My First Research Proposal

1 Analysis on Students’ Understanding Regarding Paraphrasing in Literature Review (A Study on English Department Students’ Research Proposal, State University of Gorontalo) Muhammad Taufiq Akbar (321 411 030) English Department, Letters and Culture Faculty State University of Gorontalo

Transcript of My First Research Proposal


Analysis on Students’ Understanding Regarding Paraphrasing in Literature Review

(A Study on English Department Students’ Research Proposal, State University of


Muhammad Taufiq Akbar (321 411 030)

English Department, Letters and Culture Faculty

State University of Gorontalo


Chapter 1


The basic information of the current study is provided within this chapter. There are

numerous headings represent each sub-topic of the research such as background of the

research, research question, research objective, significant, also the scope and delimitation of

study. These sub-topics will be discussed thoroughly as the major standing point in

conducting the research further.

Basic Consideration

Writing from sources is considered as a facet to be retained in academic society. It is

classified as one of the characteristics in composing a scientific essay. Further, the technique

encompasses all section within the paper, particularly to review the literature. This is due to

emphasize the essence of a study, synthesize several incorporated theories, and make an

analysis as well as the data display and its discussion. In these steps, mastering several

techniques of writing from sources is mandatory.

There are numerous methods in writing from source such as summarizing and

paraphrasing. These are commonly used in restating an idea. Although paraphrase shares

similar traits with summary, however, they do not resemblance each other. According to the

Oxford Dictionary 4th

edition, summarizing provides the gist of whole part of a passage,

while the term paraphrasing means reproduce statement into their own words. Basically, a

novice writer has no problem to quote and summary, but the situation could be different when

they are asked to paraphrase.

As previously mentioned that both summary and paraphrase are seemed to be alike,

yet it has several distinctive features. First, paraphrasing is the way of explaining a source,

either as a whole group or in particular, by using your own words (Bissett, 2012, p.2). In

other word, it is a restatement of one’s voice. Second, paraphrasing allows one to rearrange


the sequence of information as long as the message is still the same from the source. Third,

paraphrase retained the keywords of an original passage. The last, there is no significant

changes in the length of the paraphrased text. Kissner (2006) depicts several features of

summarizing. Firstly, summary tend to give an overall context within a text, the length of a

summarized text should be shorter than the source. The next, there are no changes of order of

information. Third, there are numerous modifications of linguistics features (e.g tense, parts

of speech) within a summarized text. Last, the necessity to grasp the global ideas and

including a main idea for a reader is the foremost points in summarizing. Some beginners are

usually deceived and failed to understand what paraphrasing because of the mindset about

paraphrasing is a matter of changing and replacing, despite that it is not only a cut-and-paste

process from certain parts of a passage. Consequently, misbehavior in writing affects the

quality of one’s works.

The issue of students’ understanding toward the definition of writing from source

becomes a major problem for some educationalists. Further, misunderstanding of borrowing

behavior associates with the act of plagiarism. Students’ paradigm about “putting in your own

words” might lure them to paraphrase carelessly. An erroneous paraphrasing in a paper might

be classified as plagiarism either the writers aware it or not. In addition, an insufficient of

one’s comprehension toward paraphrasing is, possibly, leads to patchwrite. According to

Howard (as cited in Howard, Serviss, and Rodrigue, 2010, p. 178), patchwriting is a term to

describe the way of substituting the synonym, structure, and deleting some words from the

source text. This action is, mostly, committed by someone who has insufficient language

skill, specifically in both reading and writing.

The prior issue regarding the misinterpretation of sourcing behavior is also happened

in English Department students of State University of Gorontalo. Some of students have a

problem in regards to the writing in academic context mechanics such as paraphrasing and


citing. Initially, some of students are unable to paraphrase properly as depicted within their

academic writing. For instance, there are only some minor changes when students are asked

to paraphrase despite that the lecturers already taught them about paraphrasing details. In

addition, there is a mismatch between the original passage and students’ paraphrasing result

in terms of the context. Hence, it affects the message of the original text and it will confuse

the reader.

Furthermore, the citation mechanics also affect students’ paraphrasing quality. Some

of them are failed to include proper citation in their works. The technique of citing within

students’ proposal is influenced with another citation style. Therefore, it may distract the

reader’s mindset in regards to the implementation of borrowing behavior, specifically in

terms of in-text citation style.

The present study is aimed to observe the paraphrasing as borrowing behavior in

reviewing the literature of research proposal. This is due to the term “reviewing literature”,

based on several related studies, which can be inferred as an activity of extracting

information to get a synthesis regarding the discussion topics. Further, the amounts of

paraphrased text in the chapter are higher compares to any other chapter of an academic

paper. Additionally, this section is a commencement for a writer to establish the act of

writing from source activity in their draft. According to Rabab’ah & Al-Marshadi (2013),

citations are more frequently included within the literature review section.

Six proposals from each representative of the subfields in language teaching coverage

will be selected due to explore students’ paraphrasing in response to the questions “how is the

students’ understanding toward paraphrasing?” by observing the literature review section of

research proposals. The proposals will be gathered from several English department students

of State University of Gorontalo. In addition, this research will discuss about the technique

that students mostly used in their paraphrasing, correlates it with the mechanics of


paraphrase, and determining their understanding of paraphrasing by scrutinizing the paper

based on several experts’ theories in similar field. Hence, a qualitative research will be

selected as the method to unravel the problem regarding the social situation of such field and

discovering several findings to be discussed further.

Research Question

Based on the previous background, this research intends to answer the question, “how

is the students’ understanding regarding paraphrasing by observing the literature review

section of research proposal?”

Objective of Research

The current study attempts to explore students’ comprehension regarding the

paraphrase within the literature review section in a research proposal.

Significance of Research

The research is expected to have beneficial as following:

Theoretical significance.

The present study attempts to scrutinize students’ comprehension of paraphrasing

through literature review chapter in a research proposal. This includes the models of

paraphrasing and the method to cite properly in scientific writing, specifically in reviewing

the literature. Thus, the findings would be beneficial in providing references, expanding the

topic of synthesize information in a research, also explores another problems to be discussed

and carried out in later studies with a different perspective.

Practical significance.

The current study would expand the concept of paraphrasing for several stakeholders.

For instance, the readers, particularly students, will get an insight of how to paraphrase and

cite properly in order to compose a credible academic writing. In conclusion, the more

apparent the concept of paraphrase students know, the more cautious their awareness in


preventing plagiarism, either intentional or unintentional. Further, an instructor may use this

paper as a guideline in classroom teaching, specifically in writing courses.

In addition, students who want to get information regarding writing in academic

context might use this research as guidance to have a better writing. Moreover, students who

lacks of knowledge in terms of the mechanics in writing an academic paper, such as sourcing

techniques and citing, will be able to improve their comprehension once they read this paper.

Scope and Limitation

This study has its limitation in providing the result of data interpretation by discussing

the findings within the study. Thus, the focus of present research is to find the students’

understanding in regards to the paraphrasing within the literature review chapter of research

proposal in all fields of English language research. The model of paraphrasing and the

methods of citing properly in academic coverage in students’ paper are the measurement of

their comprehension about the illegible paraphrase.


Chapter 2

Literature Review

This chapter encompasses several literatures regarding the concept of literature

review, the ideal paraphrasing, and how to cite properly. Numerous theories and findings

from previous studies, journal, and article will aid the current research in the process of data

analysis, discover the findings, and draw up several conclusions in further steps.

Defining Literature Review

Reviewing literature is one of the components in scientific paper. This section has its

contribution to some extent in a research such as providing a theoretical framework and

emphasizing suggestion in a current study. Therefore, students must be able to write a

literature review whether as a part of assignment, research, thesis, and something relates to

academic works.

Harvey (2010) defined literature review as a “critical, analytical summary and

synthesis of the current knowledge of a topic. It should compare and relate different theories,

findings, and so on, rather than just summarize them individually”. In accordance to Harvey,

Jaidka, Khoo, Na (2011) stated that literature review presents a research’s justification from

the summary and the integration of evaluating multiple documents of a particular topi. Based

on these statements, it can be inferred that the priority in reviewing literature is not only

incorporating the outline of a cited paper, but also valuing it to provide the core of an

undertaken study. This is due to exhibit the readers that a researcher able to comprehend and

examine the research background by selecting a number of related school of thoughts to

explore the study. Thus, the result of justification within this paper must be explicitly stated

to the readers. Further, the aim of reviewing literature is to give a rationale in a research and


determine appropriate approach that will be applied within the study (Acheson, Bond, 2011,


Thus, it can be inferred that literature review contributes major roles at some extent to

a research. It cannot be omitted concerning the purposes of this section that is to provide a

rationale of particular sources as well as emphasize its gap to be examined in further study.

Processes in Reviewing Literature

To write an effective literature review, one should follow several steps in composing

this section, Bissett (2012) divided into seven steps which are literature searching, literature

sorting, analytic reading, evaluating, comparing, structuring, and writing.

First phase is finding the relevant source to be incorporated in a paper. According to

Harvey (2010), several types of written pieces such as journal articles, books, theses, and

even magazines or websites, as long as these resources comes from legible providers, can

provide necessary information as long it is reliable. Nevertheless, consulting with adviser or

librarian is also important in order to assist researcher before continue to further step, sorting

the literature.

In sorting phase, previewing the obtained references is essential to decide the relevant

of these sources. Avoid read entire book since it prolong the estimated time to accomplish the

paper. Subsequently, skim over each part within the articles according to the related

statement or theory needed. Jaidka, (2011) classified this stage as the selecting

information phase. This step is crucial prior proceeding to the next stages: the analytic

reading and evaluating, also in comparing the literatures.

Once the current step is finished, a researcher will begin to extract the information at

read the passage analytically to examine its content. During these steps, do not involve any

irrelevant and out-to-date source due to the effectiveness of a literature review. Furthermore,

it encompasses the next two phases.


Firstly, a process to achieve a decent evaluation to select particular information is

covered in analytic reading steps. Bissett (2011) stated that the focus of this stage is to find

out the statement of both pro and contra regarding the topics of a study. Furthermore, Jaidka, explained that to achieve this step, an author should look for each section in a passage

(e.g., abstract, introduction, conclusion section, etc). In accordance to prior statements,

Acheson and Bond (2011) mentioned four points in assessing sources such as the relevance

and both of strengths also weaknesses within each sources. Additionally, the major point to

be considered in this section is the quality of the literature, not the quantity. Therefore,

selecting the number of references to be reviewed is crucial.

Furthermore, examining the sources to make a comparison by note-taking and

grouping is beneficial to writers once they read the references. Otherwise, evaluating each

source imprudently results in failed work and drafting the literature review might be a

complex process. Nevertheless, having a good planning in the prior steps has an advantage in

the writing phase.

Sourcing Technique, Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is one methods of textual borrowing in writing, particularly for

academic purpose. There are several literal definition regarding paraphrasing. Kissner (2006)

defined that “Paraphrasing is, quite simply, restating ideas in different words. A reader (or

listener) can choose to paraphrase one statement, a group of statements, or an entire passage”.

In addition to prior statements, an article from Higher stated that paraphrase is a

verb which describing a way to restate phrase or sentence with the same meaning, but using

different words. Additionally, Campbell (1998, as cited in Hirvela & Du, 2013) expressed

that paraphrase in re-wording one’s opinion, by using different phrases and giving citation, to

be incorporated into another style in written form. While the term paraphrases, according to

the Purdue OWL (2011) is defined as “your own rendition of essential information and ideas


expressed by someone else, presented in a new form”. In other words, paraphrase is a manner

of delivering someone’s thought into your own without replacing any message in the source.

Paraphrase still retained the messages of the sources, yet it is re-wording a passage.

Thus, writers must be able to demonstrate a depth understanding toward a text before they

start to paraphrase certain passage. This can be done once they grasp the idea by reading the

source extensively. It can be considered that paraphrasing is a complex activity which

encompasses two processes, reading and writing. Several researchers have similar perspective

that paraphrasing is a linking of one’s reading, writing and inference skill to help writers easy

to understand the source text (Fisk & Hurst, 2003; Harris & Sipay, 1990; Shugarman &

Hurst, 1986; Yamada, 2003 in Sun, 2012). In responds to this, it is obvious that an author

should read extensively in order to get the main idea of a passage. Otherwise, the paraphrased

version of a source will be inaccurate because the message in the paraphrased version is

different from the sources. Hence, one’s comprehension toward a passage determines the

paraphrase quality.

It can be concluded that paraphrasing is not only incorporate writing skill, but also

reading. This is due to have an accurate inference output in terms of meaning within a

paraphrased text.

Paraphrasing Strategy

Paraphrasing is not a matter of replacing and changing either word or structure of

sentence. Thus, a strategy of paraphrasing is necessary to be comprehended by students in

order to make an acceptable and accurate paraphrase. There are several articles discussed

about the technique to paraphrase properly, however, it has similarity from one to each other.

According to USC Aiken, there are several strategies of paraphrasing, which are: using

synonym, changed varied sentence patterns, changing the order of idea, shortened a long

idea, changing the abstract idea into the concrete one as explained as follows.


Altering words and re-organized sentence’s pattern.

First strategy is altering some words. This is the common and basic strategy of

paraphrasing that all students know. The word from original statement will be replaced with

an appropriate synonym in the paraphrased version. However, overusing this strategy too

much will affect the quality of paraphrasing, also it can be considered as plagiarism, and even

it has a quotation mark in the passage. Commonly, students tend to apply this method

because of the lack of vocabulary. The impact of this obstacle is the reader will be unable to

understand the entire passages resulting in the minimal strategies used in the work.

Secondly, one may also re-structure the sentence pattern. However, re-arrange the

structure of a sentence must still retained the meaning is also strategy of paraphrase.

Basically, writers will modify the grammatical structure of a passage during this process.

Changing the order of information.

Changing the order of information, as long as it does not altering the meaning of

original passages, is allowed in paraphrasing. However, reorganizing the order of a passage is

applicable only to a sentence which has more than two kernels.

Shortening the sentence.

Simplified a long sentence into a shorter version is allowed in paraphrasing. Novice

writers are commonly having a problem to distinguish this strategy with summary. However,

one should bear in mind that paraphrasing and summarizing are different, yet similar.

Paraphrase still provide the detailed information from its origin, while summary tend to

depict the main information or the gist by deleting several minor details from the sources.


Modify the abstract idea into a concrete one.

Changing an abstract idea becomes a concrete version also useful in paraphrasing as


The creation of an overall design for a complete computer system is the responsibility

of a systems analyst; whereas, the implementation of the design plan is often the duty of the

computer programmer (original source).

Compared the prior example with the following paraphrased sample:

Before the computer programmer can make a system work, the systems analyst must

design the proposed computer system (author #).

(Adapted from: USC Aiken Writing Room: Paraphrasing).

Incorporating one strategy in paraphrase signify that a writer is lack of understanding

toward text and the inability to rewrite the ideas. An acceptable paraphrase includes more

than one strategy. Additionally, providing a proper acknowledgement is necessary to be

putted in paraphrase. Incorporating a proper citation is the way to give credits to the author’s

work. It is not allowed for one to omit this due to the intellectual property rights.

Observe the following passages. The first one is the original text and the next two

passages are the paraphrased versions with different strategy.

The relationship between teacher and taught is different; students no longer have a

tightly structured day which they are more or less compelled to follow; the amount of work

achieved is largely the concern of the individual; new students suddenly find they have

responsibilities that they have never had to consider before, such as accommodation, food

and budgeting (van Emden, 2001, p.1) (Adapted from: van Emden. 2001, as cited in Bissett.



The following passage is one of two paraphrased versions, this one is version A.

Teachers and taught have a different relationship; there is no tightly structured day

which students are compelled to follow, more or less; it is the concern of the individual what

amount of work they achieve; food, budgeting and accommodation are amongst the

responsibilities that new students will find that they have never experienced before (van

Emden, 2001, p.1).

The prior example is doing nothing than altering several words and re-structuring the

passages. Even cited properly, still, it is considered as a low quality of paraphrasing. It might

be caused by the lack of writer’s linguistics.

Compare version A with the following example:

Students will find they have more independence and more personal responsibility. It

is up to them to do their work, attend their classes, and look after non-academic concerns,

possibly for the first time (van Emden, 2001, p.1).

It should be noticed that not entire of the sentences represent the core information of a

passage. There are both main and supportive details in a piece of writing. However, unlike

summarizing that is to catch the gist of a passage to be produced into their work, some

keywords are remaining the same with its original text in paraphrasing. In version B, the

main ideas from the original text are condensed into its essence but it still classified as

paraphrasing considering not all of the keywords were deleted like a summary. Moreover, the

insignificant reduction within the sentence emphasized that this passage is exactly a

paraphrase, similar to definition of paraphrase from Howard, Serviss, and Rodrigue (2010).

Writing Citation

Writing for academic purpose needs to include theories to support the undertaken

study. These theories are acquired during the read-to-write process from the references which

one has read. In every single writing-from-source technique, citation is an important element


to be incorporated within each of those techniques. The term citation is an activity of

“referring to a source to credit an author and/or support an argument, signpost information to

retrieve a document or develop further research” (Rabab’ah & Al-Marshadi, 2013, p.78).

Moreover, citation is one of the methods to combat plagiarism. Egan (1998 in Groth, Kendra,

Leo, Lilyana, Lukman, & Yugianingrum, 2013, p. 69) mentioned several reasons with three

of it being the most important one: “provide evidence of (the writer’s) knowledge of the

relevant literature, enable the reader to track down the original work, and give credits to the

intellectual links” between the citing and the cited texts.

One should know that not all of the information can be cited in writing citation. A

fact or common knowledge does not need to be cited. A writer only cites specific information

from a specific source. The published sources must be a legible one due to its trustworthiness.

Similar to the rules of selecting sources in reviewing literature, the selected references must

be up-to-date.

Furthermore, one should follow a specific style in presenting citation. There are

numerous citing styles such as MLA, APA, Harvard and others, it depends on the

requirements of each institutions. It is recommended for a writer to use the recent version of

the style. Basically, in educational department, APA is selected as the style of citation in

every academic paper within this institution. Every style has different set of rules that a writer

should follow such as mechanics, vocabulary use, grammar, and citing convention. Using a

wrong citation might result as failed work. Further, it can be considered as a plagiarism,

specifically as unintentional plagiarism.

Previous Studies about Writing Citation

Over past few years, several researchers addressed the issue of paraphrasing as the

part of study about the norm in preventing plagiarism, particularly in borrowing and

referencing habit. Most of the cases took place in nonnative English students which have


different background in learning English. Numerous findings indicate that there are several

factors that lead students fail in producing an effective paraphrase.

Sun (2012) depicted that the level of readability of text has the impact of one’s

writing. The higher the context of a passage has a high potential for students to commit exact

copying in their paraphrasing. In accordance to this, Howard (2011) argued that writer

might have difficulties to understand the source which impacted to the quality of paraphrase.

Bissett (2012) stated that a bad paraphrasing implemented a small amount of techniques of

writing from sources; it means that one does not fully comprehend the passage that they will

put in their own paper. Further, this may be the factor of committing a “patchwriting”, a term

explicitly stated by Howard, who is describing about the way of substituting the synonym,

structure and deleting some words from the source text (Howard as cited in Walker, 2008).

Consequently, the submitted paper will be classified as plagiarism, even it is cited properly.

In addition to the factor of lack competence of borrowing practice, a cultural aspect

might affect one’s writing, in particular to the borrowing behavior beside the linguistics

competence of a student (Amsberry, 2010). This is acceptable considering that culture

influence the one’s perspective, particularly for those who are nonnative English speakers, is

also a contributing factor in the output of the writing (Liao & Tseng, 2010; Rabab’ah & Al-

Marshadi, 2013).

Numerous studies regarding the method to improve awareness of preventing

plagiarism were conducted in response to the prior issues. Self awareness in avoiding

plagiarism links to the borrowing practices. An insufficient knowledge, lack of practice and

experience impacted to one’s effort in preventing plagiarism, particularly in paraphrasing

(Liao & Tseng, 2010). Pecorari (2003 as cited in Lankamp, 2009) argues that “confusion and

inaccuracy during the note-taking process as a contributing factor in plagiarism”. Although

the study is not encompasses self awareness perspective, Maharsi (2011) implied that the


differences of one’s experience in writing, specifically for academic needs, is somewhat

responsible for the quality of one’s research.

There have also been few studies of how misbehavior affects the way of citing in

academic paper. A study carried out by Lankamp (2009) finds “the ignorance of the rules and

lack of authorial identity is happened to be the factors that causing plagiarism”. The

researcher argued that ignoring the rules means that the writer already knows that there are

some mistakes in the citation format within the work, but it is left as the way it is without any

correction. The case of ignoring the rules might be omitted either intentional or

unintentional, whether the writer admits it or not, it can be seen in the paper (Liao & Tseng,


Due to this, several researches in addressing the issue of enhancing method to avoid

plagiarism were undertaken. A study from Barry (2006) finds out that graded paraphrasing

practice to students can improve both the borrowing skill and perception about what

plagiarism is. Similar to prior study, Walker (2008) suggested that unintentional plagiarism

can be prevented by constructing an effective and acceptable paraphrasing through practice.

Further, Amsberry (2010) recommend that some stakeholder, for example the librarian, might

take parts in developing students’ understanding regarding the mechanics of borrowing.

Thus, it can be inferred that providing instruction is useful to help students in understanding

research mechanics.

The current study will present an analysis of students’ paraphrasing within the

literature review section of a research proposal. Furthermore, numerous generalizations from

several researchers were used in observing students’ comprehension regarding an effective

paraphrasing and the methods of implementing a proper citation in a research paper.


Chapter 3

Methodology of Research

This chapter provides several points regarding the step of conducting the current

research. The design of research from the methodology, data and the source of data,

technique of gathering data and how the data will be analyzed are provided in this chapter.

Research Method

The study will be undertaken by applying qualitative method. A qualitative or the

interpretive study is a method to depict the data interpretation (Lodico, Spaulding, Voegtle,

2010, p. 142). Furthermore, a depth analysis in composing the elucidation of the data is

necessary to be implemented in a qualitative research’s procedure. Additionally, observing

the phenomena through multiple perspectives is the aim of a qualitative research. The

common scope or the coverage in a qualitative research mostly relates to humanity problem.

In the other word, this study attempts to solve a problem based on the case study. Therefore,

the recent research will be conducted by analyzing the background situation using a natural

method instead of calculating the data statistic like the quantitative research did.

Site and Participants

The study takes place in English department in State University of Gorontalo. Six

students that already composed their research proposal as the representative from three

subfields of language research in this department will be randomly selected as the participant.

This is due to a consideration that the students already passed several courses about

research’s mechanics such as writing, research on language, etc. In addition, the selected

proposals must have similar research topics (for instance, if the proposal in the field of

education will explore about writing, the other selected proposal will also discuss about

writing). Otherwise, the results might be bias if there is a mismatch between the selected



The Data

The primary data of the current research is several paraphrased pieces from the

literature review section of research proposals. The secondary data is the original source that

the students take as reference in their proposals. In addition, an interpretation from the

interview will be a secondary data to support the analysis.

Procedure in Data Collection

The document in the current study is gathered from the students’ research proposal in

specific to the reviewing literature section. In addition, the participants will be asked to give

the resources they used in the research proposal as the secondary data. Furthermore, the study

begins to collect as much as possible several paraphrased passage in the proposal and the

original passage from the references.

During the collecting process, the participants will be interviewed in order to observe

students’ experience and knowledge regarding paraphrasing and proper citation. The records

of the interview will be interpreted as the secondary data. The questions that will be used

during the interview are links to the strategy of paraphrasing, knowledge about citation, and

how is students’ perspective about plagiarism.

Technique of Analyzing Data

Once the data are collected, the process of data analysis will be started. Firstly, the

primary data will be displayed. The next, the displayed data will be compared with the

secondary data (the original passage from the reference) by considering the mechanics of

borrowing behavior and how to cite it properly. Afterward, the interpretation from the

interview is used as the consideration from the results of prior phase. At this step, students

work will be matched with their opinion from the result of interview. Lastly, a conclusion

will be discovered based on the previous processes.



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