Book 23 - A trial of Strength

2998 A trial Of Strength Book 23 Chapter 221 “Initiation” Ranger Petersen was back. After everything Randy had put him through sexually, the handsome, dominant forest ranger had been unable to stay away. A rugged blond in his late twenties or early thirties he was vain about his good looks and muscular physique and had boasted of hanging out with his drinking buddies, picking up girls and fucking their brains out. But he had been unable to resist the magnetic sexuality of the muscle-stud gypsy. Randy, of course, saw this macho stud as a challenge, a challenge to his powers of seduction …. and Randy loved a challenge. “Hey, Pete,” he said jovially. “Good to see ya. I been keeping that beer on ice for you.” Once again the ranger felt himself being drawn into the pools of those limpid blue eyes. “You knew I would come back, didn’t you?” he said weakly. “Pretty much,” Randy said, his dark, handsome face crinkling in a grin. “And I’m pretty sure I know what you came back for and it wasn’t beer.” “You son-of-a-bitch,” the ranger said softly. “Yeah, I get that a lot,” Randy laughed. “But whatever you call me, we still got a lot of ground to cover, buddy ….. I can call you buddy, right? See we’re gonna get real close, man, mighty close actually. And I think you’re about ready. Do you think you’re ready, chief?” “Damn you, man. You know I am.” **************************** Zack was fully aware of what was happening he knew Randy well in all his moods, his need to dominate a man, especially this homophobic prick who had insulted the boys and threatened them with arrest. “Hey, guys,” Zack said quietly to the boys, “Randy probably needs a few minutes alone with this guy.” Pablo and Darius exchanged knowing smiles. “So why don’t we finish up sorting out these fishing lines and earn that beer that’s coming to us?”

Transcript of Book 23 - A trial of Strength


A trial Of Strength

Book 23

Chapter 221 – “Initiation”

Ranger Petersen was back.

After everything Randy had put him through sexually, the handsome, dominant forest ranger

had been unable to stay away. A rugged blond in his late twenties or early thirties he was vain

about his good looks and muscular physique and had boasted of hanging out with his drinking

buddies, picking up girls and fucking their brains out. But he had been unable to resist the

magnetic sexuality of the muscle-stud gypsy.

Randy, of course, saw this macho stud as a challenge, a challenge to his powers of seduction

…. and Randy loved a challenge. “Hey, Pete,” he said jovially. “Good to see ya. I been

keeping that beer on ice for you.”

Once again the ranger felt himself being drawn into the pools of those limpid blue eyes. “You

knew I would come back, didn’t you?” he said weakly.

“Pretty much,” Randy said, his dark, handsome face crinkling in a grin. “And I’m pretty sure I

know what you came back for – and it wasn’t beer.”

“You son-of-a-bitch,” the ranger said softly.

“Yeah, I get that a lot,” Randy laughed. “But whatever you call me, we still got a lot of ground to

cover, buddy ….. I can call you buddy, right? See we’re gonna get real close, man, mighty

close actually. And I think you’re about ready. Do you think you’re ready, chief?”

“Damn you, man. You know I am.”


Zack was fully aware of what was happening – he knew Randy well in all his moods, his need to

dominate a man, especially this homophobic prick who had insulted the boys and threatened

them with arrest.

“Hey, guys,” Zack said quietly to the boys, “Randy probably needs a few minutes alone with this

guy.” Pablo and Darius exchanged knowing smiles. “So why don’t we finish up sorting out

these fishing lines and earn that beer that’s coming to us?”


All three hovered over the boat working in silence, their attention and their ears focused on the

conversation they could overhear not far away where the two men sat on the sand facing each

other, Randy wearing only ragged shorts, Petersen shirtless in his uniform pants and boots.

Actually the conversation was wordless at first, conducted with the language of the eyes.

Randy’s confident blue eyes gazed serenely at the ranger who faltered nervously, trying to tear

his eyes away but failing as if he were hypnotized.

Randy knew he had complete control over this ruggedly handsome man and the ranger knew it

too. He was bewitched by the macho gypsy with his chiseled features, long black hair, a

muscled body that wouldn’t quit …. and those eyes, those damned eyes. Petersen made a

clumsy attempt to cover the growing bulge in his pants.

Randy glanced down at the man’s crotch and grinned, “Ah, don’t worry about that, Pete … I get

that a lot from guys. I consider it a compliment.”

Shit … the ranger clenched his jaw … the sheer arrogance of this man … he was so fucking

sure of himself, so sure he would come back. Petersen’s anger smoldered inside him, mixed

with ….. he didn’t know what, or at least wouldn’t dare admit it to himself. But he had to know

something ….. “How…” his throat was dry and he cleared it …. “how did you know I would come


Randy settled back, enjoying himself, milking the situation. He got off on having a tough, alpha

male like this one in his power, eating out of his hand. And he had done it without swinging a


“How did I know you’d come back?” he said in his deep Texan drawl. “OK, I’ll tell you a story,

Pete. Some time back when I was still just a transient construction worker with a wife back in

Texas, I was having a drink in a shabby bar on Hollywood Boulevard. After a long day’s work I

must’ve looked fucking raunchy and smelt worse.

“Anyway, this dude came into the bar, tall, dark, preppy-looking in jeans and white T-shirt, a

face like Superman and built like a brick shithouse. He was running away from a bad marriage

up north, on his way to Tijuana. We looked at each other and ….” His voice trailed off into

memory and his cock stiffened in his shorts. “Anyway, long story short, he ended up crashing

for a few hours in the room I had at a rat-hole motel round the corner …. Room 14 …” His

words trailed off again.

“It was just to sleep for a couple of hours, then he’d move on. Only one bed but hell we were

both regular guys, both had wives for Christ sake. The guy fell into a deep sleep, but I guess

he was dreaming or something and, well, he kinda touched me in his sleep. Made me angry as

hell and I beat the shit out of him, tied him up, whipped him. I went way over the top but there

was just something about the guy that scared me and I soon had this fucking Superman

shackled naked to the wall.” The ranger felt his cock getting hard despite himself.

“Went on for a day or two, him begging me to stop and let him go, me thinking up new ways of

torturing the big stud. Gotta say, he looked damn hot in bondage pleading that he couldn’t take

anymore. Well, in the end I went out to work and left the door unlocked. When I got back he


was gone. I was relieved …. but I couldn’t get the fucker out of my mind. I looked at the wall

and imagined him shackled to it, saw that spectacular body and gorgeous square-jawed face.

I tried to forget him – even tried one of my regular fucks with the barmaid but that didn’t work

and she stormed out. I was kinda lost, lying on the bed gazing at the wall, when there was a

knock at the door. I thought it was the barmaid come back, but when I opened the door there

he was. The guy had come back for more. Our eyes met and it must have been at that

moment we both knew he would never leave me again.”

There was a long silence as Randy and the ranger both mulled the story over, with Randy back

in the motel gazing into Bob’s deep brown eyes.

But Randy hadn’t told this story just to take a walk down memory lane. For a rugged street

fighter, prone to sudden fits of anger and lashing out with his fists, Randy was also expert at

working on a guy’s mind. He was part caveman, part mind-fucker.

He knew he was going to fuck this arrogant alpha stud up the ass, but he had to soften him up

first. If the ranger saw him only as a musclebound gypsy with a huge dick it wouldn’t work –

except by brute force. The man had to want it, and seeing Randy as a man with feelings rather

than just a macho fuck machine would help. And it was working.

“What was the guy’s name?” Petersen asked quietly.

“Not was … is. His name is Bob, the most beautiful man on earth – inside and out – and we’ve

lived together ever since.” He caught a gleam in the ranger’s eye and his voice hardened.

“And he’s mine – he belongs to me,” he blurted out petulantly. “In the unlikely event you ever

get to meet him you remember that, pal. He belongs to me, got it?”

The gypsy’s sudden, irrational flash of anger startled the ranger. The man is incredible, he

thought, capable of violent rage, of torturing a beautiful man, then falling in love with him – a

love that seemed to border on obsession.

The ranger’s cock was now raging in his pants. He had never wanted a man before this – he’d

never wanted anyone this much before, not like he wanted this wild gypsy. He felt dazed,

weak, scared ….. but he knew one thing for certain … he wanted to give himself to this man.

“Anyway,” said Randy, jolting back to reality, “the reason I told you that story was a just a long

way round of answering your question. Sure I knew you’d come back. If a man like Bob, the

most beautiful man on earth, would come back to me even after the way I’d tortured him, I knew

you would. Besides, that day when I opened the door to Bob there was a hungry look in his

eyes. And that was the look in your eyes when you said you hated my guts and stormed off.”

“And you know why I came back too,” said Pete. “You know what I need, don’t you, man?”

“Of course I do.” Randy stood up, pulled the ranger to his feet and gazed at him with those

pale blue eyes and a hint of a smile. “So let’s do it, big guy.”



Let’s do it, fine …. but what?

For once Randy didn’t take the lead, gave Pete no cue. He knew that if the ranger was really

going to get off on this he had to retain some of his self-image as a top man. Of course Randy

could have dominated him, thrown him on the ground and buried his cock in his ass in a classic

Randy rough fuck. But the ranger was a proud, macho alpha male, the type Randy loved to

fuck (Bob being the supreme example). He sure didn’t want to emasculate him. Randy

wanted a man!

But even though he didn’t move a muscle, Randy was still in control. As Pete faced him in

nervous uncertainty Randy knew how to give him confidence. He simply stared at him with

those limpid blue eyes and their hint of a smile, arrogance …. and lust.

Pete was startled by the idea that this man actually wanted him. He had half expected a brutal

ass-fuck as a form of punishment, a way of Randy proving his dominance. But there was no

hint of that in his eyes. What there was … was desire. It was this look that could seduce any

man. Like the mythological Medusa – any man who looked into her eyes would be turned to

stone. Except with Randy it wasn’t stone …. it was raw, rampant lust.

And that’s what Pete was feeling now as he was bewitched by that gypsy face, the chiseled

features, square, heavily stubbled jaw, and the long black hair falling over his brow …. and

those eyes ….. Everything except that face faded away – the lake, the beach, the three men

watching them in awe, mesmerized by the sight as if they really had been turned to stone. Until

Darius jolted back to life and reached for his camera.

As the ranger stared at his face Randy’s lips parted slightly, and any last shreds of Pete’s

inhibition fell away. Pulled forward by sheer sexual magnetism Pete’s face moved closer,

closer, until their lips were touching. The feeling was so intense that he jerked back as if from

an electric shock. He stared at the face again for a second then clamped his hand round

Randy’s head, yanked it toward him and kissed him with a frenzy that allowed no other thought

or feeling to come between them except raw, male passion.

Surprised by this impulsive move Randy reciprocated – man on man, mouth on ravenous

mouth, their tongues probing, pressing together in mutual exhilaration. Whatever their motives

had been before – eagerness, reluctance or defiance – it was now pure lust that ruled the two

rugged, dominant men as their embrace became ever more frenzied.

Darius circled discreetly, focusing his camera closely on the two faces locked together. He was

an expert at moving unnoticed around his subject, but in any case Randy and Pete were so

engrossed in each other that they were oblivious of anything else. Their mouths now formed

an airtight seal between them and their breathing was in sync, inhaling and exhaling the same

air between them, their bare chests pressed together, nipples rubbing against each other.

Pete was on the verge of orgasm and Randy knew it so he pulled away suddenly, leaving the

ranger gasping, wild-eyed, spinning in a vortex of newly discovered passion he could never


have dreamed of. His rigid cock was dripping pre-cum and his eyes were begging Randy to

consume him, to dominate him by owning his ass.

But Randy had other ideas. Before he made the man submit his ass to him he had to teach

this instinctively homophobic top-man the meaning of masculinity, the real dynamic of one alpha

male submitting to another. He was running his hands appreciatively over the ranger’s

chiseled features, down his neck, over his broad shoulders and then the mounds of his chest,

rubbing the backs of his fingers over his nipples.

“Man,” Randy breathed, “you are one hot stud, you know that? I can see why the ladies fall at

your feet. And I bet a lot of the guys who see you at the gym go into the shower and jerk off

thinking about you. But you’ve met your match in me, big guy, and you know it. I’m gonna

show you what it takes to be a real man.”

Pete held his breath. This was the moment, he was sure – the moment he had fantasized

about, where the big gypsy would pick him up bodily, throw him scornfully to the ground and

push that monster dick into his ass.

But he was wrong.

Still stroking the ranger’s muscular body Randy was saying, “You’re the kind of man who should

be admired, Pete ….. worshipped.” At first Pete couldn’t believe what was happening as

Randy sank slowly to his knees, running his hands down the length of the rangers body, from

his chest, over his waist, over the bulge in his pants and down over his legs to his boots. Then

he wrapped his arms round Pete’s thigh, feeling the muscles ripple under the uniform pants as

he pressed his stubbled cheek against the rough fabric.

In any other context this would be a ritual act of humiliation and surrender. But Pete knew that

it was nothing of the kind – no humiliation, no surrender – not from this man. In paying

homage to a man with this gesture Randy lost not one ounce of his masculinity. On the

contrary, it reinforced his image as an indisputably dominant male, so sure of himself he could

kneel before a man in admiration, so confident in his sexuality he could even …..

‘No,’ Pete thought – ‘surely not – not that….. Randy pulled away from the ranger’s leg and

gazed up at him. He stared into his eyes while he unzipped the uniform pants and pulled out

the man’s rock-hard uncut dick. Wordlessly Randy licked the protruding tip, then pulled back

the foreskin and closed his mouth round the exposed head, pursing his lips, hearing the man

moan loudly above him. Then he pulled back, gazed up at Pete with a lascivious smile ….. and

plunged his face forward, taking the ranger’s shaft into his mouth and deep down into his throat.

“Aaaah!” The ranger groaned in ecstasy, fire shooting from his cock and consuming his whole

body. His cock had been sucked many times by women, and even once recently by the boy

Pablo, but never anything like this. This man knew what it felt like to get sucked off and knew

exactly what he was doing now. It was an other-worldly sensation like none Pete had ever felt



He looked down at the wild, macho gypsy, the rugged face, the stubbled jaw locked open as the

long rod drove into his mouth, the muscular top-man swallowing another man’s dick … and Pete

had another revelation. He knew that somewhere buried deep inside him a core fantasy had

always lurked of a dominant, powerful alpha male getting brutally topped by another. As he saw

the gypsy on his knees sucking his cock the ranger’s mind went back to the revenge fantasy he

had had earlier of what he would do to this man – though now it was not revenge – it was lust.

In this fantasy he would strip the macho gypsy naked, tie him up spread-eagled and whip that

magnificent body, watching the lash bounce off the muscles of his chest, his abs and his back.

He would whip that huge cock and his naked ass. He would drive his cock into his ass, break

him, humiliate him until that spectacular body writhed in agony and he screamed for mercy and

surrendered to the ranger. He would see the king of the gypsies, his broken body hanging

limp, shackled to the wall, whimpering over and over, ‘I submit, sir …... I submit….”

In beaten submission the gypsy would kneel before him, have his jaw forced open and a cock

rammed into his mouth. Pete looked down and saw that same man in the flesh on his knees,

tears flowing from his eyes as a long shaft pistoned into his mouth, slamming against the back

of his throat. The ranger’s mind was racing and in his delirium the roles were suddenly

reversed – the gypsy was on top. It was the ranger’s own mouth getting pounded, his own

naked body spread-eagled at the mercy of the savage gypsy …. his own ass getting hammered

by the massive gypsy cock.

He, the handsome, athletic forest ranger was at the mercy of the gypsy and he could feel his

cock pounding his ass. “Yeah,” he yelled, “fuck me, man, fuck my ass … let me feel that club

reaming my ass, man …. It’s gonna make me cum ….. Fuck me, man …. Fuck me …

aaagh!……” His body convulsed as his cock exploded in the gypsy’s mouth. He looked

down in disbelief at the dark, stubbled face, the neck throbbing as he swallowed stream after

stream of his semen.

Suddenly Randy pulled his mouth free and leapt to his feet. He grabbed Pete’s head and

locked their mouths together, sharing the warm bitter-sweet juice, Randy forcing the ranger to

swallow his own cum. When they separated the ranger was moaning desperately, “Please

man, you gotta fuck my ass. I need it so bad. I’m begging you, man. Fuck me …. Please.”

Randy grinned with satisfaction. At last he had him. This is what he wanted – total

submission. The arrogant, macho stud ranger was begging to get his ass fucked by the gypsy

who, unbelievably, had vanquished him by sucking his cock. OK, so that’s what he’d get.


Randy smiled at Pete, put his palm on his chest and with a sudden shove sent the ranger

sprawling on the ground on his back. Randy dropped his shorts and stood astride him naked,

his arms folded across his chest, a homoerotic icon of sexual dominance. Pete gazed up at

the swarthy, powerful muscle-god, at the massive horse-dick swinging between his legs and he

gulped hard. He croaked huskily, “I gotta feel that in my ass, sir. Please …”


“You, boy,” Randy shouted to the spellbound Pablo. “Get Ranger Petersen ready.” Randy

liked to add a touch of ritual sacrifice when he was about to tame a virgin ass.

“Yes, sir,” the boy said, scrambling forward and dropping to his knees at the ranger’s feet.

Quickly he unlaced the heavy work boots and pulled them off, then the socks. Pete’s cock was

already out of his fly, hard again despite his orgasm in Randy’s mouth. Pablo leaned forward,

unbuckled his belt pulled his pants and his shorts down and tossed them aside. He stood up

and all four men gazed down at the muscular blond ranger, seeing him naked for the first time.

“Now that is one hell of a stud, man,” Zack said. “Look at that chiseled face, athletic physique –

the star of his gym I’ll bet. The big hunk is a hit with the ladies alright, but right now I’d say he’s

yours, buddy – all yours.”

Randy didn’t look up at Zack or the boys – he had eyes only for the man lying on the ground,

arms stretched up above his head on the hot sand. Noting this Pablo asked, “The stakes, sir?”

“Yeah, boy. Why not.” Pablo ran to the truck and brought back two short wooden stakes and

pieces of rope. Expertly he hammered the stakes into the sand, and began to tie the ropes

round the ranger’s wrists. Pete realized what was happening and a stab of fear seized him.

“No, man,” he gasped, “I can’t take that man, I don’t want……” His voice died in his throat as

Randy’s eyes flashed in anger.

“You want me to fuck your ass don’t you?” Pete nodded helplessly. “Right, well this is the only

way. This is the way I work.”

The ranger’s naked body was now spread-eagled on the sand, wrists tied to the stakes, and he

instinctively pulled at his restraints. He was scared …. and exhilarated. For the first time in

his life he was entirely at the mercy of another man … a man who was about to fuck his ass.

Randy loved to torment a man. “Beer,” he said and Pablo hurried to bring him one from the

cooler. Swigging beer with one hand and running the palm of his other hand down the length of

his cock he strode around the helpless ranger staked out on the sand, never taking his eyes off

him. Pete stared up at the cock swinging down from the mass of black pubic hair and the huge

balls as the naked gypsy walked round him, evaluating him, tormenting him, planning how to

invade his ass. The ranger had never wanted anyone more than he now craved this man.

Randy always got off watching a hot man struggle in bondage so he said, “Try to get free, stud.”

The ranger looked over his shoulder at his bound wrists and yanked hard, twisting his body,

groaning as he writhed on the hot sand. “That’s it, man,” Randy grinned, “a hell of a fucking

turn-on. Look what you’re doing to me, mother fucker.”

Randy stood, legs astride, looking down at the struggling man. He took his hand off his cock

and ran the cold beer bottle over his own hard nipples, inhaling sharply as it sent jolts of

pleasure through him …. and down to his cock. He focused on the handsome face, grimacing

with effort, and the sight made his cock stir. Once in motion the cock grew slowly …. rising up,

harder and harder until it was standing straight out, long and thick like a power pole.


Seeing the massive shaft Pete instinctively clenched his ass. He tried to imagine the cock in

his ass and a wave of panic swept over him. He couldn’t do it, he had to get free and he

struggled with renewed urgency, not in obedience to Randy now but in real fear of what would

happen to him.

Fear was good, Randy thought and dropped to his knees between the ranger’s legs. He

grabbed his ankles and pushed his legs up high, seeing the ranger’s asshole for the first time.

“Jesus Christ, that’s tight,” he said. ‘Course it is – that’s right, you’ve never had it opened up

by a cock before.” He shook his head. “Not often that a virgin ass gets broken in by a rod as

big as mine, buddy ….. might hurt a tad.” He shouted, “Hey, boy - lube”

Again Pablo hurried to do his master’s bidding, rummaged in his backpack, pulled out a tub of

lube and placed it open at Randy’s side. Randy pushed three fingers into the thick grease and

pressed them against the ranger’s hole. He pushed his middle finger inside and said, “Shit, you

are one tight-assed mother-fucker. Gotta lube you up good.” He massaged the hot, velvet

membrane inside, then eased in another finger, then another, expertly relaxing the clenched ass

muscles as the ranger’s head rolled from side to side with a mix of pleasure and pain.

Randy pulled his fingers out and pressed the head of his cock lightly against Pete’s greased up

hole. He stared at him with his hypnotic eyes. “This is it, buddy. Something I wanted to do

the minute you came through those trees …. and I always take what I want. I know you’re

scared, man – first time always hurts, especially for a big top-man like you. So you really

wanna feel this gypsy’s big cock inside you, man?”

Despite his near panic the ranger heard himself say, “Yes, sir. Fuck me, sir.”

Randy slowly pushed against the sphincter, harder and harder until suddenly the head of his

cock slid over the sphincter and inside the ass. The reaction was instantaneous. “No!” the

ranger screamed, pulling desperately at his staked wrists. “I can’t take it …. The pain in my ass

…! Pull out, man … pull out. I can’t take your cock … Pull out….!

Randy’s eyes blazed at this rejection. “Fuck you, man,” he yelled. “No man ever says no to

me. You begged for my fucking cock and you’re gonna take it. Now…..!” He plunged his

massive shaft down the ranger’s chute, deeper and deeper until it slammed against the back of

his ass.

“Aaaghh!” The ranger’s scream echoed across the lake, his eyes opened wide with terror …

and he blacked out. There was silence for a few seconds and then the eyes opened slowly,

painfully. “No,” he groaned, “no … I can’t … the pain in my ass …. I can’t get fucked man,

please, I’m begging you …. pull out, man.”

“Look at me.” The anger was gone, the voice was soothing, hypnotic. “Look into my eyes,

Pete.” The limpid blue eyes, the comforting voice and the use of his name helped to alleviate

the worst of the ranger’s agony, though his ass still felt it had been pierced with a red-hot iron.


“Pete, I’m inside you, my dick’s inside your ass and I’m gonna take the pain away. Look at me,

buddy, take deep breaths, that’s it, relax … feel my cock inside your ass. There, that’s it … that

feel good?”

The ranger allowed himself to succumb entirely to the gypsy’s seductive power and slowly the

pain diminished. He breathed deeply and as the pain faded it was replaced by … by …. it was

indescribable. This spectacular man, this rugged, muscle-god gypsy, was looming over him …

and his cock was inside his ass …. inside his ass! It felt incredible, sensational, as flames from

the furnace of his ass shot through his entire body. For the first time in his life he was giving

himself to another man.

The feel of the thick shaft pulsing in his ass was going to make him cum, he knew it and his

breathing became ragged. But suddenly the cock jerked back slightly and a new stab of pain

forestalled his orgasm.

“You don’t shoot, man,” came the deep voice. “When I fuck a man he doesn’t bust his load

until I say he can – until he feels my jism pouring in his ass. See, man, this is not just a dick in

a man’s ass. I’m gonna fuck you man, I’m gonna make love to you. You OK with that? You

wanna feel my hot jizz in your ass?”

“Yes, sir. Please, sir …. Fuck my ass.” Slowly, gently Randy pulled his cock back and Pete

moaned in ecstasy. When the head was straining against the sphincter, Pete panicked,

thinking it was about to pull out. But Randy paused, then pushed in again and saw the smile of

ecstasy in the ranger’s eyes as the head buried itself deep inside him. Wanting to feel the cock

more acutely Pete clenched his ass muscles round it and moaned with exhilaration.

“That’s it, man,” Randy grinned. “You’re a natural. Now I’m gonna make love to your ass.”

“Please, sir. Please let me touch you, sir.”

Randy reached forward and with one pull on each of the ropes released his hands. As Randy

began the long, slow, endless caress of his ass, Pete reached up and ran his hands over the

rock-hard slabs of his chest, his abs, his shoulder and neck and up to the face. His cock jolted

as he felt the rough stubble over his jaw.

Then he reached down to his crotch, past his own balls and touched the greasy cock sliding into

his hole. He pressed two fingers astride the cock as it pumped inside him. Finally both of his

hands reached down and pulled his ass cheeks wider, inviting the long rod to fill his ass. “Fuck

me hard, man. Fuck me like you fuck your man. Give it to me like you give it to him …. like I’m

your man.”

“You asked for it, buddy,” Randy grinned. “I started nice and easy but I knew you’d want it

rough, you’re that kind of guy. OK, stud, here it comes.” Randy pulled back, then rammed in

hard, launching one of his legendary, savage gypsy fucks. “Aaagh!” Pete howled as the rod

pistoned into his ass. There was pain, sure, but the kind of pain where a man wants more …

and he got it.


Once Randy’s testosterone reached its peak there was no stopping him. He became a fuck-

machine, pile-driving the man’s ass with his massive tool. Impaled on the merciless cock Pete

was flying in a world of rugged man sex, one stud hammering the ass of another in a ferocious

union of alpha males. Randy let go Pete’s legs and fell on top of him, chest grinding against

chest, mouth against mouth.

Still pounding his ass Randy threw his arms upward and pressed his armpit over the ranger’s

face. Pete inhaled and choked on the taste and smell of the gypsy’s stinking pit, the tangle of

wet black hair, the rancid smell of armpit sweat. He was suffocating on the stench when

suddenly Randy pulled back and his wild eyes blazed down at him. “Welcome to my world, big


He yanked one of the ranger’s legs over, his ass spinning on his cock as he was forced onto his

stomach. Randy pulled his cock out and yelled, “Let me see that ass, ranger. Give it to me.”

On his belly, the ranger pushed the white globes of his ass high in the air and shouted, “Take it,

man – it’s yours.”

The shaft plunged in again, pile-driving the ass harder than ever. The ranger crawled forward in

an instinctive impulse to escape the rod in his ass but Randy reached forward and pulled him

back until he was kneeling straight up, his back against Randy’s chest. Randy slid his arms

under his armpits and locked his hands round the back of his neck in a tight full nelson.

They were facing Zack and the boys – and it was a spectacular sight. The naked ranger, his

face and chest caked with sand, was on his knees, his arms trapped and spread wide in a

merciless wrestling hold, his ass still getting jack-hammered from behind by the gypsy. Randy

was triumphant. “How’s he look, guys? Feast your eyes on the sight of a stud Forest Ranger

stripped naked and getting his ass ploughed by a gypsy. Hey, you wanna take a look, big guy?’

Maintaining the full nelson hold Randy hauled them both up on their feet and pushed the ranger

over to the truck under the trees. He forced him to look at his own reflection in the big window

of the truck, with the gypsy’s face over his shoulder, still ramming his ass. “See him, man, that

hot stud ranger getting his ass fucked for the first time in his life. Looks hot, eh? Show him,


Randy pushed the ranger’s face against the glass, against his own reflection, and in a daze

Pete found himself kissing the handsome face of the man in the mirror, the man getting his ass

ploughed. “That’s it, stud, now look at the gypsy face behind you. He’s the man you begged

to fuck your ass and he’s pounding your virgin hole with his massive cock. You feel it? You

wanna feel his hot jizz pouring into your ass, man? You want me to let you shoot your load?”

“Yes, sir,” Pete screamed. “I can’t take any more ….you’re cock is so fucking huge … I gotta

cum …. please, sir … let me cum.”

Randy yanked him round, away from the truck so they were standing facing the other guys, the

ranger on helpless display in a full nelson hold, his trapped arms stretched out to the sides, his

beautiful body jerking forward with each brutal thrust of the gypsy’s cock. “Here it comes,


men,” Randy yelled, “this is how you break in the virgin ass of a top-man. Come on, Pete ….

feel that gypsy spunk in your ass and show them how a real man submits. Here it comes ….

“Aaagh!” They screamed in unison as the ranger felt hot liquid pouring deep inside him and his

own cock erupted in a ribbon of semen that shot across the beach and was swallowed up by the

hot sand. Randy lifted him up, his feet off the ground, so he was hanging from Randy’s arms,

impaled on his cock … the captive ranger writhing in pain and ecstasy as he shot streams of

juice at the feet of the spectators watching spellbound.

As Pete’s body went limp Randy let it slide off his cock and fall onto the ground on his back.

Randy was stoked, racing with adrenaline and testosterone and he grinned at Zack. “OK, my

friend, he’s all yours.” In a daze the ranger saw the naked black bodybuilder tower over him

and he groaned weakly, “No …. no more … my ass can’t take any more…”

“It can take whatever I say it can take,” Randy said. “I own your ass, you said so, so I’m

loaning it out to my buddy and our boys. We share everything, especially something as

tempting as your ass. Look their lining up for it.”

And so Randy stood watching, his arms folded across his chest, while the man he had tamed

was fucked in turn by his buddies, by Zack, Pablo and even by Darius’s ten inches of prime

beef. He blacked out momentarily several times, but each time his opened his eyes he found

himself gazing up at Randy and he clenched his jaw, determined to show the boss he could

take it all – that he was worthy of him.

But at last the gang-fuck ended and the ranger lay exhausted on the ground, his ass ravaged,

his body twitching from the pounding he had taken He looked up dazed at the men standing

round him and heard Randy ask, “You guys got a drop more jizz in those cocks? I think we

should give our new friend here one last little gift to remember us by, don’t you?”

They all grabbed their cocks and pumped them. The sight of the handsome ranger, his

exhausted body stretched out naked on the sand, was so erotic that in a few minutes, with

shouts of triumph, they shot their very last load of cum. As Pete saw the streams of juice

pouring down on him, smothering his face and body in semen, he opened his mouth and

swallowed hard, gulp after gulp. The ranger grabbed his own cum-soaked cock and howled as

he blasted a final load of jism high in the air, watched by the men who had just gang fucked his

virgin ass.


When their heartbeats subsided Randy pulled the ranger off the ground, his face and body

caked with sand, sweat and semen, and raised Pete’s arm up high like a prize-fighter, to the

cheers and whistles of the other guys. Then he pulled him into a tight embrace and said,

“Fucking awesome, man – you were an epic fuck. How’s your ass feel, buddy?”

“Feels incredible. That was …. you were ….” Tears filled his eyes. “I think I love you, man.”


Randy put his hands on Pete’s shoulders and smiled into his eyes. "Now listen Pete. You go

back to your life with your good buddies and the girls falling at your feet, and enjoy yourself like

you always have. Tonight you go out drinking with your buddies.” He chuckled. “Just don’t let

on to them what you’ve been doing up here.”

“You were having a great life before you met me and you will again. What we had up here is

separate – and I gotta say real hot. Now, I bring my boy up here fishing a couple of times a

month, and the next time I do I'll give you a call and we can meet again – if you still want

to. Pete, I don't wanna change your lifestyle, god forbid. But it would be great to see you

again once in a while.... maybe play out a few of those fantasies I know you have in your mind.

In the meantime, what you did with me you do only with me, no-one else. Got it?"

“Got it. Thanks Randy …. you’re one hell of a guy.”

After a swim to clean up, the boys helped Pete to dry off, tending to him respectfully as if they

were his boys. They helped him dress and there were handshakes all round. Pete gave

Randy his cell number and in a final hug Randy said, “See you again, stud. Hey, next time I

might even bring my man Bob up here. He’d get a kick out of meeting you.”

“It would be an honor,” Pete grinned. And then he was gone.


Meanwhile, back in the city, another new friendship was taking shape. And this one too

featured a blow-job – by young Eddie who, it was universally acknowledged, was a master at

sucking cock. Except that this one was different in one respect from any that came before.

Eddie, the junior houseboy, had met Brandon when he saw him struggling to propel his

wheelchair up the hill outside their house and he had helped him push it up to his small

apartment at the top of the hill. Brandon had come from the grocery store and Eddie was

impressed by the way he had whirled his chair round the apartment, deftly putting away

groceries in the fridge and cabinets, nothing above head high. The boy was obviously fiercely


He offered Eddie a beer and as Eddie sat facing him he was immediately drawn to the eager,

open face. Direct and curious as ever Eddie had soon got round to the subject of sex. “Dude,

you say your legs don’t work but what about the rest … like … what about your cock?”

Brandon roared with laughter. “Shit, Eddie, you don’t mess around, do you? Cut right to the

chase. Well, no worries on that score – my dick’s just fine. I cum all the time and shoot a lot of

jizz – a regular gusher.”

“Hey, that’s what the guys always say about me,” Eddie laughed. “I can cum over and over.”

Then he furrowed his brow and asked with his typical bluntness, “But … I mean, how do you …

like … what can you do?”


Brandon smiled and held out his right hand, curving it in a semi fist. “See this, dude? A guy’s

best friend, especially if his legs don’t work. I got the strongest wrist in town. Hey, see that

cupboard over there? Open it.” Eddie was impressed. “Wow, dude, that is intense.” He was

looking at the biggest collection of porn videos he had ever seen ….. and they were all male.

His peal of laughter rang round the room. “A dude after my own heart,” he said.

They examined the collection together and Brandon said his favorites were videos featuring big,

handsome muscular guys – “you know, Tom Of Finland types, especially guys in work clothes

or uniforms – like construction workers, leathermen, cops, firemen, that kind of thing.“ I got a

fireman’s calendar that I jack off to a lot. Here it is, open it to August. Eddie found himself

staring at his fireman friend Jason, but he didn’t let on. Too much too soon.

“But, dude,” he said, “surely it doesn’t always have to be one off the wrist. I can think of

something else right away.” He grinned conspiratorially. “Listen dude, there’s not much I’m

good at except cleaning house and working as a bar-back, but there was one thing I learned in

that bar sucking all those leather guys’ dicks night after night. Now there I’m a real expert – all

the guys say so.”

Brandon’s eyes gleamed. “You mean you ….. you would really do that? You wouldn’t mind?”

“Mind?! Hey don’t sell yourself short, stud. You’re a hot looking dude, great face and, with all

that wheeling, a great upper body. Plus I like you – and I love sucking cock. Hey, dude – you

got the dick, I got the mouth. Bet you I can make you cum …. what …. three times at least?”

“You’re on, dude,” Brandon laughed and reached for the remote control. “Nah, that’s another

thing,” Eddie said. “You won’t need the videos. I guarantee.” Eddie pulled off his T-shirt,

dropped his shorts and stood naked in front of Brandon flexing his young muscles as he had

seen Jason and the other guys do to turn guys on.

“Wow, you’re hot, dude,” said Brandon, yanking open the buttons of his shorts and pulling out

his already rigid cock. “And you’re hung, man,” Eddie laughed. “Beating off so much must

have lengthened your schlong. Let the boy see the boner, dude.”

In seconds Eddie was on his knees, bracing himself on the wheelchair, his head bent forward

and his mouth working Brandon’s cock. “Shit damn,” Brandon gasped, “you are good. Oh,

man, it’s never felt like this before.” Eddie pulled away and grinned. “You ain’t felt nothin’ yet,

dude. Here, bet this’ll make you cum.” He slid his mouth over Brandon’s cock, taking it all the

way down his throat … and suddenly squeezed his throat muscles and swallowed hard.

“Aah …aah … aaah,” Brandon moaned, his cock shuddered and he blasted a load of cum deep

down Eddie’s throat. Eddie gulped it all down then raised his head with a big smile, cum

running down his chin. “Told you,” he grinned, “Number One. Wanna go for Number Two?”

“Wow, dude, that was intense. Sure, see if you can make me cum again.” Eddie went to

town, using all the tricks he had learned – and he had many. Soon Brandon was yelling, “I’m

cumming again dude ….. here it comes ….” This time Eddie held all the jizz in his mouth, then

kissed Brandon and squirted it into his mouth.


They were both laughing now and Eddie said, “You’re turn, kiddo.” He pushed the chair back

against the wall, stood over Brandon and braced his hands on the wall behind him. He pushed

his hips forward, Brandon opened his mouth and sucked in Eddie’s stiff cock. Eddie didn’t hold

back, pounding his friend’s face until he yelled, “Here it comes, dude. Don’t spill a drop.” He

shot a load down Brandon’s throat and, as ordered, he didn’t spill a drop.

“This is way cool, man,” Eddie gasped. “OK, you say you’re a gusher. So let’s see what you

got, boy.” Eddie fell to his knees and once more sucked his friend’s semi-hard dick. It took a

bit longer this time but Eddie was determined and it paid off. Brandon was yelling, “Way to go,

dude …. I’m cumming….”

The two young gushers were both laughing like crazy after their display of sexual potency, and

through his gasping breaths Brandon indicated a cupboard where Eddie would find a towel.

But the top cupboard was empty and Eddie found the towels lower down. They cleaned up and

Brandon got two more beers from the fridge.

As they calmed down they got to talking some more and Eddie happened to ask, “Hey, dude,

how come all those higher cupboards are empty and the ones below are so crammed with


Brandon laughed, “Why d’ya think, idiot?” He pointed to his useless legs. “No can stand … no

can reach.” Brandon actually made it sound funny, then added, “I sure could use the space

though, and I would if they were fitted with those pull-down shelves they make. I’ve got some

actually. Landlord paid for them but said I’d have to get someone to install them. So I’m

saving up until I can afford to pay some carpenter to do it.”

“You mean you got all the hardware? So all you gotta do is find the money and a carpenter.”

Then they got off the subject and it wasn’t mentioned again before Eddie had to leave.


When the four guys came back home from the lake there was the usual commotion and Darius

couldn’t wait to screen his erotic video for the boys. But Eddie, for once, wasn’t really paying

attention and slipped out of the room. He ran up to the master suite and banged on the door.

“Come in.” Eddie burst into the room to see Randy and Bob pulling out of each other’s arms.

“Oh, shit, I’m sorry, sirs … I should have known ….. oh shit …. I’ll go away and come back….”

“Hey, hey,” said Randy with a grin. “Looks like something that can’t wait. What is it, boy?”

Eddie was hopping from foot to foot like he needed to pee. “Well, it can wait, sir – but not

really. See I met this guy and he’s way cool but he has a problem and I wanna help him,

‘cause he don’t have much money – he’s only got Disability – and he don’t have a carpenter

neither so I was thinking that …” he frowned …. “well maybe it’s not such a good idea, sir, you

being with Bob and all, so maybe….”


“Eddie, Eddie,” Bob said gently. “Shouldn’t you be telling Hassan all this?”

“Oh, I did, sir and he suggested I ask Randy.”

“OK, so why don’t you take a few deep breaths and start again from the beginning?”

Eddie stood wide-eyed, taking exaggerated breaths, then swallowed hard. “Well, sir, like I said,

I met this guy, Brandon, and I gave him this great blow job and he came three times ….” Bob

raised his eyebrows and Eddie said, “Sorry, sir. Talking too much.

“Anyway, did I mention he’s in a wheelchair? Well he is – legs paralyzed – car wreck – so

usually he beats off to videos – he likes big muscular guys like cops, leathermen, fireman and

construction workers – oh, just like you, sir,” he grinned at Randy. “Oh sorry, there I go again.

Anyway, the point is… (the point at last Randy sighed) … the point is the cupboards in his

house are too high for him to reach unless he has, er, puller shelves or something…”

“Pull-down shelves,” said Randy, beginning to see where this was going.

“That’s the things, sir. He’s got them already and he’s trying to save enough money to have

them put in, but he’s only got his Disability money like I said. So anyway, I got some money

saved up from my wages – Hassan said I should try to save – well, it’s not much but I was

wondering, sir, if you’ve got some real junior carpenter on the crew who could use a few extra

bucks, I could use my savings to pay him. I mean I don’t have that much, but maybe …..” He

had run out of steam and fidgeted nervously.

Randy looked over at Bob and saw him gulp, his eyes moist. Randy smiled at Eddie. “Why a

junior carpenter, kid? Couldn’t it be someone senior, like me for instance?”

“Oh, I could never afford you, sir.” Randy laughed, “Nah, keep your money, kid, I’d do it pro


Eddie frowned, “Pro boner, sir? Well, I could sure give you a boner – they say I’m like a pro ...”

Bob smiled. “Pro bono, Eddie. It’s Latin, means ‘For the public good’ …. Free of charge. You

won’t have to touch your savings.”

“Really, sir?” Eddie said, wide-eyed. “Yeah really, kid,” said Randy. “We install a lot of those

things. Piece of cake. Brandon’s the kid’s name, right? I’ll go myself before work tomorrow.”

Bob smiled. “Eddie, you’ve given me an idea. You say this friend, Brandon, likes big hunky

guys like cops and leather guys and such. Well, I think I have a plan. How would you like to be

my co-conspirator?”

“Yes please, sir.” Eddie wasn’t sure what a co-con-thingy was but he’d like to be anything with

Bob. “OK,” Bob smiled, “it’s a deal. Now here’s my plan….”



Very early next morning Brandon was woken from a deep sleep by a banging on his door. He

forced himself awake. “Who in the hell? ….. must be the Welfare….” The banging was

insistent so he rolled out of bed and pulled himself into his wheelchair. He always slept naked

but he was too groggy to pull on clothes and he wheeled himself to the door. He unlocked it,

opened it and gasped. He must still be asleep and this was a dream.

Standing on his doorstep was a fantasy – a big muscle-god construction worker with a dark,

rugged face of a gypsy, more gorgeous than anything he’d ever seen in a video, or anywhere

else for that matter. He had on a greasy tank-top stretched over his muscular chest, old cargo

work pants with a carpenter’s belt round his slim waist loaded with tools, and muddy work-boots.

It was a pornographic dream and the boy wanted to go back to sleep so it wouldn’t go away,

when suddenly he heard the deep Texas drawl.

“You Brandon? I’m told you need help with some shelves here, boy.”

Brandon was speechless as he gazed up at this homoerotic vision on his doorstep. Randy

looked down at the good-looking kid with a pale, freckled face, tousled light brown hair, and big

brown eyes behind his black-framed glasses. His body was slim but with well-defined muscles,

a product, no doubt, of constantly wheeling his chair. The boy was naked and his cock was

standing up stiff as a pole.

Randy smiled, “Yeah, I’m glad to see you too, kid. Now forget the boner and show me the

shelves you want fitted. And you’re gonna have to give me a hand, boy – kinda like a

carpenter’s assistant. You up for that?”

If this wasn’t a dream, Brandon thought, he had just died and gone to heaven.

# # #

Chapter 222 – Brandon’s Porn Collection Comes to Life

“Well come on, kid, where are the shelves?” Randy said again. “I haven’t got all day.” The

boy hadn’t dared move in case the vision of this muscle-god evaporated. But now he jumped

back to life and said, “Sorry, sir … er, they’re under my bed.”

Randy strode right into the bedroom with a dazed Brandon following in his wheelchair. Sorry,

the room’s a bit of a mess, sir, and the bed, but …. “ He made a frantic attempt to pull his

shorts and underwear off the rumpled bed but Randy stopped him. “Now listen, kid, I don’t give

a shit how your bed looks. Hell, I’ve seen worse than this – fucked a few customers on them

too after I finished the job. I’m here to do a job so let’s see these shelves you got.”

While Brandon clumsily pulled a pair of shorts over his legs, tugged them under his butt and up

to his waist, Randy reached under the bed and dragged out the shelves – and a well-used


fireman’s calendar with them. He grinned as he turned it over. “Yeah, this is the one the

twins keep under their bed, too. August page, right?”

Brandon blushed bright red. How did he know? “Bet you jack off over him a lot. Real nice

guy too – buddy of mine. Anyway, I’m not interested in your sex life, kid. Let’s take a look at

the shelves you got. He opened the package and examined the contents …. while Brandon

examined him.

God, he was gorgeous, and rough too, with that deep voice, stubbled gypsy face and those

rippling muscles under his sweaty clothes. And he fucked some of his customers?! And who

were these twins who had the same calendar? And, craziest of all, he actually knew the

fireman on the August page – he was his buddy! Wonder if he ever fucked him. That image

made Brandon’s head spin and he almost busted his load. He took a deep breath to calm

himself – and suddenly thought of money. “Sir … I’m sorry but I don’t have much money – not

enough to pay you, sir.”

“Ah, don’t sweat it kid – we’ll think of something.”

We’ll think of something??! What did that mean?


A few minutes later they were in the small kitchen and Randy had the shelf kit spread out on the

table. “Yeah, it’s all here,” he said, “hardware, screws, everything. I’ll have this done in no

time – but, like I said, you gotta help me, kid. First of all ….” he pulled a power drill from his tool

belt ….. “plug this in for me.” Brandon couldn’t help it but everything took on sexual overtones

– this incredibly hot construction worker with the power tool in his fist and …. ‘plug it in’. He

wheeled himself to the wall plug and did as instructed.

“OK. Now you come here right beside me and hand me the parts as I need them. We’ll start

with the slide runners, see them?”

“Yes, sir.” Brandon positioned himself right next to Randy, his back to the wall so he was

looking up to him. He handed him the parts he wanted and watched as he expertly positioned

them in the cupboard and screwed them in. And so it continued, but Brandon had the devil of a

job trying to concentrate on the various parts – he was concentrating on the construction

worker’s parts, his muscles flexing as he drilled, his stubbled jaw clenched in concentration.

“Shit, it’s hot in here, kid, and it’s still only early. Flip on the air conditioner, will you?”

“There isn’t one, sir, I’m sorry. But I did buy a fan.” He wheeled himself into the living room

and came back with a small fan that Randy could see would have almost no effect. “Hell, this

place must feel like a fucking furnace in the afternoons. These old 50’s apartments were

thrown up with no insulation either. We gotta get you a couple o’ window air conditioners,

boy. We got lots of reconditioned ones in the warehouse, I’ll have one of my guys bring a

couple over,” he said casually. Brandon looked concerned and Randy added, “And don’t worry

about money, kid. That’s taken care of – or will be.”


The fan was pretty useless and the room was getting warmer but Brandon was used to it. He

re-positioned himself with his back to the wall next to Randy. Sweat was trickling down the

gypsy face, down his neck and the cleft between his pecs, spreading damp patches over his

thin tank top. And Brandon could see sweat oozing from the black hair under his armpits.

As Randy reached over him drops of sweat dripped down onto the boy’s face and his heart

missed a beat as he inhaled the rancid smell. Impulsively he stuck out his tongue and tasted

the rugged construction worker’s man sweat. His cock was pounding in his shorts and he

desperately tried to hold back his orgasm.

“OK, we’re ready for the shelves,” Randy said. “Damn it’s hot in here.” He reached behind his

neck, pulled his tank top off over his head and used it to wipe the sweat from his face, chest and

his ripped abs. He tossed the sweat-soaked tank aside and it landed on Brandon’s shoulder.

It was sensory overload for the boy, and his glasses were steaming up so he took them off.

Smelling the wet rag close to his cheek he gazed up at the construction worker stripped to the

waist, at his broad shoulders, bulging biceps, chest and washboard abs, his flared lats

narrowing down to his tight waist cinched by his tool belt. It was only Randy’s next command

that stopped him from creaming his shorts.

“Now I want you to hold this shelf up above your head while I secure it. Won’t take a second but

you gotta hold it still, OK?” Brandon obeyed, bracing his arms above him. Randy stretched

up to the cupboard and leaned further forward pressing his shirtless body against Brandon.

The boy found his face pressed against the construction worker’s rock hard abs. He thought he

would suffocate and breathed in hard, almost choking on the stink of sweat and, he was sure,

dry cum. The man must have recently jerked off over himself when he woke up, which

Brandon himself did often. Randy’s side-to-side movements as he inserted the shelf made him

rub his eight-pack abs against the boy’s face and Brandon licked between the hard ridges,

sucking in the juicy essence of this pornographic muscle-god.

No way he could hold back now. His cock that had been straining for release ever since the

man appeared now exploded in his shorts and he felt sticky cum flowing over his crotch.

“Aaah,” he moaned loudly and almost dropped the shelf.

Randy pulled back suddenly and the shelf fell. “Jesus Christ, boy, I told you to hold it steady.

What the fuck made you drop it?” Brandon was shocked and scared by this sudden flash of

anger, but somehow it made the shirtless gypsy even more sexy as he towered over him, his

fists clenched, muscles tense with anger.

But suddenly the blue eyes softened and the look of annoyance gave way to a grin as Randy

looked down at the stain spreading over Brandon’s shorts and saw juice trickling down his leg.

“Oh, I get it,” he smiled. “Horny little punk aren’t you. Now listen, I don’t have much time

before I go to my real job – I’m late already – so now that you’ve unloaded your jizz, do you

think you could concentrate while I finish up here?”


“Yes, sir, sorry sir,” Brandon stuttered, blushing red. There was something scary in this man as

well as sexy, so he didn’t want to fuck up again. All went well as Randy completed all three

cupboards, and he pulled back to admire his handiwork. “Perfect job, though I say it myself,”

he grinned. “OK, just one last go-round of the screws to tighten them and we’re done. I gotta

get in the right position to reach all the way inside.”

To Brandon’s surprise he threw his long leg over the wheelchair and straddled it, leaning

forward to reach inside the cupboards. This time it was his crotch that pressed against

Brandon’s face. The pants were dirty but it wasn’t dirt that he smelled. It was sweat, dry cum

and even stale piss, all the musky man-smells you’d associate with a macho guy like this.

Randy began drilling in each of the screws in turn to tighten them. With each short blast of the

drill his crotch shuddered against the boy’s face and Brandon could feel the massive bulge in

the pants getting bigger. As the drill buzzed the boy felt his mouth close round the shape of the

huge rod through the rough fabric. It was intoxicating and he managed to mumble, “Sir, I think

I’m gonna cum again.”

“The hell you are, boy.” Randy pulled back and glared down at the frightened boy, his biceps

flexed brandishing the drill in his fist. “Listen kid, I been sweating like a pig in this furnace fixing

these shelves for you. Now my work don’t come cheap …. OK, I know you don’t have no

money but I gotta get paid somehow. Don’t you know what the fuck to do when hot, horny guy

shoves his crotch in your face? Here, let me remind you.”

He yanked open his pants and pulled out his long, beer-can thick cock that was dripping with

pre-cum. Recognize this, boy? I’m sure you’ve seen one before – maybe not this big. Now

I’m gonna start drilling again, in more ways than one, and you’re gonna pay me, got it? Let’s

get to work, kid.”

He leaned forward again and the head of his stiff cock pressed against Brandon’s lips. Although

he was intimidated by the gypsy’s huge prong the boy reflexively opened his mouth wide and let

the cock slide into it, filling his mouth, sliding down his throat and choking him. He gagged,

tried to swallow, and felt like he was suffocating. Just as he was close to passing out the cock

pulled back and relieved the pressure.

Brandon remembered Eddie fucking his face, though his cock was not as big as this monster,

and he also recalled the cock-sucking tips Eddie had given him, which Brandon now applied.

Breathing steadily through his nose helped to take away his feeling of panic. He managed to

raise his eyes and saw right above him the ripped abs that he had licked earlier and had made

him cum. He saw the chest gleaming with sweat, the stubbled gypsy face, and the bulging

biceps as the construction worker gripped the drill. It was totally homoerotic … and he,

Brandon, was actually sucking this man’s dick!

The drill started again in short bursts, moving from screw to screw. With each burst Randy’s

body tensed and he pushed forward, then pulled back a little. So Brandon felt the cock pulsing

back and forth in his mouth in time to the buzz of the drill. It was the most intense sensation

the boy had ever felt, hearing the rattle of the drill as the cock drilled his mouth. With each


burst of sound the gypsy’s hips jerked forward and his cock slammed against the back of his

throat, the tools on the worker’s belt brushing his cheeks.

“Almost there, kid,” Randy panted, “nearly finished.”

Bolder now, Brandon reached up and pressed his palms against the washboard abs, then the

slabs of the man’s pecs, sliding his hands over the sheen of sweat on his chest, over the hair in

the cleft between his pecs. He inhaled the essence of the man as the tangle of wet pubic hair

kept slamming into his face, leaving hairs in his mouth and overwhelming him with the stink of

sweat, old cum and piss. Most erotic of all was the bitter taste of pre-cum dripping down the

back of his throat and he swallowed hard.

Brandon was starting to hallucinate, with the sound of the drill above him, and the pulse of the

other drill in his mouth as the shirtless construction worker impaled his face on his massive pole.

The boy’s cock was rock hard again and he knew he couldn’t hold out for much longer,

especially when the long shaft pulled all the way back, then proceeded to fuck his mouth in long

steady strokes, almost in slow motion. “Almost there, kid.” the deep voice said.

Brandon thought he would pass out but suddenly remembered a move Eddie had shown him.

As the huge cock buried itself in his throat he clenched his throat muscles hard round it. He

relaxed for an instant, then, squeezed again, almost like he was fucking the cock in his throat.

“Aaagh,” he heard the gypsy’s deep voice howl. “Fuck you, kid, you’re gonna make me shoot.

Shit that feels good. Here it comes, boy ….. “Aaagh…”

This time it was both of them yelling – Randy blasting a massive load of jizz straight down the

boy’s throat, and Brandon screaming into the gag of the thick rod plugging his mouth while his

cock erupted for a second time in his shorts. Brandon swallowed hard, again and again, but

still the gypsy’s bitter-sweet jism poured into his mouth. But at last the cock pulled out and

swung over him, dripping semen onto his chest.

Brandon looked up dazed at the bare-chested construction worker who was grinning down at

him in triumph. “Here,” the man said, “let me get that for you.” The gypsy face leaned forward

and sucked up the cum that was oozing out of the boy’s mouth. Brandon felt the tongue lick his

lips, then push inside his mouth, cleaning round it and sucking out the last drops of cum. A few

more seconds of that and Brandon would have shot another load.

But suddenly Randy was all business. He buttoned his shorts, stepped back and wiped his

forearm across his mouth to clean off the jism. “Good job, kid,” he said ambiguously. “Those

shelves will work a treat. You make a good assistant – yeah, we should work together more

often. Now let’s take a look at your windows.”

He inspected the windows in the living room and bedroom and said, “OK, so you need a 12,000

BTU Slider unit for this sliding window here and a smaller 6,000 regular unit for the sash window

in the bedroom, right?”

“If you say so, sir,” Brandon said, having no clue what he was talking about.


“We’ve got both those in the warehouse so I’ll have one of my guys bring them over and install

them for you. You gonna be in all day?”

“Ye…yes, sir.” Brandon was so dazed he would have said yes to anything and in any case he

intended to stay home and jerk off all day thinking about this spectacular guy. “You … you

won’t be coming back yourself then, sir.”

Randy laughed. “Nah, kid …. see I’m the boss of the whole outfit, got three sites to keep an

eye on – you know, crack the whip now and then.” Brandon’s cock jerked in his shorts as he

imagined this powerful construction boss stripped to the waist and wielding a whip. Another

image that beat anything in his porn collection.

“OK, I’ll leave you to tidy up the mess I made in the kitchen. Oh, and change those shorts –

can you do that for yourself?”

“Oh yes, sir, I’m very independent.” Randy grinned, “I bet you are …. you’re a good kid.

Great little cock-sucker too.” He bent down grabbed Brandon’s head and crushed their mouths

together – a typical Randy goodbye. As he walked to the door he said, “Oh, by the way, that

blow job you gave me covers the payment for the A/C’s too. But the guy I send will be working

off the clock so I think he’d appreciate getting a tip. Take care of yourself, kiddo.” With that he

was gone, closing the door behind him.

Brandon put his glasses back on and sat gazing at the door thinking of all the things he could

have said to him but didn’t. Shit, he didn’t even ask his name, didn’t even thank him. And the

guy hadn’t mentioned the wheelchair once – almost as if he hadn’t noticed. He sure didn’t treat

him with the kid-glove, sympathetic concern that most people do, which he always hated. The

checker in the grocery store yesterday had even patted his head!

But this guy didn’t even spare him his anger when things went wrong and he yelled at him,

which actually turned Brandon on. The construction boss had treated him like one of his crew,

and the boy loved that. It empowered him – made him feel like a regular guy.

He flashed again on the image of the handsome gypsy muscle-god and cursed himself for not

having taken a picture of him so he’d have something to beat off to. He dropped his head in

frustration …. and saw something in his lap. It was the guy’s tank top that he had thrown down

when he stripped it off. He had forgotten it!

Brandon wheeled himself quickly to the door, only to catch sight of the big truck roaring down

the hill. Maybe he’d come back for it! Nah, he was a busy construction chief – he’d probably

forgotten him already, just a blip on his radar. Brandon knew he would probably never see him

again – but at least he’d have this stinking, sweat-soaked shirt to stir his memory – and his

cock. He pressed it against his face and took a deep breath.



Down the hill in the guys’ compound Eddie was having the time of his life with Bob in his office

working the phones. It was a thrill just to be alone with this beautiful man sitting beside him in

boxer shorts and T-shirt, but even more exciting to be working on a project together.

Actually, the feeling was mutual. Bob had been moved by Eddie’s bighearted attempt to help

out the disabled boy he had just met, and Randy had seen Bob’s moist-eyed reaction. Beneath

his gruff exterior Randy too had felt a wave of affection for Eddie, though he showed it in a

different way. He was a man of action and had quickly offered to go and do the job himself.

Bob knew that Randy was the perfect man to help this boy Brandon. His rough, tough, no-

nonsense attitude would probably be just what the kid needed. Randy might act like a

caveman sometimes but he had an unerring knack of seeing through to a man’s soul. He had

no time for bullshit or sentimentality and what he admired most in a man, or a boy, was

toughness and courage, which is why he loved Pablo so much and had adopted him.

From what Eddie said this kid had guts, living alone without the use of his legs, and he deserved

any help he could get. Added to that, Randy knew Bob wanted him to help and Randy would

do anything to please Bob. And after all, how could he disappoint young Eddie, his eyes

gazing up at him in eager expectation?

So, while Randy was off doing his thing Bob and Eddie were plotting together. Bob was saying

into the phone. “Yeah, that’s it, buddy, and I’m real grateful to you for you doing this.” He

listened and grinned. “Yeah, OK, I’ll show you just how grateful later, stud. Now I’m gonna put

Eddie on the phone and he’ll give you all the details. Thanks again.”

Bob passed the phone to Eddie and whispered, “No rambling, kiddo – just the facts.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” Eddie said and starting speaking into the phone. One thing for sure, Eddie had

learned the meaning of the word ‘co-conspirator’.


Brandon had changed out of his cum-soaked shorts and struggled into another pair from the pile

of used clothes on the bed. Time to do more laundry he thought, though getting up the laundry

room’s three steps was always a chore. As he set about cleaning up the sawdust and wood

chips in the kitchen his thoughts were confused. Of course he was still obsessing about the

construction worker who had come and gone like a dream and whose wet tank was all he had

left to prove the man had actually been real.

That and the new shelves, of course, which worked a treat and he loaded them up quickly,

impatient to get to his porn collection. Whenever he saw a hot guy in the street or the grocery

score he came home and found a video with a porn actor who reminded him of the guy, and

jerked off looking at him. Except that he knew he would never find a video that came even

close to matching the big gypsy. Never mind, he thought, for once he wouldn’t have to use a

video. He had the gypsy’s sweaty tank-top right here in his lap.


Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. “Jeez,” he muttered, “must be the guy with the

air conditioners already. That was quick. As he wheeled himself out of the bedroom there

was another insistent knock and a loud, “Open up – police!”

Oh shit – what had he done? He knew what it was – yesterday when he rolled across the

cross-walk against a red light. Man, don’t the cops have anything better to do that track down a

jaywalker? He pulled the door open and gazed up at the tall police officer on his doorstep, still

wearing his motorcycle helmet. Brandon was scared, but felt a frisson of excitement as one of

his fantasies had always been a cop like this, in black uniform, white triangle of T-shirt at his

neck, heavy leather belt and pants with a silver stripe tucked into high, shiny motorcycle boots.

Still, he probably had one of those ugly faces with a moustache under that helmet, and anyway

he couldn’t afford the hundred bucks or so for a jaywalking ticket – so he started talking. “If it’s

about that crosswalk thing, officer, I can explain. See, there was no traffic in sight and I was

weighed down with groceries in my lap so I decided to go for it” Anyway I wasn’t exactly jay-

walking was I? I mean, you can’t get a ticket for jay-wheeling, can you, officer?” he added with

a grin, hoping a little humor might help.

The cop pulled off his helmet and Brandon gasped, his eyes blinking behind his glasses. His

jaw dropped as he stared into the most gorgeous blond face he had ever seen, chiseled square-

jawed features, high cheek bones, blue-gray eyes and tousled blond hair falling over his brow.

Brandon had several videos featuring make-believe cops but nothing at all like this. This man

was like a god …. and he was smiling down at him.

“Don’t worry, boy, I’m not gonna arrest you.”

“You can if you like, sir.” Brandon heard the words coming out of his own mouth and he

blushed deeply.

More seriously the cop (Mark, of course) said, “Now, crossing against a red light, whether

walking or wheeling, is an infraction but I’d have given you a warning instead of a ticket.”

“Thank you very much, sir,” Brandon said weakly. Hell, this man could throw him in jail

provided he was the jailer. (A familiar porn video prison scene flashed through his mind and his

cock stiffened).

Mark stepped inside the house and looked around him. “The reason I stopped by is that when I

was driving past I saw your back door wide open and visible from the street. Now that’s pretty

much an open invitation to any burglar, and you’re not in a position to defend yourself.”

“No, sir,” Brandon said humbly, but again felt a need to explain himself. “I keep the door open

for a through breeze ‘cause it gets so hot in here.” He added more assertively, “And anyway I

could defend myself real good.” He pulled a baseball bat from a side pocket of his chair and

brandished it.

Mark grinned, looking down at the handsome, determined young face behind the black-rimmed

glasses, and he understood Bob’s eagerness on the phone to enlist his help for this freckle-


faced kid. “Well, you got a great upper body, I’ll say that for you, but a lot of guys would like to

work over a good-looking young buck like you.”

“Really, sir?” Brandon said, thinking of how the construction worker had ramrodded his mouth.

Mark closed the back door and said, “You’re lucky I was passing by. My shift is over so I can

spend a few minutes checking out your place and giving you some safety tips. First of all, you

should never have opened the door like that without checking who I was. Some of the bad

guys shout ‘Police,’ the resident yanks open the door and whammo. You don’t have a

security peephole in your door, I see.”

“No officer …. well I do have one that I bought and I tried to install it but I was no good at it.

See these marks on the door here?”

“Huh, should take ten minutes to put in one of those things. Tell you what, like I said my shift’s

over so I’ll do it for you if you’ve got a drill. Let me look around your place first, check out the

safety features. Damn you’re right, it’s like an oven in here.” He unbuttoned his shirt down the

front and Brandon gasped as he saw the shape of his pecs pressing against his tight T-shirt.

As he watched the stunning cop walk around checking things out Brandon’s cock was rock hard

in his shorts and he felt an overwhelming impulse to grab it, but he had a vague idea that

shooting a load of jizz in front of a cop might be a misdemeanor or something. He followed

the cop into the kitchen and watched while he opened the cupboards.

“Good, at least you have pull-down shelves.”

“Yes, sir, they were installed by a construction worker who left just before you came. He said

he would send over one of his crew to put in some air-conditioners. Big, handsome guy he

was, built like a brick shithouse, a face like a ….” He suddenly realized he had said too much.

….. like a gypsy, Mark grinned to himself. He could guess who the ‘big, handsome construction

worker’ had been. Seems like Bob had been pulling all the strings. “I wish I’d got here after

the A/C,” the cop said. “I’m sweating like a pig.” He pulled his shirttails out his waistband,

shrugged off his black shirt and draped it over the back of a kitchen chair.

“Oohh!” Brandon gasped out loud, dazzled by the sight of the gorgeous cop stripped down to his

T-shirt stretched tight over his big pecs, broad shoulders and V-shaped lats sloping down to the

wide leather belt at his narrow waist. Fortunately the cop didn’t notice his groan; he was too

engrossed in his inspection as he looked up at the ceiling. “That smoke alarm looks real old,

and the battery’s dead.” He reached up to the ceiling and rotated it, trying to pull if free.

This was finally too much for Brandon. As the cop stretched up, the short sleeves of his T-shirt

pulled clear of his flexed biceps and the boy could see the sweat patches under his arms, blond

armpit hair poking out of the sleeves. The rest of the shirt was getting damp too, with a big

patch over this pecs, making them more visible underneath. Then, as the cop stretched higher


the front of his T-shirt suddenly pulled out of his pants and rode up from his waist, revealing the

hard ridges of his washboard abs.

That did it for Brandon. It was pornographic, but better than any porn he had ever seen, and all

his inhibitions vanished. He thrust his hand inside his shorts and … aaagh!” His body

convulsed and his cock erupted, soaking the shorts with his spunk. Hastily he covered his

crotch with his hands but there was no concealing the big wet patch spreading over his shorts

and cum dripping down his leg.

“What the fuck…?” The cop dropped his arms and whirled round. “Did you just….?”

Brandon stared up at the cop whose T-shirt was by now soaked and clinging to his torso. “Y-

yes sir,” he stammered. “It … it’s the heat sir … always makes me horny.”

Mark had a hard time stifling his laughter at the boy’s lame explanation and forced himself to

stay serious. “Let’s just keep this business-like eh, boy? I’ll take a look at your bedroom now.”

Brandon wheeled himself quickly into the room ahead of the policeman and, for the second time

that day, made a futile effort to cover up the dirty laundry on the bed. He realized he still had

the construction worker’s tank top on his lap and tried to throw it on the bed unobtrusively, a

move so clumsy that it had the opposite effect and drew the cop’s attention to it. Mark grinned

as he recognized it as one Randy often wore.

“Shit,” he said, “I don’t know how you sleep in this furnace, kid. My T-shirt’s fucking soaked.

He pulled it off over his head and tossed it on top of Randy’s. He reached up to check the

room’s smoke detector and Brandon would have lost another load had he not already done so a

minute ago.

The sight of the heavily muscled cop, stripped to the waist, made his head swim. A muscular,

shirtless cop was one of his top porn images and he had often jerked off over Tom of Finland

drawings just like this. Except that this man was more beautiful than any drawing, photo or

video he had ever seen. As he stretched upward his muscles flexed, gleaming with a sheen of

sweat. Brandon drooled staring at the cop’s ripped abs flexing above his heavy belt, hung with

cop’s tools like his night stick and handcuffs.

“These smoke detectors are for shit,” he said, lowering his arms. “How many fire extinguishers

you got? And when was your last fire inspection?” Brandon replied sheepishly, “No

extinguishers, officer, and no inspections.”

“Shit damn, this place is so not to code it’s a death trap. OK, I’m gonna order a fire inspection

pronto. I’ll pull a few strings and get one of my firemen buddies to come out later today. Let’s

hope the A/C is installed by then or he’ll probably turn his hose on you, it’s so damn hot. OK,

before I go I’ll do the peephole in the door.”

In a few minutes Brandon was sitting with his back to the wall next to the front door while the

cop crouched down facing him and leaned forward. “OK, stay still and let me position the hole


at your eye level.” Brandon pulled off his glasses. His homoerotic fantasy had not only come

to life – the shirtless cop was pressing his bare chest against his face.

Once again the boy lost control, threw caution to the winds and licked the cleft between the

cop’s pecs, ran his tongue over his chest … and bit one of his big nipples. As the cop howled

in pain Brandon quickly grabbed the bulge in his shorts to prevent another orgasm but it had the

opposite effect and once again jism streamed from his cock, making his shorts wetter than ever.

The cop pulled back and glared down at him. “What the fuck are you doing, punk? Look, this

is a drill in my hand, you could have caused a serious accident. I’m gonna finish this damn

door but I’ve gotta get you under control first. He pulled a pair of cufflinks from his belt, yanked

Brandon’s arms round the back of his wheelchair and cuffed his wrists. He stood back and

gazed at the boy.

“That should keep you out of my way, kid. I should damn well leave you like that when I go, so

any more guys come in here they’ll just line up and fuck that mouth to keep you quiet and

there’s nothing you’ll be able to do about it. In spite of everything Brandon felt his cock jerk in

his soaking shorts.


Brandon was scared – he had never been tied up before, though he had fantasized about it

often enough. But his excitement conquered his fear, knowing he was completely at the mercy

of this muscle-stud cop hard at work on the door. Brandon was also at the mercy of his own

cock that seemed to take on a life of its own. He had no idea how many times he had cum but,

as he watched the homoerotic cop his cock rose again like a pole. But now he had the

exquisite frustration of being unable to touch it however much he struggled in his wheelchair.

His agony was short-lived though as the cop soon finished his work and stood back to show him

the new peephole. “OK, kid, now you never let anyone in without checking this first.” His eyes

lowered to Brandon’s crotch and the tent pole in his shorts. “Jesus Christ, boy, don’t you ever

quit? Let’s get that thing out of those stinking shorts.” He reached down and ripped open the

shorts, freeing the cock in all its glory. “What you need is some fresh air to cool you down, kid.”

The cop opened the door, walked outside and stretched. “Mmm, that feels better.” He turned

round to face Brandon and braced himself against the open door-frame, his arms stretched up

to the top corners, he legs apart, boots against the bottom corners. Brandon thought he had

never seen anything more beautiful than this spectacular cop, stripped to the waist, spread-

eagled in the open door, back-lit by the morning sun. He wanted desperately to touch his cock

and pulled helplessly at the cuffs.

“You know,” Mark said, “this kinda reminds me of the time a buddy of mine, big, muscular black

stud, got in a fight with me and he won. But I’d knocked him around real good in the fight,

which made him plenty mad so he tied me up, spread-eagled in a door frame just like this, and

ripped off my shirt. He was a bodybuilder, big into leather and bondage and he brought out his

whip. God, I can still feel how he lashed my back and chest and my ass.


The memory must have been a vivid one and Brandon thought he was hallucinating as the cop

moaned and writhed as if in bondage, his naked torso jerking with every lash of the whip, his

handsome face wincing with pain. Brandon had always looked for a porn video that contained

such a scene – a gorgeous half-naked cop getting thrashed by a sadistic black leather-master.

He had never found one but he was now looking at a re-enactment of the real thing.

It was so erotic that he moaned, “Sir, I need to cum again, real bad. Please set me free, sir. I

just need to touch my cock.”

The cop grinned and lowered his arms. “No, I don’t think you need to get free, kid. I think you

can shoot another load just the way you are. Let’s see now, the police motto is, “To Protect

and Serve.” Well I’ve taken care of the ‘protection’ bit …. now for the ‘service.’

To Brandon’s astonishment the cop unzipped his pants and pulled out his huge cock. He

swung his leg over the wheelchair so he was astride him, facing him, just as the construction

worker had done. Brandon stared up, hypnotized by the pornographic sight of the cop towering

over him his cock pointing at him. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a real hot kid?” the cop said.

“Cops get horny too, you know.” It didn’t take long. The cop pounded his meat a few times and

said, “See, you don’t need to touch your cock to cum again, boy …. you need this …. Aaah…”

The boy stared at the cock in the cop’s fist, saw it shudder and a stream of juice blast from it

right into his face, then another and another, slamming onto his face, neck and chest. He

gulped down the cop’s juice as his own cock exploded with another ribbon of cum that rose up

high, then splashed down onto him, mixing with the cop’s semen streaming down his body.


A few minutes later Mark had released Brandon and pulled on his black shirt, leaving it open

over his chest. “Now remember all the safety tips I gave you, boy. You’re a hot young guy but

vulnerable. I wouldn’t want you going through what I did when my leather buddy whipped me.”

“No, sir, but I wish I had a video of that.”

“There’s one around actually,” Mark said casually, thinking of Darius’s home video collection.

“We’re still buddies by the way. He lives just across the street from me. Right, that’s it then –

a productive visit, I think. Take care of yourself. Maybe I’ll drop in again some time.”

“Yes please, sir … thank you, sir.” In a daze he watched the cop straddle his motorcycle and

put on his helmet. Just as Brandon closed the door he remembered the T-shirt the cop had left

on his bed. He wheeled himself quickly to the bedroom and picked up the shirt, still soaked

with the cop’s sweat. He went back to the door but stopped as he heard voices outside.

The cop was laughing as he said, “I’m not surprised … kinda thought he’d send you, buddy.

Watch out for the kid though – he‘s quite the gusher, might get in the way of your work. ….

Yeah, drinks later would be fine. I’ll come across the street around seven. See ya….”

Brandon heard the bike roar into life and then silence … until another knock on the door.


Obeying the cop Brandon put on his glasses and looked through his new spy hole. Couldn’t

see much but what he could see took his breath away. It was a wide leather belt round what

looked like black leather pants tight round a slim waist. Above the belt he could just see the

ridges of hard abs. The skin was jet black … and the voice was deep. “Come on, kid, open up

– this thing is fucking heavy.”

Brandon opened the door and stared up at another homoerotic vision. Shit, he thought, this

day just won’t quit. The tall black bodybuilder was standing legs astride one arm stretched up

wrapped over a big box on his shoulder, making his bicep bulge. He was almost naked above

the waist except for a thin, ragged black sleeveless shirt that hung open over his sculpted chest.

His tight pants were black leather, like his heavy work boots.

“Without any preamble the guy walked in and said, “This one’s the 12,000 – goes in the living

room I guess. His back and shoulders flexed hard as he swung the heavy box down on the

floor under the window. “I’ll get the one for the bedroom.” He left and came back with another

box that he took into the bedroom, followed by the stunned Brandon. The leather guy looked at

the heap of clothes on the bed. “Shit, look at this mess – don’t you ever do laundry, kid?”

“Yes, sir,” Brandon said. “I’m doing these later – except for a couple that I won’t wash,” and he

blushed. Zack picked up from the pile Randy’s tank and Mark’s T-shirt, held them to his nose

and breathed in. “No, I guess not. Neither would I, kid.” He flashed a dazzling smile that

almost made Brandon cum all on its own. The man was spectacular, with his perfect physique,

handsome, rugged face, gray eyes and – a big turn on for Brandon – his shiny shaved head.”

The man was gruff now, all business. “OK, boy, here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna install

these two A/C units. Won’t take long, but I’m on my lunch hour, got my crew waiting for me, so

I want no interference from you. The guy who installed your shelves and my buddy the cop both

said you keep getting in the way, keep jerking off or something.”

“No, sir, I was just ….”

“Enough! Listen, I don’t care what you do, blow as many loads as you want, just stay clear of

me. This is heavy equipment and I want no accidents, capisce? Now I’m going to work.”

Brandon watched from a safe distance as the leatherman began in the bedroom. He shrugged

off his thin shirt, wiped the sweat from his face, chest and under his armpits and threw it on the

bed. Brandon gazed in awe through his glasses at the black bodybuilder stripped down to

leather pants and boots, his ebony body flexing as he handled the heavy air conditioner.

Despite the many times has he had cum already today, the boy’s cock was raging hard again

and, he couldn’t help it, he pulled it out of his shorts. The man had said he didn’t care and he

wasn’t paying attention to him anyway, so Brandon began stroking his cock

What excited Brandon the most was that, judging from the snippet of conversation he had heard

through the door, this must be the same black leather-master who had fought the cop, strung

him up and whipped his gorgeous body. God he’d love to see that video. It was such a huge


fantasy for him that he saw the erotic spectacle in his mind – and the result was inevitable.

Within seconds his cock was spurting jizz once again as he tried to stifle his moans.

This was turning out to be a very strange day. First the awesome construction worker had

shown up out of the blue, installed his new shelves and fucked his face. Then the cop had

noticed his open back door, had come in and given him safety instructions and a spectacular

view as he had stripped off his shirt and T-shirt and ended up pouring his semen all over him.

And now this hunky leather-stud – the one who had once whipped the cop – was here looking

so incredibly sexy that Brandon had already cum once.

So many visitors in one day – quite unlike his usual solitary life. And from what the cop had

said, there was still a fire inspection to come. Brandon sighed deeply. God had been good to

him today, that was for sure.


Actually it wasn’t God who had been good to him – not unless you count Bob as a god, which

many guys did. He and Eddie were having a ball as they began to get reports from the field.

Eddie was jumping up and down …. “How many times now, sir?” Bob laughed, “Twice with

Randy, as far as he could tell, and Mark says three times with him. Now he’s apparently alone

with Zack, and that’s no walk in the park – speaking as one who knows first-hand.”

Eddie’s silvery laughter rang out like bells on a sleigh. “He’s gonna beat my record, I know it.

Hey, come in guys,” he shouted to the other boys who crowded in wanting to be part of the

action. “This is way cool. This dude, my new friend, must think he’s walked onto a porn set.”


Eddie was pretty close to the truth. The leather guy had installed the bedroom unit and was

finishing up in the living room. Brandon had just jerked off again watching him, thinking this

was his last chance before the guy left and he’d never see him again. But he hadn’t reckoned

on one more piece of business that Zack had in mind.

He turned on the A/C and said, “That’s it, son, hear that noise, feel that breeze?” The hum of

the air conditioner began and cold air flooded the burning hot room. Brandon smiled with

relief. “Thank you, sir, it’ll change my life. I’m real grateful to you, sir.”

“Yeah, well about that. My buddy who came here said I was gonna get a tip. See, I’m not

getting paid for this and…”

“Oh,” Brandon stammered, “sir, I don’t have much money sir, just a couple a dollars is all.”

“Nah, I wasn’t thinking about cash.” He took off Brandon’s glasses. ”The other guy said you

paid him, er, another way.”

Brandon’s heart was beating fast and his mind was reeling. “Oh … oh ….yes, sir, I can do

that. Let me just lock the wheels of my chair, sir.”


“Fuck the wheelchair,” Zack said. “You don’t belong in that, kid.” He bent down, wrapped his

arms round the boy and lifted him bodily out of the chair in a bear hug, face to face, their chests

pressed together, Brandon’s legs dangling in the air. “If we’re gonna do this we’re gonna do it

the right way. Hey open your mouth.”

Confused, Brandon opened his mouth wide and Zack said, “Yeah, big enough for even my cock.

Let’s see here.” Holding him tight he pressed his mouth against the boy’s and probed inside

with his tongue. Brandon almost passed out with excitement as he smelled the black man’s

breath and tasted his spit. Zack pulled back and said, “Yeah, that’ll do fine.” He carried

Brandon bodily into the bedroom and laid him on his back on the pile of clothes on the bed.

He knelt astride him, unzipped his leather pants and pulled out his long black horse-dick. The

boy’s eyes opened wide as he gasped, “Oh, sir, that’s so huge I don’t think I can take it, sir.”

“What?” the man barked. “They told me you were a good cock-sucker. Here, maybe this’ll get

you in the mood.” Rummaging beneath the boy he pulled out several shirts and pressed a tank

top into Brandon’s face. “This was the first guy’s. Breathe deeply, boy.” Brandon obeyed and

the smell transported him back to his scene with the construction boss.

“Now the cop’s. Jeez his T-shirt’s still soaked with his sweat.” The boys head swam as he felt

the cop’s sweat ooze into his mouth. “OK, now this … this is my filthy old work shirt, stinks of

sweat and cum. He held up the sleeveless shirt he had taken off earlier, then ground it into

Brandon’s face. “Breathe in good, boy, ‘cause this is what you’re gonna taste when I ram my

cock in your mouth.”

Brandon’s cock was raging now ….. and then came the clincher. Zack sat back on Brandon’s

dick, pressing it against the boy’s stomach. Brandon felt the leather pants grinding against his

cock and heard the deep voice. “One day you’re gonna fuck that black ass, boy, just like that.

The leatherman’s gonna drop his pants, sink down on your pole and you’re gonna shoot your

load in his ass. You feel it boy? You feel that ass on your prick?”

“Aaagh!” It was a muffled scream into the gag of the shirt as Brandon gushed a load of cum

against the ass of the leather pants. Zack fell forward, spread his arms up and pressed his

armpit against the boy’s face. Brandon was drowning in sex, still shooting cum as the black

armpit ground into his face and he licked the stinking mass of wet, wiry hair.

Suddenly Zack pulled back onto his knees astride the boy and wrapped both hands round his

own long pole. “You ready for this now, boy? You ready to swallow this big black club?”

“Yes, sir. Please, sir. Give it to me … please.”

Zack leaned forward, braced his hands at the top of the bed, pressed his boots on the bottom

and raised his hips up so his body was arched over the boy, his cock pointing down at his face.

As Brandon watched the big hunk of meat come closer he opened his mouth wide. He felt the

cock easing its way into his mouth, down into his throat, down deeper, deeper until his gag

reflexes kicked in and he almost choked.


Zack quickly pulled back and began expertly to push gently in and out, helping him relax, which

Brandon finally did, remembering all the tricks Eddie had taught him. He looked up, saw the

body rise and lower over him and could hardly believe that this muscle-god black leatherman

was fucking his face with his monster dick.

After a long, easy fuck Zack’s soothing voice said, “You’re a great cock-sucker, kid, and you’re

gonna make me cum. This is where it gets a bit rough, though.”

The easy rhythm of the fuck changed as it got faster and faster until the thick rod was driving

into the boy’s mouth like a piston, and Brandon felt stinking pubic hair smashing into his face.

He had never experienced anything like this and it scared and excited him as he saw the

massive black body arched over him, the massive cock jack-hammering his face. He felt the

cock swell in his mouth, choking him. At last he felt it spasm inside him and heard the man

howl as warm liquid poured down his throat. And everything went black.


Seconds later when he opened his eyes he saw the handsome face staring down at him with a

dazzling smile. “That was awesome, kiddo, you’re a terrific cock-sucker. Are you OK?”

Brandon nodded. “You sure?”

“Yes, sir, thank you sir. It was incredible,” and he smiled. There was cum in his mouth and he

felt a pool of cum on his chest. “Sir, did I ….again?”

“You sure did, kid …. I got your jizz all over my pants – and I’m not gonna wipe it off. Now I

gotta go and you should get some rest – you’ve had quite a morning. I’ve turned the A/C on

low and it’s nice and cool in here.” He pulled a blanket over the boy and kissed him on the lips.

“You’re a great kid, Brandon, and I’ve a feeling I’ll be seeing you again soon. Sleep tight,” he

grinned, “and don’t jack off thinking about me.”

He left the bedroom, Brandon heard the front door close behind him and in seconds he was

asleep –and dreaming.


Brandon had slept for several hours when he slowly became conscious of a knocking at the

door. After his earlier visitors he didn’t know what to expect this time, but as his mind cleared

he remembered – must be the fire inspection the cop had set up. He put on his glasses, pulled

himself off the bed into his wheelchair and wheeled himself to the door. Remembering the cop’s

order he looked through the peephole – and sure enough saw a fireman outside in his uniform.

‘Man, what is it about today?’ he asked himself in amazement. The guy was out of a wet

dream – a spectacular blond with a flawless body and gorgeous face. Brandon thought he

must still be dreaming because the man looked a whole lot like the fireman in his calendar – the

August guy. No way … couldn’t be …. couldn’t possibly …. could it?


Brandon took a deep breath and opened the door ….

# # #

Chapter 223 – Lessons In Love & Lust

The fireman smiled. “Hey, kid – you Brandon? I’m here ‘cause the police department reported

that you need a fire inspection urgently as your place is way out of compliance.”

Brandon stared slack-jawed at the fire-fighter. He looked as if he had come straight from work

as he was still wearing those bulky yellow pants, big boots and a heavy fireproof jacket.

“Well,” the fireman grinned, “I can hardly do an inspection standing out here. You gonna let me

in or do you need a search warrant?”

Brandon snapped back to life. “Oh, no, sir …. I mean yes, sir, please come in.” He wheeled

himself backward into the room and the fireman followed him.

“Like a damn furnace out there today in this heatwave. Thank god you got air-conditioning in

here.” He undid his jacket and shrugged it off. Underneath he wore the regulation dark blue

T-shirt, which was soaked with sweat and clung to his obviously muscular body. The

suspenders of his pants hung down his legs from his waist. “Gotta get out of this stinking shirt,”

he muttered. He pulled off the T-shirt, wiped his face and chest with it and flung it on a chair.

Then he pulled the red suspenders up and over his bare shoulders. “Good, now let’s take a

look at this place.”

Brandon was staring in disbelief at the ripped body and handsome face. “It’s him….” he

mumbled seeing the exact calendar picture come to life in front of him. Without a word he

wheeled himself quickly into the bedroom, reached under the bed, pulled out his fireman’s

calendar and went back to where the fireman was already reaching up to inspect the defunct

smoke detector. Brandon flipped open the calendar to the August page and gulped hard,

looking back and forth from the fireman to the calendar.

“Sir,” he asked timidly. “Is your name Jason?”

Jason whirled round and grinned when he saw the calendar in Branson’s lap. “That damn

calendar again,” he laughed. “Can’t get away from it or that question – ‘Are you the August

guy?’ I’m beginning to wish I’d never done it, but me and the guys agreed ‘coz it was in aid of

kids’ charities. Here, let me see it.”

He took the well-thumbed calendar from Brandon and tried to flick through the pages but many

stuck together, especially the August page. “Huh,” he smiled, “looks like someone really got

off on these pictures.”


“I did, sir.” Brandon decided to go for broke. “The truth is, sir, I jack off over the August page

almost every day and the page sometimes gets splashed with my ….. “ He blushed deeply.”

Jason laughed. “So it’s your jizz gluing these pages together. Maybe I better send you over a

few new copies – we got a whole stack at the station house. But hey, you don’t need a picture

right now, boy. You’ve got the real thing …. so feel free while I work. You’re already naked, so

go for it. I don’t mind when guys jack off looking at me … take it as a compliment. Right, so

I’m gonna replace these useless smoke detectors with new ones I brought.”

As Jason went back to work Brandon could swear that he was doing more than working – he

was showing off his body. After all, Brandon thought, he said he likes it when guys jack off

looking at him! No wonder that this guy’s a bit narcissistic. I would flaunt it too if I had the face

and body of a Greek God.

It was as if the fireman was displaying his gorgeous body in a series of classic bodybuilder

poses in a competition. As he reached up to unscrew the fire alarm he turned it not just with his

wrists but with his whole body, twisting at the waist to show off his perfect lats and obliques.

When he lowered his arms he paused halfway down, flexing his biceps and clenching his fists.

And when he examined the smoke alarm in both hands in front of his waist, Brandon could

swear that he was clenching his hands together, pushing his shoulders forward and flaring his

lats as Brandon had seen bodybuilders do in competition.

Brandon looked down at the calendar in his lap opened to the picture of Jason. How often he

had jerked off over it …. hell, the calendar was so popular, a classic almost, that there must be

thousands of guys all over the world who had got their rocks off gazing at the same picture. And

now here was the actual man himself, in his living room, showing off the perfect definition of his

rock hard muscles.

Brandon had so often tried to image what the guy looked like when he moved, how his muscles

must ripple, especially when he was pumped, working at his job. And now he could see for

himself! He could see the body twisting and flexing, that long torso tapering down from his

broad shoulders, over the slabs of his pecs, his ripped eight-pack abs and his slim waist

disappearing into his fireman’s pants.

It was unbelievably homoerotic and the boy just had to make the most of it. He knew he would

never get the chance to watch this spectacular fireman again – not in real life. He could have

just sat here and gushed semen over and over again, but he wanted to control it as much as he

could. Not easy, though, as Jason was reaching up again and screwing on the new smoke

alarm, the golden tan of his perfect physique gleaming in the rays of the afternoon sun shining

through the window.


No, Brandon couldn’t control this. He took his cock gently in his hand, like an eggshell he was

afraid to break. Staring spellbound through his glasses at the half-naked fireman he began to

stroke his cock – and that’s all it took. “Sir,” he shouted, “you’re making me cum. You’re so

beautiful …. I gotta shoot sir …. I … aaagh!!”

His scream echoed round the small room as his cock exploded, shooting a stream of jism that

blasted high in the air and splashed onto the fireman’s boots, paying homage to this god-like

man who had emerged out of the boy’s recurring dream and come to life.

Jason flashed a gleaming smile at him. “Thanks for the compliment kid. Now, let’s fix the one

in the bedroom.”


It was pretty much the same scene in the bedroom. Brandon was determined to indulge his

lust for this man by shooting as many loads as possible – which wasn’t difficult at all. This time

he concentrated on the face with its chiseled features, high cheekbones and a square lantern jaw,

blue eyes and short blond hair. Jason was focused on his task but it was obvious that he was still

putting on a show, totally aware of how incredibly hot he looked. Brandon was turned on by the

fireman’s vanity and exhibitionism, resulting in copious amounts of semen spurting from Brandon’s

permanently hard dick.

“Good, that’s done,” Jason said, smiling down at the boy who was panting heavily after his most

recent orgasm. “Now, see that small red light up there? Means the battery’s good. When it starts

blinking, time for a new one. OK, let’s go back to the other room and I’ll show you the fire

extinguishers I brought. He pulled up a chair next to Brandon’s wheelchair and put one of the

small extinguishers in his lap. “Hell, not much room here with that pole sticking straight up.

Doesn’t it ever go down?”

“Not while you’re here, sir,” Brandon grinned, relaxing a little for the first time. But he tensed again

as Jason casually threw an arm over his shoulder and he felt the hair of his armpit touch his neck.

He was afraid he would shoot a load over the fire extinguisher but Jason’s voice calmed him as he

patiently explained how to use it.

“I’ll put one in this room and one in the bedroom. Now, if ever you wake up and there’s smoke in

the room you should crawl to the door, keeping as low to the ground as possible where the smoke’s

not so thick.” He frowned suddenly but Brandon forestalled his next question. “Oh I can crawl sir.

I got real strong arms. Sometimes I crawl around the apartment when I get tired of the

wheelchair. It’s good exercise.”

Jason looked at the earnest eyes blinking behind the glasses and his heart went out to this brave

young kid. The thought of him living alone and dragging himself around the floor for exercise was

an image that brought a lump to the fireman’s throat. Suddenly he felt humbled and a little

ashamed. Up to now he had shown off his body to the kid, indulging his own vanity as much as


anything. The boy seemed to have enjoyed it, but Jason now had an urge to do something special

for him, something that was about the boy rather than his own narcissism.

But business first. “Good, so try to stay low if there’s smoke. With smoke inhalation we use

oxygen masks on the victim, but it’s a different story when we fish someone out of a swollen river.

“You use the kiss of life, sir?”

“Yeah, that’s what the layman calls it. We call it rescue breathing. Actually everyone should know

how to do it. You start out by….. Hey, it’s easier to show you than to describe it. Let’s say

you’re the victim and I’ve just fished you out of the river.”

He leaned forward and scooped Brandon from his chair so the boy was lying in his arms gazing up

at him. Brandon really did almost stop breathing as he felt the strong arms under him, felt the

fireman’s bare chest press against him and saw the magnificent shoulders and biceps flex. Gazing

up into the rugged face smiling down at him he wanted to stay here forever, in the protective arms

of this muscle-god whose picture had made him cum so often.

“Then I would carry you to a flat piece of land,” Jason said, pacing the room with the boy in his

arms. Finally he lowered him gently onto his back on the floor and took off Brandon’s glasses.

“OK, I would kneel beside you like this, check for a pulse and listen for sounds of breathing. He

pressed his fingers lightly on his throat, leaned forward and held his ear close to Brandon’s mouth.

Brandon’s heart was beating wildly and his cock was once again rock hard as he felt, smelled,

almost tasted the beautiful fireman so close to him. “OK, so assuming you’re not breathing I would

lift your chin, then pinch your nose shut and begin rescue breathing like this ….”

Brandon felt he must be dreaming as Jason pinched his nose closed, pressed their mouths together

making a seal and breathed deeply into his mouth. The fireman from his fantasies, the man from

the cum-splattered picture, was actually here, his gorgeous face pressed to his, their mouths sealed

together as Brandon inhaled his breath. He was close to passing out when Jason said, “Now I

would do that several times until I saw your chest rise.” But it wasn’t his chest that rose – his

cock was stiff as a pole.

Jason’s blue eyes were smiling down at him. “But here’s the part that’s not regulation – not at

all.” He put his hand behind the boy’s head, lifted it a little and once again pressed their

mouths together. But this time, after he exhaled into Brandon he didn’t release his mouth – he

inhaled. So their mouths were sealed together, sharing the same breath back and forth. This

truly was the kiss of life as Brandon felt himself being kept alive by the fireman’s breath.

The intense intimacy made Brandon hallucinate that the two of them were floating together in a

never-ending embrace, just the two of them, joined forever. He touched Jason’s lips with his

fingers, feeling them press against his, so he knew it was real. He didn’t care about orgasms


anymore – this was beyond that, beyond everything as Jason pulled his lips off his mouth and

began kissing every other part of his face – his cheeks, his forehead …. and his eyes.

It became an ethereal, out-of-body experience and Brandon was only dimly aware of his body

reacting with yet another load. At last Jason pulled back and Brandon found himself gazing up

at the exquisite, tanned face with its startling blue eyes and blond hair. It was backlit by the sun

streaming through the window behind him, forming a kind of halo round the god-like face.

The voice he heard seemed to be coming from far away. “You’re a great looking kid, Brandon.

You got me all fired up. Is it OK with you if I bust a load here?”

Brandon gulped and stammered, “Y-yes, sir. Very much, sir.” Jason pulled himself up and

knelt over him, his heavy yellow pants straddling his waist. He pulled his suspenders off his

shoulders and let them hang from his waist. Then he ripped open his pants and Brandon saw

the long, already-hard cock rearing straight up out of a tangle of blond pubic hair.

“Come on, kiddo, give me a start here.” He leaned forward, bracing himself on his hands, and

lowered his crotch onto the boy’s face. “Make me feel good, boy.”

He didn’t need telling twice. The big, pumped balls with their light fuzz of blond hair were right

over his mouth and he licked them, sucked them in, made love to them. Then he buried his

face in the mass of damp pubic hair and breathed in, smelling, tasting the very essence of this

beautiful man.

Jason pressed his cock against Brandon’s mouth and slid it slowly across his lips lengthwise

from the pubic hair all the way up the long shaft until the boy was licking the hard, round head.

He opened his mouth wide and sucked in the cock, gulping it down – all the way down his

throat. The fireman was face-fucking him! The fireman was fucking his mouth – the man

whose picture he had drooled over, trying to imagine what was under this pants, wondering

again and again what his cock looked like. And now here it was … in his mouth!

Brandon wasn’t sure if his own cock was cumming again. It didn’t matter – this was all like one

never-ending orgasm and he never wanted it to stop. He tasted the musky pre-cum dripping

down the back of his throat, felt the fireman’s cock swelling inside him, filling his mouth. And

just when he thought it was about to explode … suddenly it wasn’t there. Jason had pulled out,

straightened up and was smiling down at him, still kneeling over him.

“I wanted to get another good look at you before I cum,” he said reaching forward and twisting

Brandon’s nipples gently in his fingertips. Brandon gasped and instinctively reached up to run

his hands over the flexed mounds of Jason’s chest, down the cleft between them, over the

ridges of his washboard abs and round his waist. Then he reached higher and clenched his

hands over the rock-hard bulge of his shoulders. Finally he could not resist stroking the

fireman’s nipples and squeezing them in his fingers.”


“Oh, yeah,” Jason moaned, “feels good. You doing OK?” Brandon swallowed hard but

couldn’t speak … his sparkling eyes spoke for him. “I can’t hold out much longer, kid, and

when I cum I’m gonna give you the climax of your life. You ever drink a fireman’s juice?”

“N-n-no, sir.”

“Do you want to?”

Y-yes, sir … very much, sir.”

It all happened suddenly in a blaze of light. Jason reared up on his knees, pulled his pants

down below his ass and slowly lowered his hips until he felt the tip of Brandon’s rigid cock touch

his ass. He paused and said, “Here it comes, boy – like nothing you’ve ever felt before.” A

second passed … two … three …. and then … “Aaagh!” In one sudden move he sat down

hard on Brandon’s cock, letting it slide all the way into his ass and come to rest deep inside.

The fireman threw his head back and screamed in pain and passion. He pointed his cock at

Brandon’s face and it erupted in a long ribbon of semen.

Brandon screamed, opened his mouth wide and tasted the fireman’s warm juice streaming into

it. His own cock erupted deep in the fireman’s hot ass as he gulped frantically, again and

again, tasting the bitter-sweet semen pouring down his throat. He saw the fireman’s muscular

body shudder over him, his face thrashing from side to side and realized that the muscle-god

fireman he had worshipped for so long was at this moment impaled on his cock.

Jason pulled his ass up right to the head of Brandon’s cock, paused, then again sank right down

onto the boy’s pubic hair. Again he howled, again Brandon’s cock erupted and again the

fireman blasted a stream of jism into his face and over his chest.

Brandon was lost in a fantasy world of sex and semen ….. but his screams of passion slowly

morphed into sobs, deep racking sobs as tears poured from his eyes. Jason gently pulled

himself off his cock and fell on top of him, licking the cum from his face and his eyes, and

closing his mouth over Brandon’s to muffle his sobs, his body still heaving beneath him.

When the boy started to calm down Jason pulled his face back and said, “Hey, hey, kiddo,

where’s all this coming from? Where’s the brave young kid the cop told me about?”

“I – I’m sorry sir. It’s just that you’ve just given me the most awesome experience of my life. I

mean….” He had to explain his feelings and fought for the words. “It – it’s like going from

black and white into a Technicolor world. It’s like a dream – but it’s a dream I’m gonna wake

up from and then I’ll be alone again. You’ve shown me how wonderful life could be – if only I

could walk. I know I’ll never see you again, sir. Why would a spectacular man like you, who

could have anyone in the world, show any interest in a boy in a wheelchair?”


Jason started to protest but Brandon cut him off. “Sir, please tell me the truth sir …. was that a

mercy fuck, sir?”

Jason’s eyes blazed. “Boy, I never want to hear those words from you again. I don’t do mercy

fucks. To me, a mercy fuck means the kind where I give a man a pile-driving fuck that makes

him beg for mercy. I’ll give you one of those one day if you don’t cut the bullshit.” He took a

deep breath to calm down, and gazed directly into Brandon’s tear stained eyes.

“OK, kid, I’ll admit that I did feel sorry for you, thinking of you living alone and dragging yourself

over the floor like you said. But that was natural compassion and, sure, I wanted to do

something special for you. I enjoyed showing off my body to you, but that was me and my

vanity. When I focused instead on you I realized you’re a hot young buck and, boy, when you

started sucking my dick you turned me on so bad that I wanted you inside me kid. When I found

myself sitting on your cock, looking down at you made me bust a huge load all over you. No,

that was no mercy fuck, kid. That was a real honest-to-god boy-fucks-fireman fuck.”

That made Brandon smile. “And as for being alone,” Jason continued, “don’t you have, like, a

best buddy, a special friend?”

“No, sir,” he grinned. “Guys don’t exactly line up for a kid in a wheelchair.” He looked pensive.

“Just the other day I thought I had met a guy who was different, a real hot young guy, and we

had a great time. But I haven’t seen or heard from him since, so I guess it was a one-time

thing, just another bubble bursting.”

Jason grinned. “Well I wouldn’t give up on that if I were you, kid. I have a strong feeling you’ll

be seeing him again soon. I also have a feeling you’ll soon be finding out that, as you put it, life

can be wonderful, wheelchair be damned. Talking of which, let’s get you back in the fucking

thing.” He pulled up his pants, took Brandon into his arms and settled him into his chair.

“Now listen kid, I gotta go now but I’ll drop by in a couple of days with those calendars I

promised. And if there’s ever anything you need, like the batteries being replaced in the smoke

detectors, call me direct. Here’s my card.” He pulled on his big jacket, took Brandon’s head in

both hands and pressed their mouths together real hard. “Take it from me, kiddo, you’re gonna

find out real soon just how wonderful life can be. Take care of yourself, Brandon – you’re one

hell of a guy.”

After he had gone the room suddenly felt very empty. Brandon sat for a long while just thinking.

Then he smiled and picked up the T-shirt Jason had left behind. “Well,” he said to himself, “I’ll

always have his shirt.” He knew we would never have the nerve to call Jason unless he had a

good reason. He wondered how long the batteries in a smoke alarm were meant to last.



As soon as Jason got into his truck he punched a button on his cell phone. Bob put the call on

speaker phone so he and Eddie could both hear the fireman’s story. “Wow,” Bob said, “sounds

like you did a whole number, buddy. That’s gonna be a hard act to follow. I’m so grateful to

you, man – you’re a real trooper.”

“It was a real pleasure,” Jason said, “and I mean that.”

Bob shut off the phone and said, “OK, Eddie my man, time for us to put in an appearance. Me

first, I think, then you.” Eddie grinned mischievously. The conspiracy was going real well.


Even though he had napped for a couple of hours Brandon felt tired. Not physically so much,

as Jason had energized him, but mentally – emotionally. This had been an extraordinary day

and he couldn’t possibly imagine where it had all come from.

First the construction boss had installed his shelves and fucked his face. Later he sent his co-

worker with the air-conditioners, the incredible black leatherman who had demanded exactly the

same payment. The godlike police officer had happened to drop in and give him safety tips –

and multiple orgasms. And the cop had arranged for the fire inspection by the very same

fireman whose calendar picture Brandon had jerked off over so many times.

He was elated, of course, but that was offset by a vague feeling of depression and frustration.

This day was like a sparkling oasis in a lonely desert. After today he would go back to the

solitary world he was building for himself where he strived to be independent. These men had

been a frustrating glimpse into what his world might have been if only his legs worked.

Ah well, he’d better get back to that world and tidy his apartment. At least now he had air-

conditioning and pull-down shelves. He tugged his shorts on and, to prolong the memory,

gathered up the four shirts the guys had left. He impulsively pulled on over his head the

construction worker’s tank that was dry now but still smelled of sweat and cum. He sighed. No

more visitors today, that’s for sure. Just as well. Neither he nor his overworked cock could take

any more.

Then came the knock at the door.

He jerked his head up and frowned ….. who? Maybe one of the guys had come back to claim

his shirt. He wheeled himself to the door, looked through the peep hole and was disappointed

to see a dark blue suit close to the door. Must be a welfare worker, he thought, then with a

stab of panic wondered if they’d come about all the stuff he’d been given today. Maybe it

wasn’t allowed.

He opened the door and even before looking up he said “You must be from the Welfare…..”

His voice trailed off as he looked up at the square jawed face with the dark hair. It was Clark


Kent and, as this was a day for fantasy, any minute he’d take off his suit, put on a cape and

become Superman. Brandon gulped, “I guess you’re not from the Welfare, sir.”

“Not exactly Bob smiled, but I have come to check on your welfare. A young man named

Eddie told me you lived here alone so I thought I’d drop by and see how you were doing.”

“Eddie, sir? Yeah, that’s the guy I met the other day and we had such a good time I thought

maybe he … anyway, I haven’t heard from him since. But you say he actually mentioned me?

Is he doing OK?”

“As far as I know, yeah. But it’s you I’ve come to talk about. Man, what’s been going on

here? This place smells a lot like semen, and is that dried cum all over your face? Those

smelly shirts on your lap don’t help, either, nor the tank-top you’re wearing. Bob suppressed a

smile, recognizing Randy’s tank that now hung loosely over Brandon’s slender frame.

“Oh, sorry, sir – it’s just that I’ve had a lot of visitors today and they, well, they ….”

“Never mind, Brandon – that is you name, right? You don’t have to explain or apologize to me.

I’m not here to judge. Like I said, I’m not from the welfare. At least it’s cool in here – you

have air-conditioning. It’s an oven outside. Mind if I look around?”

Without waiting for a reply Bob walked round the living room, checking on the newly installed

air-conditioner, the smoke detectors and the peephole in the front door. For the umpteenth

time that day Brandon got an instant hard-on. The man was tall and obviously well-built,

wearing a smart dark-blue suit with a white shirt, no tie, with the top three buttons open. And

the face – he couldn’t stop gazing at the chiseled Superman features.

But it was more than that. It was the way he moved, elegant but very sexy, and the way he

looked at him with those soft brown eyes, like the man knew everything he was thinking.

Suddenly the man shrugged off his jacket and hung it round a chair … and Brandon almost

came. He was wearing a short-sleeved white shirt, unbuttoned halfway down his chest, giving

a teasing glimpse of his rounded pecs, and the short sleeves hugged his biceps. He had broad

shoulders and his torso tapered down to a slim waist with an elegant black belt round it.

As Brandon put on his glasses to see him better the man turned to face him and gave him a

dazzling smile. “I apologize, I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Bob. Very pleased to meet

you, Brandon.” He put out his hand and Brandon shook it, feeling his cock pulse as he

touched him for the first time and felt the firm handshake.

Brandon was confused, overwhelmed. All he knew was that he wanted the man to stay. He

gulped and stammered, “Would …. would you … like a cup of tea, sir?”

“Excellent idea,” Bob smiled. “Four o’clock in the afternoon. Perfect time for tea.”


Finally Brandon had something definite to do. He sprang to life and rapidly wheeled his chair

into the kitchen. Bob was surprised by his agility as he filled the kettle with water, then pulled

down the shelves to get a teapot and cups.

“Great idea those pull-down shelves, eh, Brandon?”

“I’ll say. They were only installed today by this construction worker who came real early and

used me as his assistant. He even ended up by ….” Brandon coughed in embarrassment.

“Anyway, then this big blond cop came and told me all about safety and he installed that

peephole and then he …..” Again he caught himself in time, instinctively rubbing the dry cum

on his face where the cop had splashed his load over him.

Brandon was in full flood now as he set the table for tea. The enthusiastic way he talked

reminded Bob of Eddie and as he looked down at the eager, handsome, freckled face behind

the black-rimmed glasses he could see why Eddie had been so intent on helping him.

“Anyway,” Brandon was saying, “next thing was that construction worker’s buddy came by with

the air-conditioners – he was a big black bodybuilder-type and he put me on the bed and he had

this huge ….. well, anyway … The cop had said he would send someone from the fire

department and it turned out to be this guy…” He pulled the calendar from a pouch on his

wheelchair, opened it at the August page and showed it to Bob who looked down at the familiar

face of Jason.

“He was more incredible even than his picture, sir,” Brandon said, loosening up now, inspired by

the genuine interest in Bob’s reassuring expression. “So he put in the smoke alarms and stuff

and kinda, well, flaunted his body, I think.” (That’s our Jason, Bob grinned to himself) “And

when he’d finished he laid me on the floor and showed me the kiss of life. Then he put his cock

in my mouth, and then – guess what? – he pulled his pants down and sat down on my dick and

made me shoot inside him while he busted a load in my mouth and all over my face.”

Suddenly Brandon gasped as he realized what he had done. He had been dying to tell

someone about his day and now he had spilled everything to this complete stranger. There

was just something about him. “I’m sorry I said all that, sir. Too much information as my friend

Eddie said … well, he was my friend for a little while anyway. Do you still want tea, sir?”

“More than ever,” Bob laughed. “You’ve made me good and thirsty.”

They sat at the kitchen table, Brandon poured the tea and Bob asked, “So what happened

next?” Brandon hesitated, blushing deeply. “Oh, come on, kid, you’ve just told me the fireman

fucked your face and you fucked his ass, couldn’t be anything more intimate than that.”

“Well, sir, I kinda … I ended up sobbing in his arms.”


“Really? OK, let me guess. You’d had a remarkable day full of great sex, climaxing with your

dick in the ass of the man of your dreams … and then it had to end and now you go back to

your normal life. Am I right?”

“Yes, sir,” said a surprised Brandon – the man really could read his mind. “But you see, sir, it’s

not a normal life. I’m confined to a wheelchair and I tell myself I’m independent but I’m really

not and never will be. After all that stuff today I realized what my life could have been if my dad

hadn’t crashed the car that day. I’m not bad looking, I could have met lots of guys. I even went

to a beer bar a couple of times but felt stupid wheeling myself around, my face level with guys’

crotches.” He chuckled. “Although I guess that ain’t so bad – never seen so many close-up

bulges in my life.

“Thing is, though, I’ve never fucked a guy or been fucked, except in the mouth by Eddy and

those guys today, and then when the fireman sat on my dick for a minute or so. Sir, do you, er,

know anyone who’s been fucked in the butt? Do you know what it feels like?”

“Oh yeah,” Bob grinned broadly. “But it’s not something you can describe – it’s something you

have to feel – and I have a hunch you may real soon. Thing is, it depends on the guy, so you

have to choose carefully the first man who’s gonna fuck you.”

“Huh, like I’ll have a choice, sir.”

“Oh, I have a strong feeling you will, Brandon.”

“Most guys don’t even want to touch me, as if what I have is catching or something. Until I was

ten I was running around with the other kids, and now here I am living alone and beating off to

porn videos – and calendars,” he added with a grin. “Oh, I know I sound like a whiner, don’t I

sir, but I’m really not. I’m happy with my life and glad that the only thing that doesn’t work is my

legs. Everything else works fine, as you can see, sir,” grinning down at the boner in his shorts.

“It’s just that sometimes, like today, I get to feeling sorry for myself, but I always snap out of it.

I’m sorry, sir, I don’t know why I’m unloading all this on you.”

The thing that impressed Bob was that there wasn’t an ounce of self-pity in Brandon’s voice.

He was simply stating the facts. His bravery moved Bob almost to tears and he gulped,

thanking fate that Eddie had helped him to meet this gutsy young guy.

He thought for a minute and said, “You know, Brandon, that construction worker who came

today. He has a brother – looks just like him except that he wears a suite and tie. His name’s

Steve and he’s a great psychotherapist – a shrink as the guys call him. He’s gonna be real

helpful to you whenever you feel down in the dumps like this.”

“Thank you, sir,” Brandon said, wondering how in the world Bob knew so much about the

construction guy, how he knew Eddie …. and who were these guys he kept mentioning?


Bob changed the subject. “Brandon, what do you do all day – do you have a job?”

“No, sir, but not for want of trying. See, I took a community college course in office

management – oh just basic things, you know, like book-keeping and payroll kinda stuff” – he

laughed – “something I can do sitting down. I got good grades too, so when I graduated I went

on job interviews, but I saw their smiles fade when they saw me rolling in in a wheelchair. I

know I interviewed well, but always the rejection letter said they’d found someone with better

qualifications. I was pretty sure what they meant was they’d found someone who wasn’t in a

wheelchair. Oh, god, there I go, whining again.”

“Hmm,” Bob said, “I might be able to help there, too. I know a young guy who runs a business

office and he’s really good but he’s kind of overwhelmed with work and I happen to know he’s

looking for an assistant. Now I can’t promise anything ‘cause it would be up to him, he’s doing

the hiring. But at least I could get you a job interview if you would like.”

“Absolutely, sir.” Brandon’s eyes were shining. “But, like, if I got lucky and he became my

boss, are you sure he wouldn’t be put off by my being in a wheelchair?”

“This guy?” Bob laughed. “Never, not him – he’s a cop’s boy and a great guy. Nah, if he likes

a guy there’s nothing he won’t do for him.” A cop’s boy, Brandon thought. This day’s really

getting strange. He was emboldened to ask one more thing. “Sir,” he said hesitantly, “before

you go, there is one thing you could do …” His confidence failed. “No sorry, forget it, bad idea.”

“Come on kid, you’ve shared everything else with me. Might as well go for broke.”

Well, sir, it’s just that you’re, well, so totally gorgeous, sir and my …” He looked down at the

tent pole under his shorts. “Could you just stand there a minute and let me, like, jerk off?”

Bob laughed heartily. “So that’s it. Of course I could do that but I think we could go one better.

See, I know a man who’s always telling me he can make any guy shoot his load without

touching his cock. And he can – he’s done it to me often. So why don’t we give it a try too?”

Bob stood up, unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. He towered over Brandon stripped to the

waist and the boy gasped.

The body was spectacular, a beautifully defined V-shaped torso, broad shoulders, bulging pecs

and eight-pack abs. It was like Clark Kent had just ripped open his shirt and become

Superman. Instinctively Brandon grabbed his cock but Bob said, “No, no – you heard what I

said. Hands-free.” He bent down, wound his arms round Brandon’s back, scooped him out of

his wheelchair and pressed the boy against him, holding him tight, chest to chest. “Now, I’m

gonna kiss you, Brandon, and you’re gonna cum for me ….. just for me.”

Brandon felt the solid muscles pressed against him, saw the face getting closer and closer and

smelt the faint scent of a musky cologne as the man’s lips touch his lightly, then harder and

harder until their mouths opened and he felt the tongue lick inside his mouth. The kiss went on


and on, and when the mouth did finally pull off him the boy was mesmerized by the steady

brown eyes. The hypnotic voice said, “Now, you’re gonna cum for me, Brandon, and you’re

such a hot young guy you’re gonna make me cum too. Do what I tell you, boy … come on….

cum for me … now.”

“Aaah …. Aaah …. Aaah …. Brandon gasped as he creamed his shorts, his cock pressing

hard against the bulge in the man’s pants. “Good boy,” Bob smiled. He lowered one arm

round his waist and pulled it close, pressing their crotches tightly together. “My turn,” he

grinned … “oh yeah…” He kissed Brandon again, his body shuddered and Brandon felt him

cum in his pants.

“Yeah,” Bob shouted triumphantly, walking round the room with the boy in his arms, both of

them pumping semen against each other. They were both laughing like crazy and Brandon

was swept with the feeling of absolute safety in the arms of this spectacular man, and the

absolute certainty that he would never be lonely again.


A short while later Brandon was sitting in his specially equipped shower. He was an old hand

at this and when he used the phrase ‘gonna jump in the shower’ it was not so far from the truth.

After Bob had left he had decided to clean up – wash off all those guys’ sweat and cum. He

didn’t need it any more to help him cling to the memories. He felt light-hearted after Bob’s visit,

a feeling that his life was about to change, what with the job interview he would be getting and

the therapy session with the look-alike brother of the construction worker.

He would go out and celebrate. He sometimes went down the hill and had dinner alone in a

small restaurant where they knew him and gave him a discount on food and drink. He would

probably push the boat out and order himself a big martini. Hey, it was his birthday next week

wasn’t it? He’d celebrate early and drink a quiet toast to himself.

For a second that solitary image brought a lump to his throat and he glimpsed depression again,

but he shook it off and thought of Bob instead. He dried off, pulled on long pants (that was

always the hardest part) and a Polo shirt, his last clean one. (Really gotta do laundry tomorrow.)

He grabbed his wallet, opened the front door … and almost fainted from shock. Looming in the

doorway, about to knock, was a soldier. But not just any soldier, one drawn by Tom of Finland –

tall, muscular with an exotic dark face, square features and almond shaped eyes – Arab or

Asian, Brandon guessed. He was wearing military fatigues – khaki pants with laced-up combat

boots, a sleeveless olive-green shirt over a khaki tank top stretched over his muscular chest.

His dog tags hung loosely in the cleft between his pecs.

He smiled and when he spoke it was with a soft, lilting accent. But his question floored

Brandon. “Hi, there. Is Eddie here?”


For the sixth time that day Brandon was staring mutely at a homoerotic figure in his doorway.

He fought his way through his daze and croaked, “Er, Eddie, sir? No, I only met Eddie once

and I don’t think ….”

“Do you think I could come in and wait for him?” As if on autopilot Brandon backed up his

wheelchair and the soldier strode into his house There was a slightly uncomfortable silence

until the solider explained, “See I usually take Eddie out to dinner around this time – just down

the hill, walking distance, and today he asked me to meet him here. You are Brandon aren’t

you?” Brandon nodded. “And he didn’t tell you?” He sighed in mock frustration. “Typical

Eddie – wonder why he didn’t mention it.”

“Because I wanted it to be a surprise!” Eddie poked his grinning face round the door and

bounced in, panting hard after running up the hill. “Hey, dude, I figured you might be having a

lonely day so I thought me and Hassan could take you out to dinner. This here is Hassan,”

Eddie said proudly. “He’s a Marine and I’m his boy.”

The world was spinning so fast that Brandon thought he would fall off. He was totally stunned,

though thrilled to see Eddie again. “Would you like to join us, Brandon?” Hassan asked.

“Well, if it’s really OK, sir. I was about to go and eat on my own anyway, so …”

“So of course he’ll come,” Eddie laughed. “And you’re all dressed up, too. So let’s go, dude.”

A few minutes later Eddie was walking down the hill beside Brandon. Hassan, walking behind

them, was impressed to see that Eddie let Brandon wheel himself. The boy was instinctively

respecting Brandon’s independence … it never occurred to him to push his buddy’s wheelchair

– unless he asked for help, of course. Just how it should be, thought Hassan.

Hassan was listening to them talking over each other. They both had the gift of the gab, that

was for sure, something Hassan loved about Eddie, his free-wheeling spirit. But he noticed

that Eddie didn’t talk about the tribe as they passed by the house. Seemed he was keeping all

that under wraps for now.

In the restaurant Hassan was happy to just listen to the boys’ spirited conversation which didn’t

let up. And it wasn’t long before it took on sexual undertones … obviously the hormones of both

young boys were racing. Brandon asked Hassan a question about the Marines and he was

glad to oblige. As he talked about the life of a Marine, describing his buddies, sex hovered

thick in the air and the two boys gazed at the hunky Marine with lustful expressions.

They were sitting side by side opposite him, stealing quick glances at each other, and even as

he spoke, Hassan could see that something was going on between them, their hands invisible

under the table cloth. As they stared at him their bodies were trembling and suddenly they

both jerked with a small gasp and Hassan stifled a smile knowing what they had just done.

They had jerked each other off under the table looking at him.


They tried to keep their breathing steady and looked at him demurely across the table, Eddie

smiling calmly and Brandon blinking behind his glasses. Hassan said with a sigh, “You know,

boys, there are certain things you just don’t do in polite society. Now both of you, go wash your

hands before you eat.


For the rest of the meal Hassan did most of the talking, responding to eager questions from

Brandon about the Marines, though the boys occasionally exchanged mischievous glances

between them. It was all a lot of fun – until near the end when Eddie happened to say, “Hey

dude, I forgot to tell you. It’s my birthday tomorrow, Saturday, and ….’ Brandon cut him off.

“No way, dude … and it’s mine in a week. I’ll be 19.”

“Me too! That is so cool. It means I’m a week older than you, buddy, so make sure you

respect your elders.” They laughed at the happy discovery but Hassan frowned. “You’re 19,

Eddie? You always told me you were 21.

Eddie gasped, realizing that he had, once again, said too much. Desperately he tried to

explain. “Oh shit. See, sir, when I first met Zack and Darius in that bar I told them I was 21

‘coz I was working in the bar and I didn’t want them to think I was underage. And I guess I

never changed my story – even when I met you.”

“So all this time you’ve been lying to me about your age, is that it?”

“I guess so, sir,” said Eddie miserably.”

“Well have you or haven’t you been lying to me?” Eddie replied in a very small voice, “Yes, sir.”

“You do know that the worst thing a boy can do is lie to his master, and if ever it happens the

boy has to be punished?”

“Yes, sir.”

Hassan clenched his jaw. “OK, here’s what’s gonna happen. You know the rule – it has to be

a ritual punishment in front of the whole group. And since you lied about your age your birthday

is an appropriate time to do it. We’ll say no more about it now as I don’t want to embarrass

Brandon. You’ll spend the night with me and tomorrow we’ll go down to the house when

everyone’s gathered and that’s where I’ll punish you. That’s all I have to say on the subject.”

Brandon squeezed Eddie’s hand under the table and Eddie looked at him mournfully. “I was

gonna take you to meet some guys tomorrow, dude. I got a whole lot of stuff to explain to you

– stuff I’d been kinda keeping under wraps, but it’ll have to wait. I don’t want you to see me get

punished. But when it’s all over I’ll come and see you again, OK? You’re still my friend, right?”


“Of course I am, dude,” Brandon grinned. “Best friend forever.”


That night Brandon found it hard to sleep. His head was whirling with memories of the most

extraordinary day in his life. There was so much he didn’t understand and he tried to piece it all

together. All those incredibly hot men, fantasies straight out of his porn collection, had come

and gone and he’d most likely never see them again. Except for the one called Bob. He had

made promises to him and he knew he’d keep them.

And where did Eddie and his incredible Marine master fit into it all? And who were these guys

they kept talking about? In front of the whole group? Everyone would be gathered? What did

that mean? He was sorry Eddie was going to get punished and wished he could be there to

support him. Ah well, guess he’d just have to wait ‘til Eddie came to see him as he had

promised. And this time he was sure he would.


Meanwhile Hassan was being unexpectedly affectionate to Eddie, almost as if nothing bad had

happened. He fucked him as usual and Eddie felt he was more loving than ever as he held him

in his arms all night. But Eddie was ashamed of his lie and next morning he felt increasingly

nervous about his public punishment. Hassan made a few private phone calls and then, at

noon, they set out for the house.

There were a lot of cars and trucks outside and Eddie knew all the guys would be gathered

inside. He felt like a lamb gong to the slaughter. They went through the gate and there, sure

enough, was the whole tribe, men and boys, standing in a row facing him solemnly. His

courage failed him and he thought his legs would give way.

And then it happened. The whole group suddenly raised their arms and yelled “SURPRISE!!”

Someone pulled a cord and a banner unfurled from a tree saying “Happy Birthday Eddie!”

There was an eruption of cheers and applause and shouts of “Ed-die, Ed-die.” Hassan pulled

him into his arms and whispered, “Happy Nineteenth Birthday, Eddie. I love you, boy.”

Eddie looked up at Hassan with tears running down his face. “Thank you, sir.” But then he

pulled away and gazed at the crowd, at all the laughing faces. He shouted, “Hold that thought,

guys. I gotta go – but I’ll be right back.” He turned and raced out of the gate.

“Well that was weird,” said Darius. “Do you know where he’s going, sir?”

Hassan grinned broadly. “Oh, I have a pretty good idea.”


Eddie was speeding up the hill and was soon pounding on Brandon’s door. It opened and

Brandon gazed up at him in amazement. Eddie got behind his wheelchair and pushed him out

the door. With a peal of laughter he said, “Come on, dude. We’re going to a party!”

# # #

Chapter 224 – Brandon Meets The Tribe

Brandon was blown away … his new friend Eddie was full of surprises. At least Brandon was

not naked as he often was around the house. He was wearing cargo shorts and the old tank-

top Randy had left at his house yesterday. It hung loosely on his lean body, showing off the

well-developed muscles he had built from wheeling his chair all the time, and he loved the feel

of it, reminding him of the construction boss’s visit yesterday that began it all.

“Let’s go, dude,” Eddie urged him. “Race you down the hill.” Eddie’s excitement was

contagious – and Brandon was determined not to let his new friend beat him in a race. So as

Eddie took off Brandon closed and locked his door, released the brake on his wheelchair and,

with a powerful thrust, wheeled after him.

Brandon was used to wheeling himself down the hill, letting gravity do its thing while he skilfully

worked the brake. This time he went faster than usual and was soon overtaking Eddie. When

he got to the gate he spun round and gave the panting Eddie a cocky grin. “My wheels beat

your legs any day of the week, dude. And I didn’t even break a sweat.”

“Oh yeah, dickhead?” Eddie grinned back. “Well you won’t be such a smartass when you see

what I’ve got in store for you. Brace yourself, dude – this is gonna be so cool.”

He opened the gate and Brandon followed him inside. He halted and all his self-confidence

drained from him. Standing in the garden was a group of the hottest men and boys he had

ever seen and, even in his state of shock, he recognized some of the men who had come to his

house yesterday. He blushed at being the focus of their attention and was saved by Eddie’s

jubilant voice.

“Guys, this cool dude here is my new friend Brandon!”

“Hi, Brandon!!” The roar of greeting wrapped around Brandon like a warm cloak.


Brandon was in shock, frozen in place, and it was Bob who rescued him, stepping forward with

a beaming smile. “Hello, again, Brandon. Welcome to our house.” He leant down and

hugged him, then shrugged his shoulders with a grin. “I did try to warn yesterday that your life

was about to change, didn’t I? But we’ll try not to overwhelm you all at once. I gotta tell you

that everyone here knows the story of yesterday. News travels fast around here.” He

beckoned to the twins. “Hey, guys, come over here.”


The twins had been busy setting up tables of food but now they ran up. “And if you think you’re

seeing double, Brandon, you are,” Bob said. These are my boys, Kyle and Kevin, the chefs of

the house.” Brandon gazed at the identical twins, identically beautiful, and was tongue-tied.

“Welcome Brandon,” they said in unison. “You live alone, don’t you?” asked Kevin. “You

cook for yourself?” asked Kyle.

Brandon found his voice. “Er, kind’ve, if you can call it cooking. Mostly I order pizza.”

“No way,” they laughed. “Spend a couple of days with us in the kitchen and we’ll show you

what cooking’s all about. You can make a healthy meal in no time.”

“Thanks, guys,” Bob said. “OK, Eddie, why don’t you do the honors and introduce Brandon to

some of the guys?”

Eddie couldn’t wait to show off his new friend and he tried to go by seniority. They approached

the group and Eddie said, “I think you already met Randy – he’s the big boss around here.”

“Hey kiddo,” Randy grinned, “good to see you again. Hey, ain’t that my shirt you’re wearing?

“Oh, sorry, sir,” Brandon blushed and started to take it off.”

“Nah, looks good on you, kid. Keep it – a birthday present. Hey, boy, get your ass over here.”

Pablo came up, self-importantly. “This here’s my boy Pablo – my adopted son, too.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Brandon said, getting his hand crushed by Pablo’s handshake. “That’s

an awesome bod you got on you, Pablo – awesome.”

“You’re no slouch yourself, kid,” said Pablo, adopting the lofty tone of ‘boss’s boy’. “Great

upper body. Abs need a little work. Couple of sessions with me in the gym downstairs and

we’ll have them popping out in no time.”

As they moved on Eddie whispered, “Randy and Bob are lovers.” Brandon’s face lit up – “No

way!” “Yeah, you should see it when they fuck – totally awesome.”

Next came Mark. “Hey Brandon. Gotta say you clean up pretty good after the way I left you

yesterday. You haven’t met my boy Jamie, yet.” Brandon found himself looking up at a smiling

golden boy, the image of a hot young California surfer, with his tousled blond hair, broad

shoulders and a classic physique under his loose tank top and surfer shorts. Brandon’s cock

got hard in his shorts as he imagined what the cop and the surfer must look like making love.

“Hey, Brandon,” Jamie beamed. “Bob suggested that I interview you for the job of my assistant

in the office. I’m swamped with work, should have hired someone a long time ago, so if you’ve

got time later we could do it this afternoon.”


This was the guy Bob was talking about – this gorgeous blond surfer? This guy would be his

boss? Brandon felt pre-cum wetting his shorts and stammered, “Sure, sir, whenever you say.”

“Hey,” a voice interrupted, “you don’t have to call him sir. ‘Dude’ is good enough for the rest of

us boys so it’s good enough for you, kid. Hi, I’m Darius, and this here’s Zack – I’m his boy.

Oh, I forgot, you already met him yesterday and gave him a great blow-job so he told me. You

must’ve been taking lessons from Eddie.” Zack clipped him behind the ear and said, “Down,

boy – that mouth’ll get you into real trouble someday.”

“Already has, sir – many times.”

“Hey, Brandon,” Zack said, “how are those air-conditioners working out for you? You’re

looking real cool I gotta say.” Brandon looked up in awe at the black muscle-god in his usual

black jeans and gray muscle T-shirt. “Oops,” Zack grinned, “move over Darius – don’t wanna

get upstaged by the fireman calendar guy.”

Brandon saw Jason coming his way with a gleaming smile. He looked sensational in black gym

shorts and a white tank top that showed off his tanned physique to perfection. “Hey, Brandon,

great to see you again. Lot of fun yesterday, eh? Here, I want you to meet my boy Ben.”

Brandon was looking up at a boy with a distinctly gypsy look about him, with his square jaw,

high cheekbones, blue eyes and black hair falling over his brow. What’s more, with his

muscular body, he looked like a junior version of Randy. Eddie jumped in and said proudly,

“Ben’s not only Jason’s boy, he’s Randy’s youngest brother – and my boyfriend, eh Ben?”

Eddie kissed Ben passionately on the mouth to prove his point – and Ben reciprocated. “All

three of us are gonna be best buddies,” Eddie smiled – “the Three Amigos.”

Ben flashed a smile, bent down and hugged Brandon. “Eddie never stopped talking about you

yesterday, dude. Great to meet you at last.” Jason interjected. “One day soon the three of

you have got to come down to my house and try out my gym – if you don’t mind watching me

work out, that is.” The pre-cum in Brandon’s shorts kept dripping.


And so the introductions went on, with Brandon’s head reeling. Eddie led him to a tall,

handsome man in a white T-shirt, with strong, finely etched features, golden tan, short dark hair,

and clear, confident brown eyes. He had his arm round a good-looking boy with a warm, open

smile. “These here are the Aussies, Adam and Nate – they live in the Aussie house next door.

Adam works for the airlines and he’s – well you can see what he is.” Adam laughed and said in

his Aussie accent, “G’day, mate. Bloody good to meet you after everything Eddie’s told us.”

Eddie pulled Brandon over to a dark-haired young man who looked like a male model. “Mario,

meet Brandon. Mario’s Italian,” Eddie said confidentially, like he was an exotic plant. Mario

flashed a wide smile. “Ciao, amico … benvenuti a casa.” He bent down and kissed Brandon


on both cheeks, then lightly on the lips. He smelt of some musky cologne and that, plus the

European kiss and the musical, Italian accent, made Brandon want to kiss him some more.

“I do the garden here, amico, and when you have time you can give me a hand with all the re-

potting I have to do. I live in the room between Ben and Eddie, so when you get tired of them

you can visit me and I will give you an Italian lesson.”

“Brandon gulped. “I, er, I think I would like an Italian lesson very much, Mario.”

By now the group had, as usual, split into two, with the men sitting at the table drinking beer and

the boys gathered in a tight group around Brandon. Now that the ice was broken Brandon soon

relaxed and joined in the noisy chatter, answering all their many questions. “Hey, dude,” said

Darius, gazing at the wheelchair. “Can you do wheelies in that thing?”

“Duh!” Brandon said. “Is the Pope Catholic? Stand back, guys.” He quickly wheeled the

chair back a few feet, leaned back so the front wheels came off the ground and wheeled forward

to balance. “Can I do a wheelie!” he said scornfully. He turned one wheel forward, the other

back and in an instant was spinning round so fast he became a blur. “Wow,” Darius said. “That

is radical dude.” The shouts and whistles were deafening as the boys cheered him on.

Brandon came to an abrupt halt, his eyes sparkling and said, “Other way?” They chanted “Go,

Brandon,” and he span just as fast in the other direction. Finally he came to a halt to rousing

cheers, and Darius said, “Hey, shove over, dude, and let me try that.”

Brandon wheeled himself to the table and pulled himself out of the chair and onto a bench.

Darius sat confidently in the chair and tried to copy Brandon but nothing moved. Brandon said,

“Er, Darius …” but Darius cut him off. “It’s OK, it’s OK – I just gotta get the hang of it.” He

leaned back and jerked the front wheels off the ground but kept on going and would have fallen

backwards if Pablo hadn’t caught him.

“Er, if I were you Darius,” Brandon began but Darius’s pride kicked in and he said, “No, I can do

this on my own.” Again he tugged at the wheels without effect and Pablo teased, “Guess

Brandon’s arms are stronger than yours, dude.” “Fuck you, dude,” Darius said in frustration

and Brandon spoke up again.

“Er, I was only trying to say, Darius, that it sometimes helps if you release the break first.

Usually works for me.”

The boys burst out laughing and Darius glared at Brandon. “Fuck you, asshole,” he said, then

flashed a dazzling smile. “You’ll fit in here real well, kiddo. Just like one of the family.”

It was music to Brandon’s ears.



Darius did get the hang of it and as he spun round Brandon yelled, “OK, guys, Darius is the one

to beat.” They all took their turn, some falling on their backs, others doing real well. Eddie ran

over to Bob, his eyes shining. He grabbed his arm and said, “Good, ain’t it, sir?”

“Very good, Eddie,” Bob smiled, “and it’s all thanks to you. I know one guy who’s very proud of

you.” He glanced at Hassan who said, “Damn right, but you know why we came here boy.

You still gotta get punished.”

“Yes please, sir.” Hassan and Bob stifled grins and Hassan said, “Don’t let any of the other

boys hear you say that. This is serious.” Eddie saluted. “Aye, aye, sir.”

The contest was winding down and in the end Brandon declared Nate the winner. “OK, mates,

I gotta come clean,” Nate said. “I used to do this in my cousin’s chair in Sydney.”

Talking above their howls of disapproval Bob said to the other men at the table, “Well I guess

that takes care of the wheelchair issue. No pussyfooting around with our boys – just hit the

subject head on. But hell, you give ‘em a new friend and a new toy and the noise is deafening.”

“I’ll take care of that,” said Hassan and he stood up and shouted, “OK, guys, listen up. Now this

is a joint celebration of Eddie’s birthday today and Brandon’s in a week. But something you

may not know is that it’s Eddie’s 19th birthday. You may not know it because my boy has

been telling everyone he’s 21 – he’s been lying about his age – even to me.”

There was a clamor of exaggerated mock outrage from the boys, even though many of them

had been known to fake their own birthdate in the past when they were underage. There were

shouts of shock and indignation and a chant of “punish him – punish him.”

That kind of upstaged Hassan as he said, “So I have to punish him – here, in front of you all.

We’ll use the trees. You know what that means, boys. Prepare him.”

Eddie was instantly mobbed by the crowd of enthusiastic boys who pulled off his shirt and

shorts and in seconds he was being dragged naked over to the trees. One boy who did not

share their enthusiasm was Brandon who grabbed the hand of Ben sitting next to him. “We

gotta do something, Ben. We gotta save him.”

Ben laughed, “Eddie wouldn’t thank us for that, dude. He’s loving every minute of this – the

center of attention and about to be worked over by that sexy hunk of Marine. “You’ll get used to

us, kid. You are gonna stick around, aren’t you?” He threw his arm round Brandon’s neck and

they watched the show together. Eddie was now tied by his wrists and ankles, spread-eagled

between two trees. The boys withdrew and joined the men, leaving the field clear for Hassan.

He strode toward the bound boy and stopped six feet away. Slowly, ritualistically, he pulled off

his muscle T-shirt, then bent down and pulled off his baggy fatigue pants over his boots. The


muscle-god Marine stood there naked except for his heavy boots and the dog tags round his

neck - a homoerotic vision of a naked soldier about to teach his boy a lesson. An awestruck

murmur of excitement went round the group and there wasn’t a boy there who wouldn’t have

willingly traded places with Eddie – even Brandon who was caught up in the highly charged


Hassan pulled the belt from his discarded jeans, walked forward and hung it round the boy’s

neck. “You know what this is for, don’t you, boy?”

“Sir, yes sir – to punish me, sir.”

“And you know why you’re being punished?”

“Yes, sir – because I lied to you, sir.” Hassan pulled the belt from his neck, took a step back

raised his arm and slapped the belt across the boy’s chest. It was a light blow, just enough to

sting, but he made it look painful and Eddie pulled at his restraints. Another blow followed and

another as the spread-eagled boy gasped and struggled.

“No!” The shout came from Brandon who began to wheel his chair forward. But Ben grabbed

it and pulled him back. “It’s not right,” Brandon wailed, “he’s hurting Eddie.”

“Don’t you believe it kiddo,” Ben smiled. “Can’t you see they’re only light blows, just stings a

bit. No way would Hassan hurt his boy – he’s crazy about him. The story goes that way back

when he was an Arab soldier he interrogated enemy soldiers – even tortured Mark – that’s how

they met. But not Eddie – this is the best birthday present he could give him. Just look at that

huge boner he’s got.”

As Hassan increased the strength of the blows across his chest Eddie gazed at his master, the

spectacular Marine, his muscles rippling as he wielded the belt. For both of them this was an

intensely intimate moment, master and boy engaging in a ritual punishment. Eddie loved the

soldier, so proud to be his boy, their passion on display to the whole tribe. He stared at the

dark, exotic face, the brown slanted eyes, and pulled against his restraints, desperate to touch

his own shuddering cock.

As he struck him again Hassan barked, “What do you say, boy?”

“Sir, thank you, sir,” Eddie shouted. He saw a trace of a smile in Hassan’s eyes and he

screamed, “Thank you, sir. Dazzled by the sight of his naked master, the bound boy yanked

frantically at the ropes, his body writhing under the lash, and ... “Aaagh”, his cock erupted in a

long ribbon of cum that rose in the air and splashed down on his master’s boots.”

“What did I tell you, dude?” Ben whispered in Brandon’s ear.



There was a burst of applause and cheering from the spectators, but it was ignored by Hassan

and Eddie who had eyes only for each other. Hassan threw the belt aside, approached his boy

and stared into his eyes. “There’s more to come, boy, you know that? This is gonna be a

birthday you’ll remember – even when you really are 21.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you sir. I love you.”

“And I’m crazy about you, kid. What you’ve done for Brandon …. awesome. So what say we

show ‘em how much we love each other, eh?” He turned to the group and shouted, “So, guys,

you’ve seen me whip my boy. What d’you think I should do next?”

The boys were giddy with excitement and yelled back, “Fuck him, sir…. ream his ass … shove

your dick in his ass, sir.” Hassan grinned at Eddie and said, “I guess it’s unanimous.” He

walked behind him and said, “Shit that ass is gorgeous …. look at those buns.” He slapped his

hand across the white globes, then the back of his hand the other way, and went on until red

handprints branded the white flesh.

Eddie was moaning in ecstasy and the crowd went silent as they watched the Marine slap his

boy’s ass. Then, with an exhibitionist flare, Hassan pushed two fingers slowly into his mouth,

withdrew them and eased them between the hand-marked cheeks, lubricating his ass. He

pulled out, slapped the ass one more time and whispered in his ear. “Let them hear what you

want, boy.”

“Please, sir …. Fuck my ass …. Let me feel your cock in my ass, sir, I need it so bad…..”

The Marine’s huge, iron-hard shaft was pointing straight at the mounds of the ass, handprints

still flaring on the white skin. Hassan grabbed Eddie’s hips and pulled them back while his own

hips moved slowly forward. The head of his cock pushed between the cheeks and he paused

when he felt it touch the warm, moist hole. “Here it comes, boy,” he murmured.

The crowd watched in awe as they saw the long pole disappear into the naked boy’s ass, inch

by inch, until the Marine’s wiry pubic hair was pressing against the tender flesh, his cock deep

inside his boy. “Aaaah…..” Eddie’s moan was loud and long and he threw his head back

against his master’s shoulder as he felt his ass impaled on his cock. Suddenly, Hassan pulled

all the way out, then plunged back in – forcefully this time – and in seconds he was fucking his

boy’s ass with piston strokes that increased in speed and strength.

Brandon was holding his breath, unable to believe his eyes. He had never seen a man get

fucked before – not in real life, only in his videos. He even had a video where a boy gets tied

up and fucked – but it had never been as spectacular as this. This naked boy, Eddie, was

roped, spread-eagled between two trees, getting his ass fucked by the swarthy muscle-stud

solider, naked except for his boots and the dog-tags hanging over his chest.


As the fuck became ever more intense the soldier’s face jerked back, his black hair flying. His

sculpted muscles flexed and gleamed in the sunlight, his own perfect ass clenching as his hips

pounded forward. He put one arm round his boy’s waist and raised the other triumphantly in

the air, like a naked cowboy riding a stallion. “Ýeah,” he howled, “feel it boy, feel that soldier’s

cock riding your ass. Take it, boy, take it all the way up that sweet ass.”

The awed silence that at first prevailed slowly broke down as several of the boys could not

restrain themselves and shouted out, shouts that quickly became a clamor of cheers, whistles

and howls of encouragement. Brandon was mesmerized watching his friend get his ass

pounded by the powerful Marine and he instinctively squeezed Ben’s wrist sitting next to him.

Ben grinned to himself and unobtrusively moved his wrist and Brandon’s hand over to

Brandon’s lap, coming to rest on Brandon’s cock. Ben moved their hands back and forth so

carefully that Brandon was not even conscious that he was rubbing his own cock through his

shorts. Hypnotized by the sight he murmured, “That looks so … Man I wonder what it feels

like. Soon they’re gonna cum … they’re gonna bust their loads and … “aaagh”…. Brandon

creamed his shorts.

Ben pretended he was unaware, but one thing Brandon had murmured was true. The show

was reaching its climax. Hassan’s balls were bulging as he ramrodded his boy’s ass and Eddie

was desperately holding back his orgasm. “OK, boy,” Hassan said in his ear, “Let’s show

them, eh? I’m gonna bust a load in your ass while you show off for me. Let’s do it, kiddo.”

Hassan pulled back, paused, and drove his rod deep inside his boy’s ass as they both

screamed and their dicks exploded. Feeling hot juice flowing into his ass Eddie flexed his

bound body – and poured his own jism over the grass. “Untie him, boys,” Hassan ordered.

Pablo and Darius responded instantly and freed Eddie in seconds.

Hassan looped his arms under his boy’s arms and locked his hands behind his neck in a full-

nelson. He leaned back, raising him off the ground and walked forward with Eddie hanging

helplessly, his back pressed against Hassan’s chest, legs dangling, his ass impaled on his

master’s cock.

“Gentlemen,” Hassan shouted, “This is my boy – my beautiful boy.” He pulled his hips back

and with one last savage thrust, slammed his cock even deeper inside him. This time there

was pain and Eddie screamed as he shot another stream of cum high in the air that splashed

down onto his own body and ran down it onto Hassan’s boots. The crowd went wild at the sight

of the helpless boy impaled on the naked soldier’s cock, blasting jizz over himself.

Hassan relaxed and let Eddie slide off his cock. As his feet touched the ground his legs

crumpled and he sank to the ground on his knees, bent forward and licked his own semen from

his master’s boots in an act of homage to his master. Hassan pumped his fists in triumph.

Then he leaned down, pulled Eddie up and folded him tight in his arms, kissing him voraciously.


The cheers reached a crescendo and as the passionate embrace went on and on Randy’s

deep, bawdy voice could be heard above them all. “Get a room, guys. Go get a room.”


Actually, Randy’s suggestion was especially ironic in view of what happened next. In fact the

whole garden became one big bedroom. After such a lusty display or raw sexuality,

testosterone hung so thick in the air that the other guys couldn’t hold back, and many of them

paired off – but with no thought of getting a room. The grass would do just fine.

Adam started in on Nate on one side of the garden, Mark and Jamie on the other while Zack

and Darius flaunted themselves in the middle. In every case boy got fucked by master, though

the positions varied – the boy on his back, on his knees and even standing against a wall.

Brandon took in everything wide-eyed and squeezed Ben’s hand, jerking his head at Jason

walking their way. Standing in front of them Jason dropped his shorts but left on his white tank

as he knew exactly how hot he looked in that. He tugged Ben over to the floor-length window of

the house, their reflections clearly defined as Ben fell on his knees and Jason knelt behind him,

both of them riveted on their stunning images in the glass.

The others sat round the table watching the orgiastic show. The twins glanced at each other in

silent communication, then looked at Bob, who nodded his approval. They walked to the

center of the lawn faced each other – and kissed. Then they sank to the ground, Kevin lay on

his back, Kyle pushed his legs in the air …. and slid his cock in his ass. Brandon could not

believe his eyes – two identically beautiful brothers fucking each other for all to see.

Bob looked on approvingly with Brandon and Mario, and Hassan and Eddie joined them. Eddie

sat down gingerly on his sore ass next to Brandon and Bob said, “Eddie, my boy,” Bob said,

“you deserved everything you got out there, and I’m not talking punishment. I think Hassan

gave you the best birthday present ever, showing you off as his boy before the whole tribe.”

“You bet, sir,” Eddie grinned, throwing his arm across Brandon’s shoulders. Brandon

hesitated, then said quietly, “Dude, you and Hassan looked totally awesome but – what did it

feel like?” Eddie struggled to come up with the words but Bob saved him. “Brandon, I told

you before – getting fucked is not something you can describe – you have to actually feel it.

This is your birthday celebration too, you know – a week early – so you should be thinking about

your present too.”

Brandon looked out over the garden, and his eyes settled on the fireman – his calendar fireman

– his flawless muscles rippling under his white tank as he fucked his beautiful young gypsy boy.

Then he focused on the Aussies, laughing as they fucked, then gazed at the two black men with

their huge dicks, at the twins, and at Mark and Jamie. He had wondered what the cop would

look like fucking his handsome young surfer, but the real thing beat any of his fantasies.


Brandon’s cock was again straining under his shorts and he looked at Bob, blushing a little.

“Sir, I … I think I know what I would like for my birthday, but I’m not sure if I could actually…..”

“Of course you could,” Bob smiled. “Like I said before, it all depends on the man you choose for

your first time.” He waved his arm over the action on the grass. “Those guys represent the

cream of the crop, kiddo. Tough choice.”

Just then Randy and Pablo put in a swaggering appearance. “OK, boy,” Randy said loudly.

“Let’s show them how real men fuck.” They stripped naked, Pablo lay down on his back and

pulled his legs up, offering his ass to the big boss. Randy dropped to his knees and, with no

foreplay, plunged his cock into his boy’s ass making him howl with pain and pleasure. They

were both showing off and this was a classic Randy rough fuck. Brandon clutched Eddie’s

hand as he watched the savage pounding that the wild gypsy gave to his muscular boy.

It was quite a show and Eddie murmured in his friend’s ear. “And that, dude, is how a boy gets

fucked by the King of the Gypsies.” He whispered even closer, “Bob too.” Brandon looked

over at Bob and fantasized about this beautiful alpha male getting his ass jack-hammered by

the wild construction boss with the riveting blue eyes, stubbled lantern jaw and breathtaking

body. Eddie sensed his friend’s arousal and stroked the bulge in Brandon’s shorts. For the

second time he shot a load in his shorts, choking back the shout that almost escaped him.

Bob suddenly looked over to him and flashed a gleaming smile, and once again Brandon was

convinced that Bob could read his thoughts. But they were distracted by the lawn show as the

men were all reaching their climaxes, cumming in turn with variations on shouts, screams, sighs

and laughter (from the Aussies).

Last, of course, was Randy who turned the heat up, his huge cock pounding into his boy’s ass

like a pile-driver. Pablo was screaming, “No more, sir, please …. I can’t take any more, I’m

gonna … aaagh!” He shot a shower of semen high in the air as the gypsy exploded deep in

his boy’s ass. Immediately he pulled out and blasted more juice over Pablo’s face and chest,

his body heaving, his blue eyes gleaming like lasers.

“And that,” said Bob to Brandon, “is ‘how real men fuck’, according to Randy. Certainly not for

the squeamish, or the novice. No, kiddo, when you make your choice you need someone

gentle, someone patient who takes his time – definitely not a guy you’re scared of.”

“Thank you sir,” Brandon stared into the soft brown eyes. “I’ll bear that in mind.”

“Key, kid, we’re all getting in the pool.” Darius was towering over Brandon, running with sweat.

“You coming? Er, is it OK – like – can you swim?

“Duh!” Brandon exclaimed. “With these shoulders? Like a fish. Only thing, I don’t have any

swim trunks.”


“Duh!” Darius grinned in turn. Butt naked he moved his hips and his huge cock swung in front

of Brandon’s face. Brandon’s eyes opened wide and he said, “Jesus Christ.”

“Nah, just me and my ten-inch schlong – though it’s true, a lot of guys do say Jesus Christ when

they see it. Come on then – last one in’s a pussy.” Followed by Eddie, Brandon wheeled

himself quickly to the pool steps, slid down out of the chair onto them and lowered himself into

the water, where he suddenly became a different creature. His mobility no longer restricted he

glided easily through the water, his strong arms propelling him forward, legs trailing behind him.

Soon he was joining in the boisterous action, giving as good as he got.

Bob grinned at Randy. “Didn’t take him long, did it? Just like one of the gang already.”


And so the festive afternoon progressed. They ate, drank, laughed and teased, determined to

do the double birthday celebration justice. But everyone knew there was one important act to

play out and Bob gently pushed the point with Brandon sitting next to him. “So, kiddo, back to

that subject we talked about earlier. You’ve told me often enough that you want it and now

looks like as good a time as any. Like I said, it’s important you choose the right man.”

“Oh, I’ve already done that, sir. Except I’m not sure that I…..”

“Well I am.” Bob stood up and called for silence. “Hey, guys – question. What usually

happens to a new boy when he joins us?”

“He gets his butt reamed,” yelled Darius.

Bob smiled indulgently. “Well, I would have phrased it a little differently as Brandon is new to

this ….. this would be his first time and I’ve told him he has to choose carefully. I think I speak

for us all, men and boys, in saying any one of us would welcome the privilege of helping

Brandon lose his virginity. So Brandon, it’s up to you now, boy.”

All the men were still on their feet and Brandon found himself in the middle of a circle. There

were tears in his eyes as he said, “Guys, I’m just blown away by today. When I woke up

yesterday morning I was facing another day on my own, except for my porn collection and this.”

He jerked a half-curled fist in front of his crotch, bringing laughter and bawdy comments from

the crowd. “And now here I am being welcomed by a group of spectacular men and boys.

Who needs a porn collection, eh? I gotta say thank you to Eddie who started all this and I

hope that him and Ben and me are all gonna be Three Amigos, as Eddie calls it.”

When more cheering died away Brandon said, “But I already know enough about the tribe that

you’re not really a full member until you get your ass fucked. And I’m supposed to choose from

all you awesome guys. I would be honored for any of you to be the first guy to fuck my ass.”


He looked around at the men, many of whom he had so recently watched fucking their boys

right here in the garden.

There were the two leaders of the tribe – the wild gypsy, Randy and his lover, the wise and

gentle Bob, the Superman who made him feel so safe. There was the gorgeous fireman whose

picture he had jerked off to so often … the black leather-master who had already fucked his face

… the Greek-god cop and his hot young surfer who was might end up as his boss … the exotic,

muscular Marine who had made him cum as he watched him ‘punish’ his boy Eddie… the

gorgeous Aussies … Mario, the handsome, sophisticated Italian landscaper … not to mention

Eddie and Ben, Pablo, Darius and Bob’s beautiful twins who apparently did everything together

– even fucking.

Bob chuckled. “OK, impossible choice, Brandon, but you gotta do it. Who’s it gonna be?”

There was a hush as the group held its collective breath. Brandon wheeled himself over to

face one of the men and said, “Sir, if it’s OK with you, I would be honored for you to be the first

man ever to fuck my ass.”

A cheer went up and Brandon was mobbed again. But Randy pulled Bob aside with a look of

panic in his eyes. “I can’t do it, man. Why me of all the guys? – I felt for sure you or Jason.

Hell, he saw how rough I was on Pablo, is that what he wants?”

“No, Randy,” Bob smiled, “he wants you, and I know why. He wants to prove he’s worthy to be

one of the guys, no limits, so he’s gone right for the top. He desperately wants to belong and

knows that only you, the boss, can give the ultimate seal of approval. If you accept him

everyone else will. He’s heard you’re the best fuck in the world, the guy who can make any

man shoot hands-free. Dammit he wants to get fucked by the King of the Gypsies. Who

doesn’t? I sure do.

“But it’s more than that. He also remembers your kindness when you went to install those

shelves. You treated him like a regular guy, your assistant and, sure, you fucked his face, but

you didn’t hurt him. He saw in you something a lot of guys don’t – something I’ve known since

the day I met you.

“You remember in that motel when you were in a rage and working me over real bad? You

made me kneel in the shower – you were gonna piss all over me …. but before you did you put

a folded towel under my knees ‘coz you knew they would hurt. That’s when I saw what Brandon

now sees. You may behave like a caveman, buddy, but inside you’re the kindest man I know.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Randy protested, “but this kid is … he’s ….”

“Disabled – he’s disabled. You afraid to say the word?” Bob was losing his temper. “You

know, big guy? Of all the men to be scared off by a boy just because his legs don’t work you’re

the last guy I would have thought of. You disappoint me, Randy.”


“Yeah but you don’t have to fuck him.”

“Neither do you! You can just say no, you know.”

“That’s right, sir,” came a voice behind them. Brandon was looking up at them, blinking behind

his black-frame glasses. “You don’t have to fuck me if you don’t want to, sir. I understand – it’s

always been the reaction I got from other guys, so I really do understand. I’m sorry I

embarrassed you by asking. Forgive me, sir.”

He turned and started to wheel away, but Randy said, “Now wait just a goddam minute here.

Get your ass back here, boy.” Nervously Brandon came back and blinked up at him. “Shit,

boy, you saw the way I fucked my boy Pablo. Almost shredded his ass and even that tough

young buck was begging for mercy. Kid, I’m scared of hurting you.”

“Oh you wouldn’t do that, sir,” Brandon said brightly. “When you came to my house you were

kinder to me than most guys are. You didn’t even mention the wheelchair and you made me

your assistant.”

“Yeah, then I yelled at you.”

“Of course, sir, ‘coz I dropped the shelves. You were the boss. I deserved it and you didn’t

hold back like most guys do just because I’m in a wheelchair. Anyway, I knew you wouldn’t

hurt me. I was sure of that when, after you’d shot all that jizz in my mouth you said, ‘Here,

kiddo, let me get that for you,’ and you bent down and licked my mouth and face clean. That’s

when I knew how you really are, sir.” (Bob breathed in Randy’s ear, “The towel under the

knees.”) “And that’s when I knew I wanted you to fuck me, and why I wore your tank top that

you left at my house.”

Randy gulped and blinked back a tear as he gazed at the earnest young face staring up at him.

And something happened that had never happened to Randy before. It wasn’t physical lust, it

wasn’t the need to show another alpha male how tough he could be, of proving he was the

boss. It was simply the sight of this brave young kid, blinking behind his glasses, that made

Randy’s cock rise up and become stiff as a pole. He was turned on by the kid’s simple courage.

He smiled for the first time. “One thing you haven’t learned about me yet, kid, is that I can be a

prize asshole. You’re tougher than I’ll ever be, boy and it will be a privilege for me to be your

first – and a pleasure.” He leaned forward and scooped Brandon out of his wheelchair. Bob

removed Brandon’s glasses and said softly, “Excellent choice, kid.”

Cradling the boy in his arms Randy walked to the center of the lawn as the guys stepped back

in awed silence. With Brandon’s head resting on his shoulder Randy bent down and kissed

him – a long, open-mouthed kiss and a ritual sign of approval by the boss for the tribe’s newest


member. Then Randy knelt down and placed the boy gently on his back on the lawn. He

grinned. “Good job we’re both naked after our swim. I don’t even have to rip off your shorts.”

“That would be hot, sir … next time I’ll wear them.”

“You little fucker,” Randy grinned. He felt a nudge on his arm and Pablo was standing there

with a tub of lube. Randy winked at his boy and a knowing smile passed between them.

Randy knelt at Brandon’s feet and glanced up at the crowd of men, his men, standing round

gazing down at him, waiting. So often Randy had shown them he deserved their respect by

displaying his strength. But now for the first time the big boss had to prove to them that he was

their leader not by how tough he could be, but how gentle – by how he treated this boy they all

admired so much.

Randy very gently pushed the boy’s legs apart and Brandon grinned. “Don’t have to worry

about hurting them, sir. They can’t feel a thing.”

“Yeah, Randy grinned, “but your ass is gonna feel this.” He was lubing up his cock, curling his

greasy fist round it and sliding it up and down the huge shaft. He saw the boy flinch and said,

“Yeah, it’s big, but we’re gonna take things nice and easy – no hurry. First I’ve gotta get that

ass ready.” He pushed his lubed-up fingers against the hole and said, “Jeez that’s tight. I can

tell you never had a dick inside it. Now if you don’t remember anything else remember this word

…. Relax! Come on kiddo, look into my eyes.”

Brandon stared into the mesmerizing pale blue eyes and right away found himself falling under

Randy’s spell. The dark, gypsy face was so fierce with its stubbled jaw and long black hair, like

a demon in a movie. But the eyes were kind, gentle with a hint of a smile. Brandon felt a wave

of happiness sweep over him and he did relax – his mind, his body … and his ass. He didn’t

even clench it as he felt first one finger then two probe it, slowly twisting round in it, lubricating it,

stroking the soft membrane and then making him gasp as Randy massaged his prostate.

Randy knew he had him. “You have to really want this, boy. I have to hear it. Tell me what

you want.”

“I want you to fuck my ass, sir,” said Brandon in a near trance. “I’ve wanted it from the time you

were working in my house and pressed your pants against my face and I felt your cock under

them. You are so beautiful, sir. Please, please fuck my ass.”

“That’s all I needed to hear, kid.” Randy picked up Brandon’s legs and pulled them over his

shoulders where they hung inertly. It was a strange feeling but Randy concentrated on the

boy’s face, his upper body and his cock, which were all as vibrantly alive as his legs were dead.

“Now you’re gonna feel my cock against your ass for the first time and you’re gonna be a bit

scared, OK?” He pressed the head of his cock lightly against the tight hole and the boy gasped

and flinched as expected.


“That’s OK, Brandon, that’s normal.” He began to rub his greasy cock up and down against

his ass, almost like he was fucking him without being inside him. “You feel that cock, boy? It’s

almost fucking you, but I have to put it inside you and it’s gonna hurt at first.”

“That’s OK, sir,” Brandon said breathlessly. “I want it so bad.”

Again Randy rested the head against his hole and, imperceptibly, increased the pressure.

“Take a deep breath, kiddo, and don’t take your eyes off mine.” Randy reached forward and

lightly twisted the boy’s nipples, at the same moment pushing the head of his cock over the

sphincter, pausing just inside his ass.

Brandon panicked. “No, sir, I can’t … it hurts, it’s so big. Pull out, sir, please … it hurts.”

Randy pulled his cock out and tears spurted from Brandon’s eyes. “I’m sorry, sir, I wanted it so

bad but it really hurt … I’m sorry, sir, I don’t think I can ever take your cock, sir.”

“Now listen, boy.” There was an edge to Randy’s voice now. “This ain’t only about you. I’m

hot to fuck that virgin ass and I’m gonna do it, like it or not. No one ever says no to me and

you’re gonna do what the boss tells you to, is that clear? Is it?”

“Yes, sir.” Brandon was trembling. “Sorry, sir.”

“Right, now you can make it easy on yourself by doing just what I say.” His tone was softer

now. Take some deep breaths and relax … relax …. relax….” The deep voice was becoming

hypnotic and Brandon found himself wanting the gypsy’s rod more than ever. So this time he

didn’t flinch when the cock pressed against his ass and even when it slid over his sphincter but

as it pushed slowly further he felt another wave of panic and closed his eyes. “It hurts so bad,

sir, I don’t think I ….’

“Open your eyes,” Randy ordered. “I told you to look at me.” Brandon obeyed and suddenly

there was nothing in his world except the laser eyes and the acute pain in his ass. He was

breathing raggedly, longing to tell Randy to stop but not daring to. As the long, thick cock went

even deeper he was moaning louder and louder and the pain became so intense he thought he

would pass out. “I can’t – I can’t,” he sobbed. “Please let me go, sir.”

Randy barked, “I said look at me, boy.” Brandon looked at him wild-eyed with fear. Then he

saw the eyes soften and a smile crossed the handsome face. The voice was soft, soothing.

“Brandon, I’m inside you – all the way. My cock is inside your ass. Now where’s that brave

boy I know you are? Take a deep breath …. and look at my eyes.”

Brandon obeyed – and suddenly everything changed. The pain faded away, replaced by a

sensation like nothing he had ever felt before. His ass was on fire, his body was on fire – this

magnificent man’s cock was inside him. Randy’s eyes, his face, his body possessed the boy.

His ass clenched round the monster cock and he felt his balls bursting, his body shuddering ….


“Aah … aah … aaagh!” His scream echoed round the garden …. and his cock exploded in the

most incredible orgasm he had ever experienced in his life.


The silent spectators stared down in awe as they watched stream after stream of white juice

pump over Brandon’s chest, his neck and face. When at last it stopped Brandon looked at

Randy in alarm and panted, “I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t mean … I couldn’t stop …..”

“Hey, hey, Brandon. It’s fine, it’s normal. Lots of guys bust their load when they first feel my

cock inside them. It’s like I’ve broken in my stallion and now I can ride him. He knows I’m the

boss and he’ll do whatever I say until I shoot my load inside him. Ain’t that right, boy?”

“Yes, sir. I’m yours, sir. Please, I love feeling your cock in my ass.”

“OK, we gotta take it easy now.” Randy pulled slowly back, Brandon winced but quickly settled

into the rhythm of the monster cock sliding in and out of his ass. He was smiling at the gypsy

boss taking possession of his ass and he reached up and ran his hands over the slabs of his

chest and his washboard abs as they flexed with the motion of fucking. The boy became

almost delirious, moaning, “Thank you sir, thank you …. I love you, sir …. I love your cock in

my ass. It feels so good. Don’t stop, sir. Please, sir, do it faster, harder, sir.”

Randy grinned to himself that Brandon had taken to this so quickly. But he was now immune to

pain and that made it even more likely that he could hurt him. He sure didn’t want to do to him

what he did to Pablo. “OK, kid, you tell me if it’s too much.” He applied ever more strength,

probing deeper and deeper but still the look in Brandon’s eyes was euphoric. Randy knew the

boy was in a kind of rapture and that he could easily hurt him. He glanced quickly at Bob who

had an uneasy frown on his face. That did it. He had to end it.

“Hey, kid, you wanna feel my juice in your ass, while you shoot another load?”

“Yes, sir, please, sir,” Brandon gasped.

Suddenly Randy stopped, with his cock buried deep in the boy’s ass. He leaned forward,

pinned Brandon’s wrists to the ground above his head and eased his cock tenderly in and out of

his ass. He smiled down at him. “You’re a great kid, Brandon, and a great fuck. This is it,

kiddo, something you’ll remember always. This is how it feels to get fucked by the master.

You ready?” He pulled back one last time, paused, then pushed his rod deep into the furnace

of his ass … deeper still and then ….slid the head over the inner sphincter. “Yeah….” His

cock shuddered and poured semen in the deepest cavity of the boy’s virgin ass.

Brandon’s eyes opened wide, he shook wildly and screamed as his cock exploded once again,

his juice spurting upward and splashing on Randy’s chest above him. The silence was

shattered and the crowd erupted in wild cheers and applause. Randy leaned forward and


kissed Brandon, licking the cum from his face and eyes. Then he pulled out slowly, jumped to

his feet, picked Brandon up and cradled him in his arms.

He smiled down at him. “That was you baptism, kiddo. Welcome to the tribe. Guys,” he

shouted, “say hi to Brandon, the new addition to our family.”

Once again the lusty chorus rang out. “Hi Brandon.”


Randy carried the ecstatic boy through the cheering group and lowered him into his wheelchair.

The boys crowded round him while Randy broke free of the crowd and sat next to Bob.”

Bob grinned at him. “Told you, buddy. The boy made exactly the right choice. I watched all the

guys and they were in awe of you – the ultimate leader. You were perfect for Brandon, and

that fuck was just amazing. Er – any chance that I can … er … get some of that tonight?”

“Oh you’re gonna get it stud,” Randy growled, “even if I have to tie you down.”

“Now there’s a thought,” grinned Bob.

Just then Randy’s cell phone rang in his shorts lying on the bench. “Yeah?” he said into it.

“Hey, man, this is a surprise – how you doing? ….. Yeah, funny you should say that, my mind

was running on the same lines, but you sure you want more? …. OK, sounds good. Let me

talk it over and I’ll call you right back, OK?”

He shut off the phone and grinned at Bob. “You know buddy, I can take only so much of this

group Kumbaya shit? What say we get away for a few days – just you and me?”

Bob cocked his head and grinned. “OK, Randy. Who was that?”

“Well … remember the guy I said I met last time Zack and me took the boys fishing at the lake?”

“You mean the homophobic forest ranger who you introduced to the joys of man on man sex?

Another virgin ass you broke in as I recall.”

“That’s the guy – Pete. Well he went back to his old life with his drinking buddies and his girls

and I never expected to hear from him again. But I had talked a lot about you – of course – and

he mentioned that when I was next at the lake he’d like to drop by. I thought he was just

blowing smoke, but …. that was him on the phone. Hey, buddy, you wanna go fishing?”

# # #


Chapter 225 – Bob Meets The Ranger

Bob narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Randy – what’s this all about?”

“Us,” said Randy, his eyes shining like a kid at a birthday party. “I want us to go up to our old

stomping ground at the lake. You know you love the place. Shit, when we’re there you even

make a pilgrimage to that clearing in the forest where we made love in the middle of a

thunderstorm and…” he smiled at him … “and we fucked for the first time. I’ve even seen you

jack off there thinking about it. Come on, man, it’ll be great – just the two of us.”

“… and Pete…,” Bob said.

“Yeah, well, maybe…” Randy was on less secure ground here and he stammered like a guilty

boy on the defensive. “See, well … maybe he won’t even show up … probably won’t. But I

talked so much about you that – well, I’d get a kick out of introducing him to you….”

“You mean introduce me to him … show me off to him.”

“Well what the hell’s wrong with that? Here I’ve got the most beautiful man in creation, and you

know I love it when we walk into a place and all eyes focus on you.”

“They focus on us, Randy, the two of us. But that’s not the point. Look, I know how you are

with a guy like this Ranger. It’s always a challenge for you – to prove you’re top dog. Well if

this is a pissing contest between the two of you I don’t want to end up in the middle of it. This

Pete has boasted about his drinking buddies and all the girls he’s fucked, and I don’t wanna be

the trophy you parade in front of him.”

There was a sullen silence between them – and then Randy grinned the grin that always made

Bob melt. “OK, buddy, guilty as charged. You always could read my mind, and yeah, sure I

wanted to show you off to this arrogant stud – show him the gorgeous man I’m in love with.”

He could see Bob was wavering. “Aw, come on buddy. Say yes and I’ll fuck you tonight.”

“I thought you were gonna do that anyway ….. ‘even if you have to tie me down,’ you said.

“Yeah, well I’ll tie you down and fuck you real extra special good, eh?”

“Randy you are the dumbest, most transparent, most incredibly sexy man I’ve ever met. OK,

but we have to leave tomorrow. First I wanna see if Jamie hires Brandon and, if he does, I’ll

want to leave them alone in the office for the first couple of days, not interfere, let them get used

to each other. So I could take a few days off and … well,” he said airily, “if it has to be with you

I guess I can put up with it”

“Asshole,” Randy grinned. “God I wanna fuck you.”


“Hold that thought big guy,” Bob said. “Here comes Jamie – to talk about Brandon, no doubt.”


Brandon was sitting in his wheelchair basking in the warmth of the welcome he was getting from

all the members of the tribe. But there was one more piece of business to settle, which is why

Jamie had come to talk to Bob. Bob had earlier learned from Brandon that he had taken a

Community College course in bookkeeping (“something I can do sitting down,” he had laughed),

and Bob had suggested that Jamie should interview the boy for the job of his office assistant.

“Now there’s no pressure,” Bob was saying to Jamie now. “You don’t have to hire him just

because he’s such a hit with everyone – and not just because he’s in a wheelchair.”

Jamie bristled. “Sir, I have a shit load of work and I need an assistant who can help me out. If

Brandon is qualified I’ll hire him – if he’s not I won’t. The wheelchair has nothing to do with it.

Leaping around the office is not part of the job description. All he needs to use is his brain and

his fingers.”

Bob smiled and ruffled Jamie’s hair. “Well said, Jamie. I suppose you want to interview him

upstairs in the office. I, er …..”

“No problem there,” interjected Randy. “Hey, Brandon, get your ass over here, kid, and follow

me.” Brandon broke away from the crowd and wheeled himself after Randy to the foot of the

stairs to the office. Jamie led the way and the boss, facing Brandon, effortlessly picked up his

wheelchair with the boy in it. He grinned, “With all the muscle in this house who needs


As they mounted the stairs Brandon stared at his hero’s bare torso, muscles rippling in his chest

and shoulders, his steel blue eyes grinning down at him. Brandon felt no hint of embarrassment

at needing help – not with this man, the man who had changed his world by being the first ever

to fuck him. In the office Randy gently lowered the wheelchair to the floor and said, “OK, I’ll

leave you two kids alone to do your talking.”

As he went down the stairs he heard Jamie’s voice behind him – “OK, Brandon, why don’t you

sit at my computer and we’ll see if you’re familiar with the programs I use.”

Randy came back and sat down next to Bob who was fidgeting nervously. “Maybe I was

wrong to suggest this. If it doesn’t work out it’s gonna be such a let-down.”

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up buddy. I’ve never known your instincts to be wrong” – he grinned –

“especially your instincts about me. You’re still here with me, eh, buddy, even though I’ve often

treated you like shit.” Bob smiled, and just then they heard a peal of laughter coming from

upstairs. “Good sign, don’t you think?” Bob said apprehensively.


The interview lasted quite a while, but finally the boys reappeared. Jamie had eased Brandon

and his chair down the stairs one bumpy step at a time and now they came straight over to Bob.

“This is it,” Bob murmured. The boys faced him and Jamie spoke quite formally. “Sir, I would

like your authorization to hire Brandon as my office assistant. He is familiar with the software

and procedures I use and even made a few useful suggestions as to how we could tweak the

programs. Plus we get along very well. So all I need now, sir, is your OK.”

Bob laughed with relief. “Well you had that, Jamie, right after I spoke to Brandon in his house

yesterday. I sensed he might be the right guy. Congratulations, Brandon, I know you’ll do a

great job. And if you have any problems that Jamie can’t solve you come to me.”

“Thank you, sir,” Brandon beamed. “You don’t know what this means to me. I’ve always

wanted a job – to feel useful, something I can be proud of – and working with Jamie will be

totally….” His voice faded and he blushed deeply.

Bob smiled knowingly. “Yeah, well business before pleasure, eh kid? Though if there’s a little

pleasure thrown in too I’m not against that – far from it. Hell, whenever I go to Randy’s office

on the construction site he usually locks the door and …..” Now it was his turn to blush.

Randy grinned at him, then got back to business. “And don’t worry about those damn stairs.

As they say, if the boy can’t get to the mountain the mountain will have to come to the boy.

Bob, I’ve been thinking for a long time that it’s fucking crazy that our firm’s business is all run out

of your home office, with just you and Jamie. No wonder you’re overworked.

“What I’m planning is to convert those sheds over there to a proper business office with four

work stations, small kitchen, restroom, the works. I’ll even put a sign over the door. There’ll

be a couple of steps and I can put in a ramp, though watching Brandon do those wheelies in his

chair earlier I don’t think a couple of steps would defeat you, eh kid?”

He pulled Brandon aside and said quietly, “Now listen, kid, you’re one of my boys now so you

come straight to me if you have a problem or anyone tries to hurt you. Any guy who lays a

finger on any of my boys answers to me – and that ain’t pretty.” Brandon blinked behind his

glasses feeling safer than he ever had in his life. Randy grinned. “OK, now go on and enjoy

your birthday. I got stuff to discuss with my man here.”

Jamie shouted, “Hey, guys, listen up. I want you all to meet our new office assistant.” Eddie

jumped up and down cheering wildly and the others followed his lead. Pablo shook his hand

formally, ever the ‘senior boy’, and said, “Welcome aboard, Brandon. I assume you’re staying

the weekend…”

“Sure he is,” said Ben. “He’s sleeping with Eddie and me.” Brandon grinned in surprise as

Pablo said, “Good, so tomorrow morning, kiddo, I’m taking you to the gym downstairs for your

first session – get working on those abs of yours – you’ll have a six-pack in no time.”


“Thanks, Pablo, that would be awesome. I’ve always wanted ….” But he didn’t get to finish as

they all wanted a piece of him. The twins grabbed him and said, “We’re gonna make a start on

dinner now so if you’d like to come and help later we’ll show you how to cook.”

“Thanks guys, I would love…” But he was dragged away by Darius who spoke confidentially

with his exaggerated sense of the dramatic. “Now listen, dude. You remember how Mark told

you that he once got tied up and whipped by a leather-master – Zack to be precise – and you

wished there was a video of it. Well there is, and I’ve got it. I can give you a private screening

right now – you, Eddie and Ben. And if you’ve got any jism left in your cock…..”

“’Course he does,” Eddie said. “Him and me, we’re the original gushers. Come on, dude, let’s

go. That video is intense.” The four of them disappeared and soon Brandon was watching the

video of Mark and Zack that totally blew him away. There was a whole lot of gushing going on.


Breakfast next morning, Sunday, was a raucous affair with Brandon helping in the kitchen and

wheeling out tray after tray of food on his lap. In the din of discordant voices Bob and Randy

exchanged knowing smiles. In their minds they were already out of here, lounging together on

the small beach by the lake. Bob had a quiet word with Mark before they left. “You be OK in

charge of this rabble today, Mark?”

“Sure, buddy, no sweat. These guys’ll be therapy for me – take my mind off the grind of

patrolling the streets of L.A. And I’ve always got my boy Jamie if things get too boisterous.

Besides, it’s time you and Randy got away together for a few days. Careful of that Ranger guy,

though. You know how Randy can be proving he’s the alpha male to another top man.

Wouldn’t like to think of you getting caught in the middle.”

“Thanks for the advice, Mark. I’ve already had that discussion with him but with Randy you

never know. We gotta hit the road now. You gonna be here when we get back?”

“Ready and waiting,” Mark said with a rueful smile. They gazed into each other’s eyes and

embraced with a long, passionate kiss, which would have gone on longer but for Randy’s deep

voice. “Hey, get a room you guys …. On second thought don’t, you’ll be there all day and

we’ve gotta get this fucking show on the road. Don’t worry, officer, I’ll bring him back safe and

sound. Then maybe you can get a room. Maybe……”


Half an hour later Randy’s truck was barreling up Angeles Crest Highway with the rowboat and

all their gear stowed in the back, along with enough food to withstand a siege, thanks to the

twins. They had driven in silence so far, which was not unusual as they could by now read

each other’s minds and moods. Both of them had stiff dicks in their shorts, which was also not


unusual when they were together. But Bob sensed that his friend was brooding and at last

Randy spoke up without any preamble, “So this thing you’ve got going with Mark….”

Bob turned to him and silenced him with a flash of his eyes. He was the only man who could

shut Randy up with a glance – the only man who could shut him up at all, actually. Bob was

pissed, though, as they’d been over this subject again and again ever since Mark had come into

the house, and Randy had made his feelings on the subject clear right from the start by beating

up both Bob and Mark – back when Randy was more caveman than lover.

Another silence followed, broken by Bob this time. “So this thing you’ve got going with Pete.”

“Asshole,” Randy grinned. “I don’t have any ‘thing’ going on. It’s just that when he showed up

last time he came on like gangbusters, a fucking homophobic dickhead threatening to arrest our

boys for sucking dick in public, thought there was no ‘public’ there if you don’t count Billy. And

that dog has seen enough blowjobs to last a lifetime, especially in dog years.

“Anyhow, I had to fuck the guy in the ass – it was the only thing to do with a jerk like that,

especially one who kept boasting about how the girls lined up to get fucked by him and he got

laid every night. I could believe it too, he’s a handsome son-of-a-bitch, built like a brick

shithouse. But, fuck man, when a guy comes on with that macho power-stud shit what’s a guy

like me to do but fuck him up the ass? It was his first time, of course, and he loved it. That’s

why he’s coming back for more.”

Bob chuckled to himself, and his cock stiffened even harder. The man was incredible – no hint

of vanity, no boasting, just describing what a man like him has to do when confronted by a

macho, homophobic prick – fuck him up the ass. And Randy could do it – to anyone. Bob

glanced over at the dark gypsy face with the stubbled lantern jaw, strong cheek bones, long

black hair falling over his brow and his steel-blue eyes focused on the road. “God I love you,

man,” Bob said.

Without taking his eyes off the road Randy grinned to himself, all his insecurity about Mark



When they arrived at the lake they did what they had done that first time – raced down to the

water, stripping naked as they ran. They plunged into the mirror-calm lake and swam out with

strong, evenly-matched strokes. When they stopped they trod water gazing at each other, their

heavy breathing caused not only by physical exertion but by the carnal desire that flashed

between them.

They clamped their arms round each other in a tight bear hug, their lips meeting in a passionate

embrace. Their mouths were sealed together and Randy dragged Bob under water where they


shared the same breath back and forth. It was a kiss of life, two intertwined bodies rolling over

under water, sustaining each other.

Finally they broke the surface, both with raging hard-ons as they trod water again. Randy had

that gleam in his blue eyes that Bob knew meant only one thing. He felt himself being turned

round, felt muscular arms clamp round his chest from behind, felt the tip of the iron-hard rod

slide in between the cheeks of his ass. “You want it, man?” Randy teased.

“You know I do ….. I always do ….. fuck me, Randy. Fuck my ass…. Aaah….” He sighed

deeply as he felt the familiar sensation of his lover’s cock filling his ass. Keeping them afloat by

kicking his legs underwater Randy grabbed Bob’s hips and pulled him back onto his cock

repeatedly, slowly at first but with increasing intensity. The sexual pressure had been building

on the long drive up here sitting beside each other in the truck with big erections, and it didn’t

take long for the pressure to explode.

Randy moved his hands higher and squeezed Bob’s nipples under the surface and that did it.

“Oh shit, man, you’re gonna make me cum.” Randy licked the back of his neck … “Me too,

buddy. Let’s do it.” From the shore all that was visible were two heads bobbing in the middle

of the lake, but under water Randy was blasting a load of cum in his lover’s ass and Bob’s cock

released streams of juice that floated up and spread over the surface.

Their shouts of joy became howls of laughter as Randy said, “Hey, buddy, what you doing,

feeding your jizz to the fishes?”

“Yeah,” Bob laughed. “Excellent source of protein for them. You better start fishing. By the

time we eat these fish they’ll be health food.”

Randy slid out of Bob’s ass and they struck out for the shore. In a short while they had

unloaded the rowboat and all their gear and were stretched out on the sand drinking beer and

talking family.

“So,” Randy said, “looks like we got a new addition to the group. I like the kid – he’s got guts.

Plus,” he grinned, “he was smart enough to choose me as the first guy to fuck him. You always

remember your first, you know.”

“Tell me about it,” said Bob, smiling at the man who had changed his life forever. “You’re right,

Brandon will fit in well. Hard not to feel sympathy for him, though that’s the last thing he wants.

It’s great how the boys get that. They don’t pay any attention to the wheelchair, except as a

plaything for popping a wheelie. Darius is the current champ, I hear.”

There was a silence as they reflected on the last two days and the realization that, as a couple,

they were now leaders of a group of men and boys who looked to them for guidance. Bob’s

mind wandered back to the start of it all – the bar, the motel, and their trip up to this very place


and especially the nearby clearing in the woods …. the site of first fucks for both of them. “No,”

he murmured, “you never forget your first.”

Randy read his mind. “You wanna go for a walk don’t you?”

“My pilgrimage, yeah. You don’t mind?”

“’Course not – and at least I know you’ll be thinking of me,” he chuckled. “I gotta go catch

some fish anyway. I’m hungry for some of that ‘health food’.” He stood up and squeezed

Bob’s shoulder as he walked over to the rowboat. Funny, Bob thought, how even a light touch

of the shoulder from Randy could make his dick hard.

Randy pushed the boat out, jumped in and rowed strongly to the middle of the lake where he

cast his lines. He lay back in the boat, hands linked behind his head as he looked up at the

pale blue sky, the same color as his eyes. He had never felt happier in his life.

As his thoughts wandered the image of the Ranger, Pete, crossed his mind. Strange guy, he

thought – a hot stud, real Alpha Male – but confused. He had heard the term ‘questioning’

used to describe some guys and that seemed to fit Pete real well. Wonder if he’ll show up?

He knows we’ll be here. Nah, probably not – he’ll chicken out. Ah well, he had Bob and that’s

all he needed. His eyes drooped and soon he was asleep, dreaming of his lover.


Bob had pulled on an old pair of swim shorts and sneakers and was walking through the dense

undergrowth of the forest, pushing aside branches that reached out as if trying to stroke his near

naked body. And then suddenly there it was – the clearing – and memories flooded back as he

looked around.

That first day here had been tumultuous, and not only for the savage treatment they had

subjected each other to. The sultry summer weather had finally broken in a major

thunderstorm, the kind that sometimes hit Southern California when the heat gets oppressive.

Today the sky was clear and the sun streamed through the trees, but Bob’s thoughts went back

to the driving rain and the image of Randy tied between two trees. In a surge of guilt at the way

he had treated Bob, Randy had needed to be absolved by receiving the same treatment from

Bob. It had ended in the life-changing experience of Bob fucking a guy and Randy getting

fucked – both for the first time in their lives.

Bob reached down and stroked the growing bulge in his shorts as he recalled macho gypsy’s

voice, “Fuck me, man … fuck my ass … I need it bad ….”

But then the tables had been turned and it was Bob tied helpless to the tree. In a confused rage

Randy had left him there, alone in the driving rain. Bob now pulled his dick out of his shorts


and stroked it slowly, remembering the sensation of straining in bondage, calling desperately for

Randy to come back. The graphic memory made him pump his cock harder, careful not to

shoot his load until he reached the end of the story.

It was the lightning and the danger to Bob, tied to a tree, that made Randy return in a panic,

realizing finally that he was totally in love with the man. As Bob remembered his relief at

seeing the naked wildman burst through the trees he almost shot his load. But he held back,

recalling how their mutual anger had next found expression in a fight where both of them had

rolled naked in the mud in the pouring rain.

He saw again the two muscular bodies fighting for dominance, limbs intertwined as they

splashed in the mud. In their frenzy they were unaware that the intense physical struggle had

caused their cocks to stiffen into huge erections. The brutal fight slowly evolved into an erotic

writhing where each man became aware of the magnificent body gripping him. Finally Randy

was able to flip Bob onto his back and pin him to the ground by his wrists, his arms stretched

upward in the mud.

Bob remembered it all vividly – how Randy had finally discovered the ultimate way to show his

passion for Bob. He fucked him. The memories were so intense and Bob had been pounding

his cock so hard all this time, that he now had to cum. He dropped his shorts and walked over

to the tree. He reached up and clutched a branch with one hand, stroking his rigid cock with

the other. His muscles rippled as his body was stretched to the limit, his feet barely touching

the ground.

Again he imagined the naked gypsy bursting through the trees and he said out loud, “Man, I

love you …. I need your cock in my ass …. please … I’ve never been fucked before…. but I

need it now.” In a convulsion of lust he pulled himself up so his feet left the ground and his

magnificent body swung naked in the air, arms, shoulders, chest bulging under the strain. It

was a naked Superman hanging by one arm, beating his meat to get release from the pain.

It was a stunningly erotic sight for the eyes watching from deep in the trees.

His body was writhing, his legs thrashing in the air as he reached his climax. “Aaah, I can feel

your cock in my ass …. god it feels great …. do it harder, man …. harder …. hurt me, man, rip

me open ….. aaah, I can feel your juice in my ass …. I love you, man … I’m gonna cum….

Yeah!” His scream echoed through the woods and a long plume of white juice blasted from his

cock and shot across the clearing, followed by another and another until the muscular body

finally stopped heaving and hung limply from the branch.

He let his hand slip from the branch, his feet touched the ground and he slumped back against

the tree, head thrown back, eyes sparkling.

Suddenly … “Aaagh.” This time it was not Bob. The muffled shout came from the trees.

Someone had been watching.



“Who’s there? Is that you, Randy?”

The leaves parted and the tall figure stepped forward – blond, ruggedly handsome with an

obviously well-toned, lean body under his Forest Ranger uniform – dark green pants, black boots,

and a short-sleeved pale gray shirt which was open to the waist exposing the white tank

underneath stretched over a muscular chest.

The Ranger stood rooted to the spot, gazing at the beautiful naked man leaning against the

tree, muscles gleaming under the dappled sunlight, chest still heaving, his long cock swinging

between his legs still dripping cum. As Bob gazed at the newcomer one feature he couldn’t

miss was the big wet stain spreading over the bulge in his pants and down his leg.

From Randy’s description it had to be him. “Hey, man …. are you Pete? Good to meet you

…. the name’s Bob. He reached out and the dazed Ranger shook his hand, but both their

hands were slick with semen so it was a sticky handshake. Pete blushed but Bob, always

supremely confident, chuckled with no hint of embarrassment. “Sorry about that, man. I was

just reminiscing about stuff me and my buddy did when we first came up here. Oh, that’s right,

you know him of course – big brawny gypsy guy – Randy. You met him a few weeks ago.”

Pete inhaled sharply and instinctively turned away, feeling his cock jolt in his pants. So this

was the guy … the guy Randy had talked about … his … what did they call it, his partner? This

is the man he lived with, slept with and …. Pete’s cock jolted again as he flashed on what it

must look like when these two men …. well …. fucked. He recalled Bob’s words of a few

minutes ago that had made him bust a load and … godammit, his cock was getting hard again


“Did you see it all?” Bob asked genially. Pete blushed deeper. “I’m sorry, man, I was on my

way to the lake and … I mean … I didn’t intend to … should’ve left but it looked so …. Oh God.”

Bob laughed, amused by this big macho stud stammering in confusion. “Hey, no sweat, man.

It’s great to have an audience. Sometimes I even do it in front of a mirror, something Randy

taught me. If he’s not around I jack off thinking about him … I mean, he’s such an incredible

fuck. Oh, that’s right, I forgot, you know that too, don’t you?”

Pete’s embarrassment was complete and he half turned away. “Look, maybe this wasn’t such a

great idea. I mean I just happened to be passing is all … but I think I should leave.”

“The hell you will,” Bob grinned. “We just met and if you left now it would be …. well, just plain

bad manners.” He bent down to put on his shorts and found himself staring at the wet patch at

Pete’s crotch. “Besides,” he said, without looking up. “You have to let that dry off first.”


He straightened up, their eyes met …. and they burst out laughing. “Come on, chief, let’s go

see if Randy has caught any fish.”


Bob was good at putting guys at their ease. His relaxed, soft-spoken demeanor helped and,

after all, it was part of his job. Mostly he was a good listener and as he and Pete walked back

through the forest Bob asked questions about the Ranger’s job. Pete relaxed to the point of

enthusiasm, though Bob sensed that as they came to the beach he tensed – presumably at the

thought of meeting Randy again, the man who had cast such a spell on him last time.

After that first time Pete had tried to put Randy out of his mind, throwing himself into work and

sex, getting laid every night with a succession of girls. But the image of the blue-eyed gypsy

kept tormenting him, beckoning him back like a drug habit he couldn’t quit.

He recalled how Randy had surprised him by first sucking his cock, making him cum in his

mouth. But soon Pete had been staked to the ground on his back and the powerful construction

worker had fucked his ass. Seduced by Randy the macho Ranger had had his cock sucked

and his ass fucked by a guy for the first time in his life. The memories had haunted him ever

since until he eventually found himself dialing Randy’s number and hearing his cheerful voice.

Knowing he would be here Pete told himself he would patrol near the lake and if he happened to

come across him, well ….. But that was bullshit and he knew it as he felt his heart pounding the

closer he got. And then he had stumbled across one of the most erotic sights he had ever seen

– this gorgeous muscle-god hanging naked from a tree and begging out loud to get fucked.

So now it was with a sense that he was getting in deeper than he ever intended that Pete

braced himself for his reunion with Randy. He was relieved that it didn’t happen right away.

Randy was still out on the lake and, standing at the water’s edge, Bob waved his arms and

yelled loudly, “Hey, Randy – we’re back!”

‘We’re back? … we?’ Randy looked up from his fishing line and saw two figures standing on

the shore – Bob and the tall figure of the Ranger. “We!” His hackles rose like a dog smelling

danger. “What the fuck….?” He grabbed the oars and pulled on them, but he was so fired

with anger and adrenaline that he forgot his own strength. Attempting to turn the prow to the

shore he pulled so ferociously on one oar that it cracked. “Shit damn.” He pulled the oar in,

inspected it, and knew that any more use would snap it completely. “Shit damn.”

Only one thing for it. He stowed the oars, picked up his shorts from the floor of the boat and

threw them round his neck. He slipped over the side, grabbed the mooring rope at the prow

and tied it round his waist. Then he struck out for the shore, keeping his eyes focused on the

two figures standing there together. Together!


This is not the way it was meant to be. He wanted to introduce Bob to Pete, to show him off,

flaunt him, show the Ranger that he had someone extraordinary that Pete could never have, no

matter how much he wanted him. And he knew he would want him. What had the two of them

been doing? He knew Bob had gone to the clearing as he always did to feel its vibrations and

jack off picturing that first time. Had he included Pete this time? Shit damn!

Driven by anger and frustration Randy swam more powerfully than ever, towing the boat so fast

that it left a wake behind it, while Bob and Pete watched from the shore. When Randy felt his

feet touch bottom he stood chest deep in the water, untied the rope from his waist and slung it

over his shoulder. He waded through the water toward the beach, shorts round his neck,

muscles rippling as he towed the boat behind him.

The midday sun streaming down on the lake made the surface glitter. Every drop of water that

fell from the boat and the rope sparkled, and it was from this kaleidoscope of light that Randy

emerged. He was magnificent. His naked body was slowly revealed from the chest down as

he strode into shallower water, his rippling muscles streaming with water that glistened in the

sun, giving him an almost supernatural appearance, so dazzling the men shielded their eyes.

Soon he was splashing through the shallow water, his cock swinging between his legs. His

chest was heaving, his eyes gleaming with exertion and, it seemed, with anger, though Bob

could also see fear in the mix too. He knew exactly what Randy was feeling and stepped

forward to diffuse the situation. He helped him pull the boat up the beach and said, “What

happened, buddy?”

“Oar cracked,” Randy said tersely. “I’ve got spares in the truck. Hey come here, man. I

missed you.” He pulled Bob into his arms, crushing him and pressing their mouths together in

a long voracious kiss, their lips grinding against each other’s, their tongues probing. Bob loved

feeling Randy’s savage bear hugs but knew that this time something more was going on. Randy

was putting on a show of exaggerated greeting, claiming ownership of him for the benefit of his

presumptive rival.

Bob knew he had to clear the air. He pulled away and laughed, “So was my face red! There I

was in the clearing, on my usual pilgrimage, imagining myself tied up and getting my ass fucked

by you, begging for more while I jacked off all over the place. Little did I know that Pete

happened to be passing and saw me from in the tress – and that was the result.” He pointed to

the still-wet stain on the Ranger’s pants. “And that’s all there was too it,” Bob said pointedly,

staring defiantly at Randy.

“Hey, man,” Randy said to Pete as if he had just noticed him. “Good to see you again.” Then

he abruptly turned back to Bob. “And all that time there I was out there fishing, dozing off and

dreaming of you, big guy – of the way I took you straight out into the lake as soon as we got

here and fucked your ass underwater. God that was hot. You’re my man, buddy, that’s for

sure. Any guy wants you he has to come through me.”


As if that blatant warning was not enough there was an urgency, an insistence in Randy’s voice

that was out of place in this peaceful setting and it didn’t fool Bob, or Pete for that matter.

Randy was virtually ignoring Pete while his greeting of Bob had been way over the top. With

his mention of the underwater fuck the boss was clearly emphasizing to Pete that this gorgeous

man was his, and beware anyone who challenged that notion.

Pete felt diminished, as if Randy, having fucked him once, had lost interest in him. He even felt

jealous of Bob who undoubtedly was about to get his ass fucked again as a demonstration of

Randy’s dominance.

But all his time living with Bob had taught Randy the caveman a degree of subtlety, which he

put to use in his mind-fucks of guys. He knew that right now he could prove his mastery of

Bob by simply throwing him on the ground and fucking the shit out of him. But there was a

better way than that and he said, “So I was thinking, buddy. After I ploughed your ass like that I

figured you’d wanna get your own back. You up for that?”

So that was it, Bob thought. God the man was good. Fucking Bob would have been too easy,

too obvious. No, he would prove his macho dominance in a way no other man could have –

not by fucking his man’s ass but by telling his man to fuck him. And Randy was such a total

Alpha Male, so obviously a top man, that it all seemed quite natural.

As the idea sunk in Pete was more in awe of Randy than ever. Last time he had been fucked

by him, and now he was going to see the muscle-god get his own ass ploughed. When Pete

had seen the naked Superman in the clearing he knew instinctively that he wanted Bob to fuck

him just as Randy had. But once again Randy had won. He was to have the pleasure of this

gorgeous man’s dick in his ass.

Losing no time Randy turned to face two side-by-side tress. Leaning forward he reached up

and braced himself with a hand on each tree. Pete was mesmerized by the sight of the rugged

gypsy, his wet shorts still round his neck, his naked body stretched upward, still running with

water, muscles rippling, his ass arched up, offering itself to his lover.

Bob smiled good naturedly at Pete and shrugged as if to say, “This is what he wants – and he

always gets what he wants.” Pete felt sweat trickling down inside his shirt and he pulled it off.

Bob grinned and nodded appreciatively as he saw the Ranger standing in his uniform pants,

boots and his white tank top, his muscular body outlined under the thin, wet cotton.

“What are you waiting for, man? Come on, fuck my ass.” Randy’s deep growl snapped Bob’s

attention back to him. Bob sank to his knees behind him, put his hands on the solid cheeks of

Randy’s ass and pulled them apart. He buried his face between them and licked the warm hole,

pushing his tongue through the thicket of black air and into the musky taste of his ass.

Pete inhaled sharply, holding back his orgasm as he saw the muscle-god on his knees, eating

out the construction worker’s ass. Pete ripped open his pants and pulled out his rigid cock,


stroking it slowly, careful not to cum … he wanted this to last. He watched as Bob got to his

feet, grabbed Randy’s hips and said softly, “Tell me what you want, man.”

Randy’s deep voice replied, “I want your dick in my ass …. I want you to plough my ass.”

Pete held his breath as he saw Bob press his long rod between the mounds of the gypsy’s ass.

He could hardly believe that the shaft was pushing steadily, inch-by-inch into the ass of this

dominant top man. He heard Randy moan, “Come on, man. Show me what you got. Pound

your master’s ass, stud.”

Bob knew what Randy wanted, as much for his own enjoyment as to arouse the lust of the man

watching in awe. So Bob quickly accelerated the pace until his cock became a ramrod, driving

hard into his lover’s ass. Pete was dazzled by the sight of the two beautiful men, the dark

superman fucking the ass of the gypsy. In a trance he walked round the trees and came face

to face with Randy braced against them, his body writhing in pain and ecstasy as his lover’s

cock pistoned inside him.

The handsome stubbled face was thrashing from side to side, but suddenly the blue eyes

opened and stared at Pete. “This what you want, big guy? You wanna feel that gorgeous

man’s dick pounding your ass like this? Or you wanna tie me up and fuck me like Bob’s


Hypnotized by the laser-blue eyes and the gravelly voice Pete reached up and ran his hands

over Randy’s heaving chest then rolled his nipples in his fingers. “Oh yeah, man, that’s it,

punish my tits, hurt them.” Pete applied all his strength as Randy moaned loudly and tears

came to his eyes.

Pete yanked his hands off hard, making Randy howl, then leaned forward and licked his chest,

running his tongue up the hairy cleft between his bulging pecs. He licked his nipples, then bit

them, and almost busted his load as he heard Randy scream in pain. Desperate not to cum he

pulled away and stared at the writhing face – at the electric blue eyes, tears running from them

down his cheeks to the darkly stubbled jaw, long black hair flying over his brow.

Drawn to his face, spellbound by it, the Ranger clamped his hands behind Randy’s head and

kissed the mouth savagely, their tongues probing frantically. He forgot to breath, felt himself

suffocating and pulled back. In a daze he saw another face, Bob’s, resting on Randy’s

shoulder, jerking with the motion of fucking his ass. It was breathtaking and in seconds the

Ranger was leaning toward Bob and kissing him, kissing the man he had seen naked in the

clearing, the man who had made him cream his pants.

He ran his tongue over Bob’s lips, over his cheeks, his eyes. He was drowning, wanted to

drown, but he heard Randy’s voice. “Incredible, ain’t he?” Pete reluctantly pulled away from

Bob and faced Randy again, blushing deeply as if he had been caught out. “Don’t worry, stud,


everyone falls in love with Bob. Shit his cock feels good in my ass. Harder, man,” he said over

his shoulder. “Make me shoot.”

He looked back at Pete, moved one hand from the tree to Pete’s wet tank and ripped it off his

chest, letting the shreds hang round his waist. “That’s better,” he growled. “Stripped for

action. Hey, you ever suck dick, man? Ever drink a man’s jizz?”

Pete recoiled. “Hell no. Of course not.”

Randy’s eyes flashed. “Well that’s about to change, big guy. You’re gonna swallow my dick

while my lover shoots his load in my ass? Bob would get off on that …. you wanna please him

don’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” Pete said, completely under his spell.

Slowly he sank to his knees, dragging his hands down Randy’s chest, his abs, his waist until he

found himself staring at the huge club, rock hard and dripping pre-cum. A flash of revulsion

convulsed him and he turned his head away … no way could he do this. But he had to …. he

had to be part of these glorious men making love.

He turned his head back and slowly the thick cock became not an object of revulsion but of

desire. He licked the head, tasting the salty tang of pre-cum and felt his own cock shudder.

He was lost …. he needed more than anything to feel the gypsy’s cock in his mouth. He

opened his mouth wide, pushed forward and felt the cock filling his mouth, pumping back and

forth as Randy’s ass got fucked from behind.

He could hear both men grunting, moaning in ecstasy as one superstud fucked the ass of the

other, pushing him forward so the massive cock drove deeper and deeper into Pete’s mouth.

His initial feeling of panic faded as he instinctively breathed through his nose and he felt pre-

cum coating the back of his throat. His face was buried in the sweat-soaked, wiry tangle of

Randy’s black pubic hair and he inhaled deeply, intoxicated by the smell of Randy’s crotch.

He grabbed Randy’s hips, then reached round to the mounds of his ass, and then …. he gasped

as he touched Bob’s rod pounding between the cheeks. He circled his thumb and finger round

it while it pistoned into Randy’s ass. He did the same with his other hand round Randy’s cock

driving into his mouth. He was lost in a world of man-sex and lust, touching one cock as it

pounded ass and another pounding his face.

He felt joined to these two glorious men, participating in their sexual passions as the fuck

became ferocious and he heard Randy yell, “I’m gonna shoot ….. fuck my ass, man …. Fuck

my cock. You’re making me cum …. I love you, man …. aaagh!!’ Bob echoed him. “I’m

cumming man …. Now…!”


Pete felt Randy’s cock slam into the back of his throat and explode, pouring hot semen into him

making him gag, choke, so he was forced to swallow in big gulps, drowning in the bitter-sweet

taste of another man’s semen for the first time in his life. In his delirium he was confused who

was cumming inside him – Randy or Bob, maybe both. The words rang in his ears – “Fuck my

ass, fuck my cock … I love you man….” His mind was racing. All he knew was that he was

drinking a man’s semen, swallowing it, loving it.

He screamed into the gag of the massive shaft as his own cock erupted in an orgasm more

powerful than any he had felt in his life. His juice poured down onto Randy’s legs and bare feet

and he pressed his sobbing face into Randy’s sweaty crotch.

When their cocks had drained at last he felt the thick rod pull out of his mouth and he fell

forward onto Randy’s feet, soaked with his own cum. The husky, macho Ranger was sobbing

uncontrollably, overwhelmed by a mix of confusion, guilt, revulsion, desire, but most of all the

exhilaration of being with these men, intoxicated by their smell, their taste. He was spinning out

of control when suddenly two hands gipped his face. He opened his tear-stained eyes and

found himself looking into the smiling brown eyes of Bob.

“Awesome, man,” Bob said gently. “You were phenomenal.” He pulled Pete’s face toward him

and kissed him, sucking from his mouth the semen that Randy had gushed into it. “Tastes

good, eh?” Bob said as he pulled away. “Come on, help me out here.” Seconds later both

men were side by side on their stomachs licking cum from Randy’s legs and feet while the

naked gypsy towered over them, arms folded across his chest, a triumphant smile on his face.


When at last they were on their feet and their breathing had subsided, Bob smiled at Pete.

“Hey, man, you probably have plans for the evening with your drinking buddies, but if not you’re

welcome to stay a while here with us instead. We’d both like that.”

“Nah,” Pete said in an immediate reflex. “Thanks, Bob, but I am meeting up with the guys and

…. and well …. that’s kind of it….”

“Sure, I understand” Bob said with a shrug. “Just thought I’d ask.” He grinned. “It’s our loss.”

He busied himself shaking out towels and blankets and hanging them over a high branch to dry

out. As he stretched upward with his back to them his broad shoulders and muscled arms

flexed, his lats tapered down to his slim waist and then, at the tan line, the white cheeks of his

ass rose up in perfectly rounded globes.

Pete gulped and Randy said, “Now that is the most beautiful ass in the whole damn world. I

walk around all day with a hard-on just thinking about fucking it. Like I said, any man wants

that ass he has to come through me.” He paused, then looked casually at Pete. “Sure you

don’t wanna change your mind, chief?”


The Ranger was dazzled watching Bob walk around the beach butt naked. “I, er ….. I suppose

the guys could do without me for one evening. I guess I could stay for a bite to eat, maybe a

swim … but if at any time I….”

“Yeah, yeah,” Randy said, “you’re free to leave at any time.” He turned and fixed him with his

piercing blue eyes. “But you won’t wanna leave, man, I guarantee. See my aim is always to

give pleasure to my man Bob, and this time my plans include you too, Pete ….”

Randy grinned in the direction of Bob’s naked ass.

# # #

Chapter 226 – Taking The ‘Cave’ Out Of Caveman

As always Randy took the lead. “Come on, guys, let’s wash this fucking jizz off our bodies.

And you get out of that damn uniform, Pete. I keep thinking you’re gonna arrest me for getting

my ass fucked in public.” The thought of trying to arrest Randy for anything, least of all for

fucking, was so ludicrous that Pete smiled as he kicked off his boots and pulled down his pants

and shorts.

He blushed slightly at being naked in front of them, but Bob gazed at him admiringly, the

handsome, clean-cut, all-American face, the bronzed, muscular body with the distinct tan line

showing off his butt and the long uncut cock swinging between his legs.

Bob smiled, “Man you are one hot Forest Ranger – that face, that body – no wonder you get laid

every night.” But as soon as the compliment was out of his mouth he knew he shouldn’t have

said it and he saw Randy tense.

Bob understood the dynamic between Randy and Pete. The ranger was a man’s man – tough,

dominant – the kind of alpha male Randy could relate to and respect. But along with that came

Randy’s competitive reflex. It had happened with Mark, Zack and Hassan, who were good

buddies with him now but still with an edge of rivalry always lurking under the surface. It was

the same now. Randy could admire, even like the Ranger, but he had to be the boss, and he

had to keep proving it – especially seeing the admiring sparks between Bob and Pete. (“Any

guy wants Bob he has to go through me.”)

The erotic sex scene Randy had just engineered was just the beginning and the muted rivalry

continued now with Randy throwing out a challenge, “Hey, Pete, race you out to that rock in the

middle of the lake.” Pete was just as quick to accept a challenge as Randy was to issue it and

the two naked rivals raced to the water and dived in.


Bob was reminded of muscular athletes in Ancient Greece who always competed naked, and he

sighed. He loved Randy, especially his physical strength and macho attitude – the caveman in

him – but he got tired of his constant need to prove himself to him. He wearied of it because he

knew where it came from – Randy’s only source of insecurity – Bob. Randy was king of his

world, bowing to no man, but his intense feelings for Bob had thrown him for a loop right from

the start, and he was still afraid that someday some hunk would come and whisk him away.

Despite Bob’s previous warning Randy was still showing Bob off to Pete, flaunting him (“now

that is the most beautiful ass in the world”) and Bob sensed that Randy’s ego would be at the

root of whatever was to happen between the three of them. Of course, he was right.


They were all hungry and the meal went a long way to satisfy their appetites and lessen the

competitive tension in the air, though Randy’s bravado was still apparent in the way he

displayed the fish he had caught and cooked them proudly on the small barbecue he had

brought. The barbecue was probably illegal in the fire-prone Angeles Forest, but Randy always

ignored rules and it never crossed Pete’s mind to mention it. Even in the short time he had

known him Pete had learned to throw out the rule book where Randy was concerned.

During the meal, over a few beers, the guys got to know each other better. Pete talked eagerly

about the job he loved but steered clear of his social life of drinking buddies and girls. In truth,

all thoughts of that other life were absent from his mind in the homoerotic company of these

men. Bob looked on with satisfaction as Pete and Randy chatted and laughed, and he realized

that they could be real buddies if only Randy could rid himself of his insecurity over Bob and the

Ranger. And Bob determined that he would have something to say on that topic.

The more beer the men drank the more convivial Randy and Pete became, two tough alpha

males bonding over raunchy jokes and raucous laughter. Bob was relieved to see the tension

fade and was content to leave them to it. Besides, after the earlier action and the big meal he

was drowsy and felt like an afternoon nap.

“Hey, guys, don’t let this party-pooper stop you but I’m gonna have a nap.” They both looked at

him lasciviously, which Bob found demeaning, even more so when Randy said, “Good idea,

buddy – conserve your strength for me and Pete later, eh man?” He winked at the Ranger and

they clinked beer bottles.

Bob never liked it when Randy was getting drunk. It brought out the inner caveman and dulled

the finer senses he had learned from Bob. So without a reply Bob stood up, pulled down a

blanket he had draped over a tree branch and spread it on the ground. Buck naked as he was

the men watched him lustfully as he threw himself onto his stomach on the blanket and laid his

head on upstretched arms.


He always loved dozing off hearing Randy’s deep voice growing fainter in the background,

making him feel safe and loved. He slowly lapsed into sleep – but only for a few minutes. He

was jarred out of his slumber by boisterous laughter, which even half-consciously he recognized

as drunken. He didn’t open his eyes or lessen his deep breathing, but he became aware of

what the two men were saying. They obviously thought he was still asleep.

“Incredible,” Pete was saying, “just look at that. That is one fucking gorgeous man.” He was

mesmerized by the sight of the naked muscle-god sleeping on his stomach, the dappled

sunlight playing over his magnificent body, muscles rippling as he breathed, arms stretched

upward, legs splayed out, his broad back narrowing down to his tight, slim waist. His body was

tanned golden except for the strip of white where the globes of his perfect ass flexed when he

stirred in his sleep.

“Yup, they don’t come like that too often.” Randy was slurring now. “And he’s all mine. Look

at that gorgeous ass, buddy …. it belongs to me, to fuck whenever I want ….although,” he said

grandly, “I’m not above loaning it out occasionally if I find a guy who deserves it.”

“And how do you decide that? I’ve never fucked a guy before, never even thought about it, but

I’d make an exception for that ass. It’s so damn perfect. What do I have to do to get near it?”

Randy grinned at him. “You know, I like you, man. Didn’t at first when you came on like a

homophobic prick, but you’ve turned out to be my kind of guy. You were a sensational fuck

when we first met and I ploughed your ass for the first time in your life, and today you were one

hell of a cocksucker. You know what? I wouldn’t mind watching you fuck my guy’s ass – but

before I loan it to you you’d have to earn it.”

“Earn it?” Pete said eagerly. “How?”

“Well, let’s see. How are you at arm-wrestling?”

“Division champ,” Pete boasted.

“Good, that’s how we’ll decide. And to the winner goes the prize – that gorgeous ass over

there. OK, man, get ready.”

Bob was seething. It was all he could do to restrain himself from getting up and choking

Randy. This was the old Randy, the Randy who ‘owned’ his ass, the caveman dragging his

prey into the cave and fucking his prized possession. It had taken Bob a long time to civilize

Randy and make him treat Bob as an equal, and he thought this he-man crap was all over. But

a combination of booze and machismo put paid to that – intensifying Randy’s need to flaunt his

dominance over another rugged male, using Bob as bait.

Bob gritted his teeth and lay still, breathing steadily, faking deep sleep. He wanted to see how

far Randy would take this. Out of one half-closed eye he saw the men lie on their stomachs


facing each other propped up on one elbow, the other planted in the sand forearm to forearm.

Their fingers locked and the fight was on. They fixed on each other’s eyes feeling the macho

thrill of competing with another rugged top-man, mano a mano.

Bob was not immune to a similar lust despite his disgust at Randy. As he watched through

narrowed eyes there was a part of him that was turned on by the sight of two athletic alpha

males fighting over which one of them would fuck him.

In truth, ever since he laid eyes on the handsome, muscular Ranger Bob had wondered how the

man’s cock would feel in his ass. And when, as he lay faking sleep, he heard Pete say he had

never fucked a guy’s ass but would like Bob’s to be the first, his cock had stiffened underneath

him. He wanted to feel it, wanted Pete to fuck him. What he definitely didn’t want was for

Randy to humiliate him, treating him like a piece of meat on a slab, ‘owning’ his ass and offering

to ‘loan’ it out to a buddy.

The contest was coming to a climax as the rivals’ muscles strained, running with sweat, gazes

fixed defiantly on each other. Suddenly Randy yelled “mother-fucker” and slammed Pete’s arm

down on the sand. But immediately Pete said, “Best of three – best of three.” Gracious in

victory Randy agreed, they went at it again and this time the Ranger exerted every ounce of

strength and won. As they prepared for the third and deciding test of strength Pete had a

vague feeling that the powerful gypsy was playing with him – and Bob was sure of it.

So it was a surprise when, after much sweating and groaning, it was the Ranger who slammed

his opponent’s arm down in defeat. He had a faint suspicion that Randy had let him win, but

he didn’t care – it had brought him closer to Bob’s ass. Bob was sure that Randy had thrown

the fight – he could beat a man like this any time.”

“Well, I guess you win, buddy,” said Randy magnanimously as they sat up and reached for more

beer. “Let’s go inspect the prize.”

Bob shut his eyes as the men staggered to their feet and stood over him slugging down beer as

Bob “slept”. Randy pointed his bottle unsteadily at Bob’s ass and slurred, “You see that ass,

buddy? Belongs to me … it can’t get enough of my big dick inside it. Would you believe I’ve

seen the man crawl naked through the dirt begging me to fuck him? But as you can see, the

ass is perfect and needs special handling.”

He threw his arm holding his beer over Pete’s shoulder, his words slurring worse than ever.

“See, my man likes it best with a nice slow fuck at first, but then you quicken the pace until your

cock’s pile-driving his ass. He’ll yell that he wants you to stop but he don’t mean it. My man

likes it good and rough.”

With all this raunchy talk both they were pumping their cocks that were good and hard. “OK,

buddy,” Randy slurred, “let’s lube him up for you. That sweet ass makes me wanna bust a load

every time I look at it.”


“Damn right,” said an equally drunk Ranger. “Man, I could shoot a wad over it right now.”

“So do it, stud. Come on – before I beat you to it.” They pounded their cocks and in seconds

Pete was yelling, “Right there with you buddy. Here it comes, man – all over him. Yeah!”

Bob felt totally degraded by these two rugged males towering over him as he lay on his

stomach, hearing their crude appraisal of his ass, a prize one of them had won in a contest.

He felt their warm jizz splashing down on his ass, his back, the nape of his neck as they

whooped in triumph. And he had had enough.


Bob suddenly turned over and leapt to his feet, his eyes blazing at a startled Randy. “You

know, asshole, you can be a real bastard sometimes. You’ve had this coming a long time.” He

hauled back and slammed his fist into Randy’s jaw, sending him reeling backwards and

crashing to the ground. The big man howled in pain and, as he shook his head to clear it, his

first reflex was to vault to his feet and slug back.

Bob opened his arms wide and beckoned with his fingers. “You gonna hit me? Come on, man

finish me off – and when I’m unconscious you and your buddy can take turns fucking my ass.

You’ve already insulted and degraded me in every possible way – yeah dickhead, I heard every

fucking word… (mimicking Randy’s voice) … ‘That ass belongs to me, to fuck whenever I want

…. I own it but I’ll loan it out to the right guy …. he crawls through the dirt begging me to fuck

him …. that ass needs special handling’. Like my ass is a hunk of prime beef turning on a spit.”

Randy was sobering up quickly and said plaintively – “Man, I was so proud of you being my man

that I just wanted to brag a bit – you know, show you off, buddy.”

“Show me off?! Is that what you call it? Man, you got shitfaced and arm wrestled a guy with

me as the prize like a stallion at auction. What’s next? You gonna post flyers, put me on

display and sell tickets? I’ve never felt so degraded in my life. I thought you’d got over that

caveman shtick but no – you’re still the same crude, arrogant, shit-for-brains motherfucker who

first crawled out from under a rock.”

He paused, his breath heaving, trying to control his anger, with a sense that he had already

gone too far. Randy took advantage of the silence to pull himself to his feet and faced Bob

unsteadily. “Shit, man, you didn’t really think I would let the guy fuck your ass, did you?”

Bob blazed at him. “Oh for god’s sake don’t try to lie your way out of it. You wouldn’t LET the

man fuck me?! Who made you the keeper of my ass? Did it ever occur to you that I wanted

Pete’s dick inside me – that I wanted to be the first guy he had ever fucked? No, you didn’t

think of me at all – it was all about your fucking ego, your need to be top dog, to show off to

another top man and parade me like you were leading me around on a collar and chain.”


“You wanted Pete to fuck you?”

“Yeah, I wanted it a lot, but on my terms – not because you ‘allowed’ it and sold my ass to him,

you moron. If Pete decided he wanted to fuck a guy’s ass for the first time, I wanted it to be

mine. I like Pete, he’s a good guy – when he’s not being corrupted by a boastful prick like you.

And he’s fucking gorgeous too so, yeah, I wanted him to fuck me. But you’ve screwed that up

like you screw up so many things.”

As he sobered up Randy’s head was reeling – and aching. Bob never hit him – but he had

now. And he deserved it, he knew, as he cowered under Bob’s tongue lashing and heard his

own ugly words thrown back at him.

“You see?” Bob said waving an arm at the empty beach. “He’s gone, he picked up his clothes

and got the fuck out of here – and who can blame him? The guy was feeling his way into a

strange new world, needing to feel respect and affection, and how did he end up? Drunk as a

skunk getting instruction from a Neanderthal, fresh from his cave, on how to fuck my ass. The

poor guy must be feeling totally ashamed of himself right now and god knows what he’s thinking

about us. We’ll never see him again, that’s for damn sure.”

Randy looked wildly about him. Running purely in instinct he pulled on sneakers and ran off

naked through the trees. He was panicking, scared to death that he had lost Bob. As his

adrenaline brought him clarity he remembered what he had bragged about to Pete, the ugly

words Bob had heard.

His thoughts were racing. Shit, shit, shit, he had fucked up again. He loved Bob, couldn’t live

without him, but he often felt out of his depth and did dumbass things. All he had wanted to do

was show off to the Ranger but he had been a total asshole. He would do anything to put things

right – to make Bob love him again – and there was only one thing he could think of to do that.

Up ahead he heard a car start up and he rushed forward, the dense branches tearing at his

flesh. He saw a truck coming up the gravel path and recklessly leapt in front of it waving his

arms. Pete saw the naked gypsy just in time, slammed on his brakes and skidded to a halt

inches from him.

He leaned out of the window and yelled, “You fucking idiot. You wanna get yourself killed?

Get out of my way, asshole, I’ve fucking had it with you.”

Randy ran to the door of the truck, yanked it open and pulled Pete out. The Ranger stumbled

across the dirt track, regained his footing and whirled on Randy, ready for a fight. But Randy

opened his arms in a gesture of conciliation. “Man, I haven’t come for a fight. We need to talk.

And anyway you shouldn’t drive drunk you know.”


“Man, you are a piece of work, you know that? I’m not drunk anymore – stone cold sober – and

I can’t take any more of this shit. I hightailed it out of there as soon as I saw what I’d done –

driven a wedge between you two. When I saw Bob slug you I came to my senses. He’s a

beautiful, gentle man, not a violent bone in his body. But you and me, we talked about him like

he was a slave for hire, his ass to be traded on the open market. I gotta get out of this madness

and back to the life I know.”

Randy grabbed his arm. “Man, you gotta help me. It was all my fault – I fuck up like that

sometimes – often actually – but, god knows why, Bob stays with me. But this time I went way

over the top, I was a complete asshole, and I think I’ve lost him. But I gotta do one thing for

him. He liked you, man, a whole lot, and one of the things that made him angry was that he

really wanted you to fuck him.”

He let that register with Pete who suddenly fell silent. “Please man, not for me but for Bob,

please come back and make love to him, he wants it so bad.”

“I don’t get you, man. All this time you’ve been warning me that his ass is yours but you

occasionally loan it out to the right guy – and now here you are begging me to fuck it. So what

was all that stuff about ‘any man wants it he has to come though me’?”

“It was bullshit, man, total bullshit – me boasting he was mine, me behaving like a complete

douchebag. Forget me, Pete, think about him. The man’s a god, so fucking beautiful, with the

most beautiful ass in the world…..”

The image of Bob’s perfect physique, the sculpted Superman features and his gentle smile

flashed across Pete’s mind. “You say he wants to feel my dick in his ass?” Randy nodded but

Pete’s eyes narrowed. “Are you using that beautiful man as bait again, asshole?”

“No, man, I swear. Come and ask him yourself. Please man, I’m begging you. Do it for Bob.”

Pete finally allowed himself to be pulled through the trees in the direction of the lake.


Bob was pacing the beach. He had pulled on swim shorts, as if covering up his nakedness

could somehow hide his embarrassment. His anger was not easily roused and faded quickly,

replaced by remorse at how he had spoken. He still resented Randy but was ashamed of his

own overreaction. He had gone way over the top with his ‘moron’ – ‘Neanderthal’ – ‘shit-for-

brains motherfucker crawling out from under a rock.’ He had lost his temper and slugged

Randy, a blow to the pride of the macho gypsy. And where was he now? …. probably restoring

his pride by slugging it out with the Ranger.


“It’s all such a fucking mess,” he said to himself. “We should never have come.” But then he’d

never have met Pete, a man he had come to like so quickly, and lust for so much. Bob would

have loved to be the first man the Ranger ever fucked. “Damn, damn,” he cursed to himself.

Just then he heard a sound in the trees and suddenly there he was – Pete, being tugged onto

the beach by Randy. Randy stared at Bob who was surprised to see the big man actually

trembling. Bob’s heart softened, knowing how scared Randy was of losing him.

Randy stammered, “I, er, I brought him back …. for you, buddy.”

Pete gazed at Bob and asked simply, “Is it true that you wanted me to fuck you, Bob.”

“I wanted it a lot, Pete. But after everything that went down, I…..”

Pete cut him off. “That’s all I needed to know. Well, I’m here.” And he flashed a smile.

I was thinking,” buddy,” Randy said, more as a supplicant than a leader. “Maybe it would be

good if…..”

“It’s OK, Randy, I’ll take it from here.” The gentleness had returned to Bob’s voice, which gave

Randy some reason to hope. “Why don’t you go out on the lake and catch more fish?”

“Well, I was thinking I should stick around and see how…..”

Bob’s stopped him dead with a piercing look. “Go fish, Randy.”

“Yeah,” Randy shuffled nervously. “Yeah, OK, buddy – whatever you say.” Reluctantly he

went to the truck and pulled out a spare oar to replace the cracked one. He threw it into the

rowboat and pushed the boat into the water. He stopped, turned, and looked from Bob to Pete

and back. “Are you sure I shouldn’t just …..”

“Randy – go fish.” The voice was gentle but firm and Randy obeyed, jumping into the boat and

rowing sullenly out to the middle of the lake. As he rowed he recalled how his boy Pablo had

once talked about his dog Billy, and said that if you have to punish a dog it’s no good beating

him. All you need to do is separate him from the family for a while. Dogs hated being

banished like that. Randy knew Bob was punishing him like a dog and, like a dog, he hated it

as he gritted his teeth and pulled on the oars.

On the beach Pete smiled at Bob. “Wow, I’d never have believed I would see that stud obey a

guy so meekly.”

“Yeah,” Bob grinned, “well like Randy said about my ass – you have to know how to handle it.”

Pete blushed. “Bob, I’m sorry about the way I behaved. I guess I was drunk and ….”


“Hey, it’s water under the bridge, buddy. None of us came out of that episode looking good, so

let’s forget it. Hey, you want a beer? Or maybe not….”

“Definitely not,” Pete grinned. “Never know where that would lead.”

They both relaxed and looked each other over. Bob was wearing nothing but thin shorts, but

when Pete had fled he had put his Ranger’s uniform back on before getting into his truck. With

his lantern jaw, tousled blond hair and blue eyes he looked stunning and Bob smiled in

admiration. “Talking of looking good …. as in good enough to eat …” He walked up close to

the handsome Ranger and smiled, their faces inches apart.

“Man,” Pete said softly, “when I first saw you in that clearing, hanging naked from a tree and

jerking off, I wanted you so bad.” Impulsively he leaned forward and pressed his lips against

Bob’s, tentatively at first, then building to a passionate kiss with each man holding the other’s

head and frantically tongue-searching each other’s mouth. Finally they broke apart and gazed

at each other, their breath heaving, eyes sparkling.

“You know,” Pete said, “in my world I’m considered an expert at this, quite the sex stud –

making out, making love and fucking like a stallion. But now, facing you I feel like I’m back in

high-school doing it for the first time – nervous, not sure what comes next.”

“I love that about you, man,” Bob grinned, “but don’t worry, leave everything to me.” Without

taking his eyes off Pete’s Bob undid the top button of his uniform shirt, then two more and

reached under the shirt, running his hands over the mound of Pete’s chest, rubbing the backs of

his fingers against his nipples.

“Aaah …” Pete moaned softly and rolled his head back. “You look so fucking hot, man,” Bob

said. “Shirtless will look even better.” He undid the rest of the buttons, pulled the shirttails

out of his waist and pushed the shirt back, letting it hang open from his shoulders exposing his

chest. This time he squeezed the Ranger’s hard nipples and Pete moaned out loud, “Oh, shit,

that feels so …. don’t man, please, you’re gonna make me cum.”

Bob stopped instantly and grinned, “We don’t want that, do we? Not yet anyway. Long way to

go yet, buddy.”

Pete reached round behind Bob and clamped his hands over the mounds of his ass, squeezing

them as they flexed hard under the thin fabric of his shorts. Pete grimaced as if in pain. “Shit

damn, I wanna fuck your ass so bad, Bob. I could shoot a million loads just looking at it,

touching it. Help me, man – I’m on unfamiliar ground here.”

“I told you not to worry, big guy, and to leave everything to me. First I wanna see that body of

yours.” He pushed Pete’s shirt off his shoulders and let it drop. “Oh, yeah, fucking gorgeous.”

He ran his hands over the rock hard shoulders, then down his V-shaped lats to his tight waist,


and traced the ridges of his washboard abs. He leaned forward and ran his tongue up the cleft

between his pecs, tasting the beads of sweat trickling down it, then clamped his mouth on his

tits, squeezing them in his lips.

Pete moaned loudly and ran his hands through Bob’s thick, tousled dark hair, pulling his face

hard against his chest. But Bob soon eased off, knowing that the Ranger was tilting on the

edge of orgasm all the time, with an erotic mix of frustration, passion, bursting balls and the

intense effort to hold back. He was in ecstasy.

Bob moved his face lower down, over the abs and waist until his legs buckled and he sank to

his knees before the Ranger. He licked the heavy uniform belt, then lowered his head until he

was facing the huge bulge in the Ranger’s pants. He clamped his mouth over it, smelling the

musky odor of the man’s crotch through the fabric. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, warming the

bulge with his hot breath and felt it shudder.

“No, no, stop, man …. I’m gonna cum … you’re gonna make me shoot.” Bob pulled away,

unzipped the pants and pulled out the Ranger’s rock-hard cock that was shuddering and

dripping pre-cum. Bob pushed his mouth over the long rod and swallowed it deep into his

throat. The ranger lost all control. He looked down at the beautiful face, at his own shaft

disappearing between the full lips into the mouth and felt that the head of his cock was on fire.

In a surge of macho dominance he grabbed Bob’s hair, pulled his face back, then slammed it

back down onto his cock. Once more he pulled the face back, saw the tears streaming from

the brown eyes, and yelled, “This is it, man…!” He drove his cock back down Bob’s throat and

roared as it erupted with hot jizz deep inside him, a river of cum that Bob swallowed voraciously,

gulp after gulp. Pete’s howls became sobs as his cock drained into Bob’s mouth.

When their hearts stopped pounding Pete slowly withdrew his shaft from Bob’s mouth and

gazed down at his beautiful face, semen oozing over the sensuous lips and running down his

chin. “Man,” Pete panted, “that was so damned hot – un-fucking-believable.”

Bob grinned up at him. “Well, it was a start at least.”


In the boat in the middle of the lake Randy was in his own private purgatory. And it was all of

his making … he had compounded one mistake by another. He had begun by drunkenly

boasting about Bob and his ass like a piece of property he owned. When Bob had reacted so

violently by slugging him Randy was knocked off his feet mentally as well as physically. In a

panicked attempt to regain his balance and prevent Bob from leaving him he had run after Pete,

practically ordering him to come back and fuck Bob.

And that was probably going on right now! But Randy had been sent away like an unruly dog

with his tail between his legs. Completely out of his depth he had panicked, made all the


wrong moves and sealed his own fate. How did he get into messes like this? How could he,

who was so always so sure of himself, in command, master of his world, wind up in disgrace in

the middle of a lake while his lover got fucked by a Forest Ranger?”

He lay in the bottom of the boat muttering, “Shit, shit, shit.” It was only in his relationship with

Bob that he felt insecure. Maybe he should cut his losses and get the hell out – leave Bob.

“No … no …I didn’t mean that,” he pleaded out loud to a god he didn’t even believe in. “I didn’t

mean that …. I don’t want to leave him, ever. Please don’t let him leave me….. I need him.”

At that moment he heard the Ranger’s roar in the distance and peered frantically over the side

of the boat. He saw vague movement on the distant beach and was desperate to know what

had happened. Pete must have cum ….. inside Bob he wondered? He grabbed the oars ….

then threw them back down. Going back would only make things worse – interrupting them in

…in whatever the fuck they were doing. He lay back in the boat and covered his ears. It was

official, he thought. The King of the Gypsies was a royal fuckup.


By now Bob had removed Pete’s boots, unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down. Pete

stepped out of them, pulled Bob up off his knees and held him at arm’s length gazing at him. “I

guess I screwed up, right? I wanted to cum in your ass but you were so damn hot I…..”

“Hey, who decreed that there’s a one-cum limit? Come on, I think we can risk a beer now

without disgracing ourselves.” As Bob turned round Pete reached out and, in a flash of the

dominant male, grabbed Bob’s shorts and ripped them clear off. “Oh Jesus,” he groaned as he

gazed awestruck at the naked ass. Bob laughed as his cock sprang free.

A minute later they were lying naked on their sides gazing at each other as they sipped beer.

They talked small talk, avoiding the subject of sex that nevertheless hung heavy in the air. But

when suddenly Bob, as he talked, got comfortable by casually rolling over onto his stomach,

Pete again got a full view of his naked ass. “Shit damn,” he groaned and impulsively ran his

hands over the hard mounds. “Fuck,” he said, “I can’t do this, man. I gotta have that ass.”

His testosterone racing Pete got to his knees behind Bob and clamped his hands on the prefect

white globes. He pulled them gently apart and murmured, “Holy shit” as he gazed at Bob’s hole

guarded with a light fuzz of dark hair.

He leaned forward and buried his face between the cheeks, licking the damp hair and the tight

hole, pushing his tongue inside, savoring the pungent taste of the warm, velvet membrane.

Bob raised his ass and pushed it back against Pete’s face. Pete fed on the ass for a while, then

pulled back and insisted, “I gotta fuck this ass, man, I gotta. Help me out here, buddy.”

Bob rolled over onto his back and pulled his legs back. “Well you’ve lubed it up pretty good,”

Bob grinned, “but it’ll be a lot tighter then what your used to fucking so here, use this …” He


reached over to his backpack on the ground and pulled out a jar of lube. Pete dipped in his

fingers, reached forward and pushed two greasy fingers gently into the hole. “Shit, that’s tight,”

he murmured. He pulled out and spread the cream over his cock that was stiff as a pole again.

He dropped forward and braced himself with his hands flat on the ground beside Bob’s head.

As he did so he felt the tip of his cock brush against Bob’s ass and he stopped, scared to push

further. He gazed down at Bob’s beautiful face and said softly, “You sure you want this, man?”

Bob smiled. “You should see yourself, Pete, leaning over me – that sinewy body, the square-

jawed face …. of course I want it. Please, man…. please fuck my ass.”

The Ranger could hardly believe the words spoken by this muscle-god lying beneath him. He

eased the head of his cock just over Bob’s sphincter and gasped … his cock was inside of a

man’s ass for the first time in his life. God it was tight …. and hot, squeezing round his cock.

The man was so fucking beautiful that the Ranger felt semen racing up his cock from his balls.

With a howl of pure ecstasy he slammed his hips forward, driving his rod deep inside the

cauldron of Bob’s ass …. and his scream echoed round the lake as his cock exploded. He felt

the ass muscles clamp tight, saw the body shudder and watched in wide-eyed disbelief as Bob’s

cock blasted semen over his own abs, his chest and up to his face.

Pete pulled back and drove his cock in even deeper, gushing another stream of cum as Bob

matched him. He fell forward on top of Bob, their bodies sliding together on the pools of jism,

then leaned down and licked Bob’s own cum from his face. He kissed him, their mouths

lubricated by semen as they mashed their lips together.

Pete’s cock was still inside Bob and, incredibly, still hard. He felt a sudden virile surge of

adrenaline and he pulled back up in his knees, leaned forward again and clamped his hands

over Bob’s wrists, pinning them above his head on the sand. A wave of power swept over him,

unlike anything he had ever felt before. This beautiful muscle-god was his captive, trapped on

the sand, his ass impaled on the Ranger’s cock.

“Man,” he groaned, “that feels so fucking sweet … my cock in your ass, where it belongs. It’s

never been like this for me. I gotta fuck you, man, I gotta make love to that perfect ass.” Tears

filled his eyes. “This time I’m really gonna fuck you, Bob … fuck you for a long, long time.”

And so it began, with Pete’s cock as hard as if he had never cum. He pulled it all the way back,

rubbed the head against the rim of the sphincter, then slowly pushed it in, inch after inch until it

came to rest in the depths of Bob’s gut. He was doing what he had wanted to do for so long –

fucking the ass of the superman.

Looking down at Bob – at the chiseled features, the perfect physique, his arms pinned to the

ground – Pete as last knew what Randy felt when he made love to his man. He had never felt

so dominant in his life as he did now, fucking the ass of this beautiful alpha male – his captive.


Though Pete would never have admitted it, he recalled Randy’s earlier instructions …. “He likes

it best with a nice slow fuck at first, but then you quicken the pace until your cock’s pile-driving

his ass. My man likes it good and rough.”

It seemed natural to Pete to do just that, to prove his dominance by seducing a man with his

cock, then turn it into a jackhammer. He alternated between sensitive and savage, driving his

captive wild, his body writhing, face tossing form side to side, grimacing with pain and ecstasy

as his ass got ploughed by the rugged Forest Ranger.

“That’s it, man,” Bob yelled, “fuck me, fuck that ass. That all you got? Harder, stud, harder.”

Rising to the challenge Pete turned up the pressure and his cock became a ramrod. Bob took

as much as he could but soon he was screaming, “No, no, please, sir, you’re ripping my ass.

Please, I beg you, you’re hurting me, sir.”

Pete could not believe that this macho bodybuilder was calling him sir, begging him. Seeing

the muscular body streaming with sweat, struggling beneath him, he slowed down and said

earnestly, “I don’t wanna hurt you, buddy. I want to make love to you.”

“Yeah,” Bob sighed and Pete saw him relax. “Now we make love,” Pete said, releasing Bob’s

hands and gently stroking his own against his nipples. Bob reached up and ran his hands over

the Ranger’s chest, his neck, his face. Pete kissed his hands and sucked his fingers into his


And all the time the Ranger’s cock slid gently back and forth in the warm ass.


The sound of the Ranger’s orgasmic scream, and then Bob’s pleading howl, had sped over the

lake, amplified by the hot, still air of the quiet afternoon. It reached the boat rocking in the

middle of the lake …. and that was it. Randy was still racked by guilt and confusion but one

instinct was bred in the bone – if Bob was hurting Randy would help him.

So no more thinking, no more agonizing. Suddenly Randy was no longer the wounded animal

curled up in the boat. He reverted to his natural state – a man of action – the real King of the

Gypsies. He grabbed the oars and rowed so ferociously it’s a wonder the oars didn’t crack

again. Near the beach Randy leapt from the boat and towed it behind him as he strode ashore.

He pulled the boat onto the beach and walked silently in the soft sand. His relief at seeing Bob

unhurt was overpowered by the sight of the two men making passionate love. They were still

kissing, and the Ranger’s naked body was still rising and falling over Bob’s ass. So engrossed

were they in each other that they were oblivious to everything else – even Randy.

Randy’s instinct was to throw himself on the Ranger, pull him off his lover and slug him. But he

was aware how he had screwed up before and this time he made a conscious effort to control


his anger. He recalled how he had tamed Pete the first time they met. “Shit, man,” he had told

Bob, “when a guy comes on with that macho power-stud shit what’s a guy like me to do but fuck

him up the ass?”

Randy watched the Ranger’s ass flexing high in the air as he leaned forward and fucked Bob.

He was driven by one part anger and one part desire, but both of them had the same effect of

making his dick hard as an iron rod. Silently he dropped to his knees behind Pete and, with the

seasoned skill of an expert butt-fucker, pointed his dick straight at the hole. He took a deep

breath ….. and drove his shaft deep into the Ranger’s ass.

“Aaagh!” Pete screamed, yanking his face away from Bob’s as Randy growled in his ear, “Don’t

stop fucking him, Ranger. “My man wants you to fuck him and that’s what you’re gonna do.

That’s what I promised him. Only thing I didn’t mentioned is that I’m gonna be fucking your ass

while you do.”

When the shock subsided Pete felt his ass relax round the cock of the construction worker and

the sensation was as intense as it had been that first time. Pete had said he didn’t want to

come between Randy and Bob, but this is not what he meant. Here he was literally between

the two spectacular men – fucking the ass of one and getting his own ass fucked by the other.

It was a sensation that sent him spinning into a fantasy world of lust and passion.

If Bob’s ass had brought him to the brink of orgasm before it was now ten times more intense.

He couldn’t even distinguish between the thrill of his cock in Bob’s ass and Randy’s in his. It

was all one flash of heat that raced through his cock and set it on fire. The feeling intensified

when he heard Bob say, “Fuck him, Randy, make him cum in my ass.”

“All in good time, buddy,” Randy said, grinning down at Bob over Pete’s shoulder. “I’m in

charge now … this is my show.”

“Man,” Pete groaned, “your cock feels so good in my ass. It’s gonna make me cum inside him.”

“Oh yeah?” Randy snarled and stopped dead. The sudden lack of movement in his ass made

Pete’s near-orgasm die. The change in rhythm inhibited him. Before, Bob’s ass could have

made him shoot at any time, but now that he had felt the thrill of the gypsy’s cock inside he was

under his spell. He couldn’t cum until Randy made him, and he pleaded, “No, man, fuck me,

please, make me cum.”

Randy could drive a man crazy like this, could control him with his teasing cock. He thrust it in,

paused, then thrust again, driving the Ranger wild with frustration, his cock constantly

shuddering on the edge of eruption. “Please, man, I can’t take this,” Pete moaned. “My cock’s

burning up … I gotta cum …. have mercy on me, man.”

“Yeah,” Randy growled, “but first I wanna hear you beg like you made Bob beg. Come on,

man, let’s hear it,” and he taunted him with short, intermittent jabs of his cock.”


“Man, you’re driving me insane…. OK, please, sir, I’m begging you. Please stop torturing me

…. fuck my ass, sir … do it hard … make me bust my load ….. please, sir … I beg you.”

Bob was turned on as never before, looking up at the tough Forest Ranger who a short while

ago had him pinned to the ground, fucking his ass like the macho top man he was. But now the

tables were turned and the handsome face was twisted in submission as he begged Randy to

release him …. to make him shoot in Bob’s ass. Bob looked over Pete’s shoulder at Randy

and nodded slightly.

“OK, buddy, you got it.” Then to Pete, “Here it comes, Ranger, just like you gave it to my man.

In an instant Randy was a fuck machine, his massive cock jackhammering the Ranger’s ass

making him scream in pain and the euphoria of release. “Oh god … aah … aah … you’re

killing me man, I can’t take it, I ….. aaagh!!”

He felt Randy’s cock blasting jizz deep in his ass, saw Bob spurting semen over his already

cum-soaked body, and ….. aaagh!! ….. his own cock exploded in Bob’s ass in the most

extraordinary orgasm of his life. Tears were running down his cheeks as his cock kept pumping

and his heart pounding.

“Yeah,” Randy roared in triumph and they collapsed in a heap of tangled limbs on the sand.


A few minutes later they all lay exhausted on the ground, Randy face down between the others,

his arms spread wide over their chests. They all knew what had happened. Randy had got

wasted and insulted Bob, who had punished him in the worst way by banishing him while Pete

fucked him. But Randy had finally, inevitably, resumed his rightful place as master, had taken

control of the whole scene, dominated the Ranger and forced him to submit – to beg Randy to

let him shoot his load in Bob’s ass. Randy wasn’t called the King of the Gypsies for nothing.

After their emotions and heaving bodies had calmed, Randy stood up and led them to the lake

where they swam to clean off. When they came out they sat cross-legged at the water’s edge,

side by side, naked, watching the setting sun sink into the lake, turning the water into a blaze of

scarlet and gold.

Pete was aware of the strong emotional and sexual vibrations running between the two

extraordinary men and said quietly, “I gotta go, guys – leave you two together to sort out

whatever you have to sort out. I don’t wanna come between you.”

“You just did, buddy,” Randy laughed, “and it was fucking spectacular. You’re real good with

Bob and me, you know that?”

“Yeah, but …”


“Now listen, Pete,” Bob said, sensing his confusion. “Like Randy said last time you met, let’s

keep this strictly between us. We would both really like to get together with you again. You’re

a hot man, a real stud, and despite whatever happened here earlier we’re not bad guys – just a

bit complicated, with the occasional explosion here and there as you saw. So you go get on

with the Forest Ranger life you enjoy so much, with your buddies and your girls, and the three of

us will get together here from time to time, if you would like to.”

“You know the answer to that, Bob. I never want to louse things up between you – you’re

sensational together – incredible together – but I’d really get off on seeing you again. And

maybe have an arm-wrestling re-match eh, big guy? Which you won’t let me win next time.”

“It’s a deal,” Randy laughed. “And remember – what we did up here, you never do that with

any other guy.”

Pete smiled. “Is that an order, sir?”

“Damn right it is,” Randy grinned.

They stood up, Pete put on his uniform and gave them bear hugs, unable to resist a last kiss on

Bob’s lips. “Looking forward to the next time, guys. Take care of each other.”

When he had disappeared through the trees Bob and Randy went back to sit by the lake in the

deepening twilight. After a long silence Randy asked, “Are we OK, buddy?”

“You know we are, Randy. Look, you behaved like an asshole, nothing unusual in that, and I

punished you. I know how tough it was for you sitting out on the lake on your own, and I’m

sorry about that. But I’ll say what I’ve said a million times before – whatever happens, never,

ever be afraid that I’ll leave you. You’re my life, buddy. And like the man said, we’re

sensational together.”

Another silence, then Randy grinned, “That’s a mean right cross you got, buddy. Never knew

you were so handy with your fists.”

“Yeah, and don’t you forget it.”

“Oh I won’t, believe me,” he smiled, rubbing his chin.

Bob had said his piece and wanted to change the subject. “Now it’s just the two of us for the

rest of the weekend, and then home to face all the ‘Kumbaya shit’ as you call it. I wonder how

Brandon got on spending his first night with Eddie and Ben. No doubt Darius will ‘spill all the

beans’ when we get home.”


As Bob talked about home Randy smiled to himself and threw his arm round his lover’s neck. “I

love you, man.” And there they sat by the silent lake – two beautiful men in love, enfolded in

the gathering darkness.”

# # #

Chapter 227 – Brandon Explores

Actually, Bob could have described pretty accurately what Brandon’s night had been like with

the boys. They were, after all, three spirited young bucks, hormones raging, three to a bed.

And in the bedroom next door the handsome Italian gardener, Mario, could hear them giggling.

He was alone as usual and oddly comforted by the boisterous sounds of the three boys next

door. But if they get any louder, he thought…..

The dinner that evening had been the climax of the birthday celebration and it didn’t break up

until Bob and Randy announced they were going to bed as they had an early start the next day

for their trip to the lake (and their rendezvous with the Ranger).

Brandon helped Eddie and the twins clear the table and tidy the kitchen and then at last Eddie,

Ben and Brandon found themselves alone together in the garden. Eddie grinned at Brandon.

“Time for bed, kiddo.” Eddie and Ben between them carried Ben in his wheelchair up the stairs,

as usual making a game out of the wheelchair and leaving no room for Brandon to feel


In a few minutes all three boys were naked and Brandon was lying on his back on the bed

gazing up excitedly at the boyishly handsome Eddie and the dark gypsy boy Ben, standing over

him, their arms folded.

“So, what d’you think we should do with the new kid, eh, dude?” Eddie asked.

Ben shrugged. “Dunno. Fuck him, that’s for sure, and then I guess we’ll just make it up as we

go along.”

Brandon’s newly-acquired skill of getting fucked in the ass, taught by Randy, had left him

longing for more. But there was also a greater reason for his nervous excitement now. That

first day when Eddie had helped him up the hill and into Brandon’s apartment they had

exchanged blow-jobs and discovered their matching sexual appetites. But since then they had

not been alone together.

There had been their dinner last night with Hassan after which Brandon had slept alone as

always. And then, from this morning on, came the crowded, life-changing events of the party.

Throughout the day the two boys’ friendship had grown quickly as they sat and laughed together


and, even in the boisterous crowd, they had exchanged frequent excited glances, some of them

bordering on lustful.

But there had been no chance of any kind of sexual exploration … until now. Ben, Eddie’s

boyfriend, was aware of all this and, although he had eagerly embraced Brandon as his friend

too, now he had the good instinct to step back and just watch for a while as Eddie and Brandon

took their friendship to the next level.

Eddie climbed onto the bed and knelt astride Brandon who was shivering with nervous

anticipation. He gazed up at Eddie’s cheeky smile and said, “You know you’re my hero, dude,

don’t you?”

“Nah, that’s crazy, kiddo,” Eddie said. “If anyone’s a hero it’s you.”

“Huh, just having two legs that don’t work don’t make me a hero. But when you ignored that

and treated me like a regular guy, that makes you one. You got the biggest heart of anyone I

ever met, and look what you’ve done for me.”

Eddie laughed. “It’s not what I’ve done for you, dude, it’s what I’m going to do to you. Don’t

think of me as a hero, just a cool guy who wants to shove his dick up your butt.”

“I do want that, Eddie, I really do, but you mustn’t do it just ‘coz you feel sorry for me.”

“Hey, you can cut that crap, kid,” Eddie bristled. “Me and Ben don’t do mercy fucks and we

don’t wanna hear that kind of talk from you again. You’re selling yourself short. OK, so your

legs don’t work but I’m not interested in them, it’s your ass I want and that seems to work fine

judging by the look on Randy’s face when he fucked you. So let’s cut to the chase here.” He

pulled up Ben’s legs and hooked them over his shoulders where they hung limply.

“Dude,” Brandon said, “I’m sorry I said that dumb thing.”

Eddie put on a stern expression and a gruff voice. “Yeah, well ‘sorry’ don’t cut it dude – I’m just

gonna have to punish you, boy. You remember how Hassan punished me when I screwed up?”

Brandon was trembling with excitement. “He …. he fucked you up the ass.”

“Bingo …. Now, Randy opened you up good with that monster tool of his but I still think we’re

gonna need this ….” He leaned over to the night table, dipped his fingers in the ever-open jar of

lube and eased them into Brandon’s hole. “Jeez that’s tight,” he said. “I’m sure glad you

chose Randy to pop your cherry ‘coz he’s the master with first-timers – the master with anyone

actually. And at least I get to be second. OK, so let the punishment begin….”

The two boys stared at each other as Eddie pressed the head of his cock against Brandon’s

hole and pushed. As the head passed over the sphincter Brandon gasped and winced in pain.


“That hurt, dude?” Eddie asked and stopped pushing. “Guess it’s still sore from that ramrod of

Randy’s. Take a deep breath kid and relax your ass.”

Brandon did as instructed and felt the pain melt away, replaced by a feeling of wonder as he

looked up at his new friend leaning naked over him, then looked down at the cock disappearing

into his ass. Suddenly Brandon felt a sensation beyond mere friendship, a feeling so intense

and so new to him that it confused him. The only thing he did know for sure is that he wanted

to feel Eddie fucking him.

He smiled up at him mischievously and said, “I thought this was supposed to be punishment,

dude. Is that all you got?”

“You little fucker,” Eddie grinned. “OK, punk, you asked for it.” He pushed his cock slowly into

Brandon’s ass until it came to rest deep inside. “Shit that feels good,” Eddie sighed. “Great

fit, eh? OK, now for the punishment bit.” He pulled back, then drove his cock in hard,

beginning a forceful fuck that took Brandon nearly up to his threshold of pain, but not quite.

Eddie had learned a lot from his master, the stud Marine Hassan, who fucked him often.

Hassan could easily have ripped his ass open but instead teased him by pounding him ‘til he

begged for mercy, then slowed down to a gentle fuck, making love to his ass. And that’s what

Eddie tried to do now. It worked too, bouncing Brandon between pleasure, pain and frustration

– until Eddie went too far. He leaned forward, pinned Brandon’s wrists to the bed and,

attempting a sneer, growled, “Got you now, punk. Nowhere you can go. You’re at my mercy

boy. I’m your worst nightmare…..”

Brandon and Ben both burst out laughing. “Dude,” Ben taunted Eddie, “Rambo you are not.

Stop playing the he-man and just fuck the kid.”

Eddie grinned good-naturedly at Brandon. “Never was much good at that fantasy stuff – I

always make guys laugh. What say we just make love, eh?”

“Mmm. Sounds good to me,” Brandon said and surprised them both, showing off his upper

body strength by pushing Eddie’s arm up and breaking his grip on his wrists. He grabbed

Eddie’s pecs and squeezed his nipples. Eddie reached down and rolled Brandon’s nipples in

his fingers while he fucked his ass slowly and gently.

They both sighed with pure joy, knowing now that this is what the whole day had been leading

up to. In fact, ever since Eddie had first gone into Brandon’s apartment and they had traded

blowjobs, this is what each had really wanted. “You doing OK, dude?” Eddie asked.

“Mmm – better than OK. Your cock feels so sweet in my ass. You could go on fucking me

like this all night without stopping.”


Actually he couldn’t, as the two boys were both known for cumming quickly and often – the two

gushers as Eddie called them. But they held back as long as they could, grinning into each

other’s sparkling eyes with the youthful wonderment of having discovered the simple joy of two

best buddies making love.

Ben was surprised too – surprised by how good he felt as he watched them – no animosity, no

jealousy which, under other circumstances, might have angered him. He was Randy’s little

brother after all. But Ben liked Brandon a lot and it was hot watching his boyfriend fuck him,

knowing that he himself would be an equal partner in their friendship. And it was time to prove it.

He had been stroking his cock as he watched the two lithe young bodies settle into a gentle

rhythm, with Eddie rising and falling over Brandon’s ass, probing a little deeper each time.

“Man, that feels so good,” Brandon sighed. “Hey, do what you did before.” Eddie leaned

forward and pinned Brandon’s wrists to the bed. “Oh, yeah, now I really am your prisoner.

Next time you and Ben can tie me up.”

At the sound of his name Ben now stepped forward. “Huh, we don’t need ropes for what I have

in mind. You two guys have been having all the fun up to now. My turn to kick it up a notch.”

He knelt by the bed, leaned over and Brandon inhaled sharply as he saw the dark, handsome

gypsy face grinning down at him. He had the same high cheekbones as his brother, the same

startling blue eyes that Brandon had gazed into when he was getting fucked by Randy.

“We’re gonna have a whole lot of fun, the three of us,” Ben smiled. “Me and Eddie, we’ll tie you

down and take turns fucking you in the ass and the face. You’ll probably drown in jism – but,

it’s a hell of a way to go.”

Brandon’s laugh was stifled by Ben’s mouth pressing against his in a passionate tongue-probing

kiss. Startled, Brandon opened his eyes wide and glimpsed over Ben’s shoulder the rascal grin

of Eddie, still ploughing his ass. Brandon’s cock was shuddering and when Ben pulled back

Brandon said, “You guys, you’re gonna make me bust my load.”

“That was the general idea, “Ben said. “Pity Eddie’s got you pinned down, you’re probably

dying to touch your cock, but let me take care of that for you. This should finish you off.”

He moved from Brandon’s face, licking his neck, his pecs and his nipples, making him groan

and raise his chest. Then he moved lower, over his stomach and down to his shuddering cock.

He slid his mouth over it, down and up, matching the rhythm of Eddie’s cock moving in and out

of Brandon’s ass.

“Holy Shit,” Brandon groaned desperately. “I can’t take this, guys. I gotta cum.” The mere

thought of these two hot young studs, one fucking his ass the other sucking his dick, was

enough to make him cum, but the actual feel of it pushed him way over the edge and he yelled,

“Here it comes, guys …..!” His body jerked and his cock blasted hot jizz into Ben’s mouth.


Ben swallowed hard but was choking on it so he pulled off the cock, just in time for another

ribbon of Brandon’s cum to shoot upward onto Eddie’s chest.

At the same moment Eddie yelled, “Yeah, here it comes, kid, the first of many,” and his cock

erupted deep into Brandon’s ass. He shot one load, then pulled out quickly, stood up by the

bed and pulled Ben up beside him. “Hey, dude,” Eddie said to Ben, “look what the young punk

has done to us. His jizz is all over my chest and running down your chin. We gonna let him

get away with that?”

“Hell, no,” Ben said. “I told the little fucker he would drown in jism, so let’s do it buddy.”

Brandon was dazzled by the sight of the two boys grabbing each other’s cocks and stroking

them. In seconds he heard their howls and saw the cocks open up. But that was all he saw as

his face was smothered by semen splashing down on it, stream after stream, into his mouth and

down his chin. He swallowed desperately and for an instant felt he really was drowning in cum.

But as Ben had said, it was a hell of a way to go.


Things only got hotter from there. “Didn’t I hear the dude mention bondage?” Eddie asked

Ben. “Damn straight,” Ben said. “See kiddo, me and Eddie keep these ropes round the

bedposts for the nights when we want a bit of rough. You asked for it, dude, you got it. Each

one grabbed a wrist, pulled it up to the corner of the bed and tied it to the bedpost.

The only other time Brandon had been tied up was when the cop Mark had visited him and

cuffed his wrists behind his wheelchair. He had been scared then and was still nervous this

time, reflexively pulling at the ropes and twisting his upper body. “Shit, that looks awesome,

Eddie said. “And he’s all ours, Ben old buddy.”

“What you gonna do to me?” asked Brandon, turned on by the exhilaration of fear. “You guys

gonna fuck me again?” He felt the new thrill of being tied up at the mercy of two muscular

young studs, the houseboy and the gypsy, staring down at him and debating how they were

going to use his body

Eddie turned to Ben. “It’s up to you, dude – it’s your turn. You wanna fuck him? His hole’s

good and slick.”

Ben flicked at Brandon’s cock that was standing up proud as a flagpole. “Maybe,” he said, “but

it sure seems a shame to waste this boner here.” He jumped on the bed and stood astride

Brandon, his arms folded across his chest, his jet black hair falling over his blue eyes, a youthful

version of his brother Randy. “See, my brother raised us guys to be real tough, so I’d sure get

off on pile-driving your ass, boy. But on the other hand, your ass has already been stuffed by

my buddy here and now it looks like that stiff dick of yours could use a workout.”


Ben dropped to his knees astride Brandon and grinned down at him. “My master Jason told me

what he did to you in your house. Said it was great and I should try it sometime. Well, there’s

no time like the present.” With expert precision he lowered his ass onto Brandon’s cock …..

and sat down on it hard.”

“Aaahh!” Brandon yelled in shock and amazement, feeling the inside of a man’s ass for only the

second time in his life. His cock was deep inside the gypsy boy and he watched mesmerized

as Ben rose up almost off it, paused, then sat down heavily again, letting the boy’s cock plunge

back deep inside. It was a pornographic fantasy, the young gypsy moaning as he rose and fell

over him, fucking Brandon’s cock with his ass. “Oh man,” Brandon sighed, desperately holding

back his orgasm by tensing his ass muscles, which turned Ben on even more. “I don’t think I

can stop from….”

“Don’t cum yet, buddy.” It was Eddie, kneeling by the bed and speaking in his ear. “I know

Ben’s ass feels awesome – that’s why I fuck him so much. But you know, fucking is easy,

making love is more intense. You’ve probably not done much of it, so I’m gonna show you.

And you don’t have to be tied up to do it. Quickly Eddie released Brandon’s wrists and put his

hand under his head, cradling it. “Close your eyes a minute,” Eddie said.

Brandon did as he was told and felt Eddie’s warm tongue licking his eyes, then breathing hot air

over them. Eddie licked his forehead, his temples, his cheeks, then said, “Open your mouth,

Brandon.” Their mouths closed over each other and they were exchanging the same warm

breath, one inhaling while the other exhaled. Brandon had never felt so …. at peace … as Ben

rode his cock and Eddie made love to his face.

Eddie pulled back and said, “Open your eyes, kiddo.” When he did, Brandon found himself

looking up not just at a pair of mischievous eyes, but smiling eyes that were full of warmth and

affection… no – much more than affection …. it must be what they called love. And it felt like

nothing else in the world. He wrapped his hands round Eddie’s head and pulled his face

towards him, licking it, kissing it while he ran his fingers through Eddie’s tangled hair.

They finally pulled apart and both looked up at Ben grinning down at them as he continued to

ride Brandon’s cock. “Sure looks like boyfriend material to me,” Ben said. “You think a guy

can have two boyfriends at once?”

“This one can,” Eddie said. “Let’s show him how that feels. Give it to him, dude. Ride that

cock.” Ben bounced faster and faster like a cowboy riding a stallion while Eddie gazed into

Brandon’s eyes. “This is what we call a triple shock, kiddo …. you ready?”

Again they hugged, glorying in the touch of each other’s flesh, and again they kissed – more

passionately this time – until Brandon’s body bucked against Eddie’s and his muffled scream

into Eddie’s mouth was the signal for their second ‘triple shock’ together, three horny, loving


young guys all cumming at once. Eddie’s jizz poured over Brandon’s chest just as Ben sat

down heavily on his cock, making it erupt deep inside him.

Ben howled, grabbed his cock and pointed it at the two faces. “Aaagh…..!” His shout was

jubilant as he blasted a stream of semen that arced in the air and splashed down on the faces

as they kissed. Eddie and Brandon felt their mouths lubricated by Ben’s warm jism as they

ground their lips together, tasting, swallowing their buddy’s bitter-sweet juice.

Ben looked down at them in triumph, his cock still dripping cum. “Way to go, dudes. They

don’t call us the Three Amigos for nothing.”


Next door, lying naked in bed, Mario couldn’t possibly sleep through the screams of passion and

howls of laughter that came through the wall. Finally he got out of bed, pulled on a pair of black

briefs and walked out onto the narrow terrace that connected their rooms. He knocked on their

door and went in to find Brandon lying on the bed and Ben and Eddie rolling over the floor in

each other’s arms.

They jumped to their feet when they saw Mario and Eddie said, “Sorry dude, were we making

too much noise?”

Mario smiled and, in his lilting Italian accent, said, “Gentlemen, it is a well-known fact in any

country – Italy, America, anywhere – that if you’re giving a loud party you should always invite

the neighbors.”

“Damn, he’s right,” Ben said to Eddie, who was gazing at the beautiful young Italian with his

finely etched body and classically handsome European features. “Sorry, dude, we should have

thought of that. We were just getting to know our new boyfriend Brandon, but come and join

us? We’re not nearly finished. Long way to go yet.”

“Are you sure that applies to all of you?” Mario grinned, nodding at the bed where Brandon was

lying on his back, eyes closed, with a satisfied smile on his face.”

“Oh, wow,” Ben said in surprise. “He’s asleep.”

“Sleeping the sleep of the angels I would say,” Mario said gently. “He looks so beautiful. But I

don’t think there’s much play left in him for now. Amicos, Brandon has had probably the most

wonderful – and certainly the most crowded – day of his life, thanks largely to you, Eddie, and

now to Ben. But now he’s exhausted. He should sleep.”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” said Eddie. “Me and Ben can carry on on the floor, though, couldn’t we?”

“Not a good idea, I think,” Mario said. “The noise would wake him up and he’d want to join in.”


“OK, then,” said Ben uncertainly. “We’ll go to sleep with him and try not to disturb him.” Mario

smiled at him dubiously and Ben shrugged. “Wouldn’t work, eh? Yeah, you’re right.”

“Look, guys,” Mario said. “Why don’t you let me take him to my room? It’s quiet in there –

neighbors permitting,” he smiled – “and I have a big bed. He’d sleep all night there.”

Ben and Eddie looked at each other. They had been hoping for the three of them to sleep and

play together, but they realized now that wouldn’t be fair to Brandon. “OK, Mario, good idea,


“If you can bring in his wheelchair and his glasses I’ll do the rest,” Mario said. He leaned over

the bed, eased his arms under the sleeping boy and picked him up gently. Brandon stirred but

didn’t wake. “As I said,” Mario whispered, “the sleep of the angles.”

Ben held the door open while Mario carried Brandon to his room, followed by Eddie and the

wheelchair. Mario gently laid him on the bed and Eddie whispered, “You got a towel?” Mario

produced a damp towel that Eddie used very gently to wipe the cum drying on Brandon’s body.

Again the boy stirred and smiled in his sleep but didn’t wake. Eddie kissed him on the cheek,

then he and Ben tiptoed out.

The room was silent now and as Mario looked down at the angelic face a wave of affection

swept over him. Carefully, he eased into bed beside him, wrapped his arms around him and in

no time at all they were both asleep.


Brandon woke up slowly next morning. His first sense to come alive was his sense of smell – a

musky-sweet fragrance that eased him back to semi-consciousness. Next came the sense of

touch, the warm feel of smooth flesh with a similar soft sandalwood essence. Still half asleep

he opened his eyes to the blurred image of a handsome face with curly black hair and limpid

green eyes. Brandon had been dreaming of making love and instinctively he kissed the

beautiful face then dozed again, cheek to cheek.

The last sense to come alive was his hearing, a lyrical voice in his ear. “Buon giorno, giovane.

Come sta, amico?” That woke him up. Certainly not Eddie or Ben. He opened his eyes

wide and found himself gazing at Mario. Suddenly feeling flooded back to his body – a slight

soreness in his ass and a tingling in his cock. “Oh… Mario, it’s you. How did I get here?

You didn’t … we didn’t … I mean, did we?”

“No, amico. Much as I would have liked to I have a rule that I never make love to sleeping

boys. If you are feeling the after-effects of sex it is because you had quite a time with Eddie

and Ben next door. I should know,” he grinned, “I heard every sound. Then you fell asleep so


I brought you in here. And in case you have any doubts – no we didn’t - you slept all night,

mostly in my arms. Would you like some coffee?”

“That … that would be great,” Brandon stammered, his thoughts still reeling. He pulled himself

up the bed by his elbows and Mario put a pillow behind his head. He went over to where he

had a kettle and coffee press, and in a few minutes the aroma of strong Italian coffee filled the

room. Brandon’s head had cleared and he put on his glasses and looked around the room

which, despite its modest size, was furnished and decorated with an Italian flair.

“This room’s awesome,” Brandon said, “real cool – kinda elegant.”

“Grazie, amico – it is something we Italians are known for.”

“And it smells so good – you too by the way.”

“Ah, a little sandalwood incense, a light cologne – it doesn’t take much. Here’s your coffee.”

Mario served it on a tray with fine porcelain cups, a milk jug and sugar bowl with tongs. Brandon

felt a little over-awed by the elegant Italian and blurted out a question that had been on his

mind. Mario, how come you live alone – I mean, no master, no boy?”

“The answer is in your question, Brandon – ‘no master, no boy’. You can’t place me in either

category and neither can I. I don’t see myself as someone’s boy or someone’s master. I’m

like so many others – a simple young man looking for love. Jamie and I are best friends and

we make love sometimes, and I spend a lot of time with him and Mark. But of course, Jamie’s

first loyalty, his first love, is for Mark. But, one day I’m sure I will find someone who is free to be

‘mio amichetto’ – how do you say? – my boyfriend. But let me ask you the same question.

How come you live alone?”

“Huh, that’s easy,” Brandon laughed. “Not too many guys want a kid in a wheelchair. That is

until Eddie came along. He’s an awesome dude and I think me, him and Ben are gonna be

boyfriends – but I’ll still have sex with other guys if anyone wants to. Er, Mario, I’ve been

meaning to ask – like – are we gonna have sex now?”

Mario laughed, but not unkindly. No, amico. Much as I would like to I don’t – how you say? –

‘fuck on the first date’. I used to do that when I was a hotel waiter but now I like to get to know

a man first. I hardly know you, Brandon, but we can remedy that. Soon I will come up to your

apartment at the top of the hill and give you some help redecorating it if you would like.

“I really would like that – how you say? – ‘mio amico’. They laughed as Brandon threw Mario’s

words back at him, but just then there was an insistent knocking at the door. Before Mario could

open it Pablo burst in. “Hi, Mario – ah, Brandon, the guys told me you were here. Come on –

remember that early workout down in the gym that I promised you? I’ll help you down.”


“Oh, yeah, sure Pablo, thanks.” Brandon was sorry about the interruption – he would have

liked to talk to Mario some more – but he thought it was kind of Pablo to remember. Mario was

sorry too but he felt less forgiving. There was that domineering tone in Pablo’s voice that he

never liked … Pablo in the role of the ‘boss’s boy.’ And Mario had seen the way Pablo played

gym instructor – more like a drill sergeant.

Still, Brandon seemed willing as he hauled himself naked off the bed and into his wheelchair, so

Mario said, “Nice talking to you, Brandon – and even nicer sleeping with you. See you again

real soon.” Brandon leaned over from his wheelchair and kissed him on the lips. “Thanks for

taking care of me … amico.” And Pablo carried him off downstairs.


Pablo had earlier been briefed by Randy on how to treat Brandon. Above all, Randy had said,

Brandon wanted to be treated just like the other guys – no special treatment. The rest of the

boys got this instinctively, which is why Brandon was having such a great time with them. But

when Pablo trained a boy in the gym it was more like boot camp – he worked them real hard,

belittled them if that’s what he thought they needed and he let his language rip. Right, Pablo

thought, so Brandon would get the same treatment.

Brandon was still in awe of the tough, muscular boss’s boy, a junior version of Randy – but

there was a difference. Randy could be tough, of course, but he always respected a boy’s

limits and Brandon had trusted Randy not to hurt him when he had offered his virgin ass to him

before anyone else.

Pablo always tried to copy Randy – with all his toughness but without his finesse. So Brandon

knew the workout would be tough but he wanted to be taught by an expert to bring his abs and

upper body up to the high standard of the other boys. So he eased himself out of his wheelchair

and lay on his back on a bench, still naked.

The session started well as Pablo put him through a session of crunches and other abdominal

exercises that he skilfully adapted for a boy who doesn’t have the use of his legs. Brandon

worked hard and felt the satisfying burn in his abs – a result of Pablo’s ‘no-pain-no-gain’

attitude. But when Brandon’s energy flagged or his form wasn’t perfect the drill sergeant took

over, browbeating him with language that went way over the top.

“Come on, boy, that all you got? Just because your legs don’t work is no reason to cheat on

the top half. That’s no excuse, so don’t wimp out on me. You gotta be tough, boy, even more

so ‘coz you’re disabled.” And don’t look to me for sympathy just because you’re in a wheelchair.

You’ll get no special treatment from me. Come on – fifteen more reps.”

The words pierced Brandon like a dagger. It was a point of pride for him that he never sought

sympathy, always tried to forget his disability and wanted others to forget it too. He worked his

upper body real hard wheeling his chair and always declined help. So when Pablo as good as


accused him of playing the ‘cripple card’, as spiteful guys had called it in the past, it drained him

of all the self-confidence he had built up with the other boys. He was back to resenting his

condition, hating his useless legs, and sliding back to depression.

But he gritted his teeth and pushed through the rest of the session trying to ignore the cruel

words that kept coming. He was relieved when Pablo finally said, “OK, that’s it for today. A

few more sessions and we’ll whip you into shape. Except we’re not quite done. This last

exercise is not in any training manual but it’s something a guy has to do for his trainer.”

Brandon was lying on his stomach on a bench facing the mirrored wall and he tensed suddenly,

knowing how vulnerable his ass was.

“See, when a guy first joins the tribe Randy always fucks his ass as a kind of initiation. He’s

done it to all of them, even Mark, Zack and Hassan – even his own brother, Steve. Now me,

as the boss’s boy, I do the same to the boys. My dad Randy has already opened you up and

those guys upstairs probably ploughed your ass last night, so this should be a breeze.” Pablo

stripped down to his jock strap, threw his leg over the bench and stood astride Brandon, smiling

arrogantly at him in the mirror.

Normally Brandon would have been excited at the prospect of getting fucked by the handsome,

muscular boy, towering over him in nothing but his jock, but the gym session had soured him on

Pablo and he didn’t trust him the way he had trusted Randy. So he clenched his jaw as Pablo

pulled his hard rod out of his jock, leaned forward and braced his hands on the bench beside

Brandon’s face. Brandon didn’t expect foreplay, and didn’t get it. Pablo lowered his hips,

pressed the head of his cock between Brandon’s ass-cheeks …. and drove it deep inside.

“Aaaagh!” For the first time Brandon felt real pain. When he had been fucked by Randy and

then Eddie there had been discomfort at first but then nothing but pure pleasure. But this time

the pain didn’t go away as Pablo pistoned his cock deeper and deeper into his ass. “Bit

different from the other guys, eh boy? This time you’re getting reamed by the boss’s boy, so

brace yourself, kid. This is the way I fuck, so don’t think I’m gonna treat you any differently just

because you can’t walk. After this you won’t even be able to sit down!”

The fuck was savage but mercifully short. Brandon raised his head and looked into the mirror

and the sight was pretty erotic of the tough, handsome young stud flexing his muscles as he

rode his ass, unruly hair flying across his face. But whatever charge Brandon got out of looking

at Pablo was more than outweighed by the pain in his ass. “Please, Pablo, it hurts. Ease up,

please, sir. I can’t take it.”

“OK, you wanna feel my jizz in your ass? Randy always makes guys beg, so let me hear it boy.”

“OK, sir,” Brandon moaned, tears flowing down his cheeks. “Please cum inside my ass …..

please, I’m begging you – shoot your load in my ass, sir.”


“That’s all I needed to hear, boy. Here it comes …. Now!” He roared as he cock blasted hot

cum in Brandon’s sore ass and Brandon howled. The pain he felt was eased a bit when his own

cock shot a stream of juice between his stomach and the bench and he tried to relax his ass.

“How’s that feel, boy?” Pablo asked. “It hurts,” Brandon whimpered. “My ass hurts.”

“Yeah, well like I always say, kid, ‘No Pain No Gain’.”


A few minutes later Brandon was back in his wheelchair wearing an old pair of shorts and a T-

shirt that Pablo had pulled out of a pile of gym clothes that lay tossed in a corner of the room.

“OK, where to next, kid?” Pablo asked.

“I, er, promised I’d help the twins with breakfast.” Pablo carried him in his wheelchair upstairs

and said. “OK, Brandon, another session again soon, eh?” Pablo had an uneasy feeling that

he hadn’t handled Brandon too well, though after all he had only been following the advice

Randy had given him.

“Er, yeah, thanks Pablo,” Brandon said. He put on his glasses and wheeled himself quickly

away to the kitchen. He needed the calm good humor and placid self-assurance of the twins as

an antidote to the tough, demeaning treatment he had just endured at the hands of the ‘boss’s

boy’. And it worked, with their cheerful greeting and their putting him to work, wheeling out tray

after tray of food to the boisterous crowd at the breakfast table by the pool.

But throughout the meal some of the boys noticed that Brandon was not his usual effervescent

self that he had been just a short time before. He was sitting between Eddie and Ben who

managed to make him laugh, but Jamie and Mario exchanged worried glances. They both

knew where Brandon had been, and who with, and they had a fair idea of what Pablo had done.

“Don’t worry,” Jamie whispered to Mario. “I’ll take care of it.”

As soon as he could Jamie made their excuses, saying he needed to give Brandon an

orientation on the procedures in the business office. Jamie and Brandon left the table and

Jamie pulled him backwards up the stairs to the office. When they were sitting facing each

other Jamie said, “OK, Brandon what’s up?”

“Up? Nothing’s up,” Brandon smiled weakly, trying, and failing, to look surprised.

“Look, buddy, Mario and I have a fair idea of how your workout session went. I know Pablo

well. I also know you don’t want to rat on anyone and I can understand that. But whatever

happened Pablo will tell Randy – he tells him the absolute truth – and the way things work here

it’ll soon be all over the house. So, just between you and me, tell me exactly what happened.”


So Brandon did. He had wanted to share his problem with someone and he trusted Jamie. As

he told his story Jamie clenched his jaw and his fists, picturing the scene of Pablo pulling his

tough-guy act on the vulnerable Brandon. Brandon ended his story with a plea. “I don’t know

how to tell Pablo I don’t wanna work out with him anymore.”

“Don’t worry about that, buddy. I’ll tell him – and I’ll tell him why. Listen, he may be Randy’s

boy but I’m Mark’s boy. Mark commands a ton of respect in this house and that gives me at

least as much status here as Pablo. I want you to trust and confide in me, Brandon. After all,

we’ll be working together, I’m happy to say.” He gave Brandon a hug, then added, “OK, let’s put

all this behind us and get to work.”


Later in the afternoon while Brandon was in the pool with Mario, Eddie and Ben, Jamie phoned

Pablo and asked him to come up to the office.

“You summoned me, sir?” Pablo said sarcastically as he came in, though his usual arrogance

had an edge of insecurity to it.

“Yeah,” Jamie said sternly, “and I’ll get right to the point. About Brandon.” He launched into a

full recitation of everything Brandon had told him, the boot camp workout, the cruel, unthinking

words and the fuck, “which borders on rape in my book,” Jamie concluded. “Way to go, Pablo.

You did everything possible to undermine the kid, remind him of his disability and rip away all

his self-confidence. And don’t get mad and think Brandon snitched on you. I insisted he told

me and anyway, it’s gonna be all over the place soon, you know this house as well as I do.”

Pablo’s normal reaction would have been to flare up and slug Jamie. But he heard the truth of

his words and realized how much he had hurt Brandon, a boy he respected and admired for his

courage. “I was only trying to do what Randy said and treat him like all the other guys – not pull

any punches. But I guess I fucked up again. Shit. And I really like the kid, too.” He paused,

then said meekly, “How’s he ding with the office work up here?”

“Great, actually. I think I’m gonna put him in charge of payroll – it takes up so much of my time.

Only thing I’ll have to do is drive him over to the construction site for the meeting with Randy in

his trailer for his weekly review of the payroll details. Soon Brandon will be able to handle the

meeting without me, except I’ll have to take him there of course. Anyway, buddy, I’ve had my

say and that’s that. Perhaps you can think up some cool way to make amends to Brandon.”

“Yeah,” said Pablo, his thoughts already churning over.


That evening Pablo called Randy at the lake and made a clean breast of the whole incident.

“So it looks as if I’ve been a total fuck-up, sir.”


“Yeah, you and me both,” Randy said ruefully, looking over at Bob and thinking how, only hours

earlier, he had shown off to Ranger Pete, insulted Bob in the process and got a tongue lashing

from Bob. You take after me in fuck-ups. But I see what you were trying to do – hell, I told you

to do it – but I guess it’s a bit more complicated than I told you. When I get back we’ll talk

about it – and I guess I’ll have to punish you by fucking your ass.”

“I guess so, sir,” said Pablo, grinning for the first time. “In the meantime, sir, I’ve thought of a

way of making it up to Brandon, but I need your approval.” He explained what he had in mind

and Randy said, “Sounds like a plan. Go for it kiddo. Make me proud of you.”


That evening Randy and Bob got back from the lake. As always when they had been away

together they had a glow about them that Zack had once said was so bright it could set the

brush on fire.

There was a welcome home dinner, of course, and it was becoming standard practice that

Brandon was the runner, wheeling himself between the kitchen and the outdoor table, his lap

loaded with trays of food that he handed off to the other boys for setting up the table. This

activity and the general acceptance by everyone that he was now one of them almost made him

forget his experience in the gym, though he kept his distance from Pablo, fearing an invitation to

another workout session.

The following week saw the resumption of the usual house and work routine. Preserving his

independence Brandon went back to his apartment most evenings, though one of the boys went

with him to help him up the hill and make sure he got home all right.

During the day he worked enthusiastically with Jamie and soon became familiar with the payroll

procedures. On Friday Jamie drove him to the construction site for their weekly meeting and

they spent an hour with Randy in his trailer where he went over the printout. As usual he asked

a lot of questions in his gruff way.

“What the fuck? This guy never worked this many hours – no way.”

“Yes, sir,” Brandon said, pushing his glasses firmly up the bridge of his nose. “See, here’s his

time sheet. Remember, you had him stay late last Monday to finish off a job with Dave?

Dave’s timesheet is the same, in case you were going to ask.”

"Yeah, but Dave's on a higher pay scale."

"I know, sir, but you were asking about hours not dollars and the hours are identical."


Randy’s gruffness gave way to a broad smile. “Hey, kid, remind me not to contradict you again.

If we got in a fight I’ve a feeling you’d come out on top. Better watch out, Jamie. The kid’ll be

putting you out of a job.”

“Oh no, sir,” Brandon protested, “I would never …..”

“Just kidding, little buddy.” Randy ruffled his hair. “Bob was right about you. He knew you’d

do great.” As he left with Jamie Brandon was glowing with the warmth of Randy’s approval.

As for Pablo the guys didn’t see much of him all week and most nights he didn’t get home until

late. At the beginning of the week he had gone to see his pal Derek at the auto supply place he

used for all the company’s vehicle equipment needs. “Hey, buddy,” Pablo said, “I need a favor.”

Derek, an older man, liked Pablo a lot and grinned. “Kid, you bring me so much business I’d

wipe your ass for you if you wanted.” Pablo laughed, “Nothing so drastic, man …. what I need

doesn’t involve ass …. well, only indirectly….


Saturday came round again and the guys were taking it easy round the pool. Bob suddenly

asked, “Hey where’s Pablo?”

Darius gave a dramatic shrug and opened his eyes wide. “Don’t ask me, sir. I’ve hardly seen

him all week – and we share a bed. We haven’t fucked all week. He comes in real late and

leaves at crack of dawn. Got some mysterious project going but he’s not talking. But he did

say he’d be here around noon.” As if on cue there was a squeal of brakes outside. “Well talk

of the devil,” Darius said – “and I do mean devil.”

Seconds later Pablo came through the gate looking very pleased with himself. He was wearing

his usual work gear – greasy dungarees hooked over just one shoulder, nothing underneath.

“Hey Brandon,” he yelled out. “Come here, dude, I’ve got something to show you.”

Tentatively Brandon wheeled himself outside and put on his glasses but saw nothing except

Pablo’s small red pickup truck. As the other guys crowded round Pablo said. “This faithful

pickup of mine I keep at work but almost never use it now that Randy’s given me his big truck

after Bob bought him a new one. So, Brandon, old buddy ….. it’s all yours.”

There was a shocked gasp all round, not least from Brandon who thought this might be a rather

sick joke. But Pablo was enjoying himself and opened the driver’s door. So get in, dude.”

Brandon looked around bewildered until Randy said, “Better do as he says, boy.” (Randy was

in on the scheme, having OK’d it in the first place.) The small pickup sat low enough for

Brandon to wheel himself up beside it and pull himself out of his chair and into the driver’s seat.


As he had done when driven by others, he expertly folded his chair pulled it in and stored it on

the passenger seat. Then suddenly everything became blindingly clear.

“Pablo, you didn’t …” His eyes became moist as he stared at the newly installed hand controls.

“Did the conversion all myself,” Pablo said proudly, “with a bit of help from my auto-supply

buddy. Wasn’t that complicated actually, and I know they work ‘coz I drove it here myself.

Hand controls are as easy as foot controls when you get the hang of it. I’ll give you driving

lessons myself, dude, and you’ll be a driver in no time. Then you’ll be able to drive yourself to

your Friday meeting with Randy …. if you’re not too scared to face him and his questions all

alone,” he added with his crooked urchin grin at Randy.

As the guys realized what Pablo had done a great cheer went up and everyone crowded round

him with hugs and congratulations. He was the hero of the hour. But suddenly they were

silenced by a gruff voice.

“Now wait just a goddam minute, here. Seems to me, boy, you’re trying to slide out of that

punishment session I promised you a week ago. You thought I’d forgotten. Now get that cute

ass of yours upstairs to my room, take off those dungarees and wait for me on the bed. I might

even ask my friend Bob to help me with your punishment. You up for that, buddy?”

“Absolutely,” Bob grinned, “provided I get equal time on his ass.”

“So what are you still doing here, kid?” Randy growled. “Scram!”

“Aye, aye, sir,” Pablo beamed and ran through the gate, his ass twitching with the thought of

getting fucked by two of the most beautiful men in the world.


And so Pablo got his ‘punishment’ and Brandon got his car. Later that evening Pablo drove

Brandon home up the hill to his apartment in Brandon’s truck – giving him his first 3-minute

driving lesson. When they stopped Pablo said nervously, “Listen, kiddo, all that stuff earlier.

I’m sorry I was such an asshole and ……”

“Forget it, Pablo. I have. And I think I understand you now. You really are the boss’s boy,

aren’t you?”

Pablo grinned sheepishly. “I like to think so.”

“I know you do,” Brandon smiled. “And so do I. I love you Pablo.” He kissed him on the

cheek, then unfolded his wheelchair, eased himself into it and wheeled himself to his door.

Pablo watched him with a surge of tenderness of a kind he had never felt before. And as he


drove back down the hill he realized he was feeling a different kind of love that he had never felt

before either.


Brandon climbed into bed, put his glasses on the night table and lay back on the pillows. But

sleep was slow in coming. His mind was crammed with memories of the past week ….. of the

fun sex he had had with his two new boyfriends Eddie and Ben ….. of waking up beside Mario

and the talk they had had over coffee …. of Pablo and his clumsiness in the gym, followed by

his generosity in giving him the biggest present he had ever had.

Mario had told him they weren’t going to have sex, but even so he was dying to spend more

time with him. There was something about his quiet maturity, his elegance and good taste that

was new and intriguing to Brandon. Then there was Jamie. Working so close to him how long

could he keep his hands off the hot young surfer? Every day Jamie waited for Mark to come

home and fuck him … must look incredible … he’d like to be a fly on the wall of that room ….

It was all too much to take in and everything was going so fast it made him nervous that it would

all disappear just as fast, like a dream after you wake up. Perhaps Bob had been right when he

suggested that he go to see the therapist who was Randy’s brother. Steve was his name,

wasn’t it? Maybe he could help him sort everything out.

“Maybe …. maybe …. his mind wandered, but before he could come up with any answers

Brandon was fast asleep.

# # #

Chapter 228 – Sexual Compulsion

If he had fallen asleep full of doubts Brandon awoke next morning full of promise. He had a

family, he had a job as Jamie’s assistant, and he even had a car – if he could learn to drive it.

Still drowsy he pulled himself out of bed and into his wheelchair and went to the kitchen to throw

together his solitary breakfast of cereal and coffee. No, he laughed to himself, those days are

over. It was early but he knew the twins would be up already and making a start on breakfast

for the hungry tribe. It had become a habit for Brandon to help them – and he loved doing it.

He showered quickly in his specially equipped shower, pulled on shorts and a T-shirt, put on his

glasses, and in a few minutes he was rolling himself down the hill. He had his own key to the

gate, let himself in and went straight to the kitchen.


Empty – no signs of life. Of course – Sunday! That was a day for a late breakfast – more like

brunch really – and everyone slept in late after their sexual exertions of Saturday night. The

twins usually spent that night with Bob and Randy and they were still there no doubt.

Brandon wheeled himself back out to the garden and sat there, blinking uncertainly behind his

black-rimmed glasses. Suddenly, from over his shoulder, “Buongiorno, amico.” The musical

Italian accent made Brandon spin round – and his jaw dropped. Mario was wearing black gym

shorts and nothing else, except for a white towel draped round his neck. He had obviously

come from the basement gym as his ripped muscles were still flexed and his perfect physique

gleamed with a light sheen of sweat. “You are early, my friend.”

Brandon gulped and found his voice. “Yeah, too early. I forgot it was Sunday. Everyone’s

still asleep.”

“Everyone except me,” Mario smiled. “I like to use the gym early as it gets crowded on

Sundays with all these boys trying to improve on already perfect bodies. What a pleasure to

find you here. Andiamo, we shall have coffee together in my room as we did once before.”

On their way cross the garden Mario stopped at a table covered with trays of young plants.

“Ecco – this is my table where I transplant seedlings into pots. I just bought a lot that I will

transplant today. You can help me if you would like to.”

“I would like that a whole lot,” Brandon said, his eyes sparkling, his cock stirring in his shorts.

“Good, then it’s a date,” Mario smiled. “Here let me help you.” He scooped Brandon out of his

wheelchair, cradled him in his arms and carried him upstairs to his room. Nestled against the

Italian’s muscular body, still damp with sweat, and looking up into his green eyes Brandon

almost creamed his shorts. Mario pushed the door open with his elbow and settled Brandon

gently in a chair by the table.

“If you will excuse me I need to rinse off after the gym – and then, coffee.” As Mario walked to

the bathroom he dropped his gym shorts and Brandon inhaled sharply as he glimpsed the round

globes of Mario’s ass, ivory white against the sharp tan lines of his bronzed body.

Soon Brandon heard the sounds of the shower and imagined Mario’s naked body in the steam,

water running over his black hair and handsome face as he soaped up his muscles still pumped

from the gym. He fantasized about sitting on a stool and sucking Mario’s cock, an erotic image

that made him stroke the bulge in his shorts. He heard the water turn off and rubbed his bulge

harder as he waited breathlessly for Mario to emerge.

“Aaah…” Brandon moaned out loud as Mario came out of the bathroom buck naked, with a

white towel slung over one shoulder. Mario sighed, “Eccellente! Nothing like a hot shower

after the gym.” He grabbed the towel and rubbed his curly black hair so vigorously that his long

cock swung between his legs. Brandon gazed at the beautiful, naked Italian in disbelief. He


pressed his hand on his shorts to stop from cumming but it was too late. “Oh…” he gasped and

blushed deeply as he came in his shorts.

Mario threw back his tousled wet hair and laughed. “I am glad you are so pleased to see me,

amico. Here, I think you will need this.” He tossed the damp towel to him and Brandon

nervously stuffed it under his shorts trying to wipe up most of the jism. Mario picked up a light,

blue and white cotton dressing gown and wrapped it loosely round him, tied at the waist with the

top flopping open, revealing his sculpted chest. The effect was elegant and ultra-sexy at the

same time and Brandon, incredibly, already felt his cock stirring again.

Mario moved round the room with the poise of an athlete and soon Brandon was facing a table

set with two small bowls, warm milk, croissants and aromatic Italian coffee – with Mario sitting

opposite him. “Caffè con latte, I think,” Mario said, pouring coffee and milk into both of the

bowls. He dipped his croissant into his bowl, pulled it out soggy and dripping, raised it up and,

tilting his head back, lowered it into his mouth. “Mmm, delizioso … not the ideal food after a

workout but who cares?”

Brandon copied him rather clumsily, and laughed as the warm coffee ran down his chin. Mario

applauded. “Just like an Italian. We could be in Milano …. maybe one day we will be and I’ll

show you my city.” Brandon was feeling so ….. ‘Continental’ was the only word he could come

up with, though he wasn’t even sure what that meant. All he knew was that he loved being

here with Mario in the quiet of the early morning before the other guys had stirred. It felt special

…. even glamorous somehow.

But he was still embarrassed about his unintended orgasm and said, “Er, Mario, that thing I did

– cumming and all – it’s just that I couldn’t help it and …..”

Mario laughed, “Amico, you don’t have to apologize. I consider it a compliment that you

ejaculated just by looking at me.”

“Yeah but, I dunno, when I’m at this house I seem to have a more or less permanent woody. I

want to fuck with every one of them.”

“I know just what you mean, Brandon. When I first came here I was the same. Surrounded by

such beautiful men who would not have, as you say, a ‘permanent woody’? That’s a great

English word by the way, I must remember it – ‘woody’. See, my vocabulary grows all the time.

“Not that there is anything wrong with frequent erections in a sexy young man such as yourself,

but you do have to be careful that sexual lust does not consume you and shut out the possibility

of love. Right now, when you first see a man your thoughts go straight to fucking, rather than

getting to know him first and building a friendship that is not focused only on your cock.”


Brandon could have listened all day to the lyrical Italian accent with its carefully modulated

English, but his words sank in too. “I guess that’s why you say you don’t fuck on the first date.

But how can you hold back when your cock is hard as a rock?”

“It is all about not always thinking with your cock, curbing your bodily impulses – as I am doing

right now with you.” Their eyes met and Brandon’s bodily impulses took a leap. “Something

that helped me a lot was a few therapy sessions with Doctor Steve. You have not met him yet

but I hope you do. His methods can be quite unorthodox but he has helped most of the guys in

the house at one time or another.” Brandon remembered Bob making the same suggestion.

Changing the subject Mario said, “So, mi amico, you have a busy time ahead of you, especially

today, helping the twins, working on the seedlings with me, getting your first driving lesson from

Pablo and, I’m sure, spending a little time with Jamie in the office. But when your active life

calms down a little maybe I could invite you to a movie someday soon, with dinner afterwards?”

“That would be great,” Brandon beamed. “Kind of a date, you mean?”

“I prefer not to put labels on things,” Mario smiled. “That creates expectations and I’d rather let

life take its natural course. So let’s just say dinner and a movie and we’ll take it from there.

Here, have some more coffee.”

Brandon was rather sorry that Mario was ‘curbing his bodily impulses’ quite so successfully.


Brandon would have liked to emulate Mario’s poise and self-control but he had only just entered

this world of gorgeous men and seemingly non-stop sex, so his restraint was constantly put to

the test. And later in the day he found himself in a situation where he was not only thinking with

his cock but letting it take over completely.

The day began placidly enough. The twins were the first to stir, as usual, and when he heard

them going to the kitchen Brandon reluctantly said goodbye to Mario, thanking him for the ‘caffè

con latte’, his words of wisdom – and his promise of dinner and a movie. The twins welcomed

him as warmly as ever and immediately put him to work.

Sunday brunch was always a festive affair, and today was no exception. As Brandon was

wheeling out the last plates of food he almost collided with two men coming through the gate.

He hadn’t met them before but immediately recognized one of them as Dr. Steve because of his

remarkable resemblance to his brother Randy.

Steve flashed a gleaming smile at him and said, “You must be Brandon – what a pleasure to

meet you after everything I’ve heard about you – all of it good, I must say, and none of it

exaggerated now that I see you. This is Lloyd, my lover and Randy’s architect.”


Brandon blinked behind his glasses as he shook their hands. Jeez, this house just won’t quit,

he thought to himself as his cock lurched in his shorts. He was gazing up at a sophisticated

duplicate of Randy, with the same rugged good looks but without the rugged manners. And

Lloyd was another hunk, with handsome square-jawed features, dark hair and an obviously

gym-honed physique under his Polo shirt and shorts.

Brandon was at a loss for words but he was rescued by Mario who came up and said, “Hello,

Doctor, hi Lloyd. Brandon has only been here short while but I mentioned to him that he could

probably use a therapy session with you soon, Steve.”

“I should say,” Steve laughed. “Any red-blooded boy with raging hormones tossed into this

group should get therapy right away. You’ve probably shot bucketsful of jizz already, eh

Brandon?” The boy blushed and nodded. “Good, well just call my office and make an

appointment and I look forward to talking to you …” he whispered conspiratorially … “plus

whatever else it takes to solve your problems.”

During the meal Brandon let the flood of competing conversations wash over him as he

exchanged excited glances with Eddie, Ben and Mario. When it was over he helped the twins

clear away and then Pablo spirited him away for his first driving lesson in his new truck. After

their rocky start Pablo and Brandon had bonded in a close friendship where Pablo played the

older brother that Brandon had never had.

Driving lessons can often create tension between instructor and learner, but when they got back

Pablo said to the other guys, “Perfect first lesson, perfect student – no fights, no punches. He’ll

be driving in no time. I’m gonna call the DMV tomorrow and schedule his driving test.”

By this time the guys were all lounging around the pool, all except Mark who was working today,

his shift ending in late afternoon. Mario was sitting at his gardening table working on his

seedlings so Brandon wheeled himself over and was soon engrossed in horticulture. “Bob has

asked for more color in the garden,” Mario explained, “so I’ll show you what I bought.”

Eddie was watching them with their heads together in close conversation punctuated by bursts

of laughter. With sparkling eyes Eddie grinned over at Bob and Hassan and rolled his eyes in

the direction of Mario and Brandon. Bob nodded enthusiastically and said to Hassan, “That kid

of yours is no fool, buddy. He knows exactly what’s going on and he’s got a heart as big as

Texas. You must be real proud of him.”

“I love him to pieces,” Hassan smiled, “and tonight he’ll sleep with me and I’ll show him just how


Bob grinned, “Another dose of Marine ‘punishment’ like the last time? Bet the kid can’t wait.”



Sometime later Jamie strolled over to the table where Mario and Brandon were just finishing

their work. “Hey, dude,” Jamie said casually to Mario, “could I borrow Brandon for a few

minutes? Sorry to break up this love-fest with the seedlings you guys have got going here.”

“Stupido,” Mario laughed. “Of course, if Brandon agrees. We’ve finished here anyway and

we’ll have lots of time later, eh amico?” Brandon kissed him on the cheek and wheeled himself

after Jamie. Mark and Jamie’s apartment was on the ground floor so Brandon rolled inside with

no problem and followed Jamie into the bedroom.

Jamie was wearing his usual faded board shorts and loose tank top and Brandon’s cock got

hard as it always did around the hot young surfer, though so far when they were together it was

all business. “Sorry for dragging you away on a Sunday,” Jamie said, opening his laptop, “but I

wanted your opinion on something I’m working on.” He smiled. “Bob says I’m a workaholic but I

was just going over this project while I was waiting for Mark. His shift ends soon.”

By now Brandon knew what ‘waiting for Mark’ meant. Everyone in the house was very familiar

with the ritual. When the cop got home after eight hours astride his police motorcycle he was

horny as hell and needed to fuck – and Jamie had to be waiting for him. Brandon looked over to

the bed, the very bed where the cop would fuck his boy, and his cock got harder in his shorts.

Jamie broke into his fantasy. “See, buddy, check this out. I was thinking of transferring this

whole payroll section here to the application you use. What do you think?”

“Sure, it’s a great idea. Then I don’t have to keep toggling from one program to the other. In

fact, you could ….”

His words died in his throat as the door was flung open and there, backlit by the sun, was the

homoerotic figure of the blond police officer in full black uniform, legs astride, chest heaving,

eyes gleaming with lust.


“Oh, sorry sir,” said Jamie instantly. He slammed his laptop shut and stood up. He pulled off

his tank top, dropped his shorts and lay naked on his back on the bed. Brandon blushed with

embarrassment and wheeled himself quickly to the door.

“Hey, Brandon,” Mark said, “where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m leaving, sir. I’m sorry I shouldn’t be here. I know that you and Jamie want to ….”

“We wanna fuck, sure,” Mark grinned. “I’ve riding been around with a hard-on all day thinking

about my boy’s ass. But there’s no reason for you to leave. About time you got a look at what

your boss does when he’s not working. You up for that, Jamie?”


“Sure, sir,” Jamie said, nodding encouragement to Brandon. “That would be way cool.”

“You’d have to just watch at first though, kiddo,” Mark said.

“Absolutely, sir.” Brandon said. “I’ll just sit over here and watch. Used to do it all the time with

my videos. I’m very good at watching.” His odd use of words made him blink behind his

glasses and Mark smiled at him. “Yeah, well this is no video, it’s life in the raw and hotter than

a movie, I guarantee. Does your porn collection have any scenes of a cop fucking a gorgeous

young surfer?”

“No, sir, but I’ve fantasized about it …. especially lately,” he said quietly and blushed again.

“Well sit back and enjoy the real thing, kiddo.” Mark went into their small kitchen and came

back with two beers, one of which he gave to Brandon. He took a swig of the other, then

turned his attention to Jamie. His voice became gruff and he paced the room as he spoke to

him. “As for you, boy, where are you supposed to be whenever I get off work?”

“On the bed naked, sir.”

“And where were you today?”

“Working at my computer, sir. I’m sorry, sir.”

“‘Sorry’ don’t cut it, boy. It’s that sweet ass of yours that has to pay. Come on, show it to me.”

Jamie turned over on his hands and knees and Brandon gasped as he saw the round white

globes of his ass pushed in the air. Jamie had a deep golden tan from all the time he spent at

the beach and sharp tan lines accentuated the whiteness of his perfect butt. His head hung

down in submission to his master, his long, tousled blond hair falling forward.

Brandon’s cock was throbbing. Up to now he had always seen Jamie as a beautiful, proud and

self-assured young man, one of the most senior boys in the house, and Brandon’s boss. But

now here he was on his hands and knees surrendering to his master, the magnificent uniformed

cop, a Greek God who could make any boy bow his head in submission.

Brandon’s favorite videos were the master/slave ones and his sexiest image had always been of

a young stud submitting to an authority figure, putting himself at his mercy. And now he was

seeing the best.

As the stunning, muscular cop circled him he undid a couple of buttons of his shirt, displaying

the white T-shirt underneath stretched over his chest. He took a slug of beer and stared at

Jamie’s ass. “Look at me, boy.” Jamie raised his handsome face, his blond hair falling over

his forehead as he gazed at the police officer. “You weren’t ready for me today, boy, so you’re


gonna pay with your ass.” Mark raised his arm, making his shirt’s short sleeve slide back from

his bicep, and slapped the palm of his hand across one cheek of his boy’s ass.

“Aaah,” Jamie gasped and his face grimaced with a flash of pain. “What do you say, boy?”

“Thank you, sir.”

“You want more?”

“Yes please, sir. Punish my ass, sir.”

Brandon watched the white globes bounce under the blows of his master’s hand, first one cheek

then the other. Brandon’s reflex was to go forward and help him, but he held back when he

saw the look of ecstasy on Jamie’s face, and his cock hanging stiff as a pole beneath him.

Brandon’s own cock was rock hard in his shorts and he knew one touch would release his load.

Mark pulled away from the bed and Brandon gazed in awe at Jamie’s ass, the white globes now

marked with red hand prints. Mark took another hit of beer and growled, “That was just the

start, boy. Now for the real action.”

He put down his beer, unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. Brandon gasped at the

pornographic vision of the cop stripped down to his white T-shirt, the contours of his broad

shoulders and muscular chest etched under the thin cotton, biceps bulging under the short

sleeves. His torso slanted down to where the shirt was cinched by the heavy police belt at his

slim waist. His black pants with silver stripe were tucked into his shiny black motorcycle boots.

Mark had been right – this beat any porn video … the gorgeous, muscle-stud cop pacing round

the athletic young surfer, naked on hands and knees offering his ass to his master. Brandon’s

gaze moved from the submissive boy’s red-striped ass to the cop towering over him and he

knew what was about to happen. The cop had already slapped the boy’s ass …. and now he

was going to fuck it.

Brandon stared at the cop in his tight T-shirt, then at the blond surfer waiting to get fucked. The

fantasy was so erotic that he lost control, his cock shuddered and ... "aah" .... he creamed his

shorts with a blast of hot, sticky cum.

Whether or not Mark and Jamie were aware that he had cum they paid no attention, focused as

they were on each other. “Damn, I want that ass,” Mark growled. He slapped it once more,

spat on it and pushed two fingers into the hole, massaging it inside before pulling out. “OK,

boy, show me how you should have been when I came in.” Instantly Jamie rolled over onto his

back, hooked his hands behind his knees and pulled his legs far back, displaying his hole with

its downy fuzz of blond hair.


Mark at last knelt on the foot of the bed. He unzipped his uniform pants and pulled out his long,

iron-hard cock and rested the tip against the warm, damp hole. “You know I’ve been waiting for

this all day. You want it too, boy?”

“Yes, sir, please, sir,” shouted Jamie in desperation. “Please let me feel your cock in my ass.”

“OK, boy,” the cop roared. He yanked off his T-shirt, grabbed Jamie’s ankles and pushed them

high in the air. “Let’s fuck!” The cop plunged his massive rod deep in the boy’s ass and the

young surfer’s body arched, his head flew back and he screamed, “Thank you, sir.”

Brandon gazed in disbelief at the beautiful, bare-chested cop, arms stretched up as he moved

his hips back and then, his muscles rippling, slammed his cock back into his boy’s ass. The

image was overwhelming for Brandon and he pulled his cock from his shorts, stroked it once

and it erupted for a second time, this time all over his own chest.


Brandon had no idea how many times he came from then on ….. it was the most amazing fuck

he had ever seen, in real life or on video. Jamie reached up and grabbed the corner posts of

the bed. Mark let go of his legs, which the boy kept high in the air, bracing himself against the

ramrod of the cop’s steel shaft. Mark stared down at his beautiful boy and said, “Here we go,

stud – just how you like it.” He put his hands on his hips that pistoned back and forth as he

pounded his ass.

This is what Jamie lived for. He gazed up at the god-like cop, stripped to the waist, hands on

hips, his muscles flexed and gleaming, his eight-back abs clenching every time his hips

slammed forward. “Yeah” ….. Mark pumped his fists in the air in jubilation as he took full

possession of his golden boy. Then he fell forward and pressed his palms on Jamie’s pecs.

“You’re fucking gorgeous, Jamie, your ass feels so damn hot and I love you to death. Make

love to me boy.”

With Jamie still impaled on his cock Mark fell forward and passionately kissed the boy’s face,

his cheeks, his forehead, his eyes. He pressed their mouths together and instantly they were

locked in a wild, ravenous kiss that made Mark increase the tempo of his fuck that seemed to go

on forever. But at last Mark pulled back off his chest, reached up and pinned Jamie’s wrists on

the bed. His eyes gleamed, breath heaved and his powerful muscles bulged as he gazed down

at his boy and continued to jackhammer his ass.

“This feels fucking beautiful, boy. Shit, I can’t get enough of you. Tell me you love me, Jamie.”

“Sir, I worship you, I think about you all day. I long for you to come home and fuck me. I push

my fingers in my ass keeping it moist and ready for you, sir. I’m so in love with you. You’re

the most beautiful man in the world.”


Brandon was going wild, watching the cop and the surfer make passionate love, hearing

Jamie’s devotion to his master as Mark reamed his ass. “Please, cum ….” Brandon heard the

words before he realized they were his. He had been intermittently stroking his cock, then

pausing, trying desperately to delay yet another orgasm, when his plea had escaped his lips.

Mark looked over at Brandon, then grinned at Jamie. “On your knees, boy.” He pulled his

cock out and Jamie twisted over onto his hands and knees on the bed as he had been at the

start. “Hey, Brandon,” Mark grinned. “Come over here and grab a piece of the action.”

Dazzled by the prospect Brandon wheeled himself right up to the side of the bed, facing Jamie

whose hands were braced on the edge of the bed.

Kneeling behind Jamie Mark grabbed him by the hair and plunged his cock back into his ass

even deeper than before. As Jamie opened his mouth in a scream Mark pushed his face hard

forward, right onto Brandon’s cock which stifled his scream. Brandon gasped as he felt the

surfer’s mouth swallow his cock. He gazed up at the shirtless cop, his chiseled square-jawed

face and the rippling muscles of his torso gleaming with a light sheen of sweat, his tangle of

blond hair flying over his forehead.

He stared at the huge cock pounding Jamie’s ass and felt the same jarring rhythm in his own

cock as Jamie’s mouth rose and fell on it in time to the jackhammer in his ass. In a daze

Brandon felt almost as if his cock was being worked on by both the cop and the surfer

simultaneously. He had been holding back his orgasm before but now he was lost. The

pornographic sight of the half-naked muscle-god cop, the feel of Jamie’s hot mouth on his cock

…. it was overwhelming and he yelled, “I can’t stop, sir ….. I gotta shoot …… I’m coming….”

“That goes for all of us, boy. Do it, Jamie ….. aaagh…..!”

Brandon watched the magnificent cop flex his muscles and roar as his cock pistoned into his

boy’s ass one last time. It made Jamie’s cock erupt beneath him and forced his face forward

onto Brandon’s cock which blasted jism deep down his throat, making the young surfer to gag

and swallow desperately. Brandon felt he was dreaming as he watched the cop’s beautiful face

thrashing wildly, his chest heaving. And his boss Jamie shuddered, with his ass impaled on his

master’s cock and his mouth impaled on Brandon’s.

When their juices were finally spent Mark pulled his cock slowly out of Jamie’s ass and pulled

him off the bed. They both knelt beside Brandon and kissed his lips, lubricated by Brandon’s

own cum that was oozing from Jamie’s mouth. The sensation was so intense that Brandon

thought he would pass out, when suddenly Mark sprang to his feet and stood with his legs

astride, shirtless in his black uniform pants and high black boots.

“Now you know, kiddo,” Mark grinned at Brandon. “You know what your boss gets up to when

you’re not looking. He’s getting his ass good and fucked by a hot, horny cop.



When the three of them finally emerged into the garden they were greeted by a cacophony of

cheers and lewd wolf whistles. Standing on either side of Brandon’s wheelchair Mark and

Jamie each raised one of his arms in a gesture of triumph. Mark had changed into shorts and a

T-shirt and now joined the other men while the boys crowded round Jamie and Brandon.

Eddie’s eyes were dancing as he asked, “How many times did you cum, dude? A record, I bet.”

“I don’t know,” stammered Brandon, still in a daze. “A whole lot – it felt like one long endless

climax.” In a few minutes he was able to break free and wheeled over to a smiling Mario.

“So much for not being led by my cock, eh?” Brandon said. “I almost feel like I let you down …

you’re probably ashamed of me.”

“Ridicolo,” Mario laughed. “Any boy watching the superb Mark and Jamie make love would

have to cum many times, unless he were in a coma. And I take it you were very wide awake.

However, amico, before sex overwhelms you I still recommend that you have a talk with Dr.

Steve. I think you would find it very stimulating.” He smiled a mysterious smile and pulled

Brandon’s chair up beside him at the table.


The first thing Brandon did the next morning was to pull out the card Steve had given him and

call his office. The receptionist, Ruth, answered and he said, “Ma’am, I met Doctor Steve the

other day and he suggested I call to make an appointment.” She suggested a date and time,

then Brandon asked, “And ma’am, is your building wheelchair accessible?”

“Good heavens, yes,” Ruth laughed. “We’d go out of business if it weren’t, not to mention be in

trouble with the law. There’s handicapped parking underneath right next to the elevator and

you can take it straight up to our floor. I look forward to seeing you, Brandon.”

With that settled Brandon immersed himself in work with Jamie and in the California Driver

Handbook. He got his Learner’s Permit and spent a lot of time driving around with Pablo as his

tireless instructor. When the day came for his written and practical tests he passed with flying

colors. The sense of freedom that gave him was immeasurable. When Friday came he drove

himself to the construction site and wheeled himself up the ramp to Randy’s office.

“Where’s Jamie?” Randy asked and Brandon smiled. “I drove myself, sir. I have Pablo to

thank for that. From now on all you get is me. Here are the timesheets and the payroll

printout.” Randy smiled down at him with the pride of a parent.

A few days later Brandon took the longer ride to Beverly Hills, parked underneath Steve’s

building in a handicapped space and rode the elevator up to his office. Ruth smiled at him.

“You must be Brandon – a pleasure to meet you. The doctor will be free in a minute so take a

seat. Oh,” she blushed, “you are sitting of course – clumsy of me.”


“Don’t worry, ma’am,” Brandon laughed. “That kind of stuff happens all the time.”

A buzzer sounded on her desk and she said, “You can go right in, Brandon.” He wheeled

himself to the door just as Steve opened it, welcomed him in and closed the door behind them.

Brandon had met the doctor only once before and now he looked up at him in awe. What was

astonishing was his similarity to Randy – same chiseled features and muscular build –

contrasted with what he was wearing – a blazer, white shirt and blue tie, tan slacks and smart

loafers, an outfit very different from Randy’s customary old cargo pants and grubby tank top.

The voice was different too, more cultured, as he said, “So here you are at last, Brandon. So

good to see you. Who brought you?”

“Nobody, sir,” Brandon said proudly. “I drove myself. Pablo converted his pickup truck to hand

controls and gave it to me. He taught me how to drive and, as you say, sir, here I am.”

Steve shook his head. “My, my, Randy’s group never ceases to amaze me. You guys over

there sure take care of each other. OK, make yourself comfortable in that armchair.” Brandon

pulled himself into the chair and Steve sat facing him. “Well, kiddo, you seem to have your life

well under control – new job, new car, new family – but from what you told me when we first met

it seems you have a few problems settling in.”

“Oh not really problems, sir …. well, except one. See, before I met the guys all I used to do for

sex was jack off to porn videos, but in the house the reality is better than any porn and I’m so

blown away by all those gorgeous guys that my boner never goes away and jack off looking at

them all the time. Sometimes I don’t have to jack off, even – I just cum.” Steve listened

intently and made notes as Brandon described all of his sexual adventures there so far. “I just

can’t seem to stop, sir, and …. I think I’m addicted to sex.”

Steve smiled. “We prefer to call it sexual compulsion, which is what I think it is with you. It

probably started with your obsession with porn videos. I bet you watched them a lot and came

a lot, right?”

“Yeah, a whole lot, sir.”

“There was no love there, though, just lust for hot men having sex. And when you went to the

house you transferred that lust to the guys there. You were like a kid in a candy store.”

“Yeah, a whole lot of eye candy, sir.”

“I sympathize,” Steve laughed. “Anyone would find it hard to keep his hands off his cock

surrounded by those gorgeous guys. There’s nothing wrong with feeling horny and,” he

grinned, “contrary to those old urban myths, masturbation won’t make you go blind or make your

cock fall off.


“However, there is a danger that a sexual compulsion can take root and leave you impervious to

feelings of love and romance, feelings that are more meaningful and satisfying. And that would

be a shame as I sense that you have a real capacity for love. So what we have to do here is

convert some of your raw physical lust to affection and eventually real love before they pass you

by. There’s nothing wrong with getting a hard-on when you look into a guy’s eyes – you just

don’t have to bust your load a dozen times a day.”

Brandon nodded attentively and Steve continued, “Take my lover Lloyd and me. When we first

met the attraction was physical – he’s a gorgeous hunk of man, after all. But as we grew to

love each other we no longer depended exclusively on fucking. Instead of spending all our time

in bed we discovered the joy of going out together, to restaurants, to a show, to the beach.

“Lloyd and I can go several nights in a row without fucking, and then one day he’ll drop in here

to take me to lunch, I’ll lock the door and we’ll fuck like jack-rabbits right here on the floor. What

you need, young man, is for someone to ask you out to dinner and a movie, otherwise known as

a date.

“Oh, I already have that, sir. Mario has made a date to take me out to a movie and dinner two

days from now, except he doesn’t call it a date – he says labels put too many expectations on

things. See, these days he doesn’t believe in having sex with a guy until he gets to know them.

I’ve slept with him several times but we haven’t had sex. I’d like to and my cock gets hard in

bed with him but then he puts his arms round me and I snuggle up against him and fall asleep.”

“Hm, yeah, Mario is an interesting guy. I hope you see more of him. But right now let’s get

practical.” Steve stood up, took off his blazer and hung it over his desk chair. He loosened his

tie, opened the top button of his shirt and rolled his sleeves up to just above his elbows. He

came round the front of his desk and sat back against the edge, resting his hands beside him on

the desk, making his arms bulge and his chest and shoulders flex under his shirt. As his

handsome face smiled down at Brandon he looked incredibly sexy and the boy shuddered.

Steve’s words were growing fainter to Brandon as the homoerotic image grew increasingly

mesmerizing. The doctor was comparing Brandon’s situation to the days of Gay Liberation,

“where a repressed community was suddenly freed and they let loose with an orgy of sex,

running from boy to boy. And some of those guys still to this day find it hard to make a real

commitment. So you see, Brandon, freedom can have its drawbacks I always …..”

“Aaah!” Brandon gasped and blushed deeply. He had creamed his shorts. Steve reacted

with clinical detachment, grabbing a clipboard from his desk and making notes. “Yeah,” he

murmured, “much sooner than I expected though. What is it Eddie calls you – a gusher?

We’ve got our work cut out here, kid.” He went to the restroom, came back with a hand towel

and dropped it in Brandon’s lap.


Just then the buzzer sounded on Steve’s desk. “I’m so sorry, doctor,” came Ruth’s voice, “I

know you didn’t want to be disturbed but I thought you should know that Lloyd is here. He

dropped by to see when you would be free for lunch.”

Steve’s eyes suddenly gleamed. “What a good idea! Have him come right in, Ruth.”


The door opened and in came the handsome architect, elegant in a pale gray suit, white dress

shirt and beige tie. “Hey buddy” ….. but his smile faded as he saw Brandon stuffing a towel

down his shorts. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize – session in full swing, I see.” Lloyd couldn’t resist

a quizzical raise of the eyebrows at Steve.

“No problem,” Steve said, “as a matter of fact your timing is perfect.” He walked behind him and

locked the door with a loud click. “Remember when you came for lunch last week, buddy….?”

Lloyd suddenly realized he was being co-opted into the therapy session, but he didn’t mind –

not if last week was anything to go by.”

He watched as Steve bent and whispered in Brandon’s ear. “I hope you don’t mind, Brandon,

but you may have heard that my methods can be unusual. I’d like to give you a glimpse into

what I was describing earlier – to show you how two men make love. It’ll involve fucking most

likely – he is gorgeous after all – but we are lovers and this is our expression of love. I would

like you to watch without cumming, if possible, until the end. But you, as my patient, have to

give your consent to this. If not I can send Lloyd away.”

“No, sir, please, don’t send him away. I would like to …. well … to watch and learn how to …..”

His words were getting tangled so he pulled himself out of the chair and into his wheelchair and

rolled over to the side of the room. His heart was beating fast and his cock was already stirring.

Steve turned to focus entirely on Lloyd. “So, big guy, you wanna work up an appetite for lunch?”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” grinned Lloyd, putting his hand round the back of Steve’s head

and pulling him close, their lips meeting, softly at first but then in a building embrace.” Steve

eventually pulled away and said, “So how’s your day going so far?”

“Huh,” Lloyd grunted, “mezzo-mezzo. Your brother Randy is kicking up rough as usual, but I

have a feeling my day is about to get a lot better. Come here.” He led Steve to the big open

space in the room where Brandon had a perfect view. They held each other at arm’s length

and Steve smiled and shook his head. “Why is it you always look so damn hot in a suit and tie?

Seems a pity to get you out of them – but it can’t be helped.”

He unbuttoned Lloyd’s jacket, pushed it off his shoulders and folded it over the back of a chair.

He loosened Lloyd’s tie and opened a couple of shirt buttons. “This is the bit I love about you,”


Steve smiled, running his fingers through the tuft of dark chest hair that poked over the top of

his open shirt.

“Oh yeah?” Lloyd grinned playfully. “But it’s no match for this.” He pulled Steve’s tie open and

let it hang round his neck. He unbuttoned his shirt all the way down, pushed his hands inside

and ran them over his pecs. “Mm, did I ever tell you that you have a gorgeous body?”

“I believe I did hear that once,” Steve laughed. “And yet I can’t quite recall how yours looks.

Let’s check it out.” He pulled off Lloyd’s tie, unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it clean off, then

stood back and admired. Brandon was admiring too – blown away would be more accurate, as

he gazed at the gym-sculpted physique, not overbuilt, totally fat-free and perfectly proportioned.

Somehow it looked even hotter in the smart gray slacks and the elegant brown belt round his

slim waist, just below his eight-pack abs.

Steve murmured, “Fucking gorgeous,” and pulled off his own shirt. They stood still, stripped to

the waist, two beautiful men in love admiring each other. Silently they walked toward each other

and fell into a warm embrace. “God, I love you,” breathed Lloyd and they resumed their

passionate kiss. Without separating they sank to their knees, fell onto their sides and rolled

over the floor holding each other, laughing, kissing, caressing with increasing fervor.

Brandon was entranced. He had watched guys have sex before, intense physical sex like Mark

and Jamie’s heavy authoritarian action. But these guys were somehow more relaxed, easy-

going with each other. They knew each other so well, loved each other so much, that love-

making came natural – it was part of their lives, like sharing dinner, talking out their day, falling

asleep in each other’s arms.

For Brandon it was very sexy and reminded him of Mario, who had the same let’s-take-it-easy

attitude. And although Brandon’s cock was permanently stiff he didn’t have the same

compulsion to cum. True, he had already shot one load, but now he was content to watch and

let the men’s warmth radiate his way.

By now Steve and Lloyd were lying on their sides, propped up on their elbows gazing at each

other. “How’s your appetite,” Steve grinned. “For lunch, sure,” Lloyd replied, “but not as big

as my appetite for …. hey, I don’t have to spell it out, do I? Hell, you can’t get me all worked up

and then just feed me lunch.” He rolled onto his stomach facing a floor to ceiling mirror and

grinned at Steve’s reflection. Steve rolled over and grabbed the mounds of his lover’s ass

through the fabric of his slacks.

“Well, now you mention it, this does look like it needs feeding before your mouth does. He got

on his knees, reached under Lloyd and unbuckled his belt, then pulled his slacks and shorts

down below his ass. “Oh, yeah,” Steve laughed, “now that is one hungry ass. Guess I better

feed it.” He licked his fingers and pushed them into Lloyd’s hole. He spat on it and lubricated

his ass even more.


Steve unzipped his pants and pulled out his stiff dick. He eased himself above Lloyd and

arched over him, his legs and arms splayed out, braced by his hands and feet on the floor. He

looked at Lloyd in the mirror. “Now I’m only gonna do this if I’m sure you love me.”

Lloyd grinned. “Can’t stand the sight of you.”

“Asshole,” Steve said, then eased his cock slowly inside his lover’s ass. If Brandon had

expected a Randy-style power fuck he was disappointed. And yet he wasn’t disappointed at all

as he watched the gentle love-making of two beautiful men for whom sex was the ultimate

expression of their love for each other. They fucked and moaned with pleasure for a long while,

smiling at each other in the mirror.

Finally, as Steve rose and fell over Lloyd he said softly, “Shit, your ass feels good, man. I love

you like crazy, you know that? OK if I cum inside you?”

“Any time you like, buddy. Love to feel your warm jizz in my ass.”

Steve increased the tempo and then, “Aah, here it come man, deep inside, just how you like it

…. yeah …..” And just like that, quietly, tenderly, the doctor came inside his lover – no yelling

or screaming, just a gentle expression of his love.

“Let me look at you, let me see you,” Lloyd said more urgently. Steve pulled out and Lloyd

rolled over onto his back beneath him, looking up at him. “Come on, man, let’s do it,” Steve

said and they both stroked their cocks vigorously. Steve was able to cum again all over his

lover and Lloyd gazed up at his intense face, at the rippling muscles of his torso. “That looks

so fucking gorgeous man …. aaah ….” and his own cock blasted white juice that mingled with

his lover’s on his chest.

Steve rolled over on his back beside him and breathed, “Man, that was good.” Brandon had

watched spellbound. The men were big alpha males but when they made love there was a lot

of fun and laughter, playing like young boys, like Eddie and Ben when they made love.

Suddenly Steve called out, “Hey, Brandon, come over here.” He wheeled up to where they lay

on the floor and Steve asked, “Did you cum, yet?”

“No sir, like you said.”

“Good, well if you can get turned on by an old married couple, now’s the time kid.” Brandon

needed no further prompting and pulled his rigid cock out of his shorts. Huh – old married

couple! The doctor and the architect were two gorgeous, macho studs, handsome faces, ripped

bodies, and they were lying on their backs smiling up at him, one with pools of semen all over

his chest. It took Brandon only seconds to add to it.

His pent-up lust and pulsing cock now exploded in a ribbon of cum that shot in the air and

splashed down on both shirtless men, followed by another and another. The two men playfully


raised their arms to shield themselves in mock desperation and through the shower of semen

Lloyd shouted to Steve, “Man you were right … this kid’s a real live gusher.”


They all toweled off and Steve and Lloyd put on their shirts, ties and jackets, restoring

themselves to immaculate doctor and architect. Lloyd ruffled Brandon’s hair and said, “Now it

would probably be against doctor/patient ethics for Steve to invite you for lunch, but there’s

nothing wrong with me doing it. So would you like to join us Brandon?” He laughed. “After

making you spill all that jizz it’s only fair that we help replace the protein. The restaurant is just

down the block so we can walk there.”

Brandon accepted eagerly and as they went down in the elevator Steve said, “So here endeth

the first session, Brandon. Unfortunately I can’t promise you that future meetings will use the

same methods, but today you saw an act of love between two men that wasn’t just a cum-fest.

“So I’m gonna set you some homework before we meet again. You’ve already watched Eddie

and Ben make love, Mark and Jamie too, and now us. So I want you to see how the other

couples act too. I think you’ll find that, however rough and rugged their sex may be, they too

are really making love in their own way – even guys like Zack and Darius who are into leather

and some pretty rough bondage stuff. In fact you might start with them. And if you play your

cards right you might even graduate to the inner sanctum – Bob and Randy’s room.

“Also, spend as much time as you can with Mario. As for the others, I’ll spread the word through

Bob but I think we’ll find all the guys are willing to help out. Most of them are pretty much

exhibitionists deep down. But, as hot as it looks, make an effort to concentrate on their love for

each other instead of their muscles and cocks.

“I know it’s a bit like throwing you in at the deep end, but try to enjoy watching them without

cumming too often. See, the idea is, as you watch couples making love in their own way, it’ll

help you see that love is the answer, rather than simply pounding your meat all day. Then you

can report back to me at our next session.

Steve chuckled. “I think you have to agree, kiddo … no boy ever had a homework assignment

quite like that!”

# # #

Chapter 229 – Expressions Of Love

A big new project began at the house under Randy’s supervision. Brandon’s recent hiring as

Jamie’s office assistant had prompted Randy to announce, “Bob, I’ve been thinking for a long

time that it’s fucking crazy that our firm’s business is all run out of your home office, with just you


and Jamie. So what I’m planning is to convert those sheds over there to a proper business

office with four work stations, small kitchen, restroom, the works.

So Bob had worked up a budget for the project, the architect Lloyd had drawn up plans, and

demolition of the old sheds was set for today. Work at the company’s construction sites was

winding down for a couple of weeks until new contracts kicked in, after which they would be

busier than ever. So meanwhile Zack had agreed to co-manage this project with Randy, along

with Zack’s boy Darius, Randy’s boy Pablo and his kid brother Ben, who all worked regularly on

the construction crew. They also brought in a couple of regular young crew guys to help out.

The sudden burst of activity was watched keenly by four pair of eyes from the boys’ room

upstairs – the two houseboys Nate and Eddie, the Italian gardener Mario, and the newcomer

Brandon sitting enthralled in his wheelchair. “Hey, dudes, I could watch this all day,” said

Eddie, his eyes wide with fascination.

It was quite a sight. Randy always worked in grubby cargo pants, boots and a tank top that he

usually pulled off to wipe his face when he started to sweat, exposing his bodybuilder physique.

The black leatherman Zack always worked stripped to the waist in black jeans and boots, his

ebony muscles gleaming in the sun. The three boys, as always, copied the men and worked

shirtless too.

As they set about ripping apart the old sheds the four boys upstairs watched from the window

and instinctively, in unison, moved their hands down to the growing bulges in their shorts. Like

Eddie, they could all have watched and jerked off all day. But duty called. “Come on, Eddie,”

said Nate, who was actually his boss. “The house won’t clean itself and all this construction’s

gonna make it dirtier than ever. We’re gonna have our work cut out.”

Reluctantly Eddie allowed himself to be pulled away from the window and Brandon sighed, “I

gotta go to work too, Mario.” The very words sounded good to him after his years of

handicapped immobility. “I’d like to watch those guys all day too but it’s probably best that I

don’t after Doctor Steve set me that homework assignment.

“Our therapy session was intense, dude, especially when Steve and Lloyd demonstrated how

two hot guys make love.” He paused, visualizing it. “Anyway, at the end he gave me this

homework. See, Steve says I’m borderline sexually compulsive, the way I jack off all the time,

so he wants me to concentrate on relationships rather than just fucking. His idea is for me to

watch couples making love in their own way, and I’ll realize that, even if the sex is hot, even

rough, love is at the root of it. He wants me to watch without jacking off too much.

“Actually he made me think me of you, Mario, and the way you hold yourself back and don’t fuck

until you have some kind of relationship with a guy.” Brandon blushed slightly at this personal

reference to a man he was dying to make love to. “Anyway, Steve asked for my permission to

let him spread the word through Bob so the other guys will know what I’m doing. I said fine, I

want the guys to know all about me.”


“Si,” Mario said, “the word is already out. It seems Bob mentioned it to Darius and his motor-

mouth took care of the rest. But don’t worry, my sense is that the guys have no problem letting

you take a peek at their love-making.” He grinned “When it comes to sex most of them at

heart are – how do you say – narcisista?” But first things first. You don’t want to be late for

work. Let me help you up to the office.”

Mario eased Brandon downstairs in his wheelchair and they paused as they crossed the lawn,

getting a closer look at the feverish activity around the sheds, with hot, macho men and boys

flexing their muscles as they tore at the wooden planks. “Enough,” Mario smiled. “I can see I

will have to help you with your homework and shield you from masturbatory images like this.”

Brandon curbed his impulse to mention that Mario himself was a major masturbatory image.

Mario pulled Brandon and his chair backwards up the stairs to the office, and said to Jamie,

“One handsome young boy reporting for duty, sir.” Jamie grinned, “Which one of you are you

referring to, buddy?” Mario backed off. “Not me. I have to go down and make sure Randy is

not tearing up all my landscaping.” He took off down the stairs.

Jamie grinned, “Did you sleep well, Brandon – with Mario?”

“A little too well, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah …. Mario is a lot more restrained than he used to be, which makes it all the better when

he finally releases the brakes … you’ll see. But enough of that. Check this out kiddo – it’s a

list of all the building supplies Randy has ordered for the job downstairs and they’ll be delivered

starting today.

“The way it works is the warehouse foreman checks them out of inventory and enters them into

the computer. We pull up the list in our database and check them off as they come in. Randy

has asked for you to be the onsite guy who physically makes sure that the correct supplies are

unloaded. Take your laptop with you – and here, I got you this.” He clipped a swivel tabletop

to the arm of his wheelchair to rest his laptop on. “There, your own little desk.”

Brandon was puzzled. “Why did Randy ask for me?”

“Dunno, but it’s quite a compliment as it’s an important job. Me, I prefer to stay out of Randy’s

way ‘coz he’s always a real bear at the start of a new job like this – has a lot on his shoulders. I

already heard him arguing with the architect Lloyd, and I’m sure Mario’s getting an earful.”

“Brandon! Get you fucking ass down here!” The bellowing voice from below was

unmistakable and Jamie grinned, “See what I mean? You’ll probably get yelled at a lot, but

don’t take it personally. I better ‘get your ass down there’ as the boss puts it.” He eased


Brandon’s chair step by step down to the garden and Brandon wheeled himself nervously into

the fray. As it happened, Mario was still getting an earful from Randy.

“I don’t give a shit about the damn tree. It’s in the way, so it goes.”

Mario stood his ground. “Sir, it’s kind of sacrilege to chop down an old tree like this. Lloyd says

there is a way to work round it, so ….”

“I said the tree goes!” Randy barked. He was not used to being defied and his eyes blazed.

Brandon tensed for the explosion.

Unfazed, Mario said, “And if memory serves me correct, sir, this is Bob’s favorite tree. He sits

under its shade often.”

Randy snorted like an angry bull but he knew he was beaten. “Dammit, boy you know just what

buttons to press don’t you? OK, sort it out with Lloyd. I can’t waste any more time on a

fucking tree.” Mario turned away and winked at Brandon who had just rolled up.

“Ah, there you are, kid,” Randy said. Brandon blinked up at Randy behind his black-framed

glasses. “Jamie explain the job to you? Good. Now on small projects like this supplies can

easily get pilfered but that’s not gonna happen on my watch. That’s where you come in. You

got the list there?”

“Yes, sir.” Brandon put his lap-top top on his table and displayed the list. Randy pulled off his

sweaty tank top, wiped his face with it and looked at the screen, resting his hand and the damp

tank on Brandon’s shoulder. Brandon’s cock stiffened right on cue. “Yeah, looks good. Right,

as the stuff is unloaded I want you to check off each item on your list and make sure the

numbers tally. If they don’t, come to me. Any mother-fucker tries to steal from me gets my fist

up his ass.”

Nervous as he was Brandon stifled a grin at Randy’s language. “Now, the first trucks are about

to arrive and your pickup’s in the way.”

“Oh, sorry, sir, I didn’t…..”

“Not your fault kid, but get it moved pronto. Then get your ass back down here at the double.”

Hearing raised voices Randy turned round. “Hey, what the fuck you guys doing over there?”

He strode away to sort out the next mess, while Brandon wheeled himself quickly out to his

pickup truck. He quickly stowed his lap-top, folded the table, hauled himself into his truck and

pulled the folded wheelchair in beside him.

He was thrilled to be part of the team and to have been treated so brusquely by Randy, just as

he did the other men, with not a hint of any concession to his wheelchair. He parked up the hill

and then, as he pulled himself back into his wheelchair he realized that Randy had left his


sweaty tank over the arm. He grinned – another one for his collection. He wheeled down the

hill and took his place by the gate just as the first truck rolled up. His day had begun.


The first delivery gave a hint that Randy had been right. Brandon had a receipt book and was

supposed to give a receipt to each of the drivers before they left. The truck driver unloaded a

pile of rebars to reinforce the foundation. The young driver, cocky and condescending, yelled,

“Hey, who d’you have to fuck to get a receipt around here?”

“That would be me,” said Brandon calmly as the driver sneered down at him. “You?!”

“That’s right, and I’ll give you the receipt as soon as you’ve unloaded the last two rebars.

You’re two short.” The driver clenched his fists. “The hell I am.”

“Perhaps we should let Randy decide,” Brandon said, glimpsing him not far off.

“Er, no – that’s OK. I guess there are a couple more slid under the tarp here.” Randy had

been watching and came over next to Brandon. “One more stunt like that, Hank, and you’re

fired, capisce? OK, Brandon, give the man his receipt.” Then quietly to Brandon, “Good job,

kiddo,” and squeezed his shoulder.

So the deliveries continued, but Brandon became concerned about a load of lumber that still

hadn’t come in from an outside merchant so he called them on his cell phone. He frowned and

said, “Hold on.” He wheeled over to Randy and said, “Sir, I’m on to the lumberyard – seems

there’s a delay in the shipment.”

Randy’s face clouded. “You don’t say.” He grabbed the phone from him and barked, “Who’s

this? … Yeah, Larry, well this is Randy … so what’s the problem with my order?” He listened

grim-faced. “OK, now listen up, Larry. If that fucking wood is not here within the hour I’ll come

over there, rip your place apart and fucking-well haul it away myself. It won’t be pretty … and

you won’t get another goddamn dime’s-worth of business from my company – ever.”

As he ripped into the merchant Randy ruffled Brandon’s hair with his free hand and winked

down at him. “Shut the fuck up, Larry – bullshit excuses don’t interest me – just the goddamn

wood – do I make myself clear? …. Yeah, within the hour, that’s right …. OK, good doing

business with you, Larry.” He switched the phone off and tossed it back to Brandon. “See, kid,

you gotta crack the whip with these assholes. Not literally, of course …. well,” he grinned, “that

too sometimes.”

As Randy walked away Brandon felt his cock getting hard – and realized to his surprise that it

was the first time since work started. Despite being surrounded by muscular, shirtless

construction workers he hadn’t thought about sex – hadn’t had time. When he used to spend

hours alone at home all he did was sit watching his porn videos. Maybe Randy was showing


him that hard work was another antidote to compulsive sex – just like love was, according to Dr.

Steve. Guess both the brothers had their own way of teaching him.

Just then he heard Randy bellow, “Lunch!”


The banging and yelling ended abruptly and Brandon wheeled himself over to the table which

the twins had set with a heap of cooked food, hamburgers and pitchers of ice-cold beer.

Brandon pulled himself up to the table where the rest of the crew were noisily taking their

places, along with the others working in the house that day – the houseboys Nate and Eddie,

the gardener Mario and the office manager Jamie.

It was a boisterous crowd as physical labor always increased the testosterone level and the

noise level. Brandon had never felt so at home, one of the crew with an important job.

Randy passed behind him, ruffled his hair as usual and in one move yanked his T-shirt up and

off. “You won’t be needing this, kid. You make the other guys feel under-dressed. Besides,

don’t you wanna show off those muscles you’ve pumped up in the gym with Pablo?”

Sitting there shirtless between Eddie and Mario Brandon felt more than ever that he fitted in

completely with this crowd, and he swapped stories and laughter with the best of them. In the

lulls between truck arrivals he had had a chance to observe the men and boys at work closer

than ever before – and it was a revelation. The boys looked up to Randy and Zack as their

bosses, of course, but as the work progressed there was a free-wheeling macho atmosphere, a

lightness and freedom as they joked, teased and cursed along with the heavy work.

The line between master and boy became blurred, especially for Darius who joked with Zack

almost to the point of deliberate provocation bordering on insults. “That all you got, man?”

Darius teased, dropping the ‘sir’ as he watched Zack lift a beam. “What you need is muscles

like this….” He flexed a bicep and kissed it. Zack could easily have slapped him down – he had

done so often before – but this time he didn’t. Instead he looked at his boy ominously through

narrowed eyes, with an expression that Brandon couldn’t pin down.

As they ate their meal Brandon ginned at Mario. “I see you got to keep your tree, then.” Mario

smiled. “Amico, there is only one way to handle Randy and that is to press the Bob button. No

way was he going to chop down a favorite tree of Bob’s. By the way, what did you make of the

Zack-and-Darius show?”

“Is that what it was – a show?”

“Kind of. Zack and Darius don’t work together often – Darius is Randy’s assistant – but when

they do, all their macho instincts come out. Don’t forget they are leatherman and leatherboy.

They love each other to bits, but they show it in an unusual way. Didn’t you see those long

hard dicks stretching down under their pants – Darius’s nearly to his knee? And the time Zack


stretched upward and buried Darius’s face in his sweaty armpit? I tell you, after they’ve sweated

and strained all day like that they’re not exactly gonna take a nap when they get home.”

Brandon fell silent, pondering what Mario had said. He looked over at Zack and Randy deep in

conversation about the project, then at Eddie and Ben joking with Darius. No doubt about it,

there were hidden undercurrents in this oversexed group of horny men. Despite the heavy aura

of male testosterone, could it be, as Steve had said, that what it all came down to was love?”

When most of the food was gone Randy took a last swig of beer and shouted, “OK, guys,

break’s over. Back to work.” As he passed again behind Brandon he bent to his ear and said,

“You’re doing a damn good job, kid, I’m proud of you. After dinner tonight when the group

breaks up I want you to come up to my room. Bob will be there too.” And he was gone,

yelling orders already.

Brandon’s mind was racing as he wheeled himself back to his post. An invitation to the inner

sanctum, as Steve called it. He found himself swirling in those hidden undercurrents.


As the afternoon wore on Brandon had more opportunity between deliveries to watch Zack and

Darius together … it was part of his homework assignment after all. No doubt about it, Darius

was going over the top, needling Zack with taunts and stepping way beyond the limits between

master and boy. Brandon knew of Darius’s reputation for mischief but the amazing thing was

Zack’s reaction – or non-reaction. He could have silenced Darius with a word but he simply

ignored Darius’s disobedience, even though his irritation must be building inside him.

Surprisingly the other guys ignored it too, though it was so obvious. Maybe this is the way

Darius often behaved – maybe the others knew something Brandon didn’t.

The afternoon wore on and the delivery trucks, when emptied, carted away the debris from the

demolition. By mid-afternoon the sheds were pretty much gone, right down to the foundation

and, under Brandon’s direction, the new supplies were piled up neatly inside the gate. By now

the drivers and crew were ignoring the wheelchair and accepted Brandon without question. He

loved comments like, “Hey, Brandon, what d’you want me to do with this load?” Randy watched

from a distance and smiled to himself.

At four o’clock Randy yelled, “OK, men that’s a wrap. Good day’s work – thanks guys.” The

twins ran up and spoke to him. “Right,” he announced, “dinner at seven ‘coz we make an early

start tomorrow, six-thirty. There were exaggerated groans that Randy waved away as he came

up to Brandon and looked at the neat stacks of supplies. “Will you look at that? You

responsible for all this, kid?”

“Well, I had a little help from the drivers, sir,” Brandon grinned impishly.


“You done great today, kid,” Randy smiled. “See you tonight.” As he left Randy ruffled the

boy’s hair again, a gesture Brandon had come to love. He was about to wheel away when

Zack passed by, pushing Darius before him. Brandon now saw the anger in Zack’s eyes as he

growled, “At the double, boy.”

He looked down at Brandon and said, “You too, boy – come with us, I got a job for you.”

Astonished, Brandon obediently followed them across the street to Zack’s house.


“You – over here.” At Zack’s command Darius stood between two trees in the garden. Zack

went into the house, came out with Darius’s video camera and said sternly to Brandon, “Over

here boy.” A bit scared Brandon wheeled himself to a shady spot at the side of the garden with

a good view of Darius. “You know how to use this, kid?” Zack asked, holding out the camera.

Brandon took it and said, “Yes, sir, Darius showed me – said the time might come when I have

to use it.”

“Ýeah, well the time’s come now … I want this on video … all of it.” For a split second Zack

smiled and winked at Brandon, then his face immediately reset in a mask of displeasure as he

said, “Now I’ve got a job to do,” and he turned to Darius. Wow, Brandon thought, things sure

get complicated around here, and he held the camera to his eye as ordered.

Darius had a defiant look in his eye as Zack approached him. “So, what you got to say for

yourself, boy?”


Brandon was shocked at the curt answer and the omission of ‘sir’. Whatever was Darius

doing? Zack responded with a single punch to the stomach and Darius doubled over but then

stood up straight, as defiant as before.

Zack grabbed the boy’s jaw and pushed his face up. “No boy speaks to his master the way you

did today, especially a boy of mine.” Zack grabbed one of Darius’s wrists and yanked it up to

the tree beside him. It was then that Brandon noticed the ropes tied to the trees on either side

of Darius. He had watched enough master/slave videos to know what this meant.

Within seconds Darius’s wrists were tied high on the trees on either side, his arms stretched up

and out. Zack moved behind him, reached round and yanked open his black jeans, pulled them

down over his ass and let them drop round his ankles. He clenched his jaw, stared at Darius’s

ass and slapped it, one cheek then the other, then again, making Darius gasp with a sharp

intake of breath. Zack growled, “Just to let you know that ass belongs to me, boy.”

Stunned as he was, Brandon steadied his camera and tightened the focus on Darius’s ass

cheeks marked with the imprint of his master’s hand.


Zack crouched down, pulled off Darius’s boots, then his jeans and tossed them contemptuously

aside. He pushed Darius’s legs apart and tied each ankle to a tree. Then he stood up and

admired his work. His boy was spread-eagled naked, his muscular black body straining in

bondage, his ten-inch horse-dick swinging between his splayed legs. The boy was at the

mercy of his master – but defiant.”

Zack’s voice was low and ominous. “You went way too far today, boy. You let that motor-

mouth run on, insulting your master in front of the whole crew. Maybe it seemed like a joke to

you but the other guys took it seriously – and so did I. I can’t let it go unpunished, boy – I would

not be a master if I did. Now I’m gonna leave you here to think about what’s gonna happen to

you when I come back.” He turned and strode into the house.

Darius stared straight ahead, his naked body stretched in bondage, contemplating his fate.

Trying to hold down his own excitement Brandon trained the camera on the erotic sight,

knowing that future viewers would also be fantasizing about the boy’s punishment as he awaited

his master’s return.


Brandon lowered the camera for a while, but then suddenly gasped, put the camera to his eye

and trained it on a pornographic image. It was the hottest leatherman he had ever seen, a tall

black bodybuilder, muscles rippling as he walked.

Brandon focused the camera on the heavy black boots, then up over the leather pants stretched

over the muscled thighs, the black belt round the tight waist, the washboard abs and the

studded leather harness crossed over the bulging pecs. His chiseled features and shaved head

were made more ominous by mirrored sunglasses. He held a multi-tailed whip, a cat o’ nine

tails, in his right hand and tapped it in his left palm as he stood, legs astride, glaring at his boy.

Darius stared straight back at the spectacular leather-master brandishing the whip and Brandon

watched in amazement as the boy’s monster black cock stiffened, then slowly rose until it was

standing straight out like a rod – all ten inches of it.

Zack slapped the cock. “That big piece of horsemeat’s not gonna save you this time, stud.

You’re at my mercy. I guess I’m gonna have to train you all over again like a rebellious colt.

You still wanna be my boy you’re gonna have to prove it. Like this ….” Zack raised his arm

and lashed the whip against the prisoner’s chest. The naked black buck sprang to life, his body

writhing, pulling against the ropes, his muscles flexing hard to withstand the pain.

“You feel that, boy?”

“Yeah,” Darius sneered, making Zack flash with anger, slamming the whip across his chest

again and again. “I’m your master, you punk …. You call me ‘sir’!” Brandon was amazed how


much punishment Darius could take, but when Zack began lashing the huge cock, curling the

whip round it and yanking it off, Darius finally screamed, “Yes, sir …. I feel it, sir.”

“That’s more like it.” Zack went behind him and looked down at the hard mounds of his ass.

“Like I said, boy, that ass belongs to me. I can do what I like with it. Even this …” Again the

whip fell, this time across the ass, and Brandon watched spellbound as the globes bounced

under the lash. “I’m your master godammit and I’m gonna hear you beg.”

Darius gritted his teeth and again Brandon wondered how he could endure so much. Suddenly

the truth dawned. He realized that although Zack was strong enough to rip the boy to shreds –

he was holding back. He whipped hard but always below this boy’s pain threshold. He was a

supreme master, knowing his boy’s limits and respecting them – until the final blow that would

go beyond endurance and the boy would instantly yield to his master.

“What did you make of the Zack-and-Darius show?” Mario had said. He had understood – all

the men had. Right from the start Darius was deliberately taunting Zack, knowing what the

outcome would be. As Mario had said they were both leathermen with the same carnal

instincts, the same lust for bondage and pain.

Then Brandon remembered Steve’s exact words. “You’ll find that, however rough and rugged

two guys’ sex may be, they too are really making love in their own way – even guys like Zack

and Darius who are into leather and some pretty rough bondage stuff.” Brandon realized that

what he was watching was not possible without absolute trust, a trust that existed between two

men in love.

“Aaagh!” Darius’s scream jerked Brandon out of his meditation. Fantasy it might be but it

looked incredibly and painfully real as the black boy’s naked spread-eagled body thrashed in

seeming agony and pulled desperately at the ropes, tears streaming down his face. Zack had

moved up from his ass to his back that was now crisscrossed with marks of the leather thongs.

“Come on, boy, you know you can’t take any more. Give up now, boy, before that final lash.”

But Darius gritted his teeth and remained silent. “OK, big guy, you asked for this.” The

muscular leather-god stood back, raised his arm, paused, then slashed the whip across the

boy’s already tender ass with all his strength.”

“Aaaagh! Aaaagh!” Darius’s agonized screams echoed round the garden. His body

writhed in pain, he pulled frantically at the ropes, jerked his hips forward ….. and his monster

cock erupted with a stream of cum that flew across the garden and splashed on the hot earth.

He blasted more jizz until finally his cock was drained and swung once more between his legs,

and his head dropped in total submission.

Zack came round to face him, lifted his chin with the handle of the whip and gazed into his tear-

stained eyes. “You were fucking awesome, boy. God I love you. You’re the only boy for me.”

He tossed the whip aside, put his hands on the sides of Darius’s face and pulled him into a


passionate kiss. Their lips were grinding together and Darius whimpered as they searched

each other’s mouths with their tongues. Zack pulled back and licked the tears from his cheeks,

kissed his eyes, then pulled him into a tight bear-hug, their cheeks pressed hard together.


So this was love, Brandon thought as he gazed at the two stunning men. For all the apparent

savagery of their sex, they were performing an intimate act whose exhilaration they shared, an

act that bound them inextricably together – master and boy. And even though Brandon’s cock

had been hard throughout the erotic show, it was now more than ever that he wanted to cum

just watching their intense display of love.

And he would have, except that it was not over. Zack looked deep into his boy’s eyes. “Are

you OK, kid?” “Yes, sir.” “You sure?” “It hurts a lot but it feels great. Sir, I’m sorry for the way

I spoke to you today. I did it ‘coz you looked so amazing and I wanted to get punished by you.”

“I know that, Darius. That’s why I didn’t slap you down. I watched you working and knew more

than anything that I wanted to whip that gorgeous body. You had enough?”

“No, sir …. No, please, sir,” the boy pleaded with an edge of desperation. “I need to feel your

cock in my ass, sir”

“In that ass that’s so sore after the whipping I gave it?”

“I don’t care, sir. Please sir, I’m begging you … please fuck me, sir.”

Zack stood back and stared at his boy, still spread-eagled naked between the trees, his

muscular body striped with red welts from the whip. Zack unzipped his leather pants, pulled out

his iron-hard cock and stroked it. “You look so damn hot, boy. OK, I’ll fuck your ass.” He

walked behind him, grabbed his hips and pulled them back toward him until the head of his cock

slid between the cheeks and pressed against his hole. “This is how much I love you, boy.” He

pulled his ass further back, all the way onto his long shaft until it came to rest deep inside.

“Aaah,” Darius moaned. “That feels incredible, sir. Fuck me, please. Fuck my ass, sir.”

“Hey, Brandon,” Zack shouted, “get over here.” Surprised, Brandon quickly wheeled himself in

front of Darius. He saw Zack’s big hands on Darius’s hips, pulling the ass onto his cock faster

and faster until his rod was like a piston in his boy’s ass. Darius’s massive cock was hard

again already, pointing straight at the camera a few feet away.

Brandon pulled back for a wide shot of the young black buck stretched above him, his ass

impaled on his master’s rod, his face twisted in pain and ecstasy. Darius’s breathing became

ragged and he howled, “Thank you, sir. It feels so good, you’re making me cum …I’m gonna

cum, sir …. I’m cumming … I love you, sir … Aaagh!” Brandon focused close on the massive


cock as it blasted a stream of semen straight at the camera lens and Brandon’s face,

smothering them both with thick white juice.


Brandon closed his eyes and dropped the camera in his lap. He could hardly believe what he

had witnessed before he was temporarily blinded by the black boy’s jism that had splashed on

his glasses and dripped down behind them over his eyes. He was still catching his breath when

he heard, “Hey, kiddo, you look terrific.” Darius was grinning down at the dazed boy with cum

running down his face and his black-framed glasses. He knelt beside him, gently removed his

glasses and wiped his face with a towel.

“Here, let me get that,” Darius said, wiping his glasses clean and replacing them on his face.

Then he cleaned the camera lens. ”Man, that was one spectacular cum shot directly into the

lens. It’s gonna look great. But hey, didn’t you cum yet, dude?”

“No, I guess I was too busy filming,” Brandon said, “and anyway Dr. Steve said I should try not

to cum until the end.” Darius nodded, “Yeah that’s right.” (Evidently everyone in the house

knew of Brandon’s “homework” assignment.) “Was that the end?” Brandon asked. Darius

looked up at Zack standing over them, and asked, “Sir, do you think we could give our

cameraman here a sneak peek at next time?”

The handsome black face broke into a gleaming smile. “Don’t see why not. I’m up for it. Do

your worst, boy.”

Darius said, “Turn round, kiddo, I want to surprise you.” Brandon wheeled himself round, and

the suspense of wondering what was going on behind him made his cock throb. It was a few

minutes before Darius came and knelt beside him again. “Now I’m gonna tell you a story,

dude.” Brandon knew that Darius was an expert at weaving fantasies and listened wide-eyed.

“See there were these two muscle-hunk leather-masters and one day they faced each other in a

fight for dominance. The fight went on and on but in the end one of them was forced to submit.

The winner got to strip off the loser’s leather harness, replace it with a collar and chain, then tie

him up and take his revenge. And this is what it looked like.

“Aaah!” Brandon gasped as Darius turned him round and he found himself looking at a sight

that could only be called pornographic and beat anything he had seen on video or could ever

imagine. Instead of Darius spread-eagled between the trees …. it was the muscular black

leather-god. In heavy boots and black leather pants he was stripped to the waist with a black

leather collar round his neck and a short chain hanging from it between his bulging pecs. His

shaved head was bowed in submission.

“No need for the camera, dude. I already got film of this when it really happened. See, what I

didn’t tell you was that the winner of the fight gave the loser a choice of punishment. Either he


was to flog his own boy, or ….. or the boy was to flog him. Of course he chose the second, so

here was the leather-god stretched in bondage, humiliated, waiting to get whipped by his own

boy. Enjoy, dude…..”

Still naked Darius picked the whip up off the ground and faced his master who now raised his

head defiantly. The boy raised the whip and slammed it against the slabs of his chest. Zack

scarcely flinched and growled, “That all you got, boy? You gotta do it … so do it.”

From then on it was a blur for Brandon who was pumping his own cock as he watched. Darius

put all his muscle into whipping his master, knowing that Zack could take anything he could dish

out and more. He stood to one side and lashed the bare chest and ripped abs, then curved the

whip round his arms and shoulders. The magnificent black body, gleaming with sweat, writhed

in helpless bondage, veins etched in his muscles as if they were being stretched on the rack.

Darius went behind and began lashing his back – hard – making the bound leather-god howl,

his face thrashing from side to side, chiseled features grimacing in pain. Mesmerized by the

stunning spectacle Brandon wheeled himself closer, and gazed up at the tortured black

prisoner, sweat flying off his body into Brandon’s face. Zack’s cock was hard as steel and his

breath was coming in rasping gasps.

The leather-master was beaten, his muscular body broken, tears streaming down his face. He

screamed in humiliating surrender to his leatherman opponent who had beaten him in the fight.

“I can’t take any more …you win, sir … you’ve beaten me … please, I give up. I submit, sir ….


Brandon stared at the huge black cock, saw the hole open and semen blast from it, slamming

against his face and chest. It was the first time Zack had cum and his balls were swollen with

jism waiting for release. Again and again his cock erupted and Brandon opened his mouth,

swallowing, gagging, choking as the tortured muscle-god poured semen all over him.

Brandon didn’t realize he had shot his own massive load until he saw his white jizz running

down the legs of the black leather pants.


Sometime later they had all showered and were sitting in the now placid garden sipping beer.

Brandon had never seen the two men so close, so affectionate, as Darius nestled against

Zack’s chest and they kept kissing. Zack smiled at Brandon. “You have fun, kid?”

“It was …. it was totally amazing, sir. Scary too …. I was afraid that you would ….”

“Nah. We know each other too well to really hurt each other. We love each other too which,

as I think Steve told you, is the whole point – at the root of everything. You can’t do the stuff

we did without love and respect. And sex as intimate as that makes love even stronger. A

little fantasy helps too.” Darius ginned, “And a lot of fantasy helps even more.”


Zack decreed that when they went across the street for dinner they would all be shirtless.

“When the guys see our whip-marked bodies they won’t see pain, they’ll see love.”

“He was right. When the three of them entered there was a communal gasp from around the

table, then applause as they took their places. Eddie was next to Brandon as always and said,

so how many times did you cum, dude?” “Only once, actually.” “Jeez,” Eddie said, “maybe I

should go and see Dr. Steve.” Opposite him Hassan grinned, “Yeah, maybe you should – then

you wouldn’t gush your jizz over me so much – give me a chance to dry off once in a while.”

Brandon turned to Mario on his other side. “You still going out tonight to see your friend you

worked with at the hotel?”

“Yeah, but you and I are still on for tomorrow, right? Randy usually lets us get off work around

four, so we can catch an early movie and then dinner.” He squeezed Brandon’s arm. “I’m

really looking forward to it. As for tonight, I somehow don’t think you’ll be lonely spending the

night with Randy and Bob. Not many boys get to do that – in the inner sanctum, as Steve says.

Actually I did get to do it when I first met Bob and Randy staying at the Ritz-Carlton. I was a

pool-boy then and I ended up all night with them – an unforgettable night.”

“Oh,” Brandon said, “Randy didn’t say anything about all night – he just he wants to see me.”

Sitting across the table from them Bob had overheard. “Yeah, sorry Brandon, Randy tends to

forget details like that. We would like it, but of course you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“Oh, I do, sir, I do – I’d be honored.”

Bob smiled, “We can’t promise you the kind of excitement you’ve just had, though,” looking

pointedly at the striped bodies of Zack and Darius. Maybe we’ll just call it continuing education.”

Brandon blinked behind his glasses. “Call it what you like, sir, you can count me in.”

Mario put his arms round Brandon’s shoulders and squeezed him. “Way to go, amico.”


The group broke up early as Randy had ordered an early start for work next morning. Mario

went off to see his old friend, Eddie left with Hassan and Ben drove down to his master, Jason

the fireman. In the end Bob was left at the table with Brandon and he asked, “So is everything

going well for you here, Brandon?”

“It’s awesome, thank you sir, especially today. Randy gave me the job of checking in supplies

– real important, he said. I don’t know why he chose me when he could have chosen any guy

who can walk …..” Bob raised his eyebrows and Brandon blushed.


“Sorry, sir. Anyway, it was great being part of the crew, and we got on well. But you know,

surrounded by all those gorgeous men with no shirts on I had a boner all day and would usually

have cum a lot of times, but today I was too busy doing an important job for Randy and he said

he was depending on me. He can be real tough and he yelled at me a couple of times but I

didn’t mind. I mean, he’s the boss and he can get scary at times.”

“Tell me about it,” Bob grinned as Brandon said, “Still don’t know why he chose me, though.”

“I think I do,” said Bob softly, his eyes glowing. “Come on, kiddo, up to bed.”

Bob carried Brandon, wheelchair and all, up the stairs to the master suite where Randy was

sitting at a table going over some papers. He stood up and smiled broadly. “Hey, guys,

everything finished downstairs then?” Bob placed the wheelchair carefully on the floor then

turned and gazed at Randy.

“Brandon was telling me how much he enjoyed his day, doing the important job you gave him.

Actually he was surprised you did give it to him.”

Randy shrugged offhandedly. “Why surprised? I gave the job to someone I knew would do it

right, someone I could trust and respect. If it turned out he fucked it up I’d have fired his ass.”

Bob saw right through Randy’s gruff exterior and knew exactly what Randy had done for the boy

– making him a regular member of the crew – giving him confidence and self-respect. Bob’s

eyes moistened as he approached the stern-looking gypsy. “I’m so in love with you, Randy.”

He threw his arms round him and kissed him hard on the lips.

Randy reciprocated eagerly, then pulled back, his gruffness gone. “And you’ll notice I didn’t

chop down that tree down you like so much.”

“Yeah, I would have been unhappy about that.”

“That’s why I didn’t do it,” Randy said, his eyes shining wide like a young boy trying to impress a


And in that moment Brandon understood love, as he sat gazing at these two extraordinary,

beautiful men. One was a rough and rugged macho gypsy, a commanding and demanding

construction boss, now transformed into a gentle wide-eyed man eager to please his lover.

The other was a powerful executive, respected and obeyed by all, now with eyes only for the

man he loved, seeing through all his bluster and deep into his very soul.

Brandon’s cock grew hard in his shorts, not because these were two of the most beautiful men

he had ever seen, but simply because they were two men in love. Bob glanced over at him but


before he could speak Brandon said, “Sir, would you mind if I just watched for now? I’d love to

do that.”

Bob smiled, “Just what I was about to suggest, kiddo. We’ll call it homework … I think Steve

would approve.” Then he turned all his attention back on Randy. “As for you, big guy …. “

“Yeah? As for me what?” They stared at each other, losing themselves in each other’s eyes.

Suddenly they were locked together – grappling, kissing, frenziedly running their hands over

bodies and faces. Randy was undoing Bob’s sport shirt, pulling it off and flinging it aside.

Their mouths still clamped together Bob ripped at Randy’s thin T-shirt and flung the fragments

away. They dug their fingers into each other’s bare chests, twisting the hard nipples, groaning

with the first sparks of pain.

Finally they pulled back and stood facing each other, breath heaving like wild-eyed bulls pawing

the ground before battle. They kicked off their sneakers, ripped open their shorts and let them

drop. The sight of their naked bodies sent them into new convulsions of desire as Randy

roared, grabbed Bob by the waist, lifted him up and flung him bodily through the air and onto the

bed. He launched himself on top of him and the two muscular bodies rolled on the bed in a

tangle of limbs, flailing, grabbing, kissing – lost in a world of raw passion.

Brandon watched in awe and some fear. Like everyone he knew Randy’s reputation for savage

fucks and wasn’t sure he could watch him do that to Bob …. but he didn’t have to. As the men

grappled to exhaustion they ended up with Randy on his back and Bob on his knees astride him

gazing down, dripping sweat on him. Randy looked up and said, “I love the hell out of you,

man. Do anything you want with me … anything.”

“I intend to,” Bob grinned and leaned forward, pinning Randy’s wrists to the bed. “You know

what I want, big guy. I want your ass.” Randy pulled his legs back and moaned, “Fuck me,

man … pound my ass.”

“No pounding, buddy. This time it’s just love.” Brandon watched in awe as Bob pushed his

long hard dick between the mounds of Randy’s ass and drove it deep, deep inside him. “Oh,

fuck,” Randy moaned, “fuck that feels good.” Bob pulled out and again Brandon expected

something rough. But no, Bob had said love and that’s what it was. He gazed into Randy’s

blue eyes, they saw their own reflections in each other’s eyes and they were drawn into a

private world where only they existed, joined as one.

As Bob rose and fell over his lover the image was so homoerotic that Brandon fantasized that

the rugged gypsy was getting fucked in the ass by Superman. With their eyes locked on each

other Brandon knew that they were in their own magical world. He knew that he was watching

pure love between two men, love so passionate that it seemed to take on a life of its own and

fold the two beautiful men in its arms.


Randy was smiling into Bob’s deep brown eyes. “Show me how much you love me, buddy.

Let me feel it … pour it into me.” Bob released his lover’s arms and Randy grabbed his own

cock, stroking it hard. Bob leaned down and quickened the pace of his fuck. Brandon knew

they were reaching their climax as he saw their eyes flash, heard Randy’s voice – “Oh fuck …

fuck, man, that is so damn hot … you’re making me cum …. I’m gonna cum, man …. I’m

cumming …. I’m cumming … Aaagh!”

He pointed his cock up at Bob’s face and blasted a ribbon of juice up high, straight into his

mouth, as Bob shuddered and felt his cock explode in Randy’s ass. Bob swallowed hard as

another stream of semen shot up into his mouth and he poured more juice deep inside the man

he loved. Brandon watched spellbound – it seemed like their orgasms would never stop.

But they did at last and Bob fell on top of Randy, kissing him hungrily, letting Randy’s semen

flow between their mouths. Brandon was so transfixed that he hadn’t even cum himself,

overwhelmed by a display of love more intense than he could ever have believed possible.

As Bob had said – Steve would have approved.


“Hey, kid, get your ass over here and join the club.” Whenever Randy spoke it was an order,

which Brandon willingly obeyed, wheeling himself over to the bed. “In this club we have a dress

code – no clothes! So get naked, boy. It’s the price of admission.” Hastily Brandon pulled off

his T-shirt, dragged off his shorts, leaned down and took off his sneakers. The two men pulled

apart and Brandon eased himself out of his wheelchair and pulled himself up between them.

He froze, not knowing what to do next between these two gorgeous men, but Randy, as usual

took charge. “This is your place for the next eight hours, kiddo. Let’s see here…” He turned

Brandon on his side and Randy and Bob did likewise, all facing the same way so the boy was

sandwiched between Bob’s back and Randy’s chest. Bob pulled Brandon’s arm round him and

Randy held him tight from behind. Randy whispered in his ear, loud enough for Bob to hear

too, as Brandon listened in wide-eyed suspense.

“Did you bust your load yet, kiddo?”

“No, sir. I mean it was so amazing but Dr. Steve said I should try not to cum …..”

“Hey forget my brother, kid, you’re in my arms now and I want you to cum. Besides I wanna

give you something for all your hard work today.” There was a long pause. “You’ve probably

worked out that the most precious thing in my life is Bob, of course, but specifically his ass. And

I’ll tell you a secret – recently I was dumbass enough to think I could loan that ass out to a

Ranger we met. Well, I got a brutal tongue-lashing from Bob about that, and I deserved it. But

now I have a hankering to do it again, and this time I don’t think Bob will object, eh buddy?”


“Right there with you,” said Bob, grinning to himself. Randy never ceased to amaze him.

Randy hugged Brandon tighter. “OK, here’s the deal. Now Bob always gets his ass fucked

when we go to bed, but you may have noticed that didn’t happen tonight. He turned the tables

on me. But I believe he still wants to get fucked so I’m gonna delegate the job to one of my

crew, a guy I can trust – a guy who’s proved today that he can get the job done. You still got a

boner, kid?”

“Always, sir, especially now, but sir I wouldn’t dare to ….”

“Listen, kid, you’re in the master suite now and I’m the master. What I say here goes. So I’m

ordering you to fuck my lover.” Randy spat in his hand, reached over and moistened Bob’s

ass, then grabbed Brandon’s cock, stroked it a few times, and pushed the head between the

cheeks of Bob’s ass. “Feel that, kiddo? The best feeling in the world.”

He reached over Brandon and pulled on Bob’s hips. Pressing against Brandon to hold him in

place Randy pulled Bob back toward the boy. Brandon gasped as he felt his cock sliding into

the ass of this beautiful man, the man they all loved, the head of the house – and Randy’s lover.

He was inside Bob – his cock was in his ass! He could hardly believe that he …. But then he

stopped thinking, only feeling the erotic sensation of his cock in the fiery depths of Bob’s ass. If

he couldn’t move his legs he could still hold onto Bob and ease his cock back and forth inside

him. With the help of the two men he hit a steady rhythm. But he had been suppressing his

orgasm since he came into the room and now that he was actually inside this gorgeous man he

didn’t stand a chance.

Mercifully Bob, always intuitive, spoke up. “That feels so good, Brandon, your cock is so damn

hot. I wanna feel your jizz in my ass, boy. Can you do that for me?”

Could he! “Yes, sir …. I can’t stop …. I can’t hold back any more ….. It feels so good, sir ….

I’m cumming, sir ….. you’re making me cum ….. aaah…” His semen poured from his cock

deep into Bob’s ass. He felt the muscles clench round his cock and heard Bob moan as he too

climaxed for the second time that night.

“See,” Randy said in Brandon’s ear, “I knew you wouldn’t let me down. Like I always say, if

you’ve got an important job you want done well, give it to a man you trust.” He snuggled up

against Brandon while Bob pulled Brandon’s arm round him and held it tight. The boy’s cock

was still buried in Bob’s ass.

“OK, guys – sleep,” Randy said. “Early start tomorrow, kiddo, and I hear that construction boss

can be a tough mother-fucker. If you’re late he’ll likely whip your ass.”

Brandon grinned, “He can do whatever he wants with me, sir, ‘coz I love him. Also, I fucked his

lover so if he hurts me I’ll just press the Bob button as Mario did. And the tree’s still there.”


“Son of a bitch,” Randy growled, “you’ve got it all figured out, don’t you. Yeah, you’re one of us



Nestled between Randy and Bob Brandon was in heaven. His mind drifted over the events of

another extraordinary day – his job on the crew, the leather scene with Zack and Darius, and

now this. Was his homework assignment complete? Maybe not. He had still not watched the

fireman Jason and his boy Ben, not to mention the Aussies, Adam and Nate, who he hadn’t got

to know well yet. Then there were the soldier Hassan and Eddie.

And best of all, tomorrow evening there was dinner and a movie with Mario. Mario was

reluctant to call it a date but, Brandon thought, a boy can dream, can’t he?

And then he really was dreaming – fast asleep between the masters of the house.

# # #

Chapter 230 – The Italian Cowboy

Randy woke next morning to the smell of coffee. Groggily he opened his eyes, squinted and

saw Brandon wheeling his chair across the room from their kitchen. He had a big tray in his lap

set with a coffee pot and three mugs.

Randy jabbed Bob from sleep. “Hey, buddy, wake up. Get a load of this – room-service. What

the hell time is it, kiddo?”

“Five a.m., sir. The twins are already setting up breakfast outside and I thought you might want

some extra time to go over the supplies inventory before work starts at six-thirty. That is the

time you set, sir,” he added with a mischievous grin.

“Shit, boy, you’re a fucking slave-driver. But the coffee smells good. Hey, Bob, wake up you

lazy fucker.” The bedclothes stirred and Bob’s head emerged from the sheets, blinking and

smiling. With his tousled hair and a growth of stubble on his chin Brandon thought he looked

more gorgeous than ever. “Hey,” Bob frowned at Brandon. “Aren’t you the guy who had your

dick in my ass half the night?”

“That would be me, sir,” Brandon grinned.

Randy growled, “Stop with the memory lane shit, will ya? Where’s that coffee? I need

something to wake me up.?”


“I can think of something else that would do the trick better than coffee,” Bob said suggestively.

Randy looked at him and his grumpy expression turned into a smile as he, like Brandon, was

turned on by the tousled look of his lover, especially when Bob pushed the sheets down to his

waist where they stuck up like a tent over a long pole. “Godammit,” Randy said with fake

crankiness, looking down at the muscled body with its thin sheen of sweat, “don’t you ever give

me a rest?”

“Not if I can help it,” Bob said. “Especially when I’m looking at a scruffy blue-eyed gypsy who’s

just woken up.”

“OK, kid, hold the coffee,” Randy grumbled to Brandon, “this won’t take long.” He got up on his

knees and pulled Bob’s legs high in the air. He hawked up a load of spit and blasted it down at

Bob’s ass, then another. This was Randy at his most raunchy like a guy having quick, rough

sex in a back alley. He pointed his thick cock at Bob’s hole then drove it in hard with a loud

grunt of satisfaction.

Bob shuddered and moaned, ignoring the pain. This was the tough construction boss he loved

the most, a man who had no time for foreplay – more like an animal getting his rocks off in a

quick morning fuck. He plunged his cock in again, then again, deeper each time as Bob gazed

up at him.

Brandon watched mesmerized. This was the raw lust Steve had warned him of, all physical, no

tenderness. No, he realized he got that wrong when he saw the passion in the men’s eyes.

Crude as it may seem, this quick morning fuck was another expression of the love between

them, the warm familiarity of waking up together every morning just like this. Brandon’s cock

was hard under the tray on his lap.

Randy had been right – it didn’t take long. He drove his cock like a piston into Bob’s ass and as

Bob looked up at the ultimate male – powerful, rugged, black hair falling over his gypsy face,

pounding his ass – he groaned, “Fuck me, sir. It feels so good. My ass is yours, sir.”

“You bet your life it is, man. And I’m gonna fill it with jizz – like this!” He roared as one last

massive thrust poured hot semen into his man, and Bob blasted cum up onto Randy’s chest.

As soon as their heavy breathing slowed Randy pulled his cock out and sprang to his feet,

shaking the last drops of cum from his dick. “Hey,” Bob said, “aren’t you forgetting something?”

Randy grinned at him, sat on the bed, clamped his hands round Bob’s head and pulled his face

into a long, grinding kiss. Eventually Randy pulled back, stared at Bob, then dropped his head

back on the pillow and turned away grunting, “Now where the hell’s that coffee?” Bob smiled,

shook his head and said softly to himself, “And good morning to you too.”

Randy was all business as he pulled on his work pants, sat at the table and studied the plans he

had been looking at last night. “Hey, kid – coffee,” he said without looking up.


Brandon wheeled over to him and was about to put the tray on the table when he felt it wet

underneath. He remembered now that, try as he might to stop his orgasm, he had lost his load

watching Randy fuck Bob like a stallion in heat. The tray had been on his lap and he now

blushed with embarrassment as he grabbed a cloth from the floor and wiped his cum off the

bottom of the tray before putting it on the table.

Focused on the plans Randy glimpsed Brandon holding his tank top that he had tossed on the

floor the night before. He took it and pulled it on, then felt the dampness. “Hey, kid, this your

jism on my tank?” Brandon blushed again. “Yes sir, sorry sir. When I was watching you…”

“Ah no sweat, kiddo,” he grinned. “Morning sex can be a big turn on – is for me. Anyway my

chest is smothered with Bob’s jizz so a bit more won’t hurt.” He rubbed the wet tank on his

chest to soak up Bob’s cum.

By now Bob was out of bed, had pulled on boxer shorts and sat with Randy and Ben at the

table. “Hey, Randy, you’re gonna shower before work, aren’t you?”

Randy roared with laughter. “What the hell’s the point? Half an hour on the job in that sun I’ll

be stinking of sweat anyway.” He grinned at Brandon. “See, boy, Bob doesn’t get what it’s

like for guys on a work crew like us, eh? We’re too busy to give a damn about the smell of

sweat and jizz, don’t ya think?”

“I agree sir. Doesn’t bother me at all.” He grinned at Bob who smiled back, shook his head

and said, “You guys …..”


For an early start like this the twins were in the kitchen before dawn preparing a big breakfast to

keep the workers going until the lunch break. Bob (freshly showered!) came in and gave them

each a warm hug. “You guys are terrific, you know, feeding these monster appetites, fuelling

up the crew for the day.” Kyle grinned without looking up from the stove. “You know we love it,

sir. Being together in the kitchen is our idea of heaven.”

“Yeah well there’s another place that’s even hotter than a kitchen. Brandon got his reward last

night and it’s your turn tonight. After dinner you report for duty in the inner sanctum – I know

that’s what you boys call it. After a long, hot day of manual labor Randy’s so fired up he needs

three guys to satisfy his appetites. And for once I’m not talking about food.”

Bob went out to the long table set up by the pool where the guys were already gathering, and

before long the noisy meal was in full swing. Brandon was sitting between Darius and Eddie,

both of whom pumped him for details on his night with Randy and Bob, but Brandon wasn’t

‘spilling the beans’, Darius’s code for telling all the secrets. “I don’t think it’s right to kiss and

tell,” Brandon said. “Sex should stay private.”


“Not when it involves those two hunks,” Darius protested. “Hell, dude, you should have filmed it.

You did a great job on Zack and me. I’ve already edited your footage and tonight’s the

premiere of the movie starring yours truly,” and he spread his arms taking a premature bow.

“You’re gonna be there aren’t you? All the boys will be.”

“Er, no, I can’t, sorry dude,” Brandon said. “I got a date – well no, I mean I’m going out to a

movie.” He glanced nervously at Mario sitting a few seats away on the opposite side, and bit

his tongue at the use of the word ‘date’.

“Ah, come on, dude,” Darius protested, “call a spade a spade … it’s a date. You and Mario

have been making cow eyes at each other for weeks now.”

Brandon blushed and Mario saved him, smiling at Darius from across the table. “It is true,

amico, just dinner and a movie, definitely not – come si dice? – ‘a spade a spade’, whatever that

means. Just two buddies together and, no, we will not be filming it.”

Well,” Darius grumbled, “you’ll be missing out. I guarantee my video will be a lot hotter than

whatever movie you’re gonna see. I’ll let you know how many loads Eddie shoots, eh dude?”

Eddie giggled and gazed lustfully at the young black leatherboy he had looked up to ever since

they first met in the desert leather bar.

Brandon avoided eye contact with Mario. He had been embarrassed by Darius’s typical bluster,

but even before that he felt an unaccustomed shyness with Mario. Tonight was their first night

out together and it sure felt like a date to him whatever anyone said. And to tell the truth it

scared him.

He had come to like Mario a whole lot, but that friendliness got mixed up with his sexual

attraction to the gorgeous young Italian. Brandon would have fucked with him the first day they

met, but Mario had held back. Was it just, as he said, that he didn’t believe in sex until he got

to know a guy – or was it simply that Brandon didn’t turn him on in that way? He wondered if…

“OK, guys – work! Got a lot to get through today.” Randy’s commanding voice broke into

Brandon’s thoughts and mercifully saved him from any more speculation as he began his job

and became once again a member of the crew.


The deliveries of building materials came thick and fast today and checking them in kept

Brandon so busy he had no time to think about sex, even though he was surrounded by hot

construction workers, mostly shirtless, their straining muscles gleaming with sweat under the hot

sun. Between deliveries he watched Zack and Darius working strenuously together, a far cry

from the master/boy bondage scene he had witnessed the day before.


And from time to time Brandon got glimpses of Mario, also shirtless in blue jeans and boots, his

lean, perfectly proportioned torso flexing as he pulled up shrubs to relocate them and preserve

them from the advancing construction. Brandon gazed at the beautiful Italian face tense with

effort, smudged with dirt, his curly black hair falling over his forehead. At one point he

straightened up, stretched his back, caught sight of Brandon and gave him a dazzling smile.

Brandon’s cock jerked in his shorts and again he felt nervous about tonight. How could he

keep his lust under control being out alone with this beautiful man? The lunch break came and

he was relieved to find himself not sitting opposite Mario as he wouldn’t have known what to talk

about. Eddie diverted him with his stream of amusing chatter and then Brandon immersed

himself in work for the rest of the afternoon.

When Randy called a halt at around four o’clock Mario came over to Brandon and said breezily,

“So, amico, I am going to have a shower and a nap. Then I will come and pick you up at your

apartment at, say, six p.m. – would that suit you? We can take in an early movie and

afterwards we’ll go to a good Italian restaurant I know in Los Feliz.”

Sounds great, Mario,” Brandon said as casually as possible, trying to hide his nervousness.

“See you then.”

He drove himself up the hill to his apartment and did what he assumed Mario was doing –

showered off the grime of the construction site, then lay down for a nap. But sleep wouldn’t

come, he was so on edge, so after a while he got up and wheeled himself to his closet, trying to

decide what to wear. Not too casual, he thought, but not too smart either. After all this was a

casual date, wasn’t it? Well, OK, not a date – just two friends out for dinner. T-shirt, then – no,

too casual – dress shirt, maybe, and his one pair of slacks. No, too dressy.”

He took a deep breath and decided he was being stupid. It was not an audience with the Pope,

after all, it was dinner with Mario. First he pulled on a pair of tight boxer briefs so that his

boner, which he knew he would have, wouldn’t show. Then, out of his two clean polo shirts he

chose the dark blue one. He had a new pair of blue Levis and went with those and his brown

moccasins. He usually wore shorts as they were easier to pull on, but he managed, with some

effort, to yank up the jeans and he was ready.

He wheeled himself to the full length mirror and studied himself. For a moment he had one of

those pangs seeing himself in his wheelchair, knowing his outfit would look more impressive if

he were standing up tall. But he dismissed that notion right away, looked at his watch and

realized he had half an hour to wait. So he waited.

He tried to busy himself but that only made him more nervous so he took a deep breath, relaxed

his shoulders and closed his eyes. He was actually close to drifting off to sleep when the

doorbell rang and made him jump. He took another quick look in the mirror, ran his hands

through his hair, then looked through the peephole in his door, as the cop Mark had once told

him to. It was Mario, of course.


Trembling, Brandon opened the door and Mario jerked back in mock surprise. “Wow, where’s

that guy with the dirty face, covered in construction dust? You clean up well, amico, I must say.

Assolutamente perfetto!” and he touched his fingertips to his lips in that European gesture of


Mario’s humorous tone banished Brandon’s nerves as he gazed at the handsome young Italian

dressed in a white, collarless Indian-cotton shirt that hung loosely over his torso, unbuttoned

halfway down his chest. It was tucked into the slim waist of his tan slacks, and on his feet he

wore open Benassi sandals. He managed to look stylish and casual at the same time – and

very European. And as usual he had the light, musky smell of sandalwood cologne.

“You look great,” Brandon said, “smell good too. I thought of wearing cologne but I don’t have


“Mario chuckled, “Don’t worry, amico. Cologne is kind of a European thing – American men

don’t use it much – afraid it might spoil their macho image. But hey, what are we doing here

discussing body fragrance? Come on, if we hurry we can make the next showing of that new

movie at the Los Feliz Cinema – the one you wanted to see.”

In a few minutes Brandon was sitting in the truck Mario used in his landscaping work, chatting

freely and feeling rather silly that he had been so nervous. He was with Mario – his amico.


The movie was an action movie – more of a chase movie, actually, with plenty of romance

between the male star, a cop, and the heiress he was supposed to guard. As they sat shoulder

to shoulder in the dark Mario’s hand rested on Brandon’s on the armrest. When the suspense

heightened Mario squeezed Brandon’s hand and the boy was grateful for his tight undershorts

to prevent a tent pole in his jeans.

They were in high spirits as they left the theater, disagreeing about the movie. Mario was

surprised at Brandon’s insight into movies, something he had gained from watching so many of

them alone at home in his former solitary life – when he wasn’t watching porn. Brandon had not

liked the movie as much as Mario and gave very precise and articulate reasons why.

They had an animated conversation over dinner, punctuated with gusts of laughter as Mario

pointed out the good points of the movie, only to be shot down by Brandon’s references to

similar but better films. It was the love scenes he mostly objected to, especially the ones where

the hero and heroine were in imminent danger and chose those very moments to have sex.

“That would never happen,” Brandon said decisively. “They were supposed to be falling in love

but all they did was fuck. I mean, it’s OK to hype up the action but you can’t mess around with

love. What they did had nothing to do with love. It was just ‘slam-bam thank you ma’am’.”


Mario roared with laughter, loving the eagerness and animation blossoming in this bright and

lovable boy, blinking earnestly behind his black-rimmed glasses. “Oh, I forgot,” Mario said,

“that’s what your homework from Steve is all about – watching couples to see if they’re in love.

So you’re an expert now.”

“Well,” Brandon shot back, “expert enough to know there was no love in this dumb movie, just a

lot of bonking. And anyway I thought you were the expert with your theory of holding off on sex

until love brings you to that point. But the thing is, how do you know when you’ve reached that


It was lucky that the restaurant was dimly lit so Mario didn’t see Brandon blushing, afraid he had

crossed some kind of forbidden line. Anyway at that point, animated as he was, he raised a

fork-full of spaghetti that promptly slid off the fork and onto the napkin in his lap. Brandon

looked up in embarrassment but then sputtered with laughter as Mario said, “Amico, if you were

as expert with spaghetti as you are about love your dinner would not be in your lap right now.”

Brandon mocked him: “You are so – ‘ow do you say? – stupido.”

“Ah, I see my Italian lessons are paying off.” They stifled their laughter as a waiter discreetly

removed the offending spaghetti and gave Brandon a clean napkin. Brandon had never felt so

relaxed or so happy in his life. As they talked, teased and laughed together Brandon even

forgot the beauty of the face opposite him and just loved being with Mario, having fun.

This lightness of spirit continued as they got into Mario’s truck to drive home, but as they got

closer to their neighborhood Brandon started to tense up. What next? Would Mario just drive

up their street straight past the house, take him to his apartment at the top of the hill and kiss

him goodnight? Or would he stop at the house instead and invite him up to his room?

Brandon had already slept in Mario’s bed, without sex of course, but somehow tonight was

different. Feeling the way he felt after such a great evening this seemed like a make-or-break

moment. As they started up the hill the suspense mounted.

They got closer and closer to the main house .…. and drove straight past it and on up the hill.

Brandon’s heart sank. It wasn’t so much that he wanted sex with Mario (which he did) but he

had had such a great time that he didn’t want it to end. He wanted to be with Mario – to stay

with him. He wouldn’t ask for sex, wouldn’t ask for anything – just to be with him. The feeling

was so overwhelming that maybe it was … could it be … love? Well whatever, it obviously

wasn’t going to happen.

Suddenly Mario slammed on the breaks so hard Brandon lurched forward. “Wait! I forgot

something.” Brandon held his breath. ‘Here it comes,’ he thought and didn’t dare to look at

Mario. Mario banged the side of his own head and said, “Stupido, I forgot.” He took hold of

Brandon’s chin and pulled his face round to look at him. “I forgot, amico ….. I have … in my


room … some of the best, most creamy Italian gelato you have ever tasted in your life. It goes

beautifully with coffee and brandy. Shall we….?’

His heart pounding Brandon managed to adopt a casual tone. “Sure, that would be great.” He

could never have imagined that ice-cream would be his savior – but hell, whatever it took.

Mario did a quick U-turn, pulled up at the gate of the house and leapt from the truck. He went

round and opened the passenger door, pulled out the wheelchair and unfolded it. He gestured

elegantly at the chair and said, “Your carriage awaits, sir.” He reached into the truck, took

Brandon in his arms and lifted him out. Brandon held his breath as he felt Mario’s chest

pressing against him through the light fabric of his shirt, his strong arms cradling him, his green

eyes smiling down at him as Mario said softly, “I had a wonderful time tonight, Brandon.”

Brandon’s sparkling eyes answered for him and Mario laughed, “It was an evening that

demands gelato – the best in the world. And that’s what we shall have, mi amico.”

He lowered Brandon gently into his chair and they went through the gate.


Once in Mario’s room he busied himself in the small kitchen space that Randy had built into all

the boys’ rooms. He pulled a table cloth, cups, dishes and spoons from the drawers and

dumped them into Brandon’s lap. “There, make yourself useful, amico, we shall do this in style,

end our evening with – come si dice? – with a flourish.” Brandon happily spread the cloth on

the small table, set out the cups and bowls, then wheeled himself over to a small bunch of

flowers by the bed and put them in the middle of the table.

A few minutes later Mario approached and Brandon laughed. Mario had buttoned his shirt to

the neck, tied a black apron round his waist and had a napkin folded over his arm. “Caffè,

signore?” he said in his best waiter voice. “Yes,” Brandon replied haughtily, “and then, waiter, I

think I’ll have ice-cream and your best brandy.”

“You are in luck, sir. I cannot answer for the quality of the brandy, but our gelato is ‘il migliore

del mondo’ – the best in the world. He went away and came back with the brandy, two glasses

and a bowl full of scoops of different colored gelato. “Allow me, sir.” He spooned out some

gelato and held it to Brandon’s lips. He opened his mouth and sucked in the ice-cream with an

“mmmmm” sound, but some of it dripped down his chin.

“Scusi, Signore, allow me.” Mario removed Brandon’s glasses, bent down and licked the ice-

cream off his chin, then off his lower lip. Then he pushed his tongue between Brandon’s lips

and kissed him, tentatively at first, then with increasing intensity as Brandon reciprocated and

their mouths were locked together in their first really romantic kiss since they met.


Finally Mario pulled away and Brandon stared up at him stunned, his cock stiff in his jeans.

Despite his boner he didn’t think of fucking, as he would have done only days ago. He just

wanted to kiss him again – to lie beside him and kiss him again and again. But, breaking the

spell, Mario straightened up and resumed his waiter role, replacing the spoon in the ice-cream.

“You see, signore – best in the world. How did it taste to you?”

“Mmmmm, wonderful.” Brandon grinned. “And the ice-cream wasn’t bad either. Er, does the

owner of this restaurant allow the staff to sit down with the customers and talk to them and…

maybe … well … kiss them?”

“Signore, in this restaurant I am the only waiter and I am the owner too, so I make the rules.”

“In that case sit the hell down,” Brandon laughed and pulled Mario down into a chair at the table.

“And I suggest a rule that, if the customer requests it, the waiter has to talk to the customer and

kiss him on demand. And another thing … lose the waiter look.” He reached forward and

unbuttoned Mario’s floppy shirt down over his chest. “I prefer it like this.” He lightly stroked the

smooth flesh under the shirt.”

Mario was laughing as he grabbed Brandon’s wrists and said, “You are so much fun to be with,

amico.” His eyes sparkled. “What about the waiter making love with the customer? Do you

think the restaurant rules would permit that?” Again, Brandon was stunned but managed to

collect himself. “Well, the customer is always right so I … I think the rules would allow it if the

customer wanted it … that is, if by making love you mean….”

“… I mean the waiter sitting here over coffee, brandy and the world’s best gelato, talking to his

best friend, gazing into his eyes, knowing that soon he would take him to bed and make love to

him. Do you think the customer would want that?”

“The customer has wanted that for a long time, as the waiter knows very well. Here have some

brandy.” Brandon poured some for them both and they clinked glasses.

“Ciao, amico,” Mario said softly. “Salute ! – here’s to us.” Brandon felt like he was floating and

impulsively threw his head back with peals of laughter. Their love making began right there,

gazing into each other’s eyes as they sipped brandy and swallowed the creamy gelato.

Brandon felt he was living in luxury in this small but elegant room, sure now that he was in love

with the beautiful Italian. Loving and being loved must be one of the world’s great luxuries, he


At last Brandon grinned at Mario and said, “Er, I can’t keep up with the rules of this restaurant

but I seem to recall the word ‘bed’ being mentioned.” Mario stood up. “You are absolutely

right, signore. Allow me. He pulled the wheelchair back from the table and scooped Brandon

out of it. He carried him to the bed, saying, “It feels as if I am carrying you over the threshold –

which in a way I am, I guess.”


He laid him on the bed, stood up and pulled off his soft cotton shirt. He picked up his brandy

glass and raised it in a toast to Brandon lying before him. “Per il mio ragazzo – to my boyfriend.

Ti amo, Brandon.” Brandon had to hold back his orgasm gazing up at the stunning sight of the

dark-haired, square jawed Italian, shirtless, his muscular torso narrowing down over his six-pack

abs to the stylish brown belt of his slacks round his slim waist. This was the man who had just

told him he loved him – in Italian no less.

Mario leaned down and pulled Brandon’s shirt off over his head. Then he took off his

moccasins, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off over his feet. He stood on the bed and

gazed down at the near naked boy, in only his white boxer briefs showing the clear outline of his

rigid cock, running right up to the waistband.

Mario shook his head and sighed, “Che bel ragazzo – so beautiful.” He kicked off his sandals

and dropped his slacks, leaving on the black briefs clinging to his hips. He dropped to his

knees, leaned forward and pulled the waistband of Brandon’s boxer briefs down just over the

head of his cock. He bent down and licked it, sucking on the pre-cum dripping from it.

“Mmmm, tastes good,” Mario grinned. “Almost as good as the gelato.”

Brandon couldn’t believe that at this culmination of his sexual dreams … he was laughing.

Mario lay down beside him, each of them still in their briefs, and propped himself on his elbow,

smiling down at Brandon’s laughing face. “Good – making love should be fun, amico. You

were right, though, what you said of the movie – you can’t mess around with love. So none of

that ‘slam-damn thank you man’ for us.”

“That’s slam-bam,” Brandon grinned, “and personally I wouldn’t mind a little slam-bam myself.”

“Well that’s not what you are going to get, my friend.” Mario leaned down over Brandon and

licked the shape of his long cock through his briefs. It was a simple act but one of the most

erotic Brandon had ever felt as Mario clamped his mouth over the soft cotton and exhaled so his

hot breath bathed the cock underneath. Then he licked the shape of the balls and closed his

mouth over the ball sac straining under the white fabric, breathing warm air over the bulge.

Brandon was driven wild and in former days would have shot his load. But now, with Mario, he

wanted the feeling to go on and on. He was discovering the erotic joy of denied ejaculation –

letting himself approach the brink of orgasm, then pulling back until the next near-climax. But

there was something he wanted desperately and felt free enough to ask for it. “Dude, are you

ever gonna suck my dick?”

“Pazienza,” Mario laughed. “Although now you mention it…..” He pulled the shorts down and

watched the stiff pole spring up. “Ah, che bello,” he sighed. He licked up the length of the

cock then took the head in his mouth and swallowed the whole long shaft. He pulled back and

dropped down again with a muffled groan of pleasure. Brandon gazed spellbound at the dark

Italian face sucking his cock with increasing energy, and he now had real trouble denying his

cock the eruption it strained for.


As Mario made love to his friend’s cock he reached up and squeezed his nipples, making

Brandon gasp, “Aaagh, that feels so hot I … I’m not sure if I can …..” But still he held back as

the sculpted face rose and fell on his cock. Just in time Mario pulled off and said, “I would love

to drink your juice, amico. Could you do that for me?”

“Try and stop me,” Brandon laughed, as Mario once again took the cock deep into his throat.

And one time was all it took for Brandon to tense and sigh “aaah.….” At long last, this was the

moment. After so many weeks of waiting, he felt his cum race up his cock and pour into his

friend’s mouth, a fantasy he had jerked off thinking about so many times. Mario moaned in

ecstasy as he swallowed hard, tasting the bitter-sweet torrent of liquid flowing inside him.

Suddenly Mario pulled off, moved up the bed and closed his mouth over Brandon’s in a kiss

generously lubricated by the creamy juice swilling in Mario’s mouth. Brandon sucked in his

own semen, then exhaled it back into Mario in an act that was not simply physical to Brandon –

it was an act of pure love.

Mario broke apart and said, “Amico, you are so sexy and my cock is so hard I have to cum.

You know what they say – ‘a mouth for a mouth and a cock for a cock” ……” He sprang to his

feet, pulled off his briefs and let his cock spring free. He dropped to his knees astride

Brandon’s chest, put his left hand behind Brandon’s head and pulled his face toward him.

Holding his cock in his other hand he smiled. “I have heard that you have gained some of

Eddie’s expertise. So, show me how much you love me, amico.”

It was true. One thing Brandon had learned over the last few weeks, thanks to the expert

Eddie, was how to suck dick – and it seemed it had all been for this moment. ‘Show me how

much you love me?’ Sure he would. As Mario slid his cock into his mouth Brandon clenched

his throat muscles around it, trapping it in his mouth. “Aaah” Mario gasped. “Please, I ….”

Brandon relaxed his throat and allowed Mario to pull back halfway before squeezing it again.

Eddie had shown him how to create a rhythm so he was in control of the fuck, allowing the face-

fucker to reach the edge of orgasm, then releasing his cock so it relaxed. Mario had never felt

anything like this and was driven wild. All his natural reserve and poise collapsed as he said,

“Merda! … that is so fucking … oh man, I’ve never …” His voice rose to a shout, “Oh fuck …

fuck …. aaah … fuuuck…” Brandon saw the beautiful body shudder over him, the square jaw

clench, the gorgeous face thrash from side to side as Mario’s cock erupted in his mouth.

Brandon reached up and ran his hands over Mario’s rounded pecs, then squeezed his nipples

making him scream and blast another load that Brandon swallowed in big gulps. Mario’s breath

was heaving, his heart pounding as Brandon squeezed the last drops of semen out of him. He

pulled out, fell onto Brandon and kissed him. Then he gazed into his sparkling eyes. “Wow,

that much eh? You love me that much?”


“A lot more than that,” Brandon grinned. Mario flipped him over, nestled into his back and put

his arms round him. “I’m glad to hear it, ‘coz from now on you are – how you say? – stuck with

me, amico. But now we should sleep – work tomorrow – six thirty. Mustn’t be late and make

Randy mad.”


They had been lying together and fidgeting restlessly for half an hour when Mario said, “Are you

asleep?” “No.” “Can you sleep.” “No.” “Why not?” Brandon turned onto his back. “You

know why not.”

Mario sighed deeply and pulled himself on his knees straddling Brandon and smiled down at

him. “You know, amico, Steve wanted you to learn that fucking is not essential to love. But I

prefer what Shakespeare said – ‘If fucking be the food of love, fuck on’. Well, I know that’s

what he meant to say.” Another peal of laughter from Brandon as he gazed adoringly at Mario.

“But at least,” Mario continued, “we can be civilized about it.” He reached over to the bedside

table, opened a jar of lube and dipped his fingers in. Displaying his lube-coated fingers he said,

“This, amico, is what separates man from the animals …. this, my friend, is civilization.”

Brandon began to laugh again but then gasped as he felt Mario’s fingers massaging his hole.

He pushed them inside and Brandon sighed deeply. This is what he had wanted for so long.

When they first met he had wanted to get fucked by the hot Italian stud because he lusted for

him. But now he wanted to get fucked by his friend because he liked him – because he loved


Mario was lubing up his long cock. He wiped his hands clean on a towel, draped Brandon’s

legs over his shoulders and pressed his cock against his hole. Reaching forward, he twisted

Brandon’s nipples lightly. Brandon moaned and opened his eyes wide as Mario said, “This is

how it feels, amico, when fucking and loving are the same. And I do love you, Brandon.”

Slowly he eased his cock inside Brandon’s ass, inch by inch, until it came to rest deep inside.

Tears started to flow from Brandon’s eyes as his fantasy came to life – what he had dreamed of

for so long was actually happening. He was being fucked, he was being loved, by the

gorgeous Italian – by his friend.

Mario pulled back slowly and began an exquisitely tender massaging of the boy’s warm ass.

Since coming to this house Brandon had been fucked quite a few times, but never like this. It

wasn’t so much a physical sensation in his ass as a warmth, a tingling, that suffused his whole

body. They were joined bodily but the sensation was more spiritual than physical as he gazed

through his tears at the exotic green eyes smiling at him.


Mario leaned forward, their faces came close, and Mario said, “You see, mi amico, this is how it

will be from now on.”

“Will you do this to me often?”

“As often as you like, amico – fucking and loving and usually both together as I am now.” He

pressed his lips against Brandon’s and they kissed lovingly while all the time Mario’s cock

moved gently in and out of his friend’s ass. Brandon was moaning loudly into Mario’s mouth,

and Mario suddenly pulled back. “I know, amico, I am very close too, but I don’t want us to cum

like this. I have something else in mind.”

He pulled his cock from Brandon’s ass and stood up on the bed, looking down at Brandon’s

cock that stood erect as a flagpole. He dropped to his knees astride Brandon’s chest and said,

“Making love is a splendid thing, amico – a wonderful mix of passion, tears and laughter. Well,

we’ve experienced the passion and the tears …” he brushed the tears from Brandon’s cheeks.

“Now for the fun.”

Quickly he lubed up his fingers and pushed them inside his own ass. He wiped his hands,

picked up his discarded shirt and tied it round Brandon’s neck like a neckerchief. He spread his

arms to the sides and smiled, “As a boy I always had dreams of being a cowboy and riding a

stallion. And some dreams do come true.” Suddenly he sat hard on Brandon’s cock, all the

way down to the pubic hair.

They both howled and Brandon stared wide eyed at the extraordinary sight. The naked,

muscular, square-jawed Italian was glorious, his unruly black hair flying as he rode his cock,

bouncing on it faster and faster. Laughing gleefully Mario said, “You want fantasy, amico? I’ll

give you fantasy”. He reached under the bed and pulled out … a cowboy hat. “I got this at the

rodeo in Reno and saved it for just such an occasion as this.”

Brandon laughed as Mario planted the hat on the back of his head, then reached forward,

grabbed the cloth round Brandon’s neck and pulled his head gently off the bed. Holding his free

arm up triumphantly he whooped like a cowboy riding a bucking bronco, hanging onto the reins

with one hand.

Brandon was spinning in a whirl of conflicting emotions. He was laughing at Mario’s playful

exuberance but was dazzled too by the sight of the naked cowboy riding his cock, his hat

perched on the back of his tousled hair that spilled over his forehead. It was laughter and lust,

two boys at play, two men in love. And always that exquisite sensation in his cock spearing

the cowboy’s ass.

The ride lasted a lot longer than rides at the rodeo as this cowboy could not be thrown. “That’s

the hottest cowboy I ever saw,” Brandon laughed. “Come on, ride him cowboy – ride that cock.”

“Yes, and I will make you shoot a load of jizz in the cowboy’s ass.”


Brandon yelled, “I thought it was always the cowboy did the shooting.”

“That too,” Mario laughed. “Here, I’ll show you ….. Yeah!!.” His muscles flexed as he held

onto his hat and blasted a long stream of cum that splashed down on Brandon’s chest and face.

As Mario sat down hard on his cock Brandon exploded in his ass but his scream was choked off

by the cowboy’s semen flowing into his open mouth.

Mario waved his hat triumphantly in the air. “King of the rodeo – my dream come true.”

“I’ll say,” Brandon laughed, “My dreams too – all rolled into one.”

Slowly Mario pulled his cock out and fell forward next to Brandon, kissing him and licking his

face clean of semen. “We’ll clean up in the morning,” Mario said as he snuggled beside him.

Brandon turned over, pressed his back against Mario’s chest and, after a moment’s thought,

asked, “Do they even have cowboys in Italy?”

“Only one,’ Mario said. Me – as you saw for yourself.” Brandon giggled, but Mario said, “And

now my handsome young stallion we have to sleep or we’ll be so out of it at work tomorrow that

Randy will fire us.”

“I don’t think so,” Brandon grinned. “Bob wouldn’t let him, not two guys in love. I’ve heard Bob

say often – ‘Love conquers all’. And he should know.”


They didn’t need an alarm clock. Early next morning they were startled awake by the door

crashing open and, as they rubbed the sleep from their eyes, they squinted at – Eddie and Ben.

Eddie was hopping up and down in agitated suspense. He looked down at the pair lying naked

together with Mario’s arm round Brandon’s neck and said, “So, are you two an item now?”

Brandon took a deep breath and said haughtily, “Mario and me don’t believe in putting labels on

things.” Eddie looked gleefully at Ben. “So that’s a yes then. Come on dude.” As they ran

from the room to spread the word Eddie turned round. “Oh, breakfast is on the table and

Randy’s on the warpath.”

“Oops,” Mario grinned at Brandon. “Better put in an appearance pronto.” As they dragged

themselves off the bed, Brandon into his wheelchair, Mario asked, “What is this ‘item’ Eddie

speaks of?”

“Oh, it means when two people are … like … together …like … a couple. You know … in love.”

Mario said, “And do you think we are this … ‘item’?”


Brandon grinned. “You heard what Eddie said, ‘That’s a yes, then’. He’s pretty smart. I’d go

with that.”


Of course, word spread like lightning in this group, especially when Eddie was the messenger,

and when Mario and Brandon made their disheveled appearance at breakfast they were greeted

with a standing ovation. A coupling of two members of the tribe was always an event. Blushing,

they took their places at table to the smiles of the men and enthusiasm of the other boys.

One guy who wasn’t so enthusiastic was Randy, who was having a few problems with the

construction project and, as Eddie had said, was on the warpath. As he walked behind them

Randy said, “You two are late. You’ve got half an hour to eat breakfast and get your asses to

work. What you been doing anyway? You stink of jism.” He saw the glow in their eyes. “Oh I

get it … Well, I guess the smell of jizz won’t be a problem for that crew. Probably turn them on.”

His expression became less severe, his voice softer. He broke into a smile and ruffled their

hair. “Congratulations, guys – about time, too. Just don’t let it interfere with your work.” He

winked at them, then immediately the stern expression returned as he strode off, barking orders.

The seal of approval from the boss, especially when he was on the warpath, made them feel

good and they would have liked to spend the day together – but duty called. The twins hovered

attentively with food and coffee, anxious to see them get to work on time. Not surprisingly they

were the last to finish breakfast, except for Bob who did not have to obey Randy’s commands.

(Quite the reverse actually.)

Randy yelled “Hey” but Bob raised his hand to indicate that he was talking to the boys – and

that was that. Bob smiled at them and put his hands over theirs. “I’m so pleased for you both,

and happy that you took your time about it. A relationship takes a lot of work and you’ve

started out well. Seems like you learned the difference between fucking and loving, Brandon.”

“Oh yes, sir, Mario showed me that. Sir, do you think I’ve done enough homework for Dr.


“Well, you’d have to ask him that when you next meet, but my guess is he would tell you to

pursue it a bit longer. See, as you’ve discovered from watching Mark and Jamie, Zack and

Darius, then Randy and me, love is complicated and can take many different forms. Who could

have guessed that Zack would tie his boy up and whip him to show him how much he loves him

and that Darius would crave it?

“The other thing is that in this tribe sex flows pretty easily, so most guys feel free to fuck with

any other guys in the group. That can be a challenge for new couples to grasp. Randy’s rule


is that you can fuck anyone within the tribe, but don’t dare do it outside. Jamie made that

mistake once and Mark almost threw him out. Now, though, they’re more in love than ever.

“What I’m saying is, to get a full picture, you should watch a few more guys in action. Take

Jason. People say he is in love with himself, but that’s only the mirror image. He’s vain about

his looks is all – and who can blame him, he’s so beautiful. I’m sure hundreds of guys still jerk

off over his picture in the fireman’s calendar.”

“Actually, sir,” Brandon said, “Jason has invited Hassan and Adam over for dinner on Saturday

afternoon with their boys – Ben, Eddie and Nate. He invited me too. Do you think I could take


Bob laughed. “I’m sure he’d be disappointed if you didn’t. You two are the hot couple in town

right now. And that will give you an ideal place to observe and complete your homework.

Jason is the narcissist but I fancy Hassan and Adam are not far behind. Men as gorgeous as

that must have their vanity too. And you’ll learn that love between men always has a

competitive edge. That’s inevitable with alpha males, especially the beautiful ones – even if it’s

only competing to see who looks best in front of a mirror.”

Bob grinned. “The only guy I know who has no personal vanity is Randy. But you only have to

see him in action to know that he is the ultimate competitive male. They don’t come tougher

than him. He always has to be the boss – it’s bred in the bone – and it’s what makes him so

sexy. Hell, I often wonder how he’d react if that guy Pete, the hot stud Ranger we met, ever

showed up here. We’d all have a ringside seat for that one.

“Listen, talking of Randy, I’m getting really black looks from him so you better get to work. If he

gives you grief I’ll take care of it. He listens to me.” (That was the understatement of the year,

Mario grinned to himself.) “And congratulations again, guys. You’ll be great together. Enjoy

your visit to Jason’s. And Brandon – take notes.”

# # #