itt Grass String Der Geheime Agent - Forgotten Books


Transcript of itt Grass String Der Geheime Agent - Forgotten Books

fiitt grass S tring





E. L. M ILN ER- BA RRY , M .A .,






6 3 38 5 0

Quai nt



THE text o f this editio n o f the Gellez'

mer Agen t is from


s Thea ter, erster Band, Stut tgart , Verlag vo n

CarlK rabb e, but the spelling has been revised to c o nfo rm

to the rules o f the New Orthography.

The referen c es Eve and Paulare to H. W. Eve’

s Selzool

German Gramma r , 3rd edit io n ,Lo ndo n ,

Nut t, 1886, and

to Herm an n Paul’s M fi ellzoelzdeutselze Gramma tik, zweite

Auflage, Halle, Niemeyer, 1884. Paul’

s trea tm en t o f

M iddle High Germ an syn tax is o ften illus trative o f curious

m odern German c o n struc tio n s and this mus t b e m y excuse

fo r referring to his wo rk in an editio n o f a m o dern Germ an


I have also derived a ss is tan c e from Brandt’

s Gramma r

qf tlze German La nguage, 5th editio n , Bo s to n , Allyn and

Bac o n , I89I.

In c o n clusio n , Iwould express my great o bligatio n s to

the Rev. J. W. Cartm ell, M .A., Fellow and Tuto r o f

Chris t’

s College, Camb ridge, fo r kind help in reading the

p ro o fs and fo r m any valuable suggestio n s which are in c o r

po rated in the n o tes to the presen t volum e.



18 7uly , 1894.



FRIEDRICH Wilhelm Hacklander was b o rn a t Burtscheid

n ear Aix -la - Chapelle o n the firs t o f No vem ber 18 16. Left an

o rphan when o nly twelve years old, he was appren t iced to a busin es s an d, with the exc eptio n o f a sho rt t im e spen t in the arm y,pursued a c ommerc ialc areer t illthe year 1840 , when he wen tto S tut tgart an d s tarted as a jo urn alis t an d autho r by c o n tribut

ing to the Emergenblatt h is QSiIber ans bent Golbatenlebm im 8rieben,‘ P ic tures o f a soldier

’s life in t im es o f pea c e.

’The public at io n

o f these sket ches in bo ok fo rm ob ta ined fo r Ha ckléin der just

rec ogn it io n o f his talen t s . After a tour in the Eas t influen t ial

friends rec ommended him t o the King o f W iirtemberg, whos o o n appo in ted h im Sec retary to the Crown Prin c e and c o n

ferred o n h im the title o f é oftat.

Hacklander had n ow ample leisure t o devo te to litera ture

and published am o ng o ther wo rks SDaguet t otnpen—an ac c oun t o f

h is eas tern tour—a nd QBadjtfluBenabcnteuet—‘Guardro om Adven

tures .

’The years 1844

—1846 were Spen t in ac c om panying the

Crown Prin ce o n h is travels through Italy, Belgium and Ger

m any. Hacklander wa s dism is sed from the servic e o f the king

o fWiirtem berg in 1849, owing to the in trigues o f his enem ies atthe Court

,but he wa s perm it ted t o draw h is fullsalary an nually

as a pen s io n . He n ext jo ined the s taff o f Baro n Co t ta’s fam o us

paper the allgcmeine Beitang, which he represen ted, as Spec ial

c o rrespo nden t, in the war be tween Aus tria and Italy. His

sketches 6 oIbatmIeben int fi ricge—‘A soldier’s life in t im es o fwa r,

a re the outc om e o f this expedit io n . He a c c om pan ied Prus s ia n

viii INTROD UCT] 0 1V.

tro ops in the campa ign in Baden in 1849 and witnes sed the

clo se o f the revolut io n there. Sho rtly afterwards he m arried

Ka roline Opitz , a descendan t o f the old S iles ian po et Mart in

Opitz . During the next ten years Hackliinder published num e

rous n ovels in cluding fianbclunb QBanbeland fib er augenblid bee

Olfxdé , an d turn ing h is a t ten t io n to dram at ic litera ture produc ed

several c om edies and farc es . His bes t kn own c om edy Q t :geljeime agent appeared in 1850 and so o n es tablished it self as a

s tandard play o n the Germ an s tage.

In 1859, war having again b roken out between Aus tria

and Italy, the Empero r Fran c is j o seph summ o n ed Hacklander

to his headquarters a t Vero n a an d c omm iss io n ed h im to write

an ac c oun t o f the c ampa ign . But the defea t o f the Aus t ria n

tro o ps a t Solferin o (jun e 24th, 1859) ab ruptly ended the c am

pa ign , and Hacklander’s a c c oun t wa s n ever writ ten . Ha ckli n

der return ed to S tut tgart and reen tered theWiirtem b erg servic eas Oartme unb éb ausmirector, an o ffic e o f which he was deprivedo n the suc c es s io n o f Prin c e Cha rles to the thro ne in 1864.

The rem a in ing years o f h is life Hackl'

ander spen t partly a t

S tut tgar t, partly a t Leo n i o n the lake o f S tam b erg nea r Mun ic h .

He published n um erous o ther n o vels , c o n t inued to ed it the

illus t ra ted paper fiber Saab unb 5mm , o f whic h he had had c ha rge

s in c e 1859, an d prepared a c ollec ted edit io n o f h is own wo rks,

which was is sued in 60 volum es from 1863—1874. He died a t

Leo n i o n the s ixth o f july 1877. His m em o irs, which appeared

po s thum o usly un der the t itle Oct 910mm! m ince fitbené , b reak o ff

with the year 1849.

(From the Qtftgcmeim SDcutfdje fi iograpbic.)



THE Duke of a petty German State has returned to hi s capital.During his m ino rity and later, during his travels, the go vernm en t has

b een in the hands o f his m o ther the Duchess . He bec om es o n his

return the reign ing Duke, but o nly in nam e, fo r his m o ther, the PrimeM in ister and the Lo rd Steward o f the Court are determ in ed to retain

alla c tualpower, and he is , at first , unable to defeat their schem es .

Sc . 1. Coun t Steinhausen the Prim e M in ister wishes to b ring a

m a t ter o f impo rtan ce to the n o tice o f the Duke ; the Duke c ompla in stha t allaffairs are set tled by his m o ther and the m embers o f the Coun c ilbefo re he is co nsulted . Steinhausen throws the respo n sib ility o n the

Duchess,and info rms the Duke that she is displeased that he has thrown

o pen the grounds o f his cas tle o n Sundays . The Duke insis ts tha t thePrim e M in is ter and Members o f the Coun c ilshould n o t m eddle with his

Sc . 2. The Coun c illo rs are summ o ned to an audien ce wi th theDuchess .

Sc . 3 . The Duke soliloquises o n his unfo rtuna te po sition . Eager

fo r refo rm he is c o nfro n ted at every turn by the Oppo sit io n o f his

m o ther and her party. Perso n ally he is c o nvin c ed tha t his subjec tsurgen tly desire the ab olitio n o f the old sys tem .

Sc . 4. The Duke m eets his c ousin Eugen ie (cf. Ac t iii. Sc . He

has always regarded her with feelings o f affec tio n , and fo r a lo ng t im e

they have been sec retly engaged. Eugen ie in fo rm s the Duke tha t hism o ther is a ttempting to arrange a ma tch b etween him and the Prin c ess

Amalie o f Brunswick. The Duke is very angry and asks advice fromEugen ie a s to wha t course he is to pursue ; she dissuades him from

res o rting to violen t m easures . The Duke expounds to her his plan o f

pretending to b ring to the c ourt a‘ Sec ret Agen t ,

’an inven t io n by

which he hopes to win back his legitim a te po sit io n as ruler o f the s ta te,


and he asks her to prom ise to give him her hand as a reward , if hisefl


o rts are suc cessful.

Sea. 5 , 6 . The Duchess en ters and, after Eugenie has go ne, info rmsthe Duke tha t she wishes t o pro vide her with a suitable husban d. The

Duke turns the c o n versat io n and, when his m o ther is o n the po in t o fdis cussing the ques tio n o f his own marriage, he sto ps her by reques t ingher perm iss io n to invite to the capitala friend in whom he can c o n fide.

The Duc hess is disappo in ted when she learns tha t the friend is o f them ale sex, and po in ts out tha t this c o nfiden tialadviser willn o t b e viewedwith any favour by her so n

’s subjec ts . The Duke m en tio ns tha t his

friend willn o t appear at Court, and that he willbe kn own as his ‘ Sec ret

Agen t .’ He turns Eugen ie

s in fo rma tio n to go od ac c oun t and tells his

m o ther tha t his Agen t has already info rm ed him tha t a marriage is beingarranged between h im and the Prin cess Amalie, and repro aches her fo rac ting in this m a t ter without c o nsulting him . His m o ther then revertsto the subject o f Sunday ob servan ce ; the Duke assures her she shallhave n o fii rther c ause o f com plain t .

Sc . 1. The Duke info rm s his valet that he is expec ting a vis ito r whois to be invisible t o everyo ne, an d b ids him ann oun ce his Agen t at five

o’clo c k.

Sc . 8 . The valet is m ys tified, but hopes tha t the Agen t willhelpto further his own schem es .

Sc . 9. The Lo rd Steward and Steinhausen dis cus s the clo sing o f thegrounds o n Sundays .

Sc . 10 . The Duchess en ters and ann oun c es tha t the grounds willbeclo sed, tha t she has already m en t io ned the pro jec ted m atch with Am alie

t o her so n , and that the Sec ret Agen t, who willsho rtly arrive, has beenhelpfulto her in this ma t ter . The Prim e Min is ter as sures the Duchesshe willkeep a stric t wa tch o n the Agen t ’s pro c eedings .

Sc . 11. The arrival o f the Agen t is an n oun c ed . S teinhausenn o t ic ing the Lo rd S teward ’

s un eas iness do es his best to in c rease it

by po in t ing out that the arrivalo f the Agen t m ay be a firs t step to wardsthe d ism issalo f som e o f the Duke’s servan ts .


Sc . 1. The Lo rd Steward solilo quises . Fo r thirty years he hasplayed the chief part at the Court and n ow he is c o nfro n ted by a m ys teryhe c an n o t fathom . He c an n o t appro ac h the Agen t and so feels it h is

duty to info rm the Duke tha t ugly rumours are aflo at ab out him . The

IN T180 0 UCT] 0 2V. xi

soliloquy is interrupted by the en tran c e o f Steinhausen who , as he says ,has b een c om pelled aga in st his will to lis ten to the Lo rd S teward


tirade. Steinhausen fully agrees with the Lo rd Steward and theydeterm in e t o suppo rt ea ch o ther in the c om ing struggle. The Lo rd

Steward then seeks an audien ce with the Duchess in o rder to assure her

o f his devo tio n to her in teres ts .

80 . 2. Steinhausen reflec ts o n the b est method o f combating the

n ew in fluen ce. Either he and his allies must c om b ine and defy all

c om ers , o r they must pruden tly give way and thus secure a b et ter

fo o ting with the Duke. He learns from a m emb er o f the Coun c ilthata young man arrived the previous even ing, sto pped h is c arriage outside

the town and disappeared in the cas tle garden : also that in the opin io no f the po pulace the Agen t has been b rought to en able the Duke toc o n trolhis m in isters .

Sc . 3 . The valet ann oun c es tha t the Duke do es n o t require the

presen ce o f his m in is ters as he willga in alln ec essary in fo rm a tio n from

an o ther chann el. To firrther ques tio n s the valet replies tha t the Dukeis wo rking with his Agen t . The o ther Coun c illo rs withdraw,

and Stein

hausen requests an in terview with the Duke o n impo rtan t business .

So . 4. The Duke tells Steinhausen that his Agen t has alreadyacquain ted him with every deta ilo f the affa irs o f the realm . Stein

hausen asks perm iss io n t o presen t his n ephew Oscar whom , as he

info rms the Duke in c o nfiden ce, the Duchess has selec ted as the future

husband of Eugen ie. The Duke makes Steinhausen believe that he hasalready b een info rm ed o f this sec ret b y h is Agen t . Steinhausen isas tounded, m akes excuses fo r his fo rmer rem is sn ess and promises thatin the future he willdevo te allhis energies to the service o f the Duke.

He then shows him a despat ch from the Duchess to the Bava rian Co urt(cf. Sc . The Duke c o n ceals his anger and assures Steinhausenhe was already aware o f the c ommun ic at io n . At the end o f the in ter

view the Duke m eets Eugen ie an d tells her how suc cessfully the ‘ Sec ret

Agen t’is turn ing out .

Sc . 5 . The Duchess en ters and after Eugen ie has left the ro om

at tem pts, but without suc ces s, to induce the Duke to disc uss the m arriage

which she wishes to prom o te between her and Osc ar.Sc . 6 . Osc ar S teinhausen is in tro duced. The Duke stands by the

window. After som e tim e he an n oun ces that he has jus t o b served hisAgen t in the garden . S teinhausen in s truc ts Oscar to go down and

m ake the Agen t ’s acquain tan ce, and the Lo rd Steward also s tarts o n a

like errand .

x11 IN TR OD UC’

T] 0 1V.

Sc . 7 . Steinhausen expresses his grat itude to the Duchess fo r them atch which is to take place between his n ephew and Eugen ie, but is

doub tfulwhether the Duke willbe equally pleased . He hin ts that itm ight b e better to m odify their treatm en t o f the Duke ; the Duchess willno t agree to this, and assures S teinhausen tha t her so n has o nly o b tainedh is info rm a t io n ab out the propo sed m arriage by a m ere chan ce.

8 0 . 8 . The Duke tells his m o ther tha t s in c e the adven t o f his Agen tfac ts have been b rought to his n o t ice which have induced him to devo tegreater a tten t io n to the affairs o f state. He rem arks tha t he and he

alo ne has power to dec ide o n h is own m arriage, and takes the Duchessto task fo r trying to arrange a ma tch between Oscar and Eugen ie withoutc o n sulting him as the head o f the fam ily. He then charges her wi thm aking an allian ce with Bavaria , unkn own to him (cf. Sc . and

info rm s her tha t he has issued fresh in struc t io ns to their represen tative a t the Bavarian Court .

80 . 9 . The Duchess c om plains to Steinhausen that alltheir plan sare known to her so n . S tein hausen pro fesses asto n ishm en t , but assuresher tha t he is m aking every effo rt to solve the m ys tery o f the Agen t .The Duchess tells Steinhausen o f her in ten t io n to m o ve to her castleCaserta, and believes that her son will n o t o bjec t to her leaving the

c apitalat the pres en t jun c ture.

Sc . 10 . The Lo rd Steward, who is puz zled, c o n sults Steinhausen as

to the m ean ing o f this new m o ve.

Sc . 11 . S teinhausen resolves to ingrat ia te himself with the Duke bypreven ting the journey.

Sc . 12. Steinhausen so wo rks upo n the feelings o f the Lo rd Stewardtha t he is quite prepar ed to hazard everything to sto p the journey.When the Duchess asks the Lo rd Steward if the c arriages are ready, heis c o n fused and hes itates, and S teinhausen info rm s her that the Agen thas o rdered that n o c arriages are to leave the c as tle that even ing. The

Duchess po stpo n es her journey t illthe m o rrow.


80 . 1 . The Duke is at a lo ss to ac c ount fo r the strange o rder which‘his Agen t

’is said to have issued the n ight befo re. The valet, a perso n

o f impo rtan ce under the n ew régim e, enlighten s h im as to the pro po sedjourney to Caserta . The Duke c o n cludes that Steinhausen mus t haveissued the o rder, and in s truc t s h is valet to give him a hin t tha t theAgen t has c om plain ed ab out h im .

IN TROD UCT] 0 1V. xiii

Sc . 2. The valet pro c eeds to do so , whereupo n Steinhausen begshim to pro cure him an in terview with the Agen t . This the valet undertakes to do . Steinhausen m akes up his m ind that the Lo rd Stewardhas betrayed him to the Duke.

Sc . 3. Oscar repo rts to his un cle tha t he has seen the Agen t , a mano f ab out h is own age. Steinhausen tells his n ephew how dangerous

the s ituatio n is , and un folds to him his plan o f marrying him to Eugen ie.

Sc . 4. The Lo rd Steward en ters fresh from a c o nversat io n with theAgen t , whom he desc ribes as a s toutish man o f ab out his own age.

S teinhausen is imm en sely amused at this and assures him that theAgen t is a young man and a c ollege friend o f Oscar’s .

Sc . 6 . The Lo rd S teward left to him self abuses the Steinhausens .The valet en ters and after som e co nversatio n prom ises the Lo rd Stewardan in terview with the Agen t .

Sc . 6 . The Duke and Eugen ie discuss the state o f affairs . Eugen ie

tells him tha t she has been summ o n ed to the presen c e o f the Duchess ,n o doub t to be info rm ed about the pro po sed m arriage, and prom ises toac t in such a way as to win the appro valo f the Sec ret Agen t .

Sc . 7 . The Duchess tells Eugen ie tha t she has found her a suitable

husband in Osc ar . Eugen ie c omplains tha t the Duchess has n o t taken

her in to her c o n fiden ce befo re, and disclo ses the fac t that she lo vesan o ther, the Sec ret Agen t . The Duchess having left the stage, the

Duke, who has o verheard the la tter part o f the in terview, expresses histhanks to Eugen ie.


Sc . 1. The Duchess b itterly repro aches her so n fo r b ringing the

Agen t to the Court . The Duke defends his Agen t and urges his m o therto dism iss her old m in is ters . This she refuses to do .

Sc. 2. The Lo rd S teward and Osc ar discuss the sc en e which hasjus t taken plac e between the Duke and Duchess . Osc ar haz ards theo pin io n that the Agen t o nly exists in the im agina tio n o f the Duke, b utthe Lo rd S teward assures Oscar o f the exis ten ce o f the Agen t , as

Eugen ie ha s c o n fessed that she lo ves him . Oscar resolves to take theAgen t to task fo r presum ing to lo ve Eugen ie .

Sc . 3. The valet solilo quises o n the grea tnes s he has n ow achieved .

Sc . 4. The Duke and Duchess agree tha t the Duchess shallsee theAgen t and, if she thinks fit , dism iss him from the Court ; in return fo r

this she is to b reak o ff the projec ted m a t ch with Am alie. It is arranged

xiv [ NT] ? UCT] 0 1V.

that the Agen t shallen ter the drawing - ro om in the even ing and handthe Duchess a sc rap o f paper.

806 . 6, 6. In the dusk Steinhausen an d the Lo rd Steward c ome to

the Duke’

s ro om to have their in terviews with the Agen t . The valethas info rmed the Duke that they are c om ing, and he m akes up his m indto prevent explanat io n s between the two . Steinhausen and the Lo rd

Steward rec ogn ise each o ther. Each is n ow c o n vinced that the o ther isthe Duke’s Sec ret Agen t . The Duke en ters and enjo ys their c o nfusio n .

The Lo rd S tewa rd is left alo ne and is jo ined by Osc ar, who quest io n shim as to whether he has any fresh info rmatio n abo ut the Agen t, as he .

wishes to challenge him fo r m aking lo ve to Eugen ie. Further c o nversatio n is put an end to by the appro ach o f the Duchess .

80 . 7 . In the presence o f the Court Steinhausen b rings the Duchessa piece o f paper from the Duke. The Duchess sees in Steinhausen theSecret Agen t, upbra ids him fo r his baseness and b ids him bego ne. She

then c omplains to the Lo rd Steward o f S teinhausen’

s perfidy.

Sc . 6. Steinhausen reflec ts what c ourse he had best take. He

resolves to info rm the Duchess that the Lo rd Steward is her so n ’

s Sec ret

Agen t .

80 . 9 . The Lo rd S teward c ommun ic ates to S teinhausen the c o n

ten ts o f a letter from the Duchess to the Duke, in which she agrees todismiss the old m in isters, pro vided that the

Duke does n o t include any

o f them in the n ew c ab inet . The Lo rd S teward and Steinhausenac cuse each o ther o f being the Sec ret Agen t .

80 . 10 . The valet en ters and ann oun ces tha t the Duke wishes tosee the Lo rd Steward, but is a t presen t engaged with his Sec ret Agen t .The Lo rd S teward go es to the presen ce o f the Duke. S teinhausen ,

believing him self ruined, sinks down in to an arm -chair.


80 . 1 . S teinhausen m editates o n wha t the day will b ring fo rth .

He c o n cludes tha t the Duke him self is the autho r o f his fall. As a la s t

reso urc e he resolves to hurry o n the un io n o fOsc ar to Eugen ie.

80 . 2. He info rm s Osc ar , who en ters, that he m us t prepare fo r them arriage . But Os c ar, who sees in his un cle the Sec ret Agen t and

Eugen ie’s lo ver, takes him to task. The Duke en ters and hin ts t o

S teinhausen n o t to o ffer further explanatio n s . Osc ar retires vowingvengean ce o n the Agen t . The Duke is now in fo rmed by S teinhausenthat Osc ar believes him to be the Agen t and therefo re Eugen ie’s lo ver.


The Duke, as a pro o f o f his go od will, n om inates Steinhausen Mas ter

o f the Ho rse and prom ises him tha t he shallm ake the Agen t’

s ac

qua in tan ce.

8 0 . 3 . The Lo rd S teward c ompla ins o f the c o ns tan t change o f plansby the Duchess ; he at tributes this to fresh in trigues o f S teinhausen .

Sc . 4. The Duchess repen ts her hasty ac tio n in dism issing the

m in is try, and learn s from the Lo rd Steward tha t the Duke rec eived herlet ter with perfec t equan im ity.

Sc . 6 . The Duke begs the Duchess n o t to go to Cas erta , but to staya nd give him the benefi t o f her advice. She adm its that the Duke hasw o n the day. They are rec o n c iled , and the Agen t is to disappear fromthe scen e. S teinhausen appro aches, and the Lo rd Steward begs him to

let bygo n es b e bygo nes . S teinhausen is loud in the praises o f the

Agen t . Osca r en ters, apologises to h is un cle fo r thinking him c apableo f a base ac tio n , and ann o un c es that through the in strum en tality o f theAgen t the Duke has en trus ted him with a diplom atic m issio n . The

Duchess and S teinhausen a re rec o n c iled. Eugen ie appears and is

rebuked by the Duchess fo r her wan t o f c andour. The Duke defendsEugen ie, po in ting out that she frankly c o n fessed her lo ve to the Sec retAgen t , i.e. to him self. Challenged to m ake the adm iss io n again she

do es so , and the Duke presen ts her to the Court as h is fian c ée.

g r im Ji n faua

Steidjer Galen, flljfrren int ifon'

o un’

o an teiben 6 eiten, redyte ift ein


firfter <Elnftri tt.

Q er S ergog. O raf © tein fyaufen . fib er Geheitnerat, and {Rate s

(fiber { mp g ftebt an bent S ifdje tints bieWinifler ettvaé int

Q intergrunbe.)

fi ergog. Gin!) mir an Gabe, meine fi erren ?(flue bie auf ben Orafen madjen eine tiefe i ierbmgung.)

i’lt), Oraf, C‘5 ie baben nod; etwaé auf bem b erm ? m


en G ie bi ren !O raf. Gri er murmlaucbt werben an Onaben batten,

bafi id) eine Oacbe abermalé gut S prawe ergog. l ermalé ? SDod) n icht eine 6 acbe, bie fcbon

erlebigt ift ?(fib er Oraf berbengt fi t!) tief.)

e tc werben mid) nod; ungebulbig macben. QBirb n icbt

iebe WafiregelIange barber, ebe id; and; barum meifi, nonmeinen weifen Staten reiflid) erwogen unb bann bard; meinefl utter gut gebeifien ? QBoau benn immer aufeacben 3114 norri rffommen, bie beenbigt finh?O raf. Sbre fDurcblat , bie Srau fi eraogin felbft

fliedjte nub tints b orn Sufdyaucr.

Der geheim e <agen t. [ACT I.

fi e rgog.

‘Jfi eine DinnerO raf. Jj ocbbiefelben maren ichon bamawmit ber nor.

antragenben Diafiregel burtbau6 nicbt einberfitanben unb

nur bie gemiffentjafteften Sifidfidjten fi n bie bone Dinner5 meineé g erm bewegen mid)

fi e rgog (ungebulbig). Don welcber Sfi afiregel belieben6 ie an fpredyen ? 3d; miifite bod) wabrbaftig teine, biewit , S ic, meine b erren unb id), tins erhibnt batten, inRraft treten an Iaffen, obne bie voufldnbigfie Oenebmignng

10 meiner burcblaucbtigen {St an Dinner, welcbe bie Onabe bat,uné mit ibrem bodyerleucbteten Derftanbe unb ibrer fang;

fabrigen (Srfabrung heftené an bie Jj anb an geben . Due


en 6 ie iv gut mie ich, meine «fierren. fillfo, mué bin

id; imfianbe, nngefcbeben an machen ? was [flute id) be;r5 fohlen, meine 35m m ,meld x

sIliafiregelgetroffen, bie nidjt ichongur Oentige burcbgefprocben unb b ollitirnbig erlebigt mare ?

(Der Oraf mi“fvredyen.)

Ge fei benn, bafi 6 k non etwae fprecben molten, wasm ine perfiinlicbe umgebung ober mich felbft betrifft, fiber

20 ben eingigen Smeig meiner Dermaltung alfo, in welchemid; nielleidpt Defeble erliefi, obne S ic, bie Shi te meineé bod):

feligen fier m Dateré , banon in Renntn ié an fegen. Doc!)id) willnicht bofi

’en, bafi O ie verlangen, id) folk and) bag

t t'

tber Sbre Dieinung bbren !

O raf. QBir Grier Dunbiaud fi mit («Befcbfiften ber

ernfiefien fl rt fiberbauft, wiirben uné nicht unterfteben, mennn idji bie burdylaucbtigfte {Stan fi ergogin

fi e rgog. fillfo bod)? QBaG ifl’

e benn ? Dbne 11m;

fcbtueife, lafien Oie bbren !

30 O raf. Grier Durd flaucbt gerubten an befeblen, bafi bieOérten fi i cbftibree Gdfloffeé

SC . I.] Der geheime <agen t.

b e rgog. QBaG id) in betreffmeiner Oarten an befeblengerubte, mirb, glaube id)“ niemanb fonberlicb trimmern,benn id) gernbte nur fiber bie Oarten an befeblen, meltbe

gu meinem fleinen ‘Bribatfcblofi nor ben Dboren unfereriliefibens gebbren. QBiinfcben C ie aucb Defeble biefer 21rt 5int voraue an fontrolieren ? S ci) will nicbt boffen, 65mOraf!O raf. 3d)? QBoIIen mid) Q uer Durcblaucbt um

Ootteé mitten nicbt mifiberfieben ! l er Sbre burcblaucbtige

{St an smutter finbetfi e rgog. QBaG? filcb in, it!) erinnere mid) ! sman

finbet ré mob! unpaffenb, bab icb bie («Bat ten meineé 6 cblofl’


bie ebebem ftreng abgefperrt warm, fiir jebermann gebffnet

babe . Evian finbet ea unpafienb, bafi id) mid) bort baufigim Rreife bergn iigter alienftben geige, bafi icb bort an 6 mm ; 15

tagen bie Diufit meinee iteibregimenta fpielen Iafie !O raf. 36) befenne eé , Grier Durcblaucbt ; namentlicb

baé X’ebtere bat baa [eibenbe Oemiit Sbrer burcblautbtigen

$rau sllliutter mit einigem 6 6mm ; erft'

illt. Crier DurcbeIaucbt erinnern ficb, tuie febr non jeber baraufgebalten tnurbe, 20bafi ber Cabbatb in feierlicber S tine begangen unb n icbt

burcb raufcbenbe Dergnfigungen forb oblb om fluerbbcbflenJj ofe, alé non b ombero untertbanen gefibrt unb entmeibt

uni rbe.

Jj ergog (Innis). Dian bat am [eaten Gonntage nor her 25Cremitage getaugt.O raf. Seiber, Grier Durcblaucbt, leiber !

fi eraog. Der ber Cremitage unb ant C onntag !

Oraf. Seiber, gnabigfter aberr ! (a im, wabrmb ber b e:

gog umfcbaut, ben Roltegen einen beftigen aufmnnternben Dlid 3a .) 30

‘D ie Slat e (murmefnb). St iller !

6 Der gebeiat e Jlgca t. [ACT I.

abergog (unfatmmb). fill), and) S ic, meiae «b errea, febea

bierin eta S reignié . Quid) S ie finben, bafi id; ettnaé getban,was S ie mit Gntfesen erfiillen mab. Derubigen S ie fab,mcine «berren, biefe a gelegenljeit betrifit micb gang allein,

5 unb it!) willfie and; allein beraatworten. S te finb bie

Slate meiner Shutter, bee S taate6, meine Slate, uab fomitbie Sealer alter Oefcbafte. Degai

tgea S ie fid) bamit, unb

laffen S ie rair in meinem flieicbe einen tleinen, leibcr cine

geari nnten QBinfel, in beta id; rair einbilben faan, rat tan

febraafter aberr 3a fein. QBaGba6 QBoblbee S taateé betrifft,fallen S ie uab meine burcblaucbtige {Eran Dinner Imam;

fdjrantt fcbalten unb walten, was aber anbere Dinge anbeIangt, bie mein Oemiffen allein befcbweren fbnaten, fo lafl



S ie micb bieé aneb mit mir felbft aq acben . Saffea S iemir biefe fleiae ifreibeit, biefe geringe Deraatmortlicbieit !(W t cine: b anbbtmsunso) Outen Diorgea, meiae Sw en !(Die mate gieben fab mit tiefeta Dialling bis gar Dbt


rre guriid.)llaertniglicb ! Da6 fall, ba6 wirb aaberé merben !

gweiter clilaftr itt.

Do r ige. Rammerberr‘.

Rammerberr. Sbre Durcblaucbt, bie<

{srau fi ergogin,wiinfcbt nacb ibrem Diorgenfpagiergaag bie S erren sIli ia iiier

in ibrem Rabinet 3a empfangen.

fi ergog (her in einigen §Bapieren lieft, warbt, obne aufgubliden,eine Demegnag rait ber Saab and) ber Dbfire redjte, mobin fid) bie

{Rate gart’


1 280 nid;t angegeben ifi : aue bear Rabinett redjte ober liars, format

nab gebt alleo bard; bie Di itteltbiire.

SC . III.] Der geheim e <lllgen t.

Drifter aura-ar.

Der b e rgog (allein). Slicbt einen {Sufi breit lemme icbreciter ; nur in einem beftimmten Streife berum barf icb micbfrei bewegen ; aber femie icb eiamalbea Derfutb maebe,mit eerfiebtigem S cbritt gerabe aué 3a geben,lo fiefie icb am 5

geablicflicb aufS inberniffe, mit benen man micb umgeben.

3c!) fiible micb gurudgebrangt, unb man wirft mir bei ieberS elegeabeit taufenberlei fibenn irnb filber in bea QBeg, eberman geigt mir uaubermiablicbe S cbreierigfeitea, bie icb le ibernicbt imfiaabe bin, binmegguraumea . Die Siegieruag meineé

2aabe6,mabreabmeiner sJ'

Ji inberiabrigieit unb feater mabreabmeiner langen flieifen, burcb bie Saab meiner smutter geeleitet, fell{0 fegené reicb, fe beglt


ideab gemefen feia . Dian

lagt mir baa taglicb, ftrinblicb ; man reicbte mir mar

feufgenb bie saga, al6 man fie mir unmbglicb [anger eerseatbalten fennte, aber man mieberbelte baufig babei, mieungern mein Dellgefeben, bab bie ‘Berfen bee Si egierenben

gemecbfelt teerbe, ia febte bingu, bab bieé Dell ea nicbt

ertragen murbe, aneb ba6 S bftem, unter melcbem eé fe lange

gliidlicb uab frieblicb gelebt, im geringftea beranbert an

feben . llab ba baé S aitem bellfemmea geblieben iii, febabe id) n iebleielmcbr, ale ben Siamen bee Siegierenben ;febe aber au6 bea b ielen Rlagea, bie an micb femmen, baman fie mir nicbt b ereatbaltea fann, mic febr man bergebs

lid; auf micb gebefft, mie febr man gemunfcbt, bafi icbsIliifibraucbe abfielle, melcbe lid; unter einer Slegierung bea

sJJi iaiftera eingefcblicbeu, bie geft'

ibrt bea ber fi anb einer

berrfcbfiicbtigen, aber febr frommen iimu, ibr eingigee {n ilbarin febea, bab alle6 unb aneb fie unbern

idt beim guten




filten uab bei ibrem bergebracbten fteifen QBefen verbleibe. 30

8 Der gebeira e Cblgea t . [ACT I.

Scb aber liebe baa gute 9ieue, liebe [rbblicbe Oeficbterum micb, unb mbcbte eé babin bringen, bafi, mean icb mitber einen Saab firenge netmenbige Defeble erlaffe, id) 3a

gleitber Seit bie aabere Saab gur 8reube, gum QBebltbun

5 bifnen lbnnte. (86 iii mir a idn genug, bafi man mir ges

bercbt, man [ell mir aud; gern unb freubig gebercben ;aber baeen bin icb leiber nod) [ebr meit entferat.

Dierter cblaftri tt.

S ergeg. S ergegin. Dr iagefl'


S ergogin (gum Slammerberrn, ber ibr bieDbure effnet). S inbbieElliin ift


er in meinemRabinett ? (gum Sergog z) Outen Elliot ;

gen, lieber S ebn ! SCI) babe einen slliergenfbaaiergang ges

macbt unb micb, mie immer, emfig mit bir befcbaftigt. 3d)teiinkbte bicb nacbber eiaea fl ageablid an [pretbea

15 S ergeg. 3a Sbrea Defeblen, smama !

(S ie gebt in baa Simmer reebte, bie iBringeflin macbt eine Derbeuguagnab bleibt itn S alon. Der s atamerberr burcb bie Skitte ab.)

S ergog (fiebt [icb ferfdjenb and; alien S eiten am unb eilt bana

ant bie éBringefiin 3a). Gablicb, Sugeaie, iii es mir eergbnnt,ao S ie einen 2lugenblicf allein 3a [eben l

‘Br ingefi'

ia . Suer DurcblaucbtS ergeg. Smmer Suer Durcblautbt ! D, Sugenie, icb

babe mit Sbuca ein befenbereé ungliicf. S ie allein [ebeain mir beftaabig nur bea S erra, mabreab alle anbet en bet ;

25 traulicb mit mir umgeben ; (bitter Iacbeab) bei S ett ! b ertranlicber, unenblicb berablafi



Dr ingefi'

in. QBeilicb eiae eon ben QBenigen bin, biees mit Suer Durcblaucbt effen uab ebrlicb meinen .

S ergeg. Dbun S ie ba6 mirflicb, (Eugenie ? Dfien

10 Der gebeim e agen t. [ACT I.

S craeg. S ic macbcn mid) neugierig. S eit mann (at.tea as meine sIllinificr ber ‘Dh


ibc inert gcfunben, [icb eraiilicbmit mir gu bcfcbaftigen§Brin3cffin . S crabe in biciem filugcnblidc. Decb news

5 rebe id) iii [cbr unrecbt, Sbuca bic c cimnifl'

c Sbrcr

Diuttcr gu ecrratcn, S ebcimnific, bie icb gufallig crfabrcn.

S ergeg. S ebcimniffc ? QBillman micb eicllcicbt micberunter Dormunbicbaft fiellcn, crfcbcint bicllcicbt [egar ber fleincS cbcin eon S crrfcbaft, bcn icb babe, in b id, gu uncrtraglieb ?921m, (Cragcaie?sBr iagefi



sman millS ic ecrmablcn !S ergeg.

sIllicb ecrmablcn ? slli icb eermablen !? Da

S ic mir ca fagen, mufi icb eé glauben, willeé gcrn glauben.

S ebea S ic, mic icb oer 8reube erslttcre. Sat meine fl utterls cinmaltoabr uab rearm fiir micb gcfiiblt, bat [re mit ibrcm[cbarfcn Qlugc enblicb catbccft, was S ic mir fiab, Gugcnic ?S ic [dyweigcmS ic [cbutteln bea Reef! Dci S eit ! S ic

macbcn micb ungebulbig !sBringcffin . Da icb cs Sbacn fage, mein fibril, bafi

2o bic S ergegia an bcm Sefc bea Drauafcbmeig cine S c;

mablin fur S ic gcfucbt unb [tir S ic gcfunben bat, mcrbcn

S ic cé mir glauben unb aué ber Sliciignatien, mit mclcbcr

icb oer Sbuca bebe, entnebmen, mic mabr unb aufricbtigicb gu Sbrcm Dcftcn allcm, allcm Olude catfagt.

25 S crgog. unb icb [elite Sbuca entfagcn ?— n ic !

Seb [ellmicb ecrmablca, cine Siren acbmen, bie icb aicbt

icnne, nieblliebe ? unb icb [ellbulbcn, bab man baa bertbrinncn attcnmafiig auemacbt ? Stein, baa Emailift bell, lebwillgeigen, mcr S err ift !

30sBr iagcfl


ia. llatcrncbmcn S ic nicbté , S ergeg ! QBaG

mellcn S ic tbun, ebnc S ic, ebnc micb 3a fempremitticrcn ?

SC . Iv.] Der gebeim e Digen i. II

S ergeg. Staten S ic mir, (Eugenie ! S ic [inb cin

flugcé Diabcbca, S ic meinen cs gut mit mir. Sbr Slat

mar ia immer, mean aucb biemcilcn bart fur micb, meblgemeint, bcna er tam aué einem fiiblcnbcn S emen.

‘Br ingcfiin. Sebcr S cbritt, bea S ic gegen bea Dc; 5

[cblufi Sbrcr Di iniftcr tbua, ift, mic bie S acbca li eben,leiber gegen Sbrc Diuttcr gcricbtct, S ic ibuacu aicbt aufcinmal eficn unb traftig auftreten, S ic babcn 5a [orgies

gelebt. S ic babcn bie Rrene mic eia S piclgcug iibcraem2

mca uab burcb S iagcbuagcn aabcrcr bi6bcr mic ein S picb 10

scug bcbanbclt. Dian bat S ic I'

ibcrliftct, inbcm man S ic

glauben matbte, nur auf [elcbe an tbnac baa Si cgimcat

in Sbrcr Saab [i n has Saab [cgcné rcicb mit ten nur [elange feien S ic bei Sbrcm Dell cin beliebtcr S crrfcbcr,nié S ic ber ficitung Sbrcr Diuttcr uab Sbrer Slate uabce 15bingt felgcn. Olaubea S ic mir, 1


cbc gcmaltfamc Diafircgcl

murbc man Sbuca, bcr in gar feiner Dcrbinbungmit feinemDelic ftcbt, al6 frcb cntlicbcn fibermut unb alé uaubcrlegtc

3crftbrungéluft an allem bem auelcgcn, mué bie S crgogin

gum S lade Sbrcr llntcrtbancn gctban.

S ergeg. 3d) will bamit anfangen, eia ncucé finialftcrium 3a crncnnen, it!) willc6 nué iiiagcrcn, gut meincnbcnbeliebten Scutcu gufammcnfeben. 36) will ibaca [agcn zgebt mir Sucrn Stat, leitet micb auf bcr fcbmicrigcn Dabn,bié icb [clbft [icbcr geben lerac.iBr ingcffi n . S ic werben nicbt burcbbringcn,mein {flirt} .

QBcr mirb Sbrc {Bertcfcuillcé ebae 3ui'

timmungSbrcr smuntcr annebmcn ? Scb [cbe bea Sail, S ic marcn mirilicbimftaabe, bie altcn minificr 3a eatfcrnea, murbc baburcbin Sbrer Sage ctteaé gcanbcrt ? D batten S ic ciacn Sreuab, 30ba Sbuca traftig gur S eite [tunbel

12 Der geheim e agen t. [ACT I.

S craeg. QIS mitrbc mir eia Srcunb in bicfcm Salleaiibea, miifitc er fiS niSt [clbit erft baa Dcrtrauca bc6

Qanbcé gewinnen, miifitc cr [icb niSt [elbft erfi bincinar.

briten in baa Sabbrintb eon Sntrigucn, baa mid) rings5 umgiebt. unb me tft eia Srcunb ? fiBie [cltea babcn

Sti rftcn mirflicbe Srcunbc unb ein [Seinbarcn cin falfcbcr

8reuab, bcm iS miS belliemmea anbcrtraute, mare neS

[Slimmer [ti t miS. Sanbc [icb miritiS cine traffigc S aab,bie imiianbc mare, baa illegiment bcn icbigcn Diacbtbabern

10 31! entminben, [0 iii 3a bcbcntcn, bafi baa fli cgicrcn [rib iii

er miirbc b iellcicbt bic Stigelnur in fe iner Saab bcbaltca .

‘Br ingefl’

in. fi ber me eia fl uemeg?

S ergog. SS mtiétc b icllciSt ciacn unb mbcbtc Sbrcn

SRat barubcr berncbmcn. Sbren S ic mirb. Si cbmc it!) an15 mein en Staten eon meinen untcrtbancn, melScn icb mill,eber berufe leb ciacn 8t emben, ca mirb niStfi belfcn ; er

mirb [cine S Smé cbcn babcn, man mirb bicfe 3a beniibcnmifl

en unb micb nur neS fc[ter umgarnen . SS millregicrcn, abet mit S trife cinc6 gcbcimcn fi gcntcn, ber new

no temmca mein Defies mill, bcr icinca DcftcSungcn gugangr[icb iii, [fir icbcrmann unficbtbat , nur eon mir gciannt.


in . unb mo mare cin [elcbcé Rlciaeb an

finbcn ?

S ergeg. illicbt unter bea lcbcnbca flBcfcn, abcr unfcrc25

‘Bbantafie [ell ibn [Saffcn SS [precbc gclcgcntlicb au6,

icmanb, bea iS auf meincn Steifen icnncn gclcrnt, melle[icb cine Seit lang in bicfcr S tabt aufbaltcn . Seb fligcbei, bab er cincr bcr gcbilbetftcn, gciftrciSficn unb beaneScincr bcr d cibcnflcn illicnfScn [ei, unb bafi er bcé balb

3° mein fi atgebcr, mein Sreunb werben [elle Decb ba icbmt


tfite, mic b iclc [ab bcmt'

ibea mcrbcn, bicfcn Siatgcbcr gum

SC . Iv .] Der geheim e (agen t. I3

SBcrtgcugc ibrcé cigcncn Sbrgciacé unb ibrcr Sntriguen an

macbcn, [e melle icb, bafi er unflS tbar [tic bca gangcn S efbleibe .SBr i-ngcfi


ia . Sib, icb beriiebc (Eucr DurSlaucbt cineeertrcfflicbc Sbcc ! S ic [cbafien [icb cine un[icbtbarc sIliacbt,bic um [o gcfiirStctcr i[t, gerabe mcil[ir unficbtbar miritunb mcilbie slicrfi

mlicbicit, in ber [ic liegt, [cbcrmann une

gugangliS bleibt . S cben bcr S laubc an baa Da[ein cincé

[elcbcn SBe[cn8 mirb allc cr[cbrccfcn unb Sliifitraucn in bie

S licbcr Sbrcr<

{iciabc werfen . S ic berlicrcn

ibrc S icberbeit, ba [ic [icb uafiStbar bcobacbtct glauben.

S eraeg. Sa, icb [tibia bier! ift baa cingigcslJiittcl, um

bie S tellung, bic mir gcbbrt, gu crringen . Decb mic [Smcr

mirb mir bic Slrbeit merbca, mean S ic mir niSt ciacn

[tibcn Sebn ecrbcifien . Sugcnic, icb taan ben S ebanien

n icbt ertragen, S ic ic 3a b erlieren, S ic, bie icb [e innigliebe, bie [e eicl[fir micb gctban .

SBringefiin . QBaé bin icb, gegen bcn berrliScn (8cbanica, [iir Sbr Deli, Sbe Saab au arbeiten, $au[cnbcglitcflicb 3a macbcn !

S craeg. 3am S ilicle meineé Sanbce ber[precbc icb, [eb id in meinen Rriiftcn [tcbt, cin reblicbcr, guter S crr[cbergu [cin. Siber la[[cn S ic miS baiti t cine Delobnuagbeffcn, Sugcnic !

‘Briagcfiin . Sbe Demufidcin, DurSlaucbt !

S ergeg. unb Sbrc S aab, (liugcnic ; [te [ci bcr [cbbnc‘Brcié , mean mir [icgen .

SBr ingefiin. Ellie obne bie S iamilligung Sbrcr smutter.S ergeg.

sllber mit bic[cr S inmilliguag? 11n[er gee

beimer Sigcat [ellmir bic[c S inmilligung ecr[Sa[fcn .

SBringcfiin . S till! man iommt !


Der gebeim e agen t. [ACT I.

Sliiafter Ji ttftri tt.

Der ige. D ieS ergegia. (DieDringefl'

ia macbt cine tiefeDerbeu

gung, bieSergegia fi‘

ifit [ie bagegen aufbie S tirn.)

Slbicu, mein fi inb ; bu bfittefl nicbt auf miS gu marten5 gcbraudyt. Der bcr Dafclfebea mir uné miebcr.

Dr ingcfl’

in. SS mufitc niSt, eb meine gaabigc DanteneebDcfcblc [fir miS batten . (an)

Decbs ter tIlluftri tt.

S ergeg. S ergegia.

S ergegin (ibr aacb[cbeab). S in guice, licbcnémt'


Riab, folg[am unb mir [e attacbicrt ; icb mufi [ic mabrbaftiglebcn,mein S ebn, ebglcicb icbmcifi, bafibu ibr niSt bc[enbcr6augetban bift. Di ir miiffcn an ibrc Sulunft beaten, cine

gutc Dartic [fir [ic finbcn .

15 S ergeg. SS babe nicbté gegen bie Dringcfi'

in, unb

mitn[cbc ibr aufricbtig cine gliicfliSe Suiunft. DoS mirbcineDan ie [Steer [fir [ic gu [inbcn [cin.

S ergegin . Daé [ci un[et e S erge .S craog. Sbrc, liebe Diama !

2° S ergegin (met). SS merbc miS bcr S aSe mit allcr

Rraft annebmen .

S ergeg. S ic erlauben mir, liebe Diama, Sbuca meineSt eube auégubriicfcn, bab icb S ic bcute mergcn in [e erfreueliScm DSebl[cin finbc. Der Diergenfpagicrgang bat S ic

25 auficrorbcntliS geftfirit. S ic febea [emob! aué , S ic [precbca[e lebenbig.

S ergogia (bibslicbmit [Smacber unb trauler S timme). D mein

SC. VL] Der gebeim e Dgea t. 15

S ett ! S efunbbcit ! n icbts ale Slufrcgung, tibcr[banatcSi en na ! SS [iiblemiS [cbr leibcnb lafi miS nicbcrfibcn.

S crgog (fitbrt [ie in einem Santeuil). Ché re m am an, S ic

arbeiten au eicl, S ic [trengcn [icb I'

ibcrmdfiig an, baa tann

auf bie Silage unmbglicb [e fortgeben . Sn bcr S bat, S ic 5miif[cn [icb mcbr [SencnS c raegin . D mein S obn, bic[c Slrbeit ift mir [iifi,

bcnn icb arbeite [i'

lt bicb, inbem it!) [fit baa SBeblbcé Sanbcéarbcitc.

S ergeg. Siber bie b ielen unangcncbmcn 10

Diama ! S ic [elltcn baé mir iibcrlaficn ; Sbre aartc @c[unb2

beit faan bcrglcicbcn immcrmiibrenbe fatiguante S ecuca n iStertragen .

S ergegin . S crabe bie unangcncbmcn Dingc mbcbtc icbbir erfparen. SS millgang fiir biS cinftcben unb trifft 15irgenb cin Dermurf bie Slicgierung, [e [eller micb treffen .

Siber in ber Dbat, icb bin [cbr leibcnb. Daé S prccbcn greiftmiS an unb beS battc icb mir bergcnemmcn, beute neebetmaé DBicbtigcé mit bir an rcbcn .

S ergeg. Da treffen mir uné gliicfliS auf bcmfclben 20

SBcgc, ché re m am an . SluS iS mbStc Sbuca ctmaé an ;

bertraucn, S ic um ctmaé bitten.

S ergegin. Slb, bu baft cinen DSun[cb !

S ergeg. S e i[t cé , smama ! D3enn id) [0 ciacn Dlicfauf miS werfe unb bann meine umgebung anfcbe, lautcr 25talenteellc, cbrmiirbigeDianna

S ergegin. Die Srcunbe beincé Datcré , erprobteScutc

S ergeg. (Bangrccbt ; mean leb micb abcr [e umfcbc, [e

fliblc iS miS unter bic[cn Secunbcn meincé Dalere, bie [e 30(ml; an Subren unb Derflanb I

iber mir [tcbcn, auficrere

16 Der gebeim e Dgea t. [ACT I.

bcntlicb ecrcirnelt. Di ir feblt cin DSc[cn, melcbcé bcnl‘t, mic

icb, melScé mic id), and; bic bcitcrc S eitc bee Sebrae neS

gcrne in baa Slugc [afit

S eraogin (borcbt frennblicb anf). Sinbcft bu baé witflid),

5 mein S ebn ? Du macbft miS gliidlicb. Daé [clbemollte iSbir [agenS craeg. S emifi,Di ama ? Da6 trifft [icb Sarmant.

Sin un[crcm S efc, im gangen S ergegtum finbc iS nicmam

bcn, bcr bic[cr meiner Slaierbcrung ent[prccbcn ibnntc.

S ergegin . Slicin, gcmifi niSt !

S ergeg. Siber auf meinen Sici[cn [crate icb ciacn

iungen Diana icnncn

S ergegin . S incn iungcn Diana ?

S ergeg. Der allc bie S igcnkbaftcn befibt, mit melcbcnicb [icté bcn DicnfScn gc[cbmiicft bacbtc, bem iS miS eon

ganger S celc bingugcbcn miin[cbte.S ergogin . Pa r ex em ple ?

S ergeg. S inem S cfcllfSaftcr, einem<



S ergegin . S inem Srcunbe? Dae ift mas anbcrcé .

S c raeg. S pracbcn mir niSt eon einem Secunb,Diama ? Dieinten S ic nicbt aucb [e?

S crgogin . Dicbt [0 gang! Siber mcitcr !S ergeg. Dicinc Ditte ift al[e : mir 3a gcftattcn, bafi iS

bic[en Diana, bcn icb auf meinen Deifen lieb gcmann, [i ncinigc Seit bicrbcr 3a mir nebmen btirfc. Sbrer giitigcn

S inmilligung im beraué gcmifi, babe icb ibm [Sen nor

einigen Dagen gc[cbricbcn unb er tann eiclleicbt [Sen bcute

bier eintreffen .

S ergegin. Dae Iibcrra[cbt nticb. S in Srembcr an

go un[crcm S efc, cin unbcianntcr, cin Dcrtrautcr, cin (Slinfte

ling ; man mirb eelim Sanbe nicbt gcrne [cbcn, man mirb ibn

Der gebeim e agen t.

S ergegin (critauat). Sa [ceiliS unb

S craeg. Dun bea bcr Drimcflin Slmalie [Srcibt me ingebeimcr Sigcat cinigeé unb unter anbcrcm eel if} cigcnte

licb lc'

iScrliS, Diama man [tcbe bea bier aué im Degrifi,5 cineS cirat amifcbcn bcr Dringcfiin unb mir cingulciten.

S ergegin . Daé [Srcibt

S eraeg. Dicia gebeimcr Sigcat. Diama, Diama !

S elltc etwaé D3abre6 baran [cin ? S elltc man micber bintcrmeinemSiliidcn Dingc untcrncbmcn, biemiS [e nabc ben


ibrcn ?

S craegin. Dicbt bintcr bcinem Darren, mein S ebn ?SS geftebe bir, iS babe bic[c Sbcc crfafit, unb mar [eebcn im

c rifi, miS bicriibcr au63u[prcSca.

S ergeg. Slb, al[e baé mar’

é !

S craegin. Sa, iS balte es [i n netmcnbig, bab man an

cine paficnbc Derbinbung flir biS bentt.S ergeg. Sillcrbingé , unb mac! man mir eon ber Drim


in Slmalie [Srcibt

S ergegin . Diet ?

S ergeg. Dicia gebeimcr Sigcat ibanic miS be[tim20 men, auf Sbre Sbce, Diama, cirnugebcn . Gr [Silbcrt mirbie Drinacfiin alé cine [cbr liebcnémiirbige Dame : [Sbn,iung, gci[trciS, mit allcrlieb[tcn Dalcntcn ; mabrbaftig, iSibanic eiclleiSt n icbt abgeneigt [cia, cine Dcrbinbung mit

bem S ofe bea Draunm cig cingugeben.

S ergegin . Dcin gebeimcr Sigcat [Srcibt bie SBabrbeit.(Silt [iS.) Sr ift b icllciSt eon bort gc[cbidt. (Saut ) S ergeliS banie iS bir, mein liebcr S ebn, fiir baé [ecbcn Sluéges[precbcnc, bu maS[t miS gang glfictlicb baburS. Dcinc

b crfldnbigeDeceitmilligfeitm it mclcber bu auf icncn mcincn

grebcn SBun[S eingebft, ii'

t alle in imiianbc, mcinc [SmaScnScbcnégeifier an crbalten .

SC. VI.] Der gebeim e Dgen t. 19

S ergeg. S bnnen S ic [iS Dubc, Diama. S ic [Seinenmir angegriffen. Dcr[cl)iebca mir bie niibcrn DcfineSungcn

[fir cine anbet e Seit.S eraogin . Du baft rcSt, [iibrc miS au me inem

Simmer. SS mab ciacn Slugcnblid ruben . SlS, mein sQllfrcb, iS mufitc cé immer, bafi bu meine S ti

lbe merbcnmr


irbc[t, bie S tilbe cincr armcn Srau, bie alle in [tcbcnbunter ber Saft ber @c[Sii[tc fa[t 3u[ammcnbraS. Dcrgcibc

mir bie lleincn Drillen, mcine S igcnbeiten, bie iS babe ;abcr mefiir bcafc iS, mofiir arbeite iS ? Dar gu beinem xc

Dcften ; Slprepeé ! mein S ebn, bu ba[t bcute mergenbcn guten S rafen S teinbau[en ctmaé ungniibig catlafl



obgleiS er in meinem Sluftrage [praS SS iann beS niSt

glauben (flat ter bctenenb) bafi bcr Siltm bet Diufif unb

baa S emr’

ibl, ba6 gemeine SauSgcn bcr Di cnge bcincm 15

Dbrc meblgcfcilligcr, ale bie Dittea bcincr Diuttcr crflingcn !Sab mir meine [tillen


iircifiunbcn !

S ergeg. Siber, Diama ! Dicine llciac S enntagé eDergniigungen lbnnen S ic unmbgliS bier im S Slefie [ibrenS crgogin (frei t ier [brecbcnb). Set, [i t [ibren miS, mein 20

S ebn, mcnn auS nur meine S eclcnrube. (EB fann mir

n iSt glcn tiltig [cin, mean ber rcgiereabe S crgog baé

Dci[pielgicbt, mic ber S onntag an cntbeiligen i[i, mean meinS ebn au frivolen a gcn an bem Dagc au[[piclen liibt,me nur fromme S ebete gum S immel[tcigcn [ellcn. SS 25

mtin[Sc baa niSt. (S ela [Smacb [prcScab.) D meine Der.bea ! Die gering[te Siltcratien [bannt miS ent[cbliS ab.

SS merbe taum an bcr Dafclcr[Scincn ibuacu. Eli iSt

mabr, bu [ag[t bem Drafcn eia baar frcunbliSe DSertc ?Safi mir meine S enntagé rubc. Dicnn leb einmaln icbt 3°mcbr bin


20 Der gebeim e Dgen t. [ACT I.

S ergeg. Slbcr umé S immclé milieu, Diama ! SaifenS ic fiS beS burS [elSe Rlcin iglcitcn niSt [e cnt[c6[iSaufregen !S ergegin (lautcr). Rlcinigieitcn ?

5 S ergeg. Dun ia, mir [inb ca Rlein igfcitcn, unb mcnn

ca Sbuca bcn gcringficn Rummer maSt, [e [ell S ic icinlautcr Den mcbr berlebcn.

S crgogia ([ebr [Smacb naS ibrcm Simmer gebcnb). Scb banfebit bea S ergen ; S eit [cgnc biS,mein Riab. Du bie St eubebeiner altca Diuttcr, ciafi ber S tels beé Sanbeé . (ab )

S ergeg. Dagu [ell mir mein gebeimcr Sigcat [cineSfilfc leiben ! (Jilingclt)

S ieben ter Duftritt.

S ergeg. Rammcrb ien er.

S craeg. SS iann miS auf biS ecrlaffcn, S eorge?

Reine Dcteuerungcn, iS glaube bir. S bre miS an unb

[elge gcnau mcincn Dcfcblcn . Ge i[t balb b ier abr, man

mirb fiS bier gur Dafcleer[ammcln. 3a glciSer Seit eremartc iS icmanb, bcr niSt ge[cbcn [eia mill auS niSt

2o ben bir ecrftanben ? bcr burS bcn S at ten fi ber biegcbeime Drenne in mein Rabinett temmt. (Er mirb [ebr


inftliS [cin, unb bu mirft al[e, [obalb cé flinfubr [Slfigbbert aué meinem Dergimmcr in bie[ca S alon treten unb

bem Rammcrbcrra bem Dicnfte mclben mein gebeimcr

Sigcat [ci angciemmen.

Rammerbien cr. Sucr DurSlauSt gebeimcr Sigcat ?S ergeg. Di cia gebeimcr Sigca t, baé ift alleé ; baft

bu miS meblecri'

tanbcn ?

se . 1x.] Der geheim e Agen t. 21

Rammcrbicn er. Bu Gucr‘Durcblauclyt fi cfcbl: in !

fi et gog (mdbt enb ct linié abgelyt). fi ergifi nicbt, punft flinfnot !

Jicbier Jin firi il.

Rammc t bicn c t . 6 0, [0 1 cin gebeimcr filgcnt ! 3cwiirbe auf cine gebeimc 2lgcntin ratcn, mcnn [cine {Durd p

laucbt mir nicbt befolylen, bieé gctyeimniéuollc (Befclfiipf oficnunb frei im 6 alon anguliinbigcn . (Self nut (Sou, bafibic[c: geheime Qigcnt [lit uné Bffcntlicl; agiert. QBaé bab

id) an bic[cm { wfc fut cine 6 tcllung? Grftcr Rammcr;

biener bcé regicrcubcn fi ct rn unb nicbt einmal [o b icl9mm, wic bie lcbtc Rammerfrau bet fit au Jj eraogin !QBir bcfinbcn uné auf Glue in cincr uollfommcn [al[clycn{Bontim (an)

gleun iet Jiufiri il.

“b et © raf. Qbet Dberflbofmc iflet .

D bc t ftlyofmcift c t . QBie id; Guct Grccllcng bic Gluebattc gu b ctficbct n, [o merbcn 6 ie bicémal, was bie Gclylicfif

ung bcé SBt iuntparicé anbelangt, nicbt burcbbringcn . 6 cinc{Dut cblaucbt [tub auf bic[cé QScrgniigcn ucrfcfl


cn . iDcnicn

€~ic an mid), Grccllcng merben nicbt burcbbt ingcn.

(Bt af. QBit wcrbcn, 65cm Dbcrfibofmciiicr.Dbc t flbofmc ift ct . filbct hué finh iDingc, bie bcn

63a m nut erbittern . (Bott, cr bat in eigcn tlicl; [o wen igau befehlen, unb ba follie man [0c filciniglcitcn gat nicbtt clcb ict en .

22 p er gebeim e Agen t. [ACT I.

(Q raf. QBaé C‘Eie Sileinigfeiten n ennen, ift bcr filnfanggu grofien (i reignifl

en. 2lud) 6 ie batten allc urfad n, [icbbaruber an freuen, bafi mir [o gerabe unb fefi un[ere QBegegeben. QBanfen ober [iraucbeln mir ein eingigeé Wal, [o

5 [inb 6 ir einer ber erficn, ber 5u fi oben fdllt.Dberftbofmeifter. fDaé iii b ielleicbt ricbtig, abet icb

meine, burcb flugcé Si acbgeben bier unb ba@raf. Sci) bin febr flir flugeé Si acbgeben, unb battc

cé [cine iDurcblaucbt ber Eliiiibe mert gefunben, mir, bemsminifter, ebe 6 ie bie Qinorbnung binficbtlicb feiner (Barrentrafen, ein ileineé ‘IBort an giinnen, [o battc icb gefunbenD berftbofmeifter (lacbenb). SDafi cine beitere wufii

burcbaué nicbté Gntbeiligcnbeé flir ben Gonntag iii .(8 raf. Qlllerbingé , unb bafi es [agar rulinfrbenemcrt

15 ift, ia [cbr erfpriefilicb, baé Qioll burcb licine un[cbulbigeQicrgniigungen bier unb ba gu aerftreuen .

D berftbofmeifi cr. D 6 ie luftiger zDi iniftcrl©raf.

‘Die fi eraogin !

gebn ier J q ir ill.

éBo rige. Q i e fi ergogin . (Der Dberftbofmeifter girbi [icb in ben

fi intergrnnb gurud, ruft benSBebienten unb gebt ab unb 3a .)

fi ergogin (mit fraftiger es timate). CDie ‘Barlé merben ge


em lieber ©raf; mein e obu mirb Sbncn cinigc

freunblicbe QBorte baruber [agen@ra[. Guer fDurcblaucbt [cbcn mid) geriibrt, baB 6 ie

[icb aucb ber fleinfien‘Dingc, [omie [ic baé QBobl beé

6 taate6 beriibren, [o eifrigft annebmen unb in allem Sbre‘JJi inifter [o fraftig [outenieren unb baé anbet e, baéQBicbtigere?

30 . x.] Der gebeim e Agen t. 23

tbergogin . Sft eingeleitet. 3d; tann n icht [agen, bafiid; auf 6 cbmierigteitcn ge[toficn ware. QBir baben cineunbetannte Jjulfe erbalten .

@raf. (Eine unbetannte tbiilfe?Jj ergogin. Gin iunger 932mm ben ber Jj ergog auf5

feinen Sieifen teunen lernte, mirb [icb cinigc Seit bier beiibm aufbalten, unb bic[er [cbreibt ibm uicl6 cbbne6 uberbie sBringcfi


in l alic.@raf. fl ier ift bic[er unbetannte? S riti er cine

Gteuung bei {i nf an ?

fi ergogin .

‘Durcbaué nicbt ; er [oll ganglicb un[icbt

bar bleiben. (i s tft bieé cine (Grille mcineé Gobneé .

©raf (nacbbenlenb). fi ber, ueraeiben mir (Euer ‘Durdplaucbt, cine ge[abrlicbc (Grille. Ci in namenlofer unb unbetannier 932mm ber mit einem wicbtigen 6 taatégebeimni6 15

bebutiert, bcr mit S einer ‘Durcblaucbt febr liiert [ein mirb,ber unter tciner Rontrolc fiebt{pergogin filbcr beifen 6 cbritte unb (filinge 6 ie bofe

fentlicb balbigft erfabren werben.

©raf. fDaé [ollmeine eifrigfte Gorge [cin, benn ein ao

[olcbeé QBe[en in ber Siabe beb fi crgogé , abcr fur uné une

[icbtbar, unerreicbbar, unb welcbeé man unmbglicb in cine

Sntrigue [fibrin tbnnte, erfcbcint mir ein igermafien gefdbrc

litb. unb mic ncnnt ber «bergog feinen unbetannten ?g ergogin . fi r nennt ibn feinen gebeimen fl genten. 25

©raf. unb macbt cin ©ebeimn ié aué befl'

en ©ierfein ?

b ergogin . 3d) glaube nidu; er bat mir bieé wenig[tcné nicbt ge[agt.

24 Der geheim e Agen t. [ACT I.

gum Auftri tt.

Der Dberflbofmeifler ldfit bie Sibfiren bfinen, b erren unb Datum b orn b oftreten ein . Dieb ergogin léfit [i cb aufein ifauteuiln ieber unb build . Der

b ergog aué [einem Rabinett tritt gu feiner fl utter. S ic reidyt ibm bit

5 é anb, melcbe er tfifit. Der @raf. DieDringefiin.

Jj ergogin (mit 76;a S timme). fiBiemicb baa (Demubl

angreift !eb e t aog. Dielfiftige (Etiquette ! fi ufiebcm S cbritt unb

Dritt uon miifiigen, fiber allea lacbenben S eficbtcrn umgeben10 311 [ein . (Butcn Dag, SBringeflin ! S ic warcn aué ge;

ritten ?sBr ingcfiin. fliergeiben Giuer Durcblaulbt, nacb bem

Diorgcnwagiergang, ben icb baa©1i’

tct battc, mit ber gniibigenDante an macben, befcbiiftigte icb mid) auf meinen Bimmern.

15 (Bu ber b eq ogin .) Darf id) milb.

nacb bem Definben GuerDurcblaucbt ertunbigcn

Jj ergogin . 36; bante bir, mein guiceRinb. 3c!) fiiblemicb w ieber febr angcgrificn. (S ic betratbiet angelegcntlicb ben

©er30g, ber [icb gum Grafen menbet.)

20 {peraog fiib, mein lieber S teinbaufen, baben S ic bie(ge[cbiifte bei[eitegelegt, beé Dagcé Saft unb i be getragen ?

filpropoé l 3d; babe mir Sbren QBortrag bon bcute

morgen fiberlegt, unb ba mir aucb ber S tblofigartner melbete,bafi bei ben S pagiergimgcn in meinem éBart gu b iclacrtreten

25 merbe, [o erliefi id; [oebcn ben Defebl, bafiman meine (Glutenbie aufmeitereé wieber [cbliefieD berftbofmeift c r (erftaunt). Qllfo d )?

é e rgog. S inb S ic aufrieben, mein lieber @raf?

26 Der gebeim e Agen t. [ACT 1. se. xr.

(«Brafi Daé maren S taatégefcbafte, «fierr Dberfibofemcifter, biefieiligfeit bee S onntagé .

D berflbofmeifter. unb bie Q eimlidfieit bic[eé filgenten ?

5 (Q raf(mirbtig). agar S ie bielleicbt fur micb nicbtDberftbofmeifter. fill) !

(Diefiergogin, nacbbem fie cinigc QBortemit ibren Damen ge[procben, bat

[icb febr [cbmacb erboben unb mintt bem Dberftbofmeifter. Diefer [iebt esnicbt, inbem er angelegentlicb in bie offeneDbiirebeeRabinettelinte[cbaut.)

(C36 barf bier eine fliaufe entfleben.)

(Braf (leife). st’lber, bett er Dberftbofmciftcr, S ic finb ia

entfcblicb aerftrcut, Sbre Durdylaudyt baben Sbncn [awnameimalgeminft, unb einmalgerufen. Qluf[olcbee t erbitltman [icb nicbt bei Jj ofc.D bcrftbofmeifter. (Butt ! S iebaben rccbt ! (Gr tritt mit

einem tiefen Dialling gur fiergogin, mclcbe ibren fi rm aufben [einigen legt,unb mit ben Damen unb fi erren abgebt.)

@raf. SCI; tann nicbt [agen , bafi mir bic[eé neue eh

gagcmcnt gefiele. Gin gebeimcr n ent ! fiBogu baé an

20 un[crcm Jj ofc ? unb bie Jj ergogin [cbien gar nieblbabonuberrafcbt mufite [ic mcbr, ale [ic mir [agte, unb mare eéam (Enbemabr, mas teb borbin bem b ofmarfcbali im S cbergcbcmerftc, bé cbtc man b iellcicbt baran, bier neue S onnenauffteigcn an Iafien ? 63m, bm i Scb glaube es taunt, aber

25 §Bor[icbt tann n icbt [cbaben Siiiften mir nuel

Der SBorbang ffillt.

Dm ei t er An fan g.

Q rfter Auftri tt.

D iefelbc Det ora ti on.

D berftbofmc ift cr (in einem c nfluble [pater ber

©raf). Dreifiig Sabre bei {aofe cine [cbbne Seit ! Slacb 5cincr mafiigen Derecbnung gebntaufcnb Dage unb in bic[cnacbntau[cnb Dagcn gebntaufcnb c euncre, gebntaufenbDiners cineunglaublitbe Sabl. unb bei bic[cn amangig;

taufenb Deieuneré unb Diners ba6[clbe ge[prorbcn, bic[elben(befiducr ge[cbcn, nur mit bem llnterfdyieb, bafi bic[c @e[icbterimmer litter, bieRonb crfationen immer langmeiliger gcmorbcn[inb. DrcifiigSabre bei ~ibbie unb in bic[cn breifiig Subrenmcbrcre bebeutcnbe Sntriguen gliinacnb burcbgefiibrt unbmabrcnb bic[cr gebntaufenb S age bcr Emitmifl

er gcmcfen b onallem, mas bier ge[cbcben . Dreifiig Sabre Gbcfbcr fi ofbaletung unb erftcr Rammerberr, vor befl


en fi iid baé gaugeinn ere ©ctreibe bic[eé {aofeé offen lag, mic cin (Slaé baué .

Emit S tolg tann icb cé fagen, mabrenb breifiig Subren mufiteicb allcé , mas bier an bic[em {j ofc vorging unb nun cs

fibcr[cbleicbt micb cine gemifl'

e QBcbmut, [a cin nieberbriiden e

28 Der geheim e Agen t. [ACT 11.

bee S efubl unb nun [teb’

teb bor einem Gebeimnié , baa[o [cin burcb bab Dcrborgcne [cblcicbb bafi icb nicbt imfianbcbin, ben S cbleier beé felben gu liiften. (fin gebeimcr filgent !

unb moan ? 66 ift empbrenb ! fireilicb batten mir5 biBbcr gebeime Ranaliftcn, gebeime S ctrctitrc, gebeime State,aber ba ifl baa s

.Br&bitat " Bebeim ein blofieé filnbbngfcl

gu ibrcm Ditei. Diefc brauen Wanner finh allc ebrlicb

genug, in ber Dbat nicbté (Bebcimeé au baben, unb masman ibncn bcute anvertraut, crfabrt norb in bcr[elben S tunbc

no ber Jé of unb morgen bie gauge S tabt. l cr icbt bei

bic[cm gebeimen n entcn ? 3d) bcfcble meinemS cblofib crmalter, bie Simmer fur benfclbcn einguricbtcn ;ré iii [cbcn ge[cbcben ! bcifit eé ; icb laffe ibm ein S ouperanbieten, cin Dejeuner [crb icren unnbtig id) frage, mo

15 cine u ipage, bie [in ibn beflimmt merbcn fell, b oraufabrcn

bat ? Si irgcnbmo ! ift bie a tmort. D baé [inb b eimlimteitcn, bie einen (Sbcf bcr Jé ofbaltung gur §Ber3meiflungbringen mufien ! id) werbe an bic[cm (Bebeimnié flerben ;aber beb or icb ca [0 meit tommen lafl


e, bin icb eé mir, ia bem

20 gangen {pofe [cbnlbig bar ben b ergog bingutrcten unb ibm gu[agen z (Euer Durcblaudjt baben einen S cbritt gctban, bcrnicbt [omoblQlllerbbcbftbcro {poi unb Qlllcrbbcbflbero gctreuefteState unb Dcamtc, [onbern aucb tlllerbbcbftbero trcngebors

[amftc untertbanen tiefverleben mufi. S o gut Gucr Durcb25 [aucbt aucb baa Sntognito tj bcbb breé wenten an mabrengcrubten, [o i[t trobbcm b on bcr Qicrgangcnbeit bic[eé

Dianneé cinigcé ins‘Bublitum gebrungen,mas man aufieror2

bentlicb mifibilligcnb vernommen . Dicfer sJJiann ia

Guer Durcblaucbt bie Dcrgangcnbcit bic[cé Dianneé [all

30 cine [inflerc [cin, unb [cbcn beginnt man [icb anfe Qautefleunb Q uergifcbfle auguflriftcrn, bafi ber Druct unter ber {aanb

SC . I.] Der gebeim e Agen t. 29

bic[er frcmben, unbetannten unb bocb [o betannten Rreatur

bergoglicber Jj ulb unb (Bnabc (er in bei ben lebteu amoeten aufges

flanbm , ale [precbe er mit bem b ergos) anfc'

lngt, unertritglicb all

merben !

(Der Draf, obne non jenem bemertt gu merben, tritt ein.)

@raf. S o murben S ic [predycn‘


D berftbofmc ifter (fabrt gufammen). l ! S ic

l er um (Botteé millen, [inb bcnn (Suer Grcclleng nur in herQBelt, bie 2cute in S cbredcn gu b cr[eben ? 3d) babe S ic

gar n icbt bercintommen bbrcn.

©raf. Qlcb, mein lieber Dbcrftbofmcifter, glauben S icmir, cs ift bcficr, menu mir b orberbanb an bic[cm Jj ofc [owen ig@criiu[(b madycn,mic mbglicb.

D berftbofmc ift cr. D S ic [pafl'

cn l

@ra[. S cicn S ic aufricbtig, icb babe Sbr S clbftgcfvracbunmilltirrlicb belaufcbcn miificn, ba S ic an vertieft marcn,um meine [cbmeren Si rittc 3u bbren . filber ma6 S ic b orbin[agtcn, baé bentt mancbcr, unb icb babe aucb [o meine(<9cbanten .

D bcrftbofmeiftcr. bilabt mabr ? 20

S raf. unb bann ncbmc icb re Sbncn nidyt libel, mcnnS ic blefe filugclcgenbcit mcbr mic icbcn anbern alteriert.D bcrftbofmc ifter. QBic fa, Grccllcng?(8 raf. 9tim ia, bieé (Bebeimnié in Sbrcm Dcpartc

mcnt unb bann bic tteine ungnabc bcr {Srau Jj ergoginDbcrftbofmeifter. 66 iii mabr i(S t af. gragtc [ic nicbt mabrcnb bcr Dafei, ob baé

Dorgimmcr S ciner Durcblaucbt, in mcldyeé S ic ge[tcrn

bor bem Diner [0 eifrig bineingcblictt, b iclleicbt ncu cin2

gcricbtct morben [ci ?D berft bofmciftcr. {Sfircbtcrlicbl

Der gebeim e Agen t. [ACT 11.

(Braf. 3a, cs [cbeint mir gcmifi, bafi an bic[cm {pofeirgcnb cine Qicrimbcrung bcoorftcbt. Ginc [cbmiilc QuftDbcrftbofmeificr. tommi mir aucb [o oor.

(«Brafi S eit gcftcrn cin gang anbet er 2lu6brud in ben5@c[icbtcrn. 3d) bcrficbcre S ic, beficr Dberftbofmciftcr, bietlcinc ungnabc ber {frau (bergogin, in [onit igcn 3citcn un2

bebcutcnb, fallt beute ins (Semicbt, mir muficn uné flfibcn,uné [clbi


t unb gcgcnfcitig.

D bcrftbofmcificr. 3e, baé molten mir, tbuc icbcrno baé [cinc ; icb milleinen (Bang burd) bic iBorgimmcr SbrcrDurcblaucbt tbun, um gu ocrfucbcn, ob icb oicllcicbt oor

ber Emorgcnpromenabc norb imftanbc bin, cin gang ergce

beneé QBort angubringcn.

S rai. Dbun S ic baé , icb millunterbcffcn bier beim15 Rapport baé Dcrrain [o gut mic mbglicb untcr[u(ben.

(Dberftbofmciftcr ab in’

e Dorgimmcr ber b ergogin.)

Ameiter Auftritt.

Q raf. S pdtcr ber @ebeimera t.

(Braf (allein). Darauf mar icb n icbt vorbereitet. Scb20 battc immer gcbofft, cinmal in einem Stampf mit einem(Eunftling ober mit ctmaé berglcicben meine S tartc auprobieren ; bod; bafi bcr ~t§ cr3og mit [olcb

auficrorbcntlicbcrSilugbcit gu QBcrtc geben mfirbc, unb mir nicbté , bir nicbté

cinen Siatgcber tommen liebe, ben er baburcb gang unan2

greifbar marbt, bafi cr ibn fur unb un[icbtbar crbélt, bas

battc teb nicbt ermat tet. gicbt nun abcr smei Wittel,um gegen bic[cn gcbcimcn filgcntcn an operieren. Gmmcbcr

mir (Bleicbgefinntcn am b ofe [cblieficn uné allc fc[t ancius

SC . IL] Der geheim e Agen t. 3 1

anber, ocrfcbangcn uné bintcr bie sJJiacbt, bie mir beutc norbin {Sbnbcn baben, unb bieten allcm, maé ba tommt, trobigbie S tirn. B bcr mir baubeln mic mandycr grofic {felb2

berr, bcr burcb flugeé filufgebcn cincr [cit unb [icbcr 882

glaubten £13ofition [icb unb [c ine EiJiacbt gerettet. i ! 5

gm ! QBcnn man bie S adye oom S tanbpuntte bcr SBilligteit betracbtet, [o begreife icb b ollfommen, mic inbignicrt

ber «ficrr fiber bie filrt [cin mufi, mic cr unb [cin Qanbregiert mirb. liberlcgcn mir bie S acbc genan i

(Bmei anbete {Ri te treten ein.)

fi bren mir aber oor allcn Dingen, ob mein ti ollegettid flé Wfibereé meifi. (Bu bem S ebcimcrate, inbem cc ibn oorfiibrt.)

mun, mic [tcbt’

é ? é aben S ic ctmaé erfabren ?© cbc imcrat. QBcn ig, [o gut mic gar nicbté . gin

feinem SZbor ber S tabt millman ge[tcrn cine auffallcnbc 15

Q quipagc baben cinbafiicrcn [eben .

SJiur bie QBacbe an

bem S tibtbore glaubt gegen b ier llbr ge[tcrn nalbmittagcinen [cbr eleganten Siiei[cmagcn bcmcrtt gu baben, ber aufber S irafie oiellciibt bunbert S cbritte oor bcr SBarri


biclt.(Braf. Dab ift un[er {Scinbl@cbeimcrat. Gin iungcr Elliann [ci aué gcfticgcn unb

babe [icb burcb cincé bcr ileincn flborc in ben S cblofigartcnocrlorcn.

(Eraf. Dab ift er, obne allcn 3mcifcl' filber bier 25im S cblofl


e gebt jebe S pur verloren unb [clbft bcr Dberit e

bofmcifler bat bie iebt nicbté cntbccfcn tbnncn.

© cbc imcra t. S ollte nicbt oicllcicbt bcr RammcrbicncrS corge ?(b raf. unmbglicb ! (Sine c atur bee {pcrgogé l (but 30

non [eber gegen une gearbeitet, macbtc mir beute morgen,

32 Der gebeim e Agen t. [ACT 11.

mic icb uber ben Rorribor [cbritt, cine [o beitere c rbcus

gung, bafi cé mirb mabrbaft [rappiertc l([icb gum britten {Rate mcnbenb

b err Stat, molten S ic [o frcunblicb [cin, unb unb burcb5 ben Rammcrberrn anmclben lafl


6 iii un[crc S tunbc .

(Diefer gcbt binaue, ber Rammerbcrr tommt unb gcbt in baa Rabincttbee c rgoge linie.)

(Bebcimcrat. i’lm mciften fiberrafdyt eé mid), bafimanin bcr S tabt [cbon b on bcr i’lnmcfcnbcit bic[eé gcbcimcn

n cntcn Hillel‘

l'iCt lgu [ein [cbcint filiicb ocrficbcrtc bcute

morgen mcin fi anglcisDircttor, bafi man bcrcité ge[tcrn

abenb in ocrfdyicbcucn 3irtcln oon bic[cm unbctanntcn

ge[procbcn, bafi man [cincr ale QBertgcug triumpbicrenb “2

mébnt babe, ocrmittclft mclcbcé ber Jj eraog uné , bie getreuenState, in bie nbtigcn d ranicu surucfmci[cn murbe.S raf. S o ! [o i— ei ! ci !

(Sebeimcrat. Diefcr S)Ilien[cb mirb popular, cbc cr

norb ctmaé gctban bat.


@raf. S o gcbt’

é mancbem, bié cr anfiingt 3u baubeln.

Dritter Auftritt.

Die éBo r igcn . Der Ramm crb ien cr.

Rammcrbiener. S eine Durcblaucbt lafl’

cn bcn b errcnEminiftcrn fiir ben Siapport bcute morgen frcunblicbft banien.

Die fi erren Eminifier mbdytcn [icb nur in baé Rabinett berDurcblaudytigcn {Eran ®cr3ogin begeben, um bort mic gcsmbbnlicb au arbeiten . S eine Durcblaudyt miirbcn obnebicé

baé Sibtige crfabrcn. (Die mate [inb erftaunt.)

(b raf. S eine Durcblaudyt bcfinbcn [icb oicllcicbt unmobl?

34 Der gebeim e Agen t. [ACT 11.

@ra[. Gucr Durcblaucbt miinfcbtcn bcute morgenfeinen Siavport.

fi e rgog. Eaflen mir baé l QBogu aucb? (Sunaullcb)Seb oerfidycrc S ic, lieber @raf, icb crfabrc icbt alleé , maé

5 id) miffcn mill, auf bie leicbtcitc unb angenebmitc 2iri,cr mcifi allcé , bib iné tlciniic Detail; iibcr Sinangcn,S tanb bee c crcé , bie Eiiccbtépflcge, bie S cfdngniflc ablS ic muffen bic[c SBetanntfcbaft madyen i(8 raf. QBclcbc, gniibigcr b err ? bic bcr (Seffing

IO niflc ?

c raog. D nein ! Die meineé gcbcimcn filgenten.

2lbcr S ic batten mir c ine Niclbung an macbcn, lieberS rai ; lafl


cn S ic bbren !

Graf. Slur cine berfbnlicbc, gnbbigftcr b err. QBenn

15 abcr (Sucr Durcblaucbt oicllcicbt mir borber ctmaé an

[eblcn batten ? [o

fi e rgog. Scb? Durcbaué nicbté .— 3d) 0c nur

b orbin [o geplaubcrt, mcil id) offcnbcrgig gegen S ic bin .

l ropoé ! Dficubergigcr ale S ic gegen mid).20 ©raf. Scb, Durrblaucbt ? Guer Durcblaucbt tbnntcn3mcifcln ?

{pcrgog (lacbenb). (banaunb gar nicbt, mein better ©raf.l cr SbreDiclbung?S raf (ocrftbrt). Der Sicffe un[crcé ®au[c6, (Braf Q atar

25 S tein b on S teinbaufen, oon grbficrcn Sici[en guriictgetebrt,bittet um bie CSbre, im 2aufe bcé Qiormittagé Qucr Durlbslaurbt borgcficllt an merbcn.

b e t aog. fiiba i SCI) erinnere mirb [cincr Gr iii menigSabre ifmgcr ale icb, cin angcncbmer junger Diann unb

30 gutcr fliciter. (lit iii mir milliommcn

(«Braf (oerbeugt [icb ticf).

SC . lv.] Der gebeime Agen t. 35

fi eraog. (Er mirb [icb cine 3citlang bei uné aufbalten,n icbt mabr ?

(Braf ([cbludt bcftig unb [can [i cb [cbcn um). (liner Durcblaurbt merbcn mir oiclleicbt erlauben, Sbncn in betreffmcineé Steffen cine oertraulicbe Emitteilung an macbcn .

fi e rgog (liicbclnb). filiir cine ocrtraulicbc sIli ittcilung?

film (Snbc gar cin S ebcimnié , oon bem oiellcicbt bié [cbtn iemanb Renntn ié bat, mic meine Smutter unb S ic ? Stein,ncin, icb bin nicbt [o neugierig, [olcb micbtigc Dinge an;ocrtraut [u erbaltcn .

S raf. l cr eé ift cine S arbe, bic baé fiaub CiucrDurcblaucbt betrifft unb oon bcr man (liner Durcblaucbtmabrfcbcinlid) cr[t in einigen Dagen SRittcilung auel bem

Rabinctt ber [Eran b ergogin macbcn mirb.tb craog. S o, [o i Sliun, icb tann marten. Dbcr

mcnn teb am a c [cbon ctmaé mufitc oon bic[cm (Bebcimnié ,lieber (Braf


@ra[ (fiberrafibt). §Bon bcn gnabigftcn l ftcbtcn

b e rgog. Slicincr Smutter in betreff@raf(erftatmt). Weincé Sieffen mit

{pcraog Sliatiirlicb l

(Braf. Wit ber sBringcfi’

in Gugcnic ?

fi e rgog (bei S eite). QBaé tft baa? (ifafit [icb, laut). S ic

[ucbt [cbon lange cine sBartic [iir bie 213rin3cfiin, unb maéSbrcn Steffen anbelangtS t af. Gucr Durcblaucbt marcn bon bem

s.]3roiett untere

ricbtet ?

fi ergog. filllerbingé l

(Braf. Durcb SbreDurcblaucbt, bic [Eran fi crgogin ?c rgog. Stein, burcb mcincn gcbcimcn filgcnten .

(Braf(fur rub). QIlle QBctterl Gr ift gut b cr[cbcn, fiber



35 Der gebeim e Agen t. [ACT 11.

bic[c Qingclcgcnbcit ficlcn crit beute morgen bie cr[tcn lcifcnQinbeutungcn .

67c 0g (ber topffdytittelnb in ein Beitungeblatt geblirtt). S ic

baben [onft nicbté mcbr, lieber (Eraf? S ic [cbcn, Sbre

5 (Bcbcimnifi’

c [inb beute mcrtloé [iir mirb. Sebmcifi [ie bcrcité .

(Braf. Sa, Gucr Durrblaucbt, unb icb bin gang fibt t eraflbt nicbergcbriidt.

b e rgog. ift [rcililb nicbt rccbt oon Sbncn, lieber(Braf, bafi S ic erft bcute anfangen, offenbcrgig gu [cin, mo

10 mir Sbre f cnbcrgigtcit nicbté mcbr bilft, ba id), mic S ic[cbcn, non allcm untcrrilbtet binG raf. Don allc

c rgog. Durcb meinen gcbcimcn Qigcntcn.

(Q t af (naeb einem tleinen Rampfe). tft mabr, (Eucr15 Durcblaudyt, icb macbtc mir beflbnbige 25011111112, bafi cé unbnicbt ocrgbnnt mar, (Euer Durcblaucbt mit allem, mas oor2

ging, [o in Renntnié an [cbcn, mic cs [rcilicb meine S cbulbigicit gemc[cn 10 cm. fi ber (burr Durcbiaucbt tennen benbcificn QBunfcb ber {Eran Q ergogin

20 tj craog. Sa, ia !© raf. S tcté im gcbcimcn [iir baé QBoblGuer Durcb2

laucbt an arbeiten, bafi cé al[o [fir uné unmbglicbmarbfi e rgog. Qafl


cn S ic bic[c (i ntfibulbigungen, bcftcr©raf! S cfdpcbenc Dinge [inb nicbt au é nbcrn unb [iir bie

25 3utunft(Braf. fi abe icb micb [cft entfcblofl

cn, nur bic Sntcreficnmeines allcrgnltbigflcn fict t n an mabren.

fi e rgog. QBarum bad? S ic titmen baburcb nur in

ungclcgcnbcitcn mit meiner firau Siluttcr. Srb crfabre [aso borb allcé , mas S ic mir mitgutcilen baben.

(Oraf. Qlllcé , Guer Durcblaucbt ?

se. IV.] Der gebeime Agen t. 37

fi crgog. fillies, 15m Slimmer.(5 t (giebt ein fliapicr aue ber éBrieftafibe). 911 t ben Subali

bic[cé S cbreibené an ben tbofbon Dabern ?fi e rgog (meift es mit ber fianb guritd). filucb ben b ieUciCbt

unb menn nicbt, [o erfabrc id; ibn bcute nod; auf cine [i n 5S ic minbcr tompromitticrcnbc QBei[c

@raf([iebt ben b ergog an).

b e rgog. Durcb meinen gcbcimcn filgcntcn . (limit )

Sa, mein lieber (St ab bic Seit iii oort'

tbcr, mo cinc bcrartigcsJJi itteilung Sbrcr[cit6, bie oolltommen im iBercicb SbrcrS cbulbigtcit gegen micb gelegen, mir Dienftc gcleiftct battc.(Braf (mifcbt rub ben S dfimib ab). Sd) werbe troftloé ,

Gucr Durcblaucbt ! filbcr mcnn {aocbbicfelbcn mirtlicb bonbem Subali bic[c6 ‘Bapicré in Renntnié gefegt [inb, [o bitteicb, mir fi bdfli Sbre allieinung baruber mitguteilcn, bamit icbimfianbc bin, in Sbrcm Sntcrcfi


c gu banbelns

fi et gog (burcbii iegt baa §Bapicr. SBewegung. Seit unb beftimmt.)

Scb mufitc um ben Subali ; icb mill oon Sbncn nidyté

bariibcr gebbrt baben, bamit icb offen unb [rci meiner fl utter

gegcniiber meine eigeneWicinung au6[prccben tann . (illifibfam 20


tcbelnb.) l er geben S ic [u Sbrcmmabbot t, cé tbnntc S ictompromitticren, mcnn S ic bei bem regiercnben cficrgog anlange allein blieben.

(Braf (i111 Qibgcbcn). Dic[er filgcnt if} ein Damon, ber

[icb 3aubcrtiinfte bebicnt. (Sn bar Rabinctt ab.)

fi crgog (tlingclt. Sum eintretenbcn Rammcrbicncr.) Weinen63m, meinen c en t Scb mus eincn S paaiergang in

ben {Bart macbcn, mir iii bael c rg an ooll, icb mufi[ri[cbc Quft [cbbpfcn Sntrigucn obne (i nbc ! S o bintcrmeinem iiiiidcn gu baubeln, bie micbtigflen S adyen gu

bcfcblicfien, obne mir nur cin QBort baoon gu [agen t (6 :

38 Der gebeim e Agen t. [ACT 11.

begegnet an ber Dbfir ber ‘Bringcfl'

in, melcbe in ben S alon tritt.) fill),‘Bringcffin, icb bin erfreut, S ic einen fi ugcnblid

‘[u [cbcn !

3d) mufi Sbncn nur in 3mci QBortcn mitteilen, bafi un[crs.I3lan oollfommcn gelingt. Di cin gebeimcr went iii [cbon

5 cine ber gcfiircbtetftcn ‘Bcr[onen bei Dofc, alleé glaubt [icboon ibm bcobacbtct, tcincr traut bem anbcrn mcbr, ia taum[icb [clbft unb un[c


re ge[fibrlicbftcn {icinbc becilcn [icb, unéibrc (Bebcimnifl


c mitguteilen . (Die i bm: 311 bem Rabinett bcr

6 cr3ogin bat [i cb gebffnet, obne bafi ea bcr fiergog bemertt bie Drin

3cfiin bagegen macbt bem fiergog ein febr [ieifee Rompltment.)

QBarum [o [brmlicb, (Eugenie ? Si cbmcn S ic feinen a te ilmcbr an meinem S cbict[al? QBenn S ic miifitcn, mac icbeben burcb ben (Brafen crfabrcn

(Die fingogin tft in ber Dbtrr erfcbienen.)

Dfinfter Auftri tt.

Der D o r ige. Di e iBringefi’

in, bann b ie fi ergogin.

iBr ingcfl'

in. 11m Dottcé millen, Durcblaucbt ! [prccbcnS ic oon mae anbcrcm ! (20 1m) Sci) bante Guer Durcb2laucbt untcrtbimigft, id) tomme [ocben oon einem S pagicrgang

20 5mm, babe aud) ben neuen Srrgarten [cbon ge[cbcn ; bieQBcgc finh [o ge[cbidt angelcgt, bafi man [icb obne ben bagunbtigcn

‘Blan in bcr Jj anb [aft unmbglicb berauéfinbcn tann.

Jj ergog (failfab). S o mufi teb al[o auf Sbre @e[cll2

[cbaft versiebten, SBrinscfi'

in ? Die cin anbcrmalbenn i25

‘Br ingcflin . (636mirb mir cineaufierorbcntlidxQ brc [ein.

b ersogin (mit [cbmaiber S timme). Ah ! m es en fan t s !

(Debt langfam auf bie lintc S eite.)

b e rgog (menbet [icb ploglicb um). Die sJ3rin3cfl'

in rcft'


mir [ocben cine iBromcnabe in ben sliart ; eé i[t cine [olib30 bcrrlicbe Quft brauficn.

se. v.] Der gebeime Agen t. 39

tBr ingefl'

in. Sd) tomme [ocben oon e inem S pagicr

gangc,mic id) Sbrcr Durrblaucbt bcrcité [agte.(b crgog (luftig). Stein, ncin, S ic molten micb t&u[cbcn .

(Seftcben S ic eé nur, icb bin nicbt in Sbrcr (Bnabc, bcnn

S ic teilen bcftitnbig Rbrbc an mid) auS.

sBr inacfi'

in. Guer Durcblaucbt !fi craogin (ffibt [it auf bie g rim). Dicin guteé Q inb i

Dcr {pcrgog meint ca nid)t [o [cblimm, cr ift bir gcmifi [cbr

gewogen, icbmcifi baa gcnau !lb craog. Qlllerbingé , Diama, S ic baben rea9t i Die 10

SBringcfiin bat mabrbaftig tcinc filbnung baoon, mic gut icbcs mit ibr meine. S cbr gut, auficrorbcntlicb gut ! [Saft [o

gut mic S ic, Diama !

{persogin (ldcbelnb). Saft [o gut,mein S obu. Die {Brin3c[[in bat an tins cine mittterlicbc [frcunbin unb meifi, bafi 15

QBir tlné eifrig mit ibrcm QBoblbcfcbiiftigcn. ©crabc in

bic[cm Qlugcnblidc

Deraog (buftet).

c rgogin. ©erabe in bic[cm filugcnblidc [pracbcn QBirmit un[crcm

<minifter, bem Drafcn S teinbau[cn

{persog (ber bie Jtonocr[ation unterbrecben mill, [cbaut in bie

offenewire bee Jtabinette recbte). l , icb glaube, bort tommtber @ra[ !

b eraogin. Gr eilte bierbcr, um bir [cinen Steffen, ben©t afen Dé iar oorguflcllcn. Gin [cbr licbenémiirbigcr unb 25

gebilbctcr iungcr Diann !

Decbs ter Auftri tt.D ieDo r igen. Der Draf. Deben itteb


e Der Dberftbofmeifter.

(Braf. Gucr Durd flaucbt batten bic (Quabc, mir gu

erlauben, Sbncn alleruntertbimigft mcincn bi c[[cn prafcm 30

tieren gu burfcn.

Der gebeime Agen t. [ACT 11.

fi eraog. fi crr Draf, feien S ic mir milltommcn. Sibglaube, mir [abcn nué oor [mci Sabrcn in Stout.S raf D b tar. QBilbrenb bea liarncbalb, Gucr Durcb:


5 Jj ergog. S ic marcn bamalé [cbon limgcre Seit aufSi ci[cn ?(BrafDefar. S e it b ier Sabren .

fi e rgog. llnb [cit ber Seit nicbt mcbr in bcr (beimat ?QBir milb

'en menig a gicbungé traft [iir S ic baben(8 ra[. 66 mar bcftc

inbig [ein glt'

tbcnbftcr QBunfcb,Guer Durcblaucbt unb [cin §Baterlanb micbcr an [cbcn, bocbmar bie Slicifc nocb auf lbngcrc Seit projcttiert unb follienicbt untcrbrocbcn merbcn.

fi c rgogin. SCb [inbc baa oolltommcn begrciflicb unb15 miinfcbc nur, bafi cs Sbncn [ortan am bic[tgcn lbofc gt ;

fallen mbgc. Graf Q atar, icb werbe S ic bcr SBrinacfl'


Gugcnic vorftellcn.

S raf (firr rub). Gin [cbbncé Diabcbcn l

(Der $ergog tft and ifenfter getreten, ber Dberitbofmeifier folgt ibm in

20 einiger Sntfernung.)sBr ingefi


in Seb boffe, (berr @ra[, bic tlmgebungenun[crcr Siefibcnamerbcn Sbncn nacb allbem S cbbncn, maé

S ic auémiirte ge[cbcn, nicbt an unbcbcutcnb oortommen ;aber icb ft


rrcbtc, un[crc tlcinc S tabt mirb Sbncn leiber25 nicbt oiclbaraubictcn ocrmbgcn, mas imitanbc tft, S ic bier3u [cfl



Draf. (Eucr Durcblaucbt balten [u S nabcn, lib glaube,mcnn @ra[ Dé iar erb cine turge Seit bier ift, mirb cc baé ,maé cr b icllcicbt bei unb finbct, nicbt um allc S cbiibc bcr

3° QBclt ocrtaufcbcn.

SBr inacfl'

in. Seb boffe, cé [ollSbncn bei unb gefallen.

42 Der gebeime Agen t. [ACT 11.

bcutcnbc Dinge mit Sbncn [u bcfprnbcn. S utcn Dag,

S3rin3cifin. (fiergog ab.)

(b crgogin unb Stringcfl'

in [prabcn [ci[e gufammcn, bann gebt bie Strin

ge[[in ins Rabinctt.)

5 (gm (in [einem Steffen). (Seb [oglcicb in ben sBart binab,[ucb

mir ben gcbcimcn Slgcntcn auf, macb’

[cine Dctannte

[ci)aft, aber [ci oorficbtig.

Dbcrft bofmc ift cr (fi n ficb). Der gebeime Slgcnt im

S artcn ? Da merbe id) [cine Dctanntfcbaft 3u macbcn

[uibcn (Selingt mir bicé , [o merbe id) ibm bie grofienSBafl


cr [bringen laffen .

Dieben ter Attftri tt.

Dcr Graf. Die fi crgogin.

fi crgogin (mit [tarter S timme). (S iebt bem [ungcn Drafcn

nacb.) Scb ocrficbcrc S ic, S raf S teinbau[cn, bie belbenfangen Ecutc pafl


cn oortrcfflitb 3u[ammen.

©raf. Durrbbrungcn oon ber S nabc Gucr Durcblaucbt,

glaube icb im Stamcn mcincb Steffen ocr[prccbcn su tbnncn,bafi bcr[clbc [icb bcmiibcn merbe, burcb bie treueftc Grgce

20 bcnbcit, burcb bie unablafiigfic S orgfalt bie Stluft cinigcremaficn b crgefl


cn gu macbcn, mclcbc amifcbcn ber sBringcfl'


(Eugenie unb bem geringen fianfe (Eucr Durcblaucbt unter;tbtinigficn Dieners bcflebt. Dicfc Sicrbinbung ift cin

Grcignié oon [o gliidlitbcr unb [cgcné rcicbcr Sirt, bafi baoonbie [patcitcn Stacbtommcn ber Samilic S teinbau[cn mit S tolg[prcibcn merbcn .

Deraogin. Eaflcn mir baé , guter S teinbau[cn ! SbreGrgebenbcit fiir un[cr Daub bat [icb [o glimgcnb bcmiefcn,bafi cé tcine Delobnung gicbt, bie [u grofi iii [in [o treue,aufopfernbc Dicnftc. Stb merbe mabrfcbcinlid) norb beute

sc . vn .] Der gebeime Agen t. 43

mit meinem S obue iibcr bie S acbc [brccbcn unb bann b iblelcicbt morgen bie Stcrbinbung beiDofpubligicrcn.

(S raf. Slbcr baben (Euer Durcblaucbt aucb ben Sailbcbacbt, bafi S ein e Durcblaucbt cttoaé gegen bic[c Stcrbinbung eingumcnbcn batten ? s

Deraogin. SJtcin S obu ctmaé gegen cine S acbc cinmcnbcn, bie icb befcblofi


cn ?

©raf. (156 ifi baa [ceilicb nod) nicbt oorgctommcn, abcrman bat Dci[piclc

b craogin . SBclcbc ?(S raf. Dcifpiclc moblnicbt ; aber S eine Durcblaucbt

ber b crgog tbnntc borb b iclleicbt anfangen, cs iibclau oer;

mcrtcn, bafi man ibn b on mancbcn micbtigcn S acben crfi

bann in Renntnié [eb b nacbbcm bic[clbcn oolliiiinbig be;


cn unb abgcmacbt [inb.

Deraogin. Siber baé i[t ia bib fest immer [o gcbaltenmorben !

(S raf. Sillcrbings, abcr (Sucr Durcblaucbt [clbfi gcrubtcnmir beute morgen au fagen, mic ubei bcr c r Dcrgog cs

aufgenommen, bafi man S cbrittc gctban 3u [cincr Sierbinb2 20ung mit bcr S3rin3c[[in oon Draunfcbmcig.

Dcrgogin. 16m ! SBir tbnncn [ircng genommen nicbtverlangen, bafi cr bcrglcicbcn nicbt iibclncbmcn foil; aberbabei blcibt’é aneb ; icb ocr[icberc S ic, babei blcibt

é aucb!S raf. Draucn (lin er Durcblaucbt nicbt gang, id) glaube, z s

cine tlcine Slnbcrung bee S bftcmé gegen bcn fiergog tbnntcnicbté [cbabcn

Deraogin. SBic [oll id) S ic ocrflcbcn ? S ine licineSlnberung bcé S bficmé beifit eé gang aufgeben . D [cienS ic unbcforgt, cr bat bic[cé Deiratéproictt guflillig crfabrcn, 30

gang auféllig.

Der gebeime Agen t. [ACT 11.

(S t af. Da6 glaube icb nicbt.

Dergogin. S ic ocrmutcn

S raf. Dab jener gebeime Slgent ibn trcfflitb bcbicnt.Dcrgogin. (Slaubcn S ic in bollem (trnit ?

Draf. Sn vollem (Ernft !fi crgogin. Scncr un[icbtbare gcbcimni6oollc Diener tS raf. SBcifi in ber S bat bie gcbcimftcn Dinge. 3d)

babe cr[cbrcdenbc Detoci[c.b crgogin. SBelibc ? rcbcn S ic !

Acbter Auftritt.

Die Storigcn. Der b crgog.

b c rgog. Slb, SJtama, nocb immer S taat6gc[cbii[tc ?Debaurc [cbr, au fibrcn, b err (Braf, aber icb mufi S ic

cinen Slugcnblicf ablbfcn, bcnn icb babe cinigcé auf bem15 fi crgcn, ma6 teb mit bcr [St an tbcrgogin bcfprccbcn mué .

[inb cigcntlicb tcinc S cbcimniffc unb mcnn c6 S ic o icl2

lcicbt untcrbalten [olltc, ba gu bleiben, [o babe icb burcbau6nicbt6 bagcgcn.

(Sraf. (iuer Durcblaucbt belieben gnbbigfi 3u [cbcrgcn20 SJtcine (Dcfcbaftc [inb au (Enbc, icb giebe micb gern guriict.

(Bicbt [icb gurfid unb ab.)

Dcrgog. SBic S ic mollen, 43m S raf! Sitama, id)

battc c6 an bcr Seit, Sbncn nocbmal6 meinen beben Danian [agen [iir bie frcunblicbc Slufnabmc meine6 gcbcimcn

z s Slgcntcn, b iclmcbr [iir bic Grlaubni6, bcnfclbcn bbcbfte

intognito bei mir aufncbmcn an biirfcn.

b eq ogin (mit [ibm cbcr S timme). Du bift [cbr frcunblitb,auf bic[c Rleinigteit cin S emicbt gu lcgcn. Scb mbcbtcaber nur mifi



se. vm .] Der gebeime Agen t. 45

b crgog. SBomit mir nu6 bcfcbi'

tftigcn ? SCI) [inbc

bic[cn SBttnftb burcbau6 gcrccbtfcrtigt, ché re m am an i

b craogin. Du mifibcrftcbft micb, mein S obu ; c6

tann unb mirb mir burcbau6 nicbt einfallen, micb in bcinc

Stribatangclcgcnbcitcn mi[cbcn au mollen.

b e rgog. 45m !

b craogin . (56 [ci benn, bafi bic[c Strioatangclcgcn

bcitcn bic S taat6ge[cbt1[tc tangieren.

fi e rgog. SBaé bei einem regiercnben fi crrn [o auficrs

orbcntlicb lcicbt oortommcn tann.

b crgogin . SBic ?

b ergog. SBa6 bei einem regiercnben Derrn

b crgogin Slb, teb ocrftcbc !

Dcrgog (fi n tidy). SJtama ocrficbt ! (laut z) Di6 fest,SJtama, baben S ic [icb, mic icb glaube, bureban6 nicbt 15

bariibcr bc[cbmcrcn tbnncn, bafi meine Strioatangclcgcnbciten[icb ben S taat6ge[cb&[tcn auffallenb gcnttbcrt 5 icbt aberfi crgogin. SBic ?

Dergog. S ebt aber, ba6 bcifit, [cit mein gebeimcr Slgcnt

bier tft, [cbc icb micb in ber S bat ocranlafit, burcbmancbcrlci 20SJtittcilungcn, bie cr mir gcmacbt, micb cttoa6 mcbr um ba6Strattifibc ber an bettimmcrn .

{pcrgogin (litigant ). SJtan bat bir SJtittcilungcn 982

macbt ? Sim (Snbc gar [olcbc, bic [icbmic S taat6gcbcimni[[canbbrcn ?

b e rgog. SJtcin gebeimcr Slgcnt ? allcrbing6 !

Dergogin. unb bic[c mit t en ?Dcrgog. Srbwerbe Sbncn e iniges baoon nicbt borente

balten, SJtama. S ic merbcn [icb erinnern, ba6 S ic micbgcftcrn mit bcr Starbricbt an iibcrra[cbcn gcbacbtcn, S ic batten sq[i n micb cine (Semablin an bem bcnacbbartcn b ofe oon

46 Der gebeime Agen t. [ACT 11.

Draunfcbmcig ge[ucbt unb gcfunbcn. Scb mufitc c6 bereit6,legte aucb auf bic[e6 Daubclu bintcr meinem 911111111

burd)au6 feinen SBcrt, ba id) iibcr meine Deit ai boffcntlicballein 3u entfcbcibcu babe.5 Dcrgogiu (mit [tartcr S timme). Siber menubiellntcrbaub;lungen bi6 an einem gemifl


cn (St abc oorgcfcbrittcn [iub, [o tannman unmbglicb guructtrctcn, obne tompromitticrt gumerbcn .

Dcrgog. SBir toolleu ba6 [t'

ir icbt nicbt crbrtcrn ; aber,SJtama, S ic bab en in un[crcr Samilic cine an be t e Stcrbine

10 bung proictticrt, obne mit mir nur cin SBort barubcr 3u

[prccbcu Srb bin bcr (Sbcf bc6 Daufc6, SJtama, unb obnemir bie gcringftc SJtittcilung gu macbcn, ucrgebcu S ic bie

Daub bcr Stringeflin Sugcnic an ben St effen bc6 S rafcnS teinbau[cn.

15 b crgogiu. linerbbrtl SBcr bat bir ba6 ge[agt ?

Dcrgog. SJtcin gebeimcr Slgcut.tb c rgogiu. Scb bin iibcrrafcbt, auficr Safl



meine Sterocu !Deraog. Sft bie SJtitteiluug meine6 gcbcimcn Slgcutcu

b ergogiu (mit [ibmacbcr S timme). 3d) mill ba6 nicbt

bcbauptcn, aber e6 gicbt Dinge, bic man borbcr au[6S enaucflc priifen unb mit ocrtrautcu Sreunbcn bc[prccbcn

mufi, cbc man [ic bcr f cutlicbtcit iibcrgicbt.25 t


pcrgog. Sllfo mid), ben b ergog Sbrcn S obu, recb:

ucn S ic nicbt unter bic SablSbrcr ocrtrautcn Srcuubc ?Dod) mcitcr, SJtama ! Scb biu nicbt gctommcu, SbncnStormiirfc [u macbcn, [onbcru Sbncn nur 3u crgiiblcn, momit

mirb mein gebeimcr Slgcnt untcrbiilt.50 tb craogin (mit [iartcr S timme). Dcin gebeimcr Slgcnt tftciu argliftigcr S p ion. Srb bin in bic[cm S cbloffc nor ben

se. vm .] Der geheime tIglgen t. 47

S pabcrn mcincé S obncé nicbt mcbr ficbct . {acute morgcnmufitc aufict bem S cafcn niemanb um bicfc Qingdcgcnbcit.

c cgog. QBot ane S ic ct fcbcn tbnncn, mic borncfflid)id) bebicnt bin . fi ber mcitct !c aogin . QBic, bu baft nocb mcbr ?Qj crsog.

‘Daé , filiama, wat cn nut fl hivatangcicgcn

beifen anieres Q aufcé . Scat mufi icb mit abet erlauben,Sicgict nngegefcbafte 311 bcriibrcn . S ic baben bintcr meinemSificfen, Wama, einen éBcrtrag mit bcm fi ofc ben §Babcrnabgefcbloffcn.

b crgogin (n iimmt). QBct fagi Dab ?

b c t gog. Gincn Qiet tt ag, in feinen Ronfcq ncngcn cbcnfo

unb ot teilbaft fiic ba6 Eanb, alé crnicbrigcnb fi n mid), ben

c ava.

‘b eraogin. Qicrrat ! c illofcr Qict rat !

é crgog. (Ebcnfo etnicbrigcnb fiir ben b crgog, bet inbicfcm éBcrtt agmic cine s,]3crfbn bebanbclt mirb, Dic man nicbt

fragte, unb bie fid) ffigen micb, fobalb ca bie bunblauwigfie{ Rutter fiit gut finbct.b c t gogin. QBct bat mit ba6 gctban ? QBet bat biefc z o

QBcrIeumbungen gcmacbt ? Scbwillcs mifl'

cn !

b c t gog. Slicin gcbcimet QIgcnt, Niama. QBoIIcn

S ic SBcn nifc ?

c t gogin g ain, ncin ! Srb babe genug gcbbrt, b owtommen genug! D bicfc S cene ! QBic has meine merbcn zs

angt cift ! SDct S obn gegen bie eigene 931mm !6mm. unb bic Emuttcr gegen bcn eigenen S oba ifi cq ogin (mit fdmadm S timme). lia bicnc id) hiefe Qiors

mfirfc ?

b et sog. Scb macbc Sbncn feinc éBotnn'

itfc,Wama, id) 30

babe, mic gcfagt, nut pflicbtfcbulbigfi mitgeteilt, was mit

48 met gebeime agen t. [ACT 11.

b ccgogin (was). 53cm gcbcimct n cnt, ein bcrab;

fcbcunngémiit bigct S pion auflfificrt ! QBic id) bicfcnc fcben bafl


e! 3d; willnicbt cber rubcn, bis iwibn ans

bcm bunicln QBinici, mo ct fein S ift aué briitct, ans flagcses [icbt gcgogcn babe.

b eraog. Mama, id) bin fertig. Gt iaubc mit nut ,

Sbncn nod; an bcmct icn, bafi id; cs ffit meine S cbuibigicitbieli, nnfct cm (Bcfanbtcn am {pofenon fi avcrn ncuc Snflt nf;tioncn angeben an Iafl


cn mu: privatim, Smama morint o icb micb abct bcmiibtc, ibm bcutlid; ins S ebacbtnié ant


fiibrcn, met bcnn cigcntlicb bet 45cm bicfes Qanbcé ifi. (ab )

glennfet gunftrift.

Sb i c ib crgogin, (pate: bet G raf.

Jj eq ogin (flingeit beftig). Wan fucbc ben S t afcn S teins15 banfcn !

fl ammcrbi cn ct bet fi et gogin. S eine c cflcngfinb

nocb im S cblofl'


é crgogin . 36) crtvartc ibn ! Emcinc S cbrittc 3abcianfcben, mcinc ‘Blanc an burdyft cugcn, micb nor bem {safe

20 non fi abct n, not bem eigenen ©cfanbtcn bioéguftcucn ! unbba6 aIIcé nidpt ans eigenem a tt icb 0, be: {germ battcnie an {0 “was gcbadfi, cc folgtc nut ben Ginfhifictungcn

jcncé tatfclbaftcn Emcnfcbcn, bet nicbt nut meine S chritte,anebmeine (Sebanfcn anffpiirt, bet unficbtbat nmbct ftblcitbt,

25 feine Dbt cn an icbc i bfit legt, auS feinem §Bctficd bcraub

1c 93mm bcobacbtct; cs ifi unct ttaglitb ! fDaé foil, ba6

mufi anberemerbcn !

(Braf (nitt cilia cin). Ci nct {Durcblaucbt [icfien mieb ivci[ig tufcn ; (Ever S nt cbiancbt finh agitiert, um 63mm

50 Der gebeime agen t. [ACT 11.

g crgogin Scb babe meine $artie genommen ; miribnnen n itbt ferncc anf einem Sierrain arbeiten, ba6 notunfern fi ngen untermin iert mirb, unb iebcmQ anbftreid; offcnDa liegt, ba mir n icbt mifl


cn, ben mcldycr S eite er gegen uncs gcfiibrt wit h: (S ic Hingcit. 8a bem Rammcrbctrn, bet bcrcintt itt) :

Wan rufe ben Dbcrfibofmcificc ! Scb bcrlafic bicfe S tabt.©raf. 11m (Betteé millen, 6 im Durcblautbt moIIcn

uné bocb nicbt b ctlaficn, bie 3&c bee c gimcnté ans

ben fianhen gcbcn, uné bet ungnabc bea b crgogé fiberst o laffen, in bcficn fl ugcn mir, ale (finer SDntcblambt allcrgetrcucfic State, ben jeber ale cine bbcbfi mifilicbigc Dppofition ct fcbicncn finb?

‘b ergogin . D mein bcficr S t af, S ic irren gewaltig ;icb willnur bie SRcfibcng fiir cinigc Seit bcrlafl


cn, um bie

rs S taatégcfcbaftc ben einem S errain leiten 3a ibnncn, ba6icb ben gcbcimcn n cntcn frei an crbaltcn vermag.

S raf. (Eucr Durcblaucbt women ?

fi crgogin. biocb bcute mein ficineé S dplofi Gaiet tabcaicbcn ; mir {cbcinb eé licgt nicbté Qluficrorbcntlitbcé barin,

z o ba6 icb bort einmalbie S ommermonate anbringen will.(Braf. unb bet fi crwg?

fi craogin QBirb mit feinem gcbcimcn Qigcntcn bierbleiben, (Safcrta iii mein sBribateigcntnm.

©raf. unb mic finer {Durcblaucbt getrcucfic bj ergogin . S inb frcunblitbfi cingclabcn, mid; an be;


@raf(tinist tmabm m icam). QBirb abcr feine Durcblaucbtbicfcn S cbritt bifligcn ? QBcifi Der Ibergog barnm?

ebergogin . (i t mirb ca crfabrcn ! Wacb bet unangcs

30 ncbmcn S cene, bie mir verbin gcbabt, fann es ibm nut

crwiinfcbt [cin, bafimir uné cin baac $a nicbt [cbcn.

se. x.] Der gebeime agen t. 51

Debn ier a iri if.

Sb i c Qi origcn. Dbcrflbofmciflcr.

Dbcrfi bofmc ificr. Grier “Durcblaucbt baben be

fobicn !

c gogin. 36) babe micb cntfcbiofl'

cn, 65cm fi ofmar; s

fcbaII, fiir cin igc QBocbcn mein S cblbficbcn Gaiet ta 311 bcgicbcn,icb min nod; bcute abcnb babin abrcifcn . c forgcn S ic

meinen QBagen unb fibiden S ic foglcicb einen Gouricr

binaué , bamit man QBobnungcn cinricbtc fiir ben S rafenS teinbanfen unb bre i bcr iibrigcn State mit bem nbtigcn xo

c rfonal. Scb ncbme bie i13rin3cfi'

in mit mir ; meine ©Ofsbamcn ibnncn morgcn folgcn .

D bcrftbofmc ift cr (crflannt). Qibcr S eine SDurcbiaucbtber ‘ficrr 65mm?

b crgogin. 66 ifi 1'

t fieben llbr, icb wiinfcbc, bafi in 15

cincr balbcn S tunbc mein QBagen am ©artcntborc b orfiibrt.D bcrftbofmc iflcr. Qibcr bcr {m t J§ ergog {dyeinen nicbt

b crrcifcn an molten, S eine Durcblaucbt finb focbcn an einerSagb auégcrittcn .

b crgogin (far ficb). {Dcflo bcficr ! (Iant) : Qibcr id; merbeaonarb (Eafcrta gcbcn, 35m Dbcrfibofmcificr !D bcrftbofmc ifi cr ©an3an (fin er {Durcblaucbt

fi cfebi !

{ rergogin (in bar! Rabinctt rnfcnb). Weill S cbreibgcug!(SDcr Rammcrbicncr bringi cs, fic fcgt (id; gum S cbrcibcn . ©raf unb 25b efmarfcbaii auf bcr anbetu S eite ncbmcn cine iBrifc.)

D berftbofmcift er. 15m ! 65m ! QBic ?

Q t af(put t mit ben admin).D bcrftbofmeificr. Eiiacb (Safcrta ?(Braf. S o frbcint

é !

52 Der gebeime Dgenf. [ACT 11.

Dbcrfibofmc ificr. 3a, abcr ?(Braf. S taatégcbcimnifl


c !

Dbcrfibofmeiftcr. smit Gurcn (Bebcimnifl'

cn ! CEGmirbuncrtrc


iglicb an bicfcm b ofc !

5 (Braf. {Sinbcn S ic ba6 ?D bcrfibofmeifi cr. Run ia,man fann ia feinen S cbritt

mcbr tbun, obne bafiman aufcine Q cimiicbicit ftbfit.@raf (graft mit bcn admin).Dbcrfi bofmc iftcr. unb bcr «b etaog?S raf. SBIcibt bicr.

D bcrfibofmcift cr. unb icb?

@raf. (Sbcnfailb.

Dbcrftbofmeift cr. unb ber (c c imc ?

(5 t (mit einem fl it! anf bie b crgogin). fi fi !D bcrfibofmc ifler (

bnflct b criegcn).

fi crgogin (Iant). b crr Dbcrftbofmcificr !D bcrflbofmc ift cr (crfcbrodcn). Gri er Durcblaucbt !{pcraogin S icfcn $rief gcbcn S ic morgcn friib bem

b erm . Eafl'

cn S ic meinen QBagcn cinfpanncn . (b ofs

ao marfrbaii ab.)

é crgogin fDicfc filiafiregcltann fcin Qiuffcbcn erregen,unb fie iii notmenbig; icb barf cé nicbt magcn, im iebigcnbingenblicfc mit meinem S obnc micb offenbar an fibcrmer;

fen, namcnilirb nicbt megcn jenec gcbcimcn Qigcntcn, cin

25 S piclgcng, an bem bcr é crgog nun einmal(Befcbmad gee

funbcn. (bfrmartcn S ic mirb bicr, S raf S teinbaufcn, icbmnfi cinigc notmcnbigc Qinorbmmgcn treffen. (3 5 inc Rabinett.)

glfter Duftriff.

S raf (allein). (Gcbt bcftig anf unb ab.) fDaé gcbt an m it,30 unb mic icb mid) and) bin unb ber bcfinnc, ba6 Iafit ficb

sc . xn .] Der gebeime Dgen t. 53

mit meiner SDicniip icbt gegen S eine Durcblaucbt nicbtb crcinigcn . QIbcr mac foilicb tbun ? fDie b ergogin iflaufgeregt, icb fennc ibren fcficn QBiIIen, fie mirb ben bicfcm(Entfcblnfi nicbt abaubringcn fe in. QBcnn nur bcr 83mmba mare! (Einc fo fcbbnc S clcgcnbeit, mid) awgctrcncficn 5rb icncr ibm barguflcucn, fommt nicbt fo balb micbcr abcr

bcr b crgogin bcn (Beborfam bermcigcrn, iii nnmbglicb. S ic

bat bib fegt allc ib efcblc gegeben, cs mare gicbcuion gegenbie Qiiicrbbcbfic S emalt. (Gr gcbt anf unb ab.) cbait ! bas

gingc ! S o mare cs mbglicb ; ia, ia, icb baite Sbre 5911claucbt ben einem fibcreiiten S cbritt ab unb ber c rgogmufi cs mir bauien.

o lfter Duftri tt.

fiber éBo r igc. $Dcr Db crfib ofm c iflcr, bann b i c b crgogin unb

b ie SBr ingcfiin.

D bcrfibofmc ift cr. iDic QBagcn finb bereit ;— abcr

icb bittc S ic, bebe Grceiicna, geben S ic mir cimas an bic

b anb, moran id; micb baltcn iann. iDcr Stopf fcbminbcltmir. S cblofi, Rorriber, Sit eppen, QBagcn, aucb [anft bormir im c ifc bcrum.

(Braf (micbtia). Qicficr Dbcrftbofmcificr, mir bcfinbcnunb in cincr auficrfi micbtigcn Rrifié . S ic biirfcn bic

Srau fi crgogin nicbt begleiten, icb fiirrbteD bcrfibofmc ift cr. Gine 11ngnabc ; meine Ber;

fircuung gcficrn bor ber S afei !©raf. Nibglicb. Srb babe Sbncn neulicb fcbon gcfagt,

bafi bier Dingc gcfcbcbcn merbcn, nor bcrcn S emalt mirunb nur burcb febee Qincinanbcrbaltcn fdnibcn ibnncn.

Dbcrflbofmcifi cr (fafit feinen arm). S ic feben, mic icbmirb an fie ani iammcrc.

54 Der geheime {agen t [ACT 11.

S raf. QBobian benn i S tcben S ic mir {raftig gar

S eite ; icb icnnc Sbre S ciflcégcgcnmart.Dbcrflbofmcift cr.

sDi cia (Boti ! QBaé foilicb tbun ?

(Br af. Siiicbt b iei, nnr ber c gogin mclben, ba6 bic

s i Bagcn bereit feien, unb bann fallen S ic mit einem berg

[cgcncn S cficbtc auf micb bimufcgcn : QibcrD bcrfibofmc ificr (febr b cricgcn). Qibcr !S raf. Qibcr ! Sbr (beficbt ifi gang bortrcfiiid)

(b ergogin unb a cfl'

in treten cin.)

aj ergogin . QBir finb fertig ! mun, meine {m m

w e fellba6 (Braf S teinbaufcn ? S ic fcbcn fo nadys

bcnilid; ané unb S ic,Dbcrfibofmcificr mac? foilSbr

bcrflbrtcé Qiné fcbcn ?

D bcrfibofmc ificr ([cbr bcfliirgt). Quiet !15 (Braf (Irire an ibm). Nod) nicbt !

g crgogin .

mun, fi crr Dbcrflbofmcificr, baben S ic

meine Qicfcbic bcforgt ?Dberfibofmc ifler. 3a (Eucr SDurcbiancbt $efebi, bie

QBagcn finb bereit, aber (S icbt ben (85mm an.) Qibcr

c raogin. QBaé foilbab Qiber, bj crr Dbcrflbofmcificr ?(Braf. S o fprccbcn S ic bocb, mclben S ic Sbrcr SDuribs

laacbi, mab S ic gcbbrt !Dberfibofmeift cr (in grbfitcr §8 cricgcnbcit, graft anfiaiicnb bic

admin).25 fi ergogin. QBcrbe id; enblicb crfabrcn ?

©raf. SDcr Dbcrflbofmciftcr iii gang auficr fid; cs

iii aber aucb cin feltfamcr umfianb. Sman mclbct nirmlid;

ben bcr QBaibe, bafi bortbin focbcn ber gcmcfl'

cnfic c fcbi

gciommcn, bcute abcnb feinen QBagcn, es fei, melrber ca

30 m ile, aué bem S ibiofic an [afl'


c gogin. Reinen QBagcn ané bem S cbiofi'

c an laficn ?

30 . x11.] Der gebeim e Dgen i. ss

©raf. S o mar ber ib cfcbl, nicbt mabr, fierr Dbcrfla

bofmcificr ?Dbcrftbofmc ifi cr (bcr ben ©rafcn crflaunt angcfcbcn, febr

flagiirb). 3a, allcrbingé

fi crgogin . unb mm mm tam biefer Qicfebl?(Braf. QSon S einer Durcblaucbt, bem aj crrn b craog.

g crgogin (gum Dbcrrtbofmcirtcr). Qiom fi crgog?D bcrftbofmcifi cr. 3a, aiicrbingb i

fi ergogin . unb mcr iibcrbraibtc bicfcn c fcbi ?©raf. SDcr gebeime Qigent.J§ crgogin (gum Dbcrfibofmciiicr). QBaé mufi id) bbrcn,

c rr Dbcrfibofmcificr ! mcr iibcrbrarbtc ben 58 cfcbi ?Dbcrftbofmcifi cr (fame cum boicnb). c r gebeime


{acraogin (rcfignicrt). 66 ifi gut, meine fi crrcn, fo merbeicb crfi morgcn rcifcn !

fibe r Qi orbang iii ii i.

Dr i fter Dufaug.

grfier Duftri tt.

D icfclbc D c i oration.

Dcr b crgog. Der 8 amm crb i cn cr.

5 Sbcrsog. unb bu fagtcfi, mein gebeimcr QigcntRammcrbicn cr. S ab gcficrn im 92amcn Guer Durcb

laucbt Dcfcbi, bae S cbiofi um aebi ubr an icbiicficn unb

nicmanb, namcntiicb aber feine (Equipagcn mcbr binauec



é crgog. S onbcrbar ! llnb bicfcn SBcfcblerbicit bieS cbiofimacbc ben meinem gcbcimcn Qigcntcn ?£ ammcrbicn cr. Qion Q ucr Durcblaucbt gcbcimcm


fi e rgos (fi n ficb). S oilTub bicfc ‘Bbantaficgcfiait ribs15 [icb bcribrpcrt baben ? Die S acbc ifi mir bcrbc


rcbtig ;obcr feilte ficb icmanb bcn Eiiamcn mcincé gcbcimcn filacntcnanmaficn, um cbcnfailé im gcbcimcn irgenb cinc 932111111aué guubcn ? (2am gu [icb fcibfi rcbcnb.) 31! mclcbcm 3’dfonntc bae S cbiofi gcfpcrrt merbcn ?Rammcrbicn cr. Grier Durcblaucbt baltcn gu S nabcn,

cs ift mir gufaiiig verabuni, barubcr flué iunft crtciicn gu


ebergog. Du? Sn bcr Dbat, icb bin neugierig,Dionficur S eorgc !

25 Rammcrbicn cr. (Sfucr Durcblaucbt, icb fange an, cine

Der gebeime Dgen i. [ACT m .

fpcraog. Der mar gcficrn abenb aucb bei bcr k onfcrcnabriibcn, er nabcrt ficb mir auffallcnb ; cin S cbritt, mic ibnmeine Niuttcr b orbattc, ionntc ibm nicbt glcicbgiiltig fe in.

micbtig ! cr bat bcn gcbcimcn filgcntcn borgcficllt

5 abcr fein Ginlcnicn fellibm nicbté bclfcn ! (5c mar unb iftbocb bie S celc allcr Diacbinationcn gegen micb. S corgc !

Rammcrbicn cr. Guer Durcblaucbt !b'

pcrgog. Scb mag ben ©t afen in bicfcm Qlugcnbliclcnicbt fcbcn, b crficbfi bu? Diacb

’ibm abcr bie bcrtraulicbc

1o smittcilung, bafi mein gebeimcr i’Igcnt ibn bei mir ucrilagt.fibre, mas er fagi (an in femS abinctt.)

Dmei ier Dufiri if.

Der £ ammerb iener. Der Q raf.

@raf. Stun, Wionficur S corgc, mic ficbt’b ? QSicl

bcfcbiifiigt ?St ammcrbicn cr. l’luficrorbcntlicb, (Sucr Grccllcng abcr

bcr 65cm ©rafmiffcn, bafi bcr fi irrific Dicnfi burcbaué n icbtbriicft, mcnn ber 45m gut aufgelegt ifi .S raf. unb ifi ba6 im filugcnblicf bcr fiall?Rammcrbicn cr. 3m bbcbficn (Brabc, (Erccllcng. Srb

babe S cinc Durcblaucbt norb nic fo beiter gcfcbcu, mic inbicfcn lesten Dagcn .

S raf. Dab mare ? fillfo S eine Durcblaucbt finbb olllommcn gufricbcn, laffen nicbt bier unb ba cin bbfcéQBort fallen ubcr irgcnb icmanb? S ic b crficbcn micb,Dionficur S corge.Rammcrbicn cr. Srb erinnere micb nicbt.©raf. Sum Dcifpicl fiber micb? S ic miffcn, fo

beim a ilcibcn, obcr mcnn gufallig bic SRcbc auf micb

80 . IL] Der gebeime Dgen i. 59

tommi, obcr menu icb ba gcmcfcn bin ? QBaé ,Dionficur

(George ?Rammcrbicn cr. blicbt cine S ilbc ! Docb baltl

icb millgegen Gucr Grccllcna offcnbergig fein .

©raf. Si idu an Sbrcm S cbabcn, bcftcr ©corgc !

fillfo S eine Durcblaucbt fagtcn ben mir

Rammcr b icn cr. S eine Durcblaucbt baben nicbtb


S raf. Qibcr S ic fagtcn bod;Rammcrbicn cr. Scb molltc offcnbcrgig fein . Der 1o

gcbcimc n cnt, Guer (ErecllcnsS raf (fer): gefpannt). Dcr gebeime Qigcnt ?

Rammcrbi cn cr. grubfiiidtc bcute morgen mic geo

mbbnlicb mit S cincr Durcblaucbt

S raf. QBic gcmbbnlicb?St ammcrbicn cr. Qllé icb bcrcinlam, um ba6 S crb icc

binmcgguncbmcn, nanntc ber gebeime n cnt (Eucr Grccllcm92amcn.

(Q raf. QBoblmollcn ?

£ ammcrbicn cr. Dab millicb gerabe nicbt bcbauptcn, 20mir fibicn uiclmcbr bcr S on, in mclcbcm cr fagtc : mar

obne 3mcifclbcr S rafS icinbaufcn,“ctmaé argcrlicb, ia gereist .

©r af. 921111 ?

Rammcrbicn cr. 3d; blieb naturlicb in bcr Siabc unbbcrnabm, cs fellgcficrn abcnb an bie QBacbcn bce S cbloffcé zsbcr Dcfcblgclommcn fein, fc

immtlicbc S itter um acblubr

gu fcblicficn, nicmanbcn unb namcntlid'

; icinc QBagcn mcbrbinauégulaffcn .

(Sraf. unb meiler ?Rammcrbi cn cr. Dicfcn Dcfcbl babe bcr gcbcimc so

i’lgcnt fiberbracbt

60 Der gebeime Dgen i. [ACT m .

@raf. QBcitcr lmciter !

g ammcrbicn cr. Situn aber bbrtc icb, mic fid'

; bcr gee

bcimc fl gcnt bei S cincr Durcblaucbt bcfcbmcrtc, bafi man

feinen Siamcn gcmifibraucbt, ibn in bie b ffcntlicbicit bin.!

5 cingcaogcn, ibn iompromitticrt babe; unb bab babe nicmanbanbcrb gctban, mic Gucr Grccllcng bcr c t r S raf S tein:


©raf. Dab fagle cr b or S cincr Durcblaucbt ? unb

gambicfclbcnSt ammcrbicn cr. S cbicncn febr ungcbaltcn barirbcr unb

nabmcn ficb bar, bie S acbc fircngficné gu untcrfucbcn.

S raf. Dab ifi fiari ! Qibcr Dionficur S corge, icb be;fcbmbrc S ic, mober ibnntc bicfcr gebeimen cnt cine filbnungbaben, bafi icb es gcmcfcn, bet in feinemNamcn gcbanbclt ?

15 Sfi bcnn bicfcrWenfcbubcrallunb nirgcnbé ? 36) bittc

S ic, lieber S corgc, mer ifi bicfc ratfclbaftc sJicrfon ? S cicn

S ic cbrlicb unbmabr gegen micb, geben S ic mir cin Eicbt inbicfcr S acbc, S ic muffen fa ba6 ©cnaucfic bariibcr mifl

cn !

umfonfi ifi bcr Dob, Dionficur S corgc, alfo bcfiimmcn20 S ic cinen ‘Brcié fr


it SbreWitteilung, cr mag fo grofi feinmic er mill, icb millibn sablcn . 3d) gebe Sbncn naturlicbmein Gbrcnmort gum ‘Bfanbc, ba6 alleé ,mas S ic mir fagenwerben, fircng b crfcbmicgcn bleibt.Rammcrbicn cr. Qibcr mac munfcbcn (Euer (Excellcua?

z 5 S raf. Siur an miffcn, mer icncr Diann ifi, nur feineDelanntfcbaft gu macbcn unb ibn mcnn aucb nur cinigc

Winutcn gu fprccbcn.

Rammcrbicn cr. Debcnlcn Q ucr Grccllcngfclbfi, ba6 ifiunmbglitb. QBic ibnntcn S ic bieDcianntfibaft beé gcbcimcn

30 Qigcntcn marbcn, obne bafi er fclbfi bamir cinucrfianbcnmare? Seb fann S ic borb nicbt unficbtbar an ibm fubrcn.

SC . IL] Der gebeime Dgen i. 6 1

@raf. S emifi nicbt ; abcr mcnn S ic ibm borficlltcn,cine folcbc {urge untcrrcbung miirbc cinen ber gctrcucficn

Dicncr S cincr Durcblaucbt, cinensJJiann, bem bae QBoblbee

S taatcé fo febr am é crgcn licgt, auficrorbcntlicb gliidlicbmacbcn ? Dian mare ficbcr, Qininiipfungépunitc, c icbuw 5

gen gu cinanbcr gu finbcn, bie cé mbglicb macbtcn, [patervereint in glcicbcm Sntcrcffc ben glcidun QBcg gu manbcln,gum Dilute S cincr Durcblaucbt unb gum aficilbee2anbc6.

Rammcrbicn cr. QBcnn icb nur (Gucr Grccllcns QBortc

fo bcbaltcn fbnntc, cs mare bocb am a r mbglitb, bab fie 1oibren Ginbruclaufbcn gcbcimcn filgcntcn nicbt bcrfcbltcn.

@raf. @lauben S ic, Di onficur S corgc ? Dinnerunbcgrcnatcn Danibarlcit finb S ic gcmifi.Rammcrbi cn cr. (Euer (Excellcngmerbcn cinfcbcn, bafi

bieé cin febr fcbmicrigcé , gcfabrlicbcé llntcrncbmcn bleibt, 15bintcr bem Studcn feiner Durcblaucbt, ia gegen S einen auesbriidlicbcn Dcfcbl, filllcrbbcbfi S e inem gcbcimcn Qigcntcn

cinen folcbcn Dorfcblag an macbcn.

©raf. Dionficur (Bcorgc, mir bcrficbcn unb ; ber‘Brcib

fur Sbre Dcmr‘

ibungcn fell bicfcn Dcmr’

ibungcn glimacnb ao

gcgenubcrficbcnRammcrbicn er. 11m micb Gurcr (b ecilcn; su bcrbin

ben, millicb mein Nibglicbficé b crfutbcn .

S raf. unb im SailbeaWiifiliugcné mirb ber gebeimeQigcnt taimollgenug fein, unb nicbt gu b et raten .

Rammcrb icn cr. Der gebeime Qigcnt ifi cin Diann benGbrc.S raf. Darauf rccbnc id). (Rammcrbicncr in ba6 Jiabincit

linlc.)Qibcr mic ifi cs mbglicb, bafi bcr gebeime30

Qigcnt aucb bicb crfubr ! Die S acbc mirb immer rittfclbaftcr.

62 Der gebeime agen t. [ACT III.

flBar bod; nicmanb bei bcr S cene gcficrn abenb gugcgcn, alebic fi ergogin, bie fllringcffin unb bcr Dbcrfibofmcificr !

Der Dbcrfibofmcificr ! S ollte bcr micb bcrratcn baben ?unmbglicb mare cé nicbt ! S ibiinblicb ! S cbiinblicb !

5 QIbcr nicbt unmabrfcbcinlid) ; cr iommt mir iibcrbaupt in

bcr lcbtcn Seit febr b cranbcrt uor, fcblcicbt fo fibcu umber,ift fo cinfilbig, aneb nimmt er bie ilcinc ungnabc bcr firauebergogin febr an ©cmfu ca follie micb gar n icbt mumbcrn, ba6 er allc mbglicbcn S cbrittc tbut, um ficb bcmSj craog gu nabcrn unb ba gicbt cs frcilicb lcincn bcffcrnQBcg, ale inbcm er bem gcbcimcn filgcntcn b crtraulicbc 93m.

teilungen macbt. S o ift’

é l Ge fann micb nicmanb b cr

raten baben, ale ber Dbcrfibofmcificr !

Driller Duffrill.

Dcr Do r igc. (S rafD é iar.

(Braf. bib! Dicin Sicffcl S iebt man bicb enblicb?DBiar. Srb babe S ic bcute morgcn b crgcbcné auf

Sbrcm Qirbcitégimmcr gcfucbt, beficr Dbcim.

S raf. fiber cucb iungc ficutc ! Gincr ift gerabe [020 lcicbtfinnig mic bcr anbet e. Dis Emittcrnacbt marfi bu nicbtgu Q aufc.

D é iar. Qicrgcibcn S ic, bcficr Dbcim, icb mar gcficrnabcnb in S cfcllfcbaft junger, b crgniigtcr iEcutc, moruntcr

mcbrcre altc Defanntc ; mir fpracbcn ben vergangenen Seiten,25 unb ba murbc ca cimab fpiit.

S raf. Qibcr bu biittcfi bicfcn smorgcn in allcr $5n'

ibc gumir fommcn follcn, um mir icnc SJiittciIung mm [0 bobcrQBicbtigicit au macbcn.

D é far. QBcc c ?

SC. Der gebeime Jigen t. 63

S raf. fiber beine fliergcfilicbfcit i (Bingfi bu bcnn

gcftcrn abenb nicbt in ben blart binab, um bieDctanntfcbaftbeé gcbcimcn fl gcntcn gu macbcn ?

Datar. 3a fo, ba6 battc icb bcinabc bcrgcficn ! fills icbin bcn ‘Barf binabfam 5

©raf. Wun ?D é iar. S ab icb ibn an bcr groficn Drangcric ftcbcn .

® raf. Qilfo bocb ! QBciter ! QBcitcr !

D é iar. Gin iungcr, gicmlicb grofier, gut auéfcbcnbcr

Emann mit eleganter Dournr‘

irc, frifibcn, aufgcmcdtcn (9cc

ficbtégugcn, einem belicn Dlicl, rafcb in feinen Dcmcgungcn,feinem S urccbcn.

©raf. Qilfo bu fpracbfi mit ibm?

Dblar. Staturlicb ! QBir mccbfcltcn cinigc QBortc fiberben fcbbncn sliari, fiber bie neue Drangcric, iibcr bae bcrrlicbcQBcttcr, fiber ‘c rbc unb Jj unbc, abcr icb fanb ibn gicmlicbeinfilbig.

©raf. Docb nicbt unfrcunblicb?Db iar. Stein, abcr fo b iclSRiibc icb mir aucb gab, bie

untcrrcbung auf cin piiantcrcé Det rain gu fpiclcn 2°

S raf. QBobci bu bicb abcr boficntlicb in acbt nabmcft,ibm au b crficbcn gu geben, bumiifitcft, mer cr feilD é lar. QBic tbnncn S ic fo cimas bcntcn ? fo ging

bocb un[crc Ronucrfation balb an a c. Srb ionntc nicbtcinmalbagu iommcn, nacb feiner QBobnung au fragen, bcnner grufitc micb febr bbflicb, unb ucrfcbmanb in ben (b cbirfcbcn.

(Braf. 921111, cc’

l ift bocb cin ilcincr S cbritt gcfcbcbcn !Du mirfi ibn natfirlid


; bei irgenb einer S clcgcnbcit micbcrcrlcnncn, cc mirb ficb bcincr cbcnfailb erinnern unb ba6 fannfcbon gu ctmaé fubrcn . Seb mufi auf bcinc Abrilfc rccbncn, 30lieber Delar, ca ift bier bei é ofn icbt mcbr allcé ,mic fonfi.

64 Der gebeime Dgen t. [ACT m .

Delar. 3d) bcmcritc cé .

S raf. Du bift cingcmcibt in unfcrc Derbirlmiffc ;icb babc c6 bcr 8rau fi crgogin oft gcfagt, mic unrccbt fietbuc, S cincr Durcblaucbt tcinc anbet e S tellung anaumcifcn,

5 aber fie gab meinen SRatfcblagcn fein ©ebbt , cs folltc allcébe im blltcn bleiben.

Db tar. unb ba6 bcm c rgog bicfcé Qiltc nicbt bcfonbcré

gefalle, tann man ficb beulen. Dian [albeit ia auemc’


bariibcr, ia bier im cigcncn 2aubc bbrt man b ic[ce mibst o billigen.

©raf. Qcibcrl ficibcrl filbcr ba6 S cblimmfic bei bcrS acbc ifi, bab ber b ergog cincu aufierorbcntlicb liugen unbfein angelegten $lan befolgt, um ficb feiner geffeln au


15 D é iar. Durcb feinen gcbcimcn figcntcn ?@raf. Dcrftcbt ficb ! Gr crforfibt unfcrc (Entmiirfc, cr

burcbtrcuat unfcrcsBlane, obne ic feiner Diuttcr gcgcniibcr au

treten. Gr lodert bcn Dobcn unter unfern 5am unbmcnn

ré cinmalirgcnbmo anfiingt gu brccbcn, fo fiurgcn mir allc

20 gufammcn .

D é lar. Dab ift ia cntfcelicb ! unb gicbt cs bcnn tcin

Emittcl, ba6 S ic uor bicfcm S turac bcmabrt, lieber Dbcim?(Braf. Slur ein cinsigcb, unb bagu bcbarficb bcincr QulfcD é iar. c cbncn S ic gangaufmid).

25 ©raf. Wirbt fo fcbncll, junger fi crr ! Scb b etlangeb iclben bir. 11m micb 3u untcrftuecn, mufit bu bicb b et smdblcn.

Delar. QBic, lieber Dbcim?©raf (ladyclnb) Grfcbricf nicbt, c6 ift bie glangcnbfte

30sJSartie, bie ic cincr uon unfcrcm fianfe gcmacbt. Dic

flSrinacffin Gugcnic !

66 Der gebeime Dgen i. [ACT m .

aubrcbcn . fi ber auf eben bicfcr sBromenabc babe icb ibn

micher ge[cbcn.

@raf. QBcn bcnn ?

Dbcrfibofmcificr. (Er grufitc micb rcdufrcunblicb.

s S raf. QBcr bcnn ?

D bcrftbofmeiftcr. Stun, mer fonfi, alé mein Detannstcr, bcr gebeime fl gcnt.©raf. Sbr Dcianntcr, bcr gebeime figcnt ?Datar. Rennen S ic ibn aneb?D bcrftbofmciftcr. blurb ? 3d} mbcbtc miffcn, mer

an bicfcm é ofc fonfi feine Delanntfcbaft gcmacbt bat ?@raf (3u feinem Steffen, ber fpretben mill). $13 ! fl lfo

S ic tennen ben gcbcimcn fi gcntcn ?Dbcrfibofmc ift cr. {Srcilicbl Srb macbtc gcficrn in

15 bem ‘Bari feine Dcianntfcbaft. Q in cbarmantcr fl aun t

3d) licfi ibm famtlicbc QBaffcr fpringen.

S raf. (i i, ci ! unb mo fanbcn fie ibn ?Dbcrftbofmc iftcr. S amtlicbc QBaffcr, mas er febr bod;

aufauncbmcn fcbicn .

z o S raf. 6 0 ! fo lD bcrftbofmc ift cr. SCI) faub ibn an bem groficn

Daffin, cs macbtc bicfcm bcbcutcnbcn Dianne fireube, bieGuten an flittern .

@raf. S i, ci !

25 Dbcrfibofmcift cr. Gin alter untcrfeeter 15cm, fo inunfern 3abrcn.

G raf unb Detar. 18a“

©raf. Du fagtcft bod)?Dbfar. (Erlauben S ic, eberr Dbcrfibofmeiftcr !

30 D bcrfibofmcift cr (bcfiimmt). (iiin alter unterfcbter16m , bocb in bcn Mnfgigcn.

sc . 1v.] Der gebeime agen t. 67

©raf. 65a ! ba ! ba !D bcrftbofmcificr. QBoriibcr lacbcn

(Eucr Q rccllcng?

©raf. fiber Sbrcn gcbcimcn filgentcn.

Db crftbofmcift cr. Der tft mir burcbaué nicbt lacberlicb.(Braf (tarbenb). S ic finb im Srrtum, bcftcr Dbcrftbofe 5

mciftcr ! —Dbcr bat er Sbncn b icllcicbt anb crtraut, er fciber gebeime n cnt ?

D bcrfibofmc iftcr. Dab nitbt, aberDblar.

Stun bann baben S ic cinen barmlofcn S pasicrgangcr fur ben gcbcimcn filgcn tcn angcfcbcn.

D bcrfibofmcificr. llnmbglitb !S raf. fi abcn einem fit emben, unbctanntcn firmtlicbc

QBaffcr [bringen laffen. QBclcbc DcrfcbmcnbunglD bcrftbofmeificr. Dab mare unangcncbm !©raf. 16a i ba ! bal unb ibn aufbcr S trafic frcunbc 15

licbft gcgriifit.

Dbcrfibofmc ificr (bittere). glbcr mober lbnncn (EucrGrcelleng fo gcnau mificn, bafi ca nicbt bcr gebeime filgcntmar, bcffcn Detanntfcbaft icb gcmacbt ?D é iar. QBcil bcr gebeime filgcnt cin lunger SRann ao

ifi, grofi, fcblant, in meinen Sabrcn.

Dbcrftbofmcift cr. fillfo S i c tenncn ibn ?S raf (leife, gcfallig). 6 c icnnt ibn febr gcnau. unis

b crfitiité frcunbc l QBarcn bcibc auficrorbcntlicb fibcrrafdu,ficb bier micbcr an finbcn.

D é lar. S ebt iibcrrafibt.Dbcrfibofmcift cr. Dab iann icb mir bcntcn.

68 Der gebeim e agen t. [ACT m .

Sitinfter Jinftritt.

Die éBor igen. Der s ammerb ien cr.

Rammcrbi cn cr (auc bem Jiabinett bee Q ergoge, rfidt cinen

Gauteuil, bcr im QBegc fiebt, rimac gurud).

s D bcrfibofmc ift cr (be: ibm 311115111111 ficbt). QBae ift’


amonficur S corgc ?Rammcrbicn cr. S eine Durcblauibt merbcn ficb im

Qlugcnblid an J§ bcbfi23brcr {Eran Ntuttcr begeben . (Gr fagt

auf bem QBcg in ba6 Rabinctt ber b ergogin leife gum Grafcn z) Guer1o (Excellcng merbcn mir ucraeibcn, abcr icb glaubc, cs marebcffcr, mcnn S eine Durcblaucbt Guer (Srccllcns in bicfcm2lugcnbliclc bier nicbt irben miirbcn.

@raf. Seb banic Sbncn . (2aut.) 2llfo, 45m Dbcrft

bofmciftcr, auf QBicbcrfcbcn bei ber Dafei filbcr ncbmcnt s S ic mir nicbt libel, icb tann Sbrcr Durcblaucbt, bcr {fraub ergogin, bie lbfilicbc @cfd)icbte mit ben fpringcnbcnQBaficrn n icbt b orcntbaltcn.

Dbcrftbofmcificr. Q ucr Grccllcnamerbcn beifcr tbun,blefe Sicdcrcicn gu untcrlaffcn.

20 @raf(im abgeben). l icu, abicu ! au revo ir ! Q a ! {3

6a i lbfllid) ! fbfflifi ! (Graf unb Defar ab.)

Dbcrft bofmc ificr (allein). Da gebt cr lacbcnb ab ;

abcr mir mollcn fcbcn, mcr gulcbt lacbt, unb leb bin borbiibcrgcugt, bafi ca bcr gebeime Qigcnt mar, bcffcn Delannts

25 fcbaft icb gcmacbt.

(Der b ergog gebt fiber ba6 Dbcatcr in bie Dblir rccbtc, ber Dberfibofmeifier macbt ibm cine tiefe éBerbeugung.)

3a, mer gulcet lacbt, lacbt am bcftcn, unb icb glaubenicbt, ba6 S eine (brccllcna am S cblufi ben bcr frbblicbcn

s c . v.] Der gebeim e Dgen t. 69

EBartic fcin fell. fl icnigficné mare fcinc S crccbtigl’cit barin

gu finbcn. Diefc Grafcn S teinbau[cn, Dniclunb Sieffe,icb traue ibncn burcbaub nicbt, man mufi ficb nor ibncn

in acbt n cbmcn . Der altc ©raf, bié bcr in bcr bcftigficn

p ofition gegen S eine Durcblaucbt, ftbcint ben bem neuen 5QBinb, bcr fest bei ~i§ ofc mcbt, ftbarf umgcbrcbt an fein .

Stun, mcnn bicfc QBinbfabne aucb feet guira QBcttcr geigt,mirb S eine Durcblaucbt bocb boffcntiicb nic bergeffen, mobcrbcfianbig S turm unb {Regen gclommcn. unb bic beibcn

molicn ben gcbcimcn Qigcntcn [cbon fo gcnau tennen ?Scb tann cc nicbt glauben, bin bagcgen uoliiommcn fiber;

scugt, bafi fie allc 932mm furingcn iaficn, um bicfc micbtigcDelanntfcbaft au maibeu. unb icb bin cs mir unb meinerS tellung fibulbig, ein @lcicbcb gu tbun. bib, bcficrS corgc !

(Der Rammerbicner tommt auc bem Rabinctt gurbet.)slammerbiener. 65cm Dbcrfibofmciftcr, gangauSbrcn


Dbcrftbofmc ift cr. Siicbcné art, Si cbcnbart,mein 2icbcr !S ic finb nicbt an meinen Dicnften, id) weib bab bcfl



Rammcrbicn cr. 65m Dbcrftbofmcificr tbnntcn an

meiner Dcrcitmiliigtcit 3mcifcln, fiir S ic au ibun, mas inmeinen h aften ficbt ?Dbcrfibofmeiftcr (fest ficb). 3a, fa, man icnnt cucb

fi crren mit curcn i’Iué rcbcu! QBaé in mcincn Rraftcn

ficbt ? Qibcr mcnn man cinmal ctmab ben cucb b ergiangt, fo ficbt

é gicid; nicbt in curen Rraftcn. fi e, meme

ficur S corge !Rammcrbicncr. fi crr Dberftbofmciftcr tbun mir 11m

rctbt. SCI) mcifi febr gcnau unb werbe ca nic bergcffcn, so

mic b iclid) Sbrcr gnabigcn éBrotcttion nerbante.

70 Der gebeime Dgen t. [ACT m .

D bcrfibofmc ificr. Stun, mir baben [cincr Seit baeunfrigc gctban, Sbncn gum icbigcn

si ibftcn au b crbclfcn.

Qibcr unbani ifi bcr fiBclt Qobn !Rammcrbiener. Qibcr nicbt bcr meinige, icb b crficbcrc

s S ic, tj crr Dbcrfibofmcificr.D bcrftbofmcific r. QBirllicil, lieber (Scorgc ? Gin SBba

nomen, cin Rlcinob non einem Rammcrbicncr, bcr Danibat .ieit bcfibt !Rammcrbicn cr. S tclicn S ic micb auf bic ‘Brebe ;

10 cb gicbt nur cinen cingigcnsBunit, in bem icb burcbaus

nicbtb fagen, nicbté tbun, ia nicbtb bcnicn barf.Dbcrftbofmciftcr. S eben S ic fcbon fl ue;

fiiicbtc !Rammcrbicn cr. Qiber nur cin cinaigcr

‘Buuft, 65cm15Dbcrfibofmcificr ! QBic feilten S ic gerabe auf bic[cn EBunttb erfallen ?Dbcrfibofmc ift cr. Diane 8rage, mein QBunfd

; be;

trifft ben gcbcimcn Qigcntcn 'Rammcrbicn cr. S


Cb bin untrbftlicb, 65cm Dbcrfibofe20 mciftcr, ba6 ift gerabe bcr

‘Bunlt, ben id; berbin anbcutctc.

D bcrfibofmc ificr. S eben S ic Sbre Qiuéfiiicbtc !D Danibarfcit !

Rammerb icn cr. 65m Dbcrftbofmcificr, S ic [cbcn,mic mid; Sbre Dormiirfc quiilcn. QBoblan bcnn ! icb mill

25 Sbncn geigen, bab icb Sbrcr ‘Brotcition and; in Buiunft

nicbt unwert bin . QBaé verlangen S ic ben mir ? Scbmillca ibun, mcnn ca mbglicb tft.Dbcrftbofmcificr. S eben S ic, lieber S corgc, fest

[mclben S ic mic cin bcrniinftigcr Diann, bcr feinen fliersao tcilucrficbt. S ic baben, mic id; bbrtc, bae tlcinc Simmeran bcr Gite mit bcr flubficbt in ben ‘Barlau Sbrcm fi r;

SC. v.] Der gebeim e Dgen t. 7 1

bcité iabinctt gcmr'

mfcbt. S ic ibnnen bcute norb eimicbcn.

Rammcrbicn cr. Scb banic ben fi crgcn, tbcrr Dberfie

bofmcificr aber burftc icb crfabrcnDbcrfibofmc ificr. Dcrficbt ficb. S oglcicb S ic

baben baa S trict, ben c rtrautcn S cincr Durcblaucbt, ben 5

gcbcimcn Qigcntcn, taglicb an [cbcn. Gr foilcin “6561165

murbigcr Diann fcin !Rammcrbien cr. Swab Qiuficrorbcntlitbcé ,b crrDbcrfic

bofmcificr.Dbcrfibofmcificr. S o bat man mir ibn gcfcbilbcrt. 10

S in gefcstcr 9310 1111 in meinen Sabrcn.

£ ammcrbien cr (mid; cincr inaufe). Sal

Dbcrfibofmc ificr (ibt fab) S e mar er ea bod), mit

bem icb gcfiern im ‘Barl gcfprocben, unb hiefe S rafcnS teinbaufen b crfutbtcn ea, micb mit ibrcm univerfitatec 15

freunb bintcrb fiicbt an fiibren . Wicbt fo bumm ! (flank)S ic ibnncn ficb bcnien, lieber (George, bafi ca mirb anbere

orbentlicb brangt, bie genaue SBcianntfcbaft bicfcb uortrcffelicbcn, gciftrcicbcn Dianneb an macbcn, ibm in meinerGigcnftbaft borgcficlit an merbcn, mit ibm cin S efpracb au 20

baben, moburtb mir b iclicicbt imfianbc [inb, unb an nirbernunb gcmcinfcbaftlicb icnc S cbrittc an tbun, mcicbc fiir babQBoblS cincr Durcblaucbt unb bee Qanbcé [o unumgangiicbnotmcnbig finb.Rammerbicn cr. S ic verlangen b icl ben mir, 63m 25

Dbcrftbofmciftcr. S ic leunen ben gcmcffcncn SBcfcblS cincr Durcblaucbt, cé foilnicmanb bem gcbcimcn Qigentenborgcfielit, fa nur mit ibm bciannt gemacbt werben .

Dbcrfibofmeificr. S cicn S ic rubig, ba6 b etlange icbaneb nicbt ben Sbncn !Rammerbicn er. QBic fo, b err Dbcrfibofmciftcr ?

Der gebeime agen t. [ACT In .

Dbcrfibofmciftcr. SQ fcnnc fa bcrcitb ben gcbcimcnfigcnten .

Rammcrbicn cr. Der t aufcnb !

D berfibofmc ificr. SQ traf ibn gefiern im ‘Bart.S S te follcn mir nur in bicfcn Dagcn cine untcrrcbung mit

ibm oce affcn, cine ilcinc unterrcbung, vo ila to ut .

Rammcrbicn cr (iaQ elt). QBcnn bie S a n fo ficbcn,iann iQ [Q on ctmas rié iiercn. SQ millmein DtbgliQficétbun, b crr Dbcrfibofmeificr.

10 Dbcrfibofmc ificr. fi ber balb, mein lieber S eorgc !Rammcrbicn cr (mit Detonung). bi ocb bcute milliQ ben

gcbcimcn Qigcnten mit bem QBua c beeDerrn Dbcrfibofemciftcre bciannt ma n. (Gr gebt bio gut beaRabinctto tints.)

bib, iQ bitte taufcnbmalum Dcrgcibung, b err Dbcrftbofe15 mcificr. Sbre DurQlat , bie 8rau fi ergogin baben mir

[ocben befobicn, Sbncn bie Diclbung gu ma n, bab fiQDicfclbcn an unmobl firbicn, um bem Diner beigumobncnunb bcabalb bier im S alon mit bcr SBringcffin (Eugen iefpcifcn molicn .

20 Dberfibofmcificr. Bo n ! (c ibe ab.)

De ter Duftr itt.

Der Dergog unb b i e SBr i ngeffin (and bem Jiabinctt c to).

Sm og. 66 ifi alleé umfonfi, Diama mirb frcimiliigniQ t aurucftrctcn, im guten n iQ t na cbcn .

25 SBr ingcffin. fi aben ba6 Gucr DurQlat anbete ere

wartet ?b crgog. 2eiber ncin, aber iQ battc gcbaQ t, ba6 bie

mirtfame obam unfcreé gcbcimcn Qigcntcn ibren Ginbrucfauf fie niQ t bcrfcblcn murbc.

74 Der gebeime Dgen t. [ACT 111.

bitte, iQ bcm brc S ic, geben S ic mir cinmalba6 fiific(Bcfiiiubuib uou ibrcu Eipbcn, ba6 S ic miQ lieben, gebenS ic mir burQ ba6 tlciuc flBort bie grbfitcn unb fciigficu

é offuuugen ; bebcuicn S ic, (Eugenie, bafi, mic bie S a u

5 icbt ficbcu, me ine . Emuttcr, rudfiQ taloé mic [o oft, imfiaubc

ifi, bcute, morgen, in bcu uiit cn Slagcu ibre Derlobuugmit bem S rafcn S teinbaufen gu bcrbffeutlc u !

SBriugcffiu. S ic mirb ba6 n iQ t tbun, obne miQborbcr an frrc u.

b craog. (Glauben S ic ? Si cQucu S ic n iQ t an fefibarauf SQ mar borbin im éBcgriff, ibr alleb an geftcbcu,bie (BcfQ it mciucé gcbcimcn Qigcutcn, meine fiicbe 3uSbncn uub gum fiobu fur meine flufr iQ tigicit Sbre b anbgu verlangen.

1 5 iBr iugcffiu. Diciuc Daub uub mit bcrfclbeu Sbre

bcfiaubigc Qibbiingigicit ca mare alleb verloren gcmcfeu.

QBertraucu mir Guer DurQlat meine eigene S a au.

Die {frau Dcrgogin bat miQ au ibrcr («Befclla ft bicrbcrbefobleu unb icb biu iibcrgcugt, ba6 bie bemufitc Qiugciegcue

zo beit q in bicfcr S tunbc aur S bra iommt.

Dcrgog. S ic iommt ! D fe ien S ic flug, (Eugen ie,bcuteu S ic, mit ml cr uugcbulb iQ auf ba6 Si cfuitatbicfcr untcrrebuug martc. S cicu S ic borfiQ tig, maQenS ic teiue flicrfpc uugcu !

25 fl h iugcffiu (laQ elub). Sbr gebeimcr Qigcut foilmit mir

aufrieben fein.

{persog (ffifit ibr bie b anb). D bauu bin iQ ee auQ .

(Wt )

s c . vn .] Der gebeime Dgen i. 75

Dieben ter Duftritt.

Die iBriugcfl'

in. D i eDergogin, [pater ber fi ergog.

fi crgogiu (auf cine ibrcr slammerfrauen gefiitbt, last fiQ auf

cinen Gautcuii uieber). SQ baufc, meine S tile !(Die éBringeffin bcfiubct fiQ im lbiutergrunbc, an bem Seufier recbte.) 5

SiaQ fo b ielcn uuangcucbmcn (c Q iiftcu, a bicfcuemigcn S ceucn b oll QBibcrfpruQ , boiler (Qiumcubuugcu,b ollcr Qibcr eiuc licine rubigc S tunbc.SubliQ biu teb cinmalimftaubc, cine meiner Qicbliugeibccu,bic Dermabluug meiner guten (Eugenie mit bem S rafcu 10

Dbiar bcr Detreffenben gegcnr'

rber auéfprccbcu an tbuucu,obne ba6 iQ gcmartig fcin mufitc, auQ bier (Einmeubuugeugu bbrcn, unb aufDicinuugcu gu ftofieu, bie ben mein igencutgcgcnficben. QBie mirb ba6 gute ii iub iibcrra t fciu,mie bauibar mirb fie meine muttcrlc Surforge aufncbmcu? 15— Sa, naQ allbem uuangcucbmcn biu iQ mir bicfc Dc

lobuuug [Qulbig, bie crfic angcncbmc unterrcbuug bee

bcutigcu S ages. (Die §Brin3cffin ifi naber geiommcu.) Qib, ba iii

fie fQ ou!éBr iugcffiu. QBie gebt es Sbncn, guabigc Dante? 20

fi crgogiu. 92t gut, mciu Riub. SQ fiibic miQbeute fo cutfcbliQ angegriffen, bafi ca mir uumbgliQ ift,irgenb mcc S cfclia ft um miQ gu leiben, uur bic bcincift mir mobltbucub, liebe Gugcuic. S ebc biQ gu mir !éBr iugcffin. Sa, guabigftc Dante, bcfeblcu S ic, 25

ba6 iQ Sbncn ctmaé beriefen foil?{pcr gogin Qaffen mir bab, mciu Rinhi Di ciu (9c;

mitt ifi bcute fo sari gcfiimmt, bab miQ . fclbft bie meleebifQficu frcmbeuRlaugc mic SRifitbuc angreifen. Dumarfibcute auégcfabrcu?

76 Der gebeime Dgen t. [ACT m .

s.Br iu5effin.

Siur cine licin e Sour. SQ fubr um bieS tabt unb burQ bcu §Barf 3111112.

Jj ergogin. StiQ té Sicucb ?

bli riugcfl’

iu. DurQ aub mm .

5 fi crgogiu. QBaemufitc bcinc b oibame?‘Br ingcffin. Si iQ t b icl, guabigc Dante !b crgogin . SuraQ fie uit bon bem (Beriit , ba6

fiQ fQ on in bet S tabt verbreitet baben foil, bcr ebergogmerbe fiQ ucrmiiblcnSBriugcffiu. SiiQ t ba6 (Beriugfic.

(bergogiu. emu ber §Briuacffiu Qimalic bou Drauue

[c ig S6 mare mir (icb, menu ctmma baron iub iBub:

ilium gebruugcu mare, ba bie éBcrbaubluugcu bem l l ufinabc fiub. (Eb . ifi immer augcucbm, gu crfabrcn, mmen

15 Giubrucf fo cimab bei b of unb in bet S tabt maQ t.5.13riu3cffin. fillicrbiugé l

c rgogiu. Diefc éBcrmiibluugmiirbc auunfcrcm {pofeciuc grofic Dcrc

’mberuug gut Solge babcu bcr Gintritt cincr

fecmbeu Si’

trfiin, ber S emabliu bee regiercnben Jbergogé l20 (2&6:m QBir merbcn fitr cinigc Seit aurucfficbcu miiffcu,liebe (iugcuic.Driugcffin. Wit Dcrguiigcu, liebe Dante, mac miQ

betrifftb crgogiu. Du mirfi naQ mic bor mein licbeé Riub

25 [cin, meine gute (Eugenie, uub iQ , mic bieber, bcinc ameitcDiuttcr.

£Briu3cffiu. SQ babe uie barau gcgmeifelt.b ergogiu. SQ bin babou fiberscugt uub iQ boffc, es

[oli smic n uué uie anbetemerbcn bib gum meinem Dobe.30 iBr iugeffiu. D baron fprccbeu S ic niQ t, liebe Dante !

b craogiu. QluQ baron mufi man fprecbcu, uub

SC. VIL] Der gebeime Dgeut. 77.

iQ babe oft barau gcbaQ t uub uamcutliQ in [caterer S eitfiir bcn Sailaugfilicb tibcrlcgt, aufml c QBcifc bcin iiiufe


tigcé S Q id‘

fal an fc ru mare. Der fiergog mirb fiQucrbeiratcu, iQ merbe niQ t mcbr feiu uub bu, rater; unb

muttcrloe, miirbcft allein tu bcr flBclt ficben (betrat t fie 5

foe cub), menu ré niQ t meinen uuabliiffigcn Demubuugen

gelungen mare, fQ on jeut beine Sutuuft glimgcub fcftaue

ficlicu, glbugcub fefiauftclleu.

SBr iugcffin. D bicfc S orge um miQ , bicfc (Blue, Srau

b eraogiu !

fi crgogin (mit fiaricrer S timme). SQ babe ré bemafiir ba6 Dcfie gcfunbcu, unb bcl offcu, biQ , mciu Riub,cbcufallé 3u bcrmablcu.

‘Br iugcffiu. SJiiQ gu b crmablcu?

é crgogiu. Der Jbergog ift berfclbeu QiufiQ t unb bu rs

lauufi bir bcnicu, liebe (Eugenie, ba6 mir bie bcfic unb

glfingeubfic $artic bee Qaubcé fur biQ auégcq t.

SBriugcffiu. S ic [cbcn, mic iQ iibcrra t bin ; barau'


iQ niQ t gebaQ t.

c raogiu (Beltimmt). SQ glaubc cé mobl, mein S inb, aounb ba iQ oorauefcbte, bab bu biQ felbfi mit bcincr Bus

tuuft niQ t bca ftigeu murbcfi, [0 mar cs meine flifiiQ t,bice flir biQ gu tbun .


iu. Qibcr, guiibigc Dantefi crgogiu. (Ein Qibcr,

‘Briuaeffiu? unb bebor iQ bir 25noQ bcu 92amcu bcinct iiinftigeu S emablb genannt ?un[cr Diiuiftcr, bcr S raf S teinbaufen, bat auf uufcrcsS craulaffuug fiir feinen Steffen, ben (Grafen Detar, umbcinc Daub angebaltcu.

SBr iugcffin Qibcr mau fagtc mir uiQ té baron, Srau so

Dcrgogin .

73 Der gebeim e agen t. [ACT m .

fi ergogin (mit fiarter S timme). QBeilmir £6 niQ t flit‘

3mcdmirfiig crat tcn.

flSr iugcffiu. Dab ifimas aubcrcé .

S craogiu. QBir b crfiigtcu fiber bcinc Q aub (mcc r)

5 o bu fiebfi, mein Riub, iQ fprc fiber bicfc fllugelc:genbcit mic cine Diuttcr mit bir. fluQ mua tc iQ beineQiufiQ t baritbcr au b crucbmcu.

flSr iuacffin (lfit lid!) SiaQ bem iibcr miQ ocrfligt ift i

Dcrgogin. Dcilc mir beine fl ufiQ t mit, mciu Riub,10 obn e S c , frci unb offen, bu mcifit, mic febr mir bciuS hirlam ficracu liegt.

5.13riu3cffiu. Da iQ es mcifi, gniibigc Dante, fo erlaube

iQ mir, fiir Sbre giitige Surforgc meinen bcraliQficu Daufauégufprecbcu. SQ , ba6 St iub Sbrca éBruberé , fianb bci

15 bem Dobe meiner geliebten Diuttcr, mcincb b ortrcfflc u

Dateré , bcr auf bem S Q iaQ tfclbc blieb, allein iu ber QBelt.S ic, guabigc Dante, forgtcu aufa S laugcubfic fur meine(Ergiebuug unb nabmcn miQ bicrbcr au bcu S of, mo manmiQ mic bae Riub bee b aufeb betraQ tetc. (Ea murbc

20 mir ciu glucfliQ eé 2o6 gu tcil, iQ batte allc Sreibcitcu,bie einer jungen Dame b ou S taube nur an tcilmechenlbnucu. SQ fab bic QBclt, bcuu iQ burftc S ic auf SbrcnSi cifcu begleiten, iQ mar boliiommcu gluclliQ , mir fcbltcuiQ tG, S ic marcn meine Diutter, iQ bing . an Sbncn, iQ

25 mar Sbncn in inn iger 2iebe gugctbau.

fi crgogin Dab ift alleé mabr !

flSriugcffin. Diciuc Daulbarlcit fur S ic mar unb iii


mbliQ , iQ q tc Sbncn burQ meine 2iebc, bucQmeine Dcrcbrung, burQ bie QiQ tfamicit auf Sbre Defeblc,

30 auf Sbre M a c eiuigcrmaficu bie S orgfalt gu bcrgcltcu,

mit ber S ic meine Riubbeit geleitet uub gcfQ iibt. Di etne

SC. vn .] Der gebeime <blgen i. 79

gauge S celc mar Sbncn gcmcibt, uur uou bem QBuq c

befreit, fur S ic gu leben, uur crfr'

ilit mit Sbrcm SBilbc.

b ergogiu. Qlllcé mabr ; iQ babe biQ immer fo criaunt,bu baft ein guteb b erg.

sSr ingeffin. flibcr bicé b ergmar bab b erg ciucé iuw s

gcu Dib cub, ciu fiiblcubcb b erg, guiibigc Dante. Snbieé b erg braug ciu Don, bcr aufiiugliQ mic im tiefenDraum c eciut, mic ber £ lang ciues flBalbborue unterbliibenbeu Daumcu, cin fiificr Rlaug mit gittcrnbcm, laugaubaltcubcm (EQ o. Dian uergifit ibn nimmer, bic[cn Don, 10cr fr

tlit ba6 gauge b erg aue, in mm em er cinmal lcifcaugciluugeu, er mirb fic


irtcr unb fiarlcr ; anbet e Dime, telibm ergliQ unb trauernb, tcila bic b fic 2uft atmcub,

tliugcn bagmic u, uub cbc mir cs unb bcrfcbcu, geliebteDante, laq cu mir frcubig ber fo eutfianbcuen Wiclobic, 15bicfeu emig bcgliidcubcu Dbucn, cincr Dielobic, ml c man

im fiebeu bic fiiebe ncuut.

b ergogin. QBaG mufi iQ bbrcu, uuglt'

iclfciigc ? QBabmufi iQ bcrftcbcu aub bciucu trinumcric u Diibcru?

Du licbfi?

(Der b ergog ill in bie Dbltr bee Rabiuctta getreten .)

b ergog (fur ficb). Go ifi ba6 crfie smat, bafi iQ laq c,

unb iQ millcs gcmifi nimmer tbun ; aber mer miirbe icbtbicfc S tclie bcrlaffcu?

flSriugcffin Sa, i icbc !

b ergogiu. uucrbbrt ! QBo cutfiaub bicfc Steigung, merifi bcr («Begcnfiaub bcrfclbcn ? Wiufi iQ bein e i’iutmortfiie cu?

iBriugcffiu. 2cibcr, firau b ergogiu, iauu meine sIlutsmort fiir S ic uiQ t bcfricbigcub fein . SQ liebe utQ t ben, 30ben S ic mir gum S emablbcfiimmt, bcu iQ gcfiern gum

80 Der geheim e Dgen t. [ACT m .

crficnmal ge[cbcn ; abcr ibn, bcn iQ liebe, liebe iQ mit

ber bollcu Rraft mciuce b crgcué . fiBiirbc iQ ea fonft

gewagt baben, mirrbc iQ foufi imftaubc gcmcfcu fein,Sbncn bicB S cfihubuié gu maQen, Sbrcm QBuq c, Sbrem

5Defeblc entgegen gu baubeln ?b ergogiu. unb bicfcr S egcufiaub?

SBriugcffin SQ magc ibn laum gu ucuncu.

b ergogin. QBaé merbe iQ bbrcu?SBr iugcffin. D, Suer DurQlat , iQ biu uutrbftliQ

10 fiber bicfc S cene, uutrbfiliQ nor Sbncn, bcu S egcnfiaub

meiner 2icbe ucuncu gu miiffcu. SQ mcifi, bafi iQ m cr

obcr uie Sbre (Eiumili igung, Sbre SBilligung crbaltcumerbe,aber glauben S ic bcé balb uiQ t, Srau b ergogiu, bab bicfcrS egcuftanb meiner Q icbc meiner unwert fei, o ncin, gcmifi

15 niQ t, er tft cincr bcr bcftcu unb cbclficu sJJi cq cu au

bic[cm b ofe !b ergogiu (maQ t eiu Bec u bee Grftauneue).

flSriugcffiu. Sa, am bicfigcu b ofe ; abcr bie S tcle

lung, bic er einnimmt, tft fo cigcntiimliQ , ba6 iQ ea laum

20 mage, miQ uc'

ibcr gu erflilrcu.

(Silence (Erftauuctu)

SQ mcifi, bab bie uolific unguabc meiner burQ iauQtigficu St an Dante auf miQ uicbcrfalicu mirb, unb oifi bcr 2iugcublid geiommcu, mo iQ niQ t bcrlcugneu, niQ t

25 guriicltrctcu, niQ t m cigcu taun . D Srau b ergogiu, S icfcbcu miQ uiebcrgebrr


uft, uutrbftiiQ , iQ fublc bie gaugeSBebeutuug meiner iu ber Dbat uugiiicffeligeu 2cibcq aft

SQ liebe iQ liebe bcu gcbcimcn filgcutcu bee b ere

gogé !

30 (Die b ergogiu batte fM; bei ben lesten {Rebcn iaugfam erbeben, bie

§Briugcffin fallt ibr gu

Di c t i er Dufgug.

D icfclbc Dclorat ion .


ter Duftritt.

b ergog. b ergogin.

5 b ergog. SQ berfic c S ic, Diama, iQ biu bcfti'


iiber bicfc cigeutiimlc 2eibcq aft ber ‘Bringcffin .

b ergogiu. SBcfit'

t rgt ? Snbignicrt ? - eigcutiiuu

lc Qcibcq aft ? DerbreQeric ficibcq aft ! D ciu

foc r ho rreur ift an blefem b ofe noQ uiQ t borgelome

10 men, foilauQ uiQ t aubgefpiclt merbcn, fo lange iQ meineSlugcu offen unb noQ cin QBort gu fagen babe.b ergog. S ic babcu c t, Diama, aberb ergogin . Qibcr ? b ier tauu ea leiu l er geben,

bier ift febee Qibcr ciu Dcrbc cu, bier liegt cine llarc

15 Dbatfa nor, bei bcr S itte unb Qiufiaub aufbbrt unb

bintcr ml cr ciu gauges (Ebanb b ou (Eutfebli citen bee

giuut. Die lBriugcffiu mufi in eiu Rioficr.

b ergog. SQ bittc S ic, Diama, feien S ic niQ t fota !

20 b ergogiu. Bu ra ? b ier lauu man niQ t ragenug baubeln. D mic batte iQ abuen lbuucu, ba6 bic[clcgtcu Dage eiuc foc éBcrmirruug au bic[cm fiillcn b ofe,

SC . L] Der gebeim e Dgen t. 83

in bic[cm cbrbarcu ‘Balaie bcrb orbriugcu lbuutcu ! S o ct;

mac ift uucrbbrt uub bu, mein S obu, trdgft barau bieallein ige S Qulb.b ergog. SQ bin mabrbaftig utQ t fo [Qulbig,mic S ic

glauben . 5

b ergogiu. Du allein. Du bafi feuc b crrfitcric ,

b crbc cric SBerfon iu uufcre SDiittc gcbraQ t, icuc DiaQ t

bcrborgcrufcu, bie bu uuu [clbfi niQ t mcbr gu birubigcnimfiaubc bifi. S priQ , mcuu bu uur cinigc Qicbc gu bcincr

Diuttcr bafi, mcr ifi ieuer eutfcblicbc Dicq , ber in bicfcr 10

lurgcn Seit gcfpeuftcrbaft feine Sabeu ubcrallaugclniipftbat, bcr mir bie DtaQ t cutrcifieu mill, ber ucrmcgcu iu

bie Stigcl bea S taatcé greift unb mit ucrrt cr b aub inun[cr Samiliculcbcu?

b ergog (talt). Der mir bagegen febr trcu blent, ber 15

mir bie DiaQ t guriidgcbcu mirb, bie S ic unb Sbre Slatemir uorcutbaltcu, Diama, ber mir uueigenur

ibig gcbolfcu,obne blufbruQ auf Delobuung, uur bou bem (Bebauleu

geleitet, miQ aué ber bolilommcu falc u S telluug bcraué s

gurcificn, in mec r S ic miQ bib jest gcbalten. SQ werbe 20ibu niQ t b et raten, bicfcu treuen Secuub.b ergogiu. Dicfcu Srcuub, bcr bieDiuttcr anfeDicffic


b ergog. Seiber !b ergogin. Der bie treuen State beluca Data-

6 b erg zsfolgt, ibre S Qritte bclaq t, ibre Sitfic mit berrateric u

Sicbcn umgicbt.

b ergog. Eciber !

b ergogin. Der o ea ift cutfcbliQ , cc gu fagcu !b icllciQ t bou bir begr


mftigt fiQ ber ‘Briugcffin gu 30

ultberu, fie gu umftriclcn mufitc, bafi' fie fiQ crliibute, ibu


84 Der geheim e Dgen t. [ACT IV.

gu lieben, eiuc bcrbc cric Siebc, eiuc c igcumt igc

Qicbc fiir ibu gu faffcu, etwab, mac an bic[cm b ofe biejcbt q uiQ t bagcmcfen.

b ergog. 2cibcr !

5 b ergogiu. uub bu mcifit mir uiQ té gu fagen, al6leiber ! uub wieber leiber unb immer leiber ! Dut ! mcuu

bir baa, mas bu gctban, mas bu bcrborgerufcu, mirlliQlcib ifi, fo anbere es . S ci mic bibber mciu gutcr S obu,opfere biefcu falc u Srcuub, b eriam e ibn gegen bie 2icbc,

10 gegen bie fl t ung bcincr Diutter !b ergog. unb lebrc guriiclgur fl bbdugiglcit bou meinen

Diiuificru molitcn S ic bingufcbcu, Diama. Stein, iQfriblc meine S tellung, iQ begreife fte, iQ millfie auefiilien.

SQ mill niQ t mic bibber ciuc mull [cin, mir fclbfi gur15 DcraQ tuug, bem <Saubc gum S pott.

b ergogiu. l i

b ergog. Sa, Diama, iQ babe S ic oft gebeten, mirbie S tcliuug gu bemiliigcu, bie mir gcbitbrt, iQ babe gebeten,mo iQ verlangen, ia bcfcbleu founte.

20 b ergogiu. unb icbt bculft bu fortan gu bcfcbleu?Di ir, bcincr Diuttcr, gu bcfcbleu? Di iQ uub meine Si iitcbcifeitc gu fQ icbcu, mic ciuc uum

rbc S a ?

b ergog. QBeuu iQ fo bculcu [olltc, smama, fo fiubS ic ea, bie biefeu Debaulcu bcroorgerufcu. Debcu S ic

25 mir, mas mir gcbiibrt ! Drctcu S ic frcimiliig bou einerS tcliuug 11111111, bie mir, bem regiercnben b crru bicfcbQanbcé , gulommt ! (Eutlaffcn S ic un[crc, Sbre zlJiiuificr,iQ brauQ c fuugc 2cutc um mi


Q , bie mit bcr Seit boraue

gce ittcn fiub, bie mit mir teilen bab fric , marmc S efiibl,30 ba6 iQ iu meinem b ergen trage, bie innige Si iebe gu meinemSaubc, gu mcincn uutcrtbaucu !

86 Der gebeim e Dgen t. [ACT lv.

D blar. S ic lcuncu ba6 bcffcr, b crr Dbcrfibofmcificr,iQ gebe Sbncn uolllommcu SicQ t ; abcr angenommen, csmare bier ciuc S ccuc b orgcfalicu cé ifi o bei b ofcutQ t verboten, ctmab auguncbmcn ?

5 D bcrfibofmc ift cr (Idc nb). D, ba6 ift burQ aué uiQ tverbotcu !

D é lar. Qilfo ncbmcn mir ciuc foc S cene anD bcrfibofmc ificr. SQ bauic bafi



Dblar. S c g bcifcitc ! Eliebmcu mir au, ca fci

10 bier cinc etwab bcftigc liutcrrcbuug b orgefalicu, erratenS ic bcu c cufiaub bcrfclbcu?Dbcrfibofmc iftcr. Qiuf fo ctmafi gu ratcu, ift gerabe

mic auf barte scamgu belben, mau ucrlcbt fiQ bie Sabue,ba6 ifi allce.

15 Dblar. Stun, iQ riélicrc bie mein igen uub bcibc

bcrgbaft gu. SQ mette, bcr QBortc fcl brebtc fiQ um

bicfclbc llrfa , bie ben b of aufregt uub in ‘Bartcicn

c ibct, um bcu gcbcimcn 2lgcntcu.

D bcrftbofmc ift cr. Q cibcr ! ficibcr !

20 D é lar. Sa, gcmifi leiber, b err Dbcrftbofmcifier ! S orubig S ic aufcbciucub einbcrgcbcu, fo ficbt o ciu llubee

faugcncr gum Dcifpicl iQ bcmcrlc cb mic [cbr S icbicfc Slugclcgcubcit angreift.Dbcrfibofmc ift cr. 2cibcr ! (Eb ift mabr !

25 Délar. (EigcutliQ begreife iQ n iQ t, mic S ic uub

auQ mciu Dbcim fiber bicfcu deus ex m ach in a fiQ uur

alterieren mbgcu ! 2affen S ic bem b ergog fein Dcrguiigcu,cc! mufi ibm ia S pafi maQ en, bie Rombbic q fortgufebcu,bcuu S eine DurQlat [cbcn mit grobem Dcrguftgeu, bab

30 bcr gauge b bf mic clcltrificrt tft. fiBic bcr b ergog bicDia iue brebi, fo gurit alc in Die b bbc, fpriugt auf unb

SC. IL] Der gebeim e Dgen t. 87

uiebcr, menbei fiQ c té uub liuib cs ift mirlliQ gumDobla u !

D bcrfibofmciftcr. (Ebcr gum Dobmciucu !Delar. Sa, fa, flit ben, ber St eigung biergu bat !

Sm 93crtraucu gcfagt, b crr Dberfibofmcificr, mir tft fQ ou 5cinigc Dial bic Sbcc gclommcu, ale babe bcr b ergog inbetreff bee! gcbcimcn Qigcntcu feinen gangen b of cigeutliQgum bcficu, ale crifticrc bcrfclbc gar niQ t, ale fci cc uur

ciuc (Erfiubuug S cincr DurQ lat .

Dbcrfibofmc ificr. llnb o bcbauptcu S ic, bcffeuDclauntfcbaft gcficru im sb at t gcmaQ t gu baben iDelar. Qib, ba6 mar ia uur ciu S c g! QBab mcifi

iQ , mcr icucr iuugc Emcq mar ?

D bcrftbofmc ificr. Qilfo lcin lininerfitfité frcuub ?Dblar. Pas da t o ut ! S ic feben, mic offcubcrgig iQ

D berfibofmcific r (fitr rub). S e mar ca mciu alterb crr ! (ei Q elubo) Sbre QinfiQ t, mciu lieber DBlar, ifi auficreorbcutliQ liibu. S ic trauen unb in ber Dbat mcuig gu,

menu S ic glauben, mir lieben uué bucQ cinc S a 20

werfen, b ou bcr mir niQ t iibcrgcugt fiub, ba6 fie miriliQcrifticrt unb mac! jenen gcbcimcn 2lgcutcu anbelangt, fobabcu mir leiber bie b ollgultigftcn Dcmcifc non feinemDafciu.

Delar. sSab!—Dbuc S c g?

D berfibo fmc ificr. Dbne S c g!

Delar. llub ml c ? S ic fcbcu meine bi cugicrbc ;teilen S ic mir ctiuaé bariibcr mit !

Dbcrfibofmeificr. Gin miQ tigcb (Bebcimuib l

Dela r. Dab Sbncn bcr gebeime Qigeut unter bcmS iege! bcr Dce micgcnbcit anb crtraut.

88 Der gebein e Dgen t. [ACT IV.

Dbcrfibofmciftcr. (Bott foli miQ bcmabreu!Dblar. Dbcr ba6 uur S ic allein miffcn ?Dbcrfibofmcift cr. QiuQ ba6 niQ t !

Delar. Eliuu, bann ifi es fa auQ fciu S cbeimuie.

s Dauu lbuucn S ic auQ gegen miQ fo offeubcrgig fein, miciQ es gegen S ic gcmcfcu.

Dbcrftbofmc ifier. (Eb betrifft fcmanb, ber S ic burQ ;

aub niQ t intercfficrt bie ‘Briugcffiu (Eugenie.Delar (far fico). fillic Dcufcl! QBaé er fagt ! (taut)

10 Stun fa, S ic baben c t, miQ intercfficrt bie £13riugcffinuur im allgemeinen, mic febee Diitglicb biefcé erlat cu

b aufcb. fillfo bie s.Briugcffiu (Eugen ie

Dbcrfibofmcificr. S Q reicn S ic niQ t fo l QBic

laun mau Sbncn cin (Bebcimnie anb crtraucn ? (Es ifi15 cine febr bcliiate S a , unb S ic merbcn mir bcrfpc cu,

leinen ©ebrauQ bab on gu maQ en.Deiar. SQ bcrfpc c ré . Qilfo bic ‘BringcffiuDbcrftbofmc ificr (ffibfi if!u W Mbite) Q icbt ben

gcbcimcn Slgcutcu bee b ergoge.

20 Dclar. l , ba6 ift uumbgt !

Dbcrftbofmcificr. QBie iQ Sbucu fage. S ic bat csber Srau b ergogin fclbfi gcfiaubcu !Delar (being). filbcr ba6 ifi fa uucrbbrt, b crr Dbcrfio

bofmcificr, ba6 ifi q nic bagemcfcn ! (Ein foc r faux

25 pas ! (Eiuc‘Bringeffiu bicfcb burQlat igcu b aufcb unb

eiu gebeimcr filgcnt ! l ! ba6 mufi iQ mir aué bittcn !Dariibcr folltc iQ crnfiliQ mit bem b crgog fpc en !

Dbcrft bofmcificr. Dab merbcn S ic niQ t tbun, fungcr

b crr ! l cr cs n immt miQ QBuubcr, ml lcbbaftcu

30 QintcilS ic au ber SBriugeffiu ncbmcn.

Delar. Dab nimmt S ic QBuubcr ? DtiQ burQaué

90 Der gebeim e Digen i. [ACT IV.

Driller Duftri tl.

mad; einer flcincn EBanfe fQlcubert bcr kammcrbiencr ans bem 3 111111111


Rammerbicner aeet fiQ [mum in ben Santeuil, unb nimmt

5 eiu Diatt Darier rom Dic , ba6 cr anfiebt). b cute ift din er enfam ille. SQ glaube ea mobl, bcnu lciuc bcr boben b crre

a ftcu mirb gelaunt fein, bie Sloficu bcr uutcrbaltuug gutragen. Die Seit bcb Diners tft bic Seit bcr Stube fiiruufcrciueu, uub mcuu iQ bicé bie u biubc ic notmcubig

10 gcbrat , fo ift cé gerabe iu bicfcu bcmcgtcu Dagen. (Eb

mare mabrbaftig uiQ t gum Stubbaltcu, mcuu bcr sBrew, berunb minit, niQ t [o auficrorbcutliQ mare. GubliQ ciumal

bcr Slammcrbicucr ciucé b crru gu fein, bcr mirlliQ regiert ;cs beginnt bie Seit, mo iQ protegieren lauu, iQ merbe mir

15 bicfc Seit gu Stubcu maQ en . Dauu miiq tc iQ abcr

auQ , ba6 bcr gebeime filgcut wieber b ce miiubc, auQ fiirmiQ , bcuu cs ift mabrliQ lciu S nab, bice S cbcimuié gubcmabrcu, bie Dbr


trcu forgféltig b ce loffcn gu balten, bamitnicmanb in bie filppartcmcnte bringt unb

fic b olllommeu20 lccr fiubet. (So ift lic rliQ , mic fiQ icbcrmauu bei mir

etmaé gu a ffcu maQ t, uou obcu bcrab bib gum [eatenS QlofilucQ t ! (S tebt auf unb gcbt ant! limiter.) QlQ , bic Sen

bcr Stube ift fo a cli boriibcr, ba lommt fQ on ber b ergogbou feinem lleiucu S pagicrgaug gurr


ier, bcu er a ber

25 Dafei mit Sbrcr DurQlat , bcr St an b ergogiu, gcmaQ t.Qiilc QBclt, bic fie fo filrm iu filrm babiumaubclu ficbt, mirbbie Slimfc fQ itttclu unb fagcu : mic miirc eé bcnn mbgliQ ,ba6 bicfc bcibcn b cre aften gcftcru uub bcute uuangce

ucbmc S ceucu gcbabt, ba6 bcibc im cruftcficu Rampf um

30 bie b cr eaft bee 2aubc6 begriffen fiub ? Rciucr mcifi

SC. 1v.] Der gebeim e Dgen t. 9 1

abet auQ ,mic iQ , mas bie b ergogiu b ot bcr Dafei gu bemb erru fagtc. EBogu, fpraQ fie, uufcre traurige unciuiglcitbenen b om b of fo offeuluubig maQ en ? S ci fo frcuube

liQ unb begleite miQ naQ bcr Dafei aufmeinem llciuen

S pagicrgaugc, auQ mcuu bu ee n iQ t gcrn tbun folitcfi ; 5worauf S eine DurQlat bie groficn QBorte crmibcrtc : iQmerbe S ic mit mabrcm Dcrgulxgen begleiten, inbem iQSbre flit miQ fo cbtmlirbigc Derion b olliommeu b ou Sbremlii cgieruugé fbftem gu trennen mcifi. Da lommcu fie uun


e m in Qirm ciuber, unb bie b ofbamcu babcu gcmaltig 10bieRbpfc barlibcr gcfQ iittclt. f ncumir ibncn bieDblir !(Gr fdbrt mit ber b aub burQ o b aar, gupft [cine b alobiubc in bie

b ribe, di ner cine S palte ber Emitteltbltr unb bicfclbc gang cinen 2!qblicf b orbcr, cbc bie b crt aftcu fit ar merbcn.)

Dierter Duftritt.

b ergog. b ergogiu.

b ergog. Ché re m ar

n an , menu bie S a uiQ t b ou

fo crufteu Solgcu mare, fo lbnute fie mirlliQ lomifQ cc2

c iueu. QBir beihe, rmn bet augcmicfeu, in bcficr

b armouic gu leben, fiub auf bem Rricgbfufic unb icbeb 20

q t bem anbetu, mo cé lauu, cinen llcincn Dortcilab;


b ergogiu (mit m acbet S timme). Seibcr ift cé fo meitmit unb gelommcu. Du foufi ciu guter, folgfamcrS obu oppouicrft nun bcincr Dtuttct iu aiicu Dingen 25

uub mit cincr uie gelaunten b cftiglcit. Dicfcr QBibcrftaub

ifi um fo traurig’er flit miQ , ba iQ weib, ba


b ct niQ t aub

bcincm eigenen b ergen fiammt bbfe Si at liige baben biQaufgcrcigt.

Der gebeime Dgen t. [ACT IV.

b ergog. S laubcu S ic baé fa niQ t, ché re m am an i

SQ fclbft biu ea, bcr ciuficbt, bafi meine iceigc S tellunguuriQ tig tft.

b ergogiu. Du niQ t, mein s tub, bu marft uou icbct5 barmlob, uic gu Sutrigucn aufgelegt ; nut icuer eutfcblcsJJicq bat biQ bagu gcbraQ t.

b ergog. S ic tbun mabrbaftigme inem gcbcimcn Sigcutenuntm ; cé mirb gcmifi bie Seit lommcu, mo S ic ibn febcumerbcn, ibn lcuucu lernen, ia mo S ic ibn fQ itSen mliffcu.

. b crgogiu. Dab fiestere n iemals ! QBobl boffe iQ ,ba6 bu cubliQ ciufcbcu mirfi, mic uuc t bu gctban, ibu

bicrbcr gu bringen (8aut.) S ollte iQ ibu ie fcbcu mliffcu,fo mlirbc bicé uur iu bem Slugcubliclc fein, mo cc bou bierQIb icb n immt, bamit iQ bie St eube battc, ibm fagen gu

15 lbuucu, mic febr iQ ibu b crabfcbeuc.

b ergog. Diama, S ic marcn borbin fo mciQ ,fo bcrfbbuliQ gcftimmt. Scat lommt wieber bicfcr bciauutc, bat tc Don.

b ergogiu. Der S pagicrgaug ln bcu‘Barlbattc miQ

crfrit . QBic augcucbm lbuutc un[cr Ecben babiu flicficu ?20 b ergog. SrciliQ ,Di ama, menu manc anbete mare.

b ergogiu. Deine S Qulb, ba6 ee uiQ t fo tft .

b ergog. DieSbrigc, Diama, gcmifi bieSbrigc. Chere

m am an , icb bin fcit gcficru fo frob, fo glltclliQ , gcmiffcre

maficu gum Elia cbcu bet cit. (Ea la S cblicfieumir cinen25 Sricbcn unter auucbmbareuDebiuguugcu !

b ergogiu. Du fpriQfi mir aué bet S eclc. SQ mciucbs

tcilb betlange uur ciuc Rlciniglcit; fQ icl’

ieucu Diem enfort, cutlafi beincu gcbcimcn filgeutcn !

b ergog. Dieiucn trcucficu St euub, mcincn alimiffcue

30 ben SRatgeber ? D Diama ! unb ba6 ucuncu S ic eiuc

Rlciuiglcit ? S ic tbun ibm mabrbaftig llurt . QBcuu

94 Der gebeim e Dgen t. [ACT 1v.

b ergog. (Er foilbcute abcnb, menu S ic fiQ mit bcr

S cfclia ft in bicfcm S alon bcfiubcu, bort aub meinerRabinetté tblir lommcn uub Sbncn irgenb ciu glcn lilt igce

SBapicr ltbcrrcc n .

5 b ergogiu. filbcr mirb bas fciu Stuffebeu erregenb ergog.

,DurQ aué utQ t, iQ fiebc bafii r ciu.

(Gr fiibrt bie“ twin in ibr Rabinett.)

Sitinfter Duftritt.

b ergog. SQ lauu mir uiQ té anbete beifen, in bicfcm10 Rtlcge gclten allc wilful. ((Er lliugclt, 8 ammerbicncr tommt.)

Stun, S corgc, mic meit bift bu mit beiner Qingclegcnbcit ?Rammcrbicuc t . SQ babe allcé aufb Dcfic borbe

r eitet, gnabigficr b crr. S eine Greelicng bcr b crr DrafS teinbaufen, fomic bcr b crr Dbcrftbofmeificr merbcn mabr;

15 c iuliQ in bet uiiQfien Dicrtclfiuube, fobalb cé uiimliQuolilommcn bunlcl ift, bier ce ciucu, um bic Delannts

[Qaft bon (Eucr DurQlat gcbcimcn 21gcntcu gu maQen.

b ergog. unb im Duulelu?

Rammcrbieucr. Sltur unter bicfcr Debiuguug mill20 bcr gebeime n cut bie bcibcn b crrcn empfangen.

b ergog. S ebt gut , unb menu fie cinigc Sliiuutcu bafiub,

'mcrbc iQ mciu Stabiuctt b crlaffen unb fie uutcrbc cu,

hamit cé guleinen filuflliiruugcu gmic u ibncn lommt. (em)

Decbs ter Duftritt.

G6 mirb buutci.

Der Graf (tritt lcifc ein. b ullet) : b m ! bm !

bm i 6 6 c iut q nicmanb ba gu fein, iQ biu betcrfic unb boffe, b afi miQ ber gebeime 2lgeut niQ t lange

SC. VI.] Der gebeim e Digen i . 95

marten lcifit ; bic Seit ift lurg, iQ flie c immer, ba6irgcnb ciu uafemcifcr Salai mit Q it rn tommt. Stun,ed ifi bier buulclgenug. blue mec r Dbrir mirb cr

lommcn, bcr gebeime filgcut ? S c rliQ auB bem Stabiuctt

bcb b crgogé , ba6 mare gu gcfilbrliQ ! filiQ tig ! Da 5bffuct fQ on icmaub bic Di ittcltbtit !Der Dbcrfibofmc ift cr (l t langfam bor). Db bcr

gebeime Qigcut fQ on ba ift i cc [Qlug cbcn aQ t.

b m i bm i

S raf. bm i bm i (Er ift'é !

Dbcrftbofmcifter. (Er tft fQ on ba !

S raf. S oll iQ miQ aurcbcn laffen ? SQ glaube,ca ifi beffcr fo !Dbcrftbofmc ificr. SQ bcute, iQ martc, bib er cin

frcunblc é flBot t fagi.(Glue licine Eliaufe.)

S raf. (Er bat o in hiefe uutcrrcbuug cingcmiiiigt !Dbcrfibofmcift cr. Gt mcifio , bab iQ lommc !

Draf. bm i bm ! (bullet will)Dberfibofmeifier. (Er c iut mir bucQ bic[cn auficre 20

orbcutlc u buftcn augiegcu gu mollen, bafi cr meine filurcbcermat tet.S raf. (Bett i bie Seit bcrgebt ! SQ mill ibn au

rcbcn. (2aut.) Diciu b crr ! S cicu S ic b crfiQert, ba6iQ erfreut bin, ia, ba6 iQ ea mir gur CEbrc c ue, Sbremir febr intereffautc Delauut aft gu maQ en.

Dbc t fibofmeificr. b crr S ott im b immel, bicfcS timme l Deu battc iQ uiQ t crmartet ! S oillQ ibmantio ortcu? D bicfcr Derriucr ! l , er foli miffcu, ba6icb ibn tenne l (Sent ) QIuQ mir, mein b crr, ifi cs ciuc 3°auficrorbcutlc CEbrc, Sbre Delauu t aft gu e rn eue rn .

96 Der gebeime Dgen t. [ACT 1v.

S t af. Debt ba6 mit c tcn Dingen gu, tft ba6 niQ tbie S timme bee Dbctfibofmcificré ?Dbct ftbofmcifict (fur fiQ). l cr ca ifi laum glaube

liQ ! (Eine foc Salb cit, cine foc Doppclgtiugige

5 lcit !

Draf (fli t fiQ). Sfi ba6 beulbar, bet Dbctftbofmciftctmlit c bcr gebeime n cut, birtte unb allc auf uuglaublcQirt biutcrgaugcu?

b ergog (auo bet z ban fcinee xabiuette). Dian felllc tcu,

10 ca iii gangbuule! im S alon !S t af. Dab fcbltc noQ bet b ergog !D bcrfibofmeiftcr. b crr (Bolt, ct ltbcrra t miQ bei

feinem gcbcimcn Qigcutcu !

(S ic q cu bcibc bie Dittieltbti r, bie fie abet niQ t finbcu, unb fiofieu

aueiuaubct .)

Dbc t fibofmc ifict . 11m S oireemilieu, laffen S ic miQ !(b raf. SQ millS ic niQ t gelaunt baben ib ergog (mit einem fialai, bet ibm let ei). fill) ! mciuc

b crrcn, ciuc llutcrrcbuug im Siuftctu ! S i, ci, ba6 mliffcu20 buullc (Entfcblltffe fein, bie S ic bier faffcu !

S raf (fire ficb). Der b ergog mirb mit bicfc Stcugict bcuie bergcibcu!

Dberftbofmc iftcr (fur fiQ). Dab iQ miQ iu bic Des

beimuiffc S cincr DurQlat gcmit , mirb bct b ergog25 cutfceliQ libelaufucbmeu !

b ergog. Stun, mein bcfier Draf S teinbaufen, lieberDbcrfibofmciftct , S ic maQ en ia bcibc S cfit r, alé battenS ic S cfpcufter ge[cbcn . Sfi Sbncn mas Qiufict orbcutliQeebegegnet ?©1af (fur fiQ). Defiet S t af S teinbaufen bat ct

gefagt ? (Er ift alfo niQ t uugncibig !

98 Der gebeim e Dgen t. [ACT 1v.

(Sataieumit Q it ru, b et reu unb Darnen t om b of burQ bielitittcltbiir.

Dct Dbctftbofmeiftcr, QirafDatar, bie belben incite ar.)

SQ lauu cc immer noQ niQ t faffcn : Dicfet uugltids

felige Diann ! S in [0 gcmagtcb S pielgu treiben, bintcr

5 bem fihi cfcu bet Srau b ergogiu. D mcun fie ba6 ctfci bt t,ca mufi ciuc frie crliQ e lluguabc merbcn ! unb mit allc

baben baruntct gu leiben, uub bet ©raf fagtc mir gcficrnbolllommen mabr,menu té bei uué crfi auffiugt gu b t cu,

fo filtrgt allce gufammcu. filuQ icb met he filttgcn cine

10 pcufiouicrte S rbfie, St obcrfibofmciftcr.D é lat . flBatum fo gcbanlcnboll,b ct r Dbcrfibofmciftcr ?

2330c S ic auf bic[c Slt t ba6 foubct bat c S cbcimuié biefcé

b ofcc! crgrliubcu, obcr beulen S ic b icllciQ t ri bct Sbbcn

naQ , bie S ic auf bie S pur leiten lbuutcn ? S eieu S ic

15 offcubcrgig, teilen S ic mir barti bcr cimab mit !D bcrfibofmc ifict . S bt cu mit bcffcr niQ t babou !

(line fiQ .) fluQ bot bem mufi'

iQ miQ iu aQ t ncbmcn.

D élat . QBatum bab ? SQ ma gar lciu b ebibaraué , bab iQ alicé aumcubc, ben filufcutbalt bee

20 gcbcimcn Qigcutcu gu crfabrcn unb feine Delauut aft guerneuern.

D bcrftbofmc iftcr (etfcbrodcu). S o lcuucu S ic ibu alfo

o ?

Dblar (la ub). S ic fiub gctfircut, b err Dbtlfibbfe25 mcificr. b atte ia gcftctu fQ on bic (Ebre, Sbncn gu fagen,ba6 iQ ibu bruutcu im SBatlc lcuueu lernte.D bct fibofmc iftcr. 2ib fo ? (8111 11111) (Er mcifiuiQ tB!D é lat . (Eiu faubct cr b et r ba6 ! f cnbcrgig gee

fiaubcu, megen bcr §Bolitil mciueb Dbeimé battc iQ mit30 tciue gt ofic Dibbe gegeben, bicfc Delanut aft gu maQ en,abet feat, mo er mir meine eigen en QBcgc bure cugt, boffc

SC. v1.1 Der gebeime agen t. 99

iQ ibn balb gu finbcn unb cin etufice QBot t mit ibm gu


Dbcrftbofmc ific t (gcrfit cut). l cr aufml c filt t burQ ;

lrcugt ct Sbre fiBcgc ?D élat . Dcrgcibcu S ic mit , b crr Dbctfibofmeifter, abet 5

S ic flub miriliQ febr gctftrcut. S ic fclbft fagtcn mit ia

beute morgen, bicfcr gebeime filgcut babe ein Eiebcéucre

bciituié mit bcr s.Briugcffiu Gugcnic. Stun bcuu, bie

‘Bt iugcffiu ift meine Draut.D bc t ftbofmeift c r (laut). S ct tcr (Bott ! Die iBt iue 10

gcffiu Sugcuic Sbre Draut ? Dab bab’

iQ niQ t gcmufit !

(Sue ficb.) Der Dulcllicbt bieDraut fciucb Steffen. (Sank)

S Q reclliQ ! t ccfliQ !D é lar. Eli iQ t mabr, ba6 ift frciliQ t cclliQ Qibcr

ucrlaffcu S ic fiQ barauf, iQ merbe in bicfcr S acbc leinen 15

S pafi berftcbcu.

D bcrfibofmc ift c t . filbcr S ic merbcn o niQ t ?D é lat . Sbu bot bie Rliugc forbcru? filllct biugé

werbe iQ‘

baB !

D bcrfibofmc ift cr. Sbt cu eigenen Dbcim?Dblat (Ia lub). mcincn Dbcim?D bcrft bofmcificr (fer ficb). Sa fo, balb batte iQ miQ

bet rateu !

Delat . QBcilct blefe ‘Bat tic arrangierte ? DcrgcibcnS ic, b crr Dbcrftbofmcificr ! Di ciu Dbcim mufitc auf25leinen <

{fallbie Eiaifou mit bem gcbcimcn 2lgeutcu. Der

S raf S teinbaufen ift ciu (Ebrcumauu.

Dbcrftbo fmeiftcr (fltr fiQ). Qirmct fuugcr Dicq !

(2aut.) Qillerbiugb ! (8m fiQ .) QBcuu nut bcr filbcub bot

bei mti rc !

D é lat . Die b ergogiu i

10 0 Der gebeim e agen t. [ACT 1v.

Dieben ter Duftritt.

b ergogiu (fegt fiQ in ibren fiebufiubl). SQ bin in ciuct

groben filuft cguug; iQ babe fcit langcn Sabt cu mm [o

augftliQ ermat tet, mic fcuc uubeilpoilc SBcrfon, bie im

5 ué t cu Slugcnblidc aué blefem Rabiuctt lommcn mirb.

SQ ermat te fie mit (Bt aucu, mic cin (Befpcuft, bae unb

lange uufit at um mcbtc unb uué auf cinmalnor bieQlugcu treten foil.Dbcrftbofmcifiet . Dcfcblcu mir Gucr DurQlat

10 uiellciQ t ciu S pielgu arrangiet cn ?

b ergogiu. SQ baulc ! DicliciQ t fpci tct lD é fa t (lcifc gum Dberftbofmeiftcr). S bncn mir b ieueiQ t

bliube Rub“fpicleu unb bcr, ml ct ergriffen mirb, mufi

fli t bcu gcbcimcn Sigcutcu gcltcn ? SQ lauu cs niQ t15 ermat ten, bie iQ icmaub fiubc, an bem iQ meinen liumutanblaffen laun.

D bct fibofmc ificr. Dia u S ic fcinc fo gefabtlc u

S priffc ! (Slit fiQ .) Der atglofc fuugc Dicq !

b ergogiu. S tafDblat !

Dbla t . (Euer DurQlat !

b ergogiu. QBo ift Sbt Dbcim? S tub S ic alleingu b of gcfabrcu?Dé lat . Sa, (Euct DurQlat ; icb vermutete S eine

(Erecllcug bcrcitb im S Qloffc.25 Dbc t fibofmc ifict (fur fiQ). D mcun ct uur niQ t

lame ! SQ ftime immer, ct mirb fiQ cinmalpcrraten !

b ergogiu (fli t ficb). Dic Dbltr bifuct fiQ !

(S ic mcnbct fit!) [0 aufl'

allcub mit bem Defit bortbiu, bafi allc, mmeglauben, bet b etgog fame, auf bie S eitc treten, bet Dberfibofmcifter

30 bintcr ben Santeuilber b ergogiu. Der Draf tommt iangfam aue bem

10 2 p er gebeim e agen t. [ACT 1v.

wi einc Rraft iii gcbrc n, iQ iafl'

c bie 3&c fabrcn .

b crr Dbcrftbofmciftcr !D bcrft bofmc iii cr. (Gin entfesic r Qiorfall, Gucr

Q urQIat ! fl ier battc ba6 bcnicn ibnncn !5


fi crgogin. 9mm crftcr sDiiniiicr ber gebeime fl gcntmcincé S obncé .

D bcrfibofmc iflcr. GntfegliQ !

fi ergogin . S ic mnfitcn barnm, b crr Dbcrfibofmcificr ?Dbcrftbofxn ciflcr. SQ crfnbr cé bcute anf cinc cigcn;

t o tfimiiQ e Qit t.

fi craogin . unb beeilten fiQ niQ t, mir bicfc miQ tigcWittciinng 311 maQ en.

D bcrfibofxn cifi cr. SQ fonntc cé niQ t glaubcn, iQmufitc an bcr QBabrbcit bicier fl ittcilung mcifcln, iQ

15 nntcrfianb miQ n iQ t, cine nnbci’

timmtc S a non {01cQBiQ tigfcit (Euer Q nrQlat vorgntragen.

fi crgogin. iSoigcn S ic mir in mein Rubinett i (98 1m ab.)

JiQ fer Jiuffrifi.

©raf(b orfiQ tig barQ bieM ittcltbiir). SQ tann ba6 S Qlofiso niQ t reclafl


cn . SQ bin gcfQ Iagen, hué ift mabr, abcr mcnniQ obne einen ferneren 93“a bee fiBiberflanbé b om

Rampfplae cntflicbe, iii meine ‘Ji icbcrlagc boufidnbig. S et

Dbcrfibofmcificr bat miQ gcfi iirgt, er, ber gebeime Qigcnt

bee b ei-

3096. S ic S aat fQ ien ibm reif an fein, o iQ

glaube, cr bat an friibgcitig gcmfibt. QBl c EDi ittclman

an meinem S tucs angemenbct bat ? noQ mcifi iQ ea

niQ t, abcr mir glciQ ricl! QinQ iQ willmeine S Q rittctbun ; in bem Stampfc um meine Grificna gcltcn allc 93111,

tel. SQ mcc niQ t ans bem S Qlofic, bie b ergogin {oil

SC . 1x.] Der gebeim e agen t. 10 3

crfabrcn, bafi bcr Dberfibofmcifler bcr gebeime gigcnt ibrcéS obncé iii . fill) ! ba iii cr !

glimmer gunftritt.

S cr Dbcrfi iyo fmci fi cr (mit einem sBarrier in her Snub, ce ridt,mic

cr ben S rafcn ficbt). 5

Dbcrfibofmc ifi er. (finer (SrcciiengnoQ bier ? QBcnn

ca bieSt an c gogin crfi'

Q rc ibr Born

(Ba rf. SiaQ bem, was mir bcute abcnb gee bcn, iiibicfcr Born niQ t mcbr imftanbc, (Qinbrucf anf miQ an

maQ en.

D bcrfibofmcifi cr. Qibcr was moucn S ic bcute noQ ?

SQ bittc a r Greciicnai

S raf. S ic c rgogin fpc cn ! QBcnn [ic rnbig gc

morbcn iii, fann fie ibrcm erficn Winificr cine Qiubicng

niQ t berfagen.

D bcrftbofmeiflcr. Sorem erficn minificr frciliQ ,aber (Bcficbt ba6 éBapicr).

(Braf. fiBaé foilSbr Qiber ?Dbcrfibofmc ift cr. SQ bin gegen Suer Grecilenaoffens

bergig gcmcicn, fo lange S ic in QiiicQ Bi cr S nabc marcn, 20

iQ w illes and; icgt fein, tron bicfcr ffie criiQ en llngnabc.

c cn S ic bicé S Qreibcn an ben Smog.

©raf (Iieft). SQ finbc miQ bewogen, unfcr gamesWiniftcriurn an enflafl


en . Snbcm iQ hiQ bittc, mein S obn,cin ncncé an erméblcn, rcrfpc c iQ , miQ burQ anfi in 25

fcinc fliegiernngé gcfQ iiftc mcbr 311 mic n unter bcr eingi;

gen S cbingnng, bafi fcin 9311131111) bee friibcrcn sJJiiniti cst iams in feinem Qimtc bicibc. S ac iii beutiiQ !D bcrftbofrn ciftcr. S eor bcutiiQ !

10 4 Der gebeim e agen t. [ACT 1v.

S t of. unb barf iQ bem b erm Dberflbofmciiicr grimSBortcfeniIIc gratulierenD bcrfibofrn c ifi cr.

smir ? QBo bcnien S ic bin ? SQrerfic c (finer Grccucng, iQ baitc es fiir ba6 S eite, menig:

5 fiené f1'

1r bie nd ie Seit, fo lcifc aié migiiQ an bic[cm

b ofe anfgntrctcn.

S raf. 11m befio bcfl'

cr 11116 bem S interbait agieren311 ibnncn ! SQ verflcbc !Dbcrftbofrn c ifi cr. Qibcr iQ beriicbc Guer Srcciicng

10 niQ t.S raf. S ic werben ea lernen . S tanbcn S ic niQ t,

ba6 iQ Sbncn fo frcimiiiig ba6 Scib tanme iD bcrftbofmcift cr. 9111 ?

S urf. Sa, Sbncn c r gebeimcr Qigcnt !

15 D bcrflbofmc ifi cr. Greciicng, iQ erftarrc ! Qibcr ea

iann nnr Sbr ungir'

nf irin, 111116 S ic 311 biefcn cigcnn'


Ic n fRebcn veraniafit, feien S ic oficnbcrgig!(Braf. Sn was ?D bcrft bofmc ifi cr. S ic mouen qifo bie gangc S a

20 vcrlcngncn ?

S raf. QBciQ e S a ?

D bcrfibofmc ift cr. S en Smog verleugnen, bem S icfo gut gcbient ? D S ic {cbcn miQ lawn was tann

Sbncn bicé‘Bapier cigcntiiQ a bcn ? S cr crfic sminiftcr

25 iii tot cé [cbc ber criic sIiiiniti cr !S t uf. QBic fo ?D bcrftbofmciii er. Qiiicrbingé iii bic lingnabc ber

Sergogin niQ t angcnebrn, aber bicibcn S ic niQ t in her

voufommcniicn S unft bcé icbt miriliQ regierenben S ea n ?S t af. b crr Dbcrflbofmciflcr, Sbrcn S pott ertrage

iQ niQ t. S ic fcbcn miQ cnt iofl'

cn, biefen ‘Biab n iQ t

10 6 Der gebeime agen t. [ACT 1v.

gebeime fl genten. QBcnn ba6 [o fort gcbt, girbi co bci b ofe11111119 b ffcntlc a 1111111. 111m 111; 111116311 S einer sumo;lat ! (flBilIinc s abinctt cilcn.)

S raf. unb bicé sliabicr i Ge iii fa cin S i ifiocrc

5 fténbnié ?D berfibofmcifi cr. W116 iQ bem { mgog fibergcbcn.

©raf (wirft cinen S ann bin teb b cr


S cr S orbang fallt.

S b n fi er a an g.

S iciclbe S cforation.

grfter Junta-i ii.

(Q raf (in cincm ficbniinblc a liQ ifl cé Sag gee

mot hen, abcr cin S ag, bcr mir niQ t angcncbn1 nnb frcunb; 5liQ anbriQ t ; 11116 cincr [orgenoollbue at n SiaQ t,ans taufenb fiQ bure cngcnbcn S ebanlcn, ans bem tief;

[ten Elia inncn finbc iQ immer nnb immer micbcr baofelbcbcrané ; mit bic[cm S age briQ t mabe cinliQ bcr lcgtc

meincé langen fi ofiebcné beran. D cs iii llar, mic Die 10S onne, man 111115 maQ tigc S cbclangcfcbt baben, 11111 miQans meiner S tellnng 311 ocrbrangcn . S cr Dbcrfié

bofmcificr er allein bat ca niQ t gctban, cr bat oicb

leiQ t bie b ani? basn gclicbcn, abcr cr iii cc niQ t, bcrbieWia inc organificrt, bcr [i c geleitet bat. Qibcr [Qlims t s

mer fr'

i t miQ ; mcnn cr es niQ t iii, [o mar co cine 1116tgcre Q anb, gegen bie iQ noQ oiclweniger auégnrit n

ocrmag. S cr b etaog fcibfi bat 1111Q gcfiiirgt ! unb

mic tann iQ miQ oon bic[cm 8c anfrit n ? 2ln

men miQ lcbncn, mcr rciQ t mir bie b ani) ? S er no

b ergog bat [cin S piel fein angelegt unb mcifierbaftbun cfitbrt ! fl ier battc ba6 nuQ ermat ten ibnncn ‘


66 ifi allcb bcrlorcn, bcnn naQ bicfcr sJirobe, bie er oon

feiner Rraft, feinem S alcntc abgelegt, mirb er ni111111crn1cbr

Der gebeim e glgen i . [ACT v.

bie Biigel ans bcr Sanb geben, unb er bat m i

met cine folQe b ofintrigue [o glamcno bne iibrt, iii be;

fdbigt, [elbiiftanbig feinen eigenen QBcg 311 geben. l cr

iQ 1n11§ bic b ergogin foreQm, iQ mnfi miQ fciibaltcns an bc1n lebten Siotanfer, ben iQ angefiQ té bea brobcnbcnS tnrmcé ané gcmorfcn, an icne S erbinbnng mcincé Sieffcn1nit oer {Brimcfi


in Gugcnic. S elingt 1nir bieé cine, [obleibt mir cin Sabcn, bcr imftanbe [cin iann, miQ ans

bem Sabbrintb bicfcr llngnabc guriicfgnfiibrcn.

Dmeiier Jinftri ii.

G rafDefar (iii mabrcnb bcr icbtcn fiBortc cingctrctcn).

Dbfat (fi'

tr fiQ bfificr). Qib, ba iii cr ! (Sen t ) ©ntenWorgcn, mein Dbcim !(Braf. S 11 bifi cs, Dé iar ? QBie frenc iQ miQ , hiQ

15 all [cbcn !Delar. SQ banlc Sbncn, iQ battc [cbnlii gem1


1a i,

S ic noQ gcftcrn abenb 311 fpc cn . S icfc gange SiaQ tS raf. D cine [Q rccfliQe SiaQ t ! S o cine Si aQ t fann

einen 311111 oollfonnncn altcn S ianm maQ en !20 D é lar. S aé glaube iQ auQ ; cs [inb cntfcblc S ingc,

biemir vernommen, biemir erlebt.S raf. S ine iom ungnabc, cin foc r S tars! QBir



en feit anfammcnbaltcn, beiter Steffc !DBfar. Dbcim !

25 S raf. gicbt n11r cin cinaigeé 91111111, mas otr[c

lciQ t imitanbe ift, uné 311 rettcn : mir 1n1'


cn allco am

menbcn, bcinc SBerbinbnng mit bcrsBringefi

in (Eugenie 311bcl cunigcn .

O é iar (fin: fiQ). S ab gebt 311 mcit ! (811111) 9ic c11

1 10 Der gebein e Jigen t. [ACT v.

Defar. unb iQ follca Sbncn fagcn ? S ic ‘Brimgcffin liebt S ic !

S raf. 932i ? 11111 (mites millen, ml c Shee ?Doiar. S ic bat cs bcr St an fi crgogin gcfianben l

5 (Braf. mi iQ liebe bie SBringcffin ? QBaQ’

icb bcnn

ober traumc iQDb iar. a igen mir bicfc peinim unterrcbung

SQ q ie S ic auf, b crr S tuf, n1u S ic cur c bc an

ftcllcn . S ic q tcu cine §Braut fiir Sbrcn Steffen, S ic10 raumten bic[cm Steffen bcreitmillig Sbr balbcé ‘Balaié cin,unb bicfcr Steffc crfabrt gufc


tllig, bafi bie ibm beftimmtc§Braut bie S elicbtc bee Dnlclé ift. Sft ba6 n iQ t

cine luftige S cfQ it ?

S raf. SQ bin niQ t imfianbc, bicfcé Sliceoon QBibcu15 fpr1


1Q en 311 gerreificn !

Dé iar. QBic gefagt, S crr S raf, iQ q ie S ic auf,um S ic 3ur ftrcngftcn Sic a aft au sieben 1


1ber bie

S Q anbc, bie S ic im S egriffmarcn, un[crcm Sian nn 3112

aufiigcn. QIbcr, iQ battc niQ t iibcrlegt, ba6 S ic cin alter20 sJJiann finb, ber SBrubcr mcineé innigft geliebten SBatcrb .

(S ic Sbiir guru xabinctt bee c gogo mirb gcbffnct .)

S t af. (63011 fei gcbanit, ba iommt bcr Smog!

b ergog. S uten S torgen, meine S crrcn ! S Q on fofrub am Sage bier ?

25 S raf (fftr ficb). Sr meifi niQ t, bafi iQ oon gcfiernnoQ ba bin.

c gog. S i, ci, bcftcr (Braf S teinbaufen, mic fcbcnS ic ocrfibrt aub ! unb auQ S ic, S raf Dbfar, c incn

tuir aufgeregt.D é iar. Gucr S urQlat , es finb cntfcblc S ingc

gec bcn !

SC. Der gebeime agen t. 1 1 1

S raf. S ang cntfcblc S ingelS crgog. Sn meinem S Qloffc ? SQ millniQ t boffcn !S raf. Suer S urQlat merbcn oon bcr e ccflc n

S cene, bie geftcrn abenb bier borgcfallcn, bcrcité unterarit t fein ? s

S crgog. Qillcrbingé , iQ bbrtc baron !

S t uf. S ine S cene, berbcigcfitbrt burQ bie grenacn

lofcfic ungnabe bcr Srau S crgogin, bie uncrmartct aufmein ua ulbigcé Saupt nicbcrficl.

S crgog (ldQ cInb). Stun, mcin lieber S raf, fo ua ulbig 10

mirb bicfcé Sanpi niQ t fein.

Defar (fiir fiQ ). S at iQ cs o i

S raf. S ine m crc Qinilagc muroc gegen miQ erboben, cinc febr m crc a flagc unb man urteilte 1



miQ , obne miQ gcbbrt gu baben.

sIJtan befQulbigt miQ , 15iQ fci bcr gebeime Sgcnt Surer S urQlat .

S ergog. unb ba6 ncnncn S ic cinem crc S cfQulbi

gung? S6 ift niQ t m cc lbaft fr'

1t miQ . (8111 fiQ .)

QBartc cinen Sugcnblid ! (211111) SrciliQ mar cs niQ t

b n, S ic 311 verraten 20

S raf. StiQ an oerratcn ?

S crgog. Stun ia, S ic gu ocrraten ! S 116 S cbcimnié

mar fo gut bcmabrt.D é iar (fur fiQ ). S6 iii alfo o mabr. Giant.) 6 0

erlauben mir Sucr S urQlatS craog (lcifc 311111 S rafcn). S ic m1


1ffcn meinen gcbcimcnfligcntcu oorftellcn . (22111 311 Defar.) Sbr Dbcim gcniert fiQoor Sbncn, cimugefiebcn, ml c auégeaciQnetc S icnftc erfeinem Srirficn gclcifict.D é iar (fi1r fiQ ). Sr bat allc urfa bagu! S iefc 30

S QlcQ tigieit

1 12 Der gebeim e agen t. [ACT v .

S crgog. S ebt auégcgciQ netc S icnftc ! Srinncrn S ic

fiQ , lieber S raf, mic S ic bie S brcifc meiner Stutter naQSafcrta binbcrtcu (Bu Defac.) S tein gebeimcr Sgcnt, SbrS crr Dbcim, licfi ilugcrmcifc bie S itter bea S Qloffcb

5l icficn . Sbateu S ic ba6 niQ t, mein lieber S raf?S raf. filllerbingé , ba6 fann iQ niQ t leugnen !D é i ar. S ann erlauben mir Sucr S urQ lat , miQ

gu cntferncn ! QBaé iQ Sucr S urQlat gcbcimcm fl gcntcn

au fagen babe, lann nur obne Scugcn gcc ben. (an)

S crgog. QBaé bat bcnn bcr S raf? S treitigleitcn

in her Samilic ? D ba6 batten S ic mir gu ocrftcbcn

geben folicn ! S o was ift am bcficn glciQ abgcmaQ t,bcnn ic mcbr Seit 1


1ber bcr unanncbmliQ icitcn babiu

gebt, ic tiefer bringen fie i1ré Seq , iQ fennc ba6 ! fi ber15 mas bat ber S raf?

S t af. Sucr S urQlat , iQ bin b ern it t, iQ falleoon einem lingliuf in ba6 anbet e; aber iQ f1


1ble ca, nur

f cnbcit fann miQ retten . Sucr S urQlat mufitcn,ba6 bie St an S crgogin cine SBcrbinbung amic n bcr ‘Briw

zo aefl'

in Sugcnic unb meinem 9teffcn projcfticrt .

S ergog. SQ crfubr ea gang aufiillig.

S rai. S ic Srinaeffin abcr crflitrtc bei cincr gcfirigen

llntcrrcbung, fic lbnne meinen Steffen niQ t bciratcn, ba fic

bcrcité einem anbetu ibr S crg gemuti.

25 S crgog (fiir fiQ ). S ollte cr bcreité ciroas miffcn ?S raf. S inem anbetu ibr S erg gce nlt !

S ergog. unb bicfcr anbet e, mer iii cs ? Slicbcn S ic

obne S c i

S raf. S iefer anbere iQ magc taum, ibn au nennen !30 S craog (fiir fiQ ). Sr mcifi es ; ba6 tommi mir ungcs

legen ! (2mm) Stun, fpc cn S ic, S rafl

1 14 Der gebeim e agen t. [ACT v.

fei bereit, beifit cs, man follmarten, man fol! bie QBagcnniQ t bcrauégieben. S ott ! unb hiefe l rcife Sbrcr S urQ 2

lat tam mir fo crm1'

ia t, cs mare cine fo lange crfebntcunb nonocnbigc 9tube eingetreten, allc Sntrigucn batten

5 mit bem éBce minbcu bcr c cnrartci aufgcbbrt ! S olltebicfcr S raf S teinbaufen no ale EDt ittclunb QBcgc finbcn,an bem Dbr bcr S crgogin an gclangcn ? S ac marecntfceliQ ! SQ bin niQ t imftanbc, feine S robung gu ocre

geffen, er mollc miQ ale gcbcimcn filgentcn bcé S crgogé10 angcbcn ! SQ , bcr gebeime Qigent ! S cr S tea batcine S uaba, cr ift imftanbc, am bcllcn sJJtittag Smeifcl

gu erregen, ob cs niQ t St ittcrnaQ t ift. unb basu bic

S crgogin in ibrcr f1ie erlc n flanne l(S lodcngcliiut

15 W ifcn bie ba ibrc St eube iibcr ba6 ncuc S tinifi crium

fo fr1'

1b am S age fQ on funb gcbcn !

giierler Jluftritt.

S i c S crgogin (auo ibrcm Rabinctt mit mcifcflcibcrn, gcbt mit bafiis

gcn S Q rittcn unb nac uicnb iibcr ba6 Sbcatcr unb ficbt ben Dbcrfis20 bofmciflcr niQ t, bcr ct1oao im Sintcrgruub ficbt.)

Dbcrfi bofmeift cr (fin fiQ ). QBic bie Sierpcuaufrcgungbiem aQ e S ame fo munbcrbar gcfitirft.

(Scrgogin gebt cinigc EDtalc auf unb ab.)

S craogin (mit flat ter S timmc). S o bat man alfo cin

foc é S pielmit mir gcmagt, unb iQ babe cs ocrlorcn,

mcil iQ bie Starten mcggemorfcn ! SQ babe gegeneinen S Q attcn getampft, gegen ciu SBcfen, ba6 nic

crifticrtc unb mufi ba6 burQ ben grbfiten Sufallicbt erft

SC . 1v.] Der gebeim e agen t. 1 15

crfabrcn, feet, ba es gu fpiit iii ; ba iQ meinen Rumpfpcrlorcn. SQ babe ba6 Sitiniftcrium cntlaffcu, iQ babemeinen S obu beauftragt, ein neues 311 bilbcn, unb ibmfo bie pollc S emait in bie S anb gegeben. Qiber mare ccniQ t mbgliQ , hiefe fibcrcilung micbcr gut gu maQ en ? — s

S cr Sergog bat noQ nicbt Seit gcbabt, gu baubeln, crtann unmbgliQ fQ on ein ncueé slit inifi crium gcbilbct baben.

QBcnn iQ bie3&c micher crgriffc !(S lodcngcldutc unb Militérmufif in her Serne.)

QB“ if} ba6 ? (S ic gcbt ans Scufter.) 23116 mag (6 562 10

bcutcn ? Qib! bcr Dbcrftbofmciftcr ! S brcn S ic bieS lott en unb bic Stufii ? QBcé balb mirb gclautct, mcé balbfpiclt ba6 9311111111 in bem S Qlofibofe? S6 iii o bcute

mcber S onn; noQ Seicrtag? SBiffen S ic niQ t, mas ba6

foil?Dbcrftbofmc ift cr (311111 hit m an). Suer S urQlat ,

iQ mcifi in her S bat niQ tB baoon !

S crgogin . S eben S ic, crfunbigen S ic fiQ ! S oQnein, bleiben S ic ! S ic iibergabcn geftcrn abenb bem

S craog meinen SBefcbl; miffcn S ic, ob cnoaé ober maé z obarauf erfolgt ift iD berftbofmc ifi er. S eine S urQlat , ale iQ ibm

ba6 SBlatt fibergab, fagtcn : S ollbeitrué bcforgt mergbcu !

S crgogin. unb Der S craog limite bagu?D bcrftbofmc ift cr. S eine S urQlat [abcn niQ t

unfrcunbliQ aué .

S crgogin (fitt liQ). SQ babe mein S pieloerlorcn !(2mm) unb bann ?

Dbcrftbofmeiftcr. Sicfien S eine S urQlat bcr S crr 30

S crgog ben S rafcn SBranb, bcn gcbcimcn StatsBillcnborf8—2

1 16 Der gebeime Agen t. [ACT v.

unb ben S crrn oon S aQ l cunigft an fiQ i116 S Qlofi cntsbieten.

S crgogin . fiBcitcr !

D bcrftbofmcift cr. S ic S crrn blieben bio naQ ‘JJtitterc

s naQ t unb fubrcu bann naQ Saufe.(Wtufif in her Serne.)

S crgogin. S icfc uncrtrfiglc S tufif ! SQ mil! csniQ t bbrcn ! sJJtan fol! naQ bcr S cranlaffung fragen, unbfic follcn augcnblicfliQ aufbbrcu !Dbcrftbofmc ifi cr (l t cr n). S arf iQ mir mobler;

lauben, bicfcn QBua Sucr S urQlat bcm S et tu Scrgogan mclben ?

S craogin. S in QBua ? S6 ift me in S cfcbl!unb meebalb bem S crgog mclben ?

15 D bcrfi bofmc iftcr. S amit bcr S cfcblpomS crrn S crgogfelbft aué gcbt.

S ergogiu. l ! SQ pcrfiebc !D bc rftbofmc ift cr. S oQ , ba fommt S eine S urQlat

fclbft !

Sitinfter Jinftri tl.

S crgog’

(aue bem Rabinctt, S rafS teinbaufen bleibt in bcr Sbfir ftcbcu).

S craog. S oeben bbrc iQ , bafi S ic uns pcrlaffcn

mollen, S tama ; S ic baben Sbrc S brcifc naQ Safcrta be;

foblcn ?

S crgogin. unter bcn gcgcnmartigcn bicfigcn S crbciltsniffcn ift cs ben


er, iQ ritumc ba6 Sclb.

S crgog. S bun S ic ba6 niQ t, Stama, menigftcné nicbt

in her eben auagcfprc ncn 2lbfiQ t ! Saffcn S ic miQmicbcrbolcn, mas iQ Sbncn oor einigen S agen fagtc : bleiben

1 18 Der gebeim e Jigen t. [ACT v.

S crgog. S iQ freiwillig 3ur1'

11f3ogcn, inbem S ic cine[abcn, bafi bcr Rampf, ben iQ mit Sbrcn Stiniftcrn ringing,um meine Sriftcng banblc, bcbbalb, Stama (bie 0 11mm

111111 fvt en) gcmifi uur bebbalb, S tama, un tcrftiibtcn

5 S ic mein e m aQ e Sntriguc !

S ergogin. fi b!

S c rgog. S cmdbrtcn mir ale ‘Brcici bicfcé lcit n

S icgcé , maa S ic icbcnfallé im S egriffmarcn, mir o in

furgcm frcimillig an 1'


S c rgogin. ScbGlaube niQ t.

S c rgog. D iQ bin baoon iibcracugt ! (111m ibr bic

6m ). S ic gaben mir frcimillig ba6, mas S ic glaubten,iQ babe £6 Sbncn abgcbrungcn, (bcr S crgog ficbt fiQ um

unb crblidt bcn Dbcrfibofmciftcr, ber wieber cingctrctcn) gang fret;15 millig, mit frcunblit cr S ticnc, im bcrglit cn S inocrftanbs

nib, unb ber S of unb ba6 gauge Qanb fol! cs miffcn ; unbmic banibar merbe iQ Sbncn baf1


ir fciu !(S ic Scrgogin, bic bieber abgcto cnbct gcflanbcn, brebi fiQ ta ibrcm

S obue gu unb rciQ t ibm beihe Sdnbc.)

S crgogin. Sa, cs ift brifer fo l unb S cin gebeimcrfigcnt ?

S crgog. S on bem S ic fQ on anfi’

mgliQ gcmufit, bafi cr

nie erifticrtc.

S crgogin (brobt ibm mit bem Singer). Stcbmcn mir an,

25 66Mfl) !

S crgog. QBirb niQ t mcbr gum S oe ein iommcn !

(S cr Dbcrftbofmcifi cr, bcr an ber Wtittcltbiir mit bcm Rammcrbcrrn unb

cin paar S chienten gcfprc n, tommi langfam oor unb gicbt fiQ , um

niQ t gu fibrcn, an bic Rabincttetbfir linfe.)

30 Dbcrflbofmc ift cr (fi n fiQ). S ic minen politommcn

aué gcfbbnt, ober fpicltcn b icliciQ t bcibc gufammcn gegen ben

SC. v.] Der gebeim e Jlgen i. 1 19

allmt igcn Stinifier. fi rmc Srccllcng! S o plbbliQ pom

S ofe pce minbcn gu m1'



(S er S uf tommi ans bcm Rabinctt [info unb tritt oor ben Dbcrflbofs


Dbcrfibofmeift cr (t tlQ ridr). S ebc iQ m i ? 5

S ergog. Sbrcn gcftrigen S efcbl babe iQ befolgt,Stama, unb meine fi norbuungen getroffen . S arfiQ bitten,hiefe SBapicre bun ufcbcn . (S ic Sergogin maQ t cine ablcbnenbc

S emcgung.) SQ bittc barum.

Dberfibofmc ifter (gum S rafcn, ber lcifc ans ber Rabincttetbitr 10in ben Sintergnmb getreten iii). unb Sucr St ceucng molIen

no al6 pot bic Srau S crgogin treten ?S raf (frcunbliQ ). S buc S cfabr f1


ir miQ ! SQ bin

fcft bagu cnt lofi'

cn !

D bcrfibofmeift cr (fnr fiQ ). S6 ifi flat , er millmiQ 15

anflagcn ! (811111 S rafcu.) S cicn S ic pcrfbbnliQ , Srcclleug,laffen S ic ba6 SBergangcnc pcrgangcn fciu !S t uf. S ic meinen tiber ben gcbcimcn fi gcnten ?

D bcrfibofmeifter. StiQ t fo laut ! SQ bittc Sucr

Srcellcns barum !S raf (gerfibt t). S6 mar ein cblcr Stann !

Dbcrfi bofmeifi cr. QBcr ?

S raf. S er gebeime fi gcnt !

Dbcrfibofmc i it cr. S o baben S ic ibn cnbliQ gcfcbcn ?S raf. Scibcr ncin, er ift beute naQ t abgercifi !Dberft bofmc ifi cr. SQ atme miebcr auf!S raf. fi ber in einem S Q reibcn, ba6 er an ben Set s

gog gurficllicfi, fpraQ er mit QBé rmc pon meinen picliixbrigcnS icnficn, pon meiner fi nbfingll cit an ba6 bergogliQ e

Sau6 S eine S urQlat baben miQ an Sbrem Dbcrfig 30fiallmcifter ernannt.


Der gebeim e Agen t. [ACT v.

Dbet ftbofmc ifter. (i nc: (Exeeucng, icb gratniiet c bon

gangetn fiergen .

fi et gog (gut b n gogin). Siadybcm S ic bicfc SBaviereburcbgciefen, crlaubc icb mit cine S ine, liebe Niama, bies S ic mir, boffe id), nicbt abfcbiagen wcrben ; feien S ic fofrennblid), bie midytigftcn bicfcr S ofumentc mit Shi emSiamen an b erieben unb bcute nicbt nad) (Safet ta an rcic

fen !

c n ogin. Sn S ottcfi 92m m !

Dé fa t (ans bem Rabinctt bea {mange mit cincm S cief. Steidn

feinem Dbcim bie Snub). flieq eiben S ic mit , me in licbet

Dbcim, meine fi beteilnng, meinen finbifdyen 30m ; bet ;

geibcn S ic mit , bafi icb mid) untet ftanben, S ic cincr

anchlen b anblung fi n fdbig 311 huiten. 66 iii aucb anf;

15 geflé rt, id) itebe tiefbefcbiunt but Sbncn. (BumDbet flbofmeiftet .)

fi ber bicier gebeime fi gent ift mit ilia; ein eblet mcnfd),fie“ Dbcrftboftneiftet .

D bc t ftbofmeifter. Qiifo S ic baben ibn gcfeben ?Defer. Qcibct , ncin ! Gt bet iicfi bcute nacbt hub

20 Ennb, unb with wot)! nie mcbr gut ii cfietyren. Qibet in bie;

fem S cbteibcn

S t af. Sinn ?

Dc i ne. S pricbt ct mit bet gt bfitcn Ercunbiidficit b onmit unb in {foige bcfl

cn batten S eine ‘Durcbiaucbt biez s S nabc, mir cine biplomatifcbe S cnbung an ben babrifcben

{aof angub crtranen.

fi ergog. S o, Wilma, fest banfe icb Sbncn bergiid)nnb erlaube mir nut nocb, S ic um ein pant frennbiicbeQBorte fin meinen Dberflftaiimeiftcr, ben S t afen S teim

3° baufen, an bitten.

(Sb cc S taf ififit bet b ergogin bie b anb.)

122 Der gebeim e Jlgerd . [ACT v.

é e rgog. S ic geflanb Sbncn Sbre Eiebc an

fi ergogin. S einem gcbcimcn Qigenten !fi e rgog. Qlifo an mir !

©er3ogin . unb bicfco S cflanbnio, (Eugenie, nu'


5 bu ca micbcrboicn ?

£13r in3cfi'

in. 3a, meine gnabigc S ante ifi ergog. S eien S ic girtig gegen unb. S eit meiner

Sugenb iiebtc iQ bie filringcfi'

in unb icb babe eé mir feiereliQ gelobt, nie cine anbet e S emablin gu crto ixbien. QBiiii

xc gen S ic in bicfc Qierbinbung!eb ergogin. Q ann iQ anbere?

b e t aog. D 9 iam , mcincn innigftcn S anf! (Bu ben

anbcrn.) Weine {j crrcn unb SDamen, bier iii meine geliebteSmut. S eben S ic, (Eugen ie, bab frcunbliQ e QBaiten

15 unfcreé gcbcimcn Qigenten !




a . S alon, many m asculine and neuter n ouns b o rrowed from the

Fren ch preserve their pluralending in 0, though they take the s ign o f

the stro ng gen itive s ingular -c by analogy to German wo rds, e.g.,

S alon, gen itive s ingular S alons, n om inative pluralS alons.S ofa, S ofas S ofas.

Cf. wart, Santeuil, illortcfeuille, etc .

8 onb, backgro und ’

; bo rrowed from the Fren ch.

12. Guer SDurQ iat ,

‘ your Seren ity,’ ‘ your Highness. ’ In thisand sim ilar phrases Gucr M aicftat etc . Guer is treated as indeclinable and

is c omm only represen ted by Gm. SDurQIat is o riginally the pas tpart ic iple o f burQIc ten , and thus m ean s

‘ illum ined,’ ‘ illustrious .


the English House o f Lo rds it is s tillcus tomary to speak o f a Duke o fthe blo od royalas ‘ the illus trious Duke.

’The Middle Germ an fo rm

was durhlaht , henc e the diphtho ng an in ‘DurQ iat . Cf. fo r a sim ilar

pro c ess erlat .

Grier SDurQ Iat werben gu Onaben balt cn, your Highness willgrac iously perm it .’ The phrase balten an Gnabcn o rigina ted from balten

S ic es gu ©naben= ncbrn cn S ic co niQ t ungnab ig auf. No tic e the pluralverb balten after the singular subjec t . After c erta in t itles such as SDurQIat , Grccllcng, M aieftat , etc . a pluralverb is used as a mark o f cour

tesy. Cf. Eve 5 269.


a. o biefeiben, sc . mate. The adjec tives boot; and WW are

frequen tly thus prefixed in speaking o f exalted perso nages . Cf. l. 1 1

o crlc tct cn, 1. 3x fi bQ ii ibrec.


7. waste. The im perfec t subjun c tive is frequen tly used fo r makinga sta tem en t m odestly. This is sometim es called the diplomat ic sub

jun c tive. Cf. Eve 5 573 an d 22. 2.

10 . burQlat igen st art illiutter ,‘ illus trious m o ther .’ Cf. no te 3. 12.

1 1, 12. ans an bie b anb geben, lit .‘to walk at our hand, ’ then ‘ to

len d us her suppo rt ,’ ‘to help us .’

14. imflanbez in bem S tanrc,‘ in the po sitio n , ’ then ‘

c apable,’ ‘ able.

ungee ben gu maQ en ,‘to cancel.

was batt c,‘wha t do you suppo se Ihad .

’Cf. Eve 531 .

18. G0 fci benn, unless it be tha t .’ Cf. no te o n 45. 7.

21, as . meinec o feiigen b errn iBatecc,‘o f my late father o f blessed

m em o ry.’ S elig z‘ blessed,

then ‘departed, ’ ‘lam en ted ,

deceased .

23. id) willniQ t boffen, I should be so rry to think.’28. alfo bod), then it is as I suppo se.


2. gerubte. Cf. n o te o n oerrt er 83. 13.

5. Sicfrbcng, a town in which a reign ing so vereign holds his co urt .16. Scibrcginrentc, lit .

‘ body -regimen t ,’then a regimen t o f which

the so vereign is c olo nel- in - chief, the King’

s Own ,

’8eibtruppen z

‘ bo dyguard.

’No tic e the o ther m ean ing o f illegiin cnt, rule,

go vernmen t .’23. o bero , bero is the old gen itive pluralo f the dem o ns trative ber.

M .H .G. gen itive dare, O .H .G. dera. The ins trumen tal case o f this

pro noun has also been preserved in beft o.M .H .G. ales -(e, C .H.G. dc:


u. Cf. the etym ology o f the adverb mic, and o f our tin (flee m o re, th e

better) and how.

28. Gremitage,‘Herm itage.

’A pavilio n o r summer palac e in the

garden o f the Duke. The wo rd was bo rrowed from the Fren chm ’


in the eighteen th cen tury. S ancfouci the palace at Po tsdam , and S oll.


ibe the cas tle at Ludwigsburg, where the po et Schiller’s father was employed , a re nam es which were in troduc ed in to the language at the sameda te a s Grcmitage.

30 . xoilcgen,‘c olleagues .

k ouege is very freely used in German ,e.g. a s tuden t in polite parlance would address a fellow- studen t as b err

3 ollege. Be ca refulto d istinguish this wo rd from S olicg o r Rollegiunr

(1) a lec ture, (2) a c ollege, pluralxoucgien.


2. Greignic, the etym ology o f this wo rd must be sought in auge,

M .H .G. m i‘

ugm‘to show,

’ hen c e the n oun err'


s which should have


22. Sumter Grier Durcblaucbt, always this m ode o f address .’

24, 25. bertrauiicb, o n an in t ima te fo o ting,’

as an equal.’


2. weber, compara tive o f the indeclinable adjec tive web. fiBeb was

o rigin ally an in terjec t io n , M .H.G. mcf, La tin w e, English woe. Fromthe in terjec tio n two n ouns were derived m 28d), and b ie flBcbe. The

adjec tive incb is derived from ba6 QBeb. flBenig and mcincn are from the

same ro o t.

8 . S Q eibetoanb, barrier.’ Dis tinguish between bie flBanb ‘

the wallo f a ro om o r house ’

; bie M anet‘the wallo f a town ’

; and ber scan :

‘a rampart , o r dike. ’

13. barmlofen . Cf. n o te o n 49. 18.

27. coat baben S ic‘ what is the matter ?

29. ocrfc rc. Two c o n struc tio ns are po ssible after this verb (1)accusa t ive o f perso n and gen it ive o f thing, (2) accusative o f thing anddative o f perso n ; nran bentt febr crnitliQ an 11110 is here equivalen t to theac cusative o f the thing.

PAGE 10 .

1, 2. batten, c f. n o te o n bat tc 4. 14.

8. fiiormunbfcbaft,‘

guardianship,’ from the rare wo rd bie smanta

‘ pro tec tio n ,’ c f. munbig= ‘o f age,

’bcoorrnunbcn to put under the care

o f a guardian .

’ Munb also o c curs in the proverb Morgenfiunbc bat S olb

int illiunber the early b ird catches the wo rm ,

’though here the gender

o f munb has been changed by an alogy to bcr aliunb= ‘the m outh.


etym ology o fMuab pro tec tion is ob scure, but the ro o t is thought tobe cognate with that o f the La t in mama ‘ hand.

22. mcfignation, in troduc ed from Fran ce in the 18th cen tury andfamiliar as the title o f o ne o f Schiller’s earlier po em s . The c o rrespo nding German wo rd is Gntfagung.

24. an Sbrem fBeftcn,‘ fo r your benefit .’ No tic e the idiom s icnranb

gum S eitcn baben : to exhib it fo r the c omm o n benefit ,’ ‘ to m ake a butto f anyo n e, ’ to befo ol,

and etio as gum iBeftcn geben=lit . to give any

thing fo r the c omm o n go od ,’ ‘to s tand treat .

28. man attenmafiig aucmaQ t,‘the m atter is settled in due fo rm .

91ttcnmdfiig=‘ in do cum entary fo rm .

’ Distinguish between bie bitten :‘ legaldocumen ts and bie fi tticn shares in a c ompany.’

SC. [ VOTE S 1 27

PAGE 1 1 .

2. mcincn es gut mit rnir, are welldispo sed towards m e.

3. bicmeiien, an adverb m ade up o f bis and meiien, the dative pluralo f the n oun bie SlBeiie. From flBeiie we derive the co njun c tio n loci! and

the adverbs bim eiicn, gumciIcn, toeilanb with in o rgan ic b ; c f. the etymo

logy o f wlu'

lam . tBic is a c o n trac tio n o f the prepo s itio n bei O.H .G. bf,

an d the prefix a s , which gave bias then bis. No tice tha t his may s tillbe

used as a prepo sit ion , e.g. oon Sonbon bis YBaric, lieben bit aQ t .

1o . Gingebungen,‘ promptings .’ Cf. the phrase einem ciroas eingeben.

17. Sbuca is the dative o f the perso n in terested, and mus t be takenin clo se c o nn exion with auslegen. Cf. n o te o n 17. 10 .

1 7, 18 . No tice the third person singular o f the verb ,though Sbuca the an teceden t to its subjec t ber is plural in fo rm and

refers to the sec o nd perso n ; cf. Eve 5 424.19. an allein bear is to be taken in clo se c o njun ctio n with Bcrfibrungco

analcgen ,‘ in terpret .’

26. burQ bringen. Cf. no te o n burQ brungen 42. 17.

27. filortefeuillcs. Cf. n o te o n 3. 2.

3 1. itirnbe, the older and m o re c o rrec t fo rm o f the imperfec t subjun c tive.

PAGE 12.

12. cin Qiumeg, so . ill.

18 . urngarnen,‘to ensnare,

’lit . ‘ to surround with nets .’

22. mcinob, no tice the curious ending ob . In the older phases o f

the language this noun -fo rming sufiix o c curs as 612°

o r ddr'

. In m odern

German it is also found in b eimat, Bierat, 91rnrut , and Giubbe. By po pularetym ology Sierat was c onfused with Stat, armut with mint , and Giubbewith Dbc.31 . Wri te, the subjunc tive is used because the sen ten ce is a c o n e

tinuatio n o f the ar c tic oblique: begun in l. 26 : hence also molle (13.

PAGE 13.

9, 10 . in bie feftgel ofl'

enen O iieber,‘ in to the serried ranks .

18. gegen, agains t,’then ‘ in c om pariso n with.

PAGE 14.


5. flier ber Safel, befo re dinner’

; cf. oor SlIifQ with like mean ing.



13. Sutunfr, from gutommen . No tice the in sert io n o f an t”

o r f in the

fo rm a tio n o f verbalabs trac ts ; c f. Bunft from giemen , flicrnunft from oerncb’

men , s nuff from ibuacu, Gunft from gimnen , S tuart from brennen ; fo r a

somewha t s im ilar pro cess, of. n o te o n s tuft , 42. 20 .

17. SBartie,‘m a tch. ’

27. trantcr ,‘ feeble, the o riginalmean ing o f the wo rd, cf. English

‘c ranky.’

PAGE 15.

1. iiberfoannte,‘o verstrung.

’Cf. n o tes o n 19. 27, and 59. 12.

5. auf bie sange. Cf. the phrase aufbie S auer .

12. bcrgleiQ en,‘such,

’lit . ‘likes o f them ,

’o riginated fro m ber, gen .

plur. o f the dem o ns tra t ive pro n oun , and M .H.G. gelt’

du used as an

indeclinable adj . o r adv. go vern ing the geni tive. From the time o f

Luther the expressio n is fixed as bcrgleirben ; in the sam e way beagIciQ en

is to be traced to de: gelt‘

dze. Eve , 367, o b s. 2 explain s the express io nas ber giciQ en flirt, but such an explana t io n c ould n o t apply to becgieicben :cf. no te o n 80 . 13.

15. fur hiQ einfleben, bec ome security fo r you,’ then ‘ take allyourcares o n my shoulders .’

15, 16. trifft irgcnb ein mormurf. No tice the invers io n used instead

o fmenu. Cf. Eve 571 .

25. lautcr, o rigin ally an adj. mean ing‘ pure, clear,

’then used in

declinably, as here, in the sense o f ‘all,

’ ‘n o thing but, ’ ‘

sheer,’ c f. auclautcr 8icbe, cc iii iauter Giolb. Gite! is used in declin ably with the likem ean ing.

PAGE 16.

21 . mleinten S ic niQ t auQ fo ?‘was n o t this your in ten tio n ? ’

22. fi ber m iter,‘ but con tinue.

24. ben is the o bjec t to lieb gewann. Sicb getoinnen is treated as a

trans itive verb go vern ing the accusative. Cf. the sam e c o ns truc tio n

with liebbaben, mabrnebmcn , tot Iagen, etc.

PAGE 17.

8. ib ac mirb niQ t angeben,‘that wo n ’

t do ,’ ‘that canno t be.


pare the c ollo quialexpress ion ‘no go .

9. non Samiiic,‘o f n o ble birth. ’ Cf. non abet, oon S tanoe, and

English ‘a man o f rank,’ ‘

a man o f fam ily.’


auffvieicn wi t ,‘

gives the sign alfo r the band to s trike up.

25. too= an meiQ em. Cf. Eve 432.

27. alteration,‘exc item en t .

Cf. the verb altcr icrcu 29. 22.

‘uns trings .

’The primary mean ing o f fbannen is ‘

to draw,

to s tretch.

’Cf. anfoannen=

‘ to harness ,’ abfpanncn= to unharness .’From foannen is derived bie S panne ‘

the span ,

’ ‘the space whi ch a hand

can s tretch.

30 , 3 1 . ilBenn iQ cinmalniQ t mcbr bin, when Iam no m o re.

PAGE 20 .

10 . cinii ,‘o ne day,

’ ‘hereafter.’ einft= einc3, the gen itive o f cin

(c f. on ce) to which an in o rgan ic t has been added . N .H .G. wo rdso ften shew an in o rgan ic b o r t. Cf. Monti, niemand, jemand, eigentliQ ,

want. unaff


14. £ ammerbicner ,‘

groom o f the chamb er, valet .’

24. S ammerberrn oom S ienflc,‘lo rd - in -wai t ing, who is o n duty.


im S icnftc, ben S ienfl baben, and auficr S icnfl=‘o fi


duty,’ then ‘retired

from the army.’

PAGE 21.


6. raten auf,‘

guess at .’

12. lcbte,‘m o st in s ign ific an t.

£ ammcrfran ,‘wait ing woman .

13. auf fi bre,‘upo n my ho n our, upo n m y wo rd.


20 . ocrfefi'

en , pas t partic iple o f ocrfisen, used idiomatically followedby the prepo s itio n auf, in the sense o f set upo n ,’ ben t upo n .

’Cf. the

phrase erbiQ t auf, wh ich bears the sam e mean ing.

26. rclco icren ,‘ to m en tio n ,

’ ‘lay stress upo n ,’ ‘n o tice

; a ra re wo rdfrom the Fren ch relw er .

PAGE 22.

2. batten, ought to have.

Cf. n o te o n 4. 7.

5 . her . The an tec eden t to ber is einer n o t er iten.

8. unb battc. Cf. n o te o n 15. 15, 16.

SC. NOTE S . 13 1

SCENE 10 .

28. foutenieren= unteritrisen

28, 29. has flBicbtigere, the m o re impo rtan t matter.’

PAGE 23.

2. geftofien ware. Fo r this use o f the pluperfec t subjun c tive of. Eve5 536.

9, 10 . S ritt ‘willhe receive? ’ ‘willhe en ter upo n ? ’ No ticethe primary mean ing o f the verb in the phras e cine Steife antreten= ‘


s tart o n a journey.’13, 14. oergeiben mir Sucr Durcblaucbt , used paren thetic ally, ‘ if your

Highn ess willperm it me to say so .

14. namentofer,‘o b scure.

’Cf. n o te o n 89. 4.

23. fabeln (derived from thread ’

(a needle); here ‘ im

plicate, en tangle.

PAGE 24.

SCENE 1 1.

8 . (Et iquette bears two m ean ings in Germ an (1)‘etiquette,

(2) a‘label

’o r

‘ticket ’

; the la tter is the older meaning. The wo rd was introduced from Fran ce in to Germany at the clo se o f the 18th c en tury.

8, 9. ilufiebem S cbrit t unb Sritt,‘at every turn .

18. angegrifl'

en , fatigued,’ ‘exhaus ted,’ ‘


22. apropos. Cf. n o te o n 19. 1 1 .

QBortrag, represen tatio n .

26. bis aufweiteres,‘tillfurther n o tice.’

PAGE 25.

2. mittelperfon,‘ in termediary. ’ Steinhausen was the m outhpiece o f

the Sergogin with regard to the o pen ing of the gardens . Cf. p. 5.

15, 16. oerblr'

tfft,‘dum bfounded

; b o rrowed from the Dutch. Cf.

English blufi ; which is from the same language.

2 1 . na tens,‘sho rtly. ’

22. bo arge,‘o fli c e o r appo in tm en t a t c ourt .

’No tice that the

Fren ch wo rd charge may hear the following mean ings in German

(1)‘o fii ce,

(2)‘ac cusa tio n ,

(3)‘lo ad .

23. befest,‘o c cupied, ’ ‘ filled up.

’befeben, lit .

‘to o ccupy a place

by plac ing som ething o n it .’

1 32 DER GEHEIME AGENI! [m 11.

PAGE 26.

13, 14. auffolQ e art erbalt man fiQ nicbt bei b ofe,‘this is no t the way

to retain your plac e at c ourt. ’19. gefiele. Fo r the tense of. Eve 5 573.

22. 6 ofma e all= thc Oberstho fmeis tc r ; c f. n o te o n 51 . 5, 6.

21 , 23. Wri te, mare, bt e, are in the subjun c tive because they

desc ribe a suppos itio n which the Speaker rega rds as un true o r im

pro bable.

‘ Could she kn ow ? ’ ‘could it be t rue ?


25. a irfien roir uns,‘Let us be prepared.


PAGE 27.

5. BlaQ (except when used in a lo calsense= ‘towards ’)m ay follow

the wo rd it go verns , e.g.meiner Meinung naQ ac c o rding to my o pin io n ,’bem fl ortlaute naQ = literally.’ This prepo sitio n o riginated from the

adjec t ive nabc, o fwhich wo rd the prepo s itio n naQ fl, also go verning theda tive, is the superla tive.6. S ererbnung, c om putatio n .

7, 8 . SDeieunerC, Diners. Cf. n o te on 3. 2.

13. mcbrcre. Cf. Eve 3 1 1 .

14. be: allitro ifi'

er . Befo re these wo rds supply bin iQ , and tran sla te,

Ihave been ac cesso ry to .

’Quit as a prefix to n o un s :

‘ fellow,

’e.g. allit


trger : fellow- c itizen ,

’M arbciter= fellow -wo rker. ’ Thus M innifl'ec,

from mit and tuifi'

en‘to know ’ ‘ fellow-kn ower,’ then ‘

ac c om plic e.

15, 16. Gbef ber b ofbaltung,‘Mas ter o f the Cerem o n ies .

17. innere Getreibe, the inner life.

’Gctreibe (collec t ive to treiben)

lit . ac t ive m o vement is here used in a figura tive sense fo r the wo rking o f parliam en tary o r politicalmachinery , in which sen se Getriebe thec ollec tive o f the sub stan tive ber fi rieb is m o re usual. Sircibcn, the verb

from which bo th n o uns are fo rmed, is frequen tly used in the sense o f‘to carry o n business. ’ Cf. £3 00 treiben S ic? ‘What are you do ing? ’

PAGE 28.

1—3. unb nun (leb’

titften , lit .‘and n ow I stand befo re a

mystery which slinks along so sub tly through hidden regio ns translate,

and now Istand face to fac e with a mystery so dark and sub tle in its

c ourse.

3. liiften,‘to lift

; lit .‘ to m ake way fo r the air to pass . ’ From


’No tice the idioms fiQ tuften and fiQ Saft maQ en z

‘to give


PAGE 30 .

6. fonfiigen, fonftig is a m odern fo rmatio n from fonfl, M .H .G. rust, cu:

‘ in such m anner,’ so .

12, 13. ein gang ergebenes flBort angubringen,‘to express to her m y

devo tio n to her causc .

’Grgeben , devo ted to ,

’res igned to is also

used as a fo rmalending to letters ; e.g. Sbt ergebener=‘

your o bedien t

servan t .’

15. mabbot t, the pré c is o f public business which the Coun t wouldlay befo re the Duchess . fl aoport was bo rrowed from French in the

seven teen th c en tury.16. baa Si errain unterfucben, rec o n n o itre the ground

; Serrain is also

from the Fren ch.


21 . Gunilli ng, the suffix (ing has either a deprec iato ry fo rc e as here,cf. flBeirbling, QBisling, o r den o tes descen t o r relatio n ship, e.g. Swilling,

S augling, and is thus frequen tly used to fo rm dim inutives . As a deprec ia to ry sufiix ling is n o t found in the older stages o f the language.

bergleicben . Cf. n o te o n 15. 12.

22. probieren, in troduc ed direc t from Latin proba re in to Middle

High German , while pritfen c omes from pr oba re thro ugh Old Fren chprover .

‘Broben is from the n oun iBrobe, which was bo rrowed from Italian

23. mir nit , bir niQ tB, without m o re ado’

a verb such as a ben

o r binbern is to be supplied ; e.g. ea a bet mir unb b ir nicbts‘ it m akes

no difference, is o f n o c o nsequen ce to you and m e.’

PAGE 31.

1 . uce angen,‘en tren ch,’ from bie S Q ange

‘a ram part o r fo rtificatio n .

There is also an o ther wo rd bie S Q ange derived from Fren ch c/zance. Cf.

in bre S Q angel agen=‘ to try o ne

s luck.

2, 3. bieten trosig bie S tirn, presen t a bold fro n t . ’

5. WaQ t,‘ fo rc e,

’ ‘tr0 0 ps .

7. inbignicrt ,‘ indignan t,

’then ‘

enraged .

’Cf. 82. 7.

8, 9. cc unb fein Sanb regiert mirb, the‘ land and the ruler are

lo oked upo n as expressing the same idea, therefo re the verb is put in thesingular. This is an exc ept io n to the generalrule that two o r m o re sub

jec ts require the verb in the plural; c f. fo r a sim ilar co n st ruc tion 82. 15.

SC. N OTE S . 135

1 1 . xollege. Cf. n o te o n 5. 30 .

13. to ie ftebt'

t ? ‘ how do m at ters stand ?’ This phrase m ay also be

used o f perso ns . Cf. 58. 14.

15. will,‘claim s

’o r


; an idiom atic use o f toolIen followedby a past in fin it ive. Cf. 96. 1 7.

16. cine Cauipage cinbaflieren is the o bjec t to willrcbcn baben.

feben . No tic c the om issio n o f the partic ipialaugmen t gez(1) in the old pas t partic iples o f the verb s o fm o od, when followed

by an infinitive.

(2) in the past partic iples o f a few stro ng and weak verb s in a sim ilar

c o n s truc tio n lafien, beifien, irben, bbren, lebt en, lernen, in the three las tm en tio ned the infin itive fo rm s are used by false analogy. Cf. 3d; babe

ibn tommen lafi'


3) in the past partic iples o f in separable c ompound verb s e.g. oertcilt,

betamoft , because o ne prefix has already been added to the verb—gefrefl’


geblieben, geglaubt are exc ept io n s , but in this c ase the firs t prefix has

c o alesced with the verb i .e. geblieben= geob e-lieben, gefreffen= ge-o c r-effen,

geglaubt geogcolaubt.

(4) in the past part ic iples o f verb s ending in iecea, mae iert, probiert,

inbignicrt . These verbs are allof recen t o rigin and are m o stly lo anwo rds ; they therefo re do no t take the augmen t .

(5) in c ertain old pas t partic iples which have n ow adjec t ivalfo rce,rt a ffen, trunten, baelen .

In Old High Germ an the use o f the prefix ge was by n o m eans

lim ited to the past par tic iple. It was a gen eralis ing par ticle which c ouldbe prefixed to any verb with the exc eption o f tho se already furn ishedwi th a prefix and o f 26140 1, kurm en , m r



gen , m ic'

ezen , ruln , karm a a nd

142m when followed by an infin itive. Gradually the use o f ge became

res tric ted to the pas t part ic iple, but was s tillsubjec ted to the same

lim ita tio n s as befo re. Cf. Breul’s Maria Stuart

(Pit t Press), no tes o n

11. 157, and 1 144, and Paul5 30 6 sq .

fiBaQ e,‘sen try. ’ Here the ab strac t is used fo r the c on crete. Cf.

the s im ilar use o f S Q iIbro aQ e, and

22—24. fei au gefliegen unb oratr'

o oblr'

qua . Some

wo rds such as bie SlBaQ emelbet : ‘the sen try repo rt s ’

must be supplied.

in ben S Qlofigarten ocrloren , disappeared in to the cas tle grounds ,’ theac cusative case b rings out this shade o f m ean ing .

25 . obne is n ow in variably followed by the accusative, in the older

language it c o uld govern an ac cusative, a gen it ive o r a dative : in the


expressio ns am ifcuobne, obnebuu we have survivals of the two last m en

t io ned cases .

28. Goutc, se. unc bclfcn.

PAGE 32.

a. frappierte,‘struck,’ ‘

as to n ished .

’ The adjec tive frawant wasbo rrowed independen tly. Bo th wo rds are from the French.

1 r. s anglci-Q ircctor, c omptroller o f my o thee.

’Fo r S anglci c f. n o te

o n 28. 5.

12. Birt n . c ifcn m ight also be used in the same sense.

13, 14. fcinc: crtrdbnt , an ac cusa tive o r a gen it ive follows crmdbnen ;the accusat ive is usualin m odern pro se, the gen itive is a survivalo f theMiddle High German c ons truc tio n . Cf. Paul5 264.

14. m ittclft, like so many o ther prepo sitions go vern ing the gen it ive ncrmittclft may be traced b ack to a n oun . From mittelwe getmitten, mitteIft and b crmittclit. Cf. fo r a sim ilar develo pmen t o f prepo sitio n s from n ouns , h eft, mcgcn, trot , and fo r the t in nctmitt clft cf. n o te

on s o . 10 .

getreuen , n o te on 28. M .

r5. S cbrantcn, from bie S ammie,‘ barrier,

’in the plural ‘lis ts,

‘bounds,’ ‘lim its.

’Cf. the phrases cinct Gad”S Q rantcn feoen=

‘to set

bounds to anything,’ in ben g cbrant cn Blcibcn r‘to keep within bounds .’

Translate here, ‘to impo se due lim its o n our power.’

17. popular=bclicbt

17, 18. ct): nub,‘ befo re ever.

Sc am -z 3.

as , a3. ben b erm : M iniftern. dative go verned by beaten.23. beaten,

‘ declin e with thanks .’24, 16. madmn, mfirbcn , ora tio obliqua depending o n the commands

the Duke. Cf. fo r a s imilar c o n struc tio n 3 1. as .

26. obncbicc, i.e.‘without the repo rt .’

PAGE 33.

14, r5 . 9mm, fq idt, mirb, n o tice the om issio n o f the subjec t er o r be:5 am , due to the excited frame o fm ind in which Steinhausen is thrownby the announcemen t o f the valet .

15. faint : Seit ,‘ in due c ourse.

Many German adverbs expressingtime and manner o rigina ted from a gen itive case. Cf. Eve 5 376 and

also n o te o n 18. 16.

138 DER GEHE IME AGEN ] ? [ACT 11.

4. fouft. Cf. n o te o n 30 . 6.

5. bereitc, o bserve tha t bereit, the adjec t ive from which bereitc is

derived, can o nly stand in the predicate. Cf. Eve 5 30 2.

24. Gefcbebene minge fi nb niQ t an in t ern, what ’s do ne, can ’t be un

do ne’

;‘wha t c an ’

t be cured, mus t be endured .

27. webt en ,‘to keep a watch o ver. Cf. the phras e mabr netmen ,

‘to take n o tice o f,

’ ‘o bserve,

’ ‘ perceive.

’Bo th webt en and mabr in mabr

nebmen are derived from an old substan tive bie filter o r fl are ob serva

tio n . They are n o t c o nnec ted with mabr, ‘true,

which is c ognate with

29. llngdegenbeiteu,‘ difl‘iculties ’

from ungetegen‘ ino ppo rtune,’ ‘ in

c o nven ien t. ’ The part ic iple gelegen from liegea‘s itua ted,

’ hen c efavourably situated ,

’adapted,’ c o nven ien t .’

29, 30 . SQ erfabre ia bod),‘I shalllearn allthe sam e.

PAGE 37.

6. minbcr, from an older fo rm minner =La tin m inus .

9. berartige,‘o f such a kind .

’The adjec tive berartig is a New High

German fo rma tio n from bet art =‘o f this o r tha t kind ,’ to which the

adjec tivalsufi x is is added. The adjec tive artig fo rmed from art has

acquired a sec o ndary mean ing ‘ polite,’ ‘courteous,

’ ‘well behaved.

fi rtig is used in its primary mean ing in com poun d adjec t ives such as

ballabeuartig=‘ in ballad style.

’The adjec tive mafiig from bieM afie shows

a som ewha t sim ilar develo pmen t o f m ean ing, c f. lyelbenmdi ig=‘ in

hero ic s tyle.

’Cf. n o te o n einigermafieu 78 . 30 .

13. éwbiefelben, i.e. Gite: Durcblaucbt ; this is again the ‘ pluralo fmajesty.’

18. icb willmmSbuca nicbts gebbrt baben, fo r the shade o fmean ing o f

willcf. n o te o n 3 1 . 15.

25. Baubertfinfle,‘magic arts ,

’is the gen itive.

PAGE 38.

5 . titles. fines and was as wellas the neuters o f pronom inaladjectives are o ften used in s tatem en ts applic able to b o th sexes . Cf. Eve

3 30 9. all“ here ‘every o ne at the Co urt . ’

10 . RompIiment ,‘ bow .

Cf. n o te o n 65 . 9, 10 .

1 1. fam ilies,‘cerem o nious ,

SC. NOTES. 139


22. fi t!) berausflnben, here in the prim ary m ean ing ‘ to find o ne’s way

out,’ ‘

to extrica te o neself.’

Git!) berausflnben also has a sec o ndary

m ean ing‘to see o ne

s way clearly.

24. §Bi8 ein anbermat. Cf. no te o n 1 1 . 3, and no t ice tha t in anbet

we have the un in flec ted fo rm o f the adjec t ive. We should expec tthe neuter anbet ec, but in po etry and in a few expressio n s such as bar

0 e‘ready m o ney,’ auf gut Glfid z

‘a t a ven ture,’ the adjec tive may

stand un inflec ted befo re a neuter n o un in the n om in at ive o r accusat ive.

This usage is a survivalo f the older language ; c f. Paul5 227.

PAGE 39.

5. ea: teilen befidnbig Rbt be an micb cuts,‘

yo u are perpetually snubb ingm e .

’Ginem einen xorb aucteiten is a variatio n o f the very c omm o n ex

press io n einem einen Rorb geben=lit .‘to presen t anyo ne with a basket, ’

then ,

‘to refuse anyo ne in m arri age.

’The lo ver used o c casio n ally to be

ho is ted up to the rendezvous in a new o r basket , but if the lady inques tio n wished to get rid o f his at ten tio n s, she to ok care so to m an ipu

late the b asket tha t he fellthrough the bo ttom ; hen c e aro se the expressio n burd) ben Roch fallen :

‘to b e rejec ted in marriage,’ which is fo und in

the 17th cen tury. In m o re civilised t im es the lady, when she wished toshew her lo ver that h is at ten tio n s were n o lo nger welc om e, presen tedhim with a b asket without a b o t tom ; from this cus tom c om es the ex

press io n einem einen geben . Po pular po etry is rich in allusio n s to the

8 015. Cf. Uhland ’

s molt ali eber p. 745, Sh e: G Q r eiBer im ROt BC, and

Arn im und Bren tano , Sbc c Rn a ben élBun b erbo r n , fib er fl bfcbi eb im

a o r be. Ginem einen 8 015 geben is n o lo nger lim ited to m ean ing‘a refusal

o fm arriage,’but may refer, as here, to a refusalo r snub o f any kind .

9. gewogen is the pas t partic iple o f an old verb gemegen, m odern

Germ an wiegen o r magen, the prim ary mean ing being ‘to have weight. ’

Cf. bewegen and nermegen, in which the sam e ro o t is found. gewogen is

n ow lo oked upo n as an adjec tive, o f which the m o st comm o n mean ing

is ‘well- inclined ,’ ‘well-dispo sed.

’Cf. n o tes o n 83. 12, and 74. 19.

10 . fi flerbingc. Cf. no te o n 18. 16.

16. am: o f co urse o nly refers to b ergogiu.


rd . langereBeit,

‘a c o n siderable tim e.

’ Cf. n o te o n 34. 25.

15. biefigen. Cf. no te o n 80 . 18 .


22. a efi beug. Cf. n o te o n 5. 5.

27. batten 3a Gnaben. Cf. no te on 3. 12.

PAGE 41.15. t rangen ficb,

‘ press fo rward .

’E rangen is the fac t itive verb to

bringen . Fac titive verb s in Germ an are derived from s tro ng verb s , andare therefo re weak. They alm o st invariably shew vowel-muta tio n , andfo r the m o s t part are fo rm ed from the preterite indicative o f the s tro ng

verbs ; e.g.

S trung m i .

bringen . brang.

uerfcbtninben . uerfdmaub .

efieu. afi.

Fo r a c om prehen sive list cf. Eve 5 182.26. ricbten Gie fi cb bei uns banana; eia,

‘m ake yo urself at ho m e

am o ng us .’

27. bfterc is the c ompara tive o f oft ; the 8 shews that, like so m anyo ther adverb s, it has assumed a gen it ive fo rm atio n . Cf. the superla tiveslybdmens, menigfleus.

28. fault . Cf. n o te on 30 . 6

29. Sangemeile,‘ bo red om , en nui

; derived from lange and flBeiIe.

Cf. the adjec tive langmeilig and the verb fid) laugm ileu the wo rd Sturgincil(e)

‘ pas time,’ ‘ pleasure, ’ is becom ing obsolete.

PAGE 42.10 . ibm. Dative o f the perso n in terested. Cf. n o te o n 17. 10 .

SCENE 7.17. SDurQ brungen non,

‘deeply c o nsc ious o f’

; from the inseparableand t ransitive verb burQ bringen=

‘to press through,’ ‘

to pierc e.


part ic iple m ay bear a sec o ndary mean ing, ‘ perm eated by,’ ‘

c o n sc ious

o f,’ ‘ im pressed by.

C12Go ethe, b erm a n a unb SDo r o t bea, 1. 8 1 : flBar

b out baben 218mmbet beitigen Gibriften burdflarungeu. When separable theverb deno tes ‘

to suc ceed,’ ‘to get through.

’Cf. 1 1 . 26.

19, 20 . Gt gebenbeit . Cf. no te o n 30 . 12.

20 . S tuft,‘cleft ,

’ ‘


; derived from tIieBen . Befo re the t whichis the term inat io n o f numerous fem in ine noun s a lab ialbec omes f. Cf.

gcbcn, Gift : grabeu, Graft . Cf. no te o n 14. 13.

20 , 21 . einigermafien . Cf. no te o n bcrartigc 37. 9, and o n 78. 30 .


as la te as the classicalwriters . Cf. Goethe, b erma n a un b SDo r o t bea,IV. 42, 43

er entfernte ficb niemals

IBeit, er fagt'

ea ibr beau.

Cf. also Paul5 337.

16 . befrbmereu, lit .‘to make heavy,’ to burden

; then used as a xc

flexive in the sec o ndary m ean ing, ‘to make fo r o neself a burden ,

’ ‘to

c omplain .

20 . aet anlafit. nerauIafl'

en is n o t a primary derivative o f Iafieu, but isderived from aniafi

‘oppo rtun ity.

’ Other derivatives o f this kind are

Beauftragen and uera Q iebeu. Cf. n o te o n 19. 13, and Eve 5 18 1.

24, 25. (id) anbbreu,‘so und like.

27. marcn , subjun c tive, as referring to the Opin io n o f an o ther.Transla te, and yo u say these were ? ’

28. baron, i.e. filitteiiungeu.

PAGE 46.8. fix: jest , fo r the presen t .’10 . uroiettiert gepIant .

12. uergeben,‘ dispo se o f,

’ ‘

gran t .’ This verb bears severalshades

o f m eaning : (1)‘to give away ’

; (2)‘ to give wro ngly,’ ‘

to make a m istake in giving ’

; then , ‘to m isdeal c ards (c f. nerfeben,

‘to m ake an o ver

sight ,’ and oerfprecben ,‘to make a m is take in 3)

‘to fo rgive.

15. uuerbbrt,‘unheard o f,

’ ‘m o n strous .

23. prufeu. Cf. n o te o n 30 . 22.

3 1. S pica. In tro duced from the Fren ch espion in the seven teen thcen tury. E spz


on is itself o f Germ an ic o rigin , being derived, throughItalian spiare, from an old Germ an verb spa/i611, whence the m od. Germ .

fpdben, Grab“ .

PAGE 47.

21 . ascrleumbungen,‘c aJumn ies ,

’from the verb nerIeumbeu. Seumb is

a weakened fo rm o f Ecumuub‘reputa tio n ’

(go od o r bad ), which hasbeen wro ngly c o nnec ted with munb= ‘ m outh ’

by popular etym ology.Cf. n o te o n 10 . 8.

PAGE 48.4. fein Gift ausbrt


ttet,‘ ha tches his ven om ous plo ts.’ Gift from geben

is co rrec tly fem in ine in the mean ing‘

gift ,’ presen t ’ ; in the seco ndary

m ean ing, po iso n ,’ it is now neuter, though in the classicalwriters it is

sometimes found as a masculine.

SC. N OTE S . 143

SCENE 9.22. Ginfh

rflerungen , from flutters‘to whisper ‘ promptings .’

PAGE 49.1. es ift barb aid)“ uorgefalleu?

‘Iho pe n o thing serious has happened.

had) c o n tain s an appealto the perso n addressed.

18. barmlofeften M am ,

‘m o s t inno cen t disguise.

b erm in bariumhas no t the sam e mean ing as her b erm. The latter= ‘

gnawing care,’

whereas bam i t“ : English ‘ harmless ,’ and is a direc t im itatio n o f the

English wo rd, dating from the eighteen th cen tury. The verb ban ner:preserves the o riginalm ean ing o f the n oun Q at ar.

23. in feinem‘Duutel,

‘ in his dark plo ts .’ Sh anta

scurity’must be ca refully dist inguished from mantelm asc .

‘self-c o n ceit .

30 . mare. Cf. n o te o n 8. 13, 14.

PAGE 50 .

1 . so babe meinemet tle gcnommcn,‘ Ihave made up my m ind ’

; from

the Fren ch proud” pa r-ti . martei nebmea z‘to side with. ’ filartet was

in troduced in to M .H .G. as pa r tfe, from Fren ch par tie. The fo rm {Bertie

does n o t o c cur in German t ill the seven teen th cen tury, when it wasagain bo rrowed from the French pa r tie.

2. St errata. Cf. n o te o n 30 . 16.

3. iebem b aubftreid),‘to every coup de ma in .

’ The o riginalmeaning

o f é anbftreicb was‘a blow struck by the hand then ,

‘ the blow o r shakeo f the hand given after striking a barga in .

’Rec en tly b aubfireid) has ac

quired the seco ndary mean ing surprise, under the influen ce o f Fren chcoup de ma in .

8. Regiments. Cf. no te o n 5. 16.

1 1 . non (eber, from t ime immem o rial.’

[e ever,’ from te(pro nouncedas two syllables) is found in immer always ’ te-mer, iemanb, nicmanb, etc .

15. lcitcu,‘ to direc t,

’is the fac titive verb to Ieiben, though the

change in m ean ing o f the la tter verb has o b scured the etym ologic alc o n

neo t ion . Sei t cn o riginally mean t (1) ‘to go ,

’ ‘to fare

; (2)‘to go in to


; hen ce the m ean ing ‘to suffer.

’lcitcu therefo re= ‘ to make to go ,’

‘to direc t .

19. Beaieben,‘ take up my residence in.

20 . cinmal,‘ fo r o n ce in a way.

27. einigermafien. Cf. no te o n 78 . 30 .

28. biuigeu,‘appro ve o f, ’ lit. ‘

c o ns ider jus t, ’ from billig:‘jus t. ’


31 . 11110 nicbt feben. When up am b iguity can arise the recipro calpro noun einanber gives place to unB, euq , o r iteb. Cf. Eve 55 10 4, 128 .

PAGE 5 1.

SCENE 10 .

5, 6. b ofmarfcball, mar-(cbcn, older mar-fcbalt=‘the keeper o r servan t

(é cbatt) o f the ho rses ’

(c f. English‘m are then a c ourt o ffic ialof high


’The wo rd passed o ver in to Fren ch as ma d e/cal; during the

seven teen th cen tury marfcbalt gave place to allarfrballunder the in flu

en ce o f the French fo rm ; cf. Geneftbau=lit. ‘the oldest servan t ,’ which

underwen t a sim ilar change.

1 1 . werfonal, ‘s taff,

’ ‘at tendan ts .

20 . mean. Cf. n o te o n 5 . 23, and Eve 5 2 14.

22. uerblitfft . Cf. n o te o n 25. 15, 16.

26. Q rife, from the French ; ‘ what one can take between the

fingers ,’

then ‘a pinch o f

PAGE 52.

3. Wilt Guren Gebeimnifl'

en,‘ plague take you and your sec rets. ’ The

use o f the prepo s itio n must be explained by unders tanding gun: «beater.

Cf. no te o n 62. 19 ; and o n 63. 1 .

7. obne bei . CC Eve 5 539.

13. Gebeinte, se. agent .

19. einfranneu. Cf. n o te o n 19. 27, and n o tice the n oun Giu

fbdnner‘a c arriage drawn by o ne ho rse ’

; Sweifbdnner,‘a ca rriage and



23, 24. an ubem erfeu,‘to quarrel

; in the sec o ndary mean ing

doub tfulprefixes are usually inseparable. Cf. Eve 5 246 sq .

SCENE 1 1.

30 . mie aucb. Cf. Eve 5 196.

bin unb ber befinne,‘turn o ver in m y m ind,

’ ‘cogitate.

’Cf. bin unb

ber beaten, bin unb ber fiberlegen.

PAGE 53.2. uereinigen, here rec on c ile.

’ With the etym ology o f rereiutgen andrereinen cf. that o f our wo rd ato ne

’and its mean ing in the English ofthe

time o f Shakespeare, e.g.

146 DE ] ? GEHEIME AGENT! [ACT 111.

8. namentlicb,‘especially.’

16, 17. ficb anmafien . fab is here da tive. Two c o nstruc tio n s are

po ss ible with anmafien, (1) as here dative o f the perso n and ac cusat ive o f

the thing, (2) accusative o f the perso n and gen itive o f the thing, whichgen itive may be replaced by an infin i tive prec eded by gu. The verb

n ow always c o nveys a bad sen se,‘to arrogate to oneself,

’ ‘to usurp, ’

but as late as the t ime o f Less ing it c ould den o te‘ to lay claim to a

thing to which o ne was en t itled.

20 . batten 3a Onaben . Cf. n o te o n 3. 12.

21 . ea ift mir gufauig b ergbnnt ,‘ by a m ere chance Iam in a po sitio n ,

lit . ‘ it is c o n ceded to m e, etc .

muotunft . Cf. no te on 14. 13.

PAGE 57.

1 . arise,‘a grandee, a great perso nage.

’Cf. 98. 10 .

5. fremben macbtc,‘ fo reign powers .

’Cf. Orofimatbt,

‘a great power ,’

‘a firs t - class power. ’

19. melcben befobIen war, fo r the passive c o ns truc t io n o f verbs whichgo vern a da t ive cf. Eve 352.

22. ba6 fi cbiofi fei, ara tr'

o obliqua dependen t o n Meibung.

23. babe, oratio obliqua depending o n mlelbung.

24. nicmanbcn. With n icmanb and (emanb two declens io n s are po s

s ible.

Nom . Dat .

nientanb(I) (emanb

(2)n iemanb


The fo rmer is the declen s io n rec omm ended by the rules o f the New

Orthography. It is further histo rically c o rrec t as (emanb and nicmanb,

should be declined like M ann ; the b is o f c ourse ino rganic .

26, 27. Cf. Eve 20 2.

PAGE 58.

2. er nabert fid; mir auffallenb , here in the som ewhat unusualsense ,‘he makes striking advan ces to me,

’ ‘ he tries to c o n c iliate m e in a

m arked degree ’

; cf. the express io n es iii ftbtb er ficb ibm gu nabern,‘ he is

difficult o f approach.

sc . NOTE S . 147

5. Ginlenfen, turn ing in to the right path, mending, refo rma

tio n .

6. M acbinationen,‘ in trigues .

8, 9. 3d) mag nicbt,‘Ido n


t wan t to .


14. tuie fiebt'c? Cf. n o te o n 3 1. 13.

23. mas mare? ‘ is it really so ? ’ ‘

you don’t say so .

’The phrase is

o f c ourse ellipt icalfo r ba6 maremirti itb ber Gall? o r some s im ilar expressio n , do yo u say that that is really the case ? ’ The phrase is also used

as an exclam a tio n ba6 ware! se. bracbtb oll, feltfam, etc.‘that would be

splendid, s trange, etc . ’24. bbfec here= argerlitbec,

‘angry.’ So gut Cf. gute

fl u te geben.

PAGE 59.1 . menu icb ba getb efen bin,

‘when Ihave had an audien ce with him.

Distinguish from this expressio n bagetb efen , the past partic iple o f bafeta‘to be presen t ,’ ‘

to exis t’etc .

12. febr gefbannt,‘ very in ten tly. ’ gefbannt here den o tes tha t the

nerves are strain ed o r tightened . The sam e shade o f mean ing is fo und

in the express io n auf gefbanntem Eufie,‘ in s trained relat io n s

; c f. no tes

o n 15. r, and 19. 27.

16, 17. um ba6 Gerb iee binmeggunebmen,‘to clear the table.

PAGE 60 .4. gemifibrautbt. Cf. Eve § 178 .

6. aubers mie. tr ie is here c olloquial; an is m o re c o rrec t after anbero,

and also after niemanb . Cf. 35. 8.

10 . ungebalten,‘ indignan t ,

from the m ean ing unc o n trolled.

12. fDac ift (tart ,‘this is serious .’ Cf. Fren ch c ’ert fort .

18. (a lays emphas is o n the pron oun ©ie, you o f allpeo ple.

19. umfonfl it} ber S ob, a pro verb ialexpressio n , ‘dea th alone can

be had gra tis, perhaps the best rendering would be no pay, no

wo rk.

2 1, 22. 3d) gebe Sbuca natfirlid) mein Gbrentb ort gum $fanbe,‘0 f

c ourse I pledge you my wo rd o f ho n our.’ $faub=‘ pledge, ’ then

‘ ho stage.

’Cf. gu alfanbe ncbmcn, 31: fi fanbe geben. A secondary mean ing

is ‘ fo rfeit ,’

c f. urn iBfanber frielen.



26, 27. ibn gu (brecben, this use o f the ac cusative after (brecben is

jus tifiable but n o t very c omm o n ; ibn is the direc t o bjec t, einige M inutenthe ac cusa tive o f t im e.

PAGE 61 .

5. a tnubfuugcbuntte,‘c o nn ec ting links ,’ then ‘

c omm o n in teres ts .

7. ben gleirben QBeg, c ogn ate ac cusat ive. Cf. Eve 328, 329.

1 1 . ibren Ginbrud n itbt berfeblten , wo uld n o t failto m ake an im pressro n .

1 7. fillerbbcbfl must be taken in relatio n to Durcblaucbt ,‘ his Suprem e

Highness ’ Agen t .’19. fllreis,

‘reward ’

; iBreic and breifen are loan -wo rds from Lat in


um through Old Fren ch. The verb breifen should therefo re beweak and is always used as weak by Luther, but from the fifteen thc en tury o nwards s tro ng fo rms are found, and by the m iddle o f the las t

cen tury they c ompletely replaced the weak fo rm s .20 , 21 . glangenb gegen t

tberfieben,‘splendidly requite you fo r ’ ; gegen

fiberfieben=lit.‘ be o ppo sed to ,’ ‘ be pitted agains t .

22, 23. um mirb Gurer Greeuen; 3a berbinben ,‘to a ttach myself to

your Excellen cy,’ then ‘t o be o f service to your Excellen cy.’

PAGE 62.

1. Smar barb nicmanb. The inverted sen ten ce with barb is veryc omm o nly used fo r em phasis. The stress is o n nicmanb,

‘there was

ab solutely n o o ne.

’Cf. 33 . 17 ; 1 13. 25, and Eve 497 Obs . 3.

3. Mr, dem o n stra tive.

7. einfiibig, lit . m o n o syllabic ,’ then also in a sec o ndary sense as

here ‘m o n o syllab ic ,’ ‘

chary o f o ne’s wo rds ’

; c f. fo r a sim ilar develo pm en t o fm ean ing eintbnig.

SCENE 3.19. fiber eutb (unge sui te, se. 81nd),

‘ plague o n you young peo ple.

Cf. no te o n 52. 3.

20 . M it ternatbt is really a dative singular , derived from are m itt”

naIzt , mater being the st ro ng da t . o f mit tz'

. From the n om inative m ildn ah: c o m es a fo rm mit tnaquwhich is found down to the end o f the

seven teen th cen tury an d has recen tly been revived . Other n o un s fromda tives are émeibuacbten, iBfingflen, Dflern , and n ames o f c oun tries such asEatern, SBreufien, fi cbtb abeu: allo f these are from dative plurals to which

1 50 DE ] ? GEHEIME AGENT. [ACT 111.

land ‘b ro ken up,’ ‘ friable,

’ ‘ fert ile in the sec o ndary mean ing the

wo rd un s table,‘lo o se.

30 . tBartie,‘ ma tch.

PAGE 65.6, 7. Sebm te urn aIIec nitbt, Iwould no t o n any acc oun t .

9. unbeforgt is here equivalen t to an im perative ; the pas t part ic ipleand presen t infin itive are frequen tly used to expres s a st ro ng imperative.

9, 10 . obne bir Ramblintente 3a warben ,‘without fla ttering you ’

o r

‘ paying you c omplimen ts .

’Fo r an o ther m ean in g o f s ombliment c f.

38 . 10 , and fo r a verb derived from this wo rd c f. 97. 24.

10 . fcbon,‘really,’ ‘

undoub tedly. ’1 2. trr

tgt, the c ompound verb betritgen is m o re usually fo und . Slirt'


and betrugen show inc o rrec t spelling. Luther writes c o rrec tly tr iegen .

The fo rm s in a o riginated from false an alogy to bet Si rug, which is itselfa deriva t ive from the preterite o f triegen o r trugen . n en ,

‘to tella lie,

shows the same inc o rrec t spelling.


19. Oartenfalon ,‘summ erho use.

21, 22. minim biQ in acbt . Cf. n o te o n 63. 21.

PAGE 66.

16. famtlirbe £ 8afl'

er,‘allthe fo un tain s .

18 , 19. febr bod) aufgunebtneu,‘to apprec ia te very highly.’ Cf. etmac

borb anrecbnen in the same mean ing, and eub ac ti beI aufnebmen ,‘to be

displeased with anything.

23. firttern, from Sutter=‘ fo o d,

’ ‘ fodder.’Suttern is sa id o f an imals,

but like frefl'en it is applied in the slang o f s tuden ts and in c o ars e

o r fam iliar language to human beings. The use o f iillan! fo r illtunb

‘m outh is an alogous.

25. unterfeater,‘thickset .’

25, 26. (0 in unfern Sabren z in fouben Sabren mie mir ,‘o f about o ur

years .’

31. bad; in ben Gunfgigen, se. Sabren, wello n in the fift ies. ’

PAGE 67.

9. barmlofen. Cf. n o te o n 49. 18.

23. Gr tennt ibn febr gcnau,‘ he kn ows him very in tim ately.’ The

prima ry m ean ing o f genau deno tes c o mpulsio n ; the wo rd is c o nnec ted

se. NOTE S . 151

with hence are deri ved m ean ings such as‘n arrow,

‘clo se

(in m o ney m atters),‘exac t,

’ ‘ prec ise.

llnioerfitatcfreunbe,‘c ollege friends o bserve that the 8 the sign o f the

gen itive s ingular o f m asculine o r n euter s tro ng noun s was very earlyin troduced in to the fo rm atio n o f c ompo und n ouns o f which the firs t

c om po nen t was fem in in e. It is fo und espec ially after fem in ine n oun s

ending in .t, .beit, o teit, ofcbaft, oung, e.g. Oeburtctag, Ereunbfcbaftobote,Sreibeitcliebe.

bei ber S afel. Cf. no te o n 14. 5.

bielbfilid n Oeftbitbte,‘the delic ious episode.

bod),‘ in spite o f allIhave heard to the c o n trary.’

oon ber frbblicben ‘Bartie fein foll,‘willbe o n the laugh ing side,

the winn ing side’

; oon einer Silart ie fein,‘to b e o f a c om pany,’

part in an expeditio n .

PAGE 69.

7 . mean biefe QBinbfabne and) jest guteo wetter geigt,‘although this

weatherc o ck n ow po in ts to fair .’ fl ienn aucb=‘altho ugh are frequen tly

thus separated.8. mober,

‘ from wha t quarter.’10 . mollen ,

give out that . ’ Cf. no tes o n 31 . 15 and 37. 18.


‘mine as a term used in fo rt ific at io n was in troduced

from Fran ce in to Germ any at the b egin n ing o f the seven teen th c en tury.(bringen lafl


en,‘to explode, ’ o r fire,

’is also a techn ic alexpressio n .

17, 18. gang31: Sbren mienfien , se. icb li ebe, o r id) bin .

19. {Rebenaarn lit . ‘a m anner o f speaking, ’ tran slate ‘

an emptyphrase.

’Compare the Fren chfarm dc parlor .

mein 2ieber,‘my go od fellow.

25. aucreben, excuses ,’the o ther and older mean ing is

‘ pro nunc iatio n .

PAGE 70 .

2. filoflen . ber ‘Borten and bie SBofi are from Italian pasta and pasta

respec tively. The latter wo rd was the firs t to be taken in to Germ an

in the sen se o f ‘s tatio n fo r po s t ho rses ,’ then ‘ po st ’ and ‘

n ews .

filofien, with a sec o ndary fo rm ber molt , o c curs first in the m ean ing ‘co n

signmen t’then an

‘en try ’

in an ac c oun t , then ‘ po s t ’ in a m ilitary sense,


then ‘

po s t’o r

po s ition .

’ The mean ings o f the two w o rds have been

m s iom fly interchanged e.g. Less ing uses eiue groi e fi sh to den o te

‘a large sum o f m o ney.’ In this sense fl ofi is ano ther fo rm o f 3mmand has bec om e fem in ine by analogy to bielion.

3. be: melt is here the subjec tive o r Saxo n gen itive. Cf. Eve 5 360 .

7. lleinob . Cf. no te o n 12. 22.

9. ”robe. Cf. n o te o n 30 . 22.

24. qualen ,

‘to to rture,

’is the fac t itive to an old stro ng verb qualm s

‘to die a violen t dea th,’ which has been lo s t ; this verb was found in

Old English as ewe/Ia n , when ce English kill. Compare Shakespeare,Ma bel/r 1 . 7. 72 the guilt o f our great quell.

29. oernr'

rnft iger, derived from oernebnreu, through the noun Eermmft .

Cf. n o te o n 14. 13.

PAGE 71 .

1 . eingieben,‘m o ve in .

’N o t ic e the use o f the past part ic iple cinge

gogen in the sense‘retired,

’ ‘reserved ,

’ ‘solita ry.’

4. merftebt ficb. Cf. n o te o n 64. 16.

1 1. gefeater,‘seda te.

’Cf. the expressio n oon gefeaten Babren, said o f

a perso n who has arrived at years o f disc ret io n .

16. binterc flicbt 3a fi bren,‘to deceive.

’The earlier fo rm o f this ex

pressio n was um ban Sicbt fr'

rbren‘to lead around the light , ’ then ‘

awayfrom the light, ’ hen c e ‘

to dec eive.’

fo bunnn , se. bin icb.

17, 18. ea mirb aufierorbentlicb brangt,‘I am very des irous .


n o te o n 41 . 15.

20 . Gigenftbaft,‘ in my capac ity o f Lo rd Steward.

21 . unc gu nabern,‘to beco m e in tim ate.

’Cf. n o te o n 58. 2.

23. nnumgangl'

ub, lit .‘wha t c an n o t b e go ne round o r avo ided ’


transla te‘ indispensably,’ ab solutely.

26. gemefienen . Cf. n o te o n 54. 28 .

28 . ia nur mit ibm betanur genrarbt werben,‘no r even be allowed to

m ake his acquain tan ce.

PAGE 72.

3. S et ft aufenb, euphem ist ic o r periphrastic fo r ber S eufel. The ex

press io n o rigina ted from a sub s tan tive ber S aufenblr‘

tnfller ,‘the man

capable o f perfo rm ing a thousand tricks .’ The epithets taufcnbtr‘tnfttg,and taufenblifligwere applied to the devilin early New H igh Germ an .


‘ the glass is full.’ From this usage we get c ertain s tereo typed fo rm s in

m odern German , the fo rm taken being the n om inat ive masculine singular ; to this pro cess we owe fo rms such as b oiler, balber, felber.

1 1. bet $etreffenben gegenuber,‘to the lady c on cern ed .



m ay be used either befo re o r after the no un it go vern s , it is also o c ca

sio nally wr itten the no un it go verns following gegen. As a.

n o un it is used to t ranslate the Fren ch vie d-via

12. geroartig ca nn o t be used a an a t tribute, c f. Eve 5 30 2.

13. auffilleinungen gu ftofien,‘ to c om e in to c ollis io n with o pin io n s .’

17. llnterrebnng,‘c o nversa tio n , ’ ‘ discussio n .

22. angegriffen ,‘upset .’

27, 28. allein Oemr'

rt iii fo gart geflirnnrt,‘my feelings are so highly

s trung,’ ‘my nerves are so o vers trained .

ftinnnen, lit .‘to tune.


m etapho r is taken from tun ing a musicalin s trum en t . There is such a

ten sio n o n the nerves tha t the leas t thing wo uld c ause an upset , jus t asin the case o f an acc ura tely tuned s tringed in strum en t any jar wouldcause the s trings t o run down . Cf. 92. 16, 17.

PAGE 76.22. was. Cf. Eve 5 429.

24. nacb toie nor,‘ in the future as in the past .’

28, 29. es (011 gmifcben unc nie aubers werben,‘our relatio n ship shall

never change. ’

PAGE 77.

a , 3. beta tunftigec Gebidfal3a ficbern mare, how your future m ightbe assured cf. n o te o n Bulanit, 14. 13.

4. id) rret he nicbt nrebr fein. Cf. n o te o n 19. 30 , 31.

7. fcbon jest ,‘ in these early days . ’

7, 8. beine Sutunft glangenb femuflellen, ‘ to secure fo r you a brillian t

future, to settle you b rillian tly in life.

1 1 . bemnacb,‘ in furtheran ce o f this pro jec t ,’ ‘

ac c o rdingly.’28. SBeranlafi


ung,‘suggest io n .

29. angebaltcu. uur et tb as anbalten,‘to beg o r sue fo r a thing.

PAGE 78.

2. erad7teten no tic e the adverb ialexpressio n from the infin itive o fthis verb , meinee Grad nenc, ‘ in my o pin io n .

3. was, c olloquialfo r et tb ac.

sc . N OTES. 1 55

10 . obneGcbeu,‘without shyness ’

o r‘tim idity,’ then ‘


meifit . to ifl'

en ac c o rding to its fo rm a t io n should be classed with the

auxilia ry verb s o f m o od. The presen t ten se is an old stro ng preterite,the preterite a new weak fo rm atio n . Cf. our verb ‘

to wit .’ Verb s

which show these changes are bes t desc ribed as preterit - presen t .16. blieb= tot blieb .

20 . fireibeiten : from the prim ary mean ing‘ freedom

’are derived

the sec o ndary m ean ings ‘libert ies ,’ ‘

charters ,’ privileges .

21. non Gtanbe, se. bobem . Cf. n o te o n 17. 9.

25. augetban,‘ devo ted to

; the partic iple o f gutbun used adjec

t ivally in this m ean ing.

30 . einigermafien , from einiger and maben , the weak gen itive o fM ai r.

Cf. n o te o n 37. 9.

PAGE 79.10 . Gcbo has undergo ne a change o f gender ; as la te as Herder

an d Schiller it was used as a fem in ine. The wo rd was in tro duced in toGerman in the s ixteen th cen tury.

14. ebe mir ea unc berieben,‘befo re we are aware o f it

; jirb berieben

in the old mean ing‘to lo ok fo rward to ,’ ‘

to c oun t upo n .

es is the old

gen itive o f the pro n oun eawhich is found in phras es such as icb bin ea

mirbe, icb bin ea fatt . Cf. n o te o n 88 . 29.

18. llnglr'

tdfelige, m iserable girl.’

23. nimmer, in the older m ean ing‘n ever again, never m o re.


c ompo n en t parts o f this adverb are n : the old n egat ive part icle , r'


Modern Germ an (e:‘ever,’ mer Mo dern German mcbr. Cf. the fo rma

tio n o f immer, iemanb and niemano.

26. linerbbrt,‘m o ns trous .

PAGE 80 .

12. S illigung,‘appro val.’

13. becbalb is a weakened fo rm o f beobalben , in which the gen itivesingular bea has replac ed the gen itive pluralber , balben o rigin ally da t ivepluralo f balb is a prepo sitio n go verning the genitive ; cf. n o te on berglei(ben 15. 12.

18. am biefigen «bofe,‘a t the c ourt here.

’The adjec tive biefig has

replaced an older fo rm bie-ig, bie being a sho rtened fo rm o f bier . mafigis a sim ilar fo rm at io n but is little used.

30 . erboben is a Modern German fo rma tio n , the old pas t partic ipleo f erbeben is preserved in the adjec tive erbaben ,


’ This old

156 DER GEHEIME AGEN T [Ac r 1v.

pas t pa rt ic iple, as wellas the old pas t tense erbub, gave plac e in Modern

German to erboben , and a bob.

PAGE 8 1.

1. Ho rreur is o f less frequen t o cc urren c e in German than the

adject ive borribel, from Fren ch ho n -13k .

1. 2. Gie fallen miq fennen lernen,‘

you shalllearn to kn ow m e, you

shallpay fo r this ’

; fo r the om iss io n o f 311 after c ertain verb s cf. Eve

0 453~



PAGE 82.

5. befifir;t . Cf. n o te o n 54. 14.

7. Snbigniert , here ‘ insulted .

Cf. n o te on 31 . 7.

9. ho rreur, scandal.’

iii nicbt oorgelommen,‘ has never presen ted itself,’ ‘has never been

known .

10 . ausgefbielt ,‘carri ed to its clo se,

ausfpielen ,‘to ac t a play through

to the end,’ ‘to play o ut a part .’

15. bet is here rela t ive.

Oitte unb unflanb,‘m o rality and dec en cy,’ n o tice that the verb is in

the s ingular after the two subjec ts. Cf. no te o n 3 1 . 8, 9.

aufbbrt ,‘ceases to exist .

17. mus; verbs o f m o tio n can be o m itted after the m odalauxiliary,part icularly when an adverb expresses the direc t io n ; here the direc tio nis expressed by in ein Richer .

21. abnen tbnnen. Cf. n o te o n 3 1. 16.

PAGE 83.

1. malaia, the mo re usualfo rm is ‘Balafi. The Fren ch wo rd c omes

from M iddle Latin pala tz'

um , to which the German wo rd bie ‘Bfalg,‘the

palace ’

or Court o f an Em pero r,’ is also trac eable.

2. unerbbrt . Cf. 79. 26.

3. alleinig, fo rmed regularly from allein, which is properly an indeclinable adject ive from a! cine ‘

alo ne.

8. beroorgerufen,‘c o njured up,

’ ‘let loo se.

1 1. Saben angelnfibft , lit.‘at tached the threads o fhis net ’ then ‘la id

the meshes o f his net .’


upright ,’ ‘

jus t .’The substan tive St ommen is preserved in the phras es

3a Stub unb St ommen, an St ommen =‘ fo r the go od

’o r

‘ benefit o f.’

15. gegen Gie auftreten,‘com e upo n the sc ene in Oppo sitio n t o yo u,’

o ppo se you.

’auftreten is the regular term fo r the com ing o f an ac to r

upo n the stage, when ce ilnfrrit t, sc ene.’


25, 26. Go etrb ac fiebt man bei «bofe nicbt,‘We do n

’t no tice such

things a t c ourt .’

28, 29. ba6 Gebbe barf es nicbt tb eiter fagen ,‘our ears m ay n o t c arry it

further .’

PAGE 86.1 . Gie lennen baa befi



yo u know m o re than I do ab o ut thesem at ters .

2. angenommen,‘assum ing that ,’ the pas t partic iple is used abso

lutely. Cf. n o te o n 98 . 28, 29.

8 . St!) banle bafrlr,‘I

’d ra ther n o t .

10 . beftigellnterrebung, heated c o nversatio rr.’

15, 16. beifie bergbaft gu,‘ b ite away with gusto .

20 , 21 . Cf. Eve 5 20 2.

21 . anfcbeinenb ,‘to outward appearan ces . ’

2 1, 22. ein unbefangener,‘an unprejudiced perso n .

26. deus ex m achin a ; o f c ourse the gebeimcr agent . The express io ndew ex mac/zin c , is due to the old classic aldram a , in which the plo twas frequen tly un ravelled by m ean s o f a god who was let down o n to

the s tage by a m achine. Cf. Ho race, Arr Paetz'

ea , 11. 191 , 192

‘Nc c Deus in ters it , n is i digna s vindic e nodus

In c iderit.’

27. alterieren . Cf. n o te o n 19. 27.

30 , 3 1 . bieM aftbine brebt ,‘turn s o n the curren t .

3 1 . allea. Cf. n o te o n 38. 5.

PAGE 87.

5. Sm iBertrauen geragt . Cf. no te o n angenommen, 86. 2.

6 . einige M al. In einige M al, o r einigemal, the un inflec ted pluralo f the sub s tan t ive baaMal= ‘

a po in t o f t ime ’o c curs ; an inflec ted fo rm

o f the pluralM ale is also fo und, a gen itive singular exists in niemals, a

dative pluralin 3a to ieberbolten M alen etc . Malalso bears the m ean ing

se. N OTE S . 159

‘mark ,’ ‘m o numen t ,

’in this case the pluralhas two fo rm s Maler and

M ale.

8. gum beflen . Cf. n o te o n 10 . 24.

ale erifiiere, als fei. Fo r this co n struc t io n and that o f alfi babe in l. 6c f. Eve 5 564.

10 . ben'

en is here used to avo id am b iguity ; if feine were used it

m ight refer either to the Duke o r to the Agen t . Cf. Eve 5 420 .

12. Mac o ccas io nally replaces mic o r toarum ; it is to be explainedas an absolute ac cusative.

19. Gie trauen uns wenig gu,‘

you give us c redit fo r but little in tel

en c e.

23. oollgr'

tltigflen,‘m o st c o nvinc ing ’

; cf. n o te o n gleicbgrlltig, 19. 22.

PAGE 88.1 . Oott follmirb betb abren, Heaven fo rfend .

’betoabren lit

‘to de

fend’o r

‘ pro tec t .’3. Qlucb ba6 nicbt,

‘no t even that .’

9. Mac er fagt ! No t ice the o rder , the sen ten c e is n o t in terrogativeand therefo re there is n o invers io n ;

‘What , he m en tio n s Prin cess

Eugen iel

24, 25. faux pas , retai n the expres sio n in tran slatio n ; the c o r

respo nding Germ an express io n is falfcber ©tbritt.26. ausbitten, (1)

‘to beg fo r a thing,’ (2) ‘

to beg that a thing maybe left un do ne,

’ ‘to pro tes t agains t a thing.

’In this lat ter m ean ing,

which the verb bears here, it is nearly syn o nym ous with oerbitten .

29. ea nimmt mid) Munher,‘wo nder at it seizes me,’ Iam as to n ished

at it’

; es is the old gen itive o f the pro n oun es , cf. n o te o n 79. 14.

3 1. was, by analogy to es 1. 29, rega rded as a n om inative n euter ;

beewo uld stric tly co rrespo nd to es in this c o n struc tio n .

PAGE 89.

3. gleitbgr'

rlt ig,‘o f equalwo rth, ’ ‘ favo uring n either o ne s ide n o r the

o ther,’ then ‘ indifferen t .’

C f. n o te o n 19. 22.

4. namenlofe, fo r which no fitt ing n am e c an be found.

’Fo r an o ther

mean ing o f this wo rd c f. n o te o n 23 . 4 ; fo r the use o f the s tro ng fo rm

o f the adjec t ive after folcbe cf. Eve 5 3 1 1 .

7, 8. Gie tret t en fcbmeigen,‘ keep silenc e ’

; the future is o c c as io nallyused fo r the im perative in fam iliar language when the speaker has c o nfiden c e tha t his o rder willbe o beyed ; fo r o ther sub stitutes fo r the imperative cf. n o te o n 65. 9.


9. s uben,‘ knaves ’

o r‘

Jacks .

’fi nbe in this sense is a transla tio n o f

Fren ch valet , the fi ube o r‘ knave ’

being the servan t o f the K ing (inGerm an abnig o r b err); the queen is called Dame.

12. toeggetb orfen ,‘thrown away,’ ‘disc arded .

16. feine, i.e. m ilgenten .

19. icb tomme nicbt gur S afel,‘ I shan ’

t dine with the Court .’24, 25. id) fi rebtete fibri n,

‘ I-was begin ning to fear.’

25, 26. Rendez -

vous . In the eighteen th cen tury the German expressio n 6 tellbicbein was fo rm ed to tran sla te this wo rd.

PAGE 90 .


6, 7. b errfcbaften ,‘high perso n ages ,’ a comm on use o f the abs trac t

fo r the c o n c rete. Cf. n o te o n Maebe, 3 1. 16.

7. mirb gelaunt fein,‘willbe in a hum our to ,’ ‘willbe m inded to .

Cf. n o te o n 73. 8 .

9. unfereinen,‘ folks like us ,

’ ‘the likes o f us ’ ; the firs t part o f the

c o mpound is o f course the gen itive o fmir.biscben,

‘a little b ite o r b it,

’then ‘

a little’

; this wo rd which is thedim inut ive o f BBifl


en, older éBifi'

e is used fam iliarly fo r ein wenig ; bifid nn isthe older and bet ter spelling.

9, 10 . notmcubig brandjen , a tautologicalphrase which is frequen tlyfo und,

‘to n eed.

10 . bewegten magen ,‘s tirring days . ’

1 1. gum Qlusbalten,‘endurable.

Eerie. Cf. n o te o n 61. 19.

14. protegieren,‘ patro n ize.

15. mnnfcbte, subjun c tive o f m odest s tatem en t, cf. n o te o n 4. 7.

18, 19. fo r the use o f the indicat ive after bamir and

bai cf. Eve 5 542.

21 . non oben berab,‘ from the highest o ffic ials down .

lebten. Cf. no te o n 21. 12.

PAGE 91.1 . aber aucb,

‘ but then .

2. lineinigteit . Cf. n o te o n 53. 2.

6. grofien,‘sign ifican t .

13. bitnet eineGbalte,‘ partially open s ,’ lit . ‘

o pens a chink. ’


prepo sit io ns being followed by the ac cusa t ive. Fo r the sen se c omparethe Eng.

‘to go in fo r,

’m ean ing

‘to adopt a part icular c ourse o f ac tion .

21 . flierluft, from berlieren , c f. English lo st and fo rlo rn , was an d

were, Germ an gieb en and 30g, leiden and litt , auf and fiber . s—r, h—g ,

d—t , f—b under c ertain c o nditio n s in terchange in the sam e wo rd, an din its derivat ives . Fo r an explan a tio n o f this pro cess c f. Paul 78 sq .

23. mirb rr'

tdgangig, presen t fo r future.

23, 24. 6 k to ifl'

en bat fQ on,‘

you willc erta inly be able to ’

; fo r the

m ean ing o f tb ifl'

en c f. no te o n 84. 5 .

3 1 . einoerftanben , the past part ic iple and c om po und tenses o f einoer sfieben are used m o re frequen tly than the presen t in fin itive and sim pleten ses ; deriva tives o f this wo rd are Ginoerftanbnis and einoerftanbigen.

PAGE 94.

3, 4. irgenb ein glen r'

tltigec filabier, li t.‘any paper it m atters n o t

what ,’ tran sla te ‘a sc rap o f paper ’ and c f. n o te o n 19. 22.

6. icb ftebe bafr'

tr ein. Cf. n o te o n 15. 15.


9, 10 . in biefem xriege gelten al[eM ittel,‘ in this struggle weapo n

allowable,’ ‘allis fa ir in lo ve and war.’

1 1 . to ie to eit bift bu? what progress have you m ade i’15. namlicb,

‘ tha t is to say.

23. bamit Cf. 90 . 18—20 ; and Eve g 542.

2. nafetoeifer,‘ prying ’

; this wo rd was an epithet applied in MiddleHigh Germ an to dogs who go t quickly o n the sc en t ,

‘ keen -n o sed

it was n ext applied to hum an beings in the sense o f sharp-witted ’

in Mo dern Germ an the wo rd is always used in a b ad sen se.

7, 8 . ift . Cf. Eve 516. A sen ten ce o n whi ch this sen ten cedepends is to be supplied.

12. miQ anreben lafl'

en ,‘let myself be addressed ,

’ ‘ let him begin .

28. SDen, dem o ns tra tive.

29. bat tc iQ , the apodo sis is om itted, i.e. the fullsen tence wouldbe ‘ I should never have expec ted him , whom ever else Imight have ex

pec ted.

se. NOTE S . 163

PAGE 96.

1 . mit rt en Q ingen angeben, lit.‘ to go o n rightly and naturally,

then ‘to be as it should be, ’ ‘

to be quite c an ny. ’ Cf. Faust, whenGretchen finds the sec o nd c asket o f jewels, she m akes use o f the wo rds :

M et tonnte nur bie beiben s uft n bringen ?

C6 gebt niQ t an mit rt en SDingen !

4, 5. SDobbelgr'

tngigleit,‘ duplic ity,’ ‘ doublefacedn ess,

’a rare wo rd,

the adjec tive bobbelgungig is m o re c omm o n .

1 1 . SDas feblte nocb,‘tha t o nly was wan ting ’

so .

‘to make my c on

fus io n c om plete,’ ‘ that ’s the last s traw ’

; fo r an o ther m ean ing o f feblen

c f. n o te o n 1 13. 13.

16. lafl'

en GiemiQ ,‘let me pass .’

17. SQ tr illCé ie niQ t getannt baben . Cf. n o tes o n 31 . 15, and 37. 18.

20 . bunlle, n o te o n 49. 23.

25 . ubelaufnebmen,‘receive it with illwill, ’ then ‘

take it am iss ’


c f. the expressio n , ettb ac fibelgu bermerfen .

26. mein better,‘m o st wo rthy,’ ‘

es teemed.

27. ale. Cf. n o te o n 87. 8.

PAGE 97.5. gerb ifi,

‘Iassure you.

1 1, 12. M ir reben unc bofientliQ ,‘we shallm eet , Ihope,’ c f. n o te o n

1 12. 4, 5.

12. bei,‘ in the ro om s o f.

16. aufgenommen. Cf. n o te o n 96. 25.

17. ilgenten gefbre n . Cf. n o te o n 60 . 26, 27.

22. éBorberbanb . Cf. n o te o n 29. 1 2.

24. betomblimentieren fiQ lange,‘c o n tinue to exchange b ows,’ c f.

n o tes o n xombliment 65. 9, 10 , and 38. 10 ; fo r ficb, cf. n o te o n 50 . 31 .

28 . éBitte rt febr,‘ please take prec edence ’

; bitte= iQ bitte, cf. bante

iQ banle.

PAGE 98.

3. fafl'

en ,‘c omprehend ,’ from the mean ing

‘ to grasp,’ then ‘to

grasp anything in o ne’s mind.

4. Gin (o gcmagtec Grief,‘such a bold game.

8. mm erft,‘the very m om en t that .’

es anfangt 3a breQ en,‘the ice begin s to c rack.

10 . benfionierte Orbfie,‘ pensio ned Grandee,’ ‘

o ne o f theGreat unem

ployed ’

; cf. 57. 1 .



13. Eat en,‘clues ,

’ ‘threads ’

; fo r an o ther sense o f Gilbert cf. 83. 1 1 .18. SQ maQ e gar rein b ebi ,

‘ Ido n’

t disguise the fac t’

; b eblis from

Middle High Germ an Iraele (fem in ine):‘c o ncealmen t

; the wo rd iso nly used in a few phrases usually n ega t ive, e.g. tein b eblbaben

‘n o t to


etym ologically b eblis trac eable to the verb beblen, which isn ow weak, but which was s tro ng in Old and MiddleHigh German , M en

tied gab le”: cf. oerboblen in which the old c o njuga tio n o f the verb ispres erved.

24. geriireut ,‘scatterb rained,

’ ‘ab sen t -minded .

28 . Gin fauberer 6m baa! lit . ‘clean ,

’ ‘un sullied ,

’then frequen tly

used iro n ically as here ; tran slate ‘he is a n ice gen tleman , tha t .’28, 29. Dfienbergig geflanben ,

‘to tellyou frankly,’ an ab solute c o n

struc t io n . Cf. fo r sim ilar c o ns truc tio ns 43. 22 ; 86. 2 ; 87. 5.

29. toegen . Cf. no te o n 73. 15.

3 1 . meine eigenen M ege bue reugt ,‘cro sses my own path .

PAGE 99.

1, 2. ein ernflec Mort mit ibm 311 reben ,‘to take him severely to task .

9. tBraut,‘ fian cée,

’no t ‘ b ride.

16. Grab oerfteben, a tran slatio n o f the Fren ch expressio n en temlre

ra il/er z'

e=‘to take a joke.

18 . Sba bor bie minge forbern,‘challenge him ,

’lit . ‘

callhim out [tostand] befo re my swo rd .

’ minge is an o n oma to poeic wo rd , fo rm ed in

im itatio n o f the no ise a swo rd makes clashing again s t arm our.

26. Siaifon,‘lo ve

PAGE 10 0 .


4. unbeiloolle,‘ balefirl.

illerfon, derived from Latin persona = the m ask o f an ac to r, then ‘a

perso n .

’The La tin gender o f the wo rd was retained in German .

6. fi e, fem in ine because it refers to illerfon .

1 1 . SQ bante,‘ I thank you, n o ’

; of. n o te o n 32. 23.

13. blinbe Stub,‘ blind man


15. llamur,‘rage.

’The prefix an is frequen tly used to deno te a

bad so rt o f a thing ; c om pare llntbat, m isdeed,’llnmea ,

‘ b rute.

18. arglofe,‘


; from‘evil,’ and loc= sufiix

-less .’

166 DER GEHEIME AGENT [ACT w . 80 9.

27. aber mir glelQ biel, after mir se . ift es,‘ but it is allo n e to m e,

‘ Ido n’t m ind .

28, 29. gelten alleM ittel. Cf. no te o n 94. 9, 10 .

PAGE 10 3.


4. ee ridt ,‘starts back,’ from ee reden (stro ng)

‘to be frightened

from this verb c omes the fac tit ive ee reden , to cause to be frightened,then ‘

to frighten ’

; cf. n o te o n 4 1 . 15.

14. erften M iniiier ,‘Prime M in is ter.

18. (oll. Cf. no te o n 54. 1 1 .

23. betrogen, from the stro ng verb betb egen, betrog, betrogen, ‘ to induc e,’

from this verb was fo rm ed the fac t itive berregen , ‘to mo ve.


seems an exceptio n to the usualm ode o f fo rm ing fac tit ives (cf. no teo n 4 1. but bewog the past tense o f the stro ng verb represen ts a

M iddle High German bewac ; therefo re the e in the radical syllableo f the fac titive betregen represen ts mutation o r m odificatio n o f a.

PAGE 10 4.

3. Mo benlen S ic bin ?‘What are you dream ing about ? ’ The particle

bin deno tes here ‘away from the subjec t , ’ ‘

0 6 the right tack.

5, 6. fo leire alt mbgliQ auftreten,‘tread as lightly as po ssible,’ ‘


be in eviden c e as lit tle as po ssible.

7. b interbalt , o riginally a m ilitary term ,

‘a halt behind ,’ ‘

a halt ina c o n c ealed place,’ ‘

ambusc ade.

12. fielb, in numerous phrases : S QlaQ tfelb ; bat 8e raumen ,‘leave

the field o f battle,’ ‘retreat .

1 7. oeranlafit . Cf. n o te o n 45. 20 .

20 . berleugnen,‘repudiate.

24, 25 . Der erfieMinifter iii tot es lebe ber erfteM inifter,‘the Prime

Min ister is dead—lo ng live the Prime Min ister. ’ This is an adaptatio no f the French expressio n Ie roz


est mar t , vim le roi,’ ‘the king never

dies ,’i.e. at the death of the King the next heir asc ends the thro ne {ps0

facto ; there is n o in terregnum . The fo rce o f the Lo rd S teward ’

s t e

mark is , that though Steinhausen was n om inally dism issed with theres t o f the min is try, his services as Minis ter would o f course be re

tain ed by the Duke, whose Agen t’he was ; therefo re the o ffic e o f

Prime Min ister had never been vacan t.29. Ounft . Cf. n o te o n 14. 13.

ACT v. se. N OTE S . 167

PAGE 10 5.

1. follie iQ . Cf. n o te on 15. 15, 16.

bis. Cf. n o te o n 1 1 . 3.

2, 3. gn ie n uns gilt leine GQ onung mcbr , lit . between us fo rbearan c e is n o lo nger curren t,

’then ‘ I shalln o t spare you.

’Cf. no te o n

94. 9, 10 .

12. Scin angelegt, sub tly planned ,’ from anlegen in the m ean ing o f‘ to c o ns truc t ,

’ ‘to plan .

’Cf. the phrase einen {Roman anlegen, ‘

to plan a

n o vel.’

14. beibringen,‘adduce.

SCENE 10 .

29. batten mir. Cf. n o te o n 4. 7.


PAGE 10 7.

6. bue oaQ ten,‘ in which I have la in awake bue b aQ en insepar

able= ‘ to lie awake,’ bue o aQ en separable :‘to watch through ’

; but

this distin c t io n is n o t always stric tly kept up.

1 1 . maQ tige b ebelangefest baben,‘have b rought great levers to bear ’;

b ebelfrom beben,‘to raise.

’ Translate the passage ‘

great pressure musthave been b rought to bear.’

15. geleitet,‘c o n trolled,

’ ‘wo rked .

’Cf. no te o n 50 . 15.

19, 20 . in men, se. tann iQ .

21 . fein angelegt . Cf. n o te o n 1 0 5. 12.

22. M ei: auQ ,‘whoever .

’Cf. Eve 196.

m arten tbnnen. Cf. no te on 3 1 . 16.

PAGE 10 8 .

5. angefit ,‘ in sight of, ’ when fac e to face with.’ This wo rd is the

gen itive o f angefiQ t used as a prepo sition ; cf. the use o f the adjec tiveanfiQ tig with the gen itive.

7. Oelingt . Cf. n o te o n 15. 15, 16.

8. Saben. Cf. n o te o n 98. 13.


16. batte. Cf. no te o n 4. 7.

26, 27. allec anioenben , lit .‘turn everything towards,’ then ‘


every efi'

o rt.’


PAGE 109.

4. fQ on,‘without much reflec tio n .

14. bcobalb. Cf. n o te o n 80 . 13.

29. gernaQ t batte,‘ po ten tialsubjunc tive.’

PAGE 1 10 .

5. M iQ liebe, se. bu fagilt ab.

7. beinliQ , formed from allein an early loan -wo rd from Latin poem .

9. tBraut. Cf. n o te o n 99. 9.

10 . flialail. Cf. n o te o n 83. 1 .

15. gerreifien, lit .‘to tear in differen t direc tions,

’then ‘ to unravel,

‘ to disen tangle.

16. M ie gejagt, se. morben iii .

17. gar {ReQ ea afr an gieben,‘ to callto ac coun t,

’c f. meQ ea aft geben

and SteQ ea aft ablegen,‘ to ac c oun t fo r,

’ ‘to answer for .’

25. toeii . Cf. n o te o n 78 . 10 .

25, 26. bai iQ bon genera noQ ba bin,‘that Ihave been here since

yes terday fo r this use o f the presen t fo r the perfec t c f. Eve

PAGE 1 1 1.

2. SQ tr illniQ t bofl'

en. Cf. n o te o n 4. 23.

8, 9. auf mein ua ulbigec b aart nieberfiel,‘ b roke o ver my inn o cen t

head ’

; Saubt has been gradually replaced by S obf in o rdinary language,but is s tillretained in poetry and in solem n o r grandiloquen t language.

The primary mean ing o f Jtobfwas ‘ drin king vess el,’ ‘cup,

’the sec o ndary

m ean ing‘ head ’

is due to the resemblan c e o f the skullto a cup .

12. fDaQ te iQ eao ,

‘ just wha t I thought.’13, 14. erboben. auflage erbeben,

‘ to raise a charge,’ cf. the expressions Ginfbrr

lQ e erbeben and Debenlen erbeben,‘to raise o bjec tio ns ’ ; fo r the

fo rmat io n of erboben, cf. n o te o n 80 . 30 .

27. geniert fiQ ,‘ is embarrassed,

genieren from French géuer ; theFrench verb has a curious etym ology, it is derived from 1a gm ques

tion by to rture,’then to rture

) a c o n trac tio n of the wo rd gékesm e

Gehenna, the valley o f Hinn om near Jerusalem , where the Jews burn ttheir children in sacrifice to Molo ch.

PAGE 1 12.

2. bie abreife meiner Mutter. Cf. Ac t 11. Scene 12, and Ac t 111.

Scene 1 .


2. berausgieben, i.e. out o f the c o achhouse (illemife).

3, 4. ware, batten. Cf. no te o n 8 . 13, 14.

6. M ittelunb Mege, a frequen t juxtapo sitio n , cf. our‘ways and

mean s and French vo tes et meg/en s .9. toolIe, ora tio obliqua .

1 1 . s uaba o r Guabe, pluralg naben , ‘ power o f persuas io n , persua

siveness,’from La tin Suada the Rom an perso nification o f ‘ persuas io n .

12. bagu, se. iii .

15. bie ba ; ba strengthens the dem o nstrative bie, cf. the use o f in

16. tunb geben,‘

give ven t to , ’ ‘pro claim ’

; the adjec t ive tunb is

clo sely c onn ec ted wi th the verb tbnnen ; it canno t be used as an attribute,

cf. Eve 5 30 3, and is m o st frequen tly m et with in the phrases tunb tbun,tunb fein, tunb maQ en, tunb geben ; tunb is c ognate with English south in‘un couth,’ lit. ‘

unkn own ’then ‘

s trange.’


24. Go bat man alfo,‘then ’

tis true that .’26. bie 8 arten toeggetb orfen. Cf. no te o n 89. 12.

PAGE 1 15.

3. beauftragt . Cf. n o tes o n 19. 13, and 45. 20 .

5. wieber gut 3a maQ en ,‘to repa ir ’

; gut maQ en also bears the mean

ing,‘to m ake go od o r pro ve an assert io n .

14. Seiertag,‘ holiday,’ lit . ‘

a day o f a church fes tival, ’ from Latin


a ; then ‘a day o n which any festivalwas c elebrated ,

’ ‘a holiday

the adjec tive feierliQ solemn .

18. ertunbigen, derived from tunb, cf. no te on 1 14. 16.

23. s latt , c f. 10 6. 6.

27. unfreunbliQ ,‘angry, vexed. ’

PAGE 1 16.

1, 2. entbieten, einen an fiQ entbieten ,‘ to send fo r anyo ne,

summon anyo ne.

3, 4. M it ternaQ t. Cf. n o te o n 62. 20 .

14. SDamit . Cf. n o te o n 90 . 18, 19.

14, 15. Mr Eefeblausgebt ,‘the comm and is issued.’

se. N OTE S. 17 1

SCENE 5.25. biefigen . Cf. n o te o n 80 . 18 .

26. id) raume bat Selb. C f. n o te o n 10 4. 12.

29. nor einigen Sagen. Cf. 85 . 3.

PAGE 1 17.

5. geraq boll, the allusio n is o f c ourse to the music , cf. 1 16. 7.

7. M it b eftigfeit,‘angrily.’

9. éBerftellen 6 ie fiQ niQ t langer,‘cease to dissem ble, cease to dis

guise your true feelings.’1 2. s treiQ e fi bre,

‘dealblows ,’ from ©treiQ ,‘a stro ke ’

o r‘ blow,

derived from the verb fireiQ en= ‘ to s troke.

flreiQ en is c ognate with theEnglish verb ‘

strike, GtreiQ with the n oun ‘stro ke.’

24. tbnnte. Cf. no te o n 8. 13.

25, 26. cinen fremben Stat, a piece o f advice given by a stranger.’

27. Grbrterung,‘explanatio n , ’ a syn o nym would be anceinanberfesung.

29. oerbinbliQ ,‘ politely. ’

PAGE 1 18.

2. ringing. Cf. n o te o n 93. 20 .

3. besbafb. Cf. no te o n 80 . 13.

7. Oemabrten, se.Tie.

ibreic. Cf. n o te o n 61 . 19.

12, 13. The c on struc tio n o f these lines is clum sy, the es in line 13

is superfluous as the o bjec t to babeabgebrungen has already been expressedby was es may be left un tran sla ted .

13. babe Sbncn abgebrungen,‘ have wrested from you.

15. im berglitbften Ginoerflanbnis,‘ in the hearties t ac co rd,’ c f. no te o n

93 3 ‘

24. Siebmen mir an,‘let us assum e.

31 . fbielten b ielleiQ t beihe gufammen ,‘perhaps c omb ined aga inst .

PAGE 1 19.

5. ee ridt. Cf. n o te o n 10 3. 4.

8 . bun nfeben,‘to lo ok through,’ ‘

to exam ine’

; this is really themean ing o f the inseparable and tra nsi tive verb gn bue eben ; bun ufeben,‘to gaz e through,’ should be in tran sitive, e.g. to ir feben barQ bie SDamme

rung burQ ,‘we gaze through the twilight ’ ; the separable verb has how


ever assumed the mean ing and c o nstruc tion o f the inseparable verb ; cf.

no te o n bae aQ ten , 10 7. 6.

16. oerfbbnliQ , fo rgiving,’ derived from oerfbbnen, to rec onc ile,’

to pro pitia te by making atonemen t (Gflbne, from which wo rd oerfbbnenis derived).

29. fi nbangliQ teit , a t tachmen t ,’then ‘devo tion .

30 , 31 . Dberitflallrneifler. Cf. no te o n 1 13. 15.

PAGE 120 .

6, 7. mit Sbrem Siamen 311 oerfebea, lit .‘to supply with your name,’

transla te ‘to c oun ters ign ,

and cf. n o tes o n 79. 14, and 35. 31.

13. unteritanben, se. babe, cf. n o te on 10 2. 15 .

PAGE 121.

7. (amtliQ eMailer. Cf. 66. 16.

8 . SQ mar fo glitdliQ ,

‘ Ihad the go od fo rtune to do so .

9, 10 . et h ane auQ iQ banlbar an ; anguerfennen, lit .‘to ac knowledge,’

‘rec ognise,

’then ‘

to apprec iate, ’ ‘ to be gra tefulfo r’

; transla te‘claims

my gratitude to o .

1 1 . gemogen. Cf. no te on 39. 9.

12. 311 oielOnabe, se. es iii ; transla te‘

you are to o kind.

17. {Bit marten nur Sbre! Q efebll, the m o re usualc onstruc tion after

marten,‘to wait fo r,

’is aufgo verning the ac cusative in the sense o f to

attend to ,‘to nurse, marten is now transitive and go verns an ac cusative ;

in Middle High German ma r ten m o st frequen tly go verned a genitive,marten Sbrcr s efeblc is a survivalo f this c o nstruc tio n ; cf. Paul5 263.

PAGE 122.

8, 9. feierliQ . Cf. n o te o n 1 15. 14.

9, 10 . M illigen in,‘to c o nsen t to ,

’einmilligeu in is m o re

used, cf. bie Cinmilligung, c o nsen t .

14. baa frcunbliQ e Malteu. M alten ,‘managem en t,

’ ‘rule,

’is from

the verb malten, ‘to rule,

’ ‘wield ’

; transla te the kindly ofi ces.’

1 14

Greignis, 6, 2

Gremitage, 5 , 28

ergebenec, 30 , 12, 13 ; 42,erboben, 80 , 13 ; 1 1 1 , 13,ertunbigen, 1 15, 18

Grbrterung, 1 1 7, 27ee ridt , 10 3, 4erit , 36, 1ermabnen , 32, 13, 14cl, as a gen itive, 79, 14 ;

Etiquette, 24, 8

Grier, 3, 12

fabeln, 23, 23Sam , 83, 1 1 ; 98, 13


en, 98, 3

faux par , 88, 24, 25feblen, 96, 1 1 ; 1 13, 13Seiertag, 1 15, 14Selb , 10 4, 12

Soub, 3, 2

forbern , 99, 18

ft avoiet t c. 32. 2Sreibeiten , 78, 20

frommt , 85, 8, 9fugen, 731 8

fitbren (bta ter baa SiQ t), 71, 16fri ttern, 66, 23future fo r imperative, 89, 7

ge, om ission o f, in pas t partic iples ,3 1 , 16


tber, 75, 1 1

geben (an bie b anb), 4, 1 1Oeifietgegenmart, 54, 2

gri ts/re, 15, 12

gemeine, 19, 15gemefl


enfle, 54, 28

gcnau, 67, 23

gender, gramm atical, 53, 17geniert, 1 1 1 , 27gen itive o f definitio n , 29, 2gen it ive, Saxo n o r subjec tive, 70 , 3geringen, 42, 22

actuate. 83. 13gefester , 7 1 , 1 1

Selvami tr 592 ‘ 2

geftimmt, 752 7 72 28 3 91 1 162 17Oetreibe, 27, 17

getreuefle, 28, 22


sewvam. 391 9Gift, 482 4glen r


tlt ig, 19, 22

Ounflling, 0 , 21

gut (maQ enj, 1 15, 5

guten (im), 72, 24

balten (311 Onaben), 3, 12b anb, deriva tives o f, 29, 12 ; 97, 22barmlofen , 49, 18 ; 92, 5b armonie, 9 1, 20

b aubt , 1 1 1, 8, 9berausfinben, 38 , 22b cn f¢aflfl lg 62 7

bere fr'

tQ tigen , 7, 28

biefigen, 80 , 18

b interbalt , 10 4, 7Pub, 41 2

”whet”: 5s 23o feligen, 4, 21

b o arge, 25, 22

5 °fmatl‘baur 5 ‘ s 5ho rreur , 8 1 , 1bulb, 29, 2

ieren, as a suflix to verb s, 10 1, 25imji anbe, 4, 14in o rgan ic

‘b’o r


’1 1, 3 ; 20 , 10 ;

33 1 “ J 33: 57 1 7 41nstrum en talcase, 5 , 23inversio n after o , 33, 17 ; 62, 1 ;

invers io n ins tead o f a sen ten ce introduced bymenn, 15 , 15, 16; 22,8

It : icb“, 1 1

iemanb, 571 3 4

S abinett , 35, 14S angliflen, 28, 5Sleinob, 12, 22

Slinge, 99, 18xluft , 42, 20S ollegen, 5, 30xomolimen t, 38, 10 ; 65, 9, 10S ovf, 1 1 1 , 8, 9Jiorb (geben), 39, 5Jibrbe, 39, 5franfer, 14, 27mm, 53, 22


l‘unb (geben), 1 14, 16

lab ial changed to f befo re ‘t ,

42, 20

Sangemeile, 4 1, 29a rm, 19, 14Saunen, 73, 8

lauter, 15, 25Seibregiments, 5, 16leiben, 50 , 15lei ten , 50 , 15lieb geminnen, 16, 24ling, as a suffi x, 30 , 21

lodert , 64, 18

luften, 28, 3

M al, 87, 6M ae all, 51 , 5M inen , 69, 12

minber, 37, 6

mir niQ tB, bir niQ ts, 30 , 23mifi, as a prefix to verb s , 28, 28mit , as a prefix to n oun s, 27, 14M ittelunb M ege, 1 14, 6

M itternaQ t , 62, 20Muab, 10 , 8

naQ : 7 71 5nabern (fiQ ), 58, 2namcnlofc, 89, 4nafemeifer , 95, 2nebmen (fiQ in aQ t),63, 21 ; 65, 21 , 22niemanben, 57, 24nimmer, 79, 23nimmermebr, 85, 1nimmt, 88, 29noun s, pluralo f b o rrowed, 3, 2 ;7 71 7, 8

n ouns , com ound, 67, 23noun s , derrved from old datives ,62, 20

647i, dtr'

, as a sufi x, 12, 22

bfterc, 41 , 27 ; 1 13, 13ora t z


o obliqna , 12, 31 ; 18, 4 ; 32,24. 26 ; 57.22 ;

$alaic, 83, 1{Bartei nebmen, 50 , 1

partic ipialaugmen t , 31 16


qudlen , 70 , 24

questio ns, repeated , 43, 6

mabbot t, I5meQ ea aft, 1 10 , 17iftt sbflege, 34, 7fliebencart, 69, 19illegiment, 5, 16relative pro noun , agreemen t

1 1 , 1 7, 18

relebieren , 21 , 26rendez - vous , 89, 25, 26illeftgnation, 10 , 22

Galon, 3, 2

a lten, 6, 1 1

partic iples, old past, 39, 9 ; 74,I9 ; 83. n . 13


gt ic iples , pas t , fo r imperat ive,5, 9part ic iples, pas t, used ab solutely,43s 27 ; 8 71 5 ; 982 282 29partic iples , presen t, as adjec t ives,33a 3°part ic iples , presen t , lo o se use o f


422 3°

tbartie, 68, 29iliartie nebmen, 50 , 1

beinliQ , 1 10 , 7flierfon, 10 0 , 428fanb, 60 , 22pluralo f m ajes ty, 3, 12 ; 37, 13iBolitif, 93, 10illoflen , 70 , 2prefixes, doub tful, 52, 23, 24tbreis, 61, 19prepo s it io n s , o riginally n ouns, 32,

14 ; 10 8. 5presen t , 1dromatic use o f, 17, 13 ;

flirife, 5 1, 26

probieren, 30 , 22

broieltiert, 46, 10pro nom inaladjectives , neuters o f,382 5 ; 86: 3I ; 912 7 °pro noun s , reflexive, fo r rec ipro cal,

31 ; 972 7 4brirfen, 30 , 22

bubligieren, 43, 2


GQ eibemanb, 9, 86 251161119. 73. 25S Q ranten, 2, 15id , as a su to nouns , 28, 6

felts.4. n

I°u2 72 13 ; I0 32 ‘8

foam. 6

foutenieren, 22, 28S bafi (oerfieben), 99, 16“93 2 462 3” 932 12

fbreQ en , 60 , 27 ; 97, 1 7flimmen, 75 , 27, 28S treicbe (ffibren), 1 17, 12flunbe, 1 1 , 31subjec t om itted, 33, 14, 15subjec ts , verb in singular after two ,

3 1, 82, 15subjun c ti ve, in sen tences express

ing a suppo sitio n, 26, 21 , 23subjun ct ive, o ptative, 53, 5 ; 10 0 ,

25, 26subjunc t ive, pluperfec t, 23, 2subjun ctive, po ten tial, 109, 29Saufenb (ber), 72, 3taufenberlei, 7, 8Sierrain, 30 , 16

Stournure, 63, 10trr

tgt . 65, 12

Net tie. 33. 2°

flberfbannte, 15, 1fibermerfen, 52, 23, 24umgarnen, 12, 18

umfonft (ift bet Slob), 60 , 19an, as a prefix, 10 0 , 15llnannebmli eiten, 1 12, 13ungebalten, 60 , 12ungelegenbeiten, 36, 29unioerfit atofreunbe, 67, 23unnusc, 84, 22unfereinen , 19unterfleben fiQ ), 10 2, 15unumgangliQ , 7 1 , 23

oeranlafit, 45, 20verbalab s tra c ts , fo rmatio n o f, 14,13


tfft , 25, 15, 16verb s o fm o tio n om itted , 82, 17


verbs, fo rmatio n o f fac titive, 41,15 3 4. 73

”m inim . 3. 2

bergeben, 4 12

berleben, 10 1, 28flierleumbungen, 47, 21flierlufl, 93, 21oermittelft, 32, 14fi krrdterei, 10 1, 25berrt er, 83, 13m idfimtm a 311 I

bee ieben, 19, 3“debt", 35, 31 3 791 143 " 0 1 7oerfefl


en, 21, 20

”Wt“ , 92 99oerfibnliQ , 1 19, 16oermegen, 83, 12

roller,b orberbanb,

729, 12 ; 97, 22

tBormunb aft, 10 , 8

M aQ e, 31, 16mabren, 36, 27Malten, 122, 14malten, 6, 1 1

marten (with gen itive), 121, 17mac, 78, 3west“, 732 15meber, 9, 2M eile, 1 1, 3meinen, 9, 2

W ifit o 78 1 10 ; 842 5menig,menu auQ , 69, 7mie fo r ale, 35, 8 ; 60 , 6mill, 4, 23 ; 31 , 15 ; 69,

1 1 1, 2

milligen (in), 122, 9, 10mifi


en, 78, 10mifl


en (um etmat), 10 2, 8mo, 199, 25moblgefalliger, 19, 16mollen , idiom atic use o f, 3 1 , 15 ;

37, 18 ;Munber (ncbmcn), 88, 29tofta te,

gufrieben, 74, 26

gugetban , 78 , 25Sutunft, 14, 1 3



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