MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS Capaian Pembelajaran FASE E Fase E, Umumnya untuk Kelas X (SMA/MA/Program Paket C) Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/pembacanya. Berbagai jenis teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, report, dan teks otentik menjadi rujukan utama dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris di fase ini. Peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyampaikan keinginan/perasaan dan berdiskusi mengenai topik yang dekat dengan keseharian mereka atau isu yang hangat sesuai usia peserta didik di fase ini.



Capaian Pembelajaran FASE E

Fase E, Umumnya untuk Kelas X (SMA/MA/Program Paket C) Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/pembacanya. Berbagai jenis teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, report, dan teks otentik menjadi rujukan utama dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris di fase ini. Peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyampaikan keinginan/perasaan dan berdiskusi mengenai topik yang dekat dengan keseharian mereka atau isu yang hangat sesuai usia peserta didik di fase ini.


A. IDENTITAS SEKOLAH Nama Sekolah : SMA N 1 KUPANG Alamat Sekolah : Jl. Cak Doko NO 59 Kupang Fase/Kelas : E/X Nama Penyususn: Dra. Sandy N Paliama Alokasi Waktu : 5 X 90 Menit

B. KOMPTENSI AWAL Penguasaan awal peserta didik tentang Vocab dealing with legend, time conjunction, punctuation, simple past,

C.PROFL PELAJAR PANCASILA 1. Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, dan Berakhlak Mulia 2. Berkebhinekaan Global 3. Gotong Royong 4. Mandiri 5. Bernalar Kritis 6. Kreatif

D. SARANA DAN PRASARANA 1. Dictionary, LDC. Buku penunjang, HP, Gambar .White board , Boardmarker, etc.


F. MODEL PEMBELAJARAN Discovery Learning



10.1 Memahami konteks main idea, (gagasan utama) dan detail ,dari ragam teks Narrative, Deskriptif , Procedure, Exposisi, Recount dan Report lisan maupun tulisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda yang dekat dengn kehidupan pemuda mendemonstarsikan komunikatif dan santun.

10.2 Menjelaskan karakteristik , rangkaian penyesuaian dan pengembangan gagasan secara sederhana dari ragam teks Narrative ,Deskriptif , Procedure, Exposisi, Recount dan Report lisan dan tulisan dalam bentuk multimoda terkait lingkup remaja secara mandiri

10.3 Menganalisa Memahami konteks main idea, (gagasan utama) dan detail ,dari ragam teks Narrative, Deskriptif , Procedure, Exposisi, Recount dan Report

lisan maupun tulisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda yang dekat dengn kehidupan pemuda mendemonstarsikan komunikatif dan santun.

10.4 Menulis teks Narrative terkait kehidupan pemuda dan mendemonstarsikan secara santun dalam bentuk multi moda.

B. PEMAHAMAN BERMAKNA 1. Setiap daerah mempunyai cerita dongeng sendiri- sendiri termasuk di Nusa Tenggara Timur

2. merawat atau menjaga dan melestarikan cerita-cerita dongeng di NTT kepada peserta didik sehingga tidak hilang termakan iptek

C. PERTANYAAN PEMANTIK 1. What is Narrative text means? 2. What is the function of Narrative Text . 3. How to write Narrative text well ? 4. Mention some Narrative text from NTT. 5. why we have to learn lNTT legend ?

D. PERSIAPAN PEMBELAJARAN 1.Mempersipakan sarana prasarana untuk pembelajaran 2. Melihat kesiapan peserta didik sebelum pelajaran dimulai 3. Menulis langkah-;angkah pembelajaran dari awal sampai akhir.

E. KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN Pertemuan 1 Kegiatan awal (10 Menit)

Mempersiapkan siswa untuk siap dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran (doa, absensi dan menyiapkan sumber belajar)

Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik terkait legeng Nusa Tenggara Timur 1.Nene Balana / Watu maladong / Soru

Ikun / Bete Dou

Kegiatan Inti ( 70 Menit )

Peserta didik merespon pertanyaan pemantik

Peserta didik berdiskusi terkait legend dari NTT

Peserta didik dibagi menjadi 4 (empat ) kelompok kemudian mencari arti kata dari 4 teks yang digaris bawahi

Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan terkait 4 (empat) legend dengan memakai metode jigzaw

Kegiatan Penutup ( 10 ‘)

Melakukan refleksi pembelajaran Pertemuan 2 (2 JP) Kegiatan awal (10’)

Mempersiapkan siswa untuk siap dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran (berdoa, absensi dan meyiapkan sumber belajar)

Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik terkait gambar yang diberikan ( punctiation ) dan kata sambung (time conjunction)

Peserta didik menyampaikan topik pembicaraan

Kegiatan inti (70’)

Peserta didik secara berkelompok mengidentifikaasi tanda-tanda baca dan conjunction terkait 4 (empat) legend .

Peserta didik mengidentifikasi time conjunction terkait 4 (empat) legend .

Peserta didik mencari preposition terkait text yang diberikan .

Pesereta didik menjawab pertanyaan terkait time conjunction

Kegiatan Penutup ( 10 ‘)

Melakukan refleksi pembelajaran Pertemuan 3 Kegiatan Awal (10’)

Mempersiapkan siswa untuk siap dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran

(doa, absensi dan menyiapkan sumber belajar)

Memberikan pertanyaan terkait materi sebelumnya

Kegiatan inti (70’)

Peserta didik menggaris bawahi kalimat yang mengandung makna past simple dan past continuons dan past perfect dari text yang diberikan

Peserta didik melengkapai kalimat dengan menggunakan tenses yang tepat

Peserta didik melengkapi kalimat dengan menggunakan time conjunction

Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan terkait legend tentang ( main idea, informasi rinci, tersirat.)

Kegisatan penutup (10’)

Melakukan refleksi pembelajaran Pertemuan ke 4 Kegiatan Awal (10’)

Mempersiapkan siswa untuk siap dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran (doa, absensi dan menyiapkan sumber belajar)

Memberikan pertanyaan terkait materi sebelumnya

Kegiatan inti (70’)

Peserta didik mendengar text Narrative .

Peserta didik mengidentifikasi mengidentifikasi Orientation, complication and Resoluition

Peserta didik menentukan Moral value

F. ASSESMEN 1. Assesmen Formatif Presentasi dalam bentuk tanya jawab dinilai dengha memakai rubrik penilaian 2. Asesmen Sumatif Product akhir berupa tulisan teks Narrative(portofolio). Dalam bentuk , role play, komik, story telling. Dinilai dengan memakai rubrik penilaian . 3. test sumatif berupa paper based. (ulangan harian dan semster ) (terlampir ) Product akhir assesment adalah menulis text Narrative berdasarkan bakat dan minat peserta didik Berupa : 1. puisi 2. story telling 3. Menulis text Nmarative 4. Menggambar ( Majalagh dinding )








Refleksi pertemuan ke 1 Refleksi murid Metode Deal

Melengkapi Kalimat

• Hari ini saya belajar… • Hal yang paling membuat tertarik pada hari ini... • Hal tersulit yang terjadi pada saya hari ini ketika… • Saya bangga kepada diri saya hari ini ketika… • Saya ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang… • Satu hal yang ingin saya coba adalah...

Refleksi pertemuan ke 2

Refkesi Pertemuan ke 3 1. apa saja yang kamu pelajari hari ini? 2. Apa yang paling kamu pahami 3. Bagiaman caramu belajar tentang topic ini ? 4.Apa yang kamu paling sukai dari kegitan pemeblejaran ini ? Refelksi pertemuan ke 4

Refleksi sejenak tentang apa yang sudah dipelajari In your notebook , write down your experiuence in leraning and practicing Englsih in various activity

. Make sure you spell every word correctly 1) The words that are new to me : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


2) The sentences that you are familiar with :


3. ) the sentences that I found new and difficullt to understand

Refkeksi Guru : 1. Siapa siswa aktif dan berkinerja baik ? 2. Siapa siswa yang kurang memperhatikan dan berkinerj kuirang ? 3. Apa rencana strategi pembelajaran yang berjasil ? 4. Apa strategi yang kurang efektif dan perlu ditingkatkan ?Apa point penting yang harus saya siapakan untuk pertemuan berikutnya ? Asesmen


CUKUP (61-75)

BAIK (76-88)

SANGAT BAIK (89-100)

Bertanya jawab

Kalimat kurang bisa dipahami

Klimat jelas namun ada beberapa unsur bahasa yang yang belum tepat

Kalimat jelas dengan struktur dan unsur bahasa yang sederhana

Kalimat dengan struktur sesuai dan unsur bahasa yang terpat serta pengucapan lancar

Presentasi Tujuan kurang bisa dipahami dan menggunakan media presentasi

Tujuan kurang tercapai namun ada beberapa unsur bahasa yang tepat dan menggunakan akan media presentasi

Tujuan tercapai kurang tercapai dengan struktur dan unsur bahasa yang sederhana dan menggunakan media prsentasi

Tujuan tercapai dengan unsur bahasa yang tepat serta pengucapan lancar dan menggunalkan media presentasi

Menulis Teks

Penggunaaan kata , kalimat dan struktur tidak sesuai

Fungsi sosial tercapai , struktur tepat dan unsur kebahasaan kurang tepat

Fungsi sosial tercapai , struktur dan unsur krbahasaan tepat

Fungsi sosial tercapatr , struktur dan unsur kebahasaan tepat serta da modifikasi


LKPD Pertemuan 1

Task 1

Read the the text then find out meaning of underline word /the bold type

Task 2. 9 (Nenek Balana )

Complette the sentences by using the underline words 1. take a nap 2. intension 3. ancient time 4. Afraid 5. Inhabited 6. snare 7. acquisition 8. rooster 9.suddenly 10. 0ccupied 11.wept 12. realized. 1. I’m … I’ll be out of town this weekend 2. This bookcase is my latest …. 3. in … all the kings burdened the people with heavy taxes 4. The rabbit was caught in the …. 5. The … and function and function of Kurikulum Merdeka ara introduced 6. The woods are …. by many wild animals 7. Carmen wokie the next morning to the sound of the … crowing 8. Why should we …. Remember the that pahase 9. If you are sleepy ,you should ….

10. They have … the apartement for three years. Answer

1. Afraid 2.acquisition 3.ancient times

4.snare 5.Intension 6. inhabited 7.Rooster 8.Suddenly 9.Take a nap 10. occupied. Task 3 (Bete Dou ) Complette the sentence by using these words 1. once upon a time 2.princess 3. Blessing 4. welfare 5. summoned 6.Immediatly 7.palace 8. willing 9. humming 10. shouted 1. You look like a …… in that dress.

2. He went missing and refused to come when any of us … him. 3. Tom …Mary's name as loud as he could, but she didn't hear him. 4. .. thre is a king named Alex . he lived with his wife princes Beatrix. 5.The king and his family live d in the royal …. I'm willing to take care of your children, if you want me to. 6. I'm …. to take care of your children, if you want me to. 7. She donates to organizations concerned about animal welfare. 8. She turned, and went up the stairs, …. a cheery tune. 9. I did not …. realize how serious the situation was. 10. He created man to enjoy the bounty of His …. Answer 1. princes 2.summoned 3. shouted 4. once upon a time 4. prince 5. palace 6. willing 7. welfare 8. humming 9. immeditely 10. blessing Task 4 Complette the sentences by using these words ( Bete Dou)

1. folktales 2. harvest 3. prosperous

4. suspect 5. annoyed 6. escape 7. opportunities 8.inherited 9. passing by 10. defeated 1. She managed to avoid serious injury, but it was a narrow …..

2. She finally found a solution to a problem that had ….many other researchers. 3. There are fewer job ….this year for graduates. 4. Call the doctor immediately if you …you've been infected. 5. She … a love of baseball from her dad. 6. I was just …. her house, so I thought I'd call in and see her. 7. The traveller and farmer are at times ….by the mosquito. 8. This …. opening gave the key-note to Lagrange's caree 9. I looked like one of those peasant girls in the old …., the ones who never get to the ball.

10. It is time to….the wheat. Answer 1. escape 2. defeated 3. opportunities 4.suspect 5. inherited 6.passing by 7.annoyed 8. prosperous 9. folktale 10. harvest Task 5 Suri ikun and two birds Complette the sentences by using these words. 1.kinnaped 2. swallow 3.poor 4.brave 5.aquealing 6. gathered 7. abudant 8.chasing 9.mumbled 10.nevertheless 11. message 12.clawed 1. She tried to … the lump that insisted on staying in her throat. 2. We could hear the piglets ….as we entered the farmyard. 3. This country is… in natural resources 4. He …. “Goodbye” and then left. I can't understand you when you mumble. 5. If you'll think back, my ….was that spending a few nights together wasn't a good reason to get married. 6. She never liked reading about economics, but the book was interesting …. 7. Iron and coal are probably … , and silverlead, copper and antimony are believed to exist.

8. We …blueberries from the bushes. 9.. They've been ….you for a long time. 10. They demanded a huge ransom for the return of the little girl whom they had …. Kunci Jawaban 1. swallow 2. squealing 3. poor 4. mumbled 5.message 6.nevertheles 7. abudant 8.gathered 9. chasing 10. kidnapped Refleksi Metode Deal Melengkapi kalimat 1. Hari ini saya be;lajar …. 2. Hal yang paling membuat tertarik hari ini …. 3. Hal tersulit yang terjadi pada saya hari ini ketika …. 4. Sayaq bangga kepada diri saya hari ini ketika …. 5. Saya ingi tahu lebih banyak tentang …. 6.. Satu hal yang ingin saya coba adalah …. LKPD Pertemuan ke 2 Pertanyaan pemantik Look at the picture then ,mention /identify .

LKPD pertemuan ke 2 (dua) Task 1 1. Read those 4 (four) texts then find out punctuation and prepostion Task 2 Complette the table by using preposition correctly then make sentences.

No Object/thing preposition sentence

1 TV

2 classroom

3 book

4 table

5 shoes

6 house

7 market

8 bottle

9 camera

10 whiteboard

Look at the two sentences from the story , which verbs are in the past simple ? which verbs are in

the past continuons ? 1. While Prince and his men were riding through the forest , they heard loud miowing coming from

the direction of the house 2. When prince Liewelyn walked through the door , Gelert was waiting for him Task 1 Complette the rule , write simple past,past continuons , when and while

Rule : we use the-------------------------------for the action happened at one moment in the past, We often use --------------------------------------------------------------with this tense

We often use the ---------------------------------------------------------------for a background action or description in the past , we often use -------------------------------------------------- with this tense .

Task 2

Complette the sentences with the correct form of the verbs 1. My brother …… a tree when he …..and broke his leg .(climb,fall) 2.When my parents … home, , we….. a DVD ( come, watch) 3. Anissa ………. While my sister ……. Some homework ( phone, do ) 4. While I ….. tennis a ball …. Me in the eye (play, hit) 5. Hasanah …. The web when she …. A great new site (surf, find) 6. While we …. On the beach . It ….. to rain (walk, start) Task 3 Page 19 part e Task 4 Page 17 part a, c and d.

Produk akhir Peserta didik menulis text Narrtive verdasarkan minar dan bakat masing-masing sesuia kesepakatan Dalam bentuk 1. cerpen/comic 2. menulis text Narrative 3. menggambar 4. lagu 5. puisi

Soal ulangan Narrative Text Kisi Kisi soal ulangan harian Narrative Text N


CP Materi Indikator Jenis


Soal No






Fase E, Umumnya

untuk Kelas X


Paket C)

Pada akhir Fase E,

peserta didik

menggunakan teks

lisan, tulisan

dan visual dalam

bahasa Inggris untuk



dengan situasi,

tujuan, dan


. Berbagai jenis

teks seperti narasi,

deskripsi, prosedur,

eksposisi, recount,


dan teks otentik

menjadi rujukan

utama dalam


bahasa Inggris di

fase ini. Peserta

didik menggunakan


Inggris untuk



dan berdiskusi

mengenai topik yang

dekat dengan

keseharian mereka

atau isu

yang hangat sesuai

usia peserta didik di

fase ini.


e text

1. Diberikan


(satu)paragraf ,

tanpa tanda

baca perserta

didik dapat


tanda baca

dengan tepat.

2. Diberikan 1

(satu) paragraf

lengkap. peserta

didik dapat


kalimat yang


simple past

3. Diberikan 1



,peserta didk



kalimat yang





One day, the


summoned his

son, Manek

Bot( comma 1)

to appear


him.(full stop

2)(quote 3

3)What the hell

is your father



n mark quote

4, 5) asked

Manek Bot.

“Look, my

son! I want to

seclude your


There was a

boy named

Suri Ikun who

lived with his

parents and his

13 brothers at a

village in the

province of

East Nusa

Tenggar ,

Indonesia. His

family earned

their living

from farming,

but they lived

in poor

In the attic the youngest fell fast

asleep. When the

youngest was






1. ,





6. his family

earned their

living room

7. The





Soal Remedial A. Read pargraph then put appropriate punctuation (no 1-5)

At that time(comma (1) Mane Loro immediately fell in love with the girl's beauty and couldn't wait to meet her(full stop) 2) He knocked on the door slowly as he called the girl who was in the house( full stop (3)

(quote (3))Goodnight beautiful girl(exclamation (4)May I ask for help (question mark (5)” B. Read paragraph then find out simple past tense (no 6-7)

One day a group of ghosts kidnapped Suri Ikun. They wanted to swallow him, but they thought that he as too thin. They bred him with hope he could be bigger someday. Did the ghosts swallow him finally ? Might he be able to escape away from the ghosts? Here is the story.

C. Combine sentences by using while and When 8 a. Dessy arrived at the station b. the train leaved 9.a The programme turned b. Nur finished the tv 10. a. They got home b.they went to the party Soal Pengayaan A. Complette the paragraph by using appropriate punctuation

Fox and A Cat.

One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation The foxwho was a conceited creature boasted

how clever she was WhyI know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies the

dogsshe saidI know only one trick to get away from dogs said the cat You should teach me some of

yours Wellmaybe someday when I have the time I may teach you a few of the simpler ones replied

the fox airily

Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance The barking grew louder and louder

the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its

branches well out of reach of any dog This is the trick I told you aboutthe only one I know said the

cat. Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use The fox sat silently under the tree

wondering which trick she should use Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrivedThey fell

upon the fox and tore her to pieces.

1. Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

2. Bahan Bacaan Guru dan Peserta Didik

Nenek Belana

In ancient times in the village of Nunbes there was a family from the Dawan Tribe. This family has two sons. Each named the Eldest and the Youngest. They both often live in the forest. They set snares to catch partridges, but the results were far from what was expected in Sulung.

The eldest got a turtledove while the youngest got a red rooster. From the results of their acquisition, the eldest wanted to exchange the turtledove for the youngest's red rooster. But the youngest did not agree. Because the youngest did not agree to the exchange, the eldest was angry and left the youngest in the forest.

It turned out that he found a cottage inhabited by a grandmother named Nenak Belana. The old lady was very happy to meet someone she had never seen before. Grandma Balana is a grandmother who likes to eat human flesh (cannibals), especially the flesh of small children. All that has been known by the Youngest.

It was time for lunch, Grandma Belana served various kinds of food and drinks for the youngest. With the intention that the youngest quickly become fat so that the meat tastes better to eat. After lunch, the child was ordered to take a nap or sleep. The place that Grandma prepared was above the attic. Once prepared, the youngest is welcome to occupy it. When the youngest went upstairs to rest, Grandma Belana locked the door from the outside.

In the attic the youngest fell fast asleep. When the youngest was sleeping soundly, he was delirious by looking at Grandma Belana's face who said: "I have given you a good meal, tomorrow morning I will kill you and make a delicious meal for your meat." Then the youngest realized from his sleep. He wept at the thought of his fate.

Suddenly the red rooster made a sound and said: "Don't be afraid, because I will help you. I will open the roof and you will come out through it by the way you hold my neck tightly and we fly together." After the youngest heard the words of the red rooster, he was comforted. The next day when Grandma Belana went to the attic, he saw the roof of the attic has been opened and there is also the youngest is gone.The youngest has been brought back by the red rooster to his parents.

When he was there, the youngest person was happy because his son had returned in good health. Finally, as a sign of gratitude from the youngest's parents, the red rooster was taken care of.

Bete Dou

Once upon a time, in the area of East Nusa Tenggara, there lived a king who reigned in the Wefulan

Kingdom. The King had a beautiful daughter named Bete Dou. From the time he was in the womb until he was an adult, he was loved by both his parents and his older brother, Manek Bot. The King and Empress hoped that the Princess would bring blessings to the welfare of the kingdom and all its people. For that, they intend to seclude the Princess so that her chastity is maintained.

One day, the King summoned his son, Manek Bot, to appear before him. "What the hell is your father calling Nanda?" asked Manek Bot. “Look, my son! I want to seclude your sister. Behind this palace, there is a large and lush banyan tree. Make him a little house on the tree! After that, Father ordered you to keep an eye on him!” the king's orders. Manek Bot immediately carried out his father's orders. With the help of several palace guards, he managed to build a small house on the banyan tree in a day. To get to the house, Manek Bot made a ladder consisting of seven large stairs, seven medium stairs, and seven small stairs. The houses and stairs are all made of sandalwood with a fragrant aroma.

After the construction of the house was completed, the King ordered his daughter to live in the tree. At first, the Princess refused, because she did not want to live alone. However, after being persuaded by his mother, he was finally willing to move to his new place of residence. Since then, Princess Bete Dou has lived her life alone in that small house. To fill his loneliness, every day he busied himself by embroidering and weaving mats. At night, he always sings sad songs, as if to describe the loneliness of living alone. His hum that was carried by the night wind shook the ears of those who heard it.

On a full moon night, a crown prince from the Kingdom of Loro named Mane Loro heard the melodious voice of the Princess. The melodious voice that sounded faintly from a distance made the Prince's heart tremble and he was curious to know whose voice it was. With his magic, he immediately flew to find the source of the sound. Not long after, he arrived and set his feet on the banyan tree. He was surprised to see a beautiful little house on the tree. His surprise grew even more after knowing that the source of the sound came from inside the house.

"Strange! Why is there a house on this tree?” he asked himself in surprise.

Slowly, Mane Loro walked towards the door of the house and tried to look inside through a small hole. He was shocked when he saw a beautiful princess was weaving a mat while singing.

"Oh... not only her voice is melodious, but this girl's face is also beautiful and beautiful," said Mane Loro in awe.

At that time, Mane Loro immediately fell in love with the girl's beauty and couldn't wait to meet her. He knocked on the door slowly as he called the girl who was in the house.

"Goodnight beautiful girl! May I ask for help?” Hearing the voices of people asking for help, the Princess stopped her humming and immediately

headed for the door. From behind the door of his house, he tried to look outside through a small hole. But because of the dim light, he could not recognize the face of the man standing in front of his door.

"Sorry Mister! Who are you and where are you from?” asked the Princess from behind the door. "My name is Mane Loro from the Kingdom of Loro," replied Mane Loro. "Can I help you sir?" asked the Princess. “I am so amazed by your sweet voice. May I come in?" asked Mane Loro. Princess Bete Dou felt commendable by Mane Loro's words. Without realizing it, he opened the

door wide. When she saw the handsomeness and valor of the man, the Princess was immediately flabbergasted. His eyes stared at the man's face without even blinking. Mane Loro also responded with a sharp and meaningful look.

A moment later, the princess invited the young man into the house and immediately closed the door again. He was afraid that someone would know the man's whereabouts in his house and report it to his father. After that, they got to know each other better. In a short time, the two of them seemed familiar and were joking with each other. A few days later, they were in a loving relationship and were ready to continue their relationship to the level of marriage.

On the next full moon, Mane Loro proposed to Bete Dou, and Bete Dou was ready to live and die with Mane Loro. In the end, the two of them got married without their parents knowing. Since then, Mane Loro has slept with Bete Dou every night in the house. As dawn approached, Mane Loro had to return to his palace so as not to be caught by the Bete Dou family.

A month later, Mane Loro's father fell ill. Therefore, the following nights Mane Loro could not visit his wife, because he had to wait for his father. It made Bete Dou's heart sad.

One night, Manek Bot came to visit his sister to see how she was. Apparently, his sudden arrival made the Princess panic, because she had not had time to hide a pair of Mane Loro clothes that were still hanging on the walls of her house. Manek Bot was shocked when he saw that there were men's clothes in his sister's house.

“Hey, why are there men's clothes in your house? Whose clothes are those?” asked Manek Bot. Hearing that question, Princess Bete Dou just kept quiet and lowered her head. His body was

shaking with fear. “Hey, Bete Dou! Why are not you answering my question?" snapped Manek Bot. “Ma… ma… sorry Brother, Sis! The clothes belong to Adik's husband," Bete Dou replied nervously. Hearing his brother's answer, Manek Bot's ears were like being struck by lightning. His face suddenly

turned red like a fire. "What did you say? Your husband's clothes? Since when did you get married? Then, who is your

husband?” asked Manek Bot angrily. "A month ago, Adik secretly married Mane Loro, the crown prince of the Loro Kingdom," answered

Bete Dou. "You shameless girl!" snapped Manek Bot. Manek Bot's anger was even more peaked. He really felt ashamed because of his only sister's

actions. He felt it was futile to make a sandalwood house on the banyan tree. He didn't want to

see his sister again. He immediately came down from the house climbing the stairs one by one with clenched fists. When his feet hit the ground, Manek Bot stopped and shouted for his brother.

“Hey, Bete Dou! Come down to earth! You have brought shame to the family and the kingdom!” exclaimed Manek Bot.

The princess trembled even more with fear, because she felt guilty and it was natural for her brother to be very angry with her. He was also very sorry that he married Loro Manek without the knowledge of his father, mother, and brother. However, what to say, the secret was revealed. He could only surrender to accept punishment from his brother.

With slow steps, Bete Dou came down from his house by climbing the stairs one by one while singing a song of suffering. When he arrived at the first step, he was immediately punished by his brother. Inevitably, his body fell to the ground and died instantly.

Simultaneously, the entire universe mourned. The atmosphere suddenly became still and quiet. The night beasts simultaneously stopped ringing. The gust of wind suddenly stopped, so the leaves stopped swaying too. Meanwhile in Loro Kingdom, Mane Loro who was sleeping beside his father, suddenly woke up from his sleep. His hunch went straight to his wife.

“It seems I have a bad feeling about my wife. Something must have happened to him," he thought. Without thinking, Mane Loro immediately missed his wife's house. In an instant, he arrived at his

wife's house. However, his arrival was too late. He found his wife was no longer alive. With his magic, he flew like an eagle, then grabbed his wife's body which was lying on the ground, then flew her to his palace. Manek Bot was just flabbergasted by the incident.

Arriving at the palace, Mane Loro immediately treated his wife. With her supernatural powers and by the will of Almighty God, Princess Bete Dou was alive again. The Princess was very surprised when she saw her husband beside her and surrounded by women she did not know.

“Kanda! Where are Dinda and who are they?” asked the Princess, pointing to the ladies-in-waiting. "Calm down, Dinda! Currently Dinda is in the palace Kanda. They are the ladies-in-waiting of this

palace,” answered Mane Loro while telling all the events that his wife had experienced to reach the palace.

“Now Kanda realizes that what we have done so far has been wrong, because we married secretly without asking for the blessing of each of our parents. This is the time for us to ask for the blessing of Kanda's parents,” said Mane Loro.

"Okay, Kanda! Dinda also feels very guilty to Dinda's family. Dinda is very sorry for not paying attention to their advice," said Bete Dou.

Finally, Mane Loro and Putri Bete Dou asked for the blessing of Mane Loro's parents. Bete Dou was also well received as the son-in-law of King Loro. After living for a while in the palace of the Loro Kingdom, Princess Bete Dou took her husband to see her parents who were in the Wefulan Kingdom.

“Kanda! Now is the time for us to ask for the blessing of Dinda's parents. When are we going to meet them?” asked Princess Bete Dou.

"Kanda guess, the sooner the better, Dinda!" replied Mane Loro. The next day, Mare Loro and his wife went to Wefulan palace to meet Bete Dou's parents. They set

off in a procession of palace guards carrying luggage to be handed over to Bete Dou's parents. Arriving at the Wefulan palace, they were greeted by the king and empress of the Wefulan Kingdom.

While in the presence of King Wefulan, Princess Bete Dou together with Mare Loro immediately prostrated to beg for forgiveness for the mistakes they had made so far. After that, they begged the King and the empress to bless their marriage. Seeing the sincerity and sincerity of Bete Dou and Mane Loro's love, finally the King, Empress, and Mane Bot forgave and blessed their

marriage. Since then, Mane Loro and Bete Dou have lived happily with the royal family of Wefula

Watu Maladong

This folk tale happened long ago on the island of East Nusa Tenggara. There lived a farmer who had a very large rice field and vegetable garden. He was known to be quite prosperous among the other villagers.

Every day he takes good care of his fields and gardens. He had a small barn on the outskirts of his farm. When harvest time comes, the harvest is first collected in the warehouse before being sold.

Harvest time has come, while waiting for the buyer to come as usual he keeps it. The next day when the buyer came, he took out his harvest but for some reason the amount was lacking.

The next day he also harvested other vegetables. Again, once stored and will be sold the amount is not the same. Farmers also suspect that someone is stealing in their warehouse.

Until finally he was on guard every night to prove whether there really was a thief or not. It turned out to be true, just like a fairy tale, there was a group of pigs who stole from the barn.

Annoyed he tried to chase after the pigs and threw his inherited spear at the pig's body. However, the pig managed to escape in the blink of an eye. The farmer was trying to follow in the footsteps of the pig's blood.

Until he reached the shore and met an old turtle. "Where are you going?" asked the turtle. The farmer replied "did you see a group of pigs passing by?" The turtle also told the farmer to get on his back.

The farmer was escorted to the other side of the island by the turtle. Arriving there the farmer met the old grandmother of the islanders. According to the grandmother, the pig is an imitation animal.

The grandmother also gave advice and knowledge to farmers so they could deal with the pig. It

wasn't long before the farmers heard that the tribal chief on the island was sick. The tribal chief's stomach didn't stop bleeding.

The farmer who heard it took the opportunity to take his spear. He said that he could heal the tribal chief as long as he returned the spear he inherited from his ancestors and gave him a maladong stone.

The tribal chief also agreed to return his spear. However, to surrender Watu Maladong, farmers must be able to defeat it first.

When the tribal chief had recovered, they finally complained about his knowledge. The farmer won and got the watu maladong from the tribal chief.

At the end of this folklore, the maladong stone was used to fertilize the crops in the farmer's village and the village became very prosperous.

Suri Ikun and Two Birds

There was a boy named Suri Ikun who lived with his parents and his 13 brothers at a village in the province of East Nusa Tenggar , Indonesia. His family earned their living from farming, but they lived in poor.

One day a group of ghosts kidnapped Suri Ikun. They wanted to swallow him, but they thought that he as too thin. They bred him with hope he could be bigger someday. Did the ghosts swallow him finally ? Might he be able to escape away from the ghosts? Here is the story.

There was a poor family at a village in the province of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, the family consisted of a spouse and 14 kids, 7 boys and 7 girls. The youngest one was named Suri Ikun. He was a brave boy, totally differed from his six brothers. They were cowards even when a pig was squealing, they ran as fast as they could.

Ikun’s family lived from farming. They culticated vegetables on their farms that was wide enough. However, that was not enough for fulfilling their needs, because often, their crops were destroyed by deer herd.

In a relenting night the family members gathered in the living room. They discussed the best way of chasing the deer the deer herd away, so that they could reap abundant harvest.

Kids,we know we could no longer get in good harvest at this recent time. Now I want you all to keep an eye on the farming land in turn at night. “There must be someone to watch out the crops from the deer herd” the father said.

Is there any other option, Dad? The oldest boy asked. Why did you ask it ? The father asked him back. To be honest, we are aftraid of deer herd, Dad. Yes, we are afraid of that,Dad? The other boys spontaneously added.Ikun’s father got completely confuse with the situation in which none

of his kids agreed their father’s opinion. The discussion shifted to solitude. They were all silent and all of sudden,Ikun appeared to shout. “Dad, upon your approval, I want to take the turn. Let me keep an eye on the farm land alone!”he said.

Really?Are you going to take it alone? His father seemed to doubt on him. Yes, I will! Let me use my archer to kill the deer, I promise, he answered. How proud Ikun’s father of this thin boy. When no one of his boys was handle to such a duty, ikun then appeared up, answered his father’challenge.

In the following day, Suri Ikun commenced his first day of watching out of the farming land from the deer herd. He looked so brave with a set of bow and arrow on his back. Soon after reaching the farming land, he looked around the place, but no one deer appeared before him.

Thus, he took a rest for a moment. He learnt upon a leafy tree, while kept looking out the surrounding just in case there would be the deer herd. All of sudden, there were three deer passing by the farm. He kept an eye on the biggest one. He pulled the bow, and released it.

A big deer had been killed upon the arrow of Suri Ikun. He walked to the deer to bring it home in the morning. How big this one. It must be delicious. I’ll bring it home after this this, he mumbled.

With all happiness and proud, he brought the deer home and gave it to his mother to be cooked. The deer was so big and heavy, thus during the way back home, oftern he rested for a while. When he reached home, his parents and the other brothers were so happy at the time. All worked together to dice the deer’s meat. When the cooking had been complete, the family’s members were gathering in the living room, tasting Ikun’s work. Such a dish, for them, was a special one because rarely did they eat delicious food made of meat.

However, the eldest who was appointed by Suri Ikun’s parents, never gave equal portion to Ikun. In fact, the deer was caught by the hand of his younger Suri Ikun. No matter, Ikun could still be happy as he pleased to see his family happy.

In another day, the father went back home from working at the middle of the nearest forest. But he forgot something the parang was left behind at the forest, He asked his kids to find it at the forest, and take it back home.

Kids,will you help me now? What can we do,Dad? I forgot leaving the parang at the forest; “Will you all find it and take it home ?” There was no any debate and bargaining when the father asked them to the forest. The oldest appeared foremost and promised to find it back, along with his brothers. They went to the forest, all the seven brothers including the oldest and Suri Ikun. The day then turned dark soon after they reached the forest.

Suri Ikun kept following his brothers in the back now, while hanging his archer. Unfortunately, Ikun was severed from the group as the day had been really dark. He was left behind, while the other went home. Further he walked through the forest, further was he lost. He was alone; no one accompanied him that night. Suddenly, there was a group of ghost came up to him calling.

“Hi…! Why are you here now?” One of the ghosts asked. “ Who are you? Ikun wondered. “Your arrival this night has annoyed me. You should know that I am the owner of the forest, the place where you are standing now!” I am not afraid of you! I’ll kill you with my archer,” Just try if you can,” On the spur of the moment, before he could release his arrow, another ghost caught him. He was not able to do nothing as the ghost was really strong.

Fortune seemed to come to Suri Ikun at the time. The ghost’s will to swallow him had to willy-nilly be postponed. They thought, he was too thin, hence would not satisfy them. They decided to breed him until he grew up taller and bigger.

He spent so many days inside the cave no time to hang out. Nevertheless he could still enjoy the light of the sun from a small crack on the cave’s wall. From that crack he took a look at of the green s scenery of the forest outside the cave. As well, from this another story about him began.

Someday he saw 2 birds that were suffering from salvation. He felt deep empathy for the birds,thus he gave his meal for them. Time goes by but he kept spending his meal for the birds for several days later.Until one day, something miraculous happened.

Suri Ikun was shocked to know that the birds were able to speak in human language. They spoke to him about their gratitude for all the good deeds of Suri Ikun. “We are grateful to you, Boy! Thank you very much for spending your meal to us for several days ago, one of the birds said. “Don’t mention it. Everything was just going on, and I did it from my deepest heart, so you do not need to say it, Suri Ikun,s remarks .For all you have done to us, I would like to help you escape away from the cave. But, let me know first your name, Boy, the bird asked.

I am Suri Ikun, I was caught by the cave’s guardian when I was lost at the forest some days ago, Suri Ikun replied. “And how will you bring me away from here? In fact, they are too much stronger then me, Suri Ikun added. “We’ll fly at them when they’re walking into the cave. At the time, we’ll claw at them using our talons. So please, make them busy when they’re inside the cave, one of the birds gave some instructions. “OK! I see, I wish it could be done well, Ikun said. “Alright, Boy! We’re getting outside the cave, waiting for the time, they bring some foods for you. At that time we start operating,; the bird said.

In the following day, at the time when the ghosts were walking into the cave, the birds flew at them, and clawed at the ghosts, bodies using their sharp talons. Knowing such, Suri Ikun attempted to help the birds using his archer, thyen a a arrow was stabbed on the ghosts deeply. Just in a few minutes, the ghosts fell down and the birds took him away from the cave.

Their flight ended on the peak of a hill, far enough from both the cave and Ikun’s village. There, the birds built a beautifully elegant palace completed with the officials and some consorts for Suri Ikun. He was inaugurated into the king of the palace and he lived there in happiness forever.

At the distance, the former family of Suri Ikun kept living in poor as none of Suri Ikun”s brothers was typically hard worker. All the family’ s farms were destroyed by the deer herd at all the time when harvest was coming.

Here is the story about Suri Ikun and two birds from East Nusa Tenggara. Indonesia. The story is a legend with some moral messages that can be derived from it to be applied in our daily life. At least, there are two messages that can be drawn from the story; first is helping each others and second, bad result from coward.

Living in society requires us to be able to get along with them and to help each other. Suri Ikun was a person who deliberately helped his family and the hungry birds. Such a philosophy is highly suggested in the Malay society as what can be inferred from the pantun below.;

Wahai ananda dengarlah manat, Tulus dan iklas jadikan azimat Menolong sesama umat Semoga hidupmu beroleh rahmat Though he was just a thin boy, but he had big courage to keep an eye on the family’s farming land

from the deer herd until is the time he was caught by a group of ghosts at the forest. As the remains of his brother were not capable of harvesting anymore, especially after Suri Ikun had a beautifully elegant palaceon a green hill. It is said in Tunjuk Ajar Melayu that:

Takut ke lautmati hanyut Takut ke hutan mati tak makan Penakut makan kentut Siapa pengecut besarlah burut. The above pantun is a criticism to those who do not have any courage of sailing across the sea and

hunting at the forest. Those who are cowards will certainly be left behind. Samsuni (sas/111/11-08). Translated by Irfan Nugroho ( ter/98/01-09) Reference:

- Adapted from Cerita Rakyat , available online http.:// /Budaya-Bangsa/Cerita-Rakyat/default.htm,retrieved on November 18th, 2008.

- Effendi,Tenas, 1994/1995.Ejekan terhadapOrang Melayu Riau dan pantangan Orang Melayu Riau.Pekanbaru, BappedaTingkat 1 Riau.

- ------------- 2006. Tunjuk Ajar Melayu. Yogyakarta; Balai Kajian dan Pengembangan Budaya Melayu bekerja sama dengan Penerbit Adi Cita Karya Nusa.

Period / Full Stop . Digunakan di akhir sebuah kalimat pernyataan

Contoh : The sun rises in the east. (Matahari terbit di timur.)

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan singkatan

Contoh : I wake up at 5 a.m. (Saya bangun jam 5 pagi.)

Digunakan setelah penulisan gelar

Contoh : Mr. Gerry teaches the students patiently. (Pak Gerry mengajar murid dengan sabar.)

Digunakan dalam penulisan angka

Contoh : The profit of the company fell by 1.6% last month. (Keuntungan perusahaan turun sebanyak 1.6%

bulan lalu.)

Comma , Digunakan untuk memisahkan dua gagasan atau lebih dalam sebuah kalimat

Contoh : You can go by yourself, or you can go with your friend. (Kamu bisa pergi sendiri, atau kamu bisa

pergi dengan temanmu.)

Digunakan untuk memisahkan daftar item dalam sebuah kalimat Contoh : I buy fruits, snacks, and soft drinks at ABC Supermarket. (Saya membeli buah-buahan, makanan

ringan, dan minuman ringan di Supermarket ABC.)

Digunakan untuk menerangkan detail

Contoh : Taylor, an old friend of mine, sends me some cute stuffs. (Taylor, teman lamaku, mengirimiku

beberapa barang lucu.)

Digunakan dalam question tag

Contoh : You are a cat lover, aren’t you? (Kamu seorang pecinta kucing, kan?)

Digunakan dalam menjawab yes/no questions

Contoh :

Yes, she is. (Ya.)

No, Joe does not. (Tidak.)

Question Mark ? Digunakan di akhir sebuah kalimat tanya

Contoh : How are you? (Bagaimana kabarmu?)

What’s your opinion? (Apa pendapatmu?)

You like pizza, don't you? (Kamu suka pizza, kan?)

Exclamation Mark ! Digunakan untuk menunjukkan perintah

Contoh : Please, give me a cup of coffee! (Tolong, berikan saya segelas kopi!)

Digunakan dalam interjeksi

Contoh :

Aha! (Aha!)

Shh! (Shh!)

Ouch! (Ouch!)

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan rasa heran, terkejut atau kesal

Contoh : What a beautiful painting! (Alangkah sebuah lukisan yang indah!)

Digunakan untuk menekankan frasa yang singkat.

Contoh : Watch out! (Awas!)

Apostrophe ' Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan

Contoh : I borrow Jimmy’s book. (Saya meminjam bukunya Jimmy)

Digunakan dalam contraction

Contoh : She’s a good girl. (Dia adalah gadis yang baik.)

Quotation Mark "" Digunakan untuk mengapit petikan ucapan orang lain

Contoh : “I will come to your house”, she said. (“Saya akan datang ke rumahmu”, kata dia.)

Digunakan untuk menandai ungkapan atau istilah yang kurang familiar

Contoh : I’m looking for the meaning of “prerogative right”. (Saya mencari arti dari “hak prerogatif”.)

Colon : Digunakan untuk menyebutkan atau menjelaskan daftar item

Contoh : David failed in three subjects: mathematics, sociology, and geography. (David gagal dalam tiga

mata pelajaran: matematika, sosiologi, dan geografi.)

Digunakan untuk menjabarkan kalimat yang mendahului

Contoh : He works very hard for one reason: his family. (Dia bekerja sangat keras karena satu alasan:


Digunakan untuk memisahkan unit waktu

Contoh : My class starts at 7:15. (Kelasku dimulai pada jam 7:15.)

Semicolon ; Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat agar tidak perlu kata hubung

Contoh : It is raining now; I’m cancelling my plan to go out. (Sekarang hujan; saya membatalkan

rencanaku untuk keluar.)

Digunakan untuk memisahkan daftar item yang mengandung koma Contoh : I want to visit seven countries: France, Germany, and Switzerland in Europe; Singapore, Japan,

and Korea in Asia; and Morocco in Africa. (Saya ingin mengunjungi tujuh negara: Perancis, Jerman, dan

Swiss di Eropa; Singapura, Jepang, dan Korea di Asia; dan Maroko di Afrika.)

Round Bracket ( ) Digunakan untuk memberi informasi tambahan

Contoh : I live in Jakarta (capital of Indonesia). (Saya tinggal di Jakarta (ibu kota Indonesia).)

Square Bracket [ ] Digunakan untuk memberi penjelasan suatu kata

Contoh : I enjoy it [cupcake] very much. (Saya sangat menyukai ini [cupcake].)

Hyphen - Digunakan untuk menghubungkan compound word

Contoh : His little brother is eight-year-old. (Adik laki-lakinya berusia delapan tahun.)

Digunakan untuk memisahkan puluhan dan satuan dalam bilangan

Contoh : My favorite number is thirty-five. (Angka favoritku adalah tiga puluh lima.)

Digunakan untuk memisahkan pembilang dan penyebut dalam bilangan pecahan

Contoh : The juice on the glass is only one-third left. (Jus dalam gelas hanya tersisa satu pertiga.)

Dash – Digunakan untuk penekanan dalam sebuah kalimat

Contoh : Jason may think Jessica is lazy – Jessica isn’t. (Jason mungkin berpikr bahwa Jessica malas – Jessica tidak malas.)

Prepositionl phrases that modify verbs When a prepositional phrase acts upon a verb, we say it is

behaving adverbially because adverbs modify verbs. A prepositional phrase that behaves adverbially is called an adverbial phrase.

To find the person who stole the last cookie, look behind you. Harry drank his Butterbeer with fervor.

In the first sentence, behind you answers the question “Look where?” In the

second, with fervor answers the question “Drank how?”

Prepositional phrases acting as nouns Less frequently, prepositional phrases can function like nouns in a sentence. During the national anthem is the worst time to blow your nose. After the game will be too late for us to go to dinner.

How to avoid excessive prepositional phrases It is tempting to overuse prepositions and prepositional phrases. If you see more

than one preposition for every ten or fifteen words in your writing, you should edit some of them out. You may be surprised at how much more elegant and economical your writing is when you make the effort to do this.

It is best to behave with caution when running with a sword in the presence of Magneto.

There is nothing grammatically incorrect about this sentence, but it has two “with” phrases, an “of” phrase, and an “in” phrase, which is a sure sign that it could be written more efficiently.

In Magneto’s presence, run cautiously with swords.

Here, it was possible to replace one of the prepositional phrases, with caution with the correlating adverb cautiously. Of Magneto was simply a possessive that can be easily converted into Magneto’s. Four prepositional phrases have been reduced to two.

Another way to reduce prepositional phrases is to switch from a passive voice to an active voice. There is a famous example to illustrate this concept.

Why was the road crossed by the chicken?

Clearly, the passive voice makes this sentence fussy and the prepositional phrase by the chicken seems a bit silly. It would be better written in an active voice, with the chicken in the driver’s seat where it belongs.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

GRAMMARWhat Are Modifiers? How to Use Them Correctly, with Examples

Conjunctions: time Grammar > Words, sentences and clauses > Conjunctions and linking words > Conjunctions:

time from English Grammar Today

When, after, before, until, since, while, once, as and as soon as are subordinating conjunctions which can be used to connect an action or an event to a point in time.

action/event conjunction time

She was in a bad car accident when she was young.

We can’t play loud music after everyone has gone to bed.

Brush your teeth before you go to bed!

I’ll wait with you until the bus comes.

I’ve been very busy since I started my new job.

No one left the cinema while the movie was on.

I’ll call you once I arrive.

We always have an ice cream as soon as we get to the beach.

I bumped into her as I came out of the bank.

Many of these time conjunctions can be followed by -ing or -ed forms instead of subject + verb.

See also:

Non-finite clauses Warning:

We don’t use will after conjunctions referring to future time: When people walk into the room, they will feel something special.

Not: When people will walk into the room…

I will call you as soon as I get to the office.

Not: … as soon as I will get to the office.

When, once, as soon as We can use when, once, as and as soon as to talk about a specific point in time when

something happened or will happen: When we were in Greece, we went to as many islands as possible.

They always close their curtains once they get home in the evening.

As soon as we hear any news, we’ll call you.

Before, after and until We use before and after to talk about the order of events in the past or future.

With before and after, either the main clause or the subordinate clause can come first: [event 1]She’ll pick you up before [event 2]she comes here.

After [event 1]she comes here, [event 2]she’ll pick you up.

Until as a time conjunction means up to a time in the past or future. In the case of until, the main clause usually comes first:

I’m going to wait until the January sales start to buy a new jacket.

Until he mentioned his name was Doug, I thought he was called Damien! (less common order)

We spell until with one l. (Not: untill)

While We use while to show that actions or events happen at the same time in the past, present or

future: Can you wait in the car while I run into the shop?

They were talking while the teacher was explaining the activity. Warning:

We don’t use during instead of while. During is a preposition, not a conjunction, and it must be followed by a noun or a pronoun:

I like to have the radio on while I study.

Not: I like to have the radio on during I study.

See also:



While and whilst





3. Glosarium

Nene Balana Bete Dou Watru Maladong Sori Ikun

1.take a nap

2. intension 3. ancient time 4. Afraid 5. Inhabited 6. snare 7. acquisition 8. rooster 9.suddenly 10. 0ccupied 11.wept 12. realized.

1. once upon a time

2.princess 3. Blessing 4. welfare 5. summoned 6.Immediatly 7.palace 8. willing 9. humming 10. shouted

1. folktales 2. harvest 3. prosperous 4. suspect 5. annoyed 6. escape 7. opportunities 8.inherited 9. passing by 10. defeated

1.kinnaped 2. swallow 3.poor 4.brave 5.aquealing 6. gathered 7. abudant 8.chasing 9.mumbled 10.nevertheless 11. message 12.clawed

Let down

Stick up for

Get on well

Fell out with

Tell on

Stand by

4. Daftar Pustaka

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris English in Mind kelas X -


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