Nawal Toj

Nawal Toj

Transcript of Nawal Toj

Nawal Toj


People’s lives are those of the entities that inhabit them.


Ri Cholb’al Q’ij Mayan calendar

The Mayan calendar is a very accurate and complete computation of time system. It is a science in every way and still not fully known. Its calculations, accurate and concise, continue to guide the lives of entire communities and also the path followed by individuals. The Mayan calendar not only schedule time periods and days. The Mayan calendar also extends to the regime of dreams and spiritual healing processes. This first reading serves to map and understand the day of birth of a person in the Mayan calendar. The data that is provided here is an approach with multiple possibilities for a later development.


Nawal Toj Nawal of payment, sacrifice, pain, blood. Nawal Toj is the ascending fire, the one that demands fuel to make movement. Toj rules over taxation, thus making government, the act of governing, and a ruler possible. Nawal Toj is blood, the strength it contains, and its pulsation and movement. Toj explains sickness, specifically body pain and the whole system’s destabilization. Nawal Toj likes ascending until taking control completely. He suffers, he finds it hard to get there, and maintains himself with persistence in the midst of performance, which is burden, hardship, ceaseless responsibility. A solid and


strong character belongs to him: he exudes and extends it in every aspect of his course of action. People born Nawal Toj learn to keep firm on devastated ground. The atmosphere and circumstance that accompany them tend to be continuous challenges of unexpected ramifications. Thus, it is not strange to see them always trying to get ahead the calculation of that which is not present, nor evident, insinuating forms within the unpredictable. Their disposition, composed of gradients of uncertainty, hence makes then extremely pragmatic, methodic, and distrustful. Invariably developing action plans. Sometimes, as well, removing sweetness from spontaneity. Nawal Toj and the people born as such are sickness, disease, and the application ofhealing itself. They protect and care as much as they must be cared for, careful about everything, and understood by others. Their way of balance


comes through interaction: Nawal Toj is the force that creates balance and equilibrium in compensation. Men and women Nawal Toj must understand, at least assume fortitude, in the face of astrange, inner proceeding that takes them into keeping sanity through incessant and revealing reasoning, more over, through comforting and welcoming reasoning, together with a chain of unexpected acts, surprisingly opposed in nature: their thing is to do all sorts of crazy stuff as well. And then observe and be observed in the contrast of both forms. There, in the middle, lies the strategist that looks in frontal direction. Nawal Toj is a masculine Nawal. Dominant and strong, decidedly sexual, he finds his place with someone who opposes no resistance in the face of this. People born under Nawal Toj look for those who are malleable and sensitive, not shy, not riddled by complexes, nor in falling. Nawal


Toj requires a mate, point of support that he will admire in delight, by extension of his capabilities. Nawal Toj is demanding fire, it needs to take a lot from different sources and then it grows, radiant, iridescent, untameable. Builder and destroyer, praiseworthy and fearsome, such as the beings it makes into his conduit. Nawals are both days of the Mayan calendar and spiritual forces in the universe. They are non-organic entities that make use of life, the life of biological systems and the dynamic physical world, as a conduit to collect strength and force and to manifest. They are impersonal entities and do not require learning as humans do. They possess a form of memory, dialogue and cognition, but do not need, as we humans do, repetition in order to understand and gain experience. They are already all that they are.



Complementarity The Mayan culture has developed, from its ancient calendar mathematics, a philosophy that clearly explains the interaction of the forces that compose the universe. These forces can be understood from two basic terms. A term explains the feminine, the other explains the masculine, and from there, through infinite composition and recombination, as if dealing with formulas, it is possible to analyze it all. The feminine and masculine is not seen here as something related to reproduction or relating to a person's gender. This is a classification system that can be reduced to simple statements: the feminine aspect is flexible and receptive; the masculine aspect is firm and has a disbursement side to it. To varying degrees, we all have some of each aspect. The birth date on the Mayan calendar is called Nawal. Each Nawal, by substance, contains a dominant amount of feminine or masculine. Since receptivity and disbursement are complementary, then analyzing each Nawal, you can find the complementary part.


Nawal Toj Payment and tribute -To command, “taqanik.” -Government, “nimalaj k’amal b’e, ajawarem.” -Blood, “kik’.” -Illness/disease, pain, “yab’il, k’ax.” -Tribute, “tojonik.” Masculine Nawal, “achajilal.” Complementarity with: Nawal E, Nawal Aj, Nawal Ajmak, Nawal Tijax, Nawal Kawuq, Nawal Junajpu, Nawal Imox, Nawal Iq’, Nawal K’at, Nawal Kame, Nawal Q’anil, Nawal Tz’i’.


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