Ever-increasing knowledge of our past enhanced by our inherent spiritual nature is shattering the boundaries we have so glibly set up around ourselves over many centuries of blind prejudices.• Are we really ‘gods’ – as scriptures say we are?• Do we frequently interact with angels, without even realising it?• Are the ‘gods’ of old still living among us, in human form – trying to “get it right”

this time?• Are we unwittingly the stakes in a cosmic scuffle for the ownership of our unique

blend of body / mind / spirit?• Is the evolution of life in the cosmos, linked to, and affected by human evolution

on Earth?• Did Planet Earth always occupy its present orbit?• Is the Human Mind, the key that eventually will let us into our Celestial Home?• Were the ‘gods’ of the ancients merely instruments of our Heavenly Father – “The

Creator of All”?• How real is time?The answers to these questions lead to the discovery that EACH ONE of us possesses the very real potential to change our world. Truly the POWER OF ONE!

Yes, it appears that the ‘gods’ still walk among men…

The late 60’s and early 70’s saw me publish several articles in the English language ‘MIRROR’ magazine, in India. These non-fiction articles were of the psychic and similar genre. Through them, I had the privilege of meeting some very extraordinary people. Some of them live again within the pages of this book.

It has taken many years of reading – learning – from many wonderful people and ‘knowing’ that there’s more to life than the usual daily grind. The ‘knowing’ became a stirring, which eventually led to that irresistible

compulsion to put it all together, in one book. Born in India in 1941 of mixed parentage, the eldest of 11 children; from very early childhood,

I would look up to the starry sky and feel sort of homesick. While just 6 years old, I pinched my grandmother’s bifocals, and built my first crude telescope. When asked what I wished to be when I grew up, I remember saying, “A scientust”. I was quite young then, I think I meant to say, “A scientist“. But now, I believe that was an inspired answer, to learn about the universe we do indeed have to combine science and spirituality.

A professional electronics engineer, believing in, and writing on subjects like these could, I suppose be called a “scientust” - among other things.

Growing up in South India (Madras) through the 50’s and 60’s exposed one to a lot of spiritual activity. Hindu, Muslim and Christian spiritualists were very active, in those parts, during those days. This set my mind travelling along the psychic and occult pathways, finally leading me to the works of Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, and scores of others. My Christian roots, coupled with Hindu and Muslim environmental exposure turned out to be a very fertile soil for the works of Cayce and Montgomery to bear fruit. Looking back, it was this beginning that set the framework for these pages.


eter A. Shafton

There was just a touch of fear in his step; an apprehension she was trying to allay. “A little closer now”, she gently coaxed. He tiptoed slowly

to the daunting edge… Just a little nudge, was all he needed; to send him soaring, high into the sky. ‘One Small Step’ soon led to new horizons, far from the memory, of that distant ledge.

P. Shafton



Peter A. Shafton

iUniverse, Inc.

New York Bloomington


Copyright © 2009 by Peter A. Shafton

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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For all the information and quotes gleaned from the vast store house of Edgar Cayce Readings, and the permission to reproduce some of them in this book, very special thanks go to the Edgar Cayce Foundation at Virginia Beach, USA. Visit their website at: For the permission to quote from “The Lost Book of Enki”, by Zecharia Sitchin, my thanks go out to: Inner Traditions / Bear & Co. and My thanks also go out to Zecharia Sitchin himself, for permission to reproduce verbatim, his interview with Monsignor Corrado Balducci. Mr Sitchin’s fabulous site is: For permission to quote from “UFOs – A Great New Dawn for Humanity”; we thank Paul Clemens, and Blue Dolphin Publishing Inc. At Wendelle Stevens and “UFO Photo Archives” deserve a big ‘thank you’ for permitting me to quote from “UFO Contact from Planet Koldas”. To Hay House Inc, thank you for permission to quote from Phillip Krapf’s fascinating book “The Contact Has Begun”. Thank you also to Courtney Brown, PhD, for all the enlightenment we gained through those stunning Remote Viewing sessions shared so generously in “Cosmic Voyage” and “Cosmic Explorer”. Do visit his site at: A visit to , the Farsight Institute of which Courtney Brown is director, is also an interesting experience.



Stephanie Relfe, thank you for all the eye opening information gained from: “The Mars Records” and “The Mars Force”. Do visit her fascinating website: A special ‘thank you’ is also due, to Helen and Ron Hindmarsh, of Hindmarsh Arts, in Taree, NSW, Australia, for their contribution to the artwork in this book. This was their first contact with the world of aliens. Well done Helen and Ron. And finally, thank you to Sonia, our lovely daughter-in-law, who also helped out with the illustrations – another initiate into the world of E.Ts. All the ideas, theories and conjectures mentioned in this book are solely those of the author; (mea culpa) and must not be construed as being endorsed by any person to whom thanks or acknowledgement has been extended.


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My beautiful wife Sylvia, who stood by us through all these years. Without her care and tireless support, this book would not have become a reality. Our three magnificent boys Shane, Wayne and Michael, who have helped with the material in this book, and who are living reminders that God still cares for this planet. Our parents who placed us on the right track early on, opening our eyes to the reality of the spiritual world. Especially Cynthia, my mother, whose timely intervention late one night many years ago, probably saved me from an untimely end at the hands of “Those who walk at night”… But, that’s another story… And to all those millions of “Children of Light”, young, and not so young, who carry that restless burning within them - that longing - to become one again with our God, and return once more to our home among the stars.


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CHAPTER 1 -------------------------------------------------- 8

SETTING THE STAGE------------------------------------------------------- 8

CHAPTER 2 -------------------------------------------------17

CONTACT-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 WORLDS A-PLENTY: -------------------------------------------------- 23

CHAPTER 3 -------------------------------------------------30

UNSEEN REALITY------------------------------------------------------------30

CHAPTER 4 -------------------------------------------------37

IN THE BEGINNING--------------------------------------------------------- 37

CHAPTER 5 -------------------------------------------------56

IMAGE OF GOD - BODY OF MAN. -------------------------------- 56 FIRST LADY OF EARTH:---------------------------------------------- 64 THE VATICAN, THE ANUNNAKI & ZECHARIA SITCHIN: --- 75 THE BLACK SHEEP OF THE FAMILY:----------------------------- 82 THE STAKES ARE - US:---------------------------------------------- 87

CHAPTER 6 -------------------------------------------------95

THE REALITY GAME-------------------------------------------------------95 ITHAN – FROM VENUS: -------------------------------------------- 100 POSSESSION:--------------------------------------------------------- 105


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CHAPTER 7 -----------------------------------------------117

ANGELS, ALIENS & ALIEN ANGELS --------------------------117 HEALING FROM THE STARS: -------------------------------------122

CHAPTER 8 -----------------------------------------------132

THE UFO CONNECTION -----------------------------------------------132

CHAPTER 9 -----------------------------------------------159

MEET THE FAMILY ------------------------------------------------------- 159 OTHER WORLDS: -----------------------------------------------------164 THE STORY OF A SISTER WORLD:------------------------------182 THE STORY OF ANOTHER WORLD: -----------------------------184

CHAPTER 10 ---------------------------------------------188

HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW -------------------188

“PSALM OF LIFE” ---------------------------------------188

THE INTERACTION CONTINUES ------------------------------ 188

CHAPTER 11----------------------------------------------210

OUR COSMIC COMMUNICATOR------------------------------ 210 WHERE THE SPIRIT WILLS: ---------------------------------------239 A COMMAND CENTRE OF THE MIND: ---------------------------253 Spirit Meets Body-------------------------------------------------------257 MEDITATION: -----------------------------------------------------------258


iv .

CHAPTER 12 ---------------------------------------------266

THE EYES OF MIND ------------------------------------------------------- 266 INTRODUCTION TO SCIENTIFIC REMOTE VIEWING: ------- 266 AN EARLY EXPERIENCE WITH SRV & GREYS:-------------- 268 TWO BRANCHES OF THE FAMILY TREE COMPARED: ---- 276

CHAPTER 13----------------------------------------------278

OUR CELESTIAL DANCE--------------------------------------------- 278

CHAPTER 14 ---------------------------------------------296

THE BEAT OF DIFFERENT DRUMS----------------------------- 296 STEPPING ON TOES: ------------------------------------------------ 334

CHAPTER 15 ---------------------------------------------337

TIME WAS…… ----------------------------------------------------------------- 337 SET IN STONE:-------------------------------------------------------- 366

CHAPTER 16 ---------------------------------------------379

GOD’S SPIRIT IN THE COSMOS---------------------------------- 379

CHAPTER 17 ---------------------------------------------387

OTHER WORLDS – OTHER LIVES ------------------------------- 387

CHAPTER 18 ---------------------------------------------395

TIME, SPACE AND REALITY--------------------------------------- 395 Living in different times??------------------------------------------- 403


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CHAPTER 19----------------------------------------------414

PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER --------------------------------------414 GODS – ARE WE! ------------------------------------------------------438

CHAPTER 20 ---------------------------------------------444

INDIGO KIDS – GETTING US THERE--------------------------444

CHAPTER 21----------------------------------------------454

A MATTER OF TIME ------------------------------------------------------454

CHAPTER 22----------------------------------------------459

PRAYER---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 459 THE WAR IN SPACE & SUBSPACE: ------------------------------463 THE GREAT ASSEMBLY PRAYER -------------------------------472

CHAPTER 23----------------------------------------------482

CONCLUSION ---------------------------------------------------------------- 482

APPENDIX 1 ----------------------------------------------484

THE CHRISTIAN CONNECTION -------------------------------- 484

APPENDIX 2----------------------------------------------489




vi .

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS HUMAN / CREATURE MIXTURES! --------------------------- 48 ANOTHER OF EARTH’S EARLY INHABITATANTS? ---- 49 MITOCHONDRIAL DNA-------------------------------------------- 65 ANGELS WITH LOT ---------------------------------------------- 118 THE PLEIADES---------------------------------------------------- 170 SEMJESE------------------------------------------------------------- 172 VISITOR FROM IARGA----------------------------------------- 177 A SKETCH OF A GREY----------------------------------------- 181 A SKETCH OF A REPTILIAN-------------------------------- 181 PORTRAIT OF A GREY----------------------------------------- 182 PORTRAIT OF A REPTILIAN-------------------------------- 182 A PORTRAIT OF COMMANDER ASHTAR -------------------- 197 OUR COSMIC COMMUNICATOR-------------------------------- 221 SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION ----------------------------------- 222 COSMIC TELEPATHY -------------------------------------------- 250 THE WERNICKE COMMAND CENTRE OF OUR BRAIN.254 THE SEVEN GLANDULAR CENTRES ------------------------ 258 TYPICAL ALIEN EXAMINATION ---------------------------- 316 ALIEN HYBRID BABY------------------------------------------- 326 THE HANDS OF PARENTING --------------------------------- 327 A NOCTURNAL RENDEZVOUS --------------------------------- 328 ANCIENT BRONZE CLAMPS ----------------------------------- 342 GEORGE ADAMSKI’S UFO ------------------------------------- 346 ANCIENT HELICOPTER CARVING -------------------------- 348 CARVING OF ANCIENT ASTRONOUT? --------------------- 349 THIS USED TO BE HIROSHIMA. -------------------------- 359 NAGASAKI, BEFORE AND AFTER -------------------------- 360 RUINS OF MOHENJO DARO ----------------------------------- 361 RADIOACTIVE SKELETONS FOUND AT THE SITE. - 361 TIME MANUPULATION?----------------------------------------- 402 SIRIUS AND ORION’S BELT-------------------------------- 410 THE GREAT PYRAMID AND THE STARS ----------------- 411 THE EARTH’S WOBBLE CHANGES OUR POLE ---------- 412 ALIEN BABIES FROM HUMAN MOTHERS ----------------- 427 SIRIUS ALIGNS WITH THE GREAT PYRAMID -------- 457


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May the scope of this book

be wide enough to enlighten all enquiring souls,

and narrow enough to filter out those minds that criticise -

for criticism’s sake.

May its concepts draw all readers closer to our Father -

Closer to the Creator of All. And most of all –

may this book be a Gateway - A portal, to our Celestial Home.

Welcome to a new realisation… Be prepared for a ride that may take us way outside our comfort zone, as we soar through un-chartered realms, re-discovering those lost horizons we once knew so well.

Before we embark on this conviction-scuttling journey, let’s first purge our minds of any preconceived opinions and ideas that could colour or distort the facts we encounter here. In this book, we will be ‘un-learning’ much of what we were taught about our reality. For thousands of years, mankind has depended almost entirely on those who led, and taught him. Unfortunately, it seems, many of those leaders appear to have been mislead themselves.

Indeed, a great deal of the wisdom of our original teachers has not reached us undistorted. Much has been warped, and twisted; perhaps in translation, and also by those following their own agendas. We will find out more about these ‘other agendas’ as we travel through unfamiliar


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concepts covered by this book. While going through these pages, the reader is

encouraged to keep in mind the very real fact that we are essentially spiritual beings. This is THE REALITY we live in. Without this concept in mind, this book makes absolutely no sense. We, and all life throughout the cosmos are essentially spirit, and has originated from the SAME source. The Big Bang, gave us a common ancestry.

The physical actuality which we experience around us, and the spiritual reality (some call the sub-space) that also exists around us, are unquestionably real, to those within their respective domains.

With these foundations in place, let’s proceed to learn a few more home-truths about this cosmos we live in …

So, many – not all – of our leaders have, perhaps unintentionally, misled us, down through the ages. The blinkers were effectively placed on our ‘eyes’, we could look, but could not see. Most importantly we were blinded to the reality of those beings who wanted to keep us in the dark – the negative forces, for want of a better description, some may call them satanic.

This worked superbly, because how can you overcome someone you ‘know’ does not exist? Therefore, the first thing we do is to remove these blinkers; open our eyes, and minds to all that is around us. Absorb the information we receive, then using our mind and conscience – learn. In doing this, do remember we are essentially spirit. If we believe in the efficacy of prayer – use it to enhance our understanding. Later on in this book we will see many instances when the ‘dark forces’ simply abhor the use of prayer. An open mind will immediately spot a lesson in the fact that someone or something is trying to discourage us from praying.

Certain reports covered in this book may not go down too well with some readers. Large scale changes in concepts would most definitely produce a certain amount of


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incredulity. Once again we use our conscience as our guide; but let’s not confuse conscience with ego and bigoted, unproven beliefs. Pray, and pray again if something does not seem to fit into our belief structure. After all our prayer, and soul searching, if it still doesn’t mesh with what we like to believe, tag it then keep going. Further along, as new ‘evidence’ comes into focus, a new picture could develop, making the whole scenario clearer and easier to understand.

In any case, this book is not intended to change a person’s religious beliefs, or any beliefs for that matter. It’s just meant to bring to the awareness of the reader, a wider depiction of reality; a broader picture than he or she is accustomed to. Once knowledge enters a person’s being, spirit and mind take over – eventually. In the fullness of time, knowing, and believing start blossoming. The seeds of fresh knowledge are what we hope to sow, in this book.

Regarding the extraterrestrial / UFO aspect of our subject – after all the hype and drama, extolling the undeniable evidence of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life on and around this planet; verification that pours in from all quarters, civil and military, we might raise the question most often asked; ‘why don’t the relevant authorities ‘do the right thing’ and openly admit to being in the know of this reality?’ The answer to this probably lies in the fact that they (government and military officials) are caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. If they come out into the open and say “it’s true, they are really here”. How are they to explain to the people that these aliens are allowed to violate the planet’s air space with impunity, and abduct its citizens as and when they wish? Perhaps there’s truth in the old Indian saying: “It’s better to be silent and be thought to be stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”



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...for us to remove the blinkers countless years of

conditioning have placed on us, and start looking at the startling similarities that appear to have existed in the technology and culture among our ancestors of ancient times who existed in different parts of the planet. Indeed the uncanny resemblance to our own culture and SPACE-AGE TECHNOLOGY demands an explanation.

Worldwide identical stories of a great flood; a vanished race of god-like giants; superhighways in countries whose inhabitants were not supposed to have known about wheels; descriptions of space vehicles, aerial combat and even nuclear war among people who were supposed to be no smarter than cave dwellers. This is just SOME of the evidence that our hidebound scientific dogma refuses to allow humanity to acknowledge.

If we do not acknowledge the existence of these ‘god-like giants’ of pre-history, for example, we may never know their identity. They could have been just as human as you and me, with souls that originated from our common Father. If that be the case, perhaps the karma they undoubtedly incurred on Earth would need to be worked out on this planet. In fact WE COULD BE THE EMBODIMENT of some of those ‘god-like’ beings of ancient times. As a matter of fact, some of the people the famous American Psychic, Edgar Cayce gave ‘readings’ for, seem to have been just that. The thrill is in the knowing.

For those who do not want to know, it makes no difference, but for the rest of us, we will soon be marvelling in the knowledge that there IS a unifying link between these, and other bewildering facts. It is the enduring story that our planet was often inhabited by very advanced intelligent human beings, and at times these advanced human beings were also hosts to visitors from the cosmos.

The Earth was young then, her even younger progeny, mankind was just beginning to crawl, on its


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evolutionary path. A road with many pot holes, but every time he stumbled into one of these, man seemed to bounce back stronger and wiser than before, with a lot of help, it appears, from the cosmic side of his family.

This book is structured to encourage the reader to face up to ideas that do not conform to pre-existing concepts – ideas that do not fit into our comfort zone of ‘the square’.

Some of the thoughts presented here may require a complete change in beliefs for some readers to accept; but the future of the human race could well rest with our success in creating this shift in our collective thinking. With just a little nudging, humanity may eventually understand and accept these spiritual and scientific verities, but we may not have the luxury of waiting. As we will see in the pages that follow, our options for the future may soon be dramatically updated for the worse. Our thoughts and actions of today will eventually define and create our ultimate destiny.

“Teach the child”. They say “Teach him well, so he will

“recognise that moment when the “door opens – and lets his

“future in”.



Everything was going like clockwork; the excited team of astronauts were looking forward to their rendezvous with the moon. Then, without warning, it happened, 13 hours into the flight an explosion ripped through the service module, turning their dream flight into a nightmare. Despair then gave way to total consternation when a “huge” outlandish object came hurtling directly towards them. It


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pulled up alongside the disabled space craft, and the bemused astronauts noticed human-like beings inside it…. With ‘their’ help, and assistance from ground control, Apollo 13 proceeded to circum-navigate the moon, and return safely to Earth. More details of this most intriguing report can be read in an almost unbelievable book, UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KOLDAS, by Carl van Vlierden & Wendelle Stevens. We know the other side of this story don’t we?

Sounds outrageous? Read on my friends, we have a lot to learn…

From the same source, (we will hear more about planet Koldas later) comes this…. “A disturbing discovery has been made that some Earth-made satellites containing atomic devices, were placed in orbit around your planet, devices that can cause serious destruction should they fall to Earth. Why does man place such dangerous devices in orbit around the world on which he depends for his very existence?”

And then …. “A space vehicle was launched from Earth to your Moon. It carried an atomic warhead which was capable of destroying many square miles of the Moon’s surface. An interstellar craft tracked its flight-path from Earth and neutralised it while in orbit around the Moon, before it could make its final approach to the target surface.

“Why do people of Earth indulge in these thoughtless experiments? When they travel in space, instead of carefully exploring what they find, why do they have to test their destructive ability instead?”

Where could this idea have come from? A few years ago – in 2005 or 2006, it was reported that NASA was considering using “small scale” – “clean” nuclear explosives on the moon’s surface to evacuate large pits, for colonies, the reasoning being that the moon ‘has no ecology’ that might be harmed by the radiation. So nuclear activity on the moon had been considered!!!

Yes indeed, we still have a LOT to learn….


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And even the “gods” have tried to help… In “The Lost Book of Enki” Zecharia Sitchin tells us

of the meticulous care with which the eminent Nibiru1 ‘god’ Enki ensured his record of the Anunnaki was well documented and preserved. Without a doubt, ancients from all over this planet appear to have gone to great lengths to make sure we would know about them, and their activities on Earth. What better way to preserve knowledge, than to write it in stone?

Perhaps we can take a cue from that. If we should harden our minds against their message, sooner or later, a scribe from somewhere would chip away at it; or maybe, like the Sumerian scribe Endubsar, he will use a ‘divine stylus’. Indeed, a blank tablet is just a piece of stone…

This book is not intended to alarm any one, though some parts of it may seem to do just that. This however is not our intention.

“For nothing is secret

that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid

that shall not be known ... “

Luke 8:17

1 NIBIRU: an as yet undiscovered planet of our solar system, according to Zecharia Sitchin. Read about it in his THE TWELFTH PLANET.


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…Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!

For the soul is dead that slumbers, and things are not what they seem…

Longfellow:“Psalm of Life”

Homo sapiens perceive the universe through a slender slot of the visual spectrum, between 254 milli microns, on the one side and 2,400 milli microns on the other. We study our whole universe through a tiny crack, and often arrogantly pronounce the dimensions of being. Even history is greatly limited in its study of the past; few records remain of prior civilizations. Our ancestry is hidden in the mists of misunderstandings, and contradictions.

If this planet was once home to great civilizations, many well intentioned readers may postulate, how come we do not see traces of them now?

In our age of wondrous technology, we are, after all builders in timber and metal. Even our stone buildings are only a façade supported by webs of steel. In a thousand years or so, even without flood, fire or glacier, all of our writings would have disintegrated, because we write on fragile, bio-degradable paper. All our steel rails and


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frameworks would have turned to ribbons of rust, blown away by the wind. After a few thousand years, only our great monolithic concrete dams – with rusted metal innards – might remain to show that perhaps here were nations where millions of people lived.

Yes, a civilization could attain the very pinnacle of cultural and technological accomplishment, and a thousand years later be little more than just a corroded myth… or perhaps a heap of charred, vitrified debris…

The walls of these ancient ruins were glazed, split, and vitrified by tremendous heat, even the surfaces of the stone seats were melted, and crystallised. “Only the heat released through atomic energy could have done this damage”! Human remains found in this ancient town in the mountains of Raja Mahal, in Northern India contained fifty times the normal level of radioactivity.2 Yes, corroded vitrified left-overs from our ancestors’ technological achievements do remain...

It is said that every time the great Galileo looked through his telescope, he would tip his hat. He did this we are told as a mark of respect to God, and His astonishing creation, the cosmos. A peek through a large modern telescope always fills one with wonder, and perhaps so it should, because within each one of us, we will soon realise, is a little bit of “stardust”. As we look at the awe-inspiring array of those majestic star clouds up there, we could be looking at home – our natural birthright. It is hoped that as we go through these pages together, we will be drawn closer to that cosmic heritage of ours – closer to home.

For many years we have heard, and read a lot about God, religion, heaven, etc. In fact so much has been said, that many good people have been turned off the very word, ‘religion’. In these `enlightened` days (?) people ask for reasons, but those who teach us, unfortunately do not seem to 2 SECRETS OF THE LOST RACES: by Rene Noorbergen.


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have these rationales, or if they do, are not too convincing, in their hard-to-understand explanations of them. However basic facts do not need complicated explanations, answers ooze out of everything, and that’s what we find when we try to look for answers regarding these subjects. They come at us from everywhere!

Often, it’s a collection of different bits of evidence, from varied sources that form the basis of a theory. Indeed, the well-established fact that the Earth is round cannot be proved with just one experiment on its own. Even a photograph from outer space will only show one angle of the planet… True scientists speak in terms of “evidence in support of” rather than definite “proof”. Likewise, here we are collecting evidence in support of our hypothesis.

The purpose of this work is not to prove or disprove established religious and theological doctrines but to look at these beliefs from a different point of view, thus widening our perspective, resulting in a much deeper appreciation of life itself! As we piece together these many and varied bits of evidence they seem to point us to a simple explanation, an explanation that drags us back – albeit kicking and screaming – to one point – our common cosmic origins. From this new vantage point a fresh panorama opens up before us. An all-encompassing vista that places us slap bang in the middle of this great oneness, squarely at the heart of the ultimate family, the cosmic family. With this knowledge comes a sudden awareness of a frantic, almost frightening scramble against time to keep at least one branch of this cosmic family from extinction. You, and I, my dear readers, are vital elements in this adventure.

The sixth man to stand on the moon, Edgar Mitchell, spoke for all the astronauts, when he observed that, ‘Each astronaut returns with a feeling that he is no longer an American citizen, but he is a planetary citizen’. Our horizons have certainly expanded out of sight, over the last few decades.


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For centuries, people believed that the Earth was the centre of the universe, and the Sun, Moon and stars revolved around it. This belief was so widespread and set in stone that it had become a ‘reality’. Then, in the sixteenth century along came Copernicus, who had the audacity to declare otherwise, he was ridiculed, and his theory, swept aside. It took a HUNDRED YEARS of arguing, before the old assumption was finally laid to rest.

This complete reversal in thinking did not come about by the sudden discovery of startling new data. No, it eventuated simply by interpreting existing data in a different way. The observed phenomena were taken and a theory worked out to explain its behaviour, without side stepping, or distorting the evidence in any way.

Experts refer to this process of formulating the framework for a new theory, as the creation of a new PARADIGM. This was a term coined by science historian and philosopher, Thomas Kuhn, in his book THE STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONS. A Paradigm is like a scientific dogma, it forms the basis of future theories, and even the way in which scientific evidence is interpreted, a true form of self perpetuating scientific doctrine. Phenomena that do not fit a paradigm are just rejected - -swept aside and ignored. In time however, someone like Copernicus comes along, and draws attention to a major anomaly in thinking, caused by masses of evidence being ignored. Then, what Kuhn referred to as a PARADIGM SHIFT occurs – a change in a world view; something that we are on the verge of experiencing – regarding our understanding of humanity’s place in the cosmos.

We will be referring to the Bible quite a lot in the next few pages, for a couple of very good reasons. Firstly because it is such a rich treasure chest of information, easily accessible to the average person, and secondly, when we wish to evaluate something, we have to base our assessment


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on some standard, and I could not find a better informed, and better known standard. We need not feel bound to it of course, but use it as a starting point in our discussion. I’m sure other religious texts could be used with similar results, perhaps with one notable exception.

Some names have been changed, for obvious reasons, but I have used actual names as far as possible. Much of what we read here can be found in most libraries. Some bits are taken from books and magazines, while others are drawn from my own experiences over the years. Edgar Cayce’s work has been a great inspiration to me, and forms the basis for a lot of this material. “THERE IS A RIVER”, by Tom Sugrue, and “A SLEEPING PROPHET” by Jess Stern, are two highly recommended biographies of Edgar Cayce.

The sources from which I have gleaned much of the ‘evidence’ chronicled in this book are listed in the Bibliography section of this work. This storehouse of knowledge is by no means full, it keeps growing every day. The greatest challenge I encountered was not where to find information, but when do I stop gathering, and start writing. This just goes to show we are barely scratching the surface regarding what we could learn about ourselves, and the universe we are just a tiny part of.

All of us at some stage in our lives would have had experiences that make us stop and think, as those recorded in the following pages would. The question is, do we take the time to think! We seem so hell-bent on carrying out our day to day affairs, to the total exclusion of everything else, that occurrences like those described here are not even given a second thought. We let ourselves get snagged by the prickles of life, and turn a blind eye to the fruit that are there for the picking.

My friend, if you cannot wonder,

you’re living behind a pair of blinkers covering eyes that do not see.


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The last few decades have seen a proliferation of

books and movies about UFOs, ETs, abductions, channelling, etc. This flash flood of information appears to have taken many of us completely off guard, so much so we have invented a new name for this subject, calling it “NEW AGE”, and of course, consigning it to the same bin as the occult and superstitions, and sweeping it away, out of sight of accepted wisdom.

Even science fiction seems to reflect this awakening of the human spirit. The classic works of H G Wells and Jules Verne would hardly be called fiction, if they were written today. This we rightly admit is due to the triumphs of modern science itself. Science fiction now echoes present day reality in its fantasising on the infinitely more subtle subject of the human mind, and the intangible realms of event horizons and singularities.

Could we be growing up at last, leaving our fairytales behind us and finally waking up to reality? We get started, by gathering as much “evidence” from as many sources, and cultures as possible. Just gathering, without passing judgement, or colouring the information with our preconceived opinions. Then we put them together, picking up the common thread that seems to run through it all, discarding the rest, and finally interpreting the new ‘picture’ that ultimately emerges.

If at times I appear to dwell too long on one particular subject, do forgive me, as I am probably at that stage, trying to stress a point even more strongly, perhaps even at the risk of being overly repetitive. I do feel very strongly on the subject of this book. It is this conviction that has propelled it to the stage of publication. There is nothing so powerful, they say, as an idea whose time has come.


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We are all part of one galactic spectrum of consciousness. Love is the glue that holds it together. As we open ourselves to a greater awareness of the universe in which we live, we will find that the galaxy itself is alive, and we are part of a vast community of souls, exploring life in a multitude of different forms. Our cosmic cousins are waiting to welcome us into the family of which we have always been a part.

Today, people may ask: “If highly advanced extraterrestrials really want to help us, why don’t they just land and contact our leaders? Why don’t they explain their mission?”

Would these same individuals stop to think that no sane Earthman would crawl into a pit of rattlesnakes! With Earthman’s history of bloody wars and insane slaughter of men women and children, would any sane spaceman take the chance?

However, our cosmic cousins have indeed landed here, they have contacted people they can trust, and hope that these trusted ones can let the others know the truth. The collective mind set of humanity on Earth must change, from one of fear, hatred and destruction, to one of love. It is happening, slowly, but it is happening. Very soon, we would hope, the world will know the real truth…


Preston Nichols and his men were ready; he had driven his Dodge Caravan with the specially designed UHF transmitter / weapon placed at the back. When they reached their destination they waited. Then, perfectly timed, and on cue, a small UFO appeared, and glided across the sky right in front of the group. Somehow they seemed to have been expecting it. The transmitter / weapon was turned on, and the UFO started to wobble, then after emitting strange noises,


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crashed to the earth.3 Nichols was told to immediately return with the transmitter, and ‘forget’ this whole episode.

Yes this whole episode could just be a set up, and the UFO could have been a remote controlled craft; however, not very long after this trial, there were reports of UFOs brought down in many countries around the world. Perhaps now we can better understand extraterrestrials when they say Earth humans are barbaric. If the extraterrestrials wanted to, they could have easily taken over the Earth a long time ago – they still can, I’m sure. But we have to kill, don’t we?

You can read more of this in Preston Nichols’ very interesting book “PLEAIDIAN ENCOUNTER”

At the end of this work, we will look at a very interesting possibility; yes, a way we can actually rejoin, and work with our brothers and sisters of our interstellar family in a constructive manner, while still fulfilling our day to day responsibilities. Once we begin to do this we will wonder how anyone could have ever been so blind to the greatest realities of life.

Now is the time for us to realise who we are, and where we are headed. The fact that you my dear reader have stayed with me so far, is an indication that you are ready for this idea to germinate within you. Welcome to what could be one of the most important mental expeditions you have ever embarked on. Read, experience and enjoy! For even the sky, is no longer the limit to where our unfettered mind can transport us.

The creative mind – can there be anything more potent! It’s amazing how the thoughts of one person, when imbedded in a book, can circulate far and wide, without so much as creating the slightest ripple in the infinite mind-sea that pervades the cosmos.

Then – someone reads that book, his or her mind tunes into that particular thought of the writer, and wham! 3 PLEAIDIAN ENCOUNTER: Preston Nichols


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Mighty waves could roll through creation. He or she, takes that idea, builds on it, and retransmits it to the cosmos. The time had come for the seeds sown in our hypothetical book to germinate, and now nothing could stop it growing, and blossoming. Without using MIND, that could not happen.

Ancient scriptures – including our own Bible – and even obscure carvings on crumbling clay tablets appear to have life changing information imbedded in them; information, whose time appears to have come. The unstoppable ground-swell of change is upon us. Age old theories are being smashed one after the other, as we sit on the brink of an exciting period of enlightenment.

Let’s keep our unencumbered minds open, to the seeds of enlightenment that seem to fill the ether around us. So that we are not the stragglers left back while the rest of humanity moves on.


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..Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened,

and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.

Isaiah 35:5


The Boeing 727 was on its way from Delhi to Bombay, with its cargo that included thirty one children, who were victims of an industrial accident in Northern India. In the words of the pilot and the accompanying physician, they were a `pitiful` sight, with massive lacerations and broken limbs.

Not long after reaching 27,000 feet, a blinding light ripped through the plane, then before anyone could react, it appeared to be `sucked` up at an incredible speed. The altimeter went wild, and stopped momentarily at 53,000 feet, then dropped to zero. There was utter pandemonium, as passengers and flight attendants grabbed for oxygen masks and seat belts. Suddenly the aircraft came to an abrupt stop, it just hung there in mid-air, how high up? No one knows.

While they were stationary up there, completely dazed, they were all bathed in a brilliant blue light, this changed to green, then red, yellow, and back to brilliant blue. Just as suddenly, the plane then started plummeting to the ground, the pilot grabbed the controls, but they just kept going straight down. At 27,000 feet, normality returned, and the pilot was able to regain control. The ordeal was over,


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and they all started breathing easier. Just then the stewardess burst into the cabin, and begged the captain to come to the rear of the plane. He followed her, fearing the worst, but was dumbfounded by what he saw. All thirty one of those seriously injured children were cured, no trauma, no signs of burns, or lacerations, even broken limbs were mended. The accompanying physician, like the flight attendants, and the pilot was at a loss to explain what had happened. A spokesman for the Aviation Authority said later, “We have yet to determine what happened up there – perhaps we never will “.

Whatever happened ‘up there’, we would be reasonably safe to presume that it was some form of intervention, and whoever, or whatever intervened, was using a technology we humans do not yet possess. However this is not an isolated case, similar reports, of other-worldly intervention, and healings come in regularly from all over the world. Healings that range from cures for a common cold, to cancer, and occasionally the more spectacular healing we have just encountered. When we start putting all these little clues together, like the pieces of a jig saw puzzle, a very interesting picture starts to take shape. The old adage `He who has eyes to see…`, takes on a new meaning as we watch a new picture emerging.

Before we go further, and to put all this into proper perspective, let’s step back and take in the whole scenario from an objective viewpoint. Not long ago Galileo was considered an instrument of the devil, today he is considered a pioneer in his field. The fact is, someone somewhere has drawn a line between science and religion, as we will see later on, this line just does not exist. It’s like drawing a line between mathematics and arithmetic. Different names, for the same thing. We will see later on, that the very latest scientific research into time and alternative realities relies a lot on metaphysical concepts.

To help us get a realistic point of view on a very


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fascinating idea, consider this scenario …. A young man is overseas on his first assignment, his parents are concerned for his welfare, but he has to lead his own life, so he is left on his own. They `phone him to keep in touch, and look forward to receiving his `phone calls. Occasionally they might visit him, and sometimes ask friends who may go his way to drop in to see how he is getting on, and perhaps help him if necessary; all this without `interfering` in his life.

If mankind had to work out an assignment on its own while separated from the rest of his cosmic family, could he not expect the same `non-interfering` monitoring and an occasional reminder of an unseen reality?

***** “Oh, it’s so beautiful”, Betty exclaimed, as she

relived her abduction by two UFO beings, under hypnosis. The ‘alien’ told her not to be afraid. She calmed down. “There’s a lot of different stuff – I just can’t describe it, --- it’s so beautiful here”. She repeated.4

Betty Andreasson, flanked by two alien beings, was now travelling along an elevated track, of some sort. Similar tracks criss-crossed the area. She had no idea where she was – everything around her was green, and ‘so beautiful’. They passed through what appeared to be a city of crystals that “hung in the air”.

Directly in front of them an extremely bright light came into view. Her two companions “got off”, leaving Betty to approach the light on her own. The intensity of the light stung her, and she screamed in pain. “Oh Lord Jesus --- help me ---”. She burst into tears. Suddenly she relaxed and calmed down. The intensity of the light reduced. She started conversing with the source of the light. Finally, the episode was over. Betty returned with her two companions, to the craft, and eventually to her home in Massachusetts. 4 THE ANDREASSON AFFAIR: Raymond Fowler.


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Dr. Harold Edelstein, the internationally renowned researcher who recorded this investigation of Betty, says that to have seen and heard her relive her encounter was a profound and unique experience, and listening to the tapes still provokes deep emotions to well up within him.

Something very real happened to Betty, that day in 1967. She was abducted from the kitchen of her home, and underwent a long series of strange adventures, culminating in the above emotional experience. She was not harmed in any way, but somehow felt drawn closer to God.

Could this experience, like countless others of similar nature, be meant to remind us of the reality of God, and of our place in the universe?

Speaking of numbers, in 1996 Whitley Strieber, contactee and successful author of COMMUNION, TRANSFORMATION, and other enthralling books, circulated the world over, is said to have received over 165,000 letters from people all over the world, many of them saying that they had similar experiences as he did. Yes, the total number of people who are being affected by our cosmic cousins, are truly staggering!

The ship was in terrible trouble; it was losing altitude, and was about to crash. The crew members were in a definite state of panic. Rescue was out of the question. Apparently, their rules clearly did not allow this, if one of their craft was in trouble, its crew was to do the best they could to survive – on their own. This UFO crashed, and its companion craft hovering high above could only look on as the “barbarians” down below, collected their dead and injured colleagues.

These Greys, had evidently left their home base on the Moon, and came to Earth, with the sole purpose of crashing their craft; and crash they did - at Roswell.

What was the real mission of this craft? According to Courtney Brown, in his Remote Viewing session of July 1994, (We will read a lot more about Remote Viewing, and


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Courtney in these pages, later) the sole purpose of this UFO mission seemed to have been to force humans to investigate the ET question. To show us that ETs are physical, vulnerable, like humans, and can make mistakes, like we can.

If we are to believe this, it appears that the Greys sacrificed their crew and spacecraft, to bring the whole ET, and UFO question to our attention. A strange way of doing that, we must confess, perhaps they had their own reasons. But, thanks to our lack of development, it appears to have back fired, because those who ‘found’ the crash now tell us it did not even happen. The games people, and aliens play…

From the above encounters, and from the thousands

of similar ones that occur regularly around the world, it would seem that we are not alone. Someone from some where is definitely interested in us.

The fog seemed to engulf her car almost too suddenly, and within moments Leslie was completely disoriented, and lost. Eventually the eerie mist lifted, and she was back in familiar surroundings. However when she got home, Leslie realized that she could not account for almost an hour. Puzzled and unsettled by this, she decided to approach a friend to do a brief hypnotic regression on her, to try to find out what happened to that ‘lost’ hour. During the course of that session Leslie ‘saw’ herself lying on a table and seeing gray forms standing around. The beings seemed ‘familiar’ to her, however, and this recollection sparked others, involving the presence of such creatures at the conception and birth of each of her children.

Describing one of these deliveries, Leslie told her hypnotherapist friend how the alien beings held the newborn child and, as one might dust a baby with talc, somehow powdered it with light.

You can read more about this amazing story in Karla


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Turner’s interesting book “Masquerade of angels”. And then, there are those who do not appear to like us

at all…. Kelly noticed an odd triangular mark just below her

navel, it wasn’t there before, and so she wondered what caused it. It looked quite sore, but she felt no pain from it. As she stood there, looking down at this strange scar a chill ran through her, could it have anything to do with what happened on her way home earlier? The very thought made her feel sick.

This young lady had been travelling along the Narre Warren-Belgrave road in the outer Melbourne suburb of Fountain Gate, late that night on August 7th, 1993, husband Andrew was at the wheel. Not far from the Fountain Gate shopping complex, they stopped to investigate an unusual pulsating light in a paddock. Two other cars pulled up behind them, their occupants followed Kelly and Andrew. In her book ENCOUNTER Kelly recounts her harrowing ordeal as they were overcome by ‘pure terror’. Quite the opposite of what Betty Andreasson experienced with her ‘abductors’…

These encounters are just some of many we will be sampling in this book; meetings that re-enforce the notion that we are part of a highly interacting community of cosmic citizens…

***** President Nixon greeted the stranger warmly even

though his hand, that received the special letter from Valiant Thor, trembled slightly, belying his real emotional confusion. He then requested Valiant to follow the Secret Service agent back to the Pentagon, into a beautifully furnished apartment, where he was to spend the next three years. What went on between this special guest from Venus, and the officials at the Pentagon, has never been revealed. But this visit was certainly documented. We’ll hear more of this later on.



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At this stage in our book, we are only gathering information; we will reach our conclusions AFTER we gather much more. The sources of all the information gathered here, are from well respected individuals, and well researched publications, and is available to all.

Yes, contact has indeed been made, in fact as we shall see later on, this contact has always been there, right from the beginning of life on our home planet, while mankind was just a toddler on Earth.

“…What has been, that will be;

what has been done, that will be done. Nothing is new under the sun.

Even the thing of which we say, “See, this is new!”

has already existed in the ages that preceded us…”

Eccl. 1:9-10


Consider this… If our Milky Way galaxy was the size of the entire North American continent – USA and Canada combined, then Earth would be just a tiny dot, one ten thousandths of an inch across, too small to see! The whole solar system would be the size of an apple, and our sun would be the tiniest speck visible on the apple.

Current estimates suggest there are between 200 billion and 400 billion stars in our galaxy. Yet our galaxy is only one, a very average one, in a cluster of galaxies, a cluster that is in turn part of a super cluster. Each super cluster contains thousands upon thousands of galaxies. Could these thousands upon thousands of galaxies each containing hundreds of billions of stars, be inhabited by countless spirits/souls, ‘created’ by God, in ‘His likeness’ perhaps many of them in physical bodies, and may be some of them


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like us? Or is that awe-inspiring cosmos just sitting out there on its own for no reason, but just to look pretty, while man is confined to this insignificant little speck of cosmic dust, in blissful ignorance of the splendour of which he is a part?

***** A 7 foot tall man walked towards Paul,

whose first instinct was to get away as quickly as possible. But the tall stranger called him by name. Paul stopped his ungainly retreat and listened as the man reeled off a few personal details about himself, details that only Paul knew. He then realized he was interacting with a very intelligent being. This stranger went on to explain that he was part of a group that came from another world. That their craft are constantly active around our planet and that they plan to engender more sightings and landings, in order to increase public awareness of their existence. He said they were here on a friendly mission to help Earth people. The whole galaxy to which our Earth belongs, he explained, is like a grain of sand on a huge beach, in relation to the unfathomable number of inhabited galaxies in the entire Universe.

In the course of this book, we will see that this sort of interaction between us and other members of our cosmic fraternity is more than just commonplace.

Yes, the God who created life on Earth has certainly exercised His infinite creative talent throughout His cosmos.

All this vastness, from the minuscule little dust mite, to the awesome majesty of galaxies, is set in that dimension we are only now starting to identify ourselves with, TIME. For, when we look at the night sky, it’s as if we are looking through a cosmic hourglass. Everything we observe is how it was in the past. When we look at the sun, for example, we see it as it was eight minutes ago, because that’s how long it takes the light to reach us from the sun. When we look at Rigel, that bright star in the constellation of Orion, we are seeing it as it was 700 to 900 YEARS ago. Distant galaxies


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are even further back in time. The most distant galaxy ‘found’ at the time of this writing, is more than thirteen BILLION light years away. This means we see it as it was more than 13 Billion years ago. Even the Earth was not yet born. This universe that we are a part of is so vast, and we are so limited in our perception, that we cannot even SEE it as it really is right now. That is of course, unless we are able to free ourselves of our limitations…

We can do just that, and not in the world of ‘mumbo-jumbo’, but in the realm of pure unadulterated science. But that is for later on…

Einstein himself once said, “The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead.”

Majestic as this great cosmos may be, could it only be a stage? A stage upon which, man is working out his destiny, a destiny that would one day bring him face to face with the maker of it all, the creator of man himself? Is it possible that down through the ages, we have been reminded of this time and time again? If only we would have paid more attention…

What we know of life is just existence. A waiting place,

a haven by the sea. A little space

amid unmeasured distance, A glimpse, a vista of that life to be.


The late scholar Edwin Conklin, a professor of biology, compared the probability of life originating by accident, to the probability of an unabridged dictionary being


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produced by accident in an explosion at a printing shop. The idea that we are not the only intelligent beings in

the universe has been around for centuries. In fact, in the third century BC the philosopher Metrodorus pointed out- “To consider the Earth the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field sown with millet, only one grain will grow”. If he was a Christian, living in the more ‘enlightened times’ of a few centuries later, he would have probably been branded a heretic, perhaps even imprisoned like Galileo was.

About twenty three hundred years after Metrodorus, and thinking along the same lines, Sir Fred Hoyle, the distinguished astronomer is among the many eminent scientists who favour a theory known as PANSPERMA. This theory declares that billions of years ago, the solar system was bombarded by biological ‘seeds’, which then took root wherever the conditions were right. This assumption would explain how life might have arisen at roughly the same cosmic moment on Earth and other parts of the solar system. The recent detection of organic molecules in asteroids suggests that, perhaps it did. But this hypothesis also raises the awkward questions of, where did these ‘seeds’ come from, and what or who was the cosmic sower who was responsible for scattering them through space?

In fact, dear reader, we will soon see that there appears to have been more than one sower who was active in our part of the Milky Way galaxy. Sowers who have gone out of their way to tell us about themselves, in records quite literally ‘set in stone’

In 1977, deep within the icy blanket that is Antarctica, scientists found two meteorites. By itself, this discovery would not have meant a thing, except for a couple of interesting facts.

One, was the fact that they contained the vital ingredients that make up DNA, the essence of life. These carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, the most primitive of


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their kind, incorporate material originating outside the Solar System, including matter expelled by supernovae and other stars.

The other was the fact that Radio carbon dating has given these meteorites an age of 4.5 to 4.7 billion years. This makes them even older than the Earth; thus confirming their extraterrestrial origin. Reviving, in a way the old belief that comets cause plagues on Earth. We are most definitely not isolated in our little corner of the universe. The whole universe is one gigantic closed eco system.

The Pansperma theory of Sir Fred Hoyle, now takes on a new dimension. A cosmic sower sure has scattered his seeds far and wide; and ALL life in creation appears to have come from the same seed, carried across galaxies in stardust…

In 1973, the Nobel laureate – now knighted – Sir Francis Crick, along with Leslie Orgel published a paper titled “Directed Panspermia” (Icarus, volume 19), and re awakened the idea of the seeding of Earth with the spores of life, from an extraterrestrial source, not however by chance, but as a deliberate activity of an extraterrestrial society.

Yes my friends, we will soon identify these sowers of the ‘spores of life’ on Earth.

The solar system was formed only about 4.5 billion years ago, but there exist many other solar systems, in our 15 billion year old universe; raising the likelihood of life developing on many planets, much earlier than it did on Earth.

Experts consider 4.5 billion years too small a time frame, for life to reach its present stage of development, as on Earth now, while following the natural stages of evolution. Therefore technology must have existed elsewhere in our galaxy, long before the formation of the Earth; technology that could have brought intelligent life to our shores.


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In January 1996, Geoffrey Moray and Paul Butler of San Francesco State University discovered planets circling neighbouring stars, planets temperate enough to sustain water in liquid form. This suggests that Metrodorus, Hoyle and others may indeed be on the right track, and there is in fact a very strong possibility that life is after all, not unique to Earth.

A Gallop poll conducted in 1982 in the United States, revealed that forty one percent of Americans believed that there is life elsewhere in the universe, that’s nearly half the population, and that figure must surely have increased greatly after the discoveries made during the last few years. A fact that makes it quite obvious, the old fashioned theory that we are the only intelligent things in the universe, is indeed cracking under the increasing weight of modern evidence.

Ten years later, in 1992, Dr. Mack, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School suggested that more than one million Americans may have been abducted at least once during their lives. He based this assumption on recent population surveys.5 Now, sixteen years later, in 2008, with the increase in population of The United States, that figure should be much higher. When we consider the population of the whole world, that number takes on a whole new dimension. In spite of all that, my dear friends, abductions are only a VERY SMALL part of the Earth human / cosmic interaction that is part of our reality.


In January 1999, the NEWZEALAND HERALD reported that Australian and New Zealand astronomers have played a key role in discovering an Earth –like planet towards the middle of our Milky Way galaxy. The unnamed planet, is situated about 25,000 light years from us, and is circling a sun very much like our own. It appears to be 5 SECRET LIFE: David Jacobs.


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orbiting its sun at about the same distance we are from our star, and its size is very similar to Earth’s, being only slightly larger. This means its temperature and gravity would be similar to Earth, with more than a slight likelihood that life could be flourishing there, life, AS WE KNOW IT. This discovery was made using a relatively new star-hunting technique called gravitational microlensing, based on Einstein’s theory that planets could be detected indirectly through their gravitational field.

That was 1999; just nine years later, astronomers have already discovered more than 300 planets circling distant suns – and in many cases actually photographing these far away worlds. We sure live in exciting times.

So, it does look as though we could be living in a universe that is teeming with life, seen and unseen; and all this life is smothered in energy; energy that is there to be used, if we wish to tap into it. However, because physical life appears to be sharply polarised, between two very different forces; the energy that is all around us can be used constructively, as well as destructively. This we know, is happening here on Earth, and as we will soon be seeing, through these pages, has been happening elsewhere in the cosmos as well.

As we dare to traverse through the pages of this book, it should soon become increasingly clear, that we are simply younger siblings in the growing family of life and intelligence; and are being visited mainly by our own kind who are a little way ahead, on the road to perfection, and are interested in the welfare and development of their species.

Contact has long since been made – contact on the physical level, with the interstellar branch of our cosmic family. However, long before this physical contact was established, we have been interacting on the more subtle spiritual level. To get a clear picture of this we will need to find out something about this realm – also called the sub-space world.


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If God did not exist, it would be necessary

to invent Him.


“In my Father’s house are many mansions”, said Jesus, “…I go to prepare a place for you …”

Now, if we are members of a cosmic family, it’s only logical to presume that, that ‘place’ would be somewhere out there in the cosmos …..

***** Little Durdana was only two and a half years old, the

second daughter of an army medic. She had been very ill for some months, but on this fateful autumn day of 1968, she finally died. Mum carried the lifeless little body of her child into the bed room and laid it on her father’s bed. Her dad tried desperately to revive his daughter. “Come back, my child, come back,” he whispered, but even he was giving up hope, nearly fifteen minutes had lapsed. Then miraculously, she opened her eyes – alive again, still very weak, but alive.

When Durdana was strong enough to speak, her mother asked her, “Where did my child go the other day?”


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“Far away, to the stars.” Came the startling reply from the two and half year old..

“And what did you see there?” Mum prompted. “Gardens, streams, a white stream, a brown

stream, a blue stream, and a green stream. Grandfather, was there, his mother, and another lady who looked like you – then I heard daddy calling me back, -- so down, down, I came back from the stars.”

When innocent two-year-olds give us such graphic unambiguous accounts of our cosmic connections maybe we should listen, because their minds have not yet been ‘conditioned’ by modern society.


It was September of 1990 Michael was only six years old. Like many children his age, he loved drawing. One morning he went to his dad, an electronics engineer, in Brisbane, and showed him a drawing he had just finished; only this was no ordinary drawing, as this young lad explains…

“Dad, this is a spaceship, last night I dreamed I was on this spaceship. That’s the commander there.” He pointed to a figure in the middle of the oval object. “The commander showed me how to heal sick people, and told me that I must pray, and practice healing sick people often.” This ‘commander’ promised to visit him regularly. Michael was dead serious. Any parent of a six-year-old knows when his kid is dead serious. Since that day in 1990, he has developed an extremely keen interest in UFO’s and healing. Was this just a child’s fantasy, acted out in his dream, or like Pags, and perhaps many, many others, did he actually carry out a real nocturnal rendezvous?

Raymond Fowler, researcher, and author of THE ANDREASSON AFFAIR we referred to earlier, tells us that he was only 5 or 6 years old when he was abducted from his


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bedroom by an alien being. This, he discovered through hypnotic regression, in 1988.

Still with the ANDREASSON AFFAIR, Bob Luca, Betty’s second husband, remembers ‘communicating’ with alien beings in a ‘domed disc’ when he was only 5 years old. This makes me wonder, did Michael just ‘dream’ of his encounter with the commander of the spaceship?

‘Circumstantial evidence just keeps flooding in… The first thing they did, after they wheeled him into

the operating area, was to put a tag, or marker (an implant?) inside his nose. Then they performed some surgery to his groin area, they then used a bright light, to ‘seal it all together’; no stitches, not even a mark was left. Soon it was all over. This reminded Michael of scenes in Star Trek, the bright light, and the instant healing.

Just another alien abduction? Oh no, this one involved an above top secret US military/alien project; and is described in THE MARS RECORDS, by Stephanie Relfe We will be hearing a lot more from Stephanie later on…

***** She drifted away from the garden, and into the

blackness of space, then she ‘entered’ the vastness of space, and found out that it is not after all just void, in fact it was full of love, and light, with the ‘tangible’ presence of the ‘spirit of God’, she sensed that she was back in her native environment, and was doing only that which was natural. She then ‘travelled’ to many other ‘worlds’, Earths like our own, and always filled with loving, intelligent people. ‘After all we were all God’s children’, she mused. She recalled travelling tremendous distances, knowing that the stars she saw were not visible from Earth. She travelled to distant galaxies with ease, and in an instant, visiting their worlds, and meeting other ‘children’ of God. All of them our spiritual brothers and sisters, and all of this was a


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remembering, a reawakening. She knew that she had been to most of these places before. She saw worlds our most powerful telescopes can never see, and she knew that love exists there too.

Betty Eadie, a thirty one year old mother of seven had just ‘died’ shortly after an operation, it was late on the 18th of November 1973, when she had this spectacular experience shortly after this experience, she recovered – came back to life. Her amazing experiences while ‘dead’ are recounted in her fascinating book EMBRACED BY THE LIGHT.6

After reading this, one cannot help being struck by its

uncanny resemblance to the account of little Durdana from across the world in Pakistan.

These glimpses of our existence outside the Earth’s environment are not confined to the rather traumatic settings of death, or when dreaming. They can also occur when we are quite alert and in full control of our faculties…

Persistent, sometimes troublesome ‘flashes’ of memory appear to plague many people, could these really be memories of ‘star lives’ lived by these people? If we are part of an infinitely large cosmic family, and our indestructible mind, and spirit survives death as Sir John Eccles suggests, then it’s more that likely that this is not its first experience of physical life, and possibly, not the last. Why should it be?

If the following accounts seem astonishingly similar to little Durdana’s and Betty Eadie’s experiences we have recounted, and the thousands we have not recorded here, maybe its because our journey through God’s creation is a fact, and every now and then the curtain lifts just a little, to allow us to get a glimpse of where we really belong, and what we are about.

6 EMBRACED BY THE LIGHT: by Betty Eadie.


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An American physicist from Alabama often endures vivid ‘flashes’ of recollection, recalling memories from an alien world among the Pleiades – a group of stars in the constellation of Taurus.

He recalls living in domed cities, with translucent golden coloured walls, a place of calm and great beauty, where the natives could communicate with animals, and transport themselves instantly to any part of the planet. The ravings of an overactive imagination? Remember he is a professional physicist, and we will soon find that his experiences are echoed countless times all over this planet.

***** A New York nurse – Linda, left her successful career

to become a spiritual healer because persistent ‘memory flashes’ became too strong for her to endure. From the tender age of five, she would look up at the night sky, and cry to be taken back to the stars, away from this ‘barbaric’ planet.

‘Barbaric planet’? Soon we will learn that many of our space cousins consider us to be just that – barbaric.


An industrial consultant from Arkansas has vivid recollections of life as a ‘star craft engineer’ on board a vehicle from another world.

***** A Massachusetts social worker remembers her life on

an alien planet called Xanthro, whose inhabitants were basically human, and regularly sent emissaries to Earth.

So do many other planets – we will soon see… It was November 1973. Engineer, Enrique an

engineer from Bogota, Colombia, had never been in an alien craft before. He was noticeably nervous. Three crew members introduced themselves to him when he entered. The fourth called him by name, and introduced himself as Ciril. Enrique was slightly startled when he saw Ciril. Yes, it was


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the same Ciril he had met in Caracas in 1969; what on earth was he doing here? Ciril explained that he was one of the crew of this ship, and had been contact with Enrique for many years.

Yes, my fellow travellers on life’s journey, our extraterrestrial friends have been working all around us for a long time. They know us, but we don’t know them – yet.

If all these well educated, successful people are ‘loopy’, and these ‘memory flashes’ are the workings of an unstable mind, it must be a sign of a very sick human race, because we are NOT referring to a small percentage of our population. Professor of philosophy, and author of LIFETIMES, Fredrik Lenz, claimed that out of about one thousand people he hypnotically regressed, several hundred described life on other planets.

Dr. Edith Fiore, a clinical psychologist and hypnotherapist from Saratoga California, and author of HAVE YOU BEEN HERE BEFORE? Said she was convinced that some of her patients had lived before as aliens on other planets, and what’s more, she has used these ‘memories’ to cure them of their present health and other problems. Readers, who are familiar with the subject of reincarnation, may realise that karma, and soul development know no planetary boundaries.

Greta Woodrew, who we will hear about later on, could be added to this very extensive list of very successful, intelligent people who are totally convinced that they are not native to Earth. This list is so extensive that the subject must definitely be looked at very seriously.

How can one or two people possibly act as ‘emissaries’, and help change the world? One may ask, and rightly so; but we are NOT talking of one or two, we are talking about THOUSANDS! The evidence is overwhelming indeed.

As we continue to progress through this book, we will learn about some of the most amazing capabilities of our


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mind, and how we can actually tap into this powerhouse, and hook up with the boundless cosmic realms, to push our horizons right out of sight.

When we consider that the cosmos is filled with living physical beings, we could be right, but it is probably filled with an even greater number of purely spiritual, non-physical, or sub-space beings. Life’s classrooms in the school of Earth, teach us to develop our third dimensional aspects of consciousness, through blood, sweat and tears – it’s a tough school indeed. We are told that there are other classrooms in far away schools throughout this great cosmos, where other, more subtle facets of our beings are honed and fine-tuned…

Ruth Montgomery, in her book A WORLD BEYOND, and Edgar Cayce, in his psychic ‘readings’ mention the star system of Arcturus. Here, we are told, spiritual growth is greatly stimulated, through the forceful strengthening of the person’s determination.

Our creator’s “many mansions” do begin to sound very interesting indeed. Can we visit these “mansions” while on Earth? Later on we will see how some people seem to be able to do just this. “It’s all in the mind” they say, and how true they are! It’s all in the mind. We can indeed say it IS the mind, the MIND OF GOD.


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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He was in the beginning with God.

All things came to be through Him, and without Him nothing came to be. What came to be

through Him was life, and this life was the light of the human race;

the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1:1-4

According to ancient Sumerian knowledge, handed to them from the Anunnaki, the Earth was formed when the planet Tiamat was destroyed, several hundred million years after the solar system, and its planets were formed. Ample time for Tiamat, to be ‘seeded’ with human life from inter stellar members of our cosmic family, such as those from Sirius, or Lyra. Life on the ‘old Earth’ could have attained a very high


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degree of development by the time it was shattered by the breaking up of Tiamat, about 460,000 years ago. By that time, the first creation of man – as spirit – and mentioned in the Bible, would most likely have already occurred. And, those who left the million or so year old fossils that our archaeologists have since uncovered were alive and well.

Antediluvian Sumerian records state that the

Anunnaki, an extraterrestrial race was responsible for the development of our current civilisation. These advanced beings were probably descendants of the earlier Lyrans, or Pleiadians, we will hear about later in this book. Their home planet, Nibiru, was described as a lone planet wandering through space without a parent sun. In its lonely interstellar journey Nibiru encountered the gravitation attraction of our Sun, and became an adopted member of our solar system many, many eons ago; its inhabitants eventually colonising Earth and Mars. Zecharia Sitchin’s really fascinating “EARTH CHRONICLES” goes into mind-bending detail about this; a must read for the interested reader.

Remarkably enough, NASA has recently announced that its Hubble Space Telescope has actually discovered several of these ‘wandering planets’ in space; planets that appeared to have been dislodged from their parent star systems. This does bring to mind the giant “Space Arks” developed by the very early Lyrans, and spoken of by our extraterrestrial contacts from the Pleiades. We will be encountering these ‘space arks’ later in this book. Even more pieces of our jig saw will then fall into place.

So, the much scoffed at notion of inhabited wandering, sun-less planets, may in fact be another newfound reality…

This is how the ancients described the coming of the planet Nibiru into our solar system, in their characteristic


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poetic style; they inscribed it on tablets, which, thousands of years later, were deciphered by Zecharia Sitchin.

“…From the Deep where he was ….from his family in a rushing departed; a gift of his Creator, the Seed of Life, with him he carried. To the void he set his course, a new destiny (orbit?) he was seeking”.7 I suppose that was one way to describe a planet being ‘gravitationally dislodged’ from its parent star, and flying off into the void of deep space. This ancient epic goes on to describe the ensuing turbulence created in our solar system, when this wanderer arrives here, and the re adjusting of the orbits of the original planets in this system.

This enthralling narrative describes in great detail, the arrival of this intruding planet, with its entourage of accompanying moons, one of which collided with, and fractured a large planet in our solar system, a planet they called Tiamat, part of this planet became our Earth. The rest of this unfortunate world joined the Asteroid Belt. While only one of Tiamat’s eleven moons Kingu, stayed with the fragment that became the Earth, and is now our own Moon.

All this may sound a bit ‘airy fairy’, but it would quite nicely, explain the strangeness of the Earth-Moon system. According to leading astronomers, our Moon is far too large to be a natural satellite of Earth. Compared to the relative sizes of the moons of the other planets, our Moon should be much smaller. However this would not be too unusual if it was originally the satellite of a much larger parent planet – Tiamat. Our Moon is just a bit smaller than the planet Mercury; and larger than Pluto. The Earth – Moon system can almost be called a twin planet system. A visit to NASA’s website would uncover more interesting facts recently discovered by its Luna Probes.

7 GENESIS REVISITED: by Zecharia Sitchin.


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“For behold I create new heavens, and a new earth:

and the former things shall not be in remembrance,

and they shall not come upon the heart.”

Isaias 65: 17.

Was Isaias telling us that a new Earth was formed,

replacing the old? And that this fact would be wiped from human memory? Makes you wonder!

In his absorbing book, GENESIS REVISITED, Zecharia Sitchin goes on to explain that Tiamat was not pummelled and broken up with just one pass of the new arrival, Nibiru…

Let’s take a small detour, to pick up another thread in this intriguing tapestry…

We now pay a short visit to the remarkable Hopi tribe of Native American Indians. ‘Tis story time and they are talking about their legend of “The First World”, and its unexpected demise...

The whole world was on fire. Molten

rock rained down from the skies. Volcanoes opened up, and flames spewed from inside the Earth. Yes, the Earth was ablaze – all life was coming to a rapid end, in this horrific holocaust. A few terrified people, who observed the laws of their creator, were guided to a large mound where the ‘Ant people’ lived. (Another strange coincidence (?) here; some rarely encountered, but well


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documented species of extraterrestrials are called “Insectoids”, they resemble huge ants and mantises). This underground dwelling was well insulated (as normal ant-hills are). Here, the remnants of the ‘First People’ survived the destruction of the First World.

When the world cooled, and returned to normal, they re surfaced, and gradually rebuilt their civilisation…

Let’s see how this piece of the jigsaw fits into the Sumerian account, as told by Zecharia Sitchin, in “Genesis Revisited”:

Early Sumerian legends tell us that on one of Nibiru’s initial approaches to the Sun, soon after it was ‘captured’ into our solar system; it had a close encounter with the planet Tiamat. Gravitational stresses on Tiamat, the smaller of the two caused massive geothermal activity. Surface temperature rose sharply. Magnetic and electrical storms caused spectacular lightening (divine lightnings) around the planet, accompanied by massive volcanic eruptions. Huge fissures appeared in its crust. Into one of these fissures, a moon of Nibiru – called ‘Evil Wind’ impacted, ‘splitting Tiamat’s heart’. Ten of Tiamat’s eleven moons were torn away, leaving only the present Moon.

This was the devastation caused by Nibiru’s first

encounter with Tiamat.Now let’s return to our spellbinding Hopi friends…

After their emergence, the survivors from the destruction of the First World lived in harmony with each


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other for a time. They built villages and linked them with trails. Eventually trouble started; once again they drew away from their Creator. One day He appeared to few of the people who were loyal to him. Once more, the world had to be ‘cleansed’. The Ant People were called upon again to shelter the faithful, while the rest of the world was destroyed.

When His people were safely

underground, the Creator commanded the ‘Twins’ to leave their posts at the North and South ends of the world’s axis. They were stationed there, we are told, to keep the world rotating properly.

(Another strange coincidence – didn’t the Sumerian account tell us that the Nibiru encounter ‘split Tiamat’s heart’? With a split core, one can well imagine ‘something’ extra must have been needed to keep the planet rotating properly on a single axis - the twins – two moons, in special orbits?).

No sooner had the Twins abandoned their posts, when the world, with nothing to stabilise it, teetered off balance, spun around crazily, and then rolled over twice. Mountains plunged into the sea, and the water sloshed over the land. The world then spun through cold and lifeless space, it froze into solid ice. (The sea sloshing over the land, followed by a snap

ice-age? Maybe this would account for the unexplainable accumulation of dinosaur bones in certain archaeological sites, and in at least one case, a whole mammoth frozen in a block of ice, with uneaten food still in its mouth.)


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So ended the Second World. Another piece of our jigsaw – let’s see how this fits.

Back to “Genesis Revisited.”. This is fun, isn’t it? On a subsequent approach of Nibiru, we are told, one

of its moons collided with Tiamat, breaking it in two. The upper part – called ‘The Skull’ – of the fractured planet, was struck by another of Nibiru’s moons, called ‘North Wind. (So it seems that by now, this planet was already in two parts, with nothing to keep the halves together). This collision caused one severed section, along with its Moon, to spin off into a new orbit around the Sun. The Earth / Moon system was born. (The ‘new Earth’ would have had a whole new day/night schedule, and undoubtedly would have wobbled – teetered on its axis, until it stabilised). The other part of the fractured planet shattered into small pieces. The various fragments entered their individual orbits in what became the asteroid belt of today.

Isn’t it intriguing! Two accounts from completely different cultures, from different parts of the world, seem to be telling of the same event; different tongues telling the same story!

Let’s stay with our Hopi friends a little longer, just for the icing on our cake of human evolution…

True to their reputation, the people of

Earth once again ran foul of their Creator. Once again He worked out a way to save those loyal to his commands. This time He would destroy the world with water.

He ordered His faithful people to select tall trees with hollow stems. Cut them down,


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and climb into them, taking enough food and water. The hollow stems were then sealed, and the waters were ‘loosed’ upon the Earth. Waves higher than mountains rolled in upon the land. Everything sank beneath the seas - and still the rains fell.

The people sealed up in their make-shift arks heard the mighty rushing of the waters. They felt themselves tossed high into the air, then dropped back to the water. Eventually all was quiet. A total silence reigned. They knew they were floating. For a long, long time they kept floating – the only survivors of the THIRD WORLD.

Does this sound like another version of the Biblical

flood? And the Sumerian account of the great flood as recounted by the Anunnaki, in Mr, Sitchin’s books? Ever wondered WHY these stories, from different cultures, and different parts of the world, are so alike? Maybe, just MAYBE, something like that really did take place?

This seems to point to a super intelligence (God?) who foresees – perhaps even orchestrates – these planetary encounters, then uses the consequence to carry out His plans for His creations. Keep this in mind when we come across a being called Galzu later on. Perhaps this super-intelligence was fine-tuning the fledgling human race, isolating one particular strain, and eliminating the rest. One particular people were being set apart to be the future inhabitants of this planet - a race whose physical and mental makeup would enable them to be amenable to communications with the spiritual / subspace realms. A gene pool was being engineered, that was to become the envy of the whole cosmos.


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In February of 1932, in response to questions on the lost continent of Atlantis, our Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce made a passing comment in ‘reading’ 364-6, which seems to jump out at you, when we have in our mind, Zecharia Sitchin’s account of the encounter between a moon of the wandering planet Nibiru, and the planet Tiamat.

To paraphrase what Cayce said parenthetically, when asked if Atlantis was one large continent, or a group of large islands, he said it was originally one whole continent, until the first set of planetary cataclysms broke it up. These upheavals Cayce said happened when the Earth took up its present position in its orbit about the sun. This would of course imply that Earth’s orbit has changed, while this world was already inhabited by an advanced civilization - Atlantis.

He goes on to say, in that same reading, that accidents do happen in creation, as they do in individuals’ lives. This also points to that cataclysmic encounter between two large planets so graphically interpreted by Mr. Sitchin, in GENISIS REVISITED. What a strange comment by our celebrated psychic! Perhaps the mists of time are clearing at last, enabling us to learn more about our beginnings.

As the wheel of karma (we will read a bit about karma, later on) keeps turning relentlessly, – could the imbedded ancient memories in our collective consciousness be responsible for the appearance of the ever increasing number of movies, and stories of natural calamities, like doomsday asteroids smashing into Earth?? Traumatic experiences do create deep-seated memories. Even NASA has set up a project to catalogue and track Potentially Hazardous Asteroids.8

There were many changes, Cayce tells us, great changes that spanned a period of roughly 200,000 years, a

8 Visit - - for NASA’s site about these asteroids.


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period that commenced with the emergence of the very first Earth man in the cosmos…

If you wish to be enthralled, read “The Lost Book of Enki”.

“How”, we may ask, “would life survive in a planet

wandering alone in the extreme cold of deep space, without proximity to the life sustaining warmth of a parent sun? According to ancient records, the answer lies in its very thick atmosphere, geothermal activity, and high technology.

Records of the ancient Sumerians, tell of the Anunnaki being present on Earth 432,000 years before the Flood. Incidentally these records also describe the flood in startling biblical detail; as does Edgar Cayce, who places it at approximately 28,000 BC; more pieces of the jig-saw?

This would mean that the inhabitants of the wandering planet Nibiru visited us about 460,000 BC.

In THE LOST BOOK OF ENKI, Zecharia Sitchin, describes the genetic manipulation carried out by the Anunnaki, to produce a hybrid race of humans to work for them, this is fascinating in itself, however human fossil remains have been discovered that date back more than twice as far into antiquity, to over 1 million years. The Anunnaki don’t appear to be the first to settle here. The Sons of God were busy on Earth even before their arrival.

10,500,000, that’s 10.5 Million years ago, says my favourite sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce, Atlantis was the centre of civilisation on Earth. It was then, says Mr. Cayce that there was the ‘second’ influx of souls that entered the earth. This was the coming of what he calls the “perfect race”.

Now, if Nibiru caused the death of Tiamat, and the subsequent forming of Earth, about half a million years ago, one would presume that the ‘Earth’ referred to by Cayce in


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these readings, must be Tiamat. There’s absolutely no reason to imagine that Tiamat was not already inhabited when that great cosmic cataclysm took place. When we speak of ‘Earth’ before 460,000BC perhaps we are talking about Tiamat? It does get VERY confusing; we have more to learn, more…

When this ‘perfect race’ arrived on the planet, Cayce continues, the world was already inhabited by monstrosities. These were soul entities who had taken on all sorts of grotesque physical forms, in order to experience life in the third dimension on Earth. They had already existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and had become all shapes and sizes, ranging from pygmies to giants twelve feet tall. After cohabiting with animals, they then developed outlandish abnormalities.

Was Cayce right? Was this the original sin of man? Humans had interfered with, and completely corrupted God’s creation.

Hundreds of thousands of years after this, and about 10.5 Million years ago, a fresh influx of pristine souls came to earth, to restore the balance. At first they lived peacefully together. The struggle of these Sons of God to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth did not meet active, organised resistance. Beings born with perfect bodies continued to enter the earth in large numbers to keep the balance and prepare for the problems that were to occur later when divisions arose spawning the ‘Sons of Belial’, a ‘negative’ faction, who appear to have the backing of the dark forces, protagonists in the spiritual / subspace revolt described by Edgar Cayce, and Courtney Brown.9



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Did these animal / human mixtures inhabit the Earth,

before the advent of Adam?

Part Fish Part Human Part Horse Part Human



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Part Snake Part Human Another of EARTH’S EARLY INHABITATANTS?

These mixtures / monstrosities became the outcasts of

society; often very low in intelligence, and morals, and of little self-will. Over the years, they were bred like cattle for specific types of work. They were enslaved by the followers of Bilial – another name for Beelzebub, a leader of the dark / evil forces.10 They did all the manual work for their masters, and Castes and Classes of society came into being. So did many ancient myths and legends of these part-human beings. These unfortunate creatures were commonly known as automatons, or ‘things’, and several thousands of years later, it was the warring between the followers of Bilial and the followers of the ‘Law of One’, that caused the eventual destruction of Atlantis…

But the Pharisees hearing it, said:

This man casteth not out the devils but byBeelzebub the prince of the devils.

Matthew 12:24

It is interesting to note that the ancient Sumerians

never called the Anunnaki “gods”. They referred to them as “The righteous ones of the bright pointed objects”. I wonder if we will ever know what the bright pointed objects were.

Darwinists proclaim that, following on from the ape man Neanderthal, the first Homo sapiens appeared, about 200,000 years ago, 11 he still had a lot of the ‘ape’ in him. This they tell us was our ancestor, modern man descended 10 According to Edgar Cayce, in A MILLION YEARS TO THE PROMISED LAND: by Robert Kranjenke. 11 Make a note of this date; we will be encountering it later, under fascinating circumstances.


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from him. Where does our creation scenario fit in along this evolutionary chain? Edgar Cayce placed it way back, beyond 10 million years ago. There seems to be a major rift in our time-continuum. But wait…

***** Fragments of fossils found in 1872, in Italy, after re

examination using modern techniques, in America, have turned out to be human bones about 10 million years old!

***** In 1974 Associated Press reported a 4 million-year-

old find of skull fragments in Ethiopia.

***** In 1958, Dr Johannes Heurezeler of Basle University,

Switzerland, unearthed a complete human skeleton, 600 feet down an Italian coal mine. Normal anthropological dating placed it around 10 million years old. The most exciting thing about this find was its ‘humanness’. Its face was short, not the elongated snout of the ape. It had no simian gap, a characteristic space between the canines and adjacent teeth. The front teeth were not pointing outwards as an apes are; the chin was rounded and nostrils are ascending not flat as in apes. The hole in the skull that carries a human nerve through the lower jawbone is present. In short, the skeleton was that of a modern man, not an ape-man.

***** Not long ago, a 500,000 year old geode, found by

three rock hounds, Virginia Maxey, Mike Mikesell, and Wallace Lane, on the slopes of the Coso Mountains, six miles North West of Olancha, California, turned out to be more than just an ordinary rock. When it was cut in half, it revealed a perfectly circular interior section, of an extremely hard ceramic-like material, with a two-millimetre shaft of


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bright metal at its centre. Upon x-raying, the two halves of this ancient rock revealed images that looked uncannily like a modern automobile spark plug. It seems like California was home to a very sophisticated community of cave men, half a million years ago.

According to Edgar Cayce archaeology was as much a science 10,500BC as it is now. He described one person who went to him for one of his famous ‘readings’, as one who, in ancient times, was highly ‘educated in the reading of old inscriptions, and in unearthing of monuments from the past’.

***** The name then was Celuo, from ancient Carpathia

where “…an extended study was made through the abilities to use the glass that was found for the interpreting of the lights from the various heavenly bodies.” 12

Amazingly, our early ancestors appear to have ‘found’ something that THEIR ancestors had left behind. Could this have been a telescope, to observe celestial objects too far away, or too small to be visible to the naked eye? Or was it some sort of spectroscope that could analyse (interpret) the light that reaches us from distant celestial objects?

Here is a small sampling of the wealth of such intriguing anomalies Brad Steiger has assembled in Worlds Before Our Own…

***** In 1971, while exploring a mine, an amateur geologist

and archaeologist found a human tooth embedded in strata that was dated as 100 million years old. This is far older than the currently accepted model, which says modern man (homo sapiens) has only been around for about 200,000 years.

In 1968, a Russian archaeologist found a large-scale

12 Edgar Cayce Reading 1900-1, given on the 29th of May 1939, for a 52 year old lady.


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metallurgical factory dating back to some unknown civilization 4,500 years ago, where they made vases, knives, bracelets and more of copper, gold, iron and bronze. Do we still need more ‘proof’ that intelligent, sophisticated humans inhabited our planet several thousand years ago?

***** In a cave, in Haifa, Israel in 1966, researchers found a

piece of manufactured glass measuring 11 feet long, 7 feet wide and 1½ feet thick and aged at 1,400 years old. Such a feat of glass making was not matched until the creation of the mirrors for the Mount Palomar telescopes in the 20th century.

***** The ancient Peruvians may have invented ballooning.

In 1690, a Portuguese Jesuit priest recorded that he had actually seen the Peruvians flying about in hot-air balloons. Who did they learn that from?

So, unless we stubbornly wish to ignore evidence like this, it looks as though the theory that humans evolved from apes needs to be amended. Otherwise, as my good friend Pags put it, it could mean that the apes probably evolved from us.

In COSMIC FAIRY TALE, Nikolai Rudenkoi, a psychic writer from the Ukraine, describes a race of intelligent people who inhabited PHAETON, an ancient planet that exploded long ago, wiping out life on Earth, as a result of a massive bombardment by chunks of debris from that shattered planet. The Russian astronomer W. G. Fessenkov places this catastrophe way back in time, to many tens of thousands of years ago.

Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, thousands of meteorites appear to have fallen in the Czechoslovakian country side. In 1959, astronomers succeeded in establishing the origin of one of the larger chunks. This cosmic projectile, they concluded came from that part of our solar system between Jupiter and Mars, they


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considered it to be a fragment of a planet that once occupied an orbit in that area of the solar system. In other words, it was probably a part of PHAETON.

Where did Nikolai Rudenkoi get the idea for this COSMIC FAIRY TALE from? Could it have originated from the same source Johanathan Swifft got his information regarding Mars’ moons, in his GULLIVERS TRAVELS ? Where ever he got it from, it ties in nicely with Ashtar’s account of MALDEK, and the conclusions drawn by Hancock, Bauval and Grisby in their THE MARS MYSTERY.

This story also bears an uncanny resemblance to the experiences of ‘The Janus’ people we mentioned earlier…

Coincidences, coincidences, the scourge of conformity!

So, taking in accounts from different sources, it appears that our Earthly civilisations have quite possibly been wiped out time and time again. According to Semjase, we did it ourselves, at least once, and then again with the help of those visitors from Sirius, and now according to Nikolai Rudenkoi and others, yet again after PHAETON or MALDEK was destroyed.

Later on we will be hearing about Lyssa Royal 13and her account of the destruction of the APEX planet, and the subsequent migration of the survivors into underground cities, wouldn’t it be logical to conclude that the survivors of the cataclysms here on Earth could have done the same thing? After all there are definite signs that we did indeed have extremely highly developed civilisations in the distant past. Those tantalising stories of underground ‘kingdoms’ that have been around for so long, may be telling us that there is something in those legends, maybe we do have in our midst remnants of subterranean refugees from a long time ago. 13 THE PRISIM OF LYRA: Lyssa Royal


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***** The hillsides were dotted with narrow tubes poking

out of the ground. These ventilation shafts were the tell tale signs that hundreds of underground homes honeycombed the hills of the Australian outback town of Coober Pedy; where the outside temperatures in this desert mining town can vary between freezing nights to daytime temperatures of above 50°C

These were not just dank dusty cave dwellings, but modern well appointed homes, churches and even modern motels. The local inhabitants and hundreds of visiting tourists attest to the practicality of these underground dwellings, making it easy to understand why our extraterrestrial cousins and ancient ancestors even on Earth would do the same when their worlds may have become inhospitable.

***** We have in our possession, fossils of cave men, with

their tools etc; fossils that are tens of thousands of years old. Fascinating finds like fossilized sandal prints with tiny trilobites imbedded in them defy explanation, these trilobites were alive when stepped on, trilobites that were extinct in the late Paleozoic era, roughly 250 million years ago. And domesticated maize (as against wild maize) has been unearthed from an ancient Mexican lake bed, maize that dates back at least 20,000 years. Someone was cultivating maize here, when we are told homo sapiens were supposed to be clubbing their food to death with stone clubs. How does all this fit in with the theories of people like Zecharia Sitchin, and Edgar Cayce, with the Anunnaki, and the Atlanteans?

With the possible exception of the squashed tribolites, this could have happened on Tiamat, before the Earth was formed. Before 460,000 years ago, according to Sitchin, Earth was part of the larger planet, Tiamat, which may well have been inhabited by intelligent beings.

As we just said, with the exception of those stepped-on tribolites, why would it not be possible that highly


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civilised man co-existed with our cave men of old? After all, civilised man co-exists with certain rather primitive races around the world even now.

If only we could all use the super power of the mind, and were able to get in touch with the Akashic Records, like Edgar Cayce could… There would be no need for us to twist our minds around these speculations.


Let’s go back to the Old Testament times of long ago, and the book of Enoch… This Biblical person is in fact referred to in ancient Sumerian literature. Dipping once more into the work of Zecharia Sitchin…

According to the Sumerian King Lists, Enmeduranna (biblical Enoch) was the seventh pre-Diluvial holder of the kingship. He reigned in Sippar for 6 Nibiru orbits, or shars – 21,000 Earth years. He was then given the High Priesthood, and was renamed Enmeduranki. Enoch was taken up and shown the secrets of the Sun, and other hidden secrets of the universe. He was also given the “heavenly tablets”, and instructed to study them carefully. Enoch then passed all this knowledge on to his son Methuselah (also of Biblical fame). Mankind was being primed, it would appear, primed to eventually take control of his own affairs, and not depend entirely on the Anunnaki who would not stay here forever…

For a thousand years in thy sight are as yesterday, which is past. And as a watch in the night,

Psalms 89:4


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Human is not the shape of the body, but the essence of the spirit.

“….and God made man in His own Image and likeness.

Male and female, He made them.”

Genesis 1:27-28

When we read this we often presume a most dubious thing – a suggestion that the physical human being is in the likeness of God Himself. One look into a mirror horrifies me – does God look like this? Why should the Creator of All, be limited to the likeness of us humans – Limited to our five senses, etc. etc. But wait – that was before He fashioned man out of clay later on. Yes perhaps the human form came later. Look at the same book, in the next chapter, chapter 2 verses 7-8. ‘Experts’ tell us this is another account of the same creation that ‘somehow’ got included in the bible. They may be right, but if they are not…? This time He did not make the clay form, male AND female, no He made it male. He made woman next. Then, what sort of man did He make earlier, in chapter one? Perhaps it was a sexless or bi-sexual spirit. After all it is a great deal easier to perceive God as being a


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spirit. Could the first recorded creation of man be that of his spirit? Many sources indicate that indeed this probably was so. What’s more, when God first made man as spirit, in His likeness, it is quite probably He did so on a universal scale, not on a mere Earthly scale, why limit God’s greatness?

“For the universe was brought into existence

for the purpose of being the dwelling place

of the souls of God’s children…”.

Edgar Cayce – reading 2396-2 Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2005 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. All

Rights Reserved

Edgar Cayce went on to state that information in the book of Genesis was extracted from pre existing, ancient writings, and from inspiration Moses acquired while in deep meditation. Moses then compiled this primeval knowledge into a concise form that the local population of the day could easily comprehend, and pass on to later generations, and through them to us.

It wasn’t until comparatively recent times that another inspired person, Zecharia Sitchin, succeeded in interpreting thousands of clay tablets that were found in what was ancient Babylon. These tablets have turned out to be the most likely source of Moses’ – and our - Genesis.

The world now has two accounts of Genesis. What appears to be the original, very detailed account, and the later condensed version in our Bible; add to this a very strong possibility that ancient scriptures from other parts of the world may have sequels of this Babylon chronicle.

THE LOST BOOK OF ENKI, and GENESIS REVISITED, are extraordinary works of Sitchin. Those readers who are new to this sphere of thinking could be forgiven for coming to the conclusion that this work profanes


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Holy Scripture. However, when we read the books with an open mind, and in the light of what we will learn in the next few chapters of this book, it should have quite the opposite effect, and end up initiating within us a much deeper appreciation of God the Father of All Beginning, and our relationship to Him, and His universe. We will be referring to these books of Sitchin much more in the course of this work.

Before we continue reading the following extract from “The Lost Book of Enki”, let’s just remember that it was engraved on stone tablets many thousands of years ago. Man had just barely crawled out of his cave dwellings – so the scholars assure us!

***** Enki was ecstatic! He had found the perfect native

‘creature’ from the steppes of the Abzu (in south eastern Africa). For many long hours he, Ningishzidda his son, and Ninmah, his half sister had been fascinated by these indigenous inhabitants, as they frolicked with the gazelles, and jostled with the creatures of the water. They devised a plan, captured a few of these natives, and held them in cages.

Eventually he invited his brother Enlil, overall commander and administrator of the Anunnaki operations on Earth, to his home. Here, in heavy cages were the bipeds, long shaggy hair covering their whole body. These are ‘beings, not creatures’ Ninmah – chief medical officer of the Anunnaki - remarked, ‘a thrill to behold’.

As the small group of gods arrived at the enclosures, the ‘beings’ in the cages stood up and proceeded to pound their fists on the heavy bars. Enki’s son Ningishzidda, - master of Genetics, and other sciences (also known as Thoth, in Egypt) - had already checked their ‘Fashioning Essence’ (DNA?); which he found to be astonishingly like their own. He observed that, it resembled two entwined serpents. Interesting, to note the DNA chain described so explicitly on ancient tablets that were inscribed by men not long out of their cave dwellings! If this ‘essence’ was combined with


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their own life essence, Enki suggested, a perfect worker could be created, one who could understand, and carry out orders.

Machines are our slaves, Enlil, the great Anunnaki commander answered his brother, and he was clearly averse to creating living slaves. Back on Nibiru slavery was abolished a long time ago. This idea of mixing their genes with the primitive locals, to create slaves to work in our mines, was against interplanetary rules.

Enki and Ninmah tried to convince their brother that they would not be creating a new being, just modifying one already existing, making it more in their image. They were trying hard to persuade their brother / commander to agree with their plan, because they desperately needed help to produce the gold they needed for the survival of their world.

Creating was in the hands of the Father of All Beginning alone. Enlil insisted. To obtain gold for the survival of Nibiru was their reason for coming to Earth, not to replace the authority of the Father of All Beginning.

This was beginning to sound distressingly like the actual ‘first fall’ of man on Earth; the ‘Original Sin’, man interfering with evolving life – man usurping God’s authority as Creator of life.14

Ninmah the medical officer did not think they were breaking any law. The beings already exist, she argued, they won’t be ‘creating’ a NEW being. This can be achieved with very little change, just a drop of the Anunnaki life essence is all that was needed.

The Father of All Beginning had perfected the dwellers on Nibiru, with wisdom and understanding, was it not right for them to use these endowments to the best of their ability, wasn’t that, the reason for which they were destined? Why should they not, design new tools to help 14 A MILLION YEARS TO THE PROMISED LAND: by Robert Krajenke.


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them? They did not intend to create new beings to work as slaves; just design new ‘tools’ to help the Anunnaki survive.

The debate went on and on, like a man battling with his conscience. Was this what they were destined to do? Destiny cannot be changed, but if it was not destiny, breaking a fundamental celestial rule, infringing upon the cosmic laws of the Father of All Beginning, would mean creating their own Fate. And karma was something they did not wish to generate for themselves. So that’s what the whole issue came down to, was it Destiny to introduce a new species on Earth, or would it be Fate. They decided to refer the question to their leader Anu, on far away Nibiru.

Anu was never asked to make a decision like this before. So the matter was placed before the supreme council. Elders, savants, and commanders were consulted. Long and bitter, were the discussions involving Life and Death, Fate and Destiny. Was there any other way, was this local ‘help’ absolutely essential?

The gold was vital for the survival of Nibiru, without it, their whole atmosphere would disappear, repeated close encounters with the Sun, in the course of their planetary orbiting, was depleting their atmosphere at an alarming rate, just as it does for any comet. The ‘heroes’ imported from Nibiru were not used to the comparatively harsh climatic conditions on Earth. The extra short year (365 Earth days, compared to 3,600 Earth years per year of Nibiru) was also taking its toll. Help was most definitely required. Their very survival was in jeopardy; Anu forsook the rule of ‘Planetary Journeying’ and ordered the ‘creation’ of intelligent man on Earth. A fresh chapter in the evolution of the Anunnaki had just started. Earth humans were about to take their first breath; and the Anunnaki were about to ‘create’ an intelligent worker for their mines in the Abzu, that ancient land not too far from present day Zimbabwe in Africa.

So ends another fascinating excerpt from those intriguing tablets of old. They are all the more intriguing


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because they predate our religious teachings; in many cases the details, and in some cases even the names used, parallel the Bible, and other sacred texts.

Did we say “ends”? My friends the human story is just BEGINNING!

***** In the 1970s, South Africa’s leading mining

corporation, the Anglo-American Corporation engaged archaeologists to look for abandoned ancient gold mines. This resulted in the discovery of extensive mining areas in Swaziland and other areas, with shafts to depths of fifty feet, these mine sites were dated between 35,000 and 60,000 BC. Fascinating cave men!

In 1988, a team of international physicists came to South Africa to verify the age of human habitats in Swaziland and Zululand. The most modern techniques indicated an age of 80,000 to 115,000 years…

A mesmerizing account in “INDABA MY CHILDREN”, by the Zulu medicine man Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa, speaks of the ancient gold mines of Monotapa, in southern Zimbabwe, this Zulu legends tells us that they were operated by ‘artificially produced flesh and blood slaves’, who were created by the ‘First People’. These slaves, the legends continue, went into battle with the ‘Ape-Man’ when ‘the great war star appeared in the sky’.

“The great War Star”, could that have been the planet Nibiru?

The time, place and the story seem to have a fairy-tale connection with the Anunnaki chronicle! Yes, more pieces of our jig-saw have clicked together!

Read on my friends, read on. In the next few paragraphs we will learn more about this enchanting tale of the beginning to Earth’s unique strand of humanity…

Dipping into Sitchin’s story once again… Things were not going perfectly… The genetically


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produced humans were working well, to help in the gold mines, however, they were like drones, they could not breed. Breeding was for the moment being carried out by surrogate Anunnaki mothers. This was very time consuming, as there were only a limited number of surrogates, and the process itself was too long drawn out.

In Shurubak, the House of Healing, Ningishzidda compared the life essences of these newly engineered beings, to a couple of serpents entwined on a Tree of Life, this, he identified as their life essence. However these chains only had 22 branches (rungs), the Anunnaki DNA had 24; two extra,15 one male and one female. This was the reason the new Earthlings could not procreate. They were short of these two DNA rungs.

Enki and Ninmah were with him, and were deeply disappointed. They needed these Earthlings to multiply more quickly; they need them to help extract the gold from the mines, to save Nibiru. Ningishzidda was learned in these matters; he must have been a genetic engineer on Nibiru. Eventually he worked out a solution.

Ningishizza placed all four – Adamu, and Ti-Amat, - the first two engineered earthlings - Enki and Ninmah into a deep sleep (anesthetized?). He then extracted life essence from the rib of Enki, and inserted it into the rib of Adamu. The life essence from Ninmah’s rib he then inserted into the rib of Ti- Amat. Closing up the incisions, he proudly declared the completion of his project.

This is rather fascinating, because there seems to be a lot of research going on regarding genetic engineering, involving bone marrow from human ribs. Our readers with a medical background may be interested in following this up.

When Enlil noticed Adamu and Ti-Amat in the gardens, he was curious, and asked his brother Enki to explain. He was furious at Enki’s explanation. Genetically 15 Today we would call them the X and Y chromosomes.


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engineering intelligent workers was one thing, but engineering a self perpetuating race of intellectual beings was something else altogether. Acting as Creators was not the purpose of the Anunnaki; a fundamental celestial law was broken. Now these beings will be ‘knowing’, like them, and perchance even have their long extended life cycles too.

Ningishizidda assured his leader that the branch of Long Living was not added to their essence tree. The earthlings will be governed by Earth’s life cycles, not Nibiru’s.

Enlil was not impressed, his sister tried to convince him, by reminding him of the need to get an uninterrupted supply of the much needed gold for the saving of their home world. Still quite upset, Enlil ordered that the earthlings be expelled from the orchards, and taken to where they were needed, the mines of the Abzu.

A remarkable tale indeed; if it were not for its extreme age, it could easily be dismissed; but this ancient report sounds disquietingly similar to our own beloved Genesis.

In November 1940, Edgar Cayce gave a remarkable ‘reading’ for a 56 year old widow; while referring to the enigma that the Sphinx still is, he made another of his tantalising, passing references, this one was to “those who seek to know what were the manners of thought of the ancient sons who made man – a beast – as a part of consciousness.” The language he used made it hard to follow, but the meaning was quite clear. Comments like these sure tickle the taste buds of the brain…

“Male and Female He made them”, we are told. In his fascinating series of books, “The Earth

Chronicles”, Zecharia Sitchin outlines the exploits of the Anunnaki, during their mining for gold in South Eastern Africa. He explains how they refined the gold on their planet Nibiru, and dispersed the fine dust into their upper atmosphere, to protect it during their planet’s close encounter


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with the Sun every 3,600 years.

Mining this gold was taking a heavy toll on the Nibiruans, so it appears that they proceeded to genetically produce a worker-being from the local indigenous stock of Earth (Darwin’s missing link?). After many trials, and errors, they finally got the right mix of their own DNA with the hybrids, and according to Sitchin, produced a human masterpiece. Using detailed accounts of these events, recorded and preserved in stone tablets, Sitchin places these events between 300,000 and 200,00BC, tantalisingly close to what my favourite seer says…

FIRST LADY OF EARTH: Edgar Cayce told us that approximately 200,000

years lapsed between the advent of Adam – the physical man – and Jesus. That would place the creation of Adam and Eve about 202,000 years ago; give of take a couple of thousand. Remember Cayce passed away in 1945, and does have an impeccable record. I hope you are sitting when you read this…

In 1987, a group of researchers published a paper reporting the discovery of a fossil of a human female, who they claim is very close to being our common maternal ancestor. They based their theory on DNA testing of this fossil found in East Africa. This was the region of the Abzu of the Anunnaki. Another coincidence!

I will not attempt to go into the technical aspects of

Is it just a coincidence that NASA coats the windows of their spacecraft with gold, to shield the astronauts from damaging solar



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the Mitochondrial DNA testing done, as I will probably mess it up anyway. Mitochondrial DNA they tell us is passed down ONLY from mothers and grandmothers etc (dads have no say in this gene). While Nuclear DNA is a mish-mash of DNA from our four grandparents, Mitochondrial DNA is passed down through the millennia with very little change.


The results of this DNA analysis suggested that the

woman who turned into this fossil lived 200,000 years ago – there’s that date again. The modern race of humans we are part of, carry this DNA, which would mean that she and we have a common link. What about the fossils that predate her? Well they apparently do not have the same DNA. As with all new theories that make us think outside the proverbial


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square, this one too has attracted its share of controversy. But that should not cause us to sweep this evidence as well, under the sceptics’ magic carpet. It does appear to have confirmation of sorts from Sitchin and Edgar Cayce.

Who were the ‘humans’ that predated this person? According to Edgar Cayce, the Atlantean civilisation was thriving BEFORE the advent of Adam. It shouldn’t be too difficult for an intelligent person to come to the realisation that any being who walked on planet Earth before our own Adam and Eve, were not or our own unique lineage, they would have been from another branch of the cosmic family, call them Lyrians, Pleiadians, Anunnaki, what ever, but not native Earth Humans – we have our own uniqueness, and our own role to play in our Father’s universe.

All other visitors / inhabitants to our planet, including the Atlanteans, and Lamurians would have been from a different race, their DNA must have been different.

One extremely interesting, and important fact in this discussion, is that it really does not matter where these other inhabitants of Earth originated from. We know for a fact – through Edgar Cayce’s readings, for example – that many of them have returned, this time in Earth human bodies, with OUR DNA, to work out their karmic debt. This means that their spiritual essence, their soul is the same as ours – from the same source. We are one.

The true Earth humans must have had their own origin about 200,000 years ago, as Cayce and Sitchin suggested, after all it looks like that was when Eve made her debut on our planet.

***** Up until recently, it was presumed that humans had a

total of between 100,000 and 140,000 genes, which were unique among life on Earth. However, as science advanced, we were able to catalogue the whole human genome. Lo and behold humanity was unceremoniously taken down from that pedestal! Humans actually had only little more than 30,000


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genes and horror of horrors, we were by no means unique, but our genes were comparable to almost 99 percent of the chimpanzees, and 70 percent of the mouse. We were very much a home-grown species of planet Earth.

As life on Earth mutated and evolved, the newer more advanced species, developed on the existing genome of its ancestors. But wait, that difference between the chimp and us, amounted to 223 genes, we had 223 genes more, than the chimpanzee, these were not mutated / evolved genes, but EXTRA genes. Where could they have come from?

Theories have been put forward to explain this conundrum our experts find themselves in. To put it in simple language - one would have to believe in flying pigs, to subscribe to some of these theories.

The answer may have been with us from the beginning of time…

The being that they needed already existed; all that they had to do was ‘put their mark on it.’

According to Sitchin, (GENESIS REVISITED)these were the words of the great Anunnaki scientist / god Enki, at the onset of their project – about 200,000 years ago, to genetically upgrade Earth’s existing hominids, who were already evolving on this planet.

Fascinating details of this project are set in stone, and preserved for all to study. Records dictated by the ‘gods’ themselves, records that succinctly outline details of our intimate connection to the stars.

Long before Earth humans started their epic journey up the evolutionary ladder, we are told, the descendants of beings from the star system of Lyra were here, it was they who gave Lemuria and Atlantis their names. And even before them, giant beings from another system called Bawwi were here.

In many of Edgar Cayce’s ‘readings’ he could be referring to these, or similar visitors ….


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According to Edgar Cayce, there was a ‘second influx of souls into the Earth’s plane. In May 1925, Cayce told a male client of his, (No: 2802) that he was a member of this influx, who were giants in stature, and were called the “Sons of the Highest” (as against the “Sons of Men”, mentioned elsewhere). These “bearers of spiritual knowledge” were also referred to as those of the first rule, and were sought after by the peoples.

This would have been many millions of years ago, even before Mans’ latest fine tuning, at the hands of the great Anunnaki. Earth’s geography was much different in that bygone age. This magnificent planet was much younger, and undefiled.

According to our ‘Sleeping Prophet’ Cayce, ice did not cover our present Polar Regions; they were tropical and semi tropical. Most of the North American continent was under water, except for Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico, these were fertile plains then, so was the Gobi desert of East Asia. The Andean region of South America was under water, as was most of that continent except for the Southern Cordilleras and Peru. The upper part of West Africa, Egypt and the Sudan was above water, and the Nile emptied into the Atlantic.

The Carpathian and Caucasian Mountains regions of Europe and the lands now called Norway, Mongolia and Tibet were above sea level. Iran and the Caucasus were rich lands...

The continents of Lemuria and Atlantis were the worlds largest land areas in those far off times. Lemuria, lying roughly in what was later to become the Pacific Ocean, extended from the western part of the United States to South America. The Andean coast was its shore line, as were portions of Central America.

Atlantis, occupying largely what was later to be the North Atlantic Ocean, was the most important land area. It compared in size to Europe and Russia combined. The


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eastern seaboard of the United States, then mostly under water, comprised the coastal lowlands of Atlantis, which extended to the Gulf of Mexico and as far as the Mediterranean Sea. The island of Bimini off the coast of Florida was part of that great continent, as were the Bahamas in the British West Indies, and the Yucatan in southern Mexico. It was quite a different looking world in those days. Edgar Cayce agrees with today’s scientists who say that the poles on this planet have changed more than once, in its long history.

Yes, it appears that God’s initial creation of ‘man’ as spirit MUST have happened several million years BEFORE He made ‘man’ out of the clay of Earth. He would have, most likely gone ahead and created the physical man out of the ‘clay’ of other planets too, just as He did on Earth.

When the first humans were appearing in flesh form on planet Earth, this 39 year old man (identified as 4609 in the Cayce files) was among those making the very first appearance in the form of man. The time was now ripe, and the Universal Forces had at last created the soul-man. This person was among the first born of the sons of men.

When Sir Fred chose the word ‘seeds’ was he really intending to say ‘spirits’ or ‘souls’? It could mean the same thing, couldn’t it? “ANIMA” in Latin, and “PNEUMA” in Greek, mean air, SOUL or BREATH, interestingly the same word was held by the ancient Stoics to be a COSMIC PRINCIPLE.

A surprising number of religious leaders have an open mind to these vexing questions. A prominent and out spoken Christian peer of Britain, for example, publicly stated that sentient beings could exist in the universe – these could have none of the physical senses of man.

“If there is intelligent life on a star like Epsilon Eridani or on planets circling it, these beings must have their own incarnation of God”. The noted minister said. “This fact should not invalidate at all the picture we have of


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God in Jesus Christ. Christ is the human photograph of God, but beings on other worlds must have their own appropriate photograph of the Eternal Spirit.”

A well renowned rabbi and, Jewish theologian is also of the opinion that no basic tenet of Judaism would be threatened, should it be found that man “is not the only intelligent and bio-spiritual resident in God’s Creation”.

A noted member of a Christian church of Sycamore, Illinois – United States actually witnessed a UFO hovering, for about twenty minutes, he had this to say.

“I believe it is possible just as Jesus was the incarnation or embodiment of God on Earth, incarnations have appeared to other civilisations in space. But these incarnations could have been different… To me, the reality of UFO’s simply makes me realise that our relationship to God and to the universe is much wider than we thought”.

Even the Catholic Church has a comment from one of its clergy. Monsignor Conrado Balducci, a Vatican theologian, close to the Pope, is reported to have gone on national Italian television several times, to support the euthenics of exterrestrial contact with humans. The Monsignor announced that the Vatican is continually receiving information from its embassies all over the world about alien contacts. He claims he is on a Vatican commission looking into these encounters, and into means of coping with the immanent global realisation of extraterrestrial contact. The English translation of Rev. Father’s remarks, can be found at:

Further on in this book, we will be reproducing a very interesting interview Zecharia Sitchin had with Monsignor Balducci, regarding the Anunnaki story of man’s creation.

This is precisely what we are endeavouring to establish in this book. Another person, who is well respected by a different set of followers, is ASHTAR. It is interesting to see what our friend Ashtar has to say about this (yes we


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will go into greater detail on this personage later on). As we have said earlier, there is no distinction between science and religion. One merely compliments the other, unless of course we doctor, or misinterpret the evidence. Let’s see what someone who claims to be from ‘out there’ has to say. This ‘message’ is said to have been received by a small group of New Zealanders who call themselves “Heralds of the New Age”. Although it may sound ridiculous, let’s just consider it as evidence we must gather, before making our analysis when we have more data to piece together.

After a rather lengthy but fascinating discourse on the vastness and splendour of the universe, Ashtar continues… “Can you my friends conceive of these things? How great is this Almighty who created all these wondrous places, planets and suns! How worthy of prayer! How worthy of Light! How worthy of all adulation from you who dwell on your small planet called Earth. Can you imagine the power and the glory of Him who caused all things to come into existence… I, my dear children, pray and worship the Almighty. He is all of all, He is the most important of all things, yet He has given to each of you a spark of Himself”–(The PANSPERMA of Sir Fred Hoyle? PS.) “How desirable it is that you should make this spark that He has given to you, evolve to such a wondrous extent that it can eventually be taken again to that Eternal Light. …We, of Space are bound to no one but the Christ our Lord Commander of all Light, Wisdom and Love…”16 Here’s a ‘message’ from another group of beings – the Verdants, who we shall also find out more about later.

“We are here to demonstrate love as a universal energy. Our consciousness is based in love. We

16 ASHTAR – A TRIBUTE: by Tuella: : Inner Light – Global Communications.


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are willing and able to assist every individual here with this shift into awareness of the Galactic Presence.

“We are all part of one galactic spectrum of consciousness. Love is the source of all our light. As you open to a greater awareness of the universe in which you live, you will find that the galaxy itself is alive, and you are part of a vast community of souls, exploring life in a multitude of different forms. We are waiting to meet you, and welcome you into the family of which you have always been a part. We are all one Galactic Family.”17

This seems to indicate, that we are all part of a universal family – cosmic would be a more apt term. The second creation, we referred to, the physical one – with man evolving, out of the ‘soil of the Earth‘, would appear to be more terrestrial in nature…

Did my favourite psychic Edgar Cayce mention visits from other planets? He certainly did. In reading numbered 1616-2:27, he alluded to this when he told a 44 year old female client that she was a priestess of the Mayan experience. “It was just before that period when those as from the East had come, and there were the beginnings of the unfoldment of the understandings that there were other portions of the same land, or those that were visiting from other worlds or planets.” Sounds as though, from about fifty years ago, Cayce was aware of what Semjase was telling us through Billy Meier. Another coincidence?

This ‘reading’ also echoes Sitchin’s story of the Anunnaki, who went ‘from the East’ to the Atlantic / Americas area.

This ‘reading’ also echoes Sitchin’s story of the Anunnaki, who went ‘from the East’ to the Atlantic / Americas area.

17 THE CONTACT HAS BEGUN: by Phillip Krapf; ©1998, Hay House Inc. Carlsbad, CA.


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Alien beings like those encountered by Betty and countless others like her, have, it appears been visiting us for a long time. Terracotta figurines uncovered in the ancient city of Ur, in Mesopotamia, clearly depict almost identical creatures as those described by UFO observers the world over. These objects date from about 4500 BC. Semjase could quite well be right. You can read about these in “STRANGE BUT TRUE UFOs” by Rowan Wilson.

***** A couple of intriguing ‘readings’ from the archives of

the redoubtable Edgar Cayce appear to throw fresh light on this stage of man’s evolution. According to this great seer, God’s spiritual creations had, at some stage between the two Biblical accounts of man’s creation, put on materiality; probably not in the form as we know man today. The following two excerpts from his ‘readings’ may refer to the beginning of man as such.

In July of 1942, Edgar Cayce provided a reading for an individual, who according to him, was one of the first beings who saw the changes that eventually set the stage for the Universal Consciousness to bring into existence what is known as the first created man. This would have been back in the early years of Atlantis; an era more than 10 million years ago, when Earth was still part of Tiamat (if we are to consider Zecharia Sitchin’s fascinating creation story. For this too, we would need to wait a bit). This individual, Cayce went on to say acted as an advisor to those beings who at a later stage would rid themselves of the ‘appendages of materiality’. These ‘appendages’ we are told by the man Cayce, were tails, hooves, and feathers, etc, remnants of the time when man co-habited / mixed with the animal world.

In a another reading, a person was told that in the days when the ‘sons of God’ came together to plan for the appearance of man in the physical realm on planet Earth, that individual was among those chosen to be a messenger to the whole realm.


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Both the above mentioned persons, would have been in the pure spirit form to start with, and must have become more involved in the Earth experience, to incur the karma (good or otherwise) that required them to incarnate here.

Who were those ‘sons of God’? The Bible speaks of them, so does Cayce. Many extraterrestrial visitors from the Pleiades, and other star systems, tell us that physical life on Earth was seeded from their worlds. Zecharia Sitchin tells us that intelligent life on our planet was seeded by the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru. Neither the Bible, nor Edgar Cayce tells us where the ‘sons of God’ come from, but if we consider that Genesis may well have been taken from ancient Sumerian writings, then it may indeed be safe to presume that these illustrious ‘sons’ may indeed have come from the cosmos. And we could therefore have their life essence in our genes.

Don’t be surprised, dear reader, if that’s what we discover – later on…Don’t be surprised!

All this speculation may only be a lot of wild imagining, however let’s not jump to conclusions just yet. Let’s keep our minds open. Though the evidence so far may appear to be too circumstantial, let us nevertheless keep gathering it. Soon we will see that the sheer weight of all this new evidence is just too much for our old theories to keep supporting; as the Master once said “By their fruits you shall know them.” Those ‘fruits’ are so tantalizing!

Information in the Cayce ‘readings’ states the substance of Genesis was drawn from pre-exiting, ancient manuscripts, and from inspiration Moses obtained while in deep states of meditation.

As the author of Genesis, Moses was endeavouring to provide an all-inclusive, summarised description of Creation and man’s place in it.

Genesis affirms that Man was created in the Image of God, which the readings identified to be the soul, not the physical body. Man, according to Edgar Cayce, was first a


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celestial being in a spiritual world. Only through a fall, a rebellion in heaven, did man become a material being. His spiritual estate was lost to the flesh.

Genesis recounts the evolution of God’s Spirit in the earth, telling the story in a highly condensed, symbolic language through which the finite mind of the Israelites could grasp an understanding of infinite happenings.

This same story is recounted – almost word for word – in the stone tablets deciphered by Zecharia Sitchin, in his absolutely enthralling book, THE LOST BOOK OF ENKI. These tablets have been dated to be at least 4,000 years old. They are said to have been dictated by an ancient Sumerian “God”, from another world. Perhaps these stone records were also Moses’ source for Genesis?

The main (if not only) difference between the two stories of creation is that Genesis concerns itself with the evolution of man’s spirit, while the Sumerian account appears to concentrate on the creation and evolution of the physical man….


In what must have been a historic first, in April 2000, a high official of the Vatican and a Hebrew scholar discussed the issue of Extraterrestrials and the Creation of Man, and though different from each other in upbringing, background, religion and methodology, nevertheless arrived at common conclusions: * Yes, Extraterrestrials can and do exist on other planets


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* Yes, they can be more advanced than us * Yes, materially, Man could have been fashioned from a pre-existing sentient being.

The Participants

The high Vatican official was Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a Catholic theologian with impressive credentials, (we have encountered Monsignor Balducci earlier in this book): A member of the Curia of the Roman Catholic Church, a Prelate of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the Propagation of the Faith, leading exorcist of the Archdiocese of Rome, a member of the Vatican’s Beatification Committee, an expert on Demonology and the author of several books. Appointed in the Vatican to deal with the issue of UFO’s and Extraterrestrials, he has made in recent years many pronouncements indicating a tolerance of the subjects; but he has never before met and had a dialogue with a Hebrew scholar, and gone beyond prescribed formulations to include the touchy issue of the Creation of Man. The Hebrew scholar was none other than – Zecharia Sitchin: A remarkable man who is not just an inspired scholar, but a scholar who has the courage to stand up for his convictions. A researcher of ancient civilizations, a biblical archaeologist, a descendant of Abraham…


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We will let Zecharia take it from here, as we reproduce this interesting dialogue from his website:

Sitchin’s Presentation

“My talk, ably translated by my Italian editor Tuvia Fogel, included a slide presentation that added a pictorial dimension to the evidence from ancient times in support of Sumerian texts, on which my eight books based the following conclusions:

“We are not alone – not just in the vast universe, but in our own solar system; There is one more planet in our solar system, orbiting beyond Pluto but nearing Earth periodically; Advanced “Extraterrestrials” – the Sumerians called them Anunnaki, the Bible Nefilim – started to visit our planet some 450,000 years ago; And, some 300,000 years ago, they engaged in genetic engineering to upgrade Earth’s hominids and fashion Homo sapiens, the Adam. In that, they acted as Emissaries for the Universal Creator – God.

“The Dialogue

“We have much to talk about,” Msgr. Balducci said to me as he came forward to congratulate me on my presentation; “I have great esteem for your scholarship,” he said.

“We returned to the hotel for lunch. Our table was surrounded in a semi-circle by my


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American fans, intent on not missing a word of the forthcoming dialogue. In the hours-long session, Msgr. Balducci outlined the positions he was going to state, from a prepared text, in his talk the next day. While my approach was based on physical evidence, his was a purely Roman Catholic theological-philosophical one, seeking the spiritual aspects. Yet, our conclusions converged.

“Msgr. Balducci’s Positions

“ON UFO’s, there must be something in it.” The hundreds and thousands of eyewitness reports leave no room for denying that there is a measure of truth in them, even allowing for optical illusions, atmospheric phenomena and so on. As a Catholic theologian such witnessing cannot be dismissed. “Witnessing is one way of transmitting truth, and in the case of the Christian religion, we are talking about a Divine Revelation in which witnessing is crucial to the credibility of our faith.”

“ON LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS: “That life may exist on other planets is certainly possible... The Bible does not rule out that possibility. On the basis of scripture and on the basis of our knowledge of God’s omnipotence, His wisdom being limitless, we must affirm that life on other planets is possible.” Moreover, this is not only possible, but also credible and even probable. ‘”Cardinal Nicolo Cusano (1401-1464) wrote that there is not a single star in the sky about which we can rule out the existence of life,


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even if different from ours.”

“ON INTELLIGENT E.T.s: “When I talk about Extraterrestrials, we must think of beings who are like us – more probably, beings more advanced than us, in that their nature is an association of a material part and a spiritual part, a body and a soul, although in different proportions than human beings on Earth.” Angels are beings who are purely spiritual, devoid of bodies, while we are made up of spirit and matter but still at a low level. “It is entirely credible that in the enormous distance between Angels and humans, there could be found some middle stage, that is beings with a body like ours but more elevated spiritually. If such intelligent beings really exist on other planets, only science will be able to prove; but in spite of what some people think, we would be in a position to reconcile their existence with the Redemption that Christ has brought us.”

“The Anunnaki and the Creation of Man

“Well then, I asked Msgr. Balducci, does it mean that my presentation was no great revelation to you? We appear to agree, I said, that more advanced extraterrestrials can exist, and I use science to evidence their coming to Earth ...I then quote the Sumerian texts that say that the Anunnaki (“Those who from heaven to Earth came”) genetically improved an existing being on Earth to create the being that the Bible calls Adam.

“My conclusion regarding your presentation,


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Msgr. Balducci answered, is that more than anything else your whole approach is based on physical evidence, it concerns itself with matter, not with spirit. This is an important distinction, “because if this distinction is made, I can bring up the view of the great theologian, Professor Father Marakoff, who is still alive and is greatly respected by the Church. He formulated the hypothesis that when God created Man and put the soul into him, perhaps what is meant is not that Man was created from mud or lime, but from something pre-existing, even from a sentient being capable of feeling and perception. So the idea of taking a pre-man or hominid and creating someone who is aware of himself is something that Christianity is coming around to…The key is the distinction between the material body and the soul granted by God.”

“From Anunnaki to God

“Yes, I responded to the Vatican theologian, in my writings I deal with the physical evidence; but already in my first book (The 12th Planet), the very last sentence of the last paragraph raises the question: If the Extraterrestrials “created” us, who created them on their planet?

“From this my own thinking and the contents of my subsequent books evolved toward the spiritual or “divine” aspects. The Anunnaki, I have explained, were just emissaries (and that is what the Hebrew word Malachim, translated Angels, means). They thought that it was their decision to come here for selfish reasons and to fashion us because they needed workers; but in truth they only carried out the Almighty God’s wishes and plans.


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“If such Extraterrestrials were so involved, Msgr. Balducci said, even by your own interpretation they had to do with Man’s physics, body and rationality: but God alone had to do with the Soul!

“My second book that deals with Man’s aspiration to ascend the heavens, is titled The Stairway to Heaven, I told Msgr, Balducci, “it seems to me that we are ascending the same stairway to heaven, though from different steps,” I said.

We ended the dialogue as friends, determined to stay in touch and continue.”

© Z. Sitchin 2000 Reproduced by permission.

Could we find a mention of our Anunnaki ancestors

in the Bible? They haven’t been mentioned by a name we can recognise, but some scholars link them with the Anakim, mentioned in the Holy Book. Through the various translations Anakim Anacim, and Enacim, describe a race of giants that may well depict the Anunnaki.

The following verses seem to describe them really well: Deut. 9:1-2. “Hear, O Israel: Thou shalt go over the Jordan this day; to possess nations very great, and stronger than thyself, cities great, and walled up to the sky; a people great and tall, the sons of the Enacims, whom thou hast seen, and heard of, against whom no man is able to stand”.

Then there is: Joshua 14: 15. “The name of Hebron before was called Cariath-Arbe: Adam the greatest among the Enacims was laid there: and the land rested from wars”.

If we believe “The Lost Book of Enki”, this verse


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makes a great deal of sense. Strangely though, the Duay – Rheims Version of the Bible is the only one I could find, that mentions the name Adam in this verse. One wonders!

***** To better understand the difference between the

physical and non physical body let us consider our experience of dreaming. In dreams we often take our non physical body for granted, but nevertheless, we would need to have one, if only to house our individuality. However, when we wake up, this body is not as functional as our physical body, which we so obviously need to survive on Earth; one, being just as real as the other in its respective environment. When we die however, it’s the other; non-physical ‘body’ that still exists.

Matter is the manifestation of Soul on this plane of existence, soul the vehicle

on a higher plane, for the manifestation of Spirit, and these three, are a trinity synthesised by LIFE, which pervades them all.



We have seen how contact with beings from ‘out

there’ can be both inspiring and helpful, however this may not always be the case, for there seems to be another front, one that we are often not aware of. This should be no


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surprise because ancient mythology from all around the world tells of a war between the ‘good’ and ‘evil’ from the skies. Could this be the direct result of the angelic revolt we spoke of earlier? When contact is made with the other side of the fence – the ‘dark forces’ – things can be a lot different, and usually are… Here are some accounts that make this point very succinctly. It seems, as in any family, our cosmic family too, has its ‘black sheep’.

It seems certain that similar creations – as those described in our religious books – out of the ‘soil’ of other planets took place elsewhere in the cosmos – or is our God limited to Earth alone? I think not. Could this be the reason many ‘alien’ beings allegedly encountered by some people, do not resemble humans? To be intelligent do they really need to look like us?

***** Rydberg ran to the car and sounded the horn to attract

help. At the sudden blast of noise, the creatures dropped his friend, Gustavsson, boarded their craft and shot off into the sky.

Hans Gustavsson aged twenty-five, and thirty year old Stig Rydberg, had just reached Domsten, Sweden, on their way home from a dance. On the ground, not far from where they were, they noticed a saucer-shaped object. As the two men watched this machine, they were set upon by four, one-meter tall creatures. Though they seemed to have no limbs, these jelly-like creatures, concentrating on Gustavsson, were pulling him into their craft. This is when Rydberg ran to the car to attract help.

If we believe we are part of a cosmic lineage, a lot of things make more sense. For example God would be a more universal God, the way He aught to be; rather than someone who has confined His interest and creation only to mankind on one little speck of a planet, in a boundless universe. It would make the issues of UFO’s and alien beings more serious and believable. The reality of angels, other spiritual


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beings, and even Jesus, becomes more universal and exciting. However, if we are indeed part of one infinitely large

cosmic family, it would not mean much if we did not believe that we are in essence spirit, and our physical bodies are only instruments into which the spirit of life was ‘breathed’, instruments that enable us to interact with material things in the three dimensional plane on Earth, and perhaps on other planets as well. If this is the case, then our other “family” members in the cosmos are like us – essentially spirit, in physical bodies. Isn’t this exactly what our religious books have been telling us for thousands of years? What’s more, there appears to have been a pretty well established interaction taking place between our cousins from ‘out there’ and us, down here, since time began.


At that time the Nephilim

appeared on earth (as well as later),

after the sons of heaven had intercourse with the daughters of man, who bore them sons.

They were the heroes of old, the men of renown.

Gen. 6:4

It seems these ‘men of renown’ the heroes, of old, are

the ones legends were built around, quite possibly the ones who later on were called ‘GODS’ by our ancestors. For example, Edgar Cayce referred to AJAX and HERMES as scientists from the highly advanced civilisation of Atlantis. Could these be the same AJAX and HERMES of ancient Greek mythology? If the legends of long ago translate highly


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advanced beings into semi-gods, it is quite conceivable that the NEPHILIM, of biblical times are the visitors spoken of by SEMJASE?

***** It was a very special time on Planet Earth. Marduk,

Commander in Chief of Mars, also the son of Enki, was to marry Sarpanit, an earthling. This was a momentous occasion, albeit very controversial. ‘Gods’ had slept with earthlings before, but for a ‘God’ to officially marry one was tantamount to sacrilegious! However, Marduk, the maverick Anunnaki ‘God’, had his way, and the marriage was given the green light.

Many of the Anunnaki ‘gods’ arrived for the celebrations, so did the Igigi. Now a word about these Igigi; they were the Anunnaki ‘heroes’ manning the Mars way station, from whence the much needed gold brought from Earth was reloaded onto “Celestial Chariots” for the long haul to Nibiru. These were not just working class heroes, most were engineers and technicians, and many were space craft pilots. ‘Heroes’ was the name given to the Anunnaki workers who worked away from their home planet, Nibiru.

These Igigi were a restless lot, which was almost to be expected, since they were living a long way from home, without their families. On getting the news, of their leader’s forthcoming wedding, most of them decided to attend. They had heard so much about the pleasures of Earth life, particularly about the beauty of the Earth women – the ones their leader’s father was instrumental in genetically producing. They were definitely coming; and if Marduk could marry one of them, why couldn’t they?


Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks,


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Isaiah 5:22

That Bible verse seems to describe the Igigi pretty

well. So, come they did, in huge numbers. “Enough of

suffering and loneliness, of no offspring ever having!” was their slogan.18 When they saw these daughters of the Earthlings, the Adapite Females, as they called them; these women were indeed beautiful, their plot was hatched. They chose their leader, Shamgaz, and made their demand. After the wedding ceremony of Marduk and Sarpanit had taken place, on a pre arranged signal from Shamgaz, each Igigi seized an Earthling maiden, and took them away to “The Landing Place” in the Cedar Mountains. (Remember this ‘Landing Place’, this is the platform that “cannot be overturned”, we will be coming back to it very soon.)

They then issued an ultimatum to Marduk, their leader. He was to give them his blessings, or they would set the Earth ablaze. They were capable of doing that, remember they came in several hundred space craft, probably armed. The Anunnaki colony on Earth was far from prepared. They were begrudgingly given the okay. Some probably went back to Mars, but the majority of them stayed on Earth. Children were born to them, and their legacy spread through the Earth.

“…say unto the Guardians of Heaven… why have you forsaken the high,

holy heaven above, lain with women, soiled yourselves

with the daughters of man, taken wives as did the sons of the earth

and sired giants?... You have … lusted for the blood of man

and brought forth flesh and blood

18 LOST BOOK OF ENKI: by Zecharia Sitchin.


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as do those who are mortal and perishable.

Book of Enoch 15:2-4.

Christian liturgy, however is not the only place where

references like this appear, they are found in mythology from all over the world-the Romans, Greeks, American Indians, Hindus, Japanese, and most others.

The Maoris for example believe that, indirectly at least, their civilisation is the result of an illicit love affair between the daughter of a chief and a prince of ‘the country in the sky’. The legend says that after much discussion, a Maori deputation was allowed into the ‘sky country’ where they were taught invaluable arts by these superior beings.

From an ancient Hindu text comes… “The unseen dwellers of the woodlands watched this sad and shameful deed as the all powerful Rasksha abducted the poor and helpless dame. He set her upon his winged chariot which shone as bright as gold, and moved as fleet as the god Indra’s heavenly steed, high over the hill and wooded vale.”

Remember the Igigi, of the Anunnaki? History did repeat itself – even then.

Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal;

Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul.

Longfellow “Psalm of Life”


The 1963 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology /

Medicine, Sir John Eccles, was a pioneer in the field of cell to cell communication, He often stated publicly, that there


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must be a ‘non physical self’, that enters into, and takes control of our brain, shortly after conception or during early childhood. This “ghost in the machine” is responsible for all that makes us human, our personality, free will, the emotions etc. What’s more, when the machine, our body dies, this “ghost” seems to live on. If this were not the case, there would be no need to lead the ‘good life’ here.

If we are part of a truly universal family, and our indestructible spirit, the ‘ghost in the machine’ survives death as Sir John Eccles suggests, then it’s more than likely that this is not its first experience of physical life – and possibly not the last.

If humanity evolved with a bee-hive mentality, where the whole community evolved together, and the lessons learnt are genetically passed on to the ‘hive’, there would be no need to even consider the possibility of reincarnation. However if each of us is a unique individual, with independent free will, it would actually be more exciting to believe that we will return to take advantage of all we have achieved; and if necessary to polish our many facets.

In many of Edgar Cayce’s ‘readings’ he referred to celestial souls who continue their evolution in Earthly bodies. In the same way, I’m sure many an Earth human would continue their human progression in the bodies of a Pleiadian on their home world. When it comes to the soul, after all it is a spark off the same Creator, and must be the same, whether it inhabits the body of an alien being, or an Earth man… Here’s Edgar…

In May 1925, Cayce told a male client of his, (No: 2802) that he was a member of an influx of souls, who came down to Earth who “gave the first dwellings for groups”. These beings were giants in stature, and were called the “Sons of the Highest”.

When one browses through the Edgar Cayce files at the A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment), one can’t help but wonder at the number of his clients who


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were ‘from the cosmos’ as it were. Couple this, with what we are now learning from our extraterrestrial ‘contacts’, Remote Viewing, Al Beilek, Stephanie Relfe and the like, (all of whom we will be hearing about later) and it should become quite clear that our cosmic cousins have been guiding us all the way, from pre-school, to college, as it were – from which we may be about to graduate very soon. And this guidance has often been inspired by nothing short of the divine…

***** A little under two thousand years ago, a very special

being in the person of Jesus entered the scene on this planet. We need not go into any lengthy discussions about Jesus at this point, because space would not permit us, suffice to say however that the scales were finally tipped in favour of man on Earth. To see how this came to be, first let us consider the interaction of man’s physical being with his spirit or soul. Remember, according to our hypothesis it was his spirit that was originally ‘created in the image and likeness’ of God. Man’s physical body was created later so that his spirit could interact with the physical world around him. In other words, the physical body was designed to be the vehicle of the spirit or soul. Now, the spirit/soul controls the actions of the physical body through the MIND. The mind of man is like the micro chip that controls a robot. The soul / spirit, is the programmer that puts the program into the chip.

When Jesus entered the scene, His teachings helped men program their minds; to do what was necessary to break the ‘catch 22’ situation they had found themselves in, regarding their relationship with their creator. He did this by drawing mans` attention to the fact that he is not abandoned, and alone in the universe. And through the amazing abilities of his mind (through prayer), man can tap into the limitless source of power that pervades the whole cosmos – the cosmos from which he came, and to which he must one day return. This person, Jesus also reminded man several times over that he is essentially spirit, and as such is an everlasting


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member of an endless family. When our term in the physical body is over, we cast it off, and return to our heritage in “HEAVEN”. Like a delicate butterfly break, free of its chrysalis, and soars freely into the limitless sky.

The battle for man really started to heat up now, the `dark` forces were identified more readily, as the effect of the teachings of this person of renown – Jesus – spread like wild fire throughout the world. The revolt, which started out there in the heavens eons ago, was now raging in earnest on this planet, the stakes – man himself.

Many people began to realise that though they may not believe in the power, and perhaps even the existence of God, they could very easily tap into the undeniable power of the dark forces. Isn’t it ironic, we often find ourselves experiencing the prick of the thorn, before we appreciate the delicate beauty of the rose.

This whole idea can either be right or wrong. Those who say its right point to mythical religious stories from around the world; stories that perhaps stretch the imagination too much, in their detail, but in concept have an awful lot in common. They come from too many different and far-flung sources to be mere coincidences. Trying to rationalise these convictions on the other hand would require more spectacular mental gymnastics, than just taking them at face value would require.

Then there are those personal experiences, experiences that have dramatically changed people, changed them often for the better. Didn’t someone once say ‘By their fruits you shall know them’? Now what about those people who say these are a whole lot of garbage! What have they got to back their argument? Perhaps just another unproven opinion! Or maybe they bring into being yet another weak theory that excludes, or distorts much of the evidence around us.

Many of us might be tempted to turn away from ideas like these, in the mistaken belief that ‘it really does not


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matter whether we believe in it or not’, presuming that in this way the problems associated with a big change in beliefs would just go away. The Philosophy of Science calls this a pseudo – problem. This is similar to the question “what should we believe is on the reverse side of the moon?” This is almost a non-problem, because there was, until now no way we could observe the reverse side of the Moon. Now however we can, and the question is not pseudo any more. Likewise, referring to the question of our cosmic heritage, there is nothing pseudo about it, the evidence is pouring in from countless sources, and the whole universe screams for our response!

***** There is no intention here of pushing the

reincarnation wagon. Just as it is not an intention to prove or disprove any religious or theological belief, we are just trying to understand the evidence, using the facts we have on hand, as Galileo did, to try and make sense of the overall picture that seems to be emerging. An understanding of reincarnation would certainly help us get the most from the material in this study; but no one HAS to believe anything.

Having said that, it can’t be denied, that a proper understanding of the workings of reincarnation could most definitely help our society, by reducing the incidence of crime, and other violence of man against humanity, for example. It would also help us enormously, in gaining a better understanding of our relationship to the cosmos…

The soul has neither beginning nor end…

[They] come into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of their previous lives.

Origen, De Principiis


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Many Christians are usually very surprised to learn

that reincarnation was actually a doctrine once held by early Christians. Origen, (see verse above) is one good example, he was one of the most respected scholars of the early Christian Church, until political intrigue cast him into obscurity.

One common misconception Christians have about this subject is that it means people don’t inhabit heavenly domains between earth lives. It ignorantly assumes people will never be permanent residents of heavenly realms. But evidence that pours in from all sources reveals these misconceptions to be just that – misconceptions. People are free to spend an “eternity of eternities” on afterlife regions before reincarnating again. Freedom of choice remains the birthright of every soul; and time as we know it on Earth is not the same in the spirit world.

No, we don’t really need to even believe in it, to reach our heavenly goal. Whatever our personal beliefs may be, each celestial member of the cosmos is bound by the same spiritual laws.

For those of our readers who would like to explore this concept further, particularly those who consider the very idea of reincarnation to be anti Christian, let’s take a trip into the past, and find out what the early Church leaders’ thoughts on the matter were. To do this we dip into “Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation” by Noel Langley. A must read book on the subject, based on the work of Edgar Cayce, arguably one of the most devout Christians of our times.

Taking a few steps back – before Christianity – we visit Plato (427-347 B.C.) He said “Soul is older than body. Souls are continuously born over again into this life …..For in consequence of its forming the same opinions as the body, and delighting in the same things, it can never pass into Hades in a pure state, but must ever depart, polluted by the body, and so quickly falls into another body, and


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consequently is deprived of all association with that which is divine and pure and uniform.…” Take heart my Christian friends Plato had no way of knowing of the Redemption.

St Clement of Alexandria (150-220) was obviously greatly influenced by Plato, and he DID know of the Redemption. In his “Exhortation to the pagans”, St Clement states, “We were in being long before the foundation of the world ……Therefore we have existed from the beginning, for in the beginning was the Word…..Not for the first time does He show pity on us in our wanderings. He pitied us from the very beginning.”

Was it the same “CREATOR” who the Hopi referred to in their stories of the First, Second and Third Worlds? Was Galzu19 HIS emissary?

Plato’s views appear to have influenced the beliefs of St Jerome, St Augustine and St Gregory (257-332), who claimed that “It is absolutely necessary that the soul should be healed and purified, and if this does not take place during its present life on Earth, it must be accomplished in future lives.” Our Christian friends will now see the value of Redemption.

St Augustine (354-430) held Plato in such high esteem, that he writes in his “Contra Academicos” – “The message of Plato, the purest and most luminous of all philosophy, has at last scattered the darkness of error, and now shines forth mainly in Plotinus, a Platonist so like his master that one would think they lived together, or rather – since so long a period of time separates them – that Plato was born again in Plotinus.”

Like Elijah was born again as John the Baptist; dare we ask?

Plotinus (203-270) was a fellow-disciple with Origen – another early stalwart of the Christian Church for nearly

19 We will hear more about Galzu later, from THE LOST BOOK OF ENKI.


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four centuries – under Ammonius, who founded the famous Alexandrian School of Neo-Platonism in Egypt in 193 A.D.

In “The Descent of the Soul”, Plotinus was most articulate when he expressed: “Thus the soul, though of divine origin, having proceeded from the regions on high, becomes merged in the dark receptacle of the body, and being naturally a post-diluvial god, it descends hither through a certain voluntary inclination…..”

Strange, he mentions the soul as being a “post-diluvial god”. Keep this in mind when reading about the Anunnaki ‘gods’, and their genetic carryings on.

I have said: You are gods and all of you

the sons of the most High. PSALMS 81:6


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“For we wrestle not

against flesh and blood,

but against principalities,

against powers,

against the rulers

of the darkness

of this world,

against spiritual wickedness

in high places.”

Ephesians 6:12

We have touched on many areas so far; gone from the sublime to the ridiculous, gathering data, even if it looked or sounded outlandish. Before we call it quits, and start putting it all together, there are other aspects we need to cover to round off our hypothesis.

Before we start trying to contact and work with our cosmic brethren, it would help to get a good idea of who we are dealing with. Even the best of families do have their black sheep. Many may even have the occasional skeleton in the cupboard.

After studying all the reports of abductions, and examinations, etc that we hear about; it looks as if there is something in our genes, that many other members of the


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cosmic fraternity do not have. We know these ‘visitors’ to Earth are taking sperm and ova, for what appear to be reproductive experiments in an attempt at hybridization. Far too many cases have come to light, too many similar descriptions, for this to be eliminated as a possibility. Books, the likes of David Jacob’s THE THREAT, seem to leave no doubt about this.

But hybridization does not appear to be the only programme they are working on. Some groups of extraterrestrials seem to be working on regenerating their own DNA. These aliens appear to have evolved, past a certain point, that they need to return to revivify their own species, not only in the physical sense, (by taking our genetic material) but they seem to want to feel what humans feel, and go through emotionally as well. Abductions, such as those involving “parent-child relationships”, seem to point towards this.

They of our cosmic cousins see us as being full of variety, something they are lacking. It looks like we are an invaluable resource for them, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Though we may have a lot to learn spiritually, many of our cosmic cousins also have much to learn.

We have already mentioned Stephanie Relfe now let’s introduce her amazing books; in THE MARS RECORDS, 1 & 2. In her first one, she makes a most pertinent comment; saying that she has come to realise that in most cases, according to the abductees themselves, ‘sending’ – projecting – unconditional love and compassion towards the abductors confuses them, and they leave without so much as a touch, on their victims. Maybe there IS something to this spiritual mumbo jumbo. It’s a different type of energy, and we MUST learn to use it to our advantage.


At about 7.00 AM there was a knock on the door,


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Jean-Pierre Prevost, opened the door, three ‘big’ fellows dressed in black threatened him. “…Are you one of these?” They asked, meaning, one of the three people involved in the Ciergy-Pontoise UFO abduction case, in France. Jean Pierre nodded.

“Good, in that case, you can pass the word to your companions, you’ve already said too much. An accident will happen to you, and if you say any more, it will be more serious”. With that they vanished.

Later under hypnosis, Jean-Pierre indicated that these entities were not extra-terrestrials but intra-terrestrials, forces of ‘malevolence’ within the Earth. ---Strange? But we will hear more on this later, when we encounter Courtney Brown, and his Scientific Remote Viewing sessions.

Forty one year old Inacio de Souza, a Brazilin farm worker was walking back home, with his wife, when he saw three trespassers on the property, as they approached the figures, he noticed a strange craft nearby; it looked like an upturned wash basin. The three beings saw the couple and started towards them. deSouza then panicked and fired his .44 carbine at them. A green beam of bright light shot out of the extraordinary craft hitting him. The intruders and their craft then sped off into the sky, deSouza died shortly thereafter.

This contact can take place in the physical, as deSouza found out, or it can just as easily occur in the subtle, non-physical manner.

He drew a line in the sand, with his foot.

“You two stand this side of it” he told his challengers. About twenty feet away, on a little wooden box he placed the severed head of a young goat; on that head he put a lime.

“If either of you can pick up that lime,” he


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said,” you have won the contest, I will stop my practice here, and move elsewhere.”

There was a hush over the crowd, a hush that was broken only by the passing clatter of the 2.15 PM bus on its way to Poonamellee. It was some time in the middle of 1963. This was a MODI contest in the little town of “St Thomas` Mount, (the town where Thomas the apostle was murdered) just south of the city of Madras, in India. MODI was a very public contest (now illegal) between two or more South Indian `witch doctors`. Usually no money changed hands; it was mainly a test to prove who had more “power”.

The local `defender` we shall call Kam. His challengers, from further South, we’ll call Jaan and Jousef. Up to now, it was quite even between the two sides but things were about to get nasty very soon! As Jaan reached out to pick up the lime, the goat’s head leapt up and grabbed him by his throat! There was pandemonium among the crowd – by now about 100 strong. The look on the faces of all three contestants was the very personification of evil. The crowd scattered, screaming, Jaan lay bleeding on the sand, the jaws of the goat still firmly clamped around his throat. Eventually Jousef, on behalf of Jaan and himself gave in, Kam had won, and the encounter was over. After this, the police in Madras (now called Chennai) banned such MODI contests.

Kam now ‘preaches’ the Bible, in fact he has established his own little ‘church’, and visited Australia as a ‘preacher’ not too long ago.


Father Otto was ready to start celebrating mass. The altar boy brought the thurible (the device used to dispense incense in a church, or temple) to him. The priest took a spoonful of incense and was about to place it on the glowing coals. Suddenly a ten-inch figure of Satan appeared on top of the thurible. It grabbed the clergyman by the beard, and


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commenced pulling it into the burning coals. At the same time, the candles moved over and set the curtains alight. Needless to say, by now there was sheer chaos in the room. The altar boy panicked, scattering the coals all over the floor, people ran everywhere, father Otto packed up, and left, singed beard and all. The figure disappeared, and that was the end of that!

This was to be a special mass, said – with the bishop’s approval – at the home of the Monto family, where strange and baneful things were happening.

After all attempts at exorcism had failed, this was the last resort, to have the house rid of the unwanted ‘presence’. As we saw, it too did not work. Eventually things returned to normal in that home, but tragically, not before the terrifying death of Frank, the young boy who lived with his parents and elder sister, in that little house in Georgetown, Madras, India.

Remember this encounter, we will be returning to it, as an unusual set of circumstances lead us to the man who tapped into the dark powers, and caused all of it to happen.

***** Little Joseph’s sick eyes blazed with hatred–“Get that

man out of here, do not let him in this house!” he shrieked. ‘That man’, was the parish priest, Rev. Father Mathias of St Patrick’s church, in St Thomas` Mount, in Madras, India. Father Mathias had been called to give Joseph the last rites, and had just entered the outside gate. Joe, who lay nearly dead inside, had no normal way of knowing he was coming. The priest entered the front door, a candle was lit, but an eerie howling wind sprang up from inside the home, and promptly blew out the flame. All attempts to re light it were futile. The flow of obscene language that flowed from the lips of the normally prayerful, quiet little seven-year-old lad was astonishing! His mother and sister were terrified, and crying. His visibly shaken father, and a cousin, followed the


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priest into the room – minus the lighted candle. Joe was anointed, and the exorcism prayers completed. He settled back into a quiet sleep, waking up a few hours later, back to his usual lovable self, the fever had left, and so did a terrifying personality.

It was 1970 – 71 when my little cousin Joe had this appalling ordeal, he was extremely sick with confluent pox, a not so common, but usually fatal strain of small pox. Contrary to normal medical practice, he was being treated at home by the family doctor, instead of being taken to the infectious disease hospital, where he probably would have died. This was day twenty-one, the ‘crisis’ day of the illness.

Was this another case of a split personality? If it was, it was certainly weirdly timed, and seemed to have been cured by the priest’s blessing. What a cheap and easy cure!

Time is but an invention of man, and he works and lives within its constraints. Space limits man even more, but the forces we are dealing with here, do not appear to be limited by either time or space.

In fact very soon we are about to see that this ‘battle’ does not confine itself to Earth, but does indeed extend through space and time…


Brad got home a day earlier than expected. As he opened the front door, he knew something was wrong, the usually neat and tidy home was in a mess, dirty dishes lay piled up in the sink, the place smelled awful with rotting, uneaten food on the table. Something was definitely wrong! He dashed upstairs – there she lay on the bed, without a stitch of clothing on, the letters of the alphabet inked on her bare skin, a one Rupee coin moving slowly from letter to letter. It stopped as he entered the room. She looked up at him, vacantly. “Who are you?” she screamed, “Get out of this


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house!” Merlin’s mind appeared to be taken over by the force

that controlled the Ouija board, only this Ouija board was Merlin herself. She could not recognise her husband, or anyone else, for that matter. She was eventually committed to a mental asylum, medically diagnosed as having a ‘split personality’. Six years later, when we left for Australia, she was still there. Merlin had been playing around with the Ouija board for some months now, even though Brad had forbidden her to do so, because it caused her to neglect her housework. One of her contacts was ITHAN who claimed to be from Venus! Under normal circumstances, this can be brushed aside as just another case of occult mumbo jumbo, but read on, my friends, read on---.

Quite independently of Merlin, in Allahabad, North India, and without knowing about her, Vivian and Theo were also at this board of dubious integrity at about the same time, but in Madras in the South of the sub continent, several hundred miles away….

“A light plane crash has just killed Jim Reeves”. The couple watched in amazement, as the coin on the board spelt out this bizarre message, a whole twenty four hours before the news was released on the radio. Singer, Jim Reeves was a favourite in our home at St Thomas’ Mount back in the sixty’s. The contact on the board? … You guessed it, ITHAN from Venus! …

In 1973 we arrived in Australia, later that year a Sydney clairvoyant appeared on a current affair program on T.V. she claimed to have extraterrestrial ‘contacts’, and one or her more frequent contacts?...ITHANUS, FROM VENUS!! A coincidence? ALL coincidences, with such an unusual name? Let’s be careful now, and not distort the evidence with our preconceived ideas and prejudices. But above all, let’s not allow the pressure to force us to bury our heads in the sand, and just ignore it all. It won’t go away!

Now the unbelievable! It was a September morning


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in 1961. His neighbour, a forest ranger, in the Dells area of Prescott, Arizona, USA, approached David Paladin.20 A very agitated ranger told David that he had seen his four-year-old son, (we’ll call him Dan) in the company of a tall thin man in white overalls, walking towards a strange greenish light in the rocky area behind the house. He was concerned, because it was late at night, but somehow and inexplicably had forgotten about it till the morning.

David was amazed to learn that indeed his young son did actually have ‘visits’ on four consecutive nights, by a person who identified himself as ITAN. This being entered the locked house and took Dan for a ride in a “big sky car”, which had landed in the rocks behind their home. Every night Dan would go for a ride with these strangers to a far-off place from where “our world looked like a little dot”.

Dan then explained to his dad that after they returned, late that night, ITAN and a companion of his, “milked” the truck that was parked in the garage. When asked by the puzzled adults to show how they did this, the four-year-old pointed to the oil drain plug, which was now somehow quite loose. The oil level was checked, and the sump found to be empty. Not a good example of stealing, one might add for a four-year-old to be given.

A fascinating chain of events, isn’t it, and how about the name ITAN? Is it a four-year-old’s pronunciation of ITHAN? Still just conjecture? Let’s pull our heads out of the sand, and face the facts, the sooner we do this the better it will be for all of us. The evidence keeps coming at us, ducking does not help.

***** Veronica was an attractive young housewife.21 She

was washing the dishes, one day when this soft almost

20 STRANGERS AMONG US: by Ruth Montgomery. 21 VENTURE INWARD: by Hugh Lyn Cayce.


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caressing voice whispered in her ear, telling her that he was the person she had ‘contacted’ through the Ouija board earlier, and that she was specially chosen for a very important mission. She was really fascinated at the thought. Yes, Veronica and her husband had been experimenting with a Ouija board, which she had picked up through a magazine. They were getting some very interesting bits of news through it; and often astounded their friends with the information they received.

However over the days that followed, this soft soothing whisper became louder, and soon Veronica was regularly tormented by a harsh scream in her head. She could hardly stay sane, with the voice screaming at her, telling her that the playing around was over, now it has time to act, he loved her, and there was nothing she could do about that! The couple was reluctant to seek professional help for fear that she Veronica may be institutionalised.

Early one morning, soon after her husband had left for work, Veronica was horrified to feel a physical presence in bed with her. She was completely overcome with loathing and terror, but could do nothing to stop the culmination of the sex that was forced upon her. Her screams brought her two daughters running to her bed. With them near, the disgusting presence somehow seemed to fade away. Finally with a combination of professional help and prayer, Veronica’s life slowly returned to normal. Another family had just learnt an unforgettable lesson from the Ouija board!

My children and their friends tell me that the use of this dangerous ‘board’ seems to be quite widespread in our society at present, particularly in schools. According to an article in the Sydney Daily Telegraph of Friday October 17th 1997, the inmates in prisons often use the Ouija board as a past time. Is it just a coincidence that the most impressionable, and captive audiences (no pun intended) are ensnared by this opprobrious pastime?

Sometimes there appears to be no logical reason for a


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person’s freedom to be violated… It was a dark night, the faintest wisp of new moon had

just set with the sun, and the celestial lamp lighter was busy, turning the stars on, one by one, soon they were shining in all their glory. The drum had started up, a small group of people grabbed their pushbikes, and headed out to the ‘burning ghats’, a place where the Hindu community burned their dead, and buried the remains in shallow graves. One set of drummers was here, but these were not the ones that we could hear, this group was waiting expectantly. In the distance, Manu was working into frenzy, in his little thatched hut. The drummers outside had struck up a curious beat. Seventy eight year old Manu, who normally could only hobble along the road on a walking stick, was being ‘possessed’ by a ‘god’. This was something Manu went through every year, on this particular day.

Suddenly he sprang out of his hut, and raced bare footed towards the crematorium, a few kilometres away, leaping bushes, and streams on the way; no one could even hope to keep up with this two legged gazelle. Soon he reached his destination; the drummers here took over. Manu entered, alone, no one dared to go in with him, about twenty spectators sat on the low wall, and watched, all except one foolhardy chap, Earnest, who went within ten meters of the frenzied man, to get a closer look. We waited for him to be ripped apart, the drum leader yelled out to him to get back, but Manu turned around, and in a perfectly hideous voice yelled back, “Let him be, he has something on him, to protect him”. The only ‘thing’ Ernie had on him, that anyone could see, was a large tattooed cross on his chest. Perhaps now we can guess what type of entity had ‘control’ of Manu.

What he did next was positively revolting. With his bare hands, he dug into the freshest grave, animal-like, and started chewing on the charred remains from there. After about ten minutes of this, he emitted a blood-curdling scream, and collapsed like a sack of potatoes. The


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drummers stopped, the show was over, Manu got up shakily, and had to be helped back home, he was normal again – till next year.

Occurrences like this show us that often our physical bodies are like marionettes, and we dance to the tune of whomever, or what ever pulls the strings. When we lose control, there’s no saying what can happen. As Merlin was, this man Manu too was apparently ‘taken over’ by an outside force. Perhaps even by someone like Ithan – from another planet. Doctors call it a split personality, but that is just putting a new label on a condition that was well known for thousands of years, the name given then for this condition was ‘possession’. Another case of a simple answer being replaced by a meaningless phrase…

These next two cases reinforce the premise that there are two sharply polarised groups of unseen forces at work around us --- keep that head out of the sand.


She struggled, scratched, and bit them as they tried to force her through the gate of the church at Egmore, Madras. Father Arul, the parish priest heard the commotion, he was expecting them, so picking up his book, he went out to meet the group.

“Leave her”, he said to the five exhausted men. They let go of the woman, whose attention was now riveted on the priest. She stood there glowering at him.

“Come inside”, he addressed the woman firmly. Robot – like she came forward a few paces, and stood rigid, like a statue. Nervously they closed the gate behind her.

“Stay behind me, at all times”, father Arul instructed the men, then he turned his attention to the woman, reading from the book, and `blessing` her frequently with a special `relic`, as he read. She started swaying, like a


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tall palm in a strong wind. Just then, a stray dog wandered in, under the gate, and was sniffing around three to four meters from her. Suddenly it shot into the air, as if plucked up by an unseen hand, and was hurled against the gate, with a stifled yelp and a sickening thud it dropped lifeless to the ground. At the same moment the woman collapsed in a heap. The prayers were completed.

“Give her some water to drink”, said the priest. Soon the woman was on her feet, perfectly normal again.

Another cheap / easy cure for a ‘split personality’ -? Or perhaps another case of religious superstition – too bad, the dog couldn’t give its opinion! … More evidence; and more again!

This problem apparently existed even in ancient times, even before Earth humans came on the scene:

Edgar Cayce was giving a ‘reading’ for a person,22 who he said was the legendary Ajax, in the prehistoric continent of Atlantis. Here, as Ajax, he was an exceptional engineer, who developed many machines; one in particular was used to set up vibrations of a particular type to cure a patient of possession.

Just so we do not think that the above were just isolated cases of unexplainable occurrences, here’s another very similar one to suggest otherwise…


Jeannette was only six years old, and quite a happy, playful little girl, but look at her now---! Her skin was a glossy black, with large red polka dots all over it. Her tongue was swollen to about four times its normal size, and hung grotesquely out of her mouth; she had a very high fever, and looked hideously ill! The family was stunned at this sudden transformation of their dear little daughter. 22 Reading No. 470-22, on the 5th of July 1938, for a 48 year old man.


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Just a couple of hours ago they had stopped to set up camp for the night, and mum was getting dinner ready. The kids were running around and playing, as kids are wont to do. Everything was normal, on this the last stage of their pilgrimage to Vailankanni, a little fishing village about one hundred and fifty kilometres south of Madras. Vailankanni is a very well known place of pilgrimage for the Christians (and many non-Christians) of India. It is a place where many ‘miracles’ are attributed to ‘Our Lady of Health’. Like Lourdes in France, this place is usually filled with faithful pilgrims all year round, and some people, like this little child’s family, would make the journey on foot from neighbouring Madras.

With Jeannette already working into convulsions, there was no time to waste on dinner, they packed up and proceeded right away for the church. Doctors and hospitals were out of the question in the bush, at this hour of night. About 2 AM, the next morning, they reached Vailankanni, and went straight to the church, and the priest. After the blessing, and prayers, Jeannette recovered completely. Now it was time to find out what really happened, and on questioning the kids, it was discovered that this little girl had playfully made fun of a small stone idol they had stumbled across in some bushes. The idol was painted black, with red spots all over it, and a rather long tongue hanging out if its mouth. Jeannette had become like the idol. Those kids and adults had learnt a very powerful lesson that day.

If all this seems too far-fetched let me assure you that it is not fiction. Many of those involved in one way or other in the above occurrences, experienced in India, have moved overseas to start new lives, though many of them would prefer to forget what they experienced, but alas they never can! These are but a very FEW of the events that occur around us, events that should prove beyond doubt that there is definitely more to life than what we perceive by our normal senses; and it is precisely that part of life, which ties


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us to our unseen heritage. Occurrences like this moreover also show us something else, that there is a very real ‘struggle’ between two opposing factions being waged around us. Until we can prove otherwise wouldn’t it be logical to presume that they are the same two forces we spoke of earlier? The stakes appear to be high, and perhaps we have been blissfully ignorant for much too long. Let’s grow up and play our part in this the ultimate reality game.

Accounts of people seeing spirit forms, etc., are so numerous that everyone at sometime or other would have heard a story or two. Here’s one with a slight twist, it may show that perhaps there is, after all, something in religious ‘hocus-pocus’, and if that’s the case, maybe we should take a second look at this ‘hocus-pocus’. As we read this we should remember little Joe, and Jeannette we spoke of earlier, they could be telling us the same story.

A good friend of mine, we’ll call him Mr. Nath, a well known and respected business man in Madras, had a little workshop next to his house. One day he hired a watchman to stay on the premises. After the first night, the watchman left, saying the place was haunted. Always wanting to see a ghost, Mr. Nath sat up the following night, with two colleagues, under a tree, next to the workshop. At about 2 AM a smoky apparition appeared, and walked into the building, through the closed door, out again in a few minutes, around the back, and then it disappeared. Mr. Nath and his two friends were quite excited, it was the first time any of them had seen anything like this. The next night they were back with a video camera. Faithfully, at 2 o’clock it materialised again, only this time, it appeared on – the roof of the shed. After walking along the length of it a couple of times, it disappeared.

Back in the house, they could not wait to play back the recording to see if it did register on the tape. By this time Mr. Math’s wife awoke. Nath had not told her about the `ghost`, because she was a timid person, but now they had to


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let her in on their little adventure. What they did not know however, was that the watchman had already told her of the haunting, and she had called in the local parish priest to `bless` the place, and the only place that was not sprinkled with `holy` water, was the roof of the shed! Remember little Joe, Jeannette, and the woman who was taken to father Arul? All these cases had one thing in common with Mr. Math’s ‘ghost’, the incompatibility of the invading personality with religious or spiritual ritual, in this case the sprinkling of ‘holy’ water. Could it be just the mental association of this religious rite with the forces of Light / God, that sends the interlopers scurrying away? Fascinating? Corny! But evidence, nevertheless. In this campaign between the unseen forces, the `good` guys aren’t necessarily always Christian.

Do we laugh at the little old lady who lights up a candle, and prays to St. Anthony to help her find her lost keys? Then perhaps we should laugh at this couple too!

On their way home, this Hindu couple, we shall call them Naidu, and Uma bought a large pumpkin from the local produce shop. It was getting dark, so after reaching home, they left it on the dining table. Before sunrise, the next morning, and after their morning prayer together, they cut open the pumpkin, and there it was inside, the shining diamond necklace, the one she had lost several weeks ago.

Uma was a well known Tamil actress in Madras. Her necklace had been stolen, and although the police were called in they had no luck in recovering it, so she and her husband went to Sahib an old Muslim sage, who agreed to help them get it back. They however were required to donate 5000 Rupees to any charity, and not ask him to reveal the identity of the person who had stolen the jewellery. He then instructed them to buy a pumpkin on the way home, and cut it open the next morning after their prayer. The couple did as instructed, and on slicing the vegetable in half, discovered the lost item of jewellery intact inside. Finding lost property however was not the only thing this unusual man was


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involved with. Remember Kam and the MODI contest? Kam by the

way was Catholic by birth. His MODI affair obviously involved the dark forces. Here’s a MODI encounter that appears to be between the ‘light’ and ‘dark’ forces. It took place close to Sahib’s house, in Kodambakkam, a suburb in the Indian city of Madras, a few years before Kam’s episode, we described earlier.

This encounter bears an uncanny resemblance to a similar encounter ages ago between the followers of Baal (remember this Baal, we will be referring to him again) and a certain Elijah, mentioned in the Old Testament…The battle between the forces ‘light’ and ‘darkness’ carries on through time…

Sahib earned his living as a herbalist, but he was best known as a very pious Muslim, who prayed five times a day, and had extraordinary powers to heal, find lost articles, and break `evil spells`. His reputation had spread rapidly, throughout the state of Madras (now Tamil Nadu). A pair of ‘witchdoctors’ (for want of a better term), found that they were losing a lot of business, because many of the ‘spells’ cast by them, were being broken by this chap called Sahib, and to add insult to injury, he did all this absolutely free. So they challenged him to a MODI contest, to destroy his reputation once and for all. Later on, we shall see how one of these ‘medicine men’ work, it is quite hair-raising.

At first Sahib refused their request for a public performance, he shunned all types of publicity. However, on their insistence, and seeing an opportunity to put an end to their unholy practice, he agreed, on two conditions, the stakes were to be very high, Rs. 20,000, to be paid to any charity, and when they lost, they were never again to carry on their business anywhere. Rs.20,000 was as awful lot of money in those days.

Early on the appointed morning, at the local playground, Sahib stuck a bamboo post about six inches into


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the ground. His two opponents were challenged to pull it out from the soil. It looked ridiculously easy, the five – foot post wobbled loosely in the sand threatening to fall over any instant, was Sahib joking? He then walked away, to spend the rest of the day praying in the mosque.

You could well imagine the amazement of passers by as they watched the performance of these two men during the whole day. One at a time, the men would approach this post only to suddenly be thrown back into the air, as if picked up by some unseen hand and tossed aside. By evening they were both quite battered and bruised. It looked like some invisible giant had clobbered them. Staggering to the mosque, they called to Sahib, who met them outside, looking very serious.

“You know your promise”, he said, “now keep it”. He then snapped his fingers, and the pole just popped out of the ground, on its own.

These occurrences are related here to help us realise that there are indeed very strong and unseen forces all around us. We may find it hard to accept the reality of God etc., and the `forces of light`, because these are very subtle, and require an open mind to recognise. But the ‘forces of darkness’ are not so subtle, and once we encounter them, it should certainly drive us speedily back to the proper side of the fence.

Now, let’s go back to our ‘South Indian Medicine men’. Although I refer to them as South Indian I am quite sure people like them existed all over the world, being from South India myself, they are the ones I knew of personally. These people earned their living by casting, or removing ‘spells’, using these unseen forces we have just described. An example illustrates this well…

The energies this universe is steeped in are certainly being put to use, not understood, but put to use nevertheless. Ben had lost his wallet containing all his monthly wages (In India, we were paid by the month). His friend Rao suggested


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he should go to a certain Hindu “medicine man” that had the powers to find it. Remember Sahib? This could be the `other side of the fence`. So off they went to this little house in Georgetown, Madras. They did not meet the man himself, but spoke to his assistant Arun. Yes, Arun assured them, that his master could recover the wallet, for the fee of about Rs. 100, and a black goat, which should be delivered later that day. So, the money and goat, were duly handed over. They were told to return the following morning.

At about 5.45 AM the two men returned, with their friend Ralph, the front door was open, so they walked right in. There was no one at the front room, but they could hear a strange chanting, originating from further inside, so they peeked through a rear door that was left ajar, and saw Arun standing outside a shed in the back yard, he was writing in a book. The chanting came from inside the shed. Tied up by the shed door was their goat.

After a few minutes of this incantation, the door swung opened, and out stepped a middle-aged man with an expression that sent shivers through Ralph, as he related this experience to me. But what happened next sent the three men scampering out of the house. With a stifled grunt, this man bent over the goat and sank his teeth into its neck. His body heaved several times, as he appeared to be sucking the blood out of the goat. A few minutes of this and the goat collapsed lifeless. The man now stood up, his mouth covered in blood, a little trickling down the corner of his mouth. This was when our onlookers ran.

They went back about an hour later. Arun greeted them. “My teacher has located your wallet”, he told Ben. “It is with the dhobi, it was thrown for washing with your dirty clothes”. A dhobi, in South India, is someone who washed peoples` laundry.

Ralph plucked up the courage to ask, “How does your teacher do this?”

“By invoking unseen powers”. Was the reply.


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“What else does he do?” “Since you are an Anglo-Indian, you will

probably remember the Monto family, and the little boy Frank.” Arun said.

Ralph certainly did remember, in fact he was one of the altar boys who served at the mass on that fateful day, a couple of months ago, when the diminutive figure of Satan pulled father Otto’s beard into the fire. How could he forget?

“My teacher placed a curse on that house”, he said “it was meant to be a small thing, to make the girl fall in love with a chap in the navy, but regrettably it got out of hand, and ended up with a death. All that for the paltry sum of just Rs. 50”.

So that explained those happenings at the Monto’s place, no one had connected them with Barry, a young man from the navy who frequented the home and expressed his desire to marry Jane, little Frank’s elder sister. Barry did not get his way, but Frank paid dearly. It also explains how these ‘witch-doctors’ work. They appear to tap into a very real world of spirit forces, a world that is just as real as the world of our day to day living. In fact it is the more enduring world, the one we will all return to, when we part from our physical bodies. After all, we are really in essence pure spirit aren’t we? These so-called ‘dark forces’ are not really interested in our physical selves, which decay soon enough. No, the real prize in this endeavour is our indestructible spirit. Didn’t Jesus Himself tell us to fear not him who kills the body, rather fear him who destroys the soul?

***** Before we forget, let’s get back to the “Baal”, of the

Bible we spoke of earlier. Much of the Old Testament of the Bible is tied inextricably with the story of the Anunnaki. According to ancient Canaanite ‘myths’, Ba’al – meaning lofty one, was a god, who wanted to take control of the other gods. He wanted a temple built for him, in which a secret


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communications facility was to be installed. Apparently he did not quite get his wish.

Was this the ‘Ba’al’ referred to in the Bible?

***** They were among the wealthiest and most influential

men in the world. The twelve of them were gathered there – around the stone figure (of Pan?) it looked half human half goat. At about midnight, the statue started to move, and was soon quite alive, moving about the group. This was too much for the eye witness, who should have gone home with the others, when told to. This retired Intelligence officer, and no wimp himself took to his heels and bolted.

The above happened after a wild party somewhere in England, whose special guests were the very rich and famous in the world. At around 11.30PM, it quietened down, and most of the guests were asked to leave; but one did not.

More details of this episode can be read on Stephanie Relfe’s most fascinating website at:

Yes, we can use this living energy very constructively if we choose to. Here’s one man who did just that…

She looked to be about eighteen years of age, was of slight build, and walked on crutches, due to a withered leg, from the polio she encountered as a child. We watched expectantly as she settled herself on the chair, carefully laying her crutches on the floor beside her. Opposite her sat Brother Ted, holding her withered limb in the palm of his hand; the leg was several inches shorter than the other.

“Let’s see what God’s power can do.” He said, matter-of-fact manner and as we looked on. While he was still speaking, the leg returned to normal, right before our startled eyes. It seemed as if it was a flat balloon, and someone was blowing it up. In about five seconds the once deformed leg was now perfect! We could not believe our eyes, and reached out to touch it, just to make sure we were not imagining things.


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Words fail to convey the atmosphere in that little hall that night. We spent the next few minutes trying to prise the girl from Brother Ted. She was in tears, and had her arms firmly clenched around him.

“Don’t thank me,” he told her, “you have just seen the amazing power that surrounds us, God’s power we can all use, if we choose to.”

No, this wasn’t in a far off Eastern country, nor was it too long ago; it was in a school hall in Blackburn, Melbourne, in 1974. About two hundred of us looked on in as Brother Ted; a touring American healer went through his paces. This girl was just one of ten people who were healed on that amazing night.

Next it was the turn of an elderly lady with unsightly and doubtless painful varicose veins. She too was completely cured, the ugly affliction disappearing in seconds.

We have just seen a few instances where little understood power has been tapped into by ordinary people. These people made no secret of the fact that they were using energies from the spiritual realm, to do their bidding. Others do just as startling things – without reference to the spiritual world. Yes there are astonishing forces around us, but to tap into it we must first acknowledge its existence, and because we are all part of this infinite cosmic reality, we all have an equal right to these energies.

Remember Uri Geller? He is not the only one who can `bend` metal spoons, Greta Woodrew, we spoke of earlier, and several others in various countries around the world, including children, appear to have the same strange ability.

It’s hard to describe the feeling inside you, when the metal object in your hand suddenly turns rubbery, and just flops and bends into whatever shape you want it to. It brings home to you the realisation that the human mind, with its exquisite ability to tap into this apparently limitless source of energy is really quite extraordinary.


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Extraordinary perhaps, but what has all this got to do with our cosmic connection? Everything, since our mind is the tool that we will be using to contact our cosmic cousins. In fact, we will see that countless others are already doing just this.


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“And he saith to him: Amen, amen I say to you,

you shall see the heaven opened, and the angels of God

ascending and descending upon the Son of man.”

John 1:51 As we read the following we need to remember a few things:

1. We are essentially spirit, this body is only a shell, and, the only thing that survives our death is our spirit.

2. It helps to keep in mind, that it is indeed quite possible that this life is only one inning in the whole game of living.

3. As in any neighbourhood on earth, some members of the cosmic community are more advanced than others. Some more advanced in technology, others in spirituality. The same applies to the cosmic community. Some aliens are undoubtedly more evolved than others.

4. Mind is the builder, it is our COSMIC COMMUNICATOR, and it is through MIND, that


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the ULTIMATE CONTACT will eventually be made. 5. We are still gathering evidence. After putting it all

together, we form our opinion. Till then we make no judgements.

So, let’s throw away any blinkers we might have on, and

seek out evidence that exists all around us. Once we do this, my friends, we will find that indeed the evidence is there, and what’s more it’s overwhelming. Really overwhelming!


The Bible gives us a narrative of angels visiting a man named Lot. They then lead him and his family into the hills, before the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed. We draw angels with wings, but this account does not mention these appendages, in fact the Bible actually describes them in more down-to-earth human terms, than as winged supernatural beings…..

The elderly man was sitting beside the road, just outside the entrance to the town. It was evening, and he was probably cooling off after a hot day. Two strangers approached him. It did not take him long to notice, that these two men were not of this planet, but were here on a special `mission`, and this mission turned out to be to carry out a last reconnaissance of the place, before annihilating a whole city.


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The final inspection was done, a few survivors selected, and the total destruction completed in a few moments – the strangers disappeared.

We have just outlined four well-documented ways we humans are being affected by `outsiders`. These days it is fashionable to call them `aliens`, or beings from outer space. This could very well have been going on since time began; in fact our last example was actually recorded in the Bible, the man being Lot, the city, Sodom. The strangers were called angels. Could the angels in fact have been ‘aliens’? We can be reasonably sure that these were actually physical beings, because Lot washed their feet, fed them and rested them, and the homosexuals of Sodom wanted to ‘know’ them. Lot however recognised these messengers.

This could be a vital part of our jigsaw; a piece identifying the relationship between life on earth, and extraterrestrials.

The term angel, when used in Scripture, often describes an office, rather than a person. The word ‘angel’ simply means messenger one who is sent to interact with humanity.

***** The sky was cloudless; there wasn’t a breath of

breeze. Little baby Peter, was in his pram, under the porch. For no reason at all, a large branch from the nearby tree came crashing down, right where the baby was.

The horrified mother watched in dismay, she was too far away to do anything. Then, as if in answer to her unspoken prayer, a strong gust of wind seemed to spring up from nowhere, and gently blew the pram out of danger. Baby Peter was safe.

It wasn’t until many years later, when Peter Moon, questioned his mother about her belief in guardian angels, did she tell him how she firmly believed that it was his guardian angel that saved him from certain death, that day.

Since then, Peter has learnt a lot about angels and the


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paranormal. He became a close friend of Preston Nichols, and has co-authored many books with Preston. In one of these, PLEAIDIAN ENCOUNTER OF PRESTON NICHOLS, he recalls the ancient Greek goddess called Alcione, who was one of the seven Pleiades, said to control the destiny of winds and storms.

Several of the extraterrestrials who contact people of Earth, claim to come from the star system of Alcione, in the Pleiades. Is it just a complete coincidence, or is an uncanny link appearing?

In September of 1995, Peter had a bad accident in his van. He needed surgery, but was paranoid about the operating theatre being taken over by covert agents who may place implants into him. He took elaborate precautions to prevent this happening, the operation finally went ahead.

After the anaesthetic kicked in, he remembers seeing a tall – more than 2 metres – Pleiadian enter the ward, and speak to him. This extraterrestrial was dressed in hospital uniform, he assured Peter that he was in good hands, and would be safe. In fact, the surgeon himself was a Pleiadian agent.

Had Peter Moon just met his guardian angel? And who really was the surgeon? The plot thickens.

In many cases this mission appears to be to teach us earthlings, basic lessons in love and peace, real love- not mere sex, even animals know that. We seem to be very slow learners.

Remember a certain Saul, who was blinded for several days, while on his way to Damascus, nearly two thousand years ago? Can we in all honesty say we have learnt the message he brought to us?

Not necessarily from the same messenger, but basically the same message…. Quite independently of each other, a very powerful light temporarily blinded a South Dakota salesman, and a police officer from Nebraska, while they were on their respective journeys on lonely highways, in


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different parts of the USA. Much later, when they got their sight and memories back, they remembered encountering an unusual craft and occupants who gave each of them a message to share with the world – a message basically that man must learn to live in peace with himself and those around him. Thousands of people are experiencing these ‘visitations’, right up to this moment. In many cases they terminate a very successful career, even change their name, and devote all their time spreading their new message; often, at the expense of a lot of their money and resources, and even in the face of a great deal of ridicule. Could they all be insane? Is all this part of a very devious plan of unseen puppeteers? May be ‘by their fruits we shall know them’. We should take a close look at these fruits.

Three interesting books that come to mind are STRANGERS AMONG US by Ruth Montgomery, ON EARTH ASSIGNMENT by Tuella, and CONCLAVE by Tueta. Works like these, written by genuine people seem to propel us to the realisation that we certainly are not alone in this cosmos, and those extraterrestrial members of our cosmic family are interacting with us very closely indeed.

Janet noticed his eyes, huge, oval and very dark. But, when she looked into those eyes… They seemed to contain the whole universe within their bottomless depths… When she looked into them, she felt this “incredible longing” to let herself dissolve completely into that universe. Perhaps something deep inside stirred in recognition as their eyes and minds met; moving memories of when their souls shared a common link in a far away world.There’s something in their eyes. To read more about Janet’s experiences, do read David Jacob’s fascinating book “THE THREAT”.

***** Somewhere in Vietnam, this young man was

screaming, he was hardly a man – a mere boy, but he was one of the ‘enemy’; and was being tortured; the US army was ‘doing its job’ of defeating the communists. Funny, the way


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Earth humans think – Atrocities are atrocities only if committed by ‘bad’ people.

A passing Korendian23 scout ship must have picked up this terrible scene, or perhaps heard the agonized mental calls for help. Even the non-interference law could not hold them back from helping. Having scared off the torturers, and freeing the victim, they treated him on their ship, and returned him to his grateful parents.

This appears to be a carbon-copy of many miraculous rescues we hear of so often, liberations that seem to take place often soon after, or during a traumatic prayer for help. We will hear about these ‘coincidences’ later in this book.


So far we have covered some of the effects, contact with extraterrestrial beings have had on the people of this planet. They vary from scary, through indifference, to miraculous. Their agendas could also be diverse, some life forms being manipulative, striving to gain complete control and mastery over humanity, while others following a more benevolent role of teaching and protecting humanity. But there is another schema…

The pain in Haya’s back was excruciating; she was confined to bed, unable to move. Strange alien beings materialised in her room, and offered to help her. Sceptical at first, but the acute pain helped her make up her mind to allow them to do what it might take to heal her. After just an hour of ‘treatment’, Haya was able to walk again. Soon she was fully mobile, and able to carry things.

That was around 1993, Haya was already a practicing healer,24 but her practice was about to quite literally enter a 23 UFO CONTACT FROM KORENDOR: by Robert Renaud – Gabriel Green & Wendelle Stevens. 24 X3, HEALING ENTITIES & ALIENS: by Adrian Dvir.


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new dimension! Soon after her back was healed, the aliens proposed a joint venture clinic, with, in her Richon-Le-zion home in Israel. Of course, she accepted, and thus became the first healer to collaborate with extraterrestrial / inter-dimensional beings, and proudly claim an 87 percent success rate. The patients at the clinic do not see these alien physicians, unless they themselves are psychic (and some are), they just see Haya, and feel strange happenings in their bodies, as the aliens get to work on them. Each of the beings who work with Haya have individual names, and areas of specialisation; some look human, others do not; for example Maya is a psychologist and has silver skin and blue eyes like those of a fish. While Bach, an expert physician has skin like a lizard and is completely bald.

Adrian was born in Bucharest, and moved to Israel in

1965 where he develops computer systems for the Israeli military. Adrian is also a medium, and eventually met Haya in her clinic. The alien physicians now propositioned Adrian, and soon, he opened the second joint venture with alien medicos from another world.

In Israel an increasing number of healers, who work with beings form another world, claim almost miraculous results in a variety of medical conditions including serious diseases. The healers claim association with invisible beings from other dimensions or realms. This strange partnership which started around 1994 has now expanded to more than 50 independent alternative clinics in Israel alone, and is spreading to other parts of the world.

Advanced medical procedures are carried out in these clinics, including surgeries using state-of-the-art medical equipment. Psychics describe these alien physicians as having a humanoid form but they can be little as 0.5 meter to 4 m in height. They have personal names and medical


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professions and specializations. The extra-dimensional beings cannot be seen or

touched but about 80% of the patients experience very strange sensations during the treatment. In most cases the beings continue the treatment at the patients’ house.

Adrian Dvir’s work can be encountered on his very interesting website at:

UFO contactees are often given a difficult mission by their extraterrestrial friends. These missions typically include taking steps to help end wars, poverty, pollution and hunger. Contactees are also often expected to tell about their experiences in hopes of raising the spiritual awareness of humanity. This could cause them and their families no end of stress, and often humiliation. Because of these missions, it is essential that they maintain good health. However, sometimes accidents can occur. And occasionally, these accidents seem to warrant alien intervention. This appears to have happened in the following case.

The blast threw them off their feet, and onto the road. Dr. Fred and his two friends were victims of a crude pipe-bomb in southern California, in 1971. All three were injured, but Fred lost consciousness, and was rushed to Laguna Memorial Hospital. When he awoke, he discovered that his left hand, upper left shoulder and neck were badly burned. He also sustained a skull fracture and many painful bruises all over his body.

While alone in the hospital room, Bell felt a necklace he wore around his neck heat up and send “marvellous energy” into his body. Within minutes, he was completely healed. His visiting friends watched with disbelief as he removed the bandages and declared himself cured. The next morning, Bell had the enjoyable experience of watching the hospital physicians run a number of tests in an attempt to explain his ‘miraculous’ cure.

Dr. Fred claims to have been in contact with human looking aliens from the Pleiades. Apparently, his contacts


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began while he was still a child and carried on throughout his life. Often his alien friends had given him life – saving warnings and valuable advice. They also gave him an innocuous – looking necklace called a “receptor.” Fred was told that wearing it would protect him from harm; and this was the necklace he wore in hospital.

The hospital staff was stunned with the rapid and inexplicable healing that happened right under their noses; and what with all those bruises? Where did they disappear to?

The hospital doctors were reportedly very upset and actually accused Fred of having faked his injuries. However, because Fred appeared to be in perfect health, they were forced to let him go. Fred did not tell the doctors about the “receptor” necklace, which he believes cured him with some “unknown energy.” To do so would have been very silly – Dr. Fred was not silly.

Here’s one gent who kept his ET friends very busy… It was too late; the driver of the car had no hope of

avoiding the kid who came hurtling down the road, and crashed right into his vehicle. Little Ricky had lost control of his sled while sleigh – riding down a steep snow covered hill. By the time he was found in the snow, Richard was unconscious and his left ear was badly frostbitten he had developed an instant ear infection, which destroyed his hearing in that ear. His doctors considered performing a mastoidectomy; but it was 1950, and the new drug, penicillin had just made its appearance, so they decided to try it.

Ricky, although still a child, had seen UFOs on several occasions. He remembers going outside and being beamed messages from the aliens. As of yet, however, they had not visited him physically. As he lay in the hospital, Richard was surprised when the Ets, named Koran and Nepos, came to the hospital for the sole purpose of curing him. The aliens were able to partially cure the boy. Using “their own body energies,” the aliens were able to get rid of


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the pain and pressure. After they left, Richard was still unable to hear. But following several more doses of penicillin, his hearing returned.

Ten years later, he was now a young man….. ******

He screamed in agony, as his index finger became caught in machinery, and crushed beyond recognition. His co-workers rushed to his aid, and helped free his badly injured finger, which by now was white, twisted, and had devoid of all movement.

In the Middlesex General Hospital in Brunswick, New Jersey doctors applied an ice – pack and prepared for X rays. While Richard was alone in the emergency room the Ets, Koran and Nepos, appeared again, this time they held their hands over this finger and cured him using body energies. Although the finger was numb for many months, the cure was effective enough to straighten the bone and close the broken skin. When the doctors returned, they found no signs of injury and sent him back to work.

Later, Ricky was contacted by the company nurse who had read his hospital file with disbelief. She told him flat – out, “You were supposed to lose that finger.” She demanded to know what happened, but our man remained silent about his alien friends….

A further ten years on, in 1970…. A devastating automobile accident in New Jersey was

nearly the end or our Richard. His body was so badly mangled, he had a near – death experience. While many people see deceased relatives during a near – death experience, Ricky saw his alien friends who told him that his body was so badly injured, he should be dead. They promised to heal him, and also warned him of drastic changes to his life at home and work.

All the predictions of the aliens came true. This lucky contactee also received other cures; he keeps his ET friends


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on their toes.The aneurysm was too severe his brain was flooded with blood, destroying the nervous system. The pressure inside Joao’s skull was so heavy that surgery was impossible. Doctors recommended removal of the life – support equipment because “there was nothing that modern medicine could do for him.” Joao Vicente was dying!

Then came an interesting turn of events; another Joao,

Joao Valeno, the hospital doorman, was a close friend of Vicente. Valeno also happened to be a contactee with extraterrestrials. Valeno had experienced numerous contacts, was taken on tours of the solar system, was given predictions and physical artifacts and was also permitted to take photographs of the UFOs and the aliens on their home planet.

Valeno was well known for his contacts, so the doctors in the hospital asked Valeno if he would ask the aliens for some medicine (this would have been absolutely out of the question for the “cosmically blind” people of the hospitals in Scandinavia – but in desperate cases, is often the thing to do in the more open attitude to space contacts in South-America.) Valeno agreed and during his next contact, was given medicine by the Ets to give Vicente.

Vicente is said to have made a complete and “miraculous” recovery. More details, including a description of the ‘medicines’ given by the aliens are covered in the remarkable book “UFO ABDUCTION at BOTUCATU, by Ufo-investigator Rodolfo R. Casellato, and published by the UFO Photo Archives.

***** They looked like angels, in white robes, and silver

belts. They waved a small “rod like” device around her body, than asked her to stand inside a large blue cylinder with a little window. The aliens then watched as a bright blue light moved from the top of the cylinder till it was a few inches


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above her head. Alice was then told by ‘them’ that she was cured and cleansed.

The next morning, Alice’s mother found her playing on the floor as if everything were perfectly normal.

Alice was ordered back into bed by her mother and her doctor, but both admitted that the diphtheria was completely and totally gone.

A few hours earlier, the disease was taking a strangle hold of 6 year old Alice. Diphtheria was surely taking the little girl away. Doctors visited her daily, but their pleadings failed to move her parents. Their religious beliefs prevented the child from receiving the vaccination to protect her from the illness. Now, that same belief prevented them from admitting her into hospital. For all intents, and purposes, her death sentence was being read out.

Over the next two weeks, her condition continued to deteriorate the doctor visited daily, and at the end of the two weeks, he told Alice’s mother that he did not expect Alice to survive through the night.

That night, her ‘angels’ took control… Alice, as fate would have it, happened to be an

abductee, and would eventually have several encounters with extraterrestrials. She tells the complete story of her abductions in an audio – taped interview available from the International UFO Library Magazine. She is also one of the cases presented in David Jacob’s book, Secret Life, under the pseudonym, Lynn Miller. She has released her real name in her audio – taped interview.

The pain associated with kidney stones can be quite excruciating, and this was what Hector of San Juan, Puerto Rico was experiencing. Awoken by these pains at 2.00AM one August morning in 1980, he asked one of his children to get his friend David, to drive him to the hospital.

David was an ordained Baptist minister, and also a contactee. After a face-to-face encounter with a short,


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almond-eyed being who claimed to be from the Orion star system, a complicated series of contacts followed. However that was no reason for David to expect his ET friends to help his earth friend Hector. On the way to the hospital, they had a close encounter with an “orange glowing disk”, which could be seen hovering ahead of them above the road. It then flew alongside the car, paralleling its course, flying back in front of the car in a strange pattern.

Eventually when they reached the hospital, all Hector’s pains had disappeared, and there were no signs of the kidney stones that were troubling him for many years.

Mae was perplexed, it was 6 AM, and she just woke

up in her car parked along the side of the highway. What was going on? She wondered. She remembered heading home at 4 AM, after finishing her shift at a truck stop, in Mississippi. What was she doing here at the side of the road two hours later? It was December, 1989, not exactly a warm night.

Gradually her memory started coming back. Mae remembered being in an unfamiliar examination room, while being scrutinized by a strange doctor, who stood next to her and passed some kind of rod over her body again, and again. This mystified Mae no end, all the way back home. But when she got out of her car she got the biggest surprise of all; the arthritis that had plagued her for several years had completely gone. The pain in her wrists, knees and fingers had been getting so unbearable that she was about to be forced into retirement, with no benefits; this prospect was almost too much to contemplate. However, after this encounter, Mae felt no more pain, and continued her employment for many years.

Katharina was thrown to the ground. Stunned and in pain, she lay there a victim of a nearby lightning strike somewhere in Pensacola, Florida. She decided to wait till the morning, before seeing a doctor.


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Katharina happened to be a UFO abductee, that night on August 7th 1989 ‘they’ paid her another visit. She woke up to find herself lying on her back, on a table, suffering from excruciating pains in her chest. She could watch herself from a dissociated state, as grey-type aliens cut a square into her chest, and made several attachments to her chest. As the pain increased, the aliens told her (telepathically) that they were repairing her heart, and she will be okay.

The next morning Katharina woke up with a sore chest, but the severe pain had gone. There was no sign of a scar or on her, nor was there any blood on her sheets. She was healed completely.

Katharina goes on to report that she has undergone a large number of operations at the hands of aliens. As she says, “They have performed surgery on me many, many times! It was shocking to remember the different times the aliens had performed surgery on me... What could the aliens be doing to me that would require my having surgery so often? It was not the first time I felt I may be a part of a huge experiment.”

Katharina Wilson has written a book about her UFO experiences titled, ALIEN JIGSAW.25

Our cosmic cousins are certainly taking an active interest in our wellbeing. Not all of us can be fortunate enough to experience any of the healing encounters described above, but it’s comforting to know that as a race, we are interacting with others from the many mansions of our Heavenly Father. Perhaps, just perhaps we can elicit their involvement in our affairs through the undeniable power of prayer.

Let the charity of the brotherhood

abide in you. And hospitality do not forget;

25 ALIEN JIGSAW: By Katharina Wilson – Puzzle Publications.


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for by this some, being not aware of it, have entertained angels.

Genesis 28:1-2


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The consciousness of man has an “extended” nature,

Which enables him to surpass the ordinary bounds of space and time-

Suggesting that there is another dimension

Beyond the material world.

Edgar Mitchell, former astronaut.

Edgar Mitchell was recently reported to have revealed in a radio interview, that he was privileged to have been in on the fact that we have been visited (by extraterrestrials) on this planet, and those visitors from space are real. This fact has been covered up by all our governments for the last 60 or so years, he went on to say, but in recent times, the knowledge of this is slowly being leaked out. He confirmed that we’re headed for real disclosure soon, and some serious organisations are even now, moving in that direction. Mitchell, now 77, observed that our technology is ‘not nearly as sophisticated’ as theirs, and ‘had they been hostile, we would be gone by now’.

Even though governments and NASA are still tight-lipped on this subject, the time is very near, for the truth to


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prevail. “Knowing”, is around the corner.


What are these that fly along like clouds,

like doves to their cotes?

Isaias 60: 8

“We come as clouds to bless the Hopi people”, is a quote passed on from generation to generation, among the Hopi tribe, of American Indians. These same Hopi legends tell of the certainty, that some time in the future, the tribe’s faithful will be lifted to other planets, on the Day of Purification. They watch and wait for the spacecraft that will take them there.

Ancient Hopi legends like these form an alluring bridge between Biblical and New Age beliefs. Give them enough thought, and you won’t know which camp you belong to. That’s because the truth does not a respecter of camps.

***** I am fully aware that the suggestion that

extraterrestrials exist on Earth appears ludicrous to many people. However we have an interesting dilemma. There seems to be so much that happens around us, which needs to be explained. Add to that the Remote-Viewing sessions which also scream for an explanation. We cannot simply dismiss countless replications as mere coincidences, neither can we just bury our heads in the sand, and ignore the mountains of such ‘evidence’. To do so would be to accept the proposition that we are living in a collective state of denial regarding life that appears to have evolved millions of years ago, even in our own solar system. So my dear friends please examine all this ‘evidence’, INCLUDING the remote-


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viewing data carefully; then make up your mind. Is the whole of humanity really going insane, or are we too scared to face the truth.

It was, some 70,000 years ago, they told Billy Meier

(remember Billy?) when they made their last major return resulting in their occupation of Earth. They also occupied two more planets in this Solar System. Their descendants on one of those planets have already destroyed their world and all life on it. This, we will see later on, probably was the planet Maldek. Their present concern is to stop us from doing the same thing to Earth. They, the beings from the Pleiades, feel somehow responsible, because according to them, we are their descendants; family who should know better.

“It was first brought by the Sons of Heaven, who were the ones responsible for the re-mergence of Earth humans from savagery”. These were Semjase’s words to Billy Meier. It looks like once again we had descended to savagery, and yet again, pulled out of it by our older siblings. She was speaking about written language.

***** A fifteenth century French calendar, the

KALENDRIER des BERGIERS, shows the ‘tortures’ inflicted by demons, on people they have taken. The ‘demons’ are depicted piercing their victims’ abdomens with long needles. Are these really scenes of tortures, or are these ‘demons’ really a group of aliens involved with removing eggs from human abductees?

Clauda Negron is a mother of two. Born in Puerto Rico in 1941, currently she was reliving her abduction, ( as described in David Jacobs enthralling book THE THREAT). She watched as an alien inserted a strange long, thin needle like instrument into her while she lay immobilised, on the


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table. “They use it for making babies”, she explained. Remember this, we will be revisiting David Jacob’s book later. Clauda was released shortly later, apparently unharmed.

In 1961 Betty and Barney Hill were abducted, taken aboard a strange craft, and separately, put through a stringent medical examination. Betty Hill recalled a long needle being inserted into their navel–had this been done before? Remember Kelly Cahill, and the strange triangular mark just below her navel? Makes you wonder!

Yes the long story of humans interacting with aliens or ‘gods’ from the stars has been told since ancient times, many are the accounts of human women bearing the children of ‘gods’; And human men siring their offspring. This same story continues, even today…


Villas Boas gaped, as this strangely beautiful woman walked towards him. The fact that he, and the lady were naked, or that he had just been forcibly abducted by strange beings, and dragged aboard a strange craft, did not bother him now. Forgotten, was the very comprehensive medical examination he had just gone through at the hands of these beings. Forgotten too was the ensuing discomfort of the blood test, and cleansing, by being swabbed all over with a wet sponge, so were the nauseous fumes that filled the room, making him vomit a few minutes earlier. All were forgotten now.

As she approached him he couldn’t help marvelling at her beauty. Her hair was smooth, parted in the centre, and fell half way down her neck. Her mouth was a slit, with thin lips, her wide face narrowed to a very pointed chin. When she reached him she made it quite clear what she wanted. After the normal sex act, she was called away, but as she left, she looked back at Villas, pointed to her belly, and then to the sky, apparently indication that she was going to have his


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child up there, on her home planet. It almost seems like there is at least one race up there that needs to revitalise their stock, and Villas Boas was chosen as one of their studs.

Remember Barney Hill? In an interview with David Jacobs in 1976, Betty told him something that was not made public during the earlier well-published account of their abduction, the abductors had taken a sperm sample from Barney. They do seem desperate to replenish their breeding stock, or perhaps there is one branch of our cosmic family who is in the process of creating a hybrid race. Sounds outlandish? We are still just gathering data, remember? Let’s reserve our sentence till more evidence has been investigated.

This interplay between ‘them’ and ‘us’ shouldn’t necessarily involve only abductions. Accounts of bizarre visitations abound in all cultures and times. Where these visitors come from I suppose, is anybody’s guess.

It has become quite fashionable for those of us who find accounts like these too hard to swallow, to label them the babbling of ‘UFO freaks’, and turn aside to other more ‘believable’ things. However, when the victims of these strange visitations are reputable, well-known and respected people, perhaps we should pull our heads out of the sand and think again…

***** A mysterious ‘Red man’ was reported to have

allegedly warned the rulers of France – right down to Napoleon – regarding the fear and discontent of the French people. His final appearance was on January 1st. 1814, just before the emperor was forced to abdicate. This curious ‘red man’ first appeared before counsellor of state, Mole, prior to meeting with the emperor himself.

***** Swedish folklore says that King Charles X11 of

Sweden would often meet with a ‘little grey man, of ruddy complexion’ who gave him a ring that would vanish, the day he was to die. He would regularly plead with the king, and


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other officials to try to have peace at all costs in his country. However the ruler apparently disregarded these entreaties. One day his officers noticed the ring was missing from their mighty conqueror’s hand, moments later he dropped dead of a head wound.

***** The year was 1777; George Washington sat in his

crude army hut at Valley Forge. He was extremely despondent, and far from confident that the war of independence was going well. Suddenly a stranger appeared in the doorway of the dwelling. Later Washington would confide to his dear friend Anthony Sherman, that this was a ‘dark complexioned angel’, who encouraged him, showing him a vision of the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States of America.

***** Now, coming right back to the present times… Dr

Frank Stranges, president of the International Evangelism Crusades, and the international Theological Seminary, claimed that in December 1959, through a ‘series of strange and unusual circumstances’ he spoke for thirty minutes with a ‘man from another planet’, and what’s more this interview was conducted INSIDE the Pentagon, in Washington. In his books MY FRIEND FROM BEYOND EARTH, and STRANGER AT THE PENTAGON, Dr Stranges describes his meeting with VAL THOR. A meeting that left him feeling totally elated and emotionally uplifted. According to Stranges, this man appeared as human as any of us, but he had an unfathomable depth of love for the Creator, and all life, a love that cannot be found easily on Earth…

Here’s an account of how it all came to be, by a high ranking American Security Officer, who we shall call Jim…

It was winter in 1956-57, the Washington, D.C. area and extremely cold, but it was a good feeling to be working in a high security position in the Pentagon.


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During a successful tour with the U.S. Naval Ceremonial Honor Guard, Jim met with astronauts Glen, Cooper and Waly Sherrar, who were among the first wave of successful space travelers.

Soon he was recommended for a security clearance and was granted a Top Secret Clearance. He was then, indoctrinated into the branch office of the Air Force called PROJECT BLUE BOOK. It was a joint service office; involving the Marines, Army, Navy and Air Force officers.

The work was routine, opening incoming mail, sorting out what was called actual sightings as opposed to many fake UFO photos. Every publisher’s dream was to get the real low down on the UFO situation, which was suppressed by the group that dictated national policy on the UFO matter.

In mid March, 1957, an urgent message arrived from the Alexandria Police Department. The message indicated that two of their on-duty police officers had picked up an alien who had landed some 14 miles south of Pentagon Boulevard, and the occupant was transported to the Pentagon to meet with the Under Secretary of Defence and then shuttled underground to meet with President Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon. After the nearly hour long meeting, the alien visitor was given a VIP status and shuttled back to the Pentagon where he spent the night in the Army reception office on the first floor near the concourse. The alien’s name was Valiant Thor.

This was an unusual meeting of the “space emissary”, as he was labelled by the Department of Defence, with a group of high military officials including the Secretary of Defence. They in turn made recommendations to the President and Cabinet members, the CIA, FBI, NSA, and so on.

The landing of Valiant Thor was perhaps the first documented landing of a human-type alien by military officials. He contacted an individual in the Pentagon who


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was an advocate of the UFO alien situation. She in turn contacted a minister, who was also a private investigator and theologian, a Dr. Frank E. Stranges, who then met with this individual. Dr. Stranges had been a guest speaker at the National Evangelistic Centre for two weeks.

Valiant Thor landed in Alexandria and met with the President to discuss the world’s problems and offer advice on how to deal with and eliminate them.

This very human-looking exterrestrial stayed on Earth until March 16, 1960, and then returned to his home planet, which he claimed, was Venus. Valiant had been here for three full years. He indicated that his race of people lived and dwelled underground and that many of the planets throughout the universe sustain life in this same manner. He also spoke of the waves of aliens who would land around the world to help with the Earth’s seemingly insurmountable problems. He stated that a group from a distant planetary system would be coming to give aid and data to help the Earth’s progress.

Thor also spoke of Christ’s presence in the universe and that it was heart warming to see Christ’s advanced teaching continuing on this planet.

That was a most dramatic account of a fascinating series of events involving a person from another world, related by a high ranking security officer at the Pentagon.26

***** It was the fall of 1947, a young neatly dressed real

estate man walked into the shop, and told Howard that he was thinking of putting up some “For Sale” signs in near-by Pleasant Grove, about 8 miles away. He told Howard he would like some advice.

Together, they walked to the man’s car, where he

26 STRANGER AT THE PENTAGON: by Frank Stranges.


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noticed a young lady waiting for them. Howard was not introduced to her, ‘ not exactly professional’, he thought to himself…Half way to Pleasant Grove, the conversation fell off, and there was complete silence. Then quite abruptly the man changed the subject…

He told Howard ‘they’ knew that he was keeping in touch with their space brothers a secret, as instructed. Howard did not know how to react; should he feign surprise, or just go along with this stranger.

This stranger then want on to describe a secret location where he would later rendezvous with extraterrestrial vehicles, at appointed times. Howard Menger’s experiences with extraterrestrials have been extensively investigated. You can read more about this and similar accounts in Michael E. Salla’s book EXOPOLITICS: POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE EXTRATERRESTRIALS AMONG US.

Yes, our extraterrestrial cousins have been moving among us quite freely for over thirty years already, by now they must be even more proficient at it – their integration with Earth humans must be complete…

***** Celestial emissaries sent to enlighten humanity on

Earth – this is not something confined to modern man. We read about it in the Bible and other religious scriptures the world over. However the Creator of All, our Heavenly Father, appears to have been taking an active interest in our development since the very beginning of our times; even when the Anunnaki themselves were still here…

Things were not looking too good. There was turbulence among the orbits of the planets; even Jupiter seemed unsettled in its orbit. The Sun’s surface was turbulent, Anunnaki instruments on Earth, detected an unusual number of sun spots, and solar flares. Was this a foreshadowing of Fate finally catching up with Destiny? Was


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the Creator of All trying to tell His progeny they were going off the rails? Nibiru was making another approach to the sun, like a comet bringing with it unexpected happenings, this approach of Nibiru seemed to be doing just that. The weather was warming up alarmingly. Instruments monitoring the polar ice caps detected an unprecedented melting of the ice there. The Earth was about to be inundated, that was clear.

Were the Anunnaki, God’s instruments to help man evolve on earth? Perhaps so were the Pleiadians, and the beautiful Semjase, who met regularly with Billy Meier. This could have been going on even in the ancient times of the Anunnaki…

***** An unexpected Celestial Chariot27 arrived one day,

during these tumultuous times. Out of it stepped an impressive looking white haired Anunnaki, he introduced himself as Galzu, The Great Knower, and “Emissary Plenipotentiary of King and Council, to Enlil”.

To say Enlil was surprised would be a huge understatement, he had never met this individual before, and why hadn’t Nibiru prepared him for this visit? His consternation grew when this person handed him a sealed message from Anu, the Supreme leader on Nibiru. Enlil examined the seal in disbelief, yes, its encoding was trustworthy. This divine emissary, Enlil learnt later, had always been guiding the affairs of Nibiru, in dreams, and visions. But this was no dream, since Enlil had the message tablet firmly in his hand.

Enlil read the message. “For King and Council Galzu speaks, his words are my command!” So did the message, from their supreme leader Anu proclaim. Who indeed was this impressive stranger? Who could be greater than Anu, except perhaps the Creator of All? Was Galzu an emissary

27 Celestial Chariots appear to have been what the Anunnaki called their long-haul interplanetary space craft.


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from God Himself; perhaps we could call him an angel? We do belong to a very interactive family after all – and always have been.

The mysterious Galzu called for the other leaders; Enki, and Ninmah. The news he gave them was not pleasant. They were the three who were away from Nibiru the longest; and they cannot return, for to do so would mean to die. No, they would not be killed, but because the life cycles on Earth are so different to that on Nibiru, their bodies would breakdown. The whole mission to Earth had turned into a nightmare, Enlil was visibly upset, but Enki and Ninmah took it philosophically, being of scientific bend, they did expect it to be so. Nevertheless, that was not what he had come to tell them. About this whole Earth mission there was much to ponder. Should Nibiru be left to its fate, if so all life on the planet would die. What about coming to Earth? Was that destiny or Fate? Was it already preconceived by the Creator of All, and were they just His unwitting emissaries?

“Of that, my comrades, the debate will continue;” said Galzu. Now for the secret command from Nibiru – the three of them would encircle the Earth in ‘celestial chariots’ (space craft?) and outwait the coming catastrophe on the planet. The Igigi,28 must choose between returning or staying with their Earthling spouses. Those who chose to stay must outwait the disaster in ‘celestial chariots’. Earthlings would not survive on Nibiru. All the others who came from Nibiru must return.

This ‘disaster’ they expected was in fact the great deluge of the Bible; and would have happened when Nibiru got too close to the Earth, in its periodic rendezvous with the Sun. Because this large planet was not one of the original members of the solar family, but just happened to be

28 Igigi: The Anunnaki pilots of their ‘space rockets’ that were used to ferry the gold from Earth to Mars. The Igigi were based on Mars, their way station to Nibiru.


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‘captured’ by the Sun as it wandered by; every now and then it’s highly elongated orbit would take it just a bit too close to a planet, causing enormous damage to that planet, and turbulence to the whole solar system. Zecharia Sitchin’s LOST BOOK OF ENKI describes this calamity in great detail, and includes the story of Noah very, very similar to the story in the Bible. Edgar Cayce told us the Great Flood did indeed take place, contrary to what our experts say. The same Great Flood that God our Father used, to ‘cleanse’ the Earth of the unwanted ‘dross’ in humanity. The same Flood that the Anunnaki ‘god’ Enlil took advantage of, to rid this planet of the human race, whose promiscuous behaviour displeased him.

In spite of all their technical wizardry, the Anunnaki seemed to lack a sound spiritual basis. Prayer, to a loving personal Creator of All does not appear in these ancient writings, if it did, it was most often to a local Anunnaki ‘god’ to fix a problem. Lust and incest seemed to be the order of those days, as they did in other ancient cultures as well. It looks almost as if The Creator of All was first helping man get things right with his physical aspect, before fine tuning his spiritual essence.

What could cause one to think that these great technically advanced beings were not so highly advanced spiritually? The clues lie between the lines here, those ancient lines cast in stone. Much of the story of these gods involves incest, lust and a considerable amount of deception. To top that off, capital punishment and spirituality somehow do not sit comfortably together, do they? The Anunnaki did have capital punishment…

A prince among the princes of Nibiru was Anzu. The breach in Nibiru’s atmosphere was slowly healing, thanks to the gold mined from Earth’s Abzu region, in south eastern Africa, and transported there from Mars, Earth’s way station. The leaders were pleased; Nibiru’s fate was looking brighter. Anzu was invited to see the operations at the Abzu, he was


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then shown the mighty Mission Control Centre, the “Bond Heaven-Earth”, with its radar-like tower from where signals could be ‘beamed’ to all the worlds. No intruder could penetrate its unseen ‘net’ (radar screen?). The ancient writings tell us that this was built on a ‘Platform that cannot be overturned’, the awesome Baalbek platform that still remains in modern day Lebanon.

Anzu was also taken into the “Dark Hallowed Chamber”. This was the nerve centre of Mission Control. “The Tablets of Destiny” were kept here. These tablets seem to have been very high-tech devices that monitored, and controlled planetary orbits, and flight details of everything in the solar system. From here Enlil also monitored the Anunnaki Earth operations. Without these tablets, the Anunnaki on Earth would be paralysed.

The Tablets of Destinies needed “MEs”, which were probably akin to computer chips, in which were encoded secret formulas, of the solar system. In our terms, we could perhaps say they contained vital data and software.

So, it was indeed a disaster when Anzu somehow managed to steal the MEs. In the Celestial Chamber, When he did this, the ‘brilliance petered out, and the humming quieted down (sounds so much like the shutting down of a busy computer centre!). If Anzu succeeded in taking control of the Mission Control Centre, he could be leader / king of Earth, and Mars. This was just what he intended to do, we are told.

The ancient stone tablets continue with a very detailed futuristic aerial battle which ended with the capture of Anzu and the recovery of the MEs.

The renegade was brought before the “Seven Who Judge”. Their verdict was swift and merciless. His actions endangered all Anunnaki on Earth and Mars, this evil must be extinguished. Death by execution, the seven condemned Anzu. Death by killing ray, it was decided. Anzu was summarily executed, and his remains were taken to Mars,


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where they were buried. That’s one form of execution even we do not have today – death by killing ray.


Whenever any of us come into contact with someone who claims to be from ‘out there’, the effect is usually quite profound, and lasting, it’s almost as though a veil is lifted from the persons mind, leaving him or her with an unexplainable inner peace.


Robert Hurlburt, a successful commercial artist, was hiking with Misty his dog, in the Green Mountains of Vermont, United States. It was July 1971. On the fourth day into the trip, and some forty miles from the nearest town, he came across a young man sitting beside a stream. Hurlburt was a bit surprised, since this chap, who seemed to be in his mid twenties, and slightly over six feet tall, did not have a back-pack, or any provisions, but still looked quite fresh, and none the worse for wear. His pet German shepherd who did not normally take kindly to strangers greeted him warmly, wagging her tail frantically. The stranger introduced himself as John. They walked together for the rest of the day. Sixteen miles later, they set up camp for the night. Robert was getting increasingly uneasy regarding this stranger, who seemed quite unaffected by the long and mostly uphill walk. After the meal, which Robert put together from his provisions, they talked.

***** John told him that he had just spent some time in

England, and was here to meet a few people. They then fell into a short silence, during which time they watched the imposing array of stars blazing down through the clear mountain air. John then startled Robert with his next comment, up there he said was a star called Cessna, no, we


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on Earth have not heard of it. That star is where he claimed to have come from. By now Robert was quite convinced that this chap was a complete loony, but was too scared to part company with him. The stranger went on to say that he was sent to Earth, along with many others, to study us, and some day to share their technology with us; but now, however we are quite unable to handle such power!

Eventually, the two men turned in for the night. In the morning, the stranger was gone. Robert cut short his trip, and returned home. After this encounter however, Robert Hurlburt was a changed man. That stranger had certainly affected him; from a self professed agnostic Robert was mow a more profound and deep thinking person, who has developed several psychic abilities, and strangely had not aged for several years since that meeting in July 1971 on the mountains of Vermont.

***** Michelle Peters, a mother of two, from New Jersey,

was talking with an alien being, one who she had apparently met with in the past, but that’s another story, we will deal with later. When asked where he was from, he pointed to the sky, and said, “You can’t see it from here, but you can see the stars around it, three little stars, then a planet, then there’s a cluster, then there’s that, it’s like a helix. It’s really far away”. Sounds a bit like Robert’s friend, does it not? After investigating hundreds of investigations involving alien abductions, David Jacobs, in his book THE THREAT remarks that very often those who are abducted appear to develop amazing psychic abilities. Was Robert Hurlburt involved in abduction, without realising it? As we proceed, we will see that this was indeed quite likely.

***** Greta Woodrew was a successful business person, so

was her husband Dick. On the 17th of December 1976 their lives were about to be changed forever. Andrija Puharich, a doctor with a M.D. and L.L.D. after his name, and more than


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sixty patents to his credit, had requested if he could use hypnosis on her as part of an experiment. Under hypnosis, she met and described bird-like beings from another planetary system. These beings – who claimed they were ex colleagues of her – said they were here to help Greta to carry out her ‘mission’, to prepare us humans survive the great changes that were about to take place very soon on this planet. In a few minutes Greta ‘discovered` that she was from a distant planet in a far off solar system. She and her husband have never been the same since, giving up their successful businesses and devoting all their time towards her new `assignment`. We will get back to Greta later….


Truck driver Harold was a hopeless alcoholic, brawling his way from one pub to the next; often he would wake up from his drunken stupor hundreds of miles away from his young family. Sometimes, in a rare sober moment, he would consider suicide. During one such occasion, on a lonely night in 1954, he broke down and cried to God for help. The next morning when the fog lifted from his whisky soaked brain, Harold Hughes was a new man. He never touched another drink! Taking up politics, he went on to become the very popular governor of Iowa. Then in 1973, he gave it all away, in spite of being virtually assured of re election, because it `interfered` with his commitment to Christ.

Something happened to this man back in 1954. When asked about the dramatic change that took place in his life, Harold explained that it was almost as if he was another person, when he woke up that fateful morning. His likes and dislikes, his attitudes, his whole outlook on life was different from the man who dozed off in a drunken, depressed stupor the night before. Harold, like Greta, Robert Hurlburt and Frank Stranges, had clearly encountered a mind-bending reality. What happened to Harold Hughes, has also happened


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to many before him, and is still happening today, to thousands of people all over the world.

Although there is no mention of outside influence in this case, it has been included here to make one point, the fact that, if we leave out Greta’s contact with her ‘bird-like people’, the change in Harold’s life appears to be identical in its effects, with Greta’s. Maybe he and the many like him, just don’t ‘remember’ that contact.


In December 1987, Karla Turner, had this most enthralling story to tell… Casey (a pseudonym) was a successful computer consultant in a large south-western city in the USA, well respected professionally, intelligent and a kind, good-humoured person. David Trayne (pseudonym), was a bright science student at the local university, was living on a large property on the edge of the city. His roommate was James (pseudaoym). Megan was a girlfriend, they had three dogs.

Three years later, at the writing of this account, things looked the same for them all; but Karla knew better; they had just gone through a most bizarre few years. You see, Casey is her husband, David her son, Megan their new daughter-in-law. They had lived through an astonishing phenomenon that altered their whole reference of reality in ways you could never have imagined.

They discovered they were all victims of abductions by some alien force which had been part of their lives for many, many years. Through sharing experiences, and seeking answers from others who had also encountered these beings, they learned to survive with their sanity intact, and their perspective on life immeasurably expanded.

These reports are covered in great detail in Karla Turner’s interesting book “INTO THE FRINGE”. We dip into that book again ….

When he woke up, there she was, a tall completely


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naked woman in bed with him. She kept trying to ‘arouse’ him, but he was far too tired, and she was exceedingly cold to the touch, James had no inclination to respond, and begged her to leave him alone. Eventually this eerie apparition ‘got on top of him’ and tried to force sex with him; but he kept refusing, and pushed her away. At last she got off, and walked away to the hall, where James could hear her talking to other strange beings, she was telling them that he ‘would not cooperate’. What were all these ‘beings’ doing in his parents’ house? How could they be so brazen?

Perhaps this was all a nightmare. Perhaps, but in the morning, James found three large puncture marks on the back of his calf, the blood was fresh – that was no nightmare!

He hadn’t even gone back to sleep when suddenly he was startled by the presence of two humanoid females, entirely naked sitting on his bed. One was Asian looking, with dark straight hair, while the other looked Scandinavian, with blonde hair, and light (perhaps bluish) eyes. Though they were not exactly human, both of these visitors were quite attractive.

It was already 7.30 on a cool July morning in 1992, in

a Western suburb of Sydney; Peter had just gone back to bed, after driving his wife to work. He was convalescing after an injury at work. While he was still wondering how they could have possibly entered his bedroom, the blonde reached out with both hands, and pulled his face to her chest. Peter resisted, struggling and biting, eventually she let go, with an expression of confusion, indicating that this wasn’t the way it is supposed to happen. Seconds later they disappeared.

Slowly he regained his composure, but soon realised his penis felt very painful, on closer examination he found a couple of strands of long blonde hair tightly wrapped around it. Carefully, he un-wrapped the hair, and placed the strands in a re-sealable plastic bag – a very expedient thing, to do, as


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we will soon see. Some years later the strands of hair were subjected to

what was perhaps the first DNA testing of a non-human hair sample. The results were astonishing. It turned out that there is no exact match of this hair with other human hair any where on Earth. More DNA testing is planned, when the funds become available.

Accounts of human men forced to have sex with alien humanoid females are plentiful – remember Villas Boas we spoke of earlier? But this is the first time a biological sample has been left back for us to test.

More details of Peter’s experience, and Bill Chalker’s investigation, and DNA examinations can be found on: And:

Bill Chalker is one of Australia’s leading UFO researchers and has written extensively on the subject. He is a contributing editor for the International UFO Reporter and coordinates the NSW UFO INVESTIGATION CENTRE (UFOIC).

More information can be had from the following website:

***** Little Annie and Seth were having a great time

playing with their new friend Ceto. They pranced about as little children do when they are having fun. Ceto then invited them into his sky car. They loved this part the best. After more enjoyable games, they floated back to Earth. Ceto, they told us was an alien. Soon he would return to play once again with his little human friends. A child’s fairy tale you ask? No. Leah Haley was relating her own childhood experiences, in her book “CETO’S NEW FRIENDS”. Joy rides in sky cars, without the Ouija board!!! Remember


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ITHAN? I just had to throw this in, you’ll see why later… One may well wonder how there can be ‘people’ from

Venus, when our astronomers have definitely established that life as we know it cannot possibly exist in its hot and carbon-dioxide-filled atmosphere. However they are referring to life ‘as we know it’.

Now, let’s not bury that head in the sand, there’s more, much more…

As our quest for more evidence takes us to strange realms, let‘s open the next doorway…


“He’s got the most marvellous eyes - golden, human, marvellous eyes. His upper lip is sort of birdlike, but he has very human eyes.”29

Greta Woodrew was lying on a couch in Ossining, New York, taking part in an experiment conducted by Dr Andrija Puharich; author of many books. Included among his well-known works, was the biography of Uri Gellar. His reputation placed him among the most respected authorities on parapsychology. This experiment was to deal with hypnosis and ESP. Little did they know where it was going to lead them!

Shortly after starting their ‘session’ Greta found herself in the presence of HSHAMES, the person with those ‘beautiful eyes’. He communicated with her telepathically, without moving his lips – using that marvellous cosmic communicator we all possess – the human mind. He told Greta that he had come to contact her, from her own home planet, OGATTA, many light ages away. One light age, Andrija informs us, is 100,000 million light years. One light year is 5 trillion, 875 billion miles.

Hshames’ solar system, or JORPAH as they call it, has five planets; OGATTA, MENNON, ARCHA, OSHAN, 29 A SLIDE OF LIGHT: by Greta Woodrew.


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and TCHAUVI. All these planets are larger than Earth, but of lower density. These planets revolve around a binary star system. Once in every 400 years, their suns eclipse each other. We are told that this eclipse lasts for a whole year, and causes a remarkable change in the annual lifestyle of the inhabitants.

According to Hshames, and many other beings who communicated through Greta, a high-level delegation from OGATTA have travelled to our solar system to render any assistance they can to Earth and its inhabitants, during the catastrophic changes they say are due to overcome us in the not too distant future. These caring cousins of ours came in their GATTAE, as they call their spacecraft, apparently in the thousands, and are using VESTA as their way station. VESTA, measuring 525 kilometres in diameter, is one of the larger asteroids, in the asteroid belt that exists between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. We will read more about the asteroids, and their possible origin, later on.

***** Now, why did we spend so much time on all this

when none of it can be ‘proved‘? We did this for only one reason, to add more data to the case. Circumstantial, maybe, but substantiation, none the less. Space, and time do not permit the addition of ALL the evidence, yes, there is enough to sink the proverbial battleship. Eventually, as has happened so many times in the past, the sheer weight of evidence will prevail, and the old theory that we are alone in a sterile universe, would be sunk once and for all.

Next to the constellation of ORION, as we see it from here, is the small group of stars forming CANIS MAJOR. The principle star in this constellation is SIRIUS, the brightest star in our sky. It is also one of the nearest to Earth, being only about 12.5 light-years away. Is it just another coincidence that Lyssa Royal mentioned intelligent life there? And at least four primitive tribes in Mali, the former


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French Sudan (the Dogon in Bandiagara, the Bambara and the Bozo in Segou and the Minianka in Koutiala) have been privy to such detailed knowledge of this star system, long before modern astronomy even suspected it?

As mentioned earlier, these primitive folk somehow knew that Sirius is a multiple star system, (note they believe it is a triple star system with a planet involved. Modern astronomers suspect a third member in the group, but have not yet observed it). They also are aware of the orbits of the stars and the planet, and even the relative sizes of the stars themselves, all with an uncanny accuracy. Is it possible that these people, and perhaps others, like the ancient Egyptians who also appear to have been exceptionally knowledgeable regarding this star system; have accidentally learnt these things without sophisticated instruments. Or perhaps they were taught by beings that did visit us from there, as SEMJASE suggested, through Billy Meier. The PLEIADES, BETELSEUSE, and SIRIUS are not too far from each other as we view them from Earth.

These Primitive people also, (according to Robert K. G. Temple, in his informative book THE SIRIUS MYSTERY) knew about the four main moons of Jupiter, and the rings of Saturn. They also knew about single stars, binary and multiple stars, and stars with planetary systems, and, incredibly, about the billions of stars “spiralling” through the Milky Way. All this we must realise, at a time when ‘civilised’ men were quite sure that the Earth was flat, and the rest of the universe revolved around it!!

So what’s going on? One might ask, are countless people the world over going completely nuts, or has the alien abduction phenomenon issue gone out of hand? Dr Karla Turner PhD recounts her own bizarre experiences (some of them covered here) in her thrilling book INTO THE FRINGE. She remarks that researchers all over, are uncovering more and more anxious people begging for help in trying to understand their terrifying experiences, the ages


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of these people, range from little children two years of age, to older folk; age seems no barrier, there are almost too many seeking help, making it difficult for researchers like Karla Turner to concentrate on while still coming to terms with their own experiences and those involving their immediate family and circle of friends.

John Lear was the guest speaker at a UFO meeting, in August 1988, somewhere in the US. About 300 guests at the meeting heard him recount countless interviews he had with people who had experiences with aliens etc.

Then the mood of the gathering changed, from one of interested attention, to one of complete disbelief…Lear, an expert pilot had flown several missions for the CIA, and therefore had reliable contacts with the intelligence community of the United States. This was his message that left his audience dumbfounded:

There are bases (some underground) hidden throughout the United States (and we will find out later, throughout the world), where aliens carried out a variety of bizarre activities, including crossbreeding experiments with humans. The government had apparently given permission for the abductions to take place in exchange for promises of advanced technology.

However, it appears that the government was duped, and in fact received very little new technology, while the aliens kept increasing their abductions and experiments. Now the government was caught between a rock and a hard place. What happened in the United States, most likely happened even in other countries of the world.

As we read through the pages of this work all this would come as no surprise, because we will soon find out that there are beings from many different backgrounds and origins mingling with the natives of this planet. And it seems that we are mingling with them, in ways that are hard to believe….

Fred was awakened by a bizarre presence in his


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bedroom. As soon as his eyes could focus, he realised there were two of them, two beings that looked like the aliens in the movies – the greys, with their large oval eyes.

They touched him with something on his forehead, immediately, he was blacked out. The next thing he remembered was being with three greys, in a strange room. He had no clothes on, and was placed on a ‘curved chair’. On a table beside him lay a odd looking animal on its back; it was clearly a female, and had been sedated. He did not resist, or feel any anger at his predicament – it seemed like it had all happened before.

After he was settled in the recliner / chair, one of the greys came over to him; he was holding a tube, with a slender metal object attached to it, which he then proceeded to insert into his penis. The other greys were working at what looked like a computer. Fred felt no pain. In fact he had absolutely no feeling at all. He remembers quite well – it’s all happened before.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, the tube was removed, with what was probably his semen. Some of this, they inserted into the animal, the rest they took to the computer.

The animal was then taken away, and another table was wheeled in, with what looked like a naked female human. She was heavily sedated, with her legs secured apart. Swiftly, one of the grey team made a large vertical incision into her, from her chest down to her groin area. Fred watch horrified, as this whole surgical procedure took place only about five feet away from where he lay.

He watched in horror as this grey had one hand deep into the incision, and was pushing down towards her reproductive area apparently carrying out some kind of manipulation. While he did this, she had a long tube-like instrument going in through her vagina; into which one of them apparently inserted some of the semen they extracted from Fred.


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Finally, another grey approached with an object that had a light or laser, at its end. They pushed the skin of the incision together, and sealed it up, with this laser-type light. It sealed up so well, making it impossible to tell she had been cut.

More surgical procedures were performed on Fred, this time into his left eye. Then, after taking some internal tissue samples from his chest, they injected a clear fluid into his navel area…

This disconcerting experience was part of Dr Karla Turner’s eye opening – book INTO THE FRINGE.

Clearly, there is at least one group of extraterrestrials who are working on cross breeding humans with animals.

One of the most fundamental

dishonesties of all, is conformity. When we dilute our individuality &

uniqueness, we reject our specialness,

and become a conformist. We just follow the herd,

Losing our freedom and becoming slaves. Slaves to conformity.

These ‘coincidences’ appear to be stacking up rather uncomfortably against the conformist! If we are sure that all the above is a heap of rubbish, we can crawl back into our cocoon, live for the here-and-now, and forget about the rest of this ‘hog-wash’. But if our minds are open enough to peer through the chinks that are appearing in the cocoon that has been confining our thinking for all these centuries, we encounter some very thought provoking possibilities. The delicate butterfly of truth must eventually emerge from its chrysalis, in all its splendour.

Before he published his initial article on ESP, Dr Stevenson produced an interesting article entitled “Scientists with Half-Closed Minds.” In this article he reviewed the


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history of science, and did what we will be doing a little later, when we listed the publicly stated beliefs of a few well respected scientists, beliefs that were completely out of whack with reality. When the scientific community and the world at large are confronted with evidence that seems to contradict their deep-seated (and often out-dated) beliefs, they shut their minds, and try to force the annoying facts out of existence. For example, when Pasteur suggested that a germ that one cannot even see could kill a cow, the whole scientific community scoffed at him. When the Wright brothers claimed that they could fly in a machine that was heavier than air, they too were termed ‘mad’. So, there is more than a good chance that many learned scholars will relegate this type of work to the same place they sent Pasteur’s ideas!

For those of us with open minds, let’s continue our journey of re-discovery. Yes re-discovery, because all this has been known here on Earth for thousands of years. Modern man is only now beginning to rediscover his cosmic identity.

Michael was woken by a presence in his bedroom, an alien presence. However, he was not surprised; he had encountered them several times in the past. These three were of the Greys, and worked with the US Navy, who Michael belonged to. A blood sample was taken from him; these Greys were studying telepaths, Michael was one of the Navy’s leading psyforce personnel. He was then given his orders.

Michael’s orders were to protect the ORCA, a ship carrying cargo. He was to protect it from enemy reptilians from another planet. Michael then goes on to describe a psychic attack he endures, an attack involving a cute blond.

The episode described above, that reads like a science fantasy, actually happened, and is part of an extremely fascinating book “THE MARS RECORDS”, by Stephanie Relfe. This book and LOTS of other fascinating stuff can be


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had by visiting her website: .


I know a man in Christ Above fourteen years ago

(whether in the body, I know not, Or out of the body, I know not;

God knoweth), Such a one caught up to the

third heaven

Corinthians 12:2

The man was sure he was not dreaming. But was this an out-of-body experience (OBE as it is officially called now) or was he there in the physical? Whatever it was, this place was a “paradise”. He experienced things and heard things that just “could not be put into human language”. My Christian colleagues can read about this where I did, in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. Call this what you like, but it does sound so much like someone having an experience like many abductees are having today. And, like these people, Paul did not wish to speak about this experience to anyone for fear of being made to “look foolish”.


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In my Father's house

there are many mansions.

If not, I would have told you:

because I go to prepare

a place for you. John 14:2

The Celestial Chariot took off from Nibiru, included in its very special cargo were: A fleet of new shuttles specially designed by Enki, for service between Earth – Mars, and Nibiru, and fifty specially selected, young female nurses, who were given specialised training to provide ‘succour and healing’ to those on Earth. Ninmah, was the head medical officer in charge of them.

Nungal was commanding this new mother craft. He followed the flight path of earlier space craft from Nibiru. These were recorded on the ‘tablets of destinies’, at his disposal. Mars, was their first port of call, before Earth. After circling Mars slowly, they descended to its surface. Ninmah, and a small group of ‘heroes’ (Those Nibiruians who worked on Earth, or Mars, were called ‘Heroes’- more on this later.) left the craft, and walked onto the Martian surface. They were following a weak signal – probably from an unknown


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beacon. There, beside a lake, lay Anzu, a hero from Earth, he had been dead a long time, but the beacon attached to his helmet still worked, albeit very weak by now. Using what appear to be very high tech electronic devices, they brought him back to life.

Did they say, ‘there beside a lake’? Mars was too dry and cold to have lakes; our experts kept telling us for decades. But, recent photographs beamed back to Earth by NASA’s Martian probes contain unmistakable images of ancient rivers, seas and lakes, now dry, but some time in the distant past, were lush and possibly very earth like.

That was just a small excerpt from “The Lost Book of Enki”. Deciphered from ancient Sumerian texts, it reads like a modern science fiction story. The details are amazing; so are the coincidences…

The story goes on to describe the internment in a cave, of the remains of a royal, from Nibiru and a large monument placed there, in memory of him. Out of a large rock; ‘With beams’ they carved out his image, wearing a helmet; his face uncovered. His face would then gaze on Nibiru and Earth forever. Cydonia comes to mind, but no, THAT would be too much to even contemplate!

If only these tablets were new, if only they were still indecipherable, our mind would not be so stressed, trying to explain. We could keep our head in the sand, and not even feel guilty.

Mars base was duly set up, many heroes were transported to Mars, and proceeded to establish the colony that would be used as a way station between Earth and Nibiru. Anzu was their commander.


Billy Meier could hardly believe what he was hearing, is it true, that there were (in 1975) over 17,422 people all over the Earth who are in personal contact with our space cousins? So he was assured by Ptaah, his contact from


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the Pleiades. Only a few hundred of these are known publicly. Some of these did not realise that their friend or associate was actually not a native of Earth. More than 30 years on, and that figure is probably close to doubling.

There is startling evidence (according to Michael E.

Sella, in his book “Extraterrestrials Among Us”), that human looking extraterrestrials visitors have integrated with and are living in major population centres right now. What really concerns NATO leaders and other political and military leaders, the world over, was that extraterrestrials could be walking in the corridors of key political institutions, posing as ordinary citizens in major cities around the planet.

Later on, we will be dipping into some amazing facts from Stephanie Relfe’s “The Mars Records”, Michael’s encounter with a reptilian, masquerading as a military officer. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to look past this physical wrapping, we call our body?

Some of the very earliest of ancestors of humanity on Earth, we are told, came from a far away sun-system in a star group near what we now know as the Ring Nebula of Lyra. Therefore these beings are called Lyrans. The Pleiadians, and hence we, are their descendents. So went the story conveyed to Billy Meier by his Pleiadian contacts. Continuing their

Ever wondered why Fuji Heavy

Industries Of Japan chose to have the Pleiades star cluster on the Badge of their Subaru branded



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epic narration … After horrendous wars on their home planet, these

intrepid space explorers set off in waves of migrations, in their great Space Arks. They went to many other star systems, and settled colonies there. These flourished, and produced new races of space travellers.

Later, generations of Great Space Arks, mastered the technology of harvesting all their energy and matter requirements directly from light, which is universal throughout creation. They became completely self-sufficient and never needed to rely on any other planetary body again. Many of them never wanted to “go back into the planetary nest stage” for a second time, only to be eventually forced out all over again. These beings cruise space as perpetual explorers, building new ships and new habitats as required. There are millions of these great space arks inhabited by humans, journeying through this galaxy alone.

***** Monday 19th June 1978 – the communicator was

Anouxia, the captain of the spacecraft from a diseased planet– “We have been travelling for a very, very long time”

Said this captain, “and we have come a very, very long way….; we are studying you, to see if we can stay here. We cannot go back. You can help us by giving us a home, friendship, a chance to live again. We must have somewhere to live; we cannot float around in space forever. Together we can conquer all space; other planets are inhabited; not all are friendly; but they are too far away to do much harm at the moment.”

Another form of space ark? According to Anouxia, they were carrying about 10 million displaced extraterrestrials, in search of a planet to call home. You can read all about Anouxia and his unique cargo, in Frank Johnson’s fabulous book, “The Janos People”.

***** Occasionally colonies of adventurers are placed on a


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new planet’s surface to explore and report back to the mother ship. Some of these colonists, who have lived on that surface long enough to have missed the living in space, choose to remain; thus another planet becomes inhabited. The new planet is explored and uniquely developed, according to its physical nature. A new human society evolves. Such is the history of the Pleiades, Earth and our own humanity. This cycle of events continues ceaselessly throughout this and other galaxies.

Early settlers on the Pleiades, and Earth still carried a lot of their warlike tendencies, which led to devastating wars, and terrible destruction of their civilisations. A little before 50,000 years ago, in Earth time, several (about 70,000) humans from the Pleiades, fled their home planet and settled on Earth.

Great cities were built, technology boomed, but unfortunately their growth in technology far outstripped their development in spirituality. Their psyche could not cope with their technology. In a comparatively short period of 10,000 Earth years desire for power and control prevailed deadly nuclear war raged all over the planet. Once again, total destruction prevailed. Only a few thousand human beings survived on Earth, while others fled once more into the cosmos, to settle on far away worlds.

For a further 7,000 Earth years or so, Earth was not visited by extraterrestrials; and Earth humans got left behind to degenerate and become wild. Eventually descendants of those who had settled on far away worlds returned. Earth humans once again benefited. Great cities were built. Once more great civilisations blossomed on Earth.

But, without spiritual growth, there can be no lasting peace. Eventually greed for power, and accompanying fear brought more wars and destruction. Once more, those who caused all the trouble ‘escaped’ to the cosmos. Man was left alone again.

Meanwhile, a spiritual growth was evident in the


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cosmos. The descendants of the Pleiades, Lyra and other planets were learning spiritual truths, and learning to live in peace. With spiritual growth came the wanting to ‘make amends’, and teach Earth humans to grow spiritually. Emissaries were sent, and are still being sent. Mankind on Earth is being ‘pulled up’ by his socks.


Awe-inspiring visitors have come to us from many and far-flung worlds, sometimes even from another universe. Let’s learn about some of the Father’s mansions, from where those long lost cousins have dropped in on us.

Let’s visit the home worlds of some of these cosmic cousins. This list is by no means complete, and only serves to highlight the size of our extended family, and the great number and variety of mansions in our Father’s Creation. ANDROMEDA: Home of the ANDROMEDAN COUNCIL, a vast federation of inhabited planets, which includes those from the Pleiades star cluster. ARCTURUS: This is the brightest star of the constellation Bootes. Arcturus is located at a distance of about 37 light years, and is 215 times as radiant as our Sun. It is to this star system, Edgar Cayce suggests that our soul makes its journey after we have developed as far as we can in this solar system. The Collective Alliance of Worlds calls this system its home. LYRA: It is said that a star system in the constellation of Lyra, lying about 2,000 light years away, is the original home of humans in our galaxy. In her book “THE PRISIM OF LYRA”, Lyssa Royal writes of the nuclear devastation of their home planet APEX. They have evolved spiritually, and violence is no longer part of their life.


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KORENDOR: The third of 12 planets, its capital city, Vrell; it is accompanied by four moons, orbiting their sun Korena. Korendor, they tell us, is roughly 411 light years away, and is located in the constellation of Bootes, about 3 degrees from Arcturus, as seen from here. It is visible in larger telescopes. Korendians apparently developed space flight about 3,000 Earth years ago; hence they are pretty far ahead of us in technology. There have been many people who claim contact with the very Earth-like human beings from this planet; Bob Renaud being the best known.

Inhabitants from this far away planet have interacted with Earth humans often in the recent times. They also claim that by 1965 they had infiltrated strategic positions in military and society throughout this planet, acting as catalysts: Their main purpose being to stimulate the Earth people to do things in accordance to Universal Law; in other words to grow in spirit. The Korendians claim alliance with the Arcturians and are part of a massive collective Alliance of Worlds.

Here is an interesting episode in the affairs of our cosmic family, courtesy our friends from Korendor…

The fifth planet in the star system of Vega is Kalran. This planet developed along lines almost identical to Korendor, but like Earth, the emphasis was on military power. After achieving space travel, they colonised the remaining suitable planets of the Vega system. Soon they established an impregnable fortress in that system, which even the infant Planetary Alliance had difficulty breaking through. So the Alliance members decided on complete isolation of Kalran, placing economic, cultural and scientific sanctions on the planet. This was perhaps their greatest mistake, as we shall soon see.

The Kalrans, left to their own devices, expanded their destructive capabilities, developing an awesome military force second to none in that part of the galaxy. Still, they made no attempt to disturb outside planetary systems. In turn,


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the Korendans left them alone. An occasional petrol craft kept check on their activities.

Eventually, this stalemate had to come to an end. The Kalrans outgrew their system, and started their expansion, taking over one planetary system after another, soon controlling all the systems in their vicinity. Even the Planetary Alliance had no means of matching their military power.

To this day, they remain the major “dark force” in the galaxy. They control more than 150 systems in a tight net that is impossible to penetrate. Over the last several decades, it appears that they had decided to stop annexing systems by force, instead concentrating on spreading their influence by other means.

Yes, my friends, the intrigue continues even on a celestial level. The ‘war’ between ‘Light & Darkness’ goes on… Sooner or later we will need to take sides. Let’s hope that Earth humans make the right choice this time. ARIAN: A visitor from this inhabited planet from the Aldebaron star system is described in UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ARIAN OF ALDEBARON: by Wendelle Stevens & Martin Wiesengruen). APU: Native Shepherds of Altiplano, Peru refer to E.Ts from this planet as “brothers from the sky”. These ‘brothers’ they tell us, have been coming to Peru and the Earth for a very long time. In Peru, they were involved in a variety of operations, they provided rescues, where necessary, and even provided rain when it was badly needed. For several years they healed the sick and injured natives in remote areas where they real medical support was available. Vlado Kapetanovic and his wife Milena have lived there for over forty years, and Vlado has written four books on his


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experiences with these E.T.s from APU.30 KLERMER: Details of a fascinating encounter with beings from this planet can be had from UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KLERMER - Possibilities of the infinite: by Rodolfo Casellato, M.A.O. Bianca, & Wendelle Stevens. COMA BERENESIS: COMA BERENESIS is a group of stars in the area between Ursa Major and Bootes; this area also contains a cluster of about 10,000 galaxies.

In the mid 1960s Paul Villa 31 from the Alberquerque, New Mexico vicinity was involved in a very detailed, and extended series of contacts, face-to-face, and long-distance telepathic communication with benign beings from a planet in this constellation he was even taken on interstellar trips in their craft.

True to form, our sceptic friends attacked his credibility even as he shared discreet information with controllers inside NASA. JANOS: A planet said to be ‘several thousand light years’ away from Earth. Life on this planet is said to have been extinguished when one of its moons broke up, and flattened its structures with falling debris, before annihilating all life through radioactive poisoning when nuclear power stations were exploded by the falling rocks.

The inhabitants of this planet are said to have been from the same stock as Earth people; having originated from the early Lyrans, as we did. ORION: Contactees claim that inhabitants of many star systems in this constellation are the “negative” type, with 30 UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET APU: by Wendelle Stevens – UFO Photo Archives. 31 UFO CONTACT FROM COMA BERENESIS – The Paul Villa Story: by Apolinar Villa & Wendille Stevens – UFO Photo Archives.


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tendencies to deception and violence. RIGEL: A green-skinned visitor from a planet ‘beyond’ this star system is reported to have met with an ethnic Cherokee Indian girl and her mother. We can read more about this encounter in “UFO CONTACT FROM BEYOND RIGEL: by Lucius Farish, Wendelle Stevens & Phyl Pierceall. ZETI: This, we are told is an inhabited planet in the constellation of Orion. Raphael Chacon, was a printing press repairman in Tucson, Arizona. Chacon describes beings from this planet as being made up of swirling dots and particles of light, suggesting a human form but not composed of flesh and bone.32 KOSHNAK: A planet located in the region of the sky we call Orion; hopefully not one of the negative ones. A being from this world has been in frequent contact with people in Puerto Rico, including a government worker, and a Baptist Minister. This visitor from Koshnak described large under sea bases operated by extraterrestrials from his planet, in the Puerto Rican Trench, under the Atlantic Ocean.

This visitor also enlightened his contactee, saying that they considered themselves to be our brothers, simply enjoying a broader view of reality. ECTOM: Beings from this planet are reported to have approached two Aymara Indians from the jungles of Ecuador, and requested that they bear the children of extraterrestrials through the early stages of embryo development; after which they would be removed to complete their development in their home among the stars.33

32 UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ZETI IN ORION: by Wendlle Stevens – UFO Photo Archives. 33 UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ECTOM: by Wendelle Stevens –


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PLEIADES: A lose cluster of stars – seven bright, and more than 200 smaller stars in the constellation of Taurus. Modern astronomers tell us that this cluster is about 440 light years away. Extraterrestrial contacts from the Pleiades tell us they are actually much further. Many of these stars have planetary systems which support intelligent human life. Some of these inhabitants are said to be the descendants of the early Lyrians, who escaped from their home planet eons ago. Several expeditions of Pleiadians are said to have arrived on Earth, over the course of thousands of years.

Beings from the planets of the star systems that make up the Pleiades are in large scale contact with people on Earth. For example, Pleiadian Semjase and Earth’s Billy Meier in Switzerland; Ramatis, and Charles Silva in Peru; Cyril and Enrique Rincon in Colombia; a being from the ALCYONE star system of the Pleiades and Senor Pedro Romaniuk of Argentina. These are just a few of the contacts being made by the very active Pleiadian branch of our extended cosmic family; a branch from our family tree that claims to have bases on Mars and Venus as well. ERRA: Home planet of Semjase, the extraterrestrial contact of Billy Meier. This planet is one of the moons of CALTOS, a planet (what they call a sub-sun, i.e. a planet that emits more energy than it reflects) like Jupiter in our system, and is about twice its size. CALTOS’s sun is the dim violet companion star to TAYGETA; which in turn is a triple star in the Pleiades star cluster, it is about the same size and mass of our Sun, but is about 24 times as bright. Complicated? Ours is not a simple universe.

Other starry members of the Pleiades open cluster include:

ASTEROPE: A double star, literally, the name means UFO Photo Archives.


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‘lightening’. MEROPE: The sister this star was named after is was

the only Pleiades sister alleged to have married a mortal. It is the star that shines less brightly than the others.

ELECTRA: The third brightest star in the constellation. The sister this star was named after, was seduced by Zeus, and gave birth to Dardanus, the founder of Troy.

MAIA: The eldest of the seven sisters these stars are named after.

CELAENO: Translated, this name means ‘darkness’. Celaeno is sometimes referred to as the lost Pleiades because it is sometimes difficult to see with the naked eye.


The Pleiades showing the major members of this fabulous group.

***** Preston was only 15 years old when he recalls being

transported in a Pleiadian craft to little Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons. He only has good memories of that trip; he remembers ‘eating like a king’, and enjoying the same things we do on Earth, like the cinema and videos. After this it was a day trip on another ship to a planet they called Alderon. This was a very beautiful planet, with exuberant vegetation. The towering buildings of their cities looked like crystal, the


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sky was blue, and the air and water was pure. The flora and fauna on Alderon was very similar to that of Earth, but the atmosphere was richer in oxygen, about 28% to 30%. They did not have a monetary system as we know it, and looked much more relaxed and peaceful. They do not appear to have any health problems.

Three of the better known planets of this group are called: Arian, which is the philosophical centre, Alderon, which is the technical and production centre, and Aldebaran, which is the defence centre. The inhabitants of these three planets are very similar to Earth humans.

The other three planets of the Pleiadian group are populated by creatures of the human type. The beings of these planets are pure energy. They are home to the superior race, who are non-physical. These are the twelve super races who govern the Pleiadian culture. All of these races are equal. In essence they have the good of all in their heart; they could be compared to ANGELS. No one ever fights against them. Though each one of these superior beings has his own individuality, they all share a common collective consciousness.

Their origins go back to another universe, another galaxy, from whence a group of sisters (aren’t we all cosmic brothers and sisters?) settled among the star systems we know as the Pleiades. Strange, how our ancients tell a similar story.

This Pleiadian society is the utopian dream we all aspire to. This is the goal towards which our branch of God’s celestial family must work. Preston Nichols was shown all this at 15 years of age, so that he may one day pass it on to others on Earth. And this he did in his books, this particular one from which the above is taken, is the “PLEIADIAN ENCOUNTER” by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon.

Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades?


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Can you loose the cords of Orion?

Job 38:31

Her eyes were unusually pale blue. Her amber hair was parted in the middle, and fell to her waist, framing her small nose, and delicate mouth. Her skin was exceedingly pale, and almost luminescent. Her name was Semjase. She told Billy, in fluent German, that she had just come from the Pleiades. The Pleiades, astronomers tell us, are a small group of stars about 440 light years away. Not too far from the constellation of Orion, as seen from Earth.


A sketch of Semjase, the Pleiadian, according to many of her contacts. As you can see, she looks as human as anyone on Earth.

They sat there under a tree, somewhere in Switzerland, Billy Meier, and Semjase. This was her story: The Pleiadian civilisation is very highly developed, technologically. They have been visiting Earth for many thousands, of years, helping with the development of humanity. Remember this encounter with Semjase, we will be returning to it later. The Pleiadian involvement with our evolution appears to go back several hundred thousand years.


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ALCYONE: One of the star systems of the Pleiades cluster, that includes inhabited planets. Lloyd Zirbes, a Minnesota former claimed to have been taken aboard a craft from this star system, and shown, on viewing screens the deficiencies in our understanding of physics, and all the forces behind all motion and creation.

On his return, Zirbes was so moved by his experiences, that he began taking college-level courses in physics, and has now become a professor of physics, and offers the concepts of these aliens to academia.34 RETICULUM: A minor constellation in the Southern hemisphere. Four of the stars that make up this constellation are known to have planets. Another component of this constellation is a binary, Sun-like couple, visible to the naked eye. Zeta Reticuli is approximately 39 light years away, and is the reported home of one of the Grey type extraterrestrials visiting Earth. This apparently was the type involved in the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill.

SIRIUS: The brightest star in our skies. Sirius belongs to the constellation of Canis Major. This multiple star system lies approximately 8.7 light years away. Intelligent life migrated to this system when the early Lyrians abandoned their home world eons ago.

The beings from Sirius have been very active on Earth almost from the beginning of time on this planet. Many Earth humans claim to be in contact with intelligences from Sirius.

KOLDAS: A planet in a parallel universe to ours. It is larger than Earth, and is the principal planet in its solar system, and home to a highly advanced race of very human- 34 UFO CONTACT FROM ALCYONE OF THE PLEIADES: by Lloyd Zirbes & Wendle Stevens – UFO Photo Archives.


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looking beings who wish to help Earth men advance, and eventually take their place among the intergalactic confederation of planets.

Through Carl van Vlierden, and Wendelle Stevens, (UFO Contact from planet Koldas) we are told that these beings are very similar to us, the main difference being their mental attitude. They are part of a large Confederation of planets; each planet playing a different, but vital role in the whole. Some of the member planets are rich in minerals, others in more suitable for cultivation. Koldas, with its huge freshwater lakes, some 24,000 km long, by 20,000 km wide, has an abundance of fish. They do not have a monetary system, but trade their produce with neighbouring planets, for what they need. A chain of ‘goodwill’ and understanding links all their planets.

However even though they are basically a peace loving confederation of worlds, occasionally more belligerent cosmic relatives from the vastness of space, do intrude, and try to annex one or more planets from this confederation. This results in a horrendous conflagration; the rest of the Confederation rallies to the victim’s defence, and (hopefully) restores peace in the region. Yes there are other aggressive black sheep even in the celestial branch of our family, Earth humans are not the only aggressive ones; but the heavenly realms are policed very effectively, and help is only a prayer away.

These cousins of ours owe their own development to other cosmic relatives, the beings from a neighbouring solar system and the planet Grandoria. It is said that missionaries from this planet landed on Koldas, integrated into their society, and helped build their civilization; a perfect example of cosmic siblings helping each other grow technically and spiritually.

The Koldasians in turn are said to have helped the inhabitants of a planet named Pyrole to develop their


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technology, and donated a fleet of advanced space craft. We will cover more details about these interesting beings later in this book.

Now, here’s a very interesting ‘near coincidence’ if I may coin a phrase: In a recorded interview with Al Beilek included in THE MARS RECORDS 1, by Stephanie Relfe, Beilek comments that he knew of Tesla making regular contact with many races of extraterrestrials, and one of the groups were the ‘K’ group known as the KONDRASHKINs, sounds uncannily like the Koldasians, wouldn’t you think so? We are getting to know our new found family…

UMMO: In 1950, inhabitants of the planet Ummo, which they tell us, orbits a star we know as Wolf 424, and is about 14 light years away, landed on Earth for the first time. After acclimatising themselves, and setting up their bases, they started establishing carefully selected contacts, most of them Spanish.

Wolf 424 is a binary star; both components are red dwarfs that lie in the constellation of Virgo. They call their sun Iumma, a dwarf of the M class, as we categorize stars. This planet has no moons, so its nights can be very dark.

How these cyber cousins found us, makes interesting reading… Apparently, in 1948, they accidentally picked up a strange radio signal which they were unable to decipher; this unusual signal was on a frequency of 413.44 megacycles. Eventually they traced it to us.

Subsequent investigations identified the transmission as originating from a Norwegian research vessel, between the 5th and 7th of February, 1934. It took 14 years for the signal to travel to Ummo.

Apparently the Ummites were quite surprised at this evidence of intelligent life, and decided to investigate.

They tell us that Ummo is almost a twin of Earth, with one major difference, the biological diversity here, in both animal and vegetable species, is extraordinary,


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compared to Ummo. Beings from this planet are very human-looking, and can integrate quite easily into Earth society.

The professor of Histology at the University of Madrid was one of those who received a telephone call from one of the mysterious visitors form Ummo, who invited him to ask any question about his field of speciality. He wasn’t particularly busy, but was nevertheless taken aback by this anonymous caller, and was about to hang up, but something made him stop and go along with the request. The professor asked one technical question after another, and received accurate answers immediately; it was like talking to a computer on the other side of the telephone line. Finally he asked a very personalised question, and the caller promised to send the answer ‘tomorrow’.

The professor forgot all about this caller. However the next day a young bearded man arrived at his house, and handed him a package which contained a rectangular box. Accompanying the box were ‘instructions’. To activate it, he was to pronounce a series of vocal notes in a certain order. He took the box to the laboratory at the University and activated it.

As soon as he did that, part of the box illuminated forming a viewing screen showing in great detail, a living neuron. Then following the instructions, he pronounced another set of sounds, and the neuron disappeared, this time the screen came alive, with the answer to his personalised question of the day before.

The next day, the bearded young man returned, and picked up the box. The professor was still thoroughly overawed by these happenings.

These beings from Ummo have a strange way of letting us know about them.

Read more about this fascinating planet and its interesting natives in: Antonio Ribera’s “UFO Contact from the planet UMMO”, volumes 1 and 2. An interesting website is:


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A message from them to us goes something like this: “As your elder brothers in this cosmos, we

urgently desire with all our hearts, your salvation. Do not destroy your beautiful blue planet, a rare world that floats so majestically in space, so full of life. IT IS YOUR CHOICE.” IARGA: The exact location of this planet was not given. We were told that it is not much more than 10 light years away from us. Iarga is larger than Earth, with gravity three times that of Earth; and is known as a silicon-manganate planet, in the same way as they call earth an iron planet. It has one large moon, and is surrounded by two gigantic, flat concentric rings, much like Saturn in our own solar system.

Inhabitants of this planet explained to their Earth contactee, that though beings from different parts of the galaxy may differ physically, their essence is always the same, all galactic entities come from the same source. All life throughout the entire universe is interrelated, and no planet or sun exists in complete separateness by itself. Despite their radical differences in physical appearance, these beings stressed that they were here only because of that mutual interrelationship of life and consciousness, and in fact we are all truly brothers and sisters.



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These visitors from Iarga are human;

however their appearance is considerably different. They are exceptionally strong, with rubbery muscles and having armoured skulls, and elongated facial features.

The contact they chose to reveal themselves to was Stefan Denaerde, (a pseudonym) a Dutch master mechanical engineer, and an architectural artist, perfectly suited to understand and convey the technical information they showed him on his tour of their spacecraft, and his – holographic - visit to their home planet. This fascinating account can be read in “UFO… Contact from planet Iarga”, by Stefen Denaerde & Wendelle Stevens. Published by UFO Photo Archives (June 1982).

According to the visitors from Iarga, the fundamental lesson we, as members of the cosmic community have to learn is to acquire a better insight into the Great Creation Plan; and to understand that we and everyone else, have a right of existence as a Divine Creation amidst an inconceivable number of other races in which we will discover, we are neither superior nor inferior. Each one of us is part of His plan.

When life on Earth and Iarga are compared… It becomes quite clear that the people on Earth can never live like those on Iarga. The Earth is, in contrast to Iarga, a thin-atmosphere planet, extremely bright light, and of a totally different character; this also applies to its inhabitants. We, on Earth have a different evolution cycle than Iarga’s inhabitants. Nevertheless, the goal in the evolution of all intelligent races in the universe is one and the same. The road we traverse may be different, but the destination is the same. The aspiration is what the spirit / essence is striving for; and the spirit of every entity in the whole of creation is identical, we come from the same Creator Of All.

Iarga, according to its inhabitants, is a planet based on love, in the Christian sense of the word, not on sex. Earth


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people of today unfortunately do not understand the real meaning of this word. Love without sex is possible, and this is what applies on Iarga, where the people really love each other, and consider it a pity that they can only hug one person in their arms at a time. THIAOOUBA: The planet Michael Desmarquet of Queensland in Australia, spent several days on, and was shown wondrous things, and given much information to bring back to Earth. Read more about Michael’s encounter later in this book.

The exact location of Thiaoouba was unknown, at the time of writing. AKART: According to our Pleiadian contacts, this is one of the nearest inhabited planets to Earth. Their planet is very similar to Earth in size, but it is very severely overcrowded, by people who look like us. The population of this world is over 23 billion. They live under a form of dictatorship, and make frequent trips to Earth, and other similar planets, to obtain fresh fruit, vegetables and seeds. They are not very advanced in technology.

Through a very remarkable coincidence, they keep happening—Artur Berlet, an abductee in southern Brazil claims to have been ‘taken’ to a super-crowded planet his abductors called ACART, which they told him was a very close neighbour of our solar system. His abductors mistook him to be a biologist, who could help them propagate vegetable seeds. When they discovered their mistake, they apologised, and returned him unharmed, but much wiser. It is more than likely that AKART, and ACART are the one and the same planet. ALPHA CENTAURI: After its companion Proxima Centauri, this is the nearest star to us, less than 5 light years away. This star has a solar system very much like ours, with


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three of its planets inhabited by beings almost exactly like us. Because this sun is part of a triple star system, the people on these planets are used to having three suns in their sky, one about the size or our sun, and the other two considerably smaller and cooler.

Many researchers claim that the inhabitants of these three planets are almost identical to Earth humans. A few lucky Earth people are said to have travelled there on special inter-stellar space shuttles. (Interview with Al Bielek 1991 - Appendix III, to Mars Records 1) BAAVI: This is one of several cool planets that orbit the nearest star – next to our own Sun – Proxima Centauri. Our cousins from this planet have been visiting Earth throughout the ages. 35

Monsieur “Y”, from the Algerian desert was taken to this planets, by friendly E.T.s who visited him. “Y” spent two months there, working with them, and studying their language culture and philosophy, then, returning with copious texts on these subjects. These texts remain in a French university, out of reach of the public WHY? One might ask, WHY! VENUS: Often called Earth’s sister planet, it is almost the same size as Earth. Experts say the environment on Venus is not compatible for human habitation; however beings from Venus have been mingling with Earth humans for a long time. They tell us that they exist in a slightly different dimension, and are not affected by the harsh environment we know exists on their planet. Others, like Val Thor, claim that the inhabitants there live in underground cities. We will be reading more about our next-door space cousins.

Interaction between our cousins from Venus seems to 35 CONTACT FROM PLANET BAAVI IN PROXIMA CENTAURI: by Wendelle Stevens – UFO Photo Archives.


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be more common in the sub-space / spiritual realm36, than the purely physical…

Young Shiela Schultz met an untimely end in a freak bus accident. ‘Elders’ on Venus apparently foresaw this, and as Shiela’s soul left her broken body, the soul / spirit of Omnec Onec, from our sister planet ‘walked-in’ to the lifeless body. 37

The fascinating book, UFO: FROM VENUS I CAME: by Omnec Onec, a.k.a. Shiela Schultz describes the Earthly experiences of Omnec, in Shiela’s body.

A sketch of a Grey Alien A sketch of a Reptilian.

36 Remember ITHAN from chapter 6? 37 STRANGERS AMONG US: by Ruth Montgomery is a ‘must read’ on this subject.


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Portrait of a Grey, from the reports of abductees.

Portrait of a Reptilian from the reports of abductees

Some members of the cosmic community are of the

ethereal type, and do not require physical space craft to facilitate their travel from one place in space to another. Others are more physical, and do require craft to travel in. Some of these vehicles are small, and some are large. Giorgio Dibitonto, in his book “ANGELS IN SPACESHIPS” refers to one giant craft described by George Adamski. In January 1952 Adamski told us that there are many monstrous sized cruisers in space. Too large in fact, to land on Earth, these cruisers, we are told, are as large as a fair sized city.

The Mahabaratha, the ancient Indian epic, describes some Vimana (flying craft) the size of a large city.


In spite of what we have been reading here, some people may still find it difficult to believe that


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extraterrestrials exist on Earth. However evidence supporting this idea seems to be increasing at an alarming rate. We cannot simply dismiss these masses of evidence, and still be called fair minded. We either have to identify the mechanisms that may be fabricating this evidence, or consider the possibility that we are living in a collective state of denial regarding life that appears to have evolved millions of years ago, even in our own solar system. Much of the more recent evidence is provided by Scientific Remote Viewing, SRV for short.

Information in the next few pages is from Courtney Brown’s mind boggling books COSMIC VOYAGE, & COSMIC EXPLORERS. Courtney has taken Remote Viewing to almost unbelievable heights. The interested reader can download them free from his website, < >.

So let us examine the remote-viewing data carefully. See if it is corroborated by other means of data gathering. If it can be, then take the next step in analysing it. But, don’t toss the evidence away, just because it “sounds” too far-fetched.

According to some of the basic findings, there was once an ancient Martian civilization that was destroyed by a massive disaster. This information in fact is corroborated by other independent accounts of the destruction of the ancient civilization on that planet. A highly advanced group of extraterrestrials, whom we now call the Greys arrived on the planet with the approval of a loosely organised galactic organization soon after the disaster and rescued the surviving Martians. Due to the Grey’s technological capabilities (their ships travel across time as well as space), they were able to bring many Martian survivors to our current time period. The Martians were established in temporary underground colonies on Mars and given a limited level of technology that allowed them to sustain their now relatively small population. They also have the capability to fly brief


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interplanetary trips to Earth. Mars is essentially a dead world except for these

refugees. The goal of these Martians is to transfer all of their surviving population to Earth. Through remote viewing, one underground facility was located in New Mexico, apparently under a mountain named Santa Fe Baldy. This facility seems to be used as a centre for operations while Martian-controlled ships deliver supplies to surface villages on Earth containing groups of Martian emigrants.

Later on in this book, we will see other sources describing what look like remains of a great civilization on this unfortunate planet.


The Greys also have an interesting history. They come from a home world not in our solar system. They destroyed their own world due to rampant and selfish abuse of their environment - much like we seem hell bent on doing here on Earth - and were forced to move their civilization underground. They then began a long process of manipulating their genetic code to allow them to adapt to their new conditions. They developed large eyes that require very little light to see. They allowed their bodies to shrink to the point that they no longer could experience live birth, requiring their offspring to be “born” using artificial containers (that is, foetuses grown in canisters – like so many of Earth’s abductees have reported seeing). Finally the Greys manipulated the genetic code for their physical minds. Fearful of their past, they rid themselves of volatile emotions. They could no longer feel positive surface-level emotions such as love and compassion. But the journey of the Greys into emotional neutrality was not without benefits. This specie made a collective decision to advance spiritually. They explored both physical space and subspace, (or the astral / spiritual realm), searching for meaning to their


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existence. Ultimately, they turned their attention toward God, not a fuzzy God, but a real God with a consciousness and, indeed a personality.

During their evolutionary journey toward God, they met some powerful personalities that impressed them greatly. They realized that they needed to experience certain things in order for their own evolution to mature. Caught by now in a dead-end road, they needed new physical resources in order to advance further.

Returning to their former genes was never and option for the Greys. They held a deep fear of their past. If their former genetics led them to an existence in which they selfishly destroyed their own planet, what guarantee could be made that they would not do so again? The Greys wanted a different route to the future, a route that required outside help.

Apparently after serving the Galactic Federation, 38 as members in good standing for a long time, the Greys applied for permission to travel to Earth and obtain human genetic material to create a new race for their souls to inhabit. Data obtained from remote viewing suggest that they have carefully followed a policy of asking permission of a human soul before its physical birth with regard to their participation in the Greys’ genetic activities. With permission (on the soul level) granted, the Greys have been visiting many humans (often at night) for the purposes of working with human biology to create a new race of Greys, a race that would again be able to experience live birth and to feel emotions (primarily positive ones).

Nevertheless, following the reports of some abductions that appear to have gone wrong, it seems that in

38 The Galactic Federation of Light, we are told was founded to prevent the destructive inter-dimension dark forces from dominating and exploiting this galaxy. About 40% of its members are humanoids, and the rest are different forms of sentient beings.


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some cases even these well-intentioned plans may have come unstuck; remember the ill fated ‘deal’ made with the US military? Perhaps the Greys project has been commandeered by other interested parties. Look out for the ‘hooded’ beings that are often noticed by some abductees.

Regardless of some accounts of unfortunate occurrences – perhaps involving renegade branches of the Greys, the main group of advanced Greys appear to have succeeded in their endeavour…

In a Scientific Remote Viewing session in July 1994, Courtney Brown moved forward in time, and ‘viewed the results of the efforts of these hard working cosmic cousins of ours.

He described the most beautiful of creatures, Greys that look much like humans, like ‘no other human’ that he had ever seen. They were telepathic, and had learned to love – again. That was the basic emotion that they emphasised in their genetic project. These beings, Courtney said, had love overwhelming. They even had the love of Jesus in them.

There were males, and females, having healthy sexuality, the females were capable of giving birth by themselves, without the need for canister births. These new beings were exceptionally evolved, and spiritually united.

So, for the Greys, their destiny has turned full circle. They reached the depths of despair, destroyed their home world, and themselves. Then, through hard work and persistence, with help from the subspace / spiritual realm, and a BIG helping hand from Earth humans, got back on the rails, and back towards God.

Isn’t’ it amazing, how the cosmic family interacts…Beings from Nibiru come to Earth, help engineer humans here, get them to a stage where their being can appreciate and develop true spirituality – remember the soul/spirit needs to interface smoothly with the mind and body. Then our great spiritual leaders – like Jesus come along and complete our spiritual development. The Greys


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then visit our planet, and use our genes to round off their own evolution.

According to Courtney Brown, they feel they owe us a debt. Perhaps we should take them up on that, and let them teach us, what they have learned.

The question may be asked: are the Greys the finished product, or are we? The answer would be; there is no finished product, evolution is forever a work in progress.


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Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way;

But to act, that each tomorrow Find us farther than today.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“Psalm of Life”


So we see, the Korendians appear to be undeniably in contact with officials of our planet

But the Korendians are not the only cosmic community that is looking out for their younger siblings on Earth. There are others, many others, some even more advanced, and others less. Phillip Krapf’s tells us about another group, the “Verdants”, in his interesting book, “THE CONTACT HAS BEGUN”.

***** The utter magnitude of diversity in creation is enough

to stagger even the most optimistic thinker. By now, we have seen that life in the cosmic realms is not just a possibility, but a definite reality. Our earthly brothers and sisters have


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described an almost infinite array of extraterrestrial visitors, in almost every conceivable shape and form.

Even the type of craft our space cousins appear to travel in, seem to come in an endless assortment of shapes, sizes and means of propulsion. Some are inter-dimensional, and appear to just blink in and out of existence. Others are huge city-sized mother craft that are designed to carry huge armadas of smaller craft. Some are tiny robot-type, almost toys just a few inches across. Others still, are ethereal, and composed of something as abstract as thought itself.

It was Easter Sunday, 1962, when Edwin W. of the Durban area of South Africa, was given a modified transistor radio, by his friend Valdar. Soon, this radio was to form a most unusual link between mankind, and the stars. You can read all about this unusual contact in UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KOLDAS – by Carl van Vlierden & Wendelle Stevens). A new partnership was forged, and Edwin’s place became one of several contact points around the world for beings from the planet Koldas. Valdar; as it turned out, was from there; and was sent to Earth to ‘learn’ our about our life and culture.

What followed was a very detailed and extensive account of the history and culture of the inhabitants of this faraway planet, from ‘another universe’. A rather detailed account was given to Edwin of the type of propulsion used by these beings; this relied on the use of magnetic streams, like tunnels that criss-crossed space, connecting planets, solar systems, whole galaxies, and even universes; in a vast web of highways and by-ways for space travellers and their craft’.

This rather far-fetched story of a network of powerful magnetic tunnels spanning space was duly relegated to the realms of fantasy… That was until October 2008, when NASA announced the discovery of FTEs, or Flux Transfer Events.


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Scientists of the Goddard Space Flight Centre described the recent discovery of what they called ‘Magnetic Portals, connecting Earth and the Sun, these Portals are in the form of huge magnetic cylinders about as wide as the Earth itself, through which the European Space Agency’s fleet of four Cluster spacecraft and NASA’s five THEMIS probes have flown, measuring their dimensions and sensing the particles that shoot through them. “They’re real” exclaimed one excited scientist.

So, magnetic tunnels / portals connecting celestial bodies have now become a reality. Our space cousins knew about them a long time ago. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could learn more from them, instead of re-inventing the wheel, over and over again?

Another short snippet from UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KOLDAS, goes something like this…

‘We work in a different sphere,’ an extraterrestrial who called himself Zorottus explained.

This being, claimed to have come from what he called ‘the outer worlds’, where negativity is much more common. He was involved with the traumatic 1974 teleportation of Peter and Frances in Zimbabwe. This young couple is reported to have been teleported from Salisbury, now Harare, via Fort Victoria, to the South African border.

You can read more about this well known extraterrestrial teleportation case in UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KOLDAS.

Back to Zorottus, who was communicating with Valdar, the contact from planet Koldas. This was a rather unique three-way communication, taking place through Valdar’s contact Edwin.

“You work for universal peace”, continued Zorottus, “Obviously, this is your aim for this planet. We do not. We


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are hungry for knowledge, Universal knowledge. We want to know why the person in front of us is there, and why we are not there. Peace is not of extreme importance to us. Peace can be made and it can be broken. We are probably causing wars… and you are trying to stop them. So basically we have different objectives. This is probably why your civilisation and ours do not see eye to eye.” This conversation between two beings from technically

advanced extraterrestrials, who both have their own interests on Earth, show us that our cosmic family does have a very cosmopolitan blend.

The room looked like a laboratory and had the feel of a ‘birthing place’, or a place where young life was protected; He was not alone, over at one end of the room an alien (a Grey, male) was staring at him. Courtney got the distinct impression that he should try to ‘get inside’ this ET’s mind.

Once inside this aliens mind there was a sense of

emptiness, deep emptiness; and an almost total lack of surface emotion. (Remember the Greys we spoke of earlier, and their genetic manipulation that eliminated emotions from their genes? This seems to confirm that theory). But contradicting this, it seemed filled with a sense of great awareness. These ETs possess a collective, or beehive mentality, with a definite lack of distinction between individuals; unlike earth humans, who have individual minds, and free wills of their own.

This Grey was apparently a worker, and was quite busy. Courtney got the impression that these beings, collectively feel a desperate need to break out of this confining state of mind. Their mind is locked up now, and must escape. Presently they are working with humans, and others for a collective escape, it is like getting out of a bottle – a definite sense of panic. They look at us with fear and


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awe, or perhaps wonder at how we do it – exist and prosper, as individual identities. They know that they need to be like us, but are frightened. Perhaps it’s an ancient memory of what uncontrolled emotions did to their home planet eons ago, that keeps them holding back. Isn’t this where a good dose of spirituality comes to the rescue? This is what religion (in spite of it being tarred with a very black brush) can teach quite well.

Courtney is asked if he had any ideas to help their situation. He ‘told’ them we could work on it, and they seemed to appreciate the offer to help.

Yes, this seems rather outlandish, but so do a lot of other things we are taught in this world. Let’s remind ourselves, that in this book, we are gathering information from ALL sources. Let’s move our mind OUTSIDE the square of thought imprisonment. Let us feast on the fresh, unspoiled banquet of facts, and give our minds a REFRESHING start.

Courtney Brown was carrying out a Scientific Remote Viewing session, (SRV for short). Details of this session, and other mind-boggling information can be found in his stunning books “COSMIC VOYAGE” & “COSMIC EXPLORER”.

More from the “COSMIC EXPLORER”…… This is a multi-level facility deep underground in a

mountain range somewhere in the Americas. The setting has a distinctly military feel about it. The walls look smooth and metallic, with glowing lights in the ceiling. There’s a lot of activity with many subjects doing things, and making a noise. But they do not feel human; in fact they are reptilian workers, involved in sophisticated scientific work. This feels like a research lab.

Remote viewing these subjects sometimes indicates that several time lines and different realities exist equally together. And a future reality does exist in which humanity falls under a reptilian influence. This reality confirms


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previous observations that the renegade reptilians interacting with humans on Earth have an agenda that is not friendly to our existence. We humans have experienced totalitarian rule under our own hands, we know what that level of pain feels like. We have done it to ourselves; we do not need others to do this to us as well.

***** There was frantic activity in the little wooden house.

There were a number of Grey aliens, seemingly in a hurry. Courtney noticed a woman moving, however, she was not moving of her own accord, but appeared to be levitated up, through the closed window of her house, and into a large ET ship stationed above the street outside. Courtney followed the little group. He, Courtney Brown was actually witnessing a real-life abduction in progress. Using his Cosmic Communicator, his mind, he was Remote Viewing every detail of this operation.

Once inside the craft he was surprised to see a huge number of what looked like operating tables, with human women on them, and lots of activity, by lots of Greys. This particular woman whom he followed into the craft appeared to be reacting on more than one level. She was panicking, and struggling, on the other hand, at a deeper level, she was happy, even ecstatic. Going into her mind, Courtney learnt that she had actually agreed to all this long ago. Before incarnating into this life, she had actually volunteered to help the Greys in their project to save their race. This was also with the endorsement of the Galactic Federation.

A foetus was removed from her uterus, and placed into a canister. A large tall Grey then proceeded to communicate with Courtney, informing him that the baby would be moved from one canister to another, as it matures, eventually being removed like a normal birth. He lets Courtney know that their inter-breeding project is over, and they are thankful for the assistance Earth humans have given them, in helping them to survive as a race. They are now


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committed to helping Earth humans grow, and mature enough to join the Federation as full members in their own right.

Let’s put aside our preconceived judgments, for the moment, and see how some people may actually be making this ultimate contact, bearing in mind that at this stage, we are still only gathering evidence.

Using the same standards we would use in assessing the credibility of a news journalist, let us sift through the many thousands who claim to have ‘other worldly’ contacts…

When we come to the name of one Ruth Montgomery, we have to stop and take a second look. Ruth began her career as a newspaper reporter, greatly respected by news sources as well as her colleagues. She soon developed into a much sought after political columnist and foreign correspondent, the world over; A former White House and State Department correspondent and president of the Women’s National Press Club of the USA. With all these credentials, comes a very down-to-earth, no-nonsense investigative journalist, with an impeccable reputation to protect. Still, after many years of meticulous investigation, she has churned out no less than fifteen books, most of which have forever changed her readers’ perception of death and the meaning of life itself. After leaving the Washington Post she devoted her life and talents to subjects of psychic and spiritual in nature, writing one best seller after another. Most of these, being ‘dictated’ to her by her ‘contacts’ from the non – physical realm. Two of her books, STRANGERS AMONG US, and ALIENS AMONG US, deal with the subject we are covering just now, our cosmic brotherhood.

Proving, or disproving the integrity of Ruth Montgomery’s sources is not in the scope of this work, but the reader is strongly advised to read some of her publications, to form his/her own opinion, a good starting point would be A WORLD BEFORE, and THE WORLD


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BEYOND; but try not to fail reading STRANGERS AMONG US, and ALIENS AMONG US, they are sensational!

From her ‘sources’ Ruth confirmed the authenticity of another fascinating person, Thelma Tyrell, of Durango, Colorado. Better known to her many readers as Tuella, under which name she too has written several awe-inspiring books. So, what has Tuella have to say? Just this - there are many types of alien beings who visit Earth, some are interacting with humans in the day – to – day affairs of the world, some have our well-being at heart, others visit us for only their own interests, while others still, are just curious. Some, as we have already seen, are instruments, knowingly, or otherwise of the ‘dark forces’. Sounds a bit like what Semjase was telling Billy Meier, doesn’t it?

This would seem to explain the vast variety of abductions, etc.; from the sheer terror of Kelly Cahill, to the absolute bliss of Betty Andreasson.

In her enthralling book ASHTAR – A TRIBUTE, Tuella has compiled scores of ‘messages’ from these alleged space beings, messages delivered through more than twenty separate ‘Contactees’, from around the world. Yes, there appear to be several hundred people the world over, in all walks of life, who may be receiving meaningful messages from this one person ASHTAR alone.

Who may this ASHTAR be? He answers this question himself through Tuella.

“I am an active member of councils scattered throughout this universal sector, serving in an advisory capacity at strategic levels of intergalactic affairs…. We are a branch of the greater Federation of Free Worlds, which comprises the totality of the Space Commands throughout the Omniverse. While my own administration is local to the


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Commands of this solar system, I am not restricted to this sector in my service for I represent our system in the councils of other galaxies and universes in the vast cosmos. From time to time I have been appointed to positions of higher responsibilities in those councils… The Christ… and His Word is my Law. To Him I have pledged my service. I am but a leader chosen by Him, to fulfil the Program of Light on Earth… Each one of us (in the command) is an active member of the pact taken by personal vow to serve that cause.”39

Interesting, but let’s reserve our verdict till we have more evidence. Ithan, with just the four separate contacts, we mentioned earlier, caused us to think – so should Ashtar. But this is not the only extraterrestrial Tuella covers in her book. She and the thousands of others who claim such contacts have unloaded upon us, myriads of tidings from countless sources. These Contactees themselves range from definite loonies, through attention seekers and those jumping on the bandwagon to make a quick quid, to the really genuine person of impeccable integrity and character, who must be taken seriously.

39 ASHTAR – A TRIBUTE: by Tuella: Inner Light – Global Communications.


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. The “Commander” of the Ashtar Command, according to Tuella, and thousands of others who claim to have contact with this “ethereal” being.

How do we separate the chaff from the grain? The Master Himself once said “By their fruits you shall know them”. This is probably what a well known, rector of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, in Burford, England had in mind when he commented that, If the saucers (UFO’s) should cause us to believe in God --- they will have served a very great purpose in addition to the role they have to play in the days to come.

Let’s see what these ‘fruits’ are from this message channelled from Ashtar. Let’s not draw any conclusions yet, tempting though it may be, to do that; just consider this to be another piece that we fit into our jigsaw, we will see if the


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fuller picture makes any sense – later. When asked why he did not choose a public

announcement with great fanfare to carry the message of his command to the people of Earth, he replied that to do so would overwhelm humanity with the immensity of our Creator’s awesomeness. Earth people must be prepared ‘from the inside’ to accept the truth of their cosmic brotherhood. Therefore, they take is slowly, using whatever means they can, to gradually open our eyes and our minds to true reality.

“Cosmic intervention, ---the new race of man, new heaven, new Earth, these are the things of which we speak to you.” Says Ashtar;

“This is the knowledge which we, who come from space, come to impart, that you, our brothers our sisters of the Earth planet, may reach out in consciousness, and become as one of us, may become aware of our presence, our mission, as we walk among you, and be with you in the times which lie ahead.

“Gods truly exist, gods in the sense of the evolvement of the human soul, Gods of solar systems, of galaxies, beings so tremendously evolved in wisdom, love, compassion, understanding as to be almost beyond the understanding of mortal man of Earth, truly these would be termed as ‘gods’, (Perhaps we can call them angels? P.S.). Yet beyond all these, dwells the ONE INFINITE BEING, the source of all life and creation --- as the INFINITE ONE gives forth His light, His creations, His galaxies…”

To our well meaning Christian friends who may be concerned about all this ‘messages from out there’ rubbish - we quote from the Good Book –

“TRY the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know the spirit of God:


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Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh

is of God”. 1 John 4:1-3

So we CAN expect that some spirits are of God. Let’s take another message from ASHTAR At the

risk of being over-repetitive, we do this just to make our point, and cover ALL aspects of our subject. Remembering that for every such account we cover here, there are many thousands that are not….

To those who are his contacts on Earth; those who, in normal human form are subject to ridicule and doubt Ashtar assures us:

“The Ashtar Command, and all of my fellow commanders and the members of all of our fleets, serve in the Light of the Radiant One. Our dedication is to His Great Mission, which is much broader than His mission to Earth. The scope of His love and His teachings has penetrated many universes. The love of the Radiant One is a nucleus and a centre, a focus of creation, throughout infinity. This love for Him who is the Light of the world, that fills your heart, this beautiful sunrise, is shared by all of the universes”.

What is important is the message, not the messenger. Ashtar stresses this…

“The mission to be accomplished is the factor of import, and not the ---spiritual immensity of the one who serves that mission. Like all of my other brothers and sisters in the Program of Light, we are not to be worshipped or thought of as gods, or anything of that nature. We are simply your comrades in the light of the Radiant One, equal all, in the sight of the Creator…”

In another rather moving communiqué to another ‘contact tee’, ASHTAR described the life and ministry of Jesus, and its ‘apparent failure’. Our Christian readers should take heart from this.


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Two thousand years ago beings from the Ashtar Command watched in sadness – said Ashtar – and lost all hope of ever seeing the people of Earth being rescued once again from their karma. Except for an occasional visit for compassionate scrutiny, they consigned this planet to planetary oblivion.

The plan for humanity’s spiritual evolution appeared to have taken a fatal blow. The powers of darkness seemed to have won the human race they had coveted for so long.

But HE, the Radiant One, said Ashtar had made a sacred promise to his followers to return. After His trusting followers had recovered, and mobilised all the cosmic help they could muster, He would return, to help them defend this planet against the Dark Ones.

This was a powerful message indeed from Commander Ashtar, and the reader is encouraged to procure a copy of ASHTAR – A TRIBUTE by Tuella. Reprints are now available from Amazon, and Books

Could this be similar to how the ‘angels’ came to carry out specific missions in the Old Testament? Like the one we mentioned earlier, regarding Lot? Admittedly, the thought of someone receiving messages from unseen aliens, does seem too far-fetched, but in all honestly can we be absolutely sure that it is not genuine? Remember, there are thousands of really respectable people from all over the world who claim to receive such messages. Perhaps these thousands of people were all mistaken?

But what if it’s all true? There’s one way we can find out for ourselves, and not rely on what someone else has to say, don’t each of us possess that wonderful communicator, the brain? Yes the very same instrument these contact tees claim to use, to receive these messages with! So, instead of switching off our minds to arguably the greatest reality of all, why not do what Pags did, and ask for answers. These answers, like our cosmic family, are only as far away as our minds would allow them to be. Mind the builder can link us


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with our cosmic brethren!

***** Let’s slip between the pages of the ‘must read’ book

THE JANOS PEOPLE, 40 to find out how a young English family was chosen, then given a glimpse of a horrifying occurrence thousands of light years away…

It was late evening, on Monday the 19th of June, 1978 when John, his wife Gloria, their daughters Natasha – aged five, and Tanya – aged three, and John’s sister Frances were returning to their home near Gloucester.

As they drove through Stanford in the Vale, things started happening. We won’t go through the details, but suffice to say that they ended up in a very large, strange spacecraft. After a series of medical examinations, - to confirm that they could integrate safely into our branch of the cosmic family tree – the rather bemused quintet were taken into another room, where they were treated to a very realistic three dimension TV type documentary clips of everyday life on Janos.

The screens switched to a bright sunny day, on Janos. They watched the scene unfold on the monitor in front of them. Children were playing in the gardens of homes that resembled any English country home. The gardens and lakes looked so picturesque; nothing could take away from the tranquillity of this place. Then…

Terror dropped in, to spoil it all. Giant sizzling rocks started bucketing down from the sky; this was no hailstorm, it was raining red-hot rocks. Houses were flattened, whole cities – wiped out. One enormous boulder scored a direct hit on a nuclear power station, causing it to disintegrate with an unbelievable explosion, which set off a chain reaction, causing other power stations to follow suit. Gigantic clouds of radioactive dust swirled out to enshroud the towns and 40 THE JANOS PEOPLE : by Frank Johnson


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cities. Soon nothing stirred on the surface of the beautiful, vibrant Janos; nothing, save a few unfortunate souls who managed to crawl into nearby caverns. And those fortunate ones who were already on board the spacecraft orbiting above.

Saton, the nearest of its two moons had just broken up, covering the planet with a smouldering layer of immense boulders, and almost instant death. For many years scientists on Janos knew of the imminent disintegration of Saton, but even they were surprised when it actually did. An immense ring-shaped spaceship was built, and in orbit around Janos, to evacuate its inhabitants before this happened, but fate had them well beaten.

The great migration fleet is probably somewhere in the solar system, understandably they do not wish to be more specific than that. These survivors of Janos, numbering about 10 million, people who are very much like us, are in search for a planet to call home. They have singled out Earth, from among the various suitable planets they surveyed, but were not yet quite sure how they were to settle here. They did not wish to create any problems for anyone.

“Some people want to use our knowledge to control other people”, John was told.

The Janos people do not want confrontation, having experienced so much suffering, of their own; they would rather die quietly, than start any more pain. Since they appear to be so much like us, there is a strong possibility, that even before this book goes to print, they have already settled here; starting all over again; hopefully teaching us how to live in peace, like they did, in return for a new planet to call home. Interaction of cosmic families at its very best – and most people wont even know.

***** When we try to understand the whole cosmic


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abduction phenomenon, we can’t help comparing ourselves to a 6 year old, trying to understand calculus; we have a long way to go, but we are getting there…

It was a normal looking pen, about thirteen centimetres long, and 10 millimetres in diameter. Cyril urged him to draw anything. Enrique pressed the tip to the paper, and felt a slight vibration moving through his hand.

John protested that he was no artist, but was urged to just draw whatever came to mind. So Enrique decided to draw a butterfly. That’s when it happened, as he moved the ball point of the ‘pen’ across the paper. The whole page magically filled with colour, Enrique was struck speechless, and then right before his startled eyes, a three dimensional image of a beautiful butterfly took shape.

This fascinating pen, had transformed his thoughts onto paper with astounding detail; just a little demonstration courtesy his ‘friends’ from the Pleiades.

We can read more about Enrique Rincon and his contacts with the celestial branch of our family tree, in “UFOs – a great new dawn for Humanity” By Enrique Castillo Rincon.

***** Amelia awoke suddenly to the ‘soft’ sound of a

helicopter hovering overhead. She could see this strange apparition right through the ceiling of the house, it was quietly hovering above the tree tops, above the house. A bluish glow enveloped Amelia she was terrified, and PARALYZED. Through the roof, she watched this helicopter (named COMMAND II) in disbelief, and the two strange beings standing there staring at her. These beings had a greenish skin, like a lizard or alligator. This fits the description of our Reptilian cousins, masters of disguise – also called shape shifters. Could the ‘Americans dressed in black’ be from this offshoot of our cosmic family tree? You can read more about Amelia’s helicopter encounter in Karla Turner’s interesting book, MASQUERADE OF ANGELS.


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Let’s stay with this great book for a while… The dogs always went crazy whenever a plane or

helicopter flew over, tonight they were exceptionally quiet, but as Ted sat on the side of his bed, he could hear the distinct sound of the quiet whirr of helicopter blades. This didn’t bother him at all. But he was startled when this military looking man came straight through the ceiling into his room. He brought a seven or eight year old boy with him. This boy looked exactly like Ted, when he was that age.

The strange intruder then told Ted that he had come to return something that was taken from him earlier. Ted could not remember anything else…

As we consider the exciting new panorama that has unfolded before us, in these pages; then compare it with the worn-out paradigms of our past; let us ask ourselves, can they sit comfortably together? No they can’t. They can’t because the new ideas clash with the old theories. The new ideas belong to an expanding consciousness; whereas the old concepts belong to a sheltered consciousness which needed to be protected, till it had matured, once again. Our worn-out paradigms have served their purpose, mankind’s collective consciousness has finally recovered from the shattering it received eons ago when one unspeakable disaster after another destroyed every semblance of love and stability it once knew.

Through all those years of convalescing, our elder brothers and sisters from the cosmos have been by our side nurturing us. Once again we are becoming aware of our real home and our real family. Like a fledgling eagle that leaves its nest to soar off into the wide, wide sky; we too, are once again ready to leave the home of our childhood, and take off across the infinite cosmos. It would appear that this is in fact the real agenda our cosmic family, has for us. After all, we


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are members of the cosmos, once we earn our celestial wings that, is where we will be headed. From what we have been given, this is already happening among other species. The Lyrans, and Pleiadians are everywhere. The Greys and Reptilians too, don’t seem to have a ‘home planet’ of their own anymore. And, didn’t Courtney Brown tell us that the Martians are not planning on staying on Mars forever?


The “flying car” descended rapidly, and then came to rest. The being from ‘another world’ then pressed a few buttons on a control panel, and a pair of doors opened up in front of them. Soon they were gliding along a tunnel, illuminated by a glowing strip of light along the ceiling; this tunnel was over a mile in length. Further along, they came across larger longer tunnels with conveyors in the middle of them…

Eventually they entered a room with 6m high ceilings glowing white, and greenish walls. Bob was given a security card, and they continued their ride on what appeared to be a magnetic car. While at this secret underground base, Bob could see, and communicate with his double, who remained at his home. He looked around, and noticed computer screens which monitored other bases around the planet, and what appeared to be a master communications link with their home planet. This, Bob was told, was the Main Console, and Earth’s direct link with Korendor, Arcturus, and other Alliance worlds. This unit links planets to bases, to ships, and to other consoles for reaching individuals. They also monitor all radio and TV signals what were sent out all around the earth. This base had 6 floors / levels.

Bob’s next trip was to a submarine base. Again, his “stand-in” took his place at home. He was taken on board a 20m diameter craft, as it hovered 170 metres above his house. The trip was almost identical to his last trim. However he was not able to use a teleport-station with a variety of


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“destination stations” to their other earth-bases. After a quick medical check, he was able to teleport to an under-sea base somewhere 3.2 km under the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California. This was an ENORMOUS base. All types of space craft, from 10m to 30m were parked here, in hangars that measured more than 3.5 kilometres in length, with no supporting pillars to keep the roof up, and the ocean out. The whole ceilings were aglow, providing all the light they needed.

From this base they monitored the whole earth, through the use of manned and unmanned flying discs. They could also remote-control all the craft if necessary. All the information Bob got from these expeditions was almost too much for him.

However, one thought hit him hard – these wonderful beings have not turned their inventions into tools for killing…

Robert P. Renaud, was an 18 year old Ham Radio Operator – working for General Electric – an electronics wiz kid, living in his parents home. In his basement bedroom converted into a studio-laboratory, he picked up a strange signal high in the 25 meter shortwave band that overshadowed the BBC. What followed were instructions on how to modify his home built short wave radio set to receive them better. Then after a few radio contacts ‘they’ helped him to modify his home built TV set to pick up their images on the vidicon tube while he spoke to them on radio. Those contacts continued and developed into face-to-face meetings with beings from another world, and even into going on trips with them, in their craft, for months and years. He kept careful notes on his contacts. Surprisingly, this case was not very well known in the USA.

No description of our cosmic family would be


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complete without a peek into our ‘alien’ family members’ involvement in our terrestrial affairs.

‘They’ must obviously have their reasons for this involvement. Being so noticeably ahead of us technologically, it can safely be assumed that their intentions are not to ‘conquer’ the Earth – if that were the case, they could have done it a long time ago. Whatever their reasons, their technology, appears to be the carrot that has enticed certain members of our own branch of the human family to attempt to ‘own’ this knowledge; and to keep it ‘safe’ from outside interference. In doing this they appear to have placed a cloak of denial and secrecy around the whole issue. Nevertheless, time has a way of revealing all…

***** When the smoke and dust cleared, they found

themselves in a large cavern full of tall Grey extraterrestrials. Taken by complete surprise, Phil shot two of the 30 who were there. Soon about forty more came down, and within minutes all were killed; apparently they too were taken by utter surprise.

It was 1979; Bill Watts (not his real name) and his group of workers had accidentally stumbled upon an underground alien base, while working on an addition to the secret US military base at Dulce. In the skirmish Bill was hit by one of the alien weapons – a box fitted on the body – that blew a hole in him, and gave him a nasty dose of cobalt radiation. He developed cancer not long after that.

Later, he was to discover that these aliens had been living on our planet for a very long time, ‘perhaps a million years.’

Shortly before giving this talk, Bill Watts was employed by the U.S. government with what they call a Ryolite-38 clearance – one of the highest in the world. Bill, like several others, was privy to a lot of ‘inside’ information. He knew of the presence of our extraterrestrial siblings on Earth; and the involvement of certain factions of earth


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governments, to commandeer their technology, and perhaps use it to control our planet, something that even the aliens had not attempted (as far as we know). He tells us that he was also aware of the different groups of extraterrestrials, who were ‘keeping the balance’ between the belligerent military organisations of our planet.

But he was dying of cancer, and decided to tell us, his brothers and sisters, of the reality we live in. And so, talk he did. Perhaps too much because eventually, he was found murdered in his apartment. Officially it was called suicide, but Phi always told those close to him, that if ever anyone reported that he committed suicide, they should not believe it. He had too much to live for - too much to tell the world.

What was it that actually drove Bill to go public and talk? Perhaps it was this…

There was an air of expectancy in this subterranean auditorium. The 160 or so top level leaders from around the world were specially chosen and invited to this high security forum; which was to deal with world security.

All the seats were filled, all that is, except the twelve, right in front; these were reserved for the special guests of honour. Who and where were they? World leaders are not used to being kept waiting, and the air of expectancy was slowly changing to one of restlessness.

A stunned silence announced the arrival of the special guests. Twelve tall Grey Aliens strode into the hall and took their places at the head of the gathering.41

Yes, Bill Watts was convinced, beings from another planet are indeed involved in Earth’s affairs at the very top of our political and military leadership. Bill made up his mind to tell the earthlings all he had seen. If his was the only voice telling these stories, we can easily dismiss him as another attention seeking crank. But there are several others beating

41 Tall Grey Aliens may not necessarily mean bad or evil beings, as we have seen, not all greys are ‘bad’.


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the same drum – some of these beats are being echoed in this book.

You can read more about this exceptional person in one of his interviews recorded in “THE MARS RECORDS 1”, by, you guessed it, Stephanie Relfe.

The intrigue continues, the stratagem between humans, and ‘gods’ from space???


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Don’t correct a scoffer, lest he hate you. Rebuke a wise man,

and he will be wiser still.


The human brain is an amazing piece of communication equipment indeed, and one of those parts of our body that is taken for granted the most. Without any effort on our part, it looks after the vital functions of our bodies, but under the control of our conscious mind, can perform the most unbelievable functions. Psychics and hypno-therapists use it to earn a living. Later in this book we will look at even more mind-blowing ways this remarkable tool has been used. Such as ‘creating’ your personal “Tulpa” or thought form, as did Alexandra David-Neel;42 and the ‘miraculous’, instant rebuilding of a withered limb. But the real reason we will be spending so much time on this fabulous organ which all of us possess, but hardly use, is because THIS is the tool we will be employing to make that ULTIMATE CONTACT with our cousins in the

42 MYSTICS & MAGICIANS IN TIBET: Alexandra David-Neel.


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cosmos. Yes, we will see that the proper use of our MIND can actually help us make that connection, and that’s not all – through the use of our mind we can potentially get in touch with, and mobilise the whole of creation to help us in our endeavours, what ever they may be. Yes, each of us has at our virtual fingertips – so to speak – all the answers we really need.

Sounds too far-fetched? Read on, my friends read on….

A large group of enemy craft came into view.

Michael attacked the large one. A bit silly, he later admitted; he had no hope of stopping the enemy, but he did manage to damage the alien craft. However he was hit by a missile, luckily it did not explode, but it hurt him bad. His ship careened into the ground. With shrapnel imbedded in his knee, and his left arm badly busted. Michael was bleeding to death. Luckily his space suit was very advanced, and had self healing features built-in, this saved his life. Eventually Michael was rescued, and lived to tell the tale.

Michael Relfe was reliving his involvement in a battle with aliens, while on patrol on the edge of the perimeter of Mars Base, where he was serving, before getting involved in Remote Viewing for the Mars Force. This amazing episode is another one covered by Stephanie Relfe, in MARS RECORDS 1.

“Remote Viewing?” We will learn what this is in a later chapter.

***** There appears to be an incessant interplay between

humans from all walks of life, and unseen personages, or forces. There could be several reasons for this interaction, ranging from divine intervention, as described above, to just plain curiosity of our cosmic cousins from elsewhere in the cosmos. This interplay doesn’t appear to be really


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understood, especially by the medical profession. Perhaps this should not be very surprising, because medical colleges do not consider the spiritual aspect of the complete human being. Those who know better would realise that one’s essence, is his spirit, which controls his body through his mind, and brain.

Yes, the brain is an electro-chemical device, and things can and sometimes do go wrong with it. Nevertheless, we should realise that the brain is only an instrument of the MIND and as we have just mentioned, the mind in turn is used by the spirit/soul, the real person, to interact with the brain. When this control is not effective, we have our ‘split personality’ and other mental problems. Most often the trouble stems from a breakdown of this control.

All this may be a bit hard to swallow just now, but later we shall go into more detail on the workings of the mind, and see how we can actually use this knowledge to our advantage.

We have just seen instances where the control of the brain has slipped from its legitimate owner to an outside force / entity. With control of the brain, goes control of the will, and body, its as if we are dealing with an entirely different person. All these cases have strong religious / spiritual over tones and it’s not too difficult to understand the term “possession”.

The medical profession however does not recognise this term, and therefore uses the term “split personality” instead. And that’s what Merlin was diagnosed as having. It does appear, that for reasons unknown to us, someone, or something has placed a great deal of importance on controlling humanity.

***** Now let us look at some well-documented cases of

‘split personalities, and see how professional psychologists handled them, this time.


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Christine Beauchamp was at her wit’s end when she consulted Dr Morton Prince, Professor at Tufts Medical School in Boston, USA. Christine was a nervous wreck, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Dr Prince was an accomplished hypnotherapist, so naturally he tried hypnosis on her. Then surprise, surprise, a new and distinct personality emerged at once, a much more relaxed and calmer version, who Dr Prince labelled B2, to distinguish her from the first Beauchamp – B1. The problem solved? No, read on…

When B2 emerged she kept rubbing her eyes, her eyes that were always closed, never open. B2, it appeared was a very placid personality, who was either blind, or always asleep. But – keep reading –it wasn’t B2 who was rubbing the eyes, no, it was B3, a third personality, who insisted on being called Sally. Sally was a mischievous, live wire, who always succeeded in opening the closed eyes of B2, and emerging, in her own buoyant way.

Though Sally was quite likeable in her own right, she hated Christine, and it was she who caused most of Christine’s problems, tormenting her with practical jokes. For example one day when she was in control of Christine’s body, she went out for a walk, into the country where she collected some lizards and spiders, placed them in a box, and mailed the box home to Christine. Eventually the parcel arrived, Christine opened it, and went into hysterics she had a horror for such creatures. Sally would also force the quiet, well-mannered Christine into embarrassing situations in which she was forced to tell lies. No wonder poor Christine was a nervous wreck. Dr Prince tried his best to end this feud, but was having no luck; then suddenly, as if to confuse the issue even further, a new personality – B4 emerged. This new one obviously came in response to someone’s call for help. B4 was a mature firm personality, whose only job appeared to be to protect the unfortunate Christine from Sally. This she did by dishing out to Sally as much as Sally


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herself gave Christine. Eventually with the combined efforts of Dr Prince and B4 Sally was suppressed sufficiently – so Christine’s life returned to almost normal.

Cases of multiple personalities like this one are nowhere as rare as we would like to believe; for example, in 1976 William Milligan was found guilty of raping, and murdering four young women, in Columbus, Ohio. He was diagnosed as having no less than TEN distinct personalities, the guilty one being an eighteen year old lesbian. One of the doctors, who interviewed Milligan, was Dr Cornelia Wilbur. It was she who earlier treated SYBL, the subject of the well known book and film, who is said to have had no less than sixteen separate personalities take control of her.

Then, in 1982 there was Charles who went “through hell” being host to twenty-seven conflicting personalities. Only time and space prevents us from going on with details like this.

Didn’t someone once mention, in the New Testament, that Jesus actually ‘drove’ out a ‘legion’ of spirits (personalities?) from an unfortunate person in the hills of Judea? The fight for ‘control’ of humans seems to go back a long time!

Whether we call it a split personality, or a case of possession, one thing remains the same, the fact that the normal control of the mind, and hence the whole person, has gone over to an impostor. This could be it another aspect or ‘personality’ of the real person, or a personality foreign or alien to the body. If this impostor is of the ‘external’ variety is it the same as a ghost, or spirit, some people have the dubious privilege of encountering?

“Mind is the builder” Edgar Cayce would often say. To this we could add “And the destroyer”. For today’s realities, good and not so good, were yesterdays thoughts and ideas; yesterday’s dreams.

Here’s what Stephanie Relfe has to say about the mind. Stephanie is well accomplished in Kinesiology and


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Muscle Testing. The interested reader could do well to visit her website: Since you, my dear readers have stayed with us so far, I’m sure you will never forget a visit to this amazing site.

The mind can best be called an energy field, partly made up of what are called ‘pictures’; mental image ‘pictures that are often visual. However, they are not always visual. These can also be in the form of unwanted thoughts, emotions, such as physical sensations and pain.

The mind is not the brain. As described earlier, the brain is the physical ‘switchboard’ between the mind and the body. We are not a body; we are a soul which uses the body to interact with the physical world around us. Our spirit uses the mind to communicate with the brain, which in turn drives our body.

What is the mind? Part of it surrounds our body. It’s not just in our head. A simple experiment will prove this. Ask someone to close their eyes. Tell them to visualize the dashboard of their car, and then ask them to physically touch the picture of their dashboard.

Every person who does this touches an area in FRONT of their body. They do not try to touch their head. This would suggest that the pictures that form in our mind are outside us. We look at the outside world THROUGH our mind.

One reason why different people view the world differently from others is because their mind is full of pictures from their past, pictures which can interfere with the view of the present.

We record EVERYTHING that happens to us when we are asleep, or unconscious. The mind has different levels of activity. On a lower level, people are controlled by pictures in their mind. They are activated by these pictures which they experience energetically.

On a higher level, there is rational thinking. But there is an even higher level than thinking. There is KNOWING.


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It is much more powerful to KNOW something, than to THINK it.

Some of the most dangerous games people are playing right now are mind games. No, we don’t realise it but the more we keep our thoughts and expectations focused on disruptive things like violence, murders, and wars, the more substance we are giving these thoughts, soon they develop into thought forms, and eventually as surely as night follows day, we have the real things. Sounds silly? Remember that MIND IS THE BUILDER, AND THE DESTROYER!

Her black hair was matted and full of dust and grime. Her brown weather-beaten face suggested she was a peasant woman. She wore a red woollen skirt, and waist coat, a quilted jacket, and cap with lambskin earflaps. Across her shoulder hung an old and stained leather bag, with provisions for her journey – barley meal, dried bacon, compressed tea, a piece of rancid butter, and salt. Yes she definitely looked like a peasant who was reaching the end of her long journey to Lasha, the capital of Tibet, and its semi-divine leader, the Dalai Lama. Her companion, an over-weight, happy-go-lucky monk followed her, a couple of paces behind.

But looks can be deceiving; this decrepit old woman was none other than blond headed Alexandra David-Neel, a French opera singer of note. She had given up her fame and fortune, to embark on a remarkable journey that would eventually enable her to create her own TULPA.

A TULPA is said to be an extremely powerful example of a thought form. Under experienced control, such ephemeral creations of the mind can take on many different forms, such as a man, animal, tree or even a rock. When fully developed, a tulpa can be seen and touched by anyone. But, as we so often let our thoughts and mind run out of control,


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so can these thought forms… Once a Tulpa is endowed with enough vitality to be

capable of playing the part of a real being, it tends to free itself from its maker’s control… Tibetan monks relate cases in which the tulpa is sent to carry out a mission, but does not return, going off to pursue its own schema, as a half-conscious dangerous zombie. The same thing is said to happen when the maker of this thought-form dies before dissolving it.

Mme David-Neel’s personally created TULPA – a jolly old monk, would accompany her on her journeys, often doing unexpected things like stopping and looking around, as travellers often do, gradually however, he started to change, becoming quite troublesome and bold, with a rather malignant temperament. Clearly he had gone out of control. Alexandra’s mental creation had become a ‘day nightmare’, to use her own words. It took her all of six months of concentrated effort – meditation and prayer to free herself of her affliction.

When our mind builds these thought forms that become so realistic it does not need to be done consciously; indeed, most of our mental creations are done without our even realising it. Such is the power of our mind.

Dion Fortune was deeply hurt by someone she trusted. She lay there brooding in her bed, feeling quite sorry for herself. As strong feelings of resentment welled up within her against this person who hurt her, she couldn’t stop her thoughts from dwelling on how much like a monster he behaved towards her, when suddenly she felt, and saw a large grey wolf materialise beside her. Startled, she pushed the beast off the bed; it rolled off the bed and disappeared through the wall. Dion was relieved; it must have been her imagination. But soon she heard a yell from someone in the next room. That startled person next door could see a wolf’s eyes looking at her from the corner of the room. Luckily Dion realised what she had created, and started the long


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procedure to destroy her mental creation. The absolute control that our mind has over our body

is well established by endless demonstrations in hypnotism. A person under the power of the hypnotist’s mind can be told to put his finger into the flame of a candle, and he will feel no pain. He not only feels no pain, but even more remarkably, if told he will have no blister or signs of a burn – no blister appears. Again, if taken further, if he is handed an ice cube and told it was a red-hot coal, he screams with pain, and a blister appears. Yes the power of the mind can be scary.

Just to whet the appetite for things to come later in this book – We will read about a very successful project carried out between our ‘learned’ scientists, and a group of alien inhabitants of Earth. This project developed a means of doing what Mme David-Neel did, i.e. create a tulpa, but this time, effortlessly, and with the use of electronic equipment.

We have seen what happens when a person loses control of his mind, and becomes a victim to another personality, whose mind then controls his body; when a person is undergoing hypnotherapy, the therapist’s mind is in partial control of the patient; and remember mind is the builder.

The power of the mind through the use of hypnotism is demonstrated quite dramatically here. The boy’s body was covered with ugly thick warty foul-smelling layers of skin. All forms of conventional treatment had failed, including plastic surgery. But now, the dreadful scaly layer on his left arm softened, and fell away, with the underneath skin perfectly normal. The youngster had been placed in a hypnotic trance, and told that his left arm would be cleared of its warty condition, and it was. Soon his whole body was clear of the unfortunate condition called ichthyosis. Mind the builder had triumphed again!

Mental/psychic ‘powers’ have been used extensively in surgery all over the world. In 1967 alone over 200 people


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experienced dental fillings etc., carried out by former Baptist minister Willard Fuller. The fillings apparently materialised slowly out of thin air, the power of the mind – quite unquestionable.

There are many different ways we can tap into and use the very real energies around us, but all these different approaches appear to be divided into two main groups. One group, like Brother Ted, and Sahib who claim that they are mere channels, through whom the Creator’s energies flow, and the others, like Kam, Yaan, and Yousef, who do not acknowledge the source of ALL power. On the surface this does not appear to be a big deal, but a closer look shows up a very sinister difference. While the first group seems to have total control of the situation at all times, the second group tends to lack complete control. The first controls the power, and channels it. The second group uses the power and IT controls THEM.

Another puzzling attribute of the mind is its uncanny ability to seemingly transcend time. Good examples of this occur during the Dream State. sometimes, many years, even a whole lifetime’s experiences are lived through in one night’s dreaming. That Master Communicator often makes such a monkey out of our conscious ego that sometimes we don’t even know if we experienced a ‘trip’ into the past, or a peek into the future….

***** But wait, mind the builder doesn’t just transcend time

even space can place no constraints on this master communicator. Yes, our human mind transcends space and time. Jonathan Swifft’s mind appeared to have done just that when he wrote his famous GULLIVER’S TRAVELS in 1726. In this masterpiece or enlightened fiction, he describes the TWO moons of Mars, compared their sizes, and the direction, and rates of revolution around their parent planet – Phobos by the way, crosses the Martian skies from west to east. All this (accurately one might add) ONE HUNDRED


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AND FIFTY YEARS before these satellites were ‘discovered’ by American astronomer Asaph Hall.

***** Our friend Pags was staring up at the almost cloudless

Queensland sky. A few white fluffy clouds were skipping by. He pointed to one, and in a few seconds it disappeared. He then singled out another, winked at his friend, looked back at the cloud, and poof! It too dissolved, right before our startled eyes.

After taking a bow in his characteristic manner, Pags explained that he did this just to show us that ordinary people can do extraordinary things just by using their mind.

The well known professor Charles Hapgood, author of several scientific books – one of which even had an introduction by Albert Einstein – often amazed his friends by doing just this. The fact is, anyone who has a mind can. Anyone, that is whose unbiased mind really controls his brain. If our mind is not inhibited, or biased by our ego, we just look at a cloud (pick a small fluffy one for starters) “will” it to dissolve, and it does, within a few seconds. This is one practical method we can use to demonstrate how much control our own ego, and preconceptions have on the way we think. As we try this little experiment, we soon uncover our ego – driven thoughts trying to push our mind in one direction, while our will has to work hard to bring it back to the task on hand.

Exactly how this energy is generated and transmitted to the cloud is not yet understood, in fact, often not even acknowledged by our scientists, but we know it’s there, because we can make it happen. It should now be quite obvious to all that we can most definitely direct our thoughts anywhere, and their effects can be ‘picked up’ remotely. A perfectly functional means of communication, don’t you agree? A means of communication that uses a little understood form of real energy. If we have this ability, it goes without saying that others like us ‘out there’ also do.


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Could ‘they’ be communicating with us? Are we interacting with our cousins from the cosmos? Perhaps we already are!



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Doctor Vogel stepped back from the potted philodendron, he had just attached a couple of wires to one of its large leaves, the other end of these wires went to a polygraph, or lie detector.

“We are ready” he called to his assistant, (whom we shall call Len) in the next room. Len picked out an envelope


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at random from the pile on the table, opened it, and read its contents. He hadn’t made another move, when the polygraph leapt into action, the pen plotting out a trace similar to what it would have produced if the machine were connected to a person who was greatly agitated. Dr Vogel took the note from Len’s hand; it read “Get a match, and burn a leaf of that plant.”

Somehow the philodendron had ‘picked up’ the thoughts of Len who was not even in the same room at the time. Do plants have ‘receiver’ cells that can be in tune with ‘transmitter’ cells in human brains? Maybe ‘talking to plants’ is not such a crazy idea after all. As a mater of fact, there is much evidence that suggests that plants, trees, and even certain types of bacteria, respond to human thoughts.

Marcel Vogel, was an inventor / scientist, at IBM for twenty two years. A holder of thirty two patents, and developer of the floppy disc, used in computers the world over, and liquid crystal displays used in lap-top computers, and myriads of house – hold appliances. He is hardly the type of person one would expect to be playing around with things like this, unless he really believed it was genuinely scientific. Vogel got his impetus for this experiment from America’s leading lie detector expert, Cleve Backster, whose experiments indicated that plants reacted not only to threats from humans but from unformulated threats, like the unexpected appearance of a dog in the room, or a person who did not wish them well.

Through his experiments he made the unusual discovery that plants can ‘tune into’ something in a very selective manner, and once it is attuned to you, no matter where you are, it can ‘follow’ you, as if you were next to it.

Yes, this marvellous communicator is in constant touch with (almost) everything around it – even far removed from it.

In 1978 Anatoli Karpov and Victor Korchnoi were doing battle over a chessboard, to find out who was the world


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champion. It was quite an interesting tournament. Korchnoi finally retained his title, but not before levelling some rather outlandish allegations against Karpov. The name of Dr Vladimir Zukhar suddenly sprang up amid these allegations, and who was this doctor? Preposterous though it may sound, Korchnoi claimed that Zukhar was a psychic saboteur, working for Karpov, and was ‘beaming’ confusing thoughts to him, preventing him from concentrating on his game. Korchnoi and his managers were so convinced of this that they took counter measures of their own. Silly though this may seem, similar allegations were made during the chess confrontation between Boris Spassky and the American Bobby Fischer.

So, could people like Zukhar cause others like Korchnoi to make a wrong chess move? If, as was demonstrated earlier by Dr Vogel, plants responded to our thoughts, it should not be so hard to conclude that the delicate neuro receptors of the human brain are just as, if not more sensitive, than a plant’s.

The family members of an airline Vice-President in

Buffalo, New York, seemed to be having more than their share of bad luck. One of their sons, developed appendicitis, had knee surgery and broke his wrist; another son, sprained an ankle and broke his arm, his brother caught an eye infection and sister lost two front teeth in a fall; all these happened in separate incidents.

Friends begged them to return certain stones they had collected from the volcano Mauna Loa, on their recent Hawaiian holiday. These stones were considered by the locals to be sacred, and not to be removed from the mountain. Finally the family gave in and promised to return the stones. Soon after this however, the sister broke three more teeth, her brother his hand, the broken wrist was broken


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again and his elbow was dislocated. Everyone was dismayed, then one of the boys came clean, he had kept back one stone, this was returned, and the ‘bad luck’ stopped. Another coincidence? Maybe, but maybe not, could it be possible that their minds were inadvertently tuning into come rather unpleasant, unseen signals from somewhere, resulting in these unfortunate occurrences? Maybe.

Let’s have a closer look at this marvellous piece of communication equipment – a wonderful instrument that seems to be specially designed to keep us in touch with everything around us, even the whole cosmos. We need not go into great detail to appreciate this precious asset of ours. We need only to concern ourselves, for now, with two of its major sections, the CORTEX and the CEREBRUM, and the curious connections between them, the AXONS, DENDRITES, and the SYNAPTIC GAPS.

The cerebral cortex, or cortex, for short, consists of what we often refer to as the ‘grey matter’. It is the sinuous, winding surface layer of the brain, about a quarter of an inch thick that curves around, completely covering the cerebrum, and weighs about twenty percent of the whole brain. This is the area of the brain from where all conscious thought originates. Short term memory, reason, control of the five senses; all have their centre in the cortex.

The cerebrum comprises the bulk of the brain, this includes the ‘dormant four fifth’ we often hear about, one of the least understood parts of the brain. It appears to be the thought centre, the area that is connected with the subconscious activity of the brain. Flashes of inspiration generated here, are passed on to the thinking centre, or cortex, (in the form of minute electrical impulses) for further action.

Each little impulse that is generated by an idea leaves a ‘sender’ cell (or transmitter cell) in the cerebrum, travels along the axon, across the synaptic gaps through the dendrites and finally reaches a receiver cell (or neuron) in the


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cortex. If the cortex ‘decides’ to act on this idea, a transmitter cell – or neuron – is activated here, with the tiny electrical impulses travelling along axons, dendrites and synapses, finally reaching receiver neurones in that part of the brain which would carry out the action.

It is not yet fully understood how an ‘idea’ is formed in the brain, but there are tantalising clues; for example, each separate circuit, comprising transmitter neuron, axon, synaptic gap, dendrite, and receiver neuron, forms a complete communication circuit, the kind you would encounter in a radio transmitter or receiver. As the minute electrical impulses travel from cell to cell, they induce minute electromagnetic fields in the area around them, in just the same way electrical currents do in a transistor radio, for example, or in other communication equipment. In fact the effect of these charges can be picked up and monitored by modern electronic equipment, one such instrument is the electroencephalograph – EEG for short – used extensively in hospitals. The various rates, at which these charges (or brain waves) pulsate, tell us a lot about the thinking state of the brain. For example a rate of thirteen Hz (pulses per second) signifies that the brain is in the normal waking state, it is the normal ‘chatter’ between the cells of the brain when one is awake and conscious. When the mind is calm, and body relaxed, the rate drops to between eight and thirteen Hz. These are referred to as ALPHA waves. THETA waves, between four and seven Hz occur during meditation and creative inspiration. DELTA waves, between one half and four Hz occur during deep sleep, and in healers and psychics.

Now, here’s an interesting thought – as in the antenna circuit of a radio receiver, these little circuits are exposed to the electromagnetic fields in the space around them. In the case of radio communication these fields carry the broadcast signals, from the different transmitting stations, which the radio receiver then ‘tunes in’ to. In the case of the brain, with similar circuitry, isn’t it just logical to assume that the


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receiving circuits can selectively tune in to the various ‘signals’ that come their way? In fact it would be absurdly illogical and unscientific to assume otherwise! Was the philodendron we visited earlier, in tune with Len’s transmitter neurones?

However, let’s not become too simplistic, and fall into the trap of presuming that consciousness is just a collection of neurones and their interconnections, and life is just a perfection of organic electrochemistry.

Consciousness is as different from a collection of brain cells, as a symphony is from a collection of random musical notes. Could consciousness be the ‘ghost’ in the mechanism’ that Sir John Eccles referred to? Whatever terms we may use to define it, consciousness appears to be what makes the difference between a live, active person, and a corpse.

The ancient Indian language of Sanskrit has no less than twenty different words to describe consciousness, some representing concepts that most of us are hardly familiar with. CHITTA for example is ‘mind stuff’, or the ‘experiencing medium’ of the person. CHIT is the ‘eternal consciousness’ of which the CHITTA is a manifestation. The essence of consciousness, somewhat akin to the HOLY SPIRIT, in Christianity, is PURUSHA. TURIYA is the experience of pure consciousness focused on an idea. Trying to understand consciousness takes one to the very edge of the spirit itself.

We are aware of at least one community who use their cosmic communicator like we use our faculty of speech. They use telepathy as a basic means of communication through necessity. This is the branch of our cosmic family that comes from a planet they call Ummo, which according to them is about 14 light years from Earth. We will learn more about these beings later. Apparently, during puberty, both sexes’ vocal cords are so severely affected that speech becomes impossible. Adults therefore communicate entirely


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by telepathy. The group sent to Earth was selected from the few exceptional individuals who remain immune to this impediment.

***** In 1976/77 short wave radio, television and even

telephone communications around the world were being badly disrupted. The interference appeared to come from new and powerful radio stations located in the Soviet Union. The transmissions produced strong signals, pulsed around four to fifteen pulses per second, a range of special importance to the human brain – being the THETA and ALPHA bands. In laboratory experiments it has been discovered that the brain fell into step with whatever frequency, within these bands, were being beamed to them. Fine-tuning of these pulses produced a wide range of symptoms, from drowsiness to tension headaches. One might only wonder why such powerful radio signals were being transmitted in the first place. Was someone trying some mind-bending, or mind controlling experiments on the human population? Our cosmic communicator definitely seems capable of picking up communications from across the world.

Dr. Erik Klinger once suggested that “controlled daydreaming” probably would constitute a mental back burner in which information can be organised creatively. Being still, reducing the background chatter of those overactive cells, that’s what is needed to get the most from our brain.

More than two thousand five hundred years ago, the UPANISHAD, literature of ancient India explained – ‘when the mind rests steady and pure, then whatever you desire, those desires are fulfilled’.

Today, William Temple, the famous twentieth-century British archbishop put it this way, “when I pray, coincidences start to happen. When I don’t, they don’t happen”.

Flashes of inspiration have been assessed, by


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psychologist Dr. Eugene d’Aquili, as trigger mechanisms that can boost cosmic consciousness – effectively increasing the sensitivity of selected receiver cells in our cerebrum.

***** Mr. Singer was having awful trouble developing his

sewing machine; he was still persisting with the conventional needle and its eye in the back end. One night as he slept, inspiration came through, in the form of a dream – a line of elephants with the tips of their trunks all threaded together. That was the break through he needed, new needles were made, with the eyes at the tip, and bingo! Our modern sewing machine was invented, thanks to inspiration, from a dream. For Singer to receive this information and consciously act upon it, it had to be picked up by a receiving neuron, in his brain, and acted upon in his cortex. Where did the impulse get ‘sent’ from?

In 1932, the well known British Anthropologist, Pat Noone became fascinated by the TEMIAR SENOI tribe in the remote highlands of the Malay Peninsula. These people seemed to have all the answers, for peaceful living. He was so impressed, that he called them ‘The Happy People’, in all his letters, and even spent the rest of his life studying their culture. Broken marriages were unheard of, there was no history of crime or violence in the tribe. Their children seemed wonderfully contented too. What was it that made this community so different from the surrounding tribes, indeed the rest of the world? The only thing Noone could find, that was different in the way they lived their lives, was that their culture was largely based on their daily practice of sharing their dreams. Every morning, each family would meet over their first meal, to discuss their dreams. Even children were encouraged to share their dreams with the rest of the community. As a result they became more familiar with their own inner world and that of others too.

In dreams they would be told where to catch large fish, where to hunt for meat, or even how to build more


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effective traps. Yes, they seemed to know the value, the nature, of dreams, and reaped the rewards. If only we would do the same!

In a fascinating book PLEIADIAN ENCOUNTER, Preston Nichols (who we shall hear more about later) states that many people can connect with another universe in their dreams. This infers that there are other universes, and that our subconscious – or spirit – if you like, can transcend our present reality when it is allowed to, for example when our mind is stilled, as in sleep.

Here’s another very practical use the human mind is being put to…

Enrique gazed in awe; right in front of him were a group of three great diamonds, or crystals rotating slowly around a vertical shaft that joined the ceiling to the floor, which also turned, in the opposite direction. This crystal sparkled like a kaleidoscope, a fantasy of pure colour. Enrique was in the middle of his tour of the spacecraft, its commander Kramier, his guide. He was told that these were special ‘memory’ crystals, not diamonds. These ‘living’ crystals were obtained from a certain planet, where they grow and reproduce. The crystals – about 70 centimetres in diameter, were programmable and receive data from the main transducer, which was the rotating shaft.

Kramier explained, that he controlled the space craft mentally, to ‘reduce the possibilities of error’, should something happen to him, other members of the crew would carry out the mind-machine integration, where the coupling takes place directly by means of mental impulses, to the ‘transducer and crystals’. This mental energy is translated as flight energy.

Enrique then had his second great surprise – even before his senses had time to settle down, twelve chairs emerged from the floor, looking like dentists’ chairs, they were arranged in a circle around the transducer; the twelve crew members took up their positions on the chairs, and


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immediately twelve helmets, similar to motorcycle helmets, descended onto their heads, from the ceiling. They held each other’s arms, forming a circle, after about 60 seconds, it was all over. They had ‘liberated’ their mental energy to the transducer, where it would be converted into flight energy.

After a short rest Enrique was given a little more information, and then returned from where he was picked up. More about Enrique Rincon’s fascinating story can he read in “UFOs – a great new dawn for Humanity” by Enrique Castillo Rincon.

Try this and you will be amazed. Is there someone you just cannot get through to; perhaps a work colleague or family member. Maybe even someone overseas. Telepathy works for almost everyone when their minds are in the Alpha state. We know by now that this happens often when we are asleep. We have also established that we can programme our minds to do things, while our bodies rested in slumber. Well, just programme our self to wake up when the subject of our little experiment is sleeping, and their mind is in the Alpha state. Make sure you leave allowances for differences in time zones, etc. When you do awaken, while still keeping the mind calm and collected, pass a heartfelt message to him / her. Then wait for the surprising outcome; results that are nothing short of miraculous – practical proof of the wonderful power and versatility of our mind.

So it appears that to be more fully ‘aware’ or ‘in tune’ with the outside / real world, the noisy chatter of our brain must be calmed down. We all know how a noisy spark plug often disrupts reception in our car radios. For normal folk like us, who are not psychic, meditation or the sleep state seem to be the best way to ‘tune in’ to messages or signals from a more distant source, this is why so much inspiration seems to come from dreams. Didn’t someone once say “Be


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still O mind, and know thy Maker”? When we do this, be it while asleep, or in meditation, we are reducing this background noise, and turning up the sensitivity of our receiver neurones, so they can receive impulses from a source whose transmitter neurones are in tune with us. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could select the transmitter we wish to tune in to?... in fact we can!

An old Hindu legend goes something like this: At one time all men on Earth were gods, but … men so sinned and abused the Divine, that Brahma, the god of all gods, decided that the Godhead should be taken away from man and hid some place where he would never find it again and abuse it. “Let’s bury it deep in the earth,” said the other gods. “No,” said Brahma, “man will dig down into the earth and find it.” “Then let’s sink it in the ocean,” they said.

“No,” said Brahma, “man will learn to dive and find it there too.” “Then we’ll hide it on the mountains,” they said. “No,” said Brahma, “man will some day climb every mountain on earth, and capture the Godhead once more.” “Then there’s no place to hide it where he cannot find it,” said the lesser gods. “Listen to me,” said Brahma, “we will conceal it deep in man himself. He will never think to look there.” And that is what they did. Hidden deep down in every man is a piece of the divine. Ever since then he has gone over the earth digging, diving, climbing, and looking for that godlike quality


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which all the time is hidden down within him.

Edgar Cayce loosened his tie, and settled himself on

the couch, in his home at Virginia Beach. Hundreds of miles away, in another part of the United States, a little girl lay in bed quite sick with a high fever. Doctors had given up hope of finding a cure for her illness, so as a last resort, her parents had contacted America’s most famous psychic.

Back in Virginia Beach, Cayce’s mind had in fact made contact with his young patient. He went on to describe her physical, mental and spiritual condition, and outlined a course of treatment to follow. Eventually the little girl recovered completely. Mind had once again triumphed over matter, time and distance!

***** It wasn’t a very large room, but the high ranking

military men in there suggested that this meeting, in the autumn of 1985 was of great military importance. After the normal introductory discussions, the already serious atmosphere in the room got even more serious. The man sitting at the head of the table stopped talking for a brief moment, then continued in a softer tone of voice. His attention was riveted on this last photograph, that of a Soviet Delta class submarine, he hesitated, then continued, even softer, saying that it was patrolling the sea between Maine and Nova Scotia. He hesitated again, as though something was unsettling him. Meanwhile the military men in the room were getting clearly agitated. Many of them thought the “viewer” was frightened.

“What is it?” Asked one of the two scientists from the Stanford Research Institute, who was also present in the room. The “viewer” was asked to sketch what he saw. This he did – the outline of a strange unidentified object shadowing the Russian submarine.


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What was to be a routine “Remote Viewing” session, organised and funded by the Naval Intelligence and Defence Intelligence Agency, turned out to also be the start of an operation called PROJECT AQUARIUS. This top secret operation, using ‘Remote Viewers’, over the next fourteen months, recorded and tracked seventeen occasions of UFOs hovering just above, and following Soviet submarines.

These “Viewers” are just ordinary people, who like Edgar Cayce, have developed the ability to turn on their cosmic communicator, and tune in to places or people almost at will. This, as we have suggested could be done by almost anyone who tries. In today’s society people who could do this would be called ‘Psychics’, but as we can expect this word does not sit well with modern society, so they are called “Viewers”, or more often “REMOTE VIEWERS”. In the hands of the military in most countries, they are nothing short of being “PSYCHIC SPIES”. The U.S., the Soviet Union, and today, many countries in the world would probably have several of these on their payroll. Remote Viewing has become an integral part of their national security set up. Whatever you may end up calling it, it still is the work of our amazing COSMIC COMMUNICATOR!

To defeat these psychic spies at their own game, many organisations employ teams of psychic saboteurs to ‘jam’ Remote Viewing spies.

The practice of clairvoyance, or “Remote Viewing”, as many prefer to call it today, can be described as the turning down of the noisy chatter of our conscious mind, and turning up the sensitivity of our mental receivers to allow our cosmic communicator to scan through myriads of signals, and ‘lock onto’ the one we choose to investigate. Sounds too confusing, but as we have seen, many people have shown us that it can be done.

Underpinning the theory behind Scientific Remote Viewing is the belief that all humans are composite beings, meaning we have two fundamental aspects: a spirit and a


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body. In the current jargon of remote viewing, the soul is called the “subspace aspect” of a person. The physical realm of solid matter is both separate from and connected to subspace – the spiritual or soul realm. When our physical bodies die, we are no longer composite beings, but continue our existence as subspace, entities; our souls or the “ghost within the machine” of John Eccles survives.

While we are living, active individuals, physical stimuli hold the attention of our awareness. Our five senses overshadow our more intuitive awareness, which originate from the subspace / spiritual realm. In practical terms, this means that most people are not even aware that they in fact have a subspace aspect. In short, our soul voices are drowned out by the din of our five physical senses.

The specialised techniques used in Scientific Remote Viewing break through this noise, and allow the soft, subtle voice of our subspace / spiritual aspect to get a hearing. The door to the incredible world of the unknown opens, a bit, so our enquiring mind can enter.

It is not necessary to force this door open; it eases open automatically once a person’s attention is no longer wrapped up with the physical side of life.

The best way to do this is to combine the practice of meditation, with Remote Viewing. Meditation stills the mind, so the whispered words of intuition can be heard and appreciated. That’s what Remote Viewing is, using one’s intuition in an expertly guided way. It’s a natural process, of a deeply settled mind at peace, a peace that cannot be forced upon it.

Courtney Brown explains it beautifully when he says that subspace mind is the intelligence of the soul, which perceives and processes information differently from the physical mind, and that this subspace mind is omnipresent, across space and time; it being everywhere at once.

When you remote view, you just shift your awareness from one place and time to another. You do not leave your


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physical body, or induce an altered state of consciousness. Finally, remote viewing would be impossible in the

absence of the human soul, because it is otherwise physically impossible for a person’s consciousness to perceive things without direct physical contact of some sort.

***** Now here’s another piece that interlocks with Lyssa

Royal’s Planet Apex, and our own subterranean dwellers. Late in 1988 a group of ‘psychic spies’, as those REMOTE VIEWERS” who worked for the military were called, were ordered to ‘study’ a satellite photograph that had just been received. Like most such pictures, all it showed was a glowing spot of light. However it wasn’t long before the panel of remote viewers identified these as being artificial craft, but craft not of Earth. These were occupied by humanoid people who were hovering over a nuclear storage plant. Their impression was that the visitors were taking an inventory of the number of armed warheads that were being stored there.

Tracking them back to their starting point (remember our trip in that hypothetical rocket ship?) led to the discovery that they came from A SUBSURFACE LOCATION ON OUR MOON, AND FROM MARS, AND THAT THEY WOULD COME TO DOCK IN A SUBSURFACE LOCATION SOMEWHERE ON EARTH.

If true, isn’t this a classic case of interaction between cosmic cousins! The track record of this ‘Remote Viewing’ is quite impressive, otherwise the military of several nations would not waste money training the operators, and then employing them.

Try this one for accuracy… “It’s so beautiful – God, it’s beautiful.” Ingo Swann, an internationally respected psychic was describing his remote viewing of the planet Mercury. In direct conflict with accepted theory, he ‘saw’ Mercury’s magnetic field, its thin atmosphere, and its comet-like thin helium tail, being blown away from the Sun by


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strong solar wind, all this we might add long before the close up encounter of NASA’s Mariner 10 space probe. The data sent back by Mariner 10 confirmed much of what Swann ‘saw’ regarding Mercury.

Didn’t we say we were about to embark on a “Conviction Scuttling” journey? Welcome aboard!

NASA’s scientists were surprised as more and more data kept streaming back from their newer probes to this planet. Every detail of Swann’s viewing was being borne out; even its magnetic field, which the Remote Viewer would have had to ‘feel’, as it is something invisible to the eye.

This subject of Remote viewing will be dealt with in greater detail in another chapter, where we will notice that it has been fine-tuned, and taken to extraordinary levels. Yes, even a cosmic mind can boggle!

So there we are, remote viewing can, like Edgar Cayce’s amazing psychic ability, be undeniably accurate. Perhaps this is how Jonathan Swifft got his knowledge of Mars and its moons. Yes our friendly cosmic communicator can be used to tune into and observe even distant worlds and their inhabitants if any. This exquisite transceiver can also communicate with intelligences even several thousand light years away. With this knowledge at hand, it should not be too much of a challenge to wipe the dust off our God – given machine, and start putting to use the four – fifths of its capacity that has been rusting away all these centuries.

Occasionally an accident may trigger something inside our cosmic communicator, and convert a normal person into a dazzling super being….Often such accidents don’t just happen, they are caused -- why, and by whom? One might ask. Or are they too, just coincidences!

“I liked being dead, because I felt so alive”. Dannion Brinkley was referring to the 28 minutes he was clinically


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dead, after being struck by lightening, one September day in 1975. In an enthralling book, “AT PEACE IN THE LIGHT” (another must read publication) Dannion recalls what he experienced during those 28 minutes, after he was zapped.

In those few minutes, and after the by now familiar whole – of – life review, he was taken by a ‘guide’ to a ‘crystal city’ (remember Betty Andreasson’s account?). Here he was met by thirteen ‘light beings’ whose body appeared to be made up a shimmering translucent material. From these light beings, Dannion received 117 predictions of the future. Some of these have come to pass, while others are in the process of being fulfilled. He returned with a ‘mission’, to set up centres where people could find their spiritual selves, through stress management, and hence come to peace with themselves and with God. He particularly concentrated on helping the terminally ill to overcome their fear of death, and preparing them for the real existence after physical death.

A side effect or fringe benefit of Dannion’s electrocution was his newfound ability to read people’s mind, as though they were talking to him. His own description for this was that the accident had placed him in contact with a different reality, or perhaps a different reality had made contact with him.

Many years earlier, during the war torn years in Europe, Peter Hurkos from Holland, developed similar mind reading, and clairvoyant abilities after falling on his head, and fracturing his skull. Peter would use his newfound ability helping agencies like Scotland Yard to fight crime.

Now we will outline some even more exciting uses which this superb instrument is being put to…

The three crew members took their places on the specially contoured chairs, and watched the four large monitors that surrounded them. They did not appear to touch any knobs or dials, just looked at the screens as the ship slowly and gracefully lifted off, then shot off into space. This space craft was controlled entirely by the thoughts of


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these three men. Preston could not help noticing the similarity between

these couches, and the Chair of Montauk, which remembered encountering a few years ago. This was a special chair that was developed during the Montauk Project, to investigate thought monitoring, and mind control. Sensors built into the chair picked up electrical impulses from the person sitting on it, (that included the brain signals we spoke of earlier) and processed them with a super computer.

We will hear more from Preston Nicholls, and a bit more about the Montauk Project too later. A LOT can be done, when people learn how the human brain and mind operate.


It was an unusual sort of light, not very bright, in fact it was more like a glow, nevertheless, it threw a strong beam, that somehow penetrated the darkness, as it cut its way through clouds of dust and into the entrance of the coal mine. People were scurrying around everywhere, seemingly unaware of Pags, and the group of men in white uniforms who were operating this strange searchlight.

All this was quite new to Pags; in fact he did not have a clue as to what was going on. Finally he plucked up the courage to ask.

“This,” he was told, regarding the strange illuminator, “is no ordinary light. There has been an accident here, and many people are still trapped underground, in danger of losing their lives; this light is being used to help save them”. Pags was glad to be part of this team.

The next evening he recognised some pictures on the T.V. news. It was only then that he realised this ‘rescue mission’ was actually carried out in South Africa. The newsreader reported that several people were “miraculously” rescued after a mine disaster. He felt a strange sense of self-


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satisfaction. A strange sense, because at that time he was in fact living in Brisbane, Australia, thousands of miles away. He has since been involved in similar missions in other parts of the world. Pags did this sort of thing regularly, most times he would forget all about it when he woke up. You see, he carries out all these ‘after hours’ escapades, while he is asleep.

“Ask and you shall receive…” we are told by the Master Himself; so Pags asked... ‘We sleep for a whole third of our lives. Our soul, or spirit does not need any sleep, so why can’t we move on – in spirit – and help those who need help, while our body got its sleep?’ His motives were right, and he was persistent, ‘asking’ every night before dropping off to sleep. The results have been quite sensational.

“It’s something anyone can do”, Pags insists. “Just before dropping off to sleep, when the mind has been calmed down and the body relaxed. Following prayer and meditation is an ideal time, for this is when the mind would be in a relaxed state (perhaps THETA or DELTA state). Thoughts ‘transmitted’ should travel pretty far, and who knows, a reply just might come in. Then, off we will be, in our ‘dream body’ of course. The best part of it all is that it costs absolutely nothing; it does not even take our time, because we do it all while our body is resting. We know we must be effective because every now and then we will recall an extremely vivid ‘dream’ we had, then this strange feeling of self-satisfaction runs through us, as we know we have done something really worthwhile, in a very special way”.

These experiences of Pag’s experience have highlighted another aspect of our being; that we can, and often do function on different levels. When someone gets involved in such extracurricular activities while asleep, he or she is doing just that, operating on two levels simultaneously; 1: physically – sleeping. And 2: astrally or spiritually, - carrying out that activity.


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***** Allison, was devastated, as she witnessed the scene

before her. The whole place had gone up in flames, as a series of explosions ripped the town apart. Through the smoke, rubble and charred bodies, she could see wounded and dying survivors reaching out to her. Her heart melted, as she noticed a little baby amid the horrific scene. She grabbed it and ran towards a white light, and safety.

“This,” Allison was informed by the aliens with around her, “is a scene from the future.”

This is just another excerpt from David Jacob’s book “THE THREAT”. It’s placed here because of the common thread, re. Rescue and that white light we encountered earlier…

But, a person can even operate on several levels at the same time …

In Stephanie Relfe’s fascinating book, “THE MARS RECORDS 1 & 2” we she tells us about the splitting or compartmentalising of her husband’s mind, by his military controllers, into separate sections; each part, completely separate, and mentally independent of the others; each one with its own memory, which could be blocked or unblocked as and when necessary; each possessing its unique areas of specialisation.

Part 1: was the normal person, who knew nothing of his other elements. Part 2: was specialised in communication, assassinations, reconnaissance (flying), defence, telepathy and Remote Viewing. Part 3: was also an expert medical researcher, and a computer whiz. According to Stephanie Relfe, all this was done to

Michael, when he was on a top secret project on Mars; and is added here to emphasise the power and versatility of our wonderful asset, the human mind. Let’s not abuse it.


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Fascinating though this sounds, and so easy too, it can be only the beginning, the start of an even more exciting adventure, an adventure in prayer, that spans the whole cosmos. Why PRAYER? Because prayer is nothing short of tuning our ‘transmitter’ neurones in a certain part of our cerebrum, to a particular frequency, dependant on the object of our prayer, in the same way a radio transmitter beams out a signal at a particular frequency. MEDITATION on the other hand, is the calming of the mind, thus turning up the sensitivity of the receiver neurones, and fine tuning them to ‘receive’ impulses from ‘far removed’ sources, as a transistor radio, for example would do to pick up our favourite radio station.

“Peter, Peter, get up.” The lady’s voice sounded

urgent. I opened my eyes and looked around at Sylvia – my wife, she was fast asleep. If it was her calling me, she must have been talking in her sleep, again. I turned over and tried to get back to sleep. “Peter, Peter.” This time the voice was louder, and sounded more urgent. I sat up, it was still the small hours of morning.

Instinctively I figured that someone needed help, so I said a little prayer for help. My mind kept ‘wandering’, or so I thought. Wandering to crowds of people running around in panic, and people being pulled out from under debris. I prayed, then went back to sleep. No more “Peter, Peter”.

At 6 AM the clock radio woke us up with the morning news. San Francesco had been hit by an earthquake, final figures of damage or causalities were still coming in….

Was this just a coincidence? Or was it because, like Pags, I would ‘ask’ to be able to help where ever help was needed, while my body slept at night. The fact that I was in Brisbane, Australia, half a world away, made no difference.


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The spirit knows no bounds of distance. Perhaps like William Temple, we might say, ‘when I pray, coincidences happen’. Let’s keep them happening!

Could it be true that prayer really is nothing short of using our cosmic communicator to send out a transmission, which could be just a ‘broadcast message’ to ‘all concerned’, or directed to a specific receiver? Read on, we are in for a treat!

Monica was tossing restlessly in bed at 11.55 PM, she was having trouble going to sleep and it looked like this was going to be another sleepless night. Husband Pags was exhausted too and if Monica kept tossing about all night, there went his sleep as well. Help was needed. Without his better half even knowing, he silently switched on his cosmic communicator and put in a short prayer, directing his transmission to Jesus. “Lay your hand on this girl beloved Master, cause her to relax, and to sleep soon, and soundly”, was the content of the short transmission. Seconds later Monica was fast asleep, so was Pags.

The next morning, she related a ‘dream’ she had that night. She dreamt she was lying on her husband’s lap on the lounge. Father Tim, the parish priest came up to her and laid his hand on her head, and she felt ‘so relaxed’, that she promptly dropped off to sleep. Unless she reads this, Monica probably will never know the reality behind that ‘dream’.

Yes, it’s as easy as that! Our COSMIC COMMUNICATOR sure is very user-friendly. After learning about the gruesome results of some very unwise contacts made by our COSMIC COMMUNICATOR, connections made with the ‘other’ front, it is indeed refreshing to know that we can quite as easily tune our communicator to better, more constructive ‘stations’. If we all did this, our planet could become a paradise. But this is just the beginning…..

Seven-year-old Kathleen was playing with a group of kids, all of them about her own age. She laughed as she


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played. “Why are you laughing?” asked one of her

playmates. “Because I feel happy.” Kath replied. It didn’t

seem strange at the time, but now, on reliving this episode under hypnosis, it was, because, to use this seven-year-old’s own words, “We didn’t talk through our mouth, we just KNEW what we were talking about.”

Kath was interacting with a group of human/alien children.43Without even realising it, she had become part of a new generation of mankind. A new generation that will lead us to our place in the cosmos. We will learn more about these special brothers and sisters of ours as we travel through these pages.

When we eventually get to be in touch with our cosmic family members, it looks like we will be using that cosmic communicator of ours. Perhaps ‘they’ will show us how to use it.

We are all one cosmic family, I keep harping on and on; and often, some members of different clans, do form an alliance to carry out their own agenda. Is it good, bad or ugly, only time will tell.

***** Michael was unable to move, he could feel a pressure

on his forehead, and it felt like something tightening around his temples, it was uncomfortable. But, he was not really perturbed, in spite of the 15 or so Grey aliens who were around him, carrying out this enhancement.

Yes, they were upgrading an implant of sorts that was placed in his brain. This was being done, so he could interface more effectively with the machine. A man / machine partnership designed to amplify his effectiveness when he carried out his remote viewing and psychic attack duties. This augmentation was also vital to protect him from 43 THE THREAT: by David M Jacobs.


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enemy psyforce attacks. Michael was an active member of the joint alien and US military presence on Mars.

Prepare for further surprises, when we come back to Stephanie Relfe’s fascinating reports.

Michael Relfe’s forehead was very comfortably itchy, he could not concentrate. He needed to think clearly but could not. This spider kept weaving its web around his head. Michael just could not think straight.

What was this thing? It turned out to be a type of alien being; who was trapped by powerful negative forces about 6000 years ago, and down through the ages, had been used by the dark ones to keep Earth humans enslaved.

Michael and his wife Stephanie used the matchless power of prayer, and this assault from the denizens of darkness fizzled out. I do admit, this sounds like a children’s fairy tale, but just keep reading; and do read the works of Stephanie Relfe, and others mentioned in this book, we are in for something unbelievable.

A smart person would not take just one word from a sentence and try to explain the story from it. All the chapters must be read, to get the complete chronicle. So let’s read all the chapters through, then what sounds like a discord, will merge with the rhythm and complete a remarkable symphony.

***** Joan, in Clark County, Washington thought she was

hearing things. Was her child’s toy really talking to her? The little crib toy, with an illuminated picture of a cartoon-style aquarium on the front, was only meant to play soft, soothing sounds of ocean waves to help baby sleep. But, in the background to the sounds, she was sure someone was saying something.

It was early January 2003, Joan was feeding her 6 month old Alex, when she heard a child’s voice saying “I hate you, I hate you”, very softly. Yes there was no doubt about it, almost lost in the background was the unmistakeable


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phrase, “I hate you”, repeated over and over again. Not believing her own ears, Joan asked her husband,

and other members of the family to confirm that she was not losing her senses. Sure enough, they all agreed, she was right; there was a message superimposed on the sounds of this little crib toy.

So off they went to the well known department store from where she had bought this Christmas present for her baby boy. After trying out several more toys, they made the discovery that they all had this subliminal message imbedded into them.

Needless to say, the embarrassed store manager removed all of them from their shelves, and promised to return them to the (overseas) manufacturer.

A very worrying sign of how vulnerable we are to those who keep trying to take control of our minds, even from a very young age.

***** It was an indescribable scene, dozens of humans,

mainly women, were being floated into the air, through the closed windows of their homes, and into a large ET craft stationary in the air above the street.

Courtney Brown was following one particular woman through his remote viewing technique; she seemed to be sedated, although underneath, – in her mind – she was terrified. But below even that, in her spirit, she was ecstatic. You see, long ago - she had volunteered to help the Greys in their project for survival, and so apparently, have countless other humans.

Courtney followed her into the craft, and was totally amazed by the immensity of the space vehicle. It was indeed an expansive brightly lit place inside, with a huge number of operating tables that had humans on most of them, all apparently volunteers for this project to help the Greys in their attempt to build a strong gene pool, to ensure their survival.


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Hesitatingly, he walked up to the table where this particular woman was lying. One tall Gray was peering between her legs. They were examining, and doing something. He noticed Courtney, and motioned for him to look. The Extraterrestrial midwife then proceeded to show Courtney all the details of the removal of the hybrid foetus, explaining that it would be shuffled about as it matures - placed into different canisters filled with a clear liquid.

The Gray then explained how the fully developed foetus would eventually be removed from its final canister, like a normal birth, and be given air to breathe.

As Dr David Jacobs did in his book “THE THREAT”, So too does Courtney Brown in “COSMIC VOYAGE”, tell us that this hybrid breeding project of the greys is nearing completion, and they are grateful for the help provided by earth humans, and are now obliged to help us. This whole project being dictated by larger Galactic Federation decisions – Another indication of the continual interaction between members of different branches of the cosmic family tree…

The following seems to confirm that our cosmic communicator can actually place us in instant contact with someone on another world many light years away from Earth.

Wy-Ora was recovering from an injury on his home planet of Koldas, while here in South Africa, on Earth, Edwin and his wife Elizabeth were in telepathic communication with him. This is impressive, taking into account the difference involved in space/time. You can read about this amazing contact with a very interesting planet in, the rare and incredible book: UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KOLDAS, by Carl van Vlierden and Wendelle C.Stevens.

***** Another space entity, from a distant planet called

Korendor, gives us yet another explanation of the human


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mind, which just confirms what we already know – this is an amazing piece of communication equipment. This fascinating individual describes how advanced alien beings can, and do influence human minds on Earth.

He says that the mind is a form of energy. When in the body, each mind has a distinct frequency of operation, depending on the particular characteristics of that brain, which it inhabits. This has to do with magnetic waves / electrical circuits etc within the neurons of the brain.

He then went on to describe how ideas are imprinted into selected people during sleep, which these subjects then credit to themselves. The Korendians call it Somnivision.

These aliens use an instrument they call the Omnifrequency Psychoprint Unit, which generates this characteristic frequency via a probe beam, which is trained on the mind of the selected person from a small scout ship about one metre in diameter. When Somnivision is to be carried out, this beam is sent out from a scout craft hovering low over the home of the person to be impressed, and the transfer is initiated. Since the frequencies are in phase, any signal carried by the beam would be considered by the brain as originating from the mind itself, and regarded as just another thought.

Depending on the power of the beam this can cause anything from a mere vague memory of a “dream”, to a powerful waking impulse to action. The great inventions of our time are said to be in the most part a result of this ‘imprinting’. We have already described a few examples of how dreams influenced some of our inventions, earlier in this book.

The planet Korendor, we are told is located in the constellation of Bootes, about 3 degrees from the star Arcturus, as we see it from here. It is roughly 400 light years away and its sun, they call Korena, can just be seen in our larger telescopes. More details of this amazing contact can be found in the enthralling book: UFO CONTACT FROM


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PLANET KORENDOR, by Bob Renaud, Gabriel Green and Wendelle Stevens. We will be visiting Korendor again a little later.

Here’s some more on the mind from our friends from Korendor….

The human mind, they tell us, has five separate levels of being.

1. Unconscious – here dreams are formed, and memories are stored.

2. Subconscious – here information is filed and collected from the unconscious.

3. Conscious – Information gatherer for the whole mind. Through it the five basic senses relay their impressions to the other levels. It is the control centre.

4. Ultra conscious – Centre of para psychic functions. 5. Unifying level – All-Mind, Almighty, Creator, and

God. All minds are as one and the energies forming matter

are part of this. The universe is controlled by the All-Mind. This All Mind cannot foresee the future, nor can it cause, or control that happens in the future.

The Unifying level and the Conscious level can access the Ultra conscious level of mind.

Our mind is a form of energy, as we have already mentioned, each of us operate on a set frequency of mind energy, different from any other. This frequency cannot be changed. However there is another, a universal frequency, at which telepathy occurs, this can be turned on or off at will by the individual.


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This universal frequency cannot be tapped into or interfered with by any electronic means, and is a sort of mental paging that is used extensively. Both, the individual mind frequency and the universal frequency are beyond the range of the normal senses, and without electronic help. And with the All-Mind, no limits to knowledge exist as it encompasses all. It is aware of everything that happens anywhere in the whole universe. Therefore, if a conscious mind wishes to see at a distance, all it has to do is work through the Ultra conscious, and request a view of the scene – even at a distance.

What about looking ahead in TIME? Regarding prediction, the All-Mind may project an image of what could very well occur, if a certain pattern of events were to continue uninterrupted. It works on probabilities.


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Even teleportation could become possible, by converting the body to pure energy, transporting the energy, and then converting it back to the physical body

Perhaps, dear readers some of you may have probably discovered by now that this book is not exactly meant for the feint-hearted. However if the emotions are getting stressed a bit too much, let’s just remember that Mind is the Builder, we can help it ‘un-stress’ itself.

To do this, we use a few guidelines from Stephanie Relfe, who we have mentioned earlier. The following is paraphrased from Stephanie’s THE MARS RECORDS, which can be downloaded free from her website: It must be pointed out here, that the human body (and mind) are extremely complex organisms, and differences do exist, fro person to person. Therefore what may well work perfectly for hundreds of folk may be disastrous for some others. The ultimate care of our bodies must always be in the hands of qualified medical practitioners. This book is in no way intended to replace, or question the expertise of qualified psychologists, or psychiatrists. The information given here is meant to draw the attention of the lay person, to the versatility of our wonderful ‘cosmic communicator’.

Back to Stephanie, who by the way is pretty well accomplished in the science of “Clearing”.44 Emotional Stress Release:

Emotional stress can be caused by negative emotions,

44 CLEARING: To use Stephanie Relfe’s definition, from her MARS RECORDS: It is a science for uncovering information by working with a person’s mind and spirit while he is conscious. It removes negative emotional ‘charge’ and subconscious sabotage, thus increasing a person’s abilities and awareness.


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either of the mind, or the body. A kinesiologist 45could find out what specific emotion is involved. It is important to realise that emotions are stored in the mind, but they can also be stored in the body.

The science of CLEARING removes negative emotions from the mind.

Kinesiology removes negative emotions from the body. When the practitioner locates a negative emotion or incident stored in the body, he or she can use another useful technique called, ‘muscle testing’ 46 to find out a number of things, including WHEN it happened, and WHO was involved.

The kinesiologist can then do a very simple form of emotional stress relief. He/she lightly places a few fingers on the other person's forehead, while the person 'looks at a video' of the emotion. Let’s take a quick look at how this works…

When we are under stress, we are told, blood goes to the back of our brain (where memories of the past are stored). But when a hand is placed on the forehead, blood also moves to the front of the brain (which unfortunately most of us use only 5% of the time) where new choice is located. Within a very short period of time (often a few minutes) the person will be a lot less emotional about the particular incident, and therefore a lot less affected by it.

If you find at any time after reading these pages you experience negative emotions, it may be that something in the book has re-stimulated / stirred up something in your own mind.

45 KINESIOLOGY: Using Stephanie Relfe’s definition from her book, MARS RECORDS 1: This is a technology which improves a person’s health and wellbeing by working on the body’s electrical system. It does this by picking up reactions in the body’s muscles. 46 MUSCLE TESTING: The method used by a kinesiologist to uncover hidden problems in the body.


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Why not try a bit of Emotional Stress Release on yourself? – place a hand on your forehead and close your eyes, while you look over (in your mind) what you have been reading, or doing that day. After a few minutes you should feel considerably better.47

***** Many of us would have read accounts of UFO

abductions, and the subsequent recalling of the events by the abductee, under hypnosis; another amazing feature of the human mind. Until recently, what was not too widely known was the fact that along with the command / suggestion to ‘forget’ the episode in question, other commands are often inserted into the mind…


Let’s take a bit of time to explain another portion of our Cosmic Communicator.

Neurologist Carl Wernicke is credited with discovering the area of the brain that is responsible for understanding language. This area is called Wernicke's Area. Wernicke's Area is located in the temporal lobe of the brain.

The temporal Lobes are also involved in: Emotional responses; Hearing; Memory; and Speech.

As we saw earlier, the brain is a physical ‘switchboard’ between the mind and the body.

Research has shown that words are stored in a specific area on the left side of the brain. What is not so well known is that there is an equivalent area in the right half of the brain which is also involved with language. Together, this area is called Wernicke's area.

Experiments have shown that if the Wernicke's area in the left half of the brain is electrically stimulated during

47 Courtsy Stephanie Relfe, visit her super – interesting website


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speech, it will interfere with the ability to talk properly, almost halting speech.

The Wernicke command centre of our brain.

The same type of stimulation to the Wernicke's area in the right brain, however, causes a person to hear "voices" or "commands". These are usually of an authoritarian or dictatorial nature, and can be identified as the voice of one who was feared, admired or "looked up to" by the person being stimulated. We call these commands “Wernicke’s commands”, because they are commands stored in the Wernicke’s area of the brain.

The two Wernicke's areas are connected to each other by a thin bridge of tissue. It seems that the "voices of the gods" that the ancients speak of in their writings, were in fact internal dialogue coming from the right half of the brain. However, this tendency is still present today! It is the bicameral mind, the right side of the Wernicke's area, which we "hear" when we hear those little words of self-invalidation and sabotage. The 'authorities' who might have


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put commands into this mind are no longer "gods" - they are anyone that we might have looked up to at some time. These can include parents, teachers, peers, politicians, and doctors. Have you have ever been told to "grow up", "shut up", "eat up", "Forget that" or "give up"? Have you ever been told "you're mad", you're bad", "you're stupid" or "you'll never make it"?

If somebody you thought was authoritative, said "you're too fat", "you'll never change", "you'll forget", "you're a slow learner", "eat ALL your food", you're not good enough", "strong enough", "pretty enough", "clever enough" "You’ll go to hell" etc. etc. then they may have made an 'entry' in your right Wernicke's area, and implanted commands, which are still influencing you to this day!

Examples of these ‘commands’ placed inadvertently in a child’s mind are:

1- “You are stupid.” Placed by an

exasperated parent trying to teach their kid something.

2- “You are ugly.” Placed by a jealous sibling, or schoolmate.

3- You’re not MY child.” THOUGHT by a father when he sees his child at birth.

As you may have noticed, even directing negative THOUGHTS, (especially to your child) can have far reaching consequences. As with any powerful tool, the mind must be handled with extreme care.

But more disconcerting, was the discovery that specific commands can (and have been) implanted by unscrupulous people in authority, expressly to do extreme self damage by a person, or by him to others around him, even to the extent of causing death!

Stephanie Relfe has discovered Wernicke commands implanted in her husband’s mind by those who abducted him


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to the Mars Base 48– humans and grey aliens – commands that instructed him to kill, if any attempts were made to recall his experiences on that top-secret base. Similar Wernicke commands were uncovered in Pat’s mind; placed there for the same purpose. A chilling discovery indeed; just another instance of the great lengths someone would go, to take control of humanity.

However, as we read her inspiring books, we discover that through prayer, and persistence, all their covert attempts at control were brought to naught.

For more on this most unsettling reality, please read Stephanie Relfe’s books “THE MARS RECORDS” & “THE MARS FORCE”.

In 1996 Australian kinesiologist David Bridgman made an important discovery. He worked out a way to remove negative commands and beliefs from the brain!

The power of the mind is enormous, but it needs to be responsibly controlled.

So, our spirit – a real off shoot of God, the ‘Creator of All’, as our extraterrestrial cousins call Him, is the real entity, which controls our physical bodies. Like marionettes, we ‘dance’ to the will of our spirit, which connects to our bodies at points the Hindus of old called ‘Chakras’, which roughly correspond to our endocrine glandular centres; starting from the Root chakra, at the base of our spine, and culminating with the ‘crown chakra’ at the top of our head, which corresponds to the pituitary gland. The ‘communications link / wave guide’, as it were, that transfers energy between these centres, is our spinal cord.

When we calm our conscious mind, and focus our attention on these ‘points of contact’, things start happening…Hindu mystics and New Age practitioners all

48 MARS BASE: Read Stephanie Relfe’s books, MARS RECORDS 1&2, and MARS FORCE 1 & 2. For her stories about these top secret bases.


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over the world have written volumes on the practice of meditation, and the rising of the ‘Kundalini’ energy through these chakras.

Spirit Meets Body

In his amazing book THE MUSIC OF TIME, Preston Nichols describes the development and use of this little known, but very potent power at our disposal. He compares our spine to a laser rod, and the ‘bouncing’ of the psychic energy between our 1st the Root Chakra, and 7th Chakra, to the way a real laser works. And, just as an ordinary laser, the powerful bolt of energy exits through the top, out the top most, 7th Chakra.

The way this energy is ‘rebounded’ along the spine, depends on how we train our minds to visualise the various chakras in turn. It is not recommended for the uninitiated to try to access this energy without expert supervision, serious damage, to our body, possession, and even death can result if proper safeguards are not followed.

This form of raw psychic energy is basically an outpouring of fundamental sexuality – it stems from the Root Chakra located at the base of the spine, and from the gonads (where the ‘germ of life’ begins), it travels up the spine, accelerated by each of the other chakras along the way, finally reaching the 7th chakra, from whence it is reflected, returning, but this time amplified, to repeat the process, over and over again. This is nothing but a harnessing of our sexual energy – NOT sexual potency. It can, and has been known to control the weather, even divert hurricanes.


We will delve into the use of this Kundalini energy later, when we explore the potential, of prayer and


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THE SEVEN CHAKRAS The seven endocrine glands, or soul / body contact

points of our body. Nichols explains that at Montauk, in the US, they

developed a way to access this energy, then amplify it even further via a particle accelerator – type machine, then use it in a variety of ways, mostly unpleasant and very covert. Through all of this, the main point that emerges is that through using our mind, almost everything is possible.

The human mind is awesome, its real strength emerges when we calm our consciousness, and use meditation as a tool to let loose this unstoppable power that exists in us…


One of the lesser known, but as important as any uses our marvellous mind can be put to, is the practice of meditation. When used together with prayer, it completes the two-way communication between us, and the unseen reality. As we have described earlier, meditation is the act of listening to the promptings of our Father, God. It’s the stilling of our ever-chattering conscious mind, and turning up


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the sensitivity of the receptors in our cosmic communicator, our brain.

However, before we attempt to receive communications from the higher realms, we must first make sure that the lines of communication are indeed open, and that the ‘response’ we receive, is in fact really from the source we expect. The only way to make sure of this is to tune our brain’s receptors to the Person – the source we want to hear from. We do this through prayer; we ‘talk’ to Him, and then wait for His answer when we meditate.

Finally before we enter into our ‘holy of holies’, one last prayer to our God, to surround us with His protection against all negativity, would ensure our lines of communication are kept free from unwanted interference.

When our spirit snaps into action, it actually does affect our whole body in a subtle way. This happens because our spirit is in effect connected to our body, through its contact points, the Seven Spiritual Centres, or Chakras (we mentioned them earlier), and each of these are linked to an endocrine gland. This may at first be a bit difficult to fathom, but will become more apparent later.

When we stimulate a spiritual Centre through meditation and this Centre is connected to a part of our body that is in turn connected to the nervous system, then, every time that Spiritual Centre is stimulated, it creates a response that physically ripples throughout the entire body. Seven Spiritual Centres - (Chakras)

Once again we list the endocrine glands; this time we link them with the Spiritual Centres, or Chakras; they work with:

1 - Root Chakra – Gonads 2 - Navel Chakra – Leydig 3 - Solar Plexus Chakra – Adrenal


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4 - Heart Chakra – Thymus 5 - Throat Chakra – Thyroid 6 - Crown Chakra – Pineal* 7 - Third Eye Chakra – Pituitary*

*Note that some schools of thought consider the Crown Chakra as the 7th, and the Third Eye Chakra as the 6th.

Whatever we call the chakras, the flow of Kundalini energy flows up to, the top of the head – and back down through the body.

Using a breathing technique and visualization this energy is raised from the Root Chakra, through the spinal cord through each Chakra in turn, to the Crown Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra, with every breath we take.

We raise this energy – with each breath we inhale – if our intention is the uniting of ourselves with the Source of all, the Great Spirit within. As we exhale, we visualise and ‘feel’ this energy ‘bathing’ our body with its purifying power. When we repeat this, over and over again, like the workings of a powerful laser, this primal energy builds up, taking us closer and closer to the Source of Love – our own Creator with every breath we take. When we are so close to him, we will need nothing. Having the objective, in meditation to be a help for someone in need, seems to stimulate the energy flow in meditation, taking it to a higher level of intensity. Perhaps it’s because He sees the needs of two, in the endeavour of one.

If it’s true (and we know it is) that prayer is talking to God, and meditation is actually listening to Him talk to us, then the Father – child relationship is complete. And as with all relationships, we learn most when we speak and then listen. It goes without saying, that if we use the phenomenal tools of Prayer, and Meditation, we can create a most rewarding and intimate relationship with our Creator.

This may sound like the advantages of meditation is sort of abstract, but that is far from the case. Meditation is a


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most powerful tool even in our mundane day-to-day lives. Coping with a difficult family issue, for example, or researching a complex scientific problem – meditation can help impressively in all situations.

In prayer, which we go into a little later, our mind makes contact with our chosen source, or guide; we then ‘transmit’ our message to Him, or her. After we are through ‘explaining’ our request in all its detail, we stop, and enter into the second phase of our communication – receiving our reply.

There have been many books written about meditation.49 It should suffice here to say that whatever method is used, it eventually is the flow of energies through these chakras that determines our response to the messages received by our mind, from the nonphysical realms – even from distant worlds. Answers to our questions always come. It depends entirely on us, if we are able to receive them; then, having received them, if we are capable of interpreting them and acting on them.

There is another way we can unleash part of this energy; that is by music. While the sequence of notes, initially take the attention of the consciousness; the rhythmic beat of a drum, or bass, speed up the heart rate, and excite the nervous system causing energy to start reflecting back and forth along the spine – the laser like action commences, and our sexual energy starts to build. The effects are similar. Remember the ‘War Dances’ of not so long ago?

However, this energy can be channelled to many directions, not just going to war. It could be used to ‘encourage’ the listeners to buy more music from a particular producer, for example. In fact that was one of the motivating factors for Preston Nichols, to perfect the art of subliminal recording. In the THE MUSIC OF TIME mentioned above,

49 MEDITATION, GATEWAY TO LIGHT: by Elsie Sechrist, is a great guide, based on Edgar Cayce’s work.


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Preston describes just how he did this, along with other amazing details about subliminal recordings.

Unfortunately, in the wrong hands, subliminal messages in music (and cinema) has the potential to be quite easily used to target specific sections of the community for a great variety of covert objectives, which include misuse of drugs, and inciting to violence.

In the late 60s and early 70s, the potential to control humanity through music was becoming known. Music seemed to have the uncanny ability to polarise our whole civilisation. Each generation / age group had a definite leaning towards a particular type of music, with almost a clear-cut demarcating line between them. This produced a perfect opportunity for certain groups to target specific portions of the population, for their own specific agendas. Mind control of the masses was now possible. History shows us, that whenever a door opens, unwanted guests always enter.

However, we are told by Preston Nichols, that the agenda at Montauk was considerably more off the wall and far-reaching than just imbedding a simple hidden message on a recording. Perhaps it was due to the money involved, or the scent of ‘success that many record producers were in cahoots with the operation. A group of musicians would often be signed up for a recording, then, upon arriving at the studio, would be secretly taken to a studio at Montauk, where the recording was made. The group would then be programmed, and return home thinking they had made the record at their local studio.

One of the purposes for doing this was to carry out experiments in mind-control and time travel, while the group mind was entrained, with their music. Specific thought forms were impressed onto the recordings, thought forms that were designed to affect all those who heard the recordings.

***** One of the most powerful, yet little known ways we


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can work with our minds, is through the use of affirmations. Affirmations can help us change our mood and even our health. They can help us reach new levels of awareness and happiness. Edgar Cayce gave over a hundred affirmations to people who came to him seeking physical mental or spiritual help.

From the viewpoint of that great seer, an affirmation is a moral value prearranged in a potently suggestive statement. Cayce instructed that affirmations must be verbalised, silently or out aloud, while making sure to maintain a consciousness of the meaning of the words, and to speak them with a positive, expectant attitude, until the whole of our mental being was affected positively, by their meaning. Better results can be achieved by repeating the affirmation three to five times.

Why does it work? It works because the “unseen forces” are considerably more powerful than the seen, and they work in a very special – though little understood - way. However, to work their magic best, we must have faith in them. This faith is not a spiritual / supernatural requirement, it is purely scientific – we shall explain shortly.

As just mentioned, an affirmation is structured in a potently suggestive statement, and we must have faith in what we are saying, in the affirmation. Both these factors serve to fine-tune the ‘senders, and receptors’ in our cosmic communicator, so they could put us in contact with the forces of our choice; thus ensuring our protection, and success.

A typical affirmation to help us handle a particularly difficult situation would be something like this:

“May my mind be as His, who knew that of Himself He could no nothing; yet in the power and the light of the Father of all; may we, may I, may the world, come to learn of his everlasting love. Beloved Father, may Thy will be done in me today and every day”.

When we repeat an affirmation like this, a few times, and say it with heartfelt conviction, we end up entraining our


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thoughts – focussing the sender and receiver neurones of our communicator onto the higher, spiritual – (subspace, for our friends who do not like to use the ‘spiritual’, ‘S’ word) realm. The door opens, and the sky is no longer the limit.

Towards the end of World War II, in April 1945, a nondenominational invocation swept the world; men and women of all religious backgrounds were fed up with violence, and turned to their common spiritual origins. This quickly became known as “THE GREAT INVOCATION”, and has been translated into approximately 75 languages and dialects, and its distribution is now worldwide. It does not belong to any one particular religious group:


From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men – The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells.


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Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

When we start with a prayer, then couple an affirmation with invocations, we can create a very powerful condition indeed! I call it “THE GREAT ASSEMBLY PRAYER”. But that’s for later in this book.

Let’s give the MIND a break for the moment, and get

back to what its awesome power can do in a later chapter. Meanwhile let us explore our celestial relationships.


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For it is not necessary

for thee to see with thy eyes

those things that are hid

Ecclesiasticus 3 23

This Bible verse implies that it is possible to see those things that are hidden from normal sight, possible but not necessary…


By now, we should all realise that humanity is at a

turning point in its history. Down through the ages, scholars in every civilization have been telling us that there is more to life than merely the flesh and bones that meets the eye. We are souls in physical bodies, and physical death is just a blink in our cosmic reality. All of us must have felt at one time or another, that indeed there is something beyond our mortal selves. However the continuum of life, though, may be vaster than we ever imagined. For some time now, many scientists have believed that we are not alone in the universe. Scattered through the far reaches of space, other life forms must exist. Until recently, we have been unable to contact these beings. Yet if we had a method that combined the intuitive perception of the sages, with the rigor of modern science,


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then perhaps, just perhaps, humans could finally find their true place in the cosmos.

What needs to be rigorously put to the test, is the so called “scientific” world view that states that only that which is physical is real, and everything else is just a figment of an overactive imagination. The basis of this rather immature “religion of scientific atheism”, (as Courtney Brown calls it in his enlightening book COSMIC EXPLORER) is the belief that consciousness is part of the physical mind, and when the brain stops functioning, consciousness ceases to exist. Modern scientific atheism denies the existence of the “ghost” in John Eccles machine. But what if the learned men of old are right? What if that “ghost” comes back to haunt us? There are signs that that in fact is indeed happening. A new scientific age, in partnership with spirituality does appear to be dawning. One of the new and exciting ways this is coming to pass is through the development of Scientific Remote Viewing, or SRV for short. Through SRV explicit procedures have been designed (by people like Courtney Brown) to develop communication between the physical or conscious mind and what many call the subspace mind (or soul mind). Souls do exist in subspace, that vast domain diversely referred to by mystics and theologians as the etheric realm, or the afterlife.

Remote viewing in its early days was largely developed by the well known Ingo Swann, working under contract at the Stanford Research Institute, in a programme that was funded mainly by the United States Defence Intelligence Agency. It’s hard to believe that Stanford, and the US government would waste their time and money, not to mention their reputation, on anything that might smack of foolish imagination. They must have had something to gain!

For a person with a naturally peaceful mind, Remote Viewing, or more accurately “Remote Perception”, is as natural as breathing. In other words, to be successful at remote viewing, the noisy clatter of the conscious mind must


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be stilled. It has often been said that the ancient sages were actually our first astronauts. While in a deeply relaxed state, they let their minds roam the fabric of the universe, and some of them perceived what was there with surprising accuracy. Was this how Johanathan Swifft got his information about the moons of Mars, in his GULLIVERS TRAVELS?

The subconscious mind, we can call it the subspace mind, or the intelligence of the soul, perceives information differently from the conscious or physical mind. All evidence points to the fact that the subspace mind is omnipresent across space and time. We have already seen, that time and space, are no limitations for the human mind. You do not have to leave your body, or go anywhere when you remote view. You just follow a set of procedures that allows you to shift your awareness from one area of your intelligence to another. The human soul is vital to the success of remote viewing, as we mentioned earlier, the soul works through the mind, to control, the physical body.



His journey in subspace ended, and the cloak that was

draped around him, shielding him from the intense light, was slowly lifted. Courtney recoiled in surprise. There before him was what seemed like hundreds of thousands of Greys. These were extraterrestrials, and they existed in subspace just like humans. He extended his hand to them, and then went reeling back into the half-open cloak in pain, intense psychological and emotional anguish, not physical hurting. This took his breath away; he tried again, trying to see the situation from ‘their’ perspective. This time the feeling was one of calmness, perhaps a ‘blankness’, as if there were no surface emotions, but there was something very deep. The pain he


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felt earlier was related to how his mind would feel if forced to live as a Grey consciousness. The transition process was too abrupt.

At that point he heard the voice saying “These are the beings that you want to help.” It was the voice of his Aunt Elsie.

Aunt Elsie was one of the people Courtney encountered in one of his early attempts at Remote viewing. Along with this aunt, were his grandfather, grandmother and great-aunt. So, science and the spirit realm somehow seemed to have connected.

Let’s get back to Courtney’s experience. One of the Greys approached him and asked if he was there to help. He was confused, and mumbled something to the effect that he did not know, and would try, perhaps. Somehow a deep sadness overwhelmed him. He knew help was needed, but how could he help. The cloak covered him again; he said his goodbyes and returned home.

That was another poignant reassurance of the reality of our cosmic family, and the tremendous versatility of our amazing cosmic communicator.

It was also encouraging to know that the spiritual / subspace realm is just as real as the physical / conscious world.

Just a little more ….. The landscape was flat and sandy, the building looked

like it was made of wood, nearby there was a pyramid – type structure, and this construction appears to be used for worship. He perceived people here of all ages, and animals, lots of people and animals. The ambience of this place was somehow sombre. With a sense of resoluteness combined with need or necessity. Something almost sad was happening there…

Thousands of people were running in panic. Many had died, more were dying. An erupting volcano added to the disaster, but this catastrophe seemed more global than local.


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Desperation prevailed everywhere. Moving a little forward in time, Courtney observed

that the survivors had set up a village nearby, with the help of strangers who had come from far away. Calmness was gradually taking over, but with that calmness, came a sense of hopelessness. This whole happening could be described in one word – CATASTROPHE!

This was one of Courtney’s first results at Remote Viewing the last phases of life on Mars. We will hear more from Courtney Brown later, along with more about Mars from completely different sources.

Now a very sobering and practical use that SRV has been put to, as reported by an Indian News publication:

The 13th SAARC – South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation – meeting in 2005, with the seven South Asian countries was shocked and dismayed when news was conveyed to them that India would not be attending their summit in Bangladesh. However the Indians held firm in their decision not to send their delegation. The reason? Remote Viewers in their Intelligence department ‘discovered’ a plot by fundamentalist militants to assassinate Indian leaders during the meeting in Dhaka.

A team of security experts in the Bangladesh capital city investigated the suspected breach of security and possible means through which the terrorists could attack the Indian leaders; and were reported to be very surprised at the pin point accuracy of the details provided by the remote viewers as they uncovered the potential threat to the safety of the Indian leaders.

Using our mind to see things our eyes cannot, and perceive things hidden from our normal senses, is no longer relegated to the world of clairvoyants and occultists. Science has caught up with things spiritual.

In explaining what happens when we use our ‘Cosmic Communicator’ to Remote View, Courtney Brown elucidates:


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We expand our awareness across the fabric of time and space. Why do we do this? Because we are already universal; we have always been an integral part of God’s Universal Mind. Remote Viewing has made us realise the greater potential of our fabulous Communicator; and with it comes the greater responsibility to use this added ‘power of the mind’ conscientiously. It gives us the ability to break out of the confining cocoon we have been living in, and allow our minds to roam the heavens.

Hopefully, we will learn from what our Remote Viewing allows us to perceive, and grow individually and collectively. Most assuredly, with growth comes a yearning to evolve, to see more, and learn more, and TO BE MORE. This is the destiny which flows from our being of Divine Heritage, the result of having STARDUST IN OUR VEINS.

Let us not allow the purveyors of fear to deter us, let’s leave our mark in the universe, our footprint in the stardust of time. Let’s make this universe a better place because of us.

***** It was 1997; Michael was still involved in Remote

Viewing, attached to Mars Base. His job was offensive and defensive, to “Defend the Grid”, from Reptilians.

Stephnie Relfe’s “THE MARS RECORDS 1” describes the Reptilians, as a race of aliens, between 6 and 7 feet tall, looking like walking crocodiles, with quite definite human characteristics. Reptilians live on many planets, including the star systems in Orion, and extensive cavern structures beneath the Earth. They are known to be cruel, highly intelligent, telepathic and domineering; often displaying an utter contempt for humans, who they consider as being immeasurably inferior to themselves. Having a high understanding of the environment around them, they are also able to appear in a room, as a disembodied spirit. Reptilians have been on Earth for a very long time, about as long as humans, so they are as native as we are, on Earth, even


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though commonly known as aliens.

***** Michael received his orders; and does a ‘watch and

reconnoitre’, but there’s something not quite right with this military person in the green uniform that he was ordered to ‘examine’. The order was upgraded to “terminate”. Michael noticed that this guy appeared to have had something done to him; he was not what he seemed to be.

Michael ‘terminated’ him with a blast of psychic energy. (Remember he was doing all this by ‘remote viewing’ from Mars. Just imagine the awesome power of the mind!!). Michael Relfe then realised that this ‘person’ he has just killed was not a living being at all – he’s some kind of organic robot; an organic robot, impersonating a military officer? What about ‘his’ family? Did he have one and did they know??

We will be paying Stephanie Relfe’s THE MARS RECORDS another visit very soon. Please remember, fanciful, though all this may appear, there’s nothing fictional about it… Just read on.

Peter was taking a break. Suddenly he became unsettled, took his cigarette out of his mouth, and look around anxiously 50…

High above him and out of sight Bob was being given a demonstration of Remote Psychprobing. Orii, his contact person from the planet Korundor, had picked out this taxi driver at random; an invisible beam ‘connected’ him to the space craft’s computer, which then displayed this unwary persons information: “His name is Peter ---, he is 36 years old, lives in Washington, has a wife and three children, two boys and a girl. He drives a 1961 Chevrolet, white and red, 50 UFO CONTACT FROM KORENDOR: by Wendelle Stevens.


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two door hardtop type, on which he owes three more payments. He will go off duty at 06:00……..”

Bob was later taken to a special observation room in the spacefraft, where all the incoming and outgoing information was processed. There were several screens / monitors plastered on the wall. As he entered the room, only one as in use; showing a clear view of the Pentagon, in Washington. He was informed that it was also monitoring brainwaves from those inside the five-sided military command centre. These patterns were constantly on display on another rack of monitors.

As he was still taking all this enthralling information in, Bob noticed a man being teleported from Earth to the hovering space craft. This exercise was to tap into his subconscious. This man was a very important military commander, who had volunteered to help the Korundor Earth peace cause. This senior officer was being ‘abducted’ in his sleep, while on vacation. When he was returned to his bed later, he would have no recollection of this experience.

Yes “They” probably know all about each one of us. But what is even more worrisome is what Bob had been shown a little later while still in the Korundian space craft…

An important military looking meeting was in progress far below the craft. Orri placed a helmet on Bob’s head, immediately he found himself in a comfortable chair, in a spacious office. Before him on a mahogany desk, was a copy of a manual pertaining to one of the US’s bombers. Assorted papers, pens, and a pair of phones completed the desk array.

Bob’s mind was now in the head of an officer at the same meeting they were observing only a few moments ago.

He could hear Orri telling him, softly, that he now had complete control of this officer, what ever he wanted the man to do, he would do. All this was getting a bit too much for Bob to handle.

Then, to his utter amazement, he soon discovered that


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Joseph ---, (now he even knew the officer’s name!) DID and said exactly what Bob wanted him to, and looked quite comfortable and relaxed while doing so. The others in the office, started speaking about things pertaining to the meeting, and Bob quickly removed the helmet, realising that intruding into this meeting was something he did not want to be guilty of.

However, the point was made. Bob realised that every move we make can, and often is monitored by our elder brothers, and sisters from the cosmos. Aren’t we lucky, that there IS a cosmic law which prevents others with ulterior motives from not just monitoring, but CONTROLLING us, and our world’s affairs!

Non-interference might be the statute, but there are black sheep within our family that try to circumvent that rule, they do this by teaching Earth’s own egotistic humans how to monitor and control their brothers’ mind, the results of this, we see all around us.

Our more enlightened galactic family have always been trying to save us from ourselves, and from those who appear to be constantly trying to ‘win’ us over to their schema.

***** It looked like an airless world, indeed it was the

Moon, he recognised it as it hung there a beautiful azure globe against the background of blazing stars; a spectacular sight. But he had to bring his mind back to the subject of his study.

He felt like he was in a laboratory of sorts. There were transparent tubes, on shelves. One tube in particular held his attention. It was filled with a green oil-like liquid. Inside this tube he could make out the foetus-like form of an infant. It wasn’t human; it was an unborn grey alien. Yes, this particular establishment on our Moon was being used by the grey type aliens as a sort of store / incubation house for their unborn.


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This came as a bit of a surprise to Courtney Brown. He was carrying out a routine Scientific Remote Viewing exercise, trying to discover what really happened to the ill fated Mars Observer space probe sent to Mars by NASA. Readers might recall that on August 21st 1993, all contact with the probe was mysteriously lost. A little less than a year later, in February 1994, Courtney was endeavouring to use his Cosmic Communicator, to transcend space and time, and find out what really happened to that spacecraft.

What he ‘saw’ was interesting indeed. He established that the probe was actually destroyed (shot down) by a group of grey aliens. When investigating the origin of one of these greys, Courtney ended up at that prenatal laboratory/ward on the Moon.

Yes this is a wonderful universe we live in; our galactic family is interacting in ways we can hardly dream of.

***** They were males and females in this group, very thin

and light, with wispy hair. It looked like they belonged to a clan of priests. As a matter of fact they did. These people also had the rare ability to disconnect their spirit bodies from their physical. They did this when they visited the spiritual / subspace world.

They lived underground, and according to Courtney some of their people have already moved to planet Earth, while the rest were still on Mars. These priests were not too happy with the possibility of their followers integrating into Earth’s society.

Courtney Brown was now Remote Viewing the present day Martian priesthood. You can read substance; more of this in his “Cosmic Voyage”.

Let’s go back to that ill fated Mars probe we spoke of. The Mars Observer was approaching its destination. This


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probe was scheduled to take detailed photographs of much, if not all of the Martian surface. Scientists were excitedly waiting for the first shots, especially of the areas of the so called surface anomalies. They waited, but nothing happened, suddenly all contact was lost between the craft and ground controllers. Not long before this, a Soviet probe sent to photograph Mars’ moon Phobos suffered the same fate. What was happening? Was Mars jinxed, or were ghosts of an ancient civilisation trying to keep aliens away from their home planet?

The answer apparently came in February 1994; in a rather spectacular Scientific Remote Reviewing session, Courtney Brown discovered that the Mars Observer was destroyed by a projectile-type device launched by an alien craft that was based in an underground hangar. Brown went on to say he ‘saw’ many beings in the hangar; these were the small Grey types. Not the typical human type Martians. Exactly what was it that these beings did not want us to find out? We need to do more serious remote viewing.

Do read “COSMIC VOYAGE” & “COSMIC EXPLORER” by Courtney Brown. You can download them free from . You won’t be disappointed.

***** TWO BRANCHES OF THE FAMILY TREE COMPARED: The following is a fascinating tryst from “Cosmic Explorers”…

This was a large room, the adult appeared to be a big Reptilian, and the rest were little children. The alien was talking to the little ones. He was not trying to control them, but just endeavouring to learn about human children through observing them. In spite of this, there was an unmistakeable mood of control and coercion in the atmosphere.

The children were brought here by uniformed human military men. This appeared to be a day-care centre for


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human orphans run by military authorities for the purpose of assisting the Reptilians in their efforts to interact and understand humans.

Leaving this scene, Courtney moved to another location. The mood here is much different. He felt more at ease here, almost like he was a member of the crew, or a colleague.

There was a ‘transparent’ physical / spiritual relationship with what was occurring here. The emotions felt deep, and he instinctively knew he was in a Grey place (do remember there are more than one type of Grey extraterrestrials, some are not so pleasant); these subjects were holding no secrets about themselves.

These beings want humans as friends – voluntarily. They want us to desire to be near them, and it should be that desire which creates a bonding between the two species that will last.

Courtney now realised – and wished to convey this in his book – the difference in the way these two species / branches of our cosmic family wish to interact with us.

In the Reptilian / children scene, coercion was used against totally innocent and helpless children, orphans who have no parental protectors. Metaphorically, this is how this race of beings wants to interact with and “care for” humans.

The Greys on the other hand cannot operate on this level of duress. They want us to interact with them with the innocence and openness of children, but as adults, who choose to do so of our own accord.

Isn’t this very similar to the behaviour between some members of our own branch of the human family?

We will leave our description of Scientific Remote Viewing here; the interested reader can get all he or she needs to become really proficient in this wonderful field, with a visit to Courtney Brown’s amazing website:


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And there are bodies celestial,

and bodies terrestrial:

but, one is the glory of the celestial,

and another of the terrestrial.

One is the glory of the sun,

another the glory of the moon,

and another the glory of the stars.

For star differeth from star in glory.

1 Corinthians 15:40-41


“One small step for man”…he said Another footprint in ancient moon dust – did form. That primeval stirring – relentless tugging at his soul- Leads mankind onward, ever onward - , Back to the star fields, of his celestial home. Distant worlds, among ancient stars, Home of infant man, became Through the warps of space and time, He soon began to crawl. Worlds were born, and worlds have died – Recycled, dust to stars – to dust again.


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But the souls of men move on – they move on… From the realms of ancient Lyra Through the lovely Pleiades cluster; His early, childhood footsteps can be traced. Was there, as Orion’s infant stars were forming, The neighbourhood of Sirius he called home. Soon he was riding time, across celestial seas, Along event horizons, ‘mid spindrift galaxies. through surging surf of starry sprays, and foam. Now t’was time to visit Sol’s young family of worlds. A glimpse of Jupiter’s homely moons, and – Saturn’s charming swirls, Like crystal diadems, hanging in the air. But Earth’s alluring beauty stole his heart away, A perfect planet - azure, and so fair For it was on Sol’s jewel, Earth That destiny decreed – Our Father’s next celestial act be played. More hard lessons learned, once more the price was paid; The seeds of life were sown – and the harvest ready made. Another branch his family tree was sprouting. Earthman has come of age; his wanderlust a stirring, More footprints on another world, again - are in the making.


This universe, we are told is quite literally teeming with life; life, not necessarily as we know it. Human, physical life may even be possible underground on some


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planets of our own solar system. But life in the astral or spiritual planes would be quite probable, in fact, according to Edgar Cayce, our soul passes through the stimulus of each planet in our sun’s family; from “Those spheres as in Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Earth Uranus, and Neptune. There is the ‘changing from one development to another’ until the entity graduates from this solar system through to Arcturus”, which as seen from here is the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes, and the third brightest star in the night sky.

What do we mean by ‘one development to another?’ For example, Cayce goes on to explain that a person who manifests enormous hate, and total misuse of the laws of the flesh may have to make a new start, as it were, and to do that effectively would be ‘sent’ to the realms of Saturn, where these changes are expedited (presumably not in the physical body). It appears that the planets are not there just to enjoy, in the third dimension. Shades of the Purgatory of some of our Christian friends…

Life on Earth waxes and wanes in step with our journey through the cosmos. We all know that the motion of the moon, gives us our tides, but it’s not just the seas that sway to the lunar rhythm. Those involved with the planting and harvesting of herbs know that it also controls the flow of sap in the plants. Human behaviour, and certain bodily functions show definite signs that they follow the same beat, a beat whose tempo is dictated by the relative positions of the Sun, Moon and the Earth.

On a more obvious and wider scale, life’s ebb and flow is controlled by the four seasons, that is, the proximity of the different parts of the Earth to the Sun. Yes, just that comparatively small difference, caused by the tilt of our axis, and the ensuing change in angle of the Sun’s light and warmth causes substantial changes in life patterns on Earth, changes ranging from our bleak snow-bound winters, to our sunny fun-filled summers.


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The local force that holds the Moon and Earth together, and the greater force that keeps the Earth in orbit around the Sun, are not the only energies that permeate our beings. We are soaked in far stronger though much less noticed energies. These are the forces that bind whole star systems together in galaxies, and whole galaxies together in clusters, and clusters into super clusters of galaxies.

In the thick of this seething mass of pure energy, is man. With that supersensitive organ we call the brain; he is ready and quite capable, as we will see later on – of picking up ultra-long distance transmissions. Communications that could be carried by these waves of all pervading energy, the same way a person’s voice is carried great distances by waves of the electromagnetic type, into his transistor radio.

It would be absurdly short sighted to consider that these forces do not have any effect on life on Earth. Each one of us is after all a very unique part of the whole, all tied together with this all encompassing symphony of energies. As winter turns to spring, with the Sun’s rays are more direct on that part of the globe, life stirs and wakes from its winter sleep. Our sun, with its family of planets waltzes around on its 250 million or so, year journey through the Milky Way galaxy. It does this, we might add, fairly smartly, skipping along at about 220 Kilometres per second. As we approach certain areas in the galaxy that pour out higher levels of energies, than we have been accustomed to in the past; perhaps even different types of energies to what we have ever encountered before, couldn’t we expect a change of some sort, in life here?

Perchance this explains the widespread change in our thought patterns over the last few decades, with more accent being placed on the spiritual and subconscious level of our thinking. Since the 1970s there has been an unprecedented increase in the use of mind-bending drugs and a mushrooming of new religious cults that seem to be springing up all over. Maybe these are just some of the signs


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of a stirring, a spiritual / mental re-awakening of the entire human race, as it enters the spring and summer of its higher development.

With all his fancy technical know-how, man has still not been able to alter the effects of any of these celestial rhythms; we certainly appear to be puppets on the cosmic stage. We cannot change the beat, but we can use our minds to add our very own lyrics to this melody of the stars. Whether we realise it or not, it seems that the strings of our cosmic communicator are being tweaked up, making us better prepared to stay in tune with the rest of the cosmos. Let us become one with the universe, and enjoy it, rather than trying to control everything in it.

If what we are being told by Semjase and the likes of her, are accurate; if our own archaeological finds, the evidence left behind by our ancestors are true; and if what our primitive tribes such as the Dogons have been suggesting are even vaguely true; it looks like humanity on Earth has already been through a spring, and summer of its celestial seasons, and is just coming through its autumn and winter cycles.

The obvious question now is –‘Is there a reason for us being in this play? If so, why are we playing it out on the stage of this planet’? Limited by our five senses, and unable to remember our cosmic heritage, we could only guess – till now. Until now, the only place to get an answer to these questions was from religion. Now we have a second source of information, a source that claims to have its origins in the cosmos itself. From this source come the voices of those like Ashtar, and Semjase.

Jesus said, (in the gospels), that we cannot enter “heaven” until “every jot and tittle” has been paid. Many other religions tell us the same thing; Christian psychics like Edgar Cayce say so too. Could we honestly believe that they are ALL dippy?

Let’s presume that at least some of them are right, it’s


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far more exciting, and a great many things begin to make a lot more sense, things which otherwise make no sense at all. When we do this we will find that life has more meaning, and even God seems to draw nearer to us. Or perhaps it is us who start drawing nearer to Him – at last!

We pause here for a while, and go back to our question, why are we here on Earth, so limited by our physical senses… Let’s draw again from the Bible, gifted psychics, and our own commonsense. Let’s meld together tradition, mythology and religion, and form a hypothesis, then let’s see if we have to distort the evidence we have around us to fit our hypothesis. If evidence has to be pushed aside or contorted in any way to fit a theory, I would rather throw away that theory, and look for a new one, one that is compatible with the evidence. As our theories evolve to fit the evidence we will stand amazed, watching humanity dance to the beat of a cosmic drum – not against its will, mind you, not against its will!

Strange as it may seem, our subconscious mind actually does remember its cosmic roots, and all its past experiences, but there appear to be very good reasons why our conscious self is spared that dubious privilege. Using the amazing ability of the mind to paint mental pictures, let’s imagine you are now, a deep sea diver on board your boat off the West coast of Australia. The water is perfectly calm and clear you can see the outline of the shipwreck clearly below. Your job is to retrieve the valuable cargo of gold bullion trapped in the ruin at the bottom of the sea. As we said, the weather is perfect, and the sea is calm. You can’t wait to get this assignment over and done with. What you don’t know about because you cannot see it, are the strong cross-currents on the sea floor. You don your old fashioned, lead weighted diving suit; your mates help you screw on the copper helmet, with its oval face-plate, that severely restricts your field of vision. The suit weighs a ton, but that’s normal. Soon you are lowered into the peaceful sea; the air smells odd, as you


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breathe it through the long rubber hose, but all’s well as you adjust to the near weightlessness while you sink lower and lower towards your goal, quite clearly visible now. This shouldn’t take too long. But, just as your feet touch the floor, everything changes; the strong currents take hold of you. It takes all your strength and determination just to stay upright, and keep from being whisked away. A couple of six-foot sharks circle you menacingly. In your frantic struggle silt bellows up from the ocean floor, you can hardly see where you are going. Eventually you reach the wreck, but alas, your airline gets tangled with its broken timbers, you now have difficulty breathing. This is your desperate reality. The boat high above is all but a dream; even the faint voices of your mates sound peculiarly unreal, as they filter through the twisted lifeline. With the very last ounce of your strength you manage to tug on the line; they haul you up. As a final insult, you develop the bends. It’s not too bad, though, and you recover.

At last it’s all over, and as you lie there on the deck of your boat, your home base, the sea is calm, the weather is perfect. The trauma you just went through is fast becoming an unpleasant memory, a memory of a disturbing reality.

If we consider the diving suit as our physical body… The rest needs very little imagination…

Some time after MAN was created `in His likeness` (remember he was in spirit form) we are told that he `fell`. This `fall`, we are also told resulted in various forms of mutations in life forms on Earth. The laws of cause and effect, which state that every single letter of the law is accomplished, and nothing is left unpaid, (remember Jesus saying this too?) made it necessary that `fallen` man had to set things right himself. But if this meant doing so while in the (probably mutated) form of an animal, things would be hopeless, due to the very limited state of development of the animal mind. Indeed man was in a hopeless mess! God, the creator of man, had to intervene. Of course, He could have


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done this personally, or He could have used another of His creations, the same way He now uses parents to bring up their children, in the proper way. So, intervene He did, and created a special man, a physical being, who could interact with the physical / animal world around him, while still retaining his spiritual / cosmic identity, for God breathed His life force into this man Adam. Strangely, we are not told that He BREATHED life into the animals. This `Breath` must have been something different from just physical life. Man now had the physical attributes – such as a larger brain capacity, etc. than his animal companions, to enable him to make a second start at setting things right. Is this the so-called ‘second account’ of the creation story in Genesis? It seems more believable to think that it was written the way it really happened. Maybe this is why we are here, to pay for our original ‘fall’? But this seems to fly in the face of our present theories of evolution, and theology. Isn’t it better to change a theory, than to tamper with the evidence?

Here are some theories from well-known experts. Fortunately, these theories were discarded. Hard evidence finally caused their downfall.

In 1940, Admiral William Leahy is reported to have said that the atomic bomb is the “biggest fool thing we have ever done. The thing will never go off.” The admiral was an expert on explosives.

The well known astronomer Dr F. Moulton, said in 1932 that there is no hope for the “fanciful idea of reaching the moon, because of the insuperable barriers of escaping the Earth’s gravity”.

“Anyone who looks for the source of power in the transformation of atoms is talking moonshine”. So expounded the much celebrated British physicist, Lord Rutherford, in 1933.

Now let’s open a side door, and tread very carefully, we are in the very subtle spirit filled country now, but let’s not forget it is the spirit that controls the body anyway.


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Among the first creations of pure spirit beings, we are told, were those beings we call the angels. Just as we have different levels of power/authority, in our society, so also among the angels there apparently is. According to several sources, many eons ago there was a `revolt` of sorts at the highest level of the angelic hierarchy. An extremely `powerful` angel called Lucifer being the leader of the revolt.

The effects of this revolution spread through the cosmos, through galaxies, and eventually to Earth. Now, man was not just the victim of his own folly, but while being `separated` from his divine source, he was left vulnerable to those `forces of darkness`, as the revolting angelic forces became known as. This combined effect on man proved to be disastrous, in terms of his setting things right with his Maker. The battle lines were now drawn between the `forces of darkness`, and the `forces of light`- those of the spiritual forces who were attempting to assist man in his `struggle`. ‘Fallen’ man was vulnerable indeed, because he was severely limited by his physical senses, while his adversary had all the power of an archangel. Man needed help desperately. Perhaps it is worth realising at this point that what was happening on this planet was in all probability also happening on many other planets in the cosmos. Let’s hop off this world now for a short break; we’ll return to Earth in a moment…

Looking around in our own planetary backyard; what do we encounter? We find what appears to be irrefutable evidence that a long time ago intelligent people have more than likely been living in our cosmic neighbourhood. In their enthralling book THE MARS MYSTERY Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, and John Grisby, bring to our attention several mind blowing photographs that were sent back by NASA’s Mars space probes. These pictures show definite signs that Mars was once a world very much like our own, (on a smaller scale, of course), with rivers, seas, and even elaborate cities. Something happened way back in ages past,


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the curtain came down very suddenly, on their act – their dance was over. Yes, it does appear that Hoyle’s PANSPERMA, did take root on Mars, a long time ago.

Evidence from another source suggests that it took root somewhere else as well, in our solar system. This is another ‘message’ received from ASHTAR,51 by one of the thousands of contactees scattered all over the world. We will be investigating this source later in this book.

“Once again, man from the outer universe can come to you, ----- and (offer) our help to you. If you permit yourselves to indulge in thermonuclear destruction, your planet will be lost -----This is the hour when humanity must count the cost and not deafen their ears to the call, as did MALDEK. --------If enough of mankind calls, in concern for your world, we can come and prevent your total annihilation. MALDEK did not have those who would call, those who would reach for divine intervention, and so, the results of their choice now film the outer rim of your world.”

MALDEK, we are told from many sources, was one of the names, used to identify the planet whose orbit was located between those of Mars and Jupiter; LUCIFER was another. These sources tell us that its inhabitants were very highly advanced, technically, but ethically, and spiritually, were very degenerate. After a devastating nuclear war in which most of the inhabitants were wiped out, the planet itself finally disintegrated into a mass of radioactive debris, which now forms the asteroid belt.

This may sound too far-fetched, but let’s remember we ARE only gathering data at this stage. This evidence does include the fact that the asteroid belt just happens to lie in the precise spot in our solar system, where a planet’s orbit would be, if there was one, between Mars and Jupiter. It also consists of a collection of jagged chunks of rock, some of

51 ASHTAR – A TRIBUTE: by Tuella: Inner Light – Global Communications.


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them too little to be seen even in large telescopes. Others are several hundred kilometres in diameter, some composed of material similar to what we might find in the crust of the Earth, while others are composed of nickel and iron, similar to what you would find at the core of a planet, like Earth. All of these known facts encourage many scientists to conclude that this belt of rocks is indeed the debris of a disintegrated planet, about the size of Earth.

Though they do not mention Maldek by name, Hancock, Bauval, and Grisby, do suggest in their book, that the breaking up of a neighbouring planet was very likely how the story of Mars reached its finale! Their compelling book THE MARS MYSTERY, seems to support this theory.

It’s interesting, to note here, that Zecharia Sitchin, in his EARTH CHRONICLES, suggests that the asteroid belt was formed with the break up, of the planet Tiamat. Oh, if only we could take ourselves back in time, to see if either (or even both) of these theories are correct. An interesting project for Remote Viewing, I suppose…

Could Tiamat and Maldek be one and the same planet? Cayce did tell us that life started in Atlantis about 10 million years ago. He also said that the Atlantean civilisation degenerated, before their land broke up. Ten million years ago there was no Earth, according to Zecharia Sitchin.

History is full of accounts linking natural phenomenon with Divine intervention. God seems to favour well timed natural calamities to bring errant humanity back to Him; the Biblical flood being a classic example. According to Sitchin it was caused by Earth’s close encounter with Nibiru, but was touted to have been used by The Creator of All, and by the Anunnaki to cleanse humanity of its wayward members, and make a new start.

Could the destruction of Tiamat, the ‘original Earth’ be linked to a Devine plan – the same plan that led Nibiru and the Anunnaki into our solar system, and planet Earth?

Additional support for the theory of a planetary


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catastrophe in Mars’ neighbourhood comes from an unexpected source. In “Cosmic Voyage”, Remote Viewer Courtney Brown suggests that the demise of Mars was caused by a “Natural Disaster”, in the form of a monster asteroid, or comet. I suppose anyone could call a broken-off chunk of the planet Maldek a large asteroid. Courtney described a large asteroid whipping across the Martian atmosphere, causing huge turbulence which eventually resulted in the complete loss of its atmosphere.

It’s not too difficult to envision huge chunks of a planet flying around where Maldek used to be in space, only to be cleaned up by Mars on its next or subsequent orbit. Hancock, Bauval and Grisby suggest three super large portions of the ex-planet striking the death blow to an already gasping Mars.

Perhaps there WAS a Maldek, which self-destructed, then wiped out life on Mars, as Hancock, Bauval, and Grisby, and Ashtar suggested – before Nibiru came on the scene, 450,000 years ago. Life in our solar system seems to have been very active even long before planet Earth, as we know it, was born.

Just to emphasise the far reaching and devastating consequences of this supposed destruction of a planet can be, astronomers have identified scores of asteroids with diameters of over one hundred kilometres, and many of these are in highly elliptical, and unstable orbits that cross Earth’s path twice every revolution. This means that sooner or later one could conceivably collide with Earth, and most probably wipe out our civilisation, many times over! There is evidence to suggest that this annihilation has happened more than once in the past.

All this, we might add, probably because a very long time ago, the people on another world made the wrong choice, and aligned themselves with the wrong forces.

However, not a single soul or spirit is destroyed in conflagrations like this, we are told. The temporary, physical


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body is snuffed out, but the real people, their souls/spirits, return to make amends, to repay their “Jot and Tittle”, so we are told. We don’t have to believe this, it makes absolutely no difference to the big picture, and our cosmic dance goes on regardless.

When we study the Cayce readings, with the Anunnaki in mind we come to the amazing realisation that the souls of many of those inhabitants of Tiamat / Maldek may well have incarnated on this planet in our time, and very possibly living with us right now. Some of them could be wielding the same power and authority they did all those eons ago, on a long forgotten planet. We hope lessons have been well learned.

Meanwhile, still in our own planetary neighbourhood…

***** “These ‘’babies’ are huge sir! Enormous! Oh

my God! You wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater’s edge! They are on the Moon, watching us!”

The above, a message from Apollo 11 soon after it landed on the Moon, was picked up by radio hams with their own VHF equipment, independently of NASA’s broadcasting networks. It has not been officially confirmed by NASA, but because similar conversations between American and Russian astronauts have been reported by several sources, we must admit it as evidence.

Ever wondered why NASA has dumped its lunar expeditions, after once spending billions of dollars on them? Could it be that we have been warned to stay off the Moon? A growing number of people seem to think so.

In an enthralling book – SOMEBODY ELSE IS ON THE MOON, George Leonard continues in the same vein. After an extensive analysis of NASA photographs, and studies of the works of other professional astronomers, he writes of ‘bridges’ across lunar chasms, domed-shaped


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objects inside craters, a five mile high tower topped by a very large cube, over a mile across, even moving lights across the lunar landscape. Leonard writes that the professionals chose to ignore these signs. They do not fit into orthodoxy, so they are just swept under the carpet of ‘science.’ Sounds all too familiar!

Adding to these anomalies, and stirring the imagination even further, is the reported discovery of several distinct pyramid structures on the moon’s surface, in the vicinity of the Apollo landing site in the Sea of Tranquillity. Although NASA denies having stumbled across anything unusual on the moon, other prestigious professionals do not believe that. A noted Russian space engineer, added to the mystery by saying that ‘the distribution of these lunar objects is similar to the plan of the Egyptian pyramids … The centres of the spires in this lunar “abaca” are arranged EXACTLY the same way as the apices of the three great pyramids.”

The implications of this discovery are staggering,, because if it is true, these structures would also match the others found on Mars, by NASA’s Mar’s probes. We now have an undeniable connection between Earth and the only two extraterrestrial objects we are able to examine in any detail, the moon and Mars. Heaven knows what we will find as we venture outwards! ALIEN AGENDA by Jim Marrs carries us into that enchanting realm of possibilities.

From all this, it does appear that the sower of PANSPERMA has been very active in our part of the galaxy. And if we are to give any credence to, Tuella, Greta Woodrew, Ruth Montgomery, and their likes, those life giving seeds have been spread around very abundantly indeed, through all galaxies! We could be having cousins EVERYWHERE!

In December 2002, while observing a massive star forming region of the Milky Way, astronomers using the IRA radio dish array in France, detected an important building block of RNA mingled within its hot compact core. They


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discovered that these molecules had formed with all the other bits and pieces that went to make up stars and planets; suggesting that countless other worlds are seeded with some of life’s vital ingredients right from birth.

As we read these pages, there could well be millions, if not billions of planets where life has, at this moment, evolved to the right stage for more advanced members of the cosmic family to step in, and engender the quantum leap in evolution to bring those planets into the space-faring fraternity – much like it happened on a planet called Earth.

But battle lines do appear to have been drawn however, and the cosmos does carry the scars of fearsome wars!

By the way, it must be stated here, that NASA vehemently denies having come across any traces of intelligent life anywhere outside of Earth. However, we also remember that the whole world vehemently refused to believe Copernicus when he re-interpreted the evidence at hand, and suggested the whole world was wrong. The time seems to be just about right for another PARADIGM SHIFT!

With such piles of ‘evidence’ pointing this way, it seems certain that very soon we are going to be made to realise that life, INTELLIGENT LIFE, is more the rule in the cosmos, than the exception. Along with this realisation comes another that we, together with the masses of extraterrestrials, have all originated from that same outpouring of PANSPERMA, SPIRIT OF GOD, BREATH OF LIFE, whatever you like to call it. Scientifically this cannot be proved, but then again, scientifically we cannot prove we have love in our hearts, can we? If our theory of the widespread existence of intelligent life is true, then what they say happened on the planet Maldek, could quite well have happened elsewhere in the universe. Lyssa Royal, in her book THE PRISM OF LYRA, describes similar happenings on a very distant star system.

Many eons ago, she tells us, in another part of the


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Milky Way galaxy, somewhere in the constellation of Lyra, on a planet called ‘The Apex Planet’; a humanoid race was developing very rapidly, in technology. However the gap between their spiritual growth, and technological growth, kept widening, until eventually the inevitable happened, a devastating nuclear war, with the eventual destruction of all life on the planet’s surface. Those who made it, retreated to massive underground shelters. After several hundreds, maybe thousands of years, when the radioactive contamination had reduced enough, the survivors returned to the surface, having learnt their lesson the hard way. As time passed, some of the survivors of this cataclysm moved, to colonise other planets, in the constellation of Reticulum, while others settled on planets around the red super giant star BETELGEUSE in the constellation of Orion, and to the Sirius star system. Yes the Sirius of the Dogon tribe!

This is just another account from someone who has let her Cosmic Communicator tune into ‘information’ from out there. We can read more about this civilisation in the interesting books THE PRISM OF LYRA, by Lyssa Royal, and VISITORS FROM WITHIN, written by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest.

From an unusual quarter comes an account that sounds uncomfortably similar to this one…Sort of circumstantial evidence…

Once again we visit Courtney Brown and his Scientific Remote Viewing, something we are already familiar with in this book…

The temperature on this planet is comfortably warm; he could ‘hear’ the sound of machinery working in the distance. The inhabitants look like an early species of the Greys, their eyes are a bit smaller, and they have genitalia – something that appeared to have become atrophied in the later species – and the skin on their face looked a bit pockmarked. While Courtney looked on, these beings were working busily.


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Then something happened, something unusual. There was fighting, not like human fighting, a biological war. He sensed a tremendous fear, among the people, fear and a sense of desperation. Mixed with this was a feeling like ‘the sky was falling’. Courtney picked up a clear perception that their world was coming to an end – a definite catastrophe. All hell had broken loose.

Moving forward a bit in time; he noticed that all the survivors have moved underground. The fighting had stopped, and they are spending a very long period of time underground, attempting to enhance their technology as fast as possible, with the eventual hope of moving off their home planet.

Courtney noticed that eventually they developed a method of manipulating and generating physical and spiritual energy. These Greys were also close to developing a means of subspace transport.

After being forced to exist underground for so long, they yearned to see natural light…Sounds so much like the inhabitants of Lyssa Royal’s devastated Apex planet, doesn’t it?

Is this just silly day dreaming? Maybe, but we will be adding to this evidence soon. Let’s end our break, and return to planet Earth.

Allison looked around in awe. She noticed rows of shelves containing what looked like life size holograms of strange looking beings. Her alien escort explained that these were “flawed” results of earlier attempts at developing a hybrid race. Allison was informed that this hybrid breeding project had to go ahead because the community of aliens could not sustain themselves as a race much longer, being the result of a genetic mix / manipulation from eons ago; a genetic experiment that did not work perfectly, in the long


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term. Is this the continuation of Lyssa’s story? Keep

reading my friends, keep reading!

***** Phillip Krapf52 was understandingly bemused when at

62 years of age he had his first and perhaps only direct contact with a being from another world. It was 2.30 a.m. on July the 14th 1997; this editor of the Metro copy of the LA Times, and member of the team that won a Pulitzer Prize, was taken on the trip of his life. We need not go into the details of this encounter, it reads like a typical meeting with benevolent beings from another planet. It is added here to emphasise the sheer volume of encounters we, as a race have been having with extraterrestrial members of our human family. It also brings to mind the fact that even no-nonsense, high profile persons, who have nothing to gain from the publicity, have these life changing experiences.

The VERDANTS told Krapf, that “the angels of Peace are assisting” with the enlightening of Earth’s humanity to accept the reality of its cosmic heritage, and keep us moving, away from nuclear devastation, and towards cosmic brotherhood and peace. When we read this, we must keep in mind the fact that Phillip Krapf had too much of a reputation to lose if he identified himself with this mumbo-jumbo, but he must have been sufficiently stirred from within, to be motivated enough to go ahead and publish his book “The Contact Has Begun”

52 THE CONTACT HAS BEGUN: by Phillip Krapf; ©1998, Hay House Inc. Carlsbad, CA .


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“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,

but against principalities, against powers,

against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Ephesians 6:12


And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language;

and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from

them, which they have imagined to do,

let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand

one another's speech.

Gen. 11: 6, 7.

If we now remember that in all probability Moses got his information for this book from ancient Sumerian records he was most likely reiterating the Anunnaki ‘god’ Enlil’s comment when the news of the building of the tower of Babel reached him:


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We are told, (by the scribes of the ancient Sumerian tablets), that the Anunnaki commander / god Enlil was furious when he heard of Marduk’s plan to build this tower, saying: “If we allow this to happen, no other matter of Mankind shall be unreached. This evil plan must be stopped!” He then proceeded to scatter abroad, their leader – Marduk, and his followers, and confound their language, so that they would not understand each other’s speech. The natives of the different countries now spoke another language, even the gods were known by different names. Marduk- Enki’s son - became RA, in Egypt.

Against the flow of the tide of Anunnaki thought, Enki – Enlil’s brother, was all in favour of making Earth humans as close as possible to the ‘gods’ themselves. Perhaps it is this element in our genes that is responsible for our insatiable craving for freedom of information.

Considering what Michael Relfe - from the Mars Records, Pat - from the Mars Force, Courtney Brown - through his Scientific Remote Viewing, Al Bielek & Preston Nichols - from the Montauk Project, and many others have been telling us. It appears that certain individuals do not wish to let the masses (that includes you and I) enjoy all the fruits of latest technology. After all knowledge is power. And power is what some individuals would like to exert over the world.

Have we ever wondered - with all the prodigious weaponry, and engineering skills our ancestors appear to have possessed - did the average man on the street get to benefit from any of it. Yes, perhaps in agriculture and animal husbandry, but ‘they’ needed food too. We have no records of the average citizen of Earth having high-tech or ‘magical’ instruments for their own use. The only exceptions perhaps, would be Edgar Cayce’s account of life in Atlantis, before the final collapse of that great civilisation. Cayce told us that the inhabitants of that land had all (and more) of the conveniences we have today; radio, TV, cars, pleasure boats,


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submarines, air craft, space craft, and even life insurance. But what about the other great civilisations? They went to great lengths to record, in stone, all their fantastic achievements, but made no mention of how their ‘magical’ science helped the ordinary people in their everyday life. Perhaps that was not important, as long as their subjects were contented, and obeyed their gods.

When the great flood was immanent, the Anunnaki took to the skies, to wait out the disaster; mankind was left to fend for himself. When the ‘gods’ unleashed their nuclear ‘terrible weapons’, and the events got out of hand, they ‘fled’ their townships, leaving their human subjects once again.

***** There was uneasiness and apprehension in the air.

The whole world was holding its breath, for everyone was expecting World War 11. Then the unthinkable happened, at the end of October 1938, the CBS radio network in America made the announcement that Martians had landed on Earth, and were invading one city after the other. Yes panic ensued; people were fleeing the area many of them reported seeing flashes of lightening in the distance, some were even overcome with the smell of poison gas. Some estimates suggested that the number of people that panicked was over 1 million.

The above was only a dramatization of a novel, but people panicked nevertheless…

Thirty nine years later, in 1977, television viewers in England could hardly believe what they were viewing. The final episode of “Science Report” from UK’s Angilia Television had just started. This episode was detailing the so-called “brain drain”, involving the mysterious disappearances and deaths of top-notch engineers, physicists, astronomers and others in related fields.

According to the research presented in this episode, it was hypothesised that the missing scientists were kidnapped, in a secret American / Soviet plan to evacuate specially


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selected humans to their bases on Mars, via a way station on the Moon. It claimed that the Earth’s surface would be unable to support life much longer, due to pollution and climate change. Therefore, the cream of life on earth would be used to populate Mars; thus saving our species from extinction. The programme ends with a video depiction a landing on the Martian surface.

As happened in 1938, this programme created pandemonium, albeit not on the same scale; in spite of the producers making it quite clear that this was fiction.

The following year, Leslie Watkins published his book “Alternative 3”, based on the TV screenplay. Many thousands, perhaps millions of people were thoroughly convinced of the authenticity of the book, refusing to believe the author, Watkins, when he insisted that it was ‘fiction – based on fact’.

However, in a letter explaining this, Watkins claims that he received “amazing mountains of letters” from people the world over, including “vast numbers” from highly intelligent people in positions of responsibility. These contacts convinced him that he had ACCIDENTLY trespassed into some “top secret truths”. After this he was constantly under surveillance, and his home phone was tapped. He became convinced that “certain intelligence agencies considered that” he probably knew too much. Had this whole ALTERNATIVE 3 episode been TOO CLOSE TO A SECRET TRUTH?

He was closer than you can imagine! Read as much as you can lay your hands on about Al Bielek and Preston Nichols; their stories will make you think, and think, and think!

The reason I placed these two bits of news next to each other is to highlight something that might otherwise go unnoticed; the reaction of the people. In both cases it appears to be utterly irrational. We, as a race appear to be totally paranoid about space and its inhabitants; could this be,


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because deep inside our memory banks unpleasant memories lie cringing in fear. Haunting memories of planetary annihilation?

After analysing many of the encounters listed in this book, it may not come as too much of a surprise that many of us could have experienced tragedies involving visits from our extraterrestrial cousins. It may also be that some of us had unpleasant experiences on other worlds, during their disintegration, and are here in this time and space, to help ourselves, and help our brothers and sisters here to learn from our experience.

Could this be the reason why so many of us are so highly strung and often go off on such a wild tangent, when we react to this subject?

It’s almost as though deep within us, there is a part of our psyche that is half expecting someone, or something to take over our lives. This is understandable, since each one of us is part of the whole cosmos, and are interconnected by the energy ‘sea’ in which we exist. Even the slightest ripple in the fabric of space/time can easily be picked up by our supersensitive mind; and what’s more, we are all becoming increasingly aware of our surroundings, ever more aware of this field of energy we live and breathe in, whether we like to admit it or not.

When trauma sends its shock waves through the cosmos, it does impinge on our minds. Some of us are more sensitive to its effects than others; but we all react to it in one way or another.

The ripples produced by the huge shock waves of trauma that have ripped through our own world in the past are still being felt. Souls who were part of the mind set that gripped Earth then are still here, trying to work out their fate. Mistakes are still being made. Stormy waters still prevail. It is really no wonder that many of us are so ‘jumpy’. We know something we don’t understand, and often, don’t want to admit…


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“The struggle is not only among you. We are also in conflict with THE OTHER FORCE, against which we have grappled for a long time, in our own world. This OTHER FORCE is like us, extraterrestrial. This confrontation has relocated to your world. You have not noticed this subtle invasion because you have been persuaded that you were alone in the universe. After all, no one can fight an enemy that ‘does not exist’.” Notice the insidious nature of the forces involved?

That snippet was from our Pleiadian friends, to us through Enrique Rincon,53 who we shall be hearing from, later. Krishnamerck, the name of this particular space cousin, continued to outline a three-phase plan worked out by the Pleiadian contingent, to protect this civilisation from another successful self-destruction. Surely other inter stellar space communities have their own strategies.

If we take a quick peek into Stephanie Relfe’s “Mars Records 1”, in which she includes an interview with Al Bielek, a survivor or the original Philadelphia Experiment. In this spellbinding book we come across Bielek’s comment that back in 1933 Roosevelt got into an agreement with the “Ks”, a group of extraterrestrials (could these be the Koldasians, or the Korendians; both of whom we cover in this book?), and because of that, in 1934 the Pleiadians went over to Nazi Germany and worked out an arrangement with them.

He tells us that they approached the US government again in 1953, with the request that the US scrap its involvement with nuclear weapons – and were turned down, politely. The US then signed with the Greys, who laid down no such conditions. Whatever happened to the ‘deal’ with the ‘Ks’, one might be prompted to ask.

Sounds uncomfortably familiar does it not? Is it the

53 UFOs – A GREAT NEW DAWN FOR HUMANITY: by Enrique Castillo Rincon. Blue Dolphin Publishing, Inc.


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same old story of the ‘Gods’ taking sides once again on Earth; or are they trying to keep humanity from annihilating itself? Hopefully, the latter is the case.

Many branches of this cosmic lineage are rallying together to help the Earthling branch of their family tree; to continue with the ‘plan’… Phase 1: To prevent the accidental commencement of global war. This nearly happened many times in the 50’s. It was revealed by the U.S. Air Force, that its SAC bombers were scrambled, and sent on their way to ‘flatten’ Russia, after its US Early Warning Radar picked up a formation of unidentified objects approaching from the East. Perhaps it was the use of the ‘Red Phone, Hot Line’ recently established between the presidents of the US, and Russia, and prayers, that prevented another worldwide holocaust!

After that, our Pleiadian friends organised large scale flyovers of their craft in several countries, to alert the gun-ho military of their existence. Phase 2: Step up the enlightening process of Earth humans, through increasing direct contacts, and spiritual and mental illumination – hence the overwhelming increase in number and frequency of contacts. This escalation will continue, till Earth man’s spiritual evolution is on a par with his technological advancement; not an easy task, given the headway the OTHER FORCE has been given.

Phase 3: Perhaps this phase can also be called ‘Plan B’. Seek out, and select suitable people take them away for a while, if necessary, and instruct them on a one-to-one basis. Provide each of them with new conscience, a new spiritual awareness. Then return them to the planet. Hopefully these men (and women) will eventually pass on this new set of values to their fellow men on their return to Earth.

This phase too is already being implemented. The


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disappearances of such people from Earth have already begun. They will be returned, and Earth will be reseeded with a fresh spiritual point of view. Many of those chosen already had this ‘mission’ imprinted in their karma, even before they were born, and would have been carrying a burning feeling within them to help this planet. Their chance has finally come.

***** There was a war going on, with ferocious fighting.

This was a ‘fight-to-the-finish’ type of war involving massive destruction. There was confusion, anger and fear everywhere. The emotions of the entire planet were mixed up, upset. This appeared to be predominantly a subspace battle – a battle mainly in the spiritual realm; yet some hostility was clearly spilling over the physical / spiritual divide.

Courtney Brown was at his Scientific Remote Viewing again, and this is another excerpt from one of his fabulous books COSMIC EXPLORERS. Let’s stay with him for a while…

This battle he was ‘viewing’ was the culmination of something that began long ago, an event of a huge magnitude. The aggressor side had many spacecraft, and had planned its activities thoroughly carrying out a premeditated and ruthless attack. Cuing on the purpose of the activity by the aggressor side, Courtney perceived that according to them, there was no acceptable alternative other than to fight, to conquer, to destroy, and force conformity; in other words, to take complete control of the defendants. To him, the aggressors, though they planned their attack meticulously, did not appear to have thought through all their actions very carefully.

Shifting his attention to the defending side, he noticed that they were more passive. They did not want this conflict. The defending side was certain they were morally and ethically in the right, and were quite resolute in their


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determination to fight, to defend themselves. Moving back to the aggressor, Courtney looked for

the motive for their attack… The defending side possessed something they wanted. It was like a prize, a jewel in the minds of many. This ‘something’ was an entire civilisation, a planet. The fight was over the control of over a whole world. It was as if the defending side had obtained some type of agreement, and the aggressor side lost out, and was now attacking to destroy.

Moving – in his mind’s eye – to the planet that is the focus of the conflict; Courtney got the impression that this planet operated mainly in the physical realm, with very little knowledge of the subspace / spiritual reality it floated in. He admired it, as it hung there in space – a beautiful blue jewel, with its tremendous biodiversity.

The aspect of this world that was most valued by the warring parties, Courtney saw, were its inhabitants. They were a resource, almost a commodity, a rare gene pool. The warring parties considered access to this gene pool as extremely important to have. The aggressor side felt deprived of something it needed, something that would have been a strategic advantage to have, and felt that fighting was the only way to ensure what it perceived to be its own right to evolve. These aggressive beings had somewhat of a self-esteem problem; feeling like the ‘odd man out’, there fore unable to access this gene pool by simply cooperating with the others. They have had problems cooperating, in the past.

According to Courtney’s deductions, after these sessions, it appeared to him that the aggressors in the above readings were the Reptilians, and the Defenders were the Greys. However here we must mention that they are many sub species of each group. By their very appearances, the reptilians would unfortunately conjure up defensive and unwelcoming emotions in a human, fostering within them the feelings that they were the ‘odd man out’. It would hardly be surprising to consider that they would feel a desperate need


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to change that if they could, even through genetic manipulation and cross breeding with humans. The reptilians, according to Courtney, have a strong dominating, controlling attitude, and would love to ‘take over’ our planet, to solve their problem. With this attitude, we might add, it would make them the prime agents for the dark forces (under Satan?) to enlist, to carry out their own agenda. They also appear to assert an interest in keeping humanity in the dark with regards to extraterrestrial life.

The Greys, on the other hand appear to be very much lacking in emotions, (though this is changing as a result of their cross breeding programme). Eons ago these beings engineered ‘emotions’ out of their genetic make up. This was after devastating emotion-driven wars eventually demolished their home world.

They are often reported to be quite curious as to how humans operate on the emotional level. They too are reported to be carrying out a vigorous cross breeding agenda of their own, with humans. The Greys do not have the domineering / controlling attitude that the reptilians have. They operate more on a communal / beehive mentality; and lack the individualistic emotional drive that characterises greed and anger.

After studying these remote viewing sessions of Courtney Brown, is it any wonder we hear reports of so many abductions involving what appear to be genetic / cross breeding activity, involving aliens. Especially concerning the Reptilians, and the Greys.

It looks as though something that the Anunnaki may have initiated, in our physical constitution, together with something that someone like Jesus rounded off, in our spiritual development, has turned Earth humans into a rather prized commodity for our cosmic brethren. Perhaps we really are a special race, a people set apart.



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But some of our cosmic cousins appear to be going all out to help us. Is it because we seem to be making a total mess of doing it ourselves? Here’s what Michael Relfe has to say about his involvement with the US military, who claim to have the security of the US, and planet Earth at heart. We have already heard of Michael, through “THE MARS RECORDS”. We were born with a God-given free will, but there some people telling us what they want us to do with it.

Metaphysical ability is an inherited and often inherent trait, in all of us. Military / alien groups have the technology to identify members of the population who possess these traits; and have active programs to seek them out.

We are told that the people who possess these qualities are then singled out and “encouraged” to join the military, or other affiliated organisations where their abilities are enhanced, and their usage controlled, by these organisations;54 just as Michael Relfe was. Their duties could involve espionage, and even assassinations, all in the name of ‘National Security’. It is more than just a possibility that an army of telepaths being bred for a future plan...

“The government’s involved, and so are the aliens. Something to do with my father – that’s how they know about me, cause my Dad worked for the government. They did something to him when he was in the US Air force at Las Vegas. I’m the result of what they did to him.” said Michael Relfe, during one of the Kinesiology and Clearing sessions with his wife Stephanie.

At the conclusion of their duties, Michael tells us, these “volunteers” are “mind blocked”, to erase all memories of their activities, and restrict the use of their abilities. They are then returned to the general population, where they are used for breeding purposes, and can be recalled at any time, for future projects, should the need arise. Their children are tagged, since they would in all probability inherit the same 54 THE MARS RECORDS: by Stephanie Relfe


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abilities. Michael may have been one of those children who

were tagged. Once they are interned into the system, these ‘volunteers’ are ‘doctored and modified’ to fit into the system.

***** Michael was not very comfortable; he felt an

unpleasant pressure on his forehead. ‘They’ were doing something to his forehead, operating on it, modifying electronic circuitry that they had implanted there earlier. He was surrounded by about 15 grey aliens. This thing they were installing in him was designed to protect him from the enemy when he was using his psychic ability in the course of his job. It also permitted him to interface effectively with machines that amplified those abilities several hundredfold.

As he lay there they checked him out once again; yes he was still alive, his body had not rejected the procedure, or the implants. Michael had passed the test. He was now even more useful to their Mars Base Mission.

The above was extracted from Stephanie Relfe’s 3rd of March 2000 clearing session on Michael. It outlines a typical abduction & implant episode so many thousands have gone through. One major difference being, in Michael’s case, this was, according to him, carried out on Mars, and was a joint military / ET project. Yes, although it’s not public knowledge, it appears that we are interacting quite freely with our cousins from ‘out there’.

All this sounds very airy-fairy doesn’t it? Nevertheless, it does come from someone who has been there – done that.

And wouldn’t the thought be most appealing to the younger generation. The possibility of being a hero, for the national or even planetary cause should be almost irresistible to most youngsters anywhere in the world. However, would they be working for the ‘good guys’ or the ‘baddies’? Michael tells us he is not quite sure, in spite of putting in 20


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years of service. After reading his story, and taking into account the

fact that some of the ‘allies’ in the programme are Reptilians, it can make one really wonder. What we all need to do is pray, and pray really hard…Then DO something about it – soon.

***** The space visitors told Bob,55 they will soon begin a

“Subconscious imprinting” of changing personality traits for a selection of the more aggressive humans. Also, from sometime in 1963, these extraterrestrial beings informed Bob that they will be setting up bases in selected locations around the world. They planned about 100 such bases where human looking agents from the Alliance planets would be conditioned to Earth’s environment and other factors. After extensive training in language, customs, beliefs and emotion reactions of the populace of these areas, they were to be sent to their assigned areas to work undiscovered among the people to promote understanding, brotherhood and peace; and in general to try to encourage their Earth brothers and sisters to make the change to a more god-fearing, and peace-loving existence. Similar to what Eastern religions call Avatars?

By late 1962, they claimed that they had infiltrated strategic positions in military and society. Their purpose, as suggested earlier, is to stimulate Earth people to do things according to Universal Law. They will not directly affect the destiny of Earth, but will merely assist. We must act on our own. By 1965, they say all countries will have received the same treatment.

The above are extracts from the UFO contacts of Bob Renaud, we heard from earlier. That was nearly 47 years ago. Things have moved on from there….. 55 UFO CONTACT FROM KORENDOR: Robert Renaud – Gabriel Green & Wendlle Stevens - UFO Photo Archives.


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Human looking extraterrestrials have integrated into, and are living in major population centres all over the world. 56And THIS IS KNOWN by a select number of government agencies, and military departments. Several highly classified government documents and military programs give credence to this phenomenon, as revealed by a number of informants. A well known Command Sergeant, for example claims that a top secret NATO document he witnessed in 1964 described how senior political and military leaders had been visited by and interacted with ‘human looking’ extraterrestrials who could easily blend into human society. What really made the NATO leaders paranoid, according to this Sergeant, was that extraterrestrials could be walking in the corridors of key political and military institutions. Notwithstanding inside informants, a number of private individuals claim to have encountered extraterrestrials posing as ordinary citizens in major cities around the planet.

You can read more on that hard to believe subject in the eye-opening book “EXTRATERRESTRIALS AMONG US”, by Michael E. Salla, PhD. This book is sure to unsettle all those who are concerned about our national and planetary security. When reading about this subject one must always keep in mind, that there is an overriding, overseeing power that all of us may not believe in, but nevertheless is always there, a power we can call on, and depend on to protect our fragile life on this beautiful home planet of ours.

George Adamski was one of the first who wrote about extraterrestrials living and working among us. In his amazing book, INSIDE THE FLYING SAUCERS, he described in great detail, how human looking beings from other worlds had established a presence among the Earth’s population. They looked so much like us, that they could get jobs, were well liked neighbours, drove cars, and generally blended in very effectively with human society. Perhaps this should not 56 EXTRATERRESTRIALS AMONG US: by Michael E. Salla, PhD.


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be too surprising, because we know how today’s technology has ‘shrunk’ the world, and brought people of different countries closer together. Why can’t it do the same for the citizens of the universe?

They are here among us; of that there can be no doubt. Val Thor, and the encounters Michael Relfe had with the reptilian, masquerading as a military officer, are good examples. Knowing ‘they’ are here is one thing, but is there anything we should, or could do about it? In 1969, NASA was reported to have passed a federal regulation dealing with “Extra-terrestrial Exposure”. This Extraterrestrial Exposure Law created a precedent for the detention and indefinite imprisonment of any individual who comes into contact with extraterrestrials. This was particularly interesting because the official position of organisations like NASA always denied the very existence of extraterrestrials. However in 1991, this law was ‘officially repealed’ and placed on reserve status. More details about this are in Michael Salla’s book we mentioned a little earlier.

Another little anecdote, from the same book, adds a new dimension…

A really small object emerged from the icy waters of a lake, somewhere in Alaska. It seemed to hover above the surface of the lake, while taking in some of its water. Right before his eyes, the tiny spot expanded into a large triangular flying vehicle, and took off rapidly. The eyewitness passed this information on to the US government official who was in fact employing him.

That witness was in fact Ingo Swann who had just completed a very impressive assignment for Project Star Gate and the US Intelligence agencies. He was now asked to try to find out what the extraterrestrials were doing snooping around top secret US military installations.

Officialdom got their information, and things could have ended there, but things didn’t. It wasn’t long after that, when Swann encountered a very attractive young woman in a


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local supermarket. A strong ‘feeling’ told him that this was no normal human; and while still trying to figure things out. Ingo was met by the same agency official he had dealt with earlier. He seemed to be quite paranoid about the possibility of Swann being in telepathic communication with her. His warning that she was extremely dangerous suggested that it was official government policy to prevent ordinary civilians from fraternizing with extraterrestrials. As this stunning alien beauty walked away, Swann noticed two US agency operatives stalking her.

All this would suggest that aliens can and do mingle quite easily in our society. It also suggests that government departments do know about them. Through all this the fact that should come through strongly, that given the right training, and state of mind, we can use our cosmic communicator to do what seems to come so naturally, to Ingo Swann.

***** The young lieutenant was busy at his pentagon office,

something didn’t seem quite right, was he being watched? But then most people at this level of security were monitored. But this officer was more than just uneasy, he looked around, nothing was out of order. Then he felt a sharp pain in his head, before anyone could do anything, he slumped into his chair, - the victim of another ‘stroke’.

About 160 million kilometres away, in a top secret office on another world, Michael57 was concentrating the psychic power of his cosmic communicator, (his mind) into the brain of this unfortunate officer. In human military terms he was only a lieutenant, but within his native ‘enemy’ rankings, this was a very high standing reptilian; who had been masquerading as a human military officer as part of their on-going agenda to infiltrate and destroy our human community. Remember the subspace war Courtney Brown 57 THE MARS RECORDS 1: by Stephanie Relfe.


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viewed earlier? This could well be the spill-over he envisaged…

This April day in 1977 was just another day’s work in Michael Relfe’s job in the Mars’ Psi Force. You can read more about this in the ‘Almost too hard to believe’ book. “THE MARS RECORDS” by his wife Stephanie Relfe.

If you get the idea that this is all the result of an overactive imagination of one poor misled individual, perish the thought! Here’s another person who fits the same mould…

Pat, a young woman was experiencing strange bouts of hallucinations. She kept struggling against vague scenes of fighting people who were trying to harm her. Huge chunks of her earlier years were lost to her memory, and worst of all, she kept having episodes of “negative hallucinations”. These were opposite to normal hallucinations, when instead of seeing something that wasn’t there, she would not see someone, or something that was right in front of her. She knew she needed help, and when she heard of Stephanie Relfe, she decided to go to her for help.

Not long after the Kinesiology, and Clearing sessions got under way the ‘impossible’ happened. They made the unlikely discovery that fate had brought another member of the Mars Force58 into the circle. Her story is just as bizarre as Michael’s, and what’s more, her account covers another aspect of the whole Mars Base situation, giving us a more complete picture of the whole affair. There isn’t much that’s more compelling, than an outlandish story that has independent corroboration…

Pat was a young enthusiastic member of the Mars Force. Like Michael, she too had amazing psychic abilities, and was used to ‘terminate’ undesirables. This time, while hooked up to a machine, she was time shifted forward to 2004, then, somewhere in Washington; she entered a Military 58 THE MARS FORCE: by Stephanie Relfe.


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establishment, and assassinated a military general. This unfortunate human was a fighter for freedom, and his execution did not do much good at all. In all Pat indicated that she was involved in over 280 psychic assassinations. The force was busy indeed. Is this the force you would like to live for?

We go back a few years in our story of our new acquaintance…

Pat felt really stimulated with bursts of energy sweeping through her whole body, suddenly a very strong pain developed in the middle of her forehead, her heart thumped frantically, the doctors were standing by anxiously, waiting for her condition to stabilise. But, she made it – as Michael Relfe had.

As she came to, Pat realised she was now dressed in an unusual jumpsuit. They were moving through a tunnel of some kind. She felt a painful jab to the side of her neck, and a powerful drug knocked her out. She was then taken to a room to rest. Pat wondered where she was, soon she came to the astonishing realisation that she was on Mars. ‘They’ held her head very still, and drilled through the middle of her forehead. Pat was being programmed for the specific duties she was soon to be involved in at the Mars Base.

Young Pat had always wanted to join a Military Cadet Programme, and was really enjoying it. She didn’t remember doing so, but probably volunteered (like countless others did, and are still doing) to join a special project. The rest is history. Pat’s story can be read in “THE MARS FORCE Pt 1 & 2” by Stephanie Relfe. Both of these parts, 1 & 2 can be downloaded absolutely free of charge from <>. Together with “THE MARS RECORDS” we refer to so much in this book.

Let’s go back to Pat. She was just a 15 year old kid. They like to get their recruits young, we are told; while they are still full of energy, impressionable, and easy to train. And she was being trained for service in fighter craft, fighter


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space craft of Mars. Remember Michael Relfe? Of course she also possessed a very strong psychic ability, that’s what got her here in the first place. Her young body recoiled with the ‘things’ that were implanted in her head. And the Electric charges that shot through her ears, throat, and down her back. The drugs they administered to her made her feel sick.

Eventually she ‘felt a resistance’ in her chest. A disembodied form (thought form) materialised “Do you want to die”? It asked her. – Pat then proceeded to describe her training experiences:

A mental command imprinted into her subconscious mind programmed Pat to self destruct (have a stroke, or heart failure) should she try to remember her days with the Mars Force; just another Wernicke Command! But Stephanie Relfe had already taken care of that.

Soon Pat realised she was ‘hooked’/connected to this being through an implant in her head; and so were countless others on Mars. This was how ‘they’ controlled the Mars Force and held it together. This taught form was trapped by a force field, and held to a machine, which in turn was controlling him/it.

This was mind control in the ultimate sense of the word. And, who’s was the drumbeat they danced to??? Pat had to get out of their control. But how can she? Many years had passed, she had left the cadets, but ‘they’ still controlled her because of all her training, they could, and as with Michael Relfe, did still use her when ever they wanted. In fact, they considered they “owned” her mind. Regardless of this, she decided to sever her etheric tie to the thought form. Then, through the power of prayer, divine help, and the experience of Stephanie Relfe, she succeeded in disconnecting the being from the machine. The tight control had come to an end. But retribution was to follow soon.

It’s a very complex, and often sinister world we live in. Earth humans appear to be at the mercy of those who would harm us. How can someone fight against a foe he has


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been conditioned to believe does not even exist?

***** It was August, 1995, a Californian surgeon, who

wishes to remain anonymous, reported removing strange implants from two unrelated people who claimed to have been abducted my alien beings, and taken aboard their craft. The first was the size of a large seed, extracted from a man’s hand. The second, a T-shaped object recovered from the toe of a woman. These were no cysts; his scalpel could not cut through them. After drying them out, these implants were cut open, to disclose two pieces of highly magnetic, shiny black metal, that glowed brilliantly under ultra violet light.


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The above, is a typical examination scene, as

described by thousands of genuine people the world over. More cases of an overactive imagination, in unexplainable tune with each other?

But who, or what are those shadowy, hooded beings in the background? Are they reptilians in disguise? Is there a sinister side to this ridiculous abduction ‘nonsense’???

Seven-year-old Abigail was taken to hospital with

inexplicable nosebleeds. A small lozenge shaped object was retrieved from her nose. Small children are known to put things up their noses, but when the object removed is unrecognisable, and inserted so far up, that it would require surgical instruments to put it there, one needs to ask questions.

***** The following accounts are taken from Prof. David

M. Jacobs chilling book THE THREAT. These are reports of people; most of them young children, abducted from their homes, then returned apparently unharmed. Years after their abduction, these stories were recovered under hypnosis, and I’m sure you will find them as enthralling as I did. These are just more pieces in our cosmic jigsaw of life.

It was 1983. Claudia remembers it well. She was lying on a table, resembling an operating table, under bright lights. She’s wasn’t overly terrified, because this sort of thing was not new to Claudia. The alien being walked up to her, with a long thin needle-like instrument. Behind him, were other taller beings, whose faces she could not see, because they were hooded. The shorter un-hooded alien inserted a thin instrument into her ear…. Remember these hooded ones in particular; they could be an important piece


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to our picture. After examining several hundred abduction cases, and Remote Viewing reports, it would appear that these are Reptilian aliens. Some members of this race do seem to work along with some members of Greys. We will learn more of this later in this study. Why are they hooded, perhaps it is to prevent their appearance from traumatising the abductee. They have also been on Earth almost as long as humans have been – may even be longer, therefore recognising them could quite possibly trigger unwanted reactions from the abductee.

“It sort of goes right through the brain.” Claudia recounted, under hypnosis. A tiny object was implanted, and the needle removed.

He ‘told’ her (telepathically) that, “it’s important”, and he has to do it. “It’s very, very tiny, and no one will ever know its there.” He assures her.

So, why did they do these things to her? He explained that it was there to monitor how she reacts to the various happenings in the world around her. She was told that it’s important that ‘they’ monitor, and record these ‘feelings’ of hers “It’s important for the children”, she said. FOR THE CHILDREN??????

Lydia awoke one morning in 1992, with a definite feeling of being pregnant. This was unthinkable, because many years earlier, she had undergone a total hysterectomy. Nevertheless, all the usual symptoms arrived, one at a time, soon her abdomen started distending. Eventually a horrified Lydia felt the foetus moving inside her. Reluctantly she made an appointment to see her gynaecologist, but a few days before her appointment was due, all symptoms of the pregnancy disappeared.

Later, under hypnosis, Lydia revealed a stunning account of a remarkable abduction. She recalled being abducted from her home, and having a large, totally self-contained ‘sack’, the size of a grapefruit inserted into her body, and left there to grow. After a few weeks, she


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underwent a subsequent abduction, during which the live ‘baby’ was removed. Though she felt totally repulsed at the thought of the whole episode, her attitude was rather surprising.

“I won’t say no to them”. She said, “I have a feeling I’m here to serve”. What ‘they’ did with Lydia is definitely not uncommon, several thousands of women the world over have been reporting almost identical experiences over the last few years. Perhaps Lyssa Royal was on to something when she suggested in her book, that sometime in the past there might have been some sort of ‘deal’ worked out between selected humans, and some of their cosmic cousins. We must remember that this lifetime is only one inning, in the whole game of life.

Was Lydia’s attitude unique? I think not… One March morning in 1987, Milissa was in great

gynaecological pain. Emergency medical attention and the ensuing ultrasound showed an unusual mass to the right of her right ovary, but not touching it. It wasn’t large, was surely organic, and most definitely foreign. A blood test revealed she was not pregnant. However Milissa insisted she was abducted and had an implant inserted into her. She refused to have it removed, regardless of the pain. Nevertheless, after several weeks, like Lydia’s ‘pregnancy’ it disappeared.

Is it possible that Milissa, Lydia and the thousands like them have personal ‘deals’ with their extraterrestrial brethren? Or are their minds totally taken over? The bonds grow stronger!!!!

Leah was very uncomfortable. She was in pain, and,

she felt violated. Finally, she made her mind up to see a gynaecologist, and have the pregnancy terminated. A fateful appointment…


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She found herself sitting in a park that was full of families, enjoying themselves. Scores of little children, and their parents. A strangely familiar being looks deep into Leah’s eyes, and plants an image of a little baby in her mind. This image is followed with the question,

“How can you do this to one of us? To one of these little ones?”

Needless to say, Leah decided against the termination. After a few more months, signs of the ‘pregnancy’ disappeared. The same way many of these seem to do.

It was under hypnosis, several years later, that Leah realised the full import of her strange experience. That stranger, who looked into her eyes was evidently an alien being, who had abducted her, and who was ‘sort of’ responsible for her pregnancy, as part of the aliens’ hybrid breeding project. Hybrid breeding project…

Susan was led into a nursery where there were several babies, only these were not ordinary babies, they were part human and part alien. But babies none the less. She was handed one of the little ones, and encouraged to have skin contact with him, by rubbing his chest and back, to promote human bonding. Susan was then asked to breast feed him, which she refused to do. When they could not force her to feed him, they gave her a bowl with a brown liquid in it, and asked her to rub this over the baby’s skin. Apparently this is how this race of aliens assimilates its nourishment. Weird? Maybe, to us!

***** Dianne was taken into a large room. Here she met six

or seven toddlers. They all had large blue eyes, but no whites to the eyes, fuzzy hair, and tiny noses, and they were all dressed in white. She knelt and hugged each of them.


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The room had blocks built into the floor, but no toys for the children to play with. They just stood there and stared into Dianne’s eyes. They do not show any emotions, but somehow seem happy, and ‘SO PEACEFUL.’

“They” seem to place a lot of importance on giving their toddlers as much sensory perception as possible (it’s almost as if, as a race they are lacking this), and lots of interaction with human children. One can perceive a very real, and at times almost urgent need to build a race that can integrate with humans – on Earth….

She was taken to a “glass bubble” room, where she saw her friend Cindy. So, Cindy too was like her, an abductee. Here, Sarah, now a estate agent from Delaware, and Cindy, played with a group of about fifteen three, and four-year-old children of mixed human and alien parentage. This group of kids was much more human looking than the others so far encountered by these two. Quietly, and unobtrusively, a few adult hybrid aliens were looking on. The original, 100% alien greys, were becoming less noticeable, apparently as the newer generation of hybrid children reached adulthood they took over the role of supervisors, while the original aliens, with their ‘hooded’ bosses (?) controlled proceedings from the background.

As usual, these little ones were overjoyed to have contact with, and to interact with real human children. Sarah and Cindy taught them a new game, “ring-around-a-rosy”. They appeared to love holding hands, and going around in a circle. Their adult supervisors looked pleased. The bonding continues…

***** Maybe they do have something to hide! Perhaps

seeing their faces would trigger an unpleasant memory from within us. Do they have a relationship with the reptilian


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aliens? Ten year old Ted was horrified, as he watched a

group of these reptilians trying to rape his grandmother. She kept resisting their attack. Then they put something into the mouths of Ted and his grandmother. This calmed her down, but she still resisted their advances, saying she only had sex with her husband, and he was already dead.

So they left the room, and returned with someone who claimed to be Ted’s grandfather, who then proceeded to have intercourse with her. It was only when he was getting off his grandmother, did Ted realise that this monster was not even human, but a reptilian who was masquerading as his grandfather. Ted was furious. A strong HOODED being kept holding him back; and he could only look on, as his grandmother was repeatedly raped by several of the reptilians in the room.

They then turned their attention to Ted himself, but the sexual stimulant did not seem to be working as well with him, so they had to physically restrain him.

This was too much for his grandmother to take. The whole impact of what had happened to her was just sinking in; now to see her grandson having to go through this was more than she could take. She screamed out to them to “Stop in Jesus’ name”; they continued to threaten her. They told her that they had implanted something into her head, and if she did not cooperate with them, it would kill her.

But her outburst did work, and the whole affair ended abruptly. Shortly after this, Ted and his Grandmother found themselves back in their home.

Sadly, Ted’s grandmother died of a massive stroke, a few days after this encounter. The night before she died Ted remembered hearing voices in her room; it sounded like the voice of the hooded man they encountered earlier. He asked his grandmother about the voices, and she told him to forget about it telling him that it was the devil. Was it really the implant they placed in her head that killed the old lady; a


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Wernicke Command being carried out perhaps? Maybe, but we may never know for sure. What we do know is that evil does exist, regardless of what some ‘experts’ may try to have us believe.

This little story from (the late) Karla Turner’s eye opening book “MASQUERADE OF ANGELS” is added here to draw the reader’s attention to the involvement of the mysterious HOODED beings noticed in many abduction stories; and the effect prayer, and the name of Jesus seems to have in occurrences like these.


The Reptilians appear to have their own agenda on Earth. This agenda would appear to involve suppressing Earth humans’ psychic development. Comments recorded by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon, in “The Montauk Project”, suggest that this race of aliens (perhaps they are not aliens at all), treat us with utter contempt, because they are so much more intelligent than we are.

Michael Relfe too, in “The Mars Records 2” states that the Reptilians monitor us from underground bases, as well as their Earth satellites. They are reported to be actively studying the on going advancement of our Remote Viewing facility, and actively trying to suppress it.

In this same book, Michael details one instance where he was commissioned to assassinate a Reptilian scientist / Remote Viewer who was studying how this capability works in humans. Apparently it works differently in their race. Michael is an accomplished Remote Viewer himself, attached to the US military and obviously the alien had a different agenda.

All the fascinating details of this encounter between Michael, and this alien remote viewer can be read in THE MARS RECORDS 2.


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He was not much older than a toddler himself, very

cute, between Scandinavian and Mediterranean in appearance, and VERY human looking. He wore a striped T-shirt, and blue shorts. He looked at her, just looked up at her, with those wonderfully expressive eyes. Walking over to a shelf he made as if to reach for something. Roxanne, a New York nurse, (she was only a kid herself at the time) got the impression he could not quite reach it, but before she could move, this little boy just gazed at the shelf, and the toy immediately floated off the shelf and into his small hand. He gave it to Roxanne, his toy, a small rocket ship. Her heart melted, as he looked up at her again. She knelt down and hugged him. He placed his little arms around her. Roxanne picked him up and held him close to her. She longed to take him home with her. The adult hybrid / alien, being with them was very pleased, and ‘told’ Roxanne that she had held this child as a baby. Was it hers? She wasn’t told. And no, she could not take him home with her, because he would not survive in Earth’s environment. There was little more development to be done on the project before that is permitted. This was around the 1990’s. There’s time, but not much of it.

***** Claudia was just five years old, a female alien took

her into a room to play with a group of five, or six little hybrid kids about her age. She taught them how to play with a yoyo. These young hybrid children love playing with human toys, but don’t know how to, somehow the toys are provided, but human children are used to teach these kids how to play with them. Apparently when these aliens had their emotions engineered out of their genetic make up so was their ability to gain pleasure from playing. It appears that this phase of their project is aimed at rectifying that loss.

In return for showing them how to play with a yoyo, these kids showed Claudia their own peculiar toy, a special


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sort of marble, or ball that spun and levitated by itself.

***** If you wish to teach a child emotions, what better way

than with the help of a toy? Kathleen was taken, with her friends Heidi and

Barbara, and was involved in a discussion about emotions. As they played with ‘their’ toys. These were very special toys, strangely shaped, and ‘shiny from the inside’, they looked like blue glass. But when held in the hand, they “make you happy”. One little hybrid asked her why she laughed.

Kathleen replied that it was because she felt happy. “Is happy good?” asked her new friend. “A silly question”, thought Kathleen. “You

know, no one laughs, up there, I don’t think they have a very happy house.”

This brings home a very strong point…. These aliens and their hybrid offspring are still trying to recover their lost emotions.

Is there a lesson to be learnt here, regarding playing God, and fiddling with our genetic make up????

When people become more aware, they become harder to control. Add a touch of emotions, and things can get hard to manage…

Doris was a small business owner in Pennsylvania. When she was ten years old, the alien’s hybrid school learnt what a really determined ten-year-old can be like. Obviously she too had been here before, because Doris had a special friend among the group of hybrid kids, someone she had befriended earlier. She named this friend Maria. Doris was playing as usual with her group of kids, supervised by an adult hybrid alien. She decided that these toys were boring,


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so she asked the kids if they knew about, or had a sandpit, or a swing. The adult stepped in and said no. (Telepathically, of course) but this did not stop the kids who insisted that Doris tell them about it. The adult was not impressed. She said, “Our children don’t do that”, reported Doris. She wanted Doris to leave. But the kids asked her to stay. Doris dug her heels in and told the kids that if they went back with her to her bedroom (apparently this was where she, like so many others like her were abducted from). She would then pray, for God to make them look like her, and they could learn so much. They wanted to go with her. The adult eventually told her to ‘stop talking like that’. Clearly Doris was going too fast, even for the adult alien, who appeared to have reached the limits of her programming, or instructions. Doris herself noted that the adult being appeared to have ‘much compassion for them’, but that she ‘had to stick to her rules’.

Doris was led out, and the kids were ‘very, very sad,’ particularly Maria, who asked Doris to promise to come back and play with them. They asked her to try very hard to come back. Bonding was being accomplished!

In 1965, Carls and a group of nine to twelve-year-old girls at a camp in Texas had a midnight experience they would never forget (if only they could remember). Tanya did, however, under hypnosis. The whole group of youngsters was abducted, and taken to a large room, where they joined a similar group of mixed hybrid children, who were running around laughing, and having a hilarious time. They were playing on all sorts of gym-like things, including swings. When asked if she was told anything, Tanya replied, “They just say, ‘this is what we wanted to show you’”…

Were they laughing, and speaking telepathically? No, they are actually audible. Progress is indeed being made!


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Casey was taken about half a block from his home.

He recognised these beings as the ones who had taken him when he was yet a young child, then taking him again, and inserting an implant into his nose after having sex with one of their young females. He remembered those episodes now. When he returned this time, he noticed a small cut on his leg. He did not remember how that got there, but he did recall very clearly the message they gave him IT WAS TIME TO REMEMBER. Yes, it seems like the time is now.


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The hands of parenting appear to reach beyond mere planetary boundaries. Are we members of a truly COSMIC family?


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A nocturnal rendezvous with our 'alien' counterparts appears to be far more commonplace than we would dare imagine.

As these hybrids grow up, older humans are abducted to teach them, in a classroom situation, about life on Earth. Tanya, was eleven now, and was taken again to meet with her hybrid friend whom she had known for many years now. This similarly aged girl, was intensely interested in family life among humans, and sensed that she had missed out on


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something important by growing up where she did. The meeting took place in a large room with a group of adult hybrids looking on.

“She’s happy to see me.” Tanya observed, “Though she can’t smile, I know she’s smiling. I kind of like her very much, like she’s my sister. I love her like a sister…Seems like I give her a hug, and she does not know how to respond.”

This unfortunate child apparently does not know how to express love, she knows being hugged is a sign of being loved, but cannot express it herself.

“Its kind of sad, I’m sort of sad for her.” Tanya observed.

“She wants to be normal, like us…….like she’s trapped or something….She can’t have the same experiences…ITS SAD!”

This hybrid told Tanya (telepathically) that she just wanted to feel what it’s really like to be loved. She didn’t feel that she could know that, where she was at the time. Humans are the only ones who can give her that.

It’s a sad situation, really sad to be in a place where there is no love.

As young hybrids mature, to adolescents, and adults, their development requires them to interact with humans on a more sexual and social level. And this they do.

There appeared to be no social development, therefore, as the young ones become more aware of their sexuality, without any social, or ethical guidelines to follow, their sexual behaviour becomes rather extreme and erratic.

The two main difficulties the hybrid breeding project appeared to be encountering were the problem of splicing love back into their genes, while keeping hate and other disruptive emotions out; and the fact that alien, and hybrid women seem to have trouble carrying their babies to full term. That later problem turns out to be one of the reasons


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why so many human women have been abducted.

Sasha had a very revealing and touching ‘conversation’ with an adult hybrid. She asked him if he had parents, and siblings like she did. He looked sad and haltingly said no, “We just belong here”. Sasha persisted, saying that she has a mom and dad, what about him? He told her that he knows where he came from. They “have no bonding” there. We humans have bonding, and memories. They only had “files”, to refer to if they wanted to check at their background. When he asked his alien superiors about his parents, they showed him genealogical records. According to Sasha he looked “Really, really sad.” He knew there is something he should know, but even knowing it would not make any difference, because he had no ability to even feel any other way. She asked him if he was happy.

He answered “What do you think, looking at me now?” Clearly overwhelmed, Sasha did not answer. He

finished the ‘conversation’ telling her, “We’re just here to work.”

The Earth human / Grey hybrid programme appears

to be just about completed. Was it successful? Looking at the evidence, it appears to be a complete success. Our two races do appear to be well interfaced. But, is this the only hybrid project in existence?

Another excerpt from “THE MARS RECORDS” suggests otherwise…

A device was beamed into the house. All the houses in the neighbourhood ‘went to sleep’; he was beamed up, up, to another world (Mars?). Once there they operated on his groin area, and removed samples. According to Michael, this


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is used in their off-planet breeding programme – yes ‘off-planet’. This programme was designed to produce ‘command families’ that are reared away from Earth’s pollution, and trained to defend off-planet interests.

Now, to the extremes one can go to…..

***** Andy was in some kind of underground facility. He

was introduced to a large adult reptilian, who invited him into a private room. This looked like a dining room in a fancy hotel. He was ready to have dinner, when an attendant wheeled in a large silver dining cart. His reptilian host opens the tray, to expose four or five human babies, alive and crying. Andy stood there, and watched in horror, as the reptilian picked up one little one and took a huge bite out the live infant, splitting it in half, and eating the baby alive. Horrified and nauseous, Andy bolted toward the door. The reptilian tried to grab him, but he managed to slip away, until five greys that stood guarding the door, zapped him with a device that knocked him out.

Andy Pero was reliving an incident he experienced as a Montauk Boy. The term Montauk Boy is generic; it doesn’t refer to a location, only to the processing, and the product. According to Al Bielek, who claims to have worked on the project, they now exist all over the world. Over the million adolescents are said to have been processed in the “Montauk Boys” project. The purpose of this project was to ‘implant’ and ‘programme’ young people for “Future use”. Remember the implants placed in abductees we spoke of earlier? It appears that aliens are not the only ones using this technique.

This programme was said to have started about 1975, and is ongoing to this day. Young people between the ages of 12 and 16 are picked up, preferably just as puberty kicks in, and programmed via mind control and implants. They are conditioned to react to commands sent through radio, and telephone. But Michael Relfe tells us that implants can be


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disabled through prayer. The Military had to keep replacing the implants they had in him, because he kept praying to disable them.

Prayer makes big inroads even into covert operations, no matter where they are carried out.

The Montauk Project is said to have spawned many interesting, and clandestine operations. This is the same project that was at one time (and probably even now) under the control of the reptilians. Have we, courtesy the scientists and military at Montauk handed over our long term safety to another race?

The reader is encouraged to read as much as they can find on this project. Al Bielek, and Preston Nicols are two (of many) names that are synonymous with Montauk. We will be hearing more from these fascinating folk in this book.

***** It looked like an important military conference at the

Pentagon,59 with not so much as a sound, the atmosphere in the room changed from serious / quiet, to stupefied silence. Suddenly, in the midst of the large assembly of military men, he appeared, a man clad in what looked like a space suit, carrying a small, cigarette box sized communication device. This unannounced visitor from the planet Korendor, addressed this wide-eyed and gaping assembly for a few minutes, then just as silently dematerialised; returning to his ship; but not before causing one of the generals there float several feet into the air. This was done either as a joke, or to stress the reality of what they had just seen.

***** It was a beautiful sunny day in 1978; the young

couple were having a great time rock climbing.60 She loved her husband, and was trying to impress him, as she climbed 59 UFO CONTACT FROM KORENDOR: Robert Renaud – Gabriel Green & Wendlle Stevens - UFO Photo Archives. 60 THE MARS RECORDS 2: By Stephanie Relfe


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higher. They did not come prepared for rock climbing; they just intended to enjoy the great outdoors. Not everybody gets to enjoy a balmy day on Mars.

The young lady missed her footing, and within seconds was lying lifeless on the rocky ground, her flowing dark hair framing her petite face. Michael was devastated. He called for help, but there was nothing anyone could do.

Michael Relfe was on vacation with his young wife among the hills of Mars. This little peek into a forgotten chapter in his captivating life was uncovered many years later, back on Earth, by his second wife Stephanie.

We now go back a couple of years, to 1976; Michael was in training. He had a particular talent for Remote Viewing (we will cover Remote Viewing, later). Initially he was assigned by the US Navy. But check this out, he was assigned to protect a city of 2 – 3 million, and that city was on MARS. (We are outside that square again, but keep reading). To speed up his efficiency and potential, Michael was fitted to a machine which amplified what he could do many times over, making him one of the most valued and sought after men in his group. Not too many humans could survive all the drugs harsh training that was necessary to make this work. His defensive function soon changed to offensive, but more on that role soon.

The highest ranking a defensive remote viewer could achieve is to protect a jump gate. Michael’s assignment was to protect one of the many jump gates that led from Mars to other star systems. One was between Mars and Aldebaran; and another between Mars and the Pleiades. There were many others as well. He was told that it was much better to have these hyperspace jump gates based on Mars, than on Earth because there was ‘less interference’ on Mars.

You can find more on this and other fascinating subjects in “THE MARS RECORDS” by Stephanie Relfe; and we keep hearing from Stephanie later in this work.

From one interesting Remote viewing experience we


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move on to another, this time thanks to the expertise of Courtney Brown…

On the surface, the place is dry, hot, and rather depressing. But we are in an underground cavern where the atmosphere is even gloomier! The entrance to this facility looks more like a rundown mine shaft entrance. The people here appear just as unkempt as the surroundings; wearing very worn clothing. The men women and children in this distant settlement on Mars did not convey much cheer.

They might not have known it, but they their fate was being decided by a high ranking political figure in the Pentagon, on far away Earth. Sounds absolutely ridiculous? Of course it does, but do keep reading…

An image of a Reptilian alien seems to be breaking into the image of an American president, who it appears, is being tricked into making an address that contains false information, essentially denying the existence of these families living in dire conditions underground. It looks like this group of aliens, does not wish people on Earth to know about intelligent life outside of planet Earth.

You can read more of this in Courtney Brown’s COSMIC EXPLORERS.


Modern science has by virtue of its human proponents created a reputation for itself, of standing against anything that smacks of UFOs and extraterrestrial contact. In fact, almost through force of habit, we just discard anything the ‘experts’ tell us should not exist. If we should think that we are the only intelligent beings in the cosmos, we have another think coming…

Recently, science has been ‘proving’ even that which science itself proclaimed to be ‘impossible’

We have already learnt of Space / Time Portals courtesy Michael Relfe and ‘The Mars Force’. Clairvoyance,


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once the realm of the ‘crazies’ has been used extensively by the military in many countries of the world, in their Remote Viewing programmes. Hypnotism, reserved only for mesmerisers, and magicians, is now used in many hospitals the world over; and is thriving in the subliminal world of self improvement and advertising. Let’s add one more to that list…

The cosmic symphony continues; each interlude tells its own story. Sometimes the dancers may get out of step with the music, sometimes they may step on each others’ toes, when this happens, it’s back to basics again. Often, the best way to learn is from others who have made the same mistakes, others who maybe, have missed the same beat to the cosmic rhythm.

This is a story of three home worlds that were destroyed too badly for their children to live in – radiation on one, and pollution on the other was too lethal. A third was destroyed many times over, but its children were able to stay alive on it, miraculously they say. These children of the Celestial Father had to learn to live at peace with themselves, and with each other. They all had needs, desperate needs.

The first two were the original home worlds of the Reptilian, and Grey races, who have their own lessons to learn. The third is the home of Earth humans. If we continue to show the scant respect we are demonstrating at present to the welfare to our great planet, we will need to learn much regarding how others have survived on planets of dust. Indeed if we learn from their mistakes, we may even prevent our planet from turning into a great dust bowl. Many extraterrestrial races are trying to workout how we have managed to survive so far with our comparatively immature mental and emotional make up. It’s up to us to show them. After all we are family.


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We may not be very advanced spiritually, but it appears we are more advanced in this area than these two races are. This, I am sure is the major difference between our survival ability. Right through all research into the UFO field the one thing that seems to influence these extraterrestrials the most is Prayer. Let us use it more. Prayer is the most under-used resource we have.


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Lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us

footprints on the sands of time;

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow –

“Psalm of Life”

When archaeologists found the ancient Assyrian capital city of Nineveh, they also found, a library with the remains of some 25,000 inscribed clay tablets. The history of mankind has been ‘set in stone’ many times, all over this world.

A priest of the Babylon god Marduk, with access to libraries like these, of clay tablets, whose main source appeared to be the temple library of Harran (now in south eastern Turkey), wrote down in three volumes a history of gods and men that began 432,000 years before the Deluge, when the gods came to Earth from the heavens. Listing them by name and the duration of the individual reigns of the first ten commanders, Berossus reported that the first leader, dressed as a fish, waded ashore from the sea. According to Berossus, he was the one who gave Mankind civilisation; and his name, rendered in Greek, was Oannes.

I wonder how a primitive eyewitness would describe


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a modern scuba diver flopping up onto a beach; with nothing better to compare him with – “a person dressed as a fish” would be a pretty good description indeed.

Then there are the ‘Chambers of Records’ Edgar Cayce and Lobsang Rampa told us were buried in various locations around the world, chambers that contain detailed records of our civilisation from its beginnings, to its eventual end.

And now, our own scientists at NASA have sent out into deep space, its Pioneers 10 and 11, space crafts with small plaques identifying their time and place of origin. These were followed by Voyager 1, and 2. The Voyagers carried a kind of time capsule, intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials. The Voyager message is carried by a 12 inch, gold plated copper phonograph record containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth.

There appears to be an insatiable need for mankind to preserve a record of its history, its culture, for all posterity, even its cosmic posterity. Without realising it, we are most definitely reaching out to our cosmic family; exactly as our ancestors reached out to us, trying to make us aware of our roots.

Those roots draw their sustenance from the very gods themselves; so say our earliest records, those dictated by the gods themselves, and inscribed indelibly into stone. Those early records tell us of an incredible civilisation, a culture that makes our high-tech world primitive by comparison.

***** A little further back, did we were introduced to the

Anunnaki mission control centre being built in the Cedar Mountains on a ‘Platform that cannot be overturned’? From where the “rocket ships of the gods were lofted”…

The only structure on Earth to have been built before, and survived the flood, is the original ‘Landing Place’ of the Anunnaki. This was a gigantic stone platform; The “Platform


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that cannot be overturned”. This Landing Place was described in the ancient tablets of the Sumerians, and included in Sitchin’s now famous books.

In the ancient site of Baalbek, in the country of the cedar forests, Lebanon, there stands a platform that fits this description perfectly. Unfortunately still the site of war, as it was in the latter part of its builders’ presence in the region. Baalbek’s gigantic platform, the was formed by stones that weighed up to 600 tons each – no existing modern equipment can lift this weight. Compare this to the blocks that went into making the Great Pyramid in Giza – gigantic even at 25 tons.

But that’s not all; the engineers who designed, and then supervised the building of this masterpiece had even larger stone blocks reinforcing the western wall of this structure with perfectly cut and placed stone blocks weighing 1,100 tons each. Every one of these stone blocks was perfectly cut, then transported, and placed precisely in place without using any mortar. This platform “That cannot be overturned” stayed where it had been placed, for several thousands of years, through storms, earthquakes, and we are told even the great flood, that destroyed everything else.

Our ancestors were indeed great; we are from wonderful stock! In the structures like Baalbek, they have left their mark for us to see. They could have even left their genes in us. Didn’t they say they came from a planet that wandered among the stars? Yes we do have stardust in our veins.

Let’s stay with our dear friend Mr Sitchin… Extracting gold from the Abzu region was getting

more and more arduous, they had to dig deeper to get to it. Besides, the deluge had damaged their refining facilities. So, an alternative site had to be found.

***** According to Zecharia Sitchin, after the Tower of Babel incident, the Anunnaki gods became known by


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different names, in various parts of the world. Enki’s son Ningshidda, the genetic engineer / scientist of the ‘gods’ became known as Thoth, in Egypt, Hermes, by the Greek; and after travelling West ‘across the ocean’ was known as Quetzalcoatl, by the inhabitants of the Americas. Ningshidda was commissioned by Enlil – the Anunnaki commander on Earth – to teach the inhabitants of all countries of the world; to teach them all about the sciences, including astronomy, mathematics, and time keeping; hence the striking similarities between the ancient structures being unearthed all over the world. Before he left the shores of South America, and returned towards the East, he promised the people there, that he will return – and they waited for him… A fascinating Muisca tradition involved an Inca chief being coated completely with gold dust, at his initiation. Interesting, because isn’t that just what the ‘gods’ who came from the East actually needed for their home planet - gold dust, to suspend in their atmosphere.

Several ‘myths’ exist today, that when their god Quetzalcoatl left their shores, he vowed to one day return on ‘a day of his own energy’. Coincidently (again), on that prophesized day, along comes Hernan Cortes with his merry band of Conquistadors – from the East. So of course, emperor at that time, Moctezuma was quite convinced that this was the great Quetzalcoatl returning, to bring light and a new civilization to the people. It is thought that this ancient legend contributed a great deal to the fall of the Aztec empire.

And when they were expecting him to return, I wonder, was it as the same person, or a reincarnation of him? Whatever form the return of Quetzalcoatl may have taken, it certainly did not take Cortes and his men too much time to set off, looking for their gold – the gold of El Dorado? Sitchin tells us that the gold was mined, refined, and stockpiled somewhere there, before being shipped off to


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Nibiru. Were there ancient memories hidden away inside the

minds of Cortes and Co.? We know now, that the gods still walk with men of today. Perhaps Quetzalcoatl did return, in the early 16th century.

***** Now here’s another strange coincidence. We may be stretching it a bit, but with such an unusual name, we must consider the ‘evidence’. On Friday, 27 June 1975, at 10:47 in the morning, Billy Meier was introduced to another Pleiadian, a male who Meier was told he could call Quetzal. This extraterrestrial was described as the supervisor of the Pleiadian Earth-base, not far from Mont. Blanc, high in the Alps near the Italian and French border. Is that a mere coincidence, or are we a very tight knit family of gods and men of the cosmos?

***** In around 3800BC Anu and his spouse Antu went to

the new metallurgical centre set up on the southern shores of Lake Titicaca; which now lies between Peru and Bolivia. They passed through the port facilities of Puma Punku, where the cyclopean chambers, carved and shaped out of gigantic stone blocks, then stood beside massive piers.

After leaving breathtaking evidence of their amazing engineering abilities at Baalbek, and other areas in the present day Middle East, our Anunnaki progenitors moved on to South America. Having scanned the Earth for the gold they so desperately needed to ensure the survival of their planet, they settled in present day South America.

These Megalithic wizards left their unmistakable foot prints here too, for modern man to marvel at. The remarkable remains at Puma Punku hold another enigmatic clue to the amazing link between these structures at Lake Titicaca, and the unusual temple to Ninurta that Gudea built. To the incredulity of the sites’ excavators, they found that the megalithic builders had used BRONZE CLAMPS, formed to


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dove-tail into T-shaped cut-outs in adjoining stones, to hold together the huge stone blocks (see sketch below).


These clamping methods, using bronze, were unique to the Megalithic Age, having been found only at Puma Punku and at another site of cyclopean megaliths, Ollantaytambu, some forty-five miles northwest of Cuzco in the Sacred Valley.

Yet thousands of miles away, on the other side of the world, at Lagash in Sumer, Gudea used the very same unique method and the very same unique bronze clamps to hold together the stones that, imported from afar, were used in the construction of the Eninnu; recording in his inscription, the use of these stones, and metals. After all, the super builders from Lagash, and those in South America, were obviously from the same School of Engineering. This is how Gudea lauded his own achievements:61

He built the Eninnu with stone, He made it bright with jewels;

61 WHEN TIME BEGAN: by Zecharia Sitchin.


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With copper mixed with tin He held it fast.

To complete this project, an experienced specialist

had to be contracted, a “Sangu Simug”, a “priestly smith” was brought over from the ‘Land of Smelting’. Most likely Tiahuanacu in the Andes…

The theory that the Anunnaki spread their presence to the Americas (possibly through Atlantis) is given considerable credence by the discovery in Tiahuanaca of copper trepanning instruments used by surgeons in conducting brain surgery. These instruments were identical to those used by similar surgeons in Egypt, and we know the Anunnaki were there; sheer coincidence? Let’s not be too naive and reject evidence that belies Stone Age thinking.

According to Abul Hasan Ali Al-Masu’di, popularly known as Masoudi (ca. 895?-957 CE), mechanical statues with amazing capabilities guarded subterranean galleries under the sands of the Great Pyramid. Written well over a thousand years ago, his description of these artefacts resemble today’s computerised robots depicted in our science fiction movies. Masoudi claimed that these automatons were programmed for intolerance, for they destroyed all “except those who by their conduct were worthy of admission”.

Did he say “robots?”…Here’s another episode from Sitchin’s “Lost Book of Enki”…

Following the disappearance of Inanna, who was the betrothed of Dumuzi, his youngest son, the Anunnaki god Enki – RA of the Egyptians, designed and built two robots – “beings without blood, unharmed by the death ray”; say the stone tablets. He sent them to the Abzu, to bring back Inanna, dead or alive. She was found – dead; then, in true Star Wars style she was brought back to life, by these robots.

It’s fascinating, when an account of an outlandish occurrence seems to get confirmation from another seemingly more outlandish source…


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Masoudi contended that accounts of wisdom and acquirements in the different arts and sciences were well hidden deep underground, that they might remain as records for the benefit of those who could afterwards comprehend them.

These claims seem to confirm Edgar Cayce’s statements that the ancient Egyptians, with the help of survivors of the technologically advanced Atlanteans did in fact bury a complete record of the history of man’s civilisation, along with samples of their handiwork, deep under Egypt’s sands. This ‘chamber of records’, according to Cayce, will stay hidden, till the right time comes around for their re-opening.

Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, writing in the 5th century BC, states that Egyptian priests narrated to him their long-held tradition of the building of underground apartments by the original developers of Memphis.

So, for those who keep clamouring for ‘proof’, I suppose that proof is not far from coming to light.

While still in ancient Egypt… One of the most riveting books ever written on the subject must be “THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD” by Lana Cantrell. We won’t to into detail about this magnificent work, but worth mentioning, is:

Cantrell was able to identify – and show the reader – that a special Egyptian hieroglyph associated with dangerous artefacts of the ‘gods’ is EXACTLY the same symbol used today by nuclear plants to label hazardous material.

Sign to mark site or container of RADIOACTIVE material.

Is this an example of the subconscious mind of a

nuclear scientist ‘picking’ up ancient thoughts, or could certain of our modern scientists be ancient ‘gods’ returning,


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to fulfil their karma for making wrong decisions all those eons ago? A thought worth keeping in – MIND!

Texts of olden days in Ancient India speak of “Ashvins”, specialist pilot-gods who excelled in piloting ‘aerial chariots’, describing them as “Swift as young falcons”, always piloting their aerial craft “in pairs”, accompanied by a ‘navigator’. Sounds just a bit like the crew of our modern airliners?

Read this description of their aerial ‘cars’, and compare it to Ezekiel’s account in the Old Testament ----.

Hymn 22 of book 8 of the ancient Rig-Vedas extolled their praises, saying these vehicles were constructed on a triple principle, having three levels, three seats, three supporting poles and three rotating wheels. Those rotating wheels served many functions: one to raise the craft, another to give it direction, the third to speed it along. The text goes on to tell us that one of the chariot’s wheels moves swiftly around, and another speeds the car on its onward course…

And the appearance of the wheels, and the work of them was like the appearance of the sea:

and the four had all one likeness: and their appearance

and their work was as it were a wheel in the midst of a wheel.

Ezekiel 1:16


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George Adamski’s UFO – Wheels in the midst of a wheel, can apply here.

The word of the Lord came to Ezekiel the priest the son of

Buzi in the land of the Chaldeans, by the river Chobar:and the hand of the

Lord was there upon him.

And I saw, and behold a whirlwind came out of the north:

and a great cloud, and a fire infolding it,

and brightness was about it: and out of the midst thereof,

that is, out of the midst of the fire, as it were the resemblance of amber:

And in the midst thereof the

likeness of four living creatures: and this was their appearance:

there was the likeness of a man in them.

Ezekiel 1:3-5 Ezekiel was ‘in the land of the Chaldeans’, so were

the Anunnaki! - With their Whirlwind…


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The following was written on clay tablets, many thousands of years old…

“And I looked up and lo and behold, a Whirlwind came out of the south.

There was a reddish brilliance about it, and it made no sound….

…when I lifted my eyes, there were two divine emissaries standing near me.

They had the faces of men…” 62

What did Ezekiel really record for us, in the Old Testament? He couldn’t have imagined it, nor could he have been speaking allegorically, because nearly identical words were used by Endubsar, the scribe who engraved those tablets all those millennia ago – carving his record, in another language. And isn’t ‘divine emissaries’ another way to say ‘angels’?

Were these ‘whirlwinds’ just meant to waft ‘divine emissaries’ to scribes and prophets? Those same old clay tablets tell a different tale…

“When wing to wing, near each other… …Ninurta in his Whirlwind soared;

Anzu against him in his skybird rose to challenge.” 63

This text goes on to describe an enthrallingly detailed

account of an ancient aerial dogfight. Our Stone Age ancestors were a strange lot indeed!!!

62 The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin, Copyright © 2004 Inner Traditions / Bear & Co. 63 The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin, Copyright © 2004 Inner Traditions / Bear & Co.


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Those ancient ‘gods’, our ancestors certainly possessed modern weaponry. They even left pictographs in stone for us to marvel at:


Incredible carvings of what looks like a helicopter and other flying craft found on walls of the ancient temple of Osiris at Abydos.

While flying high in hi-tech aircraft, even the ancients would have needed to wear special headgear, like our pilots are required to do – and they did; unless the antique sculptor who carved this head out of rock in prehistoric Ecuador was psychic…


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The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian historic poem of enormous length. Much of it reads like a modern science fiction epic, where “Gods” fought each other, often using their human subjects to do their fighting.

Ancient Indian Aircraft Technology, from THE ANTI-GRAVITY HANDBOOK, a fascinating book, by D. Hatcher Childress, is a ‘must read’ for those interested in this subject.

***** “The PUSHPUKA is a flying car that resembles the

sun; this one belongs to my brother, this aerial and excellent vehicle goes everywhere at will ….. It resembles a bright cloud in the sky and rises up into the higher atmosphere”.

“The VIMANA is a double-deck flying vehicle, like a great flying bird. It has a strong and durable body, made of light material. Inside, mercury powers the engine, with its iron heating apparatus underneath. The power latent in mercury sets the whirlwind in motion. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth.”

There were at least four different models of the VIMANA aircraft, some were SAUCER SHAPED, and some were like GIANT CYLINDERS. There were the “AHNIHOTRA VIMANA that had two engines and the “ELEPHANT VIMANA with more engines. (Akin to our JUMBO airliner?)

No, the above is not an extract from a sales brochure for aircraft. It is taken from the MAHABHARATA, that ancient Indian epic poem, describing aerial vehicles in prehistoric India.

Ancient Indian texts on VIMANAS are too numerous; to relate all they have to say would require several


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volumes. All their VIMANS were said to be manufactured by the Indians themselves, who wrote entire flight manuals on the controls of the various models of these amazing craft, many of these manuals are still in existence and some have even been translated into English.

There are perhaps thousands of references to flying machines, missiles, and other deadly weapons recorded in ancient Indian texts that the original British translators of the nineteenth century flatly refused to translate, stating that it was all the work of religious twaddle. Only after the Indians took control of their own culture in the twentieth century, were accurate translations available to the rest of the world, for the first time in probably thousands of years.

There doesn’t appear to be definite mention made that the VIMANA could be used for interplanetary travel, though the saucer shaped model does have a striking resemblance to the UFO of today. Amazingly, visitors from the Pleiades do mention the VIMANA by name – as we will see later.

However that enthralling Indian epic we have been speaking of, does provide us with a tantalising story of a trip to the moon and an unbelievable battle there involving the VIMANA, and what some interpret to be Atlantean space craft, called VAILIX. Yes we do seem to be living in a world full of ‘coincidences’; here’s another one…


The Earth looked gorgeous, as it hung there, half way to the zenith. Not too far away from where they were, was the crater Plato, about 700 miles from the Moon’s North Pole. Soon they entered a large subterranean cavern, looking like an old underground city. It was dark, using their laser lights, they went as far as they could on their lunar ‘sleds’, then walked a further three minutes, before coming to a large cavern, in which, eons ago a small town had been built. Now it was deserted, but preserved perfectly, it looked to be billions of years old. Carefully, they negotiated the narrow


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stairway to ‘ground level’ about thirty feet below the tunnel entrance, and came to what appeared to be the main street. Buildings were basic, but remarkably well preserved. Kalen-Li, one of the Korundorians at the moon base described the area according to ancient records he had learnt about.

This establishment, he went on to explain, was meant to have been a sort of ancient base, or headquarters for a race who arrived on the Moon millions of years ago. Unfortunately, after many years of peaceful co-existence they and the inhabitants who were already living on the Moon got involved in a catastrophic war, which destroyed the whole lunar landscape, and vaporised its atmosphere. This and other ruins are all that is left, to bear mute testament to that terrible time. The Copernicus crater was blasted out by that fateful final explosion.

Is it possible that this was the battle described in the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, where the Vimanas and Vailix craft were involved in a mighty battle?


They landed the ship close to the place where Rama’s Vimana was waiting for them. Rama then flew the Vimana to Chiclayo, where it was camouflaged behind some hills.

This episode can be found in Wendelle C. Stevens’ entertaining book UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES; in which he describes the craft used by the Pleiadians in their modern day encounter with Chaco, a contactee from Peru. Yes it appears to be the same Vimanas described in the Indian literature thousands of years ago! But that’s not all; the thrills continue … Rama describes the drive system of his Vimana.

Reversible electro magnetism’ is what the drive system of his VIMANA is operated by, explained Rama.

He went on to explain that when the mercury in the rotor just above the transparent plastic – looking columns


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reaches critical speed, they can reverse the magnetic and electrical fields, thereby controlling matter, and overcoming the forces of gravity. Thousands of years earlier, the Dronaparva part of the Mahabarata, that amazing ancient Indian epic poem states that the Vimana was shaped like a sphere, and borne along at great speed on a mighty wind, “generated by mercury.” It certainly looks like they were describing the same flying machine. Is this the same Rama of Hindu mythology, the Rama who was also involved with the Vimana air craft? But Edgar Cayce also speaks of a Ram – (a shortened form of the name Rama?) – who came to India about 100,000 years after the creation of Adam in the first – spiritual – creation of man. Are we still describing the same being?

***** A few years ago the Chinese discovered some

Sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet, and sent them to the University of Chandigarh, in India to be translated. Dr. Rut Reyna of the University commented that the documents contained directions for building interstellar spacecraft! That’s interesting enough, but after what we have just learnt from other sources, what she said about their method of propulsion was even more so.

Their method of propulsion was based on a system analogous to that of “laghima” – the unknown power of the ego, existing in man’s physiological makeup. “A centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull”. According to Hundu yogis, it is this “laghima” which enables a person to levitate.

This, more or less confirms many contactee accounts and ancient records of space craft being controlled by the thoughts of UFO beings, who sat in special seats, wearing special head-gear, at what appeared to be control consoles in the alien space craft.


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Here is an interesting excerpt from Sitchin’s WHEN

TIME BEGAN. It describes a trip into space by Etana, a Sumerian king-priest. It goes something like this:

With the permission of the god Utu/Shamash, the god in charge of the spaceport, Etana was carried aloft by an ‘eagle’. The higher he rose, the smaller the Earth looked. After the first beru of flight, the land became a mere hill…After the third beru, as a garden ditch. After one more beru, the Earth completely disappeared.

In ancient Sumer, a Beru is a unit of measurement – a league (when measuring distance), or a two-hour block of time (when measuring time). In this case they must be using the time measure, because if they measured distance that would mean the Earth disappeared after they travelled four leagues. They must meant time, and must have travelled very fast even by today’s standards. We all know the Earth can be seen (quite large) from the Moon. For it to be out of sight within eight hours of flight, they sure must have been travelling!

The vehicles and weapons used in those ancient wars don’t appear to be ANY different from our modern weaponry. If anything, they seem to have had some weapons that have not yet been invented – or reinvented – by us. One such weapon was the “Vaishnave”, which could “confer invisibility”, and was able to “destroy in all worlds”.

***** There has been much written about these images

found high on a wall of the Egyptian temple at Abydios. Some of these figures convey the distinct impression that those who carved them were trying to depict high tech flying machines. After reading accounts of ancient civilisations and their technologies, it makes it much harder to believe any


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other explanation, however detailed and convoluted it may be.

Today’s humanity ask for ‘proof’ that ancient civilisations once existed on earth, what more chilling proof can one have than the stark sombre remains of a hellish nuclear war? Those who want to see these can examine, and make judgements for themselves. These are the carcasses of ancient cities that once stood proudly on these sites many thousands of years ago; bustling cities tragically melted down into glass-like masses, victims of hellish nuclear conflict. These sites are stamped with the proof of death. Even today, some 50,000 years later traces of this high-tech insanity can still be seen.

The best preserved ‘proofs’ have become curiosities in our time, because Earthman has yet to learn. Well known in this respect are those localities still under the name “Death Valley”; and “Fire Valley”, near the city of Las Vegas, in the U.S.A; witnesses to the past and the timeless nuclear psychosis of this planet’s human beings. Atomic war is not new to this generation of Earthmen. The dangerous nuclear sciences have been discovered and put to use on Earth many times before, and never has Earthman failed to destroy himself, with this ‘toy’ of his. It has never helped humanity to newer and loftier things. We have yet to learn.

Some other sites of radioactive residue left by prehistoric nuclear blasts can be found in Monument Valley, Arizona, the Bakaa Valley in Lebanon, the West Australian Desert, and northwest of Cuenca, in Ecuador, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey; don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah! And there are more, many more!

The above accounts can be found in another fascinating book by Wendelle Stevens, “UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES”.

Ancient texts describe some of these horrific wars in amazing detail. Will we ever learn to listen?

Such a war is described in ancient manuscripts found


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in India. It was said to have been fought about 20,000 BC in Northern India. It describes a weapon that could strike whole countries and entire races from generation to generation! A radiation weapon, no doubt.

Another fascinating author, James Churchward, refers to this in “THE CHILDREN OF MU”.

Then, on page 97 of the Bodha Parva, there was the “Vaishnave” weapon which conferred invisibility, and was able to destroy in all worlds. Shades of the Philadelphia Experiment, only more awesome. I wonder what is meant by “destroy in all worlds”? We don’t appear to have learnt that type of destruction as yet! Heaven forbid us!

Another part of the ancient Indian scriptures, page 677 of the Drona Parva, describes the “Agneya” weapon, which blazed with smokeless fire on all sides. Inauspicious winds began to blow; thousands of cars fell down on all sides. Everything was destroyed. “Inauspicious winds”; sounds uncomfortably similar to the “Poisonous winds” spoken of by the ancients of Sumeria, in Zecharia Sitchin’s books. These poisonous winds were reported to have destroyed ALL LIFE in neighbouring cities, after Nergal & Ninurta unleashed their nuclear weapons.

***** The authorities were at a loss to explain why there

was such a high rate of birth defects in children born in this housing development site in the Indian state of Rajasthan, ten miles west of Jodhpur, and why the rate of cancer among its local inhabitants was so high.

Excavators then made a grim discovery – a whole ancient city lay beneath this new estate, including astonishing human remains, covered by a thick layer of highly radioactive ash. The region was promptly cordoned off by the Indian Government, and investigations stepped up. Radiation levels recorded at this site were more than 50 times


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above normal.64 As the excavations continued, it soon became

apparent, that this city, and all its inhabitants, was wiped out in an atomic blast sometime between 8,000 and 12,000 years ago. What was left of the vitrified walls of buildings, left little doubt of this. Judging from the magnitude of the destruction, one researcher estimates that the nuclear device used would have been about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.

Those readers who aspire to the concept of reincarnation may well wonder at the karmic forces at work here…

***** Ancient Japanese texts, the Takauti Documents go

back more than 24,000 years in unbroken history, the foundation of Shinto, support the claims of a great worldwide nuclear war. These documents even contain maps showing the locations of each detonation, and the cities destroyed. The symbol on these maps that mark the sites of those ancient nuclear blasts - is a MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD – a picture is worth a thousand words!

What they uncovered made these archaeologists shudder. The streets were strewn with skeletons many of them holding hands, as if some great catastrophe had suddenly overtaken the whole population. Brick and stone walls were vitrified – fused together; clay pots had turned into globules of black glass. All the skeletons were extremely radioactive; startlingly similar to those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, after they were blown out of existence.

Even if the ancient Indus Valley City of Mohenjo-Daro could speak, it could not be more eloquent than the heart-wrenching sight of those skeletons, still holding hands. 64 SECRETS OF THE LOST RACES: by Rene Noorbergen.


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The most logical explanation for this disastrous calamity is an atomic explosion of some sort. The ugly spectre of nuclear war appears to have reared its head once again! I wonder if the “Agneya” weapon was used here. Other sites in India, with similar remains have been found. The “gods” seem to have gotten mad with each other even here.


Meanwhile, in the Middle East, gods were at it again, man was involved in this one too…

Now, let’s hear an account of what is probably a similar occurrence, this time from the ancient Sumerian tablets so vividly described by Zecharia Sitchin, in “The Lost Book of Enki”. We will paraphrase it, to keep its length down.

Nergal and Ninurta, the sons of Enki and Enlil, respectively, strode off determinedly to the top secret hangar, where the Weapons of Terror were stored. Marduk’s evil plan had to be foiled; the evil cities had to be destroyed.

But before deploying them, the Weapons of Terror, had to be armed, their “MEs” were “awakened from their deep long slumber”.

The signal was given, the first weapon was launched. With a searing flash, the top of Mount Mashu was sliced off, its innards in an instant lay melted. (Was this some kind of particle-beam device?)

Seconds later the second weapon was unleashed above the Place of Celestial Chariots. (Isn’t that how a nuclear device is exploded – above the target? With the brilliance of seven suns the plains’ rocks into gushing wounds were made. After the blinding flash, an eerie darkness engulfed the skies. The plain of the chariots, (place where aircraft were parked) was littered with burnt and crushed rocks. The surrounding forests were no more, only tree stumps remained standing.


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From his ‘sky ship’, his ‘Black Divine Bird’ (aircraft?), Ninurta announced, ‘it’s done’.

Now it was Nergal’s turn. Following the King’s Highway, to the verdant valley of the five cities, he flew. (Remember, this is from an ancient stone tablet, thousands of years old – mankind was still barely out of his cave dwellings – so we are told). Once over the five cities, a Terror Weapon was sent upon each. To complete desolation, each of these cities was overturned – finished off. With ‘fire and brimstone’ were they ‘upheavaled’. All who lived there were ‘turned into vapour’. (Can we think of any other weapon except nuclear that could do that?). “Fire and Brimstone”, the Bible says, destroyed the ‘evil cities’ of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Bible speaks of two cities, but that does not mean there were no more. This was the site of the ‘evil cities’ spoken of in the primeval Sumerian tale.

Mountains were toppled, by these awesome weapons. Where the sea waters were barred, the wall broke open, down into the valley, the sea’s waters cascaded flooding the whole valley. Super hot ashes mixed with water, fountains of steam gushed heavenward. (It looks like the coastline was changed, with the breaching of a dyke, or sea wall of sorts).

“It’s done, echoed Nergal. Their mission was accomplished. With satisfaction they surveyed their handiwork. Then it dawned on them, something was not quite right. The sun-dimming brilliances of each successive flash was followed by an eerie darkening of the skies, a terrifying storm was brewing. A swirling within a ‘dark cloud’, an “Evil Wind” developed. As the sun set, the sky was overtaken by unnatural blackness. A ‘dreaded brilliance’ lit up the horizon through the night; obliterating the Moon. As dawn broke, the storm was in full force, driving a thick dark-brown cloud towards the heavily populated lands, straight towards Sumer, bringing with it merciless death wherever it went.. There was no escape. No door could lock it out; People died like flies. Those who fled to the streets, on


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the streets were their corpses piled up. Cough and Phlegm filled their chests. Blood and foam filled their mouths. The waters were poisoned, the fields were all withered. There was complete and utter desolation!

What a perfect description of the awful aftermath of a nuclear war.

In August 1945, modern descendants of those ancient Sumerians detonated two more devices, possibly of a similar nature over a couple of Japanese cities. Have a look at the following photographs; it shouldn’t be too difficult to picture, in the mind’s eye the similar scenes of desolation in those unfortunate cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and many others all over this planet in those ancient times, when man was still trying to work out a way to live at peace with his brother. Will he ever learn?

This used to be Hiroshima.

Hiroshima, after the bomb.65

65 : License: All information on this site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied.)


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NAGASAKI, before and after the advent of nuclear annihilation.66

66 : From the Wikimedia Commons. Commons is a freely licensed media file repository.


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The ancient city of Mohenjo daro, after it was destroyed. Note the sobering similarities with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

RADIOACTIVE SKELETONS found at the site.

And the tragic human element. FLATTENED radioactive skeletons.


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“White hot smoke that was a thousand times brighter than the sun

rose in infinite brilliance and reduced the city to ashes.

Water boiled...horses and war chariots were

burned by the thousands.. . the corpses of the fallen were mutilated by the terrible heat

so that they no longer looked like human beings...

…it was a terrible sight to see ... never before have we seen such a ghastly

weapon.” The Mahabharata

Compare this description to our twentieth century

descriptions of nuclear devastation and those used in the ancient Sumerian stone tablets. HIROSHIMA:

By August 8, 1945, newspapers in the US were reporting that broadcasts from Radio Tokyo had described the destruction observed in Hiroshima. "Practically all living things, human and animal, were literally seared to death," Japanese radio announcers said in a broadcast captured by Allied sources. NAGASAKI:

A blinding flash followed by the explosion generated heat estimated at 3900 degrees Celsius (7000 degrees Fahrenheit) and winds that were estimated at 1005 km/h (624 mph).

Let’s compare the two reports above with this ancient account extracted from the Sumerian tablets:

After the blinding flash…


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A land-annihilating storm … An evil wind like a rushing torrent … A battling storm joined by a scorching heat… Its cultivated fields grow weeds…

The ‘blinding flash’, the horrendous fire storm, the scorching heat… There could be no doubt they were describing the same horror.

Even the ‘gods’ were reported to have abandoned their abodes. Of course they did, for they were no gods; they could not control the evil they had let loose themselves and the unfortunate people.

I wonder if any of those military or political personages who were responsible for planning those detonations over Japan, actually had the soul of the ancient war-mongering ‘god’ within him!

***** Now, here is an intriguing story of a prehistoric aerial

dogfight that would stir the heart of a modern jet fighter. Only, this would have taken place in prehistoric Indian skies:

Krishna (the demi-god) was pursuing his enemy Salva in the sky. Salva’s suddenly turned his VIMANA (called the “Saubha”), invisible. (This is what our own scientists were trying to do in the Philadelphia experiment, several thousand years later.) This did not phase Krishna, for he immediately fired his sonar-guided ‘arrow’ – missile? And his ‘favourite fire weapon’, Salva’s VIMANA was eventually destroyed.

An interesting little footnote could be added here regarding Salva’s craft… Salva, an ancient Indian king is said to have got his custom built Vimana from Maya Danava, who was an extraterrestrial from a planetary system called Taltala. Earth humans were certainly interacting with extraterrestrials even in those far off times.

Read about this in “ALIEN IDENTITIES –


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***** Ancient aerial dogfights stir you??? Another aerial battle, this time fought in primeval

skies over the Sinai Peninsula; deciphered, once again, by Zecharia Sitchin, in The Lost Book of Enki.

Ningishzidda provided the hero Horon, a Fiery Pillar. This great flying machine looked like a heavenly fish, with fins, and a fiery tail. It had ‘eyes’ that changed from blue, to red to blue. (Sounds like a modern rocket ship, doesn’t it?).

Towards the triumphant Satu, Horon, in his Fiery Pillar soared. Far and wide, they chased each other; fierce and deadly, the battle raged. Horon’s great Fiery Pillar was the first to be hit, but its defences held out. Then, with his awesome Harpoon, (an air-to-air missile?) Horon scored a direct hit on Satu, who came crashing to the ground, and was captured…

***** Then this one, in ancient Egyptian skies… Ninurta pursued him, raining down on the habitations

below him poison-bearing missiles. His Weapon That Tears Apart the People, robbed them of their senses in that land. (That smacks of chemical warfare!)

Prolific accounts of aerial battles fought all over the planet in the olden times, together with fascinating hieroglyphs from Egypt, South America, and other places the world over, should leave no doubt in our minds that Mankind has lived through several cycles of evolution. The gods seem to pick us up, then bring us crashing down again, while they fight amongst themselves.

At the end of the day, it looks like, WE will be teaching THEM what true spirituality really is; and as they cycle back, to fulfil their karma, it is on Earth that they will finally learn of their spiritual heritage.


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With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the atomic annihilations in India, and other countries, the world appears to have collapsed into a “stone age” of sorts, and modern history picks up a few thousand years later.

The narrators of these sobering stories remark that many thousands fought and died in the name of their respective “Gods”. We can’t help but wonder, just who were those “Gods”? Are they returning, only to send us back headlong to more nuclear holocausts and another stone age? It certainly looks like they are trying to. This time however they could be stopped, because at the present time there appears to be a better understanding of prayer and its relationship to planetary affairs. If anything can save Earthman from plunging back into savagery, it is the power of prayer; and through it, the involvement of the forces in the spiritual / subspace realm.

If we reflect on what our space friends, our cosmic cousins have been telling us, about the “gods,” spoken of in ancient scriptures the world over; those same gods who helped us evolve, and gave us high technology in ancient times. Yes, are the same gods who eventually fought among themselves, killing each other, and many thousands of Earth humans as well, finally destroying one Earth civilisation after another; are the very same extraterrestrial descendants of the early Lyran, Pleiadians, Dals, and Reptilians from Orion, who destroyed their own home planets, and were responsible for the destruction of Maldek in our own solar system. If we are to reflect on that, and come to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, they are telling us the truth…

Perhaps, they somehow feel responsible for what their ancestors did to our planet – and maybe, so they should. Could they be trying to make amends, without breaking the cosmic code, of non-interference in our affairs? If that be the case, maybe we should take heed. After all, we have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.


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***** “Let posterity, at a time, by destiny designated,

the record read; the past remember,

the future as prophecy, understand.

Let the future, of the past the judge be.67

The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin


The Great Flood was destiny, he said, but the Great Calamity – the nuclear war that destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding ancient cities, that was not destiny, it was fate, and it could have been prevented; so said the great Sumerian “god” of the Anunnaki, Enki. These ‘evil’ cities just got too evil, and commonsense could not prevail. Once more we dip into Sitchin’s “Lost Book of Enki”.


Now come, write it on a tablet

they can keep, inscribe it in a record; That it may be in future days

an eternal witness: Isaiah 30:8

Endubsar, the master scribe was gathering twigs for firewood, in the wilderness near the city of Eridu, when he was ‘abducted’ by two beings dressed in shiny metallic

67 The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin, Copyright © 2004 Inner Traditions / Bear & Co.


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looking suits. They were emissaries of the “god” Enki, (in the Old Testament, we call divine emissaries, angels). As they spoke to him, the ‘Whirlwind’ lifted itself, as a fiery chariot, and was gone…

Soon Endubsar was sitting at the scribes’ table, with the “divine stylus” in his hand. This stylus was light as a feather, and glistened like no other stylus did. Its handle was made of ‘electrum’; its tip was made of ‘divine crystal’. There were fifteen tablets of lapis lazuli, perfectly smooth on two sides, stacked nearby for him to inscribe. Writing on these stone tablets with this divine stylus was like writing on wet clay. As we read Sitchin’s riveting book, we will discover that these ancient “gods” lived in a high tech world.

Slowly, Enki dictated his message to humanity. Inscribed in stone, on both sides of fourteen tablets, so it would survive the ravages of time, and be preserved, until the ‘right time’ arrives, and the appointed one would make it known to the world. That person would tell the world that according to the great Anunnaki, the Biblical flood really did happen. And that nuclear war is not the answer to disagreements. The ‘Great Calamity’ triggered by the nuclear devastation of the obnoxious cities, was not just the explosion, but the evil, poisoned ‘wind’ (radiation contamination ?) that swept through several neighbouring cities, destroying all life in its path. This Calamity was to be re enacted in several cities throughout this planet. He tells us that people died like flies in the streets, and in their homes. Even the great ‘gods’, fled for their lives, before this silent death – where was their omnipotence? Destiny was over taken by fate. The great Anunnaki fate was now entwined with the fate of planet Earth, and its own humanity. The souls of many an Anunnaki, may well be living normal human lives today, paying back their ‘jots and tittles’ of many years ago.

Enki’s story would commence by telling us of the coming of Earth’s first ‘new age’, when Nibiru arrived, to


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change the solar system forever, and the Anunnaki, would be instrumental in changing the course of man’s evolution, for all time.

After he finished speaking, there was silence, the auras (?) were extinguished, and ‘the spirit’ left our Master Scribe. When he regained his senses, Endubsar was back in the fields outside Eridu; thus ended a typically modern abduction, with a very similar message for mankind; the only differences being, that the story was told in the first person, and was set in stone. And of course, this abduction into a UFO happened about 6,000 years ago. It’s an absolutely fascinating story, one we have drawn from copiously in this book, and will be going back to several more times.

***** If we consider that they, and we are all part of a

cosmic family, and we all have the same ‘spirit’ of God within us; then it should not take too much of a stretch of imagination to presume that many of those ancient gods, may in fact be incarnated today in normal Earth bodies. And in these bodies of today, be placed in a very similar situation they were in those thousands of years ago; and this time hopefully make the right choice, and not go down the nuclear track, again.

Is there written evidence ‘they’ could have come from on high?

In the “Hakatha”, or Laws of the Babylonians, it is stated: “The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient of our inheritances; a gift from ‘those from upon high’. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives.”

This time hopefully we are more advanced spiritually and can tell right from wrong. Our extraterrestrial contacts have often told us that their ancient ancestors were more technically advanced than spiritually. Hopefully the spiritual heritage of this civilisation has done its job well, and steered the planet away from technological hell. If only we listen.


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Who indeed were these gods of old? After reading a lot of ancient scripture, it would appear that our ancient ancestors did not appear to form any connection between their spirituality, or their soul, and their gods. The gods of the ancients were no doubt mere mortals, with comparatively infinite knowledge compared to the rather ignorant indigenous population of planet Earth.

Ah! The price we pay for entering the age of high technology. Sooner or later someone decides to use it to control his brothers and sisters. Whatever happened to the good old days”…

***** John Waters (a fictitious name) was told that he had

been coerced into applying his natural abilities to make others submit to mind control against their will. To boost his abilities, additional mechanical and electrical appliances would often be used. Shades of Montauk for sure, but wait – this was some time in the 1930s or 40s, and the ‘Sleeping Prophet’ Edgar Cayce was describing an event that occurred in Atlantis over 13,000 years ago. Some of those ‘old’ days may not have been so good.

The modern generation may be composed of different people, but one must keep in mind, that many of the souls that inhabit the citizens of this generation are the very entities that lived, and made those fateful decisions long ago, when that brilliant civilisation was even then taking its last gasp. Can we trust ourselves not to make the same mistakes again? Perhaps, just perhaps this time we accept some of the help being offered.

Yes indeed, it is a very complex world we live in. *****

Let us revisit Jean-Pierre Prevost, and his visitors regarding the Ciergy – Pontoise UFO abduction case, we spoke of earlier, his visitors who were “intra – terrestrial”---

He looked around in awe. This had to be the most beautiful place on Earth. Maybe it was created as a museum,


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or perhaps a shrine to plant life. It seemed as though every plant on Earth was depicted in relief, on these gleaming walls. Every leaf, every blade of grass was reproduced in breathtaking detail. Rows upon rows of these pictures adorned the walls of these caves, as far as the eye could see. The whole scene was bathed in an eerie light. Thomas Costello stopped the electric car he was driving, and went up to one of these walls to touch it. To his surprise he noticed that the pictures were covered with what felt like polished glass, seemingly one foot thick. The warm eerie light was emanating from this glass. At the slightest touch of his hand, the whole wall started shimmering.

As he stood there amazed, the shimmering changed to a gentle, deep vibration that seemed to go right through him, producing an uncanny variety of tones within him – almost as though he was being told something in a way completely beyond comprehension. Costello climbed back into his car and left the tunnel, shaken, but not stressed.

This was only one tunnel roadway; there were several that went off in different directions. This tunnel however was a special one, different from all the others. It was the long tunnel to TAOS. The symbol that marks its portal is the symbol for marsh, or wetlands, and resembles the letter ‘Z’ with two cross lines on it. Thomas was escorting a foreign dignitary on a goodwill tour of this – the DULCE BASE. Dulce is a little town on the Aruchuletta Mesa, just south of the Colorado border in New Mexico.

Information on this highly classified military base is understandably hard to come by. Books by one insider who calls himself COMMANDER X are available.68

At the entrance to each cave on this level, carvings of winged beings and gargoyles stare down from the roof. The whole place looked like a preview of the Nightmare Hall. This very extensive network of ancient caves is only one of 68 THE ULTIMATE DECEPTION: by Commander X


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more than seven levels that extend down several kilometres below the Earth’s surface. Some say this network links up to others around the world…

Our ancestors too, had their share of underground colonies of humans ….

Historical documents tell us that, during the last century, staggering discoveries not spoken of today were made at Giza and Mt Sinai. These include Egyptian rumours of the discovery of another underground city within a 28-mile radius of the Great Pyramid. In 1964, more that 30 enormous, multileveled underground cities were discovered in the old Turkish kingdom of Cappadocia.

One city alone contained huge caverns, rooms and hallways that archaeologists estimated had supported as many as 2,000 households, providing living facilities for over 9,000 people. Their very existence provides evidence that many such subterranean worlds lie waiting to be found.

Further excavations at Giza reveal underground subways, temples, sarcophagi and at least one interconnected underground city; along with validation that subterranean passageways connect the Sphinx to the Pyramids. All this providing more evidence that the whole complex was carefully and specifically thought out.

Reports of fascinating objects found in these underground sites seem to blow the mind …..

The crystalline sphere was beautiful, and yet bizarre; deep within the solid baseball sized object were various hieroglyphs that slowly turned over, like pages of a picture book when mentally requested to do so by whoever held the sphere. That item of unknown origin and technology was recently demonstrated at a conference in Australia, and sent to NASA for analysis…

Interesting, especially in the light of what we read about in Zecharia Sitchin’s books. According to this remarkable researcher, THIS was where the Anunnaki had their space communications centre – an area that was out of


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bounds to outsiders.

It was dark when they entered, but suddenly the

whole underground chamber was bathed in a strange light. This light came from a single thin tube about 6 inches long. As the group approached the tube, it got brighter. The attending slaves panicked, took to their heels and bolted. The leader of the group, reached out, and touched the light-emitting tube, which then turned off, and gave no more light. Try as they may, the light did not return to the tube. Eventually they followed typical human instinct, and broke the tube open. After being subjected to this, it “bled” beads of a silver-coloured liquid that ‘ran fastly’ around until they disappeared between the cracks in the floor. (Sounds like mercury.)

Greek Neo-Platonist philosopher, Iamblichus, recorded the above fascinating account of a find, on a very ancient Egyptian papyrus, now held in a mosque in Cairo. This was part of a 100BC report about the adventures of a group of people who entered an underground chamber.

The archaeologists in charge of this discovery were thoroughly amazed at what they saw emerging from their diggings! This was the most beautifully planned city they had ever set their eyes on. Replete with temples, peasant dwellings beautifully painted in pastel shades, workshops, stables and other buildings including a palace. The under-ground waterways were hydraulically operated; the city had a perfect drainage system along with other modern amenities.

The intriguing question that arises out of the discovery is: where is that city today? Its secret location was recently revealed to a select group of people who were given permission to explore and film the city. It exists in a huge natural cavern system below the Giza Plateau that


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extends out in an easterly direction under Cairo. Its main entry is from inside the Sphinx, with stairs cut into rock that lead down to the cavern below the bedrock of the River Nile.

The expedition carried down generators and inflatable rafts and transported them along an underground river that led to a lake one kilometre wide. On the shores of the lake nestles the city, and permanent lighting is provided by large crystalline balls set into the cavern walls and ceiling. A second entry to the city is via stairs leading up to the basement of the Coptic Church in old Cairo (Babylon). Drawing from narratives of people “living in the Earth” given in the books of Genesis, Jasher and Enoch, it is possible that the city was originally called Gilgal Film footage of the expedition was shot and a documentary called CHAMBER OF THE DEEP was made and subsequently shown to private audiences. It was originally intended to release the footage to the general public, but for some reason this did not eventuate. This astonishing report is taken from Tony Bushby’s


***** The extent and sophistication of the ‘world within a

world’ is mind-boggling. This is very likely the type of world the survivors of planet APEX would have retreated to, if we were to consider Lyssa Royal’s writings. It could very probably be the work of one of our own early super – civilisations that several sources have been telling us did exist on Earth; civilisations that suffered the same fate as that of the Apex planet, and perhaps even Maldek. This faculty is reputedly now being used by the U.S. and (on a larger scale) by aliens from another planet. For what reason? No one knows! Sounds preposterous, doesn’t it? But let’s just add it to our information banks and make a final decision later.

It is quite possible that our space cousins on Apex


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planet, and elsewhere, appeared to have made their ultimate mistake in times gone by, and apparently so have we. Hopefully we have learnt from each other’s mistakes, and will not provoke history into repeating itself yet again!!

What do Scriptures say about these underground inhabitants? Here are a few verses that say it very succinctly:

“The Lord saw that

the wickedness of man was great, IN THE EARTH,

and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continuously.

And the Lord was sorry that he had made man

ON THE EARTH, and it grieved his heart”.

Gen: 5-6 Notice the distinction made between ON the Earth,

and IN the Earth? It will be interesting to hear the ‘experts’ try to explain this without more entertaining mental gymnastics!

***** From where he stood it looked like the entrance to a

cave, on the side of a hill, half way between the villages of Kettlewell and Starbotton, in the Yorkshire countryside. Alec was spurred on; he always wanted to explore these caves. He had heard so much about them.

Approaching the hillside, he realised he had not been mistaken; this was a cave entrance all right. Taking out his torch, he entered the narrow opening. A blast of cold air greeted him as he stepped into the dank, foreboding blackness. The beam from his torch seemed to go on forever ahead of him. Buttoning up his overcoat, he followed the


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beam of light, the walls were reasonably smooth; so was the roof, as the tunnel proceeded to take him progressively deeper and deeper into the hillside. The sound of his footsteps, and his laboured breathing was the only sound to break the eerie silence.

Suddenly the ground started to tremble; looking ahead he noticed a greenish glow in the distance. Gradually this soft light got larger and brighter, until it began to pulsate menacingly and seemed to head straight towards him. Discretion got the better of valour, and Alec Mclellan turned around and bolted.

Back in the safety of Keighley, he learnt of the age old tradition in West Riding of Yorkshire, a tradition that goes on to say that somewhere out there in the dales, there was an entrance to an underground world, from which very few humans ever returned. This place, the locals insist, was actually a dwelling place for people like us; People who migrated there many centuries ago, and live, hidden from the rest of the world. Are these just ancient memories, or fanciful myths?

The idea, of a thriving unseen, world beneath us is not new; in fact the ancients of almost every culture have legends that speak of these underground kingdoms. Stories of these exotic habitats come from countries as far apart as Tibet, Germany, Hungary, India, China, Persia, Russia, Poland France, the United States, and Turkey, to name just a few.

Over the centuries, this underground ‘kingdom’ has been called many names, Hades, Tartarus, Shangri-la, Shamballah, and most commonly, Agharti.

***** The little children, a boy and a girl, were quite

agitated, and wept bitterly, the local folk tried hard to calm them, but not to much avail. They appeared to be extremely hungry, but refused to eat anything, crying even more bitterly, every time any food was given for them to eat.


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Eventually they wolfed down raw, fresh beans someone offered. Now that their hunger was appeased at last, and they appeared to calm down a bit, the people around tried to find out where their parents were, who they were, and where they were from. The kids were still very confused, they did not even speak the language, in fact, with the entire furore around them, they only started crying again. What made it so bizarre to all around, was the fact that both the little ones were a rather strange shade of GREEN. The small English village of Woolpit, in Suffolk, was stirred by this sudden discovery of these little ones, by harvesters, in a cornfield. The little boy never really settled into his new surroundings, becoming very languid and depressed, he died within a few days. The girl however enjoyed good health, and grew up into a healthy lady, gradually losing her strange colour. Finally she is reported to have married and settled down in Kings Lynn.

When she acclimatised well enough to learn the language, she would often speak of her home world, under the ground, the world she and her little friend accidentally wandered away from so long ago. Theirs was a world with no sun, but was lit with another light, and where everyone was at peace with each other. Even though many attempts were made to find the entrance to this hidden world, no one was able to find it.

Betty Andreasson (yes the same Betty Andreasson we spoke of earlier) was only 13 years old when she was abducted from a field, by an alien, and informed that she was being ‘taken home’ to meet the “ONE”. This home turned out to be a secret underground area. To get to meet with the ONE, she needed to leave her physical body behind.

Alien beings like those encountered by Betty and countless others like her, have, it appears been visiting us for a long time. Terracotta figurines uncovered in the ancient city of Ur, in Mesopotamia, clearly depict almost identical creatures as those described by UFO observers the world


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over. These objects date from about 4500 BC. Semjase could quite well be right. You can read about these in “STRANGE BUT TRUE UFOs” by Rowan Wilson.

***** From biblical times, life UNDER the earth appears to

be as natural as life ON the earth; here are three more references from the New Testament that mention subterranean existence.

“But no one in HEAVEN, or ON earth or

UNDER the earth shall be able to open the scroll….” Rev 5:3.

“Then I heard every creature in HEAVEN, and

ON earth, and UNDER the earth and in the sea, everything in the universe, cry out….”

Rev 5:13.

“In the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in HEAVEN, and ON earth and UNDER the earth.”

Philippians 2:10.

For those who may think that mention of ‘those under the earth’ refer to dead people – the rest of the verses go on to describe beings that are very much alive. How could anyone live underground? Perhaps there are places of abode there, and our scripture writers apparently knew that.


Michael knew it would be an exciting career in the military; but even he was finding it hard to keep his composure. It was past midnight, and he was awakened. He noticed two others in the room with him. Still quite sleepy, he remembers an officer saying something about wanting volunteers to serve on Mars. Was he dreaming?


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They are led into a camouflaged room, built to look like a broom closet. The steps lead into an underground area. Michael was soon to discover that Beneath the Great Lakes military base in Illinois, (may be closed down now) there was a huge underground area. Michael was assigned to the Mars Base. His mind was still reeling and not quite awake yet.69

Placed over the door of the Temple Beautiful, in Ancient




Edgar Cayce Reading - 281-25

Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2005 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. All Rights Reserved

69 MARS RECORDS 1: by Stephanie Relfe.


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Footprints, that perhaps another, Sailing o’er life’s solemn main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow –

“Psalm of Life”


We take a short break now, and move to things more subtle; the delicate field of the spirit. Though this is an almost abstract area of thought; it is arguably the most important, for spirit existed long before the rest of creation came into being – long before even the BIG BANG! The physical world we see, feel and hear, all around us exists because of the spirit. This is not the time or place to go into too much detail about this, but we do need to realise that our spiritual selves are the real inheritors of the cosmos.

***** But, we do not live in just a physical world. We are

essentially spiritual beings; our family extends through the spiritual or sub space world which is inhabited by spiritual, or sub space beings as well. We will leave our involvement with the sub space world, for a later chapter. Suffice to say,


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that to help Earth humans to develop spiritually, many great beings have come to this planet to enlighten its people. Being spiritual beings, which exist in a different reality, they do not require space craft, or such to get here.

According to Sitchin and the Mahabharata, These ‘gods’ taught us how to worship. They themselves prayed. They were dishonest, and deceived each. Our ancient scriptures from all over the world describe these gods behaving exactly as our extraterrestrials described the technically super advanced warlike beings did on far away planets through the cosmos. They destroyed their worlds, and came here, and destroyed one civilisation after another here too. They seemed to be searching for their own spirituality, which their descendants, back on their home worlds eventually found – spirituality that we are finally acquiring ourselves.

It seems to have taken the technological gods of the cosmos millions of years to evolve spiritually to the stage where they acknowledge that they are souls on their journey back to their creator. Eventually, we hope that knowledge will help them to leave their destructive ways behind.

The much maligned inhabitants of Earth seem to have done a little better. Since gaining knowledge of our spirituality a few thousand years ago, we have now reached a stage where potentially, we can bypass the need for the massive technical advancement our cosmic cousins achieved. By recognising, and using the potential of the Soul / Mind / Physical powerhouse, there is no reason humans cannot travel to, anywhere in the universe, and finally lay claim to the many mansions of our Father’s universes. This could not have happened by accident. We do have the lessons of our space brothers and sisters to learn from, and the great work done by our extraterrestrial contacts have no doubt helped. But we also owe a lot to several great religious teachers of the past. And the arrival of Jesus must have been the real turning point in our advancement.


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Courtney Brown, who we have encountered often in this book, takes us on a visit with him to the sub-space realm…

This appears to be a subspace (astral / spiritual) being. Who wishes him to enter his consciousness, to perceive his reality. Following the usual Remote Viewing Protocol, Courtney immediately finds himself in another world; a world dark and sooty. An exploding mushroom cloud gives way to flames and flying debris.

The place smells putrid. There is smoke and ashes all around. People are crying, babies are crying too. There is crying and groaning everywhere. Only death lives here. He looks around; he sees terrible pain, people writhing, burning flesh slowly falling off their charred bones. They are still crying, as their flesh continues to char. What a terrible, terrible place to be in.

Yet, he senses heroism here, but it is futile. Heroism cannot change the outcome. This was a city, it is now a holocaust. This is what a city would look like after a nuclear bomb blast.

There are legions of subspace (astral/spiritual beings) beings busily involved in all the confusion. These non-physical workers are collecting the souls of the dead. They were trying to help, but in reality they were just getting these souls out of the situation. This is an evacuation. Everything is in a state of collapse.

Courtney had just finished another amazing Scientific Remote Viewing session, targeting the Reptilian world. Many Remote Viewing sessions, and Channelling, and other sources speak of unspeakable destruction that occurs to whole planets due to the misuse of nuclear power. It appears to have happened here on Earth in the past, and we have been warned over, and over again. I do hope we listen to our cosmic family.

This is just another example of the power of MIND even on a COSMIC scale. We will be hearing from Courtney


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and SRV again in this book. Among the beings of the spiritual realm, who have

graced planet Earth with their presence, was Jesus, arguably the greatest of them. In a later chapter, we will see how His deeds and teachings actually changed the course of spiritual development of this lucky world.

There must be something special about this person, because an ordinary religious teacher would not attract so much attention from those who try to bring his lofty ideals crashing down. Edgar Cayce had this to say to one group.

When asked if Mary Magdalene had been Jesus’ lover, Cayce emphatically replied that she had not. The only thing Jesus ever wanted for her, was to be her saviour, not her lover.

The idea that the progeny of Jesus and Mary Magdalene could be living quietly somewhere today certainly fits nicely within our growing interest in blood-lines, and future generations. Exciting though this may be; this is most certainly not true according to Cayce’s reading of the Akashic Records. With Cayce’s impeccable record, I think we’ll let the matter lie there.

Our God certainly has a very extended family; and we are only now becoming aware of it. He appears to be using our extraterrestrial siblings to awaken us, to see who we really are, and how we fit into the celestial scheme of things; it’s all part of our spiritual development. A development we desperately need, to balance out our technological development. It would be fair to say, that many of these siblings have at some time in the distant past, been in the same situation we find ourselves in today, perhaps even been part of the cause of our problems. They have learnt their lessons, and now feel obliged to see that we grow too. Each one of us can become an active part of this undertaking. It’s not just the domain of the lucky few who serve as contacts for the extraterrestrials. All we need to do is to use that God-given communicating machine, the mind, together with the


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awesome power of prayer. In fact Edgar Cayce did tell us; as Earth humans

happen to fall behind in their spiritual evolution, there is a continuing entering into the Earth plane of more and more souls, from other sources, other worlds, to maintain the balance in this planet, according to the original plan of Creation.

On the other hand, if we look carefully we notice other agencies busily at work to slow down that advancement. These groups use any means, political, religious, even intellectual, to make a case against any enhancement in our understanding of His reality.


There must be something very desirable in our genetic makeup, because there are others from another branch of our cosmic family tree who want it. We now go on another Remote Viewing expedition with Courtney Brown…

As soon as he commenced this session, Courtney perceived a subspace (spiritual) subject surrounded by a soft yellow/golden light, this being was a Reptilian. He was probably overseeing the activities of what was going on in this, their underground laboratory-type facility deep inside a mountain, somewhere in the American continent. This facility was a dimly lit modern multilevel establishment. Going even deeper into this amazing creation he noticed several layers of elevated walkways against the walls. This was a busy place, peopled by what look like humanoids. Courtney then moved to a large closed area that looked like a college cafeteria area, with lots of activity and interaction between several younger humanoids.

Using his Remote Viewing abilities, Courtney found, that the purpose of this large technical complex was to carry out research. He saw electronic equipment and test tubes all over, experimental research seemed to be the main function


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of this facility. The young humanoids he ‘saw’, were part human and

part Reptilian in appearance, but mostly human emotionally. On another level, he noticeed many of these Reptilian

labourers, working long hours. There was a certain ‘quietness’ about these mature aliens’ consciousness; and a relative slowness in their intellect, when compared to the partly human subjects. When taken together as a group, however, the Reptilians appeared to be quite capable of aggression. Michael Relfe’s (from the MARS RECORDS) experiences of these beings depict them as having utter contempt for humans, and whose long term agenda is actually to control Earth’s humanity.

Through Remote Viewing, Courtney has also developed a keen sense of perception, and this led him to perceive that this was also a place for governmental research operations. Which government, he could not be sure – yet.

On the other hand, Courtney Brown indicated that we have a lot to learn from the Greys; referring to their consciousness as having an innocence that is almost childlike. Having been around for eons of time, and been the passive witnesses to so much history, their experience would fill any galactic library. Being a species that appears to be dedicated to inner growth of that which is spiritual, we would have so much to learn from them.

Being almost devoid of emotions, this makes them less aggressive than even humans. They do not experience fear, like we do, and when they see our fear, as expressed by some abductees, it seems to baffle them, and they are quick to ‘calm’ the terrified victim. From the accounts of many abductees, they appear to be very curious when confronted by human emotional outbursts, particularly when we pray, and mention the name of Jesus. They too are searching for higher spirituality. We need to help each other grow – after all we are family, aren’t we?

Courtney suggests that from his experiences with


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remote viewing of these cosmic cousins of ours, that our understanding of spirituality and even our practice of religion could be enhanced significantly by studying how the Greys perceive and interact with the heavenly domain.

We should learn what the Greys have learned, and add their knowledge to our own, thereby enhancing our own evolutionary growth. From the reports of many remote viewers, it appears that the Greys do not wish to hide anything of themselves from us. They appear to hold no secrets from us. What we need is the courage to open our eyes and minds, so that our fear and prejudices do not blind us to the hand of friendship and love they seem to be holding out to us.

It is true; they appear to be carrying out abductions and all the unpleasant incidents that involve their hybrid /cross breeding programme; and this to the average human, is at the very least downright invasive and rude. But let’s not over react, let’s not forget the spiritual / subspace component of the picture. Courtney tells us that the Greys work in the spiritual / subspace realm more often, and much more effortlessly than we do. According to many channellers, psychics and even Courtney, the Greys have never abducted anyone without getting their prior consent in the spiritual / subspace level. After all, the spiritual world is the important reality isn’t it? What’s more, apparently all Grey abductions of humans, for their cross breeding programme, is being done with the ‘blessing’ of the Galactic Federation.

Having said all this, let’s not be too naïve and overlook the fact that, as in our own Earth human society, they are many sections of the Grey social order. The community we have just described are the more advanced / evolved species of Greys. Others do exist, who work to different agendas. Some of these appear to be under the control of renegades, or the belligerent Reprilians.


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Courtney tells us, what many others have also done;

there is a war out there in space and beyond. What’s more, this war has finally reached our shores. It’s not just the awakening of a foolish humanity, that’s at stake - a lethargic humanity that just wants to keep its head buried in the sand. What’s really at stake is a future for our children, a future that is free from fear, imprisonment and possibility genetic slavery or even genocide. From the results of some remote viewing done recently, it appears that some alien species, with the astonishing assistance of certain Earth government organisations have already set the stage for this, and are well on the way to creating a rather horrific future for people on Earth.

We are entering a new stage in our evolution, in which we too must fight for the survival of our species. Fortunately we do have an advantage other species did not appear to have had; other species who were eventually overrun by the ‘dark forces’ and totally destroyed their home world. We have been taught the use of prayer. Let’s not be totally stupid sceptics, and throw out the baby with the bath water. Let’s use the power of prayer to its fullest. It is an unstoppable power.

***** In his two fascinating books, Courtney Brown has

made a rather extensive study of two of the three most commonly encountered extraterrestrial races, the Reptilians, and the Greys – the third being the Nordics, like Semjase and other Pleiadians.

Yes, “They” have made contact with us. So far this seems to be a rather one-sided contact. Because of this, some people could be excused for feeling alarmed, and threatened. This need not be the case. Ignorance leads to fear. Let’s enlighten ourselves, but first of all we need to know how to use that instrument these aliens seem to control so masterfully. Let’s get to know Mind the Builder.


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And I saw a new heaven and a new earth.

For the first heaven and the first earth was gone, and the sea is now no more.

Apocalypse 21:1


The lush vegetation was dotted with large eggs, some standing on end, others lying on their side. They were quite large, though others were enormous. Further along there were a number of spheres of different sizes. Soon Michael realised, these spheres were in fact space craft, like the one he was presently in; but what are the eggs?

Michael was given a mask to wear before exiting the craft; he would need to keep this on for a while, so that his senses would get accustomed to the extreme brightness, colour and ambience of Thiaoouba.

Once outside, Michael and his companion Thao sat on a small platform, which smoothly and noiselessly glided away towards one of the eggs. These eggs were fully equipped, comfortable houses where people lived. This one was going to be Michael’s abode for a few days, till he was returned to his home in Australia.

The air here was warm and fragrant, he saw many


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other inhabitants, and they all had a look of contented happiness on their faces. Michael was filled with a sense of euphoria, in a way he had never experienced at home on Earth. The trees were absolutely huge, and the flowers were delightfully beautiful.

Michael Desmarquet’s amazing abduction to this fascinating planet, where he was shown wondrous things, and taught great things to bring back to Earth, can be read about in ABDUCTION TO THE 9TH PLANET.

The giant ants were swarming all over the town, frenzied men, women and children were fleeing in terror, some brave individuals were valiantly trying to defend the community with spears and knives, but to no avail, these gigantic creatures were slicing into their arms and legs. Michael was horrified; there was nothing he could do. Suddenly a powerful blue beam of light shot out from under the craft he was in, it vaporised the front row of these colossal insects, then with surgical precision took them all out of the attack. Those that tried to escape were vaporised, till there were no more left. One by one the traumatized and terrified people came out of hiding, and prostrated themselves on the sand below.

No, this was not a scene from a science fiction movie; it was just another event Michael was shown by his companion Thao, and is described in the book mentioned above. This was an incident that had taken place on a distant planet.

After reaching a very high degree of technological advancement, the inhabitants of this planet destroyed themselves in a nuclear war. The last remnants of humanity here, were trying to survive through radiation poisoning. These ants were the results of the resulting genetic mutation. This may have been a good plot for a movie, but an awful


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reminder of what can quite easily happen on Earth. Michael Desmarquet was shown this, so he could

bring back the experience, as a warning to us of the absolute insanity of mans’ tampering with nuclear armament.

***** There was terror, on the ground below. What was

happening? A huge asteroid was reported approaching the planet. This was no ordinary asteroid, it was a monster, and you could say it was a large chunk of a broken-up planet. Everyone was expecting to die, but the ‘big smash’ did not come, instead the global wind gusts were something the people on this planet had never experienced. Wave after wave of atmospheric turbulence encircled their whole world. After each lull, came an even more calamitous high. It was not a direct hit, just a glancing swipe that sent the atmosphere oscillating wildly. Eventually the whole atmosphere seemed to just be stripped off the planet; even the seas evaporated into space. But long before all this came to pass, life had already taken its last struggling breath.

A few stunned and battered survivors huddled in small groups deep in what ever caves they could find. There was a little air here. But nothing more was left of life on that once so beautiful planet. Mars was now officially a ‘dead’ world.

This was another mind-boggling account of a terrible catastrophe recounted by Courtney Brown, in his “COSMIC VOYAGE”; another of his Scientific Remote Viewing masterpieces. We will hear from Courtney again. At this point I would like to take our readers back to our

mention of the destruction of planet Maldek, and the account of its possible impact on the fate of Mars, as related by Hancock, Bauval and Grisby in their thought provoking book THE MARS MYSTERY. There seems to be some form of confirmation here, circumstantial, though it may be. Do ghosts survive in space? Perhaps they do; we may be about to


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find out…a little later.

***** It’s an Earth-type planet, with clouds, water, oceans

and land. Yes a beautiful planet indeed; and quite far off too. It has two suns, one large yellow sun, much like our own, and a smaller white dwarf. (Sounds too strange? Remember Semjase who described the multiple suns of her home planet Erra, another world in the beautiful Pleiades star cluster.)

The people didn’t perceive his presence there. It was a family, a man, woman and a child. The child was crying. They have hair. They looked and felt entirely human, and even American. The man had a beard, a large woolly beard. The woman had blond hair. The clothing was colourful. The temperature around here is very comfortable, warm. The man was very confused. He really did not understand what is going on.

Cuing on the object of his viewing – They were the Greys. They know about the humans, of course. They even knew Courtney was remote viewing them, and focused their attention on him right away. In fact, they started attempting to feed him information very fast. It seemed too fast for him to handle.

The greys too become a bit confused for a while, like something else was occupying their attention. There seemed to be a bit of disagreement among them. Maybe they were trying to figure out how to feed this remote viewer from Earth, important information.

The people on this world were from Earth. The greys brought them here. They have been transplanted. The humans did not know everything. They did not even know where they are. The reason they were taken away from Earth was because human survival was at stake. A new location was needed away from Earth’s climatic disasters. The transplanting was still going on at the target time, (2000AD) but was not yet happening at the time Courtney was doing his


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remote viewing – March 1994. In ‘94 there were just making the preparations for the partial evacuation. They were in the process of getting a class M planet ready while waiting for us humans to self-destruct.

Is this the ‘new heaven, and new earth, spoken of in the Bible?

They were also transplanting genetic material. They need as wide a selection as possible of genetic material to ensure the survivability for a better more advanced gene pool.

The genetic changes needed are for a better connection between spirit and body. The current genes downplay this. The original gene structure was necessary for survival in our past. But new or modified genes are needed for growth and survival at this later stage.

The above was Courtney Brown’s, 1994 Remote Viewing of the Pleiades star system & cultures, at a targeted year, 2000AD.

This brings us to a question. How many species in our galaxy have the benefit of such interstellar midwives as the Greys in their evolution? Also, what will happen to those humans who remain on Earth? Will they simply perish, or will they continue to evolve in a fashion that is different from their then-separated cousins in the Pleiades?

The abduction experiences described so far, along with the other “scientific” discoveries of time warps and space travel etc, have all outlined how the human race has evolved PHYSICALLY, and TECHNOLOGICALLY. But have we, as a race evolved SPIRITUALLY? After all, we have seen what technological development without corresponding spiritual development can do to a civilisation.

Just as we on Earth have the United Nations, who are in theory, responsible for the overall well being of the people of this planet, there are, we are told immense groups of our more advanced cousins keeping an eye on us, from ‘up there’.


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***** This place looked HUGE; he had never seen a

structure as large as this before. It looked like a metallic city. Moving inside, he was surprised to see so much activity, by so many older-looking beings. Their skin was smooth, and mostly off-white. This looked like a very important place. The inhabitants here used verbal and telepathic communication. At first they did not seem to know of Courtney’s presence, but soon he was given a warm welcome.

Courtney Brown had just ventured into the Galactic Federation. They are the United Nations of the cosmos, we just mentioned; and Courtney was utilising his cosmic communicator, to Remote View this hallowed precinct. He was informed that he, and his monitor (the one who guides him through the Remote Viewing sessions), have the special mission to maintain the deliberate connection between Earth consciousness and the Federation, to help this civilisation grow in awareness towards our cosmic reality.

In the course of his meeting with the leadership of the Galactic Federation, Courtney is informed that they have a need for our (Earth humans) help. They want to help us, but they need our help to help them help ourselves. More people need to know their relationship with God, and the cosmic reality. He is informed that he must finish his books, and make it available to humanity.70 The time is NOW.

A connection – though hardly used now – seemed to already exist between the Galactic Federation and Earth. Is this the connection the children of the “Law of One” established with the subspace / spiritual domain, when they

70 THE COSMIC VOYAGE & COSMIC EXPLORERS: By Courtney Brown are available free from his website – . Also available are his SRV TUTORIALS.


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entered the ‘fourth dimensional consciousness’ , several thousand years ago in Atlantis? You can read about this in “Edgar Cayce on Atlantis” by Edgar Evans Cayce (Edgar’s son).

If not for any other reason, then at least due to the sheer weight of evidence, we must look more closely at this subject of aliens and contacts, because it might just be the vital link that holds the cosmic clan together.

***** They shuffled along slowly, wearily. He watched

them with a growing sense of absolute dejection. This small group of living dead approached the vehicle, carrying what looked like a crudely-fashioned wooden coffin, which was loaded into the rear of the craft, as it hovered a couple of feet above the floor of the cavern.

They looked like simple folk who wore simple clothing that contrasted sharply with the gleaming silver uniforms of the spaceship crew. Their clothing was like a monk’s long-skirted black habit, with a deep cowl which concealed their face; a merciful concealment indeed. John nearly passed out, when the vehicle’s headlights revealed their pathetic features. Even in the deep hypnotic state under which he was recounting this experience, John was visibly distraught.

He could not tell if they were men or women, it did not seem to matter anyway – they all seemed quite close to death themselves. The only thing they could look forward to in life was to dispose of their dead, and wait for the day when their own bodies would be disposed of. Their faces looked lifeless, their eyes were dim, and some did not even have any eyes, and groped around sightless. Their teeth were gone altogether, as was much of their limp straggly hair. Their fingers were deformed, swollen and claw like. This scene left John emotionally scarred; this forlorn scene of unspeakable sadness.


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No one from the craft ventured out to help them. They dared not, if they did, they too would get contaminated and end up the same way. This was a routine visit, to collect the corpses and take them away for disposal. You see, things were not always like this. Each one of these living dead had their own memories of happier times. Times they spent with their families, with their children – where were the children now? John did not remember seeing any. Perhaps they were all dead, or – the thought made him shudder, perhaps they were so mutilated that he could not recognise them.

He turned away and buried his face in his hands, overcome with sadness; he did not notice their exit from the deep cavern this craft had entered. John was glad to leave that heart-wrenching scene of desolation.

ANOUXIA, was the name of the commander of the ship John and his young family were on. This English family of three adults and two children ended up spending nearly an hour as the guests of the Janos people, on board one of their spaceships, over rural Oxfordshire. And their captivating adventure is recounted in “THE JANOS PEOPLE”, an enthralling book written by Frank Johnson.


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…The physical world exists to help the Evolution of life in the subspace/spiritual world

Not the reverse.

Courtney Brown – COSMIC VOYAGE


“…..Here with the Master. See what they have for supper – boiled fish, rice with leeks, wine and loaf. One of the pitchers in which it served is broken. The handle is broken as is the lip. The Master’s hair is most red, inclined to be curly in portions. Yet he is not feminine nor weak but strong. --- He is merry even in the hour of trial.

“The better looking of the twelve is, of course Judas; while the younger is John, with oval face, dark hair, smooth face – the only one with short hair. Peter, the rough and ready, has a very short beard – rough, and not altogether clean----.

“The sack is empty. Judas departs. The last is given of the wine and loaf. The Master lays aside the robe which is all of one piece. He girds the towel about his waist which is dressed with linen that is blue and white. He rolls back the folds and kneels first before John, then James – then to Peter, who refuses. Now comes the dissertation as to ‘He that would be the greatest among you should be the servant


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of all’ …...They leave for the garden.71” This account of the ‘Last Supper’, was the result of a

spontaneous vision Edgar Cayce experienced at the end of one of his ‘physical readings’. It came through him to us from his sources, after the suggestion was given three times for EC to wake up; another classic example of time travel, backwards through time. Betty Eadie’s account of her little ballerina, we will read of a little later, is an example of forward time travel. Our fascinating mind does demonstrate this fascinating ability time and time again. ‘Enlightened’ writings tell us that every action, thought, word, and deed, is on record ‘up there’ in what the ancients call the AKASHIC hall of records; preserved forever for anyone who so desires, to see and learn from.

Edgar Cayce also calls it the ‘skein of time’, onto which the history of creation is woven. The history of every person, country, planet and galaxy, is recorded here with absolute and unchangeable integrity. There have been many books written about this remarkable human being Cayce. “THE SLEEPING PROPHET” by Jess Stern, or “THERE IS A REVER” by Thomas Sugrue, are my particular favourites.

Along with these records of our past, Cayce tells us, are records of probabilities that stem from our present trends. This allows those who can, to have a ‘sneak preview’ as it were, into the future. However this ‘future’ is not fixed yet, but is only a list of probabilities based, as we said, on present trends. This is why predictions from even the best of seers, often remain unfulfilled. The variable, or unknown quantity that changes the ‘future’ scenario, is the result of mankind using its’ free will.

Many, are the books written about these AKASHIC records, and how they can be accessed. Regardless of what anyone might suggest, however, no method is as safe or reliable as the use of prayer and meditation, as we will see 71 Edgar Cayce Reading No: 5749-1


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later on. To help us understand better, the concept of this

‘skein of time’, let’s embark on a hypothetical flight of fancy, into the vastness of space itself. We equip our self with an infinitely powerful telescope that can pick up the smallest object from anywhere in space, and allow us to observe it through its all powerful eyepiece. With this bit of equipment firmly installed and trained to look out the rear view observation window of our turbo-charged rocket ship, we are ready! Off course we don’t forget our personal cosmic communicator, with its optional extra - imagination. Everything being ready we blast off into space.

Looking through our window, we don’t need the telescope just yet, we see the billowing flames, fumes dust, and everything associated with a rocket launch. We have started our journey, and are already riding on the ‘skein of time’ though we do not realise it. We watch the ever changing scene through the window; see our world quickly receding into the distance. We now reach for the telescope, and can pick up the scene at the launch pad. The tidying up is in progress, down there. We are several thousand kilometres away, already we are back in time, the light that make up the scene we are observing right now had left the launch pad a second or so ago. We now take a break and come back later, when our super powered rocket is about as far from the Earth as the Earth is from the sun, the scene we observe now is eight minutes old.

All this time, we have been travelling along the ‘skein of time’ while the light that carried the images we have been watching was zooming along, and past us at about 300,000 kilometres per second. We now engage our super drive, and speed up, accelerating towards the speed of light. The scene we observe through our telescope, now starts slowing down, as we start catching up with the light that has passed us, soon all movement observed through the telescope, of our starting point, slows to a complete stop, as we are now keeping in


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step with the light that makes up our scene. This is no Earthly rocket, so we speed up, and are now travelling faster than the light that left our launch pad. The scene we see through our telescope now starts to wind backwards, and we actually start going back in time, even from where we are, several hours of light time away from Earth. We keep accelerating, (in our imagination of course) till we eventually catch up with the light that left Earth on that day we blasted into space. We now see a replay of the launching, as we keep going, we actually watch the rocket, as it is placed on its gantry, and the early preparations for launch are being made, we are actually now revisiting the PAST. Thanks to Mr. Einstein we need not expect to travel unduly far from Earth to do this either, because he demonstrated that due to gravitational forces in space, light does not travel in straight lines out there, but in fact takes a long curved path. This particular path, or ‘skein’ would be tuned to the launching of our rocket.

As we sit here, in our comfortable chair, reading this, we in fact have let our mind do the flying. Now we see how easy it should be (in theory at least) to tune into any part along the skein of time, and obtain any records we need! All we have to do is to gain control of our friendly cosmic communicator. Once we learn to do this, like Edgar Cayce, we would have at our disposal the most comprehensive library ever!

Now here’s a subtle, but very real indication of how our ‘time travelling’ can create a deep seated effect on us – Going back to Edgar Cayce’s account of the ‘Last Supper’? To those of us who hold the life and times of Jesus very dear to our hearts, that rather detailed description has already imprinted its picture onto our imagination. When ever the thought of any member of that group comes to mind, those poignant descriptions given by Cayce will most surely colour our image of that person.



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The pretty little girl came tripping into the hospital room – she looked to be about three years old – and walked with the grace of a little ballerina. She tiptoed up to Joe, balancing on one leg on the toe of his shoe, leaned forward and reached into his pocket. Betty was mesmerised by the dainty, happy little child. But Joe, who was also in the room visiting his wife, did not see a thing!

A little more than eight years later, Betty and Joe were adopting their youngest child, a little girl who had been a badly abused baby before they got her. Tiny baby Betty Jean was now a happy little three-year-old.

One afternoon, mum and dad were admiring their youngest little darling tripping across the room. Then she turned to mum, and flashed that familiar impish grin at her. Running up to Joe, with one foot, on the toe of his shoe, there’s that grin again for mum, and reaching forward, put her little hand into his pocket, just as Betty had ‘seen’ her do eight years ago. This time though, Joe too had the privilege of experiencing the apparition.

What really happened in the hospital room that day eight years ago? Was Betty hallucinating? Or did she somehow slip into the future for that ‘vision’? Now the tricky question, did the three – year – old mind of her baby somehow ‘remember’ that sneak preview? The impish look on her face seemed to suggest it. Or was it all ‘just a coincidence’? The cop-out phrase that makes it so easy to gloss over anything that challenges our out dated concepts.

Whether Betty’s consciousness slipped into the future, or the little ballerina tripped into the past, one thing is certain; our mind does have this strange faculty to transcend time. Episodes like this bring with them vexing questions, like – was Betty’s hospital experience less real than the replay eight years later? Betty Eadie herself describes this amazing account in her book “EMBRACED BY THE LIGHT”.



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It was night, sometime in 1956 when Al left Hawaii for Long Island, and the Montauk Project. He was to work there in one of his favourite fields, UFOs and aliens. Al reckoned he worked at Montauk for about seven years. After his stint was over, he was sent back to Hawaii; with no memory of those seven years. It was several years later, about 1986, when the lost memories started flooding back, in all their detail. It was only then, he realised the full extent of his amazing experience. Al was dumbfounded to find that when he came back to Hawaii, it was not 1963, but the SAME night in 1956, that he had left, about seven years earlier. The people at Montauk had manipulated time so effectively, that those seven years he spent on the alien UFO project were completely deleted from Al Bielek’s time continuum.

This type of time manipulation has been reported several times, by people all over the world. Here’s another example recorded in Stephanie Relfe’s Mars Records we encountered earlier…

His forehead hurt, as he lay there on the table. This whole episode would last a few hours, it usually did. He lay there under a powerful anaesthetic, as the attending doctors worked on his brain; they were either putting something in, or taking something out; perhaps an implant or two, or three… Michael had special electronic gismos imbedded in him, to enable him to interface effectively with machines that amplified his psychic abilities many hundredfold. At last it was over, now they would keep him for four days, to allow the drugs to work, and his body to recover, so it could cope with his complex new assignments.

After the military had finished doing what they wanted, with Michael, on this particular assignment, he was ready to be ‘Time Shot’ back to Dallas, from whence he was taken. Soon he walked back through the ‘portal’, back home to Dallas. The only strange thing about this whole affair was that he returned on the same day he had left, even though he


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was away for FOUR DAYS on this top secret project. Time manipulation is now down to a fine art, thanks to the Montauk Project. So is teleportation, because they also had to teleport Michael from Dallas, to where ever that operation was performed, then back again. Even those around him at Dallas would not know he had been away. They sometimes wondered at the scars that seemed to suddenly appear on him, but wonder is all they could do.

How often have we heard the phrase, “Oh, to be young again…” Well, with time manipulation, we CAN be. In the fascinating “MARS RECORDS”, Michael Relfe calls it time deletion, and age reversal…

According to him, there were several permanent staff members with him on Mars Base. There were also occasional visiting politicians. The visitors spent a few weeks there then returned via the ‘jump gate’. They were not time travelled back. Permanent staff however was on 20 year duty cycles. After completing their tour of duty their memories were blocked, so they did not remember anything associated with this ultra top secret operation, they were age regressed 20 years, and time travelled back to when they left Earth 20 years earlier. When they got back, it was as if they were never away for even one minute.

Several years later, unrelated events occasionally trigger strange memories that cannot be understood, or explained. But, that’s all that remains – unexplained flashes of memories.

My, my, what are the kids in this family up to? Apparently Earth military are not alone in this Mars

endeavour. Michael Relfe, and others whose memories are beginning to break through, tell us that we are there indeed, and are working together with the Reprilians, and the Greys. The Earth human family is finally beginning to integrate…Again.

An absolutely fascinating book on time warps and time manipulation, THE MONTAUK PROJECT by Preston


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Nichols, and Peter Moon is a ‘must read’ book. After reading this book, Michael Relfe’s account of his experiences on Mars Base becomes more believable.


In this drawing the concept of time deletion and age regression is explained very nicely. Michael used a similar drawing to explain his service in the US Navy…

He enlisted in the Navy in 1976, for the Nuclear Power Programme. That was a six-year enlistment. That was six years in his ‘normal’ life time line. Not long after arriving at Great Lakes, Illinois, to the Electronics Tech School, he was recruited to Mars. He stayed there for 20 years, after which time he was age regressed, and returned to Great Lakes, about a week after he had left.

These were two completely independent lives. During his life on Mars, he was not allowed any contact with any event, thing or person on Earth. After these 20 years, he was


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returned to the time he left for mars, with all memory of those years wiped from him. His folk at Illinois had no idea that anything unusual had happened.

From the accounts in Stephanie’s books, events like this are by no means rare occurrences, and can be happening as we read this.

Time manipulation and age regression was apparently a large part of the Montauk project – Keep reading for more Mind bending, and Time manipulation…

Living in different times??

Al was working for the US Navy, as a civilian employee through a well known electronics company in Los Angeles, that day he was just sitting, and relaxing on the doorstep of the Hawaiian Hotel on the ocean front at Pearl Harbour, it was 1956. Suddenly, and for some unexplained reason, he just blanked out for a little over an hour.

At the time, he did not realise it, but Al was instantly ‘taken’ forward 20 years in time: Now it was 1976, they were interviewing him, trying to get him interested to work for them, but Al was not exactly sold, on their offers. That was until they mentioned UFOs. They struck a nerve, when they asked Al if he was interested in UFOs, because he sure was. He was hooked, so off they whisked him to a cavern under Long Island. Trapped in this cavern was the most majestic golden coloured UFO he ever hoped to see. Yes, the carrot they dangled in front of Al’s nose was too enticing; he was hooked, and ended up working for the Montauk Project.

That UFO, Al Bielek later learnt, was caught in the time-field shift that occurred during the Philadelphia Experiment of August 12th 1943, and wound up disabled in the underground of Montauk. Would he like to work on this project? Of course he would, after all, Al was truly hooked by now.


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Al Bielek ended up working at Montauk for about seven years. Sometime around 1982, he was returned to 1956, and the doorsteps of the Hawaiian Hotel.

***** Remember Dorothy? Author L. Frank Baum had her

trapped in a tornado, which deposits her in another world, in the tantalizing story of parallel realities, “THE WIZARD OF OZ”. That’s just a story, but these things do happen, don’t they?

It was August 1943; the USS Eldridge was docked at the Philadelphia Naval Yard. A very special set of experiments were about to be carried out. On that peaceful day, no one knew where these innocuous looking trials were about to take this civilization; No one except one group of Reptilians, who we shall hear about later.

Forty years later, in 1983, more experiments at Montauk, would link up to the experiments on the USS Eldridge, and change the space – time continuum of planet Earth and its inhabitants once and for all…

But first lets go back to 1943 and the infamous Philadelphia dockyard. Switches were thrown, and the Eldridge vanished from its present space-time location; only to suddenly reappear in Norfolk, Virginia, hundreds of miles away. First indications were that the project was a complete success. But then the human element appeared. Those of our readers who saw the movie, “The Philadelphia Experiment” would recall that the crew were completely disorientated. When they returned to their new space-time continuum, some appeared to share the same space as parts of the ship, ending up imbedded into the decking of the vessel.

At the expense of the unfortunate crew members, and their families, Earth scientists had found a way they can manipulate our space-time continuum. Forty years later, in 1983, they would perfect it.

What on Earth, we may ask has this got to do with


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Dorothy and the wizard of OZ? The tremendous magnetic and electric fields the

Eldridge was subjected to in the experiment, was in many ways similar to the forces present in severe tornados nature hurls at us. Here too, our space-time continuum appears to get twisted. Several cases exist where strange objects get infused into other objects, defying all the rules of physics; for example straw and grass have found their way imbedded into glass, in the wake of a tornado.

On display at NASA Marshall Space Flight Centre in Huntsville, Alabama, is a drinking straw firmly embedded in a section of telephone pole.

Nature has been twisting our time continuum for countless years; our scientists have just learnt how it’s done. And yes, it is still a secret…

Once our learned experts had worked out how to move the Eldridge from Philadelphia to Norfolk, and back, it’s not too much to expect to move a craft from Earth to the far reaches of space, is it?

Al Bielek, we are told, was in charge of one phase of “Project Hellfire”, another ‘Above top secret’ off shoot of the Montauk Project. Bielek claims to have been involved in retrieving two objects from a planet 120,000 light years away, on the other side of our Milky Way galaxy. They were of alien origin, and Bielek had no idea of what they were, or why they were retrieved. Time travelling was the method used. When this mode is mastered, who needs spacecraft?

All those involved in these projects have their memories ‘blocked’. However in time, little chinks seem to be appearing in these blocks. Perhaps with the use of prayer, and our extraterrestrial friends, we may one day be able to lift this blanket of secrecy that has been placed on all these projects.

Knowledge is power. Many organisations the world over seem to think as long as they are the only ones with this knowledge, they will have power over the world. This may


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work for a while, but the collective mind/consciousness of humanity, will eventually wrest this knowledge from them. Shouldn’t the whole of humanity benefit from the knowledge of our wonderful cosmos?

Freedom of speech, worship AND KNOWLEDGE will eventually prevail.

The creation of time portals and time manipulation is explained in “THE MONTAUK PROJECT” by Preston B. Nichols & Peter Moon. It’s an unforgettable read. This book reads like fiction, but is far from it.

In 1961, Bob Renaud (who we heard from earlier) mentions seeing some people being teleported to the Andromeda galaxy, some 2 million light years away, by some of our space cousins. It appears that Montauk does not have a patent on space-gates – yet. When angels appear to our holy people, do they use space ports as well?

***** A picture of innocence and beauty, Mary stood with

eleven other young maidens at the altar steps. The morning sun cascaded through the high windows, embracing all in the temple with its ethereal warmth, and bathing this young assembly at the foot of the altar, with almost heavenly effulgence of purple and gold. The room was charged with an air of great expectancy, and time seemed to stand still. Earth waited, ready to be touched by heaven. A loud crash of thunder shattered this sublime peace. Fierce flashes of lightning replaced the soft glow of sunlight. A tall majestic being of light appeared at the top of the altar, and gently led the child Mary up the steps. This was what they were waiting for; this was the sign. Mary was chosen, the channel was identified, and mankind had just entered a new phase in its evolution.

A few short months later, this same young girl was to become the mother of Jesus - - and, subsequently, “Our Lady of Health”, we referred to a little earlier.


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No, this is not from a Hollywood movie; the above account is based on our greatest psychic, Edgar Cayce’s description of the choosing of Mary, by an angel, to be the Mother of Jesus. This inspiring narrative, along with many others has been described in several books written about Edgar Cayce’s work. This particular one is recounted in Kirk Nelson’s “EDGAR CAYCE’S HIDDEN HISTORY OF JESUS” published by the A.R.E. Press.

***** This was amazing; they never dreamed they would be

on Mars, exploring underground caverns. Was this a dream? Had the two of them been somehow transported into a set during the filming of an Indiana Jones’ movie? No, it was true, it had to be, because after all they were using the Montauk time-Space “Tunnel” device (more on this later). There was a problem with light, the first time they came; they had to take their own lighting with them; later on they found some of the lighting equipment left there between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago by the last remnants of the Martians, if you wish to call them that. They had left everything they had of their civilization underground. There was an enormous amount of statuary, which appeared to be religious.

These statues were between 6 and 8 feet tall, and looked very similar to the ‘big gods’ claimed to be in initiation caverns below Lasha in Tibet. There were tons and tons of scientific equipment, electronic equipment, archives; and about 17,000 metric tons of Martian gold, strangely 5 times denser than our gold – worth an unbelievable fortune. There were oxygen generators, and some storage. They could pick up a very low power radio signal, and remembered a NASA announcement some years ago that they were receiving a low power low frequency radio signal from Mars which was coded, and undecipherable. However they now had the equipment to decode the signal – it was a warning; a


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warning message to humans to steer away from self annihilation.

It was quite evident, that a number of the Martians survived whatever the disaster was on the surface, and some of them took off for Earth. Others decided to stay behind on Mars in the underground. Eventually they and most of their progeny vanished – leaving all their hardware behind.

A tragic story indeed, but a story we will encounter more and more in this book. Another bit of corroboration, if you wish, for the SRV story we had earlier, as a few other stories of interplanetary visitations from eons ago.

This was extracted from a fascinating interview with Al Bielek, a survivor of the original Philadelphia Experiment. You can find out more about Al Bielek and his work from: www.philadelphia-experiment. com.

***** Michael had just signed up as a ‘volunteer’ for a

special military project on Mars. Many thoughts raced through his mind; was he dreaming? How would he get there?

Why, through the “jump gate” of course; this is like a tunnel through hyper-space, he must just walk through it. But first he needed to have a shot of a drug – Scopolamine, to make sure his brain survived the trip.

Once at the other end of the jump gate, he was greeted by officers from Mars Base; he spent some time getting acquainted with his new surroundings, and was given more drugs, to enhance his remote-viewing abilities. After all, he would be doing a LOT of remote viewing from Mars Base. Finally, the surviving volunteers were sworn into the M.D.F., or Mars Defence Force.

No, this is not a clip from a ‘Dr. Who’ episode. This almost unbelievable little snippet is part of an overwhelming story by Stephanie Relfe, about her husband Michael’s experiences with military service on Mars. The whole story


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(The Mars Records 1 and 2), and loads of other equally unbelievable reports can be had from her website:

We will hear more from Mars Base later… Walking from Earth to Mars? With no alcohol

involved? Dream on, one may be tempted to comment, but wait, Michael Relfe, and Pat are not the only ones to talk ‘silly’. Here’s another person, an accomplished engineer and inventor.

In another of his fascinating books, THE MONTAUK PROJECT, EXPERIMENTS IN TIME Preston Nicholls, with Peter Moon described another part of the Montauk Project. Yes, this too, has to do with Mars.

After discovering that someone had built an elaborate pyramid complex on that planet (the interested reader can find more about this in the video “HOAGLAND’S MARS”), it was decided to try to get inside. But like its Earthen counterpart, this too was sealed; perhaps even more effectively. Even with all their ultra-high technology, this was proving to be too challenging. The expertise used to seal the large pyramid on Mars indicated that it was built, and probably administered by an ancient, but highly advanced civilisation. Getting inside could unearth (unmars?) valuable knowledge.

Using technology already developed at Montauk, Nicholls tells us, a spatial warp was created, allowing them to eventually solidify a portal, through which a team could just walk from Montauk directly to the underground caverns beneath the said pyramid.

Still sounds too far fetched? Do read Preston Nicholls’ books. Any of his books you can get your hands on; they will blow your mind. The evidence keeps mounting.

***** From those amazing Sumerian tablets, so ably

decoded by Zecharia Sitchin, it seems certain that the ‘wandering planet’ Nibiru probably originated from the


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Sirius star system, eons before fate decreed its rendezvous with planet Earth. A world-shaking tryst that in all probability made us the human race we are.

We can rather tentatively deduce this from the fact that the ancient Egyptians – who had undeniable links with the Anunnaki, and Nibiru – believed that when the Pharaoh died, he was transported to Sirius.


Later on this was changed to the constellation of Orion (the three stars of Orion’s belt actually point to Sirius); where he was turned into a star, and then progressed to a higher plane of existence. To ensure a smooth passage, the ancients made sure that one of the so-called “airshafts” in the Queens Chamber” pointed directly towards that all important heavenly portal, to – Sirius; while the airshaft from the Kings Chamber actually points to Orion’s belt.


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It was not just the Egyptian Pharaohs who claim ancestry to Sirius; the Dogon tribe in Mali, West Africa - as mentioned in this book - also have a most fascinating knowledge of this star system, which they say was handed to them by their ancient ancestors who came from that distant realm. Other ancient civilizations too appear to have ‘connections’ with this brilliant star system. Maybe it’s just because Sirius is so bright in the night sky, and has attracted the curious attention of ancient man – maybe, but do keep reading…

And take a look at the other airshaft that points in the direction of Draco, Thuban, and Kappa Draconis? Thuban is Alpha Draconis, approximately 37 light years away; it was our pole star between 3942 BC and 1793 BC, when it was superseded by the fainter Kappa Draconis, also in the constellation of Draco. And Alpha Draconis is where the Reptilian exterrestrials are said to have come from.

Isn’t it rather ominous that the Pole Star, the star that was used to guide the traveller, (in the Northern Hemisphere) was actually the home of beings that seem to be used by the dark forces to supposedly mislead us? And this situation lasted for approximately 4,000 years, only to end at the dawn of Christianity, when our present pole star, Polaris took over.

Was Ningishzidda / Hermes, the architect of the Great


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Pyramid, trying to tell us something important? The beings from Sirius, Orion, and Draco were probably among the first members of our cosmic family to visit Earth, and were most likely responsible for ‘seeding’ this planet, eons ago with the seeds of humanity.

What about the Pleiadians? Well, they don’t appear to have been left out by those super mathematicians / architects. The Descending Passage and entrance does align directly with Alcyone, of the Pleiades; as if to tell us that the others were our foundation, our roots, but the Pleiadians enter and travel with us…

This amazing structure appears to have been conceived and constructed with astonishing inspiration; and technical know-how we would struggle to emulate today. It anchors us solidly to our cosmic roots – beckoning silently, to those who have eyes that they might see.

The Earth’s wobble changes our pole star over the millennia.

If we consider reincarnation as a fact, and souls that once inhabited the high-tech civilisations of Atlantis and Lemuria are now returning in great numbers, to pay their ‘jot and tittle’, is it any wonder unusual tendencies are appearing in the lives of today’s inhabitants of our planet? They are more than likely, bringing with them their baggage of past


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emotions with the potential to change the Earth’s affairs as they did so long ago. They made some wrong decisions then, resulting in destruction of themselves, and eventually the world. Will the right choices be made this time round?

The stage is set, the cast has arrived. Will the story have the same ending as it had 13,000 years ago? Or will the revised edition include the results of the lessons learnt along the way. This time we have an advantage we did not have all those millennia ago, the advantage of the awareness of our relationship with our Creator, and the knowledge of and use of Prayer, that all-important link to Him.

We should be very familiar with Inter Dimensional Portals.

Aren’t they what churches are meant to be? Gateways, through which people of ‘faith’

are led - Portals to the spiritual / subspace realms or





All the world’s a stage and all the men and women are merely

players; They have their exits and their


Shakespeare - AS YOU LIKE IT To recap, we have seen that there are indeed swirling masses of energy all around us and this force can be tapped into, and used for good or otherwise. The evidence that we have covered so far suggests that we are part of an infinitely extensive community that spans the entire universe. Other members of this community, on other planets, could most likely be in physical bodies, and have feelings, perhaps even like we have. We also know that from time to time we seem to have been visited by some of these cosmic cousins – from times immemorial, right down to our present times.

We have also established the fact that we are equipped with a most marvellous instrument, the brain, which when controlled appropriately by our mind, appears to have almost unlimited potential.

The experiences of people like Tuella, Pags, Courtney Brown and others, remind us that we most certainly are


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interacting with our unseen brothers and sisters, even though most of us may not be aware of it.

So this is the stage we dance on, and the whole universe throbs with the cosmic drumbeat. We may not always be able to call the tune, but we sure can add the lyrics to our part of the great symphony. How can we do this? We can, by using the equipment given to us for just such a purpose – our brain. Didn’t we establish that out thoughts can reach out to span all of space – and time? Courtney Brown, with his Remote Viewing proved that. Let’s see how ordinary folk like you and I, can use our brain like we’ve never done before.

From all the evidence we have gathered so far it seems more than likely that there is an on going interplay between humanity and our extra terrestrial kinsmen. And this interaction is not purely involuntary, as some of the above might suggest.

A recapitulation of what has been brought out so far in our findings concerning the creation and evolution of the human race on planet Earth, and our relationship to our celestial brethren indicates that:

1. Man has existed on Earth for at least

10,000,000 years. Though most of this would have been when Earth was a part of Tiamat. Before The Creator of All used the wandering planet Nibiru to bring the Earth, as we know it, into being, when it entered the solar system.

2. The Creator of All then used the inhabitants of

Nibiru to genetically modify Earth man, who was still evolving on this planet, engineering him to be the sophisticated, unique being he is at present. God, The Creator of All, would have used these advanced sons of His, the same way He uses our surgeons to carry out heart transplants, or IVF procedures, today.

3. Atlantis and Lemuria were two of the places


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in which man in spirit form, first entered Earth’s reality.

4. Man’s origin as a spirit, was on Tiamat. Using their inherited creative abilities, for their own selfish gratification, souls projected themselves into matter, interrupting an evolutionary pattern then taking place on the planet. Man soon became entangled in matter or materiality to such an extent that he had all but forgotten his own divine origin, and nature.

5. A very long time ago man attained great

technological progress, equal to if not surpassing that existing today.

6. Even in those early days everything was not

bright and rosy. Already differences developed in consciousness between those beings that projected themselves into material bodies. Possibly first as thought forms, then into more substantial flesh and bones, probably for their own sensory diversion.

7. Just as the misuse of their spiritual powers

brought turmoil, strife and questioning among themselves, men’s misuse of scientific and material achievements brought eventual physical destruction in the Earth.

8. Every time man destroyed his civilisation, and

returned to a primitive state, help came – from the stars. His cosmic family always came to his aid; for they too had often fallen the same way, on their own home planets, many worlds away.

9. Some time around 250,000 years ago, in the

ancient East African Abzu, our cosmic cousins from Nibiru started a brand new genetic strain of Earth humans. A new cosmic race was born – a race to which every single Earth


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human of today belongs – a people who carry the genes of their designers from space, the Anunnaki from Nibiru. We are a people who have stardust in our veins.

10. This new breed of humans, with its rather unique mix of physical, emotional and spiritual properties has become the sought after commodity for at least two branches of the cosmic family.

11. Once more, man (this time, the NEW breed of

man), became captivated, and enslaved by the physical world around him, following the lead of his Anunnaki ‘gods’ he was soon carried away with the drive to multiply and populate the planet with his progeny; lust took over. The once pure human race could hardly be recognised, monstrous hybrids of man and beast roamed the world. Mankind had lost his divine identity; the human race was spiralling into spiritual oblivion. All attempts to keep the Earth human race pure were stymied with the whole scale intermarrying between this unique race, and those of less desirable stock.

Once again man was all but wiped from the face of the Earth.

12. Once again, about 28,000 years ago, help

came. A handful of humans were rescued from the ensuing global wipe-out, saved to repopulate the planet. This misfortune of the Flood turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The human race was cleansed of those horrendous ‘mixtures’. The slate was wiped clean, and we were given a new start. Once again the race was pure. It was time to become re-acquainted with our cosmic origins. Our progenitors from Nibiru returned to re-establish life on Earth. In due course, selected spiritual teachers would enter the scene to help this re-vitalised breed of humans better understand their real make-up, to teach them that they were actually spiritual beings, and it was only by developing their


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spiritual aspect that they would avoid repeating the same mistakes their ancestors / designers had kept making eons ago.

These leaders proceeded to condition the psyche of the human race, for the revolutionary mind-shift that was to come. Eventually the time was ripe, and, about 2,000 years ago the Master Himself was sent, the Master, in the name of Jesus. Our Christian readers would agree that this great being soon turned civilised thinking on its head. He taught humanity the real meaning of LOVE, and PEACE, (almost) AT ALL COSTS. Revenge and vengeance were exposed for what they were – blinding coercions of the dark forces. Love, He taught us, was the glue that held the universe together. Sadly today, little more than 2,000 years later, even those who say they follow Him, have difficulty ‘turning the other cheek’. Nevertheless the seeds had been sown, and at last mankind was travelling in the right direction, his cosmic ‘heaven’ beckoning him, from straight ahead. And those ‘mansions’ or our Heavenly Father, were now within his grasp...

What makes love the glue that ‘holds the universe together’? We all know that when real love is manifested in a relationship, there is no room for violent destruction to affect it. Therefore, to preserve any relationship, love must remain in it. So it is in our relationship with the Source of All, and indeed, the universe itself. Anything other than real love would be quite foreign, to our mind set and a cause for concern.

It would have been the lack of love that eventually led to the collapse of many great civilisations on Earth, and indeed on many planets through the cosmos. Visitors from out there have told us, through their contacts here on Earth of the destruction of many planets through nuclear wars. True love can never allow such destruction. As a race we know that – nevertheless, as a race, we still fight. Our self-centred mind-set has to change. We need the help, and permanent


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presence of someone, or something wiser and more powerful than we are; someone who we can trust, someone who, ideally would be infused into our very being, to guide our innermost thought processes, so we can think right. When we think right, we can’t help but act right.

13. Earth man has come a long way since his beginnings nearly a quarter of a million years ago. Technologically he has almost reached the stage Atlantis was at, in its prime. We now know the importance of the mind, and how the spirit uses it, and by now we should even have an idea of the real power of prayer.

14. This last finding of ours is perhaps also the most important. Prayer has the power to move the proverbial mountain. When we make it a working part of our daily life, we soon get to realise how true that statement is.

Collecting masses of evidence, and creating a credible hypothesis from the pile, are two different things altogether. We can know every word in a dictionary, but putting the words together to form a story, needs something more than just ‘knowing it all.’ It needs the work of a creative mind, so let’s start creating…

We’ll start by examining the various pieces of our jigsaw that we have fished out from all our diverse sources:

a) First of all we learn from ancient Scriptures, and mythology, from around the world that there is a Supreme Being, we call GOD, the Creator of everything. This ‘allegation’ cannot be proved, scientifically, but then again science cannot disprove it either! Tending to back up this ‘allegation’ however, we have the comments of Ashtar, and the likes of him.

Scriptures and mythology from around the world also refer to an on going battle between the ‘forces of light’ and those of ‘darkness’, and the effects of certain religious procedures on the apparent manifestation of this struggle.


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The exploits of Mac, Joe, and Fr. Arul, are some examples of this.

b) Durdana, Betty Eadie, and countless others, seem to prove Sir John Eccles’ theory of a ‘Ghost in the Machine’ living on, after we leave this physical stage. Is this not the same thing religious texts have been telling us all along? That we are essentially spirit and our spirit lives on even though our bodies may leave the scene.

c) Respectable members of our community have often found themselves unwittingly involved as ‘spokespeople’ for intelligences on far away worlds. Intelligent space cousins, who, through these contacts endeavoured to enlighten us about their presence, and our place in the cosmos. Channelling is fast becoming a respected fact in today’s world.

Reports of hitherto unknown planets, like MALDEK, CESSNA, APEX, AGATTA, MEMNON, ARCHA, OSHAN, TCHAUVI. Even more unknown planets around other star systems, such as BETELGEUSE, ZETA RETICULUM, ARCTURUS and SIRIUS; conversations of American and Russian astronauts, etc, etc, seem to indicate that our cosmic cousins are scattered quite liberally throughout the universe, even in our own planetary backyard.

d) Using our mind’s time-transcending ability, through Scientific Remote Viewing, we could venture back to the time planets like Mars and Maldek were thriving abodes of life, and perhaps learn from their experiences.

Through this means we can also learn about other communities in our Father’s creation.

e) We have also seen that our planet has played host to strange or alien visitations from the very beginning of history, right down to modern times; to mention just a few – the experience of Robert Hurlburt, Billy Meier, and probably Lot from biblical times, and Galzu, from even earlier times.

Of these visitors, some appear to come to help us;


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others seem to be just curious, while others still, just seem to have their own interests at heart. The Villas Boas affair and the hybrid breeding project are examples of the latter.

It is also quite obvious that these visitors from out there interact with humans on TWO levels – the physical, (e.g. Villas Boas and Lot) and the mental level, (Tuella and Greta Woodrew for example). And in at least one case we know of, on BOTH levels, Ithan.

The whole universe, solar systems, galaxies etc., are populated by various types of physical beings, some of them like us – for example, John, who met with Robert Hurlburt, and hosts of others who walk among us, un noticed. And of course, others, who do not resemble us at all, like those beings that accosted Hans Gustavsson and those reptilians we learnt about. However all these physical beings would have their ‘GHOST’, in their machine, much like we do. Those visitors who are spiritually evolved would know this. Others appear not to. They were all, most likely seeded by the same outpouring of “pansperma”, that came from the same ‘Source of All Creation’, as Ashtar put it; and because of this common origin, we would all be tied into one timeless ‘FAMILY’.

Monsignor Conrado Balducci, in an interview with Zecharia Sitchin confirms Zecharia’s – and the Catholic Church’s – view that indeed there may indeed be intelligent life in the cosmos, intelligent life that could well have engineered (the physical aspect of) our present human race.

f) Regarding this cosmic ‘FAMILY’: It appears to be polarised into two main factions. The first includes the most spiritually advanced, like the later Lyrans, and Pleiadians who, while keeping a watch over us, adhere strictly to a policy of non-interference; leaving us to use our free will, to learn from our own mistakes. The second faction consists of the less spiritually evolved beings, such as the Reptilians and some Greys.

The latter two groups seem to be the ones we are


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closely tied to through karma; because these are the races we appear to be more involved with physically, and mentally. The Greys play the role of doctors or technicians, and are neutral in their relationship with humans. The Reprilians, on the other hand quite often seem ill tempered, and display an unfriendly attitude towards us, resulting in several reports of psychic and physical attacks from some of them. Perhaps it’s just their appearance that evokes an automatic confrontational response from us. Also noticed in many cases, is the suggestion that some members of both these groups of aliens, are manipulated, or used by the more powerful dark forces, (who do not subscribe to the ‘non-interference’ rule of the cosmos) to carry out their own mandate.

Michael Relfe and others report that the Reptilians, and the Greys, are also involved in a big way, with Earth’s military powers, in the covert Mars project.

When Semjase, the Pleiadian, met with Billy Meier, she told him that the Pleiadians did not originate in the Pleiades, but started out in the constellation of LYRA. Just before war destroyed their planet much of the population migrated to other star systems, in the Pleiades, the Hyades, and to a planet orbiting a nearby star known as VEGA. Could these be the descendants of the survivors from the Planet Apex, Lyssa referred to? As seen from the Earth, the Pleiades are not too far from the constellation of Orion, with the red super giant star BETELGEUSE where the survivors of the Lyran holocaust landed, according to Lyssa Royal. The pieces of our jigsaw are beginning to interlock. Semjase and several others from the Pleiades have been very active in their campaign of enlightenment over many years. Their emissaries have been visiting us in several countries, including Switzerland, Spain, USA, many countries in South America, South Africa, and even India, to name just a few.

Yes, this cosmic family are in constant interaction, like any healthy family should be; not just on a physical


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level, but also (and more deeply), on a mental and spiritual level. Karma plays a very important role in this interaction. What we sow, we reap, and we have been doing a lot of sowing over many eons.

It seems that many of our cosmic cousins, like ourselves, have trouble coming to grips with the use of advanced technology! It looks as though, again like us, many of them are still learning about their Creator. Just because they are highly advanced technologically, it doesn’t mean that they are spiritually aware of their inner development. When we come across accounts of some contacts, - Kelly Cahill, for example; and compare them with others, like Tuella’s encounters with Ashtar, we notice a difference in the ambience of the interaction between them. Thinking along these lines, we can learn a lot from Semjase’s communication to us through Billy Meier.

And so, back to Semjase… She told Billy that many eons ago, the Pleiadians

discovered Earth and its evolving life; they landed here, and helped it to develop. Twice in the distant past, according to her, Earth was destroyed by its inhabitants; the first time was when a hybrid race was formed by early Pleiadians mating with the newly evolving humans. This would have been about 10 million years ago – according to Cayce. Over the years, this hybrid race degenerated into a race of monstrosities, mixtures of humans and animals that destroyed themselves through their own greed, lust and misused technology.

In that far away epoch, when the early Pleiadians arrived, Earth was still a part of Tiamat. Meanwhile, the founders of our race, the Anunnaki, and their home planet Nibiru were still light years away in deep space. But their course had already been set by The Creator of All. Destiny was guiding them on their way to rendezvous with Tiamat and her sun. This tryst would eventually add a new motif to the tapestry of creation itself, and was to entwine the fates of


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two different worlds together for the rest of time. On the second occasion, that Earth was destroyed by

its own inhabitants, according to Semjase, was when the Pleiadians brought their high technology to Earth, helping Earth humans develop technologically, whereupon, a devastating war destroyed civilisation on this planet. Was this the time (according to Edgar Cayce, and Ruth Montgomery) when Atlantis was destroyed? Most, if not all of Earth’s civilisation would have been wiped out in that conflagration. Finally, Pleiadians from the peaceful faction of their Lyran descendants, were chosen to return to Earth, and help humanity grow, and eventually to wipe out wars and destruction. This, they felt was their responsibility, because of the Pleiadian involvement in Earth’s earlier disasters… A case of the cosmic ‘jot and tittle’ being repaid?? We must admit they could have a lot they can teach us, but after many thousands of years of interaction with humanity on Earth, the question must be asked, ‘is it working?’ In spite of the fabulous heights some of our ancient civilisations appear to have reached, - according to her, with their help; the fact remains that these same civilisations – again according to Semjase herself, have let their technical achievements eventually be the cause of their downfall and eventual extinction. This was exactly what we are told happened to the Pleiadians’ own ancestors, and to Maldek.

Ashtar warns us through Tuella and others, that the same thing will happen to Earth and us Earthians, if we do not evolve spiritually. This spiritual evolution, one would suspect involves an awareness of our origin, and place in the cosmos. This development, in turn would enable us to make the appropriate choices in the highly polarised sea of pure energies we swim in.

Did we mention something about ‘cosmic jot and tittle’ earlier, regarding the Pleiadians? Here’s a tantalising thought on the subject --. Remember VESTA and our cosmic cousins from OGATTA who we are told are using it as their


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way station, in their mission to help Earth? It is strangely ironic that a remnant of a planet (Maldek?) once inhabited by a way-ward people is presently involved in trying to preserve a planet that it very likely brought to the brink of extinction many eons ago by its own waywardness. Where do the OGATTA people fit into the picture? One wonders!

Let’s move on … 15. Recalling Betty Eadie’s and Pags’ experiences

regarding the beams of light, and the ‘unseen-by-humans’ attendants of these lights? It seems like there is a whole world of unseen beings around us, beings without physical bodies. Perhaps these are John Eccles “ghosts” without their machines? These very real beings are constantly in touch with us, and react to our mental processes, whether it is an anguished mental cry for help, or an earnest prayer for assistance.

Could it have been a combined cry for help from friends and relatives of the children, in that aircraft we encountered at the beginning that motivated the outpouring of light and eventual healing of those victims? We know that prayer, channelled by our cosmic communicator does get results.

16. Using our fabulous mind, we can venture into the past as we saw Edgar Cayce do, earlier, we could also peek into the future, as Betty Eadie, and Joe did with young Betty Jean. Apart from viewing the AKASHIC records, as one could from any library, is there something more constructive to be achieved? It would appear there is. These experiences do widen our perspective of the universe we live in. However, this ability also has the potential to change the future of the world. We saw, with Edgar Cayce’s experience, how we could end up changing the way we pictured Jesus and some of His followers. But more importantly, we may have noticed from little Betty Jean’s appearance, that she, from the future, and her mother, from the present, actually did interact with each other! This makes it most obvious,


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that we can indeed interact with our past, and our future. This interaction however may be only on the emotional level, but our emotions do impinge on our minds, and mind is the builder. We could, for example travel back to the scene of the crucifixion, and bring back with us all those powerful emotions. Perhaps we could also implant comforting thoughts to those who stood beside the cross on that fateful day!

Fascinating stuff, all this ‘hypothetical’ thinking, but after spending a few minutes with people like Pags, somehow it does not seem like whistling in the wind any more.

17. Being caught in cross fire is perhaps not the

ideal way to put it. But, it should be more than obvious to all thinking people that we, yes we humans are the stakes in this reality game. When the Master Himself tried to tell us that there was a Satan, who was out to claim our spirit, He wasn’t kidding!

Reading between the lines in all of these abduction cases involving the “breeding project” of the aliens, and the mind control agenda of the Reptilians, a few very salient points stand out starkly!

1) None of the greys or their ‘hooded’ superiors mentions “God”, in fact nor do the Reptilians.

2) None of them mention the well being of humanity. All they seem to be interested in are their own hybrids, the abductees, because they still need them and the planet itself; presumably because they and their hybrids intend to live here. To them it seems the rest of humanity is expendable.

3) Many abductees reported feeling that the greys actually had “compassion” for their abductors, but had to comply with “the program”.

4) At the mention, or even the thought of Jesus, the abductors seem to back right away.

5) Why were the supervising, taller aliens always HOODED? It’s almost as though they were hiding their


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identity. Is there something in the human subconscious that might recognise them? The reasoning that follows is that the unfortunate grey aliens, like those spoken about by Lyssa Royal, are here to “replenish their stock”, and save their dying race. But it looks like they are being manipulated by a more sinister force, which has its sights set on the real stakes, in this game. We all know who that is!!

To highlight this, one final excerpt from David Jacobs “THE THREAT”…..

The alien hybrid was quite blunt with Sasha, he told her, on one occasion that soon the time will come when we, humans would not have any ‘memories’. All the aliens are really interested in is “TO CONTROL”.

This means, that we don’t really have too much time to get our act together. The threat seems to be coming from a totally unexpected quarter. The whole of humanity appears to be looking for an enemy in the wrong places. Let’s crank up the grey matter, and get our thinker thinking.



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For centuries women from all over the planet, have reported conceiving alien babies, only to have the fully developed foetuses removed, for their final development in a canister, somewhere ‘up there’.

From what we have learnt so far, it appears that there is more than one group of extraterrestrials interested in producing a hybrid race involving Earth humans, and at least one group have completed their project, and have reached the stage of being able to develop their perfected hybrid off spring without the need for extra-uterine canisters. Echoes of the success story of the Anunnaki, and their inter-breeding programme, nearly 220,000 years ago!72

The truth regarding all this will not come easily, truth rarely does. But, the future potential of mankind on Earth depends on our success in creating the all-important shift in

72 LOST BOOK OF ENKI: by Zecharia Sitchin.


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our collective thought. With a little prodding from our celestial friends humanity may eventually understand and accept the spiritual and scientific ideas highlighted in this book. Unfortunately we do not have the luxury of time to wait. As we have seen, our options for the future may very suddenly be restructured for the worse. Our own actions will define and create our destiny.

18. Finally, all this would mean we are not isolated and abandoned in our vast universe. There are definitely those cousins of ours who are always there ready to respond whenever we call for help. Their mental ‘receptors’ are always ready; it’s our ‘transmitters’ that must be turned on, if we are to initiate the ultimate contact with them.

***** Once again we turn to the “Lost Book of Enki”, and

the remarkable story revealed by those ancient stone tablets. Thank you once again Mr Sitchin. Just keep in mind as we read, that this narrative was written several thousands of years ago. Man was meant to be still living in caves, according to our scholars.

The great leader of the Anunnaki, Anu, stared at his sons, and daughter in disbelief. Enki had just told him of his encounter with Galzu, and the secret tablet this mysterious being passed on to him. Anu had absolutely no knowledge of Galzu’s meeting with Enki; and no, that secret message was most definitely not sent by him. So, where did it come from?

The planet Nibiru was once again approaching earth, in the course of its solar orbit, like a giant red-haloed comet, it rose majestically in the east, and Anu, with his spouse Antu, were on their last visit to Earth. He had come to see how the life saving project of gold supply was progressing, after the inundating flood. It was an occasion of great celebration, but this issue with Galzu puzzled the four leaders.

It was because of Galzu’s secret message that


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Ziusudra (Biblical Noah) and the seed of life on Earth were saved from the flood; Enki realised this.

Once again, it was Galzu, who told the three leaders, Enlil, Enki, and Ninmah that they had stayed too long on Earth, and to return to Nibiru would mean certain death; Enlil recalled this too. They believed him, even though they later found out that the means did actually exist, whereby this problem could be solved. The Earth’s aging process on them could have been reversed, and they could in fact have safely returned home to Nibiru.

If Galzu was not Anu’s emissary, whose was he? Who was it that sought to save the Earthlings, and wanted the Anunnaki leaders to stay to help them?

Ninmah we are told was the first to put two and two together, and realise that Galzu could have been an emissary of The Creator of All; of that, there could be no doubt. Was destiny playing her cards then and using the Anunnaki as precious instruments in The Creator’s plan to hasten Earthlings evolution. Even inspiring them to use their genetic know-how?

In silence the four leaders pondered these events. While fates were decreed, the hand of destiny

directed every step they took; Anu was deep in thought... He went on to say, that the will of the Creator of All was clear to see now; that on Earth and for Earthlings, the Anunnaki were only emissaries. The Earth belongs to the Earthlings. To prepare and advance them, the visitors from Nibiru were intended.

If that was their mission on Earth, suggested Enki, they should act accordingly. After further deliberation between them, it was decided that they establish cities for Man, create sacred precincts for the abodes of the Anunnaki, and establish kingship to chosen men. Priesthood was to be established, and the civilizing of Man was to be sped up.

As Anu departed for the last time, he addressed all, saying that whatever Destiny had for Earth and the


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Earthlings, let it be so. If Man, and not Anunnaki were destined to inherit the Earth, the Anunnaki will help destiny, give Mankind knowledge. Up to a measure, secrets of heaven and Earth teach them, laws of justice, and righteousness teach them, then depart and leave.

Once again, younger siblings of the cosmic family were helped by their elder family members. But who was, or is this Galzu? Is he a Biblical figure, like Archangel Gabriel? Is he anyone like Val Thor? Since the great Anunnaki leadership didn’t know, I guess our chances of knowing are not too high. But then again, there is the issue of spiritual awareness, that other great teachers have taught us since.

***** In the spring of 1947, while searching for lost sheep,

in cliffs overlooking the Dead Sea, a shepherd boy stumbled across a cave containing several earthenware jars into which were stashed ancient Hebrew scrolls; thus started the whole enigma of the “Dead Sea Scrolls”. Many of these preserved writings, which had lain there for nearly two thousand years, contain traditional biblical texts, as well as writings dealing with the beliefs of those who preserved them.

One of the most detailed and least damaged scrolls; also the most dramatic, deals with a future / final war; titled by the scholars: “The War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness”. It outlines spreading warfare – starting with little battles that will initially involve Judea’s immediate neighbours, which then escalate into a full scale ferocious war involving the whole of the ancient world.

The first engagement of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness / Bilial, according this text, would be an attack upon the troops of Edom, Moab, the Ammonites and the Philistine areas; then upon the Kittians of Assyria, and upon those who broke the Covenant and gave them aid. After these battles, they shall advance upon the Kittians of Egypt, and later the kings of the north. According to this scroll, the


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God of Israel shall take an active role in these encounters. On the day the Kittians fall, there shall be mighty combat and carnage, in the presence of the God of Israel;

For that is the day which He appointed of old, for the final battle

against the Sons of Darkness.

Zecharia Sitchin: WARS OF GODS AND MEN

After all those millennia of warring between the gods on Earth, warring that cause untold carnage even among the sons and daughters of Earth; warring that wiped out whole civilisations, time and time again, if we believe this scroll, mankind will finally have evolved enough spiritually, to know which side to take. As in those long gone millennia, gods will once again fight against gods. And man, once again will fight alongside them, but this time the “God of Israel” will take sides…

On that day, the Company of the Divine

and the Congregation of the Mortals shall engage side by side in combat and carnage.

The Sons of Light shall battle against the Sons of Darkness

with a show of godlike might, amid uproarious tumult,

amid the war cries of gods and men.

Zecharia Sitchin: WARS OF GODS AND MEN

This may not be as fanciful as it sounds, for remember, that the Anunnaki ‘gods’ would have been just as human as you and I. Sure the people at the time, considered them immortals, their normal year on their home planet


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Nibiru was 3,600 of our years, so, if the average Anunnaki lived to be 100, which was not too old in Biblical times, that would translate to 360,000 of Earth years. Someone like Methuselah of Genesis, who was said to have lived to be 969 years, would, if from Nibiru, live to be 3,488,400 Earth years, nearly 3.5 MILLION years. Almost immortal! He’d be still living!

***** Our connection with these Anunnaki gods from

Nibiru - our celestial siblings – could be closer than we may have thought; let’s go back to Sitchin’s “The Wars of Gods and Men”…

After peace was re-established Ninurta left the city, handing over the kingship to his son. Nannar/Sin. Ur became the capital of a revitalised empire. Tarah (Abraham’s father) from Nippur’s temple was appointed high priest to liaison at Ur. Abram would have been about ten years old. The year would have been 2113 BC.

Ur-Nammu was the semi-divine first ruler of the Third Dynasty of Ur. His mother was the goddess Ninsun. According to the records, as soon as he was selected to be the “Righteous Shepherd” of the people, the gods ordered Ur-Nammu to institute a new moral revival. Through this newly appointed ruler, Enlil once again tried to steer mankind away from his evil ways.

But then, when push came to shove, Ur-Nammu was forsaken, during one of his battles, his chariot got bogged and Ur Nammu was left to be crushed like a discarded jug. Where were his protectors? The great Anu had altered his holy word. The lord Enlil had changed his fate-decree. Once again, the gods were deceitful. In God there can be no deceit; therefore none of these people can really be God. They may be almost immortal, but something was not quite right regarding their morals. The people began to realise this, resentment against the rulers started, and has continued to this day. Great spiritual leaders have come and gone. Their


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efforts are very gradually beginning to turn mankind back to the realisation that there IS a loving trustworthy God, but humanity needs to look elsewhere to find Him.

Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap,

nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth

them. Are not you of much more value

than they? Matthew 6:26

When Ur-Nammu lost Anu’s and Enlil’s favour, to

fall on a distant battlefield, Abraham of the Bible would have been about twenty seven years old (according to Zecharia Sitchin’s “The Wars of Gods and Men”), he and his father Terah now left Ur, for its sister city, Harran. (Was he being protected for a special mission?) After all, conditions in Ur were deteriorating rapidly, as the people, and their new leader, Shulgi, were coming to terms with the fact that the gods had let them down.

Deity spoke again; singling out one person, one family through which mankind on Earth would advance up the ladder of spiritual evolution. Their physical preparation was complete; the Anunnaki had done their bit well, and were now disengaging from Earth humans. Destiny was now taking Earth humans onwards, to new horizons.

And the Lord said to Abram:

Go forth out of thy country, and from thy kindred,

and out of thy father’s house,


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and come into the land which I shall show thee.

So Abram went out as the Lord had commanded him,

and Lot went with him: Abram was seventy-five years old when he went forth from Haran.

Genesis 12:1-4

According to Sitchin, this was the year 2048 BC, the year of Shulgi’s downfall. It looks increasingly like Abram was being primed for greater things. A people were being set apart.

The disenchantment of the people with their gods, and the ever increasing hostilities between the factions loyal to various Anunnaki deities reached flash point, when:

And it came to pass at that time, that Amraphel king of Sennaar, and Arioch king of Pontus,

and Chodorlahomor king of the Elamites,

and Thadal king of nations, made war against Bara king of Sodom,

and against Bersa king of Gomorrha and against Sennaab king of Adama, and against Semeber king of Seboim, and against the king of Bala, which

is Segor. All these came together into the woodland vale, which now is the

salt sea. For they had served Chodorlahomor

twelve years, and in the thirteenth year they

revolted from him.

Genesis 14:1-4


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There is an overlap of the ancient Sumerian account

of their history, and the Biblical narrative, but differences in the recording of names makes it difficult for the lay person to follow. Sitchin however does a remarkable job of keeping the continuity, and the reader is strongly recommended to read his EARTH CHRONICLES series of books.

After some fascinating research in tracing Abraham’s family tree, Zecharia Sitchin brings us to the conclusion that Abraham’s origins were in the Sumerian city of Nippur. (Do read Sitchin’s “Earth Chronicles” series of books, they are eye-opening.) Interestingly, Nippur was never a royal city, but a consecrated city, a seat of worship, Sumer’s religious centre; a special seat for the worship of the great Anunnaki god Enlil.

Abraham did not appear to form any particular alliances within the warring factions of gods and men, he refused to take sides; saying he had acted neither out of enmity for the Mesopotamian alliance nor out of support for the Canaanite kings. It was only for “Yahweh, the God Most High, Possessor of Heaven and Earth, that I have raised my hand”, he stated.

Interesting, we say because Yahweh, the God of Israel, appears to have taken charge of mankind’s spiritual development at this point, and had chosen Abraham’s family to start His mission; and what better place to start than Nippur. It was perfectly set up by the Anunnaki, for just such a purpose. Abraham was from a priestly family, with royal blood. Such a high priest was the only one allowed into the temple’s inner most sanctums, there to receive the deity’s word and convey it to king and people. Earthman’s spiritual journey had started. Integrated into this journey, further along in time, would be the souls of the very same Anunnaki gods who helped Earthman’s physical and intellectual development. Destiny, by fate was to be overtaken.

Being from the same Heavenly Farther as we are,


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they would have a soul, and after their antics on Earth, would surely have incurred a fair bit of karma. Working that out on Earth would undoubtedly be in a normal Earthly body. So it should not be too much to believe that the gods and men would fight side by side in any wars on earth. As far as the Anunnaki are concerned, since their karma would have been earned in the Middle East, it should be no surprise, if that’s where they return.

After Babel, these gods were known by different names, in various parts of the land. In Egypt, for example Enki was known as Ptah, Ningishzidda was known as Thoth, and Marduk was known as RA. There appeared to be a special connection between Thoth, Egyptian god and the Star Sirius. Was there a link between the Anunnaki and the Sirians? Were the Anunnaki in fact descendants of one of the groups who left the Sirius system eons ago?

As we might imagine, if we are one big family, we must have very definite family ties – and we do. To confirm these ties, let’s turn to my favourite psychic:

For those of us who are not familiar with Edgar Cayce and his work: Born in 1877, and leaving this world in 1945, Edgar Cayce was arguably the most notable psychic the modern world has known. His 14,246 “readings”, were given while he was in a state of deep sleep, or self-induced hypnotic state. Even today more than 60 years later, these are very much alive and gaining new respect. Due to his uncanny accuracy rating, one can rely on his pronouncements.

This unpretentious devout Christian would be the last person anyone could expect to speak about the subject of reincarnation; but that’s exactly what he did. If there is any one subject that stands out as the most important in all his voluminous work, I certainly think this is it. After the raised hackles, and upset feelings have had time to settle; this line of his work actually helps us form those all important links between us, our extraterrestrial family, the ancient Anunnaki, and of course our God, The Creator of All.


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In the following paragraphs we will encounter amazing parallels between accounts from these two completely different sources. Cayce’s psychic ‘readings’ were given before 1945, and come from a very conservative Christian basis. Sitchin’s interpretations from ancient stone tablets were made several decades later, and come from a devout Jew, who believes in his findings, but went to great lengths to make sure they did not contradict basic Jewish (and Christian) teachings. Earlier we included an interview he had with a spokesperson from the Catholic Church, on the subject of the Anunnaki influence on mankind’s evolution.

There appears no doubt that the accounts in those ancient stone tablets, tell the same story as much of our Bible’s Old Testament. Now there seems little doubt that many of Edgar Cayce’s ‘readings’ just confirm them. Cayce’s interpretations, like the Bible’s account do lean heavily towards the spiritual aspect of the lives lived. In most instances, Cayce would only ‘report’ on those aspects of a person’s ancient experience, that impact on his or her personal development; other aspects would be judiciously left out. In many instances, the ordinary people who obtained these ‘readings’ appear to have been the very gods who helped shape us, and our civilisation.

The coincidences are truly amazing. But let’s not allow ourselves to be buried under preconceived thought patterns; let’s keep our minds open, someone may be trying to enlighten us.


We have cast our net far and wide, in an effort to catch as many pieces of our jig saw we can hope to. Admittedly, some of these pieces, when taken by themselves seem to be grotesque misfits, but when they take their rightful place in the tapestry of creation, they complete a remarkable picture indeed.


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Many of Edgar Cayce’s readings have been scattered throughout this book; you may read much of the following nonetheless, in “The Egyptian Heritage”, by Mark Lehner, and A Million Years to the Promised Land, by Robert Krajenke .

We will paraphrase his readings, and use the third person, to make it easier to follow. The language Cayce used in his trance state was strongly Biblical, and not exactly easy to grasp. If the belief in reincarnation is not your cup of tea, don’t let it come in the way. Just keep reading, and experience the weird, circumstantial (if that) evidence that dribbles through, and appears to defy explanation….

In an ancient incarnation, Edgar explains, he was what we could call a priest in Egypt. His name then was RA TA. We are told that this person was the son of a daughter of a Sumerian, who was “NOT begotten of man”.

The life of Ra TA, who was later worshipped as RA, appears to have an uncanny parallel with the Anunnaki god Marduk. Following the Sumerian tablets of old, and linking RA with Marduk;73 we find that Marduk’s parents, Enki, and Damkina were both Anunnaki, and Ra’s mother Damkina, was son of Anunnaki parents – she was therefore not begotten of man. Could RA, Marduk, and Cayce, be the same person?

After a series of political and social happenings, RA TA was banished from Egypt.

When RA TA married the native beauty, Isris – later to become known as ISIS – there was turmoil in the land. He and his wife were banished, to the Nubian land. After several years in exile he returned, this time to be known as RA, the revered ‘god’ RA of ancient Egypt. His spouse was the goddess ISIS. Remember these names; through them we may uncover an unbelievable link.

While in the Nubian land, RA TA organised building 73 THE LOST BOOK OF ENKI: by Zecharia Sitchin.


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projects. ‘Pairs were given places of abode, and then homes – with their environs74 – were first established among those that were sent in exile, or chose of their own volition to be among that number’.75Around 11,000BC, Egypt experienced a large influx of Atlanteans, who were escaping the catastrophic demise of their continent. Egypt was one of the destinations of choice for the immigrants from this highly advanced civilisation. Also from Atlantis, came Hermes; an accomplished scientist and mathematician. Possibily the same one the Greeks called a ‘god’. In Egypt he was known as Thoth, also a ‘god’.

Hermes (Thoth) and RA, along with other scientists and engineers from Atlantis, (including the fabled AJAX and ATLAS) then worked together to design, and build the Great Pyramid. ISIS was their advisor.

The following story, a collection of Edgar Cayce’s ‘readings’ for different folk, from varied walks of life; ordinary folk who, thousands of years ago were known as: – Hermes / Thoth, Isis, Ajax, RA, and others, tell us that these great men, though they may have been called gods in ancient times, actually possess souls like you and me, and like you and me, had to pay their karmic dues before proceeding on their way to our Father’s mansions. We are all, even the gods of old, from the same Father; are ONE COSMIC FAMILY. And, my dear readers, THE GODS STILL WALK WITH MEN!

The words of John now take on a new meaning:

“Jesus answered them: “Is it not written in your law:

I said you are gods?”

74 ‘with their environs’ – Air conditioning, or home gardens? 75 Reading 294-150, given in 1932, for a 55 year old man.


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John - 10: 34.

Cosmic family, did we say? Do read on, we now move to the work of our friend Zecharia Sitchin:

Marduk, was the son of the great Anunnaki god Enki and his spouse Damkina, an Anunnaki goddess. The Anunnaki settled in ancient Sumer, they were the Sumerians of olden times. Marduk was therefore the son of a daughter of a Sumerian, who was “NOT begotten of man”. After Babel, Marduk was known as RA in Egypt. Marduk’s brother, Ningishzidda, was known as Thoth, in Egypt.

Marduk’s decision to marry the native beauty Sarpanit – who, by the way, (according to Sitchin’s interpretation of the ancient Sumerian tablets), was none other than the sister of the biblical Mathuselah – caused quite a furore among the Anunnaki leadership. After the wedding, Marduk and Sarpanit were banished to the ‘dark-hued’ land ‘above the ABZU’ (the Abzu was in south West Africa), thus placing their banishment in the vicinity of the ancient Nubian land; where Cayce tells us that RA TA was banished, because of his indiscreet choice in marriage.

Marduk and Sarpanit invited the Igigi, - who were the Anunnaki manning the Mars, way station, and were here on Earth for the wedding, - to go with them to the Nubian land. Marduk was also their commander on Mars. Some of the Igigi accepted the invitation, and settled in two cities Marduk had specially built for his sons.

Is this what Cayce was referring to in reading 294-150 - in response to his own question regarding the Egyptian experiences of RA TA - when he said “Pairs were given places of abode, and then homes – with their environs …?


Beyond him, Nehemiah son of Azbuk, ruler of a half-district of Beth Zur,

made repairs up to a point


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opposite the tombs of David, as far as the artificial pool and the

House of the Heroes.

Nehemiah 3:16

The Igigi, were also known as Heroes, according to Sitchin.

This is a truly awesome story, if true, the Anunnaki who came on the scene a little less than half a million years ago, came here, to get the gold needed to keep their civilisation alive. In return – perhaps not realising it at the time – they gave our civilisation a kick start. Then following divine intervention, (remember Galzu?) they stepped back, and helped us on our evolutionary journey – physically and mentally.

Eventually great spiritual teachers took over, and we have (hopefully) developed our spiritual selves. The gods of old then came back in the human bodies; they helped perfect, to themselves develop spiritually. Isn’t this how a good family should interact?


Maia, from Caripito, in Venezuela, claims that since the age of 18, she has been communing and working with what she refers to as ‘Ultra-Terrestrials’76, who supposedly survive in subterranean tunnels and caverns, (as against the ‘Extra-Terrestrials’ we hear so much of). This branch of the cosmic clan, they tell us is from the regions of Rigel, in Orion, with ties to Sirius and the Pleiades. According to Maia, this line of our cosmic pedigree, is also highly involved in time travel, and inter dimensional travel, but are less than spiritual, in their agendas.

A spiritually advanced being from her group of

76 PLEAIDIAN ENCOUNTER: by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon.


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contacts, we are told, is Thoth, none other than the architect of the Great Pyramid. Thoth is what Ningishzidda was called in Egypt; Ningishzidda, was Enki’s son, an Anunnaki, who appear to have had ties with Sirius, he was also a master scientist, according to Sitchin, and could very well have been among those who had mastered time / dimensional travel. According to Sitchin, again, Ningishzidda did spend time in the Americas. It’s a long shot indeed, to even consider that the two may be the same; but when a long shot comes through – there’s nothing more exciting.

If this is true, if Maia was indeed in contact with Ningishzidda – the Anunnaki are still with us, and the circle is indeed unbroken…

If the Anunnaki were really the elder cosmic siblings, who were entrusted with our physical and mental development, would there be any chance that, if their planet Nibiru is still a surviving member of our solar system, they may return? How would the spiritual development on Nibiru compare to ours today? Edgar Cayce gave a thoroughly thought provoking reading when asked about Armageddon; see what you think of it.

“Armageddon was foretold in the great pyramid; but not in what is left there; it will be as a thousand years, with the fighting in the air, and – as has been – between those returning to and those leaving the earth.”

EDGAR CAYCE Reading 5748-6

Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2005 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. All Rights Reserved


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The time has come at last when, Even the stars shall sing for joy. Awaken the angel that stirs within. Ages of darkness are finally lifting. Wake up – let’s claim our inheritance.

Sleeper awake! The rate of evolution of the human race appears to have stepped up a few notches over the last few decades. Edgar Cayce predicted this when he spoke about some very exceptional souls who are destined to grace our planet with their presence.

We all know that children are special. However, that statement has never been truer than in the present age we live in. More and more children are being born with amazing psychic ability. Is this the direct result of the hybrid breeding programme of the aliens we have read about earlier? Or is it that more enlightened beings are incarnating on this planet. According to my favourite modern psychic, Edgar Cayce, groups of amazing and unusual individuals would begin to incarnate on earth late in the twentieth century and beyond. They have come to be called INDIGO CHILDREN. These children can be categorized into three different groups: Psychic, Indigo, and Crystal, each having his or her own amazing gifts and talents. A great book by Peggy Day &


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Susan Gale, entitled “EDGAR CAYCE on the INDIGO CHILDREN” explains how these children can be recognized and nurtured as the special people they truly are. The authors take us to other countries and share research and stories about these incredible souls. The reader is also enlightened on the many facilities and groups that work to cultivate the children and the families of these fantastic little people.

In September 1981, an extraordinary paper was published in the Peoples Republic of China in the journal Ziran Zazhi; this paper was entitled, “Some Experiments on the Transfer of Objects Performed by Unusual Abilities of the Human Body”. The paper reported that gifted children were able to cause the apparent teleportation of small objects from one location to another – located meters away – without ever touching the objects. The experiments were operated under exceptionally well controlled conditions. “All the test specimens that were teleported were completely unaltered or unchanged from their initial state; even the insects that were teleported were alive and unaffected by the experiments, which were scientifically controlled, and always repeatable.


This reminds one of the experiences of little human and the hybrid / alien children we encountered earlier, from Dr. David M Jacobs book “THE THREAT”. Which in turn would pose the rather uneasy question – would the alien hybrid breeding project have anything to do with this strange development? The timing appears to be perfect!

***** Logs were cracking in the fire, as the fog rolled

through the area, enveloping the small group huddled together, completely lost in the mesmerising tale being woven by a young boy of seven. One of the spellbound adults gathered there had the presence of mind to tape the whole narration…


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Little Boriska’s face was all aglow, and his large expressive eyes danced with excitement as he relived an ancient memory. He spoke of happy times he had with his loved ones on the “beautiful” planet Mars; described megalithic cities, their spaceships, and flights to various planets; including trips he made to a magnificent country called Lemuria, on Earth.

Most interestingly Boriska believes that the time has finally come for the “special ones” to be born on earth. The planet’s “rebirth” is approaching, according to this young lad, and a ‘different breed’ of earth beings are being born on earth.

Boriska is a sensation from the Medvedetskaya gryada region of Russia. Another Indigo Kid! The above report is from the 3rd December 2004 edition of the Russian newspaper Pravda…

An interesting book on this subject, THE INDIGO CHILDREN, written by Lee Carrol, and Jan Tober, describes these highly evolved children being introduced into the human species. Edgar Cayce referred to this phenomenon as the “fifth root race”. According to the authors of this book, the influx of these souls started around the 1970s. These folk are characterised by their extreme self confidence – some may even call them over confident. Haven’t we all too often heard the phrase that today’s children think they are invincible? That’s them all right.

Bringing up these children is challenging, to say the least; because many of them come with a difficult attitude problem, an attitude that seems to lack the respect normally expected of them; so say the authors of this book…

P.M.H. Atwater’s fascinating book CHILDREN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM picks up the same thread. Atwater comments that no other generation on record matches the children now arriving on the Earth Plane. The Mexican paediatrician Ibarra Chavez attests that the new breed of infants being born into our world are entering more


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aware, focused and alert, with a knowingness that is hard to describe. They are just – very special babies. As they grow up they are definitely more technical minded than we were, and computer knowledge is like second nature to them. The average IQ rating of today’s young people has jumped by up to a massive 26 points, on the IQ scale.

Yes, is does seem that the massive interbreeding / hybrid programme of those extraterrestrials could be taking effect in our own society today. Couple this with the probability that many souls from our ancient super civilisations are making their return to Earth to finalise their karma, and we could have our explanation…

But this change is even penetrating our genetic make up. Medical researchers at the University of California/Los Angeles have discovered that these youngsters exhibit a unique DNA patterning. In human DNA the world over, 20 of the 64 different patterns of cordons are ‘turned on’ and active, while the rest are inactive. However the people of this special generation entering the human family appear to have 24 active cordons.

Yes, even more stardust has entered our veins, it seems! Humankind, as a species, is taking a quantum leap – right now!

Dr. Roger Leir, in his foreword to Mary Rodwell’s AWAKENING, says that in his own studies over a forty year period, from 1947, to 1987, he has noticed an accelerated change in several functional growth characteristics among children born about 50 years ago. He goes on to say that most will agree that this can not be attributed to the evolutionary process or any other known global environmental factors. This process, he tells us, seems to involve the expansion of consciousness. Have you ever been astonished by a spontaneous comment of your little child, and wondered


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where in the world did he, or she get THAT from? Signs are appearing, that suggest the human race is more than likely being genetically manipulated. It is also felt in certain scientific circles that our understanding of modern genetics is in the process of proving this beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Mary Rodwell is a trained midwife, and therapist, who settled in Perth, Australia. Over many years several people have confided in her, regarding their rather unusual experiences involving regular ‘contact’ with beings from ‘outer-space’. Because of her magnetic personality, she appeared to draw them to herself.

As the number of people who came to see her escalated into hundreds, she realised, this was not the fanciful hallucination of a few unfortunate beings. Her fascinating book records that at her last count this number was well over 600 people, in Perth alone. From other sources, we learn that other cities around the world are no different.

Experiences with these ‘beings’ from ‘outer-space’ seem to be identical to those experiences people attribute to have with angels. Indeed these beings could well be one and the same. Here is an account of one of Mary’s clients:

In one of his letters to Mary, David said that when we was about 6 or 7 years old he fell of a broken bridge during a flood, and was washed away in the raging torrent. Not being able to swim, and dressed in a long heavy overcoat, he was in dire straits, and panicked.

Just as all seemed lost, David felt someone help him up. Eventually he was led to safety, directly across from where he fell in; an impossible thing for him to do on his own. He looked around, he could see no one. Ever since that day, in times of crisis, David always felt a reassuring presence – a feeling ‘as if someone was guiding’ him. This continues today. Some may call it the presence of a benign being from ‘outer-space’; others would call it his guardian angel.


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Dr Berrenda Fox, doctor of psychology and naturopathy and holistic practitioner, says that there seems to be evidence to support the hypotheses of the emergence of the ‘new human’. There is evidence, says Dr. Fox, through blood tests that show amazing DNA and cellular changes, that some young people have actually developed new strands of DNA. This fact was discussed a few years ago at a convention of geneticists from around the world, in Mexico City, where the main topic of interest were these DNA changes. These were major changes, according to the geneticists, mutations that haven’t occurred, since the time mammals were supposed to have come of the water.

James Twyman, in his interesting book EMISSARY OF LOVE, THE PSYCHIC CHILDREN SPEAK TO THE WORLD, reports of the children he met in Bulgaria. These young members of the new super generation demonstrate the most startling psychic powers and wisdom. They are hidden in a secret monastery where they are trained (for what?). They call themselves the “Children of OZ”, and claim they are in constant communication – telepathic? – With others all over the world. They are also said to be able to more objects with their minds, and are able to read peoples thoughts. All attributes of the Indigo Kids.

Yes, our Star Kids can do amazing things, but what do they look like? Mary Rodwell, in her great book “Awakening” gives us a touching description of a seven year old, from his mother Elle:

He’s so gentle, very clever, telepathic and psychic. His eyes are amazing; he has sparse, light blonde hair. He doesn’t react the same way Earth children do, doesn’t quite have the same emotion. He’s quieter and gentler; and seems more vulnerable.

Other members of this young ‘Star community’ can be very different. Some of them may be quite difficult for their confused parents to control. Being much smarter than other members of their family, they are often several steps


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ahead of the others, and consequently can get quite bored; and often display the negative aspects such boredom can lead to.

Is this new generation of humans the result of many millennia of genetic manipulation, and alien-human hybridising carried out by the countless abductions we have heard about? Or have the cosmic forces created these changes another way? In either case, our genetic makeup seems to be changing.

We, as a race are definitely going through a major genetic evolution, of this there can be little doubt; but is this the result of a current manipulation of our genes, by one or more groups of our extraterrestrial cousins, or is it the result of pre-programming done in our original make up by the Anunnaki, about 250,000 years ago? If the latter is the case, was this pre-programming timed so it would take effect to help us counteract, or to augment the alien/human hybridising programme we have been encountering?

What ever the case may be, it appears that at least one group of our space cousins are helping the education of this new generation that is being spawned on Earth. In his revealing book “The SECRET SCHOOL”, Whitely Strieber describes how he, as a child, attended a secret school where he and others were taught many things, from spiritual concepts, to understanding of our universe.

A 5-year-old from Western Australia startled her parents one evening when she announced that she learnt more on the


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‘spaceships’, than she does at school.

The human race of planet Earth, it appears, is being

genetically manipulated, and also mentally conditioned by extraterrestrials. Yes, the latest members of your Star Family are being educated about things we do not learn in our schools. The question is, WHY, and is there a price tag? To play it safe, we should probably turn to another section of our cosmic lineage; the section we know is purely spiritual, yes we need to use PRAYER; and why not? It seems to work for less important things.

While this manipulation of the human race may at first seem to be the actions of a belligerent and callous group of aliens, some evidence appears to point the other way…

Angie (a fictitious name) was so concerned of the affects that regular contact with extraterrestrials could be having on her young child, she actually communicated this to them – telepathically (‘they’ are good at reading our minds) – saying that she wanted her child to be given a break. ‘They’ appeared to respect this request and her child was left without contact for quite some time afterwards.

“Daddy, the commander

showed me the inside of his spaceship.

“He told me I must pray and learn to heal people – he will teach me”.

This was what little 6 year old Michael told his

startled father one Sunday morning in Brisbane, Australia.



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Seven year old Ellis was one of those kids who were experiencing regular contact with extraterrestrials; while playing on a field with his friend, one bright sunny day in England, the dim figure of a black helicopter landed quietly near them.

Mary was carrying out a regression session on Ellis, and askedhim to repeat what he saw – the apparent contradictions, ‘dim’ figure, on a bright sunny day… A helicopter landing quietly?

Two tall blue-eyed men, dressed in black emerged from this helicopter, which had “a circle, with US” painted on it. After a very American greeting, “Howdy”, the boys were taken for a ‘ride’ in the chopper, a strange helicopter Ellis remarked, one that had no windows.

Patient, persistent probing from Mary revealed that the boys were taken somewhere ‘round and curved’, Ellis remembered being unable to move – paralysed - while one of the men looked deep into his eyes. As he looked, he ‘put things’ into Ellis’ mind, and ‘checked out’ where he had been, and what he ‘did’. This fascinating session ended with the boy’s description of enjoying magnificent views of space and the stars.

In a subsequent session of regression, Ellis explained that he felt these cosmic relatives, were quite benign, and their main agenda was to observe us, and find out how humans ‘ticked’. In order to do this without traumatising us, they sometimes ‘send’ part of our consciousness off on a pleasure trip. In Ellis’ case this was a spree of stargazing. They then ‘wipe’ all recollection of the episode from our mind, again to prevent fear, or trauma. What about the ‘American’ helicopter? Perhaps that too was just a masquerade?

Maybe, but why did Ellis refuse point blank to describe their actions on the part of him that remained in the


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craft while his other half was enjoying the jaunt among the stars?


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“… And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle,

that she might fly into the desert unto her place,

where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time,

from the face of the serpent…”

Apocalypse – 12:14


The God who created life on Earth has certainly exercised His boundless creative talent throughout His cosmos.

All this vastness, from the minuscule little dust mite, to the awesome majesty of galaxies, is set in that dimension we are only now starting to identify ourselves with, TIME. For when we look at the night sky, it’s as if we are looking through a cosmic hourglass. Everything we observe is how it was in the past. When we look at the sun, for example, we see it as it was eight minutes ago, because that’s how long it takes the light to reach us from the sun. When we look at Rigel, that bright star in the constellation of Orion, we are seeing it as it was 700 to 900 YEARS ago. Distant galaxies are even further back in time. The most distant galaxy ‘found’ at the time of this writing, is more than 13 billion


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light years away. This means we see it as it was more than 13 BILLION years ago. Even the Earth was not yet born then. This universe that we are a part of is so vast, and we are so limited in our perception, that we cannot even SEE it as it really is right now. That is of course, unless we are able to free ourselves of our limitations…

Since the beginning of civilisation, when man first noticed that the relative positions of the Sun, Moon and Stars kept changing, and these changes were in step with the weather changes he experienced, he realised he needed to keep track of these changes, to enable him to plan his life.

The passing of the years, and the way we measure it has not always been the same. The early Byzantine Empire counted the years from – what they considered the creation of the world – 1st September 5509 B.C.E. Their New Years started on the 1st of September. Through the middle ages, it could have been, 1st January, 1st March, 25th March 25th December, or the Saturday before Easter. It wasn’t until about 1752 that 1st January was made the start of the civil year, in most countries.

On 1st of January in the year 45 B.C.E., Julius Caesar started what became known as the Julian calendar. Then, on the 24th February 1582 Pope Gregory 13th issued an order to reform the calendar. Many key religious celebrations, like Easter, had drifted far from the dates they were originally celebrated on. This ‘adjustment’ to the Julian calendar was effected by removing 10 days to correct the old calendar’s accumulated error. This was done by eliminating the dates 5th to 14th of October, 1582.

The reason we mention all this, is to make the point that our calendar has been modified / manipulated, to make it more ‘accurate’. Was this the real reason? Or was an unseen hand, guiding humankind? To use the words ‘fluke’ and ‘coincidence’ is definitely not scientific; and we don’t want to be accused of being ‘unscientific’ do we!

Within the next couple of years the Gregorian


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calendar was the ‘official’ calendar accepted by most Catholic countries. But it wasn’t until 1949 (after China accepted it) that most countries in the world had accepted the ‘new’ calendar.

What has all this got to do with our Cosmic Heritage? We will see, very soon; meanwhile let’s remember this: After all that chopping and changing, the Gregorian calendar has become misaligned with the vernal equinox by over 1 hour, since its commencement about 426 years ago. There goes its ‘accuracy’!

This means, for example, that the point in the zodiac that was precisely over the Great Pyramid of Egypt – aligns with the Giza meridian – at midnight on 1st January 2008, would not be same spot that was over this land mark, midnight 1st January 1582. Add to this the wobble of the Earth as it rotates, and its motion around the Sun, couple that with the Sun’s movement in space, and we can be pretty sure, that the point in the heavens, that lines up with the great pyramid, or for that matter any object on Earth would never be the same for any given day of our calendar.

Our rather slip-shod way of recording time, with all its inaccuracies appears to have been specifically designed for us thousands of years ago; we see this in the majestic way in which certain astronomical conditions unfold before us…

Now, returning to the Great Pyramid, and the ‘gods’ that built them, about 12,000 years ago:

Edgar Cayce said they were the super-advanced Atlanteans, Zecharia Sitchin says they were the Anunnaki. They are both probably right, the Anunnaki did, according to Sitchin venture westward in their quest for gold, and could have very likely encountered Atlantis. A great amount of thought and design went into selection of the location of this pyramid, we are told. Cayce, and Sitchin also tell us that great deliberation and planning went into its proper placement in what is now Giza; an alignment with uncanny accuracy towards Earth’s poles, and certain stars, at


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appropriate seasons. No wonder the inhabitants at the time, and centuries later, considered it to be sacred.

If the Anunnaki had their roots in the Sirius star system – and there is every likelihood that they did - they could even have been the gods who took the Dogons (from Mali) under their care. If this was actually the case, can it be any wonder that precisely at the dawn of the New Millennium, exactly at MIDNIGHT, JANUARY 1ST 2000, SIRIUS WAS ON THE GIZA MERIDIAN.

Sirius aligns with the apex of the Great Pyramid

Was this a sign that was already predestined 12,000

years ago? Were the Anunnaki only instruments of a far greater intelligence, or were THEY the writers of our destiny?


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"And God said, Let there be lights

in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night;

and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:"

Genesis 1:14

And signs they should be considered as, signs for

seasons, days and years. However, man with his strange fixation on misfortune and death, seems to somehow or other ‘see’ in these astronomical configurations, portents of the end times. The year 2000, came and went, and we are still here. The alignment outlined above, was more likely, a sign of the beginning of a new stage, in the history of mankind, not its end. For those readers who may be worried that the end of the world is near, consider the Mayan stele No: 29, in Tikal, Guatemala. This stone tablet contains a date that is 400 million years into the future! In Palenque, Mexico, the “Tablet of Inscriptions” contains the specific date of October 21, 4774 A.D. almost 3,000 years into our future. Coming nearer to our times, in a letter to his son Caesar, Nostradamus says that he ‘sees’ to the year 3,797 A.D. So it looks like life on earth is here to stay for a long time. Catastrophes may come and go, whole nations may get wiped out, but the family of man should survive. Didn’t The Master Himself tell us, that the end will come ‘like a thief in the night’; and no one will know the hour or the day. If this is anything to go by, it does appear that all the efforts of our cosmic cousins, and those “children of light” among us, are successful in their battle against the ‘forces of darkness’ – the long term future does look good; but we do need to keep praying…


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“…neglect not to pray! It requires so little,

but it accomplishes so much.”

***** “…every soul on Earth could speak by means of his mind and spirit to other souls throughout the universe.”

Messages echoed several times by visitors

from other planets. Like thousands of sparklers, these beams of light seemed to shoot up from Earth, and disappear into space, resembling beacons splashing in a cacophony of light. Betty was surprised, when she was told that these beams of light were the results of prayers of people on Earth. She saw spirit – like beings rushing to answer the prayers – they hurried from person to person, prayer to prayer. The more heart-felt a prayer was, the brighter the beam of light that shot off into space, and the more urgently it was dealt with. No prayer drawing a greater response than that of a mother for her child.


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This was another part of Betty Eadie’s experience;77 it is recorded here because it bears such an uncanny resemblance to our disappearing clouds experiment. Is there something in common here? There is also a tantalising resemblance to Pags’ sleep experience, when that special light was used to save those people trapped in the mine. And then – the light that bathed the airliner, we mentioned right at the beginning of this book.

‘Beams of light shooting up from Earth’, sounds like the description of a laser show... Didn’t Preston Nichols describe the operation of the energy build up between the root chakra and crown chakra as ‘laser-like’ when a person meditates? 78

Often it is insinuated that when one starts talking about extraterrestrials and human life on other planets, the authority of the Bible is automatically undermined, and shades of atheism creep in. In fact nothing can be further than the truth. Rather than yours truly trying to lecture on the subject, let our friends from the stars do the talking…

Taylanz, from the Koldas group of planets79 has this to say…“It seems strange that you should have so many religions ….., believe in and acknowledge the Devine One (our Heavenly Father?). In this Confederation we have only one religion ….; although the planets differ in their methods of worship. On my planet Byronne, we sing our praises out loud, yet on Koldas they meditate and worship in silence. Other planets vary again in their attitude to prayer. On Grandor, they kneel and pray. Though outward forms of

77 EMBRACED BY THE LIGHT: By Betty Eadie. 78 Covered in Chapter 11 79 UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET KOLDAS: by Carl van Vlierden & Wendelle Stevens.


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worship may differ, we all believe in the same Divine One.” All civilised planets believe in One Supreme Creator /

Divine One. Isn’t that what WE, even Christians are supposed to believe? There should be no conflict of interest. In fact, the more we learn about this great creation of Our Father, His many mansions, and His most wonderful celestial family – the more we learn of all this; the closer it should draw us to Him. If it doesn’t there must be something seriously wrong with our mind-set.

Prayer seems to be totally unstoppable, even in highly

technological environments a whole world away from familiar Earthly surroundings…

Pat was being punished for doing something ‘they’ do not approve of. The controllers at Mars Force80 were not happy about her association with Stephanie Relfe, and the bit by bit uncovering of her hidden memories. They gave her several painful electrical – type shocks. Pat was then taken for questioning first with the Grey aliens, and then she was back naked with the men. She felt terribly violated, and her body ached with the violent persistent shocks being administered to her. After a few more body jolting zaps, she could barely muster up enough energy to pray.

Pat noticed that three men were the main perpetrators of this beating she was receiving. They appeared to have ‘picked up’ her intentions to pray, because it provoked an immediate redoubling of their attack on her; stopping her prayer, even before she started.

Fortunately for Pat, she had help. The combined prayer of Stephanie, Michael and her own, did the trick; the three men left the room very quickly, soon after they started praying.

Yes prayer works, even in an underground base on 80 THE MARS FORCE 1 & 2: by Stephanie Relfe


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another world…

“… The prayer of a righteous man

is powerful and effective”. James 5:16

The strange looking being from the Planet Iarga was

speaking with Stefan Denaerde, a wealthy Dutch engineer. 81 He could not quite understand how someone with so much property can seriously call himself Christian. “We are intrigued.” Said this cosmic guest.

The visitor from space continued… telling Stefan that they were familiar with the work of Christ and the Bible. And describing one’s self as Christian should simplify the explanation of the two basic cosmic selection laws.

The first confirms Christ’s condemnation of social discrimination. Social discrimination leads to social chaos. Each social group strives to have more than its neighbour. Weapons are developed to ensure their ‘safety’. More powerful weapons are developed, to instil fear into any transgressing group. Eventually someone develops a weapon that is capable of destroying all mankind. How long can civilisation last where science does not know its responsibilities?

The second cosmic selection law compels the correct understanding of human relationships. It stresses ‘Christian love’, as a condition for cosmic integration. Only unselfish behaviour that restores the original efficiency of natural order can give an intelligent race the certainty of survival.

The word ‘unselfish’ sounds out of place in today’s vocabulary.

Our cosmic siblings seem to know more about us than

81 UFO… Contact from planet Iarga: by Stefen Denaerde & Wendelle Stevens.


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we give them credit for.

***** On the forehead he kissed him. This Enki did as he

wished his son Ningishzidda on his departure for Nibiru.82 How often have we done this to one of our own little ones, when they were about to spend time away from home? Is this something we have quite unwittingly inherited from our Anunnaki ancestors?


Yes, I suppose we can say, there is a war going on in space and beyond. This battle has now reached our shores. What is at stake is not the awakening of a foolish humanity that endeavours to keep its head buried in the sand, but a future for our children, a future that is free from fear, imprisonment, and possibility genetic slavery or even genocide. We are entering a new stage in a long battle in which we must fight for the survival of our species. We are now living in an age that requires courage above all things. If fortune favours the bold, so must be our destiny.

It is well known that the spiritual world coexists with our physical. It has long been the belief of the average person that the spiritual – or subspace – world is there to serve us, and help us in our need. Though it may be true, that spiritual beings do help us; in fact, the real reason we are in the physical world, is so our souls will develop. Our souls are spiritual; hence the development must be in the spiritual realm. Our bodies exist so the soul can develop.

Subspace beings – call them angels if you wish, are constantly interacting with the physical world, reacting to prayers, etc by influencing activity on earth. We can support their cause by visualising healing light enveloping the whole planet. Remember Pags, and the mine disaster we spoke of 82 THE LOST BOOK OF ENKI: by Zecharia Sitchin.


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earlier; and the ‘thousands of sparklers’ seen by Betty Eadie? This ‘light’, coming from the Father causes untold confusion among the dark forces. It can be used to heal, or protect; and the ability to invoke it is one of the wonderful features of our cosmic communicator. LET US PRAY:

According to Michael Relfe, Al Bielek, and others, many abductions involve the U.S. military, and I presume other governments are involved as well. A non-human being – Grey Alien, and / or Reptilian – might be briefly observed working with them. On most occasions however, only Grey Aliens or only Reptilians would carry out the actual abduction.

If the victim lives near a military base or installation, we are told, they may take them directly from their place of residence.

These intruders appear to have developed multiple technologies that enable them to abduct an individual from their bedroom, examine / operate / indoctrinate them, then return them to their bedroom without ever being detected. They may even keep an individual for weeks, and then return them to a time a few minutes before they were taken. Remember Michael Relfe, Pat, and Al Bielek.

When you take a stand against these operations, you may well be surprised at the swiftness, and ferocity of their counter attacks on you – be well prepared. The ONLY way to get the required power and authority to defeat them is through prayer. ONLY PRAYER; they have no answer to the power of prayer. Stephanie Relfe’s eye-opening books MARS RECORDS and MARS FORCE have extensive testimony of this. I have also found that even the mention or just the THOUGHT of the name of JESUS makes them ‘go away’. From my own experiences I have noticed that the victim doesn’t even have to be a Christian, to find this out.

We know what these agents of the dark forces are


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doing, though we do not know why they do it. But we know how to protect ourselves, and those we love. So we should have nothing to fear; nothing, except perhaps loosing our presence of mind to pray, especially if the attack comes unexpectedly. We need to be on guard at all times.

In Appendix III of THE MARS RECORDS-2, Michael Relfe goes into detail on how we can protect ourselves from alien and military abduction.

It is said that for every person who makes an effort to awaken humanity, there are millions of others who are doing their part as well. And many of these fly spacecraft. Others are subspace, or spiritual beings whom Christians call angels (including Guarding angels). Others are ordinary people like you and I, who are searching for the truth. Some petition congress for hearings on these matters, while others write books, or lecture on these topics.

Eventually all our efforts will bear fruit; and all God’s children will grow out of their state of confusion, while accepting the reality of a universe filled with life. Ultimately the whole cosmic family will recognise its common destiny, and its divine heritage. When this happens, it will not mean the end of our development. All existing evidence suggests that only then will we start to recognise the true meaning of ‘infinity’; and in knowing this, we will finally comprehend the real long-term consequences of our Father’s gift of life to us.

This labour for self-realisation is not necessarily just the whim of one or two individual souls. Each of us is a very definite part of the whole cosmos. And each one of us is a very definite part of our Heavenly Father. Ancient writings tell us that when the Creator of All desires recognition, every part of him stirs, to grant his wish. Our struggle for self- realisation could just be a reflection of a greater cosmic stirring.

Let our prayer, be similar to the one used by Japheth,


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Noah’s youngest son;83 when they emerged from the ark, after surviving the great flood. This was amazingly recounted by the inimitable Edgar Cayce, in one of his memorable ‘readings’, which he gave to a person who apparently was the same soul that was Japheth, all those years ago. As we stated earlier, a belief in reincarnation is not absolutely necessary to our understanding of God and His cosmos, but it does add a very special dimension to the whole picture. This ‘reading’ also emphases the striking facts, that man’s spirit and mind truly transcend time, and that walking among us today very possibly are many of yesterday’s ‘gods’, saints, and heroes. But then again, even the Bible reminds us, that we are all ‘gods’, doesn’t it?

Here then, is the 30,000 year old prayer – yes they knew the importance of prayer even then:

“Lord, Thou art Maker of heaven and Earth. Thou hast preserved Thy servant for a purpose in the Earth. Thou hast given me, today, opportunities. Help me, O God to choose the right way; that I may even be a channel of blessings to others, pointing the way ever to Thee.”

Edgar Cayce Reading: 281-25

Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2005 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. All Rights Reserved

83 Taken from Edgar Cayce’s reading 2627-1, dated 20th November, 1941; for a 26 year old dairy farmer


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And God said: Let there be lights made

in the firmament of heaven, to divide the day and the night,

and let them be for signs, and for seasons,

and for days and years:

Gen. 1:14

A reading given by Edgar Cayce on April 28th, 1941 draws attention to special astrological aspects that took place for the following two weeks. It requests that the knowledge of this aspect, and what it foreshadowed should be used for good. Whether we believe in ‘astrological aspects’ or not, this makes interesting reading.

The aspect he was alluding to was – the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, and Venus, will all be in the same sign. For those of astrological mind, this happens once every 800 years. The influence of aspects such as these could spread out over several years often starting as the planets concerned begin their approach to each other (as viewed from Earth) and continuing as they separate. We are told that this event foreshadows very important happenings that concerned the whole of humanity, and, since it would involve the law of karma, its effect would be felt for many, generations thereafter.

If this was true, what was this event, the stars pointed to? Counting back 800 years from 1941, lands us to 1141. The (two hundred year long) wars of the Crusades were well underway. As karma would dictate – the effect of these wars would spill out over several subsequent generations. Heaven knows, karmic ripples could be lapping at our civilisation, even now!

These ‘readings’ from our intrepid ‘Sleeping Prophet’ highlight two important facts; one, there may be something


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in astrological signs, and secondly, historical events are often cyclic, history could repeat itself.

Going back another 1,600 years, we come to the year 541BC. This was the time when Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon destroyed Jerusalem, initiating the Jewish Exile – a time of major reformation of many great nations of the world; right down even to our present times.

Is there a point to all this? One might ask. To which we may answer – As the human consciousness evolves, and starts to recognise the associations between the various aspects of our Father’s creation - and this includes the ‘signs in the heavens’ - we condition ourselves to expect the results, and then, through prayer (communicating with the Creator of all), endeavour to replace the Law of Karma, that these aspects bring into play, with the Law of Grace.

Only the Law of Grace, according to Edgar Cayce, can supersede the Law of Karma. This was one of the main lessons taught by The Master, when He walked this planet. Rules can be broken; even karma may be changed, if He wished it to be…

Remember the Biblical story about the ‘wedding feast at Cana of Galilee?’…

“… and the wine failing, the mother of Jesus said to him:

‘They have no wine’. And Jesus said to her:

‘Woman, what is that to me and to thee? My hour is not yet come’.

His mother said to the waiters: ‘Whatsoever he shall say to you,

do ye’.”

John 2:3-5

The karma of the wine running out, and the rule, that


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His ‘hour’ had not yet come, were both overridden, by the Master Himself, by way of the Law of Grace, which was invoked through the intercessory prayer (request) of His Mother.

We have been made well aware of this law, if we choose to ignore it; we do so at our own peril.

To pray, is undoubtedly one of the best things mankind has learnt to do. Meditation is another. As we read before, when we couple the two together, the results can be nothing short of miraculous.

***** So that’s the picture. For a short while we perform

on this planet, and then we move on, as Betty’s and Durdana’s experiences would indicate, to commence the next act, in another mansion of our Creator’s heaven. Somewhere else, where we will probably partner other members of our cosmic family, leaving, it is hoped, all our earthly shortcomings, and flaws behind us and having learnt from them. Leaving planet Earth a much better place because of us.

Is that all there is then? Just keep dancing till the curtain falls? Yes, if that’s’ all we want to do, but wouldn’t it be nice if we can add our own chorus to this symphony? Well, well, we can you know! That, in fact is the main purpose of this work.

The secret of doing this is as simple as a,b,c : a) How we use that prized instrument, our mind. b) How we relate to our unseen cosmic cousins,

and… c) Our motive for doing so. For without the right

motive, we cannot expect to receive the help we would need. Because, our motive would affect our attitude, which in turn could desensitise the neural receptors, in our cosmic communicator; perhaps even detune them, resulting in our latching onto undesirable sources of power.

We do not need to retreat to a mountaintop, or to a


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secluded beach to do this. Just being alone, and quiet, for a few minutes at a time, is all it takes…

If we wish to make an impact in a large city, we would first contact the appropriate authorities, to organise a meeting. Then we would pass the word around to those we would like to have attend the meeting. However if it is a new city, and we do not know anyone there, we would take along a friend who we can trust, and who, hopefully has friends in the right places.

This is precisely what we do to commence writing our own chorus to our recital on the celestial stage. The equipment is available, and ready. All we need to do is strike the first chord, the whole universe will then respond, and a new symphony will soon emerge, performed by the cosmos, and conducted by ourselves. Let’s start….

We are venturing into new territory, so we need a highly connected and trustworthy friend, preferably one not restricted by a human shell, like we are. This leads us straight into the spiritual realm. We find ourselves at a crossroads. On the one hand we have our time-hardened prejudices regarding these areas of taboo, where no ‘decent, modern’ person would like to be seen getting involved. On the other hand, we can embark on a most exciting and fulfilling experience. We do realise it’s not a one way street. If at the end it turns out that we have made a perfect monkey of our self, we can always slink back quietly, tail between legs, and hope no one has noticed our wacky behaviour.

So what the heck! With one last look over our shoulder at the masses of sheep – like ‘normal’ people wandering in well organised little flocks, doing what their puppeteer / leaders want them to do, we set off…

Where’s this ‘friend’ to be found? Remember we are rather new at this, so the friend / guide MUST be genuine, otherwise, like Merlin, and Veronica, with the Ouija board, we can get ourselves into far more trouble than we bargained for! Being Christian, I cannot go past Jesus Himself. Non-


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Christians could do the same, or select someone else. However, and we cannot stress this too much, the success, or otherwise of our venture does depend very much on our choice of guide.

Over the next few days, we brush up on our prayer life. Remember, we are setting out to use our COSMIC COMMUNICATOR, and prayer is an excellent implement to get this station receiving and transmitting well. We try to set aside, in our busy daily schedule, about fifteen to twenty minutes, preferably at the same time every day, so it becomes part of our biological time-table, when we can just sit quietly, like a radio ham, in his little den, and use the ‘air ways’ in a manner we have not used it before.

Akin to a radio station just going on air, we start by identifying ourselves, and who we stand for (in our case God Himself). This is necessary especially in the early stages of our project, because it helps us to ‘beam’ our ‘transmissions’ to the right recipients.

Earlier on in this book we read about affirmations, and their use in helping us reach a new level of awareness, by the very nature of their suggestiveness.

We then encountered an invocation that became rather popular in 1945, when the world was desperate for help, from any realm. People who didn’t even know how they worked started using affirmations and invocations like good-luck mantras.

We now couple an affirmation, with an invocation and use them as our introduction to what I call “The Great Assembly Prayer”.

Before we start this very powerful mode of prayer, we ask our trusted ‘guide’ – in the case of Christians, Jesus – to call on every being of light and love in Our Father’s Creation to join us in prayer. 84 Keeping in mind that in the spirit

84 Catholics can ask Mother Mary to lead their prayer, and their Guardian Angel to join them.


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realm time, as we know it is easily transcended; so we ask our guide to gather together ALL beings of light and love THROUGH SPACE & TIME – from the beginning of time, to its end. We also ask our guide (Jesus in my case) to be present, so we pray in His presence, and in His name. I know it probably sounds a bit silly, but we really have nothing to lose, and the potential is too enticing.

We approach our heavenly Father as children; therefore, our childlike exuberance can only please Him.

We then pray for protection from those forces who may try to stop us. Jesus did say that whenever two or more were assembled together to pray in His name, He would be with them.85 We have already asked Him to do so, but we will repeat the call for our cosmic family to join us.


Once again, we stress the need for proper protection. Just as a baby tadpole creates ripples on the otherwise placid surface of a pond, when it starts to swim. So will we start a few ripples of our own in the little understood sea of energies around us when we start turning up our mental powerhouse, and as in the case of the tadpole, these ripples undoubtedly attract some unwanted attention from ‘predators’. Tadpoles have no defences, but we do! Please go to APPENDIX 1, to read of how ‘they’ tried to discourage me from going down this road. This is when we make the first use of our guide. We ask him/her to do what it takes to protect us, and help us reach the goal we have set out to achieve. Remember the light we encountered earlier? We now make a concerted effort, to visualise and FEEL this light all around us. If nothing else, it will help by setting our mental transmitters to the proper channels. 85 Matthew 18: 20 – “For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”


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We now identify ourselves; using a special affirmation / invocation, we let the cosmos know who we are, and what we stand for:


“I am a child of light, a channel of light, love, peace and healing; and I invoke the light and love of our Heavenly Father to flow powerfully through me to this whole planet now and forever. I am a child of light, a channel of light, love, peace and healing; and I call on every being of light and love throughout time and space, to please join me in prayer, to our Heavenly Father, prayer for planet Earth, and its people.”

This is the affirmation / invocation I use, but there’s no

reason you cannot use your own. We have now tuned our Communicator, protected

ourselves86 and identified ourselves. We now pray to our heavenly Father (Christians would

pray in the name and presence of His Son Jesus Christ). And don’t forget to use the ‘P’ word – PLEASE. It’s really amazing how many people (including preachers) fail to display basic courtesy when praying.

We can pray for virtually anything, within reason... But don’t forget world peace. Political affairs, financial affairs, and everyday family and health issues can all be prayed for. As we pray, it’s great to feel the whole of creation backing

86 It would be a good idea to ask for protection for our home and loved ones too.


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you up in your communications with the Creator of All. PAGS demonstrated earlier in these pages, what

projected thought energy could do, when he caused clouds to dissolve in minutes, we now do the same, using our new-found ability of creative visualisation to send out wave after wave of pure bright light and love all around us – as we ask our guide to mobilise EVERY like minded being in creation, (even if they do not look like us) to join us. We now focus our attention on GOD, the supreme being, and ‘CREATOR of it all’ as Ashtar put it. Let’s pour our hearts out to Him, as a child pleads with his father. Be continuously aware that the whole of His creation is behind our prayer. We use the visualisation of light and feeling, to give substance to this passionate outpouring of prayer energy. As we feel the intensity of our combined prayer build up, we can then project it to the object of our request, be it a sick child, or RIDDING THE OUR PLANET OF TERROR & VIOLENCE. There are no limits to what can be achieved, except the limits placed by our own motives, attitudes and imagination.

Every boundary known to us has been placed there by man. We have seen over and over again in the last several pages, that the non-physical realm does not recognise man made boundaries. So let’s not limit the success of our mission by these myths.

What we have just done, is to cause the whole of space AND time to resonate with the prayer energy of love and peace. Any engineer knows the reality of resonance. It is responsible for the working of our radios and TV; it is also what can cause a bridge to collapse, when an army of soldiers march in step across it. Resonance is powerful, and we can use it almost at will on the mightiest scale of all.

If it’s world peace we are praying for, or the well being of our family, and we are concerned about what might happen when we are not around to pray for it, here’s something we can do about that too, we could ask ‘The Great


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Assembly’ (as I have come to call it) through our guide, to convene EVERY day and make these requests to our CREATOR, even though we may not be around to instigate a regular on going gathering.

While on the subject of resonance; an interesting footnote to our Great Assembly Prayer would be a prayer to our Father, that EVERY TIME we prayer, may the whole of HIS creation of love and light resonate, and join in with our prayer. Indeed we could ask Him, to make it happen that every time ANY BEING in His creation prays to Him in love, may His creation of love resonate, and join in with THEIR prayer. You see, the potential is limitless, the power is enormous, and results we will find, are totally indescribable!87 Admittedly, it takes a bit of trying to get the best results – our mind, like a little child, prefers to be allowed to run free, and uncontrolled, but it can be trained to fall into step with our will. However, a couple of words of warning would not go astray here. As with anything involving great potential for good, there is an equal potential for ‘mishaps’, so care must be taken.

When we finish our prayer, it would be a very good idea to thank all those we have called on, for joining our prayer.

A gentle reminder won’t go astray here, as we saw earlier, our motives MUST be unselfish, otherwise the thought waves we transmit are not likely to be tuned to the proper channel, and could end up being intercepted by the wrong type of beings – remember the unwholesome happenings referred to earlier, when the forces from the ‘dark’ side were tapped? These cannot be properly controlled – regardless of what the authors of some books may have us believe. They often end up controlling us. So we stay away from that!! 87 Appendix 1 outlines some early results.


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Also, we do not leave out the prayer for protection, right at the beginning. Just a visualising of a protective light around ourselves is NOT always enough. We, like the poor little tadpole are definitely no match to the clout of the dangers that lurk in those depths of space and time, we know so very little about. To think we are, would be the dangerous height of naivety! After all, as we saw earlier, there does appear to be a ‘battle’ raging between two supernatural or unnatural factions – as described so vividly by Courtney Brown, in COSMIC VOYAGER – and we do appear to be a part of the stakes, corny as this may sound. The risks involved are just too high, so why take any chances.

Now we know of the ‘Great Assembly’ and we know how to mobilise it, but how will this help us? If it’s only US we are concerned about, perhaps it’s better not to venture any further, after all we do not use a jackhammer, or a pile-driver to hang a picture on our living room wall. However, if we wish to grow, by using our knowledge to help others grow, or even to help preserve peace in the world, then yes, there is arguably no greater, more potent way to do it.

This does not mean that personal needs cannot be addressed at the ‘Assembly’, but ideally, these should only be used as a fringe benefit, rather than the main reason for the gathering. Someone once said, “More things are wrought by prayer than this world has ever dreamed of”. We will soon find this out for ourselves, once we start travelling along this fascinating road.

As we saw earlier, it is more than likely that there are millions upon millions of others out there, who like us, have at their disposal similar cosmic communicators between their ears, the stirring, and resonance we set up in the cosmic media, could quite conceivably stir them into joining in. We are now undoubtedly in communion with our ‘heavenly’ brethren. Rubbish? Maybe, but are we really prepared to take the chance and cook the goose that might possibly be the one that lays the golden egg?


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Thousands of people throughout time, have claimed to have been in touch with beings from ‘out there’, but I have not heard of anyone taking the next small step of asking them to help us to mobilise the whole of space and time, to ‘ask’ for what the whole world so desperately needs – peace, justice and freedom from hunger. We have the words of the MASTER Himself when He assured us, “When ever two of more of you are gathered together in my name, I will be there.” And then “…ask and you will receive.”

This leads us to another important point. It would certainly be very silly to expect to ‘receive’ everything we ‘ask’ for. Does a parent always give a child what he wants? From where we are in life, we certainly cannot see the whole picture, therefore we can only try the best we can, from our point of view, and leave the rest to the ‘source of all wisdom’.

More words on this from Ashtar,88 through Tuella… go something like this: Children of light are sometimes apt to think that they are not effective, and that they accomplish very little, simply because they feel that they are not doing that which perhaps they would wish to do. Be assured, there goes out from your being a beam of love and brightness that blesses the world. For combined as a special resonance, there is a light in the world without which this planet would perish…!

An ancient Hindu saying states that ‘When the student is ready, the master appears.’ This does not imply that a guru will suddenly materialise out of thin air when we are ready for him. What it does mean is that we can only expect to receive and understand that which we are capable of using in our lives.

Most of the important happenings in the world arena be it in areas of medicine, finance, politics or even geography, are related in one way or another to this battle 88 ASHTAR a TRIBUTE: by Tulla.


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between ‘light’ and ‘darkness’. Mobilising the ‘Great Assembly’, as we have just outlined, would place us at the cutting edge of world shaping events, with a very worthwhile spin-off being an improvement in our personal lives. But nothing comes for nothing, so we must be prepared to encounter stiff opposition, from even the most unlikely quarters.

The rewards are great, so lets pick up the challenge, join that elite group of ‘LIGHT WORKERS’ and claim our COSMIC BIRTHRIGHT! The age of miracles is definitely back!! Believe me, the results we get when invoking the awesome power of the ‘CREATOR OF ALL’ with the whole of His creation backing our prayer, are nothing short of miraculous!

As with the Pleiadians, Lyrans, Koldasians, Andromedians, Greys, Reptilians, etc. etc, our collective destiny does not rest on any one planet, but in the universe, and perhaps even beyond. We are part of the same family. Therefore, we too will live among the stars. The last chapter in the story of mankind’s life on earth is drawing to a close; the next one is filled with celestial wonder. The cosmos is calling.

In today’s society, unfortunately, the mention of that

‘P’ word, prayer conjures up thoughts of religion; and the people of today tend to shy away from discussing religion. However –

Researchers, at the University of British Columbia in Canada, published the conclusions of their 30 year study of the effect of religion on society in the October issue of their Science Research Journal. In a nutshell, the research revealed that religion can stimulate goodness.

This paper reviewed data from anthropology, sociology, psychology and economics. The researchers found


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irrefutable evidence that religion contributed to the rise of large, stable societies of unrelated individuals.

According to one of the researchers, a doctoral student, religiously motivated ‘Virtuous’ behaviour has more than likely played a pivotal social role throughout our history. Perhaps, one reason we now have large, cooperative societies, may be that in the past, societies worked cooperatively together by relying on the inexpensive social policing duties of all-powerful ‘gods’.

Down through the ages, these researchers observed, that the idea of an omnipotent, concerned “god” usually spawned large-scale stable societies that eventually passed on their cultural beliefs to the rest of our civilisation.

Today, religion does not have a monopoly on kindness or generosity. Today, even non-believers act just as helpfully, and sincerely, as believers, and some of the most cooperative modern societies are also the most secular. People have found other ways of cooperating with each other – without the need to believe in God. But, without the foundations laid by religion, in the past, who knows what sort of barbaric society we would be living in.

Yes, religion has certainly helped form our civilisation, let’s not allow recent happenings involving some misguided religious individuals cloud our realisation of the vital role religion has played in our overall development. Let’s not play into the hands of the ‘dark forces’ and slam the door on our spiritual heritage because of some half baked, self proclaimed spiritual leader’s sexual or financial monkey business.

Religion may still have a lot to offer. It may well be, that the key that opens the doors to The Father’s Mansions, can only be found in religion. Until we know better, let’s not throw that key away.

Each year, more and more experts conduct studies on the effect of prayer on healing; and each year, more and more doctors are realising the consequence of prayer on their


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patients. Research shows that prayer is the most common complement to mainstream medicine, far outpacing acupuncture, herbs and other alternative remedies – it is free and has no physical side effects to boot.

A well known oncologist once observed that one of the biggest stumbling blocks to healing, a person encounters is fear, and whatever a person uses to appease that fear or anxiety is certainly worth trying – prayer tops the list here.

Prayer and faith permits you to place your life into the hands of someone who is far more powerful, more able than you are; and because of that, that sense of fear and anxiety is reduced, says a well known pastor of a Christian church in Orlando.

Therefore, for peace of mind, and the accompanying healthy mentality - faith, spirituality and prayer are an indispensable part of society. As in all matters of faith, “Proof” of the efficacy of prayer does not even come into the equation. Prayer is of the psyche, and things of that realm transcend the need for physical proof.

As we near the end our journey, through these pages, let’s repeat this heartening encounter Courtney Brown experienced when he ‘viewed’ what the future held for our ‘grey’ space cousins:

He described the most beautiful of creatures, greys that look much like humans, like ‘no other human’ that he had ever seen. They were telepathic, and had learned to love – again. That was the basic emotion that they emphasised in their genetic project. These new beings were exceptionally evolved, and spiritually united. They, Courtney said, had love overwhelming. They even had the love of Jesus in them.

Most of this, they appear to have achieved, through their interaction with us, Earth humans. Like the Anunnaki, is our purpose on Earth, just to be instrumental in the development of a better human race in the cosmos??? Or is that the karma of our grey cousins? For we are told that it


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was they, who ripped it out or the fabric of ‘humanity’ eons ago.


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As we trace the footprints of our ancestors, and their ancestors --- we find ourselves among the stars.

From the very beginning of time, the pansperma of humanity appears to have been sprinkled liberally among the galaxies of the cosmos.

Eons upon eons ago – in the constellation we now call Lyra – one branch of fledgling humanity (Human is not the shape of the body, but the essence of the spirit - remember?) was trying to come to terms with its underdeveloped spirituality and high technology – with disastrous consequences.

Humanity has been evolving ever since. As each group evolved, they took their development to other parts of the cosmos; karmic laws would dictate that they help their less developed siblings to grow up – learning from their own mistakes.

Many of us on Earth have been part of that evolution. Spiritually and physically, we have been evolving – as a race – on this planet.

After our ancient space faring forefathers completed our physical enhancements, improvements that were needed so our minds could function more effectively through our bodies – they moved on, while more spiritually advanced


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souls then entered our realm and took over, raising the spiritual awareness of the inhabitants of this planet.

This constant interplay between the inhabitants on planets throughout the cosmos has been going on for millions upon millions of years – and will go on, and on ---. Our progress can always be tracked by following our “soul prints” left in time, on what Edgar Cayce so aptly called “The Skein of Time”89.

As I sit here, coming to the end of this book, the realisation dawns on me, that as sure as we may have been away from home on vacation, or perhaps on work – we will one day leave this planet to venture to another part of the cosmos, to another of our Father’s Mansions, and there, add another exciting chapter to the never-ending story of humanity. Along the way we will continue to add our own footprints in the stardust of the heavens.

Finally, let us bring into play what we have been so ably taught by our spiritual teachers; let us employ our Cosmic Communicator, in Prayer and Meditation, to bond with our celestial family, and explore those enchanting mansions hand in hand.

We conclude with a small excerpt from Edgar Cayce’s reading 262-71, given on the 9th of September 1934. This reading was for an A.R.E. study group, and their work on “DESIRE”. It fits so appropriately into our present study:

“… To all we would give: Be patient...With the Christ from the beginning, and is to other worlds what the Christ is to this earth.”

89 Also known as the Akashic Records.


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"But blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears,

because they hear.”

Matt. 13:16

What makes love the glue that ‘bonds the universe together’? We all know that when real love is manifested in a relationship, there is no room for violent destruction to affect it. Therefore, to preserve any relationship, love must remain in it. So it is in our relationship with the Source of All, and indeed, the universe itself. Anything other than real love, would be quite foreign, and a cause for concern.

It would have been the lack of love that eventually led to the collapse of many great civilisations on Earth, and indeed on many planets through the cosmos. Visitors from out there have told us, through their contacts here on Earth of the destruction of many planets through nuclear wars. True love can never allow such destruction. As a race we know that – nevertheless, as a race, we still kill each other. Our inner mind-set has to change. We need the help, and permanent presence of someone, or something wiser and more powerful than we are; someone who we can trust, someone who, ideally would infuse love into our very being, to guide our innermost thought processes, so we can think


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right. When we think right, we can’t help but act right. That help may already be available to us.

Of the many great spiritual leaders who have entered Earth’s plane, one of them brought with Him what may well turn out to be THE long awaited Panacea for the human race. Like a physician who administers an antibiotic which is infused into the patient’s body, getting rid of its physical infections; this Great Physician developed what could be a very effective “antibiotic” against spiritual infections. Like a good multivitamin tablet, that keeps our body in healthy balance, this spiritual ‘capsule’ was said to be designed to keep our spiritual being in balance. Only time can prove, or disprove the truth of these amazing claims.

No other leader before or after Him endeavoured to stay so close to his followers – even after his physical life on Earth was over. This Master used His power, and the power of our own mind, to enter WITHIN every follower of His; not just in fancy or imagination, but, (if you ask many Christians – they call it the Eucharist) even into the body physical. If true, this close proximity, to none other than Jesus, should have unimaginable consequences for the whole human race. Indeed for the whole cosmos. Once again ONLY TIME WILL TELL.

At last, we may now have that someone, that divine guide who is imbedded into our very being; someone with us 24/7. If we can make use of this awesome presence nothing can derail us, and within a very short time, our whole planet can be transformed.

When people, with this spiritual implant simmering inside them, set their minds to prayer, powerful resonances could quite conceivably be radiated from them, thus significantly increasing the effectiveness of their prayer.

How could this be: one may ask? Remember, it’s our spirit that motivates our mind,

and anything that impinges on our spirit affects its ability to


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influence our mind, while at prayer. Maybe now, in spite of all of the despair humanity

may find itself in, considering the implications of the alien / hybrid / implant programmes we are becoming aware of; in spite of all that, our civilisation does have this ‘secret weapon’; a weapon that is potentially right within us, and SO easy to use.

This ‘tool’ requires the use or the awesome power of our mind, to be effective; therefore, a vital requirement to receive the greatest benefit from its use would be to have a firm belief in its efficacy.

Another ‘tool’ that is uniquely Christian, is the rite of what Catholics call the ‘Mass’. It is at this rite that they believe that the ‘spiritual implant’ we just spoke of, comes into being. If we ‘ask’ that the Great Assembly (we encountered earlier) be present – in spirit of course – at every Mass, celebrated on Earth, the concentrated, sustained, formidable forces that are generated will be hard to beat.

Perhaps this would reinforce our involvement in the subspace conflict Courtney Brown described in his SRV observations. This could also precipitate the turning point in this encounter; and bring it to a peaceful conclusion.

Man’s involvement in, and use of the spirit / subspace realm has now entered a new era. From his beginnings, about 220,000 BC, when the illustrious Anunnaki gave him a great start, with a unique blend of local and celestial genes, this chosen race, this people ‘set apart’ were finally taken under the wing of their own God, and helped to mature – spiritually.

Earth man was now made to realise, that marvellous, though the human physical machine may be, and awesome, his technical inventions may also be – it’s his SOUL that is worth the most. The Body / Mind mix man has inherited enables his spirit to manifest so uniquely in this plane, that we find ourselves the envy of our cosmic cousins. So highly are we prized, that a subspace war appears to be raging over


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our possession. A war most of us are blissfully unaware of. Our ‘Prince of Peace’ – Jesus, made His followers

aware of this war about 2000 years ago; Courtney Brown and others have confirmed it more recently. It is now up to us, to use all the tools we have at our disposal, to take an active part in it. It’s not just the future of life on Earth that depends on its outcome. But if we keep in mind the potential effect of the alien / human hybrid programme, etc; the whole fabric of cosmic life depends on the outcome of this campaign. Most of our celestial family seems to be on our side, and are willing to help, if asked to. So let’s do just that. Let’s mobilise the whole of creation – let’s call on the ‘Great Assembly’ to join us WHENEVER we pray to our Heavenly Father. And let’s pray for peace on Earth, and in the universe.

Mankind has, within him, the potential to change the world he lives in, and also the whole UNIVERSE. But before we leave the realms of Earth, let’s clean up this planet, let’s pray to our Father in Heaven to send His Celestial forces down here, to neutralise all negativity, cast out all negative forces from our world, and return this beautiful planet to an era of peace.

We have been promised that if we ask, we will receive.

Hitherto you have not

asked any thing in my name.

Ask, and you shall receive; that your joy may be full.

John 16: 24

Could we be just whistling in the wind, with all this


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‘prayer’ stuff? Maybe, but when so many coincidences start transpiring as we set out on this project of prayer, coincidences that cannot be explained any other way….

And then, when that major event we have been praying, for miraculously comes to be. THAT’S when we get an indescribable feeling that we are at the cutting edge of world shaping events. THAT’S when we realise we do in fact wield inconceivable influence.

Perhaps it’s THIS capability some celestial races are trying to get ownership of. It’s ours, let’s not lose it, but put it to good use.

Let’s hold Him to His promise. The whole of Creation waits – for our call.


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"Therefore do I speak to them in parables:

because seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not,

neither do they understand.”

Matt. 13:13 Here are just a few ‘coincidences’ that happened when I prayed with the ‘Great Assembly’. I recount these just to highlight the fact that things do happen, when we get involved with the whole of our cosmic brotherhood.

The first experience I wish to tell you about scared the proverbial off me. It happened when I started using the ‘Great Assembly’ to join me in prayers for world affairs. Idi Amin of Uganda was going strong at the time. We had just moved into our new home in the Brisbane suburb of McDowell. It was about 2 AM, (I prefer praying in the small hours of the morning). I was well into the prayers, as outlined earlier, (without the protection part) when I got this idea to pray for Uganda, and its people. I asked Our Father to surround Idi Amin with His light, to prevent evil from using him. That’s when it happened ---


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Coincidence 1: All the pots, pans and cutlery clattered onto the tiled floor in the kitchen. I jumped out of my skin; fortunately the din did not wake up anyone else. Quite shaken by now, I decided to leave everything on the floor, and continue my prayers. Less than ten seconds after resuming ---

Coincidence 2: Another crash, this time the contents of the second cupboard, laundry iron, several spray cans, etc., etc. By now my fear was replaced with irritation. I realised that someone or something did not want me to continue. I returned with added determination, and ever since, always start my ‘Great Assembly’ prayer time with a request for protection.

Coincidently, Idi Amin did not last much longer in Uganda.

One thing that must be stressed here again, is that we should NEVER set ourselves up as judges over anyone. If a person or group appear to be doing the wrong thing, we should only pray for that person or group to be filled and surrounded by God’s light, so that any dark forces would find it impossible to manifest through them. ANOTHER ONE FOR THE RECORDS:

The young couple entered the psychic's room. The

middle-aged man looked up at them; his gaze settled on the boy. After several moments, he said to Kerrie, “I can't go any further; I haven't seen so many people protect one person before". "Protect"? …. Now it was Wayne's turn to be surprised.

Kerrie's mother had asked her to take my son to her psychic acquaintance, for his 'assessment' of her daughter's boy friend. Wayne was quite uncomfortable with this idea, even he realised, there are psychics, and psychics. So, we both, prayed for his protection, enlisting the help of the "Great Assembly"; and bingo! Another coincidence!!!


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Indeed, one of the most practical things to pray for with the ‘Great Assembly’ would be for a massive outpouring of the Spirit of Enlightenment over our whole planet. With enlightenment, comes the realisation that prayer is needed, especially prayer for peace.


“Pete, that killer will be caught soon. I know it, I’ve been praying with ‘The Great Assembly’ for some days now that he will be caught. He was shooting his victims from the boot of his car. I dreamt that last night. Score one more for ‘The Great Assembly’”.

I was still a bit confused; having just returned from work, to the impatient ringing of the telephone. After calming her down, I realised what my mother’s excitement was all about. This was the sniper that was terrorising people around Virginia in the United States, towards the end of 2002. A couple of days after mum’s exited phone call, and after slaying of ten victims, the FBI caught up with the killer. Apparently he committed his heinous crime from the boot of his car.

Sceptics may argue that mum may be psychic – that would be news to her, and to us. Sceptics were not supposed to believe in psychics anyway; and what about the Great Assembly Prayer? Well that – ‘was probably a well timed coincidence!’ We could almost hear them say. But we know better, don’t we? By now we should!


Most of the psychics of the world had predicted the third world war would start before the turn of the century. Edgar Cayce placed it around 1988. Nevertheless he did say that it depended on how people lived, and prayer. In her earlier books, Ruth Montgomery’s guides echoed the same sentiment, however in her later books, we were told through


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her guides, that due to the large number of people praying, a third world war has been averted. Is this another COINCIDENCE? Some people may think so.

Let's keep the ‘Great Assembly’ busy; we need all the coincidences we can get. Our cosmic cousins are only too eager to help us. I will leave out the hundreds of personal miracles that happened to me, during my adventures in prayer. You, my dear readers will experience hundreds of your own.

For when the One Great Scorer comes

To write against your name, He marks-not that you won or lost-

But how you played the game.



Sir Isaac Newton is reported to have remarked that if he was able to see further ahead than many others, it was only because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

In this book we have been standing on the shoulders of some of the giants listed below. That’s how we were able to glimpse those far away shores. Adrian Dvir: Ingram Bookmasters Inc.: X3, HEALING ENTITIES & ALIENS Alexandra David-Neel: Penguin Books: MYSTICS &

MAGICIANS IN TIBET Betty Eadie: Aquarian Press: EMBRACED BY THE LIGHT Bible: Various versions. Brad Steiger: Inner Light Publications: AQUARIAN

REVELATIONS Brad Steiger : Sphere: ATLANTIS RISING Brad Striger: Ivy Books: FELLOWSHIP Carl van Vlierden & Wendelle C. Stevens: UFO Photo Archives: UFO CONTACT


ATMOSPHERE Commander X: Abelard Publications: THE ULTIMATE

DECEPTION Courtney Brown: Dutton Books: COSMIC VOYAGE Courtney Brown: Dutton Books: COSMIC EXPLORER

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Cynthia Hind: Gemini Publications Co. Zimbabwe: UFO AFRICAN ENCOUNTERS

Dannion Brinkley & Paul Perry: Harper Spotlight: AT PEACE IN THE LIGHT

David Hatcher Childress: THE ANTI-GRAVITY HANDBOOK

David Hatcher Childress: Adventures Unlimited Press: TECHNOLOGY OF THE GODS.

David Jacobs Dr.: Simon & Schuster: THE THREAT David Jacobs Dr.: Simon & Schuster: THE SECRET LIFE Eileen Buckle: Spearman: THE SCORITON MYSTERY Enrique Castillo Rincon: Blue Dolphin Publishing: UFOs – A Great New Dawn for

Humanity. Frank Johnson: Spearman: THE JANOS PEOPLE Frank Stranges, Dr.: Inner Light Publications & Global


Fritjoff Capra: Shamballa Publications: TAO OF PHYSICS Gary Kinder: LIGHT YEARS Giorgio Dibitonto: UFO Photo Archives: ANGELS IN

STARSHIPS Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, & John Grisby: Three

Rivers Press: THE MARS MYSTERY Greta Woodrew: A SLIDE OF LIGHT George Hunt Williamson: Brotherhood of Life Books:


THE MOON Helena Blavatsky: Theosophical Uni. PR.: ISIS UNVEILED Ingo Swann: Ingo Swann Books: PENETRATION Jacques Vallee: McGraw-Hill/Contemporary: PASSPORT



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Jim Marrs: Harper Torch: ALIEN AGENDA Johannes von Buttlar: Hutchinson of Australia: TIME SLIP Karla Turner: Berkley: INTO THE FRINGE Karla Turner: Kelt Works: MASQUERADE OF ANGELS Katharina Wilson: Puzzle Publications: ALIEN JIGSAW Kirk Nelson: A.R.E. Press: EDGAR CAYCE'S HIDDEN

HISTORY OF JESUS Kelly Carhill: Harper – Collins: ENCOUNTER Kuffler & Nicholls: Sinauer & Assoc. Inc.: FROM NEURON

TO BRAIN Leslie Watkins: Sphere Books Ltd: ALTERNATIVE 3 Lyssa Royal: Wildflower Press: VISITORS FROM WITHIN Lyssa Royal: Light Technology Publications: THE PRISIM

OF LYRA Lytle Robinson: Berkley books: EDGAR CAYCE STORY


SAY ABOUT EDGAR CAYCE Mary Rodwell: Fortune Books: AWAKENING Maurice Rawlings: Bantam Books: M.D: BEYOND

DEATHS DOOR. Michael Sella: Dandelion Books: EXOPOLITICS Michael E Salla: Dandelion Books:

EXTRATERRESTRIALS AMONG US NEXUS Magazine. Paul Davies: Penguin Books: THE EDGE OF INFINITY Peggy Day & Susal Gale: A.R.E. Press: EDGAR CAYCE

ON THE INDIGO CHILDREN Phillip Krapf: ©1998. Hay House Inc. Carlsbad, CA.:

CONTACT HAS BEGUN Preston Nichols & Peter Moon: Sky Books: THE

MONTAUK PROJECT Preston Nichols & Peter Moon: PLEAIDIAN ENCOUNTER Ramachandra Dikshitar: McMillan, London: WAR IN

ANCIENT INDIA Ramtha – transcribed by Douglas James Mahr: Fawcett:


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VOYAGE TO THE NEW WORLD Raymond Bernard Dr.: Fieldcrest Publishing: THE

HOLLOW EARTH Raymond Fowler: Bantam Books: THE WATCHERS Raymond Fowler: Bantam Books: THE ANDREASSON

AFFAIR Readers Digest: QUEST FOR THE UNKNOWN Rene Noorbergen: Teach Services: SECRETS OF THE

LOST RACES R.K.C.Temple: Destiny Books: THE SIRIUS MYSTRY Robert Krajenke: Bantam Books: A MILLION YEARS TO

THE PROMISED LAND Robert Renaud – Gabriel Green & Wendlle Stevens: UFO


Rowan Wilson: Stirling Publishing Co: STRANGE BUT TRUE UFO’s

Ruth Montgomery: Fawcett Crest: THRESHOLD TO TOMORROW

Ruth Montgomery & Joanne Garland: Fawcett Crest: HERALD OF THE NEW AGE

Ruth Montgomery: Fawcett Crest: ALIENS AMONG US Ruth Montgomery: Fawcett Crest: STRANGERS AMONG

US Stefen Denaerde & Wendelle Stevens: UFO Photo Archives:

UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET IARGA Stefen Denaerde & Wendelle Stevens: UFO Photo Archives:


The Book Company Orbis Publications: THE WORLD OF THE UNEXPLAINED

Time Magazine. Tom Sugrue: A.R.E. Press: THERE IS A RIVER Tuella: Inner Light – Global Communications: ON EARTH

ASSIGNMENT Tuella: Inner Light – Global Communications: ASHTAR - A


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TRIBUTE Tuella: Inner Light – Global Communications: DYNAMICS

OF COSMIC TELEPATHY Tueta: CONCLAVE Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa: Grove Press: INDABA MY

CHILDREN Whitley Strieber: Simon & Schuster: THE SECRET

SCHOOL Whitley Strieber: Beech Tree Books: TRANSFORMATION Wendelle C. Stevens: UFO Photo Archives: ABDUCTION

AT MIRASSOL Zecharia Sitchin: Avon Books: GENESIS REVISITED Zecharia Sitchin: Avon Books: THE ANCIENT MAYA Zecharia Sitchin: Avon Books: THE LOST REALMS Zecharia Sitchin: Avon Books: THE STAIRWAY TO

HEAVEN Zecharia Sitchin: Avon Books: THE WARS OF GODS &

MEN Zecharia Sitchen: Avon Books: WHEN TIME BEGAN Zecharia Sitchin: Avon Books: THE TWELFTH PLANET Zecharia Sitchin: Harper Collins: THE END OF DAYS Zecharia Sitchin: Bear & Co: THE LOST BOOK OF ENKI



Ever-increasing knowledge of our past enhanced by our inherent spiritual nature is shattering the boundaries we have so glibly set up around ourselves over many centuries of blind prejudices.• Are we really ‘gods’ – as scriptures say we are?• Do we frequently interact with angels, without even realising it?• Are the ‘gods’ of old still living among us, in human form – trying to “get it right”

this time?• Are we unwittingly the stakes in a cosmic scuffle for the ownership of our unique

blend of body / mind / spirit?• Is the evolution of life in the cosmos, linked to, and affected by human evolution

on Earth?• Did Planet Earth always occupy its present orbit?• Is the Human Mind, the key that eventually will let us into our Celestial Home?• Were the ‘gods’ of the ancients merely instruments of our Heavenly Father – “The

Creator of All”?• How real is time?The answers to these questions lead to the discovery that EACH ONE of us possesses the very real potential to change our world. Truly the POWER OF ONE!

Yes, it appears that the ‘gods’ still walk among men…

The late 60’s and early 70’s saw me publish several articles in the English language ‘MIRROR’ magazine, in India. These non-fiction articles were of the psychic and similar genre. Through them, I had the privilege of meeting some very extraordinary people. Some of them live again within the pages of this book.

It has taken many years of reading – learning – from many wonderful people and ‘knowing’ that there’s more to life than the usual daily grind. The ‘knowing’ became a stirring, which eventually led to that irresistible

compulsion to put it all together, in one book. Born in India in 1941 of mixed parentage, the eldest of 11 children; from very early childhood,

I would look up to the starry sky and feel sort of homesick. While just 6 years old, I pinched my grandmother’s bifocals, and built my first crude telescope. When asked what I wished to be when I grew up, I remember saying, “A scientust”. I was quite young then, I think I meant to say, “A scientist“. But now, I believe that was an inspired answer, to learn about the universe we do indeed have to combine science and spirituality.

A professional electronics engineer, believing in, and writing on subjects like these could, I suppose be called a “scientust” - among other things.

Growing up in South India (Madras) through the 50’s and 60’s exposed one to a lot of spiritual activity. Hindu, Muslim and Christian spiritualists were very active, in those parts, during those days. This set my mind travelling along the psychic and occult pathways, finally leading me to the works of Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, and scores of others. My Christian roots, coupled with Hindu and Muslim environmental exposure turned out to be a very fertile soil for the works of Cayce and Montgomery to bear fruit. Looking back, it was this beginning that set the framework for these pages.


eter A. Shafton