Aw in 2 N Swe Latin and Anglo-Saxon Interlin Ear Version


Transcript of Aw in 2 N Swe Latin and Anglo-Saxon Interlin Ear Version

aw i n2 n Sfiw e









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ON some pages of the Introduction to this volume, and

also in the N otes at the end , I have had tomention gratefullythe help I have received from various quarters.

But apart from the aid specified there, I must here givethe names of tw o gentlemen , w hose assistance to me has

been very valuable. First and foremost my thanks are due

to Dr. Furnivall, w ho w ith great kindness has facilitated the

publishing of this book,both as my doctoral dissertation ,

to be presented to the Faculty of Letters at the UtrechtUniversity, and as one of the issues for the Early EnglishText Society . I must also thank him heartily for the troublehe has taken in correcting my necessarily faulty English.

Secondly to my brother, Mr. W. S. Logeman,w ho volunteered

to extract by far the greater part of the text for lexico

graphical purposes. I need hardly say that this labour hasbeen of material service to me, and I gladly take thisopportunity ofpublicly acknow ledging my obligations.




SECTION I . Outlines of the H istory of Benedictinism in England until

the Reformation

SECTION II. Bibliography of the various treatises, found in the CottonianMS. Tiberius A. 3

SECTION III. The Latin text. N ineteenth-century editions. Mannerof editing

SECTION IV . The English text. Manner of editing. The ‘Pav ingLetters 1

SECTION V . The Language ofthe text. Crude-forms. Merography2.

Evidence of the Latin text. English sounds. English in



fiections xxxviii


THE PROLOGUE. It contains a hortatory sermon,admonishing the monks

to pray to the Lord for perfection,to be up and doing, to fear

the Lord, to w alk in H is paths, and to bear in mind that, like

every beginning, the finding of the w ay to salvation is d ifficultLATIN LIST OF CHAPTERS

CHAPTER I. There are four classes ofmonks. Coenobites,i. e. those w ho

fight the battle of life under a Rule or an Abbot. The ancho

rites, w ho fight alone against the w eaknesses of the flesh and

their sinful thoughts. The Sarabaites, a very bad class : theyfollow the dictates of their desires ; What they w ish to do


they call a holy act ; w hat they do not like, they say is not

allow ed . The Gyrovagi, w ho roam about the country,and w ho


addicted to the pleasures of the stomach and the body , are even

w orse than the Sarabaites

CHAPTER II. The Abbot w ho is w orthy to reign over the monasterymust alw ays remember that he represents Christ. H e must not

teach anything but the precepts of the Lord . H e is responsible

for all that happens in his flock, and must set a good example ineverything. There should be no distinction of persons in the

monastery, and , above all,one of noble birth should have no

privilege over a menial. The Abbot must alw ays be aw are of

the difficulty of his task , and bear in mind that the more im

portant are the things entrusted to his care, the greater are his

responsibilities ; and earthly cares and w orldly considerations

should not distract him from his serious w ork

1 Those show ing the order or sequence Of the A.-Saxon w ords in construing

the Latin.

9 Part of a w ord put for the w hole ofit, aspm forp rarost.


CHAPTER III. When anything of importance is to be d ecided upon, all themonks should be consulted for sometimes God reveals the

truth unto the youngest of the brethren. In minor points the

advice of the elder brethren suffices. The monks should give

their advice in all humility to the Abbot, and not contend w ith

him. The decision rests in all cases w ith the latter KCHAPTER IV. Good w orks are here enumerated . These precepts are

mostly couched in Scriptural language, and alw ays pithilyexpressed . The first is : to love God w ith all one

s heart,all


s soul,and all one

s might, and one’

s neighbour as oneself.

The last,neverto despair ofGod

smercyCHAPTER V urges unlimited obedience on all

:Whatev er a monk has on

hand , he is to leave that alone, be it finished or not,to obey the

voice Of an elderbrother. And this Obedience w ill be especiallyacceptable to God, if everything he done quickly and w ithout a


CHAPTER VI urges si lence on all,especially as regards scurrilous matter.

But for w holesome and edifying w ords the Rule is not so


CHAPTER VII urges humility,for all exultation is a kind of pride

The tw elve degrees ofhumility are enumerated,ofw hich the first 1s

alw ays to have the fear of the Lord before one’

s eyesThe second , to put the Lord

s pleasure before one’

s ow n

The third, to submit to one

s elders for the love ofGod

The fourth,to persevere notw ithstanding all obstacles

The fifth, to confess evil deeds and bad thoughts

The sixth, to be content at the meanest labour being imposed upon


The seventh, not only to say, but to think , that one is inferior to all


The eighth, not to do anythingbuto

followthe rulingof the eldersThe ninth

,not to Speak until one is addressed

The tenth,not to laugh at the slightest provocation, and at every


The eleventh,to speak humbly, gravely , and not too much

The tw elfth, to show one’

s humility , not only inw ardly, but also by


s w ays and meek habits

CHAPTER VIII . In w inter,the monks must get up at a fixed time after

midnight, but so that they have had a good night’s rest. In

summer,the matins

,w hich must be said at daybreak , should

follow immediately on the Vigils

CHAPTER IX. The psalms that must be sung at the nocturns, as w ell as

the responsories and the lessons, are here enumerated . Both

the Old and N ew Testament should be read, as w ell as the

approved commentaries on them



CHAPTER X . In summer time,the above-mentioned lessons should not be

read,but one of the Old Testament should be said by heart


CHAPTER XI. On Sundays,the brethren should rise earlier for the

nocturns, in order to get through the special arrangement of

services for that day. The lessons, psalms, and v ersicles are

then specifiedCHAPTER XII. The psalms




,etc to be

said during matins on Sundays

CHAPTER XIII. Matins on w eek-days. A special psalm for each day.

Especial stress is laid on the Lord’

s prayer being said aloud by

the Prior,so that all may hear it


days,the vigils should be said as on Sundays

and only the special psalms, antiphons, and lessons Of the day areto be said

CHAPTER XV . When the A lleluia is to be sa id,depends on the time of

year. On Sundays , it should alw ays be said

CHAPTER XVI. In accordance w ith the w ords of the prOphet :‘ Seven

times a day have I praised thee,’

w e must observe this sacred

number, and w e shall be doing so, if w e keep the seven canonical


CHAPTER XVII. The psalms, hymns, lessons, etc. to be said at Prime,

T ierce, Sext, N one,Vesper, and Compline

CHAPTER XVIII The order and number of the psalms to be said .

S. Benet allow s every one to have another arrangement, if onlythe w hole Psalter be distributed over each w eek . In former

times,he adds

,it used to be the practice of our H oly Fathers to

do all this in one day

CHAPTER XIX . As w e believe in the omnipresence of God,and that

H is eyes look alike on the good and the evil,let us take care

that,during the divine office

,our mind finds utterance in our

w ords

CHAPTER XX . Our prayer should be short and reverent, and pure ,

unless it should be prolonged by div ine inspiration

CHAPTER XXI. Deans should be chosen solely from the larger congre

gations. Only humble men should be elected,and

,should they

become too proud , theymust be deposed ,just like the Provost,

after being rebuked three times

CHAPTER XXII . Each monk is,to sleep in a separate bed , but all


possible, in one hall. If there are too many,let there be ten or

tw enty together under the supervision of an elder. A candle

must burn in the dormitory untilmorningCHAPTER XXIII. If any brother does not observe the precepts of the

Rule,he must be rebuked if necessary tw ice , secretly , and after



that, publicly . If he do not then mend,he shall be excom

municated , and lastly , be subjected to corporal punishment

CHAPTER XXIV . The degree of punishment is to be in accordance w ith

the gravity of the guilt. For instance,for very light offences

the culprit is deprived only of the right of sitting at table, etc.

CHAPTER XXV . The brother w ho is guilty of a graver fault, must be

excluded both from the table and from the oratory. N 0 one

passing himmay ask a blessing on his head or on his food

CHAPTER XXVI. Those that presume to have any intercourse w hatever

w ith an excommunicated brother,should suffer the same ex


CHAPTER XXVII. The Abbot, w hose duty it is more to look after

w eak souls than to tyrannise over strong, should remember the

example of the Good Shepherd , and imitate it

CHAPTER XXVIII. When a brother has been rebuked repeatedly, w henhe has suffered the penalty of excommunication and corporal

punishment, w hen the Abbot’s and the brethren

s prayers havebeen of no avail


,and not until then

,let the Abbot act

upon theApostle’

s precept Put aw ay the evil one from among

yourselves,’and expel him

CHAPTER XXIX. A brother w ho hasbeen expelled the monastery , shouldbe allow ed to return into the low est place if he promises tomend ,

and this for three times after that, how ever,no return should

be possible

CHAPTER XXX. Young boys should be rebuked in a different manner,

for they do not see the grav ity of the penalty of excommunica

tion. Let them be punished by fasting, or the rod

CHAPTER XXXI. On the qualities of the Cellarer. He must be a w ise,

temperate, and God-fearing man,and must, above all


humble . Ifa brother asks ofhim w hat he cannot give, let him

not laugh at the brother, but in all humility refuse it. If the

congregation be a large one,helpers should be given him

CHAPTER XXXII. The use of the property of the monastery is to be

entrusted by the Abbot to monks on w hose qualities he can

depend . A register should be kept by theAbbot, in order to see

that he gets back all tha t he gives

CHAPTER XXXIII. The monks are not togive anything aw ay, or get anyproperty , except w ith the consent of the Abbot. Even their

ow n w ill,or their ow n body, is not in their pow er. All things

must be common unto all

CHAPTER XXXIV . Every one must receive the necessities of life in

accordance w ith his w ants. This is not meant to advocate

favouritism,but merely consideration for the infirmities of the

w eak . On no account Should complaints be heard



CHAPTER XXXV . Every brother is to serve in turn in the refectory for aw eek . During his time of serv ice let him take a slightmeal an

hour before the others, so that he do not feel faint, and let him

serve his brethren w ithout murmuring. All things are to be

w ashed and cleaned on Saturday before a brother makes place

for his successor

CHAPTER XXXVI. A cell should be set apart for the sick , and a

brother, careful, d iligent, and God-fearing should be appointed to

serve them. Ov er and above this,they are specially entrusted

to the Abbot’

s care

CHAPTER XXXVII. With regard to old men and children,the rule

should not needlessly be applied in all its severity , especiallyas to matters of nourishment

CHAPTER XXXVIII. A w eekly readermustbe appointed, w ho is to beginon Sunday . Silence should prevail a t meals. Only those are

to be elected to this office , w hose singing and reading w ill

edify the others

CHAPTER XXXIX. At meals there should alw ays be tw o dishes to choosefrom. Under circumstances of hard w ork or the like


Abbotmay order more food to be given but let all be mindful

not to be overtaken bygluttony . N O flesh of a quadruped is to

be eaten, except by the sick or the infirm .

CHAPTER XL . A itemina 1 of w ine is supposed to be sufficient eachdayfor every monk. Abstinence, how ever, 1s recommended . The

Prior of the monastery has it in his pow er to regulate this, in

accordance w ith the situation of the convent, and the w ork of

the inmates

CHAPTER XLI. The time ofmeals is to be regulated according to the time

of year and the heat. All is to be arranged so as not to

necessitate the use of a lamp

CHAPTER XLII. Before compline, speaking should be rare ; after that,

silence is not to be broken, except there be guests, or by expresscommand ofthe Abbot

CHAPTER XLIII. Whatever w ork they have on hand,w hen the bell

rings, either for divine office, or for meals, the brethren should

hasten to the proper place. H e w ho does not come, or comes

too late, should be punished befittingly

CHAPTER XLIV. Of the manner in w hich the excommunicated should

make satisfaction. H e is to lie, prostrate on the ground , before

the door of the oratory,and at the feet of all w ho pass him.

The Abbotmust decide how long this is to last

CHAPTER XLV . Those w homake amistake in reading psalms, etc. should

be severely punished , unless they humble themselves. The

younger brethren should be w hipped

1 A Roman liquid measure.




CHAPTER XLVI. If any one trespasses in any w ay, he is to be chastised

severely,should his guilt be made know n by another. H e

need not make it know n publicly , but must at least acquaint

the Abbot w ith it

CHAPTER XLVII. The time for the divine offices is to be fixed by the

Abbot,or by those w hom he names

CHAPTER XLVIII. D ivision of the day, as regards manual labour : Work

in the morning, then reading : a little rest or reading after

dinner,then w ork again. This arrangement is somew hat

different in w inter-time . D uring Lent there is more reading

than usual, as also on Sundays. N o excessive amount of w ork

Should be laid on the shoulders of the delicate

CHAPTER XLIX . During Lent, w hen w e must w ash aw ay all sins of

other times,especial sanctity of behaviour is enjoined Absti

nence,Special prayers, and Offerings. But everything should

be done w ith the know ledge of the Abbot

CHAPTER L. Those brothers w ho are far aw ay from themonastery shouldkeep the hours of divine offices

,in the fear of God , and w ith

bended knees, as best they canCHAPTER LI. H e w ho has been sent aw ay from the monastery for one

day only , should not presume to eat on his w ay, unless hidden

by the Abbot to do so

CHAPTER LII. The oratory is to be used for no other purpose than that

ofprayingCHAPTER LIII. Guests Should alw ays be receiv ed by the Prior and the

brethren, for in them Christ is received . As a rule,fastsmay be

broken on account of the guests. Their feet'

should be w ashed .

There must be a separate kitchen for guests, and some beds

should alw ays remain prepared for themCHAPTER LIV . A monk is not to receive any presents w hatever, or

give them to any brother, unless the Abbot allow him to do so

CHAPTER LV . On the clothing to be used by the monks. N 0 general

rule is laid dow n all particulars are left to the Abbot,a s too

much depends on the temperature in each country to allow of

general regulations. The bedd ing is to be frequently lookedafter by the Abbot

CHAPTER LVI. If there are guests, they shoTIid sit at the Abbot’

s table ,

w hich he is alw ays at liberty to invite one or more of the

brethren to

CHAPTER LVII. Artisans should w ork in their ow n branch of handicraft,

unless they pride themselves too much upon it. The price of

their articles,w hich must be sold w ithout defrauding the

monastery,should alw ays be a little cheaper than in the




CHAPTER LVIII. N 0 easy entrance into the Order is to be granted to anew comer. H e must prove himself w orthy of being received


by very great patience and humility. H e must be diligentlyw atched . The Rule must be read to him once

,and then again,

and once more, after long intervals. If he still persevere, he

must make the promise of stability, moral conversion, and

Obedience, orally and in w riting. All his property is to be given

up to the monastery, and he must exchange his garments forthe monastic dress

CHAPTER LIX. N oblemen w ho offer their sons, should make a w ritten

promise that they w ill never give them anything. They are

allow ed , how ever,to make a gift to the monastery of w hatever

they please. The poor simply offer their sons before w itnesses

CHAPTER LX. If a priest should w ish to dw ell in the monastery,he

can do so,under condition that he submit to the Rule . No

preference is to be given to him over any of the brethren

CHAPTER LXI. Pilgrims Should be received for as long as they like .

If they find fault w ith any arrangement of the monastery,

let the Abbot w eigh their w ords w ell. If they be of evil

manners,let them be asked to depart. The Abbot must not

receive an inmate from another monastery w ithout his Abbot’



CHAPTER LXII. The monk w ho has been chosen by the Abbot to be

ordained a priest, should abstain from feeling pride, and exceptw hen officiating at the altar

, should keep in the ordinary placew hich is his by order of entrance into the monastery

CHAPTER LXIII. Allmust keep to the place appointed to them. Age is

here never a consideration, only order of entrance, special

merit, or the ruling of the Abbot, w hose appointments should

be just, and give no cause for complaint. The brethren are to

call one another by the reverential names of Fra ter, Nonnus.

The younger brother must alw ays ask a blessing of the elder

CHAPTER LXIV. The Abbot should be elected unanimously,or by the

more w holesome counsel of part of the community. If it

comes to the know ledge of any one that a bad Abbot has been

chosen anyw here, let the Bishop appoint a w orthy substitute.

In all points theAbbotmustbe a good man. H emust remember

that he has one day to render account of his management, and

must bear in mind that his task is to benefit the monks rather

than to be theirhead

CHAPTER LXV . Scandals, arising through the appointment of a Provost,

should be avoided . The Provost must not think that he is not

more subj ect to the Abbot, after he has been ordained by him.

The first four times the Provost is to be admonished , ifrefractory .

The fifth time he must be deposed




CHAPTER LXVI. A w ise old man is to be appointed gatekeeper, and if

he w ants help , he can have it from one of the young men. The

monastery must be so constituted that every requisite is

there, so that the monks need not go abroad, to the detriment of

their souls. The Rule should be read frequently to thebrethrenCHAPTER LXVII. Prayers are to be said for all those that go on a

journey. N O one is to speak to another of his adventures on

a journey nor is any one to leave the monastery,be the

distance ever so small, w ithout the consent of the Abbot

CHAPTER LXVIII. All that a brother is enj oined to undertake, he musttry to do, even if it should seem to him to be too much. Let

him trust to God and ObeyCHAPTER LXIX. N 0 one is to defend another in the monastery


even if they are ofnear kindred

CHAPTER LXX. N o one is to strike another. Lads under fifteen yearsof age must be w atched diligently , but if they are treated too

severely, let the offender suffer the penalty enacted by the RuleCHAPTER LXXI. The brethren must be obedient, not only to the Abbot,

but to one another. A brother w ho refuses to do penance, and

remains refractory,should be expelled

CHAPTER LXXII. Good zeal leads to God, and to life eternal . Let no

one do w hat he thinks is good for himself,but only w hat is

profitable to another. Let Christ be loved above all

CHAPTER LXXIII. Epilogue . The Rule is not intended to be exhaustivein its teaching. The reader is referred to the w ritings Of the

H oly Fathers,the rule ofS. Basil, etc .

To those that live up to this Rule, the Kingdom ofH eaven is

alw ays Open






THE Latin convent rule, know n under the name of the

Rule Of S. Benet,w as w ritten by that Saint about the year

5 1 6 A. D .

1 Saint Benedict w as not the first w ho found itnecessary to lay dow n rules for monks to live by. He w roteonly for those ‘

qui regulas ni’

gris monarch s ediderunt’

(i. e .

those that w ere afterw ard s called Black Friars,and Bene

dietines). Dugdale, on the page cited below,enumerates some

six and more fathers w ho w ere the authors of Rules. Of

these w e may especially mention S. Basilius, and refer the

reader to page 1 1 8 2 infra , w here Benedictus of Nursia

himself speaks of the Regula sanctis patris nostri Basilii,as

‘ bene v iventium et oboedientium monachorum institutavirtutum.

According to the commonly accepted idea , Pope Gregorythe Great introduced Benedictinism, along w ith Christianity


into England in the year 596 , w hen Augustine, prior of the

Monastery of S. Andrew at Rome,came across w ith several

1 See Dugdale’

sMonasticon,ed . 1 8 1 7 and 1 846, I , p . xxiii. S. Benedictus pater

noster regulam monachorum edidit circa annum Christi 5 1 6.

2 I here give the translation from the Durham MS. ,Eh. I . 6 (see

Wanley, p . a collation Of w hich w as not given by Professor Schro‘


Eac swylce paera haligra faedera lif. 7 heora drohtnunga . 7 se regol ures halgan

feeder basilii hw aet is hit elles butan ge timbrunga haligra manna . 7 a ra

muneca p (read pe) w el 7 rihte libbaO, 7 ge hersume synd .

See A. SchrOer,

D ie Angels'

achsischen Prosabearbeitungen der Benediktinerregel, Kassel,1 885

—1 888, p . 1 3 3 . I may here thankfully mention the service rendered me

by the Rev . Canon D . Greenw ell, Librarian to the Dean and Chapter of

Durham Cathedral, w ho, on my applying for the loan of the‘

MS., volunteered

to transcribe the w hole of the Ben. Rule contained in it,and w ho, assisted

by the Rev . J . T . Fow ler, Librarian to the University of Durham,did so

entirely as‘a labour of love .

’Let me here publicly thank the reverend

gentlemen for this extraordinary kindness.


other Benedictine monks 1 . Hook adds that ‘ Before Dunstan ’s time w e may doubt the existence anyw here in Englandof the Benedictine Rule in its completeness.

Lingard 2

argues against this. According to this learned h istorian ,Benedictine w riters have unsuccessfully tried to establish and

maintain that S. Gregory w as a Benedictinehimself. Accordingtohim

,it w asnot untilVVilfrid ’

s time (latterhalfof the seventhcentury) that the monks Of Britain got acquainted w ith theRule Of S. Benedict . Be this as it may

3,all are agreed in

attributing a high character and a great authority to the

Rule in England w hen once introduced.

A few notes on the fate Of the Benedictines in Englandmay be convenient to the reader Dugdale, in his gIeat

collection ofmaterials for the study OfMonasticism In England,says “

Tres autem apud nos celebres fueruntmonachismi veteris reformationes.

Altera sub Dunstano fuit,in consilio W intoniensi anno 965 regnante Edgaro,

magnificentissimo coenobiorum instauratore. Tunc primummonachis praescripta

fuit constitutio generalis tam ex Benedicti Regula quam ex veteribus con

suetudinibus contexta quae dicta est Regularis Concordia Anglicae nationis .


If this Regularis Concordia’

is not Dunstan’

s, it ow es its

origin at least to his mind,w hich pervades the time in w hich

he lived . H is w as the age of the revival of monasticism.

It is Dunstan’

s mind that speaks through Eadgar’

s month

w hen the latter prompts Aethelw old to a translation of the

Benedictine Rule " . What Dunstan aimed at,w as to lead

back monastic life to its original purity and severe disciplinein accordance w ith the Rule of S. Benet

,and to infuse the

spirit Of monasticism into the w hole of the English Church.

When, after sundry vicissitudes,Dunstan came to pow er

shortly after Eadgar’

s accession,the reforms sadly w anted

See Smith and Cheetham, Diet. of Christ. Antiquities ; and Hook, Church

Dictionary , in voce.

2 Alterthtimer der Angelsachsischen Kirche. Deutsch von Dr. FlL

Rom. Breslau,1 847. When w riting, I had not the English ed . atmydisp a m .

3 This is not the place for further investigations of the matter. I refer

to Lingard , pp . 64, 70 , and 72 .

4 Monasticon Anglicanum, I, p . xiii.5 See infra

,Ch. II of this Introduction, sub I.

6 See SchrOer, D ie Prosabearbeitungen, pp . xiii- xviii infra, p. xxxiv .


The complaints — against the inmates, as w ill be seen,of not a very serious

nature relate for the most part to certain anticipations by some of the more

youthful monks of the teachings of w hat has lately been called muscular

Christianity , as show n in their addiction to the practice Of long-bow archery in

theHyde meadow s, and to that ofkeeping late hours, sitting for longdiscussions,

sometimes to the hour of eight in the evening and even beyond it ( and , it ismuch to be feared , occasionally over a potation to freshen their talk) , instead

ofbetaking themselves to bed immediately after supper, accord ing to the good

w ont of their predecessors.

And now a complaint on the part of the Roman Catholics,w hich is at the same time a serious accusation

In estimating the case w ith w hich so many venerable monasteries w ere

overthrow n,it must be borne in mind that for some years prev ious to their

final suppression, many steps had been taken by those in pow er to render that

suppression more easy. One of these, and perhaps the chief

,w as the appoint

ment by the Court ofcompliant and suborned men, already apostates at heart,to highest positions in the religious houses. N O one w as more prominent in

this disgraceful intrigue than the highest ecclesiastical authority in the

kingdom, the primate Cranmer.

As a proof of this,D . Weldon 1 instances the case of a

man w ho w as recommended for a vacancy,and w ho w as

in an introductory letter quoted- said to be very tractable,and as ready to set forw ard his prince

s causes as noman more

ofhis coat ’ I53 And the late ProfessorBrew er, a Protestanthistorian of Henry VIII 2

,has an admission bearing on this

subject, w hen he says : (Nothing)‘w arrant(s) us in

believing that the era preceding the Reformation w as more

corrupt than that w hich succeeded it.

W e now understand the preamble of theAct 2 7 HenryVIII,intitled An act concerning the suppression or Dissolution of

certain Religious houses and geven to the Kings H ighnessand to his Heirs for ever.

‘ For as much as manifest sinne, vycyous carnal and abominable living

ys daily used and cOmitted in such littell and small abbayes and priories

and other religious houses of monkes chanons and nonnes w here the con

gregation is under the number ofXII’ 3


How the new hope to w hich Mary ’

s accession gave birth1 Weldon

, pref. , p . xiii.2 The Reign ofH enry VIII, from his accession to the death ofWolsey


the late J . S. Brew er,M .A. ,

ed . by James Gairdner, of the Public Record

Office , I, 1 884 ; see p . 60 0 .

3 Monasticon Anglicanum, Appendix to Vol. VIII, p . 1 654 .

II. ] THE MS. T IB . A. 3 . xix

w as cut short w ith the end of her brief reign , and the

succession of the Protestant Eliz abeth, w ho undid all

,and how

the Benedictines fared unto this very day, all this and more

the curious may pursue in the w orks I have cited in the

foot-notes. I may fitly close this section of the introductionby tw o more passages from Professor Brew er

s book, w hich

are w orth quoting‘ The greater monasteries w ere necessarily modified by the circumstances

of the times,and their religious characters impaired . They admitted a

number of lay inmates, or, at least, kept Open house for persons not connected

w ith their foundations (I, p . 50 ) and ( ih. , p . 51 )‘ That in so large a body of men

,so w idely dispersed , seated for so many

centuries in the richest and fairest estates of England , for w hich they w ere

mainly indebted to their ow n skill, perseverance, and industry,discreditable

members w ere to be found (and w hat literary chiffonier, raking in the

scandalous annals of any profession,cannot find filth and corruption) is

likely enough, but tha t the corruption w as either so black or so general as

party spirit w ould make us believe, is contrary to all analogy, and is un

supported by impartial and contemporary evidence 1 .



THE manuscript from w hich the present copy Of the

Benedictine Rule is taken, is the Cotton MS. ,Tiberius A. 3 .

It is described byWanley on pp . 1 932— 1 99 Of his catalogue.

The MS. is slightly injured,but has been rebound and

beautifully pasted up . At p . 1 98 , section LXI,Wanley recordsthe very gaps that I have noted below (on p . I ll. 1 , 2 ,

so that these injuries must be anterior to him,and therefore

also to the fire of 1 73 1 .

The MS. is a miscellaneous one,containing a varied col

1 Justnow a notice reachesme ofa book only recently published, ‘H enryVIIIand the English Monasteries ; an attempt to illustrate the H istory of their


’By Francis Aidan Gasquet. Vol. I . The book , w hich lays

blame on Protestants as w ell as on Roman Catholics, is characterised as being‘ most conscientiously fair.

’For a full statement of the case against the

monasteries,I refer the reader to Ch. V of R . NV. D ixon’

s H istory of the

Church ofEngland . Vol. I, 1 878 (London : Smith, Elder, and2 Wanley

,by a misprint, 793 .

THE MS. T IB . A. 3 .

lection of interlinear versions, prayers, confessions, and othertreatises. The authorities of the great public libraries are not,so far as I know , keeping registers of the MSS. published or

transcribed. The w ork in arrear is of course enormous ;

but an inverted Wanley to begin w ith,— to w hich the presentis a humble contribution— w ould be an invaluable boon tostudents of the Oldest English, and w ould be a foundationfor librarians to w ork upon . I therefore proceed to give notesof w here the various pieces in the MS. Tiberius A. 3 are

printed , if they have been edited at all ; and I hope that all

w ho have ever turned over the leaves of MSS. to hunt forunpublished matter, w ill be glad of my attempt ; especiallythose w ho have diligently copied out page after page, onlyto find that this had been already done by some one else.

Since W anley’

s time the pagination of the MS. has beenslightly altered , and my statements refer to this new

pagination .

That some one w ill take this w ork up for all MSS. is

a consummation devoutly to be w ished .

The greater part of the MS . w as Copied out by Junius(see below , p . xxxii

,on the value of these transcriptions),

and his copies are kept in the Bodleian Library, at Oxford .

It is to the various MSS. of this collection that the w ords

MS. Junius (infra) refer.

Contents of Me JlIS. Tiderz'

us A. 3 .

N O . I (fo. Regularis Concordia Anglicae N ationis

Monachorum Sanctimonialiumque.

MSS. J un. 52 . 1 0 9 Wanley, pp . 9 2 and 99 . VII.

Of this, the Latin text has been printed in full at least tw ice : (a ) in R . P.

Clem. Reyneri Apostolatus Benedictinorum,and (b) in the later editions

of the Monasticon Anglicanum, see edd . 1 8 1 7, 1 846, I , p . xxvii. The

Anglo-Saxon text has never been printed in full. Besides the smaller

quotations given from it byWanley himself, other extracts have been putin type several times. Selden printed the prologue and the greater part

of the epilogue in his notes to Eadmer. See his Works,ed . 1 72 6, II

( tomus 2 ) , pp . 1 6 1 2 — 1 62 1 (seeMS. Junius,1 8 ; Wanley

, p . Selden,

in accordance w ith the usage of his time,

ed its’ 1 the MS. , and though

he does not mention the MS. from w hich his text is taken, it is highlyprobable that our MS. is the one . Th. Wright, in his Biographia Litt.

1 See Skeat,Preface to the Gospel ofS. Matthew

, p . viii.

THE MS . T IB . A. 3 . xxi

Brit. Anglo-Saxon period (I) , p . 459 , prints the 1 1 th chapter by w ay of

specimen. Quite recently the prologue and part of the first chapter havebeen published

— critically edited,

as the title page says— by Dr.

Edw ard Breck ,‘ Fragment of Aelfric

s translation of Aethelw old’

s De

consuetudine Monachorum,

etc.,Leipsic. W . Drugulin

s printing

Office,1 887.

An edition of the w hole text is preparing byMr. W . S. Logeman. I mayhere add that the w ork is generally supposed to be one of Dunstan


but it has been attributed also to Aelfric,w hilst of late , independently

of each other,Professor A . Ebert (Allgemeine Gesch. der Litt. d es

Mittelalters III, p . and the above-named Dr. Breck

,have fathered

it upon Aethelw old , Abbot of Abingdon , and afterw ards Bishop of


II—XVII,inclusive, are all of a nature that makes us turn to


s Leechdoms (London , 1 864 — 1 866) to see if any are

printed in it. As a matter of fact, I find the follow ing Stateof affairs

No. II (fo. 2 7 b). Leechdoms,III

,1 98 .

MS. J un. 43 . Wanley, p. 88 .

N O . III (fo. 3 2 b). Leechdoms, III, 1 84 (w ithout theLatin text).

MS. J un. 44. Wanley, p . 89 ( imperfect ? Wanley) .

N O . IV (fO . 3 5b). UnprintedI

(but copied by me

publication).MS. J un . 4 3 . Wanley

, p . 88 .

N O . V (fO . Unprinted .

N O . VI (fO . 3 6 b). Unprinted .

N o. VII (fo. 3 6 b). Leechdoms, III, 1 50 .

MS. J un. 44. Wanley , p . 89.

N O . VIII (fo. Unprinted , but copied for publication .

MS. J un . 44 . Wanley, p . 89 , sub VIII.

No. IX (fo. 3 7h). Leechdoms, III, 1 54 and 1 68 .

MS. J un. 4 3 . W anley, p . 88

,sub II and V . There is

,how ev er, a dis

crepancy in the tw o concluding passages of the texts. H aving at the

moment of w ritingno access to either MS.,I am unable to solve the diffi

culty , w hich w as perhaps also felt by Wanley . At least, he says, v eryprudently ; Idem Codex

,inquit, ch. Junius, ’ etc.

NO . X (fO . 3 9 b). Leechdoms,III, 1 76 .

MS. J un. 44. Wanley , p . 89, sub V .

1 I consulted Professor N apier on this subject. H e w as so kind as to

put his bibliographical know ledge at my d isposal w henever I w ished to draw

upon it.

xxii T HE Ms. T IB . A. 3 .

N O . XI (fo. Leechdoms,III

,1 80 .

MS. J un. 44. Wanley , p . 89 , sub IX.

NO . XII (fo. 40 b). Leechdoms, III, 1 80 .

MS. J un. 44. Wanley, p . 89, sub VII.

No. XIII (fo. 40 b). Leechdoms, III, 1 46 .

MS. J un. 4 1 , sub II. Wanley, p . 87.

NO . XIV (fo. Leechdoms,III

,156 .

N O . XV (fo. 4 1 b). Unprinted (copied).MS. J un. 44. Wanley, pp . 89 and 90 , subXI.

N o. XVI (fo. Unprinted (copied).N o. XVII (fo. 4 2 b). Leechdoms


,1 44 .

MS. J un. 4 1 . W anley, p . 87.

N OS. XVIII—XX,and NOS. XXIII, XXIV inclusive , (ff.

4 3 are small tracts, very Short notes, in fact Notulae

Wanley), on Adam,N oah


the Virgin’

s Age, and on

Crime . They are Shortly to appear in the Anglia XI.


MS. J un. 44 . Wanley, p . 90 , subXIV .

N O . XXI is Latin (fo. 4 3 b) .

N o. XXII (fo. Leechdoms,III

, 2 2 8 (partly, only , andfrom the MS. Caligula A. XV).


MS. J un . 44 . Wanley, p . 90 , subXIV .

NO . XXV (ff. 44 Acollection of confessions and prayersas yet unprinted . They w ill shortly appear in the Anglia .

O nly the latter part (Wanley, p . beginning :

‘ Daet scealgepencan,

also appearing in an Oxford MS . (Wanley, p .

w as used by Thorpe in Ancient Law s,II

,2 60 .

MS. J un. 63 . Wanley, p . 93 .

NO . XXVI (ff. 57—60 b). Missa,cum rubricis Saxonice.

I am not aw are that it has been printed .

No. XXVII (fo. 60 b) has been published several times ; see

W iilker’

s Grundrisz, p . 476 (III,

MS. J un. 66. Wanley, p . 95. Zupitza (Zeitschr. f. D . Alt. 3 1 . 2 8 ff.)

has recently treated of the relation of the tw o MSS. know n to exist. I

must here mention a note in the preface to W anley’

s Catalogue .

Amongst some books that used to be in the library ofChrist Church,

Canterbury , he names (p. 8) a Locutio Latina glosata Anglice, ad

instruendos pueros (forte Aelfric I have no means of de

THE MS. T IB . A. 3 . xxiii

termining w hether this is the identical Copy tha t is now in the

CottonianLibrary . It w ould seemnot, from the fact that it ismentioned

as a separate book, w hereas both the Oxford and the London copies are

part of a collection of treatises. The query rises,w ere they alw ays


.z The Oxford MS. is to be published by Zupitza .

Nos. XXVIII—XXXI (fo. Latin .

N o. XXXII (fo. 65h). Leechdoms,III

, 2 3 8 (here, as in

some Of the cases quoted before, only as variae lectiones

MS. J un. 4 1 . Wanley p . 8 7. See W iilker’

s Grundrisz , III, 571 ;

Anglia X , p . 457 ff.

The notae that Wanley mentions on p . 1 96 b Of his ca talogue (N ota de

Archa noe,de S. Petri Ecclesia , et de T emplo Salomonis, Saxonice,

fO . 73 a,b) have not yet been printed, but I presume they are

shortly to appear in the Anglia (xi) . MS. J un. 44 . Wanley, p . 90 ,

sub XIV.

N o. xxx1 1 1 (fo. 73 b). Cockayne’

s Narra.tiuncu1ae, p~ 3 9

Cf. Wulker’

s Grundri sz,60 2 .

No. XXXIV (fo . 77 b) . Aelfric’

s Homilies (ed . Thorpe),

No. XXXV (fo. Is in Napier’

s ed . of Wulfstan’



MS. J un. 69 . Wanley, p . 95.

No. XXXVI (fO . Kemble’

s Salomon and Saturn, p . 84 .

MS. J un. 69 . Wanley, p . 96 . It w ill be included in Professor N apier


first volume of H omilies,to be edited for the Early English Text


Nos. XXXVII—XLVIII (fo . 88 b), inclusive, w ill all be

found in Professor N apier’

sWulfstan .

No. XLIX (fo. 93 b). Latin .

N O . L (IO . 94 b). I. Edited in Thorpe’

s Anc . Law s,II, 2 60 .

N os. 2—6 inclusive are also to be found there, but printedfrom other MSS . See above, under No. 25.

MS. J un. 59 . Wanley , p . 93 .

N O . LI (fo. Printed by Kluge , Internationale Zeitschrift fiir Vergl. Sprachforschung ,

ed . Techmer,II

,1 1 8 .

MS. J un . 52 . \Vanley, p . 92 .

Nos. LII and LIII (fo. 1 0 1 b). So far as I know ,un

printed . One w ould expect these to be included in Cockayne’


Leechdoms .

No. LIV (fo. See Kluge, E . Stud ,VIII


contains a reminiscence of the A.-S. poem,

the Seafarer.

THE MS. TIB . A. 3 .

N O . LV (fo. Que sunt instrumenta Bonorum,

Latine et eadem Saxonice. Sectio excerpta ex Regula

S. Benedicti,’

says Wanley . It is a Copy of chapter four,of the w ork w hich,

as I have said above (p . xv ) and below

(p . xxxi), has been edited, w ith some variac lectiones, by

Professor A. SchrOer ; but he has not given a collation of thisTiberius MS.

N OS. LVI,LVII (fo. These w ill probably be included

in Professor N apier’

s collection of Homilies.

MS. J un. 48 (by a misprint in Wanley : Wanley, p . 90 (for N O .


N O . LVIII (fo. Leechdoms,III. p . 2 86 . See

Wanley, p . 1 1 0 (C. C . C . C . L .

No. LIX (fo. See W iilker’

s Grundrisz, 564—566 ,

P 475

N o. LX (fo. 1 0 7b) .‘Votiva Laus.

Latin .

N O . LXI (fO . This is our Benedictine Rule. See

below ,sections III and IV .

MS. J un . 9 2 . Wanley , p . 1 0 3 . Junius Copied only part of the gloss

into a printed text Regula S. Benedicti Latine Duaci impressa ,A. D .

1 6 1 1 , Saxonice per Junium glossata ex Cottoniano codice qui inseri

bitur, Tiberius A . When preparing my text for the press, I w as not

in a position to compare Junius’ s copy .

N O . LXII (fo. 1 63 b) Regulae S. Fulgentii Latine, cum

interlineata versione Saxonice.

MS. J un. 52 . Wanley, pp . 9 1 , 92 . Wanley, in bestow ing this name on

this collection of monastic precepts, evidently follow ed Junius, w ho,

at the beginning of his copy, says : Benedicti regulam interlineatam,

quam habet Cottonianus codex qui inscribitur, Tiberius A. 3 , mox

excipiunt S. Fulgentii regulae, Similiter interlineatae.

The Precepts, as in the present MS. begin thus


'I‘IUS .

Juxta 1regulam patrum v ivere semper stude maxime autem secundum

sancti confessoris tui benedicti ; N on declines ab ea in quoquam : nec

illi addas quippiam,nee minuas ; Totum enim quod sufficit habet


nusquam minus habet ; cujus verba atque imperia sectatores suos per

ducunt ad celi palatia and then follow s immediately‘A KALENDIS AUTEM OCTOBRIS USQUE IN PASCHA

hora nona hoc faciunt,


These w ords :‘A kalendis autem Octobris,

’etc. , to the end of our

1 I leave out the interlinear gloss, and here tacitly correct the Latin. These

rules w ill be printed separately elsew here.




WE have already seen (p . xv ) that S. Benedict of Nursia

w rote his Rule about the year 51 6 . No earlier w riters haveyet been pointed out as his sources. It is quite probable that hehad none 1 . The Rule no doub t originated in the saint

s desire

to provide his ow n follow ers w ith a code of law s to live by.

How ever much he venerated his foregeugau, as the conditionsunder w hich his monks lived differed from those of his

predecessors, he must have been mainly , ifnot quite, Original inthe Choice ofhis precepts. NO doubt, his reading the w orks ofa S. Basil and others may have made him feel the desira

bility of w riting regulations of his ow n. But I should be

surprised to hear that after-search had established a definiteand direct relationship of matter betw een our Rule and any

one Of the w orks w hose key-note it has-more or less struck 2 .

The number of commentaries that our Rule has called forthw ould seem to be legion . This Introduction is hardly theplace for their enumeration . Neither can w e allow ourselvesto Copy out the encomia of w hich S. Benedict and his follow ers

can boast . Suffice it to refer for these to Migne , (see below )volume 66 , w hich contains the greater part of these encomia ,and references to more w orks on the subject .Our Latin text has been edited several times. Apart from

the Older editions,such as the one of 1 593 (printed at Venice

by Fr. Arnoldus Wion), I here enumerate those nineteenthcentury edd . that have come to my know ledge(u) MIGNE. Patrologiae Cursus Completus, vol. 66 , p . 2 1 5

ff,Regula S. Benedicti cum commentariis.

These commentaries make the edition a very useful one.

How ever, the w ork is very difficult to be got at, its enormous

bulk— over 2 0 0 volumes— makes few persons care to buy it.

1 See Guéranger, as quoted infra ,sanctus spiritus per beatum Benedictum

Regulam Monachorum edidit’

(p . v i) .2 See how ever : Concordia Regularum,

auctore S. Benedicto, auctore

Fr. Hugone Menardo Parisiis,1 63 8 .


(6) Gue’

muyer. Enchiridion Benedictinum,complectens

Regulam vitam et Laudes sanctissimi occidentalium monachorumPatriarchae, accedunt Exercitia S. Gertrudis Magnae etBlosii speculum . Andegav i. Typis Cosnier et Lachese.

MDCCCLXII,contains page 1

,if. Regula S . Patris Benedicti

Juxta exemplar Cassinense.

(c) Pax . Monastic Gleanings. No. I .

The Rule Of O ur most holy Father S. Benedict, patriarch

ofmonks ; in Latin and English. Translated by AMonk Of

S. Augustine’

s Monastery,Ramsgate. London, Burns 8:

Oates, 1 872 .

( ( l) Regula Sancti Patris Benedicti juxta antiquissimos

codices recognita, a P(atre)Edmundo Schmidt . CumPermissu

Superiorum. MDCCCLXXX. Ratisbonae , N eo Eboraci et

Cincinnatii. Sumptibus, Chartis et Typis Friderici Pristet,S. Sedis Apostolicae Typographi.

This contains tw enty-tw o pages OfProlegomena , in w hich the

author treats of the relations Of the MSS. , and in w hich he

w ishes to establish that S. Benet prepared iw o drafts of his

Rule. The w ork appears to be printed privately. At myrequest , how ever, the author kindly placed a copy at mydisposal, for w hich I here beg to thank him most heartily.

(e) The Rule Of our Most Holy Father Saint Benedict .Edited

,w ith an English translation and Explanatory N otes

by A Monk Of S. Benedict ’s Abbey, Fort-Augustus. Jussu

Superiorum . London,Burns 85 O ates

,1 886 .

(f ) Die W inteney Version der Regula S . Benedicti,

lateinisch und englisch zum erstenmale herausgegeben’


just appeared at Halle (M. N iemeyer), w ith a most interesting Preface. Before the w ork w as published, the editor,Herr Dr. A. SchrOer

, professor at the University Of Freiburg,

presented me w ith a copy of the advance sheets of the text .For this courteous act I here express my sincere gratitude,as w ell as for other kindnesses received at that gentleman



The English w ork is a thirteenth century text , taken fromthe MS. Cott . Claud . D . III

,w hence the Latin text is also

transcribed .


Herr Schmidt used fifteen Latin texts for his editionProfessor SchrOer only those four of w hich he published the

Anglo-Saxon version 1 . As Herr Schmidt used a collation of

our codex (Schmidt z F) as w ell as one of the MS. Tib. A. IV


S T,Schmidt ’ s G), the total number of Latin codices

to w hich I Shall subsequently have occasion to refer to

nineteen . I designate them as follow s

A . Cod . Tegernseensis. Royal Libr.,Munich (elm.

Mondseensis. R . and Imp . Libr.,Vienna

Fuldensis. Bibl. Fuld . (D .

Parisiensis. N at. Libr.

Frisingensis. Royal Libr. , Munich (elm.

Londinensis I. Cott. Libr.,Tib. (A.

Londinensis II. Cott. Libr. , Tit. (A.

Veronensis I . City Library .

Bruxellensis. Library of the Dukes ofBurgundy (8Romanus. Vatican Cod . Lat. 5949.

Einsidlensis,N O . 2 3 6.

Oxoniensis. Bodl. Libr.,H atton MS.

Faucensis. Library of the Cathedral Chapter at Augsburg.

Veronensis II. Library of the Cath. Ch. at Verona .

Sangallensis. Chapter Library, 9 1 6 .

is Schro’

er’s C W inteneyVersion. MS. Cott. Claud . D . III. Cf. p . xxvn .

A. (MS. C. C. C . C . SchrOer, Prosa B earb. , p . xix

(Anglia , vi.O . (MS. C . C . C. O . Schroer

,ih. , p. xxi.

Wells fragment, belonging to the D ean and Chapter of Wells

Cathedral. Schroer, ih., p . xxv .














For further particulars about MSS.A—R, the few privileged

persons w ho possess the book may be referred to Schmidt ’sPreface

, pp . xii—xv,from w hich part of the above has been ah

stracted . For G , see also SchrOer, Die Prosabearbeitungen,

p . xxiii. For F,see supra , Ch. II. The collation of our text,

undertaken forHerr Schmidt by a friend,appears to be rather

incorrect .It must not be supposed that there are no more Latin

texts than those enumerated. I have casually come across

others in the Library of Durham Cathedral, in the LambethPalace Library, in the Phillips Library at Cheltenham,


1 See A. Schroer,Die Prosabearbeitungen der B. R. , p . xxvi. and now the

above-mentioned preface, p . xi.


(of the fourth chapter only) in MS. Tib. A. 3 , fo. 1 0 3 (seeabove, p . xxiv).In theMS. Tib. A. 3 (fo. 1 1 8 , above, p . xxiv), our Latin text

occurs in an exceedingly corrupt state. Scatetque mendis,

justly observes Schmidt (p . xiii) . Guéranger, Schmidt,Migne, etc. ,

have,in their editions, largely deviated from the

MS. readings. Low er dow n in this Introduction, in 7 and 8

ofN O . V,some remarks w ill be found bearing on the edition

of the Latin text, to w hich I beg to refer the reader. It

w ill be seen from those,w hat my position is w ith regard

to hitherto prevalent modes of editing Latin texts. The

principles there stated have led me to deviate as littleas possible from the MS. readings, nay,

I have tried to

keep to them alw ays, except in cases w here their spellingw ould make the text absolutely unintelligible to the ordinaryreader. N O one w ill for a moment feel doubts as to the

meaning of debeurl, p rosp iciarl, lubluiis, etc. , but I deem it

possible that the spelling uzecliceiur, as lemma to fie cmwge

(96 . might throw those Off the track w ho did not at

the moment think Of the phenomenon w hich w ill be founddiscussed


,N o. V

,63 . Hence, such spellings have

been banished from the text, but I have been careful to markthese divergencies in the foot-notes

,w hereas the spelling

differences w hose meaning w as Obvious, I have put in the

text itself.I have adhered to the paragraphs Of the MS. , as w ell as to

its peculiar1

punctuation . The contractions have all beenexpanded 2 , and to denote them,

the letters not actually foundin the MS. are printed in Roman type, w hereas the rest ofthe Latin text is in italics.

In the first few pages of this Rule,some gaps occur ; see

the Text, p . 1 ff. , passim. The Latin letters

,so far as they

may be supposed to have disappeared , are added in brackets.

The headings of the chapters are almost alw ays majuscules in

1 So peculiar that I afterw ards, but too late, w ished I had adopted a less

embarrassing plan.

2 I am unable to agree w ithE. KOlbing, E. Stud , III, 469 note, in so far as

he says that it is unnecessary to denote these contractions.


black ink, but mostly tinged w ith red . The first line,or part

of it,Of the Latin text in each chapter is usually also in

capital black letters, no red ink being applied here. In thisedition they have been denoted by small capitals. The illumi

nated capitals found in the MS. at the beginning of the

chapters are mostly of a red, green , or blue colour ; once or

tw ice they have been forgotten . The glossator or glossatorshas or have sometimes added Latin w ords in the line Of the

gloss above the Latin 1 . These additions are sometimes w ords

that also occur in other Latin texts,so that w e may suppose

the then glossator to have Copied these from another Latintext . In this case the added w ord has been inserted in thetext , and in the Latin foot-notes attention has been draw nto this by the w ords : added or supp lied by glossator. Of a

different nature are the w ords that are scribbled over theLatin text

,w ithout being at all found in the other texts.

They maybe termed Latin glosses, and though comparativelyrare, are found, e.g. w here the w ord deéere or deéeinus (see text ,CAP. IV

, passim) is added to explain the infinitive used as

an imperative . Of this nature is the gloss 1 p lane to sane

(78 . These w ords, although Latin , are alw ays put inthe line above

,as partaking of the nature of glosses. They,

too, may be due to more than one scribe, but they are

now found in the MS. in the characteristic handw riting of

the Anglo-Saxon scribe. Attention has mostly been draw n tothese additions in the Anglo-Saxon foot-notes.



THE prose paraphrases of the Rule of S. Benet in AngloSaxon that have been edited byA. SchrOer2 have no connection

1 OurMS. is a copy so that ifmore than one glossator has been at w ork

w hich I hav e every reason to believ e— the external traces of their w ork

are effaced . The reader w ill see that the existence ofmore than one glossator

must be assumed , by referring to the w ork , and especia lly the notes (e. g. note

to 1 0 . 7, p . 1 2 1 and 47. 3 , etc .)2

(a) Bibliothek derAngelsachsischenProsa , von C . W . M . Grein, fortgesetz t

von R . P. W iilker,Zw eiter Band : D ie Angelsachsischen Prosabearbeitungen


w hatever w ith the present interlinear text. Ofcourse, some

w ords are the same,both in the interlinear and paraphrastical

translations, but the greater number Of them are different .This constitutes the principal claim of our text to a separateedition . It w ould be an interesting task to compare the

vocabulary of the tw o versions together. There is no doubtthat w here the meaning of an Anglo-Saxon w ord can be

demonstrated from glosses, there is a chance of its being thecorrect one. But still the glossator may have misunderstoodhis Latin 1 , a fact Of very frequent occurrence ; and in some

cases, through lack of other instances,w e may be unable to

control his rendering, w hich, of course,is not checked by any

context . But in the case of a running text, the translation ,even if corresponding w ord for w ord , is free, and w e cannotalw ays depend on the translated w ord being an exact equivalent of the original. Where w e have an interlinear translation— a sort of crib— as w ell as a paraphrase, w e may be

certain that those w ords w hich occur in both translations areaccurate renderings.

So far as I am aw are, the thirty-ninth chapter, w hich

Thomas Wright published in his Biographia BritannicaLiteraria (I, p . 44 2 , Latin and gloss), is the only part Of thepresent Benedictine Rule that has been edited



course,the few specimen lines that may be found in W anley


and in other catalogues. But the MS. appears to have beenextracted from for lexicographical purposes, and consequentlyw ords and phraseological quotations from it are to be found inthe variousA.

-S. dictionaries. Part of the glossing w as Copied

into a Latin printed text by the indefatigable Junius. H is

texts,how ever useful they may be to the Student Of litera

ture, should not be used for linguistic purposes. Junius

der Benedictiner Regel. H erausgegeben von A . Schroer. Kassel,1 885

—1 888 .

(6) D ie W inteney-Version der Regula S. Benedicti, Lateinisch und English.

Mit Einleitung Anmerkungen,G lossar und einem Facsimile zum ersten Male

herausgegeben von Dr. M . M. Arnold SchrOer. H alle a .-S. Max Niemeyer,

1 888 . See supra , p . xx vii.1 It seems like biting sarcasm w hen in the historical tract in MS. Faustina ,

A. 1 0 w e read of the scearpbanclan w itan be pisse engliscan gepeodnesse

ne behofien’

(Cockayne, Leechdoms,III

, 440 ; i . e. the keen-w itted sages

that do not need this English translation . )


appears to enjoy the reputation Of being a faithful copyist,but w hen collating his Copy of the so-called ‘ Regulae

S. Fulgentii’

(above, p . xxiv) w ith the MS.,I observed that

this reputation w as entirely unfounded 1. He adds w ords not

in his MSS. He leaves out w ords found in his original,or transposes them. He does not distinguish betw een S ‘


17 , w hich he consequently uses indiscriminately 2 He en

tirely disregards the punctuation of the MS.,and he adds

numbers of chapters after his ow n pleasure or notions of how

they ought to have been . Lastly,he corrects his text w ithout

giving the reading of the MS.

The convent to w hich this MS. belonged is not know n .

N or is there any author on w hom w e have reason to fatherour version . The likelihood indeed is that this interlinearversion gradually developed , so that it cannot be assigned toany one person .

The object of this edition is to furnish the student w ith a

text as it is found in the manuscript, w ith all its gaps, im

perfections, and absurdities. I am of Opinion that how everstupidly a scribe may have mangled his original, the reading

of the MS. is still the only thing of w hich w e are sure. I

have tampered so little w ith the MS. that I have lefteven the most palpable errors unchanged ; here, how ever,I have follow ed the example set by former editors, and

starred the forms w hich w ithout doubt are merely clerical

errors. It need hardly be said that I should not havefollow ed this plan , w ere this text destined for the use of

those desirous of learning the rudiments of Anglo-Saxon .

Moreover, if the present w ere the only version extant , I mighthave taken into consideration the w ants of those students w how ished to read this text for the ‘

realia ,’

and I Should thus1 See H . Sw eet, Introduction to Gregory ’s Pastoral Care, p . xix

, w hose sole

blame is that J unius sometimes sw erved from the path of literal accuracy ina few unimportant particulars.

See, on the contrary, Zupitza , Zeitschrift fiir

D eutsches Altertum, 3 1 . 2 ; Breck , Fragment, etc. (supra , p . xxi) , p . 5.

MacLean,Anglia , 6. 448 .

2 It is generally assumed that the scribes themselves did not distinguish

betw een the O and p, and used them promiscuously . But if even any dis

tinction is to be found, editors should take care not to Obscure this find by not

adhering strictly to the w riting Of the MSS.


w ise, those letters are italicised to w hich attention has beencalled in the foot-note. Thus pe t means that the MS. has

the contraction ifi, as no foot-note is there. But the letters7c in gesw z


nce are italicised merely to call the attentionto the note. Whenever I have thought it necessary topropose an emendation , it has been only w hen some reasonfor the corruption could be adduced

,either from a graphical

error, or a psychical process. But w here these reasons w ere

more or less obscure,I have stated them in w ords.

Our Anglo-Saxon text is a copy,i. e. the glosses have not

been put over the Latin text only in our MS. Both havebeen copied from another text or from other texts, most likelyat the same time

,and possibly by the same scribe. The

chances are— indeed, there is every reason to believe — that ourMS. w as copied often . That the last copyist had an interlineartranslation before him

,is evident from the frequent occurrence

of w rong forms that can only be explained by influence of the

lemma on the gloss, or vice versa (see foot-notes, passim).When an original Latin text w as first glossed, w e may

a priori assume tw o possibilities. Either the glosses w ere

cop ied into our original Latin from a ready-made AngloSaxon translation , or the glossators w orked w ithout a model

of any kind .

Let us consider the first assumption . If this w ere true,the

Anglo-Saxon text must have been supplied either from the

text commonly attributed to Aethelw old 1 , or from some otherhitherto unknow n text . We need

,of course

,not speak of the

latter possibility, as the establishment of this point, as w ell as

its rejection,are utterly beyond determination. As to the

text edited by Schroer,it is not likely to have been the

original, for, as w e have already seen , the vocabulary of the

tw o is somew hat different .W e are therefore led to the theory of the gloss

-origin .

And , indeed , even if w e could have for a moment thought ofthe other theory

,the evidence in favour of the former is

so overw helming that there can be no doubt about it ; and I

1 Thus Schroer, ih. , p . xvu. I am not sure that he has established his point.


have but to refer to the appearance of the text, passim,

w ithout entering into particulars in any w ay.

W e find then that our version developed,— just like the glossaries that Henry Sw eet has so ably treated of in his O ldestEnglish Texts, p . 7

— out of a few interlinear glosses, that havemultiplied gradually until, in ourMS.

, the Latin is very nearlyfully-glossed, every copyist having contributed some more

glosses to those w hich he found in his original. The scribe of

ourMS. has also acted as a glossator. H is w ork can be traced ,e.g. in the w ords gesaw en and visum (as its lemma , 1 3 .

that he himself put instead of the ea lm,omnium,

w hich is

a misreading that does not belong to the text .That w e can still be positive about the fact that more than

one scribe has been at w ork is rather curious, considering thatthrough the last copy all external traces of former glossatorsare lost . Yet a place like ( 1 3 . I )

leorn forebeon i. cnihtum

p reesse discip uh’


can hardly be otherw ise explained than as the w ork of tw o




Those w ho happen to have looked into the text of our Rulebefore reading this part of the Introduction w ill have beenstruck at seeing numerous letters enclosed— in our print ]

in square brackets Spread all over the volume . In the notesthey w ill be found referred to as paving letters




The w ord , as w ell as the matter, I now proceed to

explain .

As to the letters themselves, they are found in our MS.

Tib.A. 3 , overmost ofthe Latin w ords,both in our Benedictine

Rule, and in those tracts that W anley styled the RegulaeS. Fulgentii (supra , p . xxiv), but, so far as I have been able

to find out, they do not occur anyw here else. No one I

could consult— I may thankfully and especially mention Dr.

E . Maunde Thompson, now Chief Librarian of the British1 Not so in the MS. See next paragraph.

C 2


Museumw knew of their existence in any other manuscript.The only man w ho mentions them is that accurate w orthy,I’Vanley, w ho, at p . 1 99 of his Catalogue, speaking of theseletters, says : ‘N .B . Super voces Latinas, exaratas esse LiterasSaxonicas, quae, quo ordine construendae sunt , ostendunt .

Had Wanley w ritten in English,his w ould have been the

task , w hich now devolves upon a foreigner, of bestow ing an

English name on these Literae.

H e w ould,no doubt

,have follow ed the ordinary school-crib

0 7110,w hich gives the English construing order of a Latin

author,and w ould have called these unfortunate w aifs order

or sequence-letters.

But w hen I talked to Dr. Thompsonon the subject , he said that the Rugby boys

slang term for

this process w as p aving—paving smooth (I suppose) the

rough road of learning Latin . The term struck me as a

happy one, suiting W anley’

s construendae,and so I adopted it,

though perhaps w ithout due consideration of how it w ould

puz z le readers to w hom ‘

paving’suggests only laying stones

on a carriage-road or a footpath.

That Wanley is right in saying that these ‘



sequence letters Show the order of construing Latin intoAngloSaxon , is not so apparent at first sight as on closer investigation . The idea must have been , of course, to put the lettersover these w ords that w anted construing,

in such a w ay

that they had but to be arranged in the alphabetical orderthus indicated

,in order to yield an intelligible meaning 1


Now it is,

e. g. not clear w hy the scribe at one timebegins w ith a and goes on to the end of the alphabet,w hereas at another time he proceeds only as far as g or Z, or

almost any letter, and begins again at a . The Latin w antedpaving, not the gloss

-text . A friend suggested to me thatit must have been the Anglo-Saxon text w hose syntacticalw ord-order w as thus pointed out.

‘ In order to get an

Anglo-Saxon translation , not glosses thus my friendw rites some one put in those paving letters to indicatethe w ord-order of the vernacular text . A later copyist, notbeing able to read the text w ell

,copied the paving letters,

1 See below , V ,6 .


but omitted the glosses.

I am inclined to think that thisView is not correct. It must be admitted that the severalblunders— see the starred forms— for w hich w e must blame

one or more of the scribes, point to an imperfectly legibletext 1 at one time or another. But is it likely that the glossshould have been unintelligible so w holesale, and the pavingletters quite clear ? Must w e not a p riori accept the fact

that the Latin text stood in need of comment ? What couldhave been the object of him w ho thus tried to transmutethe interlinear translation into a more or less paraphrasticalone ? I do not w ish to lay undue stress on the fact thatthe gloss

-letters are in Latin characters, like the Latintext, w hereas the A.

-S. text is naturally w ritten in A.-S .

characters. I only say that, although it perhaps remains an

open question ,the likeliest thing seems to be

,that w e must

look upon the gloss-letters as paving the Latin text .At one time w e find tw o gloss

-letters over one Latinw ord

,not only w here this is glossed by tw o Anglo-Saxon

ones,but also w here only one A.

-S. rendering is given . At

another,a few non-

paved w ords may be seen interveningbetw een tw o sets of paved ones. Sometimes these non-

pavedw ords must be taken into account w hen construing the

sentence, w hereas a little further on w e may find an instancew here they need not be taken into consideration . From thisit is clear that

,w hatever explanation w e fall back upon to

solve the difficulty— and none other but the one propoundedbyWanley seems plausible, or even possible— w e must notstrain it ; w e must rather be content to apply the key some

w hat loosely ; for there can be no doubt that our paving’

letters have suffered by the frequent transcribing w hich our

text has undergone . In consequence of this w e may expect :a . Letters to have been put over the w rong w ords ;

6 . Letters not to have been transcribedy. Letters to have been misunderstood as part of gloss

w ords,w hich in reality are nothing but gloss-letters

To this cause the same gentleman also attributes the phenomena I have

discussed below ,V

, 4 .


8. Parts Of a w ord— initial letters,mostly— to have been

taken as‘

paving letters, and w ritten separately accordingly.

For the case Of a,I refer the student to the text passim.

For 6 , I w ould remind him Of the fact that unless thisassumption be right, the frequent occurrence Of a single glossletter over a Latin w ord , amidst a number Of non-

pavedLatin w ords, cannot be explained . Of the cases under y and 6

some instances should be adduced — asut0 l, esefor, chem , ai d ,

ba t,w hich must be read respectively as [a ] sutOl

, [e ] se for

(ma) [d ] renc (cf. note to 69 . [a ]“

5a,etc .

,w hereas in

k algena (sanctorum) the case w ould seem to lie the other w ay

about .All this tends to make it tolerably certain that W anley


supposition is correct , how ever many difficulties w e may find

in our w ay. In the MS . the gloss-letters are alw ays found

over the Latin w ords, sometimes by the side Of the A.-S.

gloss (either before or after it), sometimes under it,or even

over it. To print them in exactly the same place w as not

feasible, as that w ould have taken up too much space. I havetherefore had to make shift

,and to print them in the same

line w ith the A.-S. glosses : this w as at once practical, and in

accordance w ith the principle follow ed throughout in thisedition , that w hatever must be held to belong orlginally to

the Latin text,w hether w ritten by the Latin scribe or by the

last glossator, is put in the line Of the lemmata,w hereas all

that partakes Of the nature Of the gloss— w hetherA.-S. ,

Latin ,or paving letters— has been put in the line assigned to theglossarial renderings.




I . THE language Of the present text w ill be considered inthis chapter in its most striking peculiarities. In all essentials,I think

,w e Shall find it a document Of the later periods Of

Anglo-Saxon . External criticism cannot be called in to bear


out this statement,for, as w e have seen , there is no person on

w hom to father it,nor is there any external reason to attri

bute it to an inmate or to inmates Of any particular convent .Considering that the only evidence w e have —the palaeographyOf the MS.

—gives us the limit Of about 1 0 2 0 — 1 0 3 0 , and

further remembering that w e have some reason to believethat the MS. w as copied more than once

,w e may perhaps

roughly assign it to the first years Of the eleventh century .

2 . The text w ill not be treated exhaustively. Such

treatment had better be reserved for the w orks Of a standardauthor Of the period . N OW that w e have a statistical grammar

Of tw o representative w orks OfKing Alfred’

s, in Prof. Cosijn’


Altw ests'

achsische Grammatik,it is highly desirable that some

one should take up this labour and commence a. Similar w orkfor, say,

Aelfric. A w ork w hich is fit for such treatmentshould yield material not Only for phonetic studies

,but also

for the study Of inflections, and also Of syntax . Our textlacks the former to a certain extent

,and the latter altogether.

3 . For the w ant Of inflections,to a certain extent , I

refer to w hat in a letter to the Academy (for July 2 1 ,and borrow ing a term from Sanskrit philology, I havecalled

‘crude forms.

A glossator w ishes to w rite dow n thesense Of the Latin w ord merely as an aid to his memory ; and

w ithout regard to either number or case,he just jots dow n the

w ord— no more. It is not SO much the nominative w hich he

selects, as the w ord in the abstract,w hich Ofcourse in Teutonic

philology alw ays coincides in form w ith the nominative .

I shall here enumerate some cases Of crude forms

Sidfaet (itinera , 3 . twyfea ld (dupplici, 1 2 . I 7), flyrde

(pastoris, 1 2 . 8 1 7 . Zeas (gew itnesse falsum testimonium,

1 9 . I a ctenfaeszfen (quadragesime, 45 . I 3 , vem

(versuum,50 . mid yew zmelicfieaw (68 . 5, 6 ; probably mid

w as added afterw ards to indicate the case more solido),

gew ordenumforecnfll (facto primo signo, 82 . w rad (iratum,

Here the crude form is alw ays singular, as also w here w e

find Ime,neuter plural, glossed by the neuter singular[12


s (5 .

But once I found ‘utentibus

glossed by bz'ucendas (92 .



w hich looks very muchlike a plural crude form. This may be

also the case w ith beboda (preceptis, 2 1 . 1 7 55 . 1 3 and also

54 .

Conversely w e find a singularglossed by a plural inyy’


tum (42 . and a nominativ e by a genitive in ea lm izea i 'd izeam

(96 . but these must surely be due to a mistake. A

similar occurrence is w hen verbal forms are glossed by

infinitives. W e cannot be astonished at this,if w e think Of

w hat a school-boy in the present time,w ho had to prepare

a piece OfLatin for translation,w ould do. Suppose he found

the form tam e-2377718 in his text ; the ending w ould naturally

be clear to him,and he might ask ,

What is taxare,and having

remembered it, or hav ing been told , he w ould p er/zap s w ritedow n w e w rite

,ifhe took the ending into consideration, but it

is quite possible that he w ould jot dow n to w rite only. In the

same w ay w e must bear in mind that it w as quite as Oftenthe aim of the glossators to aid their ow n memory, as to

further the use of the text by ot/zers. This is lost sight Of,I think

,by those scholars

,w ho look upon any gloss as a

mistake w hich does not in all particulars Of tense, person , or

number,case, etc.

, correspond w ith the lemma . Eor instances,

see been (fueris, 75 . undeifon (subjaceat, 91 . and infamn

(96 . I 3 ; ingredere, w hich,how ever

,may not be in point,

as the glossator w as liable to the mistake Of looking uponingredere as an infinitive). See note to (97 .

§ 4 . A phenomenon akin in character to the above, is one

w hich,for w ant of a better name

,I w as forced to call mero


because only part Of the gloss w as in these instancesw ritten . It w ould seem as if the glossator, w hen w ritingdow n only a few letters

,thought :

‘If I see but this part,I shall remember the w hole easily enough or

,in cases w here

the ending is given only : I know the w ord w ell,it is Only

the case w hich I am in doubt Of. ’ Hence,w e find forms like

the follow ing1 °

beeuman (5 . aem tiger? (5 . lea dee ( 10 . ma (23 .

eal di e (26 . 1 I ), lilaed (28 . hlaed dram(28 . monie s,

1 The parts w hich I supply are printed in Roman characters.

2 The 11. is here, possibly , a corruption Ofa pav ing letter I) .


order, or nearly so Why this is not now the case, may be

seen above, p . xxxvn .

§ 7. In making my choice as to w hat I should take up

and w hat reject, I have been guided by the principle of

noting only that w hich maybe thought in any w ay to supple

ment Sievers’s Standard Grammar. It is to his second editionthat my quotations Of his sections refer

,w hich, how ever, I

do not alw ays cite. I also give w hat is characteristic of the

period to w hich the present text belongs.

In w hat follow s, the evidence w ill be found to be based,w ith one or tw o exceptions, on material draw n from our O ld

English text . But,w hen lately investigating this matter


I came to the conclusion that a careful analysis Of a Latintext may sometimes yield valuable matter for phonetic inv estigation too. In a letter to the Academy 1 for Sept . 2 2 , I 888 ,

I tried to lay dow n the general principles by w hich w e

should be guided w hen w orking at a Latin text for thispurpose. What w ill be found there

,may be summarised as

follow s —Where w e know a Latin text to be w ritten in thecountry w hose language w e are investigating— in our case


English, — and w here w e know that the spelling—differencespresented by the text under consideration are deviations fromthe ordinary Latin taught in the MiddleAges ; that is, w herew e have reason to suppose that the peculiar spellings in thistext


are due to an EngZiS/i scribe,w e may take those Latin

spellings into account to corroborate the evidence Of the

spelling in our English text.N ow although our MS. dates from the eleventh century,

i. e. about four centuries after the reported introduction Of

Benedictinism into England , yet the ultimate source is a

Latin original. The fact,how ever, that the other MSS.

appear not to present the peculiarities of this manuscript ,enables us to rely more on the follow ing evidence, especiallyin conjunction w ith that Of the Anglo-Saxon . I have herebrought together the little evidence that our text yields.

But my know ledge OfMiddle Latin is so slight that I am by

1 See also the subsequent numbers Of tha t periodical.


no means confident Of having been at all consistent in distinguishing betw een w hat is general, and w hat is peculiar to theEnglish scribe. (See above

, p . xxix .)8 . That ae becomes e (passim) is, of course, quite general,

but perhaps the reverse process may be thought to illustratew hat w illbe found Stated below in 1 5. Cf. deeidermnt (24 .

iteam (3 1 . occnpmninr (82 . The general levelling of

unstressed vow els may be perhaps exemplified by ccrda ( 1 9 .

marma ranzfia (25 . 1 0,

0j 907'


(3 5 . Zeyanzfer (3 8 .

memoriter (3 9 . etc. AS to w hat has been said Of the

possible existence of nasal vow els,if any importance is to be

attached to the examples in 4 1 , 70 ,w e may here instance

atip /icna (4 3 . emenda verit ( z -inzf,59 . inj agat (80 . 1 6


Do, perhaps, spellings such as ccmp lezfcri, snbeellis,

acream (40 . I I , 46 . 6,50 . 2 ,

for comp letoriis, etc .) prove thatour scribe w as accustomed to indicate vow el-length by

doubling the letterAs to 4 2 , cp . scmp no (2 . 9, 28 . ccmz‘cmp nenies (28 . 1 6


w here p is added below the line), amp licezfz app licet (2 1 . etc.

For the pronunciation of cf. in our text nabitanit( 3 . 1 6

,w hich, how ever

,is Of very frequent occurrence

(as in the OS . Heliand,e .g. nanz far). See Sw eet,

p . 1 85. If,as I have reason to suppose, this change Obtains

only in this ending,-abit


,I doubt w hether it is any

thing but a graphical, or a continually occurring,blunder.

As to 50 , see deéead (63 . p i oep iciad (68 . capud

(73 . I5), dospidnm (75 . delignid (79 . and compare j a deaddare

,w hich is, of course, j nbeat dare (9 1 . Hence in

(64 . 1 4) I put ayad in the text, not agat, on account Of the

deo follow ing.

Medicclnr (96 . 2, beet he smaege, is equally

interesting, as the w ord secende z setende (below ,Ad

66, cf. siens= sciens (97 .

As to 72 comparenabbatia (79 . conerceat ( 1 5 . in nae

signato (75 . 3 z in as w ell as omniéns (MS., evi

dently a corruption Of ominibus=hominibus, 3 0 . cap ilnm

(61 . osp ite (88 . abiéant (9 1 . 1 07*in(s) ( 1 1 2 . etc.

nic/i ilnm (4 . 8) is, I believe, quite common elsew here.


W e shall now have to examine the Anglo-Saxon text .9 . SOUNDS.

-A. Stressed short a before nasals has passedthroughthe second o- stage (Sievers, § and has again become

a . passim, e .g. nndeifangen (97 . langsnmnm(97 Stressedshort a otherw ise placed is stable ; the only cases w here it is

found as 0 are a t 250 foranne (65 . 1 6 cf. and npalzofen

nesse (22 .

Half-stressed and unstressed a passes into e and 0 . Cf.

andew eras (3 . andsw cre ( 1 1 2 . 6, 1 1 2 . and for the lattercase eadmcdi 'en ( 1 4 . fordicyenden ( 1 5 . zeilen (72 .

and befrinonne (26 .

1 0 . O . Stressed short 0 is sometimes found as ea before

f,and ll : feorwyrde (interitum,

57 . godes leaf (ambrosianus

,3 8 . 7 , but lof and lcfeang, passim), to geleohgenne (92 .

I also find 5 represented by n,Sluice (3 6 . 1 0 ) and lncad

( 1 1 0 . w hich latter is possibly a mistake for lociad.

1 1 . Stressed long 0 is represented by, possibly its umlaut ,e in w erigende (nayai

'i,1 1 2 . but a in dn z do ( 1 03 .

1 2 . Unstressed 0 becomes a in ablade ( 1 1 6 . 2 ; Latininfluence It is rendered by n

,e . g. in fnrdui


(26 . I 3 ), andoften by e in the case of the ending a ct of the superlatives( e. g . lecfeslan, 3 . 9, Cf. also nj geé

’a (3 7. nigeda

(3 71 3 . U . There is little to be said Of the a

s in stressedsyllables on a possible nasal ii, see below , 4 1 .

n,in unstressed syllables, is represented by 0 in liolgfclnesse

(54 . 1 and 57 . and by a in odram ( 14 .

1 4 . E, IE. Genetically speaking,e is either palatal or

guttural. Traces of this may be seen in the fact that y isretained longer before guttural e

s than before palatal ones,w here it soon runs into the palatal spirant (j ). Thus w e

find the prefix ge ( z ga) unsw ervingly represented in thisw ay. It is not until the end Of the eleventh century that w e

find it represented by i (Vices and Vertues,ab 1 2 0 0

, passim,

icleped, idon ,1 5. Short 5

,stressed, half-stressed , and unstressed


frequently becomes a? conversely ( c,in all three positions is

often w ritten e. The natural inference is, that the tw o sounds


have run together, and are assimilated . In fact,three

originally different vow elvalues maybe said to have dw indleddow n into one. e : VVeSt Teutonic i ; e z a + i, and e r a’

W. S . a before non-nasals -l—palatal vow els (Sievers, 49

Sw eet, History ofEngl. Sounds, second ed .,

Cp . mndebyrdnesse ( 14 . mlfl'mmedne (20 . ailles (28 .

l/igmnge (86 . finance ( 1 04 .

wmfaels (3 2 . mond (3 9 . lnfimnde (68 . nei aep endce

(98 . etc . Inmlmazasan (99 . and in dmflemaeel (76 . the

non-italicised symbol may ow e its sound to a confusion w ithmaesse

,-maesl, due to and explained by popular etymology .

1 6 . 4 1 .

— Both short and long a are often found in our

tex t represented by a . fiami/iée (23 . atap e (28 .

lzicar ( 3 6 . radan (72 . niage (72 . They are also

w ritten e : seigd Slep e (3 1 . gemenlica (communis,3 4 . yeedlenl (51 . efterfilige (54 . afered (prostratus,78 . and lastly, both short and long m is expressed by the

symbol cc geedlee/i le (5 1 . gejieef ( 10 1 . I6).1 7 . m is ca possibly in eallfiecdscipa (89 . if it is not

a mistake,influenced by eall ; genea ldenne (61 . w hich must

then be supposed to be w rong for gelea lde (but cf. note, infra,on p . and perhaps In lea lli ,

c z lmllic

1 8 . m is y in gj sles (94 .

An i has developed after a long e in the case of dei asp endm

(98 . It may be due to the analogy Of the e in some cases,

e .g . aw eig ( 1 . etc.

, w here a g follow ed .

1 9. E has developed into ea in fealaej n'

eccala ( 3 5 . 5 ; cf.

infra 3 0 ) into ea in the same w ordfealaejn'

eocala,as w ell as

in éeclw ax (5 1 . and in necdbelieye (69. 1 4 , but regularlybeliefe, 8 1 . 1 4 ,

2 0 . e becomes 0 , sw cdanga (fomenta , 59 . and possiblyin a t to foranne (65 . w here

,how ever, the 0 may equally

w ell be the representative of a cf.

2 1 . a has become y in bid beiylen (adquiritur, 65 . and

i in mlfiw igan (92 .

2 2 . a in unstressed syllables is very frequently representedby a ; thus in fei 'asp rmc ( 1 . fci


aglaew lice ( 1 8 . j orabeon

( 1 1 . 9, 24 . foralzradian (55 . 4 , (73 .


in the follow ing tw o verbal forms : ne gemnna (meminerit,1 6 . of acerfa (amputet, 1 08 . then in the gen. sing.

m. g. larecw as ( 1 0 . 8,


Conversely, the ending -as of the plural being w ritten - 88

occasioned the corruption asyndrcdest

2 3 . This a for e is most probably phonetically correct inthe above-mentioned cases. In to smeagenda (26 . filmddra

(28 . it maybe from the influence Of the respective lemmata .

The lemma has probably also influenced the gloss in the case ofgew rila ( 3 2 . 5, scriptura).

24 . Syncope ofafollow s the rule as laid dow n by Sievers1 44 , Hence w e find forms like regelicei


e (63 .


e ( 103 . by the side of regalicre ( 1 1 3 . 1 6,1 15 .


25. I,Y. Although of different origin, these tw o vow els

may, in the stage to w hich the language Of the present Textbelongs, be safely considered together, as they are both levelledunder One sound

, probably the i. That this Should be underthe former sound

,is first of all made likely by such Spellings

as forfiig ( 1 7 . ingenide z inge/iygde (94 . in both of

w hich cases the ig, i represents the long i,and is secondly

borne outbythe subsequent history of the letters, bothOfw hichare diphthongised into the present fZ. Hence w e find such

spellings as [tin (genus, 1 0 . cine/lelm (3 1 . mycel havingagain (cf. Sievers, 3 1 note) become micel (72 . 1 5,

2 6 . I, y are rendered by n,in w aman ( 1 1 . and in cw ndc

(24 . ofeifnll (71 . gefullan (8 1 .

2 7. e for i resp . y’

is found in the follow ing instancesyef (3 . smede (officium, 23 . (71 . lender (75 .

gement (decreverit, 78 . begeme (intendat, 96 . etc.

2 8 . For an apparently long i in lilic, see 4 2 .

2 9. EA,E0 . That these w ere Stressed on the second ele

ment, in the period to w hich this text belongs, and that , consequently, the first e had become a half-vow el is, to my thinking, beyond doubt . I adduce in support Of it the follow ingforms — i07~nfnlleslan ( 1 . iai'cie ( 1 6 . w hich may easilybe multiplied from the present and other texts. code is spelt(58 . 1 7) grade, and in conjunction w ith forms like gereordgenne


(74 . liadgenne ( 107 . but especially geéisgcde (82 . 4 ,

w hich cannot be anything but gebisicde, cf. also below , 68f).I have no hesitation in looking upon this gode as a case in

point . See Sievers, 2 1 2 , anm. 2

,and 2 1 4 ,

sub 7.

3 0 . ea and co interchange. See necrw an (24 . and for

feola , feala , supra , 1 9, Paul Beitrage 4 . 3 45, 6 . 55. The

former is found monophthongised in a great many cases in

full syllables,as w ell as in half, and unstressed ones. The

monophthong e thus born,is sometimes found interchanged

w ith m.

neeclan (4 . eye ( 1 3 . 1 3 bis), gefie/lle ( 19 . lzle/zlregamene

(2 1 .

fie/z (2 1 . ccel (58 . 8,1 02 . 8


firege ( 15 . 9) and firminngan, (59 . 7) foreglanalice ( 1 8 .

glmw nesse (58 . 9, 59 .

gimleslice (63 . 9) and gimlmslic (MS. gnnlmelic, 62 . as

against gemeleasan ( 1 5 . 3 ) and passim.

3 1 . The spelling seamen (76 . 1 1 ) and gescad ( 109 . etc.,

is no monophthonging at all, because the vow els never w ere

diphthongs, see 66 . Salinas (5 1 . 9) is Latin influence.

3 2 . In andw yrde (presentem,3 0 . 1 1 ) and befiyrfendra

(93 . ea, probably through c

,is represented byy.

3 3 . e0 is e in ceriende (20 . I and possibly in aleriad

(89 . but see note. Hence in cym'

gende (55 . co

becomes y.

Infonrane (29 . 1 3 ) and forsij (64 . 1 3 ) co has become 0 .

3 4 . U,in consonantal value, presents the usual contrae

tions : noldcn (2 . snlcl (9 . gesnlnlad cf. gesw a zfnlad,

29 . I I ), for w hich see Sievers,

1 72 note, w ho does not men

tion ncan (52 . acnjzena (66 . and see note to nw ncan

(52 .

It is superfluous in liw iw rmdenne ( 1 07 . 1 Whilst dryrnyssnm(3 2 . anfealde (9 1 . 4 , fieahfmslny

sse ( 100 . are

mistakes due to the misreading Of and d respectivelyfor w (p).Is ama

rllian : anyrtw a lian ( 1 08 . 7) a mistake, or the outcome

of a phonetic process ?3 5. 1

,in consonantal value

,need not be treated separately,


as it has become identical in sound, as w ell as mostly insymbol, w ith the spirant palatal g, for w hich see below ,

68 .

Thus w e find geornlice (23 . as w ell as ycond ( 1 1 .

icrnfallestan ( 1 . as w ell as iond (50 .

3 6 . R is omitted, w hether phonetically or graphically it isdifficult to say, in foalirmdiyende ( 106. toledde ( 1 09 . 1 5,

inflali), niece (3 2 . bmd (54 . R is inserted in ma sse

preoslrnm ( 1 00 . 1 0,see note

,but preosta 1 0 1 . ( eléredendrnm

( 3 2 . lzefigran (65 . 7, cf. 66 . and Of course by mistakein fig/nd (20 . 1 1


3 7. W e may further note a case Of svarabhakti in merigenlicnm (66. and merrigenlice ( 3 7 as also tw o

instances Of metathesis, herdlicor (24 . and w ry/Ma ( 3 3 . 1 6 ,

In the case of merrigenlice it is also possible that theit] , resp . rig, represents only the vocalisation Of the 9 . Op . the

spelling meriendlice (44 . 7, 45 . 1 6,46 .

3 3 8 . L has disappeared in d efine/Me (1 6 . and has beendoubled in w elleorniaj i 1 00 .

3 9 . M. Apart from the ending of the dative plural, w herean Older -um is usually supposed to have dw indled dow n into-an

,m is Often found represented byn. Graphically speaking,

the difference is so Slight that e . g. in a w ord like wylne (fervore, 9 . 1 9) w e must perhaps assume a scribal error ; on the

other hand, forms such as fan (40 . 4 , 99 . 2 ) and medenlicnmmay be phonetic.

A case of assimilation may occur in eclippendan z belim

p endan (73 . 1 1 , but see note). For lilic z lim(p)lic (2 1 .

see 4 2 .

4 0 . N . Not w ritten in fadnng (9 . w indrncen (20 .

drili lelican (50 . yedinlere (5 1 . 4 ; cf. gedi/i lenre 50 . ( ere

(semel, 54 . j leary‘lices (82 . Si gej ieoda (injungatur, 84 .

icacmodes (84 . etc .

Added in gefieondan (57 . and assimilated to d in edde

byrdnease (78 . doubled in inn code,w hich w as misunder

stood Or mistranscribed and w ritten in neode ( 1 03 .

§ 4 1 . Misreading a w ord so as to put an n w here it w as

not, or vice versa , is admittedly of very frequent occurrence


ow ing to the fact that n is often denoted by a stroke over



47. An original voiced f Gothic 6, or Latinf) before

77. admittedly Often becomesm,especially in the later period

(Siev. ,1 93 . 2 , and see note). Bearing this in mind, w e must

be Struck to find slefne and ef nnm constantly, w hich forms

are indicative Of an Older period ; and on the contrary,the

follow ing English adaptations of the Latin w ord anlij mcnaanlipnonas (81 . I), anlip lionam (4 1 . 1 ) antemn (79 . 1 ), anlemne

(3 8 . anlemp (56 . 1 0,79 . and antemj me (42 . 1 2 ; 43 .

4 8 . Are any traces found Of an interchange betw eenf and w and is this phonetic, or, as is certainly very possible,merely graphical ? The constancy Of the occurrence of the

gloss anfealde to p olesla le in our text (w hich I have starred ;9 1 . 4 , and passim) w ould almost make me inclined to thinkthat the change w as phonetic. If SO

,w e may look upon liw

(61 . 1 3 ) as an analogue. Here, how ever, the if) has beenchanged into f (contemporarily).f is dropped infrore (solacio, 1 0 . and has been added, no

doubt erroneously, in yfefle (3 1 .

§ 49. T . The resemblance in shape of this symbol to0 may Often account for forms like the follow ing : orseclena

(9 . nncrnman ( 109 . Whether mice (poena, 25 .

secende (ponens, 28 . 1 4) must not be view ed in a differentlight , is a matter w hich w ill be found treated Of below


63 )50 . Traces Of the voicing offinal 25 to d are numerous

gemed (modus 45 . 8,72 . gild ( 3 3 . lramod ( 1 1 8 .

Of this last w ord,Schroer

s texts have on p . 1 3 3 Ofhis edition ,tramel

, w hich is also in the Durham MS . in the correspondingpassage on fo. 1 2 3 b. SchrOer asks (glossary, in voce) if thew ord is masc. or neuter. The follow ing references may givean answ er to this question . Gospel of S. Matthew ,

ed . Skeat,

p . 2 , l. 1 0 : tramelas 1 w eegas l slige : tramites ; and Prudentiusglosses, Germania 2 3 , p . 3 98 b. lramelas : paginas.

if, the outcome of the combination -te}9, becomes voiced in

the follow ing cases : si gebed (emendav erit,25 . anded

(confitebitur, 29. I4 ), agild (deliquerit, 80 . laced (91 . 3 )and as the result of -de]) being contracted in : asend (mittit,3 6 . I 3 ), lced (ducit, 1 1 7 .


Observe the spelling geledt (impediatur, 87 .

§ 51 . t is dropped very frequently. Finally in gej iealz.

( 1 7 . li igeleas (75 . Cp . also sceornesse ( 3 9 .

crmfican ( z craeftican,94 . sw a of sw a (94 . etc.

Inw ardlv in driline ( 1 . ti/lende (suadentem,4 . tearnm

(61 . I, probably a mistake for teartnm) influenced by the

thought Of tearnmz lacrimis w aesmas (82 .

Initially it is, w ith a follow ing e,misread for m in >kcelendne

(= telendne, detractorem, 20 . I and >karlicor ( z teartlicor,

§ 52 . t is found added after s in gew ist ( 3 8 . in cost

[certainly in (88 . and probably also (20 . if p acem may

be taken to mean p acis osca lnm] , and through a mixing up

offorms in asyndrodest-

( z asyndrodas, privati, 56 . O w ing

to influence of the lemma, it is added in [Jeniant ( serv iant,65 . See a very interesting article, Mod . LanguageN otes I, 3 , and ih. I, 97.

53 . t becomes a in si gescy’

rd (53 . I w ard mend (87 .

and also in sun 7&m sw a ( 1 . This latter instance,

unlike the former w hich is isolatizre (Sw eet, H . E . S.


is combinative, influenced by the follow ing s. O ther combi

native changes Of t,but through a preceding s

, are foundin these w ords : afirent (78 . 1 0

,98 . and firengestan ( 1 .

Instead of becoming 16,the t Of st is dropped in ( ct rzyxan


54 . D . This sound is very frequently unvoiced . Myrrcnt

(stirpator, 62 . mmnifealt ( 1 1 3 . It is retained etymo

logically in gemildsa ( 3 9 . The frequently occurring forms

atéot in the nominative as w ell as in the Oblique cases (e . g.

79 . 8 , 80 . 1 5, etc .) are not likely to be all due to the form

of the lemma ; they may on the contrary present examples 1 11point here.

Elatclipol (3 5 . 1 1 ) and stantmmlam ( 3 8 . 1 0 ) may be

instanced as exemplifying the unvoicing Of a d at the end

Of a syllable, and the follow ing w ords as a specimen of the

same process inw ardly, so far as they may be thought toindicate phonetic and not merely graphical changes.

fotnm (alimentis, 68 . w i’6 meten (mercedi, 85 . I 3 ,

d 2


probably a blunder), atreogenlic (agenda ,3 7. to motgenne

(superbiendi, 1 10 . 4 , cp . stete ( 1 1 1 . For the ap

parent change ofd into 9 , see below , note to 5 . 9 (p .

55. d is represented by d in the follow ing cases : mficyrde

( 1 6 . ocon gesceid leladod (65 . 6,65 . See for

w idscrifiel ( 10 . 1 6,

w here d is influenced by the fol

low ing s, 53 above. O w ing to the w ant of length-desig

nation in our MS. it is difficult to decide w hether midhere represents w e

d or d id. In the former case the changew ould be combinative and internal ; in the latter isolativeand external (Sw eet, H . E . S. ,

56 . The close relationship existing betw een the d and n,

it being formed exactly in the place Of the d but w ith freebreath-

passage, throw s more or less light on the follow inginstances, most of w hich

,if not all, may represent truly pho~

netic changes. See also below , § 92 .

ablicendnm carum tnndgan (3 . angitfnllnm ( 1 3 .

gew itendlicnm ( 1 6 . meriendlice (44 . 7, ion (per,49 . 2 ) etc. etc. See Sievers, 1 98.

d is represented by n in yegearcon (exibetur, 25 . is doubled

in gefireadd ( 1 04 . and assimilated to n in cnmenne, etc.

(95 .

57. I) , D . The sound symbolised by these letters is in our

text Often found represented by d . Cp . nytwyrdnyssnm ( 1 9 . 6

65 . sodes (89 . laeigd (98 . sede ( 1 1 5 . This d

byunv eicmg becomes t in nnderfe/it ( 1 6 . det ( 1 08 . 6,w here

the possibility of Latin influence is not excluded). It is

assimilated to t in mttan (77 . 1 6)fi, 3 , as Sign of the 3 p . S. are Often omitted ; cp . sw ig

(24 . etc.

Inw ardly ,fihas disappeared in swyrian (59 . and possiblyin larcom. SO says Sw eet, as regards this last w ord

,in the

Anglia , III, p . 1 52 . But is this derivation correct ? Speaking a p riori, a [J is more likely to be added by analogy than todisappear phonetically betw een r and a row el lateoio from

ladfieoio is no fit analogue. Or must w e presuppose, for a

transitional Stage , *lafireoio ? Even then our swydrian is but

a meagre analogue, occurring as it does only once or so, as


against the constancy w ith w hich larcom Obtains. On the

w hole,Reimann (Die Sprache , etc. , cp . § 64 , p .

-w ho

assumes larjieow to be a tw elfth century neologism,— seems

to me most likely to have hit the mark .

Original dd is represented by dd in anddettan (2 1 .

j ) is w ritten f in stfefnysse (55 . a very probable phoneticinterchange.

58 . S. S is assimilated to t in blettian (3 3 . and is

prothetic— if phonetic in this place w hich is at least doubtful—in staln ( z taln

, detractionis, 1 10 .

§ 59. C,K . Both these symbols express either a guttural or a

palatal voiceless step . In our text the follow ing w ords occur

w ith it by the side offorms w ith initial c. ofky'

rfes (abscisionis,60 . gekj nd (5 . [t

urd (69 . écon gely

dde (29 .

lyre ( 1 8 . lj n (9 . lcin ( 10 . [capitol (47 . etc.

0 is sometimes v oiced : oegimd drencg (potus, 78 . I ),

godgandre (81 . gesn'ing (84 . sw inyan ( 1 09 .

c is represented by t in fcete (3 7 . I 3 ) and geferlcetenn

( 1 02 . For the reverse process, see § 49 above, and for

the explanation , 63 below .

§ 60 . As regards the pronunciation of this c,I have

already stated that it is either palatal or guttural. The

guttural pronunciation occurs Of course before guttural vow els,

and possibly also in a few cases before purely palatal vow els,but only w hen the c is there ow ing to a secondary development . Thus

,w hen w e find re glossed by ji ince ( 3 3 . it

is difficult to believe that the c,w hich has grow n out of g,

and is thus a purely guttural step , can be palatal in the

Oblique cases. Before guttural vow els a palatal pronunciationis not likely to have Obtained .

6 1 . What is the nature of this palatalisation ? Sieversexpressly and distinctly states

,in various sections of his

grammar,that the palatal c= tscli 1 96 . i. e. a pronuncia

tion resembling the present English cli l’

206, anm.

Sievers does not restrict his statement to any later period . The follow ing

may therefore be of interest . That this assibilation of the 0 cannot be

established for the older periods— I here refer to the Corpus Glossary— may

be seen from Dieter, 4 3 . w ho gives mertze (W r. NV., 3 2 . 2 5) as representing


How ever strange it may be that the author of the Grundz iige der Phonetik

must have here made the slip of con

founding palatalisation w ith its consequence, assibilation,

the fact is proved by referring to p . 62 of the third editionof the Grundz iige, w here a correct statement is given . But

the w ords quoted above still stand in the A.-S. grammar


the w rong notion there expressed, pervades the w hole treatment of the c.

62 . Let us examine the facts on w hich Sievers’s theoryis based. They are

1 ) The transition Of ort-yeard into orceard, afterw ards

orcerd,ordceard .

( 2 ) The transition offetian intofecc(e)an.

Now the interchange of guttural c and t, i. e. of the voiceless guttural and dental stops, is no matter Of w onder ; andas such, the matter might be explained w ithout more ado 1


but there is more w hich tends to explain the change. A

palatal c, as in A.

-S. rice,before having attained the present

stage of pronunciation— assibilation to tscd in ricli— musthave passed through the tj stage— i. e. exactly through the

place w here the to (i. e . tj ) of ortgeard must have been formed .

NO w onder then, that t+ palatal vow els, or rather t+ palata1semi-vow els

,should be confused in w riting w ith c+ palatal

vow els, i. e . semi-vow els. Hence the transition of ortgeard

into crocard . Hence possibly ,

also the form feccean by the

side Offetian, although the possibility of tw o distinct verbsbeing apparently merged into one is not excluded 2 . Thus

then I believe w ith Sievers, tha t orceard proves a pronunciation orty


ard,but no more. I shall now examine the re

maining grounds against this supposition . The e originallysufficed because, as is very likely (Siev . , palatalisa

tion is an Anglo-Saxon phenomenon . But w hen the palatalsbegan to develope, t w as sometimes used to denote the

guttural sound . This at least is very probably the meaningthe middle Latin mercem. If 0 had then been tsch, the scribe w ould not have

had recourse to the unusual tz to express this sound , then so akin to tha t

Of c.

See Mod . Language N otes II. 2 2 2 , III, 1 2 6, 1 92 .

2 Whence does Bosw orth-Toller get his preterite,fwhte ?


of [t (Sievers, 2 0 7) but that the distinction w as not alw ayskept up , that is, that the distinction w as evidently too

delicate to be palpable to the untrained ear, is clear from the

list of w ords above, 59, w here the 2 occurs before vow els

originally palatal as w ell as those originally guttural. But

how ever rough and obtuse an ear may be, the distinction betw een d and tsj must be sure to be heard and tofind expressionconsistently. How then w as it a ft erw a rd s expressed ? Bythe adding of 71 to the palatal c ; but this did not happenuntil the beginning of the Middle English period (Koch,1 72 if). I do not believe that the mi of the N orthumbrian

documents represents tsj , but I w ish to reserve my judgmentuntil the grammar of these texts, w hichmaybe expected fromthe hands of Professor Cook, has placed before us the necessarymaterial on this subject.

63 . W e may now safely conclude that the evidence inAnglo-Saxon does not do more than prove that palatal c z tjat the utmost, not yet tsj . See also on this subject theremarks ofProfessor March, Englische Studien , I. 3 15.

Hence it is that I have left the above-mentioned formsfw te, geferlaetenne, etc.

, unstarred , since they are just as likelyto represent the palatal c, as w ould be done by this symbolitself, and it is probably Ow ing to this confusion of c and t

that w e find such forms as w ice, secende, cp . supra , 49 .

64 . Aw ord must be said about the c-epenthesis, although,

of this phenomenon proper, I have not found an instance inour text . Traces of it may, how ever, be perhaps discovered .

For instances of it, see Sievers, 2 1 0 ; Cosijn,Altw ests.

gramm. I, 1 3 1 , i . e . Sw eet,Pastoral Care, p . 4 82 f. ;

Zeuner, Die Sprache des Kentischen Psalters, § 3 9 ; Dieter,Sprache und Mundart der altesten Englischen Denkm



45, p. 63 ; Reimann , Die Sprache der MittelkentischenEvangelien, 2 8 , sub 3 SchrOer

,Die W inteney-Version der

R. S. B .

, p . xxvii, etc.

§ 65. What is the nature Of this epenthesis, i. e. w hat ishere the sound of so ? I think that c must be supposed to

indicate the change Of s (not only of so as Zeuner has it,note 2 on p . 80 ) into the p alatal sibilant, and I am happy


to find that the only w riter w ho does speak of the nature Of

the sound— Reimann , l. l. —is of the same opinion. It is

curious that so far as my instances go, the Older periods

present this insertion only betw een s and l, m or n,not before

19 and tl,as in modern South German . Here stein and sp alte

become 2 si

tein and sp alte ; there it is only such w ords as sniden

w hich w ould become scn'

iden. N ow in German this sfrom s

has run into the sound se, (etymologically) scbz sb.

InmodernEnglish an original sic has Often also become


(i. e the

palatal sibilant), as in sbadow from scadw . In 3 1 , I havestated that the spelling seamen, etc.

,does not present a case

Ofmonophthonging. This must be now further explained .

§ 66 . If the above View of the c-epenthesis be accepted,w e need not be surprised to find this c w ritten so com

parativ ely rarely . Even in Anglo-Saxon times w e may safelyassume pronunciation to have been in advance of spelling,

so that w hen the former began to change, the latter follow ed

only tentatively, and not alw ays consistently. Suppose therefore, that the sound-change, under certain conditions

,of s to

sc z é w ere pretty general, it is quite possible that in the

majority of cases it should yet be w ritten s,especially since

the difference betw een the tw o is not so very great . Now the

at before palatal vow els w ould easily become sti (cf.60 and ow ing to the presence of the s

, it w ould

further dw indle dow n to sj ( z é).If it be objected that I here give a pronunciation to the

c,w hich w as denied it in the cited

,I must emphatically

state that this is ow ing to the influence of the s3

. That astop should be slurred over sooner betw een tw o continuants

than that at the beginning of a syllable (ri-ce) a tj should

develop a sibilant,no one w ill care to deny

,I think . Another

possibility must here be disposed of. Could sbhave developedinto é through the intermediate stage Of sx? (= s+ the un

I now find ccesctra (castellum) in the Northumbrian Gospel ofS. Matthew ,

21 . 2 .

2 By If in the rest Of this section I denote the guttural voiceless stop , and

by g the pala tal sibilant.3 See Mod . Language Notes, as quoted in 52 .


a spelling mwnnisnesse (68 . 1 1 ) need not be a mistake fornzw nniscnesse, as s probably had here the value of s. See

alsoflw slicanl,Cura Past . 23 4 . 1 4 . (Cosijn,


Cosijn (I, p . 1 2 3 ) instancesmenniscw ,-escw from the Pastoral

Care (7 1 . w ithout se making the preceding vow el longthrough position . W as so already palatal s

68 . G . The follow ing selection of forms, w hich mighteasily be multiplied , bears out the various statements Of Sieversin his Grammar on the pronunciation Of this letter z— beigm

(47 . aigldenne (1 9 .

>l<asmaidan (29 . 1 1 , read asmaiand :

asmeagend), adli (morbida , 60 . scgldine (3 6. emde (3 6 .

gesceid secce ( 3 8 . crwftican (94 . forbicgende

( 1 2 . nnderfcenc ( 1 6 . jJince (3 3 . etc. etc. The com

bination bg occurs tw ice : geleoligenne (92 . gelohgenlican

(63 . See also above, 2 9. As regards the transition Of

g to w,it is exemplified in ourMS. e . g. in saw ian ( 1 1 . 5,

cf. Siev .,

2 14 . 8 , 4 1 6 . but the form forgoew ad ( 1 07 .

1 4) by the side offorgaeian (75 . 8) is rather curious. (Cf.note to 86 .

69. TO one statement of Sievers’ s 2 1 6, 3 ) I must take

exception . H e says :‘ dg has caused cg in micgern, fat (for

>kmidgern ,O . H . G . mittigarni), w hich is extant in com

paratively late texts only. This transition presupposes forits time (tenth century) a pronunciation of cg as dz .


must claim for this cg the pronunciation ti, and refer my

readers to 63 . O .H . G . mittigarni presupposes A.~S.


gern. This w ould readily become*mitgern


, i. e. mitg'

ern ;

see above, 62,w here I have show n how this combination

could be w ritten micgern.

The pronunciation Of cg as def is therefore not proven .

1 This w ord has lately been treated of by Osthofi’

(Beitrage, 1 3 . 40 1 ff. ;

see especially p . I suppose that the Kentish w ord fleec, w hich Klugecites in his new ed . of his Etymol. W Orterbuch,

is part offleechaman in the

KentishPsalm 1 43 . Zupitz a , 2 1 . 1 2,thinks that this is a mistake.

The suggestion may be hazarded that c should stand for so,but I cannot

support this Spelling at present, exceptby the selfsaine w ordsp ercce derccedwm,

w hich Zupitza instances from the Kentish Glosses, and by the N orthumbrian

oncceccen bid (denegabitur, Luke 1 2 . Op . perhaps the spellingfiberfetefleesd,

=fiderfetefloesa ( 71 . for the d presupposes an a,rather than ca .

2 Cf. motgenne z modgenne ( 1 1 0. and genzod z’

genne ( 1 1 4.


70 . N,i. e . guttural n. This is usually

,and in our MS.

also continually , expressed by the letters ng, no. While re

ferring the student to 4 1 , I may here comment on the

possibility that there may be something more than mere

accident in the occurrence Of the follow ing forms

forsp ennignm ( 1 1 . geondsp recend ( z geondsprengend, 1 2 .

*gesg9ind (i. e. gesw intS, 82 . 5 ; cp . 80 . ginran ( 106 .

etc. etc. In the first tw o instances g and c,in the last tw o

n, may denote w hat I have w ritten 77.

—See Zeuner, Die

Sprache des Kent . Psalters, 3 2 .

7 1 . Ifmidlnm (59 . 1 ) is not an adverbial dative, then 72

is here denoted by m.

Note also aflingede (84 . 5)=afligede, a linge (78 . alengc

( 79 . and cantincas (4 1 . 5) by the side of the more usual


72 . H . W e find an it added in some w ords, e.g. in bwftew eest (76 . npabraered (94 .

On the other hand w e find : (fenlgltan (consortes, 6 .

newode (molliti, 1 0 . ofreow ( 1 9 . w ilce (26 . w anon

( 3 0 . w aelreow (58 . I 2 ), rwgel/inse (98 . recd ( 108 .

rw dlice ( 109 . I3 ), lgst (auditus, 1 1 3 . 1 etc. This dropping of

the b most likely denotes a voicing of the law ; this is also

expressed by the follow ing spellings, w iwbejbera (8 1 . 1 1 ) and

w bmnne ( 10 3 .

b ismisread asbin >l<brw d (promptus, 3 5 . 6) and bada ( 14 .

73 . Doubling ofconsonants, and conversely haplography 1 ,is exceedingly frequent in our text. I am not sure that ineach case a phonetic corresponding process is thereby intimated . I select the follow ing instancesgoddra (53 . fett (pedes, 66. estmettas (20 . I ), be

bealdenne (29 . aw orp ones (3 4 . liederne ( 80 .

§ 74 . INFLECTIONS. I begin my notes on the inflectionsby giving a couple Of instances of the absolute cases. Theyare of course imitations from the Latin , and although not

restricted to interlinear translations,they are very frequent

there, ow mg to influence Of the lemmata .

1 The w riting ofone symbol instead of tw o.


aw (ec)cendntbe gew rite ribtw isnesse (libtendre ( 1 4 .

gedibtenre endebgrdng‘

sse (50 . etc. etc.

75 . SUBSTANTIVES. Nominative. intinga (occasio, 91 . 6,

misreading Tw ice I have noticed the use Of an accusativeinstead Of a nominative case, neode (57 1 9) and forgimeleaste

(68 . See, how ever, (69 . w here necd under the same

circumstances is used in the nominative case.

Genitive. crw tis biscogi is ( 107. This ending-is maybe ow ing either to influence of the respective lemmata ,

or it may be the natural reflex of -gs, w hich is very common

in some texts. See Sievers, § 44 , anm. 2 . Is breder ( 1 3 . 1 2 )perhaps w rongly influenced by the preposition on ?

Dative and Instrumental. gebeda (orationi, 2 1 . gebeda

(orations, 2 1 . eallra saw la (anima, 1 9 . dara (noxa ,56 . are instances Of a dative form

,w hich (only in the tw o

last w ords) may be due to Latin influence.

Accusative.— rep se (Si quis dum pronunciat responsorium,

79 . Whence this dative form ? Is this (as w ell as the

accusatives instead Of nominatives recorded above) to belooked upon as a trace Of the mixing up Of forms

,to w hich


1,anm. 2

,has draw n attention ?

76 . Nom. Acc. Plural — brodra (fratres, 57 . gebrodra

( 73 . gebrodran ( 3 . 9,1 05 . beboda 1 3 . 6


andsw eras (3 . I), bgnna (9 . I and other instances probablyexemplify this same principle.

77. If w e did.

not find the w ords geongra cildra (pueri

parvi, 106 . I should be inclined to look on cildra (pueris,105. 14) as a misreading for cildrié z cildrnm.

78 . The dative plural ends in -on,-an


, passim. There

is no need to give instances. Ifeofonnm (28 . 8 , 3 6. 9)may be

a dual (Kluge , Beitr.

79. Of dative forms of the ADJECTIVES w e notice thefollow ing, w hich are w orth mentioning — orsorgi (securi, 10 .

w hich i may be due to the Latin endingl,and forms

like zingebgrsamnde ( 1 2 . gecw emlice (78 . 5) as exemplifyingthe form-mixing Spoken of above.

80 . Of plural forms compare the follow ing —

goda ( 1 3 .

1 Anotherpossibilityis, that, w ith the ge follow ing, the w ord maybe orsorgige.


feaw a (3 5 . finrbtogenes (74 . sinderlices (85 . in mostof w hich cases the presence of the lemmata makes us doubtw hether the changes are not merely graphical blunders.

8 1 . The dat. plur. ends in -on,-an


8 2 . As regards the N UMERALS, a form sex,w hich

,if it is

not caused by Latin influence, resembles the Northumbrian,is

found (reference missing).83 . Of the Ordinals

,I note the follow ing forms w hich

are not found in Sievers,or of w hich he doubts the cor


9. ng’

gefian, nigefian (3 7 . 4 ,

3 0 . firitteoga (4 3 .

4 0 . feow erteogada (43 .

50 . fifteogaia (42 . I3 , 43 . fgfteob’a (45 . 1 9),fiftnge3 an

(4 3 .

60 . sgwteogao'a (42 . 1 1


70 . seofonteoda (42 .

80 . bandeabteoda (43 . bandeabtoda (4 3 .

90 . bandnigenteoda (43 . 1 4 , 51 . bandnigenteodan (76.

2 ,

1 0 0 . bandteontiga 7 eabtateoo‘

an (48 . bandteonteodan

84 . PRONOUNS. In c,ns

, g, as possible pronominal glossto nobis

,see below

,notes to (27 Inc may be a pronoun

( 1 9 . but there is no corresponding lemma . A peculiar

case Of a declined ‘


(see Sw eet , A.-S. Readerz

, p . lix)is found (54 . abbodes beores (abbatis sui).fiis (a neutral singular) is gloss (5 . 3 ) to the neuterfiis.

Seo, as a masculine pronoun, occurs (4 3 . 1 1 ) and (70 . and

possibly also (3 6 . It thus bears out the statement of

Sievers, 3 3 7, anm. 2 . Conversely se w ould seem to be a

feminine pronoun in se romanisca ladnng (aecclesia, romana,

44 .

§ 85. VERBS. Only a few verbal forms are interestingenough to be noted . Of these w e find the follow ing thirdpersons : bebeald (respicit, 3 0 . stgnt (97. and some

others w here there is no suffix (see Cosijn,Altw ests




14 8, p . sw eg ( 1 1 8 . sw ig etc .


86 . Of plural forms, the corrupt *sed gat points tosccgat, w hich antiquated form (Sievers, 3 60 ) may itselfhave been the cause of the corruption ; cf. secgat ( 1 7 .

§ 87. Of infinitival forms,w e may notice batian ( jubere,

1 1 . w hich,how ever, is probably a mistake for batan ;

gecian (vocari, 1 7 . w hich,according to Sievers

,408 . 3 ,

is mostly found as cigan. The rarer forms in -on occur

pretty frequently. See , for instance, abg'

rdon and

anw rigon (3 3 . as infinitival gloss to the imperative revela

(supra , t} Of infinitives in -a,I found lgsta odb


e gebg’


(audire, 2 1 . I 2 ).88 . Of the verb sc alan

,the text has the follow ing notable

forms —seel (debet, 26 . 3 , 102 . scell (69 . scg'

ll ( 1 1 2 .

scealan (debent, 8 1 . and scealan as infinitive (3 2 .

89 . The participium necessitatis,’

w hich Sieversmentionsin 3 50 as found in later texts, and as formed after the Latin ,occurs pretty frequently in our text . For the form given byhim w e may instance to camp iende (5 . to sp ecende (26 .

to smeagenda (a is ow ing to the lemma,requirenda, 26 . I to

andedende (46 .

By the side of this w e find even more frequently, how ever,forms in -enne

,e. g. to camp ienne ( 1 . etc.

90 . That this future participle should also be founddeclined might be expected . Accordingly w e have eardigendes

(5 . 1 and be gegearnendnm to rmde gebrodra (de adhibendis ad

consilium fratribus,1 7 . In this case to is

,as a matter of

course,suppressed (3 1 . 5, I find

>karw riende,for ariende or

w riende,— as gloss to p arcendo : here to w ould also seem to be

omitted).9 1 . The same notion is sometimes expressed by adjectives

in -lic,

e. g . j ia sendlican (dirigendi, 1 1 3 . on donlicnm

Jbingnm (in faciendo, 23 . w hich same ending I have oncefound glossing a present participle, bccnmendlicwm (87.

Here szgiercenientes w as possibly mistaken for snp erveniendi.92 . Formed on the pattern Of the Latin : these w ords Of

Sievers’s convey the impression that Latin only is answ erablefor the development Of this d . I think that

,view ed in the

light Of 56 , d w ill probably prove to be ofa purely phonetic


origin . When once the d began to develop phonetically,its grow th and spreading may have been aided by a moreor less conscious association w ith the Latin participle ; butI hold that analogy and phonetics both share the paternityof the new form.

93 . I may here mention beon gelogodre (reponantur,98 . How the passive voice of a verb can be glossed by

w hat is apparently the dative feminine Of a past participle, Iam unable to understand . W


ith partial dittography the same

ending is probably found in bebgd(dad)edre ( 1 00 . 1 , See

how ever note on p . 1 24 , Compare (26 . 1 6) w here the infinitive ap erire, w hich may be construed in a passive sense


glossed by an apparently masculine dative (geop enodum).Equally strange datives occur (66 . I5) Jba utgangendum, (74 .

1 2 ) pa gebgrendum, and (87 . 1 2 ) o/er becumendlicum. But

they may perhaps exemplify the mixing up of datives and

accusatives,w hich is characteristic ofthe later Anglo-Saxon .

94 . To any one w ho has looked into the text , or intothe foregoing many Kenticisms must be apparent at a

glance. Thus w e have the e z w (sup ra , 1 5, etc. ; Sievers,1 5 1

, the e z g 2 7, Siev . absence of diph

thongisation Of e into ea 3 0 ,Siev. 1 57 . to mention

only the most striking peculiaritles. But it w ill also havebeen seen that these do not appear throughout, and thatWest-Saxon influence is traceable. N ow has a Kentish textbeen copied by a West-Saxon scribe or nice rersa ? I thinka case like bete/ztum (3 1 . w hich w as misread as betelicum


singularly instructive. Telendne, z taelendne) w hich w as mis

read as w lendne (20 . tells the same tale. An interchangegraphical

— Of b and b,to and w

,and of b

,and li is quite

common . W as it not the strange forms betebtum,telendne


instead Of betw btum,taflendne

,w hich led to the confusion ?

If so,the Kentish text must have been the original, and

the West-Saxon the copy .

2 ] E xhortation to liv e up to the p recep ts of H oly Scrip ture.

aehw aenne be urum yfelum da been geunrotsode sw a soblice


quando de ma lis act(ibus) nostris contristari Ita enim

him on aelcere tide be his on us is to earcienne 1

ei omni femp ore de bon’

is) suis in nobis p arendum

luyrsumienne boat he ne na bait an sw a sw a yrre feeder hisest ; ut non solum ut ira t(us) p ater suos non

ober hw ile bearn beerfw erdige ah sw a sw a egeful hlaford

a liquando filios ewheredet, sed neciut) metaendus dominus

sw a geyrsod fram yfelum urum beet he sw a sw a ba w yr

5 irrita tus a ma lis nostris ui nequissimos

beow an to bam ecan na betaece to w ite w e be him fylianservos p erp etuam trada t ad p oenam qui eum sequi

noldan to w uldre uton arisan set nyxan mt sumon cyrrenoluerint ad gloriam Ew surgamus ergo tandem aliqaarwlo

aw cendum us gew rite 7 secgendum hit is us

excitante nos scrip tara Ac dicente lio(ra) est j am nos

of slaepe uparisan geopenedum eagum god

de somp no surgere. Et ap ertis oculis nostr(is) (ad d ,eificundan leohte mid ablicendum earum 7 utan gehyran bagod

1 0 cum lumen ; a ttonitis auribus audiamus d ivina (co)amlice clipiende hw aet us myng.e stefn to deegtidie clamans quid nos ammonea t vow dicens. bodi(c si v)ocem


O nelle ge ahyrdon eow re heortan

egus audieritis nolite obdurare corda vestra . (et) iterum

se be liaefti earan to gehyranne gehyre hw aet

Qui habet aures audiend i ; audiat quid sp iritus (dic)atgelabungum 7 la hw aet saeigb cumab la gebearn gehyrab

a ecclesiis ; Et quid dicit Venite filii audite me

htnes ege 7 ic laere cow yrnab lifes leoht ba hw ile beI5 (tirborem domini doccbo vos ; Currite dum lumen vite

ge habbaO bystru deabes cow beet ne gegripan 7 secende

habetis (no) tenebre mortis vos comp rehendant ; Et querensmeniu folce bam he basCine clypabhis W ryhtan

dominus (in)multitudinep opuli cui haec clama i op erariam

t seigb la hw ylc is man se be w yle lif 7suum (ite)rum dicit. Quis est homo qui vult vitam et

1 . After dad ampart Of the MS. torn aw ay .

‘4. One letter erased betw een

Oder and hw ile. 5 . After w gr part of the MS. torn aw ay. 6. to v eryindistinct. 8 . In a w cendum tw o letters indistinct, probably aw eccendam.

9 . u OfgeOp enedum reads like an i . Read urum. 1 1 . Read dceglzw amlice.

1 5 . Read drihtnes. 1 8 . t,last letter of aft.

7 . s of ea'


add . afterw ards. 8 . d icente . see note .

L iv e up rightly , and p eacefully , and the Lord’s eyes shall [3

rest on thee .

gew ilnati on dagan gode boot gef ba gehyrende andsw eras

cup it (vi)dero dies bonos ; quod si tu audiens resp ondeas.

gt? be gode gif bu w ilt habban beet soiie lif 7 boetEgo (di)cit tibi deus , Si v zs babere veram et p er

ece lif eond tundgan bine fram yfele 7 binep etuam vitam ( p roli )ibe linguam tuam a ma lo et labia

w eleras 7 boet hi na spreeau n gecyr fram yfele 7 do

tua no loquantur (dol)wm ; D everte a ma lo et fac

god smea 0°

55e sec'

sibbe ylig hyre 7 bonne basbonum. inquire p aeem (ct) sequere cam Et cum haec 5

bincg gedoiS eagan mine ofor 7 mine earan to eow rum

feceritis. oculi mei sup er (vo)s et aures mee ad p reces

benum 7 eer bonne geclypian me ic secge cow eefre ie her eom

vestras. Et antequam me in (vo)cetis dieam vobis. Ecce adsum ;

est luftempre ere stefne gelabgendre la ge

Quid dulcius nobis (ab 7c)ac voce domini invitantis nos

ba leofestan gebroEran efne mid his arfeestnesse gesw utulaii

fratres learissimi Ecce p ieta te (sud demonstra i

us lifes w eg begyrdum mid geleafan O56e mid

nobis dominus viam vite; Succinctis (e)rgo fide vel obser IO

gehealdsumnesse goddra desda lendenum u gebroht

vantia bonorum actuam lumbis (n)ostris p erduca tum

bodung utan gan his siOfeet beet w e gearnian hine se“


evangelii p ergamus itinera ej us ui (rbereamur cum qui nos

geclipode on his rice geseon . n bees rices bealle on inne gyfvocavit. In regno suo videro, (In) cuj us regni tabernaculo si

w e w yllab buton midgodumdeedumyrnende nateshw on

volumus liabitare. nisi illac bonis a ctibus currendo minime

ne bib becumen’k

abutan axen mid bam w itigan drihten

p ervenitur ; Sed interrogemus cum p ropheta dominum.IS

secgende him la hw a w unaO on Oinan inne o55e

dicentes ei Domine quis babitavit in tabernaculo tuo aut

la hw a geresb on Oinre haligan dune eeftcr byssere ex

quis requiescet in monte sancto suo .

“ Post bane interro

1 . Read geseon. 2 . Read sceigd or soegd. 3 . eond, see note . 4 . Read

facn. 5 . glig , readfglig . 8 . est,e in MS . Latin in glossator

s hand .

In no other text. ere,readp issere. 9 n Ofgebrodran erased . 1 1 . u

read urum. gebroht, see note. 1 3 n, read on. 1 5 . abutan,read

ak id an.

1 . aud ieris w ould seem to have been corrected into audiens. 5 . et ( after

p a cem) pasted Over. 1 1 . a of observantia corr. from e. 1 2 . Erasure of one

letter after pergamus. 1 7 e add . above line (requiescet) .

4 ] The blameless, the just , the honest, shall d w ell w ith the Lord .

unge uton gehyran andsw ariende 7 gesutuliende

gationemfra tres audiamus dominum respondentem et ostendentem

his bealle obfie innes 7 seccende se be ingeebnobis viam ip sius tabernaculi a c dicentem Qui ingreditur

butan smittan sw ylce “ yrcii rihtw isnesse 7 se tie sprycb SOO

sine macula et op era tur j ustitiam .

“ Qui loquitur veri

feestnesse heortan on his 7 se Se na deb facn on his tunganta tem in corde suo qui non egit dolam in lingua sua


Se na dyde nextan his yfel se be hosp na underfencg

5 Qui non fecit p roximo suo ma lum. qui obp robrium non accep it

agen his h exten se be bone aw yridan deofol sum binc

adversus prow imum suum. Qui ma lignum diabolum a liqua

tihende him sylfan mid his sylfan tihtinge fram gesihiium

suadentem sibi cum ip sa suasione a consp ectibus cordis

forseonde Se gew rohte his lytlan hw eedan gebohtassui respuens deduw it ad nichilum. et p arvulos cogita tus ejus

7 heald beteehte non

tenuit et a llisit ad christum Qui timentes dominum de bona

hi sylte bane de°

6 upahafene ba sylfan on

1 0 observantia sua non se reddunt elatos sed ip sa in

him sylfan goda na fram him sylfan magon been

se bona non a se p osse sed a dominofieri

ahw enende 7 hi meersiaiiewistimantes. et Op erantem in se dominum magni/loam. illud cum

na us

p rop lieta d icentes. non nobis domine non nobis. sed nomini tuo

ah for5an paulus se apostol be his bodunge

da gloriam. Sed nec p aulus ap ostola s ole p redicatione sua

him sylfan ah forbam ne tealde

sibi a liquid imputavit d icens ; Gratia dei sum. id quodse be w uldraii w uldrie he

sum ; Et iterum ip se dicit. Qui gloria tur in domino glorietur ;

banon seeigii seede

Unde et clominus in evangelio a it Qui audit verba mca

bas bine ic *Onlocie hine w isum w ere

19 bhcec etfa cit ea similabo cum viro sap ienti . qui edificavit (


9 . beloeli te,first if not clear. 1 8 . Above ea the gloss is partly cut aw ay ;

an [a is recognisable, and part Of a letter w hich looks like g ,so big ? Read


8 . p a rrulos, MS p a ; vulus . 1 3 . sed,MS. se. 1 8 . a ofca partly cut aw ay .

Those w ho serv e the L ord shall inherit the K ingd om

of H eav en .

comon flodas bleow an

domum suam sup ra p etram. Venera nt flumina . flaverunt venti

7 hi eetspurnon on Cam huse 7 hit ne feoll forbam beet Imp egerunt in domam illam et non cecidit ; quia funhit w ees g

estabelod ofor bam stane bis gefyllendeda ta era t sup er p etram c comp lens dominus ,

anbidiab mid deedum

ewp ecta t nos cotidie. his suis sanctis monitis factis nos

w e sculan forbi for boteresp ondere debere. Ideo nobis p rop ter emenda tionem ma ’


bises lifes dagas to fyrstum sind to aleetenne

bujus vite dies ad inducia e relaxantur dicente ap ostolo ;

nyte ge la boot ge godes gebyld eow

An nescis quia p a tientia dei vos ad p enitentiam te

leet ba synfullanadducit N am p ius dominns d icit; N olo mortem p eccatoris.

boot he gecyrre bonne w e axiab

sed ut convertatur et viva t Cum ergo interroga ssemus

be w unungum

dominum fratres de habita tore tabernaculi ejus . audivimus

eardigendes bebod ah gyf w e gefyllaiSw unigendes benungehabitand i p recep tum. Sed si comp leamus habita toris oficium.

w e beoti sin to gereccanne

erimus heredes regni celorum Ergo prep aranda sunt

7 lichaman haligre beboda gehirsumnesse

corda et corpora nostra sancte p recep torum obedientie

to campiende 7 beet hw onlic boet be on us gekynd acumenlic

militanda et quod minus habet in nobis natura p ossibile.

ac uton biddan his gife boet he iarcie fultum

rogemus dominum utgra tie sue g'

ubea t nobis adjutorium

benian 7 gif fleonde helle w ite life w e w yllabministrare Et si fugientes gehenne p oonas ad vitam voluma s

becum to 5am ecan tigaii 7 ba bw ile eet bisump ervenire p erp etuam. dum adline vaca t. et in 710 0 corp o

lichaman be w e sin ealle bas bine burh bish e leohtes w egre sumus et liccc omnia p er bane lucis viam

7 . Second e ofngtegela , being w ritten too close upon the l, is not quite clear.

8 . pa ,readpaes . 1 7 Read becuman. tigad, end Of aemligafi.

7. vos, not in other texts te is crossed out . 1 0. habita tore,MS. habita

torum ; see note . 1 5 . g'

ubea t, MS. kabout, a w rong transcription for jubea t,w hich all other texts have ? The gloss poet he iarcie w ould lend support to

this view .

6 ] S . B enet’s intention to gather together a number of men

w ho shall serv e the L ord .

gefyllan ys to yrnanne 7 is to donne nu

v (oca t) imp lore currendum et agenda/m est modo.

beet hit on ecnesse framme is to settanne fram

quod in p erp etuum nobis ewp ediat; Constituenda est ergo a

us drihtenlices scole beow domes on beere w e hihtab eenig binenobis dominici scola sorvitii . in qua institutione


heardlices eenig us to gesettanne w e hopiab gif

asp erum nibilque grave nos constituturos sp eramus ; Sod etsi

hw eet lilles forbstepb stiblicor dihtende rihtw isnesse gescad for

5 quid p aululum restrictius dictanfe a equita tis ra tione p rop ter

bote obbe drohtnunge sobre lufe forbstypb

omenda tionom vitiorum. vol convorsa tionem caritatis p rccessorit

boorrihte ac bu na forfleo hsele se be

non ilico p avore p ei torritus refugias viam salutis quo

nis buton mid stige to onginnenne mid forbsteppingenon est nisi angusto initio incipienda Processu vero

drohtnunga heortan onunasecgendlicere lufe

conversaticnis etfidoi dilatato cordo inenarrabili dilectionis

w erednesse urnen beboda godes fram his1 0 dulcedino curritur via manda torum dei . ut ab ip sius

eefre lareow dome Ob

nunquam magisterio disccdentes. in ojus doctrina usquo ad

deab on minstre se burhw unigende brow ungummortem in mona sterio p erseverantes. p assionibus c/iristi

burh gebyld boot w e been deelnimende rices his

p er p ationtiam p articip emur. ui cl regni og'

us moreamur




I . Do generibus monachorum vol vita .

II . Qua lis debea t esse abba .

III . Do adhibendis ad consilium fratribus.

IIII . Que sint instrumenta bonorum Op eram.

V. De oboedientia discipulorum qualis sit.

5 . fordstopb, probably copied here bymistake by scribe, w ho must have seenit a line low er dow n. Cf. infra , note to l . 3 (hiktad) . 7 . poorrihte, co or a

not clear ; first r, but for context, might have been put dow n asf, the l Of i licobeing blended w ith it.

6 . conversa tionom,MS. conserva tionom. 7. p avore, MS. pavorem. 9 o

of d ila ta to corr. from a . 1 9 . Qof Que w rongly rubricated in the MS. as D .

L atin L ist of Chap ters . [7

VI. De taciturnita to. IVII . Do humilita to.

VIII . De oficiis divinis in noctibus.

IX. Quanti p sa lmi dicondi sunt nocturnis horis.

X. Qua litor aesta tis tomp ore aga tur nocturna laus.

XI . Qua liter dominicis diebus vigiliae agantur.

XII . Qualitor ma tutinorum sollompnitas aga tur .

XIII . Qua liter priva tis diebus ma tutini agantur.

XII II . Qualiter in sanctorum na ta liciis vigilio agantur.

XV. Quibus temp oribus a lleluia dica tur.

X VI . Qua liter divina Op era p er diem agantur.

Quanti p salmi p er easdem horas dicond i sunt.

Quo ordine ip si p salmi dicondi sunt.

De discip lina p sa llendi.

XX . De reverentia orationis

De docanis monasteri i qualis debeant esse.

Quomodo dormiant monachi .

De excommunica tiono culp arum.

Qualis debea t (esse) modus eweommunicationis.

De grav ioribus culp is.

De his qui sine j ussiono abba tis (g'

unguntur) excom

munica tis.

Qua liter debeat abba sollicitus esse circa excommunica tos.

D e his qui sep ius corrop ti non emendaverint. 1Si debeant iterum recip i fra tres eweuntes domonasterio.

Fuori minori oetate qua liter corrip iantur

XXX] I. Do cellarario monastemi qualis sit ;

Do ferramentis vol rebus monasterii ,

XXXIIII . Si quid debout monachus prop rium habere

Si omnes aoqualiter debeant necessaria accip ere

XXXVI . De sep timanariis coquine ;

19 . XXV. This is a mistake for XXIV, and the mistake is continued

throughout in this list, so that ch. XLII II as given low er dow n (De his qui

ought to be Oh. XLIII . esse not in the MS. 2 1 . XXVII . A w ord

erased after abba tis, probablyg'

unguntur, w hich is therefore added in brackets.

22 . XXVIII . communica tos, o of 0 9 corr. in MS. from i by w riting 0 over i .

24. Second o ofdobeant above line.

8 ] L atin L ist of Chap ters, continued .

De infirmis fra tribus.

De senibus vel infantibu

XXXVIIII . Do ebdomedario lectore.

XL . Do mensura ciborum.

Do mensura p otus.

Quibus horis Op orteat fratres roficere.

Ut p ost comp letorium nemo loquatur. et p ost oenam

ad lectionem audiendam ab omnibus occurra tur;

D e his qui ad Op us dei vol ad mensam tarde

(occurrunt) .

De his qui ewcommunicantur quomodo satisfaciant.

XLV. De his qui falluntur in monasterio.

XLVI. D e his qui in lenibus robus dolinquuntur.

XLVII . De significanda hora op eris dei .

Do op oro manuum cotidiano.

XLVIIII . D e observationo quadragosime.

L . De fratribus qui longo ab oratorio laborant aut in

via sunt.

LI . De fra tribus qui non longo sa tis p roficiscuntur.

LII . De ora torio monasterii.

De hosp itibus suscip iond is.

I] t non dobea t monachus litteras vel eulogias suscip ere.

LV. Do vestiariis ct ca lciariis fra trum.

De mensa abba tis.

D e artificibus monasterii.

Do discip lina suscip iendorum fra trumD e filiis nobilium aut p aup erum qui qfl



LX . De sacerdotibus qui voluerint in mona steriishabita re.

LXI . De monachis p eregrinis.

LXII De sacerdotibus mona sterii .

8 . occurrunt supplied here as the reading of all the MSS. used by Schroer.

Of. A . SchrOer, Die W inteney-Version der Regula S. Benedicti, p . 1 0 . The

text of the W inteney Version C’) has occurrerint, and our text( fo . 1 46 b) has voniunt. From XLIII dow n to the closing Of the bracket the

omission in the MS. has been supplied from our text (corrected) .XLVII . The heading for this chapter not being in our MS. , it is supplied

from the readings of the other MS. cf. Schroer, W . V ., p . 96 .

10 ] 3 . Sarabaites, w ho l i v e ap art, follow ing their ow n inclinations ;

[LJmid frore, eallunga gelaerede [i.J Wihnan bene getyde

solacio j am docti pugnare ; et bene instructi

of brofiorlicere faerraedene to anfealdan gew inne w estenes

fra terna ea; acie ad singularem pugnam heremi

georsorgi. ge buton frofre oisres mid anre [t Jhandsecuri j am sine consola ticne a lterius sola manu

[u.Jofifie [11 .Jearme agean leahtras fiaesces [i.Jofibe gebohtarel brachio contra vitia ca rnis vel cogita tionum,

gode gefultumiandum [V.J W innan [q.J 7 hi nihtsumiafi

5 deo auxi liante pugnare suficzunt

beet pridde [_e .J beet atelicost [b.Jkin [a .J sylfdeTertium vero monachorum teterrimum genus est. saraba i

mera [a Jpa on aenigum regole na afandode uel oiSiie afundennessa

tarum. qui nulla regula app robati ewp erientia

lareow as [h.J [m.J ofenes. [n ] abge des on gekynde

magistri sieut aurum fornacis ; sed in p lambi na tura

h exode [i.Jpa git. [r.Jmid w eorcum. healdende [O .Jw eorulde.

molliti adhuc op eribus servantes seculo

[p .J truw an. leogan. [b.J gode burh secre [a .J synd acnaw ene

dem. mentiri deo p er tonsuram noscuntur

pa tw yfealde breofealde obfie sohes anlepie gangende ambulantes

Qui bini aut terni . aut certe singuli sine

butan hyrde big on drihtenlicum heordum. ac heora agenum

p astore, non dominicis sed suis

beclysde fore as heom is gew ilnunga . lustinclusi ovilibus p ro lege eis est desideriorum i


olup tas.

bonne hi hw eet w enafi tellafi ofifie geceosan b eet secgab haligcum quicquid putaverint fuel elegerint. hoc dicunt sanctum

7 beet beet hi nellai‘

? beet 7 hi w enafi na beon alyfede . beetet quod noluerint. hoc putant non licere. Quar

feoroe soblice kin is [a ] beet is genemned w ifi

tum oero genus est monachorum quod nominatur gyro

scribel pa on eallon heora life geond mislice sciru brimvagum. qui tota vita sua p er diversas p rovincias. ternis

1 . frore, i. e . frofre, and see note on this w ord . bene,Latin copied into

gloss. 7. n in cenigum of irregular shape. i s], Latin ; see note .

1 1 . gangende in the MS. is gloss to ambulantes, w hich has been put in by

glossator spontaneously . It is not found in the other texts. 1 7 Uncertain

w hether seira or scira .

2 . Erasure after heremi ? 1 3 . eis above the line. 1 6. est above the

line and erasure .

( 122 a .

and , 4 . The v agrant moms — The Abbot is Christ’s substitute .

o6er feow eru dagum geond mistlicora binga hus cumli6ia6

aut gua ternis diebus p er diversorum cellas hosp itantur

eefre w origende 7 naefre sta6olfmste agenum la etum

semp er vagi et numguam stabiles. et p rop riis volup

7 gyfernesse 7 forspennigum beow gende geond eallebincta tibus et gule illecebris seri ientes et p er omnia

w ursan 19am sylfdemerum para es ira drohtnunge be 6aeredeteriores saraba itis L’e quorum omnium miserrima coni



earmaestan betera hit is suw ian bonne sprecan. bisum forlaetenumsa tione melius est silere guam logui H is ergo ommissis ; 5

[e.J to [e .J mynstermanna [d .J pi tet strengoste [d .J kynad cenobitarum fortissimum genus

[e .Jgedihten [b.Jfultumiendum [h.J [a Juton cuman.

disp onerwlum. adjuvante domino veniamus QVALIS

DEBEAT ESSE ABBAS. (CAP. II.)se abbud se6e forabeou [d .Jw yr6e is [e.J [f.Jon my

rnstre [h.JABBA QVI PREESSE DIGNVS EST monasterio. semp er

gemunon [a J secal beet he is gessed 7 naman odde [m.Jmeminisse debet quod dicitur et nomen majoris 1 0

middaedum [m.J gefyllan [k .J [e .J [b.J [11 .J donfactis imp lere Christi enim agere

[e .J spelunga [f.J [a J he is *gelyst

6aenne his [i.Jvices in mona sterio creditur. guando ip sius

he is geciged to forenaman secgendum [a J [k .J [e .J ge under

voca tur p ronomine. dicente ap ostolo Acce

fengou gast gew yscednysse on 6am w e cleopia6

p istis sp iritum adop tionis filiorum in guo clamamus

arw ur6a feeder [a .Jfa J7 for6 [e .J naht [h.Jbutan [g ] bebode [g ]abba p a ter ; Ideogue abba s nihil extra p recep tum [5

[gJ beet feorsi [h.J na sceall[h.J 0666 lae1 an. [d .J [a .Jo66edomini quod absit debet aut ocere. aut

gesettan [e .J 0666 [f.J hatian [f.J ahsi haes [bJ his [b.J o66e [e.Jconstituere vel jubere. sed j ussi o ej .us vel

lar [e.J* byen [O .J godcundre [e.J rihtw isnesse [e .J leci nincg

doctrina . fermentum divine j ustitiae in disci

1 . Oder, read code feow eru, readfeou'

erum. 12 . Read gelgf’

t. 1 8. bgsn,read byrma ( = beorma )

5 . Er. of one letter after ergo. 7. d am crossed out before -te of

a dj uvante. 1 3 . p ro added afterw ards.

1 2 ] T he Abbot should teach only the p recep ts of the L ord , [Oh . II .

cnihtas [g ] [dm.J [p .J gebancum geondSprecend nxyndig sig[a Jpulorum mentibus consp erga tur Memor sit

esf1 e [bJ poet [11 .J[e .Jhis lare [g.J[g.Jo66e [h.Jleorninc onibiasemp er. abba s quia doctrine sue vel discip ulorum

gehyrsumnesse [h.J aeghw ae6era [k .J [k.J on 6am egesfullan [LJoboedientiae. utrarumgue rerum in tremendo

dome [LJ gode to donne he[e .Jis he[e .Jis[e.J odde [fJ 7 Wite [a .Jjudicio dei . fa cienda crit crit discusio. Scia tgue ( 122 1)

8 6 abbod [b.J gyltes [d .J hyrdes onsigan [e .J [f.J sw a hw eet on

5 a ba culp e p astoris incumbere quicquid in

sceapum [gJ se hiredes ealdor [g ] nytw 57 1 6nesse hw onlicor sw a

oribus p a terfamilias utilita tis minus p otuerit

maeg gemetan sw a micel [d .J eft [d .J erig[e.Jhe bi6 gif unstilreinvenire ; Tantum iterum liber crit si inquieto

c66c ungehyrsumude [g.J hvi de [e .J aelc. [f.J geornfulny’


rel inoboedienti gregi p astoris fuerit omnis diligentia

bi6 forgifen 7 gif adligum [e .J heora [c.J daedu1n [c.J eall[b.Ja ttributa . et morbidis carum actibus universa

by6 [a J [b.J gvman gegearcod hyrde [e.J heora [e .J on dome [g.Jfuerit cura exhibita . p astor corum in judicio

drihtnes tolysed [f.J ut*

bcet*ece mid pam w itigan

domini absolutus dica t cum p ropheta domino

[b.Jpine rihtw isnysse [b.J ic ne be hydde on minre heortan

J ustitiam tuam non abscondidi in corde meo.

p ine [e.J so6faestnesse [e .J 7 halw endan [f.J [f.J pinre ic seede

veritatem tuam et sa lutare tuum disci .

hig [g.J forhicgende [h.J forsaw on [g.J 7 [a ] bonne [bJip si autem contempnentes sp reverunt me. Et tunc

aet nyxtan [e.J ungehyrsuman gymene [f.J his [f.J sceapum to w ite

demum inoboedientibus cure suae oribus : p ena

[a .J bi6 heom sw y6renda sesylva [e.J [e.Jdea6 [b.J bonnesit eis p revalens ip sa mors ; Ergo cum

aenig [g.J underfeh6 [f.J naman [i .J [h.Jbees abbodes. on tw yfealda liguis suscip it nomen abba tis. dupp lici

1 . dm stands abov e g , 19 under g, both to the right. See note on geond

sprecend . 7 . srig, readfrig. 1 1 . a t in line of gloss by hand ofglossator.

poet see, i. e.77 ece, read secce

1 0 . MS. earum, an 0 above the a , w hich does not seem to me to beone of the ‘


letters, but a correction by glossator of earum into

by d eed s rather than by w ord s . [1 3

he secal [a ] lare [e .J his [d .J leorn [e.J[a Jforebeon 1 . cnihtumdebet doctrina suis p reesse discipulis.

beet is ealle [b.J godu. [b.J 7 halige middaedum [e J sw y'


id est omnia bona et sancta factis amp lius

beenne [f.J [f.Jmid w ordum he atiw ige angitfullum leorniccnihtum

verbis ostendat ut cap acibus discipulis

beboda [i.J mid w ordum [k .J his foresette [g ] bam heard

manda ta domini verbis p rcp onat. duris uero

heortan [d .J bilehw itum mid his [e .J deedum[e .Jba godcundancorde et simp licioribus factis suis divina 5

beboda [b.J he gesw utelia6 ealle binc. [b.J be leorninccnihtum.

p recep ta demonstret Omnia rero gue discipulis

he laerae6 beon [h.J W i6raede on his deedum he gebicnige na

docuerit esse contraria in suis fa ctis indicet non

to donne beet 06mm bodiende [m .J he sylf [k .J W i6ercora

agenda ne a liis p redican ip se reprobus

ne si gemett beet ahw enne him na seege [0 .J syngendum

inrenia tur neguando illi dica t d tus p eccanti .

to hW i na 6u cy'6st rihtw isnyssa mine 7 bu underfaehst

Quare tu enarras justitias meas. et assumis

gew itnysse mine burh binne mu6 bu hatodest steore

testamentum meum p er 0 8 tuum Tu rero odisti discip linam

7 6 11 aw urpe spraeca mine *bestande 7 ba ge on bre6er bines1 23 et p roj ecisti sermones meos p ost te et qui in fratris tui


mot gesaw e on 6in0n ege beam ne gesaw e bu 1aoculo festucam ridebas. in tuo trabem non ridi sti

[a .JNa si [e .Jfram him [b.Jhad on mynstre [d .J [a .J asynd i odi on ab 60 19672907161, in monasterio di scernatur

na si an sw i6or gelufod mid godum deedum o66e gehyrsrm

non unus p lus ametur bonis actibus aut oboedi 1 5

nesse*aenne o6er butan banebe he met beteran ne si

entia guam a lius nisi guem invenerit meliorem,Non

forasett se ae6elborenne beow dome ge [a J cyrrendum [c J butonp rep onatur ingenua s ea: servitio coni ertenti . nisi

1 . learn, w hich belongs to cnihtum,has been put before forebeon. For

leorninccniht ? 12 . da not quite clear,

a stroke running through 6

and along the top of the it,making it look like a . bestande, read beftan

de. 1 6 . cenne,readpcenne.

1 2 . meos, MS. meo. p ost te, MS. p oste. 15. bonis, MS. actionis ; clearlythe scribe

s eye w as caught by the next w ord .

1 4 ] In Christ all are equal : the Abbot to hav e no p artialities .

w enunga sum gesceadw islic [fJ intinga [e.J w unige beet[a Jforte a ligna ra tionabilis causa existat Quo

gif bi6 rihtw isnesse dihtendre [e.J barn [b.J abbude sew en ge . [a Jsi ita justitia dictante abba ti rvisum fuerit.

[g.J be sumere be aendebyrdnesse beet [h.J hedo elles

et de cujus libet ord ine id facia l ; Sin a lias ;

ageure [a Jhigehealdan [b.Jetow a for6am sw a becw a [gJ[h.Jsw aprop ria teneant loca . quia sire serous sire

frees [h.J ealle [d .J on christe an. [e.J be w e sin[a ] 7 under ane

5 liber omnes in christo unum suma s. e-t sub uno

drihtene gelicne [b.Jbeow domes cam dom [b.J7 w e abera6 for6am

domino cegua lem serritutis militiam bajulamus. guia

be *

be is mid gode*bada

>kanstangynnes [b.Jbeet an [b.J

non est apud d eum p ersonarum a ccep tio ; Solum modo

[a J 6leum daele [e .J 1nid _ him [d .J he tosyndrab gif beterau

in hac p arte ap ud ip sum discernimur. Si meliores

06 1 a1n [h.J [hJon godum w eorcum [h.J 7 eadmodren w e be06

a leis in operibus bonis et humiliores inveni

gemette gelic [11 .J [a Jsi fram him[g J eallum [d .J [k .J so6lufu1 0 amur , Ergo egua lis sit ab eo omnibus kari ia s ;

an sigegearcod on eallum aefter [b.J gearnunge stoor [f.JUna p rebea tur in omnibus secundum merita discip lina ; In

lare [h.J w itodlice 0 11 his se abbod [e .Japostolice [e .Jscealldoctrina namgue sua abbas ap ostolicam debet

beet he aef1 e [fJ hiw e healdan 0 11 6am he essig6 . [gJ breaillam semp er formam serrare in qua dicit ; Arguae.

halsa cid beet [a .J is[a .J maengcende tidum tida [0 .Jobsecra . increp a . id est miscens temp oribus temp ora

ogum. egesum. gesw aesnyssa 7 re6e [e.J lareow as [bJ arfaestIS terroribus blandimenta ; D irum magistri . p ium

faederes [e.Jheatiw e [a Jlufe [13 . J beet 1sH.J beet ungebeaw faestan [1 Jp atris ostendat afiectum. idem i-ndiscip lina tos

6 . camdom,ca doinMS. Meant for campdom. 7.fie, read ne. Read hada .

amtanggnnes, e cor. from other letter ; read andfanggnnes 1 4 . First[a .J on erasure .

6 . The glossator has once more w ritten servitutis over the same w ord in

the text, and ov er that the gloss pcow domes . 8 . ipsz’

tm, sic in MS.

9 . ap eribus, p has a line through the dow nstroke as a sign of contraction for er.and yet er hasbeen w ritten. humiliores

,MS. hamitic. O fthe other texts AC

have humiliores, the others humiles. 1 3 . serra re, rv on erasure. It is

possibly to be regarded as an unsuccessful attempt to correct the servire of the

MS. into serra re.

Ch IL] T he Abbot must treat ev ery one’s faults accord ing [1 5

to their nature .

7 ba ungedefan he sceall sti6licor brean [h.J ba gehy1 sumanet inquietos debet durius arguere. obedientes


ta [d .J li6an [e.J 7

13ba6ildigan [c J [r.Jbaethi [g.J beterou

1 23 b. ) mites p a tientes. ut in melius




debere ahalsian [it

] ba gemeleasan [d .J 7 6a for

p rcy‘iciant obsecrare. Aeglegentes autem et con

hicgenden [d .Jbeet he 6raege 7 beet he gestande [e.J[e.Jtemp nentes. ut increp et et corrip ia t


be myngia6 me he*benn6e hiw ige synna agyldendra ahhe

ammonemus N egue d issimulet p eccata delinquentium. sed 5*Jionnehi onginna6 upasprungan grundlunga higbe6am be he

ut cep erint oriri radicitus ea ut p re

mesg ofadoceorfe .sit. frecednyssa sacerdes of silan 7 bara let amputet. memor p ericuli heli sacerdotis de silo ; Et

arw ur6an w itodlice 7 ba audgytfulran mod mid beers formanhonestiores quidem a tque intellegibiles animos ; p rima

o66e obrasy6an mynegunge mid w ordum [a J 7 hegebregerel secunda ammonitione fverbis corrip ia t

ba 6wyran 7 ba heardan 7 ba modigan o66s ba*ungehyr

inp robos autem et duros ac sup erbos rel inobedi 1 0

sumantes mid sw inglan o66e lichaman odde o66e breagungeentes fverberum fuel corp oris castigatione

on 6am sylfan angyune synne he breage w itende aw riten

in ip so initio p ecca ti cohercea t sciens scrip tum ;

se dysiga mid w ordum na bi6 ge6read 7 eft sleg. sleh.

Stultus verbis non corrigitar Et iterum; Percute

ba bearn bine midgyrde 7*

ba alyst saw le his of dea6e

filiu/m tuum virga et liberabis animam eius a morte

gemunan [a .Jsocal eefre [a Jseabbod beet be he is cw eden 7Meminisse debet semp er abba quod dicitur et I

w itan beet bi6 bam 6e mara bi6 befasst mare fram himscire guia cui p lus committitur ; p lus ab eo exigitur ;

2 . f eet, p torn in tw o. 3 . MS. deb, w hich Latin addendum is in

hand of glossator . 5 . pe, read w e. bennde, read bemide, and see note. d of-d ra above the line. 6 . f anne, sic in MS. Readponne. 7. sit, Latin in

hand of glossator. si lan or silon. 1 0. ungehyrsu1na ntes, probably after

hav ing w ritten ungehyr saman, w hich read,the scribe

s eye w as caught bythe -tes w hich must have been 1 11 the Latin original. 1 3 . ge61 ead , w ronglyglossed by original glossator, w ho must have read corrip itur in his text.

1 4. p a , readpu.

1 0. inp robos, MS. inprobas. inobedientes, MS. inoberliendos . 1 6. cut,in

accordance w ith other texts and w ith the gloss, MS. cuj us .

1 6 ] Ard uousness and resp onsibility of the Abbot’

s task .

[a ] 7 he w ite [b.Jhu [b.Jbe earfo6e [b.Jhe underfeht 7 sticol

Scia tgue quam difiicilem rem et arduam

[b ] gew issian saw la 7 maenigra beow anbeaw um 7 sumuc

suscep it regere animas. et multorum servire moribus et a lium

w itodlice mid gesw eesnyssum o6erne mid braeigumquidem blandimentis alium oero increp a tionibus ; a lium

mid larum 7 eefter ge aeghw ylces hw ylcnysse o66e

sua sionibus ; Et secundum unius cujusgue gualita tem rel

andgit hine sy‘

fne on eallon bingan 7 he gehiw ige 7

5 intelligentiam. ita se omnibus conformet et

he gebaeslaece beet he na beet an ny6er11nga . aefw yr6e heordeap tet ut non solum detrimenta gregis

hims vlfan befaestre bolige eac sw ylce on [gJgeeacnungesibi commissi non p a tiatur. serum in augmenta tione

godre heorde he geblissige toforan eallanbingan behiw iende

boni gregis gaudeat; Ante omnia non dissimulans

o66e for forht taliendre heele saule him sylfan. bi. feestra

aut p arri p endens sa lutem animarum sibi commissarum.

sw i6or be 11 6 do hohfulnesse be bingum gew itendlicum 71 0 p lus gera t sollicitudinem de rebus transitoriis. et

iordlicum 7 gew itendlicum ah he bence beet heterrenis a tque caducis ; sed semp er cogitet quiasaula underfaenc togew issianne be 6am 7 gescead be he his

animas suscep it regendas. de quibus et ra tionem reddi

to gyldenne [a .J7 beet he na cide be laessan faerunga laudare

turus est; Et ne causetur de minori forte substantia

he gemuna gew rit eeraest [q .J seca6 godes rice

meminerit scrip tum Primum guerite regnum dei et

rihtw isnesse 7 his 7 ealle bas binc beo6 hihte 7 eft

1 5 justitiam ej us et ha ec omnia adicientur nobis ; Et iterum ,

naht w ana nis ondraedendum hine [a .J7 he w ite [b cet he

N ihil deest timentibus cum , Scia tgue qui ase 6e underfeh6 saw la to gew issianne iarcie hine to gescead

qui suscip it animas regendas p rep aret se ad ra tionem

6. cefw grfie, read azfn'

grd le ? 7. g before geeacnunge : as there are no‘

pav ing’

letters in this passage, 9 . may be an anticipation of geea cnunge.

9 . fcrht, o and h cor. from tw o other letters see note . 1 0. ne ; but for

context,n might be read as m. na cide

,a and cide possibly on erasure .

1 4. [q .J Is this one of the ‘



7. a ugmenta tions, MS. aumenta tione.

1 8 ] w hich they must giv e humbly . T he brethren to follow this Rule ,

beet betere is sw a syllan gebeaht mid calre

quod melius est; Sic autem dent fratres consilium cum omni

eadmodnesse. underbeodnesse beet na gedyrstlaecan gemahlice .

humilitatis subj ectione ut non p resumant p rocaciter

bew erian. beet hieom heom gesaw en bi6 ah furborterwlere quod eis vi sum fuerit. sed magis

on bees abbodes hit stande kyre be bam*hw onlicor odde

in abba tis p endea t arbitrio eo quod sa lubrius

gesaelicor be he dem6 ealle gehyrsumian [a .Jah [e .s a sw a

5 jud icaveri t cuncti obediant. Sed si cut

leorniccnihtum gedafena6 [fJ beet gehyrsumian [g.J lareow e

discipulis convenit obedire magistro.

[b.J7 him foraglaew lice 7 rihtlice gedafena6 [d .Jealle bincita et ip sum provide et juste condecet cuncta

[c .Jgedihtan NJ on callum bingum [b.J iornostlice ealle [e.Jdisponere In omnibus igitur omnes

[e.Jlareow licum [a .Jhi fylian Le.Jregole [f.J [h.Jfram him

magistram sequantur regulam ne a ea

[i.Jbristelice [f.J 11a 11a si gebogen fram aenigum [a .Jna [b.Jaenig1 0 temere declinetur a quoquam Nullus

on minstre [a .J na fylige [e .J agenra heortan W illan

in monasterio sequatur p roprii cordis volunta tem.

[f.J ne ne gedyrstlaece [f.J [g.Jaenig [n .J midhis abbude [n.Jneque p resuma t quisquam pro abba te suo

[LJ w ur61ice [h.Jw i6 innan [hJo66e w i6utan [m. J on mynstreproterve intus aut foris m-onasterium

[k .Jflitan [a .Jbeet gif gedyrstlaec6 [b.Jaenig [e.Jregolicorecontendere Quad si p resump serit quisquam discip linae

3 ea lra along w ith its lemma omnium is found in the text, after heom,

see Latin note to l. 4 . 4 . hw onlicor, see note. Sign for 0 666 above

line . 6 . leorniccnihtum,read leornic

,i. e . leorninc. 7 . him

,last stroke

of m erased , by mistake, w hen the g of sigut w as erased . gedafenafi, dcorrected from some other letter.

1 . Before melius the w ord fa cia t is erased ; it is found after j ad ica verit inthe other Latin texts. d ent, e corrected from i . 3 . omnium erased

before v isum. visum in margin in glossator’

s hand,by w ay of correction

for the misreading omnium. 4 . p endea t, w ritten by glossator over

gaudea t, w hich is erased . 5 . siqut, corrected into sieut. 6 . MS. d is

cip alus. Some one, seeing that this w ord ought tobe d iscip ulis, began w ronglyto erase s, then stopped this, and indicated correction from it into i by puttinga dot over second stroke of u. 1 0 . quam (other texts que) erased after ne.

1 2 . p ro, other texts hav e cum. That this has been in original of our textis probable, as the gloss has mid .

1 25 a .)

and not to op p ose the Abbot . O f good w ork s . [1 9

fe.Jstyre [e.Jhe underhnige [b.Jsy'

lf sw a 6cah. [b.Jse abbod

regulari subj aceat Ip se tamen abbas

[e.Jmid godes ege [f.J7 gehealdsumnesse regules [t.Jealle binccu/m timore dei et observa tione regule omnia

[a .Jdo. w itende hine buton tw yn be callum his domum ba riht

facia t. sciens se p rocul dubio de omnibus judiciis suis

w isestan deman gode gescead to aiyldenne gyf [e .J hwylceequissimo jud iei deo ra tionem redditurum ; 151



[b.J [f.J leessan be inc syndon to done [g ] on

vero minora agenda sunt in 5

[h.J mynstres [gJ on nytw yrdnyssum ealdra [i.J beet an

monasterii utilita Jtibus seniorum tantwm

[a Jhe bruce [O .Jgebehte sw a sw a hit aw riten is ealle [1.Juta tur consilio sicut scrip tum est; Omnia

[k.Jdo mid reede [m] 7 [n .J[O .J>"aster deedum 7 hit be ne ofreow

fac cum consilio. et p ost factwm non p enitebis ;

hwylce beon tol godera w eorca .


caira aeraest drihten god lufian calre heortan mid

In p rimis dominum deum diligere eac toto corde tota 1 0

eallra saw la mid calre mihte sy66an nextan ealsw a be sylfneanima tota virtute Deinde p roa imum. tamquam se ip sum

debemus ofslean um ihthaeman na don beofaeD einde non occidere N on adulterare. non fa cere furtum.

me gew ilnian 11a leas gew itnesse secgan arw u1 6ian

non concup iscere. non fa lsum testimonium dicere; H onorare

debemus ealle men him sylfan aeni beon baat 6set nele

omnes homines et quod sibi quis fieri non vult.

0 6mm 7 baft ne do w i6sacan . sic hine sylj ne himsylfum beetAlii ne facia t; Abnegare semet ip sum sibi ut 1 5

3 . pa ,read tam. 7 . [0 .J perhaps 6= on. 8 . aster

,read cefter.

1 2 . d ebem’

,in glossator

s hand,not in other Latin texts ; of. l. 1 5 ; p . 2 0 ,

l. 1 5 , and passim . peofce , p corr. from some other letter. 1 4. debem’


cf. 1. 1 3 . 1 5 . Firstpoet added later on by glossator. sglf'

ne, f added

later on by glossator. sic, stands by the side of w ifisacan, not ov er se.

. timore, MS. timmem. . The w ords ant mayo; (read majmaa ?) arefound after agenda they are


probably originally a marginal note copied

into our text , and not in the other texts. 6 . seni or11m to sicut inclusiv e ,together w ith gloss, left out by copyist , and put in top margin . 1 0 . corde,

MS . corda .

2 0 ] O f fasting, alms -giv ing, self-control , etc . [Oh . IV .

he fylige crist lichaman brean estmettas

sequa tur christum. Corpus castigare Delicias non amp lecti

fassten debemus lufian bearfan fedan nacodne et scredau

J ejunium amare Paup eres recreare Nudum vestire.

untrume 7 geneosian deadne bebyrgian on gedrefednesse

Infirmum visitare. .Mortuum sep elire. In tribulatione

gehelpan sargenne gefrefrian fram w eorulde [a .J deedumsubvenire. Dolentem consolari. A seculi a ctibus

don aelfraemedne aenibincg cristes lufan na foresettan yrre

5 sefacere a liervum; N ihil amori christi p rep onere. Iram

non debemus gefremman yrsunge timan na healdan facn

non p erficere. Iracundie temp us non reservare ; Dolu/m

on heortan na healdan lease sibbe cost na syllan ba s06e

in corde non tenere. Pacem fa lsum non dare. Kari

lufan na na forlaetan na sw erian be he hine forsw erige

ta tem non derelinquere. N on jurare ne forte p erjuret.

*so6faesten debet ofheortan 7 of mu6e for6bringan. yfel for

Verita tem eac corde et ore p roferre. Ill a lum p ro

yfele debemus agildan tregan debemus gedonne deede

1 0 malo non reddere. Injuriam non facere. sed et factam

gebyldelice ah forbyldian* frynd lufian ba a w yrigendan

p a tienter suf erre Inimicos diligere Ma ledicentes

[e.Jnon debemus agen w yrian ah sw i6or bletsian [d .Jehnessese non remaledicere sed magis benedicere. Persecutionem

for rihtw isnesse bolian. beon 6cmodig na w indrucen

p ro justitia sustinere. Non esse sup erbum. non vinolentum

na mycelaete na*sia na

*sceac mur

( 125 b )n


on multum cedacem ; non somnolentum non p igrum non

nigende naceriende na*aelendn.e hiht his gode

1 5 murmuriosum non detractorem debet sp em suam deo

betaecan god eeni binc on him sylfan bonne he gesyhbcommittere Bonum a liquid in se cum viderit

2 . debemus, in glossator’

s hand , not in other Latin texts. et scredan,

MS. db scredan ; did the scribe find cd aet scredan or 7 scredan in his

original ? 6. non d ebemus over gefremman. 9 . soéfcestne, read

so6foestnesse. 1 1 . frg'

nd , read fgnd . 1 2 . non debemus in margin.

1 3 . 6c, see note. 1 4. na sia , read slap ol ? sosae, read sleac. celendne,read telendne.

1 . D elicias, MS. dulcias ; it w ould seem that an attempt w as made to

correct it. 3 . visitare, underlined in MS. repeated by mistake afterMortuum. 1 0. factam,

see note. 1 3 . sup erbum, MS. desup erbum,

see note. 1 5 . detra ctorem,o corr. from a .

T he last J ud gment. F urther rules of conduct . [2 1

gode ne betaece na him sylfan yfel him. sylfan eefre framdeo app licet non sibi Ma lum vero semp er a se

gedon he w ite him sylfan 7 getelle domes dasigfactum scia t ; et sibi rep utet ; D iem debemus jud i ci i

ondraedau helle aforhtian beet ece lif mid ealre gasttimere ; gehennam exp avescere ; vitam ceternam omni concu

licere gew ilnunge gew ilnian [b.J dea6 [a ] daeghw amlice

p iscentia sp irita li desiderare Mortem cotidie

[e.Jaetforan eagan [d .Jgew enedne [a .Jhabban desda lifes his

ante oculos susp ectam habere actus vitae sue 5

0 11 aelcere tide gehealdan on aelcere stow a gode hine besceaw ian

omni hora custodire; In omni loco d eum se resp icere

[a .J tosc6an [b.Jw itan gebohtas ba yfelan heortan his to becu

p ro certo scire Cogita tiones ma las cordi suo adveni

menne sona to christe>"aslidan bam gastlican ealdre

entes mom ad christum a llidere et seniori sp irita li

7 gesutulian he his mu6 fram yfele fram yfele 066e bw yrlice

p a tefacere. Debet os suum a ma lo vel pravo elo

spraece gehealdan mycel sw y6e [11 .Jsprmcan na . [a .Jlufianquio custodire ; Multum toqui non amare. 1 0

idele w ord hlehtregamene . o66s lilic micelne leahtor 066e

Verba vana aut risni ap ta non logui; Risummultum aut

to sceacenne lufian halige reedinge lustlice lysta . 066e

excussum non amare Lectiones saneia s libenter audire ;

gehyra gebeda [O .J*fraedlice 7 onsigan his for6gew itena yfela

ora tioni frequenter incumbere ; M'

a la sua p reterita

mid tearum 066e geomorunge deeghw amlice on gebeda gode

cum lacrimis vel gemitu cotidie in ora tione deo

anddettan of 6am sylfan yfelum beerto eacan betan.

confiteri de ip sis ma lis de cetero emendare ; 1 5

gew ilnunga lichaman [d J gefremman W illan agenne

D esideria carnis non p er/icere. volunta tem p ropriam

[d .Jhatian bebodu on callum beh be sylf doodire ; p recep tis abba tis in omnibus obedire ; Etiam si

1 . ne, w rong gloss. 8 . astidan ? Perhaps the scribe found aslean in his

text, and his eye w as caught by the a llidere of the Latin. 1 3 . fi'

oed lice,

see note yfela , top part of l erased by erasure in a ud ire (Latin notes on 1. 1 z ) .1 5. anddettan, first d above line

,and at the end of line, but probably belongs

to the w ord .

1 . app licet, MS. amp licet. 2 . for debemus, see note to p . 2 0 , l. 1 5.

See infra , l. 9 . 9 . D ebet, see note to l. 2 . 1 2 . aud ire, erasure of about

tw o letters betw een i and r. 1 6. p r0p 1-1


a 1n,i above line.

2 2 ] M oral and religious p recep ts .

he elles beet fcor sig sylf do gemyndige bees drihtenlican

ip se a liter quod absit agat memor illius dominici

bebodas ba>ksed gat do6 ba 6inc be hi dob don

p recep ti. Que disant fa cite que autem faciunt facerenelle 11a nellan beon geseei6 halig ser6ambe hesignolite N on velle dici s inctum antequam sit ; sed

eer ah beon beet so6licor t beet he is geseed godes bebodap rius esse. quod verius dicatur ; Precep ta

mid deedum deeihw amlice gefyllan cleennesse lufian

5 dei factis cotidie adimp lere Ca stita tem amare

uchuc non eefest 7 andan habban geflit. 066e ceaste

nullum odire z elum et invidiam non habere Contentionem non

upahofennesse idelne>" iyl forfleon 7 ba yldran

amare ; ela tionem vel j actantiam fugere Et seniores

arw ur6ian ba iynran on christes>z‘ lufian for feondum

venerari juniores diligere. in christi amore p ro inimicis

gebiddan mid bam ungebw eerum eer 11y6ersige . 066e gangs

orare ; Cum discordantibus ante solis occasum

on sibbe gehw yrfan 110 11 be godes mildheortnesse debemus neefre

1 o in p ace redire ; et de dei misericordia numquam

geortruw ian efne bas sind tol creeftis gastlices beet bonnedesp erare ; Ecce hec sunt instrumenta artis sp irita lis que cum

beo6 gefylde fram us unablinnendlice deegges 7 nihtes

fuerint a nobis d ie noctuque incessa

unateoriendlice to gefyllanne on domes deege 7 beteehte

biliter adimp leta et in d ie judicii reconsignata .

seo med 1i s fram drihtne bi6 agolden be he sylf behet

illa merces nobis a domino reconp ensabitur quam ip sep romisit

cage beet 6e ne geseah eare us no gehyrde ne ne on

1 5Quod oculus non vidit. nec auris aud ivit nec in

heortan mannes astah ba 6inc be gearcode bisum. ba 6acor hominis ascendit ; que p rep aravit deus his qui

2 . sed ga t, d of unclear shape in MS. , but no 0 : read secgat. 6 . non

Latin,over odire ? cf. infra , 1. l o , perhaps to be taken to neh a c, and to be

read mon. 7. igl, read iglp . 8 . lufian, read lufan. 12 . unablin

nendlice,the fourth n corr. from some other letter, probably a . Read at. 7 n.

unabl. una teor. a dimp leta , glossed as if a d imp lenda .

1 . memor, MS . memoris . 3 d ici, MS. d ice. 1 0. dei,MS. d im, 111.

m1 sread from sign of contr. above ‘t,for e of d ei . 1 1 . u in cum corr. from

some other letter.

126 h.)

O f O bed ience as though to d iv ine command . [2 3

lufia6 hine [e.J sme6e [b.J>“ ibeerw e [i.J ealle bas 6inc

diligunt deum Oficina vero ubi haec omnia

[k .Jgeornlice [i.Jw yrcean [d .Jclysunga [e .J [e .Jmynstres 7diligenter Op eremur. claustra sunt monasterii et

sta6olfeestnys [g.Jstabilitas in congrega tione ;


[e.Jse for w itodlice [f.Jeadmodnes [e .Jse forma steepe ans [c.JgehyrPRIMUS ITAQUE H UMILITATIS GRADU S EST obe

sumnes [d .Jbutonyldincge [b.Jbas6iuc [a J gerist [c.Jbison1 [d .Jdientia sinemora aec convenit his qui

naht [gmJ himsylfum [h.J c1 iste [i J leofre [e.J eenigbincg [d .J badeneb dnihil si 2 c risto carius a liqui exi s

w ena6 [i.Jfor6am beow dome beligan [k .J be hi [k .J behetoutimant p rop ter servitium sanctum quod p rofessi

[k.J [1.J066e [LJfor [LJhogan helle [m.J[O .J066e [O .Jforw uldresunt : seu p rop ter metum gehenne ve gloriam

[PJ lifes [PJ1988 8 ecan is sona [e.J eenig binc [r.Jbonne bi6beite a eterne , 11o a t [a liquid imp era

boden [d .J fram ealdrc [r.J[a Jacsw ilce [x .Jgodcundlice [a J hitsibeturn a ma iore fuerit a c si divinitus im

boden [e.J yldincge et brow ian hy niton on donlic um bincgum

peretur. moram pa ti nesciunt in faciendo ;

[a ] be 6am [b.J [a .J seeig6 for [e.J hlyste [d .J earan

De quibus dominus dicit ob auditu auris.

[e .Jhe gehyrsumede [b.J 7 [a .Jeft he seig6 [a J [b.Jlareow umoboedivit mihi Et iterum d icit doctoribus

[e .J se 6e [f.J cow [e .Jgel1yr6 me [e .Jgehyr6 bas 066e billiesui vos audit : me audit ; Ergo hi tales

[f.J forleetende [g.J barrihte [11 .J be heora [h.J 7 [k .J W illanrelinquentes sta tim que sua sunt ; et volunta tem

[k.Jagenne [i.Jforleetende [m.Jsona [n.Jgebysgodum [n.Jhandu111p rOp riam deserentes mow ea: occup a tis manibus

1 . ipcerw e, sic inMS . probably i as pav ing letter. paar asgloss to ubi. andw e belonging to w yrcean. 5 . for, read forma . The MS. has escfor.


over est,I cannot explain . 7 . i. e . pa 6c ne w ena d

. 1 0. is .

La tin ? the gloss abov e ut is illegible .

8 . sanctum ( sEm) , MS. secundum 1 2. Above the o of moramthere is w ritten a z .


t 5

2 4 ] Promp t obed ience, accep table to G od .

7 beet hi didon [p .J unfulfremed [i.J forleetende [e.Jmidet quod agebant inp erfectum relinquente vici

gehendum [g.J gehyrsumnesse [e .J fet bebeodendes [0 .J stefne

no oboed ientice p ede jubentis vocem

[d .Jmiddeedum [a ] hi fyllian [a .J 7 sw ylce [d .Jonanre [d .Jhandfactis sequuntur ; Et ve ut una mo

bw ile [b.J seoforesmda lareow as [b.J hms 7 fulfremed

mento p redicta magistri j ussia et p erfecta

[f.J leorninccnihtas w eare [g.J onhreednesse [h.J godes egee [h ]5 discipuli op era in velocita te timaris dei

[k .Jbute ba [k .J 6inc [LJgemeenlice [m.J heerdlicor 7 be ongefylambe res communiter citius exp lican

lede bam to bam ecan life [q.J [p .J to gangenne

tur. Quibus a d vitam aeternam gradiendi

[O .J lufu onsig6 for bone neorw an w eig hi geletts6 banonamor incumbit. Idea angustam viam arrip iunt : unde

seeig se nearw a w eig is se leed to life beet heoradominus dicit angusta via est que ducit a d vitam : ut nan

agenre kyre 1ia libbende heora gew ilnungum 7 lustum1 0 sua arbitrio viventes vel desideriis suis et volupta tibus

gehyrsumiende ac gangende on eelfreemedum dome 7 on

obedientes sed ambulantes a lieno'

judicio et im

anw ealde on mynstrum drohgende abbod heom sylfum fora

p eria ct in caenabiis degentes abba tem sibi p re

beon hine gew ilnian buton tw yn bas. sw ilce bone [a .Jgeesse desiderant ; Sine dubio hi ta les illam domini imi

efenleecean cw ude [e .Jbam ic na com don minne W illan

tantur sententiam; qua dicit ; Nan veni facere volunta tem

ac bees es 663 asende me [a .Jah [b.Jbeos sylfe [b ]1 5meam sed ejus qui misit me Sed hec ip sa

[b.Jgehyrsumnesse [e.Jbonne [d .Janfenge [b.Jbi6 gode 7 w ynsumoboedientia tuna a ccep tabilis erit deo et dulcis

mannum gifhw eet bi6 beboden forhtlice ne leetlice ne

haminibus ; si quad jubetur ; nan trepide non tarde ; nan

2 . bebeodendes, second e above line . 3 . handhw ile,the tw o h

s above the

line . 5 . hrcednesse,h above line.

3 . momenta,MS. monumenta , nu crossed out. 7. gradiend i, MS. gra

d ianti . 1 3 . d esiderant,MS. desidercent. 1 6 . accep tabilis, MS.

a ccep labis.

2 6 ] The teacher to sp eak , the d iscip le to be silent .

fram godum [a .J her gesw utula6 [e .J [b.J gif [e.J fram goduma bonis H ie ostendit p rOpheta Si a bonis

[e .J spreecum o6erhw ile interdum for [gJ>I‘salnesse beon gesuw od

eloquiis p rop ter taciturnita tem

[e.J scel beon gesuw od lahu micele sw i6or fram yfelumdebet interdum tacere quantomagis a malis

w ordum for w ite synne beah sig be godum 7verbis p rop ter p enam p ecca ti Ergo quamvis de bonis Jet

baligam et timbrunga [d .J spreecum 7 fulfremedee [b.J5 sanctis et aedifica tianum eloquiis et p erfectis

leorningccnihtum. fore . [f.J stilnesse stee66inesse *sylfsyne

discipulis prop ter taciturnita tis gra vitatem rara

to specende [a .Jgeunnen [e .Jleaf for6am be hit is aw riten on

laquendi canceda tur licentia quia scrip tum est In

manifealdre bu ne forflihst synne on o6erstow e dea6 7multiloquio non efiugies pecca tum. Et a libi Mors et

lif 0 11 handum tungan so6es sprecan 7 leeran lareow um

vita in manibus lingue Nam. laqui ct docere magistrum

gedafena6 suw ian 7 heorcnian leorniccnihtum gedafena6

1 0 condecet ; Tacere et audire discipulo canvenit ; Et

gif w ilce bincg sind to smeagenda fram dre mid calre

idea si qua requirenda sunt a pri ore cum omni

eadmodnesse 7 underbeodnesse 7 been gesmeade hefrinonne baethumilita te et subj ectione reverentie requirantur ;

ne si gesew en fur6ur spreecan bonne hit gefremige biglista

nan videa tur p lus laqui quam eacp edit Scurilita tes

o6be idelw ord stirienda ecer clysungavera vel verba otiasa et risum moventia aeterna clausura

on ealle stow um w e ne fordema6 to hwylcere spreece

1 5 in omnibus lacis dampnamus Et ad ta lia elaquia

leorninccniht geopenodum mu6 7 w e ne 6afia6

discipulum ap erire as non permittimus.

2 . interdum in glossator’

s hand . afierhw ile, as glass to intcrd am,

stands above it. sa lnesse, read stilnesse. ct, MS. 6. sglfsgne, see


2 . eloqui i s, MS. elaquris . 3 . quantomagis, it above line . ma lis,l partially erased


.l 5 . Second ct above line . p erfeclis, MS. p erfectus,

but i w ritten above it . 7. MS. liquendi , but changed into laquendi .

1 2 . reverentie in margin. 1 3 . Scurilita tes,li abov e line in later

hand .

( 127 b.

1 28 a . )

The p roud shall be humbled ; the humble shall be exalted . [2 7


[b.J clypa6 0 . vs. y . gew ritt [d .J beet [d .J godcunda eala [a JCLAMAT NOBIS SCRIPTU RA D IVINA FRAT. ES

[e .J seccende [b.Jeelc [d .J se 6e [e .Jhine [e .Jupahef6 [a Jbi6 geDICENS. omnis qui se exa lta t humilia

eadmet [e.J 7 bi6 [fJ se 6c [fJ geeadme6 upahafen bonnebi ta r et qui se humilia t eaca ltabitur . Cum

bas binc [O .J sacig6 gesw utula6 [a .J us 7 eelce upahafennesse

haec ergo dicit ; astendit nobis omnem ecca lta tianem

cyn beon modinesse hine w arnian se w itiga beet gebycniabgenus esse sup erbie quad se cavere p ropheta indica t

la drihten nis upahafen heorte mine nana upahafen

d icens D omine nan est eaca lta tum car meum neque ela ti

sind eagan mine ne ic ii a ferde on meerlicum bingum na

sunt oculi mei N eque ambula vi in magnis neque in

on w undorlicum ofor me ah la hw eet seeig he gif ic me ge

mirabilibus sup er me. Sed quid sinan humiliter

eadmodlice bw eerleehte ac ic upahof mine saw le sw a sw a is

sentiebam sed exa ltavi animam meam sieut

beet openodum cild puer [a .J ofor his meder bu forgyldstabla cta tus est super ma trem suam ita retribues

0 11 minre saw le [e .J w anon. [k.J gif healicere eadmcd

in animam meam Unde fratres si summe humili

nesse w e w ylla6 gebinc6e [m.J hreppan [O .J ad illam

ta tis volumus culnien adtingere et ad

[O .J [O .J [O .J [p .J to beere burh andw eardes lifes

emalta tianem itlam celestem ad quam p er p resentis vite

eadmodnesse [p .Jbi6 astigen hreedlice becuman deedum

humilita tem a scenditur volumus velaciter p ervenire. actibus

2 . 0 . vs. sic in MS. see note . 3 . seccende, second a changed into e .

9 . geea dmodlice, a letter betw een g and e i 1 1 . op enod am, read a w enade .

puer not in other texts,added by glossa tor, as the w ord to w hich abla cta tus

refers. 1 3 . ad i llam in glossator’

s hand-w riting.

3 . qui, dot under it,as if it w ere meant to be expunged . 5 . ergo,MS. g



1 1 . abla cta tus,MS. abla cta tam. retribuas ; of the other Latin texts ( cf.

Schroer, W . V ., p . 3 0 , and see Schmidt, p . I 7) , S has retributio, T and U

hav e retribues,and G has bues erased . Our MS. had first retributio, then a

w as erased, i lengthened into s,and t changed into 6 . With this new ly

fabricated retribues the gloss corresponds. 15 . a scenditar, some other

ending changed into itar .


2 8 ] H av e the fear of G od continually before thine eyes,

urum upastigendum h dre [11 .J seo hlee66 . is up to areeranne

nostris a scendentibus sca la illa erigenda est

[e.J seo [e .J 0 11 sw efne [d .J beatiw de [e.J [f.J burh6age [g.Jhimque in sompnio ia cob app aruit ; p er quam er.

7 ni6er astigende [h.J 7 upastigende [f.J sutulodandescendentes et a scendentes angeli manstrabantur

li a bi6 eelles buton tw yn se ny6erstige se 7 upstige fram us

N an a liud sine dubio descensus ille et ascensus a nobis

understandan buton mid upahafennesse ny6erastigan mid

intellegitur nisi cum exa lta tiane descendere ; et

eadmodnesse upastigan [e.J seo sylfe [b.J upareerede

humilita te a scendere Sca la vera ip sa

hleeddra ure [d .J is [a J lif[d .J on [e .J w o1 ulde [f.J seo bi6erecta nostra est vita in secula Que

geeadmedre heortan [k .J [g J upareerede to heofonum [e .J sidan

humilia te carde a domino , erigitur ad celum Latera

[b.J sint beere [e .Jdran [a J w e secga6 urne [gJ [f.J beonenim ejus sca le dicimus nostrum esse

[gJlichaman 7 saw ie . [gJ on 6eere sidan [a Jgeseett [d Jmistlicecorpus et animam in que la tera diversos

[d .J stapes eadmodnesse 066e [f.J lare gecigednyss [b.Jgradus hwmilita tis vel discip line evaca tia

[b.J seo godcund [c.Jba upastigeendan a an.

di vina a scendendas inserui t

[b.J se forma [e.J [d .Jeadmodnesse [b.Jstape is [a .J[e .JgodesPRIMUS ITAQUE H VMILITATIS GRADUS EST : SITI

ege him sylfum [k .Jaetforan [k.J eagan [i.Jeefre [h.Jsecendemarem dei sibi ante aculas semp er p anens

[g.Jforegytelnysse [f.Jcallanga [e.Jgif he flih6 he sigablivionem omnina fugia t et semp er sit

gemyndig ealrabinga beet behead god [a ] [d Jba forhicmemar omnium qug p recep it deus ; Qua liter contemp

genden [d .J gode [h.Jon helle forsynnum [a .Jhi on( 128 b.

nentes deum [in gehennam p ro p ecca ti s inci

1 . hdre ; hlceéd, probably both w ords are meant for hlaeddre. 1 2 . a an

ov er inseruit, see note. 1 4. secende, sic in MS.

2 . sompnio, p corr. from n. 5 . cum added in the margin exa lta tione,MS. exa lta tianem. 1 1 . MS. gra d is, marked in MS. to be changed into

gradus. 1 6 . contemp nentes, 29 below line.

for the L ord sees thee, and w ith all thy d oings shall the [2 9Ange ls mak e H im acqua inted .

befeollan [f.J7 beet ece lif beet [k.J adreedendum god [k.J isdunt et ritam aeternam que timentibus deum p re

gegearcod is [hJon his mode eefre [gJ [f.J 7 he w eslee 7

p arata est animo suo semp er revolva t. Et

gehealdende hine fram synnum 7 leahtrum beet iscustodiens se omni hora a p eccatis et vitiis id est

gebohta tungan cagana handa fota 066e agenes

cogitatianum lingue ocularum manuum p edum, vel volun

W illan ah gew ilnunga lichaman ofadon he ofeste w ene

ta tis p rop rie ; sed et desideria carnis amp utare festinet Estimet5

man of heofonum fram gode eefre beon behealdenne

se homo dc celis a deo semp er resp ici

on eelcere tida 7 his desda on eelcere stow e fram gesyh6eomni hora ; et facta sua omni loco ab a specta


dnysse 7 been gesaw en fram englum on eelcere

divinita tis videri et ab angelis deo omni

tide 7 beon gekydde gesutula6 us btet w itega on urumhora renuntiari ; Demanstra t nobis hac p rop heta cum in

gebancum esse esse andw eardne bonne he gesw ucogitationibus nostris deum semp er p resentem ostendit

tula6 asmaldan heortan 7 lendenu god

dicens Scrutans carda et renes deus et item

can gebohtas manna idel 7

Dominus navit cagita tianes‘

haminum quoniam vane sunt Et

eft he seeig6 bu understode mine gebohtas forrane 7 beetitem dicit Intelleacisti cagita tianes meas a lange; Et quia

gebane mannes anded be so6es beet hohful sigcogita tia hominis canfitebitur tibi Nam ut sallicitus sit circa

so6es 066e seege se nydw yr6acagita tianes suas p erversas ; diaa t semp er utilis

bro6or on his heortan bonne ic beo >"ungew ennned toforan heom

fra ter in corde suo Tune era inmaculatus coram eo

gif ic gehealde me fram minre unrihtw isnesse W illan

si observavero me ab iniquitate mea Voluntatem vero

1 1 . a sma idan, see note. 15. 3 0668 0 66e seege, see note. 1 6 . ange

w ennned , read ungew emmed . foran,a crossed , as if corrected from c.

1 . a eternnam. a 8 MS. ,e added later. 3 . omni hora added byglossator.

1 7. observavero, second a in MS. 6 . mea , MS. me.

3 0 ] D o not follow thine ow n W ishes, but the w ill of G od .

agenre don w e farbcode6 bonne sacig6 gew rit us

p rc1p riam ita facere p rohibemur cum dicit scrip tura nobis

fram binum w illen 7 si 6u aw end 7 eft 7 utan biddan god

Et a volunta tibus tuis avertere Et item rage Imus deum ( 1 29 a

an gebeda 7 beet gew yr6e his Willa on us w e bean

in ora tione ut fia t illius voluntas in nobis ; Docemur

geleerede rihtlice urne na don w illan bonne w e gew arnia6

ergo merita nastram nan facere volunta tem cum cavemus

beet beet seeig beet halige gew rit syut w egas ba bea6R illud quad dicit sancta scrip tura Sunt vie que

gesau ene fram mannum rihtlice bara enda 06 dypan* helde

videntur ab ominibus recte quarumfinis usque ad p rofundumbesent 7 eft bonne w e gew ernia6 beet be bam

inferni demergit Et cum item cavemus illud quad

gymeleasum beet 6a is geseed gew emmede syut 7 la6e

de neglegentibus dictum est ; corrup ti sunt et aba

o66e andseete 7 insint gew ordene w illum an heora on

minabiles facti sunt in valunta tibus suis ; In

gew ilnungum sa6lice lichaman sw a us god semper w e 157 12 61 0 desideriis vero carnis. ita nobis deum credamus

eefre bean andw yrde bonne seei6 se w itega eetfaran be is

semp er esse presentem cum dicit p ropheta Ante te est

eal gew ilnunc min is to w earnienne yfel gew ilnuncomne desideriummeam Carend um est ergo idea ma lum desiderium

dea6 w i6 infereld gelustfullunc f0 1 6am be is geseed w anan

quia mars secus intraitum delecta tianis p osita est ; Uncle

gew rit *behyt secgende eefter binum gew ilnungumscriptura precip it dicens ; Post concup iscentia s

na fa1 6u gif besceaw ia6

1 q nan eas ; Ergo si oculi domini sp eculantur bonas et ma los

7 he beheal

et dominus de caela semp er resp icit sup er filios haminum.

beet he asea gif he is to understandenne 066e secende god

ut videa t si est intellegens aut requirens deum ,

5 . steig, for sceigd . 6 . helde, read helle. 7 . beseh t, read besenct.

9 . insint, see note . 1 0. semp er added by glossator. 1 4. behyt, readbebyt. 1 7 he asea, read he sea . See note .

1 . p rohibemur, MS. p rahibetur , marked by glossator to be changed into

p rohibemur. 4 . cavemus,MS. ea nemas. 6 . ominibus (for hominibus) ,

MS. 0 117nibns . 1 1 . 8 8 15,MS . cos.

( 129 b.)

“ I hav e not come to d o my w ill , but that of H im [3 1w ho sent me .

7 gif fram englum* hetelicum deeghw amlice deeges 7 nihies

et si ab angelis nobis deputa tis cotidie die noctuque

drihtne urum scyppende ure w aara gif bea6 gecy66e is to

domino factori nostro Op era nastra enu/ntiantur caven

w arnienne an eelcere tide sw a sw a seeig6 an 6a sealma

dum est ergo omni hora fratres. sieut dicit in p sa lma

baet us buganda to*

yfefle 7 unnytw yr6e 7 ge

p rapheta ne nos declinantes in ma lum. et inutiles factosw ardane an eenigera tida beet na besceal 7 areeriende us 0 11

a liqua hora a sp iciat deus et p arcenda Jnobis in

6issera tide far6am be is 7 he anbida6 us gecyrran to

has temp ore quia p ius est ; et exp ectat nos converti in

bateram us on taw eardum bas binc 6u dydestmelius cotidie ne dica t nobis in futuro. H aec fecisti

7 ia suw ude .

et tacui. II.

se o6er eadmodnesse stepe is gif eenig na

Secundus hum ilitatis gradus est : si p rapriam quis nan

lufiende w illan his gew ilnunga na gif gelustfula6 gefyllanamans volunta tem. desideria sua nan de lectetur imp lere

bas stefne d 1 ihtnes mid deedum ac he geefenleece . secgendes.

sed rocem illam domini factis imitetur dicentis10 na cam mfier

N on veni facere volunta tem meam sed ejus qui me misit. Itaem

lufe heef6 w ite 7 neadbearfnes 7 aken6

dicit scrip tura . Volup tas habet p enam et necessitas p aruit

cinehelm se 6ridde steepe is beet under eeni for

caranam. Tertius humilitatis gradus est : ut quis p ro dei

godes lufan mid ealre gehyrsumnessa hine sylfne beaw de ealdra

amare omni obedientia se subdat majari

geefen leecende drihtnes be 6am be he sei6 se apastala w ees

immitans dominum de qua dicit ap ostola s

he w ees gew orden gehyrsum 06 dea6

F actus obediens usque ad mortem 1 1 11 .

1 . heteliaum, read betehtum. 3 . da , read dam. sea lmo, w ith Latin

ending, the scribe’

s eye being caught by the a lmo in p sa lma under it.

4 . yfefle, read yfele. 5 . ne bescea l, read he be sceaw ie. araeriend e,read

a riende. 1 4 . under , see note. 1 6 . pe, p carr. from h ? ap astala , read

ap ostal.

2 . factori , MS.fa cturi . cotidie. N at in any other text. 9 . Secundus,MS. secundum. prap riam, MS . p ropria . 1 2 . Itaem, sic inMS. 1 6 . ap os

tolus,MS. apastolis .


3 2 ] Persev ere in thy obed ience , and thou shalt be sav ed .

se faar6a eadmodnessa steepe is on 6eere sylfra gehyrsumnessa

Quartus humilitatis gradus est ; si in ip sa oboedientia

sti6um bingum. 7 w i6erw eardum 066e eac sw ilce samum

duris et cantrariis rebus ; vel etiam quibuslibet

on gebrohtum taanum mid stillum ingehyde gif he

inragatis injuriis ; tacita conscientia p a tientiam am

hafah6 7 far byldigende 066e aw eig gew ite

p lectatur et sustinens nan lacescat vel discedat

secgendum gew rita se6e burhw una6 06 eende bees5 D icente scrip tura : qui p erseveraverit usque infinem hic

heele bi6 oft he sei6 dicit si ge strangad bin haarte 7 farbyldigasa lvus crit ; Item canfartetur car tuum ; et sustinet

drihten gesutuliende sw a sw a

dominum Et ostendensfidelem pro*nas deus igne nos

bu afandades sw a sw a bi6 afandad sealfar bu ongeleeddest

examina sti. sieut examina tur argentum. Induzcisti

us an grin bu gesettest gedrefe dnessa an urum * bicec 7

nos in laqueum. p osuisti tribula tiones in darsa nostra ; Et

beet getiw e under ealdra us sacalau bean he fylige1 0 ut astenda t sub p riore debere nos esse. subsequ itur dicens ;

bu ongesettest men afer urum heafdum ah ge bebod

Inp osuisti homines sup er cap ita nostra . Sed et p recep tum

drihtnes an*6ryrnyssum 7 on teanum burh gebyld gefyl

domini in adversis et injuriis p er p a tientiam adim

lende ba be synd geslegene hlaar*hiercian 7 a6er eetbredendrum

p lentes. qui p ercussi in maxillam. prebent et a liam : Auferenti

7 fargifan 7 w eefeels genydde tw amilan hi gan

tonicam. d imittunt et p allium. Angariza ti miliario. vadunt

6 . d icit, in glossatar’

s hand . 9 . hicce, read hricce. 1 2 . 6rg'



read 6wg'


ssum. 1 3 . hiercia n, read hi iercian.

3 . p a tientiam,MS. p a tientia . 4. la cesca t, MS. lasesca t. 6. can

fartetur, MS. confitetur. 7. p ro nos,a w hole passage has been here

left out betw een pro and nos by the scribe,the Latin of w hich in S runs

a s follow s z— pro (Domino universa etiam contraria sustinere debere dicit ex

persona sufferentium : Propter te morte aflicimur tota die,estimati sumus

ut ov es accisianis, et securi de spe retributianis divine subsecuntur gaudentes

et dicentes. Sed in his omnibus superamus propter cum qui dilexit nos ;et item alia loco scriptura Probasti) nos. 1 0 . nos, MS . non. 1 4. anga

riza ti . All other texts hav e angaria ti . But as our form occurs not onlyhere, but also tw ice in Wright


s Anglo-Saxon and Old EnglishVocabularies ( 3 53 . 3 0 ; and 479. I 7) , I dare not change it, to w hichW iilker

apparently sees no objection cp . ih. I, p . 479, note 1 9.

( 1 3 0 a .)

3 4 ] S ay w ith the p rop het : I am but a w arm, and not a man .

7 hedeme unw ur6ne to

malum se j udicet et indignum dicens sibi cum p ropheta Ad

nahte ia eom agen gehw yrfeed 7 ia ne cu6e sw a sw a h ytennichilum redactus sum ct nescivi. ut jumentum

ia eomfactus sum apud te. et ego semp er tecum. VII.

he eallum 7 leessan


w acran na beet an mid his tungan gif hit ahhe eac sw ylce

5 viliorem nan salum sua lingua p ronuntiet sed etiam

mid incundre gelyfe lufe geeadmetende hine sylfneintima cordis creda t af ectam humit


ians se et dicens

mid bam w itegan ia eom *w ursan 7 na man

cum p ropheta . ego autem sum vermis et non homo.

manna 7 aw orpones falces sum upahafen 7 ia eom

obp robrium haminum et abj ectio p lebis Exa ltatus autem et humi

geeadmed gescynd god me beet bu gacadlia tus sum et confusa s. et item. banum mihi quad humi

mettest beet ia leornige bine beboda

1 0 liasti me. ut discam manda ta tua . VIII.

gif nade6 naht se munuc butonOCTAVUS H UMILITATIS GRADUS est. si nihil aga t monachus nisi

beet be se gemenlica rego mynstres 066e ealdra tihta6

quad communis mana sterii regula vel maj arum cahar

a66e leera6 bysnatantar exemp la . VIIII.

2 . gehugrfaed , r corr. from another letter, probably f . 7. w arson

, see


5 . lingua , MS. linguet. 1 3 . After the w ord eremp la there follow s in our

MS. the follow ing pa ssage in La tin , w hich has been put in the note, as it is

unglassed , and a s it is not contained in any of the other Latin texts used bySchro


er orSchmidt z— Siant scriptum est. humiliatus sum usquequaque dominev ivifica me secundum verbum tuum. Et dominus dixit : Discite ame quia

mitis sum et humilis corde et invenietis requiem animabus v estris ; Et ( 1 3 1 aapostola s dixit petrus H umiliamini sub patenti manu dei. ut vos exaltat in

tempore v isitationis. amuem vestram sollicitudinem proicientes in eum

quoniam ipsi aura est de vobis Sobrii estate et vigilate : quia adv ersarius

v ester diabolus tamquam lea rugiens circuit querens quem devaret ; Cui

resistite fortes infide, scientes eandem passionem ci. que in mundo est vestre

fraternitati fieri

D o not laugh,d o not be clamorous ; a w ise man uses few w ord s. [3 5

gif tungan to sprecanne gif

NONUS H UMILITATIS GRADUS EST . si linguam ad laquendum p ra

forbidde se munuc stilnesse habbende 066e ax

hibea t monachus et taciturnita tem habens usque ad interro

unge 7 he me spece sw ytelunge w rite beet na an

gatianem et non loquatur manstrante nobis scrip tura quia in .

meenifealdum spreece by6 forflogen sinn 7 baet na bi6 se

multiloquio non elf'

ugetur p ecca tum e

7t quia vir

fealaspreacala w er gerihtleeh6

linguosus non d irigetur sup er terram X.

gif na bi6 c6hylde 7 breed .


caf. on hleht1 e f0 16am be hit is aw riten se dysegatus in risu. quia scrip tum est stultus in risu

upahef6 his stafneexa lta t vocem suam. XI.

bonnehe sprece se munuc


li6elice 7 butan hleahtre eadmadlice mid gedreoge 066e faaw a

leniter et sine rieu. humiliter cum gravita te vel p auca

w ord 7 gesceadw islice gif na spryc6 7 he na beo hlutclipol on

verba et ra tionabilia loqua tur Et nan sit clamasus in

stafne sw a sw a hit aw riten is se Wisa w ordum gesutula6

race sicut scrip tum est sap iens verbis innotescit

mid feaw um

p aucis


on heortan se munuc *eadmodnyssum geseondum eefre gif na

corde monachus humilita tem videntibus se semp er in 1 5

gebicnia6 baet is an w earce an gebedhuse on minst1 e on

dicet. id est . in op era. in ara taria . in monasterio. in

2 . 0 66e , read fea la first a above line. 6 . breed ,b above line,

read hrced . 1 1 . hlutclipol. TheMS. has hut the l 1s w ritten over the u.

1 5 . eadmadnyssum under the combined influences of (humilitate)m and ge


3 . manstrante,MS. manastrantc. 8 . exa ltat, MS. erp ecta t. 15 . semp erin glossator

s hand . 1 6 . apere, MS. apare.

D 2

3 6 ] Say : I am not w orthy, O L ord , to raise mine eyes to heav en .

orcerde on w ege on eecere 066e sw a hw ar sw a he bi6 fuerit

orta. in via in agra vel ubiquesittende ganganda a66o standende ahyldum he syg sefra

sedens. ambulans vel stans inclina ta sit semper

heafde gefeestnadum on eor6an gesyh6um scyldine hine on eelcere

cap ite defiacis in terram a sp ectibus. reu/m se omni

tida be his synnum w enende eallunga hine on 6am

hora de p ecca tis suis existimans j am se tremenda


gefullan dame beange andw erded hew ene secgende himsylfan on

5 judicia dei rep resentari estimet. dicens sibi in

heal tan sefra beet beet he seede publicanos ge godspellica

carde semper illud. quad p ublicanus ille

manfulla gefeestnadum on eor6an gesyh6um seede la 6u

evangelicus fir/eis in terram oculis d ixit Do

drihten ia na eom w ur6a ia synfulla upahebban eagan mine tomine non sum dignus ego pecca tor levare aculas meos ad

heofonum dicit mid bam w itegan ic eom gebyged 7celum Et item cum p rOp heta Incurva tus sum at

is eom geeadmet eeghw are 066 e on eelcere stow el 0 humilia tus sum usque quaque

bingum eallum 6isum eadmodnysse se munuchis omnibus humilita tis gradibus ascensis monachus

sona ta 6eere so6an lufan godes becym6 to 6eere fulfremed

moat ad harita tem dei p erveniet illam quep erfectaut sea asend ege burh beet he ealle binc eer

faras mittit timarem p er quam universa que p rius

buton forhte be he geheold buton eenigum gesw ince

non sine farmidine observabat. absque ullo labare

Sw ilce gekyndelice of gew unan anginne gehealde na

1 5 velut naturaliter ex consuetudine incip iet custodire nan j am

mid ege helle ac mid aristes lufan 7 gew unan ba sylfan godu

timare gehenne. sed amare christi et consuetud ine ip sa bona

7 gelustfullunge mihta on his w y1htanet delecta tiane virtutum. que dominus j am in op eraria ( l 3 2 a .)

1 . fuerit 1n glossator’s hand . 5 . gefullan,

read egefullan. 6 . pub

licanus, Latin repeated as glass, w hereas manfulla in is the English

gloss. ge, read se. 9 . dicit, glossator’

s handw riting. 1 0 . stow e or

stuw e ?

7. fia'is


The brethren to read three lessons in turn .

mine [g ] begym o6er sidan briw a is to [a ] singanne [a ]meum intende. in secunda ter dicendum est.

[k .J mine [mJ w eleras [m.J bu [LJ geopena [n.J 7 [O .Jdomine la ia mea ap eries os

min [O .Jmu6 ky6 [n.J bin lof [p .J bam ista under

meum adnuntiabit laudem tuam cui subj un

beoddenne se 6ridde sealm eefter [e.Jbison[c.J [e.Jgandus est tertius p sa lmus et gloria . Post hanc p salmus

se feow er 7 hundnigon teo6a sealm mid antemne

5 nanagesimus quartus cum antiphona aut ( 1 3 2

[b.J gew ist [e .J is to singanne [a .J est bam eefter fylige godes

certe decantandus. Inde sequa tur am

leof sex>"

psealmas mid antiphonum bambrasianus. Deinde sex p sa lmi cum antiphonis. Quibus

gesungenum [e .J gecw edenum [d .J [d J[e.J [a J gebletsige. [b.Jdictis ieta versu benedicat abbas.

[a .J [h.J [h.J [i.J 7 bean [a .J gereedde

E sedentibus omnibus in scamnis legantur

stuntmeelum [d .J [e .J ofor reedino soamal [f.J [g.J1 0 vicissim a fra tribus in cadice sup er analogium tres

betw ux [b.J bam [1.J [1.J [1.J eefter [n.Jlectiones inter quas. tria resp onsoria canantur. Post

beere [n.J briddan [e.J reedinge [11 .J se 6a singe he secce

tertiam vero lectionem qui canta t dicat gloriam.


.[d J [e .J bonne angyu6 se sangere singan sona [f.J ealle of

Quam dum incip it cantor di .cere mow omnes de

heora setlum hi arisan for w ur6mynte 7 arw ur6nesse beeresed ilibus suis surgant. ob honorem et reverentiam saneie

halgan brinnysse [e .J [b.J [e .Jbean geredde eet uhtsangum

trinita tis. Codices autem legantur in vigiliis

godcundlices ealderdomes ge6eere ealdan gecy6nysse [f.J gebeeredivine auctorita tis tam veteris testamenti quam

niw an [g J ac eac sw ilce. fargesetnyssa heora ba fram bamnovi . sed exp asitianes carum que a

6 . est. Latin in glossator’

s hand . 7. p sea lmas, read sea lma s.

1 6 . cg6ngsse, second 3 above the line.

4 . psa lmus,MS. psa lmis. 1 2 . lectionem, MS. lectianum. 1 4. sedilibus,corr. in the MS. from sedelibus by w riting a dot under the e, and the i over it .

1 5 . legantur, MS. leganter. 1 7. eap ositiones, MS. exp ositionis, changedinto exp ositianes.

But in the short summer nights these lessons not to be read . [3 9


estan lareaw um 7 rihtgelyfendum feederum

nomina tissimis et artlzodoocis ca tbalicisgue p a tribus

w eeran [k J gew ordene [k .J eefter [a J bisum [k .J brim [b.Jfaete sunt Post has vera

reedingum [e.J [e.J [d J mid heora repsum [d .J fylian [a ]tres lectiones cum resp onsoriis suis sequantur

abre sex sealmas [a J mid alleluian [g J to singanne [iiJ eefter [b.Jreliqui sex p sa lmi cum a llelui a canendi Post

bysum [b.J raedinc bass*apastolas [d .J eefter fylige [a ]

as lectio apostoli sequatur 5

butan [f.Jbec ta reccanne. ta singanne [g ] [11 .J 7 halsungeac corde recitanda et versus at supp lica tio

gebedu beet [k.J is drihten gemildsa us [m.J 7 sw a beange endade

tetanie. id est kyrieleison . at sic finiantur

nihtlice [n ] uhtsangas [n.Jvigilie nocturne (CAP. X.)


[e.J [b.J abba [O .J alypunga bees nigeban manbees [d JasA p ascha autem usque ad ca lendas navembris

eela [e.J sw a sw a [a ] hit her bufan gesett sealmsangas [f.Jammis ut sup ra d ictum est p sa lmodie

mycelnyss[a J [a J sigehealdenutasyndredum [h.J beet [k .Jrmdinga( 1 3 3 a .) quantitas l tenea tur excep to quad lectw nes

[LJ an beo far scearnesse [m.J nihta [n.J beet nateshw anne [i.Jin codice p rop ter brevita tem noctium minime

beange [i.J [a .Jah si farbam sylfan brim reedingum anre [b.Jlegantur. sed p ro ip sis tribus lectionibus una

lectio [b.J of beere ealdan gecybnysse gemyndeliae gersed . abba

de veteri testamento memoriter d ica

sungen scart [g.J [g ]*fers barn [f.J eefterfylige [a J 7

Ettur Quam breve resp onsorium subseguatur

5 . ap ostolos, read ap ostates. 1 0. es, of. Introd ., Ch. V, 5 4 .

1 1 . gesett, read gesegd . 1 5 . lectio added inglassatar’

s hand . 1 6 . fers ,read rep s.

5. ap ostoli, carr. in the MS. from ap ostates by putting i over as.

7. finiantur, MS. firinantur. 9 . esta tis, MS. sta tis. 1 2 . quad , qw

carr. from tw o other letters. 1 4. una , MS. uno. 1 5 . memoriter, MS.

memorilur. 1 6 . resp onsorium,MS. responsorum.

4 0]‘

V igils, how to be k ep t on Sund ays .

abre [b.J ealle 6a ealsw a hit bufan is geseed bean [a ] gefylledereliqua omnia ut dictum est imp leantur

[d] [d .J [e .Jbeet na sig [e .J lees [gJ [g ] tw elf scalma [11 .Jest ut numquam minus a duadecim p salmorum

[nta micelnysse D“.J to nihtlicum uhtsangum gesungenne utasyn

quantzta te ad vigilzas nocturnas dicantur eac

dredum bam briddan [i.J 7 ban feow er 7 hund nigateban

cep ta tert1a nanages1mo quartoscalma.

5p salma ,


on bam drihtenlicum daage [e.J [b.Jgemetlicar [a .J si arisan [a ]DOMIN ICO DIE TEMPERIUS SURGATUR

ta nihtsangum [d .J an bam uhtsangum si gehealden [a JAD VIGILIAS In quibus vigiliis tenea tur

gemet [b.J beet [d ] is ge t1ymed11m [f.J sw a sw a w e bufan

mensura . id est madula tis. ut sup ra

gedihtan [f.J [g.J syx sealmas [h.J7 fers [k.J sittendum1 0 d isp asuimus. sex p salmis. et versa . residentibus

[k .J eallum gedihte 7 [i.J be endebyrdnysse an sceamalum [c.Jcunct1s disp osi te et p er ordinem 1n subselliis

i. bean ereedde m. an bec sw a sw a w e bufang 1legantur in codice. ut sup ra

seedan [p .J feaw e1‘

[q .J reedinga [q .J mid repsum [L J beer [s ]d iximus. quattuor lectiones cum resp onsoriis suis. ubi

beet [t ] an [a.Jan bam fearbam repse [u.J gesungeen fram 5amtantum in quarto resp onsorio dica tur a cantante

singendum bane [flJ bonne [e.J anginb [e .J [b.J sona ealle [e .J“ 3 Gloria , Quam dum incip i t. moec omnes

mid arw urbnessa [a ] arisan [b.J cafter bisum reedingum [b.Jcum reverentia surgant . Post quas lectiones

fylian [e.Jbe endebyrdnesse [d .J abre syx [e.J sealmas midsequantur exardine a lii sex p sa lmi cum

3 . First to, dittography in the w rong place. 1 0. fers, f corrected

from r.

3 . quantita te, MS. qua-ntitatem. 1 1 . disposite, dis corrected in the

MS. from des by w riting i over the e. subselliis, MS. subsellis.

4 2 ] Matins on Sund ays ; enumeration of p salms and canticles .

w yntres galice [g J [h ] on bam drihtenlicum deege sigehealden [e .J/1iemis aequa liter in die dominico tenea tur.

[i .J butan si [k .J beet neefre na gewyrbe leetlicar [LJ arisan

u1si forte. quad absit tardius surga tui'


sum binc of reedingum [p .J is to sc-

yrtanne [n.J abbe of repsum

a lignit de lectionibus breviandum est. aut resp onsoriis.

beet [r.J sig be ah hw eebere [e.J eellunga [t.J gew a 1nad [r.J beetuood tamen omnina cavea tur ne

hit ne [k .J belimpe [n .J ba t [a .Jdgif hit [e .J belimpb [a ]

5 p ravenia t Quadsi contigerit.

w yrbfullice banon [b.J he gebete [b.J gode [d .J an cyrcean [e .Jd igne inde sa tisfacia t ea in ora torio

[f.Jbuih bees gymeleestum be hit becymb.

p er cujus evenerit neglectum.


an mergenlicum


[d .Jlafsangum [c.Jan sunnan [0 .Jdeege eah'

e eereest si gesungen se syxDOMINICO DIE INPRIMIS D ICATUR SEX

7 syxteagaba sealm se syx 7 syxtigaba sealm [e.J butanagesimus sea

'tus p sa lmus sine

[f.J antempne falb rihte [b.J bar eefter bam sigesungen

antip hona in d irectum. Post quem dica tur

se fifteagaba sealm [e.J [e .J [b.J [b.J [a .J se hun

quinquagesimus cum a lleluja Post quem dica tur cen

teantigaba sealm. 7 se seafanteaba sealm 7 [d .J se tw a 7 551 1:tesimus septimus decimus et semagesimus ( 1 3 4

teagaba [d .J sealm [d .J banon bletsunga [b ] 7 [e.J lafu [e.Jsecundus. e benedict1ones et laudes.

of unw rigednesse [flJ 7 an [d ] butan beo [e.J7 reps [g.Jlectio de ap oca lip si una eac corde et resp onsorium.

[h.J 7 godes laf 7 fers [i.J [k .J lafsanc [i.J af bam gadspelle

et ambros1 anus. versus. cant1cum de evangelio.

gebedu 7 hit bib [n.J geendad [n.Jletan1a . at comp letum est ;

1 4. The second w ord sed lm,last stroke of 111 erased . bletsunga , e very

indistinct .

3 . de lect1 onibus, MS. dilectionibus. 12 . antip hona , MS. antiphonam.

15 . benedictiones,the last e carr. from i in MS.

Matins on W eek -d ays ; other p salms and canticles .



[e.J [b.J [e .Jan syndarlicum dagum eeftersanga symbalnysDIEB US AUTEM PRIVATIS MATUTINORUM SOL

[d .J si gedan [a .J beet [f J is [g.J beet sig [h.J [h.Jlempnita s ita aga tur . 1d est ui sexages1mus sextus

[h.J [g.J sungen [i.J butan antempne [k .J teande

p sa lmus dica tur sine antiphona . subtrahendo

eet hw e a l. sw a sw a m an barn m. sunnan die dee e cat 11 .g gmad ice sieut dominica . ut 5

ealle beauman [n.J [p .J taban fiftugeban sealme se sige

omnes occurrant ad p sa lmum quinquagesimu/m. qui cum

[r.J [q.J sungen eefter [b.J beam [b.J [e .J [e.J [0 .Jantiphona d ica tur Post quem a lii duo p salmi

bean gesungenne [a .J eefter [d .J [d .J [e .Janmanan [f.Jdeeged 1cantur secundum consuetud inem id est secunda feria .

[f.J 7 . se. y 7 brittfi

eaga seahn 7 se fif bees * tides dagees [e .Jquintus. e

7t trigessimus quintus. tertia feria

se tw a 7 feaw erteagaba sealm [b.J 7 se $5711 7 fifteagaba [c.Jquadragesimus secundus. et quinquagesimus seoctus. IO

bees [e .J w adnes deeges [e .J sea brea 7 syxteagaba sealm [b.JQuarta sexagesimus tertius

7 se feow er 7 syxteagaba sealm se fifta deeig se seafon 7et sexagesimus quartus. Quinta feria octogesimus

hundeeh‘reaba 7 se nigaba 7 hund eahtaba sealmbees frian deegessep timus. et octogesimus nonus. Sexta feria

se fif 7 syxteagaba 7 scan 7 hund nigenteaba

sep tuagesimus quintus. et nonagesimus p rimus.

seeternesdeege 7 hand teantigaba . 7 se tw a 7 feow er

Sabba to autem centesimus quadrage

tigaba san. 7 aantic se*dea tadeeled

simus secundus. et canticum deuteronomii quad divida tur

5 . die, Latin in glossator’

s hand . 9 . y over first quintus ; probablyoriginally

=fifta , w hich must also be understood over the second quintus .

tides, read tiw es. 1 6 . san, pro sahn or sang? deo,read beo.

4 . sine above the line. 7. antiphona , MS. a tip kona . 12 , 1 3 . octogesi

mum and octogesimus, MS. octuagesimus, -111 . 14 . primus is a correction

of the MS. from quintus, w hich w as there first, and w hich is marked for

expunction by a line of dots over and under it ; p rimus is then w ritten

over it.

44 ] Matins on w eek -d ays (continued) .

on tw am glarian sabes [a ] [b.J [b.J an*cantinc

1n duas Glorias Nam ceteris diebus canticum

anum anum [d .J gehw ylcum deege he [e .J*sw

unumquodque die suo eac prop hetis. sicut ( 1 3 4b.

[f.J singab se ramanisca labung si gesungen [a .J eefter bisumpsa llit aecclesia romana dica tur Post hec

filian [a ] lafu capitul gemimorlice

sequantur laudes Deinde lectio una ap ostoli memoriter

ta secanne

5 recitanda . resp onsoriu/m. ambrosianus. versus. canticum de Evan

gew istlice [b.J is to donne [e .Jgelio. letania et comp letum est ; Plane agenda

meriendlice loisang [e.J abbe [d .J an eefen [d ] sanc na w ite [e.Jma tutina . vel vesp ertina non transeat

eeha eenne [f J butan an beere ytemesta endebyrdnysse [k .Ja liquando. n1ei 1n ultimo ord 1ne

[h.J bed beet drihtenlioge [h.J callum gebyrendum si gesun

ora tio dominica omnibus aud ientibus d ica

gen [g ] fram ealdre for [i.J asw icunga [k .J barnum [i.J1 0 tur a p riore p rop ter scanda lorum sp inas

bam [LJupasprungen [LJgew unieeb[n.Jgecyrde [nJburh ba sylfan

que or1r1 solent ut conversi p er ip sius

gabadas behat [q.J anbam[t.Jseegab[e.Jora tionis sp onsionem qua d icunt. dimitte nobis sicut etnos

beet [n.J hi gefearmian [a .J fram bas [p .J gereed imittimus p urgent se ab kuyus

dum [p .J leahtre [p .J [d .J abrum [d .J timam [b.J [d ] danlicummodi vi tio. (. oeteris vero agendis

[e.J se ytemesta [c.J bees gebedes [e .J sigesungen [a .J [f J framultima p ars ejus ora tioni s dica tur ut ab

callum [g.J beet si [f.J geandsw arad ah alys us fram

omnibus resp ondea tur. sed libera nos 11


1 . cantinc, read cantic. 2 . Erasure after 3 10, read sw a even 8 10 is barelyv isible. 8 . ytemesta it is possible that the n w e expect here should be cut

aw ay ; first e is partly cut aw ay. 1 4. timam in the MS. 111 , how ever, is

underdotted , and a d w ritten over it, and a seems to be changed into 11,

yielding for the w hale , tidum.

4 . memoriter, MS. memoritur. 5. The MS. reads evangelico, but the c

is expunged .

4 6 ] The sev en canonical hours.


sw a sw a se w itega seede seafonsiban an deege laf [a ]UT AIT PROPHETA. SEPTIES IN DIE LAUDEM

ia sanc [b.J be beet [e .J seafanfealde [e .J beet halige [e .JDIXI TIBI ; Qui sep tenarius sacra tus

getel [e .J fram us [b.J [e.J syga fylled gif meriendlicenumerus a nobis sic imp leatur. si matu

lofsanges [i.J primsanges [k.J as [LJ as [m.J as efensang5 tini. p rimae tertie sexte none vespere

7 [aJ nihtsanges an tide ui es beaw dames [gJ benungacomp letoriique temp ore nastre serv1

° °

tutis ofiicia

w e geleestan forbam [p .J be bisum [p .J tidum be he saade [p .Jp e1 sol1 amus. quia de his 0 1 is ditci :t

[f.J [e .J an deege [s J la1‘° dixi sane be [x .J [e .J sabes

sep tics in die laudem ti i Aam de

benihtlicum [a J [a J uhtsangum so ilca [b.Jse sylfe [b. J w itega (b. Jnocturnis vigiliis idem ipse propheta

[e .J seede [b.Jto midderenihte [b.J Ja Jia aras to andedende [e.J1 0 a it , media nocte surgebam ad confitendum

be [d J [b. J an b isum [a J tidum [e J [a J w e gereccab lofu [e.Jtibi Ergo his temp oribus referamus laudes

urum [d .J sceppende [f J afar domes [f J [g ] his riht

crea tori nostro sup er judicia j°


w isnesse [g ] [h.J beet is eefter sengum p 1 imsang undernsanc

tiac sue. id est ma tutino. p r1°

ma . tertia .

middeegsang nansanc eefensanc nihtsang 7 an nihte 7 utan arisan

sep ta . nona . vespera . comp letaria et nocte surgamus

to andedtenne him1 5 ad confitendum e1 .

2 . Erasure after deege ? 4 . bi = the glossator’s correction of imp lea tur

inta imp lebitur, w hich is in the other texts, is found ov er the a of imp lea tur.

5 . as, three time s,merely the termination of w ords, w hich are understood

to be know n, show ing that the Latin w ords are plural. efensang, or

cefensang. 8 . d ixi , omitted in Latin text,and supplied by glossator.

1 0 . andedende,i. e . a ndettende the last d is corrected from 11 . 1 5 . anded

tenne, read andettenne.

4 . imp lea tar, see supra , note to l. 4 . 6 . camp lelornque,MS. co111p letorique.

9 . ip se above line . 1 3 . sue, MS. 15116 .

T he number of p salms to be sung in these hours . [47


nu sabes be nihtlicum v igilus uhtsangum abbe meriendlice


lafsangas eefter sanges endebyrdnesse [b.J[e.J sealmsanges Jg.J[cJDIGESSIMUS ordinem p salmodie.

nu [g.J be eefterfyliendum tidum [h.J utan [f.J w earnian

nunc de sequentibus boris videamus

an beere [e.J formantide*becna brea saelmas [b.J sindorlipes [d .J

Prima hora d icantur p sa lmi tres singilla tim.

7 na under anum glarian lofsang beere ylcan tide [gJ eefter [11 .Jet non sub una gloria . y


mnus ejusdem bore p ost

verse [h.J a [i.J mine [LJ fylst [LJ beiym [k .J eerbam [111 .Jversam. deus in adjutorium meam intende Antequam

[n.Jsealmas [m.J eefter geiyllednesse breara sealma [d Jp salmi incip iantur . Post exp letionem trium p sa lmorum

[a J si garebt [a Jkapital [b. J [b.J an et 7 fers 7 drihten simid us 7recitetur lectio una versus. at Kyrieleison et

hit bib geendad [gJundernsanges. sablice. middeegisanges 7 non

missa est Tertfe vero. sexte. et

sanges an beere endebyrdnesse si gebremad [e .J gebed [b.J beet isnone eo ordine celebretur ora tio. id est

Jh.e rs lafsangas beera i1can[k .Jtidene[k J bi ea saelmas capitol[m.Jversus. ymni ea 1 undem Izorarum terni p salmi . lectio.

7 vers [n .J 7 hitbibgeendad gif [a Jmare [c.J gegaet versus. KyPIEAEIC 0 15 et missa est , Si major con

derunc [b.Jbib mid antempnes sablice laassa forbrihte bean

gregatio fuerit. cum antiphonis. si vero minor. in directump sal

gesungene [c.J esien [b.J [e.Jtidsanc mid feow er [11.Jsaelmas Jd .Jlautur Vesp ertina autem sinaocis. qua ttuor p salmis

2 . vigili i s supplied by glossator. It is only in S. (Schroer’

s W inteneyVersion) . 3 . The es aver p sa lmod ie stands much low er than sea lmsang,making it look as if es w ere w ritten first by one w ho only w ished to indicate

the ending. Then some one else put in sea lmsang. All this appears to hav e

been carefully copied by our scribe . 5 . beona, probably read been a

( snngenne) or read becw eden ? 7. a ov er deus,no

pav ing’letter, but

sign of v ocative . 9 . et after an by glossator. 1 0. middcegisanges,

g inserted byglossator himself,but probably in the w rong place , middceigsanges

being the w ord w hich it w as intended to produce. 1 4 . antempnes, s corr.

from r or 11 .

2 . J am, w rongly rubricated in the MS. N am. 3 . p sa lmod ie, MS.

p sa lmodiet. 1 2 . terni , MS. termi ; the first stroke of m perhaps erased .

1 4. in d irectum,MS. in d irecta . 1 5 . autemhere and passim indicated in

MS. by h°.


4 8 ] In w hat ord er the Psalms are to be said : I . O n Sund ays ;

mid [e.J antempne [a .J si geendad eefter [b.J bisum [b.Jow n antiphonis terminetur Post quos

sealmum [b.J capitul [e.J is to 1 eccanne [e .J is [e J benaudp sa lmos lectio recitanda est. inde

reps [e .J godes lof[f.J [g.J [h.J lafsang of bam gadspelle

resp onsorium, ambrosianus. versus canticum de evangelio.

gebeda [k .J [LJ 7 beet d 1 ihtenlic gahad [LJ [mJG

Jhea bean geenletania et oratio dominica . et fiant.

dade [111] [c.J nihtsanc sablice breara [e.J sealma [e.J forb

5 1nisse , Comp letorium autem trium p salmorum dic

rihtes [b.J si geendad ba sealmas [e .J [a ] forbrihtes [b.Jtione terminetur ui p sa lmi directanei

butan antemne [e.J sint [e .J to singanne [a .J eefter [d .J bisum [d .Jsine antiphona dicendi sunt. Pas quosloisang [e.J beere ylcan tide [f J capital [g.J an [g.J 7 vers [h.Jgmnus ejusdem hore. lectio una . versus.

[i.J 7 bletsung [k.J 7 hi gebean geendade

hirieleison. bened ictio et missefiant ;


ealra eerest [t.J mire [b.J an deeghw amlicum J_d .J tidumINPRIMIS SEMPER DIURNIS H ORIS

[e .J sigesungen mine fultum beiym [d .Jeala buDICATUR VERSUS deus in adjutorium meum intende domine

drihten to gehelpanne me efest 7 gloria banon loisangad adjuvandum me festina . et gloria inde ymnus

anrehw ylcre eeghw ilcre tide sybban on beere farman tidaunius cuiusque hare. deinde prima hora do

on sunnan deege die tosecgenne feow er cw ydas psalmi bees1 5 minica d icenda quattuor cap itula centissimi

hundteantiga 7 oahtateaban sealmas an abrum sablice tidum

octavi decimi Reliquis vero horis

beet is undernsang bry capitulas bees foran

est tertia . sep ta nona . terna capitula sup ra

aw ritene sealmas bean gesungenne

scrip ti p sa lmi centissimi octavi decimi. dicantur

6 .fordrihtes, ev idently a mistake for a w ord that can be a glass to d ictione ;

for d ihte ? 1 5. die inserted by glossator. p sa lmi added by glossator, to

w hich the sea lmas in l. 1 6 is the gloss.

l l . d iarnis, MS. d iuruus .

5 0 ] Psalms on w eek -d ays (continued ) . [Oh . XV III .

sealmas abbane drihtelican deeig iand ba ylcan tidap salmi semp er usque ad dominicam p er easdem horas

eftsanas geedlehte lafsanga eac eacsw ilce reedincga abbe versitidem rep etantu/r. gmnorum nihilo minus. lectionu/m vel versuum

gesetnyssa anreedlice eallum dagum gehealden 7 sw a gew islice

disp ositione un iformiter cunctis diebus servata . et ita scilicet

eefre an bam drihtelican deega fram bam hundteantigoban 7semp er dominica a centesimo octavo

eahtateaban sealma hit si agunnen eefensanc deeghw amlice

5 decimo incip iatur. Vesp era autem cotidie

mid feow er >ksealmarum mid dreama si gesungen ba sealmas

quattuor p salmorum modula tione canatur. Qui p sa lmi

bean agunnenne fram bam hundteantigoban 7 nigaban saelma

incip iantur a centessimo nono. usque ad

centessimum quadragesimum sep timum. excep tis his qui in d iversis

horis coo eis sequestrantur. id est a centessimo sep timo decimo.

1 0 usque centessimum vigesimum sep timmn et a centessimo trigos

ealle ba abre

simo tertio. et centessimo quadragesimo secunda Reliqui omnes

an aaien sind ta singanne 7 forbam lees be cumab breain vesp era dicendi sunt. Et quia minus veniunt tres

saelmas forbi hig synd todeelenne ba ba getele on bam

p salmi. idea dividendi sunt qui in nu/mero sup ra

fareseedan strengran beab gemettescrip to fortiores inveniuntur. id est centesimus trige

1 5 simus tertius et centesimus quadragesimus quartus. Centesimus

forbam lytal be he isvero sew tus decimus. quia p arvus est cum centesimo

si gebead gedihtenre endebyrdnyssequinto decimo junga tur. D igesto ergo ordine

sealmsanga eefensanga obre beet is reedinga repsas

p salmorum vesp ertinorw m reliqua . id est lectiones. resp onsoria .

6 . sea lmormn,read sea lma .

2 . versuum,MS. versum. 1 3 . dividendi

,MS. vidend i.

The w hole Psalter to be sung through w eek ly . [5 1

* imn‘

is versus [i.Jobbe canticas sw a sw a w e bufan scripsimus

gmni vel cantica . sieut sup ra taoeavi

aw riten bean gefyllede ta nihtsange ba ylcan saelmas

mus imp leantw r Ad comp letorium vero. idem p sa lmi

bean geedleehte boot is se feow er 7 hundnigenteoba seslmrep etantur. cotidie id est quartus. nonagesimus.

gedihtere Je.J Jb.Jet centesimus et trigesimus tertius D isp osito ergo

endebyrdnesse Jc.J sealmsanges Je .J gadcundlice Jd .J ealle [f.Jordine p sa lmodie divine reliqui 5

ba abre [f.J saelmas [f.J ba ba Jg.J talafe synt Jg.J gelice Jh.Jomnes p sa lmi qui sup ersunt aequa liter

bean *

gadee1ede Ja .J eetfaran nihta Jm.Juhtsangum Jl.Jdeelende Ji Jdividantur sep tem noctiuon vigiliis p arciendo

gew istlice [k .J ba ba Ju.J beatw ux Jp .J heom leengran Ja .Jscilicet qui inter eos p raliociores

syut Jn.J*salmos Jq J 7 tw elfJr.J iand Je.J eeghw ilce [SJ 7 bean ge

sunt. p sa lmi . et duadecim p er unamquamque consti

sette Jq.J nibia beet Jb.J healicast Ja.J myndigende Ja .J boet Jd .Jtuantur noctem ; H ao p recipue commonentes. ut Io

gif [f.J w enunge Je.J Jg.J bis tadal Jg.J sealma Jb.J eenigum

s1 cui orte haec d istributio p sa lmorum d isp li

mislicab Jf. J hegeendebyrde J gif J1.Jbett elles [k.J dem Ji.Jcucrit ordinet si melius a li ter jud 1ca 1 er1 t

bonne Jm.J bid mid eallum Ja .J gemettum Ja .J beet Ju.Jdum omnibus mod 1s

be lymb Jm.J bait bean Jp .J an eelcere Jq .J w ucan Jq.Jsaltere Jr.Ja ttenda tur. ut omni ebdomada p sa lterium

of ansundan Je.J getele Js.J hunteantig [f.J 7 fiftig Jt.Jeac integro numero centum quinquaginta 1 5

scalma Jt.J gesungenne Jp .J 7 J_u.J an sunnandeege [y] [y]p sa lmorum p sa llatur. et dominico die

eefre Jx .J fram Jz .J anginne Jx.J si geedleht to uhtsangum et

semp er a cap ite rep etatur ad vigilias.

1 . imnis. Is the s of this Latin w ord perhaps a remnant of the plural

ending-as w hich may hav e originally stood aver g

mni ? See 54 . 2 . versus

supplied by glossator. scrip simus in glossator’

s hand , the glass to w hich,as w ell as to laravimus, is a w riten in l. 2 . 7 . godoelede, read gedazlede

or tadeelede. 9 . sa lmos, scribe’

s eye caught by Latin ending. See note to

Latin,1. 9 . 1 1 . Erasure befarep is. 1 3 . bid or bid 15. getele, to

above line. 1 7. et added by gldssatar.

9 . psa lmi , MS. p sa lmos .

52 ] T he p resence of G od to be remembered .

farbamJa .Jsw iba Ja.Jcreeftleasne estfulnesses heora Jd .Jbeaw damquia nimis iners devotionis sue servitium

be atiw ab Ja .J munecas Jh.J ba ba Je.J lees Jf.J sealmsanges Jg.Jostendunt monachi qui minus p salterio

Jh.J mid lafsange Jh.J mid gew unelicum Jh.J iand Ji.Jcum canticis consuetud inariis p er

beere [k .J uw ucan emrene Ji.J singab J1.J butan bonne J1.Jsep timane circulam p sallunt. dum quando

w ereedab J1.J ure halige Jm.J feederas Ju.J Jm.J an anum Jq .J5 legamus sanctos p a tres nostras uno

deege boet Ja .J hreedlice gefyllan Jn.J boat J1 .J eala Jr.J sleaw e

die hoc strenue imp leviflsse quad nos tep idi.

gif ge ucan Jt.J an ansundre Jt.J leestan Jr.Jutinam sep timana integra p ersolvamus.


eeighw eere Ja.J w e gelyfab Ja .J gadcundlice Jd .J bean andw eard


nyssa Jd .J Je .J eagan Jf.J d1 1htnes Jf.J an eelcere Jg.J stow e Jg.J1 0 SEN tiam et oculos domini in omn i loco

besceaw ian Je.J bagadan 7 ba yfelan Jd .J sw ybest Jh.Jbeahsp eculari bonas et malos. Maw ime tamon

hw eebere boet Ja.J butan eelcere Je .J tw ynung Je .J ba gelyfab Ja .Jhoc sine a ligna dubita tione credamus.

bonne Jf.J eet bam gadcundlicum Jg.J w earce Jg.J w e eetstandab

cum ad Op us divinum a ssistimus.

forbi Ja.J eefre Jh.J Jd .Jgemyndige w ebeanJa .J bait seeda

deo semp er memores simus quad a it p ropheta ;

beaw iab an eege 7 eft singab w islica Ja .J 7 0 11

1 5 Servite domino in timare Et iterum Psa llite sap ienter Et in

gesyhbe engla 7 ia singa Ja .J be Jh.J Jh.J utan foresaeaw ianconsp ectu angelorum p sallam tibi. Ergo consideremus

hu hit Ja.J gedafenige Jc.J Je.Jon his gesihbe Je .J gadcundnesse Jf.Jqua liter op orteat in consp ectu . divinitatis

1 . estfulnesses, see note to Latin, 1. I . 4 11 before w ucan underdotted ,

probably to be regarded as the w rong beginmng of ucan instead of w ucan.

1 1 . Je.] not quite clear.

1 . devotionis,MS. devotioni . An s, w hich is w anting here, is superfluous

in the gloss estfulnesses . May w e suppose t at an 8 w ritten above the line w as

w rongly transcribed as belonging to the gloss instead of to the lemma ?

7 . sep timdna in MS. 8 . DE above line. PSALLEND I,1 is cut aw ay .

54 ] The d eans of the monastery . M onk s should sleep singly .

gesette hahfalnesse ba don afar heora w ican

stituantu/r decani qui sollicitudinem gerant sup er deca

heara decanhades on aallam bingum after godes bebadum godes

nias suas in omnibus secundum mandata dei

7 bobadu abbodes heares>k

bu>“ decanis byllice bean gecarene

et p recep ta . abbatis sui. Qui decani ta les eligantur

an bamhe tadeelb arsarh se abbod sw yrige hys byrbena 7 hina beanquibus securus abba p artia t honera sua . Et non eli

gecareue endebyrdnesse -ao safter earnungum lifes 7

5 ganta r. p er ordinem. sed secundum vite meritum et

w isdames 7 lare boet eenig of bam an sumere feerunga

sap ientiae doctrinam. Quad si quisque eac eis a ligna forteto beed madignesse gifge bib met teallic gebreat eere

inflatus sup erbia rep ei'

tus fuerit rep rehensibilis. correp tus semel.

7 aft 7 briddan sibe gifhe nele gahotan he si ut

et iterum. Atque tertio. si non emendare voluerit dei

adreefed on his styde se be is w yrbecia tur. et alter in loco eius qui dignus est

7 efterfilige bebam ut pravaste boot ylce 7 w e gesettabIO succedat Et de p rep osito eadem constituimus.


eenlepige geond eenlepige bedd hi siapan beddreaf


for gemede drahtnunge eefter gesetnesse. abbe d ihtinge abbodes

pro modo conversationis secundum d isp ositionem abba tis

heora under hig gif hit mesg ealle an aura stow e hi slapan

sui accip iant. si p otest fieri. omnes in uno loco dormiant ;

gif meniu ne gebafeb tynfealdum abbe tw entifealdum1 5 Si autem multitudo non sinit deni aut vi ceni

mid ealdrum ba afer hig hohfulle bean hi gerestan candel

cum Jsenioribus qui sup er eos solliciti sint p ausent ; Candela ( 1 3 8

eefre on barn ylcan huse byrne ob merien gescridde

gugiter in eadem cella a rdea t usque mane ; Vestiti

hi slapan 7 begyrde gyrdelsum abbe streengum 7 seax

dormiant. et cincti cingulis aut funibus et cultellos

3 . p 11 , read p a . d ecants , see note to 51 . I . 4 . sw g’

rige, see note.

7 . tobccd, read tobrced . gif‘

ge bid met, read gif bib ge met. 1 2 . cenlep ige

tme) and in line 1 3 . forgemede in these three cases 6 seems to be corrected

ram 1 .

Admonitions and p enalties for faults . [5 5

heora eet sidan 7 hi nabban bonne hi slapab burhsuas ad la tus non habeant. dum dormiunt ne forte p ersw efn belees be hi w yrban abbe gew undade

samnium vulnerentur dormientes Et

ah ba t hi bean gew ordenem tacne

ut p ara ti sint monachi semp er. et facto signo

butan yld inge 7 a bi arismnde 7 hi efstaen heom betw yna fara

absque mora surgentes. festinent se invicem p re

hradian godes w earce mid ealre sw a beeh *steefnysse 7 mid

venire ad opus dei. Cum omni tamen gravita te et mo

metfeestnysse baginran gebrobra w yb hi sylfe hi nabban

destia . Adolescentiores fratres juxta se non habeant

bed ah gemengede mid ealdrum arisende sablice to godeslecta . sed p ermiocti cum senioribus ; Surgentes vero ad opus

w earce gemedlice tihtan abbe laran slaa

dei. invicem se modera te cohortent p rop ter somnolen

fulran for baladanga

torum exeusa tiones


to bundenSI QUIS FRATER CONTUMAX AUT INOBEDIEN S. aut sup erbus. aut

cyrigende abbe an eenigan bingan w iberw eard JyJ w unigende

murmurans . vel in aligna contra rius existens

bam beligan regole 7 bobadu heora ealdra forhicgend 7sanote regule. et p recep tis seniorum suorum contemp tor et

gif bib gamed bes eefter bebade

rep ertus fuerit. hic secundum domini nostri p recep tum

sy gemynegod eene 7 abersiban dihlice fram his ealdrum

ammonea tur semel et secunda secrete a senioribus suis;

gif he hit 11 a gebet he si gebread apenlice tofaran eallum

Si non emendaverit. objurgetur. p ublice coram omnibus ,

gif he hit sw a he bib gebread gyi he understent

Si vero neque sic se correxerit. si intelligit

2 . abbe, see note . 4 . a, glass to semp er in l. 3 it 5. stwfngsse, read

steepingsse. 1 2 . Jg.] not clear.

3 . s int corrected in theMS . from sunt by underdotting the 11 , and w riting an

i ov er it. 1 3 . ci not in other texts redundant.

56 ] Manner ofmonastic excommunication . G rav er faul ts .

hw ylc w ite sig amansumunge he underhnige elles

qua lis p ena sit. excommunicationi subj aceat ; JSin autem ( 1 3 9

w ibercaren he is lichamlicere w race 7 he sig underbeodimp roba s est. vindicte corp orali et subdatu/r



eefter gemete gyltas amansumunge abbe lare. styre5 SEOUNDUM MODUM. CUL PE . EXCOMMUN ICATIONIS vel discip line

sceal bean abenad gemet beet gyltadebet extendi mensw ra Qui culp arum modus in abbatis

hangige abbe stands on dame beahhw azbere an

p endeat jud iaio si quis tamon fra ter in

leahtum gyltum gif bib*gemedemad fram

*heode deelnimunge

levioribus culp is invenitur. a mense p articip atione

si gesyndrad*asyndradest fram maasen abbe fram geferee

p rivetur Priva ti autem a mense consortia. ista

dene bis beo gescead on cyrican sealm abbe antemperit ratio. ut in ora torio p sa lmum aut antiphonam

best he na anginne na he na nureedinge recce abbe fulre deed

non imp ona t neque lectionem recitet. usque ad sa tisfac

bade gereardunge eefter gereardunge ana

tionem Refectionem autem cibi p ost fratrum refectionem solus

he under beet sw ilce hic sw acw ebe hegereardige ta middeeges

accip iat ut. si verbi gratia fratres re/iciant sexta hora

se brabor ta nanas he an eefen abbeet he be mid

ille frater nona,si fratres nona . ille vesp era . usque dum

deedbote fulre beeslicere forgifennesse1 5 satisf


actimw congrua veniam


se braber hefalices gyltes mid dara si


2 . w idercoren,second e above the line ; probably to be read w idercora .

8 . gemed emod , read gemet see note. heode, read beode. 9 . asy'

nd rodest,read a sgndrodes. 1 1 . nu, w rongly transcribed for 11 11 ? doedbode, the thirdd has been corrected either from or into t

, probably the latter. 1 3 . he

under, fill up fa. bio for ic the 71 has afterw ards been underdotted.

2 . et, of. p . 1 3 (note) . 3 . MODUS




1 4 . oosp ora , carr. into vesp ero .

5 8 ] Pastoral care . T he G ood Shep herd’s examp le .

untruman abba yfel habbendum 7 forbi he brucan he sceal

ma le habentibus ; Et idea uti debet

mid callum gamete sw a sw a W is leace anaseandan sw ilce

omni modo ut sap iens medicus. immittere quasidihle frafra ba caldam sw ylce

occultas ; Senp ectas. id est seniores sap ientes fratres. qui quasi

digelice ba gefrafran gesaw ene brabar 7 hi tihta

secrete consolentur fratrem fluctuantem. at p ravocent cum

to fulaadmadnesse deedbote 7 hi gefrefrian hine mid

Rad hum ilita tis satisfactionem. at consolentur eu/m na

maran unratnessa boat he na si fornumen ac sw a sw a

habundantiori tristitia absorbea tur. sed . sicut

seede si getrimed on him sob lufe 7 si gebeden

a it idem ap ostolus ; eonfirmetur in ca haritas ; at oretur

* fram heom fram eallum gebrobrum baarle sw iba scel

p ro eo ab omnibus. Magno Jpere enim debet ( 1 40 a )

mid hahfulnesse don se abbod 7 mid ealre gleaw nesse mid

sollicitudinem gerere abbas . et omni sagacita te at

forw italnasse 7 galacnian eenig of befeastum sceapum himindustria curare. na a liquam de ovibus sibi creditis

sylfum boat he na forlure he cunne*untruw a

p ardat , Noverit enim se infirmaru/m ouram

undarfon saw la 11a afar ba halan w ealreaw abbe rebe

suscep isse animarum. non sup er sanas tiran/nidem

7 heandreada egesunga burh bane he seaigb


t metuat p rophete commina tionem p er quem d icit

boat bait ge feat sa w on ge underfehgan 7

deus ; Quad cra ssum videba tis assumeba tis at

boet w anhal w ees 7 gew ibsacan 7 he geafeen godes hyrdas1 5 quad debile erat p raiceba tis ; Et pastoris boni

eerfeeste leace bysene forleatenum nygon 7 hundniganti

p ium imitetur exemp lum qui relictis nonaginta

sceapum on dunum so be gode beet be dw elede

novem in montibus abiit unam ovem que erravera t

1 . uti in glassator’

s hand . 4 . gesaw ene, see note . 5 . fuleadmodnessedoedbote, for eadmodnesseful(re)deedbote. 8 . fram,

readfore. 1 1 . untruw a ,read untrumra . 1 5 . geafoen belongs to lazce in line 1 6. 1 6. Erasure after

hundnigonti ? 1 7. gode for goods.

3 . Senp ectas, MS. senp ecta . 7. oretur, MS. orietur. 9 . gerere, MS.

gegere. MS. saga ciz a te. 1 7. Most of the other texts have novem ovibus,w hichmay hav e been in ours, as the gloss sceap 11 111 is there .

O nly the incorrigible to be cut off. [5 9

secan untrumnesse sw a midlum 11a besargada abba meande

querere Cuj us infirmita te in tantum comp assus est.

hit on his helgum eaxlum beet he gemedemodeut cam in sacris humeris suis dignaretur

anasettan 7 eagan bringan to hearde

imp onere. et sic rep ortare ad gregem.


(CAP. xxvm.)

forgehw ilcum gilte


beah be he amansumad hit na gebet teartere

etiam si excommunica tus non emendaverit a crior ei

genealeece breaiungan boat is sw incla w race on him beetacceda t correp tio id est ut verberuni vind icta in eum

farb stepb boet gif he he sw ang bib gebread abbe

p roceda t ; Quad si nec ita correoeit aut

w enunge boat meeira ne gew yrbe an modinyssa abba upahafen

forte quad absit in sup erbiam ela tus

baw arian abbe gif he w ile his w earc bonne sw a sw a

defendere voluerit op era sua . tunc abba faciet quad1°

w is leace gif he gegearcab sw abunga smyrunga abbe

( 1 40 b.) sap iens medicus ; Si ewhibuit fomenta . si unguenta ad

lara leecedamas gew rita gadcundra eat nextan

horta tionum. si medicamina scrip turarum divinarum si ad ultimum

berned amansumunge abbe w ita girda

ustionem excommunica tionis. vel p lagas virgarum etiam si

hi s faran nahtsw yrian gleaw nesse he gearcie sablice

viderit nihil suam p reva lere industriam. adhibea t etiam

boat mare is his gahad 7 ealra gebrabra for him

quad majus est suam at omnium fra trum p ro ea 1 5

so be ealle binc meaig beet w yrceora tionem : ut dominus qui omnia p otest. op eretur sa lutem

ambe bona untruman breber boat gifhe na forbam mid bisumcirca infi/rmum fratrem ; Quad si nee ista modo

3 . to ; t corr. from g . 1 4 . foran nahtswgrian, naht, glass to nihil ;

see note .

2 . dignaretur, MS. d igaretur. 4 . EMENDAVERINT, MS. EMENDAVERIT .

1 0 . defendere, MS. defends. voluer it, DIS. roluere .

6 0 ] Monk s leav ing the monastery. Y outhful offend ers .

gamete bib gahealed bonne eellunga se abbod b1 uce isene

sanatus fuerit. tunc jam abba uta tur ferroofkyrfes eal sw a seede afyrsiab bane yfelan fram

abscisionis ut ait ap astalus Auferte ma lum eoc

aaw 7 aft sw a ungaleafulla gif he aw eig aw eg gew ite

vobis Et iterum. Infidelis si discedit discedat.

boet ii a anadli sceap ealle hearda besmite

ne una ovis morbida . omnem gregem contaminet.



for agenum leahtrum qui sebe utgeeb abba bib uta


dreefead gecyrran gif he w ile behata eer

Tur de monasterio. si reverti voluerit. sp ondeat. p rius

ealle bate forbam be he utfarde an beere

omnem emenda tionem vitii p ro quo egressas est. at sic

ytemestan steape hi si underfangan boat of barn his

in ultimo gradu recip ia tur. ut eoo hoc ojus

eadmodnysse si gefandad beet gif he aber siban utfearb abbe

humilitas comp rabetur Quad si denuo ew ierit. us

briddan sibe he si underfangen sablice sybban ha w ite ealcne

que tertio ita recip iatur. J am vero p ostea , seia t amuem

him sylfum gacyrrednysse feareld bean forw yrnedsibi reversionis ad itum denegar1 .

DE PUERIS MINORI ABTATE QUOMODO CORRIPIANTUR . (CAP. XXX.)eelc yb andgit agenge met sceal habban

I5 OMNIS AETAS VEL INTELLECTUS p rop riae debet habere mensuras

farbig sw a aft cildra abbe ginran ylde abbe ba beIdeoqua quoties pueri. Val adolescentiores aetate aut qui

lees undarstandan sw a magun humicel boet w it-a is amansu

minus intellegere p ossunt quanta p ena sit excommuni

munge bas bylice bonne hi agiltab abbe mid sw iblicum

ca tionis. hi tales dum delinquunt. aut j ejuniis

2 . kg'

rfes, r corrected from f. 7. qui repeated by glossator. 8 . car

indistinct , might be ier. 1 5. 375, read g’

ld . agenge nearly erased . It

w as probably the intention to erase gemet so as to put it over mensuram.

8 . sp ondea t, MS. sponde. 1 1 . humilitas, tw o letters erased betw een a

and s. d enuo, 0 above line. 1 4. PUERIS,MS. FUEROS. QUOMODO

, ain theMS. 1 5 . MS. mensuram.

6 2 ] Rules for the cellarer (continued ) .

7 ealle eehte sw ylce w eauedes

monasterii. cunctamque substantiam. ac si a ltaris

halige fatu he besceaw ige naht he h e getelle gunleaslices ne

vasa sacra ta consp icia t N ihil ducat neglegendum. nec

gitsung he na hagige na he na si cystig abbe myrrentavaritie studeat. neque p radigus sit ; out stirp a tor

eehte ac ealle binc gemetlice

substan tie monaster1 1 sed omnia mensurate facia t at ( 1 41 b. )

after heese eatforan callum

5 secundum jussionem abbatis Humilitatem ante omnia

*binga he heebbe beer beer bam nenys sebe faregifen

habea t at cui substantia non est que tribua tur.

spreac andsw eras 7 si garebt god sea gode

sermo resp onsionis sp arrigatur bonus. ut scrip tum est ; Sermo

spreece afar ba salestan sylene ealle binc be be him beteaht

bonus sup er datum op timum Omnia que ci injuna’


ba sylfan he heebbe under his gimena fram bam him

abbas ip sa habea t sub omra sua A quibus eum

be beab beboden he no gedyrstleace forasetne i bitleofan

1 0 p raibuerit. non p resumat Fratribus constitutam annonam

butan eenigre>"or hiunge abbe yldinga he sylla bazt hine bean

sine aliqua typ o vel mora qfiera t ut non scan

geasw icade sit gadcundre spreece hw mt gegearnige se bedelizentur memar divini eloquii. quid merea tur qui

geasw icab eenne of bisum lytlingum gif gaderung mare

scanda liz averit unum de pusillis. Si congregatio major

bib frafras .him bean gesealde fram bam he sylf gefultumiabfuerit salacia ei dentur. a quibus adjutus at

mid efnum mode gefylle benunge him sylfan beteehte1 5 ip se aequo animo imp lea t qficium sibi commissu/m Horis

angedafanlicum tidum bean gesealde ba binc be sint to sillanne

comp etentibus dentur que danda sunt

7 bean gebedene ba binc be sin tobiddanne boet nan no sig,

et p etantur que p etenda sunt. ut nemo

todreafd na na sig geunrotsaded on drihtnes huse

p erturbetur. neque contristetur in domo domini.

2 . gunlcesliccs, read gimlceslices . 6 . pinga ,readp ingam. 1 0 . bitleofan,

read bigleofan. 1 1 . or, read on. 1 2 . sit, Latin added by glossator.

4 . mensura te, n carr. from 111 by erasure . 1 3 . scanda liz averit, MS.

scanda liz a ve.

T he abbot to register the good s and chattels of the monastery . [8 3


eehta abbe reafum abbe mid

SUBSTANTIA MONASTERII IN FERRAMENTIS VEL vestibus seu quibussumum bingum foresaeaw iga

‘ ba life bara 7licet rebus p revideat abba fratres


de quorum vita at

beaw um arsarh he sig 7 heom eanlepige be barn nitw yrblice bemoribus securus sit at eis singula ut utile j u

he demb beteace ba gahealdennelicun 7 ba gelohgenlican of

dicaverit consignet custodienda a tque recolligenda ; Ex

Jh.J gew rit Ja .J tahaalde beet Je .J eefter bonne him

( 1 42 a . ) quibus Jabbas brei em tenea t ut dum sibi

sylfan betahtum bingum Je .J stundmeelum fylianin ip sa assignata fra tres vicissim succedunt.

Je .Jhe w ite hw eet he sylle 7 hw eet he underfo Jh.J gyf hw ylcseia t quid dat. et quid recip it. Si quis

fullice Ja.J abbe gimlaslice binc mynstres hrepab si ge

autem sordide aut neglegenter res monasterii tractaverit cor

bread gif hit Jf.Jna gebett steore regolicere he under

rip ia tur. si nan emendaverit discip line regulari sub


j acea t



hea licast bes leahter grundlungoe is of tadonne is

Precip ue hoc vitium radicitus amputandum est. de monas

boet na gedyrstleece eeni binc syllan abbe underfan butan

terio. no quis p resuma t a liquid dare aut acoip ere sine

heese bees abbates na nabban sinde1 1ice na

jussione abbatis ; N eque a liquid habere p rop r1um ; nequenan binc ealles na bac i1a w eaxbredu ne greaf

nullum omnina rem ; neque codicem. neque tabulas. neque graviumah na bino w itodlice forbam na habban his agenne

sed nihil omnina Quipp e quibus nec corp ora sua

5 . gahea ldennelicun,read gehealdenlican. 1 4 . N ot clear w hether beoli

cast ar hea licast grundlungaz, or grund lunga .

5 . recolligenda ,lig above line , in glossator

s hand ?

6 4 ] T he monk s to hav e no p rop erty . Consid eration

for infirmi ties .

lichaman w illen alyfed habban agenum anw ealda ealle

nec voluntates. licet habere in p ropria voluntate Omnia vero

neadbeheafnyssa hihtan no no si eeni bincnecessaria a p atre sp erare monasterii ; N ec quicquam

gelyfed habban boet beet na saalde abbe na gebafabliceat habere quad abbas non dederit aut non p ermis

he ealle binc eallum bean gemeane sw a sw a hit is aw riten

crit; Omniaque omnibus sint communia ut scrip tum est ;

na na secge eenig his eeni bino abbe gedyrstleace beet5 nec quisquam suum aliquid dicat vel p resumat; Quad

gif bib bisum w yrstan leahtre arasad bean gelust

si quisquam huic nequissimo vitia deprehensus fuerit delec

fallad ha gemynegad eene 7 aft gif hit na gebett

tari. ammonitus semel. et iterum Si non emendaverit

breaiunge he underrhige

correp tioni subj acea t ;



w ees todeeled eanlepigum bam be w ees


gehw ylcum nead be w ees beer w e na seceb hada boatcuique opus erat Ubi non dicimus utp ersonarum quad

farsig anfangennisse untrumnyssa ah farasceaw ung bearabsit accep tio sit. sed infirmitatum considera tio Ubi

hedo se be leas hafab he do 7 he na si geaadmod

qui minus indiget agad deo gratias et non contristetur ;

mare he si geadmet for untrumnesse 71 5 qui vero p lus at non ind iget. humiliatur pro infirmitate ; at

he na si upahafen for mildheartnessa ealle liman 7 bean

non extolla tur p ro misericordia et ita omnia membra crunt

on sibbe eetfaran eallum bingum murcnuncge yfel for

in p ace. Ante omnia ammonemus ne murmurationis malum. p ro

1 . a nw ea lde, see note. 8 . underrhige, first r corrected from 11,

second r corrected by erasure into 11, the w hale evidently meant for

underhnige. 1 4. na 3 1, 1ia above the line ; 11 before and a after the s.

7 . MS. emendaverint. 8 . correp tioni , MS. correp tionem. 1 4 . agad ,MS. aga . 15 . indiget, corr. from ind igetus by underdotting the us.

6 6 ] Rules for those serv ing in the k itchen .

Jh.J w eate1 alab mid Ja.J bam be heom sylfan Ju.J handa

Linthea cum quibus sibi fratres manus.

abba fat *clipiab Ja .Jhe bw ea Ja .Jfatt sablice ge se se be

aut p edes tergunt. lavet Pedes vero tam ip se qu1

utgeeb ge so so be is in tofarenne Je .J callum

egreditur quam ille qui intra turus est ; omnibus

hi bw ean fata benunge his cleena 7 hale Jeb.J hardere he

lavent ; Vasa ministerii sui munda at sana cellarario re

beteace Ja .Jbeteace so hardera aft into farenne dum he

5 consignet Qui cellararius iterum intranti con

beteace boet he w ite hw eet he sylb abbe hw eet he undarfa Ja.Jbsignet. ut seia t quid da t aut quid recip it sep

w ucan begnas Jh.J ear anre Jd .Jtide gereardunge*mman

timanarii autem ante unam horam refectionis. accip iant

Jd .J forgesetne bileafan Jd .J eanlepige Je .Jdrances Je.J Jf.Jsup er statutam annonam singulos biberes at p anem

on tide gereardunge buton ge 7 hefigum gesw ince

ut hora refectionis sine murmura tione et gravi labore

Jg.J boet hi benian heora gebi abrum an simbal sw a beahserviant fra tribus suis In diebus tamen

degum*abbe meassan hi bolian. abidan Jh.J

lbs. in

solemnibus ; usque ad missas sustineant ,

farendan Ja.J7 ba utfarendan Jh.J ucubena an gabedhuse

trautes autem at exeuntes ebdomadarii in ora torio

barrihtes merigenlicum geandedum O 11 sunnandeage betyridummooo ma tutinis finitis dominica p rovolutis

cneaw um eatfaran bam w eafode Jf.J Ja .Jbiddan for hi beangenibus coram altare abomnibus p ostulent p ro se

gebedene ba utgengendum an beere ucan saagen bis

1 5 orar1 ; Egred ientes autem de sep t1mana : d 1cant hunc

fers gebletsad bu eart eala bu drihten god bu fultumodestversum Benedictus es domine deus qui adjuvasti

7 bu gefrefredest me barn Ja.J gecw edenum briddan siban.

me ; at consola tus es me ; Quod dicto tertio.

2 . clip iad, read w ip ia fl ? 4 . pw ean, there is possibly an i betw een 10

and e, although this is probably part of the g of egreditur just above it.

5 . cc of second betoece ind istinct . d am,Latin in glossator

shand . 7. mman,read niman. 1 1 . abbe, read 05.

3 . quam, MS. qua. 4 . lavcnt, MS. aret. 8 . sta tutam, MS. sta


T he infirm to be treated w ith esp ecial care . [6 7

hi Ja .J underfon Jh.Jbletsunga utgengenda eefter fylianaccip iant benedictionem egredientes ; Subsequantur autem

ba ingangende 7 hi secgan god mine fultum beiym1ngred 1


entes et dicant Deus in adjutorium meum intende

eala bu drihten to gehelpanne efesb boet sylfbriddan sibe

( 1 43 b. ) domine ad adjuvandum mefestina Et hoc idem tertio

7 si gaedleht fram callum afangenre bletsunga 7 he

rep etatur ab omnibus et accep ta benedictione ingredi


antur ;


Ja.JuntrumaJh.JgimenJd .Jeetfaran eallon bingan. 7 afar ealle binoINEIBMOBUM CUBA ANTE OMNIA ET SUPER OMNIA

is to gearcienna sablice sw a boat sigebenadadhibenda est. ut sieut revera Christa ita ci servia tur.

forbam be hesylf seede untruman ia w ees 7 gegeneasadan me

Quia ip se dixit infirmus fui at visita stis me;

beet boat gedydan a anum me hit gedydanEt quod fecistis uni de is minimis meis mihi fecistis ;

ah ba sylfan untruman sceaw ien on w uibmente godes heom

Sed et ipsi infirmi considerent in honorem dei

sylfum bean gebenod 7 mid heora oferfiaw ednesse 7 hine ge

sibi serviri ; et non sup erfluita te sua contris

drefan. heora gebrobra beaw iende hecm sylfan ba sw a beahtent fratres suas servientes sibi Qui tamen

gebyldelice sind ta cepanne forbam sw ylcum genihtsumere

p a tienter p ortand i sunt quia de talibus cap iosior

med Jd .J he bib beiyten Jh.J sea measta gimen*sit

merces adquiritur Ergo cura maceima sit

bam abbada eenigre gimeleasta beet hi na balian ba untru

abbati ne aliquam neglegentiam p a tiantur Quibus

man gebrobra sig hus. cyte ofer hi beteeht 7 ben

fratribus infirmis sit cella sup er se deputa ta et servitor

l l . untruman, first stroke of second it probably carr. from e. 1 5 . sit, t

copied from Latin, read sig .

4. rep eta tur , MS. rep eretur. benedictione, MS. benedictio. 7. INFIB

MORUM, I is forgotten by rubricator . sup er, MS. sup e. 9 . visitastis, MS.

visita tis. 1 1 . Erasure before ip si . 1 4. quia , i above line. 1 7 . infirmis,carr. from infirmus by erasure . sit, carr. from scit.

F 2

6 8 ] I‘


axations o f rule for old men and for children .

adreadende 7 lufieende ac he fulfremed baba brice

timens deum. at d iligens ac sollicitus. Balnearu/m usus

ba untruman sw a oft sw a hit fremeb sigebaden barn halum 7is quoties exp edit ofi


eratur Sanis autem et

sw ybest 7 geanclicum leatlicor si geunnen Ja .J fleasca

maxime juvenibus tardius conceda tur ; Sed et carniu/m*beat bam untruman eallunga bam w anhalum forheale ac si

csus infirmis omnina debilibusque p ro rep ara tione con

geseald*boet onne hi beab gebaorade fram fieasclicummidgew une

5 ceda tur Ac ubi meli ora ti fuerint a carnibus more solido

lic baaw ealle 7 hi forhabban Ja.J ba measta Jh.J gimane habbe

omnes abstineant Curam autem marcimam habea t

se abbod.

fram bam harderum abbe fram banum boat 11a baa forabbas ne a cellarariis aut a servitoribus neglegantur

gimeleaste bam untruman forbam to him bahitlaceb sw a sw a

infirmi quia ad ipsum resp icit. quic

hw eat fram learnincnihtum sw a bib agyld .

quid a discipulis delinquitur.


beah basig ba sylfe meannisnesse gecind Jo.J Je.JLICET IPSA H UMANA NATURA TRAHATUR

[f.Jto mildheartnessa an bisum yldum ealdra

AD MISEricordiam ; in is aeta tibus seuum videlicet at

cildra beahhw eebere Ja .J regules ealldardamlicnyss heominfantum tamen at regule auctoritas eis

besceaw ige si forasceaw ad eefre w acmadnyss nateshw on

p rasp iciad ; Consideretur semp er inbecillitas. at nulla tenus

heom stibnis ragales 7 na si gehealdan an fatum ac sigi s eis districtio regule tenea tur in a limentis ; sed sit

on heom arfeest faresceaw ung 7 hi farahreadian minsterlicein eis p ia considera tio at p reveniant hora s

4 . beat, probably 6 is a paving letter. 5 . MS. fianne=boet anne ; readpanne. gebeorode, read gebetrode. 1 1 . 111 1ennisnesse

, of. Introd ,Ch. V,

5 67. 1 5 . fotum, cf. ih.

, 54 .

3 . j uvenibus, MS. invenibus. 4. infirmis, carr. from— as. 1 2 . aeta tibus,MS. eata ti bus . 1 5 . tenea tur

,MS. teneat. 1 7. MS. canonicis.

70 ] On the quantity of food ,to be tak en d aily.

gedyrstleeca bara eenig be beere sylfan abbe elles hw anane

suma t ibi a liquis de ip sa lectione aut a liunde

eenig bing smeaigan boet na si geseald intingan buton w enunge

quicquam requirere ne detur occasio nisi fortese ealdor fare lare abba fram trimminge w ylle eenig bingp rior p ro aedificatione voluerit a liquid

scortlice saagen brabar sea w uca beh nima sneadinge

breviter dicere Frater autem ebdomedarius accip ia t mixtum

ear ban be he aginne reeden forbam helgum gesumunga [f.J5 p riusquam incip ia t legere. p rop ter communionem sanctam

7 beat na sig healic him feasten forbyldian sybbanat ne forte grave sit ai j ejunium sustinere Postea

cicanen . mid bam w ucubenum 7 benum.

autem cum coquine ebdomedariis , at servitoribus.

hi gareardiab Jo.J na be endebyrdnesse reeden abbe

reficia t ; Fratres autem non p er ordinem legant aut

singan ac ba getrimman ba gehyrandancantent sed qui edificent audientes ;


genihtsumian w e gelyfab ta deagberlicere reardunge Ja.J gemidSUEEICEBE CBEDIMUs AD REFECTIONEM aa'

rIDIAnam tam

deeges ge nones eallum maubum tw a gesadana syfliansexte quam none omnibus mensibus cocta duo

sanda Jg.J for mistlicora untrumnessa w enunge

p ulmentaria . p rop ter diversorum infirmita tes. ut forte qui

of anum sebe maag etan of obrum beet he si gereord bonneeoo uno non p otuerit edere etc a lio reficia tur ; Ergo

tw a sanda Ji.J Jh.J Ju.J ganihtsumiab 7 gif

I 5 duo pulmentaria cocta omnibus fra tribus suficiant. Et si

beab ac hw anane eepla abbe acennedlicu afetu Jg.J asigeglib

fuerint unde p oma aut nascentia leguminum adda tur

sw ilce boet bridde . an pund aw agan ganihtsumige on

at tertium ; Panis libera una p rop ensa suficia t in ( 145 a .)

dege sw a hw eaber Jg.J sw a Ji.JJi.J bu sig an gereardunge abbe

die. sive una sit refectio. sive

4 . sea w ucapen, see note. 1 6 . asigeglit) , I do not understand this glass.

4 . ebdomedarius, MS. ebdomedar1 1 s. 6. ci , sic in MS. ; in glassator’


handw riting. 1 4 . p otuerit, u above line. 1 6 . p oma , MS. p omi .

T he monk s to be careful to av oid ind igestion . [7 1

gereardunge 7 eafenbenunge beet gif hi sacalau O 11 eafen

prand ii et cene Quad si cena turi

gereardian of burn sylfan punde se bridda Ja .J fram bam hardera

sunt. de eadem libra tertia . p ars a cellarario

si gehealden to agifenna on eefenbenungum Jf.J gesw inc Jf.

reservetur. reddanda cenaturi s Quod si labor fortefactusJf.JJg.Jmare oncyre Jd .J de Je.J hitbeo gif hit f1 emab

fuerit major. in arbitrio et p otesta te abba tis crit si exp ed ia t

Jk.J ycan asyndrode tofaran aallam bingum aferfyllaa liquid augere remota p re omnibus crapula

boet neafra na undersmeage Jm.J bam muneca ofereat forbamut numquam subrip ia t monacha indigeries. quia nihil

sw a w iberw eard ban is sw a sw a aferfylle Js.Jsic contrarium est omni christiano quomodo crapula .

sw a sw a seede ure drihten w arnieb boet ne bean geheofagode

sieut a it dominus noster. Videte na graventur

c. c. on o ar u c1 um an mran'

e sea°

ce[ I [ l f f ll M [s ] s“

yld [h ] 1 1

carda vestra in crapula . Pueris vero minore aeta te. non eadem

na si gehealden micelness ah leesse bonne bam yldrumservetur quantitas. sed minor quam maj oribus

gehealdaura Jm .J J1.J fiber fetefleasb

serva ta in omnibus p arcita te. Carnium vero quadrup edum omnina

Ja.J si *forl1eamed butan w anhalum

ab omnibus abstineatur commestio. p reter omnina debiles at

be matrunianaegrotos


anra gehw ylc Jb.J syuderlice Ja .Jheafb sylene of gode sume


3 . oefenpenungum, corrected from cefenpenunge, probably not contemporary .

1 0. ne, the n has a stroke through it. 1 1 . fiber ov er ca rnium, andfetefloesdov er quad rupedum, probably ought to be partially transposed . Read fleesca

( instead officesd) over carnium,andfiberfete ov er quadrup edum. 1 2 . for

haemad,read forhoebben. 1 3 . p a metrunian, read metruman (for med

truman) .

l . cena turi, MS. cena tur. 5 . remota , MS. premota . omnibus era

p ula ,ibus era on erasure, MS. crap uli. 1 5. DONUM,

a letter erased

betw een D and o ; E ?

72 ] On the quantity,r of drink .

‘ W ine furthers ap ostacy .

sablice [a .J [n.J mid sumum ingehydasumme sic a lius 1


era sic. Et idea cum a ligna serupulasita te.

fram us 7 gemett bigleofa abra 7 is gesett sw a beah‘

a nobis mensura fvictus aliarurn canstituitur Tamen

untrumera [g.J w acmodnesse w egelyfab [d .J gemetinfirmarum cantuentes imbecillitatem credimus eminam

w ines geonden eenlepige genihtsumian geon deeg bam be $5115aini p er singulas suficere p er diem Quibus

[f.J gebyld [h.J forhaefednesse agene he

s autem danat Ideus talerantiam abstinentie p rop rium 8 6 ( 1 45 b.)

silfe mede hi w itan beet gif stow e neodbearfnessebabituras mercedem sciant Quad si aut laci necessitas

obbe gesw inc [h.J sumeres abbe sw iblic heete beet gifaut labor aut ardar aesta tis amp lius p ap as

bitt [d .J [b.J on dome ealdres obbe hi w unige [i.J on

cerit in arbitrio p riaris consistons. cansiderans in

callum bingum na beet undersmege oferfylle obbe druncennesse

omnibus ne subrep a t sa tietas aut ebrietas licet

be w e radan eallunga*W indred muneca beon getiht

IO legamus omnina m'

num monachorum p ersuaderi nan

[a .Jhuru binga huru binga [g.J beet [f.J beet benap otest saltem vel Izac cansentiamus. ut nan usque

06 oferfylle drincan [k .J ac hw onlicor forbam*W indrend

ad satieta tem libamus sed p arcius. quia fvinum

w ibersacan bedeb ba Witen bar bar neodbearfnessaap ostatare facit etiam sap ientes. Ubi autem necessitas

stow e bitt beet forasaedegemed abbe foraw ritene been

loci exp osait ut ne sup rascrip ta mensura in

gemett beet furD

donne mage ah micel [hJ mid ealle1 5 ven1r1 p assit. sed multa minus aut etc tata

naht bletsian god bara cardiab 7 hi na cyriannihil benedicant deum qui ibi habitant et non murmurarent ;


7. 71 08 156 is glass to a rdar . 1 0. w indred , read w indrenc, i . e . w indréc.

1 1 . pend ,read w e na

,or more probably read pe as belonging to the pre

ceding paet. 1 2 . w indrend , read w indrenc.

2 . victus,MS. victis. 6 . MS. mercedam. MS. necessita te, corrected

into necessitas. 7. MS. a estas. 9 . a erietas in the MS. for ebriefa s .

1 0. Before p ersuaderi , the w ords nan esse, sed quia nostris temp oribus id

monachis, found in the other texts, are omitted . 1 3 . MS. sap ientis.

1 6 . deum, MS. ev idently by mistake has dominum (cl/7m,for

74 ] S ilence to be k ep t, esp ecially after Comp lin .

on eefeen hi gereardian se sylfa eefen si gedanad cesp eram reficiant Ip sa autem fvesp era sic aga tur

leoht leohtfaetes beet hine behofian gereardgende mid leohte

ui lumen lucerne nan indigeant reficientes. sed Zuce

bagit desges ealle binc ah beon gefyllede ac on eelcere tide

adliuc diei omnia cansummentur ; sed et omni temp ore

sw a eefen benunge abbe on tide sw a bus gemedemod [g ]sive sit cene sive refectianis bora . sic temp eratur. ut

mid deeg beet gew yrdan ealle bing.

cum Zuce flant omnia .


on eelcere tide sw igen sceolan healdan munecas sw ybostOmni temp ore silentium debeni studere mari achi . maxime

behhw aebere on nihtlicum tidum 7 forbi on eelcere tide sit

tamen nocturnis Izaris. Et idea omni temp ore sive

feestenes sit gereardung g tima gifhit bib gereardunge sona

j ejunii. sive p randii si tempus fuerit p rand ii. mace

beet hi arisab fram eefen benunge 7 hi sittan ealle togaedere

1 0 ui surrexerint a cena . sedeant omnes in unum.

7 reede an*

burhtogenes race obbe on ealdfeedera lifa abbe

et lega t unus colla tiones. vel aitas p a trum. aut

sabes sum binc beet getrymme ba gehyrendumcerte a liquid quad edificet audientes ; N an autem ep ta

forbam untrumum andgitum bena bib

ticum aut regum. lquia infirmis intellectibus nan erit ( 1 46 b.)

nytw yrblic on beere tida bis gew rit gehyran on obrurn

utile illa hora bane serip turam audire. aliis vera

tidum [e.J beon gereedde gif beob fmstenes dagas [a .J1 5 boris legantur Si autem j ejunii dies fuerint.

gesungenum aefensanga betw ux lytlum fasce sona hi gan to

d icta cesp era . p arva interva llo maze accedant ad

reedinge race obbe recednesse sw a sw a w e bufou seedon 7lectionem. calla tianum ut diacimus. et

8 , 9 . sit, sit, read sig sig ? g tima ,

v ery slight traces of erasure betw een

g and tima read gif’

? l l . purktogtnes, s ow ing to the influence ofLatin

ending ? read purhtagene.

1 2 . autem,corr. from auvera by w riting tem over vero, and a ( = idem)

over au. 15 . legantur, a corr. from u.

The brethren to come at once to d iv ine serv ice , [75

geraeddum feow er obbe fif leafum [p .J [p .Jleotis quattuar. aut quinque foliis vel quantum hora

[q .J eallum becumen togaedere [qJ burh basp ermittit omnibus in unum accurrentibus p er bane

yldinge reedinc gif eenig w enunge on bam sylfummoram lectionis Si quis forte in a ssignato

beteehtum him sylfum bingum beon eenig bib gebisgod he

sibi commissa fuerit occup a tus oc

becume ealle togeedere gesette hi gefyllan 7 utgan

curra t Omnes ergo in unum p ositi comp leant Et ex5

gende fram nihtsangum eenig 7 nasi leaf sybban eenigumeuntes a camp letariis nulla sit licentia denuo cuiquam

spraecon semig bing beet gif byb gemett funden [a .J eeniglaqui a liquid Quad si inventus fuerit quisquambisne forgaeian stilnesse mid bearfnesse cumena

hanc p revaricari taciturnitatis regulam. si necessitas basp idum

gif ofor becimb w enunga mnigum eenig binc obbe hatesup ervenerit aut forte abba a licui a liquid j usseret

beet [a .J beon 7 sw ylce mid healicum gedreoge 7 gemetegunge

Quad tumen et ip sum cum summa gravita te et moderatione IO

arw urblicor baet beobanestissime fiat.



to tide godcundre benunge sona bonne bib gehyred sw a



boob tacen eallum forleetenum [h.J sw a hw ylce bincsignum relictis omnibus que libet fuerint I5

on handum mid haelicum ofoste [bJ si becumen mid

in manibus summa cum festina tiane curratur cum

gedreoge beahhw aebere beet ne ge higeleas mete tendergravitate tamen . ut nan scurilitas inveniat fomi tem

2 . becumen, glass to occurrentibus ; read becumendum. 1 7. bigeleas,

probably the subst. higelea st w as originally there.

3 . lectionis, second i erased . in assigna ta , MS. in has signa ta . 8 . regu

lam,not in the MS. sine cessitas in MS. Before these w ords a line (regulam

gra viori vindicte subj acea t excep to) has been left out. 9 . autforte, MS. aut

ferte in one w ord,and t added above line in the MS. 1 2 . QUI not in theMS.

as soon as the bell is heard . Punishments for those ,

naht godes w earce na si forasett beet gif bib to

Ergo nihil ap eri dei p rep ona tur ; Quad si quis ad ( 1 47a .)

nihtlicum uhtsangum [O .J [q.J [p .J bas feow er and hund

noctur nas vigilias p ost gloriam p salmi nonagesimi

nigenteoban sealmas bane forbi eallunga teonde

quarti quem p rop ter bac omnina p rotra /zenda et

latlice w e w yllab beon gessed begimb 11a stands on eendebyrd

morose volumus d ici occurrerit. no n stet in ord 1ne

nesse [b.J on choro ac heeftemeest ealra stande abbe on

5 suo in Charo. sed ultimus omnium stet out in

stow e be be sw ylcum gimelesum [k.J asundran geset

loco quem talibus neglegentibus searsum con

se abbod bazt he sigew arnod fram him obbe fram

stituerit abba . ut videa tur ab ip sa vel ab

eallum obbe [O .J gefylledum w earce mid fuh'


omnibus usque du zn comp leto ap ere dei p ublica sa tis

deedbote he behreow sige for bi [b.J hi on bum ytemestan styde

factio ne p enitea t ; Idea autem eos in ultimo out

on sundram w e domdom scy1an standau beet gesaw ene fram

1 0 searsum ju dicavimus. debere stare ut visi ab

eallum abbe for beere sylfan scame he beon gebette [a Jomnibus. vel p ro ipsa verecund ia sua emendentur ; N am

w ib utan on cyrican git hi beob lifab byb feerunga bylesi foris ara taria remaneant erit forte ta lis qui

7 he slape obbe gew islice hi sette him syllanse aut collaeet et dormiat aut certe sedeat sibi foris :

beerute spellungum*

geaeuigtigab 7 beon geseald intinga bamvel fabulis vacet et detur occasio

aw yridan deofle ah inga w ib innan bazt he forbam1 5 ma ligno Sed ingred ia tur intro. ut nec totum

ne forleose 7 be bam obrum hi si gebet on deegberlicum

perda t et de reliquo emend etur D iur nis

2 . [o ] [p .J are partly pasted over. 3 . .‘eonde

,ea quite indistinct.

4 . la ttice, sic in MS.

, but the stroke may be the remnant of a letter

erased after qua rti. begimb, i. e. beoimd . 6 . gimelesum,to not quite

clear, probably gimea’sum w as in the MS. first

,then l w as added through

the (r , making it into gimelesum. 1 4. gew nigtigad or gewmgtigab‘



2 . v igiliis in MS. 3 . i erased after quarti. 4 . morase, r corr. fromanother letter. 6 . ta libas, MS. a libas. 8 . MS. ominibus. sa tis

MS. sitis l l . saa , put in later. 15 . intro, t added above line.

1 6 . relinquo, é?" ( = esse) mendelar in the MS.

7 8 ] Atonement of faul ts by the excommunicated .

obbe eefter sybban eenig bing metes ge saegde drencg underfon

aut p ostea quc uam cibi ait p otus p resumere

ahhe gif enigum bib bebedum eeni bing f1 am bam ealdre

Sed si cu1 ofertur aliquid a p riore

7 underfon 7 he w ib saecb on tide beet on bare be he gew ilnabet acoip ere renuntierit. bora qua desideraverit.

[d .J beet he beet eefte beet beet he w ib soc obbe eallunga

boo quad p rius recusav1 t. aut a liud omnina

naht na underfon eet fulre deedbote gecw emlice

5 nihil a ccip iat usque ad emenda tionem congruam



for healicum gylte fram gebedhuse 7 fram beade se be byb

QUI PROGRAVI CULPA AB onAromo et mensa excom

amansumad on tide onbeet godes w eare on cyrcean beer bib w urbod

munica tur : Izora qua opus dei in ora toria p ercelebra tur

eetforan dyran abreht alinge naht secgende buton beet an

1 0 ante faras oratoriip rostratus j acea t nihil dicens nisi tantum

ahyldum on eorban heafde pro afered eadmod calra of

p osita in terram cap ite : Stratus pronus omnium de

cyrcean utgangendre mid fotum 7 beet sw a lange do

ara tario ecceuntium p edibus Et boo tam d iu facia t

obbaet [S J deme fullice gebed se bonneusque dum abbas judicaverit sa tisfactum esse ; Qui dum ( 1 48 a .)

he gehaten fram cymb abetyrne bam sylfanjussa s ab abbate. venerit valva t se ip sius abba tis

fotum sybban eallra fotsw abum brobra beet hi gebiddan .

1 ; p edibus. deinde omnium vestigiis fra trum ut orent

for him 7 bonne gif hast he si underfangen on chore

p ro ip sa : Et tunc si jusserit abba recip ia tur in choro

abbe on eddebyrdnysse bar bar gement sw a vel plane

vel in ordine qua abba decreverit : ita sane

1 . underfon, f corr. from r . 2 . bebedum,bo above the line ; read

beboden. 8 . fram ( second ) . The MS. hasfr'

a . 1 0. cetfora n, ran seemsto be blotted . aprebt, for astrelzt. a linge, originally a lincge, for a licge.

1 1 . p ro in glossator’

s hand . 1 4. abetyrne, a paving’letter ?

1 . cibi,MS. ubi . a it must be a very old mistake for a ut, since a glossator,

meaningless, has prov ided it w ith the gloss scegde. 1 1 . p ranas added

by glossator. de corrected from tw o other letters. 1 3 . sa tz'


corr. from another letterbyerasure. 1 4 . ab omitted in the MS. 1 6. si , 13

corrected from c.

Penalty for mistak es in d iv ine serv ice . [79

sealm obbe antemn obbe reedinge obbe hw eet eeni bingui p salmw n. ut antiphonam seu lectionem vel a liud quidne gedyrstleece on gebedhuse aginnan buton eft se abbad

non p resuma t in ora torio imp onere nisi iterum abba .

hate 7 on eallon tidum baenne be bib gefylled godes w eorc

jubea t El omnibus aris dum comp letur opus dei

niber alenge hine sylfne on eorban on stow e on bani bep roicia t se in terram in loco quo

stynd 7 sw aful gebete 7*hihtt obbaet him hate eft

stat. et sic satisfaciat usque dum ei jubeat iterum 5

beet he gesw ice eallunga fulredaedbote fram bissereabba ut quiesca t j am ab liac satisfactione ; Q

fram leohtum gyltum ba be beob amansumode beet an framvero p ro levibus culp is excommunicantur tantum a

measan on cyrican hit gebeta obhige heese beet abbatesmensa in ora torio satisfaciant usque ad jussionem babba tis

beet fremman obbe bletsige 7 he seege genohhit is.

H oe p er/iciant usquedum beneficiat et dicat sufiicit


gif eenig bonne he aginb sealm repse obbe an

SI QUIS DUM PRONUNTIAT p sa lmum resp onsorium. aut anti

temp leogb reedings butan burh fulre deedbotep lzonam. vel fa llitur lectionem nisi p er sa tisfactionem

bara tofaran eallum geadmet he beo mare w race

ibi coram omnibus humiliatus fuerit majori vind icte

he underhnige w itodlice se be nolde mid eadmodnesse breagiansubj aceot quipp e qui naluit bumilita te corrigere

beet beet be agelte mid gimeleaste cildra

qu neglegentia deliquid ; Infantes autem IS

for sw ilcum gylta beimbesw ugen.

p ro ta li culp a vapulent

4 . a lenge, cf. 78 . 1 0 ; originally a lencge, for a le ge. 5 . 7 bibit, quid ?1 3 . ge a dmet

,erasure of one letter ( 8 after go 1 5 . be above line .

1 6 . be imbesw agen, or bean besw ugen’

.l Indistinct. Understand : bean

besw ungen.

9 . H oe, corrected from non in the MS. 1 0. MONAS'I‘ERIO . All the

other texts have ORATORIO ( cf. Schrb’

er,W . V . , p . 94 ; Schmidt, p .

1 2 . fa llitur. Abov e ll there is the sign of contraction for ar . It has

been torn asunder by the stretching of the MS. consequent upon andnecessitated by the MS. being pasted up after the fire .

8 0 ] Penalties for light faults . The Abbot to announce


gif Spinb on eenigum gesw ince innan cicena on hederne


on benunge on beecerne on orcerde on eenigum creefte

in ministerio,in p istrino in orto in arte a liqua . dum

cbbe on sw a hw ilcere stow e eeni bing he agild obbe

tabora t. vel in quocumque loco a liquid deliquerit ut aut

tobryt eenig binc obbe forlysb gif

5 regerit quipp iam. aut p erdiderit sive a liud quid eaccesserit

beer ubi 7 hesylf cumende beerrihte toforan bam abbode

ibi et non veniens continua ante abbatem.

obbe to gegaderunge hit na sylf w illes gebete 7 he gefremmab

vel congregationem ip se ultra satisfecerit et p rodiderit

his gilt bonne he burh oberne cub hit bib

delictum suum dum p er a lium cognitum fueritmaran bote underhnige saule [m.J synnemajori subj aceat emcnda tiani Si anime vero p eccati

intinga gif beob lettinge beet an bam abbude obbe gastlicum

causa fuerit la tens. tantum abba ti aut sp iritalibus

ealdrum he gesw utelige ba cunnan gelacnian heora

senioribus p atefaciat. qui sciant cura re sua

eelfremeda w unda na abarian 7 gesw utelian

et a liena vulnera non detegere aut p ublicare


godes desges 7 nihtes sig oaru beesNUNTIANDA H ORA OPERIS DEI DIE NOCTUQUE SIT cura

abbotes abbe hesylf eyban obrum hohfullum breber

1 5 abba tis aut ip se nuntiare aut tali solicito fra tri

obbe beteece bas gimene beet beet ongedafenlicum timaninjunga t Izanc curam ui omnia boris comp etentibus

2 . sp ind, read sw ind, for sw incb, and take it as glass to labora t in l. 4 .

3 . in orto in glossator’

s hand . 6 . ubi w ritten by glossator. 1 1 . Erasure

after gesw utelige .

2 . COUINA in MS. 3 . a liqua , MS. a liqua . 6 . veniens, MS. invens.

7 . p rodiderit, MS. perdiderit. 1 0 . MS. fuerint. tantum,tantem

in MS. , but the correction is indicated by w riting 11 ov er e. 1 2 . After

a liena , vulnera is w ritten above the line, possibly by glossator. detegerce in

MS. et instead of ant. 1 3 . The title of Chapter XLVII not being found

in our MS. ,it has been supplied from the other MSS. 1 6 . inj ungat, MS.

inj uga t.

82 ] Manual labour to be d one , at certa in hours of the d ay .

midw engendumbeere chta tide beet beet eis tow yrcannemediante octava hora : etiterum quad faciendum

hi w yrcan obbe eefan [a ] [b.J neodbehefnes'

est op erentur usque ad vesp ee'

rwm, Si autem necessitas

stow e obbe *

bearflices giforcrafab w eesmas togegaderigenne

loci aut p aup ertas exegerit ut ad fruges colligendas

burh hi beet hi beon gebisgode hi na beon gedrefede forbam

p er se occup entur non contri stentur qui abonne soban munecas burh *

gespinb heora handa

5 tunc veri mariachi sunt; si labore manuum sna rum

gif hi libbab sw a sw a ure feederes

vivant. sieut et p atres nostri et ap ostoli Omnia tomen

gemetelice beon forbam w ac modum fram clypungemensura te fiant p rop ter pusillanimes ; A ca lendis autem

0b anginn leenctenfeesten on ba obran fulran tide

actobribus usque ad caput quadragesime : usque in lioram

reedinge hi eemtian se ober tida onbeere ucan s



secundamp lenam lectioni vacent Hora secunda agota r

undern on heora w eorc 7 hi gesw ican

1 0 tertia et usque ad nonam omnes in opus suum laborent

beet bib beteeht gew ordenum forecnyll beerequad eis injungitur ; Facto autem primo signo hare

nontide hi gebeodan fram heora w earce eenlepie 7 hi beon

none disjungant se ab op ere suo singuli. et sint

gearw e bonne bone oberne cnyll cnylb eefter gereardunge

p ara ti : dum secundum signum pulsaverit; Post refectianem ( 149 b.)

hi eemtian heora reedingum obbe on sealmum

autem vacent lectionibus aut p salmis In

leenctenes feestenes on degum fram aerne merien ob beere

1 5 quadragesime vero diebus a mane usque ad

briddan tide emtian *heoreedingum obba

tertiam p lenam vacent lectionibus suis. et usque ad

1 . midw engendum ? 11 may be 1 perhaps read mid ligendum. eis, Latin,or e pav ing letter 3 . pearflices, i. e . pea rflicnes. gifarcrafad, see note .

5 . gesp inb‘

,read gesw ind. 7. clgp unge, l above line . 8 . on

,n corr. from

other letter : 6 ? 1 1 . forecngll, read probablyforme cngll. 1 2 . heora ,71

indistinct . 1 5 . lcenclenes , laznc not quite clear. 1 6. heoroedingum,read

heora rcedingum.

1 . MS. fa ciendam. 3 . exierit in the MS. 4 . MS . occup aentur.

5 . labore, MS. laborcs. 6 . MS. viant. 9 . secundam,

MS. secundum.

1 6 . lectionibas,MS. lectiones.

O ther hours to be giv en to study . [8 3

fullan teoban tida hi w yrcan beet heom beob beteeht

decimam horam p lenam op erentur quad eis injungitur.

on bam dagum leenctenfeesten * hiderfan ealle eenlepigeIn quibus d iebus quadragesime. a ccip iant omnes singu


bec of boc cystan ba hi be endebyrdnesse eall abutan

cod ices de bibliotheca quos p er ordinem ex integro

reeden ba beo synd to syllanne on anginne leestenlegant ; Qui codices in caput quadragesime dand i

tofaran callum bingan w islice si beteeht an obbesunt Ante omnia autem sane deputetur unus aut 5

tw egen ealdres ba emfaran mynster on tidum bam hi

duo seniores : qui cj /rcumeant monasterium horis quibus

geeemtian reeding 7 hi gew arnian be lees be si gemetvacant fratres lectioni. et videant. ne forte invenia tur

asoleen se ge emtige idelnesse abbe spellingum 7frater accidiosus qui vacet otiasa aut fabulis et

he nis geornfull 7 he nis beet an him unnyt w urbo

non est intenta s lectioni et non solum sibi inutilis est.

ac he abre upaheib bes byllice beet feorsi gif he bib

sed etiam a lias extollit hic ta lis si quad absit rep er

gemet si gebread eene 7 obre side beet an gif he hit

tus fuerit. carrip ia tur semel et secunda ; si non emen

na gebett regollicere breaiunge be bam elles sw a

daverit correp tioni regulari subj aceat et ta liter

beet obre beet ondI eedab no me to breber

ut ceteri timeant N eque frater ad fra trem j unga tur

on ungedafenlicum tidum on bam drihtelicum deege reedinge

horis incomp etentibus D ominica d ie lectioni

hi emtian ealle asindrodum bisum mislicum benungumvacent omnes excep tis his qui variis oficiis 1 5

ba be synd beteehte gif eenig sablice gimeleas abbe asoleen

deputa ti sunt Si quis vero ita neglegens et desidiosus

bib beet nele obbe no mage smeegan obbe an

fuerit ut nan velit ; aut non p ossit meditavi out legere.

2 . hid erf'

an,read hi undeifan. 9 . peat, p corrected from or into. 6.

1 4 . on, indistinct . 1 7. a n,merely end ing of ( razd)a n to denote infinitive.

1 . inj ungitur , MS. ingungitur. 3 . quos, MS. qua s . 4 . Qui , MS. quia .

7 . invenia tur,MS. invenia t. 1 3 . timeant, MS. timca t. 1 5 . va cent,

MS. vea cent. 1 7 . valit,MS.fuelit

8 4 ] O n the observ ance o f L ent.

si beteeht him w eorc beet he do beet he'

no go mmtige

injunga tur ei opus quad faciat ut non va cet .

ba [e .J untruman [b.J gebrobran [e.J abbe [d .J estfullum

Fra tribus autem. infirmis out delicatis .

sw ylcum [e.J w earce obbe . eeft obbe si gebeoda beet[f.J hita lis op era aut ars inj ungatur ut nec

forbanne idele na hina mid stibnessa gesw ing beon [i.J of

otiasi sint. nec violentia laboris app ri

sette beet [f.J hi beon aflingede bara *w acmodes fram

5mantur ui efi'

ugentur , Quorum inbecillitas ab

bam abbote is to forsceaw iende

abba te cansideranda


[LJbehbe on eelcere lif[m.Jmunecas leenctenfeestenesLICET OMNI TEMPORE VITA MONACH I QUADRAGESIME

sceale 7 gehealdsumnesse [p .J [O .J forbambe is forbam feaw era

debea t observa tionem habere. tamen quia p aucorum

be is beos miht [a ] w e atihtab on [b.Jbisum degum leencten

1 0 est ista v irtus. idea suademus istis diebus quadrafeestenes [e.J [f.J on eelcere cleennesse heora lif [e .Jgesime. omni purita te vitam suam

[hJ7 ealra heora gimeleasnesse [e.J [11 .Jcustodire et omnes p ariter neglegentias suas

obra tida on bisum helgum degum adlian beet [a ]a liorum temp orum his diebus sanctis diluere Quad

[b.J w yrblice bib[a .J gif fram callum leahti um [e.J [d .Jtunc digne sit si ab omnibus v 1 ti is temp eremus ,

7 gebede [d .J mid w opum [f.J 7 onb1yrdnesse [gJ [hJ“

1 5 Orationi cum fletibus lectioni et compunctioni cardis

7 [e .J forheefeednesse [gJ gimene uton [a .Jsyllan on bisuma tque abstinent1e op eram demus Ergo his diebus

uton don sum binc l[d .J gew unelicne [e.J gaicl

augeamus a liquid ad solitum pensu/m

3 . oeft, nearly illegible , read croeft. 5. aflingede, 11 under the line ;of. Introd . , V . 70 . w acmod es

,read w a cmodnes . 9. fo1pam/be, dittography .

1 1 . [e .J or 1 7. [c.] not quite clear ; maybe part of d (of a dsolitum) .

5 . efi'

ugentur, M .S ef uga tur. 7 . The title in the MS. is DE XL“

OBSERVATIONE. 9 . gancoram,MS. p aveorum. 1 3 . sanctis, possibly in


s hand . d iluel e, MS. defluere. 1 6 . operam,MS. op eram. his

added by glossator. 1 7. a ugeamus in glossator s hand its gloss, uton don,w ould make us think that the glossator has read cyamus.

8 6 ] On those brethren w ho are aw ay for one d ay only.

[r.J se abbod [SJ beet [LJ andgit beet beet sw a is

oratorium et a as hoe p erp endzt quia ita est

[11 . J don beerrihte godes [d .J w oore [d .J [e Jbar ba1 hi [n .Jagant 1bidem opus dei ubi op e

w yrcan[e .J [f.J ege mid godcundum bigeenge [g J [hJ cw uw a

rantur cum tremore div ano flectentes genua

[e .Jsw a gelice [b J ba ba on.[b.J gange [e .J synd [b.J esende [b.J

S1militer qu1 in itinere sunt d irecti

*hid hi [e.Jna for gimeleasian [p .J on gesettere tide [e.J abhi [h.J5 non eos p retereant hare eonst1tute sed

sw a sw a hi [k Jmagon don [11 .J heom sylfum [1.J 7 [OJ beowut p assant agent sibi et servi

domes [O .J gafol [n.J hi na forgimeleasab agylflan.

tutis p ensu/m nan neglegant reddere


[b.J be for eenigre andsw are ba beob afarenne


7 on bam sylfan deege hi hihtan gecyrran to mynstre1 0 ET EA d ie sp erant reverti ad monasterium

hina gedyrstleecan w ib utan [d .J etan [e.J [e .Jbeah beN on p resumant foris manducare etiam

[e.Jbeon fi em eenigum [fJ men gel. edene buton hit sig beboden

s i a quavis rogentur . ni si

w un11nga [i.J fram heora [k .J abbude [k .J heom [g.Jforte ab ab a te suo eis precip iatur ;

beet [b.J gif hi elles dob[b.J hi beon *amsumude .

uad si a liter fecerint exeommunieentur ;


gebedhus [c J [b.J beet sig [e .J beet hit 1s [d .J gecw eden [d J me neOra torium hoe sit quad dicitur nee

beer eenig binog eslles si ge don [d .J abbe [eJ gelodibi quicquam aliud geratur aut eonda tur

3 . bigcenge, see note. cw uw a , read onaw a . 5 . hid , probably d is a

pav ing letter and hi dittography . 1 4. amsumude,read ama nsumude.

1 6 . gebedhus, h above line . 1 7. egelod , see note .

6 . agant, MS. agans, 3 being underdotted , and t w ritten over it . 8 . SATIS,


1 5 . ORATORIO, MS. ORATOB II. 1 6 . Ora torium,

MS. Oora torium.

The Oratory to be used for p rayer only . On hosp itality . [8 7

gefylledum w earce [e .J mid healicum [d .J sw ige [b.JEmp leto op ere dei cum summa silentio

hi utgan 7 si gesungen mid arw yrbnysse [f.J beet [gJJ [b.Jexeant et aga tur reverentia d eo ut fra ter[1.J feerunga heom sylfan [n.J synderlice [m.J so be w ile [m.J

( 151 a . ) qui forte sibi p eculia liter vult orare

[g.J na si geledt obres mid onhrope [e .J 7 gif w ile [a .Jnon imp ed ia tur a lterius inp robita te Sed et si a liter

him [gJ sylfum w enunga [k.J digelicor gebiddan [i.J andfealdlice

vult sibi forte seeretius orare simp liciter 5

ah he inga 7 he gebidde [b.J na mid blud 1 e [d .J stefne [d Jintret et oret. nan in clamosa voce

ac on tearum 7 onbryi dnesse [f.J heortan [g.J [b.J se besed in la erimis et intent1ane cordis , Ergo qu1

gelice w eorc na deb he na si gebafod gefylledum [f.J w eorce [f.Jsimile opus non facit nan p ermitta tur exp licito op ere

beeftan belifan [e .J eallsw a hit is geseed ober

remarari in ora torio sicut dictum est. ne a lius

lettincge beet he na bolige.

imp edimentum p a tia tur


[bJeells oferbecumendlicum [b.J cuman [b.J sw a sw a crist [e .JOMNES SUPERVENIENTES H OSPITES TAMQUAM

[e.J forbam [d .J be his to cw ebenne [d .J [e.Jchristus suscip iantur. quia ip se dieturus est

cuma [bJ ic w ees 7 geunderfangenne [e .J [d .J [a .J 7 eallum

hosp es fu1 : et suscep ist1s me , Et omnibus

beeslic [b.Jw u1b meub [b.J 7 si gegearcod [e .J sw ybest [e.Jcongruus honor ew ibea tur maxime

hiw cubum [d .J geleafan 7 eelbeodigum [f.J [g.J bonne bib

domesticis fidei et p eregrinis Ut ergo nun

gecyged [g.J cui na [h.J [e .Jsi becumen [b.J fiam bam ealdre

tia tus fuerit hosp es . oceurratur ci a pri ore

4. geled i, d corr. from other letter, a 2 onhrop e, e indistinct. 1 7. gecg’

ged .

In the MS. ged is crossed out , and dd w ritten over it.

7 . la crimis, MS. Iaerimo ; but a underdotted , and is w ritten over it .

1 3 . suscip iantar,MS. susp ieiantur. 1 4 . hosp es,MS. has sp es. suscep istis,

MS. suscep istist, but the latter t underdotted . 16 . p ereg1 1nis, MS p ere


8 8 ] G uests to be receiv ed as‘

Christ H imself.

abbe fram [d .Jgebrobrum [d .J mid ealre [e.Jbenunge. [e.J sabre

vel a fra tribus cu/m omni ofieio hari

lufe [e .J7 eerest[b.Jhi gebidan[e .Jeac samod[c.J7 sw a hi been[d .Jta tis ; Et p rimitus harent p ariter : et sic sibi

gefeerleehte [d .J on sibbe beet [a .J ii a sig geboden Sibbe costsocientur 1n p ace , Qu p acis osculum

[e .J buton bam foreseedan gebeda for deofi/

um [f.Jnon oferatur nisi ora tione p remissa . p rop ter

sw icuncgum [f.J [f.J [e .J on beere sylfan gretinge [e.J5 illusiones d iabolicas In ip sa autem sa luta tione

eelc [b.J si [e .Jgegearcod ci him meeb eallum [e.J aw egomnis exibea tur. humanitas Omnibus

obbe cumende [e.J [f.J gew itendum [f.J cuman sit [g.Jahyltumvenientibus sive d iscedentibus hosp itibus. inclina ta

heafde [g.J [h.J [h.J callum lichaman on eorban [k.Jcap ite. vel p rostrato omni corpore in terram

[b.Jcrist on [e.Jheom si gebeden [e .J se be bib underfangen

christus in eis adoretur Qui et suscip i tur ,

underfangenum [b.J [i.J cuman [g.J bean [e .J geleedde [e.JSuscep tis hosp ites ducantur d

to gebede 7 sibban [h.J 7 sitte [e.J ealdor [h.Jora tionem. et p ostea sedea t cum eis p rior aut cui

[h.J [h.J si geresd [e .J eetforan barn cuman seo [e .Jj usserit ip se lega tur eoram osp ite lete ( 1 51 b. )

godeunde lage [e.J beet [d .J beon getrymede [e.J7 eefter bisandivina ut edificetur et p ost

eelc [f.J him gearcod meeb[f.J [h.J feesten fram ealdre

hec omnis ei ewhibeatur humanita s ; j ejunium a p riore

si tobroden for [d .J cuman [d .J buton w enunga [f.J healic [g.J1 5 franga tur p rop ter hosp item ni s1 forte p reci

deeg [e.J sig [g.Jfeestenes se na mage beon gew eenmed [e.Jp uus s1 t d 1es j ej unzi qui non p ossit violari ; Fratres

[b.J [d .J gew unan feestena [e.J fylian w eeter [e.Jautem eonsuetudinibus j ejuniorum p rosequantur ; Aquam in

6 . Latin in glossator’

s hand , under him. ma d, see note. a w eg belongs

to gew itendum in l. 7. 7. sit,Latin , or a misreading for sig, belonging

to 3 1°

gebed en (l. 1 0 . [e.J or [e .J? 1 2 . [e .J not clear. 1 4 . [h ] ?or or h0 = autem ? 1 6 . geu


cenmed,read gew cemmed .

9 . adoretur , MS. adorietur. suscip itar, MS. susp ieitar. 1 0. Suscep tisin the MS. (read suscep ti) ; a v ery old mistake, w hich has been glossed

accordingly . 1 4. j ej unium,MS. j aniam. 15, 1 6. p recip uus, MS. p reeip ias.

90 ] The monks to receiv e no letters or p resents, w ithout leav e .

w earce 7 na beet an [e .J [e.J on heom [e.Jah on eallum [e .Jop era , Et nan solum in ip sis . sed in amni

benungum [e.J mynstres [b.J Sig [a .Jbeos foreseeaw unga [b.Jbus ofieiismona sterii i sta sit considera t io. ( 152 a .)

beet bonne hi behofiab [i.J helpas bean bef’


ut quando indigent : salaeia accommodentur e1s

[k .J [1.J bonne hi [n.Jeemtiab [n.J 7 hi hirsumiab bebo

et iterum quando vacant abediant imp er

denum [e.J [d .J [e .J cumena [f.J habbe beteeht hus [b.J5 anti ; Item et eellam hasp itum abea t asigna tam fra ter.

bees saw le godes [b.J ege [b.J he geahnige bar beon

cuius anima t1mar de1 p assidet ubi sint

bedreaf genihtsumlice [m.J [n.J [n.J fram w issum mannum

leoti stra ti sufieienter. et domus dei a sap ientibus

w islice 7 Si gebenode [m.J cuman [b.J'

bam be na bib

sap ienter amministretur ; H asp itibus autem cui nan p re

bahaden nateshw on na sigefeerleeht na ne Sig gesprecan

eip itur nullatenus societur neque canloqua tur.

7 gif he agen cymb abbe he gesihb gegrettum [1.J sw a

IO sed et si obviaverit aut viderit sa lutatis humi

sw a hit [m.J is her bufan geseed [m.J gebedenra [k .Jliter quad dictum et p etita

bletsunga [k .J ah he ga [i.J [n.J [p .J na bean alifeed

benedictione p ertransea t dicens sibi non licere

samod spreeaon mid cuman

eonloqui cum hasp ite.



naht na Si alifed bam netram his magumNullatenus licea t monacho neque a p arentibus sui s

nafrom eenigum mannan heom betw eona

neque quoquam haminum nee sibi invicem litteras. eulogias

abbe eenige lac underfon abbe syllan buton bebode

vel quelibet munuscula acoip ere aut dare sine p reeep ta

3 . aecammadentur, MS. aecammedentur. 6 . anima , MS. animar.

sint, added by glossator. 8 . sap ienter, MS. sip ienter. hasp itibus, MS.

hasp otibus. 1 0. obvia verit,ve above line. 15 . sascip ere, MS. sascip e.

1 8 . manuscula ,MS. manuscedp a .

D ress to be in accordance w ith the climate .

bees abbados beet gif bib eac sw ylce fi am his magum

abba tis. Quad si etiam a p arentibus suis

him eenigbinc gesend he na gedyrstleece underfon baetci quicquam directu mfuerit . nan p resuma t suseip ere il

’ud . nisi

eerest buton hit beo gesesd bam abbada beet gif he heed

prius 1nd icatum fuerit abba ti Quad si juserit

beon underfangen sig on*anfealde barnbe he beet

suscip i . in abba tis s1 i p otesta te. cui illud

heet syllan 7 he na Si gedreefed bam be hit bib

jubead dare et non. eontristetur frater cui forte 5

gesent bcet na Si geseald intingu bam deafle se be ge

d irectum fuera t ut nan detur occasio d 1abala , Quia

dyrstleecb elles regolicere stire he

b. ) autem a liter p resumserit discip line regulari sub


j acea t ;

be hreegel benam 7 seeah benum gebrobra


[bJ reaf [c.J [d .Jeefter stow e [e J gehw ylcnysse [d .J beerVestzmenta fi a tribus secundum lacorum qua lita tem

beer hi ea i diab bean gesealde forbam on cealdumubi abitant. vel aerum temp eriem. dentur. quia in frigidis

eardum [1.J sw ybor be behofabon w eermum less [e .Jregianibus amp lius ind igetur. in colidis vera minus ; H aec

beos foreseeaw ung [e .J mid barn abbude is [e .Jergo considera tio p enes abba tem est ; Nos tamen

on medenlicum stow um [e .J genihtsumian [e.J [e.J munecum

mediacribus lacis sufieere eredimus monachis

geond eenlepige [f.J*culam 7 tonican

*culam on w intre

p er singulos eucullam et tanicam ; Cucultam in hieme 1 5

bicce [b.J 0 11 sumere binne [k.J abbe ealdnesse 7

i villasam. in esta te pu/ram. aut vetusta tem et

scapularian for w earcum [O .J* fiandreaf [b.J fota

scapulare p rop ter op era Indumenta p edum.

3 . ha d,d or t. 4 . anfea lde, read anw ea lde . 1 3 . foreseea w ung,f

might be r . 15. eulam,read culan (tw ice) . 1 7. fiandreaj } see note.

5 . jubead dare,MS. j ube ad da re. 9 . LV . In the MS. this is found

before vestimenta . 9 . CALCIARIIS, MS. CALCIARIS . 1 1 . tamp ariam,

MS. tamp ariam. 1 6 . vetusta tem,MS. vetustanlem. The other texts

have vetustam for w hich vetasta (n)tem is an old mistake , hav ing been

glossed as though a substantive .

92 ] O ld habits to be k ep t for the p oor. [Oh . LV.

soccas 7 hosan [e.J bara binga eallra be bleo‘

p edules et ca liga s D e quaram rerwm. omnina de ealare

na abbe gretnysse [d .J na cidan [b.J ah sw a sw ilce

aut grassitudine non causentur monachi . sed qua les

sw a magan bean gefundene [f.J on scira [h.J on bam be hiinveniri p assunt in p rovincia qua habi

w uniab abbe sw a hw eet sw a w aclicor [m.J bean w ibmetene meegtant aut quad vilius camp arari p otest

[e .J [b.J be gemete foreseeaw ige beet na bean [e .J5 Abbas autem de mensura p revidea t ut nan

gescyrte ba Sylfan rcaf brucendas hi ah gemetlice

curta ip sa vestimenta utentibus. ea sed mensurata

nimanda niw e ba ealdan [b.J hi agifan on andw erdum to

Aceipientes nova vetera semp er reddant in presenti loco re

geleohgenne on rasgal huse for bearfan genah bib

p anenda in vestiaria. p rop ter p aup eres Suficit

[b.J muneca tw a tunicau 7 tw a cuflan habban

enim monacha duos tonicas. et duas euculla s habere

for nihtum 7 for bw eale beet beet1 0 p rop ter nactes. et p rop ter lava tianem. J am quad

to lafe bib bean ofadon [e .J 7 mean

sup ra fuerit sup erfluu/m est. amp utare deeet Et p edules :

7 sw a hw eet sw a his eald [b.J 7 hi agildan bonneet quadeumque est vetustum semp er reddant

hi underfob bonne hi underfab niw e . rec bas ba badum accip ia nt novum ; Femura lia hi qui in ( 1 53 a .)

[f.J beab asende on hreegelhuse niman ba hi gecyrrendevia d iriguntur de vestia ria accip iant qui revertentes

gebw agenu bara agenbringan [b.Jcuflan [e .J 7 tamicen [e.Jlata ibi restituant ; Cueulle et tonice

bean oberhw ilen synd gew unede sunt habban eethw igan heterensint a liquanta salita quas habent modice meliores

8 . geleohgenne, h above line. 1 3 . under/”ad ( a dittographical glass to

a ccip iant) , a or a ? rec, one letter not clear, probably b this w ould make it

brea. 1 5 . gepw agenum, 10 corr. from r. euflan,see note . 1 6 . sunt in

hand of glossator.

1 . calore, MS. ca lore. do ? cf. note to 1 0 . 7. 2 . ant, MS. a it. causentur,

MS. causenter,w ith a 11 over the er . 7. Aceip ientes, MS. Aceip iens .

loco in none of the other texts ; the MS. has lace. 1 1 . d ecet, MS. dedet.

1 3 . dum,the MS. has d ivine d am. navam,

MS. navenz,but 6 corr. into 11 .

1 6 . solita, MS. salitis.

94 ] The guests or some brethren to j oin the Abbot’ s table .

on eallum [b.J his domum edlean

In omnibus tamon judieiis retributianem

he bencecogitet


nisan [0 ] mid eelbeodigum 7 [e.Jcuman *Syb


Simble sw a of sw a beahhw eebere lees [i J sint [g.J [b.Jgystes5 semp er Quoties tamen minus sint ha 1p ites

ba ba he w ile of gebrobrum [b.J geclypian his Sigquos vult dc fra tribus voeare in ip sius sit

on*anfealdre ealdres [b.J eenne abbe tw egen eefre


p otesta te Seniores tamen unum aut duos semp er cum

gebrobrum to forleetene for lare abbe stirefratribus dimittendum p rop ter discip linam


creefican [b.J gif sind on mynstre mid ealre eadmod


nesse hi don ba Sylfan creeftas gif gebafab se abbud

ta te faciant ip sa s artes. si p ermiserit abba

beet [a .J gif bib eenig [a .J[b.J upahafen [a .J for ingehideQuad si a liquis eac eis extallitur p ro scientia

his creeftes beah be he beogeeseew en sum binc burhteonartis sue ea quad videa tur a liquid conferre

on minstre beS sw ylce Si upahreered fram bam Sylfan creefte

monasterio. hie ta lis eriga tur ab ip sa arte

7 ober siban burh hine lie na fare buton w enunge geeadI 6 et denuo p er eam nan transea t. nisi forte humi

mottum [p .J hatte gif hw eet [a .J [b.J of w earcum

liata ei iterum abba jubea t Si quid vera ex ap eribus

4 . Erasure before nisa n, read misan. sgd, read egg or bgb.

for aft. 7 . a nfea ld re, read anw ea lda . 1 0 . Read erceftiean.

gcesaew en, see under the rest, a contemporary addition.

3 . LVI. in the MS. before mensa , in line 4 . 6 . ip sius, MS. ip sis.

8 . d imittendum,MS. d imitiendo. The w ord p raearet of the other texts

completing ours is omitted in the MS. 9 . ARTIF ICIBUS , MS ARTICIBUS.

LVII before Artifices in 1. I O . 1 2 . ea eis in glossator'

s handw n ting.

T he v arious artisans humbly to d o their ow n w ork . [95

w yrhtena is to sillanne w arnien hi sylfe burhartifieum vemmdandw n est ; videant ip si p er

bara handa be synd to syllanne beet hina gedyrstleecanquorum manus transigenda sunt ne a liquam

eenig facen [k .J on gebringan hi gemunon eefre

fraudem presamant infirre. Memarentur semp er

beet hine [e .J [f.J be hi on lichaman

annanie. et saphire ne forte mortem quam illi in corp ore

bolodan [f.J bas [b.J abbe eells eenig facen [1.J of

p e1 tulerunt .

1 hane isti vel omnes qui a liquam fraudem de 5

bingum mynstres babedob [d .J bolian [e .J on

rebus ,

1 monasterii fecerint in anima p a tiantu/r ,

1 In

bam Sylfum [b.J sceattum ne undersmuge gitsunge yfelip sis autem p retiis non subrip iat avaritie ma lmn .

ah sige eethw ega w aclicor seald bonne fram obrumsed semp er aliquantu

’um vilius detur quam ab aliis

w or uldlicum bingum beet Sig eallum gew uldrod gode

( l54 a ) secularibus I ut in omnibus glori/‘

icetur deus ;


niw an [f.J cumenne eenig to gecyrrednesse ne Si him ebelic [bJNOVITEE VEN IENS QUIS AD CONVERSIONEM . nan ci faeilzs

forgifen in feereld [a .Jac [i.J sw a sw a seede [i .J [k .Jfandiabtribuatu/r ingressus. sed sicut a it ap ostalus. p roba te

gastes gif hi of gode sind [m.J [a .J cumende gif he burhsp iritus si ea: deo sunt. Ergo si veniens p ersevera

w unab cnuciende 7 gifhe on gebrohtum teanum 7 unfrodnyssaverit p ulsans et inlatas sibi injurias. et d zfiiculta tem

inegan [l.J astier feow erdagum [m.J [m.J 7 bid

ingressus p ast qua ttuar aut quinque dies

gesaw en [n.J [d .J gebyldelice beran 7 burhw unian his bene [t .Jvisus fuerit p atienter p ortare. et p ersistere petitiani

[q .J[m.J Si forgifen in agan in feereld [r.J on huse mid

sue annuatur ei ingressa s .


et sit in calla has

9 . gode, g partly erased , instead of e, w hich w as most likely intended to beerased .

1 . ip si, added by glossator. 1 0. SUSOIPIENDORUM FRATRUM,MS. AD S . F .


w hich may also indicate that AD SUSCIPIENDOS FRATRES w as in the original.

LVIII in the MS. before N aviler. 1 2 . a it,MS. a t. 1 3 . veniens, MS.

inveniens .

O n

the w ay of receiv ing


N ov ices. [Oh . L VIII .

cumendre on feaw um degum sybban[e.J [b.J Slg on huse

pitam paucis d iebus ; Postea autem sit in eella

nicumendra beer he smeege [g.J 7 he etc 7 he sleepe [i J [a .Jnavitiarum : ubi meditetur et manducet et dormia t ;

[a .J ealdor him [b.J sw ilc 7 Si beteehte se Sig [d .J gelimlic [e .JEt sen1ar ci tal1 s deputetur quia ap tus

[f.J to gestrynenne [f.J sanw la [g.J [h.J [i.J ofer [i.J him ne [1.Jsit ad lucrandas animas . qui sup er eum

eallunga [k .J geornlice Si begeme 7 hohful [m.J5 omnina curiose intendat ,


et sollicitus sit. revera deum

[q.J [r.J to godes w earce to gehyrsumnesse [t Jquerit si solici tus est ad apus dei ad aboedient1am

7 to hospa bean gebodenne celra heardnessa [e .J [e .J 7ad abp rabria ,

1 Predicentur ci amnia dura . et

stibnissa [d .J burh beet he si gefaren to gode [a .J7 gif he helzeetaspera p er que itur ad deum; Et 81 p ramiserit

be his stabolfeestnessa [e.J [e.J anreednessa eefter tw egra

de stabilitate sua p erseverentiam .


post da

monbum [d .Jonbrine [a .JSi geresd [b.Jhim [e .Jb1 0 arum mensium circulum legatur cui hee

regal be endebyrdnessa [d .J 7 Si geseed him efne her is

regula p er ordinem et dica tur ci eece lea .

under beere beow ian bu w ilt git [e .J bu miht [i.J gehealdan [k Jsub qua militare vis ; Si p ates abser1 are

infaran gifbu na miht [n.J [m J [q.J frige [pJaw eggew it

ingredere. si vera nan p ates. liber discede

gif[e.J ba git [f J he stint bonne he Si galeed on bam fore

Si adhuc steterit. tune duca tur in sup ra ( 154

seadan [e.J huse [e.J nicumenra 7 he Si fandod [q.Jdietam eellam navitiorum et iterum p rebetur

on callum gebylde 7 eefter syx monba [e.J embrine 7 Si afor

in omni p atientia ,

1 Et p ast sex mensium circulam rele

reed him regal [e.J beet he w ite to ban ingange [g.J 7 gif

ga tur ei regula , ut seia t ad quad ingreditur ,

1 Et si

5 . si (Latin) , i corr. from e . 1 0. an brine, read embrine. 1 4. Second he

not clear. 1 5 . j andad stands so close upon margin that something before

it may have been cut aw ay .

2 . med itetur, MS. medieefnr. 5 . revera deum querit, MS. reverendum

quem. 8 . p er que i tar, MS. p ersequentur. 1 3 . d isced e, MS. d isscede.

1 4 . dueatur, d cut aw ay . 15 . The contraction for p re stands over p ro

of probetur in glossator’

s hand as ifhe w ished to correct it thus.

9 8 ] All their p rop erty to be giv en up to the monastery .

mearce do 7 mid his handa hit ofor bam w eofo de

signum facia l et man/u sua eam sup er'


he leege beet gew rit bonne he laeigd agenne se nicumena sona

p ona t Quam dam p osuerit. incip ia t ip se novitius mos: ( 1 55

bis fers [b.J [e.J [e .J eefter biure [d .J spreece

hunc versum Suseip e me, domine secundum eloquium

[d .J 7 ic libbe na gescynd bu me fram minre anbidunge

tuum et vivam et ne confundas me ab exp ectatione

[h.J beet fers call seo geederung briddan siban

5mea Quem versum omnis congregatio tertio resp ondea t

to gebeodenne mid [f.J [b.J se nicumena brobor [e .J Si

adjungentes. gloria p atri Tune ip se frater novitius p roster

abreht eenlepigra [d .J fotum beet hi biddan for him [a .Jnatur singulorum p edibus ut orent p ro eo Etiam

of beere tide on gegeederunge he Si geteld gif he hw ylceea; illa hora in congrega tw ne reputetur. Res si qua s

bino haeffi beet heiaspendae [e.J eer bearfum [d .J ob‘

be gew orden

habet aut eroget p rius p aup eribus. aut factaSimbollice Sylene he forgife minstre [k .J him Sylfum

1 o solempniter donatione confera t monasterio. nihil sibi

na healdende of eallum w itodlice se be of bam deege [q .J netoreservans ea; omnibus. quipp e qu1 ex illa die nee

*ontigenum lichaman *

andfealde w ite sana [b.J on cyrican

p rop rii corp oris potesta tem seia t , 1 11 0 11 ergo in ora torio

he Si unscryd agenum bingan Mid bam be w aelgescryd [e . 7Jexuatur rebus p rop riis quibus oestitus est . et

he Si gescrid mid bingum minstres ba [b.J reaf[b.Jindua tur rebus monasterii Illa autem vestimenta

mid bam be he w ees unscrid beon gelogodre on raegelhuse

quibus exutus est rep onantur in vestiaria

to gehealdenna aet suman cyrre tihtendum deofle gif he bafeconservanda ut si a liquando suaden te diabolo coneen

bafab beet he utga of minstre unscrydserit

,ut egrediatur de monasterio quod absit tune exutus

8 . ofio crossed , perhaps corrected from e. 1 1 . neto, see note. 1 2 . anti

genum, see note. andfea lde, read anw ea lde. 1 5 . gelogodre, see note.

1 6 , 1 7. gif bep afepafad, read gif'

bepafad .

8 . qua s, MS. quod . 1 3 . exua tur rebus , MS. ewua turebas. 1 4. Illa,

MS. I lli .

The children of the rich to bring no p rop erty w ith them . [9 9

bingum [r.J he Si ut adreefed beet behhw aebererebus monasterii p roicia tur Illam tamen

gew rit [e.J his beet he 11am uppa11 [fJ ban w eofode [f J [g.Jp etitionem eius quam sup er a ltar1 abbas

undel fond he na underfo [h.J ac hit Si gehealden

tulit non recipiat sed in monasterio reservetur



gif hw a [d .J [b.J of eebelborenum ofi’

rab l dat his *earn

SI QUIS F ORTE DE NOBILIB US of ert filium suum

gode on minster gif he beet Sylfe cild on iunre ylde( 155 b.) deo in monasterio si ip se puer minori

is his magas don gew ritt Sw a sw a w e bufan

aetate est. p arentes eius faciant p etitionem quam supra

mid ofrunge beet gew rit hand

diximus. et cum oblatione ip sam p etitionem. et manum

cildeS 7 he be fealde on w eofodsceatan

puer1 involfvant in p alla a ltaris. et sic eum

7 hi geofrian of heora eehtum obbe on andw eardum


erant ; De rebus autem sui s aut in p resenti

gew rite hi beliata‘

S under absw are beet bi neefre ne burhp etitionem p romittant sub j w rejurando quia numquam

hi Sylfe ne burh gew enedne had ne mid nanum

p er se numquam p er sufiectam p ersonam nec quo

gemett him eet eenigon cirre aeni binc syllan obbe hi

libet modo ei a l1quando a liquit de11t. 11ec tri

forgifan intingan to habbenne obbe sobes beet don

buant occasionem babendi Vel certe si [10 0 faceregif hi nellaiS 7 eenigbincg ofi

rian 7 hi w yllab to eelmeessan

noluerint et quid qfi’

erre roluerint in elemosina

on minstre for heora mede hi don of bingum ba be hi

monasterio p ro mercede sua faciant ea: rebus quasw illab syllan mynstr e,

Sylene gehealdenumdare 1


0lunt monasterio donationem. reserva to

2 , 3 . 11am, gloss to tulit ( l. 3 ) undeifond, originally marginal note to be

underfo ? 6 . Zda t in hand of glossator. ea/rn, a letter blotted before it ;read bearn. 1 3 . gew enedne

,see note . 1 4. gemett or gemete ?

4 . MS. OFFERUNT DE F . N . A. P. QUI. 6 . SI,erasure betw een S and I.

nobilibus, second 1°

corrected from u by erasure . 7. in omitted by La tin

scribe . 1 2 . MS. p romitla t. 1 3 . sufi’

ectam, see note. 1 8 . dona tionem,

111 corrected from tw o other letters.

H 2

1 0 0 ] If a Mass-p riest w ishes to liv e in the monastery,

him Sylfan sw a gif hi w illab laudare 7 beon behyddasibi. s1 ita noluerint, usufructuario Atque ita

ealle binc* dedre beet eenig to hopa na belife bam cilde

omnia obstruantur ut nulla suSp icio remaneat puero

burh ba bepaehb losian he mage ba t fcor Sig beet mid afun

p er quam decep tus p erire p ossit quod absit quod exp eri

dennesse w elleorniab sw a gelice soblice sw ylce ba bearflicranmento didicimus Similiter autem et p aup eriores

don gif mid ealle hi naht nabbab anfealdlice

5fa ciant Si qui cero eac toto nihil habent simp liciter

gew rit hidon mid ofrunge 7 11i ofriai3 heora cildra aetforan

p etitionemfaciant. et obla tionem oferant filium suum coram

gew itnessum



(CAP. LX.)

gif hw ilc be endebyrdnesse msessepreostrum on minstre

1 0 S1 QUIS DE ORDINE SACERDOTUM in monasterium se

beon underfangen [e .J [a .J ne Sig [b.J hreedlice

susc1p 1 roqaverit non quidem lei citius ( 1 56 3 )

gebafod [b.J gif eallunga he burhw unaifl [e .J on bissei eassentiant ; Tamen si omnino p erstiterit. in bac supp li

halsunge he w ite ealle lare regules beahfeestnysse to healdenne

catione. seia t se omnem regule discip linam sercaturum

nene eenig binc Si forgifen beet heSig sw a sw a hit aw riten

N cc a liquid ci relaxabitur ut sit sicut scrip tum

is eala bu freond to hw am comebu Sy geunnen him1 5 est ; Amice. ad quod venisti Concedatur ei tamen

eefter bam abbote Standan 7 bletsian obbe meessen healden

p ost abba tem stare. et benedicere aut missas tenere.

gif [b.J hset [g.J hi him * hellas [a .J nateshw on he nege

si tamen jusserit ei abba , Sin a lias nulla tenus p re

1 , 2 . beby’

dda ea llep inc dedre, beligdda and dedre probably belong together,and read, beby

dd edme, thus eliminating the consequences of a partial ditto

graphy ; see p . 98 . 1 5 . 4 . w elleorniab, i . e . w e leorniap . 1 0 . ma sse

p reostrum,read mcessep reostra ; see note . 1 3 . peabfcestni/sse, read pea



foestni/sse, 71 corrected from other letter, possibly 10 . 1 7. bellas, read be


1 . noluerint, 11 corr. from ti . 6 . ofi'

erant, MS. of rea t. 8 . MS.

VOLERINT . 1 1 . e1'

citius, MS. excitius .

10 2 ] Pilgrim monk s to leave the monastery,

tide sw a he gew ilnab gif he gew istlice gesceadw islice 7temp ore cup it ; Si qua sane ra tionabiliter et

mid eadmodnesse S06re lufe hw ylce binc repaifloiSiSe gesw utalaii

cum humilitate baritatis rep rehendit aut ostendit.

smeege [b.J snotorlice be lees forbau Sylfan bingan hine

tractet abbas p rudenter ne forte p ro ip so eum

[e.J seende gif he w ile Syifiian [O .J his stafiolfeestnesse

dominus direoeerit. Si oero p ostea voluerit stabilita tem

[d .J getrymman na Si forw yrned sw ylc Willa 7 SW iiSest

5 suamfirmare. non renuatur talis voluntas. et maxime

forban cumliiinesse be mihte his lif [h.J beon acnaw an

quia temp ore bosp ita lita tis p otuit eius vita dignosm.

beet gif bit? gemet oferflow ende 066e leahterfull [g.J [g.JQuod si sup erfluus aut vitiosus inventus fuerit

on tide [g.J [b.Jbeet an [b.Jhena scelbeon gefeerleeht gefer

temp orebosp italitatis : non solum non debet sociari cor

reddene mynstres ac eac sw ylce Si gessed arw yriilice beet hep ori monasterii . verum etiam dicatur ei boneste ut

aw eggew ite [p .J mid [i .J his yrmiia [r.J Cfire [q .J [p.JIO disceda t ne eius miseria etiam a lii citientur.

beet gif he na bi6 sw ylc geearnige beon ut adreefeed

Quod si non fuerit ta lis qui merea tur proici

beet an gif he bitt he Si underfangen gegeederunge

non solum si p etierit suscip iatur conqrega tioni

to geferleetenne ac eao sw ylce he Si geleered beet he stande [p .Jsociandus veri/mi etiam suadeatur ut stet ut

mid his bish e 065m beon geleerede 7 Sig on eelcere stow eeius exemp lo a lii erudiantur Et quia 1n omni loco

anum drihtne beet gebeow od anum cinge 7 Si gecampod

1 5 uni domino servi tur ; uni req1 milita tur , Quem

gif [k .J byline beon besceaw iaii [h.J Sigelifed him on

si etiam ta lem esse p ersp exerit abba . licea t“

eum in

uferan eethw ega [d .J gesettan Stide [n.J [O .J [O .Jsup eriorem a liquantulum constitueret. locum. non solum autem

1 0. 311 11111 11 , a ofmuch larger Size than the other characters.

4 . d irexerit, MS. d ixerint. 6. MS. li ospita tis. 9 . monasteri i , MS.

mona sterio, but last 0 underdotted , and i w ritten over it. 1 1 . p roici ,

MS. proj iciunt. 1 5 . servitur, MS . servia tur. 1 7. autem,MS. aut.

unless they p rove w orthy of the hosp itality . [10 3

[p oJ ah [q .J of bam foreseedum gradum [g.Jmonachw n . sed etiam de sup erscrip tis gradibus sacerdotum.


flie preosta gestabolfeestan meeg [X .J on maran w heenne

( 1 57 a .) vel clericorum stabilire p otest abba s in ma iori quam

ineode Stede gif he big besceaw ad beet lif [w .J w eernige

ingred itur loco si ejus ta lem p erspexerit vitam. esse. Cavea t

[b.J [e.J beet eehw eenne of 05mm cu°

dum mynstreautem abba ne a liquando de a lio noto monasterio

[e .J to w unigenne he ne underfo buton gebafungemona clium ad babi tandum suscip iat sine consensu 5

abbotes his [i.J stafum ofifie gegi etlicum forbam be hit is

abba tis ej us aut litteris commendaciis Quia scrip

aw riten bcet beet be sylfan bu nilt beon ne du 06mmtwm est ; Quod tibi non fuis fieri. a lii



gif eenig [b.J him Sylfan meessepreoSt oiSiSe [LJ diacon


beon gehadod geornfi of his geceose se w yrfie Sig preosthadeOrdinari p etierit de suis eliga t qui dignus sit sacerdotio

brucen se gehadoda [b.J w arnige upahafennesse 7 modigfungi ; Ordina tus autem ca vea t ela tionem. a tque sup er

nesse ne he me ge eenig bing (lyrstleece butan beet be himbiam , N ee quicquam p resuma t nisi quod ci

fram barn abbode beboden w itende micele sw yfior styreab abba te p recip itur Sciens se multo magis discip line

regollicere underbeodne [a .J intingan preost ne he na for

regulari subditum Neo occasio ne sacerdotii oblivisca 1 5

gimeleasne regoles gehyrsumnesse 7 beaw feestnesse ac sw iiior

tur regule oboedientiam et d iscip linam sed magis

7 sw iiior on gode he gebeo stede beene [b.J [e .Jhac magis in deum p roficia t ; Locum fuero illum semp er

he begyme on bam be he in*ne0 de [d .J on mynstre toforan

a ttenda t quo inqressus est in monasterium p reter

3 . bescea w ad , a indistinct. 1 5, 1 6. forg imeleasne, read forqimeleasie.

1 8 . in neode, read inn code.

2 . clericorum,MS. declericorum. 1 0 . p resbiterum,

MS. p resbiteri .

1 4 . ab a bba te precip ita r , MS. abba tep recep itur, and i w ritten ov er second 6

of p recep itur . 1 7 rero, MS. oera . 1 8 . monasterium, u corrected from a .

10 4 ] The Priest to abstain from p rid e .

benunge w eofodes ofifie gif w ile gecorenes geederunge 7

oficium altaris Aut si forte electio congraqationis et

Willa bees abbodes lifes forgearnunge him w endan 066e

volun tas abba tis p ro vite merito cum p romovere

stirau [a .J se [LJ regol fram decanum oiifie fram

voluerit qui tamen regulam a decanis vel p re

pravostum him Sylfan gesetne gehealden [i .J w ite beet gifp ositis sibi constitutam sercare seiat Quod si

he elles gedyrstleecii na sacerdos ac hw ifiercora ac beo geme

5 a liter p resump serit non sacerdos sed rebellio j ud 1ee

demod [a .J gelome geminegod gif he ne bi6 gebreadd [b.Jti er Et sep e ammonitus si non correocerit etiam

[b.J si gegearcod [d .J on gew itnesse beet [a .J gif he hitep iscopus adhibeatur in testimon-ium ; Quod si nee ( 1 57b

sw a [a .J ne ge bett [a .J [d .J he Si utadreefed

sic emenda verit clarescentibus culp is p roicia tur

[O.J gif hw ilc [h.J bits his tobundennessa [gJ beetde monasterio si tamen ta lis fuerit ejus contumacia ut

he been underbeod ofiifie gehyrsumian bam regole nele .

subdi aut obedire regule nolit


heora endebyrdnesse [d .J sw a hi gehealden sw a sw a


gecyrrednesse tima [g.J earnungc sw a sw a asyndraiioersiones temp us et vite meritum discernit.

7 sw a sw a se abbod hit gesette sene [a .J abbod [a .Jutque abbas constituerit Qui abbas

drefe [a .J befeeste him Sylfum heorde ne sw ilcum freolicum1 5 conturbet gregem sibi commissam nec quasi libera

brucenne anfealde unrihtlice he ne gedihte [e.J ac he beenceutens p otesta te injuste disp ona t a liquit sed cogitet

1 . w ile,10 abov e line . gecorenes, i. e . gecorenness. 5 . sa cerdos . The

Scribe w rote sacerdos by mistake ; corrected 0 into 71 , put 0 over s , and d e

under it ; the w hole is meant for sacerdbades. 5 . beo,b corr. from g .

5 , 6 . gemedemod , probably gedemed is the original reading. 1 6 . anfea lde,read anw ea lde.

2 . vite, MS. invite. 3 . MS. p rop ositis. 7. si nec, MS. sinet.

1 1 . QUO not in the MS., nor in any other Latin texts. These read : DE

ORDINE CONGREGATIONIS . 1 3 . cl c ite merit/1 111 , MS. ui vi temeriluui .1 5 . commissam,

MS. commissim. 1 6 . utens, MS. ut nos.

1 0 6 ] The younger brethren to Show resp ect for the eld er.

heora ginran nemnen ba ginran -ba yldran

j uniores suos fratres nominent juniores autem p riores suos

arw urfi'

e hi gecian boet bi6 to understandenne mid feederlicere

nonnos fvocent quod intellegitur p aterna

arw uriinesse [d .J for bam Se ba spellunga is gelyfedreverentia Abbas autem ' quia vices christi creditu/r

don Si genemned na mid his underfangennes

agere dominus et abbas oocetur ; non sua assumtione.

ac on w uriSmente 7 mid christes lufan he Sylf bence5 set honore et amore Christi . ip se autem cogitet et

hine 7 he gearcie w eorSe boet he Si S'

w ilcum w ur°


sic se exhibea t. ut dignus ut dignus sit. ta li honore.

sw a sw a ongeancumafi se ginra fram bum - ealdre

Ubicumque autem sibi obviant fratres junior a p riore bene

bletsunge bidde se leessa ariS 7 he Sylladictionem p etat. Transeunte majore. minor surga t et det ei

rymet to Sittenne ne ne gedyrstleece se ginra Sittan butonlocum sedendi N ec p resumat junior consedere nisi ci

hate his ealdor boet beo on w urfimente1 0 p recip iat senior suus ut fiat quod scrip tum est honors

foahreedigende geongra cildra oiiiie gluran

invicem p revenientes. Pueri p arvi vel adolescentes

oiSiSe eet meosan mid beaw feestnessa heora endebyrdin ora torio.

fuel ad mensas. cum discip lina ordines

nesse fylian w iiiutan hi been ob beet hi heordreedenesuas consequantu/r foris autem vel ubicumque custodiam

hi habban 7 to lare ofiiimt hi to andgitfullere yldebabeant et discip linam usque ad intellegibilem eta tem

becumen1 5 perreniant


bees abbodes on hadunge beet [bJ Si forasceaw od gescead

In abba tis ordina tione illa semp er consideretur ra tio. ( 1 58 11 )

her beet Si geseed bone be him Sylfum eal seo gesibsumut bio constitua tur. quem sibi omnis

1 1 . foakrw digende, readforabrw digende.

5 . christi , MS. ep iscop i (the scribe read Ep’

i for X51) . amore, MS, amor.

6 . a t d ignas , repeated thus in MS. 9 . presuma t, MS. p resumant.

The Abbot to think alw ays of the duty imp osed on him . [1 0 7

gegeederung [se.J eefter godes ege Sit o66e


congrega tio secunduni timorem dei sive

eac swylce beah be he ge-hw eede deel gegzederunga mid ge

etiam p ars quamvis p arca congrega tionis san1 0r1

w issum gebeahte gecysii be iarnunge 7 w isdomes

consilio elegerit ; Vite autem merito et sap ientiae

lare he Si gecoren se be 1s tohadgenne beah eefter

doctrina elegatur qui ordinandus est : etiam si ultimus

be he beo on endebyrdnesse gegeederunge beetfuerit in ordine congrega tionis Quod si etiam 5

for his leahtrum beet feor*Slt

omnis congregatio citiis suis quod qu em absit

gebafienne had mid gelicum gebeahte gif gecysii 7

consentientem p ersonam p ari co nsilio elegerit et

ba Sylfan leahtras eethw ega on cyfie biscopis becumon to

vitia ip sa a liquatenus in notitiam ep iscop i p eri'

enerint ad

bees Scir begena gebyrafi seo stow o66 e to

cujus diocessim p ertinet locus ip se vel ad

abboddum oiiiie ba cristenan nyhgeburum gesw uteliaii hi for

abba tes aut christianos mcinos claruerint. p ro 1 0

beodan bw yrlicra sw ybrian gebafiunge ah hw iw reeddene

bibeant p raoorum preva lere consensum sed domui dei

w ur6e gesetton dihtneran w itende for bi hi to under

dignam constituant disp ensatorem. scientes p ro 710 0 se recep

fonne mede [b.Jgode gyf bcet cleenlice 7 mid ande don hi

turos mercedem bonam. si illud ca ste et zelo dei facianteall sw a beer togenes

synna gyf hi forgeew aii gehadod

sieut e contrario p ecca tum si neglegant Ord inatus

soiilice he bence eefre hw ilce byrdena he underfeng 7autem abba cogitet semp er qua le bonus suscep it et 1 5

hw am he is to agendenne gescad his gerefsciran 7 w ite he

cui redditurus est ra tionem villicationis sug Scia tque

him Sylfan o gedafenian fremian sw iiior bonne derian him gebyraissibi op ortere p rodesse magis quam p reesse Op ortet

1 . odde, o corr. from e. 6 . sit, read sig . 9 . fiegena , i. e. pegnunga ?

1 0. gesw uteliad, t corrected from l ? 1 1 . hw iw rcedenne, read hiw rw denne.

1 2 . underfonne, o corr. from u or 11 . 1 4. togenes, first 6 corr. into az.

forget-w a d, see note . 1 5 . byrdena , d corr. from some other letter ?

1 7 gedafenian, a corr. from e. I cannot account for the o.

2 . pars, r above line. saniori, MS. samori , but 111 is dotted under the

second stroke , so as to indicate the reading saniori . 8 . notitiam,MS. notetiam.

perrenerint, MS. p erveniam. vicinos,M r

. ricinis . 1 1 . d ei above line .

10 8 ] T he Abbot to see that he be lov ed , not feared .

soiilice hine beon geleered on godcundlicra eé beet he w ite 7 he

ergo eum esse doctum lege divina ut seiat et sit

Si hw anon he forts teo niw e 7 ealde cleene [n.J sefre

unde p rofera t nova et vetera Castum. sobriwm.

mildli eortnesse 7 eefre he upahebbe on

misericordem et semp er sup erecealtet misericordiam ( 1 59 11 1 )

dome boet he beet ylce begyte hatige he lehtras

judicium ut idem ip se consequa tur. Oderit vitia

lufige he gebroiira on bare Sylfre soiilice breatinge snotorlice

5 diliga t fratres ; In ip sa autem correp tione p rudenter

li e det 7 nan bing ofer SW 166 boet he na to SW iiSe ne gew ilnige

aga t. et ne quid nimis. ne dwm nimis cup it

upaw yrtlian rust oiifie om Si tobrocen fa t 7 his tydder

eradere eruginem. franga tur was suamque fragi

nysse eefre ge. em. hydi Sy 7 gebence reod forbrestlita tem semp er susp ectus sit. memineritque ca lamum quassatum

ne S51 to bryd on bam w e ne secgaii boet w been for

non conterendum. In quibus non dicimus,

ut p ermitta t

leetaune beon gefed leahtras ac snotorlice 7 mid bare soiira

nutr1r1 vitia sed p rudenter et cum harita te

lufa ba he of acerfa sw a sw a hem bynoe eenige gelettan

ea amputet. p rout viderit cuique ewp edire.

ealsw a w e eer seedon 7 bogie he sw yiior beon gelufon baeumesicut j am dioeimus ; Et studea t p lus amari . quambeon ondreedod ne Sy he adrefaiS 7

*anc sam ne sy he

timeri Non sit turbulentus et ancocius n-on sit

sw iiSlic 7 andan w ille ne Syhe nyii full 7 sw iiSe w enende

nimius et obstinatus non sit zelotipus et nimis susp iciosus

for by naefre he ne geresteii on bam.

sylfan bebedum

1 5 quia numquam requiescit ; In ip sis imp eri1s suis

forgleaw 7 forseone o66e eeftei gode o”


de eefter

providus et considera tus sive secundum deum. sive secundum

6 . det, for d c} ; influence ofLatin 7. upa wgrtlian, see note. feetorfeedin MS. 9 . w beonforloetanne beon gefed . I think w is either a pav inglettei or the beginning of w e

,a dittog1 aphy of the w e going before , in w hich

case beon is attributable to the same cause,v iz . to a dittography of bean

in forlaetenne is a mistake forforlcete= permittat. 1 1 . hem, e or 0

It is crossed out in the MS. 1 3 . anc sam, corr. from or into ante sum,

probably — from a palaeographical point of view — the former ; from an

etymological point of View ,the latter. anoxias is glossed as if it w ere

a ngustus. 1 4. andan, i. e . anan.

1 4 . obstina tus,MS. obstinandus . nimis, MS. in misu.

1 1 0 ] The Prov ost to be no higher than the Abbot . [Chi LXV .

fram bam abbotum ba ba abbod hadiaiS 7ab eis abbatibus qui abbatem ordinant. ab ip sis etiam et

se prafost be eer bits gehadod boet bits hi fullice hit is

p rep ositus ordinatur Quod quam sit absurdum

ebelice undergiten forbam be byiS fram bam Sylfan anginne

facile adfertitur. quia ab ip so initio ordina

hadunge ontimber geseald to motgenne bonne hit bi6 getiht

tionis materia ei da ta r sup erbiendi . dum ei suggeritur

fram his gebohtum [m.J [m.J5 a cogitationibus suis ewutwm ewm esse a p otestate

his abbotes forbam be he w ees gehoele from bamabbatis sui quia ab ip sis est ord inatus. a quibus

se abbod heonen beo“

5 astyrede andan geflit*



et abbas H inc suscitantur invidie. rixe. detractionis ( 1 60

efestes tw yreednesse unhadunge 7 hw eenne bwyrnessaemula tiones d issensiones. ewordinationes. et dum contraria

heom betw ynan 7 se prafost gebafiaii 7 heora neod is

sibi invicem_ abba s p rep ositusque sentiunt. et ip sorum necesse

saw la under heom

1 0 est sub hac disentione animas p ericlitari. et hi qui‘


beenne hi lyfetafi deelmeelum feeraiS uton forspilled

ip sis sunt. dum adulantur p artibus eunt in p erdi

nesse bees frecednessa yfel heom * luca“

5 on anginne

tionem Cujus p ericuli malum. illis resp icit in cap ite

[a .J”

da sw ilcum on hadunge dots ealdras forb iqui talibus in ordina tione se fecerunt auctores Ideo nos

foreseeaw iafi fremman for Sibbe 7 beere sob'

re lufe byrd

p revidimus exp edire p rop ter p acis haritatisque custo

dene bees abbodes standau on cyre hadunge minstres his1 5 diam in abba tis p endere arbitrio ordinationem monasterii sui ;

7 gif meeg beon heora decanus Si geendebyr sw a sw a*w eg

Et si p otest fieri p er decanos ordinetur sicut ante

bufon eelc nytw yriinesse mynstres be bam bed isp osuimus omnis utilitas monasterii. p rout

6 . gehoele, oele crossed out,and hadod ( sic) has been substituted for it in

the margin. 1 2 . lucad, read lociad . 1 6. decanus, Copied from Latin ?

w eg, read w e go ; the v erb is left out.

2 . absurdum,MS. obsurdum. 7. A hole in parchment before rixe it

does not affect the text at all, hav ing evidently been there before the MS.

w as w ritten on . 1 1 . MS. p erd itione. 1 2 . illis, MS. illi . 1 3 . fecerant,MS.fecunt, and c corrected from r . 1 7. d isp osuimus , MS. disp osimus .

Prov isions aS to d ep osition of the Prov ost. f[11 1

diht beet beenne magon hit hii‘

S befeest an ne

d 1sp osuerit. ut du/m p luribus committitur. unus non

modie boet gif o66e stow gyrnfi o66e gegaderungsup erbiat Quod si aut locus ewp etit. aut congrega tio.

bit gescadw islice mid eadmodnesse [g.J se dem6

p etierit ra tionabiliter cum humilita te. et abba judica f


gefremman Sw a hw eenne sw a geceost mid gebeahteexp edire quemcumque elegerit abba cwm consilio

ondreedendra gode hadige hesylf prafost se

fra trum timentium deum ordinet ip se sibi prep ositum Qui 5

se prafost mid arw uriinessa be be fram his

tomen prep ositus illa agat cum reverentia que ab

abbode lashte beets naht ongen w yllan 7 had

( 160 b abba te suo ci injuncta fuerint nihil contra volun tatem et ord ina

ung bees donde foriiambe 06mmtionem abba tifaciens quia quanto p relatus est ceteris. tanto eum

gedafenaii carfullicor healden beboda regoles se pra

op ortet sollicitus observare p recep ta regule Qui prep ositus

gif he bi5 gemet leahtres oiS‘

ESe upahafennes besw icen

si rep ertus fuerit vitiosus aut elatione decep tus 1 0

modignes forhicge bees haligan byii fandod

sup erbie aut contemp tor senote regule fuerit app roba tus

Si geminegod mid w ordum 06 feow ersiiian gif he hit na

ammoneatur rverbis usque quater Si non emenda

gebet Si gegearcod breeiung regolicere styrecerit adhibeatur correp tio discip line regulari s

he Si adreefed of endebyrdQuod si neque sic correxerit ; tunc deiciatur de or

nesse pravostscire se6e is stete hisd ine prep ositure. et a lius qui dignus est in loco eius subra 1 5

7 gehyrsum

getur ; Quod si p ostea in congregatione quietus et oboediens

9 . p ra , for p rafost or p rovost. 1 0. leahtres, Should have been leahteifa l ,but either the scribe

s eye w as caught by the s of Latin ending, or by the

ending ofup ahafennes . 15 . stete, i. e . stede.

3 . p etierit, MS. p etitierit. 4. quemcumque, MS. quecumque. 6. ab

omitted by Latin scribe . 7 . ordina tionem. Betw een r and d the same hole in

parchment obtains, as Spoken ofbefore ( see note to p . 1 1 0 . 8 . p rela tus,

MS. relat/us. 1 3 . ci , MS. que. 1 5 . a lias, MS. a liter.

1 1 2 ] An old man to be the D oork eep er .

he na 11576 of mynstre he Si utadreefed bencenon fuerit : etiam de monasterio expellatur Cogitet tamen

to iyldenne

abbas se de omnibus judicis suis deo redditurum rationem

andan eefestes lig forbeernde saw la

forte zeli aut invidie flamma urat animam


eet geate mynstres Si geset eald w ita se w ite cunne

5 Ad p ortam mona steri i p onatur senezc sap iens qui seia t acci

underfon andsw ore 7 agifan bees gebungennes hine ne

pere resp onsum et reddere. cuius ma turitas eum non

gebaflge w orian se geatw eard hus seyll habban w its beetsinat vagari ; Qui p orterius cellam debet habere juxta p or

geat beet cumende andw eardne gemeton from hw am

tam ut venientes semp er p resentem inoeniant. a quo

andsw ore underfon 7 sona beenne cnucaii 0 1560 bearfaresp onsum aoip iant ; Et mow ut a liquis p ulsaverit aut p aup er ( 1 61 a .)

clypaiS goda banc he andsw are o66e bletsige 7 mid

1 0 clamaverit. deo gra tias resp ondea t aut benedicat. et cum

ealre manbw eernesse godes eges heagilde andsw are ofstlice

omni mansuetudine timoris dei redda t resp onsum festinanter

mid w ylme beeresoiire lufe se geatw eard helpe

cum fer/core”

harita tis Qui p ortaria s si indiget solacio

ginran brofiran underfo mynster soiilice gif hit maeig

juniorem fratrem a ccip ia t. Monasterium autem si p ossit

beon sceall beon gesett boet ealle neod behefneSS beet isfieri ita debet constitui. ut omnia necessaria . id est

w eeter myll orceard beecern o66e mistlice creeftes

1 5 a qua molendinum ortus p istrinum. vel artes d iverse

W iiiinnan minstre beon geganne boet nesig neod

intra in monasterium exerceantur. ut non sit necessitas

munecum w erigende w iiiutan for bammonachis cagand i foris quia omnino non exp edit

heora saw lum bysne oft w e Wyllafianimabus eorum H anc autem regulam sep ius volumus

1 1 . ma npw oernesse, w corrected from another letter ?

2 . se do,MS. sed . 4 . MONASTERII, MS. MONASTERIIS . 7 . j urta , MS.

j ua tam. 1 1 . timoris , MS. moris . 1 3 . MS. accip iant. 1 4 . fieri ,MS.fierii . id est, MS. idem. 1 5 . (h)orta s, MS. orta . 1 7. foris, a non

contemporary a has been put over the i in the MS.

1 14 ] O bedi ence, in imp ossible things .

gedyrstleec6 clysunga minstres utgan 066e aw y’

nier faren 066e

p resump serit claustra monasterii egredi vel quoque ire vel

eenig bing beh be litel buton heese bees abbotes

quipp iam quamvis p arvum sine jussione abba tis




gif hw ilcum bre6er eenig hefines 066e>“unacumendalice

5 SI CUI FRATRI ALIQUA forte gravia aut inp ossibilia

beo6 gebeodde he underfo w itodlice bebeodendes bebod

injunguntur suscip ia t quidem jubentis imperium

mid ealre manbw eernesse 7 gehirsumnesse boet callanga

cum omni mansuetudine. et obedientia Quod si omnina

heora meegena gemet gif he gesyh6 began

virium suaram mensuram viderit p ondus oneris excedere

his unacumenlicnesse be gew is

inp ossibilita tis sue causas ei qui sibi p reest

7 gedafenlice na modigenne 066e w i6

1 0 p a tienter et op ortune suggerat non sup erbiendo aut resis

Standende eefter his tihtinge

tendo vel contradicendo ; Quod 81 p ost suggestionem suam

on his cw yde bebod beet gif burhw una6in sua sententia p rioris imp erium p erduraverit

w ite se gingra sw a him selfan gefremman 7 of so6re lufe

scia t junior ita sibi exp edire et eac harita te

getruw igende be godes fylste gehyrsumeconfidens de adjutorio dei obedia t ( 1 02 1 )



mid eenigum intingan ne gedyrstleece o6er

Precavendum est ne quavis occasione p resuma t a lius

o6erne bew erian 066e sw ylce gescyldan

a lium defendere monachum in monasterio . aut quasi tueri

5 . una cumenda lice, read unacumend lice ? 7. manp w oernesse, a; or a ?

9 . pe,p corrected from g.

2 . p arvum, MS. p a rvium, but i underdotted . 6 . imp erium = imp rum) ,MS. imp ium. 15, 1 6 . H eading not in the MS. supplied from the list of


N o one to d efend another. N o brother to strike another. [1 1 5

beah be hig mid eenigre meeg sibbe blodes sibbe beon ge

etia/msi qualibet consanguinitatis p rOp inquitate jun

beodde ne ne mid eenigum gemete fram munecum

gantar N ec quolibet modo id ( 1 monachis

Si gedyrstleec6 forbam be meeg banon seo hefegoste intingap resuma tur quia encinde gravissima occa sio

eesw icunga unaspringon boet gif for eenig gemeleasa6scanda lorum oriri p otest Quod si quis hec transgressus

*arlicor hi si gebread

fueri t a crius coercea tur


forboden eelc dyrstignysse intinga w e ge


endebyrda6 7 w e gesetta6 alyfed eenigne heora

d inamus a tque constituimus ut nulli licea t quemquam fratrumgebro6ra amansumian 066e Slean buton bam be mihte

suorwm escoommunicare. aut cedere. nisi cui potestas ab

bi6 geseald 6a Syngendan eetforan callum gebro

abba te da ta fuerit Peccatores autem coram omni

6rum beon gebreade o6re ogan beet habban cildum

bus a rguantur ut ceteri metum habeant Infantibus

06 bone fifteo6an gear y'

lde lare 066e

vero usque a d quintum decimumi annum a eta tis d isci

Styre geornfulnessa Si gegearcod hyrdreedene

p line d iligentia ab omnibus adhibea tur. et custodia sit

ac eao sw ylce mid callum gemete 7 gesceade so6es Strangran

sed et hoc cum omni mensura et ra tione Nam in fort1oriylde se de gedyrstleec6 eethw ega butan bebode bees abbodes 066eaetate qui p resump serit aliquatenus sinep recep to abba tis vel 1 5

on bam Sylfan cildan butan smegunge onsting6 regolicre

( 1 62 100 11 1 ip sis infantibus sine d iscretione exarserit : disci

Styre he underhnige be

p line regulari subj acea t quia scrip tum est ; Quod tibi

Sylfan bu nelt beon me 06mm ne do bunon v is fieri a lii ne feceris

3 . moag, gloss to p otest, in l. 4 . 4 . for eenig gemelea sad, read ccnigfor

gemeleasad . 5 . a rlicor, read tearlicor.

2 . id, supplied by glossator a , MS. ad . 3 . quia ,

MS. qui . 4 . hec,MS. hie. 6 . H eading not in the MS. ; supplie d from the list of chapters.

1 3 . custodia sit , MS. custodia t se.

1 1 6 ] The brethren to be obed ient to one another.


gehyrsumnesse god na boet an bam abbado is togearcienne


heom >“betwynanan hi gehyrsumianab omnibus. sed etiam sibi invicem ita oboediant

w itende for bish e gehyrsumnesse w eg him Sylfne tofratres scientes p er hanc obedientiae viam se

farenne to gode on 6em fore seedon prafosta

5 ituros ad deum Premisso ergo abbatis a tque prep ositorum

ba ba fram him beon gesette bebode bam w e ne gebafia6

qui ab eo constituuntu/r imp erio. cui non p ermittimus

asindrodum beboda beon foreset beer to eacan ealle ba.


p rivata imp eria p rep oni de cetero omnes j uniores

heora yldrum on calre so6re lufe hohfulnesse

p rioribus suis omni haritate. sollicitud ine

hi gehirsumian boet gif semig sacful fuerit by6 gemetobediant Quod si quis contentiosus, repp eritur

he Si gebread gifhw ylcbro6or for eenigum gehw eedum intinga1 0 carrip iatur Si quis autem fra ter p ro quavis minima causa

O66e for gehwylcum ealdre his beo6‘

gebreadab abba te vel a quocumque priore suo corrip itur

mid eenigum mete O66e gif he leohtlice undergit mod ealdres

quolibet modo vel si leviter senserit animump rioris

ongen him w ra6 O66e astiredne beah becujuscumque contra se iratum vel commotum quamvis

eethw ega sona buton yldinge sw a lange astreht on eor6an

modice mom sine mora tamdiu p i ostratus in terra

toforan his fotum ac he licge gebetende O66e boet bi6ante p edes ejus j aceat satisfaciens : usque dum

bletsunge geheeled seo styrung gif he forhoga6 don

benedictione sanetur illa commotio Quod si contemp serit facereO66e he lichamlicere w race beet gif forSil16 066e gif anmodaut corp orali vindicte subj aceat aut si contumax

he bi6 of minstre he si utadreefeed

fuerit de monasterio ewp ellatur. ( 163 a )

3 . betwgnanan, read betw g'

nan. 7. a sindrodumbeboda , see note . 9 . fueri t,added by glossator. 1 1 . for, read from. 1 7. poet giff0 1 3 1hd, I suggest

that this w as originally w ritten in the margin as supplementary gloss to gifheforhogad. It w as then copied into the text in the w rong place.

1 7. vindicte, MS. vindincte.

1 18 ] T he R ul e leav es scOp e for further p recep ts . [Oh . LXX III .

feedera bara gehealdsum gehealdsum ne geleed mannan to

p atrum. quarum observa tio p erducit hominem ad ( 1 63

healdsumnessa fulfremednessa la hwylc tramod O66e hw ylccelsitudinem p erfectionis Que enim p agina aut quis

Spreec godcundlice ealdordomes ealdre 7 niw e gecy6nesse nis

sermo divine auctorita tis veteris ac novi testamenti non

se rihtoste bysen lifes mennisces 0666 la bw ilo boc haligra

est rectissima norma vite humane Aut quis liber sanctorum

rihte feedera boet na sw eg mid rihtum rine

ca tholicorum p atrum hoc non resonat ut recto cursu

w e becumende to urum scyppende eac sw ilce 7

p erveniamus ad crea torem nostrum N eo non et

burhtogenessa 7 gesetnessa heora lifes ac eac

conla tiones p atrum et instituta vite eorum. sed et

sw ylce regol basilius hw eet elles sind

regula sancti p atris nostri basilii quid a liud sunt.

butan w el libbendra 7 gehirsumera muneca 7 gesetnessa

nisi bene viventium et obedientium monachorum instituta

mihta uS asolcenum 7 yfel lybbendum 7 gime

1 0 virtutum. nobis autem desidiosis et male viventibus a tque neg

leasum scame gescyndnysse sw a hw ilc

legentibus rubor confusionis est ; Quisquis ergo ad p a triam

bu efast bysne bane leestan *acunnednesse regol a w ri

celestem festinas. hanc minimam inchoa tionis regulam dis

tenne fylstendum criste bu gefremme 7 bu eetnyxtan to

crip tam adjuvante christo p e1j icias et tunc demum ad

maran be w i6ufan w e gemundon lare lare 7 mihta

majora que sup ra commemoravimus doctrine virtutumque

gebinc6e godes scildendum becim6 w yrcendum bas binc1 5 culmina deo p rotegente p ervenies ; Facientibus hec regna

geopena6 ba ecan.

p a tebunt a eterna


1,2 . gehea ldsumnessa in l . 2 is the proper gloss to observa tio in l. I


the gehea ldsum, gehea ldsum in this line , I am unable to explain except as a

double dittography . 2 .-sumnessa , first stroke of 111 erased . 1 2 . a cunned

nesse, read a cennednesse . 1 4 . lare w as first put ov er the ending of commemoravimus

,then erased and w ritten again over doctrine.

1 . quarum,MS. quorum. 2 . Que enim,

MS. originally Qu. fenim,from

w hich Que enim has been corrected . 7 . p a trum, third stroke of 111 erased .

1 0 . d esidiosis, MS. desid iosas . 1 1 . rubor, MS. robur . 1 2 . festi 11 as,MS festinans . regulam,

MS. regula .


1 . 5. fremfi. After this w ord there is a gap in the MS. , so that

some letter or letters may have been there, w hich are now gone.

Read fremfitllice.

1 . 8 . volup tatibus. This reading, for w hich nearly all other codices

have voluntatibus,is supported not only by tw o of the Latin MSS.

(G . but also by the gloss.

2 . 8 . Above dicente,a little to the right, T1 is found in the MS. I

presume it is the ending of secgend , w hich gloss w as filled out by a

copyist in its proper p lace, and thus w ritten tw ice.

3 . 3 .-eond

,as gloss to ( p roh)ibe. The other texts have forhafa

(Schroer, Die Prosabearbeitungen, 2 . except S. (W . V. 5. I w hich

gives heald . Neither of these suggests a reading for our text. Possiblythe e is a misreading for a t (w hich suggestion is favoured by the

p alaeographical evidence), and the gloss w asforstond . I am happy toacknow ledge my indebtedness to Professor Cosyn,

of Leiden ,for this

and other suggestions.

3 . I I . gebroht, as gloss to p erducatum,is in itselfundoubtedly right.

Only p er ducatum w as w rongly taken as one w ord ; See context.

Similar cases w here a misreading of the MS. produced a w rong gloss

w rong so far as the context is concerned— are numerous. See e. g.

scegde, as gloss to a it, w hich is w rong for aut (78 . I).

3 . 1 6 . H abitavit= habitabit. See Sw eet, p . 1 85.

5 . 1 0 . de habita tore (MS. habitatorum), glossed by be w unungum.

The other texts have ‘be poem bugendum his eardungstow e


Die Prosabearbeitungen, 4 . But the W inteney Version,w hich is

indep endent Of our text, has beham w uniungehis eardingstow e ( 7 .

That the original alsohad w unungum is made (at least) likely by theMS. reading habitatorum for habitatore, w hichmay be ow ing to the

-1 1111

Of the gloss. But w hence the form w unungum‘

P To read w unigendum

( See ib., l. 1 1 ) is an easy w ay out of the difficulty, but scarcely theright one . W e must have very good reasons indeed for assumingthat a commoner form made room for a rarer one. Considering that

the earliest examples given by Koch (1 2, p . 3 42 , of participial

forms in - 1'

11g are from the A-text of Layamon’

s Brut,i . e. about the

year 1 2 0 0 (see ib. , p . I Should not dare to think that w e had

here an early instance Of it,if this form stood alone in Our text.

But w e also find latens glossed by lettincg (80. There w ould not

seem to be the shadow of a doubt concerning the ending—1


ncg being

120 NOTES.

that of a participle ; but I w ould again not lay too much stress on

this instance by itself, since I am not sure as to the meaning of the

gloss itself. But if w e find monstrante glossed by swgtelunge (3 5 .

w e may p erhaps look upon the others too, as evidencing a participle

in - ing1.

I cannot leave the matter alone w ithout going at some length

into detail as to the origin of the form in -ing. I may at once state

that I look upon it as a direct and phonetic representative oftheA.-S.

form in -ende. Whatever be the origin’

,w hether the above View w ill

prove to be the correct one, or w hether w e must continue to view it

w ith Prof. Max Muller (Lectures on the Science of Language, II) as a

corruption ’

of a verbal substantive in the dative, w e are alike Struck

w ith the fact that for a long time, dow n to Gow er and Chaucer, nay,

to early in the fifteenth century the forms a nd , -end,-ing continue

to be found p arallel in the same authors. Now,though a hundred

and eighty years more of parallelism may increase our w onder, theyneed not materially alter our view of the case.

Let us now turn to our text, and See w hat the frequent occurrence of-enne by the Side of -e11de for the pres. part , as w ell as for the gemnd

orparticipium necessitatis givesus a right to conclude.

If w e may lay dow n anything, it‘

w ill be this,that the ending

-ende has dw indled dow n into a combination of a certain vow el (ofno definite phonetic value) the nasal w hich occursbefore dentals, and ,

be it remembered , a voiced nasal before the voiced d . I denote thisvoiced nasal by 11 . This 11 w as Sometimes continued , i . e. lengthened ;

but sometimes the Stop w as undone w ith a j erk , occasioning the

explosion w hich is symbolised by d . Now the only difference betw eenthis form efie and -inge is that the dental nasal is rep laced by the

guttural nasal, w hich I denote by it, surely in itself no very great.

change, esp ecially as analogues are by no means w anting. W e must

look to vulgar speech for some of these analogues. An orp han becomes

an orfling (sometimes a horfling) , etc. See H . Baumann,Londinis

men, Slang und Cant . (Berlin,Introduction, 5, sub 3 (p . xci),

from w hich passage it must not, how ever, be supposed that thispronunciation is peculiar to London. I may also instance the‘


pronunciation of the French nasals in the mouths of badlytaught Germans, and— w hat is more interesting at this conjunctionEnglish children. I distinctly remember the contortions that some

untrained pup ils of mine in an English School had to make theirmouths undergo, w hen they had to pronounce

je demande, tu

1 Cf. Bosw . in v . w ellicung ; also Cant. PS . (See the forthcomingedition

,by Mr. Fred . H arsley.) Reluctantly

, I must draw attention to the

ending,-e, w hich is not tha t of an A .

-S. participle in the dative. Can the

glossator have taken monstrante as a gerund, monstrando ?2 I w as strengthened in my conv iction by a correspondence on this subj ect

w ith Mr. C . Stoffel, of Nymegen, the results of Whose extensive reading are

alw ays so kind ly placed at the d isposal ofhis correspondents .

1 22 NOTES

termination of the gloss, w rotefactum. After that, some one addedthe gloss dcede to the new lemma factum.

20. 1 3 . he modig, as gloss to desup erbum, d : debere,must have been

0 0pied into the Latin as though it w ere part of sup erbum.

21 . I 3 . freedlice. Roedlice (= hreedlice) (cf. Wright-W 1

ilker, 2 43 . I

frequenter, celer) must have been there first, and f added by the

influence of the Latin. Or w emust take 0 to be no pavingletter, andread ofreedlice oftreedlice .

26. 6. sglfsgne, as gloss to rara . seldsy’

ne w as probably there origi

nally . The corruption is easy to understand if w e suppose seltsgne

(cf. Introd .,V, 55) to have been there.

27 . 2 . 0 . us. as gloss to nobis. Do 0 , y perhap s form part of the

gloss to nobis ; and must w e consequently look upon it as amisreadingfor us. g. c.

,i. e. usic It w ould be quite in accordance w ith the usual

practice if more or less uncommon forms w ere misunderstood , and

consequently mutilated . It is true that forms in -te are found only inthe accusative, w hilst a dative form is postulated by the lemma ; but

first,this rule holds good only for the classical periods of Anglo

Saxon (cf. Sievers 2 , 8 1 , Anm. and secondly, the ace. may be

explained as dependent upon clgp ad.

28 . 1 2 . a,an, over inseruit. a may of course be a gloss

-letter, but


P I have thought of the follow ing explanation that a , an, as indi

cating the w eak nom . and gen. ending (or acc. plural) w ere put over

ascendendos. Afterw ards the full gloss w as added . A case in point

maybe adduced here from a LeidenMS. , w here w e find lucubro glossed

by brasbrat. The explanation— see Goetz—Loew e, Glossae Nominum,

Leip z ig, 1 884 , p . 1 6 1 — is given by


Vossius as lucubro, (lucu)bras,

(lucu)brat. The gloss to inseruit is gescett in 1. IO .

29. I I . asma idan. IS this a corruption of asma iand= asn1eagend

29. I 5. sodes odde seege, as gloss to d icat. sodes may be a mere

repetition of the sodes in l. 14 , and then odde (seege) Simply means the

same as the .i. or the 7 found over Latin w ords to introduce the gloss.

But there is also the possibility that in sodes w e have a remnant ofthe verb sedan

,to affirm.

3 0. 9. insint Must w e read 7 sint gew ordene as gloss to facti sunt,and in as gloss to (or repetition of Latin in

3 0. I7 . poet he oseo. Read,aspointed out in the foot-notej aethe seo.

If the o is not a solitary paving letter— w hich, see above, p . xxxiii, isnot altogether a contradiction in terms— the only explanation to fallback upon is, that an original had heo seo heo under the influence of

the follow ing seo.

3 1 . 1 4 . under Should Stand over fleet ; it is part of the gloss to

subdat in l. 1 5.

3 4 . 7 . w ursan, gloss to vermis. How w a rm can be corrupted into

w a rsah I fail to understand . The unfortunate 3 makes it alike

impossible to assume either a mistake of the eye or of the ear.

54 . 4 . swgrige ? The only w ay out of the d ifficulty I know is

NOTES. 1 23

to assume that sw g’

rige is somehow or other misread for segrige, and

that this should be gloss to p artiat as w ell as todaeld.

55 . 2 . belleshe hi w gr'dan odde gew undode. The first glossator put 1

gew undode over vulnerentur (of. note to 10. Another added the

auxiliary,and w rote odde for I.

56. 8 . gemedemod , read gemet. Probably med (for met) w as found

there first by a copyist, w ho, not understanding this, or not deemingit sufficient, put gemed before it. This gemed med w as Copied out as

gemedemod temp cratur.

58 . 4 . gesew ene. I think w e have a remnant here of the rare verb

geseon,for w hich see Grein, in voce. Also in v . se

on,and Bosw orth,

ed . 1 83 8, in v . seon.

59. 14 . for belongs to swgrian cf. Introd .,V, and

an is possibly a w rongly transcribed dittography for ii a ofnaht.

61 . 2 . gehealdenne, gloss to sanentur. Either a copyist found


geheelde (Introd .,V

, 1 7) or sanentur w as glossed by sal

ventur, and this by gehealdenne. Subsequently this middle gloss w as

omitted . This kind of double glossing occurs very frequently , e . g.

in Bouterw ek’

s Aldhelmglosses (H . Z.

64 . 1 . anw ealde is gloss to p otestate, and not to voluntate and in no

w ay can I suppose anw ealde to be corrupted from any w ord meaning

p otestas. And the Latin texts T . U . G.,i. e . exactly those that agree

most in particulars w ith our ow n Latin text,also have voluntate,

w hence it is likely that our text must have originally presented thisreading. Otherw ise w e might suppose our text to have been corrected

by another (w hich had volunta te), after the original p otestate had been

glossed by anw ealde. Of. note to 88 . 6 .

69. 9. frum anginne, as gloss to incip iente. I cannot quite makethis out ; w e must expect a dative or a nominative (Introd .


V, 3 ) Of the present participle. Professor Oosyn suggests fruman

anginne, w hich is certainly the best I can think of,although it is not

entirely satisfactory.

69. 1 2 . dreno as gloss to musitatio Several explanations suggestthemselves. d may be a p aving letter, in w hich case rene may stand

for rgne=myster1um,

or better still rene= rgne. Cf. Grein in v . 1 31 1 .

Cf. Introd . , V,2 7 . If w e take d to be p art of the w ord w e may

think of drem= drea 1n. Cf. Introd .,V

, 3 0 .

70. 4 . seo w ucafien. If w e had not Sievers, 3 3 7, Anm. 2,and supra ,

84 , to refer to, w here other instances from the above text are given,

w e might possibly be induced to look upon seo here a s a solitary proofof a feminine origin of our text, w hich w ould then be in the same

plight as Schroer’

s texts (of. Die Prosabearbeitungen, p . xxix ) . But

by these references this phantom vanishes into thm air.

73 . I I . belipp endan= continuanda . If w e may suppose continuanda

to have been misread for concernanda . belipp endan w ould Stand for

belimp endan (cf. Introd ., V,But this explanation does not

Seem entirely satisfactory.

1 24 NOTES.

82. 3 . This w ord cannot be otherw ise explained as gifforcrafad (cf.Introd . ,

V, 70 ) gif, as gloss to si, in l. 2 .

86. 3 . I had thought bigaenge to be a dittographical gloss to in

itinere,w hichhad got into the w rong place. How ever, Professor Cosy


suggests that m. g. bigcenge z under religious w orship , should here be

understood . I suspect that w e shall have to combine the tw o explanations

,because there is no lemma

,w hich

,taken by itself, could occasion

the gloss under religious w orship (unless it be cum tremore divino

A copyist put bi goenge in the margin,and another, misled by the fro

queney of the occurrence of the expression, mid godcundum bigeenge,

put this over divino. It must,how ever

,be admitted that the train of

thought, the association of ideas, may very w ell have given rise to

the error ofmistaking these tw o w ords (I) . g.) for one .

86. I7. egelod, as gloss to condatur. This is the reading of the MS. ,

but w e may detach e as a paving letter ’from the body of the w ord


and thus gelod remains to be explained . The lemma suggests a

connection w ith gelogian (of. e . g. 98 . of w hich the past part.

w ould be gelogod . This might easily become gelow od (cf. Introd .,


and this could be contracted int-o gelod . But Since I have

no other instances of such ‘contractions ’

I prefer to look upon it as

a mere scribal error.

88 . 6 . maed= humilitas, w hich is in the other texts. Compare for

the probable origin the notes to 64, I 99,1 3 .

91 . 1 7. fiand reaf ? Perhap s corrupted from foereld reaf ? or from

fierdreaf ? But,w rites Professor Cosyn, w hat w ould monks do w ith

those To add another possibility , I suggest that it is fromfot rcaf.

Of. the reading of the other textsfotgew adum.

97 2 . habban dretiodinge, as gloss to habita deliberatione. W e

may p erhaps- assume habban to be an infinitival gloss (of. Introd .


V, 3 ) to a verbal inflection, w hich w ould seem to be of rare

occurrence,and therefore liable to corruption, and then dretiodinge

w ould be a corruption of gmbdriodunge. This can be more easilyaccounted for if w e think of the phenomenon w hich I discussed in the

Introduction (V,

98 . 1 5, and 100. I,2 . I have stated , Introd .

,V, 93 , that I fail

to understand these forms. The first 0 in gelogodre is indistinct ; forthe verb, of. note to 86. 1 7. The only explanation I can think of

is,that in each case the r w as misread from an original 11 . This

w ould yield perfectly intelligible forms ; and paleeographicallyspeaking, the corruptions are very likely to occur. The puz z lingmaessep reostra for mcessep reostrum (see note to 100. 1 0 ) may be in the

same plight.99. 4 . MS.

‘Offerunt de filiis nobilium aut pauperum qui.


original must have read ,



The Oopyist read ofierunt’ first, although it w as meant for the last