imaltn* a next of bee* had been opened 1 a their midst with th* re*dim of t t a minute* of the previous session. Thin In what, a consummation deemed perfect by the Inventor bofor* We was taken away by two keepers In a padded van, was suddenly trans­planted to London, nnd It can be jelly well understood that It created a sen­sation.

Wo Oat I t tHa daaWy.Wo la America had our Jass admin­

istered to as gradually aad la dosex which we war* able to stand, t t wna an instance of one thing after another, t a t tt muat be admitted w* had thee* things bbo a t t time, not In vne ava- lanchxf such aa Johnnie Ball aeejn* to

ea ts to ua* th e ta however, nine* Gnr to .a toggerto f a ro tad *■«**•themselves are torbidden to am gay physical punishment, no atottcr howilttftx .!■' Juvenile delinquency, "wayward" boys and g tfttv 'a t* tat. mtenomera. Thera I* a dbttlaet d ifference. to - , tween tlmm ta d Innocent mischief a n d ' youthful u tu toftae* . T ta hoy ' who

,ta » t a a ngoveraahld temper .and who c a rta to t a agty weapon, 'of t t o g irl sftHittattoB 'Fta not*#, la t a t galtty of •T a n ttm f mischief. The - ’U t o t l a " th a t results from both Is Insidious arid tom bjUllug Oar >aw* compel t tapotential gnngater. rounder tad gen­eral loafer to stay In school, and asm* tstator mast have Mm. - tta tow a algtoata hatred for restraint, far Uto foattne to school and a towering m m to r aay “words" to correction. "10*ta /and atones tsay break hi* :^SH tatt?tt«toils-;;1inH; nover ta r t

dtotta ttdto WtoF«' ,’v . f . i A - t tk t t o t t » ' |M a I totow*

'm B m -m m - never lotoh Mia! Teanh gad gtitotttttpyVttSwt and

did we see uto mux'c taken ta t Mt to hit, m t reallning that tBtas wen oat to date until they had to* earn* •*, tat qra wore wltnenaea to tto J»»alng, to eL.ploy a wegd now t t totoral uao, of tto word* atoliad to tutatoR turns, w* art ecqiaaHitod with tta- ftttttk .of Ala- to m '" aad ottar prod ant# to tta tailor d m and have to tto tott tap* that w* have caatto to tori a gttot dial what happens to the laagaag*. '•Dir* ae tta totoHt>ta to twttdaa's nerves atop- to - *»dl»1»d ta.be.. all tto •Mmathy, aovkrthales*, should not go to tta lamloaara. Bamrwhor* among them there mast t a tohaalos t t whom earn • hybrid baRabalto appealed, else the pocttn aeto; to WWlt o taaoo would tha danttafclth*. aad' hall roetto t*ac tttoh .. . J j j . taw-:..'tiittto^«ii’ tttoW’ JW * abroad v r t t t M M ta—fly -totoftad

to Htorally paM ttw l r t o f t t

toaioaiUy Btoad to Ma fatNtta- ttoa to-taiag a lender on ths atraet. F S ta well fitoct him ta tatouched by moral saantoa as for OmJr w H R d rto rrto t t har davnsto-

zs^ s r s s sn sja ^t t5 g ; j t ta i<toch*r with ttod tandh tog /m g g jS S m B I <1 I f i i M I) I 1

mmtaRdatttottSto S' fadtttt ■ tttttttoBi

m s mU M Ito att il ia d a

S m S S j

rsjfvsssusm % s r w ? a s - - s r s S '

B t t ~ « t o t t t a n d W ,'» t a n i t a J?M taea.1

jj8s;yg .y s ? g a>&!. S 5 ^ a g ? f c B

tad J h y ? t tm H ahttitadtto

I m y totala A r P

' ' d a o f v l e e

sc h o o l b o a r d b e a dALL-ROUND WOMAN


"liB esid es B e in g C o m m u n i t y Leader, M rs . H a r l a n o f

If est O ra n g e I s P ia n i s t and H om e P la n n e r a n d

L ik e s C o o k i n g , Sewing and T e n n is .

S EATED in a Runny ro o m h u n t w ith b rig h t d rap e rie s o f y t l l o w and blue. and w ith a h i t o f c ro c b a t -

. in f tr> bua> bar f in g e r s th«* new ly e lec ted p residen t of th e W e n t O ra n g e Board of E ducation . M t> B y ro n G H arlan , ta lk ed of h e f c o m m u n i ty and educa tiona l work, paat a n d fu tu re . Hhe in aald m t he ib e f i r a t w om an presiden t of a Board o f E d u c a t io n tn th e a ia te

'T o begin mvit h." she s a id . 1 tp inkthe men w nre whs t 1 w o u ld c a l l goodsp o rts t o e le tl: me

Mrs 1is r Ian is t he o n ly s o a t s n onthe boaird 9he w as f o r m e r ! v \ Ireprestd»n t, and had been u n a n im o u s lyelected president. "I w e e a *» hoolteacher before my m a r t .a g e s h e con-Gnued. "and w hen my d a u g h t e r andonly chi Id en tered school ir w a* onlyn a tu ra l th a t 1 shfliutd h - g r - a t l j y tn -te rea ted in school and c o m m u n li>a ffa irs "

I t is. of « OUIrsc. u n u s u a l f o r a bodvo f men to rhooae to be led by a w om an , but w hen one conaldera t h e l o n g aer- v]ce, va ried a c t iv itie s a n d e f f o r t th a t Mr*. H a rlan has g iv en to h e r c o m ­m u n ity th e re a r ise s a n a t u r a l b ack - g round fo r the ac tio n o f t h e b o a rd Sbe has served on the B o a r d o f E d u ­cation fo r fou r y ears and who h a s boen a c tiv e in com m unity w o rk f o r e lev en years . She has been vice p r e s i d e n t of the Home and School l e a g u e a n d the C om m unity League and w a s • e c r e t a r y o f the la t te r d u rin g th e d a y s o f Its g ro w in g up

She th in k s th a t nfeii a re o f t e n a f r a id o f w om en's Idealis tic s c h e m e s a n d feela th a t pa tience Is fa r m ore e f f a c a r to u a th a n a show y b ril lian c e fn g a in in g su p p o rt o f a new plan

Pet teheaes Realised."I have seen the m oat o f m y pet

schem e* realised ." she w e n t o n . but> th e re a re s till th ing* to d o O n e of th e f ir s t th ing* we u n d e r to o k w as g a rd en w ork E veryone s h o u ld h av e a p re tty y a rd and we m a n a g e d to in ­te re s t bo th the a d u lts a n d c h i ld r e n u n til the w ork wa*. f in a lly , t a k e n o v e r by the Board of E d u ca tio n . T h e c h i l ­d ren have become »ery a c t iv e in th i* and they sell th e ir v e g e ta b le s a n d h a v e th e money ih e m se l\e s S p a c io u s b u i ld ­in g s are . of course, p a r a m o u n t , th e re shou ld be sea ts enough In s c h o o l fo r a ll '

One th in g Mrs. Ha* Ian is d e e p l y in ­te re s ted m is a s c h o la rs h ip p la n and a n o th e r i« ju n io r h igh s c h o o l . She fee ls th a t home and school a s s o c i a t i o n s Should o ffe r to give « yea? o f c o l le g e to some pupil each y ear w h o q u a l i f i e s In c h a ra c te r and at u d io u a n e s s . The Jun io r h igh s< heel. she t h in k a . s h o u ld be a place w here th e ch tld Is * fo u n d " an d finds its e lf and th a t s u c h a sch o o l shou ld h a rb o r both shop w o rk a n d a r t w ork .

Should M rs H arlan , be a b l e to d e m o n s tra te her Ideas in r e g a r d to Ju n io r h igh achools s a t i s f a c t o r i l y m w eat O range m any eyes in t h e e d u c a ­tio n a l w orld w ould tu rn to h e r . t o r th e m a tte r c f chcoslng a d e f in i t e e d u c a ­tio n a l p rev ioua to b e g in n in gth* h igh school cou rse m i g h t s o lv e som e prob lem s th a t a re n o w « o n f r o n t - 1na ed u ca to rs

By the p u p ils "finding '* t h e m s e lv e s an d decid ing th a t a c e r ta in c u r r i c u lu m w ould be o f especial v a lu e to th e i r fu tu re a c tiv itie s , pome o f t h e s u b je c t s w hich a re now included in t h e g e n e r a l cou rse m igh t be e l im in a te d W ith th e fu tu re undecided m ore v a r i e d s u b ­je c ts a re like ly to be c h o sen . A n d one o f to d ay ’s p rob lem s is to f i n d sa w a y to « ut dow n su b jec ts w ith o u t d e p r i v i n g th e pup ils o f w hat th e y m ay need la te r on- * <

A nother th in g w hich w a s s t r e s s e d w a s how to ra ise th e s t a n d a r d s o f th e te a ch in g profession . -Jn c o n n e c t io n w ith th is It w as s ta te d t h a t te a c h e rs * s a la r ie s shou ld be ra ised a c c o r d i n g to m e rit and acco rd in g to t h e s t u d y i n g th ey do and th e e ffo r t th e y m a k e to Im prove th e ir w ork. T h ey s h o u ld be aw ard ed fo r any o u ts ta n d in g c o n t r i b u ­tion to school w ork g e n e r a l ly a n d fo r sh ee r e ffo rt and p e rs o b a li ty fn c l a s s ­room w ork. T he sa la ry s c h e d u le s h o u ld be very h igh . M r* ..H arlan f e e l s t o a t ­t r a c t the beet to the p ro fe s s io n ,

need foe Team W eek."T believe there is much te a m w o r k

to be done by npn and women tn c o m ­m u n ity activ itie s . Men h av e l i t t l e t im e away front buelneee and a f a th e r does n o t come In touch with the In tim a te side of school and c o m m u n ity life th a t g m other does. T here le no need o f a w om an w ith grow n children sp en d in g a ll her tim e .on h e r housew ork these days. She should take a d v a n ta g e of all such thing# ae bakeries a n d la u n ­d r ie s and simplified housekeep ing . Personally. I do not believe in th e old- fashioned house cleaning w heit e v e ry ­th in g wee turned upefde down a n d the family made up comfortable fo r a waek.I have n ev er houeecleaned In t h o p r e ­scribed way.**

As one talks w ith M rs H a rla n the fe«liag comes that there la. porkaps. rVf,n more behind the to w n 's s e a p ­lane© of her leadership th an h e r a c ­complishments in comm unity w ork. She is what might be term ed a n a ll- 'round woman. She has studied in te r io r decorating and planned the b u ild in g of her home in detail, ghe lik es to play the piano for her musical h u sb an d and for her own pieaaurf. and e n jo y s co o k ­ing. sewing and playing tenn la . H er home le furnished with an e f fe c t of delightful charm. There fs n o d in in g room, hut an alcove h feakfaat r o o m In b lue and white takes Its place, and th e re le a spacious living room a n d a large sen parlor which looks o a t on a eloping lawn and tome big tre e s .

Browne and tana dominate th e liv in g room and the big easy chair a n d piano aid to give it the livable look w hicb la alwftys go appealing.

The alcove breakfast room h a s been found meet, serviceable. A t f i r s t , he

> had been planned, only thg f i r s t m eal of the day waa eaten there, a n d fo r dinner, or when guests came, th e m ea ls were served In the living m ean e r ra n parler. Gradually the fam ily d r if te d iitte the cosy corner Cor ell naeala. a n d whan guests came vthty, te d . lea k ed

loafiagly at it. and f i n « " v s u m m o ned the reurags to ask th a t t l -> n i g h t be served there also. Now u n ly p a r t i e s too large for tho alcove a r e e a t e n a i n e d la other rooms.

The alcove |s Just a t th e r i g h t o f th e kitchen door, set in b e tw e e n th e kitchen and sun p a rle r. T h e s e a ts , walla and table are so ft Iv o ry w h i t e a n d the curtains and Beat c u s h io n * a re dark blur and s h ite f lo w e re d c r e to n n e .

The tun parlor is in g r a y w i t h p la in ruga of i brownish c a s t, a n d th e d r a ­peries arc bright yellow w i t h a to u c h of blue The fu rn itu re in g r e y w illo w and the bright cushions, w h ic h m a tc h th* curtains, form a m o s t a i t ro c five color scheme

<*n the window sill o f th e l a t t e r ro o m Ilea a bird book with e p a i r o f o p e ra (lasted close at hand th r o u g h w h ic h may be observed the f e a th e r e d s o lo is t s of nature's own choir. T h e r e to m re a l i-himney corner inc lo s ing th e l iv in g loom fireplace and th e re la q u a in t ly set Into the brick* a b o v e t h e m e n ta l a panel of wood. On th i s le a b a r e f music and the so rda . w h ic h p r o p e r ly

go with It. aie "S o m eb o d y 's th o u t f h t . are for >ou. * one of th e h o u s e h o ld 's farorlte songs. Her p le a f o r c o m ­munity advancement la— “ If e v e r y o n e woald only do thoir b it."

U f long ago 414 you as> It w as when y o t left your ’■»* e m - play raent The q u e stio n e r

th* em ploym ent I factory , and ths

d to tw o to u t g a i n s t t l i * w * l

l**rre*l d ire r i|*ak

ltc red onip «if thehat sh«* w .«V »ul

hou rs * On r s u rVOU W I 1>te t WOgut* Nii* m patig lib s th a t ’’ I a m a tte r of f. ur p re sen t Job don i you u v i >u to h u n t for

b e tte r position. 14 d<» It m vaeif. If I t w a n ted tn H#t w hat ta n I do for vou

a f t e r je t r have told me a d e lib e ra te lie* It t* wrong t«> w hat you know' is not t r u e I will nut do a th in g fo r

I vou until > ou b a t* gou»* t.» t h* fore :u aa over at the o ther w ork* and m ade h in g a rig h t w ith hiru ‘

The g n ia looked a l»t t d a te d but ' tu ad e bo a ttem p t to den> th e tru th of I th e charge It seemed a t th o u g h they ! h a d not been accustom ed to such fa lh« je r lv interval They w ent a w * '. biii


Im p o r ta n c e o f F a c to ry E m p lo y m e n t A g e n t's W o r k

L ies irf B u ild in g l ’ p an O rg a n iza tio n th a t

C an B e S tim u la te d to H ig h e r Id ea ls . ’■

a g e n lq u e i-g irl* ,

o u t - con -

a ttitude '* It waa In te re s tin g tO R#t# tn thus »*,a*e how ever, th a t e v e s o ffered *niplo>m eut as good aa that w hich ho had fo rm erly treated #© sco rn fu lly th ia ap p lican t only p u t 4NR. b is ha t cu rled hi* tip and w glB g#, nut A lthough he had been ob lig ed In* acknow ledge th a t h* could n o t M l l i l out or sign b is own ap p lic a tio n , but had had to get **hia litt le hoy,’* uriUi w as tfi the public *cbov»1. to do It ls l^ ,‘ him . I. * w as looking fo r sontet h ln * nun h fine r th an day labor. And bp w as nasi fifty a t th a t.

f a i r play. health . h u m an ity '—a ll th ese li t t le m a tte rs corns up in tho course <>f the a g e n t 's m o rn in g g tM K q ll It no sm all th in g to moot fifty ap p lic an ts for em ploym ent, a a vgdrt##jP| lu age. condition and n a tio n a li ty g# one can im agine, and o f b o th segno, a n d to le a se on them the d u a l itopr*a#l## th a t \<».i < an a*e th e ir d e fec ts and Ural* ta t tens, and yet w an t to he lp In n word, th a t your w ish Is to do th in g fo r every person that _ ^ to see veil, and th a t vou w ilt do 1% If; th e re la an y possib ility e f so ck • ddtfv

“The g rea t problem of th e in d u s tria l w orld." sa id th e employ*- . m ent agen t a f te r th e crewrd b ad lo ft, "la th e problem o f p e rso n a li ty f | | g t ,* l | he w ept on. the p roblem la to f tp * t t j 1 second, to recognise it w hen fo#Ri6j~j4 th ird , to h itch it te th e w heels o f In d u s­try , and. fourth , to m ak s it. a s f a r a « : poeslbie. co n ten ted in it* near a tlf-> round ings. A co rp o ra tio n m ay b# #■’ sou lless th in g Itself, bur it is p e rfe c t!? p la in th a t in o rder te bu ild up a M S * - ! Fibs* o rg an isa tio n o f any k in d m ust have liv ing souls, sen s itiv e , VO* apoliaive. inf* I Agent a n d in sp ire d WlUh a sense of iovsNy to th e o r g a a i8 ^ t t |B ^ w h o h th ey a re to Serve.**

Another Port of Itsrf.T his sounded d iffe ren t from tho t a k

! had hern h earin g from a w o rlg ly w ise me. hanic. who had been 't* l l t* £ sh o u t a concern In H arriso n w hero , k gsaid, they m ark tb p nam e o f eaefc-f|#i em plovee up oft a c a le n d a r a n d tlMB tu rn fo rw ard th ree m pn ths a n d W fllK h is nam e ag a in w ith a sym bol mean* th a t he h a t been th re e mapIlMi w ith th e com pany. th e re fo re h o , he e ith e r a fool o r a crook an d 1 . ^ . ,It Is tim e to d isch a rg e him . f keen ly in te re s ted lj» tho a g e n t 's

| m arks, because they served to ..vw• m ina t# th e question Ju st how f a r tb #

fac to ry svbteni Is te n d in g to d q a tf’Mt'nen ' persona 111 y and to w eaken such i it lea as In itia tiv e and Ju d g m en t, whdeb 18 I wa th in k o f aa b e in g n e ce ssa ry t # ; B J i i

h igh type of usefu lness. In rep ly , m ors p a i t t ru la r q u estio n s on th lg the a g e n t w ent on:

suppose it is a fa c t th a t th e


1of personal re sp o n sib ility a n * lo y a lly to th e o rg a n isa tio n i« o ften lo s t. T W l H

I - There are teats on either tide of the fireplace’s cozy nook. 2— Mrs. Byrotf G. Harlan at her piano. 3— The blue and white breakfast alcove has an gppciling charm. A— In the hospitable living room browns and tans are the dominating colon.

fo rm ation or l a r g . u a l t , o f p rod p o tman.;I K ou ..d in Sugc. o f t .n Italy, . t r u o t^ r a #

n f s tee l and stone, m ust ten d to t U P It w asn t so In the old days, w hen ( M p la n ts w ers ow ned e ith e r by IndivBlrailp^ o r by sm all g roups of m en w ho know each o f tp e lr em ployees by nam e. |to $ ta k e th is fac to ry her*, w ith i ts 1 J H hands. I t Is only one of a doaen p laq t* , s ca tte re d p re tty well a ll over th o Kftgt* e rn s ta le s , em ploying in a ll o v e r H J H people It Isn 't so easy to kpogf A crow d lik e th a t a lt by th e ir f i r s t


,lk from Southern Italy Anticipating Easier Feast of Delicious ( apretto al Foma "ytft, There’s a Dish for You” Not Pleased

with Health Rule on Licensed Abbatoirs.

It w as ■ safe bet they w ould be b a rk a g a in a fte r they had done th e r ig h t th in g hv the ir form er bo**' It a lso seem ed probable th a t th e li t t le hom ily by th e em ploym ent ag en t on the sq u are d e a l had not been lost on th e crow d o f ap p lic an ts for Job* who s t i l l aw a ited d iaposition

In the office of a fac to ry em ploym en t

And. betides, the num ber o f ow npfA |j§£•flHKkl

» ###1Ha# m

For Ldsurc Moment* [

M lsw s f 'IWt* 'ta ancient f t lk - b r s thara aa* f t g .

anda ef pursuit t r O n o a i . * b * w ar# .frigh tened i » « r when tha fu g itiv e

touched Iran ar stone. H e a t s s r s in Inn* aga the game a l a*i*«rgl tag .

* v k ie k ip s ta u r tapsets 'w s f a M e e < tauchetone-touch wood dsserlbadi e a r l ie r

Si this aariaa. ,M WMi tbs catcher is aagat.adl out Set means at u r ef U s familiar numeral

f u npattars. ha mast tune am at sa d carer| k i - e * r .five*— flva.

|M e w « with feta haMa, 1U% ht I-cpy. r »klle ha aauata up ta (as s« f IS f c rtttaau. twenty, etc. W hen

* w a es ta ttbb ha Sddt cut,* say -Wraa WSf* am* neu# a«a* tha at her play

: '.aw. if, me bg them mg. tarns* t r s s j.t-niar. U rn im a ief.kle ahaak, ( eON lisle aamgm* h e *. m(*i Mawt. ha./s*«riu taiegeM . i egsmss tha cgichsr * tune.v ' mg ■ jllnUg,' Illflgu m a I iSvimI ~ ' - i1 .-' .Wwg jratmT ’ BVBiWra

Sandwiches for Breakfast May Sound Odd, But They M ight Be Tried Diplomatically

Sandwich*. lor b rM k fa a t! O n e c a n Imosloe the ih.deo of o u r N a w K ng* land *r»ndm»thrr« th ro w in g u p tfco lr hands In despair SI Ik s v e ry t h o u g h t , but why not?

Ae t nu tte r of fact, th a o n n d w le h h a b it.l l tnfeetloun a n d t a v o r a l c a f e ­terias nesr the Four C orne r* M i l ^»oat* of ssndwlches for h ro ak fao t. S o I f th o reetiursnts So It. why s h o u ld n 't I t he done with variations tn t k # h o m e kitchen?

Being In the e ia e r lm e n la l s t a g e . It woutp. perhaps, be w ell fo r t d e h o m e cook to npproach tho o a n d w lo h propo­sition diplomatically by s e r v in g f i r s t a orlop tidbit net too un ltko o t h e r t k ln g a bet hsvo appeared on th e k r a a k f a a t

menus before. ,This would be easy to a co o m p lia to b y

making tbs sandwich o f t o a a t a n d boron. Toast two slices o f b r e a d a n d place crisp bacon hot w een, c u t tn tw o oornerwlse. Set In tho o v e n u n t i l ready to serve.

But.thie Is Just toast a n d b a c o n , s o m e might remark. So It is. b u t i t c a n h a prapared bsforo the fam ily i w tnblo*.it I* eulckly nerved y tth only onosp la to ta a person—a saving of dlahaa—.a n d It ig in aurh a form that It may ha g u tek ly taten. * paint net to ka ovarlaokead when there era business fo lk a n d com ­muters In the family graup.

It mould bo poosthla ta wary tfeta by placing sardines or a h it o f le fto v e r fish between tha toast attcoo a n d aalrng parsley or loatoa butter Instead o f tho everyday sort.

lea rn lo ite r .Four tablespoons butter m arin a te d

with two table*poenfuls o f lem on Juice. For paraley butter the p re p o rtio n s a r t oue-balf cup at butter, aga tab leppoou- ful paraley, vary flbdly minced, a n d MM tabtnpowful of lemon JU m . A daak of curry powder may be m faed tn te a little bettor. If the flevar la m ead. T h is will give mere variation to .the fillin g .

Yooterdty'a laftevpr milk re lle o f th e aelpMd .varteip mar ka d ra f te d , tn te service ter the . kreakfpat san d w ich . put them through, the een ter th a - Mine war of IkefreH Sad teas*. The m en n f tha: houeobotd might la o it ' aahnm ee -ft they touag a laaf *f lettuce p a d a dstek of lure«B|iM' edged te th e ksnsea tm this tcaatod roll-but the p o p u la r e lan sandwich may haVO l rbpggpd th e m fa r the flavor tag tha Jn iag a o f tk n Hg mlgbt be J i i lHadlg tn ueunck it putt their cbecolete. wkaa th e p la ts mil' PeeM pall ■. # !5> J S 5 ’. ■ ; H

I f . Dot ami fash regime f i g s - an d prusea,/gaafMnr •-------- -W* -ammg|mg»-gg|-aMummipiP .. mnamm . O'TSumpcS at the faet af the naafu l s a n d ­wich. Try ajaagjnf' the f ig s a ad

•eft Jelly-like basts, adding a dash at lambn Mm it Mkad agg. ggraadl- the', pSuyaw wiig M>lj i jg|mWb pg l arppghr rails .Bre* tkp <iky M k nf tps family . aig. ha; imratgted M<w .eating; man ci-uk 11 g foralgp wag (a anpiadand the Bribe Mbr AMtg. m laoer t ar - •t(4

Jiahr a r t# gangh aa. itah sa rlgb Hngh aa fgr rwafc. n e t forget nag ta a g g ^ a j ^ J ^ t T w ^ t i n gteaaakagwrap tii tfg W l l w B i i i f .d idali-iaak agaarnp adi a gpaaafM a f th a

S O T K S & a EgrewlaggapelgrttyMt pnlagaa t he

I Emm

roll m ay receive, a s It t* ap p ea rin g a t b reak fa s t, lunch And d inner tim e

Tha g ro w in g dom and fo r froah fru it* an d vegetab les m ight even lead th e V>uaekeeper to alip a slice or tw o of tom ato an d le ttuce w ith a dash of m ay- onnaiae Into th e toneted b re a k fa s t sandw ich. The piquancy of th is f il lin g might h ave an appeal fo r the Jaded apring appetite . '

T hera la. of courae. no end to th e v a ria tio n s th a t m ay he applied to th e h reak fo a t sandwich. W hether it w ill Invade th e home and w he ther even th e broiled w ienies sometime* will be tucked aw ay in the b reak fast roll, one m ay no t prophesy, bu t It la a conven ien t an d com pact w ay to serve food in a bu rry , and a ta s ty way, too.

An o rd e r ha* gone fo rth from th e tra il H e a lth D epartm en t th a t g o a ts ai)d k id* anr* m u f t be s lau g h tered , if a la u g h te re d th e y a re , in licensed a b b a to irs . At f i r s t g lan ce th is ru ling m ean s a b o u t a s m uch to the av erag e re a d e r a a If a n o rd e r had been Issued re q u ir in g a ll th e e le p h a n ts kep t aa p e ts to l>« m u z ­z led — th a t la. un less the re a d e r la a n a tiv e o r descendant of n a tiv e s , of S o u th e rn Ita ly .

F o r th ia ru ling im pinges upon c u s ­to m s a s o ld a s ( 'h r is tia n lty , an d baaed in a l l p ro b ab ility upon cu s to m s f a r o ld e r . I t Is th e p rac tice In th e s o u th ­e rn p a r t o f I ta ly —In th e -heel a n d to e o f th e boo t th a t Dame E u ro p e th r u s ts In to th e M editerranean—to b re a k tb e L e n te n fa s t a f te r tbe E a s ie r m ass w ith a s a v o ry dish o f c ap re tto a l fo rno .A nd it is w ith the cap re tto a l fo rn o t h a t th e H ealth D epartm en t ru lin g c o n f lic ts .

N e w a rk is th e cen ter w here th e Ira- j n i g r t a l a from Southern I ta ly concen-



j i n i r a am** 'i m . MgraihMrMb' com*

- 'k e r b ikgM k k*«*'H i

four traya fit IMg ■ Wilo akatuau brwrnm liA st svitlt a Mmdio rnakiag Mmm «tgr

: W iAm ask rceotvvr nMI etgar lighi.r n N K g f P e ^ H M | M g g H g I

' yruouec:tan. gMaH 'iaNdag.

a r a p p . . . . . . . . . n JmaAkaaaMH* vktma ag batag amm* aa ■imytaJ ■laScmno •rtuisu aggafti* ecgtotomgi' S e w s * k g * p e t aim M HM Mmt.ig • m*tb i a im»

W *st Hudson. 1 n ion i rounding te f i l to jy . M h»i* *

la rg e I ta lia n population I* ro n re n t ra ted . re t'ru it the L a tin t-iem enl la rg e ly from N ortliern Italy i lc n r a It is prim ipall> in N ew ark th a t th e w ail g o es up a t the H ealth D e p a i im e n ts decree , fo r If every fam ily d e s ir in g to d ine o ff th e roast kid o f Soulhc-rn t r a ­d itio n m ust ta k e th e an im a l to a licensed s lau g h te r house, « list a p a ­rad e th e re would be th to u g h th e s tre e ts !

V ost o f (it* n a tiv e -b o rn I ta l ia n s in N» 'Vark a re from the a g r ic u l tu ra l d ls - ii*c ts . and ra n slit .tho th ro a t o f a you n g k id w ith cunn ing . T h a k illin g m ust be Just so. the b leed ing Just so. an d th e sacrifice fo r th e r a s c a l fu s t,* m u s t ta k e place Just so m any h o u rs befo re th e carcass is popped in to th e b ric k oven.

Ab. T h ere im m blink fo r V«*."P ro p erly d one--ah . th e re Is a d ish

fo r you." explained on* w rin k le d old g ra n d m o ther from th e <*ampagna

B ut, m ark me. I sa id p to p e rly d o n e ’ C a p re tto al fornq m ust he m ade o f a young kid. not over tw o m o n th s old a t the very most, and b e tte r , b e fo re It h a s begun to gvuz*. so th e m ilk ta s te s t i l l la in the meat - ha Lei c ap ito . s ig n o r? I t is tender, lik e th e fleiih o f a young pullet, sw ee t a s fre s h cream . One p laces the k id in a la rg e e a r th e n diab, and g a rn is h e s it w ith young g reen pepper*, and m ushroom s, pe rhaps, and then h eap s p o ta to e s a ro u n d it.

“B ut th e old custom s do not la s t in th ia so rap id America. T h e re a te th o se w ho e a t th e m eat o f th e g o a t In s tead o f the su ck lin g k id / w hich is a s d i f ­f e r e n t aa tw ilig h t from noon."

In by-gone y ea rs th e k id s w ere ta k e n to n a tiv e I ta lia n b u tch e rs o r th * d is ­p a tch o f tb e young an im a l o ccu rred in

s g e n the hu man equal ton corn es n tofu ll flow er Here the pe rsor nel oflliF organiza tion Is chose i \% th e' Hi* o f sppll m u ebbs stir fl-» t lie

i t ea * in for •dtp o> merit . g/*** s be -

Iti. w ft* * I d e r 1 v

tffed I *ai *4 '*

*mpl tty mg f him

I iv i


a back y a rd o r even a eellq r. T h e o b ­je c to rs contend th a t th e Btavfc b u tc h ­e r s in tb e s lau g h te r houses w ill n o t do ,tb e k illin g a* dv>iteroufly T hey in s is t th a t to ta k e a kid under one s a rm * and fare fo r th to find a licensed abattoir is s im p ly not being done. 8ucb an e n ­cum bered person w ouldn’t he a llo w ed 09 9 street e a r o r jitn ey .

R eu ses fo r New O rder.But the Health Deportment Is trying

to Insure obedience.of tta mandate by requiring the* four* Commerce street com mis* Ion merchants who are Import­ing young goats fo r the Italian Easter feast to lisue cards.*printed In Italian and English, in which the law concern­in g ' slaughtering la get forth. More­over. the name and ad d re» of each purchaser of a goat must be filed with the department, and Inspectors will e n ­deavor to keep an eye on th# transient stage* between Uve kid and capretto a l forno.

Tha If salt h Department objects be­cause Uve gents, no m atter haw youth* ful. are hot tho moat frag ran t of aniiaela and in congested quart era there la lUtlo or no room to keep live stock. Thego la danger, too, of sick­ness arising M in g tho aniseal's brigf lifetime. I t weald like te dleeagrago the evatara* becam e of tbe additional reason that | | m dealt re must, for lack of spaa*, keen the crated goats hear o ther perishable fbodstuffs. But the Italians argoe that the custom of tho JSaster goat is far older tben tho Health Department pad all Its rules,

On Master Meadsy. also regarded aa a fast day. whole femme* pile into th#

e U ttf eerts. .with the village orient ■ the gttast ef the leading citiaed. iIt g d ' forth fate the fresh, o e fh accord i eg te “

- W ||P P > iL ig treH , - white • cloths^wto'ear to * * a M ftdaaJb spread end the old * o a* a open t tv t virjr p a a p m m ete r e e v e re t fiMki or wt»o m b «*t

:. anb BTMI

_r_ , IM th tr (M tM lolto««b to Bouthora Holy. Obco ttabor ibe bbbbflb troM, - w i l t . . clotlti ore

olb l o o t , opon olrow- •t wt«o Cab l i t forth

■ roct BilM of cccctillc, whlio tho men cmcco to >ho violin » ltk t k , roeng

Wr X b R b . UhCM protto ni forwo. Ic IMC m t m Fjbfcp* - It. eoitctou• f e g m b«h«b wheto,!* F W K feJ SJWWl :

ahena jiM dli. Hi it rewnd Wavoe of;

fo m w .s ob v j i T h * nv-xft HitlF It.ok 11,* n.AII

t ' l a t s . I I a h a d WM to n c* r» How would hs 11 •*.

' I ' m Mur i v.' *ii i I t i n . a g ^ n r . s r i p f i l n g t h e t a i l tu ft t i g h t l y a* h** midiM*srdl t h e t n a a s t o h f i v f h i m s e l f f o r \ w h s t h a v e h e r n a n t i i ip l e aS a i l t nmi " b u t 1 r a n t d o a t h i n g f o r yp j i I c o u l d . I mi! I . a n l Y o u nee d e a f f i e g * wo u l d m a k e y o u r enn>i i n t h e W i . ik " !i( i i iMiaii \ l i*xa it |< w o u l d h a n d ! , up y o u in e \ * r v t r a y I m s o i r y . I w m b I < o u l d d o It d . f f e t e n t l y . "

H o w m a n y o t h e r p e o p l e w o u l d h a v e w r i s g l e d o u t o f a s i t u a t f o i l l i k e t h N f w - i th eomr* so i t o f e v a s i o n o r w l i i t e h e '* T h e o l d c h a p t o o k t h e a b o u t - f e r e l i k e a m a n . a n d a l l c r e d i t t o h i m; b u t i t > i n i « e a s i e r b e c a u s e h e h a d g o t t e n it f r o m a m a n w h o w a * » • k i n d h e a r t e d a s h e w a s f r a n k . W a t c h i n g t h e e p i s o d e m a d e y o u f e e l t h a t y o u w o u l d r s f h e r b e f i r e d b y s o m e p e i . p l* t h a n h i r e d b y o t h e r s .

"W h a t * t h e m a t t e r w i t h y o u r F t t t h e a g e n t a * k e d w h e e l i n g s h a r p l y u p o n * n u n k e m p t y o u t h w h o h q d d r a p e d h i m s e l f o v e r t h e o f f i c e r a i l i n g

hi t o f w re , R a g e f r o m a c y c l o n e .

probab ly w ell up In th e th o u san d s < w ith no single* person o w n in g than a sm all p rnportfon of th e w b e la F ind ing the personal no te In a n S au laa tlo n lik e tha t I* lik e fiudtfl need le 1 o a haystack.'*

"1 ah* Id think.** I In sinua ted , th e m . * of superv ision w ould m o u n t very rap id ly In p ropo rtion aa th * p f* g a n lsa tie n increases In siae. In f experience every new he lp e r le a la# g/1 pussih le Moutce of e r ru r and delay.**

"It s the curse of the w hole buelnodg,**^: he a ssen ted * lt g row s top heavy. A#B tbe only th ing which w ill e o u n ta ra c l it Is to • u ltlv a tn tiie p e iso n a i equation .'*

And that Was What He Hr Had Been Doing

likesom e -and was evidently w a itin g f<

body to come and rem ove himT h e lad m urm ured so m eth in g ab o u t

an eara< he widt h bad b u rs t, leav ing an ex te rn a l sore

**W hen w as It drassed la s t?" ram * th e sh rew d but kindly re to r t

Tuesday.’*" T h a t 'e not often enough ," the a g e n t

rep lied . "D on't you w an t th e th in g to h e a l up?"

R a fb c r J a r t medicine, th a t ; but. a f te r a ll . tb e em ploying ag en t w as lik e ly to loom la rg e in tho life of th is young m an fo r some years to conie. and if he d id n 't ta k e a/i In terest In h it p h y s i­cal w ell being, who w ould?

Bitter Medicine, but It May Benefit

‘T can 't tak e you o n " he said f in a lly , ecru tin ising tho ra th e r s h if ty co u n ten an ce before him w ith (h e a i r ©f ©•# who wishes to in s e r t som a h e lp fu l Inform ation in the m ind o f hlo h e a r e r , "partly because y o u 're u n d e r a g e . I couldn 'j g ive you a m ach in e In t h e fac to ry unless you w ere s ix teen . 1 m ig h t find you w ork In th e o ffice , b u t y o u 're n o t neat enough I t 's ro u g h to to ll you th a t. I know, b u t th a t ’s th e s im p le tru th "

A o th e youth let h im self ou t o f h la p re c a r io u s position and sw u n g to w a rd th e doo r one fe lt again st th e b ig p ro b ­lem th a t underlies th is fa c te ry o ltu a - tlo n — how tn 'c u ltiv a te ae!f-respc« t. p e rso n a l dignity . In itia tive , a e lf - re li- an co . confidence—q u a litie s w hich m ust be. con se rv ed o r called in to b e in g If th e

• ult it a ting the pernor** I equation* then , hms wh*t he had been do in g . J t# -'; was the man who. m ore than an y w«a to im part th a t oense o f pqrodtMMI 1 in te re s t a id personal re sp o n s ib il ity w hat would o th e rw ise d e g en e ra te In to

| a m ere uia« hlne. Arid It w aa * K t99&h | s a tis fa c tio n to rea lise th a t th is ro jb # * Jse n fa tlv e of m odern In d u s try w as 1m S | i »nl> a hum an being, but * m ig h ty i hum an orfe a t tha t.

f o r p e rso n ality is th e ninut im p o r tM t ihm g in th e w orld, a im th e mnnt ggjj “ BsJgJB em ploym ent a g * m is th o pflO w hp « an co rra l m ost o f it to r b ig oVTR :: o rg a n isa tio n To know tb 's is porltlaB^f'! to m ake a man rea lise m ore th a n r a S P i th e value n f c e r ta in e th ica l p r in c ip le d ^ C onsequent Iv thw you th w ho Is fo o d ly im ping to m ake his m ark in th e w o r!4 » helped If not ac tu a lly in sp ired by |*gafw: is ln g th a t th e m ap who is queatlotthidf'' h im has met c e r ta in p ro b lem s o f "bid ow n and has equipped h im self to # * q | w ith a good m any try in g H rcum algnedg in a m anfu l w ay «s they a r is e . H g Maten*. the re fo re . W|th a good d ea l o f am usem en t «« he h ea rs th e a g e n t

A m erican fac to ry w o rk e r is to be th e f f ic ie n t and > g p p y person th a t h o u g h t to bo in a -free land , w ith o u t en co u rag in g the cheap an d u n w h o le ­so m e su b stitu te s fo r th ese q u a litie s w h ic h lie on th# su rface—im pudence; e f f ro n te ry , rivalry .

" W h a t kind of a Job a re you lo o k in g f a r th le m orn ing? W ould th e p re s i­d e n c y su it yed?"

T h a qtidstIon, flqng sudden ly a t a q u ie t- lo o k in g m an, ev idently o f fo re ig n b irth* wh4 stood fin g e rin g h la h e t- b r im n e a r lira door, looks* lik e a q u ite g r a tu i to u s q ffron t The m an ad d re ssed th re w h is head up and g la re d h ack a s th o u g h be hgd been stung. B u t th a em - B lo y taB tg a a t w as perfec tly calm and fiw id k g im l abou t U S T he p o in t w as t h a t t h o app lican t w as au rp riaod to fin d h im o o if roeogataed.

"Tou wove employed here |r l l | | , * tho ld*R t want on. levetty, "You were gqftihE good wages as a day laborer^ w hy didn't you stick than. Too w ould have Boon much better-off tha# yo are now. You war# discharged >be r t e e s you were g|*jrii% dot too n u e of tho ttm# and we couldn't depend on you. But wo hobd- you this morning. 1 aa» puujNdi to m m ) If .yoO igaa t

# > ., ................. . ' Out changei r a to d M l ie s q a ^ a v o n ia . i i io i i l a 1 d.; Btoo tfh l yagropaoilo who

)ra«o h # M

• a iry in g nn a hit of b a n te r in g condor* nation w ith a crony hack W th e w o rk # som ew here who has Just ca lled h im OOf

" H ello ’ W hat? ‘S |ad abou t ?'— who, tne? l never get mad. fo u know th a t . W h at good would it do me to g e t m a il * w hen I ha vr penpi^ lik e you to i e t f w ith a il day long flow lo n g d o yogt suppose I d last on th is job If I c o u ld n 't k eep my tem per* Don’t you k n o w t h a t every tim e you Rft a n g ry It p re c lp jtg tf# a lot of poison Into you r blood, w f id f i on ly d estro v s you, w ith o u t le av in g a ch an ce to g o back a t the m an w hb tg cau s in g vou all the tro u b le? W h a t 's th a t* You though t 1 w as m ad?4~#t sounded *0“ Well, th a t 's th e w a r t w an ted it to Round J have to do th a t too. once In a while, you know . B u t a £ fo r th e real s tu ff fh e ie 'a n o th in g do lt)* . You can t p,f‘r me m ad "

••lie T rea t* Voa White.**And re fle c tin g on these th in g s , I w a s

r a th e r g lad to o verhear a g ro u p # f young feMowa In the ta l lw a y ou td id # rem ai king. * W rli. an y w ay , yo # ceye^t' h e lp lik ing him. He t r e a ts you white!**

Ju st how fa r th is so rt o f th in g sp ilt go in m eeting the fa c to ry p rob lem u p # * c an not *ay. C erta in ly m ore a n d ra# r# o f th e A m erican people a re g o in g hat# fa c to rie s to w ork. 'C e r ta in ly fa c to ry m ethods tend to d e stro y c ra f ts m a n sh ip In the old sense, s u b s titu tin g th e po lvep o f the m achine fo r th e sk ill o f th e m an. M eantim e, p iecew ork and c o s tin g s y s ­tem s have b ro u g h t ab o u t a s w e a tin g process, o r a t least an in tenaq riv a lry , w hich m eans a s tru g g le fo r a ll colt* ren ted . S ince th e w ar th e m e th o d ca lled p roduction hae pu t the screw s OR ip 9 wav th a t is no t alw a>* fa ir, and w h ich n e v e r ten d s tow ard e ith e r f in e r w o rk ­m ansh ip o r f in e r p e iso n a lity . T h e a n sw e r seem s to be th a t In fa c to rto # u f the h ig h e r type, such a s th e b ig m aa#* fa c tu r in g com pany we haVe b ee# d e ­scr ib in g . and in fa c to rie s w hich o p efg to u n d e r s tro n g p a ten ts , c o u n te r t*nd#R««<*• can be se t a t w ork w hich w ill r e ­su lt in bu ild ing up a fine, m anly , s e lf - re sp ec tin g w o rk in g fo rce o f peop le w ho no t yn ly a re o rig in a lly of a h lg fw r type , ! h u t who by th e ir daily con tact* In th a jj fa c to ry life a re s tim u la ted to y a t h i#fcaj f :>- Idea ls and standarda.

Nature’s Refrigerating P la t!


Thera he* natural cold storage Blent «1 Beck, near SI. Jot. Ark. It I* » mem* moth cove and. although It, r t f rlgw H y Ing gosslhUIttea hav, boon known ttS c year.. It 1* only reoontljr th a t ' A An— boon ftUod wltb door* nod bine nsd aood fo r otorage gurpovo*. Tho p O m m iof tho envo utllinod nt Ffoaon t M * 1

" W•trotnh IM (hot wldo nnd meat.’:._____» ouarter mile doog and I k , Bgdt 'SW w . new Ran Moon uood to oloro b 'U n b td --, fru it crop.

- m s r /Origin *f s “PrtMy iTho iH S M M K iir ap # R r a 7 5 y ® E i s g r t t f i K

vnrg M'wntd Mr h Mg he II i.w ^ m e j i u R M M lagb

SfP¥ W B N C m -

- — . •* y j m i & s rat ix®rfc*'-r »»<• p w * ^ ™At th* »nd at tk« g*»>** M»r*

pr*,*-nl--<l h i* with the

i l u la fruitl*** March for tk*‘ itorlM ther h r“ —: trhjr they • » •

th e re a s o n by lo o k in g I that Ef J*y Es has drawn it yhatographlc In h i neen-1

a n |n n » n a

Drat, • kook named "Btrtv# and *■*' c«#df* — l i i • bpok M M 4 „Scouts' Champion Kocrult. » • " 11 la: Tin a man si hoja rpoosr-

Th# hooks ara oM •»< **•* •It la so aaay Corns oh#, coma all. —»* answers with pan name ask real and address, to John Cooper, •** "•* Center street, Jranfe. A

Does snjr ona halo*** I® * *• w *ange?

Ho long,th t

■m is aatgr ft«d workedK . . had «ii


)nnm An­tony ikrte-*

f 1 WOHDt* ? ? 7 )I wnCKt reV STAE T F/VTJ

D**r BUI: <’nn you or an* m»nib.ru toll m» whorr th* follow In* Motions nro loented. which I got • other ntgkl nnd enn not M« In thr c**J booha: 1PJ. !CTC. IEX. 3BE and h i d -

I saw W. D —It's letter In *h* Vf**; the other nl«ht. He wants a '"a*1* tnhe. I con get him n good <uh» that will anawrer the amine na the WOll. only yon bnve to ua„ It at ala colts. The price la !«.»• aud I can get the WD11 tube for only coot price. M e*.


• ///A }* * /V "/A

n the nheteh of the eltlpper. pictured condition of hie deek.

what It look* like every m o rn -

. th ie flood of m a te ria l pourlag Bk^m n eery m oll ond theiopoee avail-

t H r g w h a t It la. It I* q u its O ntnral th a t oomo o f the fellowe ore

__-" V ------------------------- ^ • e v i . Mrrltlne

of the letters a ad stories Md will ho published aa the

It* arlaea. Therefore be pa- - |n i couple of weeks It may

for your contribution to

old-timer—Molthew Matties _ to the fold today, roafflrm- Icyalty to lha J. F. B.• • • Nsw

ba Jllaappolnted. This writing tbs part St the members.

j a p i i n t . MEtod**!

j» e w


B b mno I was ambling down

n o , th* other day I chanced |gk n friend of min# comlag out of

■ f r 'E T o n S T i * •» Hd-y o u ra e lfh o gurgled, comlag h “Have u s e r spo ils he h s ld w t h sm all

Id tti four or flro oblong, tin- neerod *tlck* la It. I took one.

watching Ottte. unwrapped the i M M f H A l l h f l M H l a l i .

1 got, however, dloeolve la M d the more 1 chewed the

S jgH s It hoohme. 1 felt alarmed hoHovtag it woo candy gone

attempted to eject It from my I d only aaeeoedod in swallow-

I aad began cougblng vlgor- Olllo. meaning wall, began to

B the hack, yelling: "Ton B l Why did yo» ewallow i t r

_ je na I- got a y breath hack I Olllta what dm dlekena he mean'

me a place e f candy that wan

(thandoratr nek >—"Wh y. you 1 (m a t yaa know what

-gam Mf Tou’re cupposed to lad keep chewing, aad by nc ace to swallow It- Here's aa-


crown of the Emperor of Rome <h# was then d k l ite r i . but he refused three times. Just afterward he fell Into a fit. He had been afllcted with tbess fits for some time.

Brutus, who was one of Caesar's friends (In fact very dear to him), fojtred a conspiracy with Cassius. Case*, and others to murder Cassar.

Brutus was doing this «wlth a clear T —tn i tT k s s p up for#v#r. and I conscience, as he thought he was right 1 „« ah. imttmra and stories as | in ridding the empire of an ambitious

ruler, for he thought that on the dsy on which the Henste sst Cassar would be offered and would accept the crown.

After many dark conferences as to the means s plan was decided on. The nest day, which was the day set for tha murder. It was put Into action.

As Caosar entered the forum Cas­sius and Brutus drew his attention on a pretense of a petition. A philosopher and the prophet had warned of dlra happenings on hit way. but he had taken no notion.

Thus, when his attention was dis­tracted, Cassius stabbed him, followed by all the others. Brutus last. When Caesar saw Brutus lungs a t him b# cried, **Bt to. Brutef* moaning. “And I you. too. Brutus?’* Then died Caesar.

He fstl a t the base of Pompey's statue, a monument commemorating the prowess of bis old enemy aad rival.

During tks murder,one of the con­spirators had led Haro Antony away, thus removing the only serious obstacle to the plAn. %

Brutus then made a speech to the people, persuading them that “Caesar was ambitious,” thus cscuslng their deed.

But Haro Antony turned their hearts by on# of the most eloquent and s tirr­ing speeches ever Recorded. which turned the people, after hearing .Caesar’s bountiful will, leaving his property lo the public, to drive out Brutus ami his followers from Roms.

After a long battle Brutus’s array aa defeated. Cassius ths sly and

B rutus the disloyal ran upon thslr swords, thus destroying thsmsslvsa

Cassar was avenged.4 THE SECRETARY,

Chief of D. &P. 8 .—1 will later send In l iv e An­

tony’s speech from “Caesar.” It Is most stirring.

Bill, don't you think the fellows could print copied Jokes If they also published what magaslne or paper they were taken from? Thus we could have good Jokes without being dishon­orable. e e •

I think ws'd better pass up the JokeaDear BUI: May I Join the Handi­

craft Club? Where does It have Its meetings. I wJU a**d some plans soon.

If any one has aay stamps he doesn't w ant I wish they would send me some via Bill. 1 am Just beginning to save them.

Bill, can I be a detective?H ers Is a contest. Tbs prims are,

Dear Bill: The poefn submitted by Chlc-A-Boom wes quoted entirely from the Victor Record No. till# . If be (the •Writer'*) comee to your office, as

i he seems |p expect to. you rosy tell himi ihls. . . .I think we ought to have s boats er

Investigators to see Lf (he stories, poems, etc., are copied. Hoplsg you favor this move. I close RA-DI-O I.

e e •Chic-A-Boom's brother wss In to see

me the other dsy and he told tno/kt J irned Chic he wss doing * foolish

thing to swipe that Jingle from the record I told him somebody would be certain to trip him up. and aura enough, you've done It.

Dear Bill: 8 lr.T H U S g S M U U UOODI.

Skid wee WHtie OoogglMoa- "I know a thin* or *we.

Shut yer mouth kk' open y.v eyeo,I will denkoaktrhte for you.

Hero wo hove three chicken «SB*One la raw. fre.h out of nekl;

Ooe la cooked loo much. Ik hard.One cooked koft. for eatln*. belt.

1 will find the e (* aoft bollad And not break a aheU In teat

01**1 e. klddeo. If on .’, apollad And buntn ovar my new vekt

I lay this e* s on a plate:Now. I twUt It. See •' •P,n -

Hard es* aplna )<•»« Jl»e • *®F- All la hard an’ ti*ht within.

Watch me npin another egg.Ha! Tou are It la no two.

Will not opl<. then It la raw.Liquid laalde, alppa. la looae.

Hare, of courae. la aoft boiled e*C- Spina turn or two. but slugglrii. alow.

Inalde klnd’er aorf er muab. _Buat *ar open, find It ao. ,


Daar Bill: I havo a faw coin* hara aad u 1 don't colloet, I donl want them The member that B*to his Uttar to me flrat *et» them. If I *et many lnttara a t once I will take tha namaa.

Ihsalagattiralirt T k aak a old Wp**t awallow th ta Tou know

J T t o n tkla—er—*um on the n i b aad ta the twe ro a n Tea B i n t Beyer came la ooatact

" in walked on la. nIUoce for .ktodfc,- aad a t toa*tk Olllo re-

__rto inaw . T n *ot to *o up thin- aa T tl nay ao tons. Boa you to.

yatkor a difficult tkla* to

« nad ta lk a t tko name time. 1 my adieu Bounded rather

nr, a*, to apeak. '( w alked. rapidly toward kerne, nra keepia* time with my feet. N'waty an amateur la the %wntle | puai-obewta*. t waa afraid I

awallow the warn If I atopped

M alty 1 arrived hone, and tn th a library door hoard my

a'a voice taauln* from wtthtu.I tttot you. a o n r

Oloba." t -replied by way of adeto* that It w u I.hara a moment then, please.'•

,WauL atui chewin* doaporately. *uardton waa rnmma*in* tn tha

’’ • f n table, ejoetla* varloua of Wat J. F. B. mianuacrlpta,- *rammara and tha Ilka. Upon ate brow 1 could dleoern a lock

i g p Q i ra tty . ' I■ |-B a t aaarchln* fa r aomethln*," hoSfipppa thrllltontlr.MBMP-ahaoT* I *ar*Ud.

fluardy atared at me. "la th a tjm a y e a r Infernal lan*aa«aa. Harry T"

"ad. “Pteaae do not attempt to r«a R on me. Do you happen to 1 Where I placed tny keyrln*?''

ahlr," I muttered (ummlly and

dared . -W hat have you In jpaath, may I aak? A doormat F’

a ir tn d y I opened my mouth to an arttrutoto reply, and that trad of atlcky aubatarca out upon the white, hairy

’ n t* on whirl. I waa alandln*. my ayelaahr,' - What U I t- '

___ _ jd my cuardtan. peertn* down.IDhewIn* aunt, air!” t murmured, UBBr to ptok It up. But aleck! I

not to *at nway with It no eanlly. [While on# |*trt adhered like mticil- ) to m y fingers, th# other stuck to rWug hsirs of .that rug, and I drew

8""pf In a long string. Desperately, i my guardian looked on in awful

MljpaiA I attempted to use my other baud to pick tho rest up. 1 did not sue- tpiife and thsre I was, all gumutsd up,

y K j t trors.> :: l |y guardian (very coldly)—“Try to M e i . that up as best you can and thsn

B I were you. 1 would henceforth re- IblVs to abstain from f such a dissips-

1 m a t gum chewing, llot water, 1 be- -BtvOp.will serve to roraovo It from your

pat them In n hnt and the one I draw will *•* my colna. Kindly *l»e pen and real nnmen nnd nddreen. Warden Tupper. ln*leelde road. Upper Mont-

w# have n Good Motto Club, no why not hovo n motto prlntod a t tha hand of tho column oach nl*ht? It mtoht holp nome member, to wake up.


Thanks very muck for that thoucht- ful offer of your*, but I am eure you Wm M find the hendlii* of such thln*e n difficult took, nnd I'd rnther you wouldn't- I appreciate your *eneroelty. however. I don't think our fellow* need a motto to stimulate them. Th* J. V. B ha* tl* headquarter* at th* home office, apd letter, should never be sent to tho branches.

Mmme a ale* lot tap. P S S S I

Girto. tha wind ta ahakto* the k ina* aa I writ* aad oa* of t a t heavtoot ■torms la oa Its way. Da yaa Uka tha winter? I ao hi tho autasaar. hut —hea It s rrlrea I Ion* for auuay. htodffhl days

Itvs »in tho oaaatry IB ,a (aurtoaa* room hoiMs. a fow mlloa droaa Rahway oa tha F saasy lraala Railroad. I live about throe aad sae-batf miles from the hl*k echeel aad ka*a to tramp throa*b the a w e to make ewe caaaec- Ilona w --

Tho a sm . at*ned halaw waa ahdalaed after a crest deal of thoa*ht. I was born oa a farm dowa South. Tho town was Deltcht a ad the farm Cherry Hurst, so from these wards I termed too name I now st*n. CHERRT DELIGHT.

%1MT BRUM Jl'PT PATTTE.Dear Caroljn and Otrto: Th ha*in

with, may 1 aaad a faw m naa**a? Thank you.

Senorlls Ray. yaur storlea are wen- derful. Keep them up.

W het's bappaasd ta yaa. Rlppllu* that era?

Carolyn, have you aay old mainlines around If so. will you plnaan aaad them to me? —

1 am not able to *o out fa r a waak and It Is ao tlreaoma la the house. Toa tee I hare a holt ta my threat had sometime. It palaa PM vary muck.

They eay neat week waa pat! for music. Well. I certainly enjey hearta* aad playta* the plaaa. How many «lrln play? Don't all apaah at one* If It wasn't far tho plane aad vtetrola I certainly don't know what 1 would do a t pronont. -


I'm p o rn . Ju s t Patti*, hut I haveu't any ma*a*ta*a on h u t Perhap* eoaa* of the *trla can com* to year as­sistance. -


Dear Carolyn: I Judt meelved yeur letter adm tttln* aw tuto tkla -oodar- ful column and 4 UR h rsad to ho a mombor of the J t d- _

Glrla. I Juet |M . to d rs* . *“ * when tha time coaann for me to send la my result I **t cold fodt-

Onn of my moot thrilling moment* thl* w laR r was when 1 was roaatln* down hill and th* aled skidded aero** th* Icy read, seem lally on oa* runner. By aa almost hepeealy power It went down oa th* other a* I »»• ***** *“ bump Into an Immense tm* only n few laches from me. I will never for­get th a t rM*'J |ia c j IU 5VOUB PEOOT.

M E M . MEET RASEHALI. EBERT. Dear Carolyn and Girto: It • • •“ •

to belong to th* J. P. 0 . 1 have anted t« belong for a ton* time an*- to st I Joined-| think It would be n good plan for

thdtodfto to w rite of exciting momenta. U l t n l . one: , .l ly slater and myaelf were studying oar lessons and my mother asked me te fte tho fnrnace, se 1 took th* cellar light a ad went dowa. •

When 1 got down I found that tho furnneo needed coal, *o I went over to tho bln aad took up tho shovel full nf coal. JBat then 1 heard a knock on th* window and I dropped th* nhovel nnd ran. Afterward I found that It was only th* wind blowing.

Your* till th* kitchen sinks.BASEBALL BUDDY.

'M M from hto shtldhood od hto money, hu t M van |

He M d a* mother nor i

liengoodA MS * . t !

. 1

I thank yon. Over th* Top. nnd ror- nStlst of Orange, end you too. Allon- gam of the J. F. G.. for the birthday greetings, bu t' what's got me guess­ing to how you knew It w u my birth­day. That'* a date I usually forget, myself. . . . •

There are two things *- member, should never do. Et* Fte—forget his pen nome nnd write on both sides of the paper. Ae long as you can not remyrnher your name, we'll Hat you Ml over again. But try to remember thto noma: psata It In your hat. If net-eaaary.


vtJ'.|<V<tt‘G 't


y ^ u a t i c R . a S .( l J o p o d w c s ^1 wonder how many of you have

noted tbe variety of dosing phrases th a t have made their appearance at the end of tbe letters alnce the member wrote about the cut-and-dried con­clusions which have seemed to be In evidence In the letters from both tho old and the new members. Since the publication of that particular sugges­tion there has been a marked Improve­ment In the closing words and variety and originality have wended their way Into the conclusions.

Originality Is the bright spot of letter writing* especially such letters

and I know the rest of you did. I have culled quite a few points from your note. Arcenciel. j and I have stored them In my memory box for future reference. ! thanx you. . j

My real purpose In writing this eve- J nlng. girls, is to ask yoqr help tn aid- { ing me to complete my scrapbook.^ My particular hobby is collecting all sorts of ideas to aid In entertaining. That in. not for mere ordinary entertaining, but . special occasions, from literary meetings to parties, i^ow rn, etc. So. girls. If you can help me out tnysug- gesting unique party Ideas, or games.

na are penned for thla column: In fact, 'o r refreshm ent,, or anything elae you




originality Is paramount in almost every phase of writing, whether it be

friendly letter, a story, a special a r­ticle or a poem. This hint might serve

can think of. 1 would appreciate It beyond measure if you would forward it to me via Carolyn. In the mean­time If V can help any of you out with

as an incentive to those members who ( **** the suggestions 1 already have, are constantly wondering what to j wny don t hesitate to correspond with


* he left th s room, leaving ms with burning.

f l p d ends my llttls scraps, but as an f v i , I wt&l say I am writing this tny fingers all blistered from that

, water."gods, Bill, I'm getting scared

.gbUkt out of this column. With all f fw * * talented lads of the Literary

/ 'p g i aiyiiig what childish uninteresting M ts ta ws poor chaps, who haven't such

p w p ^ l t y and veraattlitv as they, send a n beginning to feel quits

- tod of my stupidity and dare not tny fans, or rather letters, so fre-

dip.wever ta ths autumn 1 go to Ox- eo one “illiterate** -and “ignorant”

iber. as Haehimura says, will bs it from pour charming midst for

four years. Believe ms, dear I am proud to bs a member of

1 / f*. B., so 1 shalt writs as often g, and possibly ths .higher eduea-

% irill be receiving will somewhat q. my “sawdust Intellect” and my letters less “asinine and

§ r - •ittl lemon fails thsn. ever thine.


gullies. Matt. It's good to hear a word said of the column occasion-^ You'll find me fa the office be*

ta d 4 :M almost aay after- Drop In.

write about. Originality and interest­ing material go hand In hand and are I always In demand—they are vaUiable assets for all J F G. members to ac­quire. Often these qualities are the chief factors In making certain pen names prdmlnent In our circle.

New members are In line for Intro­ductions today, so you’ll meet them ! between the other events that are to , take place. Ru, who has not visited us for over a year, has come back to chat. Here she Is now.• » |

Dear Carolyn and Columnttes: It’s been fully a year and a half at least since last 1 wrote to the J. F. G. So much has happened since then that 1 could fill the column's space allotment for several Evenings telling about It. However, I shall leavs the recounting of my experiences for s later time.

1 wonder If you girls realise the splendid opportunity the J.. F. G. col­umn offers you In the wag of learning to express yourselves well? How often In business and In our social relation­ships are we Judged by qur letters. And sometimes It means so much to us to h*ve folks formulate a good tm- pfesslon of us.

This train of thoughV was begun by Arcenclei’s letter of a few evenings n |f t i thoroughly enjoyed her tetter

Good-night, all; 1 enjoyed my visit and I was indeed glad to be back.


Dear Carolyn and Girls; May I come Into >^>ur beautiful garden today? Thank you, every one. I Just want to leave a few messages.

Morning Lark, I received your pic­ture and I will write tc you as soon as possible. 1 thafik you for same.

Girls, could some of you give me suggestions on whst to make for a fair? Just simple things.

Axme, 1 ?tat next to you at the bas­ketball game when the freshmen were defeated by the Juniors, much to your Jo> .Well. I must close, hoping to hear of some suggestions as soon as pos­sible. •

Love to sit the shut-ins from#* - DOTTY BEE.


Dear Carolyn and Girls: New mem­bers are pouring in fast. 1 am one of that timid crowd. Will you allow , t wee little one like me to ott In your stately presence? Hurrah! Permission is granted. Even Carolyn permitted ft

„ fH» T ____ ■’ TWCTW-tWWW IU T fttunrs futSHsfite AN» CLEJM SHARP GRfT

. s s s m m '

BUI: Her* to th* aseenB of my of th* toussrtal-«tr*tfor* plny- aaA act» f q ptork' ~-- jt;, f BSttVB CARBAR.

W M ai th* h tar h r Wllltont Bhakstpstrs.) J j j j j h M r 'M * 1 J«st rsturns* to Bonn

Ma xM iirah r eonqusstx by

e m u a n mW t 'W 1, ":a M f s i j °rvnunfsinf rTin TrnM p n ip H B

o n u n u R u n Hg p , ha* gnrasrsd (Bush tw lto ry: Wiirmrnt—--«*» »•*•* KEtP CHICKS DRY VVARM


'# 1 - '■

Dear Carolyn and Glrla: I raeslvsd yonr lattsr aecsptlng ms aa a msmbsr • f yhuf club. I don’t know how tong I hara wanted te h*cema g msmbsr, hut now I don't h a v s to want: 1 am.

I am a g reat loser of sports, espe­cially swimming. A grant many of 1M girl* belong to thto etnb whom I know, but they don't know I belong, nnd won't find ont If 1 enn kelp I t '


Dear Everybody: I'v* poaasd s story nnd hop* you'll Hit* It.

WANTED—A DENTIST.Bstty Was to sn tsrtsla a fsw ef her

chuma nnd n t tbe girls liked Betty's candy she waa making walnut fudga.

"Oh. daar!" sighed Betty, "1 know I will n srs r shell all that* nuts nnd kern It to 1 o’clock and I expect th , girls by m

"Bob." cxllodh Bstty to her nineteen- year-old brother, "do you went to do 'x good ta rn dally' nnd shell thss* nuts for in . T’

"Alt lig h t, Sts." sktd Bob. coming downstairs four a t a time, "providing I get n pises when It in finished- By the way, I Ilk* enrnntlona"

Bob .set to work shelling ths nuts, whll* Betty started cooking th* fudge.

"I would try eating th* shells for a whll*. Boh." said Botty. glancing nt him; "perhaps than I wilt h**« » m i nut meats left for the candy.”

"Well, hare they nr*, all shelled," said Bob. putting both dtohsa down, ont with the nut msats nnd thf P iter the shslla.

"Thanks. Bob. 1 won't forget you In my will." answered Bstty,

Just thsn a knock was heard on th* kttohsn door nnd Bstty admitted Jim Blaine, one of Bob's chums.

••'Lo. folks." said Jim; "Just got back from a hunt nnd I have a fsw pair* of rabbits to give yon.”

Betty didn't dare lesre the candy, ns It was time to put ths nut meat in. Bo. tak ing up a dish, she pat tho content* tn the enndy. \whtls looking at the rabbits Jim had mot.

••Corns.' Jim. let's go up to my “d sn ”. Invited Bob; "we don’t want to bs

1 around when th a t *Otd Maids Wednes­day Aftsrnbon Sewing Clrel*’ comsa"

"Beg yonr pardon, hu t today to F ri­day.” raid Betty, as ah* sst tbs candy on lbs nerving table.

Th* boys were not In th* dsn very long when thslr appetites began to long for fudge.

Meanwhile Betty's ehumt arrived “You w ait her*. Jim," said Bob.

little later. "I am going down tb -g st some fudge. I kho.w tier* will not be any toft by th* time those flappers |o home.”

“F irst they tr« oM maids, then thejr nr* flappers." mid Jim; "you chung* your mind more often than a woman does.”

Bob sneaked down th* stairs, pass Ing th s room where hi* sister was en­tertaining. and want to th* kttehsd. Ther* h* helped himself to a pocketful of fudge and thsn sneaked back up to hto dan;--------

-Wall. Old Top. hers ara th* spoils of tb s raid." ha mid, amptylng tha contents of hto pocket out on tk* table " 1 get ths biggest ptoeu."

A second later ths %gtrls heard loud sounds coming" toots Bob's dsn, and. rushing up. they paw tha two boys sitting on tha floor !***•

••Oh. my teeth." sang out Boh. whH* Jim Joined hit* In th* ehorun.

"Well, of all tb* nsrvs! Come, girl*, leave the dears, to Stf’ candy.” mid Batty, a* ah* cloabd the door.

Later In th s evening, after th* girls wont home. Butty. Jim aud Boh nat by tho fireside ta lk ing

"Next time you m*k* fudge. ME to w a t th* fudge, not th* handsome fee* of Jim, and throw th* Shells out before you make th* mm* mistake."

"Th* next time you steal fade* have ■ dentist near," replied Betty.


Dear Carolyn and Otrto: I Motived your short not* admitting ma to tha column and thank you wary much.

Do say of th* member* go to Wmt Side School? M so. will .they plsM t w rite* BUMLI* fOFFT.LAVENDER PUTIN ABU PEP WITB

A PTOBY.Dear Carolyn; 1 want to deliver h

message before I toll ySa>* story, Monrovia. Constance: of Arlington

M d Keewadyn,. wake «p> and writ* to 3m s e i s in . Do yap know who 1 Mi?

Hege'e th* rtory;t o n DOT.

Dorothy Water# was surrounded by a g rasp .X smiting children.1 - -Cton! . t h a t ’s fin*. ML" brother Bob. v •- •

(tot sea* a very good daa*er and Itgh «u her feet. She eatertalaad the ChileM m . a t III* nclttborhod na .. ........W B rn Sm * . Her father was a totakert Thors w as w ona M U to find with him. and t i n t was h* didn't kaow how to *ar* hto money, rarkag* hn know haw. hut *1 any h tto h e dldiVt do.lt.

M U w is Urn* tor th* cbM rm to bp 'M.:.RHdr hornm they anld U end h t i l f c to Dot. ■ ■ ;. S'C ‘ ‘i .■ , . - ' siK ,T jM itfcm ipE M M Dot

In tllM r way a. fa th tr.

Om i t ) , while he waft eut walking, ha —»ted Dot coming hoftha from work, far now her family wag dependent on her mm4 Boh. He did not hove a chance to epeak to her, but Inquired, after eh« had imaae(L who ehe wax. Everything waa explnftied to hiaa.

"Poor girl.” he murmured. The m u day ho thought of a plan but mid nothing.

The following evening, when Dot wna reading the evening papers, afte came to thie:

CdRteat—For glrla from fifteen to ilnMfttft years of age; flftft will be awarded to thh winner. Thla Is a dan* eing context only. For mftre particu­lars apply 11. Grease. Hotel Lorraine.

Dot nafft to herself. “Here ie my chance.’* hnt her hopes suddenly faded when she thought of her scanty ward­robe. go she abandoned all hope of oven entering the*contest.

,,Oh. If f could only win that prise!” she kep i eaylng to herself on her way home from work the nest day.

Suddenly ehe felt a light touch on her arm and turning around she eaw a bright, smiling face.

“Pardon me.'* aaJd the lady (for it was a lady), “hnt you lopk exactly like my daughter who dlod. Oh. she wss my only child, and a t sixteen years of aga God callod her home." she con­tinued.

“f can sympathise with you.” pot told her, “for about ilx years ago my father toft th is world for a hotter one. too.”

“Won't yon call a t my house across the street tomorrow evening at 7:30?“ the lady ashed her.

“Tea, 1 shall he delighted to come/' Dot answered her.

•tJood.byf-The n e s t evening found Dot on her

way to th e cottage. After a pleasant visit Dot ft ta r t ed to go home.

jOh, listen m* dear, are you going to enter th is now contest?” asked the woman.

Dot folt aahamad. but soon ehe was tolling the kind listener her atorp.

“When la this contest?” she asked.“The day after tomorrow/* Dot promptly

snawerod.“Wait a minute.** the lady

“Come w ith me.’*Dot was tod Into s bedroom which wss

very ooey. The lady stooped over a chest to the eorher. lifted the lid and brought out a blue satin evening gown.

“*nieee clothes were my daughter’s, but I know you wig take good care of them,’*

(the lady said to her.Dot was too amused to speak.“Yes. of course.'' Ihe managed to aay. It waa tho night of the contest. When

Dorothy arrived, every one looked at her. Purely she was not Dorothy Waters, they thought.

Dot aaw Hr. Greene get up on the plat­form and introduce himaelf. ,

“My. w hat a handsome man. When ! gat m arried I shall marry a good-look­ing man ttke Mr. Greene.” Dot mur­mured.

She was the last on the program. Dot did her has# and was rewarded, for It was alinMiaced 4 hat she had won the prise.

Dot ran through the streets to the lady'a nouae and said, breathlessly, “I woa it! I won it!"

“Oh. I'm ao glad.” the woman said. “Let's go toll mother,” suggested Dot. “But* m* dear* I have never met your

mother.” was the reply.•’Then, let’s go,” Dot aakl.They rang the bell of Dot's home. Her

mother answered the summons.“Why—why, my sister Mary, where

have you been,” Dot's mother said.“My own darling slater.” It was tha

woman who gpoke. Dot remembered, then, of her mother telling < her about her loot .slater. ,

8 b# slipped away apd let the two sisters talk of bygone days. Dot walked down the path and she thought she heard some ona call her. Coming up the path waa Mr. Greene.

“Hew do you do.” he said. ‘I thought I would bring over your prise because you forget it,” he said. “Here la the check.”

“You see, 1 waa ao happy that I Just ran home nnd told mother," Dot said. —

“Miss Waters,” he began, hut Dot In­terrupted him saying. “No, I'm “Just Dot,’? and the friendship which began then to time ftpened Into love.



After cUrefal lnvoetlgntto* b j the Department ef .Agriculture. It ha* been found that ther* la no fixed minimum eta* of farm upon which a tractor enn be profitably u»ed. Th* kind of crop* re lead end tk* a rreag . of each are re­garded ns better guide* I* determlnlug whether a tractor la profltabl* »■ »»» farm The tractor has been found to work satisfactorily oa gently rolling land, but on farm* where th* laad I* hilly tom . difficulty h a . bo.n « F * rJ ; eneed. Where ordinary aotl condition* slat tractor* are doing aatlafnctory

work The tractor can he handled aat- l.fa. torilv In tho field* found on moet ferme. and will enable the farmer when plowing to finleh th* end* end corners without the as* of horse*.

Six outstanding points on purchas­ing a tractor ax* emphasised—sos. ths .lac of farm , and field*: two. the k nd of M il; three, topography; tour, th* work tractor, do; five. th . benefit., and *1*. drawback* of ownereklp and

The use ot a tractor on a farmobtain sis# may be Justified, while which might ordlnaVily be displaced.

' ^/har (arm of even twice the six# J The results of the department's In- on * v , irxk9 Most tractor vestigatton are contained tn Farmers*,h . reverse n’»J* , h, l r m achine, for a {Bulletin No. lie*, entitled "Shall 1 Buy

drawbar and belt I a Tractor?" Copies may be obtained .. - ih . number usually In- } free from the chief of. the Bureau of per.tlon . the numh«* u.u.h^n. „ J Publl, . tk)n., , :B„ed S tate. Depart-

,«” »d!* Soma of* tbs drawback* of Im sat of Agriculture, Washington. D C.

use. of a

owners also use larger number of

owning a tractor to which prospective purchasers are urged to give due con­sideration are cost, depreciations In­terest. repairs, breakage, quality ef work and coat o f equipment. The benefits of a tractor are in the dis­placement of work stock, saving la feed. Increase In yield and slse of farm and saving in hired help.

Farmers who are considering *the purchase of a tractor should consider the drawbacks and benefits incidental tq ownership; each should be con­sidered. studied and weighed as It applies to the individual farm. Each farm is a problem unto Itself so far as the use of tractors Is concerned, and the conditions and peculiarities of one are lacking or magnified on another. The Jractor may sometimes prove a profitable investment, even though it does not permit the owner to dispose of any work stock, ns the value of the farm work done with the tractor and the time saved may more than offset the cost of keeping the work stock

Thirteen Fanner*’ Bulletin*On Recently Publobed List


During ths p**t month thirteen new term er.' bulletin , were published, among thorn many value for logft! w ll

of exceptional workers. While

E S S S: r c . u A,b rp u ? c b .-$ ’ from tb . euper-Intendenl ofPP r in tin g Office. Waeklugtoa. forcent* per ®W- ___ , ".scrLotlon,The number, name* aad d * « n p > “ of tbe farm er.' bulletin. foDo».TM. "Bom. Common fW M *

s 3 s r y * 3 « » sby5 r - '* 's ’ K S •'«"»»■

I to g °M*nge*’’ dlM U S.es tbe control J^ x » M o. a d K - r J

farm er* bulletineradication.

, . . , , - 1 . <o.Settlement;” designed to T® 1 "taG Utos**e<I describe briefly th# JnwtJta ‘“ Jjj 1 , S ta te , available tor y t le a w a t a a d j ^th* proepecUve eettler ^ tk ^the coaditlon* he may expe types of farm ing pTevalUng and th agencies to which be may apply tat I# formation.

No. If72.dlecueslon fam e are

Folly would like to have comic colored paper* one of the members said she haft te f iv e away. She has a little brother and sister who would enjoy reading them..trt.GGfs* • Ca ro ly n*



- -cueees tbe re q u Ire m e n Je o ffg o o d «PB

& ; Bo‘l P P S ^ e t ooractW . No. ISM. "Apple >

hard Repovfttloti;” I n t e r e s t t o P • m b s who a re anx ious th reaucato aa aup’ e orchard th a t b aa b to« ,aged or aeg lac tm t No. It** . Yh* R o j. * nocked R aspberry Cane-B orer. # • ? scribes th e Ih jd rlo u . w ork of the red­necked ra .p b e r ry eaae-borer. dl* I cosses It* seasonal h latory and habits. . and xlves a rem edy fo r Its control- / ^ . I ff# .* “Tho Bulk H andling vt Ctoata,, | takes up the advan tages ®f J 1*"®1!"* , grain in bu lk ra th e r th a n jprepared w ith reference to the Pacific Coast region. I

Discretion Should Be Used in Beginning Soil Work in Spring

When spring comes the farmer, gar­dener and orrhardiet becomes impa­tient. Especially will this be true after the present severe and monotonous winter comes to an end. Every one In­terested In soil work Is patiently awaiting the arrival of that day when the ground will tye ready for planting. Ill this connection a word of warning must be given. Do not work the soil until It Is ready. When the ground Is spaded, plowed or otherwise worked before It has dried sufficiently It runs together. Lumps and clods are formed that qver remain as a hindrance to the growth i»f plants. Many soils are ruined annually simply because tbe soil worker stirs his areas too'early. Light folia do not become harmed mechan­ically as qqfekly as heavy ones. The surplus water drains from them tarty In spring, and even when they are worked while oversaturated there Is enough sand In them to prevent lump­ing.

Solis differ. Each area Is a problem In Itself. Before sta rting preparation practices be sure the ground Is fit. The surface of the soil may be ready for working, white that two to six Inches may he so wet ae to puddle If It Is disturbed too early. A simple test should be used In determining the soil's condition. To test U turn a spadeful of it to the surface and then take a handful ahd compress It rather firmly. If the soil breaks down readily on releasing the pressure It Is then fit for working. But if the hall remains firm and. compact wait a few days longer. Nothing Is gained by working the soil too soon for the running to­gether of the particles Into lumps re­mains a hindrance to cultivation for years to come. One need have no fear of tilling the sandy soil too sobn, but be careful of those heavy areas and tven those of a loamy nature If the drainage to defective.

H G — _____ m m i

Special for this Week8 5 -E G G


Regular Price, $27.50


improve yours by tovlng the

Forbes Lawnl Grass Seed

5 lbs., $2.50; will seed 2.000 gq. n. t lb., 60c delivered.Phone Market 457*

Forbes Seed Store115 Mulberry S t


Many Other Equally Big Bargains!m r r s u F ' l e a d tor ear*, l i f ts eototoswo HF B C E - a g - ^ ^ S & rjw t i i E l r t i

U n d e rse lls AH Others

I C O R T L A N D T ST r N E W Y O R K

f e e e fe < i? J6 i » bw* iimIb r # * S W .**»!*■ with m

mmimM t h i s ......U k W

FARM TRACTORSThreshers, Hay Balen

Gtiaer Sear Ml Da, Boitsrs aad Engines Gas Engines and Wool Saws

{Bias and Cider f tu a i i W rite t o r Fv taaa a a * T an a*

H. VANSELOUSI r r fa * R m e ta on Bt a a Wa e k **, W ebref Mnovy Ate*331 P i—l i i t u Avenue


■aid her

(U ad rB

S r B S S !

» i i

r a H i b t o I

n new out. TSgMMr n i t m . i m m m

Garden Ho»e GOODYEAR

RUBBER STORE212 Mukst Sktot

" ' M i n i r|MEa Maefcal 7171 '■ -

Thieto im n i U » «o h > > » ® *F*

; j i i M


H B p i A N a ^'Hero


I M lI * 3 * . ;

S ettin g O ut W o o d y P lan ts C allsFor C arefu l P reparation o f S o il

j n e w l y p l a n t e d o r c h a r d a n d p r o p e r m e t h o d o f p r u n i n g r o o t s , f V acant L ots A -p len ty for T h oseW ho W ould G o In to G arden W ol

T o o M uch A tten tio n C a n N o t B e G iv en to G e ttin g G ro u n d in

S h ap e to R ece ive S p e c im e n s an d to M ethod o f

T re a tin g R o o ts o f L a t te r a t P la n tin g T im e.

T he season fo r th e p la n tin g o f f m l t # sev e ra l w eeks so It Is rfbt n ece ssa ry to• nd o r n . r n .n u l trees. •brub>. buah 1 * * £ * .* ’" pr*:>arati..n. f ru it* « : . i It 1s a s4>rlo«aa m latake to p re p a re the

v u s , v ines an g o th e r woody p la n ts I |* n d before It Is dry enough to w ork !s on ly tw o or th ree w eeks a w ay . I w ith o u t lum ping. W alt u n til th e soilE o rty A pril w ill find th e m a ju ru r o f w ,' rk u;‘ ln ,° * , r l ®bl* "*•“ b*'®'®. . . i i .k i . I a tte m p tin g ita p repara tion . T hen fit it

« lo r th ia c la ss o f p la n ts i sre;ij,: The fine r and more fe r t i le the re a d y fo r p rep a ra tio n and su b se q u e n t ' g ro u n d is made for the p la n t ta e J P la n tin g W hile p lans fo r these plant® J « r t a U r * ‘W he th e ir subnequen tIn g s have been considered fo r m o n th s j n o rch a rd p lan tin g tw o p lo w in g s a re p a s t th e re a re fina l a r ra n g e m e n ts to j b e tte r th an one. w hile the h a rro w m ust be m ade a t th is tim e to f a c i l i ta te j he kept goli>^ un til the e a r th p a rtic le s th e w ork. t J a re wel! broken up. G round th a t w as

Success w ith woody p la n ts is la rg e ly p rep a red in the fall should a g a in be a m a tte r of p roperly p re p a rin g th e j plow ed In sp ring . The tim e to th o r- eoil and carefu l tre a tm e n t o f the p la n ts J o ugh ly wo«k the noli Is before th e tre e s p rev ious to and d u rtn g th e p la n tin g . ! a r *' *ct. i t canno t be w ell done a f te r - A la rg e percen tage of th e woody p la n ts w«**dan n u a l!) p lan ted die, o r fa ll to m ak e a p ro f ita b le developm ent. s im ply b e ­cau se n eg lectfu lness croeps in d u rin g som e im p o rtan t ope ra tion o f the p la n t ­in g process.

W h ateve r p lan tin g Is to be acco m ­p lished th ia sp rin g m ust be c a re fu lly perfo rm ed . St is u seless to w a s te tim e, money and labor In fa u lty p la n t ­ing . If every o p e ra to r w ill rem em b er a t th e very o u tse t th a t tre e s and p la n ts a r e 'l i v i n g th ings, th a t they m u s t b rea th e , e a t and d rin k to live and bd so carefu lly handled a s to be n e ith e r b ru ised nor b roken, m ore re sp ec t w ill be g iven them.

W hen one becomes n e g le c t f u f ln th e h a n d lin g of woody p lan ts th e f irs t s te p to w ard the dow nfa ll of the p la n ts v ill have been taken . T he d ig g iu g from the n u rse ry row. the t r a n s p o r ­ta tio n to the p la n tin g ground** and the re p la n tin g c o n stitu te a s^*ere shock even w hen properly done To neglect, th e p la n ts a t any stag*- of th is period n o t on ly g ives them a fu r th e r shock b u t m ay prove ru inous E very p la n te r shou ld personally su p erin ten d th e h a n d lin g and p lan tin g o f the n u rse ry s to ck s e t th ia apring . He ta n th en see . th a t th e re ia no neg lect on the p a r t j o f those em ployed to do th e a c tu a l o p e ra tio n s . •

P rep a rin g th e P lan t Hole#.In p re p a rin e th e holes U r th e p lan t

ro o ts m a k ' them spacious. T he large** th e y s r e m ade the m ore fe r ti le topso il can he placed about the roots. It is th is fine, fe rtile topsoil th a t cause a a n ea rly and ex tensive developm ent o f th e ne w roots, and th ia i t the p r in ­c ipa l ob ject to accom plish In successfu l Woody p lan t developm ent.

If th e root system re q u ire s s n a c tu a l ex cav a tio n e ight i n c h e s deep and a foot acro ss , m ake the hole a lm ost tw ice th a t *l*e. Then In p la n tin g fill th e e n ­t i r e hole w ith fe rtile e a r th . If In d ig ­g in g th e holes the topsoil Is placed to one aide nnd the sub$o |]^ to th e ofh<9j th e fo rm er Is had nearby"*- a b o u t :n e ro o ts In t ra n s p la n tin g •peclm ena. The rem ain d er *»f the hole' sh o u ld be filled w ith su rface so il co llected from the top o f th e g ro u n d a co n sid e rab le d is tance aw ay from th e tre e . Do not put hack th ^ In fe r tile s u b . Boll ta k e n fron t th e holes.

A fte r th e holea have been m ade re a d y rem ove a few o f th e holed-In tre e s o r o lan ts at. a tim e. C over th e ro o ts wjith m oistened b a g g in g and k eep then* covered u n til they a re p laced In th e soil. If th e roo ts a re exposed to *he d r y ing In flu en ce o f th e sun o r w in d 4»*r even a few m inu tes a t a tim e th e .T in ts m ay never g row w ell a f t e r

' -n* ‘n»i.*mmedia* ?ly before p la n tin g p ru n e

'•oots. The accom pany ing p ic tu re how thin should be done. All

brtMaud o r b ro k en rnqtrf htukt *b% c u t ta c k to sound tissu es an d th e w eak , a tra g g lin g g to w th s sh o rten ed In. Do r o t rem ovs m ore ro o ts th a n n ecessa ry . T h e ro o t sp recd o f the o rd in a ry tw o - y ea r-o ld fru it tree should be from fif te en to tw e n ty Inches In d iam eter.

In p lac ing the ro o ts In th e holes m ade fo r th e ir recep tion th ey m ust n o t be crow ded, but allow ed to sp read c u t In th e ir n a tu ra l position . T he e x ­c av a tio n should he lar».*> enough to hav e^ jfg v /rtiljd n rh es o f space be tw een th e e u d W m ro d ts and the w all o f th e holes.

T he soil m ark on the low er tru n k o r s tem show s the depth th e p la n ts stood in the nu rse ry row. In t ra n s p la n tin g to th e ir perm anen t positions th is d ep th 1 should be m aintained . The p lg c in g o f g ra f te d o r budded stock an Inch o r tw o deeper w ill be found a d v a n ta g ­eous. T here should be a t le a st six inches of fe rtile topsoil b en ea th the roots.

In f illin g In , the hole be c a re fu l to

A n d i t Is S im ple to P ro d u c e F in e C ro p s I f E ssen tials o f P l a a f ^ l

G ro w th A re D e te rm in e d a n d C u ltu ra l D irections

A re C lose ly a n d In te llig e n tly Followed.

B vsrybody should Join hands In m a k ­in g th e 112) season the g re a te s t y e a r o f v e g e tab le g row ing fo r hom e co n ­sum ption . D uring w ar tim e g a rd e n in g w as a g e n era l practice. A lm ost ev ery


RemindersAa th e aurface o f th e so il beco m es

d ry ro ll th e g ra s s p lo ts th o ro u g h ly .Do not com plain o f th e M arch w in d s .

T hey a re needed to f i t th e g ro u n d fo r e a r ly A pril p lan ting .

Clover seed may now he sown on th e w inter grains and fait seeded g ra s s a reas .

If the nursery o r ssed o rd e r h ae n o t ns ye4, been placed ru sh It a lo n g fo r filling .

The larger picture allows the newly planted orchard juat beginning it* Initial seaton’a growtj). To economixe apace and procure a return from the land while the fruit trees are developing, intercropping is practiced. The ground is being prepared for root-crop planting. The comparison picture*' show the root system of an apple tree before and after pruning. All mutilated and straggling roots are cut back to a symmetrical form.

Sow beet seed thinly In th e cold fram e to produce plants for early g a rd en t r a n s ­planting.

C ultiva te the fram e crope a t f r e q u e n t In te rv a ls to aid th e d ev e lo p m en t o f th e plants.

P u t th e w in te r w indow g a rd e n In to its m ost p resen tab le c o n d itio n fo r E a s te r .

H ave every farm , g a rd en a n d o rc h a rd accessory on hsnd the d ay th e so il b e - conics w orkable.

As g arden op era tio n s b eg in s t a r t d ia ry . In th ia record e v e ry o p e ra t io n a s U ta k e s place.

An application o f m a n u re w o rk e d In toA he perenn ia l b o rd e r w ill In c re a se t h e Q u an tity o f sum m er bloom .

T rea tm e n t W hen P la n ts A rrive .W hen the p la n ts come from th e n u r ­

s e ry lose no tim e In u n p a ck in g them . W hen m any s re to be p lan ted th e w o rk m u s t o f necessity ex ten d o v e r a c o n ­s id e rab le period. T h is m ak es It n e ce s ­s a ry to tem p o ra rily se t th e p la n ts in a h o ld in g p lace u n til they can be p la n te d In th e ir p e rm an en t s itu a tio n s . T h ev m u st he heeled In, a s th is p ra c tic e Is called .

To he#)-In p la n ts a tre n c h Is d u g a b o u t a foo t to fif teen inched w ide a n d a b o u t th e earns dep th . One side o f th e e x cav a tio n la m ade s lan tin g . T h e bun* d ie s o f p la n ts a re th e n o p en ed a n d each specim en p laced 1a thee t re n c h s e p a r a t e d side by side a n d c los ely to ­g e th e r . A s th e p lac in g p ro g re s se s cover t h e ro o ts w ith so il and tre a d I t dow n firm ly . T he ro o ts m ust n o t be exposed lo n g e r th a n a m in u te q r tw o fro m th e

*t!me th e y a re ta k e n from th e o r ig in a l p a c k a g e u n til th e y a re h eeled ln.< I f th e ro o ts a re d ry w hen unpnehod s a tu ­r a t e th e m w ell w ith v a U h t e t k b e fo re a n d a f t e r p lsa tln ir . •

T h e g ro u n d shou ld be Jn re a d in e ss fo r th e p la n ts a s U ts tints com es f o r th e i r re cep tion . I f th e p la n ts a r r iv e b e fo re U ts la n d ta re a d y fo r th o p e r ­m a n e n t p la n tin g , how ever, do n o t a t ­te m p t to p u t I t In cond ition u n ti l i t h a s d r ie d s u ffic ie n tly fo r re ad y w o rk ­in g . I f p ro p erly nhe led-ln . th e sp ec i­m e n s can s w a u th e ir f in a l s e t t in g fo r

W ork tb « r a r th w ell I . a b o u t a ll t b . roo ta . T h a r , m ust be no open a ir .p a c e , le f t abou t them . F irm th e e a r th v e ry th o ro u g h ly aa It ta filled la . b u t be c a re fu l no t to brulao th e ro o ts In th is p ack in g operation .

No m an u re ehould bo used In th e b o le s In p lan tin g . If th e noil Is p oo r a n d m a n u re la to be uaed to en rich It. th en epread the eacrem en t on tho s u rfa c e so il aa a m ulch. A fte r th e ro o ta have beeg-U overed"ra a d ep th of a la inches com m ercial p la n t food to th e e x te n t o f one pound p e r tre e m ay be sc a tte re d In each bole.

I t la a good plan- la sp rin g p la n t , in g to leave a a lig h t depression ab o u t th o baao o f th e p la n ts to ' se rv a aa a c a tch b asin fo r V ra tir . T hen shou ld a d ry spell e r n e , a r t if ic ia l w a la r ln g c a n be p rac ticed a t any tlm a I t b e ­co m es necessary .

A* th e loss o f ro o ts has been la rg e d a r in g th e d ig g in g In the n u rs e ry and th a p ru n in g b efo re p lan tin g . I t 1# n ec ­e s s a ry to c u t pad* th e tops to ba lan ce th a specim ens. T h is c u tt in g shou ld bo sev e re . I f neg lected tho p la n ts w ill n e v e r g r o # w ell. *

In th e p ru n in g th e bead ehou ld bo

la d esired fo r th e tre e l a ev en tu a lly a ssu m e an d then* p rune w ith th n t In v iew . Aa a g e n era l opera tion , a l l th e w e ak w ood should f i r s t be c u t from th e to p to g e th e r w ith th e su rp lu s b ra n c h e s T hen head back th a b ra n c h es l e f t to develop In to th e m ain f r a m e ­w o rk lim b s to s ta b s e ig h t te te n In ch es la leng th .

■ v e ry p la n te r ho lds th e fu tu r e off th e w oody p lan ts he is to p la n t th is s p r in g In b ta ow n hands. H e s o n m ak e th e p la n tin g n success o r n f a i l ­u re . O tvs every o p e ra tio n con n ec ted w i th th e p rep a ra tio n o f th e ten d an d th a p la n tin g o f ’ th e s tock th e m oJJ c a re fu l a t te n tio n . T hen g ro w th sh o uld ho lu x u rtap L A JOH N l B » .

’ Ay* Cover Crop, p . Dewar f t o ry e s a w s am o n g y o n r

f r u i t tre e d lo s t toPWJ»H®r sh o u ld h a M V to g ro V u n t i l ' I t rend*** n ; h e ig h t a f a b o u t a f o o t th e m tm rn U u n d e r to d e ca y . Thia h o tg b t shou ld b e reach ed b v th a e n d o f M W H t h o so il n r i t kS d O M r a f o g g 2 ? n * lo u v r * ’* IU

w ill n o tto H W W Pw h en I t is tu rn e d u n d er d e c a y read ily , b u t ra s to to to a s w m a e t te c e lg n m toortn l.. » t o r a t o

Resending Uwtr iu Spring- u . T . Y„ Idyatfettrst—Ut tfes • p n r i

treatment ef your foil oOWU ‘jawh that did not make a y j *ground limestone te the aronsewatS a u f a r « r j i r g i » a

ff i'.S S .'K S J K S S t * « S Sheavily on ton serntehad area and roll

HTa welt Then apfoy v e n a l p a r t s o f w e ig h t

i s q v s rs

A l .k g d

A hagM

K ^ . S K » 2 3 t f j ! tth re e - fo u r th s ounce t o t a n w ooare fa c t.

if th e eu rfdoo to fo ra Plowing.

, f f w t U ^ S a n w w a r y .ra T h e e ^ Ife* ■***€ daring fttmsk w

,^a— . ---* eg—~

t lo n ca re fu lly p ick out som e o f th a o ld so il w ith a pointed s tick , d is tu rb in g th e ro o ts a« little as possib le. T h en use fre sh com post In th e rep o ttin g . I t w ill also* be necessary to u se a s ise la rg e r po t to accom m odate an Inch o f b ro k e n crocks a t th e bo ttom o f th e re c ep tac le to serve s s d ra in ag e . K eep th o p la n t In a w ell ligh ted p lace an d g iv e It a few hours* exposu re to th e s u n da ily .

In s te a d o f ra k in g o f f th o w in te r T m ulch o f m anure spade It In to th o ao ll ' a s th e p la n ts begin to g rp w .

Vines for Shady fttufttion.C. Ia B., E a s t O range— As a v ine f a r

a n ex p o su re th a t has v e ry l i t t le s u n ­sh in e a lm o st any can be used, p ro v id ­in g th e aoll is m ade fa irly fe r ti le . T he o n ly tro u b le ia th a t li t t le f lo w e rin g w ill r e s u lt from th e shaded p lan ts . Hood fo liag e e ffec ts w ill com e from p la n tin g som e o f the s tro n g e r g ro w in g , . ..~ k - - w is ta r ia , c lem atis, c lim b in gsuchro ses, V irg in ia creeper, tru m p e t v ine, b it te rs w e e t, arls to lnch fa an d ak eb la .

V Treatment of Calls Lily, r . 8 . N ew ark—To* have th e g re a te s t

su ccess w ith y ou r c a llsa g ro w th e m a s a w ln ts r flow er. In 8eptegkber p o t th s

, . £ e r s;7 .t » m V T h .r fo m »■****•roota. In p o ttin g use n com post o f o n o -th lrd sh a rp sand, o n e -th ird fib ro u s loom a n d o n e -th ird ro tts d m an u re . Do n o t u se too la rg e a pot. One f iv e o r s ix Inches Is su ffic ien tly la rg e fo r an o rd in a ry s ite d bulb. W ate r th e p l a a u v e ry free ly d u rtn g th e g ro w in g season . T h a sp o tte d online do n o t bloom a s e a r ly a s th e w h its va rie ty , b u t a lo n g to w a rd s p rin g th ey M ou ld com e In to H ow or. D u rtn g th e sum m er .th e b u lb s sh o u ld bo rosted . T h is is host d one by tu r n in g th a p o ts on th e ir s id e u n d e r th a s h ru b s o r o th e r shaded p lace an d le a v in g them u n til r e p o tt in g tim e com es In sp ring . T o w in te r th o g ro a n ; House ty p e o f ch ry san th em u m s p u t th e to p s h a ck a f te r bloom ing a n d p lace thorn In th e ce lla r. T hen lu F e b ru a ry g iv e th e m lig h t an d boa t to M a r t h ew g ro w th a g a in . Tho shoo ts o re m ade' In to c u t t in g s w han a few Inches h M a n d a r e ro o te d 'In pond. W hen ro o te d th e y a r e p o tte d la sm all re cep tac le s g a d c a n t e d a lo n g d a r in g th s su m m e r fo r fo i l f la v o r in g - Aa th e p o ts (III W ith ro o ta s h i f t th em to la rg e r re c ep tac le s . T h s ra Is a a s a tis fa c to ry w ay o* w in te r ­in g tb a m o a t a f doors.

s h e

When th s surface o f th s law n becom es d ry fiv e It a thorough ro lling . A fte r going over the sward in onp d irec tion c ross roll the area.

P u rch ase ce rtified p o ta to s e e d soon fo r e a r ly and m ain crop , b u t w a i t u n t i l to w a rd th e la s t of th e m o n th b o fo re p la n tin g them .

I f t h i sw am p lan d s a re b u rn e d o v e r an d freejl of th e ir old d ead g r a s s e s th e new s p rin g g row th w ill m a k e e x c e lle n t p a a tu ra g e fo r the ca ttle .

Be carefu l not to work th o so il a b o u t fru it trees and fruit-producing p la n ts too early fo r th is encourage* g ro w th an d exposes th e blossoms to la te sp rin g f r o s ts

O round lim estone m a y ’n o w h e a d ­v a n tag eo u s ly sown o v e r th e s u r f a c e o f th e law n a t th e r a te o f tw e n ty - tw o o unces tg each ten sq u are fe e t, o r th r e e to n s p e r acre.

In so w in g g ra s s seed on th e la w n o r In th e fie ld th e p la n tin g m u s t be d o n e ea r ly . M ake p re p a ra tio n s fo r t h e s e e d ­in g now, fo r delayed s o w in g usually* re s u l ts In p oo r tu rfs .

W ith th s w a rm in g o f th e w e a th e r w a tc h th e fram es to p ro v id e th e m w ith am p le v en tila tio n an d m o is tu re . P la n ts g ro w n In too w arm a te m p e ra tu re b e ­com e d raw n and sp ind ling .

To he successfu l a ll so il w o rk m u s t be done acco rd in g to a d e f in i te p lan . B eg in to p lan th e fa rm s a d g a rd e n w o rk Im m ediate ly If It h a a b e en n e g ­le c ted u n til th is la te d a te .

Do not c a r t m anure o u t on th e f ie ld s an d gardens and perm it It to lie a b o u t In sm all heaps. Spread It ev en ly a s fa s t s s it Is d rsw n.

Do not remove th e m ulch from p la n ts u n til they show s ig n s o f g ro w th . U n ­covering too e s r ly m ay g iv e th e m a decided setback.

Sow onion seed In th e co ld fra m e to produce p lan ts fo r out of d o o rs t r a n s ­p la n tin g In A pril. T hese p la n ts w ill, p roduce la rg e r bulbs th a n th o s e fro m s p rin g sown seed.

- ■ p v n e i e. ■ ( u n i h i t . j i i h i v k , « v v i y .one w as doing his b it to p roduce food. | B ines th e ending of the w a r e n th u s i ­a sm la gard en in g has waned L ast g e a r It w as a t a com para tively low ebb a g a in . Renewed e ffo r ts sh o u ld be m ade now . and every p re p a ra tio n co m ­

p le ted be fo re the ground becom es w o rk ­ab le . so th a t p rac tica lly a ll v e g e tab le s uaed In th e home can be g ro w n th is y ear.

T hose w ith IttUe or no g a rd en r i p * rlen ce w ill find It sim ple to p roduce lu x u r ia n t p roducts if close a t t e n ­tion ta g h e n to s tu d y in g th e ea- a e n t la ls o f p lan t g ro w th and th e c u l ­tu r a l ‘d irec tio n s o f th e c rops to be g row n. Besides the ac tu a l p ro d u c ts o b ­ta in e d from the lab o r expended th e p ra c tic e ia In te re s tin g and k eep s one ou t in th e open.

M any do not garden because th ey h ave no back yard fo r the o p e ra tio n s . T h is shou ld not d iscourage th o se w ith a d e s ire to grow vegetab les. In a lm o s t e v e ry neighborhood th e re Is ymi* h \ a - c a n t p ro p e rty in th e form d f lo ts o r acreag e . Home of th is can re a d ily be p ro cu red a t sm all re n ta l o r fo r th e a s k ­ing. P ro p e r ty ow ners rea lise th a t th e ir lan d Is Im proved when tilled In s tead o f j e x is t in g a s a dum ping g ro u n d an d a d isea se b reed ing place. T hose who have no land o f th e ir ow n su ita b le fo r g a rd m use should secu re som e of th e v acan t n e a rb y p ro p erty w ith o u t de lay .

T h e re Is a lw gys a chance th e a re a be ing w orked may be sold be fo re th e seaso n 's end. but th is Is an o ccu rren ce th a t m ust be contended w ith. T hose who c o n tra c t early fo r lot apace u s u ­a lly h ave a fa irly la rg e choice o f p ro p e r ty to chooae from . Sonfe a re a s a re m ore p rom ising a s V egetable p ro d u ce rs th a n o th e rs and these should be so u g h t o u t fo r th e garden.

Treatment *f Property.T h e re Is g en era lly co n sid e rab le

c le a n in g to do t i t th e new ly acq u ire d c ity o r su b u rb an lot. Home a re a s have been used ss a dum ping g ro u n d fo r a ll k in d s o f rubbish. The In itia l w ork w ill he to c lear the fo reign m a te r ia ls aw ay T h is can be done betw een now I nd th e tim e of p lan tin g . W hen the s u rfa c e h a s been cleaned the n e x t s tep is to g ru b out any weed and g ra s s I um m ocka. sh rubbery g ro w th an d o th e r o b stac le s Then an ap p lic a tio n o f s ta b le m anure should be app lied W hen th e ground becom es w o rk a b le It ahould he deeply spaded o r plow ed. D u rin g th e tu rn in g rem ove a n y la rg e a to n es th a t a re like ly to In te rfe re w ith fu tu r e t i l la g e The depth of th e t u r n ­in g m ust be regu la ted by the c h a ra c te r o f th e »o ||. Do not go so deep ly a s to b r in g any o f the clay subsoil to th e au rface . fo r th is w ill only check th.* developm en t of the crops. I f th*- g ro u n d Is o f a ligh t o r sandy n a tu re a n d n a tu ra lly well d ra ined the in itia l w ork Ing can tak e place a lm ost a s soon a s th e fro s t has left It and n few days o f d ry in g has tak en place. H eavy g ro u n d , how ever, should not he w orked u n ti l I t Is d ry enough not to puddle o r lum p

A reas th a t have rem ained u n w o rk ed o v e r a period of y ears a re qu ite like lv to be sour. These should be sw ee ten ed

w ith lime Plan to use g ro u n d Ita s to n e a t the ra te of th ree to n s a n i o r h y d ra ted lim e at the ra te o f S M 1 a n a c re This means an app lIcn itaB * tw e n ty - tw o ounces of the fo rm sr M \i-n and one-th ird ounces o f tk d t e r to each ten Vjuare feet.

Im m ed ia te ly a fte r tu rn ing th e g ro a p p ly the lim e and w ork It th e su rface This Is heat doM a lo n e by rak ing bat by ta k in g t i Ing fo rk and tu rn ing the upper tWB < th re e inches e f earth id such s w a y < »•* tn co ip o ra tc the lime w ith th a T h en In p lan ting use a conak q u a n ti ty of fe rtilise r. The qusBtlfey u se w ill depeud on the q n a s ll t j l m a n u re applied, the ap p aren t r ta o f th e a re a and the g rade of fe r t l lk

■ m

t i l F rom th ree to seven o u n casth e m a te r ia l should be app lisd t i • |||M ||lten sq u are feet. Rake th ia w a ll iBldEqa,

i> i l ln pth e aoll a f te r its broadcasting .IK) no t be discouraged If th e m to

g ro u n d o f one 's own fo r g a rd en BSSJf* Ing Heck abou t Im m ediately f o r re lg h b o rh o o d plo t and c o n tra c t f o r T h e n on th e f ir s t su itab le day bag o p e ra tio n s . Each one should d a b«-at to p roduce home garden crops > e a r . tf no t on hie own a re a t h a t t h a t o f o th e rs nearby.



A ^ n d e r f l d l M , !

w i

“A WONDERFUL This was the (Utement gad* by rara •; Albert AnceE, Jr., the AflU poultry expert, when he ■nd tested Vitality Chide Start- » er. AngeU My». “In thi* n*W*ro feed we uae buttermilk and < abundance of oatmeal and bone fl meal, the greatest ingredients.^ known for making rapid growth M L- and large frames. We can n o* s iH grow more chicks on Vitality Chick Starter than any other feed I have ever known. Tkfl *« first four weeks tells the StOQT j of the chick’s life. Grow that fast, big and plump in this th at j and then the rest is easy.14

Albert Angell, Jr., also recom­mends Vitality Growing Mash | from four weeks to six months in growing pullets for Fall sad itfoj Winter laying. Ask for a copy of “Scientific Poultry Feeding “ and Management’’ and r~‘ every chick.


Owr Ows Hiller*—D ai mt AllINCUBATORS and BROODERSThe Farm and Garden269 Market Street, Newark, N. J.

Inocu la te a ll th e c lovers, a lfa lfa . p«ae, heane and 9 th e r c ro p s w ith a p u re cu ltu re b ac ter ia b e fo re p la n tin g them . Sweet peae. too. a re In th ia «>laee and o u g h t to he Inocu la ted b e fo re Bowing.1 Leave (he mulch on the bulb beds until the eboota begin to develop. Then r e ­move half of the covering a t fire t and th e remainder a few days la te r. I f th e hu lha a re able to send th e ir g ro w th s up through the mulching m ateria l allow it a ll to remain In place.

I t rarely paye to renovate taw ne th a t a re old and weed Infested. T he heat re ­su lts eomes from tu rn ing th e old tu r f under and remaking th e e n tire a re a . W hatever treatm ent is given th e law n m u it be acoompltehed early in o rder to have the new grass established itse lf b e ­fore hot weather comes.

' Sprhtg Planted PrivetT . X . C . M ountain Lake*—In p la n t ­

in g p r iv e t s t o a t y ou r g rounds ptneo th e p la n ts te n to tw elve inches e p n r t t o t o n ly In > s in g le raw. Double raw ed p r iv e t h e d a tn a re n ev er ne e a tla fo e tk ry M th e s e p la n te d In n e lngle row . h inotttna them have two or tune taopos of the tower otenio of text yeoFe growth

I f tr a c to rs a re to be used m o s t o f th o In te rn a l fa rm fences sh o u ld t o r e ­m oved. M arch Is a lso th o t im e t o p a t th e b oundary fences In r e p a i r a n d to fo r t ify th e p a stu re tnc loan rea. F e n c e d e s tru c tio n an d c o n s tru c tio n e r e d u t ie s o f th e m onth .

N oth In c should t o a llo w ed t o d e la y th e p le n t ie s o f dec id u o u s n u r s e ry s to ck . *Tto sooner th is te s e t t h a b e t te r a f t e r th e a ro u n d becom es r e a dy f o r I ts re cep tion . I t Is th* lo t* p la n te d tre e s , s h ru b s an d v ines t h a t n u k e th * S ta r* d ie i t developm ent th e f ir s t- y e a r .

F e r ti l is e rs o ra v a lu ab le aoc or d l a a to th e i r an a ly sis . I t Is a p o o r p o lic y to osn th o se o f lew g rad e . Ia p u rc h a s in g a b ra n d fo r ham s g a rd e n on* p ro c u re on* w ith a g u a ra n te ed a n a ly s t* o f a t to a s t f e a r p a r can t, n itro g e n , s ig h t p e r c en t, p h o sp h o ric 'ac id a n d t o u r p a r c an t, p o ta to .


Seed CatalogueMow — dp Bet Tear Ceor Tedar


BIG, HUSKY CHICKS•tronx*r, with plant? ofit rong*

p * p . “ f i l le t* eaaler rn a C * t

r*la<h* kind you hav* been

looking for; that’* th« kind our•«qtam produce*. It will payyou to laarn how It U don*. Writ* today for frr# n«win N. N.

Elden E. Cooley, French town, N. J.

Be sura the signature o i Albert Angell, Jr., ia on every sack of Vitality Chick Starter and Vitality Grow­ing Maah, with our guar­antee of abaolute oatiofac­tion whan tad according to ditactiona. cm

For Hal* byYour Local Dealer

CharleH Schaefer ft Son19? Frellnghuy—u A t*.



For a Successful GardenSeeds, B ulbs, P la n ts , F e rtiliz e r, Im plem ents

an d R eq u is ite s

EATON’S SEED STORE10-11 C en ter M ark e t, N ew ark , N . J .343' B kiom field A ve., M ontclair, N . J .

Write or Call for 1923 Seed Catalogue. We Mail It Free



— te n th ’ t h e ' au rtoe* Soli. T h ia t r i l l to ns # m an y new to o o ta to com a u p foam below , m a k in g a h eav y bdd g e f ro m th e v e r y 'g r o u n d t o tim e a f p le a tin g e a t th o w e a k a h to to o u t o f th e p la n ts e n tire ly en d h ead th e s t rn n g o n tof o u r in ch es o f th* a tto n sd . ■ ■ W tre n c h f o r t t o P to a ta do o P .x ad <J a t * OH a f f o W ip u t o t » _ ... topooU ln a— tJ to rooto M lx ^ ro o good p to a . t o to * , . t o t o t o «»

Aa t t o s o n ‘drtoc g iv e tb * a op n r agw n to d a l i g h t tu ffac * w o rk in g . In to d a t o t g o *n deep ly m to In ju r* th * d ro w n s o f t t o p la n t n r t t o n ew ly da v a lnn a d ohoeta. B y W orU pg t t o m uls h In to t t o a o ll th a upper > tr a ts o f e a r t h w tu t o g ra a t ly l ig h tened

The W ord Which Means Most to on Egg


TBADBtSABKa t o L i n o v r a g p e t m o s p m o w t h r

OtlWP A *D W AXES.r i RRKT MineBAL on*

V . n. FATEIVT 1,1*4ACC.Info this solidon the fresh eggs are immersed for a period at 10 seconds while the solution is heated

fo n temperature of 212* Fahr. The intense heat sterilize* the shell and membrane, and when the egg is tsksa from the hath the gams aad waxes congeal ia the pores, giving us x perfectly sealed egg.

THEY WILL STAY AS FRESH EGGS MANY MONTHS Vs an pleased to announce the perfecting of a small guaranizing-maebine (in addition to our commer­

cial machines), which is perfect ia operation and brings guaranizing within the reach of the smaller producers.GUARAMZING OUTFITS ARE LOANED TOU. (NEVER SOLD)


1 8 P II « * * * * ? .

I nul lW C m m m teaU m u kta m iai far g u m th u te -

rnm tm Ht tkrndd bear H it ***** ta d addresses af Hm writers, aoi geeeuarOy far ptblication, krn a t t* eriieace af fe a t faith.

| |Q R e v e r y s t o r y a f ish ,IS STATE HATCHERY AIM

Stronger Visiting Propagation Plant at Hackettstown Gets Impression He Is Seeing All the Trout in the

World Growing to Perish by the Hook.

OUT IN THE OPENw*momrwb— #b— PhPhdBBPfe

Derated to fresh hunting, mountain rkm hin g turn and lra*f{, canoeing, ether pursuits of the outdoor sman

hikin g , §rptm e

Co tch«ry” ■ rrani* ratnnd

m+H w i.. ,*hte treeI H H » *

proper akaptlclam 'oward evar> objwrt th*y a**# but do not und

Sparkled baautiaa la a term th« writer haa oftan heard, but oulil hla V i s i t to the hat* hary laat weak ha never

^ J realised tbera ware ao many spe< ka in

iM Hatchery ta would bo In avory war Ideal aa the title of an Ilium lasting article on the State

Butchery a t Hacketutown. but aoM “Front Fry to Fry." In *®s m - * the'world. At flrat. It waa eiplalnetl

It haa bean deelded to name attendant, the little

1 ,|tno "The Fish Story In the I," and a blamed good name It g Wgf too.

m n a trout aeasop In this stats open*.0m t l generally known, on April 1

■<000 April 1. aa Is an Item of gen- #rx) knowledge on the part o f the

jfiitfclln. and la too jolly well known by m m jBkm , is April roofs Day. It was f p l U e Idea

girl and boy trout*, or trout, we believe he said, have no spots si *11. Maybe that ta for the reason that for a time after flrat seeing the light of day filtering down through the pellucid wster the little girl or little boy trout has not room on It for ao much as one ■perk. In a few weeks tho little trout has grown sufficiently to putI g g y Miisftf tskln* th« fool to s i haa grown sufficiently to put on the IH M S tM Idea of taking the foel. to •* f) , , ( l|)H k, and undoubtedly i>

W B B “ *g2?* " S T S S S i I t Cb Proud enough though for . tin,, morei r ~ 7 . ^ ru ^ V d ,hi c r <;n h ,m J.

I M Inaugural.di tb . t i n t ta g w .i received. Sine, tlm . billion, of trout, b . i . and w porch h .v . been roapoctivsly

, p lant.d and turned lon«« la New__•» hrooka. rlrora and lake*. and

[W th* ambition af tha Plata Board of P d a d Gam. CommlMlon.re, which i p sfesig. o t tha hatchary. In time

p H Ita ambition of fnrniahlnc I fPT nrary flab atory.

Happy M ad F h h (•rial fa r thla art Ida, It ahould ha aad pot arar with, facta bntnc

ap ta tha iiaaptaatlon and tha : Waa obtalnad on tha recant s s - VWI a f membera of tha U f l t - i aa guest* af tha Beard af Flah

d Cemmlaatenera and tha Lech- Railroad, ta tha hatchary.

J g h yaar thara la aach a vlalt far i purport af aaatap haw thtnpa ara0 with tha flah, and ao thla occa- |h a flah wera fauad ta b. doing

and apparently happy, tha flah wara happy

frlaM ap around la thalr ss- Ifeltat aad aatlap thraa hearty I Pay. h a t of eauraa they had

Mg at kpawtap what te com- them, ta each af thaaa treat, : la tha aaaahtna rapardad with

Pat natural pride by Haeketta- jWhaa ha ftnda hhnaolf auddanly

1 to a brook. Dane will he tha > aancrote walla aad th* mcurlty

natural snsml.s. Aad pant1 ha the three squares a day ualasa

.j and hunta far theta Aad tha$%fB coma when tha yeuap treat

ta hip Aral artificial fly, F p ip tr lu ao e tewmfeHug a a mall pall

and eontalalap a hook.S im * F ty Hpy Bo Mia Laat._ I tro u t prill net Imapiaa for a mln- , W hatever p a daluaton af tha flsfe- Mt a t th a ether and af tha lino O P th a t tha fly ta edible. But ha l E i h a re thg experience ta teach th a fatly of try tap anything once. B tPB t S r net uaUfesly will prove fete laa t t t f . That tuaatratas tha

n H p 0 P a i hclap tea well pro- ln early yaath aad then balnp

: a a tha world with aotbinp ta de- l ha t one's ewa resource*.

la th in though, ta ha raid af S hat training, o r rearing, as da trout, tta raaolt la tha

p H of 1st* af treat, aad . th a aiartailty ra te may ha high

T h# trau t h a r t matriculated there a a a r trea t tha result Is not

I t la « case af the survival [ -g p l i i r t aad tha fleeteet, aad iM M am thaaa that (all ta sur- Pat It h a s heap wall raid that

hard aid world. Tenth young ' p a t came Into tha world from

' died ocps. and wara reared from p the break, doubtleao rough

B k n tha uatophlatoaated trout- K lftdd Wap arrive from the hatch- ^ th is probably doesn’t harm O H M * * * • great deal, on the een-

r nerving ta prepare them far what ‘ instilling la them a

It might ee well be aeld, ere no more beautiful during the first month or two then the young human.

Little Egbert Trout when first born wee not much to look at. It would be herd to tell, for the matter of that. Just when, ae a little trout, he made bis advent Into the world, for some­body. paid to bang around for that parpose. noticed that some of the rage In tha ta a tray, aa the nursery wee called, had sprouted eyea One of the save with eyea an wnn little Egbert, end we ere willing to lease It to any dleiaterested person If for Insuaplr- fouanene aa a beginning that Isn't Just about farthest south.

Keg with K yea.Immediately a fte r he he* been

hatched, becoming an egg with eyea on It and aa yet wltheut mean* of locomotion, little Egbert Is known na a fry. If th a t I* th* term applied to an' Individual In a large quantity of fry. Anyhow, fry would seem to b* about aa unpropttleus a name aa could he drawn out of the box far a young trout, considering th* trout's well- known rsputatlan for eavorlnes* when fresh from the skillet In n cfacker- crumb spring overcoat.

After a time Egbert sprouts a head from which the optlea pop out In a startling manner, and the egg I* seen to he a largo sac resembling an alder­man's embornpoint, and on thla th* little trou t subulate for twenty or th irty days, nature being wonderful, meantime remaining an th* bottom of th* tank o r vnt. After that th* trout- let rises In tha water and proceeds to sat whatever presents Itself. After a while, aa a baby eventually must be­gin looking humanlike, little Egbert atarts ta look Abe a fish. When large enough ha develop* a speck, and then ha develop* another speck, and an- other speck, and yet another speck, until finally ha la aa speckled aa Wes- lay Barry.

By tha tlma ha has reached th* eat­ing stag* little Egbert Trgut t* known aa “advanced fry"—wc get nil three technical ta rn s a t the hatchery and do not vouch far them—and whan be has reached a alas of ana Phd one-half tc twa aad an*-half Inches ha becomes a flngerllng. Aftar that he Juit grows llvlag on ground food consisting large­ly at beef liver, dntil he Is a year or so old aad la around four Inches long. Then he may he taken from the batch- ary aad lo t loess In a brook somewhere, to grow to legal else for cetcblag and thea fall victim, like a* not. to the first sportsman with a pair-of wading boots aad an elght-dotlar rod to come along.

At thla point we lose trace of Egbert aa an Individual fresh from the cosy and protsctlng swimming pool of ihe hatchery. He finds himself suddenly protected la ta a rough, unfamiliar brook containing larger fish of t vo rsc lous 1 temperament and ciuntUss


[> - ■ ■ ■room «ATCHC(?y fo C a t c u c r / —

- f o n t 's f « Subtly o v J ^ u s e v H io s jf

Eleven o f Twenty-Five Bills Passed, Two o f Which Are Awaiting Governor’s Action— Results o f Session Among

Best in Years from Viewpoint o f Sportsman.

Iwetl A McBe WFAwt f*e- l l t a r r 1 4 SPb c k l e O

fjo rt ft Oeautv Amo iS a y HO Me Atis The IMA6E OF HlD FATHER-

r u *

Id The JUtcheW He 's MamO-F tP AMP ICARUS MOfMIMtS OFThe De c e it that awaits Him

othor M tm lu . No more th* regular b*ef liver 4l*t. Tor now h* must shift for himself, which h* does, becoming the shlftleet vfl»h any fishermen with sn empty basket and wet feet will *■- nervate, known to plecatorlal lore.

8 o much for trout. * But them sr* other flah than trout hatched st the hatchery; there ere bass, and there are yellow perch. And all the fish a |

New York Casting Club's

Tournam ent Will Be' Held

'April 15 at Pelham ParkInadvertently Secretary E. R. Philllpe

of the New York Casting Club recently announced the date of the annual tournajnent of the organisation as 8 un- day, April 8 . when It should have been the following Sunday. Th* event, which will Inaugurate the season's sur

E LEVEN of the twenty-five mea­sures affecting fish and game passed both branches of the Legislature and all but two

j of them have been signed by Gov* j ernor Sllser. Those upon which he | has not yet acted are House 82. which

would cut the fox hunting season to the period from November 10 to April .10. and the Vaughan deer bill for a

j five-day season on buck deer only.

V a n f o o ij tM CHeSL0M6 L iTTl e E tfO EO T

a ome-waV T i c k e t -tb a 4 iv e a m o a LAKE, T h e r e to F itflK Time. OArffLE—- OF L IF E . r

for ev eqV T rout -Hatched S i* l u r e d a r e . Ma d e 1b catch •Him

RbehuL -— »

the hatchery are not hatched there, some af th a roe or fry being purchased, and some of the small fish being esught out of their natural .waters. The base, ss is known to every fisher­man. la as game as the trout. The yellow perch Is better than th* trout to eat, some contend, and would be as highly esteemed If It would not bite on anything and everything and so was not so easy to eateh-

Why trout are placed In brooks, bass are planted In rivers and lakes and yellow perch are turned loose in the state 's waters we do not know. The more one roams about th* hatchery the more. It le found, there Is one does not know about fish. How the little fish are sorted out* for Instance, before the larger fish get ready to eat them. Is a mystery. How several thousand fish manage to share and share alike a couple of scoopfula of minced beef liver nonchalantly sk it­tered across the surface of the pool we do not know. But what we do not know doesn't help the story any.

The sta te hatchery Is situated In a beautiful spring-fed valley, setting of

and with this contraption the trouter cast about among the unsuspecting trout, an occasional one of which he caught—to bo liberated later, quivering with fright—the while eager photo­graphers took pictures of its struggles

And high In the air a crow, blue- blacK and gltstoning In the sunlight, hovetsd In the high concave, ae a cloud would drift above the quiet harbor of a dream. JEAN ERIC.

casting tournament activities, will be held at Pelham Bay Park, Bronx. N. Y. j generations of cornfsd jewels of rustic

On the program of the meet are five pulchritude, a short distance out fromsurf-casting event* end two fof the fresh-water bait casters. Among the innovations will be a surf fishermen's squid casting contest In which any sort of equtd and salt water outfit wll| be permissible Every event will be open.

Fifty-seven prises will be on the ty*t for competition. Invitations to enter the meet have been sent to organisa­tions of both salt water and fresh w ater persuasion and a large turn-out le expeoted. Program* may be secured from Mr. Phillips at 21 Perk place, Manhattan.

the community of Hackettstown. On the one hand, as one faces down the verdurous vals. Schooley'a Mountain rears Its arhoresesnt heights, and on the other are gently rising hills smil­ing down on a scons of sylvan hsauty.

Into this place of quiet delight, where happy folk live close to nature and nature’s soul, into this happy beauty •pot. wo. say. an ardent trouter who had come along to gloat on the helpless little prospective victims of tho lure, carried a barbless hook. Dn this barb- leas hook were the trapptngS/Of tbs fly.

Trout A nglers Feverishly

Figuring on W eather and

Last-M inute PreparationW hether it Is. true or not. the trout

angler likes to ihiok that from his standpoint the freest of this week probably was the hast thing that could have happened^ He figures It per­mitted a groat deal of the water In the streams to run off, taking with It much of the melted snow and Ice that had piled up In the countryside.

As usual, there Is feverish last- minute activity on the part of countless anglers to got their tackle In shape In time for tho opening of the season and, as a consequence, the tackle repair folks are loaded up with wdrk. The bait anglor Is wondering where he*U be able to get a caa of worms and the fly caster Is hurriedly running through his stock to ascertain what he needs—and probably w ill buy a lot move than he i needs.

| These measures did not reach the Gov- I einor until Wednesday

On the whole, the results of the »*••' ! sion. from the standpoint of the I sportsman, are regarded as among the• Lest ground out by the Legislature in

inany years. While several measures! inimical to sport were Introduced, not- I ably the Mathis bill which purposed j that the bounty on foxes be paid out

of the sportsmen's funds, none reached [ a stage where there was serious fear i iif its passage.| Although no official announcement j has been mad<^ It Is known that, all I things considered, the 8 fhte Fish and• Game Commission Is pleased with tho

new legislation. So. too. are the offi­cers of the New Jersey Fish and Game Conservation League, except that they regret no pollution measure was passed and that the bobolink protection bill, which passed the House, was killed by trickery In the Senate without a show for Its white alley.

While realising the imports ace of practically all the laws passed, the league officers declare that had no bill other than their trespass pleasure been enacted the session would have been of large value to the sportsmen In this connection it Is asserted that many men who did not take out licenses last year now have done so. or have said they would do so.

The man who fishes for pickerel naturally Is elated over the fact that he m ill be able to ga out after these tleh May 29. as he did up to last year and. down In his heart, the trout angler Is not sorry a t the turn of affairs, for there is no question that the trout streams were 5more 'than ordinarily crowded last year with men who. there­tofore. had deserted them fer the lakes and ponds when the pickerel season opened.

There wa* practically no opposition to the reduction In the bag limit on pheasants. Tho avorage hunter seemed to feel that the chap who wasn’t satis­fied with two of the birds a day, thirty a season, wasn’t the sort of fellow whoso opinion should have any weight. New Jersey is still ahead of most other states on hor limit.

The authorisation to kill eat* caught destroying game or birds, or with game or birds In their possession Is not re­stricted to the hunting field, as we understand it. I t isn’t necessary to use a gun to encompass the feline’s destruction and any licensed hunter or game warden who catches a city cat witn bird or squirrel may, If ho can. catch It and “humanely” destroy It.

The bills thus far signed by the Gov­ernor and their purposes are aa fol­lows:

Senate •—-Changing the opening date of tho pickerel seafcon from June 18 to Mar 29.

Senate 94—Establishing a closed sea­son of flvg years on quail In thoae counties: Sussex. Warren, Bergen. Pas­saic, Morris. Hunterdon, Hudson, Union, Essex and Somerset. There are believed to be only a few quail In all of them combined.

Senate 98—Cutting bag * limit on pheasant to two dally, thirty a season.

Senate 91—Extending the closed area

for killing pheaaants where Japanese beetles are known to bo.

House SS—The eat bill.House 77—Prohibiting the sheeting

of crowdecks. or coots, from ressdls st a g reater distance than 199 foot from shore.

House SI—Requiring trappers, ex­cept those trapping on their own lands to have regu lar hunting and fishing license.

House 181—Tbs trstpaas bill.House 299—Making the open season

for trapping lie comber 1 to March 1 .

A sserts R epresentatives

V iolated Their Promises

In V ote on Federal BillIn re your Item, entitled "Opposed

Federal Bill," in the March II leeuo of the News. It may be worth while to place on record the fact that the New Jersey Audubon 8 oclety memorialised the New Jersey membera pf the House of Representatives on behalf of H. R 5823. the Anthony bill. Identical with tho bill which passed the Senate, and which had for Its object tho creating of game bird refuges and public shoot­ing grounds, to bo provided for by a universal federal hunting license. An­swers received, with the voting record of the author of each answer, arq as follows:

Herbert W. Taylor wrote that ”f know of no reason why the bill can not have my support when It comes before the House for action.” He waa not re­corded In the vote on the bill.

Ernest R. Ackerman wrote: ”Want into the m erits of the measure aad was unable to find anything objection­able In It.” He voted sgaloet the Mil.

Archibald E. Olpp wrote: "I take pleasure in informing >©u that when thin measure comes up for action It will have my favorable action theroop.” He voted agalaat the Mil.

Randolph Perkins wrote: ”1 will take pleasure In voting for the Senate bill when It comes before the House, aa I believe this is meritorious legislation.” Mr. Parkins did not vote on the House bill.

Frederick R. Lehlbach wrote: ”! will be very glnd to do whatever lies In my power to fu rther favorable considera­tion of the bill In question.” He voted agalaat tho bill.

F. F. Paterson Jr. wrote: “Fleas* be assured that this measure has my sympathy and active support.” Mr. Potersoo voted for tho Mil.

Isaac Bacharach promised considera­tion of the measure a t tho proper time. He did not vote.

Richard Wayne Parker likewise promised consideration aad supported the Mil.

Such is the very regrettable showing mads by our New Jersey Representa­tive* in Congress on a measure whleh should conceivably excite no opposition whatever. Is It not time that the people of New Jersey, at least, set s worth­while example for the voters of the other sta tes of the Union In the matter of more carefully scrutinising the manner In whleh their legislative rep­resentatives freely promise one thing and do another And pretend to repre- seqt their constituents, on a concept lor of representation that is weird, to as* the Isqst?

BEECHER 8 . ROWDISH.Secretary-Treasurer.

New Jersey Audubon Society.March 29. 1923.

l lrT ravel Book w ith P lot Is J ia rry L. Foster’s

“A Beachcom ber in the O rient”,a«H T U i N t o ' i "A B*acP-

•ainker la t t* Orl.at" <!*»">•u „ * A Ca.) t» U**1 un"


P’:Mg'i:J feP ';:

wMW. * UNIUng

wtth a p l.t. Mr. F»»t*r. who ta valuta* PaaortkaP waa*.r-

in trapteal Amarlaa. M illiW * Joarmeytngs to Mia fro In J**®*■ tb aM alay Faataaula. tit* Fall- „ j apan. China aad ath«r n*»rby af A*la. but hla Jaurnaylapa had.

_ ^ n a d . a parpaaa—fha purautt ol fu llaw -trav .l.r * h a had mad# oil

‘* " 1 . Foat.r'a bap fag* and hla JgFa chacha. I t waa tn HM*»L *«■* u . want*, mat Mai—an Italian united, nlmply and anfftalantly. . • F a r » white th*ir Itrad tha fg Ufa «og*th*r. Than th*r • « - . | , r ran te r to eontlnu* Into

feggrt of Ante. th . poet to p*.bad* _ Utvntxation, to aaeur* Mr. F o a t.r« Uffoct* and to await for him In Panf-

H fantead of hlo bapgago and hia _ fcoorawr, Mr. Foatar found

i . - (or him nt tha Blnmaao city an j a Informing him that tha poat married, was then on his honejr-

j tn d concluding with this sooth-K sentiment:

understand. Foster, that a gen- | ten will nped much clothre upon the

lymoon and I hope you do not mind „ I t I wear yours.” f l e n ensued a wild-goose chase up

down Asia, a chase that ended iwhat unexpectedly and turned out !* • been something of s loop-the-

>©Op^affair. But whatever the Incon- VSnlence and discomforts that Mr. Foe- t* r may have suffered as a reeult of baTtug only one eult of ctothee and fis money to apeak of the reader cer-

|y has gained thereby. The pagee crammed with unconventional ad-

t g n i among strange peopl >. Mr. tar travels in and on at leas* fifty- Ml w te t l s a of conveyances, not to gtton the country that he covered >t. Ho shows himself a keen ob- ir, w ith a sense of humor end few

_ idleea—an Invaluable combination p ^ u U t i M for a traveler In strange

When Ho started at Hong Kong Mr. t m v was a tramp, but. ee he himself states. “In my own estimation a decid- M|)y aristocratic, respectable sort of fgjypB, for I had money In my pocket,

yjOidMiMe full of decent clothing and iiw t3 9 *w rt**r wherewith to Justify my ^Igfrancy by writing about I t ” Fate,

Ih ip k aa 'been related, soon altered theae Opudlticne and threw him into the heart

various peoples among wjiom he T iled . Of Indo-China he fouiuk^hat

there wore more governors thsn gov­ernment, and ho relates amuMngly ths immense amount of red tape that had te bo unwound because he did not have his passport with him. In the province of Cambodia he saw some Interesting things—non# more Interesting, how­ever, thsn ths file of girls whom he •aw coming out of the palace. The poet (then still with him) Immediately

■Ion of him that the nrlnces of this country are-nro longer the comic opera figures sacred to tradition. In general, he found the Siamese people, taken by rank and file, tbs kindliest and most considerate people he met In the Orient, but they showed, nevertheless, the cruelty that he holds typical of Orien­tals. and flocked In large numbers to the executions In Rangkok. He has some vivid descriptions of thslr tern-

B ooks an d A uthorsBits of Interest Gleaned Here

.and There.

N ew N on-Fiction Books Include C hronicle of Our Own T im es by Rhodes

m n s mm zM * $ i l l ! M B ?

m B m

A SIAMESE TEMPLE RICH WITH HOARDED TREASURE.Reproduced fv so Marty I*. Foster** -A Roao^roosber of tho Orteot** by coostesy

of Dodd. Mead * Co.became excited. "The King's fencing girls?” he Inquired eagerly. **No.’* re­plied the attendant, as th# young women took tholr places In a long line of automobiles—Fords—tbst swatted them. “These rfire the servent girle They're going to town to see the mov­ing pictures of the Dempsey-Csrpentler fight.”

At Battam bsng Mr. Foster found that cognac-and-aoda and qutntns appar­ently constituted the chlsf diet of the European colony. Bangkok proved to be a hodge-podge of everything In the Orient, with not a little of the Occident Included for good measure. He gives the Siamese all the attributes of a tropical race—indolence, improvidence, politeness, good nature: and he re­marks that they are a thoroughly lov­able people i-f you happen to be lasy yourself. He interviewed s Siamese prince, and concluded from hia imprea-


Inevitable result of the color of hlo hair) follows hor. t t

W m Wodshouse goes right on hav-1 “Ginger,” as ani f * 1 t p L ^ S ^ y ^ S S l r a quf.tton atBag wHk PI# r*aP*ra HI* lataot book. ttm, ,n d ih , nuttab.r of pagoa that Mr.

m m * n r Bally" (Doran), ta UK* bla | Wodrhou.e haa a t hla glapooal. H« W jg jL ,, highly cheerful, •om .w h.t rou»t »tr*t g . t rid of the young p!»y-

2 aw #ee*D ttat ' full of bWcht eonv.r- - r i g h t ; hr mti.t. furthrrmorr. gat Hdaad complicat'd with a not too

_Jria plot. In o th .r word*. It t* K f i j for a apart hour, when •—ifjjig want to tfelnk and would

p!«a rich with treasure* hoarded for many a g e

Mr. Foster hold* the comparison of tho Malay peninsula, In shape and color, to a peacock's tail to be an ex­cellent one. and ho describes the long ridge of v af I-colored forests that sweeps southward from the Asiatic mainland as growing more brilliant In color as It approaches the equator. He points out that wherever the Brit Ish settle, the land begins to blossom %nd pay dividends. He makes many critical remarks about the Individual Englishmen whom he met. but In gen eral he gives nts admiration to tho English empire builder, who goes out to exotic surroundings, sweats and swelters In vermin-ridden countries and knows no privacy, but still shows himself the world’s * champion adven­turer who never mentions his adven­tures. and harVing built his empire, settles down s t his clubs and talks cricket. He adds that wherever tho Englishman settles, he builds a golf course; If there are two or mors horses in the neighborhood he builds a race track ; if there Is one other English man within ten miles, he builds a club and establishes a soda factory to aupply the wherewithal! for h it whisky-atengah.

Of the American in the Philippines Mr. Foster holds that the nattvss re­spect him less, but probably ilka him more than Orientals do whits men elsewhere. He has very little use for the Thlnamen anywhere In ths Orient and contrary to the usual opinion, finds

Ths ipystsry of ths authorship of “Ths Burning Bpesr,” published In 1911 In England, has been solved by ths an­nouncement that ths book It soon to be published by Charles Scribner's Sons with John Oalsworthy’s name on ths title page. This pungent satire of a single-minded Englishman, who took too seriously ths newspaper headlines end utterances of statesmen In regard to war and peace aad went out. like Don Quixote, to put what he read into practice, appeared anonymously In Lon- don Just after the turning of the tide In the last year of the war. The Iden­tity of Its author haa not been revealed until now. Mr. Galsworthy has written a special preface for the American edi­tion.

Four recent Macmillan books find pg place on ths American Library Asso­ciation’s list of titles recommended for small libraries; “A Homesteader's Port­folio” by Alice Day Pratt; ”An Instru­ment of the Gods aad Other Stories of the Sea.” by Lincoln Colcord; “Anne Severn and the Fteldlngs," by May Sin­clair; “Burled Cities." by Jennie Hall.

Wilson Foilett. the well-known critic, hss w ritten s study of Zona Os Is and hFr novels. “Faint Perfume” and "Mies Lulu Bett.” which the publishers. D. Appleton A Co., 98 West Thlrty.-sscond Mtreet. New York, are issuing ss a spe­cial m ust rated booklet, and which they will be glad to send free upon request.

The serial publication In England of a part of the Rt. Hon. Winston 8 . Churchill’s forthcoming book “The World Crists.” haa bean the causa of much discussion In ths London press and in ths House of Commons. Ths Information contained In ths book, coming as It doss from ops able to speak with unquestioned authority. In regarded In England as of exceptional importance. Tho volume will he Issued la this country by Scribner's.

“Maxims of Life and Business” of John Wanamaker wity bo brought out by Harper A Bros, this month. Ths hook was compiled by an Intimate asso­ciate of the Isle Mr. Wanamaker. and contains the spoken and written ex­pressions of the wise public servant pad great-hearted philanthropist. It gives sn understanding of the courage and Imagination which built a great business, and of Mr. Wanamaker’s philosophy and principles.

1 PERT close to our own day 1 / in now that remarkable V chronicle of James Ford

Rhodes, which began, years ago. with a portrayal of ths decade pre­ceding the Civil War. and hss s t this tlm* r*ach*d "Th* McKInlry a r t Rooarv.lt Administration*" (Macmll- Ian). Possibly the result Is only partly history tn ths true sense of th* word, since Mr. Rhodes knew personally some of the men Wfiom he here sub­mits to critical analysis, and was in­evitably personally Interested in some of the Issues that he describes. But, from another point of view, the fact that Mr. Rhodes Is picturing his own times makes the book all the m ort In­teresting—it Is s trained and able his­torian’s Judgment of his contem­poraries. a judgment wall worth hav­ing. Throughout there are displayed the same candor, the same temperate­ness of view and the same ease of style that have marked Mr. Rhodes's earlier volumes, and ss always In his writings, the outlook Is broad and comprehen­sive. Undoubtedly, too. Mr. Rhodes has those two qualities which In these pages he ascribes to John Hay, and which he holds invaluable for a his­torian—the gift of narration and due skepticism. , . . . .

The years from 1897 to 1999 were, of course, years marked by much ex­citement a* certain times, by " ‘•"y changes, almost revolutions through­out. They were the years when, at first. Mark Hanna controlled affairs (and Mr. Rhodes hss much of Interest and novelty to any about the Presi­dent-m aker). when the trustscame to the fore In power and In pub­lic discussion. When the tariff was de- bated and altered. w a. *unk and tit . 8 nant*h War fought, when th . Philippine, revo lt^ and ware pacified, when R oo»v«t aue- c.edrd to tha F f.ald .nor an* when R saM v.lt waa elected, whoa many tn- t .rn a tl .n a l dlaput.a arOM and t r . r . settled, when th . railroad# and tha meat Industrie# w «r. rrxuUted. when th# Ru»o-tfapai>r»» War had It* tn- finance on American affair*. Of, an tha men who Pl«r thatr part# In thaw naS.a Mark Hanna and Rooaev.lt are wtvan. naturally enough, moot a t ten- • ion. Hr. Rhode, admire. Roouvrltand Hanna both, and he MX* ' h« former. In particular, strong and wMI- worded trtbut—.

W a s h in g to n P a s t an d P re s e n t .

such poems aa "Sugaring," “Snow Rain" and "The Durham." do*. Mr. Helden seem to deflv . from th . older port. But h . w rite , with no servility of Imitation and hi* po t. .gain and again I. ht* own. Mr. Hold.n la In­tensely .w a r . of th . geological and astronomical aspects of th* world, but hts cosmic imaginings ar* troubled constantly by th . cancer of doaht end by the shadow of death. Sometimes the thought Is not worked out to an fmphatic conclusion, but always the phrasing ta striking. Tha rond.r will Ilk* especially "Sugaring." already mentioned, with Its rendering of the wild thing* th a t may b . thought under the night of March when th . u p drips in the pal la: “Mouhtaln.” to which a a port compare# himself; ''Fishing," which Is to Mr. HoIdcn*by no msans so thought-fre* and cnrtlcas an operation as It la to moat; "Life." seen In tb* terms cf a worm-rotted trde; "Rock Fowler," with Its touches of cIom ob­servation of natura; "Midnight: Battery Park." for its contrast ta tho rural

pooma: "Circe,'' for Its new Interpreta­tion of an old legend, and "Growth," with Its Shakespearian note. Th. last- named poem Is worthy of .uotatlon; Long, long ago a host of wonders wer. Articulate about me—little birds In branches bright with bloom, tb*

happy wordsOf waters falling, tha unosastag stir Of windy oaks against tha ancient sky. Blue gentians growing la unshadowed

places.Green willows aad gulet caws aad

farm beys' faces, 1 Loud wagons oa the highway relHag

by—All these wore port of something I

have lostAmong new, breathless b e an grown

heavilyTumultuous, th a t will not 1st mo m s Through o ther windows than these

whits with (rootOf too- much winter, ths Impaisteaad

lightWhich one* gave thlags I amt with

their delight.


of Sxlly’9 money, and he must, finally. , ------ ■ Lfin d so*n« s o r t « ( w o rk fo r G ln f r r th a t d ish o n es t and u n tru th fu l. Th#w ill en ab le h im a n d Bally to laugh a t -------1----- i " - 1* - h '* ■ ■ • n . l l i .the world. AU of this Is accomplished J

amna tatettaetaal JaUo .an- with sufficient neatness, hut beforePOJH* a b . U . . . . . h a d Up WndahnHnA h s l«o* .r*d , with th* whipped r^ F fu n . r Mtefcolas haa Just com. Into a ;.|Wm*a. Mm *» engaged (in ---------- . jM h o m * ■ teppsssiiy

S y £ ~ r ig h t ; and ahs goel tehaw s • Ftea»g»t T#ea-

—HuEMtsiPK »•«*g m jte»t)temur-jlar ah* meet*a M B E r M p h i s i r I***; - liidr»iitl »i ij

:-£feteh. gtway*I B S W M H r■tt nsvsr gotta

, ^ n a Bka bua.

the' end la teach eg Mr. Wod.house has led th s reader Into favorite territory with him—the theatrical world. Here pally arm hor Improvident brother th . spends fete own Inheritance and then helps Bally to dispose of hers) have aoma amusing adventures. In tha eeurm of which one may see. with •emewhatt cynical eye. Just how mu- steal comedies are prodnred, and what sometime# happens to tho producer*. Sally, a* oh . wander# over thg*. page* th a t JdK. Wud^OUM haS .ferotMdd :fbr d ip t"d im # '; asm* j . very b r ig h t: things : (sspecially ■ a t tho beginning) gad at* w p^;;imtagg«!».«p totalfeU feUilWX

beauty of Japan wins hi* admiration, but he has some pretty strong lan­guage on the odors that grant tho noo* trlls there in any other seooeft than cherry-blossom time.

A ngel! on B ritidi Policy:" ft BaglaAd te j* Ltve." "by Norman

Angell. Mr. AngUIl. .* h e .te 'ho post haa w ritten many votlugM’Wcndod to challenge people's beliefs here acta forth h i# . conviction, that England must starve or emldrgt* *r make a complete and Immediate change cf policy. Jn a special preface to th* AtaarlcM edition of hi* goll ,Indicates hl#„>*H*f that, ano tter

W ith th e V ersifiers j_____ _________ 'J ;....!"" 1

Humorous Frag Vtrra"Slings and Arrows," by Edwhs

Francis Kdgett. Mr. Rdgstt express** a .e r ic , of mild cynicisms la epigram, which nr* In many Instances phrased with felicity but which are annum*, eerily pat-touts the form of free verse. Thera te no particular rhythm ta Mr. B dgstfa remarks, and one feel, that th .y would have dona Just aa welt without 'the* masquerade at form they Hove been made to aaosmt. Mr. Kdgett to a t bla host ta hla fiiags a t soma at the minor aonoysnfee -of life. Tho book h a s . twenty-*ht drawings fey Dwight Taylor. xL J. Brlmmsr Csm p*ny. Boston, Mate

A pleasant, chatty. Informative vel­um* is “ Th# Booh of Washington" (Penn Publishing Company), by Robert Shackle- ton. who died recently in Franeo, til* eea |l< „ lMtteot addition to th . author'* rateable ooriM of book* dealing^ with various American cities. Mr. (Bteekleton *•**Washington ad today ta tho light of tfea pML 8 * conduct* th* reader te(hterU inlRg Jourtie/i- shout th* city,deocrlbee. reminisce*, narrates, age g tfilrr all In the fashion at a grad clesrone. AH th* * * * * * ai»aa»M attfe* cayltal city nra^M oi*d.^PoH^c*l' «, .*». »H- , , n # r . »«.iftetMT, a rtis tic. £ 5 $ * * a jrury attm *«**tesamm. aomstimo* J W - j h H * * * r

Sinclair Lewis Reprinted Th* Job." T he Trail o f th e Hawk"

and "Our Mr. Wreiyi," by itnclalr Lewis., The huge success of "Main Street" and "Babbitt” haa occasioned th* timely reprint of these earlier table*' by Mr. Lewis. Th.y ara rather la th* v*te a t "Babbitt" tha* *f "Main Street,” and make thoroughly amusing reading. Harcourt. Brace A Co., N*w Tork. a* s e e

Messaget from th* D tad "T h. Book of Clifford." by LilfteB

Be rale is. Tha subtltl* Is. "Ths' fe*Ul at U r Haa Spcaksth ta Ms.” Tha h**k comprlsm supposed mes*ag«t from tha dead from th s original dictation 'aa transcribed withoth alteration. The Cornhlll Company, Boston, Mas*.* • • #

History of Philosphy "English and AmortSsa Philosophy

Since HM .",by A rthur Kenyon Rogers The author discusses th e various schools a t philosophy that have bsen dominant te this country and Eaglaad during A century and more. His own creed te tha test ta which fee brings the various dogmas sad hypotheses oof forth by others, end this creed to that life I# tho touchstone Among th*

rd are the Beaten raal- teta. tho utilitarians, the t ran wood on te l lata, tb s pragmatldte aad 0 a two* rea lis ts Th# Matmllfen Cfempany. Now York.

V f Struggl* for MiSioo -fteyo." fey Molworthy Malt, Tfe*.

author oxteOdte bl* custemary 'hussar out a t th* tat* he telte. ' S ' t e l * '# stane* 8 la tha *tw y ,od te* gtiWMBB

Crises in g Lifetime "The Seven Ago* a t MThmafe," • by

Compton Mackonst*. Mr. MfeshooMo taka* M v s a rrtes* that occur te th* Hf* of bla heroins. Mary Ftowoy. aad as he describes th s ortess he —tnsgst ta And aeoys fe r m a y varied lasl- dents and fo r th s dsyletloa of varied emotions. Th# range a t tb* hMk to ladioMod fey tho (a«t th a t th* e r tm extend from , Mary aa aa In (sa t to Mary a* n grandmother. Frederick A. stoke* Cmsynny, Row Tork.o * o ,

JgpoagM Q tU n a"Dandelloa Sown and Oman n g w >

Pot." hr Darla Dallas. With Ulaatra- tlona ta cater hy Badaa Mteuao. These

•ara yteaaoot vara** for cMIdraa about Jnpooooo gtei and bay. te the

r ite at A t ****** n dsfrtytteu te m at .JTapuaM* omoxors aad •**- t in t TB* ylcturas ara sia d lw t TB*

Stratford Crmyony. Bwten. Mam.

"ThoPlMMiat Lyrim

Wagon aad O n ' fetor,"Mary Staton L*itrh. - Th* *utb*rtouches serted* Mtd tight thsiM* with * m n msssraiM. and sue****, aad (h* kandlM matricat (sent** a t wmife variety wlth teW*. 8 8 *tthtect* ara. a f eourao. ssotelor th* latnmmortel oa** —lor*, natura; tfe* w M w •*. ho t

AM* t* contribute a Mt at history fe rn fete own rscoWgatten. .WMlally. *f 000)**' oo. rooted* >*d»ML.rif**ite. tentetnte n wte te a w n Wtete teBteg te M riW ilM a teatrteE,W>. W)Jte M*u*r on ft' tetew ritejM r tep W , MteteWc th sr m U « r na to Mr. B*a»«v*tL Th* hook is nHtefralod. wRfe yfcteternyh* sad urttfe

'In th e School o f Frost.

maarar t e l t* op — d -U. .......

flfjes tewysp—with s .tonpoteraB M t t e o teH sw :te ;:tti*ap ril!S '''i ®»if ;Ntet gets vwy for steag la

Three Slg a tfk e * Beaka t fALICE A. BAILEY

I n l l n M n x A n n u l f t l l n J S l A A d m t eU Q in V B U C S B K M H u M

X h tim s o m e m ia h m

x i f e q m n § i q M N d i i ^ e j y w

yeong Hterm p ip —at ntnfeo tn the iiteM ptfinds that there -

8 '(S |i IWW'Tteib;

jk d ff iB fteO T :!aUmmeam. fey .nm j p ^

von Jlofflwifi . . TB* te ytorid* •%

T B■


____ r w i i O t M i P iIII f a w l m i i n H i » B P « •

I M P . » . t . D M U . i M U i * 3

■ w a c i n r r » ic t io n —r« r « • * * ra ira rteI f M l « terattr Im m i t* u y g p

«U h JU M H T W k m C H K J I B . ** * ■ W A . W *Mm Mill. 1711. . '• » ! .» , « »• *;s a W r ~ i m = » a i r T S = ^ ' U P

j a * i # a. S « * k t . w c . . j . w r l w . i w i i a i c v w m


W B fB B S SBCl t o m H Ew v u t iM u 4 ,tk«r n P i

P I M 'H lU I . I W » MW mg r a n , M o g H w i * o o . . ~ u f t i i i T ». W h n m « n d

n o m r T_ a m a c P t* mM h*te Mmll A m l i t

c U f li i i . aV Ct l W arns a t ; to ru ra and aalllac a t MW

artlaa ta Wawaali aaA aukarka. «« u k action p l a n aaM. _____________ J

Ca m ar S S 3 ta o ra r te r a . ; Waa»a4 l <Ur fcaaaa tagt tetaOr fcaaai

c * i m Ww m a n . B. Oaaaatat

U A L EST A T E F O R S A L E — C ITYi h i u m i i i A - A m iw S J E B C >a»w»:

11 room* Mek; part ImprtTimMiU, $19,909.MOUTH U O A Q IT.—Twa l-p w ll la j i all

M aa ia iiw a ll aaetat k aa t; lat I h l H i M MMOUTH KLKVINTH » T —O a a - f .m U r .1

raaaw aaA bath; all la tra a a a a a a u . IT.lt*.p n o i u AVE—Twalra-raam kauaa. »ar»

. M n w » r* H f t r ; i» w j / * ; four-cir | i n | « . runts tor 4*9 floor.W IN T E R r r —Bit-family. house.

f t r t imprsvMBMlii I t I**4 condition, lot 88x119. IM M

HOWLAND 8 T —Two-family k « m . 11rooms, all improvement* k i t Wont, la rood

shape; $1,299.HINSDALE PL.—4U-room kM M : oil im ­

provements. la food soctlon. M.MI.CAMDEN 8 T —Nins-room hous*. part im­

provements, $7,019. *OP A TON BT—Fifteae room house; all tm

provemenis; aoparato hoot ora, l-car ga-u p t l l t t , ■vpaww n a a . .. .i ------ »-rags: space for five mors; lot 30 i l l s , i l l .I f*

LAPKIN * CO..14 WgRgfor st. Humboldt MU.


fO X ID O PARK Is (he most attractive, pen- vrnlsnt l t d protected location for a

p rh s ts Romo in tho vicinity of Nswark.

I t la aa inu red location, m adi safe by tbs character of Its homes and

their owners.Tract office open Sunday


WEKQUAHIC PARK LOTSWBBQUAHIC AVE, 491191w iiO U A R IO AVE. (rho lf.l, M ilt* ! ! « ' WEBoUAHlC AVJt.. MUM »«.*•*WEMUAHIC AVV . «•*!••.W b SS uAHK' AVE. eora.r. . . IM «0ROMONA AVE. oorn.r. H l l «OOLPS MITH AVE.. c .rn .r, 19x1*4.. .11.694CLINTON TL.. 4 1,U. 99«k ................11.449


K BOND A CO. INC- 193 MARKET 8Tb u il d e r s ; a t t e n t i o n :

Suburban properly between South Orange End Osatral cars on boot suburban rostdon ttal strset: 191-foot fronts##; 112 to*** In depth on aide street. with width of ICO f##t In rssr; house theroon Is mibaunttally con­structed and can be altered and put in first-else* shape tor s reasonable sum property Is free and d ear and will be sold on builder's ■terras with llttla cash, or win ha exchanged. Stevens. 471 Cam ra} ive . opan Monday and Wednesday evenings




DANIEL P. MINAHAN.• a l e s m a n a g e r s .


BUILDERSFive plate la sa# block. IT Wri t*

- - - ■*— w-|lldlnfFITS piwi* 4V**- ------- - - {»- _(.at Mch; All r . .d r (or kuitdin* prices low.


•OCTH ORAWSE AV». k#tWA#tt Bar**" and Norfolk 41A—T1lro«-.l4rr bolldlnt;

first floor aioro and room; oaoood flaer » rooms, third floor. • rooms; 3 tiled H IM j steam and electric; eery good osadltlon; owner leaving city; aching f t1 .199; small amount of cash ocoded; act quick.

SSIWICB RKALTT C O .,.........._ f West Park s t Phona Mitchell 1127.

BREAKEXRIDGE A TICHENOR, INC..a rc now offering f®r sal# plots 41*199, sa Grummond avs.. with a tl improvement# but f f t t ia i ; pries 933 P*t toot.



MACHINE SHOP.Thvus«ttsry modern building: two-story

frame; about 31,399 square toot ; J99 foot *>sm Elizabeth »va.; price 433.400; easyPto GEORG to r . HBWSON CO..

9943 Market___________ 319 Market at.DIRECT PROM BUILDER.PI1UECT r a w s BltiUiFEn.

Buy this beautiful apartment, containing Shirty families and twenty-five garages; sail fo r belaw reproduction cost; rente fa r be­low correepouding apartment# in same sec­tion,

FEIST A f e i s t . _ _ TSS taraM >t. M .rkJt 4444.

' V a— l ltOTOK r r . , wclalty W ll l t a r a ta - Value rapidly advancing; in lisa s f heevj

i gsUril traffic; three-story brick _dwellingl im y modern Improvement; adaptable for HMMdtfId eeavtreion Into store#; Lot I f i l l i ;torts* 919(399; assy terms____

. , OBORQE r . HBWSON CO..I SHI Mratara.___________ SIS I te rk .t « .

SPLENDID INVESTMENT IS tk* tM M tf 'H Clinton AT4- U 4 High

1 H l j i t * S-itory krlek corn .r p r o n r t r with n t m . * H UUM U4 And don 4RM I; ren t.l• 4 ; r “ ,rt- A / r ' » i y i i ,NN.


US!b e l t l e t t e r s —l o t b a r g a in s .te r MAI-AA, (ArASAA, fACtorlAl, ApArt-


^ c g ^ g o A D S T

WHI* A Ad olk .r


CMatAA Mm M m r; Ate-temUir .p .r tn . .n t ,■ tlAf of Sf roomo. morhlo ontr.nno.,

\ mp H |B l SPA mW ■ willn, .1.. * wmw. wwww.I fctl7h>iiA »m i fixtures and decoration#. »J3 rental 93,399; BrleMlS,SS9.

GEORGE P. HEWBON CO ,H O Marhst **' “ *"**319 M arket at.


K m u w w l e r —■ITS-* m i * : W W il l**' iB tW ; eaatty mnde k t a i l D m -

hewse. A d ir— rrfvmt#. Bax B TI9A..•vrws #nwe. ______ . .^•EtoO U A klC 'sjcT lO N —Lst% less; che4«i

location for OM and two R a l ly » ••# •• In tho foot sot growing soottow of Nswerw. W. T. Jsnntnge, Lyoew avo.. a t Bergen u LOTto 19x199: on Pvpliaghuyooa avo.. feeing

3 streets. 99.994, 33x199. on Seymour avo . for g— h aels. 91,999. Gao. Duchieahy. 37 4 rroIln#huyo»e avs.; restdtncs Ore### 3149.

THREE-STORY. corner brick build tn# eootor of city; store end 3 noore; price 14,909. Addroon R B . Boa 73, X»w# officeJ5 J___________ =_________________

TflREE FAMIl.T, on South Ntnoteonth st near Springfield nvs ; IT lerc# rooms. i«

trovoraenta. annuel rent $1132. pri> # 911. 94, termo. Orb#e. 314 P|r#me#i a bldg.

Bl o o m f ie l d a t e . noer enftew nv#.—Store end twe-tomlly brick, ell improve

. H onohfO; Immediate poisloe. Jmonte; nrlco r#a

Mn#rvood, Til Breed st._LOT 191a 123. oppoait# B’##qeehte Perk .

eern#r Eliaebath end Hensbury ***# Wm. Van Alston. 39 Be m att st.. New Hevan, <"ann______________CLIFTON AVB. la se r Bellsutlne parkw ay.

—Exceptionally flee plot. T4xtlf. with f a Apply M Sommer. 449 Summer eve-

m - irC T to T boeutifwi Location; convw-ulout to trailoya and bus lino; prioo 9973.

R. Roovoa. 319 Weahlngtoe st . city.______PTVB lata, 131x139,* Sixteenth eve^ nans

Grove st. Inquire Michael J Tenooy, 194 Market at., city; tel. Market 9143.

toA ttA N flN E PAkKWAY SECTION 431 Rid go at . plot 99x199. J. M KEEN.

949 Clifton xva.

▲YON AVE —six-family. »T-ro— houao: 9 store*, corner property; all Improvements;


D w eH iafs

ROSEVILLE My. 14 rooms,

rept electric. < price II.K 0; 3- Improvemonta, pr'eo 99.949; 9- Improvements aiactrlc, asking sffsr.

S BCT! ON —T wo-fn m all Improvements ex- aah 93.199 required, family. 13 rooms. «U cash raquired 91.944. family. IT rooms, sit except steam and

914 »40; submit ua an

R0BERN80N REALTY-CO. i Bank at. Mitchell 3774.

Open evenings.


Three-family brick; built 1914; every Im­provement; parquet fioort; three 7-room apartments; S - room Janitor apartm en t; yearly -rental 92 999; 3 blocks depot, trolley; Forest Hill; cash 99.900

913.909—2-FA MILT—ROSEVILLB- Fourteen rooms every improvement; drive­

way, 3 blocks depot, trolley, cqeh 93.999.• 91.990—1 -FAMILY— ROSEVILLE.New. 4 room*, every improvement, drive-

eey. ronventent Lavka wanna depot, bua. trolley. $9,999 Moore. 301 8eventh eve., Humbojdt 3310.WERQI’AHIC PARK. Goldynith e v e —New

: - femtly dwelling in e restricted district ; Unusual type; flrat end second floor* have extra large living rooms with flreplsreo. paneled dining rooms. Ambassador baths with tllsd sides end floors etc ; 2 beautiful bed rooms, kitchens and breakfast room s. third floor has e large room; we can highly recommend the house and guilder, price $14,900.

HARRY T STEVENS,471 Central eve.


MILFORD AVE. user Clinton eve.—Ideal for doctor; residence of 19 room*, all Im­

provements; perfect condition; nuking 913.- 999; easy ttn n s if deutred; vacant

A L. BLAND JR..143 Mark** T#l M >rt>t <t>r

BUILDER S OPPORTUNITY.P er sslt, pan of tb* fino#t end a — da-

^ l — Ueie fur ltotsl or large apart- N South Broad a t , near Llnueixr

per tot; If rue ere Interested, wU» m flBSseu as— . Address Owndr.

iM i m i f i nlow* sfflcs.a p a r t m e n t b n a p .

. T a s M i F i f i s s r a s ^ a


*m 4 M Auto •»»- l i t "b r o a d *BT.

I M M I I M : I

s m "ASM., itM ortot WM-

• m 1 f i r m

M R o> Mote m bW*m : * « ( IM M * *

te* of two Monourtco low

— DROB m. M ill m i J E - . 3 i a a kat. ■ „ . tl< MSfBW .1 U B B 8 8 8 XT m m S E S w o tit M t iM lA II W f * W * I *—.•W to t ho 7 WOO

£ w * i t . , (K :m « A B a r-S t W , Wotto.

■MOl te r oolek

’J 1 mains jMMMPEMI 34 m

STUYVE8ANT AVE . near South Orange avo.—Eighteen rooms, three baths; perchee; screen*; electric, steam heaters, rooms for driveway; $14.090.

SOUTH TWELFTH 8 T . near South O r­ange av e—Seventeen rooms, throe bathe, ■team; electric; front and rear perchea, pri e r 'g h t; convenient termsE E. BOND 4 CO. INC.. 193 MARKET 8T.M 'TLEY— II.OIO cash buy# 7-room house,

possession April I. ,CLINTON 1111, L — Two-family house, 19

oome, all improvements, price 919.909 IRVINGTON — $2.99* buy# two-family

house; nil Improvement*.9$.9*9 BUTS 4-roont house, term# erranged. IRVINGTON —One-familj . ail Improve­

ments. immediate possession.HENRY J. DA SSI NO A CO.

194 Market at. _______Tel Market 0$19CLINTON HILL

ONE-FAMILY.HEDDEN TER. AT CIJNTON AVB Splendidly constructed house. 10 lnrge

rooms and bath, sun porch; let 90xtl(: g a r­age on pram tees; ell modern improvements; price moderate.

FE18T 4 FEIST.73$ B ro a d at. M ark e t 4944-

Modern two-family. 99MILFORD AVB.- — M M „ . . . . rooms, income 91.929; price 911,999.


A truly beautiful home; every Improve-. .. . . - .X . . — I s . . . , ■ hk A* MVment; tiled bath, extrh lavatery . hot water Jieat; electricity; hardwood floor*; tot 47x *00; near Bouevtu« Station and trolley; letua take you to « • It- ____FEIST 4 FEIST.

73$ Bread at. Market l i f t .PRICE $1$.9ei-

Splendidly built eix-room reeidence. with breakfast room and large open attic ; Ideal location in Tuxedo Park; workmanship and general finish of the boot: tract office, cor­ner South Orange nve. and Stanley rd . open every day. including Sunday.CROWLEY-O'BRIEN COMPANY.

Raooa building. Newark.EOW PRICE, brand new one-famlly; open

far Inspection; r«PJCf**hUtive on premleee SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 3 TO f P. M. I I North Tenth at., nedr Third nwe.; 7 rooms, eun parlor, open perch, atl modern, lnrge plot; aloe six-room bouse for 99.999. terms arranged.


TASTEFUL little homes of modern design new under construction; excellent loca­

tion In Vailabnrgh section: may be pur­chased for $9,004 each with nominal caah payment, balance like rent; aix room*, living room, dining room, gaa kltchm. 3 bed room*, tile bath; large attia: oak floors; fireplace; apace tor garage. Or ben. realtor. 91* Bread at.; phone Marital 41*3.FOREST HI Lie—New houpe. seven raoma; a^i

ntodern lmprovementa: eun parlor; Tf7 Parker st; also tots on Montclair are . In ­quire 211 Muntclglr uv#.. city.__VAILSBURGH. Ivy xt.. 3*. off Sand ford are.

—New 1-faintly house; all modern im­provements. lot 3799x109; room for garage; pries 91.3d*. Tel. Mulberry 9*3*.__________WBEQITAHIC—Residence. 3 room# and

bath; up-to-date; fin* location; overlook­ing park; bargain, 914.994. Address Re- etrtetady Bax 193, Newt office.SECOND AVE—Buy tT real seven-room

home for $7,990. in a good neighborhood. KBAEMER. 77* BROAD 8T.

See Mr. Barry.TWO-FAMILT. IS room*; all Improvement#;

three garages Inquire *94 South Seven­teenth et. or T29 South Eighteenth at.; eec- ond Doors; very raanonahle.BBAUTlFUlL five-room bungalow' three

extra room# available; all Improvement#; screens; lot 43x1*9; 9*.9*«. Full!. 1*3* Maple a re .. Hlltotda, X. JNBAk SOUTH ORANOE AVE. and Sprtnc-

fletd ave.—Three-family. 14 roomu. hath, wash tube; 2-family house tn rear. 919.99*. SypaUwaki. 99 Beacon et.ROSEVILLE—9 rooms; perfect cohdlttm

hot o tr; convenient to 3 car lines; ftrf.-claw neighborhood. B. B. 9391. Add row M., Box 17*. New* officeTyItO-F AM tLY, fouth Orange a v s ; ' 13

room s separate steam ; good huotnoofl propor ty; price 919,199. .Andrew Eiierman. 799 Booth Nlnoteewth atFOREST HILL—Ono-famlty, six roomo; tilo

M ttki'iM M k % m t . \ - - - — — AAd » n l i p ; n 4 a t w | i n | i ; » r l« IM M .S g S S l M ntA M.AOBBVXLLK—Ili-tem U y; IIlMBM c»o« -

______ mmO BlteitrlB M flH* **----I ta a n and oloetrta on first /to o r; osool* -------------- “t, JL, Braun, ontoM cSU titom APSto owndr* — — . —

w i i n o f ; nu npn tn . . ... -wtoE^UAHIC. I l l Lohlgh avo.—Two-fam-

S T S fwonw; nan goHort; nil Improve-W ' - —----- - I l i le a . M -------- Tm.11* xx laanaa, #*■ ■■* w- -m m U : 4 rt* tw tr : H u H i m M M « Ia> — ( M M WMF.

m S S S T b w a f t t e a * " * : « * f : i« r* i* ;

w a m m * 4 m 'm m *****ar mdho- M o s t ftnlB owner, p c e n n i v B aaT S B . .. j ?.t .. .. _ L ,

m k I kIm ;t w b l v b -b o o ii 'i r tO i w r n fa d a a i id income: n fo r anatkot; with fwrni- k i te tM k w h , ( n 1H.

BjffiBgw | foW sm s1 n r *S S M C T m T i h » •

WiMwTM* FVun n*j

I S i i i i ' i i i W W i i i f

> M I A I L - 4 3 T T


ACTUALLY LOW PR1CBR Onw at Ik* fixaet coamrwetod 7 ream kemaa ta thle dlotrtot ta •/fa red at 919.999; g rw t living r a t a , every real ceuvwleaco. real ream *. aaap for seme oaa.

I F O D W iT AVB., J6-JT-I*—TKia. Th a M a i l t : IM 4 w e k : vUI a*U 1,1 aaA 6 * . :

A w kw haoR f l W arren ok. Mow York.

Year el* l-raem home; llvtng room . flrcplac*. etc., parquet flewraThroughout; 2-car gai

outlook: 111.Me.r»gu. beaut i-

ever 19.000than coot.

Sacrifice; very boot location: 7 raam i, «un raetn. large a ttraa tjva living room paach el a flruplnca. pairqutt fleer* throughout. steam, • ta . . fine I cor garage, ill for 919.- POO, act law. must be sold.rnlonlol; 9 reams, 9 baths, ex tra rtrat floor lavatary. largo living m i : aua room; attractive fire p.oem . every liuprovemcat. 2-car garage. III.Me

BERTRAM A. HAM Tha rureal HUI Man

493 Brea* it. Humbeldt 9214.

C O R N E R preparty; •-fondly; With *80*0;aaJaaa at praeani Mm a , on Fifteenth and

M orria ave* , prk« 111.91*.S IR - FA MILT house on Littleton I

ia e o n aad 4 bath* price $1 JAM-SEX-FA MILT houao South Tenth at

re ow e and bath, price $19,199.T H R E E -F A MILT house. Hunterdon

h e a t on Drat floor, price $19,900.

. M

. M

g t- ;

TKRKE-FAMILT house; Ninth ave, O range . 17 room*, price $11,900.


T H R E E -F A M IL Y hnoaa; !$1 S o u th O ro n g O n v a . . b rick , w 1th itora, price $24.#99. e a s y

Do net hasitats ta **e th a HILL REALTY TO .

t i l Fifteenth ave.

W tE Q l'A H l* SECTION—One-family house.* rooms, tiled bath, open firaplaea. h a rd

«r*nd floors. eienrir lights, steam has tore, e tc . . 19.000 W T Jennings. Lyons avn.. a t M organ at.W BEQUAHIC SECTION—One-family house;

a ream s; large porch, steam heater; m a d ­a m In every way; l-cer *dr*#*; 911.9*9. W . T. Jennings, Lyons ave.. at Bergen #1.W EEQUAHIC ggCTlON—Two-family house.

11 rooms. I tiled baths; breakfast room s, hard w o o d floor*, electric lights, otoem h a s t era ate . a* rest paved; apace for g a ­r a g e ; |l*.J04. W T. Jennings Lyons ave.. a t Morgen at.W E E Q U A H IC SECTION—Tw o-fam ily house;

11 ro o m s . J baths, open firep laces, electrici i rooms. # N iu , i>■ - k1*- —■l ig h ts at earn heaters, hardwood floors, 918.999. **• * ....... — *------I HM orgen a1

Jcnatngs. Lytma a v e , a t





RENNER AVETwo-fam ily, wtth all Improvement#; room

fo r g a rag e , will ##U vary reasonable If aold th is month.CKONHtom. 1M MARKET ST.

Coma ln and talk (t over._____ ____V I ' 'IN IT V Hallar parhvsy and Mt. P ro s ­

pect eve.—Hlgh-claa# two-faintly. contain- !ng 13 room# open flreplncte. rheatnut tr im , o n e -p an el doors, handsome ftitureo and doco r a t i o n s , price $11,000 Ororge F H ---------<’o 21* M arket at . 1040 Mark#!___

S T O P . LO O K AND THINK!—In th e h e a r t # f t b e W ecquahlc section, l-fam lly h o u a a , I

ro < -m « ; a ll lwproveniant,‘. double g a r a g e ; o n e c h a n c e out of a hundred. A p p ly a tb a k e r y . 1 018 Bergen a t . ______________K O S E V II J -K . North Ninth a t . b e tw een l ^ r h

a v e . a n d Fourth ave.—Very n a a t 7 - ro o m d w e l l i n g with steam beat a n d e l e c t r i c l i g h t s , a s k in g $7,300 a real good buy. S t e - v e n a , ^7* Central a re ., open M onday a n d — . in e n d s y evening*W EKQUAHIC iBCfiON—Two-family; n ear

Lyon* eve. and Bergen at.; 11 rooms 1 aun p a rlo rs . modern tn every way; lot Bix 149; driveway, price $14.904; m ortgage 99.049. oocond mortgage taken. S tev#na ♦ 7* C entra l ave.M uI.k.K.N on.-l.mtly. *«v«i iMm. and t e t b :

■ team bekmad calling; paneled side w a u s , one panel deer#. Mreaae; "term room fo r dHva; only (M f* . ^ W illiam s. 77! Broad at.. Rdal Estate D ept . H Beach. MgrSOUTH SEVENTEENTH IT —Three-fam ily.

17 roomo. bath, electricity, 911.344; 9 -fam ­ily . 8 rooms, driveway, $9,700; Clinton H ill, i - f a m ily all Improvement* except .h e a t ; d r iv ew ay . $1,600 Oco. Beliak. 444 iBouthS even teen th et. _ .R O dE V lL L E —Two-fam ly. 19 rooms all Im -

provem enta except electric: nice little f la tproveinem e cxcnpion th ird floor, rant $140 ihbhthly; n ear d ep o t and Ofanga at ; asking ftU .fH . ‘ a ll is * F o u rth ot., p. B. 9141. ar Go leer ▲ Ca., 77* B road utF O R E S T HILL—The cream of locations. 1

---j . . . . . . . I . . —♦*V M tr * l^ d d e i"room .’ .n d ,un P»rlor with »»«rr m *d irn im provem ent, lot 70x100. an ideal b rick h o m e ; c»n be bought at a bargain. Con- wuit B. B. 9314, ar J Claronca Carr. F lre - m ew’e b ld f• »««»#• — . . — ROB E V IL L 1—Three-lam’ly. with drlvaw ay.

v ic in ity of Orange and Fourth eta . a il I tr p rove men ta. except heat, 17 bright an d c h e e rfu l roema; price I14.JM. Call 1»* F o u r th st.. B. B. 9I4I. or Oalaar * Ca.. 77* B re a d #t

CLINTON HILL V A X NBBB P L —Nine-room reeidenee, onImMPAVdvnAnt *Xti ^ B,nn ivw™ iww.wwmww. —

p lo t *9x100; avrry modern Improvement ex o el lent condition; price $1B,I0*. CROW' - ^__ _ . . n n • v* .■rtUDlVV oaaiex ce llen t eenaiuon,L E T -O B R IIN COMPANY. ESSEX BLDG , N ew arki r a . _________ -

" r o ln e tT HII.L—fwO-rAXILTK U R t a I tS I l.ly— I M w-» M tel 6 i .t .H ere in a dandy modern grepoaition, tn

p in k o f condition: two-car garage; on 69-fo # t p lo t; only 919.509.

A Jj DECKER 803 ESSEX BL D G ___H a 4 1 ;T l ROOMS and balk; steam and all a n d concrete garages, on Washington a v e ­nue f r o n t ; price $14,000. or will asperate. K R A E M E R . 77$ Broad at.; aee Mr. Hoppar.

m o d e rn up-to-date improvements: 4 m etal■ *• -c — —" -—7-----; -■h K a re bwtlding ten attractive two-fam ily.

t waive-room housea: fins section city, an d s a il in g a t extremely attractive prices an d to rm k For details sea Harrison R Van D u rn e . 91* Kinney bldg ; Mulberry 9*7* -----------R IP E rOR DCVtLOPMCNTR i r n run

P R IN C E BT.—Plat 150x100. With buildlnga; fo rm er ly used aa coal yard aad supplies;-- -----— 6._ >nM til l>lMt Ultl*m u# t ha aold to close estate.

K R A E M E R . 77$ Broad at ; tea Mr BarryMONEY TO LOAN .

O s F lrat. Second and Third Mortgagee. Also Construction Loans.

« J . D. 0AMUEL8ON. INC..71 M arked at. OPP. Court H euff.MT PROSPECT AVE.—Two-family houaa,

I I loam a; newly painted and dacoratod. a l l improvementsexaept heat; will sacrifice fo r q u ick Mie. Apply 0#n*r. 37 L inden awo., EMIovill*. N. J .; phone 9*19 EdltovHt*. rMVMBTMEJFt PROPERTY, HIL^BIDB PI*

F ive-fam ily house: good renting aeigh - b e rh e o d ; win mil cheap.C^RONHRIM. 199 MARKET FT.

Com* in and Taih It Over.i*W t5-rAM IT.T frame of I and • rodme an d

b a th on Drat floor and aocend floor a a d th r e e room# on third floor; steam, gee an d • lo e tr ie f ty : lot 90x199; price 914.999; 98.99* caah . M. Karam A Sons, reaitora, $4*1 Orange.R O SE V IL L E , near station and trultoy—

T w o-fam ily . 1$ rooms, bathe asperate on- t ra n e e * ; steam, electric; 2-garage#; 919,999 p r iv a te mortgage; price 114.994. Bole agon t. J A rn o y . 9* R*a*vllle ava.; B B. 4*94. A T T A C H E D brick. ! reams, reception k a il.

• If improvements, near trolley, sta tion . w M f l c . I1.w« (« ■ ,; . j-temllr. t ran .w . I4 .6W , raortfiM II.M6; to ttm Mmmm. c h — R. I t llnw lll. t r a : >. *K6r d t » - 9 i i k O . T > w » i » W rati* n , ; m

m t M i l »HM IMM; raw »—* - H . D w m o tr . owolf, M l Wlltfaowner, i u Wllllum «t.. C u t O r a t e ! : t * O nnit nw . n n r n I I I , MT S 2 t S r a . R .wii-V: S i MB CfrtW*. .

i w u m i»t r i e : u U U e e t n g H K wSSh w tn o— *r hlgh-^ t d* H4M E ^ ^iM awwiatnawu. Ftowi Wayorty fUT.

p H h w rT w e - f .m ltr T m jir n m ra t . ; let l l » M :

r a u u t e e t t« tw to »n« »Mft. CRONHHIM, IN 161X 17 i t .

C u e It M i te ll lT w e .At l T O MO H . ! r a t e t t iweete’ t e e ------. H U I M W ft C g u r. ,& £ • •» e tre e ta : —p atteeMr a r i matltee. t . » M

t a ( ^ ^ l i |««IU>a»g W * —Mi «M lra e f f e r TM D ejteXefc. ltewtte.

H oc*#.A U »a»»ra*M tett : S w M t e p t e M ;

______ ______ U ltra ; r a t i M «U r t a n . Piww.XMW lW>..----------- i ^ a a w in g f &iin a i f ; 1" .... . 1

c u t u t ; M M f W i ( r u r a l , mp J S S S i B r a I . B u t «*»•» ra » ? * tiS u t r t r a i tawlnita e n i n : U i e t C - if...... - 6. a T t i f

m e p t a t i p o t t A U - q r r m a l e s t a t i r o t S A i x - a n

H O lfC e t H We. u t fra. I n t i ; : v ttl

W 2 F * .

g x _ __________. . . « n u ttnUfMTwftt.it u i :v t i t . y a n .

; g g g a . ;g M ,j # j j g **■•**■


WT. rLSAIAKT A t C - C ra It p l l t M ate .11 ra n ra : Ita I r a l l t ; t r a t In e tle e »•»

furnish ad ra sa houaa or private hospital, price 914.999.

Whta laeklng fur «afa and hattar than 14% la vest roan te upon your capital laaotad. N will pay yoa t* lavaatigeta tho following opportual- tiae Tha aUMIHy ef Newark a real aetata is widely known and ne hattar proof need be offered than tha many hundred out-of-town buyer* wno aeek th is market fo r an investment e f their funds

HILLSIDE—Modern eaa- family house; • roam*, all improvements. driveway; price

919.990ELEGANT one-family house. 7 raame aad

hath, parch inclosed ta glam; h eat, par­quet fleer*. etc., let 37x114. l-car garage, price 11.799.

Vi the resident is! section ef East Orange, plot 199x179. wtth four etary brick apartmeat houaa 99x91. containing 27 high-clam apart manta with eveep modern and up to date improvement, practice Hr new, the last word In detail to r comfort and >usury, routing tor over about 934.999 per annum .

rrtce asked 9199.949, mortgaged for 191.449.

NEAR CLINTON AVE-One-famlly. 4 roema and bath, all improvement*; garage; tot

33x137. price $13,199.

la Xswerkt reoldoaual aoetlea; plat 117x11, wtth four-story brick aad atone apartmeat house; 9* apartments, every conceivable and up-to-date improvement, ranting tor abeut 944.499. always leased up. pries asked 1:44.009, mortgaged for 9199,999.

la Newark's, midst; 4-story brick end atone modern apartment*. 19 apartment*, leased for $84.too price asked 9344.99*. mortgaged fur $174,990

That# apiaadld Ixcam* praperttas we can recommend ta any censerva live investor who wants at least 19% or better upex hie invested capital

KRAEMER. 774 BROAD RT Investment and exchange dept . see Mr






MUST SELL IN TEN DATE.One-family house. 7 roema. alec trie aad

h9#t; tot 99x199, two-car garage; imme­diate possession, open for inspect ion Sunday afternoon, between I and 3 o’clock. 17 West End ave.. Vaileburgh, ne agents

•ix-families, five of tliam, from 911.994 to 991.440.

, ANDREW ELLERMAN.744 South Nineteenth ot.

4.400BEAUTIFUL homes In Forest Till.

I-ro o m house ............................$14.0-room house ............................| I 1.0907 room house ................. . ..flO .tQ O7-room house ........................... $11,900

Well located new two-family housesI t rooms .............................(14,90013 rooms .............................111.00013 room s ....................................$14,000

HARRISON R. VAN DUYNE.314 Kinney bldg.; phene Mulberry 4474

fWSTFAMILT house, 14 rooms, tot 41x1*4.All Improvement*. $15,599; one family

heu#e. let 41x199, 4 rooms, aun parlor. Keer nva. near Elisabeth ave.. 91*,494; one-fem ­u r house*. 4 rooms, $4,399 to $1,000, Iota on# and two family houses.

CM AS. WOLF.Elisabeth and GruuirAah ave.

JEWISH OR ITALIAN DOCTORar dentist; nine rooms; large one-famlly, I Vi etorlae, 60x100 plot; all Improvements. 8-ear garage, near Springfield ava.. reneon able Phone Market 3949 before 12 Monday

91 004 TO $1,190 CASH.bala n c e l ik e r e n t .

Roseville—One-famlly, brick and stone. 4 t Gould ave . nine rooms; all improve­m ents. poaeeaetoa April 1, price $7,400CL IF FORD E SHIPMAN $03 ESSEX BLDG. ROSEVILLE—TWO-FA MILT, ROOMS

Separate entrance* and steam healers; vi­cinity ef Park are. and North Eleventh et . must be told 'h is month, this t* a bar

Jraln, bring a deposit and we will sell it or 119,000, no dickering; step out and grab th'.a bargain. Call IBS Fourth e t . B. B. (941, nr Geiaer A Co., 77* Broad at.

WEST ST.. 1*. 13. 17—A few hundred last from Springfield ave.; lot <2x100. fram e

tenements, with four atoreo; all in good repair; alteration would afford great pos­sibilities . rental Income and price will su r­prise you. Owner. J. M. Manta, 903 Ea*exbldg.; toL Market 4911_________________ gjNORTH NEWARK—Fine neighborhood. 13

minute* tubas; home and Income, 9 rooms; electric, steam, gaa, tube, ranges, wator on ttoreo floors; upper Doors rented furnished. $7* month; ioiuet price $4,799 for Quick sale; big bargain. Address Owner. Bex 143. News office.FOREST HILL, Highland are -T h is prep

e rty must be sold; electric lights, eteam h e a t ; hardwood floors; complete screen and awning equipment; gatage room, final price 919.040; we will help you finance this lurchsoe; personal call only. Stevens. 479 ’an tra l ave. Open Monday and Wednesday

evenings ~EMERSON PL. near Weequabic P a rk —

One-family dwelling. 4 room*; all modern l in p iL .owner will sacrifice for 94,390. $1,390 cash; paeaeaaion immediately; can be seen any time Sunday. For further particulars call K!!tabeth«3!72J or 213 Weetfield ava.. Elisabeth.

ROStVII.Lt-TWO-FAMILT Splendid and convenient location. North

F ifth ot , noar Orange at.; 14 rooms, sep­a ra te steam Heaters, entrances and electric; four nice rooms on third floor, (th is is abargain) asking (12.299. Call IIS Fourth •t.. B. B. 1941, or Oeiber A Co . 774 Broad otfH C IDKAL HOME—Brans' k w 1-famllr

dwelling; 7 rooms, so lari din. open porch, tiled hath room, built-in bath; up-to-the-m inute in every detail; real open flrapia

.................. hb * -----apacloua roema; exclusive neighborhood; lot 61x1*9. price $13,300; small amount of a oh. Apply YQI Union bldg.. Newark

r o u e v i l L e Av e . b a h q a l n — rraT- dence for $18,900. beautiful br.ck and

fram e heuee; 19 room*. 2 (lied bathe; h a rd ­wood finish, parquet floors, excellent con d lttoa; built by owner. /

W. P MACKSEY 4 CO.307 Market et.

TWO-FAMILY BRICK.Belmont ave.’a beat section; convenient to

troltoy and Mu; six roams, first; moron roomo, ascend; all modern lmprovementa. pries and terms right.

CRONHBIM. 199 MARKET BT.Cams tn and talk It ever.

THREE-FAMILY, vicinity ef Springfield ave. and Twentieth at.; t l rooms; all ira-

r rove manta hut hast aad electric; asking 14,394

FUNKB 4 HEWITT. REALTORS.3* Magnolia ft.* Terrace 94*1.

Open iunday tnacnlngaFOR A HOME OR IKYBiTMENT

buy this two-family house, located near Cheater and Washington avea.; 11 rooms, t hatha; all hapfovoments; lat !7%x!*0, price $14,144.

A. H. BOR MANN,1* Whatman a v ._________Bigelow 1138.

f l l S B m ! SECTION—Two-f,ralIy. 16roomo. Including nun parlot; all latest

1thImprovement a with two-car garage; asking $17,494. make offer.

FUNKB 4 HEWITT. REALTORS.19 Magnolia at. Terrace 94*1

Open Wunday morntiga.LET mo show you how you can roduea your

rant from 91* per month ta $9*,>and own your btgh-ctaaa, two-family house with only92.009 cash and ba secure that you can keen it; houaa In good condition and has allmodem Improvements. Add rein G. XX. Box 138. Nows office. ___9*98 CASH—South Sixth s t_ /tg h t a t June-

and w arren ot.tiqn of Ooatrtl xva _____4-room dwelling with bath, hot aad cold wacar; raage* aad Baltimore has tor. one houaa loft; prtee 14,118- Steven*. 478 Cen­tra l a v a ; open Monday aad Wednesday oy— ta g a

VAILBBUBOK SECTION—Twe-fhially, Saadtord ere.) 11 roema open attia

18 C M B W .W .__ _ __ Ttarara

___ 1 O f CUNToS^HILL;t teraBy. t e n teteh m m r tm -in v ir a r a t i M M . ( tw a , M « M M m : b ra «rara f w km * ra w tr a n w te r : m l7 i-------------- — —A t r a c e r —cra ram r «4i».j S B B t t f M c n u r a i t a J N r n r a A ra W i b b i k i i f n r a i i c r a c * . r a w s

. ‘ Solo Agaata.987 Market g t

1" ONE-FAMILY s n a p . ; BMW I p ra«T m ^rw m b ra * , with

brat. (iMtrtcltv; grab i a n -W B T * FEI8T.

i f t ■ ■ c rab ra e r a .K ja in ft Btj_MraE’ i6rat «ral R r a i r a i c —c ra b fjBraT ra ra (m ute, ara iittiira ra i t

, j m 3 w (M* N i M i W 'W b k r a t e rau - IW88 Msi ra fUr b»II*. ( m bob (W M rteltr: n S r a t t b i w t r a w f i i .n i . o w n w.

m C ra b t « t; 880 C rab

(1LM 8— TKRIb.FAMILY. TC1CTBCMTC M OLD ( T t l f t —

t baths. 99.888 cash required. 918.988—Five-family; ESSEX ST.. 21 rr

t hatha: 91.889 cash required. 911.809—Two-family. PLANE 8T noar Caa-

batks. allral ave . 19 raaaw. lmprovementa

911.988—Three-famUy. RUNYON ST . near Seymour ava.; 13 ruanw 8 hatha

989.888—Twa 7-family brick housea; all insprove meats, 91*.**# rental

98.888—Twa 3-famliy or tek heuee*.rooms each) TILL I NO HAST ST

973,808— Tweaty-famliy apartm eat. Hahns * department stare

SOUTH ORANGE AVK—In bualaeaa canter 3-etery buiidtag; stare with 4 rooms aad

belli on first floor; 4 room* and bath on second floor. 4 rooms and bath on th ird j Door, aeperaie beaters, electricity, can b« ( bought a t a bargain.

BUB INCSS cantor; 7 stores, plot 1 S3 toot front; all ranted on eld leases, which ex­

pire eoon, at a bargain.


144 Broad at.Room 1

14 III 44Bxrelleat ene-family. Forest Milt

section 7 room*, all Improvement#, steam heat, plot 25x140, good loca­tion

97.744 84Fine ana-family. Raoavllla aee

tion. 7 room*, atl improvsmonte. at earn hast, plat *9x144. excellent condition.

$7,144 44O n e -fam lly ; Clinton H ill eectton

u n u s u a l value; I roem a. a tl lm r 'o v e m a n te , s team lia a i. 2 -car g a r - • g * . big l e t

914,989 8*Two-family. Weequahle section

l rooms 3 bathe; steam heat, all 'oprovemanta, new bouse, corner

ANDREWS-CO!.T COMPANY 44 Ciiaten at. Phone Market 4114



HAINES A MAIN. INC.Tel Bigelow 1497. 114 Clinton pi.


MR BUYER—Take the toad aff your •boulders, why make the ether fallow

rlo h 7 Why pay rent? nay it on your own home. 1. 2. 3 family nousea or anything you desire, salesmen at your service, we save you money, no obligation to you. Open eveningsMORRIS REALTY. REGULAR BROKER.

143 Main at , East Orange; Orange *8*4.NIght phene Orange 8371

ROSEVILLE- Two families. North N inth a t . a t Park ave; new houses; the beat

built bouses in this section; they can not bo duplicated at our price. |, * and t rooms, large eun parlors, every room blight and cbeorfu l; built-la tile hath*. % inch p a r­quet floors, beautiful electric fixtures: throe- car brick garage, must be seen ta be a p ­preciated. Call 141 Fourth at., B. B 994!,or lieieer A Co. 774 Broad i t .____________

W A IA T T ST . NEAR BROAD Three-story brown atone, 14 rooms and

bath, all Improvements; Ideal location for DOCTOR. DKjgnST or LADIES’ TEA ROOM, this i* only on* ef a few desirable houses to be obtained in thin central loco- t .on . price and terms will be made sa tis ­factory. Further particular* consult

J CLARENCE CARR.___ Firm an’* building



Te! Bigelow 1437. 1 14 Clinton pi.OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL I 05


This house can not be built today for what you pay for entire property, including large lot and 2-<ar garage; think of it: only 91R.900, every Improvement, hardwood trim and floor*, on* block to trolley; this Is a real opportunity. Investigate•

FEIST A FEIST,734 Broad at Market *444

M S T Y O IT R P R O P E R T Y ^ W I T H T H E B R O K E R S

W H O A D V E R T I S E H A I N E S k M A I N , I N C ,



Two 4-story brick bulidinge. II families each let 44x100, 3-room flats rented a t $11-919 each; gaa, water, wash tuba, lav a ­tories Inside: excellent condition throughout, no bonus or search fees; $10,090 cash for both.

FEIHT A FEIST731 Broad e t__ Market 4494.£ ' CLEAN 10% INVESTMENT.Hlgh-claaa apartment bouse; 4-story brl>-k

and stone construction; plot 60x140, eight 7-room apartments; Janitor's apartment in basement; price $41,440, caah neceeeery 92* 499.

If you are looking for a yearly incein* of 92 60®. this ta your opportunity.KRAEMER. 774 Broad at Ha# Mr Barry.

"FOREST HILL. %New house*.Seven rooms and hath.Nina rooms and bath.Ten rooms and two bathsTea rooms, I bath*, on convenient term*.

R. ARTHUR HELLER.Phona 1152 91 ul. 790 Broad at . Newark.

High ClA. Two-Family Home*. VILLE .....................................ROREVILLE SECTION—40x190 18 rooms;

every up-to-date Improvement. >oar g a r­age nothing to equal it in neighborhood. H ILIdllDE PLACE— Uxl29| 14 room*; brick

garage for I cars, every improvement. KRAEMER. 774 Broad at.

__________6e* Mr press.NORTH END—4-FAMILT HOUSE.

17 ROOMS. 2 BATHS.2 separate a team beaters, electricity;Improvement*; ail rented to good tenet its.

in - : Ilia.

showing handsome return* on money vestm ent; tit will papay you to aak about t

i FEIST A FEIST.73* B reid * t ._____ Marget 8449.

STORES AND FLATS.Centrally located; 29x194; flrat floor,

store and 4 rooms, second. 4 rooms and b a th ; third. 2 rooms and bath, ail improva- raents; prjee 919.090, make offer

CHARLTON HT—23x104. 4-story; at ores and fla ts: cold wrter. pnr« $7,000. KRAEMER, 774 Broad at., see Mr. Press

PRICE $7,441.Upper V*4l*burgh, six-room residence;

ateahii. electricity; ail improvements, im­m ediate poaeeaetoa.

““IOW-----------CROWLEY-O'BRIEN COMPANY.Essex bldg Newark or branch office cor.

South Orange ave. and IVtanicy rd . TUXEDO PARK.

DANDY 3-famlly house in Clinton Hill sec­tion. with lot 98x109. 93,444 caeh, balance

terms.TH REE FAMILY house, in Hit! section;

must be sold before April 1; price $8,990, 8e« Harr!* 142 Market at.; phona Market1*14; evenlage Waroriy 449*._

TrtClCQl-AHlf PARK.One-famlly. nqpr Elisabeth evq.; modern

homo. 8 rooms bath, aun porch, parquet floors; opan fireplace, whit# kitchen, with gaa; garage and driveway room, out ef town owner will sacrifice.

FEIST A FEIST.73S Broad a t____________ Market 1999

FOREST HILL.▲bgglBta ■aerifies In beautiful heme; 9 rooms gad bath; all modern iawrm a aaMi choicest location In this residential seotion; tha %wt|*r of this hem* must vacate by May 1. m ake ua ab offer.

FEIST S FEIST,73 | BruaA Street.___________ Market 4**8.SOUTH ORANGE AVE. h*tw*8a Bergen

aad Norfolk eta.—Three-otery buiidtag;f irs t floor, i ta r t aaA ream; amend flaar, I room*; th ird floor, * raaaw; t uto bath*and atoetrtet vary goad M M lttm ; ownerleaving city; asking 919,489; small amount cash needed; act quick. Servian Resit;S Warn Park * t; phaoa Mltohwl 9237,

ROSEVILLE—1-FAMILY.Lat 88x189; 9 roema; steam and electric;

ask ing $9,888. Call 199 Fourth at., B. B. 1941. o r Geiaer A Ca, 77* Broad *t.FIRST floor vacaut; two-family; separate

'j LtP lin­en trances; driveway; 19 rooms: im­provements, moving out town; 911,799. A A droea 1 F., Box III, News office.EIGHT-ROOM, modern heme; Bldg# »t..

noar Ablngtou av#.; l-car gantga; its a dandy; only $19,999. B. B. 923*. or J . Claronco Carr. Flrowsa’a hidg. ROHBVILLE—Leaving town, must eaertfico;

good-paying «-fafc»y; all iraprevemente; two mlautanjD.. L A W . Station. Addrnun T. U , Box 1*1, Mown office,BOu Vh BELMONT AVK.—nrM -tem H r. IT

rooms; electrle, steam heat first floor; lot 39x139; 912.69*. F. Sypniewtki. 4$ B a u m mt

J D. BAMUBLAON. INC..21 Market tt v epp Court House.

Tel IfEehell 2198Open Tuan aad Thule BB9U •J*Sunday between H A M and 3 r M rA R K ER HT —Two-Afnlly. 12 room#, all

improvemcxta but neat and electric. IT 389 \

mndt 94 !RR1CK. two-faratly haw 1.299BLOOMFIELD AVE —Throe etetwe. garage,

two family, roema 9 and *. 922 009.Bt-OOMFIBLD AVE.— Store with two

rooms in rear; 4 room* on second flooi ; 97.189.FOURTH AVE.—Ona-famlly. * room#: atl

improvements, with parquet floors. $7,990SI MMER AVB—Three-family aad tour g a ­


*9 Bloomfield ave._____


EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY.New one-family * room house

with perch full width ef heuee. ail latest lmprovementa par quet Doors, etc : room tor drive way. 40 feet front, can be seen anytime at 39 Richelieu pi . or call Branch Brook 9*97.


INVBBTOR OR BUILDER- My fin# 4-#tory brick and brawn #toae

house, located within 9 minute* of the Four Coraara; 13 large room#; steam, gaa. electricity; with 4-car cement garage: on plot 49 feat wide and running through to next street; rare opportunity tor remodeling«r rebuilding into hlgh-olaes apartm ent hous*. present Income 91,4*9. will sell at#•• rlfice price to prompt nurcheser. Address Owner. Bex 314, Olen Ridge. W. J.H IL L section: two-family, eight rooms; three

lots aad barn far eight horses: good chnneo for contractor, price $9,999. X3u#nth#r, 72 Devine st.VAILSBURGH—Twa-fomily. I I room#.

separate entrance*, staam and aiaetrlclty. pri''# 911,399. Ouenthtr. 72 Davtna at . call Sunday; t*l. Mitchell 1*91.

SPEEDWAY AVE—On#-fhmlly, T reams.b a th , range: price $9,199, If said a t sacs.

Guenther. 72 Devine et

BBBT BLOCK ON ORANOB BT.Six stores and 18 families; a

■peculator’s buy. all #hert term leases and low rents; ineoms 914,989 yearly; 9129.909 ashing, with beat terms. List 444.

HAINES A HAIN, INC.T s t Bigelow 2417, 114 Clinton pi




HAINES A HAIN. INC-.Tel. Bigelow 3437. 114 Clinton pi.


SEYMOUR AVB.—Two-family: •. • *rooms, all modern Improvements; rosm

for drive; 914,900.CLINTON HILL—Twa-fsmlly. et inched. 8

rooms esch; parquet Doers; tot 91x134: 99.994 B. A L.; owner will take second m ortgage, little caeh necessary; 819,188.

NEW I family; *. 7. 7 roema; all m sderq Improvement*, 3-car brick garage; lot

39x119; $24,000. Gee. Duchlnsky, 974 Fra- liwghuyaen ave, residence Orange 1144. LIVE in on#, rent the ether: duplex house,

3 rooms esch side; every improvement; ex tra 39-foot lot, to b* sold quickly, only 920.990. Meyer A Burbank. 149 M arket st.

UP-TO-DATE, l-fsmily, Clinton B lit cor­ner; 33 rooms; separata heater* Mayor A

Burbank. 134 Market st.EXCHANGE—Have s dandy 14-room house

s t Beimar; owner can net commute, eeU or exchange tor citv heme. Meyer A Bur­bank. 164 Market st

GET WISE TO Y0URSELF.Buy a three-family and let the

o ther fellow pay your ren t, 17 reome; all Irnpta but heat and else trie ; house in'^At condition; $11,000, w ith 32.000 pash. List No. 4343.

HAINES A HAIN. INC..Tol. Bigelow 3427. I l l Clinton pi.

Open evnfngs until • 09.


This will appeal to s business man who knows values and appreciates a safe invest­m ent. four « family building*, on com er lot, 125x100. 4 and J room flat* wtth bath*, no h e a t . electric in halls, pantries, tuba, ga* end w ater, bach perches, entire property m perfect condition; $15,000 ceeh, balance ons tra ig h t mortgage for long term.

FEIST A FEIST.7.14 B ro a 4 et. Market *404

THIS OWNER MUST SELL hts un-to-tbe-mlnute three-family house In a good section. 17 rooms, hie misfortune is your good luck, asking $11,540. List Ne. 284.

HAINES A HAIN, INC.Tel. Bigelow 2437. 114 Cl

Open evenings until

. 30«.INC.Hinton pi.

r \

WEEQUAHIC PARK A real little home to step la te ;

1-family, I rooms; all improve­m ents; $4,400 to a live buyer. List 999.

HAINES A HAIN. INC.Tel Bigelow 3187; 11* Clinton pi.

Opan ovqnlngs until 3.49.

TWO-FAMILY BARGAINS.Now, 12 rooms with sun parlors: double

garage, copper leaders;'parquet floors; host m a te ria l, very good buy at 913,3**.NEW . 11 rooms, with sun parlors, also g a ­rag e . hardwood trim, oak Deers; fine loca­tion in Vaileburgh; only $13,990.

For other good one and two family houaa* get my spring catalogue.

J A. STRAND. REGULAR BROKER, ______ 3*1 Main e t , East Prang*_______

Pi . -stric tly residential section: hollow tile

stucco; Spanish til# reef; all copper gutters and Leaders; full length copper screen* and doors; garage; large let; first floor, 4 room s and nun parlor for prtvat* use, 9 rooms w ith ssparsts entrance for profes­sional ims; second floor. * large hod room*

bath, maid* room with hath andsep ara te stairs; large open attic. Address A. B . Bex J7. News office.__________

WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY.P rivate reeldanee of woll known bust

m an (Weequahle Park section); • rooms; •very modern improvement; parquet Doom,

San kitchen; 2-ear garage; let 99x1*8; muat a aold a t once; price only $14.9**. Bee Mr. G local.

J . D. SAMUELOON, INC., t l M arket »t. opp. Court House,

a ------ ioa 413*.T*l. MltohalWEEQUAHIC PARK—Two-family. 1* rooms,

second Door ranted nt $188 a month, price •18.988. nil improvements, desirable com er, also a gentleman's hams, la sxceitoat con­dition. on, on* of tho flaost i t roe to tn Wee-

?uahic section. It would ho 8 bargain a t 88,888. for nuick solo 419,888: also desir­able one-family house, Roseville, • rooms, steam , electric, $8,888. Ayer*. 948 South

Burnet s t . Beat Orange; phone Orange fi#4.

u k e ' r e n t -I© NEW; READY TO MOVB IN.

Fam nt Hill—On*-family, eight roomo, tw o h a th a nun room; beautifully decorated; cop­per gutter* and loaders, stats roof: room



Impr ovements; 98.988.FOUR-FAMILY brick,

; 919.1aad ntn garages;THRBB One-family he use*; «H |

ment* but steam. 8 room* seek; complete

TWO-FAMILT. 8 room# all laap hut steam and electricity; $8,f<

2%-FAMILY. 12 roema baths; 98.88R,

ONE-FAMILY, f rooms; all ta p tot 19x189; price 47,244.

SIX-FAMILY, oil improvements hot aad eiectrioMy; $12,999.

Cl. INTON HI LL—Two> family, 19.. . W E B --and sun parlors; ns para te keataral tw a garages; $14,989

LEON OOR9KI,The Firm of Satisfied Clients,

*24 8prtaffteld eve.. Newark, N. X Tel. Btgetow 9241

DWKLL1NOH.18th at . near Be. Orange av a—T r

and hath, steam beat, tot *8x188.. H jm *€8 3N a 9th e t . near 4th av e—14-room brick

house ................................................... 7,888Humboldt s t —Bay-windowed brick; staam

heat, to close estate, a s h in g .......... 7,8 'im .Oakland ter

let 44x144oem i - bungalow j

....... »J«N§KBe 14th e t . near Warrea at —8 rooms: -1

bath, hot air heat ........................... M B - ' I*0*1

So. ll»h at., near 8th *ve —8 rogwtfH electric light*. .................................. •.o8ot>

Be. 7th a t . sear 11th a v a —8 ream*; ' ,4A, oe’h. eteam heat, electric lights; ash* 4 '£m g .................................................................. l * f l M

HARRY J. 8T1VEN8,(74 Central

WABH1NOTON BTr - . i —rtr, »4>1H. m u » !.••(. »ri.-.straight mortgage $15,044 can remain.

Other parcels sa Washington nearby, all sixes and prices

I B GLUCKBM AN. INC.8 Clinton et. Tsl. Mitchell 93ft.

ONE-FAMILY; Ciiaten Hill; every Impruvs* m eat, room for drive and garage, owner . _

any# sail tor 94.999; act new.TWO-FAMILY; ordinary improvements; t t v p j

rosm*. 100 foot tot; pries only 98.149.WELL built t-famlly: Weequabic P ark ; I f

room*. every imprevament; pries 9I4.88RFOUR-FAMILY; restricted eastlen; CllaN

•^vement; wonlid today; p rt

Mill; ’ every "meder* imp#vemen11 rest considersble morn to n l933.000.



BIX-FAMILY BPECIALJust listed; excellent residential neettfflfcf-^

2 blocks off Clinton nva; each flat MB m\\f reoma and bath; every ream large, ligh t B84?5*MgS airy : let ta 97x1*9; owner iqust raise moqsg^ Immediately tor bvalneea.

I. B OLUCKBMAN. INC.• Clinton St Tel. Mltoholl 9I7Y.

• FAMILY. 94 rooms, baths; Income VUI, par month; pries 911.5001 ........ ... i f r m Wml FAMILY, i f rooms, baths aad olotfH g ft.ft"-.lot 9*xl**; price 411.440.

S-FAMtLY. IT rooms and baths;Hill; prtco (9.988,

3-FAMILY. 17 rooms nod baths; LtttintoBsve ; pries $1.4*8. ------1 £ -------3-FAMILY. I I rooms and stars; South Slothst.. near Springfield n v a ; price 98.988.,

I-FAMILY, l l rooms and baths; Hollniid oL tpries 99.894

1 FAMILY. 9 room*; driveway; prise |8,i88.^ CHAB. BCHELL.

Til. Blg.low 1IT1. »199 Bruce at . comer Fifteenth nv*.

Open evenings and Sunday. ' #1®?( m

INVEST $11,998in Drst-class property; returns an n a ao a l ' -l net income of mere than 41,988 qftor all M* «f ’ ponses. i r..-


8 Clinton nt. TsL Mltoholl 9271. m %.


HOME "WHAT'S'1 A HOMS.You’ve god to have money te buy

sin; <this bargain; one of the fine et rests on the Hill, new 2% -family, 18 rooms, every improvement; parquet

» shofloors, tiled baths, senan . . .built-in fixtures, til# kitchen; lot

arete i ewena. -J45x190; garage for 2 car*; comer

‘ W to !s«builder to losing money a t ashing price. 922.999. List Ne. *89.

HAINES 8 HAIN, INC.Tel. Bigelow 8887. II* Clinton pL

Open evenings until 9:44.


Select location; Ballaatlne pprk- way section, 9 bright roema and »»ath each; separate steam bout; electricity. fireplaces; slate roof; In ■piendld order; fine largo plot; bar­gain a t 929.M*.

BERTRAM A. HAM.402 Broad su Humboldt 9314.

FAMILY I 114.144

WB HAVB MANY . ______ Ihouses between $1,44* aad $1811

wo'd have to print our own paper to advertise thorn all; we’re open from 4 19 in the morning until 9 a t night and by appointment cm Sun­day. Consult ua

HAINES 8 HAIN. INC.,Tsl. Bigelow 3437. 11* Clinton pi.

Open evening* until 9;99.



HAINES 8 HAIN. INC...W H i? d rT#l Bigelow |#J7. .........| ■

OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 1:99.11* Clinton pi.


A four-family. 20-reem heuee for (19.949. Did yon ever hoar the like? $1,440 cash and you have a homo and income, too. Ask for L!*t No. III.

HAlNEfl 8 HAIN. INC.,Tol. Bigelow 2127. i l l Clinton pi.

Open evening* until #:49.

READY TO GO. Beautiful, now, ons-toiafl?nv-*, un«-i.rafty and

two-family heuee#; Clinton Rill sec­tion , 1128 models, every Imaginable improvement; prices aad terms to suit; s sail brings our man to lath It aver. a

HAINES 8 HAIN, INC..Tel. Bigelow 9897; It* Clinton pt.

Open evenings until 4:49.

FINE BUSINESS CORNER BARGAIN.sixteenth nve., comer Twentieth •*.;■

large store and basement, both oaod to eeU and display good# bouse fur mail­ings. hardware, dry goods; six living apartments, three five-room, two a lt-

► v Jn

room, six bath*, pantries; electrle; |t7 ,« 99*, mortgags|9t*,|#9.


PARKER ST., near Second ave.-—Goad ona«family; 9 rooms, staam; good eenditloa;

bur g in ; . 47,398 Pettit ; Market 8183.ROSEVILLE—Oa*-family. 18 roema; oil

provementa; would make t-fam lly; price 49.988. P. J. Foley, 434 Warron a t ^W A (fO H "A V A ,'H—( t a i t e i '

M i W . ! 4

T c g c g g ’ —

m u t

M M M M t •• «•r . who to ta tto r — to* 1

> a f e w or o u r r a r o a u **i


h m —« iiw . «>• . XU put* . .1 •*»!»*n,,|*-4*!o Iraprov*- ................................ I1MM

| I T l —IliM ; Jotory D*“ * M i n n m n ■ I " ' " " 1' “ * . . . * 0 a t-farailr. — oa..........

■ t M a t *. — m u ; b r iB S n S a : with

•-room up-te-date

i AVE.—Attach*# two-story17x99; 7 rM M *»4 bath; Im U M i good value *l — t.U t

B T. I T . M »r High—3TxH.»nwy w*ek; every «p-

J p m M K i ft bargala «*•• U ' ,M

R U f t o n a v i —4t*i#ft;■ H m i — m ------ •varyhlgh-eteae,

•MMtnM*___ T I« H v m 4 B»«W

_ - u t ; large 3-car garage, will r m l l i f • • w fcftM * w

AM F L —m i H ; U ; a « ,i and wall built reeldeace.

m a n and conceivable t o ­u t; l- ra r brick gxrage; k bargain ftt...............................



E g * & * * •-« ? . ■ g P B L ^ g S fR t< u — *- ■ 11 eh—i r Ift<y term a


IflM M har m t t in w s u l ia Mm M *11 ■ b a t i k * a ltr; wa « •• •»« yo*7 7 X a A K K II, m BROAD »T..

Mia* p jgartgM A ____________

r u s t i c AUCTION SALE. IATOIUMT, t*AMM «1*T, AT t f . R .

ON Tin PHOPEHTT.P A i o t f w m w i o t —i


■ i t I T U T f i a M I1BT. AT I M F. M .■ OK TKB PROPERTY.

H E ' 1 «_OX*-FAJCXLT DWBUAWW—4k m m . m . i n . m . i n m n « .—3 " AwnUina aftfttfttftft SlX roMMi bath.

^ u M toK u « « « . «' a S U a h a r t ttataac*M at ta prapartr.

_____. W W I M M AA ratio* Dapartmaat,

W * S * ** cn*‘a* **-

ptot; H U AJANDEH » . - « • • * aM tlttoa; t r t r t i l i | i in a n a l a ; M.***

I ^ P E S S S r J S i^ ^ t^ ; ™

W IT — A ria l Banal all W rm ra n M lii H i tM ; prlco* rtpfct.

BR—a it w a n t e a r para* .

MR l«fl | 11,111A T S . 1TP—J — kalaa a— -

•a ta ra I-RuaRr; avarjr M n t it; l a a r ta n a * .

r r . —Two t» n»Uy: Baal a t oaattttoai a * t MMjiUi I f pr— a t awaari I-

rraaaa t •» * . fralaytoa; W ar. MM.jilL t— Tanr tM lrakia an«-famllr

! I raaaaa, bath, ataan . atoatotoltr. ha rt- - w - - ----- M a il t ; aaklaa aal»

I b W O L D T i t —Oa a t awa-fanllT a t T

BJ‘*~~‘ n n . a to ta ra W it. H a m . otoeliloltr; M i l l ; room far M n ; a r t!a* IM M , aatffRkofkoaA

m W OUAHIC PARK, n u r Rltoabotb •*•.-> H R a r B a l l f raalt t a ca a t a roam*, bath. IA lban, rtoc trirltr; plat M atM ; aaklaa $1*.-

P T m h aflar. ___OOD ATS., w a r Citato* *»* —ta c a r r ta t; aaa-toiattp a t l i tb l

th . atoam. ataetrlcitr; fla* localloa a la r or to * t in . ream tor tr t ro ; ark

| M | M ir 91.Ma caah roqulrod.W M M AVR., a a r Blaolow—Larpa twa-

1 11. I I ra— o. I bath*: ooporolo haot.B ttW lf t all R ail — ; aaklaa

* » , . UN.NBTT A WOLF.H P;:_________ IM Citato* » n •“Wodb'KOUiSrJ P * ^ I B S y S V tu T - * " H

Ottara Ik* . B w a i a araparua*:W - - T w a-tan llr ; l i t WaodaMa A*#.; U tooma §. B ataan baa tort; m n l a n m a m b toil

StaMrle: tout l« t;Iaa«U aat to .....................Mg lltat ra laa . 111.,,,.

Two-family worklaai• p a n , i atI § D k

1 v w n i wl w .Klftmllr. • room*: on Wuhlngton «vo ; iteatfk ; w



•oomn,__ _ but

loeftllty; t i le lahomo of II &rr improvo-

oloctrlc; aocrlfleo fT.IH .< rooms and aleovt; oloctrio.

Improvomont; | l . |0 0 . only


n o r m «-room ko«w; * —m , OWW t f t i w w i at root; n lot f t f a i l fra a t.

Prtao H.TM.HEW f.ro a m Hoorn. Hill a sstlf ; ftraftlara.

■room, o taetrtc . lot I T h t lM ; tt.MO W B I.L -IL T L T g.rooro kM W . I fSftfO old

(N orth A rltn gtoa a o etto m . ftlot M i l l * . a(«om. o loctrlc; |I .IMbEM I-Bl'N O A LO W C roo m s so d b oth , vory

o ttro c tlv o , opon f lropto os. stoom . poroust floors, com M oot loa gos s o d oooi roogo. scro o o s. g orogo . plot MafftO; fo lly proved street, very dosiroMo so c tlo a . M .» N

LION o r CORMIER. Bim at., aaar depot. AHtogtoa. N . J.

ATLANTIC HIGHLAND*. K J On thousand bolldtog lota far solo: M7

op; lift go wo, 91 oiootb; ooo of tho foot cot growlog resort a along (Ho iorooy Cooat. mountolo*. country and •eosboro com binod. Colt, phono or write Acuithorp Rvoity Co., owooro 111 First ov#.. Atlooilc Hlghloads. N. J

SMALL HOUSE POR COMMUTER Root throe summer months will

cover your espeoas for tho year, eweor must soli, going nbrood; ftl.ftftft cash.

h . cT f a ir c h il dPhosoo Morhot l i l t . Allonhurst 24IJJ.

M l Broad st.. N owort

An a fcf ft* SbbGOOD bloo-room house, hath, all Improve-

wool A flfto collar, lot M iH I. near ocean, bargains alt hinds. C. ft. Orbea. .•« Bros Ast.. Newark.

AAwy PaliTHIRD AVI.—I t rooms. I bod rooms, fully

furnishod. ready for huslnoos two-car ga ­rage. prirs 111.4M. John T. Lntue. 40 Clin­ton st.. Nswnrh.








Ml Bloomflsld nvp . s t tho Centerf in e s t t w o - f a m il y ln t o w n _

High grndo location, none bettor, heady ta ovary thtog. coiomal sty is. 1* *tiled hMhs. S sun parlors. 2 Hmmphrsy in* •tantsnsous hot water heat era; estrn dry m basement. copper gnttere and lend- era; gas. electricity, steam bent; ngwt op- to-tbe-minu'e la ovary detail, f-car f'r*' proof garogv. If you want tbs bsst. Sent mine th is , prise I22.M*. slsgsnt boy at f t l.ftftft.

OWNER LEAVING TOWNRsdneoa pr»c« to I7.9M to 'cloos sot

golskly. ft. rooms, bath; gas. nloctrlcMy, steam boat; plot iftsfll. with chicken com; ftao flower* and garden. a roal homey place.

COLONIAL gEMI-BUNOALOW.Heady to Lackawaaaa and trolley. ft ft**

tractive rooms. Mg beamed celling living room w;tk fireplace, tiled bntb: plot IM foot deep, w th leering car garage and runways, prtc* Ift.TIft. very easy terms.

WATSE8SING SECTIONBuslnooa property ; S otorsn I teUj •

rooms and both each; gas. ele<'tr1clty. flats alone rent tor 9Mft. price for all ll.ftftft.

97,lftO—Complete home. 7 rooms, bath; gas. alectrtetty. steam heat; lot IlslX i. driveway room9«.Mt—t*n plot ftftsltl. with garage end 'hlcksn houses. 2 rooms, bath, gas, hot a s te r heal.

9* Oft—Perfect condition; well roost roe ted 2-fsmlly, is rooms, gas, sleotrlc, lot tlsISO. res 1 bargain

9IM cash required, used as 1-ramlly. ■ rooms, b a th ’ gas. steam heat; lot 99x12*. price 9> *99.

ATTRACTIVE CLEAN HOME.Dandy semi-bungalow on plot of tfll99 ;

driveway room, tiled bath, big living room with fireplace, parquet floors; screened porrh. gas, electricity, steara best, price It. 299.

AT THE HIOH SCHOOLOwner's - removal prompts «ale. 7 rooms,

both. 2 fireplaces; gas. elortrlrity. heat; convenient location, price 99.999

WORKINGMEN’S OPPORTUNITIES.91.109—Nice country home on plot 19x199,

with garage; 9 rovmi. bath; gas. ataam heat.9».909—1 rooms, bath; ga». •team heat;

let 92x199, with garage; chicken houses and fruit

14,799—Brick house, k rooms; gas, elec- >d bust asm

~GBmFll.ftftft—ft rooms and M tk alt Iwigts ; Read

location; largo plot, ooo th h place; bargainjftftft ft tar seven room hawse, sun porch,

all tmpta.. good lecaitaw. large plat; bargain.91.14ft-New seven-room hsWS*. sun parlor,

garage, largo plot, good Iocstloa.919.909 9-room house, sleeping porch, gar­

age. alt impts . high ground; plat 19x129. terms 92.9ft# cash.

919.M9—9-room, stucco house, plot lifts 199; central location, fruit.

912.999—Now 7-room house, si sop tag porch, garage, all Impts.. largo comer * plot. floe location

94.99ft—New 9-room bungalow, star porch, floe local ton.

Ift.ftftft—k-room bungalow, lot ftftsllft. D»ft location. _

JAMES A. DOTLE.«ft| Bloomfield avo . .

Phono Caldwell 94A Caldwell. N J THB STEVENSON COMP ANT.


DANDY BUNGALOW.Everything oa one Door; five rooms, bath

gas. electricity, boot; everything Perfect condition and spick-end-open; fine lot. kftx 179. I minutes to trolley; swap it a t price.9 4. ess.________________ __________________NINE ROOMS and hath; all Improvements.

sleeping porch; fireplace, concrete garage high ground, beautiful and haalthful loca­tion. lot 79x22ft. shade trees; fruit; chicken hones. 19 minutes' walk* to trolley or eta- flea; bus poooos door; possession say time. 919.9M. 92.999 cash, balance mortgage Ap­ply you own broker or owner, 121 Mountainave., phone Caldwell 494W _BAKOA1N—Bungalow, ft rooms, hath, gar

ago; every Improvement. 97,499.SACRIFICE house of 9 rooms, rnk floors;

every Improvement, largo lot, 92,994 cash necessary. Tel. 941W Caldwell; address C. D. CANFIELD. 14 Farrington a t . Cold well.b u n g a l o w s . c o t t a S bE T F aHFly

DWELLINGS. BUILDING lots; la boot location of town; make an appointment and lot us show you what we have to offer.

WILLIAMS A LEDBRER. Bloomfield and Campbell eves.

__Phono Caldwell IIP or IftftM. _____I ROOMS had hath

I SS S r a f c Ta t | « i « i a i — _

a w e B a i aacttoa a t «*at ■stoat to a tk aa ls ak ar tk n a s t tarlltttoa. .lo t H al**; *» |M


THE FIRM O F U T t tV I .M l Mala «L a t I nahawaoaa

II. ftftft—la g rootrftetad asciloa of Orange, ceeveni• ommstation fa---- ------ -----------------— —room te r gvtpsway; osceileot soastruction, exceptionally largo r s s s a affording good wall space. first floor, entrance hall, gtawed-la parch, spasiaus living room, coxy dining room, modol k itchen . second floor, throe cheery sleeping rooms and both, cress ventilatloo throughout, over-ra d lo t loa steam plant, electric light and pas. a ll la perfect coed it loa

99.94ft—Near East Omago station largo plot, ample garage feom; ho ooo cooslsto of aloe rooms bath, newly ftssson isd . osoop- tionaliy well h u t ; n decided bargain ter some aae wha wants a boms of ceavenleece.

9ll.ftftft—Small amount bf cash, balance on term s will so core a home for you la the Montrose section, convenient to Moun­ts la Station; eight rooms, both, hardwood floors newly painted, and decorated, new steam beating plant, electrical futures; spar toes grounds, well shrubbed; possession

912.9ft#—Near Grove g t station; ample grounds two-car gam pe: well built parquet floors throughout end nil tn first-class con­dition. n decided bargain.

TWO-FA MILT.II I . ftftft—Terms ta sa lt; possession of ona

floor. Drat floor, sis roams and bath, bat watsr h a s t, second floor, sis and baib. steam bant; third floor, throe rooms; par­quet floored throughout- gU cheat nut trim, finished natural; all coppftr leaders gutters asd erroaos; built by owner by day's labor, insuring quality, larpa grounds and garage; room for oavorol additional garases

HABPMfHf PTRBET. te n th seat san er


A distinct bargain an THE street of East Ore age; ft baft rooms; 2-car parage; all Iwprsvsm suts except

•" losftostrftsity; the • ground aftoae is worth Ike pries; thin Is a snap, act gulch; seen by appointment ealy.

ROCKWELL & NEWMAN, gala agent,

2ft I t f i b n i a t <phase 9291). East Orangs Open evsalngs and ta ta rd a y aflsm sas a


New one-family, ft roatwa. sun porch;rtc lights; sne-ear

Price, ll.ftftft.steam M at. electric

garage. Pea this oas Ask for list f i t .

Beautiful now ©no-family houoa. ft rooms; all Impts.; pries |9.ft99

Pmnll amount of cash. Ask for List ftt I.

Bsnutifn! ons-fsmlly, Colsniftl, T rooms and son porsh; modern ta

•very map oat Corner property. Thin In a rani homo. Price ilft.ftftft. U nt Sift.

HAINES A BAIN. INC..Tol. Bigelow 299T. I l l Clinton p i

Open evenings until 1:99.



TWO-FAMILY—Rend th is; rend again, then harry tn my office and I will show yon this

nrephrty: follow mo—the first and second floors each have ft mama, ona parlor, open fireplace, unit floors, chestnut trim, beauti­ful fixtures; oa tho th ird Door, t finished rooms* a bath# store room; there to a sepa­rate entrance both front and roar tor this floor; there are taro steam banters, copper loaders; room te r drive. Can yon find any­thing to equal this for income? Third Door will pay far taxes, water, insurance and In­cidentals; see thin; 112.See.

If ynn want to buy tn Bftttovtllo, ana ms a t my Nowark office. 194 Washington avo.

WOOPHOUgE______ _______

trlctty; coal and gas ranges, iocs'ion.

#3,999—ft rooms; gs>. water, tol 1st; lot 29x499.

POULTRY PLACEAlmost new bom*. 4 rooms, hath; fM.

sleetrlcity; on# acre land; pries 91.999 forquirk action. __ ___


MAY F1RHT POR8KS8ION?If on. inspect our listings and allow an

to find n bom* for you•409 t'AHIf BUTS THIS

TERMS—A low prir« for an unusual hsnss, 9 room*, bath, steam, gaa, lot 22x129; high, healthy location; for quick action; |ft,ft90.

GRAY SHINGLE SEMI-BUNGALOW. PRICE Ift.ftta—'Very attractive new. large

living room. fireplace; butlersf tantry, I bed rooms, tiled bath. Inen closet, an Ideal heme, near

school, stores, trains; a good loca­tion.

FOUR BED ROOMS ESSENTIAL? PRICE M.999—Then Inspect this horns;

convenient to evorytnlng; steam, eiee- trle; all Impts.; In good eondltlon; owner anxious to sell; a good pre­position.

FAMILY CHANGES FORCE SALE PRICE 911.99#—A comfortable ten-room

house; la perfect condition; select neighborhood, handy to everything; steam, electric; all Impts.; must be seen to he appreciated; terras.

MARTIN REALTY CO. t f Brosd st.. Bloomfield, N J

Telephones BloomfleId 1219 and 22M.

______ ____ ____ steam, gas and elec­tric; lot Mnl74, price M.799; 1799 cash.

9 ROOMS and hath, butler's psntry;* - “ £ j | i T m * ■

OEEYLOCK MANOR ON THE HILL.Mgw stx-reom hsnss; gU Improvements;

•199 down; 999 per m onth................. $4 999New six-room bungalow, nil Imprsuumsnts ;

driveway ...............................................19.999Ftva-room house; Improvements..........(2.990Now six-room house; garage..................$7 104Now twe-famlly; garage......................... )T.2#ftTwo»farnlly j Improvements; drive---- 97,994New two-famlljh gerage....................... (10,199Now two-family; two-car g a rage... .112.999

Many other bargains In one, two and three family houeee; h u ll"building lets, factory sites

f tour specialty; open ever/ day. including Sunday, from 9 A. M to 9 P.

HENRY JACOEE914 Washington nva. Bella villa; tsL MM

__ fly worktngmna’ft t steam hoatars;

|4,49ft— N ew bun galow , ft roam s and b ath ; a ll Im pta**M ania h ea t,

$*,199—-New bungalow , 9 m o m s and b ath ; a ll tm p ta ; steam b oat, e lectric ity .

97.999—2-famtly, I I rooms, 2 baths; all tm- provements.

111.209— 2-fam ily , n sw , i t room s and sun perches. ;

113.409—-Built to order, T room s and bafth, g)l la te s t Im pts.. b o a u tlte lly decorated;

electricity, steam beat, sun porch, garage;


l i t Washington ave., Bensvlils.N ext to ta w a hall.

aloe trig; p late roof; oaeolleat coodl-Hill; brick apartment, ft families; iteatn* electric; very claeoy; 921.909

y, I I rooms, I alcoves, every .9 bat heat; perch so; bones la

condition; room for drive nad ga- xitftft.>frtce to open Sunday and evoalnga numaraua listings and have a fins Bell tv Ule and Natley properties,

dngtoa avo., a t Elliot st.

ORBYLOCK MANOR.Esllftvflle't moat highly restricted resldvn-

ttal section; 9499 down, balance like rout.su-room bungalow; d rivew ay .,........... 94.W9One-family: alt tmpta ; drtvexfay........ i.oflrtMaw six-room bungalow; d r l v way . . ft.499Now one-family i.ou»«. driveway.......... lodeTwo-family; all tmpta.; 90x100.............. 7.400Two-family; all tmpta.; 40x10#............. 9.499Now two-family; drivew ay.................... 12.909

Many other bargain*, "building lets." fac­tory Sites, business property. Call any day. Open evening* and Sun day a

THOMAS W. REILLY,Overlook and Washington avee.

Phone 7923 or 9114 BellevUIs. ___

iW & S IC l-rf j g lli t moat

_ WOODMOrSB A PLANER, l'' '( H . Washington ave. A t 7114.

Opea Sunday.•ids ave.. 124 — Twa-temlly. I t neaamta heaters, every Improvement

thin can be seen any time by occupancy May 1st; 911,909.

K family, six moms; electric, steam; Improvement; sacrifice 99.994 ; 91.090

ngrT^ftjM^. * v*onii atMm* ftfft trlc; ga-

Two-family. 19 mams; asperate heaters. 9i every Improvement; 911.999; thin Is

UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY.Two-family. 9 rooms, bath sad sen parlor

on first and second floors; open fireplaces, oak Doers, chestnut trim ; beautiful fixture*. 2 finished rooms end hath on third floor; has separata entrances front end rear; tile baths and vestibules; room for drive; this

worth 911*999; will sac rifles for 919.M9,WOODHOU8S A PLANER,

294 Washington ana. Newark; A B. 711ft.

I-Va MILT: S uT section: 24 rooms; part, n iii w v im . •«} rental Itftft monthly; ft ft. lift South Seventeenth__ . . . ............ ........ et. or flft

Eighteenth a t ; second floors; price

; pi• ifyx .

BROAD ST.—Beautiful merois end 14-room dwelling; parquet floors;

pled for doctor; hifh-class boarding or J. T. Lotus, Oft Cllatoa st.

AYE.—Bargalft: 2-family. 14 .... modem; desirable a t 912.0ft#; la-

M M 91*499; terms. Harrtaon R. Van INiysft. lift Kinney bldg-; J iu lb e rry 997ft.

SPECIAL BARGAINS 14 rooms; 3-famliy bouse, large p lat; will

sacrlDce to quick buyer; 94.29ft; fear rooms and store; near trolley; driveway; 94.990; small bungalow; near ear (tee; 12.499; seven- room house; driveway: all tmprevamente; Grey loch Manor; first-dam condition; 94.999, nsw two-family;. 4 rooms; saa parlor; til* bath ; osk flours; to w rooms and bath on third floor; 919,499.

HENRY JACOBS,994 Washington ave., near Little at.,

Belleville. N. J. Phene Bel. 9494.“OWN YOUR OWN HOME BY PAY!n 5 ““

9499 DOWN. BALANCE LIKE RENT, -mom bungalow; dll Impts.•room bungalow; all impte.-room bungalow; all toapta -family hones with garage

•1.999 BUYS THIS S-FAMltY A Grom s t . 22x99; 19 rooms, 2 baths;

iway; a mechanic s opportunity JIMEE, 774 Brand et* see Mr. Meppor.

priesmorning heuee;

919.499 i ©any terms.12 rooms; all

Addressffop-rosldont. Box 19, News office. USE-FAMILY, nine rooms, o il"

m eats; large plot and garage.g tem l m Box 9, Mews office___________f i D f 4 M I L t house; eight moms and


fle a m ; paid improvement! f j g a 14,999; 27 KeaV st., city. I t 'R o o m 1-family house; all I;

iments; driveway;

____* Cllatoa ava.Owner. BeE S R o i i

___. . . b a p'-•irnwn •»*., ■•rage; 49x110. Address •, Box l i t . News office.TOW HILL—Two-family brlek; miV im-

provomeate; sun partem; roam te r go- ~ 914.490 Waverlv f i l l



EXCEPTIONAL chance! 7 rooms, bath. Otoe* trlctty, hunt; largo plot, very comfortable,

qrqtl-bulk hams la a moat dsolrablo and con pgaftoat location; price roneoaabla

T wo ■family. 19 largo rooms. 2 hatha, gflaam. haat. sloctrlclty; lot 3714x109; 11,999

' S B seeded: flae chaaoe for worhlagmaa.ARTHUR EDGAR CO..

I I t eesm ave. Kearny 1114▲RSANGTON—Delightful one-family. i

Bssch at.; lot bftxtee malty tho pries to ‘ lew (th a t the doctor gays don 't print I t

^ call a t 1A9 Fourth e t . Nowark, R. , A* 0» Oelsev A Co., Ttft Broad et.W m T B B S K t o j v m i * S h T"

______ ____ _____I _____ heatand gaa; lot 40x174; price 14.409; 91-499

caah. M. Karatn A Sons, realtors. 3441Orange. ___________MODERN on#-family up-to-date house with

©very impr ovement; immediate possession. with let 79x144; highest location in Cald­well: price JI4,4Sft; make an offer. Inquire Harris. 14S M arket st., Nswsrk; phonsMarket 4414: evenings Wavorly 4444-_______17.249—Bungalow situs ted on high ground

In best neighborhood; 4 largo rooms, fire- place; wonderful view; toothing else like this UI town. E. H. Hartnett. Hiaek bldg.. Monrvlalr Center; phone 7244 Mentplalr or phone Caldwell l t t .ARLINGTON AVE.—?4xlft9; large lt-roem

private residencei every Improvement; ex­clusive section; price 914.494.

KRABMER, 779 BROAD ST.*Ss!cs Dept.. See Mru Wensei

NEW six-room house; sleeping porch and all Imprwvementa. Joseph Bchskl. 129 Central



11,919 cash: 9 rooms; heat, hath, electric; gas kitchen; 3-car ga­

rage; near station; 97,999.91.499 cash; modern 2-farally, 9

rooms. 2 baths; steam, electric; largo open attic ; 44xl&0; hear trol­ley, station; §9,999.

HOME OF REFINEMENT. Immediate Possession.

91.7 49 cash; 4 rooms: steam, elec­tric ; tile bath, fireplace, sun par­

lor; oak Doors; spacious bed rooms; 49x17ft; excellent location; 3 min­utes main trolloy, buses; 7 minutes’ Lackawsnpa, §19,499.

BBRNARb K McCOY.974 Olenwood avs.. Bloomfield. N. J.

( T i t i—4 R6bM 8; all Improvements; now Bouse; food location; lot 24x139; buy at

once before it to too late $7,440—OWNER places Gils finely located

I-room house: all Improvements; on mar­ket for quick sale; oee It today.911.499— NEW 9-room colonial; fireplace;

electricity, steam ; convenient to every­thing; ready to move May 1.919.499— A $24,900 home being sold for less than cost; 9 rooms, bath; attractlvsly deco­rated; perfect condition; owner moving to another s tate; see it Saturday before It Is too late; a profit awaits buyer.

KIERSTBAD A^PECK.2d floqr Eaasx bldg., Bloomfield Canter, 41 Washington si. Bloomfield, N. J .


NEAR THB CBNTBR.Price 911.499—-A charming homo, oa lot I4x

• 124; 2-car garage; living roomwith fireplace, music room, dining room, fMMl gas kitchen, bedroom nod bath room on the flrat floor: 2. bed

*n| Looms m erortige abac# on tho second Door; house built for owner; la perfect condi­tion. an Ideal home.

MARTIN REALTY COMPANY,29 Brosd st. Bloomfield, N. J.

Phonos Bloomfield 1214 qad 3994.‘ DIRECT FROM BUILDER.

BUY NEW TWO-FAMILY.Ltve rent free; see the wonderful klteboa

equipment in this modern home; four rooms and bath each apartm ent; Mg living room, Dreplace; large lot, drive; near station, contsr. school, trolley. Seen Sunday, U I 8tate at . ; phone 4424.

WILT* TOU BE ONE OF THE ITT This office has fifty-seven one and twa

family houeeo around 119.§99 with tenaa Will you he one of the 9V 7

MACINTOSH AGENCY, Macintosh build lag. West Orange,

Ph >ne Orange >7.A REAL COZY HOME. '

Eight rooms; all tm pta; Ideal location, near school, trolleys, railroad; plot 49x111; owner leaving towR, will sacrifice 99,444, 13,999 caah; eaay terms arranged; will sail direct; no brokerage feea Write J. E. C. care of Oarlock. Bloomfield.

BRAND NEW HOME, 97.494.9 nxfma, bath, gaa, steam, electric, room

for drive, 4 minute# to Lackawanna; caah required 91.494. 1

VI. M. ROBINSON, Inc.€7 Washington at BlOOMPeld, N J

19.399 BUYS modern home; Just completed contains 9 rooms, tiled hath, large living

room, broakfast nook; beautifully decorated lot 40x114; owner on premises alt d a / Sun day. Tabernsr, 14 Orchard p i. Halcyon Park.

........14,944................. 94.944• ................ $9,444

_____ r _ $9,999-family bouse; all im p ts ; £irM g*.. .914,94ft

MUST SELL; owner leaving town; two-tom- Ity nouoe; every modern Improvement; per­

fect eondltlon: largo alot; near trains,AroL lays, stores and school; price 912,444. Owner first Door, 194 Newark nva, Bloomfield, N.J. TWO new colonial houses tn nice neigh

borhood; steam boat, gas kitchen, fire­place, screens, shades; room for driveway convenient terms. L A. Spats. 91 Weaver avo., Bloomfield; phono 4477._________

Washington ava., cor. Llttla st. Phone Bslievtlle 74IA r

RARE HARO A IN.Owner has authorised me to sell Ala | .

room dwelling, bath; Ran electricity and steam heat; room ter garage; refined neigh­borhood; p rice 'fo r quick sals. 99,440; net‘*‘* 1 H O T H I V K N 1 L t .

999 W ashlagtsa ava.. a ss t to postofflea Tslsphows 7919 or 9H9 Belleville.

COLONIAL one-family house of sis rooms and bath; sleeping porch; sun parlor,

•team, gaa and electric; lot 47x144; price $11,940; (2.494 cash. M. Ksram A Sons.realtors; 3491 Orange,_______ _______SEVERAL beauttfal homes; alas two-family

houses; all good valuss, prides sad terms to suit everybody. John J. Connell, broke*, 94 Smith st., a t Orchard 8t. Station. BloomPaid; tol. 3921.________________»COLORED HOME Bl/TERS—ll.M , bay*

Improved 4-room dxrelltng; driveway, price 94.4S9. A. L Bland Jr.. 142 Market a t ; jftnrhot 4139.

SEVEN-ROOM heass, all modern Impta; * a t — --------- — I — —hardwood floors, copper gutters, screena

garage; built by owner and la oxoolloat condition; lot 97Rxl4ft; r a f t chance a t I ll.ftftft.8EMI -BUNGALOW, 9 s rooms, all tm pta l

electric, steam beater; lot I f to x t ft# and small cash payment; butanes like rout; 94.449 Fraser, ftftt Washington avo.s B E L L tY 0 G iI ' ' ' 1.... '


PLOT ft9sftt9, w ith b shrta f pooeh trust;city w atsr; alootrleUy; public school:

Htaoy sorvlca Nagy. Watchuag ava, ' Slooraflold.NEW six-room hoaso; driveway; ovor/Ukiag

modem; price reasonable; tdhas arranged.Berkeley a v a , Bloomfield199

BELLEVILLE HEIGHTS—NsW seven-room house end sleeping psrcK viewing flae

Baetsra landscape; all haprevemewte; let 94x199; for ^rloe, quality, lecatleapassed; B. A L mortgage 91.944; | $ft.499. Telephone BellevUls 2$ftL EXC1AJ8IVE Greyloch ava* twe-fhmOy

bargain; doable garage; W99 WMratbly rout: second flour vacant April L f f f t price 914.944. easy tsnaa ; worth 919.9§f. F o r per* Hculars addreex Swift, 144 Market e t

BELLEVILLE..........Exceptionally convenient suburb tn New­

ark ; beet rands: fins schools; parent water; healthiest esm M rity .

r WATCH IT GROW.R A R G A iiM R i-w «n \ieitos; i©pen ^iqp lheft;

Owner.9496R.BUILT for owner; 9 reams, etsate. slsetrkii

garage; greet bargain; (AIM : to Allen, 177 Washlnytoa si.; phews 1444 SIX ROOM bouse: all conveniences; garage

nad driveway: let 37x117. See owner, ftftElla st., Bloomfield; phoeo 12IftJ._______EIGHT ROOMS, bath ; reriisa tto l n iS i i i

handy to train and trolley. I l l Tlmmas st.. Bloomfield.12-ROOM houee: 99.9M: cash ll.ftftft or mere;

let 90x1 If. I t 94. Quinn, 24 Bread a t , Bloomfield.

BOOHS nad ha th ; semi-bungalow type; all liaprevsmaatU. Apply I f Appleton rd.,



Small bungalow, 4 roams. Improvement a $4x144; high elevation, 99,§M.

Hoaso. 9 rooms, sun parlor, stooping porch, garage; ftftxUO; 97*999; high elevation.

Serai-bungalow, t rooms, bath, garage; plot 14*137 4 $4,799.

Also large betiding with big plot oa wall known highway, suitable ter tea house, ware house or othos purpose; price $12,994.

ALFRED O. KOSSOW. REALTOR. Fompton and Orev© avee .

Cedar Grove.

C r u i i dCRANFORD—A modern home; 9 master

bed rooms, t baths, billiard room*, sola­rium, servant's room, both. corner plot. 199x234; 3-car garage, with 2 rooms, bath; ft minutes* walk station; will sacrifice. 9*. O. Box 144._________ _____ ___________

ONE-FAMILY, 97.99ft; exceptional oppor­tunity; I room a. hath, oleum, electricity,

front, bach stalra; near Lackawanna sta­tion. all ta flae condition, must sell. ON-FAMILY, 97.199; now tin Went Orange);

aii room a. bath, ateam. electricity. ep«B fireplace, hardwood Door, quick sola ONE-FAMILY, 99.949; 14 rooma, hath. Im­

provements. near Lackawanna* station, drive; oaly small amount ensh required. ONE, two-family house#. all suburb#

Bloomfield. Maplewood. Olen Ridge, Mont­clair.TWO-FAMILY, lew price, eaay terms; ele­

gant new house, strictly modern, up to the minute; drive; ideal location. TWO-FAMILY, a real buy. 99,999; 12 rooma

bat ha heaters; flae location. 4 minutes te Lacakawanna station, plat 4ft1 ft. front, drive; only small amount cash required TWO-FAMILY, corner. 912.9M; targe Net.

14 room# ha tha ateam, electricity; good location; near trolley; eaay terms. BUSINESS end INVESTMENT PROPERTY. CORNER, 99.994 (Orangs); all modern tiu-

prove aba nts; six-room houss. shop ta heck

eiod for pointer o r builder.AIN ST.—Corner ©tores nad epartm sata 914,494;*44 feat frontage; alt well rented;

one stern availab le; easy term a MAIN ST.—For sale or exchange; over 144

ft. frontage; five stores and twenty apart­ments; open for offer. .MAIN ST., corner. 924.444, 44 ft. fron t 114

ft. deepi, with some buildings; fine build­ing sits; ranks offerFRITZ. RRAL ESTATE. Regular Broker.’*

ftft Main st.. Bast Orange.Tel. Orange 9493 an y time. Ret. 1949.

DO YOU KNOW HR Privilege yea

7 rooms and year actual

that 92.944 sack te occupy a h bath; electric;net monthly o u tla y ' weald ha __than 94ft per month.


ROUSEK. REALTOR.924 Mala s i East Orange*

94ft PER MONTH.Ton caq ascure one of our now colonial

homes with 4 rooma fireplace sad all latest Improvements: plot ftexlift; Cranford, N. J. Owner. 944 Woolworth bldg-. Now York.

ATTRACTIVE house. 7 rooms snd both, nil Improvsments; otenm heat, fireplace, herd- ood Doors, screened throughout, porch

©crooned nod glossed, storm essh; 2-car ga­rage; ehlchen nouse; lot 44x214; fra il E R. Kelley. 149 Main et33 AC^ES of land In Chatham, about 1,144

feet facing the Southern boulevard. « a road to Morristown, can be bought reason­able. tnqufro of owner. Geo. W. Lang. 133 Sandford ave.. Irvington. N. J ;* telephone4143 Wnvorly.___________________________ _HOUSE—Bight room©; nil Improvement a;

garage; price 94,944; terms. Write 199North Elevent h st., Newark, N J .______N lSS ROOM aolTMC > 6 * SAI.S. BKJT


Eat Oraaf*BARGAIN value la tbto attractive heuee of

• rooms and sun porch, targe llvteg room, fireside. Ule both; steam, electric: parquet floors; driveway; convenient to everything; price 9»7944; possession M nr 1.

WITHINOTON A TIPLIN* l i t Mata e l , epp. Beet Orange Station.

Phone Orange IMA~ 99.94ft. --Attractive seven-room dwelling: every

modern Improvement: good section; near station, schools and trolley. •

Many others around that price. KDW. K BRUEN CO., Realtors.

2ft Washington p i .________Bftst OrangaFRONTING on Elmwood Park; colonial

houoa, as van rooms end both; every mod­ern improvement. Including parquet Door© and epea fireplace; targe rooms; Ideal loca­tion; near schools, Codtral end Muna av sa ; price 113.449; easy tonne 73 Rhode Island g a a , East Orange; phono Orange 7918R.

WILL YOU BB ONE OF THE W t Thie office has fifty-seven one and twa

family houses around f!4,4M, with tsrm e Will You Bo One of the 177

MACINTOSH AGENCY,Macintosh Building. West Oranga.

Phone Oranga II.HAWTHORNE AV*., »7—Twelve rooms.

state roof, I porches; Thatcher hot air furnace. I fireplaces; I porcelain tabs la laundry In collar; te be repainted, com-

rlete; asking 913.994. Theodora D. Luff, I Norman st.. Bast Orange; by appotat- mont, Orange I4ft#W.

HOLLYWOOD AVE—Boston plan 3-family house; 13 rooma tiled baths; chestnut

trim : separata lavatory third Door; room for garage; price 914.944; wo will help you finance th is Exclusive agent, Stevens, 479 Central ave.. Newark. Open Monday and Wednesday evoalngaFOB S A L E T h re e -s to ry single family

frame house; perfect condition; electric­ity, hardwood floors; cea easily be altered for two families; cvatraRy located for trains, trolley, churches and schools; six# of lo t about 44x142. 97 North Cllatoa g t. Bast Orange.NORTH SIXTEENTH ST . 9—Ton rooms

and ba th : tiled floor la vestibule sad bath; oak floors first and second; parquet oa first: two-car cement Mock garage atom room above; comeat driveway; ce porch screens; le t 9981991 price flLMA


ONE-FAMILIES.ft ROOMS, all Improvements, garage; near

D.. L. A W , oak floors, chestnut trim;$7,344.I ROOMS, sun -purler, garage; practically

new; excellent location; ealy 99*194.I ROOMS, sun parlor, hardwood floor a;

targe plot; like now; aoer Brlch Church,a fine homo for 9I1.94A

TWO FAMILIES.II ROOMS, bo the lot provomeate; well built;

near D.. L. A W ; oaly 97.944; easy termaII ROOMS, all Improvements; 3-car garage.

aaar Central ave.; bargain, 99.944.I t ROOMS, all !m prove m eats; ask trim,

drlvu room; convenient D., L. A W^; price$12,949.NEW, I t rooms* sua parlors, parquet floors;

driveway; near Brick Church; 919.999-NEW, 13 room s sun parlo rs parquet floors

chestnut trim ; concrete garages; 9l4,4ftft.FOB ether good one and twe-famlly houses

get my spring catalogue.J. A. STRAND. REGULAR BROKER,

941 Main at.. Bast Oranga.TWO-FAMILIES.

New, tft room s ell Improvements opon attic, largo perches, driveway; 914,744. 92.444 caah.

Nias roonis 3 b a th s part tmprevsmsats; good condition; $7,944.

New. 11 room s a ll Improvements drive­way; §11,994.

Fourteen room s all 1 raprovemehts fttate roof, corner; convenient Central ava; 912.444.

Two-family attached, six rooma and bath each; all Improvements; modern plumbing, white enamel gaa ranges; separate en­trances collars and heaters; lot 94x14ft; two-car garage; B. A L .; 914.444; will take second mortgage $19,444.

Eight room s two b a th s apea attic, all Improvements; let. feeing two gt roots 44x 244x44; will divide; §19.444,

ONE-FAMILIES.Fear rooms; le t 49x144; §9,494.Six-room attached houss; p a rt Improve­

ments; §3,944,For ethor good hunt see GEO.

DUCNKNSKY. 974 Frollnghuyoea a v s ; resl- denco Oraaqo 914$.

913.944.Ffhe ana fhmHyj H atatltea e t . at

Arlington a v s ; 9 rooms , bo th largo reception baM. largo pantry, open etUcA plot 4#xl?»A .ifUR ftim trees.

919.999.Excellent twe-fam lly: near Am­

pere Station; 14 rooms; ateam heat all Improvemeate: little cash re­quired; exceptional value.

99.998*Nice eae-famlly tn feed neigh­

borhood; 9 rogtns and Jtathj all t» ; provomeats; plot 29x222; a rent bargtin.

ANDREWS-COLT <X>2ftFANY ft# Cltatgn a t Phodo Market 9§9A

LOCATION VOR DOCTOR.There e re only i te e d Mteete ta

Beet (Greage really suitable tor a doctor or dentist's office and roal-


Or one of these s tre e ts Je s t I . minutes from Mala s l . we have a choice CORNER property contain­ing IS rooma; a ll Improvement#

PRICE 9S4.9S8; terma arranged.Shown by a n g n tm ra u e n ly .ROCKWELL I t NEWMAM,

21 Harrison eL (Fh.Orange; open evenfnge end Satur­

day afternoeaa

$9.394—CONVENIENT Brick Churek Sta­tion; 4 rooms and sen parlor, tiled bath;

Steam, electricity; parquet fleers; Dae cea-

Jlttou; room for garage.11.944—BEAUTIFUL bom s North Walnut e t.; targe lot; 12 room s 3 both# sue par­

lor. ©team, electricity ; s tate roof, perqaot Door#MODERN two-family beam. 7 minutes

Grove et. station; targe le t; separate trances; eteam* electricity , parquet Doors; 14 rooms; 2 separate garages; roots $1,304 a year; $14,994 bays It.

O. E BLQGE, REGULAR BROKER.__494 Main st.. Eaet Oranga; phoao 4913.SIX houses of quality a t prices appealing'la

investors and hems-seekers; they are modern, two of them are 2-famtIy of 4 rooms and tiled bath aa first and second Door, plus 4 rooms oa th ird floor, a t 911.749 and 919,994 each; the e ther fear bouses are

SEVEN ROOMS, modern home. 3-car ga­rage; near Ampere station , 93,944. Phono

one-family, of 9, 1ft and l \ rooms and b a tb p (^ iaag s 9431W.hardwood floors end trim ; garages snd good steed lota; price# $12,949. $14,944 snd $17,944 sack.

M. Karam A Son# Realtors. ________3441 Orange.________

BEST BARGAIN IN B. O.Seorlfloe; B rick Church section; Bver

green et.; beautiful bom©; every modern lmpt., 2-car garage; 4 bod rooms snd both second floor; alee bod room and bath third floor; awniaga and fell length screens sa­tire house; perfec t condition, oak Doors; 2 min. te Central trolley; 4 min. te Brick Church Stxu. D.. L A W .; priced a t $19,944 for quick ante; term a arranged- Address W. 8.. Box 74. News office. ________

THREE GOOD BUTS.Six rooms, bath : open perch; all l a -

prevemsnts; lot 94x144 ...................$14,914Six rooms, bath. •r»ea porch; all im­

provements; lot S is 139..................... 12,949Seven rooms. 2 baths, sua parlor; 2-

car garage;.a ll Impts.; lot 94x144.. 14,944 Must be aeon to bo appreciated. Make

appointment with Mr. Saeltea.R E. DUDLEY. REALTOR

933 Mala e t . Eaet Orange; Just below Muir's, Phono Orange 7944.

$T2.944—FIVE m inutes' walk from Erich Church Station; 9 room a all bright and

cheerful; h a th ; oloctrlc lights: lot 94x194. with brick garage heated by steam; quickaction necessary$14,444—PARK AVE. hom a 14 rooms, hath

hot air h eat; electric lights; lot ft9gl29Ju n to ; early psaoeaolo a ; excellent location or doctor or private home.

MACK A PALKB. INC.,941 Main at.. East Orange; phone 1239,

NEW one-family house ta highly restricts! and coaveaiqnt locality; Ipt 47x144; sight

rooms and ba th had aha parlor; opea fire place la living room;- full length screens, copper leaders and Rutters;. all rooms large sad cheerful; price $14,944. geo

EUGENE A. KELLY,______ Opposite Boot Orange htatlea.

BUSINESS LOCATION Choice location, especially attractive fea­

ture© make th is 144-foot frontage of Mala st. property IRpally situated for business tm-y Ideal P E . . . ---- --------

rovement; Inspection Invited; real value for ' . make appointm ent with Ms* Shelton.

R. E. DUDLEY. REALTOR,provqme$99,444;

912 Mala s t . B ast Orange; phone 7544.________ Ju st below M utr'aSIX-ROOM, t-fam ily house, large perch,

driveway and garage; parquet floors, chestnut trim ; oloctrlc lights and gas; fall length screens; very conveniently located; asking price $9,494; th is house ta surely a bargain and those desiring a nice com­fortable and well located homo should apply.

Call a t tho sign of the square deal.CONNOLLY A CONNOLLY,

f t Fourth avo.. East Orange; tel. Oranga 1341,NEW beautiful one-family house, vary a

fully designed and situated In the Coium Man Club section on a large lot with a 2 car garage; sun parlor, open fireplace, hard­wood floors and very tastefully decorated mould make anyone a roost desirable home; prion 934*944 te r . quick sals.

C taUat J h o sign of tho square deeL CONNOLLY A - CONNOLLY*

34 Fourth ave., ICaot O range; tol. Orange I f f ,

•AVC BKfeCEllir COMMISSION Two-family house aw corner; all tatesf

Impreveuttnto; uuu*car garage; caw be ansa all (toy Saturday aw # gwnday. Innate i Owner, second floor; ftft t o t a l av a . BastOrange; brokers keep away.

urea, m of

y|$W style 2-famlly bouse; open fireplace, sua parlor, beautiful electrical flxti

wonderfully planned kitchen, bath reel tho latest design; house ta situated ga . targe tat. m aking a ll M a light and airy, aloe drive and rooa§ for garage; Ideal lo­

on 917,999*cation for eommutgra; pries . Call 99 the g l ia of the

CONNOLLY A CON _____99 Fourth ave.. E ast O raagqi tel. Orawgo lH I.HYDE PARK—Hbme of 9 rooms, steam

heat, electric lights and ewe-car garage first floor trim m ed with oak nad mahagaaj and has oak fleers; second fleer ^aa beaut!fal maple fleam; third fleer qrtth maid's bath: the steam heater to sew and the general condition of houss to ©x- esttawt; price only 9I1.W9.HARRY J- STEVENS.

979 Central ave.. Newark.B lLO W PB B -W i.lt PRICER


Tea rooma; excellent coed it lea; Utad hath with tiled aide walla; built-in tab am ■hewer, steam boat, electricity; let 94a )24 splendid neighborhood, restricted te e a t family residences;' here to a real hams for only 99.744, w ith easy term a Bamesfeld, 91 Mata s t T , _

ally dwelling; 9 a ir heat, electricity;

' flCWdec-One-family

hath, hot a n - - --- orated throughout; price f t L I

J. F. CTtONEN A CO.,§91 Mala et. (Ph. 9991). East Oraggs.

HIGH CLASS HOME.North Eighteenth at.; residence with gar­

age; every up-to-date tmprevsaMWt; pries

■_______ S ts Mr. Hopper*N ^ltTH kA FLB AVk —-Medsra heuss, 7

reams end hath, ateam and electric; la Dae condition; nebrly painted gad doosratad;

" t M t c . n . m o m * .H«ln «nd H*rrt— ■ * . ■ *> O n — * W. t-

r tP U l I K C T I O N .V lr t . l t , of A n p m H r k n y , M M ■*«(■■!

M bIM (wonderful _______ _ ______ ...(**«, it. Q»1M «* M jS S S i ....... I, I,f r e e u a n p a s s te e r tO N —BXRT fa

ca»h; full , r to , IT,Mb; **« I n W M n J n o n * *n« m u b a th ; n > **H*r; m l flropUc.; tot MalM. M*uU* M MM. 4T, C n tra l m , N,w*rk; t » . * * ■ « » r «*< W U U U tM r t r t iM *U M C A M * H » H M O . -bS-

* m mart****, 0*to; *l*to r**f;

* * « f tm*f*r*m**t; n -H * ----- . - 1 .— —-----1 |M |>

E1QHTH• ra w ; . . , «... jtogg jfc

■ AVE.—0**-fhmllr *MM| 1 ,ii l-our * * r* » ; plot - M c tN ia m , l l . tH . John T > t o l u , M CUM**

W B a a X T w S B53 3 C I S 5 3 B S *for o*l o; atoo oh o to , lo u W*d«. 121 Mala

E ast Or****,

_____________ _ m m * fto .to ; M**a•ra; I mtaatto to Am ,. ra Btotl,*; M M Bm Capitol Roaltr * C M M to , Ob, J*citoto* *ti M E Mulbrarr.

EIGHT ROOMS—GARAQE-HH.IM.Boutlfullr tocato,: tortoUp, wt U m i

tor** lirm * room; flrrali* . mm parlor; a cldo* opportunity; Inaaam a t atca. HAT. MONO A BAUER. Mala aa* E brrlma am , Haat Oram**; O ru a i, H ip,_____________

ju , t ramraa* fram • U .to ,; m i*— I oauu; to r* , ll*m* ra— ; flraalara; Uto* bath, ate.; Btot (to l,,. RATMOKD A

BAUER, Mam aa* Ha— am. Eaat Or-HOLXAMDTAKK —r r a ra— Jto— b g j

buiu-ia u rn JtoHar. _ M l,a m j S a — *W P

*>— »*«*.- m a iU f m m U m fm t m a tn jM W *r th* P*I— M te» •* E ra# a «**- **M i » ’ f»*mA':» .tAthat

jta jvtaTQ>ta»t g >li i l gM|§ir gpawt on

j w # ■ w m m m m ; m m em

_____**|- lE H MIB W Ii i t f t; MaaMa; *«t**«mr: w f e « ;

i £ R 3 u 2 L 'S E £ * R * 8 $ !ran rosmoaco ^araiw^ gu^gwt i*.

; was h ltchra ; afl uesd* .K A g i l.......I

FOR cawvsnisacf of clloats dsstriag i j i j l ' ertfes tn the Oranges, wo jm va apeaoft a

Nswnrh office; call there tf tatoFtated ta baying, roatlag or aolltag and ta lk th h f i

bath ; ( to rn * ItofJjL M m haat; — U b*Ut ha— I* apln«l*

{TSStoSEIGHT rooma aa* I M h . i M a M at;M y M B -fiS * — — aa* bath ; m«am M at:

i a r , . bouao; to *oa* M j a g W r a ___ .I t , .* , ,—EIOHT room, oa* bath; Mata*

brick rmrmM; off H a irh .a a t___—T*ro-FAM ii.T oa a r m A t M



ra— • aa* b a th ; . amain haat. rltotrta Itohta, a a , hltchon, hardwood floor,; awa-m*a; parch a a* W — ----------a u r a voatlbula; tot a— OF

*m«*w acrooar; 1 M i l l . ;

_______ * h w_____ . . JSL.l: Mint* caranoaa-famllF — atraat; ota mla- ataa flam Mam A w S r i t M Enafc Church motion; prtoa. I1IAM For — nunont toiashaa* awaar, Oraata I4»t.POR RALE—Atnsrft;% sscm !iS'

8prta«*ato a r t. , _ J - - - - - ababt

aura ta to* thba • l l , » —Two-FAM ILT • • Man* m ; m flroptacaa; t-ca r aaraaa; a hi* *ar*ala EEOWN A CO.,

14 Park *L, Nowark. N. J . ,a a « i t BaM r at.. Maala— «. N. 1.


Malraaa ara ., hatwaaa H arrl— a t •a* S b— p a r t . ; I ra— a ( t j f i * r— a t b a * Om t ), M * *»!«% hari a aa* flaara. M m . Uto* bath. OtoMh. ataaMMtFi, all m » M tohaaiR tat «**IM ; fla— a* *«»*■ way ; *— ■ — 4 l | l — l ; t a M M N fU to la a n a barsato *1 n M M lU n L H a g a n > w M A N .

H Harrtooa a t (p h o aV u V lt, E— O raao- . Opaa Sn M I p aa*,Mlar*«F Mb— «*BA

s s r . w a f r i n .•oil tor ahaat ona-thlrd a t tha p r a t - t o p

I aaw; coaid m t ia r f l i t ; m art to----- : may forma; m il awaar m oratoc,.veafesa a t W alaut a t.; t a t . t f ,

>a H toaido ; ffrat claaa tocaltoa.,..... , ....... gffig" VjBBCTwa-famttr. 1« room a n a .Parian, all Im

praramaato : aaealtoat eaadlttoa; doabi* man *,*•*•»>••••••••»♦• *•*••••■••*• • 9i4*sss.

■ha— h r apparntm aat aalr. with Hr.

O T T O V *

•ACRIFICE. H IM *. r t r a * - f a ^ F . I t twain r, hatha; thru* atoam h*al*ra; M

loentles; near two L a e ta v ts m etetton* and trolley. Addroes Wesley. B et l». News o l-QUALITY—CONVENIENT—UF-TO-DATB-

BUT NOT CHBAF.New t-f#mi!y booses. 19 rooms, 9 bstbs.

cor gnrngo; now open. 99-91 gosford n EAST ORANGE—Owo-fnmtly Dutch To

tantal; 7 rooms nwd hsth ; sorner lot. ear garage; two yours old. For purUcuiere phons Orange 94i f ulghte. 224ft Orange d»_aTWO-FAMILY. 914.094. sarrlflco; 12 room#

bath# boater©; drive; fine location, near Lackawanna; email amount cash required. Address Mncrtflcs. Box 41 News office . _HOt’SK, 9 rooms sod hath: At condition.

oak floor, electrfettr. Drot claes neigh­borhood; price ILL944 Address Box AYeager's Adv. Agowoy, East Qronge. _TWO-FAMILY bones, near Central ave.,

$13,999. good investment, s good house, good section. Ayer*. 239 gouth Burset

et.. Esgt Orange: phone Orange 7944.KAMT ORANGE—Two-f*mlly house. Boston

plan; gns kitchen; very beautifully dec - ©rated; can be seen all day Saturday and guuduy. 22 Rhode lolawd nve.________CAREFUL people like th ts office; try ns; ' straight forward and courteous dealing* Ira M. Taylor, opposite Brick Church itn- tion since 1194; Orange 3299. HOLLYWOOD AVE —Two-family Boston

plan house, separate entrance; steamelectric light and driveway; I I «.#••.

247 Market st.host. ------B K J ndgiTWO-FAMILY house. 4 rooma part Im-

provements. $2,144; top floor rente for $19 pgr month. Addrooe Knot, Bos H, Newi office. Orange.EIOHT rooms, hath. gee. eteam; garage;

corner lot; good-locality; $4,944; terms, A M. Robinson. In c . 47 Washington st.. Bloomfield.___________WILL sacrifice one-family hones, all im­

provements: nlss garage, now vacant. Ap- ply Werner, 1131 dammit nva. Jeroey City.glX-ROOM house; Brick Church gsetion;

all improvements. Address House, Box , News office. Orange •_________ ._______

F y g fa— * 4DESIRABLE corner house on plot 141x119;

• contain# l§ rooms, both nnd billiard hot water bent snd electric lights;

gnrngo for 2 core, Immedjate _possesion» Fidelity Union Newark.

Trust Co.. 724 Broad i t ,

NEW jCofeata) houses, six good slxed rooms, tile bath; living porch 3x141 steam hast;

open fireplace, price $3,949: plot 42H*J^99: ethers, $7,294, terms. W. H. Buffett. West Englewood; 1st Englewood 1393R.


TEE FIRM OF SATISFIED CLIENT*.941 Bloomfield ave., at tha center.

. GENTLEMAN'S HOME On plot 49x294. 7 rooms. 2 hatha; tpe

tight sort of place, with big living room with flrepteeo and sun parlor; master eloeo* ing room 12x11, ,haa 3 closets; right up to the minute and •*» • splendid spot; price 914.944; $4,444 cash takes It; balance easy. 9 NATTY COLONIAL*

The only ©emi-bungalow tn Glen Ridge tb it can be bought for $4,444; cash required. $2,4ftft; 111 It be youro? Hlx rooms, tiled bath, gas. electricity, steam h e a t l o t 49x194.

THK BEST IN THIS U N I .*$19,494 tor perfect condition homo, •

rooms, hath, son parlor and ©looping porch, both gteased and screened; living .room wtlh fireplace; parquet floors; every thing modern; lot 34x144.


PRICE 113.340—Very conveniently located, near Lackawanna and Erie, trolley, school; oa good plot, room for drive snd garage . chestnut trim on flrnl floor, largo livingroom, fireplace, nun p a r lor, 4 bod rooms and ballth


second flour; 1 bod room nad ba th on third floor; steam, Oloctrlc. -ovary lm pt.; n real chance a t the owner's price, 919,999.

MARTIN K lA W T Q O v.i si., Bloomfle!d. N* _J.___

Telephones Bloomfield I l l s and 191ft.Broad st., moi

ON Ridgewood a v a ; lot lift f#ot frontugot 99ft foot deep (m ere land »9 t# tw o t i p

available); house 14x7ft; wide voraadax, eouthern exposure; ground flour has targe reoeption hall, library, musts ro o ty pur* W??Fdtata* room, buUoris pantry, kitchen, -v --- - ^— — ? with E H HS4ryt lavatory; laundry,ig ;____ _ _ _ -WTEIEI7. large, d ry ooltar toilet and hoC wa to r ho n t jr a o r a d f ta or^ has four maateraf rooms, w tth twni t a t o two servants* rooms and bath* tha Third CiMtr not divided: offers flas play W tf P f

aaartara* a r t J i t a

rl manr aehaat wllbia

i r « M i *frt«M ;.«W — fto*children; bourn ban quartsrod oa* trim and flnlah; ,1— rlcr ll«hU: N — M g g ra n , with flra room, an* h a th fa r fo ipa f— d , : «■ • pUm*fy_**M*l_ . . . two block* w rtta Qw— f. P _ A *** ***• alon « Mm. or aho*o Walhoc T t,t.--------- -------a h 6Mb l i

t ° u r e j p t Tfcntw ruM H T

“ f e n .built for

Oaportuntty to soquro ios On gne of the oxclutaou

Otau Ridge; ©no year old:

37ft Q Ion wood awa. BioOLEN RIDGE.

Meat attracttve home; T r i j t a largo living room, open ft replies, tiled bath. .T Sm heat; finished In beet manner; ©ak floors; chestnut trim ; targ# tat wtth grnrngo reart near station and trolloy; present owner must leave town a t once nad mum“ Krtn^ FEIST * PEMT.799 Broad BtreeU Market 44§R


gsvsn Yooms; every ^modern cpF and improvement; 43-foot p M ? himbeautiful eurroundlngn; six of t i b i f r i i r i to Lackawanna; early poroeeslon. m oj 1 ( sooner; n real bargain; •ho*n_only fy sp* pointment; no agents. W rite Bos 214, Q M Bldse. N. J . -m

tiledMODERN, sno-family, seven rooms, bath; all latent Improvements; eteadt

Iteat; oak floors; sun parlor; open firoptac* Hne toeutton; convenient station. trol‘“ reasonable teems; low Price. Guerin a Williams, Roal Esthtft Dept*; H. C. B e te l

V TTi Brand st., N e w a rk ._________ aes; Tine loaatlon; l id

las* dining rooma, sun parlor, hltchsm ^ -----*—*a *b*hrtM aftic$

M fr,NEW seven-room hoi

Ins* dining rooma. throe hod rooma. tiled bath, open garage; iota 94x134 nad 44x134; no ments; copper gutters and leaders; termft arranged. - Builder, Reilly. 149 Carteret st* Glen Ridge.____________________ a ........

9 rooms; two oped Idta

BRICK nnd nhlngln.fireptacsn; electric, gns. steam, parqt floon; beautiful section; convenient stores trolley and Lackawanna; brick garage with lights, water, drain: lot 44x144; bdrgsta. 912.44ft. I I Winner place; phono Glen Rldfd 1349J. , ^

WILL YOU BE QNM OF THB 977 Tim office has 17 on# and two

houses around 114,44ft with terms.**W 1LL YOU BB ONE OF THE 977

m a c in t o s h a g e n c y : "Macintosh bldg.. Went Orange; ph. Or. 98

R WL REALTOR. .•S t Mato at., K not Oranga; phons VfftR

S t i f f

DANDY stucco • rooma, bath,open attic , alt improvements, steam,

front and bach porch, gtaas Inclosed; out ta r garaae^b lock from Bpringfleldm H a # « P R A i n t « co ..

993 gpringftold avo.,Wav> 9992. Irvington Cantor. . Open inn.

f i x EoOMa aa* ha th ; oh*,ta«t tnm. » 4 fireplace, steam, nloctrlctty. g sa hltchsm

-»r«go; lot Mxl94; block from UnUoy; t h i n a bargain; to t qutok* _ _C H A R H O r ACKER,

' II Barbara « t. H aw aiii MarbX ,1 th .

M M a ttic ; tot E U toR toto ■“M M D*to tra ltoFi I*.***. AddreiS S j f c S a •***■ i i I iID a— g ML ER— «ttoH a g l

■ta , h e m e ; Rtoaa aa* — raltia. I atoraa ., O— . IIM Martito.


«|p toT S S i to * . » 1* raa m ___

_________w w i n f i T h w i ih ” C w t o h

Ughtta gaa: M l M sifttU. ta p r i W < » L i PLOT to , •*!•. w m kt tm at..


U p — haaa* hato ja A— 1I t - S a a at_Oto M*?» J>* th a j

r v s - a M a a am ; r a n romaonaM* F i t tota— Rt—Wtohtoa*. I l l Call

* O O .

m r u f e J B n !« • , . m m m t

IM toH to — * bath*, I i M M t o M a O S S w — l i ; I H M J j V a — l l — i — traitor; M*EW» EmE»

MBBti t a t a t a g B r

f f ftfgto and fgh.pgF- tta; taiga R M l

r s s : ^— - M i^ d a K x J M W ^ P - . _&

W O ND M rV L 'Opportunity, pre-war | 9 rooms, all mo.lorn ronvoilmcM. • I

place*; plot I t t i l l a ; new garage; fin* el Ireoa; P a t residential section; near atal askln$ SIM M Tal. Summit 11IM a* 4r»aa Opportunity, Newark News kra tarn wilt.________

School h

right party; can be Dll< moat entire year. ApplSuri'aiunnt, X J . ; tal. 1


OWNER leaving town will aeil modern cotoafal bouao; oil room*, atm parlor;

largo living room; open fireplace: *9xlff.

ftaone Sonin Orange MIR. frr s l i r — M., ox f .X e w e o g l c o . .

PULL particulars and lowest price*; any Meplewoog or Smith Oraag# real aatata.

parch, and J M l#4xi»9;."prta* I t M i t ; there la Sot In Montatalr a More healthful and m am cheerful legation th a n the choice apat wham thorn twa goad houses am la- ra ted M. Karam. A Sops, Rooltofo; 9441 Or* SURROUNDED by old tree# and ahraba;

realdence containing combined living and billiard roam: M tl t root; 9 open fireplace#, modern plumbing, hot wator hestThg, elec­tric lighting; I room* and both firm floor; ft room*. 2 bathe etcond floor; on lot I I I ft, front n o ft. doep; f minute* fregl South Orange Station; for oaiO; price |1 7.909. In ­quire 171 Grove rd., South Orange; pheno *J South Orange.


A well-built houee. with every known convenience; luxuriously largo living mam and awn parlor: oaporb decorations; (•ear garage; largo lot; and tho arloo and tor mo am vary reasonable. make Inquiries

FEIST 4 FEIST,721 Brand *«■ Markgt 4944.

SSSOt to. Exceptionally fin#

with a lt Improvements, Identlal locality.

NEW HOUSES on E«pfcl»f 1 - Moolclalr, b ,l»*»n QK—*k»if wock » * •» , v jm fm mrcxinu. m , . t — (UMf MNrA •<tram #lr M rs- W M M W .

mmTwewb.*» $9*40 90.Fin# Ms-roam bungalow, now un­

der const ruction. Anil improve­ment* except gas. Fins location. Lot TSUS.

COLONIAL «tn*flilit»y frame, of five ream*.bath; S-Oar garage and lot 71*129; only

M.Mt; I I .M I cash; h o t . fa s and nioatric. M. NnjfcW: • Snnm yqBHarat IR 1 orange I W ^ I < W M n i r W i ( t l « r t f T r t M r f u l

M M « M W » l M r iw u 4 MM ■is g f * | y M m P 9 p M j nil latest lmpta ; far flC nSt: part caSt. M. K t r tn A K m Realtor*; phene Orange 2497. ,

" J f ' j t * F P W ik L E O R ^R E N T --------

PARK AYE., comer Mt. Hebron r d —Baeuti-- fill large plot ItS ft. on l i t . Hebron rd.

and M l ft. on P ark non.; oat of town ownaP want* to oell quick and cheap or will ex­change. W hat hava you? William f r m Realtor, S2S Clinton am ., Newark.

AKDHEWS-COLT COMPANY.M Clinton at. Phone Marltot 1224.

NEW. ftm reo#>* and hath, oleefHetty, hast, gad kitchen; large lot: goad aHShbor

hood; pr$oe§»,299; about fL*4e eaah.M arry C. Woodruff, builder. 224 Shormaa eve.. Beoollo P a rk ; phono BotHA I f f 8.

YOU NEVER SAWaueh exponents of modern houeea Ik « w

pay you to look a t tha n

!7.ft00—Exceptional bungalow. f7.244— Bungalow built for owaor.2,714—7-room nicely located hem*

22.244—4 largo roams and 2-ear garage, t 119.244—Six magnificent mama, tU* bath.-

■un porch aad open porch.212,944 ■ Ca n 't ho dooerlbed; you’ll have

to aoe It. _ ; . ' tDONALD C. NORTH will bo pleased |# asrve you a t 244 Bloomflftld ave.p Verona.

________Phone Verona 1211. f24.194—HOUSE; 7 rooms; all tmproram m ing

n m p t __ __ I ¥•*?.27.294—9-ROOM homa, Improvements, never

offered before; ana minute trolley andj SflS* * i >f f l o 8 T S l i 9 ; ^aH imnrovemaati;« > n a c r f 3 s i b r etevaUion^4-room houoejt all Improvement*; exceptionally larara let; ■o— sstow. c a n Mm c Y i i i w i tal.

RTNDA RD.—Open far 1—pect f a Saturdays aad Sunday* 2 to ft F, S t ; only 1 houaea

le ft; T rooms, ttla bath, breakfast room, ana parlor or open porch; hemes am excep­tionally well built; finest section high, yet near station, trolley, store# and church**; price* $12,246 aad 114,14#; terms airangad; several bargains in bniidtag plots Pull par- tieu lsrs af. Flacm, 114 B rq M n t.. Newark.

PRICE $12,799.Naar tmttoy and station; tight-room reel-

donee; with two baths; instantaneous banter; eoppar gu tte r and laadera; spa­cious plot; splendid location; immediate pee-*** CROWLEY-O'BRIBN COMPANY.

Boaox Bui Id lag, Nowark.Breach office, tuxedo park.

~........ ' " r'Recently completed private homo; six

mama; every laadera Improvement, tiled bath and shower; m om for driveway, tmme-

■ - jHWBlt- Mi»l*lad> Nawdrl t

PRICE o f gontletnan's country rooldoaeo Hit In half; 1*4 acm e, modern, bungalow, i t

rooms, 4 ba th* furnished; largo kauuo for caretaker; .tonrhn: chicken hsueee aad gar­age; 9 7 M # H *» thta office.

w a r » . A ^ f Y H i a i r ' *1! Mona S L - . r - South Orange.

wood floera; evervthing templet «HTDL»

IW SfcM’* * l i a i a r u m s «*.<

^ lf f lfM |g a hf a i



COM U U AT A IA M A M .W >D W u M m l i i M SU lIM ;

Uaebruuck Heights. N. J.

t / v - for asm. m i l l fast; highly rqstrtctad;Pohit ter_ Mahatma. A. i f Dykes,

»!7 West Twenty-fourth at.. Now Ter A

lew#; 4 acres; 242 feat sbN* front; a t f $42,944; asking $22,444;roar** nearby; cast

puattlve saertflee.Marray Hill ITU.

A LA NOON A LlSt AN HER.19$ PEIk am .

Ha Marten rd . a new residence, c*Mist­ing a# sight good aiaed r eams, two bulks, largu aaa porch; two-car garage; plot 92g 124: prftsu $24,444. this home was erected

RESIDENTIAL eectlen; SOW homo, cog- mining 7 aasma, hard weed Deere, open

nrepls-«. tiled bath; ealy $2,429; room fur drive and garage, term* arranged.

LAKE HOPATCONO. N. J .—FOR PALE— One of tho finoot tract# oa tho lake: cen­

trally located 1$% acme, ever 294 foot •bom front. 129$ h d on read. Oedtge Da mere l, $9 Church at.. Near York City.

hy a carofnl builder whs hoe tho reputettea* *■ tlghborSf laakfag a f te r details; the neighborhood

la a moot p leasing one in tlm t OR of the ■nxrwuadftag m aidoanaa are of an a ttrac tiva eb a m e te r. a a d R la vary reav ea lea t ta the a ta lln a . traUoya gad shopping center.

HANOT, m * tno-tamky: all lm p ta , Mg a ttic , large lot. paved street, handy to

•'■Wythlng; mortgage 114.449; price $1$..299. term# $2,999 cash.

AT LTN D M t'RgT. paly M minute# M anhat­ta n v ia Lackaw anna. k$ minute# N ew ark

la e a r o r torn—Cuuy Callfomlo kung a lew.HILL 2KCTIOK. Springfield ovo.—Largo 2-

famliy, f l rooms, all lm pta. ft-cur ga­rage; lot 20x214. rente 22.799 o year; $22,909. terms arranged.

4 room a Improvements; 2 lot#; okeioo loca­tion; only 22.144; cash required $244. bal-

444 FEET on main highway for 4-tniaiiy house* only 222 a toot; terms arraagod. for builder



ante easy terms. _9H R. BOOLE i OO. REALTORS.

Opp First National Bank, Lyadharet. Open dally, including Sundavs. boaklet an request.

On ana of the residential thoroughfare# In the south side, adjacent to Bloomfield avo. aad Lackawanna station, a residence ran at at lag of living room, dining room. tlbOary. kitchen and pantry on the first Anar; five bad rooms end bath aa second (tear, aad five b* d rooms aad bath oa tog floor; tho decoration# are In excel lent condition throughout them are Ml modem riuum dsarm ; price fif.oo#; cash required about $9,244; to those of you who seek an

MAPLE AVE.—A few minutes' walk from Cllaton eve ; a lt rooms, steam ond alec-

‘trie ; driveway, price right gt $4,244.

O N B-FA M ILT; six roofhs; steam and elec- tr te : 2-car garage: lot 24x124; asking

99.244. cash required. $2,944.

TWO-PAMILT; near car line; all Improve- manta; 4-car garage, asking $11.74*.

----------------“ HESS.ANDREW O*. KREm .1211 SPRINOFTBLP AVE- IRV1NQTON.

DUPLEX hones; bant section, soar Sand fordond Springfield a re a ; each bouse baa 7

roema. tiia batk. breakfast room and sunporch; newly now; beet built by days’ work. fo rage far $ cars wttk loft above; owner Seeds cash; mast sacrifice; rent $140 each fid s : possession a t once on* bouse; price H U M ; terms arranged. Fiacre. 222 Broad ot.. New ark.CHAPMAN P L —One-family. • rooms, all

impruvemenu. lot 24x199. also garage, Bnoa 111.299; l-Camtly, 7 roema, sun porch, mt 49x112. garage for I ears, price 111.299; I also have a number of lota at batgalaBrices aad a tow good I-family houses. Jen.

lobold. I l l Flare ace a r e ; Waverly $929.FREDRICK _ TER.. 7. naar Springfield

Ml; thutaaiave.—Two-family, jtwt finished __ ____rooms, two separate steams; screens, sun parlors. t|I* bathe; asperate entrances.term# and price right to a quick buyer.' Jam es V. Pedals, owaor. f i t Bruce a t ;Waverly 9$$4.

TWO-FAMILY, five rooms aad bath each floor; two rooms la attic; steam beat

tfcreugheqrt; separate beaters and entrances; a t 14 “ “plot (0x199; on Bradford are., near Broad

#r Springfield trolley, asking $11,299. A4-draaa Owner. Box 41, News office.

TWO fine lot* en landford av#.. 24x199;must be sold to close s»«ate. also lot 21s

112 on Laurel ava between Sand ford and Florence ave*. William Oruhn, 17 Twenty- second xt . Irvlnyten.BRUEN * AVE.. 44—on* family. 2 large

room s kitch*n. paatry oa first; 2 bed room s bath, second; 2 on third floor; ostra toilet; steam, electricity, driveway; posses­sion May 1; call after 4 P. M.. or phono gw not , Bigelow 924IR.__________________

SANDFORD AVE-—Two-family, 12 rooms.all lm pta; driveway; SQglOO, fin* local­

ity. Phene Market 2441.

FLORENCE AVE—devea rooms; all lm- provemenU; tot 42x121. prlc* reduced to

$1,909 for quick aale.ANDREW G. KRB98,

m i Ppr lngflold ave.. Irvlngtoh. CORNER, "L” shaped property with 2-#i_ _ :-#tory

factory. $.299 square tost; a good buy; the price Is ligh t; quick gctlon necessary.

KRABMER. 774 BROAD ST.. ___________See Mr. Barry_____________

BAROAIN—One-family, 9 rooms and bath, largo open attic ; all Improvements, two-

car garage; owner out of town, on premises a h a r - from 2 Jo fti Sunday.HARRISON P L —199x244; large lt-room

and 2 bath residence; every up-to-date Improvement, pri • $12,494; make offer.

KRAEMER. 774 Broad a t See Mr. Barry-

TWO-FAMILY, Hill ooctlon; II large room*;lm p ta ; fine condition, good location: neat

......................... f l ---------- ‘cars and school; asking $14,494. See Wank Endlor. 1$$9 Springfield ave.; Waverly 1424, any day or evening.fw 5 > A lH i.Y ; corner property, store and

2 rooms on first floor; 4 rooms on secondfloor: elootrlo light; garage, Including gro­ceries and fixtures; |f,500 p. gypnlowakl.41 Iteacon at.____________________________IS -ST O itT two-family house on Sand ford

ave.; bntlt three yeara: all latent improve­m ents; lot 17x194; S-car garage; price 91 199. Jnllns Kra utter. 724 South Eigh­teenth atNEARLY NEW two and half story, J-fam ­

ily house, near Fortieth stL 14 rooms, steam , elaetrtc. garage; price fl«.t>90. Mareahnar, II Myrtle ave.

opportunity of contlnulag a modern, con­venient bearding establishment en a email

HOUR eut. near aaa. 2-roam bouses 24-904old bouse. $4,990; select lota. $$tt;

go lf course, free lloL A. C. Baker.

scale, tills Is your chance; tb* entire fur­niture In ^ko home may be secured by a r­rangement.

FOR SALB—House, atx rooms, bath, recep­tion hall, bet water hoot, gt Lakewood.

N. J. Inquire i f f Cttfteu see*


w i t h i n ecn m T A lm %AN EXPERIENCED BUILDER

PRICE $2.200—Has pot flret-claee material and workmanship Into this house: 4 room*; all lm pta; In eeura* of coaMructlon; cheoe# * own decora-

PRICEtlens; delightful location.

NOTH lira TO e q u a l . $14.994—Thl# hones l i thethe price; $ room# end open perck oa flret

. floor; 4 rooms and bath on ascend; eta ire to open attic; every tmpt.; new nnd well constructed-

FINE LOCATION.PRICE f 1I.29P—A real boms, with karga

rooms, 4 bod rooms on second Door; every agnveatence; 2-car garage; n very good proposition; Investigate.

A MONO HOMES OF REFINEMENT.PRICE '$11.290—In an oxcallent neighbor­

hood. beautiful interior; an un­usually wyil *bullt house; I rooms and sun parlor on Diet Door; I and bath on second; one and bath onthird ; steam, electric; every detail carefully considered; seen

r f t t

bypointment only.

SEE TO APPRECIATE$27.299 Beautiful, well -eared -forf « i . «»w l i i HI ,

grounds •urround tale unusual home; ideally located is na excellent neigh*bar hood. I rooms nnd sun parlor on Drat Door; four, stooping porch and tiled bath on ascend; I and bath on third; steam, electric, e ta ;beet proposition ot the year.

MARTtN REALTY CO..219 Bellevue ava. Upper Montetair. N. J.

Telephone Montclair f|44.$12.729—ENGLISH stucco and shingle house,

......................... Uoof older type. In excetlfant location; son tar haU. large living room, dining room, pantry, hfteben, six bed rooms, bath; lot 199x22d.

914.949—IN the Watchung section, owner’s attractive home; living room, oun porch, dining room, pantry, kitchen, otx hod room*. bath; 1-car garage; largo grounds.

$19.299—NEW wt*U-built home of farm house type, la exeeileat location; front porch, center hall, living room, oun porch, din­ing room, pantry, kitchen, four bed rooms, three baths; 2-car garage-

921.299—DELIGHTFULLY located home in choice section of Upper Montetair; cen

Oa Elm st : a comfortable California bungalow type residence of eight rooms and1 »f elf]two ba t bo; one-car garage; all modern lm graven*into; large open fireplace tn the llv

r n ’ K , , o r i u t f t i r t i D c l ie n t s .14* Maplewood av#.. opposite Town Ball.

UNUSUALTho unusual thing about this house la the

price; house has 4 large raonu aad bath: steam, gas and electricity; Due gardes; not new but tn good condition. 11 minutes to sta tion; $2,191.

ON HILLTOP. .Very cosy i-room bouse: wonderful lot

tP x l l l ; house 4 year* aid and in beet eon- d 'tiou; newly painted and decorated, all Im­provements. owner learlag town, mast sell; garage; $14,999. .

DANDY SMALL HOUSE ’In n particularly nice and convenient loca­

tion; peculiar circumstance* place this bouse in our band* for aol*. 4 rooms end bath; ovary modern convenience; house specially well built, beautiful rooms; $11,209.

NEW HOUSERWo represent oil the good builders In

Maplewood and vicinity nnd hav* a complete Hot *f all new bouses completed and tn sours* of construction. we have reck bot­tom price# en all of them; wo have them tn different sections and nt prices ranging treat $19,499 up, see no en any new propert).

LARUE HOMERIf you nr* looking for a feed else heme,

aay eight, ten or twelve roema wo believe we can shew you the house yen require. we have many bookings In different section* of the town, we kave eae splendid I-room house beautifully located, tor $12,909. an­other. one of the finest hornet la thl* part af New Jereey. for 924.999; ethers $19,449 ta $12.499.__________ ____________________

SPACIOUS reals sacs ta restricted park a*c- U m . on a lightly elevation sot wall back

la a boaatlfai laadnapgwS tswa; plot about ewe acre. IH -a e ry house, fleet fleer, re oopttoa hall, large living room. Millard mem aad dtntag room, second Deer, four had roema and two bath rooms: attic, ear



vuats’ roem a bath-ream and etarax* epace. two-car garage, offered for lees than half ,• f rap A ram tu t value. Pheup Nntlay 4904 IN NirfLET-^Charming now house, first

at ary brick, private residence pork, terse plot, t reams aad bath. Incleasd sun perch breakfast alee vs. high clasa Bn tab aad equipment, pries saty $13,299: mortgage $4,999; an except tea*) opportunity. Huntley, opp. Franklin ave. station, phono SIS-


Hit-room honae. every modern improve m eat: la perfect condition, let 11x114; sear station and trolley price $12,999, worth much m ere. call up without delay.

FEIST A FEIST.711 Brood at. * Market 9499

PREPARE for spring: aecura your let now for building your bom* on our 9pring

Gardena trac t, tbs choicest, most dsslrabi*

Located an beautiful Mayweed avn . beswnan Cantor at end Berke­ley ave. Thsaa new home# are af tha hotter typo, containing I and 9 rooms 2 aad $ hatha, dreealng reams, breakfast nooks; two-rer as rages; sparteuo plots B1LT-WEL

Madam Bemad** era ail that the asms Implies, ovary owner sf a M LT-w EL bam* to a reference. Tha beat of material and workman- ship la am had lad In these home*, copper Isadora, gutters, oak Doers, all gas kitchenR all tils baths ta- staatansous Rund water hooters and ovary modern appointment Owner­ship of those homos la ABSO­LUTELY RESTRICTED to person* of character aad naoltten. Price* from $17,200 to $11,209. roaooaaMe terms arraagod Doa't foil to oso those horns# before you buy.

_ parlor, e tc .; ____ _ ,M—t a; aetaet nstghherhssd. 221 R)||ltww btecha from D . L E W . E R L _____term# to unit. Aaety Simon A ManteL i lh

f r Cltaten bfdg . Nskpnrlu


19JMXStation properties; $2,209 to |

ebetes bunding lets from $29 nor few EUOBNE HUOHBS A M O..

end fully Improved section In Nutlsy. sc tlvs hem* building new going so.Reoity t ompany. 11 High at.. Nutley J , phanss 114 and 1042

VOpen for tnapectleo oil doy Sunday.

Rspcnoantatlte oa premtaea

lag room; plot nearly 29 toot la width by 1 0 foot la depth, price $11,990; cash rs- qaired kstwsea $2,909 aad $4,994; this prop­erty lo within five minutes’ walk sf the

Phr AM Meal*weed Property | T h b -----

DIRECT WITH BL’ILfMER—Two new sixroom houses, all Improvement n. walks,

shads tress, garage, price 9*.24a, with deed given for $999 rush; balance $22 monthly.J a k o b z im m e r k r r e a l t y c o . in «\,94 East Paaaic ava., Bloomfield. N. J ; phone Nutlsy 1929.

Lac Ira wanna station; K la moat convsnisat ta the shops and schools.

Ta th ese af yon who deetrs to rent, wo have a number of apartment* In two-family houses aad a fuw private reaidqpcss a t a madam price.

. . . . his Officem a n a g in g a g e n t s f o bW ESTVllW RBaCKNTR

A tow good lota left la this Ideal development

Write for Booklet of Maplewood. O A K E S . Realtors.

Eat. 1902. At Maplewood Sta.Phono death Orange 1994.

•299 CASH and the rent you now pay will buy a dainty Uttle home read; is mo»s

Into, reavea taut, purely rsaidsntlal locality; 4 rooms an# bath, all Impts; price 11.144 to 17,199. Orbs a. Rsaltaf, 114 Hrsmoa's b*^-

colonial houee of 4 rooms.NEW spa d on ______open Drsplaes; sun porch, tastefully deco

Ta those of you whs lataad erecting your own horn* wa ask that you permit us ta submit prospective sttsa • 19.204—NEWJOSEPH A- O'CONNOR A SON. Realtors.

$41 Bloom field ava, Montclair.Phone 4427.

“Just around the corner from tho Lacks-

Six rooms, sun parlor, shower; capper rafl*acres na and loaders; tn fact, all the

monte your own architect would specify era la this hom*. uasacsltsd location yst oaly a Mock to trolley.

$11,999-—A HOME that vibratos with reel quali ty ; large living room with spun ftrsplaca, dining room, kitchen, sub

Ereh. t good-elssd bad eh am bars, tttsd th with built-in tub, douMs oak Dears’ special on*-panel birch doors, oxtrs hoary detailed trim finished hi old Ivory:

an windows hnag on moral chains; cop­per loaders aad gutters.

Thu quality is such that Is only found la tha finest of prlvst*-built homes; ex­cellent location.

$12,999 CHARMING colontol home with •S ira wide center hall, large living reotr w ith f ire p la c e . b e a u tifu lly designed

$14,999 —NEW.Carasr. 4 bad rooms; gorago; decorated

to outt) very wall bttilt,

; rated; latest lm p ta ; Dill length screens, lot 24x112 feet; a visit will convince, this It a bargain Apply $19 High at.. Nalley, N. J REAL BARGAIN—John ot . coxy modern

4-room homo; geragq4 lot 24x124. fruit rasa grope arbor, near school, pries

$4,099. A. L Bland Jr.. 143 Market a t .Newark Market 4229. _______________HI\ ROOM house, excellent condition; all

improvements. oarage, large lot. with grape vines, currant*, berries, asparagus, (heap to qnleh buyer. O. R. Jones. I t John


mantel, especially large dining room, -------— r*- - - - * ..............palm room, tiled kitchen with breakfast alcove; ex tra large master b#d room with two geod-slssd closets. : additional guest chambers. tUad bath with built-in tub aad ahowar.

"Kit-m oth” closest*, large open attic, single-panel birch doers. douMe oakfloors; copper Isadora and gutters; most -------- fully I ................delightfully located with southwestern unobstructed view; very convenient.

$14.299—BEAL New England farm house of tho ooml• bungalow typo with extra large

tazsa with maaolvs columns; costerp la n ........ ..........haU. large living room, dining room, tiled kltcpon. 4 m aster bed room*. 3 tiled

ter ball, reception room. Ilvtag room. “ * ----- sn, Dvq | Hdining iroom, pantry, kitchen, . . . . _ rooms, throe baths; S-car garage; large corner lot.

$27.599—DISTINCTIVE now homo, contains large living room, oun porch, dining room, pantry, kltchon. fivo bod row ms. throe baths; 9-ear garage.

$22.999—BEAUTIFUL boms on mountain­side. renter hall, living room, sen porch, dining room, pantry, kitchen, break* fast porch, five bed rooms, three baths. sleepfnS porch; 2-car garage.

THE MOXLEY OO.. INC..Opp. Brie Station. Upper Montclair. N. J .

PHONE 9299._____________ _$2.299—ATTRACTIVE Dutch colonial horns;

open porch, living room with flreptacs and bookqases, dining room and kitchen.2 bad rooms and bath, open attic : lot 19x299: unusual terms.

$11.999—EXCEPTIONAL opportunity. !• rooms. 2 bath*; lot I9 x ifl; very good location

212.949—SEVEN fin# rooms, sun parlor, tile hath: oak floors; two-car garage; lot 29x1*2,

$14.909—CONVENIENTLY located to the Locks wanna, attractive home of 9 rooms.3 b a th s : excellent condition; lot 44x199

$19,999— A HOM E of characte r; 9 exespIlona] rooms;'span norchf 1 hAfhw; Brgc lot With beautiful t r t « and shrubberygarage; Ideal locAtlon. •

929.499—HILLSIDE residence. 19 rooms. ?bath*, solarium; ( i n i t .......... .

924,299—DISTINCTIVE homo. I sunnyBW. •» (pi na:#; lot $#xlU.

rooms. 2 hatha (ggedpitonally w*U

6 n b -1

planned) t lot 29x149; 2-car gpraga; 4 . vaoiswt to j a t f t s s n n s i i l 4 Krto.

i-p a I t il y , atx rooms aad bath; all mod srn improvements, garage: Tftxt99; extra

well built; sell cheap 104 Mt. Vernon ava. near Chancellor. / »ONE-FAMILT. elx rooms and bath; electric.

g i t , heat, large rang*, garage; two years old; 71x199; $7,290. Hypnvwskl. 42 Beacongt„ Newark. tW O -rA M Itt HOlrSE H 'ro M ii; m .im

heat oa Drat floor; lot 22x199. Call Sat­urday or Sunday, first floor. 42 Maple ave.. Irvington.

$22.999—SUBSTANTIAL homo of brtOk. on •South Side; cantor hail plan: 9 rooms, i baths, ;so:arlum, open porch; corner W

T l Y O t ^ l l h a -.near -contor ; 11 ryoms; all lmpcitvomaata; pries 911,299. Andrew

Ellerttika; i f f South Nineteenth *t.. corner Jvpn svp.TWO UOT*. is .l« e , M-4< M U pi; 4 bUck

from Stuyvesant av*. 2 blocks from #prmgDsld ava Inquire Slontn. Wav*. 1412.Ni4t«, welt built 7-room house; every lm

pmvemen;; garage, large lot; priewreason able; assn Sundays. Owner. 94 Melv.lle pi. NFw- :-(m U % . i f lm pta; open flroptares;

drive; April 1.. Inquire prsmlssa Ellis 4 Jensen. 49 Elmwood eve.; Wav, i t » . COlA)NlfAL resldsnce. 9 room and sun par­

lor; largo plot. 12 Clinton at., near Sand, f ird and Clinton aves : Waverly f j f 4. V w a ftA H lh r . n . . r Clam.-« av7,.. ' i ;

rooms; steam, s lartrlr; lot 89x112; garage; D M 24. Merachnsr, 21 Myrtle av*. v iV s lota on Rosshli] pi. ; w l | l s s ! 1 raaaon-

abha. Bigeion 1921; Georgs Gltlaa. 192 PSIT * •paw s av a . Irving to *-cfaoiCK—. lots, *9x109. in mm sf the D a ta

Sections of town; res sous bis pries. Is- y l r s >9$ RIBS gvs-FtJR quick rsaulls. list your lets and houses_» • eharga. W «. Wsdgburv.1 SprlngDeld aval?EAR GJUJVE ST.—Thre^-family, 14 rooms,

ba th s’ wash tabs; $9,799 49 Beacon st P. Sypatswskl,

wall - buil t six rooms and bath f nil im- provementa; $7,499; terms. Inquire 113 Linden ave.

f w i e tBEACON BEACH—Bungalow o f . $ rooms*

improvements: well furnished; and 2-room ®»«S»lo«r: all Improved; furnished; on lot IW loot front. Corner Morntngaltis awe. a id £ o rt Mo**««uth road- John Bsumsr. $94 HaUddd it . , East Orange. N. J . 4I W » a - S w » lot 29x194. hone* and bung*o * r» mh m m " , nous* and bunga­

low for light Housekeeping; all furniture . 2M* with holisea; income about $1,999 a

year; must be soM t o close sstato. Ogden A Nightingale. 71-79 Church 44 Carp av a• •wsry nvqTOR SALK—In Koansburg; house aad thra*

*GU#ag pavilion with Si Tm ktra; jaw E ta beach; price vary reasonable.n . l i l r . (M M . m i . i l l * ‘ .W . M W IWT IM IH IM .inqwir, O n ti , room i l l . Union h u iu i . . .

Mhtm. MarkM l?l> ■M O l n c * m b r b u f f io ir . M u r i t f i

tfM h , * lth l.SM M u r* (Mt ot m B i IIW (MB tu r n , 111 monthly, uric* U l l *MM»-itfe»(wr. w > t n . KbmmA iiwl a . X H E mBKMW aMtuitm Mhb. . i l l n & tL J r i t f M f f ffX t t B e ; ***T ■ Sui*.k B u a t fi.B M ' ««ak. I l l mwtMy.

| ^ i o u w S m s , b o x m uB w xH it.

in v e s t o b o t u e g u mKB4BWT—-tlB* immuy' oM rtm .nt, co o t.l,-' t w u Wf S i B i n n a w i l rao tll IB.tBB;bmImm a ss e ssprice E M M ; _

UBORQE r . HEWSON CO.,, . . »I< MBrtrat gl.

109 feet front.929.990—DISTINCTIVE homo la woadorfu’

location; 12 rooms. 2 both*; garage; or an aero of boauttfttl gardens

FRANK H. TAYLOR A SON.(Note first name, Inc ),

2.14 Bloomftoid a v a ; Montclair. Phono 7494FOR SALE.

99,499 and Up—W* hav* a number of now houses aad a tow of 'Older typo,

* u hie h vre shall $• pleased to show.Phor.s for appointment.

$19.500—Montclair Heights; n$w houses now11A99 being erected, six rooms and bath;

r al! improvements.$32,299—On the mountainside; charming

nfv .tiem e, 9 rooms 9 baths, sola 1 rlum; this Is on Ideal homo. *•

$.>2,999— Upper Montclair; new house $ retoms, t baths; ail ro**dsrn'appoint­ments; arrange to tnspqct this.

“ i BErFOR RENT.9150-^-Athletic club section; first Door Of

dew two-family house; six rooms , and bath. •

$7»—voorvenisnt location; first Door In two-family house; six rooms and bath. ,

JAMES MOONEY,3? Spring sf..

Montclair. N. J.Phono *$94

DOCUMENT th a t pro!seta you against mov- ing days and tnesoasfd rant# la a deed.

Do yon pay ren t? If ap. you should tn-

baths with showers; open attic; doubt* oak floera open-panel birch doors; all interior finished In old Ivory; copper leaders and gutters; a home of unusual beauty.

$17.909—CHARMING Dutch colonial homo of half-brick; vestibule, era ter hall, largo living room w ith fireplace, palm room, dialog room, tiled kitohsn. 4 master bod rooms, 2 tiled baths with built-in mbs and shower; Dally equipped ”Kl!-moth‘* closets, all interior finished la old Ivory: eoppar leaders and gutters; good sixsd plot: oxcotlswt location: very convenient.

917,949—-PRIVATE owner must sell his beau­tiful colonial residence, very conve­niently located on very sightly ridge. In excellent condition; 7 rooms. 2 baths;

$19,299—IDEAL 9-room, colonial hom*.open fireplace in large living room, sun

porch. 9 bed rooms and t)ls bath, built-in tub; open a ttic ; Ivory trim and best of decorations and fixtures, large lot; very easy terms$11,299—Unusual home, soar golf coura*.

4 room*, sun porch, sleeping porch, large Mvlng room, steam host; garage, ideal loca­tion.


WILL sacrifice six room Banos; all Improve­ments with garage; Al condition; In good

section; oa very liberal term* b. J Brow. IT Os bridge av a , Nutlsy; phone 194IJ- ON E- FA MILT—4 reams, smctrlc. heat.

every Improvement; 49x199, saertflea $4. 204. Wood house A Planer. 2*4 Washingtonave.. Newark; B. B 7tl*.

•NUTLET tN A NUTSHELL.** All about tha *'ldaal Homs Taws.** SECRETARY. BOX II, Nutlsy. N. J.

Nwtft AHbfteeBusiness center; phono South O rxngf 36

Baker st and Maplewood ave.. lleplmrood

every appointment; lota of unusual depth.

$29,999—BEAUTIFUL brick and shinglereel denes delightfully located on largo plot With south western exposure; center hall, largo living room, palm room, din­ing room, tllod kitchen with brsskfaot alcove, 4 m aster bed rooms. 2 bathe.

TUgCAN ROAD. AT PBOSPECT BT. Before buying, look s t tbs new dwellings

now being completed ot ebovs location: only 9 left for spring occupancy; 9 end I roema tiled bat ha open porches, sun parlor, breahfast n*m . built-in bookcase*, open fireplace, oak Doors; 2-car garage, lots 75 and 14 rt. fron t. lawns will b# graded and seeded and shrubbery planted; open dally for Inspection, including Saturday And Sun­day afternoons. A. A Sauer A Mro . owners and bulidere; tel. 1497R South Orange.__PARK AVE.—Well appointed hom*. 4 rooms.

til* bath, open attic, all modern im pta; hardwood floors, front and back porrhen glees enclosed, screens and awning* for en­tire building; 2 car garsgs; large plot. 29x 112; block from trolley, terras, |2.090 cash; bargain a t $14,299.

JOHN R. FRANKS CO..•91 Springfield ava

Irvington Cantor.Waverly 9942. Open Suadayq

NEW' one-family house. 4 (ergs rooms, large a ttic , 2 porch**, cement driveway, double

cement garage, all lmpta.; electric; a lota 72x199. $1,999. or 2719x199 for 97.999; cen be made Into two-family. Owner will rake sec­ond mortgage. 29 Handel ava

ROCKWELL N NEWMAN. 21 Herrteoa *t . East Oraag*.

Phone Orange 9291.

HEW COLONIAL HOUSE: MOUNTAIN Eight rooms; tw* baths; lot !i4«2$Sj

tree*. $90,999: 28.909 cash: pond for graph E. Pulsford. 94 Liberty et.,Tel. Rector 2H9 or ffntloy t i t / .MOUNTAIN STATION—Snap; nine

up-to-date, open fireplace#; hard1 floors. Veil bnlit. excellent location, for garage, set quick; yen will buy I] V otter s K icbangq Union bldg________

TUXEDO PARK.A houee of nine rooms, every Imprwvp*

a t; plot 49x179; two-car garage; H g i term s R E. Dudley. 222 Math Ot.. EM&,

Personally inspected end recom­mended O m » rd section; six bed raoma I both*, sensible end a ttrac­tive plan. 939.244; another not qnlto as largo, part brick, ot $24,444.

o ran g e , phono Qraago 7244. SIX ROOM

>; t « i 3 S

f 'harlten * venue, near Mentreee; English timbered, not new but mod­ern and subOtaatlal; 4 bed rooms, 2 bath*. 227.244.

modern house, tan 1 trolley and station, price $9,199;

Address Owner. Box I, Newt effica Tj %---------— jW H

Olenelde rd .; built about T years, excellent condition; 4 bed rooms II unusually large 1. 2 baths, sun and sleeping porches; S-car garage; owner going to upper New Terk State for business reason*. $29,944; a pleasure to show you these.

RAYMOND CONNOLLY CO. REALTORS, South Orange. Phenes So. Or. 94ft and 142.

$11.299—NEW « room dwelling, built and occupied by owner, large plot; on#-car

garage$12.999—SUBSTANTIALLY built home on

plot 199x129; garage; house con talas $ rooms and bath, steam heat, electricity, located an on* of the Dnoet residential streets; sear trolley aad depot; excellent rains.$14 909—SPLENDID home for large family;

' tha

$1.909—e ig h t raoma both; geq efts** trfcity. steam ; large lot; depot $

>7.240—SEVEN raoma bath: gaq i l i i t r tg i .f f f l i •ty, hot olr beat; depot I minutes

$9.209— ELEVEN room s bath; g aa bet a lfl . 3 oome repairs needed. lot T2sl99; gOOS location; depot 14 minutes

$11.90#—NEW. atx rooms bath; all hE#'- provementa. oak Door# sun parlor, lavgt* dry. ate ; depot 19 mtautoa

$12,200—TEN rooms bath; a*l Im dqifta manta, garage; lot 49g92; depot I mih* J utea


PRWWAR B U lt f ; living room. A ...............................room, pontry. kitchen; four hod

both. Inrge porch; excellent Conditio# mlnuUNkv

houee h*u fappointment; thrrh-car garage. • 17.444—7KN-

bed rooms I bat)._>rra-car garage.ROOM dwelling on Prospect

corner p lo t; Immediate possession Hon* ‘ ‘ ’929.999—ON Hartford rd-; wonderful loca­

tion; house contain* 11 rooms 2 baths, exceptionally well built; oak floors through-

j out. otoam boat, electricity; let t99x2lft. I two-car garage: compare this property with I ethers before purchasing.

MAPLEWOOD. N. J. “Tho Town Beautiful.’*

Splendid eight-room houee; bath, garage; wonderful garden; owner wants larger home.

Good so rt o-room Dutch. Colonial; two bathe; sleeping porch; 79-ft. lot; excellent value.

THE FRED L. DALZELL COMPANY, Maplewood Station. Ph. South Orange 229,

NA^LEW Otta. N. J..“The Town Beautiful.'*

sleeping porch. ThisThis proper ty will commend itself to

tho discrim inating purchaser by reason oft it* superior quality ond unusual choice locati on.

$22.949—BEAUTIFUL brick and shingleresidence on ektiia large plot, very cen­

ta l 2 ' —venlent; $ room*.! $ both*, sun porch, sleeping porch; all latest appointments; construction and Dnish of thts housewill appeal to tho purchaser who eon


9Z £

appreciate rani value.MURDOCH-FA1RCHILD CO .

Roe) Rotate Broker*. Lackawanna, Montclair Phone 9999TH B STEVENSON COMPANY.


WONDERFUL HOME.Ho* center outrages, immense living room,

•sta rtam . S cheerful bed room, sleeping porch .tiled balk and ahowar on second

C v 'c& zO N IA U .,On o n , »f m i prntllM t i i m M : cMit.r

•n tra n c ; MmC* l l< W n o n . •> »«•■Id,: d lah is room, kltchon. httiKr’. p»ntry on orhor. i ( M .loom»» room ,. I bnlni nhov,; n w tmlM . iro ll.y . and ochool,: nlct**** ih It c h c o l o n ia i.

KtcMly piacod on In r , , plot: p tan id coio- ntnl entrnr.ee: llvln* reom «nd eolnrlum MrnM front: open nrepl.ce, pnrquet (loom. Ivnry trtm t ( (me elooptni room, nnd eom- plete y tiled t-eth nnd kn«*ee; devdr l-cer x a r is e nr Ice warranto attention,. 9M.94®.* & NVBNIENT LOCATION.

Plot 24x124; lawn*, shrub*, driveway, ena- enr garage* nicely indoood with Iron and wire fence; home he* large front porch glassed and ecrcened: center h*U. muetc room, living room, dining reom. kitchen and but levy; 5 bleeping rooms and both with shower; price la eeorlfloa 0 1 -140-^ IMCCEPTIONA'L OFFERING.

Now home; colonial vtylo; eon tor entrance; gray ehiaglo oldiag; 7 room*; Gled bath; oak floor#, oheatnut tHm: ot»en firaplace; plot 22x224; drlvpaayjJH loe •'••v99** e HODE8T HOMER

17,259—g rooms, bath; gaa. otoam. sloe* trie: flrep lacs; oak Door#.$7 549—Bungalow. 5 room*, bath on ons Door; open attle ; a!I Improvement*.

$7 $49—Pretty colonlel, * room*, natn. open’ porch: fireplace; pw qust floor#; al! tmprovomenta . .. .ft:2$4- 9 room*, bath: open porch; nil im- f ------------- Gltl —

vestige t c our plan of *hom* buying; small cash payment, balance monthly; *1* roema ‘ and tlJs NMtth; electric light, htof. hard­wood floera *«$ w ater heater and porcelain HjfiH ' iv s 4 mddoTB.1 workable plansink; wq Bovs ---------- —H H ^ SLand our system t* elaOClc and permit* Ofadjustm ent to_*U^l Indivlduel need; lot nodisc use the dsteU* with rod: houssa af# located on Hollywood arc., ons block *outh of Linds* ave. and Orange road. Address Home, Baa !«•. Howe effica

11-ROOM root don ee, 2 both#; garage; lot 199x1*9; Drat Door, tiled « « $ • , b m psptton halt, a ttrlng im H i dlnJng room,

pantryV nd kitchen, 24 floor, z maatsr hidrooms loading ta m t p l i poreb; 4 '.had raoma; 2 ftropteeox xi>d one* hath room. Hied. «und t room* and «*ne MIed hath on Li floor; price $12,999,* wtlh % Nbeval allow­ance dor m inor repairs and improvement* *

W ILL YOU BE ONE OF THB $7? Thta off too haa $1 <m« and two family

aausoo around $12,999 with terma* ^ W I L L YOU BK ONE OF THE 57? Heel a t oM Agency. Macintosh bldg.. Wool

r ^ G r W E R r a t M i O taM t ll .

Would you ba Intsrsstod If by paying $1,209, you could buy * pretty six-room boms, and hav* It coot you isos than $199 a month, as root? Lot us toll you how!

THE FRED L. DALZELL CO.. Maplewood f t a. South Prangs 222.

COLONIAL. 12 rooms, 9 baths, extra toilets end ehowsr, sun parlor and aiosplng porch ;

oak Doors throughout. flreplacs; vapor heat; built by owner with best materials and workmanship, largo ground* with 2-car - . niitter.heated garage; perfect condition, owm. sacrificing for 9-4.444; offer, with term*

0 n * t *COMFORTABLE HOME; fl«,549; LARGE

PLOT: 19 ROOMS. 2 TILED BATH8;$2,299 IX»WN. 114.299 WITH

SMALLER FRONTAGE.This is a very wall-built aad wsll-kspt

house of 14 rooms. 2 full Iliad baths; slssp- Ing porch, butlsr’s pantry, conservatory, open fireplace*, parquet floors all through house; ateom heat, electric light* frontage • nd bark perchea. slate roof; copper gutters, leader*. 2-car garage, chicken house, plot 122x122. pries 914.299; shrubbery will sell with 72 ft. frontage fer 214.299; bank mort­gage. 29.299; flv« minutes to station; bring a builder and to inspect

HERBERT AUSTIN. REALTOR.Central ave. and Scotland rd , Orange.

Tel 7471 Orang*.If Austin Advertises It. I t’s a Buy

O th e rs $9,289 to $22,999. EUGENE E. HUGHES A M O..

Oppoalts station. 8outh Orange,

throughout; lot *4x192; otetloa 12 m lautta« PIN MONEY; rale* poultry; lot 21* R. 4

4* ft. front; 4 chicken houssa; d i d ™ , house, ail improvement*, except *l*ctrt9| etetlon 1* minutes.


ceted on plot 79x192 feet; seven lerqe both; basement laundry, eteam hsetigee kitchen, oak Doors, screened t -rage; price $11,299. *

EUGENE JOB8-H. F BECK CO.. , Realtor* epppslts station. Summit. N. A

OVERI.OOKING grounds of country club and golf course; two unusually attractive

modern homes, frame and brick veneer, with2-car garage; 2 room* 9 baths, tliod, with showers;- tiled kitchens; p lats1 glass win-showers;' tiled kitchens; p la ts ' gls dows, copper screen*, Isadora; specious solarium; 11*23. with fireplace; handsome shed* tress; grounds of ens-helf errs emidsi perk like surrounding*, possession to 99 days.

THE ORANGES TO MORRISTOWN.For more than 26 ysara this firm has

been actively engaged In rsa) estate along the Lackawanna R R .; this experience en­ables us lo render useful service which ws

PERCHED on ridge. Summit. N. J.,able 9- room. 2-bath, otoam heated

Ing; lower-upper porches; garage; Illustrate#Jobe, I I MeM«Mp;Ji§circular upon requeet.

rd.. Summit. N. J.

gladly offer with every facility.EDWARD P. HAMILTON A CO..

149 Broadway. New York

19 Lackawanna pi . Orange, N. J.

FOR CONVENIENCE of silent* desiring properties in the Oranges w« have opened

a Newark office; call there If Interested In buying, renting or selllnq and talk things over: examine these; T $2.240—Two Mores w ith seven rooms above;

mortgage 92.244$9,999—Nine rooms and bath; hot water

heat. 2 open fireplaces.$13.209—-Seven room* and both, sleeping

porch, steam heat, largo plot, mortgage $9,190, eut ot town owner anxious to sell.

PROSPECT §T.—Four new houses; 7 room*. 2-cer garage. 2 baths, pint 70x120.

Price $17,294ROLAND AVE.—Three new houses;

4 rooms, 1 both, plot *4x114,Prices 911,299 le $12,299.

BROWN A CO..22 Perk pi.. Newark. N. J.. and 92 Raker et., Mnplewood. N J.

RIDGE ST.—House of 13 rooms, well built and In excellent condition; Drat-class

neighborhood, convenient to church; main line trolley and railway station.

ROBERT E. DUDLEY.122 Main st . Best Orange.

Phone Orange 7940.

CHARLES R. PIPER.Owner and Builder.

I l l Montrose ave. South Orang* Phono South Oranxs *41.

it n*c«eanry, considered. Fleers. 131 Broad et.. Newark or 24* Prospect st., Maplewood119,299—NEW 4 rooms, bath, sun parlor. $12,999—NEW. colonial; 4 room*, bath, sun

parlor.$12,999—COLONIAL house; 9 largo rooms,

both, gun porch-$19,999—EIGHT room*. $ both*; garage; let

$9x129. ,COHN D. MUNTHEK.

Oppeelts S to tts* -_______ South Orange,NORTH TERRACE. 41—Some on* went*

th lt home, 7 room* 9 beths; elegant con­dition; large living room; open fireplace; steam, electric; hardwood floor*; lot llfx 129; prloo $11,990; will ’ consider selling bouse with lot *1x12* for $12,000; shown by appointment only.

C. If. 8TIOER,Main and Harrison s ta . East Orange.

$10,409 TO $14,249—Splendid select ton of eight h r ran reel buys; from • to I rooms;

MAIN ST., business plot, 100x220 ft ; good location for high c la n stores; might con­

sider exchange for Morris County property; pries $22,004.

MACK A FALKE. INC- __S|9 Main »t„ East orange. Pn i j | | . ,

TWO-FAMILY.Five mtnutMi Brick Church Station; i t

rooms. 2 baths; steam, electricity and drive­way; pries 212.090.

J. F. CRONKN A CO..$91 Main et. (ph. $221), East Orang*W ILL TOU BE ONE OF THE 27?

This office has 97 one and two faAlly houaea around $19,049 v ith term*

Will you he e re cf the 27?. MACINTOCH AGENCY. Macintosh building. ! West Orange; phone Orange 37.

HIGHLAND-BERK BLEY SECTION. Wonderful hem s, 9 roOma 2 baths;., go*

I rags, beautiful grounds; must be seen to be appreciated; 221,009. RAYMOND A BAUER,

: Main and Harrison sta.. East Oreegs; (>r>n8* 9119-

WE offer few np-to-dats residences, lo­cated In the select residential section of

South Orange; each le provided with ns less thnn 2 ond 1 both rooms, sun pnrlor. •looping porch, flreplacs#, hardwood Door and trim and large plots, hsndkotnely doc- orated with tidy lawns, shrubs and Dowers; the rooms in each house, not counting the sleeping porch, sun parlor or bath, era 4, 7. I. 9 and 19. but the prices ere only 112.999. 913.799. 917.999. $22,999. $27,290.$22,299, 921.904 and $44,999 each, reepoc- 11*sly. M ICaram A Sons, Realtor* 1941 Prangs.CONNBTT P L —Exclusive street; very een-

vsnlsnt to Lackawanna Station end trol­ley , this 1* a very attractive colonial dwel­ling with sun pnrlor end sleeping porch; containing 7 rooms. 2 bathe; 2-cer garage an premise#; plot Is 4?*lt3; constructed by ons of o g beet builder# for personal oc­cupancy 2 year* ego and represent* tho fruit of years of experience; now offered for first ttm* a t $32,249 on terms of about 92.299 cash and owner le open to c o n v ic ts •n his pries.

HARRY J STEVENS.472 Central art-. Newark.________

TUXEDO PARK. SOUTH ORANOE.A private boms location made safe by the

character of l$s koine*

some Juft ‘bring completed; some built sev­eral yehrs; l i pleasure to shew them

SEVERAL m oderate priced homes and 2- family houses from $2.20* to 910,009; soma



South OrSnga Phones 942 end 942-

SACRIFICE—Osrnsr moving; possession May 1; well hPilt home; hell, living room. dle-

Htg room, kitchen, sun parlor end week room Drat Door; 4 bed rooms, tils bath and sleeping porch: oak Door* open fireplace; fins lot; garage; best section; convenient; price only $12,224; terms arranged. Fleer*. 8$$ Prospect at . Maplewood, ___AN opportunity; modern bouse; in excellent

condition throughout; 9 rooms end bathlot beautifully planted with shrubbery and

rlrranlr* ^ - ----- -------- -12.299.rronlxl Dower beds; garage tor 1 car;

THE J . CHARLES O’BRIEN CO.. Opp. station. South Orange, since 1999.

CIjASSY COLONIAL Dainty and attractive; 4 rooms;

breakfast room; fireplace; ha Atwood pricefloors throughout; plot 29x120;

912,280; specially well built. BERTRAM A. HAM.

492 Broad et. Humboldt 9214. Newark.

MUST ba sold a t once: handsome colonial residence; contetns 9 fine room* 3 both*,

sun end sleeping porches: best construction; slot 149x159: double garage; convenient lo- fa to n ; reduced to fl4,699. Griffiths. 124W llf f o r f» r« . . M onucir.a ■avKM-KOOM ItodM **4 I(MM WM— ■? . . p , u * W. H ttttH ; H U M (N et J& S m T s ix th E»d K » l KxUrt. C , . JIT f r g g ? td .. Manic,air.u p o o H S ; two family; separate heaters.

• ’setric. gee, laundry; iw 99x129; 9 min* ut2» n L # W . Station ;.$lf.999; no agents; -** * In tor view. Address Houee, -Box 15.BVW Mu *fr V ** •4rHto fW inte^ivw . Nsww office. jjg te tg J t.IF yen would like J e your »wn ,

,fs4 q v , tile bath $ M j_ lfw O I^ toll

BEST BUY In town; built by owner with best materials end workmanship; 7 rooms

and sun parlor, 4 bed rooms, second floor, open porch In roar; largo plot with garage;owner gone West; possession a t ones; sacri flee pries $13,249; term *Prospect f t ., Maplewood.

Fiacre, 2|g

ju s t Q M S 'h u m t w 1 m ( i S w i

a s low a s $290 c a s h , m ak e a p p o in tm en t. Va n d s rh o e f . 144 M ain s t.. | ) r a n g s ; ph 4947. |2 .229 B U Y S b e s t 4 -ro o m h h m s In tow n;

a ll lm p ta . b u t e le c tr ic ; f in s cond itio n ; c o n v en ien t (o ra t io n ; ea sy te rm s. V snder- )«wf, 909 M sln «t. * C»rengs 4947,! I A m UCY; 20*190; im p ro v e m e n ts ; $5,600.t-F A M IL Y ; e ll im p ro v e m e n ts ................. 94,299A. J. Bilott, 309 Lincoln ave.. Orange 7411

Tract offke. corner South Orange ave. and Stanley r d . open every day. Including Sunday.

TEN-ROOM house, all im pta 1 let 71 $14,299 cash required $2,999; also c,

house, all Im pta; Ipt *4at$9. $12,299. D. Namara. 891 Morris eve.

SULVASUNNA. irWWell known hoist property. SueeMUSiMH

Morris • County, N. J.. on Mein et. IB n a lS ^ turnpike), about 224 fast frontage b> M$p tost deep; 22 rooms, both, steam batML power pump, sleetrie lights; barn* Hn poultry house; 19 miles from Merrietoq * Dover. 2 Lake Hopatcong, “ “92 Nsw York; Roxbary legs: D . L A W R 1 N J ; trolley service, good rood* sliclrtft lights, will sell furnished or unfqrnlat

SUUCASUNNA. MORRIS COUNTY. H. $ss caaeAttractive stucco houas. first-cl*

dltlon; IS rooms end bath: large steam heat, electric light* stsetrlc | frontage on Main ot. (Easton turnpl about 19ls92* feet deep; will sell lift or 114 feet frontage by 296 fast; gai poultry house, lot of fruit, good gardt small spring pond on premises, D.. I* A R R. end C. R. R. of N. J. end tratk service; good road* electric light* R o |i High School In village; * mile* from Do) 19 Morristown. 3 la k e Hopatcong, 7 Bi Lake; 22 New York, owner desire* m property Apply F. A. DsCsmp. 81 senna N. J ; tel. 142.

FOR SALE, new attractive, e*vsn-ro9|E house; all Impravemsnts; In ehnlco tocq*

tton. near depot and schools; this positive bargain for quick buyer; terms. Address Owner. 1? West MalaS o m erv ille .


FOR SALE— Largs house, suit a bis for •doctor.dsnt 1st.boarding house or t_

g a rsg s ._ Splendid location tn countytown Particulars upon application. _ ... Messier, 14 West Main st . Somerville, N. J.a

S k m i lU kSHORT HILLS, N. J. *•

Fram e dwelling; near station; llvln#room, min porch, dining room, pontry • # #kltchon. 4 bed room* 2 bathe; steam. H a electric; price $12,994.

FREDERICK P. CRAIG. ‘Short mu*. \ . J ______ Telephone | |C

Send for Booklet.C R O W I.E T -G' B R IE N C O . BS8KX BLDG.

ONE of the most desirable locations In 1beautiful community. Modern agq___

type house; 7 room* end bath; gareSel large plot Prlo# 9l3.PAn *« -TYE*balance easy term s Klrsmsn's Hldg.


INSPECT SUNDAY—SOUTH ORANGE. Price 914.290. seven-room residence with

two baths, sun porch, plot 42x129; near s ta­tion.

i REMAINING LOTS on Hobart eve., depot. »t attractive price. Wm.

I Lushesr. Short Hills, nr ordway bldg.

INN and tea room, furnished; dancing, pool room; 26 rooms, *11 improvements; tennis

court; large grounds; 7-car garage, barn- hennery; on sta ts road; beautiful countr>; large clientele, 39 m ils* N B. Gano. Old- wick. K. J.

Pries 939.949; seven-room residence, sun porch, breakfast porch; exclusive location.

, large corner plot Apply Sunday at branch 1 office. South Orange ave. end Stanley rd . 1 South Orange.

CROW LET-O’BRIEN COMPANY.31 Clinton at.. .Newark.

1.990 CASH buys six-room dwelling, 9 #

P * r t-« s -P « * k


AN DREWS-COLT COMPANY,49 Clinton to Phone Market 4924.PORT-AU-PECK — ONE HOUR

FROM NEWARK.Summer and all-year homes fi.224 and up. Building plots, 22*9 and up.

PRICE 222.999Ons of the best located and most com-

1 piste private horns* In Squth Orange; sight room* 2 baths; 3-car garage; Instantaneous hot water heater; tiled hitebsn end bath; house 6 year* old and unusually well con­structed. immediate possession; may be seen by appointment with either office,

CROW LET OBRIEN COMPANY.Kmsx Building. Newark.

Branch office s t Tuxedo Perk. South Orange; phonos Market 4429 end Mkt, 9974.

houee* strictly modern; ideal locations; driveway*, ate.; large plots; prices $11,994 to $12,999; terms If desired; choice buildingiota la all M ctiu tt. prices $3* her foot u a

GEO. r . LACOMBE. MAPLEWOOD,1419 gprjagflaid aye.; Bigeiow 9342.WILL YOU B I ONE O F ^ f U *7?

This office has •? one end two feaiUy houses around 119,994 with, terms.

Will you be one o t til* If? --------! ** Mif#TMACLNTOSH AGENCY. Mactnfoeh bldg..

West Oraaffq; phone Orange 9?.

P lM ia a b la WSTEAM-HEATED 4-room house end bkth;

chicken bouse; lot 311x294; garage. *9 fruit" trase, shrubs end flosrsta for only $4,220.

ONE of tbs best built homes In South Or­ange; containing hall, living^ room with


NINE rooms end bath; eteam and “lertrlc;lot 199x299; *2 f r u # tress; owner wants

to exchange it for property In the orange* or Newark, the house Is well furnished, but the price le only f l 1.044, Including fur­niture; Immediate possession.

M. KARAM * SONS.Realtors: $441 Oraag*

ftrapTsc* dining room, gas kitchen and pantry; 2 spacious bed rooms and full tiled bath on second; bed room aa d bath on third; every modern appo in tm ent, oak floors: large lo t; 2-car garage, this house Is of very attractive design and m ust be seen to be ap p rec ia ted ; pries $16-9$9.

EUGENE E. HUGHES A BRO...Opp. Depot. ________ South orange.

. ' A »n •ik-ruoin awwil..,,Improvements; sun parlor and open flnfea

place; lot *4x159; restricted residence a t r t l f f convenient commuting via Short llitls j f i f turn. D. L. A W. R. R.; full prtcq $fjflR (isorgs B. Thomas, Bprtagfisld. N. J.. nheha Mlllburn 296W. V

Sc* Girt8EA GIRT. V. J .—Seashore cottagse for r u t ------ - c -------------l - |$ Wa a u i n 1, .1.—*Miimirc cecuigee fqi

or sale E. C. Lake Agency, phone Spring Lass.


36 MINUTES FROM BROAD AND MARKEK Pine nsw 6-room residence; lm- 2

provementa; good location................... $4, • gCozy nsw 6-room house; ail lm- «

p ro v ern e n ta ......... ............................................. »*, 2 9 #New C-room houas; all lm prove-

it.ents; decorated; old* walk; street

11 Improve- ,elk; paved I........ ..............$?«$#qprovsm ents; \ f-room rssldspcs. all improvements;

decorated; lor 199x100 ft.; garage; 1 ■

213.249—BIGHT rooms, bath; let 49x129. il44#90—TEN room* 3 bathe; 2-car garage. $12.999—FIVE years old; $ rooms, 2 both*

sap porch, sleeping perch. -F IN P g ------ | -------$12.999—FINK location fer doetor; • room*

tiled both: large let.$17.999—4JP-TO-DATB now house. $ room*

S both* breakfast reom.JOHN IX MUNTHER.

Oppoalts station. South Orange.

fruit; shrubbery . .................................$19,6494-room house; Improvements; double ' fb

garage; good location ......................... .$6,19#House, 4 rooms, with 2 or I a era

of land on main highway; price low fbr quick buyer. * '

Building lots, centrally located, $1$ tu ff$34 front foot. -* .

Farme—acreage—factory sKse, with R. R.sidings. ' .


B T A T 1 r o t SA L E— O U To r T O W H

H i i O n m fNEW HILLRfDKlA X P T m n a f f M HOM t

__ L" k m TO I I U H .( H n g o M i H t t k O f M i* ori m mm m tm t the m m •«»>«>• moot

, to rA t ton* t t r w cent teas aft MV fcPWM built w ®f " f t 'l§ 4 M tv4 for tM character of the

_ Umt produce and for th* »oi»o thny s th#7 hftVW #U o»d oo***1 r •<*"?•* e steam M l . otoctrtcuy. «''*4

fireplace. m porlor. ot« _tJ 2form* arranged Woof Oraeg* »•US f c n r ^ r conditio# sod it# food

t in g fa r ta . 34 mil#* • a'larg# r iv e r fro e iag # #•*

*r#d • f i u k i . larg* . lu>!a nt »N-«! 24 Ot ron *#••rrt## ai«n«i r e iu rn O' '

m# ado<* b old ■h*4bf* a J i* « A | #«r<’•VM

? ^vSSftieeto. Herbert Austin R « ‘‘Tol. Orange T«:». Coouml av*. n f 8cot-

W9m■ n*4Appsli_ __VMr bo woo 17.350.

Bsf^ i t Awtt* Advortiooo U -F** Otb

b»tb oto«n

-IT * A BUT | « 0 . 9 * 4 ____ _

^ J lWWlOMCO of cltonta d'oiuJBd JMJT Ui tk# O n if* * * • .have op»n»« •

I p n r l offloo: call *h#ra <*| J S S f . r v U I l f o r M .U M . * nd u , k lhlB* K B p : r n n l M (bow.K H p M M H room*

* lot; pro *•Wl, „ — J u r o r n a . . .

40x1)5. very food vale*B R O W N * « <» .

M P a rk p t.. N e w a rk X •» .•n *I I Bobor ot . M%pl*WM ,N J _

wool a home. da »«• P»'B <h ,*#(RRtfll l-room b«jn*a,®w •: *• d v O -room . a il m prov#raet- • • ; ' ‘

II ■ I t room*. Jiwnt tn r ».M g *Ttm |-familloo worth <he m«»«*y e* r> »«

“ Ig jJ llM iA»d» * » # .> • • • * 1-o.m. „E l i « ? a» k ta iW a i 1§»»< f t jOTOttaM. W , I* '1"" I"" U •*** 4“ *?

1M tim lo i t . K r a . f - . ■ -!

R IA L E S T A T E F O R S A L E — R E W • JE R S E Y

IM M M E PfcO O L'C lN O EATATF.Ppiextdto

i M l f m boot oor m i dairy tract #Qu;pp#d pooltry j»i«n L i <»r* hard tihe $ I. too > . boa at i f u iClAk» *hrubb#ry. mansion of I t rooms * bathe c«mp>*<e! and lasanotMly forntahod to l ha last • tlattc detail. even pi-»uroa. I n#a. *1 '* ' l with ptaro. furn*hing« alon# inventory •

tnodorn t#naot hr-uao * rooms. b«‘i h#ar, fifteen form buildings. * I m l ^ ' condition including i .« houot i*oai h*»-ts. rtf gorsg# for • cars pre<ti<a.-v # t» w plomonta of rvsry doo> r pi ion complete f- farming, including trnrtor go'f . pare*<« untry dob. trnria, bos'.ng. baib ng | | i | ing. banting on y'»«r «* n ratal* ph#ssam srs sirnoat as numoroas snd as is.i • *< b < As n s. a homo »»hsr# p )n n r « s n J prof unit#. o»nrr tollrd to (>n#n( will aril fo ' i t ' Hon of valor, first offer of | t i M* t i t -

• farm. It buidogs Meet crops IgAwRm furnishing* of mansion must br sold on hi

ays. For terms. ##o Mra Stoffotd. l«

CA THAI IX MTn Ht' N«i A IA »B a- MODKBN A U t - f ’ *R -H I NTfiv# rifolui i.fakk'y furnuib#d brock

Mfk., house a cemfolinininc dar-pn#. poulttl i*9 f#a(*i 9*" «b#r#r a i ant* i < l*»« new

u i c»«*i pojn** impi#>r* h- l#*» "* Detii:

b. N T 1 bii.I I»*c -»n #r !►*> Ua*. Tr*a .

is m o i t i -o o o o Ho u r f a r mKrRMBHKD HUl'RK. Rgi'lPM EST

Kasv to start bars, income from start: l> osaant homo and IndagaMdanro. A ac. #s in good iocailoa for arbaio family band> depot Stores, erramery. eburrbes. emealloat ivsrkru 2s a< res maebino worked fiald*

w iiS 'fd pasture, t l apple troos ■riabie .’-story A-room boast 2 ba^n*.> huase etc . owner (tempted fla# makes -i» price |i.!VV. and if taboo

mr lades -f ls i bor*e. vsltlnn . tools i'ii'e.nta furnttaro only »Mt nsodod e*pegr Jr I : w ‘'ota'og Borgs'ns i

tciif'tw ra» personsi-t?. E A Siroai f»«f >ut Farrs Ageno iiVAN Nasaau


LEFT. LET US HELF SOLVE TOCS smmDB: OCR INDUSTRIALd e p a r t m e n t a t t o u r i l e ­v ie s .




K- Sr<-nnd *t nd Rr<HOifR INSI RED | i I I I

t t 9V« Ot l< K SALE PRICEstory t rwofi. houa#. • nh be1 h

olMMFR I K«*« s vef

is r snd Spring 9«ao UI 92 909 ap p o l

r or phone Kolmarard «1 i Fiftl. svs » NEW ~» »o ’fa.wu.ii b.-ui

bobd Jets* bed t»<*u

H fMn A 'o1. Re'* ranging f om made by los

Wi us Lava*

Ota 91a •«

«e l t d iiRC Y A


t Nor' a_At ir.g’fM.| [ I'M nV _f»K. A' H

bungalow 'or »»* > I • s«»0 down F. A In I SiNoNh iv i Plainfield N. J . phone 1*1.’REAL ESTATE f O i SALL—NtW


F<»R HA L it- —S u m m er h o te l , oil prevent#nta Owner. Boi Tol

modern In Poit Jerv,

DWKI l.lN 'i JF .R SK T S H " B F

Suatlful B** m B •'"> T - __ __ ■__ IB L . If f lg K . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—LONG Ifield gva. and Boverty rd .

R aw s C ow aty C o u n try < !«*»(Inks, the bouao ronta ns I* rootite. lu tk A S lam torlr*. large kitchen, sun M B , built-In wnrdrobs and many other fatturoo: plot 191 fart front

I S * A L T 6 r . J A. CLA RK O W N ER.f ______ II South D*y 1 . Orange ___I f w •!xroonn house, all Improvanienta.

flftblAca. pantpy, thoataot trim. W M J

E" V |g l l al« vat ton. beautiful aur roundings,

0 FAWILT. 1C rtmrnv: oil flvo; near trollor and otbool

W arbtar. C7 W bltlJow/ ava.; Orange Mt COftNlH store and fla t. Mllabta for any

^^WRWMflg; lot 19*199; 9T.LC9 Addrroa to rasr, # f r £ w^<r> oftlcr. t>raog » . _____

j j M M lT hU jl’f " colanL I homo on Oratory W ^fcgg.; I I mlnutro to Highland are otatinn.

4dk« L. A W.; a ll «»o<lom appointments IB rlw i otadrtc and g»«. aua parlor, keeping

i w s oM i flraplaco. hardwood trim and :S ta rh . garage, beautiful shrubbery oa plot.

C. H. 8TIOKR.P » ~ ' Bf>- MU H»rrfa»B MB.. Kb« .• M ili-O O K AVB —O ut-oflB -n m » f l »

^ M W R m i.1 BBTVlCB B«t>*flM. U" *• * if‘ l > i & K kj! *M»«; contBlninf I bath:i a n S w M .I. Btfctrle U fkli; rkfaf• loi*. lo r.I S S —. . aUr*. far ck llo rn # only IU I*

* P S A C K * r A I . K t . u x cMtlB K««t O rtn l* . PB 1 » ( __k t bbWi « M r Bom* Ubb ta«a<ion * attar; f roama, turd bath; open

r. olearn, electrlclty; oak floors and . all U ir l l ; naar trolley and Motion; ■aw C room* and garage; all impt* ; J

jtw to trM itr snd but. etoraa and a#bool. Orange 9099, fa r farther information

W 1 x T H I T i a ^ t a u M U w wi35, Br i«H «f MbbbibIh VIbb h a . ML£ ’ •« .! « 4 KBBdBl*h f l i MC-S w W a i CBBBIrr Club. »rl,*§ I I I f i t Bft*i Hfi bbbbiiJ mByt«B|«;|M at « < iy lk lB |. riAcra. I l l »ro«d

R K V w M oSA oC W A T ff


w Shf

>'.ng In California, will sscrl | fl e some regular ITS Is»ng Taiand lofi J nesr •ration, at north end of dty of Pel< h I f in e for only 91» each. |3 down and I I month!) Wonderful opportunity For maps j

sddreaa Hie ware K Bruce, Paoodeno, f >j. FREEPORT PACRIF1CR—7 rooms end

hath, electricity and gaa. four he^ rooms, largo attic, stationary tubs, plot l* tl* l, rash 91.999. price 94.999 George K. Wbt*'*i U ReRroed eve. opposite depot. «***« i» dat'y end Hundey. phone tt* Fre»p«r'REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-CON*

NECTICUTFOR RAU£—Gentleman s estate lt« scree.

at) modern Improvoments. ba*h. electric lights, running hot and cold water, fu r­nace. hardwood floors. 29 minute* from WUHntantlc. Conn., on state road and nyer. finest location and view >n Eastern Con­natural. Inquire Frank Grant. Manafie.d Center, Conn. ■ R T D No t __REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-SEA­

SHOREOCEAN OROVE. N. J —Corner property.

largo main bouae. two baths, with cottage *Y»d garnga. rental for summer. 11.999. price and*term * rlghj . large lot. seen by appointment only. Address Heme. Bo* HI. New* office.

a l i .e m i i r s t . M VI

MONT A T T I t l ' i n F. p o t - . AIM*.


Phone 4M0 Ms

i; H.I J.

f-.r rent In A*bury Parvir.m t> f-i ‘ umniM monthsto bu>ar* who are lookinghon.fo ur f.r*t claa* hot#.*.pmnt men t to a#e ib#a# pisuit Fidelity Realty A Mor

W ” I^WBA VlV-N^ wMB^twniAT'*Will fafafa k* aba fa mt * hfa I t v___ _ _ W tii TAB f a BBB *1 (>• I t

H iXTOIH AQSNCr. MaetBiBAk bbIUIb i , Ml IH U H l kk—» Q«— » II.____

^ ^ m D R U n C r . fa> num *. kBih, BlBeiric.J x i k M i ; a m i* rawk fkr *ArB««; ' OHvpb.- i’!

% k t i s 'v x s k ''" 'WS BL. W a t Otbm b ; S w «»»♦Q H L V i ■ & u « i w : U m m ; t i l

WWIIM tli M HM M BJUBaBM. BBB-S p S S k S ! k 5 S * c»;k I*.***;B*ry- OBT4BB, l* Sorth-

u i . I W__ ____MMM kk AB1B; I-fArB-

i 1 M M faAt*r. AUctrlc; 2 _ J ( l t tk l I*B(; U«B BBBklOBn, CBBVBBlBBl|^ f f l k |» | . Vmna.rkBBf. J»» MaIb m .

W u i I-fBBKllr ImNW: IB MCAllABlCfbggtl II raama and t bat ha: 2 lataot Im a ta ; for only part. Karam * Baa, Raaltora; phone Or.

&i v i ageailaat condition, j lI Improve men is. splendid ##l|b*

oaa von tent to orarytlttaf. T9io> a— i m i i ; aa a ion laIT BIB id w a ; >d>l ooctl— of tba

BRADLEY BEACH. N J Far aalo. bargain In 9-room house, half

block from 'ocean, all improvements, fine ptaasa. lot 99«I99 feat, garage price fully furnished. 119,999; terms artanged N<* Neasy Agency. 994 Main at., Bradley Beach- N T : pnono 999 A e b u r y _______________I\»R RALE— bungalow, new. h rooms, gas.

water, fully fumtshod. largo porrhaa._ ................... — *^J adjoining

1 beach; bathing, boat lag. fishing, eaoy terms. ' 49 minutes from Newark. Jeffries. Port

Monmouth. N, J. _______ ____ ___WORKINGMAN'S OPPORTUNITY.

Reashnre bungalow, within commuting dtatance; beautiful view, fine beach; two

HUMMER HiJMEI N o rth Je re»y fh o re


Most c o m p ie i* ii* of fu rn ta n ed aouas new fo r ren t s n d sale

. MIIaAN R«>»8 AGENCY. E s tab lish e d lift#

O pposite M ai'- R. P. H ta t’onanb u ry p a r k . n . j

>TKLF. co ttag e* , s to re s a t.d a p a r tu u

DKVKLfP >su- w w b ria r.da ora age grove in I Jake Cotfi-ty ■ highland taka section,

e-sngs gro»re are ffOying S9*L to 49#» on n-unOy invested The lak e County land '• • k t r i Aa#o is or i .'I Orchard e*s.K'vj. and Park. Fla an asoactatmu .f coat* d e f orange growers, not load agents, hav# a - wed oat a plan By whir h you ran ae. a'e ,an>! snd e*snge re«* lo p-aot it for whst trees • ot»e aswuul coot you elsewhere. Just to er>' <iursge development. 19 Tiirsi planted to g*• v# will cos* ou 91.999. free book of

lo 'tu s i photugrepbs end facts only te th-'Oe I r*i it f.-» buy. others pleos# don't wr’-s.

th ’« .s -our opportunity if you moon bool I te*» .,i»» for curtoetty seekers, i-biidreoj p u ts . t p u n e i a ______ __________ ___I liKi GRADE A MILK FARM! NK4R NKU YORK .1 CORN AND

be-feri i*Ui heraos. bogs, 29* bens '#h1 lies -uftia fui. equipment 1 SO seres best

I section \tor- s County . oni> 49 tul;es N'ew York CV„< > »s - depo*. rnllk station at fa te

J \»irljr roi.f-si . good p^ire. warm, south I eri) eloping product!'# field*. bfeon

I watered 'siusU .e wood, tunbe''S t.e i) f r u1 ’ wMlnuts. fishing, water sport* .n i.\e r bordvtng farm home-like 9-roo:n

| Nous#. large dairy born abundant ws #r I wippik . owner r^Mring. prosperous. 91 '

t • '» • hi if taken before planting, per* cs«i>. m i . irrin l W»li»r K Durham, 111 M1*' r > •- . M .rristown N J “ ‘VoSETBY" PLANT NEAR *TATION

9m MINUTER T<> NEW YORK Ideal!' tocaietf. Tlx499 feet, room fur

is r| s fo rk monev mnh’ng * hlekens. - *url'i.keti houor* un» with capacity for 20* poj.ir) an«J c.ectric lights oa ed g e Piam ft*:.d msiket <Tty of Jl #14 and on ' I i •.mutes ■<» New York. 24 minutes walk to station 1 -story « room h-'uee. roomy porch, batli fu rn a c a . a b o u t 94 f ru i t t re e s ; k it-h e ti u n i * an d ape- tal e le c tr ic f u tu r e s go w ith p o ix r-y f i d ' l l soon 14 999 92 999 • a sh K \ s r .,u t In- 131 N orth S 'C . P la in fie ld .N I phone 1*17_ | _____ _* HEA I’TlVlII. HI VGALOw ' h o ME


h#st nf • nei* btHirh

•P E c iA i.iz iv o in U o r i r n ' f r i tRAILROAD rv i- IL t r iE k MtRMITS 0»

TO O rr* R EX. RI.LRVT LAM ATIONB FOR a\ T CLAM o r LNDL'RTRT. CALL OR WRITS HARRISON R. VAN L IT SB.ICMtKST k u i f t _____________________ ____ENCBLLfINT far tor > 4*141 h * ,|l"9

paved s* roe' email factory dwe.l'np. hoot kind of location. Address Factor' Hot 111. Newt offtc*PENNSYLVANIA •lW N O : -* l ><*■ on*

block Lincoln Highway, cheap, aeay term*. Less Foiat. Kinney bldg.; ph one l> « Mkc

FACTOMtS W j j A U' i







7t» B R O A D S T . S E C U R IT Y RLDG

WE WILL SELL YOUR PROPERTY.Ws do iboL merely Hot it. NuaMfoua la*

qtilriea are received by ua dally H r all Lindt of property. apartm ents efficiently -i-ansged end leased by our exporta

PHILIP J ROWfcRS A CO.; i l Broad *t. Market 9939. Newark. N. J.

OPEN TUESDAY EVENINGS.HAVE i aah buyer* for 1. S end I fondly

houses and tn v ea tm e a t properties In N#w- ark and kiemUy; eop9ctally *nnt real ew* tat* in Ruoevtlle. near Central ava , Oraitg* ■ r snd Sauth O ra n g e ava ; no hating rharg- f*t#votia. i l l Central av a . open Monday and Wednesday e v o n t n g a _____

WANTED- 'tn r or two family heuea. all lm pro'rm rni*. good location*, have 9999 in

l<a»ti at.d &4 »hsrea af Fcrater Screen Com- ; pany preferred atock and 29 okores of con»- | mm ito- h worth 1499 Addreoe C. I . Boa j office.

iT Q g p u rn o r o c t s t o u tw B B D n B S B i 'tm m K 3 ot *. W •»<

email sioree ideal far apoetolty iA»M* manicurist am p arc— orles or aay other business, will give 3-ycar leas* la raaeoaabietaaaata

KRAEMER. T!« BROAD ST•_______ Eta Mr. I toppor.____________

LARGE doubflhwtodow stars, aay business rout reaeoaabta Inquire m c im Door 44a

Washington at ; oaa poor f rom < U * fLARGE CORNER STORE

•AT 442 WASHIXOTON ST___________ CHEAP RENT_____________

LABOR dor*, a t tow rent. In good location.Rooevtlfs sevUeu Mutcbier. 199 Rooeviiie

eve tel 9399 Rmocb BrookLARGE More with 4 rooms,

men Is 944 South TwcsttotA I -.— w - — Newark.

OFFERED AT HALF PRICE. Fictory mttb elding; 24.499 aq. ft

nodern. roinfarced concrete building.

I HAVE many quick Ruyara far yaur real j estate. what hnwa you to offer? For

quua results aand yaur noting la R TORTORIBLLO.

142 Market at.; aah 1999; Newark. N J.

arms ground, separate office building c«» I H%VK buyer* for any kind of property, plat# modern power plant; machine abtp i# hBVt you (a o ffe r ' List your propand garaga, genuine bargain.

LEON FEIHT rith me for quick action 'dgiite. 14 Rloomfleld av* . city

D Merca-Kinnev*bldg Phone I j l l Market.

THItK^K and four story brick factory l-u, -* J - : ETTT bona fide purchasers of reason- |> ( .«.!>• im » r.» .« .B - .» •- I ,*M» ,r* M r(i • ' »“ ‘-iBBBtB. Com.• eii; location, light and rgoerfu i. price snd ■ ' _.llh rterms right Kraemar. 774 Broad at . In munhata with


a n<J be. g s 1 ns > tu Uste


convent nr#* electricity. «B*<1 water » atema. telephone fin#*»d. «n!' p1 ( rtft’iUtea' drive fromVineland dealers cell. 109 goeiJ |a apple# other fruit, new five-

room bungsiow and ba'h and p- 'ch with de<orat ve built for o* rier'e use. long poul-ry Ikous* shed# in *#ai ts settle affe'r* ■ cash, don t de.ay _ I. F building XTneland N .1

s rg * a u a ilt room;carefully end

irg* i pillarcar garage trees and wood

>nH 94. #99. part Kaier, gbeffer

At bury Park. Ntgag* l.osn t'o

pbon# Asbury Park -123F o lT R E N tr from 917:. '•.~9U404 *#*•-.-,

F or aa ie . |3.r>90 to l l» <190 unfu rn tab ed For 6 months, season. I r«M»tne |7 a0 Mia room s. fi0O . I.’ to n m i I le 4

Mary L XX siker. 71 Mi Tabo** »» 'Real Kstate Phone l >:h < icegn »;»n\ s

REAL ESTATE office that s different.something new to offer owner, ( n r ®

homeaeeker. seashore real estate t ol s. Main and Woodland eves . Avon. N ASBURY PARK proport lea for rent and

sale FrankHn Real Let at a A gene j. 19<>4 Emory at.. Aehury Park. N. J.


WARM I NOT* IN. N dandy -io- s

b a rg ^ t fsrrr I.'4 ing». Rood # a 1 #r. 1 -act e « hi* ken 9!.>99.

j Fapti 2' acre*; |ftt|e and machinery. |4 70“ .

•vroa. all n*-#»aary bu Id 12 S94. • an have term s. place f;ve*room house,

ew house. 1 luproviOMiil ‘-■oop. garage. 440 fruit trees, near depot. 17.440 n*w home, i np ta . too acre*. Iota of fruit, 19.090 Writ* for 'nformocon aooul properties. Warman A Acker*on, 11 School *t.

dustnal_Depi_________ ___________________NEW brlrk \u lld lng . 49x121 ft oo plot 4 f t \

229 ft : suitable for any light manufa- tur.r.g, price and term s reasonable Appi' Branob Brook 1294. 921 North Third at , Newark. ____ ______ ______ ________FACTORIES FOR SALE OR Td LET1 - STORY building. about 3.499 square

foot; aieam boat, power and light in mailed, gaa connected. suitable fei me«"i farturlag or storage: located at Argyle r 1 and Bell*'Hie Pike. North Arlington, is minutes from Broad and M srkst ate . tea sonabla. Apply A Burke. 1119 Woolworthbldg Naw York City __ _____ —MT PLRAEANT ATE., aaar Clay a t —

Ona-otory factory but,ding fof aale nr to let; raaaonable. about 99x|9, small offl-e. ahtdo. drivaway.

J D. 8 A M CEL-ION. INC II Markai at. Opposite court bouse

Tel M iuboll 1199. __~ PACTORY SPACE 6F16VERY

DKMCRIPTION FOR BALE OR LEASE With or without railroad aiding.

J. D. BAMUKLBON.• ’ommerclal and Industrial Dept .

21 Market a t .___ Opp. court ho-ise


F o i 'R -A C R K p o u ltry f a rm e way in I ’a ld u e l l T o w nsh ip

4 room s, b a th , hot " a t e r » a r g a ri

mt ubate

10-lci ihigh


D#*<nbea rnanv b a rg a in * Just b a te d . *e- lected fa< ms a ro u n d V IN E L A N D and SOUTH JE R S E Y g re a ta a r p o u ltr ) f ru liand t ru c k in g #e< i ion w o r ld s bast m a rks^*_ M ILD CL1M ATK. W rits to d ay for

a n d p h o to s

AMC U» A B O L -t P A C T O A IS A We’re headquarters for factories, el tea,

lofts’ Bulldlnga financed1FF.I8T A FEIBT.Factory Specie lie'a.-

Ttf Brood at. Tel. Market 9449.rA C IO R tldl OF EVERT DKBt?R1PTION



liarFA RM AGENCY J lF D D La«d*4 S ' land . -V J

large screened porcheo; toilet and shower; new. Writo Ownor. Box 11. Matuchen. N J. HOTKL. !» • * klACk* front k-«>

.......... at ion. contafnlngsold on easy ter

wttb apt a 9d Id reputation, contafnlng *4 guest rooms, will be “ J *" '**“ *Pi‘or full portlcuiara Apply George ft, longer. 499 Main M . Aabury Park N

. urrtto fo r folder. Ja*. < « L Nfwark.


Coltlor* 1* typo; living room, dining HHfaiin and two lorn* bad roams on

W p i l m W M second floor, suitable (ortm m ; maple floor*; wtdo, tnroading

lot 99x199; adjacent to Bhackamaaon ' loo 97,994. cash f l . t i l . Bond

Btovons, 4 tl Ctntral av*.,

Rn room*, hath and kltckaal i m alaria l; m f larg* living roplmro; Rn# light onRnr; Hot .ting gpMom; acres»a. awalaga. lob

foot; pHc* 111.999. wont K IM balanco m a H p j a Ed. 8. Jaoger. 94

’f U f F I E L D . N. J. •-room houa* oo Boula- g || Intpravometits. for aol*. 9 mln-

Jg n g to C IC R. station, possesion imrne. x S i h r . C. If. Daroh. i f f E Broad ot.. W m S ty * . N. tol. 994W.

W ssM a s■ LKAVINO TOWN, must Mil fine M9; practically now, 4 rooms, bath; all hS bard wood ftoorn; porch, greenhouse; IT BIOL 194xllB; 1 block trolley, easy

^ 'tow m otlng ; price 97.009; terms. Apply l«

l ^ g & rr w i r s k O ~ mi * * JERSEY

r a

_____ m E T T U n g a l o w h o m e ._ prill find boro a cosy modern homo ptwfltable Investment; ais-room bun*

M th on lot 19x179: gr*P« ar*. a borrles. garage, steam heat,

itty, glngn inclosed aun parlor, only itaa* w alk to depot and other rtty Rot; qnfck aorvleo to Ne-w York:

Only 94.799. half cash, balance easy iwotRt. In c . Ml Lincoln Highway.a. N. J-; pbono U iw .__________modern suburban homy in excellent

, j H j i t rooms. 3 baths, hot and cold |r several room*, lot 29ty249. nn«

and shrubbery. 9-car heated garafe; utea* walk to railroad statlan and »k 44 minute# to lower New York

H e d lM t tra in service, can be soon by mt or photograph* oont for In- would conoider smaller- suburbaii

In part payment, price |H,M4. F.raid. Rosalie N J.______________WANTED. St PA1IIUE&

f Exceptional Inducomanta offered by owner rn n famine# to •U ft • htoh-cUoa hom*

Uag colony, cooler of a highly beautl- improved estate, within 49 minutes of York, near Newark, an Lackawanna

iltrnad I little cash required, balance athly or quarterly basis. Address W C .

194, News offic * ___________ ______IJG BARGAIN—BIght#on-room house. 9* •ore roronr. otat* roa.d. n#«r Netoong.

r kawanna station- price 94.900. Johnson gear Pacific. 7 rooms and bath, food

rg9kiltltn. price 49,909; 9-room house. 94.294. 1.994 lots. Long Island ripe for dete’.op

; | m»1 all mapped, section booming difect " .ftsq i ownor. H K Bchabahorn. lie Las*

laa ton ava- N Y- City . ____________ __m SIx *R66m h o u s e n £ T r d e p o t .

Except tonal value, raaldontioi street, four Ini autos from Plainfield. N. J . depot. 45

.mdautoa to Now York. 4 rooms and ba’h.- Mata roof; careful construction: Mt tubs. >Rot a ir hoot. go*, if taken soon only 9MM. Isoa than ha lf cash E. A 8TROUT. INC t i t North ova.. Plainfield, N. J . phone H i-

IS tP b C T BVNDAT*“ Cranford. N. J.. 119 Klro o».. 7 minutes

Item station; two-family houso. hollow III# ttucco; ground* 14.22 front, 179 toot deep. 44 i f f ta r : 14 rooms, all modern improve- montg, must be soon to be appreciated. Ill* ROM compels me to Ml' it. little cash, good torm a Phono 8ryen t 1499 S6iTON>LAN‘ ; 2 famliy. te'rooma. 2 bothe.

ateam, ajqeirlc; splendid loiation. price $12,944.

WTTHINOTON a T1PLIN.992 Mala at., opp Bast Orange Statian.

Phone Orange 2343

Brig _ J

I1RBBZY POINT. Rocha way’’Point; 4 room bungalow, fronting on ocean, fully fur*

niahod: porch; hellot; near boat landing price 11.904. “ “ ” tM9A m

~~)0 ,_____•TONE Ad%MCY. RBAL ESTATE


PHONE AiBUET PARK 3I4T.Fo r s a l r —six •room bungalow, all Im-

provementa. with gat ago Addreao M. A. Day. 441 Fifth ava. Bradley Beach. N. J .phono Aabury Park >7IM.________________ _BELMAR N 17. 299 Fourth ava.—Cottage.

II tdrgo rdomo; all conveniences, garage; electric and gas. lot 94*194 Ownsr. Hotel Walton. Philadelphia; April 19. on the premlaoo

house 1 XUxIn j tolony > -roodcr eto\#s 1.490-cgg i*an-i*--* 4fa9 chickens. i# » , l»#if#r Ford I

delivery, fruit, bsrrtee. aspsrague s < hah- ■ lo -ontlnus an retehtlahed business, irwner, Walter i' Newton, phortc_Falrfl#J_rl 341 Ks ; (ARM for Mis. 2 Xs miles from H*ikelt« j

town, containlna #9 acres of which F aro tillable; houM with • rooms, targe barn. I

fioutiry house »iw other outbuildings. D 1 ruit tress of a 't kind*, stream on the | farm, farm mostly le%#t and In a good neighborhood. prt< • 24.500. <»n give Imm*

dtate poeeesoion. K. E. Wade * Real Estate . Agency. Hack*ttetown, N_J.____|___ _____ j

MODERN DAIRY FARM. 119 sere#, on • ta ts read near Ilacke totown modern I

dwelling, all improvements: up "> dale om- building* two giloa. 42 head stork. 4 horses milking machine, nil farm machinery, etc 922.900. only 17.909 rash , send for pholot. E. B Birds* 11 Washington. N J

V ■ ne-

s nd

s n A D u i r b e a c h . *»s Sw i**#*" •»* —r»rnl*h«fa cotta*- And tiotig.lo* . «lca. tricity; .mprovcrotula, I-,*— t* Uncoln «»o., Kefaiffc.l i w u i n i t •• iMSMowa. U H BP.

nlaltod; Soardtnjt hn iitt,. I - — up. an l l f a r . H OorbncA, S o . SI. Hlrtiloado. N J. UtKO M A K C R .«t«. I3M . w tlt. free map;

H Bcachwood lata. It* open, c a r tir . 1«1Ailaailo aoa.. L a s t S rac c a _______________HAVB arau r fraat Pat a t Lawrence Harkar,

N. g. ; Wlea to eall. A ddrc.t Owner. Bei l i t , Newa office.— F o r s A t T b i t T C k A mA PA RTMENT buainsaa proporty; genii#

men s satatea, farms, lota, acreage. fa« • torlog. city, country, mountain*; what do you w ant? W hat bavo you for Mia or oxchans*-


SUMMER REllORT FARM. W N. J . containing 7* acre*,

house. 5-room bungalow, i etc. . ' . ‘.504 feet front 'on lake, and fishing; IA minutes' walk ti allay, price 99.9A4, essy ler 44 Washington ava.. Bet lor Illy| lA49~ t'A8H will purchase this 19-acr# j gj ggq needed

farm, i oraW place, cioss trolley snd ] \ j.

b.irns. ehed g.tod twill n


-. KN TI.EM A \ 8 farm, idea' summer" m in horn#, within omn-uiin* dlatg n< *.

■ .0 a, re». rl-h sird'.. fins location 2’» mile* frorrv- Red Rank and seashore. l«-room house. I baths electric light*, steam hcal^ 7 room house fot help, modern dairy and -i>« hams, stable, garage, barn*, thicken houses piggerv. two silo*, ate., adjoining railroad station. will sa»rlfl-e, llbarei germs. R, Badenhop. 224 Delxvan ave .Newerk phone Bram h_ Brook 8197 .___ __HERE la a~apeclal bargain fbr a farm of

91 acre* fofv|S.604. within 1H mile# of Hackettstnwn. M aeroa of this 1* good wood land and 49'Ntrrea plaw land; stream I.n farm and spring house, well byth« hows#, good orchard. ffbUble dwell­ing with 1? room*, bam. cow ho6*e. sheep shed hog pen. hen h**UM, milk house, and aM of them are tn fair condition; school within half mil# F E. Wads Agency, Hsckstlatown. N J _

TTa c Ke So u t h j e r s e y f a r m .JUST OUTSIDE RAILROAD TOWN,

laong growing seaeons. splendid markets; good profits poultry and truck; advantages for family a t hand; productive, loamy till­age meadow pasture 49 apple trees, fruit, grapes, tq-aers strawberries, good 2 story 94room house; barn, garage, poultry house.

— j called away by business, all 92.449, only * Harry R. Waltman, M111-

FAfTORIKS an i lofts, sale or to let.ot without rsllros I aiding M.

Fischer. 297 Market at . room 493. Mark**224. _______________ _FACTORY—Two-atory. brick; **444 *q. ft

la center of city. Apply Sommer. S9 Mo ria av*.; 1997 B. B.








WHaina • .. __ .WALTER'S EXCHANGE. Unton Bldg

school; risk land. 1-room hou4e. wily gas. furnace heat, running wqter. barn poultry

fur- i houses, nice lot fruit Immediate possession. nd lots | price 90.790; 91-909 cash, write for detsils.■*■*** also our Illustrated farm cetsiog Bray A

MacQeorge. Vineland. N .1.22 ACRE poultry farm , must h* sold im­

mediately. II-room house all Improve meat*; houses for 4.990 chickens sod other out building*. 899 chickens. 2 cows, farming implements, lot of fruit; near Hopewell. V •Li price 4I9.&99. part cash, balance, easy terms. Joseph Cohen. 143 Albany s i . New Brunswick. N. J.COMPLETE farm, 2» ic fiay hour out ; mod”

srn house. 9 outbuildings; or-hard, brook, including horse, cow. chickens, ducks, imple­ments. crops; main road, near station;94.900; terms; large and email farms, com- muting distance, my spec laity, rata logos free. R. Mvhur, 30 Cortlandt st , New York;estsb 199 9 . ________________ _________POMPfON Fl. A Ii* 9—1 acre* good laud; an

’tillable. applss. plums, pears, -berries.:R'S EXCHANGE. L’«t9> Bldg. . ! house, alt rooms, path all improvements.

| electric lights, artesian well, outbuildings, near station snd >>us to Newark. Guerin \William*, real estate department. 771 Broa-t a t. Nawaik. H.910.000POULTRY FARM

gentleman, five date house 4 teomilarge hennerv. garage. several smaller buildings, plenty fruit, 30 minutes from Newark. 8ee owner on place, t \ L Puder. Igoraee 2 Morris ave.. near Burnett ave.. I'ni-m WaWRKN COUNTY -.2 4 acre#? red brick

houas, 19 rooms, tuith. electric pltnt; 4 other buildings besides chicken coops. 912.- 904 for quick sale

JOHN l» MU NT IIKR,14 8!osn e*. South Orange

Tel. South Orange 349 or 1721.| too At'KKS

Northern New Jersey. 21 tulles out. high tion. near station and trolley, good

K IO H T -K A M IL T b r l r k a p a i l n i . n l . In f in .Location; oa* mortgage; Income 90,900,

exchange f*t one-family; •» oxeaUant op- i

91.294 DOWN, balance eaay term*, buy# fin* little building, suitable for light manu­

facturing or auto repairs, big snap, might take lot 9* part payment.

WALTERS EXCHANGE. Union Bldg.SPRING LAKE—Two 0 room houeea; Im­

provement#; plot 99x109; exchange for small one or 2 family. Newark, and many other good pr©P©eitlone everywhere.

WALTER'S EXCHANGE. Union BldgBROAD S T .-T o u r chance; 3-etory brown

stone and brick; 19 rooms: In heart of the rooming aoctlon. ouraly a big advance in value In very near future, can be had on very eaay torm a


SEVERAL email factories, city and aubutba. suitable for . any busineM. stats your

* 'WALTER'S EXCHANGE. Union BldgBROAD ST-—Handaor.1# 14-room house: .ill

up to data , 3 baths, propetly In perfect outer, exchange for lota and c9*h

WALTER’S EXCHANGE. Ujiion Bldg.WEEQUAHIC—On kill overlooking beautiful

park, residence. 11 large rooms; up to date, large plot, garage; exchange for atnal! house, suburbs, or make offe*


C. B each . m gr , price

n r a u ltab le for retV edacre* , m ain road, up to

i b a th , a ll In iproverpenl •;

% HUI R from New York on the C R- R of | New Jersey. 3 minute#' walk to trolley. 1 | mile from station and town, escetjetot neigfc-

borhood. extended view; near boating, bath- i tng and fishing; acres, high land, good ! soil; beautiful 4-room bungalow, bath; all ■ impts . garage, poultry house. 19 fruit trees; •owner forced to sell, will aaorlfteS fer 95-490;j terms _Long Farm Ageacy, Stirling, N. J1 CoY'NTRT HOMfc and f»rm >t V1n«liin4.I \ J . high grade neighborhood; conve­

nient to trolley, school: 9-room bouts; all 1 rity improvements; modern plumbing, gar- ' axe. stable, poultry bglldlngo for several

hut dred bird*, over 104 fruit tree*, ben las. S acres, two road frontages, entire property fenced, price 94.804. part cash, write for detail*, also our now Illustrated farm cata­log. Bra•>- A MacGeorga. Vineland . N. J _

FARM—Near Blairstown, N. J.^gboU t 144 acres, all under good cultivation; good

bars, chicken houao. o tc ., fine young ap­ple orchard, excellent spring: good loca­tion; fin* v isa: nlso house and lot. ad ja ­cent to farm described; about 1 aero, witn fruit trees garden, chicken houM. garage, etc . bouae has modern Improvements. In ­quire 748 Broad at ; room 412

commuting town, rlpe for building and di ve.upturn! only 8299 per acre, easy term*. Ovvnct*. 172* Woolworth bldg.. New York, phone 4984 Barclay■.1*8-ACRE farm, three trout streams, good

for dxlry. poultrv. boarders, c’ub or gen­tleman’s plate, colonial stone house, open fires: all Improvements forme-'« cottage; new barns and outUuddfos* nil In good condition. Party M.. 20 Kin* at . Morris-

.1POULTRY farm for sals. 32 acre*, southern j

| exposure. wq]l watered with spring and HOME worth while; eo*y Houm. 8 larg* ' broox: 7-room house, barn, wagon ImuM,

room*, open fireplace*, center hell, up j milk house and a concrete hen house; within to dots! plot 90x104; garage. ahrubb*t> :|« df Hackettatown. N J .. Wirtaristocratic location; beautiful Msmroa# ! IJ..M9. F. E Wade, agency Hackettatown. jse. (Ion of South Orang«. your rhanra. be j X J _________ __________ ___________ _ !


29 ACRRi*. 7 room*, other good buildings; 2 horse*. 2 cowa. 229 chickens, all tools and

small crops, ptlce 93.590.24 acres. 4 rooms; other bulldlnga: 2

'.'64 chicken*. 19 geese. 9 ducks, ja il tools, crop*. **-ton truck and large or- | rhard; prme 92.900; these farms are naar i Flamington Shapiro, 192 South Orange 1 awe.,. Newark.j AN'NANDALK—Profitable country _Thom#

farm. * acres. Hunterdon County: larg* ! nine-room houso. barn, wafyn house ga- ! rage. 3 poultry houaoa. fruits of all kind. | atreanv spring water; situated In a good {locality: owner going to llv# with hia c h i­ldren; If you are wanting a small farm In­

vestigate this; price 93.<50; half mortgage, i Wm H McConnell. Annannate, N J 'FRU IT FARM a t ^ r a ah m gt on, N. j ; near

railroad station, trolley, stores, theater, i grade and high schools. < hurches. Itbrarv land club: six arras; 009 bearing fruit trees, j berries; new dwelling, six rooms; all lm- , provegieni*; I own water, electric ilgbts. heat land hath; Urge poultry house, a dandy lo- j cation on corner; price 94.990. half cash.j B. Birds* 11. Waaplngton. N. J.__

Ct«l’NTP.Y HOMR—Gent len>an'a 14-acreviltog* fruit and poultry farm; 14-mom

modern California bungalow; price $12,494. S. G. Ruck el. Waidem N. T.


STEAM HRAT; GOOD., NATURAL LIOHT;■ u e c t s i c h 6 t o * k l o a n e d t o t s n - a n t * a n d h s o u l a r l t o i l e d f r e e o rCHASOS


J A M E S M. S E T M O V R.M i l LAWRENCE « T .





ro n r e n tA fin* building with 20-ton Shaw Electric

Crane. - • — • . -Also dock proptrtjr.On* ascend /loos toft over machine ahop,

having heat, water, electric lights and power.

Apply the Watt*. Campbell Company. 291 Ogden at., Newarh. N J " _________• ____

LOFTS TO LET.4.099 square feat. M arket st.2,094 square feat, Hummer ave.4.999 iquare fast, Prospect at.9,499 square feat, first floor.

E- E. BOND A CO.. INC., 191 MARKET 8T.

CENTRAL A VE~ 119—Throo-atory br ic k •hop. about 1.444 square foot; suitable fer

light manufacturing. InquireSAMUEL H- LEVY.

004 Broad at..Room 1.

FftELl N GLH U Y 8EN AVB — Approximately 11,904 square foot; one-olory brick build­

ing; railroad siding and heat furnished; also 94,494 square fta t. Pennsylvania Railroad aiding; auitabla for light manufacturing or ate rays Louie Kamtw. Incy, 1# Clinton at

JO S M. B Y R N E CO..S e rv in g s in ce 1994.

I l l -H I M arke t a t *__________M ulberry 1790.W ANT in RoaevMjie se c tio n 4 o r 7 room sm all } on# fam ily a t t a c h e d , o r a tw o -fa i th e A m pere sectio n . Geo. S lo tc r, Boa 19.News efrice________________ ___________IF )o u w an t y o u r h o u se sold lis t tt

G eorge D u ch ln ak y . V < F re lln g h u y sen • ' residence. <~>eooga 3149; no lis tin g *k* "H A V E ~ a sh b u y e r* , q u ic k ac tio n lo r b u s i­

ness a n d In v e s tm e n t p ro p ertie s . J. J- M ats t j ’o . 11 C lln lo tg a t . , j o t . J4 9 9 M arket.

' W E WILL B U T ~ T O U R P R O P E R T Y Q u ick A ctio n

ROOM <4. 194 M A R K E T 4T ,. N E W A R K I W ISH to p u rc h a se a 2 o r 3 fam ily house;

m ust be rea so n a b le a n d d ire c t fro m ow ner.A ddress R X ,*Eox 149. N ew s office___ ___W E R Q U A H B ‘ S E C T IO N — T w n -fa w lly hom e,

m ust hav* 3 bod room * on th a f ir s t floorA ddress Wet**. Box 42. N ew * _ o ffice_M ECH AN IC W A N TS H O M E W IT H O R D I­

NARY IM P T S . C IT Y OR SU BU R BS o y H R IX Q E R 844 S O U T H S IX T H 8T . _aV J n c R— T w o. 4 o r 0 fam ily ; N ew ark or

su b u rb s ; a ll c a sh . H- K y rich , 49 T w ao ty -second at . I rv in g to n ; T e r ra c e 1401 .___? W a 3 fam ily hou se , an y ’o ca tio n ; hav#

ca*h b u y e r, n o Doting ch a rg e . S m ith . 94 A cadem y a t- : te l. 4 f t 1 M a r k e r _____________

in OFFH K In suite, for la wyer. in Ijiwyer*'19. bulldln 1. arrangrim ul a* to service. Ad-

drea* l). F , Bo* 1M Ji»wi off re'tb OF Fit E~■pace and de*k room. centrally lo­a . rated. Dornbusrh tot Brnatl st**■ P A RT Of effir# or d##k room n auite. vary

KRA!*NER A HERMAN.809 Broad st ,

Room I -TWO or three family house. »n gpod loc%-

Iion price must b* reasonable. AddressS._Box 179. Now* o f f i c e ________ ________

CLIN TO N HIM <— T w o o r th re e fam ily hou*#.net over 919.900 or 012.90# Address C

H . Box F. News t»fflf»L_ i ANTED apartm ent hous# f-;r froa and

clear ona-famll.v houses. Address X. K.. Box U7. Nana office. _ _CASH o r s u b je i t to m o rtg a g e * , w an ted 3 nr

4 fam ily houa*. W ’r J f R K O p e ra to rCe.. i 22 Badger aV» _________. . ___HAVE cash buver* for an r kind of property

P Sypn'ewaki. 48In Newark or vicinityRejcOn a t__ ___________ _________ _____TWO. *hree or aix family *n Newark. *tl!

pay all rash. Address Yonkers. Box 77, Nawa office______ _______ ________ _____IF you want to diapoa* af your property,

improved or unimproved. a#od ua full particulars, _______ _____


WE SOLICIT Hating# of all «!••*** of bual- neaa proporty, together with apartment

house*, city, country and aeaahora property, kindly mention for what you will exchange. hr we specialise in that branch of tha busi­ness

J T RANSOM. REALTOR.2 70 Mam at < Ph. 1001 >. F.a*t Orange

Jl improve _ ... near Six

toonthLARGE corner store with four r«ata». to ll­

able for confectioner >. N Kuvia. 193Rooo a t ______ ______ _____________MLLBCRftT KT. M*r P rM kln •> —T » '' store*. 14x78 feet e# h , gaa. hast, eieetru f i r . dandy spot *for first-class deltraiaao»9 •tore, lunch room. etc., real very reaaou able, possession any time.BROAD S T —20x189 all lmpreveagant#.

•unable for any line, best spot in the r i tv . rent reaeenabl#CLINTON AVE.—In perfe. t 'cot»AU»on. 14x

40. oil improvements. 5-yeor lease, root reasonable.PEFHINE AVR. near Clinton ave — 17x00.

r*nt 835 per moatb. suitable for shoe maker, etcCLINTON AVE. near Bergen a t — 14x»a.

9-year leas# rent reasonableKRAEMER 774 Broad s’

See Mr. Preor3KOHAN!C>T.. V»-il-l3—Stores and floor#

for heavy manulaatuting. Phone Koabior. Mulberry 2#23MECHANIC ST . 45—Large store and base-

mens . cheap Sheldon, J?2 Market s t _NKW store* to tot. corner Bloomfield and

Belleville avae good hue'nee* locality In- quire 34 Arlington ave .. phona Hum. #414 NEW afore.*93 Bank at . between Plane and

Washington. 34x15 Inquire Groodel. 295 Market st . phone Mulberry 1544 OFFICES and stores, close to Four Corners.

modern epa<e. 'eaoonablo rent* See Samuel eon -U ro n . In*-., 173 Washington at OFFICE SPACE— Market, near Broad rea­

sonable. prefer r«>al estate and insurance broker Phono Market 7045.

SEVEN or eight-room house. 4 steeping room a garage. plenty ground space,

handy (9 trolley and train#, for client de­siring to Idea to In Orange#. South Orange preferred. 910.999 to 024 949. lot us hav# fgtl particulars a t once. L. G. Rowe, Maid and Harrison see. East Orange, phona Orange 1140_____________

'.g h t; cheap. Flandors. 45 Clinton at . #9j a n i t o r ________ ____ _____________________Rome v I i l k AVE. 115-gtora In location

suitable for anv business, with shop In roar if wantao. Phona Branch Brook 1904

4TORF4 to '#i in new riodern budding on Plan# at b#tw##n Market *t and B ran­

ford pi . next d«»or to Mewarl Npe*dom#t*r, sultabi* for any business or automobile acieetoriss

f 90S SQl ARK KKKT of <>ff'r# apse*, on second floor, will divide lo suit tenant

In q u ire on premia##. A Levin , or P h o n e M ark e t 8260

STORKS in * new. modern building on Plan* *t . between Market at. and Branford pi .

next door to Stewart Speedometer, auitabla for any businaa# or automobile abceaeortog

5,90* Sq L'AKE FEET of office space on second floor inquire on premises. A. Levin.

or phone Market 1259 ______ __ _STORE. with~f2-foot la-ge ahow window;

central location, reasonable rant, whole r»r p a rt. furnished or unf%rnl*h#d far offfr• use. telephone cunnoctioii (near Hahne A (’o t . 44 New st___STORK. In good bustneaa location, steam

supplied, reasonable reut Inquire ]SI Prince ot.. A Krlcjl;_5fark#l 4158 STORK amt throe rooms. 930 Mt Prospoot

s \e Forest Hill. For information in­quire l i Center at . barber ahop ^


_ AT 498 HUNTERDON ST.STORK with room*, in a locality good for

any line of business, reasonable rent Dornbuaoh. 194 Broad at STORES In Court The*ter building. Market

•nd High at*.; heat furntabad. Inquire atpremises. Nathan Myara.______ igtO RE, H T chadw Iik ave. one door from

Clinton ave.. Ideal location. Inquire 942 Chadwick av*__ ___ iSTORE t* let. good business location. $90.

heat supplied. Tal. 0719 B. B .. l i t Waek- Ington ava.___ „SUITE of off leas, two rooms, aapoclotly

modeled for profaaolonal man. first floor private home, excellently located; Cltgton ave.. oppoaita High at., 129 Clinton ave .L Krueger . _____ ______ _SECOND floor. suitable for dentist

beauty parlor or ladles' wear. 344 South Orange ave.. corner Tenth at.; phone Wa-vcrly 7724 ____ _______ _VF.RY deoirabl* location for bak# shop; elan

for vegetabla market; Vatleburgh section. Benjamin F. Jones. Fireman's building. Nown r k . __________________

LISTING Of propart to# In Routh Orange and Maplewood desired: no chart* for Hating;

wo bar# numerous tnqjftrtoo for houooa and plots in thnf vicinity; nil properties in­spected and photographed, personal atten tlon extended to ovary client Stevens. 47» Central av# . Nawark.____9124.000 In sales during tha past month;

If your property la for sale, send ua par­ticulars; we specialize in the Granges and Maplawood.

MACK A FALKE, INC. REALTORS.991 Main ot.. East Orange.________

SUMMIT-—Win buy or rent house alx or seven rooms in -good location; pre-war

house preferred, with garage or room for tame; offering* a t reasonable prices, offly will hav# atten tion : must hav# early posaes-alon. Phona ^ tm to lt 934J-________________w it.L pay 91.000 cash, houa# about w m

rooms. all Improvements, electricity; muet be convenient East Orange. Brick Church or Grove 41- Station: state full par­ticulars first latter. Address Commuter, Box H ti Newa office

quick.WALTER’S EXCHANGE. Union Bldg. 4LACftii dairy farm, dwelling with im­

provement* barns, nut bulldlnga; -:J cowa. equipment; Income 87.000 per year, will consider ona or two family In Orange* or Montelal# ooetiona in part exchang# Vine cent D. Roach* u*., Morrtotown. N JFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—OUT

OF TOWNjTTI* DOWN, balatica oaay tarm*. buy# fin*

little building; auitabla for light manu­facturing or auto repair#: big •"•P . **he lot a* part payment or make offer Waltei-a Exchange. Union bldg.

FOB SALE—-Larg* country horn#, every Im­provement : garage, acre and half of 91x4, on floor, near ocean owner leaving

: can ho ooen any tlnu- owner, 254 a afa y s t r Branch. N. J . j , F l a CE for poultry beginner. 94.400.

Scree. I t minutes' walk from Bound Station, fruit, amaii poultry house.

I, 5 rooms, city Impts. . this la a E. N. Stafford. 191 East Second

’ Bound Brook_______________________#EW completely equipped paying poultry

ITT plait lg ••within tb# hour." near station iS p tP Improvement*. 99.990 up. further from ^fflBfftlgft. 04.000; Ideal location for poultry. .' fsoo B. N. Stafford. Second and John, Bound

_________■ »% i iW~SUMMlT—Bungalow and building W if-im a . §0*100 and 99x194; 1399 and up-

*a m r 9490 tvrma. loans furnished ^ fa tkoon desiring to build. Owner, room

W‘ *** N T' C'______

EAST ORANGE—14-room houao; all Impta.;near Ampere depot and bu# Ha*l OMllY

made Into two-family houee- I Newflold 9t.Fo r s a u M exch ance^ j e a :

s h o w __SK A S H O R E rO T T A O S . K « n n i» u »

M r-orn! fa llr ffariH Sfal i fa-,,!!f r o n t , , , . Motion; b .rir.to . will„ r h i n i r . r»n ,4 4 c u k , for l«nom, proprrty M F ru d * . If W «l 414 »>.. N , , T ,r> .__JREAL EStATE FOR EXCHANGEEicCHANOlTs are oometime# poaalMe where

cash sales are hard to make, wa have a complete exchange Hating. Including fra# and clear propertle#. invoatm#*it and bu»l- nam parcels. I. 2 and 9 family houses, free and clear land. Exchange dept., dtevena. 419 Central av#-, Newark^

Be r n ntry t o m ; I rooms, bath.•taam beat, oloetrlelty. high, healthful

too; ft perto ; 10 minutao auiotto St* #spreop train M tflr*; 80.940. J. if

iT S a S to # , N. J , Bo» 2919 mtoaies* walk from ota-

■H, pesldT bouae, garage; house h a th ; city Improveraeata: 12.090 E m m i M teto and Jmm

BSBB8 iS sarT iM at H c tH I s w „ for , uirli h m : u

l C*. M4* . f a f a l f M ,

n S 8$® T S 5fflr^ 3^ K 5S■ H ««wo aw h rr l * S ’ S lU S M i M«Wr. KQImradC5« ¥ hiifa,ir: Mtntown. Jt, #.

i m m 'f M W r u S S S !

a ttyao^fe email bun-.


1 ftoo FKKT of tho m att tofaraM , hu.ldtn,■ |„ u fnr »n*-f,rally houoo, In tb4 Or.n»ra:

till, land ha- an 14«a) altuat'on; vary k»n«- ilful and inoat tonv .m .n! to (fa U r « * v a n n , atalioo. owner *111 tr»4 , fra, ,n4 oioar for .q u itr In flr .l-ria .a a part man l or buainaaa proporty. H will pay y*u to in- v ia tlf tl t .

KVOENK A. K IU .TOppoaita Bnnt Oranga » t,ll»n _____

EAST ORAHOH—C o n i ; knamora pioi.ownor will rvokond* fra , and claar for

aoully in taenia* proprrtV tkla M m r I, randy for tm m tdln lt d,vol»nn«,nl: tka prli-a la taw and a rani ,»»nrt«nf(y la karaky af­forded aoma knlM an cam# and took It avar,

' EUOKNK A. KKU.T.OpVaallo Snat O m nia Rtattan.

r o r r t l k ick nlnan fraa a ad 0 taar~f5T Aanffal a rtl nw j. dn laaan t to N»» Tara,

u . i t a tn i u . t f a . in ,acknn»a fnr fnrm nr land (ndrwana) aniinkta tn r oaomry ham, Addrana Jahk Pfclllipa, H Sum** nan.. Snat

^^Foft saU ot W fff

to 7 scree, by clt>. trotiey, electricity; Hast commuting rnlaa poultry, tegetabiex, fruit, grand section: 075 rash, little monthly payments etsrt* you. »n\#*tigst*. Haba- dank. 334 Cl#orge at , N»w Brunswick. N^J ^ARAf near Froahoid. 93.090 haVf cash; 28

acre* good cleared soil: 2*4 acre* wood land, variety of bar rise, gropes, fruit, brook, good 7-room hous#. largo barn, other build­ings. too wells; sink with pump: la u * cel­lar. Farm Owner. Box 43. Adalphl. X. J. VILLAGE FARM • aero*, plenty frutt'

strawberries. asparagus; good 8-room hous*. nil improvementt; barn, wagon house, stock, implements, well Yocatsd; on main road; near school, store, charth; good terms Ferd La#demch, Broohalda.♦ -A<'RE FARM—«7gh an^ dry; 9-rootn

house, electric; apple orchard gnd dthar fruit trees, berries brook and shade trees; will oei! or exchange for small house. Ed Ragan, owner. Franctaco ave.. Littta Full*,N .1 . R F D _ __ ____ __________ -

M FARMS— ‘y sere. 4-room■ ........... pm.. 09.590. 1 4 acre*. J-house. 84.500. 10 acres. 9-rqom house,

stockeri. equipped. 04.500 Donnelly A Mutchier. Farm Specialtoto. §07 Market s^ 30 Acre*, high eiovntton; 14 npple trees,

wooded grove, brook. 54 acre# cultivated; 95 000. easy terms

ARTHUR C DAY.Park pi.. Mmrtoieww.

•1; »9TF [r. 0(999.



HANOVER—12 aeroa; good 9-room house, barn garage; ftim art, water, etc ’, south­

ern exposure, a laetrleltr available, bus td Orange; only ftT.440; 93.000 down. L. C Kent A Son. Roaeland, X. J Fo r SALE—44 acra# of c ltaf land on both

odes of railroad track, noar station; half hour ride to Nowatk; Juat ripe for develop­ing. Ownor. Blvermnn. fprlngfteld avo.. Naw PrortdePQ*. X- J-HA^OYVli " tollGHTB— 17 aero*. 4-room

houoe; barn, o s tra fine sol! ona dandy form for odrtp plnnttng; could plow now; bargnin; M ,bt9; torm a L,| | |. Kent A 8on. Roaeland, M. <1- (CA I.irORNIA—Infernatlon about Calif ori

nia; cBmnte. farming- business opportu­nities, exchange* flailfomta Ilomeseekera' Magaxin9. 990 American Bank Mdg LosAngola*, Cal __ _ r ,,NINE arr*#; ftouttry and frutt fgrm; house

4 room* bath ; hot w iter heat, gaa; large Jbarna; 3 *pauliry house* garage, etc Chan Relnthslar. Washington Valley. Morristown. N. J.

3 ACRE FARM. 0799 CASH Houae 4 rooms, fru it, fine soil, good to-

atlon; full price only 91.199. Merritt R.1 as moor. Freehold, X. J _______9334 BUYS f-v.a acres of good ^9rm lan4 at

South Jersey; weekly psymehts 91; noar to market. 143 Market at.; Mr. ' FARM te f<rrr*, 3 woodland; big orchard:

stream, good house, barn: prlc* 04.900; 01.400 cash Ferd. Laederaek, Brookilde. FARM bAROAIK OFROKTCNJTtSA—AU

•toes equipped: splendid commuting Hat. BAM HIS it ROGERS, SomarvOla, N. J.FA 'E acre*. 3H ir.ilea Morristown; far

bungalow; rhlekens. 11.909; term s W. Shipman 7 Maptd *v» . M orrltew n

FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGESTOCK, poultry, ftrult and dairy farm*;

many locations; some fatly aqf----bargains; some extra poultry anil forma; location and qudfliy regulate* J Call for particuiat*.' i l4 Firemen’s bldg.

iT**RS»regulate* price.

FARMS FOR-EXCHANGEFARM. 45 acre*, good, tillable ton^. piaa"

tutes orchnj'd. good bulldlnga; 7. room hous*. machinery, horses. & cows, chickens, auto exchange for Income property, f . , 235. Donovan Advor., 740 B'way. X. Y.


• U A i / T K ^ M iS r & i wttk # mm» A n* . “ P f a f a u n M ; M t « r M m ; H.*M y i f a l f a ( M » H J w f a f a f , taat m i , a t

V x r w m * s . . j tA _ s s o A e Mr.. 1

FOR lA U ^ jH T L it - ^ O U f OF TOWN

9 A CliFI productive sell, quarter mile s ta ­tion; good neighborhood. houoe. bam. out-

buildings; fruit, brook, shade; Immedtate; 13.199; terms, ^eely. I t Park row. N. Y.

C o M M L- T K R *■ A » * »■ M.ny big f a r n iM at l i .R I or 1«m la atit

llili.t rated ckMiMRO S fra*. •TM* ItOCCM M iKXCT, U l > , | f . J f T.

M*ny M | l a r i f a w »t IS.kH a t fc ii in m M w w w rt tm taiafwa » ftaa. • I THK AOWCT. t i l * » « r . Sf V.fE dniD A —ll - ,r r » TrwII-MMtir S 'M aaar

Caokwravllta; IS* down. mMH moMklr

J,y m ,n „ ; th rra crapo y a a ttt; kooklot fr*t. ,k rtatakioA^o.. f a t k—wvlll,, r ta.

c o W a r i t a T '* AMA’ lHwnM uM itirWataf,'krao*. ktakinc and iM n* krirtat. m a t

f* , w tm tttt a t p tm m a ttn i, .IMS ..(M r.. D*|......... | ,

GOOD HOME RENT FREEoffered 10 respectable couple en 22-acre truck farm In Monsey. near Spring Vat 144, N. Y 20 miles nortk of Ratereoi; com­fort* h# farmer * hous*. recently built, ala* full use. free, of fruit trees, four large chicken houses and trucking privileges; enn keep stock if desired; tn rfturn fer abpff owner asks only truck produce and fruit for h*r table whit# living at farm in her own hous#. b#«t references. If Interested, write Frank Kidda, 34 Old Slip, New York Ctfp*

'for appointment for Intarvlaw.

P f io b 'tfc f rv * - > a r m i , ait kiSir~»55ffiP men s estate*, commuting homes, .labn

BtaJ, 394 Tnimage ave . Bound Brook, N / I 49 ACRfe /arm . good buildIngsT l-ro tm

house, on Wklppnny road. Mrs. Gt«nN Van Nesa i f Elm a t . Morrtotpwn, N. J , hUAP i r ‘ •«-' -falfafa. fli p!

eight rooms: outbuilding#; l cut la Lattdii Station. Arnold Verrtedor, Fort Morris, x ,

FARMS WANTEDWANTED—Small farm '"ft"to 90 ncr»a; a rt

chard, fruit and shade treoe; amaii boMto! must be la getod condition an good road; on* hour out; good water, on D., !,. 4 f t , or Buna j road. Addreet with all panieu* tars in firot Ibttar. A. S. Horton, 2ft Harvard tor.. West Orange. , »W;iL L "B iiff"1torm I w 14 t o m

mile# of Newark; ground must bo ktontUMl dry and auitabla for poultry raining; aloe 4 to 4-rooat houoe; flrot or 9tcead m t unto III preferred. Address M, H.. Box 111. New* ojfljto*. ■■ . . .77:PAR M-~43lo9d, producUv'# fa#iu. w ith ' wtUftk!'

woodland, buildings; noar t rnnsportftoQU: otnte particutnm. price, loonitoa fimt lat­ter. O. Schedler, cn re .o f Mrs! Arkell, 499


ttorwiMb a t- . . Broat ty iL X. t .iarmla, 6

> country houoe, noar “ ttolL iljtft. ifn rko t a ,FACTOat AND

t AM IntereotOd in purchaning n home In the Montrose section of 8outh Orange; if

possible between Uharlion ave. and Scot­land rd.; kindly Wend full particulars and price Cor rasa. Address K. K , Box 27, Newa office.____

5,099 8QUARF. FEET, two block* from Broa3 , and Market: manufacturing or storage; 1

price and lease right.KRAEMER, T79 BROAD 8T

See Mr. Barry.___LOFTS, storm and factor!**, for light and

heavy .m anufacturing; storage apnea for marchnnfliso and furniture. Benard Dorf, 13 North Flfteonth a t.; pboaa B. B, Iftfft. S.794 SQUARE PEVT; light on four aldeV.

Inquire Dorfmnn Bros.. 59-54 Branford a t . or your own broker; tel. Wnearly 1927. SUMMER AVE.. 750—Modora shop;^twelve

window#, gaa. water, electricity; for light manufacturing. Jobbing or radio; 924 monthly XEOUT 3.004 #qaare feet." firet floor; Jfon-

roa at., light manufacturing; 49c. per *q tt Horvto-Wrlght C a, Inc., Mkt. 7471.

WANT for Income 3. 4 er 4 family; roust be well rented: or will take small apartment

house. Alex. Send ford. Box 9ft. News office. LISTING of properties In tha Oranges and

Maplewood desired; buyers waiting.O. E. BUG43E. REGULAR BROKER.

541 Main 91.. East Orange.___ Rhone 5472.HAVE C LIB NTS will, cash desiring to buy

ona and iwo-faraYtv huuoe*. Lint all kinds property with ARTHUR C. FROST, 184 HIgh a t . W e e tO ranpf FANTBD—TwdTlWANTED—Tw *fam ily bouae; nil Iraprov#- ments; Orqnge ftr West Orange preferred;

state price, term* Address Earnest, Box

#ANY *• * 0? I family; will givo la part payment free and clear two stores, rented,

valued a t 99.040. Address immediate. Box 43. News office. _______WANT one-family, modern; about ft or ?

room*; In suburbs, moderate price; prefer on Lackawanna, Address Quick Buyer. Bog14, News o f f i c e . ______ .______WANT *l**roo»6 one-family. East Orange.

Orange or Montclair, with driveway, not exceeding 94.590. Address Cash, Bpx lift,

my office.RNT

S r _________________________________ _WANT two-family, with drive preferred;

LOFT. 4.994 aq. f t . ; light four aides, power and heat; drop hammer posts. Behrendt,

21 Orests at,, oftpoelte city hail. i,499 SQ. SHtat a t A t Balls villa avalicn9wni

as North End Hall. Hmotoa I . A. Goaf- fray. 211 *Ey.1904 SQUARB FEBT: uoar Ronaimrlvantn

Station; full light Wtono Mltehofl 8991,

good location. Oranges or ether suburb. Address Sigler,%Bog If f , Raws office.VERONA—Lot. one block from trolley, paid

one fare to Newark. Address J. IV., Box . Natra offlee. Montclair:

LOT. about Iftxlfft. In • Afttogxoa; bo agents. Addroaa.y. Box 9, ftttwp office.

STORES AND OFFICES TO l i tFACTORIES AND LOFTS WANTED A C t r a n . I T , l l - M m SSh TiC tokk, M XwHkkg t t .

T t .

TWO-ITORT KR1CK FACTORY: IM M « * . FT.; IN HEAVY SON*:cuw rr w*|Tii»q.

H A IN M * S A IN , INC.TEL. 1 I W M T t i l l . t l* CUNTON F I.


S i d a t abaan l.»M k » r i f u t tar Itakt, c ta u i*M «lM turta i: f.em tlfc ta t fall,.

m m : ImraMtat* m h m i m . AAtraw U fa . k tm if iM . * m t(4 . Kw h fa f tfa


6 m ^ ^ r v ^ t^ r T ~ c a s ~ m tr :ground 199x24ft; railroad aiding; coacroto — V — . floor and street. 129 South Twentieth #t„Irvington, H, 1-


BROAD FT. n o n , k*tw ,t* BtMr, mmt Or- «,V* i t a .; t a i l l i l ( r ,» ln k kualnrn aae-

(lh> M * >««« at. ; u faA ia i p i w k lH May 1. H taitra awmar. H i N i w i l i i kM». . BROAD FT., i l l* . I .w Mw^nl m t k » f Qmt

eota f f a » - « f a « n a t a r a t l t a i M K l*w- tltm tar any H j B k i rant *MT M a N H i ; IMM W RMlwC F*M » WkTMta T ilt BROAD »m T tfam B m - I r n t

iv tta : rooalM w , t , r ; i f a t n t i M lru M : MtakUrtw* a a ’ia a ta fa r f llfa n W W #T-. 1I,T—#r«M J S t at aatira

p«rl,r naar tar laaaa; W ltakl, ta t AMtvr. <»,mm or Kramr ,b » pBIIIDOC nCT at—kMMkAkta. on Saar

n rao t: onr purpo,, or U«kt a u M lk tm .

* 9 ' I III i ju iy ' M w r r ; «<>■ lkrM-<4«» A t .

CLINTON AVB.. kt KltMkfak m , .H Ora, to Im m ; onHnklo for o n r lino a t m u m

CONSTANT taqnlrloo from kuroro m ,k» It popfaklo (or mo to Mil nnlcklp yaat MM-

H N prapnny. dwolltatn or grooM , Fkotin Morknt t | I L or writ* A. 1. H nrortr - {M il. M I k t i k k A Notrork, I t. J.TOUR proM rtr porrttaMA; h>v, rno n r

prop«rty for o o l.f I f no. cam , o n , poo fa. At ohm : non roo f , A (a ko ootd n I t Ram a : m commHUof ' «B A m i. Inaalrn Vtatorr CAfAorAiioA. M l Knrkot at., M tk floor: Ml.

m i f •Wo Rev* o*aay waiting buyer*; f i r

SOUTH ORANGE AV*., a t Stndford nv a— CtolO* buslneaa lecatloq; store to toast.

BROAD IT ., 1171, corner Aator at.—Wender- fui opportunity for some m o to start In

kN & M li corner More; alt imprsvstnoitto; rent 012ft per m onth; auitabla fog aay itotTB R O A D S T .. H H w C r m t to ft,

rftnt ftfft per month.


11x49 f t . ;

uSHL telenhono ftrramjj. ^ "VmMmMtmm. | | | | ^ ^w»U call. Aj a ro .: phanow ITe q u a h ic

Booth 1,’C t i l r t t ^ t a Vb !. n A C ^ ,i u «,»»>— looHn. • a t ' raaaaa; n*oro»r»tn far Akoinrrkoii

Etoelow i f t l .PARK—One-family, thr*« or

four rooms flrot floor, lou r bod roqpts " n d floor: gardgo profarred; wiu pay

1 moot bo^nasr GtoHt. Addtona I t . B et H . Xmrit m m * .

tSMBOWl"■oeond ! 3lft«99ft; torpry. 1

its .. otc. ' J o e e ^ ; Q W f'J

u W koA a f ta l r l j f«Kta^ oa^ T po^ S ^ J‘ * toA n r nltaotoooA oik fnraiir

• h o knv, k u nra, rrattn. A ..I« Br

w# Will bmg>r no or plot*;

19ft foot i« to P th /R i f f i t M t o h k i dm* firm lot tor. Aftiru— M.a |9 > | £ HpW otfloo,

s r ^ j s s s !

CLOfTOK A T*^ a t p s j^ 'M y ^ a u m a a a a ia , ■ooA Ikr a«> kOffaMAi; Mot loosttaa • ta

X to kfk. WIIIlAM Frop, U t .Cllntoit i v t , , ■ CIOaA , nnoAP, f a t a okM%. «Ui»lAtMp

t s s t r x

a a t t t r a a ^ ^ fm a tta ta t

. . . . . n s S ' * i M. Dum-



rot-813 B ro ad *t . in c a n te r a f c ity .

S u itab l# office* fo r doctor* , d e n tts t* . e tc . on th ird floor

P le n ty o f l ig h t; e le v a to r s e r ­vice


ApplyLOUIS KAMM. Tnr ,

14 Clinton at., Newark.

WASHINGTON ST., 429—Largo store; three roar rooms; auitabla for any buxines*.

rant reasonable. Miller, 17 Lombardy at.WEST PARK ST., ft—Near tubes and Ter­

minal; largo and small front rooms; olcsly furntohsd; also housekoeplng-

STORES AM) OFFICES WANTEDACCOUNTANT will exchange services for

•pace In downtown office building. Tala- phona Bigelow 1901._______________ ___


AN ELEGANT. MODERN ATORE Brick Church block. Mala at.; vary beat

location in the Orange*, also 80x49; two largo show windows; a taam bent supplied, fin# opening for nay business. .

O. E. Bl'OOE, REGULAR BROKER,199 Main ot.. Best Orsng t: telephone I4T9, BELLEVILLE—Large store on Wnaklagtoa

ave.. near town hall and bank; sultabi* for moat any business; rent ftftft.

EUGENE M. OAVBY.142 Washington nvo.. Belleville.

Negt to Town Halt.BELLEVILLE—Store and three rooma; nil

Imp!#.; fine location; rant reasonable; will tonne. Addreoe Q ..K.. Bog IE Newa offleo. EA8T*0RA?<GE^-W* have"* number of very

desirable atorsw an d . offices to let, eltu- ated on Main at.; good loentlono; a t pvtcaa ranging from $40 to |100 par month; long

1 leases If daalrftd. CONSULT ‘c . O'DONOGHUE CO. Aganta,

477 Mato it. (»i city hall), K iat Orqngo. iX S T ORANGE—Store with a r wltk i df flat";

opposite Eppirt s t.; all Improvamonta. Inqafro 499 Ceatral ava.. 2947R Oranda. IRVINGTON, Springfield nr*.. llftf—

Store*, w ith and without rooma; oult- abla any buotnoasi cheap m at; premises.Klein, 0499 W arerty__________________fli'VXNOTONk ffpriigfiold ave.. naar Forty-

second st.—dtom, with ft romna; good for hay bnsinooa. Inqtflro lift# Spftngfloid avo* MOUNTAIN LAKES—ft lx room* and~bsth;

largo stars; all improvement* Sheldon, |M Market » t . Newark.OVT^ciBR 'especiatly suitable for a dentist

o# any prefaosloaal man; above Llpdsn National Bank; ready for Immediate occu­pancy, Inquire Davis Gel ler man, 42t Wood qvs., Uwften, N. J, _____STORK, up to date, new store located In

buatneos section of Wataoostng of Bloom- ftold; entrance to Wataessing Depot: heat furnished; large collar; rent reasonable Betts Bro*. ft# Mol ter pi., Bloomfield, phono Bloomfield <244.STORE to let. 129 Bloomfield ave , corner

V ktaegdnt ava., Bloomfiold; good bustneaa location; roagonaMo rent. Inquire Beren btogn, i f 4 Market s t ; Mitchell 2429

; good tocatlon for variety or bar - bar shop, tailor or' butcher, i t ttuyveoant

avo,, Lyndhrrat.STORE and feur rooms; rout $99; good busi'-

nma location. 544 Valley st.. Orange. ioU T H ORANGE. I Vooe ave -^fttareTTaT-

Abta for any butonom; good leontton; rant ■Arenaonable Apply owner; Orange 9414.

if. J.—Now '’modern atftrM. heat toeattop: corner aultabte for drugs* others

flhr any line otbusinesa. Morris, 479 Oranna K .r I to u ^ r H w u b to d t i n a 1VERONA—Several new atorex: deetrabi# uT.

eat Vena; long leaaea if desired. ‘ -j^^T.ftotoi|Ap Aol, 1199. Apply Carl


• CAM# ALT BA \*M «tlf«l , , d kMtthful fifty-Art.

S®MA*M» cAtaktaf aro«HM *t K ac iw n t Park, hiatan M m ) : kAih. M i, W w . UMIoa. dMctaAL »*- v u ta , and ill fak ir io*rta. W tit. for lllu .lr .t-d k o M lu T ^

CAB# HUailKNOT,• t i W att I lU F f a .

X«* TArk, N. T


«*A. « iui Ig STABLES TO OT ■ 'SB

V > - j


E m ail rfo cu i * w t e w « .n •■ la m fo ss r u

tM ~ MARK ST N O -M I.> i a a ; PMOXl. MULBERRY N K


M I R• i »H Cta*NiM|MB( 4MM or »«• P**-|

~ i» u u w iw iw rr o t i A u

(to w n . Waverly M l?; iac«a4 fE i i r t U I W > f . , B K i i> i ( W Cr«lt

nicely f i r iy i> 4 . I l w «•»*«ec p u l i m i . H w w Market U K U B I T t lK T R A V t.* U l. eov Twelfth i t

% l°JSS!J,25!? d n d e r onw nukC T j 7 a i S S U S m <jk *!> c o n t r a c t s f o i l, ^ 0 VIKO; oum T A M ARB E S r*-

U fh t, a try room. young tu n ore c » 4 O—r . v m | or ment h._ _____EAST PARK ST..~«2—Larfe furnished Iron!

ilt'ov i room for hooeehoepiag. running •a to r . M ir T nm iaal, tuo»*

'H M Am a d o r . > n r i ' k . . i i - i » o » •m m — — m . tmml— M w l o m .

■ tat t . —tk . l . M ck-daa. koma________CAST ORAKOE. William « - U « t

— i m a t r— — > Mata a . —4atatioa; iK r tr tr f ty . t i H f l a i *.

jum sm o wiy i im' r i n k

£ l£ 'Lt T. J£&Vl£ r * D F u k ROAD- WORK: M- HOUR SCHEDULE

h a t k i . M t n n - FIELD. W o tc tv r v f t i m R Sm t t iwTRENTON. THU.ADEL- r S S i i Ra^ t t r o r r w a m im o t o n a n d

’?X*RM *D,ATR f o c t t s . w s a u u C i 3 * * U ; o r SEW YORK STATE. . L o c A i^ M o v ilq '* A T m a m i r r i i s a4 d

F u l t o n ST.. 1». block from lub'O— Larga from light hw m kfpM g room, alao Kag»*

M g g a t room. _____________ ____ ____ K E lix ST Tt U i M T T , IT— Ltu-»t rr— «

room for hou*eb*eptag. children permit­ted , aloo sleeping room.GREEN rr. I t —C lso* connecting room a.

WH t ia j~ r»«r ~Srm t^V hY tr d ,k ? m aa- _ r.*** yen can h ir* on» of ourf* ” ?1* rana. with ovory facility to *af*>> ivanaio your good* rail at m r door aad

doofWtftas*arropt part or |pU load* to or from |

Hartford. SpnftgftcSd Now Lott- J,?*• rT»tld«int, Bor.>«n. po’ien k-*p*l->, 1Albany. Trenton. Phllads'phte. Wflmiagten. Hammer*. Wnahlagtoa nog all polnu oa inat ront#, rataa reesoaatle.__ * f* era ting, shipping and Im uI moving;spacing van* ami t *** for planoa.

BOWLES A SHOWN STORAGEw a r e h o i we e o . in c .,

_ Ml BKANi'ORp PU Phone Pair. >Tll, nlghi phone .Mkt. f tR .

§ T H R A N 3 $ E R’ • *"• r*W* quMtlon la to *tore yoor furnl-tur* Skit ml.. . . i- . . . . __ ____2 __ ___

running orator and tray a. vary reaaonabie. HIGH IT . M f J e ~ r famlalied reoma.

one or two. raaeonabie. five mloatea Broad and Market et a . t*rat ftoor. Ftohar


EAST ORANGE. I t W tap or oL—Two large, light, err and floor room*, t miaatoa

tyuftuaud trolley; men la pear, ______ _EAST ORANGE. Park ove . m —Porolakea,

rootaa for tight koaoekaeplng. alao alaglora—to; ftft and op Ormge M llW. _____EAST ORANGE. Evergreen pL. 1. atof

Brick t 'hurrh Mtation—Privileges, reason - akto. a l th private family.LARUE Treat room, ftrat floor, oge or taro

* men four window*; private fatally: A miaatoa to bw*. 1 minute* te D. L. A W . reference* Orange MUM. ___

WILDER** HARDWARL Trilot aaata. U .M up; u n t heavy M-f a l.

range M o t a t M -M ; mortioe look a t , Vic. ram plot a

BE CONVINCED_ tk » yellow com et. l i t Malkarry A __

ALL prices are reduced. a«pk*M maker, roofing, one-piy_ Ike.; throe -ply, 9rM .

aaphalt ehlnglou a tV w eet prices; largo atock of a ll roofing material aa hand, we deliver, wo alao do roofing Ratal* Mfg. Co.. O. E. roofing. • 13 Heath Thirteenth at . near El«k* 1*—ifc ova.. phone Wgfgfhr UK.,

D a f t n l iark Bird Slot

X a ftid f 11a Newark Bird Stare. ftft CUatoa R -

Boot on fog terrier a. canaries. geareateod. cage* fish, g tehee, agaatiom a plguaao. rabbit*. all kinds of Oaky chirk* nod a

•plots (law of foods, oeeda and medic loan.a pes Sunday A_M.. Mulkarry M B rAT STUD. Reglioh la tte r, thomagkly * . . . ----- oa Phbroken, registered o a of Ckaiotoloa Phi la •peed Ben. a proven at re of tafgo fitters andpoppies ihat ora real bird dogs,

m C oikappv propoett lea. William taka way. Maitooa.

fee. 111. or >nnon. Loan

All g lade ef Second f i l l and Now Bunding Materials.

VAN K EC HEN A SON. mate ave. Bant Nawarh. N. J.

Telephone Mid Harrlaaa.

AT STCD—The BostonSunny Mill » eight twelva pounds, foa .

Pride ef Sanay Hill, fee HP, a good aelec-Hen ef male and femaia pappiau an hand Rina. K Craao at-, CaidwoUi a t o i t lM

HIGH ST Ilk — Attroct.va front room;a team beat. atoctrtc*t> . aultakla for geatia-

m n . private kouee. reference __ _HIGH ST «al—Largo, brouilfally furnished

d«»ubte and att.gle reoma. ft mlaatee fromMarket and Broad, referepoea _____ __H1GH ST. f t l . sea r Warm*—furs rooina.

urniabed. fur light houeeaeepiag. ail »«■ proven.enta. rent reasonable. _HIOH ST. •?!—< 'omfertaMa. airy front

room, slaola or c M p t; all Impta. nearBroad y d Market f y b a to _______ ____HIGH ST ^ hear 'W est Kinney—Room, for

geatlemen only. private family. Phone Mu.berry Iftftft_______________________ __

LARGS, well-furntahed bad mom and kit- cheoette permanent people only. Phone

Orange K HW._____ _______MONTCLAIR, r n Watt hung ava—I larjjh

rooms kttf-henette. hath, furnlebed. Sm ln utea to B rie S ta ite a ._lift. A Mochler.MOv¥c L aTr N. .1 -One or” two "large

rooms, light house keeping if desired, no rhP.dfwn. Phene tl«IM Mont• lair

ALL kind a of fllat raoflag felt, first aad aoconda. II roil up. notice, bungalow

builders, asphalt atrip eklaglea. red or green. |4.M IN s i fl H R , Naylor, did Weak tagton at . Mitchell gttd: eatabllshed f d l

AT STI'P—Boston terriers. R p eeo ^ Elaga Friday winner »f is first priaeo. Oroad

Boddle Boy. wloaer of rep for best dog in Newark. fee lid. C. Ktrochier. f t Winona ave . near Bergen otAT rr rD -P e h ia g e o e «ad Pomerania nsT

ABBOLCTM bargalna ta plumbing euppH*^ hardware, tooia. high tanks. $ft, washtrsy

cevera. I t S Balsam. Id4 Broad st JA B M il 'Loak! 1.M* card*

NICE, W ight, double room furnished, for light housekeeping, two minutes from

Control car. m South Center at.. Orange. phone MIT.FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED—


i U . PEIKTlN.i atI S .I I . hinhends. letter beads, statam eata

etc .. 11,71. Crouao Print Shop. Il l Ttoto# st. ATTfcN TlO N — N e h ig h root pricpO; su lta

bants, sk ir ts s a d overalls H. Moknerman, »Tt Springfi eld a v e . uppoolta Bedford at A REO U .fE t a n u — H m S S J S r f i n i l« i* r k . . J . , ( f t * : . . . . I— U T L « * « • • -

— JR H ' t r r m l i r u l Prna. H Wll—W *

ktgh pedigreed, 'for aalo cheap, fa ll oil week ltd Month Thirteenth t t , I I MU AT gT*V*l»—Boston rhaiuptnn bind stre. blue

ribbon stock F Page. I I Forest st . near WUsoa are ., Kearny. ______ _____AIREDALE puppies far aais; pedigreed from

>Hse s le e k . eligible to register. I weeks I lid Wakeman ava


ft AND T P M . ____________ __

■ --- 7 ■ n is uo rr your rurnt•**r* • • 4 piano In out clean, modern ware I

“ Vl> «1 Ilk* vuu to come and a*-e how Irkrsfu4Iy and a)stem athaiiy we io«»d __ _then. It will relieve you «»f worry to know Ehat your goods | r . ;n reapciulbte hands.

KMCKERBoGKP.H STORAGE Wa r e H o rs t: rtt..

Id to 10« Arlington «t..John Mulligan. Pre*

Raasonabie raids. Plione i t as Market.Special piano mover*. Ktpcrt psrfcarv

BatabHahed H it,

HIGH ST . ITS. near arren —Pingie room.furnished, for gentleman rent reasonable.


ill NTERDON HT . III. cor Hauth Orange tv r —Nicely furnished room. with ail

< onveoiencea, for gtotlemen. Retsoid HILL 8T.r*~iT--Large” fFont s eeping room

for two gentleman or business couple. heat and running waterHOLLAND »t T l^arge furnubed bed

limin' ren* reason*b e . __________Tdl near t'*,.!nion

LADY wishes room with housekaestag or kltrhoti privileges: Id per oeslt. Ad­

dress Refined. Bet 2?f. Caldwrlh N. J.FURNISHED ROOMS—ROARDINC

ASH W * for concrete or'read work, "deliver od anywhere. Phono Beibey Transfer Co.,

Harrison tldd. any time prompt delivery._ ALL klnda af store fixtures, scales, regis­

ters cheap, see me before you buy Dolts. US Springfield avo. , pkoaa Terrace S ttS.

BOSTON tor rlor for sal* perfect marked male psspy. four montha old. lift, podt-

greed stock. Sid Schuyler ave. sear Oak wopd ave., Arttpgld* N

BELVEDERE HOTEL, l i t Broad st.— Rooms with or without board, rates |1

ec day and up. Market Iftdd__________

Aii» kinas of store fixtures bought and sold at modsrata arlcaa. Rtmon. Id!

near Springfield a



Oora Is a new spirit of s~rvi«« f«r parti'-. Mlar people, it la the added servba beyond op ligation. IT S THE DESIRE To SAT­ISFY at moderate price.

Goods stored In the rice nest and safest Surroundings and handled with KNOWING METHODS. 1

!■»ny Distance Moving Packard Motor Vans Eiciuali fly.

JKLI.IPK AVE . ............■................Furnished room, staam. electric, furnished,

in private family. Mrs Alien._____ _____k k a b n t ST . 2*1—Connecting sod single

rooms, housekeeping, walking distant i to Market and Bronil, from 94 up LITTLETON AVR 54 . near South Orange

ave -Comfortable room, all iuipls., wuu or without board.LINCOLN AVR, -a; —One or tw<

private fsmil). Tel 44 40 B. Brooms;


A brand new. up-to-the-minute storage i house, built entirely of reinforced fireproof concrete, with clea'V light and " e ’l-v e rtb ; lated rooms to store jour furniture, satis­factory service guaranteed, reasonable rates

Motor Vans. Express p*. kages. Moving. Clifford F. McEvoy. pres Phone B B 6IUS I

Ml'LBKRRT ST 2«i— lAght housekeeping oonu. front. 94. ftj. 94, bath. impio>e-

menfs. no nbje- tlons to one child. ilULBERKY HT. TSt -Llegsni. rlean. fron*

room for one or two gentlemen of busi­ness «oupie. naming water, electric, steam, bath, below city nailMULBERRY ~ ST.. _ 229—I-arge room ■ for

housekeptng. kllfhenetle. private batn, gs*. eiectrb . ■ hiid permitted

BROAD HT.. 141- Largs room, suitable far on* or two gentlemen, sll improvements,

home cooking.MOTT *t 7 ~ sV~Fi UMSHED BOOM.


es Rtmon. t i l Brucs st.. ava ; Wav M il

Pohl-ALL mantas of dose chacka repaired, tnann Brea. 141 Washington st

ao#TON T lS lU K K ,u ,N — M l ot olork for breeding or pets; Boston st Mad P ra­

ses. lb# Bennett ava. Arllagtau. phone Kearny lit* .BOUTON YKKJUK* t o r . « IM:

sired East view Chimes. I months dark brtndie. flno apoclmsa. 1*1 Whilfbrd ava.. Nutiey. N. J .________ __________

Marshal at., tel. Mlteholl t i l l .

PENNINGTON HT.. !ft—Largs, bright sunay room, also single room, close to Llagata

Park, refined fam ily^ROSEVILLE—Sma!I r°°m and hoard with |

private famllv al<u young lady dealred i Phon** B B. 4919. ______

ATTENTION—Btoru and offlca fixtures at tlboral prices- M. SANGER, ftl String-

field ave . phone Market 4171._____ .

BOSTON te rrlera t male, t months old.Champion breed, alao brood bitch, very

cheap Krleger. 294 H at at.. Irvington

ART HEN BACH. Had Horae. M l Plana at ;fire iala pog roll are. whig*, hags aad salt -

cases, —paired and rsflntohed.



ASHES far concrete or road wark. dsllv- ere<i Phone Oraagu ♦».

S t V >our plumbing and haatlng supplies direcr. «av» the middleman's profit, bath

tubs, lavatories, sinks, gas water heaters, laundry tube, steam bailers, radiators, pipes

WANTED—-Room and board for mother end two-year-old child: mother employed.

Address K C., Box 175. Ness office

aad fittings, etc., all new and guaranteed. D. H Norris Co.. ?7* Central ave.. near Norfolk st ; open Sat. a ftr.; Humboldt »7M.

FREE CARTAGE.In order to Introduce our storaye service

a s will provtds free cartage to our fire-pro* | tected ware house, storage rates Half van. ■ |3 . full van. fft; trunks., boxes or packages! I ftft vents monthly, moving, packing, skip­ping. Lafavette Storage Co., It. if. Odell, j manager. 84 Liberty st . cor. Lafayette st.. phor.s Market S393: evenings. R B. 4412. ' I


Separate lo« k»d rooms. I . per monih up, I locai and long diatsnvs furnl'urs and piano moving our specialty; 'srefu i handlers, prompt attention, reasonable rates, to.ixuii

Night p f '

MILLER ST. 21—Furnished room, airy end uon.eUke. private family, all impts . ft

minutes to Broad and Market. Wax 4091. MILFORD AVE . 94—Two connecting rooms.

completely furnished for housekeeping; every modern Impt , laundry privilege, ftl* NEW two-fa m

us before moving. Night phone ftftaft Wa FOR HER. STORAGE.

Local and long distance furniture and piano moving, dally trips to seashore, small or large lots delivered


* ' WERT 11 DK 8TC > A A G E I'OMI’ WY.Yft Academy st.. I4I-&4 South Fourteenth st

ftfarket 7&19: night, Bavsrly ftUSw.Will store your furniture. 92 up; auto vans

fo r loos’ and long distance moving, careful handlers, prompt service.Lo n g d is t a n c e m o v in g . a .v v w h e ST ;


near Lyons sve . 11 rooms tiled baths. steam heat, oil

lnp ta . 12.00* raah an I balance on mort­gage Slier woo'I 721 broad st NDfU^LK 8T., t i l . near- Bank” st.—Single

and conne* itrrg rooms (or light housekeep­ing . terms ver> moderate.NKXt LY FURNISHED pVSoM. Al.L IM-


front room, every Impt. and convenience; aultab • for two.H i t U R O E AIRY ROOM; A L l/ IM­


YOUNG BUSINESS LADY, home privileges.double room with refined Christian-fam­

ily. WeequaMc or Clinton Hill section, reply in full. A'loress S. Box 110. News officeYOUNG LADY Wishes board, room with pri­

vate familx , Forest Hill section preferred. Address R. if Box 1* News office._______

BILLIARD and pocket tables, new and re- butit. easy pay man t». tables rsgitsd. re ­

pairing a specialty, estimate# given; sup­plies of all kinds. ALTER BROS. A BERNER. 19* M arket st.. Marfcf 7**1- BEAl'TIUL mahogany roll top desk; eult-

sble for doctor or business man; uo dealer# Apply Janitor. 24* Seventh avs__

BOSTON TKRIUKK p»ppl~ ck,in,l«» b idBedford. I Baaox st., et t y ___ ______ .

BULL THRKUER 'aD^. oM yoor old. «ood of ehddraa; good watch dog. given away

ta good hottoa. Prangs 4141_______ ____ _BOARD your pota In country; boot earo.

wo call fa r and dollvar fr*t; reference©. Nult. T Blsecker s t , ally.________________

CHOW a t a tad . best blaod llaas rsgtatsrad;ws bava a faw dark rad Rappias for aa ls .

hre«1 fram the boat L. R. Frey. T2* South orange ave.; phono Market ftl 14.CHOWS—Two handsome litter#________ _____ | Macks.

dark rods, m ales females; highly pedi grade; reasons Me. 4T Prospect at ■ HatloyCHOW CHOW. rod. femaia. house broken.

kind and geatls; price #«•. *4 Dukas st . Kea ray.


BABY carriage. Ivary roed. good condition, also play yard; reassaable. call bunds)

or evenings 181 Lincoln pi.. Irvington___BABY CARRIAGE. FINE BROWN REED


CHAMPION atock police dog papa house broken, exceptional dogs, a t a reasonable

price. M Boalovard. Summit

KEARNY. Elm st.. lift, near Garfield av«.— Large light r< oin . modern « on\enlences.

private home, large grounds, fur one or two, hoard optionalLARGE front room and board suitable for

2 men or business coQpie. Tel. Orange 4034J. _________ __________

HIDE AVE , IBVIffOTpN.__BABY high chair, like new,

sell for ftft. 3ft Leslie St., neat Aimer* Station.

paid 924.East Orange.




STRICTLY private family, three adults, re­siding In South Orange in excellent neigh­

borhood, ulll a< < ammodate ruupie with room end board; hot and cold wai«*r In room.Address S. P , Box *. Mohs ojffi. A _________80^f?l"oK A N G E. Roland a-r.. 134—Cheer­

ful room; wee.sk- furnlsHed all Improve* irs tk fa s t if desired Phone

BABY C ARRIAGE for sale; in good condi­tion. 97* South Twolfth st.. city, first

floor.___H.vMY CARRIAGE for sals

CHOCOLATE Pomeranians, 4 roonlha eld. little beautios; pedigreed and reglaiarod,

alas male poadlo gag. 4*9 Pouth Hth at__COCKER

popples ftftlW

puppies, wire-haired fox larnor IJr. Holden by. Bnglawood. phone


10-12 14 Orchard o t.____Tol. MM MulberrySMITH7* HOSPITAL aad Vm rdlag

Pleasant Valley way. Waav

_ 1951 Clintonj agton.

BABY’ carriage, j l i IftT Shepard sve. East Orange.

DR.kennels. ____

Orange; phone Orange 1 8 1 8 ______EAKTER kittens, jukt arrived; sloo blue

ribbon winners, Oliver, black, amoks, bias, brown tabbtr*. Walton. Fox Hill Cattery, 14* Pollard rd . Mountala Lakes. N J

I ----

PENNINGTON HT.. leu—Three furnished • rooms third floor, 9ft. thrse furnished

rt^titr. second floor. IS two basement 9ft. or throe 94. also garage in yard for rent. PLANE MT.. 175—Ho use seeping rooms;

water, heat. elec, bath, laundry; for clean, respectable people; also parlor with piano.

mer.ts garags.Louth g range 204F___TWO larsV~rooms with board for genCemsn

or business couple, congenial home three minutes to trolley; garage. Telephone Nut-iey 922W ______ ____ ___________ ____ ___VKROXX—Private family ha....... ............... | ..................... t. sunny

room next to hath; now- heme near Moun­tain llotiae; one faro to Newark: would fu>- nub breakfast If dealred. Address H. B.. Box 50. New* offlca. ____


424 OGDEN ST.Phone Market 9138; night phone 9988J.

Wa s h in g t o n s t o r a g e 'w in ’ store yourgoods for 92 up and move you f»r 95. auto

vans for short and long distance*; pianos hoisted; careful packers. 96 Norfolk st.. near Central ave.; phono B. B. 8904.



KEEPIXQ ______________________________ROSEVILLE asotlon, room, suitable for oae

LARGE VAN returning from Ocean City empty: a return load reasonable. Jacob

Dietrich. 4? North Grove s t . Bant Orange. •L^ERIO R TRAM* CO.. 87 Halsey at., tol.

Market 47*7—la>ral, )o«g distance moving. Boston. Philadelphia. Washington. D. C. STORAGE. 91 and up; will move jou any

tlnm. Beibey Storage Ware House; phono•100*11*1 -8................. to il_________ 9102 Harrison, nlghl or day. _LARGB VAN returflWg from Albany empty,

a return load reasonable. Jacob Dietrich.4 7 North Prove *t . East Orange.X MOVE a 3-room flat to the city for |ft;

cftc. n mile for long distance. Hoffman, >4 1‘arkhum t et ; Bigelow 1775.YVE OO inywhere, moving and trucking;

planoa handled by axperlencad men. 7i W irkliffe at.; Market *ft7>._______________





a CENTRAL AVF. NEAR BROAD ST. AST OR ST.. 8. near Clinton ava.—Larga

front tk e v s room; second floor; suit able for on# or two; or connecting outside room, near bath; electric; conveniences, wail kept; reasonable.ATTRACTIVE largo or small rooms, private

hath; electricity, far gentlemen; private family; references. Phone Humbold t 4791. A'I TRACTIVE, light room; modern; prlvatk

family; every Impt.; vicinity fdncolny n rh ; gentlemen; reference._Wav. TIM .__ATLANTIC ST.. 88—Two connecting rooms;

hotisekepinft; bay window; running water, heat, gas range; near tabes. t s ON A V E.. .... 439—Furnished front roam;

au!table for gentleman or Tady. _BROAD Sir., I I k —Beautiful, large, front

room, with alcove, kitchenette, gaa range, running water, electricity, heat; reasonable; Ptfined; ala# smaller room, aultabla house* keeping, 94-m o I d i f ; i i H - i u i —Nie.ijr i u 5 a

sleeping aad light itoua-'keeping rooms; All improvements; at earn heat, faqutra lift! j f f a d Ft.11 liOA D ST,, 111, 6svv«niM r House—-Beau -

tifwl large room, twin beds, electric, near bath ; gentlemen; business couple; refined aectlon. ______ _ _ _ _ _MROAD aad Oouverneut. Now Baaok—At*

tractive iafte. or single; runniug water; M min. Fear Corners, North Nesrmrh Jitney. MMOA1I I i l l —Beautiful room; tigat

housekeeping; kitchenette; steam, eloc- trlcfty, hot wateiL laundry. Waverly ftlil. BROAD ST , *99i^iousekccplng apartm ent;

two bodi; also other rooms; steam heat; very eaAtral; children welcome: telephane.MROAD 8T.. 298—Attractive, larga. aawtp

decorated, well furnished room, next tv hath ; suitable for two; references.SrSaB Wt. ii»—T»-d hmku* 1

keeping rooms; running water, gtaaaa, i i l f l t r , laundry. Humboloioctriclly. laundry. Humboldt 47<ft.

BROAD s C 1 ISt—Large front room~forlight houaekaeplnf; hot and cold m aatag

w a ter; stea at h e a t; rgaaonable. tefe&Al6» MY. *' ~ttti—Mgaaittlair oaa aactiag

housekeeping rooms, with every improve* 8toS4lt; laaadry ; reasonable.aaO A D BT.. 112!—UAIICIE, i.IOHT ROOM:

aiJpMKSI) P IO P L I;A1.I. OOWVBWIBWCBW________rn K su n " 'tH .. m l —iAf»« 1»4m "iH tp tm

room fa r two; twin beds; la up-to-data dhaetm ont Day. 'M U A D ST., 1159—Beautiful eahbacUag

hoiuwkccping rooms; srtth ovary Improve fa fto t/r* a»w—Via **t B S B m C .i u s —m J Ia k a k t



RROAD-«T.. H I—Tfc. A a a « : m — h r ,

^S*nST«TI8wrTS5S53lyl.rgc , ilgkt. ad jtin toa u n p a ta r <. . . a - — -..v.. . . . 'rHRm# : *r aaCwrnMMd: k a f and tight ta r I M m i prtvata m td tM * ; r a a M W : bunt- Maa ta n R i t a m ; alaa n a t n r m i far ra w ; H h ta i iH r ta l wh M what H t t .* * W W V 0 ti' N ta feh,* . room: Improv,-' taaiRaiiljy haaaai aaar CWaMp

KollrahoBA H I i pn

av». laoslroWMhtaaalh a t- . ......ftlHiiiiy»WI A V a. '^ r ia m tl a t

—Two tars*, airy room, and kMrhoaatU: ahry a tt B a w i tw r i i ; naaanabig.

or two gentlemen, in private family, bath room floor; electric, telephone, steamheat; one block from jitney and railroad station. Phone B. B. *121._____ »ROSEVILLE. North Seventh at.. 258—Nicely

furnished room: nesr bsth: men or bus!- r«M woman; Market bus. 99.50 weekly. In­quire Sunday ft to 2.___________ __________ROSEVILLE. Fourth st . 199—Two light,

airy rooms, bath: all improvements: fur-nlwhed. for light housekeeping._B. B 5941.LOSKvTl LF. South Twelfth s t . 6—Tv o

large connecting housekeeping and sleep­ing rtjg u ; fas a nd electric; hot water. H o H \" ILLE—Large. cheerful room next to

bath; convenient* to trains and trolley; xtrtetly private family. B. B. M l2.ROSEV!LLE—Large room; suitable for on«

er two people: In uprto*date apartment; Myrtle ave. B. B. 8748.R6SKYtfXE*~Slng!e furnished room to let,

near Orange at. and D. L. it W. Apply182 North Sixth s t.__ . __S58EVILLK. North Seventh st . 1ft*—Two

separate sleeping rooms for gentlemen or couple.ROSEVILLE. North Seventh et.. 19ft—

Very fine room; best location: reasonable. REFINED couple have nicely furnlebed room

fob refined male: electricity, bath prlvi; lege; Vallaburgh; terms 99-9*. Mkt- 4589BRENNER ST.. 1ft—Furnished room, au im­

provements: half black In off Springfield sve. and South Tenth s t.; .private.SPRUCE ST. 41—Attractive, large, light

furnished rooms; some with private bath; heat, electricity., telephone; near Lincoln Park: convenient, comfortable. - for business people: re fe re n c e Mian Greene; Mkt. 1*1(1.j|jpSUMMER AVE., S23—Front room and

kltchonette, on floor with bath; electric; all improvements. Tel. Hum bolt 041ft.STIRLING ST.. 1ft—Two connecting or

separate front rooms with or without ».ounobeplwf: hot water: ftrat floor.SUMMER AVE.. 21ft. near Third ave.—Large

1 i mm — >: M;airy room, next to bath; use piano; private home; near car and bus.SOUTH ST.. 67—Large ah ova room, first

class, furnished: Junt redecorated; running water and every modern Improvement. SOUTH ST., ft—Pleasant front room; light

housekeeping; all conveniences and lm-provements.SOI7TH ST., lftft—Second floor; furnished

room; bntli; electric light; private Christ­ian family.

Xn N NAIRN HOMS.AGED w o m e n in v a l id s .

69 Nairn- pi.; phone Terrace_171ft.CUNTON^aT k * ~tft7—Double front room,

running w ater: new furniture, phouv,heat, electric: horn* rooking; two. 910-___i ’o '^KT HOTE1* Court st.. ^9—Steam heated

room*. 94. with board 91® »*p: rooms fortransients. Market 2626._____ __________gSINGLE room with breakfast and dinner.$22 per week; doub!e : oom with breakfast sr.d dinner. 931 per week; double room with bath Including breakfast and dli-ncr. 94# per week; suite of two rooms and bath for two persona. Including breakfast and din­ner. |60 per week.HOTEL LENOX.


CASH REGISTER—If you want a Cash Register (4»ew- or second-handi. Chopper.

Coffee Mill. Computing er Counter Scale QUICK we have them; Immediate delivery. We represent the famous

LANDERS. PRART A CLARK'S Universal Meat Chopper and Coffee Mill Supplies Service dept, right here In Newark.

ESSEX CASH REGISTER CO..247 Market st , Nowark, tel. Mkt. 1927.

Largest Independent Cash Register Dealers In New Jersey. Easy Terms.

EASTER puppies, attractive, vary chaap. fox hounds, fox tenlero, French poodles.

I bulldogs. Fat Shop, ftft* Fifteenth ave.FOR SALE—Female police dog. wolf. gr*«

and fawn, 1 year old; ready to breed soon.ro'ieonable.* 8 Fatrvtew pi.. Morristown.phono 4>0M.QERMAN shepherd

crossed; fine dogs; i 7 ft Bergen st______

and oolite puppies 9 months old. cheap.

COMPUTING acales. cash registers, slicing mac hides, electric meat choppers, coffee

mills, a n ., all m akes. aoout 40% Isas than factory prices; eawy terms; largest assort­ment in Jersey; all goods guaranteed; re­pairing. get acquainted. Fendt. 28 Halsey st.. corner of Central ave., Newark, N Phone 124* Mulberry.___________



CRACKED walls are caused by uassaaoaad lumber; why buy new unseasoned stock

s . high prices, when ws sell better stock, perfectly seasoned a t half; don’t watt; buy now *nd save money; finest stock of bath room outfits, mantels, sash, doors and olhor wrecking material in Ike city. Southard

JUST rocelvod. another larga consignment of fins Chow puppies, 10 weeks old. Bos-

j j ton bulla, cocker spaniels,>sloy silk poodles j and half-breeds too numerous to mention.

40 Hprlagfleid ava.; phone Mltoheil 92*4

SUMMER AVE. 8*8—Room with board, fine location; n*-nr troiley and buses; rea-

aonabte. ___________________ _____ _SIDNEY PL.. 11. near court house—Largs

front single rooms, one or two; board rea­son# hie: heat.

B.. ft 3—BOARD ANDTHIRTEENTH AROOM, 91*.______________ _ u

WRIGHT- tT .. ft?, near Sooth Broad— At- tractive front room; alao single room;


EAST ORA NOK. LaSoa *»• ■ Th.(ort—Table guests accommodated weekly; full course chicken dinner twice weekly; everything fresh, home eooftod. Orange *98*. EAST ORANGE. North Arlington avs.. 4 2 -

Large front room; electricity; comfortably furnished; excellent home tab 's ; 3 minutes train or trolley. _______

PRKINqGSE pnpnlos. 93S up; . best of breeding; Chocolate Pomeranian, mats;

•how specimen Phullanoise Kennels, West-fteld avo., Springfield. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I’KKINOESE PUPPIES, rod.' blech, biscuit

and pure whit#; males and females; 920 (pioneer- wrecker), ftft Ninth are.. New Yerfc. i and 986; boms till Easter. 12& Glen wood CHAIRS for schools, chur has. clubs, them i avs., J ersey City.

tars, root su ram s. e tc ; asw and used. Louis M Werfet. 7ft Halsey st.; Mkt. Iftftft.CHAIRS rented for all occatoons. Loultf M

Wsrfel. 70 Hklsey e t.. Market 4091.CANVAS c o Vb r s AND


CLAY AND OGDEN STS.COPPER water boiler. *0 gallons, private.

public use; m aple carpenter workbench, amateur, professions! use; moving, sell cheep. 1*< North Walnut. East Orange. DOLL'S large perambulator, doll's small

rw d carriage. Ilka new; fancy perloi* otl lamp; all very reasonable. Address N , Box 79. Rowe ..office._________________ •DESK, roll-top; good condition; $10.

Hunterdon et.M3

EQUIPMENTS for ronfoctlodery store, in­cluding Intent model 20-ft. soda fountain;

afl In At condition. Address E. C , Box 113 Nows office.

POLtCE DOG puppies orod from Imported blue ribbon winners; « weeks old; silver

gray; very reasonable. C. Joos. ftftft Ber- gen st.__________________________ __POMERANIANS, two males Untf one female,

block; ft months old. '930 Twelfth avs., a t South N inth s t ; open Sunday. _________PURE white Russian Samoyede; female.

Its months old; very fond of children. Hergert, 144 Columbia eve.______________PUPPIES; bunting doge; $10 each;

ones a t |7 f . 741 North Sixth at.Saturday.


RKALLT handsome dandy registered Bos ton. male. 2 years; short arrow tall; ears

perfectly trim m ed, $40; alao handsome male puppy, t weeks, 98k; rhampfon pedigree. Scowcrofts. 8 Graham ave.. Paterson. N. J.

EAST ORANOB. Lenox ave., 70—Double rooms; bot. cold water; electric lights;

fines t cooking. Phone Orange 0301R ___BAST ORANOB. Hsrrteoa st.. 4»—Larga

front room, suitable for gentlemen: also table board. Pbone Orange 197.EAST ORANGE. Beech «t . 78—Large, light

front* room; near bath; with beard; 1adults. Phone Orange ftftft.MAPLEWOOD—One double,

r on us te rent with • — ■ Phone South Grange

one singleVenn* to rent with board, private family.


SUMMIT PET SHOPPE—Now open; dog*.cats and birds boarded on our farm: bar

gain In one and two year old Pape strain Black Minorca#, sittings for same, 92, !,ord strain W hite Leghorns: reasonable. Phone

FOR SALE—C hild 's brass crib, adjustable j Summit 1440; 406 Springfield ave.; O. Olsen.high chair, roed stroller. 411 Washing* -«•—= * — = ---r— . - . . . . . . —■

ton are.. Montclair.

P O ftlttl*AKT C KICKS-__ „ cboea hern's Hatchery,

t tot i n hatching: eur mammath lacaba- ts rs are bow hnieftitng every Tuesday sad Friday. Rotter nftto to yonr hatching g i s t new or seder your baby ebkrka a t onee with a email dopmftft. Send for price Hot A. H. Sebeonbora. 341 Mala at.. Maeheaaack. H J. Pbona l i e sC T r UHIUKS; **r. A G Buttermllh rblch

s ta r te r onr asm mixture. The Farm A Garden. 2ft* Mark oft eC BABY t'MICKS. WANs Legberws. \ft per 1M.

e IftftS.

Geo Magiey, ft* R a rd.. Newark BANT A ftfis^-Blech Corbin bantams ft bena

end one roeotor; tittle beauties, sow lay­ing. ftftft. *4 Ottve o t . Ri earn field B1 TTKRut* P ricb o r^ s and bateblag egg#

for sale. John Hlgglaa 747 Sixth s t . near J a oacy ave. Lyndhnrst. M-_lljm

ONK-K* AND KImM l IWO*.Mined. 114 per It* . Buff. Brown. White

U f l sww. 914 per l*#; Black U ito tx s . Ancones. Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Rads. 91* per 1**: White and Buff Rocha. $9* per 100. Silver. Golden. White Wyandot too. Black Mtmsrraa. White and Buff Orpingtons. 122 per 100 Rhode island Whites. 929 per 100. India Cornish Onu»e. Light Brahma. Langehen. White-Faced Spanish chicks. India Runner and Peking ducklings: mall orders filled . ft* chick brooder, $0.90; 100- cblek brooder. $0 50. 1.000-cbtck broodereteve, | l l . fancy poultry, peacocks, rabbits, pigeons, goldfish, singing ennartes. toy dogs. Buchers Incubators. 10 per cent off price list. Internet tons! Sanitary hovers. Wish­bone bine flams oil-burning brooder, can not go out. coma and see It. poultry supplies. New Jersey's largest poultry, bird, dog and set stock sto re . come aad see toy stock sat - ■faction guaranteed. Edward L Bucher.

89* Market et.. Newark. HCHICKS—Rhode Island

Rocha 12 71 per deaen. _ mixed chicks. 92.85; wo accept mail orders and deliver te your door, spec is I price# an 9# and lee (ota Ed Yuengsi. 149 Celt e t. Irvington n J.


l a w u < N ik t r Me., Mm

t . K M U K H U X C m l . ’ Mm M a n m n < a aay

S a tta a l iaa tra rtlaa I m M ?; a r S a S a t S r i :*r it m atvaalUaaa. J g OataiM ta tfca Wt t,

trrtta or p>M M v t t t TH7 far c a ta la M . . . ... szsttz: a —swaoi^smamKLEA DI NO—LARGEST—»B B #r DAT AND EVENING KMOOL

ALL YEAR.Enrolment new active SoeretsrlBl,

naan, stenagrapblc. typing, htghW tancy and sg acini ftutoi thane leaving high ark ttTInquire yewr n ea r set Drake P l m T“ --------------- — HCKADRAKE B U S tN M AMD M 9t:Ri_

COLLEGES AMD SCHOOL*. Newark. Orange. Montclair, sto., #>K

Rada and Barred nii^egborna $2 90

CHICKS—H White Leghorn*, pedlgrosdmala# (340 and 2*0 sgg damsi. mated lo

high producing bens, 30c eoch. 926 per 100 Osone Farm, phene Verona IIMM. COMPLETE "back yard" outfit. Incubators.

brooders, chicken houses, fences up-to- date appliances, everything necessary to m aintain about 900 layers, my best year gave me I I .#07 sgga Prof Cbas F Krosb.l ift Heath Center a t . Grange; tel I 99M__FOR SALE -Baby chicks and batching

eggs; Jersey Black Olaats, Light Brshmaa. ». r R I Bade. S C White LeaheraA White Wyandotte*; winner* at Morristown, Newark end Madison Square Oerdsn shew* Write far prieea. or phone Madison 44#; Broohlahe Poultry Farm. Madison. M. J. FOR SALE—Seven Barred Rock'pullets aad

on# cockerel, good brooding stock. $11 Call any time but Sunday afternoon. 34 Division ave.. Belleville.____FOR SALE—29 Whit# Leghorn pulleta Gua

l.onta. Wilson ave.. city.FIFTEEN Leghorn hens end coop Ix ll ; also

60v>-chick brooder. A. Steward. 90 Mei- Irvtngtoa

h A^fcm jKi tr .m a. c R w d. I.17.SBeds. Barred Rocks and Dark Cornish;

winning a t Madison Souar# Garden. Trenton. Allengown and local shews, reasonable; I guaranies quality. W. R Dorrancs, 4ftl*nion_nvs.._Irvingtea.____________________HINDMAN’S S..... .............. C. W. Leghorn*, good laying

bena. at 91.1# each: also Buckeye Incubd tom wanted i t North Munn avs., cityNINETEEN W hits Wyandotte* and on* 190-

«K| Cyphers Incubator, for sale reasonable20 (Vestwood av a . Nutley __

RDER8 taken new for White Leghorn'd ay old chiche at I I I per left; April and

May delivery; alao hatching eggs at 92 per m Address Fleesantdalesitting ef 19 saga

Farm, Plaaaantdale. Waat Orange, N. J ,

NEWARK ACADEMY,Founded 1792. 4 1 _

WILSON F a r r AND. Head Master. M Thorough preparation far Callage. Mato*

UDc School or Bualneas. Complete e#wift ef Phystcal Tralalng. Primary P g |i | M M iWE teach driving aad repairing;

guaranteed, prices low; private Or el leaoona. taught by exports, span event aad Sindav.

BARREN’S AUTO SCHOOL.Tol M atkrt 2334 91-91 to flprtagftgM |

s p e c ia l ag o n m j h m j f f l jnkwark icnsuonanRUBBC* SNm

l i t Nm M P k n . M,lb»rrr XML >1Automotive engineering (full trade).

rial courses also In auto prlacfplaa S | r 9 owners I . auta driving; storage battery *u*driving; atarago toU try Mu pair, starting, lighting. Ignition; catalsguo. Offleo boars t-ft.MILLINERY

York, an efficient __«f tbo city: eahlblUen and anle ftayeTuesday, day aad evening s ir----- —eall for Information. Telephone I MISS ADELAIDE T. | j y M

■fvDiOb a w . m m x r w mefficient eahaol ta th# RHEAMi s i

m mm fur a Dee copy ef the P R E P S T E R ,

published by the students ef NEWARK PREPARATORY SCHOOL

i#9® Broad at., Newark. N. J, ___ _AVTO BTHOOD—M M w m 3 iNMlrt**: ' J b S

teach driving and repairing from A te 1 1 lu-oneo guaranteed, day er evening. I9R Warren at . er 94 Howard ut., Irvlnglig -AUTO SCHOOL Instruction; learn to 4ft|M*

com. f i t alt mqulrod; call a ftgfFord l P. M. Roar


PIANO. BANJO. VIOLIN. MANDOLIN, s a x o p h o n e . UKE. GUITAR c o r n s t .guaranteed T¥-2#^Jd*eane ; Instrument*aalo. sxchaagod and repaired. Tol. MEL

Private. Individual Instruetion# only. FRANKLIN STUDIOS. 29 Now at. ) E lisabeth Branch. 10* Brood <t. -



Houm. » to 1* P M. 87 Court st.. g to n k Frtvsis. Individual. Personal In iliftragAla te s t Popular Muaic. Raftlma, JagL


907 Broad s t . a t Central ave.; *“■itrumenta, f l LAR I i W i

i.i Market 7 flf ............... *g.^ap #;

Mr. George Ham foldt.___________ _____ONE Cyphers colony hover, cool stove. 4-ft.

dome aad ons Mann hand bone grinder. f& Whtttleoay ave . West Orange.___ _____ORDER now. White Leghorn chicks, $19 per

lf« ; bred to ley; other varieties. GeorgsXewson, 144 Elm st __PEN of Ancones. Sheppard stock. 4 pullets

and cockerel 92 Handel ave, NorikArlington. _______ ’ _____

WANGLING ! BABY CHICKS.1 am now running my 40.000 capacity hot

water -Mammoth Incubator and booking orders for baby chicks end custom hetching from free renge stock from the following breeds: White Loghqyna, Brown Leghorns. Barred Plymouth Rocha and Rhode Island Rads; all from best leying strain*; sets de­livery and antlafecrtlon guaranteed: estab­lished la 1*12: will furnish any reference; visitors are welcome; prices on request. Wandling'e Chick Hatchery. Pert Murray.N. J , _________________________________W H ITE' LEOHORN hens. April and May

hatched; free range grown; $180. Wilks. Rlvor rd . Hanovpr Nock. N. J.

FLORENCE ARTHUR. _ .Teacher of London Coneorvatory f years, smgtng (Italian method). Plane. V N H ^'

164 Washington >t . Plm w 89*8 | f t i g■ a LE x aTOSX ' Rfsnr Instruct Ion In piano playing

from beginning to concert stag#* P Studio: 30 East Kiaaoy si. * -jp


30 CHOICE Barred Recks, sll laying. 92.6* each. Apply 83 Springfield ava., Summit

17 8. C. ANCONA pullets, sll laying; l>*»t H I Forest St . Arlington.stock.

EfgiBARRED ROCK hatching eggs. 9< 25 per

1ft, $9 per 100, guaranteed 0* per cent, fertile, delivered Monday and Friday each week or by parcel peat. Box 08, Aliens ood, N. JBARKOVS largo White Leghorn hatching

eggs on good range. 9® per 100, 971 par 1.000. W alter P. Scheersr. 198 Sandfordavo., Irvtagton ; Waverly 2640____________ _BLACK MINORCA. 'W hit# Wyandotte#, (i

<\ Dark Reds. Pskln ducks, hatching eggs, baby chicks. Nagy. Watchung sv e .Bloom Paid._________ _________ _ __ |BOND ST , 47, Loons Farms—Eggs from

choice White Leghorns: IS for 9L2I; It gusraniood /arxUo. W ayyljf ,7fJJ,

FOR BALE--1,000 tons of well rotted ma­nure. Frank Cosgrove, l t t Vanderpool st.

GARAGM DOORS, 921 pair; ■ _______roll roofing, sheet rock, hardware, trim.

atrip shingles.flouring, novelty aiding and lumber, ton ft Co., lift Central avo.


OBANGE, Highland avo., 41#. corner Lincoln <convenient station, trolley>—Large and

•ingle room; homo cooking; beautiful diningroom; log fire; Ideal place for summer__--------- PALMER HOUSE,corner Main *t. and Maple ave.. East Orange; attractive accommodations; reason- able rates. Pbone O fd g a 9t>8.

TIC*lli5NOR W ’, l l —Adjacent to Lincoln Park; second floor room, running water,

all modern Improvements; reasonable.TWO cosy. woiLnhatppod

tag poruh; running w a .... trlclty and laaadry. ‘ waverly 86##,

connect- water, range, elec-porch; runnl

in n iy and laundry, r»»■«■■/ »■'"». fW O largo ronnoctlng 1 rooma for llghi

hou—hanging: with all Itnprovdmenta In quire lftft Oaiuftdo a , , Mrmrfc.

THE HALSTED. *0 Haiated at : phone Or­ange 6789—One large room, southern ex­

posure; running water; I large .room, pri­vate bath; 2 connecting rooms with privatebath ; also single rooms with or without meals; one block Brick Church Station.




VANDBRPQOL »T.r2*—Light, airy, sanitary room; one Mack from Elisabeth ave.;

second Poor. _____________ ___________WEST KIN NET ST.. 84—Large front room;

suit two; improvements; ten Minutes’ walk Brood and Market; private. Douthwsfte.WARREN FT., 1; corner Jtalaoy—Largo

roam, adjoining ba th ; separate beds *lec- trie; one single; Throe n lx to w to tube*. WAKRKk M .. « t — * ' *

room; 2 mtnntaa to hooping of t wo men; renponaMe.

•Large front alcove - trolley, bus; house

WOODSIDB AVE. 9#«—Large front room;-nit Improvemonta; near bath; iwivato

family; pcivilogeo^ reasonable.WASHINGTON S f T m —rroirt housnitsp-

lag room or two gentlemen, for atocplng; ftswr l f and s H H iT w t .WAKllISUTON *+.. I l f —Cte^rabl., I«r,9

warm iAmk. front imrlor; fm -tWm«* M ir ; rofa ro n w .U----- --------m p M wE l. *•—I'AKo k k r o n t

ROOM TOR (1CKTI.KMAN; RBFEK-ewaar ________ _W T ^AfcK V i.. 'I —tn |R » 'w « w iall ai-turn aaar tnAoo lal . tw M i; matroaaonaM*.

FURNISHED ROOMft VARTBOf e o s l l IIa K, J arrUfi. SpOrto fnmuhM

room with .'g r tn ta (nmUr; rontrMly lo- ratAA. A tin m O T S ,, MAor,


n A o H n n h . >t H i t t u m Uo , m .. m m - 'J * ■"* ■■■

.. w . raftmwt im tr tt orliooil; aaar w i t' r r kt, t» * > ; tad m a t !k o iu iw t r r ., ?»—Front room; M torn;

trtJA a t m ttian t IMAt A«M»Aoo»jn»; * tn -

_______ m ditoftam J l iB i fura ishea roomat; two largo conaftc tiag rooms for light honmhSiptnd; for guntleman orbnMao#* c#Mrie; >oat itpH et And bus. BLOOMilBtJD O W n T W a s h in g to n at.,

giftd thih t riesping and . ttgRi

i& jO M F iE L b rf l Morton et —Three ptoa*- a a t f i em p ;. i .Itodhi '##•*#«

M ini fto Rribi raHnad c—p la , 'CALDWMLlf ^ J *" • ''Mao av»~{ 8i# n » ------- -SAKt ‘o i lL ic ie . K r k

wnURU N *m : vnrr dMtr- S M m m X : U » ro«>-atonaa—Z '

ROAR ARBOR. I ts U t a avo.r Ooonn Ororo.—Onrn all tho ja a r ; boardln,; fa c ia l

rataa far Eaatar.COUNTRY 10ARD

MERNAfcDeVtLLR N. J .—Pracllcaj nurseh#e comfortable home In country for those

(envfthunag) excellent care. L. Smithy P. p Box 14: phono lftft.COMFORf ABLE room and board for elderly

person In country; plenty of ogga and mAh; I l f weekly. Mr*. Dawn, Javna reel. pomptQ" Plains. N. i-CHEKkFtfL private homo for convalescent;

•portal diet if derived. Morten. 9ft Ramp- ton pi-. Nutley; MfW- - _ _PEgASAN-f VtEW T A R *. SSR U M U na;

toanttfal m oarryiXW oR ocaa aad milk, tra it, all k ind . In l i a aan ; raten ronaonablo. t , ( . Hotfwnn. fa llfn a S . J.

FOR SALETwwwhrn, AAfteg W iibe a l

OawrnT OSS^ . u Mi nS*#»q E S c B k 'lttifjtyOuarnntM d MaeMiw, tram M l '*

Carkan Toj*t ...■ kfcwg. M e } .MOUKI.BMI T T f l t t l T M K CHA RO e,

I t Cllatoa at. - ■ Tol. Markot t y l ;*toj* w ia 'Ti»usini .ItolAtllWirinMrk IIIoch of t;

• t i t# ; i atnduent*.W fW Xabd repair; special m m to

WxYf iX*'i # m i | up; prompt doUvory.

HOTBED SASH. I G . neat quality. Krily.Morris avo.. Union, Union County, N. J._

ICE BOX, grass cu tter, awning, mantelpiece tile base, two steam radiators, glri’e tr i­

cycle; gent’s spring overcoat; private party. 624 Norwood at.. East Orange.JUbT received, 1.### roll* flint surfaced

roofing; red, green end gray; $1.26 per roll.

8HUPE TERMINAL CORP..Phone Mulberry #947._________

LOT new pipe fittings, H to 1 inch gal­vanised malleable, 1 to I Inch galvanized

and Mach; alao Jenkins globle valves and air valves; screw Jack, soldering Iron*, other tools; two tft home etoctrlc motor*. Bracken, 4> Finlay pi., near Handf©rd_ ave. LIVING room electric fixture, with howl

and candle bulb*; new; cost 9i®, sell for$3#; mahogany combination bookcase and desk, bent glass door cheap. Bracken, 4ft Finlay pl.._ near Sandford ave.LADIES’ K S S r olia ' dromoa. I I I* afrlad

coate. ftl2.ft#; cash or easy payment*; writ# or phone for asm plea. Ben-Baa. 1ft Roosevelt tor., Irvington; Terrace 1441.


W i n AMD OVERCOATS.Also many o ther standard brant

TOPCOATS .............. ..SLIGHTLY USED SUITS ............... ..........ISAMPLE SUITS ................................. 7 6# upCOATS AND PANTS ....................... 2 01 up

DAT CLOTHING CO..TY Seventh avo., corner Fifteenth s t , N. T.

a n i "L.”

TaiHAMTSninderd brands.............lif t# uprs 5.00 up

Naur subway, tubew a Open eranfng*

METAL type ruler. 14 type m#h*ur«o; ex­cel lent matt order proposition; have over

4.000; will toil lot a t 9t#te cool over ft cent* each. Inquire 171 Van New pi., Newark. r MANURE forr s m S m da* k . « M ?w M .

'. f t ----- ---- — -Brace «t.; pkon. MarketJ MeN.Itjr,»HI. __________________________

ItKWARK VXfecStM o <Mk.New n t M C M t-k u f ta tM la, Material

d Ivwjr k n i t A w rristlaa, t tf - tM fte lla ,- fcgag t w a .- Newark, N. T w rac w i. NEW S 3 ! a.Qoad-hand a 5 C T 5 W B a_______ fix*

ftft ArttngteaU N a tables u sd chair*, at., Newark.aqfwr • Sam pnagB K g;.g g ;

or mama, a tU n latlM . chain.4MflUaa M N u t a n a ta l w a .t i . k n , MNwtUi ~m m

t f t n t j W , aataa. wood- a ttj H .n t'a morale. S«<

■MinUtta f l n ^ ' C i m i o t ;---------- ---- W to W J # tW I t * i k E - t a *

t tM M k w taaka. aak M ataal cabinet..barcalna f a n * * Farkaa,

a n ; w a a n t h*OHM I k . Mara fram e n t l f f n K a li, with

at t fitMi. t l l U i .m o m . , , alaa ataal Ura afca.t.na f t J M M - M M farnltare. c. W. K rrsw .

a n a . t — t t i taL iA».4H kar la«flci4 .0NR hath wlretiONE jMtk w tm aaa aMa, ineladla, hatterlM.

HAM ; alaa I t q n j n* I i n ; aaly a taw m L e u t W a n a * m >a ■ RKAyAtjRAN-f T A E ija i. chain, kack flaw.■ c a M ta n . aatlaa M k , a tactrt. tiikwaSim, ataaaa H i l l . »n t *ki»n , ^ > a c ia a ra n ,. a a f am m -maata. M m t’a m a n aa, i m *Mia. «Wa k— . M l. VMt—kt C n u n w .M> E B * k*kir a a r r ia ta : * a a t caaAttlan; Klca JmmSSBa. . Oaurtaar, »«• .WWIan at..

WANTED—Shepherd female, light gray, not over 11 montlio old; etate price and pedi­

gree. Phone Market *<40.WIRED H Alft Fox Terrier puppies for *ale;

beauties. Dr. H. 8. Holdenby; phone ftftlW Englewood.WHITE Sdinoyede male dog; pedigreed and

ft months old. 41 Isabella ave.. city.

VM m Owfito ari IwkwalONE radio a#4. 3 bulb, with battery. |ft*.

One radio set. 3 bulb complete, with horn, batterieo and tubes. 9100. 702 SouthTwelfth at.RADIO batteries recharged. $1; called for

and delivered; city anti East Orange. Tel5809 R. B .; Park ave.

Willard Service Station, 291

RADIO SET. complete, with loud speaker and phones giving wonderful results;

reasonable, ft Sherman ave.; Waverly ft* 10. RADIO for »ale'; Paragon R. A. 10 and 2-

atep; brings in Western et at lone on land; loud apeak o r; 90* Plione Montclair 4801RADIO batterleo recharged, railed for and

delivered, ftl. city limit* Kxld* Battery Station, ftftft Central avo.; B. B. 61ift.

ARRIVED, genuine rollers: others; highest grad* slngera: low prices. L. Maurer, bird

* * * Bloomfield ave., Bloomfield-Importer, 1#1

FEMALES ready to mate, choppers In full song; all-w ire shelf cage*. $7 60 a dr-

all-metal breeding and fly cages; mixed send, 10.lb. lota a t I0e. lb. 830 Twolfth avo., a t South Ninth o t.; open Sunday.SELLING OUT—Ten pairs best singers, good ■- ■ • —*—hi— **— *• — amated pairs; Yorkshire*, female*. 92 each, ft® Green S.> city.THREE pairs of H arts Mountain canaries,

all m ated; w ith cage*; bargain; private E. Stumpf, H 2 Mulberry st., city.

FORTY PohlniDsdtt

ducks, all laying; fine for____ ngbreeding; also sitting hena Manning,

Stoyvesant and Clinton avee., Irvington.

PklMMFIFTEEN pairs of Flights and Tipplers;

will aril cheap. 471 Eighteenth at.Tipplers,

goto, Cnrnennx. Kl _ . stock. ■ 81 Vermont ava, aaar South OrHOMERS, r f lg h ta

Archangel*. Caraeaux.Bald head a.

Inga Runts- good

IM FARTED English and Belgian raring Homers; also pigeon baskets, for eels

cheap to quick buyer, ftft Smith s t . Veils- burgh, N .>RACING HOMERS,

red, blue and black ehsel___ _______aMa St 11 well, 4ft Linden i n * Irvington.

long distance ftlera •hackers; price reason-

WANTED, all kinds of pigeons; htgboet prices paid. W atts, 24« m ilk s t

TWO ju a l canoe ra bargains;Rut I n perfect working order; ftxi nuto

graflex, Zolas nnar lean fl.! , With platemagasine; t i t . 4X9 CYCLE graphic, Arias to I l kf ft.ft. (tomfSMid shutter, pints hejftsri. IIS. Catt Sewtli Orange T84M or H. B. Bald­win, t i t Bread et., Newark..

DIAMOND BAM PIN; handSrithMR o u t 91 IR ; tocrtflw : i R ^ J !

J — d und mad* ]

prninsL A 4 IR R M. mm* i l l

BUFF LEGHORN and Black Minorca eggs. 91.50 a sitting. F. Cook, 11 New a t, East

Orange. _____ ________________FOR' S iL E —Mammoth Toulouse goto* eggs,

ftftr.. mammoth Fokin duck eggs. 92 i***r a lttlsg , W leghorn t ockerel, 13. R. I K , $2.90; Toulouse ganders geese and P*kln ducks. Carl Toepfar, Hlllalda r d . Milling­ton, N. JHATCHING BUGS—Whit# leghorns. 11 for

$1; Black Minorca. Light Brahma. Plymouth Bock. Rhode Island R*d. 13 for fl.50; also Peking and Indian Runner s it­ting egg*. \ \ for |1 90. ell free mnfte stock, also Toulouse goes# eggs. 26c. each; *•% fertile; aloe a few Whit* Leghorn end Black Minorca cockerel# for breeding et $8 each; drop a card; will deliver. Edward Srhwelkert, 400 Bergen st.. Newark, farms at Neushrlght, N J . __________________HATCHING EOOS—R- <’• Rhode Island

R*da from etork of good color, els* end bred to lay; Bitting of 16 eggs, 92 1*9South f'llnten st . Beat Orange, phone Or­ange *800.__ ___ _______ __________HATCHING BOGS and baby chicks from

Ferri* pedigreed S. *' Whit* Leghorn*. Caldwell 168WI. Mountain*id* Poultry Farm.J e r s e y b l a c k g ia n t hatching *gga

gtona. • Lanning ave. Verona; phonoH I7J__________ l_______ _________________r |. RED sitting egg* from heavy laying

stock. 91 2ft per ritting of 12. 214 Sey­mour ave.; tel. 717ft Wav.SINGLE COMB ; White Leghorn hatching

*gga from contest certified stock. M J. Qua# kenbueh, R#tan p t , Nutloy. N. J . ___Wh i t e w y a n d o t t e s . I T i. Red# and

Plymouth Rock hatching ogga P. Ward. 172 W atchung »ve^ West Orange

PERSONALMRS LUVINA STEFFEN8EN (colored). ■ who formerly lived on Amherst et.. East Orange and later on Emmet et.. Newark, will And It to her advantqg* «® call on j J. Farley. 31 Clinton at., Newark. N. J. U cD O w iL U Ge o RGe —w ent to u. i a.

from Poynton st., Liverpool, 1942; present

Teacher of Voice and Plan#.117 North Seventh et. Alao B.JB, fif th

Carnegie Hall. Room »9ft. Raw T # t j NEWARK CONftKftVAtOlit

• If Broad ri. Market 99#T. - " • ' —1 EDWARD BOYD SMACIL Dk##ftSRt* |

Progroorive Serloe Taught __ SAXOPHONES and violin Inetru

•pupils' homo# or studio. A. Hit____101 Vi Avon ave.. Newark; Bigelow ft#j INDIVIDUAL private Instruct lone m '9K1

stringed instrum ents; 76c. per lesson. Y#UM 4 Tlchenor. 67 Halsey at., opp.MR. c ltA ltL E S F. Hi”

Instructor of plan11 ii n a m

lane and harmony; s H |. _______ _ _____ —judolin and gnttgR.BDWAMP r .vlolonoello, flu te. m*,dolln ,» « tlUtw.

J S 1®BORM «no I r T .

ARTISTIC singing, ptyfori

struct or; 19 year* t. aching;sgrnSm Marhri l l l f c .residence. K l Court at.;

and diction taught by Mme. V.78A Thirteenth ava.; -Market 129»R. ^Va3S SOLOIST w aatSI for mixed #B9|N*9||

must be good reader; give experten##, Address R., Box 111, Nows efflcft. ■"

TAYLOR'S dressmaking.Rift

millinery.tailoring, designing sohool: enter | 0 t |

spring season. Individual Instruction, R t Lynch, ftftft Broad ri., opp. Centrsl ASqb. LU TE SCHOOL—Deeynlng.

Millinery Day and EvenlMi Clgsaas. iM K - -• • ‘ ‘ t o i f i -------for Booklet. Broad et Acsdoafty SL

BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGl W M 64 William et.. Oranga; Ml languagm ftbSpH I

o. P. Cerebrating.private.



I^et ma astlm ata your wallpaper and L-—™ , Ing need*: choose from tho large*! **!#*• tlon of wallpapers Hi the etate; have k#S* papering, painting end selling wallpaper f#f over 35 years: send a eard or phone l f m M ^ 7825. Che*. Etoenberg. United Chain Watt-1 paper Co-. *•< Broad e t.; breach, I S f r t j f i : field av*„ opposite court hones.

THE GOERKK CO. guaranteea labor wallpaper for one room, fthftft; wo

able to do entire Jqb for lorn than could do it youroolf; estimates for r hanging and painting given free of « Goerke Co Dept. Store, Broad ri .

PAINTING and paporhanglng; flrat-i work: reasonable; wo papof roonla aa

as ftft 60: wallpaper selection of Dm Phone Humboldt 1718, or catt

8 COHEN, a # Broad f t BOUTON DBOOKATINO fed. will

room. 94 up; alao painting dona able; all work guaranteed: estimates cheer­fully given. Write, or caH ft A. M. tijpfjgp M-; Terrace 2246; 82* FlReenth aYe.«"Wall paper—the baatai of good deceratloil*

MONTCLAIR DECORATING CO., general contractors; wall papers, phlni and decorating. Office and ahow room Glenrldgo JR#- Mont Half Canter; phon#NEW ARK DBCORATINO CO., 4ft _

painting and plastering: we pa> # *#■)room. $4wp o joork gue rantood; 4»upS.' FISHER A CO.—Paintiag and p a p e r i5 K ‘

ing. reasonable; first-clam work guaihh* »**d. 447 South Belmont ave.; Wav, qjftw-y

address wanted, or If deceamd. date and place of death: brother*, grandrhlldm i In­quiring. F. Alcoch. 14. Greek e t . tendon rd., iJverpoel, England.

PAINTING, paperhanging and plael#rfi5l interior, exterior, work gw rnttt«gj||t|m ^M

■enable Writ# F- Cohn. H i South Trittfuaranteod;

r— _ I h TrathM ,PAINTING, paperhanging: InotSoTqm flH Q

prompt and guaranteed work; gB|g|Ejj|| L. Dobrin -------------------- wmable L. Dobrin. 14 VandorpqoLe t,; WE IS

fH B BROOKLYN WALLPAPER COi, f t i rBank et-. will paper room. ft4.ft# Oft potgU. , — --------- big


T h . f k » ro-n m rtu ft with ua In tho installation of tho m r i m r i n n rSoV ethi# L jy f f 1"" #nd thor- ough oterllieer; rocurle and clean* the hair, fait or cotton mattreoooa Box spring* repaired, feather pillow# reno- v a tS f M « b e d * rolacquored; ne eieo carry a full lino of now boa oprings and mat- tree#**; apodal prices for homes and hoe*p lla U ' u LOW EN8TB1N.

Successor to N. IJM W . k7ft Broad et . near Eighth ave.

H ex! M l A m r t . N J - H u m ftftlL

ing and calrim lnlng.done reasonaMA PAINTING and paperhanginf: r a w S f i B ' S

satisfaction guaranteed. Che rise S tippL ^:^_ _ u*m I O n n n MMaI, hi, ii «... vm orm»; wwnTAINTINO »n« FMMINUhRm .

•U»r.nt,.< l; n u i u M . p rlr ., A d i t w f tgtw. wm A.lt.f—b it.. jawlKliPAINT1NO A ml pAIMlilHClnf; l«*Mt prt.MI

Ml work ,<nranlo«l. Ma i W.Im , t(4 Eollh Kl.v-Alk »< ; HIT M M m .In t e r io r d .ro n llB f th . riiTht work " 'll

tho rlftit prlro. Port or. IT B irM t M l Ahooo M llch.ll t t t t . __________ |

AUCTION SALESTi>rrR*an» r e n o v a t e d


Mackto Bra*. Homo Hyotom (IlmlMtM rl.k ot MkdUwtlon —4 dioAAA, hifopiloa ky.»A- i . r ' f .o ih .r pillow, ro n m u d : k r u , »-d} ronoii.hdl: M k i M n b». . p r i , n r . , d n d or a M * I— ordor ai o .r ikoy.

J a c k in h r o k . aa.« J t« . RoiwrAtor...M l W arroa d . r" « » « -ArtlAt HIT.— U x W ItW o m X iM o V A n b

A U C T I O N S A L K .

Ay I ho Im^oTOd m o ihM ibruA k td ( rdac- K o rd u *A» Aprln«o raFalrad. fOAthor pillow. r.n o v st .4 ; A W U r~ » .Ad hoA .MlA,* mA4,AMER*k ' # *M ATT*«5^*RlSDSrATINa CO.

IT, a VON A VK; AkOA. Warorly IWID lC a 'B r M A N D K V tl.U l, * n k a jW r r ai.

kMwaaa W alaat AA4 h iaao r—»M<’lAl al- toDtton fo fh* n m . m ia k rm. kM aora lua ta rhaamatlam, o»rr«Aa a*d ckraalo dlaoowo.

AkS&Lv. lo ld .ro y tra a t-w n t If m ain * . . .

S aJB T 6 X X I W c DBaninO w o r k k



A t tt.O 'CLOCK.


U brary and llvln* room aot, la topooiry « ad r . ld a r ; roekora a n a . aad aattaaa. d a .onporta aootloaal aa* book-raw*, library tabloa. Door Iw iA

DIN1NO ROOM r U I N i m aCom ,Ida aalfoa Mr Aa n d ra a walaat

oak, kurrarn. d d . kaa rda eklaa c k a l t law taW a. aad rhalra. a n M takM f I ora. »lot arm , MR wad— « .



> t e n t t e tallowing earn reegy mm l a w * I l f t i ear ntw i n 4

m i i m h w m i ttv ttc > m i ea« HlfSS iM rta f lUMuiUtim i h 4u .

©pel Car* of Of lit r U tkM

t i l l f iv k te k w n iM te iC W it Oakland to u rist H H C tead lir ckummy. l l t l D nH U tesrtag- t i l l F M IM rtaf.

Class* C an of Other M U n

f t j B t e m i h Ct e l a m eeupe Oeklead ts daa.


Whlls M l »f t t e t t e n la ta t i t —*m — d m i

M U l td FM v t e t wom a te v t e t

tag s t o l d .

Tm a t e «W1 n r a m i car d t-f j f i a l j IT# Jam dlffereut m m i I

f t a te a p teasast t e n t

T a m If I t e l n i


; (O r M l . t J . I M m . M » m » .


W > W MM. Oh i Mrealato-



ta M l a B ( w *f i m M f M p i te lly . B u y I u r W M M M .

I t M m fe t M af g a j M U h l « t o n m

B ' -B k

m » i t m iKM fci i i n »«itk totei f . Mil ( M t e to r !!■>!»>. IM W m m u Mute#. . MM Im u :MU IMM O m rtUt tetete#MU Ifaaklla w tteU t. Mil X u n l l MM <

t e . I M n y m af

r i S f t g a r ,

0MB M teli n till I a'elaek.

t e l liite te


n k M• R ite# ■

, f rIftLT f i l l .

e i m o t i T ,

Wo am offering eara #0 * a tarteaa. u laaaafttanHy law p

aa r seleeUea tie lv lM

A coaopleta Uaa a t

c s n t o u nOVERLAND!,



M a a a

1911 t a M m ack. H U .1911 B a n w i n . MM.1111 O ariaar tearing. I tw 1991 ga tes 1 9 9 m s tupe . ISM. 19J1 Nufe raaiatvr. MM.19M Chevrolet f » aaiaa . $46e 1999 Col ora tea roadster. |IM 19M Hudson aaiaa. 1»H 1121 Bedsen tourtnc. MM.1119 R aim a toartaf, f i l l .1919 ©art toartaf, 9199.1917 Ctea •*•** chum. road . t i l l .



911 - Ml Brood of r io M Morbet t i l l .

Cm * E\oain*o.


It para to a Hup mobile Ntwark* finest receadltioaed eara

CHEVROLET toartaf. V B. modal; looka aad mao ilk* now. $571.

CLEVBLAND eoupa 1911; everhaeled aad ro pain tod; vary food tiraa; $T$4

CHBVBOLBT 00don. 1999 F. B. m«dol. loan t i n a year aid; food rubber; 9771.

CHBVBOLBT eo«M. 1919; has Rad vary good ear# aad looks fine; 9199.

BE© roaditor. 1919; flao mochanica! okopo, $17$.

FA TOE sport, 1929 9-99 modal: wlator and ouminor tofoi t claaoy ear; 9999.

OVERLAND toartaf. 19 f t ; ta flao aht»o; food tiraa; 9919.

BRISCOE toartaf. 1119; looks Ilk# now; Ms Urns; $499.

MASH epert. 1921 i run vory llttlo; karfalai•Ml.0. W. TISDALE. INC.

BUFMOBILB DISTRIBUTERS.911-7 Breads*. Opoo even tape

^ P h e n t Mulberry 2949.

= 1p C A g ON THB_


TBs osly known mot bod of Buytnf s Ussd Car w ithou t Rtakt

STUDBBAK ERR.1999 B tf Sis T-peee. aodan.1922 M f Sis 7-peae toartaf.1929 Rif fix Mdan, 7 pans.1999 L*gbt Sts toartaf.119$ Liffkt Sts roadster.19 |i L tfkt it* l-paoo sodas.1121 Special Sts toartaf. 1999 Sssctal Sts tourt ~ 1921 Light Sts oodaa.

octal Sts touring,___fk t Sts oodaa.Uuarantoed fa r Niaoty Days.

OTHER MAKES.199$ Chevrolet 4-99 coupe.1919 Ovortand 99 toartaf.1919 Lttcrtr toartaf.1999 Batek l-paaa aedaa.1919 Batek Suburban sadaa.2911 lasaa Bis toartaf. lit? Cadtllao T-paaa oodaa.1991 Hupmobll* 4-pasa oodaa.19$) Oakland l-pasa aodan.1929 Apperson Spoeiat toartaf.1999 Baled B*4i toartaf.$11$ Battel 99*44 fourths.1924 Otdnaoteto 4S-B toarta f.SMI Crow-Elkhart Sport.Also maay o th tn as low as MR

All Sava boon Inopeetod aa to motbsntonl condition, a a i moot have boon ropalatod.t e e e T t m s ^ r o y M ^ s c o m p a n y

i Roadsters.[ Tourtags,


r MASH OR TERMS—ONE PRICE.Tima p ay aaa ts arranfod.

Balance divided la ta equal monthly payments ap to twelve months

Small deposit held# any ear until you ars ready fo r delivery.

9*LST-CHBVROLET MOTOR PAI.ES CO, m S r (Formerly Chevrolet Motor Co.)

94T-4I9 Broad st.Phono Market 9479.

Open evenings until 9:94 o'clock.

-itiftse care beware platen* your order a aaad car.

pOa 4-pass, coups, lot sab a r t as.

....a s Y-paok. toartaf. utJUtjr eeupe


Partial list #f earn ready aow.

Isolated drive limousine of cur­rent model; vary email mtioafe.

4 m m sedan, 29-H. P. dual valve model; very moderate mileage.

Late model 7-peso to u rin f; Just through oar shop# and repainted.

ll-H . P. coupe, w ith dual valve easts#; need very little.

49-11. P. deal valve 7-pase. tour- las; overhauled a a i repainted.

M-H. P. 7-paea to a rta f ; over­heated aad repainted.

42-H. P. suburban-1tmeustne; aver- hauled aad rspainted.

19-H. P hroufhem-Umeuatas; ovbrbauled and repainted.

Note—We have o ther.peed , ser­viceable Pierce-Arrows^ priced a t $1,444, $1,219. $1,144.

ELLIS MOTOR CAR COMPANT,Pierce-Arrow D istributer*

41$ Central ave., Newark, N. J . Phene Mulberry 4499.

Pterlsss aedaa. 1991.Feerleee coupe. 1929.Peerless tearta f. I92L Studebeker special sta. 1919 Velio 41 touriaf, 192*

Special price* aver tbo week-end.

eJ W MASON a so n s .

laai Bread st Tkoae Market 7979


is ; : « h*vralet 464 tear1632 t h*»rol*i F B tour1*22 464 ro*dRf*i1131 »'b#\ rtettot 46* tour1*2* «’ba> m irt 46f) t au -1*!* t'havroltet 469 rasditf il*:* V ttfd Rr rt A Ft:*;i Df-lgfl touring1616 1 ofl touring

FOf.r.T-f'iir: vROf .e t ASS Brus-I opp

Phone Mi!

$171 . |4H..$471

$125 $141

.1)44 J2$9 $460

. 1199>K SALES >. i.ng'on Perk-

SPECIAL SALEWe hex a tome very attractive barfalnaSedan*. roadetere. I end 7 pee# touringsOakland*. 1 P.ee. Olds. C'evelandR. • f various

'hsnd'vr* Prank<'hs'm»r#, i ntr •

Ph^vrolei# and »•-* make*.

v. Dodges, ion wee I * h, r«! others

It will pay you to look over our stock. MALI,ON MOTOR CAR r o .

) f 4 394 V iub.nfton •*Op*n evenings t i! 9 Terme arrsnfod.

N K TOWNSEND. Mgr. U*od Car Dept.

LOW Pftte'BD SNAPSl1*11 ftulrk ft I roup* . Ml*1614 Bull k *1i touring. . $1761*2* ( row - Rikhart touring; a buy ... $25*1614 Voil# touring: very fl ia ............ . I i f i1639 M iiv ail touring ........... - $1)51616 Mmxw• II raa<i*tar . . . $*»1617 Frank lin *1x tounng. fine........ ••$24*l l l l 0«kl* nd *i> tourtng ..$2901617 Ha ion »t> touring . . $1*9

Terms to suit.HERDMAN MOTOR r o . S it Central ava.

Newark. R. R. 4909; Cbevrolet Agenry. &SK DURANT' "Se MONSTRA*W)R.







selection of used pleasure and commercial ears, listed by different owner*, are sold at pabllo auction every Monday. Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday noon to 4 P M. Cali with a deposit—save time.

BROWN'S AUTO SALES ROOMS,Id ave, cor. l l th at.. New fo rk City. SELLERS—No entries

listed before IS noon For private salee


opted unless Tot. Stuyveaeni 9690. open evenlafo a a i



THE reconditioned, repainted F rank­lin toartnes wo have iaoarva a look

a t least. Are yea coming down to n tfh tf FRANKT.LV NEWARK AUTOMOBILE CO., INC., tTeed Car Dept . E J. Malone. Manager. 100 Washington st.. Newark, N. J .; telephone Mulberry 1792. Opea Evening*.

Tim Franklin coupe wa have la a beauty.

FRANKLIN NEWARK AUTO CO.. INC., Coed Car Dept.; E. J. Malone. Manager.

199 Waohldfctoa a t . Newark, N. J. Telephone Mulberry 9792. Opea Evening*.

KERB IS TOUR OPPORTUNITY to secure automobile, lo b meite# a t a great saving For full particulars sail Market

a 99. Automobile Finance Corpora Goa. 244 arket s t . ream 244.

POM© sedan! l l t f eeuipped with bumper”. sMp rover wheel lock, dome light, dusk

«ht. foot axeleraier. shock iSew lart t)ree. tasks and runs like bow ear; pay meats

WILLTS-OYERLAND. INC.IM Breed e? Open evening* _

1131 ST UTS 4 p**»-ngtr sport model; la per­fect condition throughout, only run 1! 444

ml.e# haa bumper eearrhl.ght, motemeter Wi»n« lech, five e 're four bow cordtiree *r.d one o itra mounted on rear; • '. ! guarantee Km* « new cor. Can bo eeea • t iki Uontcioir m Newark (>ODOK sedan. 4 doom; bumper, shock

ib w rlp ri. sltp cover* wheel <ock. sun •bield. Jemf. rubber and mschenteai con­dition A!, t me payments

WII.LTS-u VERLAND. INC._494_Brc»d »t ___ Open evening*.

STOP h*r« • second and road th is—192) Over'an<1 touring, hardly run yet. 192#

Franklin sedan. 14)* Paige sedan seven

Eoesenger taro Cadillac • touring cam. ill slow market value, in flao condition. 171 Lincoln ave , phone 1519 Branch Brook. LEXINGTON 1121 touring; wonderful shops, owned by private familv; only run

4.499 miles; many eairaa. I ts $9 mile* an hour on high, better than 19 miles to th« gallon, very attractive; terms. Carton Motor Co , S24 Broad _s*-_ Ope* evening* STUDEBAKKR light 4 touring. 2.94$ mile*.

rar n absolutely like new in every re - ■ p e i' . for *oic by original owner who i* bu>.nf larger car. an e*<**p41onni opportu­nity to ea»e money on a high grade oar. 671 Argyll ave. Or«n*e. N J ; pheno I l f

CHEV'ROLCT 4 pass coupe. 1922 (July).superior mod#;. 3.609 mile*, perfect con­

dition In every respect, many extra*. $79« owner haa open car. i* selling closed 195 Heller parkway. Pore#t Hill; B B 4417




LEXINGTON. 1921 touring" Continental motor, newly overhauled, paint and rub­

ber steel lent condition: price reasonable. Can be seen Sunday between I A. M. and I P M.. no denloru: $9 North Fifteenth st.. East Orange: first floor _____PACKARD twin six 7-passenger limousine;

1914; priveta family; only gone 14.949 niliss. Weattnghouso shock abnorbors; good rubber tiree* o ttrn shoes; many extras Tele­phone Humboldt 9414, or 442 Mt. Prospect eve.. Newark.___1919 BtJlCK tourin f," 4-eyl. motor com -

plotoiy overhauled; Al mechanically; good <lree oil around aad epare; upholstery and top and paint very good. W. L My lea, 29 Ridgewood ave., Irvington. N. J . ; Blge-low I799J._______________________CHEVROLET. 1932 sedan; In nsw oondltlon;

owner needs a larger ear: 1929 Maxwell touring, like nsw; ownsr desires a closed car; must bo seen to be appreciated. W. R. Moore Garage. 699 Volley rd.. Uppar Mont­clair.HERE Is your opportunity to secure aa au­

tomobile at n grout saving; wa have a few la ta models, recently repossessed; can bo seen a t 407 Ell as both ave. For full par­ticulars call Mkt. t i l l ; Automobile Finance Corp.1922 C H im tO L k f touring, like now... '. 947$ 1922 CHEVROLET aedan; guars: *1921 FORD sedan; many extras 1921 F. B. touring: now p a in t...LASHER MOTOR CO.. 122 BRANFORD PL, PE ELLERS aedan, 1st* model; 'eve'rythlag

in extras; looks afld performs like new car, time payments,

WILLYS-OYERLAND. INC.,429 Brosd st. Open svsnlngs.

1221 FORD coups; has radiator cover; wheel lock, nsw rubber, good paint; At

s n ts o d . . im- h a


129 Broad attime payment« If desired.

ERLAND. INC..Open evenings.

1911 fAXON sis; newly reground; food running condition; $149; muat bo soon to

bo onpreeiated. Cal! after I P. M . or B at awd Bun.. 24 Crawford st.. East Orange.

A rt you earning down tonight 7

fR A N lU N KKWAIUCVUTO CO.. INC , Used Car PspL; E. J . Malons, Managsr.

199 Washington st.. Nsw ark, N. J. Telephone Mulberry 1792. Opea Evenings,



EVER OrPERED.1921 Hudson coach; almost aew.: 929 Ford sedan; Hke now*.■ 921 Ford sedan: many axtras.1929 Aapamon anniversary modal tour.1999 Lfbsrty touring; five now cordn '929 Maxwell; light delivery: good xhapa 191$ Ronublle %-ton truck; $119.I9i9 Oldsmobtle six touring; vory fine.1919 Bulck roadster; very reasonable.191$ Mar men town <*ar; like now 19)1 Studebeker sedan; Al throughout 191$ Bulck coupo; good order. »1919 Liberty sedan.1911 Vails il&-flt|lB4l*r fl vs -passenger, t i l l Cadillac'IT 7-pasa tour.; now pain t '1,91-7 Hudson Super Six tour,; need room. 4$l4 Maxwell tour.; your own price.1914 Dodge tour.; mochaalcklly good.$9.11 Cola coupe; reel bargain.I 914 CsAiliac roadster; vory reasonable.1911 White limousine; suitable taxi; t i l l .1912 Cxdlllaa touring; running order, $76.

JOHN W. GIFFORD.Letnbsrdy s t , near Broad: second floor.

TeL Market $491.



SEDANS. 192 A 1929. 1919. 1911.RDSTRS. 1922. 1911. 1999. 1919. 1919.TOURS.. 1912. 1921. 1929. 1919, 1911, l l l l .COMMERCIALS. 1921, 1929. 1919,

SCREEN AND PANEL.PEERLESS. 1929 sedan.FRANKLIN Alt-W esther, 1911.FRANKLIN touting 9-A.MAXWELL. 1921 touring and roadster.FORD counea sedans, tourtng*. roadstoraSTUD LB AKER light tea coupo, 1922.

Terms If desired.EONNELL MOTOR CAR CO..


NEWARK. N. J.Open evenings

Tol. Mitchell I7P9.


1991 Moon Sedan.1919 Chalmers Coupe 1921 Kaynso Brougnam. 1999 Chandler Sedan. 1991 OUfcMbObUa Sedan.

IT would bo bettor to eeme down this afternoon If you can and sot


Usad Car Dept.; E. J. Malone, Manager.199 Washington st.. Newark. N. J.

Telephone Mulberry 1702. Open Evenings.

HUPMOBILE sedan, model N and Stnta roadster; both in vory good condition. 79

South Elsvonth s t ; between 4 P. M. and » P. M. Saturday, or call B. B. >444.

t i ta D CAlis—AU. MAKfiC On your own terms. •

Write for particulars.ADDRESS J. L. TI8SOT.

Eon 99, Nows offtca.6 5 iB c l * f»r h i ». StaSSSStei ! i S

clal six five-passenger touring; run 7.149 milos; In perfect condition; any demonstra­tion; private owner. Phono Mulberry 9499;ovdnlngs, Elisabeth 4144M. __PEERLEkh coupe," late 192S^modol; run only

2.099 miles; nraotleally new; coot 94,994; make offer. Mr. Ooets. Bergen 92; F. M. Mitchell Motor Co., Boulevard, corner Com- munlpaw avo.. Jersey City. ■l l l l WliLYS-ftNIOHT oedan: email mile-

ago; privately owned: recently reftnlohod; new cord tiros; equal to now car. Willy*- Overland. Inc., 694 Broad s t terms; open evsnlngu.CADILLAC roadster: with new tiros: West-

Ins house shock absorbers; good paint and In good mechanical condition; owner leaving town; price $404. Phoaa 9117 Belleville, for demonstration

f i n n x c n s r t R r _______•trated: aow oar guaranty; vory ronhoo- *b s Chau Xahalo, 991 Prxaj*rt s t . East Oranga.P l l liUDgON aaberkna sodsx; practically

as good a# pew aad looks now; scarcely need: $1,449 cash. W. E. Walter. Rnthorford. N. J.FOR SALE. Rfc6 9EDAN; IN GOOD CON-

DrriON; $649; TERMS IF p E M R Ii) W H. COOPER. 11 GRENADA PL.. MONT­CLAIR ______

t condition 4.490 extras, any i

Address IL. Best 124. M ©ESSEX

months e id ; rtsraeaetratiea. cfflr#.9TUDEBAKBR • tearing, late model. six ;

cord shoes, condition good, tew pr eo end rosy to ra a 424 Central avu, ueu l $ $•f M________ ___________ _________ _(>ODGE oodaa. At m erhaakaJty. now rub

ber. $69# Wool Hudson Eulck Co. 221 Kearny avo.. Koaray, N. J .; phono Kearnyr tT t_________ ___________________________Ft»RI> oodaa. 1999-21 modoi; flrot-closo <***•

dittou throughout; domonat ration g.von anywhere, price $299. Thoe. Alberts, St a a hopeBA ROA rN 7 ft!I Standard eight seder been

run less than 1.99# miles. $1.44*. *b' oolutely ia Al cenditloa. Eos 24. giagac.N J . _________________________________STL DKBAKER epecui Ms tearing . parfoct

condition; late 1921 model, ao deolers Saturday, 4471 Waverly; Sunday, 1477J Or­ange___________OVERLAND coupe, l l$ l ; excellent condH

tieu, now tiroa ail arowad, bargain, any : dotnonotrmtion 441 Central avo . B. B HI* 1 NATIONAL SEDAN. SIX c t u n d e V . IS i

EXCELLENT CONDITION; PRICE REA \ 9QS ABLE, FIEDLER. FIRKMBN'g Bl^PU 1 Bl'fCK 4-cyliador tonring car; la good c<*« 1

dltlon; price reaaonablo. Apply H Mi tocher 31 W te End ave.. Newark. _N 1 F<»RD oedsn, l i l t ; fully equipped, cord |

tires; used 44$ miles. Address 744 t'<nrk p i. Orange, N. J ., telophone Orange 9711 | 1921 AUBURN 4-pas* touring. California \

top; excellent condition; will sacrifice j Bigelow 9941W; 29 Looker s t . Hillside. N J i CHEVROt#ET roydi mail roadster; 5osch

magnet 04 good running ardor. Inquire MacDonald (Imago. Orange and Sixt h ets. | FORD coupo. Into model. ~A1 condition; »i

tras; aow rubber; demonstration; right | prlrs >74 North Eleventh at., Newsrh


Maks inopsetloa today of these now sts-ton Hurlburt t*uchs which wo are offering

• ' t•1,444.

ME A DOW RROOK OARAOE. "Where Promise Moans Porformaaoa.**

>96 Halsey * t

BARGAINS IN USED TRUCKS.WHITE 2 and S ton c base la.WHITB •« ton boo. excellent oondl-

tiesFEDERAL 2-ton chassis and 6-ton;

with body nnd cab.DAY-ELDKR I-ton chassis 9-ton,

with body nnd cnb.PAT-ELDER 4-ton chaaols REO s p e e d w a g o n . w ith paaol

body 'KELLY-APR! NOFIELD 6-ton. With

body and cnb.,VIM 4#-ton; with panel body.FORD 1-ten; with paaol body

TH1 WHITE COMPANT.197 Frelinfhuyeen ave..

Newark, N. J.

Whew TRUCK W f l C a O t e hParts for Couth*eutwl Mourn.Parte for Timken Add Parte for Brown-Lips _Porta for Brown-Upo Clutch.Parts for Hartford Clutch.

WE DELIVER.BROCK WAT TBUCKCO. OP NEWARK. 144-142 Witena am . Phono M arket 4944

5 o » L D T f I i ! 5 H 5 ^ i i EGuaranteed 19.490 mi loo. At prieao th

remain low danptto an advancing market. I61IH Ovoraiao Cord.$3*4 Overstate Cord.22x4% Overate* Cord.

Other also* also priced low.PUBLIC SERVICE TIRE CO.

279 Hnlooy at., Newark AUTO TO?*. “ SEaV ’cO V E K

FOR ALL MAKBB OT CARA Ford top recovertex*. 92-oa. rubber. 1X94 Ford one-man tops, two oval glaaaoa . f i t . 64 Ford cuohkma. onltd count ruction. . . .9X40Dodge. Max. Chav 494. top recover.919.9a

Economy Ante Fabric Co..Market 4174. *___ __114 Halsey oL_


Original and ganulno foreign tnagootaa. spark ping*, repair oarfo. genera tor* s ta r t­ers, also repaired- vAtb one year's guaranty PAULS GENERATOR A MAUNBt O 8TA .

46 Wllltam at.. Newark. N J. REBUILT BATTERIES. 4 and 12 volU. tl«T

guaranteed 6 month*: champion aparit plugs. els« %. 64c each, prims and rleaa spark plug*, regular 91.76. reduced «6« Kxido Battery station. 446 Central avo . phono Bran* h Brook 61 >4 J*ORD frndorv. 91 • not. raOiaforu, f t 1.91.

aide curtain* $4.71 sot. windshield gins*. $2 66. headlights. 22 44 pair; chains, $2.2$

»;• SOUTH TWELFTH RT Every Ford part si ways tn stock

Tint-**, c-ord#. guaranteed lf.49* mffee brat bargain In the war id J>r Bell, $44

Bloomfiteid avo. Montclntc , t*l 17*1

M/ix w A l iM rtaf. I l l* ; Clnt-riM . con.i- i a a r one making

Brown, 11$ Maps* avs. __if*tloa; will saorlfico to aa;

reasons bio offsr.HUDSON model H. 1917; tiros and paint

good: motor ia fine shape. F. w Zim­merman. 141 Watson avo. i Waverly 1721 SPECIAL 9 8TUDKBAKER "TOURING.

LATE 19191 VERT GOOD CONDITION. PRICE $499. PHONE ORANGE 4444W. CHEVROLET. i7Ti baby grand touri ng”

good running order and good rubber; $1#6 Cal I gunda» A. M., 419 Hunterdon sL MAXWELL, 111* tourtng: good shape; good ; * rubber; any demonstration: sacrifice forI17|, Apply Bunday. 14 Branford pi.____1924 OAKLAND TOUTING; soon Monday !

first-class condition; bargain- Dr. Gra- I hem, 44 MIHerost tar.. East Orange.______1924 MODEL American six; good condition; privately owned aad operated. PheneOrnaya 7191. svsnlngs after 7 o'clock.____1922 LK m T 4 touring; many extras; good

condition. J. Moskowitx. 119 Main S t. Bollovtllo. N. J .: tsl. 4291 EollovlUo.


PACKARD IM -toa; long wheal baas; sab and body; 9114.

BltTHLEHEM 2-ton; w ith eab aad flat body.

AUTOCAR 2-toa; with cab aad bwdy a t $224.


1999 Broad i t . a t Klwnny. Used Car Dept-. Second rise r.

Fi»RI* uavd parts, motor* rear en«t« from** radiator*, fonder*, bodies, axles, wlnd-

•bialdi 171 South Twelfth at.

rORD I,arte# , te l . 11)1; n n l l n t tm d l- lion; fully equipped; any demonetmtion;

bargain. 4 ^ Control avo.; B. HL 4194._____FORD touring. 1621; good condition; starter.

demountable#; real bargain; 1176. Cogsn. IS South Orange qvo^ Booth Orange. MERCER four-pass! coups; tSronderful con -

dltlon: soil so five; can not bo tdld from Pltene Mulberry 1924. mornings.

BU1CX roadster, good condition, 9169; Mxt- wsll, cut down, very fast, $4i. Inquire

Chris Glmwo. 749 South Twentieth et. CHANDLER roadster; good mocltenicai

condition; 4 now tiros: good paint; a bar- gain a t |» 6 . Oarage, 42 Ferry at.

ACME MOTOR TRUCK COBP.Mutt sail a t a loss th e following

Acme 964-ton. 1992........................Aetna 9%-tea, rebuilt..................White truck ...................................Commerce .......................................Stewart ...........................................Gramm-Beretoln 3%-ton.............Gramm-Berstein 6-toa ................Hurlburt 3-toa ................................

{2.369 1.464 $699 $199 $260 9199

$1,399i l l i

Aat# Track t# BinNEW 6 and 7% ton Mack nnd Pteron-

Arrow tracks; open and closed at ora g* and ware housing, wharfage nnd stevedor­ing. wo store anything.

0MUPE TERMINAL CORP.__Phonos Mulberry 4947-994X __

MACK trucks. 2 to 7 '6 to n . rack, closed nnd flat bodies, aorviro that counts F. C.

Davos, 414 Hamaon av#. Harriecn, N. J . ; phon* day or night. Harrison 4423 _TRUCK of *11 sixes end at) lea of body to

rent by the hour, day or week. Maple- rr#*t Uarag*. 1791 Rpnngftcld avs., Hilton.N J . phono Aotfth Orange 1636 ______FROM on« to seven ton; also dum p' taaih

trtMtka. true kins, rigging, moving, stor­age. Bribey Transfer «'<*.; phone night orday Harrison 41*4-41*1.4101__________ _ONE-TON truck tv hir*. open body; cart­

ing of any kind, fa ll Orange *43*”-TON Ford bo* body, any kind of work:

vory ronsonnblte Phono (>mngo I t X 1-TON Ford tn»«*k to hlr* by day or week

Phone Bigelow 3744n.

Paw#a*#r Cart t# HireBRAND n*w 7-poosongor Colo t touring;

ter long or short trips; thin car wti| give you good aorvico; vory careful dr;vsr. CallMarket 1 6 6 * . ___________________OAKLAND sedan, all occasions; special

rats* to real et-iafe man, shopper*; hour, day or work. Market 9669.

C a re t* *

STt'DKBAKER 8-« ro»«,ter. 1»M MWly painted aad goad all-around: 9699. Ad­

dress G, R , Box 114. Nows office.DODOE roadstsr, late 1921: naw tiros; paint.

appearance like nsw; konorabte buy. Beck- wortk. i f Hateoy at.; Mul. 1919.AMERICA^ stx ssdaa; good coodltlon: like

now: will ami a t a bargain. ,Phene h » v - s rly 1441; 44 Wooquahlo avo. _DODGF r—dtetr 1771 • In perfect condnion.

Call battebM 4 and 7 P M. or Sunday, 14 to 3:20. IT Clark st.. city.OLDS MOBILE TOURING; good cendltten.* — i - . UMlBiBh 49good rubber; West End avo.

$ wire wheels; extras. Mitchell 1714.


NATIONAL 4-cylinder7 7-passenger; $ , i , Model; in perfect condition: has boon used

vory llttlo: * real buy a t |9 l4 ; must too ebon to bo appreciated. John Wills, 249 Bolls- villa avo.FORD tourtng. late model; Al mochanteaily:

starter, electric lights, demountable rims and many extras; terms to suit; price fight. Carton Motor C o, 624 Broad i t 1 Openevenings _______ROA D8f&l.~ftu!ck sit. late 1 $22; excellent

condition; mileage 4.111; now xparo. trans­mission, lock, etc.; original owner; demon- ©ration any time. 3$ Herman st.. Glen Ridge.ftUiCK 4-cyUnder ?-passenger. 1919; prutT

tlcaMy new; cord tires; mechanically per­fect; l have owned thin car since nsw; ex­cellent care; reasonable. Phono Orange 6444W.1II*. OTTOBKB. F>r4 to a rln , i u ; mTT

starter; body Hke now; demountablos, now wheel* nnd rubber nil around; uaed very little; 914X 311 Central ave., city; firstfloor.

ronD m i m i m . m i : v w mS m S -tbout*. W w ten u i* truck,; ,r lc w rt#kt;

tw in* H I tte tfc Tw lfTk i t ______________ _STAVLCT O tem w ; m cur an# la th ,

b e t of co»d|tto«- At I I I P w k pi.. Or- ,n i« : i t o g O r a m *****DODOE tourtng; fulljt «u lpp«d . good t l r „ ;

wilt M criftc ; t l l t l I I V i l u l m ar B rte# i t ; rte# toco ,# tell. m i r o u p X 5 B S #««# w t o r t t o i

mvuMkbJ* wkbteai c h te p 1*1 f »w » « . m r Qulner ArltM ton.__________ ____NATIONAL iE b A N jT v L L Y B W I T O

PERFECT CONDlTIONj PRICE 14*4. BPRBEN; WAVERLT 99I f .D O M I isdsn. tf ld ; v r r good shape; re-

contly overhauled; bargain te rig h t party. Telephone Morristown 1794.DO D M touring; good tiros and pain t: rua#

— | ^ — \ 477 VaUey rd. West o rgood, gqultr. 477 VaUey angs; phase Orange 4t1X DODGE touting. 1912; splendid condition;

new tires, shock absorbers; real bargain. Dr, Butcher; B. B. >279. r o l o coupe; tinted condition; se lf-s tarte r;

any demonstration; $249. C., Bex 44, News Of fico.

Address D.$iik1 |Q f l Oldemobllo clu9 roadster; 19$1

Chevrolet, $176; this ia greatest harfala; save 199%. 4> LIIUs *■55631* 6-pxVtejger; look* and rung Ithe

nsw; must *ell; bargain; •299* 116 Avonav». near Belmont avaf i l l Di6bGB tourtng; now hattary;oA1 eon-

ditton; cheap; bought other ear. 294Highland xva., Kearny.$14 CAXH and a few small payments ''hays

a good light tearing ear. Call w ith do- posit, 494 Control a y .

1911 Fo r d touring; good............... ..........$)$*1424 CHEVROLET touring; bargain -( i l l1911 FORD coupe; excellent.....................$2441934 FORD sedan; bargain......................92691923 CHEVROLET tourtng: like n o w ...93161619 CHEVROLET light dsllvoryt wire

body ....................... ...............................91691921 CHEVROLET touring body, brand

1116 3261931 FORD aodan, cord tiro*, et

Term# Open evening# and Sunday*. LASHER MOTOR CO-, I I HO. ORANGE AVB.

FOROfl ' CLOSED.OPEN1*32 Coupe, extras 1639 Coupe, wire wheels, extras 1631 Roadster 1921 Tour..191* Roads'1911 Touring, l l l l Tourtng; very good

Term* to soil.HERDMAN MOTOR CO-, 315 Control ova,

Newark: B. B. 66*4: Chevrolet Agency.

e . wire wheel*, ex tras...............93later' extras; good.....................It.. cord tires; extras. Ilka n sw .$31ng; starter, etc. .......................$1

111$226“ 6036*126174»»9

CADILLAC sedan, model >6. 1621. CADILLAC phaeton, model L%, 163!. TACKARD single six touring model U. 1621. BUTCK sedan model 47. 1621.

All car* refmtshed and tn perfect me­chanical condition.

FRANK A. REEVE CO,179 Glen Ridge ave.. Montclair, N. J .

Phono Moqtclalr <94.

MOON 'Pi*VK*,PAggENGEIt ~ TOURINfiT™" *-R CONTINENTAL MOTOR. 1625 MODEL Are you looking for s bargain and assured satisfaction? Then you better Investigate this very rare opportunity. Here Is a vory carefully used automobile, combining beauty, utility, mechanical efficiency and economical operation; fully equipped; naw tires, disk wheals and many extras, must he seen to be appreciated. Phono Bay lies, Wavehiy M il.~ USED CARA GUARANTEED1614 Cadillac coupe ....................................$4991916 National touring ................................ $21*1611 Chalmers tourtng *............................. $$$f163* Chalmers touring .............................(9941631 Chalmers 7-pasa. tour......................$7641623 Chevrolet touring .................... ........ $269

LEWIS MOTOR CO..6 South Orange avo., Seutn Orange.

______ Show Room Open Even Inga,_______

DORT tourtng 1622. ‘21. '29. ’16; all in per­fect condition; a t unusually low prices; any

demonstration; 2* miles ta the gallon, email shoe#; term* lo suit. Carton, 614 Broad st. DORT sedan. 1621; Al raechaniesUyf good

rubber, good upholstery; 2* miles to the gallon; good hill climber; terms. Carton Motor Co., 634 Broad at. Open ovoplngx STORAGE for automobiles and truekt; caaap

rates; $3 per month m .HHUPE TERMINAL

Lincoln Highway and Passaic River. LKXlNaVoN M d,n. l i l t ; f l u c« i«UMd ; t

demonstration will convince you that this la a fin# car: price right, terms. Cartes Motor Co.. 614 Broad st,;. open avanlnga W RIT seAsn $264. chassls’li$ . touring $I7X,

or buy a new Ford cor or commercial truck before the rush starts: easiest terms. Addrqss Economy, Bps 149, Newt Qfftpt, f r battery suns (town have genaratsr eg-

* mined by oldest repair man tn the eta to PAUL* Generator and Magneto Station,

Not* tbs number, 44 William te._____FORlV sedan. 1 9 model: esotelent meehan-

k s l eondidon and,appearance; starter, de­mountable*. Deckbr wheel. 6 good tire*, etc.; 9276. Residence phepq. Orange 19X4.

Early extra*. Park »vo. to l l . 'i

OAKLAND TOURING.21; good condition; many

May be aeon Marna Garage, and Parker s t . ; nearrat offer

192* HUDSON super six; UmeuSae; In os* • client ahspe

1917 CADILt^XC sedan; excellent mechani­cal condition: new paint Job; special body and wire wastes; tkts car Is p tifata ly owned.

D. , r MULVBT,15* Valley rd.,


an, coupe* r; small

n b w cw ev iio L w r c i t s . nscf>1932, 1922 and from 1911 to 29tt models;

#. tourings, roadsters; soma like___. ____ mileage; some replevlaod; alla t vary lew IfkMMi te mahe room; toraa* to suit; writ* before buying either aew or ussd Chevrolet, our proposition will tatovfet you. Addreeo Chevrotet, Box 111. New* atfteo.

MAR MONf, Pierces, BulehA Dodgoe.Oldsmoblles, Chevrolet!. Fords; all

makes fmapen sad closed modtea; prteea from $)e9 up; convenient te rm s _ At the CHILDS-BROWN MOTORS Used Gar Dept., $91 Brbad at.

run lea* than 15,90* miles: Fisher ■ t » . modal A. Hudson Motor Company; 1939;no dealer*.__Te! * phone M m icislr 6249.l» l$ 6 A k l.A ND tdurteiing; just overhauled;

rid s------ ialso new diamond grid s ta rte r battery and four prariiraiiy new ghoos; no reasonabta offsr refused Phone 199 Short H ills___

191* MARMON CLUB ROADSTER Excellent ''onditien: price 91.949 for quick

disposal. Phone Orange 3699 or add rose Mormon. Box B. New* office. Grange.FORI'. 1929 louring,, fine shape, demonstra­

tion. $190; Ford roads’.sr, i l l? , good ■haps. $75; Ford touriaf body. Ford paaal

tel muat go. 1$ Fatrrtew ave.GRANT six sedan, late model; exceptionally

fine rendition, newly overhauled; 9 new tires: e*n reasonable. R alphs Garage, Grove at., sqpth Central ave.. Rapt Oraage. _1421 tTHRVROIJBT aedan; good paint; up-

holatery good; mechanically perfect; ex­tra* any demonstration; very cheap buy. M■telA.nlh ktoA * • AnSixteenth ave.;LATB 1922 CHEVROLCT M ute; In t e K S

condition; can be aeon Sunday morning a t ISO N. J. R. R. ave.. Newark, or tatepheaa

*443 for app*1ntm—t- *L" ; “ ' iderT good runniag order;

- - iboor; vory good ear a t a low price; terms. Carton eMter (ST,CADILI-AC. 4-cyIlih___

good point; good nil624 Broad s t . ; o^en evontnge.DODGE touring car, late medte: like new;

fsw extras; no reasonable Offer refumd* C. E. Fairbanks, Morgan Motor Car C*. 6443 Broad at., Newark.1119 STUDEBAKBR big six. in thoroughly

good shape, 9699; 1921 Dodge, completely overhauled. North Park St. Garage, 12 North Park at.. East Orange.$25* WILL buy 4-cylinder Butter" cog|Nls

Just the car for business man or collector# newly painted; tires all good; 2 extras. Phene 1171 Kearay,

{ S S w o t o n TTOUKl f iS T '" -l l l l : Jukt la tte tehtd : look,, run* Ilk,• n t o j w

toll; m , .to r ; » • n U w ; (k t r u i W C to * « k k g tof n e l i K to Xm t* , : (w d toU ar*

O. K. m e a u M I r : MW d.m on«tr>tte,: terfM to a t e Carton Motor Co., IM S raM dL: to to o-onteto.CADILLAC. MI* n d S te to t-toU M toi' U

■ood runnlnf ordor; _» o k , » o d M r to r kturinMo purooook. H. C. Vorot, « D a ru d

r '* to n im m ; now katteto;o rt.ln .l r a ia t : only kandlod i i

BUICK S S 3 ! (our U W M modoi iW W ;, ood tlroo: | u . Ckarloo Zohnio. SiT Proa-

ooto ot,. Boot O r,a a .Bn<Sk ••erllndar, 1*M toaria# oar; flao

m«rhanlcol condition; any domonotratlon. Kaplan. t< farloy dro.|H —yOHB- ranabtoH; (1*4. f to d ovoototor:

npoclkl body; Ford tourinf, •?•; toot boy*in altr. I I 1.11110 «t. _________ _


KET ST., NEWARK.a WE$I1CAN 4 5 -passenger to u ria f I good

condition: privately owned pnd operated. Phone Orange 7111.______________________WINTON touring. 1919. It-A ; fine condi­

tion: good rubber; private owner;. $375. Phono Orange m l .l$1« DODGE SEDAN; J»*RfRCT ME­

CHANICAL ORDER. MUZaLRR GARAGE CO., »«» HIOM ST. ^fb rX ) chassis; tn wonderful condition; Just

overhauled; 944; worth $10. A. Peart,* $46 Sixteenth ave.l l i l MAXWELL for salt: vary reaeouable*;

heat condition. A. Oopfert. 19 Prateillaave.. Harrison. __ .. ^ •__________PEERLRHi model "if; In Drst-clase condi­

tion; touring. Call Sunday A. M.. $29 Hunterdon st.aedan; . TeL

HUDSON super tex seven-passenger like new; tetp movers; Mg toargnli

$191 Waverly,LATE 1921 Ford tfttrtBf ear] A l m u ii t i s i ;

all good rubber; 9264. 474 Chaneellor ave.; 1149 Waverly.DOt>OE touring; Al condition: any denten-

stratlen; all sow ttrea; price reasonable H I Plane at.Ht’ICK 4-cyllp'ia»^19l2 runabout; pries $22*.

IT-$9 BLOOMP1BLD AVE. Nowarh, N. J. Humboldt 4119.


1929. 1921, 1922; quick delivery: reason­able trades considered; thoroughly rebuilt ad guaranteed byAUTHORIZED FACTORY DEALERS.


•61-411 West Fiftieth st. Circle 2494-1491.

REAL BAROAINS IN USED TRUCKS.lb - t e n Day-Elder, with brand aew ex­

press body; 9714. $I-TON Stewart with platform body: four

good.shoes; $144.REO speed wagon, 9294.

Tims payments arranged.LUDLUM MOTOR CAR CO.I t Bridge st.. Newark. N. J.

Tot Market l i f t . Ask te r Mr. Mstxnor.

NRW STBWABT PRICKS.Utility wggaa .......................................IH -taB .................................................$«Tm•-ton4-ton


$,449P. O. B. Buffalo, N. T.

EASTERN THOMART. INC.H Rust Bigelow at..

Newark, N. J.(Near Elisabeth sve.)

■ Tb W k PAR+8Pull time of truck motors and rea r ends.

Continental motors, model N. $69; Timken worm-drive rears, from (4 ten te 6 tons. $64 up; ail truck partp a t 26J6 of list

Ws guarantee alt ouf parts ta ba la Al condition.

THE OUT * AUTO EXCHANGE,2 Bloomfield ave..

Montclair. . _ Phono 2917.





FIREPROOF steel garage built of any ala# or design: delivered and put up from. |199

up. The Belleville Portable Bu;ldlng Co.. 115 William st.OARAGE and service station, in Newark,

N. J . ; 5.2*4 sq. ft.; with office, show room and stock room. W rite only for par­ticulars to room 493, 1 West Tkirty-feurth st.. Nsw York. ___________

TO LET—For 4 cart, 1.444 foot floor: su it­able for repair shop or small m fg.; all

impts.; rent reasonable. *11 South Tenths?.FIREPROOF STEEL OARAGES. ANT

SIZE; SATISFACTION OR NO PAT. J. PHILLIPS. 46 MARCtJ a VE., BAST OR- ANQB: PHONE ORA N<tE 1497.___________MODERN OARAGE; hold 114 ears; building

and business together for sale cheap or exchange for property. Address A. P.. Box 14, Xews office.LRAlta May I; modern garage, about l$ t

cars; on# minute to Broad and Now sts. Owner, room »>>, Wise bldg.; Market 2424.*TS5r d R e p r o o f s t e e l o a r a g e s .

Any texe erected or shipped t o. b.97 Merrcfl * t. Elisabeth.______Phone ni?W .FIREPROOF steal portable garages built

ana erected. Rlverdsle Garage t o . 124 Cress §t., Harrttgn. M. J .: Harrjaon 2234GARAGES built roasouabto; brick or cement

blocks, or frame. Stanley Harrleon. 29$ Kearny ave., Kearny, N. J .; tel. 0642.___STEEL OARAGES DELIVERED. ERECTED Williams Sheet Metal Works, 122 Main sU

East Orange: phone Orange i» 4 .


Tour choice of the largest stock a f re- peeseosed. used and new molar trucks ef all capartttes tn -New Jersey, geld with

fuaranteed service: win accept used trucks a part payment aad finance aaiaa te re­sponsible purchasers. Address 99-92 Beat Bigelow a t , Newark, N. J .; phone Waverly


■o l i d . “ * s a m "ju" ^ i FROJf“BCRBL __POERTNER""bfOTOR CAR CO.. INC..



ojx s!totow», iv i i l a u v a . w s * • m n a (OLID IN REAR; P k^U H A T lC _ IN iRONT: MECHANICALLY PERFECT; CRBEN BOOT: A BARGAIN.

OARAGB8 built: eemsnt block or fireproof frame; send tar’ plans Coleman, 16 Till -

Inghast et.; phone Bigelow 4418,__________PRIVATE individual brick garages for rent;

electric light, water and w ashstaad; low rates H ilt 21* Seymour ave,GARAGE for rent, on Avon avs.; full of

i tenants; a chance for a mechanic to make ! big money. Apply 1 Avon ave.| OARAGE, room ter 6 car*; good for re- ’ pairing or paint shop; steam and aleetrlA1149 Morrta av»._____________; S’l^R gursge to lot; 96 ’ J* rear 467 Mt. ! Prospect ave.; phone B. B. 9332; Wlm-. busk _ _____


LINCOLN PARK. 1* Elder pL—Building for garage or repair shop: April 1______

USED gsrsge wantsd for runabout e a r /A d - dress L . Beg 49, News office.

REBUILDING SALE.Ninety-five Ford commercial bodies, all

sfaa* and styles, selling out a t cost price; u -to n Ford trucks; also 1-ton Ford truck*. 114-214 South Orange ave.. near Eleventh a t.; phene Market 6799; open Sunday morn-i s c . n o n e t a u t o ix c i* * jc o *Bayara an# M ilan to to n . Irac to u # p u tt

KCUABUof all makes, i AUTO EXCHANGE,

I Rloeanflald ave.. Glen Rldga. Phene Glen Ittdge 4199.

$199 BUTS a 2-ton moving van, body doers on th# back: ah* La P*«r trac to r and i

five-ten trailers. $991. E. PHsstntmons. 99$ PrtUnsknywn ave.: Johnson — — — Newark; phene 3*7$ Waverly.

William ot.. Orange;yltm Fmger. M f


1110; EXCELLENT CONDITION. WAV- BELT T i l l .HUPMOBILB touring; Ml running order;

441 Control ova.;»: ( i.any demonstration; $76.

H. a 6144.H it "STUDft!riuMR rea iita rV fine eondi-

tion; cheap. T. Wolff, 4St Sandfofti a m . Irvington.

Can be soon a t MacDonold't bargain.

FORD coupe.Garage. Sixth nnd Orange act.

t mOLpSMOBILE; 4 new H rm h i m , spot

l4 h t ; seed shape; $294. Toft, 9H Bar-C LBOR PALE—1917 Bulck roadster; feed con­

dition. Tanker, 299 Livingston ot., Ntw-t £

J . A. Duelty,OVERLA_ND churrtJny road*tsr;_maks offer.

r T o S T T S S>0* *>9J Seutl. ________ H I I W i 0 u -

dltlon. AHMen, Lninyette *h » c h nthnm.

Main st., Best Orange

_ _ . i T i t o # * * - - - - - S j g jM i l s . i a M n i 1 M l M r u r : i « n

6 i « H w a n a r i H r P i s S m S i Q ##.#!»). Daftolii. t u i g»atliO faac«.

FORD 3Cmot trtok , opan S B R E !1,21; « w 1.22 m IW r-H M M t o r t u :

hath t o n 1# «xc«tl,ot condttlaa; o th ,r on # yard „ n an t o t e a t r m t e i t l* yrlcM Cam ,ton A at, t a i n Oa., I t V am nlt a n . •am m lt: tte. t a aiw lt t i n ____________-------- ■ raDEdl truck f u m e . ~

Cataalata alack af a n d p a r t , ; ratoyit clntntiM. traaMBlMlona. m aton . ate. n t O. W. Ca. l i t rrattnakayM B ana., Naw- ark, N j ; akaaa to taw — M*fR A ttfl£R Mi lan, atartar. riactrla llakta.

pneumatic tlrM front, cot 14 tiraa raar; n a ra a ty : aay rcaaonabla ta r mi- Cartaa Matar Ca.. t n » ra a , at.

aa^ aa ttt« Rroad at.___________

:ocd rubber all a reand ; 7 t t e mIH t b -T O I Vim track : la

M M K .I t te rubber all _______badr; *HT aaH cheap to amlck boyar. Call H t ■ ala .y tarada.FORP Mate diHrary body f « aato: an

raaacaakia affar M atte. Call T tlvautk Ttraiftk at., firat flaw, Saturday ar Saadays w - lusrtmn; who rm n0tet nI99 milos; will sail nl sacrifice; rack body; any demonstration given. Call IC$ Halsey •L,r t f i ^ r Stewart.trunk; gn0l? running

wniRT i - “ “ m ^ ------- -ten; 9»<6, or will axeL. sengpr car. F. McGuoid. 324 Montclair,

rd..Menictair, r _ _ _PACkjikD, Mb-tto: MTirad raah R B S B teda toara; ytrfard condttlaa: raa ba aaan by awfliuiwMi IMto. Mr. Lava; Ham- baldt t t t t .________

STkVHOL#T «.»» toartn*. 1»22:' flrit-ct^M___ ___In n . ran-abauta; raaaaaabl.- Huatboldt l if t .

condition; ch*aa Pliaaa Ora n ,* R B t o d m aadaaa. aoayto. toartn

PACKARD twin ,tx taarlac car’, t i l t ; la ▼ary a n # »0JQ CaH Pr«a«o M l.

M l Kara Park at. Kant Oranaa WCP#BAKfR »la;'i atol tiraa. to Tk'wato - te.. third flaw rtakt. a.2f t nto4ar, W iL m p r.aawtai lllw -m iff *wC‘ tto l rtatflald arta. lrataatoa. X. J . .

..j s r r E fe

“— ‘-------- f■ ■ M m # t .

* 0 4 okaateai «#* <jifc:u6» ■*. _# Ulontroaa aaa.; talj VaraaaJItM.I tdtoto «M.■ W M T u y aa-data m U ufi . aaJ

FORD. 1419, one-toe worm drive; excel lent meehenlcal eenditten; muni sacrifice.

Brick Church G ang*, 4$ Hnrrtaen et., EastQcnusu. - ........ " ,i l l # rc m P truck; feed fa r enprsasman.

I B Nertk Seventh at.

. p§r S*k«rEick*RfBFORD eeupSt 1976: Al e tndltien ; for sal#

e r exchange Sir tearing car. Gnil-JIalwann . • and 9 Friday and p f a m B evening nnd ffniaVr, *** B ° ak#u $$$ Aveii nv#;

a * » — t e n y — m1 SPECIALIZE In erce-Arrow truck parts

and sloe other truck parts: tourtng ear parts also. J. Klein. 192 Livingston st.. Newark; phone Wsvorly It* I

1‘W M iO S . . 119-191 LIVINGSTON ST. Tsl. $679 Wav. Res., Bigelow 9174J.

Highest prices for eld car*.New gears, axles, springs, hearings for all ca re #A N TEb. Cainine v$etaria. l$ l$ e r 1919;

moat be nmsonabi* far cash. Address uW ~ Box 141, Nowb office .___0 M I W aring; no ju n k ; spot cash for

right . price. 1 Addrcas Beck worth, 124 Seutn Tenth at., Newark.T op Ford runubout: any copdRien; nt ■ mice; glee price and location. Sltker. 1*1

Second $a B- 4f & Q f n S m S t or fight dam-try_ . t . . . . . a ‘ * A A A to, to Iprice aad year.News office.____

i i |iu q*fivory . at*to Address Ante. Boa 167.

MOTORCYCLES AMD NCYCLESXdUOIIY a t a ^ t ta n ; a a r , I* in f t .P * r

cant.: brand n .» N«ri-A-Car, rc , . |2ao aaaclal IlM i H i t H ? .‘.y tM -ldton. I.#« J S l t u . t i l l 1212, '12. !«. ‘II Indian, with S . c r . H J! ta i l t l ; r to to te 2ia2 t l r . . 'l l.H i rtr-nlona 2ta>. 2 i .f l : Innar tube.M t: rtd tn , autta. H.mommAmbjmmraat i t , lava,. I t .H : I ta tt tand .ri'. I IM ; Black V ia,toy Mcyc.taa. 12A H : bib- t t i i . f l M. lamp,. I I .!* ” purapa. He a r t i j . MC.: dtatrtbatar* fa.a Tndlap matur- ttlltfr Calumbto and dvar-Jaltnaan' bicycle

c r c t * c a . m b r o a d #t .* io - h a n c e :

U M l H t t t f M a»d car: a lra . t naw.I tH wartb a f anutpmant; only.............If.;.

I f i l Clav.land alto, dcmonatralor.........112.i ,H Macaiteur aw#w; «*w.......................... l i tW, 1,-21 Read ta , Standard. . . . . . MM anN,w H arl.y tedtoafl! Oll.a d rab .............. J r tm t H .ndarto a . 4-cyUnd.r; only.............. |j<l t t i IN I and1 car: apadal m a la r............I2Ua w brand naw Karlcy-Darldaona.........l i f t1211 Racat.lar wttb Hdkta: apec........ . t o ,

ra r ty a t bar k l( bar*atn>; p a r .* , V Jfd .■uebanan t te ; atato to*m.»»»i ««» B fto« at.•wamrnatoi "ikJ _!l4L 11 J1 O .U k rd ’Wdf #B MA W

Cart W

XUt"A HOTt,H»C#C«,R NOWJ n t h k m t»H CLCJI p l a n

.iaaca I I Ja^H waabtyu W i- f tn i i t o . t t e up.

Cb.. fa« Br»ad at.a liaf i l l l u u f l tetotteci la s t : aide ear.

Undam. lu tf a t* carrier, ammatar. apa,d- attoUrTalaa f t X t t braka; p rtta r.aaonabl-, afm. Buitake. U I dtataanth ara.g n n l S y n g f r aaan . alaelrT” catty anulppad: dlak wkHla: aacallant cert, dltla n f llU n rb M tn tf .r , gUk«r,2l»« gacawdat i t i l INDIAR M # Chtof aad P iltu rw SSa

aar; rad l r t > t »| . i a *Mki|i|-i oa.. W Braad at., Wawarfc.W# m ete rcrcle. aide c»r■aw;RA klAV-DAVlDdON' mplorcycla, atd , ear

MtS S a d t W g j t W M W - gOtra tepuek. llf Fa#i ato-. Lyn4harat.J & } “ l w a)l m akaa n>a*«-

t o i s a r g w d p t ' , j gCto. A. Koputoiuiky. aar toatig t o i W to d 'r o to to 212*. >IH t JIAfcttBt-OAVIMiON niotorcycla, w ltt

**»* I I #


ear: t in .J.

W E jF ir iM d h a r t teda


Al eendltlon; asd sw p________ Roth, 1997 Springfield ava.,

• .1 f - r r - i

f avo. w'Ste'dm fm m w