Gamification in eLearning


Transcript of Gamification in eLearning











Gamification in E Learning



Gamification is not a new concept and has been growing in

popularity over time. Many schools around the world face major

problems around student motivation and engagement. The

incorporation of Gamification, or of game elements into non-game

contexts, provides an opportunity for Schools, Universities and the

teaching staff to solve these difficult problems. Therefore it is

important to understand what gamification is, how it works, and

why they should use it to achieve higher engagement, while

teaching in an eLearning environment. The aim of this research is to

help teachers/faculty staff and online tutors to understand how they

can apply game techniques and elements in their online course to

raise their student's/participants engagement, especially while using

e-learning methodologies like designing their Online /Blended

learning courses or using it as a motivational aspect to engage

student when applying it in a Flipping Classroom concept.

Keywords: Gamification, ELearning, Game Mechanics, Engagement, Motivation

Gamification in E Learning


Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

2. What is Gamification?............................................................................................................4

2.2 Gamification vs. Game based learning ....................................................................................... 5

2.3 The evolution of Gamification...................................................................................................... 5

3. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation ............................................................................................................ 6

4. Gaming elements which can facilitate learning ................................................................................... 7

5. The effectiveness of Gamification in eLearning ................................................................................... 8

5.1 The benefits of gamification in elearning and online teaching ............................................ 8

6. Classification of Gamification .................................................................................................................. 8

7. Evaluation of adding game like elements ............................................................................................ 9

8. Gaming elements and key design consideration for eLearning. .................................................... 10

8.1 Linear Goal Progression ..............................................................................................................10

`8.2 Nonlinear Goal Progression ......................................................................................................11

9. System design ......................................................................................................................................... 11

9.1 The cognitive area ........................................................................................................................11

9.2 The emotional area ......................................................................................................................12

9.2.1 Flow Channels ............................................................................................................................12

9.3 The social area ..............................................................................................................................13

9.4 Measuring Progress .....................................................................................................................13

9.4.1 Character Upgrades ..................................................................................................................13

9.4.2 Virtual Coach ..............................................................................................................................13

9.4.3 Rewarding Effort (not just success) ........................................................................................13

9.4.4 Reward Schedules .....................................................................................................................14

10. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 14

List of Literature................................................................................................................................................15

Gamification in E Learning


List of Abbreviations

E Learning = Electronic Learning

GBL = Game based learning

Gamification = the concept of applying game mechanics and game design

techniques to engage and motivate people to achieve their


Introduction The gamification of learning is an approach which has recently evolved, in coordination

with technological developments, to include much larger scales for gameplay, new tools,

and new ways to connect people. There is no doubt today that computergamesare

ideallearningenvironments(cf.Gee2003;Mitchell/ Savill‐Smith2004,Van Eck

2006) Games can provide more effective learning by bringing more fun, appealing, and

learner-centred environments (Ebner & Holzinger, 2007; Prensky, 2001). Research shows

that the new generation of students are different from former generation's students,

mostly because of the changes in the way they consume media and patterns (Bourgonjon,

Valcke, Soetaert & Schellens, 2009). This generation of students grew up using hyper-

texts, a variety of social networking sites and video games. They have gained specific

technical skills, a new way of thinking and different learning preferences, which of course

require a new educational approach (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005; Prensky, 2011; Bourgon-

jon et al, 2009). The school children of today from the elementary stage through college,

travel with their own personal PSP's , cell phones, and MP3 players, laptops and Internet

connections, most of which are within their own personal budgets. These new digital

technologies caused “mind alterations” or “cognitive changes " and have led to a variety

of new needs and preferences on the part of the younger generation, particularly in the

area of learning. Don Tapscott's research in 2008 shows that these people are “learning,

playing, communicating, working and creating communities very differently than their

parents, the “older technology” people who grew up in a world dominated by print.

Those who were stuck in the middle – also referred to as "Generation X" - have grown up

with each foot in a different technological world. They are often extremely disoriented

and depressed. The so called "Generation Y" who grew up with technology are totally

comfortable with it and do not know any other way. They are also excited by its possibili-

ties. This is why the teachers from Generation X sometimes are not connected enough

with Generation Y in the way they should. This also might be due to the different learning

experiences they have. Jane McGonigal the famous game designer believes that if teach-

ers can successfully organize their classroom and curriculum activities to incorporate the

Gamification in E Learning


game elements students might get more engaged with the content in a way that facilitate

such confidence. She also describes Video game players as urgent optimists, who are part

of the social fabric, engaged in blissful productivity and looking out for epic meaning. The-

se digital natives' tend to behave differently from those who came before them. They are

less concerned about privacy, share openly, and are mostly mobile. Therefore learning for

this generation and characteristics should be leveraged and assisted through gamifica-


2. What is Gamification?

Although the term "gamification" was coined in 2002 by Nick Pelling, a British-born com-puter programmer and inventor, it did not gain popularity until 2010. In 2010 the term gained widespread usage, referring to the incorporation of social/reward aspects of games into software. (JP Mangalindan Sep, 2010). In his notes with the title "Thinking about Gamification in Learning and Instruction" Karl Kapp writes about the different defi-nitions he found about this term. Gamification has been defined as the “process of using game thinking and mechanics to engage audiences and solve problems” (Zichermann, 2010) as “using game techniques to make activities more engaging and fun”(Kim, 2011) and as “using game-based mechanics, aesthetics and game thinking to engage people, motivate action, promote learning, and solve problems” (Kapp, 2012). Others have also defined it as" the use of game mechanics, dynamics and frameworks to promote desired behaviours" (Lee and Hammer, 2011) as well as "the use of game-play mechanics for non-game applications" (Deterding et al, 2011)

Brian Burke one of the researcher and analysts at Gartner, has published a new definition

as a way to redefine it in the digital era. He defines it as: “The use of game mechanics and

experience design to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals”

He explained the key elements of his definition with the following:

Game mechanics describes the use of elements such as points, badges and lead-erboards that are common to many games.

Experience design describes the journey players take with elements such as game play, play space and story line.

Gamification is a method to digitally engage, rather than personally engage, meaning that players interact with computers, smartphones, wearable monitors or other digital devices, rather than engaging with a person.

The goal of gamification is to motivate people to change behaviors or develop skills, or to drive innovation.

Gamification focuses on enabling players to achieve their goals. When organiza-tional or educational goals are aligned with player goals, the organization or edu-cational institution achieves its goals as a consequence of players achieving their goals.

Gamification in E Learning


2.2 Gamification vs. Game based learning

Although the terms Gamification and Game based Learning (GBL) have been used inter-

changeably, they are 2 different approaches to transforming social situations with game-

like experiences.

Gamification turns the entire learning process into a game. It takes game mechanics and

gameplay elements and applies them to existing learning courses and content in order to

better motivate and engage learners.

Achievement badges



Progress bars


Game-Based Learning (GBL) is using a game as a part of the learning process. GBL is aimed

at teaching a discrete skill or specific learning outcome, rather than being a complete

pedagogical system.

2.3 The evolution of Gamification

Marc Prensky, 2001 has written in his book "Digital game based learning" about the evo-

lution of Gamification and how learners have changed through the years by playing. He

started by mentioning the very first commercial video game called "Pong" that appeared

in 1974. Many children at that time were watching Sesame Street as a daily part of their

intellectual life. Sesame Street held their attention as it taught them day after day and

year after year. In "The Tipping point" a book written by Malcolm Gladwell, he writes this

statement "if you can hold the attention of children, you can educate them." Of course it

was fun for them to watch this kind of program. This connection between fun and learn-

ing has been part of half of this generation. Space invaders and Star war were the first

video games that followed especially after the movie that was shown with the same

name. It was the "Joystick Nation" as J.C Herz wrote in her Book. In 1990 computers be-

gan entering the classroom, so too did more advanced gamification techniques. Games

such as Math Blaster were introduced to children at that time to a great effect, but criti-

cism were made that these games were too difficult to link with the curriculum and were

too focused on the repetitive practice of a small set of skills such as addition and subtrac-

tion. (Gamification in e-learning,2013). It was the year 2002 when the "Serious Games"

Initiative played a greater role in helping to organize and accelerate the adoption of com-

puter games for a variety of challenges facing the world, especially in the U.S Military.

Karl Kapp in his book "The Gamification of Learning and Instruction" published in 2013

describes the function of videos games through the following:

Gamification in E Learning


" To advance through and succeed in a game; “constitutional or foundational rules,”

which typically only programmers understand, are the mathematical structures that ena-

ble the game to function; “implicit rules” or “behavioral rules” advance the proper inter-

actions among players; and “instructional rules” embody the information players should

learn from playing the game. That is the primary purpose of gamification. Players usually

compete against one another though sometimes they cooperate; in both cases, rules de-

lineate their actions."

3. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation It's essential to understand the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in order to understand the principles of effective gamification. Extrinsic motivation relies on external rewards, for example points, bonuses, and badges, to drive achievement. It can be effective if it is used properly. But many gamification experts know that extrinsic moti-vators, when used alone, can quickly become de-motivating. To create long-term motiva-tion, it is necessary to weave in a strong intrinsic element, providing the students oppor-tunities for competence, relatedness, and agency, as they interact with the provided learning content. Gamification as mentioned above is the use of game-play mechanics for non-game applications (Deterding et al, 2011). This means, that any application, task, process or context can theoretically be gamified. The main goal of Gamification is to rise the engagement of users by using game-like techniques such as scoreboards and person-alized fast feedback (Flatla et al, 2011) in order to make people feel more ownership and purpose when engaging with tasks (Pavlus, 2010).These game mechanics can be applied to a learning context to improve retention and recollection of Knowledge, better applica-tion and practice of skills, etc. “When people are intrinsically motivated, they tend to be more aware of a wide range of phenomena, while giving careful attention to complexi-ties, inconsistencies, novel events, and unexpected possibilities.” Karl Kapp.

(Figure 1)

Gamification in E Learning


4. Gaming elements which can facilitate learning Playing digital games implies cultural, cognitive, social and self‐directed forms of

learning (Kutner & Olson 2008; Gee 2003) and it proceeds in an informal and self

regulated learning environment. Players cultivate higher‐order thinking skills

(Beck/Wade, 2004) and develop problemsolvingskills(Squire2006)insocial settings

(Steinkuehler2007). Humans use a concept 'status' to proclaim their accomplishments and

rank relative to others, this is why they need symbols of success, which shows their 'sta-

tus' that can be acknowledged by other individuals. This can be achieved by a reward sys-

tem that involves points, badges that show the players 'status'. Games also use "levels",

as an easily understandable and clear path of progress through increasing difficult and

demanding better improved skills for each level. Individuals like to progress from one lev-

el to the other. This is one of the mechanics that make games so addictive. But it also

must be made clear what that progression is. There is always a large reward at the end of

the game, but there are numerous milestones that mark the progress of each individual

towards that larger goal. One of the important elements of games that work well in learn-

ing is competition. Statistics and rankings can be used in order to allow the player to

judge performance. A measure of 'status' is ineffective unless it can be communicated to

peers and society. This can be achieved through leaderboards which have an implicit 'sta-

tus' value. Individuals typically strive to have their names up on these boards. This can be

a great motivational factor as it allows the learner to check out each other's performance

using a kind of social connection that must be provided within a learning environment

which also allows sharing in a limited way. A simple way to approach gamification in

learning is to duplicate or integrate some of the digital game world media. Integrating

graphics, fluid realistic or authentic animation within an environment that allows the user

a level of immersion, which is not typically offered in a conventional learning environ-

ment, and could potentially lead to learning improvement. Another scope for personaliza-

tion that is offered in games and can be adopted in learning is the ability to customize

one's representation within a digital environment, like using avatars or the customization

of the user's own profile.

To summarize the above, the following are elements and principles that can drive gamifi-

cation in learning:

Provide ways for users to show 'status'

Provide a way for users to compare and rank their relative performance

Provide clear levels for user progression

Include elements that encourage competition

Provide digital immersion to the best extent possible

Allow for sharing and personalization

The fact that technology is necessary to implement most of the exposed mechanisms

makes e-learning platforms an ideal environment for experimentation.

Gamification in E Learning


5. The effectiveness of Gamification in eLearning Traci Sitzmann, A professor from the University of Colorado Denver, studied the effec-

tiveness of gamification over the duration of a year. She collected the data from 6,476

adult participants. Analyzing the data, she found that when learners were presented with

training that incorporated simulation and gamification, learning increased in the following


Skill-based knowledge level increased by 14%

Factual-knowledge level increased by 11%

Retention of material learnt increased by 9%

5.1 The benefits of gamification in elearning and online teaching

Based on the research and evidence in neurology, stimulation of various kinds actually

changes brain structures and affects the way people think, this transformation goes on

throughout life.( Prensky,2001) Games motivate because of their impact on the cognitive,

emotional and social areas of players; therefore gamification in education should focus on

those three areas (Lee and Hammer, 2011). Concerning the cognitive area, a game pro-

vides a complex system of rules along with series of tasks that guide players through a

process to master those rules. These tasks are designed as cycles of expertise (Gee, 2003).

Through a series of short-term tasks that creates a cycle, that player repeatedly try to

complete in a try and fail process until the necessary skill level is acquired. As soon as the

player is involved in this learning process, games try to assure that players always know

what to do next, and that they have the necessary knowledge to do it. Task sequences are

usually non-linear, and players have a certain degree of freedom to choose which tasks to

accomplish depending on skill and personal preferences, this makes the learning process


As explained before Gamification desires to combine intrinsic motivation with extrinsic

one in order to raise motivation and engagement. It is used as a simple yet still efficient

approach in order to make the content more attractive and engage users, especially in e

learning. The limitations of e-learning from a pedagogical point of view are the fact that it

cannot transmit emotion or engage the student as a teacher could. For this lack of feeling

or emotional interaction, an e-learning system must compensate and try to stimulate

learners with other means

6. Classification of Gamification Gamification can be classified into two broad types of activities:

Structural Gamification:

Gamification in E Learning


This is the application of game elements to eLearning to accelerate a learner through the

course materials without making any changes to the course material itself. Rather, the

structure around the content changes. For example, the learner gains points for course

completion and certification. The point collection among all learners is tracked either by

enterprise or business skill or department and posted to a leaderboard for competitive

standing that may ultimately lead to some form of reward or recognition.

Content Gamification:

This is where the injection of games or game-like elements is integrated into the

courseware itself. Examples could be starting a course with a challenge rather than objec-

tives alone, or adding timed questions for point collection. These elements do not neces-

sarily change the structure of the course overall into a game. They do, however, add con-

text to make the courses feel more game-like.

7. Evaluation of adding game like elements There are several critical issues that one must consider when evaluating the value of add-

ing game-like elements to course content:

The course goals – what’s driving the need to enhance your content with the in-

clusion of gamification elements? Is it improving a skill or a particular perfor-

mance, for example?

The culture of the learning community – is the learning community ready for this

type of learning experience?

The type of content – can gamification elements be easily added to the content or

should a structural solution only be considered?

„The level of learning, you are trying to achieve (Bloom’s Taxonomy) – if content

gamification elements are to be used, how will this impact the level of learning be-

ing achieved? Does this need to be a consideration if the content is going to be


„The technical and structural environment and capacity of the Institution to inte-

grate new elements into courseware – is it within the own staff’s capability to add

gamification? Do you need to consider an outside source?

„Budget – what is the bottom line impact? Is the investment cost effective? Do

you need a measurable ROI?

Gamification in E Learning


8. Gaming elements and key design consideration for eLearning. All games have a general structure. It is designed in a way that all players have various

"layers" of goals. They have the long-term goal of completing the game, the medium-term

goal of completing the levels in the game, and the short-term goal of completing the mis-

sions in the levels. These missions are sometimes even broken up further into additional

tasks. The requirements of each goal "layer" in a game get increasingly harder as you

move from short-term to long-term goals. However, the final challenge in a game will

always be harder than the short-term missions. This allows players in games to learn and

practice skills, prior to having to demonstrate mastery of those skills in the most challeng-

ing parts of the game.

The same way can be done when designing eLearning material to minimize cognitive fa-

tigue. Instructional designers should break up their Course or products into short-term,

medium-term, and long-term goals. For example, before completing a course learners

must complete several modules. To complete a module, several topics must be complet-

ed. In order to complete a topic, several objectives must be finished. And at the end, each

objective requires several goals to be completed.

By structuring your eLearning this way, it allows users to learn new skills incrementally,

and then practice those skills before demonstrating mastery of those skills in assessment

exercises. This way they are constantly engaged and will not lose the flow of learn-

ing.Understanding the structure of the goals you are setting in a system is the key to the

design of the system, Rick Raymer (2011). There are two basic structures to goal progres-

sion; linear and nonlinear.

8.1 Linear Goal Progression (Figure 2)

(Adapted from an illustration by Sebastian Deterding)

ELearning material is setup for your users to navigate through it linearly, the goal struc-

ture can be visualized as in (see Figure 1). The Linear goal progression is rather simple and

used to at least some extent in almost all games. Goals are organized in a fashion that

they must be completed in a specific order and they have to be completed prior to mov-

ing on to the next.

Gamification in E Learning


8.2 Nonlinear Goal Progression (Fig-

ure 3)

In (Figure), any of the solid lines could be eliminated, as long as there is some other line

connecting to a point. Giving your learner choices by designing nonlinear eLearning can

help engage the user. This type of flexibility adds to the complexity of the development

and design.

9. System design

There are three areas that seem to be the base for player motivation, the cognitive area,

the emotional and the social area, but their limits are unclear and game mechanics usual-

ly cover more than one at the same time. Many items that are awarded to players on suc-

cess are for example, just keys to new cycles of expertise that increase game complexity

and difficulty, impacting both emotional and cognitive areas. The social area is always

mixed with cognitive area, when a task must be solved through a players' cooperation or

competition; or with emotional area, when rewards systems have an impact on players

’social status. It is very important to apply some of these ideas when designing educative

initiatives and their contents. , The main objective behind gamification is to make educa-

tion more motivating. According to Lee and Hammer (2011), games are motivating be-

cause of their impact on the cognitive, emotional and social areas of players; and so, gam-

ification in education should also focus on those three areas. The fact that technology is

necessary to implement most of the exposed mechanisms makes e-learning platforms an

ideal environment for experimentation.

9.1 The cognitive area

In the cognitive area, a game provides a complex system of rules along with series of tasks

that guide players through a process to master those rules. These tasks must be designed

as cycles of expertise (Gee, 2003). Each cycle has to consist of a series of short-term tasks

which players repeatedly try to complete in a try and fail process until the necessary skill

level is acquired. While the player is involved in this learning process, the game designer

has to make sure that players always know what to do next, and that they have the nec-

essary knowledge to do it. To support this information transference, the elearning de-

signer has to provide links back to essential information previously referenced in the

learning or links to supplemental material that is prerequisite knowledge for the current

learning. During assessments, it has to be explained why answers are correct or incorrect,

Gamification in E Learning


also links have to be provided in order to guide the learner to where the appropriate in-

formation can be found. To make the learning process customizable, task sequences are

usually non-linear, and players have a certain degree of freedom to choose which tasks to

accomplish depending on skill and personal preferences. (El Sevier Ltd, 2012)

9.2 The emotional area

Players who complete tasks are expected to have positive emotions when overcoming

difficulties. Games try to assure and increase those feelings with reward systems that give

immediate recognition to players’ success, awarding them with points, trophies or items

on task completion. According to Wang and Sun’s work on game reward systems, there

are eight forms of rewards: score systems, experience points, items, resources, achieve-

ments, instant feedback messages, plot animations, and game content (Wang & Sun,

2011). On the other hand, players who fail are expected to feel anxiety. While some de-

gree of anxiety is acceptable, it is not desirable that it transforms into frustration. To

avoid this feeling, sequences of tasks are carefully designed to fit players’ skills at any lev-

el, and include low penalties on failure to promote experimentation and task repetition. If

the difficulty of tasks is correctly balanced, it can drive the players to a flow state which is

highly motivating (Csikszentmihalyi, 2008).

9.2.1 Flow Channels

When the challenge of an experience rises, the skill of the participant must also grow in

direct proportion. But, if a user's skill exceeds the challenge of the experience, they will

become bored. And, if the challenge exceeds the participant's skill, they will suffer anxie-

ty. Generally in games, players are given goals and objectives that get increasingly more

difficult as they approach a boss battle (a test), which occur at the end of levels (similar to

modules or sections in eLearning). The challenge of the boss battle is almost always high-

er than any of the challenges presented prior to it. After a boss battle, the challenge of

the goals and objectives that the player is given don't get higher, rather the player is given

the opportunity to master their skills before the challenge increases again prior to the

next boss battle. This keeps the player in the flow channel, thus engaging them in the


(Figure 4) (Figure 5)

Gamification in E Learning


In eLearning, the structure of challenges needs to be different than in games. With

learning, the challenge is ramped up immediately after an assessment with the

introduction of new material. The learner is presented with new material, which gets

increasingly more complex. They are then given a chance to master those new challenges

as their skills increase, and after that they are given an assessment that demonstrates the

knowledge of that material.

9.3 The social area

When multiple players interact through the game, these interactions have impact on

players’ social area. Videogames can offer a wide range of multiplayer interaction mecha-

nisms which are integrated in the rules of the system. These mechanisms make it possible

for players to cooperate helping each other and working towards a common goal. They

compete together trying to impair other players or to perform better than them, or just

to interact socially by talking, flirting, trading or gifting for example. These kinds of inter-

action let players build different in-game identities taking meaningful roles and obtaining

recognition from other players (Lee & Hoadley, 2007).

9.4 Measuring Progress

An important part of providing feedback to users in games or eLearning is to let them

know how much progress they've made. This can be represented graphically by using

progress bars instead of percentages or fractions. This bar could be a graphic of an object

that can be filled according to the progress achieved by the learner. Progress should be

measured at multiple levels. For example, if the course has five modules, five star or

characters outlines could be shown to represent incomplete modules. As the learner

completes the topics in each module, the star representing the current module would

begin to fill up to a solid color. That way, progress within the module with each star or

character upgrade, and total progress in the course with each filled star or character is

shown. Users should be able to access the progress bar somewhere at any time.

9.4.1 Character Upgrades

(Figure 6) (Image courtesy of Mike Henry of Big Menace Industries.)

9.4.2 Virtual Coach

A virtual coach that supports the learner with hints and tips could also be a very effective motiva-

tor to engage learners.

9.4.3 Rewarding Effort (not just success)

If supplementary material is provided, give your learner a special reward if they take the time to

go through it.

Gamification in E Learning


9.4.4 Reward Schedules (figure 7)

It is very important when and where to reward the learners, therefore the designer should be

giving them out consistently, and throughout the course. A reward schedule is the timeframe and

delivery mechanism through which rewards (pop-ups, points, prizes, level-ups, etc.) are delivered.

10. Conclusion An essential component of facilitating learning is to understand learners, their learning styles, attitudes and approaches. High School students differ from University students (Oblinger, 2003). Research shows that the new generation of students are fundamently different from their former generations, mostly because of their different media con-sumption patterns(Bourgonjon, Valcke, Soetaert & Schellens, 2009). The structure and design of online courses can have an impact on the student learning outcomes and re-quires a thoughtful understanding of motivation and design practices. Game thinking in-cludes more than just a badge system and leaderboards; it requires a thoughtful under-standing of motivation and design practices( Werbach, 2013). Gamification, when done correctly can have a measurable effect on learning, overall skill acquisition, and knowledge transfer, because it incents timely course completion with satisfactory scores and therefore, results. It can have a great emotional and social impact on students, as reward systems and competitive social mechanisms seem to be motivating for them. Re-ward systems suppose an innovative, fun and encouraging way to represent progress within an online educative experience. Leaderboards also serve as a source of motivation because students see their work publicly and instantly recognized, and because they can compare their progress with other classmates. Immediate feedback will increase stu-dents’ motivation yielding better results. This is a critical aspect of videogames that makes them compelling and engaging so gamified initiatives must address it (Kapp, 2012).The key to gamification success is to engage people on an emotional level and mo-tivating them to achieve their goals. The goal in game thinking is to create positive learn-ing outcomes while students are committed and stimulated with learning materials online. By using game mechanics, educational practice can transition from a lecture to an interactive and engaging activity (Pappas,2013)

Gamification in E Learning


Gamification in E Learning


1. List of Literature

Pappas, C. (2013). Gamify the Classroom. Retrieved from


Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants, Part II: Do they really think differently? On

the Horizon, 9(6), 1-9.

Lee, J. J. & Hammer , J. (2011). Gamification in education: what, how, Why Bother? Definitions

and uses. Exchange Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal,

Abhijit Kadle, (2012) Gamification In Learning


Sitzmann, Traci. “A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Instructional Effectiveness of Computer-

Based Simulation Games.” Personnel Psychology, 64. 2011.

McGonigal, Jane (2011). Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change

the world. New York: Penguin Press.

Ryan, Richard M.; Deci, Edward L. (2000). "Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrin-

sic motivation, social development, and well-being". American Psychologist 55: 68–68.

Gamifying learning experiences: Practical implications and outcomes,Adrián Domínguez, Joseba

Saenz-de-Navarrete, Luis de-Marcos*, Luis Fernández-Sanz, Carmen Pagés, José-Javier Martínez-

Herráiz, 2013- Computers & Education 63 (2013) 380–392

Kapp, K. M. (2012) The Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Case-Based Methods and Strate-

gies for Training and Education. New York: Pfieffer: An Imprint of John Wiley & Sons.

Gamification in e-learning


Rick Raymer (2011) Gamification: Using Game Mechanics to Enhance eLearning (eLearn Magazine) 3/2/2015

Burke, Brian. “Gamification 2020: What Is the Future of Gamification?” Gartner Research. 5 No-

vember 2012. 3/2/2015

McGrath, N. & Bayerlein, L. (2013). Engaging online students through the gamification of learning

materials: The present and the future. . In H. Carter, M. Gosper and J. Hedberg (Eds.), Electric

Dreams. Proceedings ascilite 2013 Sydney. (pp.573-577)

Gamification in E Learning



Figure 1

Figure 2

Linear Goal Progression

(Adapted from an illustration by Sebastian Deterding)

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Figure 3

Nonlinear Goal Progression

Figure 4

Figure 5

Gamification in E Learning


Figure 6

Character Upgrades

(Image courtesy of Mike Henry of Big Menace Industries.)

Figure 7

Reward Schedules

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Gamification in E Learning