manual of Self-Defence

I SHANGHAI MUNICIPAL POLICE manual of Self-Defence: •*£ </ SHAXCMAI PfcjNTEil BVTttE CHINA PUBLISH! SO & PfMNTlNO , Lid. ,* . t * ^ Wi

Transcript of manual of Self-Defence




manual of Self-Defence:



,* . t * ^ —’ Wi



Manual of Self-Defence.f®





At a tyke, the operation of U«tlnf a pr^Ofier into

cuin-fdy ir Shanghai doc« not prcicnt much difficulty.

When once • Cblneie offender It cometed he ger orally

lufrmit* tatur fatr and [[Wt quieily to the Station

Sometime*, however, he often- a Moot reaitsance and

it Lhen become* the policeman'* duly to crvHrfpeuTT him

without Itm erf time.

Muscular iupericrity vl-LII count for a good deal of

tmirw.bu! even then. if n»*d unskilfully. it may be no

mt}1 mitiei to jet iht better or an agile or deappTate

oppOnenL who ia fighting, poisibly. for his life,


Moreover, unless the policeman h&i the advantage

of itrengsh, hn efforti 1o do »u are Likely to result

in an ufttfignjflfd Struggle in which. he himself may

eventually be wonted.

f fence no number of tht Force can reaion-

’ w.

ably afford to ignore the cxiitmer of a feu

ilmjjle ttipthodi whereby a refractory ptiioivet ian

be secured and theres'


These method* ate adopted mainly from the Japan*

w science of Jui :lsn and depend (ot them nlicacy o n

thr fact that the average man can bear physical pain


only up to a certain point, beyond which he will submit

to the will of the penor hav ii--; Lhe psu er ll. • (!;ct

that pain-

In much pain is indicted by me*'-* of

light bid*-* eo tendeT parti of the body, by pressure

applied io nen e-centres Md by leverage applied id

limb joints.

El it otiyiCUJ*, fiiiilj- tluil yom e- i, >r.ra l‘«- Htt**;!;

Of iniymutt be tifoetively countered isecondly, that he

mutt be closed with and troughs t* a position of pbysicn:

restraint and, thirdly, ibil compulsion in tome form muit

be applied So snake him d« m desired.

One of the cisortisl printipid of (hii KieiKt it to

meet an attack qvkkly and. by another femn of counter

attack: the suddenness of this will, in fnany eases, so

bewilder tour opponent that it will be ytmibk to apply

J1 hold from which ht will ftnd it impossible 1o cMricate

V n .


In many cate* an opponent1

! grea rer strength may

l» turned *n hi! d iiad an tag* . as, when a :-.y of the various

hold* described .ire .: nrrrrtly applied, She mere an

opponent. »!es, the greatei will be Ihe amount of

discomfort he will experience

Itr handling; prisoners or re J?actory pc lions b% the

methods of Jui-jitsv it « we™ to remember that *h*1 H

htihl punishment to one person may hr torture to another

hr c ,i une the reaction of individuals to pain vanes.

The intensity of pain depend! not only on the

strength of ikr- force producing the SensStltwt but

alio on the reCOfKiVe stair of she individual to ihc



Feu example, *n jntO.VKated pCffQfl hat his sensi-

bility to pair deadened bv the poison- a pari i ally


unconteicui p*non ot mentally defect m e one would

Ubci txr .CH icJiiiLLc of |tain.

On the Pih=e hire! certain Msi-idiLiU may feel piun

acutely. Tib may he due to to* fwl toat tf»e« Jftdhrf.

rli .ih i.r MjtHk.pfled r.lhct by fxbaiikhoii „r c|i««uc.

ihcrtsfoTc a pcrtsceelmi' mu*L alwiy* be careful to u*e

hit fhrngEh und meihod* or control over prlwncn with

judgment. particularly wheik dealing with the tick or



Iniroduelisfi ... ...


... ... J

Htoidi S'*. 1 . Police at. 13

it "No, 5 , Handcuff 19

M No. 3 . Am ... a la 37

M No. 4 . Beni Am ... ... 39

II No. J. Frrwl Strangle » ... 33

41 So, t. Ground 37

li No, 7 , Buck Slr*ni;ic ... 3®

Throw* No. 1 . Hind ... it

No, a, Wriit ... 43

\g» j» Ansi «ai aii 47

M No. 4 . Ann S3

PI No, 3 . Buck Htp ... IM ... 57

Tfaf-H No. t. Side ... ... ... $t

a* No. 3, Ankle ... ... ... 63

Method* nf Deftfice ... 6s

Use of Baton... .< ... 1 ... 73



Hand Rltrai rrl

Fidget **h« ... ...

Falm Jib*

Arrtttint ^San »jlh Fire Arm*

Taking away a Filto!

Etfence j^aiiiu Strangling...

Ucfence agiimt Wtsii HoW

Tjdng a PriiofiK ..,

Lifting min from (he Ground

Method* of Attack, Hew dealt wish




Pa* a,

... 79 Fia Xo (, 3. 3, Police Hold . -1 • l4.l6.lP

... Si +Bt 1


4, 5.. 6, 7, Handel# Hold r- 1 30,33,24.36-

... 87H 1


8, Aren Hold *>y 1 as,

... $9*

VI 1


9, cd. Bent Arm H&lds ... 30.3a-

90Vi IV ij,U, From Stratiffe ... 34.3d.

... 91• 1 N 15. Ground Hold •V 1 JB.

9$Bi- t> 14. llacii Si ran if 1c •H 40.

... 97ll N 15, 16, Hand Thro* . ... 43,44.

II t;, H'trtC Throw i|i 46

vv fi 4. 1 B, 19, Arm Throw hi !*.]«*

*IP » 30. 3 1. Arm Drag Throw *•* 54A&-

vv V* li, 33. Hick Hip Throw *4 1 38,60.

11 tfe 3 j. Side Trip ... 1 1 62.

P (1 34. Ankle Trip »-4 w 64.

ft VP jj, Chin Jab ... 66 -

26 , Adam s Apple Pptuurt

zj r Sape cd Neck t'reiiure






SV 5 ft, KhUCkle EjjiJrt



M II 39, Litlle Finger ?Tei»yre "4

„ In JO, U*e of Baton 76.

M M ji, K4ge of Hand Blow “8

P! 35. Chin Jab 8a

«l PI 3, 6, 14* To Ai m; a man with

*a revolver.., ta,*4.l6.

V Pi j3. Taking away •psltdl SB.

If PI 34- How to make ;he Kjwt 92,

PI .. ,54. Tying a Triicmer ,,, 94-

Bl 1


Ji- LifLirig a man from Ground


Mdt#.—For the puipoie of demon* tiatidf1 *11 hold*,



thown avr for the r»ghl hand,they car,,

of eotartr be applied equally well on either



IVss yout S«Jft *rm over hi* right arm, Pitching

your ri>; h i arm by the bicep* with j-our left band,

Q-ppwmft knuckle* (o bt down ward*.

I'isU bit *..rht jrm well through \ nr l<ft thir

ym*r left fofc4rni btme preilcl on the back q i hit Tight arm.

5 occc bn right aim down by pTefctlng dow-nviardi

with y.ju r rlghi h*!>d (Pig. 1J,

1 ?

No. 1,— PiGhofi Hold fC-wtJ

Should >-oyr eppofieni Grip jou, remin the hold ;

you tinnai hurt >'om*eir.

pigltfe $ lillH'i the pM ill U3| ill which you will

(hen be, .


No 4 HiaAcnff Hoid C

Swinif hi i irm up hjgh

under it by tuminf inuanJi v,cib >-onj bail

irtwindi1 1 1^, ( F(ii g



No. 2. E&ndcuU Hatd fCnud ,

S le-jj to 1 1 II bdcj( m-jth your IcfL fo*i;-

ISmiS hn hind vl«J


Uj. hit WeL.

K-ctnin gr*i]> cun M wiritu wish you r left turd urni

; . ,-e h right *lbo ilh your t^bt hwd I j 6



F'g *

H‘,jTDCUrr Hold.


Ne. 2 Handcuff Hold : mi

lI your ojrponcMt l« tofj tmilJ hr you to urider

hsi *rn, Ltlll hold a* folEows

ud ilijjhtly ia h»i right lid l

Sci.^r hf rijhl wriil v-.flh. yr,:ir |-i- hand.,

knuckk* dovitm-arda and :hnmb to the lei's

J 3hi* elbow ui;h your right hand > Fig ?i

['u#Ji Hi lnj*d ii|> Ju* bfeifc by pmihmj; av.;y with

your left band and (lulling hi« elbow- tovardi you with

ymir ri^Hc a* in Ft* 6.


No, 3. Arm Hold,

Mar,d level with jour op^qnrrn« on hi* n^ht ifcL(

and facing the taste way


Sme hit right wriK with, your right hand, h»-|f

oi your her cl to the front, back a( hit hand dmmwda.

Kune I’m right arm with >our right hand.

1'c.ii y«ir 1-eft arm under hi* right and plate your

Irfl hand behird hit neck.

S:, " : 111 ' youi :• •: MIB .11 .1 pull down- ,:i<|* >„,

hii right Effh with your right hand. (Fig. »i

Note Lbr petition of your opponent * elbow the

finish of the hold.

1 _




' -.LDf,kt A*«


3fo. t Btni Am Hold t

Pat* fighl 4™ usideT Ihc upper part Ot fees

Tight orn tciiirvjj tin iijjtic unit jrtiii t glut hand

from the front.

ik ’P * hr ItplKTj

jrt of rig 'I l ilrrti y. jr

body 4i: d force hi* wn»t backward* with your hand*.

<Fi(, 10).

Kot^l Thin hi Id t4H be obl.iiricH j. h-n, yen; rire

c\me up In yout opponent and w-hert illcmpit s.t ether

holds hive failed


Fig- 3E.

fi.u- i Srn,',NM.t


Vo. a. Pram Stratn]*

Pin your right arm around hii iteck, niching

your Tight wriit with your IdfL band.

#I rina your rij£ht H |i into she imatl of hit buck

and bend hn body backward*.

Appty jiT.’»mTe by pulling on youi nglu wriit with

your left hand, forcing your neck igtlnit hii right arm,

(FI* 1tl



Take care that your right forearm bone

prewe* igalnlt the rmitcle on the left tide of hi* neck

ji <J th -I yotir body n thrown well forward to bring bim

off hi* balurte,



No, 7. Bityfc Strwigl^

Sc-itid it y&ur oji|»onenl':i back,

PU'-r your right arm arouixl his neck umh your

foir^rm I

*s "-arir ••

I- \ > <;m • t|> lr

Pt‘Cr b-ek of your left arm on hn l*ft ihottSttar and

dat]i your IrfT bleep* is iih your rifht hand,

Cts*|’ kick of hi* neck v iih your IHfl bard

TuH ii] i with your rig lit ftneurm and prci* fontfArd

with yout left hr.nd( lMg r 4 i.


I ..., ri StkaHOJ


Net. I, Hand Throw,

Volt opponent senes you by the- throat wstb

Tigls! hand-V

Sciie opponent's rishi hand from above «Hih ya«r

rl.:ht hin<S. youf thuirih between hij Thumb and forc-

ftn^CfF. fingers pissing over the buck of tail head

to the pat in.

J'.io:: your ieft ban<f uuritT hit tight elbow. ’homb+

to the Tsgbt, (Fig i j'i


3. — EUud Throw (C\ nr j

upuardi nid m iih « circular men Ion at

jotii Tsuht hind bn nr hii amt dounuatd* to vout

ri^h 1 m:I,t

ii ihr mih<- i.w. i


-s»isi_r -••tth jnui -ft

hmd on hit c-lbo* and herd hit nfih.1; urin loMind*

him i l' ig jfiji

Cwnlmuc vimurr on rlhcw Hi] he- f.ilit tc- the


1 Mu

4 :.

No, 2.- Wrist Throw.

ftrue opponent'! right hand waits both youn and

eu™ hit jul it, Iowa rtU Sum

i'ortfr your right lhumb Into thr hack of h la hind

between third and imatl fipgvn and j-uur Crft thumb

1* tween fore and *reond Angeri

Bfrcl hu hand toward! him by pretilng your

rhumb* mio the bae* of hi a hand (Fig jy}

Forte- hit hand to the gi-ound keeping the wrlat


If you have any difltouhy In throw ing you, opponent

fiiv* hi* 'Aflat a tWp turn to your left arid puill. Thu

wi]] etuic him to Ioh hii h*3ante and ML



No. 3.- Ann Throw,

Simrrl l*£iri(f j'tsui oppoiwnl,

Snrp h,< light write M. iih Iwifo Qf your band*, right

bote left,i Fig. 4 ).


Fi| 4

Am Tnww-


No A—Ana Threw ftVs/j/

S*'ins Ji is arm up htgh,


hi»» ulidci il hj iLFtlssij; Lu ;. uj| rji* bl.


liim bald cr bts wrist, this will cause his arr^

i-o twist as shewn in i F :? idi

Mete; Dd not alikm hi? wrist to turn in yotir


No 3 Ana Threw •

When hsi hnisd it over your r^ht ihoulder pul]

ih r|i!ir dOft'nuartfl to jnour r.ghE Thu xiiJI ciuie him


to fill on hit b-cli ( Fig 19)

No, 4 Arm Drag Throw-

ssind ir. ihr up hi of yogi opponent-

s'* h s> right ivrl*t «ith yew,* right 'hand twci of9

vpui hand to tlw font, b*ck or b,> band cSomiwank

mtw,f tna right elbow wish your left hand. (Fig 30. 1


Aura Dh v& Thkjw,


K*. 4 JLriti Drug Throw It */} \

1‘uLI him by ?! e wfjtt Icnardi. (he grow >3 on your

right mlc, at tucnc time n rating on hit ribovi vuh your

Irft hprd-


Thu m>." caui< tiiin so fall on hit face

I... 1 hm on lilt 1


ii ml, 4.ii I: i

Mith your lefs hand enri puli up on hit. wml Mills your

rljfhs hand (Fig, jj>




No. 5. Back Hjp Throw


Continuation of Front Stnqgfa

l ot defence (.gasnit i right handed downward or

vii li tlfc'W ij! thr hi -id ilh .1 Mir. cIC, Crr if

opjK'Pert it very wrong and there it a ehantt of hia

lotting i<s J,y from Front Strangle- {Fig jaj

No 5 Buck Hip Tfrrev ft'.'ati)

Retain :hr hold cvn hip nee-, and arm with jour

right hand

Bring your Seft hand down u your left fid* and.

MtM hu fjffflt keg from underneath, (Fig. xji

fti*h up wi|h ysut left hand, pull forward vj i h

jcut r;ght arm and iiemrl yc*up tody toward* the gi ror.d

Thi« will throw youi opponent on hn Wick with bi»

bead lamnjiyw,

l-’ ’S AJf1



No 1 Sidfl Trip,

^Imd Jiclrg- your opponent.

Scitr both hn arrant alarm the cJbowi,

‘-i. hj/n hi? }'. to . i r right hy pulLing * I r

uaidt viath your Tight hnr-d end f.uihjsijj *j| wardi i’lh

yotit left, thui putting him off hn balance

Turn yout body to your right and ah&ot your left

lt K to hrl Scf ! tidr.

Talcc care- Uui the boclt of your left leg i» agiiimt

hi* body. {Tig, Jj).

Continue preiiure on hit muni til] he fill*.



No. 2. Ankle Trip,

(Ot'-ly uifJ'uS when 9pj«onffll't fee! *re elont 10 -

grille r i.

S[ :Hd fafiflg yuiip 0)ipflftenL

P>rue both hi* armt above ihe elboni

Jvat him «hr.ijily 10 yogi right bj' pulling down-

MjiTti* * ilfa your Tight huid |»u»hmg uynvirrii wj h

your Etft,

\i ihc Iimr J. rtir iiualtr hit left r.nlic with tie of

yoitst -rtghl fr>nl wtEhou! bending your i-r |Ffg, ;.| .

Tht will tsuiicT k m to r..L! on hti loft uric.

Methods of Defence.

ri i Vour opponent teiiei you round the- both fracm

In fior> t, k*vjng jour *fso«

To midie h ifa*i rekaic hold —

(A'l Slnlv-e hit clii r= n hard upward .ab »Kh the here!

of yom will. (Fif, ij) "Chin J»b‘

K it her or both h-aiidt may be uitd.


l‘'E *5

Chip Ja*.



BflftJuHli of Dofoatt (CWrrf i

Wo. 1. it >"'if

V jut opponent teues you round the body from

ri front Swing your arm* free

fjl) Set?- hi*, ryci; vi j slh oo-ih hand* finger* loue Iv

mg ibchrodL lhucolrt in from. cw*e on each itdc

*if the Adnm'i Apple,

'fr« inwaH* .‘nth your thiintbi aod jerli hi»

Head ihirp’y bach w .ttdt, (Fig :f>r "Adtm*




Method* of Defeat* It ' /- J -

No i.

Vemt opponent senes von rourxS she body frOrt in

from, kavii f VK-.n .CT3* f-«

II your opponent kp*pf In* head «dl dOW* »o that

you Cftnnol apply euhrt of the foregoing meshed i

il l Seise the buck of hi* neck between she thumb

snd the finder* of One Itisvd.

Grsp stMHigiy and force him so the ground.

(?'« 2J)


Nape of Seek Pressure".

^D) FfiCOt the Icwct part of hi* body away from you

by pi-cuing with yarn hands or jab him tkaiply

with year finger* in she tcoin*eh which "ill

generally have the s-iime effect; tibe-ii kick him

sharply in the pi 5 oif she stomach with your


Methods of Dtfeact i

t*l Your opponent *nip* you round thr body (i«n

in from, riwnrdmjj youi aim* with hi*

To make him relejiH: hit hold;—¥

(A) } :. b him thirfily in the groin with your finger* and

If iiTccspAry apply she Knee Kick in the Tc*"cM

I I VoLir iit^Kmc 11 1 *rnr« you round (hr body from

beh-rd, leading you? SSfERI frrr.

In make him irleair hi* hold: —

i \i <tr «.r the back of hs* hand with your knuckle*.

(Fig. a*) "Knuckle Blow".

MeLhcnii of Defence l ,»U.

Pfe, 3 ,

Vour opponent ifiici you round the laSidj" Crom

behind teavma your a™* ftee,

(It) Siiic either of hit little fiogert and bend it

btcktnttif, (Fif :g) " Lies k Finger PreMure

(t Stamp on hit femt 'pi ith. ihr h-rcL of your boot

,4> Your opponent aeueii you round the body from

behind, enCiMlIinji vow armt with hit

To rtiiifce him release hu hold —

(A) Apply method! } (Jfy -C\ « ttnke him * Wow

m the face with the buck of your head-


Ub« of tit Bat&h,

..i To bring your opponent it. the ground, hit him

Oii ihr S hisi boot below Ike knre-cap Tki» t» more

effective than a bead blow


(jy To mill your opponent irlr^ic hi i hold of anj

ivettpom with which hr may br armed hit h«rti nfl the

forearm and at the frame time itnkc Iwm with your knee

fa the teilldei,

( 3 i To ward a l>U»« with a nick or aim liar weapon

at youi In-. id, ur**| •

yuur baitin with buih hands nem el •

tudt, mih in ai ckne ai possible . Inan (hr bkm on the

batuti ijf1" JO ;

reini^e thr hold or yewt left h*oii and

strike with batm: held in nghl hand at your op^on en t r

i hr, tit. Thu will bring him to the ground.

Nol*: It ii to be noted that an opponent armed!

with a stick or other atdkmg weapon can do you Unit

Injury if you keep eloae to hint


Edge of the Hand Blow

An 1 F-dgr of Ihe Hand HE©* 1 '3* glivan with the

itittc i or Si’ilc finger rt)£c of the paim fingen airiight


and do*? together {Fsg Ji.)

,1 Acre** the wtsSI

(Jj .« forearm

<1) „ .. Weep*

4) h. .> *tde of mck

i$) „ . shoulder cm ors the t©S4r tone

t&) „ ,, Aduxfi Apple

(;) „ hack of neck

IS) „ „ up pei part ©f the leg (ifl front)

p>J „ „ lower put of (he leg (on iho ouzsidr)

( 10) „ ,!lower part of the teg ;at (he hack)

(t i) On She '*4i*t

4 3) Over the kidtoey*

(a j) Over the base ©f the spine

Holer ^>1 the abovr Wowr tan he given with

the ba-toii.

T9 %

Finger Jabs.

|;ni(jef .Ulw *r* given « ilh the point* of (he

fingeri cSo'ie together.


(s) En the -iotar PIckhi

(;) In the Fit of the Slomech

Palm Jabs,

Th: ‘ I'&lra Jab " » given wLth the heel of ihr band

(Fig. Jjli 'Chin Jab*

0> O.dcT the Chin

How to arrwt a man known to carry


]n fifing piitel Qr rfv'sUer. the iveragr mw*

h„ nght hind. It an therefore be tafcM for panted

ihK your m«i hi* the weapon concealed Ml hi*

v llhln irith of hi* right hind,

,\ Chin***. when drcied Ln bit national CMturoe,

Mrt |ci hi* pi*td under hit gown or j*ck«, iWH&lly tucked

in li belt, It wouid be lapsiaiHc for h«(P to get a.:

it r:nh the IcFl hind, owing Ifi hi' clothing fawemng on

the nght tide. The right hand it therefore the better

®314: tOleCUre.

Tc amsi a man approaebiag y^U-

Apply (it Police Hold (Fig 23 on nght anti-


To melt * mala lipproidil&f ron f_

or (3> HJi*dniff HoW . 1i«. *i w right tmw

Shoutd you be unable lu obtain either oi the**

hoSdt; tw \y Side Tfiv (Fig. 3j; Fag* <>" hl* w%

Hide: J-OW ‘ Mild Thru hive no difficulty »* replying

lUndcufT HoW (Fig, 6; vfrilt he «u on the gpowtd.

To arrest a man whom jou are


Apply— Hack Slrangk (Fig- *4’-

To take a pistol or revolve?1 from a person

pointing at another.

Should you comt icio^i F.jiyonc pointing with *

piiiul m ai -'"tic! diiii. a::ri Ac i* uiiawtiti of your

pr«encT »esse bi» h.-nr r.nd revolver wnb ywi nght

hind, from underneath, s-rk ins hand upwards r.rn

biclciVirtl* 37 T i: -

; j - h;» !n;-|S lrr fir.gcr

4nd. c»u*e him to reltare hiu holt" or the weapon

Note; Take care to keep thr . •!. of ihc

revolver sn-jy from your bead when fortir.j hit hsnd


Defence against Strangling.

Yout opposiOTt K?!i« you by she Ghrs>7,l fcish his

hand. To moke- him b-s hold:— S'fihe hi*

nglll asm ft ih_rp blaw niib yalar rijhE hcr.d icoxiri*

yoijf !efs tide.

Defence agaibBt a Wrist HcM.

Your ayponenl faici vi-jlji r-ghi irmi nith eisbrr

of hit hands. To make him itltut hit hold:—

Prnd your hiir-d tnwnirb your body and mist your

the cUrtstlior of hi 'huirb.


Tying an effi&cti.’ffl knot.

Fittcii&e tying knot or a suck |jo;« or s.nytl:.ins

utniliT. as. follows

Ti xj

s> i. ; f CMC Dr tiilr rc| : about a quad i

dT til inch sn diameter, *i>d insist ; u; yirdi in length,

this ei* he carried m lied ttfrund the Haiti, under ihe


Hold the coni -n th-- IpiV hr.nd r.'wut twn feel from

one end: p« it. in the foran of a loop, renand pole r.t in

Fig. A.

The ttarf end ^ the cord so the lell and :hc end

10 ihe TigjU

Pas* the sight cord, in n loop, through loop A.

idmi r.t; loop F Put left ootd also in a Loop, through

loot' |S formm.; loop C Holflliig loop L iA Idt hand

*im£ pujLing Long end of coin will MM' COirpljele the kr.o!

u shewn in Pig. !>• (Fig. S3)-

Tying a ponroer,

A« it the e«*c when garni; handruflV yom prisoner

j> >j|n.iy* act urt -.ihM» hi* hand* ire rnMcived

iGgcuher behind hti back : yon YiowJd luturtlly compel

him to pTrcirdc yog ai d you ^vouki then a; once notice

,ieiy Attempt he might make to icleaar tin ImikIt

The knot *he-«ii on pa^c U2 form* n \ cry goed

tubatitute for a pair of handcuff*

Tie l.ii nt I). (.Fig. 3_i) on yeut prltonedt ivriM. pall

I i-i other h-iiid fhrmigh the loop nhieh rt th«W11,


t*ui r.rd tic two half hitcher to prtvrril flipping.

(P>»- Ml


To Lift a min on to his fact,

from the ground.

Your opponent he* on hit itormch on tHr gmurid

n.nd reft)*** to *sa.nd ujj

Se»e him round the neck with b«h hamd*. j-ewr

firmer* jxctunf into hli meek *Jong*idc the "Adam*


Force the permit of t'Otit thumb* Into the Ihollovi*

under the Lobe ul the err* - ltd lift upward*. 3i)



Methods of Attack„

Certain of these method* a*r intended So be used

only in ejesermr cases, such ** a desperate attack bj ft"

Cppcitem arnvftl with a knife or similar weapon,

For *5! OHJinan t44«i sS'-erc are suiuWe hoicH and

ihrww, etc,, which, whilst bem« quale effective and

causing considerable discomfort to (he person to * hwu

Ehry 5,ff applied* do nol Cause any bodily injury

Methods of Attack and How Dealt with.

£l> YoUf opponrnt IfUlhrS Si J'DU With • knife

Kurk him in the leitldrs or stomach with the i«

of your bO&ff

M.-ithods of Attack and How Dealt with,

Von r o jrpon rr i ms rmpH —

{A) To Mriii* you wish hi* fin

i I'g •i rifle (Fig :

t :) Ur s A rm J J aid (Fiji I 0)

13.1 Wish baton *(nV« forearm a nrurt Www

from briow.

1 1'! To lUike you wash a knife (do* nwird blow)

(0 Si filer forearm with baton,

i, ’I Slrskc col'is bone wiLh Lai u



(l) Kiel foam in the Seitide* or itenuck.

i . ) To ?rn -e you with a knife (irdc «r upward l»lo« i

(,» J Strke lore amj with talon.

(? Strike coha: bone wiLh baron.

O’ Kick him tn the test id w ur sionuch.

I Oft

Mclhoda of Attack and How Dealt with.

Ho, 2 \i >uti

(1-5.1 To *trike jou «4h H ilrek (dnwi.waHJ blow)

[0 I rwit StMi gic I -ft 12 )

(?) Hack Hip Throw ( Fig tif

i, l.i To ilnke you with « Hid. l>idc or li u .ml blow)

(i) Arm Hold (Kip h)

(i) Strike iforearni w Ith bator from nbcwc

(F) To Kick you

(si Strike ililn boro o Lhigti with baton.

(G) To dose with you.

(a Cuts wish hand, ns in .1 g ji)

(J> Chin | ah (fig, as,}

Mi it hods of Attack and How Dealt with,

You i opponent tlone-i with you —

j , V; Kelley j'ui] by ibe throm :.with one Ivtnd)

(u) Mmd Throw (Fig ttf)

(i) Chin J»b (Fig as)

(B) Seif*'* you by the tliro*1 (with l»th hnr-HO

(i) Chin. J*b {Fig, aj)

(a) Knee Tcelick Kirk

(C) Sene* you round body im-iti Front (IcMlng yetn

ursni free)

(t) Adwn'i Apple (Fig. 2d)

(?) Chin >b (Fig. 25)

U) Kape at Neck iFrg. 27}

,4 ] Knee 'J etude Kick.


Methods of Attack and How Dealt with.

(j) (Continued)

(D) Sckct you round die body from, front <eivcn<L-

Ing your armt)

(1) Groin J*b with point of fiftg*rt

(2) Knee Twtitl# Kick

(bi Scire* you round body irum b»e« (.cm-ing your

jirme Free}

H) Scrull Finger Prciltirt (Fig. !£}

(2) Knuckle frlow tF«g. s£),

(l3) Selin yn round tody from b»elt (enelteli-ng

your trait)1

£i: Swunp on lu* foot-


Methods of Attack and Hew DwLt with.

[j) (Contioued

(G} Sekei you round neck (tchti back

(t) on b>* fwt

(ji Keith over your ihMilder >ndl **ue hold!

o< his citithing. beHid hhurply lor»uruk I

tlir wiliL, fju'innj; *r tlic un* time,

Note: Ailrr bavin" midi: )oar upi wneM tek l-

h:t hold jtdw rheuld hnvc no difficulty ih ipjilyinj!

.aity one of the v«rkw » hold* herein de*enb«i,