Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 1

2 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…

Międzynarodowy komitet naukowy: Przewodniczący: dr Jan Telus – Rektor Staropolskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Kielcach. Członkowie: prof. zw. dr hab. Andrzej Rapacz – Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, prof. dr Slavoljub Vicić – Rektor Wyższej Szkoły Hotelarskiej w Belgradzie, Serbia, prof. dr Robert Štefko – Dziekan Wydziału Zarzadzania, Uniwersytet w Preszowie, Słowacja, prof. dr Nicilay Mazhar – Rektor Uniwersy-tetu Humanistycznego w Smoleńsku, Rosja, prof. dr Ilia Iliew – Dyrektor Międzynarodowego Związku Akademickiego w Sofii, Bułgaria, prof. dr Sofronija Miladinoski – Wydział Turystyki i Zarządzania Hotelarstwem w Ohrid, Macedonia, prof. dr Artur Horbovyy – Rektor Wołyńskiego Instytutu Ekonomii i Zarządzania w Łucku, Ukraina, prof. Ing. Kratochvíl Oldřich, Dr. ,CSc., Dr. h. c., MBA – Rektor Europejskiego Politechnicznego Instytutu w Kunovicach, Republika Czeska, prof. dr Kurtulus Karamustafa – Dziekan Wydziału Turystyki Uniwersytetu Erciyes, Turcja, prof. doc. dr Yakup Durmaz –Wydział Ekonomiczno-Administracyjny i Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Hasan Kalyoncu, Turcja, prof. dr Lothar Bildat – Wydział Zasobów Ludzkich, Organizacji Gospodarcze i Psychologii Uniwersytetu EBC w Berlinie, Niemcy, prof. Ing. Viera CIBÁKOVÁ, CSc. – Rektor Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomii i Zarządzania w Administracji Publicznej w Bratysławie, Słowacja, prof. dr Rade Ratkovic – Dziekan Wydziału Turystyki i Biznesu w Budvie, Czarnogóra, prof. dr Michael Koniordos – Wydział Zarządzania Turystyką Uniwersytetu TEI w Pireusie, Grecja

Komitet organizacyjny: Przewodniczący: prof. zw. dr hab. Andrzej Rapacz Członkowie: dr Wacław Kotliński; mgr Marta Telus

Recenzent: prof. zw. dr hab. Aleksander Oksanycz



Copyright by Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach Kielce 2014

Druk i oprawa Drukarnia Cyfrowa COMPUS, Kielce, ul. Sandomierska 89

ISSN 1733-4314

Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 3


PANEL I / PART IPANEL I / PART IPANEL I / PART IPANEL I / PART I Problemy makroekonomiczneProblemy makroekonomiczneProblemy makroekonomiczneProblemy makroekonomiczne Macroeconomic issuesMacroeconomic issuesMacroeconomic issuesMacroeconomic issues Murat Ayan, Suat Askin WPŁYW BEZROBOCIA NA JAKOŚĆ ŻYCIA MIEJSKIEGO Impacts of unemployment on urban life quality ....................................................................... 9

Jaroslava Heckova, Alexandra Chapcakova DZIAŁALNO ŚĆ INWESTYCYJNA NA NIEPUBLICZNYM RYNKU KAPITAŁOWYM W EUROPIE Private Equity activity in Europe ........................................................................................... 23

Alena Dankova, Jozef Danko WSPÓŁCZESNA SYTUACJA TRANSGRANICZNYCH FUZJI I PRZEJĘĆ W ZACHODNIEJ EUROPIE Contemporary position of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in Western Europe .......... 35

Jana Mitríková, Alena Madzikova, Anna Senkova WYBRANE ASPEKTY JAKOŚCI ŻYCIA SENIORÓW W KONTEKŚCIE STARZENIA LUDNOŚCI JAKO GLOBALNEGO PROBLEMU SŁOWACJI I UNII EUROPEJSKIEJ Selected aspects of the quality of life of seniors in the context of population ageing as a global problem in Slovakia and in the European Union ................................................. 41

Daniela Spirkova EKONOMICZNE ASPEKTY ROZWOJU WYNAJMU MIESZKAŃ NA SŁOWACJI Economic aspects of rental housing development in Slovakia ............................................... 47

Alena Paulickova PROBLEMY ROZWOJU FINANSÓW GMINY Problems of finance municipality development ..................................................................... 55

Marek Mróz, Dagmara Mróz ROLA I MIEJSCE UCZELNI WYŻSZYCH W KREATYWNEJ GOSPODARCE OPARTEJ NA WIEDZY The role and place of universities in creative knowledge-based-economy ............................ 63

Jacek Krupa SKUTECZNOŚĆ INSTRUMENTÓW POMOCOWYCH WSPIERAJĄCYCH INNOWACYJNOŚĆ W ZAKRESIE OCHRONY ŚRODOWISKA W POLSCE W LATACH 2007-2013 Effectiveness of multi-aid instruments used to support the innovativeness in the range of environmental protection in Poland in years 2007-2013 .................................................. 79

Wasyl Lypchuk, Natala Lypchuk LOKALNE SYSTEMY ŻYWNOŚCIOWE Local food systems .................................................................................................................. 87

4 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…

О.В. Баула, Т.Л. Никитюк OSOBLIWOŚCI WYKORZYSTANIA POTENCJAŁU UNIWERSYTETÓW W KSZTAŁTOWANIU STRATEGII TRANSGRANICZNEJ WSPÓŁPRACY WOJEWÓDZTWA LUBELSKIEGO I OBWODÓW LWOWSKIEGO, WOŁYŃSKIEGO I BRZESKIEGO W LATACH 2014-2020 The peculiarity of using the potential of universities in forming the strategy of cross-border cooperation between the Lubelskie province and Lviv, Volyn and Brest districts in the years 2014-2020 ............................................................................................................ 93

О.В. Нагорнова, О.Р. Овчиннікова CZYNNIKI WPŁYWAJĄCE NA SYTUACJĘ DEMOGRAFICZNĄ UKRAINY Factors of the influence on demographic situation in Ukraine ............................................. 101

Iryna Zablotska TEORETYCZNE I PRAKTYCZNE PODSTAWY TWORZENIA MODELU PRZYSTĘPNEGO RYNKU MIESZKANIOWEGO: ASPEKT SPOŁECZNY Theoretical and practical bases of forming a model of affordable housing market: the social aspect .................................................................................................................... 111

Ihor Kryvoviaziuk PROCES INWESTYCYJNY W SEKTORZE NIERUCHOMOŚCI: UKRAINA I ŚWIAT The investment process in the realty sector: Ukraine and the world .................................... 119

Neonila Vojtovych OBRAZ EKONOMICZNEJ I POLITYCZNEJ PRZYSZŁOŚCI UKRAINY MŁODYCH LUDZI W WOŁYNIU Z RÓŻNĄ TOŻSAMOŚCIĄ NARODOWĄ The image of the economic and political future of Ukraine of young Volyn people with different civic identity ................................................................................................... 129

Ganna Glukha ANALIZA ZALE ŻNOŚCI WZROSTU GOSPODARCZEGO I TWORZENIA ŚRODKÓW TRWAŁYCH BRUTTO W ODNIESIENIU DO GLOBALNYCH TRENDÓW EKONOMICZNYCH Economic growth and gross fixed capital formation dependence analysis with regards to global economic trends ..................................................................................................... 137

Oksana Mykhailovska TRANSFORMACJA SYSTEMU MONETARNEGO I KREDYTOWEGO KRAJÓW EUROPY ŚRODKOWO-WSCHODNIEJ WEDŁUG NORM UE Transformation of the monetary and credit system of countries in the Cenral- Eastern Europe according to the EU standards ..................................................................... 145

Oksana Antonyuk, Iryna Forkun ROZWÓJ SPOŁECZNY I EKONOMICZNY UKRAINY W KONTEKŚCIE INTEGRACJI EUROPEJSKIEJ Social and economic development of Ukraine in the context of European integration ........ 153

Lyudmyla Maksymiv, Yuliya Vdovych POLITYKA ZARZĄDZANIA ODPADAMI NA UKRAINIE Waste management policy in Ukraine .................................................................................. 161

Danylo Tarasyuk WPŁYW GLOBALNYCH I ŚWIATOWYCH TRENDÓW NA UKRAIŃSKI FIRMOWY RYNEK PAPIERÓW WARTOŚCIOWYCH The impact of global world trends on the Ukrainian corporate securities market ................ 169

Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 5

PANEL II / PART IIPANEL II / PART IIPANEL II / PART IIPANEL II / PART II Gospodarka turystycznaGospodarka turystycznaGospodarka turystycznaGospodarka turystyczna Tourism economyTourism economyTourism economyTourism economy Rade Ratkovic, Milica Soc NOWE TRENDY W ROZWOJU I ZARZĄDZANIU PRZEMYSŁEM HOTELARSKIM New trends in development and management of lodging industry ...................................... 179

Slavoljub Vićić, Dorde Comić, Lazar Klami ć MODELE PRZESTRZENNE PLANOWANIA TURYSTYKI NA OBSZARACH WIEJSKICH Spatial models of tourism planing in rural areas .................................................................. 191

Ivo Amarenko, Misko Radjenović ANALIZA DZIAŁALNO ŚCI RESTAURATORSKIEJ I GASTRONOMII NA RIVIERZE BUDWAŃSKIEJ Analysis restaurant business and gastronomy in Budvanska Riviera ................................... 199

Ljiljana Kosar, Sasa Masic, Nikolina Kosar E - WOM JAKO CZYNNIK JAKOŚCI PRODUKTU HOTELARSKIEGO E-wom as a factor of hotel product quality .......................................................................... 209

Svitlana Bondaruk, Sergii Bondaruk INTEGRACJA EUROPEJSKA I NOWY EUROPEJSKI ŁAD KULTUROWY NA UKRAINIE: W KIERUNKU ZAGADNIEŃ ATRAKCYJNOŚCI TURYSTYCZNEJ European integration and new European cultural order in Ukraine: towards the issues of touristic attractiveness ...................................................................................................... 221 PANEL III / PART IIIPANEL III / PART IIIPANEL III / PART IIIPANEL III / PART III PrzedsiębiorczośćPrzedsiębiorczośćPrzedsiębiorczośćPrzedsiębiorczość EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship Jurij Stadnicki, Julia Stadnicka PRZESTRZENNY SYSTEM TECHNOLOGII PRODUKCJI DOBRA Spatial technology system production of good ..................................................................... 231

I.A. Smirnova INNOWACJE JAKO WAŻNY CZYNNIK KONKURENCYJNOŚCI PRZEDSIĘBIORSTW Innovation as important factor of competitiveness of the enterprise ................................... 241

Soňa Hurná, Ondrej Železník WYKORZYSTANIE ZARZĄDZANIA ZMIAN Ą W WARUNKACJ IMPLEMENTACJI ZARZĄDZANIA PROCESOWEGO Utilization of change management in the conditions of process management implementation ................................................................................................ 245

Iryna Horbova KSZTAŁTOWANIE KULTURY KORPORACYJNEJ JAKO ELEMENT SKUTECZNEJ DZIAŁALNOŚCI PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWA Formation of corporate culture as a component of effective enterprise activity .................. 251

6 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…

Zdzisława Gawrońska SPRAWOZDANIE FINANSOWE PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWA JAKO ŹRÓDŁO INFORMACJI W OCENIE ZAGROŻENIA UPADŁOŚCIĄ Financial statement of the company as a source of information in assessing the risks of bankruptcy .......................................................................................................... 257

С.В. Ожема, T.O. Жуковська POLITYKA TOWAROWA PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWA: PROCES FORMOWANIA Commodity policy of a company: the process of forming .................................................... 267

Марина Реслер ISTOTA I WPŁYW ELEMENTÓW OPERACYJNYCH ZARZĄDZANIA FINANSAMI NA ROZWÓJ I INTEGRACJĘ RACHUNKOWOŚCI EKONOMICZNEJ. The Essence and Impact of the Financial Management Operating Components on the Development and Integration of Economic Accounting ....................................................... 273

Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 7

panel Ipanel Ipanel Ipanel I

Problemy makroekonomiczneProblemy makroekonomiczneProblemy makroekonomiczneProblemy makroekonomiczne

part Ipart Ipart Ipart I

Macroeconomic issuesMacroeconomic issuesMacroeconomic issuesMacroeconomic issues

8 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…

Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 9

Murat Ayan Suat Aşkin

(Adıyaman University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Adıyaman, Turkey)



Abstract This study examines unemployment in Adıyaman / Turkey. It discusses the factors which

cause unemployment and the outcomes arising from these factors. In addition, it analyses to what extent the cause and effects of the unemployment adapt to the European Urban Life Quality criteria.

Keywords: unemployment, urban life, quality

Streszczenie Niniejsze opracowanie bada bezrobocie w Adiyaman / Turcja. Omawia ono czynniki, które

powodują bezrobocie i rezultaty tych czynników. Ponadto, analizuje ono, w jakim stopniu przyczyna i skutki bezrobocia adaptują się do europejskich kryteriów jakości życia miejskiego.

Słowa kluczowe: bezrobocie, miejskie życie, jakość


In today’s world, unemployment is the most important social problem that all countries deal with.

While the countries are developing technologically, their production systems change and it gets

harder for labour to adapt to these developments. Creating employment opportunities for the

labour which increases depending on the population growth.

Whether an economic order works properly is measured by whether jobs are provided for

everyone who wants to work for a valid salary. The fact that some people cannot find a job even

10 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…

though they want to work is the defect of the applied economic policies.1 Unemployment is

a problem that all countries emphasize. Unemployment arises from the structure of economic

system based on industry.2

The research consists of 3 parts:

• Causes of unemployment

• Outcomes of unemployment

• Relationship between unemployment and EU Life Quality

There are 40 questions in the survey; 10 questions are on the Causes of Unemployment, 10

questions are on the Outcomes of Unemployment and 20 questions are on the Relationship

between unemployment and EU Life Quality. In the analyses following are determined;

• Explore (Data Structure) Bias/Distribution,

• Factor Analysis; (Determining the interrelated outcome groups),

• Frequency analysis,

• Manova Test (Consistence/Differences of in-group perception (age, gender, etc.) regarding each question group).


Unemployment is the situation in which there are adults in an economic society who cannot find a

job even though they want to work. A person who cannot find a job is called unemployed.3

In economy, generally people who are 16 and older are included in the unemployed group.4

It is the situation in which the people, who are of working age, do not have a disability which

prevents them from working and have the desire to work, cannot find a job. This is not an

optional, in other words “voluntary”, but an involuntary or “obligatory” unemployment here.5

The fact that unemployment increases significantly in a country may cause serious economic

problems as well as social problems. In that respect, the objective of both developed and

underdeveloped almost all countries is to increase employment or eliminating unemployment.

According to the types of emergence, there are different types of unemployment:6

• Technologic Unemployment: The unemployment, which emerges after the works carried out by people in the past started to be carried out by machinery, unemployment emerging from capital oriented technologies,

• Structural Unemployment: Unemployment which emerges from the lack of sufficient working area due to causes such as lack of capital,

1 Sadun AREN, İstihdam, Para ve İktisadi Politika, Ankara, Bilgi Yayınevi, Şubat 1975 (Beşinci Basım), s. 17 2 Sabahattin ZAİM Çalışma Ekonomisi, İstanbul, Filiz Kitapevi, 1997 (10.Baskı), s. 173 3 “Who is not in the Labor Force?” United States Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (Access: 26 June 2014) 4 “Characteristics of Young Unemployed People” United Kingdom Office for National Statistics. (Access: 26 June 2014) 5 “What is the Unemployment” www.ekodialog.com, (Access: 26 July 2014) 6 Naci ERDOĞAN & Kemal BİÇERLİ, Çalışma Ekonomisi, Eskişehir, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Yayın No:1461, 2004 (İkinci Baskı), s. 206

Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 11

• Seasonal Unemployment: Unemployment which occurs in off-season especially in seasonal labour such as agriculture and construction,

• Cyclical Unemployment: Unemployment which occurs in an economy due to shrinkage in demand.

• Frictional Unemployment: Unemployment caused by temporary causes such as strike, flood, fire, etc.

• Concealed Unemployment: The situation in which people, who do not contribute in production, work even though they seem to be working.


Unemployment, which generally arises from lack of demand in developed countries, occurs in

underdeveloped and developing countries due to lack of sufficient workplace and capacity.7

In developing countries, unemployment problem mostly occurs as the outcome of transition

from agriculture oriented economy to industry and service oriented economy. Population growth

and labour migration from agriculture require higher employment ratios other than agriculture.

Employment depends on the regular and sufficient increase in employment capacity, in other

words investments.8 In our country which has a young population, the most distinct feature of

unemployment is that it has structural qualities. Factors such as insufficient capital and equipment

in Turkey, properties arising from economic structure, the fact that our country mostly remains to

be agricultural country and insufficient employment policies are effective in emergence of



• Employees could not receive a recompense for their work,

• Cultivated areas are not fully productive,

• Local Governments do not provide sufficient financial support in opening new work areas,

• Industrialization does not completely occur since the city is in the development process,

• Workers do not want to work in a work place since there is no occupational safety,

• Workers quit jobs due to lack of social security tights,

• Local governments do not encourage unemployed people about working and create new working areas,

• New job opportunities are limited since the city did not complete its developments in terms of trade, culture and tourism.

• Lack of education instigates unemployment,

• Government bodies do not follow the social security of the unemployed closely.

7 Sabri F.ÜLGENER, Milli Gelir, İstihdam ve İktisadi Büyüme, İstanbul, DER Yayınları, 1991 (7.Baskı), s. 127 8 TÜSİAD, Türkiye’de İşgücü Piyasasının Kurumsal Yapısı ve İşsizlik, İstanbul, 2004, Yayın No. TÜSİAD-T/2004-11/381, s. 16 9 Naci GÜNDOĞAN & M. Kemal BİÇERLİ, a.g.e., s. 211

12 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…


Unemployment is one of the leading social problems and the communities in which the

number of unemployed people is high are unhealthy. It is certain that mass unemployment is an

outcome of industrial capitalism.10

Failure to provide work for everyone not only causes financial and emotional problems for

unemployed people, but also causes that current resources of economic order cannot be fully used

and therefore the welfare of the country is not achieved at the desired high levels.11


• Economic problems cause domestic violence,

• Unemployed person takes illegal actions in order to live off,

• People prefer to immigrate because they cannot meet their ends,

• His friends and relatives put psychological and emotional pressure on the unemployed person,

• Unemployed people cannot get sufficient education or continue their education,

• The social relations of unemployed people within society are not quite healthy,

• Unemployed people could not buy sufficient food for their home,

• Unemployed people cannot meet the needs of their families sufficiently,

• Unemployed people cannot be actively present in the cultural and social life,

• People, who have difficulty in meeting their needs due to unemployment, make their children work at young ages.

Unemployment in Adıyaman affects the life quality of the city directly or indirectly. In that

context, life quality criteria agreed by European Union, which are required in a city, are




European Urban Charter is formed on the basis of urban policies of European Council. These

policies were developed within the scope of “European Campaign for Urban Renaissance”

organized by the Council between 1980 and 1982.

This campaign which covers Europe and is intended for public and local governments, aims

improving life in settlements and focused on four main areas:12

• Improving physical urban environment;

• Improving present residence stock;

• Creating social and cultural opportunities in settlements;

• Encouraging community development and public participation;

10 Orhan TUNA & Nevzat YALÇINTAŞ, Sosyal Politika, İstanbul, Filiz Yayınevi, 1999, s. 76-77 11 Sadun AREN, a.g.e., s.17 12 “European Urban Charter without the Status of a Convention”, www.coe.int , (Erişim: 30 June 2014)

Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 13

European Urban Charter was adopted on March 1992 in European Council Conference on

Europe Local Governments. Unlike the others, the Charter was opened for the signature of local

governments, not the Governments.


Realization of following rights depends on the fact that the individuals accept equal

obligations regarding solidarity and responsible citizenship. City dwellers who live in European

settlements have the following rights:13

1. Safety: A city which is cleaned from crime, violence and illegal actions as much as possible;

2. Unspoiled, Healthy Environment: An environment where there is no air, noise, water and soil pollution and whose nature and natural sources are protected;

3. Employment: Creating sufficient employment opportunities and creating the chance to take share from economic development and individual economic freedoms;

4. Residence: Providing sufficient, purchasable residence stock in which privacy and immunity is guaranteed;

5. Circulation: Providing a harmonised order which does not limit the mobility and freedom of movement of all the users of the roads such as public transportation, private cars, pedestrians and cyclers;

6. Health: Providing the environment and conditions which helps protecting physical and mental health;

7. Sports and Recreation: Regardless of age, skills and income, providing sports and other recreational activities for each individual;

8. Intercultural Adaptation: Ensuring that communities, which contain different cultural and ethnical structures from past to present, live in peace;

9. Qualified Architecture and Physical Environment: Creating harmonised and beautiful spaces with the sensitive restoration of the historical building heritage and implementation on qualified modern architecture;

10. Harmonisation of Functions: Ensuring that living, working, travel functions and social activities are harmonised as much as possible;

11. Participation: Providing the principles of cleansing unnecessary bureaucracy, cooperation and information in pluralist democracies and city governments where the solidarity between institutions and organisations are principal;

12. Economic Development: All determined and educated local governments have responsibility in contributing into economic development directly or indirectly;

13. Sustainable Development: Local governments ensure reconciliation between the principles of economic development and protection of environment;

14. Goods and Services: Ensuring the accessible, comprehensive and qualified goods and service delivery by local governments, private sector or the partnership of both;

15. Natural Wealth and Resources: Protection and management of local natural resources and values by local governments in a rational, careful, productive and fair manner by protecting the benefits of the people living in the town;

13 Çev. Zerrin YENER ve Kumru ARAPKİRLİOĞLU, Avrupa Kentsel Şartı, İçişleri Bakanlığı Mahalli İdareler Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını, Ankara: 1996

14 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…

16. Personal Integrity: Creating urban conditions for the social, cultural, moral and mental development and personal welfare of the individual;

17. Cooperation among Municipalities: Individuals are free and encouraged for directly participating in the inter-town or international relations of the town they live in;

18. Financial Structure and Mechanisms: Authorising local governments for finding required financial resources in order to ensure the rights granted in this declaration;

19. Equality: Local governments are obliged to provide these rights to all individuals equally regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, belief; social, economic and political discrimination; physical or mental disabilities.


In this part, factors such as the subject, aim, importance, model of the research, hypotheses,

target population and sample and data collection methods are described.


Presenting and examining the relation between the Causes and Results of Unemployment in

Adıyaman and its impacts on the EU Urban Life Quality constitutes the subject of this study.


In that context, the aim of the research is to determine the tendency (attitude) of the people

living in Adıyaman towards unemployment, define the features of these variables on the Causes,

Results of Unemployment and impacts on the EU Urban Life Quality and present and examine

the relationship.

However, it is also aimed with this study carried out in Adıyaman that the perception of

Causes, Results of Unemployment and EU Urban Life Quality is examined and compared

according to demographic factors (gender, age, marital status, education and income), the

relations between those are presented and whether it differs according to variables is examined.


H1: There is a significant relationship between the Causes of Unemployment and Results of


H2: There is a significant relationship between the Causes of Unemployment and EU Life


H3: There is a significant relationship between the Results of Unemployment and EU Life


H4: There is a significant relationship between the Causes of Unemployment and

Demographic Factors.

H5: There is a significant relationship between the Results of Unemployment and

Demographic Factors.

H6: There is a significant relationship between the EU Life Quality and Demographic


Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 15


Units that the results of the research generalize, which are included in the scope of research

and have common features can be defined as the population. These units which form the

population consist of event, phenomena or entities which are included in the scope of the research.

In fact, the population consists of the features that these units show rather than the units

themselves. However, in practice, while defining the population, the events, phenomena or

differences which have these features are expressed rather than the features.

The determined survey study is applied to especially poor and unemployed people living in

Adıyaman. The population of the study consists of poor and unemployed people in Adıyaman.

The population of central district of Adıyaman is 220.000. The sample consists of 400 people who

are selected randomly from the population. After the number of sample is determined, survey

forms are handed out to mostly poor and unemployed people living in Adıyaman and they were

required to answer the questions in the presence of the interviewer.

If there was no previous study on the subject of the research, the p value which expresses

community ratio and estimation is taken is 0,05.


It is assumed that the sample group in the research will represent the population and the

subjects who participated in the research will be honest while answering the questions. In

addition, it is assumed the perceptions of the mostly poor and unemployed people living in the

central district of Adıyaman who participated in the research regarding the causes and Results of

Unemployment and EU Urban Life Quality will represent Adıyaman province.

Since it is not possible to conduct the research on all the people living in Adıyaman due to

source and time restrictions, the study was carried out with the mostly poor and unemployed

people living in central district of Adıyaman who are selected randomly considering the work



Data in the practice part of the study is collected from the determined sample via survey. The

survey study is handed out to people living in central district of Adıyaman who are mostly poor

and unemployed. Since the survey forms are answered in the presence of the interviewer, there

were no problems while answering the questions and the survey is carried out with 400 people.

In the study, data acquired via survey is entered into computer and since it is determined to

be non-parametric, comments are developed using various statistical methods (Explore,

Reliability Analysis, Factor Analysis, MANOVA Analysis). Data regarding demographic factors

are subjected to frequency analysis and significant values are interpreted.

Preliminary test of the survey form is implemented on 30 people. In the preliminary test, the

participants are required to answer the survey and express their opinions and suggestions

regarding the overall survey and questions. As a result of the preliminary test, it was stated that

the questions are clear and comprehensible, for that reason the practice was continued with the

prepared survey form.

16 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…

The survey which aims to measure the organisational justice and organisational commitment

perceptions of workers consists of 2 parts. In accordance with the aims of the research, subject

information form, which contains questions on the gender, age, marital status, education and

income of the participant, is used in the first part of the survey. In the second part, scales, which

consist of questions about measuring the perceptions of participants about the Causes and Results

of Unemployment and EU Urban Life Quality, were used.

The opinions of the participants on the questions are evaluated using 5 point Likert scale. In

this part, data obtained in accordance with the responses of the participants on statements are

taken into consideration and weighted average (index values) are calculated for each statement.

While calculating index values, 5 value is given to “Absolutely Agree”, 4 value is given to

“Agree”, 3 value is given to “Uncertain”, 2 value is given to “Don’t Agree” and 1 value is given

to “Absolutely Don’t Agree” and an average value is found for each statement. Calculated

averages are on the scale of 5 and the statements average of which are close to 5 indicate that the

participants “agree” and statements average of which are close to 5 indicate that the participants

“don’t agree”.

In the study, there are 10 questions regarding the Causes of Unemployment, 10 questions

regarding the Results of Unemployment and 20 questions regarding the EU Urban Life Quality

and the survey consists of total 45 questions along with the 5 questions regarding demographic


In the survey which is used as a means for collecting data, unique scales belonging to the

researcher are used. The research scale consists of 2 main parts. In the first part there are 5 items

containing demographic variables and in the second part there are statements consisting of 40

items on Causes and Results of Unemployment and EU Urban Life Quality.


Data obtained in this study is evaluated by means of SPSS 22 package software. Average,

standard deviation, frequency and percentage values are obtained for the data. In addition, the

study is examined in detail using Explore, Reliability Analysis, Factor Analysis, Frequency

Analysis and MANOVA Analysis.

The relationship between variables are examined with correlation analysis. Significance level

is used as 0,05 and it was stated that “there is significant difference” if p<0,05 and “there is no

significant difference” if p>0,05. In addition, the reliability of the survey form is measured by

calculating Cronbach Alfa reliability coefficient.

On the other hand, since data do not have normal distribution for every question group

available, Non Parametric usage shall be suitable. With the “Test of Normality” which is done

there are two different tests we come across. These are; the “Kolmogorov-Smirnov” and the

“Shapiro Wilk” tests. “Shapiro Wilk” test is being preferred and used. Here, because the values of

“Sig.” are higher than 0.05, for all groups H0 hypothesis is being accepted. In other words, we can

say that for all groups with a rate of 95% of reliability data are normal distributed. It is possible to

see those in Table.2 for every three question groups’ first questions.

Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 17

Explore Test

Table 1: Analysis of Test of Normality Tests of Normality



Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

1st Group Question

The exact reward is not being paid according to efforts made in work.

,286 400 ,000 ,827 400 ,000

2nd Group Question

Economic problems cause Violence increase in the family.

,276 400 ,000 ,861 400 ,000

3rd Group Question

Unemployed becomes a threat in a city clear of crime, violence and other illegal incidents.

,221 400 ,000 ,840 400 ,000

H0: Data are normal distributed with a reliability of 95%.

H1: Data are not normal distributed with a reliability of 95%.

Factor Analysis

Factor Analysis, as known, is being used to provide clues focused on the structure of the

relationship between several variables that are thought that they are all interacting each other. The

main logic in factor analysis is the belief that a complex phenomenon can be explained with less

factors (base variables). It suggested to take -/+0.3 as minimal, -/+ 0.4 as very important and -/+5

as practically meaningful, while assessing factor loads. 14Therefore, all questions seen on the

Table can be taken as practically meaningful. Because, average factor of Causes of

Unemployment= ,693; average factor of Results of Unemployment= ,792; factor average of EU

Urban Life Quality= ,645.

Table 2. Factor Analysis on Variables

Questions Causes of Unemployment Result of Unemployment EU Urban Life Quality

C.U. ,705 C.U. ,701 C.U. ,673 R.U. ,806 R.U. ,804 R.U. ,766 U.L.Q. ,657 U.L.Q. ,652 U.L.Q. ,627

18 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…

Reliability Analysis

Table 3. Reliability Analysis Results Sub Scales Number of Entries Cronbach’s Alpha

Causes of Unemployment 10 ,895

Results of Unemployment 10 ,880

EU Urban Life Quality 20 ,876

Questionnaire form prepared is performed on a group of 30 individuals at first, and

reorganised by dismissing the questions with the rates lower than above (-/+0.3).

Reliability analysis belonging to factors that variables in the questionnaire has formed are

inquired with Cronbach Alpha values. The result with 70 or higher points shows that variables are

reliable enough.14 In analysis, coefficient of reliability for Causes of Unemployment was found

equal to ,895; Results of Unemployment ,880; EU Urban Life Quality ,876; and the average of all

three is ,884. According to the results it can be said that whole study is highly reliable.

Frequency Analysis

Table 4: Frequency Analysis Belonging to Demographic Attributes Value Label Frequency (N)

Sexual female 164 male 236

Situation Marriage 197 Single 203


18 - 25 119 26 - 35 153 36 - 45 81 46 - 55 35 56 Upper 12


Didn’t go to School 11 Primary School 78 Secondary School 78 High School 182 University 51

Total Salary

500 - 1000 Turkish Lira 118 1000 - 1500 161 1500 - 2000 69 2000 - 2500 46 2500 - 3000 5

Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 19

Homogeneity Test

Table 5: Homogeneity Test

Variables Levene Test df1 df2 Sig.

Causes of Unemployment 1,835 136 263 ,000

Results of Unemployment 2,037 136 263 ,000

EU Urban Life Quality 2,045 136 263 ,000

To approve the claim that “variances of the groups are homogenous” which is the one of the

assumptions Manova test, homogeneity test has been performed and the fact that Sig.

(Significance) value of all groups is lower than 0.05 has been observed. That indicates that the

variables are not homogenous. And this one shows us that we can use the “Turkey” test, which is

one of the multiple comparison tests.

Post Hoc Test

(Causes of Unemployment)

Table 6. Post Hoc Test


Questions 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56 and above Sig.

Since the city is now developing in terms of trade, culture and tourism, new job opportunities are rare.

x x x ,000

Governmental institutions do not closely pursue social security measures for unemployed.

x x x ,000

● It is possible to say that the difference they have is meaningful (thinking differently) since the value is below (sig. < 0.05) level.


Questions Unschooled Primary Elementary

High School



The exact reward is not being paid according to efforts made in work. x x x ,000

The full crop cannot be gathered from agricultural areas. x x x x ,000

. Because the city is still developing, industrialization has not fully established.

x x x ,000

Since there is no occupational safety in workspaces, worker chooses not to work there.

x x ,000

Since the city is now developing in terms of trade, culture and tourism, new job opportunities are rare.

x x x ,000

● It is possible to say that the difference they have is meaningful (thinking differently) since the value is below (sig. < 0.05) level.

20 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…

(Results of Unemployment)


Questions 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56 and above Sig.

Economic problems cause violence increase in the family. x x x x ,000

Unemployed person commits illegal acts to earn. x x x ,000

By his/her inner circle, emotional and psychological pressure is being practised on unemployed.

x x ,000

Unemployed people cannot be in an active position in the cultural and social life.

x x x ,000

Suffering from unemployment, people force their underage children to work. x x x x ,000

● It is possible to say that the difference they have is meaningful (thinking differently) since the value is below (sig. < 0.05) level.


Questions Unschooled



High School

University Sig.

Economic problems cause violence increase in the family. x x x ,000

Unemployed person commits illegal acts to earn. x x x x ,000

By his/her inner circle, emotional and psychological pressure is being practised on unemployed.

x x ,000

Unemployed people cannot be in an active position in the cultural and social life.

x x x ,000

Suffering from unemployment, people force their underaged children to work. x x x x ,000

● It is possible to say that the difference they have is meaningful (thinking differently) since the value is below (sig. < 0.05) level.

(EU Urban Life Quality) Age

Questions 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56

and above


Unemployed becomes a threat in a city clear of crime, violence and other illegal incidents.

x x x ,000

City administrations are responsible of unemployed people’s direct or indirect contribution to economic development.

x x ,000

Unemployed people have an active role in provision of reachable, comprehensive, quality products and services’ by local governments, private sector or cooperation of both.

x x ,000

Service of creation of urban conditions focused on social, cultural, moral and psychological improvement and personal wealth unemployment people are provided.

x x x ,000

● It is possible to say that the difference they have is meaningful (thinking differently) since the value is below (sig. < 0.05) level.

Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach 21


Questions Unschooled



High School

University Sig.

Unemployed becomes a threat in a city clear of crime, violence and other illegal incidents.

x x x ,000

By creating adequate employment opportunities, city administrations enables unemployed people to have a chance to take share from the economic development and to be able to have economic freedom.

x x x ,000

Right to reach and participate in various cultural and creative activities is being ensured.

x x x ,000

Unemployed people have an active role in realising societies consisting different cultural and ethnic structures to live together in peace.

x x x x ,000

Unemployed people, have a share to bind activities such as living, working, traveling functions and social activities.

x x ,000

Promotion and freedom of participation in the city or international affairs directly of unemployed is being ensured.

x x ,000

● It is possible to say that the difference they have is meaningful (thinking differently)since the value is below (sig. < 0.05) level.


Even if there are different types of unemployment in our country, the main type we are

experiencing here is structural unemployment. Increase in population, the effect of rural-urban

migration with the fact that work power has to move directly to service industry from agriculture

cause structural unemployment.

In this study; “Causes and Results of Unemployment” regarding to poor and unemployed

living in Adıyaman and the effects of these perceptions on the EU Urban Life Quality has been

examined. Plus, the effects of demographic conditions such as marital status, gender, age, income

and educational status on the Causes of Unemployment, Results of Unemployment and EU Urban

Life Quality levels have been researched.

After the analyses of the data gathered in study, age and educational level have a significant

impact on Causes and Results of Unemployment and EU Urban Life Quality. It is proved that the

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 hypotheses have a significant relation and affect each other.

In this case, Causes of Unemployment affect the Results of Unemployment and this affects

EU Urban Life Quality level adversely. In brief, it is proven that between the Causes of

Unemployment, the Results of Unemployment and the EU Urban Life Quality there is a

significant relationship.

At the end of the study, the view which is “If the unemployment ruled out, EU Urban Life

Quality level would increase” demands authorities to pay essential attention to prevent

unemployment in their institutions (central and local governments).

22 VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Wpływ Unii Europejskiej na rozwój…

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