Download - ENewsletter


Transcript of Download - ENewsletter


Miranda Rosser ..… Writer, editor Claudia Rummery ..… Writer, editor Misha Sweeney ..… Illustrator Annika Casey ..… Illustrator, writer Ella Tilbrook ..… Project Manager

















Copyright  Published by THS Team 2 , ‘The Page Turners’, Tumut High School, 2/20 Bogong Place, Tumut New  South Wales, Australia 2720 , Ella Tilbrook, Annika Casey, Misha Sweeney, Claudia Rummery, Miranda  Rosser   



Copyright © 2021,Tumut High School.     

 All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study,  research, criticism or review, as permitted under Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any  process without written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher.


Firstly, we would like to thank all the people who made this day possible. This includes; Mrs Dee, Mrs Addison and Ms Coleman, the teachers who supervised and supported us throughout the whole day. To all the sponsors, who supported us and believed in us, we are so thankful and appreciative of all that you have done. Another huge thanks to Mrs Dee for organising and making this day happen, even throughout the lockdown which postponed our day, she figured it out, Thank you. To our whole team who worked together putting our everything into producing this book for you all to read. We loved this opportunity and would like to thank you and remind you that your lucky ticket is out there somewhere just waiting for you, we wish you love and all the best of luck.

Our Message To You

We ‘The Page Turners’ created this book for you, with that we wish you all the very best with a smooth and speedy recovery so you too can get out there do what you enjoy and find your very own lucky ticket.

All the best. ‘The page turners’:

Ella, Miranda, Annika, Misha & Claudia

Chapter 1

Bernie lays on her towel against the grainy sand. About 3 weeks ago she sought permission to busk in front of the local grocery store ‘Bondi Greens’. Her lyrics and gentle sounds of acoustic strums whirl around her head searching for what to play first. Her thoughts are stolen by the sound of the gleaming ocean blue waves, thrashing against one another, where her eyes wander to the water as surrounding shouts, joyous screams, and roaring laughter fill every possible silence in the air. Sitting herself up, she stares at her guitar, contemplating what to play. Catching a glimpse of the shining water, suddenly something strikes inside of her. Inspired, she

picks the guitar up and plays her famous original “Water’s rising” to capture the moment of clarity.

As an audience of people surrounded Bernie, she felt a relief and sense of self wash over her. The clapping and cheering became almost overwhelming, with joyous screams of “Encore, encore!” and people singing along. Bernie sang and strummed her heart out as she played, where more and more people crowded around to see her perform. As Bernie's song finally slows to a finish, she notices her throat is dry and has started to hurt. She turns to the crowd, announcing it is time for her break. Bernie reaches for a bottle of water and heads down towards the surf.

Leisurely strolling down towards the water, a blinding shimmer of sunlight flashes in the corner of her eye, drawing her attention to where the sand meets the sea, where it slowly bobs up and down as the tide comes in, and out repeatedly. Bernie steps closer and she realises that the blinding sunlight is shining on a beautiful glass vintage blue bottle , sealed with a cork top.

The bottle looks to her as if it hadn't been opened for hundreds of years. Picking up the blue bottle , an almost instantly a cool breeze whirls around her, blowing softly at her face and lifting her hair. Bernie is absolutely ecstatic and the curiosity is raging! Now Bernie is even more curious. Slowly she rolls the bottle around in her hands. The bottle rattles and she notices there’s something inside of it. Intrigued, she goes to open it, only to realise her crowd was growing restless. Her break was over, so she takes her time jogging back up the beach toward where her towel lays in front of the ‘Bondi Greens’ Grocery.

Bernie settles back down on her towel and gently starts strumming her guitar. As she plays, the soft scent of fresh pineapple and mango wafts from the “deals of the day” basket on the groceries verandah. Although Bernie’s music is so incredibly captivating, her mind continues wandering back to the enchanting blue bottle that lay nestled between tiny mountains of sand that pool near her feet. Deciding she will try to push the blue bottle to the back of her mind for a little while longer, she points her concentration back towards playing music and impressing the crowd. Bernie focuses on the happy and smiling faces of people dancing before her, their enthusiasm and love for her music making her laugh and smile right along with them. Bernie is overwhelmed with the support she’s receiving from the crowd and, as she watches them have the time of their lives she completely forgets about the riveting blue bottle and its mysterious rattle.

Chapter 2

Bernie plays her original songs, one after another. People love them! Hopefully she will get her big break from this vast interest. Her stomach starts to rumble, and she figures it’s time for a long deserved lunch break. Setting down her guitar, she hops up and makes her way into the Grocery store. Inside she finds carts filled with fresh fruit and veggies, chocolates, thongs, hats, sunscreen, sanitiser and snacks along the wooden shelves. She settles on a pre-cut up pineapple and watermelon fruit salad - how appetising! Heading to the opposite corner of the shop there’s a small range of Mrs Mac's meat pies - tomato sauce is available of course. Exiting the shop, Bernie clutches in her arms a golden plain meat pastry pie with tomato sauce and a fresh fruit salad. As she goes to sit down on her towel to eat her long deserved lunch, her foot kicks a cold smooth object. Annoyed and confused, her gaze is directed to the ground where she realises it’s just the bottle. Reaching over grabbing the bottle, it’s shaken just to hear the rattle inside. Deciding yet again to not open the glass bottle she sighs heavily and places it back down in the sand. Excited to finally be eating lunch, she finally bites into her pie, finishing it within minutes. Now she starts on her fruit salad.

Bernie lays back against her towel relaxing, staring up into the peaceful blue sky. Becoming utterly relaxed, taking a big breath in, then out. Her mind drifts toward the blue bottle and its mysterious vibe. Suddenly she jolted up. The bottle!! , she thought, I should open the bottle. Grabbing it from where it was laying, she rolls it round and round, before slowly pulling at the cork. At its extremely slow and painful pace, the cork begins to budge, before a satisfying “POP” rings through the air. Peering in through the top of the bottle, Bernie is shocked by what she sees before her.

The bottle contains an old style gold pocket watch, an unusual looking lottery ticket next to a crumpled piece of paper. Bernie tries her hardest to fit her fingers into the bottle and grab the contents, but no matter how hard she tries she simply cannot fit her fingers in. Taking a step back, she once again attempts to get inside the bottle. She tries turning it upside down and shaking it as hard as she could. Minutes pass, and still, there is no improvement. Disappointment sets in, causing her to feel defeated. Bernie ponders for a little while longer. Eventually it occurs to her that the only real option is to smash the bottle open. Delicately picking the bottle up, she tosses it into the air to catch it as gravity pulls it back down. Contemplating whether she would rather smash the bottle and see the contents inside or to take the bottle home as it is, she chooses the first option. Bernie launches herself into a standing position and walks over to a handrail. With just the right amount of strength, the neck of the bottle is tapped against the handrail a couple of times, until the top half of the bottle breaks away from the remaining glass. Hopping up and down she jumps with joy, letting out a whoop of happiness.

Bernie knows that she hasn’t quite finished busking for the day and so she extends her lunch break for just long enough to look inside the bottle. Tipping the contents of the bottle on her lap she does a happy dance. As she looks at each object, the paper is the first thing she picks up. Unfolding the paper, Bernie realises it is actually a special note. The note reads “For when you need a little luck”. Her eyes scan the paper, noticing down the bottom an added piece of information:“P.S the Clock contains a tracker for the lottery ticket”.

“ That's really strange” Bernie thinks to herself, transferring her concentration onto the next object; the clock. Inspecting it in her hands, the cold, smooth surface calms her to peace. Bernie flips the watch over and sees the words “Mort” fancily engraved into the back . Bernie wonders who this had belonged to, and why it had ended up in the ocean. Looking at the lottery ticket, unfolding it she spreads it out until it is flat, slowly reading over the words. Suddenly her eyes stop skimming as they come across a number. ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Jumping to her feet, she read the words placed in front of her again, exclaiming happily.

Chapter 3

Bernie remains so amazed at the amount of money the lottery ticket is worth, and although her lunch break was half an hour overtime, she is happy to continue playing her music . Some of the crowd had dispersed, but the fun is just getting started. Bondi beach is known to be the busiest at lunchtime, and sitting in front of the “Bondi Greens' grocery store, she is smart to know she would get a lot of attention. Bernie continues strumming her guitar, playing her originals and even some of her own muck arounds. People flock in, some staying to watch for longer, others simply passing by. People dance and clap along to the harmonious music of the guitar from afar, up close and all around.

Getting carried away in the music, Bernie doesn’t realise that the sun had begun disappearing and dark storm clouds were emerging upon them. The waves are now fiercely crashing upon the sandy shoreline, the birds that were soaring high above now their wings flapping furiously to stay in the air. Bernie watched from afar as innocent items were picked up by the wind and blown down the beach, sometimes people raced after, hoping to catch them before they hit the water. There were also large numbers of people running from the water, as those angry waves pushed and pulled. Almost everyone had already started packing their beach gear up and were heading off to their cars. Bernie started packing up, doing the same. The crowd coming up from the beach begins pushing and shoving, trying to make their way safely before the storm starts.

Bernie tucks the lottery ticket, watch, note and bottle close and safely into her pocket, then she shoves her guitar into its case and moves her clothes and towel into her small bag. People continue bumping into her as she cleans her space up, pushing her closer and closer to the shops’ steps.The crowd is getting rougher and Bernie has to be careful of where she steps, so she doesn't trip over. But there is absolutely no warning as the shove comes from behind, and with a sharp cry of pain, she drastically falls to her knees. Bernie painfully picks herself back up and grabs her gear, putting it under the veranda of the Green Grocers. She then sits on the steps and goes to inspect the damage that was done from her fall, but surprisingly when she looks there is nothing hurt.

Bernie ends up watching the people and their frantic panicking, seeing them running wildly to get to their cars before the storm comes in too hard. Bernie watched until almost the whole of the beach became clear. Very few people now remain, leaving Bernie feeling very alone. The roaring noise of people that had been present not long ago was now replaced with an eerie silence, ‘Enough silence to hear a pin drop ’, Bernie thought to herself.

Sitting there, Bernie reaches into her pocket and pulls out everything, only to be shocked to find the lottery ticket isn’t there! Astonished, she jumps up, panic racing through her as she is so confused how she possibly could have lost her lucky ticket, her chance to pursue her dreams!

Chapter 4

The wind is drastically picking up and stray rubbish is blowing disastrously across the beach, every turn. The only person she can see for a mile is a lifeguard. As fast as a cheetah, she runs to him. Out of breath, panting, she asks him if he can help her find the lottery ticket. Samuel agrees and promises to try his best; despite the raging storm.

Bernie and Samuel search high and low, under things and around things; everywhere for the ticket. They search in the sand, in the water, at the car park and near the groccers. They spend ages walking up and down the beach, the wind pushing into their backs, light rain sprinkling from the sky.

Bernie suddenly remembers what the note said. Pulling the pocket clock out of her pocket, she tells Samuel that it’s able to track the lottery ticket’s location. As they both whoop with joy, they set off back towards the Green Grocers. Following the clock’s direction, they’re taken all the way to the Groccers door, then around the back, they follow until it finally stops near the bins behind the shop. Bernie and Samuel slowly lift the lids of the large rubbish bin. Peeking inside one they spot a small slip of paper that reads ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Ecstatic, happy as can be, the lottery ticket is pulled out of the bin. Samuel smooths it out straight. Bernie holds it to her heart. “You’re an absolute lifesaver Samuel, thank you! Finally, after hours and hours of searching they had finally found her lucky ticket. There was hope after all.

The piercing cold rain starts pelting down heavier and heavier, the wind raging at their back and both Samuel and Bernie decide to go inside the groccers to grab a well earned fruit juice. They go to the counter and both order pineapple juices. To treat themselves ,they decide to find a seat on the veranda while they wait out the storm. A few minutes later, their freshly juiced pineapple beverages were delivered to their table.

Releasing a sigh of relief, Bernie sipped her pineapple juice in peace. She just couldn't wait to get home, she wondered what her family would think about her captivating day. While they drank their pineapple juices, Bernie and Samual talked about today's event, and how truly exciting they were.

Chapter 5

While the storm is still raging, Bernie decides it is way too dangerous to walk home. She ponders for a moment on who she might ask for a lift, finally deciding that her big brother is her best choice. She rings him up, and he answers. They decide to meet at the parking lot in five minutes. Bernie once again thanks Samual for his generosity and help and takes her leave. Although the storm is going strong, Bernie takes a leap of faith; she bolts out into the rain, praying that her brother is already there waiting for her. From running the whole way to the parking lot, she’s very puffed when she gets there, only to find that her brother has not yet arrived.

Since there was no nearby shelter, Bernie waits in the pouring rain until her brother arrives. By the time he finally arrives, Bernie is soaked to the bone. She knows the rain has soaked all through her bag, but she hopes the guitar case has saved the guitar from too much damage. Her guitar means the world to her, it was her grandmother’s. Bernie was given it when she died. This is where her passion for music bloomed. She doesn’t know where she would be without it.

Reaching into her pocket for the hundredth time, her hand curls around the lottery ticket. I’m gonna keep this real safe this time. Today was a whirlwind of excitement and adventure, she can’t wait to go home to tell her family and get a good night's sleep.

Bernie’s big brother has a bright red flashy sports car. She hops into the passenger seat, buckles up, and they drive out of the parking lot heading home. Bernie and her brother share how their day went, but when Bernie's brother asks how her day was, she contemplates telling him straight away, but decides she’ll make him wait. Telling her family together feels like the perfect time to tell them all about her dreams.

The drive feels as if it is taking forever, and she is absolutely freezing! By the time she gets home, it’s not any better. Bernie sees the well - missed driveway of her home, she is incredibly relieved at the sight of it. As soon as they pull into the driveway, she gathers her stuff and flies out the car door, leaving her big brother grumbling about how much water she left on the car seat.

Any time she may have had before running inside is stopped by the sight of her mother, standing in the doorway. Forcing Bernie to

take her wet shoes and socks off, and to wrap a towel around her. The eyes of her mother look at her dearly, she’s missed her daughter so much. Bernie’s told to take a hot shower; her mother says she’s making everyone else feel cold. So Bernie runs up the stairs and into the bathroom. After Bernie’s warm and relaxing shower, she runs back down to the family room with her warmest and wooliest pajamas on. In the room she finds her family and a nice steamy cup of hot chocolate waiting for her. She settles down on one of the comfiest lounge chairs, taking a sip of her hot choccy, before she begins recounting about her crazy adventurous day for her family .

When she finishes telling them all about her busking, the blue bottle, the wild storm and how she lost the lucky ticket, her family stares at her in amazement. She then told them about her new friend Samuel the lifeguard and how he was the one who saved the day by helping her search everywhere to find it. Bernie musters up the courage to tell her family about her dreams and how her lucky ticket will make them come true. Bernie's asked question after question about her adventures, and she proudly answers every single one of them.

Tomorrow, she’ll visit ‘Bondi Greens’ grocers so she can cash in her lottery ticket. She cannot wait, although until then she will have to find a safe spot in her room - she doesn’t want to lose it again. In Bernie’s room she looks for a safe spot to place her bundle of goodies. After heaps of deliberation she finally decides that under her bed in an old shoe box, is going to be the safest place. Reaching into her pocket, she pulls everything out and places them into the box, where she carefully places the lid back on and slides back under the bed.

The support and love she receives from her family is absolutely amazing, and she can’t expect anything less of them. Racing down the stairs she stops at the bottom to give all of her family a hug, thanking them for

everything. Wishing them a good night, they all head off to bed for a good night’s rest. Bernie takes the stairs two at a time all the way back to the top and into her room. Pulling the bed covers back she slides under them, closing her eyes. Slowly and softly her mind starts to slip into a deep, peaceful sleep, where her dreams were filled with the thoughts of her lucky lotto ticket all night long.

Solo female guitarist Bernie loves to perform her music to anyone and everyone. One sunny day she sets herself up outside of ‘Bondi Greens’, a Green Grocer store. She busks all day to entertain her audiences and secretly hopes she will get her big break with her songs.

During one of her lunch breaks Bernie spots an unusual shimmer on the beach. A mysterious object containing a lottery ticket is found placed inside. Where did the lottery ticket come from?? Is it someone else’s? What will Bernie do with it??

In amongst the commotion of a vicious storm, a lifeguard friend helps Bernie out to find the ticket after it is mysteriously misplaced.

Will they find the ticket that will make Bernie’s dreams come true??

~ Recommended for 10-16 year olds ~

THS Team 2, ‘The Page Turners’