STUDENTSPERCEPTION ON LEARNING ENGLISH BY USING E- LEARNING AT THIRD GRADE OF MAN 2 PADANG PANJANG ACADEMIC YEARS 2020/2021 A Thesis Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain strata one (S1) Degree on English Education Department Submitted by: Dinda Olienpia NIM. 2316.016 Advisor : Dr. Arifmiboy, S.Ag, M.Pd NIP. 197905052007101002 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND TEACHER TRAINING STATE ISLAMIC INSTITUTE OF BUKITTINGGI




A Thesis

Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain strata one (S1)

Degree on English Education Department

Submitted by:

Dinda Olienpia

NIM. 2316.016

Advisor :

Dr. Arifmiboy, S.Ag, M.Pd

NIP. 197905052007101002





Dinda Olienpia, 2316.016. Students’Perception on Learning Englishby Using E-learning at Third Grade of MAN 2 Padang Panjang AcademicYear 2020/2021 . A thesis, English Education Department, State Islamic Instituteof Bukittinggi, 2021.

The background of the problem of this research is the obstacle on learningprocess during pandemic Corona Virus Dieses (COVID-19). It caused traditionallearning process or face to face in class move to using E-learning. The using of E-learning in learning English automatically makes the teacher and students shock.It caused the teacher and students there is no the knowledge about the way to dolearning process by using E-learning. Thus, it carried out the differences students’perception on learning English by using E-learning.

The purpose of this research is to know students’perception on learningEnglish by using E-learning related to the learning purpose, assignment andfeedback. It caused the first experience for the students doing learning processusing E-learning especially that used network.

This research was survey research. The data were collected by onlinequestioner. The subjects of this research were students of IPA Class at ThirdGrade of MAN 2 Padang Panjang with the total 111 students and students whowill be used as research samples 28 students. In analyzed the data usedquantitative descriptive techniques with percentages and mean formula.

The result of this research was the researcher conducted with the titlestudents’perception on learning English by using E-learning at third grade ofMAN 2 Padang Panjang. The researchers did this research because to know whatare students’perception on learning English by using E-learning related tolearning purpose, assignment and feedback. The result of this result is good. Itcaused the mean of learning purpose 72,29%, assignment 70,28%, and feedback60,03%. It means the average of each indicator was 67,6% based on interpretationdata 61% - 80% is good category..



Dinda Olienpia, 2316.016. Persepsi Siswa Terhadap PembelajaranBahasa Inggris Menggunakan E-learning di Kelas Tiga MAN 2 PadangPanjang Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021 . skripsi, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, InstitutAgama Islam Negri Bukittinggi, 2021.

Latar belakang masalah dari penelitian ini adalah rintangan dalam prosespembelajaran selama pandemic Corona Virus Dieses (COVID-19). Itudikarenakan proses pembelajaran tradisional atau tatap muka di kelas di ubahmenjadi E-learning. Penggunaan E-learning dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggrissecara otomatis membuat guru dan siswa merasa terkejut. Itu dikarenakan gurudansiswa tidak memiliki pengalaman belajar bahsa Inggris menggunakan E-learning.Jadi, itu memebawa perbedaan persepsi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggrismenggunakan E-learning.

tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa dalampembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan E-learaning berhubungandengan tujuan pemebelajaran, tugas, dan umpan balik. Itu dikarenakanpengalaman pertama untuk siswa melakukan proses pembelajaran menggunakan E-learning terutama menggunakan jaringan internet.

Ini adalah penelitian survey. Data dikumpulkan melalui online kuesioner.Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswa dari kelas dua belas IPA MAN 2Padang Panjang dengan jumlah 111 siswa da siswa yang menjadi sample daripenelitian berjumlah 28 siswa. Dalam menganalisa data menggunakan kuantitatifdeskrisptif teknik dengan rumus percenan dan mean.

Hasil dari penelitian ini telash peneliti kumpulkan melalui judul students;perception on learning English by using E-learning at third grade of MAN 2Padang Panjang peneliti melakukan penelitian ini karena untuk mengetahui apasaja persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran bahsa Inggris dengan menggunak E-learning berhubungan dengan tujuan pemebelajaran, tugas dan umpan balik. Hasildari penelitian ini adalah baik. Itu dikarenakan rata-rata dari tujuan pemebelajaran72,29%, tugas 70.28%, and umpan balik 60, 03%. Jadi rata-rata dari ketigaindikator adalah 67% berdasarkan data interpretasi 61% - 80% adalah termasukkategori baik.

Kata Kunci : persepsi siswa, E-learning


Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim. Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, praised to Allah,

The Entirely and Especially Merciful, who always gives all the goodness and

charity also the strength to the researcher in completing this thesis. Shalawat and

Salam to the most honorable prophet Muhammad SAW, the messenger, and his

followers who has opened our mind to study until now. This thesis is finished by

helping and supports of many people contribution. Therefore, the researcher wants

to present her great thanks and sincere gratitude to these following persons:

1. Dr. Ridha Ahida, M. Hum as the Rector of IAINBukittinggi.

2. Dr. Asyari, M. Si as the first Vice Rector, Dr. Novi Hendri, M.Ag as the

second Vice Rector and Dr. Miswadi, M.Hum as the third Vice Rector of

IAIN Bukittinggi.

3. Dr. Zulfani Sesmiarni, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teacher Training and also her first, second and third vicedean.

4. Loli Safitri, M. Pd as the Head of English Education Department Program.

5. Dr, Arifmiboy S.Ag, M.Pd as an advisor who has given attention, help,

guidance, advice and golden time for the researcher to accomplish this


6. Eliza, S.S, M.Pd as the PA who always guide me in IAIN Bukittinggi,

and as examiner who have given attention, critics and suggestion to this


7. Mery Prima Dewi, M.Pd as the examiners who have given attention, critics

and suggestion to this thesis.

8. My lovely Mom Sri Ananda and Dad Saparudin, and also my six sisters,

Indah Dea Amanda, Ade Wulandari (Almh), Suci Ramadani, Aura

Afriantika, Cinta Aprilia, and Syakira Azzahra.who always give the best

pray, love and support.

9. My best friends pipit, ayy, and honey who always hugging in a joy and in

a sorrow condition to the researcher along the study process in IAIN


My ex-roommate at Flamboyan, and my bobrok friends at the end semester

and my ukhti2. Also my friends at PBI A 16, ENGLISH DEPARTEMENT

2016. Thanks to always accompany me on learning process.

10. All of staff, teacher, and students at MAN Padang Panjang, especially

English teacher at IPA third grade and all of students of IPA third grade as

a population and sample in this research.

The researcher hopes that Allah SWT always blesses all of

them,who have been mentioned or not. Indeed, the writer believes that this

thesis might still have some weaknesses. Therefore, researcher hopes that

there will be some critiques and suggestions tomake thisthesis better.

Bukittinggi, Maret 2021

Dinda Olienpia

NIM. 2316.016




ACKNOWLEDGMENT............................................................................. iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................ iv


A. Background of The Problem...............................................................1

B. Identification of Problem.................................................................... 7

C. Limitation of Problem.........................................................................7

D. Formulation of The Problem...............................................................8

E. Purpose of The Research.................................................................... 8

F. Significance of The Research............................................................. 8

G. Definition of Key Term...................................................................... 9


A. Review of Related Theory

1. The Nature of Students’Perception

a. The Definition of Perception10............................................ 10

b. The Factors That Include in Perception................................12

c. Process of Perception............................................................13

d. Organization of Perception................................................... 15

e. Object of Perception............................................................. 15

f. Consistency of Perception.................................................... 16

2. The Nature of Learning

a. The Definition of Learning................................................... 17

b. Kinds of Learning................................................................. 18

c. The Factor that Influence Learning...................................... 20

d. The ways to Effective Learning............................................21

3. The Nature of E-learning

a. Definition of E-learning........................................................22

b. Modes of E-learning............................................................. 26

c. Types of E-learning.............................................................. 26

d. The Advantages of E-learning.............................................. 30

e. The Disadvantages of E-learning..........................................31

f. Learning Goals......................................................................32

g. Assignment........................................................................... 34

h. Feedback............................................................................... 36

B. Review of Related Study.................................................................. 39

C. Conceptual Framework.....................................................................41


A. Design of The Research.................................................................... 42

B. Population and Sample..................................................................... 42

C. Instrument......................................................................................... 44

D. Technique of Data Collection........................................................... 46

E. Technique of Data Analysis..............................................................46


A. Finding..............................................................................................48

B. Discussion.........................................................................................56


A. Conclusion........................................................................................ 57

B. Suggestion.........................................................................................59


APPENDIXE......................................................................................... 65





A. Background of The Problem

In the middle of March the government releases a handbill. In this

handbill number 440/2436/SJ point 1 B declare that “Learning process,

training and orientation is conducted through long distance education by

using technology and information.”1) This handbill is released because

there is a pandemic. Therefore, learning process changed to learn through

long distance education.

During pandemic learning process is changed. Change in this case

means the way. The ways to learn, usually students and teacher did

learning process at the school in the class but during pandemic it have

been changed. Change to long distance learning. According to Mackenzie,

Postage, Schupham in Suparman and Zuhairi long distance education

based on its mission is an idea in creating an opportunity for people who is

hindered to learn in the classroom. It is because of some reasons that are:

limitation in acquiring formal education, material, cost, and retarded area.2)

Moreover, Indrayati states that long distance education is an education in

which the learning process is conducted by people in different place and

1) Handbill of Ministry of Home Affairs. No.440/2436/SJ. Jakarta, 17 March 2020.2)M. Atwi Suparman and Aminudin Zuhairi. Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (Teori dan Praktek).

Pusat penerbitan universitas terbuka departemen pendidikan nasional. March 2004. P. 8


time.3) This activity needs some instructional media such as, television,

radio, recording, telephone, and computer. In conclusion, long distance

education can be defined as learning process that is not needed the


Long distance education does not need the classroom but need the

other media for instance internet, television, and mobile phone. These

media include to e-learning. Almarabeh says that e-learning is a learning

that uses information and communication technology such as internet,

mobile phone, learning management system, television, radio, and others

in order to enhance the teaching and learning activities.4) Generally, people

use internet and mobile phone in various applications for example,

whatsApp, google classroom, and zoom cloud meeting. Those all

applications are used to overcome educational problem during pandemic.

In fact, teachers and students are not already prepares about this system.

They were difficult to do the effective learning because they did not ever

have any experiences of learning process outside the classroom through e-


E-learning has two types. The first is synchronous. Synchronous is

a type of e learning that students and teacher do learning process at the

same time. The second is asynchronous. In asynchronous students can

learning any time. Hence, between synchronous and asynchronous has

3) Ibid.P. 74) Almarabeh, Tamara. Students’Perception of E-learning at The University of Jordan.

(iJET, Vol.9, Issue.3, 2014) P.31


different process in learning.

E-learning is one of the ways to make students still learning before

pandemic. The learning goals in learning process have the same goals even

thought different ways to learn. It means learning process by using e-

learning has the learning goals also. Learning goals can be measured

through three aspects. The first is cognitive aspect. In cognitive aspect the

teacher measure about activity in brain such as knowledge, comprehension,

application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The second is affective

aspect. In affective aspect that measured is about attitude and value. The

last is psychomotor aspect. Psychomotor aspects relate to skill and practice

after get the learning experience. It can be concluded, learning goals can

be measured through three aspects.

In cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects are relates the way

teacher measure it. Assignment is one of the ways to measure three aspects

above. Assignment is important part in learning activity. Assignment can

show the student understanding about the material. Beside that the teacher

needs to give the feedback based on students’assignment.

According to Apreuebo in Windarsih state that Feedback is

information that athletes would receive from coach/trainer or environment

regarding the level of their motor skill or performance. It serves as a round

work for the athletes learning development. Feedback also can give the

certainty to students. It means students can get the feedback from their

assignment and they will know their assignment good or not.


Furthermore, learning English by using e-learning has the learning

goals likes learning in the class. To know learning goals has done achieve

or not the teachers needs to measure it. Measure the learning goals can be

done by measure three aspects. They are cognitive, affective and

psychomotor and to measure that teacher needs give the assignment. It can

be concluded to know the leaning goals can be reached or not the teacher

need tom measure all of the part of learning process.

In this education era learning process is doing by using some

electronic tool for instance using television, computer, and cell phone.

Based on online interview with some students at third grade in MAN 2

Padang Panjang almost student using cell phone with some application

there. The application they are use in learning English are zoom cloud

meeting, whatsApp, google foam, and youtube. According to the

explanation above about type of e-learning the application that students

use in learning English can be classified. Zoom cloud meeting and

WatsApp include in synchronous type. It caused the using of zoom coud

meeting and whatsApp appropriate with the definition of synchronous.

Google foam and youtube include in asynchronous. Because these

application used after the teacher give the command. It means these

application will students used after get the instruction to do something

from the teacher. It is usually after the time of their learning process

schedule. Thus, every application in cell phone that students use in

learning process can be categorized based on the use of application.


Based on online interview that researcher has done with some of

the students at third grade of MAN 2 Padang Panjang. There are some

problems in learning English by using e-learning. The first is about the

goals of learning English by using e-learning. It is supported by the teacher

statement “dengan menggunakan media dan aplikasi yang tersedia tujuan

pembelajaran tidak tercapai secara maksimal”.5) This statement is contrast

with a student opinion. It is can be seen by the student statement “aplikasi-

aplikasi yang digunakan memadai untuk menunjang pembelajaran”6). This

student said if the application that they use is useful. It means that students

can build their understanding about the material. The other hand student

said “kurang paham dengan pembelajaran dikarenakan tidak bisa bertanya

langsung dan kurang penjelasan”.7) It means when the students learn by

using internet they don’t have chance to ask everything like in the

classroom. It can be concluded some students think if e-learning can help

student to achieve the learning goals and some of them contrast of it.

The next problem is about the assignment. The researcher found

that the assignment is the problem in learning by using e-learning. It was

supported by the student statement “pemberian tugas kadang melalui file

dan video tidak ada penjelasan hanya langsung diberikan tugas ”8). It

5)Isra, S.Pd6) Putri Rasydah Muslim. Students of MA N 2 Padang Panjang. Personal Online Interview.

22 Juli 20207) Ariska Azizan. Students of MA N 2 Padang Panjang. Personal Online Interview. 22 Juli


8)Afadil Arnandes Putra. Students of MA N 2 Padang Panjang. Personal Online Interview.22 Juli 2020


means the students sometime think they didn’t get the explanation about

their assignment. It caused the teacher just gives assignment without clear

instruction. In the other hand the other students contrast it“setelah

diberikan materi baru di berikan tugas dengan bentuk google form “.9) This

student said they get the assignment after given the material. It means

students can do the assignment well because have got the material first.

This statement is same with the teacher statement. It can be supported by

teacher statement “tugas di buku latihan di foto dan dikirim kan ke link

google form dan instruksi tugas di berikan d grups kelas masing-masing.

Furthermore, some student has the problem in the task that teacher given

because there is no clear instruction.

The last, in e-learning the researcher found that the teacher was

not maximum when give the feedback to every student. It supported by

student statement “karna memakai google form jadi tidak ada hasil dari

tugas nya dan gurupun tidak ada ngasih tau”.10) It means students think if

they did not get anything feedback from the teacher. It caused the teacher

just instruct the students to do assignment through google form. The other

students have the other opinion about the feedback from the teacher. It is

supported by the statement from the student. “sebagian di kasih sebagian

tidak”.11) This statement is same with teacher statement that said in the

9) Ariska Azizan. Students of MA N 2 Padang Panjang. Personal Online Interview. 22 Juli2020

10) Afadil Arnandes Putra. Students of MA N 2 Padang Panjang. Personal OnlineInterview. 22 Juli 2020

11) Putri Rasydah Muslim. Students of MA N 2 Padang Panjang. Personal Online


giving the feedback the teacher not always give the feedback. It caused

teacher think if student have the other assignment from the other subject of

study. Thus, some problem that researcher found by online interview.

Based on the different perception above the researcher is interested

to find out about students’perception in learning English by using e-

learning. Therefore the researcher will conduct a research under the title “

Students’Perception on Learning English by Using E-Learning at

Third Grade Students of MAN 2 Padang Panjang in Academic Years


B. Identification of The Problem

The background of the problem above signifies that there are some

problems found by the researcher:

1. E-learning used by teacher seems could not able to achieve learning


2. Teacher gave the assignment with the unclear instruction

3. Teacher was not maximal or not efficient in giving feedback

C. Limitation of The Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, the researcher

limits the problem to the learning English by using e-learning that relate to

learning goals, assignment, and feedback.

D. Formulation of The Problem`

Interview. 22 Juli 2020


The formulation of this research are :

1. What is students’perception on learning English by using e-

learning to achieve learning goals?

2. What is students’perception on learning English by using e-

learning about the assignment given by teacher?

3. What is students’perception on learning English by using e-

learning about feedback given by teacher?

E. Purpose of The Research

The purposes of this research are :

1. To know the students’perception on English learning goals by using


2. To know students’perception on learning English relate to the

assignment given by teacher.

3. To know students’perception on learning English by using e-

learning relate to the feedback given by teacher .

F. Significance of The Research

By doing this research is expected that the result can give

contributions as follow:

1. For researcher

This research can give contribution to the researcher in getting

experience and more knowledge.

2. For college

The researcher hopes that it will be useful to add the library sources


and as the reference to the next researcher.

G. Definition of Key Terms

The key terms used in this research are defined as follows:

1. Perception

Perception is a related process of brain and senses that will perceive

everything they get from the senses.

2. Learning English

Learning English is a process of the language learning especially

English language to build students knowledge skill about other


3. E-learning

E-learning is a learning that uses electronic as a media in learning

process such as Television, Computer, and Mobile Phone.




1. Review of Related Theory

A. The Nature of Students’Perception

a. Definition of Perception

Perception is a related process of brain and senses that will

perceive everything they get from the senses. According to

Desiderato in Jalaludin, perception is the experience about object,

incident, or something that relate to conclude the information and

interpret the message. Perception is a sensory stimulus that relate to

sensation. Meaning of sensory stimulus is not only involves

sensation it is also about attention, expectation, motivation, and

memory.12) Hence, perception is the experiment that gotten by

sensory stimulus.

According to Walgito, perception is the process that is

preceded by the sensory process.13) This process is continued to the

stimulus and then be the perception. Sensory stimulus is the first

process before perception process. Sensory processes by individual

happen every time. Individual get the stimuli of the five senses are

eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to labeling, and skin

to feel. Thus, perception is the process that using senses.

12) Rahmat, Jalaludin. Paikologi Komunikasi, Edisi Revisi. PT Remaja Rosdakarya.Bandung, 2005. P. 51

13) Bimo Walgito. Pengantar Psikologi Umum.C.V ANDI OFFSET. Yogyakarta,Desember 2005. P. 99


According to Moskowitz and Orgel in Walgito, perception

is the integrated process in individual self based on stimulus that he

or she accepts.14) It said integrated process because process of

perception cannot happen without sensory stimulus process that

using five of senses. Perception is process of organization and

interpretation toward stimuli which they sensory to be something

important and it is the integrated respond in individual self. Thus,

perception in every human can be different each other.

According to Sarwono in Arifmoboy research, perception is

a process that individual used to appreciate their opinion and skill

to compare it with the other opinion and skill.15) Perception

everyone is different. It is caused they have different experiment.

Hence, the result of perception of the people is difference based on

their experiment. Besides, according to Young in Kuswana,

perception is a process of senses, integrate, and give the value to

physic objects or social object. This sensation depends on physic

stimuli and social stimuli around them.16)

Based on the explanation above perception is the integrated

process that using senses. The using of five the senses it is called

sensory stimulus. It is the process of seeing, hearing, smelling,

14) Ibid. p. 10015) Arifmiboy, Khairuddin. Persepsi Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IA IN

Bukittinggi Terhadap Penerapan Model Pmbelajaran Micro Teching Berbasis ICT. IA INBukittinggi. 2017. P. 96

16) Wowo Sunaryo Kuswana. Taksonomi Berfikir. PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Bandung,2011.P. 220


labeling, and hearing. Perception is integrated process based on

their experiment from senses. Perception is the process of cognitive,

affective. It caused the process of perception is the activity of brain.

Hence, perception can influence the learning process of the student

if they have good perception they will be good learner and if they

have bad perception it will influence their attitude when learning


b. The Factors That Include in Perception

In process of perception have factors that influence this

process. According to Jalaludin There are 3 factors that including

in perception as follows:17)

1. Attention

According to Kennet in Jalaludin attention is a mental

process when stimuli or the series of stimuli become

prominent in self awareness at the same time the other stimuli

is weaken. The attention happens when individual concentrate

their self in the one of senses and ignore the other that come to

five of senses.

2. Object

Object surface the stimuli that concerning five of sense

or receptor.18) Stimuli come from inside or outside individual.

17) Rahmat Jalaludin. Paikologi Komunikasi, Edisi Revisi. PT Remaja Rosdakarya.Bandung, 2005. P. 52

18) Bimo Walgito. Pengantar Psikologi Umum.C.V ANDI OFFSET. Yogyakarta,


The most stimuli come from outside. Thus, object is one of

factor that include in perception.

3. Senses, neural, and the main structure of neural.19)

Senses or receptor is a tool to receipt the stimuli. Besides, it is

also needs sensory neural as a tool to continue the stimuli that

receptor receipt to the main structure of neural, and brain as the

main awareness. It is a tool to do respond that needs of motorist

neural. Thus, in process of perception have some factors there

are attention as requisite of psychologist, objects or stimulus

which their percept, senses and main structures of neural as a


c. Process of Perception

Perception is not something that suddenly happens but

something that happens through a process. According to Miftah

Thoha in Arifmiboy and Khairuddin, there are some processes

in perception.20) First is stimulation. Perception happens when

the stimulation comes around them. Second is registration. In

the registration process the symptom that can see is a

mechanism physic as a sensory. Third is interpretation.

Interpretation is a cognitive aspect. It means give the meaning

Desember 2005. P. 10119) Bimo Walgito. Pengantar Psikologi Umum.C.V ANDI OFFSET. Yogyakarta,

Desember 2005. P. 10120) Arifmiboy, Khairuddin. Persepsi Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IA IN

Bukittinggi Terhadap Penerapan Model Pmbelajaran Micro Teching Berbasis ICT. IA INBukittinggi. 2017. P. 96


to the stimulus accepted. Interpretation process depends on

motivation and personality. Fourth is feedback. After

interpretation process the information that has accepted will be

perception become feedback to stimulation. Thus, there are

fourth processes in perception.

According to Walgito, process of perception begin with

stimuli arouse from the object, and go straight to the receptor

senses.21) Stimuli and object is different but object and stimuli

rarely will be united for example pressure. Thing as object will

go straight to the skin so that it can be sensed. Stimuli process

about senses as a process naturally or psychical process. The

stimuli receive by senses will continue to sensory neural and go

to the brain. This process is called as physiology process.

Process in brain as the main of awareness so individual know

that their see, hear, or feel. The processes which happen in the

brain or the main of awareness called psychological process. It

can be concluded the last process in the perception is individual

awareness about their see, hear, or their feel. Respond of

perception can get from individual in some form. In the

perception process needs attention as a way to percept. It

caused individual not only get one stimuli but many stimuli that

21) Bimo Walgito. Pengantar Psikologi Umum.C.V Andi Offset Yogyakarta, Desember 2005. P.102


arise around them.

d. Organization of perception

In organization or individual is related to the way

someone organized what they perceive. According to Walgito,

there are two kinds of organization in perception.22) The first is

primer organization. Primer organization is the way someone

percept part by part then totality. The last is secunder

organization. In secondary organization the way to perception

is from totality to part. For example, when people percept a

motorcycle. Some of them percept whole of motorcycle and

some of them percept certain part. It depends on individual.

Hence, when someone organized their perception there are two

differences organization.

e. Object of perception

Object is one of important part when people perceive

something. It caused people will not perceive something that

they do not know. Object of human perception is everything

they see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. Object that can be

perceived is everything around of human.23) People can be

object of perception. People can perception their own self. It is

22) Bimo Walgito. Pengantar Psikologi Umum.C.V ANDI OFFSET. Yogyakarta,Desember 2005. P. 101

23) Bimo Walgito. Pengantar Psikologi Umum.C.V ANDI OFFSET. Yogyakarta,Desember 2005. P. 108


called self-perception. There are two object of perception,

human and non-human. Human object it is called person

perception or social perception and non-human perception

called non-social perception or things perception. The

similarity of social perception and non-social perception is the

human as an object of thing that related time and place. The

differences of social and non-social, when perception is human

so the objects of perception have aspects like that perception

and this not happen in non social perception. Thus, objects of

perception are social perception and non-social perception.

f. Consistency in perception

People will consistent with their perception. It

supported by theory from Walgito. According to

Walgito, there are three consistences in perception.24)

1. Consistency of shape

Experience give the meaning that shape of coin is

circle. It is the result of perception. Coin is circle and it

save in their memory even their rarely see coin with the

other shape they will still think if coin is circle. The

result of perception not only gets from objective stimuli

only but individual that active in the result of perception.

24) Bimo Walgito. Pengantar Psikologi Umum.C.V ANDI OFFSET. Yogyakarta,Desember 2005. P. 109


Thus, this case is called consistency shape in perception.

2. Consistency of color

The people always think if milk is white color based

on their experience. When someone put milk in the red

room so milk be florid but she or he still think if milk is

white. People perception about milk based on their

experience always thinks milk is white. This is called as

a consistency of color.

3. Consistency of size

Experience give the meaning if animal that name

elephant is big. When someone sees elephant from far

distance elephant will see small. More far someone sees

elephant it will see smaller. Although, it is seen small

she or he perception still think if elephant is big. Hence,

this is named of consistency of size.

Consistency shape, color, and size gives the

illustration that when people perception something not

only definite from objective stimuli but that has in their

self involved will give the result of perception include


B. The Nature of Learning

a. Definition of learning


Learning is a process of getting the knowledge.

Learning can be happen in every way, every time, and every

moment. It caused in life people always learn from the small

thing until the big thing. Learning not always about cognitive

but many things that people gets from the other people or

their experience. Learning also can build people knowledge

and change the behavior. According to Slameto, based on

psychology learning is the process of the behavior change as

the result of interaction with the surrounding to complete

their life need.25) In the other hand, learning is process that

the people do to get a new behavior as a result from their

experience interaction from around them. Hence, learning is

the behavior changed.

b. Kinds of learning

In learning there are some kinds that happen in process

of learning. According to Slameto, there are eleven

kinds of learning.26)

1. Part learning is a way to learning part by part for

example a student learning a poem. In this material a

student will divide it in some part like read and the

25) Slameto. Belajar and Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi. PT Rineka Cipta. Jakarta2015. P. 2

26) Slameto. Belajar and Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi. PT Rineka Cipta. Jakarta2015. P. 5


motion when read a poem. As the opponent of part

learning is global whole learning.

2. Learning by insight. According to Gesalt theory

insight as a process organized patterns of behavior that

relate with how to solve a problem.

3. Discriminative learning can be define as an effort to

chose some situation or stimuli and then be a compass

in behavior.

4. Global whole learning is a way to learn whole of the

material until they master it.

5. Incidental learning is a learning that does not have a

instruction that given to individual about the material

will learn later.

6. Instrumental learning in this kind reaction of student

can be seen by some sign that direct to the student gets

gift, punish, and succeed or failed.

7. Intentional learning is a kind that antipodes with

incidental learning.

8. Latent learning is a learning that changes the

behavior not automatically but need a process.

9. Mental learning is a learning that changes the

behavior someone based on something that they do.

10. Productive learning is a learning that transfers a


behavior from one situation to the other situation.

Learning can be said productive if individual can

transfer a principle how to solve the problem in one

situation to other situation.

11. Verbal learning is learning about verbal material

with do the exercise and memorizing.

c. The factors that influence learning

In learning process have some factors that will influence

the learning. It caused process of learning need the time so

when learning process occur has a something that will

influenced it. According to Slameto, there are two factors

that influenced learning.27) The first internal factor, internal

factor is a factor that has in student self. The last is external

factor, external factor is a factor come from surroundings of


There are three internal factors. The first is bodily factor.

The health of someone is influential to her or his learning.

The second is psychology. In psychology have seven

factors that influenced learning. The factors are:

intelligence, attention, interest, aptitude, motive, ripeness,

preparedness. The last is fatigue factor. In fatigue factor

27) Slameto. Belajar and Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi. PT Rineka Cipta. Jakarta2015. P. 54


there are two factors fatigue in physical and fatigue in

psychological. Thus, in internal factor have three factors

that influenced.

In factor external have three factors. Family, in family

that influenced are how parent give the education, link in

family, situation at home, the family economy, and the

background of culture. School became factor of learning

because school is one of place to get do leaning process.

Society is one of factor that can build behavior of student.

Thus, external factor that influence learning has three.

d. The ways to effective learning

Effective is a good condition or comfortable condition.

In learning process people need a good condition to build

learning process that effective. Effective learning can be

occurred through some ways. Slameto said, three ways to

make effective learning.28) To build effectiveness learning

needs a leadership. It caused besides give the directed how

to learn the student also get the control. It can make the

result of learning process better. The next is condition and

learning strategy. The effectiveness learning can help

student to improve their skill that appropriate with

28) Slameto. Belajar and Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi. PT Rineka Cipta. Jakarta2015. P. 73


instructional. To improve it needs the good condition and

good learning strategy. The last is learning method. Method

is the way that passed to reach certain goal. Learning has a

purpose to get knowledge, attitude, and skill. A habit in

learning will influenced learning itself. Hence, effective

learning can build with apply three ways above.

C. The Nature of E-learning

a. Definition of E-learning

E-learning is a learning process that use electronic as a

learning media for instance mobile phone, internet, and etc.

According to Almarabeh, e-learning is a learning that uses

information and communication technology such as internet,

mobile phone, learning management system, television,

radio, and others in order to enhance the teaching and

learning activities.29) According to Almarabeh, E-learning is

a unifying termed to describe the fields of online learning,

web-based training and technology delivered instructions.

Jenkins and Hanson in Almarabeh, indicated that E-learning

facilitated and supported the learning process through

information and communication technologies. According to

29) Almarabeh, Tamara. Students’Perception of E-learning at The University of Jordan.(iJET, Vol.9, Issue.3, 2014) P.31


Maslin in Almarabeh, defined E-learning is when use

information and communication technologies (ICTs) for

knowledge seeking or delivering we refer this method as E-

learning.30) Thus, E-learning is a technology tool that used

internet to learning.

Rosenberg in Meirani states that E-learning refers to the

use of Internet technologies to deliver a broad array of

solutions that enhance knowledge and performance. E-

learning can be used in almost every level of education,

especially higher education. It can be an effective way for

students to explore knowledge more than what they can get

from a class room. E-learning is also called Web-based

learning, online learning, distributed learning, computer-

assisted instruction, or Internet-based learning.

According to Claire, E-learning as the use of online tools

designed to help or improve student learning such as can

download the material and other resources in learning

experience.31) Besides, according to Boumans in Ogbona

and Ibezim, e-learning as an umbrella term describes any

type of learning that depends on or is enhanced by

30) Ibid.P.31

31) Claire Loh David H Wong Ali Quazi Russel Philip Kingshot. Re-Examining Students’Perception of E-learning: an A ustralian Perspective. International Journal of EducationalManagement. Vol.30 ISS.1 PP. P.


electronic communication using the latest information and

communication technologies (ICT).32) It is also defined

Hambrecht in Ogbona and Ibezim e-learning as a generic

term covering a wide range of ICT technology-based

applications and processes, including computer-based

learning, web-based learning, virtual classrooms, digital

collaboration and networking. According to Garrison and

Kanuka, define e-learning as web-enabled teaching and

learning.33) E-learning can be defined as learning facilitate

and supported by using information and communications


According to Chen et al in Liu, explained e-learning as

applying networks to facilitate learning, including the

production, delivery, and acquisition of learning contents,

the management of learning experiences, and the exchange

between learning communities.34) Different from traditional

learning, e-learning integrates all activities related to

learning, such as the production of teaching materials and

32) Ogbonna , Ibezim, and Obi. Synchronous versus asynchronous e-learning in teaching

word processing: A n experimental approach. South A frican Journal of Education, V olume 39,

Number 2, May 2019. P. 2

33) Ibid34) Hsu Kuan (Jonathan) Liu. Correlation Research on the A pplication of E-Learning to -

Regulated Learning A bility, MotivationalBeliefs, and A cademic Performance . Eurasia Journal ofMathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2016, 12(4), 1091-1100. P. 1093


their delivery, as arching of data in libraries, registration,

and paying fees, through information technologies of the

Internet, Web-Service, and databases. According to the

report of the US WR Hambrecht, Hwang et al in Liu,

classified e-learning into computer-assisted learning, online

learning, e-learning, and distance learning:

1. Computer-assisted learning was a sub-set of online

learning, which compacted communication contents in CDs

or floppy disks.

2. Online learning, as a sub-set of learning, compacted

communication contents in the Internet and the internal

network of a company.

3. E-learning, as a sub-set of distance learning, generally

referred to all learning methods transmitting contents

through electronic media, including the Internet, internal

network of a company, satellite, tapes, video tapes, and

interactive TV and CDs.

4. Distance learning was an educational context when

teachers and students were separated because of time or

space limitations. The education or training courses were

delivered synchronously or asynchronously, including

emails, text, figures, sound, video tapes, CDs, online

learning, video conferencing, interactive TV, and facsimile,


to a distant location.

From definitions above it can be concluded e-

learning is an online tool that use to learn. E-learning can

be said learning that use technology. Likes, computer,

internet, video conference online. Thus, e-learning is

learning process by using online technology.

b. Modes of E-learning

Mode is a form or type. Mode in E-learning has two.

They are distance learning and computer assisted

instruction that usually people use. According to Ruiz in

Meirani stated, there have been two common e-learning

modes: distance learning and computer assisted instruction.

35) Distance learning uses information technologies to

deliver instruction or materials to learners who are at

remote locations from a central site. Computer assisted

instruction also called computer-based learning and

computer based training uses computers to aid in the

delivery of stand-alone multimedia packages for learning

and teaching. These two modes are subsumed under e-

learning as the Internet becomes the integrating technology.

36) Hence, Elearning have two modes distance learning and

35) Meirani, Harsasi. The Use of Open Educational Resources in Online Learning: AStudy of Students’Perception. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE July 2015ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 16 Number: 3 Article 6.p. 76


computer assisted instruction.

c. Type of E-learning

In E-learning not only has the mode but has the type

also. Type or kind in Elearning has two. They are

Asynchronous and synchronous. According to Mahanta

and Ahmed, there are two types interaction between

learner and tutor or learner and learner in e-learning.37)

The first one is synchronous interaction. In this type

require all the participants of online interaction at the

same time. Examples include internet voice telephone,

video teleconferencing, text based chat system, text based

virtual learning environment, and net based virtual

auditorium or lectures room system. The second one is

asynchronous interaction. In this type all of participant

have freedom of time and location to participate it.

Examples include e-mail, discussion forum, and bulletin

board system. Thus, synchronous and asynchronous are

type interaction of e-learning.

1. Synchronous

According to Fita et al, synchronous virtual e-

36)ibid. P. 7637)Devajit Mahanta, Majidul Ahmed. E-Learning Objectives, Methodologies, Tools

and its Limitatio. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering(IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-1, December 2012. P. 48


learning tools are those intended for online studies

that permit the real-time interaction between students

and teachers using some kind of communication

channel, like chat, voice or videoconferencing.38) SVL

tools create a virtual classroom in which students may

ask and teachers can reply instantly, making learning

a so-called synchronous experience. As compared

with asynchronous e-learning tools, the student

experience that they are not taking lessons alone,

rather they can interact with other classmates and their

teachers during the class.

Furthermore, synchronous Virtual e-Learning tools

(SVL), also known as webinar tools, can overcome

this limitation as they provide, for instance, the

opportunity to watch the teacher and talk to him/her

share documents instantly and directly follow what

the teacher types onto the computer (as in a e-

blackboard).39) Therefore, synchronous tools are able

to provide an experience similar to that of a regular

class or a meeting, and are useful for tutorships, on-

38) Ana Fita , Jose F. Monserrat , Germán Moltó , Eva M. Mestre , Adrián Rodriguez-Burruezo. Use of Synchronous e-Learning at University Degrees. Computer A pplications inEngineering Education.p. 4

39) Ibid. p.4


line courses, regular courses (for students who cannot

physically attend the class), or seminars provided by

colleagues in videoconferencing format. International

companies worldwide are adopting SVL, not only for

meetings but also for training and refresher courses

aimed at their employees, being webinars more and

more common. With these tools, companies save on

travelling expenses and can access knowledge and

technology in an efficient way.

Karen et al state that, synchronous learning is live,

real-time (and usually scheduled), facilitated

instruction and learning-oriented interaction.40) I’ve

emphasized “learning-oriented interaction”in order to

differentiate synchronous learning from lecture,

product demonstrations, and other “knowledge

dispersal”activities. my opinion (backed by plenty of

research findings),the interaction is essential to

learning. Thus, synchronous e-Learning is

synchronous learning that takes place through

electronic means.

2. Asynchronous

40) By Karen Hyder, Ann Kwinn, Ron Miazga, and Matthew Murray. Handbook onSynchronous e-Learning. The eLearning Guild’s. 375 E Street,Suite 200 Santa Rosa,CA 95404,2007. P. 1


Papachristos et al explained asynchronous means

that the students can interact at any time without

teacher presence.41) Most of online course use this

type. It caused asynchronous can used everywhere,

every time that make the learner more flexible to learn.

This type gives the freedom for learner to participate

the learning process for instance, freedom time of

time and place.

d. The advantages of e-learning

Every learning media has the advantage. The

advantage of learning media is different. It is depend on

the necessary. Tudorache et al explained, from the main

advantages of e-learning are the possibility of work in a

flexible way regarding other home activities, the

reducing of time and money spent on travelling from

home to school, e-learning gives to students the

possibility of taking the responsibility for being treated.

42) It is essential for an adult to be responsible for his

own actions. On the other hand, another big advantage

41) D. Papachristos , N. Alafodimos , K. Arvanitis , K. Vassilakis , M. Kalogiannakis , P.Kikilias , E. Zafeiri. A n Educational Model for A synchronous E-Learning. A case study in HigherTechnology Education. P. 32.

42)Ionela-Catalina Tudorache, Ana-Maria Mihaela Iordache, Mihai-Tiberiu Iordache. TheA dvantages and The Disadvantages of E-learning in European Union. JISOM. 2006.


is that students can work at their own place, or

anywhere they have access to a computer. This is very

important because it creates the proper environment for

the student to work, some of them might be shy

working in groups or coming to school study. The final

advantage is very important due to the manner in which

the students are being treated. It is essential for an adult

to be responsible for his own actions.

On the other hand, another big advantage is that

students can work at their own place, or anywhere they

have access to a computer. This is very important

because it creates the proper environment for the

student to work, some of them might be shy working in

groups or coming to school.

e. The disadvantages of e-learning

Learning media also has disadvantage. According to

Tudorache et al, there are some disadvantages.43) The

main obstacle for e-Learning is that the students "with

low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind".

Some students are comfortable with the classic way of

43) Ionela-Catalina Tudorache, Ana-Maria Mihaela Iordache, Mihai-Tiberiu Iordache. TheA dvantages and The Disadvantages of E-learning in European Union. JISOM. 2006.


learning: going to school, answer is class, be active, and

be motivated by teachers to study harder. This motivation

is usually concretized into bonus points, good grades or

other benefits (even candies or sweets). This is the main

reason that makes the eLearning a little bit dangerous:

some active and social students may lose their motivation

of studding.

Another disadvantage is also met at psychological point

of view and it is about isolation. Some students may feel

isolated from the teacher and other students. This

isolation may create a long-term barrier of


f. Learning goals

Learning goal is a purpose of the learning process or

something that should be reached after learning process by

students. it is also occur in e-learning. According to Dweck and

Legget in Froiland said students who have learning goals or

mastery goals are much more likely to enjoy learning than are

those who are focused primarily on avoiding failure or getting

good grades. Besides that Kover and Worrel in Froiland also

stated that students who emphasize learning goals also obtain

higher Grades than do students who focus on their performance.44)



In learning goals there are three domains that teachers’need

to identify. The first is cognitive domain. Cognitive domain is the

domain that includes brain activity. Taxonomy Bloom in

Nurbudiyani states there are six stages in thinking process.45)

There are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis,

synthesis, and evaluation.46) The purpose of measure cognitive

domain is to get accurate information about achievement in

instructional purpose. Cognitive domain can be measured through

two kinds of test. There are subjective test or essay test and

objective test. The next is affective domain. According David R

Kratwohl in Nurbudiyani said affective domain is the domain that

relates to attitude and value.47) Depdiknas 2008 in Nurbudiyani

states five main characteristics in this domain there are attitude,

interest, self-concept, value, and morality.48) The last is

psychomotor domain. This domain is the domain that relates to

skill. In psychomotor domain there are three processes to measure

this domain. According to Ryan in Nurbudiyani states there are

during learning and teaching process, after learning process, and

several times after learning process.49) Hence there are three

ENGAGEMENT,A ND A CHIEV EMENT IN A DIV ERSE HIGH SCHOOL. Psychology in theSchools,V ol.53(3),2016


46) Ibid47)Ibid. P. 9048) Ibid


domains that must be measured to know the students learning

goals can be reached or not.

g. Assignment

Assignment is one of important part in learning process.

Generally, teacher will give the assignment when learning process

and it can be given based on the material that learned. Assignment

can improve students’understanding the material, make teacher

knows the students achievement, and can build the feeling to learn

the material more. Moh. Uzer Usman in SutrIyah states that

assignment is the way to show the material with give the certain

assignment in time that has given and the student responsibility it.

50) According to Wijaya Kusuma In Sutriyah state that the

assignment is good if as the purpose to make students

understanding deeply after learning, train the students to

independent learning, the students can divide the time continuity,

the students can utilize unoccupied of time to do the assignment,

train student to do the assignment well by their self, build the

3experience out of school.51) According to Rositiyah in Sutriyah

there are some steps to give the assignment. The first, formulates

49)ibid.p. 9150) Sutryah. Pengaruh Metode Pemberian Tugas dengan Bimbingan Guru Terhadap

Kompetensi Menjahit Blazer. Yogya karta 2012.p. 1151)Ibid


the specific purpose. The next, consider the technique to give the

assignment. The last, formulate the assignment that easy to

understand and comprehend.52) Hence, assignment can build

students more understanding about the material but the assignment

that too much it can build students feel bored.

According to Roseshine in to give the effective assignment

the teacher should appropriate the total of student, ability of

student, and kinds of assignment that given.53) According to

Sumantri and Permana in Suci there are some factors that

influence to implement giving the assignment.54) First is the clarity

of assignment that given. Second is the appropriate with student

level cognitive. The next is considers to students’differences

includes intelligent, interest, motivation, talent, gender, and habit.

The next is book sources. The last is the skill of teacher to

distribute the assignment. Thus, teacher needs to consider some

factors above to give the assignment and those ways can be

implemented in e-learning assignment.

The assignment in e-learning has some form that can be

used for instance by using google form, search some material from

the google, or watch the video from youtube. Those examples of

52) Ibid. p. 1353) Siska Prawati. Penerapan Metode Pemberian Tugas Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil

Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPS . Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online. Vol.4, No.1. P.654) Suci Erningsih. Kefektifan Pengggunaan Metode Pemberian Tugas dan Retirasi

dengan Model Pembelajaran Investigasi Kelompok Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi BelajarSejarah. Universitas Negri Semarang. 2019.


the form the assignment that teacher give to student. In the way

give the assign most of teacher gives the instruction based on the

application in their mobile phone or computer used.

h. Feedback

Feedback in learning is defined as information that is

communicated to students that aims to change the thinking or

behavior to improve the learning process. Giving feedback by

teachers in teaching is an important activity to improve their

knowledge and acquisition capabilities, accomplishments, and

motivate learners. The characteristics of effective feed-back in

learning must be non-evaluative, supportive, timely, and specific.

Feedback provided in the form of learning on the learner

information in response to action learning activities that have been

carried out. Feedback can be presented in various forms, for

example in the form of verification of the accuracy of the answers,

an explanation of the correct answer, instructions and examples as

well as performed at any time during the learning process, such as

it provides answers, or after a certain time lag. According to Hattie

and Timperley in Kasenda states that feedback from the teacher

can bring many profits in learning process for the students.

Winnie and Butler in Kasenda also states the success and better

learning process can be obtained from the feedback. It is like a


comment about the students’out comes.55)It can be concluded

feedback is the one of important part in learning process.

According to Maria at all state that there are four semantic

dimensions of feedbacks.56) The first is Error identification and

correction. The feedback informs about the correction of errors

made. The second is correct answer. The feedback shows the

correct answer or gives the right solution. The third is task

improvement. The feedback recommends contents and strategies

in order to improve the work, or the test that has been submitted.

The last is in-depth information. The feedback suggests in-depth

information in order to continue to move forward in learning in

the future. It can be concluded in feedback there are four semantic


According to Arifmiboy there are three ways to give

feedback.57) The first is verbal. Verbal feedback as a respond that

teacher given to student with oral for instances good job, great,

and the others accolade words. The second is non verbal feedback.

It is a feedback with the activity and signs that relate to students

55) Kasenda, Amalia, and Ardaniah. Students’Errors and Teachers’Oral CorrectiveFeedback in Teaching Speaking Skills at SDN Wonorejo 274 Surabaya. Mozaik Humaniora,Vol.19 (1),109.123. 2019

56) Maria at all. Usefulness of feedback in e-learning from the students’perspective.Intangiable Capital. IC,2015 –11(4): 627-645 –Online ISSN: 1697-9818 –Print ISSN: 2014-3214.

57)Arifmiboy. Pedoman Tdaluring Microteaching Learning Model (TMLM).Bukittinggi.2017. P. 19


learning process for instance give the gift or cheerful axpression.

The last is variation feedback. In this way the teacher combine

both of the feedback. Hence, there are three ways to give the

feedback to student.

The problem in distance education is not the technology

format, but the teaching and support from the instructor.

Feedback could provide learners the outcome information

regarding the correctness of the teachers’response and

additional information regarding the nature of outcomes

and the qualities of their cognitive processing. In online

course, the instructor’s presence with giving feedback has

the potential to reduce the insecurity of lonely study keep

awareness of learning purpose and improve self-

confidence and self-esteem of students.

According to Ross in Article CALL there are three

characteristics of feedback quality provided by the teacher,

first, feedback should be timely. Second, feedback should

be helpful. Last, feedback should be developing.58) Hence,

Feedback is the most important factor of many kind of

communication, especially in learning. While designing

58) Goerge Ypsitandi. Goerge Ypsilandis. Feedback in Distance Education. Aristotle University ofThessaloniki. Article CALL.2010


and implementing learning activities teachers need to be

very aware of providing good feedback. In distance

learning also e-learning the feedback has more

importance because the lack of face to face interaction.

D. Review of Related Study

In support this research, there are several studies about e-

learning which was conducted by some researchers. The first, the

research by Almarabeh entitled “Students’Perception of E-learning

at University Jordan”.59) This research is descriptive quantitative

research. This research to k now students’perception of using e-

learning based on technology accepting. The result of this research

the students are highly qualified and accepting the E-learning

system with the desire to use it in more advanced manner. Thus,

using e-learning in learning process is good for student to highly

qualified and accepting it.

The second, the research by Ogbona et al entitled “

Synchronous versus asynchronous e-learning in teaching word

processing: An experimental approach”60) In this research the

researcher used quasi experimental design with pre-test and post

59) Almarabeh, Tamara. Students’Perception of E-learning at The University of Jordan.(iJET, Vol.9, Issue.3, 2014

60) Ogbonna , Ibezim, and Obi. Synchronous versus asynchronous e-learning in teachingword processing: A n experimental approach. South A frican Journal of Education, V olume 39,Number 2, May 2019.


test. The result of this research revealed that both synchronous and

asynchronous e-learning significantly increased student

achievement and skills acquisition in word processing irrespective

of the gender of the students. It can be concluded that e- learning

had positive effect on academic achievement of students enrolled in

the subject of education.

The last, a research conducted by Sun et al entitled ”What

drives a successful e-Learning? An empirical investigation of the

critical factors influencing learner satisfaction.”61) This study

discussed about the identified critical factors influencing e-

Learners’satisfaction. The result of this study indicated that were

some factors that influenced e-learners satisfaction.”Hence, e-

learners’satisfaction can be influenced some factors.

Based on the researches conducted above, the differences

between this research and those researches above are: the first

research to know students at Jordan perception by using e-learning

whereas this research to know students’perception in learning

English by using e-learning at MAN 2 Padang Panjang. The second

research to compare both synchronous and asynchronous e-

learning whereas in this research to know student perception. The

61) Pei-ChenSun , Ray J. Tsai , Glenn Finger , Yueh-Yang Chen , DowmingYeh. Whatdrives a successful e-Learning?A n empirical investigation of the critical factors influencinglearner satisfaction.Elsevier. Received 16 August 2006; received in revised form 20 November2006; accepted 22 November 2006.


last research is about what drives successful e-learning. The

similarity of this research to other researches above is investigate E

-learning. Besides, the place of this research is in MAN 2 Padang

Panjang which differs from the other researches.

A. Conceptual Framework

The framework of the research is conceptually illustrated in the following

figure 2.1:Students’Perception on learning English by using E-learning

The Assignment

First is the clarity ofassignment that given. Secondis the appropriate with studentlevel cognitive. The next isconsiders to students’differences includes intelligent,interest, motivation, talent,gender, and habit. The next isbook sources. The last is theskill of teacher to distribute theassignment.

Sumantri and Permanain Suci, 2019


There are three ways togive the feedback firstverbal, second non verbaland last variety feedback.

Arifmiboy, 2017

Learning Purpose

To know the learning

purpose can be

reached or not there

are three aspects

needed to measure.

1. Cognit ive aspect

2. Affective aspect

3. Psychomotor


Worrel in Froiland,2016


According to Desiderato in Jalaludin, perception is the experienceabout object, incident, or something that relate to conclude theinformation and interpret the message.

Desiderato in Jalaludin




A. Design of the Research

The design of this research used survey research. Gay, Mills, and Airasian

states that survey research is the research that involves collecting data to test

hypothesis or to answer questions about people’s opinions on some topic or

issue.62) Moreover, Gay. Mills, and Airasian also explain that a survey

research can be used to gather information about a group’s beliefs, attitudes,

behaviors, and demographic composition. Survey data are collected by asking

members of a population a set of questions, which can be administered in a

questionnaire that is mailed or emailed or in an interview over the phone or in

person.63) Hence, survey research is a research that is used to get the

information about people opinions, beliefs and also perceptions. This is the

reason of the researcher to collect information about students’perception in

learning English through e-learning.

B. The Population and Sample


Data Analysis

62) L.R. Gay, Geoffrey. E Mills, and Peter. W. Airasian, Educational Research(Competences for A nalysis and A plication Tenth Edition) Pearson Education. P. 183

63) Ibids. P. 185


1. Population

Population is one of the essential things in conducting the research.

Sugiyono states that population defined as a general area that consist of

object and subject which has quality and certain characteristic

determined by the researcher to be concluded.64) The population of

this research is the total students of third grade of IPA classes at MAN

2 Padang Panjang in academic years 2020/2021. The population is

described in the following table:

Table 3.1 : The Population of Third Grade of IPA Classes Students

at MAN 2 Padang Panjang in Academic years 2020/2021.

No Class Total of Students1. XI IPA 1 252. XI IPA 2 293. XI IPA 3 294. XI IPA 4 28

Total 111

Source : The School Administration Staff

The table above signifies that the population of this research is 111

students. It is the total of third grade of IPA classes students at Man 2

Padang Panjang in academic years 2020/2021.


Sample is a part of population. According to Sugiyono sample is a

part of amount and characteristic that has the population.65) There are

64) Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D.Bandung: Alfabeta, Maret, 2016. P. 117

65) Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D.Bandung: Alfabeta, Maret, 2016. P. 118


some techniques in determining the sample. The researcher used

incidental sampling to determine the sample. According to Sugiyono

explain that incidental sampling is a sample in which the sample taken

from the population based on incident or all of the population who can

be the sample.66) In this research the researcher used incidental

sampling to take sample. The sample will be taken 25% from the

population and 25% of 110 = 28.

Table 3.2 : The Sample of Third Grade of IPA Classes Students at

MAN 2 Padang Panjang in Academic years 2020/2021.

No Class Total of Students Sample1. XI IPA 1 25 72. XI IPA 2 29 73. XI IPA 3 29 74. XI IPA 4 28 7

Total 111 28

C. Instrument

Instrument is a tool in collecting the data. According to Suharsimi

in Sudaryono, Margono, and Rahayu, instrumentation of collecting the

data is a tool that is chosen and used by the researcher in order to make

the research systematic and simple.67) The researcher used the

questioner as the instrument. According to Gay, Mills, and Airasian,

66) Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D.Bandung: Alfabeta, Maret, 2017. P. 82

67)Sudarsono, Gaguk Mrgono, and Wardani Rahayu. Pengembangan Intrumen PenelitianPendidikan. (Y ogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2013) p. 104


surveys generally takes one of the two forms questioners and

interviews.68) It means that the questioner can be used to collect the

data in this research. The instrument that is used in this research is the

questioner in which created to identify students’perception in learning

English through e-learning. The questioner used Likert Scale. Likert

Scale is used to measure attitude, opinion, and perception from

individual or group about social phenomenon.69) The answer each item

of instrument that use Likert Scale has negative and positive statement.

Table 3.3 Likert Scale

Likert Scale CodeScore ofPositive


Score ofNegative

StatementSelalu SL 5 1Sering SR 4 2Jarang JR 3 3

Kadang-kadang KD 2 4Tidak pernah TD 1 5

Source: Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan

Kuantitatif , Kualitatif , dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta, Maret, 2016. P. 135

Validity is the properness of a test to measure what should be

measured in accordance to the particular criteria.Validity is used to know

how far the instrument valid to be applied in the research. According to

Siregar, validity indicates how far the instrument is able to measure what

should be measured.70)To measure validity of the test, the researcher will

68) L.R. Gay, Geoffrey. E Mills, and Peter. W. Airasian, Educational Research(Competences for A nalysis and A plication Tenth Edition) Pearson Education. P. 186

69) Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D.Bandung: Alfabeta, Maret, 2016. P. 134


use expert judgment validity. It is used to measure the validity of the

questioner by the researcher. It can be concluded that if the items is valid

so that the items can be used in measuring students’perception in learning

English by using e-learning.

D. Technique of Data Collection

In collecting the data the researcher gave the questioner to the

student. In giving questioner the researcher did the following step:

1. Gave the online questioner to the students.

2. The explanation about questioner have given together with the

instruction to do the questioner.

3. Gave the time to fill the questioner.

4. The researcher correction the online questioner.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data researcher used descriptive quantitative.

Arikunto explains that there are some processes to analyze the data.

The step is as the following:71)

1. Tabulate the data by using tallies.

2. Calculate the percentage of the data. Percentage technique is by

using a formula which is as the following:


70)Syofian Siregar. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif. (Jakarta: Kencana Prenada MediaGroup, 2013) p.46

71)Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pedekatan Praktek, P. 245-246.


P= percentage

f= frequency of total score

n= number of respondent

3. The finding mean of the data by using formula suggested

Subana as follow:

Mx= mean

N=total of percentage

n= Amount of item

4. Drawing the conclusion

The researcher concluded about students’ perception in

learning English by using e-learning, and interpreted the data

based on percentage range from I’Anatut Thoifah.72)

Table 3.4 Interpretation data from I’Anatut Thoifah

Percentage Explanation

81% - 100% Very Good61% - 80% Good41% - 60% Enough21% - 40% Poor0% - 20% Very Poor

72) I’Anatut Thoifah. Statistika Pendidikan dan Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif.Madani.Malang.2015. p. 42




A. Finding

In this section, the researcher explains what the researcher found during

the research by analyzed and interpreted the data to answer the research question.

It was about the perceptions of the students on learning English by using e-

learning that relate to learning goals, assignment, and feedback by using E-

learning. The finding is intended to know students’perception by using E-learning

on learning English at third grade IPA Class of Man 2 Padang Panjang in

Academic Years 2020/2021.

The collected data of this research is based on percentage from students’

answer of the questioner. The questionnaire consists of 30 items where the answer

has been provided to be chosen by the respondents. The questionnaire has been

spread to 28 respondents. The data descriptions of the students’perception on

learning English by using E-learning as follows.


1. Description of The Data

This research was conducted in MAN 2 Padang Panjang at Third Grade of

IPA classes and 28 sample from the 25% of population. The researcher used

online questioner to collect the data. The final research of the data is numerical

data because the kind of the research was survey research through descriptive


The data was in form questionnaire which relates to students’answer in

questionnaire. In distributing the online questionnaire, the researcher gave

explanation and time to the students to answer the questionnaire honestly. The

researcher found the description of the students’perception on learning English by

using E-learning.

The first step after the researcher got the data, the researcher calculated the

frequencies and the percentages of each indicator. To find the percentages of each

question, the researcher use the formula which is proposed by Anatutoifah. After

got the percentages of the each statement, the researcher found the frequencies for

every statement in the questionnaire to got the percentage the final result. More

detailed description of the students’perception on learning English by using E-

learning could be seen on the chart below.

According to the research question about the students’perception on

learning English by using E-learning the researcher described with general

explanation. Students’perception on learning English by using E-learning have

chosen into three indicators. There are learning purpose, assignment, and feedback.


According to the students’answer for questionnaire there are 30 questions

for students’perception on learning English by using E-learning. The chart below

shows the percentage of three indicators and each indicator with different level of

frequency. The description of the data about students’perception on learning

English by using E-learning at third grade of MAN 2 Padang Panjang are as


The Chart 4.1 : General Percentage of Students’Answer

Source: research data

The chart above explained the total percentage of the students’

perception on learning English by using E-learning. The highest was

learning purpose (72,29%), assignment (70,28%) and the lowest was

feedback (60,3%). The percentage was gotten by finding the average

of each indicator that chosen by the students. The total percentage

above would be revealed further in the analysis of the data. For more


detail description in each frequency, the chart above divide

frequencies into always, often, sometime, seldom, and never.

Based on the interpretation data in chapter three learning

purpose and assignment was good category, and feedback was

enough category.

2. Analysis the Data

Analyzing of the data is useful to answer the research

question in this research. The question is answered by analyzing

the questionnaire. The items in questioner were 10 for learning

purpose, 10 for assignment, and 10 for feedback. Each item had

five options. There are always, often, sometime, seldom, and

never. The researcher analyzed the data through finding

percentage and mean of the data.

Based on the questionnaires of respondent answered, the

researcher found how the level of students’perception on

learning English by using E-learning at third grade of MAN 2

Padang Panjang. The result of the respondent answer could be

seen in the following chart below:

a. Learning purpose

The first is Learning Purpose. In learning purpose consist of

three domains. There are cognitive domain, psychomotor doain,

and affective domain. The detailed description in frequencies of


learning purpose it can be seen in the chart below:

Chart 4.1

The Percentage of Students’Perception on Learning English by

Using E-Learning Related to Learning Purpose

Source: research data

Based on table of learning purpose above described the

percentage of learning purpose. There are three domains of

learning purpose. The first was cognitive domain with 76,25%.

The next was psychomotor domain with 71, 95%, and the last was

affective domain with 60%. The higher percentage was cognitive

domain with 76,25%. The lowest percentage was affective domain


with 60%. The mean of this indicator was 69,4%. It can be

concluded the students’perception on learning English by using E

-learning related to learning purpose was good based on

interpretation data 61% - 80% was good.

b. Assignment

The second indicator is Assignment. In this indicator consist of

the clarity, consider the student differences, and skill to distribute the

assignment. The detailed of the percentage from assignment can be

seen on the chart below:

Chart 4.3

The Percentage of Students’Perception on Learning English by Using E-

Learning Related to Assignment


Source : Research Data

Based on chart above students’perception on learning English by using E-

learning consist of four aspects should be consider on the learning process related

to assignment. There are clarity with 70%, level of cognitive with 67,48%, student

differences with 67,2%, and skill to distribute the assignment with 72,2%. The

highest percentage was skill to distribute the assignment with 72,2% and the

lowest percentage was consider to the student differences with 67,2%. The mean

of this indicator was 69,22%. It can be concluded the students’perception on

learning English by using E-learning relate to assignment was good category

based on the interpretation data 61% - 80% was good category.

c. Feedback

The last indicator is feedback. In giving feedback there are two aspect

about that. The first the way give and the second the feedback verbal, non verbal

and variety. It can be seen on the chart below:

Chart 4.4

The Percentage of Students’Perception on Learning English by Using E-

Learning Related to Feedback


Source : Research Data

Based on chart above students’perception on learning English by using E-

learning related to feedback consist of two aspects should be consider on the

learning process. There are the way to give the feedback with 58,84%, and kind of

feedback with 60,44%. The mean of this indicator was 59,64%.it means the

percentage of this indicator included to the enough category. It is caused in the

interpretation data 41% - 60% was enough category. It can be concluded the

students’perception on learning English by using E-learning relate to assignment

was good category based on the interpretation data 41% - 60% was enough



B. Discussion

This section showed the discussion according to the findings of the

research. There are several things that can be noted down related to the

student’s perception on learning English by using E-learning. E-learning is

the kind of learning process that use electronic as a media. This is included

computer, television, cellphone, laptop, and many others that used network

or not. In this case E-learning that students and teacher use to do learning

and teaching process is the network media. It is caused there is pandemic

in Indonesia ( covid 19). Because of that the government asked to all of

instance of education use E-learning, but it is trigger the differences

perception and opinion from the students related to the using of E-

leaarning on learning English.

According to Omrod in Meirani said distance education has

become an opportunity and concern for many colleges and universities. It

refers to technology-based instructions in which the students are at the

location physically separated from their teacher during the class of

teaching and learning process. Especially, distance education was created

for the students who were unable to attend school. It means E-learning

appropriate in Indonesia situation to keep do teaching and learning process

during pandemic.

To know students’perception on learning English by using E-

learning related to learning purpose. There were three domains. The first


was cognitive. Usually, in cognitive domain there were some stages of

thinking. It is kwon Taxonomy Bloom. In taxonomy bloom showed six

stage process of thinking. There were knowledge, comprehension,

application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Thus, in cognitive domain

told about the stage process of thinking.

The second was psychomotor domain. In psychomotor domain

talked about the practice of the learning material. Especially, in learning

English be better if practice the material directly. Hence, psychomotor

domain is one of the aspect of learning purpose.

The last was affective domain. Affective domain related to the

moral value the student. For instance, student needs to be discipline

student. Likes, used uniform, arrive at school on time did not late, respect

to the teacher, and etc. Thus, affective domain was one of the important

domain in learning process.

The next is about assignment. Assignment was one of the important

steps in teaching and learning process. It is caused the assignment was the

tool to measured student understanding. The last was feedback. Feedback

is the important one in teaching and learning process. It caused feedback

can give the stimulus to the student to build students motivation. In

learning process by using E-learning the student need to get the feedback.

To make student know how far their understanding about the material.

Hence, learning purpose, assignment, and feedback was the important

thing in teaching and learning process that should be improved.


This research is aimed to answer the research question, to answer

the research question, researcher conducted a descriptive research to

describe the phenomena in numerical data in order to get the detail

information. Then, instrument to collect the data is online questionnaire

with using likert scale. To find the result of research, data are analyzed

with using percentage and mean formula. From the finding of the research,

it shown the student’s perception on learning English by using E-learning

related to learning purpose, assignment, and feedback was 67,62%. Based

on interpretation data 61% - 80% is good category. It means the result of

the data is good category.




A. Conclusion

Based on the finding and discussion that presented on the previous

chapter it could be concluded that students at IPA Class Third Grade of MAN

2 Padang Panjang have some perception about using E-learning on learning

English. It was conducted by mean score of each indicator. Students’

perception on learning English by using E-learning relate to learning purpose

was good category with 72,29% , assignment was good category with 70,28%,

and feedback was enough category with 60,3%.

B. Suggestion

Based on the finding of the research about students’perception on

learning English by using E-learning that was conducted at MAN 2

Padang Panjang. The researcher would like to give the suggestion. In

teaching and learning process need to consider the way, procedure, and

media because it is influence the leaning outcomes. Also consider about

the assignment and always give the feedback during teaching and learning

process. Hence, as the teacher also need to know the learning purpose,

consider when give the assignment, and give the feedback during learning

process. it can be build student motivation, understanding and developing

their knowledge.



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Variable Sub Variable Indicators Descriptors


in English

Learning English

by using E-


1. Learning


2. Assignment

3. feedback

a. Cognitive

b. Affective

c. Psychomotor

a. The clarity

b. Student level


c. Consider to

students differences

d. Skill to distribute

the assignment

a. the way give the


b. Verbal, non verbal

and variety











Variable Sub


Indicator Descriptor Number Sum










by using





a. Cognitive

b. Affective



1, 3, 20, 4

2, 16, 17, 18,

5, 19,




a. The clarity

b. Student



c. Consider to



d. Skill to

distribute the


8, 24

9, 22, 25, 23

7, 21

6, 10


3. Feedback a. the way

give the


b. Verbal, non

verbal and


11, 13, 14, 27,


12, 15, 26, 28,





Nama :

Kelas :

A. Pengantar

Assalamualaikum wr wb. Angket ini berguna untuk mengetahuibagaimana persepsi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris secara onlinedengan menggunakan E-learning selama pandemic covid-19. E-learningadalah pembeljaran yang menggunakan media elektronik seperti TV,komputer, dan Handphone dengan Aplikasi-aplikasi yang di gunakanuntuk PBM seperti: Google Classroom, WA, Youtube, Google Form danlain-lain. Agar penelitian ini bisa memberikan manfaat yang optimal,peneliti berharap saudara mengisi dan menjawab sesuai dengan keadaanyang sebenarnya. Terima kasih atas bantuan, waktu, dan kesediaannya.

B. Petunjuk

1. Mulailah dengan membaca Basmallah.

2. Bacalah pernyataan pada angket kemudian pilihlah salah satu item

yang telah tersedia dengan memberikan tanda checklist (√) sesuai

dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya.

3. Keterangan item :

Skala Linkert Code Score

Selalu SL 5

Sering SR 4

Jarang JR 3

Kadang-kadang KD 2

Tidak pernah TP 1


C. Contoh Pengisian Kuisioner



Pernyataan SL SR JR KD TP

1. Saya memeperoleh penjelasan materi

yang jelas selama menggunakan E-


Setelah memilih salah satu opsi yang di berikan seperti contoh makasaudara bisa lanjut ke pernyataan selanjutnya.



No Pernyataan SL SR JR KD TP

1 Saya belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan E-

learning Selama pandemic

2 Saya memperoleh materi pemebelajaran bahasa

Inggris selama belajar menggunakan E-learning

3 Siswa memperoleh materi pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris yang banyak selama menggunakan E-


4 Saya menjadi aktif saat belajar bahasa Inggris

selama menggunakan E-learning

5 Saya mempraktekan materi pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris yang butuh dipraktekan dengan baik

selama menggunakan E-learning

6 Saya mengerjakan tugas bahasa Inggris yang

banyak selama menggunakan E-learning

7 Saya memahami tugas bahasa yang diberikan

selama menggunakan E-learning

8 Saya mngerjakan tugas bahasa Inggris dengan

instruksi yang jelas selama menggunakan E-


9 Saya kesulitan memahami tugas bahasa Inggris


yang diberikan selama menggunakan E-learning

10 Saya memiliki sedikit waktu untuk mengerjkan

tugas Bahasa Inggris selama menggunakan E-


11 Saya memperoleh umpan balik/ respon di setiap

tugas bahasa Inggris selama menggunakan E-


12 Saya membangun kemampuan bahasa Inggris

karna umpan balik/respon yang membangun

selama belajar menggunakan E-learning.

13 Saya memperoleh umpan balik/ respon dalam

bentuk nilai selama menggunakan E-learning.

14 Saya memperoleh umpan balik/respon dalam

bentuk kalimat tertulis selama menggunakan E-


15 Saya memberikan tugas-tugas dan memperoleh

umpan balik/respon di setiap tugas selama

menggunakan E-learning.

16 Saya tidak mengerti materi pembelajaran selama

menggunakan E-learning.

17 Saya tidak mengikuti pembelajaran dengan

maksimal selama menggunakan E-learning.

18 Saya tidak dapat mengejar ketertinggalan materi


pelajaran saya selama memnggunakan E-learning.

19 Saya tidak memperoleh penjelasan materi bahasa

Inggris dengan jelas selama menggunakan E-


20 Saya tidak menghadiri proses pembelajaran tepat

waktu selama belajar menggunakan E-learning.

21 Saya tidak mengerjakan tugas bahsa Inggris

dengan cepat selama menggunakan E-learning.

22 Saya tidak memperoleh tugas yang sesuai dengan

materi yang diberikan saat proses pembelajaran

menggunakan E-learning.

23 Saya mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu selama

menggunakan E-learning .

24 Saya mem peroleh tugas sesuai dengan jadwal

pelajaran selama menggunakan E-learning.

25 Saya memahami tugas yang diberikan selama

menggunakan E-learning.

26 Saya tidak mendapatkan umpan balik/ respon yang

tanggap selama menggunakan E-learning.

27 Saya tidak mendapatkan umpan balik/respon yang

bermakna selama menggunakan E-learning.

28 Saya tidak memperoleh umpan balik/respon yang

langsung selama pembeljaran menggunakan E-



29 Saya tidak mendapatakan umpan balik/respon

selama proses pembelajran bahasa Inggris dengan

menggunakan E-learning.

30 Saya tidak memperoleh umpan balik/ respon yang

membangun pemahaman selama belajar

menggunakan E-learning.












NO p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10TOTALP

1 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3.9

2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2.3

3 3 4 2 3 2 5 4 3 3 5 3.4

4 5 5 4 3 3 2 4 4 5 5 4

5 5 5 5 5 4 3 4 5 4 5 4.5

6 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.8

7 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 3.7

8 4 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 4 4 3.4

9 5 4 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 3.1

10 5 4 4 2 2 4 5 5 2 5 3.8

11 5 4 3 2 2 5 2 4 2 3 3.2

12 5 5 5 4 3 2 5 5 3 5 4.2

13 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 3 4

14 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2.2

15 5 4 5 3 5 2 2 2 4 2 3.4

16 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3.5

17 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 2 3 3.3

18 4 5 5 5 2 4 4 5 2 4 4

19 3 5 3 2 2 4 4 3 2 4 3.2

20 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 4 3.2

21 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3.4

22 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 5 4 5 3.8

23 5 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4.3

24 5 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3.9

25 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 4 3.4

26 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 2 4 3.5

27 5 5 5 5 3 2 5 4 4 5 4.3

28 5 4 4 3 2 2 5 3 4 3 3.5



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10TOTALQ

5 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 4.1

3 3 3 5 3 2 2 3 2 2 2.8

3 4 4 5 2 3 2 3 3 2 3.1

5 3 5 3 4 3 4 5 4 4 4

5 4 5 3 2 5 5 5 5 4 4.3

4 4 4 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 3.5

5 4 4 2 4 4 5 1 4 3 3.6

5 4 4 3 3 4 3 2 4 3 3.5

4 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 2 3.4

4 1 3 4 1 3 5 5 5 2 3.3

4 2 3 4 3 3 5 3 2 2 3.1

5 3 4 3 3 3 5 3 4 3 3.6

5 4 5 3 2 3 4 4 4 5 3.9

3 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 5 1 2.8

2 3 2 2 5 3 5 3 4 2 3.1

3 4 4 3 3 3 5 2 5 4 3.6

5 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3.5

5 3 3 4 3 4 5 4 3 2 3.6

4 3 2 5 1 3 2 1 5 2 2.8

4 3 4 3 2 4 5 4 5 3 3.7

5 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 3 3.9

3 4 4 2 2 5 4 4 4 4 3.6

5 3 4 4 2 2 5 4 3 3 3.5

5 3 3 3 4 3 5 4 5 3 3.8

5 3 4 5 5 4 4 1 4 4 3.9

5 3 3 4 3 5 5 4 3 3 3.8

5 5 5 2 3 5 5 5 4 4 4.3

4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 3 3.6



R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 TOTAL R

3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3.3

2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2

1 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 3 4 2.8

3 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 3.9

5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4.5

3 2 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3.2

2 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.3

3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.6

2 3 3 2 4 2 3 1 3 3 2.6

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 2 5 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3.2

2 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2.2

4 4 4 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 3.4

3 3 3 2 3 1 3 2 4 3 2.7

2 3 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2.7

2 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 2.4

3 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2.7

3 3 5 2 3 4 3 2 2 1 2.8

2 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.9

3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 3 3 3.1

4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4.1

3 4 1 1 5 2 1 3 3 3 2.6

2 3 2 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3.7

3 3 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 3.4

4 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 2.9

4 4 5 3 5 4 4 4 5 5 4.3

4 2 4 2 5 5 4 4 5 4 3.9




Output Created 19-JAN-2021 11:29:12



Active Dataset DataSet0

Filter <none>

Weight <none>

Split File <none>

N of Rows in Working Data File 28

Missing Value Handling

Definition of MissingUser-defined missing values are

treated as missing.

Cases UsedStatistics are based on all cases

with valid data.



P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Q1

Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10



ResourcesProcessor Time 00:00:11.15

Elapsed Time 00:00:26.33


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


JR 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

KD 4 14.3 14.3 17.9

SR 12 42.9 42.9 60.7

SL 11 39.3 39.3 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

ValidJR 3 10.7 10.7 10.7

KD 6 21.4 21.4 32.1


SR 12 42.9 42.9 75.0

SL 7 25.0 25.0 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


JR 4 14.3 14.3 14.3

KD 12 42.9 42.9 57.1

SR 9 32.1 32.1 89.3

SL 3 10.7 10.7 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


JR 9 32.1 32.1 32.1

KD 13 46.4 46.4 78.6

SR 5 17.9 17.9 96.4

SL 1 3.6 3.6 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


JR 9 32.1 32.1 32.1

KD 11 39.3 39.3 71.4

SR 6 21.4 21.4 92.9

SL 2 7.1 7.1 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

JR 6 21.4 21.4 25.0

KD 5 17.9 17.9 42.9

SR 11 39.3 39.3 82.1


SL 5 17.9 17.9 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

JR 4 14.3 14.3 17.9

KD 9 32.1 32.1 50.0

SR 8 28.6 28.6 78.6

SL 6 21.4 21.4 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

JR 10 35.7 35.7 39.3

KD 5 17.9 17.9 57.1

SR 10 35.7 35.7 92.9

SL 2 7.1 7.1 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

JR 2 7.1 7.1 10.7

KD 7 25.0 25.0 35.7

SR 11 39.3 39.3 75.0

SL 7 25.0 25.0 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

ValidJR 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

KD 5 17.9 17.9 21.4


SR 7 25.0 25.0 46.4

SL 15 53.6 53.6 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

JR 1 3.6 3.6 7.1

KD 15 53.6 53.6 60.7

SR 10 35.7 35.7 96.4

SL 1 3.6 3.6 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


JR 2 7.1 7.1 7.1

KD 9 32.1 32.1 39.3

SR 13 46.4 46.4 85.7

SL 4 14.3 14.3 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


JR 5 17.9 17.9 17.9

KD 10 35.7 35.7 53.6

SR 9 32.1 32.1 85.7

SL 4 14.3 14.3 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 2 7.1 7.1 7.1

JR 7 25.0 25.0 32.1

KD 10 35.7 35.7 67.9


SR 6 21.4 21.4 89.3

SL 3 10.7 10.7 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

JR 2 7.1 7.1 10.7

KD 14 50.0 50.0 60.7

SR 7 25.0 25.0 85.7

SL 4 14.3 14.3 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


JR 3 10.7 10.7 10.7

KD 4 14.3 14.3 25.0

SR 8 28.6 28.6 53.6

SL 13 46.4 46.4 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 3 10.7 10.7 10.7

JR 3 10.7 10.7 21.4

KD 8 28.6 28.6 50.0

SR 10 35.7 35.7 85.7

SL 4 14.3 14.3 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

ValidJR 2 7.1 7.1 7.1

KD 4 14.3 14.3 21.4


SR 13 46.4 46.4 67.9

SL 9 32.1 32.1 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

JR 8 28.6 28.6 32.1

KD 10 35.7 35.7 67.9

SR 8 28.6 28.6 96.4

SL 1 3.6 3.6 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 2 7.1 7.1 7.1

JR 8 28.6 28.6 35.7

KD 12 42.9 42.9 78.6

SR 5 17.9 17.9 96.4

SL 1 3.6 3.6 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

JR 6 21.4 21.4 25.0

KD 15 53.6 53.6 78.6

SR 5 17.9 17.9 96.4

SL 1 3.6 3.6 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid TP 4 14.3 14.3 14.3


JR 2 7.1 7.1 21.4

KD 10 35.7 35.7 57.1

SR 8 28.6 28.6 85.7

SL 4 14.3 14.3 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 5 17.9 17.9 17.9

JR 8 28.6 28.6 46.4

KD 11 39.3 39.3 85.7

SR 2 7.1 7.1 92.9

SL 2 7.1 7.1 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 3 10.7 10.7 10.7

JR 2 7.1 7.1 17.9

KD 8 28.6 28.6 46.4

SR 7 25.0 25.0 71.4

SL 8 28.6 28.6 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 2 7.1 7.1 7.1

JR 6 21.4 21.4 28.6

KD 9 32.1 32.1 60.7

SR 10 35.7 35.7 96.4

SL 1 3.6 3.6 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 2 7.1 7.1 7.1

JR 3 10.7 10.7 17.9

KD 14 50.0 50.0 67.9

SR 9 32.1 32.1 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 2 7.1 7.1 7.1

JR 9 32.1 32.1 39.3

KD 8 28.6 28.6 67.9

SR 9 32.1 32.1 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 1 3.6 3.6 3.6

JR 4 14.3 14.3 17.9

KD 14 50.0 50.0 67.9

SR 7 25.0 25.0 92.9

SL 2 7.1 7.1 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


TP 2 7.1 7.1 7.1

JR 3 10.7 10.7 17.9

KD 13 46.4 46.4 64.3

SR 9 32.1 32.1 96.4

SL 1 3.6 3.6 100.0

Total 28 100.0 100.0


Table The Frequences and Percentage of Students’Perception on Learning

English by Using E-Learning Related to Learning Purpose



Always Often Sometime Seldom Never

N % N % N % N % N %

1 23 82,1% 4 14,3


1 3,6% - 0% - 0%


39,3% 12 42,9


4 14,3% 4 14,3


- 0%


25,0% 12 42,9


6 21,4% 3 10,7


- 0%


10,7% 9 32,1


12 42,9% 4 14,3


- 0%


3,6% 5 17,9


13 46,4% 9 32,1


- 0%

6 2 7.1% 6 21,4


11 39,3% 9 32,1


- 0%

7 5 17,9% 11 39,3


5 17,9% 6 21,4


1 3,6


8 6 21,4% 8 28,6


9 32,1% 4 14,3


1 3,6



9 2 7.1% 10 35,7


5 17,9% 10 35,7


1 3,6


10 7 25,0% 11 39,3


7 25,0% 2 7.1% 1 3,6




239,2% : 10 =


314,4% : 10

= 31,44%

260,8 : 10 =


182% : 10

= 18,2%

14.4% :



Table The Total Frequences and Percentage of Students’Perception on

Learning English by Using E-Learning Related to Learning Purpose

NO Always Often Sometime Seldom Never Total


Percentage Interpretasi


1 23 4 1 0 0 134 95,7% Very Good

2 11 12 4 4 0 123 87,9% Very Good

3 7 12 6 3 0 107 76,4% Good

4 3 9 12 4 0 95 67,9% Good

5 1 5 13 9 0 82 58,6% Enough

6 2 6 11 9 0 85 60,7% Good

7 5 11 5 6 1 97 69,3% Good

8 6 8 9 4 1 98 70% Good

9 2 10 5 10 1 86 61,4% Good


10 7 11 7 2 1 105 75% Good

MEAN 1,012 722,9% : 10

= 72,29%


Table The Frequences and Percentage of Students’Perception on Learning

English by Using E-Learning Related to Assignment



Always Often Sometime Seldom Never

N % N % N % N % N %

1 15 53,6% 7 25,0% 5 17,9% 1 3,6% - 0%

2 1 3,6% 10 35,7% 15 53,6% 1 3,6% 1 3,6%

3 4 14,3% 13 46,4% 9 32,1% 2 7,1% - 0%

4 4 14,3% 9 32,1% 10 35,7% 5 17,9% - 0%

5 3 10,7% 6 21,4% 10 35,7% 7 25,0% 2 7,1%

6 4 14,3% 7 25,0% 14 50,0% 2 7,1% 1 3,6%

7 13 46,4% 8 28,6% 4 14,3% 3 10,7% - 0%

8 4 14,3% 10 35,7% 8 28,6% 3 10,7% 3 10,7%

9 9 32,1% 13 46,4% 4 14,3% 2 7,1% - 0%

10 1 3,6% 8 28,6% 10 35,7% 8 28,6% 1 3,6%

MEAN 207,2% : 10 =


324,9% : 10

= 32,49%

317,9% : 10 =


121,4% : 10

= 12,14%

28,6% : 10=



Table The Total Frequencies and Percentage of Students’Perception on

Learning English by Using E-Learning Related to Assignment

NO Always Often Sometime Seldom Never Total


Percentage Interpretasi


1 15 7 5 1 0 120 85,7% Very Good

2 1 10 15 1 1 93 66,4% Good

3 4 13 9 2 0 103 73,6% Good

4 4 9 10 5 0 86 61,4% Good

5 3 6 10 7 2 85 58,6% Enough

6 4 7 14 2 1 95 67,9% Good

7 13 8 4 3 0 115 82,1% Good

8 4 10 8 3 3 93 66,4% Good

9 9 13 4 2 0 113 80,7% Very Good

10 1 8 10 8 1 84 60% Enough

MEAN 987 702,8% : 10

= 70,28%


Table The Frequences and Percentage of Students’Perception on Learning

English by Using E-Learning Related to Feedback




Always Often Sometime Seldom Never

N % N % N % N % N %

1 1 3,6% 5 17,9% 12 7,1% 8 28,6


2 7,1%


3,6% 5 17,9% 15 53,6% 6 21,4


1 3,6%


14,3% 8 28,6% 10 35,7% 2 7,1% 4 14,3



7.1% 2 7.1% 11 39,3% 8 28,6


5 17,9



28,6% 7 25,0% 8 28,6% 2 7,1% 3 10,7


6 2 7.1% 6 21,14


9 32,1% 10 35,7


1 3.6%

7 - 0% 9 32,1% 14 50,0% 3 10,7


2 7,1%

8 - 0% 9 32,1% 8 28,6% 9 32,1


2 7,1%

9 2 7.1% 7 25,0% 14 50,0% 4 14,3


1 3,6%

10 1 3,6% 9 32,1% 13 46,4% 3 10,7


2 7,1%




75% : 10 =


206,84% :

10 = 20,68%

371,4 : 10 =


196,3 : 10

= 19,63%

82,1% :

10= 8,21%

Table The Total Frequencies and Percentage of Students’Perception on

Learning English by Using E-Learning Related to Feedback

NO Always Often Sometime Seldom Never Total


Percentage Interpretasi


1 1 5 12 8 2 79 56,4% Enough

2 1 5 15 6 1 83 59,3% Enough

3 4 8 10 2 4 87 62,1% Good

4 2 2 11 8 5 72 51,4% Enough

5 8 7 8 2 3 99 70,7% Good

6 2 6 9 10 1 82 58,6% Enough

7 0 9 14 3 2 86 61,4% Good

8 0 9 8 9 2 80 57,1% Enough

9 2 7 14 4 1 88 62,9% Good

10 1 9 13 3 2 88 62,9% Good

MEAN 987 602,8% : 10

= 60,3%



Interview dengan Guru Mapel



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