604 ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011 Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9 GROWTH PATTERN OF COFFEE SEEDS ON VARIOUS WATER POTENTIAL PRESSURE Yonny Koentjoro and Makhziah Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java , Surabaya - Indonesia Author correspondence :[email protected] ABSTRACT Germination is a system consisting of sub macro and micro systems, micro- sub system includes everything in the field of production while the macro sub- system includes setting out of the technical seed production. Analysis of seed reaches of both sub-systems interests, each sub-systems have sub-sub system with dimensions of its elements. The availability of water is essential to stimulate and support the speed and uniformity of seed germination and subsequent growth. The purpose of this research was to study the role of water stress were tested on paterns of seed germination of coffee. Coffee seed were tested include: Coffee Robusta BGN 300, BP 254, and BGN 371F while the water potential is approximated by using a solution of Suchrose. The research design was arranged in Completely Randomized Design Factorial. A various of suchrose concentration solution treatment was used to test various Robusta coffee clones. Results of the research showed that water potential was approximated by osmose suchrose on Robusta coffee seed BGN 300, BP 254 and BGN 371F responds to germination of each coffee seeds were tested, there are differences in water absorption ability in each seeds, The highest water absorbtion showed at BGN 371 F and BGN 300 the lowest absorption. The higher water potential caused time to germinate for each variety of coffee longer and different seeds showed different interactions on each of treated water potential. Keywords : Water potencial, germination, suchrose, variety INTRODUCTION Conceptions of seed has wide range understanding and its depend on which side we are reviewing, Understanding of conception of seed among others : Seed is a tool to maintain the life of a kind or species of plant by maintaining the life of embryonic axis. Life of embryonic axis in seed will be changed into new form until many years after the parents of plant died. Another concept of seed explain that seed is a well organization, have sufficient food supplies to protect and make longer the life. Kamil (1979) explains that the seed is a place of embryonic axis which is the beginning to the formation of a new generation. Genetic character of the seed can be changed due to some factors or changes of genetic character can also occur naturally caused by changes in the



ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011

Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9


Yonny Koentjoro and Makhziah

Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java , Surabaya - Indonesia

Author correspondence :[email protected]


Germination is a system consisting of sub macro and micro systems, micro-sub system includes everything in the field of production while the macro sub-system includes setting out of the technical seed production. Analysis of seed reaches of both sub-systems interests, each sub-systems have sub-sub system with dimensions of its elements. The availability of water is essential to stimulate and support the speed and uniformity of seed germination and subsequent growth. The purpose of this research was to study the role of water stress were tested on paterns of seed germination of coffee. Coffee seed were tested include: Coffee Robusta BGN 300, BP 254, and BGN 371F while the water potential is approximated by using a solution of Suchrose. The research design was arranged in Completely Randomized Design Factorial. A various of suchrose concentration solution treatment was used to test various Robusta coffee clones. Results of the research showed that water potential was approximated by osmose suchrose on Robusta coffee seed BGN 300, BP 254 and BGN 371F responds to germination of each coffee seeds were tested, there are differences in water absorption ability in each seeds, The highest water absorbtion showed at BGN 371 F and BGN 300 the lowest absorption. The higher water potential caused time to germinate for each variety of coffee longer and different seeds showed different interactions on each of treated water potential. Keywords : Water potencial, germination, suchrose, variety INTRODUCTION

Conceptions of seed has wide range understanding and its depend on which

side we are reviewing, Understanding of conception of seed among others : Seed is

a tool to maintain the life of a kind or species of plant by maintaining the life of

embryonic axis. Life of embryonic axis in seed will be changed into new form until

many years after the parents of plant died. Another concept of seed explain that

seed is a well organization, have sufficient food supplies to protect and make longer

the life. Kamil (1979) explains that the seed is a place of embryonic axis which is

the beginning to the formation of a new generation.

Genetic character of the seed can be changed due to some factors or

changes of genetic character can also occur naturally caused by changes in the


ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011

Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9

chromosomes. Morphological characters of the seed is a combination of genetic

and environmental influences and post-harvest handling. During the process of

seed development and maturation. embryonic axis also grow and mature after the

seeds reaches maximum dry weight usually in conjunction with seed mature.

Mature (dried) coffee seeds show slow and asynchronous germination, which

makes it difficult to obtain seedlings that are ideal for establishment of coffee crops

and coffee production. Little work has been done to understand coffee seed

germination and its regulation. Such studies are essential for the improvement of

agricultural practices and further development of coffee production.

In the embryo, a growth and a build-up of turgor potential is observed at the

beginning of germination, showing that the cells in the embryonic axis are preparing

for expansion growth: the increase in turgor indicates that water is taken up by the

cells but that relaxation of the walls is largely absent. This may be caused by a

limitation of the cell wall extensibility at that time or by the fact that expansion is

hindered by an opposing mechanical restraint of the surrounding endosperm ( Silva

et al., 2004).

Seed germination is generally characterized by the growth of the root (radicle)

or leaves (plumule) protruding seeds, under normal conditions, all complex tissues

and organs that make up seed (seedling), and then becomes mature plants is

derived from the fertilized process, but it should be known that not all parts of the

seeds derived from the fertilized, seed coat comes from the union of sperm with

polar nucleic in the embryosac.

Availability conditions of Water is essential to support uniformity and speed of

seed germination and subsequent growth. At a rough texture has very low power to

hold water. Moore (1981) explains that, the water potential is the difference in free

energy or chemical potential per unit of molar volume between pure water and water

in the cell at the same temperature. Field study on the relationship of water to

plants is difficult because it is caused by the diversity of soil conditions so that the

water potential measurements in the soil mass on the surface of the roots is just a

rough measurement (Winaryo and Puji, 1989). The use of a substrate osmose

which can control the water potential is a possibility that can be used to overcome

the lack of requirements for field studies (Pammenter and Berjak, 1999).

Suchrose solution with the formula C12H22O11 is a solution that is often used in

seed testing, the solution is crystal-shaped, hard, white, sweet taste that can be


ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011

Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9

decomposed at 160-186 C, optically active soluble in alcohol and water. Suchrose a

class of carbohydrate saccharides composed of fructose molecules. SPAC (Soil -

Plant - Atmosphere as Continum) is a concept system of water movement from the

soil to plant and continued into the atmosphere that occured on continuous and the

relationship of water potential (Burges, 2006,

short_courses/spw_rel.htm). In SPAC concept the role of land was a very unique,

especially related to water in the soil, however, plants grown in soil and the

presence of soil directly affects the availability of water and nutrients in plants, water

soil affect directly the growth of plant through the control effect on plant water

status and indirectly on the effects of aeration, temperature and nutrient transport,

absorption and transformation (Haman, 2006).

Water Potential Concept is a concept that is related to the laws of

thermodynamics which is the explanation of the energy changes that occur in

physical and chemical processes, including also in plant cells. In fact to be known

is free energy or Gibbs Free Energy (G). Gibbs Free energy (G) is the relationship of

thermodynamics of the system or system component is defined as the energy-

isothermal (constant temperature) is available to be.


The research was conducted in Faculty of Agriculture seed laboratory of

University of Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" East Java, Surabaya - Indonesia.

Research carried out for 2 months with 3 series of research. Variety of coffee were

tested consists of Robusta BGN 300, BP 254, BGN 371 F and the solution used is

Suchrose osmose.

This research was designed using Randomize Complete Design and each

treatments was repeated 3 times. The first factor is the potential of water (solution

Suchrose) and the second factor is variety of coffee. First suchrose that will be

used must be weighed then placed in plastic and labeled with a number of molality

per liter of solution. Before tested seed horn skin peeled and then immersed into

chlorox solution 10% for 10 minutes then the seeds soaked in water.

Seed grown in petridish and treated with water potential (P): 0.00 bar; -1.24

bar; -2.48 bar; -3.72 bar; 4.96 bar; -6.20 bar and -7 , 44 bar. Humidity is always

maintained by replacing the solution when reduced. Observations on the Capability


ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011

Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9

of water absorbtion was done by weighing before treatment and at two and four

days after the treatment osmose solution.

The percentage of water was absorbed calculated based on the weight of the

seed before treatment (water content 22.4%). seed germination was observed from

day 12 to the criteria of germination when the seeds have grown root length ± 2 mm.

Observations was done during the 64 days to determine the water absorption,

viability of seeds and the average time to germinate.


The average temperature during the observation was 25.4 ° C, thus the water

potential in each treatment can be calculated and the results of a calculation shows

that the water potential (osmose) are as follows: 0.00 bar; -1.24 bar; -3 , 72 bar; -

4.96 bar; -6.20 bar -7.44 bar . Responsiveness of coffee seeds to water potential

can be described as follows :

a. Water absorbtion

Moore (1981) explains that the movement of water in plant cells depends on

the pressure absorption (absorbtion potential) or Diffusion Pressure Deficit (DPD)

diffusion of diclining pressure on the plant tissue itself. Water absorption by seeds

decreased with increasing low water potential in the growth, the lower of water

potential will decrease the pressure difference diffusion or reduce the water potential

outside means less water is absorbed by the seeds. Based on the results of the

Analysis of Variance is known that the lower the potential increasing the percentage

weight changes of water absorbed (Table 1).

Table 1 below shows that the ability of each seeds to absorb water differently

at each water potential treatment in certain time periods. BGN 300 has the ability to

absorb lower water when compared with the two types of coffee seeds. This

indicates that the pressure of the seed is relatively larger or the difference of

diffusion pressure is smaller, otherwise, BGN 371 F showed greater water

absorption than other, it means of pressure diffusion is also greater.


ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011

Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9

Table 1. Percentage Weight Change (%) Water Adsorbed on Several Varieties of Coffee

Treatment Variety (day 2)

BGN 300 BP 259 BGN 371 F P0 (0,00 bar) 39.42 ab 56.69 b 97.62 c P1 (-1,24 bar) 38.60 ab 58.33 b 45.95 b P2 (-2,48 bar) 21.87 ab 44.29 ab 59.95 b P3 (-3,72 bar) 19.68 ab 57.25 b 34.51 ab P4 (-4,96 bar) 20.69 ab 39.59 ab 60.00 b P5 (-6,20 bar) 16.62 a 49.13 b 35.46 ab P6 (-7,44 bar) 21.51 ab 35.93 ab 22.27 ab

Treatment Variety (day 4)

BGN 300 BP 259 BGN 371 F P0 (0,00 bar) 54.21 ab 80.61 b 126.98 c P1 (-1,24 bar) 50.68 ab 86.89 b 63.89 b P2 (-2,48 bar) 41.41 ab 56.51 ab 77.23 b P3 (-3,72 bar) 37.70 ab 68.26 ab 44.93 ab P4 (-4,96 bar) 33.75 ab 56.39 ab 68.89 b P5 (-6,20 bar) 25.03 a 61.98 b 53.73 ab P6 (-7,44 bar) 34.49 ab 57.41 ab 38.89 ab

Note : The same letters that are besides the numbers in the same columns treatment showed no significant at DMRT 5% Test

Based on observations of seed BGN 300 has the percentage of water

absorbtion 16.7 % to 54.2% , the percentage of water absorption is the smallest

when compared with BP 254 and BGN 371 F, BP 254 has percentage of water

absorption about 35.9 % - 86.9 % and BGN 371 F 22.3 % - 127 %.

The process of water absorbtion into the seeds caused by the difference of

diffusion pressure (diffusion pressure deficit - DPD) in germ cells with a solution of

water potential (Williams and Joseph, 1976). DPD is also means the pressure

osmotic cell fluid minus pressure of cell wall , if the difference between the DPD

cells with a water potential of solution suchrose of the water that can be absorbed by

the seeds are also more and more.


ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011

Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9

Figure 1. Water Absorbtion of coffee seed BGN 300

Figure 2. Water Absorbtion of coffee seed BP 254

Figure 3. Water Absorbtion of coffee seed BGN 371 F


ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011

Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9

Generally DPD cell has a negative sign except in high turgidity . Therefore the

higher water potential treatment caused more water absorbtion. The bigger

difference caused more water absorbed more and seeds will germinate.

a. Seed Viability

Seed germination is an essential process in plant development to obtain

optimal seedling numbers that results in higher seed yield. Germination and

seedling growth declined with many abiotic factors such as salt and drought stress

that are perhaps two of the most important grounded abiotic stresses that limit

number of seedling and seedling growth (Kaydan and Yagmur, 2008). Coffee seed

should be grown from fresh seed of the recommended varieties. Seed loses viability

within three months and should not be used after that period unless properly stored

at low temperature and high humidity.

Seed germination is one phase of growth and developmentof plant that is

sensitive to water deficit (Salter and Goode, 1997 ; Moore, 1981). In coffee seed,

water status had a great impact with the pattern of the cubic equation (Figure 4).

Analysis data of seed viability requires arcsin transformation because the data

are scattered in the enumeration percent. Result of data analysis shows interaction

significant effect occured in each treatment (Table 2)

Table 2. Percentage of Seed Viability on Some Coffee

Treatment Variety (day 64)

BGN 300 BP 259 BGN 371 F bt At bt at bt At P0 (0,00 bar) 92.00 74.151 h 90.33 72.09 h 86.67 68.92 gh P1 (-1,24 bar) 80.33 63.98 fgh 72.33 58.32 cdef 72.00 58.24 cdef P2 (-2,48 bar) 78.67 62.61 fg 75.00 60.01 cdef 74.67 59.79 defg P3 (-3,72 bar) 68.33 56.03 cdef 63.33 52.74 bcde 60.33 50.99 bcd P4 (-4,96 bar) 69.00 56.17 cdef 76.00 61.03 efg 62.00 51.95 bcde P5 (-6,20 bar) 60.00 50.93 bcd 50.00 45.00 b 40.00 39.22 ab P6 (-7,44 bar) 38.00 38.05 ab 38.67 38.38 ab 32.00 34.32 a

Description : bt : before transformation, at : after transformation


ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011

Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9

Figure 4. Percentage of seeds viability of Coffee

Table 2 and figure 4 above shows that BGN 300 produce the highest seed

viability and BGN 371 F produce the lowest percentage with each equation shows

the coeficient correlation is high enough. `Water potential 0.00 bar produced the

highest seed viability of coffee seeds, water was absorbed by coffee BGN 300

(water content 27.1%), BP 254 (water content 40.3%) and BGN 371 F (water

content 63.5%).

b. The average time of germination

Seed viability is able to describe the percentage of seeds that germinatie at a

specific time period, while to know the speed of seed germination use measures the

Average Time to Germinate. (ATG). ATG can be counted by use formula Harmant

and Kester (1983) as follows :

N1T1 + N2T2 + ....NxTx ATG = Total seeds germinate Table 3. Average Time Germination of BGN 300, BP 254 and BGN 371 F

Treatment BGN 300 BP 254 BGN 371 F

P0 (0,00 bar) 25.52 a 30.35 bcd 29.84 bc

P1 (-1,24 bar) 30.61 bcde 30.51 bcde 31.28 bcdef

P2 (-2,48 bar) 31.44 bcdef 31.70 bcdefg 29.02 b

P3 (-3,72 bar) 31.19 bcdef 32.82 cdefg 32.45 cdefg

P4 (-4,96 bar) 34.90 ghij 33.63 defgh 34.17 fghi

P5 (-6,20 bar) 33.81 efgh 37.62 jk 37.51 ijk

P6 (-7,44 bar) 36.83 hijk 37.23 ijk 38.86 k


ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011

Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9

Based on the results of statistical analysis can be explained that higher

water potential solution treatment caused longer time to germinate, This means that

decreasing availability of water, caused longer average time required to germinate.

(Figure 5).

BGN 300 seeds germinate faster when compared with BP 254 and BGN 371

F in each the same water potential treatment. The lower the water potential seeds

cause germinate so longer. treatment of suchrose influenced on time period of seed

germination, causing a long period of time longer germinate.

Figure 5. Average Time of Germination


1. Water potential was approached by the use osmose Suchrose of Robusta

coffee seed BGN 300, BP 254 and BGN 371 M to responses to each of the

seed germination of coffee was tested.

2. There is a difference in water absorption on each seed varieties of coffee,

BGN 371 F has the highest water absorbtion and the lowest is BGN 300.

3. The higher water potential caused time to germinate for each variety of

coffee so longer and different seeds provide different interactions on each of

treated water potential.


ISNAR C2FS PROCEEDING Natural Resources Climate Change and Food Security in Developing Countries Surabaya, Indonesia, June 27-28, 2011

Sub Theme : Adaptation and Production Oral Presentation ISBN : 978-602-8915-93-9


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