t t , l --- BEF OR E T HE M IL ITARY COMMI SS I ON convened by the Cotii! .t ANDING GENERAL, Un it ed St a te s A rmy Fo rces, West er n Pa cifi c UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) -vs- MAKATO YOSHIOKA FUKUUORI OKUDA M IKIO KAI TAKEJI WADA SHICHIRO INO UE AKIRO SATO PUBLIC TR I AL ' I ) ) VOLUME IV Pages to 283 Incl. ) - -- . I DATE 16 Feb. 46 M ANILA, P. I. COPY NO. __ c::>_ -_ . _ i ..... ....



t ,


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convened by the


Unit ed St ates Army Forces,

Wes t er n Pacific





' I

) )


Pages ~ to 283 Incl.


- --


~. I

DATE 16 Feb. 46

MANILA, P. I. COPY NO. __ c::>_-_. _


..... ....


it' I



THIS CERTIFIES that t his Volur:ie is a

part of the Official Record of the Proceeeings

of the Military Connission apoointed by Para-

graph 2, Special Orders No. 35, Headquarters,

United States Arr.iy Forces, ~··estern Pacific, dated

11 February 1946, in the trial of the Case of

the United States of Anerica against Makato

Yoshioka, Fukul!1ori Okuda, Mi~io Kni, Takeji Wada, ~~

Shichiro Inoue and Akiro Sato.

Colonel, CAC President of Coonission

Dated ';../ February, 1946.

-=- - - -=

- -





convened by the COMMANDING GENERAL

United States Army Forces Western Pacific




) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


Court No. 2B High Commissioner's

Residence Manila, P.I. 16 February 1946

Met, pursuant to adjournment, at 0380 hours.


COLONEL FRANCIS A. HAUSE, CAC, President and Law Member











I N D E X - - - - -WITNESSES


Fukun1ri Okudr'.

:.!t'.k r.t o Yoshioka 243

Koji Kikuchi

;~gr-.pi t o Beldt~d 259





217 229






"R" 221 222

"P" 232 233


Def ense r ests 255 i.r guaent 0f Lt .. ':7cst·· n 266

J.rgunc nt of C<.pt. J e nkins 276

P R 0 C E E D I N G S -----------Pursuant to adjournment t he Commission convened at

0830 hours, 16 February 1946, at Court Number 2B, High Com­

missioner• s Residence, Manila, P.I.

COLONEL HAUSE: The Commission is in session.

CAPTAIN JENKINS: Sir, it appearing that all members of

the Commission are present together with the Accused and their

regularly appointed and chosen counsel, we are ready to proceed.

COLONEL HAUSE: You may proceed.

CAPTAIN JENKINS: At the cessation of yesterday's session

I had -- the Prosecution had Lieutenant Okuda on the stand

for cross examination. I call Lieutenant Okuda.


recalled as a witness, having been duly sworn, was examined

and testified as follows through Interpreters Sergeant Ogita

and Sergeant Ushijima.



CAPI'AIN JENKINS: I remind you that you are under the

same oath to tell the truth, nothing but the truth, that you

were yesterday, do you understand that?

(Whereupon a discussion was had by In~erpreter ~ergeant Ogita

with the witness.)

Q The day before the first American was killed you knew

he was going to be killed, is that correct?

A I did not know.

CAPTAIN JENKINS: If the Commission will bear with me

just one moment, I am looking for an exhibit.

Q You have said urner oath that Sergeant Furukawa was



-...:.. -.

attached ana uncer your cof.'ltlona , is that correct?

A Yes.

r: Then how did Furukawa get his or ders t o execute the

Anericnns without your knowledge?

h I think Sergeant Furukawa hear d fron Sergeant Ohlci.

Q Isn't it odd that your own sergeant did not receive nn

or der through you?

h It is not strange,

Q Then you did not actually coru:iand Furukawa, is that rieht?

Sergeant Miyanishi and Sergeant Furukawa were under r.iy

CO'"ltland. I W~S in charge of traininfe

~ Training recruits?

A I was in charge or education.

CAPTAIN JENKINS: (To Interpreter) Sergeant, will you

tell ne where 1n Exhibit "I" Section 1 -- where that is in

Q You have sai d that you wrot e this statenent. I ask you

to refresh your nenory and reod Section 1.

INTFRPnETFn OGITAi out loud?

CAPTAIN JF.NKINS1 No, to hioself. I will re~d the

En~lish translation.

(Whereupon witness Okuda re~d the Japanese . statenent in

Prosecution's Fxhibit "I".)

C~PTAIN JFNKINS: (Reading Paragraph 1 of Prosecution's

rxhibit "l") ''Because of the boobings we have becone unable

to transfer the aircan"·-

Yesterday we decided it neant the singular.

"To Iloilc , what shall we do w1 th hin". The Conpe117 Concander

replied, "'!'here is nothing we can do. We will kill hin. •





Q You just stated to me two minutes ago that you did not

know the first American was going to be killed until the day

he was actually killed, is that correct?

A I do not know.

Q You also said "I asked the soldiers what they were going

to do with the two Americans when they were leading the soldiers

to the execution", is that right?

A Yes, I asked them •

Q But you also state that Furukawa was in charge of these

soldiers, is that right?

A Corporal Miyaji, Sergeant Furukawa, and Sergeant Ohki

were taking the prisoners. I said that Sergeant Ohki was in


Q Why didn't you ask thG Sergeant instead of asking the


A The sergeant was up in front and the sold i ers were in

the rear guarding them so I asked the soldiers.

Q You can talk, can• t you? You can talk loud, can't you?

A There is no need to talk in a loud voice.

Q As an infantry leader, commamer, you have given commands

in a loud tone of voice, have you not?

A Naturally, when I am giving orders, giving commands, I

talk in a loud voice but normally I don't when there is no

need for a loud voice.

Q Didn't you think there was a need here for a loud voice,

for an explanation from the non-commissioned officer in charge?

A There was no need for a loud voice. They were quite

close, the soldiers were in the rear and the non-commissioned

officers in front.


Q If they were quit e close, the Sergeant could have ~ard

you in a low tone of voice , could he not?

A I think the Sergeant also heard my voice.

Q On direct examination, you wer e asked "When did you first

meet Lieutenc:.nt Kai"; "Just befor e the t wo Americans were

executed"; and you answered "In front of the guardhouse and

immediately after they took the prisoners Lieutenant Kai,

you, came out of your quarters and met him, Okuda, the r e".

Is that correct? That is, Kai came down to meet you while

you were in front of the quarters, barracks o

A That is correct.

Q Then Lieutenant Kai came down and met you there. Just a

statement, not a que stion.

A Yes, I was in front or the guardhots e and I asked about

the prisoners and S_ergeant Furukawa and his party took the

prisoners away and immediat ely a:tter that Lieutenant- Kai

came out and met me in front or the guardhouse .

Q At this time, if the Commission please , the Prosecution

\iC'Uld like t C' ndnit intn evidence the Prosecution Exhibit 11R11 ,

a signed stRtencnt by 2nd Lieutenant Kai.

TRANSLATOR SERGEANT OGITA: 'lhis translation has been

checked by the official Translation Section of the War Crimes

Office .

LIEUTENANT WESTON: If it please the Commis sion, I would

like to point out tha t the Defense is making an attempt to

present their case at the present time and if the Pros ecution

wishes t o introduce this s t a t enent, I suggest they wa it until

the close of the Defense' case and not try t o handicap the

Defense any nore than t hey are already .


Q If they were quite close, the Sergeant could have m ard

you in a low tone of voice , could he not?

A I think the Sergeant also heard my voice.

Q On direct examination, you wer e asked "When did you first

meet Lieuten~nt Kai"; "Just befor e the t wo Americans wer e

executed"; and you answered "In front of the guardhouse and

immedia t ely after they took the prisoners Lieutenant Kai,

you, came out of your quarters and me t him, Okuda, there".

Is that correct? That is, Kai came down to meet you while

you were in front of the quarters, barrackso

A That is correct.

Q Then Lieutenant Kai came down and met you there. Just a

statement, not a question.

A Yes, I was in front of the guardhouse and I asked about

the prisoners and s .ergeant Furukawa and his party took the

prisoners away and i mmedia t ely after that Lieutenant- Ka-1

came out and met me in front of the guardhouse.

Q At this time, if the Commission please, the Prosecution

TI0uld like t c nd!'lit into evidence the Prosecution Exhibit "R" ,

a s igned stAtencnt by 2nd Lieutenant Kai.

TRANSLATOR SERGEANT OGITA: This translation has been

checked by the official Translation Section of the War Crimes


LIEUTENANT WESTON: If it please the Commission, I would

like to point out that the Defense is making an attempt t o

present their case at the present time and if the Pros ecution

wishes t o introduce this s t a t eMent, I suggest t hey wait until

the close of the Defense ' case and not try t o handicap the

Defense any nor e than t hey are already.



c:.PTl1 I N JTNI(I NS : If the Co. r ii s s i 0n pl cn S C ' this

st~ tc··,.._n t i s b <J ine introc~ uccd s cl uly f0r t ho purpos0 of

dis crcd i t:l n;i: the; , ·i tnc ss .

LI:'lf'l'::-N:.NT 1'1f'STON: I f th~ t is t.hC; pur pos e nf it , it

s hould bG intro(UcGd ~t the pr np c.. r ti~c nhi ch is ~n rEbutt~l

of the Pros e:cuti 0n. Cc: r t--j nJ.y he. c~nnot i nt r or" ucc n st~ tc ­

·~cnt by t he. f1 ccuscd t o i· 1pc~ch the :.c cus C;d . Tho pr r:p<.. r

t i .. lc f or the Qd .. 1is~icn 0 f t ' i s ,.: C'uld be upcm rc..butt~ l nnd

dcfi ni t c ly nould no t be in t he ~11aa 1c rf t he Dcfonsc. ' c~ sc .

C1'1,P~!. IN J:~TKH!S : This cr urt is m' t bc ur1d b y t c. c h.-i i-

colit i cs. I hc ve r c.. f c r cnco --

COLOl'TFL H:\USP : The Cr :-i:1ission \!:il l acce pt the st.~ tc-

"Knt in evidence.

(Prrsccution 's Ex~ibit "R" ,~~ s r e ce: i vcd in cvic <::nee.)





( :'!hereupon Prosecution's J::xhibi t "R" is incorpor r tcd into the

r ecord . os follows:)

"S E C R E T ---~--





Arc und 0900 , on o.bout 25 ?:r.rch, 194 5 (20th y'.; c-_r of S!IOWJ. )

e Dou3l~.s t r ::-.nsport pl[~nc e.nd three pll'no s fl C\·1 over t he

to·7n of Si:·i JOSE coming from the south. :nst . I ''r.s right in the

:-1idst of trr.:ining soi;-ic so l diers who h::-.d j us t enter ed our unit

in t ]10 l~ st dl'.ys of Dccc1:-i bcr, 1944, r.nd thinking to <"'.vo id a

bombing er str ng, I stopped t he trc.ining r.nd h c.d thorn · t o.kc

s:1cl t or in ['. hole in the ground us ed f or c:i.n trench.

Y/hil e •:10 vrnr c look~ ng c.t the pl s fr or1' the hole , I St'.VI t hc.t

one of then , <-. nnvy plt'.nc , \·w.s spurting gnsolinc in fli ght.

I hrd been in the hole for about 30 Pi nutcs ' . .'he n I hc ['.r d the

soldiers calling othe r t ogct '1cr loudly, so uc G<'.thc r cd

befor e t he Gu::-.rd Unit H. f1 .

I :1['.VC foreottcn cx c.ctly whcthur it '.!cs \fr rrc.~t Officer

N,·...;~.NO or Bgt. ::e. j . WADA who c n:-w out of the coopc.ny offic e

r''ld to nc, "I just got ri. phone ccll frori1 the off:. c c of

t ;10 I S:IID~". Unit (J.i r Unit) seying thl'. t n plri.n e hus l:lc'.".dC a

forc ed l c.ndi ng o.t the t'.ir f i el d , so go in r'. hurry a nd

s c0". I got fi vc of my men c.nd 2nd Lt . OKUD~·~ got .-.bout 20 of

his ncn :-.nd ·:\,) got into ['. truc k t or,ot'"cr r-n d ·.1tmt t o the r'.ir-

fi e ld . "'0 s ·o ' PCd t ho t r uck c. t the entranc e to the f i cld

r nd I s e t up <". mr.chinc gun th ..)r c . Jus t then , t her e \ff.S the

s ow1<l o.l r-. pistol s11ot ~nd I could se c five or six soldier s


appro nching the plane . I ho ard l ['. t c r fron one of t he se that

thoy \/er e soldiers of the I SHIDA Unit nho hC'.d cone out t o gur.rd

the airfield and r.rho wer e making a r ound of inspection just o.t

tha t time , nnd r1ho \7cnt ther e v1hon the plcne rJt'.de its for ccd

1~.nding . Cons equently thoy r an up t o the pl ane , but one of

the flyers fir ed on then v;i th :J. r ovol vcr , whic h I l e Qrncd fror.i

the s s oldie r wc.s the noise I had her:rd. I s r:.w the s e f i vc

or six con of the I SHIDA Unit l c<iding t he t r10 flyers up. The

soldier s of 2nd Lt. OKUD,·,. l ed t '1e t no priso ners tom~rd the

cntr['.nc o t o t he airfield so tha t the y cou l d not excape . The

si tun ti on \7t'.S thl:'. t the soldiers of the I SHIDA Unit had got

ther e shortly befor e ,.,e c.rrivcd o.nd hcd qui ckly t c-.kcn the t vro

prisoners. The OKUDA Pl ntoon, since i t hc.d arrived on tho

scene I nt er, ne t ISHIDA' s soldier s in the middle of the air­

fi eld, end guc.rded the pri soners. We put t he t vm flyers in

the truck we ha d been riding in c.nd went to the eu r.rd

unit and begcn our i nvcsti gl:'.tion . 1st Lt. YOSHIOKJ. t'.nd I and

some Filipino employees ,-;ho could spenk J c.pc.nose ~nd who inter­

pre t ed ['.Skcd their naoes, birthplac e , duties , e tc. I think

t here wer e sone other officers cl so pre s ent but I forge t who

t hey v:cr e . I f or get the n.::mcs, birthpl c.c c , etc. (TN: of t ho pri­

soner s) , b ut one wcs ['.n Ensign c.nd one o. Chief Petty Officer

(TN: sic). Both wer e 20 years of nge . They h c.d been escorting

r. transport plnne fron LINGJ.YEN GULF, LUZON, t o ZJ~ ~BO.ANGA on

::INDJ,.N/,.O r1hcn they hl:l.d engine trouble . They snid t h:J.t they

ncd e a f orced l t'.nding thinldng thnt the nirfield had already

been occupied by th::> J.rae ricnn ,",:rmy .

'-:le gunrdcd these pri soner s of ur.r c. t th.J gu~rd house .

Tr10 or throe days l c. t er ( Sgt. KI::.:..GiLI, I believe ) c non-



cot1r:issioned officer fror: the 21P Unit, cune c.nd put them in

o. c nr, saying thn t they 1.nmtcd t o interrogat e then in dc to.11

a t the MP Unit . I think lffr.rrnnt Offic er HIHJ~Im knon s a.bout

thes e !" ers.

J~ t th<:'.t period the U. s . i~!'uy (Us~·lFEE ) hnd already c on­

plc t cly encircled SilN JOSE o.nd tras r-.ttacking our outposts,

o.nd every d ny nort~r shells f ell in the gua rd unit a r ea. Tuo

Ane rican speedboats pntrollcd the o.nd deliver ed gunfire

on the gue.rd unit. Ther e ncre f our or five Filipino ctlployces

in the guo.rd unit who connunica t ed \Vi th the eneoy Md consc­

quen tly ther e i:ros c. disquieting f ear. The lu:".erican Army h nd

already l anded on tho 18th a t ILOILO, and f or this r enson there

was no r adio connunicntion nor rrc.s ther e any lia ison with Force

:fondquarters (T .N. TOZUKA). 1r1c didn't know \'rhat hr.:.d happened

t o the TOZUKA Headqur-.rters or vrhet her it we.s in the aountains

or not.

Previous to this tine , I believe pro bably on about 10

:.forch, \1e had r ec eived n r adio ncs s ogc to t he effect t hf' t if

the encay landed uc should go t o the l oc ation of the TOZUKlt.

Force . H0'.7ovcr, as I explained nbovc , conditions in I LOILO

vrere not cl car and so rm got in touch bv r o..di o 1;1i th Brigndc

Hcadquo.rtcrs on NEGROS. Fortunately, we v1Cr c able t o communi­

ca t e ni th th co nnd Gene ral IG~W.ANO sent the following order:

"Def end your present Guard sector (SAN JOSE) t o the deat h until

you estnblish coonunic ations vli th Headquc.rtcrs of the TOZUKA

Force". Becaus e of this it sceos tho. t 1st Lt. YOSHIOKA had

~de up his n ind th~t every uould die if t he .r'J:'.lcrican

I.rny l a nded. It s thci.t ls t Lt. YOSHIOKA had decided t o

kill the s e prisoners f or the ~bovc r enson, thinking about an


c ot!r-.issioned officer fror: the :IP Unit, c ['.nd put then in

a c ar, saying thn t they wcnt ed t o interroga t e thc1.1 in d c t nil

o.t the MP Unit. I think Vfr.rro.nt Offic er HIHJJJO knous about

thes e ric.tters.

J, t thr.t period the U. S . i~r' (US;,FEE) had already con­

plc t ely encircled SJ1N JOSE and ~7as e>.ttacking our outposts,

and every d ay aortar shells f ell in the gua. rd unit ar ea. T\70

J.nerican speedboats pa trolled the coast and d eliver ed gunfire

on the gue.rd unit. Ther e wer e f our or five Filipino etlployees

in the gunrd unit who conr.unic at ed with the enecy nnd conse­

quently ther e Yms c. disquieting f ear. The Ar.".erican Axrny h r.d

already l anded on tho 18th a t ILOILO, D.nd f or this r ec.son there

was no r adio connunicntion nor \W.s ther e any liaison with Force

:Ico.dquarters (T.N. TOZUKA) . 1!/e didn't knmv r.rh at hr~d happened

t o the TOZUK.A Headqur.rters or \7het her it we..s in t 11e nountains

or not.

Previous to this tine , I believe probably on about 10

: ir.rch, ne had r eceived n r adi o ness ngc to t he effect t h c- t if

the eneay landed uc should go t o the l oc ation of the TOZ~

Force. Hrn-rnvcr, as I explo.incd nbovc, conditions in ILOILO

m~rc not cl ear and so rrn got in touch bv r~dio ni th Brigndc

Headquarters on NEGROS . Fortunately, we ue r e able t o communi­

c a t e nith thca nnd Gener al IC".WANO s ent the foll owing order:

"Defend your present Guard sector (SAN J OSE) t o t he deat h until

you est2blish coonunications vr.ith Hcadquc.rtcrs of the TOZUKA

Force". Bec aus e of this it seens tha t 1st Lt. YOSHIOKA hci.d

c..dc up his n ind t hr. t every would die if the ~crican

;.rr.1y l anded. It s eet!ls the.t l s t Lt . YOSHIOKA had d ecided t o

kill the s e prisoners f or the above r eason , thinking about an


/.: 1cric c.n l c.nding.

The of fic crs on duty f or th~t week hnd the duty f or one

•:reek rnd t ot e.l ed s even r.en of whon , five vrnr e offic ers c.nd

t 1:10 Sgt. !'.c. js. I don't r cocnber who they i:1Cr c .

I don't knov1 t o \·1h on the Conpc.ny Conocnder g the

order, but c.t nbout 1730 on about ~8 ;forch 2nd Lt. OKUD.,. and I

sc.w fron ny quc.rters, which wer e in front of the Gu~rd Unit

Bc.rrcc ks, Sgt . FURUKJ.r/1. end Cpl . iUYAJI l ending seven or

e ight soldie rs nnd the t wo prisoners nnd going to~n:rd t he

r ec.r of t he Gue.rd Unit Hendquc.rters. I r:c.s :U:t cr e stcd by

th is , so I •:rent vri th 2nd Lt. OKUDA t o the spot. The r e nc stw.r

Sgt. FURUKJ...WJ. ri.nd Cpl. EIYAJI behecd the t rrn ne n ni th :::. sv10rd.

Then I s ttn thc:1 the soldiers bury t ho bodie s.

The whol e t hing hc.ppened as I described c.bovc , but the

Conpc.ny Connc.nde r l1c.d ther: kill ed bee e of uncvoidabl o condi-

tions. ;.s D. J nptmcse soldier, if I u e r e order ed by t !le Cocpany

Cont~n.nder t o "do thc.t," I v1ould hcve t o do it without f ail,

no r:n tter hm7 unpl ec.s:.nt 1 t ;·10uld b e t o r.e . In t h is r e spect

it r:cy be s een th~t the Conpc.ny Con:-:r-.nder beers ful l r esponsi-

bility in DQtters r e l c.ting t o the Conpnny. I wou l d like to you think ebout this point r1hen you consider t h i s r.ffair.

s / Kl.I i1ikio ,

Witness ed:

Iloilo Pr i son , Iloilo , Pc.n ay, 13 Sept enber, 1945

; • .J. vin S • YUDKOFF , 1 s t Lt.,::.r.s .

1st Lt. J r-.pcnc s e J.rny.

The a bove st:-.t et!ent of 2nd Lt. Kni is c.c curr.t cly trnnslo.tcd.


I.H. Isno Hir 24 Nov 45"


c .~PT .. IN JLNKINS: The next t o the l ; st p~r~ grnph en

pnge 2 I shnll rcrid: "!don 't kncu t o vi h0:·1 the co~Jpnny

co1·1'.!~ nd cr gnvc the ord ( r, but nt nbout 1730 on nbout 28

H~rch, 2nd Lieutcn"nt Clmdn !'.nd I sm·1 fr0., ,.1y qunrtcrs,

uhich He r c in front of t he gu~rd unit bnrr~ cks, Scrgcnnt

Furuki:rna ci nd C0rnor ll. l Miyn ji l c:"ding s even or c i £ht sol­

dit rs 1nd the t uo prisoners ond going t"~nrd the rc~ r of

the gu~ rd unit hcndqu:1 rtcrs . I r:n s inte r ested so I r:cnt

\71 th 2nd Licu+ cn~nt <'kud n t o the. spot. There Y.'e s i:m

Sergcent Furukrm:1 and Corpor a l ~ liyn j i bchc:id the t\X' '!en

with o sword. Then I sm~ th1.;!! hnvc t he soldiers bury the


C :.P'T' ,',IN JENKINS: (To Inter pre t or Ogi tn) Shor: thn t

t o hi:t !'l.nd h~vc hi-, r end it ,

(Whc rcupon C ;pt~in Jcnldns h" nd ed the c0py 0f Fxhibi t

"R" t o the Intcrnr c t cr.)



(Wher eupon CT discus sion H~S hcd by I n t e r preter o-· itn Pith

the ui t ncss .)

CJ (By C.'t p+ ~ in J enkins) Is that correct -- wh~t I just

r e nd ?

It is the truth th~ t we we r e looking out frori the

qua rt<: l's , sj_r .

Q Th0n you nn~ Lieutcnnnt Ka i went t 0 tht pu~rd~ousc t o -

gc thc r; is th~t right?

f1 I r·cnt fir st.

Q Thn t isn't nhc:t. t his st~t<.; icn t s ays . It s~ys you went

t op.e t her.

(. \'Jc V1c nt fro!-'. the {~ U~ rdhnUSO to t he pl~ C C Of LX0CUtion

t o('r +he r, but f r o:·1 the qucrtcrs t 0 t he f'U~rclh0uso I \Hmt a

11-t-tlc ~ h\.~d of h t n •

Q I sho\;1 ~rou this ~nd :sJ· ~·ou if you knm! \i h.;: t it is,

!"larked Pr 0 s ccution - xhiblt "P".

c :.PT:1IN J7IJKiilS: (To Interpreter Ogit~) I 0cntify

the ent i .,..c.. t >ing, ho si:--ncd t ho stntc"1Lnt .

LI£U,..:-rJ.~rrT "'~STON : If i t pl c:-sc t he Co:;nission , I

f eel it is all highly irre ~ul~r. Not 0nl y ~, I s urprised,

but I r . .'.1 v c not seen th(. SC st~tc11cnts, I hc v c nL v0r hc~rd

of t rc1 ~ I an surpr jscct ~ t the t~ctics of the Prosecution

in brinr;inc.; thcr1 in nt 1-:·is tine ' in t he ;·· iddle ('f tho

Dcf(.nsc ' c--:sc . I h~vc no idc.:\ 1s tc \'h[" t is in t he s c.: s t r! t c ­

~1cni·s .

COLONEL H1\U0F : Hrt•1c yo u se en the se?

LI:-'t_TM:r'E:_·,.T ' l'!'"b'!'Oi~ : No , I h~vc nnt.

C'.P~ :. IN J[?IKIN& : If the Co;1nis sion plcr~ sc , I en f~c ­

in[' tJK ·, c,..uscd Hith ~ st,tc--K:it ·· r ittcn b y hi!-! jn direct

c 0ntr n' i ction of "hr t he h".I s ::;~ ic he r e uncte r cia th. I nn goi ng



t o point out l 1t cr t o the Co· l :issi0n the f3ll<: cy of e iv­

in~ 0ur evi~cncc t 0 the [G f cnsc be f ore tri~l • . This uill

clcnrly point it out.

COLONFI. Ht.n..;: : \'.'hy y10:.:c '10t the sc introduced n t

the proper, c. t the usu~l ti·1e?

c t.P'J' ' I!~ J;N;~rrs: If the C0· T ~ j s ~ton pl c :i s c , t he so

1r 0 bcinr use~ now t c d i sc~Ld it the s+nr y th~t the u it­

ncsscs ~~vc built 0n t he strcn~ th of ~h~ t the Pro s e cut i on

g-wc t hc:·1 s cvcrQl c1 2ys ..., GO .

COLONfL H:1UoE : The Co· i· 1ission will t: l~e ~ tcn-··1inutc

r ecess s o th--: 1· i:he Def c n se ny f"l lilinrizc t hc1se:l vc s n i th

t ht. cnntcnts of the s e st~t~1Gnts .

(Short r cc<.: ss )




COLONIL HJ\.USE : The Co!!lJ'l'lission will be in session.

Cf~PTr.IN JFNKINS: Jlay it plea se the Cor.unission, it

appearing that all members of the Cor.unission are present,

together with the Accused with their r egularly appointed

and chosen Counsel, we are r eady to proceed.

COLOr!fL IL\USr: You may proceed.

C.".PT:.IN JENKINS: We l1ill call Lieutenant Okude

to the stand.


r ecalled as a witness to the stand, having been duly suorn,

was ex~r.iined and t estified as follows through Interpreters

Sergeant Ogita and Serge~nt Ushijima.

CAPT:.IN JFNKINS: (To Interpreters) Will you inforr.i

the witness that he is under the sane oath to t ell the

truth as he ua s before he l eft the s t~nd ?

LIEUTfN~NT JONES : If the COYL~ission please, before

vie proceed with the cross-exal'!lin..~ ti on of this witness, I

would like to have the other stenogr~ pher recnlled. I

w~nt to get a statement made by the Prosecution r e -read.

There vms quite n bit of confusion nt the time and I

didn' t get quite all of it. So~ewhere near the l ast

question is the question thot I would like to hnve r ead

which is the one a sked by the Prosecution pert~ ining to

n s b i t ement made by Lieutenant K~ i with which he was at­

tempting to inpench t he present witness.

( ."/her eupon Reporter Tittle \ ! (' s r ecalled t o the court-



(V/hercupon the Rcportci' r ead os follous : " On

dircc ·~ exar.tinntion you wcr o ~ skcd, ""!hen d id you firs t

mC'c t Li eu t enant Kt> 1'; 'Just befor e the t rJO Ancric~ns

were executed' ; and you answered , ' Il'l f r ont of the. gua rd ­

house nnd irnncdiRt cly afte r they took the pr isone rs,

Lieuten~ nt Ka i, you, cnne out of the qua r t ers ~nd t

hir.t, Okuda , ther e .' Is th2 t correct? Th3t is, Ka i dovm t o !!Kt t you v1hilc you ncr c in front of the

quarters, barrncks?" Ans,·:cr, "Thn t is c orrect.")

LirUTFNANT JONrs : This vws no t the quc stion . Th~ t

w~ s n s t nt enent by the Prosecution. He had in his hand

a ~aper which had been signed by this n itness or Lieutena nt

Kai v1hich would inpca ch h1!1 . It r~ s a stot enen t t o the


Ct.PTA I N J"""'NKINS : I be l i cvc it f ollov1s t.h "l t.

(V!her cupon the Rcnortcr rend a s follor1s: "If the

Col'!lJ!liss ion please, this sta tcncnt is be ing introauced

solely for the purpose of discreditin~ the uitnc s s . 11 )

LirtJ~!""NANT JONrS: 1:/ha t pr ecede s thnt ?

( '"ihcr eupon the Reporter r ead a s f ollons: 11 If it

please the CoI!l!11ssion , I would like t o point out thn t the

Defense i s r.taking an a ttcnpt t o pre sent thoir c3se n t tho

present time and it the Prosecution "11shes ·to introduce

this statenent, I sug~est they wait until the close ot the

Defense' case and not try to · handicap the Defense any nor e

than they are already.")

CAPT~IN JENKINS : It nr cccdc s th~ t.

(1:1her eupon the Reporter r c:id n s follm·:s: '' f1 t t his

tiMc , if the Corlrlission ploa s c , the Pros< cut i on r1ould like



to admit into t viacncc Prosecution ' s Fxhibit 'R', n signed

sta t cnent by 2nd Lieutenant Ka i." "The transl ation ha s

been checked by the official Transla tion Section of the

'~'a r CriI!lc s Office •")

LI~UTrNANT JONrs : Does the Reporter not hove the

ste.tencnt by the Prosecution ther e to the effect tha t he

ue s pr E3cnting n st~ tcoLnt nnd tha t it ~as signed by Lieu­

t cnent Kai or by this witne ss, the sta t cnent nhich never

up to tha t time h~d been introduced in evidence, a s i gned

st1t crnent?

(Whcr~upon the Ronorter r ead a s follo\·1 s : "If the

Cor.inission please, I nn f ncing the ,'\ccuscd i:Ji th a stnte­

rncnt Prit t en by hi~ in direct contradiction of l!he t he

has said he re under onth. I am going to point out later

t o the CoMnission the f allacy of giving our evidence to the

Defense before tria l. This ,.,ill clearly point 1 t out.")

LIFU'"'fIJr1NT JONrS: Tha t is the sta tcncnt . If the

Connission please , uc wish t o object t o that state~ent on

the groun~s th~ t it is highly inpropcr, highly pre judicial

nnd, a t thnt tine , uithout any founda tion a t all.

At this tir:1e uc wish the objection enter ed into the

r ecord,

CAPTAI N JENKI NS : Doc s the De f ense understand tha t

this is a ste t cncnt s i r ncd by the witness, hi ns0lf,

LirrrmrNA~TT ~''ESTot~ : If the Connission pl Gasc, I also

object t o th~ t stP tc~cnt unless this is put in evidence

and sor1C:one be:sic:ks the Prose:cution st[l t cs who signed it.

COLOIIT'l HAUSf. : Hns the 7'xhjbit nlready be.en adnittcd?

CAP'''.'\ I N .rrNJans : Not yet. It is to be ~anittcd n0\·1







4 -

as Pros ecution's Exhibit "P".

COLONEL Hi .USE: 'Ni th r ef er enc e t o this ste t cr.icnt,

we ru.-. .e !M ,..>n! oction before the Cor.unl .S'S'lon e~ t o a st~ t c:ncnt

c~dy by the Pros ecution. The Cor.nission orders t~~t the

st~ te~cnt be d el eted, the str tc~cnt thl' t WPS r e f erred t o by

the Def ens e . The obj ection ~Pde t o the t str t cnent is


C:~~·_rN JENKI NS: Yes , Sir.

COLONEL H1~USE : It will be del e t ed froiri the r ecord.

Q (By Ceptc- i n J enkins' I show you Exhibit "P" r.nd ask

you if you know t;Th r t 1 t is?

(Wher eupon P. discussion vrra s hr.d by Interpre t or Og1 t e.

with the ~itncss.)

A (By the ~itness ) Thi s is c str t encnt which I ~rote

~:1hen I rr!" s being invcstig<' t cd r.t Iloilo .

Q Is this your signature?

h. Yes.

COLON~L Hl;.USE: If t here is no objection, thr.t will

~e ~dnitted ? S evidenc e .

LIEUTENi~ '.~STON: I f it pl eF.Se the Comnission , I

t·:0uld like the r ecord t o shm1 thore l.~ c. .,c..,.v strenuous

c, b j cction tror:i tho I>oi'Qll.£Q, oven though this night be """­

mis siblc ct the pr 0pcr tiRc. J~t t hi s tit:lc uc f eel it i s

highly irrcgul~r ~nd unfr ir t o the Def ens e .

CeLO~ !faUS~ It ;-:111 be cdr:ii ttcd,

(Pros ocution's Exhibit "P" 1s received in ovidcnc 0.)



(Whereupon Prosecution' s Exhibit "P" i s incorpor ll. 'J:;ed into the

r ecord as fo llows:)

"§.1! c B ~ ! COM1I.'JIDER




1. 17 ( appr ox i ma t e d c.t e)

Of the pilots first shot doun , one died i ns t e.ntly on the

spot , and one wc-.s discovcr od c..nd cnpt ur cd nbout thirty r.iinut cs

l r. t er by t "lc Air Unit c.nd t~ken in cho.r g0 b? the Gue.rd Unit.

He vms ei von first ~id (l.t t he dispens c.ry. An nttcmpt t o

que stion hin wes ~! f'.dc by the Cot'lpnny Commr nder toge t her wi t h

Sgt. Ho.j . 'NI.DA r-.nd t wo or three Ehglish- sp0c.king int er pre t ers .

They s~id they didn ' t find out r.nyth ing . Not hnving been

pr esent nt t he int e r ro e;t'.tion, I do not kno· • how it 1 .'0.S cc:cricd

out. I ·;ms busy i: t t '1e tine with t he i nstruction of r ecruits.

Lftcr t he medical t r entmant the ctodiccl cor psrnen ~rvc nentnshu .

(TN: to t he priso nor ) , c.nd t he pilot t hen rrnn t to sleep ir~1 .e -

di l'.t ely. J.: he.t evening the Company ComrtH··.1der :-.gain e.t~empt cd

t o quc s t i on the prisoner t hrough inter pr e t ors, bt~t it v.r t:1. s thr- t he 10~.rnod nothing. The Compt'.ny Commc.ndor or d er ed

t ho pilot kept under obser vetion in the guc- rd hous e thr t night,

md he r.rc.s kept ther e for t hr 0e days . Food \·1r: s supplied hirn

r-. t every mc r-.1-ti r·ic by t he superior pri vc.t c on du ty. Lft cr t'.bout

t hr ee d v.ys, I s ew t he pilot tnkcn f r on t he guc rd hous e Md it

seemed t h ..., t the Cor.1pnny Comr.:-.ndcr hnd order ed t~c guc.rd house

f'.nd t he so ldiers to kill h i rr·, thoug~1 I wv.s not on th0 spot to

s ec t he c:-.ctual killing . J.t t his time I SHI DA Yosh ms on


gur rd duty c~nd vrnnt with t lie·n f or t h · SD.kc of s ccuri t y . : :y

own thought et the t ime t:TQS " Vhy kill hi ·? " ;~s to who dld

t h c D.ctuc.l kil l ing, Lc l'.di ng Pri vc t c IS. !IDA Yoshihr:ru k nov1s.

2 . 26 1·r- rch ( a:.1pr oxirie.t e d nt c ) .

The :>i lots of the plane v!hic h hnd ;- c.dc c. forced l anding

, .. er e fir s t discover ed by the Unit . Th~.s uni t phoned t he

Gue.rd Unit. The Comp~ny Car mender with 2nd Lt. KAI, n yself,

nnd sonc soldi ers, ·:rent t o the airfield in c. truc1- . When \7C

got t here the t,.· r Unit hr.d c.lrcr:dy ~rived c.nd the pil ots hci.d

been t aken pr i so nor. The Gue.rd Unit nls o v1en t to the spot .

T'ri.e wr.s visible, n i th its l c.nding gcr.r still crur~!Jlcd.

The pilots ner e unh~rMed; they 1_;rnr c not vround cd. The pilots

':re r o londed into r. c c.r 1;1i th the Compcny CoD: 1 r.ndcr, 2nd Lt. KhI,

[Ind r~ysclf c.nd we took thc111 to tht::: Gua rd Unit . The Conpany

Co.-'nt>.nder conducted e.n interrogation in his office , ·:ri th Sgt, .

~· i:-'.j. WJU)J.a. ~nd intorprc t crs. 2nd Lt. KAI l'.nd I '.1cr c not present

c t t his , b cc ['.us c ·:7e hr-.d to instruct r ecru.i ts. I ~skcd t he

Cocpany Comn~nder l c.t c r w11c.t t hey hf'.d ! corned, rn d he told

ne thr-. t the r e ':!er e 2 ,ooo Ancricnn planes c.t CLARK FIELD in

r:ANILI.. Th0 t '."!O pilots i'TCrc put in th e gul'.rd hous e c..s be fore ,

under th0 c of t 10 gu:.rds . /.bout t ·:IO d r>.ys le.t or,

t lic Comp{'.11Y Comramdcr pcrsoncl l y orde r ed t he s oldiers to c erry

0ut ~mother ':-illing . 2nd Lt. IU..I r'.nd I had finished the in­

s truction of t h :? r ccrui t s P.nd rrcr e i n our hons c . We; sr':·: the

pilots l cc.v :tng the gu{'.rd house ':rit h P.n escort , c.nd s t o

ourselves uondcr ingly "Why l".r c t }{i l ling c:gl'.in?" 7e f ollovrnd

v.l ong th0 'U'.Y l'.nd went to t he spot t o soc . Thos e uho ki l l 0d

t hen on t'1~t spot '.:e r e Sgt. FURUJG.¥lf. t>.nd Sgt . OKI (bot h since

di ed in bc-.ttlc) . J.ftor th0 execution, t '1cy burh~d t he bodh~s


ther e . The killing itself ,:1rs do ne by cutting \:ith c. sr;o cd ,

Sinc e killing is f orbidde n by the rule s of I ntcrnRtionnl

Lo.w r ul f'. ting to prisoners of \7n.r, I thought it 'ic.s b i:.d . But

I f elt th~ t oven if I should express this view to the Comp~ny

Co1':r:tandcr he would cert r:inly r efuse to cn t it.

s/ OKUDA, 2nd Lt . Jc~)r-_ ncs c J..m.y .

Vii tncssed:

Iloilo Prison , PANAY, 11 September, 1945.

LeRoy PAL".'ER, JR. 7 2nd Lt~..1 !ITS Vr.l NOLiJ l , Jr ., Lt ,( jg), U::>NR ~lfrcd R. OXENFELDT, Lt ,(jg), USNR Sr-r~ucl J. JhCOBS, 1st Lt,, HIS Richt'.rd W. N. CHILD, Cl'.pt., HIS

Sto.tcmcnt of 2/Lt Okudn is c.ccur n1rilytrc.nslnt cd,


I.H. Is v.o Hirc.tnni 24 Nov 45

Enclosure ( C )"

(WhEr cupon the uitncss, Okud~ , r ead the J~ p~ ne se

stnt cr.ient of Prosecution's I'xhibit "P".)

CAPTt. IN J:NKINS : Fxhibi t "P" Y:hi ch ha s boon offer ed

in evid ence nnd edr.iittcd and "t;hc \:Jords th[1 t the i'. ccuscd

just r e11d:

" 2nd Li eutenant Kn i l!nd I h"' d finished tho instruc­

tion of the r C;cruits ~nd ncr e in our house . We sau the

pilots l cavinp. the gunrd house nith "'In escort, and snid

to ourselves v:ionderingly · ~·Jhy or e thc. y killing agn in?' We

followed a long the way and , .. ent t o the spot to sec . Those

who killed the:1 on tha t spot uhcr c Scr gumt Fu::-ukmm ond

Sergeant Ohki, both since died in ba ttle). Aft er the execu­

tion, they buried the bodie s ther e . The killing itself

wa s done by cutting u i th n sv10rd. 11

Q Is thnt stnt cncnt correct?

r. Yes•

Q Did you s ec the t wo Ancr i cans executed?

A Yes.

Q Did you s0e then kneeling nt the f oxhole?

A Yes .

Q Did you sec one 's head conplct e ly chopped off?

A There narc soldiers in front of us so I could not

sec too clc~ rly, but I think hnlf of the neck TIQ S cut.

Q Did you sec the other hcnd conpl e t cly chopped off?

A It did not conplc t cly f nll off.

Q You wer e standing nc,n r Li cu tcnnnt Ko i, i s thnt rir ht?

A Lieutc;nant Kn i \·1a s s+cnding to ny r ight.

Q Hou f nr nx1e. y \7cr e you fron the f oxhol e?

A About t en nct crs.


(WhErcupon the u itncss , Okuda , r end the J~p~ nese nt of Prosecution's l:'xhibit "P".)

ChPTt.IN J"NKINS: fxhibi t "P" r:hich has boon of fer ed

in evidence nnd 2dr.1ittcd and 'the v10r ds thut the ,\ ccuscd

just r end:

" 2nd Lieutenant Kn i end I h"d finished the i nstruc­

t ion of the r ocrui ts ~nd r1c r e in our house . We san the

pilots l cavinp. t he guard house r1 i th 'ln e scort, end snid

t o ourselves \7onderingly · ~·!hy or e thc.. y killing aga in?' We

followed along the r1ay end rent to the spot to sec . Those

who killed t he;i on tha t spot YJhcr c 5crgc.~nt Fu:::.-ukm·.ra and

Sergeant Ohki, both since died in ba ttle). After the execu­

tion, they buried the bodies ther e . The killing itself

wa s done by cutting nith a sv10rd. 11

Q Is that sta t cncnt correct?

r. Ye s•

Q Did you soc the t wo fmc. r i cans executed?

fi Yes.

Q Did you s0c then kneeling a t the f oxhole?

A Yes.

Q Did you sec one 's head conpl etcly chopped off?

i\ Ther e ncr c soldiers in front of us so I could not

sec t oo cl0~rly, but I think hnlf of the ne ck TI~ s cut.

Q Did you sec the other hcnd conpl etcly chopped off?

A It did not conpl etcly f nll off.

Q You wer e standing L1cutcnt1 nt Ka i, is thrit rirht?

A L1eut6nant Kn i wa s st:!nding t o ny r ight.

Q Hou f a r nv1e.y ·ncr e you fron the f oxholc?

A About t en nct crs.


Q Who s bctr1ccn you ~nd the ~ctunl plncc of execution?

l At thG actual of execution, Scrgoant Ohki,

Furuknm:i and Corpora l Miya ji wer e there and also a f ov1


Q Isn't it n f nct tha t you were the Officer of the Day?

fl I vm s not the Office r of the Day .

q You sta t ed that Ser geant Furukawa told you, "The

cor.i.pany conn?.ndcr told ne to kill then by this evening"

uhGn you a sked hin about th( s e prisoners, i s thnt correct?

nov1 11



' n



Thc·n you s n id to Furukavm ' II r.rc you going t o kill then

is thnt correct?


This ua s in the norning, is thCT t corr ect?


You stnt cd , "Hy thought a t "-he: t ine v1a s 1\7hy kill

hin '", speaking of the first ,\nc. rican , is that corre ct?

A Yes, I thinlc s o .

Q Ye t you stnt c in Prosecution 's Exhibit "I" thnt you

did knm1 r.'hy he wn s be ing killed because of your conversa ­

tion with the conpany connn ndor, is tha t corre ct'?

t. I did not say th~ t I knew .

Q You stn t cd, "I, Okuda , nskcd the conpa ny cormnndcr

' ·1hr. t shall nc do wi th hin ', and the coripany co:.t'inndcr

r e:pl1cd, •t·fc u ill kill then '", 1s th~ t r ight?

A :,t the t ine of the invc stigntion I thought tha t s

whn t the conoony conn~ndcr nGant, but \.'hen I nskcd the

co!1Pr"ny conr:m ndcr 1 ~ tcr on, he t ol d ric thnt Ha s not r1hnt

h e.: ncrmt.


Q Furuknrm , C'hki :1nd Jtiyo ji a r c dead, is th~ t r ight"

A Hiyo ji is ~, issing in action s o I do not lmO\·J r.1hcthcr

ho is dcr-td or alive ; however, I think probnl)ly he. died in


Q You knOYl sonc. thing of intern~ tion:i l l : ,·1, do you not ?

A I hcvc hccrd ther e is c r cgulntion concerning the

handling of prisoners of m1r.


Q You sti' t e , you 1.1r ot e lie r e , "Killinr·; is forbidden by

the rules cf I!ltc rnn.tionnl L~\·1 r e 1--i;ing t o pri s 0nc r s of '. : ~ r".

Y0u kner.' th:- t n.11 the. tf .. 1, ; is t hn. t c orre ct?

Yes, I wr ot e th~ t .

Q You knew t h.i s all the. ti:-10 ; is th~ t cor rect?

ti. I \7~ s not ~ lw~~'S ni:·~rc of it ~ t a 11 ti:·tc s .

Q You did not h inb wh~ tsocvcr t~ t r y t o s t op t~is execu-

tion -- th~ sc c.xccutirns; is th~t c r r r c.ct?

~ ~o , I did nothing .

Q :~nd ~'OU ::lso t a lked the • ovc. r ri 1th t he co· 1pony er n~n-

dcr ; is th~ t cor r ect?

,".. I did 11ot tnlk t o t he c ~· ·pnny c cY · mndcr c bout the. e:xc .. cu-

tion .

Q You h~VC: j ust st~ t(.d in f';:hibit "I" tr.:"' t :i,rou did t~ lk

t o h~ 1 ~bout the disposel of the.. first : ·~ r i c~n. Is that


:. Ye s , I ~ skcd t! ·c co .. p~:1Y cr· q -:ndc r · !1~t ~ · c should d o

~1th the pr 4 son~ r ~~en I u~ s ~ skine h~1 ~bout the tr~nsp0r­

t ct j0n of uco pons .

f) Doc.snot ~n office.r 's pr e sence enc0ur.,r·c. s r·l die:rs on

the fi e ld? Dot s , n offi cer's presence cncourc~e t he s ol­

di r r s on the field? I vlill ge t r id o f t he d 0ubl c nq: t:i. ti v <.. .

LIT~U'rrN.'.:·TT r1:-sTON : If it pl en sc t h<.. C(: .. ~·· 1issi cm , I

think t 1:is is hir;r l y ar c;tr i.cnt~tive . If the Pros( cution

,., ishc s t r. bri!'lg it cut i n his r.rru: 1cnt I \:ill r nisc no obje c­

t ion. I s ec no nbjcct i n arGuinR ~1th tht ' it~e ss ~ t ~11.

COLOIIT'L Hf.UST' : Ob.1c cticn sus~·~ incd .

C!.P'r':.IN .rrmarm : I h~vc. nf' furth( r questions 0f t :-i is

v1itnc.::ss .

COLOi'!:"L H:'.USf. : ;.ny quc stic""S by t he Dcfcns c."

LIFeT:-W.~J'I' ·;: :.;rrot1: Yt s ' s ir .




~ In r efer ence to the s econd execution, did you go ~ith

Lieutenant Kai from your barracks to t he guardhous e or did

you meet him in front of the guardhous e?

A I me t Lieutenant Kai in front of the guardhous e .

LIEUTENANr VIF.STON: No further question.

COLONEL ~AUSE : Any questions by the Commission?

JfAJOR GAVIN: I have a f ew.

EXA.i H ~{ATI ON BY THE COi f: ass I ON


Q Did Corporal Miyaji kill oi ther one of the t wo Americans

at the s econd execution?

A He killed one.

Q Vfhy did you say in a coupl e of your sta tements tha t it

was Sergeant Ohki and Sergeant Furukawa that killed them?

A During the fir s t investigation I wrote that Sergeant

Ohki killed the .Amer i can but at that timo my head was all

confused and I had nade a mi s take .

Q That statement was mado a couple of times in the investi-

gati on; is that correct?

A At t he place of execution I s aw Ser geant Ohki taking

char ge so I fo r got about Corporo.l Miyaji nnd t hat is the r eason.

Q You made a statement to the effect that Ser geant Furukawa

chopped the head of one man, then Ser geant Ohki borrowed the

svror d and cut off the head of the other man. Is t hat correct?

A I thought t hat it was that way.

Q Who i nformed t he enli s t ed men who wer e present at t he

execution t hat ther e was goi ng t o be an execution?


A I do not know.

Q Wha t did you mean when you said to Ser geant Furukawa

"That puts you in a difficult spot"? If you vrunt to r ef er to

it, it is in his Exhibit 11 111 •

INTERPRETER OGITA: I would like to sec it. Sir, if it

please the Commission, this colloquialism in her e , it is sort

of a liter al transla tion and s oys that is difficult.

Q (By ~fajor n ) All right, this stntement is, the

translation in English, quoti n;; : "Sergeant Furuka\·;a answered,

'He told me to kill them by this evening.' 'Are you go ing to

kill them now?• I asked . ' Right' , Furuka'l.7a answer ed. 'That

puts you in a tough spot, doesn't it,' I said to Furukex1a . 11

Now, if that cun be translated from Japanese into English

I think the r eading of the J apanese beck to him s hould help

him to explain what he meant by that statement.

I NTERPRETER OGITA: That is the ques tion, "What do you

moan by that" -- "~·lhat did he mean"?


(Whereupon a discussion VIC'S had by Interpret er Ogita n ith the

'w7 i tness.)

A (By witnes s) I meant that it was a tough situation

because communication with battalion headquarters was cut

and we could not s end the pri ~oners out and that was the

situation th2t I meant.

Q Referring to .Prosecution Exhibit "P" Paragraph 1, r ef erring

to the first execution, "At this time Ishida was on gua.rd duty

and went vri th them for the sake of sccuri ty." Hovr do you

remember that name?

INTERPRETER OGITA: The first execution?


fAAJ OR GAVI N: Ye s .


MAJOR GAVI N: Yoshiharu.

A (By wi tncss) When I rrns in the various c amps I asked

tho men f or the name s of the soldiers vrho vrnr e pr esent a t t he

place of execution . At that time the y t old me tha t Ishida

Yoshih~ru wes ther e .

Q Again r ef erring to Pr osecution Exhibi t 11R11, r ef erring to

the s econd incident, "Tuo or thr ew days l n t or Ser geant Kumngai,

a non-commissi oned officer from the M.P. unit, c rune and put

thee in a cnr. 11 How is it thnt y0u rf.melibcr th~t nai1e s r ' ·'c.11"

Pardon, I r etract tha t. That statement is incorrect. I will

vii thdr~m the v1hole statement and qucs ti on ..

The r e arc only five of fie or s c.blc for Officer of the Day,

I believe it ha s been stnt cd. Isn't it odd tha t of t hose five

offic ers you c v:1not r ecall who rrns on duty that dey1

A Fr om mid-: '.r-.rch bombing "-nd shcllin' bec cmc fierce nnd the

dutie s wer e not c nrriod out in an ordinnry manner, so thr-.t i s

why I do not know.

~ In one of your statements you s t nt cd you looked out of

your window in time to s ec the flie rs being taken to the guci.rd

hous e . ':'lhc·.t c ed you to look out of the windor1 o.t tha t tir:.c ?

A It m:.s just during the evening meal and Lieut enant Ke.1

and myself were having our meal upstairs . The gunrdhousc i s

jus t bel ow . Jus t ..--1hc n vie finished eat i ng we s aw thorn .

Q Oh , then Lieutenant Kai v.nd yourself \-:e r e both together

e.nd savr th0 incident?

A 1'/o s it together f rom the -- froM my quv.rter s .

Q Did you both lc~vc your quar t ers together to go to the


gunrdhous e?

A I went ~ little ?Jload of him.

Q Have you ever ~itnessod ~ny previous oxocutions ?

INTERPRETER OGITA: Befor e t he fir s t one?

Q H~vo you ever wi tnessed t ~ke th~ t bnck . Huvc you

witnessed any executions?

A I sm., t he second i ncident .

'2 Hnve you witnessed nny 0xccutions prior to the second

execution any time in your military cnr ecr?

A No , I have never seen nn execution.

~ H~ve you ever been n member of en execution party?

A No .

MAJ OR GAVIN : Thct is o.11 .

COLONEL HAUSE: If there is no further questions the

witness will be excused .

(Tho uitness is excused,)

LIECTENANT WSSTON : If it plense tho Co~ission, the r i ghts

of the Accused, Lic 1}t enent Yoshioka , been explni ned

t o him ~nd he has el ected to t~ke the st~nd and t estify und er

Ol'.th in his 0 1:m behnlf.


called us a vii tnc ss by t he Defense , being first duly s\vorn,

v1c.s cxnmined and t estified as foll ows through Interpret er

Ser geant Ogit n.



Q 1Vill you s your nemc e.nd r ank .

A Ce;ptai n 1fr.k~to Yoshioka .

Q hrc you u manber of the J apanese Armed Forces?


A Yes.

Q How long you been in the J c.pcnese J...rmy?

A Approximntoly s eve n

Q To r1hat unit in the J apnnese Army did you bel ong in :ir.rch

of 1945?

r~ I Wl'.s the unit commri.nde r or the s ecurity unit at San Jose .

Q 1"!~s your unit r.ttc.ched to tmY b c.t t alion.

J.. Ye s, \7e wer e a.ttnched to the 170th Bc.ttnl ion.

Q , .. 'h r-. t ,·1r.s the situation in Sc-n Jose during !:c.rch 194 5?

I~ Pc had air r a ids nnd strr-.fing by e nemy planes every d f':/ .

The USAF:?Z c.nd guerilla forc e s wer e only 40 or 50 meters

o.vrny from our sub station ~nd fight ing Wr'.S <:>.l rmys being c nrri ed

out. Mortcrs i:;cr c being fired into our s ecurity unit c.r ea .

The A~cric c.ns might l nnd c. t any time end cmong the soldiers

th~t uor c fighting e death occurred eve ry d ay .

Q Wh~t type of connunic r.tions d i d you hf'.v e vlith your

bcttalion hcc.dqur:rte rs?

A 1:!0 h r-.d c smtll number 51 kit.

Q Hon f v.r \7C.S 1 t from your c.r e r. in Sen Jos c to bntttlion

h c:i.dqucrtors?

J. J.pproxir:ic t cly 140 or 150 kilomc t nr s .

Q Wh r-.t \'rn.s the n~.turc of the t e rrnin be t v1Cen San Jos e c.nd

b r.ttr.lion ho~dqunrters?

A The r e \"Ir.s n. rond nhich r <:'.n :-l ong the Ho·;rnvcr, the

ror.d itself end also the bridges on the ro ad ·:1er c bombed bndly

n.nd it ·::cs impossible to in rmny pl[lc cs. The r est of

the t e rr .... i n v1c.s mountni nous .

Q Did you sec one llmcr i c c.n c.vo.i tor a.r ound the 15th of

~c.rch 1 94 5?


A Yes.

Q Will you t ell the Commission all t · ·r t you Jrnov1 about this

one vviator.

A I think it t·!r-.s on the 15th of ! ·~arch around 10: 00 o 'clock

in tho morning three: or f our pl~ncs rrcr c f lying ovcrhcnd r t

S:-n Jos e c.nd they \7Cr e strr.ffing r- t 10\7 c..ltitude . At thnt

time I hcnrd a big noise t o the north of tho eirfic ld and I

thought thl'.t perhaps ~n crc..shcd, Cons equently, I

phoned t he Ishida unit end they t old me they would s end out

a r econnr.issance patrol so during t he morning uc just r emained

l'.S t"!e Y1er e . Aft er the noon mcn\l , in the ~fternoon nc wero

jus t nbout to go out on rcconn~iss~ncc but jus t a t tha t moment

members of tho Ishid e. unit bronght nn injured fli er in on

r utor.iobilc . The ['.Viator ,.,r>.s injur od I think behind the right

co.r so he \1:--s tree.t ad in the dispcns r:r:r. Thc..t is cll.

Q Did you order tho execution of t his one i\I!lcric en?

A I think I order ed it.

~ To nhom did you gi vc t he order <:£ execution?

A I rno.y given the order t o ci ther the Officer of the

Dny or the non-cor.1mis sionod Officer of the Dey ,

Q Why did you state in your confession th~t you had given

it t o the Officer of the Day?

A At the I being que stioned I d:il not rer:icmber

clcc.rly ~o t hr.t is why I wr ot e that.

Q Why is i t t hr'.t you do not r emember to nhor.i you gave this


A As I hcvc st;i.tcd b0f or c , t:< t thr.t tioe the si tu~tion uc.s

very uncertain ~nd confused so J do not r emember who I geve

the order t o .


- .

Q Could you hr.v e given the ord0r di r ect t o Corp or cl Uiynj i?

A I t hink no .

Q Could you hnv e given the order directl y to Licut cnmit


A I d o not think so .

Q Why did you. h~ve thi s ADa r i c en exec uted ?

A The first r cnson: I nskod f or or ders from high er hcnd­

qur.rtcrs but t he 1r7irclc ss comr:iunicn.ti on wr-.s cut ~nd I could

not get l".D l'.ns\7cr . I t r ied nll kinds of mccns to get on

2nsucr but I could not so I t ook it on n ysclf. Second r eas on :

nc could not send him off by ship, Also, we could not t ake

hii:n to the mountains with us bcc c.usc it H<' S difficult t o get

through the enemy which vras surrounding us, Third r ee.son:

nc could not let him cscnpe, rrc could not l a t this lrncric :­

cs c npe b0c --.usc the whole unit v!ould b e c ourt-rJU-.rti t:'.led c.ccord­

ing to the J apnnese nilitnry l aw. The Americ nn rvi a tors

ti.lnr-i.ys flew over S!'n J ose c.nd not only bonbcd us by the~' bo1!lbcd

ci vilir:ns too v.nd we thought t h r.t they vTC r e inhuoM. Thr- t is


'2 Wt:'.s a report to you ~· ftor tho coMpl c tio n of t~c exocu.-


A I do not remcr.ibcr .

Q Who V!ns t h0 Officer of t h e Dny on the 19th of i-!c.rch , 1945?

A I do not rememb0r.

Q Did you sec t he first execution(

h I d i d not s ec it.

Q Did you s ec t he t wo Americ nn r.vit'tors c.r ound tho 2) th or

26th of nt' rch, 1945?

/1 Yes , I s rx: them .



Q Will you t ell tho Co1·11:1ission everyth ing you knm-1 cbout

those t wo Amcricnns?

A I t vrn.s fl.bout the 25th of He.rch , probc.bly nround 2: 00 or

3:00 o 'clock in the aft e r noon. Four or five plr:'lle s uer e f lying

ebov0 our security unit r.r ec ~ t n l ou ~ltitude. I r eceived

n phone c al l from the Ishid r. unit t '1E'. t one of t he planes hnd

mndo f'.n emer gency l nnding on tho r-.i r fi eld. Bee r.use ne r e ­

c e ived 2. phone ccl.l uc went to the f ield ci.:1d I Sr'.tl th t:.t

t vro of t he nvi<:t ors ·:FCr o c ::ptured by the soldier s of the

I sh idv. unit. We put the t wo nv:1 ".t ors into our c nr end brought

them beck to our s ccuri t y unit. Thri.t i.s nll.

Q Did you order t he execution of t he se t vro J~mcricnns?

A I think I ordered it,

Q To whom did you give the order ?

A I do not r e r:1cmber very w·oll.

q Did you give it to t he O 'icer of t '1e Dry?

A I do not r cMcmbcr.

Q l'Jhy did yo•:! str t c in your confe ssi on th<:t you h nd gi von

thnt order to t he Offic er of t h •'.) Dt:Y?

A I wr ot0 it bcc e.uso at t ht'.t time thr t is \"Thr.t I thought.

Q WhD. t nr.dc you ch<:>.ngo your mind?

A I heard l c. t cr thnt the non-commi ssioned Officer of t hn DE\Y

hc.d executed him so t hr.t wns C'. mistake .

Q Wr.s nny r eport nr> de t o you nfter the exec uti on •'ras per-

for r.ted?

A I do not r emember.

Q Hhy d i d you order the execut ion of thes e t wo Ai'.lor i c ans ?

A As in the e of the fir s t Americ~n we cont c.c t ed our

her.dquc.rtcrs by wircl c ss but c ould not get en cinswer, but since


I could not r eceive nn order fron higher ups I gave the order.

It \'Tn3 i npossiblc to tcke the t wo pri soners into the mountains.

The r es t of t ho r cesons er e the snrc for the first pilot.

Q Whe n did the Americans land ~t Iloilo?

A The 19th of ~·~p.rch.

Q When did the AMcric~s l r-.nd ~t S~n J ose?

A The Aneric~ns h~dn't l endcd c t the ti~e uc cvecu~tcd Sl'n

J ose,.

Q /1r e you willing t o c..s sume fUl l r espons ibi lity f or the

execution of t hesa three Americ c.ns?

A N~turally, s inc e I r.!11 the unit co~nl:'.ndcr I will be~r tho

r esponsibility.

Q Wes it your responsibility?

A Since I order ed it I think it is uy r e sponsibility.

LIEUTEN/.NT W!~STON: Your nitnc ss.

COLON3L HAUSE: The CoMruission r1ill tnkc n t en ninutc r ec ess

(Short r ec ess.)


COLONI.L HAUSf : Tht. Conni s sion is in sc.:ssion .

Cf'.P"l":, ! N JFI'HCINS: If it pl<..f1 SC the Conniss i on, it

oppe:o ring th:i t Dll ncnbcrs of the Conni 5sion ore: present,

the ~ccusc.d with thc.. ir r egularly appointed and chos en

Couns0l or e present, we arc r cody t o proceed.

COLONEL H:,usr : You nay procee:d.

C ,~p'!' ;. IN JrNI·~ INS: (To Intc.rpretcr Ogi t a ) Will you

inforn Licutcnnnt Yosh i oka thnt he is und er the sm,c oath

t o t ell the truth th~ t he \JD S bef or e he l c.. ft t he st~nd?

( 1"/her c..upon ~ discussion r:~ s hr\d by Interpre t er Ogi t n

Vi i th the. ·r1 tn< 55~

,\ (By the v1i tncss) Yes, I rc~:icnb cr.

Q (Dy Coptnin Jc.nkins) Is it cus t onory in the J npancs c.

~rny t o give orde rs t o the non-con~issioncd Office r of the.

Day instc~d of the Officer of the Day?

A Ther e arc occasions \:hen orde:rs a r c given t o the non-

co~~issionc-d Officer of the Doy.

Q You sta t ed tha t you could have given the orders t o

i•: iya ji, is that correct?

l Yes, ther e is n possibility,

q Then you stnt cd you could not have Given it t c Okuda .

Is thnt correct?

~ I think it is corr ect.

g Do you r c:-Knbcr \"Jhcn Okuda o skcd you, "Hou shnll vie

dispos t of the prisonc1 11 ?

t. Yes .

Q Do you r c:lc-1bc.. r t elling hin , "Dispose of h1!1 ns you

thi nk be st""'


:~ I do not r cne:nb c.. r t oo clcnrly if I sa id thot.

C f.P~ :'.IN JENKINS: (To Intc.rprctc.r Ogitc ) '!'C;ll hin

t o r t.nd thr- t .

(H?.nding stnt cncnt t o Intcrprct ~ r O git~.) ('-·he r eupon thc. \1i i: nE ss rr. s hand ed 'the st:l t cncnt :\ nd

rc~d t he ind i cr t cd porti0n . )

Q (By C~ptc in J enkins) 11 !.t th~t tine the Officer of

thc. Day c ~::ic up -ind inquir ed •Pc cl'n 't t nkc .~ .t ong the

t." e -ri c'1n pilot . nh~ t sh~ll Y!(; do? 1 ' Di spose of hir~ <. s

you think b est,' I ordc. r Ld . '"'hnt c.vcr hopp(;ncd c:t cr t hn t

I don't tnou clearly . " This i s Pros . cut i on f xh i:-> i t 11

B" .

Did you \"Jritc thnt?

~ Yes, of course I did.

Q You stnt cd y0u executed the t r!O .'·.ncricnns ""1e:ceu .s c

you had no ,·1 ir<. l c s s c 0'1.nunic~tion r:i t h h ibhcr hcadqunrt,::rs •

Is t ha t right'?

t. Yes. '1 \lhc n \Jirt l e ss con.r.unic? t10ns r1c r e r t suncd, Y1hy

didn't ycu t ell h oatlqW1rtc r s th~ t y0u hr.d t'°IO t~r·cricnn

" '. I did. On the 26th or t he 27th, I sent a nc s sagc

inquiri n e of Licutc nr nt Gcn~rol Kono of the 16th Br igade

in Bn col od of the l'lorr os, thrl t \.1c hove t v10 .·.n ... r i con ovin ­

t ors c s prison< rs nnd 'v1h~t shnll \:c do ,-,1th then , but no

nn~1ers cane . ~lso , on the 31s t, u hc n the wire l e ss

co'iflunicP. t i on r:r. s r c su.'1cd, I i nquired of the br;tta lion

h€.,dquart crs a s t o \1h c t t o d0 \Ji th the pris0ncrs of r1or .

ThE.; hC;" dqu~ rtcrs uris o t Iloilo . Due t o th(; stc tic in the

C;vcni ng, I do not think the v1ircl c ss :lcssr r-c \Knt t h r 0ugh.



Q Wn s th3 t the Tozuka f O'l'.'C l yon s e nt tl~c· r!i r c l t. ss t o?

1~ Ye s .

Q I s hm·1 :'oU t '-. i s , t~ nd t'. Slc y0u i f you v1r ot c it . Prosocu-

tion rxh ibit "f ". :~ Yc:s .

Q You s t ..,t<.' h e. r e , "I :-•""c1c n0 r'L nort t c the. ~0zuk='

He :idqua rt0rs thr: t I hnd unckr conf i!11. ":cnt tr:c :1: '( ri~~n

flyC;rs bcc~usc I didn ' t ti:ic . " Is thnt c0r r cct?

:~ I wr 0 t c. this nt the: ti"K bc cri usc thnt rm s l!h\ t I


C1 You had \'1i r c l c s s co11nunic~tion \ Ji t h the T<"zuk~ f nrcc

on f'~rch 19t h . Is thnt correct?

I\ Ye s , t ic hnvc c ont ::1 ct . R0YJC VC;r, ~r0und 2 :30 in tho

oftc:rnoon ~ m:ss~ i:rn fr0ri the hcndqur. rtc rs sn id th'.l t the

A'1c ricnns hr-.d l ::: ndcd nnd fig': tin~; Y.:.~ s g,.., int; on . 1\ftcr th~ t

we did not r e c e ive ~ny ·ore ~vsscgc s .

Q You did hnve nn Office r 0 f t hr t:"y until thE 31s t 0 f

Tf:-! rch , did you not?

A I think ,.!e: did h~vc ~ n Offi ccr of th(. D'"' Y.

Y0u r c'"K nbc r cvcryt~inr t hn t t hey t C'l d y0u nnd

what they ~dvi scd , ye t you d· ·1ct r<.,~:c.:.,bcr the. ir nnnc s,

is th~ t cnr r cct?

:.. Ye. s , I do not r ent .. tb c r ·. hn t the n~qc s of t he Cffict :rs

of the Day ~ere .

Q Y0u attend ed the Office-rs ' Schc-01 of t he J et pnnLsc

I'1pori .., l ~r~y, is th~ t correct?

I .. N0 , I nls a conscripted offi c e r, s 0 I Ylc v cr , .. cnt t o

t he ' School .



g Did you grodu~ t0 fr~t collocc ?

r. I gr '1dU'! t e:d fror:l t h . Unj.vcrsi ty of Yh s .

Q ':'.n sn 't it cuzt o:·.mry f or the Off ice r of t he D::i y

t o r e n0rt t o y0u whc.n his au t h . s nerc fi nishcd?

!1 Th( y cust"~ t'"!rily dj d but '1 t t-h:-- t t i :-1L c.vcrything

wa s Cr)nfuscd, so I nay not hri vc r c. cc i vc d a r eport.

Q '""hen you nno your uni t C ::! ,C t o $Q~1 J os e , eic

Govcrn0r 0f the Pr ovince ' r ('\t c you ~ l e ttc r, is t ro t


l I nEv cr r ece ived t~c l et t er.

Q Did hG t~lk t o you?

a I did not r ece i ve o l et t er.

Q Did the. Govc. rnor of t he Pr ov:tncc toll ~ t o you?

Q Ik snid thr- t h( hcCTrd t h-- t your unit w~ s pre. tty

s ev er e uhilc it r ·:l s ~ t Iloilo , ~. s th~ t cC':rr cct?

t~ Yes .

Q ,\ nc ynu stn t t.d , "Thn t is the. \, ny 1 t '.!ill be , ::! s

y0u know", is th~ t correct?

\ u

You or e the 10~d cr of all of these ~ ccusLd he r e. ,

is th~ t corr0ct?

Q All of :''OU got t0~:·c thc.r b f 0r c ;,rou surre nd e r ed nnd

de cided t n t ell t h<.. full s t cry ab out t he dLn ths of t he t hr ee

lncric~ns, is th" t c0rr cct?

.. Q Becaus e you all knc.,, : you we.. r e t hen crinin~ls, is

+h~ t co):r c.. ct"l


.· ,\ Yes, bc ~nusc I ~P th'"' r csponeiblc pc..rson, I s~ id s o .

C i~Prt;:.n! JfNKINS: No furthe r que st ions.

LirUTrF:~I1~ WESTON: No furthc.. r que stions.

FXt"JlINt.TION BY THE conussro~~

(BY n:.JOR Gi.VIN) o When y0u cxccutc..c , or ordered the execution of the

captured J\..'"lcrican flyL.rS, ' 'ere. you 3ctinf u..ridt;r orders

of thc.. Jr-p~ncsc ··r~r 1!i nistry7 A Do you m.e.n under the or ders of thL '"'nr J'ini stry?

Q Thnt i s ,-,lli\ t I soid , the.. J:ipanesc '"'r i:inist ry.

I• Do you ncnn did I execut e under orders fro" the .-·ar

l~inistry? 0. I ncnn were 1ou cnrrying cut the policy of the J~po • nc sc '"'nr J.1in1stry t o execute all cnpturcd ,\CK ric, n flyLrs?

h. I issuc.d the orders f or the; execution b c. c~uso I

could not ~ece 1 ve , I d 1<l nr'· r e any instruction fro!'.1

~igher h< ~dqu.~rtcrs, ~nd I h · d no a ltornotive . I t ook

it unon nysclf t 0 ord c..r t~c executions.


The day bef ore the.. f ir s t cxecut~on, did Lieut enant

Okuda t alk t o you ·b0ut ""vinf cquipncnt nnd t he pris" ner?

~ YL.s, I think h0 did . CJ Did he a sk you t1hc t you rinntcd done with the prisoner?

t. I t h inJ< he c id . Q Diel you t Lll hi '< l!!""' t you I1ontcd done ,-,1th t he pr1·

s oncr?

t. I do not r 0:1L.r'b cr.

Q Did you not t Lll hi" t o disr<'SC of t he prisoner"

l I do not t hink I sni a thrt ~t th~t t11e .

Q ':!he> was the non- connissioncd Officer <'f th< D~Y on

., 53

the 19th of i·1:1rch?

t\ I de not r c1c nb c r th:-lt < ~. thc r.

Q Who n~s the non-conr1 i ssi nncd Offict r of the Day

on t h<.: 31st of ri'"' rch?

A I d 0 not rcr~cnb <.r.

11 By not r c.IE:"lb cr ing th0 nn · ... s of t he Officers of the

Dny ~ t the t i nt of b0t h executions , ~ re you trying t o

prc- t cct s oric.. officer in t 11is court?

~ Th .... t is not t he ~cas0n .

Q 1!lha t ha ppened t o Licutc nr n t T0no:-iurn ?

,..,, Ton0r:mr[!?

Q Yes .

l ~c is in t he prison c nnp ~t ~rcloban in Lcytc .

('I 1.'lho t h'1pT'lcncd t o Licutcn~nt Kikuch i ?

l He is he r e .

() Where"

t~ In the conpound •

Q Wh~t hnppcnt d t o Warront Officer Nnkcno'

t. I think he pro hr- l:>l y Hcnt b !'.'. ck t o J ripnn .

Q Coul d Lieut cncnt ':''"1onnrr: hl'VC' bcc·n the:. Officer of

the Day on the 19th of rr~rch?

t. I do not r c!"lc 1~1b <.r .

(BY COLONT'L H.~usr.)

Q t~rc you fr.i.nilia r with t.hc rules !"'f r!or?

A Do you r ef er t c' the rule s of lnnd \,·~ rfnrc , the

J3pa nc. s c rule s?

Q Intt rnntional .

f· I d': not know,



Q \"!h en you wc. r <:. in the · i0unt~ins, cJ i d you :-''.'1!:c pl 0ns

t o bla n o t he. exe cutions on J .... p:m0s~ s 0l d i c.. rs \:he \ 1c r 0 thc... n


(BY c :.P'!' .. I N Hri·m .. I CKS )

Q Who did you think cnrric. d out the c~c cution in CC'r'\ •

plia ncc ~ 1th your orders t '"' kill t he fi~st flyL r~

A I hc.!l rd l :? t c.r +h'1 t the ncm-c <"'~rr1 issi0nc. d Off icc. r of

t he. Dny c~rricd thn t out .

Whnt is his nn:-1c?

I hcn rd l n t c. r t hot it '.10s rtiy::i ji.

() , Y!ho did you t h ink cl id the C" ctual killi ng 0 f the sc. c 0nd

on c... s?

COLONEL !-L\USf: The r e seen t " be nC' f u :rt hL r que st i ons,

t he ~itnc ss is cxcusc.. d .

(n i tnc ss c..;:cuscd)

COLONFL H.~USF : The.. Co• );1issi0n t:ill t rtkc ~ fivc. - n inutc

rc... c c.. ss.

(Short T\. CCS S)



. .

COLONEL HAUSE: The Cocr.1ss1on is in session.

eAl'"t'A%n c7mm%tea If' t.ho Cor~wission, it nppct:'.riot:

thnt ~l ~cnbcrs of the C~t~11ssion ~re prc~cnt, the Accused

e.nd their rcgulnrly appointed ~nd chosen 9aunscJ. present,

we or e r eady to proceed.

COLONEL ~USE: You ncy proceed.

The Cor..~ssion desires t o CF.11 Koji Kikuchi.

CAPTAII~ J~NKINS: C~ll Licutcnnnt ltoji Kikuchi t o the



cc.l.lad ~s witness by the Conr.ission, being first duly sworn,

wns ext'.r.incd and t estified es t ollO\VS through Interpreter

Sergeant Ogite.

COLONEL HAUSE: The Prosecution, Captnin J enkins, will

the Prosecution ask the witness the usue.l opening question,

his rnnk Pnd orgonizntion?


CAPTAIN JENKINS (For the Coanission) Wh~t is your nl!I!?o ,

age r nd r e..nk?

l 2nd Licutcnnnt Koji Kikuchi, 44 years old.

Q Wer e you a mcnbcr of the Yoshiokn unit during the ~onth

of Me.rch, 1945?

A Yes.

Q At San Jose, Antique , Pnnay, Philippine IslRnds?

A Yes.


Q Whet were y~ur duties in the Yoshiok& unit?



I w~s en off'!cer ett eehed t o the Yoshioke unit,

Wh~t was your duty as an officer? I




. .

- ...

A At t hnt time I h~d no pcrticulor dutie s but I ~as doing

clothing work ~nd r.gri cultur al wor k.

Q When did you first learn of the execution of t he first

Americ an?

A In t 11e prisoner of war s tockade a t Pcne.y .

After you crune out of the hills?

A Yes .

Q You never hee.rd of the execution during t he time you were

~t P~nuy prior to t he execution?

A Before I we .. :t to t he hills, yes, I heard about the first


Q When did you h8ar nbout th e second execution , t he one in

which the t wo Americ ans were killed?

A I heard about the.t after r~ \'Tent t o the mountains and went

to Pe.nay .

~ Did you ~ttcnd either of t he executions?


() . Where were you c.t the time of the executions?

A I don' t nhere or when t he executions t c-ok plac e so I do

not know '.7h er c I ¥10.s nt t he time , sir.

Q Just prior to coming out of the hills, bef ore t he surr en-

der, were y0u ~t the conference when the company commander,

Li e1 ' t cnc.nt Yoshio1 n , told t he offi cer s wh~ t story they vrnrc

to t ell about the executions?

I NTERPRETER OGITA: You r11eCln hov1 they ucr c ki llcd?

?Ui.JOR GAVI N: ~ Yes, the s tory thvt Lieut enant Yoshio~n

told them to t el l.

A ~ , I did not .

1 Did you ever go on a5 Offic Jr of the D~y a t Sa~ Jose?





..... ......



A \/hen?

During t he uonth of Ilarch.

A I do not r emember clcnrly but until t he middle of the

month I t h ink I ht'.Vc s erved as o.n. Q When was the l ast time before the middle of t he month

t~nt you ~ent on as O.D.?

A I don ' t remember.

UA.J OR GLVI N: Thnt i s nll I h~vc .

COL8:-IBL HAUSE: Ar c t her e ~ny further qu~ stions?

LIElJ"TENANT WESTON : I hnve no quest ion.

CiJlTAIN JENKINS: No question .

COLONEL HAUSE: The witness may be exc used.

C.1i 1 t ness excused)

CAPTAI N ,JENKINS : If the Cornmis sion please , I h<'.VC t alked

t o t he Defense counsel a.s t o the expected t e s t imony of Licut en­

<nt Lynch , Jrunes Lynch, of the 1Jri.r Crimes lnvcstig~ting Det ach­

ment 1.lho investiented t his c ase , :-..1d Lieuten~nt :·1cston of the

Defens e counsel hns ~greed to stipulnt e thc t tieutcnant Lynch ,

if he rJCr e called t o the stand, would s t nt e t he. t the distnncc

from the hi tjh school br rrncks i:1hor e Agtpi t o Beldnd c l ai ms he

s~w t he exec ution to the plc>.cc of tho execution nccr the

tree , i~ npproxim[';tcly 75 ynrds. Is thnt stipul?.tion ~.greed

to, Li cutenont Weston?

LI.WT~Nl~NT \7ESTON: The Defense wi ll ent e r into thct

s ti pul ntion .

COLOI'f'.i!:L HAUSE: i'.J.l rigl1t, it is so r ecorded.

:.t this time , the Commission vrill r ()c csr. until 1330 hours,

a.t whic h time the Defense mny begin the:i r closing er -;umcnt s .

cn1cr cupon ~.t 1110 hour s , 16 Fcbrunry 1946 , the trial r eC•JSSCd

until 1330 hours, 16 ?ebru~ry 1946 . )



ii ! I


~ F T F R N 0 0 N ---------- S r S S I 0 N -------(The trial ~~ s r c suced, pursuont t o r ece ss, a t

1330 hours, 16 Fcbru~ry, 1946.)

COLONEL H~USE : The Co;r1issicn is in s ession .

Cf\P'T':.I N JENKINS: Mey it pl eas e the Ccnriissi0n, it

a ppcnring thnt all :lc··1b c rs of the C<nn issi0n l! r c pres ent,

the ~ccuscd a r c present t 0gcthcr u ith their r egul arly ap­

pointed C0unscl, r:c nr c r c3dy t i"'! pr oc eed.

COLONEL HAUSE : You ·:1ny proccod •

C APT.~ IN JENKINS: I c ~ll Agapi t c- Bcldnd. This is the

Prr s ecution's r ebuttal. •


r cc nllcd t o the s ~and as a ~itnc ss by the Pro se cution,

being first duly sr."1rn, vm s cxl:nincd ·md t e stified :-l s f ol­

l ows:



Q You t estifi ed he r e tho ~thc r doy, do you r c:1c1b c r

the ti:1c the n1c ,\··1~ ricons ricrc killed?

Ye s •

Q ."/ho t tine wo s thot?

1i Thnt is bef or e dinner.

Q You stated th~t the dist~nce fr0~ t he barra cks

t c the pl :-ic c of cxccutic n \·1a s about 100 ynrds, is thn t

corre ct'?

A Yes, sir.

Q ~ill you pc i n t t o n pla ce fr c1 t his c0urtr00~ t o

a pr int 0utsidc the courtrN':-1 nhich you believe: 100

ya r ds is?















A (Indic~ting )

C.\PT:1 IN JENKINS: The witne ss indicr: tes fr0:1 her e

t o th~ t fence ther e .

Q (By Cnpt~in J enkins) Fr C"n he re t f" th~t f e nce?

:~ Yes, sir.

Q The f e nce just bof~rc the r ead?

h Th~t is right, sir.

Q You st:i t ed thnt you s aw the J~p~nC; sc neQr the pl~ cc

of execution fr0!'1 a wind0w in the b ri rr :- ck s, is th:1 t correct"

A Tha t is ri ght, sir.

Q Hew high v1?; s the r:indow?

fl •• The floor of the barr3cks is a neter froc the ground and

the v1indon is n 11 ttle highe r t :1cm this. It \?ould b e

this high (indic~ ting) 0utsidc.

Q l bout three nnd r ne -hnlf f ee t I should judge . ,., .10 S

thcr ( any gr nss in bc t Yrncn you t c obstruct yr ur vie:r1 t 0

~ No grnss. The gra ss is short.

\7ill you cg~ in dc:scribe uho t cck the: pris0ncrs frr!'1

the gu~ rd h C"use ?

The cncs ,·1h0 t ook tho pri s0ne:rs, f cur gu~ rds, Inoue ,

rtndn , f r llm1cd by Kni and Okudn .

YC'U s ny, "fcllcncd by Kn i end Okuda". Did K3i -;nd

Okuda ~rrivc· t rgc ther ?

~ N0 , uhcn the prisoners ner c already t~ken C'Ut of tho

gu"' rd h f" use .

Q Thnt is \'1hc n K~ i ~na Okuda C" :tc t crc thc r'?

t. Th~ t is r i ght, sir.

Q Hm1 f~r in b"! ck C" f ·· 1~dn ~na Inoue did K~ i ~nc Okuda



~i ,



: I



i I


.. =

A Only t m"\ ~1etcrs r\p~rt.

Q Hew f a r is th~t?

Tri o :ict ers . Fron he r e; t 0 th~ t place . (Incic~ting )

Q Do y0u knm·/ n Jnp~ncse by tho n~ne of Furuk~rm?

f. Ye s, sir.

Q \'.'h~ t r nnk did he h~vc.?

r .. Se:rgc~nt, sir .


' cl

De y0u kn~r1 ~ J npon <.. s e by the mn e 0f Ohld~

Thn t is right, sir, I knO't"J.

Q \'/hnt ~·:Q s his r~nk?



A Ye s.


' I

i:.'hc t ranY-: did he hove?

Crrpor~l .

Q Did you sec Furukovm 0r Ohki 0r 1 :iye! j i n t the tine

the pris('lnC:rs were l ed fr ,.,:: t ll<.. gu~rdhouse?

A N" ' sir.

n Did you s ec thc1 a t any tine nt the plac e 0 f cxccuti0n? '

' No, sir. h

() Did yr•u notice h C'\"I the ,·ncric~ns ncr e dressed when

they oere grin~ t o the place of execution?

Dressed in undershirt ~nd pants. Thnt i s nll they

nc~ r.

Q Undershirt and pants ?

t. Ye s, sir .

Q Lr ng p~nts l ike I hov e on?

A ~Inybe shnrt p~nts bcc~use the ir clothes ucr e a ll

t oke n .


ll ~ .







..... .....



• p




A Only t m·1 !"le t ers np~ rt .

Q Hcv1 far is th~t?

r ·~

Two :ictcrs. Fron he r e: t 0 th~ t place . {Incic~ ting)

Q Do y0u knov1· n J~ p~ncsc by tho nnne of Furukt-nn1

t. Yes, sir .

Q \~'h~ t r ank did he h~vc?

i Scrge~nt, sir .

Q De y0u lal" V/ ~ J npnn <.. s c by the no:-1c 0f Ohki?

Q \7hnt .,.:Q s his r~nk?

.~ Sergeant .

I') Do you knov1 a J:-. p~n<.. s c by tho nn'"'C r f ~·! iya ji?

Ye s .

n 1.'.'hnt rank did he have?

~ I Cr rpor:!l .

Q Did you see Furuknvm 0r Ohki 0r r:iy~ ji ~ t the tine

tho pris0ncrs Ticrc l ed fr~~ t ~<.. gu~rdhcusc?

A N<' ' sir .

() Did you s oc thc1 n t any tine nt tho pla ce 0 f exccuticn? . ' No , sir . h

n Did y0u notice hC'r1 the .'nc ric~ns ncr c dressed vihcn

they ucrc gring t o the pla ce of exe cution?

A Dre ssed in und ershirt ~nd pants. Tha t is nll they

ucnr .

Q Undershirt a nd pants?

Yes, sir .

Q LC'nG p~nts like I hove on?

' Ioybc short p~nts bc c~usc the ir clothe s ncr e a ll

t aken .


_ ...


~ I







• '


Q Her c their hones tied behind th~ ir bocks n s they

were be ing l ed?

.• Thr. t is right.

Q You stntcd thct you saw Okuda give the sign~l ~nd

give the orders f r r the executirns. Ycu sa~ hi~ do this,

is th~t c0rrcct1

f. Yes, sir.

Q Okudn is n short nnn.

~ Th~t is right, sir.

Q Ar e you certnin y0u sow hin?

Yes, sir.

\"!e r e ther e J"'\p~nc sc bc t neen y("\u ond Okudn?

'!'h~t is ri~ht, s ir.

Q Heu f~r, ~ppr C'xinntely, uer c Okuda ond Kni stnnding

frC':-1 r·~an nnd Inr uc?

h Exnctly one ~vtcr apart.



They uerc pre tty close t r fc t hcr?

Yes, sir.

CAPT.'. IN JFNKI NS : Th~t is :\ll.


(BY LifU'!'r;·r \N'!' 1:.'FSTON)

Q ,,7hcn yr u sny the cxC; cut i 0n t C' f"\k plnco bcf 0r c dinner,

de you !'.can in the riorning 0r nft crn00n?

• I ~ ~ Te rning , sir, th~ t is, be:f 0r c dinnC;r •

Q Did you ever nccc:-1pnny t he J r.pnncsc sol di ers en ~

punitive expedition~

:\ I beg your pnrd on?

Q Did ycu ever ?ccr·,pony the Jnp"ncse sc-l di crs on n

punitive cxpccition?




f ; I


A rxpGd iti0n?

C .~PT ·. r N JFNKI NS : I obj c.ct t o the question. It is

irrcl cvcnt in this cns c and certa inly ~ight t end t r incri·ii­

natc t h is nnn ,-,ho is a suspecter collobc- r c t or.

LIEtrrfN,\ NT ·TsTON: I~ay it plea se the Co".'1.'1issi0n,

a s I understand it, the Dcf r.nse nay ir1pe~ch a's

t esti:-:icny by sh0r. ing the r eas ons ,·;hy he ~ight be lying.

If this uitncss uer e n c0llnbor a t or, if he a ssisted the

Jn p~nese , nnd he nlrc~dy st~ted he uor c n Jnp~ncsc nnd

c etrricd a rifle , nnd he went 0n expoc itions n ith the J c pn ­

nesc, certa inly he t1ou1a h~vc r definite r ea s on t 0 be ly-


CAPT!iIN JFNKINS: I <'bjc ct t <"' thc t, if the Co·mission

plea s e .

COLONEL H~USE: The 0bjcctic n is sustn inec .

Q (By Lieutenant ':!est0n) ':?h ri t r r on uer e Y<'U in in

the se bnrrncks \:hen y nu ,-1~ tchcd the execution?

h Roo~ Ne- . 3.

Q Will yc-u r e pent thnt ?

r~ Roo::i N0 . 3.

Q Wn s th:'. t y0ur r oo!'J?

A Yt s, sir, thQt is 0ur r con .

0 Ylhat side of the building r;as your r 0on on?

A This s ide of the building , f a cing the r oad .

Q ~h3 t dirc cti<'n?

t~ Fa cing the s c-uthc.nst.

Q Frcn the bnrrncks, \.' hf' t d irccti0n u~ s it t 0 the scene

of exe cuticm?

l Ther e , sir .



Q ··: h~ t dirccti0n r.·~ s tha t "

,\ Pe st.

LI!UT!N',NT ~-.rrsTOl'~ : N0 f urther qucs t i 0n.



~ V':l s t his a f cr P<! t10n, a nil i tr. r y f or.mtion fr 0:i. t he

gu~rdh0usc t c t ho pl~cc ~ r execution?

/'. Ther e w:i s f cur gu~rd s, then t he pri s r- n€rs, and two

gun r d s behind, f 0llcw1cd by t he Ser gcr nts and t hen the


~ Did they all start moving et the same time?

A The four guards and the prisoners end then the two Ser-

geants ruid nfter them the Lieutenants.

Q Did you see anyone in th~t group have a suord?

A Vfell, :the one Has ter Sergeant had e. sword, then the

two Lieutenants with s ~bers, and then the four guards with

fixed bayonets.


Q Did you attempt to go to t'1e seen~ of t he execution your-


A No.

Q Did anyone tell you not to go?

A No one.

n Did anyone tell you to go inside the br-_rrac!cs'l

A One tell me when they ~vere taking the prisoners outside,

the Sergeant told me to get inside with my companions.

Q Hhich Sergecnt vms this?

A l fo.ster Sergeant Wada.


Q \Vhere vras Inoue?

~ He was there also.

0 He w~s there also?

A Yes, sir .


Q -.fas he mr-_rching at the side of Sergeant · ·r~da?

A Yes, sir .


Q Did you see Serge~nt Wada 's sword after the execution?

A I see it at his side.


Q Yon didn't sec t he b:.rc sword to see whether the r.:? rms

t'Jlyth ing on it?

It wc.s cover ed in the scc.bbr.rd .


~ Who r e turned to the mess hall nfter t he execution?

" ·:~ell, t he t wo Lieutencnts >:-.ssed t.."irough the kitchen .

,)id you see :my blood?

. I\ No , sir •


No .

COLONi!l. HAUSE: Thero bein3 no further questions the

witness is excused.

C ~itness excused ,)

C~PT..JN .JENKINS: Thn t is nll by the Pros ecution.

COLONEL HAUS~ : H s the Defense ci. closing statement? :.RGTJIIBNT

LIEUTBN.t.'NT ''TESTON: If i t the Commission, I do not

intend to bore you 1.-.:ith lots of f~ct s thtlt a re e.lrendy in ti1c

r ecord. You have the r ecord before you ~nd ~re fully capab l e

of finding r1hr t t l-ie se fncts ar c . R01.:ever, the r e r.r e a fev1

points I would like to point 0 1·t ~

First, l e t us look ~.t the First S pecificntion. There ,

o.11 six of the Accused c-rc chr-.r gcd with killing one .A!"1e ric1:rn .

Now , l et us gl ance a t the evidence :· gr.inst these six r.1en in

Specific ~tion 1.

Lieut enant Yoshioka , commr>.nding officer of the s ec ur ity

unit ~-t S"-n Jose t he order to exec ut e t he J:.l c ric ['.n, He

hes t r.ken the st~nd und er o~th, he hes ndmitted he g~ve the

order • nis only purpose in tnking t hc.t st~.nd Yl~S to

befor e you the r easons why he g~ve it. He did not t~ke t he


stand to plead for his life or to plc~d for the lives of ~ny

of the other five . He \'Te.nted the f ee ts knov1n. He \U'.nted the

C0tnmission to r ealize the position he vras in. He docs not

f eel thr-.t he Yres t). criminal. At the time he felt justi f i ed

in vrhe.t he did. Now, ~hy did he order the execution? Tj'irst,

as commc-.ding officer of r sm~ll s ccuri ty d c t ri.chment st.-~ tioned

e..t Se.n Jose , ~rls bc.ttnlion ho ~dqurrters bet t 0"" t ha n 100 ldlo­

meters ~\ir:.y, "G~e t c ::-rain be tween the two \7aS ~~.:tr er:lely :::ioun­

tainous, the o:1ly ~cnns of communic c.tion he h e.::. -;;::..s o. s .. mll

wireless uhich most of the time , . .,c.s not .. .,orking . Now, h ere

he ~-rr. s with this small unit, completely surrounding him vrcro

the guerille bands and the USAFFE. As to how he ected daily,

the guerillas or the UBAFFE forces were firing mortars into

his outpost position and some of his men were kil led ave ry

d ry . Nm1, Lieutencnt Yoshiokr. sent v. mess age to his b<:>.ttnlion

r equesting r1hr.t disposition be of th e Amcric t'.n nvi~.tor .

He r ec c i vcd no e.ns·rn~r. The only ans··rer he r ccci vcd f r om them

·;1e.s •n-1e \1111 s end e bo~.t t o pick him up", but the boat did

not come. Nou , Y!hr.t could he do '"i th the American? Sc could

turn him l oos c , he could t o.kc him rri th him, or he c ould

h~.m ex~cuted . He st~ted he could not turn him loose . Hcd

h e turned him loose his •:1h ol n unit would h~ve been subj ected

to punishment by his superior. Could he t ake him nith him?

Her c 11e \"!r'.S, surrounded by gucrillc..s . He hed to mnl~e on ~ttcmpt

to r e-join his b~tttlion. Ho could not follo·;! t h e roe.ds so h e

h a.d t o go [.cross the mounto.ins through the gucrillns . It \ H' S

impossible f or him to t :>.kc the Americc!1 n ith him. He follmrcd

the only cours e he could s oc . I cro not coming bef ore the

Co!:lmi ssi on ~nd s~ying he v:as ri~ht in ·d·oing it. I do a sk the

" •

Commi ssion to consider his position.

Non , Li eut enant Okudn , rogr.rding the first specifi c ation.

Lieutenant Okude stated both in his confessions e.nd on the

stand thn t prior to the executions he hC'.d a conference ·.-,i th

Licutcne.nt Yoshioka and asked him r.'hat he ia:::s to do r1i th the

munitions nnd ~rws t hat hcd to be evacu2t cd. ~At the s~e time ,

kncr~·1 ing t hat the boo.t pr obably v1ould not e.rrive he l'.skcd

Lieut cnnnt Yoshioka 11What e.r c you going t o do n ith the American" .

Licut enl'.nt Yoshiokv. r epli0d: "I do not know , I may to

cx.:.cutc him" . N0\7 c ert ainly ther e is no crime involved the re

r.s f~r r.s Licutencnt Okude. is concerned. The responsibility

'."Tes Lieutenant Yoshiokr. ' s . On the day of the execution Lieu­

t cncnt Yoshioka did not Qttend the execution. Th~ rc is no evi-

dence \7h~tsocvcr to show th~t he either gave or on order

of execution. Too, Lieutenant Yoshiok~ h ns stated in one of

his confessions t hct he gave the orders to the Officer of the

Day . On the stE.nd he t .)stified under oath t hl'. t he wr.s not

sure ·:1he ther he did or not . Ho may h.."\ve , he may not. Novi ,

v1ho W:'.S the Officer of the Dc.y? Ther e wer e five Lieutenants

in the unit. Any one of those r'i vc could hl'.VC been Officer

of th e De.y. No·;1 , v1c c o.nnot r.rbi trarily t ake one m~m ~nd S D.Y

111ilc d ecided you ~re Officer of the Dny, you a r c guilty".

Ther e is no evidence t o sh '~'"' t he t Lieutenant Okud~ i.7 c> S Officer

of the D~y. Three eye v1itnesses t o the execution t estified

on tho st~nd . Not one of t hem s aid they rccci vod [!fly orders,

instructions from Lieuten ant Okudc . Lieuten P.nt Okuda w~s not

: t the CXCC1-lti on .

Nm1 , l e t us look ~t Licutcn~nt Kai's position. Specifi­

c ~tion 1. Ther e is not one iotc of evidence ~gainst him.


He wns not a t the execution. He h~s not been identified by

any wi tncss. He ge.v 0 no orders or tr t?.nsmi ttcd no orders.

He mE:dc no sugges tions to the compo.ny cor~mendcr. The r e is

r bsol ut cly no evidence to sust ain tho first spccificetion.

Now, e.s concerning Scrg0?.nt ?fojor Wc.da end Ser gcP.n7- Inoue

on the r :·.i'st ~:·c cifice.tion. I hr.VO yet t o S Cr" why th2y Her c 'I~ ever inc1 '...' j Gd :I ;i it . "-hr.t is purely a c ~tch- ..!J.l.

Thc:4..r nr'.! .;~ s ·.1 : r e i ncl udcd in the hopes t hr t cviden~u v7ould

be "Jroug:1t ou~ in tric.l to implicntc them but no c·1iden~c

'u"s been broughtout. They wcro not c.t t he execution. They

gav0 no orders, they received no orders, and they did not

know of the execution.

Nan we come to Pfc. Sr-.t o . Non took the str.nd in

this c~sc. Ho hQS admitted thE' t he br.yonct cd one Amcric e.n,

th~t he did thc.t under orders. First, tho .Americc.n he.d been

Cl.lmost behe c.dcd. His hoc.d Yms r.t l east one-half cut off if

not more . Nori surely you con realize , I can re~lize, that

if t he Aincric[!.n "..:as not deed ct thc t exact instant, rli thin

~ very f cIT seconds he would have been dead, so here ~c

Pfc. 8£>.to, he is ordered t o s t o.b t he k ·c rican. He doesn't

w~nt to do it. Hv lu>.s no choice. I knon the members of

this Conmission r ealize the.t in the Japa nese ~y rc.nk is

importr.nt. To a privct c , n Pfc. is ~ superior officer.

To a Pfc., r. Corporal is a superior. In the Jnp~ncsc h'rIDY

they did not think of questioning an order of n superior,

be the superior just one r enk cbovc them or t en. Na:r , two

of the uitncsscs f or the Pro secuti on her e t ook the stand

under oo.t h , s 1.rnr.ring they \'lor e t elling the truth. They s

thct :ir-.t o had t o be order ed three t imes bef or e he did strike

the American. Lat er, thes e t rro Yli tnesses wer e rcc~llcd and

on tho s rme stnnd, under cv~ctly the s~r11e oath, s~id: "We

lied the time b efore . 1?!e rrnnt to t ell the truth nm1. He wns

only order ed one c . 11 No\"! which tir:lc \·1c r o they telling the

truth? They could heve ver y o· qily been t elling the truth

the first time r:nd \7hy not t he s ccc nd time , r.nd vice vcrs~ .•

I do not s ec hou this Commission could dc t emine n hich time

they rrcre telling the truth.

Ncra one of the witnesses for the Pro s ecution, Pedro G.

Villr-.vcrt, testified thr t he ·.n :s n witne ss whe n the body of

this A!"lc ric an was dug up. Novr , obviously the American had

been buried f or one month r.s n minimum, y et Villavcrt tnkcs

the st£'.nd under, c.nd s ays the flesh ·:ms firm, the body

i1r?.S not dccor~poscd, ye t he s r.y s there · ·as no cloth ing, no

tr~ces of clothing, yet the Accused t hemselves s aid the

prisoners ncr e clothed. One u itnc ss f or the Pro s ecution

snid he h~d on s0mc clothe s. Wh~t h cppe n·cd t o the cl othe ~?

Ccrtcinly, if th~t clothing hcd cocpl c t e ly dis cpper-.rcd nnd

dis intcgr e.t cd the f l esh itself '·!Ould disintccirri.t ed.

Nou , if you 0vcr s eer n body "-fter it hes been buried

f or e. month you know as well r.s I do t h<' t the flesh uill dc t or­

i or et c nnd fnll e.wc.y . J.ny body t hc.t h r.s been buried f or ~

~onth will h~vc nume r ous hol es in it, rog~rdlc ss of the s ourc o ,

~nd he r e •:1c rm Lr:hJric o.n, he v1~s v10undcd, he clrc!'.dY h ll.d

s 0vcr l'l \·:ounds i n his body, hi s hnnds ·wer e cut, r-.nd his '1.rms,

l egs, his ho~d w~s cut, so this ~itncss t~kc s t he st~nd e nd

s~ys t h0r e ucrc s even hol es i n hiti s o he was bayonet ed s eve n

tines . To ne it is incredible .

Nmr ~s t o t he s econd spcci fic~tion. Agcln , Licutcne.nt


Yoshiokc. hes t [l.ken the s t and r.nd ::>.ssuued fUll r osponsibili ty.

He docs n0t wish t o dodge his r esponsibility. He has st~tcd

111 ordcr nr~. t :'lc execution of t he t 110 Ar.:oricnns". ill he

\·ished from this Comnission \·rns tha t they hoer him. He rH•.nt ed

to gi v0 h~ s r eas ons and 10t this Commission judge . No.1 what

':ro:"o th i:> - r e .. ·· .ins? The S t'DC ~.s he hcd f or the first ~ .':11cution

\"li t h t w · :-hr.:-~ -- · : .i~o , :1(' h~d jus t r ccc •.v0C.. r;:·dcrs t 0 n•<.t c

Seri J os ·; . Th·: ;.ne:~.1,,,M S hNi l cndcd "-nd ~r.c. ~-.:.. -. of~ supply

lin ·: . ~ !·.. A.ri· <·.c all l'l cct ;-;es p r.trolling the ·'''t ~t 01· Sen Jos e

crtt: r1;:-.s 5i1cll 1.:1g hi8 position continuously . ri.:: hr>.~ t o e1r-.cut'.t e .

He ~nm1 of no ';l:ling t o do •11th the t wo An0 r i c a:-1s but execute

then. He dii .1ot t ake the st~nd :md s ay he 'iJns right i~

doi11g t !'l .-~ . :10 did not even contend he wns do ing right.

i!e 3nid :11~.t ·.n:.s the only thing I knew t o do wi t h them".

NoY1 , e.s ·c:> Licutcn :::nt Okudc.. Admi ttcdly, he \H•.s ct tho

... xecution, but -.:re do deny t hr.t he hnd ci.ny pni:t ;:fh r-.tsoover

in the issue.nee of t he order or in the tr ansmission of the

order. Newt t~o rc is no evidence t o sh0\7 t hr.t he ~rs Officer

of the Dn.y . ':h0 only evidence thnt indicr.t 0s t he.t t he Officer

of the Day ·:ms r e sponsible is Lieutcn~nt ·Yoshiok['_ , \/her e he

said, "I gnvc t~e orders t o t he Of f icer 0f the Dry" v.nd on

t he str-.m he t estified r t t he tine he we.s confused, "I run

not sure it v1r-s the Offic er of the Oay , it could been

~ny body." The r e is no e vidence to show it could h~vc been

Licutonrnt Okuda . "iJhr.t '.!t'.S Lieut cn:-nt Okudl:l. ' s position with

r e l et ion t o t he second execution? Her c he is in his b~rracks ,

secs the gu~rds t~ke the /ineric nns fron t he guardhouso , so

he rushes out to find out -_rhr.t i s coming off. Ho \"lr.s told

thr.t it ·.ms the order of Licutcn~nt Yoshiokri. t o execute those



t •:m iU1cric !'.ns . The r e rms nothing ho co uld do . It vr::.s Yoshioka' s

r csp0nsi bi li t y c ertr-.inly. Could he s t'Y "You c r::n ' t do this,

I non ' t pcrr.~i t it :•'? Could ~1e r.ppenl t o his bc.tto.lion, better

then 100 kilos cw::;.y r nd no cor.imunic r.tions ? rte h~:d no choice

c t c.11. All he could do '::as l e t it h nppcn. Non , r.s t o his

r.ttcnd~ncc nt the execution. Lieutenr.nt Okudr. is ~ J npnncse

so ldier. J..t the tine he -:;r.s M officer i n the J~p['.neso Army .

Ho hc.s been t cught fron t he first moment he enter ed t he J aprui­

ose I~my t 0 hr.t o t !1e J.neric~ns. \f!hc thcr he ~rill c.d!'! i t thr.t

:>r not is quo sti :mr.blc but you ·~now r.s well r.s I kno'.7 rTC. rrn r c

t r- ught t o hr;t e the Jnp:-nc sc, r.nd they --1or c t nught to hate us .

N0\1 , her e •:!or e t ...-:o ;.ncric r.n :-vintors \:rho wor o c 0ntinuolly

b:>nbing, s trL'..fing, their position. He hr d been tnught thr- t

/~1cric on nvia t ors ~re cruel, they ~re i nhunnn, U['_gi ng !llegr'1

·.:r.r, killing i;·roIJen e.nd childr1..m . Cert c.inly if he hcri.rd they

\"rcrc t o be executed he rould g..., -;r.tch . Thore \7C.S no crime

~ t rll i n hi s ·.r tching. It \·1:-s ~10rT!lr'..l t o hin . I do not l<n~:m

h 0·.i ~i;1cs people , .Amcr i c l'.n s0ldicrs, r.skcd r::o : "Is

t her e r'..nY ·:1c.~' th:-. t I cm go t o s ec Yc.t!w.shi t c. han·g?" ~ !orbid

curiosity. He i s en enccy 0 f ours . The r e is the c.i:isvrnr 7

the r enson th~t Lieutcnnnt Okuda nitne sscd t he execution.

In no l e.\·1 , internr.tion :i.l or othe r wise , would thC'.t cons ti tutc

a cri1:-.e .

Non , Lieutcnr.nt Kc.i. His position is clr.!os t idcnticnl

t~ thr t of Lieutenr-nt Okud~ . Licutcncmt Olrndc hin sclf hr-.s

s t r.t cd t.l-\c s ~'1C story t hr.t Kl'.i t o ld . Ono 71cs r es ponsible

f nr the ot he r going. No wher e is ther e E'nY evidence nt

ell t h ::-t Licutcnc.nt K~i ··!cs Of ficer of the D"'Y. Ther e is

none . J..ny of thc~ c five offic er s could h~ve b~cn.




t wo j.nerice.ns . The r e rms nothing he could do . It v1c.s Yoshioka ' s

r esponsibility c 0rtt1.inly. Could he sr-y "You c e.n 't do this,

I non 't pcr r.:it it!'? Could he ('.ppenl t o his bc.ttalion, better

thr.n 100 kilos exrny 'rrl no c or.1munic r.tions? rte hD.:d no choice

ct llll. All he coul d do ~:1a.s l e t it hr.ppcn. Non, l'.S t o hi s

l'.ttcndPnce nt the execution. Licutcnl'.nt Okudr. is r. J~pnnesc

soldier. J...t the tine ho -::c:.s E'n officer i n the J~pr.nesc Army.

He h~s been t r.ught f r on t he first moment he enter ed the Japnn-

os c :~my t 0 hr.t o t 11c /J:le r1cc.ns . V'!hct hcr he trill r.d!'!i t thr.t

~r not 1 s q uc sti :>nc.blc bu t you ' -:nov1 l'.S l"rnll r:s I kn01:1 ";TC. wer e

t~ught t o t he J npr.nesc , r.nd t hey ·1cr c t nught t o hntc us .

Non , he r e '::ore h:o ;.:1cric c.n :-vintor s v:ho wcr ;:J continunlly

bonbing , s trnfing , their position. He hcd been tn ught thr't

/.ncrico.n aviators r.r c cruel, they r.rc inhu.r:rnn , ,,1r.ging !llegr-.l

·;! r>.r, killing \1orucn and childr,m . Certci nly if he hc erd the.{

\"1cr e t o be executed he ;rould g1..) -:r-.tch. Th0r c u c:.s no c r ime

~t ell i n his ·.r tching . It ,-1:-s :10rtnl'.l t o hin . I do not l<n.:>\l

h1Y.i r.nn.» ~incs people, Amcr i c r.n s0ldicrs , r.skcd co : "Is

t her e .ny ·.1c.~r th:: t I c r.n go t o s ec Yrn l'.shi t o. hang?" }:orbid

curiosity. He i s e.n cncny 0 f ours. The r e is the C.J'.lSY/Or,

tile r c l'.son thr.t Licut cnnnt Okudn r.ri t ne sscd t he execution.

In no l , inter nr.tion:i.l or other wise , '1ould thC'.t consti tutc

n crir.c .

NO'rT, Licutcne.nt Kc.1. Hi s position is clnost idcntic e.l

t~ thr t of Licutencnt Okudc . Lieutcn[l.nt Olrndc. hin s cl f' h r.s

stc.t cd t.."1c s story t hr.t Ke.i t old. One ·n l'.s r esponsible

f or the other go i ng. No wher e is ther e ~.nY evidenc e nt

el l th:-t Lieu t cnc.nt K~i ··! r:S Of ficer of the Dr.: y . Th0rc i s

none . iuiy of the!ic five officer s could b.3cn .





fr [I 11.




Ccrt r-.inly, ·.io c r-:-inot pick out one end s r.y r rbi tr r-.rily "You

r r e the one". It r:ius t be b :- s ed on sone evidence. Li0ut cnr.nt

K~.i is i n the s r-.:"'c position r s Licutcnr-.nt Okudn . They \·1ent

t o s oc this ex ecution bcc t'.US C it YIQS o.n e:n :my of theirs, a

t : :in they :i?.d been t C'.ught t o h~ t o . They s ~.-w nothing ,_..,:-nng

in it. : ·1--.J ~-~ ,...~ nc sc SL' :;.d i (:! rs \'TCr c not t Qught. such t· ;.l.~~s . If

the r e ': <":S .-. d: 1 ::.:! co:1ni t t cd \'the n Lieu t cnc.nt K~~i ~.nd L 1. ·.:t'ten~nt

Ok~·1r>. ,--~t ,.._ .:.. s!: e:j tl;1s execution, t he cri r:: c rTt: s co1.!r:-i t ted i n

Jr.1-._·n '::hen t L.' Y -r1er 0 t c.nght such things. Thes e t · ·o : r .) n') t

Cl ~ r~in .. ~·:t.e crininnls ~re tho se r-.bovc n '!1o l ed, nn'1 ·ho

t t'.l'.g ii : , r·nd '::h o g :"'.V C ther· such a belief.

Now , Se1•gc~'1t t't".d l'. . The r e is confl i cting t e stir:1ony as

t o ·•:hc t h vr he even vritnc ssod the execution. <:Jc he r o

five Accused. All t ::>ok the st~.nd under 0 t'.th St".ying Ser gcc:nt

n "a<: ·.r·s not ther e . Scr gcr.nt ··1nd l'. hii.i.sclf s cid " I wr s no t

ther e . I 10 ~.rned 0f it r-ftcl"\n•.rds". Yet, on the othe r h c.nd,

·:1hc t do \7C h ? The '.1onder boy of the c entury, an incredible

c r c:-.ture c t'.··e in and on the stand t usti fi 0d thr.t at 100

yr.rds dis t :>.ncc , · \rl t h e.ll of the :., Yli t h the ir becc ks t o hi :-1· h e

hc =.rd ther.! l <'.ugh, .he. r end their lips, ~nd 1-:nm·7 t.7h<::t t hey :!or e

s o.yi ng . Ye s, I nr. r cf Grring t o the .credible witness, .hgopito

Beld r.i.d. Nm• , I r'! l gc i i:tP, t o hrve the ;"'"ccuscd ~11 st ~.nd. I

·,·10 uld like the Co: ·1 iss i on t o note the he i ght of Liout c nc.nt

Okud~. Nm: , Rcldr-.d t ook the str.nd r-.nd t e stified t ' 1 t:t t frort

n ·.-,indo'.': '.·1hich u..- s r-.b~>U t f our f eet off the gr ound r.nd 100

yr.rds dis t r nt, . he •:1:- tched the cxecut i on. 11The r e t;1cr c soldiers

stt'.ndin17, b ..: t ;·rcen Liel!t c nl'.nt Oltudc- c..nd !':ys elf. Cert~inly I

s c.w Li e lt enr.nt OkudD- , I sc -i hit1 vu:v o his r.r :'!l dcwm, yet :ic h ed

hi s br ck t urned t o r!c ." It i s i :1crcd i blG. It could not hr>.vc



h npocncd. It is obvious th <'. t Bcldl'.d h <'.d i nP gincd t his or,

if it hr.d not 'been r. pr~)duct of hi s i1 :r.ginr.tion, he r::- s not

tul~ ..1.nt; '. '1e t l'u th . N0\7, the r e r.r c P good D<'.ny r ccs0ns ·;1hy

B<·1 ·: :,: t -. L-~ such t c.:;l c . J.dn i ttodly he ·ucs in e ffect ~-

.T •. p · 1.c:.0 >·".'ldic r nlth0ugh he is t'. Filipino . He ·;!or e ~ .Jc.!)anus c

tm~ r: .")rr ; ; tl"' <'< :i.."ricd ... r ifl0 r nd br.yonc t r>.nd r.n'"'.luni ti 1 '1. . He

sr.r 0d [U"'rd {.uty nith t hcn .F' r the bctt c L· p~· rt .Jf h :) y .. ~rs

he \ .2 s ~ t l'!er: a~ a Jopnnese soldier. Now, certainly, he is

n .... t i~ t'10 b 1.. ~ t r)f steooing in his J oc :-.1 co~·:1nr.i ty. So

rrl" ·;· 1..loes he do': He coi.c s d o·i/n her e r.nd <"'.!l "'-tt ~: :-t t o

r 0<ic. .r: h:'.Es ::;lf, ~.n r.ttenpt o.t tho expense ol th.c s..) .J.ccu:;ed .

Evr:u if the Cunnission bel ieved th~ t Scrgce.nt Wada did s ec th ::-.t

ex0·~ution , wh r· t did ho do th on? He did not r ecci ve ~.ny or ders,

h o di d not tr .:". nsn i t r ny orders. Even if you l"..nd I bcli0v ed

he Pt' S the r e , the only crioe ho c0uld possibly h r.vo corJr.ii tted

\'lt' S thrt of be ing pres ent. He hns cor1.0i t t ed no overt t'.~t. The r e is no evidenc e t o shov1 thr t he pl'.rticipP.t cd in the execu­

tion 11h '.'.tso'-'vc r . If you believe he ':rr- s t her e , the n you nust

l'.lso believe th:-·.t nll he did 1.·1r s vmtch , which wr-s ccrtcinly

n 0 crime . N· ·u , Scr gcr.nt Inoue . Ser ger..nt Inou e hr.s t estified on the

s t r.nd he ·.1:-.tched the executirm , he witne s~ od it. Did he

r~ny pr rt in the execution? The r e is no evidence t o show thc..t

he r ec e ived r.n :)rdcr, t ' ..... c- t he g:-vc an order, or thr t ho pr'.rti­

ciprt cd in nny '.7t:t.~T ·::>t hcr thl'n 1·mtch. J.gC'.in, t h is r:r n' ~ ·- or bid

cnrios i ty. Non , undor the rule s under vrhich this Con- ission

i s r e ting, ::ny i:r .. r crine r.i'Y be punished by der:t h . H">wcv er,

i n those s r.::.-. r ogul r.ti ·1ns it str t e s t~:.. t supcri0r or d0rs oc..y



be us 0d i n n i ti1~. ti0n .

Now , £1.S c0nc crns Pri V:'.t e Sat o . I this Co ·n i ssion

tn :- t if 1.l-\cy f ~cl he hrs cor.uiittcd :- cri nc t hey consider the

f n: ·; t"'. c '~ l·o ·.n·.s cctjng und e r orde r s , th:- t he hc.d no r.l t~rnc.tivc .

?u ,. ... 11c r, ~c nsidcr t h ... f r-ct th~t i f t he .A: lcric nn \1ns not r.l r of!dy

ci c~1u he \:: s cl ·)s c t o i t :-nd would di0d in c. ve ry f 0H

s e~ "' nc1.3 : ::i. ·~tY.H, 1"'..ny r ct 0n th0 pr-. r t of S '.'. t ·) •.7~<."'.ts o~"'('I . Nm·1,

thc :· c r- t'0 r10 :; :>~cific rules \Ir r egul:- tions lci<l d~\ln governing

th .~ ,:xtcn~~ of s0nt cnccs t hr.t shnll b e gi v ·m . Hm: ; v .. n · > in the

nc ,i' '"' f j·l.lst i~c~ t '1-.. sc Connissions nust f ')llo,·1 so:JG p :: tt0rn .

No·:: : \ t u~ 1 001( shortly at r-. decisian enter ed in t ;1c Tt j i i.! n

C :'.S C The Cormission f cl t th r: t t y10 nembers of the ;.ccus od

by v~?tu0 of t heir boing ~ t ~n CXLCUtion ~ere guilty of ~

c. r i::• but they, by virtue of their sentence, 11Th cy do

not <.l~ s crve de -:th". VJhr.t did they r eceive? Five ye ars' i n ­

prisonr:~ent . N01.1 this Connissinn is not bound dmm by this

d ecision, but in the of justice , these Co ~nissions should

f ollrw.r ,' r-ch ot~1:~r. I just vrrnt t o s ny ri '.iord ~.s t o d egr ee

r f pr '"'of. In ~ny court, intern<'- tion E'.l or othcr :1isc , it i s

rm cs t r'blishcd principle th : t l'.n Accused u u s t be f 0und guilty

beyond r ru~. s ,.,n~blc d0ubt . In o t he r words if the r e is r.ny

r' nr blc d·mbt v1h t'.tso0vcr C'.S t o his guilt he nust bo f ound

n11t guilty.





If the COMI:lission pl e3se , all I got fron the Def ense 's

SU'!l..~etion wa s one f act. All thot he tried t o do w~s t o

justify the deaths (1f the three tu:rnricans. Ther e wa s cne

nisquot ation which I di n not t oke upon oyself t o interrupt

ot that tine . It was sa i c thnt the Accused stot ed , "Ser gennt

Waco wa s not there". Wh.El t they di d ~aJ was, "I c'! i d not see

hin ther e", which is entirely differ ent. Vlho ha s the nost

r eason t o lie , the man on trinl f or his life or the nan who

is disitter ested ancl who can ho"c f or no rewar c'! f or what ever

t estinony he giV€S her e . Who hos uncont<stGcly lied in

this cnsc , tine ofter tirle , pr oven by their own st~~enents?

The Accusec ripht befor e y0u. For the hundred~ of ~nconsis­

t encies by the Accused , f or the celiber~te lies t o: G by the

l ccusea , I r ef er the Cor.ll"'lission t o the r ecor d which speaks

f or itself.

With one-half of the circunst.,ntial cvi C! erlce iwr e ,

ncn have been f ound guil ty of nurcer and conder_?1ec'! ~o

death in courts throughout the world . Y<'U do not heve t o

seo the nan actually killed , but you cnn and c0 pr ove it

by circunstRntinl evicence . Thnt convicts 90% c.. f :1.!..l nur­

der ers back hone . A curder er does not yell fo~ en auci cncc .

Die. the world see Haupt nnn kidnar ~na kill the Lindber gh

boby'? Di f the '\"JOrlf' s ee Saccr l' nc'! Vnnzct t i kill? No,



but it ,.~ s pr0vc n they <~ id '1ct.u:-lly kill i n the lj_;-ht 0f

.... ~.l s 1.1n·0unr ir.g ~ircu•1st ":nc c s . He r c , wo h~vc tho s 1. r ori r...'c st

~ c;c . : 1; i l·c1r 1s t ": ntie\ l <.... vice nee t h'lt you c~!l eve r ~n •c , ~nd

• ·(h~·i; ..... lon·~ I S 'Y , I s~~r on th:1 t ~lone, ~11 ~nd L ~ ci1 r.nd

c: r:r '"'.:1r r ~ -:h e A~cuscd is c;uil ty 0f -iur c!cr. But ·;·h ~ t

; ~;it ".' . .J..• ··1:: t." ·1c -~or e. . Ycshi0k.~ ' s ·::• nic.ssi'" n. f'~ to ' !J

CC' d ' s ; ..... ,1 ......... ~ J ..... '

Cin t hc. r ( b e ~.ny qu<... sti0n but th~ t Okudc ' 7r1 S +£10

[··· .. :'i<.c r of t i"l; D~y n!'.0 "S~-;:c d :ibriut ~he first :.~:c ric:1n ,

:·1'f"·. sh~ l:'.. ·. c <~ ispns~ ()f hj r~ 11 , '"' IlC1 ,_-;he. ·r: -:s t c ld by Yoshi0k·1,

.. l: lsjjC3~ .":' l h i.n ~s ~rou sec f it", nnd he, he: s c\"'J fit t o kill .

c~n the r e b e 1ny qucstic n th~ t tc nnd K~i supc~viscd the

th"'t both ci::ud :1 ":nc1 ~(~ 1 lm1...r1 th~t the first :.~erican Y!'l S

p0 ing t 0 b e killed? Is, c~n t h<. r c be any coubt th~ t

they not only n nntc.d t r kill , but th~t th0 Jr did kill.

Unconte sted by t heir own st,., t cncnts , they :tccc nc c:ffl"'rt

~:0 st0p these rmrc1 c.: rs, nnric nh~ts0cvcr. In ff'\ct, they

stood by ~nc w~tchc. d ~na c0na onc.d ~nd helped ~nc ~ .

Ycu C"'nn0 t !:ill just c little- bit. They didn't eve n F' ive

c t ccny-tK<..ny pr0h st . They '~ere ty;r 2nd Lie ut0n~nts.

The r e: :.~ s ~ 1st Licutc n t-nt. Is t he line <' f c~c--~rhi ti ,..n

sr lo~c , is the line 0f c:c··1-:r1i: ... tion sr r!idc b e. t ncc n ~

1st <'.nd 2n~ Lioutcnc nt? I bcl i cvc not. Th<.. y bo th \l ~nt od



t o kill. They both agreed t hc.y should .l'::ill, .,n0 they Clid

in effect a ctur l l y kill, nna :~ r e:: ., s f! Uil ty ~s the wie: ldcr

of thC' sw(' r d . They l<:n evJ , they knew th""t the i r cri:!es,

their nets wer e cri·1ina l nets . The~' lcnen '"h::t t t hey had

done , t h ... t they h:1d :~urc1cred , -;:1c1 t c quote JC.i i, 11C0nse:qucntly

it eoc sn 't -,_::ittcr if r~ c ~re punished . Ii· c, o, sn 't .,.10 ttc·r. 11

In p!lst ;:"Cm r ntiC'ns it C: i dn ' t ·· ..,ttcr if they •,Je re

punish::d or nt"'lt . Pcrhnps, nnt h i ng a t l e.. " s t i :.~s c'lcnc t hen.

But t oc"'.~y, now ~ncl t 0"0rrC'\' ~nc' f " re;vc r ~ftcl"\·1 !\ rd it doc s

,..,otter ' 'hL t h .:- r t hey e r e punished, it · ia ttc r s t c t he.. \'·.-.,rld .

It 'l~ tters t o hunanity. It n~ttcrs t o pos t erity rmd 1 t

;intt crs t 0 :"lY children end •r ur childr e n ~ncl the cl1il c1 r cn 1 s

c hildren t"'l f the world . It riiltt crs t 0 t he t hr ee c~ c·nd

f.ncriccns s o t~t t hey shcl:i 1r t h::vc died in v~in c s

our fath0rs ricd i n 191? , 1916 , 1917 ~nd 1918.

fie nust, I s~y \ JC ?lust he. r e by f irnly r e sol vo th"l t

neve r ~~ain sh~ll thes e brut ... 1 , fi' n~ish ~cts b e p_ rpct:~ t = 4

by ~ny indivicu~l or r.r oup of individ~ls 0r ""ny n~ ticn nt

\Y'. r. He: r e , r irht h Lr e t N • ... y, \ 'C rmst serve n ct ice: t r nll

n~nkind nnr soy , "Look her e , these d-: '"m:1~Jlc ~ cts, unl~wful

'1nc rcprchcnsibl~ t 0 'lanl::ind, nust ccns c. , CG<'. SC i:-y1cdi~tcly ;

nna you \"Jho c0nte::-.1pl n t c \.'."" r' berm r e ' enc f i [!ht &n honest

fi if yru nust :i~vc i.ui.r, or. b e rcoey t r pny t he c0nsc ­

qucncc s f 01' unlcwful Qnc: nny ~ nt ... 11 v:t nl -- ti0ns cf t he l~l'! S

of huri'1nity ·nhich \ JC sll~ll c:--11 the, l ov1 s of v1:.! r."



~nd th~t isn 't ~11 no , t.h~ t isn ' t nll. Thnt is

'"'Or e t h :1 n sufficient but '.:L h:- 'l/c · inr c , t he ~l~n t 0 bln1e

it .Jn dc:".r' ··1c!1 . Bc l d:-1c' ts t c.· sti1cny '"'n t!h ich point the

Defense h~s cn r efully ~vcidod , en uhich pr i n t the Defense

h~s c~rC'fully by-pa ssed b~th r n ~ iroct cx~:in~ti0n of

c~c ir '"'t::1 '-~. tnc s scs ?.nd C'n the cr('\ ss -c,..-~ :-1 i!1~ tic:i c f Bc l dnd ,

n( vcr "skcc1 , r:cvc r ~,.: ntionc d :'.nd neve r conte sted . Dc""c .. , .c

.1'": '\'r Rn eye -11itnE:. ss , ye s , "'n c.yc -1·. 1tn0ss t r the f"'. ct th.::i t

~_.:., · .' '15 n'"' t d<::~f ·1en , i'nruk:iwn , Ol°'Jd or •tiy~j1 , lmi; 1 ;; \Jns

1~1 ~ ::. ... :.; ~.r.c! . in deed, Vlodt1 and Inoue who led t hen f orth frc'i

t~ u. ('u ir~ho' ~n~1 t h r ()u hh t h e: strnn gcst c:1~ in of circun -

5 .;' r ti~ l c-vifencc . WhC' (1 10 the hchc~finc? Not Furuk=1YJn ,

or Oh..1<1 or ·tiya ji. ~·ou c1 on•t h~vc t o sec it f. cnc . The s :: r e str<:mg r-i nc O"'\"tcrful.

Fe \; ill ~dd :1cr c -:10C'd on thc. f ire , absclutc. pr 0of th~ t

s~tc. bri y,...nctca scvcr:-1 ti:1os, s cvc r ol tii1GS, ~t l u ,st tvlic£'

or ~0rc . Ee bay0ncte~ t he :-cric~n t 0 h~stcn his dtnth,

then he bo~ stcd of his ur cw•css ns c :i -:nt-~:iller, n !:illc!'

of heaven, t he sr.n -:cc-rinc Sa t o , YJh t' the n t 0l c Otn a nd

r•ot.r. nobc over rnd ovc. r :-t t the LUPOV' Prison C:n p , "''!hen

you get on the st~ne s~y I ~ ~ s tel~ t r bayone t three ti nes

"nd ··1akc it nppc:-! r t I ,·1r- s f "rcc c t r- ~o this", ~na in

tho lir ht r- f :::11 existinF ~nC' sur r C'unc, inf circu.rist'":nces, re

cnnric t 3gr cc n i th t'· is cr ntcnticm. ." .. n r' the br dic; s thc 1s c l ' CS

th::t bc or nutc v·itnc ss n&:::l in t r- t he: c"nditions , the b~y0nct

wounf s th'": t Vill --vcrt h i · s elf s nw , t hn t h E: s~v: the. Licutcn~nt

c0unt ' i t h ~ stick, • utc c v i cfoncc frcY1 the cc~d . I s :-ty


o;:n in, \1hc t hcr t he •-ic ricr-m ,,in s cyin r; C' r on his ra1y t o

dec t h , t he re hnvc bc C'~ inst~nccs g~ lnrc i n t his then t r c

of "pc r~ti0ns thnt '.11 t nc ssc s with their nc ck s h~lf C1ff

h~vc lived , h 3VC t estif i ed i n t he s e W<'. r Crincs Trinls

o .... :t inst t he se cri1 innls, ,.,1th " <'. she s f r o!1 c~r t c c ar.

N0t i:ml y that, but i f the. : mn V!~ S cyin~ '."nc! 5~to st~bbc d

hi 'I , I S3 Y t his, ycu cann0t kill a n:- n 11 littl e bit. If

yr u k ill nnc lal0n in;.ly kill, you k ill. Then r:or c , -ior e

ye. t. Be l dcd so i~ , ·1ind y0u Bc l dc d s av1 Okuc"!n supe r vi s e t he

killinr s C"' f t he t wo t::E:ric~ns. Okud a '." ncl Kn i vJh ') stood

si<'c by side , nnt ~ s t h( y cle.1.rt 15 nct ors ~nay, but right I

the. r e on t r p of the. f 0xhol c th~t r e ceived the 1'\r:c ric~ns

:.1 S the r e hc. ~c~ s uGr c b ci np l opped of f. How e lse c oulc t hey

sec t~t hv~~ s cut r ff . --onc u~ s c 0!1r.l t t c ly chc ppcd C'ff

rmc t he nt h0r enc not qui t c , but ·.,or e than h.nlf -- 15

!''C t cr s cY1a y , wi th s 0l c i c rs in bc tv1ecn. We nr c ~slrnd t o b e ­

l i eve th~ t, the s e ,":•< ric~ns \7h o y1c r c lm c cling r'.nd f ell into

the f oxhol e . '7c canno t bclic. vc t h r> t.

:~ nd eve n ,...or e , ove n !·lor e ; t he convers~ti<'n bc tv1e c n

K-; i ; n C: Olrud~ 0vc rhc ; c1 by the wi tnc ss her e , ~nothcr pnint

th~ t \ ! :'1 5 c~rcfully C'\n C. delibcr nt c l y ovoidcd, side ste pped

by t he. n~ r0ns~ , by t he ~ccuscd , a nd t he only ti~c it wcs

brr ur ht f c rth t hr f'u :-rh0ut t he c.n tire tria l \Yi.s ..-·hen the

Prc sic' cnt r f t his C0,.·1issil"'n :1 skca thnt question e nd the

De f e nse si<'cstcpl')c(°'. it ~nc · ~~ Cl e sur e th~ t t hey c id net run

i nt c it ~ f' "l in.

An~ b:\ck t 0 r urukrn·m r- nc Ohld j 0k inr. an( l cugh i ni; t

~rrl"'f "' ncc of a blocdt h irsty , crue l unit nf -,en, ~a·: i ttcdly



cruol, r'. crue l unit, ~nc Yosh10kn , ye s ,Yoshi ckn , t:r.r

l eade r of the. fnni; . Th~ t is r1h!:\t he is, the l~~aer of

the p.nng . He. s.'.1irl, "I d i d it, but ny r.:--. nCT c' i c". it.•· Yes ,

they did it, but s~vc ny g~ng , l c. t the.:: live , but h~nf; . ..,c

inst end ." Yoshiokn , r:hR t s~y you of Dillinf?cr ~nd ·tis

p,nng, if Dillinscr scid ,·hen he r;~ s brourht to trinl,

"Kill nc but s~vc ny g:mg , ':lY nc.n." It is r eprehens ible·

to nll hu~nity, cvtn the thought is not to be brought

forth; scvc ;:y gnng .

Superior orders. On( :ioncnt, th" t is ~11 t ""'.is r e- -

quire s in this c~ sc . ~ho t can n~vcr be a dc.fcnsc. for the

co·,;iission of ~n P.ct th~t is univcrs?. lly known to b e unl~Vl­

flll, qnd th"t I n~:<: tile Co:--:nizsion to t~l~c- .juc1 ici~l ncticc

o! . ~nG nEvcr, in cny ~csc , c~ n superior orders b r ~ defense

er be c~tn conside r ed for on- little. bit ~ s ~ ~cfr nsc nher c

yo:i do sor.i0thinr , not ... ;.~inst your \'1 ill ~ tut on t:1c cen·~rur .f

~;. her :: in t·lis c~sc b~' c'"'~h rnc eve ry :.ccuscd , so:-Kthinr

yon p~nrcd c'.:> do , so·~c. thin~ !'->U di.d ~nd , i n t ff<. ct c id do ,

so-1<;; thint: you l !1u 3hcd , jok<..d -;nd bo~ stcd :-bout nft c. r you

did it , soncthing you s-;id ~ t the tj ,.1c ,-1 -- s the t h:!.nr 70 do .

The rurdcr of th~ s c three ur..""'T!'~cd , defenseless , b l ~· 1clcss

priso~c rs of ~ar, uho but fo1 these ~nd do~s riFht her~

•:.iould e ven no'·J be ho:-1c "'I S I hope I shnll be ho~·1c soqc of

the se chys , n ho::c th.:i t thc y c on neve r sec 2rain. r-,··ondcr

wh~ t they r:ould s:iy to tho Dc:'0nse ~ s out for th by U 1c.

.'.ccuscd her e . I wonder v1h~ t t he first r.-e:ric'.1n · .. ould sny

to Sn to. I wonder t!h~ t the. t\ 10 1\:1c ricrins uould S'1Y to Inoue

d n d "'n ., 11 ::-. , to K~i ~nd 01ruo". . Ri Ght now rih~t '.:l rc you thinldng


. ..

aboui, r hnt do you t hi nk -:bout nll this .

The Prose:cution hns ci orn .. its duty . Vic hr:vc corr:-- llcd

tor! <.. thcr ~ bunch of t1~d do? s r!hd h~ve ro·1pcd th<.. countr ys i de

~nd killod. 1Jc h~vc c -:u~ht then . ',''c h:wc.. prove n the ir

absol ute ~uilt "'nd we brin~ the.~ to you, b efor e you tod"Y ~

for cxt cr:11n~tion. No · cr wh:1 t you ao to t hc.!1 , no -~n ttc r Fh" t you do to thcri, you c~nnot n~ l.r,:c t hc!1 suffer t he d <.:~ ths

1 lr t thc- thr ee. i'.,..,t. ric"'ns suffered, w-:ill':inr to r:h:1 t

1:nm.1inr t hey would be bchc~ ded . "Her c~ you, knc.:. l dor:ri 1"

':'!1c fl '\ sh of steel , the. flow of blood, riy c·y<.s '."'. re no\/

cove-rod ,.-1th it . I st~pp,rr but I ~'"' not ye t deod . Good - b:.'c

to • vrr:rthinr. -:T\d s t cd. still r oes t~1rou;th ny body. '!'he

11orror '"'nd st:..ffcrinr. th~t t!K s c tl1rC; t .. ;·'t r ic.,ns \le. r e !1ci0c to

e ndure. c '\n never be c!'ldttr cd by t lK 1~ccusc,d, no :-111 tter ' 1':1 t

t he puntsre·11.:nt .

11y r~sponsibility cc~ ses, t he Prosecution's r~ sponsi­

bil ity c c..::~scs . ?hy t he s e ··1cn ncvl r ro~·1 o~:tin to kill ::\nd

-mrd e:r . It is nou your r e spon!Jibi lity . The people of th<.

United St~tc s of :.::-icric:-: , t he people of the civilized \ ·orld ,

th0 pc. oplc :sl{ th:--t d1.-1th b e the pen1l t y for ·· urck r, th1t

d(' :: t h b e the pcn:lty fo1· si:~ cruel, bnr b .... ric :-lUrd c r crs of

th1.. thre:<.. un·' r '1cd , one uound cd , "11 de f1...nsc.h ss , younr;

~::1cricnn pr isonLrs of ~1 r.

I close. r: i t h this st"l t c: c. nt. The CoT1i s s ion his s c.c n

in t his C"' S C \7lk"' t h:p pc.ns nhcn Ylc , the Prosc..cution, nr c told

t o r iv~ t he Defense.. our evidence in ndvnncc . ~ftcr thnt j s

oncC' put into .. -:otion t he Dc..fcns c is pm~crl( ss to stop the

story th"'. t the· ' c cusc.. d did concoct '"'nd build the i r dc fc.nsc

1r ound .the evide nce : l r <..:dy s1~ ·ittc.d by the. Prosecut i on.



abou~, r hnt do you t h i nk ~bout nll this .

The Pros0cution h~s ci orn. its duty . Ylc h~vc corrr- ll c.;d

to~ <.. thcr ~ bunch of "l~d dor1 s r:hd h"'ve ro'1p c.d the countryside

~nd kil l e:d . 1:/c h~vc c ~ught then . ~· 1 e hnvc. proven their

absolute ~uilt ~nd we brin~ thc.n to you, b efore you tod~ Y•

for extcr:11n~tion . No -mttcr VJh."'! t you 0o to t hc.:-i , no -~~ ttc r v·h~ t you do to theri , you CQnnot ri~l(c t he!, suff<r the d c.:n ths

i h" t the- three. t.~l. ric~ns suffered , W'1ll~inr to r~h::-. t

1:nm:inr they r:ould b e bchc~dcd. " Herc-: you , knc..:. l doY:ri1"

':'~( fl~ sh of , the. flow of blood , ny e:yc.s ~re not1

cov ered , ,,1th it . I stnpp,r r but I ~··1 not yet dcnd . Good-b~.'C

to i ·V r rythinf -:nd s t eel still r oe.. s t ~1roup?h n y body . '!'hr

horror "nd su.ffcrinr. th~t thc.. s c thre; <. .,;·'c.. ric..,ns \ :1(1t~c to

endure. c"'! n n•.:. vc r b e c.. ~dur c-.d by t h( r.ccuscd, no :·1~ ttcr ' l'~t

t he!· 11.: nt .

ny r~sponsibility cc"'! scs, the Prosecution ' s r e sponsi -

bility cc"'!scs . thy t he s c ··10n ncv~ r ro~·, nf?:l i n to kill :lnd

-~urd e:r. It is nou your r e spon!jibility . The people of the

United St~tc s of :.::lcric :-: , the people of the civilized , ·orld ,

tho pcopl0 :sl-c th~t d~1th be the pcn1l t y for ·· urck r , th1 t

d c~ th b e the. pcn., lty for si:c cruc: l , bnrb:ric ~1urd c: r c rs of

tht.. thre:c un·: r •·1cd , one i.iound cd, ~ 11 de ft..nsc h ss , youn;5

~ncric~n prisonLrs of ~,r .

I clos e. r: i t h this st" t c· cnt . The CoT1i s sion h'l s s c.<., n

in t his C"'SC l?h."' t h-;pp<..ns t1hcn \"IC , t:hc Prose.cut ion , n r c told

t o riv~ the Def ense our evidenc e in ndvnncc . ~ftr r th~t js

one<' 11ut into :-~otion the Dc f c nsc is pov:crl( ss to stop tho

story th:. t the· ' c cnsc.. d did concoct ~nd build the ir de f ense

1r ound the cvidcn~e ~ lrv·dy sub·· i ttc.d by the. Prosecut i on ,


We , the Prosecution, hnvc- been ordered to clo tJ:is. After

the Pros ecut ion in this en s c sub .. 1i ttc·d Fxhibi ts "P" '1nd "R"

we s aw uh~t h~ppencd. I the r efor e r c sp0ctfully r equest thnt

this Co:~nission bring t o the .~ tt0ntion of t he Co'"11T~ncing

. uthority this f~ ct so th~ t it nny be corrected .

COLONEL HJ\USI: : The Co: 1l'ission \1tll ..,d journ until

10 :30 }tond:ly :'orninc .

(Whereupon ~ t 1430 hou r s, 16 Fcbru~ry 1946, the triil

ft djourncd t o reconvene ~t · 1030 hours, 18 Februar y 1946.)