Электронный архив библиотеки М ГУ имени А.А. Кулеш ова

Могилев 2010 Электронный архив библиотеки МГУ имени А.А. Кулешова

Transcript of Электронный архив библиотеки М ГУ имени А.А. Кулеш ова

Могилев 2010

Электронный архив



имени А

.А. Кулешова








С о с т а в и т е л и : Р.Д. Астрашевская,

Н.Д. Голякевич, С.П. Зубрий

Могилев 2010

Электронный архив



имени А

.А. Кулешова

УДК 811.111 ’36(075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ-2


Печатается по решению редакционно­издательского совета УО «МГУ им. А.А. Кулешова»

Р е ц е н з е н т

кандидат филологических наук доцент заведующий кафедрой германо-романской филологии

УО «МГУ им. А.А. Кулешова»С.А. Носков

Под редакцией Н.Д. Голякевич.

Практическая грамматика английского языка: Глагол = 1169 Practical English Grammar: The Verb: практикум / сост.: Р.Д. Астра-

шевская, Н.Д. Голякевич, С.П. Зубрий; под ред. Н.Д. Голякевич. - Могилев: УО «МГУ им. А.А. Кулешова», 2010.-100 с.

ISBN 978-985-480-662-4Практикум состоит из И частей, каждая из которых включает упражнения,

направленные на консолидацию употребления видо-временных форм глагола в устной и письменной английской речи и способствующие их наиболее эффективному усвоению. Практикум может быть использовано как для работы в аудитории под руководством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельного изучения языкового материала.

Для студентов университетов специальности 1 -21 05 06 Романо-германская филология, изучающих английский язык как основной иностранный.

УДК 811.111’36(075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ-2

© Астрашевская Р.Д., Голякевич Н.Д., Зубрий С.П., составление, 2010

© Оформление.ISBN 978-985-480-662-4 УО «МГУ им. А.А. Кулешова», 2010

Электронный архив



имени А

.А. Кулешова


THE PRESENT INDEFINITE TENSEExercise I. Write the following sentences in the 3rd person singular.1 .1 think I am ill. 2. They often visit their granny. 3. We live in Leeds. 4. You usually speak too quickly. 5. Do you like boiled potatoes? 6. Good animals always obey their masters. 7. The boys box in the gymnasium on Fridays. 8. His dogs always attack the neighbours. 9. Heavy trucks make a lot of noise. 10.1 get up at 7 o'clock every day.

Exercise 2. Write the following sentences in the negative and in the interrogative.1. She understands the rule. 2. He usually has breakfast at 8 o'clock. 3. The lecture starts at 10.15. 4. The flowers look fresh. 5. She usually walks in the morning. 6. He has coffee in the evening. 7. She remembers them well. 8. He plays chess very well. 9. She leaves home at 10 o'clock every day. 10. Ann misses you badly. 11. They feel very cold. 12. Tom looks sick. 13. They harvest grapes in March. 14. The last boat sails at 10 p.m. 15. That train goes very fast.

Exercise 3. Put the verb into the Present Indefinite. Comment on the use of the Present Indefinite1. How many languages (you / speak)? 2. What time (the banks / close) in Britain?3 .1 have a car but I (not / use) it very often. 4. 'Where (your father / come) from?'- 'He (come) from Scotland.' 5. If you need money, why (you / not / get) a job?6 .1 (play) the piano, but I (not / play) very well. 7. Fishermen often (tell) tales about their catches. 8. Their children (go) to a private school. 9. Little Amanda (collect) all sorts of toy-pigs. 10. My father (like) a lot of milk in his tea and a few lumps of sugar. 11. The concert this evening (start) at 7.30. 12. She'll come and see you before she (leave) for London. 13. My English friends (live) in a nice house that (stand) on a hill that (overlook) lake Windermere which (be) in the Lake District. 14. What this sentence (mean)? 15.1 (live) in Tver, which (be) my native town. 16. My sister (have) a good appetite and she always (eat) heartily. 17. Let's go outside. It (be) terribly hot in the house. 18. What you (see) over there? 19. If he (shout) at me, I'll do nothing at all. 20. In England the traffic (keep) to the left but on the Continent it (keep) to the right. 21. They often (come) to see me in my town house. 22. The twittering of birds in the trees in spring (be) a pleasant sound. 23. Anything that he (say) (be) worth listening to. 24. What time the next train (leave)? 2 5 ,1 am a student, (be) I?

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имени А

.А. Кулешова

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into English.I. Я обычно делаю домашнее задание вечером. 2. Мой друг живет на Севе­ре. 3. Моя сестра учится в медицинском колледже. 4. У них два занятия иностранным языком в неделю. 5. Он всегда навещает нас, когда бывает в Москве. 6. "Сколько времени вы тратите на дорогу домой?" - "Как прави­ло, я трачу на дорогу домой около тридцати минут". 7. Он теперь редко путешествует. 8. Вы часто ходите в кино? 9. Она никогда не опаздывает. Она всегда приходит вовремя. 10. Теперь мы редко с ними встречаемся.II. Твой поезд приедет в 3 часа. 12. Ее муж часто ездит в командировки?13. Мой старший брат никогда не пишет нам, поэтому я никогда не знаю, что он делает. 14. Он говорит на четырех иностранных языках. 15. Мой друг помогает мне делать домашнее задание. 16. Моя мама не говорит по- английски. 17. Я слушаю радио вечером. 18. Ты читаешь английские газе­ты? 19. Наши занятия начинаются ровно в 8. 20. Ты играешь в теннис?

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into English.1. Мой брат не работает на заводе. 2. Она не говорит по-французски. 3. Где ты живешь? 4. Сколько предметов вы изучаете? 5. Мы ходим в универси­тет в будние дни. 6. Вы ходите в школу в воскресенье? - Нет. 7. Где вы играете в футбол по субботам? 8. Ты говоришь по-английски или по-не- мецки? 9. Какие книги вы читаете? 10. Сколько книг вы прочитываете каж­дый год? 11. Я часто слушаю музыку по утрам. 12. Мы обычно смотрим телепередачи по субботам. 13. Мой отец и брат часто играют в шахматы по вторникам. 14. Она пишет письма мужу каждый понедельник. 15. Провет­риваете ли вы комнату каждый вечер? - Да. 16. Джон редко болеет. 17. Ник никогда не опаздывает. 18. Петр не курит, не так ли? 19. Ходите ли вы в театр каждое воскресенье? 20. Она редко пьет кофе по утрам. Она обычно пьет чай.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.1. - Когда вы встаете? - Я встаю без четверти семь. 2. — Когда твой брат встает? - Он встает в 7.40. - А твоя сестра тоже встает в это же время? — Нет. Она еще не учится. Она встает в 8. 3. Мой брат работает в больнице. Он врач. Он встает в 6.20. Он работает утром и днем. Вечером он не рабо­тает. Вечером он отдыхает. 4. - Твоя сестра говорит по-французски? - Нет. Она говорит по-немецки, а ее муж говорит по-английски. 5. Мой дядя ин­женер. Он очень занят. Его рабочий день начинается рано утром. Он вста­ет в 6.30. Затем он умывается, одевается и завтракает. После завтрака он идет на работу. Он работает в университете. Он женат. Его жена врач и


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имени А

.А. Кулешова

работает в больнице. Вечером она изучает французский язык. Она посе­щает курсы французского языка. А дядя говорит только по-русски и по- немецки. Его сын ученик и ходит в школу, где изучает английский.

THE PAST INDEFINITE TENSEExercise 1. Put the verb into the correct form. All the sentences are past.1. I (not / go) to work yesterday because I (not / be) very well. 2. I (study) English at school. 3. Last night we (watch) a football match on TV. 4 .1 (translate) this text with a dictionary. 5. Tom (not / shave) this morning because he (not / have) time. 6. We (not / eat) anything because we (not / be hungry). 7. We (see) this film a week ago. 8. She (write) a letter to her mother yesterday. 9. It (rain) hard yesterday. 10.1 (not / rush) because I (not / be) in a hurry. 11. He (make)3 mistakes in his last dictation. 12. We (need) some money so we (sell) our car.13. She (not / be) interested in the book because she (not / understand) it. 14. Ann (spend) a lot of money yesterday. She (buy) a dress which (cost) 140$. 15. Tom's father (teach) him how to drive when he (be) 17 years old.

Exercise 2. Make the following sentences: a) negative; b) interrogative.1. Bob came home late. 2. She gave them her dictionary. 3. He took a shower.4. The students went into the hall. 5. They got up early. 6. Ann brought me a new magazine. 7. He left for London on Monday. 8 They wrote to us every month.9. He read the letter aloud. 10. You did it all by yourself. 11. She spoke English fluently. 12. Jim saw them together. 13. They all heard the song. 14. He paid the money yesterday. 15. It troubled me very much.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentence with used to...1. He doesn't play the piano any more but he ... every day. 2. She doesn't eat sweets now but she ... them every day. 3. Miranda ... my colleague but we don't work together any longer. 4. We live in Sussex now but we ... in Scotland.5. Now there is one cinema in our town but there ... five. 6. When they were young they ... in our garden but they don't like to play in it now. 7. Melly walks everywhere now. She ... a car.

Exercise 4. Translate into English.1. Мы начали этот опыт на прошлой недели. 2. Теперь он совсем не курит, а раньше он курил сигарету за сигаретой. 3. Они вернулись домой в семь часов вечера. 4. Мы решили послать это письмо вчера. 5. Кому вы отдали журналы? 6. Вчера я встретил Стива в библиотеке. 7. Когда вы его видели


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.А. Кулешова

в последний раз? 8. В прошлом году мы не изучали французский. Мы изу­чали английский. 9. В котором часу вы начали работать вчера? — После обеда. У нас было мало работы. 10. Погода была хорошая, и мы с друзьями пошли в парк. 11. Где вы были час тому назад? 12. Я встретил ее позавче­ра, и она рассказала мне об этом. 13. Мы писали диктант на прошлой неде­ле. 14. Вчера я ходил в кино. 15. Я прочел и перевел этот текст два дня тому назад. 16. Вчера я встретил его по дороге домой. 17. Два года тому назад они жили в деревне. 18. Когда и где ты окончил школу? 19. Когда ты пришел домой вчера? 20. Вы получили вчера письмо? 21. Кто вчера при­шел очень поздно? 22. Они жили в Париже три года тому назад. 23. Вам понравилась его новая книга? - Нет. 24. Какие журналы он хотел показать вам вчера вечером? 25. Мы ведь не переводили этот текст на прошлой не­деле? - Нет, мы его переводили. 26. Работал ли он на этом заводе 3 года тому назад? 27. Вы просмотрели этот документ вчера? 28. Сколько писем вы напечатали вчера? - Двенадцать. 29. Вы ведь поблагодарили его? - Да.30. Он показал вам свою новую картину? - Да. 31. Он работал в больнице в прошлом году? — Да. 32. Когда он вернулся из Питера? - Неделю тому назад. — Сколько времени он там пробыл? - 5 дней. 33. Куца вы ходили вчера после занятий? — В универмаг. 34. Я хотела навестить Анну, но ее не было дома. 35. Кто купил подарок для Джейн? - Белла.

THE FUTURE INDEFINITE TENSEExercise 1. a) Complete the sentences with I'll + a suitable verb.1. I'm too tired to walk home. I think ... a taxi. 2 .1 feel a bit hungry. I think ... something to eat. 3. It's too late to telephone Tom now. ... him in the morning.4. 'It's a bit cold in this room.' 'Is it? ... on the heating then.' 5. 'We haven't got any cigarettes.' 'Oh, haven't we? ... and get some.' 6. 'Did you write that letter to Jack?' 'Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. ... in the evening.' 7. 'Would you like tea or coffee?''... coffee, please.'b) Change the following statements to questions beginning with the question words given in brackets.1.1 shall get up at 6 tomorrow, (when) 2 .1 shall work at school, (where) 3 .1 shall study English at the University, (what) 4. Nina will become a teacher, (who) 5. Peter will make a report next Monday, (when) 6. She will go to the Crimea in summer, (where)

Exercise 2. No Future. Complete the following sentences.1. If you (to translate) this article, I'll use it in my report. 2. If you (to be) in


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.А. Кулешова

Minsk now, she'll meet you at the station. 3. If you (not to hurry) you'll miss the train. 4. If it (to rain) we shan't go to the country. 5. When my friend (to come) to St. Petersburg, we'll go to the Russian museum. 6. What will you be doing when he (to come) to your place? 7. Don't forget to pay for your dinner before you (to leave) the canteen. 8. I'll be able to translate this article if you (to give) me a dictionary. 9. You'll have to work hard at home if you (to miss) the lesson. 10. Where will you go when you (to come) to London. 11. Wait until it (to be) time for you to start preparations. 12. I will have arranged everything by the time you (to come) back. 13. Call me as soon as you (to arrive). 14. When I (to see) your friend, I'll let him know about your arrival. 15. After I (to finish) my laboratory work, I'll work on my papers. 16. We'll stay in the classroom until the teacher (to stop) checking our tests. 17. Turn off the lights before you (to go) to bed. 18.1 will be writing to you while you (to be) there. 19. Whenever Tom (to have) to learn something new, he will work hard to teach himself. 20. As soon as we (to realize) that our planet is in danger we will begin taking care of it.

Exercise 3. Use the verbs in Present Simple or Future Simple.1. I (to see) you before you (to start)? 2. What he (to do) when he (to come) home? 3. Where they (to go) if the weather (to be) fine? 4. He (to ring) me up when he (to return) home. 5. If it (to rain), we (to stay) at home. 6. She (to walk) home if it (not to be) too cold. 7. I'm sure he (to come) to say good-bye to us before he (to leave) Minsk. 8. Please turn off the light when you (to leave) the room. 9. If we (to be) tired, we (to stop) at a small village and (to have) a meal there. 10. If you (to miss) the 10.30 train, there is another at 10.35. 11. She (to make) all the arrangements about it before she (to fly) there. 12. I have by no means yet decided how I (to spend) the summer. 13. If nothing (to happen), I shall be back on the 3rd of May. 14. We cannot wait till you (to make up) your mind. 15. If it (to blow) from the east, we shall have rain. 16. There (to be) no picnic tomorrow unless the weather (to be) clear. 17. Will you excuse me if I (to be) a little late? 18. Give him this message when you (to see) him. 19. If all (to go) well, I shall graduate in June. 20. If you (to get) there before me, wait till I (to come). 21. When the light (to him) red, stop. 22. You (not to catch) the train unless you (to leave) directly. 23. When you (to see) her, ask her to come.

Exercise 4. Put the verb in brackets into the Present or Future Indefinite.1. When he (call) 1 (give) him a piece of my mind. 2 .1 (be) at home if you (need) anything. 3. They (be) in the gallery if you (decide) to speak to them. 4. If they (want) your advice, they (get) in touch with you. 5. If you (have) anything to report, put it in writing and send it to me. 6. I (write) to you about it when


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.А. Кулешова

I (have) time. 7. He (wait) until they (send) for him. 8. He (be) all right when this (be) over. 9. I'd like to ask you a few more questions before you (go). 10.1 (not know) when they (come) to see us. 11. Ask him if he (stay) for dinner. 12.1 (wonder) if we ever (see) each other again. 13.1 (be) not sure if they (be) in time. 14. He can't tell us when the motor (start). 15. I don't know when he (to come), but when he (to come) I shall speak to him.

Exercise 5. All the sentences are future. Put the verbs into the correct form.1. When the weather (get) warmer, I (start) practising again. 2. "Come in," she said. - "I (see) if he (be) at home." 3. Come and see me when you (come) up to town and we (talk) everything over. 4. If my friends (come) in, please ask them to wait in the picture gallery. 5. He (want) to know if you (be) free tomorrow morning at 10.00. 6 .1 (wonder) when they (write) to us. 7. If nothing (happen), I (be) down at your office at 12 tomorrow. 8. When things (get) a little more settled, we (come) to see you. 9. They can't tell me when they (be) free. 10. Go straight on till you (come) to the fountain at the comer of the street; then turn left and you (find) this shop on your right. 11. When you (come) to the main road remember to stop and look both ways before you (cross). 12. Ask them when they (move) to a new flat. 13. "I want to get to the bottom of the valley." - "You must be careful when you (go) down because the slope of the hill (be) very slippery." 14. I (be) glad when I (get) to the top! 15. He doesn't say when he (come) back. 16. "Give this message to your teacher as soon as you (come) to school," said his mother. - "All right," said the boy running out. "I (be) sure it (be) still in his pocket when he (get) home tonight," said his father. 17. If the patient (continue) to improve we (transfer) him to another ward. 18. "I (buy) some pot plants." - "When you (buy) them?" - "The florist (bring) them when he (be) free. Perhaps he (bring) them in the afternoon." 19. If you (look) at them, don't smile. 20. Before we (talk) about it, I'd like to show you something.

Exercise 6. Put in when or if.1. ... it rains in the morning, we won't go swimming. 2. I'm going to England next week. ... I'm there, I hope to visit a few museums. 3. Frank might return this evening. ... he does, can you cook him some meal? 4 .1 think he'll pass his exam. I'll be very surprised ... he doesn't pass it. 5 .1 hope to be on time. B u t... I don't make it, go without me. 6. I'm going shopping. ... you want anything, I can get it for you. 7. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. I'll write to you ... I get there. 8 .1 don't feel well tonight. I think I'll go straight to bed ... I get home.9 .1 want you to come to the party b u t ... you don't want to come, you needn't.

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имени А

.А. Кулешова

Exercise 7. Translate into English.1. Когда я приду домой, я позвоню вам. 2. Если она позвонит вам, попро­сите её принести мне книгу. 3. Как только я увижу Тома, я расскажу ему об этом. 4. Перед тем как я поеду в Париж, я позвоню вам. 5. Если он не пойдёт в библиотеку, он будет дома. 6. Если мы будем завтра дома, мы посмотрим этот фильм. 7. Если её не будет завтра дома, оставьте ей запис­ку. 8. Когда она придёт в школу, она пойдет в учительскую. 9. Как только он вспомнит эту смешную сцену, он начнёт смеяться.

Exercise 8. Translate into English.1. В следующем году мне будет 20 лет. 2. Возможно, он придет сегодня.3. Когда вы начнете изучать иностранный язык? 4. Они не начнут совеща­ние, пока не придет главный инженер. 5. Если вы встретите их, попросите их позвонить нам. 6. Он думает, вам не понравится новый балет. 7. Она будет дома в 6 часов? - Нет. 8. Вы сразу узнаете Джемму, как только увиди­те ее. 9. Интересно, когда они вернутся. 10. Не переходите улицу, пока не зажжется зеленый свет. 11. Я надеюсь, вы хорошо напишите контрольную работу. 12. У вас завра будет много работы? - Да. 13. Как только он при­едет, он позвонит вам. 14. Он будет очень счастлив, когда ты приедешь в Нью-Йорк. 15. Если вы будете пить эту воду, вы заболеете. 16. Я не помню, когда они возвращаются. 17. Экзамены начнутся 1 июня. 18. Фильм будет очень интересным. 19. Мы увидимся с ним на следующей неделе. 20. Если вы сейчас не возьмете такси, вы опоздаете на самолет. 21. Когда вы захо­тите увидеть меня, позвоните. 22. Вы не будете знать английский язык, пока не начнете упорно заниматься. 23. Я загляну к вам перед отъездом.24. Когда наступит зима, я уеду в Индию. 25. Я не знаю, когда я его снова увижу. 26. Я надеюсь, он позвонит мне в следующее воскресенье. 27. Боюсь, Петр не будет играть в теннис на следующей неделе. Он болен. 28. Я думаю, что увижу его в следующий вторник. 29. Я не пойду туда в следующий вторник, у меня нет времени. 30. Я увижу его завтра и отдам эту книгу.31. Я буду готов через 5 минут. 32. Ты придёшь ко мне завтра?

Exercise 9. Translate into English.1. Мы отправимся в Лондон, как только получим визы. 2. Я не уверен, смогу ли я зайти к ним попрощаться. 3. Если вы будете работать усердно, то вовре­мя закончите работу. 4. Я с ним переговорю до твоего возвращения, но я не уверен, последует ли он моим советам. 5. Если вы откажетесь от этой работы сейчас, вам больше никогда не представится такая возможность. 6. Он гово­рит, что все объяснит, когда вернется. 7. Как только я устроюсь на новом


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месте, я дам вам знать. 8. Твой отец будет разочарован, когда узнает об этом.9. Она спрашивает меня, поеду ли я провожать ее на вокзал. 10. Если ты не будешь осторожным, то опять можешь попасть в аварию. 11. Мы будем ока­зывать тебе поддержку, пока ты не найдешь работу. 12. Ты обязательно поху­деешь, если будешь придерживаться овощной диеты. 13. Когда вы прочтете книгу, сдайте ее в библиотеку. 14. Я сообщу вам свой новый адрес прежде, чем мы переедем на новую квартиру. 15. Если я не сдам экзамен по языку, я буду делать все возможное, чтобы пересдать его. 16. Если он пропустит лек­цию, ему придется переписать ее. 17. Она никогда не отдыхает, пока не сде­лает уроки. 18. Как только мы повторим эту грамматическую тему, мы будем писать тест. 19. Он сдаст свою работу, как только проанализирует все грам­матические модели. 20. Если ты не посмотришь незнакомые слова в словаре, ты не сможешь их правильно произнести и употребить. 21. Ты обогатишь свой словарный запас, если будешь много читать книг в оригинале. 22. Если он будет работать урывками и пропускать занятия, он провалит экзамен.23. Если этот учебник тебе очень нужен, ты сможешь взять его в библиотеке.24. Я не смогу дать тебе взаймы денег, если не получу стипендию сегодня.25. После того, как закончатся семинары по психологии, мы буцем сдавать зачет. 26. Не волнуйтесь, я присмотрю за вашим багажом, пока вы не верне­тесь. 27. Когда я закончу эту работу, я возьму отпуск на пару недель. 28. Как только я получу водительские права, я куплю себе машину и поеду в путеше­ствие по Европе. 29. Вы получите удовольствие от отдыха на море, если по­года будет хорошей. 30. Если сегодня пройдет дождь, нам не нужно будет поливать цветы вечером. 31. Вы добьетесь успеха при условии, что будете много работать над языком. 32. Он поедет навестить своих родителей, после того как сдаст все экзамены. 33. Спроси ее, пойдет ли она с нами на концерт.34. Я зайду за тобой, как только освобожусь. 35. Как только врачи найдут средство от СПИДА, самая страшная болезнь века будет побеждена.


THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSEExercise 1. Put the verbs into the Present Continuous Tense. Comment on the use of the Present Continuous.1. Please, be quiet. I (try) to concentrate. 2. Let's go out now. It (not / rain) any more. 3. Listen to those people. What language they (speak)? 4. Look! It (snow).5. Why you (look) at me like that? 6. You (make) a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter? 7. Excuse me, I (look) for a phone box. Is there one near here? 8 .1 (fly)


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to Moscow next week. 9. Can you hear those people next door? They (shout) at each other again. 10. Why you (wear) your coat today? It’s very warm. 11.1 (not / work) this week. I'm on holiday. 12.1 want to lose weight. I (not / eat) anything today. 13. Please, don't make so much noise. I (study). 14. Why you (leave) so soon? 15. What's that smell? - Something (bum). 16. You always (grumble). I am so tired of it.

Exercise 2. Choose the right variant.1.1 (see / am seeing) Becky on Monday. 2. She (weighs / is weighing) 100 kilos. She eats too much. 3. Don't disturb me. I (listen / am listening) to music. 4. You (look / are looking) great. 5 .1 (think / am thinking) he can drive a car. 6. Laura (has / is having) two cars. 7 .1 (come / am coming) from Spain. 8. She (tastes / is tasting) vanilla ice cream. It's delicious. 9. He (is / is being) a very polite person. 10. Why (do you smell / are you smelling) these cakes? - They (smell / are smelling) strange. 11. I haven't decided yet what profession to choose. But I (think about it / am thinking about it). 12. What's the matter? Why (do you look / are you looking) at me like that? 13. Terry is in bed. He (has / is having) flu.14. (Do you realize / Are you realizing) that we've got a test tomorrow? 15. He (has / is having) a mobile phone now. 16. If you (don't watch / are not watching) the news, I'd change the channel. 17. You can borrow my dictionary. I (don't need / am not needing) it at the moment. 18. George says that he has a note from the doctor but I (don't believe / am not believing) him. 19. I can't come to the meeting because I (see / am seeing) my tutor at 3 o'clock. 20. Why (do you feel / are you feeling) your pockets? Have you lost anything. 21. I know your mind is made up but I (feel / am feeling) you are making a big mistake. 22. You (are / are being) really curious today! Why (do you want/are you wanting) to know all details?

Exercise 3. Choose the correct form (simple present or present continuous).1. I (have) a great time. 2. She (have) plenty of money just now. 3. Why you (look) at this man like that? 4. It (look) as if it's going to rain. 5. He (appear) at the Fortune Theatre next week. 6. She (appear) to have a problem. 7. I (see) what you are trying to say. 8 .1 (see) the manager this afternoon. 9 .1 (think) you are right. 10. What you (think) about? 11.1 (feel) very tired today. 12.1 (feel) she is making a mistake.

Exercise 4. Translate into English.1. На кого вы сейчас смотрите? — Я смотрю на эту старую даму. 2. С кем разговаривает ваш друг? - Он разговаривает с нашим преподавателем.3. О чем вы рассказываете своим друзьям? - Я рассказываю им о своем


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отпуске. 4. Вы сейчас пишите диктант? - Нет, мы делаем упражнение 9.5. Куда вы идете вечером? - Мы идем в цирк. 6. Когда они приезжают в Москву? - Они приезжают утром. 7. Мы уезжаем в Минск. 8. Эти студен­ты делают упражнение или переписывают текст? 9. Кого встречают эти студенты? - Они встречают иностранных студентов. 10. Куда вы идете? - Я иду на фотовыставку. 11. Не выходи на улицу: идет сильный дождь.12. Послушайте! Кто-то поет в соседней комнате. 13. Моя сестра помогает сейчас маме на кухне. 14. Сегодня хорошая погода. Тепло, светит солнце, дует мягкий ветерок. 15. Посмотри на небо! Облака медленно плывут, сол­нце появляется из-за туч, становится тепло. 16. Послушай! Кто играет на пианино в соседней комнате? 17. Твои родители пьют чай? 18. Нина и Анна моют пол. 19. Почему ты смеёшься? 20. Что несут эти мальчики?

Exercise 5. Correct the mistakes if necessary.1. I'm busy at the moment. I talk over the phone. 2. I'm not knowing where he is.3. I look at the pictures at the moment. 4. What do you read, Freddy? I don't read. I write. 5. They are picking the apples in September. 6. Tom is looking well. 7. They have dinner now. 8. The train is arriving at 7.30. 9. He is drinking coffee in the morning. 10. Our English friends come to our place on Monday.

Exercise 6. Put the verb into the correct form, the Present Continuous or the Present Indefinite.1. These things (not / belong) to my parents. 2. Look! He (come). I (want) to speak to him. 3. This stream (flow) to the lake at the bottom of the valley.4. Today the river (flow) much faster than usual. 5. It ever (rain) on Madeira?6. They usually (grow) vegetables in their garden but this year they (not / grow) any. 7. Can you ride a bicycle? - No, but I (learn). My brother (teach) me. 8. You can borrow my dictionary. I (not / need) it at the moment. 9. I usually (enjoy) music but I (not / enjoy) this record very much. 10.1 (not / believe) this man's stoiy. 11. My brother (live) in Cardiff. Where your sister (live)? 12. She (look) for a new flat at the moment.

Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous.1. Mr. Smith (teach) us at present. He (substitute) for Mr. Reese, who (be) our regular teacher. 2. "I (go) to visit Peter tonight. He (leave) tomorrow morning."- "He (come) back the same day?" - "I (not / know). 3. John (stay) in a hotel when he (come) to town, but tonight he (stay) with us." 4. We (go) to meet in the club-room today. 5. "Nick (leave) today." - "What train he (take) for his journey?"


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- "He (catch) the 5.50 train." 6. The mechanic (repair) my car today. So I must go to work by the underground. 7. John (say) he (leave) for Chicago on the fifteenth. 8 .1 (go) to the seaside on my holiday. 9. My brother (come) to see me next week. 10. Whenever I (call) at the Smiths' home, they (play) cards. I really (think) they (play) every night. 11. You (watch) TV? - No, you can turn it off.12. Tom (watch) TV very often? - No, half an hour a day. 13. What she (do) ? - She is an economist. But she (not work) at the moment. 14. I'm afraid I've lost my key again. - Oh, no! You always (lose) your keys! 15. They are in Florida now. They (enjoy) their holiday greatly. 16. Dan (think) of buying a new car. The one he has is very old. 17.1 (think) Dan shouldn't sell his car. It's quite new and very comfortable. 18. What language they (speak)? - It (sound) like French.19. How many languages she (speak)? - English and German I think. 20. You always (listen) to music. You should do something more useful. 21. Kate (be) very generous to me at the moment. I wonder why. 22. Don't put the scissors away, please. I (need) them now. 23. Can I borrow this calculator? Or you (use) it now? 24. Hello, Ann. What you (do) in this part of the city? 25. He (laugh) best, who (laugh) last. 26. Scientists say that pollution (get) worse every day.27. She (think) you are right and she (take) your part.

Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous.1. "Where is Andy?" - "Mary (read) her a bed-time story." 2. Modem trains (go) very fast. 3. "I'm afraid I must go now." — "Where you (go)?" — "I (go) to have lunch with my partner." 4. It (be) the early bird that (catch) the worm. 5. Every cloud (have) a silver lining. 6. "Why you (laugh)?" - she cried. "Because you (talk) nonsense." 7. He (laugh) best, who (laugh) last. 8. Actions (speak) louder than words. 9. Eric (speak) to the dean, and they both (smile). 10. "I've got a headache," Milly moaned. "Get me some painkiller. My head (split)." 11. That's the way she always (react). 12. I'm so careless. I always (forget) my keys.13. They (be) in the cafeteria. They (have) their breakfast. 14. Every week I (attend) additional classes to improve my English. 15. It's time to review grammar. It (get) more difficult every day. 16. How many languages Tom (speak)?17. I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! What you (do) this afternoon? 18. This workbook (include) grammar, but it (not/include) vocabulary. 19.1 (give away) this dictionary. Do you want to have it? 20. Please, don't make so much noise. The girls (study) in the next room. 21. What exactly the book lists (involve)? 22. Please be quiet! You continually (interrupt). 23. Girls (not/share) changing rooms with boys. 24. More and more young people (come) from village schools to study at University. 25. Each person (be) a unique


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individual. 26. Water (boil) at 100 degrees Centigrade. 27. We (meet) twice a week. 28. He (take) his English lesson: he always (take) his lessons in the morning. 29. Where is John? He (prepare) his lessons; he usually (prepare) them at that time. 30. I (not understand) your remark. 31. You (know) that we need hundreds of thousands and even millions of skilled workers. 32. Can you hear what I (say)? 3 3. After a whole week of clear weather, it (begin) to rain in earnest.34. Down by the pine wood they (lay) a new road. 35. They (ask) for you on the telephone. 36. How you (feel)? 37. I (see) what you mean. 38. I (see) just my friend off. 39. It was freezing as it only (freeze) in December. 40. This thermometer (register) rises in temperature accurately enough. 41. Somebody (knock) at the door. 4 2 .1 often (spend) my summer vacation at the sea-side. 43. I cannot go out because it (rain). 44. What (be) the title of the book you (read)?45. Look, smoke (come) out of that window. 46. The sun (set). What a glorious sight it is! 47. The clock (strike), it is time to go home.

Exercise 9. Open the brackets using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense-formsI . Have you got a light? - Sorry, I (not/smoke). 2. My wife has never been to France. She (plan) to go there next summer. 3. Your car is so clean. How often you (wash) it? 4. Students often (think) that exams (be) a nuisance. 5. Peter seldom (tell) the truth. You can't believe everything he (say). 6. You (understand) what he (talk) about? 7. Nancy (look) like her father. 8. What you (do)? - I'm an engineer.9. The soup (taste) good. 10. Your brother (be) a student now? - Yes, he (study) at university. 11. Ann (play) the piano better than Susan. And who (play) now? - I (think) it (be) Susan. 12. What you (do) tomorrow evening? - 1 (go) to the theatre.13.1 usually (not/have) breakfast before I (go) to Work. 14. She often (take) my dictionary but seldom (remember) to bring it back. If tomorrow she (ask) for the dictionary again, I shan't give it to her. 15. What a beautiful dress you (wear)! When did you buy it? 16. He is a night watchman. He (work) at night and (sleep) in the daytime. 17. She (be) a dietician. She (help) people to choose the right food.18. They (say) if you (see) a black cat, you (not/have) good luck. 19. Jane (be) in Paris now. She (learn) French there. 20. If Peter (continue) to drive his car carelessly, he'll get into a traffic accident. 21. You (hear) this noise downstairs? What can it be? 22. Have you heard about Tom? He (build) a new house now. 23. You'll have to put on your rubber boots if it (not/stop) raining in a minute. 24. If I (have) some time in the evening, I'll repair your bicycle. 25. Excuse me, but you (stand) on my foot. 26. She (give) two concerts in London next week. 27. What time the children (come) out of school, as a rule? 28. Why you (smell) the meat? It (not/ be) fresh? 29. She always (let) me down! 30. You (believe) in God? 31. You always (complain)


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about the weather! 32. Take the saucepan off the cooker! The water (boil). 33. I'm afraid you can't see my daughter at the moment. She (have) a music lesson. She always (have) it on Friday mornings. 34. She (be) still ill, but she (get) better now.35. It often (rain) here at this time of the year? 36. Don't interrupt me while I (talk) to somebody else. 37. He's a doctor, but he (not/practise) at the moment. 3 8. What he (do)? - He (try) to get the car started. 39. In Britain most shops (close) at 5.30 p.m. 40. I'm sony it's so noisy, but we (move) the furniture. 41. Where you (come) from?- I (come) from Russia. 42. Flowers always (make) a good present. 43. Alice never (go) to work by bus. She (walk) through the park, as a rule. 44. What he (mean) by saying this? It (sound) strange. 45.1 (write) to my parents twice a month.46. She always (be late) for classes! 47.1 (write) this letter to you while the children (play) on the beach. Actually, they (play) there every day. 48. If we (start) at nine, we'll have plenty of time for the shops. We (be) free till half past four. 49. They always (tell) him everything. So I (think), he (know) about it already. 50. This carpet (cost) 30 dollars. Why not buy it? 51. He still (try) to find a job but there (not / be) much work available at present. 52. Believe me, I (think) about you all the time. 53 .1 (not/know) how they (make) both ends meet. They (have) six children and (not/earn) veiy much. 54. My mother (think) that hitch-hiking (be) dangerous. 55. The police (look) into the matter now. 56. People (like) stability in life. 57. They (open) a new McDonald's tomorrow. 58. The English (believe) that their home (be) their castle. 59. Mike (arrive) in three days. We can't wait until he (come). Everyone (look forward) to seeing him. 60. What a wonderful day we (have) today! 61. When he (have) a problem to solve he will work at it until he (find) an answer. 62. The equator (run) round the middle of the earth. 63. Jack and Helen (live) in the Hague. At the moment they (travel) round Britain. 64. When snakes (lose) their skins? 65. The English (like) coalfires even though they (not/ produce) much heat. 66. My brother (not/be) very much what he (look) like. 67. She always (lose) her temper! 68. A hot-air balloon (float) because hot air (be) lighter than cool air. A hot air balloon (consist) of a basket in which the pilot and the crew (stand), a gas burner and a large balloon. 69. As soon as doctors (find) an answer to AIDS, they will be able to cure people. 70. You (look) great after your holiday! - Yes, I (feel) wonderful! 71. You can borrow my Walkman unless you (lose) it. 72. Have I told you about how Ann (get on) at college? 73. He (be) intelligent but he (lack) common sense. 74. The house (be) in good condition but it (need) to be repainted. 75. He (waste) his time looking for a job there, they (not/ take) any staff on now. 76. The man who (live) opposite us sometimes (come) over for a cup of coffee. 77. She (dislike) asking people for favours. 78. If I (have) a headache I generally (take) an aspirin. 79. In England it always (rain) and the wind constantly (blow)! 80. If you (heat) ice, it (melt). 81. Don't take the newspaper


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away! I still (read) it. 82. How I (look) in this dress? It (suit) me? 83. Much of eastern England (have) soil that (produce) crops of a very high yield. 84. Let's sit for a while. My feet (ache) me. 85.1 (see) no way of avoiding the problem. 86. At the moment the company (reorganize) its departments. 87. I (leave) for Minsk tomorrow morning. 88. Scotland (occupy) the northern part of Great Britain, (not/ do) it? 89. Good news! Sue and Paul (come) to stay with us. 90. Can you close the window? It (freeze) in here. 91. My cousin (attend) a university in Midwest which (specialize) in astronomy. 92. Eveiy time cigarettes (go) up in price, many people (try) to stop smoking. 93. The food that Mother (cook) in the kitchen (smell) delicious. 94. Whenever it (rain) very hard, the stream (overflow). 95. No wonder the house (be) so cold! You always (leave) the doors open! 96. The film (be) very confusing. You (understand) what (go) on?

Exercise 10. Translate into English.1. В этой части света солнце садится рано. 2. Джойс едет в Лондон завтра, потому что ее дядя хочет ее видеть. 3. Некоторым людям больше всего нравится лето, некоторые любят весну или осень, а другие предпочитают зиму. 4. "Где Лиззи?" - "Она катается верхом на лошади." 5. "Что делают дети?" - "Они слушают сказку и рисуют." 6. Джейн прекрасно рисует.7. Отец обычно ездит на работу поездом, но сегодня он на машине. 8. Каж­дый год он проводит каникулы в горах. 9. Я сижу у окна и смотрю на море.10. "Когда он обычно приходит домой?" — "Он обычно приходит домой в 7 часов вечера." 11. Каким поездом вы уезжаете в Петербург на следую­щей неделе? 12. В следующее воскресенье ко мне приезжают друзья из Шеффилда. 13. Алекс делает новую полку для книг. Он всю мебель для своей комнаты делает сам. 14. На ней сегодня шляпа и голубое платье.15. Я не могу сейчас дать вам эту книгу, потому что я ее читаю. 16. "Вы много читаете?" - "Да, много." - "Вы покупаете книги или берете их в библиотеке?" 17. "Что вы делаете под столом?" - "Я ищу иголку." 18. "Что у вас обычно на завтрак?" — "Я обычно ем бутерброд и выпиваю чашку кофе." 19. В следующее воскресенье я уезжаю в Данию.

THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSEExercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous. Comment on the use of the Past Continuous.1. My granny (sew) in the drawing-room when I returned home. 2. The students (work) at the language laboratory all evening yesterday. 3. We (wait) for the examination results from five till six. 4. At eight o'clock yesterday the students


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(watch) a TV programme. 5. Mary always (lose) her gloves when she was a little girl! 6. While I (walk) in the garden I saw children who (make) their first steps in sport. 7. I noticed that little children (jump) and (dance) in the gym-hall. 8. The workers (do) morning exercises during their five minutes' interval when I opened the door of the shop. 9.1 (wait) for a friend of mine at 5 o'clock sharp.10. I (write) a letter to my friend when Mum came. 11. She (watch) TV while her sister (read) an interesting book.

Exercise 2. Put in the correct tenses (Present or Past Continuous).1.1 ... to a record at the phonetic laboratory when my friend came in and asked me to help him with the translation (to listen). 2. They ... for Vladivostok on Thursday (to leave). 3. I ... to programmes in English all day yesterday (to listen). 4. She ... always ... mistakes in her dictations (to make)! 5. My friend ... the essay from 5 o'clock in the morning till one o'clock in the afternoon (to write). 6. When I entered the assembly-hall the dean ... the difference in the curriculum to full-time and part-time students (to explain). 7. While some students ... the texts on tape the others ... their homework (to record, to answer). 8 .1 ... an English exercise now. (to write) 9. I ... an English exercise at this time yesterday, (to write) 10. My friends ... their homework at 7 yesterday, (not to do) They ... volley-ball, (to play) 11. You ... ice-cream when I rang you up yesterday? (to eat) 12. What you ... now? (to do) - 1 ... tea. (to drink) 13. You ... tea at this time yesterday? (to drink) - No, I ... it, I ... a banana, (not to do, to eat)14. My sister is fond of reading. She ... the whole evening yesterday, and now she ... again, (to read, to read) 15. When 1 went out into the garden the sun ... and birds ... in the trees, (to shine, to sing)

Exercise 3. Put in the correct tenses (Past Indefinite or Past Continuous).1. At six o'clock this morning I (have) a wonderful dream, but then the alarm (go) off. 2. This time yesterday I (lie) on the beach. 3. When I walked in they all (talk) about babies. 4. She (meet) her husband while she (travel) in Egypt.5. While I (talk) to Mrs. Singleton somebody (walk) into my office and (steal) the computer. 6. When Jake (come) in everybody (stop) talking. 7. I (look) out of the window and (see) that we (fly) over the mountains. 8 .1 (wake) up to find that water (pour) through the bedroom ceiling. 9. He (break) his leg while he (play) football. 10. Carol (make) dinner when the telephone (ring). 11.1 (do) the shopping when I (see) Jane. We (stop) and (have) a chat. 12. We (be) stuck in a traffic jam. We (not know) what to do. 13. Susan (have) the feeling that everyone (look) at her. 14. He (lie) down on the sofa, (open) the book and (begin) to read.15. The boys (enjoy) the film, when suddenly the electricity (go) off. 16. While


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Dick (try) to get his car started the police car (stop) and the driver (offer) his help. It (be) very nice of him. 17. The kids (make) so much noise that I couldn't hear what he (say) and (ask) him to repeat. 18. He (stand) at the bus stop. I asked him what bus he (wait) for. 19. When I (hear) the doorbell, I (run) downstairs.

Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.1. Mary (play) the piano, John (read), my wife (sew) when suddenly we all (hear) a shout. 2. When the doctor (leave) the hospital, he (catch) a glimpse of himself in the glass front door. 3. When her father (come) in she (sit) before a red tea-table, finishing a very good tea. 4. Next day, while he (shave) he (cut) himself slightly. 5. The door of his room (be) open; his mother still (stand) at the window. 6. And, smiling to himself, he (begin) to make plans, fantastic plans for the future. He still (smile) when he (walk) up the rock-cut steps. 7 .1 (sleep) soundly when the phone (ring). 8. We (sit) on our front porch when Mr. Smith (drive) up in his new car.9. Crosby (cross) the street when the car (strike) him. 10. It (drizzle) when they (come) out of the house. 11. When the World War (break), John (live) in Holland.12. It (get) dark and I (suggest) that we should go down. 13. John (come) in, (look) at the fire, (stand) a moment, (turn) and (go) away. 14. As I (walk) home yesterday, I (meet) a beggar who (ask) me for some money. 15. We (come) into the dining­room while our parents (eat) supper. 16. She (run) down the stairs and (go) to the library, where her husband (stand) with his mother. 17. Mike (lift) his eyes from the book and (look) out of the window. It still (snow). 18. We (drive) at about forty miles an hour when the accident (happen). 19. You (have) a good time at those parties? 20. A fortnight later Holt (fall) and (hurt) himself when he (ride) his motorcycle. 21. He (go) to the kitchen and (get) himself a cup of coffee. 22. Eric (go) into the library and (sit) down to read the letter. The fire (crackle) merrily in the fireplace, and outside the wind (howl). 23. He (take) a cushion, (put) it behind and (lean) back. 24. At half past four I (turn) on the lights. 25. When I (be) a boy, I (want) to be an actor. 26. While he (wait) to cross Fifth Avenue, a man standing beside him (cough) painfully. 27. She (draw) aside the curtains and (look) out into the Square. Two cats (stand) in the light of a lamp. 28. When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not / recognize) him at first because I (not / wear) my glasses. 29. Your telegram (come) just as I (leave) home. 30. John (talk) with his boss when I last (see) him.

Exercise S. Open the brackets. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.1. The local businessmen (like) something solid with their luncheon coffee.2. I (glance) at the terrace below the balcony. He (sit) under one of the plane-


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trees, smoking. 3 .1 (open) the shutters and (look) out. The car (stand) where I had left it. 4. Suddenly I (realize) that they (not / pay) attention to me any longer. They (mutter) something and all (look) in the same direction. I (turn) my head and (look) where they all (look). A man (come) down a steep little street that (lead) uphill between the houses on my right. 5. On my left I (see) the lights of the first house of the village, and I (hurry) towards it through the wood when a sudden flash of light (make) me stop. 6. At that time I (look) for a job. 7. Miss Nobbs (not / see) him leave the office. At half past four she (make) herself a cup of tea in a small recess off the main corridor. 8. The idea first (occur) to me that afternoon as I (back) the car into the garage. 9 .1 probably (drop) the key when I (fish) for small change in my bag at the news-stand. 10. All through the night I (hear) them work, open drawers, drag cases over the floor. They (pack). 11. At this time yesterday I (sit) at the theatre. 12. He (come) back to St. Petersburg on the 15th of January. 13.1 (go) to the University when I (see) him. 14. At this time yesterday we (have) dinner. 15. He (write) a letter when I (come) in. 16. He (make) a report when I (leave) the room. 17. Yesterday he (write) a letter to his friend. 18. When I (look) at them, they (to smile) at me. 19. What you (do) at 6 yesterday? 20 .1 (go) to bed at half past eleven. 21. Yesterday the lesson (begin) at 9. 22. The cat (take) a piece of fish and then (run) away. 23. He (read) a newspaper when I (come in). 24. Yesterday I (get up) at 7. 25. The train (start) at 15 minutes to 10. 26. He (to put) on his coat, (to open) the door and (to go) out.

Exercise 6. Open the brackets putting the verbs into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous tense-forms.1. When the door-bell (ring) he (stand) up and (go) to the door. 2. It (rain) hard this morning when I (wake up). 3. While I (have) breakfast this morning, my sister (phone) from Mexico. 4. When I (see) his face, I (realize) my mistake. 5 .1 (take) my umbrella because it (rain). 6. Yesterday morning he (wake up) late and (miss) his breakfast. 7. When he (work) in the garden he (hurt) his knee. 8. Linda (wait) for the bus when I (see) her. 9 .1 (look) out of the window and (see) that it (snow) hard. 10. When the parents (come) from the theatre yesterday evening, the children (sleep). 11. When the guests (arrive) Mrs. Black still (cook) dinner. 12. Tom (not/want) to lend us the money at first but then he (agree). 13. The illness (get) worse and worse. In the end he (go) into hospital for an operation. 14.1 (walk) along the road yesterday when I (meet) an old friend of mine. She (go) to the post-office. 15. We (see) an accident when we (wait) for the bus. 16. It was an amazing coincidence. Just as I (write) to Ann, she came to my house to see me.17. I (go) to sleep at 3 o'clock this morning and (wake) up an hour later at4 o'clock. 18. He (give) up his job as a journalist and (become) a teacher.


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19. While we (be) on holiday, we (spend) most of our time swimming and sailing.20. When my car (break) down I (phone) a garage. 21. When I (cook) I (cut) myself. 22. Ann (show) me a photograph and then (go) to the kitchen for some drinks. 23. Sally (lie) in bed when her mother (enter) the room. 24. This (use) to be a station and all the London trains (stop) here. But two years ago they (close) the station and (give) us a bus service instead. 25 .1 (go) to Jack's house but (not/ find) him in. His mother (say) that she (not/know) what he (do) but (think) he probably (play) football. 26. We (cycle) along the road when we (see) a huge lorry. 27. "What you (do) between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?" (ask) the detective.- "I (clean) my house”, said Mrs Jones. "I always clean my house on Saturday mornings." 28. Although he (agree) with me on most points, there (remain) one to which he was unwilling to yield. 29. We (arrive) as they (leave). 30. She (weep) bitterly while she (tell) her story. 31. As Mary (get) out of the boat her foot (slip) and she (fall) into the water. 32. While I (wait) for the bus I (notice) a group of tourists who (listen) intently to guide. 33 .1 (try) to explain the situation to my parents, but they just (not / understand) what I (talk) about. 34. She (injure) her ankle while she (jog) in the park. 3 5 .1 (feel) rather worried. It (get) darker and colder, but there (be) still no sign of the rescue helicopter. 36. How often you (visit) your cousins when you (be) in the States last year? 37. John's children (use) to be well-behaved but now they are quite naughty. 38. While I (row) across the lake I (lose) one oar. 39. At school I (dislike) the maths teacher because he always (pick) on me. 40. Nobody (watch), so the little boy (take) a packet of sweets from the shelf and (put) it into his pocket. 41. The plane (crash) into a bridge because it (fly) too low. 42. While I (try) to concentrate on my composition, a friend of mine (offer) to help me. 43. Last fall I (drive) along a free way when I (run) out of gas. Luckily a truck (stop) and (give) me a lift. 44. When they (walk) through the countiyside one day they (come) across a ruined mansion. 45. While we (clean) the attic, we (come) across our grandmother's old school books. 46. The driver (fall) asleep as he (drive) along. 47. I (not / understand) what (go on). Several people (shout) at me and one (wave) a newspaper in front of my face. 48. The article (say) that crime (grow) at a rapid rate, especially in urban areas. 49. At six o'clock this evening I (walk), but then the rain (start). 50. Laura (not / wear) her glasses at that time, so she (not / notice) what kind of car the man (drive). 51. We (not/go) to the skating rink, because it (freeze) hard. 52. While I (have) a shower someone (knock) at the door. 53. She said she (get) more forgetful as she (grow) older. 54. The only thing I disliked about him when we (study) at college was that he always (borrow) my things without asking. 55. While we (get) on the train, we (see) a robbeiy take place. 56. While the boys (skate) they (slip) on the thin ice and (fall) into the water. 57. The sun


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(shine) so brightly that Maria (have) to put on her sunglasses. 58. Bobby always (make) up excuses for being late when he studied at school.

Exercise 7. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous.1) When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the wood one day. In the wood I (to find) a little fox cub. I (to bring) it home. I (to decide) to tame the cub. Every day I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it. I (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quiet tame. It lives in my house.2) When I (to go) to school yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to laugh). They told me a funny story. Soon I (to laugh) too. I still (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I (to tell) this story at home. My mother and father (to like) it very much.3) The sun (to go) down behind the hills when I (to reach) a village which (to be) only a few miles from the sea. The working day (to be) over, and the villagers (to come) home from the fields. Along the road two boys (to drive) cows and sheep in the direction of the village. I (to approach) a group of people standing near the road and (to ask) them, if I could find a place in the village to spend the night. An old man (to say) he would help me. He (to take) me to his small cottage at the far end of the street. A fire (to bum) in the stove when we (to enter) the house. One girl of about 18 (to prepare) supper in the kitchen while two other girls still (to do) something in the kitchen garden near the house. The old man (to invite) me to have supper with them. They all (to seem) to be nice people and we (to have) a friendly talk. After supper my new friends and I (to go) out into the garden. The moon (to shine) high in the sky, and the night (to be) warm and beautiful. That evening (to be) very pleasant and I shall remember it for a long time.

Exercise 8. Translate into English.1. Я посидел на скамейке с полчаса, а потом начал читать книгу. 2. Я окон­чила университет, когда мне было 23 года. 3. "Когда вы были здесь после­дний раз?" - "Года полтора тому назад." 4. Грэй кивнул головой и пошел наверх. 5. Я встретила Лену около грех лет назад благодаря своим родите­лям. 6. Он остановился и сорвал розу. 7. Я навещала их год тому назад.8. Я видела его в Лондоне неделю назад. 9. Я не видел его, когда был в С.-Петербурге. 10. Что с вами случилось в тот вечер? 11. Они вернулись в дом, когда пошел дождь. 12. "Ты видел его этим утром?" - "Да, он стоял у машины." 13. Он вошел и увидел Нелли, которая рисовала странную кар­тину. 14. Он побежал к воротам, где стояла Анна. 15. Я взглянул на Джен­ни, которая все еще дрожала от холода. 16. Мы как раз говорили о нем,


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когда он вдруг вошел. 17. Они пришли в то время, когда я работала в саду.18. Вчера в шесть часов она накрывала на стол. 19. Что ты играл, когда я вошла? 20. Вода в чайнике кипела, когда мои друзья вернулись в лагерь.21. Когда я приехал, Елена, к сожалению, как раз уходила. 22. Он вдруг понял, что едет не в ту сторону. 23. Я сидела в саду вчера, когда пришел брат и принес щенка. 24. Когда я вошел, они сидели в гостиной. Старший брат решал кроссворд, мама вязала, остальные читали. 25. Когда она про­снулась, в саду весело пели птицы. 26. "С кем вы разговаривали по теле­фону, когда я вошла?" - "Я разговаривала с сестрой."

Exercise 9. Use Present, Past Simple, Present, Past Continuous.1.1 (phone) you some time ago but you (not answer). What you (do)? You (be) at home? 2. What Linda (do) in the evenings? - She usually (knit) something or (watch) TV. 3. Susan (make) a jacket for herself at the moment. She usually (make) all her clothes herself. 4. Which hotel they usually (stay) when they come here?5 .1 won't go out now as it (rain) & I (not have) an umbrella. 6. Ben (lie) in bed thinking about getting up when suddenly somebody (knock) at the door. 7. Jack (be) on holiday this week. He (stay) with his brother in Florida. He often (go) to the beach & (sunbathe). 8. Prices (rise) all the time. Everything (get) more & more expensive. The cost of living (seem) to go up every day. 9. Jane & Tom (not go) to school by bus. Most mornings Jane (walk) & Tom (go) by bicycle. 10. My sister (bum) her hand while she (make) doughnuts. 11. The President of the USA usually (live) & (work) in the White House. 12. It was a boring weekend. I (do not) anything & (stay) indoors. 13. How you (feel) now? Are you better? Shall I call a doctor?14. What's that noise? Why you (cry)? 15. Paul (be) very busy when we (go) to see him yesterday. He (revise) for his exams. 16. The plane you (look) at now (take off) for London. This flight usually (depart) at 6.45 but today it (be) late. 17. When Maty (hear) his knock she (rush) to the door & (open) it, but she (not recognize) him at first because she (not wear) her glasses & it (be) dark in the hall. 18. As Tom (cross) the street he (slip) on the ice & (fall) down. He still (lie) when he (see) a bus coming. Luckily the driver (see) him & (stop) the bus. Tom (stand up). He (feel) rather dizzy. 19.1 (stay) with John for a few weeks until my flat's ready.20. Laure was very extravagant. She always (buy) herself new clothes. 21. Jim (leave) the house at 7.30. - Where he (go)? - 1 (not see) where he (go). 22. You (like) your last job in the bookshop? - 1 (like) it at first but then I (quarrel) with the manager & he (dismiss) me. - How long you (be) there? - 1 (work) there for 2 years. 23. They (show) a very interesting film on TV tonight. 24. They (not hear) the phone, because they (sit) in the garden. 25. She (open) the door when someone (hit) her from behind.


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Exercise 10. Use Present, Past, Future Simple, Present, Past Continuous.1. Nina (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there (to be) many flowers in it. When I (to come) in somebody (to play) the piano, two or three couples (to dance). 2. Listen! Somebody (to play) the piano. 3 .1 (to like) music very much. 4. When I (to look) out of the window it (to rain) heavily and people (to hurry) along the streets. 5. What you (to do) at 7 yesterday? - 1 (to have) supper. 6. When I (to come) home yesterday, I (to see) that all my family (to sit) around the table. Father (to read) a letter from my uncle who (to live) in Kiev. 7. Where you (to be) yesterday? - 1 (to be) at home the whole day. - How strange. I (to ring) you up at 2 o'clock, but nobody (to answer). 8. What you (to do) at 5 yesterday? -1 (to work) in the library. - 1 (to be) there, but (not to see) you. 9. Yesterday I (to work) at my English from 5 till 7. 10. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday. 11. Where your sister (to be) now? - She (to be) in her room. She (to do) her homework. 12. Look at these children: they (to skate) very Well.13. You (to skate) last Sunday? - Yes, we (to skate) the whole day last Sunday. We (to skate) again next Sunday. 14. My brother can skate very well. He (to skate) every Sunday. 15. What you (to do) now? — I (to wash) the dishes. 16. What you (to do) at 3 yesterday? - I (to have) dinner. 17. You (to have) dinner now? 18. Where your brother (to work)? - He (to work) at a factory. 19. Your grandmother (to sleep) when you (to come) home yesterday? 20. What your brother (to do) tomorrow? 21.1 (not to go) to the shop yesterday. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow. 22. Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday? 23. Everyday the boss (to enter) the office at 9. 24. Yesterday the boss (to enter) the office at half past nine. 25. When the secretary (to come) tomorrow? 26. At 6 yesterday we (to listen) to a very interesting lecture. 27. When I (to enter) the office, the secretary (to type) some letters. 28. My friend (to ring) me up at 8 yesterday.

THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSEExercise 1. Answer the questions in the Future Continuous Tense, using the given suggestions.1. What will you be doing at this time next week? (bathe in the Black Sea)2. What will grandfather be doing when we arrive? (work in the garden) 3. What will they be doing at this time tomorrow? (fly to Kiev) 4. What will he be doing at the concert tonight? (sing Russian folk-songs) 5. What will he be doing at this time the day after tomorrow? (interview a foreign delegation) 6. What will she be doing on Sunday? (make a dress) 7. What will he be doing at the University for five years? (study law).


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Exercise 2. Turn the following into politer questions about future intensions by using the Future Continuous Tense.Pattern: When are you going to have your next lesson?

When will you be having your next lesson?Is he going to meet us at the station?Will he be meeting us at the station?

1. Are you going to stay here long? 2. When are you coming again? 3. When are you going to post your letters? 4. What time are they planning to get up? 5. Are you going to visit him? 6. How do they intend to travel to work? 7. How are you going to pay?

Exercise 3. Open the brackets. Use the Future Indefinite if the action is permanent, repeated or it is a one-time action. Use the Future Continuous if the action is temporary, taking place at a given moment in the future.1. You (know) her. She (stand) at the news-stand. She (wear) a scarlet rain coat.2. I (tell) her everything and I (show) her the papers. I promise you she (not / smile) this time. 3. There (not / be) anyone in when we come. The secretary (have) lunch. 4. It (rain) when we get there. 5. Go straight up the street. The car (wait) for you at the entrance to the department store. 6. We are much too early. There (be) no one there. 7. Of course, I (be) still here when you return. I (mark) the papers. 8. Come and speak to me about it in your lunch hour. I (type) your stuff. 9. T don't think she (be) there at that time. She (sketch) somewhere along the coast. 10. No one (see) us come. They (have) tea on the terrace. 11. At this time she (do) her shopping. 12. When you come to Athens I (cross) the border.

Exercise 4. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous.1. When I (get) home, my animals (sit) at the door waiting for me. 2. It (be) the middle of June. They (come) soon. 3. If you (want) to see us, come to Tom's on Sunday. We (wait) for you there at midday. 4. At this time next week they (board) the plane to London. 5. They (have) English from nine to ten in this room. 6 .1 (wait) for you when you (come). 7. "I (call) for her at eight." - "No, don't; she still (sleep)."8. They are so angry. A few more words and they (quarrel) again.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.1. Мы не должны опаздывать. Они будут беспокоиться. 2. Мы сегодня идем в кино. Вы будете сидеть рядом со мной. 3. Нам нужно вернуться в 10 часов. Мама будет ждать нас. 4. "Вы будете обедать со мной в понедельник?" - "Я бы очень хотел, но боюсь, что в это время я буду сдавать экзамен." 5. "Что


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они будут делать, когда мы приедем домой?" - "Я думаю, они будут читать."6. "Я недостаточно хорошо себя чувствую, чтобы ехать в аэропорт и встре­чать Элис." — "Я встречу ее. Скажите, как я ее узнаю?" - "На ней буцет ярко- зеленый костюм." 7. Интересно, что мы будем делать через год и будем ли мы еще встречаться друг с другом. 8. "Мой сын в будущем году буцет в девятом классе." - "Значит, моя мама буцет учить его английскому языку." 9. Не гово­рите ей об этом, через минуту она будет плакать. 10. "Что вы будете делать в это время в следующую пятницу?" - "Как всегда буду работать в саду."


Exercise 1. Open the brackets, using the appropriate tense forms.1 .1 wondered why he (laugh). I could see nothing funny in what (go on). 2. What you two (talk) about? You (discuss) his plan? 3. You (leave) the town early this summer? 4. When you (speak) to her about her lessons? 5. She (wear) dark spectacles. They are not just sun spectacles. She (not / see) well. 6. Why you (wear) sun glasses on a gray day like this? 7. He (live) with his parents now. I think, he (look) for a job. 8 .1 could not see his face, he (sit) so that his face was in shadow. 9. When I (see) her last she (try) on hats at Angela's. 10. We (walk) for some time. The road (get) worse, just a narrow goat trail. 11. You (leave) us soon. It (get) colder every day. 12. We were friendly at school. I still (see) him from time to time. 13. You (hear) from me one of these days. 14. Phone as late as you can. I (be) up. I (watch) the football game on TV. It's the semi-finals today. 15. The rain (start) when I (wait) for my bus. 16.1 hate the place in autumn. It always (rain) there. It (rain) when we came and it (rain) when we left. 17. If I (find) the book I (give) it to you. 18. She (phone) us if she (have) any problem. 19.1 (give) the children their dinner before he (come) home. 20. As soon as she (learn) to type I (get) her a job. 21.1 (not buy) tomatoes till the price (come) down. 22. If you (go) to the library, I (come) with you. 23. She (not be) happy if she (not get) that new job. 24. If it (rain) we (stay) at home. 25 .1 (meet) you at the station if you (come) by train. 26. What you (do) if you (not find) your keys? 27. I (live) in London, though I (stay) in Minsk at the moment. 28. The car isn't here today because Sheila (use) it. She generally (use) the bus, but the drivers are on strike. 29. Not many planes (fly) faster than sound. 30. You (hear) the wind? It (blow) very strongly today. 31. What (happen) in golf if you lose the ball? 32. Look at that crowd. I (wonder) what they (wait) for. 33. While he (have) a swim somebody (come) and (take) away his clothes. 34. You (be) in Rome in 1988? What you (do) there?35. When the professor (see) Eliza for the first time, she (sell) flowers. 36. What


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you (do) in that house? - I (look) for my old friend there. 37. She (feel) that something strange (happen). 38. When the sun (rise), everybody (be) still sleeping. 39. We (not hear) from him for some time. — He (be) in Panama. 4 0 .1 (work) at home tomorrow. You can call me there. 41.1 (not be able) to lend you a car tomorrow. I (use) it all night. 42.1 (see) the sales manager at the marketing meeting on Monday and I'm sure she (give) me the figures then.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.1. Вы сегодня пойдете на лещию по истории языка? 2. Нина пишет что-ни- будь? 3. Вы долго ждали его вчера? 4. Почему вы в свитере и брюках? У вас сегодня урок ходьбы на лыжах? 5. Обычно он ждет меня у входа в метро, и мы едем домой вместе. 6. Вечно ты возражаешь! 7. Я не могу с вами встретиться, завтра приезжает моя мама. 8. Ты что, целую библиотеку несешь в портфеле? Он очень тяжелый. 9. У нее обычно пять или шесть книг в сумке, поэтому она такая тяжелая. 10. День был очень холодный. На мне был свитер и лыжная куртка, и все же мне было холодно. 11. Ты увидишь ее сегодня в университе­те? 12. Звонок раздался, когда я заканчивала писать сочинение. 13. Он вошел в комнату, где его ждал экзаменатор. 14. Кто-нибудь читает эту газету? Я хочу ее взять. 15. Где он сейчас работает? 16. Приходи сегодня, я буду ждать. 17. В какое время ты обычно завтракаешь? 18. Ты был вчера в теат­ре? - Нет. 19. Обычно он делает много ошибок в диктантах. 20. Он сломал ногу, когда играл в теннис. 21. Жена моего брата не работает; она смотрит за детьми. 22. Я буду еще работать, коща вы вернетесь. 23. Она не всегда убира­ет квартиру сама. 24. Куца ты ходишь чаще: в кино или на концерты? 25. Мой брат купил эту книгу два дня назад. 26. Она попросила вас подождать, не так ли? 27. Не ходи к ней завтра. Она будет переводить очень сложную статью.28. Я видела этот фильм на прошлой неделе. Он мне не понравился. 29. Он вернулся из США 2 недели назад. 30. Если она не будет упорно работать, она не сдаст экзамены. 31. Оставайся здесь, пока я тебе не позвоню. 32. Никто не знает, где живет Виктор. 33. Если мы навестим ее, она будет очень рада. 34. Интересно, узнаю ли я ее, когда увижу? 35. Если он поможет нам, мы закончим работу вовремя. 36. Мне не нравится такая погода. Идет дождь и очень холодно. 37. Когда они приезжают в Бостон? - Они приезжают утром.38. Становится холоднее. Идем быстрее домой. 39. Где Анна? - Она разговари­вает по телефону. 40. Они сейчас смотрят ТВ или слушают музыку? 41. Погода была ужасная. Весь день шел дождь. 42. С кем ты разговаривал, когда я вош­ла? 43. Какая книга произвела на вас самое большое впечатление? 44. Я спе­шил в университет, когда встретил своего школьного друга. 45. Становилось холоднее и мы вернулись в дом. 46. Завтра весь вечер я буду смотреть ТВ.


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THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSEExercise 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect.1. Look! They (stop). 2 .1 (want) to see you. I (not / see) you for ages! 3. "What (be) your name?" - "My name (be) always Cole." 4. "You (read) this book?" - "Yes." - "What you (think) of it?" 5 .1 (not / be) to a zoo before. It (be) a nice feeling to go somewhere you never (be) before. 6. "You (know) Nick?" - "Yes."- "How long you (know) him?" - "I (know) him for 10 years." 7. You (realize) we (know) each other for quite a period of time now? And this (be) the first occasion you (ask) me to come with you. 8. Come in, I (be) awake since sun-up.9. It'll be good to see him again. How long he (be) away? 10. I (know) you nearly all my life, but I never (see) you so excited about anything.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using Present Continuous or Present Perfect.1. What you (to talk) about? 2. We just (to talk) about it. 3. He just (to say) something about it. 4. He (to tell) us nothing about it. 5. We (to have) 5 lessons today. 6. They (to have) a meeting now. 7. She (not to speak) yet. 8. They (to ask) me several questions. 9. He already (to learn) the rule. 10.1 (to write) an exercise now. 11. What he (to do)? - He (to read) a newspaper. 12. You (to read) any stories by London? 13. What you (to do) here? - I (to write) a letter to my friend. 14. What language you (to study)? 15. We already (to learn) a lot of English words. 16. You (to find) the book? 17. What you (to look) for here?

Exercise 3. Put in been or gone.1. Where's Paul? - He has ... to the library. 2. We've ... to the country today. Look, we've brought some flowers. 3. Where have you spent your holidays? - I've ... to Italy. 4. Are you going to the shops? - No, I've j u s t ... to the shops.5. Is Alex at home? - No, he's ... to the park. 6. Are they both out? - Yes, they've both ... to the market.

Exercise 4. Translate the questions and the answers.1. Когда ты в последний раз видел Аню? - Я не видел ее с мая. 2. Когда в последний раз шел дождь? - Дождя не было уже целую вечность. 3. Когда они навещали вас в последний раз? - Они не навещали нас с июня. 4. Когда ты в последний раз играл в теннис? - Я уже давно не играл в теннис. 5. Когда ты в последний раз ела кокос? - Я никогда не ела кокос. 6. Когда ты в


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последний раз водил машину? - Я не водил машину много месяцев. 7. Когда ты в последний раз ездил в Канаду. - Я никогда не ездил в Канаду. 8. Когда она тебе писала в последний раз? - Она не писала с прошлого лета.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.1. Они построили новый дом. Ты его видел? 2. Ты показал маме свою кар­тину? - Нет, она еще не готова. 3. Я посмотрел этот фильм. А ты? - Да. Это интересный фильм. 4. Я звоню тебе уже третий раз за вечер. 5. Ты был в Лондонском зоопарке?-Да. 6. Отец только что вернулся с моря. 7. Возьмите эти журналы. Я уже прочитал их. 8. Ты опоздала уже второй раз на этой недели. 9. Вы были когда-нибудь в Греции? - Да, это очень красивая стра­на. 10. Мы еще не сделали опыт. 11. Она никогда не переводила такие труд­ные статьи. 12. Машина ломается уже третий раз за месяц. 13. Я звонил ему уже три раза сегодня. 14. Сегодня он уехал в Нью-Йорк. 15. Ты видел директора сегодня? - Нет. 16. Я выпила уже пятую чашку кофе за вечер.

Exercise 6. Choose the correct tense.I. I (haven't seen / didn't see) much of him lately. 2. 'Who is she?' 'I (have never seen / never saw) her before.' 3 .1 ('ve done / did) a lot of stupid things in my life.4. She (has left / left) school last year. 5. When (have you got / did you get) married? 6. Гт sony. I (haven't finished / didn't finish) yet. 7 .1 (Ve often wondered / often wondered) what he does for a living. 8. He (has caught / caught) the plane at eight this morning. 9. I ('ve read / read) a lot of her books when I was at school. 10. (Have you seen / Did you see) any good films recently?

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.1 .1 (play) a lot of tennis this year. 2. She (have) six different jobs since she left school. 3. He (run) away from school three times when he was fourteen. 4. How many cups of coffee you (drink) today? 5. In those days, Andrew (come) to stay with us most weekends. 6. Shakespeare (write) poems as well as plays. 7. Since my brother lost his job, he (write) two books. 8. I'm not cooking today. I (cook) all the meals yesterday. In fact, I (cook) most of the meals this week. 9. Would you believe I (make) twenty-three phone calls today? 10. Our team are rubbish. They just (lose) eight games one after the other. 11. This scientist (write) a lot of books. He (write) his first one in 2001. 12. You ever (see) a documentary as good as that? 13.1 never (travel) to the USA. What about you? When you (go) there? 14. He (live) in Manchester for eight years, and he wants to move to another place. 15. She (live) in Manchester for two years, and then in 2003 she


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(move) to London. 16. We (meet) Jane and Alan two years ago. How long you (know) them? 17. We (not know) that you (know) Mr. Black. How long you (know) him? - 1 (know) him for 2 years. 18. Ben (say) that he would phone me this morning, but it is now 8.20 & he (not phone) yet. 19. We just (receive) a letter saying that we (not pay) the bills for electricity & gas last month. 20. You (hear) the noise in the street at midnight? - No, nothing woke me up. 21. Betsy (have) bad luck all her life. But still she is always in a good mood. 22. Simon (be) ill & (spend) 10 days in hospital not long ago. 23. Jack has no work. He (be) unemployed ever since he left school. 24. The town (change) a lot since we (come) to live here.

Exercise 8. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form, the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.1 .1 just (call) him. 2 .1 (not / call) him yesterday, I was busy. 3. My parents just (go) away. 4. She already (answer) the letter. 5. She (answer) it on Tuesday.6. My friends (go) away five minutes ago. 7 .1 (read) that book during the summer holidays. 8. The fisherman (sell) now all his fish. 9. He (sell) the last one half an hour ago. 10.1 (not / see) him for three years. 11.1 (meet) him last week. 12, The newspaper (come)? - Yes, Ann is reading it now. 13. You (wear) your hair long when you were at school? - Yes, my mother (insist) on it. 14. He (not / smoke) for three weeks. He is trying to give it up. 15. When he (arrive)? - He (arrive) at 2.00. 16. You (shut) the window? 17.1 (read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them veiy much. 18. You (be) here before? - Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year. - You (have) a good time? - Yes, the sun never (stop) shining.19. The lecture just (begin). You are a little late. 20 .1 can't go out because I (not / finish) my work. 21. We (travel) around Europe last year. 22. My father knows so much because he (travel) a lot. 2 3 .1 (see) Pete today. 24. She (see) this film last Sunday. 25. Alex (meet) his friends 2 hours ago. 26 .1 just (meet) our teacher.27. The children already (decide) what to do with the books. 28. Yesterday they (decide) to help their parents. 29. Helen speaks French so well because she (live) in France. 30. She (live) there last year. 31. The rain (stop) half an hour ago. 32. The rain (stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again. 33. Mary (buy) a new hat. 3 4 .1 (buy) a new pair of gloves yesterday. 35. The wind (blow) off the man's hat and he cannot catch it. 36. The weather (change), and we can go for a walk. 37. The wind (change) in the morning. 38. I never (be) to New-York. 39. You ever (be) to Moscow? 40. What you (prepare) for today? 41. Look at this bird-house. Mike (make) it himself. He (make) it last Sunday. 42. When you (see) Mary? - 1 (see) her two days ago. 43. He is not at school today, he (fall) ill. When he (fall) ill? - He (fall) ill yesterday.


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Exercise 9. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the present perfect or past indefinite tense forms.1. At last I (to do) all my home work; now I shall go out. 2. The building of the house (to begin) early in April. 3. You (to enjoy) the week you spent at the sea­shore? 4 .1 hear that you (to give up) the idea of going there. 5. The rain (to stop) but an icy wind is still blowing. 6. We already (to settle) the matter. 7. He (to come) a moment ago. 8 .1 never (to speak) to him. 9. He just (to finish) his work. 10. You (to make) any spelling mistakes? 11. It (to be) bitterly cold yesterday. 12. When you (to meet) him? 13.1 (not to see) him since 2008. 14. How many examinations you (to pass) up to now? 15. Where you (to put) the key?16. They (to choose) him as their delegate. 17. The factory (to begin) operating last year. 18. Where you (to buy) that book? 19. You (to do) all the exercises on this page? 20. This letter (to come in) the first mail this morning? 21. He deeply (to study) the problem. 22. The snows (to go) with a rush this year. 23 .1 (not to see) him since last June. 24. You (to get) any money about you? 25. A large whale (to be washed up) last week on the coast of Sark, and now a second one 30 feet long (to be washed up) on the other side of the island. 2 6 .1 (to see) you coming out of the library the other day with a sack of books. 2 7 .1 (not to read) the paper this morning. 2 8 .1 (to be late) today. 29. The ferry (to stop) running; we must find someone to put us over. 30. I (to correct) that mistake before, but you (to make) it again. 31. Why you (to put) these things in the wrong place? 32. How long you (to be) in Moscow? — A week yesterday. 33. They (to keep) you waiting long? - Oh, quite a long time. 34. Why you (to leave) the door open? You will catch cold sitting in the draught. 35. A week and a half (to pass) since I (to arrive) at this place, but we (to have) hardly a single fine day.36. "We not (to see) each other for so long," said I. - "Yes, and we both (to change) a great deal." 37. What books you (to read) when you (to live) in the country? 38. They not yet (to come) from the South. 39. Since when she (to be) your friend? 40. How many times you (to be) to St. Petersburg? 41. He (to be) ill last week but now he (to recover). 42. At last I (to translate) this article; now I shall have a little rest. 43. We (to have) a picnic yesterday, but the rain (to spoil) the whole pleasure. 44. She (to be) chairman of our collective farm for many years.

Exercise 10. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect or the Past Simple tense-forms.1.1 (shout) at them and they (run) away. 2. What's the best film you ever (see)?3. Simon is not at home. He (go) to a football match. 4. It was such a wonderful performance that we (applaud) for fifteen minutes. 5. Why do you look so sad? Anything (happen)? 6. Jaime lives in Venezuela; he never (see) snow. 7. I (not/


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wake) at 7 o'clock yesterday, because my mother (not/be) at home. 8. Anyone (see) my dictionary? I can't find it. 9. A lot of rain (fall) last week. 10. When I (get) home late yesterday evening my dad (be) very angry. 11. I (know) Helen for10 years. We (study) at university together. She was one of the best students.12. Alexander Fleming (invent) penicillin in 1928. 13. The house they (buy) looks much larger than ours. 14.1 (order) a taxi to take me to the airport. So we'll be on time. 15. You (cut) your finger! How it (happen)? 16. Peter (not/eat) all the bread and butter, he (leave) some on the plate. 17. He (be) interested in jazz ever since he (leave) school. 18. We (have) a lovely time in Wales. — So you (enjoy) your holiday, didn't you? 19.1 (use) to like swimming but I don't now. 20.1 never (see) so many beautiful girls as here at the party. 21. My elder brother (have) a car for two years already. He (buy) it in France. 22. Jane (recover) yet? - No, she is still in hospital. 23. My watch (stop). I must take it to the watchmaker's. 24. Shakespeare (be) bom in 1564 and (die) in 1616. 25. I'm sorry I can't accept your invitation. We already (make) our plans for the holiday. 26 .1 (begin) to teach Max to ride a bike last year. 27. We (run) out o f sugar. Can you go and get some from the shop?28. My brother is an actor. He already (appear) in several films. 29. What your father (give) you for your last birthday? 30. You (see) Tom? — Yes, I (talk) to him an hour ago. 31. Are you the boy whose dog (make) a terrible noise at night? - I'm sorry, but you are mistaken, sir. I never (own) a dog. 32. What (happen) there? - The dog (bite) the boy when he entered the garden. 33. You (know) each other before? - Yes. We first (meet) 3 years ago. 34. He (take) off his pullover, (lie) down on the sofa and (start) to read a magazine. 35. I don't keep pets now but I (use) to keep a dog when I (be) a boy. 36.1 (iron) Jim's shirts this morning and in the afternoon I (do) the shopping. 37. Why are you limping? - 1 (twist) my ankle.38. The plane (take) off from London at 9.00 and (land) in Geneva at 10.30.39. Joanna (not/change); she is the same as ever. 40. When I (switch) on the dishwasher, the machine (make) a loud noise. 41. People always (want) to be able to fly like birds in the sky. 42.1 once (play) a guitar which (have) only five strings.4 3 .1 never (teach) a class where the students are so lazy. 4 4 .1 (lose) a button. I don't suppose I'll ever find it. 45. The slower you eat the more you will think you (eat). 46. You (be) already late for classes twice this week, Nick. 47. What a surprise! You're the very person I (want) to see so much. 48. They say the police already (catch) both of the thieves. 49. When we (be) kids, we (love) the beach very much, so we (use) to spend all our holidays at the sea. 50. You (make up) your mind yet? What you (decide) to do? 51. She (slip) her arm under his and (give) him a nudge. 52. Thanks a lot. It (be) a wonderful holiday. We (have) a great fun. 53. Since when you (lose) sight of him? 54. Anyone (leave) a note for me? 55. The employment office (call) me twice since I (move) to Los Angeles. 56. When we


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(live) in the north the water pipes (use) to freeze every winter and we (have) to call in a plumber. 57. People (use) to come at the weekends, but during the week I (be) alone in that huge house. 58. You (work) as a mechanic before? - Yes, I (use) to change flat tires. 59. We (see) him at the summer course in London. 60. All the shirts you (send) your farther (fit) him perfectly so far. 61. Although I (study) French for years I have difficulty in speaking the language. 62. John whose grades are the highest in the school (receive) a scholarship. 63. Yesterday we (have) supper with the neighbours of ours. 64. Some years ago I (come) across this photo in an old magazine. 65. We (not/give) him a thing to eat since he (arrive). 66. Jerry (fail) his exams. He'll have to take them again. 67. It's ages since I last (see) a decent comedy film on television. 68. We understood that it (be) just a slip of the tongue. 69. The police (find) the bomb yet? 70. When I (go) to book a ticket to Athens, I (find) that the flight (be) full. 71. I'm not disappointed with today's result. After all we (win) ten matches already this season. 7 2 .1 never (do) anything like it before. We'll have to start from scratch. 73. My computer (break down) again. It's time for me to buy a new word processor. 74.1 сапЧ afford a holiday abroad until I (pay back) all my debts. 75. They always (bring) flowers when they came to visit me. 76. The butcher (cut) some steak, (wrap) it up and (hand) it to me. 77. Since the baby (be) bom, they (have) a lot of sleepless nights. 78. I'm sorry for her. She (have) bad luck all her life. 79. Jack (climb) quite a number of mountains but he never (be) to Everest. 80. You (see) my gloves, by any chance? 81. He (give up) smoking yet? When he (do) it? 82. What's up? You (hurt) your ankle? How you (do) it?

Exercise 11. Open the brackets using the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Past Continuous, the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect Tense.1. In the morning, coming down the stairs, Rosemary (see) Tony who (lie) in the sitting room. "What you (do) here?" "I (sleep) here." "I am sorry we (take) your room." 2. He's a night watchman. He (work) at night and (sleep) in the daytime. It's noon now and he still (sleep). 3 .1 first (meet) Richard a month ago, and I (meet) him several times since then. 4 .1 usually (go) to bed before midnight.5. What your brother (do) now? - He (play) tennis with our neighbour, they (play) it every day. 6 .1 (write) to my parents a fortnight ago, but I (not / have) a reply yet, so I just (write) again. 7. It's 3 p.m. and he (not / eat) anything today, but. he (eat) a good dinner last night. 8. Is Mary ready to come out? - No, she still (dress). 9 .1 (read) this book several times. I first (read) it in 1990. 10. He often (read) detective stories; he (read) a very good one now. 11. She (not / have) a holiday since 1996, but she (have) a very long holiday in 1995. 12. She (meet) Helen when she (walk) along the street.


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Exercise 12. Translate into English.1. Я потеряла иголку. Я нигде не могу найти ее. 2. Ты смотрел вчера фильм по телевизору? 3. Ее родители купили ей машину на 21-ый день рождения.4. У нее теперь очень короткие волосы. Она сделала новую стрижку.5. Вчера вечером он пришел домой очень поздно. Он принял ванну и потом лег спать. 6. Вы посетили много музеев, когда были в Лондоне? 7. Книги нет на полке. Кто-то взял ее. 8. Когда твой отец бросил курить? 9. Я не завтракал утром, потому что мне не хотелось есть. 10. Почему ты не хотел играть в шахматы вчера? 11. Машина выглядит очень чистой. Ты вымыл ее? 12. Кто пришёл? 13. Кто взял мою ручку? 14. Мы не встречались с 1998 года, не правда ли? 15. Я знаю Бориса с детства. 16. Они никогда не были в театре. 17. Где вы были всё это время? 18. Когда вы послали телеграмму?19. Почему вы не перевели текст? 20. Пойдём в библиотеку. - Я только что там был. 21. Когда ты видела Нину? 22. Я ещё не сделал это упражнение.23. Мы пригласили их на наш концерт. 24. Она пошла гулять. 25. Вы уже посетили наш музей? 26. Почему Вы не сделали домашнее задание? - Я был занят вчера. 27. Вы купили билеты? 28. Когда вы купили билеты?

Exercise 13. Open the brackets using Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Present Simple or Past Simple.1. Please, give me a pencil. I (to lose) mine. 2 .1 (not to meet) Peter since Monday.3. Nina just (to finish) work. 4. Where Sergey (to be)? He (to go home). He (to leave) the room a minute ago. 5. What you (to read) now? - I (to read) "Jane Eyre" by Ch. Bronte. 6. They (to read) "Ivanhoe" by W. Scott a month ago. What about you? You (to read) "Ivanhoe"? 7. My watch (to stop). There (to be) something wrong with it. 8. You (to see) Jack today? - Yes, I (to see) him at the University. 9. You (to hear) the new symphony by М.? - Yes I ... - When you (to hear) it? - 1 (to hear) it last Sunday. 10. You (to change) so much. Anything (to happen)? 11. What you (to do) here at such a late hour? You (to write) your composition? - No, I (to write) it already. I (to work) at my report. - And when you (to write) your composition? I (to finish) it 2 days ago. 12.1 say, Tom, let's have dinner. - No, thank you, I already (to have) dinner. 13. What the weather (to be) like? It still (to rain)? - No, it (to stop) raining.

Exercise 14. Open the brackets using Present Perfect, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous.1. They (to go) to the Hermitage last week. 2. They (to be) to the Hermitage twice this week. 3. After school yesterday he (to come) home, (to have) dinner, (to read) an article from the latest magazine and (to begin) doing his homework.


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4. When your friend (to return) from the south? - She (to return) yesterday. You (to go) to the station to meet her? - No I ..., I (to be) too busy. 5. With whom you (to discuss) this question yesterday? 6 .1 (to see) this film this week. I like it very much. 7. When I (to enter) the kitchen I (to see) that my mother (to stand) at the table and (to cut) some cabbage. She (to cook) dinner. 8. As soon as I (to hear) a cry I (to run) out of the room and (to see) that a child (to lie) on the ground and (to cry). "What (to happen)? Why you (to cry)? You (to hurt) yourself?" - I asked. 9. As soon as I (to see) him, I (to understand) that he (to work) hard. He (to write) something and (not to notice) anything. 10. When I (to come) home yesterday, the children (to run) and (to sing) melody. "We (to learn) a new song!"- They cried. 11. When the young man (to enter) the room, she (to look) at him in surprise. "What you (to want) to tell me?" she (to say). "Why you (to come)?"12. It (to rain) hard when I (to leave) home yesterday, so I (to return), (to put) on my raincoat and (to start) again. 13. Your brother (to return) from the north? - Yes, he (to come) a few days ago. 14. You (to be) to the Crimea? When you (to be)there?-I (tobe)therein 1993. 15. Where (to be) your brother?-He just (to come) home. He (to take) a shower in the bathroom now.

Exercise 15. Translate into English, using the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Past Continuous, the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect.1. В пятницу на прошлой неделе шел сильный дождь. 2. Я обычно завтра­каю в половине восьмого. 3. Он уже построил дачу? — Нет, он все еще строит ее. 4. Почему вы идете так быстро? - Я иду быстро, потому что я боюсь опоздать на электричку. 5. Моя сестра никогда не носит шубу.6. Почтальон обычно приходит в восемь часов вечера. Сейчас уже полови­на девятого, а он все еще не пришел. 7. Когда я пришел к Пете в прошлое воскресенье, он читал новую книгу. 8. Лекция еще не началась, и студенты разговаривают. Лекция начинается обычно в девять часов. 9. В школе он играл в баскетбол. 10. Я не играл в волейбол с 1989 года. 11. Автор еще молодой человек. Он написал свою первую пьесу в 2006 году. 12. Сейчас 9 часов вечера. Ребенок уже заснул. Вчера вечером он лег спать гораздо позже.13. Я никогда не был в Москве. Мне очень хочется попасть туда. 14. Я очень рад вас видеть. Мы не виделись с 1997 года. 15. Где сейчас ваш брат? Я не виделся с ним несколько лет. 16. Он никогда не видел таких прекрасных картин. Музей ему очень нравится. 17. Мы только что говорили с деканом об этом. 18. Ты уже отправил письмо? - Да. 19. Помогите мне, пожалуй­ста. Я потерял свой ключ и не могу попасть домой. 20. Вы когда-либо ви­дели этот фильм? 21. Пойдём в столовую. - Нет, спасибо. Я только что позавтракал. 22. Почему ты включил свет? В комнате всё ещё светло.


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23. Они собираются продать свой дом. Ты что-нибудь слышал об этом?24. Вы уже получили ответ от Анны? - Нет, мы ещё ей не писали. 25. В этом году вы часто были в историческом музее? - Нет. А вы? 26. Где вы купили эту вещь? - Я её не покупал. Это подарок. 27. Ты ещё делаешь уроки? - Нет. Я уже сделал. 28. С какого времени она болеет?

THE PAST PERFECT TENSEExercise 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite and the Past Perfect.1. They hardly (go) when aunt Julia (wander) slowly into the room. 2. He hardly (reach) the door of his office when he (encounter) two young men. 3. He scarcely (take) a few steps along the street, when three men (appear) from around the corner. 4. No sooner he (start) to play than one string on the violin (break). 5. They barely (leave) the room when the chaos (break) out. 6. No sooner they (arrive) at Rougemont than her sister (ring) up from home about an accident with her little daughter. 7. No sooner the curtains (fall) than he (rise) to go. 8. Hardly he (ask) his questions when she (answer) them. 9. He scarcely (take) off his coat when he (begin) to read the letter. 10. Scarcely Nell (settle) herself on a little heap of straw in the comer, when she (fall) asleep. 11. The rain nearly (stop) when he (reach) his hotel. 12. He scarcely (say) the first words when she (interrupt) him.

Exercise 2. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite and the Past Perfect1. She realized that she was going to faint. She (eat) nothing since the picnic.2. His wife (not / be) in. She (go) out a quarter of an hour before. 3. After dinner Mr. Grag proposed a game of cards. He (not / play) cards since his illness. 4. Dr. Lecter (be) English, though he (live) in America for thirty years. 5. His smile (be) something she never (see) before. 6. We hardly (leave) the town, when it (begin) to rain. 7. He (come) into the room a moment after I (get) there. 8. When he (return) at eleven o'clock the telegram (arrive). 9. When they (go) I (get) busy at the desk. 10. When evening (fall) their son (leave) the house. 11.1 hardly (be) there five minutes when Mrs. Brown (come) in with the coffee. 12. The moon (not / rise). There was nothing to dispel the dark of the night. 13. Scarcely they (move) into the new house when their friends (come) in. 14. The evening (go) off easier than she (expect). 15. But the village he (show) her (be) the best he ever (see). 16. Just at that moment a boy and a girl (come) and (sit) down where the old couple (be) before. 17.1 (keep) silence for a little while, thinking of what he (tell) me. 18. Soames (spend) the night at Winchester, a place he often (hear) of but never (see). 19. She (know) why he (come). 20. Within a week she (know) the fearful mistake she (make).


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Exercise 3. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect.1. He (to study) French before he (to enter) the university. 2. Jenny (to say) that he (to get) his education in Cape Town. 3. The boy (to want) to act the main part in the play because he (to organize) the theatre. 4. Jenny (not to know) who (to attack) him in the darkness. 5. The girl (to be) glad that she (to find) a seat near the window. 6. Suddenly he (to remember) that he (not to ring) her up in the morning. 7. By the time the train (to reach) the city, he (to make) friends with many passengers. 8. When his uncle (to leave), he (to hurry) to the station to book a ticket. 9. She (to think) that Girt and Jenny (to quarrel). 10. When I (to come) home, my mother (to tell) me that she (to receive) a letter from grandpa. 11. Where you (to work) before you (to enter) the university? 12. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home. 13. He (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to happen) to him. 14. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel) a great deal in his life.

Exercise 4. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect.1. He (close) the window and (sit) in his armchair. 2. When I (arrive) the lecture already (start). 3. The rain (stop) and the sun (shine) brightly. 4. Unfortunately when I arrived Ann just (leave), so we only had time for a few words. 5 .1 (watch) his eyes pretty closely while we (exchange) these remarks. 6. Scarcely I (close) the door when a gust o f wind (open) it again. 7. When I (come) to them they (tell) me that he just (leave). 8. When I (look) for my passport, I (find) his old photograph. 9. You (look) very busy when I (see) you last night. What you (do)?10. He (not / be) there five minutes, when the storm (begin). 11. He (not / allow) us to go out in the boat yesterday as a strong wind (blow). 12. I (call) Paul at7.00 but it wasn't necessary because he already (get) up. 13. When I (come) to see my friend, I (find) him lying in bed. He (look) very pale as he (be) seriously ill for the whole month. 14. When he (seal) and (stamp) the envelope, he (go) back to the window and (draw) a long breath. 15 .1 (see) you yesterday from the bus. Why you (use) a stick? - 1 (use) it because I (hurt) my leg that morning.16. We (return) home at nightfall and we (be) very glad to get home again, but we (have) a wonderful day. 17. As they (walk) along the road they (hear) a car coming from behind them. Tom (turn) round and (hold) up his hand. The car (stop). 18. When I (arrive) at the station Mary (wait) for me. She (wear) a blue dress and (look) very pretty. 19. When I (see) him he (paint) a portrait of his wife. 20. While he (water) the flowers it (begin) to rain. 21. While I (say) goodbye to.the rest of the guests Isabel (take) Sophie aside.


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Exercise S. Translate into English.1. Когда вы пришли, я уже выполнил домашнее задание. 2. К 7 часам все уже были на вокзале. 3. К тому времени, как вы позвонили, гости ещё не собрались. 4. Вы изучали английский перед тем, как поступить на эти кур­сы? 5. Сколько страниц в этой книге они перевели к концу прошлой неде­ли? 6. Ты закончил свою работу к этому времени вчера, не так ли? 7. Что вы уже подготовили к тому времени? 8. Кто уже сдал экзамен к тому мо­менту? 9. Дождь уже прекратился, когда мы вышли из дома. 10. Вы вчера ходили в театр, не так ли? 11. Почему же вы нас не пригласили? 12. Я знал, что Анна никогда не бывала в США. 13. Я позвонил ему после того, как получил телеграмму от нашего друга. 14. К трём часам они уже подгото­вили машину и упаковали вещи. 15. Он надеялся, что с ними ничего не случилось. 16. Он знал, что секретарь заказала билеты туда и обратно.17. Они опоздали на поезд, потому что попали в пробку? 18. Только они отъехали, как Петр сказал: "По-моему, я забыл билеты дома". 19. Сове­щание только началось, когда открылась дверь, и вошёл профессор Браун.20. К тому времени, как я пришёл, все уже собрались. 21. Они закончили украшать зал к 5 часам. 22. Он вошёл в зал, когда представление уже началось. 23. Учитель закрыл журнал и начал объяснять новое правило.24. Когда я вошёл в класс, учитель уже закрыл журнал и объяснял новое правило. 25. Я понял, что читал эту книгу до того, как прочитал её до кон­ца. 26. Выйдя на улицу, Саша вспомнил, что оставил ключи дома. 27. Он сказал, что не видел своего друга 2 дня и думает, что тот заболел. 28. Она дала мне письмо только после того, как я сказал ей своё имя. 29. Отец Павла показал нам мост, который он построил в 1997 году.

Exercise 6. Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Perfect, Past Simple, and Past Continuous.1. When we came into the room, Lisa (to stand) before the looking-glass and (to comb) her hair. 2. We (finish) dinner when father came home from work. 3 .1 went for a walk after I (to do) my work. 4. When my friend came I (to do) the work and (to write) it down in my exercise book. 5. When you (meet) him? 6. What you (to do) yesterday? - A little of everything. 1 (to read), (to write) letters and (to walk) and (to do) the shopping. - And after you (to do) all these things? - I (to watch) TV. 7. You had to finish the work yesterday. How much work you (to do) by 12? 8. He said he (to find) the watch he (to lose) the day before. 9. He said he (to know) the man when he (to live) in Saratov. 10. By what time he (to do) all the exercises? 11. When I (to leave) home, it (to rain) hard. 12. The steamer (to go) to the North when a violent storm (to break out). 13.1 (to meet)


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him when he (to walk) to the station. 14. What you (to write) when I (to come in)? 15. He (to cycle) along a narrow path when he (to fall) and (to hurt) himself badly. 16. When I (to look) out of the window, the sun (to approach) the horizon and dark clouds (to overspread) the sky. 17. When we (to leave) home, a strong wind (to blow); the snow (to whirl) in the wind. 18. When I (to approach) home, lightning (to strike) an old oak tree in front of our house. 19. The telegram (to come) just as I (to leave) the house for the office. 20. It already (to begin) to grow dark; the cold autumn wind (to whistle); clouds (to creep) over the sky. 21. His fair hair (to grey) on his temples, but none the less he was strikingly youthful in appearance. 22 .1 (to sit) here watching the game while I (to wait) for you. 23. He (to seat) himself before the fire and (to declare) he (to think) of taking a long vacation to visit his old friend. 24. When I (to come) up, they (to get) into a taxi.25. When we (to wake), the sun (to shine) in at the window. 26. The sun already (to slip) behind a snow-capped ridge when we (to drive) into the valley. 27. The sun (to set) and night (to follow) day without any interval in between as is usual in the South. 28 .1 (to pick) my way along the fence when suddenly I (to hear) voices.

Exercise 7. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the past tense forms.1. When I (to call) at his house, they (tell) me that he (to leave) an hour before.2. On checking up his answers he found that he (to do) five examples wrong.3 .1 noticed when I came in that somebody (to leave) their umbrella on the porch.4. After we (to clear) the ground, we set up the first of the tents. 5. Before he (to read) half of the book, he insisted he did not like it. 6 .1 knew all along that we (to take) the wrong road. 7. The message (to arrive) five minutes after he (to leave) the house. 8. They (to stop) where the road was wide and (to wait) till the other car (to pass). 9. Unfortunately, by the time we reached the station the train (to leave). 10. We (to go) only a few blocks when a tire (to burst). 11. When I (to come) to see my friend, I (to find) him lying in bed. He (to look) very pale as he (to be) seriously ill. 12. The rain (to stop) but there (to be) still a slight drizzle in the air. 13.1 (to leave) home at nine o'clock, but I (not to go) far when I remembered that 1 (to forget) to lock my door. 14. When the expedition returned, they (to relate) what they (to see) in the Arctic region. 15. It was a great relief when the sun (to go down) for the day (to be) hot and oppressive. 16. The moon not (to rise) yet and only two stars (to shine) in the dark blue sky. 17. It was nearly nine when the audience (to assemble) and the performance (to begin).18. We (to return) home at nightfall and we (to be) very glad to get home again, but we (to have) a wonderful day. 19. I (to be) surprised what progress she (to make) considering how little time (to pass) since our last meeting. 20. He (to look) round the railway carriage before he (to get) out to make sure he not


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(to leave) anything behind. 21. The flowers just (to begin) to appear when the cold weather (to kill) them. 22. I not yet (to fall) asleep when I (to hear) the sound of the bell. 23. Scarcely I (to close) the door when a gust o f wind (to open) it again. 24. Although darkness (to fall), we still (to continue) our way.

Exercise 8. Open brackets using Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.1. Your mother (to return) from work? Can I speak to her? 2. The cat (to drink) all the milk which I (to give) it. 3. When Nick (to come) home from school, his friends (to play) in the yard. 4. When you (to receive) a letter from your friend?5. They (to eat) all the apples I (to bring). 6. When the children (to have) dinner, they (to go) for a walk. 7. Last summer we (to live) in the country and (to go) to the river every day. 8. She is so upset: she (to lose) the key to the door. 9. Columbus (not to know) that he (to discover) America. 10. He (to discuss) the problem with a lot of people before he (to take) a decision. 11. Mother (to bake) a delicious cake! Sit down at the table and let's eat it. 12. She (to read) an English book the whole evening yesterday. 13. At this time yesterday they (to sit) on the sofa and (to listen) to their grandmother who (to tell) them fairy-tales. 14.1 (to stand) at the tram-stop when it (to begin) to rain.

Exercise 9. Use the verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.1. Mike (to eat) ice-cream every day. Look, he (to eat) ice-cream now. When I (to see) him in the morning, he (to eat) ice-cream too. He (to say) he (to eat) one ice-cream already by that time. I think he (to fall) ill if he (to eat) so much ice-cream. 2. They (to walk) along the street and (to talk). Suddenly Nick (to stop) and (to say): "Oh, what shall we do? I (to lose) the key to the door." "If you (not to find) it," said Pete, "we (to have) to wait for mother in the street."3. When I (to come) to the station yesterday, I (to learn) that my train already (to leave). 4. What he (to do) when you (to see) him yesterday? 5. I (to give) you this book as soon as I (to finish) reading it. 6. When the ship (to cross) the ocean, a great storm (to break) out. 7 .1 (to be) not to the theatre for 15 years. 8. From his worried expression I knew he (to hear) my story. 9. Well, what (to happen) at Blackstable since I was there? 10.1 walked to the station by myself. I (to refuse) to let my aunt see me off. 11. He whispered: "You (to see) who's with him?" 12. Then as she came nearer he recognized that he (to meet) her somewhere before. 13.1 just (to get) this bike and this is the first time I (to try) to ride it.14. What you (to learn) for today? - 1 (to be) sorry, I (not to prepare) my lesson. I (to be) ill yesterday and (not to know) what to do. I (to prepare) my lesson


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tomorrow. - If you (not to prepare) you lesson tomorrow, you (to get) a bad mark. 15. What you (to do) at 5 yesterday? 16. Mike always (to do) his homework in the evening, but today he (to begin) doing it as soon as he comes from school, because his father (to promise) to take him to the cinema. 17. When Mary (to come) home her brother (to read) the book which she (to bring) him 2 days before. 18. Autumn (to come). It (to be) November now. It (to get) colder, the days (to get) shorter. It often (to rain). Soon it (to be) very cold. 19. When I (to do) my homework yesterday, I quickly (to run) to the yard, because my friends (to wait) for me there. 20. We (to have) a good time last summer.

Exercise 10. Translate into English.1. Когда он вошел в комнату, он увидел Анну там, где он ее оставил. 2. Я за­метил, что кто-то забыл свой зонтик на крыльце. 3. Он не прочел и полкниги, как заявил, что она ему не нравится. 4. Когда гости ушли, она вошла в гости­ную и выключила свет. 5. Она сидела на диване и думала, почему еще не пришло письмо от отца. 6. Дождь прекратился, но в воздухе был еще легкий туман. 7. Я не знала, куца он ушел. 8. Он не помнил его имени и не помнил, чтобы встречал его когда-либо раньше. 9. Мы проехали два часа, когда нако­нец увидели озеро. 10. Прошло некоторое время, прежде чем они поняли, что ему нечего было сказать. 11. Когда он приехал домой, он узнал, что его сестра только что ушла. 12. Когда экспедиция вернулась, они рассказали, что они видели в Арктике. 13. Она закончила паковать вещи к тому времени, когда ее сестра постучала в дверь. 14. В последние дни было очень холодно, но снег не шел. 15. Когда все ушли, она подошла к телефону и быстро набрала номер. 16. Когда родители вернулись, я показала им, что я сделала. 17. Я удивился, какие успехи она сделала. 18. Не успел он подойти к двери, как встретил своих школь­ных друзей. 19. Было гораздо холоднее, чем она предполагала. 20. Когда рас­свело, еще дул штормовой ветер, но снег прекратился.

THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSEExercise 1. Open the brackets using Future Simple, Future Continuous or Future Perfect.1 .1 (to do) my homework tomorrow. 2 .1 (to do) my homework at 6 tomorrow.3 .1 (to do) my homework by 6 tomorrow. 4. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to have) supper. 5. When you come to my place tomorrow I (to read) your book. I (to do) my homework by the time you come. 6. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the whole evening. 7 .1 (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow I (to watch) TV the whole evening. 8. What you (to do) at


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8 tomorrow? 9. You (to play) tennis tomorrow? 10. You (to do) this work by next Sunday? 11. When you (to go) to see your friends next time? 12. How many pages you (to read) by 5 tomorrow? 13. Tomorrow I (to begin) doing my homework as soon as I come from school. I (to do) it from 3 till 6. My father (to come) home at 7 tomorrow. I (to do) all my homework by the time he comes, and we (to go) for a walk together.

Exercise 2. Use the Future Indefinite, the Future Perfect or the Present Perfect.1. By the end of the year I (to read) 5 of Shaw's plays. 2. They (to leave) the country before you go to see them. 3 .1 can give you a definite answer only after I (to speak) to my mother. 4. By the end of the term we (to learn) a lot of new words. 5. I hope, when you (to do) this exercise, there (not to be) so many mistakes in it. 6 .1 expect you (to grow up) by the time I come back from England.7. You had better not go bathing until you (to get rid) of that cough. 8. I'm sure you (to forget) me by that time. 9. She won't have any pudding until she (to eat) her potatoes. 10. When I (to learn) a thousand English words shall I be able to read a newspaper? 11.1 (to write) all my exercises long before you come back. 12. Don't ask for another book before you (to read) this one. 13. They will not return home until they (to see) Scotland, Ireland and Wales. 14. I hope that by the end o f the year he (to teach) us to speak English a little. 15. Sit down and when you (to rest) I'll show you the garden.

Exercise 3. Put the verb in brackets into the most suitable future tense.1. She is worried that he (not manage) to catch the train. 2. 1 (see) them at the conference anyway. 3. This time next year we (travel) together around Europe.4. I'm sure there (be) no more wars anywhere in the world. 5. Our football team (fly) to London this time tomorrow. 6. His parents think he (become) a doctor one day. 7. I hope water pollution levels (drop) soon. 8. She (not finish) her translation until 10 o'clock. 9. Look at the sky! It (rain), let's go home. 10. Since it is getting dark, I (turn) on the light. 11. They (be) eighteen next month.12. Ann probably (come) to the ceremony early. 13. You (go) into town today?14. Don't call me tonight between seven and nine, I (study) for a test. 15. Scientists (find) a cure for this disease by 2020.

Exercise 4. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite, the Future Continuous and the Future Perfect.1. He (be) here for two hours by the time you (come) back. 2. "It (be) very late."- "They (be) back soon." 3. "There (be) no planes tonight." - "Never mind, I (go)


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by train." 4. "You (be) angry if I (talk) to you about it?" 5. By the time you (finish) cooking they (do) their work. 6. "I (be) afraid, my train (leave) by that time." - "(not / worry), 1 (drive) you home." 7. I hope it (stop) snowing by tomorrow morning. 8. If you (think) over you (see) I am right. 9. If you (not / take) a taxi, you (be) late. 10. By the time you (get) to the theatre the first act (be) over and you (miss) the most interesting dialogues. 11. My friend's brother is a graduate this year, he (finish) his studies by spring. 12. Don't you know what Peter (do) at 7 o'clock? 13. When the guests (arrive), we (decorate) the fir- tree. 14. When I (call on) her, Mary (lay) the table. 15. By the time Mother (come) home we (cook) dinner. 16. She (recover) by the end of winter holidays.17. By the end of the week I (finish) to make my dress.

Exercise 5. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the future tense forms where necessary.1. I'll come to your office as soon as I (to obtain) their consent to the plan. 2 .1 shall come as soon as I (to complete) my task. 3. After we (to finish) our dinner, I shall wash up the dishes. 4. When you (finish) this book, you (to learn) over a thousand words. 5. By the end of the month the committee (to come) to some conclusion.6. By the 1 st of January we (to complete) our production plan. 7. These letters must be posted as soon as they (to be stamped). 8. I'll send for the doctor as soon as he (to do) his wards. 9. When you (to read) these books, put them away. 10. We (to start) at five if it (to stop) raining by that time. 11. When I (to finish) my work, I (to take) the children out for a walk. 12.1 (to give) you a definite answer whenI (to look) into the matter. 13. The sun (to set) by the time we reach home. 14. We (to go) on reading when the noise (to stop). 15. He (to leave) home before you (to arrive).

Exercise 6. Translate into English.1. К завтрашнему дню я закончу этот отчет. 2. Мы сделаем эту работу к трем часам дня, а потом пойдем в парк. 3. К 20 июня мы сдадим все экза­мены. 4. Строители построят эту школу к 1 сентября. 5. Я напишу это письмо к тому времени, как придет секретарь. 6. Поезд уже уйдет к тому времени, когда мы придем на станцию. 7. Я переведу эту статью к понедельнику.8. К тому времени, как вы вернетесь, я уже уеду. 9. Если вы придете к девяти часов утра, то они еще не уйдут. 10. Они надеются, что отремонти­руют квартиру к осени.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.1. Я переведу эту статью, когда приду домой, и позвоню вам по телефону, когда вам прийти за ней. 2. Напишите это упражнение, пока я схожу в библиотеку.


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Если вам попадутся незнакомые слова, посмотрите их в словаре. 3. Я с ним поговорю, когда он придет домой, но я не уверена, придет ли он сегодня.4. Я не знаю, когда я получу от нее ответ, но как только я получу его, я немедленно вам позвоню. 5. Она попросила меня присмотреть за ребен­ком (to keep an eye on the child), пока ее не будет дома. 6. Мне бы хотелось знать, когда она вернется в Москву. Если она вернется после 1-го июля, я ее не увижу, так как я уже уеду на юг к этому времени.



Exercise 1. Open the brackets using an appropriate tense form.1. When morning came, the storm already (to stop), but the snow still (to fall).2. Yesterday by seven o'clock he (to finish) all his homework, and when I (to come) to his place at eight, he (to read). 3. Everybody (to be) at the door of the museum, but Mary (not yet to come). 4. We (to drink) coffee when the telephone (to ring). 5. Ann noticed that everybody (to look) at her, and she (to feel) shy. 6. Light (to travel) more quickly than sound. 7. The concert (to be) a greater success than we (to expect). We were very glad. 8. Ring me up as soon as you (to come) home. 9. He (to begin) to write his composition at two o'clock. It is already ten, and he still (to write) it. He says he (to finish) it by eleven. 10. Our train starts late in the evening, so if you (to come) at six o'clock, we still (to pack) our luggage. 11. When they returned, they (to tell) us many interesting things which they (to see) during their journey. 12. You (to read) this book? - Yes, I (to read) it. I (to think) it (to be) very interesting. 13. What the children (to do) now? - Oh, they (to play) the new board game which I (to buy) for them the day before yesterday. 14. They (to reach) the comer of the street by now and (to stand) at the bus stop. 15. By next year he (to translate) about, two hundred pages. 16. What you (to do) from five till eight yesterday? 17. Go to see your old grandfather as soon as you (to arrive) in Minsk. 18. You always (to spend) summer at the seaside? - Yes, as a rule. Last summer I (to go) to the mountains, but I (not to find) the rest there as pleasant as near the sea.

Exercise 2. Use the best possible tense.1. When you (to see) him last? 2 .1 (to meet) her when she (to walk) across the park. 3. Don't enter the bedroom! Nick (to sleep) there, and he always (to wake) up when somebody (to open) the door. 4. Where is your luggage? - 1 (to leave)


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it at the station. I (to take) it tomorrow when Andrew (to come) to help me.5. You ever (to be) to London? - Yes, I (to be) there last winter. 6. What your sister (to do) now? - She (to have) dinner. She usually (to have) dinner at this time. 7 .1 (to buy) a new costume. I (to show) it to you tomorrow when you (to come) to my place. 8. At this time tomorrow we (to discuss) your report.9. Yesterday I (to meet) a friend of mine whom I (not to see) for a long time.10. Ring me up at twelve o'clock, I (not yet to sleep). 11. You (to be) late for the concert if you (not to take) a taxi. 12. Hardly I (to go) out when I (to remember) that I (to forget) to take my umbrella. 13. If you (to ring) me up tomorrow, I (to tell) you all about it. 14. By the time we all return from holiday father and Bob (to finish) decorating the living-room. 15. I am sure that you (to recognize) her when you (to meet) next autumn. 16. While you (to cook) dinner, I (to lay) the table tomorrow. 17. We were greatly surprised not to find Ann at home. It turned out that her sister (to forget) to give her our message, and Ann (to leave) the house fifteen minutes before we (to come). 18. Jane usually (to work) in the library. She (to work) there now. She already (to gather) the necessary material and now she (to write) her report. 19. The young people entered the theatre. The performance already (to begin), and they (to have) to wait till the first act (to be) over. Nina never (to be) there before and she (to like) the theatre very much. 20.1 (to fly) to Manchester tomorrow. My friend Mick (to meet) me at the airport when the plane (to arrive).

Exercise 3. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.I

Dear Ann,I (to write) to you because I hope that you (to help) me. If you (to answer)

my letter as soon as you can I (to be) grateful to you.A strange thing (to happen) to me yesterday. You of course know my friend

Bob. He (to move) to a new flat recently. We (to meet) in 1996 and (to be) friends ever since.

He (to invite) me to his housewarming party a few days ago. The thing is that when I (to speak) to him on the phone, the doorbell (to ring). I (to hang) up and when I returned the paper with his address on it (to disappear). So I don't know where he (to live). Maybe you can help me.

IIAn interesting thing (to happen) to me last night. I (to sit) in my room reading,

when the phone (to ring). Usually I (not to run) to the phone so quickly. But this time I (to know) it was something important.

The voice on the phone (to belong) to an old friend of mine from whom I (not to hear) for eight years. I said, "Let's meet tomorrow after I (to finish) my


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work. I can't wait to see what you (to look) like now. I wonder if you (to change)." But suddenly our talk was interrupted. In vain I hoped he would ring back.

I llThis (to happen) in Australia during a water-polo game. It was the end o f the

game and the players (to move) very slowly. Suddenly one of the players jumped out of the water saying that one of the forwards o f the opposite team (to bite) him in the leg under the water. The judge (to call) the forward out of the water but he (to refuse) to admit it. In some minutes another player jumped out of the water and cried: "If you (not to stop) the game I (not to go) back into the pool." The players went to their dressing-room where they (to find) a letter that read: "I (to be) a water-polo fan for many years. Today's game is very slow, so I (to decide) to make the players move faster, I (to hope) that my little crocodile (to do) it better."

Exercise 4. Translate into English.1. К счастью, дождь перестал, когда мы вышли. 2. В одиннадцать часов мы еще работали. 3. Я не приду. Я буду писать сочинение весь вечер. 4. Где ты был с прошлой пятницы? 5. Только когда она была в поезде, она вспомни­ла, что оставила книгу дома. 6. Что ты будешь делать завтра в восемь ча­сов? - Завтра к восьми часам я уже закончу все свои уроки, и в восемь часов буду играть с друзьями во дворе. 7. Наступила зима, и теперь мы опять часто будем ходить на каток. 8. Когда Том вышел из дома, все ребята играли в футбол, а Бил и Джон считали круглые камешки, которые они принесли с реки. 9. Она была удивлена: она еще никогда не видела столько цветов. 10. Когда я проснулся, мама уже встала и готовила чай. 11. Он был болен уже два дня, когда они послали за доктором. 12. Я никогда его не встречала и не знаю, как он выглядит. 13. А теперь мне надо укладываться, мы уезжаем рано утром. 14. Они не отъехали и тридцати километров, как погода изменилась. 15. Вот увидите, через минуту она будет рассказывать вам о своих болезнях, посещениях врача и так далее. 16. Было уже темно, когда мы подошли к дому; дул сильный ветер и становилось все холоднее и холоднее.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.I

1. Летом она ездила во Францию. Она уже вернулась в Москву. 2. Ты читал поэмы Байрона? - Да, мы читали их в прошлом году. 3. Ты играешь на пианино? Послушай, Джон играет. Он всегда играет хорошо. 4. Какую книгу ты сейчас читаешь? - Я не читаю книг, я люблю газеты и журналы. 5. Я не


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видел его в последнее время. - А я только что встретил его. Он шел в библиотеку. 6. Ты часто ходишь в кино? - Нет, я не была в кино с лета.7. Я купила это платье три года назад. Оно было очень дешевое. Цены сейчас растут. 8. Тебе купить билеты в театр? — Нет, спасибо. Мама уже купила. Мы идем в театр завтра. 9. Ты сейчас делаешь эту работу? - Да, но я только что ее начал. 10. Ты ездил за город в эти выходные? - Нет, мы были очень заняты. Мы убирали дом. 11. Что вы здесь делаете? - Я жду своего друга. Он работает в этом университете. 12. Дождь еще не прекра­тился, когда мы вышли из дома. 13. Вы поедете в Москву на следующей неделе? — Я еще не знаю. 14. Не приходите завтра в 2: я буду стирать.15. В Англии часто идет дождь? - Да, когда мы приехали шел дождь.

II1. Я еще не приготовила обед. - Тебе помочь? - Да, спасибо. Гости прихо­дят в семь. 2. Где ты был вчера? Мы искали тебя весь вечер. 3. Вы когда- нибудь бывали в Париже? - Да, я был там в прошлом году. 4. Когда уехала Мэри? - Она уехала до того, как вы позвонили. 5. Мы уже встречались. - Когда мы встречались? - Я не помню. По-моему, мы встречались 3 года назад. 6. Мы обедали, когда Джон пришел. Он не хотел обедать с нами. Он сказал, что уже пообедал. 7. Чем он занимается? - Он играет в теннис. Он играет очень хорошо. Сейчас он играет во Франции. 8. Вчера, когда я вышел из офиса, шел дождь. У меня не было зонта. Я не заметил, что начался дождь. 9. Он закончил работу до того, как мы пришли. 10. Экспе­римент будет закончен к концу следующей недели. 11. Вы поедете в Крым?- Нет, сейчас я много работаю. 12. Ты был вчера на стадионе? - Да, гам было много народу. 13. Завтра в это же время мы будем плыть на парохо­де. 14. Вы уже видели этот фильм? - Да, я видела его на прошлой неделе.15. Я уже выполнил всю работу, когда он пришел.


THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSEExercise 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous.1. I (work) on this problem for two months. 2. Barbara (stand) here since 7 o'clock. 3. She (sleep) all this time? 4. You are out of breath. You (run)? 5. You (talk) this nonsense all day long. 6. How long your sister (learn) Chinese? 7. We (study) English for 6 years. 8. It started raining last Monday and it (rain) ever since. 9. "Mark isn't working now." - "He (not / work) for years." 10. She hasn't got any money left. She (to shop).


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Exercise 2. Translate into English using the Present Perfect Continuous.1. Отец ищет тебя с самого утра. 2. Сколько времени вы живете в этом городе? — Я живу здесь с 1997 года. 3. Он уже полчаса ждет, чтобы ему кто- нибудь помог. 4. Они обсуадают этот план уже два часа. 5. Ты давно ждешь?6. Вы опять дрались? 7. Он занимается уже три часа. 8. Как давно у вас болит нога? 9. Я учу испанский с октября. 10. Диана ищет работу шесть месяцев. 11. Мои родители работают в Манчестере с 1 марта. 12. Какой глубокий снег! Сколько времени шел снег? 13. Мой брат курит десять лет.14. У тебя красные глаза. Ты плакала? 15. Долго ваш босс разговаривает с покупательницей?

Exercise 3. Use the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous.1. What you (to do) here? 2. Christopher (to do) his lessons since after lunch.3. "Where's Brian?" - "He (to work) in the garden. He (to plant) rose bushes since dawn." 4. All things in the living-room are out of place. The children (to play) hide-and-seek! 5. We (to stay) at this hotel; won't you come and see us? 6. He had barely entered the room when his secretary said: "Somebody (to ring) for you for the last ten minutes." 7. "What the children (to do)?" - "They (to play) games all morning and now they (to learn) to tell time by the position of the sun." 8. "What you (to think) about?" - "I (not to think), I (to count) the birds in the sky." 9. It (to snow) for two hours. 10. They still (to watch) TV. They (to watch) television since 2 o'clock. 11. What you (to look) at? - 1 (to look) at that picture over there. I (to look) at it for almost half an hour and I still cannot understand what it is. 12. What Mary (to do)? - She (to practise) the piano. She (to play) since 121 think she must have a rest. 13. Here you are at last. I (to look) for you everywhere. 14. Why you (to smile), Robert? - 1 (to watch) your kitten. What a playful little thing it is! 15 .1 see you (to write) letters all the morning. Is it the last letter you (to write) now? 16. You (to sit) here for a long time. You (to wait) for anybody? 17. How long you (to study) English? - For 3 years already. 18.1 (to work) at my report since Monday. Now I (to write) a conclusion.19. Mary's mother (to rest) in the garden all day because she is ill. 20. She (to sleep) for 10 hours! You must wake her! 21. David (to repair) the TV set. He (to work) at it for an hour or so. 22. David (to wash) his hands. He just (to repair) the TV set. 23. Why you all (to laugh)? Jim (to tell) you his anecdotes? 24. It's 6 o'clock. I (to wait) for Ann for half an hour. I must be off now.

Exercise 4. Translate into English.1. "Куда ты так торопишься?" - "Мама ждет меня у метро уже десять ми­нут." 2. Вы читаете эту газету? 3. "Которая из девушек Катя?" - "На ней


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красное платье." 4. Я ношу эти туфли уже три года. Они очень удобные.5. Кого вы ждете? 6. Давно вы его ждете? 7. Она преподает английский с прошлого года. 8. Твой брат ищет тебя весь вечер. 9. Я проявлял наши летние фотографии весь день. 10. Кому ты машешь (рукой)? 11. Кого вы ждёте? — Петра. Я жду его уже около часа. Интересно, что с ним случи­лось. 12. Весь день идёт снег. Мы давно не имели так много снега.13. Сколько времени вы здесь живёте? - Около пяти лет. 14. Что вы се­годня делали с утра? - Я переводил одну очень важную статью. 15. Сколь­ко времени они обсуждают этот вопрос? - Более получаса. 16. Темпера­тура понижается с утра. Боюсь, что вечером она упадёт до -30 градусов по Цельсию.

Exercise 5. Choose the appropriate tense form.1. The price of petrol has risen/has been rising by 15% over the past year. 2. No wonder you are overweight! You have eaten / have been eating chocolates all day long! 3 .1 have read/have been reading "Gone with the wind" this morning.4. Doesn't the room look better? I have whitewashed / have been whitewashing the ceiling. 5. Who has worn / has been wearing my scarf? 6. Nicholas has asked / has been asking for a pay-rise three times this year. 7. Someone has eaten / has been eating all my chocolates. The box is empty. 8. Have you decided / Have you been deciding where to go? - Not yet. We have thought / have been thinking about it for the whole week. 9. I remember meeting your sister last month, but I haven't seen / haven't been seeing her this month. What has she done / has she been doing since then? 10. Oh, David, I have looked / have been looking for you.

Exercise 6. Write two sentences, one with the Present Perfect and one with the Present Perfect Continuous.Example: (He / read for two hours) - He has been reading for two hours.

(He / read / 53 pages so far) = He has read 53 pages so far.1. (She / travel / around Europe for three months); (She / visit / six countries so far). 2. (He / play tennis since he was 11); (He / win /the national championship six times). 3. (I / read / Pushkin's prose / in the garden); (I / read / three of London's stories). 4. (Mother / sew / since lunch); (She / make / a ball dress for me). 5. (They / make ten films since they left college); (They / make films since they left college). 6. (Father / write /children poems since he retired); (He / write / four books). 7. (She / clean / the flat for three hours); (She / do / two rooms so far).


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Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.1. How long you (learn) Italian? - For 2 months already. 2. It's a shame, I never (learn) to swim. 3 .1 feel so tired. My mother & I (garden) all afternoon. 4. The girl (stand) looking at the top windows for the last 10 minutes. 5. Who's that young man? - 1 never (see) him here before. 6. My uncle only (farm) for 2 years but he is doing quite well. 7. We only (hear) twice from Sally since she went away to Denmark. 8. How many times you (see) this film? - This is the second time I (see) it. 9. My sister & I (make) biscuits for the party since early morning.10. Someone (eat) all the chocolates. There aren't any left. 11. The rooms are in a terrible mess. What you (do)?

Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.1.1 (collect) coins since I graduated from the University. Now I (collect) enough to organize an interesting exhibition. 2. She (read) a fairy tale to the children since breakfast. They (not / finish) yet. 3. Those people (wait) for a tram for the last fifteen minutes. I'm afraid, they don't know that the electricity (go) out. 4. What (happen) to Mary? John (ring) her up the whole evening and nobody (answer).5. So, you (arrive). We just (speak) of you. 6. The secretary (type) the letters you gave her but she (not / finish) them yet. 7. There's sufficient light, you (waste) electricity for nearly an hour. 8. Look! The children (fall) asleep! 9. We (meet) before? 10. She (study) French for two years and (learn) a lot of words and expressions. 11.1 (not / hear) of her since yesterday. 12.1 (look) for Jack since I finished my lesson but I (not / find) him. I (be) to his office and to the laboratory but he isn't there. 13.1 really don't know what you (do) there all this time. 14. They (struggle) with this problem for about a week and they (solve) it at last. 15. She (do) shaping since September and her figure (improve) remarkably. 16. You (pass) your exam in English literature? 17. I (try) to learn English for years but (not make) good progress yet. 18. That book (lie) on the table for weeks. You (not read) it yet? 19.1 (wait) here for her since 7 o'clock and she (not come) yet. 20 .1 (read) "War and Peace" for the last three months. 21.1 (think) about you all day.22. He never (be) here before. 23 .1 can't help being angiy with you; you (sit) here all the time and (do) nothing. 24. There is nothing to be proud of; you (not get) a single excellent mark yet. 2 5 .1 (work) so hard this week that I (not have) time to go to the cinema. 26. The girls (talk) about their new dresses for half an hour already; it seems they have nothing else to talk about. 2 7 .1 just (talk) to him; he agrees to help us. 28. Some of our students (join) the English club to get a better command of the language. 2 9 .1 (know) her all my life and we always (be) good


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friends. 30. Jack (fail) his driving test three times because he doesn't know how to park. 31. He (practise) for three hours every day for the past week, and I think he (make) a lot of improvement. 32. My brother (not pass) his driving test either.33. He (worry) about this for two months. 34. I (study) the driver's manual for hours every day, but I (not take) my test yet 35. My father (help) me to review the questions. 36. My elder brother just (buy) a new stereo. 37. He (play) records since eight o’clock this morning, and he is driving me crazy. 38. My mom (talk) to my elder brother about it, but he (not obey) her yet. 39 .1 am especially annoyed because I am taking my final test this week. My elder brother (write) two tests already, and he (fail) both of them because he (not study). 40. I (think) about telling my dad about this, but I (not make) a definite decision yet.

Exercise 9. Complete each mini-dialogue in the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.1. - How long you (know) about it?

- I (know) about it all the time.2. - Why you (turn) off the music?

- I (play) the records for hours; I'm tired now.3. - 1 (phone) home all day, but there's no reply.

- I expect your mother (go) shopping.4. — What's the matter? You look exhausted.

- I (study) all day, and I (not / finish) yet.5. - Where are the children?

- They (fish) since morning and I'm sure they (catch) a lot of fish.6. - You are dirty. What you (do)?

- 1 (fix) my bike.7. - That man (play) on the computer since early morning.

- Oh, he (not / play). He (repair) our computer all day, but he (not/repair) it yet.8. - What (happen) to you? You are out of breath.

- 1 (run).9. - Sorry, I'm late.

- That's all right. I (not / wait) long.10. - You (swim) long?

- I (swim) since 10 o'clock.

Exercise 10. Translate into English.1. Ты съел все конфеты? 2. Почему у тебя черные губы? — Я ела чернику.3. Она сегодня делала покупки и наконец нашла себе летние туфли. 4. Ты знакома с Томом? - Я знаю его целую вечность. 5. Я все утро занимаюсь


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домашней работой и еще ничего не сделала. 6. Он переводит эту статью уже два часа, а перевел только половину. 7. Твой брат уехал работать в Англию? — Да. Он работает в Англии уже два месяца. 8. Он уже окончил университет? - Да, он уже два года работает. 9. Давно он читает эту книгу? - Неделю, хотя обычно он быстро читает книги. 10. Мы живем в этом городе пять лет. Город сильно изменился за это время. 11. Его сестра работает в библиотеке с тех пор, как окончила университет. 12. Сколько времени ты читаешь этот роман?

Exercise 11. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.1. - What you (look) for?

- We (look) for school things. We (not / buy) everything yet.- 1 (buy) everything.

2. - What you (do), Linda?- 1 (read).- What you (read) all this time?

3. - You ever (work) as an interpreter?- Yes, that is what I (do) for five years.

4. - Where is John?- He (work) in the garden.- He must be too tired. He (work) there all day.

5. - She just (sell) three of her own pictures.- She's lucky. I (paint) for four years and (not / sell) a single picture yet.

6. - Who you (wait) for?- 1 (wait) for Peter. I (wait) for him since 12 o'clock.

7. - They (stand) there for the last 20 minutes.- What they (talk) about all this time?

8. - What you (think) of?- 1 (think) of our life together.

9. - The girls (play) the piano in the sitting-room.- They (play) the piano since I walked in.

10. - You (choose) any books to read from my library?- 1 (try) to choose something since you left me here, but it seems to me I (read) all o f them.

Exercise 12. Open the brackets using the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.1. Paul, you (hear) me? I (talk) to you for a minute already. 2 .1 want to see how much the place (change) since I was there last. 3 .1 (be) perfectly happy. All my


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life I (be) perfectly happy. 4. Wait till you (see) Michael and (talk) to him. 5. The children (live) with their aunt now since their mother (be) ill. 6. The train (not / arrive) yet but a great number of people (stand) on the platform. 7. Mrs. Cusak (not / feel) well for over a month. 8. How many English lessons you (have) lately?9. Look, the sky (get) darker and darker. I think it (go) to rain. 10. Since when you (learn) German? - Since I got to university. 11.1 (study) hard of late. I have exams next week. 12. It (rain) steadily for two days on end now. 13. It is the first time he (clean) his own boots. 14.1 (know) him very well. We (know) each other since I came to live in this house. 15. Where you (be)? I (wait) for you for over an hour.

Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Simple Past.I. 1 (buy) a new house last year, but I (not sell) my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. 2. When Ann (be) on her way to the station it (begin) to rain. Ann (run) back to her flat for her umbrella, but this (make) her late for her train. 3. I'm sony I'm late, you (wait) long? 4. At 7 a.m. Charles (ring) Peter and (say), 'I'm going fishing, Peter. Would you like to come?' 'But it's so early,' (say) Peter. 'I (not have) breakfast yet. Why you (not tell) me last night?' 5. Tom (meet) Paul at lunch time and (say), 'I (not see) you at the bus stop this morning. You (miss) the bus?' 'I (not miss) it,' (reply) Paul. 'I (not miss) a bus for years. But this morning George (give) me a lift.' 6. Those two men (stand) outside the house for over two hours. Do you think we should call the police? 7. Ann (go) to Canada six months ago. She (work) in Canada for a while and then (go) to the United States. 8. You look tired. I think you (work) too hard lately and you (not/ get) enough fresh air and exercise. 9. Peter (try) to come in quietly but his mother (hear) him and (call) out, 'Where you (be)? Your supper (be) in the oven for an hour.' 10. 'Annie's clothes are very dirty. What (she/do)?' 'She (play) in the garden.'II. Mary (be) in Japan for two years. She is working there and likes it very much. - How she (go)? - She (go) by air. 12. Bill usually has breakfast at 8.00. Yesterday at 8.30 Peter (meet) Bill and (offer) him an apple. 'No, thanks,' (say) Bill. 'I just (have) breakfast.' 13.1 (read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very much. 14. The clock is slow. - It isn't slow, it (stop). 15. He (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up. 16. The actors (arrive) yesterday and (start) rehearsals early this morning. 17. It (be) cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer. 18. You (lock) the door before you (leave) the house? 19. You (wear) your hair long when you were at school? - Yes, my mother (insist) on it. But when I (leave) school I (cut) my hair and (wear) it short ever since. 20. Sally and her boyfriend Peter (go out) together since last winter. 21. The concert (begin) at 2.30 and (last) for two hours. Everyone


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(enjoy) it very much. 22. We (miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk. 23. He (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year. 24. Mr. Count (work) as a cashier for twenty-five years. Then he (retire) and (go) to live in the country. 25. You (be) here before? - Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year. - You (have) a good time? - No, it never (stop) raining. 26. Where is Tom? - I (not see) him today, but he (tell) Mary that he'd be in for dinner. 27. Where you (find) this knife? - I (find) it in the garden. - Why you (not leave) it there? 2 8 .1 (lose) my black gloves. You (see) them anywhere? - I'm afraid I ... . When you last (wear) them? - 1 (wear) them at the theatre. - Perhaps you (leave) them at the theatre.

Exercise 14. Choose the most suitable word or phrase underlined.1. Are you studying French for long / at the moment? 2. What's the matter? Haven't you started yet / still? 3 .1 am making a great progress these days / so far.4. The trouble with you is that you are always / often complaining. 5 .1 haven't been feeling very well lately / currently. 6. The food tastes worse now / usually. You've put too much salt in it. 7. I'm feeling rather down lately / at present, doctor. 8. She bought a CD player last week and she's been listening to music ever since/ for a while. 9. Computers are becoming faster and faster every day/already. 10. We normally/ forever study hard for exams. 11. My parents are coming to see me tonight/occasionally. 12.1 usually/at the moment complete my homework assignments on time.

Exercise 15. Put the verb in brackets into the most suitable present tense.1. Education (prepare) children for life. 2. He (always, borrow) books from me!3. He (pass) two subjects, but he (not, pass) English yet. 4. Do you know that someone (break) the window in our classroom. 5. In our country we (have) lessons on Saturday.6. How long you (know) Alison? We (be) friends for three years. 7. Peter (make) two mistakes in exercise 1 and one in exercise 3. 8 .1 (work) on this composition for two weeks now. 9. She (look) for a better opportunity at the moment. 10. Let's look at the timetable. The lesson (start) at 10 o'clock. 11. Who (use) my cup? 12. Greg, you (look) a bit tired. What you (do) all day? 13.1 (already, have) two messages from Peter and in all of them he (say) that he (come) here for three days. 14. How many pages (he / write)? 15. (you / ever / be) to London? No, 1 (never / be) there.

Exercise 16. Put each verb in brackets into either the Past Simple, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.Ever since the day I ... (1 decide) to move to London, I ... (2 worry) whether the decision I ... (3 take) was the right one. As I already ... (4 sell) my house and ... (5 arrange) a new job, it is too late to change my mind. However, since then I ...


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(6 hear) a lot o f negative things about living in the capital, and lately some of them ... (7 begin) to bother me. I ... (8 grow up) in a fairly small town and I ... (9 spend) all of my life there. I always ... (10 want) to live in a big city and so when my company ...(11 offer) me a job in their London office, I ... (12 grab) at the chance. But according to a programme I just ... (13 hear) on the radio, more and more people ... (14 stop) working in London recently, and a lot of large companies ... (15 choose) to move away from the center. O f course I ... (16 tell) my parents that I'm moving and they ... (17 accept) my decision, but when I ... (18 tell) my friends they ... (19 seem) rather shocked. Since then I ... (20 hope) secretly that the company would tell me that the move was off!

Exercise 17. Open the brackets. Use the Past Simple, the Past Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.1. Thomas (return) at last. Jessica (wait) for him so long. 2. Helen, you (read) my letters. Dont deny it. 3. When I (come) home, Mother (make) dinner and Father (have) his tea. 4. When you (discuss) it? I never (hear) the subject mentioned. 5. No, you cant go to the Smiths'. You (be) there twice this week. 6. You (not / change) at all. I (recognize) you the moment I (see) you. 7. Patrick (go) shopping already?8. When you (go) to bed? 9 .1 (see) her when I (drive) past their house on my way home. 10. He (not / say) a single word to me yet and he (get) that telegram on Monday. 11. The children (talk) of nothing else for weeks. 12. I (stand) in this queue for ages. It (not / move) at all in the last five minutes. 13. How long it (rain)? 14.1 supported you at the time because I (feel) that you were right 15. Peter couldn't understand what had been decided because too many people (talk) at once.

Exercise 18. All the sentences contain errors. Correct them.1. It grew darker and colder, and there was still no sign of the rescuing helicopter.2. When we were in Madrid we were exploring the city every day, and in the evening we were going to exciting bars. 3 .1 dont understand what you wait for. 4. Гт so glad youVe got here at last; I was expecting you all day. 5. So far we didn't manage to find what we are looking for. 6. When has you elder brother left school? 7. How long is she feeling unwell? 8 .1 wonder where have you been all this time. 9. She has tripped over the cat and fallen nearly over. 10. Look! I found a ten-pound note. 11. What have you done since you graduated from the University? 12.1 am interested in sports since my childhood. 13. IVe met such nice people before never. 14. Г т waiting for you since six o'clock. 15. Ever since we have met, you have never asked me what I prefer to do.

Exercise 19. Translate into English.1. "Вы давно здесь работаете?" "Около четырех лет." 2. "Вот и Джон, - сказал он. - Я давно его жду." 3. Я со вчерашнего вечера думаю о том, что


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ты сказал. 4. Где ты был? Я все утро тебя ищу. 5. Скажите, когда придет ваш директор. Я жду его с 11 часов. 6. Довдь идет уже три дня. 7. Я его только что видела. Он переходил улицу. 8. Когда ты пришел? 9. Она мне все рассказала. 10. Вчера вечером, когда мы ехали домой, он мне все рас­сказал. 11. Они играют в шахматы с обеда. 12. Когда она вам в последний раз писала? 13. Он тренирует эту команду всего полгода, но они сделали большие успехи. 14. Он посмотрел на меня, но ничего не сказал. Он ждал кого-то. 15. Вы давно знаете этого молодого человека? 16. С какого време­ни вы изучаете английский язык? 17. Мы ждем здесь с двух часов, и никто не сказал нам, что делать. 18. Мария еще не выздоровела. Она болеет уже две недели. 19. Мой брат учится в университете уже два года. 20. Он игра­ет в теннис с восьми лет.

Exercise 20. Use the required tense.1. She (go) to Italy five years ago. Since then she (not to speak) Italian, and she (forget) nearly all she (learn) there. 2. When he (run) after the tram, he (fall) and (hurt) his leg. We (have) to carry him home. Now he (lie) in bed. The doctor just (leave). The doctor (say) he must stay in bed for a week. 3. He (look) through my album when I (enter). "You (like) my sketches?" I (ask) him. "They (not to be) very good." 4. What you (look) for? - 1 (lose) my pen and (want) to find it before it (get) dark. - When you (lose) it? - 1 (think) I (drop) it somewhere here when I (go) to the University this afternoon. 5. My friend Robert (learn) French for the last three years, and now he (study) German, too. 6. You (speak) to Ann yesterday? - No, I (not to see) her for a long time. I (not to remember) when I last (see) her. 7. My brother (study) modern English literature for two years and then (give) it up. 8 .1 (look) at this photograph for five minutes, but I can't see you in it. - I'm afraid you (look) at the wrong one. 9. You must stop reading; you can have a headache because you (read) too long! 10. My elder brother (join) the army when he (be) eighteen. 11. They (live) in that town for ten years and then (move) to the country. 12. We (live) here for the last six months, and just (decide) to move. 13. He (write) a new play for the last two years, but he (not to finish) it yet.


Exercise 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Perfect Continuous.1. She (study) English for three years before she got this job. 2. We (wait) for two hours when Thomas arrived. I wonder what he (do) all that time. 3. We (sit)


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in the cafe for half an hour until the rain stopped. 4. He (work) in the garden, but he stopped when he saw us. 5. They were very angry. They (try) to see you for two hours but you were not in. 6 .1 (listen) to her complaints all day before I dared to tell her what I really thought of it. 7. How long you (do) this translation before you finished it? 8. Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The sun was shining brightly but the ground was wet. It (rain). 9 .1 was very tired whenI arrived home. I (work) hard all day. 10. My father gave up smoking a year ago. He (smoke) for 20 years. 11. Helen's eyes ached because she (use) the computer all day long. 12. When he phoned, I (have) a piano lesson for half an hour.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous Tense.1. We (to drive) for 3 hours before we came to the ancient castle. 2. By the time the train arrived, they (to wait) already for an hour and a half. 3. He knew where the Brows lived but he never (to be) there. 4. When I first met him he (to lecture) at Cambridge University for 10 years. 5. It was in Bristol that I first met Peter. He was 15 and just (to come) back from school for summer holidays. 6. Before Ann came to college she (to study) French for quite a while. 7. She realized that it was completely dark and that she (to walk) for a long while. 8. She (to look) at him since they sat down; and he wondered what she (to think) about all the time.9. It (to snow) all day when I left home. 10. At lunch Peter told them about New York and what he (to do) there.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.1. В своем последнем письме моя подруга написала, что с сентября она за­нимается на курсах вовдения. Я знала, что она два года мечтает научиться водить автомобиль. 2. К завтраку Мария вышла с красными глазами, и Пат­рик знал, что она ночью снова плакала. 3. Том понимал, как тяжело бросить курить, потому что он сам курил уже 10 лет. 4. Вчера Джон вернулся домой очень усталый, так как он работал весь день без отдыха. 5. Когда я наконец появился в приемной, секретарь сказала, что директор ждет меня уже пол­часа. 6. Сколько лет твой отец работал в этом университете до того, как вы­шел на пенсию? 7. Его брат управлял этой компанией два года до того, как уехал в Лондон. 8. Мать Питера была очень сердитой, когда он поздно вер­нулся домой, потому, что она волновалась целый вечер.

Exercise 4. Use Present or Past Perfect Continuous.1 .1 (to work) like a slave all week. 2. I've seen it myself, for I (to ride) around London for years. 3. Mr. Smith who (to look) at the door, turned to his wife.


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4. She told him that she (to stay) there for two weeks. 5. We (to sit) there for an hour and a half when he came. 6 .1 (to think) of your life ever since I met you. 7 .1 (not to pull) for more than 1 minute when George noticed something black floating on the water. 8. I (to try) to see you ever since this horrible affair. 9. "Hello," she said, "I'm so glad you're here, Jane. I (to wait) to talk to you." 10. Then she took up a book which (to lie) beside her on the bench and began to read it. 11. He (to look)2 minutes at the fire, and I (to look) the same length of time at him when, turning suddenly, he caught my gaze. 12. "Well, what you (to do)?" - he asked. "Nothing? Well, I thought so. I (to intend) to drive over and see you all summer." 13. You must know, that I (to wait) to do that ever since I was ten. 14. The truth is that for the last week I (to work) day and night. 15. My daughter and son-in-law (to look) for a decent cottage I don't know how long. 16. Why are you looking so at the boy? You (to look) at him all the evening. 17. I (to think) about it, and I think I know the answer. 18. It seemed to him that he (to eat) nothing but boiled beef for weeks. 19. After Bambe (to follow) him for a long time he said: "At last!" - and they stopped. 20. Before the boys appeared on the scene the old man (to grow tired) of his loneliness and his seventy years. 21. Toby, who (to stand) uneasily near the gate, looked startled and came forward.

Exercise 5. Translate into English:1. Она учила английский пять лет, прежде чем смогла свободно говорить на нём. 2. Она подумала о том, давно ли он здесь стоит, и видел ли он, как она прятала письмо. 3. Всю ночь без остановки шёл дождь. И утром на дороге были большие лужи. 4. Когда я пришёл, он работал. Он выглядел очень усталым, и я подумал, что он работает уже давно. 5. Я с детства мечтаю иметь собаку. 6. Мы уже полчаса идём под дождём. Он когда-ни­будь кончится? 7. Где ты был? Мы ждем тебя уже два часа. 8. Ты уже часа3 смотришь телевизор. У тебя глаза не устали? 9. Наконец ты пришёл. Я уже час жду. 10. Мы уже 3 часа работаем. Пора сделать перерыв.

Exercise 6. Use the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.1. My sister's wedding (be) the only thing everybody (talk) at home for the last three weeks. 2. He (turn) to look at the corner where she (stand). 3. He just (leave) for the airport when I (call). 4. "Who are you thinking of?" he (ask) after he (look) at me for a few seconds. 5. He (read) his evening paper as usual when a friend of his called him on the phone. 6. The boys (play) football and did not hear their mother calling them from the window. 7. The boys were tired because they (play) football. 8. We (work) in silence for some time when John spoke.


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9. He (look) at the fire and (think) o f something. 10. He (look) three or four times at the fire and then turned his face to me; it was sad. 11. At last I found the book, which I (look) for all day. 12. He asked me what I (look) for. 13. When I entered the room Sir George (talk) in a loud voice. 14. She (put) aside the book she (read) and (stand) up from the table. 15. When we went to see them last night, they (play) chess; they said they (play) since six o'clock. 16. She felt chilly after she (swim) for an hour. 17. They told me that Ben still (swim).18. He (read) before the fire for half an hour when the telephone (ring).

Exercise 7. Use the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous of the verb in brackets.Yesterday Jim ... for Mary for half an hour when he finally decided to give up (to wait). She ... never ... so late before, so he thought she ... about their meeting (to be, to forget). He went to telephone to her house to find out if she ... (to leave). He learnt that Mary ... for him outside the cinema for half an hour (to wait). She ... home twice during that time (to telephone). Jim was very much surprised to hear it as he ... outside the cinema for half an hour too (to stand). It was clear that Mary ... to the wrong cinema (to go). Jim ran to the cinema they usually went to. And indeed there she was. They ... to the cinema together for two months, and this was the first mistake they ... (to go, to make).As they ... the first part o f the film they decided to wait for the next show (to miss). They were awfully hungry as they ... no dinner (to have). Jim invited Mary to a cafe. She agreed as she ... of her tea for some time too (to think).

Exercise 8. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.1. She (run) downstairs to open the door, but it (be) too late. The postman already (go). 2. She (apologize) and (say) she already (have) lunch. 3. He (smoke) for10 years before he finally (give) it up last year. 4. All the roads were blocked: it (snow) all night long. 5. I hardly (get) off the tram when it suddenly (start) moving. 6. Victoria (take) a hot bath after she (work) in the garden all afternoon. 7. When I (leave) home the snow already (stop). 8. She (say) she (teach) at this school for 20 years. 9. He (say) he just (finish) the book he (read) all that time.10. The postman (come) after lunch and (bring) me a letter which I (expect) for a long time. 11. It (rain) since morning, and the fields (be) quite muddy.

Exercise 9. Open the brackets using the appropriate tense-form (the Past Indefinite, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous).1. By the time I (get) to the station the train (leave). 2. Andrew's mother (be) very angry when he (come) home late because she (worry) about him all evening.


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3. The children (start) a fire. They (play) with matches. 4. Brenda (disappear) before I (have) time to talk to her. 5. When I (meet) him he (work) as a plumber for a year or so. 6. We scarcely (start) eating when there (be) another scream.7 .1 (be) very pleased when my son (find) my watch because we (look) for it for hours. 8. Nina (think) she (leave) her purse in a locker in the changing room the day before. 9. Karen (admit) that she (make) a mistake and (apologize).10. When we (get) to the airport we (hear) that they (cancel) all the flights.11. When Mr. Gabb (come) out of the water, he (find) that somebody (take) all his clothes. 12. Ann only (work) there for a few days when she (decide) to leave.13. The label (come) off the tin and I didn't know how to cook the meat.14. They (get) married in 1999, just a year after they (fall) in love. 15. David (admit) that he (hit) the other car, but (say) he (not / damage) it. 16. Jane (miss) the party because no one (inform) her about it. 17. Hardly Harry (start) working when he (realize) that he (need) to go to the library. 18. As Lucy (walk) home, she (try) to remember what (happen). 19. By the time Liz (be) eighteen she (study) English for six years. 20. We (fly) for twenty minutes when the pilot (announce) we (have) to go back because of bad weather.

Exercise 10. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.1. Liz (sit) on the sofa drinking tea. She was tired because she (work) very hard all day. 2. After we (have) dinner, we went for a walk. 3. The children (sit) on the grass. They were out of breath. They (run) a two-kilometer race. 4. After we (walk) for an hour we decided to have a rest. 5. Ann's brother (study) at university for several years before he finally passed his exams. 6. I already (sleep) when my friend phoned me last night. I (be) in bed for 2 hours and it was very difficult for me to wake up. 7. When we went out it (not rain). The sun (shine). But it (rain) before, so the ground was wet. 8 .1 took my dog for a walk. It was difficult to keep up with him because he (run) very fast. 9. Ben got really tired in his first marathon because he (not run) in such a long race before. 10. After Susan (stop) trying to lose weight she looked much healthier. 11. We were very sad when our dog Spot died. We (have) him for a long time. 12.1 (go) to sleep by the time he arrived. 13. The house (be) empty for several years when I bought it.

Exercise 11. Underline the correct tense.1. We were happy to hear that we (were passing / had passed) the exam. 2. My uncle had been the headmaster of that school for thirty years before he (had retired / retired). 3. She (was walking / had walked) home when she saw the accident. 4. How long ago (had you taken / did you take) this course? 5. She


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bought the blouse because she (wanted / had wanted) to wear it to the party.6. We (weren't / hadn't been) satisfied with our achievements then. 7 .1 (watched / was watching) the news when the telephone rang. 8. It had been raining all day and the roads (had been / were) very wet. 9. When (did she choose / has she chose) to take a course in statistics? 10. Bill (had been thinking / thought) about his answer during the lunch break. 11. George was angry. He (had been waiting / was waiting) for Nora for two hours. 12. The students (opened / had opened) their books and did the exercise. 13. The teacher (was smiling / had smiled) as she was reading Mary's composition. 14. It was easy for him to get lost because he (hadn’t been / wasn't) to a big city before. 15. Tom (listened / was listening) to the teacher while the others (took / were taking) notes.

Exercise 12. Choose the appropriate tense of the verbs in brackets, either the Past Simple, Past Perfect, Past Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous.1. On that day it (rain) heavily since early morning and mother (not allow) the children to go out. 2. John (park) his car under a "No parking" sign and (go) into the shop. When he (come) out of the shop ten minutes later the car (be) no longer there. He (wonder) if someone (steal) it or if the police (drive) it away.3. She (put) aside the book she (read) for half an hour and (get) up from the sofa.4. The whole place was deserted, but it was obvious that someone (live) there.5. Actually, she (not know) what (go) on in the house on that Saturday morning. She (work) in the garden since the sun (rise). 6 .1 (live) in a bed-sitter up to then.7. On Wednesday Marion (go) down with pneumonia. She (look) unwell for several days. 8. On his table Daniel (see) a message that his partner (send) him a few days before. 9. The employees (feel) tired as they (work) for eighteen hours. 10. Did the new boss know that we (purchase) goods from that company for five years? 11. He (affirm) that he (be) in the service for three months already.12. Robert (work) for a steel factory in Sheffield for a year already when his family (move) to live there. 13. The plant (do) very well when its executive manager (decide) to retire.

Exercise 13. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.1. Nobody (know) where Smith (go). 2. A girl who (stand) under the beech tree (come) up to us. 3. Mary (speak) to Mr. Boxwell when I (see) her in the corridor this morning. 4. John (park) the car in Fifth Avenue when a young man in black glasses (appear) from nowhere and (stand) before him. 5. He again (come) to the village where he (live) in his childhood. 6. While we (talk), there (come) a loud knock at the door. 7. He (look) into the drawing-room. The old man (sleep)


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peacefully in the armchair at the fire-place. 8. When their visitor (leave) John and his mother (stand) near the window. 9. When he (dress), he (go) downstairs, (write) a long letter to his parents and another to his sister. 10. She (welcome) him with a bright smile and (turn) back to the offensive dandelions she (fight) with. 11. While she (read) this notice, a middle-aged woman (appear) in the doorway. 12. When he (come) back to the conference room, he (see) that the situation (change). 13. She (sit) at the table only five minutes when a car (come).14. Their father (be) still silent, even when they (have) coffee. 15. The three (sit) down to the meal that Susan (prepare).

Exercise 14. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.1. How your chief (find) out that you (come) to work late? 2. He told me that his aunt (live) with them for three months. 3. The discovery of the art o f writing (enable) the Ancient Egyptians to remember what their ancestors (do) before them.4. The Romans (destroy) Jerusalem with fire and (kill) many of the inhabitants.5. He scarcely (get) outside the door when he (hear) Wardle's voice talking loudly.6. I knew right away that that was the place I (look) for all my life. 7. At nine o'clock that evening a long black Packard roadster (draw) up to her door, and Amie (step) out of the front seat where he (sit) with the driver and a girl between them. 8 .1 (shout) to him to stop, but at that moment he (run) too fast to hear. 9. He (pick) up the book he (read) before I (come) into the room, and (turn) the cover of the page to mark the place where he (stop) reading. 10. No sooner they (arrive) at this point than a most violent and startling knocking was heard at the door.

Exercise 15. Complete the sentences using the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.1. I never (lend) a friend a large amount of money, because I always (think) it would almost certainly be the end of the friendship. But one day I (have) a very good reason for borrowing money myself. I (need) an urgent operation. 2. It (snow) when I (get) up this morning. The children next door (make) a snowman. I quickly (put) on my warm clothes and (race) outside to help them. 3. Our team (play) really well. We (win) at half time, but in the end we (lose). 4. When my mother (come) downstairs this morning, she couldn't believe her eyes. We (do) all the washing-up and (make) breakfast for her. We (work) for an hour before she (wake) up. 5. She (live) in Oxford when she (meet) her husband. They (go) out for two years before they (get) married. 6. Once I (tell) him the truth, I (feel) better. For many years I (keep) it a secret. 7. It was 1 o'clock and the dog from next door (bark) for two hours. I wondered what (happen) there. 8. She said she


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(try) to phone me since morning, but nobody was at home. 9. No sooner I (get) home than the telephone (ring). My mother (call). 10. When we arrived at the station, Alex (wait) for us for half an hour already. He (wear) a white suit and (look) very handsome.

Exercise 16. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable past tense.1. Ruth (rise) early, (make) coffee and (eat) her breakfast. 2. She (become) an excellent player by the time she finished school. 3. The party already (start) by the time I (arrive). 4. She (ask) this question yesterday? 5. Their school (celebrate) its 50th anniversary in 1998. 6 .1 (begin) to adjust to my new life at college after I (be) there for three months. 7.1 (review) grammar rules before the test when my computer (start) to blink. 8. She was upset, because she (not manage) to prepare for the test. 9. They (be) nervous before the test yesterday? 10. What the director (say) to you when you were in his office? 11. He was dizzy. He (work) on the computer all night. 12. John (read) an economic book, while Ted (look through) some magazines. 13.1 do not remember exactly how long ago it (be).14. The boy (receive) two letters from his parents since the time he (arrive).15. Dave (not give) any explanation why he (be) late for school. 16. Brenda (work) here for a year before she left to go to the university. 17. He (drive) to work at this time yesterday morning. 18.1 already (eat) breakfast by the time the others (wake up). 19. It (rain) for two days when suddenly the sun (come out).20. They already (see) the film twice at the cinema when she (rent) it on video.21. The teacher (teach) the students how to use past tenses yesterday. 22. The cousins (go) to the Crimea for their holidays last summer. 23. They (play) tennis on the sports ground when the weather (change). 24. After I had finished my homework, I (leave) the library. 25. Everybody (dance) in the hall when electricity suddenly (go off). 26. By the time he (find) what he wanted he (spend) all the money. 27. A fire (break out) in a residence hall where a number of students (stay).

Exercise 17. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable past tense.Cara (1 go) to the department store and (2 return) the dress she (3 buy). She (4 return) home after the clerk (5 refund) her money. After she (6 eat) her dinner, she (7 begin) to watch a movie on television. She (8 change) from Channel 7 to Channel 4 because she (9 see) already the movie on Channel 7.After she (10 watch) the movie for a while, she (11 become) bored. She just (12 turn off) the set when the telephone (13 ring). By the time she (14 answer) it, the person on the other end (15 hang up). It was getting late so she (16 decide) to take a shower and go to bed. She scarcely (17 get) undressed when someone (18 knock) at the door. After she (19 put on) her robe, she (20 open) the door


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and she (21 discover) that someone (22 leave) her a package. After she (open) the package, she 24 (be) surprised to see a birthday card and a beautiful scarf.

Exercise 18. Translate into English.1. Она смертельно поссорилась со своим мужем десять минут назад. 2. На старой даме было бархатное платье, которое не видело света двадцать лет.3. Гости ушли. Теперь они сидели одни перед камином в гостиной. 4. Люди, которых она встречала по дороге домой, улыбались ей и спрашивали, как она провела отпуск. 5. Я думаю, он показал мне около тридцати картин. Это был результат шести лет, в течение которых он рисовал. 6. Она боль­ше не получала от него писем. Он перестал писать за три года до этого.7. Я переписал письмо от Элизы, положил его в конверт и пошел на почту. Снег прекратился. Когда я вернулся, я выпил чаю и сел к пианино. 8. Она изучала искусство рисования три года, прежде чем стала работать в издательстве.9. Когда я вчера принимала ванну, как всегда, зазвонил телефон. 10. Перед отъездом мы зашли к мисс Чандлер. Мы не видели ее некоторое время, и моя сестра заметила, что она сильно изменилась. 11. Не успели они проехать и пяти миль, как их остановила полиция. 12. Он путешествовал уже два дня, но выглядел свежим и не чувствовал усталости. 13. Буря утихла, и опять светило солнце. 14. Мистер Мэтлок посмотрел на своего сына, его взгляд смягчился.

Exercise 19. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the past indefinite, the present or the past perfect tense forms, or the present perfect continuous or past perfect continuous tense forms.1. This noise (to go) on since I (to sit) here. 2. Soviet biologists (to study) this problem for many years. 3. The children (to live) with their aunt since the mother (to fall) ill. 4. We (to climb) for six hours when we at last (to reach) the summit of the mountain. 5. "I (to wait) a long time for you," said my companion with a displeased air. I (to pull) out my watch and (to show) it to him. He (to apologize) saying that his watch (to be) fast. 6. We (to know) each other since I (to come) to live in this house. 7. For a long time you (to promise) to give me those books. 8. What you (to do) in my absence? I (to read) Byron. - Show me the poem you (to read). 9. He (to study) for two hours, tell him to rest a little.

Exercise 20. Complete the sentences using the Past Indefinite, the Present Perfect, the Present Perfect Continuous, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.1. When 1 was speaking to the girl I (realize) that I (meet) her somewhere before.2. My grandfather used to talk to me for hours about all the interesting things he


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(do) in his youth. 3. You know, I (do) housework all day today. I (clean) all the rooms in the flat. 4. It's the first time all the family (be) together since Sally's birthday. 5. Where you (be)? I (look) for you for the last 20 minutes. 6. Granny could see that the child (cry) for some time. 7. Where is Mary? - I (not see) her today, but she (tell) David that she would be in for dinner. 8. It's 4 already & I'm really hungry. I (not have) any breakfast & I (not have) time to go out for anything to eat this afternoon. 9. We (wait) there for some 20 minutes when a passer-by (tell) us that we were at the wrong crossroads. 10. Ifs one of the most interesting films I ever (see). 11. We just (be) to the film "Gone with the wind". You (see) it?- No, I haven’t. Is it like the book? - 1 (not read) the book. - 1 (read) it when I was still a schoolgirl & (enjoy) it greatly. 12. He (arrive) late because he (not realize) the streets would be so slippery. 13. The lesson already (start) when he arrived.14. Alan is a good basketball player. He (play) basketball since he was 10.15. Robert (feel) nervous when he first drove in England because he (not drive) on the left before. 16. This is the only time I ever (see) her cry. 17.1 (walk) for about half an hour when it suddenly (start) to rain. 18. We got to the station at 10, but the train already (leave). 19. I'm so tired. I (do) Christmas shopping all day. 20. It was the second time he (be) in love that year. 21. Martin's hands were dirty. He (clean) his bike. 22. You (finish) painting the bedroom yet? - Yes, I (do) it last weekend.23. You (decide) what you're going to do when you leave school? - Well, I (not make) up my mind yet. 24. Tom (fall) asleep in class in the morning. He (dance) in the disco till 6 am. 25. The baby's face was red. It (scream) for hours.

Exercise 21. Choose the appropriate tense of the verbs in brackets.1. The train not yet (to arrive), but a lot o f people (to stand) on the platform.2. When I (to leave) home, the snow already (to stop), but an icy wind still (to blow). 3. The pain already (to go) but the child still (ito cry). 4. The lesson not yet (to begin) and the children (to talk) loudly in the corridor. 5. I (to run). That's why I look hot. 6. Clouds (to gather) all day and now rain came down in sheets.7. When we left home a strong wind (to blow), the snow (to whirl) in the wind.8. The postman (to come) today? - Yes, he (to come). He (to bring) me a letter which I (to expect) for a long time. 9. It (to be) nearly eleven o'clock when we (to set) off on our four-mile walk home. 10. It (to be) nine o'clock when the doctor, having finished his evening meal, (to draw) his chair to the fire. 11. He (to be) back for two months before I (to see) him.

Exercise 22. Choose the right tenses (past simple, past continuous, present perfect, past perfect, present perfect continuous or past perfect continuous).1. Reports are coming in that a train (crash) near Birmingham. According to eyewitnesses, it (hit) a concrete block which somebody (put) on the line.


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2. Halfway to the office Paul (turn) round and (go) back home, because he (forget) to turn off the gas. 3 .1 (do) housework all day today. I haven't finished yet.4. I (lie) in bed thinking about getting up when the doorbell (ring). 5. It wasn't surprising that she (start) getting toothache. She (not go) to the dentist for two years. 6 .1 (play) a lot of bridge recently. 7. When I (get) home everybody (watch) TV. 8. We (not see) your mother for ages. 9. How long you (learn) English?10. London (change) a lot since we first (come) to live here. 11. 'How many times you (see) this film?' 'This is the first time I (see) it.' 12. 'Who's that?' 'I never (see) him before in my life.' 13 .1 hear Joe (get) married last month. 14 .1 often (wonder) where she (get) her money. 15. You (read) Pam Marshall's latest book?16. They just (discover) a new fuel - it's half the price of petrol, and much cleaner.17. You (hear) the storm last month? 18. My sister (be) married three times.19. While she (talk) on the phone the children (start) fighting and (break) her favourite vase. 20. He used to talk to us for hours about all the interesting things he (see) in his life. 21. You know, she (stand) looking at that picture for the last twenty minutes. 2 2 .1 (spend) a lot of time travelling since I (get) this new job.23. When I (meet) him he (work) as a waiter for a year or so. 24. When I (be) at school we all (study) Latin. 25. You (finish) with the bathroom yet?

THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Exercise 1. Use the Future Perfect Continuous.1. By next year we (live) in this city for twenty-five years. 2. By the end of this month we (learn) this language for ten years. 3. By this time next week, he (work) on this book for a year. 4. When my daughter goes to school we (live) here for over five years. 5. Do you realize that on September 15, you (repair) our car for three months? 6. If nobody stops him, he (grumble) for hours. 7. We (fly) non-stop for three hours before we get to London tomorrow. 8 .1 (write) my course paper for two months before I defend it. 9. The children (play) out of doors the whole evening till their parents return home. 10. We (admire) the beauty of Italy for two weeks before we come home. 11. By the time he arrives, I (pick) apples in our garden for two hours. 12. My mother (sit) in front of the TV-set for the whole evening till I come home. 13. By the end o f this year I (live) in England for three years. 14. I (cook) for a few hours before the guests arrive. 15. The children (decorate) the New-Year tree for the whole evening before they go to bed.

Exercise 2. Use the Future Perfect Continuous or the Future Perfect.1. By the end of March he (live) here for three years. 2. They will be tired when they get there. They (travel) all day. 3. They (have) lunch by the time we arrive.


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4 .1 (work) for this company for thirty years by the end of October. 5. They (stay) here for five weeks by Monday. 6. By tea time she (play) tennis for three hours.7. By next June Ann (study) in London for a year. 8. The children (sleep) for eight hours by breakfast time. 9. How long you (study) in this group by February?10.1 (write) my homework by six o'clock. 11. They (complete) the new bridge by the end of the year. 12. By the end o f this week, I (wait) for three months for my car to be repaired. 13.1 hope I (finish) this report by the end of the day.14. She (leave) for work before the children get home from school. 15. He (work) in the North for two years by the time he retires. 16. By the end of the year he (climb) 10 mountains. He (climb) for ten years by that time. 17. By the end of this month I (save) for three years, and I hope I (buy) a new car by my wife's birthday.

Exercise 3. Use the verbs in the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.1. By the end o f next week my wife (do) her spring-cleaning and we will all be able to relax again. 2. I usually make a lot of apple jam in summer. I (make) about 200 kilos by the end of the summer. 3. In two months' time he (finish) his preliminary training and will be starting his work. 4. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says by the end of next year he (plant) 2,000. 5 .1 will be back again at the end of next month. I hope I (pass) my driving test by then. If I have, I will meet your train. 6. Come back in an hour. I (do) my packing by then and we will be able to have a talk. 7. When he reaches the lake he (walk) for 6 hours. 8. He is only 35 but he has started losing his hair already. He (lose) it all by the time he is 50. 9. By the end of next year I (work) for the firm for 15 years. 10. Our committee is trying to raise money to buy a new lifeboat. By the end of the year, we (send) out 5,000 letters asking for contributions. 11. By the time the polls close, how many people, do you think, (vote) in this election?12. On 11 October the Pattersons (live) here for ten years. 13. The company (build) 500 houses by the end of the decade. 14. Between now and Christmas the doctor (treat) at least 500 patients. 15. Scientists claim that the sea level (rise) three centimetres before the year of 2015.

Exercise 4. Use the Future Perfect Continuous or the Future Perfect.Bill: Do you know, Joan, next month I (live) in this house for 25 years?Joan: Yes, and my family and yours (be) neighbours for 25 years, too.

The (have) 25 years together without any quarrels or trouble.Bill: Yes, and how long your family (be) in this town?Joan: Well, my father was bom here, so in March, when he has his birthday,

he (complete) 48 years here.66

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Bill: How is your father's work getting on?Joan: When he has finished the house he is building now,

he (build) six houses this year.Bill: That's good. When he (finish) this house?Joan: By the end o f November, probably. He (work) on it for two

and a half months by then. By the end of this year he (build) houses for twenty years.

Bill: My father (be) a doctor for sixteen years next June,and he (work) in this town for eight years next January.

Joan: You (finish) your medical studies by 2016?Bill: I (graduate) from the University, I hope;

but I (not do) my hospital work yet. By the summer of 2016 I (study) medicine for five years.

Joan: Well, by that time I (finish) my studies and I (work) as a teacher for a year, I hope.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.1. К тому времени, как он закончит университет, его родители проработа­ют в Южной Африке два года. 2. Мы будем рекламировать эти товары несколько месяцев к тому времени, как они появятся на рынке. 3. На буду­щий год к этому времени она будет изучать немецкий уже два года. 4. К тому времени, когда она приедет, я уже буду жить здесь в течение двух лет. 5. К тому времени, как ты вернешься, я буду писать портрет уже два меся­ца. 6. Сколько времени они будут показывать этот фильм, пока ты не при­везешь новый? 7. К пяти часам я буду разгадывать этот кроссворд уже два часа. 8. К тому времени, когда он приедет в Лондон, он будет ехать пять часов без остановки. 9. К следующему году моя мама будет преподавать английский двадцать лет. 10. Я уверена, что мы будем жить в этом старом доме много лет, пока мы не купим новый.

Exercise 6. Put the verbs into the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite, the Present Perfect or the Future Perfect, the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect Continuous tense.1.1 think she (hear) all about it by the time I (see) her. 2 .1 promise, I (finish) this book by the weekend and then I (give) it to you. 3. The children (be) hungry when they (get) in because they (run) about all afternoon. 4. This government (be) in power for eight years soon but I don't think they (win) the next election.5. You (have) breakfast yet? If not, I (make) you something. 6. Don't phone them now. They (not get) home yet. They probably (get) back at about half past


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eight. 7. I think they (finish) building the house by the time the winter (come) and then we (move) in by the New Year. 8. I expect they (be) tired when you (see) them because they (work) all day. 9. If I (come) and (see) the film with you on Saturday, I (see) it six times. But it's the best film I ever (see). I think you (love) it. 10. Why don't you come round at 9 o'clock? The children (go) to bed by that time so it (be) nice and peaceful. 11. They might be tired when you see them because they (work) hard since morning. 12. We hope that life in this region (return) to normal within a couple of months, although it (take) many years before they (repair) the structural and emotional damage of the war. 13. You (lend) me your season ticket? - 1 (not lend) it to you because it's against the law. 14. When I (get) home, my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me. I (feed) the dog before I (go) to bed. 15. You (have) lunch with me tomorrow? - I'd love to, but I'm afraid I (do) my exam at that time. 16. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end of next year he (plant) more than one thousand. 17. I hope they (repair) this road by the time we (come) here next summer. 18. I'm going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches. - By the time you (get) there they (finish) their speeches and everybody (go) home.19. In the future more and more people (use) mobile telephones. It's the first time I (use) this telephone today. 20. I hope you (inform) me as soon as the director (sign) my application. - Don't worry I think he (sign) it by tomorrow.

Exercise 7. Use an appropriate Future tense where necessary.1. What you (say) if you see her? 2. We (work) at this problem for a month when you visit us a second time. 3. The Stones (be) married for thirty years in May.4. By the end of the month she (work) in this company for three years. 5. Why don't you come with us? We (go) to have a lot of fun. 6. The children (be) really hungry when they (get) home because they (run) around all afternoon without any food. 7 .1 (not go) to speak to her until she (apologize). 8. You (be) sick if you eat more chocolate. 9. By the time you (get) back, all the food (go). 10. You (not be) able to enter the building if you (not have) your identity card. 11. When I (learn) a thousand English words, I (be) able to read a newspaper? 12. The film (not finish) until midnight. 13. She (cook) dinner for us by the time we (get) home. 14.1 (hope) you (not forget) your promise by tomorrow. 15. By Christmas I (work) in this office for ten years.16. A new video shop (open) today. I (meet) my friends there this afternoon.

Exercise 8. Open the brackets using an appropriate Future tense where necessary.1. By the end of the month I (work) for this firm for a year. 2 .1 don't think I can join you because my aunt and uncle (stay) with us this weekend. 3. You don't


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work in class! I (phone) your mother about this. 4 .1 (watch) television from eight o'clock to midnight. 5. When you (repair) my bike, Daddy? — I (do) it tomorrow if I have time. 6. It's so crowded in here. I think, I (faint). - 1 (take) you outside for a while. 7 .1 don't know when the concert (be) over. 8 .1 (live) there for five years next February. 9. By the end of the summer he (teach) me to work with the computer.10. Have a good time in Italy! - Thanks. I (send) you a postcard. 11.1 think you (like) Nick when you meet him. 12 .1 (cook) spaghetti in case you get hungry 13. They (move) to a new flat next week. 14. This time tomorrow I (lie) on the beach. 15. If you ask I am sure he (offer) to help. 16. What you (do) tomorrow evening? 17. Either you keep quiet or I (have) to ask you to leave. 18. We both hope that your leg (be) better in a couple of weeks and you (be) able to come to the wedding. 19. If he doesn't come I (be) upset. 20 .1 (take) my sun-glasses in case it is sunny. 21. The bus (leave) at eight o'clock on Monday morning. 22. As soon as I (hear) the results I (let) you know. 23. Look at the sun! It (go) to be a hot day tomorrow.24. When the train (arrive) tomorrow night? 25. You (work) late tomorrow night? 26. This parcel looks heavy. I (take) it to the post office for you. 27. You (have) to stay at home until you (get) rid of your bad cough. 28. According to the weather forecast snow (fall) by the end of December. 29. They (not go) to the football match tomorrow, because they (work) at that time. 30. By the time you (get) back, Simon (leave).


Exercise 1. Translate into English.I

1. В моей библиотеке так много прекрасных книг, но я прочитал только по­ловину из них. 2. Экзамены приближаются, и я выучила почти весь матери­ал. 3. Как только наступит осень, мы пойдем в лес собирать грибы и ягоды.4. Аэропорт был закрыт, так как целую неделю шел сильный снег. 5. - Вы когда-нибудь работали с компьютерами? - Да, конечно, я интересуюсь ими.6. Фрукты очень полезны, в них так много витаминов. 7. Служащий напом­нил нам, что компания оплатила все счета. 8. Какие у меня замечательные студенты! Предполагаю, что они сделают большие успехи в английском язы­ке. 9. Гости приезжают к нам завтра, а у нас мало хлеба, тебе придется пойти и купить немного. 10. В поезде было немного народу. Некоторые читали, другие спали, дети смотрели в окно. 11 ,- Какая сегодня погода? - Солнеч­но, такая погода заставляет людей чувствовать себя счастливыми. 12. Когда ты купила новые туфли? - О, я приобрела их в начале зимы. 13 . - Вам при­дется подождать. Тестируют последнего студента. 14. Учитель рассмеялся и сказал, что он тоже получал плохие оценки в школе.


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II1. Перед зданием нашего университета есть красивая церковь. Рабочие отреставрировали ее 5 лет назад. 2. — Мне так нравится твое кольцо! Оно у тебя давно? - О, оно у меня уже много лет. Я его купила, когда была в Индии. 3. Когда дети вышли из дома, то они вспомнили, что не выключи­ли телевизор. 4. Я не могу взять эти деньги и потратить их. Я их не заработал. 5. Пока она гладила брюки, он слушал радио. Последние ново­сти были интересными. 6. Нет ничего трудного в этой задаче. Тебе просто нужно немного подумать. 7. Я умираю от голода. Я с утра ничего не ел.8. В моей жизни существует так много проблем, и я еще не решил, что де­лать. 9. Шел дождь, когда мы расстались, но когда мы подъехали к дому, он уже прекратился. 10. Туристы были довольны, так как гид очень хорошо спланировал программу. 11. Учитель прокомментировал контрольные ра­боты своих учеников и сказал, что трое из них получили высшие оценки.12. Мы слышали, что он опубликовал новый роман год назад. Вы его чита­ли? О чем он? 13. Мы слышали, как он громко разговаривал со своим ше­фом. Они опять спорили.

III1. Когда я пришел в университет, то обнаружил, что профессор заболел.2. Сведения, которые он только что получил, интересуют всех. 3. Сегодня я не выходила из дома, так как идет дождь и у меня много дел. 4. Она считает, что он самый красивый, самый умный, самый лучший человек на свете. 5. - В слове "грамматика" две буквы "м"? - Да. - Какая досада! Я опять сделала ошибку. 6. - Мне позвонить врачу? - О, нет, не нужно. Мне уже гораздо лучше. 7. Ты не знаешь, где черная сумка? Я нигде не могу ее найти. 8. - Когда уезжает ваш брат? - Он планирует улететь завтра, если ничего не случится. 9. - У тебя есть деньги на обед? - Есть немного, но их не хватит даже на бутерброд. 10. Когда солнце встает в Париже, в Мексике еще ночь. 11. Он сказал, что ждет нас уже полтора часа. 12. Если пойдет дождь и будет ветрено, то старые люди опять будут плохо себя чув­ствовать. 13. Ты идешь с нами? Мы не можем ждать, у нас очень мало времени. 14. - У тебя есть билеты на концерт? - Нет еще, но я собираюсь попросить друга купить их.

IV1. Он предложил детям пойти в зоопарк, так как он не был там с детства.2. Я знаю его хорошо. Я знаю его всю жизнь. 3. - В какое время люди обычно обедают в вашей стране? - Обычно от двух до четырех. 4. — Где вы были вчера в это время? - Я писал сочинение в библиотеке. 5. Я давно не ввдел своих старых друзей. 6. У моих соседей нет телевизора, и поэтому


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у них много времени для чтения и прогулок. 7. Какая великолепная сегод­ня погода! Давайте выйдем и прогуляемся по улицам. 8. Я просмотрела все журналы, но не нашла статью, которая меня интересует. 9. Критики сей­час так много говорят об этом режиссере. Он так талантлив! 10. Ты права! Ее волосы действительно очень красивы, они длинные и блестящие. 11 .- Сколько вам требуется времени, чтобы добраться до станции метро? - Мне требуется 5 минут автобусом или полчаса пешком. 12. Он не самый луч­ший, но и не самый худший человек, кого я когда-либо встречал. 13. - Новости сегодня интересные? - Жаль, но никаких новостей еще не по­ступало. 14. — Ваш сын не много читает, не так ли? - К сожалению, не могу заставить его читать больше. 15. Они уже приняли решение. Невоз­можно предпринять что-то, чтобы помочь им. 16. - Наконец мы прибыли в Лондон. Я так счастлив. Я всегда хотел посетить столицу Великобрита­нии. - И я тоже. 17. Интересно, получили ли они письма, которые мы от­правили в прошлый понедельник.

Exercise 2. Use the most suitable tense of the verbs in brackets.TEXT 1

BAD LUCKDavid Williams (to have) such a terrible time this year that he ought to be in the Guinness Book of Records. The trouble (to start) one morning last January when David (to find) that his cat (to go) from outside his house. He (not to see) it since. In March he (to buy) a new car, but he (not to have) it more than a week when someone (to crash) into the back of it. These disasters (to continue) right up to the present time. Two days ago David (to sit) on a bench that someone (to finish) painting only a few minutes before. He (to wear) a new suit he (to buy) only the previous week. The worst thing happened in August. David (to spend) 3 days of his holiday at the airport because of strikes. When he (to arrive) home finally, he (to discover) that someone (to break) into his house. His video­recorder and television (to disappear). David doesn't know what he (to do) to deserve all this bad luck. He just (to hope) his luck will change soon.


Dear Ann,You (to be) free to come to dinner here on Saturday next at 8.00? My brother Paul (to come) and (to bring) a friend of his called Tom Edwards. You (not to meet) Tom but I (to think) you (to like) him. He is an assistant stage manager at the Gate Theatre and (to be able) to tell you about the actors. Paul says Tom (not to receive)


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much salary and often (not to get) enough to eat, so he (to ask) me to have roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for diner. He probably (to ring up) between now and Saturday to say that it (to be) a good idea to start with soup. I (to know) you usually (not to eat) such meals, but I hope you (to enjoy) the conversation. Anyway, come if you (to be able).

Love, MaryTEXT 3

A REMARKABLE BOOKOnce, while I (to walk) in a park of London, I (to see) an old strange-looking man. He (to sit) on a bench holding a closed book in his hands. I (to sit) on the bench and (to look) at the book.1 (to see) that the book (to be) of great interest. It (to be) a very old copy of early Byron's works. I (to look) at the old man in surprise and (to understand) that he (to know) I (to sit) on the bench because of him and the book he (to hold) in his hands, I (to smile). "It is the last I (to have)" - he said and (to stretch) it out to me. I (to take) it with the words: "I (to be) a lover of old books". I (to open) this small book and (to look) at the date. "Oh", I said. "It (to be) a remarkable book". "Yes”, he (to sigh). "I (to have) to sell it to buy the necessities o f life. I (to have) a hard life and this book always (to be) a comfort to me".I (to nod) and (to think) that I never (to see) such a remarkable book.


Exercise 1. Change the form of the verbs in the sentences from the active into the passive voice.1. We turn on the light when it's dark. 2. The students finished their translation in time. 3. Helen washed the dishes. 4. Betty often took Benny to the park. 5. Mother has made some coffee. 6. Have you ironed your dress yet? 7. Nina mispronounced the word. 8. We pronounce the consonant with aspiration. 9. We form the Present Perfect Tense with the help of the auxiliary verb 'to have'. 10. They told her the truth. 11. She promised me a book. 12. She's cooked the cake very well. 13. One uses chalk for writing on the blackboard. 14. I'll finish my work at about seven. 15. Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment. 16. Someone has opened the door. 17. One of my friends took me to the pictures last week. 18. They'll meet me at the station. 19. Mother was cleaning the room when I arrived. 20. We shall finish this work in time. 21. They didn't invite me to the birthday party because they didn't know I was in Moscow. 22. She's given me an English book. 23. They didn't turn off the light. 24. Have you written the letter yet?25. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. The boy was following me. 26. You


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should open the wine about three hours before you use it. 27. You must not hammer nails into the walls without permission. 28. They are pulling down the old building. 29. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of August.30. The judge gave him a month in which to pay the fine. 31. They feed the tigers at the zoo twice a day. 32. The author has written a special edition for women. 33. Did the idea interest you? 34. Previous climbers had cut steps in the rock. 35. Someone will serve coffee. 36. Members may keep books for three weeks. After that they must return them. 37. I've bought a piano. They are delivering it now. 38. Who wrote it? 39. He expected us to offer him the position. 40. They will say nothing more about the matter if someone returns the stolen gun.

Exercise 2. Change the form of the verbs in the sentences from the passive into the active voice. Think of new subjects in the sentences.I. The light has not been switched off. 2. The boy was punished for something.3. The dictation was written without mistakes. 4. His work had been finished by3 o'clock yesterday. 5. Her dress was washed and ironed. 6 .1 was not invited to the party. 7. The work wasn't finished in time. 8. This house was built last year.9. Excuse the mess: the house is being painted. 10. The letter has just been sent.II. This article will be translated. 12. When will this book be read? 13. The room was cleaned and aired. 14. Have all these books been read? 15.1 felt I was being watched. 16. She showed me the article which had been translated by her brother. 17.1 shan't be allowed to go there. 18. Everything will have been done by Tuesday. 19. English is spoken here. 20. He's been told everything. 21. A great deal of property is destroyed by tornadoes every year. 22. A lot of buildings were ruined by the hurricane. 23. Several new proposals were being considered by the MPs. 24. Some new equipment has been ordered by the company. 25. These papers should be signed by Mr. Ritz. 26. The works of art have been examined by the experts. 27. The papers will have been received by Daniel by tomorrow. 28. My girl-friend is being interviewed on TV now. 29. Our bags were being carried by Bob and Jack. 30. Is the service charge included?

Exercise 3. Make the sentences passive. Use by... only if it is necessary to say who does/did the action.1. Shakespeare wrote 'Hamlet'. 2. They have arrested her for shoplifting. 3. They are repairing your car now. 4. People in Chile speak Spanish. 5. Has anybody asked Peter? 6. My mother made this ring. 7. Electricity drives this car. 8. Somebody will tell you where to go. 9. A drunken motorist knocked her down. 10. The Chinese invented paper. 11. They don’t sell stamps in bookshops. 12. The directors are still considering your application.


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Exercise 4. Read a sentence and then write another sentence with the same meaning.1. The bill includes the service. The service ... in the bill. 2. People don’t use this road very often. This road . . . . 3. They cancelled all flights because of fog. All flights . . . . 4. Somebody accused me of stealing the money. I . . . . 5. They are building a new ring-road round the city. A new ring-road . . . . 6 .1 didn't realize that someone was recording our conversation. I didn't realize that our conversation ... .7 . They have changed the date of the meeting. The date of the meeting . . . .8. Brian told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street. Brian told me th a t... .9 . They didn't offer Ann the job. Ann . . . . 10. We will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready. Your examination results ... to you as soon as they are ready.

Exercise 5. Correct any verb forms which are impossible or inappropriate.1. A lot of homes in the area have been being broken into by burglars. 2. As I drove south, I could see that the old road was rebuilding. 3 .1 suppose the letter will have been delivered by now. 4. Jim was been given the sack from his new job. 5. Somehow without my noticing my wallet had been disappeared. 6. The new shopping center has been being opened by the local MP. 7. Harry is been questioned by the police about the accident now. 8. A lot of meetings have been held, but nothing has being decided yet. 9. Last week it is decided not to have an office party after all. 10. The letter was being sent by post on the 21st of last month.

Exercise 6. Open the brackets, using the necessary tenses in the Passive Voice.1. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination. 2. I'm not wearing my black shoes today. They (mend). 3. This room (use) only on special occasions. 4. Bicycles must not (leave) in the hall. 5. He (take) to hospital this afternoon, and (operate) on tomorrow morning. 6. The damaged buildings (reconstruct) now, the reconstruction (finish) by the end of the year. 7. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month. 8. She heard footsteps, she thought she (follow). 9. Normally this street (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday. 10. Thousands of new houses (build) every year. 11. Why don't you use your car? - It (repair) now, I had a bad accident a week ago. - Anybody (hurt)? 12. My keys (return) to me yesterday; they (pick) up in the street. 13. The living-room (sweep), (mop) and (dust). It is clean now. 14. We (tell) to wait because the man (question) in the room. 15. If he comes in you (find) looking through his papers. 16. The boxes (not pack) yet. 17. Your food still (prepare). 18. Luckily by the time we got there


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the painting (not sell). 19. We had to go on holiday because our house (decorate). 20. I'm afraid that next week's meeting (cancel). 21. If we don't hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we get there. 22. All main courses (serve) with vegetables or salad. 23. The cathedral (build) in the fourteenth century. 24. Nothing (see) of Pauline since her car (find) abandoned near Newbury last week. 25. The Tower of London formerly (use) as a prison.

Exercise 7. Use the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.1. For the first two minutes he (occupy) with eating; then as his appetite (quiet), he took his time. 2. Why nothing (do) about it at the time? 3. You can't go in. She (interview) for the TV. 4. I had a most unpleasant feeling that I (watch). 5. She looked a different girl. Her face (wash), her hair (comb). 6. We could still see the tracks where the car (drag) off the road. 7. You can't use the office at the moment, it (redecorate). 8. A new metro line (construct) now. One of its stations (build) in our street. 9. Like many medieval cities, Moscow developed round the walls of a stronghold. First a brick wall (build) around the merchants' quarter which (know) as Kitaigorod, then, in the 16th century, a new wall (erect) round the so-called Bely Gorod. 10. Maize (use) by many peoples of the world to make their bread. 11. The house (lock) up before they set off. 12. Wherever I went I found evidence that the camp (leave) only a short time before we arrived.13. The place looked wonderful. Everything (prepare) for the ball. 14. Evidently the tea (sweeten) before I put sugar into it. 15. The student (ask) to tell the story again. 16. Progress (make) every day in the world of science. 17. He saw that the table (push) into the corner. 18. Empty bottles must (throw) away, the sooner the better. 19. Photographs (take) after the ceremony. 2 0 .1 never (speak) to like that before. 21. In some countries women still (deny) the right to vote. 22. My uncle recently (make) a captain. 23. We (suppose) to take your remark seriously?24. The newspaper (deliver) before I got up this morning. 25. Smoking (not allow) in this part of the building. 26 .1 phoned the police when I found out that my passport (steal). 27. The National Gallery (restore) at the moment. 28. When I entered the room Richard still (examine). 29. We can't take the car yet: it still (repair). 30. The windows are really dirty: they (not clean) for years.

Exercise 8. Supply appropriate prepositions.1. Though the question had been discussed for a long time no decision was arrived .... 2. The visit of this delegation is widely commented ... in the newspapers. 3. He left for Australia five years ago and hasn't been heard ... since. 4. I'm sure your idea of spending the week-end in town will be strongly objected .... 5. Unfortunately our work was constantly interfered .... 6. His


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presence at the meeting will be insisted .... 7. Don't say foolish things. You will be laughed .... 8. Mr. Brown is such an experienced lecturer. I'm sure he will be listened ... with great attention when he gives his lecture on Modem Art. 9 .1 feltI was being looked ... and turned around. 10. The children should be looked ... better. They look so grubby. 11. The key has been looked ... since morning but it's nowhere to be found. 12. A shop was broken ... last night. A man was seen leaving it. 13. He was knocked ... by a bus and taken to hospital. 14. The roof was blown ... by a gust of wind. 15. The matter will be dealt ... as soon as possible. 16. Nobody likes to be shouted .... 17. Mr. Sakson has been sent ... and he will soon come. 18. This newspaper article is often referred .... 19. He can never be relied .... Whenever he makes a promise he always breaks it. 20. There was a road accident last night. An elderly man was run ... by a car and was badly injured. 21. Where have you been all this time? You have been asked ... more than once. 22. When they realized that the child was running a high temperature the doctor was sen t... immediately.

Exercise 9. Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets.1. Meg (look) upon as a perfect wife for a clergyman. 2. After his brother's departure Paul sat for a long time thinking about what (say). 3. "I'm not prepared," my father said, "to listen to your suggestions that you never (treat) fairly at school." 4. "Remember, I (pay) by an hour," grumbled the driver. 5. But there were signs that order (restore) in the town. 6. Well, what (do) about it, Ted?7. He went into the bedroom. The bed (turn) down for the night by the maid many hours before. 8. Please, find out if our father (see) to leave. 9. She could have gone to Cambridge if she had wanted, she (offer) a scholarship. 10. On Friday she (give) two weeks' notice at the Works. 11:1 found the idea of going to Hereford very upsetting because I (promise) a very nice job a couple of weeks before. 12. Not far away she noticed the film manager in whose office she once (make) to feel so ridiculous. 13. "You must be very prosperous, Eustace, to own a car like that." - "This car (lend) to me by an American woman." 14.1 wondered to what extent she (influence) by his name to accept his offer. 15. Such are matters that (deal) with in Mr. Burrough's book.

Exercise 10. Translate into English.1. На этой фабрике делают очень красивые сумки. 2. Ее отправили в боль­ницу два дня тому назад. 3. Это упражнение можно написать карандашом.4. Все ваши сочинения будут возвращены на следующей неделе. 5. Тебя ищут. Иди домой. 6. Почему над ним всегда смеются? 7. Лекции этого знаменитого профессора всегда слушают с большим интересом. 8. Эти


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письма просмотрены. Их можно отправлять. 9. Эти книги используют­ся для работы? 10. Когда читали новый рассказ, кто-то постучал в дверь.11. Вас уже пригласили на вечер? 12. Когда мама пришла, обед был уже сварен. 13. Статья будет переведена к пяти часам. 14. Где сейчас ваш брат?- Его послали во Францию. 15. Этот мост еще строится. Он строился, ког­да я его увидел в первый раз. 16. Эти цветы только что сорвали. 16. К тому времени, как он приехал, письмо было уже получено. 17. Лучшие новости всегда печатаются в утренних газетах. 18. Этот кинотеатр был построен до того, как мы приехали сюда. 19. Обед готовили, когда я пришел домой.20. Когда я вернусь домой, все мои чемоданы будут уже уложены.

Exercise 11. Put tbe verbs in brackets into the correct tense form in the Active or in the Passive Voice.1. Each of the children (receive) a due share of Mrs. Gerhardt's attention.2. From the clink of dishes one could tell the supper (prepare). 3. The front door of his house (unlock) as he (leave) it. 4. Mrs. Fripp (come) to inform her that dinner already (serve). 5. His phrase (greet) by a strange laugh from a student who (sit) near the wall. 6. A note (bring) in, addressed to Eleanor, and (put) on the table to await her 7. When the door (close), old Jolyon (drop) his paper, and (stare) long and anxiously in front of him. 8. To his knowing eyes the scene below easily (explain). 9. The door (shut) behind him. 10. Finally, his name (call), and the boy (push) forward to her. 11. Finally, he (persuade) by Bass to go away. 12. But when autumn (come) the cows (drive) home from the grass.13. "Will you work on this new job all your life?" The question (ask) with sincere interest. 14. She (tap) on the door. John (open) it. 15. Look! There's nothing here. Everything (take) away.

Exercise 12. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.The Bedes (to be) in their new house for twenty-two days when their first mail (to deliver). Three large envelopes (to bring) by the postman. There (to be) a letter from Gwen's sister. Gwen (to think): "I (to read) it when the postman (to go) away." One envelope (to address) to Mrs. Alison who (to live) next door at that time but she (to leave) somewhere on holiday. Gwen (to promise) to keep the letter until Mrs. Alison arrived. When Gwen's husband returned from work he (to say): "Mrs. Alison (to come) back from her holiday. She (to come) to see us tonight."

Exercise 13. Translate into English.1. Дом был построен в 18 веке, но за ним так хорошо присматривают, что он выглядит замечательно. 2. Меня прервал Джон. 3. Его всегда любили,


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и ему всегда доверяли. 4. О ней заботятся ее друзья. 5. Дверь открыла по­жилая женщина, и Джейн ввели в маленькую гостиную. 6. Кровать не была застелена, стул был сломан. 7. Об этом фильме много говорят. 8. Пока го­товился завтрак, мать подошла к постели ребенка. 9. Ей дадут квартиру в этом доме. 10. "Где врач?" - прошептал он. - "За ним послали." 11. К концу этой недели работа будет завершена. 12. Его давно не видели. 13. Около железнодорожного моста строятся два новых дома. 14. Детей часто водят вкиноитеатр. 15. Ей объявили, что поезд уже ушел. 16. Его попросили не вмешиваться. 17. Ей задали несколько вопросов и велели подождать.18. Будет ли нам предоставлен отдельный номер в отеле? 19. Тогда как раз строилась школа. 20. Ну, что-нибудь уже решено? 21. Покажите мне, где в вашем городе строится новый театр. 22. Зимой свет зажигается рано.23. За билеты давно уплачено. 24. Его можно было видеть в саду в любую погоду. 25. Нам в лагерь регулярно доставляют провизию и почту. 26. Жаль, что на конференции таких вопросов не касались. 27. Об этой книге уже написано много статей. 28. Над ним всегда смеялись, когда он был школь­ником. 29. Ничего удивительного, что все цветы завяли, их не поливали уже целую неделю. 30. После ланча я слышал, что за Чарльзом послали.31. Посмотри! Разбили наше окно. 32. Я почувствовал, что ему уже зада­вали этот вопрос. 33. Интересно, что это строится в самом центре города?34. Его никогда не приглашали на вечеринки. 35. Скоро даже самые отда­ленные острова будут посещаться туристами.

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into English. Mind the tense and voice forms of the verbs.1. Дай знать, если тебе понадобиться моя помощь. 2. Сейчас у меня кани­кулы, и я работаю в магазине продавцом. Надеюсь, что этот опыт поможет мне в будущей профессии. 3. Вдруг мы услышали шаги за спиной. За нами шли. 4. Как только вещи были уложены, послали за такси. 5. Нас всегда очень тепло принимают в этом доме. 6. Вы слышали новость? Мистера Грина назначили президентом компании! 7. Наша группа имеет задание закончить исследование к апрелю. А будет ли исследование закончено к середине марта? 8. Наш партнер считает, что, если корпорация улучшит качество товаров, она получит больше прибыли. 9. Прошлым летом мы ожидали увеличения прибыли после того, как увеличился выпуск товаров.10. Я был очень занят с тех пор, как видел вас в последний раз. 11. Эти упражнения уже исправлены нашим преподавателем. 12. Кем была пере­ведена эта статья? 13. Когда будет напечатана эта книга? 14. В этом районе строится большой завод. 15. Эта работа должна быть закончена к шести


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часам. 16. Этот текст может быть напечатан на машинке. 17. Когда эта книга была переведена на русский язык? 18. Почему это письмо не было отправлено вчера? 19. Его пригласили присоединиться к нашей экскур­сии. 20. Ему одолжили словарь. 21. Нам дали ключ от ее комнаты. 22. Го­ворят, что он будет завтра в городе. 23. Послали за главным инженером.24. Факты, на которые ссылались, были очень интересны. 25. Было указа­но на грубые ошибки в переводе. 26. Во время бури лодку угнало далеко в море, и вскоре она пропала из виду. 27. Нам дали все нужные указания, которые следовало принять во внимание при составлении программы. 28. Считают, что его последнее произведение - шедевр (masterpiece) ис­кусства. 29. Кем эта книга была переведена на русский, и где она сейчас печатается? 30. Метод, на который ссылался докладчик, широко применя­ется в школе и дает хорошие результаты. 31. Новая программа как раз об­суждалась, когда я пришла на заседание кафедры. 32. Когда я вышел из магазина, то обнаружил, что мой велосипед украли. 33. Мы не могли пере­сечь речку в этом месте. Новый мост через нее все еще строился.


Use the most suitable tense-form of the verbs in brackets.I

In 1980 a giant crater, 110 miles wide (discover) in Mexico. Many scientists believe it (cause) by a huge asteroid that fell on the Earth 65 million years ago and (kill) dinosaurs. Now scientists (find) another crater, in Australia, that (explain) an even earlier destruction of life on our planet. Tests on rocks from this crater (show) that it (form) 200 million to 280 million years ago - the same period when 90% of all animals, including early reptiles and sea creatures called trilobites, suddenly (become) extinct. An asteroid of this size (throw) tons of dust into the air, blotting out the sun. The earth (turn) dark, cold and hostile to life.

IIIt happened on a very foggy day in London. The street traffic (move) with their lights on. Mr. Smith (expect) at a very important meeting in parliament. He (do) his best to get there on time. Soon he (understand) he (lose) in the fog. Suddenly he (run) into a man. "I (help) you?" the man asked. He promised that he would take Mr. Smith to Westminster. The fog (get) thicker every minute, but after a ten-minute walk they (find) themselves at Westminster. The expression on his guide's face (strike) Mr. Smith as strange. The man's eyes (not blink). The man (tell) Mr. Smith that he (be) blind since his birth. And that (make) him such a perfect guide in the fog.


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Doctor Black was a well-known neurologist who could give good advice to his patients. One day he (sit) in his consulting room. He (see) a sad-looking man enter. The doctor (understand) that the man (worry) about something. "How you (feel)?" he asked the patient. The man explained to the Doctor that physically he (be) in the best form. After the patient (give) a check, the Doctor said "You (wear) out. Go to the theatre to see a silly play. That (make) you laugh." The man said that he already (see) a lot of silly plays but it (not help). The Doctor said that the man would forget his depression if he (buy) a ticket for Mr. Sneerwell's performance. "The famous comedian (know) how to bring a dead man back to life", he said. But the patient (keep) repeating: "No use, Doctor." Then he added: "The matter (be) that 1 (be) Mr. Sneerwell."


DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECHExercise 1. Look at the examples and choose the correct forms of the rules.I told the assistant that I wanted size 8. (NOT 1 told that I wanted size 8.)I said that I wanted size 8.I said to the assistant that I wanted size 8. (NOT I said the assistant-that-...)I said to her ‘What are you doing? ’ (NOT I told her ‘What are y &u doing? ’)I told him to hurry up. (NOT Isaid him to hurry up.)1. After (say / tell), we normally say who is spoken to. We do not put 'to' before the object.2. After (say / tell), we do not have to say who is spoken to. If we do, we put 'to' before the object.3. (Say / Tell) means 'inform' or 'instruct'. It can't introduce questions.4. (Say / Tell) can't normally be used before an infinitive.5. (Say / Tell) can be used without a personal object in a few expressions like (say / tell) a lie, (say / tell) the truth, (say / tell) a story, (say / tell) the time.

Exercise 2. Put in the correct forms of say or tell.1. Ben ... that the lift is out of order. 2. Lucy ... Harris that she couldn't go to the pictures with him. 3. What did she ... you? 4. Please, don't ... Jim what had happened. 5. Ann ... she didn't like Peter. 6. Jack ... me he was ill. 7. Why didn't you ... me the truth? 8.1 ... that I wasn't ready. 9. ... me what you need.10. Have you ... the doctor about it? 11. Did you ... anything to me? 12. He doesn't ... me anything. 13. Mary ... her mother she was going to the office.



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14. Why didn't she ... goodbye? 15. I ... him to be quiet. 16. Who ... that?17. ... that you won't forget me. 18. Could you ... the time, please? 19. She ... to me she didn't know what to do. 20. That little boy is very bad. He ... a lot of lies.

Exercise 3. Say whether the action of the object clause precedes, follows or is simultaneous with the action of the principal clause in the following sentences.1. He asked me what work I was doing and whether I intended to go to a University. 2. She claimed that she had met Brenda on her way home. Brenda had told her that I would probably come to her place later. 3. Then I thought about Mother. She would certainly ask me where I had been all day. 4. She said she would be staying in town the next day to do some shopping. 5 .1 don't think that I shall ever work for your father. 6. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the youths had stopped talking and were watching us. 7. I hope you know what you are doing. 8. In the hotel the waiter told me that an American had been staying there for three months. 9. It was also rumoured that Dan had got married.

Exercise 4. Explain how the rules of the Sequence of Tenses work in these clauses. Translate them into Russian.1. She called my mother to say that they had just got a telegram from Boston announcing that Henry's brother had got married in Germany. 2 .1 knew she was itching to tell me what had happened. 3. He knew that his mother would think he was seriously ill and would probably speak to the teacher. 4. He wanted to return to the house to see how Billy was doing and tell him that he would be going out to Carolina in two or three days. 5. Rudy decided that he would have to tell Bogart that it was impossible for him to appear before the board the next day, but that he would offer to do so any other day.

Exercise 5. Give your reasons as to why the rules of the Sequence of Tenses are not observed in the following sentences.1. He said he is free tomorrow. 2. He spoke with the satisfaction of a competent workman who knows his job from A to Z. 3. He sought pleasure in the simple and natural things that life offers to everyone. 4. Monty told me that he had no permit for the gun, and that in England it is illegal to own a gun without a permit. 5 .1 knew I should go; but we sat there because it is difficult to go without any particular reason for living. 6. Billy folded his arms and leaned back. "I told you I don't like milk.”


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Exercise 6. Imagine these sentences were reported in another place a monthlater. Put in the 'here' and 'now' words.e.g. 'I'll see you tomorrow.' She said she'd see me the next day.1. 'My brother's arriving here today.' She said her brother was arriving ... .2. 'I'll phone you this evening.' He said he'd phone her . . . . 3. 'Do you like it here?' She asked if I liked i t . . . . 4. 'My uncle died last week.' He told me his uncle had died ... . 5. 'This meat tastes funny.' She said ... meat tasted funny. 6. 'I'm leaving now.' He said he was leaving ... . 7. 'I overslept this morning.' She told him she had overslept ... morning. 8. 'The train leaves at 11.00 tonight.' I was told the train left at 11.00 ... 9. 'Pete phoned me yesterday.' He said Pete had phoned him ... .10. 'You look good today.' Bill said she looked good . . . .

Exercise 7. Make the actions of the following object clauses simultaneous with those of the principal clauses.1. I thought you (have) better sense. 2. She could not imagine what he (do) there. 3. She wanted Wilfred to forbid my walking in the park alone. She said it (be) dangerous. 4. I did not know whether the doctor (mean) what he (say) or whether he (have) a joke at my expense. 5. What surprised me was that Pat (be) so much at home there. 6. He asked me what work I (do) and whether I (intend) to go to a University. 7 .1 was surprised you (not know) my name.8. He told his father that he (make) ten dollars a week less. 9. The last two weeks she had been saying to everyone who phoned her that she (be) unwell and (not leave) home. 10. When I knew him better he admitted that he (feel) lonely in London.

Exercise 8. Make the actions in the following object clauses precede those of the principal clauses.1. At ten o'clock he telephoned again, saying that he (change) his mind. 2 .1 knew that for the past twenty-five years he (buy) the same paper each morning.3. Indeed it was whispered that the headmaster (receive) a telegram from the boy's father. 4. She seemed to have forgotten what (happen) a few minutes before.5. But he was uneasy. His wife would easily find out that he (go) to Saigon. 6. It was not known where he (spend) his early childhood. 7. The question was why he (do) it at all. 8. Then he admitted that he (live) since the summer in his father's house. 9. What she could not understand was why he (tell) them such a pack of lies. 10. She wrote that they (let) their house for a year. 11. Her mother once confided to her that she (want) to be an actress. 12. It was probably true that he (be) quite fond of his late brother. 13. One day she told me why she never (get) married. 14 .1 wondered what she (do) there so late at night.


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Exercise 9. Complete the reported sentences with the correct tenses.1. 'I'm tired.' She said she ... tired. 2. 'You play very well.' He told me I ... very well. 3. 'Can you help us?' They asked if I ... help them. 4. 'We're leaving.' They told us they ... . 5. 'She hasn't brushed her hair.' I noticed that she ... her hair.6. 'John's had an accident.' Pam rang to say that John ... an accident. 7. 'I left school at fifteen.' Her letter said that she ... school at fifteen. 8. 'She won't say anything.' I knew she ... anything. 9. 'Nobody will know.' I thought nobody . . . .10. 'This letter has been opened.' I could see that the letter . . . .

Exercise 10. Report the statements.1. Betty said to Lucy, "I'm sorry to disturb you." 2. Dan said, "I've missed my bus, I'll be late and my boss will be furious." 3. The girl said to her friends, "I didn't go to the stadium yesterday." 4. My brother said, "I'm talking on the phone." 5. Nora said to Jack, "I'll tell you what to do." 6. Lora said, "John phoned this evening." 7. Bill said, "I've been ill for a fortnight." 8. She said, "I've never set eyes on him in my life." 9. He said, "Bill wants to know if you are free tomorrow." 10. Jane said, "I'm learning French now."

Exercise 11. Use the required tense-aspect forms in the following sentences, observing the rules of the Sequence of Tenses.1. When I went into the office next morning I already (formulate) my plan.2. Well, I don't think I ever (see) you before. 3. She ended by saying that she (think) she (make) a mistake. 4. She knew what (go) on in their minds. 5. SoI went into the living room, where my aunt already (wait) for me. 6. She telephoned her husband to the office to say that her brother (return) from abroad.7. An old friend rang up to ask how Elizabeth (feel), and whether she (can) go with his wife to the concert on Sunday morning. 8. Most of the trees already (put) out their leaves and there were buds everywhere. 9. He remembered that he (not see) Lily for three weeks. 10. She hadn't yet figured out what she (be) going to do and she (hope) to be able to wait a little. 11. It was possible that Jack (hang) around. 12. Everybody didn't know why she (invent) the story.

Exercise 12. Translate the following into English, observing the rules of the Sequence of Tenses.1. Он мне говорил, что интересуется историей. 2. Он знал, о чем она дума­ет. 3. Он сказал, что вернется очень скоро. 4. Я знал, что он живет в Лондо­не. 5. Я знал, что она жила в Сан-Франциско. 6. Она мне сказала, что гово­рила с ними. 7. Я думал, что он получает от нее письма. 8. Я был рад, что он получил от нее письмо. 9. Я думал, что они пригласят нас. 10. Я был


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уверен, что он работает на этом заводе. II. Я был уверен, что он работает, и поэтому не вошел в комнату. 12. Он сказал мне, что видел их накануне.13. Я был уверен, что он сидит в саду. 14. Она говорила, что книга ей нра­вится. 15. Я был уверен, что он живет здесь уже много лет. 16. Я вчера слышал, что они в Эдинбурге. 17. Мы слышали, что они были в Ливерпу­ле. 18. Я слышал, что они работают уже несколько месяцев. 19. Мы не знали, что он болен. 20. Мы не знали, что он так давно болен. 21. Он не знал, что мы знаем друг друга с детства. 22. Мне сказали, что они вчера вернулись в Москву.

Exercise 13. Translate the sentences from Russian into English, observing the rules of the Sequence of Tenses.1. Я был уверен, что он жалеет, что поссорился с ней. 2. Я подумал, что он устал, и спросил его, что он делал все это время. 3. У меня было впечатле­ние, что он находится там уже некоторое время. 4. Я кивнул и сказал "да", чувствуя, что это именно то, что ей хочется. 5. Она говорила, что не может понять, почему они переменили решение. 6. У меня было подозрение, что она забыла упомянуть, что я его жду. 7. Я не имею понятия, знает ли она, что Фил будет здесь. 8. Кстати, Тед знает, что моя сестра приезжает завтра?9. Он еще не знал, что будет делать в Нью-Йорке. 10. Он сказал, что они обсудят этот вопрос, как только директор вернется из Москвы. 11. Я думал, что вы позвоните мне, когда получите телеграмму. 12. Я сказал, что прочту эту книгу только после того, как сдам экзамены. 13. Он сказал, что не пой­дет домой, пока не закончит эту работу. 14. Я боялся, что он будет сердить­ся, если я не приду вовремя. 15. Он пообещал мне, что поговорит с про­фессором, если увидит его в университете.

Exercise 14. Use the required tense-aspect forms in the following sentences.1. She scarcely realized what (happen). 2. Oh, Jane! I didn't think you (be) so unkind. 3. Mary (return) to the room. A1 (sit) beside the gas fire and (take) off his shoes. 4. Her eyes (be) puffed, and she obviously (cry) that afternoon. 5. She realized that he (try) to tell her how lonely he (be). 6. His cheek (be) cut. When she (see) it she (say): "Oh, you (fight) again." 7 .1 thought I (sleep) well, being tired. 8. She (make) me promise to say nothing about it till she (have) a chance of breaking the news to her father gradually. 9. She asked if Mr. Clennam (tell) her where he (live). 10. As Hugh and I (come) down the steps we nearly (run) into my father. 11. Sir Wilfred knew, from the frequency with which she used her handkerchief, that tears (run) down her cheeks. 12. He (remain) in his seat, as though studying his programme, till the three (pass) out into the foyer. 13. 1 (sit)


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there for about ten minutes, pretending to read, when someone (sit) down at my table. 14. She (look) up at him from where she (sit). 15. While his wife (read) the letter, he (cross) to the window.

Exercise 15. Translate into English.1. Я думал, что ты занят. 2. Мы сказали, что хотели пойти в оперу. 3. Мы надеялись, что вы умеете плавать. 4. Она заявила, что хочет пойти с нами.5. Врач сказал, что я должен остаться дома. 6. Я думал, что моя сестра хорошо их знает. 7. Он решил, что его товарищи все еще играют в шахма­ты. 8. Она сказала, что они обычно встают в восемь часов. 9. Я не знала, что вы тоже любите музыку. 10. Ты знал, что он уехал за город? 11. Она мне сказала, что говорила с вами. 12. Мать сказала, что они уже пообеда­ли. 13. Она думала, что он уже закончил университет. 14. Том сказал, что видел этот фильм. 15. Она говорила, что примет участие в работе. 16. Мы сказали, что вернемся через час. 17. Они сказали, что лекция начнется в пять часов. 18. Мы им сказали, что не будем ждать их. 19. Я думал, что у каждого из нас будет месяц отпуска летом. 20. Мать надеялась, что сын вернется через неделю.

Exercise 16. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.1. Она сказала, что очень занята и давно не была в театре. 2. Я думал, что вы прочтете в газете, что делегация уже прибыла в Москву. 3. Я знал, что он чувствует, что я не доволен результатами его опытов. 4. Роберт сказал, что его жена все еще в больнице и он собирается навестить ее вечером.5. Наш гид сказал, что автобус только что пришел и отправится в Глазго через час. 6. Учительница сказала, что мы должны повторить все правила, если хотим сдать экзамены хорошо. 7. Мой друг пообещал достать несколь­ко книг по этому вопросу, как только я начну работать над статьей. 8. Она думала, что завтра будет хорошая погода. 9. Я заметил, что она смотрит на меня. 10. Я знал, что она не вернется. 11. На платформе было мало людей, все уже заняли свои места в вагоне. 12. Она знала, что она права, и была права с самого начала. 13. Я надеялся, что кто-то нашел мои ключи и пере­даст их мне. 14. Было ясно, что случилось что-то ужасное. 15. Он пообе­щал, что сделает все к понедельнику. 16. Он сказал, что отправит теле­грамму, если не получит известий от брата.

Exercise 17. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.1. Jack told his father, "I hope to pass the examination." 2. Henry said to me, "The teacher is listening to us." 3. Bob said to Tom, "I made no mistakes in the


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last dictation." 4 .1 told the policeman, "I saw the thief in the garden." 5. He said, "I haven't read many English books." 6. Jack's father said to him, "You haven't cleaned your shoes." 7. Mary said, "I don't want to wear my old dress". 8. My mother said to me, "I feel very tired, and I have a headache." 9. My friend told me, "We have plenty of time to do our work." 10.1 said to my sister, "I haven't seen my uncle for a long time." 11. "I'm going away tomorrow, mother", he said.12. "It isn't so foggy today as it was yesterday", I remarked. 13. "We have a lift but very often it doesn't work", they said. 14. "I have no idea what the time is but I'll dial 8081 and find out", said his daughter. 15. "Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun", she said.

Exercise 18. Change the following sentences into Direct Speech.1. My sister said that she hadn’t got a watch. 2. The teacher told his students that he was pleased with their work. 3 .1 told him that I hadn't seen his brother for a long time. 4 .1 told my mother that Henry was studying medicine at the University.5. She told the grocer that she didn't want any sugar. 6. We told the teacher that we didn't understand his question. 7 .1 told the taxi-driver that he was driving too fast. 8. She said that her children were playing in the garden.

Exercise 19. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech. Decide whether to use "told" or "asked", or whether either of these two verbs is suitable.1. Mary said to her brother, "Take the letter to the Post Office, please". 2. The teacher said to Tom, "Collect the exercise-books and put them on my table".3. The old man said to the girl, "Don't run across the street". 4. The teacher said to the pupils, "Learn the poem by heart". 5 .1 said to my friend, "Meet me outside the cinema at six o'clock". 6. Mary's mother said to her, "Don't go out without your coat". 7. The teacher said to the students, "Open your books at page 60".8. The doctor said to the sick man, "Don't go back to work for a fortnight".9. Jack said to the policeman, "Tell me the time, please".

Exercise 20. Report the following using the verbs suggested + to infinitive.1. "Hurry up". He told me . . . . 2. "Don’t leave the door unlocked". She warned them... . 3. "Would you like to come to my party?" He invited her.. . . 4. "Don't be stupid". She told me... . 5. "You should stop smoking". The doctor advised my brother... . 6. "Could you change the light bulb for me?" She asked m e... . 7. "Can I do the washing-up?" I offered.. . . 8. "Don't touch the wire". He warnedme.. . . 9. "Could you speak more slowly?" He asked her__ 10. "Shut the door".She told m e... . 11. "Don't touch my camera". He told m e... . 12. "I think you


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should take another English course". My teacher advised me... . 13. "You may use my telephone". Mar Jacobson permitted me... . 14. "Make an appointment with the dentist". My mother reminded m e.. . . 15. "I think you should take a long vacation". My friend encouraged m e.. . . 16. "Would you like to come to our house for dinner?" The Smiths invited us. . . . 17. "You should see a doctor about the pain in your knee". My friend advised me.. . . 18. "Don't buy a used car". She advised me... . 19. "Take these letters to the post, will you?" The boss asked me... .20. "Don'tshelterunderatreeinathunderstorm".Hewamedus... .21. "Remember to switch off when you've finished". He reminded his son... .22. "You must see the exhibition". My friend advised me.. . . 23. "Answer this letter for me, will you? And remember to keep a copy". He asked me ... and reminded me... .

Exercise 21. Change the sentences as shown in the example.e.g. I won't tell anybody. (He promised) - He promised not to tell anybody.I. We’ll pay for the tickets. (We offered) 2. I'll cook supper. (She offered)3. Leave early. (He advised me) 4. Please close the door. (She asked me) 5. I'll stop smoking. (He promised) 6. Why don't I do the shopping? (He offered)7. You ought to tell the police. (She advised me) 8. Wait outside. (I told her)9. OK, I'll pay half. (He agreed) 10. Park round the corner. (She told me)II. Phone me before nine. (She told me)

Exercise 22. Report the following requests and orders.1. The teacher, "Don't be late, Peter." 2. The guard, "Turn back." 3. George, "Don't speak over the phone when I'm listening to music, Betty." 4. The guide, "Mind the steps." 5. Mother, "Don't eat so many cakes, children." 6. Peter, "Wait for me, Ann." 7. The teacher, "Don’t forget to take your text-book, Jim." 8. Mum, "Remember to post the letter, Kate." 9. Sue, "Don't leave the door open." 10. The officer, "Open the fire." 11. Mary, "Don't drive too fast or the baby will be sick."12. His mother, "Don't forget to thank Mrs. Jones."

Exercise 23. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.1. Я попросил Джека дать мне его словарь. 2. Кондуктор сказал пассажи­рам не выскакивать (get off) из автобуса на ходу, (while/go) 3. Учитель попросил студента стереть с доски. 4. Мама попросила меня закрыть окно.5. Он напомнил мне отправить письмо. 6. Отец запретил детям входить в его кабинет. 7. Инспектор предупредил нас, что здесь стоянка запрещена, (to park) 8. Гид посоветовал нам посетить этот музей. 9. Мать предупреди­ла детей, что им нельзя ходить в лес одним. 10. Я попросила Ника провести меня на вокзал.


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Exercise 24. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.1. The teacher asked Tom, "Do you come to school by bus or on foot?" 2. A man stopped me in the street and asked, "Have you got a match?" 3. The teacher asked us, "Do you understand the question?" 4. Henry's father asked his son, "Do you want to be an engineer or a doctor?" 5 .1 asked Peter, "Are you going to play football on Friday?" 6. He asked his secretary, "Has the postman come yet?"7. Ann's mother asked her, "Are you tired?" 8. He asked his friend, "Do you like the wine?" 9 .1 asked Frank, "Did you buy a new car?" 10. Ann's father asked her, "Have you finished the work?" 11.1 asked my sister, "Will you go to Italy in summer?"

Exercise 25. Translate the sentences.1. Гид спросил туристов, не устали ли они. 2. Я спросила своих гостей, хорошо ли они спали. 3. Он поинтересовался, часто ли мы ходим в театр.4. Он хотел узнать, долго ли работает у нас мистер Долби. 5. Она спросила меня, будет ли на вечеринке Эдвард. 6. Она спросила меня, видел ли я Джона в последнее время. 7. Хозяин отеля поинтересовался, понравился ли мне мой номер. 8. Она спросила, работаем ли мы сейчас.

Exercise 26. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.I. Mother asked Jane, "What are you doing here?" 2. Margaret asked Richard, "Where are you going for your holidays?" 3. Ann asked Mary, "What do you usually have for breakfast?" 4. The inspector asked, "Who caused the accident?"5. Mary's mother asked her, "Where have you put your shoes?" 6. The teacher asked Bob, "When did you learn to swim?" 7. The teacher asked, "Which number can be divided by three?" 8. Peter asked me, "When are you going to have dinner?" 9. The policeman asked me, "Where did you lose your wallet?" 10. The teacher came into the classroom and asked the pupils, "What are you doing?"I I . 1 asked Bob, "Why didn't you answer my letter?" 12. There was a crowd in the street. I asked a man in the crowd, "What is the matter?" 13. Father asked, "When will lunch be ready?" 14. The little boy asked his father, "Why does the policeman wear a uniform?" 15.1 asked him, "Who are you looking at?" 16. The nurse asked, "Who is the next, please?" 17. The man asked his friend, "When did you buy your car?"

Exercise 27. Translate into English.1. Они спросили меня, когда начинается мой рабочий день. 2. Он спросил, какую музыку любят мои друзья. 3. Мы спросили его, кто из его друзей знает два иностранных языка. 4. Журналисты спросили писателя, над какой книгой он работает. 5. Она спросила меня, где я был вчера. 6. Они


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спросили моего друга, как он провел каникулы. 7. Я спросил у неё, где ей сшили пальто. 8. Я спросила у него, какие еще французские книги он про­читал за последнее время. 9. Друзья спросили у него, куда он ездил в про­шлое воскресенье. 10. Родители спросили нас, что мы собираемся делать летом. 11. Жена спросила, почему он не купил хлеб. 12. Мы спросили пре­подавателя, как мы сдали экзамен. 13. Она спросила его, когда он видел Лену в последний раз. 14. Они спросили меня, когда я позвоню своим ро­дителям. 15. Я спросил его, когда он собирается закончить эту работу.

Exercise 28. Report the questions.1. She asked him, "Why did you make me go out tonight?" 2. I said to Jim, "Where were you last month?" 3. She says to me, "Do you think it is right?"4. The writer said to the editor, "Will the book have been published by spring?"5. He says, "What are you doing there, Liz?" 6. She asked me, "Are these articles still being printed?" 7. He said to her, "Why don't you spend a few days with Alice?" 8. Sheila asked Kate, "Have you got married?" 9. Lucy asked Jo, "Why wasn't the doctor sent for?" 10. He said to Bert, "When was all this decided?"

Exercise 29. Report the following questions.1. "Who put salt in my coffee?" he asked. 2. "How can I run in high-heeled shoes?" she enquired. 3. Whose car did you borrow last night?" I said to him.4. "What was she wearing when you saw her last?" the policeman asked me.5. "Have you done this work before?" said his new employer. 6. "Is he a scientist or an arts graduate?" Mary asked me. 7. "Are there playing fields near the school?" the parents asked the headmaster. 8. "Are you sorry for what you did?" the mother asked the little boy. 9. "Why do you think it may be dangerous?" he asked her.10. "Do you know that the shoes you are wearing aren't a pair?" I asked him.

Exercise 30. Correct the errors.1. She asked him where he came from. 2. She asked who Bill had been. 3. She asked me why the tree was cut down. 4. We asked them if they are able to come to our place earlier. 5. The customs officer asked me if I had had anything to declare. 6. Betty said she was busy the next day. 7. She asked me if these books were mine. 8. He asked me to have done everything at once. 9. The teacher told us to stay here. 10. She asked me if she saw me before.

Exercise 31. Make the sentences direct.1. He told her that he would help her. 2. Mike told Maurice that he had rang him an hour before. 3. She asked him to come in. 4. She told him she would do al!


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she could. 5. She asked him if he was not homesick sometimes. 6. She asked him if he would come back that day. 7. He asked her what she was going to do.8. He advised her not to hesitate to say anything she wanted to. 9. He asked her to tell him a joke. 10. She warned him if he did not hurry up he would be late.

Exercise 32. Put the following into Indirect Speech.1. "I have something to tell you," I said to her. 2. "It isn't so rainy today as it was yesterday," I remarked. 3. "I'll come with you as soon as I'm ready," she replied.4. "If you leave home at six, you should be here by nine," he said to me. 5. "If it rains today it will be too wet to play tennis tomorrow," the captain said. 6. "I was going to do it tomorrow," he said, "but now I don't think I'll be able to."7. "Which team has won?" asked Ann. 8. "Who is playing next week?" he asked.9. "What platform does the train leave from?" asked Bill. 10. "When was the timetable changed?" I asked. 11. "Have you reserved a seat?" I asked him.12. "Did you play for your school team?" said Bill. 13. "Make good use of your time. You won't get such an opportunity again," he said to us. 14. "Be veiy careful when crossing roads," she said, "and remember to drive on the right."15. "Don't touch it. You will only make it worse," he told me. 16. "Would you please take off your shoes?" Keiko said to him. 17. "You can't park here," said the police officer. 18. "I'll see you in the morning, Helen," said Peter. 19. "I'm taking the 5.30 train tomorrow evening," said Janet. 20. "The trousers have to be ready this afternoon," said Paul. 21. "I left my umbrella here two days ago," said Susan. 22. "I think it's going to rain tonight," said William. 23. "What time does the film start, Peter?" I asked. 24. "Why did you apply for this job?" asked the sales manager. 25. "Are you taking much money with you to France?" asked the bank manager. 26. "When will I know the results of the examination?" asked Jenny. 27. "Are you enjoying your flight?" asked the stewardess. 28. "How does this camera work?" I asked the salesman. 29. "Have you ever been to Russia, Paul?" asked Ben. 30. "Do you watch television every evening, Sue?" asked the interviewer.

Exercise 33. Change these sentences into Indirect Speech (reported some later).1. He's ill. (She thought) 2. I'll be back tomorrow. (He said) 3. I don't like this music. (She said) 4. Where's the bus station? (She asked me) 5. Have you finished? (I asked him) 6. Nobody loves me. (I felt) 7. Do you want tea or coffee? (He asked her) 8. I'll clean the flat. (She offered) 9. When is the car going to be ready? (I asked) 10. What am I doing here? (I wondered) 11. These figures can't be right. (I knew) 12. Her cat understands everything she says. (She thought)


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13. What does the boss want? (I asked) 14. Did Mary phone back? (I wondered)15. You ought to see the doctor. (He advised me) 16. Would you like a drink? (She asked him)

Exercise 34. Put the verbs in brackets into the required past tense, pay attention to the Sequence of Tenses.1. She (hear) the band playing and she (know) that in a few moments the curtain (go) up. 2. Myra (think) he (prefer) to be by himself. 3 .1 (hear) from your mother that you (be) late and so I (order) coffee and sandwiches. 4. Mrs. Streep (ask) him if he (have) dinner there. 5. The old man (ask) me if I (have) parents. 6. He (be) very sorry for Jennie, and he (tell) his wife that he (have) to go out and see her. 7. And the other day I (have) a letter from him saying he (be) in Moscow soon. 8 .1 (say) I (be) by nine o'clock. 9. You (promise) you (try) to persuade him to stay on for a bit. 10. In a few words I (tell) him what (happen). 11. She (ask) me if I (live) long in that town. 12. When I (ring) her that evening she (say) she (not like) to discuss those problems on the phone. 13. That evening she (tell) me she (be) at the hotel room, and about half past eight I (dial) that number, but there (be) no answer. 14. I (put) the papers back where they (belong). 15. He (write) that he (come) to lunch the following day.

Exercise 35. Put the verbs in brackets into the required tense.I

One night Mrs. Jouce Bowels (drive) her car from Winchester to Chilcomb with a friend of the family, Mr. Ted Pratt. Suddenly they (see) an orange light in the sky. The car (start) to shake & Mrs. Bowels couldn't control it. Some unknown power (lift) it, then (push) it to the left, then (stop) the engine and (switch off) the lights. "It was then that we (see) a cigar-shaped object about 5 yards long. There (be) 3 figures inside," said Mrs. Bowels. The 3 figures (be) the crew of the UFO. Mrs. Bowels said that she never (be) so frightened before. The alien crew (look) like ordinary people, but they (wear) silver clothes. Mrs. Bowels (be afraid) they (kill) by the aliens, but they only looked at the car instruments. Suddenly the lights (switch on) & they (shine) 4 times brighter than normal. Mrs. Bowels (want) to say "Thank you" but before she (open) her mouth the UFO and its crew already (disappear) into the night.

IIDear Mum & Dad,Just a quick note as I (be) in a tearing hurry. Guess what - 1 just (interview) by a journalist who (ask) me lots of questions about how I (get) on here in America. There (go) to be an article about me in the local paper. Fame at last! I (send) you


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a copy as soon as it (come) out. Anyway, the journalist (wonder) if I (enjoy) my stay & how long I (be) in the States. He also (ask) me a rather embarrassing question: "You (like) American food?" You know I can't stand it! He also (want) to know why I (come) to the States & what I (remember) most & best about the country when I (come) back home. I (find) those questions difficult to answer as I only (be) here for 2 weeks. Don't forget to show the article to everyone! Love, Andrew.

IIIHarry got a letter from his friend Jack. Jack (have) a week's holiday in a camp. He invited Harry to join him if he (be) free at the weekend. Harry (catch) the five o'clock train. But he (leave) all his things behind. He (think) he (borrow) what he needed from Jack. On the train Harry (run) into a strange man. He remembered that he (see) the man's face on television as the police (look) for him. Harry (keep) watching the man during the trip. When the train (pull) at the station, Jack (wait) for his friend Harry. Harry called the policeman & they (catch) the man. He (send) to prison. Harry (feel) very proud about his adventure.

IVDear Keith, I am sorry I haven't written for such a long time, but it (take) me ages to finish my school leaving examinations. It's finally over! Since finishing my examinations I (try) to decide what to do next. I (think) about going abroad for a year or two, but I (not make up) my mind yet. Actually, I (think) about entering Vilnius University too, but then I (meet) Rokas, my cousin. He (come) from the library. He (study) there for 8 hours. He said he (want) to enter the University. But I (not can) sit in the libraries for hours. Now I (think) about applying for a job. That's it for now. Hope all is well. Thomas.

VOn the Plantation

Edward (sleep) for an hour. When he (wake up), he saw two women sitting by his bed. One of them (have) long black hair and large beautiful eyes. It was Aurore. The other woman was Eugenie. "I (be) so happy that you (be) much better," Eugenie (say). "I am thankful to you that you (save) my life." "The doctor (say) you soon (be) well again." The two women (go) away. Edward (lie) in his bed thinking about them. He (understand) that Eugenie was only a good friend to him. But Aurore! His feelings (say) that he (fall) in love with her.

VIOn a Train

It was Sunday. The suburban trains (overcrowd). A gentleman (walk) along the platform. He (look) for a place. Suddenly he (see) a vacant seat in one of the compartments. A small bag lay on that seat and a well-dressed gentleman (sit)


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beside it. "Is this seat vacant?" (ask) the gentleman. "No it (occupy) by my friend, he (come) in a minute. He (go) to buy cigarettes." "Well," (say) the gentleman, "I (sit) here till he (come)." Ten minutes (pass). "Your friend (miss) the train if he (not to hurry)," the gentleman (say). "Yes," nervously (reply) the other. The train started, but nobody (come). "Your friend (be) late," said the gentleman, "but let him not lose his bag at least," and with these words he (take) the bag and (throw) it out of the window. The well-dressed gentleman (try) to catch the bag but it (be) too late. It (be) his own bag and he (occupy) the second seat because he (want) to be comfortable.

VIIPleasing Everybody

Since an old man and his son wanted to sell their donkey at the town market far away from their home, they had to take the animal to the town. They hardly (leave) their home when a neighbour called to them. "Why you (walk) when you have a donkey?" he asked. The old man (put) his son on the donkey while he continued to lead. They (be) about halfway to town when three women standing by the side of the road scolded the boy. "You should be ashamed of yourself, riding when your father (have) to walk," one of the women said. "You (be) right, I guess," the old man said. "Let me get on behind you, son." They almost (reach) the town when a group of villagers began laughing at them. "You should be carrying that poor beast, instead of making him carry both of you." So the old man and his son (get down) and (tie) the animal to a pole so that they (can) carry it. But as they (cross) the bridge near the marketplace, the donkey (kick) loose from the pole and (fall) into the stream and (drown). "Our donkey (be) dead now, and it should teach us," the old man said sadly to his son. "If we hadn’t tried to please everybody our donkey would have been alive," he added. "Whenever we try to please everyone, we (lose)."

VIII A Letter

Dear David, I (write) this letter to you to keep you updated as to what we (do). When we (speak) last month I was working at Mountain bell. Since then I (start) my own business. Basically, this is why I am writing. I (excite) about the growth that we (experience). In fact, we (expand) this programme since the very beginning and we (reach) 20,000 dollars per month. David, I have no idea if you (satisfy) with your standard of living. I also (not know) if you (pay) at present what you are worth, but this opportunity (give) us everything we ever (dream) about. I fully (understand) that this opportunity (not be) for everyone. But you (be) just the person to work in this program. Please, study the information we already (send) to you and the details we (send) in this letter. Please, (give) us a call so that we can answer any questions that you (have) after you have studied


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everything. If we didn't think of you as of an ideal candidate for this programme, we wouldn't have sent you this information. We (look) forward to hearing from you in the nearest future. All the best, Chris Edersberg.

IXFire on the Laconia

On December 19th, 1963, the cruise ship LACONIA (leave) Southampton docks. It was a big ship with about 650 passengers and a crew of about 300 on board. People who (book) for the cruise (tell) by the adverts that this (be) "a holiday you never (forget)". Three days after the cruise (begin), at half past eleven in the evening, the passengers (hear) the news that the ship was on fire, but that was nothing serious. At first nobody (panic), but people on the decks soon saw that the members of the crew (unfasten) life boats for an emergency. At half past twelve the passengers (instruct) to leave their cabins and get in the lifeboats quickly. People (terrify). Some fell into the sea as the crowded boats (hit) the sides of the ship on their way down. All through the night they (ride) on the 15- foot waves of the rough Atlantic until they (pick up) next morning by helicopters and rescue boats. If the cruise manager hadn't ordered the passengers to get into the lifeboats in time, 128 people would have died.

Exercise 36. Translate the story from Russian into English, paying special attention to the italicized words.

Совет врачаМедсестра спросила меня, ожидаю ли я доктора Грея, и пригласила

меня к нему в кабинет.Доктор Грей улыбнулся мне и спросил, что меня беспокоит. Я сказал, что

ужасно переутомлен (be run down). Он спросил меня, поздно ли я ложусь спать (stay up late), и я сказал, что нет. Он поинтересовался, почему я не соблюдаю нормальный режим (keep regular hours), и я объяснил, что почти каждый вечер я встречаюсь с друзьями. Доктор захотел узнать, как я провожу время, и я сказал, что в основном я хожу на вечеринки. Доктор спросил меня, удаётся ли (have the chance) мне отдохнуть (to recover) в выходные дни, но я вынужден был признать, что в выходные дни наши вечеринки длятся всю ночь.

Он спросил меня, курю ли я, и когда я сказал, что курю, доктор спросил меня, сколько сигарет в день я выкуриваю. Он был поражён, когда услы­шал мой ответ. Тогда врач спросил меня, занимаюсь (take) ли я гимнасти­кой для поддержания своего здоровья (to keep fit).

Я ответил, что для этого у меня нет времени."Вы поджигаете свечу (bum the candle) с обоих концов", сказал доктор

Грей и добавил, "но я завидую вам, что вы так весело проводите время".94

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Use the most suitable tense-form of the verbs in brackets.TEXT 1

THE FARMER AND THE BOYOne morning a farmer met a boy and asked him if the latter wanted a job. The boy (to answer) that he (to do). The farmer (to want) to know if the boy (can) give him a good character. The boy said that he (can) and (to add) that it (to be) from Mr. Muggs, the shopkeeper, his previous master.The farmer agreed. The farmer told the boy to go and ask Mr. Muggs to come there and speak to him. He said that he (to wait) there for some time. Twenty minutes (to pass) and then forty minutes (to pass), but Mr. Muggs (not to come). Later in the afternoon the farmer (to see) the boy again and he said that Mr. Muggs (not to come) with the boy's character. The boy (not to be) surprised to hear it. He said he (not to ask) Mr. Muggs to come there.The farmer asked why the boy (not to do) it. The boy (to answer) that he (to tell) his old master who (to want) the character. The farmer not (to understand). Then the boy (to explain) that his old master (to tell) him the character of the farmer.


The school in Pine Clearing was new and fine. The people (to be) pro ud of it, as well as of the schoolmistress, a young widow, who was clever and had a good education. One day when she (to leave) the school the chairman of the school board (to come) up to her "Mrs. Martin, we would like you to have an assistant as the school (to get) too large for one little woman. I (to go) to meet him now". At that moment a coach (to stop) at the gate and they (to see) a young man jump out of it. He (to look) strong and active. His eyes (to be) blue, his hair (to be) short; but his face (to have) no expression, it was like a mask. He (to introduce) himself to everybody as Charles Twing, the new assistant. The Chairman (to think) that he never (to see) such an expressionless face before; he was sure that as soon as Mrs. Martin (to look) at him she (to send) him away. Mrs. Martin asked Mr. Twing if he (to be) at college, and if he ever (to teach) at school. It turned out that he never (to do) such things. The schoolmistress (not to say) anything to this. She said she (to expect) him to come to the school early the next day.The next morning when Mrs. Martin came to the school the new assistant (not to come) yet. But soon he appeared with a crowd of children. They (to laugh) and (to look) very happy. Mrs. Martin (to get) angry, but Mr. Twing promised that he (to listen) and (to learn) very quickly.


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A month passed. All (to go) well in the school. Mrs. Martin (to begin) to like her new assistant and they (to become) good friends. She never (to ask) him what he (to do) before he (to become) a teacher.One day a piano (to bring) to the school as the children (to be) going to give a concert. Mrs. Martin wanted Mr. Twing to do something too and he (to decide) to recite a poem. While he (to do) it at the concert a voice from the audience shouted: "Bravo, Johnny Walker!" Mr. Twing's face (to become) white and he (to go) away quickly. After the concert Mrs. Martin (to find) him in a little room. He (to tell) her that he (to be) a clown before he (to come) to the school.


Once there (to rule) a powerful king over the island of Samos. He was rich and prosperous, and at last his prosperity (to rise) to such a height that he (to begin) to be afraid that the gods (can) be jealous of his happiness. So, some messengers (to send) to consult an oracle in another country. They (to tell) to bring the answer as soon as they (to get) it. When they (to reach) the oracle they (to receive) the answer: "Tell the King that if he (to want) to escape the anger of the Gods, he must throw into the sea that which he (to hold) to be the dearest of all his possessions. The messengers returned and the King (to tell) what the oracle (to say). The King therefore (to take) a boat and (to go) out to sea, and (to throw) away a ring which he (to value) greatly because it (to give) to him by his dead wife. That night he (to think) over what he (to do) that day and wondered if the gods (to keep) him safe from harm. When he (to wake) up in the morning he (to sit) down to breakfast. Imagine his surprise when he (to open) a fish that (to prepare) for him and (to see) the ring he (to throw) away the day before! A fisherman (to catch) the fish that morning and (to bring) it to the palace, not knowing what (to be) inside it. The king then (to understand) that the gods (to refuse) his sacrifice. He soon (to begin) to lose his power and (to die) in great misery. This story is a warning to us not to flatter ourselves that our happiness (to be) enduring, unless we (to depend) more upon ourselves than upon what we (to have).


One day Sarah and her little son Ben (to drive) home from London. The weather (to be) fine and warm though it (to rain) since morning. They (not to be) to their place for a long time and they (can) see some changes. "Mum, look, a new house (to build) in our street near our cottage." Sarah's cottage was a nice little place. It was theirs though in fact they (not to pay) all the money for it yet. As


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soon as they (to arrive) and (to come) into the house Sarah (to take) o ff her bag from her shoulders and (to put) it on the stairs in the hall.Ben (to run) into the sitting-room, (to turn) on the television though his mother (to forbid) him to do it. The boy made the TV work very noisily. Sarah (to leave) the house to take the food box from the car. At that moment their dog (to push) the door and it (to lock). Sarah (cannot) get inside. The keys (to be) in the bag, the windows and the back door (to close) and Ben (not to hear) her shout. Sarah (to hear) the music playing and some voices speaking. She (to understand) that if she (not to shout) at the top of her voice, the boy (never to come) to the door. So she (to do). Ben (to come), (to push) the keys through the letter-box and Sarah (to be) able to open the door. Ben (to give) the keys, the dog (to tell) to sit quiet, and they both (to go out) to take the food. While Sarah (to take) the box out of the car Ben (to lock) the door and (to push) the keys into the house through the letter-box. How do you like that?


As 1 1) (to prepare) for bed that chilly Sunday night in January 1989,1 happened to glance out through the sliding glass doors of my beachfront apartment. I saw a Jeep with its lights on, and two men, who 2) (to kick) at something in the surf. As the men drove away, I 3) (to continue) looking curious.Then, in the dim light of stars and the glow from city lights, I 4) (to see) them, two dark shapes at the edge of the foaming surf. 15) (to know) the shapes had to be dolphins - beached and in trouble.Pulling on warm slacks and a sweater, 16) (to race) out into the 40-degree night, and (to try) to remember evening I 7) (to learn) about dolphins. How strange, 18) (to think), that only a day earlier 19) (to discuss) dolphins with the scientist. A friend 10) (to invite) me to a party for Dr. John Lilly a world's foremost dolphin research authority. Although I 11) (to be) a real estate agent, I 12) always (to love) animals. I 13) (to pray) for guidance because I 14) (to want) to live a more meaningful life.115) (to find) the mother and the baby lying side by side. 1 16) (to approach) the two cautiously. In a soft voice 1 17) (to try) to communicate love. "Hello, 118) (to want) to help you. 19) (to be) you OK?" 120) (to sense) they 21) (to understand) me.I gently 22) (to place) my hand on the larger dolphin's cold, sleek side. She 23) (to flap) her tail as through tiying to swim away from me. 124) (to jump) back. 125) (to keep) on talking to them, and soon both 26) (to calm) down. 127) (to remember) Doctor Lilly telling me how particularly sensitive dolphins 28) (to be) to humans; in many cases they 29) (to show) incredible compassion in rescuing people. 130) (to decide) to


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shake hands, relying on the information I 31) (to learn), that dolphin flippers 32) (to be) very much like human hands and every bit as sensitive. 133) (to touch) and (to massage) their flippers. Warmth 34) to seem to come from the mother, as if she 35) (to acknowledge) my concern. I 36) (to rush) to my apartment and (to call) the Coast Guard. They said to me "Forget it, lady. Beach dolphins 37) (to have) zero chance of survival. There's nothing anybody 38) (can) do for them." 139) (to be) outraged. I quickly 40) (to grab) my largest cooking pot and (to run) back to the beach. Wading into the surf, I 41) (to collect) full pots of seawater and periodically (to pour) them over the dolphins to keep them moist. I gently 42) (to massage) their long, cold bodies and (to pat) them loving. I also43) (to lie) down next to them on the sand with my arms around them. Both44) (to emit) high-pitched squeaks. 145) (to see) that they 46) (to try) to tell me something. When I 47) (to brush) my hand over the mother's snout, she 48) (to open) her mouth as if to show me that she 49) (to trust) me. I felt I 50) (to accept). As the surf crashed and ebbed around us, 151) (to feel) that however long these two 52) (to stay), the three of us 53) (to find) a way of communicating. We 54) (to have) trust and friendship.The dark hours 55) (to pass). I 56) (to continue) sitting with my friends in the frigid salt air, often lying next to them with my arms around them, praying for them. About every half hour or so, when my body 57) (to become) numb with cold, I 58) (to run) home, to gulp some hot tea and change into dry clothes. Every time 159) (to return), they 60) (to look) up as if to say "So glad you 61) (to be) back." But about 3:00 am the dolphins weakened. The poof-poofing through their blowholes 62) (to show) considerably. Before long they 63) (to gasp). "Oh, please don't die," 164) (to cry). By about eight o'clock the animals 65) (to appear) to be comatose. They 66) (to lie) quiet, eyes closed, their limp tails sloshing in the knee-deep surf. 167) (to lean) over their whisper of air. After pouring hundreds of buckets of water over them and massaging them until my hands 68) (to be) raw, I felt I 69) (to lose) the battle.By nine o'clock the beach 70) (to be) a circus. Crowds 71) (to mill), helicopters circling and television crews dashing about. Everyone 72) (to seem) to be waiting for the moment of death. The tide 73) (to roll) in, and 174) (not to be able) to reach the dolphins as well as before. Five or six biologists 75) (to decide) to try and float the dolphins in order to take pressure off their lungs, which 76) (to compress) by the weights of their bodies. Then a man from Sea Shepard, a marine wildlife conservation group, 77) (to come) up in his wet suit. He gently 78) (to take) the baby and 79) to float it. Placing his hand under her and rubbing her belly soft, he 80) (to keep) on encouraging her. Suddenly a shudder 81) (to run) through her body, as if she 82) (to shake) herself awake. She 83) (to open) her eyes, (to look)


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up at him for a long moment, then 84) (to turn) and (to glide) out into the ocean. Next they floated the other in the surf. She 85) (to orient) herself for about 30 seconds, then 86) (to shoot off) through the sea to follow her calf! I couldn't contain my emotions. I 87) (to laugh), (to ciy). "Thank You, God, for helping me," I said. But I 88) (to worry) if they 89) (to be live) after their long ordeal? I wished they 90) (to let) me know in some way that they 91) (to be) all right. "The crowd 92) (to roar) and I (to look) up in astonishment. Out in the open sea, mother and baby 93) (to leap) out of the water, their sleek gray bodies arching high in the air. It was as if they 94) (to let) us know they 95) (to be) all right. Later that day the Coast Guard 96) (to report) spotting a pod of dolphins about a mile and a half offshore - probably the family of the mother and calf. 197) never (to see) them again, but out of that experience 198) (to give) new direction to my life. 199) (to learn) there are a lot of need to be met. Too often our good intentions end at our front door, when all we have to do is look outward, as I 100) (to do) that Sunday night.


THE INDEFINITE TENSE-FORM S............................................................................. 3

THE CONTINUOUS TENSE-FORMS.................... ................................................... 10


THE PERFECT TENSE-FORMS..................................................................................27

REVISION: THE INDEFINITE, CONTINUOUSAND PERFECT TENSE-FORMS................................................................. ..............43

THE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE-FORM S................................................... 46

REVISION: THE ACTIVE VOICE...............................................................................69

THE PASSIVE VOICE.................................................................................................... 72

REVISION: ACTIVE / PASSIVE VOICE..................... ..............................................79

THE SEQUENCE OF T E N SE S.................................................................................... 80


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.А. Кулешова

Учебное издание





С о с т а в и т е л и : Астрашевская Раиса Давыдовна Голякевич Наталья Дмитриевна

Зубрий Сергей Петрович

Технический редактор А. И. Гладун Компьютерная верстка С. А. Кирильчик

Подписано в печать/ / . / / .2010. Формат 60x84/16 Гарнитура Times New Roman суп Усл.-печ. л. 5,8.

Уч.-изд. л. 7,6. Тираж 150 экз. Заказ № Ч9І.

Учреждение образования “Могилевский государственный университет им. А.А. Кулешова”, 212022, Могилев, Космонавтов, 1.

ЛИ № 02330/278 от 30.04.2004 г.

Отпечатано в отделе оперативной полиграфии УО “МГУ им. А.А. Кулешова” 212022, Могилев, Космонавтов, 1.

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.А. Кулешова