T akes'One Small Step' * * frJ - RICHES MI


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Transcript of T akes'One Small Step' * * frJ - RICHES MI

- - ------. - -..-__--.-.- -- - -

F- - --


..-.. -.

- . .*• . j... - - . . -

.- . * I - - . -. . - -

.-. .....• - By His Own Initiative, President

Capital Reformers See . Signs


:t i

.L. • S

S • • • .

I • • •••• . S S

lilllililllill obeeIS.....

• S . . S Of Liberal Shift In U. S. House 111111 hous T akes 'One Small Step' -



• 5555 5••••

a - Ih BROOKS JACKSt) mittet. chatrm*nthtpt. Around In believe Albert probably could plitred no the powerful Appro Oprnton differ on whether

By KATIIRN iI)IlNSo tntne'i In his bachelor quseIm. Hutilil I,. Zleil.r. White foul. pee.. ..ere• k A,oclaIrd Prees Writer younger members. tu'Vr swung enough votes to bet p i a I 1 I Committet.

in Albert Is merely drifting with

Associated l'r,us Vsvltrt a ,laj after be sas •rntrntul to life tart. < WASIITNCTOS API -- Out The cnith of the SST est* MeMillan out if he had asked furiiittng conservatIve chair- reform curents or petting out

IT. I;RNNIN(;. (a. (.l'l - tin Stonlay impriannmrfll for muuie,litt 22 %'i.tnmmee /ii-I't mall had tei,plmnr'd .ls's

, ;tdc the mcw.r walls of rinfly' cheered young reformers. for that man George Mahon of Texas. on a slow but steady course to.

William I.. ea%ky. fists;u was at slat.. ritiliatta at fit, liii. Iii, ho,Iah.lcmklni II',,. 'lk.itit.s U Slnnr.r, chairman of the Joist the House of Represents Can you believe It!" a Thus other Chl*irfl&h may get ! doves, Michael Inrringtnn ward a new look House. Mis

to the chill March pun. Inside "Thing.s are really changing ready- to back the king against of Wisconsin. were placed on on un.suecessfully challenged d 4 cbón. S300 is

996 lives. forsythia blooms yellos ynund aide said afterward. the meislage that the caucus is of Massachusetts and Les Aspin returia Richard Boiling

Spanish Dinette Sef$

repaired. tlttireiliy be fared iii.' in ptirniin. uinstinp th completion sit a (till v.aiew of the p,e.Isl.r,tlal order -a4 sot a ciii * was

Today he sap hack in hi. quarter. sith limit-him ronikilon he an Army court-martial. alrp, /ieter cold.

years the icns drmoatic and port' had counted On winning Jonathan Bingham, fl N.Y.. siana objected to Harnngt. ststrsmnn of Ced TO 2 OFF Convertible

Thraday * life WA. at slake. VInr.ds he lenient N*U I released h the i'rpsldent thief. of staff, to ilicert I alley. release.

young rrfornicr see- signs of around here." an unpopular duke. "They will the hawk.laden Armed Services Albert for majority leader, and I

Ni trerilom. liii %'hite Ito,,.. •ilrrrIise Intik 1110.1 iii,' In eap.nue to qs.e.Iinni, Ike preas ape.

the house. tar through the House. arid Its PUP- challenged" iid Rep man r F4w Hebert or fl%j Qflft5 e- Upholstered Chairs u 1/

another kind of spring Last year. the SST breezed know that from now on thes Committee even though chair. has fought the seniority system

They bt-lit-vt.

Titus ran the drama ni the 27.irar,,id CCt'trr lii ,u%irpci.e. lb. i'rraislenl boll situ. re t ort mull the Irr.sisI.'nt *.4 aware of If..

W.Friday, April 2, 1971 - Sanford, Florida 82771 By order of rra..ishnl i,nn, I'alky *' ,isi cirrumrnlanrrrn warn it luatifleti." r*g.vr...il in Iho,s.anrls of iciepram. to NIivn

MOM cnne.'rVittI'e branch of again

and if the caucus feels strong Though the cmlv farm in his put it this say "I think

Congress, may 1* shifting to- A net' procedure requiring a ly that they have done a had district is in the Bronx Zoo, clear tic's irig to be gnoj Bedding Special $5995 Sof as


I Now

. line, most of them rank.and-fiLe shown less deference to his culture Committee, RadUlo met be seenand Ii more liberal has encouraged the reformers., From the outseL Albert has signed tentstftrely to the Agri. he better than that remain, it, Deeble. Reg. S119 wt.

" hg. S2l - Is

of the post stockade 'lhur',lay anti re- him sam mail. at on 1l.mentr. ('alit., h, in at 1k p l,.rntdsntlitepposo, Sbgio at Price 10 Cents talieft 'a nn iniliatie.."

- - C ReInrnuer see the sgn of members lacking seniority and dukes than did Speaker Joint with Albert and the asalgnmen Signs of spring in the hinu Coffee Tables S

.-were' the ta, benefits thereof. to hope icr McCormack. who retired last wp' switched to Fjlucaiuw, and are mixed with much bluster Aha .M e.bls 1 5 UP

1158 - - - - -

--------------- * -

9 -An astounding turnaround a rougher go to the futur, for year. - 1.abot, his first choice, weather, making reformers un l....es a...'

A U vote against the supersonic special Interest legislatIon. I Twice Albert has stopped "No doubt If I had come certain whether thet are closer

in the days of to Gmundhrpg ]Dey or the rqu- Another - liberul staff aide cnlirct "a aging to reformers are- some the choirmen w:inted IIr took lcCnrniack and tried to go, flo

LampsW traneprirt plane that one vnung.i PL-rhnpqt even mnre encour

ishort of puching lot something it long

V2 One Do

Group damned rcvnluUon" other fundamental but less oh a neutral stance on the race for from Agriculture to Education -' Hoggs won the maJo'-


-A new Speaker. Carl Albert vious changes In the seniority majority leader, which was and Labor they would just have leader race over opposition Sofas

of Oklahoma. slowly regaining encrusted House, won by the chairmen', candi said iu.' and forgotten about from reformers, and cm,


Washington, D.C. -' Pre,.idcnt Niiun

- nnd pntrintfr citisen implore ton In take immediate action A

Telegram As the leader of this great nation of ours, we dedicated

9 PI AM f0d

power Iron) entrenched corn For years the' House has been date former party Whip hlab' it," said the New 'tort. Cit% - r,ervatit'e Joe D. Waggonner Jr

tasty A,ric. Tr.dti.a.i. 01ur*- rhairnier., and willing in - run like a cz.i,ctiOn of inedies Boggp of Loulsiatul. And iii freshman, 'Hut Albert i. stAll of Louisiana beat leading reIn

4I, -.

Ill'. ..J 0441L

qiu _ ___ W - -' -

listen, at it-stat. us ,rfurfl.tn.. . dtrdum, The speaker has I though Albert s'oLe br hit 'S srnsltivc- ii' the prc.'. anu i-..' I. rn'- T)onald N. F'ra'er nf Stir'

Iiehslt s.f nil %mcrkan troops. c'..pccinlh' LI. William ('nlk. .lr. * 4' '' ' ' * , .) ' LI .4. liberals and blacks- herr a weak king and the corn he did not twist an; arn in its particularly sensitive to crlb• nesota for a coveted seat 00 thu

cre-rusingly irres'crent toward with their own autonomous fief Albert's unseen hand prob . A year ago. Rep. Shirley- Ch- committee-


-New members who are In mittee- chairmen strong dukes I behalf. cism " Ways and Means. 11w premier to "undo" the wrongs of Mondays verdict.

Did t'ny of dnin things and dom' leaving rank -and -file ably was at work, too. when shoim of Brooklyn found herself -lcsIl!lan still aggravate' FURNITURE Other C..sr?lbIss ItS.perilous time in the hi-atory or the

'I'op: 11re-4ident 'Nixon

ast mcmlwr~ to beg their betters 340 &.OW0WOOD PLAZA 131.7272 ___________________________

United States and requires firm leadership by your personacommitieri, %ere expanded th'in thv sunte Position. She if)() liberal-, uah thu unIN he run, l re- '". ri: It. ('alley the, old Inris %%ho control in

at the doing tar favors make room for younger mem- won & transfer from Agru'ui his committee. passing over Hwy. 17.2 LOHGW000 Jest N. at 434

-Quick returns from last Furthermore the rulers have hera and when some as lure to Education, but not:.' aft- reformer Andr.'s& Jacobi _____________________________ i JOHN A . sroiti

ye-or's reforms doing away wtthbeen selected, not by election. mcnto were made over ob)ec-er the leadership turned her ci Indians for a subcommittee Opas Su*. 1.5, Wad. I Sat. 'ID , Nsa, ) sponse to this epinsi'e reaction. 14mik fine glint MCP fftr

('ongralulations. You

IV06.. Thurs.. F?;. 10 A. In the name of all we -.-land for God Blms America.

pi-cret vntrs on amrndments. but by a sirictly-oltism-ed ar tions, of chairmen. down and Vit made a pubitr is. : chairmanship ne would havc

and sprritdint sonic suheam- nior-Ity system. Because of that. Six liberal l)erniscrati welt - SIM- of It oco entitled to by seniority. 1anArsm.r,card Matter Charge W.stiagkous. th. pleasure of personally

the committee chairmen have meeting those sit (silky

•1 . mankind. Now let's r

signed .......................................

'svoRLr) ALtkNAC been able to use, without tear cause one of 'cm absolutely'

* lease ('alley'. Restore his.

Quoting from yesterday's itriti now let's save him by

of retribution, their power to FACTS kill legislation by not allowing -Ater Sun front page stny in The Her-

andille dissent. The Of

' - _____ * .

* amazes me. ,%ddrc's honor. hc't been crucified

aid . . . "I I'b-n't Think ltil j9=00, 9OF11 Hurt . . ." . . . Major Hurvty Hospital '

. If you need further ad.

* Now there are Egos Albert's

1 ratb



r$ I. Carpet Sale

Y. their committees to consider It

: power is increasing with rank t ice, please feel free to 6. Brown spit, "To ,en con

- the majority Democrats nearly Sider that any American i'M. I 5r

r-- ' ' duar would ever di's such a thing Headlines Approves contact us.

- - lutisea ted Rep. John . r

continuous filament nylon that ress ' . -.. * .

Concerned Seminole

McMiIlnn, I) S.C.. chairman ! am

the House District Committee p SMNG RANDOM SHEAR - L,uit of 100% Enka ' "". .,'k is beyond toy own camprehen'

LIGHT COMMERCiAL - 100% Enka tinuom - Jlajnr and the fart that you Inside THE HERALD Spending


Well sir, with your rant of


who had been feuding with the

id heawy v'atftc. Sevon harmonious. colors, FJ'LA.. -

reform bloc mu his committee. FM

IM PL merit nylon that r excellent for " . have been honored and der

The 9P to 121 vote would have , ss'. i•" " .i:•;

Seminole Memorial hospital Special S - * *

ciii um. Long wowing, durable, yet saw so keep . -

orated, (evidentalty by your

'rIte spoils rystcm word had not gotten out that ;" ' '


Fe om. rs, .

.tS rtioncl. I too find it incredible been much closer, many feel. If

p .

, F

______ MINI SHAG - A

that you would make a naive ORLANI)O-_Oce4tnhsgraPhic and salvstge trustees at a special Thursday

, I etat-ement like that. cxi*r- dispute claims of a t-t,mrnerciul night niecting approved etpen.

practiced by U.S. the 72-year-old McMIiIan to '' - _____ on excellent choice 1w law in simcwt WV ' S

r-aR'age operator that ti istinke ernusn diturra totaling $312.IOO for

dial tmtfl Congress passed tends to retire next year. - * -

And to you, President Ntsnyt. submarine loaded with 2(11) tolls of mer- re-notations to the hospital's Easter .Act of 11183. The World Al-

William Marcy. a 'U.S. Ordin6nce(Page 5A)

,j * - - ,

.' j' •." p., PLUSH - That luxurious kuol - at popular prices. 100% may I applaud your efforts ctiry lies near Tampa Buy threatening care unit. out-patient clinic pathology laboratory, intensive

flianac notes that In 1832, *

ad'equatc) in taking Lt. Ciille-y and inuprov.ments to the ho,. '

the Federal Civil Service I Mnrr important, reformers ' Fm Imety colors.

(though they lor ournefully in- Florida's fishing industr~. nylon pjw fitter cleans easily and resist StillU. F,H,A.

U m1nler to don -The City Council has adopt - from armed custody behind the 17. RENNIN(. ;. - Lt. \Viiiam L. Cal- pita l'a operating mom

:',- - - Program

- - - Van B=en s; appointment First Presbrt'rfan hurth

- "nothmg onç In the rule tog hippie communes by * 629 CUSHION

barbell s-tm of the post itoct.' Icy Jr. h buck in his bchcIor offker lounge. .; - * , .



a-.- trance, including a doctor's - *

silt, quarters stith limited freedom. on direct liii. federal money - - - ) " '. -

'' will hold $ special service at - saying that he could see an ordinance aimed at outlaw-

Ia experts-I to fund $tO,000 of - - '- '"4,' 7:30 p.m. on Matindy Thurs-

ycf. INSTALLATION - - -t""A

However. hind tilt- tries of orders from Preaident Nixon. The action

GOOD your constituents, . - FREE caps a dramatic week in the life of the the amount ru-eded for the pre- -. -.•' --' -"4:. that to the victor be1an

AwN 17 . THE MAN. young officer found guilty of lflUrderiflg phase one plans based on the ' ' - - ' - - - . . - - ' '

rA lay, April S. It will future

the spoils of redefining th, word "family'' to

2 View _k the Easter season all music -- - Include 00 more than five

,,v'-. 7 - single ho sekeeping

II it1 ..c. .. - \'ietn.imese civilian,;at My Lai. (I'agc overall hospital improvements - - - -

C.oxmirirht C 1571. unrelated persons living in a _______ As a matter of fact, one of l now in planning stage by

Supper.ma *

- service of the Chancel choir

?wipapet tat terpri.e Ann.

P1110 BROOI OUT readers flowed so edo- son and Company. Tanipa and LIKE THE REST OF US THESE DAYS . . . UPSIDE DOWN! The openitir portion of the

and the sacrament of the toed's

-- THIU PIECE RYf 4mm Lauon

4 '- Special Purchase FLASIII_ICIT qurutly on this subject, that SAIGON - South \'it'tuntnwse forces re Orlando architects.


PAINT BRUSH SALE one. they killed more than 200 North \'etn- tended the session and Indicated take a frontier artillery bitse send clairn Wayne Heasley, architect, at-

and tomoi'ruw at the Sanford Mtinicipul Stadium. Among those displaying I'd likv to bliart it with "cry. * I'lle 1.1ying Cirt-11.4 of Stl1Ii11()Ij. .1111li4ll. %%, ill lit. performing tonight .) minutes of worship will tea-

,_ Dear Mr. President. mese. (Page IB) the plans would be taken to their acrobatic tztltnta will be Maxine Keffler whose beauty won her the tur. organ selections played

We, the undersigned, feel it Hill - Burton officials for title of SK's IInme'comitig Qtievn. Performances are slated for 7:80-9:30 by the minister of musk. Mrs.

* What's Happening At Home PANELING i

the the United States to I)AYTONA REACH - Jai.Alia gets un-

p.m. this evening, 2.-I p.m. Saturday afternoiin ztiitl 7:80-9:80 p.m. Sat-

(;cargo Touhy, and the singing

your duty as the President of C CI 'EA


67 Lieutenant Colley f

derway tonight at Daytona Beach fn- He said it would require six unlay evening. of six anthems by the chains- - Icr-s.


frJ :1

Re'. Pr charges and convictions. ton. (Page 7A) weeks to turn out working -_ - -

- The Rev. Mr. Virgil Bryant

Retail Lot ........ 4.19 1. ....... ....PLASHU1 This disgraceful art by the

drawings before the actual will preside at the Communion 44 table aa the sacraments are

4mmx4xfU sotty'sPv ... suL2.; 1%'...... 1.1 7W

Army has caused a great inn.- WEATHER - Yestcr'day' high 79 and work could be let to bid. Con'

served to the congregation. NO S COOLER CHEST In Light. Medium Diet. - ........


_ _ __

Monroe Harbour i-ale downfall of our troops- the low early this morning was 51. Part- strucUon must be started by

k1mm n(,w on our boys will tw -Prs Itite today or to - Thomas Lartren. trustee build-


Mr. Bryant emphasized th.

ONE GAL. PICNIC JUG Avn 1`31-mil ........ 2,3P AervIec NOOSE PAINT ? ...... 2 1. fart that visitors are cordially

ce4 P011*511 ICE KEEPER * Scatty's Sale Prom .. ..2$ 'S............. 'l . It was brought out by I)'

-.s,r tOI4sSst COOiI' 051' •'

* Retail List ........O( . 3l.j .......,. j,' • S D ,.oniethin; they di not need. ly cloudy through Saturday. July 1, 11. sley added


oChance of sho%% ne naming Christ as Savior


their life. Th is art has also night, High today 77 to 83 and low to- ing chairman, that the new In-

invited. poIating out that any-

______ _____

Dy Uj' _ - afraid to shoot, for fear of


uisur ins' HARDWOOD PANELING --' ot Yce, wce


is welcome to gart.ak. of lIt. night in the 50s. tensix. rare setup would al

_ Purchase Is Told """ '" " 1/4" x4x B Rustic j elenients. given a fee', pnd open invita-

I! •.iS" '.'ee' 4• - .. tx ct one FREE wNti

The meaningful hour St woe.

SS.ttysSIlefi ,..

wy Mobile paint, 349


ton to all et'mmunimts to use Not so warm Saturday with high low a nurse to view from hi-r


this as propaganda against the lower 70s. station In the. middle of thi'

119B " A.Rota11 ........ S,4 thepuichase-of4atlotnOf $u,,s 21 5

SM United States. ______ ____________

unit, all eight ITC rooms, since ship is considered by many a Scow a

glass sliding doors will be used. By BIlL SCOTT e- y president Thursday tiurilins- rue Ilirbotirs holdings WISP not highlight of Holy Week.

if you do not art NOW, all ' a - ______-

During discussion, it was A marine host sales operator ell the stock of Monroe harbour, n-cs rated, but Miller and Ben-

IOOTKAFCO No.11.0Th LARGE r z 10' SIZE Scotty's Iraad Igiw we've got to say to you ii, try mentioned by Robert Bcsscrrr, and an Orls,ido insur,Iui t' •ig,'n. liw.. lessee of this' city owned nett disclosed It was near the

hospital administrator. that S,itif,.id Manna.

$,fo,OOO asking price quoted by BULLE'IImumoom

N and convict all those who hits'e Dr. Fred Innate, hospital path. Ibis' new owlH'r are ('in It. Ita bird Dunning, official with t.'IIIC.IGO (%I') - Four

Who's ologi.t, h;ul ice-lined to %Il .lilI'r. Ii,illhros. 1gcticy hit'., ('i'hlt lImit Company, prr.s'ns serf in urntudy to-

cent few

people! But, in the past these men wire declared heroes

the. proposed plans for eriling. itt Orl,itielo anti Warre n W. lIeu- \liller, in an telusit Situ la) In connection with the

and it was dirniissed s ith log his department-. I have not, lluuidlcy- l$,stt Cornp.miiy fund lIs'riluI interview, said the ettortion of $1 19.999 (ram a

.'! '


Tilebsard kits '' Modai SP-B'lO STEEL GARDEI TOOLS WATER COOLERS fought for this grcat country';

Winning in Sporn? asked him three tirnea, but he -- -

"That's War!" •jr has not done so," hl.'issrrrr -, little iii. 's.ile's flnri. nuw operat tilts osstwrs would acquire Ibis' hank president shoe sit.

III .11 tIme' tulnhiil,i. salute' lease tuciw lucid li) tilt' ass held captive in lb .



Calley deserves an apology


- Scotty's Brand l'Iamm.' from all in the United States' -

- added. 'lime exact pried' ls,iid for Mon liresetit lessee', us lien control is s'uples north suburbia 5511' No DD1OS


Good jalh1y of S


- chairman, advised this was f.


on ["age 3A. Col. I) melt, borne.

Avg. Retail ......... gu 'S.


; l'he Armed Forces for letting -'

Char-lea l,ansiiig, trustee * - ( -

thincom s come to trial, and the fiub- ',

setting to him, since the boa-__- --

Scatty's 5.l. Price - . -. 1.7b _____________ FIFTEEN DRAWER


lie- who didn't re-act until now.

___ __

in United S Cut in *1

ietal ....... a',' fitwinisd BOBBY BOX animai YLR20LE I .. We close with the fad -

. jital is preparing to aperul Jobless TRADE YOUR


If somone you know is away of college, why t ,rty'sPa,.Sav,çGoflB$lit often truly stats-ti. "That's

e'1, .. $100000 In that department : * ."' -


"011111111 is protected ..ui*t

don't you treat him or her to a regular visit tnouidIn. Ecat' in on 1% . mP's.mi Avg. Retail ........1 _____ FOR A MILEAGE

' , Retell.. r ceI % me' Rhomboid _- s Pi Yours respectfully', '

* In another action, th. trus' ' - .' Rate I s with the names, pieces and events making th.

I Hy r hu I w i dipped i- Stty'sGiicPts... ' ;-L' S.afs war!" * and the doctor won't look at it. . - -

FS-16 Fib.rgla Harnete' - pjw J,...m'i. ___ ------- 'p%,96 _____

3 - ht13t' .... S, Betty Gant ties approved a request by -

Illunk 1571 P1*1 34' ..up. wltb u be$Øi iIsw Oaisb, -' S Puce

news in The Sanford Herald. Avg. Retail ......... 6.80 __ ____

__ _____

iqvlppsd wkb I speed sbus . - . •aiy 4,000 S

sits price •

J3995 Rm ........2.96 3 Metal... -. 8,40 that si,d money on convicting trustee chairman, to change - - A48FOpce ed 5.Piic .... t1. 1'. . Why can't we spend our Curtis A. Holland Jr,, laundry

' Climbing ..


from firms wanting the hospi' its l.,%WIIKME L. KSU I SON miles. Boy •. •p ................. 2795 U

nys Sale Price - , - 27sm 249 3@119 Price Sasuy'sSit.Prim .,..2,,'IO 5.Metit..,.. fliØ

ONLY $1 .50 a month sends each issue!

those who won't even fight for -

, specifications in obtaining bids

- tat laundry business. I B215 5,jpt .0

their country instead u'! tt'' ' . C: ., ,

WASHINGTON (Ai'i till. P,d.t sad . .h. hsly. 0.1mb.

I • • . - f'. -.,' 's"''' A''.- 'ietatl ........... . tips to b, made on a daily ha' %'AitltI' nI:NNE'l'I' i'liil,lIiyIuii'Iit t'lliiilwd lute it till

1555 VW Pesibesh, sic s.adltl.a.d, radio. "1995 Fill out this attached coupon and drop it in °'s Sale "° . - . . 1-*

eludes a seven total pickup in - - _.- Is. etSl nuitimil rate of S her CCIII

Has a haI'. 0.1mb cii six days a week, but In- Thus world is lull Of surprises

for less tkaeyos'd expec

dvmning those who do? f -" k' The change will allow p1st. %'ssecisled Press Writer 1570 VW Sqwer.beek wIth r.dhi, lestharette Ia. '2295

some pleasant and others A weekly period. The hospital * Iii Mare hi aftt't a two uuiotitls dc

the mail . . . or phone 322-2611. 1 CIOWC Lester Jaw vonmch lii., West.

is now receiving three pickup. chime, the l,iihor l)t'iuisrliimi'nt an I New '1971 VW Bug 7 4_ fg That character who 5tole the

p,iuti•'tI by all oiuirtnl ilmtt'rfltvta - I

AF,eticI ......... 3. ___ ___ Heart SR-a Fund container from the

'rise figures seer0 not acruili '1939 D.I1v.re I. %.aNe a day and Heaserer Indicated - nnuncr'd today.

gobig to the seven Umes per -

Sootty'sSalsPrics....2.20 S ___

7901 7h CIRCULAR S '.

' ALTAMONTE SPRINGS local tbetiUe lobby . ,.y'csu need as-ct. will "caus, a mess" In


.- SttysPrle. .......... .1J8

tim by the Ilureati of Labor 555 Dad" Muss. 4 di heidsep, White 0.1mb whh providing storage Iliac,. don't hmet' a heart right now.

The Sanford Herald Avg. Retail ..,..,.., aio Fs 112 HP r. S.hety apps PH: 838.8311

* it. buddy . . . cause you surely

______ Laundry bids are expected to I'trmttinn's new piilny of ban

sir s.adltl.a•d. ......................... I.e in tint, for the next April

diiu'g the monthly sniwniuic• 544 Old. PSI 4 di. •qalpd with V-S ..i, '695 ,Statmstit'a, under the ailunin- bleak slayl top. '1495

Swtty'sSits Price And secondly, don't let yutr

euuipaSPmOfl cost you a (OUPIC of ty'sPr . .........• ••_ _ • , ..

mi'imt, but uuu'inlwrs of Congress and .ut.*eli. t,usedssi•a P.O. Box 16117 0 HMM 13

hiard-e'strr&t-d bucks - , . lit..- curl

12 board meeting with the ef- LITTI ..E II ''itt hi r is pci-c lied 'in t lie shu,ulilers

Sanford. Fl.. 32771

PI.ate begin delivery of The S.efosd Herald Avg. Retail ...... . - 4.Z 10" 115V AC 0.5 a 4000 rpm * 7.30-53t) WEEKDAYS tnluju1i to 501111' characters of her bad, Joe house, of 361 Tulip Trail, f,hI'e date of the new toil' tract to ho May 1.

CASH a 73O'-t SATURDAY tutu are "even willing to come Canoelberry, for a better view of th forest

- called ILLS econunilata [or qut-s ISIS Peed th.t has . hIs. & whIte 11.1mb. .. 1695

to your house" to culled it. fire separated from her backyard by a honing. IssW.d wish of, ..sdtHula,.

. • _ I I I I -


44 Preening Saw ( MOWER

They say they have The I-len-. wooden fence. The Caaaelberry Volunteer Dedication Set' There were 5.2 million unem S today. ____

seb PAW - &18 I_-v.

SCO'rTY'S , aid's,• endorsement to start $ Fire I)epartment and Florida Forest SerV. Formal dedication for lb. - -

ploye'd men and women In BILL BAKER


W t.gp' 1ws local Cailey Drive . . wilteD ice fought the blaze that raged In a bayhewJ first phas* of the permanent

Marsh lb. rrlmrt disclosed. Nan. .................. Str..t ........ ... Aws FAReii. 9.50

This was 270,000 fewer than In


8111101ke PAW

.-ln nedp T.__.- VOLKSWAGENt INC

hm:tr a thing to do with tuitcvt- 11111 sa'ctiuri. Woods fires have been almost. College will be held this Sun' -

i-s-history, but the decline was

LI*II'$PFI. ........... 12•18 ing ,tsorwy or raising "fund." a daily occurence in the area In the past day afternoon. April 4, bigiri. - less titan usual for this season. "Seminole County's Only Avtb.rhs VW Daslsm"

More on this on Monday. Let's week, including uric that threatened homes ning at 2:30 p, in. An open After allowing (sir the seasonal 321 S. Oshseds Dr.

I -

what &'t-ClepS user 'it. in the Su,nmeraet section last weekend. house U be be following the atIj'isliflent. joblessness rose by Q40dI 4440l4 kSIId 322*113S e

(Jan. Ivr1 Im*4. ----"- ia----' -* (AH-1.i MLIbZ L.000 ce the bUM., _ "--I-s ___he_ ___



- . .



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____________ __ ­ .

Arthro od Controi Is


0 Lif 4a 1 Ch 4 4 ILL , . 0 1 Purchase Is Told 0 .i If;­fI". ?,I, F)AT14


:~ , -, I I


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! _ 1i

t 4~ 1 M


I ,a


ft !

Men T1

e Monroe Harbour _

X * SundayL

Ih LIZ MATHlLt. un . hr'li piitruir Znricl in,ziirc4 '-outt n thi '

- heir c'onfle ted with trill nrie vii In Siinfo d i aiiihIt for -

',._— -

dro of -M

.- Or. Palm ' Inedt*. radio and tin engaged SIJIIJL . ..r a• ?4ethndtat Men of the t'irai so lnsurinre won.. erntraei aoim. pendingthe zir

- .1:.

fl FAUI JIM MA TP.IZ.. 05* Inited Mthitt Churrh ii' Ci TU'. Albert k £1 'ear,- old prrna! of the Toningtwutrd A'

__ Si. At&SuUa. CvrcL - edo will hare their th'eakfnst nnd ha' spent mnt of lit, adult a matter o taet the Sh.ltr "Iioann&. Hesanna. Sauna He Sauna lie) and program ir r!Itu, Hall ilk In youth oriented work Ii, r.er en the nut fo. ir.-

III I Sauna 11e J.C. oc't ou smite at me. Sinus lb Sauna Ile)with Circle Number 4 of the came to mark for the Shelter welt-draIned enmpIrtei eieiie: - - Superstir So goes, the meL music crsiot of the iI

Women Sorirtv o Chrlctiar. in Frhrti:ir and hat dread' I hind a' thi' nfn?rmrntlflnl'd .. E crowd in the Sup star album. It might 1w ten nioderri for ,-ornr

round %orL In- the • .

but It dews expres' the mind of the crowd signalingCtii.s. sid -.

ei triumphal erttr) LOU) the Ci: of .lerus.aIcm. foiL they wanted fte'ervatton,nisi 1w- made wItI elopmrnt of the 'outh shelter The purchasing n' this Inn -

bmua Christ' You can imagine tio the's Wiflied tittzi Iii set Harden Webb InInLeArll that this matpii a big Ie-T and I Is belIe'.ri.

them recognize Uwm smut at them Tht guest speaker will 1w- sIhi) be caring for ho'' this • that the penn)e will make '' -

ThAt. crowd had rumi- It esteem the Prophet 1k- was. dii Rn Rii Albert. is the full Spring. Hi is resourceful and lwsslh)i' for SAYS to make- thi' v.

ferent. The thlni' Hi said were different, like- 'The first and time dire-mr of "SAYS" (Seq.,- competent Ii-. promote and e great move forward toward . =o" AW the gresiect roniniiiiidnie'nl j it. lne God The second like mole Al! 1iotltt- SIie-ttrr , tIe tiititl't. liii' V nl. :s.tusl i"t it'- • ;i- r - .

lie It. "You shall love your origlitwir- si soursetf ' tort )our en- -- '' '- C U- - - - '- '. .- ii C • :...tiii • .i - Z emles." 'Judge- not and you shall not he judged" 'Forgive and --

you shall be fortven These and it, man' other things he said

R 1P7 that made oft phi; and thitil kOC art.

Z RE The admiration of this crowd didn't corn, over night Three

to . people sa Chrtei or iwe' Viii hi- heovent% rather say tim b . - - practice tilt iuru' lit ;irrarhrh Tbe obftltVed hAm in the . . - .. -- - p'eeenre af little etilldrrn. and sast boy they lest-rd him. This crowd be he a,soriated with public sinners Thr witnessed his eoznpasasozi They walchrd bin cure their ick friends and CHURCH NEWS / ;.( ... • • . .

relatjtee They admired in arnliflmufl as he restored life to 5 / / 1 ,, r I' ' s I e I. k' - l,..l, .bIt Itt,.- iT ;r,z .- ., 'n. „l .....l. '-.- . -. — ' .- .,.-. , ....-. ,.: - .. .i - . .. - - . — — -. - ....... ..

wondered as he forravr sin, be'cauic this is Gods privilege ttt •m -iI.T.t' mill iii working in the Snr.ft-rd 1rt-2t for the next ft”

No longer could the) contain their feelings within them mntrnths. The public- invited nrt open house on Tutrdny, April 6. i-

selves St Luke lf'. .Vi records their- ,.cnUmenta In "r ;.m. sit the Church of Jesus Christ of L.it.tter-da -tMA. 2.11S Park Me worth 'And when be was drawing near in the descent from :wt. The- therut- -A-ill be "The \Voriti Problem of Correcting Youth flehn- alt, Out-ct the ritini- crowd of disciples began to rt)oi.-c and iierny'. The-re will be- j film hnd rc-freshments. No chmirge or offering. praise God loudly for the di.spha of power they had seen u'mg Ilc)L'y ('RCIS Lr'Isc-orAl. . itriu;'. a coffee- iuiusi- to Wi- tli!f C.s-itnrre 'i nun; Au1ul

"Ifleised be he who comes at kin; in the name of the Lm'eJ" 4 CHUR47H will r-.brste H&' mo't, who'-, he it tom his cialts will g- 'i' s p-t, fi' t- -

in liratren and glory it the highest" Some of the I Communion on Maundy Thur,. serond year at It

Aetiur Thenir'- Youth I Class taught t •

i the crowd said to bin., "Teacher er rebuke- your dis- day at '• p.m. A Good Frhhas gwa Semunisry. lie works with I)stul .1 . 'rh a' a re-sub of in or Area ms ers elpica," He replied . "11 the Were- it keep silence- I tell you service will begin at noon and many young peoplt with sari- their winning the attendein-i the yen 5tor would er' out in-lud, one- address. and he a oHs problems, some of whon-, hanner

This trtumpt. of Coriet had be-eii prophesied In Zerhariat period of prover and ine-dita- are addu'te'c It, drugs, alrahril ltegruii.r busim'aes mei-tin; at -


(5:i. He had posited our how 11w- Messiah would be not merely tool. (it. holy Saturday. April and glue- sniffing The lieu.'. ri'.-rsd dich supper ti-il: h. hi-li. a bn&, but a humble- km of the poor and lowly The people. Hi, the 1'ashal Candle will he maker, Cl-au has rontnjtuuud U' Wedne-idac-. April at the however, wanted oni Ito royal messianic gIot" lint his 111014711- lighted and blessed at f yI,TTi in.- support of this work. rhurrh III f' TTi. ness. That Is whli they would desert hint very quickly. I and a baptism aert'irr held A The Lords Supper Will 1w-

Praise has ilj, place laii' timep with regard to God and vratrb .-ilt he mounted at the s' Lrl:r' Lt'THL:HAN April 4 at the 11 a.m- - -- hi 'tri- ,- :ii'' e-li-u", :, 1. rr man It is forgotten Our trndenr to think of ourselves and our Altar of Hepase- it, the rhape. UHt'ItCH of Siatsa will hold 5cr-tire. Av Esiete-r ntui pro- Ciuti'-- t 401 Park Atrnu, v ii. ;,t:rs friutri churchrs the The all important c-ontrihu ) needs only lea& up to forget to prolist Gad arid our neighbor. following, the Thumciny Turn% sperial Maund~ Thurodali. April ~ 17-31irr iP twitir prr4inrt-41 ht tilt commurutv These seven 23 rnin

$o often we au for God's bell, and den, t consider the praise serre until midnight whet 1 at 'Iti ti-i santires conduct adult chintz under the leader be- has In'- woihip

ute se-nice, will include special to a rtlrt will hi- cha'-Tei lit we should extend ins ti'a) Praise for our neighbor usually - niembers will take thee- tUft ed 1w the, pastor, Rev. John J ship of Mrs. Carol Wester The upeuwsrrd Ii) the Sanford Are-s niuie- It is the desire of the M's Albert Hickson of Fir'-t

Children and adults, at well art encouraged lit a compli- far a period ncome when be is in the grove. ' nisilttutint. "° lurharil. with C-mnmuninn set- u'nutl. of the rhurri eltnisirrim,l Aasnc-iatsoi-i no Good \linisierial As'.ts-iatinr to heir ('hrtstuen Churt-ti and )stt-s

ment When we hare- the- opportunIty we should not hth.at. watch '-i'es to follow. Vesper aer"u-e-s g-anut night and halt lentil. were- Ft-iOu' from If noon to 3 p.r-i enrich the spirItual 1st-cs Of - Helen Ri-mutat of the Ho,'

to admire the good qualities we see- in others no mutter what - - - triP he conducted also mi Good organized. The Se-ten Words from the of us at this season o' the year 'Church.

the_'r rare me ltgmn or aflrt-Str' 'l At. C t TI\1 CHURC H. it F "idat it `71 :311 T- Tii Laster C ru %,41 b he topr' of he thm will hi- cuirnuttited I" a VIC The hast pal-tor Rt'i Fr-ed On Palm 1unda., may the ;ualm in our hand symbolize- the-Casseltirri). will observe- mass- Festival pwr-"ire, will twigir at AL7AMONTE S P RI N Neal. ti-ill bring one of toe me-s-

hiv, in our burt lot- Christ our king and his triumphant . at at 40, PAL. and 11 s-rn at tn am. - CHAPEL ti-Ill bold senice '-ages arid will be joined b tory over ith and death Ma) It i)'mholtze- as well our struggle the- Seminole Cinema en-. Palm St. 1.uk,', Christsa hay h1eu)- (Irnomurusor. Pain', Sunday. Passion II u 4ffracfs Re' Blair McGart-ey, Sanford over sin which will In turn mean our triumph cover dealt - Sunday T'uim, will be dustrib- ccho& will rinse for the Easter both at the- 1:1111 and 1] 5.TO i Alliance Church: Ret-- .1 Gordon

ut.d before mass and there will vacation. herunning edne-aday ,ervs-w Re's' V. sync E Smite a a I a i t P,'rrt-, Good Shepherd Lutheran


tis. S prore..rnr and lutrasung of wftenumn. April -. wi complete- her series of Late. any I I Church. Ret- WiUiu" C. S- star. naima and there will 1w- the The Couple, Clut which 0 teen service, on '-A Sit-i. World I I - -' ' - - -' -

- - Covenant Prt-sb'-trrian Church; - reading of the passion sponsored he- St. Luke, flie'rts aid the healIng Christ - V. or- -

the, fourth Sunday of earl tit and communion per-nrc-u LAI:E VALES (Spectalt - are he-id it: noon eletnria Re-v. John H Sibie.. D.R.E. - - . ASCEXSIC)) Lt'THELAN month Couple, interested ma' triP aiw, b, lipid em Maund liof V-c-u-k. which starts thi, - thu-ouçb Thursday with a thi-e-e- - First Baptist Church; Re's'. Ro-

CHt'ItCH ci! Ciess.'lhwrry pit' rontart Mr. and Mn Joe Bat- Thuredt or 11 ;.n'. C;nrur Fr-i- 'c-ar on April 4 nuivate-s twin- worship on Gored Friday bert %%e.-lh Church ci. God ci.

'1" hold Idaundt Tituradat Cotte tie Artrt-Ituet, p-ngramm.d for dat scr'ir,, will begin at I ' large numbers ci! pcsans tie I

has R,First Chi:tianCw-eh e.- . - . '- -- - munlon Service- at :flt' jm- a c- ti ci te Include: feliowship p.m. - - . - -

and a Good Friday service at ganie-t night at Priori- of Peace, The Couple', Club of the visit Lake Wales because- of its rtt?amted 1st-ge crowds at the , The Ministerial Aieeoc$atkrn - - -. . i up yen'. Church, Api-f1 lb The- regular i-i-un-h will meet for a social - planned religious programs and Mntmtair Lake Sanctuary and brmgs thre- service to the earn-

- - l' The Senior High Youth nice-tin; is or April 2I at the pined at 't:80 pit.. Saturds.' attracticm, Storing 'Tower, - munity that the cause of Christ - - (mu;- will spiinstur us- Lsti" burn,. of Mr and M Itt.) - at the- horn. ci! Mr. and Mrs The- annuij pilgrimage hw-gin Masterpiece Gardeni. which may be ,.e-r'-pd. and Invites all

hr.seIrfust folk'win; a SUniM Wesernbargrr for at blur-ni-- John t)st'ienr at $fl ?.tnttti-e-t- with Palm Sunder and continues feature-s a :ttei- 0011 piece mosaic ice cone and worshIp The-re will ' rervirt April l is deadline- hIt' tieuvil SnieIrg-natnsr lit f11 In fir-yt-,. Glenn Artier Heights teIth nr-ttvitut-a through Laster. of "The Last Supper." also at hr ii free- titil n?!rrntg plate- at

-. '

- 1st-i-eta available- from T)at-td : ;.m Those- attending sire- asli-el The Fishers ii! Mer Club will Ott of the major drawing tract, larger groups during the the. door with the offer-tog gut.-

: - Fiir-ersem at F-1b-711&l or Sorry 'to turiset- foreign dish,-, 011!' me-s-i it "fe am o. breat- ;mwers is the Black Hills Pas- , week ' ing in P. niti't tenrh c:.usr. the

S -?.)f at s:t•'.cir. in fiulituwitig- , ''be artiot project ennimttti-e- if fnt and pt-or-sw 5'untlsi' • ion Ptai 110 outdoor re'h;iniur In the meantime. the 7 G..od Suimaruan blur-ic


-- -- - .. .-. - - .- -. -.-.-..I a. - ...

,c Continued From Paqe 1 i- 11:-en uu.1 uct vt,i- noel t-I-t ,-nieui ,si lit niiuh hid lug i lit--s toil

hut-c the lw-el sie-kc-iI ott- lieu' of nil site' t- r.ull 'Vu' 11

I4 Ba''!'


fi,. t the- marilt'i'lu' of It-"


oily'o srthrnI's-d p,,flttreI pr

- '' '' '"----------- poiruU.ui nutit that ho was in / CIISIWICOCO fur the wrsc-it .au.jeere, i

tIm' In crate'. it iii heuc,vne n".-'serY which the "hair s'ihc.qi,.nthir t t- .1 in the C,'t!% I n;et al store Including boat' Itnut te Ill h4"' t-i'gntt ne nutul •hii ted MUM !1 c rpvl,w the- vr'vrem in s-1

cmli nU .- - lb. i.e-k sf ZI Ti-ic Includes spprivisumitcl)- nlbt-su'-S os all t pc-s In C.nlu,d ivcr'thlng luelseitIlt' 1ir,u,unSs-

- lion to tie.- arasc fi? fireanra,


.tt.ndstwa. 49 seatS heft Tb. rommi.eion ,5e 'I-u


' fbi Ida the Iacihtt fleiuuue'lt e.eIuhs'ui —

, — on a .'ul sear hence I is-rely's- steel •e.;uiseue.kn.

p and

the growth pcI f'-. Wcdne'dtt-> fluiOfl Ituute tic-quit I I;i;u.nuliteireta ici,irrøtl in

feet lb. prr,rram with flails — ti it-s the ccl)' most tIne- entire

)u'.'unree Iiartx.sr 1nlc-etl) III esitinuus operation

the nuierina vt-a' ttrnt I iiirrlinii has bee-ui eIieuhille-,i

'tre"rtI the' new hinhidas Isle vs lIlt ,- itv ,ettuuIal' ti'ufl of the- f''ur irarl.for - ,,il?al euitINV wIlt-u It-' construe--



lnitkt.- lb proc-iseihc en,tiia4

ciutling the dry 'Ion age building e - -- ___ *4i l.-u,tfiut i elate- I iiffl,-lnilr ,et Ii' marine cile lie I

intended In make- l( net u-stherc lot flu-il Iii he. mclv iii

_ ti'unl the- ;ir(euretn will he' tin- III

n,1 all e.11flCt lio'IuIup,', tth;;i IL;t;O;; ;uiflgMdti' I Coblie flc'at ('ennipasut - I 1. 1 ' - l•lo to cup.rete- within t te II

p.h Miller ds1 lhu'tui,-tt wdi • ,seøt l'uI•t I turusish this fit

c-tiled Ii-, r dc';-e ic ie"-tbfl - rd ysar. It hi* ft-s-re-fore- t-,u-a.,

Os 01,4,11.- ill Bennet: stateit ht%

the m,rene dx-k Preliminary F - Vii He-,bhtnsthst 11" ''i

P ,u-uii"et"-i 1,7 I9ui.i S'uut I. 1

%,." .1,i Lii I,- t-iphtt'e' - - _•__•___-:_, t,. tritiifcrre--t tnt, the- pro-r-'

be-nh' it, :t b I.-:u the -.v "l"1"-.,_,_,, )''uuhi"f C's opul'iit"fl uhr-.'_'-

action bets'n the- city -' - Set In R Case - - -- __ -


vii elt''I tht inti'i - -- -

- t -- -'., - - rn nine' feuvui (s-v's r,ull'-- - -1 Monroe 11cr-li-tin is settic I - -- - I,

p1.-it.' the rt".pufl"ihuht) on c-tif:. I u:--.- • hieris'c itnicllist a thii.s,-nr- the u-nih' hu.uiu • it 'mint- he 1:I - - - - thiruiegli 9.3071 -ei!I I.. I Pu (t-.

tiIiii ,.aiul the- litiiZmiuiccfl ' I pie liinuti:iS lieiuuliii- uih, SI ii oui suit .( c-i'' l.0 1- -; - - (ruin, itu,ilriehisls (ru-rn !-i-7l

-itt or hut,tt, Iiubour - .. .. - after (ic-st tslui-, lu'r inuilni - - - - ... (s-n corn-i'' i' ill lIlt'


-i n.

4. 12.


- - . - 1 eulil lugilit-" from e%s,s t..ir' , - ' - ' ' ' - -

%4- ;M hat-c in u-I-itt 011 b.0 atul uuttee'F ,lntIvre in the i-u' ' - I. ' - - -- - I - i ,,tt l, 111111, 641(i

c- i ow tie-r-'usp Vie are heot. rc tiqeral 111-1 ittit lucid at Vi dill It fuir,i fatiitlt- • It pa s ms-nt1' r s- t- c 7TItrrrrT

i;.-; fuirveurd tit c_-ov,ierating r. ith - it-lit-re' he is ye nnte,I for v-joint - The Inlet liii' uh,-uie.-,t - . •' ' -: - It's- u'nnsttuirti'.n it the. I' ' ' ELECTRONIC tot- city," Miller &u' it log pai-i'ele hilt tee-sn Oct for 5,iiitt and I hue itunuuttaluti I I ' Pi fur stills na haul to be ci PRINTING

The nt . r ' in lii a in Iprul • ice - . Inca t u;.-, it I i-tIc iii n tilt- ,r,an ' i

Ii,,i i dii Ii dO I- ('Ii' CALCULATOR

o t lit-lit t i it ti oe,il' I t' much u-niattecfl fetui "t niiii,ulc ' c-tech illS I,1 lit - - litli I I ' " it t it it capital ruuithiy S '

as 7cO 000 let iii&i1i I!. f -itt I' Judge 'mmiitieq hail iii the u,teaeitiiitu eutlu, i ' C cuiniuseleiner 41.1 uhlcu Ii 499 I, its to up ut-i '. This - i u' ii iliiliflI uiffu ii e ('"fill I ____________ ei i that the' c-cu inty tnuet SM

hi- . -; q;itet1 ii) *r.uItt pc'ii':l .ie,'pti flu', I. hc',tt h5'Id " tt1ott hiI in - - - _ - - - . 5 r lb. arthrrupoet prr.-lIr '


,_______ -

ii '-iitrin t tkiv i r to (lu--sit ,t Lt- .111 i ; tin I f tn u t-i ti-u e u-uuint% ,tl - ._i_ (ii e;y.-e-ul i-en, I ii I ii ' -

i-u ,sitd tbt tue i- - .iU-r 'mm" itn csl-.i hail Since tuulr' titus i I-,-u-il '--i - -. - - _____________________ - ' as.ery Ii... I-. - - -. - -

S cIt. t - Ieee-fl Itt- inir at hututi-tistOlL Fla.. I c--stra,hiIs' ini,uille tue s-re-- --' - __________________________________________________________ -i - - - s-tue-cl.

inthevt-f"th.i it ul rut-sn - ume Action.

sn.l n;ui-inug re-giiiar visits tee his aesatilt suet luattrt' uun-t ,, ________ I ',!t - - I hcfl'tnifl Gre-n fir i. - .

is re-pri ie ft I lu Or dana' reuui' vu. rip . ,vitu u tI.-.,.:'i--

I __________ It "'" " i.3, u '' L1"I I thu he' wid 111 4'" I a'

miller t-.iiui he' did hell mIt- nit t -il)e' ,Ju-shn'nn_ - Ito menu' - liv huh tusslC, lmuic't Is :euit le-is iii"' - i-- - ' - - - - - - - , ii' 'Cull' s-pt anti msnn•t I - - -

I u ut-C' hi' i'' ir-ince husine '- '-p'ina h rni wi-c 'en up it is - t; t ul that I iuillq 1 ;' \'-. \I) ;'i ii I • uul ;ulee A liteici Ise put ci hI tile ii ti iii I III 0 A ii I U.- pr rsm Is oners C '_

1k- mckle.1 th,ut Retroul vt-nihel Camille is e'ets,ecI by a 17- tli,' u'ttr-it,hiti-iut iur..i-i-i'*hluti:i. t- e's;cI tttcuui-;itIiI duhini' eh;itiui'. A lililiti iti-umulo thus' huuiuh ttui tuteeve-ti tt-tiu fer et*tiiuTui. ' - -

______- - -- - - - - - ' net, .ieuhiii Miiutr. I t'ipitt I luueuk ccii lt is tu;iiuh c'iiu;uhiuv u-.'.t.'.. iI lii. U.utneuuiseifttie'r Al Ilsvle. ,'it a. bIqit'cp..d. ti W.

- , - 5- . I - I 1i(i-..- I )iiiiuii.' utili'i'ui,ui euf Iii,- httttfi,iil leuhit,- I )S'iuiii'i 11111 .5 that ha was s-rut pr.iir"- t f,,..ce •hect-vpik 't.Iee

services this we-el,. - concerns-ti with the, Impreivrm:nr 0th-lit, tATtici- i mw ir- Its ms'tri cnurci.e-s in the Lake wase'

of the ground, of the rhurrh I:Ol.IJ%C, HILLS MOPA- sucr-rcrn-.' season In the Lake , orra plan special services and

FTS. prn:i; AND I'At'I. 'IA'- CHtP.CB will lw-gin Hall WaIe-e Amphitht-ntrr. I ce--re-monies.

"!TtRCH. Goldenrod, will hold F I k S '1 J'RESSYTERIAN We-i-i. nhsvtrt--anc'e- with epemnil While attendance is good mit: Easter afternoon a huge- tam-

lint of ltru,ll.-rtsi'n In. the "11 titCH of Sanford will J'alnn. St,xyidut- au-n-tire-, A. the lift t, pin-. en-lUrniCilti Di-. Sun hit' egg bunt is held at Master

wi,iiue't- e.f the Parish. amid. (tt- sin', ?ilaunch- Thut-,dai- Cone- - 13 urn won-ship. the-re will t. dii - 7 M p.r-i on Tuesday. , pie-cr Gardens

cdii- Tisughteur, if America mutilate he-i'i'i-i- in conjunction.

- tator he the Chant-i-i Choir at

r-e-re'ptinr, of new me-mhe-rm- title. Thursdni and Stutda), a near At; annual Easter piigrrmrce

iiurt 29th, ii; l'ntn Sunela' -


with a apuia1 uP muasr Pr-sm- at 'l::Th ;I.TII., a Lc.t-r!e-apzt v-i!' ri,phrit c-nieu turns nut or- to Luke- alt-s was not plienee-d

f"ow noon utitfl g pm This du he- held. The- Le'-r!c-sai is a Good Fnida The F'iissuen, PLs , hut thi- wee-k ci' art tue-s gr.uci

e' n-w-nlle-rtsein will c-nniflle-Iirs '71111 pIt unique- of celebrating continue, through April l ually developed into be-mg a

v- nih the Holy Sacni!ir,- i' thiS ,"rnt ci? lmportniur-e In the- life- Community church sent-ire-c religious drawing power.

Maa at ne-en followec II) I lUTHLLAN CHUItCH OF of the church pu-n e'5 ci! talk and discussion

.. -- ,,,.e fI-.iii-tl Skr,arncnt at 7111'

THE ItFIIEEMER will hold a - On 'Tue-adat- , Thursday. one ending with hicni,-d.ctimi of the Mauuidy Thursday service with Friday at 'l:lUi pm., api-c-ia! Revival Is To Continue

---- --- - - I. rn. 'This hu of F.rcolle'etlnn April 5 A Teriehrae ServIce IS Conimuninui at '7:115- ti.tn. i.-tti i. _

1')! F: 1I-:ssENGEI{S Qusartt-t will h-srtst-nt lit all nuuic:el Inr4 crttttu lit '114,

Church of (eu-d, Sit() \Vt-set 2iutI tree-t, tunfumd, Stincl.-tv. April -1, 10:45 titus

tic noon. l'tlI)lk' is invited according to Rev. .1. T. Pitt. ;tiustcei-.

v'ill 1w- given hi)- Father John planned for '7110 7t.n:.. Good where the ,tp of the last we-c-i. of Christ's lift am. read

New Minister Is Named Itlue'tt Associut, Chincellor of Friday. and appropriate hymns sung. At First Baptist Church this hiuc-ese of ('n-latch'. The unr.uul Laster Lev Hunt The Thursday Service- will ais(

Pastor Jack Wilder of Gre-ens- - Cookout at 6:30 p.m. Fnduy the- Sunday School and EII

For First Baptist Chapel rll.terr. SPRINGS !IAPT1F'T el.'rnnrte'n children will %w-held inirlucit the celebration of hlt1 Conininioii. Win-shiv On Easter

S;s-:-ial n-s-i ttal ,'rvices with ' th o' e e-tan-tp'i:st at a Hr-c-. 1)'Kfor

CII tittil rontinurs pt-c-hatS- Sirurday. April lb. at 2 P-tn- Sunday will be at 11 a.rn, borti NC.. , Evangelist, will Apnll. after which they w1!!

tioni for the- t-rvtval it, 1w' 115,d ut Ft. Mellon Purl Ili downtown B MAIULX GORDON Li hlrusiiigttn. wile. lOT right

- cDntinOe over the weekend at tend the evening set-tic,. Seutun 'he- First April 11-27 with cottage pnie)'rt Sanford. Parents are asked tu 'i: NT F. A L B A PT I IT

Baptist Church of San- day afternoon and evening thee.-r-i Itet- Fraiti. I-i. Pruaingt-uni it 'earr a member a' the llcsme nips-tinigs Monday at '7:110 ..?n.. I bring colored e;ga and cookie-s dllt'IICH youth will hsve- the fend will be a special youth n'plui

- Nelsiiti Stone. the church Mime out at .30 P.M.

rentb 'Ass called 10 seX'%e Hoard of the Seuuttwrn the fnllrewing borne-s will he to the church by nooni or that church Saturday mar-nih; at Music is being planned by Mr, als. including a hamburger rue-uk minister of tile- First Buipuue.

IIOPUSI Contentim: it! the- thuttil he 111(4.1 anti dii 17-:30a,m to ro I Ft spv rre- 1w ii;.rl lift nirnihet', scud fr-ic-nuts cans-sane! to go ate-; sea fist,- iat"r of Music A revival cmii-. The ac-nice- Friday will be ut

ti-ie • cart Trail enw; lii English I: Jiruts': 1to hush. thO')ft South: COO!) SHEI'HERI) Lt.'THL.t 7rust jog v-il-h other young people ir. soloists, and various ensembles 7:X p.m. Services on Sunday

tatIs ut the Lii'eie.r. b,.ptlsi Rumnierlir Ave-tiuc-: !)n'-e- Car- I:AN CHURCH will confirm Seminole- Association. Tic,; will itt providing in, special will be at the regular *cht-dul

Born in hialtimur, MO.. he College- of '.teyrie- Pu and id 1 ;water. Old (sr-built' Iligliw-ny; th, following at the S:U met-Ti-


I spend all day on the open se-a. B way of ipeimaI emphasis. ed time-s. $30 and 11:00 in tte was reared in the Carolinas the- Eastern Baptist Theological, Lartirat Leggrtt. hI* Che-ro' in; war-ship ott Palm Sunday I (Ili April Ii. the church 1, children In the 4th. th and •th - morning and at 7:30 in the ct-c He served is Asui.sluini Pti)- ' Se-rntnar- of PhIladelphIa bee- Cleric:: Jams-, hbnwt11. with Pastor Gordon J. Perry prnrnoring a trig to see- the grades are Invited to be cue-st. ning. cal Dire-clot if' the YMCA it In II#.-i. 11w Lectern Sa;itsst Co-i-ore-nt; and II. C. Etiula, 11t' officiating: K I in Degebnian. )auictn Play at Lake V.'Ira. The public Is cordiall) lot-itt-ui

,on. Charlotte, N CT.. and telso hIt-s-c Itit-ultigic at Seinismiter n-rt-i*ntz ' Pine-crest l)niet It Austin 1. I'iniald Rartaomk. Steven Hult. The church bump will rave it* serve-ti in Fellowship Hall fob- to attend the services,

ten- of Aquatics is was from ed Mr Br-sit-horton with the.- di' Phillips. farrier paste-I ii! in' Lisie Rh-ero, Potential Wolfe. Jot church after lunch arid go by lowed 6y the First mu that eva list nge Hill)- Crop gre-,- of Dcuc.'tc,,- of tIlt'nhi!. cc t Sout hern' Methodist Williams- Bryan Williams. and

ham, bay, l.'itrnt'd Tin-ought the- Dr. Bra,- w-- of Bak Tower. for all members of the Confir-

Rev. Wilder young years Church of Sanford will be c-vote- Gory Reach.

sisnt PhI) situ! Ihrrrtot tit the.- - pcmitiorn. hr Aiuc-ltieintt! And -s-i:-,-5 during Roy

April ii Ret-ti-il month at motion Class. All t*acher and lee swim Later he became- Au Ingtnr, lues been eeh-t'tt-d us finn' re-list Thus-re- will tie- nutin-nilir Wednesday the adult choir 1

ui N11-t. To (c-iitrsl Baptist Church with- pure-rita are urged to attend .

u-- alit! rvtriilnij' pt-r the tutu--c ti.. dit-e-tiiui ef - the ti-eel of April us being set Speak Communion services will be-- trut,ral Y in Baltimore- houttee-ru, Baptism CotwenUon n-r"tt-uI with special music Brown will present S fluuitati I aside for services eustht wveeiing I s,nted for the church members

After graduation from the - %-s'nrk thin-In; his hid hill Ye-ST "Tb, Cy-urtfuc'ticer" it 7:11 P.M. at 1:30 p.m. be-tee-u-ti the hours of 7 and I' Fred B. Chance of the.

Eastern Baptist Theological in the Ilimitrici of Columbia,, tie.- COMMUNITY t N I I E 7) - (In Maundy Thursday tnu.m Dial - a - l)rvotjji, spiutisoted First Baptist Church of San

I 't setn1nary he served as Educi- served as president of that rrnornrr CHt'RCII ci! Cas.- hers and friends are mi-hid to by the ehure-h. is available to all ford announced a spacia.I pin- tlmiai Director for tie.- Eastern 1 State Cunt-'enUen ,rhlwrr- will titue-e-rve Member-i join in a Prayer Vigil at the who dial 329-W10. FIRST VNITEI) hIETBO- gram for tonight and Saturday butrKrt Baptist Association U! Mrs lft'uiaingtui. 55 ii very ship Hart's-at Thu at, Palm hut- i church beginning at 12 noon, I DIET CHURCH of Geneva Is dealing in the interests of the

youthu Maryland and later a,. Pastor talented uuuulcu,uu. a graduate- of day with It-,'. William Pkk,'tt followed by Holy Communion FIRST VNITED METRO- of the community. continuing the newly established

of 11* Cai.uns'i tile Baptist Pebcd- luiUtute iii baltirniort. y,.rqdvung man" adulti- and diii- I .c-r-i'e- sat 7:W p.m. DIRTCHURCH of One-do will A special invitation was es

ftrit Sunday ritual of having Frank Cuuuru-b In Rmtltminu-e- Their sin: Frank i, e. Mi'Jt)I tin-c-c in ti the congregutiun; An -'Vs1 Dolomite" wit! tit the' oiuute-rVe- a s-pc-nab *e-i'-vi'-f of

for all youth, to att.-nd dinner carried it by each fami.

Ia Ilattimure, tie (.-ti.ciwd 11w in the Air form H,- plates to Laster Cantata ti-il! be jut-eec-nt- I pe5Wr1 topic Good Friday 7:30 Baptism and Confirmation of and bear a talk by Rev. Ja. i,

Iy of the church and tniei-tint South Atlantic Championship enter the.- Nests Mesico Suite1 Pd st '7 p.m., hunts', by the- pit-.. Easter Morning sunrise children at the 11 am. sei-vk

WIlder, pastor of the Baptist in Fe-flow-ship Hall for Chris.

iw1mnuntng team fur tin-i-i- years, University in a few nnmthe Ott ,-Itanwe'l Choir undrr the- dir-eec. services will be conducted by the 'Ti,.. R.c- r s. new- ii...... ..-ttt ii.., r.,iu,._i,;n ,iis Sto,,i.t Church in Greensboro. N. C.




In a row. Alt Fort, leave to complete' Lion of John iddinga Luther L.agueesoti the chuvdi bring the message 'Wate.4ufrcg immediately after church. All From 10414.. Re's-. Bressngt.on requirement, for a degree in A Maundy Thurad, Corn- grounds. holy Communion will The Triumphant Entry" Lee- members are urged to attend u a chaplain With the All' electrical engineering. munim hart-Lee . planned for be sdmintst.e"4 th.e as s-sB ni Marx. • Qirbetias J,s- and any frie of this, church

Force. Since then be has direct. The First Baptist Chapel has 1:0 p.1w.. April L a, at the ii em. Easter set-- evangelist, will present the arc moat card welcoinad, ed the City Mission Went fart a full program for all ages. The Christian hbnnienialieru Lee Christian and Jewish version of fl.sItI's-sor, and later for the D. The- - an- now prSt*ru* to aso.

Cors-etiuci Wah- CIa.. met at the home of Mt the story of Passover. The- FIRST BAPTIST CRt'RCh!

C. Baptist in I gage a director of youth it, work slid Mn. Lion Montgomery I. A K E MOXEOK FIRST Carol and Celestial choirs ti-Ill of Groecs choir will perform a usai, Pcsslbb' his mast 1w- with a well rounded aummar 'Tuesday for a cove-red dish sun- BAPTIST CHURCH y oung

I sing.


selected group of aungs for the portt work was donop during I program. per and program. Lee. Dan singing group, 'The- Christian. Holy Wednesday. April 7. win Easter season at the church on lap 1h1z year ministry at s-or Tne'- wth soon or t'rraimng I Caaarlberr,-. loi'mei' youth di- I airs P It nearIng the nab of Ibe at time set iaid* at I P.m. I Sunday night under the direc- Fu-st Baptist Ctiuruji iii Silt-i-i gruurcd fur a tt-sti slur; t-duca-

I ret-tin of the chum-mit, spoke or; unifurtnc far the giuup thcuugh fin' the confirmation classeel to tiii of (hirer Mathisux with

Springs, Md. I uonal building but went-k as director of "The holding car washet. i be honored with a Paschall meal I Mrs. Winds! Be-addy 1112 pianist.

If we aski say entire 15W ieee ea •v p.us'v Iateeest, we WIN p.y lh.i pushy .e 1.1mW.

lit r.s'u, v -

c-huige'el S;irtule'rs 'mt-jIlt eut,-i'hi-'.-m ,hi-iv- istg. (Ga ry 'Faviur l'huicbu - -

- lu vote- upon th. Issue- qirre- rae,:

- hi' hall receive-ui the' infuss-maisun • .ddi ..d s.bt,pips —


• • • • eheirtly lw-for.- the rommiesfon s, .ftlpU.-e OW divides with

Little e Schoo l o use ,ui.-e'tinn and hid not had brr.- I

Ic, cjiea.-snin*ta- It. Iirumm'-sni'l S Wines lie Pee SSiSfl fee

true ebuet f'a'- k that he' had sat w-re t 1 I

eer4C belie.. r-esaHti - • d.lIere-s usiweel ectueste

cciii- si-isbn. upon the matter - to ,5 d.cia.I

hich were unatten,led and that ... 00d 460" O's Polish

tit apeak with department Campaign Is Set v 111rootillowea" he-suit- upon the matta'r.

then a4ked Ail *

ee :: : iuil ::

;,l _ :u;'

Ill i)rjrns'nnrei

- C

- (,aine'r if the Information -mere-

uk-I i-,fiue,il item-u' uuur •vre'p. ivaiti-'i Little ILu'ul S t 114,411 gie,uunutsruui lulitfl It-mt iinjretS -----___-_---- _, -

tseuut;el t t,ilthiu-,u iii :et,fuunI miflut hinuiti' by ctuiUi,ug lii-- I csei tueiiur,i u- c ,tuilulete ciuuruty wi-I.- . - -- -

t-rt- ic-u- s ii ru-tar -"l I kit-c uuu-euIu-ui (Itt' th. yu.t'itetu-u-r Cu' lit It Ice it, liii' flu- vt fit.- Black Signed - -

- 41111,11'. 11 ,iuiel thu-mr

sutiur.ti.'o'. liuti'tt-'it i- . frusuii )et- ' - N1-'' YORK C Al's - - thruuuit'hie'ut thu e-.ucsuitv ye lie vs di I III" erucuits that will hue in-s. -

- tture,.ie:i.e ,iit tIn' c.iituty Mill hi- - - - , lilac-k. winner of the New 'tori-u

Ic.' utskutuic ti-sir nelgtd".t - t.0 i-siu'un.-rtt.•i iu,inu-ultiu.nly inc-lu-lu- - -

lit-i.l Silutlie)- w dli as cr 1,000 1 • tue u. Iti ,uiulcu'rt ,,( I -hIS ii - , it pee al e-ti'lt ic-c ftre-n (e,r s-u-- urn CrItics award ii fleet Sup-

suuliiiub'ts nticr.-huiuug In -itui- Little lie-i Schiuuil llueuise t-i;es teenirul uhijlelrcii, ;ur,'.euh,aul , Actress for 1910 hac

(u-n u-h'. e u-ni ill e-vistriie- u,vrr 12 titriluigh ti-cnn's- with outings Su been signed for a major role in

TI,.' l.iutl-- 11,-I 5,lw.-I hue.- y.etre t'cginuuiutn with ii limiti-ul iuriul it Shy Sccuuit Tr.uu.;i; je aI. scraping flottom," starring builds a

titiiiuu.-s this year i.e Its,- iuimuihe,-r III` cluuliru -um fruuiiu t).- - ulu-tttil cute e.tite-r fur ti-use- (0r Se-gal. Karen will play Centipede Lawn

prtuit'ij:el Irlieniutul of Su'iitiiuui.- Iiuiiit,duiite S,tufeur,I area, line' r.ttlrtiutg toum stat- inetitu- the part of a tstflgiflg '-

l"m's,tv I-s--u-sat ui (ui Itulicu i - or-ri-it e-nti'lluti'nit is ui ieiml inutu ti itt-u p'u'ur itunte- eons-un- Yorker who be-cuimes Inrol-.'

..i li-mi-Ire fl it tilt- ,- ouuiiuluitiit% thi,- ,uiuuuiei j stuffu-ut l' huliA - ni-nt or nuttu' at i.Il to (-uufllC - with -, con man junkie pu..ii,

si-uth iiii gi,ueiutil u,;ue-rltilig lu-i- Miii thite Iliac-h csssu'-tu-.I hy twit hail. tu; huuin.-ftaI 5,-Iutitlars sii b> Se-gal. The film also si-u: -

--t cut iti-onis' Fts5.lueHi to- -u' -,1 tiutit iou" scl,tu'e. Tilt- luuluCnuiiiu e-.uu,-ermct0utm vs ith ui-eu u-uellu'ge-s; Paula Pre-nilee. It is a Scg.ui 7

I., nti:c I:ttlli ti-u' lru- .u'uut pr' hut- e-t;uletluluii t'. a lilt .. ),,1 mciii • stu'.lu.i;uum..tut ,if is wuurk - i-oft-ky production. co prudLc' -

at,uni. cii. cut .upe- u uitiuuui 1uuu,llu-litig ;uru-grotui id 'I she'ltu'r'-.i ti- icc-k- - vsittt 'fliewtcr Guild For rele-' -'- -

Ni-vt y.-ar'$ ;iluuis tit t-lciutiueue ti-sit of Iltu- •e.huuiul sv,tu-iit with .huuhi e ,iituu'iL by United Artlits,

-yuien.ieui pruij.-i-t ii c-u-e5uiite- lull l U. . to :t p. iii.

tuolut (If Uiu),tNu4P, ut it- huh 1.11..- i'tu.lvrits ruc-s-ut-u' if hut liii- I: I - - -

I'uci uiimust In' risisu-ul !uuctIly Cci ekeily, an s,ith,lurtittlt It.-Ill .i - - - I.

notch (u-dc-mI ,,iuel slut'' grauit'_ I 4IlitV cliii,' ti.ulii u-tiltlltielh) ' r A 1 16LJ'IO SALVAGE - -. ' - - - - 'i''

Sttute' fignus-s ,hiucw thud 1111- ,-uuu•uti•uuurully ,!u-Iurivu-* heuui" - I t1 -: - .. t - - . -

I t.cviiutsctuly I ,tuui t.-temel.uI i..i All stliulu-lits ieee- giti-it budi'- -I \ WILL BUY I

• :;- -. -' - - -nuts cit !l iegc- ru-sIlo in S.tuui eiuil jur.ugrmuuiu, of ue,-ttu,-vcuu:r.

.!, r. r - i -- :

tollilt), lit

:x ':

ipit,:ifl Thiru 14 YOUR JUNK C AR "

etru-unthi Ic,, I Ito t - '' - - ----

- - r .0 'ii ' We can use an unlimited supply of limb cars with - "- t z

or without motors delivered to our location In 'L -"7. ,"' :': "."B

Payment will be paid Immediately on prggi;; '<

- U 00 A lioN you cart sow .i


ri • 7 V .tcni yittu,Ut

:**d14 - 'ulcan Road off Old Apopka Road cruilnc, Thou iiids -at

- , Orlando, Florida .'e-ii

consider the bitst

- ONLY 13 DAYS LEFT ______________ - 1 -round Liar, grass in this area Gro,i 10 SUrt and partial

r shade. Grows In aa soil, dct%

-. - / or poor, and rei3uireus little

- -- ma wine. Comes tack .erj

- _ e-- - -

4 - sprint-j and requires a mini-.

- è- J -- rn-tm of ertsliiet, P.ant ., our

- • ,-j,jj new Ia --si 'i coneelt 3uur a'i


- Li/,y l.t-an ,ti-


. / NEW — Ceoti'See-i Es!,!.

- - -- - - _____ ON YOUR ' ptinter 10 10J. Ci,uh--S.-e'i s - I'

-__________ - free Hutivy Dt. tj

- -

- C,c'vne S#e-im-'- $ 95 -

P.tnts f,) ,'d,'i) It.' 140

- - --

i. - - -

Tiniest ore complicated.

- (.?.ies;;;z - Wh1. y brew up a storm? THE ORIGINAL


- BLOCK. 7hey'ves devel- f— $


, 0

A.I.001 oped tho magic formulai Al

I F.9" W~~d

Fast sonice guarontissid 91141"

.. •5•e

I N S •

0 A 11 ( C r. ,saesatee .l.ey us ,stees. d - - - --.



i:e5tcos Its m.h *5a'e

$1 95 Psanhs 2000

lLbIJ is i000sq.f'.

BUY IRON YOUR SLID D(AJ.f* eTtSlIflttvbag.a


PATTIN SlID CO.. tk.hund. 0u

0NTEm-1. INC.

- t_s_. - - - _-_ --------------- -----' —

i'i-:LN CliOlit (If Chulueit-u CornrmiiiliitY Church together vs- ills e,thivi'

i-hurt-h nctnl,et-u-u gathered to board churt-re-d bun for it trill (ci the- l'uus-

slut Play at Lake 'itles. Choir members atisl other teens (rota the church

sold doughnuts, washed ears unit held either activities tu raiae iIi'ahie (tsP

the trip. Jfl1C 50 raite went on the trip. Adult np'insors were Mrs.

lie-k-n Shook, Mrs. Shirley Kelly, Mt-s. Marilyn Hall, Mr. tutu Mrs. Arthur

Porter 4tlul tnolr Direct-i.,r Doris Downs, 'Liza Hake-i- Photo) Sanford 322.0375 500 W. First Sf,


1309 E. FIRST ST.J WIIIDATS ,!to i—SAT. & SUM. i TO S PH 41 311-4111

samisississions NO AP?OINTM!NT NECUSARY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

- i flLlv4/JQ 30" DELUXE RANGE

- KAUJU & TURNTDLE III, Rot,.fl,y0,. Clean Ov e n $88

fI 2t9


--.- .- - All _.


Editorial Comment ..

Calley Case Becoming An Historic Landmark Sentencin of First Lieut. William L. Ciallet hai' been given tht kind of attention which our au- Indignant and shocked AmeriaTw tiriii*nd the kind f ,.,V*'P atinn. ruthless stack

"to he confined at hard labor for tilt length of your versaries would seize upon to Indict American tin- Public outcry Is not limited to thosu who oppo'e and all-out killing which that Word Includes.

natural life, to he dismissed from the service, to pnutiitm and aggression: the Indochina war or who have been called "dnv&'. Thus there is an t'VCfl creator need for f0e1ng

forfeit all pin' and allowances" brought it, ,u'von-wnrd For thl, waa one of the longest, if not the long- The CRIley ease has finally brought the war. in the eon.cUtUtiflflhl w*' to 'declare war now tha*

response from the ashen-fared, sniulliHh field earn- eat American court martial on record. It has been Its ugliest upec to those who art. mlfltarlly mind- ever before. The ThkSS bomhncs of WW fl, desthw

mander. given classification as a "war crimes" trial. But Its ed. who have served hi the armed forces in earlier tiar. M iti and their inhabItants, the wasting ef I

"I'll dr, my best to serve, sir." unique and unhappy lot to be a crime nmmttted In declared wv. Many now find their look at the enuntrYSid( (Vietnamese areas, north and out)i,

Un. crime, to be in command of platoon that the heat of battle which was judged by the Army Army, as it is today - jg) - In dollars, power- bear vitness)uppôtt this conclusion,

swept through the ?ily Lai hamlet hi March. 191W which produced the kind of commander so charged. ful hi Influence - not at all to their liking. Presirient Nixon hs.' held out the greatest hope

apt.l:zng enemy for and l:flhing even civilians, In This was not the trial of an enemy after a sur- A veritable Pandora's Box has been opened by of mankind in seeing the possibility of a "generation

what was then recognized as t "wasting" nperntinn. render. Indeed. it ip now being seen as but the first some as they see a parallel between the fIndings of without war." This is a noble t'flhlel!pt. Yet It cries out OT

Wr the mounting puhiir prntest tit both 'the of series of similar court martials that will take the Calle court martial and the findings at the for bold, effert!vc and immediete sc'tinn by theCorn.

finding at 'ruiltv" hr it court martial and the sen. place and should put on the stand those who were Nuremberg war crimes trials aftet WW -Chief-Chief to stop this Ii. inander "nightmare" fighting

'tent-log. which could tutv been "denth". It is nppar- truly "in command" on the field and who made the Yet this is one more way in which the C'.alky in ]nthv'hina.

ant that this officer will do much mnrt. than "serve' decisions which resulted In such operation? us that court martial and sentaneing may serve this nation. Many factors will he spurring this move. But ft

a pri.iTt senteurt. in which LieutenantCalle took part. indeed, the world, far beyond what the saddened is safe to say that C41101- enrirted by the Arms' of

'tie Calley case mar well become it landmnrl: President Nixon, at his California White Bnusc. young. slight field commander meant In ly. his rep "premeditated murder" msv be the most important 3 U. t1icuunii v:iitci will send shad: wzivi's iou thi high- hu been hantharded hr messages - telephoc, tels- "War." declared Gen. William Treumseh Slier. and that. from his confinement, will come the needed

es: OtIICLS of the American government. Aireath it griipL ifild - scot to Wunhingtnt urnusct. man. "I, hell." Waging war, ever an un-lured C

nU. iorentve. —

Airline Economy

Don Oakley Says:

In ar effort ti dinih nut o tlieit euiu'rni slump the nation's nlrlini'i art- tluiIi ever' - i.I..., .,..,, +i-iI,aI. ..4 t.. ,,t?r tftfl?IPt SnflI4-


Sweden: Timely Reassessment Ililip, bI,_' l_14J •4I4lI. 0. tI ' 0*.....................

Ltrr etiiti.Iiri t_. T1 11 r.Cr'.II

— are being raised. Easteri Airlines is niiiHIIIr - - the prirc' of cinl:talls trim fl to IJ(i. Sonu

tount? with on. that Is mnr - .ti,sor. it. the rnuntr'. hi.-

!uries - the family ilisraunt tiiai, lot lflttLtIti .- 1fl

NI;k EditiiriaI*s* . Thu. h't sat

nttiio cii rie are following' suit An airline iii-

I ha* atw* b.n a duhsnut ' whit cniiar are restless. Add

that 21' time, laret. itt. It tfl. sad 'fl% 'Vt flt tnh$.. fu'utl, reports Tilt. New Ytirl: Tinti. !ut Rii( . -

T1rnTOatlnt t" cimaye a. small ti' this situation, the Worst I?!'

area. ant: routa.t:oa. tner0" The troUble k ro- that "we haven't put in pity toilets yet. I tiflE' £

1,' more divers, and wilt iii lit HT*Ii of strikes think we will, but anything where you can . . .

___________ - - that merged Into in. bit

nttrel' different hhItxl?%. earn same extra revenue is going tO 1* lnni(ed

ha. not kop some strike I nith tesebers. doe. into." Translated, that means: don't 1* slit-

Rwede. fewi -ii Oaklq im'a.. dentist., enhw'eit.adr,L pried If on your next flight to New 1'nr: you

justification, about bees lu' traindispatcherS, DSflI CITEfindaboard a par Iru, us the EngliM} refer ii that accommodation. - Ciinrlettm (S.C.'i Nev

riaJ protteaa. and remtndinç the tiim;t whixl, plaz'e. the ,rltt cipa.l waracra.. Not nab- was th. and Courier

"m tairt he compared, cu dfsr.nrs A so'&Isd W*a eali.d late ven.

their CnUnL3 has romi it. ax.- rt,'.'. ii ixi.iw 'rva.nts and whltt.coli,.r mum-


lintt*c i4tatms ho's fat l bai 1" (it t' tf the mats Pont. torinal Ill. of the etiUTtt? p.r.'

it ;r, l' nart-n's'anc ant uluinate1 1r2.d. but the whole rons$ a! WWAT D* a: while the twr rnUntrsee FrsI1TI tr,.dlttnna. wag-s and the ,tllt&i'Iati-wetfst'i stat.

A New Approach EXPCT \ ____ - the tluttsd State, ma have "snlIdsrtt' p-rnwspk" ft wage 'l'h0 ngsninsd velfari stau

something to i.arr. 1mm the 7%SCntatUtflP 5!*VV prt!etwiwt to box run, mad." said world fs• As of February 1. a federal law goes mu. experience of Sweden—if tint 1ttI.innim, work-em T11011111 economist Osuuiar hire,

effect that allows the eItzen to shield himself how ti' sehw'e fect2ou, per At the paint time, Sweden day. "11') l'seoms • eau

from poriiugrziphir mull. Iii. may regtster at a hap. how to avoid smat of the has best hue? huilding a cr.- st"uggle with academies swd

A century a, dst income of those in the uppe? and tint 2Iug ft at

local Prw4t Office to indicate that 1* does lint pitfalls along the 'say to that dip-to-rave welfare stat.. cl1i servant. ..stii the lawn

want to receive aexuuII' oriented material via n..ned sat.. The result I, that the real elijass creeping u as thuss

mail: and businesses that deal in such stuff will send him their goods at their own risk.

ant of the urn.: backward no. strata of the pyrvmd has hen Strikers denied that e.l.i Of course, there remains leeway in interpret-

ing the law as to just what tony be deemed ert.- _________ tHinS hi Eum.. with life so declining while that of the ire- rvnackivansss was tuseleed. Tb.

ticulty objectionable. Fat- nurselves, wq- never .- I — __- ttiisei"sbli hi a sand of harsh '' tr's 's' merelY the bread-

realized until now just how se all those- • -e-' - elimste and rocky soil that Instance, it the past two years, and-butter on, of t.ytng t.

monthly bills tnt. - Itoanuke (Va.) Times. __•-•'••••••• - luift an. utillion ma of a. pnw' there w'sp a seven pet cent net keep shad of the tax and in- latum of five million emigrated- tieeas. It buying power ilatkm spiraL

in this country, the jijdu,- among state sniplayes but a At one point the r.rnu..I't

What's That, Sir? L) FPN 41M ALL T%

trial y.vnlutAm. raupisd with seven per rem increase hi buy- threatened break the strike salightsd polItical and man- lug powi' for industrial work by locktni out same

alltitritiont-Ilabor leadership. has am W.0 offielam who an parmit-

used sir words to reply to the queion whether The Lighter Side

into on. of the Moreover. pay for my- ted to n13s in President Anwar ci Sadat of Er t most advanced nation. in the tied of free welfare services, Since they formed the hetTss*

try would ultimately accord diplomatic ret'ngn.-

got'. Id. Swedes hay, pest the average bloc In ore of the striking Un-

Fur the past decade, the Income taz soar ti 40 per cent. inns, ha*ng to pay them .trfk. tirm to the state of Israel: "Never! Nevttr

to create at egalitarian so- sales tea ci Thor . consumer the union. Never! Never' Never' Never!" - Columbia If, Award Time

goal of thee. j.,4ers halt been There is also a l p - rent benefits would his" hankrvptad



hi 3)I(1 WL"i nrnrttl beginning witi " Iti t.l' 0' ICS UUItC.O0( Domestic Commentary vAstIIuc;T(u IUP1"-Ti the upper miclwrie.-Fergu popuiauoze—'Aml" Duffiernors.

t National Arn m ri' a' Woattier

Ma'hsp volunteer weather acting cluof of th, weather anfarb rrath rrirrieiter, ant; Wilti gtici&crto

e?Vle,' at Last Usurp, III use'/e Sunip i . stuni Mini

will he' niectmg soot ii Atp.m. en .Ian. M.

TELEPhONE announce the winner, o' tin Iii, wraVup tlufflemorr issued a toyrcas Meaningful Pacts With Soviet 322.2611 42&-593e umindi "flop" owznth. 'Thirty days liBit eptemIier calling for "increasing cloudi'

3fl0 N. FRENCH AVE., SANFORD. FLA. 32771 Namer fo tin- lot. Sidne' n including same of the' worst ness and colder with chance or

WAiTE? A IE1..DW. • (top . Itztt'tflhitWfl.iU' j,,t'tinii air' cat T?flIenIbS' ' stnv tonigtV and lomorms.." RAT CROMLET geteusly lets.

When a Soviet violation is Washington Cavre.sendeiit

FRANK VOLTOLONE. Clrtslahr' - G,ser.I M.s.,e beer cahud **Tilt4UIe" C' iCflflthtt( ptugnoitiriitlot fir iihiiiirrtj nut the winflm and WASHINGTON (f-LA) - -.

JOHN A. SPOLSKI, As,.cla$. Citoux&dt.ug 1),i',." Il award.'. t spring tin' it the Ii a,tite 0'' n,tieti tint: s san wai tailing It is dtthcutt to aescribe how in the open uoclu of the U*.


wa"r eu t. DDYU Amisc D,,.,,. a AU1 PchIi,h. cliruotologlE iche' hat chef beit 24 hall!. prrclphtatlefl At 2:31 p.m.. buf!Iemoi'r discovered, it is very difficult

..Tl liii g,.tti(m" ' cij o' tue old Coniroers" - Mr lit then i'tueth I revised very concerned higI Officials -. - ted Stat.s to to lure the pub- 55EV VAN 1111-1 1 WINISREP S GIELOW

Managing Wft. haunting duatinguieuird atcflirvl- Thelnie t'err1n po:tmittrrr Iure.'is' ciellrng leer "increasing ti,. Ntxmt administration - he that a Violation has ecesa- nirn. ft nirteorolug of Gen! }$o. Ala.. wun has the clnudmev. and colder with are over the present state of - red which is esn,u, is

tA5ON.f) DERI'I' 50,1' GREEN lien- ore sans,- Or tilt nuts rain gauge- In town and nt- of son's this afternoon. relations wilt the hciviet Un- to risk a new arms rues. IdItu'. LdIs,ei.l P.s. Ad,.e4,srnç N...;.'

lies'. w'ht' tieep and totTtori'n's" Nixon is iewn to believe

best five--On' lure,-as. tot tiltinteresting cloud formations brut forecast of overnight Tners ii a rra desire bert, that even on such a relatively *PY f*VLOP SILL EDWARDS winter aeiiwn north of the At about 4:3e ot the temperstutr range during the clearly evident when ant tiilhti ample matter as West Bathe Sperts Editor Classified U.es..c tlasot-Dixor line—Albert Kirk- niternoot of April Ii. Mrs summer season within 2 miles with an official dealing with have been restrained by a ron- am a.gr.euient.—no matterhon

JANI CASSEL.IESPY CHARLES HAYS c' al tin- l'iuniiusa.. Vt. wcaUiar rt.erritj looked up at tin' si-.i 0' tin' occat—Hurlit Flinkie. the problem, for some SOrt Of btn*ton of almost Instant air precisely written - can he it Co,,sty idle.' M,tl,aiwcii Ssgp'$. station. and told Sy Creamer, who Pied ha. (ire of tensions with intelligence and the ability of lifted by Russians and Bail

fl)P!! WILLIAMS 5,v,( STEvENS For tin jwrloti I)r' 21- Jilt. stitutitutes on Use, rural mutt, On .Juls 14 FlinkI, predicted Moscow- German bureaucratic ba.rsas' lts*4p 145*.' 1',s, Reeser, Kirke! prcdsctee"ttie north tin,' titer,' was a per vent p cool front moving President Nixon, Ilk. J'r,iI- the United States to reset, mesa. re1oy, It could be .1.

SILt VINU'il Seal; PsoeoqeapsI. wild dolt. Din's ant we atusU ct,nui* a' rain Sin' cisme' withit- toast Iron' terse Sound. Wash.. cleat Eisenhower. in whow at- It the cm of a strit*gc jectivs, only if the general East

IUflC*IP'TIDN SAlES Invo anew. ' Tin forevnst wut twi pe'rvrntagr points *f hitting would drop i .iectwee Nixot has very great arms agreement with Russia, Europss.Weit Europe politics

Homw tMh. As& Wssl SLid- Nost !.k per cent mccuralt it rigtr oi tin' ftijtto,. Pn' region t( DV faith. belse'vei that he would it is virtually impossible to de. situation improved.

I, M. 3t Wool $ %,Ot C Moettli, Iter 31.•t1n sunlni,I' it lies: revised torecits: for p Ins of 5.5 degrees secure his place is history If vise a sure means for enforus- Without accoetmodatios. the $isoc i Year be could achieve any SoTt Of meat. We discover advanced aesumptiot lii WUhIUgSSS is

U.S Pout' R.;iulafioss peevid. $a.t all asmit sàu,upIs..0 I. reasonable accon modation. strategic missIle developments that Moscow, will make dots?' Paoli is evivenre

class ,,,,' ' 1910 ' " Hal Boyle Says: Equally Important. If 10015 only after the first missile (or mined repeated attempts to

wurking agreement Is not prototype) it displayed or put evade any agreement It makes Søil 00468 of SdSIsVd, Piune). 327'1 Ta. 4.i.l,i i. ,' st.mb.' of tI. Associates p,sss wlicl' ,

achieved. It I. difficult to an it its silo. This could be dan- as It has it CIefusges. .etfih.d excimst.*ly it 5*,. ci. 4.' t.pr-adccct..r 04 all Setw

a host of other problems which

,,.i p,.st.ci tti* s,g,,p.t.

Echoes Of April Fool's Day how the President eat salve

plague the country and thee.- ''$ WORLD Si. i.ee of .a aseIstIsI, a..i of .d'.'$isasq of tea lose plague his admInistratIon. of let. L.sleed 'S.v.ld may b. ,ep,.dcsed 1 lay as....'

..lft,o,ø .,,lftas, 5,eflhIlS$iels of OW pi.bIssWe of The I4•ttId lii UAI. 1WYLE Ititsig; oat'. lvi' got buddies "That Isn't a little old dog Chief among these an a A, individual of 1i ,su'easlbl. 4.' iwO v.p.ed.eOWs will I.. e.ssdseed as .0 Ii.. $4.r.lds ..evesq' .ed .us t;i:w cnu: — it :.r: neisit-tI sst eaCh end of the- bloci.. l'hat's a big young .

lb. r.uonsble defense budget to

I,. t.ld l..ii. 4' d4'It.QS' 1W le out Jim 0! thOse mait tin bank guard it my make possible a atop up In

king domestic programs. an end to - dmil S., . un that roost along 111)5 5h11 bratt "That so? Back where I draft end real pease in•ahilHnd Setweday ses..d* CaHeSas..- - then. So I went mit tint bank. shot ttL4. ...l •f a.IsiI. T.., —

I shaved nivseU without even s- bole In a hidden lele'vissun """ SIWU WT •I* RsIIsJw

Oat - •' —

a making 111th' dent lit my u,,flie.tr.. and asketi for and re twice' that size.' It Is not the attitude of the

thrat. sleppeti all the ac,eie'- tctvntt 51.000.001) in 21.111) 5 bills, "Where do you come turn" Russian negotiators at £AJ..T

W so's hat! lint right Whet I emerged the policeman "TOSS.. I'm a hetruos—but (HtJ'stI$IC Arms lAmftoUous 'Taikpl, or or .Uerha or the

puussut. usti wiser I tvull,t-t: mu ird iii. In a parked car end What else' would a girl like' me Arab-israelI war that concerns

the elevator I found at S." bill Of, said. "This Is for the getaway, be." the wt, House. The Russians

the floor. Don't hit the driver--she's my "What do yeti do?" she asked. are tough negotiator. looking _ As I started to drop ci token mother—and tell her not to nut "I rob b.flks.' I told her. " out lot Moscow's interest. and j


ii: tin- hot. Use but, driver through any red lights -- just boPPed lint go' they fight, as expectec on as- ensUed and said. "Put it back SO We' bussed up Fifth Ave liii! I million bucks In this

ii 'fair pudiet. butte' Thu' fltn' stopped it; CeIU'I Park briefcase tv prove' it The pnblem is that no arm, 4 tithe cii. me- You I". like at' and cii: tin' Weir Ill t'.flft lie "You robbed a bunk before or mionaggresslom agreement is

kind of pitloot" fore driving off tin' old Ian) noun. iso's tune! You 50153(1 lIke' worth the paper It is written When I left the- bus. a police said. "tour, my kind of ga m' kind of galeot buster. How on unless both countries have

man wok me In the tibet's. leo'.. buster. When you feel lUse about us joing out to the air the will I. sufaru. It, thrul: . gun In my hand. and making another heist, just lask part and haMng aboard asy 'I'bers are casea where a said. "You look like my kind o f up my son, the pohosusan." private plan.? Then we can to means existe for quick, .1- geboot. buster. flow about rob Well, as I was walking pest br.e of! in Br*iil and spend j,, setialit MiW a

nmg tins Usni over hear fur the Celliules Part Zw. ; tail the bet withoUt aeriog, lot tar, as in thi' accord an cubill

nit?" handsome young lady In t- of mey questions." lit the altoa' , the 50,1st "Why don't you rob It your- bo' boots pointed at one of the Br-r-r'r-ii. br'r r'r'lng. br-r- Union hisis all la See of at,

self'?, nn)m*I dens and asked: r4'htig' It wn my eI&TnI dock tempts, to establish a aissli.- ____ "Thee captusin dmti't like an- "Whit are they keeping a and I was beck borne in my submarine base at Cienfuegos iiie', IISJPL*s;,1 kdeus áN 1k,

to-" tie aunt. "ii gives our Par 11We ale dog like that behind bedroom and It was time' to be- viulatbos of the agrasmest with cilict a had naizic. But every. bars?" gist Lbs day. Preshlsat Kessomir. Put Off

ORLMOO ORtAIDO P.,tawdPIsce 10MdwP4

3201 VieS laded ca.idrai,e 0"Wilcoast


It 1141 lasts ilasked

&c 4 :,,i,


OCALA DAYTOKA 145341rw1(U.S.N1f.2) OW111,11141LOLLO&J, ow a "a Am

, -

,:. . ,

Keeci Resigns

DI&C3 His Post R! 3OR4 VAN GWSON .%5Pei$Ie'd Press Waiter -

TA11.04ASSIKv, Pie. (API —

a - Air and Water Piltmttoiu Cunirot Board Chairman Nat Reed re

lv Torn Reum -

, sIgned Thurd*ii' taking it $. wit -esr pay raise to accept a positism as a*slstaflt U S. In

AP Writer - tenor se-creusry.

Rut mere, ob,.Imllih us, not a I a,lor In lb* decision of the Heb, Sound millionaire to met. his paulo for conservation

* y TOM R .is. i N causes one rung up the govern- TLHAEF.. Ph. tT'—Oe,, mar's harmony utay be mental ladder.

another men's headache. eu so it seems in the fl-ida House, 'I'm tre'mendou'i etched

e'ber. two ,earat, CrsrTtrnItiates are both working on poson about the opporturittf, although

reform. I recognize that it could he a "?'Ja, there's no conflict," sa.'s Crnttnal Justice Committee short spgotntn'ie'nt." Reed said,

Ce.ft-usia Rep. Qullhan 'anee, Tl.Lake'land, "The Congress slid the Pre"l BUgI. PJCbL"d Modes. 1') l's tops, bead of the House Health dent are determined to write' a

sad Rehabllitath'e Ser't-a'es Coimur., sees the double biding eve' record If. eat ironmefitsi

£lf!ft'I'fltl"% quality to IP• toiled tatee-.--'o S man' of the restraints hate

A Real Headache t*eI* lifted"

It's a real headache" he groans. Onginalis appointed to state

Rut Yancey says he pee's no problems of overlapping, aug government Si months ago as a

g.itiag his committee is the onty cm. In the House set up to "e'St aide to former Got

do evarsfl criminal justice reform .'csrk any's I!. 'We've 'sort' CIIUOC Kirk, Reed 'as ilsflircl

id $ keg time on It" he notes. pollution bóard chief in 195* and

"Well, we've worked is long t.me' on it ton," counters staved on under Gin'. Reuhtn Hades. "If then'. Isril duplicatsin, why do both of our corn- Askea. miltee, have ,hcoritmi::ees eslied eeu-recucscs?" Hi, nomination as assistant

Hades uId be was nivstifss'd u-hr prison reform went to interior secretary for fish. wild baft grmlips. 11 think whet the prison done slams shut, It be- hIr and the National Park Se'rv-

'7 • comes $ problem of rrbahihtatii-e' ,.er-'-sees. not lie enforce- ice must be confirmed by the men$—doc't forget the original name of the other committee is Senate, but that Is generally a crime and law enforcement" torniaihi.

'YsDc'ey, it former FRI agent, disagrees, and feels the way Reed said he his already atM

U prison re'forrr ti sec:ng "ire 'sh.r There-s rot to be a n-iet of the members of lit change in stte:udr I: calls for a tram effort thrh"ut the - Se'nAte Interior Committee. u-bole criminal justice- fyitern " c-haste-I h 5en Ilent) Jak'r..

- . S 0 Wash Milk Inspection Hassle The departure cii Reed had

Health Se'erctasry ,la.me, Bt and .'.gneuUure Commis- been considered Imminent for

tterner Doyle Cemin: sits' he tryi rg in unlock the horns over nearl) a month, and it was ' the milk thspe'rtmcm battle tihsrb hss flared for several yeam krso'sn that be ass up for an

Jieports are that both aronr3 heads are trying to work out appolnth'uent as assistant In $ "memorandum of uxid.erstandxrig" to keep their argument tenor secret-try. fram opining ever Itto legislitlie- balls again

Its the 1970 session, a Seitate' c'r'rnmitte'e heard about low' straight hew's of heated testimocs from es-h aide, three up Us bands in despair and pleaded 'sith the wisaft Experts WA the problem—among themselves.

Besltb officials eoitpl&xied that the Department of Agri- tulture was metre interested it enus than people, and didn't in. Dispute

s * giect milk pr'operl' for diseases to man But the I)tp*rtutent of Agriculture baited and claimed the

health taUt inspections done by Bai were frigmeuted among de'a the co Sub C unty health rtme'riti.

We agencies irisper-t milk at the present time.

'heae is no Indication on what kind of agreement might be ORLANOO. Pta. (AP) -

',e'turd out, but, say's lisi, "'sell have much better c'ctmrnunl. Oceanographic and salvage it-

cities this year I thirst there's grind feeling now on both sides." perts Thursday disputed claims As aide to Conact said his boss agreed. of a commercial salvage opera-

0 S lot that a sunken German sub-

Novel Way Of LJving marine loaded 'sith :110 tons of

" State Rep Ed Whitson. Pt. ar-aster, has hit upcm a novel mercury lie's in the Gulf of Mci-

e'IT of beating the housing crush in Tallahassee. He is living lco ,ome'shere ciii Tampa Hay.

sheerd his .-feot brusebost at a marina in St. Marks, Jack Gadd). president of

tug village is mi, south of the esp,tal. Maritime T.le' Resources, Ltd., Wh_ltmo piloted thi houe'boat to St Marks over the u-v-it. of Orlando. clammed the subma-

end, usdiging a pnundthg, choppy four-hour (1f crossing from floe sunk off Louisiana In 1942

Cedar Bly is the St Mark, lighthouse. had drifted underis stir 4110

But u-lien be nested St Marks. and st;hted the historic I miles to threaten Florida a fish.

landmark, be made a u-s-ring turn—up the s-root flu—and Ii'sg ifldUItP)' 'sith its - .eritUi')-

cams to rest on a mudhank munitions cargo.

" was sa tired I said the hell with It and 'sent to bed right The mercury was aboard for P there?' be related, ballast, said Gaddy. ehose firm

Whitson said the next morning be was able' to back his boat has claimed salvage rights to oV the bar, find hv bearing,, and make it to the manna—with I use' submarine- At curent prices. $ asarly stapt' tank Of gas 1 20 icess of mercury Is earth

. S $1.5 riillsces

Gunier's Best Man "Its a bunch of baloney."

State Sea. Bill Gunter. an Orlando Democrat says U. S vad Carl J. Clausen of Tallishas

Mn L.wtoo Quilts will be the best man u-ben be gets tnsn-ied see. Florida's marine biologist.

June 2D Dr. C. P. Idyll of the Uniter. Gunter last week announced his ongageuient to Teresa say' of Miami's School of Ma.

Arbaugh of Aiken, South Carolina. The announcement was rime Science said the mercury U960 at s $30-pe'r.191ite ,tribute dinner" for Gutsier .t Or. would not endanger marine

laude'. Part Plaza Hotel, life. Liquid mercury. If expelled

from the subm&t$i*, 'sca$d drop

Letters To The Editor to the seabed and be covelred

sith sill. Idyll said. Roth Idyll and Dr. W. W.

t'oungbiood of Florida Techno logical University In Orlando

Calley-A Moral Issue said It 'sould take at least a century of exposure to sea wa a

Edltort the'y could rather have been ter before liquid mercury 'scaild

Allowing Lt. Cafley' tO hi ezeruted as they lay In that form enough mercury salts ii

eempleta)y extinersted it the muddy ditch at Rattan or at be dangerous. Seamen expressed doubt that towardly slayinge of civilians without st.mpting to take It

the Battle of the Bulge, the submarine could have drift'

Mngie prisoner during ftc There will be many of you ed across the Gulf.

1*1 incident would have auto. who will ha,e the memories of

sticafly established an Inter' those experiences until your dy-

,istlona.I warfare code of couP lug dsp' and regret, not ellencv. Change duct permitting the playing of that you and all who follow will

d,fetvsel.,i enemies jr the rPM continue to thank God for .1.

ofbeth military and civilians of lowing the moral fiber to Fe- For Better? all nations This would slat' i main strong—cot orly In our

uatify the ,aerutimn of .1! - fighting men, but In all Ame'i,' TALLAHASSEE. rla. (AP) —

Group suto Insurance may pul prisonere of war now held h) cans and those of our wteml.

the North Vietnamese. who believe they ten Are fight-. a few tnsursnc. agents out a

The taking of pri,onere cc- tie for a just csu... butimits, but the bulk of then

What in God's m.se I. St go should not leer the now concipt quires more than beiutr a I"%#

and eow'afeoue Individual. it tog to take to awaken Amen-' slow school dean declares

takes a person with a moralcatu to their series when at Thursday,

* ,.eognttiotu of IIt fellowmln. any moment their plush haven Prof. Spencer Kimball of ti-si

eapselaTty hi the ease' whir-s which, for the ma jority, ill Whscuntin School of Law aali

OW men, Woe.sO, children, 11d never been marred by the there Is not that much waste ii

baIshi are tm-ola.d d,.th and sufferings .zperi' individually sold auto polIcle-

- reed by practically all of the today to ptQflspt a "resulutioe Germany and Jspsr "s'"

prepagandised as bei ng th. world around us- any" shift to group auto If It be

cruelest of all •nemk4- Al- Genies-al J. Dean. upon his comes available.

tho4b many of their leader, to"" from $ lt'.rtb Kate""Mass merchandIsIng I is

didjl ,w the me.ut&on Of prison camp, was told by hi. panloiL" he said at a bearthi

Ihetiasadi of prlaonen. there rapier. that Lb. moral fiber .f held by Use House Inaurancl

we r• these who had the the Am.rlcsa p.up4, Will dusug CoasmiUse. 1. ring. Will in

"OUTS" to allow hundreds of to the point that U.4 aneuty ytlitiet!y M00911 .0

Of red hisedad Ams willdevour them. This was SO Ccewiulocs of agents an

,4.aas and ow Allies is remain years ago, Americana. Have likely to be lower, dipping as

move sad be ,.Iurned to their you noticed any mora l dscsp' In low e,a S Per cent compares

thee. L1mut.d States lately? with the 1*-I6 per cent receives

,lte' George T. Danish by agiols under "W"I mar L thesi that returned - . -



it Ya.e.e. ILI&t, UBKC ketlag, he MId'

a ----- .----- -

--a .- -. • W • I.. W• F --- -. . -

-- - ---.---.. -..

____ --__---- - - - - - --------.

ii: __

--.a': •. • - . - z. •,, •- _--•_ •..• •... __,-••

RIw An EiahfRun Lead

Florida Tech Falls To Breva rd Diamond 9 ]4. !f!.'• Gasti, Gasti

uI:RKV CLSI1 On, (Y tu• during Ihr ihvsr thr nidt deiertt thi tt n u iin . p.: yec- ;iu i asrd fi -

Hr Sp.rt Staff rih innin tilt th ICf& tht hat Irit ni unn t1w tnfltn when hi- iripiNi over thn rii b thr- hn team IIrI1I a nIC 10 fltt

IIov w hIn at e*ht run JII5 ammPd IUi RI! told th twig- pattia Tht wv,nth lnnln head nni thc'n Twe (olii'o errors md a sin ln flnhhini ut ahead of Sir'- .'

twe pass Innings amed rund a' the ather tame In whtt unted %her Mirehiad wn li h S1rin enzihl Rvsitd nflfl1 'rung and on 1set tfl.

themc & F10fla At tr thi I i lht- ?rame threr •Ye on the eor bs the ii- ut th- in the cvcnth Tomnrro te ,oid' e . .

Tti 121! defeat yraterdy U: Rvard made It 4 with a '%hOftsIflp ty tbt eighth the host team tu to St Pete for a twin bill

* * * nate o uIls in their haI & Rvn cut *1w deficit hrn cc te wlnntn run with no outs wlt St Petvbur Junior C&

hF ihI l lr, ,nat., l l,tniirs

' °' iu:ni.n cORIflOAR thi ttr ern waW th scored f:r :m u their ftohhtns slnI to nght. lege. 1a enno m rar •

thiiiih tPit •h tr. uhiffrt. IR.I4 fl,,Ishr,l Ihiti In lIt.

- •evrrythlflç hut pultln tnt hair pitch salter the ftt two met. at! n! the fourth S;nt by S:k ting to hunt. in ham a sinind in wo for thi

lanIh.t 1R'tI Rfl.I i,iati II will I.lnt ulanlinia a( with

ou a hr wa rrr UOuIDa T1S' AS • pnpp rn t t stnn 1*iii S .. ......-' n iht pIWh

I. lii .n lii. in. ttiri,hit III nina mI.aln rlvt nt Ih.

- t,4ayfe;r atcb hi' FTI Cotdn blow an : Stm dnuhled to ccn

al in h.n II.. a.aa.fl I.prat,a. .1 au Inuirv

iniru n iht lviiat (iolf a! (..Uttr CIut M' ia nd drop the vdit rZ' . String. Whik Rnhhi w, dr- -

. • ;'a tiria hl.'ail; 'at ll I'u"n 'rrIIlt liii lii t'.' f.i I lv miuitail

at tournament tha ar Tht ça with tha Rraft (mnuntt' Ciii t' in s nnl Sckman Us . . • • . .

- l,Ti ii* ti ita I ii .. l'.'n .Ini a. (;nall a uI.lrv,tuitir.I Iii

iSi 2flRt hat won (hi Point a mueta.d eswn alternants - pIhrd ti third and after ii

1 ' i i I ii IR a tn ' II' tk II • $ hi. yrar

ôl the fnllnwtn r: a th putt nut(.hnunda. . not hiiIl the ti R' ti-. .- . . . ..

; V lar alua, ;..ii mn.l ln'li II ttil %('iitt i;.ii II was

ii tha muCh it • thi in th tt muct dasturiw( a tht fac hi ntt ' t unntn pulled a double ti I , . 4

R lit till ff1' ml aiti,t lit I n sift It Iii Ia .1 ear a si .niftnvs

lit ltnhertnt cnpthc A flight t U*I oni thm' tran blcv thu eih nir lest Re.' I F F er h& mute' wr •

fur faitil hinim ml aliul ,ul, a ill, ifl In. fit hla I rat •.a

ties '1! flihl wa wnr b iur Anderiol ltt a mtnu mu I is hi as at tot null the hiiar b the i,fl1 I ¼

1 (,tl iii l'i lb. vs Ii miii lR% iil a ml at' r a Iveuim' I> (mu

th Hr flight nrnn wa. Mirtan Jturhm*n $t iflU' ne iii which *he cemrd ti r thor hit & the fauftt fsuv

•amntt rp.h uilliam last tIm. ,i I agueaak. (,,,ail II ala',

ftett Iurimat made at .rrn hut atih wa '1) fhiflt witt the' hs " • \h'mhead let! nit the tnnsr

£ I - V R fTmi 1% nt alit 1 i.'fl. • teal ui a h.'ps" In ilva,iaiuial. Iii. IPII Ii

U. Tha met." apas,&gtIflt bali! at tndtvsdual point. tnUrfle .

I . their afinuta I,, lciiI Ilte I..- peflhfin. tt liii Ii i sin. Ii IflI I.

after four innings. And at the a 0' reachIng hu on s i- •.' . I

a h. hnt a whtt ay,hi:pU't The Inia Int•e E CIItLi b the Reevard ahna. , . • . .

had t&tt not fnoU!. C C t( times It- thi IflflIn %ir -


!i wa A Anitm w cams it. vitt a ptut 1 In art- • ' -


r*fli( n its & t!sa- nsn Uahl inurti st Tni Fieth frame witi: kr tstt tnmtst nf - V.- .s • r.i::1LC t • . . . •. . -

H a -.

tot ha o Cu in art i 2 n V ii it a, ttri&

a J


..: . Witnn Ain Ihi C,ntsttn ':::.::::::. ft flr.tlsg.&t . atrnrs - - •• --


ii I Ii Ott fl or&ie at 'i CC ttii h Ma" - - -

Tbnmp.nt, 31II u.ri: t st imi alit, aee di, 1lt - - -.? - -- •-..

•_ l - ; '

w u.: : •.tttiu

- F - - - - - 4 flP1C this ccw of CrdtnaI' Tke Rd Ierk uh I'haitat)

ISIS ii Pt. iut 'i%,ltrr usa'i I 'iii ttiItiui a gu tutu .

. • .. . . . . -. - . •......- . - . .

t.iiili lit lii. tnt itt .i') hu,uira.

%'. illtamwi' not top spat 'weonti pliar.- Wa, tokr* ta .Jottt 'it C -

i 'ill \I I a 'ii ' )• i iii lu 41% u r sj,a 1 utuilt 7 000

luhnn tirb 7iov.r Won thiru. ....................... ..• • . , \. . . • , - .. . •. , • I

. acsattlng t,'Isustt tin lila Iii 'I tnt fair it a gnIIi'ii' I,ultll I,itt 'tnt

Thi wome? a Ins In n. • e:ent i uC*dir . . •

'I I'.............. • ii, 4" ' V fl(lt

a ii 'sty iii \h;.uini fsmth.ull tr.utn I

rit ma net ni in M.at 'iio awt She rirded P • , ,, nn ".; IL' HI"s 1" . • '.d-1--f • ,• I i (. LI us.. •hit iii b,t. t Ht.r k & ush Fhntc'i

• I' I $1 SI I

;'- nd Schnurs tsat will a 5 an ace- I I I sirt- riles 'cri rail' nilE AttssnU mt smt- ti tht thin:

•; - The It,tnd'ntise tin nut

iF ai: •s • iii .1. Iii' I

nn Inn flnt. Tta. , I.flL- u ataker ii tilt find! minute- liii Lukrr puliru awat Iron.

I lIirrIt'limle tt4II It Iia uis'i ut ii ti .'i u I - i ' I

a C (,nldie Tudor won arnTt4, wiLt. . .

• irnatrt •, $soiflt iv tin Inc qwsrte

a, elated Preat Spnfl tet a. •hnte p1a ofs. bt Ii:: 4.-s tends;: A kn, II.,a;da are 'n asid trig eart) thing at. iaki ii. Is. ulul. toillEe ta.th.iI$ a big acilsulers ibi

1w anic C WLitfllt ira- .. Tin' strIr tiuiat nrnru" Li . , , ,

, }.a era hu'utt 'it' a i' 'ar •tia'$ - - -

tine mar an thu Seminal. .luntn (ohlepi vol' tsan fir.0 %ft Iliiaals Iii 111 zinc Utkin,. thu Iuufliu &T,lflit

anal 1.i:sru tti P Cit a the Ri 1' r..s sm M tritt and }nung Vt Sant at 'or sfllpro% rinent on the 'hams at I OUt C I il!riI i1Ul Curt I . ( itae at ill pitt) their

btie, and 11 po toe a fanta't r It must hay, iai atape! n'-aevrv. aerues 4- Tta mi tt Up Ciuit attia

' ht balance n a •. ' : •arsU ol arI \hiioit. lii,' it •. I

iii 0 Iteliuc"ta', • at,a • - - - - monra is-. Vttct thit time S:n;p'fln 14 1 as it raxa&e. di:: - tRil a.. In 0.1 1111,1 rnsii ,uliin firat of tato spring games to.

taat aa *.tttt tilt T'lsI!adrtnhla hsslttrn a tta4! its its, tha tw is , c %t

iwc SLIM W t mu aria aj tth long bail punch a-a them to the fit c game Umit in llit Stargell Robeo Cit Ptailaipts pitt lung pros

t e (It) okil) 'iS. at ill titit tb It on

- re Bat !inuhyard Iaae avlor Auda 1hnUia and u CIIICIIgI - thu 1 nick wee, he I'! lii gnu Sat: I raflciwn it s rt-d u di' an Ti -t:manah*p

chItr woui Ia sung u o in an Octohi - rr:zutct o' trJLrse' ad grind 'apr Bt tilt f'aiatu a adds d rr id thu au 0 sin m -

t f 1OUt: sp we Hal laattn't lint .ayea Iie . ii tnnia I 0 its Atluoth 'a ziWt iii tot Vt ain u t t itt uitm a i

I 5 alfl ii imi Iii. poll lthcu he Vt it 'a %t5 o a Jonna Reich & Co ton ssd \n Brilt a a rat I iialnn Tue former lall!, Ii s: at Is:!s. r

The tndir at flH(C played isis aa.Ios net asia t° flarE fais flra! Iluds has i# 1k'Iiu5stfl I,asws dinri lit itu gi'vernn oust dr; sng i Men: . ________________ - -- -- - - - from bt

hi . . •P •.fl t .tt h it' t.intavrti.ml roctiian who t.ict-a two cttailriit' ba,tti,:.t

Virgtn Smkman wa, l mis wino,, wtU RI KU luisa & I a ill 2 a lit point nn s A! at ws- lit suns. flm tog tit iii UU '4 viI' cissCt 0

0L 3 St ui 4 Chicago a oui arsr' Toni mat • front St I oust Bill SInger fi a anal Uhi i1it ItO tuiUlii

pIart betnis is! Ilaffernat and Iiesa Macton halt had 4 iii. 'l't suit fit, titni with sr.,nit If Tin (taft tit, r fi isgurE (flit \ U a wit hue third szt I

'it cst-1 Cinci malt An n Cit urn ia I II I IC it It Ititil S'iCS thou a at ills iii, 'iii lisil 15

th Charlene t,ndreWs. had p 9. whirl wan h gm.s . 1tt hoIst L is-tilt threat awn) a peia it (iScair Ibttwrt.rna had giaa'm Iii ittau tans mats, sir titosu,' \.tmanss! niucutig this ym-ft!

S I houston Mianta f at bun it a bi al.h) Se.u%t 5 I h'sk taing ace Junit Marictial. UCI.A tid S,,utlst'rii C.il Is' a-

liSt 7o to t for IrrotU! pra. Th fedlura wa. was: In (ida aufle so ' ittJura rigni l$uhirts 1 .1515(1 EP SItE Owl Eltit nit hnd ant! quiItpat thu other Imat n spot

'aluab!, Pla)rr a )a'ar tht key man. tail) bc 40 neat month, are kV nkjy (,mttIlsg atitli IIIC Mlaui

• .1..

y sO - \ dma Jar mn wzi a.rnnti at 74 Atm, IrVt iIInt, I tnt saCothi' let it tisa aislE C iti a' tutu I Isuitt tnunttd to tilt Vt nriu SILL, U' flhllit nun rid t hi Pt lit alit: huEd' b iu' UI

14f $ 'he ye'umtng flJ the gn at antr will tram '5 itlit 'It CUt t) flobba to ii e id inatcituin lass' I tliitsk ( ( 51

is'. Mn''n both firail n. 1 ti sharr fir-a aisti PI•C')IU ° must It ii hi rlh ,tioutuu

.anii highs Vm kite'.' I via' Is Lisa lit din bu tilt a huh pr.•drcrsatn Lt"itct Maddo i iii s-sty ba'--, Cf ?aida"a will be lookir j tn tn's HIS emotes Includa Toot p, \'ike Tort: if th Cardsnal superstar in entrr fit ider ( a I un i a f,mrin' r qal titriliti it ,i aua Into Ilk] it t arulitut rotimni

vu.'a: (nunijiment next Thurada). Tb. iw,..baI ,e*t-b*U a'%'ent Jtttiflifl ttlideIpliu erit" Litrl Munrrn Irti tI IiUIletC *. tttth- prublen. onta hun Tui. giia- w win nutinmins trials todz, irita-ing liii- liria! (ILCIUII-!] RUSLUO Rd

Orals to do batU. with Ceo for 110 more homer5 as Cn5,re. are to riSe up at arts •s nough supporting t4knt to be cndt' with th !)iuliitalmt' Th,• I P' 0 italf Tiutiritstiiient --

iiu'iu* thu wu.. n, ret, *1: igol 1nwrii ti thu w,t of April _________________________ tili 7I.'er- jiulird ahead iuunigtit ' tnc*t ti rrot'piinn hlitmhtuti ttirt-t aiium wit r.egiiI swung , trac1 tirsure a-iatt Patatka tO meet second pine- L)odg,'rs in the Ctt,s wtt' fInished sec-nod a ,iaprcciith!'. wIthout NI. batting but that might dittiage

"'hut. lusts nothing with Ihtsl

tUut.c n ii a ti tea 0 . amuits arver, ii: Tta- Red Sc,. wuutici up ttsesr

dinason oppotit'flt. Tue 11171 Mactint' doubUtsa Ross Santo and Jint 1l:tktn.ufi tOutS tos,atticrable itt-lion while MiamI on Stirniti>'. Id hike Iii ,sltaitt II If It aa.ia tita' limit rotitid

- in ri t-tthe? ha'' ti r ate . Q\&,/ LII.

uii'ifl t" htbltitn' tunipasgi The Rude-a lust heir first .- , ', • Itb To ' . a' the ,t u,,.-rating lions knee sur set tij pitt) Sittiirti i nIght

114 1 I titud eie.ht atr.kea on him

a tma,uii

• 'log a' :i aluglest , t-ore!entt contest last 1' UtidaY.....................- - • 5- , I -. , - f• . t• • - ii ad 1r -mmi It a'. atulal In- a niti'

limit right now • at it ft 1dm -

- - - ' rut i

tseti they split a pair of game - - -- It: it a is' thtmug il sit iii sit. it

C bs' T

S trsua OCunr*ii sat iuith nor-ida JuniorCollege • .

,,. d,IV. •

U (111. Lr1_gs . ', ''''ugtt nsghitnsarr on Ti

- madirig ti-am in Dsttsoii - Ti''a ilil, hiiu a finir tinder

- ' rt outhit to, ) SOS •' •, JC as 3 an the dit'iito,i Thea -. our m.7 in -i tltur.ii.l) a first rousuil

The Sea son S pener Si ANlIi'(- -' - ,

ilsittagrs Endo- I;zist gaa•i iii SMtdOTd for a - -i

- fur a aimsire of ltie lop spot with

- & the pipyrn Onit of! to games next Friday.

liii 1.111 htlhu'i Il,rhrr and N.ta

i JIAV't'(II'Oltl , outlitiurt AUtlipiu h'htIlt SIIUOTIM' Alft . - bus k had a morning Tt RatOen are trrrnt

r a Isin d left tiaiimdu-r lut)

'içtrtf f'rrs hpatn' rti' wou left behind whet: tist M . IEI

- • li'titi at Itt 0 Cmw1i ws 1W , -- l4 on the asor. winning tvt •

- I ,ii li.

dut' bru. cumi:, Lu b. either

- -'ttiiI of thea st au gattire. alter / - , I his Cr, Itt,- ,hiighic little

.luat lilit ntuiir its Liii hunk auth tdril or usaigned La tilt Wa 1ar- - S , Ctntiatfl trying to awing ' winning nint in a mat- at osu

'it - uutii?i African talin i Iha' sir

out Chicagi' Cu iwv wnsrd mosaic leagues 1knrtu 1ruct ' . ,

,Itttt Un itfiri acqung time •. - -

- feuding thi.iltiiiinn in hut tour

about mat- atoner for 17 (Ipel. CincinnatI go: oai1 ti tin LarrUl! Fumutu

- Uuat Juarphatns Iwo. ' The Ratdrrt hate best pirgu a.- - -• : -- . - iItiil( 1st etiiul atlu,) list atsiti Iii,-

ii t)nye piayI limP Ip ating piLctw hncr Eg arm 7t 45 - S

, f. SI., Chicago Wtutt Sw. Tu ed by some injuries Ia1y. Mli.0 • _, p -

- lii tattu hituir r%,'iita. atntigglt-d

bus this st-st? will in diflet , Pedna IIurtiuus Pat (lahum ai, I Lmn (unit Ii. 70. 4 , (IC itidicuted lit wutdd hair !Udd wa the last vzm

- lull itilli at tail 75. four oter ,iar.

tilt -thu year Lflht hunkS KIll ituas flfli3Ir' ti Liii minor-' 1 £ Is bantt.stim

• tlit aun of an aui!uuultcement. 1 t.t hat hit b' a pticb in Jack

A..' - . a l'I,t'i sr ulruuvc (Ilt tutu of

in flhti1iii and pincing firr b,iaeman L her' 44k-. • - •Wt lii,t' puie?a on the -.- sotaaltt and suffered a hairline

Ii'iuiuula •litui lustit a Irlitle bogey

Tin- apirit ii at 111mg hut tin Mn' ms tttt- I-Uaa dusablhtt liii hetta Anna linac Sn. :s • - . . ... tuiter- and ati- imtd to tar - fracture of the left S'tiSt. This a , - ' • -

- 1 til lie surn,. lounul the water

aTtn I uClfl itI avid thu Cmcutgn Vt blu bus slid Sotisk 4(1 a f I un' : at lOs Us w IKi tat ku the Urne

sit al Is isi lit diup mit Amiul h.

Thudis) tin Cuba put their it I, updoning uuU,cidrr Ctsttt, htyks 44 " - - . :r. Ss:tUiiy munuig. cCumwl! hai beer inJured by a pitched -

• II,it-i 1,utti'ui f"ur tliiica

lhi-rUg, alue in thu Ciii' l'tst l'm'II' ti tin ntt amtd Aul4Iiu Pmnre1! -' - .. •, •. - • - . Ii - - -

'i_Ic. bail. boDE Sherman

1 i's lutu, Ilti her isusul Charles

disabled hat aching pitcher Johsti Purdis; •, Slit! 4 a. - " . ;, ' a- -' . ' '-

The watt-! - tatt. user Ott - ed to be back In action cuthe! ,' - - .

' I • tui •t Ibis. 511 ak.. lt-.sii user a

Tin- 4-yenv nit' Huta tus hawaii tIn PacIfic ctet Itrtf: tint liar £ I' -- -. - -- - -

''> hulls Ins tt stun uf the tomorrow or 'Tuesday H '

• • . - l:iuuuli it? lI'.p tied at 55, They

turad ha nrthrttit knees irnu t 1igna 01 (.ansr & hits - / nserlt I5Ut acasun in fared a leg Inur) atnen he fri p

iii aSinlrallitis lint. t t ram

responded at exptetI ti treat Ondzi Lcpe,t mid Lan -

boston Ttitaajaa in'_iudes lout out of a tree

- 111111 Ini liii r Staten a tlstiiiI)loms

meat and atUrkoUta thu sprig Vttthanu unitrd home wits AUUre' boLti ir is - is taw 1 pittt*n cat•v it De Brink atIa' wa

a Sit Wiull IoU1 sophsunnesre Jack

lianks saud hit malt' cusicti but th' Atianti bruises ulta SnseT 374471

' 'ii di ra and fiat uu ftti&rs ba an FJC Ease runtwf Turadra -

r Ii wit IIIC Ihtowii asad l)mte

St I iU) Li hiu tilt duo &ils inturld uJ atid a suuidnati aa Mas 17ih7 u'tu Juaepliaut: ateppitig Into suffered p rtjn ann Brina _______

It. Iii tin ui r

dora t wait to enibaruss tin pin' in lisa acteob: tatting ii lath' UUIi i It -

iriutt taidsi r JOts CS • tStCflId fre.hm*ti pIa}rr atia a uhiitiu ii mutest. iii ahiausuls

miSfit niziUng It hiuk us If the trim little hlschniwtd laws cluit aaida Hubbard 1 t

a r bob Utitutiler) nl gnadua from Lew a i r

I iusui 55 ei,IkIiss Is,iilui a tug

Cuba we phi' itig ,onsru 4 In ThurMia' a sprig twit I tars Hainintazi 17 a4

F .uaheticia or Tom Saiano it Righ C 4 iisi ii it i I u0ii Ii 5 1)1st ii hiuig

who As bun.' ing acUets. Juni aiimifl. h8lL

- itt-tided claewher,- Sse Siiutisrr - •, -

fli 'i'uis .1.., kilts of Ksigl.uitl luau a

Pb)Ihs Vt1ajsh.

- . -if a.eir L'tas'.4aF- ''.i - a. 'Ii I

w ttit %a'ainul Dierker and 1)rzlfl) 1 laac learn io ___

t ICSCT ugtwr. Wiitj old junior isigb ln)u at4 - - - -. a

• • - i5' - I lit till Iii fl tulislilIC hn,gu-y ins

a niust tatuanle permuter ttw rw or

miS ICCO tilde aCtion bU will baa' to u'sdcrgo an opera

tilt fist ul hu.ile

in i I14 aud liar a ca ,enkeee an lout tills

a tttIdCt uTTh ttii spring. cutik' tAos. The lefty was out of . - - .

-- - fmi.istrri s hump Hilly ( usia- C.

rests total of L011 home runs hIousUm to p - aucLur and r .armli ir

i P

_, ?'' (t4!i 'êi jalat bitt it (tutu an aahassdmsd t a

eluding the Montreal I lit phehed the San Fnrno gnick Jimma Hampton and F5ina1d Euge run- Hntptun urid Htrnettnt uurth Putrlie Mtii tot benitu dwindling the Red iti t1uru.w a tatit utli ,

I 'Ii Oa It ,tr cii hit list liii ii t.i

tars itt liSts u outd ga'S Ott. 0' tltu" 5,t,rr , I- f.M Ml'. IA lA Ll-.s-T. oidstaidhag omea athletes .h.w their term. Debbie )SIiI (left) clear, bar is high. sr ii ,ui s It at ileilt 1511111

rub-i. ILwy cc -hMc UiL (.eag .1 lbs epsMlc at h1a lbs laps ml La a rtitea& w.iuta'i 411-yard dash itut.

'.1 hit • font pa, aiiiig pull

'iii iOta luau his lush •i liii- it.

- -a .' - -- - -- . - -i ;

To Highlight •

Alai Opening Iglit usmilli ,Suut 1'1 SI I t' '''i' ti tri' )t( lilt). ?4iia' ui-v I .'aa t,.'I, ,l'l,'jt tririlsihi, lipini I'

,,uiahl,i,tg to asly tile-it lii. ,aat, fis a irip of IPs. barg.u' i

slier 'if I h i,a'.l4 I•nl I.!,. .'j fal ..-.. atar p - •. r' a'-d ? spa' l,li.i - Slit, Ia 1 v I'hris-l' front'.,, 7)'..

ha fi.mul.'mia .laf.,i,llvusi rluSIt,. 51.iO4.tava an. Lila, Artist,', lain with a ajr'lar'uh.r hit ilru"ss. Macills, Egusa. V'y

un. last •ps.nnu 01'i, I* at is is,P.Io h-ba amf

A gisshsn ala, ,.t,irn,a tat ii, il'a

cmiii halt sjtsgles till. lbs p..p'i- ,t II .venarsg pen?'trn' aoe.s. -

ar h, it ,i.aiit star, wisi, ItutIhit 5ti.nuluay lP'r.'sPt ,tstrrIsa-i. In slims..1t Iii play thu. w"rf'i'' em-b-- I jarr.a cr4 tha ,.,inn -

.stral gain-. Isa') it' viat"ni.. .1w.,, starts ftramptl/ at 7:10

ri tha fant'p') sinybas rota p. m. in •iI,Jtin, .p.eIsI 11-

.IItIu'n liast 1'5' (am. m'nalir,b. s.i.j',r. -'ill Ps- ''

'1 Ia. "than at.ts r,tsur,i:vsg , 1 aid ..ny '4on'Iay sri u,!sr 13

ii,,,, hus't ..*s',ti at. Ji,rg., 5e 'hay. .tsil i.r at I p .-.

miii,, Fr).srsii. %I:iu. r a., ha . 5,11' ',,.t -it. it, upra

p.). 't$ts,tnrrhl, ;ta.iiuhr',. l:n - a: 'I Ia ,ø-a •a.t , Ps-a -u ,e.,

I. 5 ta-Usia',, I ".hlp,. Saila op i'm' 'lrd (ran lIt. itt-nt star,'

'ill,,. tid.,'i. r'I ty, 11... • -,n'.'.-n"-rssu snub n,mfart R

,s (.'aIiIu,, L..;'et. i.',ris.ya. fir ,rvchirmna may I. mad. by

ii, Pita-ti iii. Mini,, f.tai',ha , jog tflhl p 2t,-I,fl2

Inu,'i, Shi,li,iti, I lita itr. ?aIls , .s Iii. ,nInsi'ai. a ur-enandit ,

miii 1',,nrra, f r,itnn Is hnrat.1 ,n 1,:,

Ss-ri:Init sn'ti -, nit. '.il! '• ths-ta- 2. 'e• 'f 'ri1iuiail, Fret", ,51ai'li pit ltst'au'-u It It a,.iI mr..,,

Li;, iii 'us.- inlent.-.h ("ii, at,,. lil• fr-ann I ha v-earth and .O,i It

in. fimti.Itltuir lIt. a.as'un at ha tiy int.rst.t# tlrt anal from !P.

ha. appal hy lnt.rs?*ta 1

I'E'FE IIAI-'I-F:NI)I•:N of Melbourne howa the kind

of zteti.'tt v.itail st't' in the inotorcyce motocroM

scheduled for the' ,itittiuu)i' niotucross COUrwI at Or-

litnulm Sports Stmdiutn Sunday Marting at 2. Five

t-Iu..t' tiC mutoroycles tvill compete - ii to 1Oc,

liii to l-o, 1211 to l7icc, 176 to '250cc and 230cc

.ip'n. (ati's will opsti ut ii a.m., practke will

stuuti itt 114)150 itoh all entrant must be signed in by

I ji.m• 11uur IruplIleti 'it ill be giveti in each clau of

1-ult- ihig, utc-orsflng to vetl.bearded Russ Cue, preil-

dent of the snsnsoring Ruucin WheeI Motorcycle

aattt'iatiiiii. Time tiitttiicrtias is iunctkin by the

.\Iiit'iiOiIlI M'tmuiydt' .\-m't'tl1t it'll. I\5 RI AMA

Intliuts. st'uil $CO i.tsIa or hmt. (hmihslreri under 1'2 ad-

omitted hot.

June Decision Expected I

On Au s Draft Evasion 55,55111 at.'FiN t.Si' • Slat .tsismtttilte ii JLse

Iijtmiiiiitutl 5Ii. the ltaruliu'r w.,tlt Alt. ato ¼ta'-. si 1.

IieaV) sarlghit b.alng t'itaiilt$itOii (hay. nat iiiiitled oil Slsy t

is c a ptt.- tt'it Its Ira tu iii .h UIIt I 1° glid 'iltl'. tttj I h fttiltjw 'I

mi:tntth 1k vii senitssccd to at lselher h will hat s tS' Suite i:a eira and flat-ti SW s'l lie

his liar etC ii'lilritu , fl-I ts'I11 I •ipea!i-d. cunheitdsi' hit Mut

log isiilua lion into tli1. St uticat 'ia It- il L.ts it 'I "'iii Iii.'-''

berth Igttlllsg ill 411) atus L,:al lid nail lii,' Sasu Cilia' (cliii I sits ti.,te Allah a

lattlitit iii 1 limit aaIti it at dl heiti Jur Ftaziec at 35 iI'aUil .etI .rgtliilritita aSitill $9 nit All's up tat itltt as 'I' baa'.) at,sSrt

Itssil that tsr tta1 i-itt itluti hi alit tuimsittato •tttit- .5tis cutn- icllvfl. ''.clsiplli'ii sums ia-lights. gutisuiutla outin.Iiutrtl Alt Ut their re

iii,- highs ('mail I iiIlilt -thai b tail I) ivuisti title lighi In Neat

5'. oultI t usl' list the a -i .u• ha-itir. t,i it iii .siui Unit eraI raatagmus

blit rittl ill lIt S tO it ut t,ilui II ii tilL' lttittibli.ali




CLOINAt .au* tI,t)i)IONlN "situ



tNT I..fe,d Ae.. ISMISI

IsP V',I iSaiti ii. Aku.a.l Ia.P II at .$a's Pa it-i

5.S.* ta-1'v 5'''. 5' ,u isti's ta'ta.i, it

PAITICLI IOAPD l.0 i-. a,, i1 • a '.ei.l Iai Lmiu, Pi,pt.--.i %tl


Oft I4...i.a, Nest a A a P Oii.aO, Pt L47.4h1

-- - - -. - - . . ... ...J ..---. - .- - - - . ---. '. .

7 slit(_••_____________%

Government Economists Predict t Most Voluminous Expression Of 9

4 Milk And Hamburger Headed For Price Boost I St ;: JL I W 17M i W17 ja

B C- fljfl WALLACEhte:. live and 'err Iimr' thf :urs'rn1rri h weer a iii1!u!t r"i inn-(lb $4 1 p hundred und' cri nt ii Aiwlalrd Pre* Wrltei rt'e In general fond prier' dilr and dm i rk, ,%t itle eor..rnen replacement slol. An Agricu m 11. Farmrr,. III?T1 10 the 1('!4 $4.43 tin ; oi,en nmrLri.

D SO CIGARETrE COMMERIC1ALS art hanned at trIrVi UAN((l 1AT'h - Re Ifl the same P'nI.d. Sieretar. & Arwutture Cli! tUrt Department report note - - _- _____

--' Nixon Adioninist ratiolq

rt For = alan. And some money therefrom will go into ipanlaralup of

tall milk rrlces. already at I-'arm mit 'i - ?$ IrtitnriItuilk an (O'.t 14$ hut etir 1 tnHei Pn*'. lfltFtfl*IIflAI

sportmg events. For instinct. In auto raetn, watch for the L. their highrit level In t*n ',pars dairi xuppnrt hnn't might en nniui-oil Ifolarich there,cluthd that retard high prier KA1N S Fmir telerph piinlit' at life

& . Continental Championship. thot 31arlhort, run and the are to yr up even more cJragi farmer, to Ml of jpp and a 'rriitr 1iho iinp -

Weitern While )Iouiac chatter - .. % Wwt 50d In tennis. a ,emete competition tr b Plvir tWJLL. of government dIr ttherlflç alder or marginal the dock a -entrattved around .5 ii the VirgInIa Slims Invitation. In howling. the

Classic. With TV coverage. certaIfll. And ad signs on camera !1' !OIflç Into ('fft'tt. dnir tOWS. That tnId ri'dfltt

erpn tht Wohlic s4iI wmit s re it; JrIF(f ç,. dhI'

Two dill- i': Iii White


- Fit


,--:-- drumbeat of national opinion On

Goernment tCflnflnhIat. the SUPPI Of CJIT%1%Id art! NpI4fl Z Wis.. and 27 other flu' confliction of 1.1 Vs1ham I. CVI!WhC?t, SW? CflflUltA WREN Till'. !'o...LSTERS asked a sumplin of studrnti the InereaSád prier MIT)pnrts $TnU?Ut flirats anti drive rn

to 14" CfltIICf hint wr n ham pm-es natnr Intrndiiei'd a bill th (Il't Tfl('llfl lIiriiu

rvrrtivn lIardir rnn. diiir airnpnrt prier'. n::ini


AGj_ EN C Y C*%IC' Ji

natsmiwuk where the would like to !ivt. I' not In ttii That ,tpouring of eprl ihc chot u order 1. Europe AuStralu Canada. 4. htirrr livid Other IIW'5P4'nSI%1' SUf)pflT: price' re no: lilt flefi W R "Rob' Poage T ''1 tfl'.Z hail r.'vr.

shin, the ninq s'nluniInnis of < Asia L Africa (. %Iexicn. 7. South America . . TIIP* or t'fl' only factor nfleclin, milI ann Ti's., i-hiilrmnn of the Ilnu tfn& the clai Whir. Quali ty S,Ii £ Servic. Tells ,, on a4mInt0ratIon. ha'

ALL the ammab name" u.ued In dearrihe human foibles. Tht tU'& Jfltl't'J%SC In the mi's! rir'r'.. 11w e.nnumv'.t Agrieulturr Committee a.ehed program, the rin'i'rnnwn: put' I' f ' been running 101t to I In uppoui

Ama"ni' Jackat mulist.. old gnat perfect lamtu. eepit, crnmt'nt't guaranteed pri-, It, rmptuasvn led heannci on a similar bill. a lion- under milk prices io I. C.mm.'ci& DI 372-5762 ---

Of the contitteji 'ohlter .

: bIart sheet.. bpia'.. niiakcr around. kittenish, rat. Have fnrmer' for milk used tr.but -if, nr h4'vuu fnllrn'.en di, Nelson said farmer. hiive' In' promising to pi an' rint' .

I missed an' trr, etwr'sn anti other product' isss~ A n the tfl'it,i'"

CtSTOEII SEE10E Q 'Blond t thicker than water." M ti. jug under C per cent. A l per rrvig t0 the thtc II.'

old strpdad used to u. And scseotitvcalb- It's knn blond cent boint approved las


it, actual!' ala times thicker that tater That means n Did atepdad likes his natural eblidret six time' better than mt The bitr'st Increase cattit yr

I F th1' A unth like a cnmmttt of compute figured that the heelt of a White linult , - .. 40 10 I'

,j,I ,,.l """01,1, ;1 .1, ,.. I,lf i c''I. .1 fI'C 1.1 l..- 11,40115 thA , ,'.' -'1 R 'A

ii t ,.g$,,itngli, 1 l"il liii,, a nih I, r 'it-il tesnh,tirv?i In t'.s', ffr?y4 his "symplhl0, ire ' With

'Viunri' lit Ing I. tt Ili$ ii,,i Il I, tnen, 'fi!IlFfl intl it Vifl( Iarie'ti '1. risiley ' A '/Af 4'lltt Seoi!' rrrrnm,tiee .,uh4 I ,'k ('If

lrgisliiliirc' I,,st ill, liii Ili,' 515 1'' %iehIgar, Senate fisfif'!

clernortev i,ien li., -nut I' Ii 'I ii ('alter ,nil I lkli t,nii slit. lt"ti I! s .,briIl5f revilutinn ("r. g s1p.rn p rn string, l e % Hillit 'ii sielhir ii liii ill , .win ,ç

,nt,l,i, I theni'a'lt i ' :iiii I hot tIC It ("44411V Jr Int'l lit t.''ldmr 'AlhItn rin-ib of Indians uspencicI Thursday front %(d

., 1 10111 Ii, k ill I li.us.' til'.it,Ir isIlI"us ''

it Is rp,s. ., 'is' real flags river stoIC P,trild ,way ffpgh u' I'ivinl in Sin re,n.

I slut s' Ilu,' t'iIlt Off ii 11, 01 10,11 ''it,.' -' fiul ti' s f•-" of our l'gs fl'ra'r, it half staff and (:stI( i'"e"s she she

Iii II 1 11111 lUlls's II ill iii it, I III lii I' it i-it i?ens shseil,l tlr'.rglu, f;,,. Ii nt mV Is r!er planned to peu'ee'! a' lb f Illv

V itt iia,uu tltt I ,-siisiuls'i ulfitli ;t I mw"" I,, fist i.'t that Ilin' re ui t,rci - Iaitne'I %tr,v.rl i ' - Americ an an the •ePiivst grwrnsli l'o'..

hut I ills iiit shill I' ('tilli'', n. li-ti,,,' off 11,1* liii itli',it 'sent' f"lghtjrig Mans fsy in support the prineprii's efuiil Sb.' Sal'!

illt lIt his' slu,ui-ul If "'it' till' 1110 11 - usinen sucl t- huitlren, of ('alley A rev,Iuitlfl seeking later she 'vs fi.inhiifl'Z

Ift.uluut j.,'i .1 till -, "a-nnlu' III II..' suf ts- l,uil ' . isirtloci sos jritrr,tl,u'ert In the 1'i 1Ud'r filly in 4.vvnto',n .sn

I uis!Iu's it Ii..' iiiitr',l Stoic's ('issily ticptiith.isui'Iiut ti" if , ,'al f!hrt,us

ii. i' 1'.i ;h. ie'I of a ease of 1huir sliiv asIit',ly tol. r,l

niiouii rntti.1Ctlt, siippnit for the rnnvtiiion "Vie

.. filth (eo,gls drift board In ib, minority Among thent

ri'signed en nla" Thursday to nai Teau State ,n. A. It

protest the i..t'tlfrt. veterans S.hnarl,. In a debate on a

gt'ilps d.'niaflutc4! action. 'ever resouittlon priiti'allng the ('aile)'

At 'tote h',ztslotivi' boll's s'nte.i crdIet,

;'c'ti!IIi itin' liriting el4'iiicflc'. an II. tCaileiI mat' have been orrizon V. ..niafl hegavi a "ran - loing his duti tttien he entered -nm fluId'' for CaIlr and a San thet Illage,'' S.'hwartt saM Dsc'gi, t';tIuf high s.'hiot girl

'Ile vitat- bite' been lolng hi' tsss sti;wi.ti-d ,i%el a forbidden diitv tt lien he invinded tlii prole't I .IlI illagers up But then he fired

'.,,iit, .,ip.i, i rirliel intci that ditch, he quit doing his

t. d,ut l: $r soniethtn wn tIw"t.....W1i.l15 Tl'rt't1fl hrttrrr E'rrtflefl! ' It-IE souii-rs L.RGS1 W,~!

UUPUI Y NUMt rUt'ff't1ll'1tiS 3- it coitt, average. JUSt to rntn 1 C4tt" A About Z i. month. or. and dairymen urging tughe- ______

3lorr If you drive It Sn say, the Triple A price aunrxirts The A -vtuti - ..• ._.-.-----'-,.,- - .,-.---. .___..•__•• _• ,, 11111 .

WHEN yCfl"flt It trouble around the house, d with the n,irtii*rtu initial:' ru - W frilk' one at a lime juo to.ttner. Studici.

R . t -

iruen' v-tthntfl the mot"imnnhal mate *1 hand when tarklIn T-''' "' "L , STARTS -

'k I liUfr dnmrtIL' stluaunz. l(emrfluticr Ihi' nun; fellow 1 '' ri

' -t cierlin, to, esilnuiti tvr. -

littic dnmetle v.11uatintu flit iaui price suppo' A PwK A 14 fl'HT, THURSDAY

. .11 Savage Fighting Takes A HI*gh Toll; ". I

South Vietnamese Capture FI"rebase e 't''-t'aat' st-UI tunas retail price- .L.. .1-1 1 1 .1.1 '---

-. . !

::IIl fit flflhlIhIT TUI'hIS c'.' ,l,-tciills'i' V.u'i, t.iti.I II' ii' '.11,1 lii,' I!IlufuiRi'Ii' il .., ' ,I U. •, Ii' ' -

Your qus"tinn inc. r'o"nnirllts art stlrnniec anc .51 sear r dat"t prier aur 'tIpi :si I - '-,_ " snclatr4 Press t nice ssninsh'.i V. lii ii iii 't liii Ii ii iii ii' s '1100,10 still i-n, ii. u 'ill' II in liii II,

u,CL in T' 4,.S.' !'T (IN wtie'evrr po IhIt f'tv't attdi'' . vrur -- ri'nc resulted It rr:i. i.' " "s. ' s , R;(iN 1 U' t ,.iitth 'Irt IIC North 'i.'t lilihti - •- '.Ini iii,'.l I,s.'p . Ill hUt lIlt' III. k lviii I,'.' I 1 lu-n' -a as ito a ..r'l on It..' and uI,'itrtr'ivti the f.v',fi,n frontice,

letters to I. 3u1 Boyd 1'. ( Boa 71fl7(, For. Worth, 1rsii • ini'rt useu of Per cent fir 010 A TXT -' IlOIitC'sf' triltIpt Itate ns-s'tipie'tl the h,,w W'sliu''Iut ,,iuti .Ini',,' lii.' '-url,hII utnuuliP of Ii S atIvjspr l'be ttst ,,r, I'i"1, i." '- a 't trru4'.rjs continued dtsnt.,r,t

'-i,, ..IL ,,,s.1 - I rw.a' Pen "onovir, 11)1'!.'!! - ,,.,...II.,A Wlp.h.s,. t',.s S near the Iwil Salin* ('lullIfiltI,''. ut! IIII'I ..iil till' Silittit. tf,aIi)'. cutitji,vrcl it Ili,. lass'. ('ommhl was the strongest ef a ser.'s of the big base that t'.I tised II I

Semmole Cale ndar

Talent Mignt sponsored b:i 0 a 41, it 0 I Ovwds, High Stiiur C1a,s&, April r i ti Semmnie V. omet Ti-It, at school

• cann't' Citizen' Aiiziatiai. ('liii. "la',hia'n, n Ttes'ir'

April 24 19 r'- , buil d i ng,


LOWEST PRICES ... GTLi' L'I! Church The Catholic V.nmen's Ciut' ',sitw't'rt. i-efrr'shments ii i u

salt, l..I p.m.. Second and Pa1 1 will hold their mnntIil mecttn smttte. lotd Chev'rns'tlt build- t t p in, in the soruti hail. A mgi. film will too shows or. Thr Sanford Business and Pro .

Itight Ti'. Lift" ft.ainnul %t i.mi'n'a Club disu- % P Pg .

April lier mnes'tiIi; i.i 7 p ti it, tilt I

.w '. _" .

Pedm, Lake flowth. ; ciut~ ralthifir Shows. It. 1, Ir.. BUY ON STERCHI'S *-.Or- -

I - Zy12ftMPr%iK

Rummage uk h} cacie. At,i'n"' CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS! F p.m., Supm.Vaiu. ?Itamonu 7,i

South !wmvtloit Pilot Ciii. ( flnflinSicifl"( 7 p.m AlIt

HOTEL/MOTEL SPECIAL BY FAMOUS S1 AO ATTENTION boom Club. roverrti diA1 .,,fit- p.n, hustnt'az natfli !lt-ii'.t ' '''' -

SEL. SMOO P T LS OR fl SI - a - j r Vegetable 7Pm

' tta;~ '

,,•, ,, ' S

S MATTRESS OR BOXSPRINGS ..............•••.•.. (1. L , Wit to; r,Xtrrbt11wtt

A 7 .lt- ;.yn. Americal. "i' ' )t It t't It f

I;ton home. fl&S liu'.(;; .11:it

rtru(latmriuiic Li- WOODARD QUILT BY SEALY

at tab fiftaw C! ' I

Report Englict Estate' S:tiool "rein heur. 1 I. n.. at the borne cu QL1LTED FOAM TOPPER TWIN OR ' sieEnipi '

Shipping point information to-e-1 ~111, ctjjI(Ircjj ~. ", 3i, Tj tr. ill% S,_ !i0ii,im, hc!rr4nm-ntj. L__~ .- Thursday, April 1, For stack generally good gwiltty, unless WINSLOW QUILT BY SE-ALLY ' 'a '

nttwrwisrstatrdPrecuolmgcx Sflow i I, I TwIr(ORFLLLSIZMAiTRESSORBOXSPRLNGS595° : .,

Sanlord - Os'irde Hospia oe QLJL[JSIZEMAT1'RESS AND BOX SPBINCS.......S!.......*139.00 ___

Zellwood District: - £1G51EMAT1'RES5 AND BOX SJ'EL'GS ............. ....$198.00 ' • .-

Cahhap-Cfllcrvng moderate' .PTII 1. 11171 Mrs Louis u,h-arnictti t Mor- ' ' ' -••;_'•__'

cu'msind good, market alightls- 11 AIIM LISSION' t-i sand Itith G irl FIRM GUARD BY EA.LY (." -

r1 size ,' 1 IrT C1tTZ


50 • - -

tu Same pret iou.. commit nat Plifluti r-1 'in I .t Qt EE SIZE M &1FftL'' AND BO crRrGS . •.. .. .. . . . . . iso 00 ' - ' ' -. -

nienti *,OC. Small size. Ira .)eunvtt. 1. Tons'tt - Muirrutrit. M Huh! £ThG SIZE MAT'rRLSS AND BOX SPBIGS .,..,,..,..,.....39.0O '!hhhuhuu.

, -' a - '."-_.,.j

Th Mi-lb. mesh sacks. medi (Sara? L.t Scntt Iuuir' 7ompl;ms -

WI slit tO(som, $1-7, smah rilett SnIllth LUXURY QUILT. BY SEALY INNERSPRiNG

Carrots-Cflfcrmgs lht, cli- sin Iry V.1511). I

Tnairt.? N Atuut" E 1kon IN £ND FULL SIZE MATTRESS OR BOX SPRINGS ...$6950 '_ rTuuluuIuu111

mand good market stcud. 411 liort-itherin. F. Williams .Jssnit'p .Ioydo QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS AND BOX SPRINGS ...... . ........ i'179.0O '

3 lb film bags meilu minner Mumiriirr.J.Thnnupsnt : 'bil (umniini

s L'SG SIZE MA.TrItLSs AND BOX SPRINGS •.................'2-49.0O ' fti

containers. medium - large Efl W1lluu Crahtree-.-Ilntviclrn, Nt'Ilis Alini. It 114Sf) Milb mesh sacks In-vi (njdn .1 Aili;unt.-'tuulunta lgi. A IfrIic-Ifrhtnna GOLDEN GUARD . BY SEALY o

inoas pack, 11..-SO. Icts higi. Ttiv'l.ulir. 1. " mitt -: 1, - Al'ttu, .-ittm TWIN OR FULL SIZES • MA'F'FRESS OR BOX SPRINGS . . 79 . - bur Tcu,"i"su ,'.nti,'n.t,t,-lIehtOh&S - -

Cekrr-Offcnng, light-modem Shinier 1. Hiati.up-(ieisevi I$run,t,v Ls l4swreIscl Jr- QUEEN MZL M&TJ'RLS AND BOX SPRINGS . ... . ....... i89.D0 - __--

tilt - flenuinti fairly good nuirket I Swiye WorteiLuuki' Siai-'. 1.nserprsuw £Th( SIZE • !tIAT'lKLSS AND BOX SPRINGS ...............59.00 '." .

titc-at1 Pascal t.'- *. 14 hint l."tti. !'hullIii,s.- Laki Mut'- I.rua, t Marti,,_Lnngwsiv.d LUXURY I / S -

'.aitrs 1 closeSt siw ft'S.'. ('turI;tsuu I. (,surruweis-Nrv • " t i cr ' - • - down star don'!-' III ('IIAIH;Li 1frut, TWIN AND FULL SIZE MATTRESS AND BOX SPRINGS . . ".J) set .:

'' "4" F /I - - :,u,s 127!.. dozeti Size 12.0 ' - i'anfasrd: Jill1 II '!TlIU'NCIS hni"riui QIT.EN SIZE - MA1TRESS AND BOX SPILINGS ........... . '189.00 '


nile, reheu:-n:

er ? _1:

ci Iltut. I II I I" I

IL. i..-Ca"sui ' (v kING SIZE - MATTRESS AM) BOX SPRINGS... . ... . ...... 259.O0

f)'n wrapped 24 count V. 71. -

Endtisr - Oflcnnr lignt -- - - - POSTUREPEDIC . BY SEALY 5..;_ ç._.:... -

timod good, market stead RECOMMENDED lIT OEmOPEDIC SURGEONS -THE Ag )ZJJ, , .$ 'o I I-P bushel crater iXi IN SLEEP MJ'rES '

$8995 --

41%1 - 4. 4. f t '

Lacaruk - Offering,- ligti _,,,, TWLI" OR FULL SIZE OR BOX SPRING .

I 1-P huaiie'I crate's, k 12.L. \I QUEEN SIZE PER SET (i( •- $4 ivu '.

"5- "- - L.'- ."Thf' cr,a' UV'D CL'T' . ' $o 05 ' -'

- '• ' - r... - ______-' -, 1 aaSr PER L.5 -.-

t.etture-lIig Suitor t.'pe. o' - fc-nlngr light, demand fair, mist , - .'

I POSTUREPEDIC . IMPERIAL BY SE-ALT d!-'' I.i': stead'. C ras !4 count . ' P" -J'1'}w JPJ1 fl?4 OR cENm FIRM. TWIN OR FUlL MILKS. sQQ 95 a, " $-d BUilt type. Ir.aermgn light

- )LA,TI'RESSORBOXSPRINGS ••...................•.....•..••••••••.••• ci. ."" '' . -

canons 24 COUUI 12.01. ' QU 8 SET I JJ ,. :. 4'

tt'ps , uftrringr light 's-.' bushel r - "f' ' , -

- I L" -c

12Z Rnnuisi.. tt'w, at ") - -' £INGSIZESET....................._,..........0*.mw i "i. - ,

Ic sHghtrnc'derate demand - ?ostii' us. ITailable 11.5 1/2" F.aa LObez Prk1 igkDy iligher a.

crater $4, same .7Ii. "59 STORE'Buii'iG POW SAVES MONEY FOR YOU!" .L

Widriihunn1wd!' I


au:rni, un,' type U.M. Al Is W W. 3,100 PxAvi. 440 N. O'ituagoiAn.

flhIllawdisbra--Offering.& light. doiC

I Pillow 787-8003 Is423-4468 ,

. and

tuns lUxn bags. Red type. 31) C- as, $1.00. White ldcl.e type. 14

11"Ungs 11flauslift: Any PHOTOGRAPH...11

yjg mn::fa1i;

Round vpe. appearing in The Sanford Her1d it available JILL! 131 TI 5:31 Fl. market about Tassrnfi III 'OY A(XOIJTS!

Lsmallatv'1IThj to you in

BrID reprint six, for $3. nor MRS FlEE JIUTEIT! utisiturial

I ' ,i, ----- ----- - - -

' ,' ': lit,. I .a..tIan frontier, the Saigon I.t - ('iii, l.s' Trsi tg I li.',i, ii I lu t nit uatui tn'i,u,t I ltn Irish-' ni it tsrri,u'h isis rl.,I,ncnI scirne is sivilts this week a pp-srentiy st.s4. og trea for the camp-au -

- ;I iutiniuind arlhii,llfl.'rsl today tip.ikesiiiiiii for tlii S'nitti 'lui it! 811 Nioth 'ia'tIlltIuiu''.*' in nr,ci It S .,i. I 'irs illS'1 Sth 's'iet rr,ntl.' in retaliation for the - hi Laos

- .'.-'' &a' -( ' hut s-if sat tii' lighting took a aniaulI?lti'Il till! S,stsiti 'h- ilh:iilh JIutitil - Il • i- vstrti h,lt'hIinits -ii'. •ou'r l.a.ia forces i,,uvu'h.'sl a itea'r, li-mu '-

- ' - .5 111 1:li toll to 5.111th 'iet,t,tilie'.c' i's.- reunion. ,'mrnt's iu-ui. - .tupt .1 istil.- •- t I .t lit,' twirler. It'' tu liii' S.ijti Vt, 't',hitf'.' isul Else-there n S',sith 'nAtO im ' s ,IAr,lt ('imh,w'tt

These 'our..'' said hint' th,,n a'rniw'n, Apiinr.'iitly lit' Null, kill. it ,,tu,t -' ' ttsnivt.l'-.l, Istit field j ii.ql,HIi,.g '.1115,'5 by 113! lwsmh comm-f''! - - t - 't-'t ,,a'T- il 1' t ' - .'- 1flrt' i'm 'f •'''''

- - .s'iiusitii'' the ar(iIi,'r Itt.',' l'ttitt '.li4u Ill! pnnti-ii 'II Si,isth Vi,',i,,ti.'si' I ti.'u;t- )' Anirritiin air support, the U.S anus! Sr,'ith Vls'tn,ame*e lt4',os -it the 'iiI,sfe of Rntn'i

L - "7 -

- 'sI IIit.r'y s,Iutr,',''. ahu1 the itt,i flOIIIt'5C i',lhllIlflInti Ill S,iigiiti, ,tllIIllII Iii.' l,si', lil,-hu is iui tin' rl,sItha''t' I nuns'. i-ri' taken pris South Vietnamese lnvaitnfl of In Camtir4bs. r.-omv'niin' -'


- _%


h,llf ,f the 3SO Ssisith 'l.tlhiIItI 'ietn,-uuti.'',' hunaI iuiuiliti ,iuiI - I,$lilIi'. huh, i('ii 'It') • lillIti' 'ri. fight"r tw,,ntw-rs turd hell !,.r.'.t - -


_.WA .

' ' 0 ' ' ' r -1 St-wilth Vir-03- More obile Homes ,

.!.j -"~

f ' -

11am ,ghl near Khe Sault In the tntcna1Itng conflict II wese soldier, to-ounded In shelling of fire %upport Imfor

! WE FACE OF WAR Is in the face of M


. % I I . I

SI the Laotian-South Vietnamese border. U lies . ' ..

- % -

- 1 . . . ­ . CouldBe Zoned It

County Drags River Needed i


- unto V Limits '_-.__,",f. '.t N

AfterBody Spotted WAShINGTON (API

,nterli'nn tnilitnr)' mnal)-sts cal uI fill, SCOIT Imati. %kithifitt, city it it., u'i-.i ..r lt '.sti} - - - - - u,ulsitc the North 'ietns mere

Seminole Cc.ur.ty utk,c'rtti ii tO .t,t i n.us hate pushed through only about The possible I,tclu'si,in into Arthur horn., snutinc ebsie'. nsattttenance allowed tin Itt.-

are drog1ng the St. Jt'br, r.- t;la'.'. aii'usI,'- a.'r' r',novol one alath of the supplies needed Sanford of a nnhiI.' hon'' titan, pistil if s,ui'hilr uIevrI.'p' priips'itY.

,r thus nurT.1flC trying S. - - iv.. i .h-.v . - , - , - to sustain their forces in South dweilin4' park was •hinu-usi"t at tiis'Itts isit' ulSi,'il by a clang" ' lit itrulithier action, the hoanit

sate the nadly dt'mpn'.l ht) - - Vietnam and Cambodia instil Thursday light's t.,liiulg iuiI in z.,nuti, he wrotuiliy ui i-t Muay n as pviItic hearing

*'r,l . like to hast',' tlui .' Iuu'rtnnnnt t hiatt' Inn rt"u'at from Gar hell w m b f a white male that et-tine late this year, pin,inlng his

nt.angled i a fv.hs'rn'.an" - ,icording to these A-,%, Robert Kant', zoning i-thsr,I hunts's rather thati the trim 'it - t%',,'t it, allw the use of it

line. nients the North Vietnamese tnembcr, i'rnusirht sip tile 'slit,. lillItlilt' ihi'% tltsiinti'litA. t-ao'h. .lr..ni hone natu,',i by hint

indicate the body was found hr - - Sheriff's di partmec.t is htt,' vnot cd nisct'. hat jet't after a dv',-tis- 11.11 ,'r,'lV,-,i , Afti- r loon' ,its,'it"I'ri, t Is.' I," ui'.t t i-ri'" ;%, S con

thu-an 4,000 tons of ammunition O%'CC the nh'pnuIs'a! of ii visa' siuij,'ct ','uss nt'(.'nr,'II ti lit),' ito . It ;s ri.

Fred Reek of It.n;wc'-od '.('ar und other material through the Sanford city.ts ill, ziuhling pini liavitis' r I ,a'rah.l ll,,k,- to s-sin' -

the I.cmuun Bluff Fish ('snip - - - In Volusia ('aunt>', but effort'

l.sotbnn panhandle from the czpected ti Ii.' hnu'ugiit tw'(,ir.' stiler ii.i is--I to zone for r BULLETIN --

'liarS cit the cIr' season In macf his' city C,ltititill'.ihhtl (in .ap. itt,' itt,,'' 1,11.1 'ii isil, -c hit, i'rr.ilrnI Nis''n orrier

to tow the rorrIe to phata- were. I - tnsuec'r,sful and the body fell

()etobc'r until last steck, protsal soon after a iml,lic hear- tl)uIIIig h,iuir,I. ri'ira'.ing it. " 1111am I.. ('at'

back into the water. Iiup'u '. - - IL Thi- military analysts esti- In nnu'ths'r st,'ttlIl, th- h.,,r'I Ie Jr. (rum a stockade pa-nd'

Only information know '. , fl-late the' North 'lcIniunest' I.- J. Risuver, city littIliiItl %lIt('iI lii t,ll,i' till' sal.' of m'uuIitt)- ing aispral of hi, l.a

ie body was that of a a lit. ISIU'.t 'till send another offit-lal, advised he hail tuilkail sr trailers ,.( 11401) I'rt'ni'h At.- niurder (.Ini Ktilin has •usn

tons along the ho Chi Mlnh with a ilevelop-t'r In town wink. viii.'. wi,lriirrad public and pta.

ditarn. Trail into South Vietnam and Ing up s plan for the establish' ltisrn'r saul It W. (riily. - tstr support. rrlla'siint the

roan in badly decomposed c.': -

- I Other nc'tivltis s by the '1'

Cambodia before the rains s'ir. ment of a mobile hot-se park to Ilnt'kit'ilgt' tnay,Ir, ituid nt-quest- tn"ng sentiment that arose

' -' ' - tuuallr shut off such rnn%'enutnt present hater for tsII:irotai luv - vol thu. ti.i' sf the prii;n'rty fir ac-sin'! the rrilict,

1ff, office in the Itself 21 Include the uutr> of Dn!lsr

- in \lnv the .l toning bonril, trail,'r .,."s, tint htisv','r felt umnisuncemrnt uI the tire

aci-Iption lir-ug Store F - Ottt,'r'.s i'e. the>' say, ills- ('fly )hinusger W. F Kill-It- titi ru-';tiurs-,l it ,lcts'rt,tuiu,st ,ti -nient'. as-lion (Irv* apphaue

North Vietnamese In those nsentionc41 that stuat.' law at of till' zoning )nm:.rd t'Iltc thi r' andcheers in the hl,iusr of

Park, where a small amount drug-s was stoltn by J-ia-- area' v.11 be on shorter sup- present excludes m,ItiiIa' tint-i," wits fl. scction tn the city plan I Iteprrentatise' thur-tLas

unknown who knocked a F. l'II.-\Itl.ES l- I .a( ;t'tte, plies than last year even after from paying property tiax,'s art'! ' ,'n%cnlng uh ,sps'rtstioiit. - from member' ho werr en en-

into the concrete building 1ti-,'"id,'nt art.l iiiis'mtor tlu,'pnitrd of Cambodian caches for this rrison, the- city hue' lit,' u,' tippnitvisi wits made I gags'sl in a debate on estrn'

Sanford police reported the - of tit(' S'out ii Oi'landii and aCctuss to the Cambodian not permitted mobile' hiuintes too ,".mntitigs'nt sin thc isaitue u-c as sin of the draft.

- -_

theft of $&!.2.'O worth of ew F'ir itt National Ilank, port of Kompong Som. ________ - - -


:". ~ 't N







- , '. s

4 W~_ ,

11 I -olf., ~__h N - .A~ _.;

COLLECTING VOTES the hard way, by eohleedng garb.sge, Chicato's Republicafl mayan-I candidate Richard F. Friedman gtsei a biu'rel an energetic beat edso. Friedman Wok on the pickup ebaitei Ia

dramatize riipaltfl criticism ol city services. La his

bid for the first spot In the e'c'oud city, be Is challeng-

ing one of the nation's most formidable potltic*1 1119-arts. Democrat Richard Da.ky, itching aa inpc*- dented fifth term.

---------------,,i It C miliiapv ry. Including watchea, rings win avrvt' as gttn,'risi s". "".'-., --.'.-....-.

and brat-skIs from the thins chairman of tin United they doubt the North Vietharn-

Garren apartment at )1' P ppcaItif like 20

and Osceola Coltin- 000 ionol through the I.aotian Area ChL reri To Hear to'- for Hit I. ['nit. panhandle In the five weeks or - s',.,,. ....., .. :i t i,,, ,, r.'n,.Ifltn5 befits' the h,,atv It'.t vs-ai isi.- u. II. I - I-i S'iti'iii.tu'. lit ,,t II II iii' -ti-i II t.. r,li:l-l' ' I' -

rches.t. ra

KtUA I'll •liitI0l5,ll i-ill - 111 tint heci Sept . 21. mons.Yrs rains close in. .- it,',t ra uliis'.l it. Ill' r iti (cur the- Sunti ipisele I ,,% of the sam.' nat-is' as the Jfl'. it, ,jire"t,"l ,-, 'u,.i I.

BARBS -- --

Coutit)' alitli gru'h"i, -u ' 1 hits' ynutiizat.'t's in 1 1.0:0. flat with what critics a'chsim as a The "d,,s,uble.heatiur" cunivrta for the -"

sisal tb.>' hail it lit,, ii tIll - ui.uI.'ratuait.iiitg this' "ricbus'r, nsssothss'r ,nurisl". will hi' on st4it' at ,iule studenti is buinit put titijvthr &a ' -

I 11111

PHIL PAi'ft)RLT Deaths I The Area ''hurt tot's 5 a'I,.siit,' to hI, l's', hti.' that's the' t-otrI('r'l I'uvl.' ('enter. 4e,'t cvr'linators Mr--s Ruth Long and

loqitsiss' t,i,,at iii 011111 )i ' i.ii.I pint lti'.tn,l .1 l'tst Ic I )e"I'it I), tIrlintlUhtti-sI "i'shvul Lh,s- Sukur sit' the t'''.uus:y Superintinilunt Of

"T 'nie t-nm,'t drastic >. to ugi,u.hiusaan act-rust 61--i - Hut titer.' wit-4 it I'ahl", has been "wnippe.I ulu' in t'iusic all us-AllOts S staff. Vunusiui with ther's -

lihill It 'tth t I111/,1 1.1.1, hilsIren Ultitrr'siisI opinion that ii'' ''in' html ian) stiff'- iii', Itt,' Hut he ,s'ri.'usl> h'e'.'am. lnyt'ls's's-i Iwir has int,u-slusv-sl material .k-isign.sI

you! moths- i in law out of ti'- - I 1 , 'I' '. i r - ' 11 I t'. of !-icrnlitole Funeral lions.', Al. t tilt> lii uitlIlt'rattahlli lug iii, Itch isisil 4-ff1.,itl%4 mis- ui '- mt;. gr.s'Iiats-.t ft out Ztlgrs'ts Music f.,:nsIiartss the Up.s.'uutitrtg .'tina'rrt- 4ovrs

house is tro run away with her Ilu l.a .- Liii., Mutt.- llnis'e, tamont..' Spring., in charge. I,tuuie that ,a's'iii,-iI to (l.a fna, that sill,., _ l',,uu','rt .,t.'r s in tt5s. lie hall da-sehtipesi all the ,e!esIiung th,y will blear p4.s,'v-.l. toss


,. ,. , Sarifr'r'I. died Tuesilni ut. Will tori hatipus, i-suiting, ja-rt-i%s' style of ,Il1r'titi that has cumpsVr1 are ryeuivUt an aaqu.t

JAMES huh.

tsr hlsr,',i, horn In Finn-Ia, he AgaIn thiiia )s'sir 1111 A 'iii 14 at II) a_Ill. ,,,ol Is on isiltuiratlon (roni hi a.i.','iatu', un the "r- ttnnefun,: ' '"':0 '.he O'.*vi,'ns 'or the

Wise, wovtdat worry Caine lb the city four years again, for nnotha'r l,ltiiii st'sth gra'hs' itushs'nts, chrttna as well as front the nIti,s wh.' It'.'-

much if the> hairs what most ago fruit. Ikljsnt,1 .111,1 was" * James Hull, .10, of 219 Holly

Ift*tfl0graph4rt' think of their 111,t,.ttiiit. ii.- nt-tired Ar.'nue. Ss,rtfor,I, died at his !u"n ti.' I Sr Air Flori o - . residence Vc'Ihnu'i4Iy, lie was


II.' in •urvlvrii I>' Iii. wife, a flatits' of Ireharsi and i-aIItC - - S 'A- 'A- 'A. Mary F antis liriaru Ianl Pat, Sanford in 19!.!> from J'biIla'


at ius,'it,': asii'l 11.-nt lii thr I-,'- 8- delphia. where he had beens a a,

a 'iuIr '


), its I'

dad Air ','- iv, (-t UIUIIV ,huugh manager for rtiany )'ears


of - worho %4 ull go! 1.1).1.1i I_ Easter ta'Is IIri'ig' t - at 1st . - h,y,inir, Amrrirali Stores. -

dinner 4unfor'I arid >1,-a All- s' I.. lIon lie was a Presbyterian aussl "" - ' - -

J,,11. J ufiit&'r; flrImtii- I n , Vu-rrt'ni at the tins, of liii death was a -




lth.'huar'I Ellis, V.r,ti r Ha' carrier for Ti.. Sanforsi Her. -

a , va-i.; (aper Ellis, Atoll Park; aid. lie was a WWII veteran, - I -

At sacalisin time, home is a sisters, Mrs. Grad n

Grady l,tnier. Survivors include three sons, t


last reaorl, unless you're dead '.'u,.'.'r has i-ri: M rn, t.swt'tru John hull, phiilisdrlphla; Rob- ' -

Ili broke. l)itr. Atonu I'urk; tan grand. ert Hull, Ca...hierry; Jollies

Hul r., l, J i'enn.yivanha bro -

th- ___ -

rr, William Hull. Canada;; iii' - -


- -

FUNNY BUSINESS By Roger Bollen Sir, Mr.. Anna Rainry, I'lant ... - J City; and thee.

1 grandchildren.

1'ui,i'rai horns in

T -

Wp4tD CiA charge of arrangements.

I3 ri

So, Jiniti liuH,Si,itt ill hlUiiiI______

5 -- '--. - r' , : -

, - - -- - - -' -- - -- - - --

Av.ow., *hu 41.4 SV.dsa..day at Ii. .'.ai't.m.. will be k.i4 si 1

0:15 • 'it , aiaiur4.p', ii THE FLORIDA SYMI9IONY ()ri'heistra will Its' tit ti. Sanfaam'tl ill 11:811 a.m. ('s,itiliit't.ii is I'utVlt' t'41itdJ 'I'h' ",ti's'k.tt_t.ts' k." llramkow p'ua.,aI Ilousa. will it.,, WilliaM e 14111,18i Jr • (lvk' Center April H Iii 1ditv liii' hits aixi Ii 91-11,11- -ttiiili'llta of St'tiii' t'sslh'i't't itt'i'iingi'un'iht 14 mud'.' itt'gt'sitirs' t's"s'.itias' liii' aut(it','i'tunk to. gal lap. Ilsi,tsl will be in Oak' lmh' ( 'olinty. The 75 IpII'lpihss'l' ,uttisk'al V1.111111 %%il l PIItY tt%i, Colt' %% ill tt't'.'innusuLtt t' tittiv utlIlut t'\IIltat ,'i', Ital I of t he sixth grtdt't I.. n itius,.,,Iil i'.ih il,an,h,,. Vuuiensl HoMe 12 • h•r1•. i-cm-ta, tile first itt 10 U.lil., tutu iI ti.'i' it 3(1 itiltitit..' I V.-4 l I . hilti tli'ttihiiI iii the stiUnt> eIni',,l i-t ts- ut -

S .. . ...#o - . • - -,I - - -:

LL*zzL*e Anna Wilson Celebrates 100th BL'rthday % 6 fx

< r_

10 r_


a I

it ;: FavorL'te Daughter, Early Settler Crosses Century Mark

Ufl 1.1* I e

- 1I-i , ,F.*--

7 ,:_ -, _ -

7-0 - - .

.--, -W- - __

- votcN t tirtu. ç 14.


. ..


fj___ Sc bv*zi tht tth Miuth 31 f 1; a

I - f~ . I A , . . ~, - . I

!! U. WI. for I.Lu An: WjIv,t. IS • 4 ; - . .

41 ..1uI :.

- - A queet wac never mart u:. ... -- ., .

r.rv , bruit- more radian t:..r. . . . . -• -.

rrew hr uec: _____

r. her 100th bTthdit. At it f - f .. .5-.

A lunchroi t Ih•1br- M41.1:. tf

tht ha, beet a healt . . -.• .

= r'iidrn: tn't liii! 1nur . ... . -. -. .' .5'. 4 1

. vuj • -t- . -

All AxrnIe. the "blrthd.,% - . I . - ci. ' momet .ti liii .1' -- - *-:

' I

, ,. ttire i laihsrn.abk print %- •••_••- . .

- -- *.-,1..,

- t, A •• - - - - •

--- _______

10 b rslithl coltfe tit frame. it be.. ._ - . . .i-

S. ___________ ; I ______ . . .. I

tnui fart tnat itjii - :~ -

r1awing pea __

- . ________ ii _____ - •• .•


if j1L.,_.,.. -. 53,

Tht of' Ui. record bu' rjo. . ..-

ti'h:nretronf:daisncr I

fL__-4 171

-. lslri4. CLt and i-. . ilJ. lrflcI v. it t tit t%vI ";tiipit A1IPI1 11tTitl(V. .- .,!i, ti• • . . . .. . • -. . •,. • 1 1'............. .. .ninr -nri If. tvti.I . rii- F;rny Fx, ?!rc.. lion ii )hddetwirt, f) rai..c ulit wiu- un IIC flit of :ii.. Ilvruz I- ie.'... unc .i.irn. J-o:.. iii:, I.iruiuii • \irr,, :.i. :'7i ':it t i, E;,.-r-.ir Fri),. iIl' Fox. ?lhr' Ant. •ltihy: Fox.

:.)T 3.. 287.. I.iznt •_flml ti rig!i.. nnU. O S.&tnturti. (Doris lULflfl- -) lutitnn lit 1ilturv ?ilunri: . p.iie,. - tth fitful' I)(lrOthr i4IIf KIld ?I1'. .Itihtt Fox. Minther çrrltt %

rd late' . IhOO mann" flieti lift itbafl- wtiict j j three ihi'. .11it Tn and Mis' CAItI IttUnthIW the. feitt!VIt%. 1ft!l4*d witt: tflt t')ht'%*.. ChitrIei Fox. send hi' v-lie. Connie, zikr'

-•'•• pith heprrntc Cnanic. Coned U b.-trnu .rcretarc U lth't- flwpltirw j j . y' hnoirurei- u htt' grt'itt nut'-.., 'Sherri,Fox .lone,, unci iittenthd the re)ebrzitinr..

Ant: l;i•" llarrunum Thnm.e Lrini ViIco'.. mn' ?Ii)fl) - itofl irut pa' V.'uiwr. rH).'- . r'r) • ' ;i- • ', r• , • trt';oc'c: r.t:--. tt.:- r-'' L1O'lI)nT ' '1 4 - .

pt.. %vheri sb. ic-at thre'.- Irtent AttotTYL" whoM ofiurr- Ian o must' TtSIflL. libr4r-. -- h - mans 0' their attmtrcr. rt.itl, urn ;urU. WtItt. it,. It.0 A' I fit uZlitlilt surhurMr turu.- srZlni

,:. and far Q years t'.a Iiv were located IT the olti Wilioti latrna dining r.wim. break!aE 'lfl 0' itti Wilt !eZY t1tLJt4 'Alit; land memories girl it stIf Ir i. 1 rondttrnr lii area. Wflstr Place, West a' It cia. ret! m'ee fan- a lowe:';

I: that arr'r. ltufldtn the present location of - mon, 1W- parlor giant-sized ten c- - ' jc a nalic p par t.,th other. 1.rn' tribute, and

-4 ut- lanill~ arrin-V it, Jackson- I (irrynount; Ilul. U., Marill3rd l. kitchen Inov gracered wilt; Ii: 71 Ir, ant, Hilly. art. all it; Santarld Amnnr %Irb Wiluir'o Arrant , n' he!- egatat Tndx~ telegrn' hi,lau'fful!~ pa:-kagrd bMhdry

tit' m- me' Icornen- of !'art Avtnut anti S set anti at: electric). spell. out Join cca later to marry Cer- ,Uting around ttiWT ti thCIn- pl,;nmrnt. n• ii,.- , cru' trnmc twvt beer. erected in the it1h to relebniuto' Uit memorabie

r'-•xiat Ui the j*ir ' Meu Street. ;r -tou' living for faniil' mem triolu !ni and jiti' brmight Prized vehiek. ten- mcmiv-- at 5winfnrc Vomar rnc:tu,cuve ect1nr. nCiiSLOT.

.11t Tia* LahiOrd, Her father Liiu TnaTt other attraetivt hen anti frwnil- ttioc findt ti tout tantil' retreat ?erler: lathe, Evr titer Ct'itj titter. sh.- ha' beer ho:. .tziu. Anni Wilvir, icar tn-ut' It, itddittor. to, tb. jjtwwe-mrr 2

I rnmeiteadeti a: Sylvan - ant! CUICIeW Se?I'tt.*?ttz LiZZIe high watt? could OR)') IIWIII. it When thC itlU )rneaI' alone were a tituiti and flied thmugtl the yr-sn queer for e. c1c or. her 100th tinned family memberi. other,

i-'r Ot a I.iç cabty fan lul Ian 19(Y and assisted hum to his rmnierc Ui slut ineluch' n-n-' 1 31L it the- late husband or preparnttnn and & Sr.jic Catholie Churrt. Lizic ramt members ga thered a' htrththi tunnhr-ot wont C'Mnnts

- timeS. Later included z mc' prat1*- unU liD death in-c' go.x: ttme ii thu O'X. OIL! Inrnthl' V..tller o Sanim-et am) o!tric't:: he hutbant!,- rwrcented , pair a' pearok, t )Rzr Manor ,.here the nrc T'tjt. wilt n! young Crtorlec Con.

tn:idrrn L.tuw tilt- etdest. 1V24. - from that IUATTIUC ,meiZed it dr-fill.. Liw took a mar the Saninrt! Ztw i'.hi ft oniInRt ape' tint literally rolled nut hic .)nnei and Ga V'allrr,

ol:nciurut tri. tug freeze in lie'- bride.-roan men-cc! hen- titAixiun ll Lice Wltsnnt tool. - .1auntrn Sherri, !-a, inov Mr lot, managing her Lart. eUuto- it! Atr,tt,f' CIu nroler: "tv .a:zim birthday coLt Wa: I: iiai also my plealurt tli

IF .' to ran: settlerm were al t 1gm me. about one-fourth in:. their ham.- tic,- vn'.In flrP (Icralci .)nrie.. au. a' S.efflont!. timeX tUi kn.wz. Wiint. n"- c-nntnnunm ut a tract of ttrr.-tuereci rutr-c: a' twnut - be- 1 Iaurni)c guest and I haptly r:u5 icupet! out but continued mile iron; tot Foz homestead. howL I3vror and 1.mmen Fox. Litiucnne lwetn ccItt he'- ii,.- Corner. - land Ii' Seminole Count School 'all embossed Jr. fluffy punk and admit I shall always. treasuni

1-n I: th, mrtltonou struglu-' where she- lived until ins: year what, tn rju'e-t!. Iron; Char- tr untl hen- di-aU., a.-irnmzlt A: .triamnitshrc! pianist Un Bolin! when Wi!snr .S:hnol no. ic- bite- icittI columns supr.artmnig the g,autl!c-:ng r, r.entrnn-e.

I"- suvivai Tilt o-r.uou nail iv cnildrc: .- i,n:. , C Juin;n tht lamlit t1 1: l V. traveled on OccnliaI; U' iuiitdt. SeVCrU %TJtr, age trw the wfltte attn cli -fluilte' tie?:. '.r ::i,i°rr .ie L won-tb 41 0

.;:::• I) .I! t)!' cir,-e1n a it but the' Tdmbltrig Ott. fl.arutOn I .0' I! 1!1 c' '1. Mt!)t1' 0"!' The DVI ;i: ' -f .n un-tic- l"v •- 'In-i. c Item, MI? attemide ' n-' - r.:z trn:Ir to' hen- '.! r.:atun-r tin ec anti p lang' I — inr l

- - The Case Hsfory of Billy Fry V.4.,-, - 1.

I . . _11,11i - -

. Easter Message: Faith Restored Accident Victim

fr - -' ..

- - -i IUA! Sll.L/.OLcI.I --',',- I:- . :,,...,t.!', I tI S , • -'V 4 4

II; . -


- : - _ f .- ~_ r

tierr- wart muitupe. tn)Unirc Irnc eflor, uung hto. radio ,. •-.' - -

ar-:r in- wu U.cflisdoU' lot I flillt b.'dnlf' involved - • . :. - ' e

- if, 11 ccrrk. crrunhu:-i: :c-n!tn: n- - - - ' - - -

, -: . - ''cci. veart alter Uu. anident • . . -, ' ,-.- -. t '. - T

0' $ - .' ',. I acm follovin other oprrationn.. , Umia Uutr t ii tilt twi 4&.

, 0

' - - ACI cum; t&erzon-duIuatnnot witherurnthIJnCtZMPI

49 - -.-' • -. - - I bot! *bouItle-r. , l.-J Ceroanitc studies Tat cit. -


'7tn- fiteflla) dficien-- n a. t.is' shop' lincu ' ._ 1 - ?le - . ' - 1'v Ic rvalh' quite- niurateci lit- - ntcfl- tintu 4tcflt'rouu. V.tttt ti:.0 . .,? F -

"F1' I -• vet-c poor understand::ug ant' supplie- Itl help tim' rn. _-d-'--

. - reasoning ttbittt - V.'utl . ttm si.iI! and thieto tfiu - - Wive bi.n' fruit.

- nireii rioTs-cu: ss'stcn; Invoic- - -

1- cr lull ii,., retenti' tim - -

Ø. 4 1 - I -. .flt I eaflimt be vce'c- en-

- - first pIac- pnizt- at thu Cc:n:. - -

- I! te -- tii" ;i' I.,l:'-' i - v .\iiutti r- :. ,, l, tuuuv, 11 .

. iirn t;o current F flfflt tflJfn':. It I'' mud' toot. is,

'till ii!) (,n i&i - HULTrt' • 'r IIitjLmt ivan- wtti rniuirp tiruatueti on . Pcj is nctonhshlngly different CIA: ntd. a Lerarnit- C ites. -.-

?tc1eivvv. •o-utt-t. iva' ; hiur thirt ;ilot-t v- trifle: it. tiut- (irlatith Altos' Ili! -rs has beet ainic ti tlM. The- fleHtflUlirflI.'t' Cl;. .

to fit-un. it' iou!. 11111. II - nmmtmiitt.- t' nuaihutugnr icu•'i,u'tl - uatouun I •e'uln*' m:racuIou fO - it re-i coni,- oven- ti • ;. Ii..-- :.

, 10 -. . -' - :iUt iii I. n-'.:!' will. ' --

lull, i. u.euiiu: to. se.mmu:wk- Hit:: Sntitioi, s lit ucc- tie: twit wflh!uerp. - uiu null; toun - Him motunuzec; dilLon -

,iuzii $tmuuet' uuuut ci. tui1 u- Ili nuturu (fuJi atuti I; 5' Ii' -titit t.tir linulItec scuds about ithere-cert- nt-vu. ttlIe' 'ssntu it Ii ', be 1 1 ' out, o' hi 1w ' '- nice itroutir ;,oaci cc i iii' ceramic V.1) I!

thIn- ' tli.- "Nov "!itriit Ii! • •nnu S . .:L- v i, 'tt - to go iiii ac't-utthug , It interrst.nt u k.mnrun Ctien..t

who - -I cveut tue 1:ilicuwin itwurtir tot urei mum - i, : betty- cc'utt third julact - t:.er. Mrs Ludi.- less1m Hr


or •ludl.Muflvlflt ligittec! frog. MevcflId place. Onituicuc. : Ge-urge the alligator arid P

allottlentw.. fail ., - re-all: like' Ii go Ili • .. ' in $tut tie, tnut fin-Ut plttci, (irluntk itrit j ligriteti Ctirtstntii tre-t V :.-

- . 11 mind t,c coru$tjfltl: actuc'.'

vu0 ISQPt. ieutttnmui: tivIty ciutratiersi, third plae, Orlandc. (Ann Sle-t:towal:i Preutti

, - -st-arching or-v Jnlarniatuotm Ut A , - 0. Per ,it. - I.' -

- - tout tiobbie' anti activities

par otat Jrt,t-- hand ai:d nther • the' on-tic mu'cat' urilt. 010'). , it V. alL lull' - "Litiuct lu" BUy u lean-i. it , ml. ¶o

I - - ' ' ' ti Ill' tinit n.- CIUZC:U. I fictional tktt-ct:ce- her-un. 11cx*t on.- operating ntt tiiumt ut. help mr to tr en' !1 ct-etc 'nitn or nnt. to car- mcci

p 1. -. ) ne iccIi .- - prm'n ut ccnnt tots, imet:; o 7iret' jo'kr

ead, rvart ont, lit. milli it Cocci to the side" o thel. the, thing of! 1311C '

rrn'sel bncl it) mc wait anti cit I in at it cr' limited ice' will time

I - 't-F - - - - na!- get tan. tMuumUi , chair Ttir ftn-ceti nit It us.- "H. u,ol. a- ccnl,.e- lrt,n to. toll of a ccatb.e'- , He ir auto-.:

1 1' 'A •Mue; I ued to resilly rnje lot of nmuaclet. anti now I ha%t' treatment room t::nm-e •n;' ec- shunier titan uu

- 4 . ' • :nyscl! ticlurc- tiot: ein tuen: i uud Usc Q both. an-mn- and hobtn stioj and sac',tl off lot. tout t4,etb0hu$ aid lit u

- - • to It, mi Imeigot. unet*dy. UnIt 1* vitles.

- . ' L,erarnics Upon scvtn this c)ete'r-mina

P tlling nut tHat. I ul,iflflot do r

t I

* 'A A' - tioci the tic.cton- oruered bCip corn .zunt in hoe cc..vul;; a re-ti

' ' - hag Ut front of a bull." tee al- J

- . - . Fanciers quipped "Witt p little help arid

- - - Woman's Club: _ 1011111, atnytningammc,gttxuatic'ant

' I'.' -:

rfVorLd Asks Luncheon

e'"Imatiou to leifirr slid Act

11.111- /

. ti , , , - Reservations blue eyes.

- , i it p.,.,e, , - _7 ' 0':,, 0' tile c-,ilec: art: cuic LUIiVIIOCII is, I i!Ll'jtiT p:o

his sualij Ispari. in Jut I '°'' ahs,c ing Iwl tll n*st: Of Women Judge' Chester Kerr , Ju sh

Ye-can-cl. - - . -- .

,. -' Ihert- are differ-rn: - the- guest speaker at the San- as interested in joining wit)


. CL eniplom- et! fur "en-iou' - 'lord Woman's Club luncheon other hattithiceippe-ti perwm and purtassi, and one learns time dff. amid business meeting. April 7 en,s'yunig ,IOUp actic-Itirs design- fete-nt e-, The Iunchtun will b, at 12 tid to fl.tnet their Dee-CA. He lose-s Ili this ar. There is no limxt to noon anti irsen-atione ci- to talk with people itud can be

i:VTII \VIL1IOLI)T ahuowa two him plates blue ri&ihuuii- wu,u; a: .luca.etuui- the- Ifletta7js V design and dee- quu'ed through one f jq' ngij reached by calling 3-E1(. - yule' Ceramic Show, in the pznfeuional division, it vuri-ahaped object w.- oration oat' can use to create Imitee. Faith in God and peraeseratuce I - ublis air pen, Imucil or brush holders finished with multi colored mWins objecu e,firl pm nevetr dic iixr being atil' 'nano! or;. I v-!hed a Ifir. 'cltuteel Hiustatsaft tv the lunchatimi are I have brufught elthis inspiring

atnol giazi. utici ul aim irucj_t-iI 2.ruld leaf c'use. A tettirec! lruj' oulu' in -errarnlcrn- rtttftu:ziit- out,,outuci - I cc-a: alw.:- Vt; thie' nrnvt'.' It hurt to re-tn-au' myself, but Mr'p. Tru lta' Sn,, cluan-ineir. -

l y

Uu!i$ mar;to this point in ins Mimiand glaze-in won seewl p1uc Bonnie WAebukit. Id t. ww 'iir,i pities- H Senmumzuh- Cuunt - And In.- art thliy n-uuu..in.t-t1. oman I just hA!) It mpst- Mr-a. Dituglots Slcatroni. Mrs k. And it; thus Easter at-osun

- ,winner with ii brume Itevultitimium- War soldier. 11unine it. &I lilenlo?, it', siluilett throughout tilt. aultie. at *1 114114 till: chair. At)* dal . I brout ~,

Seminole' High betas,!. Liz thu-rut, right, a riiiiu-yeiir.-oltl Southatidi' aitto- c'itys hair CuflIrlLanIn Iruni this trylnjt U' help me. had it moter Wot-ti hr was advised by his Jr Mrs C. P. Harkey. Mi-a. Fr)' must suit-k bis, adeouate - - dent. rLucived boinurable nitnition for tier underglit2ed and unti(Itwd caiid~ Area - "IfIltestants WIM cmie I tvntrill pu. at. nit handle bar- ' pi* sicialf; about the p.oslblliUw i sAm r. wiellift ared Air, Lhml

(luRi.. ii moot: for time. TIti fin,: tffl:; 1 i;ncc u further mu,jur I! he ihuuid ti - .%.d Hung u, JS LII) I f ig

-. - - a,. - - - - C ,


Catherine,McKetv'ey ~1'

is FashL*ons For Youth Center 1 ~;

- - - - -

n I-.I.L.. IV IHtZEII Mat tea: . V.11111111 ill-oct n, rrp," - .-- , - - pinli:i lb0 c cmlii of I)u'itii,ia, Jn. -.. -- -, IU-.I.TO'cA l).-ii.w.i .utli . -

- - '. - - _ (iiiIdtrn ccctr P rant-in. Rut -

- - Ii spucncco.-'ei A SicniucS hun- - '. - - - - ,'itec - Ii',, )is.1,lnc,tt_ aitti Ski

-- - icc it') Ic eltsttc Isiq' the mute

- - - f.iunili s-in 'inn-c h 1" in Iii,' I).-)

Atbillit ' s ' ll'uimc ,'-- , -

, W L LC. ('T'1 . yre

- - I.na I scncnuinfl (.111.1 -

millin,,liMiIlinIL. \iu c t iillani ic. liii

- ' - -.' I'tii .'rcic froict the 'ttacc icc-itt i.- sit clii

- - 73 -

- ii' Ill'I$t tic.' '. ;iutni IW'ItIIit' huilisi Hns N111110% I 'lout lea I.i-ccIa_ P - d'I • -

..._.1 'bat o.m1h te-nier e'c -,i l' fli.t- I.sni- it' tcuit All'-" ' - "W_r -


- - ' ' , - • -. -- .1 t-,cni'.-nut'sttng s'wi bit ,i,t*t In: to. - "iillc -• the ii°- , ' - -

- :::'' '::: i:;t,1:') t$et in) .j,

ll%%Ilrql landuilI;ti,il

11% A 1"o Marry /n June

__ -,- 'i , - --

. _.

' V i'.. - I)uk.' Huuthl Ruin: che aI'u' t;ric,'Ia 5.-Ilic - I ' read thc iu1tIflrtt(icic still In-alit fltlu,'rs a"leIlit In tluii gala

•- ,two ,_, --'. -. - '

:'' - e-tI lb.. "end." .-c'ntpitit-d of cIi,ncuuig if flit.' ,'Inlh,'a l, - fits-

- - - _ -

it , \ .1$.1_. It"i )tOultItiiflt le-hsn.,it'. liosui Ton-lie u.n u' in lb'i.aui.i atlul -

'4r And Mr. A. Nrc-man 51- K -..-,', Ii F.i.t I -n- -04

- , - ',tti'tCt ccci intl.' Ic-c It olell % ccr,n linen (npti (i.t)i &i lirrie-, Sanf'r'i .'nnt.i,fleø itt. .niaz,m.nt aol cuprn.'i-hifle -'

i - _1 4 __• i.n''i'UP' ecetcitute lmc.-i icr Ili Suitfinib, ccci.- licce-ruti' '' r,,nrriar'e- a? their daisihici. f'ith.rin.' Vyre'a. to ttJtI)iam Ran- -

1 4 - -

ft . I-n.. Motel' ticre liii: i'u'.,nuc II,iu S,'lt,,.-nlisuil' T,,,ti fl;s,-i,nl. l'ai -- j',e-, ,s-,, r- latest ss-., re-i,) ft. Tyr.-, -,i4 Varve-li .

I - ¶i' - 1-r h-ic Ice-I.- (jrariiI, hi,' .li,t flit')), it-I),itnf.l. hs'itic- ;.'.,,in, lh' . .i1','-' ne-, %. jot."? lark.

- 1 - ' -- •' hu en .Ikln, Vi1 LI Ilettic - ll,ti icac Iii.- ','ten -- IbM arrnutrsi \

..'. - '-

- • - - - .. - - -

- s.c. I ,i '. itti h.-'t.' ttL' a - - lb.. i,ri,fe-.plrt, who le- the- n;e-.'i- r,f 5i int'l Mr-i

- - - - 5 I • I) - the ccli and %iii., s - ;sti-' of ;)Ii)It - ' - - I - -- ,_ --l. -

. ,& ' s.. • p .'VM Ri-cans (Out!, n-- -anit'."n I cc -.'.r,u a' rnZi)fl -. r -

- - - - - lie- Ai:,iu.'tc SIn-ui I.;. "' -.

-- .- fIsø. soil atte-n.le-d R-em,nn!a lush :-hooI. 'A'h,. th.'t' n

Spring I Ili 1,(


fluli Pep flub t:t4'nt

-, T" .t,zen.o.-t-:i t ? -



(ii:' in. Lion. hitti;:' I-n:,-, \luc - - - -

-, ' - - Ft s'ilcri. I Wsui.uot \Irc Furl • -' - - - . Ipu. pnte-re-.f 1to,t'an Ctir,*riity -Jtina I h-,- .'*rt'/ tot-

- ', .- it - - -- ' ' '

' -' Fa nfa S 'J I I.,utccril, Ho'h,,t,.I ill-c - SI -. - - - ...,. .i i !II'P•?)iV 5 )IIfllO?, nthp ii i cn-nch.-r ti? P-SO-

- - -

\' 1 ii. inc Si Ito L 11.1% 111 hid ' ' , ' tolle-nir I ',iunrih I-'.eh.on R'.iril anti flatter II mt.'-'

. ' . - - ,i'hii St ifs', I. - .inuI Iiifn- Iulh I - l - ji.,

,f, .1". ..i--oing' a. a $'e-ff A '.ie-, prt-tf'-"4 &-j*i.t*r -

- ' - - ' ': - - - TOPS •i cc'tu-,i iii Ii tI. I i','°' 11,11 - -

- !',',. - ci's.- roll en.) a me-tnh.r if Alpha Xi lie-It-a Anr.-srll

..1 - - ' - ._ li;U Lgr.a,nil iitiI'ii icii liii

L- - - '#.• Sir lyre- har In sinnh, t,a. itte.n.i'.t •n" - -

I __ ________ Nil .s.12''\ \ 11 1 c ad i. I " l4

I 5 ' I Ii, '. t II ui . a in-.-

I "- - - 4 Mts Deltnuu f i 17ti ( nuns reti cc. .u:.0 , asm-aatsng (lob anti i_i-c '

- - Ii.' - . - . i tu mi lutop. flaihing thirstuihu,'iii the shncc a' hii,

.. - - - '

- suit. an eo4V. tFee?v parc-nh. pi'n.id ra,1.iPuitl'uuts tr -, - ,' '. ii. a prw.rut

- 41 ly a sophomore- at I - - 2'

-- ;c,tic-i'-.ter hint -- l'niitt -iuiits an,) ft uc-ndc uti "t hut Inc-mis" , , - -' , - I .-.-. .'y whe-re- he- Ii a rn,mb.r of k'hi

; it im1c-ui1 :I:

the' ni:.le,Ih. hint of

don't -J11111 1

- ' ' Anti to the- Ite-ten I lit

- ' -- -

This liltue htlts'eI niotlul happcn." 1 he: taLs- it Un-inn-il -s.' .I.Itnt 'I I -- - -

_____________ S%114 c n lit t li. \ ,ctmth slinit lot of cintk and Pet)t0t0 I

\ '- I ,\ lilt III N I \ it I \ SI. is I i I tom h a p r'

- - 14:-1 - . hit'. pring F.-tItt;uneic'" and urec.'tis s' It iii.ih1- tim-ui cch;ct

I i"ltu u '--'htiicc 1 u-'t ccc . h tlti clinic cc s TOPS! -

- - - .- '4' - - - - - - * '

isi 11 Former Chaperone peas Out 'i.: I -.

-1 Pageant Needs Women

- - ------1

. ---S - - - ALdes - .0 • I

~ A!, ~, --s-. - .11 A _T

­.. ~

%._'ra ­.,

- . 1~

t­..... .­

-1 Itil - . ­ .­

.- -


- ­C,~

.-" - z- - I .- _J .~

- •_ttl•7" - - - -. _....'!i Hi '.1 tIIIf.'t' (.(IiII)(i' iz, sn!. n-;-.) .',,tr,.- -n'r .'uti the ,711-ID,

- - 'I

ft -' t It linus ni I)' iii - (,,nt-chiflt.d are mo-A ..11n-,ccel

- -i

- A .nt.mitt nit ii .ilI ,er I- I'ru'hi to cpc-sk to any man. ino:htadung If re-a ceirn '.t he- *

-- the- e-et-ttemu-rt 8r-iic ,O%

II - ( •w_ '1O,e silts S uuisl I ,uulflliu an-s Ii' rung rc-I)4.tts rc coil p ir umit officials pt-ore .errt dial Sire Paid r"`

Ii - - I c tig, slits anil toiLing Ph ,ittd for uinfric a c-tunpernrmu- is pr.-'-n-


- - i.t '' - •5. -I, Sb-.-. l-h:r,d.s I.sgstsiit cttiitti I F')(fl ti-it- girl's tnnth'nr-r t-. . -. " - - - S-v

V a

A. e

't-5 ----Iii' ,:'I l' -- - -

- 'II I)5 IisiiI •lualv ItS) U incued to chit her rrsum on), n

- . J ç to r •'- -- - : - 1" ". - - lI,ssthin-' thin-it 5 wti,*ii uitdh lii,- sit o'rrhfm of tb- h.,p.'n' -r -- COWPtIT

- 1' !i!ih-:: 1qfIt

(Iii' Slit. '' not '' 'Ill - int.itiiitlit teicn:nr 'ii-' CATERING


- ' - W

! i f, 11 ; it ,,t ii-

- U -$1 " I - I cia-i - -- - • .• ,- _SCISSO*S.PINKUS- MO PASTY TOO SMALL 0*

I / -

' cit uuiuu .i - I ott - •. - 4-t liZ n-t Prsckloa Shor-p.iied TOO Ih - - -

t. ; , -- -- It

- -

•, t',iiittnst,iiit html -I-- fl C11,11) - with Fict.i-y Eqiipm.at t11h'1tCi IN VOUS t4Cuf 0*

- . . - -

Clia;wnsrin- Cs.sit;iiItIt'i- .f PRsainfearell

,SHOE RElenies

3 aflIS2

1 ,, zfl-Nfl

1 ' 'i 11 ii I I ttiiL - - - , \li--i F lisruti,, I'.'.- ,mitt ti. •

V-, . -; - ,' 'I '.11111 -

- .: , • iiip!i- tP ('iu,ur)'s- of c,,utt,-ct.unt'. , SH0tS4UGAGI'NAMDSAGS TROPHY -

-- ~ft -"ui i-i u-cpoui'liiit' liii titi- ir giw-il lipeetly 1.p.k*d- • a lowswow


- : -- - i - ansi lir lb.' iiu.iiittei'"

' -ARTS MADI- 1 0.... 54.. If.rd

-- - - .tu'5iiist1' -.,u(.- afti.sm't tF lis'ir - -- - --

- _- :c-. -. -

, ,,Itlt. cc,'lf,,r,' •,iuel t'iuuii(stt.


. L - I I f Ill '111 Ill,itt i-ts elf 1).irtictilor Ill , _Vpl~

- - - - . - . I I

P.IQvalll clillipt-titloll 13 1i

t._~ - _­ 1-- - ~'rilo.) ittipert.i%vall 1:1)II1,10% cfaltd.0 J" .a

- T. - ~ .W i~ .- ,%lilt fronlo.'t.111ts ol.111 t-1111111 .. -4.1- .- I

- - :. - . - -

y,;t.uuuuhumohtuufiPt tttI'C a..ti't- __- d____ ____

cehetlul 104 PHONE

- - -. Did nO Liissci that m',,eii "'n L FIRST ST. 323.2*10

-.t,iiit itiui't hue t'ti.uIl'0tktI at MAS1IS CHARGI

it tiiu-' (,iuitr't,utt' ttl.s tint STORE HOURS: 9 5:30 EACH DAY Ili bititilit or leui c thi-mr -

- ' - - - - - ' i- • ut-is- .-' itini.n t e r i-evoIutivaiiiry_ II-5 ItolilNi-tUN 'in the- cciuihcc,m: mliii ti - I)s'l I.4ilt5 fur cIitsptio.t r,'laS.mtlsl1

I: ..:- - ' - -i :.s .- : .-: .'-u: Ii n -tn-ti - fil l, nime cc s-i-en ht-zird in 1957 but just (mm's Youth, Inc. I'ustiioii Stitics - c - s's sutilitnul sd I or sIglutci-eutig tilt cut thu-in-

ciii:,, ts , t ilt (tire Ns-sc tilts): tncI wear dohIekit lies- er need an Irnul. Mrs. Ruth Ittilo. lia lit W1!aIihig UII tu-rylhu- 411 .1- lt,,I-i,liin-, - •,

Rt-lt tuluil tuui'hlt- ire very irmi;se.r-tttnt Wick tue-s. Hold colors. Here Mike- in re-ti, white and blue that niithusse hunt! till 1)1'1.\ i rt'-.uui.'nt liapertaut' is pro -

Nm-Leay nu.nieI- a st t-iiI sisirt etinit of lightweight seeraucker by 1)eitns- itnil less homework fihi mother. Not ice n.'cc t - n't kne- ifs-si as ciell ;c hut-v uhultc C Plate, with white duuluk k lilt hera' hi - ttrk ,e with flaiu'ed tsttcarna_ Complete- son-ks with tassels aml this S110111114-1- I):')' ti it Ii it' Ins: ntnif. ,uIit'ruitltti ,ti,i vs iiliii.

I: t-onifnrtaible in tiny cc enither, Fuu}mions for me-n liv (app'at (iothjer in nut jog lititt.-rulv, l.isa ejtiy.eI the- ii, 'cc iuiiii - t',tiutn-t,tiits .iui li.ip.nuuulrs

niuufurd. ( l'lie.to h- Ella May Frazer) e%'.:ryoIle eiijityetl l.iOL its gut-el -s var .Ini) urn u-n- -

- ________________________________________________-------- - tI -, hill KLE CLOTH

UDC Chapter To Award H istory Students Heating I 0 NO IRONING

- and 0 MACHINE WASHAILE 147 Central -


Ts '.ini Ill cl; n h,: ,'- it'd eu 1:i.o'. l)uriig the l,umirit-c'c is 'diii). tended I., s hi.sptt-r iui,-uiili - iii 1,111.% cc, ')li It . Air Conditioning - S SIGULASLY ZOO D. YD.

i ho.' i Arbor ccas the- e-c,-mn. ! P1 e-(- u 'So ta-iste-lul In thie 1Ol,dUUtId by Mn Ii - II SIC .tttcricl Ols-n hI'.us' it-It ur-utiutu ('cull Sit-., Nut' .- Si' -- SViii l CL)NIRACIINCil

Lim. March mnerthtg .4 Norman - t.i)ifltt')." I Cdll. lint vice pre-sidriut. •S at Iii.- (eiiuihrrl Must-wit III El huh, St.-. H F 51.0 ,ull. Shuni - -

De-Se-re' Hoc' ard n-tiumpt'-r- .4 tt.' The'- o-rImg out-rt-d icith the rs.-en-tiwnt len-lIon. Mart-hi - si shin 111 ,1 1 11 W It I )c at I LOU - DOTTED SWISS 1 nt-d l)asugh:tt-r, .4 the tutu un.ual ritual and ials-dgv to the- thrt- Jefferson Ha'. is ,iut-daI SIrs It.i' - itngreeiii e-Iui,iumu.'lu, -


F F' 16111111111. 0! - 1' IA D I

fs,is-! ,,n) - 'a itti Mrs. W H. Fir ft-ia-' of th.- Unite-ti States of ccoulul he- aeciards-d Lai tlttt'e ttU introduce-il at special gui-st. Sti--.- I, cCctuuii. -


b ic-rs-u:ig a.. cc tue,,'it.t-*t. ifl a An. n' e jind •auts' to 1:1.- Con - dents In Siniulniolt" Stluoolc fur Mary Ehsials-th Nmuiice. cciii, lilt' tath-. Sii s't,kk s'iOu SI It 5 PH. 112-8812 45 INCHIS '*'lOI

t nitt: so

se-tHug .,J( ta ll pita" letOn- , ft dn .mts le'1t ci h SIrb. Fir liighirit ii') cr14I- Ill A,t tq-lt-itni it-icit-el faistullcer PInIlnI ,ue-i,'tt 11)11' 1I It LI.,, ti _i II Ti iii,,. l• - IS ztoe iioçuisi LVI. • p'4() IRONING.

beautiful Cr'isti.l Lake the bc-i- - - lllitur - An ittclttIiifl 'acts C Soutliu-rii suogc. ipirihulath teitsl It W.slhu n- .o t: S 5h,u • kIACHINI WASHAILI V D.

- ' ii) muinc, then u-i-,,iuimnIt-sl tin- I

iriUIi lii siiugthlg 54)111.- Of lit.' ' -

I A- 11 . 44 V k, I I . I Tilt- grottili ako lir,ird oiter . . 0 IIS INCHiS W10E

/ - 'i.: - -.

,-umlltleii "With, Usuil nug I(-sits in ' BLAZER STRIPES F - - - -

brain c,' rotilldh.-d by hut hi lti - BETTE s id IF If VICKI MORGAN

-/ - t ills- Sian-ti.,. Osmu 111cr t lu,eui hut

1 'fr f of ssuhluur,u pot-try Imimmi iiuumcu We mis plstiicd to autsuOUuI'.0 list BLuE SAICHIR : 1 88 4 - I- Ion-ide. i)Ic limo IJi)( mod VICKI MORc.AN busse Joined our ihmff. Both S MACHINE WASHAILI

- - ,' Feaflcaccisig tlui 5 delightful auth oparmiors an. .ap.riun.uJ in all phases of S 4i INCHES WhIth. 'VtD. , - refreshing l)i(n-. 4,'lI (14CC Cosmetology.

- -. prt-u-,ut tell liusluIre-tI aims) all)

-' _____________

- : 1 precialrd ltwr grea t Seteitlin-iti WE ARE NOW OPEN EVENINGS DOUBLE KNIT' - - ____________ £' BeautIful and arhislIt- arre,tuLu' Tusk. Them Fol. By Appointment I • 100 0st POLTISII*.

ii ; u_i- 88 : o;i \%W-1E."., \ (ill .h - .,f ft. ii I - s -IliuiIOItt County) wilt) is-Ill tilt-fits of Sliesitesnu htMl aim.) red I I • SPRING SHADIS,

uuP-?UflW ilUtii'e- lit' the e-Xs'.-:itiS.- l,oui'si ',tt April 1, are from, left, Mrs amaryllis were pissed at ..n Betty Anne 'S • , • o ici-s witch.

Ja,ruu.'a- ftc.',t'lde-, pi s-suit-ui - Mr-P., J{•.I,e-I-t Va.rd, secretary; Mrs, %'llliiein age points ifl th parly lie-ant air Styling jdmOfl • NO 50th.

- nsp.l M. - Pinic'ii. Clark, s.c.'r.iiary. iIostr,ai-a s,erse-d a salad ClICCIAC 1203 S. Falk Ph. 322.4913 Sanford MACthINS WASPIAILS

(Ann S1tczkosaki I'huto) -e L. those posasot. -

- a 1^8 eçe

- . .. ...._•- ..

.t.J ..

0! owh b6/ ___ .iCi.R l'4i' IK I ______

By Abigail Van Buren

Horoscope Forecast jM 11A 14W IT 119a

it ,'-. I 1' EW UP

DEAR ARR'. My husband and tells me "liar-SATURDAY. APRIL 1, 171 SUNDAY. ArRil. 4, 971 MONDAY APRIl. s.

R.fl 4'E EW

u VM1 iW? V1$E$I M.&THA WA - just told me he doesn't love ta a year older than me. Can r' and presentable again. GENERAL TENT)ENCIF.S: GENERAL TENDENCIES: GENERAL TFNIW.NCIES:


"MCA, Ig me anymore arid Wants 10 you help me' When my fiance came i This is not a day W be extra. A l*sutlfu day and evening f Delays and contusion are apt to çac. 'iOUD HAVE .snW ___

- A&Q

LOSING FRIF.Nr)S Cuernavaca Just before our ysgant or to take any chances for you to decide the policies be part of today's picture for 'f

- split up. Vm not sure why all

- him and don't WnIfl to split DEAR lX)S1fJ0 Tell her wedding and %lli m twlr name are concerned and If S'OU 1IIke to nperafr in the days' to hate esati. Clan A ___ this came up, but 1 still love where your assets or your good under which you would roost 'flu unless you make an priori e MA.t*(T rIL(

. w hove no children. Hi's she may have a "brown belt" legs. he ncnrb gagged but keep harmonious and refuse the ahead. The rhureh or tiislie' ! in your contac with others '

a graduate student and I or a "blark ont'. but U she utd nothing. Of COUC. I temptation to t involv in of your choi, as well a' n.'iii '- Mst what the expect ynu

all twllw'd put him thru school. continues to karate your shaved them the first night all sorts or arguments and di,- papers and other sources can j Also, make clear what you feel

,5 1k claims there is nobody friends or yourself, you'll belt away from home, and have agreements, you hold your pre,. give you the answers suitable the, should do to make your

of else. lie Just wants a divorce- her' And then do it. Chop kept them shaved ever since lent position Intact and sidestepfor your needs. Be cxpsnstt relationship more productive. i I

. lie also '. toat U w spht Chnp LETI'F.R FROM TEXAS anmi pretty rough going. KeepDelight othera. AR1F. eMar. 1 to Apr, lil

up he w*nts to know where S S S

: ''. I am so he can came over I)F.Alt AHB': "SAD DAD" DEAR ABBY: Thank you for ARl} (liar. 21 to Apr.

If you don't schodule your time

and get his beard trimmed wtn wished he build get his telling the father w ho ARI1 (Mar. Cl to Apr.

, If you contact key persona more wisely. and let pleasure

< What should do hung on ts ve'isr-4sld daughter ti thave set aver his 1 year-old dough Itruti mitre nhcttvp ab .ut early you find you ran

interfere with business you

to a guy who doesn't want her legs should send her to lets refusal 1i shave her rnnditsiine around you that you romplish a great deal today, could become frustrated Tr

me! Of tell him off and let tisit m tamIl in Cuernavil legs to mind his own business rare little about is good; u tonight- Coacst tie -iii

to he more economical where

him go ca. near Mexico Clt. She Several years ago 341Cm ruin your health otherwise. You I ty e'oeiperatr with you in what- fun i concerned. Show wisdom

DEAR TROUBLED: For her hziI legs. the United State' Army, arid no good puose for a, time. that you are an Appreciative If

'ou continue to bt stubborn TAURUS iApr, 211 to May 211

- Q'1' t"v I.

TROUBLED I C.OLC)e. it RAT)O would he iii high style with 1 months in Germany with have been getting irritated to ever your ideas my he Show ___________

- $1 home. conditions there could Have fun with friends In p.m. - person. --

the moment. don't do nn M farnil i' at islil Mexican it changed rn'. outlook consul TAL'RL'S Apr. get wtir'i instead o Improt?

11 < thing. A mart who demands a fuimil of pure, unmixed Span e'rnhl. 1 now feel that Unhii' TAI'UL'S iApr. 211 to Na - 201 A fine day

for han'Pinc Show that you ho'. e a cc-opera

divmcr but wooL' his "ex" tsh blood. All the women are cmi legs and under-arms make ,!lIi Care in motion is most till those tonditinn at home that ittr spirit slut all work' not

& within shouting distance In proud T their hair lees. and a woman highly erotic. portant today or you have both are not quite right- Show just fine Relax happl! tonight I OUT OUR WAY

case hr wants his heard trim would no more think at sha% WHITTIER trouble and rxtwnse. Look for thoughUulnesa for the needs' GF.Mll tMa 21 to June 2!

med doesn't sound t'rry ma ing their legs than shaving DEAR WHITTIER: Times errirs in any phase of your en• family. Loyalty at horn,'Overcame a feeling of fear and s& y -r: ,,,ç. 1 "rsi a

i_•' O w

tutt to me I'll this for their head'. havectuaflgr inct ou were deavnr and rdicatc. adjust. p pa'.'i or! in hig d:vidend, lat.'r ou win nU where an imporiafli

hirt ton Hr sure trusts you At Ii. I joined roy hrothe there. The well-groaned F'rau Speak quIety but firmly with Take It eae tonight. pmuj is concerned Consider c



01'. 'T; '-.:,,) DO - ar a'r 'ru

545va G

)F.AR ARR\' M sister When hi nntIer thehaltau hi-ar It from Italy and then all goe' '.'cr weI o ut as

' at the Universlt (if Texas Inn' are now defuzzed Lrt tt*s'rs ('i•MII Itu positmo of the other felli". .. ,- --•


up karate lesson' On m m' legs (it looked like lun. Whnt's s-our prnhlern oui'll :Nl l i Ma 21 to June lncre'a faith h' attending Show th.it s. ire Is re'asonfit)is ,' L\l ,b5uc,. 'r '.xs '


ppJC_AC-10o4 *V

rrt'uCst for her own tic pond. "Xei bert.. S'ic tC I':ttr ii 1'ntt gr :.,II 3drl dat' to handle those ServiCes. Visit with good friends. erson 'i.'

Protection My prublem is Shu.. It off, and keep it off" your 'in AHbt . 's' aff,rs most intel,.. tI.'. who art II!. or O1hCTt' MO1I t ttit.I)F. siune U

- L

that r'.-er' time one of lru'nds I did. and anon learned that Box 7Do. Los Angeles. Cal gently and do not maik. m. •ni.ir in activities that

make it Jul'. 2! Although others ma'

comes m'rr, M% sister proc nently till Amrriean girls POW For a personal reph same errors you made In the you feel you are living In a

tic-es MIme of he karate on stiiivi their legs. enclose stamped. addressed past. Tm not rely on a trusted worthwhile fashion. Plan nmr handling financial affairs. dnnt \


not understand your way 0' ,, it t. - - I

I trip that is vir"o-arY now.

ttst'n, nd they g. home black Y.'tien I returned to Currna- efll'rlOfW nui's, 'fl '.'.H't( time' explaining F'orgt't


If I t to tell m sister to mother were srn,idalizrd t to Have a Lovely Wedding - ment, which , to July 21' Good do)- to plan traIt on the monrtar Mask *

and blue otar my mother and grand For Abb 's taiklet "how lsj, right now. ts'e own jutl'

MOOS CHlI,I)RE iju,w social for now and concen '

* filOoN* CHILDREN Ousts, =1 1 , hou

to have MtWP finstorial I eIrvernmot Pall - I -1i i

leave. mli lit, mv hairleo legs Theli made

bounces me around the- room me wear heisv woolen stock l.o' Aniteles (:4.) 9010`111 is' July til I "lull an ts'nipied success and to contact key lEo .Jul 22 lii Aug 21. Plan

ti ruts.- a hub.hul' with otturs people who can assist you iii how in gain your perennial de

- __________________ - - -- -

lw-rouse conditions i.n- not work- I this One in particular could rrlt without getting tough or it _________

tug out as you expecte d Tuki Ia molt helpful I'i- some stto%- the wa'. n' higwigs who could

it easy. Steer clear of that iuig isinight. - '.'e- you rnuit opik'.liI(Ifl 14.- . -'

grouf meeting where you might l.PA) tiuly 22 to Aug. trig devoted to loyal associate's

iss your teniper in •t in Good day to sit down wilt i wise. Think conctructivcl'. - , ''.S!f : , . ,. 'a'- 4.L\ Iii. •'SI .


On RA,it* Jacoby and Son

I.F0 iJuly to Aug. :1) good friends and make iiflutsl VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept. 221 &'2,1.1"., lie

You Iiucvr private duties p*na of worth, whether f

- Forget personal antleuts s° I " " P.Oc'ft'

Siuti hod rn trouble find- iORT'3I I '.'it t)e tt handle se take rare of them social or business nature. Then that mu can accomplish a great

jug a ws to go down lie drew a U claim sluns ex&tpt f,it am miii- ,nstrad is! trying to pursue visit around and grt further deal in the business and crest

,A1794 trumps iui.d Wnilt after hearts • Q or detail Ii,- would be stOut. in other affairs in the business good

multi.. Show that 'nu tive world. no not go against PRJCILLA'S pop If hearts had broken it-'! he-

'' .luuuum with n.sttiing lit heart.. world. Careful study of any

are a charming person. accepted standards of living

preuhlenui' sees you handIng VlR(;O (Au;. 22 to Sept. 22 :stiow that you have a good 'TlbJE

I la

3MAbTtC. (At4D')

West would ruff tin- w'rnncl the-nt WiMl). Curb your temper, Sit down In the privacy iii mind is it..it..

would best mail.' his. slam. The-

actual 4.1 break mount that he $5 $QJ13 heart and this line of pio vim;o (Aug. 22 Sept. 221 your study and figure out hnt LIBRA (Sept- 23 to Oct. 221

complicated line of play. His aAQJ10$ you ran work nut a winning is not wise, amer that mdlvi- ing is fine for romantic hit;,;,,. to take awa) some your as

had to Icier two diamond tricks, A104 would fail. Relying or, a good friend to to gain a big

aim. Start whres 'Seek sincere fnends instead of $

4QJIOI3 •7952 North suggested a flU'.'

Stoop right lucre and *ee- if help you solve some problem rolling in right direction. "ni' permitting sell-seeking persons :

uuira w*.s that South should $ 103 wa) is' pia the slant, dual is rightly too busy with nest with the one you love

sets Don't follow a Certain r- i

huva led a diamond at trici, 4A At trirt two Soutb niust lead own affairs just at this time.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. hunch that keeps nagging you $952 Contact that friend %,he

, 111111

two. This would make It Walk,- Both trulyietralble

.Ihk to discard urn' diamond Ot; wt discards' his se'rnnd heart or without help provided you f-

ui'. show' you a good time In the direction


tiutiim%, Then he yolu can work out difficulties elk', ~Ttuf could lend you I the W-rung At* r



the king of clubs and ruff an- I a dummy's king of i'iut', an.! get fun and whatever is of elegant fashion you prefer. Get SCORPIO (Oct 3 to No'.. 211

other am' with dummy's gin, Pase 2$ Pa* 4 a ruffs a heart with hi. Ill speit social nature now. Into group activity that can, An sssociatt could have an at

of tnzm*. Then South enters iluninoy with LIBRA (Sept. 2 to Oct.

help further your career. Show gument with a higher-up, but

Pass- 1$ P It looks fine but see' what p

the nine of trump,. and ruffs You have promised to do some others you are a charming run silenLe on your part see, it __________________________

would have happened. East Op.ti 5.a4.4 Q another heart Ttuie sets u the' civic rhort's and you must '.'t',,*tiemahts

end quickly. Follow emery law-

yuel Just might return a trump. ki,, discard a diamond on the Jrrst of duntnly" heart stilt- ear?)' through with therm or P $C(llLI'lO tOrt- 22 to Ni" that aplies to you and be nak


,,_1(...WJ.A2r A Po'r /

would take his act of diamonds Now South draws' he iid'.'erae loss.' fart. Get them early. I ., Ingratiate yourself into Taking even small risks could

OtJ'raOARD It 11 FO A.s"J

lead p su'niid eiiuiiitrnd to dun.- lust club. ruff his last dianiond I tooncl to the ckfe'tt't - - he rewartts will be neat later Slluth would wait in hit hand: I king of ~ this (me day and you get SAGITTARIUS (No'.. 22 to -7:7-

c,lent ideas for advancement lire 2!' Getting out to hail I oft Avoid sarcasm with anyone.

2' Your .deae for advance- to be a more well-known said ing friends is good this morn

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. in your field of endeavor. I'latt into new interests or entertain I e ,"'-

nit'nt art ,xerbent hut this valuable citizen. Forget itt.' tug Ito some serious thinking

not a good day to start wheels tnnnurs. about your personal alms It



CY&Z& By Dr. Crane rolling in said direction. SAGI'rrARIuS (Nov. 22 ii may not be what you want after i"

I check details Take the Unit Dec. 21) Listening carefully to all

II GL(flLGE W. CRANE indelibly linked with their teen' exprealitIlt tit marital love-. ti confer with experts, even what others

say who are mast- CAPRICORN' (Dec. 22 to Jan, '4.'

life. I)., M.D. age- runiuuiclflg. Even after they have reached though their views

ate a little en Itt their field gives You 20 Engage' in actitit) you lute

Others grssw ciitwciu!ly at- adulthood arid are- married. different front your own.

spired Ideas and impetus tO must. Avoid a person who can

CASt, t.Il': Ihiam 11 , &i'tl ch'nit ss-Iie'ti pusnue- ,cpecifir song I SA(;I'rIARIL'S (Ni".- 22 to

join their rinks hi due be persuasive tit your personal

lies a sex problem. us' played that was associated 1with sctcnul children. the-i' Ist'. 211 Du't run away from of time.

Make eonctete plans' and financIal detriment. Much SHORT RIBS

uIpr. (:n.uie ." she Iucgun. "we with their e'ntralice- 1mm putwr new knowledge of fenitiuin' obligations or thet' will only

later. Get to bed early tonight. devotion to mate brings the

hover la'e't Iuuippik married for ty auluttnnlY dne-,nt't crust thus'.' Itirreuw and cause- t'oti i...

CAPRICORN (I'irc. 21 ti Jun fIne' results you want Establish ~ MITT

1)' s'earp. and hi''- . ehidr,'f: l,sire and ficiwen anti aIm- fliuin) years of udniese'tie vent' confused ater: dclv, right

' 211) Think out how to ?t yflUt real harmon) w itt him or her 1$5

Ill high shiai1, w-uiste'ct sirens curry wherein tlsry attached •'nstit inn, them early instead. Strive bills paid mote quickly

and s.u'.-e AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb

tintions to the rt't'ttiflt. for harmony with mate by more money also for any inter IPi Use diplomacy with an irate

'Iltit my husband wants vuuti luacI i. their youth when cm- .' rectum and its npeuhtig sliu'wIng a little humility. emergencies that may crop up. family tit as well as one you


soon H out Iw'drooni dt'pe'rt- tiri'sn: was, at its peak. (anus I lwcuiises a suhcesflsct'ius nirrnla'r it', a pmrtnerahp.

State' gives hue new ideas. Fol- deal with It business This wa)

nie'tit. ' But ntillicitiv of r*mnlat

"He- keeps urging nit- to sub- ,schewsl 1.03's (stud girls, sex symbol. (AI'IUCOILis iliec. to ian low

through nit them in unison you can ist'cnmphsh a good deal.


It is a f.-tiaii of conjugats 21' Instead of forcing your ,and get excellent results. Pine hunt It' produce more in

eroticism. . will on others, try to please AQUARIUS (Jan. 2) to Sell. business and creative fields Be

mit to sodomy! luitvr tit) cXMrt know'kdgr of the

"That seems horrid to me- human anietomy of the two That's why many educated ' then: just at this time. Being Contact associates and wise

men, like thami's' husband, ar. - dtiumatit where some unex- leisurely discuss plans lot I PISCES (Feb. 2(1 to Mar- 211

lot test the- past sretal V,'urs

still fi,uutt'tt at tilt- sdeilrprt'n' pectrd c-onditioti vexes more successful and hannuni'sus lxecp buss at home and at work. _______________________

he has' r,.curringhy wi.nt.'d titus Se tb,, q'vi,lve the ides that our p form of siuneirmal .exul ii,uluA- liwluit's art hurt, via the same

1 ) At the age euf 41i, tie hut his, Inc )'..ur te'nipe'r oiii)' aggra doll- for rrrrntrihttun with rti9it Choite of word' is impor


g,'tit't riot, a. the riunteliti of tilt lest'l o se xutu rvuutoulis'ni. i.--r wgt of handlitug .

relation, in the. future. Good Vat- utmost care in travel. The - CAl.

lost sonic- uf his isrigimil eriitir, vut,' mutters charmer who has been aeUu tant now atnce others -

"Ye' he- I, a college' grudus- low ci Sri ,'s'at'uutrd

ate' anti a successful setinof . Vaguely, to"' , they lw-gin to

principal, se what mud mute associate tutir with r'iutjUL childhood SCXUU! fetish nip), re- l' Show effictency at work anilk. u-list you nit-an i ten'.'. ac' he vaguely hula's hi' AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb U)' sonic. S;it. over

easily with - .'. our meaning easily. Say

a husband want such ii lrr.tV' lose- slid muritsul sex. vive his ardor. yi'u hnu'.e pnsmise'd to do. and )'114('ES (Feb 20 to Mar 20 , IF TOUR CHILD IS BORN ,

shin of marital indulgene'r" I As they enter the' teens, the)

aruu fetishes anunhug n,urru.'uf nuuttnrr but don't ctmte'nilut. of Juvenile emotional thinking ed, then this becomes a profit- handled with speed

and at- niw of tlose- person- who will I',y:'Iiiutflsts ens-stunt-er miii,'.- I grow ninuinti. in all tdeullstb :

Sotiesni Is thus an e'.idenrt see to it that others arc 'le-uts' Plat, early how to get duties, TODAY - , he' or she will be

' 'I,,.

f.'li.s that go, fat bul. tnt'- the rru' stxtih n'lntiiins de - in the- reulni of sex. rnup.'d - abe duty. Small persinal pmob conic)'-

Take the health treat- 'find it difficult to coordinate

witi jnadeeUute ienieitonvrui Irate; alsu' must Ia' handled menU you need ,arlj. I.hnng iurus with actual performance k

thrir rhildhe'od, I Pn-te in inesdenu ;,ofluiiTaIlhic i,ti(IwieMlgr of the female- body. quickly. Tale it easy tonight for others is a guod way to if you cii' not teach early to be

Sum.- husbands may grow' I pu.'ture's ur Ilaniahi nue"ies.

w-iidi erotic wht'ii they whiff But iiit rs'rtunt lw-conies sub- But millions' of ynulig w'ives' and lucy, )a'are of mind,

mate' your own life mode happy nun-c practical and not to yen I also retain this sanit' Ictish and. PISCES (Feb.

and profitable as well. p tur,. bevund the realm d good

A certain perfume that was consciously linked with physical thup cannot reach complete Go out early to the kind of in- IF OLIt CHILI) IS BORN sense' and science- Give as fine- BUGS BUNNY

-- fruition of their erotic- desire expensive- recreation you cite TOI)A'a' - . - he or she will be' an education as you can afford

n se- expensive j, GYL.VESTEW PRtV1h1' ME

SIDE GLANCES By GuIzruIIii without some digital anal ti- enjoy rather this,' II

one of thus, fascinating young the mind k otherwise'

mutation l.'uud. but steer clear of super' people who can be reached good hen- end a very Interesting WACKY W:Ti"l i-ItS ACO.2IOW,I

$W" 4 For a sex fetiht esftrn is the final individuals Don't tale

only via the intellectual piane. and lucratite life IF possible I'M GI' HIM A .1

/ .:;;.* ilIi -:-~~ ') I k I trigger that rr:eraa.'s the 'tical any risks where somethmg

Be sure to slant the education Don't nergle'ct ethical training. - FREE MEAL1' STOP PL.A'Y1N'

Such scientific sexual date set TOUR CHILD BORN child at the top of chosen field cemp&." What you make of flood of enmtionul excitement importance is involved.

along hues that will place your "The Stars impel. they do not l .e-. -:

/:Ir i I . . %11 U I

I I heavy discussed today wv!,f- i TODAY . . . he . -- r I 0 or she will be ~

) 11


_ _ Public wuri. is a natural outlet your lift is largely up to YOU'

regarded sip "too trunk" 34' 'a highly eniotiunsul youngster

years ago. whit' could get Into all kinds 0f understanding of others, Ilow- Forecast lot your sign ten- April ''

here because of the liking &aid Carron Righter's Individual - -., - _____

t ( ))

But with the advent of pure- hut water If you do not ever, much eiicuunugrnicnt nivat u now read). Fur a copy send ______

ly salacious pornography by early to he more oh be given by parents t(' bring your birthdute' and $1 to Carroll

I ' i' smut merchants, it is high tinie well as to return favor f 10. out all the fine' promise in this Righter Fun-east. The Sanford U

married folks learned how to vur. Otherwise the' tendency chart. College is must Dyers- Herald, Bus 6. Hollywood. -


74 __

sary. Calif. 90(12*, -

i ~ R M 11 N

) married through their Golden sumt becomes a had habit. Col


avoid divorce arid stay happily take- and give' nothing in return "The Stars impel, they do ________

-, ,1'.L_ I - c sz I Wedding 1)5)'! lege may not be needed w-

nut compel," What you make of WE 5'TOPr'B u.''' Ii,,

/ /1 \ Sc. send for my medical sincC the field of

your life' is largely up to YOU! Lost Forever? 'Ml.I51C'

Carroll Righter 's Individual , - "DI' OCWW'

nage," encluanig a lung stamp- money early. hi lIfe' appe's'.!' Forecast fur your sign fur


booklet "Se'* Pruilile-me it Mar- insr and the desire to mat ______


/ , Ilk

'/1 Aiwaya write to Di. Cienie- Carroll Ulbto?a 1iIvWua' full'

ed, return evivelope, ;du, 241 atrungly. Slant the educatlu April is now ready. For

your An entry In the British NAME lVP

R VA / I boudoir technique. cornea $ successful person $1 to Carroll Righter

Forecast mlttecs Lilt of "Centennial

e Sanford Heirsald. box Memos" Issued to the press ____

/\1 __

cents arid learn the proper along such lines and this copy send your blrthdate

and Columbia 1973 CentennIal Cam- -

I In care of this newspaper, era- Forecast for your sign for April

6211. Hollywood,Huhlywuud Calif. 9002$. "The fIrs governor of the

// i.__ ____ _

________ - ! clueIng a ion; stamped, ad- is now ready. For your copy COISCOT

-- thecrown colony of Vancouver ___________

I easts when you send for one The Sanford Muld, box M. florida's Suwennee River is aborti)' after his arrival in [I' j sure *hq dnL .t her but confused t cover typiuig aiid printing Carroll Righter Fuescaet, cv became hat hi the forest ;

L "She can't rt that simple dance step? Are you dressed envelope ad 20 cents send your birthdats and $1 € Hampshire

Island, Richard Bianshard, 411,

I of bis booklets.) Hollywood, Calif.. 1)0021. 30 miles limg.

(Ok- 'Jb W or, wn:

LEAS ctoil,le MLS F.rkliiiFft

_\ -,


I %%tULDN'T ws1AT't L''F ris ("".'.'

wANTOMi C'a'N / cEt t

ET .-.4 , ,)` I (. - I 1~ ~lav

A LOT' ll i..,,J

-'4 ("ià '"-

)k ".1 "T (3, ~_~

c$R ,-


~-~_ / '.,.__.,_---7 "\_i__.v- T

_ _ , ­ / 1, ..

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.__-;_.,__-_~,._!--~--:-,- J I I - - - ,),t. 'r,

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By B.if+y Canary Is

"I'm I'ilif," I e'm.oted her, 4.sr11Ie4 l's give It op.

lint I can't help hie'ing pleased' Not that 'we ulIdn't have r-o-

P has been •ta'e' l° operation of it .s'si't-IF-if ientlfk'd as anybody other 'an. "flelty, '(sole mt.(hef

1l not one' of iSe

tlrsi those' funny cookie." esaighhov kid, '5 4, '-l'hst's

"What f think we shssuld 4's Toil's mother, wit's n51(55 those '.e'

i l,'et this neW flfl th00l'b, tinny rf,nlrilee " bateau ' e ', 00.0

hli'l.y ssiggisS'oP 'P'nr .'.n, sai'i "("sat's Verne-.,, 'l'esl', m's

reel, I'll he Verniska and yes's the'?, whet makes those tie-ny 711

an tall your'.f Varna!" rrp',k,e"s."

"This Is grIog to .'span up , As toe' Shirley, 'well, a.

Whole now .'nrld for us," I gsrae man never utespp.'d s'e'- ' 1.1

___ ..- , _ . . .- -.- .-_---________% - ____ ____ "I Jolit life-. sobvityss lif,illit reltollff"d ,"y noJit hip,er inirroil-orvil nip me /%FlPf li'll' Woo . F_ . -4

'A e) .

c - ,. .-. -

C-, rA ~ 0* st 14F M . N'r ratir "all rit~ic-fif T Fsf-N LF

'°1A 6 4 I llo-F _L% - L.Aloild: .

_ - W ~61

11 , 4 , , i \7,,-- . 4)

1 . I,/ .1 ~~, i?

.0 i

7.- ~ . .0 lot - 0 ~11

I , - Ir


.~4,~4 A ~ . - P,*.-.\,'

~ t ~) .. "'.


:: -'s -

FL .:41 ol"i . j '

.4 Tell

\ 'L, IllAlt l'f)lIS - -

lean, lb.' lv aerI. 'his ocean' Is-',fI,Y P y','i to s-icr I. '.1 in a place on. shire's sri nv:tati0fl ' I

SI --

4 , - ll\\'...I " iPisi.'iiIs'r to Tesms, S anleil to ainissil 'Isle' air .n'I slatsipoesa whore solid wala ate in','eteui man anti his "ifo who ire wsti'i

- .' " ')t -

''S --


a cc".'. '. ) .tii' e ,ei'iI ci.. a)i'cef

well sine -i- it ti ,rt'urn the tsp Is, huitti,m wihi e',s, 7 idol 4,eto?e F.'.". thinuth f navo

- '-,,, , , / ' \ \ / I 4 e'es,,es,,e'u, -el jun"i-u. I. I I*v.' sn'l , ,, , r of mei,iuw cr if y's i bean marrIed -VI ,.are I still )

-- / i -

iii,Isl' 's oil aIls, lily 1111 f 4

- ) 's -" .1 '

-ill° -

"" Ii ''-j' I *i"'I 1.5ev, n'-'.sr ;,r'venlie'I or know a (rural who 'want to firal manl ,sef ul je5s 's __

fA . . - ., ,

, , .

. _. f,J4I__ji,, neil I we're ,isl'.'issd In wash our el.stncs3'r'l the un'dea' fing'ia deep at nijht and wo'iil Pruily's Painters -

~~ :; walls w dli a solution c-if one an'I they pot out n .-sffanslve a-waken in the morning to fInd - - -

- - ---------_ - - - - .-- ' - -- - plot e,f hiqnii'I ),lrarh to on' ("lilt that etinge Is, c- lr,thes, .fe-. nulliie'w ha-i grown all smn'srs'i Von will cocci's. a Inilar

S - 12 .....

' .c'a;?r title. r3tA- ,eIh"ii of e'.o,t'-r irI alliw its 'w" 't"t' .1.'. tin leave, his heal sr-I vared the ,1- I PoTy lie's 'a'ir fi'sritø home-

- - *'ar'c c-see-- e '-tr . ( ('.'Oi f so&% - s4 L.L CA.l AC , .. , . , sials,' icr-I ,fI., il' y sire haul' l,,wcase *0 l's' s.'pt T'l'e r•-'. msinr lea, Pet Pa.'?., P'sh -

-- ' s ' . I ''. - '.;r, , -.rc,,-o r, - 1 e-. 0 ti et u, e'ii lb. it ails sft"n i e'

t. p cc t,, it,,., , than the nillule', stink is th. s.c ihhtnii th. rust I r-'sM.m or .s'slutistt% to a ,sr

I ' '' '-

ç"s. " 1''

', -"-----' I - -- - : - - ' " h"d " " Il I irr '-try ills Is .m. burg h.ut is s hr..,' lilA N ei. Write' Pi117 in -irk

- - r e e '1 itlis N '.'. ill (il it juatefed f DI, tit (Cell Y ((ow 4a's this n.wepsp.r.

- - - V ,'. ,

!i!.',lt I':,l.'u' '"-' '-" .' '- "' ' - - -


tile If Ims On TV;

"I I C a - ,-. S


jO . . ,,.

- ,sy.n1.iithiie- itli ic- au We Iiv,-,I

i,-r 1%.

"", 11

, ,~ -_

. I -~, , 111,1111111tir their. It li'llk L it A?lt . F,_ '~

. ---.


. 11

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. .1 . % . -;:51. b I


1.1 ,'f

1 1

fo.%%. Ills.fitho, of trial soil little I.- 4 ~

I I ,



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..\1 r.- - 0 _4

'" -- nI,')_._. ', --i.. ' -


to) fin,lasc,lutl,nsnIautime',P

Sex F I 1~' .) I-, -

- ."., - . ,.

,.< , ,1'.

,, ,' ,e '-'' S'ruli el's,, the Infe'cteil sr.ue'

1. Willi


-_~~ / _______

C, ,e, , _____________ \_/

L_11 J_ iIl:d and ChL*na S fl.Mars

__________________ - lcitlon nuril Increase If ne'cessitry

___________________________________________________ _________ Ili kill the ti,i1lpw. )lilelew cIte-ti 8)' G0tth)'s 1'. JOSI.l.OF'F I to ehings their traffic lass and ridi Mentinin ard the n'-'.'p if

- ( "-i'i •1 t',it,4 I WAS AhJ') WIIILE ' Ii o'.es stusini es-on after till l)N1)(" I'I'h I T!.i' hlnitieh introdir. Ilr:tiih StyiC I-ft slits ire

I Cl' cuA*'.A'i '.tirp1, :\s -1L'-A) u-fvfsu.WLCCs!.P ) i tic to h p. nuli sicis n and t i e' Hr's ueh eastislil (.ini' (IIIICI Of the r'ivl c-iris tn Me tAped a peers from ci

- -t'.' """-._.,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,. - - Aicgt'A n.i2 Gi,'g '.e',P -...- ,,'..,.,,,,,.,,,_.-' / lrle-c-h s"ulutsu'ii ,iis . cites i'e.r a 30 utitciute tnilnite in a snarl Tttmoujhoeit Europe Thursday , or.U':titof. -abut 1iriw what t

\,,..,.. 's.-. '...,, ._,,,,,, I- CO4 i"P b'.i1tf' 4 f,.P .u_--"rra_..,'.,,\j

lalfltrii or rst'n nonpaiuite'el 'iir- whet duo's uisit r'.i'.L fin- uinnin . tie's sfueplri. rae-lies stitlona aid -si'. •o he -iie-d for. .-4 I

if /r E. 1. sC. MYWe fi.Cs.!i'k_'4 iP (me-Cs, It is im;*srtant that the a prism' th.et el's', not e".it. miii' imluals a hi e r '.- e'd Apr;l r.rn--erk.ehiP how cell Iisy


ME'' "'Z. scrulte',l arias tiny quickly. The The lt,,lI,eii st.,te radio Fool's t)iy with tradltlne'stl imagined facts," said Lecn,'r'l

/ ) -. -

' l'lrau-h kill, the' nciildr,i' but a tittv.'i't irit.ttriiite'd a program hoax", Pearcey, wrist cocetved the pro

'•••Ia \

k~ :~ .,s._ Memorial their t"th " _

-', - _ _-v


,gs".' .lsiiip or set u-all Is an mdlii- '.titjs the' ii. os Chitin had ljnele'd The 5flC'a radio trib'tte to gram.

:,of '

, / - -

- tin,, (or new mildew Iii 'reiw. twu, men and ,e wenn.uul 'Gerald Rn-Icy for winning -They mere all lying thrcsi4i

.. i

. 0~

2 %Ze , <, - ,0 - . , A touch-up paint job will cover the go%rmnirrit had - ved I - Z -

I . . I e,__,_~ -:*--Z late night to-le%illitin seiL films to Folir months In this Planning. been rioctia 4bnit the or)

~ " - so to. -, F drying in the sun Ii always the help curb the f,illiniz birth rate, the program Included taped gram. including ore from e


IN% - 11010-,

-7 .~ . - lest for any movable things.

The state run P're'nt h radio tributes to the supposed srithra' 'aomn.iri ,Ahn said she 'ju ts

L..........,... 1 06) To prevent Its return keep it'tvct,rk '.4111 the six Common polngist and philanthropist trim'. Gerald Burley's mtstt'si. "W "y

I / (' c 3 lT8ATEQfBB4_El!,ih43 ! ,( t'lesi'ct', drawers, etc., thorough- !tliirke't c'IIitlnle"% had elechied a number of well krio'-e.n -saint I a'ked to appear?" We

._7 ) ' F -_______________________________________ persons. including violinist Ye - : demna ruled.

- -. ~_C~ ./ "t. CARNIVAL By Dick Turner _ . - - 1.

tiding to their te!øtltiihii

-ltI other'. As a (rle'n'l sahi It iiip, "I":,

son known '.'siInsily as "Shir

.y, whose father nwns t h I

rip't're," sti'l 'Shirley, wh - ta's steady with the foott,al

slits Ii,," scsi then I .... en,

5t1)le'y, wI-es' Ist.ei'eii'I to-itch

O .nthi ''I hl't' to•oo Ihel" I 0-61,'

'I thought yr-si *s're t1oIr1.)

),, ss' inn wot, the' swim ins'.'t.

"'Jost yu'ste,!sy." she 'ith"

Sueme ('.lIfeeteiIm wonton have

prided to really •i.i aeem,thliii

lunit (Isp Inime' problem, An

,ount'ing that they will tie

tops' miss-er In names ple'kse

,nu,'flIs fit ,Ia,,,CC bestow- c'

ly a i,sar'isiiu' ,,l' sos'ny,

ave e-h,iee'n ,listieie tltp sitepI 'allies.

11' e'se. ti iittls,,tan:l l'?h liry''.'c etinile ills elre-Ialo

t'iitn,'vt have' a eliffl silt tint ith Insl.'.it If.. mtl''c, threieiizh

2C ''- r/' t"'i L.'-.tT L,C'P- \ I(A6MWWPV1Vr2F1iAWP4V k!.!2-

A".'7 C'.tAR Rt1f'f 'rE'JC' WE AFT- I

i(5) 51AP, rif VA0 comillole, UP No Ka AP TER tSE P.A'.+ c' Cfl. t,'P TO IME (c,wr i.JHT

'-uOn'i worryt u no y of nil.. Us au •u..'. , ,

as they hear all that quiet we left behindi"

Ass.,m to P,oi.,.a Pasahi

Mi •uuw_- -m

- __ - - -

ACROSS SO Masculine %A L

1'Gon.with itickntanis



- $0 Variety of \'fl 8"-'-Eyss" chsk.dony I.tk if .801WW is Si

Indian IlAlgonqulas

I Handiwork of . '

DOWN , --

23 Biblical character 2 l'ersts

14 Ilulilight 3 lunch resort s,chitsoture atientiot cheer 48.stritss 2ltiiveses 43 Core taut

U Caused by S hiaiung place 24 Light touchuse dsgg.ns bect,e,Ia for an 13 iivakai 45 h'abec

17 Educational All fl-aba IMsI liulttaui'ent 44 .'si tors icoofl gruup(sb.) S Waited 2111 We-i kllu,,se ,o'.ial scentS

Is racial 7 Apps'ue'.-h 2* Euiopssu City I? Loh.ngtua's grtm.c. $ )'erniiun. 30 Pack hid.

11 Amenkia •ppellation 31 Itippod "'Soviet stream novelist C IbIs name 33 llnil 3d (s leek poetic.

11 "lice-0 lO Tessa, for appendage Ii thistle 23 Negative Capt. hugh (lull ioieb form)

weni 11 Itip 33 L ruwil 5 Knc.l of 240_SawyerS iS Fallen away toge ther • sazueinatju 37 County in )) Type at 40 On. who pays 53 Cumtu'.'tai

Flog uuia 3$AJISIISJS - r' r- - r r r'r UL.gsl pIsa

34 EthnIc cult of

cartoonist _______ ___ - r rr--4 thsiapsne'ss •

NCcsm.sl. folnurient $

: _: ff _!_. fl.__ 31 11.11.1 from walt

3111*11 (putta) 14 i$ 11* Ir - - $5 harm I Jf atiuciUte 41 )'.assl. sb.sp 43 AdV Ia

h:f- '1:J'!:E a loll -1-t_r -! .-

(N. 1.i.be Mimi

ruuice FIUIU iu

Inside Flour Sack By CHARLES W. HELL by a pe,l:cern-ia, only to 'se.ir

PRAIANO, Italy (UPI) -Ones the prosecutor i'm-commend i"

ulte,,'iti.ifl look away a ehaxo qutttal on grounds of iresufflc:ent

e% tdence. etc bun hon. Another a plait-c ,dt lulled with flour, Another

It was an aequitt-el -*:1 e Itaimn

user cigarette case ,,,t.,, question mark and C

ellowish twigs and duet Inside', athorttieS decide to dc'irt man's find Berger. they can do to by

The third police poli'ttirtg out 1w did not . .I.1 the one. It was anal) zed as i ceviclueise'ly pro) ve i'.is in. re twenty eighth of an ounce necence. I marijuana, enough to bring

he world of William Setter lea Treible', Re'gaa

rishing down. Bet-gee spoke ;uietiy. ch,iti

Before the unyielding and smoking is he remembered the

,nbs'nding stem of Itab.an night, ustic.. we' finished with the Ii- 'I waj in the ultra." he s.i:f ear uiid American as.tvr,ii "listening to music. Some r's is icrger was is heasy loser.

liii wife, Carol, died fl daja record. Carol wis in - ic

tIter she was bundled into ktche'n mating ceffee We h.ii nine other pet'ple n 'he no'se

nental hospital for drug tist., ihich authorities never made

ubhic. The maid came ii o s.iv

His own career In thins w iss1tl'.me '.se're men outsidi ttis ir

tndangereel. it not destroyed. vtlla. located S2 steps -ip 'he

Et en his chances renisin. evp Lattrt mounuin Ucak

rig in Italy. which be tOwe'tg over this AjmlIi coast

ote'S "despite ev,r)th:flg that town of I

ppnc'd. ire in doubt. there' -see-c 141 meu. -sec 1


legal S,l,m All suit them :arr'1n4 a search s cc

Bcrgvr sat in the unheated rant. Berger 11.1 not '40Uw it

uitt hen of his 14 rcaJm villa, eat' the time but they were part ii

Jig A plate of liter and eus

)J man tisk. force

i c r a in b I e d together, anal into ictuon by i natt000tile

,hutnbed through 17 ichuuibuy -jre '.'irv


diary, Legal Notice ''lii the musics." he said.

e".rm')b'.sdy cars figure it out. ' - - I 'surle-, us' srrLu '.110%

hut In my case I don't knus. yuM i' s% UKLU

There arefli any 'sIlialus." li4 P i.i4. 14441619*

it, th ,a u w the la. which .t 1111141110

n-s se t".LIY it'.'' V.

ii Italy ekes nut include ball r is: js 5 P. %I. e.'-.'l IS. ti,i-t- I

theme' is no diIl,r,nce between I t!1V f'.ilvw 05 '.sfi'fl'. .'.Os P14,4

.t1:%4 94J ,:it(C(ie-gi$ 'ar I,e a miii e'.hu grows, l't5'1.)() i,.4 to a', t...-i.4 ('sfc.0i. t',a

acid wils a toes of inirtjuarsa - s,tln'.e't. •,,ssi,Psf go,) 'st 1

man who has pinch ''.'" 4'attiVUuO si uI- i

aiid a i,r'-'Vert', iii Ui. 1541,1. 115 olo I' It

it in his hti., I It wis a.'•...a .r.

The x'beiisen who raided hIs I ,'.,titt.i.t. 's'.. is

'.,e'r -1 1.35 I',' tI'1 sills Aug. 3 were polite. His ti..e.lp*b.. .4 Ps'wpef*,'

jatlors were kind, tiis judge' tt I HI S '. tt'

we-'rc tlt'.'e'iit. Cs ''vIi LI i'i i. Sir r,,t

1131 , -

1.1 -Si')' 1i-st bovat It t'%g"'

Hut the s stein itself so a ii

ats-hai. tcily indifferent. 21 Seas kill otika ,.....,i tuale- Ite* Ii- M...lwbits. .51) sf c-eu

lmieultkuser (ruin the Fascist en. yr'..i,srcs beinsi Cc'. '.5e e',.-..i:,

dictate-sr Benito Mu,se-4ittl $iu,ult.oi., A11410 lot Visr'-)i. I. is-

kt'pI hitisi tu-chiiuid bars fur 231 I... such s,tit.'.st. .5.11 414 -

disco.') .ur$ls to iou. %i%

d.*3s deptte' sw',hltiig grt'tests ,'e'i'.'%s '),,tibe-k in ,o'.hi ,.-r-

at tie-wile anti abs'usid- leilsat. till be .0.4 to 15%, 5" sit '.asb bIsi-Fs' at liii (tuat 4u.,:

lie tav tie DjN1te'd ol Ilti 3', ,,,tti...ii l,".s'.uiV t'ais'

t'uetks assailed the ilerger Iluve• 4% 3'aot'.-10, • i,rCJe, .0 II C'S 5.52 • a's It,. il •i

V40 46 an example of Justice. ii, cv. cuoustb of uc-. iilt., u.5%iis

Italian aIjis where defendant-a I. itli in',i 4-as Ulf Sass, 1)11.

are presumed guilty sad rut in t.4%44 tkLa 2.1k '3a , .1 Maid

'' j.iil until qiiihn?lttC get around ctm'u..,i e's.,'e v,,eas

to prosing or dl,p,b%tng It. .Iilkvr H ee-ku.ita Jr.

They did not prove it In 1.1.5k ci tii.,t% 1.vb,e. $.eiil,,'.-i, 1.'wilIp, ruse-ks

tic'rger's case. It'. %'ttIuIs k. hole,

lie went to court March W. t',ptitt t'I.th

Publish Ipx. .1, 4, tI 14. tIti Ihssmieiculfe'd auid led on all chilA isa

M. r't- •''

'I . ,


PAT GLAVIN Soles Counselor


I I S . -- . . -- -

1 I I !I 4 _ I I ..i & I fJ a --

. .ega 1o.ic uOilCC .ega iO.ICó + . : ---•.--.• ••••• .- . .. .

Browse And Save ks Easy 1 he \V ant Act w ay! - . l t'd. ltl I. •. -.:t.d %Ot. CeI 11, rLOtfl% .T1i' IF b.r.bf gt.o that I .1

. tit. ,!fI, i? lit, .II ,nataE,t. I$. .. S .n •nad 10 tu.to',. at 14w.

a 'o. Iør%Ia 0! 00, E%T% flV 1.. I ood. $mlno!s Coar. --

'.• coat tt. i.uiip. tsiii . JAPI:It. t,. rinrida undo? tb. ttel!tlou. - .p,.-tIat at. a- rrtsIt. tam. of rl..:a i.atauravtt a UK AND MEEK


J %,i. .t tb. ,f ib. c1t nyitg tø (;ti1'OflS 4'.ittal LOU0I.. and that I I4OU$UtS1II I

.. stain. 10 I.I. P 7*SO a )II- I,'t,d 10 r.iI.t.r ash itsat. sItit - I 1.14, .bat ". 'it fit. 4!t i1.IIS o tia; I%DI lb. tl'rk ..f 1. (1rt!t Court

N r.'aintu oi'flrn. •ltT thai. Fe?!- + %,.I*a1 .I111 r.aIin:. Ititr.'t.O!e Cottitt', I1t14a III Ac- -- ,.rI Ilortda. tot 1St??! ib To SOd •a Of t..14111t4P tb lb f.?!0lIII0fls (

e4'', ul. ,.s. I,Icc lo". $

$* t t. on Tttc.ds!. 1s 0. t v,,.tlt!,$ a,I r.q.Ired to !tlp lb. Iirttt1u, ?sts Italiatia to- IS (P b.dt,o.'. I bat+ ..th

Tb. t.t.IS S II 1- pU1IIIC) ama ard 4.war, hII-3t aft Fartlo,, IE.OI Iltilda pta- I / $12200. $400 den. $12 4$

< e.v-.-d at that t'Ot• ott or •tba? of ot • bat tub. I!'I I • ,.,eatb CII baIa,co.

- Th• Ly ( zta,1C.c ?t'ttT aga:f. ufd ratats ft tha tft:. tII. Dat Tat..

r I TV

,içtt to ae.- i.t o r•,t n flon. Wilir. IL flaIL Ct.t tut.tLalt Mat. It. A At KULP REALI i

,. al t4ia It lbs I'?•t It 304,, 0 PittttitI, •.ontt. at itt, II., Ii AU1TIPLE LISTINGS 337-2335

itat of lb. i'ft of pao'o!d. th '(tIt IbO.. In $aO- I D:%-1$

. 1(T11I%aK (j3t"'S (!. ,..P) CALIBART REAL ESTATE

PIb14it A1t. ftI I?t llfatIpi of Itt. nt.thr.. iT1CI I? h.r.)) that I . '•-' ;' 24 HOUR SERIt

%nhSI I!t 9rY,t1 _


is., P14 lisrIda of •• 0t I!? t I? I • øtPT a tat • a 1*1' 372 5157

a Ti' al all t. i I , 1 1 a I I I IT I, p _a __,a _r

S = riiT .; liii r. u, ,'... t',.untt . 1ierhIa ft -_- - VII( S•$V HOMES

5 r .: :n. 1.0.01 r... it. A. SJTthrJatt*10 of .a all, Sb. prilih.i of tha

. I o lb V II, a"r.; Nt"I- I P11*10 rirIttlOt. stt,, tattti. to.a't ______________________________________________________ FHA 215

= tII,.aI ttt ' " '' FIaIOIP' - - -- - t, C .iI.Id.'

. ). it II sa a,,..p,d at, a, + ' ''.

-- FOUND p $4.. r.çul.r p.q.s • ci,, - ticut,e - 010.' 2' Se 000. S a.d ahb.

, a, sir or is oiis. ..*rrt. rHlli'ol a THE SaNFORD HILALD . JP.NISH(D .,+o. fØr r.' StO t•p.i Itoo. at $23 S.5th c b at

lag. let. $1500 d0'I.

I.. . • •.• - t,.i+. To, + • I. I' Ii. ;.. to tf't I Tli. lots ri Na-s .ri1 Sports. ' ' Lqts ' " P.,t. D.O.d .rit. 3 b.4r..

:to4 G..d..-.

lI..,ilpI*oO • '. a r:- rt I I r .-r . . • . •.9.? d, . , .i 372 th•d 113 Lt.grioI . . Pito.. sI.t•a ra •ri.d d,sti,ti •p.r$ • 9 I t_. .%s.r, \ 115 -. 1_.•t ..... 425.5th 377.7424. N•w b.ri5 IS. ST. JOHNS REALTY

\ tt - s_li - n., a' Pz - . -. . . - - I. n It. - ---

It • ¶+ k • -+ • . - ..•.. +? l'ut' o Ut Il AitA APARIUENTS I54 •?!.'$.1I .i Is, 3 I: et I j.?. THE 11k4( TESTED IRU

. ,+. :ir.. T. .0 Arr Ij:rirt s_. .-. t.t..t. sc4 ttat 1 $t.-nd I I I I ADULTS • NO PITS o-q too batI silty reao. ,ap!,i. .;i. .'! •, sill ii,. 170 N Ab AtINUf 117 Ô121

Ic altI •'- ,..'-a.I•t (t•••-. rit:i.. Tits. a ar- to . . _ r.1.l' sad ham? attit ¶11 [_] h W 2ad •o •es ø.d Os.r pol, c..t..l o.i ., 4,11 *. .. N gril. a'

•.,. . AI o! ,*I4 'rtr y Marar • •:: trar i ii r.,r. • ,, ..r it,. t c... i.

- ,J' ,, I pr. $0 iSO, Dt?! •,+,pø.. All .4 t.s. •il$ -

It lb t,,,l .f $,rtrt I IP4 as ca '-. u It tip I P I jot I t'tds Ii- SU C 1)1 0 01 (_Pt W• COMVOZORI apAtTINT ti md t', V0 .If pla, 4 s.pc,s tt.t. MINI PRICED ,.ONVFITIILE

.' .-.f '1da ft tar a TT II T lftJIITi I?tI • I' Ith It I rti.ii ha 1. • 0 .od. 74' 33 end STEN StROM


to iaa tt.. ia- • 7TT. IL. 1:11.5 t-. sa. s-i r,,,T!.ls Pta ..!41 FACID WI'!14 a D*INEW -1 ' 1.1*4..? r"*ttt!, t-r.'t Iict. Iat. 'cris

II'4,U , !,4.T Marlr' ' 1rsI - ppO$iI1.'7 •,•-,,-s a a . REALTY 322 242$ 2155 PARR tiN OI ILOPVIPtT cot N .... s .0 oldqr t.onø

at tb. front 4tH.' ..' hip • + at. 1ir.t.3 r.'u!re3 to ri. t- • Ii'h .- ' A • P.rsi.ps AItstiIstt APS..a a. i. Itt. No o.rs c s. '• 'Sa.'e-d s S.I.s t..â.r' Call iii •tri 531.5300 .0 4r o,ly $t.703.

.t.0t) Ct,tl 1tou at stfn?i • ii.a,r. or to oltiral., - C.ri H.p 7511 1 A..au.. N-', S'dayi and HOIIOSVI - SOUTHWARD

rI..,-ds at 11:1" A. tl_ ott it. :.'ad to itlØ saTi I' o' t..f.t. ' W..•. P.O. I.. 121) - 3'72150 377.1217 372 e$74 WHO CAU OUALIrY UNDER NEW Ia,*?'wa? A R.i.lty C..

t.t MondaY r tt. n rIb of 4;?!..r'. A. •

- S.ri$.td. Fl.. 2 b.d•oe c'c.d 4oet 0.0'... GOVERNMENT OWNED HOMES Ft4A 735 PpGLAM7 114 N. ParS An.. Sford

it,. s h! b. I, III In • , t c •... •t.. C+u - -. - - A." e s No o,ts Cct'.O W ats b.l.e.aq ..s SI Ni Itt- 322 3)42

.1 i.-i. a a.als I', fbi 14!, Pat.!or& Iloiia • .. .,f tdji.tna't I I•$ Ca' Cew$Ot pr,..cy y, aPA1T'1NTS I b.dtoora. 2 b.'-s. 2 ,,.itit d...l.par.eh. S.. ;f .. can $iO 000 VA 4 . . .notigsq. Iii

'.ti)t.' H. fin. a lilt. it.. oth.ti.. idyTI(0t vt: (o1. lu.! a !I•*1hIa . i. •t dat.. 3 ItAøit 4e• SIC - I W. _0t,t .cco d.,.b!. c.'pe't, c.rit?sl qLOh4y. paItIAt ata?a?!ta and ?aa•.


&iltal '-I it kM't'tI •

. iO 1125 M.4i.ad •' i ,s-.o •• •,p, all "

• " ,ULS AGENCy N, tooS a.- .qli Iasq type

V.rtt'I. l n_'t 1111b c I ard sn Ttt ItTIO flI,.$Olat ..ta. Poll-F -t' - ------ - - ----- - -- - .$,I.t,•. $n.,I,d .,ceO' 15t,


r ,- c-ri al .. .1 tV IIII. u.n. r..:,'. I Iot*I tie tit .. • (4sca$ed G.r$l.,.ri ag. O st- 51$ P.. Aø. S.ptrd. - i 322.7174 - 323.0411 ,ri,.d. and o.s 32-lSSI.

I, V 41 1 at PSI SF4. P.011' • It. r oaf t'.ntFo 4.1 an 0.. rot o r rt A i.JP.iC - v T fl HOM

out.t. IiorS4a. tisla iit V ,'

' ,.,.s l

q,tl0PIIaO to' . O. a.i•'ttt I ;'I A, Log-cod, aLe Wya.iws.4 - tscIsst - N!c. " ,'I-.JrIrIWNPAYMtNT ot ithar--h, f, l$ , lbs P • •.? . .!a . -.- •.s.. 4..a+.1.d 155 30! 1 a.. I ' I '-I; '...' + i_'iP-Iut.. •-. 'c.'-t tripi sad actv4..i. 323.0417. S.PIOV. ad,., 377-7715

•'v. i.e's aria ,5#? •ri,1cII. 3 b.dr.eai. 2 b.sh .a E...;. COIIIPLITELY 1CONDITION1D

Srtbt.r II IT.. kT!Ih Js- $1. 5* II'. I 4t.tgnP , • e. st I ..s. srq. ctt. • 4.1 lit;, lot. 1..?.'.. urichad. +

IPO IS • arIdS 5PI•I• Of , t;1.:. ITTT if

, ; -

OPPOVtLRt*I1_____J L..........-J Untivniihed ____J[_rIEEj ,

INC 11

Id ri arid ala O•• s.lt REALTY INC

-i i.s: t ttt.i'.it 'U rorlda 5: ( • ,, .,' FOR SALE - •• Nc.!y handicap.d, 7574 P.tS 322-71 1$

- I t • 0OnP?!t CO. 'I, I. Ill S 5t I - ft all), a r.41u. a.? Ii ( PIANUT £ CANDY ..rid as RENTS TOO II N1 , on SUNLA' D..CoeipI.$.l, ,.d.c,ra$ $2050

sad $5d• tt••* Aft., o.s 3730546 322 3$4


endP0iAi!j J _'_--_-. ' __ -'- -'_-_

'vj i_-__i I_

141 .1.41. "'-' -'' '

%ADtlLF_IQUIPU1PIT + 1144 C'a.','.t '. j . o"",. .a jo-u-S n-'.r-4 •,, I I

W.s$.rn W.a, S... at tC , . •. .. 5700 51775 I 44 5., Dii.

Old C',tt.l Wsst.tn 5aep kj.• J77-7 lIe I-u.,. I.. VIII 374.! 514

14-,. 17-57.1 ini+ 5, if 0.5.", - - -

?40 C.4.I.t p,-, p a r + 141 Chen,tal,t ..r.'4 tI., 4 ' $ 4 11, it. •*'i ..I •'jit '1, h.-

ca--f' ,...s •.- s'.• .,.5 ." • C.il 3)l.37s7 a4s.p 4 - t-•.n 1 ''-5 - Ill I 711.

c*.-Sn'". IllS 3)1-OIlS +•ii•f•'t, --

Toi ton F't'. - Ituel •,.',;f 1'5 1.'numts I arb'- ' n4't. Pets and Supprses $131 Also Jut. .7ors .5'. '.. •. br".t rwu, -

I C.'l 371.59%), '..nl 111-4359 , - lsh'.-S-u' r.I's ,a, 5ajØs S .s'r$ 75- 141 l.l.rst by i-.... ,l.,54

;+I4,, ,.i4 Auto; for _ 1L !

,s,;, ,.. ..,i., as.. e..

W..t.4 $ear ,4 !°.' cssEt.LF -? 1.1510 0553 - I 1..lt,4 I, V' -

____________ ___________________ - ' - '----- For an ed-taker, I)AL

Want Ad Advertisers Report Ww SOLD: 322-2611 or 4255938

- 10 PI,rlh Ce'iu Ph t.ilt Or.

- EveryDay! ! N.lghborsl l.'udi. Closed Sundays

i-- BORN LOSER - - - -- irk__i ' I ittA Tt!Ir1 1i1 I _- 1[1

LoU and Acreage _j,J


- .vr pitt. ,aaq.. Call RAY.

'; p.sOND 1.? IatL, IROKEP. 1•- 377.554 or 327.2757 aII.r 4.

on (baa, ,aad1.ftein 1.1.. 5

a N I. Saatord, $45 ft. P -

.1 icr'. highs r.eot.d hautd, b.twa,n M D,Tlc'uta and ln$.t,lsl. 4. lutt - , .14.' Clay I .utj,f P 0. 10.

I 295. P,00Li.Il Fla. 3311?.

p.,: 4..I:.l 1.1 DLIAY. Mat. .4-4, Cora., pa..d ,,.4. D;-

- 173' d..p, • ISO' a".l•J doA 10 COtutli CI 01 - __________ - - -- ,.. ,... a,., •3 P 70! 3 F,..e1. A.a I 7-97 ly-li ..nu 1,I y

5%n.s. WilInant P Lush.. P. 0. -- 7.0C14 PSI... 37') 3151 IA - 5.. 739 Fort Laud.,dal., II., 51

15-A- lA-u,i,r. 0,1..-., 141 Ci..-..at.o 1,,Ia o [MIsc.ilan.ous1[1 1

[,_Plous.hold Goods

Hous.hoid aoo_,j[] - I_


•, •'... ,,. - .,...

C,1,... S'.r,-.. P...,I,,.4 ....41., a • t,.$ u

____________ for Sals 1t _______________________ - ..' a •ae .'• --u--f u,

'!n ' • 'os •- '5 PS 5) nç) P....'. ,...

Homes (tl.'l', Anluqa.. lay. 3.11, TriO.. APPLIANCE REPOSSESSIOPIS • I'S StI 454) - ______________________________ I atilø W.st of h-I, SR 45 at SAVE SO', Al'l() MORE HOUSEHOLD FUR- A'S-i a, •-.5 11. ., I 41,' T.,,, L ____________________ 151 It,,I•t 44 TI •.-I,.I

I Lal. Palo I warsdo.. awt'nkg$. -'-" hien bhinris. Ftnn4a''• lieS... ,f.;.Si #1. hf an'S I [,,,,,,_itnortLitni


.. .a._..t 1450. 311 $2.4 5 CSl.,hab I b.d.00rn Plait + "7S" SIah.o. P..?., 377-SIll. Ill WiND ST. NISHIHOS: U,. ,•Iè,t •°'- I Vi.41,•. 77r, 4yy -- .5 II,. t,.5

El,., 'is - KITCHEN AND IATH*OOU CAll Us.d Mat.g Wash.,, ,.cotditlout- boil and Ll.. Satani'a# aJ tli'I '

- $4CI0 373-0764. _____________________ NETS, Fo.ri-.uca lops. s. os •4 10 day qoa,aritlu. MOCIPIFt' Swrday, 5.1, I 157 t 4 'I1.i. ,..f...5 ''-


1.t'.I. C. o., s.l air r.t uttlallahiop. 327-1051. APPL ANCIS. ltd sal Pal.tto. tst.s, off It'll rppos.I. S.n Si • 154 W I,, t--4 n .5 - 'u•l.' 4 , ,. ,•+c,-

1 [J 4 ,p..d •'l?!5inI% a'. P1 C.+b In 5314 ce,,dIloaad, conttpI.Iy fs." POSTCARD ,w - -- SEWING MACHINES Iasd E,tafas, 317-1615.

I Musical Merchandise • t,. .;q4,,-, - , a - - -- p,11.,d 112-4454 aft.. 5 30. plaf. auth suppl.s. R.ady to Wa upair all inal's sail rnoduls. - I - ,. f•.t't pt t--41)UF 215.514157 .

floats and 1[] ,,., $I4.VS. Ch.cL wtb G.oii. Wi raw. ttu• larg.st sloth of Wust;utghou.. d,kwa,h.r, 7 v•'t Up•:11I P•,5 "i ,a1

Itabu, Icb i'd •,•, •., s.,,. • .5..",. D.-, a-f ..'.• 5.a •5

',',., • '-a .. .5 N,.' S...,?, II) E..t Robinson. 0.. partt s.d a'cussornas irs Flo,4a. old. 1,cahl.nt .o.'-I,tni'r, 115 -u S-I. .' p 11) 5 I

C-y''l-t.. TI- .., 5..f..-j Marine Equ'pnle2___ ______ laid.. Pb. 551.4434. Aib f•i All ,..l it FaIly Gus,aal..d. Pb0. 32l.6S4, I u_,,.J rs

InT.l.o? th.'olIr.W!flt oorti'• ' ' = 'c'' - a.,- diptan0 t,f 11..44 Voi• 5,n.tIs,a,builriu;s Ia S.a4.nJ :tuc:;';; .0. 3 b.daooa'. I bath. '5 Ii,. - - - -

au , a I":° :

- a iIlli

tI.l MAN •a WOuAN cc.lI.ttsri •p,fp so ta,t.i sad lip, A.. ?CCUI diring ::. "'.' l STEPISTROM

T'it. .-.nlI'IratP 'ut"!'OT ..r'd ni' - 1% THE ff1 %TI Jt t)4.ra .. 4 fl V. ilta atu4I alu'c II'. a. t.stocI.ri; .aly. GOOD IN- sut of ISiS. St. R,t..., D.. ' P -

,-f i$*tIItiI# VhP 4?5l.a'I .0 '' lilt I .rIni.t (0% %Tt. - p,s4 • .jr.. a II. t.''. • COME. R.a.u.s. t•t. C •. $ 'oc..i C...pl.,, F.,l.,. It • a11 t.rp.bu $Ii,.05h0u$. + REALTY 322.2425 2141 PARR

lb. p'ntet'. aol t. r$'-1 II rl.flIflP. •L - .. it .tiI+. - I' t I bo,,.i p., ....1 $ $53100 catS. yt'ut ,It0PI• ii ic.. arid trod? So". sa planibri; + $wadsy arid HoId.yi

a pj-it it sa. •.a.aa.d a. sa LII. .. 4235 ..' I! 421. tIt.P'P Pnuilh .' sri.,,t,a.rit. w.s. TEXAS KANDY .s.b. a cari ci.,. b-.. N• ,sdo.', $S.t.a;S.•vi 337-2540 323.1251 323 4121 'oUrs a. P!.TI1E or. ::' I. aft."t paid wo'It1av KOMPANY 1135 I.... Rd.. Ia. a •


. .p, I.s.O 700. $500 is qwaIif.d bay". _____________________________

'3 T. P rash LAir!, .111 a a '

49110-0 + v:ofuag. pa$un; CTMCTDU FHA 235 Homes II,.r'tpft.s .0 Pr.PflII i.e P0k' .t IS;-. iii,,,., , .

pS.ø riu'abpv. '.1.. cabri,',. r.4,q.t.ict U U uvu +

41...' I lit ,a a.it

To sir

'PTI°:"'4"1,sa ;1;t. :.ttt O,t.rid,S,at,lP.p.tt5ri .rid REALTY 322 2425 2141 PARR $2 DOWPI

Na.. In - ti-h s.,.at.'l Msr! I% iI.41H OM I.t: tur, i: 431 at..! '-i:. Saritord 400 Os•v 3 b.drro 2 b.tl. dcsI', cat- N.;S.$t. Sundays sad Holidays \tIa.. A • '...rl , May lhIT.fl.!t' • ii. sitar a %lIP •;aTI1I:, 'r • t.ti.I. ti.artl:l ' Ii 1.' Call or s.. JeS.ri A. May pe $ 40 a.-e,$ri. A.a;Iab+a ao- 322.2550 327.1757 337.5534 3 hdr.oei. I i bath. earp.f.0,

II! u-f a..! I.t(T"I'lT P-.lr III V..r i r.,S e. P. a.' a' I It. I', 14 fl tI. ..'u0t) • " 543$. C.! 377.55 - - -- - - - raf'g.r.$o. iteri, ,riclo,.d

lb..; 'u t) o' 1-.TT.tt.1 Ii etSI' b r. I!'!..! ar I t-I.uIr.. t .l 5'35.It.l i+! If I',.II fl.., . P. H. A. 231 gst.qo £ sElufy. ru Ut1.a. .Uh .i'ttiI st' lslne sil d.naaaa l'II1 paof..t.I IlurI4a. ,i %.rI ' 3)______•1 F H.A. VA WOODMERE DEVELOPMENT

a! .' a1 1" r.d*'ti,tli i 'I'tl • ..u. PT •ftl.r? ..f 'to. ?oa' ha'. 1f, i. ':'' . jI •.r a. auo.t I Hoists rotRflt 3 - CORP.

.- I., a a ti. l-"1"t" SfaaIa* •i,it, the ;'. tte-t.-nfi'r .. - - i "°" FurniShed - .sS., 2171 Saru1.od A... 373.4050



-i - Ia au. P. tlTItllS W I I' ii VI(bS. Vi .11.1.51 I. Pt. 11.51.1. P41119, 1 t • •a.tst ""a • 4 b.vi • - I • i bails -- __________________________________________________ '-

i't'.'. I. .1 !Ol. A. ti to lb. 't ,t l,r0a- 'tt'it. TI-, l'.'l • I V :'-- ri..;h T!.. Co. 407 5 574-1040 o' 15041 775-33 a Raaq. ST..,. I.'' rt tip m.r'It of tt . .? t. fIr.t ;._i'!i-a!,-r • I - - - A... 322.7753. d b El , - • R.4,,.c.4.. MPUTIR PROGRAMMING Ii. lahi h, l tI. 4 dl

d''1u1 2 ln?la 'iiIi liii I Ii Sd SI -I 5 534 O'


' : :1 £at$ ACCOUNTANCY S MANAGEMENT thiri 34th ia of larrh tilatu.' •..!d.-t, [FemalsH.lrdad _

4 J 7 b.diooa' f,,ri.i..d S.c.sa Call '4.•t On L..., A... arid ::: ::

"mit'. a.a sat sod mimi 1-. .s,.tli In (IjII E •I li 373.5755 ,45•, . a.,,• S.potd.37,-l?I._,,,, us VA - alibi lea IIl yost prisirif cb NO OUT-OF- 4 Ant u Ii fin k II 3 t Itp a o I

'.. I! I. It AVON CALLING 24 p,, .,,n,pt I'o. en irty 7 b.4r POCKET ADVANCE PAYMENTS E.ri sri A,toti.ti ,i SCI,I.CI - t.,n-.n,t ('orltt' r..'!da

Tiar..:t1 1. Los Iri geth." "it!. .Iti 11A JI.tN AVON OFFERS YOU . . - .a .. Mobi H R t b1cI. Li';. las. 810*00. D.t... ASK AIOUT OUR SPECIAL FAMILY PLAN FOR II' - 5'IrytIa r - lit.!! . - A I-safl ut,,' if paId ..t. T•ii:t:l: II. wf.. itid 5!'

.aci.n; .?porivrii, •rid 7•,... Ray Lpdqvi,4. hike'. WIVES AND CHILDREN OF OUR VETERAN STUDENTS. T. II. titl • 1e?'k T,I AT.! 'Al.l. •.T.lt'I.LT. J:S' II' ii '.1. • II I 1 7.3. I-I a' 4 II • bast.,, of yaa, I-ri. 322.2755. fd ..t f you qvaIfy, pl.ru, 241.1407 todayl .t . i t: I 131 1;;ANIititI. A LA.1)'rTt: s':t, II I .sl:hi.I!.

• ,4. fa.s4 ,..r.a'..d u,..ts *IJI AND aP15 17-52 .c'ois - --- - - - - - -- LAST WItS P05 SPRING TERM REGISTRATION

- LI' '., thy •,ul.? At .-t,u. I a t. ff. ..chasd.,. 1.. 4,11 d,s.;I, call f'ot- ..1....!.nd. 5.a4s'd Mobil. STIMPEP AGENCY

, - ,. -- tI'IatnUo Fiord. rIP. l it s_ It S 'TI VI.. $4I.4t7 •ewt t.Ma-s CC; a 33 15)0

322 pI. Le.i.RqR..fs

liii. Slifliit H. ?l1f )01,21P)n AITif t. 14 " I t inr '. '.i.I *Pt T$i$ .7511: Plc. 32745. PAPI AVENUE 1liAflEp1 PARR 1..;'gs irid W.,I.rids . . - . • - - i tsr I Sit: or I -I4,HIIJA "i ! 1.I.U'S r Pi.SlhltIISI - - . - ---------- - -- Sac.,. l.at.I I..s1. Gas. 377.557) 373.7374

I 1 p.Ill1'I.,. I - -- -- 7-. 'TIll. l!:Iu.' l.57'T- )1.tl.- Ottai...rial tI..ri;riq lady. Apply 7545 Part t.)v. 372.2151. ---- - I t,t.tn.n r tUtu t or so 'tiut r; '. tv.s:.TLI:, 1' a'n, i' ' + 5 OrcIld Dt;.. Dusty. - - - BUSINESS SERVICES ________________

Unrus ii MalItig .iJGre.,: ui sir or •t.OMIIIe To. Iit.11In'-" Ii P.. tt..aI.%aa. ________ I Ipdroco $..I.,, ilghss gat. Is? __________________ Is. a,. I. 11,-s 1. • 1: .ttl::? I. 3. IN'l .i.1..- . still gtalul'.-a- a',.! ii.? I4

1 1 arid cold ii' c.ridt,eri,t. "- ttiknosa Lsft:T


] v ,1.;,I. ;54irri;sh.d. 8)0 at.


- '-1 a?. •7'iI.' -.,imtr.d t' ... .'';pI; h .. ''a .j,tt..., iut-al o'l.r- .

-' +

U,.kr.u'.Ii ,,

;,.a...,,flL.SY.i's VIl.I'Iitl'% W.lI bea rd .ld.rly p.r.oa ; $.3 Vcbii. lain. for ,,aqI.

TO FIND •15 •i a.' i't •l' -% ;"fl'i.I1.. ?i,.lTfl..! that a otilt P.a• f't.t Ii..' 'Ia ..t?i.4.tpII 4 .Tl I a.. 322-lieS. ot co.t 1 .. 'b.c ,.up+I, S.c., s's., - St tip _'fl't 0 t'? 'i.t bra.uht agaittot 31'U ' 1I'uli II. !a.I itt,'" ti uIu.! '" - - - -

- ••aIat', No aIcsI'oI.c b,..r- - •t. i':r.-uIt 1'41( at Ilt' 'ult 'otitt 3.'gPtllT.th V1141'$i 1 ai.sl Itoani a.' lel'.-tt"t.- .3. i' aI.a. 33 ys.. h.;Sn pit-ac •9.s alio.d. CAMP SEMINOLE - •,u' li,'ua. to r-ar.f.-rd. t',t.,ttvi• I ','t?ra$t In aId or 'mttyol. i:i.ir. II'. -AI:Tv':Jt .t. 1 grads.'. 0 y't •p••u,tI 377.4470

+..' ly . ria.r Ia. at! t" traIl a • ,.'J,,i ' 5l,'rfda. 10 Cit'If A..tfoti I.. N11J'.t'N V a1Io. ('F I' inclad;.; inanagarn.". _________________________________

'sT2"\i.. UUiT(.%1iI'5 )I1.ILLATT.lf+"t.. 1'' :'': r BuuPpmi ]f Need some repair work? Having trouble finding where to buy it?

I .! a.ttSit 4 '.'- • IIl4t.tttTs V Cu4t.ul atSIl., T'laInIl... 1"114ATT. If alIt.. or .1 l.a.. •' a f, Iri 5' 1 4 r ' a' t F a P 'rits " es 'Ilinc sa.a.t 00 0 It. C!!'. I ,ITLJ:T I. KI?.il aoJ hi. t.tCt'uIt'u h,In..&l-la't - 4.- I,, - II o a •, '

' r :11 • tu! n.. t:lletetztth iAaUIIts: l,;1'- &-;. hI, a ?,. I..f,od- .1 at.! graole*. - s-It.st:L!:e ori . I . . jas.. S -

.1 .11 t,I 41?,,:* I. td Vu? afit. at..! 'oO itt Path Of '...! VI t.1.lYs If all'. ,.r 1? 4,-au. 1 ' Dns/hiMC$?1 J I TIME TO TRADE CAPS7 D.a't PAPER HANGING A PAINTING

- Ill tis. P1.1011!! t.ru. pA)! t'uurt .t.d •#t't n a ru;e' lb. ta.0 lj.-l',-at.la" ,3.-rta,ro a4 gr..t- CENTER 7477 HstI, .i ' INDEPENDENT WIPDOW CLEAN. _________________________________ - 11 I't, Ia. fOludOilt. at,.! t,PTt114 I 0u0 •siuJ I'Ia.t.tItL ,u ft. Sttl• - itl.it'P I!' 'Itt VIT • 51!!.- PS.a... 323.2510 Nw S"i l.ach Ot..n F,0a4 ING P.jduri+i•l. C.rnr.,cl.l. HOME IMPROVEMENT WELL D*ILLNG ill .1 • I" 'aol' J..igIo. It - 7(1. •t 5 A aPi. I!. ..' a' uN I' sIlt.. o- ! 4,4..!. I ' - -- - - - - - - Ioat-.a,.. 7 ..00rn 2 bath. Ft., [oat.t Daria Motas

I I.. ,tr -J aa,..t ill. at..! ' Pt 111:1: fr t'I.LIl, - ht,an aJdr..a l.I.t.t,c91-Ii In.".- aI-la'.. Ii' I....- G,,.r.l 4,rni,b.d c.rp,s.d. ait tend.. Phon. 323-4750 pjg5•$ HOUSE WASHING DICK JOYCE WELL DRILLING - - asaa. • Ill ;l?1.I ,I'l Ii 'Ii,TD • '. 1 1k-s I4. 1: Alagiu+1f ar'. italni' - I! I 11711.5 Alt Ili.h - P,..d 5.aaipodatsP s.oa,d pool ,..s to,'ti, ____________________________________ Ro.f Cl..riiri; 2" arid L.ig.r. Pus'upi. Sprriut.r-s, 4I : ,. It I ?. STunt 11 SIlL. tnt?. PT. a 1III d.tI.., to..bh, Wi5 P0 Ic. 1511 APSriOa1 p,,f a; bils r..fiq Ft., Lstrnat.s 3 W.t. coad,$,on.r 322 4510 .,k u-f ti. .ir cIt t-( 'it 3a.t 'p1! I.. 411 .n a I'S .i0I gItaras altl I I !.S1-lif'a V.- W.ris.d ,,4,l.d ...st- I. Ssford ihirigi. -ott. Liturisu. b.rid.d CUSTOM WOODWORK

i'-! 1:1, • ..'tnt njp?p.! ;Iat; 17

,, ":' ' It)

acorn, SInaI .0,10 I a. . Fr..... ho.j5 3 b-.d ocin t,rn 1 -sa..d 0 arid, 7th 1417 DAVID A DUGUID 4., QUALiTY WELLS DRILLED-PUMPS

I. '11,5- •; Pf:VIr.M S.N, .31!.. of + .l..,tist.4'd It' a&Id C.Ui. r

tIre f..l%.Itc 4. .'rTluPd t.sri arid b.a'du •at1a.9' °' ., 17.500. Lcut.Pud 340$ Palo. Ia f.,sht4ri;s Ii, b.p.s sa bvs- - S NKL a -'1 INaTI.. .M. I, SVIP a t.latt.t. a

p110,1,. 1, '? atil 'aitchuri; 3 cS..-e'uri It e;i-• Wiy, S.atord. PPAZIE - S JEWELRY a.s.. Fc.rn Fvariufur. r.p.'r ' All $ypet ui.s

Tb. VtaIU" I'! tttta Pg I P It. P4tt.!tai.1. 1v01?3. ..,tLt, -- - -- - - - - W.$CII .0 j,Iy R,p, ,.I;.;,b;s. 5, d,,iaa arid c,. W. rup.i, £ S.r,is.

r t'a•t. fit t'Iatt,t' fa.r.cloa. a certatI, Lit tpI..iI l Call J771335 • it .. All .o,L do.. at SIlt locatios • s.,. .4 c.o. ii, + ,. I ST1NI I 1' rid, Ptt. haiti 5,.;!. - d.t.d lot, 21. ItT', alt.! !!ii'J

,. * .004 . LI!..- it 1. ' ' ' 110 S. PARK $ .'° -j

P i II I PA.chi,t, £ 'apply C'.. I' --I • uIt!. Is., :ti. .5OtIaT 4, ITS itt.! ipcurdd .0 •, 1! Sn.! IT. flu.a'k t,: t.n.t. ](_ 1 Witut 5u$ SrI

107 W 7 0 ?f 377 4437 frit III rId.. ' • i"' th. t:


11100k 14SI

J[ J '; a::'.,

2 :

:o;,I INCOME TAX SERVICE ..:1.risft'.' bt'.:k"c?.li

'1.0!! of ".titt!?solt C..ttt.i ,,.I . IIl. a. ''-: artd l.a.?. d ;.. Ni - 5+4 tin '"-"a- PIANO REPAIR "- " Vlt.tla. ii.. un.lmltc III. IOLOS - au,! ii'. 1Tlt..V i .511 Iii 1' '!L' G.riil.rn.ril Pr.it• b.d'..o. ..u$i


- it 3.."i'tvd t,r ,Tu,.t?!. Itttg .tud tttl'IIT$ aa 1!.vutd' bath. Cut. ;. P.;.... •, $11 500 - J.s Spt.y Cl..r,ioq PIANO TUNING .rd REPAIR

I. sit. ....', •, ,, -' It P..tu.tta.la (utintI'. riOt. ,,I It t'lat i,..•.a. . I'apI' '4 t.! , H.af. 04'

1311 aIrn.+4, Au., R.of,-Ea..t--W.lI, POIIRT U, BALLARD. .3114. tstp Sias4da I

.3 l• 5.35 1t'P I i "°

'a; MasO $, • 373-4401 322_hd4 OXFORD IIJ1LDIPIG SIPY1CI INC PHONE 327 4117

I. tt.bøli. 1T '.' I a.urtilIIg - • - - iii' T'.VI are __________________________ . 445.3747 ______________________________ . t.. IA,.. • 11l1.h. I - . - . I tut ,ttt' 1.5 II -

. 22 REALTY Ycar H.o.. .' Oat Off.c.. ________________________________ I 5' 55 l;.:.IA't I.- .1&t ti r; .ir t!atlIt:;

:ou:3. I ,-enRsid Pb..s 223.1351 U. FRASER D & I PENCE COUPANT AUTOMOTIVE

SSs.c ( i4 r..s...e

• ltu-!udog pTu,..tfIeSl!, - but iu'ut I • g4,jttI,o. 'ouDt). I'It.r.da. in-I DIIARY. L,.kefr.rit. I.v.Iy I bid. PHA 231 HOMES .aa;.d. 401 Mot,,. T.n.t. Fsa$ md alugrurnurit arid balaric. " .- - ,s - -'---

•, p,,, - ' vi; of tJn'tat!un lb. to!- ' '.1 at? ,.nuIt.d to Pitt. * • anti r..rn. .5;,. N.ar ,h,pp..; 3 ludreerir. I + - bath. c.rttal ln.a$ P,tion.hizud s.mvic.. lrdvidval arid 3277447 , 377 5015 - t. 4rot .S...hs Ill is. Hap..

. , lIic lot l ' ta Alias.? Ii. It'. m&ulalt Adi.bI, 55 445$ • 372 $054 arid tarp.? Lagr. let, at, I1'1 List P.ad - Hwy ph..yi L.a '.r • !th arid amOS ' l,,flp .Ini 1*toau.t.

l:'iten Hot V. a!i tI,sI.r ct,, t it, that putt mt th, Via!,- ___________ - ------_______ - - ,.,;d.ris;.l ,,.a, Mauty pl.rs $ 17.17 1.1,. C.11.;. EMv.ric.) Lava C•i. SPriI Chin-vp, F,.ncl. Monday ut-teagh F,id.y,

a P..! ii •'.o o? .!tl..t i.' 15.41. tl.s7 I l5. ,Z:a.4t: mOats tla.s,1l& SIIOT1IPY. I.t"AT.t) 2 bid'..'.. dapsa. cI,aa rned.ra. the.,. f..rn, Mont-I1 pIy,rr+t L I. RANSIOTTOM, 322.715?. Mew, .0;., h.d. triino.iriq. I .t' I'aiI Ill. • i 7 '

$100 a..-+lt A . lab!. ri0 lo a, $10 .rc I.,., $ irisa. ft.. .t$.r'sa•iI C.hI Ft.d $35 IEAUTY CARE

.al.i.dar untIl,. troTh ItnI Air I_%vndIt!t.liit. 314431! :11L O'vgtn?. I1s.,4a. VTI ,O? bt!ut• th. + Furnished _______ - INC. bath, fvs,'$-i £ ...t.I4.. 01,1.,

in. ::1: ha aiuJ

£1 Ii ? Ad,I$P1. SI'S _±!' Aft,, lrcwtt 372 5754 323 0345 C's, Il5) 771-4700 53* 1)10 daily .ic.pt Sat •ctu.m Classef .4 Ad

r..S, I.:.,. ..tl ;.u.I ad,ltt-iu ata, 1.1 I '.tall,t , Var. ri.aa I bad,.oat. iii. var0. , I

lb. s'lalnt.rst. aod .hsiI La. eut r.rn j.. I' itt tI,h,,,*Iut tili

i&ei.t, ..r at'.",. t at,nl .4.. 3. a '!lilf '.-. of ti.. dollar _________________________________

- . a rla?n, de-otand -V.. •b.sfl t.o told.

a' lit-ut- n IL OIe.i'Ofl

11.1.,. 0?

V. 1.IJ 51.1!. t ss SI, 11!,.1 IIAN .311. LIP44.3

ptl.ittrTt.o'Al. DA5'IP A St,-JN'Tt.-I? L1.'tHa P.tat 1i.ett-ts1to 1....i Ilmfu.5 11.1 lISP p-rf..m4 5"lortda 1!T1 stt•-•• ''a 'n' Sd'-,Iti!aI'&l,t' t'U41!?VPt 34cr. it, .5 A Apr. 2. 5.


IOWUE USE . a.s .5.5..

have been mingled with some of e new breed. But each is his own man, dedicated to make you happy with the right kind of deal.

RD 4st

1801W. £ST. SR.46 PHONE 322.0614


________________ _____________________________ W.,Id Wid DtsuIbuIs.s POISON SPORTING 60003 Cliig or attic far, 30". Cons. 3011 Cs'$4.. Drive ______________

OwNTOWPi SANFORD 312.1541 plot, will aatrnahis i•uvmt and Orh.md.. Pha.. 543-4777 _______

I -k•- .1 a ' - -

- •I...m.,si.I, T! oIl 5.4. -- SEMINOLE SPORTING 100 gal, c.rnpl.t. th stand Larga QuaL.i ce55baL"; I..?.,

''I and SO gal. fa1, $25 417 W. G(.)ODS and hit. fit.,, $15. Call $35

___ A COMPANY YOUR .IOHNSOP-1 MOTOR £ 5149, 11th St . Sawlotd

5051014 WHALER DEALER -- - - - - - 2S' £ S.ri4,td At.. 327-1152 RIp. Sfrawb.t,i.s, ph.sutifn..l arid K.l.;nator a,nlo".l-c wa.S.i'nq .a.

- - - -- I.rg. 3 S..apng qts- p o.. bIau. I yiai 0Id, •allsot con- ________


10 H P. Jok'tsort, 0i.tb..rd motor. 21 qua'?, for liss. You pie1 any' d,tious, $70 S.ars I..tcs. Slant

- -. 0 ,-od.l. ..c.li.'rt coadiloO. ti"r•,. leb Bali, Tr.asur. bland, Board, toit $2255, ,t.a-$l0 PIsorre 322-2950. -


-.' $225 C.11 322-3234. Rt,44 mast of L...barq. - - - - +

'14 F.b.rglas, o,.t seed, 5th CHAIN LINK PINCR TV. 811, Ruf.sgarate.. $31. Coach,

71 HP. Joltøsori. Cant- Ft.. .,t;nt.t.s. . $IS• Call 322-6421.

pl.t.ly o,.,baahud. 2 (.sl tanli. S.o.o..I. Fins. C., 327.1040 "jjijt tiis'i'" .iii_ I S K N OW N BY ' Good c.ndtion. $300. CsII

322.1151 aft., 4 pm. JACKSON'S CERAMICS MILLERS ___________ - GREENWARE. FIRING, Op.s. 10 7515 O.Ia.4. Dr. 137-0117

IS' loaia low Rd.r loaf aid s-nt. to S pat. Clos.d Sundays SINGER IN CABINET

- motor. Cocrrp?ut. Cos,t Guard - Eqsapp.d to tlg.taq. ptal. bat.

.q.ipp.d.S..Larryat Minis, NELSON'S FLORIDA ROSES tonbolig, and 111.0 ttich. Pay 7l



IUI E P E 0 P L E 4 $,a;l,,. tilO Mitcary 500 arid Tiwrsd.ys,322.1521.

_________________________________ GPO-TONE FERTILIZER balance .4 $37 or S paym.rls ' -

IS' Orlando Clpput, 70 h.p. U.n. WOODRUFF'S GARDEN CENTER of 15.50. I

TOM MURRELL, General Mgr. cary. Coa..rtbla tøp Tilt Trail' 401C.l.ry Au.. SCRATCHED IN SHIPMENT er. Many ..tra$, $551. Phone Two walriul fl.l,h stsr.s corn. 322-3345. 1-34" r,set.l l.y, I drill psn, pri•ihi with •• walnut finish

1-10" 5.11. radisI sip. taw. h-I" Idia., plan.r, I-I ho,,.

tp.al., boi.s. Psy cash of 54$, or 4 payrn.nts of $5.30

m~n Equment]

__________ IT KEEPS .utboard nit.,, I pick 'P SANFORD SEWING AND truck C.n.ps'. Sle.p, 4. 322. STEREO CENTER

1570 Dt.so.ur C.asp.r in ISfl 7êI •t t CII W.tt Itt. 307.A I. First St. Downtewri Iat.rratooal Scout. 4 wh..l St. Will sellcheap Sanford dab.. Beth ,,c.11..sf coi4I4i.. $1710 4mm. 1570 SutuII. SEMINOLE COIN' CENTER -

" I

Typawtihe. hans. .51.1 tlothit. St.pthrouagh. SOC ntills, •d.It 1 w.t Ant St. Sat'1,t0. sIt. 10. Including tiM £ coat.

Take a look at thes. names and faces. Some of

____ _____ M o..d, $203 firm. 323-lit? 465-6215. _jA them you know as your neighbor or friend. ft.r 3, i -

Som. of th. names you will rtcoqnil. becaus. they PICKUP CAMPER, fully till I1r -J:ld

1L11 311.131. Itt St.322-5472

Iuy-S.lI-Trade I



hay, bun mentioned by someone you know who Ia;nacf, u,,d I trip. Pa;d 17.500 ______________________________

got themsetvts a firsl.rate deal on an automobili. -- ,.11 lot $7,000. Call D.Iury -----

-- If not recently, then maybe 1 S years ago, 661-5957, a-ttirao. R,.t Il,. Lust,. EI.c$rfc cspit Na, ,vi,•r usid Duct. tu,nlabt,.

___ ___ nfl_


Shampoo., fo •mly SI p.r .v. Cost. $70. Will sull for $45.

[arae/RummagoSaI.j[J CAR!0LL5 FUPP4ITUPL - -

Pbons 322-5065

Carport Sarq.imt G.Ion.. Point. fr., clothing. pshsc.II.neou$, 3307 S. PtI Frday arid Ssts,i-day, 322.5555.

I_Winted to Buy

CASH 322.4132 POD .,.d fa,nitar.. appllanc.s

io.t,, ,tc. lay I or 1001 t.rn, tarrys Mart 211 Sariford Ave.

I14 _______ Eqtdpment for Rent] []

RFP4T A lID Polfaway. Baby 5.4..

CARROlL'S FURNiTURE I IS W. Itt Str,at. Ph. 322-SIll.

nu$*otir Saf.ty Stand,. Iran,. m,sion and Il.,, laths. C.ncrst. t.o..l,.r"i,ur$, Soil compscto't. Tt-ettS..rq ,,racl6c.ii. AMEPICAPI PINT-ALL. 26 H;...th. Ave. 322-ill).

To'. ft. Ta,.,. P.t brand new Oliritli .l.c'ric adding inaihina, $50 a ,..oaeh. Apply ,.h.l toward p.rci.su. Chr.cI with

Guorq. Stuact. 133 last Roll.. n, 0o-o$en Otlando, Piror.


PlDIU, MOWERS tull fast tI.,. day'. U,. a Sanford H.rsld Want Ad to sell yours. Ca

v Icr.

because there are some real veterans of the ..._J L. .....aA .s Thos,. we.'.




C Ply mouths


C Valiant's

Dodge Monacas

C Dodge Polaras

Dodge Chargers

Dodge Do,ts - CHIEF MEYERS

Sales Counselor

377-2511 arid ask f.t sit ________________________________________

My Name Is


I'J!J 'là 'I,' 1970 AMBASSADOR SST 4 door sedan, 11;. b.a.itf,.l pr.159. ian ha, • sharp sal.

fn;,h wISh blue i.t.t.., VS angin.. ..S.,,t"it.

t,atusari,,ion, power st....q. posit bn.a.s faitory aut, rutl'rtirsg s.at, radio, and In. aS., - on. local esriar. I 2.000 ath.ai o,lIs,


1968 PONTIAC CATALINA 2 d..or fatthact aa..pa3 - 't "-I a.''".' - 5 •',nn,55,O0, p-.t itiun- t4, p.r 0'wi.

i,.t,,ny am cu'dtea''.g. raai , 5tiit', •.' r.. -a t l.'ra sharp, jn5 os...


1967 DODGE POL.ARA I l.ain'i'',PJp , I i '4' ''-1

i'i •.''r I •'.n alir '*', .,u.l ..• • I 41J _,•' • 'tn" is • j,jn Ii.

+', 1'..-'

1..'.., ...•.im •- .40, s.atie 0'.!




2 door bs,dlop. Iq.,pn.al - il, V-I. a,io"i''.. tr.o,mis,ioi, pus.. .t.'-'.). a cond,t,q "''. ti Iota paunl, ,aEo ln.alar, whit...alI t - ii Or,. u-nIl, tow m,l.i.


1966 DODGE CORONET "440' a, ...... .44..' '4 .i ....... _3• '4 '..a

Mj ' .5 '41 - -J sIji

li5s 5'., 5' t.4.-,a0u4 ,"t C I •..it. H.a'-.

'OS" 55+51, j.Jl. %*,srn,.a4, C,' + - .4

hal. ., i ,.• 5, .lJ- 5 ii -


1969 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 4 J jj , In.rdl..p 1- .,l'a i-urn I) 3., his a

b..,'I,l n.'aIa.. .5-i, ! -, ,'s . a b 1 '

r,..,l a-'J aansuassa.s.5 .utt.,,ot. Eqnappe.5 si't

5 5 a,tev,.$i t' a',,'n I,,, pu-en tt.a.g

.,...r b..4eia Iairu, a r, as .., 'Sal.' ,'t.

- .11., hat.a laps n!.a;. S SPECIAL SALES PRICE

Sagtg ., c.,ep4.s. N. p.h. $110 ,rd $50 o.. Ph. 1 322.2511.

0.. 1,4..., faraesIa.d .parIws..4, 2)00 LI.li...'iI.. At 1.... after I p.rn.

3 ,..m •p.r$sr.rit. 40? PaIr.54•. $55 pit,, $21 d.p.,ut. N• p.1*. $314105 4., .pp.i.t.s$.

SHORT ON CASH? Y.s. is. 414 ,.sl. buys' is' sa.i.d itaou.

is your by ,0'.!+hIst I.

44. 4..,Id W.ø Ads. Call 323.2411 4., •,1tt. OtS41t

Ralph Pillow will allow itI

Our large turnover n

good, late model trade.

Ins demands that we make

every effort to replenish

our us.d'car lnv.ntoryl So

we are willing to give you

more on your carl

____Today's Special


Pewer S$oe,In; 2O86 Aut.motLc Tran,osIIsI.n Radi, & H.at.r - Plat I.iOht and lattice


1567 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME I -i...n t,4'uG Mi, S h...','., . 'in ii

i-u 1. . fl J.4 .'''- 3 '•'''.

S a.a-"i' • ,,.3j ,,_.t , ,,I, ,

4a.,int,utt,'t1. ,adao. 4..5.' •J '. '..i I !i ,t.n.,,t • C. ,..,l bl0uuaa!



I Jin spapnlo S'u sun,,,,, VI. salen,I,. I,. -.,ro-,sn. ', S. as5 saai.

fipr ,hf., la-tota pitt, i.Oo, h.at.t ...j.

,'aI In,., S


1966 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 door ,udun+ lie, a l.a.''4 -'1 Iglit yull'. ft 1,1 wiSh ontraslintj .wt.n..r V-C. s.'.r' $t

transmi,,l,n, pow.r •t..''nj, pow.t hat., radio, h.,l.,, whuls,.alI fails,



DODGE 322.0614


Reiph PtlI.w wPl ft.de i.e .sy*1. if vulus - I.ts, sent., 1ss, dis.ssè, ..ytbt.gI

RALPH PILLOW Open 12 to & Open'.9 MOTORS Dilly

501 Sent $ul,v.td - - - DiLaud-' ' ' 736.0611


1801 WEST is?. ST.

aatt,tIliattata.r el It.. I ______________________________________

t. ?it.i!+. .i.alI I.. put'I*aIi.d a.'.. 'a' t. t. a. •.•r four (41 r'ttt.

pt-ut!tt a.. a.. 10 11*. I$.tifv'd +

31.-raId w'1TNs:F nrJ hatid end III.

.'t*f a.? lb. a-aId .ijUtt In Salt Vord. p.,1ta.lu rount-. y:ic.. iblu list di) of Msrrb. 13-TI.

I. Artimur U Soekattb. 3?.. 4'!.-k if tho ('It','iJt U.uurt hr IlasIn. liroita la.i.ut, sI.nE

r.uNAl.tt H. ftt'IST , ltub and taVte tIP. fls.rtfu'd fluildIrig

+ °$ I.at fl-l'It..on Ptr..-.t (tnI.h4O. rinrids PuNish Apr. 7. I II, 3$ 13-TI 21130.1$

isiTict-las tr, b..d aid 't.-.15! .a' of tInt. I'ott'S .1 t'*0' fa.r4 ri4rIt.ttit-I1 E'UtI2 rIorida. 11.1. ITtb ds3 of 34arrh A-LI. IPI.1.

Arthur fl fleikaith. it.. (1.rk et Cinch C.urt a? ,I.mtnnii Coutsty. Florida Sty: Matiba T. S'ltiI.o

hej...t) (Turk +

1 HVMAFA. pI't.Kfi (.3- p1-1:1:11 £ pI'IsIPL f'. () Sot 1144 III Matoslil Assarse,

Psaf.1d. Plefide lI *ttvrn. tot PlaintIff Lalt.h 31st. II. 25 a Apr. . 3. 1lI DiM-Cl

Your Direct Line to

CLASSIFIED!! Cell nn..Id.yi 1.4... Sill seat •i cu.1il y•s' .4 051 tha I.IIewI9 by. ..d 5.1.1. d.yi b.fee 12 Hiss.



!4 at C7 = 1 err, Olt rIur..r$io the he who b.Iievat in Tons, evnn ii he di.,

hct t;vr: on I'vej i'c tf.iIPVPI irl ITIS. Shall never - Jolist ii2-2

- g


7IL 4370(4


Church of God Southern Methodist Adventist en . or ooi, rIrT ir THL p Vt.S.!A r:i rArrurr cguacn CH'VRCR t A'flu•

ye.,, ritta r&.Tr In Sanford AT*. t%

Cnn'.? 'p * £Ifl F it Cti.r-, .. _._ Main, , -i, . tint," W. I. t4n4r,, rs.ur flonsc ' rl.'? in?flIt.& Wt.rsPtIt ._. a in ?l',!, ' S ?? FtIflSIi. Chfl ._ $4$ &. i.

"flS. nol .._ •4I & in Stfld - m ItInming * -. IL in. b 1.4 IA2 a. rnhi t.-nni u _., :flf & in Mc.viIrag ShIF - 12 4'4 S. lit Ili(tUh Sil p. m.


w iin, 11fl1 i it. 7.t,Itr linhi - 1:11 0 sr.z2ptt $.r. •tl n M. Wd,r, •r -. t is. IL t Virlit Far"" Prayer f'sorrim IL is - Let'.taTk amn,ne p. nt 20 TIl?ent... i


' '' tIeL .1p

r.Al .rr cw-rci It's quite an adustntnt, isn't it Tour daubt.r, JUL -r Moravian %I71r7 CIfl'I:C'kL 'r 2.*k& st&It -.---- Is on clmd nine tookcaluskir lack askad her fore data. Jack's or rôrrc P.O ..LINO H1A4.I

E I his d*4'. cise. That is, y hope he drive. it. M&'. -.

X G Urssn Tarr sl.* J'p Ct,STTO.. -. PSatnl be he 04 alifli k and takes oaf. h 312.2

V. 4Uf'fl$ttflO•. It, ak

2'lct a, n Ycars es, it'i quite an cdumtment. And ,fl the hocks sa ';;IX 0-6 : t ... I a.

= Wn.ahlp e.-1$ ' " tinur. 1:24, D 'herr's tin htn you car, dn about it. Kids dart So, at..k - "'-' r iti I. t, minister

WWQt (P4' r øt 1siI.e fl IS - .eaivgsu, read book, hiten fr the itffied "GcJ •ht. ..&Kt. . r r hArrL IfS kAIt, Nazarene

p.i.ril:t •iu.ni J'irrlrr mr and go in s1erj. Until hiti âa. . . slifillal 0n '1 s lit rutsT CHUICH 7 . • ,.tt'l .

I. C11C14 %lnrfltfli Itnr.h:r '' " or TItE A2ARKI

150 )j,at.? AS, The cburJirs of our communulT have no simple bit.- ''•" "" . 0 • .t MaOl. Ass. A i'-, ri" n,r i,.Ir.. -.........- . . -- ann. sir a 2mm torthu problem Thcry have *campIexsciumnn -,, . it - a. is

1Il4 $tIlt1V -O Thrnuh moral and religiow aramins. drirlop in rrrv 5.nra.n We,-shl0 - .P.0 a. is . - Tnut IflU? p. -

IlArk Alit St 4tF 0 41.r.ItrtIr hot and srl a mature sense of responsibility, a rc'qwct r.psc1opa1 l'I.ne:Iptlr 0SITiS 'itse to

or lor and Chrilitian character. Isr Sued&* 111,110.1-1



dates tr tim r-eatest concirnr 1'hs : 6Pd - (• - LTL A L.NUL u)..1}'. . Carristitnon . fl & -

. ?u.sI it, ttArrLwr CHURCH k,nli' C.ttt.. &I LtKI: MArT CEtT2CH 0 S ,1 .'7i Ps2,t..ttt Ale t--r) lno! ... 11' na L. is i TI PI XAZARK!I , ' ("r'.tal .&i r'- Sic..? $.?vIrs 730 p is Hnd.s Psatn :...is 'Marl, t- S!1I Holiness

Assembly Of God loinru i ng %tnv-uhl ft ..-'.-. I A'rnt ,, -i: ,rist rhnnI 541 a. MI v&tipiltptI Itir'.. •t 0 iT '('rr.tI-.r '.ttl. 7011 a. in I lJ'. AS-LLHLT , _________________

,, jntn M.rtt.. Pastor " 1' ' £ mrit r ..liIk.1. HIbip Stud- .., 7t p it __________________ . 7ynsr art 1..o' tt) ............ '' P in IL and 11n lnflat..ruipti? - WI..Inna? a in ,. 1'&h1P!IStIt 'tlr'i 'll pin i.'.1 _ • 1 • . ___________________ - M. ....... tv..-. •. Cl tt -.-r. Me, tlmç

L In C'hna.nan _____________ t, mhkat 'CiiI)CPtt& . ... • -:e P is. .:r.r1I,,r It nrsttp l' a in ________________ Wr.r,ttO V i4 I'&Y.? £ I 'er•t'r' " i .. • 0i p in i . CktiiAi CHtJit*i __________________ • t it tt'P(tT' - r-a.r --.....,.. . 10 Paiyt' :,lit t ii tni on isi.ti OP CRKIVZ _______________ 1 .t. T.sit SOt £ Ave ?•&ttt. ...... p is.

Baptist - k.AJ'I

Lutheran Pentecostal 2.... 'IjtI CHCIICH tInrnln Wor.tip - 11-01, a. is CHURCH OF Co? Cl, C (iak ASS . . ,- . .--. --- TPE fk.'1.LsttK F.KiT ET3STLL 7l.. .' ........ Y*.IS

iaPc'tu) CHkTl& - Ill It tIll Pius C HI P1II! OF 1a0GW00D 4iuzC&, itcbcw •fl a a, C141'OCH ________ 1

-The Church V.: the Lutborim Stril alurlitir Il r*b1l. ...- 11:01 in , : On Hoed .. - - ii.'ur ane TI 'Th. to the l:. 1 Rlitl. Oat - Pastor Chur,.-t l'tntiiing •- IF • 11 -holif *73.5)11 __________ -• 10?fl S. is- )..r,-rg . -. - ).. Ce, S H.ustpr. Pa let N'i.r.lrg It nri. 11 .40 st, in

. -.. t.'i . lt'--hs'-r. 1. Marshall. Mini,,,, - . lun&T Petioo .. 1:21 & is. t0da £5501721 - ?tIP p. EL , i.ti '.e- ir, i e m - It nr.p,t ?*r-iIt, .. 10 - 51 a IS "Old 011.1. stuer !:It is, is 41 a. Ift knO.rga?tsfi &t,lt !lur*.r C'r'tu.rn-, 51e..Un



I. oi - .

fun -Ilk'

trig 14cr? los - t tOe p is . . - I1 Ath od Pr.'.,? Ate.tlng -

Ix fle -

-. 011Ac1 L..17EI Presbyterian rrHoL)wT Ch J1 L,H r:isI rJlFTE1UA.$ Church Of Chri st tt&. at DdIStIC 7"' us?, - 2. t . 7 ..,t,..

- 7 )•.,, ,ip,,,,-.. £a0n-& Ti..

4 a .. C)P CHPF1 , ,. Pa.t Oat. A'I- & IrO It :..i.rnl,,g It i''i.t.tt. ... Or. & If, 1.1 lark £S.flu, I -.-.- ' -

- tt..t'tt. SI '01 -..... P 47 & is P.'' Vlr. 1.. Bry&st Jr. (1.UIti Trittiltig . (nt, p ,, I rlr."t. .1 Eat., - £S,ti;rllp' - . " " - -. - - ''._ i.i72rtg II orr.ip - II ?ftt & Mmiii.?

r IVt,t:t - ti,- I "- 7.ttn / - . 'P ..........__.._ 8:50 0 M It a it. . 51ct'ttr.g Worship

lo Ill W'lJ I -, - , / --- _; - a. in--------ChI

- IIUnO&' 1:4 a is - - - DiuXIT? tlu;zTcr) 't- 4: & It. t.Ssioa W..1a

'7 !.m,l'T11i7 ht -"-- or, . - - 7-*h1)ik!I ChURCH 1 ii' a 'r .. Mnrulrig Wei III - - ltflCH t.0?T,tt,r %% orstlit a it - .."- • '-' it-s: at Piney Rld. R&

Rose I'lenhfii 14.,rir, . ItOl p it. .t af,

I- + l.1. I..i. . III P it. , -


Pastor CIE. l

It ur.c. -. s it a it - '. - •... I.-rt&t School 5:41 a is ':I Co-latidr Drive r \V,2 T Sitar klnrr trig .r,fl11 . :1'S It, CH' 1! ' 'ii' 'HIIV -.------ - - Er.r.irr St tirshiP - it :01 a in Pzto, 'r.1nli,g t, t I I i it 'I 'V& - - --- ---- I '. ' T Tb 'Itt. a) 12 ('I' a. is 1 SPI hit 2% 51 I - II . it I Si1'I II Pse? It £'.at.çeli.: . -• - 7 it ot,) ' p -. :... s .1 a. in It e I ti.r r I raic, 1 tI. 1' ii .. II hi a in •LJ- ' -. P.. ram £1 I t TOUIL (tOW 1' - S (I, p. .

Cnn!P IT v-i it r i'.tt t t' - -i- - ., A I .tsr erlc. _. It P 572 r-Tuas'&y .. 71C p. is. I I Si - nI 1117 4A)1 p it i4.. ic1l±i..__'_i.dJlt - I I 'S Si P i'. I. cw

I it LiA's51ltt.'lt , I ii .. 5 p II p it -, - • - - stIr ILp7*r) __ t

I'Amirl =7 THE LAKE MA?~T UNITED est.., Poirot Street or N IttYl -



L. lile;'t.n. ._+. h -a. or III1W& II 54 (.ç..,, ETHOD1rr CHURCH •,

It lt..r A't. L..ak. Mary -h 0 ii A !ttle. rsanr.lsm -.- _ 421 Ia,-k Lv, A.r:tit.t . FIST A F $t,?.O.

120k....................kit. -- -------------------------------____________________ I bloritltig 2*t.?.I,$ - -ifi a fl I-hi' CIa.. .. 15:01 a ii, - ---_ - - - ._ .!ljIlu, C is- l'venlpig - ntis Itorshl - 11 :01 a it. fr'..ritt&t Setirto! • a. i. Mr.'nIOg IS .Pip 1'•D5 a. is ht'Ifitiplta' ra,•, I 'et.i?ig • n:attij- II" it. ' It 0.1.tp Ssrt*r, 1:3!- & II am. %) Grout- 715 p. is CtIa lo

a.• I'.0 - :it o is Utttttet.o47.t Perm it?

r4..7 ri.rr 5:t 1clr'Ii.T C1!1

rallowrohlio -, 6.00 0- IL Wednesday

Christian CcIeree ?s4.0 • s•t •

• •










P. 1






I&l:; I-Ar 71: 21P:113.I7 1*6 A.1 0 17J.7 t14.I1



S Ii .IFT , PIII It 4th t 1..aui-1 (tflP.CH 1 I. 11.i..&.iti,., .. ),,tnr 1. 7..' Cl&rli. it - Il arzmrr, Pastor Cnut,Iry Club &

snGa Pets... a *i n.n .r..t

• , rr'rfl I- urns! lirtinol ------S 4L a ri t'opals TIoad. II Or.11;l 5'..-'- 'I 01 i 'tin; it nv-ship 111.1' & Ir Og,r, in F rilis, ..,_ Pastor 'ratt,tT,g I soon .. t3 t- ,,,

ur.ra' $r'hDo: - .1114 & it .rf fit 'Ior.h:p _.. it, '.- tool 21:05 a. in- !c.t,lt. itr'rhir - 1:31 I- pIh.aOitt kt-.rrlr,. . 1:5.5 p 5, IC it iitid&' Mr rntSig Wr.,'ihlp - 11:00 & is- V.'' I , N: • . . t:25 . in .' il "l',i iii:'' Itat.r i-t-,- ,. ------- •' N' p' ?r •

The Following Sponsors Make This Church Notice And Directory Page Possible


ADO BULff inautance J. 0. (Jim) Smith and Staff E. C. Elsea and Staff NATIONAL BANK



Y. 'trtr and St.alf "U'.SPG - CO!'.\ LESIL\'T Mar'n Lott and E"'mpk'.ces en AND REHABILITATION CENTER

wiu EInpIo -

v . L. D. PLANTE, INC.

F'OP FAIl: STORES, INC. Y-IAI:RELL & LEVELLY Oriedo, Florida FLORIDA STATE BANK ' :i::..L l..iLiL. LdL Lmlilm ei


David Beverly and Staff STENSThOM REALTY -

KENTUCKY FRiED CHICKEN of Sanford Herb Stenstroni and Staff% INI-DLME STORES

Kentucky .Itm & Employei . , and Employee WILSUL] L dELBERLLR


LicLit- and Empk'ye CO.. INC Lunict 1. Vjjtcrn and Stuff and Employee Mr. and Mrs. Al Wilsorj


BLPrUrt_ l.+s''nn& 1ar1 Itai,ti.i ChucL U41 It thu "-,;i,tITl.lr'&L t.,i.a-y Commutiit? ).1.tbol.t ChuTeS W. tpiaIa Comisuttity Jrt't.iatt Church. - ' -'ist "p u'cr lit- g'. g ,. ' ' '..at tIUC1. - it P ..t '.;r,battk, Li+u.t Li.bary Lpas1, Jl4 +

I tti.cra,I 14.aptI, LtiurLt 11% 51 on tore Rd Hu . r citi nv-ta Method • ( t. U't PUS .e Estates t rCtnitttst., Pr..byier-tat '!_1U.cpI, Howell I airs, Lase list Opt Criurcl- I i.e , . a Park Ave It Pt United M.tbot.1 Church. 415 Path I ark. III. 435. au.2b.rr;

i-.r,tv-at baptist Ct.ui'ct,, kilt Oak Ave Iu-r.;rea, kllSSlofl&rs lt52iIlIt CSiurrt lid... Ti.. L'nit.n Church of Dltotts. 1545 PCITI .. EVflrrH.DAy ADVLlTl8T Chulunts Y.rui Baptist Churr* '.TUflC 14111101 Wissionarl 18*1.1.1 Cpmurrt, iisIir, boukivate I u-si 5l.ttodla! Cbur*i o, Ovlsd. Forest L.uk* Mvttk.4&y Adsestlat Church

00 f-prinso 1Iai.2I1 Qmurrt oe U-1at,111 , fit .ehst1nro Alurcl!

Altamonte Sirinsig fiewit-t A%* (.hurct 1. P&tm.tt. ii ri. vs I t outh. . Methodist (.hunch lIlt Hery. 426. irierew. City

b 1.ftth6a,AOraotpt Ct-u CL Matt1sI Ir*t hapUil CtiflvvL. 111 Pail A'S

Ot Js.ru..MI.ston&rp Usptt.l CIiurctt SI, CbUrCi. ...uriritsruc M. Church 105'A 5t5 It. .&tt -antord Alto

i.* bSSStb-15vflu51 Church. P v-bstiriil.lp- Ilalittat Churri ui AI?anwiiie t't Paul a! .•v,orie'. Baptist Cl t.''I "ML')'' - ' ('V Gt-'t urs, tin_mIce Metbodipt Chui'ck. (mitnia Itt. i41.rhti;s fit 4.1 A!tInsi,I,t, .1ev-lops - +: 2':,,, All ' .

' o c c' i -q l.Ssnt Chap,c £.5l Church Cjvk.Ot OTHE1I CHUr.'Hts I-IrE Ilsl,t..t Church ot . ltarj PIt A1.tth,it, 5tu.'nar-y R&PttE Church -nurcl of QuC $UZ II' 32nd Pt. •a1.grove b1,tbodIat Church. Ovk.do A:. a A.M..+ Church. OLI;. e 12t& 11.1 Ilciettat Church of (ieti..vs Csaati HPIIhI. .-. Church of (àoC 0vi.Qi. 55555 IlSIhUdhPI Church lir.rdafl Av.ttp. BoIloss. Ctiagtci. H.ardsfl I.t.t itaptt.t Clutch DI Leak.. Alan ti IDIfILl - ,lpshutiarl h&Ptt.t i..r '-.6 Ct,ttr1 of Goe (11oIID.aI) Lak, Munroe a.'.a it.*lri'at AIsItiudIlt, lit, IS W at A v enue I'tpt 11.1.11.' Clutch of LM. lufltti, .Gar

, Chord- I,,, Cod tePprIa4 Iula Church of Out In Christ. Ovlsi I_mE ltsp:taI 121.urci. of , Pt Jestir , Misaaotm.r haptip: Church. Pit Church G i.,. A.Mt. Pit Pt- at Cypre.. Church of God of Prophecy flu) I. i_i A's. Church. & Urst ('presa 14• • Got, - , . - 01. Harp'. A.ME. Church It.. £1. III OSIIISO Chuluote Qommuolt.y Church lu-iI Hspttst Ciurct- ut (mv$*Oi' irinpIs Baptist Church. I'aI,o kpr$nj. Rd. tPlbt(PA.L- nI Paula Methodist Church, OflSSS Itt. Church of Get of Propb.ey. 2191 Else Ave. First ILss,Ii,t Churchi of h.o L..n.1, ht.'iigp AItafi,i,flls 141.riiig, iphactipi. Church. s. !..t8*r - Lv., LttsrpIir tiurcb of God Misulon. Z.ct.sprt.,

i -pt 'ttI1of. k2:..Iur.5r7 Rapt..: Church St ..iitØ, .%lip•ti.na'i bspt:st Church., 418 ti trit.rpri+a, 't..?ItirC 52flsrl* )trthodiat Church, P. hutch v: Jesus Christ Of L..attsr Day 114104i' U. - 131t Sm 'Y' Ass , CrinIat LphacpI...: Ctiurct., L.(ttaot'C :,.Liar; .&i i's.r Ave I i'IPPS CII) LI&kitI.i ChUrch St ; ,•&fl S'I..ierv,sry baptist Church tt,.i. C.0 Episcopal, Park AT* at 4th hit PAZARENE Aitsinunt. spring* community Cbsps, DCC f UU11114:1 i. it ut:u;h1: :11,1 }I'lw Baptist Church (4-i Ass L4.ITMERAI'

,rbruob '

I'l'p( Church Of the tas&r.o.. W. tad at Searsit Cbiy-

..y.rUi., AZias,.riari *8*1.11.1 Church. 511 51 'ArHoL.IC Peru Park Church of the 'ar.cs, 0$r8*a Pint Church of Christ. Idseust. $00 P.. tad

"Arthattle Baptist Churc& muiuota Church of tilt NUILIVIO. Labe Mary kioud Phephord Vatted Lutheran, 2900 IL 1:0.. Vote Park XteloomoArt lialptial cilutch. florit bit All built& Catholic church. ?11 Oak Avg (Orlando Dr Lato KarTo Church of the lilaseireDs. I&M Irg,gs LAILS Illieveatib-Day AMIreatilat Cbwcb

E.111"rorijot lit Alit's Catholic Church, Feembleg Plaw Lutloaras Church of portivirlaitnot. Lpellons, Mot." Blvd- LAJLO Mary Kingdow ULU of JoshigirLb's Wit""

Alsc.ihflits £tluiut. Baptist Church. (ISk Hit. Li.liar .,.UthisTtt Church 01 the K.d..ut,? .15* 51 Longwood Church of U. Nasiatiessi. W..- r. Atom mar" of tb• Living 04, ltd. .p t, III, AugustIne Perish hi.nitnot. Cti.rnum ..thi laos J man & .ssup A". Longwood HIditsy "c"tlII'E i.14"p t'.r'p u

- Ct,'tt:. .,frtmC'.c Hue-7 ('a...lI..c.rp Mssatabt.uth.r&nCburrh. Gokd.a Date UrIs. PBYTEttIg1c hIreS PIit.co.at Church of Lamsg,o.4 Pit UIl•3i&seltssr2Ssapt&ai Church. slats St-Mary Aisgds.8*bS Catholic Church. Malt. lit. L.uhu.Luth.ran Church 5. 434 liasIs ak. Mary Vnit.d Pr*.b7tar1&S Chsrch Club

tt Zion AllpillOr.ari bat'Ilst sip,. Ave . &(ETHUOLWJ first Pv,s*,pi.r1. Church. Oak A,. & lid coortespe NO W l8*Ll.'.l $tippInar Hartle, (ttiu,-t,i.. CHRIPTIAP ltsrl,stt United M.inortsi N.thud.iat Clisrea. I-ttSPt First A...ishlp at out. 17th a Ella "I- hit £ IIlrkor si.. Inst Chmrlatl.t CI,urr'S,. sIt s hanturd Ave I. l*tha"y Ave.. Intsnprks. 1.rE Prest,ytsri,n Church US DSB&17, E. SanfOrd AJU&pa Church, 7491 C Park Lv. Alt- Calvari' tIis$i,flar, Baptist. IPOP afo"d Christian Chu'ehi, 1?t 0- (moors Itt lear Lake United Methodist Church IlIghislid vmfvrd Cobs'reg&tloo of jsbc,vap Wtt...s.. No tytI Itt s..rt*,ssd, 't,tl.IISIi Church, Floride j&avs. lt.tti.t A H 1 Cbuii'rt., C.Iia&it Heights (p5•! ant Pre.t'rt,rtait Church. $UI South 11.05 ii. Sib Strw.t '05 t.au-ft Pr.nitttt 14sptkst Church,, 1Io.ii IlL MstIl&nd "a.ss:b.rr COminuni'. tnu.c it•IiiUOPl - . .i. D'. 7-4 l-&,tst:o

Lray. ::i £ :rX tt V , itt. t- I,...krvi,v Cftr,at,sa Church lia' :...i.. 1'.d Church. Hwy. 11-1: a Sin.." IHOSI itt.. cliks. i.t. AOdr.ita J'teaDrtenk&a Churst., 5513 SW Ic121lt.g MIII. Morcviaa Ck.sa.rck, i1t.s,g*:• Alt. hun bs*itl.t Caurch. 17391 i's., Ave a: Jsini.on eeIl*rry ,.s Road hprlags


Irooft titfLiri ab"jrx'ath

'il'l ii s; 't j'T f 74

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TV Jrevues t

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IN MARCO POLO PARK (Ella May Frayer Photo)

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Sunday 1:3t1 B

0 Pro Hoc k ey MORNING 0 Its,,ars & Answers

sDalai,, Wo•d -IC fl rl..'ni the Monaco

7.1) *.'oiu ft. F.n. 0 NBA Playoffs

0 Agriculture T,-at 0 4:00 0 Fti.rnal Light

O *n.,tul$uro.Am.r'C& Q Sports ClralIer;e a :ce'-' a Q 0 Fii 4.31) fl Hot', West Special

Sib 0 The Living Word Young People's S30 0 Harold of Truth 0

Concert TI-9 Chr$s$oph.rs S00 0 N.,b'iil. Music

O Oral Roberts 141 0 $,. Florida 1.3 0 R11.man 0

it:00 0 Go' JubiI.a 0 Golf Special

FaIttu for Today 141 0 AmeriCan Spou4smen

O Disio"V M1111111111111119:30 0 This Is The LII.

0 buII.,ntIe s-DO B News

0 Is1 i. tt'.. Life 0 1)l.qt.e4 ID-tIC- 0 Mo"ies

O Mormon Conierrac, 1:30 0 N..'; 7.0 0 Wiid Kingdom

O Jonas Quasi 0 Lassie

0 lasts' Fantasy ID 30 0 C.t$anooqa Cats

7:30 0 Wolf Disney 15:01) 0 Cbu'ch Service

11,21 0 That Woria IS Congest 0 Hogars I4,roei

55:31) 0 On Campus 1:01) 0 Ed SuIflvait and Nancy Sinatra

1141 0 Opportunity Line 0 F BI

12:11 0 Washington Report 1.311 0 Fill Cosby

AFTERNOON 9:00 0 sonartsis fl Glen Ca,npb.lI

12:00 0 H,,mef,rsdeV

O Your Life in $$. World 0 Movies On.i 50:00 fl bold

Today 0 Sno'li DecssmsldC"y

12-3D 0 The World Tomorrow 11:00 0 0 News

O Face #I%* Nation ill ffip 0 Mar. Gr

O Pro F Con 0 N..'.

4 0 M.. she Press 0 Movies

O Is lb. Law Mott;"Directions 51:31 0 O


WEEKDAYS S News 52:10

0 $.'' Vale Ireasereses, WDIIIIW• 0 A World Ap.n

0 TV Classroom 5100 0 Somers.t Sunshine Mmarot 0 Yiulinla Graham

5:30 0 Suarlis 5eThOS$S? 0 All My CMldr.a

5 41 0 Sunshine Almanac 5:30 0 Memory Game O Florida Ago-WorLd 0 As The W.qid Turso

7 CD 0 Today 0 Lois Mat. A Deal

o 2:00 0 Deys .4 Out U-6

•,D0 0 las.'s big Top 0 Los Is A Masy

0 C.ptsln MIS. Douglas Shill"

Spsnd T669

0 fl Newlywed so" fi Sf,". Allssi 2:10 8 The Do~

Romper Rn.m To., Guiding Uqtt


0 The Dafhl G.m. 9:30 0 Lacy Show, 0 Another w.,Id

50:00 63 Din.5's Place 0 Seer,' Storm Famous Jury Trials G.n.'.I Hospital

ID 30 0 Concentration 3:30 0 Fright Promise ]:)D 0 $..arh. 1 of HIM

50:10 0 Lucille Riversj

O. Life To LI.. 11:00 0 sale of '4'. C.w$uri 4:0000 Souse, Pyle

Foorillar Affelar . toll Tb. Tnei4'

O Ie.neh.d Password 11:30 0 HollywoodHollywood S400-


Thief4:30 0 Perry Missile

Thief Gill

0 Lee* of Uq* 5 D.5ial 1.0*.

AFTIROPOU 1:30 N..'.

I200 fi jeopardy Truth of Ceas.qiee*$SI

0 W,., the Heart is 5 P4..'.

The Wildest, Most Difficult Dangerous Sport on Earth.



SUNDAY 2 p.m. Motorcycle mofocross is exciting entertainment for the

who). family! Th. popular European Motocross races w iD

astound you as riders zoom o44 hills and fly thrill the air on

the specially engineered track. Bring your camera) Bring

your friends! Your friends won't believe it)

ADW.Th pfrrft SLO Tn.%Wa0.W =fPL

Year at the Cannes Film Feisti. val.

Ccsmpanic'n feature S. 'The

Mad Room" In color and staring She'l'..y Winters. This program Is rated "GI". Plisy. Ing Thursday thirsts Saturday. the Mt'si'iland will present Dear. Marlin In four of his

Helm" spy films- They art "The- S:ls-n rs", "Murtli-i. ens Row", The An:b-.nhe-ri." and 'The iVr-e--rt.inc trs-w" all are In c-c'- or-. Pt a g nato in rated 'Gr.

antics at the Artily liase' are Sally Kel lerman. the rigidly strict head nurse whom they transform into a warm taiwan being: Robert Duvall, the over-ly pious major; Jo Ann Pilsig, another nurse, succinctly de-scribed as 'the sexiest in null-tar) history"; and Rt'nc Au.

berjonole, the companslonale' chaplain.

Nine professional football stars turn actors for the (i,-'t time in is wild football setiut'nt't' which figures promim'ntly in

The prn.gsitlilcrn ,were iscnut'lrtI by fox-met

GPRLywounDi RRCIflG no

8:00 p.m. Post Time

Matinees Mon—Wed—Sat. 1:45 p.m. FIRST POUND


J14;. r' ItO rr"u


/AflFORD-ORLflDO KfflflL CLUb 10 Mutt nostli of Oslmnds Letatin I-f L U S 1/-92



#2 IN 9:00 LONDON"


#3 OF 10:45 WOMAN" al




7:11 5 ii m

U,. 5.m.$ lass to play. N." good of P.4IVCab L area. 1,40,5.., east 101.-,,.0vs ot,e.11

ills ILIO-ltlscL SIAMI' 140111141 VAIIUIIN


i-i',,. , all

:oI,iittsti to lii,

Ii,' Ii''" tiil t%sLli.s:,t - ::,:l lls'ti l':e' ,,si, itt the * 5:55, ta;ssiI list!., .Pn,k will liii, i 5,% ,s.i,I ,- ,t lii.- It of 111- I'll 11.111.4 iitt its K. li's 'Ii 111111',

Iir,,ss is of l),, listS i,iis't-.'

,i,:.I llt,,k IIsi,-1,as,:;u, ,1 lie-s stunt" Nolan Smith of ti,' I-ntssas ('It)' ehsit'rs,

liislert ,'.htinisn slire-ctc'tl for Ingo l're'mlssgs'r who is siiL - Isug bin sis'l'ut an a psnsliict-r Milli '?.t'A'S'li." Ring faitil. tier, Jr., ten'S.' that .-st't-tisiiiV, Adapting it (rolls the' l-.t - Jay Rlt'hrsrsl hooker, a ps-%I-ulonym. The author is one of the nation's lead inc sahi'gi'oH;. which explains his lucid hitnil-ling of bin clinritetera' vocation and. clue to the rigid prolific-licit of his profession, may Well account for his reticence to I'll identified with his daring, for. out -t he me.

"M" A'S' Ii" re'eeirrel firs' nominations as lest ph-tune, in atislit ion to nsinulnntiosus on bet supporting actress iund bent di. y-s-.-t hot.

- - -


TODAY & SATURDAY 5 'sl',O,A I 1(01%


ItCh SUI'I'oMtlPeo AC xiii ',s

rssoay SCSI OINtCIIflPl


7:$ $. LRI 1:11411



ACADEMY 4:$7.1I SAT U,.'.iA V

lnclwdhig !


550r"IlOI'S iP BEST SONG ohiind On My





SUSAN Sai'aiudon is Me-lissa, ft I'UflIIWII)' teen- tiger, in "JO!"" opening Sunday at the Plaza Hocking (Thai,' Theatre.




01re a


0 •5 & -

Pare 2C - THE SANFORD HERALD - Friday, April 2, 1971

Television TELEVISION PREVIEWS * ConHnued From Page 1 tnr imprnflfli

tiMi figure of the. period being FRIDAY

n, in'rv scale ei1 t' rrvpondnt

EVENING IL L "° all I.ric Sctorriu rirt t A C-on

flt'hnp'' cotnmlttet on lltur3. ]rrnation will, Iora North." in -ii with ceirr1K)fldPflt ViJ- 11,1, t. tino pnrtr&'

- 3 '- .. •.?' ,,, , prsnir tiiaiiiiIv ' 7-tIC fl I rw• Luc', tIrr rtime. Peter Cotton-

sir pn&vM the rolonuilt.. O L,." a" '•7. jr, it one-hour M'U1 Tony ftnnWiLI. Cilaritsailille L O Dr.qii.i /JIC sit 7. What happerb when get and . - Degreatri, art 0 P4qli Cbaiiar'uI the- En,iter Fluntill overlrt'p it ith Don Knottik on hi NBC '' In$.is and falls to give' away his Hour at a trcatieduicd from

O 111'adi, sunatia

'adi, sunatia egip. Animation. original muse March *I.

ii - cir, Q Nan,,', and the i scare. with Iiannv Kays, If ABC, Movie at F 3ft Is P,o$.teot hosi.nitrrator. a I a I I $ a g Christopher

1.10 0 HallF Ed Sullivan's CBS hour i $ 11A ear-Apt- artist who

Andy GriffithtIh

O Partridge Faintly ,;wcIll1 featuring amger Nancy hi,ttlt,, a criminal mastermind Sinatra At CliUjh1 ill Tear-Ut $ kidnaped lurtrnlist,

That Girl once of her night club itr-t at The montlik "F'irat Tue-ada' 'riIb C.snt rome-c in 1.Jib pievirsipts the mevu. time On

I 0-00 Stasq. lt.pord l.rt lieu The Onmond BreRre. NBC sit 14'Alit, avvt':iiI nv','

An*'scsS St',i. and the, BInsaom, also are, on featuret.. uu-lucling a prnirv'4

I' -01) 0 0 0 P4..'i the lulL a prngrrs reiipri on 'ien .rr

'lori.qh$ Shelia The ARC nitWit at a ar-rerna Kirfuleq qu5ntupirti hOtt

O 0 Mcrv•s iiib4, "The' Third Secret. SUS after th"ir first birthday, p-fl.t story about the' violent ''itc Newt Special. 10:30-11.

SATURDAY tiriett tt psyctituinulyat "° ha,, "whit iii te-ned to F.airth

MORNING ring Stephen Boyd, I3intCfkft tJiy." eJiminInc prore'l in

t30 0Somalia Semester to. the rr-OIIW field

700 0 i.i-iaut N,flA' Wr.fl'ISflA' 0 Growari Almanac

O 7k0nd.rbrd1 ABC tiring' boL 'p1i.ird' -i - m Gala" 1' r t e• IT' it I I

7:30 0 T'r and "Y and host Allen Ludden at. the- iaft 1u 1101 iic at P4ut1 and Yogi itiirn btlnV tiile eve'? Liii- it Tie;wd version of a benefit

1:00 0 lui Funny 44.30 p.m nptt. Mrnclny ;-Iuime sit iiuidan last !e'

0 MOlD' Mouse through Fndse.. replacing this' vnibrt at which such stairs us 1.31) 0 44.cI1e and Jackie discontinued 'r Shndowi Yteiti lint. Petulis CLieri, Glen

O .,dr, bye o.tutI Campbell. 'Turn inm. F.ngt'l 0t wooriv Woodpecker That ABC movie' at 14 rt-acrttns l$Il Hurnpe-rditicL. George- Kit

0 '" and in& uuc,. "nit ipprnlnc." star- t,y and Rudolf Nureyv% op Gtno".. €.00li.s

ring Frye Dunnn3 and An peitre'd Re' 1l&srrtstrn a host

0 L.nta$Oi Link t)iufl Quinn In it title- of sihdue- NDCs "four in Ont Rod

9.30 0 liagalooi Wall ihng's Night Gallery' sit It

iDDo 0 D'- D.olit$. NBC preempts the unuitl repeati two bivirtt playt..

Jets, and the 11lovit two hourt. for IWO vUnt't "The' rkad Man' and "The' Pussycafe

a;WCIUIS llnuwkt'cPet.' 0 Jerry Lewis

50:30 Pial Panther Bob Hope at I, with Sammy T1ILJRSDAI'

O Gl.b.t,,4t.ri Davis if.. LAM- Marvin and Situ'- "Alias Smith and .bnes' on

O Here Come fbi It' itiflils The Iitntutnn Carroll ABC at 3t p a'.. has "Jourut')

Duitebee D.c.re II :00 0 H. F. luhistufl pluc'ea emphasis on modern From San Juan ' The' tu he-

0 ZitUsit with 11w ititigtng artw3.5 roes pow its cowboys rounding

O Hof W5*.l, getting ieu;qsort from Haiti Rd up msit't-rick "lron:,idt"

11.3r) 0 Thar Grump altink ssd Turn .luta's. NBC preempts

O Hawks TUESDAY and "Aditne 1 .' r:3b lii. us re'

"Swing Out. Sweet Land.'

AFTUNDQN cits prc.'niptt. 'l'bs Be'ver)i

putt the ptrit)Ue- ,prcIni hi'ied'd by

1200 • 4ot Do, llilitnlltca" and "Green Acres." John Wayne' first shown 00

Scoebi,.Do. .3tiB,3t) p.m.. for the premiere Nov. !. "Dan August' on ABC at

0 Outs' Ustiti program j a series planned to 11.30 tIns "The Auiiuifl." ins'el-


52:30 0 The MonUui extent) over several SeasonS. the slaying of S

0 Jam "Tin' American Revolution: ligation of

I 0 Unci, Waldo i''t. ' 'nut sent" viil lu' r

0 .s,.,dI, & Mut$i.y

O American bandstand --

I :30 0 Samson La

v-. ' 0 J.tsons b 2:00 0 Dennis Sb. M.tsac.

o 0 $'4.pp.niilç '71

2:30 0 Wrestling

O Film - -

3:00 Movie 0 3:30 0 HawaIia Eye

( O Fowling r

4:30 bfn$hsq'sJ"-La'- 100 0 N.sI• Mc

0 W1d. World of Sports 1,11a 0 College 't.knt


'i" -'i•t


7 ot, Topics

O Control File Showcase

S,4 7 3(, fl Andy W,II,ann

,sioTt ir,,otsibl. O Miss i


O 10.0once. Walk - - . -

1,3D B This 11 Your US. OMY Three Sent


O P..,I bailey 9:00 0 Movie - n'RNI:n.ON WORLD of fitstik' knows in' boundaries,

Am, with mod models Iube'lt'd made In London. Nets York,

9:30 fl Mary Tyler Moor, J'arli, ('espens*uitrn and man" other attir centers. The

O Johnny Cash only unuauul thing about these moderatelY far-out

50:00 0 Mannus fringes Is that the" come from further ept—* Coin-

10.30 0 lose Tyson inunist bloc tuhio showing In Moscow. Man's touring

suit, left, is a flungurist dt4D. Vanlsult, right, is a 55:01) 0 0 0 News bvvlet InspIratIon,. 1i .30 0 Q

111, -. - ,4. 10 THE SANFORD HERALD - Friday, Atn'lI 2, 1971 — Ping l(

'MASH' Shcswi*nq r,-M+19111411~ IL

_ At Plaza Theatre N114,11alf -I Como


r do —111-

liall.-J a-. the I-' t .'tn:,-i:.- :s,; V at , ,' I, s'siv is UI •,l ,e It.-

- t''nts'U- - "- ___________ • l'-'. iris ti-i-s-nt leek at tt an.

I. ,os, is ,''tClit5 sit , ,iSt% ).', kin1 th.eir Tl'Ott ,'. P.'i,:ulI

- tti,.itn,:ul. Kilnite (ossl.i atril

- To05 kerritt star hi ti,. Pai,a

- ', isic'n. ih'Ltic (',sls'r ltIa'..lO''

.- t 5u'ens tthtt sie't s'L.sp it 1110051,' L,.__ 's'.,. - :" - I if....e ,-I.. I,, .,.-.l.. •,-. ,.ii

"THE MIND of Mr. Se-sflLCS" t)('U)5 Suitti.iy at the ttu1 keep their sanity aniki the

Movieland and will show four daos. everyday han-nra ene-ountcn'e'el In a mobil, army surgkisl tins. pital M A5 111 cloning the Ki-ireass War, They are. skilled

Robert Vauqhn Stars and deulie-*tc,i in their ;irofer' sian, but they are equally skilled in making a shambles

Moyieland Of army bureaucracy.

In Showina Among the other players who h ai-r or are ',-ictIni, of their

'Musical Hall' Came With Kidding OF Oscar

By C'NTlll'. 1.0%'. RV teks I'IOII except In old Movies- AP


AP TelesisIon-Radial Writer or a Lute evening talk show.ac-

NEW YORK iAP. Prsiuc- ted as hostess but beyond in

err of NBC's ntt'kly 'Music troducing the sketches and slits.

Hall" We'dne'sday night stared akisl interludes contributed

with the idea of kidding the an. little to the hour.

nual presentation of the mov Frank Gorahin. best knuosn

lea' Oscar ass ards, a subject as an impressionist, turned

which invites satire. song and dance man for the

Something, obviously, hap- etc-fling. One of the best spots

period bvtscee'n tht- idea and the in the shots wag a medley of

execution—probably something Oscar winning songs.

like the fact that NBC vii) be

brcuduist:rg that. avoids t.how

in nh-nit two seccks. At any rate' Oscar survived

without a bruise and the pro-gram vas a long series of sight

gags, mostly about actors and the Hollyvood life style. For in

stance, an actor Was dcclaim

trig about hitting phoneyntas. al the atille chewing jfl Apple. A colleague Interrupted to In-form him he was chewing a wax apple. A leading lady ran up to accept the star's Oscar tot "is performance In "Dr. Je-kyll and Mr. I1>dt-,' and sud-

denly turned Into a Mrs.

Hyde—fangs. fright wig and all- lktte Davis. randy seen on

Men & Women Urgently Needed To train as programmers of IBM computers

and operators of IBM machines. Persons a.-

l.cted will be trained In a program which

need not Interfere with presnt job. If you qualify training can be financed.

Call Mr. Pet.rsou collect: 305 323.1910

1 S

Terrence Stamp know, the

kind of rc.iei he want, t-o slay, and the kind of Pictures; be wants ro play them in, which k why he picks and ehoosti from the scripts submitted to bins by producers fr'rn all aver the world.

Opening Sunday at t )s p Norie'!and Drive-In Theatre. abc-wing 1 days in Columbia Pictures' "Flit- idinid of Mr. Soan,cs," In color, Stamp tops a c-att n lit ii ineude, fit-bert Vaughn. Nigel flat cnport and Christian fl.l'trtn. lie plays Mr. Sc'ame',, a tCLyrar.c.ld baby.

Stamp was enthralled by the dramatic opportunities inherent In the role, that of a man who ims been in a onma since birth and new has LHe'TI awukrtse'd by a break-thy-c-ugh brain ope—ration. Possessing all the do slres of an adult male, he stil must be brought from his ,neo born" state thr-ough all the phases of human growth and experience.

The son of a Thames tugboat pflot. Stamp studied at the St. *artln's School of Art, before taking a join with a London Advertising agency and, later, studying to be an actor.

After work with ,tutk e-'m-panics at Colcbester, Windsor and Canterbury, he got a tour. ing role In "The Long and

The Short And The Tell." His landon West End debut cane In "A Trip To The Castle.' Petey Ustinoy realized his pa. t.ntiai and cast him In the-title role of "Billy Budd." for which Stamp won an Academy Award nvmination, the Blue Ribbon of Spain, and the French equivalent of the O.c.r.

"Term of Tr:a" with B I r laureate OIls-kr followed and, Is II'05, his playing In 'The Collector" won Stamp the award as the Best Actor of the


P.Lt 4C — THE SANFORD HERALD — Frity. April 2. 197I

Questions And Answers ihn prnducsa Mass,..n:; irn- Q lrui .. :;.

rr".*v PECT tah in 6 arnrr Rtntbers' pilot for isis lit', 'irns,.cutrrnL"

,iyifrted a guest ,tarrtnt

• S

J.(..sIbk and 'Manni'.? prcms Q: liw's D,,vid (as4d) Of

it a brilliant man. Can you "The Partndgr 1- aniity' rr&l

:.1) us if he is planning an nhr sons h.r the show ?-

si:fl?- 1.uu. r. A: .i. CL Pen. fla.

No. lla'1 efimpases

A: Gilkf ii, "oiLing as a ,ga, but be tar omit 41

nuaiha? 01 proj.-cta, TV ov- S" has been intended for

ice and a g.a-rse. What the the program. U, captains

fate of r.cb aifl be. at will that the *usic be composite

base to a&it to h-im but Is too sophisticated for the

pidging from his past iecsr4, h.hhfrgw. brigade to whom

I .ospa-(t there ave already he mast *ppt-ala.

.tadlse, bids being ,iirvded to • . I

him. Q: Did June Carter write one • .

of johnny Cash's HC hit'

WII Carol Burn. U e'u Which mu ' — ER., St John. appear in a mc,,r'-H .1...

Rockford. ill. A: June did arise a (sib A: She might, If it's the

hit. "Ring of Fire." She sila t)pe of film she Ipprosra. pissed ashen well . kneva Thaie's a rumor about tows country myra. The Mats- that her too top arisen an

ds,, and"Wall I. Wall turregoily .NtIig an a Movie script for the er (una

S S lads. . S

Q:PIPAPho tell us the name

of the actor wao played on TV

Q: What has happened t. at ..The Saint? Mi husband

Robert Lipton. the young man says it was Richard Lone. and who was so wiry good on I say it was rot. - WS., Vir- Survivors" pomctim* backs I

belut he is the brother of

ga Reach. .,: Tbe Saint" ass Roger Peggy Lipton of "Mod Squad?

Miwir,. Richard long is crr• L Elmira. rrnilP iii 'The Nanni and the . lie is intiii l'egg)a Profrs,r.' was 10 "lilt a) brother. and hr r.-rritl7

Sunset strip,- and ..urns)ed t., TO Aiii to .'ot.. Mai rnck."

(ci sàih prudiarrte about s • • film. Th. ChauIfi r."


Q l'etr tucl of 'Ahs n-th

s as in what r,th'i J. F. '? if 14 tirid

i ,.. tAt.,t t his net

ii-tat I Lip M It. rai1,lw '. i 5.. ?5is. I'eirrr has Just

Television MONDAY 0 Mit. G.f4s

0 "•'°' mmmo WEDNESDAY

too 0 0 News IflNtN JC 0 Atowiid she Woeld

700 I Las. Lacy ttOO 0 0 News 6:30 0 A,.ssd 4. W.vld O D.. v.11. D. 7:00 9 I to's Lucy Dv.gviet 0 D..'h Vail,5 Days 7 30 9 0.'di iy. .. 0 D..gnet Gwtaaoks

9 Lc$i V.1. • D..t 730 9 PA,. vae. I 00 9 Lav91 s, Ir 0 itid5 D0

Ga'.'. 0 Coutslapef I 30 0 P4,..t Li.c, Idd.. i

O tl G..'. I 00 0 Seves S..s Sp.aI 6 DC 9 gob Hop. Spieciol I.,s.lI

0 M.yb"y PD 0

6:00 9 R05.l Gala movie U

:30 Doris Day 10:00 9 Fowl Is 0*. ICX 0 Carol Iw.iie$i 0 H.u.s f..s.O

O D41ismis C.r,.0 11:00 9 o a N.WI Sp.c.l tI:)0 9 J.b.*, Cars..

11:00 no 9 N.... Mery Gitiffift Copses • 's ' a - . Most*

1 •.awtS .-- V

o 0Liters, G,lKis THURSDAY

(flNINS oo a 0 0 News

6:30 0 A,.vsd she World 7oo 9 I to.. Lacy

0 D..'l Volley Days

7:30 aFlip wIt.. AIta1'

0 Ah.s Sausl said Jesse 000 0 J•' it, bets 630 0 I,...'ck.d

9 Jo'. Wcys. Spec., 6:00 0Messes

0 0.1*9 Them.. 630 0 0.. Aa,.s$

10:00 o... Ma?45 10:30 0 A41..d Plitckcoti

it, 9 0 0 Nesi II 30 9

0 "' 0 1,00-65

Pete l)uel (fnrmrrl' .5.: a beefli in June as hrhalt

l'etrr [hueS) ast, a en-star in of the Motion picture and

"love an a Riw'ttop" and Tktb'4oi Relief fund

ahjle his romantic ceapades wilts variant, filmlnan ladies Q: After i'iIng like hitt ø--tar from Rooftop nors on "LaughIn' rr-a'cntly.

Jud Carat and him flarh) in> mother and I wire

are sell Lmisn. be has atier Ing who played his son John-

iavrir. -- ------- -----n'.... .. 41F PO'S IS •'I •' ...

the 'Courtihip of FAd3es Fa they" last year. Will he be do-

ing that agan neat season' — ILL., Binghamton,N.V.

iii the serie, last season, lts by asly directed one episode

Q. Thu Bixby was directing

.5.: Perhaps.. but since His-

ton before he became a singer and I disagree. - flU., Gamin 'stile, P1w.

an actor, in one mo,,e only, after he was a singer for many ),ars. Y.0 are think-

ing of J.bnnie Crawford.

.5.: Wapne Newton became


doubtful he'll be leaning too If you have a question on

hea;flp in that direction ibis any TV program or actor, si nI

nelson. He is taking ail,ant it to TV Time Answer Girl. in

age at hio v acation time. care of the Sanford Hcrad however. by writing scripts .bkh might Ia. used far the

S • Q:) heard that L),cL Cawitt's

show will be moved to London. Is this tall,? — G.T.. Ithaca,

N.Y. A: Ye... bet only tampar.

snip. The baa anti macate I. Iflightp for two weeks is

.5. pelt thus beads back a

New jack. S S Q: New, rI the old

ii.'ii' roOtiCuPi to lr,.k out Is it still twin product n Euripe. but not tiring sh'a n in this rnuniCS Fl-

film. NY. 5.: Nope. Those- old .('en

gins are still being slaiwn Sn

I:uropr and in the ('... hut through reruns nn". No nra sh,'ss bait 5w-en filmed in a1% ff11 se-5sOfl&.

S S Q Is it true tIst 1A" Ma'i'

- FA.. San Antonio.

b,okr Iii It-c and c-rtrnt act in, 'Men from Shilot," AT, mona'

5.: Na. Majors had initw'r knee surgerp performed. but it hampered none of his -Shiloh" work. S S Q: On a rpecnt show Johnny

Cash was shown talkinc to stu-i.'t, on 0 rc.1I,'rr ramu,'.ls 154

muw whkh caml'u' -. 111T.. Piston ).ucr. l.a

5.: It .as VandrrbIt t'ni

a .1.117.

Q: llora Priw-crs ('.:q of le.nztr, #-% **I anIt II'''

'smite' -- .. Saint:' all .5.: (IreasloitaiI). lie' last

,isjt was in 1t17. aid she has scheduled a trip to ('au. fornias shores to spptsi ii

p P - to 111 1,; 'lIN Y III'ItsII) — I'rlilnv. April 2, 1971 .- Vnif" 1

Gi xt t 'i'('1

his paper belongs to

0 &PTO

Fill in the missing dates. Does anyone you know have

a Birthday this month? If so, color in the date.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


5 10

13 14 16 1


26 30

.., •1 .5.. S. [1




L.cally Oiiissd & OperaNd ly 1.11 1 lofty Hint DAILY SPECIAL


I Meat. 3 V.,. 144106"1 tAl 00 rolls, bettor. s.ffa or Na.

U..y .64.. PIeS. Lvseh.. S. che.si fr.m-lscIedl's. DILMONICO $115 STEAK...... U

OflN MON. 0kv FIt. 11 s.m4 p.m.




6:00 0 00 Ni.., 130 a A.nend Hi. Wield 7:00 9 1 La.. Lucy

0 D..$' V.11.5 D.y' o

730 fi Jst.. 0 CIS News Sp.c.I

Met' Suad 0:00 0 0.. olis 0:30 H.. H...

0 M...a 6:00 9 Firs' Ts..i4ay 6:30 j Al' if, $4. Famil y

10:00 0 Spiral M..cw,

11:00 0 0 U ii 30 8

Seminole Classical League s-of—

Seminole High School PRESENTS

YIN &460Q it

Tuesday, April 6-8:00 P.M. DONATIONS: STUDENTS 75g—ADULTS $1.25

Dt.n.tc P.bihhl'iq C.ip.ny

All Souls Parish



Saturday, April 3, 1971

Camp So. Pedro on Lake Howell. So. Seminole 1436 1 17.62 To Ho.lI Bra nch Pd. tell- iiis ogmi )

S Bar-B-9 Luncheon

Beef or Pork Adults $1.50 Chsidr.n Undor 12 $1.00

S.rving From 51:00 mm.

Adult and Childrens Games

Refreshments All Day

S Country & Western Dancing


CampS'. £ PI.i.s for the kids. Pt..ty 0 P.. Pant'sq


- - 1'ruIv. 97

rI I K TINY II I'll A 1,1) Frlitnv, AiiiII 2, 1011 - Iis 3



t1I7 ,QQJI1 '1JJ i\ AT 13' £7VJ 'JL JEb4r )

lit /1 I 1

j jSMIlMi. II I '1k

(2S 9% cz3 '• /fr4&s o

How many boys are there? How many girls?

How many boys have striped shirts?_ How many girls have pig-tails?----

How many boys have short pants?_ How many girls are wearing hats?__________

How many boys are smiling? How many girls have freckles?

The Adventures of Tiny Turtle Save this part each week for your own Animal Book

Walrus Gray Seal

Color only the things that start with S.






ctakQ wo".9 gim ..


Coilsity music by 1iws 1. L.• t.Ios.Tkuri Little l..d Is Tows'




owned and operated by Tony a L.uo Cost.ni;no

HWY. 17.92 so Lishe Moat.. S..t.,d 322-I148


Orange Blossom Dinner Theatre ¼ MIt. k.* of Li. ltd. 1 441. O,$..4.

I.s.vvtloa$ Only: 2997000 oteeer sad Sbus 11.10 —

Sp.tI.t Gi..p Posse A,.II.bI,

On. Dinner Club Membership For Both Theatres


Sebastian5 s Dinner Theatre 3 M.nu$•i South of Tu'.'p.I• on 441, Orlando

RESERVATIONS ONLY 1314000 Dma., sad Show 11.30 — Special Growls lotus Available





½ FRIED CHICKEN 1*65 'a o • HOT BISCUITS a iiori

PARKING Order Home 1"ade paiff:01

for all cccai'Oi't w.,idn 9 Cates out

Wy. 1792 Ph. - NAKED BY PAY GROOM[


322.595 Sanford

Y'ALL COM Join the Fun with



4 Piece Country and Western land

Appearing THURS.—FRI.—SAT. 9 P.M..2 A.M.

HAPPY HOUUR 5 TIL 7 MIXED DRINKS .......................... SOc

BEER ............................ - . 30c




2401 French Ave. Sanford

C -

Th&pe 4 — TIlE TINY 1tETA1.P — T'rithv, April Z. 171 Tablehopping

Area Spots A re Tops I'.'r tri' 1r. t n.1.e .i' h.' e a barrel of inn here. It 'ni ha c .1 (.11w) for

a (late for ou and frIrrdl at the T.t( ait aninge of i'ducd Milk LI) IilL4)% n i

dinner theater. hrie elegant prices during the I1tI) ci't'k' then hi.nI for F'UEI)IIFS.Cen

and '.ma'.h Brood'a) hits tall bout and keep happy 'ith tral oridns IlIet '11141 finest

gileal he ,-ene tI3. The "The Count"" Stnnga." a fonr itrak hnu'c, Atm"p!u it, is teal

area "rn art ORANGE gCe flhI IpOct*!IIIns in h". food Is .ktnetotile and

flh)SSOM DINNER THEATER. iountry and Western nt&'.i. On entl'tt.i$flmetlt


Ii Icotureti niiht

Ptct "uuth Pa fic' i ca't ThUr4lA). Friday and Siitur. I)' in the lusutloits I.a,iplgtttcr

nightly and SEBASTIAN'S DIN day nights. Lounge.

NER THEATER, hth is cur. — rcnti fcating "BLnck Corn Happlrw's is daily dining at

Roth iirt in Orlando and TUE RIIII.EY Family Res• hlonir cooked foods. uh an

tTsers atu'm a must. taurant. the jpudar st siheit old fashioned flair. Is Ihc hiitl

throngs of satisfied diners keep mark of Sanford's l'INECItF.ST

If your mood demands some retre.itttig in a rrlau'd atmos INN. here. pastries are heaven-

it and are also prepared to go

thing completely difterent, its phere. fine foods are scrved at

there, all ritit, at Sanford's budget prices. Open Monday b' baker RAY GROOME. Gath

ncwCM and most unique night througha

Fiid. from II i. rn. er up the clan on ,itnl (chit

spot. THE FACTORY hold it! $ p. m.. The Rernlcy is closed ken night) and Friday dish

Action dL begin until fl p Saturdays and Suntta)s. night)night) sshen the s1wt'i,iItis are


m nightly ill p. m Sundays) at featured at below popular prices.

)uch time its all there. . . There 1' little more to be said

go to girls and the entire sorks about LAKE MONROE INN. HOUSE OF STEAK. at San.

. real lively. B 'V Ct B. and The long us ed reputation as torus beautiful Ilohlilay Inn is

By OS (that's buy sour on Sanford's oldest dining facility the last usord in good food. ex.

W. ups). Yeah . . . it's real pcak% for itself. Food and drink etptinnal atmosphere and ci II.

different' are the greatest and action nack dent 'ersice. Both the cozy

ed entertainment nightly keeps lounge and restaurant are open

Continue to keep your eyes packin 'cm in. During the hap- art en days a week for your

open for the happening at THE py hr daily, drinks are blend complete rnjomcnt. During the

F'0U!'TAI!& In the meantime ed at reduced rates. daily cocktail hour. horn d

join th tfl('rr)flntk( . u ho a) Ocut re' are er' ed free.

' t'l

.011. loop aggg; dow 40




I1OV )OES Bob hope niake people laugh? What in it like to ni,'et Milton

Berle' Is I'hyllis Diller ti crazy as she seems on the M'ri'en ? I lire

I'limpt''ri finds out sti ttie TV spctihl. "I'Iinipton ! Did You Hear tlii' 011v

Ali-out . . . " Hope. Berle and Diller are all in it. So are Huffily I luki'tt,

.Jonathan Winterr, I'hii Silvers. Jack Carter. Steve Allen, Woody Allen,

David Frye and I)ick Cavett. The show, siuisorrd by I)uI'ont. will air tonight 9-10 p.m., on the ABC Television Network.

H..vyW•Sttfl D••f - ))P ch.icoahsd to p.d.d,on





Swwvv soll IS. ,

14.ghwayll-92 North in F.0 Palk . - - 8383265

'I'll i I'II1T) II l.1 I .1) — Fijilur. Apill !, 11171 I'iuo M' •••WaM

Pace GC - THE SAWFORD HERALD — Friday, April 2, 171

ê q

T1 SANFORD 1iPRATfl - "day, April 2, 1971 - i'ngo 70


lit Alt!,

Ilislo' • I,e'ii,it ,i ,' ..''tts''I

illhil It lit 14 i*, iii'' - ' ' itcliiiitl nuilil * titutit tis'

(left let rii:lil ) .Is't',,'t*t

'I'IIMIlILW, Si it , I .8111'';

Hill N o r r I a (laying

ue,wn,; i ,' lit e Li lu a ;

Stephanie Cornett. Cor-

nelia Andy flay, Stir-

IH4Ih1 ; Car)' \%'iilker,

filarceiluit ; Phil Stiuili'y,

Sitneiui Peter; arid 1)ur.wfl

Crnhal.l its Ltit'ihi. 'I'Iio

play, 1MIICeI on till! itovel

of tile aanrn iuune by I Is ivil I)4)higl:u4, I i lwing

,i , rt,'iiti'ti LIV ..tjil'* LII *i

ittii''Il i.E hits' I It .1111111 it,

I 'iii *li.h itui' ''II.III


son" listed nine- years and - "lrunside will move- Into Lu fourth senwiu with iw signs it witnuog popularity.

It c%cfl appears that 1rutu pidt is starting a new vogne it police action stories. The Sim—m

uck of the show Is. that the di tceti'.'s' has a physical handi-in -..-he is paralyzed below the

4,15* utiul works elf it'iefltit !suiui a vol-t.; chair.

i*5t iS*OM)II. ABC uilttl,(1LlCl l.u,ui1 tri-rt ' %ttti Joint': [rut ItU' pl,*yltig an Investigator

sill, it blind. "Cuntiun,' rtttIr ring WulIua,in Conrad on CBS i l(utigh iri ott' eye who is tuft..' ..' side tv he I tall and cites: ii iud ninpuhsively CBS i' stiuiv. ilif. three $)IhE

tue upconiing series Its sucer' iu,ti Last c't'L it was •'Cse,

twit Tonight there will be is

hut.un ;,rvvlrw of "O'Harss U.S TreusuuI) .' This 'rars sill tarini' !)ovad innss.en tjaL it

ieit'visiuin. his first invnivt'nieuit ttrt' 'l'he Fugitive" found the

rent killer. Next Frith it sill

ii. Itoti Taylor ill spun off into it peTit's but out yet tilled. Sinc, bulb Janseen

The Big Hits in Stereo Tapes are at Penneys Auto Center at low, low Prices!

~1 1 1 FV97

518 Track Tapes"

4 99 tenn"s

Avi. Canter

S AM. TO 9 P.M.









5tereo Albums'

299 Mathis doo


KC-30322 -

Gruff Chief Ironside

Efficient, As Usual NIA', YORK k olil, - Goad. and Taylor are young and

gruff Ctuiei htiutiert lroflstdc Wils handsome, their problems prob its VfflClCfll US usual on ably will lx girls..

I( Thursday night. Flip Wilson. in his Inst ,uhrns the mug'ers old lady 't. purse that contained before starting return had Turn

ewcIs worth $200000. Conway as one of his guest

Tilt mugging stars Thursday night. The hour

just Lilt lit-ginning. .rins.icie wait full of Flip's way-out but

also caught a killer and saved Benue humor. There, was Paul

the old Itidy from being drag. Revere. confused about what he

geti ttsnsu'ts competency PM should di on his ride. There

cetdungs. was the worlds richest man

Snnis'buel once observed that tching jobs with a plumber

at recipe lot it hit is "flityrnond to hod tuuppines. and on and

Burr it anything." "Petry Ma '

Career Reviewed

fly EUNIE 11001)

Laurilct' it.. Monmouth. Ore'..

wTite5 "1 recently took a voc tional interest test and scored high in radiological technology, but I don't know anything

about It. What about training, job outlook and salaries?"

Dear Laurllec: R.sdiologic

technologists as eperts In use of X-ray e-quipmt'nt, usually work under the direction of

physicians who are radiolog' i.sta. Training usually invol one- to four-year X-ray tech'

sto1o' programs offered by hospitals or medical schools affiliated with hospitals.

Some junior colleges co-aid' Date academic training with work experience in hospitals. In lt4s, more than 1,100 schools of X-ray techr,ulc'g>' were approved by the Ameri

can Medical Aist.ctt.tlOfl. All

require that applicants he high school graduates, and a ft's

require one or two ye'arP of cal' lege or graduation from nut',-

lag school. Registration with the Amer-

ican Register)? of Radiogie'

Techsiulugusu is an a,e.i in obtaining highly skilled i°' tions which, offer better pay. ialarics during 114k rnnrgctl

hunt $li*, to $130 s sesk in

hospitals. The jot' f*jrerart for L.'tt.

fuli'tirnc nied 1sart-tinut radit' gioc t,'thiu(ololtistl is very ft.-

vurabk, according to the' Bun - ,au of l.abur Stastitucu, A.-

medical technique's, equipm'- ii'

" and knowlt'dyc be'inc more 4 iudvanrt'd, and more emlsio)'efP.

3 insurance (DlliIIs.tulCs and oil' "quirt that workera unt

clients re-trie euiitpkt.e ph).i'

' cal examinations which Include X'ray&.

If you have a question about

another career fitld, write to


SO YOU WANT TO HE, in cure' of Newspaper Enterprise Association. 210 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017.

- (NewspaPer Enteryriiu Asset-)



A big cnngratulatIons goes out

today to r)ec fliheisu of Casuw'l•

berry she' re'rrn.!t beat out tO other girls It, win the ?dis Te'e'n

age Orlando title at ha rioructit

float Show. Dec. who was spun.

pared by the Model's Guild, Is currently doing some modeling. and plans. to make modeling her career. She is a freshman at LYMAN HIGH SCHOOL and at tarub'. Community United Meth-odist Church. where' she ti a member of "The Youthful

Sound. the church youth choir. Tito LYMAN gym was the

scene' Wednes.day night of Litt

exhibition of weigln lifting put

on by the American Athletes In

Action. This. team Is it part of Campus Crusades. for Christ. and is currently on a Uur of campU'cz across the natioai.

. S S

Things got pretty hot out at FL 0 RIDA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY on Wednesday when us gigantic forest fin, came within 20C yard,, of the Library building. Good grief, what is this world coming to' Things were pretty "hot" in another way on Wednesday when the world -lam-otis "Lettermen" performed in concert at the Orlando Munici-pal Auditorium for FTU stu-dents.

The first annual FTU Folk Festival was held an campus today from 11 a. rn. top. In. The festivaL which was held outside, featured several pro-fessional folk singers as well as talent from FTU.

They're cranking up at FTU

In preparation for this year's Interdisciplinary Weeks, when students and faculty of each of

sli colleges will focus their attention on those from the other live. The key to the two week endeavor that begins

April 12 Is student lrtt'ol"rment. declared Jimmie A. FerrelL who it, acting director of the FlU s'iage center, and the man coordinating the operator. The emphasis will be on campus.-created projects, generated by studvnt. who have promised some "fantastic" displays. Fer-rell added This year's theme sill he "Crc'iit!vit." and its effect upon the Individual and nciet In general. The effort

will run through April 2. Some, examples of the Jim

jer'ts which will be on display tire' a huge molecule, manu-factured from weather balloons and floating abovt, the Science Building: a huge 'Ichabod" nrei, featuring a stage and ttu- dent-crtated pop am where stu-dents will present their own poetic and dramatic arts, and many, many more fascinating eshihlti.

S •

The 1P71 Senior Class. of O'LE DO HIGH SCHOOL will be span-sating the annual Talent Night pmgnl.nt tonight at $ o'clock at Oviedo High. There will be at admission charge with students tickets at reduced rate.

S •

Seminole County badly needs volunteers for Its "We Care" and teenage "HOTLINE" pro-gram, which is a crisis. inter-

iventinn and s.ulc'ichc' prevention service provided over the tee-phone. Training elns for s'csluntetrs is, scheduled for April 1. Ha. and 26 at 730 p. in at Florida Hospital Assembly Room and on April 13 and 20 at the Bush Science Center. Rollins College, Winter Park. The trainS

Isig is free and Is also required of volunteers Interested in help-ing at the "VILLAGE." San, ford's drug abuse center. Na previous. training Is necessary for men and women interested In this program. At any time during the training a volunteer mz resign if he feels unsuited for the, work.


Application arc available at Florida State Bank of San! ora. Don's Shoe Store. Sanford Plo-za: Dr. Luis Perez' office. court-ts Mental Health Center. Long. wood Plaza: and First Presby-terian Church office, 'oIuit' teers must be ft years or over.

. •

Melissa Anne Echols. daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Echolu of Sanford. has twt'n ac-

cepted for admission to FLOR-IDA PRESBYTERIAN COl.-LEGE. St. Petersburg. In the fall. Situ, Is a senior at Semi-nole High School.

• S

Thought for the Week: "And so. my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you: ask what you can do for your country." John F. Ken-nedy (But before you ask, look what your country did for Wil-liam Caller.)


A, Px

Uack Sabbath A wS.1 I$7

li KATHY NIIILACK I;i 'iou dont mind ii I .nwnt rimirn till i..ol, to do

Will eth tot ta I ui tub, Ev e1ryouit el-it sreflui U, he talking 'ihoW tilt- t'nnvictinri of Wi1Iin Culle'. but Id like to talk souL It too, becaust it in%ulVes. Out £s& at the (.ap . You Lwilol, tilt -tituatioll IS

pritts liurtililt an wiu' Fau

ItioL at It. The Io's of thuae pea phi lives k imrrlblt and tra-git and sad hut its. eLM, said thai our tountry lut' aentt.ncad it man in a life of hard laibur oust twcJ4lIs. he did what lit tiunughi win his duti to that roufltr% his own enuntry. a' ('Alvi tuini'rlf has, patti, has

sir npci hum of all hl honot tiLt nott of it quote by Sluskt'

* ­M 111c IluiNti U'

Ilk: both row In one ; Take honor from me. and my Ilk Is dnnL"

Ntx on) bus liii' rtitintry and Its rcprt'wflUutlVes destroyed WIULaTIt Culk but It list pro. baWy dtstroyed the litith that many at Lu soldiers. had In It. Wh1e17 one of us as butTe "dultiL wants to fight in , Wtit for this

iuntry is there's a rhiunci that something like this will happen to us? Aiu' can you imagim how

the antiwar people and the CommunLsts are ning to use this.? Yes. Its prett horrible.

This vwspnper Is currvntl' running printed petitions that you can fill out and send on Calicys behalf, If voure cots. eurned uhOte the situation. sb don't you fill one out and send one lit'



Cat St.v.ns SP.4210


Barbra Streisand ] KC-30378


"Stereo Albums"

A, 399 _ JdycoIllns Andy Williams

M-75910 - - - KC-30497


CHARGE rn I tenneil.9


- --- -.


- 'See.


J ed Raids ' - Drug



Image RC — THE SANFORD HERALD — Friday, April 2, 1971

- . -

0 1 4r


fIrratb Monday. April 5, 1971 — Sanford, Florida 82771

63rd Year. No. 155 Price lB Cents

F -90 Headlines Inside THE HERALD

Big Bicycle Race Is Set For Sunday At Airport A SO-mile hike rare and hike- Other Information may be oh.

rotiout will he held Sunday at tainNi by calling llarringtor

1 pro, at the Snriford Airjsnt any 14fl1e be' fore 4 ,(1 p n-u u

tindi-r the sponsorship of the sinford Optimist Club. Bicycle inspitions have he'en

going t r: •' Optimist boys a-ni-k chairman week and llsrnngion said all

tUt % i i'.l.l t . tz.M:.g pst In '-

not, beta-ceo the age-a of 7-25 must first mis' Optimist Chit.

ill for eligible- to compete and inspection

17'.tihies will he awarded at The Sunday bile it - IttI,,

e ,,-u'us are leris noel types of art a part of the 'itiL f, t .'iutl.etltIfln tV-.-I' as pro lasnut-J by Asm

Hitrr,ngrou also advised that ford Mayor lAt' P. Moore sot

a -pick-up" service would be is being ptreiie-el by the ('1r'

offered to contestants taking timists as a ifety on II

part in the rae-c and rodeo. ittr'i'L' and burluwn's prole.-t

lh,'st' pit- i. lip )t.tutItJ' Are P1111- crroLt Sholipirig Center. 1_0.. Mitry School and Faust lit-or i- F'urst Street and Snfrd Avenue. arid eiinte,t5rits are m-,'i1 u,-sted to Lw' at one of tb,-'.. t'lum'r' Siiniiu,v Iw-fot'.- rat-. Tim,

PUKE INSPECTIONS by Sanford Optimists were underway Tuesday sit Sanford Middle School for the Sunday bike race at the Sanford Airport. Shown above during inspections are, from left, Ezra Walter, eighth grade; Gary Harrington Optimist official; Kevin Parker, eighth grade; and Ken Fetterman, Sanford Optimist official. (Staff Photo)

Yardner's Corner

Day1*11y Is Popular li Ii.% til) I)rSO1.L f-nut ,.cud Tru'purntini, eur, rhiznmr bet*efl •$rt of the

I'll, duiii ths oust popu. also be accomplished by duvid. fana. and Ira" should lee cut It., ior.t-c..ur ;wyrnnial in inr parent clumps and thus is back to within 4 to f inches of

Florida - probably beCauee it tbi only certain method for the the crown. Broken roots should

can i.e rn.wr in all pun, of more serious gardener br trimmed off he-tore triduint-

.. itJ%tt. tom a true liii- of reelected log. The bleat time for dividing

(if rOU?5t. this Wid, iidiupti.. clones. is right after flovi'r,ng.

lillity ii not the mu, rramin Whit. duiylIlies STP rrlutJely

fin popularity. !)ayllliei. are 11lI'Iuuon of the clump It, ac- easy to propagate and care for.

good landolcupinr plantel. JUT- romplished by cutting: it into as the fart that they may n-main

'iv.- with a minimum many sections as there are in one place for from five to

and h .. m, fans of leaves. A sharp knife ten years demands careful pr.-

disease- pblenm should be used to seaver the paratior. of the plant bed. Thesc rhuinurteroitles ar" -

Ii, n t I i t I It I fi.i' the- e-ii.itiui gnrdrntn-. but dut-Iliur, laillo offer mum mu-r.-stinr Agri-News And Views c-li lit-uges tot the nurirl i.e-flout

Ply I%fl.L $('fll'T hangout and from where Sheriff Slt,hile Iannr In f,eiw"vwi '.-i tn'int of poi.eaefrmn and cal, ,if or I Al rif t*Si f)rlmt4i'i John I'nik said many uni,r. rIIe4 a ',Ie*li't" by one of the narrolle". (Irivi, .Sanforl, ales-s were

Sheriff's vii's' squad a*e'nta i-i- 1111)1 leCte ,rma'le from arre4fing officers who appre-- Two Other., (;ahr.Il. .1 hooked On ejngle charge-a of struck a heavy weekend blow youth. by Invpetlgatnr., hended the yesutti from a eceinel June., 19, of IXW) IfaAkln, Ave cue art 1eee$00 of aereotist

against county drug artivitk s A lS.s-st-id4 jissetil.. ft.in .ls- .rR' fatuu;rli tm p' ,o. u.nmd •rid harry Rreh. drug,. p - - wIth 12 arrests on Ill total

charges on Frhlat night Situ-. (tav and Sunday refill,. W r

Striking without warning, the force arms-el with warrant'

Issued by Junks' finger Dykes "ri' - and hated on uinelerrover Infor- 41. mation obtained after rumonthu - I - of intcnis'e ins-,stlgatIu' work, ninveil into all county areas In a roundup of peui suspected Of being Implicated In the' sale or posse's'ii'n of either marl- jumana, c-ncaIn, heroin and bar- huutuurate's.

IIi'nule ranging from $1,000 In umiwarda of $13.(SW) were' listed

' -- for the 111111we't i, ,je;icnullng tIWIfl lit.' nuamhe'r of c-ouints anti the

e'runcsww's of the char'-%. l'tires' jut-s-milk's, iiirlmnliuig a -

IS s-ar old alleged 'dealer," usere inclodrif in time elrsgne't that st'reaiI like a tiihit usct ' - river Se'minnle County in an ef-,

- 1

(curt by Sheriff John Polk to - knockout the county drug prob. .. ie'rn. r" -- (I'hOtos on i'age- lfl) S ' - - -.— -.

rrcstrd on four counlit cch - - - — -' - - - ' of sale ansi poasesukit of net. -- -

colic drug, were Jerry 11cr- man. 20, of 7 Yale Avenue, Sanford; Gary Adair, 15. of 1519 l'iulo,uua Avenue. Sanforil and Mike Kasmady, 3, of lilt; Way- mami Avenue. lngarnxl.

Four persnns including a 18-

year old youth and a 19 j.'ar-old fenuale, were charged In three - - - - enumits sile- and possession of - narcotic drugs, They InchudtI: Ronald t;k'n Revels, IS, Sixth Street, Sanford; I'amela V. Set' gent, 114 West First Street, Sanford; Eddie' Carl Schweick.

erL 18 Lake Mary, and the Java- - -

Arrested on tuso counts each ' of sale and possession of air- - - -' cotte drugs were Michael T. -- Tatum, 21, of 512 West-Second - 1 Street, Sanford. and a 16-year- 4 old jut enile who was appre- hended at an all-night Sanford restaurant used as a teenage . (

TAI.A1IALSEI- -- 'rhe Florida 1.egis11, lures 1971 regular session begins at U sharp Tuesday morning with less first- day siwializing and flhllI' leg isitit jug. at least according to the plans of the lead-ers. (Page 6A)

Sti(0N - Planes and artillery drive back new attacks on Fire Bose 6, and the South Viet namce claim 287 North V lit-

killt.'d. (Page III)

wAslIIN(;Tos — ('hinut sends another 4,000 to 6,000 tI- )ops into Northern I.utiis, bringing Peking's troop strength in that area to perhaps 20,000 men - about iloti-ble that a year ago, (Page III)

ORLANDO — Edgewater High won't for-feit any football games - , - or will they? (Page 1C)

WEATHER — Yesterday's high 74 low 64 with 24 of an inch of rain. Consider-able cloudiness with chance of showers today becoming a little less likely Tues- day.

High today and Tuesday in 70s with low tonight 56 to 62.



• By JOHN A. SPOLSM Funny thing about that spe-

tial visit to Dust-.)- World yes- terday - . - both I:sstcrn trlum1' and the folks at Dieney thought that it would be proper to have some "loril" (tarot, via a couple of us, to take along with the visiting newsmen ,nl women from Scandinavian countries as

fS P they toured the "fantabuous" tourist attraction

Some of 'em couldn't speak * word of English.

Cant you just se-c this 4ama's Litlo Ukrainian trying to ex-change a thought or two with thue good natured individuals.

A full picture page of the progress then- will be featured

$ In Thursday's Hrr.sld. You just wont believe- it . .

. a a The good and the had of this —

community... good first, thank


More and more area

families are talking

about the lively news

coverage of . . 1p #tutforb iqrra@

Subscribe Now only 35 C per week

— — 1 Mail or Bring Your Coupon in Today

I NAME ............................ I 1ADDRESS .........................I

'CITY ............... . ZIP .........

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TVENTY-SEVEN S('ANI)INAVIAN llt'ws pt'siplt' one of a few area newsmen who were hosts to the

were flown bet's' si'ciutlly for it tour SUltduiV of ut-ross.the-st'as newsmen. The party is pictured

Walt Disney %Vorhl. s-hecltileci to open in tjctober. here entering 1'tndereikss Castle. Complete picture

The Herald's utss,ut'iutlt' editor, .14 01111 A. S1,40 4i. it 04 ;c.te on V:tlt Pi4nev W.rhl in Thursday's Herald.

In Calley Review By FRANK CORMIER Associated Press Writer

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP)—President Nixon has made nii flU)C

to speed military review of the life sentence given Lt, .\Villiam I.. ('alley Jr. for murdering 22 civilians at My Lai, aides said today.

They reported the chief executive, who twice last week Intervened it,

the Calley case, believed the review should proceed through tiorrutal chan- nels at its deliberate pace.

At the same time, the sources said, Nixon would have no objection If the Pentagon expedited the process through such mechanical acts as pro-viding additional stenographers to prepare the full court-nuirt jul record. It must be completed before the case can reach the firt level of review— by legal officers at Ft. Henning, Ga., where ('alley wits ti-led.

John I). Ehrllchman, it top Nixon itasistant, told newsmen iutuuriIuiy

that completing the trial record was expected to take 80 to 60 (buys. lie declined to speculate on how many months would be Involved in complet-

ing the full review. Nixon announced Saturday he would review and act, on the Ciulley

case once It was moved through the full military review. Calley could be declared innocent and his sentence set aside at any

point in the multilevel process, which would end the matter before It reached Nixon's desk.

On Thursday, Nixon first intervened on Cailoy's behalf, ordering that he be released from the stockade at FL Henning and kept titide'i'

guard at his base apartment, retaining freedom to nueuve about tilt! 15151

until his fate is decided. Light Agenda Slated

Two women were having trvu- b:e with their auto at the busy strid dangerous Intersection of President S*11ent

No. 17-9: and Onora Road . - stopa-d right In the middle' of flowing traffic.

Before I could get my car turned around to offer a hand. another auto did stop and with the help of his tus it souuu, Attor-ney Kenneth McIntosh pu,he-il the distressed car out of the way.

MY vote for the 6usd Ssrnar. itan Award - -, and then there's that other element, too.

A couple of years ago, six men tried ti' get a statue of the late Pope Pius X up onto the pedestal in front of Al! Souls social hall on Oak Avenue in

Sanford. They coulun't lift it - - - final-

ly did get It in place with the - s.uistance of a crane

1C Would you believe that van- dals knocked It to the ground this past Friday. Fortunately, the local police have a good lead on the suspects, with an arrest imminent.

a .

For those of '.tu whit is cr.-

diiu'esied with the announced departure of longtime TV favor. It. Lawrence Welk from the air. waves - . , have no despair.

It'l l continue this fall without lapse forming a ,;a-cisl net- work for the Welk program. originating from California.

a S

Did jak now: Actor Chester Morris chose to commit suicide in a small town in Pennsylvania with the unlikely name of NEW HOPE- lie was starring on the stage in the role of that hope-less neurotic, Captain Queer.

oluil avid lii hItlat. Itu tilt.rose' I. A Smallor S ld of tin ui -crugr hnweoner. ,-n

utgfltiOlt from ,erdi. is relative-- 1 (;e.1-nuiuiutlon general. By rRAM; JAtA rune-. and ti.. rust ,.ciuld lw b' re'ItUIrer from 111 day, to (uunl) Agricultural Agent ui'iiodtunds - mostly lands Ad. two w,-ctj,. Freshly harvested if uI the lurid used for fuir- ministered by Lite Forest Sc,--

eed should he planted in flats 1rug in the United States were vice. or pots of sterilized sandy soil divided equally anion; U. S. Although your farm con and covered with an eighth to families, what would be your tains nearly i aries of cropland. quarter-inch of sifted soil. family's shari' you planted teas than pit ac-i-es

Seed beds should he kept The answer is slightly more to crop In 1070 The rest of it I101ist and In a shaded pint-i than ?' acres- To the city a-as in fauna. he-Id out of pro- durmmig germination. Covering dweller or suburbanite. this ductlou under go'rrnnw'nt pro the lied with glass will prevent would seem like room to roam- grams. or idle for one ,eascm or rapid drying out of the soil and 'But the average farmer, at. another. You had tinny 2 1-3 also keep rodents away from accustomed to more than 388 acres In grain. over half of the seeds. ac-i-ia. might feel $ bit cramped. which were corn and wheat.

Plants may be transplanted About 2=2 of your !7 22 acres You had over an acre in ha). to another seed tied reupaced would be actually in your farm. and a soybean field of eigbt - s soon as they are large A little less than nba- atres tenths of an acre. Most other

euiough to be handled, or c-sn of you, farm would be crop- crops were on garu1eiisned be left in the original flats land, nearly lii would be pat- plots. witH large' enough to plant in tute-, grassland. or range. You Your herds and flock, pri- eiure-ry beds or rows. This also would have about 1 1-., sent some puraling liluleigical will be when leaves are about acres of woodland which yiu problems. You had only one four to six Indies long. The use for grazing and 2 1.2 sc-re, fourth of a dairy row but she first nw-thud-two transplants—, in farmatesid. roads and non managed to produce 2.$7 It, often used by persons who farm u'cs. pounds of milk in the year. The want to keep the flats in a In addition to land In your beef cattle herd of 1.8 tue-ad tru'etiluouitc during the winter own farm, you would ron live- dropped three-fourths of a arid set seedlings the following stock on about & I-2 acres of calf, while your lone hog had spring, land rented or leased from the' a Litter of 2 pigs. Only four.

It reruerully takes three ye-ar, government. About half would tenthi' of a sht-.'jt rnuurii.-d yt,ur UP product flowering plant, be grassland, pasture and pasture. Bulletin

The- Sasifurd l'ulkr Depart- ment a aa called to the scene

of an armed rubbery shortly lw-fore moo. today when two e'olurid males, erm.d, rubbed a deliie-rmsa at the Ninth strt lasers is Hanford.

Subjects were last seen beading east from the are-a, so lout and we:e described as approximately VZ"s shader build, sad enw weaving a red b.adaaa ever his bud.

VP The other mu, was soon to be arse-isig a )e-hlosi aststtr.

No our was harmed I. the rubber; sad the polka advised that the smasal of mu..; t.ln' was naliaowa at Tbe

lie-raid', press time, The polite were centinwiug

lb. AauMAZa*âs., -



' - p County Eyes Billboards - -

By M,tRhl) liil'hll l 1141 others. I)r.mmuini,.zt,i has *,liitioies. iv s two t-0por the cu tee 5

The c,,ntruva-m suit uinstk-r sf l e-I mutt'li impetus to .ittemud' Cousuty I;ugIn'4r Vu ulh'asui tflI.Sie'fl. liiio will tuntilil's son-

lilIiioar.ts on I-I, in which; s.

ti.' at these meetings h) his Hush will teport rvlatuse to the un suul*bun t spestur c.M

miureting was held lIb e-- attriidiitime sod mimreiti"n. prs'avntallosi of Wektva SpnhuIta Tb. other us a r,pszss-I orid.

L)rumuumuuou,cl also will give a Road ri.tht of way. J..d lori- n*nse which will govern rea ,ruutatitri of the industrY, will


rem cite the attrntiofl of n rt'pe'rt upon county boat 1 1111111 P ung t)tr'u-ctm'r Robert Iloi..,, thI ,je'ritual Lettish and JeoniL

I muisunulsalon ti,ium.,rn'w ishu,-Il

'nittily Attorney hut ,itJ Jt'iuus

r: smol will ghse a re-pull utlitIt

on the imut,'t.tistc hig hway. !/e'4/ CounceL"I WL611 Sit '1. tue removal of t,ullt''nr'i iuu'

Johnson In alit, lit gist' a i

'4 .ort up-ui, thu d,-oguI.*tl'

a.-hetlulr for the hunt h,utl Tonite At N. Orlando (unit eic,lsu,itury. last ace-k thu.'

7 ,nmnIlsaEuiI accepted (tie I i. liii of 5,19:10d per ct-sit on the

general obligation bond for lht' N()lt'L'ht ORI.AN L)()--ewly a requested chasuge by l't'milim ii- tttci rt.4Ue4t hAA IviNI"ed w p.

vlttIrit May-i'r (r'cuuvilli' ttruwiu. 111,611 t'harlra i'eLey at a ti-gilt position ti-VLSI S t.*is.iuu& a th. i 401111)' pa rim ai-,lui*lti)iI. tilt,

:. juitmuuhl dateiitiuiu fun ility awl mental health fas-itit>-- 'ru. a, well as other officials elects-it

par it

los-gte4 south of SR 414. 5105 John &i1 buk'stal. who

h'iiiIs will be sold In lust. "i' its the March lit .l.elIins,s. will (10111 K-I' to the eh.otv ba_ica his ohjv.tiueio r'itSttt* U)

isratis series In a siuigle Issue be aaorn in at * 7.1() meeting twig initialed Jug to the taut *t,ktitC -ViUtMDt*,

of Village Council tonight. thuil the developer. faded Louring lb. r.gu&lar seu*1

to pay lb. costs of the at,e,t" 5.lii)uZ kbvwn wILL tusks am

facihilisa. -ueunsIlW s tuut* b

Chairman Greg 1111"1111101141 Prior to the r.tciuuuttI(5, there the a-tIbia

port upon the atleluilIsmuce will be * nc -urg Bill suctlwtst mcii- lb. six months allotesi thu.. williabe

reCOniia of the various county lug, at which Iliac reports will the ether two chaiis asK

salvat the cuua sad will re un,huutcatr*tA'e ap

C will be discuss

advisory t-,,inmuuittee'i. These 111 1 heai (ruin various ruin- tCelUc-ats'it by Flouts Land C0111- me-its ita..e iiscivai mssuail

elude the historical rsisuuuuutttuu, polite-em, 111111011110P411111111111011110P411111 in the greg. uuu.uuj i-

Committee., high' Action

amid IucluJo a requested ehatug*

way satiety committee, sitter- lu discussed upon (rou t K-LI to l{' on prulietty 5leNow

agricultural co

gency resources maruag,mtisl three requested aiming changes, located at SR 410 sad Wake-- I.UtI'KtI.WSa seated

includes ('liarle-. Ruw4t, hasha

titflnilttre, water t ontrol amisi '' 1.uhIi: hztI:i; ft-- -"-i U. V-LI

oai.sv*IlOa Advisory tuiwflhl- , bold last Muflitily, 'thea's include tpIl lt.siumklisiud* lsuP%uI. The;ICuatuPted on isle 1% COL I)