Opuszczone dziedzictwo. O malowidłach w cerkwi św. Onufrego w Posadzie Rybotyckiej

orthodox imitating architectural and sculptural motifs. - - logical analysis helped to decode the messages. The choice of traditional, not to say - influenced not only the contents of this book, but also, directly, its structure. The - of the church. The second chapter focuses on the history of finding the paintings

Transcript of Opuszczone dziedzictwo. O malowidłach w cerkwi św. Onufrego w Posadzie Rybotyckiej


imitating architectural and sculptural motifs.


-logical analysis helped to decode the messages. The choice of traditional, not to say


influenced not only the contents of this book, but also, directly, its structure. The -

of the church. The second chapter focuses on the history of finding the paintings


and textual characteristics can be seen in this book. In religious art, style is almost -



, representations of prophets, and the The

icon from


landscape and architectural motifs. The paintings in the orthodox church in Posada could be described in the same

-antine painting, and at the same time it is marked by traits characteristic of local

-nomena also happen in the field of iconography. It is dominated by compositions


to some extent, natural.




not coincidence that some pictures, such as and

deeper and hidden meaning, such as the and , belong -

are placed. On the other hand, though, such an arrangement of paintings creates a

on earth, all the articles of faith cannot be understood. Therefore, representations


traditional scheme of decoration of orthodox churches, it has many features in com--

-cessful attempt at including representations depicted on the icons of the altar screen


departures from the arrangement of the scenes in the sanctuary typical of the mon-


its clear and logical arrangement, clear thematic cycles and understandable ideolog-

an important source in understanding the spirituality of the Ruthenian people, and







Diese Entscheidung hat sich nicht nur auf den Inhalt, sondern auch auf die gesamte







thetische Wert kaum noch zu erahnen.

- und des -















und --







dennoch die meisten Gemeinsamkeiten mit Dekorationen in russisch-orthodoxen




































