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Transcript of SERVICE - RICHES MI

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Cocoa Beats DeLand,2 To OFi i / ' . i o .• | n m i i NO CANAL HARMWith Sensational Rally In ,s discounted

* fFinal Inning Of 2nd GameCfH'OA, Or'.. 4 — * 'w n went lc- »hn i« playinff with Ikel-gm! fuf

t#» the ninth inn rtg hi*r# }i-*t#rrt*)r th* #rr»*. tapped on# h*rk of •#** trailing H>* H-l-ir-l Kris. »»..(»■»*•» for * ■ " ‘I (hath ad Ih r m >1 n w n ! to

ilry and in it*I mom) tn *'n«l

A mnmrnt latrr Mn.H*y hit,, , , ! A itMimrnl latrr Jln*rlry hit « tlry and in it* t larr we'll havr | rom(>anir< in thi» roonty. hand»hry «..n tn, •r...nd ^| „ lh rI, „ hn f „ r w , Su tr O v-I-W t Merman «lu ..rr I - * - ’

’ l-* »eur pen rrml|. 1>uf l^-it* taking «rr jj,. ,p p ,,rr,l ,r «r * eontrm j II. m a Whirlwind I1W) „ „ ,(•» play IjmIS want n w|)h |a„,iiiilit>' than thr on*

.ally. wh«h -aw third ..n a pa**rd Iwll by Tat r |hat u nB w. rn„ i . g , t „ , t thr

F?#« • » )watrr nut nf thr middle o f this

•rirrlr nf *alt watrr wells."Ilr *lalr#l *hat It la eotlrrt/

nrrtty anon well pump thi* un.lrrgri.und rreervoir

ahatl ronatltule a nrw o fflin e an- |thesc »ame men allowed to fune- Florida AdlronrVtek' School andder the bill. • ■ Itlon right now instead of men on- the Miami Military Academy, on

fleforr thr bill war patted and familiar with our rondilionV the ground that the property' ladaring the drier for conaet ration, | “ Mr. Paige haa an established owned for profit. Indirectly con-SZ wells on piivate and pu l'ii "ro ta tion aa a geologiat, but remed in the ease art about 300. . _ ___ . , only a few daya ago he was re- other privste schools, with prop-an » were r ’ ... . . ' , ported tn u« as haring said this erty estimated to he worth |IS,-sion of county officials, and .ueh w„ * , nrw h|m th, . ^large concern* a* the Finn n jt W(m|() , nm, montha before ha ----:______________Power and Light Co. an 1 the At- . . . prepared to make a stutemen. M iK S i l l f ? C O U f t C l e r k

her Bomnge, of A t U n t . * ^ , ^ ^ T h ^ ' ^ y ^ r ^ a doryof - K lt tO ll Int¥fM liOllllfe •Ho gworn Kenrdinf t « liw , Itp oN i Clayton Rond of Gulfport, MIm . m p tbmi h# u in# #4it#r or

_ i a III t . f Vrtafl* ■ Tl** ®A HI Bfll 11, r IT a Idl, BRK. I hot th#C. Hinvld Hippier of Kuitli, • fn||OW|n, u, to th# t>#«t or hi# Kiwtnlf tnwtPP, U f*n#r»l choir- knowledge h#u#f. > tru# plot#.

# . l s • . . . * -v.wiinn m#nl of t h • on nor# hip, - tot hoi#-min of th# district convention. m#nt tone if « daily p#i»#r, th# etr-rtiladoiO, #(#„ of th# aforesaid]publication for lh# dot# shown tn „ th# *Im»v# <#|>tl<>n. r#<|ulr#d hr th# ;J

L E G A L N O T IC E *r« or .Auno.t n . i t l j . 9fnbodt^i


Untie Tou t Line railroad j iin d 0f gn> , hnracter.

\ 1

the morement by ordering a r.gid , ••>*„« within a few days, we L o c a t e d I n S a n D i e g O m ". !?'*t'M2l';rs-!w0» . ' TT ' r , ° ” rontrol of sll watrr used by •lie find him again joining th,. merry - ■ - ■ ItKLlA rt. WAl.KKH. Plslntlff,

____ »eetlen t i l , Pnalsl U s i aa4' r r , _ , , b i i it r o t llT IS t a l l Iteaulslinns. printed o„ the rsrersa

I S S i i Z m ? T . V i o l.. th " form- to wn

bothe fVntrnf u n t tein*i,•inlh innmirthem makf li.ii ,nti* **f out two •’ rnith. Water t'on.etvition f’^mmlttrc.M lk « and t * rt Mt-. i Raker .trurk out Sl«>nn but Tor- T>mt here i# a tremendou.

U ftv Jak# |tnk* r. for C'oroa, who h* ,tr,f for e Hn.t<« of arte^nn «a ter in th*; ’ # » , Glen .on at »hort «h o let th- Snnford di.trict alone U generally

*n«l f#er,i t> ' * « I * n‘ * * rn i’ indrr go ihrough hi. Irg# not feknowlrdien by mo#t growet.pflrhoi I ##•! * ♦■;»**. but FUbe- I^sftf .cored, t ’ulpSQf Wllhdl'ftw *1 let a* . # * i

I That lh# n#m## and #Cdr#..e#»if th# pnblUher, #»l1tnr, man.fiinc

Hrala in the news|iiper SAN HIFeGO, Fallf., Oct. 4. — j (| ||K.N«*K. JhJ If all.#, and if Put lUhrr It I* t»##n. * n#«ford (A P I — Willing “ to go hack and «t#».t hi. unknown h#ir#, d#i r i*

.. i , t .L i _ w ey . __ w* s.*. IreAl.f., **r itrant##.. #t Kiltmr It K I '# !., Stnlonl, Fla.rtiTif l**i Sanforl on three »»rrn« oru# of y . it seem* that ' * rP *he charge, hcorge r. Mr- ji^f^ndnnia Hnaii,r- w. uttrdnnrion. during the drive tn * ? i»e Gh- ..........ion and u.e of an nrd*- W. fugitive former Ha *c ONltKN f «ih PI HMCATHiy I»ean H#nf#»d, FI*.with local goup . that the*'# »r a tJ« r> d 1 1 - narjr .omewhere on Hr* (Miamip county, Florida, criminal ^ hTs i ’ k , j il if alU# and K h> * ron« «ratton. it# n#rn# and "d-waate of wnter an I that pinMpt nortb hark* of the ptopo*#d ranul court clerk, waa lu*ld here yeat'tr- d#ad hi. unknown h»tra. d#v|»##a. dr### mu*i h# .iat#d and *l.o im-

« might aid .nmewhat to reduce lh« dav I .k#i##«i »r ar#nt##«, th# unkhoen ln, (j|l,fl.|). thf*r#und#r th# * nam##action ahoul I l>e takrn *o con. ve ,kTU mewnai to reduce im imj. t,#ir. d#%l####. ,#aate#a or irant### Bf|d ................. p!f>#Rho1d#r» « * n.

.truck Ollt t


the remaining .upply.In hh reply tn Mr Paly

Winner mad# th# following * p i#volume of water pumped nienl:

fa%or nf po» leave Moerlev atranied on aeroml ^ m thr rarth .bring three t “ We are glad to «e# M# IVitf In the rtgh'h Th. Imlian. peeke.1 al Fish* r mQnth, „ f )h, yr. r „ |0 erlery • f,#r ^ ' " r ,n "'• P‘ ,rh ,h' ihimighoul the game gelling lii's wa,h on the East snd West , m,,nth following * long -ngs.*-

n -ig* foy lh- m Ibe first, srrnn.l, fourth, flllli ( , r rarrss of Ihe seer- men! in Turkei. i« l « g iv - i r : Vtsn.| *eeenlh inning*, but 'he age nf 20,000,000 gallon* eon- ' grasp the fundamental* li-n.ii ru-resssiy In scnrr w a* Inch ssume.1 in Ihe rity each month. situation.

between “ But they’ll hare In prove i,y * .s * p. HKnroiUi. _ U,. ^ ^ 'h^M n ’/ 'n . V^^nTrharges" he em beiilei morr than " r "tOeewlse. ANNA _»jt.t-- „ f , „ ln, « mmini *.C stnek. If » » i

IV KIN n fid AM 'HK» hlal.W I.IV, |, v _ i-iif rtiifgl Inn th# ##m*.«1A non e*r e*..h le* fttndw tVa .(rw kr iru u li ' U 'llk M V .: «W_Or<I 111 # . tif [Mf #1 ion in#_*#m .«

pn-*enl undrrstinillngsa; (Ki*ing forres.

“ We aho would rolserve and *10,000 nf public funds, the stocky, her‘ hi..i".i.. JRHHty: W Al.KIM i ,u ,tr,..r. nf the In4l*l<.uaiprnlert ibe vitally necessary « a erev-haired Floridian told drier T"J; " n'1 u iS 'n m im mu*t t.e ai*»n If nwnee hrter .Iipplie* nf our homeland, find tivi a. Pnllre reports.> M rrs'l i ia n ,,’,.i Vik u k u k nii.wiliM AN. T^UiTrli'’ it’ s namet nit the s.sursnee*' offered us do signed a waiver of estraditlon pro- h*r Susoand. JAMKA K. rt--.. n- well as ihnse nf eaehnot in soy way 'make r r r t . iV ru lin gs . { ! * • . " , £ " T ' wjSJk k X M * * * . <"-*'**■ *—1r r r t i i i , ' c^eding*. M L H.nffsrd. PI#but, in* rad are simply 'rrnaaur- a final audit Ivy stale arrount- artmlnlsiralor of ihe F.slste _nf __J. jy u t i „ n. PanfnrC, Fla.*■' W* i l l* fc'li cf%wi * ** "*™

lo**l end *1

g — , „ , VI K WAlsKKH. *f#A##a#4; ItnHCItTmic** or Wiirrl# o f a comforting ante o f available rrcoria—the an t h i : HTATH ijF p / i l i ld A Tu

♦ici*. a IiHipHjf

• ur nature. "A matter of fart,

mgf f*ct. ro ll dn-Q mg— rrvcalrd McCall', office lSH ‘m m|nor' unm#i

It wa* learned today that a #ur* j “ Hh atatem-lit g iv*. «t *onc aly.ia «how« moat of-thca# ' *hort >1.1.1 M l><1 on the day hr din- * U1 v k u .a. nlheiwi,»n W ° Por ’ rr «tar1 rd pitching for thr m uir la.c year revealed that . 4onfirniation ,« »h# rr**at ui «m a rue* • # aUongiy rarnintacent of ar>i*.arcd M M M <*Ii iv i :U a »

on. I Hie |lr,N jn fhr rlchlh an,| , rt lh, . . . ...............................F* i- wriiit i |rflj down in order Hf»w#rr

l f**f ■ tn U»’«fa* acrond l n -inm g *111

.•"fan •- |M ’ -d

x« r***l * ratcli

. V

Short’s CampL I Q U O RDepartment Now Open

the flow ..f S' e .ia i water pumped mw fell here, a< Oviedo, fa ii 'e t- he a.iiranees' reported recenllyfiom Ihe ear*h at lh- Hutton Per- *«. Bf»denton. Sara.ola. ‘V ine- to h*v> lo*en given In government

in the ninih, be lost control ar.i r.e.bng Plant on the East Side1 Harden, and also at tho«e also-, wi.rken upon Florida keys at .•L.asri alk#d I,tru 5*i|«Ij) and llackn#, . was ate.u lali^ioo gallons oe* . ™n the East Coast where the ;iio al.ioit 11) (Mi o'clock in th# morn

■h# firat t*n mrn to fai# h.*n hour. duction of wint *r rrnpaTa*#r Sn ith amtrli d it* *cor,- lip tn’ ing over a period of »p* |#nf upon art#*iao w*H*

^d«!*i ff«*m a««o»ruJ, }lackn#y ink ptmimnirty th r#, and ca- by undergroundng •WTfknl on iti# hit Red Noi I tilnating an averag- day*» opera- J “Thc.r .am# * ur-#* al o * ;»

“ fw d* • Ktrat trron! f..- I on* at 10 hmirv. II I. #nt»r#'y p]y #om^,hinr marr ,han od rr .r*l nr or »• rut** »»rml '*P •»' * |h**»i I4 that ihi* h m wa«h hou># town* ui central and *i*tit*i

«* «#nt#r field, llackiu a Inn# rnigh u## nrany 1 ,000,000 Florida with thr water up-i*i wV< "ifin in g acr*k#* f'*r th# winning gilbtri. « f iind#rgrrHini| M 'r r th#|r pnpulatuin* depend*un There wrr# n«t wiU vkhrn th * #411| n r am much in on# wtrk a# . "rWh#n *+ inclu 1 th# th tuvao *# tnnmg 1 un v# •mrrA 1- u*»*l by th# #ntir* f'lty nf San nf farm wr|U «nutS nf tin* r »n«l

fin urblna, IfalRourn#,

jH r two tea iu*e*, „ y H rl«n .‘ o the ,h..d ran."

m * n ^'*n fmd in ©n# monthIt 1* agrrrd that art#.ian waU

' .ft# drawing wat# fmm the (>•

if th# *#rR* lit.I t v i»a .l| * •X • " *•

•■nr# fiumped from it* undergrmir Ilimertofi* formation. t «that thi. prof*o*#t| ranat* " 11 !* ' **nrrr* n#v#r return. th#r#, hr ,* * i t , tut#, th# mn*t .#riou. thr a* t«»in* #ad «urfar# water,

rrache* th# S'

rnfi * t"h*

* (--liningmo*! » f which

.. ifihn* RiverIn addi fr»n tn th# 10 *#*

h<» j*#* in I he Sanford diatri#

mg <.f ihe d iy when sis hours l~- ter Ihe destrurUve huir;ranr le- gan to v* leak its havoc there “

M' VVitmer, long artively en gaged in celery prmfur ion. is on-- of several members of the w con.ervation eunimittee who I held as posse*.ng unraual .pinlifi rations

He a graduate of Ma*- . i lm .r f . Institute of Terhnolog a- an engineer, and in addition ,, appi.mmalely seven year* o f *,-rv. o-e m ronneciIon wiih the o n • tiu.tion nf Ihe Panama ranal. hr

C o n v e n t i o n I n O c a l aa saw.srTtg

stare whlrh ha. arisen lh * f.n in ha. been eng iged in Important1 It. history, for without * s i " «n projerta Centralnot only rannof develop f tt ' " ’-lh A n ,* , . ,hut must go backward r«pM'*

S' 11 I'earl. Psarorrt. Fla,It If fl-rg, ll-IMurnr, Fla.

ditnM reported many w#r# mi*** IIAU'KINH. ill., a minor, tinmir* n*l# MI1l#r ltr#ny Cn, tJIaml.r I f 4 . FIlKHKItll k II A W h p|a.

rrl#d; JAMLS 1* |U*Imi H##n, Iflantl. Fla.WU# ln » «n *» H I* It"Mfir au Mlnnl. FU.

J A M KH CHIt l.IJi* • ri*. 1.1 ( 1 Mr* Anna ||f*urhtii*, !>!#! h. tir n-i,K CTUVKldaA* oifirrwla# known Fla,

_ —_________ >» IrlVT 1: ITHVKI.IAI, hi# wlf-. Mr*’ M Af « | 1 #n*t all p#r#«*n*- havliiK nr rlalmlng Fla.

K i w a m a n n W i l l H o l d *«> i » t « r s j *■ «* » * • .. M.iima»ae,.rta.n»*#r land., In A^mlnuk* H H llowrnin*. .• tint 1 . Florida, t*. wit ’ Th.. »!.# known

IlihKin mi a (NitinT IS f##l Fiat ■•f 1 h* Niiiihttr*i i*orn#r c»f ihr Norih«#*t Q u i r t * f nf lh#KrMlVhw #•! (pm t#r nf ..1? TnwnuMp 2" FfttHh. Hanrff -in Km *1 th#©## K#.t Si A Ail ‘ soi f*H. than## South IT!A t i lni< f#wi- 1 h#*i#r IS #■! 17*A ’,-!#• far I th. ti a ftn i»* It ?*•« fret Thai,.# W#«l 1 *. » A V . t # f##l i * s« imin» nt M" Vor»h##*r I'nrno nt Ha* lot. ri*-#tlun >-r fluat Like \k.noa ii nd f*#l• . |rf , Viptttlr 111 L *n «« '"*tlKlo' M* t !••*ni t s ..t | h It. ttoltif• *f hi jflnnlnaYou m nil *m>b -I -h *ra hytl.v

W hen SltiKKbihneHH ( « u.h#h v* .nVi.r^'.hoi’,l ) i s i r # A f t e r Meiil'fi #nnti#h r#u«. on n.iioi#* in# h i*

«|H% nf Kovrml*#r I "* V* «l th- |#K i» glv

OCA I.A. Oct 4 (A P I — Ki- wantan* from cvrry mc.'ion of th# .tat# will gather her# Oct, IT, fur th# rh‘ #r*'%V .c io n # of th#ir an-

* rr nml convention.Harper Hatton of Miillninvill",

Ky., international pr#*id#nt of lh# organization, will hr *in# **f th" N|*t‘ak#t#, Al*o mcluil#«5 will h# Fa­

ll5 Thai lh# known.......... —<y,..lrter* owolna or h-IAlng I free

rrnl -*r more of |ol.l amoarvt of iHititls. morrasaes. >>r nlh.r aerurl- rie« are i l l there ar. bobs, »oatal#I

Jesti II Vllller. Miami Fla m.- I' l^ 'ls lre lloaion. Maas n i That tr>s I * " pajJTraphi ti*al--4

nlmt p giving th# ®» *"*i.u imf* ■|it#khn|*f#m. and w"#tifliFhold##**. If b iii, twniala *|ot #»atvinP 11■ i .if ■tn#kh*iM**ra m il i##u r l-u hr.Mef. is■ th#) a|ip#ar S|Wk *H#

» ,.f th# mm turn v h ci 1 atao* Utnap. ithfH- th# # I *»#k hold#? nr ##-• iirili hold pi ■ i’ l*#" r* upon th#hr,rits m nf Thr r** ill PH hi a* tfllltf#nr In any **lh#r fldactpiT ralatton.I hr narnr .»f lh# |'*I#»n or rorpora-

I"1 iinn for whom Bfeh Ir.ll*# I# ad- " ing |p givrn. b!#» that Ik# »*ld

T a k f B L A C K -D R A rC iH T ||«u*- in H..»ifn*‘l W#mln*u t^ragraoh. contain #lt»Mn#nipTh# grM»d that niack-l»r«ught K..oait Florida and in drf-uli of rml.rurlhg affiant # full koow l« a*

l/rm*# V « f h i iili.

I n Kb***I . if#( t fll. |Bf fr |i< -f u*. ’ l t tn an IIn i.r i lt nilM |

' • lu»id ( mini ,

*h#r# ar two at Ovi#d’«. an*l at j **In th# Sanford Ov"i**to I a*t half a dm*n ritru* washing perbap* thr nio*t int#ri-iv*'lv ml

If* 1. - h<

a dll tn I Or

-nr t* ilirnl* *<*■1 *|* null

m « i i t rSa if ter tj >,i

North »f

" ri parking h-*u*r* at U 'lim , 11 irp* ar*und (hr county

I* i* #«iimatrrt thar ikrrr a** o arly .VktNI flowing wrll* in S#n* r F* t -iinty, M grrat niimWt **f whuh ar# p«»uing »*ff w»l#r un chrt W r d

highlv Plop** 1• in* dar nr I»p

w n * ■ ■ r a 0 •* I

n.l ...I


I t A T i-: S

I Of line I lim r.Nc linr .T tipir**,7c l ur ii lim r' **T1I

^IiT»!»mirI iiinnlh.t h ir i^r nile

m ., l»l«- i

a nr if* Im liar 4o* lapilaj ih

-*»* k.■ I llarr#» * al • - ■« ew Islt-S

* f SS Sega art

I I — \JI-wt";iIieous.

I — \. IV

H AM . \* l*| »M H. u,-* i


inro IoiM * upply of Hi# •! #lnrl*i ini«t valuable natural r# to urr#* 1 I# «i«» nrw. wurr inwfwtu. W|Hi hin I ih f I'JT4 w hrn Mi/* A A I * #fl* t working with th r ii‘ t* Ir i vunt> ( hanibrr of Com»si#f *# grid ihnnich th# Itoaid nf ('*ii nty I n»n- »»**• *io#fp in«tttut#il i* ilrii# n*i h md* ' m lh# I jpg- liUif# 1 h i.«P>mn #ilh thr pa*.aL'’ rtf • hill ■* * «n , Hi# INi io I «n*( Si* Ti l I I VI. f ). Hand th# p *w#r *o «h*.t d* w n

1 c • M \i || 1 ’ 1 -i‘ FR, g » * |>»ln* v*#||« arid ar #*t nwn#r» *f h#■ i t * ♦rt-fi \ H*l 1 r.», why .uf pi -prill wh#f# I H#j* I l r *it I# I

* * 1 »»• k !#(*#f r#l a fr## Thr li||| r#«xtiir#i fiwnfti of #*i' p • f I *H*a a *|ortur'i pr# t* «ian and flnain f « #R« to r**ni»l * *«U a’ M#ltf >n-d*F» llrvjg )|,t| (hr flow of watr , dr*'» *■ ** what i* m#ant by waat# *y»'r* dr

rlarr* p#r»on* known * • *S#’ w*i«r inp (hi* w»t#r • « being tf’JiStc - f a miA'V-mrannr *»uh)#rt !•. n fno of not mor# t han |SOO, i pi wntrfKr m*l t*» #ic##d -i* n’"*", lo nr author it"## lh# »l •* «i’f !♦■

, n slop hr flow ,.f any w#IU ow n. .••>*ol, |M*r «nni hr ha* fount it n **#•

• ary to a rr r .i upon no*i-r I#, to* ant violation of th# Act %• i puh

HI.inr us fur Slile Rr rvn«anr# and #mp ■ *h'>ard of county cnmnii«*uiti#T* ♦- (*• t it ut# #iich proceeding* #* Tf#

| orr#- - a r y^ watr*

IMt-niy *ef *rc.ind * .»ntm .anrr uf waata of alt kind* l»u

tivatf**! goff pgrirUIt mi ni g* #a of ■ irr in th# Foiled ran effort * ........ »mp|il»r* Ion# lo-fo* ■ *hth#r*t berm*# '«'« I’11 i what oner wg* biti* ii tht an u I * rr 11**, I *iir»ply In fa-' *• >*■ "h 1 nitrlv Hrni'ed

•‘Thu. wr l u r had r-iita* The •!#'• and frderi I

grolotfical 4r pat l mrtiT * » I viilhnil* #1 ,tr #1 pert* who h*v* a*'le i our ■1u*ll#*

*Wt would like * * pyidenr# «»f g*e«i faith in on thr pail of 'hr ranal |»r«»|p»neiit , to *r# moth,

A r l T r e a H u r r T a x e s

l * e f o r e H i g h C o u r t m% Kan • Us #.f ♦•*

.17 \l I MIASSFF, Od 4I hr -pH *tl**n n| u*t '*•

tn a * ii **-Nn Ihi at ^ara*ota ar# *uf <#rt ty» f© . w« laftirr lh# Supirm# T'ouiial ng with nn >th#i on w h -'h* i p»! vatel) own#*! rducatiiiiuil i tiOTi* at# favail]*- Thr fi «t im-k* fio'ti Sara*ota roun’ y and Hu lal trr rgrtie from liadc county

i V Ltimmua, Had# rouniv '«x •**#*.or, »##k» authority from 1 1n

, . . „ -nrh -pnraranrr d.rrr# pr.i ran |..-|i#f -• t» fha rlrrpmatan##*•1* #■* in th# relief t«I cnnaUpatlofl M111 t,# mTrt#d **. *ln.t Th# , lMj ,„Hiliii'ni- urulvr which ato#k

Its* loirprmr nf , • and •reiirlty Hold apt *l">i viir♦ Mse. i t**- *i a,, iii*t * pi*rn i u|H>n ih# hooka **f

V\ It.KKlt si.*- i iitb-wini i*w tru* la#*, h” )dif* ’i "I •T'.rk md P#eorIT I#■ In a cap.-

• •ill*-* lliori Thai **f n bona fld«nwrun nml thi* affiant haa «l« •*** •..n i,. I»"n ► Thai ani other P#1 w.,d Uni |..n or corporalInn t‘ « •

in inie re T direct or Indirect loth* m u k to- nd« or other ••.iritis- ih»fi a • no aiTNird by him

Tin • th# ,* i #r «gr mirohrr -•! 1 ‘vtllv* »»f ' l l ti »•!»# of thi* pill* th ntis.n *n!d o» -lltlrlhulH, ihr-iu:("♦ Ti. ma He or mlierwlaa. In paid «ut>

- - - - •, r ihf r • d'll It g th# *|« month* pre liU X EH • . e-dli Hi* ■ I ui * sahown ahwi# I-

i UK l - i y/r i Tin . iid'.rmin ‘ft »* r#n*ilT* I . VTION. K tl III <il IH III U v r» ..n, dell*^ <*nl* 1

iv * i- it milt 1# I find Rlack- Titr. % * t #*f t « uf li I*, ft RANI T auirhl •plrndid f rrroinmrml H i .| «T II. tats r*iliR#h*r

Mv hu-band tak * THK ..................... ..

i nkt* it on# of th# moat p#|tular .irTfriUn*laxative* of it* kind Thm»«aru1i "-M #«ir batng i i f rum and womrn kerp H vfi ' , pV" '"p*,*» .i#li iiiini 'h fii home* fnt prompt U*r fit Land* *# fir*t -ign of inteatmai * lit * ? 1 ■;tV a n i * m ti*! H UPl-hn#--* loiter i

f t :■ k *• Rla k hrnupht fur ron- m P It *, It N'f ,Jt *S•ipgii* n th»T catiA#* a dig- t • icik

a Teen hi# f»Hlt*e after meal., 1 ' \ m m i i 'K -Ringlirtg M um i t.Jon*10/ ha t tnMr and #ic#a4v# l**,..,i* • 1* u

as " w < if#* Mr. Kuifrnr Weal uf Fit K l» R U 11 * v, ' K-dlHlof fir* 11.1 (111 IffI Totiuin. Atn "1 cm clean*# my ___ _ _ -\ m gnu r#gulat# th V how c|j* iT IT H H E V t OF TUI-

It's V Itraughi ami I rt not ...... . e v v i . r v r . v t

court* to (#v» taica ■gainst

|i| t«* ot Ik# I"Rla*k I t*aught and it hrlpn him

Hik k fiiaug -1 1* pu Tty v#g« * at

He n*>s' itut" -F lb lot*#* I |)U

HUP “ 1 Florida I'oTMifi Kano>■»<•* ,n 2h r"> ' packag.-. • R"',",/* . ........ ..... . , s a a * *

Adv, Mud for lh# Hutr unit cmutiI » n I "O- I HKAl.)

Mr/iyn (.. nrtfl • ti h»c r lh#d h#fnrp m# till" ! nd dav of n#tah#r. 191k

tv OOIUMIN I»FUN. Notary Pul.llr.

1 ‘ummiMhn r spires A tig- I t,

Shivering with Chills

W .lh 'it il l l « * rd

Burning with FeverS u re R e l i e f f o r M a la r ia /

» "ti' IH V h

t |11 dlfil I (Ml(| * M I mi 711 I'at k

I f — If* IIM’

;* If 11 m \! >

(ur Kcist.

hath, J -po hr

Raimi * t..4 aiag-

*(1- M

;*!VF I t"\ ‘ i'io-pp V

; p* ww

i-ji'i fertdit'UIt a oil, rhoii-

Dost try bomrnad# (r*-itimmt» or bawfaDgled rtmcdinl Take tkal food old Grrmi'i Taattleia Chill Tonic, hooii you will bo youmif again, lor Grovt'a Tut*- kaa Chill Tank not only rehevt* the ■raptofet af Malaria, but diettroya ih« iaicctioa LtaeU.

Th* tultkm quinine In Grovv*! Tatto- Ins OkiH Took kill* the Malarial inf ec­hos la tbs blood while the Iron it con- taint bulkb Up tb« blood to ovetroiM the

Hi# efleett af tb« dlwaw and fortify againat further attack. The twofold cffrtt la ah- aokitely •acaatary to the overcoming of Malaria. Beiidn W tng a tletientlablc rrm-

of water

A ' toiit • -

repair#*! FHR SAI kf ‘ *•* how hand hltnhen ... ••«■ #*•» *- •*« . * n il* *»ff Fi»h#i in\,,, ItarT F 4th anti T‘yprr*A Rhone .ft Rntt#* la I Toning

. . . _ \Hf, \V

t.A 7 F M«t|.| ( :•tru- I I hi »f In

beefy \ l t -• #.-i I7b#er»iirt * 1Itr. I:.. ••kalrr*

1 1 2 "th »t«k-f .'i HI I9 fjI C'*n*ltl ion

u r>| sir

I « %R t«A 1NS tn t4o**d Radhis Tub#a !#•(« d free Randall K lfC tflf Co

I •- * h«7 I n * •


„ ___ , _____ a ilepitn aha4# thr wait# »*f rdy fat Malaria, Crovr'i tu ir lr g Chill

an I warna that each d«y ‘» Took k a bo as *n*n#ot Inatc al |rw*»*lna. PWaaaot to tike and ghaolulfly bamkaa. Saia to rhr thIUlrm Get a bettk today at any drug tSori. Now two

aw || T tr 51 MI* conUm j l { tkpaa aa rauch a* ihe Soc kin and gtom jem 1 1 % mott toi >uur «oo»7

.* • *|« % |g#ll a OmM h !|ti1 ct«#I I'nltel l mpit #-

• it iMugtaM and |,*.p#s• f ■ 1 in* 1 it

10— r iu v - r fA pnd I'ljin fw .

A IT K It T IP S *Ut# mir manyf r irrvl* a nd ry Biiimri* w ill fin I

Ih.orr A Gov’* Quality Ratnta at• 11 nrw h**rifti»n, *14 Sanford Ax-rut# (n r il h. tiding MiuthlStanley Rugri/ii # Ifortlwarr Cu. / 1

CARR AGL f*I A \ 7 ** f«#a hng tb r let yew P- I »# # *f J \V fluchan

•n llto g r hp* U to* J'gik A i#

FOR SAI.K ( ‘elery |0 |ier arillung c#l#r> wire* for two acr#«.

A Cnrpinj. If*. I, Horn 14*. H*ard all Av#


R OBERGrocery and Meat M kt

I’ hone 39 213 EaM Flnvl S i.NptcUli Through TTiurm.. Oct. 10th

M...S VM K .IM

BEEF ROAST Lb,( #*•## ( al

SLICED HAM Lb.Wiasiali F»#*(y



HOUR— S fc Uur Jlosjgni K qu ipm cn l.— ltcrotm- AcsjUAintcd W ith Our Kx|ieriw iced

A n d Com jK-Unt E nplttyrea .

We Will Appreciate Your Inspection At Any Time!



aSead irtaklwrBACON (Rind On)

SERVICE‘Accidtnta from skidding im ususlljr just s m a Iter of Inches. He n tire thet will reset to your brakes snd stop your esr 10% to quicker. Think wkst tkls n t w la Um prs#Satien of sceldswts for Bar awasre drivlag la Florida. Think whst this roes ns to YOUB safety. This Is just one more Important advantage found only in- Tires. Besides this Non-Skid Safety you gst'an Extra Reserve • f Blowout ProUctlos, proved in the severest demonstration men aver•onceived.

Lb.'DaintyFTOUR 10 Lb. Bag (9C

I m»>■#■■ ss*ifJi>iB * *»«*««.CHOCOLATE PUDDING All 21C

n s ranCOCOA 15c

vi L k l ss

10cI r i U . Vmm

MFrench Market” Coffee Lb. 3QC

H w ^ j ^ e l ^ l t k s w ,




— First *t IndianspoMs, where Firestone Tires have carried all winning can to victory for the last fifteen consecutive years. — And recently, on the hot salt desert st Lakl Bonneville, Utah, wlj Ab Jenkins smashed 77 world's speed records by traveling 0,000 secutlve miles at aa average speed of lZ7g miles per hour, with persturee as high aa ISO*. • •• sL * V ^

Sem inoleFirestone Tires Are The

Most. Popular In Sanford!

T ire ' Sh<Park *

iitv .-.y M

a . j t s V- • v ^



........ ■ ■ • ■ - ■ ------------• ■ j jqpg

"v ft •• ', ‘ . •f l f l i i l i C sontjr P rodu cts

G M « n P n l i l A i d V c y tU fa la i Than A n y

Ifi? , .• « -

f ‘ ':. '(. •‘•i' > \j

M *i

A rea In A m erica

X X IV M em ber A fiioc ia ted Press S A N F O R D . F L O R ID A . S A T U R D A Y . O C TO B E R 5, 1935.............. — — —

Efitab llshrd In I90S N U M B E R 2H.1

Commission Levies Detroit u Selassie Demands A rmed A uthority 30-Mill Tax Rate By ££ Q f League To Halt War With Italy

As CityFor 1935-36Homestead Owners

Must Pay 15 Mills For Debt Service; $10,000 In Treasury |

. e • . ■■ ■ -* The, Sanford City Com-

miM'.on list night adopted a 1 1935-96 budget which an-1 tietpatea total expenOtturea of 1139.813.90 for general op­eration and debt service ex- j penaea during the year which I opened on last Tueaflay.

TTin, tw m m laaionera also . fixed at 30 mills the levy fo r i

M * year, the samt S* that «W *rract laat yaar.

TV. SO mill Hvy will aj.ply all owners o f proparty whlrh <!.*«•• aot coma \mdar th. tarms of H»-| Homtataad Eiamptlon Amr.t-] m o lt

Proparty owners who ar» af- fsated by the amendment will be required te pay a I t mill levy on their aaeeeemenf, the entire levy to b r used for debt service

By raaolotion, tha Commission- srs alea approrad the paymenl to DeCetlea and Boers, sttorn-v- who haadled the Chase National Bank llti*atlon, of $H.ouO in tun •ettleitMRt of a balance of about $WtOO daa them an s Mi.txxi contract fbr services beyun short le after the clqflny uf the Sem Inole County Benk.' this resolution also provided lor the payment from funds collect ~d ae delinquent tales of *p peollmataly |W00 to the holders' Protective Committee | . 'T b it payment will bring to 961 )00, t h e s o m prom- tein| the Committee fur |83t 15 Urly a little more than 16 l.tHin waa collected during th* year

The City enters Its new ymi with a rash surplus of IIO.IHki which has been appropriated for

.< e f f f f th g aapaasss fee the nee

V T I m Commissioners anticipate Veraaaaa as follews:

Delinquent tales for prior years. fCewlleseS o . r . . . r t »• I

New PresidentCrowder Has Little j

Trouble Subd uinj f Cubs W h o Made But 3 Hits To 7th THE BATTLEGROUND IN IT A LY ’S

Dr. I*. T. Doib of Sanfotd. elected trvdj) a* president nf tin* Kbrida Chiropractor* Association

Woodmen Of District In Pig Meeting Here

Dr. Doss Elected State P r e s id e n t O f Chiropractors ‘Santord Man Chosen - A t L a s t Session

Of State Meetingi

Dr I. T IW * of Sa- *• •*a. mi today rlistril |tif* den' til 1 Kloiida ChltoptBt tui * \» • • "M • t the tltiaiiiK •lahitin nl 'it Jl«t annual stair convention • • Id in thr Mayfaii lintel ill >hl' • it) Hisucceeds Ih < II tint* bell t Orlando ID |h»*« served laat yrar as vice president uf the Baao ciatWa.

Con ten (ion session* were h« both morning and afternoon • day Legislative i i |m rts wne «• sidered during thi nun time .• the delegates listen* I It* .to 11• instructive «a|«lraa» l.> I •• m pJ Hunch of ndianap It* an Idiscussion b> lit ............. ."ChiroprarL* l*n»g »** m tin I ., 25 Year*"

Several ir|Hirta were red v* at thr after noon Ne*>M><n

WKKil.KY FIELD. Chicago.! Oct. f.. The Detroit Tigers were I leading the Chicago ("ubs by t 1 to 1 st fhr end of the sisth

Inning of rhi"> Tourfh meeting m the U»3S World Series this after- noon.

General AlviA fiuwdar appeared at that time lulia>r the Cubs tom pletely al his m«rcy. having given up but thiee hita. one « f them a home tun by llaitnett fot itie Tuba’ only run in the around frame

I n Cat let on, opposing Crow or r. «a> wild, having walked alt menth nugll ttie nlklh Hr pollrj n;ll of' fmii had holva \vit|, gieat *ii|i n it in th* held although r» i *ta b\ laalan an.; Jurgra gave the Tigris th« it second run in t’ teMVtii

A high, i hill wind hampeied the player* and made Che game the ltd I m mtiuTi ovnroata. blank* i*. aim mufiiiTfl weir worn l*> a» ok • r (l..w * “ mu

lir t l InningMetiiut- White "truck out. I'm i

»nnr out Hermann to I avat:tn mu| tiehltngei I ' tuck oat

No run*, n° hit*, no n io r si h i ago (ialin g rounded out to

f.i • Hermann went out. Cavai• ' .» aio t iow«|«r. wh*» covert-i t * I indatroin fouled out to ••wen No tuna, no hlta. iio errot *

Second InalngI •etrmt Iioaltn got a scratch

• * I al *econd. and Km aingled to | Jefi Itefnie Kogrll walked to fill the bn*••* Owen popped out t*

M * * si . •••» Fl*»|

Crosby Heads League Of Railway Employes


I K. I. Crosby, * «u iaa AiUau«I • "* * l Line railroad em |llu> er. waa

elerte.l president wf the Nanfo’ d • hapter. Hallway K in p loyea I •ngue of Kltirlila, at a "pecial

hr*d at the f it laat


Lut'sl w.sllit-1 Inw tlii High

Upwards of 1U msmbvr* nf Wuodmra Camps Ip various parts ■>f central Florida altsndrd the district mostlng at ths th* Wood men Ball Thursday night whr-i- Sts'. Msaarsr V. P. Miller » ’Ijikrlind was tha principal sprsl ar. and I I man wara Introduce I

' and rlvan tha Protaatlon Dag'cc Mr Millar outllnad tha Oct.-I-

membarthlp campaign honnring National Sarrstary John T Yale- Oihar ipaakars laaludad J t:Sharon. Caorga V . ScoflfM.Jnvcmasa, T. D. Lancaatar ..f Ocala and R. M. McCully af Jacl tonvllls.

Ststa offWars aftandlag were C. K Saga af Oaala. Mika Kiln and K D. olton af ^gchaonvillc, and E G Dann af Orllndo

Intrudaccd to ba gtvan tha Pro. taction Dagraa wara: O. P. Ban. don. L F. Boyla, J. C. Harris. J E. Dasp, J. L. Jungar, J r, H A. without autn .*

WTIklnjon. J. M BhLr#*, Robcr jcunf irm • . uin t told » . m V ^ n iT . 0. C. Rogtra and • Mr. |jCuinmi«Bion me« tuig i«*t 1^# #f WUdwood. (that unknown pel•••n» wh

Camps rwprvMntwd at thelUe,. prowling •imifttl the oi matting Infludad Orlando. WIM-'llam Tuggl, ....•and. Ocala, Lsasburg. Jarksnt.-1 Avanuc at 3rd Slrr.-l had

Tidea st the Itrithea StituUy IJigh ■( | U t A M and I I * I* M . low m\ 7 24 A M anil h 26 V .M

The weather outlook l.elt* i ssity fa r but Cloud) ton.glu day.


Thr < it y III leleit hi

Ulli ,*f Iuit*i until

•>4 »


»1B*. Colwna lakrland. Invrr-J * strung box which wa* lie I* -\-dV im o i,I to havr ron/ainr t the iifr'»

I lng» of .Mi Tuggle. ect* »ttru4 ° C ronln, ifahma n who died heir * *ine ......

' r V y * ° r C mnrhfhffe WWJ In aft>. to th. me .... e n w y ac tba laitiatorui work . om#olir u. r , . f„ rm K

rnd of r t l ' * u l l* M ' T,d “ *h* n'd" ,n th. tvs wl.,- h v.s.* 4 • dug from the cartl., broken --i-n.

t — ij | ----------- -------------- «nd left near the hole The Tug<lrHV A P V P l l l l l W T tY iirn i vaUt# ha* been e»timat«d a* I »% J** J * t i l l B W r , W S Ing been wor.h a eun»ideral*le sum,

.a,?V . _ ---- mo*t of II rwpre»rn|i i by ra»!i mimI

° N“ r* 1 f '0'- bonj*C a ^ tU d Iq, u . Ba ml unit

Canntg C h g a W af Oammarra _ f ajrylvab u f dapariura. I-

E ,,W - Saturday, th.

| U M MONBOB. ta * «rW . BL Jahni Rlsar Una Ca. 1

' 1NE. gaaaasl

Ball' ' I alter ft it* J I' Hritw-.rt

"» l 't •» « lerterl were J S' till- ti In \ It e |tre« Id. nt. .1 M

Hr\e*. •..•ill % ire president. J It \N ilkm**Mi. third vice president; t II It lewt*. fourth vice pirn* irlrfit. J \ Turner, fifth vice- V , mi 1 Ml, .1 Srhirard. *ivth viee- president. an*l O 54 Toler. «erre tarv Ifeaauter

It I i.|«no amt J K l'ie*ton were rleetrd to tkr k!ier'iitivr ( *«*iittii|ttee It it elude* the r»f fitri** and the |wu memlrers named

A full lepnrt wir ma*le bv the •Il legal* • who attend* 1 thr State • 'indention of the l^ragur in Jet k">uik die I a * t month, anti what w o termed ■ "gratifying" re |h*i | on ■ membership campaign ale** waa made

The nrat( nwetlng of ’ he ('hap Irr will Ite on Nov |K. I're*nlent ( ‘r*»«hy announced

Woman Killed Ah Shoppers I-AMtk On

FLINT. Michigan. 0.1 & (Ah lit* lifted ••'itppera »aw Mrs

Odran. till. In aien to death on a atnet here ttnlay. arul ** ntd A* rtnrw litMiJrirh, 4' wh" police nhou »•«! “ thr U n i commaudad me to kill," a* he wa« taken to bead ipiar ter*

U . S. Courts W ill Perform ance O f Duty Is Baruch Says That Handle Cases O f Declared M ost Im portant Hitler Is W o rld 's

Greatest MenaceDefaulted Bonds Celebrated Member OI Profession SoundsSerioim Note At Enjoyable Kami net Of

Florida Chirorpraetie .\ssneiationMunicipalities Shown Proper I* r o c e dure By State Tribunal

f»t.-ldi> it

T A l.l.A IIA S S F ) . th i Klothla municipal it ir« w

I i i• 1m> l*y the Supreme that if they launoi pa> their I ml iddkgatioii" th* > in ist go lilt** f* d- eral n»>t "(Ate court* t«» p -e hankiiipti) and obtain pmiii* *n fot pai tal pa\mriils

I lie * our t m al I it meil it • t m *t- collie first artved" tkKtrine **f l*•-

II «allnar4 lla I'm * 1‘ lt f l

Mrs. Nellie Muench Is Found Not Guilty

MKXIi'B, MUamirl. del 5 (At An Audrain county jury « f

farmer* ar<|Uittr«l Mrs Nellie Tip- 'ton Muench. fo» flier St Louis so­ciety matron, on a rhsrgr of ron• piracy in IF II in th« kidnaping of |lr Isaac |l Kelley, weal hv S l^iuisiart. I 'hIbv

I Aciiuiltal of Mr* Muench wa« the first r chuff received by th.«• tale in pro*rcuting those charged with the aUlurtlon of Kelle> An gelt* Rovegian' anti Keli» Me* Ihmald two of an alleged ga-ig hair been * oilvtriad ami go -,fi• •nien< • « **f Jn to AO yeara, re apertivel)

1 ••• pit* the inf* mled sett mg spall of thr evening a* one of • n le * ta . mitt n w hell w • I ••f 11 • ir p iofe*%mn * * foigtiien, t Ini opi a« I .hen |»t ailfntal «ltfls • tiultl no. ke p t • out *

arirml * *« r* • n on I »* |!

an*| in i . « t*aramotiitl in to to which I'tiid*

attending * » nil -• ami »»nvenl

« >llt>*


' he si > Imlsiie* • of I h*• ten when the) «al *h a •Ulilplti'ius halti|ti«'l H tii'he Mayfaii Hotel la*tI hen duty to mankind i*e uppermost in th*M• tpr* s*e«i l*> I>i Ms |.i..n*h, telebiatrd e l point. 1'infi «kion ffoin ln*l*ana|.

"8« a Mce IN doing ||||*« * »iate the suffering «fkind, anil is de*tin*d tmore as the iU>* go It

mgt allmg to i tie

them in• * ••nuig.• •»!* • to ml*. a« I kluif th* ii alle human

lo much but it

• nle- \«• t«• o. U m .I <am • t> tIn ' In true.......nan w '-.11 vO\ o,4 ha % *

.M.ami >4 'l t ) .*

i Hduty

iniin •i

Ift'iCN Nation To Avoid War But Prepare

EventualitiesF o

Economic Sanet i o n h Brushed Aside By Ethiopia's R u l e r In Latest Appeal

Italy Objects To League’s Report

Exceptions Taken To Statement F r o in Committee O f 13

1 k* t vsnrU'ril PressA .liiu .i. >ilv n f vi'URt’nnep.

Iml w it It->ut .in K th lo p h n xo lilicr i n i ' * -lii-.'i-.. w in r f- port oil fa llen t««!ii> I " »* 'n itn linn nrniy « lm . ' Ktliit*|»is fo rm a lly a|.|>«*:ilnl t " llm laMKOi' o f Nation:* f>>r nn- n ii'ilin tf nn for.'i'nnnt o f m il­itary . naval anil av iation ■.amtions againa l Ita ly

It wit* stated uindtn tally at \ddi* Shaba that Italian niov*d itilit A.ltiwa wit limit np position ... imd the city |n*p- iilai* d ••»•!% In w m .n . In'oircn Ntil *n> h in( •* m nu n a* ha*l b *en niiabl* to "in m p'lot ILttl* Sr* la*-u■'* at tun * It w«* ib.|h «U*(1 lint I Ihlopia'* I oi ces had fallen ba* k h.di.nd Sdnwa into the htlla ali, i, ti,* * I.loth* i * hi anna fought de«|iein1rl) In Id** k the• a-»i .,**% ot 11 *« • • a it iiinreia wh*®*a**' tint a mI \*lu w a.

S»il"uw fightiuu a* reported tn lb*- .It**•* tmu of Adigval An *•!• ft.ial k tluopian g«ivvrliiuent rnm uiuni*|ue ► a n! A.ligint whi*n Italians ieporti<l yesterday th/T

had raptil|e*|. wu« held by Ltlii- • pian fon t*

Ai Uiinhui, anihntitative suiircea• aid Cieiuier Mu*s«*lini has hn fur simiiltinrnus ramellat i«*rt nt Angl* j'talian prreantn*nai y mill* laiv rmasutes m tin- M**l»teria in an. I nt t|i< pro|K»al '»a- gieelad v* 111, silriicr b> thr It * it l**h govrtuiu*'lit 1 ti*'lo-» 11 m ' Mi* *«|*|s*«»aehto ia i •- * tun pi n in of lit powt-r ill* I'lmuin* to i h mi op the Italo K.thioptan • out In t « m mail** nil b* half of \| issolmi Lot likewise wm- »-i*-*i* -l ll* | nt *i It

U SslllN i.\ -Id* . wwiltK

- lo Ido*ph.

I *

fulfil I iiHtsaiil* I i *to w.ift.-i 119me of * h illgiil I" all b*al"*g s* i* i

I in* l* %t *p* Mkri• In oinb* ••( li*n< p.i the -am* liin-,theft- I* nothing

wnr 1,1 than * hiM.pi.* ’ •» and a*l• i«tiig In- f* lb** pi ai I it inner s to t« a* h their pal uni* that it*- »

little- in nf dr r !•

\ s i 1*1 ,0*1 i till* <•* I* I If*» I* *•' ' "and . ailedihmk mg

i»N l»*t .f* id')I In A i nt \ Ih duaiit •• It* i iimi t M Ha* in It \dolf Hiller a* Ih.

•m o * I,* |)n* w ild p n A iu«*i it a. w lot*k 'iiK an I m m*


• prepai •l lit it to <

d *r

t . »

no »

ll lo Ih, I eagua I'tt Mg*apli I'wt*

i • • I the I ragii* pi ovid.s that It i lo « mini 11 in no min i i ratirl •

*uke|| war. fo a-k other • for c«>nt • ibiit *ou<s nf mil fiav al a ml nn (oice* * tn the totriiMiiti nf the

N* la -*ir a- ma I' r \.»i. I.f t 1 ',|« Ilf W h| |,

II. ill* Of is*- a I • agor

f«| i I he f I.

uoi-t l.nt I the) gel well "

i v*-1 \ speaker pi ai»* d (< •allaaetf Oa T m l

ti..* w * nt y on*• I of the *lofhl, W|- **

si m and eiuhattl* I •* Set. on all snlei • it • si M t |Ol|* of gu«*«|


v • a• • aft• • ■ -4« Mil" h »'* In* man i* i

*t*ld Ms* sr Inal

sill hath wauls it

, Md I .i*N III

l<\ tin nppral S c mi d« *1 a* fiat mg ialk n oiiuumsanetmn** against <1* man.I that l*loi**lsln *1 m mountainous realm In- ha!t

Townsend Hub Members Heartened By Newspapers Poll On Pension Plan

M O NR O * yr—*rmlRlvsr U m Us.

B, fsnsrsl rargs'.

Csntrsl rtsHSa

The rity Unrfer offe»^ r ,n grw'ulations to Mr and Sirs It

Kfcwe (nee Ruby lle 'tsi on thalr 20th wedding anr %ri*ary. In be ralehratesl Sunday an i In Mr. and Mra. II C W tshhiirn (nag Lucille (j irn a i on their IMh. and t r . and Mrs* J ( Hu*«h*>on ( m b Annia Whilner • »*n iheii16th wadding snni) .-' t-. b- cslsbrstnl Mnn-la,.

Tbs CHy Brt.'Vf offers in anv hsppy rslurn* of Ihv da- t.. Mr. a- a PH*# who celebral«*«l a Tritb birthday •Wlivsraary (uda). lo CWriss WWtUn. Julia • * * olksrs cslsbrmtinr blril.dar annlvsrssrlaa Sunday. and li> •!»ti- **t C. Wsshburn. Thalina lack-

(O a a tA M Oa Pm « r t n l

Assrrting that a recent poll 'taken by the (h isttan Herald on the Townsend old agr prmioa plan gives "moBt conclusive * * iJanca a* to thr real Ueaires of thr ptapla,** Secretary G M Douglas* of the Sanford Townaent) Club enllraoad interrat at la*t night'* mbatinv when he read resulta of Um poll.

The Ilrrsld, Hr. Dsu,- I tu asid. sakr I .!• >uba< ’ ibsrs ( I ) if th»y favur thr i.nnrlplt o f psn- vlona fur tbv aar-l and (2 ) If tiMy favor thr T..»i.-» ..d plan. TVs ro­ll clou a publication >r|"rlsd tha poll S t follow.

“ W i wtrt floo V-.I wltk iotas.•0,172 having br. n rrcaivs^. TVs tstalls on ths flr.i qurtilo* i n : —C U M Volts. *7 , pvernt *Ts«*l ' gWtn

snd 2 a prrernt s irs 'No *'Secret arv l^uiglaBB al*u Bp**'t*

of the rrtrnt letter of I'reablriil Koosrv -if tn tnr clergy asking f**i their c«*uns*-l and advlcr in (hr aecuring of information about thr ruunditmn* prr*aTl*ng am rig the |>eople whom a* ministers uf tn/ Goa pel they know an will and t*articularly with regard to their poasiblr reaction to In* imiai security provision.

I^st night's meeting was h**7» in Ttiwnarnd Hall In the Aregrt* building anj was largely attended H A ••nwiH » * r misldent • the Club, president In the ab-

Ilknce of |*reBident C. II. Bakrr A abort mushal program » » '

• given. Mrs, Julius Tafcach aang«-• percent *No' On tha M au d -Jh . Builder'* and -| U vrqotsflon “ Do you favor ths fo r a . f U fv " snd Miss Dsphn* Tsksri■••4 Ftsn 7 MJ.O volrs wsrs SWt. plsysd -Brirouss' snd -F.rp.tus. O f Usss M l P.IC.BI T W i Mstlun- uo th. viulU.

• f l *


Gelery G r o w e r s Are To Nominate D e l e g a t e s Soon

Nuininatu*n •*( *1*legal** ari l al ternates oil the I IuioIm O ln y ( ontiol ( oniuiitt*«- • ep*Men'mgI hr Sanfoul liv t* d.» m*tiict will ««>nir n*-»t W* * k. ll ww autwuii' •!

, h.*re t«**lay by 1 II I ' i kett, s*c-• elary • • ff the < untinit • •

GiuWri* uf th* M*i k» area at*• Rpectril to galht • mi the ac h■***| •muae mI 7 .'to o • I- ■ k i ' l l Tim** ‘•y night to srle* i g wer in* *u i»'*r» and alteiuai >l.ip|iera **f 'he sarnr srttli'li sie • spec ted lu gather at the sch" I house at 7 lu '/clock to select Ih* If representa tivea and alternate* on the com­mittee

At 7 lu u'rlock Km lay night, grower • of the Sanf**vd section are• tpec ted lo call at the (Utu t House t < pick thru lepreaeula Hvea and alteinatr*. while at 7A 'i'cl'ck ship|Nria of this section Will

go through the rtinr procedure.The riiliie tr lr ij in kjatry in

Klofida now i* awaiting a call from 8e«rriary Wallace at Waak- ingron to a public meeting la Lake­land late this month where the new celery marketing agree­ment wifi be given a full dUctt*-• ion. I f It la approved by a ma- •ority of the shippers and growara •I U alated te be approved tad made official by Secretary Mai- la * .


iiation wtaul* p* at e hm mad*- in its own image

“ The |(UM*iaila. who pleach a ill" trine thr v«*iy • *•••10» of wlmh 1* ahhoiretue • f wm. tpialtfy that

Q I’ AN A II, T e i , (h t f* </V* hv saving liny ahh**» onl) tapitalI ivn leader* here w..,ild like I.* !*»•• war* In Germany. HitlerFin 1 a monument to Cynthia Ann •*>• hi* speech last May 21 l'mk*-i whit* wife of I'ele No liial nowh.fe ill ihr wuild had* oIim la-t of tlie gieat f on ** and pacifism found so su'rmam !• i Inefa, end to then son, m ln*me a* in Nan Germany (Juanah fni whom (It*- • I ) wm- Hiller an I p* are The 'very"Mi"* ' I* has been P'up' *d a« a 1 * * »** • aie ant ithel leal Its t- IU- IW I* \ pmject «< ssssIlMMrrf Ob >'*•* B ltel

• a-si# was *rIn tishni aside

and liimiit u i Italy wit |, itis


inrniliei uf the T.-agm ' « onm ilarmed authority nf tin I* ago* A

no tubers of the la Mgin ••»t»n» o lumrnlltee « f lhui«*n told th.*AaBiHjatrd Pres* ll............ •report on ihr tab* I thn.piau v*ai Infers that ItaL ” 1 k u l ) •* in tin* wrung

A squadron of I in Iimm plane* was iep'*ft«d ufli* rally al A«l 1* A hah 1 tn hav* sh.*t down women

II unllsuol Mm I'BI* 9 »*•»

(■lenn Elected Chairman Brotherhood Of Locomotive Firemen And Fnginemen


V' 'her local **•»• ‘ ently an.i appi.rd himse lf t«

la - k I'M* brf i , signal honor

H* •• l< I Glenn him*. 1 r lh« Allan' iBil'"M't division uf IommI of L '« omoti*e

resident who iia- Its* lent mu* I)

1 in|*of .art irtugiii<«il w.»*i a


gene al chair « 1 oa*t I • ii**III* |lt"t*|er I 11 run n ar* I

Kiiginern* n since 1024Mr Glenn waa elected i.i It-a

nuke. Ya . Ia*t week a* • haumari uf thr Suuthea»tern A** • •4fi"ii of the Ii of I. V a ml K an I nor- ary poaition which will t i l l hnn t'avellng into every •**» *.n of *he southeast during the .".mug year.

IH. duties will iinlud personal contact with nearly 4on bilge* east uf the Mississippi n i l a* - ill h of the Putumac River, including a membership of 'fO.OOU |*e*miu.

Mr. Glenn hat been out of tb# city for the last three weeks, »t-

-1 ii and b»oking al*«* afi 1 lie in t*i*sts of Ja« kstirivilb* Terminal 1 o and I haile«tun am* 1 Minima tailioad run pin/ em i-i.

He wa« eiithu-lastir in nu le- s.nption uf coriditiuns in the southeast ami Ih* nation, dtclarm^ hinu»rlf as firmly t"livl*ced "that we air a long way tr*-un<) that u*rner that I'residrnl Hujvcr u-*»J tu talk about ,

"W r are definite!) tin theUpgrade." hr stated in a s) ori If. ttrrtlrw of condition* us he h *s noticed them during the |»ast few month. **So much su |t«a» I pre diet a very ina'Lrd irnn*nveinrnt even h) Jail I over present CundltluiiB "

He accredited this chnngf tu an increase in the volume of l*u*ine*s and order a of the "heavy" inuua- tries Railroads are Dlgnning ci

tentbng to hla Juties a* general jf| j|t# middle uf improvement• chairman uf tha Coast Liu* dlv|- iu s iu s * r <u rage

Msslb Hl|l I.M*SA»* fot p •t'rutrr «s IIAt* f. * Ms*, h II IBK vs for * r " i IT • •At* f..r M.r 10 10A t. for J un* II • VA % - for Jul* • V 71A » * f« • •••>! *1 7 1■**« II >a a 1 . 1*1 *> IsI ■ * 7k1 i It 1 1« Su tkl 11 71i 11 717 * 1 7 1V » 7 7 1

» 01 111 s su Tl1 1 VI ft1 : •« 1111 • « 1!1 « • s> 1 11 • ■ • 71IB • \ M7 * * « »

1 • • s :#1* • • 71lu s T • »V 1 • • 1?: • • (*?r • » 71n • s V

• % 71t: • t 71*• 1 ; :k!» • 1 TI•1 0 71le It IIA * * or 11(01,1 r, • 7 7$Hall,fall1 IT TIj • I 11

• T M1 • 1 0


« II4 *7 y n• si

1 ui f


• V .11



• 14

- V&L..*1 . _____ -JCBel.__________


The Sanford HemW Frit* KreisJer Plana Concert In Orlando

Invoking SanctionsAn the longue of Nation* prepare* Jo take action

againat Italy for ita invasion of Hthiopia, we read a great deal throe day* about "aalTct^on*.,,

The dictionary define* “aanctiona” a* “anything which induce* the observance of law or custom; binding ftJirc or Influence. There i* also a verb "to sanction’) which is quite a different word in meaning from the one under dUcuasion. It means to "ratify, confirm, or approve. ‘

Time News-Hfagarlne says that in league parlance the adoptkn of any action which may be deemed wise and cf fectual in safeguarding the peace of nations In­voking "sanctions." In law a sanction is any measure ap­plied to a wrongdoer to make him comply with what the community has made right and legHl.

"Sanctions rontemplated by the Covenant of the League,” Time explains, "are four kinds: (1) moral aim diplomatic measures, such os recalling all diplomats ac­credited to the wrong-doing state; (H) financial and economic measures, such as refusing further credit; (;1) international boycott, to deprive the wr <ng-doer of all trade; and (4) force, or the declaration of war on the wrong-doer by league states."

It seems almost a foregone ronclusirn that the League will Invoke sanction* ngainnt Italy. The question is which sanctions will they invoke. The league can save its face hy invoking sanctions of so mild an order that Italy will submit to them withr.ul particular resentment. Under the 1 1reumstance* Italy would probably permit the severance of diplomatic relations by the J/cngue nations, and might even tolerate a refusal to exicnd credit or sell goods to Italy,

But if “sanctions'' reach the point of an international I toy co tt which necessitates a naval blockade of Italy, or the closing of the Suez ( ‘anal, or any military measures, Italy would have no cho'ce hut to go to war against her former Allies.

8o "sanctions” may mean liUtr or nothing; or they may moan very much.


Tickets ars already on safe for a series of four concerts' ta'b*.

; given by interoadomlly knowrJ I art late at thr City Attttortam hf , Orlando this winter under the »■—- pices o f Harold Metxlnger. .

{ The it r k s Includes a perform­ance on Sundry, Oct. to by Prito

I Krrtalcrj a' plan* coasert an Jan.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Mussolini haa come to grips with the l-eagoe. For yean he has treated it with contempt. I t was only a f * * week* betora th* meetr i„g of the Council that no indicated Italy might not even bother to ap­pear at Genres; might even with­draw ita membership. That was be­fore the British showed hi* teeth.

Since the Cpuncil met, Mipao- linl haa In turn defied, flaunte.l, thieatenad. He haa played thegame <* walking out sad wilklng in again. Tb* llallaa delegates M Genres leave angrily and magnifl- rently—lr la all over—war is cer- taia. Tprn word comes front Rom* that*thrive action* of her rapreaeit- tatlvra have not nrceaiarily closed the door to further negnttaHm. Tha drama haa been repeated ar short Intervala: perhopa merely bluff, but more likely for the pur- p«ar of *Vle“ lng organlied opp-» altlon of league mamhera.

Finally' lb? Council haa arrived at a plan for *aprti<>ns and a ik " '1 a minimum co operation feoia the United States. Wa refaaod to a rrite Manrhukuo because 1C waa

ill-gotten gala at Illegal con quest by Japan. We are a-Wed to

declare the name policy a* to Ethi­opia In the event it I* corn ier*'' hy Italy. W * sic urged to rafua* lha sale of anything which tnlgl^l tie of assistance Italy hi the prosecution of her Ethiopian en­terprise.

We are not a tnaruber of the league, but * e are * signatory of the llrland-Kellogg ract. Ahead} we have with etuphaala called I t ­aly's at !> at Ion to her pledge to all nations, net to resort to war In settling disputes, ft is hardly con- reivahle that we would help her. directly or huVaatly. hi break har agreement with tia.

Bo far we plan to atop selva of munition* abroad la Noveoitwr in the event of war Wvn are careful, however, lo define munition* as j the finished prndurt, and to make ‘ clear that th* emhargo does not include the raw materials out of I which munition* are made. Cotton seems lo he one thing and the deadly esploaivr* into which It la -

| 20 by MUcha tb« p fo .Mutation oI Cindy# £«arth#«| m

, Feb. 10; and the Ballet Rusaa da Moats Carlo on 'afar. A.

Tickets for ( i e Kriea'er con­cert will ha on sale a(*toe flln Juan lobby in Orlando every day next week from 10:90 A. M. la r.:00 P. M. and doping tin fall me. ing weak from 10:00 A.' M. to 7:0f). P. I f. Season tirtvla for Gw four parformanceo are also avail­able.

W. O. W. DANCEB V IL D U iu ’ J

LAKE MART COMMUNITYEvery W eel an day night


I will ga hi tha atrangth of the Lord God; I will make mention of thy rightsouinen, even of thine only.— PaaJm 7t:tfl.

Raaad D n rk | Oaly

lr by Pwkham'a Orrhcjtra ■ 7 Pshlie Invited* * * * * - - ^

<K(pUSM'rP lH -A6«) 4rB^O*feO • .€rt* A ufkOfrrtfCE*

AMayka one reason Mussolini la

aa contemptuaua of tha Lion of Judah la because ha haa a king la Security

L u m b e rSnowbirds

Mast people believe in freedom o f • peach unless the other fellow haa something to say they don’t

The UtM foglosely related to the lemon, oratupg, mAgdarin and pomelo. Bain# rruxr sangitire to cold, it Is chiefly grown on tho Kara south of the mainland, and rangoo In also from a medium adzed plum to a large sized lemon. The TAHITI LIMB, a sprout of the budded Persian variety, haa boom grown, however, on the pain land and found adaptable. It grows muck larger than other limes. -Tho rind Is smooth, thin and green to yellow. Tha Juice la almost,colorless, of good flavor,

8ir Francis Drake, arch enemy of tain, lande'd in 1586 near the entrance trie Harbor of St Augustine. BelievingSpeaking of the sales lax in

Missouri, the Palm Reach l’ n*l discus sad at length "m ill bottl- enrronoy.** And hoy, Is that sour?

month* time to tnkv the cream off the winter busincm from the hi me town merrhiui'* who have niamiKed some­how to stay in husim-Ns during t in -dull mouth* of the Hum­mer hoping for Letter o millions when* winter finally arrives.

Hut the worst offender* are the downright city slicker* mid nickelci r* who carry Lag* uf gold brick* to sell the iiii*u*|*a-tirig public. They nrv itinerant peddlers, ml- vertismg racketeer*, Isink und magazine salesmen. \\ r.* tapper*. l*iguH check writer*, gimbler*. and just plain hurglnrs. Kvery winter * me well known citizen tin* sonic unhap|iy expr-rience with i rt*»k* of thia mill.

Not the lewd of these vari it* mimauce* are tho traveling loud show*, clicip lunuvuls. quack medicine sales­men, and the amateur theatrical producer*. Most of Iheni tiring with them a horde of camp foil' wers who pick the l**'kets of thoHc win. go to see the tun. or rob their lioino* while the family is nut for the evening.

Few of them have anything to offer to the public and everyone'who attend* ha* to admit after he ha* seen tli■* "show" that he bus been Inkcti in again. A* iturnum once said, " A sucker is lm r» every minute." Anri every time we come away from one of these fake performances, we hsi • to admit thnt tin- old Imy wa* right.

"Like all unwautid things," say* the Itrirdou!* >i Hernld, "they are with u* again, these annoying, bother sonic, plny-jirodnrmg agent*, seeking sponsorship*, on liceiiHi-d privileges, free hall*, iiicliiiling the publicly owned schiailhoiises, willing to trade pr nuse* lor taleni in or d-i that they may make a few dollars (■ \ themselves. Briefly, we are on the verge of another season of amateni thentrii-als if stsmsorship can lie found fur a racket lliai flMirished years ago and ought to have died with til'1,


Opkoaotrkt Ej m Examined

Gku»*» Correctly Pitted 112 Part A to.

As on* follow said yeaterrUy, hv rsfusea L> believe there will lie wsr In Ethiopia. It* think* II I* all newt pa par calk.

Dr. Clarence True Wilma say* that Ike kind of an NtlA this country needs le a National It* ligiou* Awakening.

aitamin "C

I* ' I'arlinc Mr, Strmctpher vang "II om* on thr ft#uifi' uni*4 Give n

J Man n Hot bp Hr fan lliil#.** Mra.

t MrAuljr waa hrr own ■ rcoinpnni»t, whilt* Minn ,\fni i/ai«t DavU plnyril th* nrfflinpinimARlIi fwr Mm. PhR-

ir I j** atnl Mr .Stvinrlphrr. r I 'to f Airs li. Johnson, inutrur-

GalrhrKI, Hi agncultufr at th# lhl(1. . High eSrhool, pr#*fritted the trio t»fk I lull, II*' . i e i

*imJtttciaria from the hand of the 1 |im aJ chapi<*r oaf lb# Futur# Farm­

er* of A m n k i. The three were f Henry (iii*lav*on( atate chanijno:i

fiddlitr of th# Future Farmer* In 0f * 11*211; Dav# Shannon, winder thi*

year of th# aikt# title of avniE.ii he*f fiddler; and Clifford Gu»tav- »on, pres id# at of the Srnn.hjle County Chapter of th# Future

Ian*I M funny that wrlli ■) much port being dietrlbuled free­ly throughout the eounlry by the W PA . th# price of all hog meat should h# M> high.

g p S P R I N G SB P r T R O P I C A L P A M «~ TN It 11 M i l l ! W i f i OW t O N O W D O D ^WATER 74 DECREES THE YEAR ROUND

j t 'm m itmmm4 F r * « P a t * O m )work of roa vent ion and thi

I wrlt'finir Hanf ord hax gi ve it Ho J legato*, prenident n

.r,, rerling that "thi# ia the iiH>*t ro ll

if» l genial meeting" he had ever at^ * r |lended and that he was proud ol the

10 thf work, aiol l)r T, Fami Grantham uf (Jinm-y n'1 a itnacn alalv pnnvastlon* liv had

aiirmk-d nmic waa krtlcr than lltc ■am pirarnt gathvrlsf. Dr. f>at»a. iha mayor of tAkr Walca, riprvearii Farnurra of America.i ) , c

W> Ur. Butirh the appreciation of re—B vvery delegate fur hla Icrlini-v

,,, and the Iniplrarnui hr has hern toa r ithr pmctlttenrri.

I Tha laat apaakrr on thr pro-grain waa J. J. I'aruh of Titux- xlllr, atatr arnator fr >m thia dn- trirl, who <eU hla baarrra that hs

o f . b-llrvrd mambaca of rvrry profra- T,h. aloS ahould get together for a dia-

cuaaion of affair* prrtlnrnt to thr (liair prafaaalon. Ha alto told them iy» | that whea 11 cornea to legltlativa *■'* matters tha “ third koute" mutt not

be overlookart, aa lobblev ars11 atrongar than aitbar tha srnata or

tha baiiaa of raprearalatlvn.j ( „ l Karl Lahmann, secretary of ike iilo- Seminole County Chamber of into Coraiterc*. acted at toailmaatar, lilt- and though aerlout at times ha al-

.ways managed to* gal scvaral laugba whenever ha Introduced a

itty ipaakar ar entertainer. Mlefme fhUoducIng the Ural apraksr Mr,Lehman* Uah acentlaa to tall the

.. delegates from every section of lo. tha atata that Hanford la tha win-

Key tor celery capital shipping out 7,099 rtarUastt af eatery aarutafly,

___ even though tt la tha second ftnall-— eat i amity ia tha atata. Ita alw [ j f j toWI them that tha county ahlpt__ t0,000 carloads of fruits and vega-'

tablsa, a ad raea laded them that the , U. A AgrlcatUval Department

Itata 8 eatino la Cmsatr to tha moat tnUaaaly cultivated ana la tha aattoa.

Eataataiamaot faataraa Included »P - aaearal aaatbara hy a string trie •“ J* franc tha Future Farmers band;

aavaral select leas hr tha Wsatar #(99. tf#ag>ia af V iator Park;

A messenger bay in St. l*>uU returned a ».1V.O00 eheek to lit rlgbtfal awner, gat a tan eent re ward. But then It's lha tpWit of the g in that counts. United Lum ber Co

Lum ber, B u ild ing M ater ia l— Roof In#

Seasoned and Unfinished Lumber8th nml French H ogg 71

The Van flwrringsnt trttlrd a 941.090.000 debt of P . 000,000. Thai's good huatnaaa. Rut when Hanford tries to settle for 20 rants oo thr dollar, that's rspudl alien.

Pictures of Mussolini show him waartng a steel helmet which lea sea ons somewhat vague aa .a whether that la necessary to pro­tect him from bullets or te keep hte head from swelling. Dozier & (iay’s Quality Painta

“Are Best fur the South"And. We brg to advise our many frleads mad customers that I f lr r this drte they will find us at nag aew JerMMpK 214 Hanford Avraa*. (Nest building South)



Fo I iirt'itmllfled r n *«n#rt%#irt o f M ir I it in In##, a *k ftfiy PirpdH* Irr « Ii« Ita* ■ orktd (t ill* mnii w#’ll c l«M l»r ii# a(#|pntrnt A l l IN #**

dtrl t a ii I ■ M •* ■ ' f n f I h •Mm*- ^ f i r * A f <nr<t|n#rylu m b er * »rv* f o r i (a *

r#r t*>#4 with 1

We might wall and sea what anrreaa England has In her at­tempt to elos# the Buei renal ff It works, we might sea what ska Can da about the rrnsa-atats ranal

office naat year, it U a fair pre­diction, will promise the people t i t only Increased government expenditures, hut also a reduction la taMilan, proving that, the Man try dona not want alateemen th office, but magtetaas.



All Males af RebaiL Machtoao ttlhboM and O rhaa Paper We Were Factory Trained

fly UndWwoad Typew tllf* Cempany j IB T ra n J. T . Da cram* Tears

HILLtiavv returned (gom their summer home in Plainfield, New Jersey t i their wlqter home In l-ongwood.

Mrs W 9. Enlxmingrr la visit­ing her daughter, Mrs. John M. Tapers, In Tallahaaaee this weak.

At the Baptist Church Hum lay there were promotion exercises for the Junior and Primary . de­partments, Mr*. L. W. Enlimlngar superintendent. Rev. Joe Fields of Stetson U n ivin lty preached gt both servlets.

Rev. Hugh Wallace, former local pastor was calling on friends In town recently.

Mr. Wallace new haa a pas­torate In Birmingham, A in , and also apeaka on tbs radio aach | lu .

LONGWOODSecretory Wallace eaye he hasn't got fnon#y «n#ufh to «n f t r t e the potato content art No. Ilka th* prohibition

Thr Civic League had the Octo­ber Mtlnrat meeting combined with needlework on Tuesday a ft­ernoon at the library when all

rommlttrre were ac-

. amendment,the NRA, and tom# oth#r #x|»#rL »W ti, tbert probably lin't enough tooway In tha world to enfmec ■ rporte by

repted.Those present W ere Mrs. J. A.

Uittllne, Mlaa Cora Dnllry, Mra. L Cramer. Mitt Ftorenee Isivetl, Mrs. C B. Hearcy, Mra. J. It lilen- ick and tha Hawing committee for tha month, Mra. Ernest Harris and Mra. Howard Yarnell.I Distribution of books from the library on Saturday afternoons la now In rhargo of Mlaa Do]lay.

A dellyhtful aortal and supper war* enjoyed by member* of th* BaptUt Women's Missionary Un­ion Monday evening at tha hoiaa o f Mr*. J. Fred Scholfteld with forty-on* member* IA attendance. A fter the bualntaa aoaaloa a templing topper o f chicken pi­lau, pie and varlett entree* waa aerved.

Tha Parent-Teacher** Association of Lyman School bald tha elec­tion of officer* and rah aa reals on Tuesday night at th* homg of Mr*. Halils La Vigne. El acted ware:

I W ER T -The JewefTo offaat losses due te home- B t*4 ■aomptleo, tho city cotamU- • W " o* DoUad Kara levied a °**o ” nk *a« an each gwllea af VMollM told In tha city (thia tn Maltlon to tho 7-cenl cat alreadyBddltton to tho 7 c*ni l « U d ha gasoHno), Mwt as ■ w r

3 ? 5® D*. otocW e light and taWphaaa kills. Thi PWFlo flay, and how, tvsn foi homestead exemption.

— O ■■ • —Among l host visiting la San

flail *??**** Wm* 800M hateg ■ country law-

F*r. a Mtrosaful fa n u r and i5g.iSv.’arara.E

n m


(Fo* Unit'd Ttana Onlyl * ALL. OVER rMiami Will Coatinae

.Slot Machine FIffhtM IA M L Oct. B- - T h o City a f

Miami plaoa to und an Investiga­tor throughout Florida ta obtain data to prone to tho H at* fiu- prxma Court tlmt slot machine*

CroquignoteW A V E S !McAnly, Mra. A . M. FhlUpo and

Marti* SUlncIpker. *Mra. McAaly u x g ' b a U ttl*

Olpag Taarnam" I l f “ Nobody* Ewaothaart Nbw.M M n . Pkllllp* Popular HoteF“MiamTg

Tha InvaaUgptlaa eras inggutod by CUy Attorney John W. Wotooa. Jr, and waa anfhrwiu d b, tto tky


ar* nearly aa had.Th* &mt, 1* not ao far gfuaovad



... . iawoff*: *T —


— P A W B T H R E T -

? Social CalendarMONDAY

Cirek Number One of the Firet ’ Methodist Church will meet at

3:10 P. M. with Mr*. C. A. fonder,• Second Street

Circle Number Onr of the First Mettudlit Church will meet at 3:30 P. M. With Mr*. C. J. Harrison West Eighteenth SlreeL

Circle Kumbur Three of the t First Methodist Church will meet• at 3:30 P. M. with Mr*. Lola Le-

Gette, 1000 Magnolia Avenue.' Circle Number Four of the First

Methodist Church will meet 3:30 ' P. M. at the church annex.'

Circle NuAiber Six of the First ■ Methodist Church will meet at

7:30 P. M. with Miss Alice MrKim, 311 West Eighteenth Street.

Circle Number Five of the Ftrst

rsona l sSanford Garden Club Holds First Meeting

With a large attendance of'members, the »eisoi»*i first gener- ' Thelma Minor returnedal meeting of the Garden Club of JF’ V o to her home here after Sanford took place Friday morn- W inding four month- touring the ing at 10:00 o’clock at the Worn- N>w bnglan.l stater, an'* Club bui|.tme on Oak Ave­nue. Mr*. W. E. Watson, vice- prcsldrnt, look chargr of the bus- ines session In the atnencr of Mrs.J. Howell Fish.

A feature of the meeting was a talk matV by A. f . Foster, land­scape arhitecl of Orlando, who was one of the State federation's representative* on the expedition to New Mexico for the collecting of plants and seeds. He told of

t O i l l n S reaas r . . . u . , ,program* whlcn call f 5* ih. pur­chase of mltyloni of do*.<rs north of the protects of these "hiavy" Industries, he stated.

Department store sale an on the increase, report* from prac­tically every Industry ;n ;F.- un­try are much better, an! n you follow Wall Street repo-t, you’ll see that- practically eve-v 1., rnp

_ poration is on K much tv: -i 'man-Thc many friend. ..f M s. ,'ohn , ci, , f(,and„ lnn

D. Abraham. will hr j.u.1 to irsin th, Vollaps, of 1WT0 I s tt, r- tfa.t -Ire Is convalr.-,,^ hrr o u tM j ronvin(.P(| , L t nr 3.

ring an era of prosperity i l •• like j of which we'vr never I.n> v i inmonths.

Mr. and M r. A. \. Irwin nod Mr am) Mrs. F I. I,Win havemoved from Pinrh i: il io 2180 Palmetto Arenti •.

George McClelland and l.ynn the people and their way of liv- of thJ* ^ « r r * «n ,n n ging a. well a. the plant world in ' h' »"that state. He exhihlted several r r K " ’ ™ * ' S,,t

m t , , won 1 inivi'rmlv in the ipvnmgp pool menu of plant* and » oit|c i , *1 ^ , . . a * , 1 of the prr<rrt «c«*ior..water color* which he nn.V dur- 1______

Mr. and Mr*. Thorn** |, Jamm«a

thin country." # „

City Not Liable Eor Acts Of its Officers

PENSACOLA, Oct S. - bP>- A ruling that a city "ia not liable for the arts of a (nilice officer" F'fiiHay cntlitl n damage amt against Tallahassee, involving the death of a youth from Colquitt

, county, Georgiaof Shanghai, Thm, announr.- the ilr , ni1 M„ j „ Turm.f

, . . . . . *' .n ” ” Aug. 2.‘> at North r|,lr r r ,j , Tallaha'.ee and pul on the table at a Bergen, N J Mr Jammes. a tor- John „ mhnt ,,

Mr* It. Turner, Jr., and mans on the groun

M* ami

« h m . i i i i . u i m \ u ( i n u r n

A T T H E C H U R C H E Scn titcn nr taon

Holly Avenue and Fifth Street. H i t , J , A. Crone, paaio r .Uuiiday School, in at A. M Preaching, 11 CO A. II end f:St

r . i lBtble fltudr Tu#*4|f, ?■*<* I’ . II. Prayer lie* I tog TtixinulAy. I l l

P. U.

Thompeon, IL A. Itev, J. St. 1T»> nit‘s

“XIref In*J* Hint t ■ . tlnx rv rnlitgp

I'nfDir I ' f k V 11» V js.htt lief

ti-rh utnl n i XI •• ■ ii I * r (f -V i 1 |

ft* II I Iff t * * \ I Ii I * !, . 1 tt

• »m| If.I H|i 11 • • • • i ntiitlb-

l* pjrt»nu»nmx if. rani ‘ Hnr»

llvledo as vrce-ehalrman, J. O’. Adams, T. T . Adam*. G. K. Iialmrt, F. W. Dender, E. tv., Rirgers, J. A. B i a t 1 I n a

«» nailr l ' . i it. i ■!. , ..... . u, i„ ,„ i of Iaingvsoo.1, Dave Bon-'• v * - «- a . sn.m i*y, r . b . c i w

r m a T n i l m < i i •»*- « p n i e T in r s T U T

•»».1 - if f. |( flat ■ «■ «iRlthI * » . • v


P O N K I T ( I T T M i l H I II

Prod Forwerd. peetor Hurntay t*i v't» ( XISupertutrndent. t: W \v'hl‘rt**n Even I Or Sr re Ice Al.

t'hrtetten Sri. i everp Sunday n>. at Reel Sw. . .

’ * le

n i l in it .ip unu

OenevR a r*«1 A im iu m T he lle> K I. Katie). |>a»inr. Sunday Hchuol Sw i»o a XI. Freaehtna Service, 11 do a Xt rreachlng Servt.r, ? I l p. \| Young Ir M f 'e 'e XI *-v 11 rye, 1 3o P M Prayer Minin* u>.inred*y, 7 It

f U

Irei are heldniir-r i ilie ehim*n

-i i at ft no A M S'lhje. t • • L.iiilfttiw**l*nrealM> . * * fre

Thin (h u r i ’ti n tfltn ia ln l * fr IteadlOK It...... ’ »»«*rh wl»rr.

1 the Hilda and *1 1 ,,M*; lion Sel-nrs* 1 it» i At .ire m*% I*I read, horrowed "i f.t.rchaaed Of en I Ttie*a,ay and I’ ridaia fr«*mIT w

1 It. 1

ft,relinngMethod lit Church will meet at

■ 3:80 P. M. at the home of Mrs " * . ,Earls Jeter, 119 West Sixteenth During the boslnea.Street, wlh Mrs. Jeter and Mrs. «he amendment, which had been birth of B. B. Baggrdt i i bolfiaci,

Mi a John Duval Abraham*.

The Daughtin of Wesley Class pievious meeting w e,, presented mrr Sanford boy. and of the First Methodist Church by Mr* E M C.sllnw.y, parlia J.mme. have visited here will iU regular business and mentarian, after v^iirh they were times as the guest* ofsocial^Pteting at 8:00 P. M. at acted u|»n and carried, lha home of Mrs. P. N. White- As conservation chairman. Mr*, hurnt, 101 Eaat Seventh Htrwl, H. M. Tapworth |»ica«nled a tr»u* with M n. Whitlhurat, Mra. Mar* lution pertaining to the atatc m * Tjrre, Mra. Clarke Leonardy, canal which w-ulud provt«V against Mr*. f-Vank Adama, Mra. T. C. damaty nr interference with the

iCarlaon, Mra T. J. Murff, Mra. water level of our diptricl It W. A. McMullen, Mra. George' WBB jerid,-*! ihat a copy of the re»*

McKay oluflona l>v pent to

tnd daimet nd tnr^boy.

aimed dam »y. climb­

i n g Into a g r o c e r y *t” re, win not l 1 tn i r

r r L L fioappi. T (m :a fU ( i .a

Orlando It. • I mar C»n*va A rt Wrviee, • <*# p vi

The R*v C It liAher. paatnr. Kumlay Hch«. r, m i a MRermon. 11 ffc a XIFvanartisiiic m.-rtir*, » r'n p M W*dnr*d«T Prai'er art-l I 'r i lu Pra jar H#rvtc# %V*iti»e».iay, I Ct

pngXKTrn K irn in n iiTI l l l i lC I I

mitt rtrbniii tArfQ A Ii.Pi earhlfiK II o" A M,J XV Attmin Pufop,Prayer Xtrrilr.* Tl.tirai.ay,

l» Mll*t It hI brlil Usi » ef Ii tttl| n«it|

, L A K K M A I I T I I I I 111 * O P T 1 I K A A* Allt:% H

Her R F Oialtam, paator.Hurt day Hchool, 9 11 A. M P rr .rb im , 11 «• A MV-tun* People ■ Meeting* < ""

r xtPrrBrhlfif, 1 H PPra> er Xterflna W fd n fiU T , ■

V MPrayer ami Fueling Aervlce, F ri­

day. I" ■'* to Ii HO A Xt• ' i n » t i m ' i H T n i l n » i i

it i u i ■ t «i... “ I*

man. Kandsll Chase, C. R- Daw- 1 ■" 1 «on. Julius nilttrfeMer. F. F. Dorn-

l‘” rr, A. Duua, Jr., of Slavla, Fred > u ' Forwar.1 of Forest City, I,. I.

, Frasier, It. J. Gut, Richard 11 Irk -son. it. K HFinrs of AiTamonte Springs. J. C. Hutchison, Alex

* ............ .............. R Johnson, TV. E. Klrcnhoff, Jr .. t iiu s,< II II l.cvy of Geneva, II. J.

i-rlunan. W. A. Lcffler. C. J. ,.■,t . ,, n Moriw,the,, F, J. Meyer, W M.

.1 |![ Richards of Goldenrod, Kent• . i , t. ,! Ross,•tier, y{- ||. Smltn, tAis' 1 ■' . i Schmitt of l.ake Monroe. W. S ,

, . ,i o ■' Scut. V II Nicy of Oviedo. James \\ ilson of rtlulusU, Miaa Nona

\ V, Wylly oi 1 jiVc Mary, and Fredv ii ■ , i, Zcrienner

Agricultural Hoard Arrest Made Friday For ( ’handier Named ,n ,Vohe <)f Murder

*A 1 Ilia in 1 ’h|>'f

ik llrt ...k *

Son>1«x Hs I.m..| -» 1 ti itt«i " Ml -fill* t • ■*Il X 1 *1 * ir. i • XIr » f i l lo a xx ■ r-til 1* ll1 «r|«h»tnaa 1r*u ii .

T I I I K i m i I P I H P T H T WI H X l i P

7 3«

given chance In surrenderl ( H ' ola !>• t life «e ,k

Lettion Auxiliary* HasAnnual Fall Election Federal Judge A V Long ma,V

—----- the rulingOfficer f,)r the coming ye.v / ________

G. E.Harden, and Mrs.■a hostesses.

Circle Number One of Presbyterian Auxiliary, Mr*E. And re srs, chairman, will meet

Roosevelt^ * 1 Xlis E R Stowe, chairman of

!(dant distribution, gavr out * . .. , , number of plants, inrludinc man-

Ml r.S S FP*CUr . w ^ 0 lO ^ n f o r ,V - M , ...... L . ^Avenue, with Mra. Crawley , ml -nd then presented h e m e ,, , . ,Dr. Elisabeth Tracey a, hostess,., " I,h - ” r * n'1

Cirele Number Two of the PUnt materials V ic • •

were nominated ami rlerled at lh."’ fir-t fall meet lug of lhr Amei it an

^residenl | l.egfon Auxiliary' held Friday aft- ermvoti at th,. home of Mrs. II II. I.ewin, .Magnolia Avenue. Mrx l*#wr|« pre*. eti over the hu«ine*' ifMiftn

F V. fUitiitilllal, notnipv * Ing commit te<* t-hai email, in- Vinunced the f IlfTwing offici r« vx' >iwere imamm i-L, rlerted Mi- u The men, Revrri

! J Iltxlly . p’ rv|(|i nt. M»r J It Tampa rleetiixn o11 off, x m i i i i-Rii S*nt, Mix w l» teR’ rd piece'l|llk.I Inf matin 11 email in , Mi­ II f I pi unary of SeptVI it 111* ,’ ii. i'ir 11»i mu. ami Mr- »* fait! they avtsnlM 1h"rt t ij Mr

m< th b e t of exec.Hive iwix piMnlv an I Ia w k a|ipointed Mra. *

idi’luugh te

Preabyterian Aunliary. Mrafor Green, chairman, will meet at T e r W i l l j . t r t. r3:3f) r . M. at the home of Mrs I r U g t O l I t r W li l t . J, t. I

Joe HarroW, 2U Park Avenue C e l c h n i t e S I I i T t II d U > ’with Mra. llarrotd and Mrs, ______ _) outtg as hostesses, » Hnnonrig her husbanff. fug*-*:*

Dr. Neaman will lectur, at 8:00 Terwilleget, who celebrated l„- P. M. at tha Woman's Club on b(Mh „ muver-ary, Mrs Tervvd Oak Arenoa, The evening wiir be ,.nlprUm,.j wlth mf„devoted to messages and answer , „ r ) K,„ , evening *1 the

*n.e public is in- tlnnir of he, jisients, Mr an I Misv . _ . F ■ rd Thuraton. on iht* Wrwt Huh

’ - ' " i f Three of the |u||,mi.Vn ................................ h : I hr.stm.. b a g , f , „ .....Presb/Drlan Auxiliary, Mr*. >n<) , Brtf thri> hlllll vuiel.-. and rom.r ■ „ ,George Knight, chairman, w.U ' I l.e,-„ .cut C,ui|<meet at 3:30 P. M. with Mra. E. , ■ u,,.|| .Iren*. Il,..|„u! m St I

dD. f ^ v*-8g u ^ J f l l u / X - n W ftl wore jsnsea I **’J ll'* ‘ “ had be.n ,.o t d,' a J l jN u m b e r Four of the we.v .w...le,« to Mr. W.ll™-n | * ~ r month, alt. n a fPraabfteHan Auxiliary. Mr. ! « • » " ' Ho,* r‘ b*un.l, .s Ilenry Purdon, chairman wiTl freshnnnt- wereW!#et with Mr*. Harry Heer.n, the ....... ....... table winch »■>■2218 Palmetto Avenue, c e n t e r e d w i t h s la r g e

(barges Against 27 T a m p a n s Dismissed

S U ’ETY HARROR. tv t .%•d’ J L Aunvpaugh. juslice nf thi peace, Friday diamlaard un* lawful awnemhly charge* again*!

-T Tampa men after they paid ''ftiirl co»la nf |IM Tfv

ffictaU xxerr ixr th» heated c*t! v t, and offIV” tthree who! gqtiiw,


a m . ani i ■ i %Titn» in c m n n i

TH# Rev J J Hi* 11 Ag ha ft |.,t*!l*i H yr id a y M***es f a Xt and

* pm a xi(?nnf***lort« evsty Hmiunlay from

X •• P XI to f t •' P M iii.l from » #0 P. Xt In * P. p M

FA A € *f» Al f* I % IT 1 I I I V H (' H

The Itav Allred Krfrttin paalor 0urn1a> Hchoel I ( I A Xt (!hr1aiian Ki,»of f 3a |* || H tfW m Hervlr**a, ! t l r M Mid • week Pravar Meetlna, 7>J

r u

Th. Hev K .ri J fVel, [tailor, llr-s- i.len- e 1.0 X e Mat}Hunday N. hoot : pn p VI H.f i le r . : on p \|

XX in 'tt * I "I it 1 * 11«ills* lea111. Itfb » *• ■ '« tl‘Mur mint H#*i v 1» » \ 1 MlK% rrnna Hei Rill : I. i'A , iiMtiml tlivtl II11« n (■

to all

H n 1 f x M 1*11* i«*iof f 111 <• t , 4 \of 1 itUTflll 1 r t In

He. * ,vf t|i , o v

1 iiiniiiitlii . I |S. t> 1I** I,, to

Pet ■ .-mu J i f it* ,.1 « l.tfl U t Ur, *f.■ lui it Mtatt It | \\

t. PANAM A PITY , fV l?«o X man !i*l**»| aa Kd llradlay ■»*

, | . M iratoil heir Friday and vhargetf . i1. 11 Mi wrb the murder of Andrew F.I'G.oj f..| Nad*. whoae hotly, a huH**t

woiiikI through I he hrad m l the H i iw rLuII ciiiRhrd, waa found in ?•

r 'hall w grave on the beach of» l 1 "t I’rn^acola Hay Sunday,

m u k 1 it 1 1 a it i r i ' . f m i x 1 . * 1 1 1 n • ' », Mi.* H I - ■ l '

% | v*»lr I Ii it ||t| . *| |., | . « *m Hr ii »l« •i 'lint s. i . tillnlh t ’»* 1 .... ■

I *«.l \ MPi. Sts (it I III* U‘

I t • . a ......... . “ » 1U 11 rt 1 met mii I ’*1 \1 I I tin**

h 1 . ; t• .if * •• 1t i l l wt «

> II1 ar x

I a ap reported dur ing Ibg that II UU had 1-eeu w . j fa re work , Mini j I Ou given txi file Kt.l i

m '

C ircle' Numbv Five of PrrnbyterUn Auxiliary,

H,. I) *•» :he Veterans’ ffos|u' • th.n .e.sed ft.i.n | St I’eferahutg ,nd ...............

M ii ng the "ru’ inl pel« ■ i |ef f ’ hii* r.?* were ni’tvrd by theh •». „ wiwiril hv Mn* P |:

In 1 th 81 v

GKNi:\ \ r I 1 11 MKKTMWith H* member- in wMi-ndanv,

11he regiitaf meeting of 1 he G.I fiev h 11 *m 11* 111*n»*• n'V11 ui 1 10ii l lid»Ixx-ftn, held Tuewilax a f le im in r i « ’J 'In home nf Mr* .1 C Hill* m Geneva Mra fiill* haii charge of

lie I «huh a deituoi*8f ration of her kiliheu gNidin and ailhHi of garden brautifieati*m Al Hie rlo*.*- of the deiiiciiint 1 a 11 * * r 1 the mrmtiff x enjoyed a pan f 1 v tour xv In n lhe> viwih tl |o hoi!ie« in Geneva It oa- < nn«id rfei| an luleieRt’ng and education «l meeting'

n *et a *.*r Iw.n


1 lid- I .

the Halloweenjj,e cake ileei'iaie.) tr.Mr* , esilor*

Fred T. Williams, caalrman, will Thus, I'resvn: weie L ig nest at 10:00 A . M. at the iyrr-- Terw illegn, h»i»>r guest, ami M'*

Mra. A. D. Smith to taakr Teiwilleger. Mr. an.l Mrs L I • s' apltai banJagcs. Luncheon tsTTi iassay, Mr ami Mrs lit.l s r served at noon. Saunders. Mr and Mrs 1 l»> «••••

Cirele Number MX of the Prrs liekle. Mr and M s William lesv ytertan Auxiliary, Mrs. J. U in, Mr and Mrs William Cole- jfoodruff, chairman, will meet al iumii. Mr and 'I i - Laris- i'lis-is.

P, M. with 3r*. C. E. Haw- and Mr* Fu’J am’!460 MeilonvIUe Avetiu*. < )| i„ Hilcn Teratlieger

fh* Woman's Missionary Set-'

— V . * “ f “S F r i e n d s h i p Uuh Is *u (entertained At 1 art>

Buiintaa Woman's Cirds of ' . IStc^anX ,,f ,j Praibytarian Auxiliary, Miss The members .if Ibe t ’ rendsh'ti ' (ll|rrh |1|i|ri fa •LaZelte, chairman, will meet Club ssere entertained v illi an m

f. M. With Mr*. Stella Ar- formal party g i’ rn Thinidas ,801 Magnolia Avenue. evening by Miss Myrtle* Frrrn.a WornaoV Mlsalonmry Socle al her home on

I * y ,»I IK.oimi «\ an 1 Mi** Ifint , t I n"tg 1 ho*i prevent x*e«r» M»v J I l-Aitig. \! ■ • (’ L Gr«ei#t(itie, Mi* II It S’ l-vf'ui, Mil, IV Dffitfiiiami. VIra Lrsli'f Wt lit Mi* It .1 I lolly, Mra If, r Wa«hb irn, Mr* V M llitwora, Mra J 11 ( <.ff*tuigh Mr** F E Roumd'.i . Mr* H It I |'XX|», Mia* Jr ail'dtf* laiiig. and Mtaa \iank- Taka h

Methodists Asked To M’clconip Ncxx 1‘astor

[o f th* First Baptist Church obears t a wt*k of prayer for

mlesion* with an *ll-da/


r IIItlSTI IN Si IKNt K CHI 111 If" I ’ lircallty" i* the «uirj«*cl #»f

J t hr lca*on **i mim in all churrhc* ,of I hiiki. Silential, Oct ft.\ lhr Golden T rit i* from Jerr miah 1A ’What the chaff to th,. wheat* nat'h the I arret**

Vmung th* rltatioiiR which• tifiip1 1Ri* th** Sraaori «emut( ia lh« fallowing G«tm the Hd'b* MU l 1 hem nr i haff before (he Wind and let ’ angel of the Lot I i ham'* them' i I'-jilm

The Ir-xon *i ihum al»u includi x (the following | aaRagr from th.* hriRtian Science texlhonk, *S4

chair man of the of eru e and Health with Key to thef the Kifwl Mrthodtat >crpiture*, l.> Mary Haker K

Whitehurat thi* tly "My angeU are eialtrd in tnmg i-»ii»'d an appeal t* all thought*, appearing at the door ntcmlttr* of the church for a lanre *.f »onir aepulchre, in which human

South Vanford •* ttrn,,* nrr M h <lf th* fcrrMC€# ,M*hrf h» » hurled it* fondr.t Rrheduled f**r tomorrow. earthly hope* With xxhite fing

**\Vc are very anKtuua," he *aid, cr* they point upward to a new "that a warm wvlcomr be given to glorified tniRt, to highar nleal* of our new parlor, KV- A II Cut*, llifc and Us Joys Angrla ar. who ai rived from fhallahoncb** God's rrprcseniatite," (|* 290)on, an I h i are hopeful Ilia! cirry meinliri of 'be enng'—- gatlon ssill find ii |H>*sJhlr In at- lend This being t'hmeh loyalty

Avenue. The rooms where the guests were received weie dero. rated with, a profusion of early ■" all

al th* church. Mu. flower*, it and Mis. Peel man will be | Games of brbkt* »nd bunco weie

played and at , later h*.uf frtshmenU wer* served by the botleas, assisted by hi r mulher,

w of the Liter*- Mr*. W. FRftd Music Department! nf i *nt ware: Mr*. E. M. | Increase I attendance* during <»c-

Woman's Club will be held at Julia Allen. Mr*. R I. « >« ?• ff. I I . at t i * club hs»u• - with Mra. W. F. Freeman. Mrs T h

B. Cog burn and Mr- Ar- Vickary. Mr. T. J. Ungfm d»a n aakponsor. and Mr. llOUlpn, Tesas. and the

Moor-. Mr, Iren* Freeman. Mary Imulse i a ver. and Myrttce Freeman

Freeman. Ihnse pr< » j Jdnnlh s»e are naturajty eip .rim g liriftm . Mr*. ( l_______ , _____ ,_____ \ _ _ ,

| totser, but wr appeal now special turn-out tomorrow '

for a

ho*t*<*ei (D A T

•1 th* First Will have Its

I and laeial meat

baptist TEL (lass Meets At Mrs. Lyles’

With Mr*. A- K Ro.sette. M ’ S

a t 1:00 P. K at W* hom. of J R « R"0 Bl,rIL IL PiMfca West First land a* koala****, the T r. >-

With Mra..Pippin and Mrs. Class of Iht First Bapusl Church - i bo*tsn et. I met Thursday afUrnoun at *!.e

mretia* o f th* ■ hawia of Mra. Lyiaa Mrs. E. M. • y Union nf (Kt I Carroll presided and Mrs K. W.

Ch'rch wtn ha bald SUnley ted the devotional.N*w imyraa. I Plan* ware mad* for the yest's

League of the 8*1- work after which refreshment* win meet (raw 8:00 were served by the boslrstet, **-

_ P. M al th* ata-'a latad by Frederick Ho*setterO. Ball, socretagy, aad1 Thas* psaaOit wsra: Mps. J. C

treasurer, extend I Roberts, M n . C W. Forrester, to ftll ladi** la at- Mr*. Sarah Stewart, Mrs V

jpietchsr, Mrs. E. M. Carroll, Mr. Y Iff. W. StanUy. Mrs. A . K. Roi*n

> Ur, Mr*. V , R. Beecher, Mra. EW. BUI**, Mra. i , ft. Lyle*, XI re IJliaa Vlcktry, Mr*. C. E Ben taa, Mr*. J «w «l Bar land, Mr*. H Camming; and Uw Misses Mart

Mary S i* wart, Minnie ••d ffndarkk Raawltcr

■ V M lU k

cu tI. H ro rT K VIFFTAbout 2A iTiruibcrR a ti'fiilfil

rrgular mrvtmg of (<ul Scu its h fld F » i«k iy e v e n in g al lb«* S i-.u t Hut or ru T iim prc ia l A v tm it 1*1 jmtin wi-rc mad• for a all vet lea (u b« riven Oct J!' in ob*efxm*. *■ of Girl. Scout \Ve«-k which bagiii* mi i let l£7 It wa» decided that » 11*1*luwr'rn part) He Btageit m ha near futpre The meeting Ad­journed with i he nlngirig of In pa.

«*gue of th* rch will m**t

home of Mr*, fa rk Arena*,

assslon fR ar an Nov. i

aaathwida apeak atIra a

WillA. M. at Urn Pint

Used Car Values!ij

I BOB New ) ard l - d - fN a a wiih radio MM

■ Ml rteka IlmdM* *rdam U NIW* ParklN Rrdaa WTIl * « Pvallar ( mm* * -->rea *IM• M 3 ■ (■ d r h a k r r I r d * * m * ■Tw# IBM Tmmflmr lirMHn«ari• •ff« »• gawi d l.rea.i.

Pee like ll’.'M Usu i,

H «e L . P . H A ( .A N . JK.

Sanford Buick - Co.

EachAfternoon When The




P U y -b y -P la y Re (urns

HARRY’S^Liquor StoreB ? 114 Part

Stirring TimesA,r THE VOWELL CO.buyers Called To Action \\ ilh The Anniuil Event


SALE_All Is Hustle And Bustle

Sleeping UeductionN

bringing big ( ’rowdH

i : \ i : i n t hi ng r e d u c e d !New Ea 11 Merchandine Going At A FiiMt Clip

i : \TRA SPECIAL!Iloui Saif Monday *1:0(1 A. M.

H ose Sensation !i*I\«l uiHite xJuaiitieH

*■ lightly11 r e g t i l i i r -

< u Fine l p To $1.25 (iraden, at 50c

A Famous Make!Known I’ar And Wide

No I’hone I No MailOrderH I None

C. O. D.>l oil Xlu-I It* in 1'hr Htorc ur > mi Sum none for Youra

. Mi. . in dainty Chiffon Brnmith a rut nk* r the In I eat Fall hhihdea Site* N ls to

.r.Mfurla of » world fainoua maker whom Hi.f.iid but for obvtuuj rraaoci we do

. 11 . -uch • i adical aale I Limit 2 pa MM at

Set* Window DlnpUy

the; Yowell CO.Hanford. Fla.


Nf t

feH j1

“x—r ----------&

----- —

' • /- A





* K g

, 1Ift ' -i-»«, i

, **#

* l ,y 1ft* r


f l§ •

i I

P A C E F O U R TfTE BAim m D WCKAT.P, BAWTOKP, FLORIDAI ■■ ! » ■ ■ » '< I . ■ ■ J J-_ ■ '


L a n d m a rk s O f W a s h in g to n 's D a y T o

G u id e V is ito rs T o 1939 W o r ld F a ir

C o m m em o ra t in g F i r s t I n a u g u r a l

NEW YORK, Oct. 5.— When the Bellevue HotpiUl.

3 Educ For

rational Camps Repeal Of lo n g Law *Youths Opened Sought In Louisiana t,.m* s«vice. 370

_______ I -------- New York City.

aUpiped Mumnl I corpora Ho©.

IngtltlAtfd IB

proposed World's Fair in celibri- tlon of the IBOth nnnlveranry of Oeorge Wnehlngton’e Innugnta- tlon Is held her* In 191®, visitor* will ee* many reminders of the eventful dny on which he become president of this notion. I f WoKtlnylon’* step* In the April

BKBKIlfG, 0 « . 6,— William C. NEW ORLEANS. OcL B. — A<- Sherrill, Jrector of the Southern sistanre of the larulslano I’arrnl florid * dbtrlct of lhe National Teacher Association in the move- Youth ArftiinUlrotion, announced mrnnr for Immnlat* rrpral of at his ht>*4qiiarl*v* here the open- stale laws politicalising the ing of tkree N YA educational 'schools and for removal of slot

New York City.

(>— SHuftliffn W anted.

id | . v o r t n i• There » m It* a -m s e llu of Ih e ,—---------- -------Anver-I,.,| »rjl nhlpper* J |h, OvUOo Du - Ceurt bv AHJHK

Islington Avr. Kiel. heM al the Mehonl llnnse In ■ lilrdo, g|*„ ii|, Thursday. October lo HU. at 7:11 o'clock I'. >1. lur the put pose ol erlertlnC- t'V vole •>r ibr ehlppers present, rrpreaeo tnllves of shippers to be reconi

that • suit baa

At I’eart and Broad Strrvt* |„mp*. twt lor whites it Avon machines from establishments t

COLORED CURL want* job a* maid or nurse. Will atay on

premia**. Melvin Alexander, 4181 pr'.li'u.^.'.^nes y I'h , St.

Frounce,' Tavern still stands stored liy tW Hons of the Revo­lution. In that hlatoric Inn Wash­ington aome years before had taken that memorable farewefl of the officer* of the Revolution­ary Army. The l,ony Room, where

of 1789 were retraced today they | ^ ceremony took place is muchwould be In a realm of change, and yet there remains landmarks of his tims recognisable even

as It was then.After the inaugural Washing-

, . , . .ton and members of Congrireafter the flight of almost a caa-l ^ ^ ^ rh. p1,.tury ami a h«lT. | fjamuel Provoont offered

The last stage of Washington •; pr, y , r, for the new rtgime- Si.triumphal journey from Mount J p>u).f (, now u,, oldeet church Vernon brought him and 8 ^ building In New York City, itsauite to Ellxabethport, In N r— i conatructlun having begun inJersey. Thera the party * i»- I70L It diil not acquire its

The I’ reslbarked on Imrgrs dent-elect's craft was oared by thirteen pilots, earh representing a state. As the msrine proces­sion rounded the llaltery it was saluted by gi n*. the yard* of t,

steeple until I7VB. In the *041 torlum is a pew, nearing Kiel arms of the United Slates, destg nated by a tablet as Washington r.

Washington's writing table, where he drafted and signed state

Spanish man-of-war were manned now I* in the Governor *and all shipping took on the gala 1(()OW) of n ty ||»|| Copies of it attirr of bright bunting. were made lalrr for the Mayor

The Preeldent and hi* follower* trK| (,(, secretaries City Hail debarked at Wall Street, at elab- contain* other relics and pornt- uralely decorated and carpeted |nK, pertaining to that peri oil Murray's Wharf. I'. h*« lung On City Hall is a tablet settingsince disappeared, the shore lm* forth that near Ibr site on thu has gone many yards beyond it; Common, now City Mall fa re, the famed Tontine Coffee IliiU"1', (hs Declaration of Independence then bard by. ha* given w»y lu|W** ft(l<| lo y,,. g rmy i(, Wash a akyacraper. kngton's presence

(Juration. of etiquette were de­cided during Washington's official life in New York It ass lu.'d

Through what i« now Street, making a slight lb* left, the procession

Water turn lo mlliiaiy

nsec it, boilles of legislator* and Oi»(, because of tfis volume tf official". no lulling Governor bUM,u., , „ „ j|ls hands. Ibr I'reu- Uaorgr Clinton and Mayor Janos Illlt return calls lieDuane - escorted "I lls Karrllency j received visitors only Toesdsy George Washington, Esquire. < after noons, although foreign en-

The lesnlence chosen lor mm voye iniglil call si other tiun** was 1 Cherry Street, at IVarl 1 by appointment Receptions w i-e M was a show plare of the elly, held Friday evenings by the a beautifully appointed mansion, president's wife, who was Using 'leveled in 1770 by Wallei tia ii, nnlr.l as lady Washington, fol- ] In a merchant About lillreli hiw mg an English custom lo years later It had been acquired which >* credited origin of the by Samuel llsgiMxl. I ui s linn Idle, "First l.ady of lb* land It was the residence of the Chan The President's official reel man of Congress in the days • ! 'dense was changed in I7U0 to a the aspiring Cunfederalion, he nioie impressive building, one d fore thoie w*- a I oostiliition the new houses ere* led in llioa l UsgoiHl und otliet pruminelil id wuy nesr llowllng linen by John ikens redeem still Ihe mansion M ilo mb, a bnildei Jt bad for Washington stories, and was lonsldered |*‘ l*y

I f

Park and Crystal Beach, near Tar- ( qurntrd by school children will In pon Spring*, and one for negro** sought when the stste lioard of di at Iletbune-Cook college, Dayton* | rectors meet* today In Alesat. Beach. Eighly-five unemployed dri*. New Ovleans, mfTShers of the iglrle lietween the ages of 18 and I board announced.!S year* arr enrolled al each camp I ._________and are given coursra by a corps o f IB Instructor*. The enrollee* are from all muntiei In the state, the numlier from epch being l>***d or the population. *

The term of enrollment is eight ,Week*, during which the students receive free vocational guidanc- and Instruction In personal hy­giene, bookkeeping, stenography, needle anil olher craft*. Recrea­tional facilities also arc provided.

The students receive lran*|Hir- tallnn to and from the ramp and are lodged and boanlfd there with- out eost during the term* t'pon "graduation" new groups sre en rolled.

10— F lo w e rp a n d I 'lo iU n .

CABBAGE PLANTS. leading-va­rieties. Delivered. J. W. Ilurhan-

sn. Phone B9B-W. 3OT Park' V * - aue.

Mail or Phonea

For Your


widow. HELL II. gle. ALICE w M cC A M J * .> ♦ }»<

. & V . f c t c w f i * OARLrnr nded |t> the SfcrPUry of ARM- IlolfwJ bf Her hOBbBBB. J. ruliur*• for appolnlm* ni a* m»mb»r II1UTCI1180N. an *h 9*T!•**«nd aHrmii* of (hr 4'ontrol Com- |hrln of J. N. «•-

b# PAlabllahrd und*r th» THaI tho M U r« ° fnr» Markr( Ing Agrr«m»nf *»«n U » full lo QB»I *«»• *«*• «•’lor Ida f'rlary Inm itry, *n6 rrm or* tha r I cm 6 ■


_____ __ Fltridathtf t b f > ,~#ptlll«4 la id r« U to b « mmLm Vo MkJifFI1E C __ «n iT A R • ill# Bvw*iAJ3.ta fouoiJ to b t dun Jjk

B»d ijr AAtd doeroo.Trrm« rp«li CuirhAMr to M F

for dvadi.It. If. WATBOlf,

Inl UuMor In-ANI» W HrENCKtU

Bollollor for Plaintiff*

HoTtc r. o r k i i T U F i b a r kM‘ * IT ICE in her •t*p nivan that lm.

for Iha Florida fm tu»ir» 'nnt remora ffia riooar from armnlarif# wiih Final Dacron *n~AH eeten skipper* In Ike Ovl./o H-.ulhwesI « S U I r r ol Ml* *? '? '* ’ 'yr’lVlhKltiflei are ur*e*t lo aiiead ami ">•* « » • ' ‘ • ' Jf 8 » c t l » 11 - ‘ ,!5 .1 Ltiwrtt for asglnol ;|oi r I le Iturte Ihl. select lor _ _ Ib A « ^ V « » 'A g S f ? “ * W Cf *1 1 1 u ,< PTcKrTT In-'Ulk r f Range iklrty-ear R ut, III• * 1; , r i iim i a n y a corporation.

, j ? r s ^ ' ,n a S - w s :L W i a - x ' a s - w ? nr- k . - -

rnrvtm*ni«d in 'liluh fit bhldar for ra«*h from thni Florid a. ara harrbjf rommanlad to


!i fiHima and224 W. I Uth


I f — Houses fur Kent.

’nltiniitlhk for til* ln*liii»(rY


A pout rard adtlrcanad to hex IMfi, j ____________ ____________ ______ _______Sanford. Fla or call Short's Camp j*OR Rf.NT Our lovely suuhurtr- hy phone. Prompt *k*liv*ry day or | ___ i i„.nt/ht W»* will ifladly supply you

at Flunhlny in I7JTT- Ilcfori* I ha lUvolution thr yard ana arra pron[>ereuA. but thry f*dl on avii day* whan tha Hritiah Army w- rupird Ie<»ng laiand, althmi<h ( l f i im l llmwa atalyn® d a yuard lo it for a timr Many (h in fi, yminy rhvrrry lm * wimi* tut for h«H>p point

Waahinyton, an aifrimllurul hirnaaif. wrotr that h»* had ha**n yrratly di*app4iinl*ail in tho <|»ial- Ity and variety of FriiW "* and plant* Ina»mur|i a* the nursery wa* atllI *ufferiny fn»u, thr effrrta of the war. It hot «urpt t*luy

I, eajilamrd by link y

an home "Golden Ilawn," in ieilh a pMci"ilst "orUyou*may defect jduding servant, hou-c sud ga- your price and brand from ar0 '• « * Kurm.hrd or |s*rtly so. Iiu - . ,ll<iUor advertiA«m«nt. Hhort'x Fam- Nov, I'hirneiiy Liijunr iti»re It 6 mile* nut i»n j 2.104, W. L. Henley.[)pl-arul Ituarj at Hhort'n Camp adv

Phone 86

claimtnw any inlrrea* In tbe fot- |u« i he ib*rrtl>td landi in Be ml* n«tlf «*oiifh). Florida. io-wl» Th» BWU nfaHKH of Bartlon St. Tow n*ltIp II South of Hang* SI Ki«l. o r r i ’BieirATioi*Kol l i » la hereby given to A U

M ITIfKKoll*"* I gt li*rp!*i (l ie n that oni Hitd l\i % If lu« of n r'M nln Kl J

iihI I Irrf itf lVtfpp|t»p|jfr and firtl# w _w ___„ , , _____ix o fo r* rpfulctd in ih» flr .u H having W e la ia t ln * any tltl .

“ f lh» Hi m * *.f Florida H* »»» inirreai In tha fnllnwlny frM rlb rt 'Kural |n**1 * hi fhan. ri y. In n |«lMi in Hmilnota Founty, Florida.

• rartain ran*** (»*pr»ln I'mii.Ibe 1« wit Tha HWH. of HKM nf Bac | hrr*-It, I'livater •* Koagalr Com- «|.»r> SI. Townahlp SI Boalh

land situate FIrtrMLa, to-

be snO apu-sr In as 14 Court oa « "UK 8 " »r Ini Ksnfore. Bernturnrie it--inter ihe Tih 4*y e I Ocioksr, * o1' *-«uaiy. rteeMa, during thn

There wilt b- e merlins ol the 1*11. t rule dsv ot this Court, at {T*“ ' , " " r" •svsnlh(Vlrfjr ilrowrfa of th*. <>%lrdn Ilia- lh» Dowrl Hnui* In Kanfonl. Flof- ®*> ***** ***• .aama b**flirt, hr hi ut I hr 8* ho*l lloiiaa in Ida, ajk) C#fend thla acfiou. !Ln*. * . * ' ,|,Pe n: * . • Court, Lha

FUll RENT furnished room* Mr*. * h udo Florida, «n Thurpdaj. 0« Ihm# »n4. nrdrrM at Pan ford,V «• 7 1 7 I»«»W 1 »•••»** l«*. Iflb . al 7 te n'flarh l» Florida, thla Ilia 7th day ef Rep-A. K. MifkemaArr. 71 i la rk . |M< Ut f fhr ,,ur|Mi-r ,lf gt.ur|Jna l.y ktrinbar. A. D. IS»4.

--------------- ------ -------—------—----- mi,- of ih# growers present, ceftfy [ * M. fl', RUITH.IB— Apartment** f o r Kent . arnser® lo l*r rac«i»iirni-nd***l i«» Ibt- Jadga.

r _ ____ , I rt«-i-rniMfi of Agrlrtillurr for ap- - - --’ ' pr.lmmrnl •* mnntisr and alter- ^

S 'llU M iq llF It k l-TH Rooms an 1 *1 ' t,r *‘'.0«e,.| Committee l o ' i q IM S C in r r iT C O P «T o r TIIBr I jR N IM Ir . l f A I 1 r*. Rooms an.i h> „r<hu,he.l th- proposed i h IVTII J lU M 'IA l. CIJICLTT OWmeals Com er store for rent. n> w m . i v . iiok Aareem.ut for l b s 1 Tll>: aTATV. OP rt.m ltliA . Iff

T . L „ L it m. I so ran t Klnrlds t'elsrv Iniloatr) All cel- I i t l l VOR OOUATV,I axarn n**«taurani, t_Tf n the iivlvdo l>iairit*( ] m r iu N C g H T .

. r , „ 7* a t iw i r ‘-rr ura^* «" e»tend and parflrlpale a KNIE C. WHITNER, «t at. Com-II N F II R N I S If ED GARAGE iT1 ihl# w«t<-c ttn o ntainanta,

• 'll AM 1* |*ll*KKTV. 1 vaof T h e Conlrol yt)* ALL DERHONB Having

fnllnwing i|*ai'ill»«|In rt, tn ol*- C'miiiljr.w ll:

Ie*»t f. of Hlork IS or T l*r D arror ding lo K. It. TrafforvJ’a iU p of Ihe «?ltjr of Hanford, aa remrdrd In Ihv imhllr rwntda ••f Benrilnole Fount?, Florida,Said male briniu mace for raah

and In pureuanr* of and to effac luata th• aald Final P»cr*»,

n. w W A U .Sp^la l M uter.

vahlp----- li*an». Inr a F'lorldn rori>«,ra(l*m I* Itanhe II Karl, that a ault hak

FUR RENT" FuftViahfd bunyalow, 1 ?-te*In11f f a nd Theodor, M lion ell. I.een Inetll tiled In IB* a|>nf * namedluo. 11-^1 a _ DL„n„ 7 r * al are liefrtidanla t hat Ihe under - r , .u»« In *|Ulel I Ha (jtle to and ra* U*4.l Maplr Avr I hone 8Ui. |el«ncit 8|.ec|«l Vtaelrr In I'hanrery move rlmida from Ihe iboVt* de-

hotrinfurt* ai>[*olntrd m eaet uie Wrlbed land, by AffffllS C. WHIT- maid fterrpp. will *‘ffer for male, iS’KH. a widow, MRU* II. WII1T- Nftd Will erll lo Ihe hish.-t and NKIt. elngle. ALICE tv. MrCARI.Uf. K«ei hhhler fm iaeh Hie follnwlrtg joined by hrr huaband, II. II, Me-f.emrrIhe-d r***I o la lr via CAHLIK. MIl’ T W. UOUOIITON.

KWt, I.f SWlt *.r He r( Ion 5, Joined 1 ? Fer huahand. RLTON J.Townahlp II Mouth Itf* iik p 2* MnlTfinTON, and A N N IE W.Fuel H*- ii. I n* • I r- l *4i it in l > , Florida III I'T i’ lllMOK, ioined toy her hui-

I Maid male 1.. hr held Of* Monday. Hand. J C KVTCHIHON:* and that---- ~ * Vovvmtier All A i* lvifc during you and earh of you are hereby

u.f accond i »hr l«'E»i hour* nf male i l l a M ‘ reiitilrad to appear In paid Court . . . * / ii flu I1-' * 1“ M <1 I l-trl^i at the from ht Hanford. Florida on Monday ihthand lum brr «fi oil kinda. I'u „ f lllr i|„ua#i Heminole 7th *u» of Orinher, it i l, and da-

Hart. K. IRh anti Cypres 4. Fhonf J * ‘oiint>. s » ■■ r o r d , F l o r i d a , fen#, mold aoilon. otherwise decreeu- Hi*!* i >1 i-v f-ii Hi* ton pom- of in lie pm con fee eo will be entered and

sHiv-Vr. | fvu.K th* above drrree um! all the ranee proceed r t peril.__ - ■ - 11 ------- — ----------------- - i route, aud porrhnmer t» pay for In w tlnee* Whereof, I HareA F T E R TH IS lion* mir maTty ntle hereunlo m*t m? nand and ihe eeal

will find - ihl" I ’ ll' d«> of Hepient- of maid Court on itol" the tih day

Tht- iiHyiilMii Iiim|‘ .hghtful Iilacr Ills'll f ratiklitt, »U uc lu rr, (.ovi rtini"i.l House, - t Squs..' I. W o w l wb' iui. 'l by » '* - E ' » ' G' .og.-, whichtiot.y rlvvatvl ratlroa.l stiJ h» ‘l l-cvn ilvmolishetl. was not UrtN'klytt 11. b ly . w - « l * 'k |Nu I "tcuiMcil by Washington, f„. UtcJ i n g y O K " h o u s e s . I t " s | i . * * l i tg j ,n l 7 , 'u I h i l . J ' l i ' l . . . b " . i i . r

Isnetn 1 111s, no .Lent of lildc" ssml | * * 11*rssIL - a b h i f wi*rt- t h e n a-* W a ' H b i g

tun ua 1 IihI fttvm Al11 *1 Di Ap 110 um pi t'pai atioria for him " 1 11triNlurtpm mi*' th»' Ft*-mitlrfu y wap* nm t itnl fur waul* I WUtililig **f I iMufiaee

TiiaL lifaulii ul hnti **■ eliHid then* until lalifl, ul». n tt * * *torn *ltJ»n fill a Klrfft-wnleiimg p io jrit liutiotiHU k* ii rt'i'in* DDK, liu e lfu il ai-rnim t*' have !»*•«* 11 mad<4 to pM “ci v. it \ lai turn to thr \\ 1 M - h »u " f F.M’,1

kitKW when- it eloii'l, h,,Wf

111It hAiii that honor UnLI

Washing trill warn 1 liomri 111 thim Unr of Waphington'm flint mo*

rial i1uti*FB in New 'l urk a f* w ilayn after Hie inaUMutution wum

plot* lio- G-1 littnil] an t-nLirimtmu-nt of thv " 4 11 lie

Tram NoRrown

HFOHT IIMIKFM Why l« it that June Hryan

playa mo well on WerlnrmoUv. I*111 (rta thr r»th«*r day a if ft by In auch eratir famHIon W*- cant make uvrry day of the- week n Wetlnemday June Hetty F**itrraon la very good al volleyball, but w hat "*M|Ural**" »he ill term littrna* mumnDti during the game

Let’* hope fi»r Murinn-t Hpefirer’m »ake there 1* no gla » on tha court, fur aha mutely likm to play b a rr fiuiteit Melat'rook ham the "rlurkiemt” p la y 1 mult of any of the g iih Real Irieh linen It'm rumored tlr.*n Adam*, tnurh r«1 her |■ I* k up p-* 1 perm on the ground* than play volley hall lm It juml lannrmm,Oren? l i e , , ' , .",n "lh .n S Y U l[ K W A T t " " P * ! " -you'll n ew r sre I , "I, Me... b>- ',n» '• hfmeycr making a point In . volley-' Drl« ‘ ' M »g A w .ball game . . Maiy l.y nn Kussl __ ______ _____ _____ ______



R A T E SK ir lin e I t im e .

8c lin t 3 Ilmen.7c lin e 6 tim es.5c Hno 1 m onth .

Minimum c h n rg r 30c

Count five words lo line. Double rale (or capllal ot

Mark (are Irtlrra.

All elaaeldjrd > ittM U ee*H iiwill be ekergrdi (er Ik* rm w Ir " • f 1 i*M erdmred. refe»de eirrraite will be Ritva lee can. relatiea.

| 2G— Miscellanetius fo r Sale. |

F IV E T O N S dairy bstn fertiliser. | Cheap, A. w llumil. I’hone [

8TO-R jFOR S A L E ; I’isnty

kinjK, Uth ami Cyjire*-*. I’hone |

frieiidm and lumtotiu-l*Dorter A Gay', Ouuliiy i'amt* si our new location. 311 Sanford Avenue ( nest lutldlng sooth). Stanley Roger, Hardware Co.

FOR S A I.F. Celery paper and long r*d**ry wir*4* fwr two orr»‘4

A < urpBTiy, Rt \. Ho* 142, H* ard mil Avt*

* r 1 ** 1 f. *1 \VM|»» • IhI V1*mtrrwavm: «iit.\r

orl*iu,.i Flurtilm IllfsiOi*) f "» Pie ll< IVI iff

H P FS iFUIn r i . » m r n

• f M. pf#mbrr, A D . 1186 ^ O. I* ItRRNTKlN.


Clerk M W EEKS. Dr put? Clerk.


1 — A nnouncvm entw .


I [lam ing Ammi'inbiy |m luwrr Rioadway Thin w ia | *t«iri may tu- dvaignatrd tht- Him!( inauguial I>m 11 Th«- I*riaai(li,tit ap

jp r a i i 'd in mrVfral rot llllurim , 1 Frn|u«-lill> Washington attrnd

iul ch» John NlrrM T h ra t fi , whtT*4 a Ihji wan frmrrVfHl for him. Tht •ltd4 of that playhoijet! n maik d

may know wbrn U hkh h . ^ * , . , . , . ‘' . . s, Lisa* llu* by a tttbli’t and Ilmul- t At••Vrl, for a tablet on a liiiH»kl>*i ^

llihlgi pivr ii i « kt ill? fit* I 1‘1’ | |i, jnibluonai w » - plat < 4 tbi*i*- h> . .» . > i urkthr Mary VV n-lungt><n ( oloniul ,I 'b ap ti l <»f t Itf Dang him a <®f tin1Am m o an |(i*v olut ion

Thr inang nral i ririunnirm «m * in wliat wax iTiih ihed*»al It alt, at Wall and Nam man Rtr«rl», la- ury Thr huitdmg, roaliy the aec- ond i ity Hall, virtually ftscon- atruett'd at a mat c*f |32,IH>0 by a roinmittn of otiivrin in 1 h»* ball«‘f that N»w Yoik ami Id ie- main capital of th* nation, warn ra*rd more than a erntury ago

t n thr Suh-Trr*aury t» a brown atom* a I wh, drnotrd am tike unc till which Washington stood wl.»*n lip was inducted from a second- atofy balcony faring the rornot of Hruad and Wat! S lfw b ,

Ihe fijd ta i warn N*-w Washington did not riatrict

his a i l ivnn-a to Manliattan. Inn often rod* horat-haek am far north pm thr lirnni Hr made aevei al barge ext unions to tnjluc-tenw, in his diary he (Mitod a visit to 1 I ttiATiksv Mr gardens and nursery tif one W il llam Prince at Fish ing l*rince,

(called the piniiecl American meed man, wax an KngliaJiman, who established a farm and nurierj, ihe Linnean Botanical (iardena,

nd Irouiae Perkin- are mnai.1*; 2— Lout njyd Foundrooms | rrr4| |ylr *"serv»-ra" fn volley-1__________ ____ - — — —

hall Go to l l you iw«. The j LOST: Uny’x wn«t watch, Hrn-W i Idea t a had heltai take tine rUM model. adjumlahle ailver nut to leach Mary White how I l*and Reward. Phone 22V play , , , And, fw>, the All | ___ .American* had Iw Iter p«aci»*e A— A u to m o h M e*.playing together if they expect to j , —,——-—■ — - —• — —win The American Y-earner* | f#ATE MORKL Ih»dge 1 1-2 tonloat lo the Wildcat* In Tinx-lavti truth Dual wheel* with slake volleyImll game Mr King lauty. A-I condition IKMI H*21>gets away from hi* wifr now |( Tievrolrt Coach, good cundilmn. and then to come over and help f 12V Reel and son*. u*ed car the girla win a game And ran he play IMnrfpal M*rri* isquite * popular figure on , ne ____ _____rourts, too . i-vrn s< busy *, | ADIE8 Work spsr, tinir. ropy hr IS hr finds timr <o plsy . . . j |nK namPs. •, (or ill.

: in n * il... k F M .,1 «• liilMIH

lily. ||* t * * e»V* *. , . i fm mt ud*••! Ii* • b** lit- tllllllf loi *!'

i.ilt. I - *loi kilt ! nil'll » .i»m(mII f • « • *•V b I . ,- ■> i Hi fill | III* i *1111s( r j A l l i e l e r ?

1-4.1 III > III I '(-IT M Ii .' iih! pail lei gala

i \ - m i ’h k F/rr i.f t Ii * i ’ontrol.

it* f..f il. r FloridaI liiti|»l I V

v n u i: OP M AITKII‘1 HAttEKo TH'K I* hereto) clven that In M lT M P OF N A N riill ii RALE

Hii.idHtirv with Final Decree rt»- NuTli lC t* hetebv given that tolefed la the Cl re oil <’*iurt of Ihe accrmla iu-e with Final Decree en* NiTiih 1 -idIr 1*1 I’lrnih for Heinlooi* tered In ihe Circuit Court ©f tha « . *!*)t \ in the <M*r Kv- Ninth Judicial Circuit for B#n»l-«.iiB Pieiriilf f and <i»uf nr 1 *IiIII|i». ni l* (*.>uni) in the ram* of Frank»r n I Defendants the ufider»lgn*<l Keen*, I’ImIhHff and la u t * ILb|rr* tal f Mesler will offer fur sale Hewell. tt *1., Defendants, itoa un-s»*d *e 11 to Ih«- tolgheat bhlder for der»lgited 8j*ep|«l Me*trr will Ctff»r siahh fir.ffi Ihe i'ourl IIdiiihi iliior fur im Ip and sell to the highest bid*m Wa ofurd pHiilniilr f'ouitiy FI or- d*-r for rath from the Court ilouaa

11» n durlha >h» legal hnuii uf dour In Hanford. Kemtnole County,ion the seventh dav «-f October, Florida >lurtiiK ths legal hours of1 1 •• a I ti *■ m a in t- t-*• i ns a 11 ul* 11« ? nf sa 1 *■ on I he a# v snth day of Oct o -inn* Court, il.*- folh Miiyr deacrlt.ed her, l » t i the aarue being a Iluta land situate In N*ni1ioUe County. Day <• f this Court, th* following

I t T ill: H R i r t T CO CRT 1 M l* TitJ i D im i . ( ik i t iT i w m u d raa t a iK IV U l.K c o t ^ TV l I T A T I Oftn .o H it t t . in u t t i r m i .

NOTH'*: o r M AXTKllT HVLBNut ire Is hereto? given that un­

der and hy vliryae o f a Final De­cree nf Fnreclotiiir* and dale nn> lered on the loth day * f Hsutem- l*er. A. D , J»3.» tn the atoov« vu-

u rt In a raupe 1herein tending In which Winter PgrK

Hulldlng a Mmn As*<rc Imtlon, acorporation. D m u r n p la ln k n t .C . L West, et ala. are drfiUKkXi, 1* as Mpechul Maaier In Chg.nearer, on Monda). the fourth nay nf {fo n m - her. A D . IM&, the mams hafnw x Rule Da? nf thla Ckiurt and ft Le­ss! Bales Day, will offer for agle tn the high* »l bidder for c-aag, dur­ing the legal hours nf m Is, In front of the Court Ifouae at San­ford. Rein Inals Count?. Florida, the following described land, altuaie. Ding and toeing In the County nf Bemlnule. and Htate of Florida, more particularly describe*, as ful* lows, lo-wit a

"tie g l n n 1 n g a t t. to # 8o u u h w n t. corner «*f I**! 1, run North»IVr feel to stake; (hence East 4 ’ feel tn stake, thence H-ouili f t 1! feel. 1 hell re West 4& feetto point » f beginning, being a part uf L..t 3 (flock A'. W ll-•oft'** Addition t*» delsdo, as r—*

i conle.l in FIs! 11**0 k 1. ftags U Public llec.ird* of Hernlnuln Cuunl> Florida, having ther-eon

* a tv%.» si.-rv roncrelw block • lore building '*

Term* m h , and subject to tat-'aI" 141 chase ( to pay fur deed.

LLOYD F HOYLE. v Am Mpeol vl Mikit'r,

ELD It ID* IK HART.Kiiltcltor ftir CtomplalnanL


5— H elp W anted.

NOTH >;1 Ik I. Mill tit s in** Hug of the

I ■ i|| Htl I I ■ I h* la. I • I ) 1* i Hit llfl'l *1*1 — Il la I h* 1*1 H** * ♦.»**• ll.aMSr tilN.tilfi'lil KIh! ■ tlr* II ► ( l*l« V O.j nil." I t I It* .In 14 t : I "a *■ I l»* ' k F Mfill Ilia pil* | ii a — a.f ■■ > 1 Ilia t-|t i ir f * b. l* |H> *• Qt »• Ufeit iiltillt i • •>( »h||i(>t-is Id tie re cum­in* tided • Hi. I* i rt * v if Amii till ..< • f-<( app*«ii*t »»** cf — * ii«» m»!**•*mol nil* i ii *41 • - I 1 1*» » * o I I'mtiIhiltl •• fn til a a. ( it'll- It'll Ml (1*1 I I the |*t*a|>. -i *1 (i4 * Mnikcttiie V K * •■eOir ntI'M lb* Ilia) bl >4 * . 1*14 iodlletl)V 11 - * 11 * 1 * b 11 > i *1 1 - |i< * • • ■ 8 ■ 0 f 1 * * * IDiet* i.f .4**- i)(*et| iat attend and1*14 I f I. I (■«* I • Id* till" M It'. I M'lt

• ‘M X?< II PICK ri 'TN ' t M l » M I l f T h e *■* .n i l

i.ato toil 1 *-• for »In. Florida 1 '* fee 1 4 liidusi 1 >

Florida to » HLots Tv*« ut> sit cXU, T im -

t» “i-ven i l . i and Twenty. -Isb l m i „f III 1 m Ii r»,.n ty i f ' » or C’RYKTAL LA h i: W IN - TI It I.XIMF. 8F1IDIVIHION as 1 *■■ a*itied In Flat H"«k 1. page III »»f ihe Public llctrnrda nf 8* ttiiiD'lr Couiiti, Florida, ait- imle lo Herninole Couolv. Fl**r- kl»8«l*( sale being made for Cash

and lo |nifetianie *>f and l*» effretu- * le the said Finn! Decier

ft W WAR I-:. Hpeclal Hosier

d* scribed land situate C o u n ty 1Hnrldg., (QWJt

In Btmlnula

North westof Section ll. Township

Yieflrminf al• i*l list3'i* 8011th flange SO Feat, nun rhen* e Honih 10 nhalps; (to* 10*# Kusr '* chain*, thsncs North 10* ■ h a In* | hence W sat £> ch a Ins fn point *»r begin Ring contain- Ins 1. n ’l r i more or less and sHunle In Kern I no I# Courtly. Fl*«r IdaHsM **lr being made for cash

am. In pursuance of and to effee-in ale the said Final Deere*.

ft tv -w a r n .Hperlal Master.



f /

o r f n : ( t x i . g A i T r g fB A lrl

NMiles i>| hereby given that., f lb* undersigned Kpeilal Master In I'ham ei). purmueol lo a filial de I'fse Tits red In that eerie In cguee iwnHlnc In ihe Clrrutt ('nufl of

,Hsmin"le I'nuntj. Florida, wherein fl A HDKNH vINiNiftpOR- Marlin Doyle I* Plaintiff and Mar*

r.*r p.<f aUrin under the k<*i * i J Ferguson and huabaml, De* (Frank f. Ferguson are Defendants,

will nn lb* 7th day or October, A. D IU V ini front of the courthouse d***-r in Hanford. Weinltmle County, Florid**, offer for nets and sell In the Tjlghes! and heal bidder for rash I hi* following land* In K*inb noie County. Florida, tn*w||;

f.i<ts 1 and 4 nf flinch A nf A at or Fgrma a a pee mgp there­of. rerurded among tha public record* of Femlnole County,

IW TH*: ( m i l IT t Ol HT OF T|lK NOTH'F. n i n t h j 1 11 1 < 1 % 1 . i m n i T o r T llll "T ATE o r FLOIIIDA. IX AND l l l l l ax: WIN 0 1 . 1 : C O IB ir i. in i i i « n « x: i ix .

ANN1F C WHITNKIt. a widow, af ul Compls inanta

VIFI,* lit I DA

A TFDl*a s of Ihe Hlale of Floridafends ol •

N O T H * o r iO i rTtn Kl.fvhIDA UAltl'KNH INCOR,

l ‘*»RATKD, * rnrporatlnn nodi f th- laws nf (h . Hlale of F lor­ida(1 heing made in appear (n this

C**ur t the 1 an v tre of proresa Can - n“I he made upon the shove named cor i-. ration

This is therefor# tu notify sat*. DlSTSHCTi* D(FrEPr

C OLliKGR C l.l ll

W KLUNGTON, T n , Oct. B .- Sixteen sludcmU attending

Tuifta A. 41 M CoRugf this year 1 havr Ismkd together in a to-

A )o|»crative club. Thry brought two trucklogflt uf food a lung gnd will run a boarding house for ihetu-small ifCtiun uf Um* Iron rad

of th# hlstunc balcony 1* aLlR selves Lloyd Kelley uf Welling In use In the main building ot ton is president of thr club.I!! L .. -J-JL—1 ' ^ 11


tvparta Halitar

GIHlJj' ATIILKTICS Tlir "diiHlul* u( f lr lr ' *th-

l,lrr vvvnU *t Iht Junior High Sth'oil l* brine c r r l r d out

out I tori] In l* ,t K rtrk f'iitaur of Th- li-rs ld . Tb*M hnjulr callnl (o r o r f»n l*»t lo n of Athlrtlc Club* for lb , f lrU . »nd urv-n liA llon of lb— club* « M < ffrc l-d on To«*il*y > ft*r* noon o f thl* w « k . A t lh*t lim a tb , tn llr , group of f lr l* » » * dlvldfd Into four volltysaU U*rn * of t s t lv , str l* to t p Uam . Th* M pla in * elect of th- four t**rn» i n A* fo llow *! T **m 1, Jun, B ry ** ; T ,»ra f , Madalyn Tralocki T**m I , L duIm Parkin* 1 T **m 4, P * n ) HooUhmn.

T b — iMRt* Dl— t ot 1:14 0B Tbur*4*y», Bitd

O mbUs promptly ot 4rM. AU S m f l r l * « r « roqulrod

ihlrinx .---------- bav* b r»o ST-,

»t u l b4-


4 -

audlvncr - I* *1— *ya

wolC), tha- I'Uy.H i . o rB »n l,»llon ol tht G irl*

AOilvtic Club la * 1 follow*: j-rvald-n l M * l« CrookVic* P - W - n t CUyda Forptuun

H tcu U ry and U — u »«r ...- Apn*o Urlnkloy

Uaarut_______ Bobort MocrU, Jr.1H>YB A T H U m C S

T h , first round of pUy he*

bo-n conyiloUd for lb* boy* ‘ In tb* »tv «n U i *nd * !*b t r r »d « « .PI on* now coll for o roraplM* rotollon o f «Xo boyt o f both ■rod**. On klonrJoy o f 4b* tom- ln » wook ooch boy (bo ll b* u •Ipnod lo on* o l lb * major aporu ot - b k b > 4 net y «t pl*y*d.

Toumomnnl — ullo n f Abo *4v- ontk prod* boy* fo r 4 k t in t thito w*«ha o f ocbooU a n « fa lk w a i VolUpboll Chomp Iona, T u rn No. t, copUlnod by G o o n * Uuyho-i

k v - r ^ - a • V - ' s V

Mtooia ! t ihutur s, ginul pay, ex per imice un-

P B T E R fP E j^

TM i


y m mA

. . —

C T \

*■" J>r 1 ’

■ ~ ~ -UU-'IWWU

ff»» ‘ -r*--------- - - — -

sanfovd b h a u , flAivnnro. tu m b s k

V at* B ro th e rs Sche( • * JuTlowta*j nrt&isr) "p v a tn ig i

**T w » f d by IK# | r «t ib uf the 1 tmra.

It w»* indiratMilan* — Sunday And M

. - ►** r- i*i"» ■»pe* * . v j t i - z i v 'u v r

*“'»• •**-


T s S tea l Shout A t D e L a n d ^ ^ z ^ ;: '^ l^ Z ^ Z ~ . ,.e fmnda j t In 3rd S eries T ilt la Ik* biuultuldro'

W t K t CnmnitUf. » -,'v.OOtr™

AJ CjmCs

■fin SicDtLand Be-la •iiinn* Hit | fntir | H n h »." <'iw-iunt ft— ti * l—rpttuai huiiiH in D t U « l *la,aij tD » t nf tan .buw at bTua FUkl in Util city b im um a •moon mhvn tll»* It—u. mvic Caana Indiana in tihi Util** m o f th" HWi CantraJ IF Turin— Bi bail Ltaj^ia ciiaiitpi— alitT Thr ganti- Marin a t .1:i(0 ' a'ttutli.

BUI, il— linMPia'b la—iln « ban tiT anil itc. ntuat valhaMu n i m will ha an thr mount t— t—' a t»am h«T» bwan ahlu tu (Han unit* a m tfiia araa-'B.

Ait juat iwthmail' Cam w tuu■ earn fill (lt » t m m with tih. Mm nrapulla M lltm n f thu .V n a n m Antociatitm, .will <tb tita uaitiltimt aa o f alii.

Ailkanc^ imbllcity iinltmim Hir lu m a ’l larsatt cnrnv/l' W k u i tlla I-rilz bralftiira arw fninuliw* f»vnntim in Dot-mi, ami thr club jrmnii**riiimt haa *l>— £ nu affnrt tn l i t lha Dun innw tint that MU' ahtl AJ wilt la. flifhintif >ha tnllana tnmumiw.

A b itt lh Bryant Bnmiar o f b w - Vans' will ba Itaak. mb ahnrf ftir Ok- J.ani I, ami Jtm llnukmiy a f l.una- burs, thw All-Star main iTnitl! haaaman, will ba an thiul hut iiu- ca . au that Hi, t.amlliuiu ti-aui llm* a (mint' intamatins 'ha ir in tllu »n m ,

Mbnaiftir Jiihnmii Ihilhnitit liuti | not- iltrultd thm miirtiiiu: tvltwlha*'

■wind mil Striohlbnil ilan** it |thf Hitil* who pntimih' hftn hit- In hit* I Mat Tlimlay, ar wlhttbar fn

- tlwrk Kjll'uy. fiirtm t lr lui'ur ity mT Fliinila, 'tui <vllu Inn- litani ainif stwat (un> <11111111: 'In. niu.t:

ba a f thn wtafaui,Stnukland. a ni’ lmmn

o f play in tin . ia ana nf In-

pttchara whan Hi 1 hr waa oomawhui tiro-1 uttnn

juntalllnB til 1 vn h*r •)<> aiotiinil ahamiiiunalnti w t allmmt

i obvinua fhol I mu r ui'tlay. « r * aiw M im who It a y that it

u-ka tumult'itv Ini*11 vat: ffn. 'ban with uln.iii flan Mila,

band tbam ihmr vauumt 'ami-

^ 5c*i>*le Hick “ Lbfti Finft Grid : T k By 12 T* 7

L a t e feu

.'Saiiiiiinlii lliit*t Sitlmnl ulflu'BiK} apimaitl itl* Eltttt}. AmPtiall vofeviiii i

gn arga l of IvrmJ- m cloM ia tta Ontmd Mat iw . U lr ^ u « a > O .ludsmanv #nur U . far a Irm at iw g a n - nrM l a * “

S 3 » f . . tnmd n » A U I .

Atrtu'ipwtmt aiwa-rllaaiaa m - mi-* at anda mlhnt a iTnM anraka af H:,P<>a i b i Com

. luiowuranrv catmakr that i h l ) willt a l > C S neri! fTivIBk O*' t lu w i«b taxation

iftimitana'll with thr burltmt, tin m-« Imrlya't aalla l a tta iwpaniittuai of mluuil BWkMi l a * ■uan laat v.-ar tr ytaa ial n » i ai air «a|a'imi 1 arinaa am iu itn luror Ivu'i' p-unvd aa t n ^ atmul

•ftn* oHIiirtiiiiv I t a f aamili r~i— r

it<4 f i n tthat arbool

a. fu-nr thi a*trra<-rk» |>!»i ■ na, n « - r r m j d l o r i d tf Ihvj a* --11 to touch am of thr trrc- or a wot day I

After CTunltnr A f *rtbr de*trsr(1iin *f » n r*ld iunmt« •1 thr mur ai '!»• tint* H«^r!e » l » f Firmt S t*w y f m n *ib -n rr* tw«trortctt * * rt |jur*»niht » ch»«*irni*n»r«iir * n* thr Ctfm*»rr C meni) Bnndirr u i>«t i » > » A * '< ‘

•ItvipDinic 'll fiiiiWl i Hirvtiic fitiiAkrrl n «llrrti t** mili *»•BSortth iiithini. m : IuhrcutfttT Up m tLS ’< tunin’

A pmdbun •i||Mininr '**T Ulilir ■eun *na*- m— m «i1wiu dbmthMiri im rtMwtTimiiit mu SiinnmiU>V cmiIks. bacL bit* punt: Ulnuiwii ip zht hi**mat. pi SaiJtUiR jiiiapirin Win uttuMttttfltflimp nW l 4«tii: vui»i:r*iit«: iti mumi. ^ rfh* ipwi Him tie 11mi«f Mtitki im i|III" nm Stinttb np-'i-m w i’wm its tri- 1 mwnant- Ant jii# [Wui iff tihr ifpmr

mil! (UuikllB hWlWi mutrlMfHtl ’tu

ration. iw nm ■<i it. .’Id i . 1*Hirruw him* “ a*. awy 1hut thr rut h i:i coiHkmnthr penperil if »t * V •t n w w 'r-d to fftfln a rr-*>* ra»t. ‘ ’me.

k r l^n*- » a • ■ nM ••CJrii o* t**c Vi " ma r\ • -*<iiw «tK«*e R whew 1' Ibtinid Sttii-p**•dvmrtof thr i •■PM tO . p*■n ra lha*thr j*n-W» **f hu- - rif-. |irmrt«dhi* wm ing

Thr « M*ff*r *■» % oled It*

r»miiUuirr» fm thr pu if T *«' '• Q in urrnrr « ! thrir t*r*

Hit thiptu'tinrifts. hf-rr i*. “ .rnlLiriitmi nf much Tm thr runnnc

•vituirfU ltinrs, WiudK. u^*4 nut

urUutunm »w*tt«c iff ibr c*.|T\• nimiiuwiirm. n iTtn

S**!u- \ u? Hluniruml Juilx*» S %M iIlciiTHiiih iiffUti nil 11(1(1*^, unit

nil t»rrrutiimi l?,> «tinrnf*i » urul ml-

•M’tld 1‘Hlrf nf f'ttJHi Ln| I* H ll huttT* tn U bfwn Mi! i t'IllrntKtl *t 1*1 I UP» I ’hlf'f* Hi la> l*|c*w% lElr lu'tthn-% m^nt h I fn* r%|w t *«-- *1111 ** |tu»d

» i-?i m trrr<{ w t ii 'r * • •f thi ft «t m( •tuin'mr <iM »• |»«irtne ScH mhI Mufn'.al i l»rur> hinWmr and lh m i* r i nrk- f«lpnt uni rr|*a > i » *r *tiirik ri cl •»* t ,*4 d i |t* (if Im-*Milt hi*»11 «n I Ink. t i rut ip

IFniium *m ftia- HI. juuwii lnar mmit twllminniia it u-a. $Ulu

*t 'iliiiHALi ml mm*iiimmi’h

-* IT3 IfJlfc

tw« luaiim vail! muni ni afffMn on aim at

nn HhupHbp EP litn--------------------- juttlh : 1 bA i»>oi

, tUb fbmtia null KH liftuk Hn Slunlav nunaUv All -ea­

rn <art liflU ntfthwJit MUTiB m«i tilpfitlJl ftir tilpr aa well tus « mitvUJ Ji neeatirrtH.

w n tu t*hi 4li> paril llmr ^wmiiuil* nir*r anmUliiUj nit 1 uu>blm» and- t— [jmsmm-e nn *jtm Hi.unbnnr ’■man*- iiillumd cm

B.U«*tta vwttl* .u IliinliffiilliJ 'liit tllriltifiie muidJhrtH • littcllttMv i r(n•uiinu btuilk 'III' Htu rfifbn Hitt th'-u ♦ITraaictrtz flirut llimm. Util! I,'t,

rr*1n A«r *tt»r .nrtm .»aui«llHwlali

If nunifjriip irti a jim ituu liuui. ‘Eh. tM»u 'I'ltnif* Huiiibti n> Hit iiimillt hi

Hl»i tlnllJl ijitlili niliMM -in Chi »uttii hi Hilt ftlrtlt V«U|UI|| iitiiliiiiunr* nujnir,|r»m| 4i if,i, 4lr iituuru,liunu- 4iii1 umnuiatl! *u fltwt jyprlk 1«* fiHU 'tu v.ut Uumti

ifuillllir m W£iliu HiTX (tiiMli I c - • III(U11 (lUlllAol! Hhi HhuI Him Ahrritn tih fftilii»ua ItliPtta- hum* .aAUIi h rain* if: •■iiu nm* tu ♦n'Tun. h it 'hiiniimilt k *fl vuufli ihim

b UimiHtlhiVti *(lnpii wu* i umui iIt Winn. JLkimHiuirr utM**»‘Hifii * HHn *w4i t iiacwt ,*mti mi. HL ^u«ih t h I imirtliitiMf-it >unfj Ui it m Hi nm mi lln-"rttlfcfc ||*ll lit? Illn 'fill -W1HM H' Ik i"v iiiiiiiilti** iham ih* klii i luitS

-ridiMl;tfaiJV ill. HNi m i"mil 1ml* T*«*»i*

fihIii flunllik*!) Htu UmiIi «u l! tltuum-«•* t»W*ir*Hh DTlintl t|t>i|«an A»MH*iti»ftlrrir*ij il4, *. 111111 HU vJtluMi Htimi|h 'III '*l«ll|IUi|itij)

Vwituniifiu tt» himim* mniai Hhn* * V'liiii ! {.iniin iiltn* 'hilni in in h - miiuUi k jytuU tiltw Shim

'♦Nlansr* id aiwrftmn ulfirial* WtbU

i K ’Muai iff •Crw’U . Iirulr*--

■ ml



D e t r o i t A h e a d' “ °r «0’rT"mOTUd ‘nH 0,h*By Sin p ie RunIn (ith In n i n g

iCevtlMAFff r r*to r * ■v Owe •llrifivafin 1 Ttf tl•n hit »n(i« a dmw , pi i y a fine ttllW- n ligh t bylu rgr* ■ h- ca he M Fni% .iff *nand N it r jn - ! i*i* hit*. n*t error*

• h c i r - Hu •rrefl hii! a h*»tn*‘nm into h* rig ht field1 h lw h r . '! ** wav «*r *Tt»rik (till. f n a i r to* 11 luck mi?, and Hack went down

ngt ng t*«* <l>n«r tun, nne hi*.

***r «u :is tfr « oor yet ir i i t ib l f .Etirupe'i tn»ubl#i tended to tr*

• -tm .n thr ardor o f ati<k market fu ll* , n ter nipt in g: the boom Intertuny price* which followed an- luuinsement of thr "breath in* tpcll" for imkiatry. but other in- licr* continued on thr whole to ner.

Constitution Issue Is ‘Cheap Demfrogy,’ Says James A. Farley

third Inmiuffsingled pa*1

hud on White**irn l In

t o e iS V I L L C . Ky , O ft 5 . - l/Tl l ,"vtni»*tcr (konoral Jarncv

Kariay cha-ywl today that the Ro-•!•**■ n the mime f a » r line a* I pub!tean*' ”*con*tltlltti>n issue*’ was

*h*Hir)i 11 htie a i l cui •rjiu g1 i*»li *chrap drm igivgy" 'ionic u*rtl tn at retih it .nfii 4 ijdulilr t i <hran. | Irfrna# o f *pcc»al privileges.•tr*w » « * 'V * "d rr»»*.|#-r #cowd I Driuocraiic national chair-

*»r h nn eer* •bniblr f*» crater I nan ia a iprech be fo r* Young <w**-Iin » * « «a lk r*l li* fill th. » Vm orratic t'lub* o f Kentucky ^ '* * •'Ul Fm f** m l i i rh fa M a [ M'oyJ his attack on Form er Prrsi* h* p at* l asare-lta t.* Ha nel’ \ Irm Hanover whom hr called “ lh »

»n-1 Ik.-icrll «tru rb ***i» Ihw run I lender and, spokesman for the op- •liner hit** »%*• r r io r i I ponliork** Farley said of M r H cn>-

» hiiagii Ju*gr* m i « .*uf), thud| *rT "H e takra hia place at th# • 1 i*t I ar let.mi Malkr>j m i ( | hradl of thr p w n m t n . prating

d ■»» fi»*t »* h« n «;a laa p>rke .c he old hackneyed phrases tha: i# Jurge* l i d H um an p«*p

I** .t t.. M «rn N»« run*, iw hits. i.

M i­ lls

Ilf* Mill John Mr!*# h ♦ ' o ISrcjM* - in at the Hoaii! ■•# C mu*

•o tolimPM <1iliiliM* mn • i toVI nil in•*d 4* tw h*-ld a!

a 1 *■'■!». ll • Him n ril lli'IMlat TM"u<' thi riVbto k

A B f b tm th. S*mole County r**j hut «h o 1,«* h . n called foe po— ibM data a - • f -J real rour* p n u tu Hr laud im H

if * b ludarafed ti^y i Mt irn* will lease Womnia „ f ittiart

llm dlat...... litic-ltiilmr Ktrta-1 tWaum « „((„•*» tTl<dit«' me btMlai■»< e t irW r1 natittvaL RSI ..Hi.’ vi rw r i f ■ M.indmi

I uvmuflfi of ffcMk*l«A huiUlini. **.iiu Hilling Ut'litn. ft ,|il«o* iiTifl -dlwries

*>»:..SuiMrt id I-Itv T -nrHww*T f l ,w

niMiirfetiam**- ««f nutnanpnrilitrH" f l .nun

im p i * ad VILA |i*mp«» la*i omu UU!iAUrnUiJ w p in e s . g!2«N(

lighting Mini repair* t«* i.iiuii'mritt, SH.fUNJ

liwiiraniT,, moludmg fir* auto iniitilI* a id W o i in a n * 4 oinl•**11-Milt(• ill„ gliJNilll'

if i * v m i* m iff pm law«:Hik(>Uh

hlvvMiuu 111 fleeg".fdS>

[|liviM(*iti i«t iai*ks hitpritiirwii s *•••

alf polf eiiirrwe*HUviwkii- of pulilu

miiiiuitimiLf itrnaill Lasurluoi Meiuoi ia peraidi a- chairman

PllonidtaJ naaiiUrnaii -* l : JMI

I S « a i » « i ittimHNhk a«*il ** knit lehmann a IJ I.ij««im a. ftLd*tC ,^j»rak»** M u r r n r m '. i -

•niua^iw all |iui|Mmi*h f-1 MMt 'I T.iihmiy ami nuim wita*** of an

raaet. *JO«Jttajanwnt isi|an*MHv and IhumIm

• city aiupl*v«a> at tin- i i’| Had

1. S. Courts \Y i l It

tortured our cam during the four l l ' v w yearn of inertia and hu­man n k fry .*1

' '* « _t-Wi I l f i B f d

I tsa1

I n I e r veil 1 ion In - War Demanded By

Kthiopian Ki l l erSf'd rhild Itafuati *r* -

pru ItoCtiHuffi 4a ■ t |i. th 'iii

pmliM-lii'h Member* of *W U n « - * p - 1 «.| V » \ \SupervuMri Itomil ..f Ow Ato# . 1 1 * Hf ..*

Sdjhm Slut* Fur met * U in i m ' i da k**t 1 1 • » t*■uulxitvna nr. ar* «ehufiul«Ml 1- o*eei at me » A • * *

kn tiffiFr or Ufotida* *■iff hi ai '1 • .lit 1 ' -IA

IiiMUlfh m u fi •flCI n'rlock ir a -*#-•* ••■•'i ••, *■* - tar IIwhich Hurry M T a p * or-th toil! i *i .f t

»|r* B'**C 1m iw r I

f aaaffti laaaagVtio»| 11• rn and I 1 aft*.*m filed

• »VV“ * urn- « . J „ 1 v i ( i ,H S frn llT (Vt h. ,41

H . . j V f l * ' " 1 W b 'lf la 'l* » r r r aalkrJ only | ■and it7 ( a s e s tei i *• »■ • <vhii»f 01*41

; Defaulted I5onds .h’..-„',«,. *nJi*t wrrr mfwld .«at ■ .n.| Ih-ma i

fiMiilrd out to 1 * to 4|ih u m , iii» hit- no « tm*

I it ll* Im ififIs !fi*it tichrvnirrr ***01 . n

*!»••»« f 1* f »* -t* anil !• ■•-tin 4*n*l !••( l*"fh |M*p ♦ h o t I

1 1 It M 1

* igfl

I 411 atli ni|Mn] Corn Jurgr-!, IMl! I 4'lrltUi *1(114 k ■•*'

f*»a!«n flie ! im I tc <»osiir. One hil *u« run*, ih' r*M*i*

| 4 Kogrll aim! Oam flic '' 1 • “rhi itul i lifloti a j* * j l

*’ * * ml » hen t»a .hn dr*•p|nr«l m >m I n left I J r fton t c n i f 1

*'.rii Ju ig i* l- 'I 'H . ,1 I fiiKarl *


? II 2*

K i

w i% t f i t - .. sD'i

ia . ii« anif** m

• -urt* h. ti l

. !*.ii


ut l Jill 4*. * 4Ni- 1 4!»•*, IM* ll-"* Ho * l« •4g;o » a ia re i'A •mr U i|i toIf a* k t-'I'l** ■' »v < i.*« h « ***.

• Ik


W ill't I hake and Johnny W htwoodVlei..phi« hall players, wUl spend the winter month* officiating a t foot ball foniests

OLB PEOPLE find way to keep breath

wholesome \lUBtob (had kaath) qricUy fWda ta Uateriaa, u f *

1V MAwr I t i l mt Maw— rkl Ik lw Ia a M * , I—*4 IrtawplMU*. ms tk* «a*rt»f ai taka W*tk. *M

•• k>lh—y LU4 trw«ikj.

r l ii i

•f !t.

t a l e Wi l l M . Divided* Says

F a r r i s li->'*•» StntU ir i l l l Rmi'nlt (• mu

ttu. d lttnct iltiw not fttmo.-, •» ati.ftaA ii u n it Hvimun naaiiiwu"' A* laid t*r ( l lm d o wivnim itn ehm Iiractura at Utvir bauiiu.ii k. <ni nil >

H<-'■■mint to- atuttu r .u ,m ii"Irfi-IIOK* tu tli* mr.uiavrn: -li.duaalun ,<f divJtUnif Flurvla, ut »<«•* ■n u * n —a tA t ilia >u> 'Ibn itiat Hinith Htiintih- wilt a,-> frail away ftvnn lha nurtfiaru '* f ih- "lata htvwitoa <iPl(ta .............tu i< nf tha capital and' iiu ciu-rftu niitinaj itiattlulhmn.S« aalor C tm ill auumltal a. >1*

ru- <■ , * - > i ■•HIM' It

tl.MIamt' >


! rat to imlu o m arHUt ’t f tha IUi ojmratr it llama bon it ' Rtla llu-i- fUw nmti.u- ill 'llaaw • » af tiini- 4*inr * » Uiuninalh- tioj- urn lutbrw* hum ««TI thin.' gaily HaMtflidlt' •>i>iaiiil f ill ILo.n. mirb tnywhorw,'* UatWM'Di Bhtt Wt.uMll IIIIIH /Amdh

Dor It ti nu that Mt Hu. w.41 it mrr, tndlililte, .Ml" non. tot' nidi that: la

lilt Ilian.,

*. i f iit—i ! ■••'■*! i , » ' illlllJId |*

a .* 'adaw IK o— . t...** ia ,l,- aw i *e*iuicl 'iota* Hal JJaralk' ofiiiMii n » * »-•»

IfMUIMlri' lltlMHl (OfrwMiiuiii.u MwaMh-

_... WUStlltok *mil*«i?»l IV.-M rtk U.o4 rf»«SM4l'*Mw

naff U**oaU! 1 tw 'k** «#f nunia*

'I I Ml*—-.' 11*1

I HntiWllM'l' thi lull! lit’ 141' h i * iuiuohi uidl »uii*Ioh ' m hunslmii

<l >iHwii 4'uiC llllt* rtitr*t1liitl'HUP '1* 1U*M| '111 i|*Hll'

I Up «A. i f .i MB to i iii W lo

ttd 1 4 i id 1' I'liiii" * lid!1 l it* 1 n il

Jumito*. H hFsrntaC I no IT im »«o

Hi.- .not ;»i uointt in llmr 'iiu * i" i * * *-tiiuii .ai * il! vJioiti 1* 'W|tt t^hi'iHlo ..min* rnulhli .k

Hu* i»||eiiini* im* ni' H*»i lit*4n i ni i ml in* wit i ii in Ik* nr **' tftHitinli M l'lvH lu ilI u i H H ' lit ifll III! i f l i* i it »

'If 4Al' ll FP' If*. Hkovt 41 lAAV mod tilh II* ll**Mi*« !M1iIH||m hi lit 4!twin- • i i 'i i in »* -mnlam. H 'nam ALueton il li. 11 IfUBvni llturiifUiant*- oli ll Tfki.h ‘'llsnu Monj^‘ VMHllniiito in 11 H, lltill. W.Hhaim* K T HU IhoBk H*nI (‘It ill’ \'i If, tllil Illllp ^nllltotVt ii!II H.

iiodlfr iic'-HiOtnuilV*' *v»o HlirtwHl n 'ly Hlo -inini*It* inn Hifoitpli

Mdiiehi kfeiu-lito itoto a. nit tiuii uhUnull! (ft h i» Hailt lu ask n aur> mum*. Hiu lit*

w j J t iiu l tie tu lh ihntp ^ndJl nnetuiladl **»tih 'ftfito i l l— in m i t o iM w ith sOaJliui uiUaViu

lu l-hnulic! uf < otn111''re* il!i!” til I ait*** lion**>i*tiw | MillUillfA ,-\|M«nw* gOtNil

i mil lingo lit “fmiiK. gll.lMMi| tu JJWi

*l|o*c im l i t m a t i**D- it it«l f it nc i* < * *1 i iTill In 1(1*?**! « I mIi IIIIlM ||H(<r

4Jw*m» mvonuar*. *lf tin Htol*'i f»* I—ft morn, (||NtrSU4 (to n ^Maiok unit uf *fiwifdlnunti a>•wltt CM1 1inn.i*r| >‘m m iuu ’. of f -*

miMi* TThi- |j:|fliir»iwrrto 'ltoU'w—*ii (tic

nMAtnnu— null «*m |*m nd Ituri-w. nfthe vWatio f)feffwrtHH»ni will u-

rfn» paavnuftit uf m!er*-Mino iMiwik — Mill f— ft— nim iruili n in loljiriMotnoiill ni th* waitu VC«ode Uiluiu

' CVnf Fo -n ia i .mini 1 1 (lBH**if ( orii me* r» to hi ( *♦» i n**-* #fiS1 A ngllw! lit* *if| 1 1* * Ml, I v* a*

i laiiin»imre«f tie-re i i 4 « i 1 leet in** *off irer* « i IS r*irti* dui ih* ti .

j meet lltg a r i (.A Id o l. %.•Utl^ Millit *Kl- • h i \I fT* I firtr* (.an K. 1 i •rtifiA.iih"re*i i1* ii ll *11 Im-* iitw *iia 1 Of,thr i*o«ii»g team at M a ■ O'Hi ittart In-irtut, mt %iat i*iti * A .• hi* p>twi*iin it to a* ■ firmit * 1Im*** t"da> tko'Mffl Mip*i \\ F

| «| t m tta *■ • I I Ik Fit* *| *•*•|! I-.M.I-M '

• r * ii *»f h*H i*t "la l. I (It . . *Hi I I . * I ■ #* fiir’l' ‘

\ — —

• to i•I*

n **i olr

mm* H Iw ln ia * to ill a f l o »W *f— » tof—■it%|to'ek iwkrMM 4mm t« Ik* f*r— tall— *4 Iky

I Wl. 4 U * M — ll, I—lit. me 4—l*J flub• * * " I* * VV || t r to to lked 1*1* * " * * * '" *, Tk* mt* aMWpUi —4 o«kk

« li am- f '.*( o' «,, i,a!an (In. U? li*i n** he ■ ... , t** h * Bf£<' ll * t.iator

r hi a p.f m eiii t„#• h* inafr r < iaii|fh a

- lari i* H i * ■•* ■ i n « hr** d ',!

* .m. h ’ i,.

ui aftu(iii|i(J ii*

I lilt d stiff f*"d * pc aim* i

»!* im k tint * •eh* ififfoi

M*r1 — far*K«. •

Baruch Sa>s Thill H i t l e r Is World’s (■reatesl Me n a c e


Business It e p « rts Progress D u r i n g “Breathing Spell”

« O l l l M d l i N ik t . | A I*»t* fhr i-flrl ill thr f If w| month

r m lit* n! Hi**l**e«r|r« H.I • al hf-IJ a

d l*fa.

•wry I to** pi IW** A*)ra, rnm ■hwlii mtrnsm wfc.J— ton la -l— vem .?**■•§ A lio* tl c u ll mm fmmmsni Cto. a loAtoU. Id*.

Dwr't offesd otkea • Check hditosts attfe liSTQUNE

alisura | iwai I’ -r ( "**


F F llnuwhoidet |i*r ■ f miwy I—- filed a miiUiin f**a « *e*af i rn l***lmlf «*f In* rli*‘fi«f! Ik iughto Alii! Mr U-fi I |,*m ■uramwr ulnim a .eirruit e*»uri mi \ a war dr.! >ff*« nf SI l,ll|4 tto.i to— »iitoitmn f *i*-4f II J»•-(4irii! l irial Th* vr'rint M l- I* n*|* ,

- tl a *he* kup »h**w rif toa * *h 1o day* to n r liiutkr• '.**#I ff of * ro *•ur Aging re

ft iff! i’ , 4 IfO-M• Hal finA-in- * *.‘*l p.f Htola-l rial pr«*g*4 1Uf* » hr |M'»*•*( h A to Alt

r inh a

u ni * ir i ’ton*. ‘ Mar


cntinilA- *»

**-r r a ni tu rani ’• *ema

'iminwii ■•imiihm

Tin *( iiniiiiiiMiiiiitoito aiitluii isnl (asm of Jim Su|M*tna k »i»iiIh* |hit#Him*» uf 13VMN* wtirlh *'f Ann Jtw Hafoitvnek J* .*.f p*ir*Minaal ,|irn|w*t*tv tito«nffw»»e* nniiffUiHrto. ium *iti(n*ft « t Im aild Ulr T ie Haiiif(*rH Jnnm* * hiri*1*-* fruekun I'm iri'U T||« Cm plalU 1 mnmrffre *m |J h-.l • it* , t f

•H UA if h Ittn u n , aon,'<in ail movtlnr , l tIta \,l,|r , II,,. y"m •■*• 'flnafly 'bat" ■»•!* '■• lit> m.-ln at a iti .

•aillartt rm pivaaulallvw uf Ih, 1 L. atjavti-,1 that tlln«.| th im .TW U, to iU lT , Uf t .t i l .

m dll mum t "U|ra i mar Ih* ell* fan in* Mll„ ,tj

*“***“ ’■•' a*.nine drivt M |. Ral-.rn P , . . ,* ! ’ Imftmtm «taw d lb - <rf ,ht utl<M>

a n t n w i w t w w ill, l b - C|.t . . fulluuaOM* h« lauil |snirtleiA ***n Owl ________'the u1t> liuil hwarti madmt* «n ap .pnipiMtimi urttuauDu in ipnil *cl Hit I It iwit -as ml h* tiuall' the aui:_ ■**•* i*riH*ArT Will r 114TV*« Ill'll i ''than I l f Him*! 'tw wall ell *•ti ' eniMiUtiT ■ansa*11 tni Hie upMU 111 lilWTtotol Iiu* *hMto fin ing

, |sm i ttirao yutai-I I I 'Lsnum i a h " *u


it i■at

owl I•**.| I.

a 1 •

I W -ill |

( < » iir1 I ' l i i i i i r i i H T o

. M o n i ! ; n \ i M l A . M .

ut»i »' 1* |*> lr i


It*** Fdw sxl H F**»dhi Julio. * iOiritraJ at Inn ltol.uM.HMr ar ill


W it *

liwiffw a * i'l i *i * *****» I (* I* flu* y eh x i nd | >

tt. wiw.Uld " , * A aJi*** -• Alii a il I- • ll* w

Neutralit* rnigram(>l l . .S. ( .Ills I-irni

•we* • a • a •

to a *"la»

|d' *'k *t.f & * * -

Hi to- iP- iriJUiM

♦ to ! (i*i ClniNuau* wti*«

(|m *»h iit-im* Mil

H d M iBWAf.H, <m i.

Ill llutlliil', nItl'MVlI. HJlJlUlff Ir'urthx ,1

lltuvln i t a M i-a....ina I t.nti.Hi

— lit- rn..—e— WI. i l l...,,^VVTU ■— ' l*ai wati—vI

_____ ‘ l l tr HUMIto sanito. * a* 11 as - llm * '(U ||HU M toe fldl I in hut "toto to u u n *#r, It .«»», illlv ^ 111

igi muruags JJJJ J ^ k y e jwei nu W1ttll *sfkwi « l » w il l nuniWi *»nu 4B

dklFlk •ffteekia ut fIffkunih tlmiioe Ituit m pnjfuet t

while aullur * u—Mlua ihkuiflnffll llunie ||pa# l.ihrury ■lu ,|mii ftiTUAagl w I thm the'hau lhsr«

Iksp'M lraf -atli a reeniMiH g ir ilUm.k Uf B »ui

I hut I lu


tiremcbtof Hi the P*d|> i’ ..f H F!\ HIM n ^ i i ii r> * -U f |*Af*. •iwal fTlun » a tl * •:< m (H«"‘ V 1 i i * . . 1 M 1 r tt |» law1 1 no «. clurk •Ftvirr 'MiMfri •« t U %1'V • * HI I f - mlnot ruing It - f* * BBl)"ur*' o f 'e • It l* * 1 l«f 1* 1 M*ti 1 fill.uriia) i»y Ur•» Marlin J It p • «i «. III* t -i* *4l|r H (I K

hur(fevll'4>OuJiil< nhUfhi

_ Ja,-"3MM b late22irs?,lfcr *W« ff'

l»*4i«u nf th* t tiurrh lie* Fiiiii a fnria«i*r chief uf thr l.iuri fH*«dtoi 'llVHMK lit the duf'iin I ( to H., rot ir too fp.m. ihaa u »« *rDUaeii l uktoHII IL ytour- A fB uild FO t***<d

•Ih. (HiuiAtry a id km Lu* .irto,, krld pni|Mir Luni pHltHiiu Ml Ulf IWiawure He M‘le h r Witrlh 1«j (torus‘th« ti|>»«*mpui • hurch thete to. l n la r

ugre nMT# **f

• k*4ii. • tn Mai

TW | *»*dr*i1 '•at hi* f*i*l>< > ■••Ut nu.l 'hr | ii

llto ditto *w*» . ' i f f o • wrcliiW'Mite t*.

pu>tuv ufat hr m 11*.

k f * U li *

•ll d«


.tbfull —* * | ; titan A t o K a ' i i l l

tin.r>—tbfullliftti l a m * m.'1 ____ _

l a t o t o M L W U iamu* >*ftonw r rrwttwil te— a . l t o i t o ^ ^ j ^ ■UUTt O SUVI (

I, tbimi. gu.-H.*.,;

Vito*. II•Wilt 'irficaak d f

ml Hdtffet i(kk Uf vt Off king 4Mg.• h r n*bj

Hn ffrvtti u* t(to­ts

'lu ■foithmHi; Hugh* »*4w

Hie Itadd iffi|i*iriHii INkl ffligi H) .TtklsMm- hud U0dMt tike juts*-«i pluitl

iml 'hull

Thr iMit.i' .hip "leakr fel***,,, *• Ike lain.! buut aUfted tv fBhersrier uf thr hi John* Rivev

i|^ I huff town Haitfurd aroi J»ck».

fee ^1,lr U Wm* t m a ^ ‘ ••‘bat Il*».formurty fW *‘Mhy| Ds#u"

___ OpuruUU out uf Norfolk waa pu*ChuAud rauently by uffa. aula uf th*

^iMr end hua Iw-ii furiaudtliuou i H f -3 l k *wu u f • f h n of o e »fB h u t ,

qjMMIed by thr mrupuny which Ahla w inlai plan* to tnuugura,*

illy freight bout * r n it Uf buw The buut ha* m . A

I Iii l uwa

IBufw4hm#nU will be acrvrJ

i uiitla ni i sifn" k* pi hi"tol * U n i i-if «lr%ri'»pl.... . l* 'lh f '*♦• ikft and -I'.iwf' I m I! " It i a

“* fivc il Ihr fir ut ’ urtiljr u.tb* many month* |« • • iuael sm,tu* aider at o> to n a liiiA ' i l l s i r i .

War Casualties Set At ThimsaiHls Slain



i i l l 1 1 * 1 * 1 % .

**rf 1,- i- rit* 4

• r i"- j (iht' ■

"to ftoiff 11

• ai -<v* - • d l*. f gbi « •

h -ul f Its • m, to

V a r r I l r i H - i 1: h»

• llll* • t(> I u c 1 • j l r o u . '

. « , i M «*al < (Miiitr-r

io »u u n d e r th«


O P E Ni ii i r N , * .U aiM K isii. nt

N Y n K u t u r i t H r ( i v u r a t n l


.t iiu lln11 M i l l I T S

* . > !-< i I I I M i K K N 'S

r i I

35Itm irr

I I ) r a r t ) 2 5

I ia a - inH A i m U I s


H a v e V o e r ( korkt A l l

W a l r h w H t p t lm i U j

O a c W h o E r a i l/

H e w


.Su m n i j iu ih uf

At* toJHUr tto -|"to e f 11m (<BLuvra uf lbe llmadu) »U (n gU .

U lV lM 'S Ik !I uni'll) |jr* t j « j * • » • !*ed (Wr Hum I* i l ll*"luring Lh* fight me 1between IammB I m !»*■*

Tbffue figKd.r««' «|.|i*rrniIjr ia*wf can ragu* and uf< riifiri rporta, and no a a n . *»• rt'

i** finite (Irlnilf » e n »■ *••*! fl

AP . — -•timut •uuuird opia at

G . I. F is c h e rW h'1 M ill i p c t m i l i '

juur ratii'p iiPV '


roo IV. 91 h I ’liu n r H&O

AnnouncingThe la t U U i lM 14 A He A il LU —k, T ra lle s u t* k * * l i r < i * K * U 1 1 A r * l . M aklar On- Ihr » i * 4 cam • I He « k f ia I 'm lr t f Me*

S e m in o le

Park gt o n u r f r U !


D a SCHOIX-S____ Ok h i WI


U & A \ *cm*, —t a


WITIt *1 A N w /“ *'\

“" I rf. ,V v ^ '

E«1 *iT *.

CORSICA/f frsnc*)


S C A L i O f M l k f t

' ■ ' t f j r t T t r V i %

j f e r r m w b A

v l y I* V 4

I,, i-t, |’n>i \frtrail mhipasj'fi H um lm U of thauMndi t*fi«n rriTint il in I nlian r^Joinr* Inn»!#•■ inif Kthmpia. In *or,

-hi* n<>t iiii 11, irt| i and In*- ii piajki lit turn of more than .f llit l \Vhdr n.iuh i u i muht I*** itrt|HirU*dl U 1*1 jr ha-* ♦mifaito n- -in.I « « • *■ n,i"H'ir * W n . n u . ! I 'h i b Photo*\

F th i* i| o n

hut if* rii » popiiJfti n'Mpart by if l l i t lijti.-l nni«‘ mi|*«»r

. .,u,||i. .1 With III* most * v a ntt'd implement, t I Lf Ik I in I to .1 . * *tl i l l lit i t ’Ml l>f

*i» w [ iui\ an to rr will he in Ih.HU 1 «• n| % .tin i,H tU ll‘il he I r Hit a IIII e’ Liii* ino,inli *l *in iiuthi* iAhriMiatid iH *

w t II equipped Roman »«■• t)|»lril of thoae Ip Italy* \ftiran expeditionary !«rr-.

t T - f ?


■■ ; ‘ "— - - -


- - ■ -9* . ^ g - — r

B«m!nol« County Prodace*Mcr* Fnill* And Variables Than Any

Similar Aren In Americal & t n f o r h l i m t H i


Sanford Is Th e Only Central Florida Cllv Affordinc Rail. Ilighr.-ay

Anil Water 1 ran>portntion

)LUME XXIV Member Associated Press SANFORD. KICIRIDA. MONDAY. OCTOBER 7. IMS E s ta b li s h e d In 1 DOS* N T M M K It 2Sl

12 Persons Killed County Orders' When Big Airplane Inspection Ofr> i | . i j*ii Artesian WellsC ra sh e s I n t o H illAll On Hoard Liner: p a r r ie d To Death v In Accident Near

C h e y e n n e , Wyo.; CITY BRIEFS


a; if IIMi Ifich

C H E Y E N N E , H y O m HIHT ; fpi^p weather Oil look Mio'ljf Oct. T — ( A P ) — T w e lv e p.T- .'(judy with nh«rr» l.'inch e'U

* e o n " a b o s f c nn r n a lb 'u n d but ...nyi-whetUn ttnl A 'r L ines plane t«m,>rr..».

crashed to th e ir death a b o u t ' ^ w .sn,ur.i„v.15 m ile s w est o f b o re to u t Mfi |trji Slt11l)„ , )ll|fi,

T h e dead incltided n in e l » » * -

sen ffv rs a n d P ilo t I I . A . • " l*H son o f Su it 1-sUe C ity . » <- 7-ilot H a r o ld B a t ty o f D e n v e r

,^Ld M in l*»on» M»*nn nf t-mt w R k r City. 8 te »»r t lr „ .

Tf.e plane left faWlsn.l, t "> tfornis. st « : « I* M t '»N*W York. m y . It rerrir,l

Thr p?«irott<-r* o t " C. IIMinor,, m ic r o ; C. tl M slh-"-J t I’ iltaburgh; 3 Cu.hing.

' A n itric ; R-y R ......... .from Salt U k r flit ) »•' < »"•*■Vincent Butler, Sen C. ;m** - •».MU. Jiillct lllllman. I'iltnhwvn;W sllrr II. Crmn.lsll. Sni. ciwo; M e. Cslhrsrl I’ortlsMl.O n io n ; enfl Hcirn W etrrii, 1 bt cago.

Thr line w »» unsblr to '! lr> mine the cunr of Ihe <<».b t plane apparently ibe t«j>of a hill, loot lU pi'.prllor »"1 rngine anti bouncetl Inst■geln.t the top «.t -. htUThe plane ■ •« itm ■»«t'hrycnne a Ir* ion .1' to I t* the ttvgrdy.

li'J. lainfall

%The * 11\ l l .i r fr i off**!' con^iot

ul.lion * to Mr ■ nil Mr. T * Wil • on Inti r It nhir t‘ < Italian r nillimn I'tllt, Mi end Mr*, I It tV.'a t n. ( n r VlIRtnia T m ieti tin thru fifth, ami Mr an > Mi < I bn K IIori r* (nee IM ilb V« til nil (hi t ..o I Many happr u lm n *f tin l « j also at - o ff..... I M>

t:i*n Tnlat. Philip It lint'll. • Mm ha tV ikht. Julia lliitcei* . other* «h o celeb ate birthday an im c» *m i**« |om«*noAY

Dr Henry M rljttilm Iff yiwlt iday morning for Tjimp* * h f r 4. he will remain until Tor* nv night Attending n clinic of thr Fin i«tn St Rtf* O ptom ery A*.*nci»h n M r ' Mc| a jlin arrniii|mtimd him.

Dawson Told To Find Out Rate Of Flow, Force Of Pressure, Mineral C o n f e n t

Ihgn 'ai inspection of the flow

nrnl mimtul content of Ihe wmtrm

from certain atfc 'iAn well* in “ »*■ Oviedo d i«o »M « » * mi lhoii)?rd thus mm ninr byHi«ht tl of i'mttil y i fttnii*4ti!i»cT*us m fcRturr o f Cicir all -Taj'October session

( ««unt> Aifrnt t R l»a **o n » ■ »; ’n't ructed to visit ret in in a etc* nan

w ill* in tins area for the iiuijiote

City's Need Today Is Houses For Rent

"Sanford** jf ir * »*t rwrii t®*•lay ta hou**** f o M. L-Ftabc*rn. prr*idcnt t the San■ foul Junior Chamber f ( 'om merer, told Ralph 11 well, sistant secretary *<? thr Semi' nolc County Charrtw* ,»f Com­merce to la ) An I ltajr*cll■ cncsl with Mr Itab rn "W hat would you tell in ) nr coming to you with thr i|u«*t»on at|tto where h^ could fin I a houM for r m i r ^lr Rahorn asked Mr. Harwell " I would ka*e to (HI him that 1 ant *«»rry/* Mr H4*- well rrplied. "f*w tkere are no houses for rent tha* thu office know • o f ”

Ams Embargo Musso|jm Is DeclaredNow Effective— twt •At a ii P ortsD y League Or [Nations

To Be The AggressorAmerican Munit i o ns Can't Ite Shipped To Kither Nation En^a^ed In W ar

of ftnJiptr nut (he pi •"si*lit • at*of flow, the force >d |tl |'N*t|l c. PMtnr minc kl or, tent

A it 'll* ill ntimlwr , f wed* w|BIi*. selected ,,iic ih «i pf .tbs:, v W ,»»b. t In iim•nth!) *r» p*-' t |Ofl « nd

ret or* off ha Hi boyVo uni**1,1

The Hoard of hSeminole Cmini vf "n !Ti ll 1 r re ** j * s J a t c* trail,, body office* «mio «trov at 7 V* n‘e!ock with Hapwiortli presi l.uir


MlTilt I *

v M

Fire C h i e f Asks Co-Opera t i on In Prcventinp; F i r e s

In conformity »lth » pto-li»i »■ lion i**urd by l’ rr*iit»nl It-

-*•**■■ » IliV A Cl <-Oet. 7 I* " t V * Pr-vi*nt on

^^Wcek,*' Fire chief ftar CJevibiMl ^tnvlay reminded the people "*

lh,Ihtai dW ♦ *dcmark t"V I ** I

Advisor) and V'i| of the St a 'r I

llr Mu kef Util Hit *if f t -ll11* bl

mi w hat ' ham oian

at | lie - HU

H ii i t vM Tape m Ih hsi*"most inipoitaMt


• 'I data olitameil will helh» tests a;a to f»« ma.i at ' o♦ t'juest ol ifiowet* nr t*i« S:i'if«*iii i % it Im Si • I inn

Harry M Paponith app* o » ln t“ ,e thr Ibtanl to p»o*. ♦ M^a itst its apparent 4 *i*v * tl Ins no me r us re<pie*t* f*u 'he cleat 11 or of ditches ae.l I . * a • I** ml jmr.nii* h.s pi op*-it) on Out the M F Rnhimmi l.*** «tin * he M*|»rc,*i,rita

ihw Hoard voted to In*peel the| -1 »* f'•*1 r f t * s a iif H t n w i! t» m i t * * *»J U 1 . r in mini; (hi action it shall I ake.

'I M Lntd of (he f Surilei vitie section r«*>|Mr**> d r||.» I . «o t ' . . i s In lake pirn, jo to up. tin road v*e»[ front Tb* old San lord Ollaildo hl*.*hv* m\ In the n*‘A% hikd.wa) Phi * thunxed Fnyinrr 1 o m lei t n l I ad anti pro. eed to * of a i tjf ht of w .#

WASHINGTON. tV-L 7 «4NAmericas precedent — *hatTrtiieneutrait y t«*tticy * »u n c in!,, ep

era! ion lit-by a i 'h the i**ua»»«-.' of in*tr ui ‘ inn* to n o li 'in * tdfi err* a! American acapor * %»hall am aim * shipmrn' * l*» I1 aU

ami Fth»op a |n*true!i*m* w-n.* issued hi the ti®a*»»»i »n « on

fnrmi,| with p#r- d to i ,*i p o h

rtiattoti* puifing nt*» * f f« * t "he

emluir|Eit on mu mi urn* or*ith Ifaily amt Kthiopia «u*l ■<!

nu>m*h<iiir Amemsn* * *> «*lfthe ship* f thifM* . wii urn! i.*

■ * . * * They i|iMT>iHi, tin* tbai »h pIn 1 n n il) K n(rn, . „ ( muntiutn. I I” .

On Goslin’s Single piemen • “ f wa’ French >•* #maldand, which a«lp*mt* I th "p ia » ind I’iiitii B, *h*" *ld jhtk) ng f u r i h i i


W orld Series Won By Detroit C lu b ; T jd ay ’s Gam e4-3 -W inning Run Scored

S A V IN I M lU . Lift m il. O ct 7 Stepping in’ .* a p»-r|e« t wct-u|

|»«- Itrl*| »!»•_ III-tint 1*1

after r ’lnc bitlcw* all a fte rtian , im m ibr | jra *in )( mhi*c f*o*lm %"*iefan «»f faur The gi iritim wi’ ici**ri* the nth* : champ oo-hip wrt ira *iare ornparattvrh nrtup * * |*-*♦ t* otIft'JI •inirh d to vii(ht |i» Id in »•*'* fighting i*iU.J*mri» h*vi !*'*'»Ia*i >»# Ihi moth !u*>C'«fe Vl*na|*i ahippctj fiorn lb* ' rule i Mat**tVwbrarir fiorn *rdh»nl ha*e aril |.,|y listed %r|? ■-hipru* nt* *!

•* » I t® 1 material 'hat g»*e* into its triaking■ W».iId Srrir* Societal) *d Matr » on k ll Hull

'in who*# tit par t mrnt t hi n» wr l b mitt‘f msan b> ml Hint on ml |t»*arif tV-.»ii i M*n*F k io TI, made aiailatdr figu tr* *•» -h--**

■ 4 >mi» an .lilt that i#n!| ao-oir f l!tlt|,*am %*.*'ib t.* out attd Ihi • in*, cartridge*. an plain * an 1 . *Mid and ■*ent air plan m e me* > i , p* *t •»,•ifht il'tnr m Sep , * fhi* |rai ** I ■«

I igrr* and fit^.iait w »* .n an plain an I i i • 111 • ► n i a ht i

i liiiM i « anI'i ’ i h i-ii .1

r •* riipie^f.**1 I h, ai'r tir i rig

II K, Weekly of I H* I*, liny Ft ofSi* */trt flil, (11 , . . I4l Tlrtwery a** TflO W r it hth «tr

announced tndat that h, ha*, nr* d he aervire* of Johnm 1 d. well-knimn ymcorv p* i*1 who ha* hern ninnii ti Iv h * "i * f t > m* in ' o n f > >r i 1 i n u n Mr T"i'l* vii|l hi e li fiu’i ' til* old f r n n " M* t a t • ■ •

opAll I

Sanford of lh« huge annual t" *In live* and pioperty taVen Tn fine, and Raked them l " join m the campaign t** eliminate Im iirH* and to prevent f i**"

"One of the chief m Mirer * ol flit*."* Chief Cleveland rtut«-d,

* accutpulateil traah and old pMpci in ba»« mtnta ami a it lew A * 11 « builrNnir aelrlom burn*. VV® l that everyone will clean out i dihi*h that hai lieen pilnu: n|»*I - h in*iib- and nut of d««*i

( hief I 'levetand atute I «lh *1 dipartment ha* e ip '* *^ ' » ' v\ lhngiii-a* to give *ugg* oi, I'bininatmg any harm.i. »‘f to help any citizen who u u to make hi* property liioi*Heating applnancr* ahmtl 1 ••gone over before cold wreath* > ■**m the chief aaid, aa wtnvc* o" 1 fm narea and their chimru i " i* • io «t« during the mmumh • i**n;hw. "H ave your hratm ' - i* o. in«|iected by an ei|M-rt b- foM j o«i uae it,” he adviaia

Our men will be glad V make a»i nifi|H'Cilon of any budding fui In* ha tarda/* the child *aul MTh« v are naturally wtll titled to drtact dangeroua rondltlon* and H 1 Itlenn, pr.itnm*fil b«h

♦In iMiggrat remedlaa, beesuar ipr-e man w Im ha® jit*1 a r»« |,M»*d tb-- venting' fire la nun n:f out nutlea, chairmanship of the I huidj* just a a much a* fighting lu re

Two .More Committee* Of ( ‘.O f ('. Appointed

< it <1,• of ii mil l i i ‘s .nt) 1 him

C of ii mender | |»iy d | prr-fle it the l.epion n'clock < onu? ht du tine n m rih llg of CII to pin* 11 I .o- -.1 in of fin* A'limrrcan f e.*bm All * *M ") ir» Ml* U In t it, V Ofil l hilt. Iter n inv ilid to rit1*'iid l ' i m o 1 inr whe’h rr rn fm lft* of tin I' f»r nut R> port* m ill hr* tun h on The mcmbcr-hlp diive which a' irady ha* feaiilled m thr signing up of HO member* for |h'|f« *f»5 nearly twie«* a* manv ** m* • papl up l« -i year J(ef I r-shiiir-ot *

* VS * t f|,e* < St i. Riirinuiif 1 •! t.*d i)b\ I 'm - It'll! Id \\ Fa|'W..M fiIll ) Alt til*. co lit IIP lire* ofi 1 *|c

H )b - ’ni it • m

, bi a 1 >•!•» and ( <11 l l i ] * ' a* -

I : ill el 1 simiii lit • alfl

|oW t M l)sgh

will In H i ■d

I ton Jackson fo* mcr *s**High School fno bull ^’r* o.i* tC

H Hi* I 'm r C irri

Educational Board Ot W PA Will Meet Soon


\dain* « ill to a I th*.imm 111**' on l • I* It* at

and' hn' ' tammeftt* S ft Hi b l it >'i* n. v <i i h a 11 r* i a i M' * ’ *~l-i I • f (ii n «i a billn K 1 * of I', i HatleM of le -n Faik \V It Mi l l * r * o f AMa r t n * i i t *

Spring* amt tti*' fnlloWifig fi m sa rfo rd U R M en fu ld " l» Hofiinan 1 > la iio iif' J hM*4 b Hand J 1, Marcntcftr, t I \lr%et lamr-s M.iughton ll**w mitl tbt’ ijlp t F Ffi**tnnt Ft ter Schaal \\ M Schoiid!. It<n tr William* and \ .-hr V Wtlhaio*

Mr Fapwotth u , i head ihrn igh ^ a v * comm .Her with M j I .ehrnan a® vir,- rhai man M* in bofship iif lHe rnmmif’e** i* about I,u* <«|UaUv divided! Ih Ii m . ii The I t> *n^ <»f Sanftird ari l * the? i mnmuruti"* in tin count) a* follow* Cordon J Bennett F M H n R fi ,

givt | let trill T p virtniy arid the F** hainpi* n«hip

lb Id hitlr** all thr vrtci an I at» \ aging “l p i - I fa* t ball wdh ’ « w mnmg ruin on •* t *rt m int o ■

w t b l b'* rtf I llrwhat ' it iih '-I in li< a i fan* pidi mg t in the ivo*e ta nm ao in th* ih * i|l f ■ led ninthfran.i

Tl* Victmv ade i.ich iarw *mu n tin1 I n -I bn ii **> ' . of a l*4 I not t am wM h won * W orld S* i u-s The) earned f r a i l ) |R*iIh»

fill I •**• pr 1 lor |IW»I e* IM '■ii‘* *i* gaim th* largest amount «n loon*) *ri ha* *• I i*» a rn m fT " of I. am w iniung m world"-I ie*

The game wa* the 1111**1 r ic i 'm gf th »i 1 ie» Fa. h team h u m

ft*.in *•« hind 1*1 In* Ihr *«m* twice and trot h *tagr»l la* %“r w Im h tailed m th** laltri halt 0 I he game until1 the 1 igri * *B*of itif ninth

I .ai ry F i r V I aim I o umi Hi idges h*cke-d u> lb* f***■» 1 1 I*'hmg *tiirl of Itu •*■•> «n d-the fact film! earfi gave 1 *"fid® i aril pu b d out ■ 1 h • 1 '1 ’ pi iimi r than one frarur, with Hfidges iiai mg a slight «-lg» particular!) m tie ninth 'hi.ii, when, alter hack liip lcd w “ 1 B< one mil he retuerl Jorges ) irilf'T

• I ■ ■ I l ia n <»■ r a i l M o l

Coimril Declares That n:ily ■Vent To W ar Willi No Regard l or Ms ( <>\counts

Directors Won't Close Sue/. Canal

Imimrhinl Waterway Will Remain Open I n l e s s BlockadedSS ( I I I 1 H » 1! VI IV.N V il­

VI IF " IN 1 111 n i l li A lllt -\V \ | ih opta d r » 7 - r \l*,— Iltbnn * root * te potted lO"«lai dial » ihi-.1'""t 1If oops tiremassing m . i ..•inltiln"-ttiilh of \dn • forres* h ch ra idm ed lb* «.i* ■ **I* rda« fiiHliil iiiilpicsla In a»- soi* a rainsl rnunter atta*ka. From Premier M»i*.srdinl ram.* a iib 1 tain frail to a-srm bbd (ii«i|i* 1 one t a Tilin’ me uff»- t* r a ml men f « f (he u |nc- 1 Hi man*»

| to\

O O i ' l t l t (I'« Mf Hi*bl'. *»*|* It■ * It,

I" res*I •d«HO

*1 t'iiTll- ib * 1 .1 r i i l

cm* *H ill

f w a mat* r tab«(1 Vi * i

To h f h ’ R

E very Resident O f Sanford Is A sh ed To Pray For Peace

1 M* 1


I I - ( ' I

(a re Of D r i f t e r s Mill Be S h i f t e d To (Viunties Soon

Train Salvaging To (»ive Number W ork

M IAM I I M 7 14*. Florid*F a fcl Coail Railway official* »«id today that Umi o| Mm 1 men will

o work neat week recover the tra 11 that never rim*

hack " n*r 'fa in , IncoinolHe and I I rat* fcnt t*. bung nut ii* e-

Bandalt ■n“ IM 1 he path of the f a lh 1 r fta*

|»,ftrr« tn*w will l*r giveii i‘ I 'U , d*.r m»- »*■rung No* 1 1 toa |rvnifi*iln(ihfiti* Thl* inf .Min a teller t*« tir >.roniaaUirir* *• tatcfniru U rnof » b atatr t m

"1 ere i n l*eUlir ophi) ihi. - -r loiif 1 tiiijo t ‘t can 1 rake im p< i y b dkry *a dabeen Ilia dr to 1* pluyjrle* thi 1 tru iln rr bn P ha drt< Vilified I f at u.a irg l fC'idelii i I pet * na aui.-mat i< * rr*pnaib(lit v ..f i dll HOtt* » !n • I biN o . 1."

* ■ an*ten! ■th ii'ich

bill > , 1 is refit « 1

• 1 . ■ >||U t*1 0 1 * con*

1 ..f *1 I'lioril

1 ■> » .t,.

4‘ S *e o m Ml ' f • . ' ■ r ♦. ) d o l b •O mi • C ■ ' -T1 * II e . . f »

| », I .*

•• a * I )

■ pit* !■ 1

r1 1 .. 1 . , 1 i t * • el l l l l lu

1 1 ., , ■ * I \t *. s i \ 1 | b i | . v. 1 1 . i M i - 1**11' a l .. * t * . ' • I * * * " I t * I " 1 l. b , d . • 4 l* ■ i b , c u t |<tMKI . • f 1 * '11

tfl » fee. \ ■ t 1 • 1 .......... 0 . Itu . 1 d ft F |K ' t 1 , 1 * I HI

f l o l t * ■ lit ' * • •• \l 1. .1 V . .. ,i ■ - « . » s . d III 1* - l l . l i l l *

* • l l • i . 1 ♦ ) •» t . • itMl . , p t . « . \ * ’ • I* 1 vv. r *•* tl.

* ! i t • M 1 1 * . 1* 1 1. * .wi l l |►.1 t . | 1 •. r i t . 1 . ni . \. ' . • ' ■V! tM , * *• 1 1? • 1 1 h ' ' , j,- 1 . * S o n * ' P , . i f t . . . . . . t

all p. ♦ .« /1 , ♦:« v ss » | . p, I 1 * I - ( M l

r . , Ill \ l l It 1 l l 1 1, i p 1 1 1 I i m i 1 .........ri 1

1 . » ......... !' 1 1 . . SI 1 H HI. I I . 1 1 *.. 1 VS » .1 ■ ... - * I*' f "

. ... t h 1*< . l-'th (»i> in m I t . . i'.'■» *.it»,'nrc................ \ I ' t l H I l I .

• I ii- K in|«'r- ,^s ip n m i w l

1 . « ti r mi t J 'l pla f**F

;*» .in*' II lhu*c** m y

on. dt.i

II dt*O II Ii*

. ■ II I''it1 run

d IT 'f., foe

■o > -1t *

t u' u

' P*

*o,r ■ * tI m r.

pra ) i*rIn 11 w In » ' * •in*. ,1r' «• h

hi * hIt l; .*I1' clll-i

m \rmt i t • r . *■ •of . f tl .

V H. r \1. I,


I hi* I mil

• VI

> *♦ b*41 UOl

haI lit

>• Mi.* 1 * ’

Roosevelt W arns Am ericans To K eep O f f Italian Ships

.1 ib *mg hi

■ t o i h -

' m in at-1*. .it i»n

h. * mat. . . in II >1. . oi.1*

» of I to*.. f|.' | l>y

. . I. It.


A IU H S A IIA It A. Or! 7 (A"l - - Willr*d Courtn,j llirbar, rorrs- iponHani for Ik . l 'h .r « *o Tnbunr. died Sunday of fever.


Kroee Ihe Port o f O n lre ) Klor- Ida a l Sanford.

, Compiled daily Wy thr Seminal# County d u m b er o f Com mere# •bowing i r r t n l i a And departure! via Sr Jehna River; Monday, Oci 7, 19AS.

MS I.A K E OXORGK. p i m l rariro. Su Johne River U n , Co.

M S P A l 'L IN E , general c a r f J. A a r Boat Una.

T V * D E I.M AR , Standard Oil Co.lasber. Bbtll Produeere Co.d e p a r t u r e s

•M R L A K E CCO RGR, gen rre ] (.* SL John. River IJn* Co.

- P A U L IN E , genera] cargo.SU r BoM U m . ♦• I V * D C L M A K . srandard OU Co

Shell Producer! Co.

aaCBOLA. Central Florida Co

i J‘. W U ) N E L , Suwanneec*

Wiirkp Frngr**®- A 'juiiid t ml pm Frlucatmnal Cofumtliri* in Saufoi.t, announced today that he is plan Fdmr in call 11 iio i ting of member* of hi* c mmitter nifiiio 1 *1, ucvl few .lay*

The committee v bn h In* h- *n pfriimmrndfil to serve wuh M ■(iltnn iti the inlr e*l® of adiam in* tne pr giarn in this eit> and county will include Mr' (tleun I M cK iy, Mrs A, \V Kimv M i-*Joaephinr Huy.boll, Mis \\ |.M o ffiii, Mrs Magdalen V Saun den , T W I * wtnn Sanfo 'd Ihujd nvy, E. F IA>u*h*ddef and \V \.U f f la r .

Mr. Glenn% commit tee will 1% t lamp! to fhitiare and e a rn *»n •mall uaaful p ro ju t* designed to a itu re a m iilnuirii of employment in, this aactliiRi, The general fieM ©f the•# projert* enme* un * " the headifif of Kmergrncy tCdueati m

Tha local rom m iltre will1 m m lifi-fe the need fur the establUh- m«nl of Emergency Fd .eaimn ate, INlJl (p r o } « U unCrr th, W a.lo .r ..f 111 .............. ..

1 U t f r ic y classes, |7t w«*rki»s" ed- UCkUotl f la* »ea, (.It V u at'miial n a In in If for unemploi • a * bdla ■bo might Im- in trir .t r .I I.- Itrained )„ nat.v. a rt. ri.-t .ft * , uncertain ful.r. Home tian ing. child carr » i h..nw .'atiun <» .. an

1 base S F f hr u dim- y. If J Holly <1 , John MriarJ , Hr . J I. M a rent tie, 11 II Fop.*, Tony <I * 11 r h f id Vivian A Spour. f* W Spencer, M ed T W., llama ami \ nli*. A \\ itharn* uf an for d , H f Haines ant B ft Smith ofAltamonte Spring* R I*, Crimm *• f teoldrnmd. Ficd I orward ofFor '*! C t f ) , John I Fos ofFaloa J A I.ogsn I. Geneva** ♦ l^mg of i ‘hii ola, f ’ Hv* * " ' t «*f I ngwi*..t. Martin'tar-ko of S la in in 1 W. B. \A 11liams **f Oviedo

State College Wing Restoration Asaured

T M I A H A K S F F 1 k*l, 7 — T ie fedeiat gi.vrrn merit t.aa alloled*1! foi Ihe reattRiatiofli of the nor h w mg <>f the admtnkatrmtionbuilding ofwurnrn w

hui n r a me -ta sprawled along the track where it was swept by wraie a nd w 1 rid

First Cold Snap O f Season Hits Florida

n • H r U w l t l r l c fre .The f ir ' nsil snap • *f the .r*

son came into 1**1 or Ida laal nigir on *1 'c*«h ng wind* from ti \#n Ihw* st Southeastern i ' r l - wre hr si* ha uf the natpm ♦ da \ I n-r • ..nabl) rol l wrath were dir t* l*oi of ihe nation l l ihr \tlanti* Ocean and nor'h ward along the meat ta M i n* Ashe* 'Hr bad 24. Nashville ii, and Raleigh 14 Freer mg weatbci aiij.ped ot. ' -c .fg ia along w h frost 1 wa- 2* at (•aiweavill*. near the South Carolina line A t 1 arc uf snow he urtton 'i f i r d, fell at 111n* I' Held'S.. W «#t V irg in ia

U«4hey writ! 1. f.. am * 1..rrsM i* f *i Ih. !i»g It oh*' *It an*enta who animal!) . .k I Wtua a then w ,nt * 1 ll-III lie ailihr l i p »l*ii»i|||1 ■ p> III • l l ) M• it* ells nit ( bi id* • 1 • It Hf tm Ii At loll* a ll 1 a. i*.| n> y t|, ,Ml i h 110 fir )' i*u 1 t ho* » .•T.oUl 1*

\\ \ h r

♦ 1

u b h i S e s s i o n 1 d

I \ \ I .. t. ..I Nat o n i*I I.. It 01 no j.,

nod ' i 1 tti" !'**• I d |

rag reF

ir-ob il 1

si 1 u re *" ’Mtinil, h I 1 1 da Ii a ■ i l « n « •

I send it in iiotmal tin.* - on a lai i r w f iti< .f it no ( ant ial-df 1*. *1 ry 01 ag io iiltoi* . iti *. and l> 1st batrir** ntriM") m n*b d 1 • ■ « na;m l fm th»->( |« -

1 inn*

‘ 1 1 1 • ■ • >ti * <|r * t1t * n ib •0 Mo . »• by 1 1 t • 11 1 ! **f » * » *. 1 ■ M 1 .|'

1 of 1 •'Ill'll . f,, P, | , k'lO't In 1 .. 1 ii. ib*"

* .! .* ! •«> t J»1 HI pi1 1 "Me Mi.4 1 !j. i . -.,, 111 - '«

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ri an ! Mill "i . » |" t i l l . \ I * tui 1 f 1* ■

w ft h ; hr I r a


"TV »hir i r* tlnuf, an>i p* mn»l ni|H»rtan of r*-pi ta m iit* retuiIn

11to 1 .

. h .1


• 1 or*e ol! publUw n• .n FI la

g pro*|wr4*) * rid last. 'I**- |iuMfitt of ta-

of II. • » . , i„ ' *■ 0 V1|t.s| » . fiinit 1 • IIell • , ' * 1 b . *.«r it 1 1a • < • f w •»,

m».* • 0 .ill 1a ) 1 1

l b • f. • • ■ e ll m l

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, A . . (

Mlpb I s a NaN ** II I ••• I |A

M1 a

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h. .ut. rallege More Front*. S***> Olrt tr“ *** -*r»p,n»' • '( » * . condrnna.4 4 U Q ^ |Ua ( th>l , fli<

,• ■!•“• wi o Id 1 ranch which nvciati# tn ln inv . em ergen.) nur- laa umlei ihr *• ddmg and U rw-M r7 b tlpert and ............. ra. rnited to hat. u rn part o f (h trrmlnln^ for domestic servo. . in 1 fortification . f 1 sUaliaaaee dor-

economica or agrind'oic log the Civil War

natmw ide M u n a canal

*"|>se )MNi|tlr I" if *1 know I ••a * '. that uni) I lorida ith rf <!■ enta f r eligible f*»i wmk <jii tb« canal Tlwy have ofiJ) read ttial a canal » in be b u ll in Florida an , that le work * ill employ t h*»i,

men With the added at in

la« t Apt I ' "I*. »tii* of the ajnkIng F o r t I n St. A u g u n t i n e h. » i 3tr Florida t heir Win!* *roioololng J ---------- utopia We have 1 * ml to publu u r

'-T A l ’G ITSTTNK. Oct 7. the fat thai only Florida r r t iV ii 'W ith the end of the travel year are eliild# for this «*»fk . but J| ha* of Ibe National Park Her vice, done lt lr it* dele* ’ lv>*e a lread)

Mendenhall » Jlrribert h abler cualieitan of Fuel deter lined tu corn* be lt **Ma non National Monument, has

I ann uneed that I&4.690 vuilnca ware m r ducted through the old

fort during the peat travel year | M l Ad I, (h Th* l . d f o '! Tbit n u n l . , it an inerraa. uf R7, (^ordu, O n U a , a '..u l W , a t .I prrrrnl oar, thr prrnoua , rar . I found fluaUna ... VI omi River ofI durtn* ■ huh liai. Ihrrr I.Sanda by pr.1. . • . . luaaln.f i U l l im r n l

W .IK i n ,a at ihr fort ■ brvtr. r»k

11 Separate Actions Taken : To A s s u r e U .S . Neutrality 1

Ills S I *• •■ IUIS

I ’ I1 r

ii M iT O N «1‘ b tl* Riet. i 1 •

♦ -. ' a k» u 1 1Prl s* I '

l l '1, .|.if Itlg

Ugbltof the build I-*- The

for the 1 the tu t

lureAcroulm g *• H D

college engines*- the sinking o f.the budding w •* due either to the

rarth o f tbe feuo -m i l l I N HIV KM

1 Flit bar gee*.. I a* t *«i .*••-. 1 ion- id wai I Hal.

2 |*r«»h»bi’ i >1 !»•»*•» t 'aiiR|e*i 1I Ml Mil eg fee e-|th t mu i.i '11 a 1,y an* av iprns nt 1 ntunt 1 1 * *

3 W a n . . Iagain*! erica. 1 ,

may rharactv e%«*p

t S r# 1 \ 'bdoti h* d A mri ii■ a 11 - 1 1 ft i * a l«1 on n*>t Ii si bnp on i r ■ 1 , "» t as

T V Tl • 1tl* ■1 wan mg **.«"' ■ ii * > 0 n *b« w mi-1....... ;• 7 1

1 *. al, t ha f lb* 4 Will do at 1t,iii no |ev *. 1 1

* * ,A|1 nil nak * S aft

11 U Fro 1.1* | lib . "Ugh the J« • bl! | *A

J J —M*|| V* i I a , . ’ a i’ll l<Mfi e ‘ Aft It

- 'He * credit* I.- -I.. Il.w.b'■ '•* gov r f tin*. nt V Jr

. *1 14


41 a .-•sets• ii I ! I*l|ff

' ’ ll I I ♦ ■t 1«’viarttiig

\ iC fM i t l s

* •-actum * ith etther

llieir uwn

'd liltiil * ri »• 1 1 *,f) enibfm* e* ill I*. * W e • • _ in I ii*! 1 <i|

w llieb debt - T I. nm m>** I*n Italy

*’ Maine 1 a II A no nr bin*Ftb* til*! tl.- Cnitetl Stale si* arm- t * # lh>n* ( .0 te tun,, mui* ‘1 * ( '• '• ( . ( .a 'lu ir I..JM 1 1 ,r* mint r v

f l i.ipla u n i through flu S lat, 11*. feart fiu-nt that Aiiieiuwn

ll ■s llssid lls I'SRS give)

1- ■

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t: * a M ««I I

• 14


.Sa>'.r •e» eC

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