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1 Kirtan Sohila A journey towards Spirituality (Arabic)

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Kirtan Sohila

A journey towards Spirituality



Kirtan Sohila A journey towards Spirituality

٤ضح ٤ال .....……….……….....................3-14

جىػحء -أوج ………………..………….….……15-24

جللس ج٤ه٤س ....................................25-26

29-29............................أ٤س جؼحس ج٤ه٤س

34-31 …….…………………..و جأز ك٢ ج٤ه٤س

38-38….….……ؿ جع حقد ػ جطجغ

Journey towards Spirituality………….……..40-40

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Kirtan Sohila

Aardas - Prayers

Philosophy of Sikhs……………………….………..…27-28

Importance of Turban…………………….……...…30-30

Role of Women in Sikhism…………….…….…..…35-37


Guru Granth Sahib on Humility…………...…..…39-39

٤ضح ٤ال


Kirtan Sohila

٤ى جلـ جؼ٤، جحس ج٤٩س ضطأ جاللح ضكطل ذؼس ٢

ئ ٣حػق جحس ئ٠ قح٤س جكح٣س جط٢ ضو٢ جالضكحو غ ركح ضؼح٠۔

.ػ٠ أ١ ر٤س ٤٧ح أ٤ح

أ ض٤س ض جضكحو ججش جه٤س غ جؾو جطن ج٧ی.■

ضوى ضلو جؾو جطن ػ٠ جؿ جطع جالطح٢ جط٤س جػح٤س ■

ك٢ جطد جوىس جؼ٤ جللحش.جط٤س جػحػس ضك ؾ٤غ أح جطو جطو جهحؾ٤س ، ض ■

ذـ ج ذأ ٣غ ػرحوز طحؿس. كرىال جج٢ جط٢ ضغ

جوجذ٤ ، ضرف جحء ٠روح طحال ، ػ٤ح جحذ٤ف ذحره ؿ٤ح

ج جو جحذ٤ف ، جؿ ، جه ، جرحضحش ضوىس

ج. ٣ط جطرىج جطج٤ جحنرس ذحك جىجن٢ ج١ ٣ؼف ذال قجى.

٣ـ ج٤ى ججذغ أ٤س جال ج٢٩ ج١ نال ٣رط ػجخ ■

ضحم.ض٤س جهحس ضكطل ذحك٤حز ح ك٢ ج جؼح: ٣ؿد أ ـط ■

جلس ججتؼس هىس ج٥ن٣ د جل ج٢٩. ٣ؼف جـ

جؿ ط٤ ج١ ٣ؼ ذؼى يي ذحؼ٤ جطك جطؼن جيجت.

هر ج.٣ ضالضح ك٢ أ١ هص أ ٣. ضو٤ى٣ح ٣ط٠ حء


Kirtan Sohila This is the Song of Joy & Bliss, this Divine Message is on the pain of separation and celebrating the bliss of union with Almighty. It multiplies the aura to the sensitivity of protection that it eliminates any negativity for miles and miles.

■ The first Hymn visualises the union of the personal self with the Ultimate Reality.

■ The second Hymn presents the singularity of the Ultimate despite endless diversity of scriptures, teachers and philosophies.

■ The third Hymn rejects all modes of external piety and rituals, and vividly portrays the entire cosmos making harmonious worship. Instead of trays with lamps placed upon them with incense and other offerings, the skies become an integrated platter, the sun and moon the lamps, stars the beads, and all vegetation an offering of flowers. Loud chanting is replaced by the inner unstruck melody playing motionlessly.

■ The fourth Hymn explains the importance of the divine Name through which all suffering and transmigration is annulled.

■ The fifth Hymn celebrates life here in this world: we must avail ourselves of this wonderful opportunity to serve others and to win divine merit. The unknown Mystery becomes known to the enlightened person who thereafter enjoys the bliss and liberation from all attachments and vices.

It can be recited any time or day. Traditionally it is recited every evening before sleep.


Kirtan Sohila ਸਹਿਲਾ ਰਾਗ ਗਉੜੀ ਦੀਕੀ ਭਿਲਾ ੧

sohila raag ga-orhee deepkee mehlaa 1

Sohilaa ~ The Song Of Praise. Raag Gauree Deepakee, by the First Guru:

-٤ال باسطت اع األي: ،. ساغ غسي دباوأؿ٤س جطر٤ف

ੴ ਸਹਿਗਰ ਰਸਾਹਦ ॥

ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad. One unique, eternal, supreme God. Realized by the Grace of the True Guru:

. عشفت بعت اع اصادقئ جقى ك٣ى، أذى١، ػ، ذى٣غ

ਜ ਘਹਰ ਕੀਰਹਿ ਆਖੀ ਕਰਿ ਕਾ ਿਇ ਫੀਚਾਰ ॥

jai ghar keerat aakhee-ai kartay kaa ho-ay beechaaro. In that holy congregation, where God‟s praises are

recited and His virtues are contemplated, ك٢ ضي جؿحػس جوىس، ق٤ع ضط٠ ضر٤كحش هللا ضل ك٢ كحت،

ਹਿਿ ਘਹਰ ਗਾਵਿ ਸਹਿਲਾ ਹਸਵਹਰਿ ਹਸਰਜਣਿਾਰ ॥੧॥

tit ghar gaavhu sohilaa sivrihu sirjanhaaro. ||1||

O‟ my soul, you too go in that holy gathering and sing Sohila (the song of His praises) and meditate on the Creator with love and devotion. !٣ح ق٢ ح ك٢ ج جطؿغ جوى ضـ٢ أص ضد أ٣

)شذ تسبح( تتفىش ف اخاك بحبت تفا.٤س

ਿਭ ਗਾਵਿ ਭਰ ਹਨਰਬਉ ਕਾ ਸਹਿਲਾ ॥

tum gaavhu mayray nirbha-o kaa sohilaa. My dear friends, sing Sohila (song of His praises) of my fearless God.

!أىهحت٢ ج٧ػجء )شذ ذح( إل )اشجاع( ازي ال خف ع.ؿج ٤س

ਿਉ ਵਾਰੀ ਹਜਿ ਸਹਿਲ ਸਦਾ ਸਖ ਿਇ ॥੧॥ ਰਿਾਉ ॥

ha-o vaaree jit sohilai sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. I dedicate myself to that song of His praises which brings eternal peace.

.ضر٤ك جط٢ ضؿد جال ج٧ذى١أى١ ل٢ ٧ؿ٤س


ਹਨਿ ਹਨਿ ਜੀਅੜ ਸਭਾਲੀਅਹਨ ਦਖਗਾ ਦਵਣਿਾਰ ॥

nit nit jee-arhay samaalee-an daykhaigaa dayvanhaar. The great Benefactor, who has been taking care of His creation day after day, will also

look after your needs.

ح ذحقط٤حؾحضيجلؼح جؼظ٤، ح ذؼى ٣، ف ٣ؼط٢ أ٣ .ج١ ٣ؼط٢ ذهو ٣

ਿਰ ਦਾਨ ਕੀਭਹਿ ਨਾ ਵ ਹਿਸ ਦਾਿ ਕਵਣ ਸਭਾਰ ॥੨॥

tayray daanai keemat naa pavai tis daatay kavan sumaar. ||2||

O mortal, when you cannot even assess the value of His Gifts ; then how can you assess the worth of that Benefactor? He is infinite.

!أ٣ح جر .ػىح ال ضطط٤غ قط٠ ضو٤٤ ه٤س رحض ؛ ك٤ق ضوى ه٤س يي ججػ٢؟ ئ الحت٢

ਸਫਹਿ ਸਾਿਾ ਹਲਹਖਆ ਹਭਹਲ ਕਹਰ ਾਵਿ ਿਲ ॥

sambat saahaa likhi-aa mil kar paavhu tayl. The time of my departure from this world is predetermined. O my friends, dress me up for

departure to my Master‟s home.

! إ لت غادست زا اعا حذد لب. أعذ زاب إى زي سذي.٣ح أىهحت٢

ਦਿ ਸਜਣ ਅਸੀਸੜੀਆ ਹਜਉ ਿਵ ਸਾਹਿਫ ਹਸਉ ਭਲ ॥੩॥

dayh sajan aseesrhee-aa ji-o hovai saahib si-o mayl. ||3||

O‟ my friends, please give me your blessings, that I may merge with my Master. !٣ح أىهحت٢ . ك أػط٢ ذحض ، قط٠ أض جالىحؼ غ ٤ى١

ਘਹਰ ਘਹਰ ਿ ਾਿਚਾ ਸਦੜ ਹਨਿ ਵਹਨ ॥

ghar ghar ayho paahuchaa sad-rhay nit pavann. The intimations about the date and time of departure from this world are being delivered

to home after home, and every day people are being called.

ਪਰਲਕ ਵਿਚ ਜਾਣ ਲਈ ਮਤ ਦੀ ਇਹ ਸਾਹ-ਵਚਿਠੀ ਹਰਕ ਘਰ ਵਿਚ ਆ ਰਹੀ ਹ, ਇਹ ਸਿਦ ਵਿਤ ਪ ਰਹ ਹਿ।

٣ط ض٤ ج٩حجش ق ضح٣م هص جـحوز

. ج جؼح ئ٠ ج ذؼى ج، ٣ط جطىػحء ج٧هح ٣

ਸਦਣਿਾਰਾ ਹਸਭਰੀ ਨਾਨਕ ਸ ਹਦਿ ਆਵਹਨ ॥੪॥੧॥

sadanhaaraa simree-ai naanak say dih aavann. ||4||1||

O‟ Nanak, that day for us is also drawing near, so remember God, the one who summons us all, with loving devotion

كد! ره ا باسبت ا متشب أضا٣ح ححى ، ج ض هللا، ج١ ٣ىػح ؾ٤ؼح ذطلح


ਰਾਗ ਆਸਾ ਭਿਲਾ ੧ ॥

raag aasaa mehlaa 1. Raag Aasaa, by the First Guru:

حع ذجطس ؾغ أ ج٧ ؼ :ج

ਹਿਅ ਘਰ ਹਿਅ ਗਰ ਹਿਅ ਉਦਸ ॥

chhi-a ghar chhi-a gur chhi-a updays. There are six Shastras or scriptures, and six are their authors or

gurus, with six sets of teachings.

حى طس حطج أ طد وىس، طس

.ص ؿػحش جطؼح٤ إلح أ ؼح، غ

ਗਰ ਗਰ ਕ ਵਸ ਅਨਕ ॥੧॥

gur gur ayko vays anayk. ||1||

But the supreme Guru of all is God Himself in countless forms.

. جؼ ج٧ػ٠ ؿ٤غ هللا ل ذأح ال ق ح

ਫਾਫਾ ਜ ਘਹਰ ਕਰਿ ਕੀਰਹਿ ਿਇ ॥

baabaa jai ghar kartay keerat ho-ay. O‟ Baba, remain in that place or holy congregation

where the Praises of the Creator are sung, !٣ح ذحذح جذن ك٢ يي جح جوى أ غ جؼحذى٣ ق٤ع ضـ٠ ضر٤كحش جهحن،

ਸ ਘਰ ਰਾਖ ਵਡਾਈ ਿਇ ॥੧॥ ਰਿਾਉ ॥

so ghar raakh vadaa-ee to-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. and keep the company of those God loving people. This way you

will receive honor in God‟s court. . بز اطشمت ستاي اإلوشا ف بالط هللا.جر لي غ ج٣ ٣كر هللا

ਹਵਸ ਚਹਸਆ ਘੜੀਆ ਿਰਾ ਹਿਿੀ ਵਾਰੀ ਭਾਿ ਿਆ ॥

visu-ay chasi-aa gharhee-aa pahraa thitee vaaree maahu ho-aa. there are many seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months,

حى جؼى٣ى جػج٢ جىهحتن جحػحش ج٣٧ح ج٧حذ٤غ ج،


ਸਰਜ ਕ ਰਹਿ ਅਨਕ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਕਰਿ ਕ ਕਿ ਵਸ ॥੨॥੨॥

sooraj ayko rut anayk, Nanak kartay kay kaytay vays. ||2||2||

and there are various seasons in a year. But they all originate from one source, which is the one sun.O‟ Nanak, similarly there are countless manifestations of the Creator but He is

only One. اشس ااحذة. ا اان! باث ،شأا صذس احذ. ى جعا حى ج هطلس ك٢ جس

ان عذد ال حصى ظاش اخاك ى احذ فمظ.

ਰਾਗ ਧਨਾਸਰੀ ਭਿਲਾ ੧ ॥

raag Dhanaasree mehlaa 1. Raag Dhanasari, First Guru:

:جؽ وححح١، جؼ ج٧

ਗਗਨ ਭ ਿਾਲ ਰਹਵ ਚਦ ਦੀਕ ਫਨ ਿਾਹਰਕਾ ਭਡਲ ਜਨਕ ਭਿੀ ॥

gagan mai thaal rav chand deepak banay taarikaa mandal janak motee. O‟ God, the whole creation is performing Your Aarti (worship), the sky is like a platter in

which the Sun and the Moon are like two lamps, and the clusters of stars are like studded pearls.

!٣ح ئ٢ جه٤وس ح ضإو١ ػرحوز آض٢، جحء ػ ٠رن

.ك٤ ج جو ػ رحق٤، ػحه٤ى جؿ ػ ج٦ة جؼس

ਧ ਭਲਆਨਲ ਵਣ ਚਵਰ ਕਰ ਸਗਲ ਫਨਰਾਇ ਪਲਿ ਜਿੀ ॥੧॥

Dhoop mal-aanlo pavan chavro karay sagal banraa-ay foolant jotee. ||1||

The fragrant air coming from the Malay mountain is like incense, the wind is like the cosmic chavar (fan) and all the vegetation is like offering of flowers, O‟ the Luminous One.

ججء جؼرن جوحو ؾر جال٣ ػ جره، ج٣ف

. جرحضحش ػ ضوىس ج، أ٣ح ج٤ة( جقس)ػ جحكح ج٢

ਕਸੀ ਆਰਿੀ ਿਇ ॥ ਬਵ ਖਡਨਾ ਿਰੀ ਆਰਿੀ ॥

kaisee aartee ho-ay. bhav khandnaa tayree aartee. O‟ destroyer of the fear (of birth and death), what a wonderful Aarti

(worship) of Yours is being performed. ( جالوز جش)٣ح ى جهف ! .ح أع ػرحوز آض٢ ي


ਅਨਿਿਾ ਸਫਦ ਵਾਜਿ ਬਰੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਿਾਉ ॥

anhataa sabad vaajant bhayree. ||1|| rahaa-o. The flowing melody of divine music (sound of the heart beats of all living beings) is like

the sound of drums being played in Your Aartee. ش وهحش جود ؿ٤غ )جك جطىكن ٤و٠ ج٤٩س

.٣ر ش جطر ج١ ٣ؼف ك٢ آض٢( جحتحش جك٤س

ਸਿਸ ਿਵ ਨਨ ਨਨ ਨਨ ਿਹਿ ਿਹਿ ਕਉ ਸਿਸ ਭਰਹਿ ਨਨਾ ਕ ਿਿੀ ॥

sahas tav nain nan nain heh tohi ka-o sahas moorat nanaa ayk tohee. O‟ God, You have thousands of eyes (because You pervade all the creatures), and yet You

have no eyes (because You are formless). You have thousands of forms, and yet You have no form of Your own.

!٣ح هللا (. ٧ي ػى٣ ج)غ يي ٤ ى٣ي ػ٤ ( ٧ي ضطــ ك٢ ؾ٤غ جههحش)ى٣ي آالف جؼ٤

.غ يي ٤ ى٣ي أ١ نح ذي، ج٥الف جحيؼى٣ي

ਸਿਸ ਦ ਹਫਭਲ ਨਨ ਕ ਦ ਗਧ ਹਫਨ ਸਿਸ ਿਵ ਗਧ ਇਵ ਚਲਿ ਭਿੀ ॥੨॥

sahas pad bimal nan ayk pad ganDh bin sahas tav ganDh iv chalat mohee. ||2||

You have thousands of immaculate Feet (because You pervade all the creatures), yet Youhave no feet (because You are formless). You have thousands of noses, yet You have

no nose. This Play of Yours entrances me.

(. ذال ٧ي )٤ ى٣ي أهىج غ يي ، (٧ي ضطــ ك٢ ؾ٤غ جههحش)ى٣ي ج٥الف ج٧هىج جطحز

. جق٤س جهحس ذي ضىن ٢. ٤ ى٣ي أق، ى٣ي آالف ج٧ف

ਸਬ ਭਹਿ ਜਹਿ ਜਹਿ ਿ ਸਇ ॥

sabh meh jot jot hai so-ay. The light or power flowing in everyone is from the same Supreme Light (God).

(هللا. )ج٧ػ٠ ج أ جوز جطىكوس ك٢ ه ل ج

ਹਿਸ ਦ ਚਾਨਹਣ ਸਬ ਭਹਿ ਚਾਨਣ ਿਇ ॥

tis dai chaanan sabh meh chaanan ho-ay. The light (power of thinking) illuminating in all, is from the same Eternal lighthouse.

. ل جحز جهحىز، ج٤ ( هز جطل٤)جء


ਗਰ ਸਾਖੀ ਜਹਿ ਰਗਟ ਿਇ ॥

gur saakhee jot pargat ho-ay. But this understanding is revealed only by Guru‟s teachings (that the

source of life is the same in every one)

ج جل ٣ط جق ػ كو١ نال ضؼح٤ جؼ

(أ ى جك٤حز ل ك٢ جقى)

ਜ ਹਿਸ ਬਾਵ ਸ ਆਰਿੀ ਿਇ ॥੩॥

jo tis bhaavai so aartee ho-ay. ||3||

Therefore, accepting what pleases God is His true worship. .ي كا هر ح ٢٣ هللا ػرحوض جكو٤و٤س

ਿਹਰ ਚਰਣ ਕਵਲ ਭਕਰਦ ਲਹਬਿ ਭਨ ਅਨਹਦਨ ਭਹਿ ਆਿੀ ਹਆਸਾ ॥

har charan kaval makrand lobhit mano andino mohi aahee pi-aasaa. O‟ God, my heart longs for Your Divine Name, every day

I am thirsty for the nectar of Your Name.

. ٣ أح ػطح ق٤ن جي، هر٢ ٣طحم الي ج٢٩! ٣ح هللا

ਹਕਰਾ ਜਲ ਦਹਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਸਾਹਰਗ ਕਉ ਿਇ ਜਾ ਿ ਿਰ ਨਾਇ ਵਾਸਾ ॥੪॥੩॥

kirpaa jal deh naanak saaring ka-o ho-ay jaa tay tayrai naa-ay vaasaa. ||4||3||

O‟ God, Nanak is craving for Your Name like a songbird craves for a drop of rain, please bestow Your grace upon me so that I remain absorbed in Your Name.

!٣ح ئ٢ ححى ٣طم ٣طحم ئ٠ جي ػ ٠حت ـو ٣طم ئ٠ هطز ط،

. كي أػط٢ ؼطي ٢ قط٠ أظ ـح ك٢ جي

ਰਾਗ ਗਉੜੀ ਰਫੀ ਭਿਲਾ ੪ ॥

raag ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4. Raag Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Guru:

:جؿؿ١ ذجذ٢، جؼ ججذغ

ਕਾਹਭ ਕਰਹਧ ਨਗਰ ਫਿ ਬਹਰਆ ਹਭਹਲ ਸਾਧ ਖਡਲ ਖਡਾ ਿ ॥

kaam karoDh nagar baho bhari-aa mil saaDhoo khandal khanda hay. This human body is brimful with the vices of anger and lust, these vices

can be destroyed only by meeting the true Guru.

ج جؿ جر١ ٢ء ذيجت جـد جز، ال ٣

.ضى٤ جيجت ئال نال وحذس جؼ جكو٤و٢


ਰਹਫ ਹਲਖਿ ਹਲਖ ਗਰ ਾਇਆ ਭਹਨ ਿਹਰ ਹਲਵ ਭਡਲ ਭਡਾ ਿ ॥੧॥

poorab likhat likhay gur paa-i-aa man har liv mandal mandaa hay. ||1||

But it is only by pre ordained writ that the Guru is met, whose teachings fills the mind with love and devotion for God.

نال طحذس كىوز روح كو١ ٣ط وحذس جؼ،

.ج١ ض٨ ضؼح٤ ج ذحكد ج٩نال هلل

ਕਹਰ ਸਾਧ ਅਜਲੀ ਨ ਵਡਾ ਿ ॥

kar saaDhoo anjulee pun vadaa hay. Pay obeisance to the Guru with humility, this is an act of great merit.

.جؿى ؼ أ٠ؼ ذطجغ، كج ػ ي ؾىجز ر٤ز

ਕਹਰ ਡਡਉਿ ਨ ਵਡਾ ਿ ॥੧॥ ਰਿਾਉ ॥

kar dand-ut pun vadaa hay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Bow down before Him; this is a virtuous action indeed.

.ج ػ كح قوح. جكج

ਸਾਕਿ ਿਹਰ ਰਸ ਸਾਦ ਨ ਜਾਹਣਆ ਹਿਨ ਅਿਹਰ ਿਉਭ ਕਡਾ ਿ ॥

saakat har ras saad na jaani-aa tin antar ha-umai kandaa hay. The non-believers do not appreciate the delight of remembering God because the thorn of

egotism is embedded deep within them.

.ال ٣وى ؿ٤ جإ٤ ذؿس ض هللا ٧ س ج٧ح٤س ـس ك٢ أػحه

ਹਜਉ ਹਜਉ ਚਲਹਿ ਚਬ ਦਖ ਾਵਹਿ ਜਭਕਾਲ ਸਿਹਿ ਹਸਹਰ ਡਡਾ ਿ ॥੨॥

ji-o ji-o chaleh chubhai dukh paavahi jamkaal saheh sir dandaa hay. ||2||

More they behave in life with ego, more they suffer, like walking on foot pierced with thorn. They ultimately bear the torture of death.

ح ٣طك ك٢ جك٤حز غ ج٧ح، ج ٣ؼح ػ٤ج، ػ ج٢

.جشئ ٣طك ك٢ جح٣س ػجخ . ػ٠ ج٧هىج ػوذس ذحس

ਿਹਰ ਜਨ ਿਹਰ ਿਹਰ ਨਾਹਭ ਸਭਾਣ ਦਖ ਜਨਭ ਭਰਣ ਬਵ ਖਡਾ ਿ ॥

har jan har har naam samaanay dukh janam maran bhav khanda hay. (on the other hand), God loving people remain immersed in His loving devotion and are

freed from the cycle of birth and death.

٣ظ ج٧هح ج٣ ٣كر هللا ، (حق٤س أن )

ـ٤ ك٢ ض٣ جكد ٣طه وز جالوز جش.


ਅਹਫਨਾਸੀ ਰਖ ਾਇਆ ਰਭਸਰ ਫਿ ਸਬ ਖਡ ਫਰਿਭਡਾ ਿ ॥੩॥

abhinaasee purakh paa-i-aa parmaysar baho sobh khand barahmandaa hay. ||3||

They realize the indestructible, supreme God, and their fame spreads in all the regions of the universe.

.ئ ٣ى ج٩ ج٧ػ٠ ؿ٤ جوحذ طى٤ ، ضط ض ك٢ ؾ٤غ ح٠ن ج

ਿਭ ਗਰੀਫ ਭਸਕੀਨ ਰਬ ਿਰ ਿਹਰ ਰਾਖ ਰਾਖ ਵਡ ਵਡਾ ਿ ॥

ham gareeb maskeen parabh tayray har raakh raakh vad vadaa hay. O‟ God, we are poor and meek, but still Yours. You are the greatest of the great, please

protect us from the these vices.

!٣ح هللا .جق٤ح جيجتأؾى ، أص أػظ جؼظحء. ك كوجء و٣ؼ، ي ح ص ي

ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਭ ਅਧਾਰ ਟਕ ਿ ਿਹਰ ਨਾਭ ਿੀ ਸਖ ਭਡਾ ਿ ॥੪॥੪॥

jan naanak naam aDhaar tayk hai har naamay hee sukh mandaa hay. ||4||4||

O‟ Nanak, God‟s Name is the only sustenance and true support, and it is only through Naam that we experience the celestial peace.

!٣ح ححى .ج هللا جوش جق٤ى جىػ جكو٤و٢، نال ح كو١ هطر جال جح١

ਰਾਗ ਗਉੜੀ ਰਫੀ ਭਿਲਾ ੫ ॥

raag ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 5. Raag Gauree Poorbee, by the Fifth Guru:

:جهحجؽ ؾ١ ذجذ٢، ذجطس جؼ

ਕਰਉ ਫਨਿੀ ਸਣਿ ਭਰ ਭੀਿਾ ਸਿ ਟਿਲ ਕੀ ਫਲਾ ॥

kara-o baynantee sunhu mayray meetaa sant tahal kee baylaa. O‟ my friends, listen! I submit to you that this human life is the only opportunity to follow

the Guru‟s teaching (because only Guru can bless you with Naam). !٣ح أىهحت٢ ؼ ٧ ج)أهى أ جك٤حز جر٣س ٢ جلس جق٤ىز الضرحع ضؼح٤ جؼ ! جؼج

.(قى ٣ أ ٣رحي غ ح ج جخ

ਈਿਾ ਖਾਹਟ ਚਲਿ ਿਹਰ ਲਾਿਾ ਆਗ ਫਸਨ ਸਿਲਾ ॥੧॥

eehaa khaat chalhu har laahaa aagai basan suhaylaa. ||1||

The human life is the opportunity to earn the wealth of God‟s Name, so that you will be comfortable in the next world (God‟s court).

.(ذال٠ هللا)جك٤حز جر٣س ٢ كس د غز ج هللا ، قط٠ ض ضحقح ك٢ جؼح ج٥ن


ਅਉਧ ਘਟ ਹਦਨਸ ਰਣਾਰ ॥ ਭਨ ਗਰ ਹਭਹਲ ਕਾਜ ਸਵਾਰ ॥੧॥ ਰਿਾਉ ॥

a-oDh ghatai dinas rainaaray. man gur mil kaaj savaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o. O‟ my mind, every day and night one‟s remaining life is diminishing. Let us make this life a

success by following the Guru‟s teaching (before it is too late).

!٣ح ػو٢ وػح ؿؼ . ٣ ٤س جك٤حز جطرو٤س ء ضطحء

.(جش ج٧جهر ك) جك٤حز حؾكس ذحضرحع ضؼح٤ جؼ

ਇਿ ਸਸਾਰ ਹਫਕਾਰ ਸਸ ਭਹਿ ਿਹਰ ਫਰਿਭ ਹਗਆਨੀ ॥

ih sansaar bikaar sansay meh tari-o barahm gi-aanee. This world is engrossed in vices and cynicism, only a divinely wise person is able to swim

across the world-ocean of vices.

ج جؼح ـ ك٢ جيجت جه٣س، كو١ جه جك٤

.ج٢٩ هحو ػ٠ جرحقس ػر ك١٤ جؼح جيجت

ਹਜਸਹਿ ਜਗਾਇ ੀਆਵ ਇਿ ਰਸ ਅਕਿ ਕਿਾ ਹਿਹਨ ਜਾਨੀ ॥੨॥

jisahi jagaa-ay pee-aavai ih ras akath kathaa tin jaanee. ||2||

Only the one, whom God awakens from the slumber of worldly involvements andhelps to savor the joy of His Name, understands this indescribable mystery.

ال ٣ل ج ج ج١ ال ٣ق ئال جه ج١ ٣هظ هللا

. رحش جالهج٠ جى١٤ ٣حػى ػ٠ ضم كـ ج

ਜਾ ਕਉ ਆ ਸਈ ਹਫਿਾਝਿ ਿਹਰ ਗਰ ਿ ਭਨਹਿ ਫਸਰਾ ॥

jaa ka-o aa-ay so-ee bihaajhahu har gur tay maneh basayraa. O‟ my friends, amass only that wealth for which you have come to this world. It is only

through the Guru that God can dwell in your heart.

أىهحت٣٢ح ! ؼج ضي جػز جط٢ أض٤ط أؾح ئ٠ ج جؼح كو١ ؾ

.هللا ٣ ك٢ هري نال جؼ كو١.

ਹਨਜ ਘਹਰ ਭਿਲ ਾਵਿ ਸਖ ਸਿਜ ਫਿਹਰ ਨ ਿਇਗ ਪਰਾ ॥੩॥

nij ghar mahal paavhu sukh sehjay bahur na ho-igo fayraa. ||3||

In this way, you will peacefully and spontaneously find God within yourself and there will be no more rounds of birth and death for you.

!ذ جط٣وس .طؿى هللا ذال ػل٣س ك٢ وجني ض حى ؾالش الوز ش ي


ਅਿਰਜਾਭੀ ਰਖ ਹਫਧਾਿ ਸਰਧਾ ਭਨ ਕੀ ਰ ॥

antarjaamee purakh biDhaatay sarDhaa man kee pooray. O‟ all knowing, Supreme Creator, please fulfill this yearning of my mind.

!أ٣ح جؼ٤ ذؿ٤غ ج٤٧حء .أؾ ضكو٤ن ج جطم ك٢ ػو٢! أ٣ح جهحن ج٠٧

ਨਾਨਕ ਦਾਸ ਇਿ ਸਖ ਭਾਗ ਭ ਕਉ ਕਹਰ ਸਿਨ ਕੀ ਧਰ ॥੪॥੫॥

naanak daas ihai sukh maagai mo ka-o kar santan kee Dhooray. ||4||5||

that I may serve (remain in the company of) Your true devotees without ego, this is the only happiness Your servant Nanak asks for.

أضرحػي جحوه٤ ذى ؿ، ( أذو٠ ك٢ كرس)٢ أنى

.جط٢ ٣طرح نحوي ححى ٢ جؼحوز جق٤ىز


ਅਰਦਾਸ ARDAS

جىػحء -أوج

:ج٧وػ٤س -وىس هر ج٧وج

ئ أوػ٤طح ؾس ئ٠ هللا جوى٣ ئ٠ ؼح ج٧ذى١ . جطح أ هح٠رس طس ػ٤ح" أوج"ضؼ٢ س

ك٢ ج٣٥حش ٣و ؾ . ذىء ضالز ج٧وػ٤سجطح٢ هر -ج-٣ط ػحوز هجءز جرحو . ؾ ؾجع حقد

ك أالو ؾ ؾال، ي ٣ؿد . أچح و٣ق چ٢ أ ؾىح قح ح ي ٢ ذحش ذل هللا ضؼح٠

ضطش ج٤ؾ . أ طه٠ ػ ؿح أ ط ئ٤ طر٤س جقط٤حؾحضح ػح ٣و ج٠٧لح غ آذحت

. ج٧وػ٤س جكح٤س ػ٠ ى جش ػى٣ىز هح ذطكى٣ىح ٤ثس طس ػحء ج٤مجؼرحجش ججوز ذ

: ج٧وػ٤س ٣ ضو٤ح ئ٠ غالغس أؾجء ت٤٤س

جإق جـ ؾذ٤ى ٤ؾ چ٢ ج١ ٣ ك٤ ج٩ " كح ١٤ ذحؾحض٢ چ٢ ٢"جؿء ج٧

.٣ط جط ػ٠ جـ جؼح ؿ ؾجع حقد" كح"ذؼى . جوى٣ أ ضؼس قحء جـ

٣ه جؿء جػح٢ ضي ج٧وػ٤س ذ أح٢ ضح٣م ج٤م ذأ ٣و ضلح٢ ضك٤س ج٤م ٣طؿ٠

.ذأػح جىجء جط٢ ال ض٠ ذح هح ذ ج٤م جؿحى٣ ج٣ ضج ذا٣ح قط٠ آن ل

ػ جك٤حز جطو٤س ( ط٣ ج هللا)أح ذحؿء جػحع ٢ أؾ أثي جرحقػ٤ ػ كحت ج

جز )ط ئ٠ جك٤ جـ ذأ ٣كلظح جيجت جهس . ٤م جإ ػ جػوس ذ٤ جؿ٤غ

ػ )طالت حرس ؾحػ٤س ضؼوى ذحح٣س ضطحف ذؼ جحش(. جـد جؿغ جطؼن جـ

كل٢ نطح جىػحء، ٢ ذحه٤ أؾ جؿ٤غ . طد ذحش جـ( جكحف جالوز جش ح ئ٠ يي

.قرح ٣حء ركح، أ٣ح ح و٣


Introduction to Ardas (Prayer)

The word „ardas‟ means a petition or an address to a superior authority. Our ardas

is addressed to the Almighty God and to our eternal Guru, Guru Granth Sahib.

The following shabad is generally recited before starting the Ardas. In these verses,

Guru Arjan Dev ji says that our body and soul, and everything we have, are

blessings from God. We are His children. Therefore, we must relinquish our ego and

plead to Him for our needs like a child pleads to the parents.

The format and the wording of the current ardas has evolved over many years and

was decided by a joint body of Sikh scholars.

Ardas can be divided into three main parts.

First part is Vaar Siri Bhagauti Ji Ki, composed by Guru Gobind Singh ji, in which he

invoked the almighty God and the first nine Gurus. After the vaar, we invoke the

tenth Guru and Guru Granth Sahib.

Second part of ardas essentially encapsulates the entire Sikh history, recounting the

dedication and sacrifice by the Sikhs, and reflecting upon the memorable acts of the

Sikh martyrs and heroes, who upheld their faith unto their last breath.

Third part of ardas, we pray for the community seeking the virtues of simran

(remembering God‟s Name), righteous living of a true Sikh, and trust among the

community. We plead to the Guru to protect us from the five vices (lust, anger,

greed, attachment, and ego).

At the end, words are added to suit the occasion (such as a wedding, birth, death

etc.) for which the congregation was held and seek Gurus blessings. In the closing

words of ardas, we pray for the well being of all under His Will, irrespective of their



ਿ ਠਾਕਰ ਿਭ ਹਿ ਅਰਦਾਹਸ ॥ ਜੀਉ ਹਡ ਸਬ ਿਰੀ ਰਾਹਸ ॥

ر ض١ جچ, ض ضح ض ذ أوج ٤ ذى


(Waheguru ji), You are our master, we (human beings) can only plead to you (for our needs), because this body and soul (that You have given us) are your blessings.

٧ ج جؿى ( طر٤س جقط٤حؾحضح)٣ح كو١ أ ط ئ٤ي ( جر)ئ٢ ج٢ ؿ أص ٤ىح، ك

. أكحي ػ٤ح( رط ح ج١)جـ

ਿਭ ਭਾਿ ਹਿਾ ਿਭ ਫਾਹਰਕ ਿਰ ॥ ਿਭਰੀ ਹਕਰਾ ਭਹਿ ਸਖ ਘਨਰ ॥

ذح ٤ ى ؾح١٤ ى ض١ ض١ ض حش ذطح أ ذح

TUM MAAT PITA HAM BAAREK TERE, TUMRI KIRPA MEH SOOKH GHANERE You are our mother and father (our Creator), we are Your children. In your Grace are

many joys and comforts.

.ك٢ الى ٣ح حقد جؿالس جػ٤ جؿى ج. ك أالوى(. نحوح)ئي ؾ ؾالي أح أذ٤ح

ਕਇ ਨ ਜਾਨ ਿਭਰਾ ਅਿ ॥ ਊਚ ਿ ਊਚਾ ਬਗਵਿ ॥

.چح٢ ضج أص، أض٢ ض٢ أضح ذحؾجص ٢ ح

KOE NA JAANAE TUMRA ANT, OOCHE TE OOCHA BHAGWANT Nobody knows the extent of Your creation.O‟ God, You are higher than the highest (there

is nobody like You).

(.٤ حى ػ٤ ي)٣ح هللا، ئي أػ٠ جؼح٤ . ال ٣ؾى ٣ط ئوجى أكحم نوي

ਸਗਲ ਸਭਗਰੀ ਿਭਰ ਸਹਿਰ ਧਾਰੀ ॥ ਿਭ ਿ ਿਇ ਸ ਆਹਗਆਕਾਰੀ ॥

ض ض٢ أ١ أؾ٤ح ح١, حؾح ححؾ١ ض١ ض وح

SAGAL SAMAGRI TUMRE SOOTER DHAARI, TUM TE HOE SO AAGYA KAARI The whole Universe is functioning under Your divine law, strung in one strand. All that

came from Your creation is under Your command.

جقى . ح ؾحء نوي ك ضكص أى. ٣ؿ١ ج ذأ ذ٤ػحهي ج٢٩ ؼووج ػ٠ قر


ਿਭਰੀ ਗਹਿ ਹਭਹਿ ਿਭ ਿੀ ਜਾਨੀ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਦਾਸ ਸਦਾ ਕਰਫਾਨੀ ॥


What You are and how Great you are, only You know. Nanak, Your devotee, is beholden to You forever.

.٣ح ححى، ئ جه٤ ي ط ذلي ئ٠ ج٧ذى. ذؼظطيقىى كو١ جؼ٤ ذ٤ثطي

ੴ ਵਾਹਿਗਰ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਿਹਿ॥

ج٢ ؿ چ٢ ٢ كحض. ئى أح

Ek-Oankar. Waheguroo Ji Ki Fateh God is One. All victory is of the Wondrous Guru (God).

(.هللا)جالطحجش ح ضأض٢ ؼؿجش جك٤ ؿ . هللا جقى أقى

ਸਰੀ ਬਗਿੀ ਜੀ ਸਿਾਇ। ١ ذوض٢ چ٢ ح١

Sri Bhagouti ji Sahai May the respected sword (God in the form of the Destroyer of evil doers) help us!

(! هللا ك٢ ز ى جلحى٣)ك٤حػىح ج٤ق جرؿ

ਵਾਰ ਸਰੀ ਬਗਿੀ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਾਿਸਾਿੀ ੧੦||

كح ١ ذوض٢ چ٢ ٢ ذحضح٢ ول٢

Vaar Sri Bhagouti Ji Ki Paatshaahee Dasvee Ode of the respected sword recited by the Tenth Guru.

.ه٤ىز ٤ق جرؿ ٣طح جك٤ جـ جؼح

ਹਰਿਭ ਬਗਿੀ ਹਸਭਹਰ ਕ ਗਰ ਨਾਨਕ ਲਈ ਹਧਆਇ॥

ذض ذوض٢ ٤، ه حي ٢٤ و٤

Pritham Bhagouti Simar Kai, Guru Naanak Layee Dhiyae

First remember the sword (God in the form of Destroyer of evil doers); then remember Nanak (dwell on his spiritual contribution).

(.ضل ك٢ ئح جق٢)، غ ض ححى (هللا ضؼح٠ ك٢ ز ى جلحى٣)كط ج٤ق أال


ਹਪਰ ਅਗਦ ਗਰ ਿ ਅਭਰਦਾਸ ਰਾਭਦਾਸ ਿਈ ਸਿਾਇ॥

أوى ه ض٤ أ وج، جىج٤ ١ ح٣

Angad Gur Te Amar Das, Raamdaasai Hoye Sahai Then remember and meditate upon Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das; May

they help us! (dwell on their spiritual contribution)

ضل ك٢ ! )ك٤حػىح جكحء. غ أي ضأ ك٢ جـ أؿحو جـ ػح وج جـ ج وج

(ئح جق٢

ਅਰਜਨ ਿਰਗਹਫਦ ਨ ਹਸਭਰ ਸਰੀ ਿਹਰਰਾਇ॥

أچ حهذى ١ ح ج١

Arjan Hargobind No Simrou Sri Har Rai Remember and meditate upon Guru Arjan, Guru Hargobind and Respected Guru Har Rai.

(dwell on their spiritual contribution)

(ضل ك٢ ئح جق٢. )ج١ أي ضأ جـ أچح جـ حؾذ٤ى جـ جرؿ ح

ਸਰੀ ਿਹਰਹਕਰਸਨ ਹਧਆਈ ਹਜਸ ਹਡਠ ਸਹਬ ਦਖ ਜਾਇ॥

١ ح و٤ چ وط٢ ر ول چ٢٤

Sri HarKrishan Dhiyaa-eeai Jis Dhithi Sabh Dukh Jaye

Remember and meditate upon respected Guru Har Krishan, by having the sight of whom, all pains vanish. (dwell on their spiritual contribution)

ضل ك٢ ئح . )ض ضأ ك٢ جـ جرؿ ح ٣ح ػر جطك٢ ذؤ٣ط أ ؾ٤غ ج٥ال ضطال٠


ਿਗ ਫਿਾਦਰ ਹਸਭਹਰ ਘਰ ਨਉ ਹਨਹਧ ਆਵ ਧਾਇ॥

ضن ذى ٢٣ ه ى أك٢ وح١Teg Bahadur Simareeai Ghar No Nidh Avai Dhai

Remember Guru Tegh Bahadur and then nine sources of spiritual wealth will come hastening to your home.

.ض جـ ض٤ؽ ذحو ف ضؿ ضؼس حو م جق٢ ػ٤ ئ٠ ي

ਸਬ ਿਾਈ ਿਇ ਸਿਾਇ॥

ر ضح١ ٣ ٢ Sabh Thai Ho-e Sahaai

Oh God! kindly help us everywhere by showing us the path.

.ج حػىح ك٢ ح أح جط٣ن


ਦਸਵਾ ਾਿਸਾਿ ਸਰੀ ਗਰ ਗਹਫਦ ਹਸਘ ਸਾਹਿਫ ਜੀ! ਸਬ ਿਾਈ ਿਇ ਸਿਾਇ॥

ولح ذحضح ه هذى ؾ چ٢ ر ضح١ ٣ ح١ Dasvaa Paatshaah Guru Gobind Singh Ji Sabh Thai Ho-e Sahaai

Remember the respected Tenth Guru Gobind Singh (dwell on his spiritual contribution). Oh God! kindly help us everywhere by showing us the path.

.ج حػىح ك٢ ح أح جط٣ن(. ئح جق٢ضل ك٢ )ض جـ جؼح جرؿ ؾذ٤ى ٤ؾ

ਦਸਾ ਾਿਸਾਿੀਆ ਦੀ ਜਿ ਸਰੀ ਗਰ ਗਰ ਿ ਸਾਹਿਫ ਜੀ ਦ ਾਠ ਦੀਦਾਰ ਦਾ ਹਧਆਨ ਧਰ ਕ ਫਲ ਜੀ ਵਾਹਿਗਰ

٢ ذ چ٢ ج٢ ؿ وح ذحضح٤ح و١ چش ١ ه هص حق٤د چ٢، و١ ذحش و٣ىج وج و٣ح وجDasa Paatsaaheea Di Jot Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, De Paath Deedaar Daa Dhiyaan Dhar Ke

Bolo Ji Waheguroo Think and meditate upon the divine light of the Ten Kings contained in the respected Guru

Granth Sahib and turn your thoughts to the divine teachings of and get pleasure by the sight of Guru Granth Sahib; Utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!

جوى ه ذطـ٤٤ " ؿ جع حقد"ك ضأ ك٢ ج جح١ ؼز ى ج٣ ك٢ طحخ

هللا )ك٤و جؿ٤غ ج هللا ج٢ ؿ . قدأكحى ئ٠ ضؼح٤ ج٤٩س جذطؽ ذؤ٣س ؿ جع ح

ؼؿ (!ج

ਜਾ ਹਆਹਰਆ, ਚਿਾ ਸਾਹਿਫਜਾਹਦਆ, ਚਾਲਹੀਆ ਭਕਹਿਆ, ਿਠੀਆ ਜੀਆ, ਿੀਆ, ਹਜਨਹ ਾ ਨਾਭ ਜਹਆ, ਵਡ ਿਹਕਆ, ਦਗ ਚਲਾਈ, ਿਗ ਵਾਿੀ, ਦਖ ਕ ਅਣਹਡਿਠ ਕੀਿਾ, ਹਿਨਹ ਾ ਹਆਹਰਆ,

ਸਹਚਆਹਰਆ ਦੀ ਕਭਾਈ ਦਾ ਹਧਆਨ ਧਰ ਕ, ਖਾਲਸਾ ਜੀ ! ਫਲ ਜੀ ਵਾਹਿਗਰ!

ذچح ذ٤ح٣ح، ضح ح٤رجو٣س، ٤ح نط٤س، ض٤ح، چذ٤ح، ضذ٤ح، چح ح چذ٤ح، كى ٤ح، وم ال١، ضن كح٤، وى

و ٢ چ٢ ج٢ ؿ٢ أى٣ص ٤طح، ضح ذ٤ح٣ح، ط٤ح٣ح و١ ح١، وج و٣ح Panja Piyariya, Chauhaa Sahibzadiya, Chaliya Mukhtiya, Huthiya, Jupiya, Tupiya, Jina Nam

Jupiya, Vand Shakiya, Deg Chalaaee, Teg Vaahee, Dekh Ke Andhith Keetaa, Tinhaa Piariyaa, Sachiaariyaa Dee Kamaaee, Da Dhiyaan Dhar Ke Bolo Ji Waheguroo

Think of the deeds of the Five Beloved Ones, of the four sons (of Guru Gobind Singh); of the Forty Martyrs; of the brave Sikhs of indomitable determination; of the devotees

steeped in the colour of the Naam; of those who were absorbed in the Naam; of those who remembered the Naam and shared their food in companionship; of those who started

free kitchens; of those who wielded their swords (for preserving truth); of those who overlooked others shortcomings; All the aforesaid were pure and truly devoted ones; Utter

Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!


. ك٢ أكؼح ج٧ذؼ٤ ٤ىج ( ى ؿ ؾذ٤ى ٤ؾ)ضل ك٢ أػح ج٧قرحء جهس ك٢ أػح ج٧ذغ أذحء ال ٣و جه٤ جـ٤ جـ٤ ك٢ أج ضل ك٢ أػح ج٤م جؿؼح جطك٤ ذؼ

أثي ج٣ ضج جؼ ضوحج ٠ؼح ذؼطق ك٢ أثي ج٣ ػج جتى ٠ؼح ذال ضأ ك٢ ". ؼ"

ؾ٤ؼ جطح٣ . ك٤طؿحج ػ٤خ ج٥ن٣( كح٣س جكن)ضل ك٤ جطهىج ٤ك . وحذ

ؼؿ)ك٤و جؿ٤غ ج هللا ج٢ ؿ . جه٤ هلل قوح (!هللا ج

ਹਜਨਹ ਾ ਹਸਘਾ ਹਸਘਣੀਆ ਨ ਧਰਭ ਿਿ ਸੀਸ ਹਦਿ ਿ, ਫਦ ਫਦ ਕਟਾ, ਖਰੀਆ ਲਿਾਈਆ,

ਚਰਖੜੀਆ ਿ ਚੜ, ਆਹਰਆ ਨਾਲ ਹਚਰਾ ਗ, ਗਰਦਆਹਰਆ ਦੀ ਸਵਾ ਲਈ ਕਰਫਾਨੀਆ

ਕੀਿੀਆ, ਧਰਭ ਨਿੀ ਿਾਹਰਆ, ਹਸਿ ਖੀ ਕਸਾ ਸਆਸਾ ਨਾਲ ਹਨਫਾਿੀ, ਹਿਨਹ ਾ ਦੀ ਕਭਾਈ ਦਾ ਹਧਆਨ

ਧਰ ਕ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਜੀ! ਫਲ ਜੀ ਵਾਹਿਗਰ!

چح وح و٤ح ٢ وج ٤ص ٤ وش، ذى ذى ض٤، ر٣ح ٤٤ح، ضح٣ح ض٢ ض٢، أ٣ح ح ضج١ ه٢،

جح ح رح٢، ضح و١ ح١ وج و٤ح وج ٢ هو٤٣ح و١ ٤لح ٢٤ ذ٤ح ٤ط٤ح، وج ٢ ح١، ه٢ ح

ذ چ٢ ج٢ ؿJinaa Singhaa Singhneeyaa Ne Dharam Het Sees Dithe, Bund Bund Kuttai, Khopriya

Luhayiya, Charukriya Te Churhe, Aariaa Naal Chiraae Ge, Gurdwaraiya Di Seva Layee Kurbaniya Keethiya, Dharam Nehee Haariye, Sikhi Kesaa Suwaasaa Naal Nibaahee, Tina Dee

Kamaaee Daa Dhiyaan Dhar Ke Bolo Ji Waheguroo Think of and remember the unique service rendered by those brave Sikh men as well as women, who sacrificed their heads but did not surrender their Sikh Religion; Who got

themselves cut to pieces from each of the joints of the body; Who got their scalps removed; Who were tied and rotated on the wheels and broken into pieces; Who were cut

bysaws; Who were flayed alive; Who sacrificed themselves to upkeep the dignity of the Gurdwaras; Who did not abandon their Sikh faith; Who kept their Sikh Religion and saved

their long hair till their last breath; Utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!

٣ضىج ك ض ح ٣وى ؾح حء ج٤م جؿؼح نىحش ك٣ىز، أثي ج٣ كحوج ذؤ

ػص كز . ػ و٣ ج٤ه٢ ج٣ كج ذأل كوطؼج ئذح لح أؾحو ج٣

ك حضج . ؤ ج٣ ض ضؼ٣ر ذطر٤ ك ئذح ذحؼؿالش ج٣ ض ض٣و ذحح

كح ح . -أو٣ز جؼ٤-س هح جـوجج ػ٠ ه٤ى جك٤حز كج ذأل ٤ج ح

أثي ج٣ حج و٣ ج٤م جقطلظج ذؼ جط٣ قط٠ ضلع ألح . طه ػ ئ٣ح ج٤ه٢

ؼؿ)ك٤و جؿ٤غ ج هللا ج٢ ؿ . ج٧ن٤ز (!هللا ج


ਜਾ ਿਖਿਾ, ਸਰਫਿਿ ਗਰਦਆਹਰਆ ਦਾ ਹਧਆਨ ਧਰ ਕ ਫਲ ਜੀ ਵਾਹਿਗਰ!

ح١ ضطح ذص هو٣ح وج و٣ح و ٢ ذ چ٢ ج٢ ؿSaarey Takhta Sarbat Gurdwariya Daa Dhiyaan Dhur Ke Bolo Ji Waheguroo

Turn your thoughts to all of the seats of Sikh Religion and all the Gurdwaras; utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!

ك٤و . ذأؾؼح -أو٣ز جؼ٤-ه ذطـ٤٤ أكحى ح ٣طح٠ غ ؾ٤غ وححش و٣حس ج٤م جـوجج

ؼؿ)جؿ٤غ ج هللا ج٢ ؿ (!هللا ج

ਹਰਿਭ ਸਰਫਿਿ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਅਰਦਾਸ ਿ ਜੀ, ਸਰਫਿਿ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਜੀ ਕ ਵਾਹਿਗਰ, ਵਾਹਿਗਰ,

ਵਾਹਿਗਰ ਹਚਿ ਆਵ, ਹਚਿ ਿ ਆਵਨ ਕਾ ਸਦਕਾ ਸਰਫ ਸਖ ਿਵ। ذض٢ ذص حح چ٢ ٢ أوج ح١ چ٢، ذص حح چ٢ ج٢ ؿ ج٢ ؿ ج٢ ؿ ضص أكح١

ضص أك ح ىح خ ى ك٢Prithme Sarbat Khaalsaa Ji Ki Ardaas Hai Ji, Sarbat Khaalsaa Ji Ko Waheguroo Waheguroo

Waheguroo Chit Aavai Chit Aavan Ka Sadkaa Surab Sukh Hovai First the entire respected Khalsa make this supplication that may they meditate on Your

Name; and may all pleasures and comforts come through such meditation.

ذحطع ذج جىػحء ك٤طأ جي آ٤ ك٢ أ ٣ح -جطحذؼ جطح-ضو جهس جرؿس ذأؾؼح

.جىء ج ػ٤ ؾ٤ؼح

ਜਿਾ ਜਿਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਜੀ ਸਾਹਿਫ, ਿਿਾ ਿਿਾ ਰਹਿਆ ਹਰਆਇਿ, ਦਗ ਿਗਫਿਹਿ,

ਹਫਰਦ ਕੀ ਜ, ਿ ਕੀ ਜੀਿ, ਸਰੀ ਸਾਹਿਫ ਜੀ ਸਿਾਇ, ਖਾਲਸ ਜੀ ਕ ਫਲ ਫਾਲ , ਫਲ ਜੀ ਵਾਹਿਗਰ!

چح چح حح چ٢ ح٤د، ضح ضح ض٤ح ٣حش، وم ضن كحض، ذ٤ج ٢ ذح٣چ، ذص ٢ چ٤ص، ١ ح٤د چ٢ ٢

ح٢ چ٢ ذ ذح٢، ذ چ٢ ج٢ ؿJahaa Jahaa Khaalsaa Ji Saahib, Tahaa Tahaa Ruchhiya Riyaa-it, Deg Teg Fateh, Bira Ki Paij,

Panth Ki Jeet, Sree Saahib Ji Sahaai Khaalse Ji Ko Bol Baaley, Bolo Ji Waheguroo Wherever respected Khalsa is present, give Your protection and grace; May the free

kitchen and sword never fail; Maintain the honour of your devotees; Confer victory upon the Sikh people; May the respected sword always come to our assistance; May the Khalsa

always get honours; Utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!.

ط ي ٣ح هللا أال . قحز، أك قح٣طي ذحضي ٣ح هللا -جطحذؼ جطح-أ٣ح حص جهس جرؿس

طع ئ٤ي ذأ ض ف جه٤ ي أ ضل٢ ج ػ٠ . ضه جتى جطؼح أذىج أال ٣ل ٤لي

ح. ج٤م ك٤و جؿ٤غ ج هللا .طح جهس جز جف أذىج. ك٤ ج٤ق جرؿ ك٢ ضح وجت

ؼؿ)ج٢ ؿ (!هللا ج


ਹਸਿ ਖਾ ਨ ਹਸਿ ਖੀ ਦਾਨ, ਕਸ ਦਾਨ, ਰਹਿਿ ਦਾਨ, ਹਫਫਕ ਦਾਨ, ਹਵਸਾਿ ਦਾਨ, ਬਰਸਾ ਦਾਨ, ਦਾਨਾ ਹਸਰ

ਦਾਨ,ਨਾਭ ਦਾਨ, ਸਰੀ ਅਹਭਰਿਸਰ ਜੀ ਦ ਇਸਨਾਨ, ਚਕੀਆ, ਝਡ, ਫ ਗ, ਜਗ ਜਗ ਅਟਿਲ, ਧਰਭ ਕਾ ਜਕਾਰ, ਫਲ ਜੀ ਵਾਹਿਗਰ!!!

ح ٢ وج، وج، ٤ص وج، ذري وج، ذحح وج، وجح وج ح وج، ض٤ح چى١ ذو٢ چه

چم أض، وج ح چ٢ ح ذ چ٢ ج٢ ؿSikhaa Noo Sikhee Daan, Kesh Daan, Rehit Daan, Bibek Daan, Bharosaa Daan, Daanaa Sir Daan Naam Daan, Chounkiyaa Jhande Bunge Jugo Jug Attal, Dharam Ka Jai Kaar Bolo Ji

Waheguroo Kindly confer upon the Sikhs the gift of Sikhism, the gift of long hair, the gift of observing

Sikh laws, the gift of divine knowledge, the gift of firm faith, the gift of belief and the biggest gift of Name. O God! May the choirs, the mansion and the banners exist forever;

may the truth ever triumph; utter Wahe Guru (Wondrous God)!

رس جؼ جط٣ ذرس جػرحش ػ٠ هج٤ ج٤م ذرس ط ئ٤ي ٣ح هللا ذأ ضى١ ج٤م ذح٤ه٤س ذ

ح ذرس جؼطوىجش ذأػظ جرحش ج أو ػ٤ح جطح٤ ". ؼ"جؼكس ج٤٩س ج٣٩ح ججم أ٣

ح ق جتي ح أذىج. جو أؾؼح و ك٤و جؿ٤غ ج هللا ج٢ ؿ. أ ٣ح هللا أ ٣ط جكن وجت

ؼؿ) (!هللا ج

ਹਸਿ ਖਾ ਦਾ ਭਨ ਨੀਵਾ, ਭਿ ਉਚੀ ਭਿ ਦਾ ਰਾਖਾ ਆ ਵਾਹਿਗਰ। ح وج ٤لح، ص أض٢، ص ذص وج جح أخ ج٢ ؿ

Sikhaa Daa Man Neevaa, Mat Uchee, Mat Pat Daa Raakhaa Aap Waheguroo May the minds of all the Sikhs remain humble and their wisdom exalted; O God! Your are

the protector of wisdom.

.ج أص جج٢ قحكع جكس. ػ٠ أ ضظ ػو ؾ٤غ ج٤م طجؼس ػ٠ أ ض قط

ਿ ਹਨਭਾਹਣਆ ਦ ਭਾਣ, ਹਨਿਾਹਣਆ ਦ ਿਾਣ, ਹਨਹਟਆ ਦੀ ਟ, ਸਿਚ ਹਿਾ, ਵਾਹਿਗਰ! ਆ ਦ ਿਜਰ…..ਦੀ ਅਰਦਾਸ ਿ ਜੀ।

(و١ أو ح١ چ٢....جخ و١ ح)٢٤ ٤ح و١ ح، ط٤ح و١ ضح، ٤ض٤ح و١ أش، حض٢ ذطح ج٢ ؿ

Hey Nimaneeaa De Maan, Nitaneeaa De Taan, Nioteeaa Di Ot, Sachey Pita Waheguroo (Aap Di Hazoor....Di Aardas hai Ji)

O True Father, Wahe Guru! you are the honour of the meek, the Power of the helpless ones, the shelter of the shelterless, we humbly make prayer in your presence.....

(substitute the occasion or prayer made here).

ك ٢ ذهع . جؼلحء هز جؼحؾ٣ أ ال أ أص ٢ ! أ٣ح ج٧خ جكن، ج٢ ؿ

(.٣رى ج٤حم أ جالز ح.....)ك٢ قضي


ਅਿਖਰ ਵਾਧਾ ਘਾਟਾ ਬਿ ਲ ਚਿ ਕ ਭਾਪ ਕਰਨੀ। ਸਰਫਿਿ ਦ ਕਾਰਜ ਰਾਸ ਕਰਨ। .أ كحوح هحضح ذ ضى حف ٢، ذص و١ حچ ج ٢

Akhar Vaadhaa Ghaataa Bhul Chuk Maaf Karnee, Sarbat De Kaaraj Raas Karney. Kindly pardon our errors and shortcomings in reciting the above Prayer. Kindly fulfill the

objects of all.

.قجتؽ جؿ٤غج أؾد . أػل ػح ذقطي ػ أنطحتح أؾ هح ك٤ح ضح جالز

ਸਈ ਹਆਰ ਭਲ, ਹਜਨਹ ਾ ਹਭਹਲਆ ਿਰਾ ਨ ਹਚਿ ਿ ਆਵ। ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਭ ਚੜਹਦੀ ਕਲਾ, ਿਰ ਬਾਣ ਸਰਫਿਿ ਦਾ ਬਲਾ।

٢٤ ذ٤ح١ ، چح ٤ح ضج ح ضص أك٢، حي ح ضو١ ، ض١ ذح٢ ذص وج ذال Seyee Piyare Mel, Jina Miliya Teraa Naam Chit Aavai, Naanak Naam Chardi Kala, Tere

Bhaaney Sarbat Daa Bhalaa Kindly cause us to meet those true devotees by meeting whom, we may remember and meditate upon Your Name. O God! through the True Guru Nanak, may Your Name be

exalted, and may all prosper according to Your will.

-ج ي جي . ج أص رد ج٧رحخ كأؾؼح وحذ جه٤ جى٣و٤ ٣ط ٣طأ جي .ضؼح٠ جي ح جطك٤ن ئال قرح ضحء - نال ؿ ححى جكن

ਵਾਹਿਗਰ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ, ਵਾਹਿਗਰ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਪਿਹਿ

ج٢ ؿ چ٢ ح حح ج٢ ؿ چ٢ ٢ كحض Waheguroo Ji Ka Khaalsaa Waheguroo Ji Ki Fateh

The Khalsa belongs to God; all victory is the victory of God.

.هلل قى، ئ جل ذأؾؼ هللا -جطحذؼ جطح-ئ جهس


جللس ج٤ه٤سضط٤ أ ". جنحف"ضط٤ جللس ج٤ه٤س ذحطن جح ؿح ؼح جق٢ جحو١ ج١ ال ٣كط١ ػ٠

ك٢ ظس أناله٤حش جلو ج٤ه٢، ال ٣ؾى ضؼح ذ٤ جؾد جلو ضؿح ل جؾر . جى٣ ك٢ ج٤ه٤س ذحرح٠س


ضؼ ج٤ه٤س ل . ػح 055ج٤ه٤س ٢ أؾىو و٣ ك٢ جؼح، كوى أح جك٤ ؿ ححى قج٢

ح ؼ٤ ج٧ذى١، (. ج٢ ؿ)ج٣٩ح ذ٤ح ئ جقى أػ٠ نحن ضوى ج٤ه٤س ج٠ح ذ٤طح طو٤

ح ضؼطف ذأ هللا ضؼح٠ جق٤ى ج١ ال ج٤ه٤س ٢ . ض حس جوز ج٧نز جؼح٤س و٣حس ضق٤ى٣س ضح

ضإ ج٤ه٤س ذؾو ئ جقى كو١، جهحن ججم جى، ركح ال ٣طه . ٣هغ و٤و جح جح

حش جؼروجش ج٧ن ظ٣س ضؿى هللا ٤ ح ح ك٢ ج٤ه٤س، ٢ ال ضؼط٢ أ١ ه٤س ٦س ج٩. ال ذ٣ح

.ؿ٤ هللا

( جطؿى)ظ٣س جكطحكحو . ضإ ج٤ه٤س ذؾو ئ جقى جهحن ججم جى ج١ ال ٣طؿى ك٢ ذ

ك٢ ج٤ه٤س، ج٧نالم . ٤ ح ح ك٢ ج٤ه٤س ٢ ال ضؼط٢ أ١ ه٤س ٦س ج٩حش جؼروجش ج٧ن ؿ٤ هللا

٣ؿد ػ٠ جء ؿ جلحش ج٧ناله٤س حس جلحت ك٢ ق٤حض ج٤٤س أؾ جطوى ك . ج ؼحجى٣ ٤٣

. جلحش جك٤ىز ػ جىم جقس ج جر جطجغ ال ٣ ذحؤح ئال ذحؿو جػحذز. ج جق٢ .جـ ئ ق٤حز ؼ٤ح جكحء ج٧ػحظ ٢ ى ئح ك٢ يي

٣ ضكو٤ن يي . ضؼح و٣حس ج٤ه٤س أ ىف جك٤حز جر٣س قوس جالوز جش جالىحؼ غ هللا

.أوجء أػح جهىس ج٩قح( جؼ)نال جضرحع ضؼح٤ جك٤ جـ، جطأ ك٢ ج هللا جوى

" ح"٣ؿد ػ٠ جء أ ٣طك ك٢ حػ جهس، ٢ . ٢ هللاػ٠ أ٤س ج٩نال ج٤" ح حؼ"٣إى جـ

. طكو٤ن جهال( جر٣حء" )أحح" ( جطؼن جى١٤" )"، (جؿغ" )خ"، (جـد" )و"، (جؿرس)ح ك٢ ج٤ه٤س جىف ق٤حز . جطو جححش جض٤٤س ػ ج٤ح جكؽ جطحش جطوق كس ضح

" ذحؾ٤ط٢ حؼ"ضإى ج٤ه٤س ػ٠ . ج٩ح جالىحؼ غ هللا، ٣ط ضكو٤ن يي ذحضرحع ضؼح٤ ؿ ؾجص حق٤د، ضىو (ح جؼ" )ح حؼ" ( ح جؼكس" )ؾ٤ح حؼ"غ يي، ك٢ ضؼطف ذأ٤س . أ ٣٠ن جطو

. ئ٠ ىف ج جق٢ػ٠ جكحؾس د ذس هللا


ال ض ػحتوح أح ضكو٤ن ( ؾجحص)ج٤ه٤س و٣حس قى٣ػس طو٤س ػ٤س، ضؼطوى أ جك٤حز ج٣٧س جؼحو٣س

ج أ ٣ؼ٤ جء لال . جؼذ٤س أ جؼس ر جؼح ٤ص أ ٣س طكو٤ن جهال. جهال

٣ؿد ػ٠ جإ أ ٣ؼ٤ ك٢ جؼح، غ يي ٣رو٠ أ كم جلحو . جى٣٤س ك٢ ١ جؼ ج٩ؿجءجش

ح وجػ٤س هلل. جالطجذحش جؼطحوز ٣ؿد أ ٣ جء ؾى٣ح ػح

. ج٤ه٤س و٣ ػح٢ ػح٢، ذحطح٢ ضك ؾ٤غ جلم جوحتس ػ٠ جطحتلس أ جؼو٤ىز أ جؼم أ جؿ

ىو جؼ جكحء ػ٠ جحجز ذ٤ جحء جؾح، . طوى أ ؾ٤غ جر طح ك٢ ظ هللاكح٤ه٤س ضؼ

ح هحج ذط٣ؽ جىػز ٩ػحوز جؼ ج٧ج (. قم ج٧ج" )حض٢" كج ظج أو جرحش ححش

أؾ جكلحظ ػ٠ ض٤ ج ػ٠ هللا ركح، ٣ؿد (. ئضىجء جحء كؿحخ أ جوحخ" )ذوز"كج ظح جـ

٤جش )ضؼطر ج٤ه٤س جؼ ذؿى أحس . ٣و ذهىس جـ٤ ج٩قح( ؼ)ػ٠ جء أ ٣طأ ج جوى

ح( حح غ ح أ جحس . د جز هر ج٢٤، ذىال ػ جط أ جطم ؿ٤ ج٣س، كح ػظ٤

ك جلط جلو أ ٣حػى ؿ٤ جكطحؾ٤، نال . ٢ إ٤س جؾطحػ٤س" كحى ضحح"ج٥ن٣ أ

ح ؾء ال ٣طؿأ ج٤ه٤س"٤لح(. "٪ أذحق05أ١ " )وججى" حى طرم . ، أ١ نىس جؿطغ ٢ أ٣

ح ؾ٤غ ج٧و٣ح، يي ضؼر٤ جقى كو١ ػ لطـ " ؾوجج"ؾو ك٢ " الؿح"ؿطؼ٢ ؿح٢

.أ نىس جؿطغ " ٤لح"أ٤س

.و٣حس ج٤ه٤س ضىػ ئ٠ جطلحؤ ج٧ ال ضور جل جطحؤ٢

ػالز ػ٠ يي، . ٣ؼطوى جكحء جؼ أ جك٤حز ح ؿ ىف، ك٢ ضك كس ٩وجى ججش ئوجى هللا

ي، ك٤ؿد أ ٣ جء ى٣ى . ء إ ػ أكؼح، ال ٣طط٤غ أ ٣ىػ٢ أ طحتؽ أكؼح ال ضإغ ػ٤كح

.جطو ك٤ح ٣لؼ

ج٤ه٤س ٢ جى٣ جق٤ى ج١ أػط٠ طحخ . جؼ ج٧ذى١" ؿ جع حقد"ئ طحخ ج٤ه٤س جوى

.ك٢ جى٣حس ج٤ه٤س( وىج١)ال ٣ؾى ح ك٤ ذ١ ق٢ . جوى ل لس جى جى٢٣


Philosophy of Sikhs

Philosophy of Sikhism is characterized by logic, comprehensiveness and its "without

frills" approach to the spiritual and material world. Its theology is marked by

simplicity. In Sikh ethics there is no conflict between the individual‟s duty to the self

and that towards society (sangat).

Sikhism is the youngest world religion. Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak some

500 years ago. It emphasizes the belief in One Supreme Being who is the creator of

the universe. It offers a simple straight path to eternal bliss and spreads a message

of love and universal brotherhood. Sikhism is strictly a monotheistic faith and

recognizes God as the only One who is not subject to limits of time or space.

Sikhism believes that there is only one God, who is the Creator, Sustainer,

Destroyer and does not take human form. The theory of Avtarvad (incarnation) has

no place in Sikhism. It does not attach any value to gods and goddesses and other


In Sikhism the ethics and religion go together. One must inculcate moral qualities

and practice virtues in everyday life in order to step towards spiritual development.

Qualities such as honesty, compassion, generosity, patience and humility can only

be built up by efforts and perseverance. The lives of our Great Gurus are a source

of inspiration in this direction.

The Sikh religion teaches that the goal of human life is to break the cycle of birth

and death and merge with God. This can be accomplished by following the

teachings of the Guru, meditation on the Holy Name (Naam) and performance of

acts of service and charity.

Naam Marg emphasizes constant devotion to the remembrance of God. One has to

control the five vices viz., Kam (Desire), Krodh (anger), Lobhe (greed), Moah

(worldly attachment) and Ahankar (pride) to achieve salvation. The rituals and

routine practices like fasting and pilgrimage, omens and austerities are rejected in

Sikh religion. One ought to follow the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhism

emphasizes Bhagti Marg or the path of devotion. It does, however, recognize the

importance of Gian Marg (Path of Knowledge) and Karam Marg (Path of Action). It

lays great stress on the need for earning God's Grace in order to reach the spiritual



Sikhism is a modern, logical, and practical religion. It believes that normal family life

(Grahast) is no barrier to salvation. Celibacy or renunciation of the world is not

necessary to achieve salvation. It is possible to live detached in the midst of worldly

ills and temptations. A devotee must live in the world and yet keep his head above

the usual tension and turmoil. He must be a scholarly soldier, and a saint for God.

Sikhism is a cosmopolitan and a "secular religion" and thus rejects all distinctions

based on caste, creed, race or sex. It believes all human beings are equal in the

eyes of God.The Gurus stressed on equality of men and women and rejected female

infanticide and Sati (widow burning) practice. They also actively propagated widow

remarriage and rejected the purdah system (women wearing veils).In order to keep

the mind focused on Him one must meditate on the holy Name (Naam) and

perform the acts of service and charity. It is considered honorable to earn one's

daily living through honest labor and work (Kirat Karna) and not by begging or by

the use of any dishonest means. Vand Chhakna, sharing with others, is also a social

responsibility. The individual is expected to help those in need. Seva, community

service is also an integral part of Sikhism. The free community kitchen (langar)

found at every gurdwara and open to people of all religions is one expression of this

community service.

Sikh religion advocates optimism and hope. It does not accept the ideology of


The Gurus believed that this life has a purpose and a goal. It offers an opportunity

for self and God realization. Moreover man is responsible for his own actions. He

cannot claim immunity from the results of his actions. He must therefore be very

vigilant in what he does.

The Sikh Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, is the Eternal Guru. This is the only religion

which has given the Holy Book the status of a religious preceptor. There is no place

for a living human Guru (Dehdhari) in Sikh religion.

Courtesy www.sikhpoint.com


أ٤س جؼحس ج٤ه٤سذؼى ج٤الو ك٢ ػى جك٤ ؿ ححى، إ ج٤ه٤س، 0055 ػح . جؼحس حص ال ضج ؾءج ال ٣طؿأ ج٩ح ج٤ه٢

.ح ج٤ه٤ ٣ط٣ ذحؼحس

ض٤ جحش . ٢ حش هطلس ك٢ ؿحش هطلس ل ج٢ء" ذحؼ"، أ ح ٣ط جنطح ح ػحوز "ذحؾ١"جؼحس أ جـ

ؿطحء أ ٣ط هطؼس جقىز ٣٠س . ئ٠ جالذ جط٢ ٣ضى٣ح جؾح جحء ػ٠ ججء طـط٤س ؤ

ج ". ذحضح"جوح لكس ق جأ، أ أق٤حح ح ض هرؼس وجن٤س أ جػطحوش جطوح٤ى ك٢ جىأ ٣ جضىجء جؼحس ك

.أ جطروحش جى٤ح ذحضىجء جؼحس ٣ ٣ف ؾح ي١ جحس جهلس. كو١ ػ٠ جؾح ي١ جحس ػح٤س ك٢ جؿطغ

ػ٠ جؿ أ جالقطلحظ ذحؼ ؿ٤ و أ هى أ ذ جك٤ ؿ ؾذ٤ى ٤ؾ جقى رحوب ج٣٩ح جهس، كوى

٣ؿؼ ئضىجء ػحس ج٤ه٤س ٢ جى٣ جق٤ى ك٢ جؼح ج١ . 0641جضر١ يي ج٧ كطز ٣٠س ذح٤ه٤س ذىج٣طح ك٢ ػح

ػحس ج٤م ض٠ . جـحر٤س جؼظ٠ جح ج٣ ٣ضى جؼ ك٢ جى جـذ٤س ج٤ه٤. ئج٢ ؿ٤غ ج جرحـ٤

.، ح ٣ؼ٢ ذط ٤ح"٣ى هللا"، ٢ س كح٤س، ضؼ٢ قك٤ح "وجطح"

ج القطج جحس جؿطؼ٤س، حص ػ هى٣س . ٣ط ج٤ه٤ ذؼحط جؼى٣ىز ج٤ز ضو٤ى٣ح، كا جؼحس حص

ح رالء كو١ نال ج٤س جـ٤س ػ٠ جى، ف ٤ كو١ ذحضىجء جؼحس، ض غ ؾ٤غ ؿ٤ ج٤ . ٤ثح ه


حى جـ٢ أ ؾ٤غ ج٤ه٤ ذحضىجء جؼحس، ق٤ع ح ٣ؿد جضىجؤح جك٤ ؿ ؾذ٤ى ٤ؽ ضكى ج جالط

ج ذحؼح٤٣ ج٧ناله٤س جؼح٤س جط٢ ح ٧ضرحػ جـ ط٣٤ ػ ذو٤س جؼح، " نحس"، كوى أجو أ ٣ أضرحػ جـ"نحس"ئؼح

ح ح ٣ر ؼح ذ٤ . ٤ه٤ أجو أ ٣طرؼج جج٠ جل٣ى ج١ جكحء ج ج، ح ج٤م ي جؼحس وجت

ح جؼػ ػ٤" ؾو جؼحء"جكو ح أجو جك٤، ٧ أجو أ ٣ . جطؼف ػ٤ أ٣

، ٧ح ضىؽ طرف ٤ثح ػىح ٣ضى١ ؾ أ جأز ج٤ه٤٤ ػحس، ضطهق ضي جؼحس ػ ح ؿو ١٣ جوح

. جؼحس، ذح٩حكس ئ٠ هجػى ج٣٩ح ج٧ذؼس ج٧ن جط٢ ٣ضى٣ح ج٤م، ح أ٤س ق٤س ح٤س حتس. جقىج غ أ ج٤ه٢ت٢٤ الضىجء ػ ج٤حوز جطلح٢ جقطج ججش جؿحػس جطو، كا جرد ج -ك٢ ق٤ أ أرحخ جضىجء جؼحس ػ٤ز

.، جك٤ ؿ ؾذ٤ى ٤ؾ"نس"ج٤ه٤٤ ؼحس ئظح قر ٠حػط جقطج إ جـ

ئح جط٣وس جط٢ طؼ ذح ألح ٤ـ٤٤ ٤٣ ٣ؿ ػ٠ ػ جالطج ذح . جؼحس ٢ ى٣س جك٤ ؿ ح"

ئح ئحز . ؾح جحء ػ٠ قى جء، كا ج٣س ج٩وح٤٠س ضق٢ ذح٤س جرس جطلوذحرس . ك ػ٤ح ج٧ػ٠

ػىح ضهطح . جؼحس ال ضػ أ١ ٢ء جالطج جح. ٦ن٣ أح ؼ٤ ك٢ ز جىج أح ألح هىس جؿ٤غ

ئ يي ؼ . كاي ضوق ذال نف ه جقى كو١ ٣وق ذ٤ ٤حجش ج٧هح أ ضر ذ٤ ج٥ن٣ نال ذ١ ػحطي،

(وطر هغ ٤م ص". )م


Importance of Sikh Turban

Turban has always been an inseparable part of a Sikh. From the time of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, Sikhs have adorned the turban. Turban to a sikh is a lot more than a crown is to a king. „Dastar‟ is another name for the sikh turban which relates to „Blessing of the Guru‟. All these words refer to the garment worn by both men and women to cover their unshorn hair.It is a headdress consisting of a long scarf-like piece of cloth worn around the head. Although the keeping of unshorn hair was mandated by Guru Gobind Singh as one of the Five K's or five articles of faith, it has long been associated with Sikhism since the very beginning of Sikhi in 1469. Sikhism is the only religion in the world in which wearing a turban is mandatory for everybody. Vast majority of people who wear turbans in the Western countries are Sikhs. Traditionally, the turban represents respectability, and has long been an item once reserved for nobility only. In older times, in India the turban was only worn by men of high status in society. During the Mughal domination of India, only the Muslims were allowed to wear a turban. All non-muslims were strictly barred from wearing a turban.

Guru Gobind Singh, in defiance of such bylaws of the Mughals asked all of his Sikhs to wear the turban. This was to be worn in recognition of the high moral standards that he had charted for his Khalsa followers. He wanted his Khalsa to be different and to be determined "to stand out from the rest of the world" and to follow the unique path that had been set out by the Sikh Gurus. Thus, a turbaned Sikh has always stood out from the crowd, as the Guru intendedhis 'Saint-Soldiers' to be easily recognizable. When a Sikh man or a woman dons a turban, the turban ceases to be just a band of cloth, for it becomes an integral part of the attire. The reasons for wearing a turbanmay be many such as sovereignty, dedication, self-respect, courage, piety etc. but why the Sikhs wear it is mainly to show their love, obedience and respect for the founder of the Khalsa Guru Gobind Singh. The turban is our Guru's gift to us. It is how we crown ourselves as the Singhs and Kaurs who sit on the throne of commitment to our own higher consciousness. For men and women alike, this projective identity conveys royalty, grace, and uniqueness. It is a signal to others that we live in the image of Infinity and are dedicated to serving all. The turban doesn't represent anything except complete commitment. When you choose to stand out by tying your turban, you stand fearlessly as one single person standing out amongstsix billion people. It is a most outstanding act.


و جأز ك٢ ج٤ه٤س

ض رحوب ج٤ه٤س ػ٠ أ جحء ههحش ل ج٧جـ جط٢ نن ح جؾح، أ ى٣ قن

ك٢ ض٤س قح٤ط، ك٤ ه٤حوز جطؿؼحش جى٤٣س، جحس ك٢ ح جطالز جطز " )أنحى"طح

، ح ٣ (س" )ؾجػ٢"ؼ ـ، ج(ؿحء جطج٤ جؿحػ٤س" )٤ضح"، أوجء جـ(طد جوىس

حص ج٤ه٤س أ جى٣ححش جؼح٤س . جحس ك٢ ؾ٤غ ج٧طس جى٤٣س جػوحك٤س جالؾطحػ٤س جؼح٤س

جك٤ ؿ ححى ح هى رحوب جحجز ذ٤ جؿ٤، . جت٤٤س جط٢ ضف جحجز ؾح جحء

.٣ نل جحء ػ٠ جحس جحس ك٢ ؾ٤غ أطس جؼرحوز جحس ج٤ه٤سح ؿغ جكحء ج

٣و ؿ جع حقد،

-" ذىجتغ هللا، هى هح جك٤ ححى، نوي ضؼح٠ ٤٠د وى . جحء جؾح ال نو هللا"SGSS

. س ؾ ك٢ نىس ج٥ن٣ جطلح٢ جطك٤س جؿحػسؿ ضح٣م ج٤ه٤س ػ و جأز أح طح٣حى جؼى٣ى ج٧ػس جطذس ك٢ ضوح٤ى ج٤ه٤س ػ٠ ججس ج٧ناله٤س جطوس أز، نىطح ؿطغ،

.ضك٤طح ذلح

طحو جطرحو، ٣ى جؾ ك٢ ظح جؼالهحش جطرحوس جالػ. كوح ٤ه٤س، جؾح جحء ؾح ؼس جقىز

كوح ٤ه٤س، ال ٣ ؾ أ ٣ؼ ذح٧ح جح ك٢ . ق جأز، ضى جأز ذز جؾ

كوى هح . ق٤حض ذى جأز، ٣ضر١ ؿحـ جؾ ذكد وػ جأز جط٢ ضحى ق٤حضح ؼ، جؼ ك٤ف

:جك٤ ؿ ححى

ىجس، "أ ال ٣رـ٢ أ " جأز جط٢ ضكحكع ػ٠ جطج ج جر٢١ [ ئح"] ؼطر جأز ؼس

".٣ جحء جالض٢ ٣ى جوحوز جى[ ػىح]

.674طحخ ١ ؿ جع حقد جوى لكس -


ػ٠ ضكو٤ن جهال أ ئوجى هللا أ ج أقى جوح٠ جح وحح ٢ ح ئيج ح جى٣ ٣ؼطر جأز هحوز

٣و ؿ جع حقد،. ئ٠ أػ٠ جؼج جق٤س


ؿ جع " )هللا ججغ ط ك٢ ؾ٤غ جحتحش، ك طــ ك٢ ؾ٤غ أجػح ج ج٩حظ"


ي ٣ . ؿ٤ ذ طح١ وس ؿ جع حقد أػال، كا هللا ٣ى١ ال ج

ك٢ جؼى٣ى ج٧و٣ح ج٧ن، . جؾح جحء ضكو٤ن جهال ذز طحغس ذحضرحع ضؼح٤ جك٤ ؿ

أكح قى٣ػس "ك٢ . ضؼطر جأز ػحتوح أح قح٤س جؾ، ٤ ك٢ ج٤ه٤س، كوى ك جك٤ ؿ يي

أ٤ ذححى،، ضو " ػ ج٤ه٤س

غ جؾ " ك ض جأز ػحتوح أح جؾ، ذ حص ... وى هح أ جكحء ذغ جأز ػ٠ ط طح

".٣س ك٢ نىس هللا جؼ٢ هال


جؼ ٢ ق٤حز ج٧ز، كرىال ق٤حز جؼذ٤س جى، كوى ح -" ؾجطح"أ٠ جك٤ ؿ ححى ذحـ

ك٢ ج٣٥حش جوىس ض ض٣ جؼحوز . جؾس ٤٣ طح٤٣، هى ض ك ج٩نال ػ٠ ٤ح

، "ذح١ ؿوج"٣وى . جؾ٤س ػح ىف ؾ٤، ك٤ؼطر ججؼ ح٣س وجتس طؼر٤ ػ قد هللا

:٣ ر٤ حء، ق٤ع ٣وحػ ك٢ ػ ج٤ه٤س جرز ل غم ؼو٤ىز ج٤ه٤س، ضوى

ج" ك٢ أ ؾح، ك٢ . جأز ٢ جلو جل ك٢ جى٣ح، ق٤ع ٣كرح جىح جىضح ػ٤

ك٢ حس ك٢ جكس جق٤س جط٣ جلحش ... ٤ز ج٧ز، ح ؼحوز جؼحتس ق قظح

(04كحج، جؿى ". ) ؾ، ضجكو ئ٠ ذحخ جطك٣ جر٤س، كحأز، ذلطح جق ج٥ن

جحس جطح٣س

ح جحجز ك٢ جغ ذ٤ جؾح جحء، ٤٣ جؼ جكحء ذ٤ جؿ٤ ك٢ حت ذىء أ

كوح . (ضح جطؼح ؼح" )ذحؾحش" ( أ١ جحس جوىس" )حؿحش"ضى٣ أ جحس ك٢ أطس

، كوى جك٤ ؿ أح وج جطهىج جكؿحخ هر "ح٤ح ذجح"، "حخ وج ذحال"ـ

". حض٢"جحء هى ق ذؼ جحء ذح٩جف ػ٠ ذؼ ؿطؼحش جطال٤ هح ذحىػز ى ػحوز جـؾ، حضح ىج١، ج٢ حقد ؿ ضح٣م ج٤ه٤س أحء جؼى٣ى جحء، ػ حضح ؾؾ١ ح١ ذح

ج س ك٢ أقىجظ ػ .، ج٢ حوج حج٢ ؾ٤ى ، ججض٢ ؼر أوج



ح ؾىج ك٢ ج٤ه٤س ج ح جطؼ٤ ػ٤س ض٤س يجض٤س، ج رد . ك لطحـ ؿحـ أ١ ه. ٣ؼطر جطؼ٤ أ

٣و ؿ جع حقد،. ذاحء جؼى٣ى جىجه٤ح جك٤ ؿ جػحع

(.140ؿ جع حقد، " )٣ط جك ػ٠ جل جؼكس ج٤٩س نال جك٤ ؿ"

جغح ن . جطؼ٤ أ ١ ؿ٤غ ٣ؿد ػ٤ح ح جؼ أك ح ٣ أ

، "و حس جحء ج٤ه٤حش"ك٢ . جك٤ ؿ جػحع حج جحءجر٣ ج٤ه٤ ج٣ أ

طد جىط ٤ى ح ؾ٤،

".ح جك٤ ؿ جح وج وطؼح ذأ ال ٣ طؼح٤ أ ضطم ك٢ ه قط٠ ضورح جحء يي جو"

ه٤و ػ٠ جالذذؼى جضىجء جكؿحخ، كا ج٤ه٤س ضوى ذ٤حح ذ٤طح ـح٣س ك٤ح ٣طؼن ذف جظ ػ أ جحء

ج جر٤ح ٣طرن ػ٠ ؾ٤غ ج٤م ذـ جظ ػ ؾ، ق٤ع ٣و ؿ جع . ذح١ جالذ


طحخ ١ ؿ " .ضؿد جضىجء جالذ جط٢ ٣ جؿ ك٤ح ؿ٤ ضحـ جؼو ٢ء ذح٧كح ج٣ز"

04جع حقد جوى، جلكس

٣طهغ . ج، ك٤ىى ج٤ه٤ أ١ ع جالذ ٨٣ جؼو ذأكح ٣ز ٣ؿد ػ٤ أ ٣طؿر

ج٤ق، ؿ٤ ج٧وجش، ج أ " ٤ذح"جحء ج٤ه٤حش أ ٣ىجكؼ ػ أل ذحطهىج جـ

أز، ٧ح جز ج٠٧ ك٢ جطح٣م جط٢ ٣طهغ ك٤ح جحء أ ٣ىجكؼ ػ أل، ذىال ك٣ى ذحرس

.أ ٣ؼطى ػ٠ جؾح كح٣س جؿى٣س

وطرحش طحخ ١ ؿ جع حقد جوى

." ضؼح٠ ح٠غ ال ٣هلصذ٤ ؾ٤غ جحء جؾح، . ك٢ ج٧ ك٢ جحء، ال أ أ١ غح٢ هلل ركح" .224طحخ ١ ؿ جع حقد جوى لكس


جأز ى جؾ، وجن جأز ٣ هللا جؾ، غ الأز ٣هطد ٣طؼ جؾ، كطرف ٢ ى٣وط، "

كال ل. قط٠ ػىح ضش ؾط ٣ركع ػ جأز ز أن. نالح ضأض٢ ج٧ؾ٤ح جوحوس

قح، ضى جحء؛ ذى جأز، . كحيج ئيج ضلح ذحء؟ ق جأز ٣ى جى. جحء

674جك٤ ؿ ححى، طحخ ١ ؿ جع حقد جوى لكس ". ٣ حى أ٣س أقى ػ٠ ج٠٩الم

١ ؿ ج وج ؾ٢، جلكس ". ٢ ١ج أه٢ جي ضؼح٠ ى٣س كحك: "ك٤ح ٣طؼن ذح

، طحخ ١ ؿ جع حقد جوى01، جط 71

ك٢ جح٣س، ٣ؿد ي ج . جذو٢ ٣ح جذط٢ ال ضـط٢ ؾي ذحكؿحخ": "ذو"ك٤ح ٣طؼن ذحس جـ

جلحتىز جق٤ىز . جحء هري حص ضكؿر ؾ، كال ضطرؼ٢ نطح. جكؿحخ قط٠ قرس نو

٣ قؿحذي ك٤كح ئال ". ح هى ؾحءش جؼ جر٤س"قؿد ؾي ٢ أ رؼس أ٣ح، ٤و جح،

، طحخ ١ ؿ جع حقد جوىP .616-. ئيج هط٢ ؿ٤ط٢ ضحذ٤ف هللا جؿ٤ىز

ضؼحج ٣ح أنجض٢ ج٧قرحء كحه٢ " :جحء ؾ٤غ ج٧جـ ؿؼ ذىز ػ٠ أ ٣ؼ٤ج ق٤حز قح٤س

ح ػ ذح جو١ جؼظ٤. جق٤٤، ػحو٢ ذىز ك٢ أقح جك٤ -". كؿطغ ؼح، ١ ه

.، طحخ ١ ؿ جع حقد جوى07ؿ ححى،


Role of women in Sikhism

The principles of Sikhism state that women have the same souls as men and

possess an equal right to cultivate their spirituality. They can lead religious

congregations, take part in the Akhand Path (the continuous recitation of the Holy

Scriptures), perform Kirtan (congregational singing of hymns), and work asGranthis

(priests). They can participate in all religious, cultural, social, and secular activities.

Sikhism was the first major world religion giving equality to women. Guru Nanak

preached gender-based equality, and the gurus who succeeded him encouraged

women to take a full part in all the activities of Sikh worship and practice.

Guru Granth Sahib states, “Women and men, all by God are created. All this is

God‟s play. Says Nanak, all thy creation is good, Holy” SGGS Page 304.

Sikh history has recorded the role of women portraying them as equal in service,

devotion, sacrifice, and bravery to men. Many examples of women's moral dignity,

service, and self-sacrifice are written in the Sikh tradition.

According to Sikhism, men and women are two sides of the same coin. In the

system of interrelations and interdependence man takes birth from woman, and

woman is born ofman's seed. According to Sikhism a man cannot feel secure and

complete in his life without a woman, and a man's success is related to the love and

support of the woman who shares her life with him, and vice versa.

Guru Nanak said:

"[it] is a woman who keeps the race going" and that we should not "consider

women cursed and condemned, [when] women are born leaders and kings." SGGS

Page 473.


An important point to raise is whether a religion considers women capable of

achieving salvation, realisation of Godor the highest spiritual realm.

Guru Granth Sahib states:

“In all beings God is pervasive, and pervades in all forms male and female” (Guru

Granth Sahib,Page 605).


From the above statement from the Guru Granth Sahib, the light of God rests

equally with both sexes. Both men and women can therefore attain salvation

equally, by obeying the Guru. In many religions, a woman is considered a hindrance

to man‟s spirituality, but not in Sikhism. The Guru rejects this notion. In „Current

Thoughts on Sikhism‟, Alice Basarke states,

“The first Guru put woman on par with man…woman was not a hindrance to man,

but a partner in serving God and seeking salvation”.


Guru Nanak recommended grhastha—the life of a householder. Instead of celibacy

and renunciation, husband and wife were equal partners and fidelity was enjoined

upon both. In the sacred verses, domestic happiness is presented as a cherished


Equal Status:

To ensure equal status between men andwomen, the Gurus made no distinction

between the sexes in matters of initiation, instruction or participation in sangat

(holy fellowship) and pangat (eating together) activities. According to Sarup Das

Bhalla, Mahima Prakash, Guru Amar Das disfavoured the use of the veil by women.

He assigned women to supervise some communities and preached against the

custom of sati. Sikh history records the names of several women, such as Mata

Gujri Mai Bhago, Mata Sundari, Rani Sahib Kaur, Rani Sada Kaur and Maharani Jind

Kaur, who played important roles in the events of their time.


Education is considered very important in Sikhism. It is the key to anyone‟s success.

It is a process ofpersonal development and it is the reason why the 3rd Guru set up

many schools


Guru Granth Sahib states:

“All divine knowledge and contemplation is obtained through the Guru”. SGGS, Page

831 Education for all is essential and everyone must work to be the best they can

be. Fifty two of the Sikh missionaries sent out by the 3rd Guru were women.

In, „The Role and Status of Sikh Women‟, Dr Mohinder Kaur Gill writes,

“Guru Amar Das was convinced that no teachings can take root until and unless

they are accepted by women”.

Restrictions on Clothes:

Apart from requiring women not to wear a veil, Sikhism makes a simple yet very

important statement regarding dress code. This applies to all Sikhs regardless of

gender. The Guru Granth Sahib states, “Avoid wearing those clothes in which the

body is uncomfortableand the mind is filled with evil thoughts.”SGGS, Page 16

Self Defence by Women:

Sikh women are expected to defend themselves with Kirpan (sword) and other

weapons.This is unique for women because it is the first time in history when

women were expected to defend themselves. They are not expected to be

dependent on men for physical protection.

SGGS Quotes:

"In the earth and in the sky, I do not see any second. Among all the women and

the men, His Light is shining. " SggsPage 223.

From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is

engaged and married.Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future

generations come.When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to the woman

he is bound.So why call her bad? From her, kings are born.From woman, woman is

born; without woman, there would be no one at all. Guru Nanak, SGGS Page 473

In regard to dowry: "O my God, give me thy name as my wedding gift and dowry."

Shri Guru Ram Das ji, Page 78, line 18 SGGS


ؿ جع حقد ػ جطجغ

ح ذطجغ أح هللا حش جطجغ . جطجغ ؾحد ج٤ه٤س، ق٤ع ٣ؿد أ ٣غ ج٤م وجت

٤حضح ٢ ك٤س ٣ط جىػز ح ذوز ك٢ . جرؿحذ٤س ٢ لحش غ٤وس جس ذرؼحك٢ جـس " ٤حضح"

.، ضؾس جس جرؿحذ٤س ٢ جطجغ، أ ج٩قح أ جهع"ؾذح٢"

جلس ٢ أ ١ ؿ٤غ جر أ ٣ح، ك٢ ؾء أح٢ ػو٤س جلو ج٤ه٢ ك٢ ؾ٤غ

:جلحش ج٧ذغ ج٧ن ك٢ ضحس ج٤م ٢. ج٧هحش





جه ح جلحش ٣س لو ج٤ه٢، جؾر أ ٣طأ ٣ط ؿذح٢ أؾ قع

. جلحت ك٢ أل ؾؼح ؾءج ه٤ط

ؾذح٢ح ٣هرح ذ

. ئ غز جطجغ ٢ جال جطوحت٢ جؼحوز، كأثي ٣ج جطأ ك٢ هللا جح ذهع ضجغ"جطجغ ك٢ ج٤ه٤س . كحء جع هلل ؿحم ك٢ جطجغ جهع، ٣ؼ هر ذقس جطجغ جطو٠

". ػحء جط أح هللا

٧ ٤ه٤سؿ ححى، جؼ ج

ذحالطحع ج٣٩ح ذكد ضجغ ك٢ ػوي، ٠ لي ذحال هللا ضؼح٠، ك٢ جكجخ جوى ذىجن "

6طحخ ١ ؿ جع حقد جوى لكس ." لي

-." جؾؼ جوحػس حكن ك٢ أي٤ي، جطجغ ػحءى ط، جطأ ححو ج١ ضؼ ػ٠ ؾىى"

4ؿ جع حقد جوى لكس طحخ ١


Guru Granth Sahib on Humility

Humility is an important aspect of Sikhism. SIkhs must always bow in

humility before God. Humility or ‟Nimrata‟ in Punjabi are closely related

words.Nimrata is a virtue that is vigorously promoted in Gurbani. The

translation of this Punjabi word is "Humility",


This is an important quality for all humans to nurture and one that is an

essential part of a Sikh's mindset at all times. The other four qualities in

the Sikh arsenal are:

Truth (Sat),

Contentment (Santokh),

Compassion (Daya) and

Love (Pyar).

These five qualities are essential to a Sikh and it is their duty to meditate

and recite Gurbani to instill these virtues and make them a part of their


What Gurbani tells us:

"The fruit of humility is intuitive peace and pleasure. With Humility one

should continue to meditate on God, the Treasure of excellence. The one

who is mercifully blessed stays steeped in humility.

Guru Nanak, First Guru Of Sikhism:

"Listening and believing with love and humility in your mind cleanse

yourself with Naam, at the sacred shrine deep within."- SGGS Page 4

"Make contentment your ear-rings, humility your begging bowl, and

meditation the ashes you apply to your body."-SGGS Page 6


Journey towards Spirituality

Guru Granth Sahib is an eternal living Guru, a poetic composition of Sikh

Gurus, Hindu and Muslim Saints. The compilation is a gift from God through

them to all mankind. The vision in the Guru Granth Sahib is of a society based

on Divine justice without oppression of any kind. While the Granth

acknowledges and respects the scriptures of Hinduism and Islam, it does not

imply a moral reconciliation with either of these religions. In Guru Granth

Sahib women are highly respected with equal roles as men. Women have the

same souls as men and thus possess an equal right to cultivate their

spirituality with equal chance of achieving liberation.Women can participate in

all religious, cultural, social, and secular activities including leading religious


Sikhism advocates equality, social justice, service to humanity, and tolerance

for other religions. The essential message of Sikhism is spiritual devotion and

reverence of God at all times while practicing the ideals of compassion,

honesty, humility and generosity in everyday life. The three core tenets of the

Sikh religion are meditating and remembering God, Working for Honest living

and sharing with others.

Congratulationsfor making an effort to go on this Spiritual Journey for the

soul. The translation can never be close to original, especially when the

complete Guru Granth Sahib is in poetry and the use of metaphors makes the

task exceedingly difficult.In the Divine message, Hindu & Muslim mythological

stories are often used Pralahad , Harnakash, laxmi, Brahma etc. Please do not

read them literally but understand their underlyingmessage. The focus is on

the fact that God is one and to have union with Him is the goal of human life.

This work has been done over years by several volunteers, to get to you the

Divine message in your language. If you have any questions, please feel free

to email [email protected] and we would love to join you on this journey.