MANZUR AL-DHAMARI'S - hebrew arabic

Kohut, Alexander Notes on a hitherto unknovm exegetical, theological and philosophical commentary to the Pentateuch

Transcript of MANZUR AL-DHAMARI'S - hebrew arabic

Kohut, AlexanderNotes on a hitherto unknovm

exegetical, theological andphilosophical commentary to

the Pentateuch



hebrew arabic

Philosophical CommentaryON THE





FELDHEIM'S"The House of the Jewish Book"96 E. Broadway, N. Y. 2, N. Y.








Containing HEBREW and ARABIC extracts






Rabbi Temple Ahawath Chessed, and President

OF THE Advisory Board of the Jewish Theological Seminary





A. Gtn'sberg, Printer,

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President of the Jewish Theological Seminary





By The Author.


Notes on a hitherto rNKKOwx exegetical, theological am)





By Eev. Dr. ALEXANDER KOHUT in New York.


A), Yemen Hebrew MSS.

Dr. A. Neubauer, in his able essay *) on the "Literature of the

Jews in Yemen," presents a historical outline of settlements *), and a

sketch on the development of their literature. We have but little to

add to, these details, originally collected by the well known orientalist

and traveller M. Joseph Halevy, and by Jacob Sappir, ') who in his

^) See "Jeuish Quarterly Review III, 604—622.

*) J. J, Bevjawin II in his "Eight years in Asia and Africa" etc.

1859 (EngUsh Ed. p. 169), speaking of Jews in Yemen says : In the

year 1522 Nibuar, a captain in the Danish navy, who had been sent

out by Frederick V found in Yemen many Jews especially in the

capital, Sana, where he numbered almost 2000 souls etc. Dr. Keiibauer

(1. c.) omitted to mention this item. The history of Ezra's attempt to

induce the Jews to return to their country', and his failure, whereupon

a curse was pronounced etc. etc. is also rendered by Benjamin 1. c.

Cf. Neubauer ibid. p. 605.

») Cf. "Eben SapMr'' {ytD pS) Beschreibung der , Reiseu des

Rabbi Jacob Saphir aus Jeiusalem. durch Egypten, Arabien, Yemen,

Aden, Ostindien und Australien etc. etc. appeared in the publications

of the society: M'Kize Nirdamim PC'S") pbn 1866 ; ^Jty pbn 1874.


interesting accounts, preserved several important facts concerning the

Yemen Jews and their Uterature. In truth, they exhibited Taluable

MSS. from Yemen, to corroborate their statements in regard to their

literary capacities. For us still remains the endeavor to unearth the

mysteries of genius, and increase, if possible, the list of productions

attributed to these, our Arabian coreligionists. It therefore gives us

gi-eat pleasure to be in a position to contribute our share in casting

the light of day upon the obscurity of Yemen literature, and thereby

render valuable assistance to Jewi«h science. We are under obligations

to Mr. Ephraim Deinard of Newark (N. J.") for permitting us to glean

the necessary bibliographical information ^) respecting the MSS. in

his possession, and heartily endorse Dr. Neubauer's statements ") on this

point, that these MSS, should be secured by some of our large libraries,

on account of their paramount importance for our literature.

We will merely confine ourselves to a brief description of the

Deinard MSS., taking for granted, that the article of Dr. Neubauer

(op. cit.) and Prof. Hartwig Derenbourg's notes on latest acquisitions

in the British Museum ') are familiar to our readers.

1—An Arabic Commentary on the Pentateuch— I'DDn by Rabbenu

Sa'adja al—Fajjiimi, from the beginning of the XV century. Colophon

hardly legible. By means of a magnifying glass we were enabled to

decipher the year: nilDr!? T'nn fj^K 1804 Sel., corresponding to 1434

of our era.

[A beautiful copy, nothing missing; square Rabbinical characters folio.

paper ff. 155],

') Cf. (DnQD nO'B'1) No VIII Catalog Hebr. Verlag Buchhandlung& Antiqiiariat, Hebraica und Judaica von Ephraim Deinard—privately

printed. Newark. N. J, 1889.

') Jeicish Quarterly Review III p. 614.

') In the Revue des Etudes Juives Vol XXIII. pp. 99—116; 279-301

2—A well preserved copy of Rashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch

from the XIII century. It begins with: nD^'J?' 'T "S aifiab b'nriK jOm Dt^S

V'r pnv' and nb-sNO "iJK^iT Nin min 'K^in ntron i^y b"T ^"sn "a d^j

N"113ni injn bnjn ^xn mrya mis!? may by read on the colophon.

There are copious margin notes with an epitome of the D'llLDn hv2 by

Jacob ben Asher on page 4 i).

[Square Rabbinic characters, full copy; written on soft silk paper,

foUo, ff. 146].

3—Fragments of Maimiini's "Jad Hachazaka" from the XII

century [silk paper. It is one of the oldest copies extant].

4—Fragments of Maimdni's Commentary to Seder Moed.

[Loose sheets].

5 — Maimiini's Mishna Commentary to Seder Zeraim in Arabic

and Hebrew.

The colophon reads: n"3-inN Nlioya J"3 nE* mTVa DT^T "nO lOJJ =

77th year of the 6th thousand — 1307 of our era.

[Deer parchment; folio, ff. 185].

6—Maimonides' Commentary to Seder Nashim *) in Arabic, very

probably from the XII century; seemingly one of the earliest copies.

The collection is made by two hands. The first portion, written on

paper runs tiU the VII ch. of Yebamoth, and the other, apparently

of older date, on silk paper. The colophon again, bears inscription

by another hand, which by means of mechanical appliances, we were

successful in deciphering. It reads thus: HE^ipn nOJSn n'3 DC bv

Obviously the owner donated the MS. to the Synagogue at Sana

la the above mentioned year 1801 Sel.=1331 of our era.

[Thick silk paper; small folio, ff. 137].

7—Commentary of D'3'D'T to Kodoshim, together wnth a part of

the introduction. It begins a little before the III ch. of Zebachim.

•) Cf. Neubauer 1. c. p. 613.

') Containing treatises to Yebamoth, Kethuboth, Nedarim, Nazir,

Gittin, Sota = nciK' (sic) and Kiddushin.

On the margin of page 89 he quotes the Targum Jonathan ben Uziel;

on p. 137 the Commentary of D. Qamhi. It conchicles with the III

Ch. of Kinim.

[Defect copy; large square characters, folio., 258 pp.]

8—n^Ty EmD by Mosheh ben Joseph ben Moshe Aziri '), as the

title page reads, ^^-ritten by Shalom ben Mosheh in brief and decisive

language. Each chapter is he.'ided by a poem in rhyme and has short

comments on the margin in Arabic and Hebrew. One copy has been

forwarded to Mr. Schechter ") who pronounces it a sort of Midrashic

compilation like the ^njH ti'llD, and the other is in the possession

of Mr. Deinard.

[Silk paper; Yemen square characters. £f. 194].

9—The text of the Thora verse by verse, with the Targum and

Arabic translation below. The punctuation instead of being beneath

the letters is placed above. XV Century.

[Some pages missing; written by various hands in Quadratschrift].

10— Yemen Ritual beginning with wedding ceremonials, gi'ace

after meals, etc. containing beautiful hymns, songs and repreated

refrains. We find here Ibn Saphir's remarks regarding the ritual cor-

roborated.') Arabic prayers are also intermingled. The vowels and

interpunctuations are on the top of the letters. The diverse Hoshana

prayers desei-ve special mention.

[Quarto, well preserved: ff. 120].

11—Fragments of other Yemen collections in folio are also contained

in Mr. Deinard"s list.

12—Aggadico—philosophical Commentary on the Pentateuch, few

pages of the beginning missing, and also towards the end the portion

nXT. Hebrew and Arabic contents. On page 100 he calls Genesis: nSD

') Cf. Dr. Steinschneider in N. BriiU's Central—Anzeiger fiir judi-

sche Litteratur, I., p. 413.

*) See Neubauer : Postscript to Article on "The Literature of the

Jews of Yemen" (J. Q. R. Ill 604—621) Ibid. IV p. lU.') Cf. n^DD DX I p. 57.


nt^'n and ibidem, he designates Exodus as: Nn!?'DO "IDD- Each chapter

concludes with the following phrase: n!?1pjcb{< ^JNyo^^X YV2 DOm. . . ncr-is "D nnn: Nin ina ntj' mryn . . . nt'is 's d b i


n in pIn my opinion •) tliere can be no doubt as to the authorship, for the

word D^i*!?X "I1J indicates Nathanel Ben Reb Jeshaja as its author,

who composed his CCommentary in the year 1640 Sel. = 1339. The

expression, y ]} 2 makes it probable, that ourMS. is merely an abridgement

of the former.')

[Yemen square characters, silk paper, with several diagrams; Hebrew

Arabic margin notes, by another hand; ff. 347 small folio].

* **

Mr. Deinard had other Yemen MSS. which were obtained by

tlie Columbia CoUege *). A complete list and description thereof may

1) Mr. E. Deinard, who supposed it to be a commentary of Saadja

is therefore mistaken.

') Cf . Neubauer: Catalogue of the MSS. in the Bodlejan Library- No.

2346 Col. S19a where full title and particulars are given.

') We reserve ourselves the privilege of treating more at length on

this commentary, and in order to make a thorough study, we would beg

Dr. Neubauer, whose kindness in such emergencies is well known, to place

MSS. 2346, if possible, at our disposal. It seems Dr. Neubauer wasaware of the existence of this copy of the "Nlir al-Dhalam" by Nethaneel

ben Isaiah, and knew moreover that it is in Mr. Deinard's collection. Cf


his "Postscript" Jew. Quart. Rev. IV 164.

*) The most important of these MSS. acquired by Columbia College

are fragments of the Talmud: 1) of nVQ ; 2) of D'nD3 ; 3) of pp lyiO ;

4) of nS'JD ; o) of DM3T wi-itten on paper by David ben Meoded. Accord-

ing to Mr. Deinard, the Mishna is not in the same arrangement as in our

printed text; as frequently for the word r\yy^ ,XnpD'D is substituted.

Tliree pages are missing from Talmud Pesachim. Marginal glosses from

Miimuni's inn are added. According to Dr. Max L. Margohs A. M.

"The Colombia College MS. of MeGhilla" etc. these two codices ai-e both

written by the same scribe on paper, of equal size, (11, 3+8» 3 inches, of

which 9+5, 8 are covered by the text.) The Script is the Yemen Rabbi-

nical. Several glosses on the margins and between the lines; few in

D'na? bvit frequent in nS''JD. The following authorities are cited: 'i

rD3"OTn^] ,b"h For further particulars consult Margolis 1. c. The Arilkh


lie found in his above mentioned Catalogue i): D'lED ntST'l No. VIII.

Before we enter into the discussion of our actual subject, we

must in a general way give a few brief items concerning another import-

ant MS. in our possesion, the so called ^njn lytl^ (]^Iich-ash Haggadol).

Not desiring to usurp the rights of the worthy editor Mr. S. Schechter

of Cambridge we will merely limit our privilege to a few cursory remark?.

The bnjn Bm)2 (MS. Deinard) is in two volumes, treating of Genesis and

Exodus, the remaining portions to Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy^

are to my regi'et not in my possession. Several hypotheses have been

advanced in regard to its authorship by Dr. Levi ') of Breslau. and

Dr. D. Hoffman ') of Berlin. Mr. Deinard claims, that this Midrash

originates traditionally from Rabbi David al-Adeni, and he is supported

in his view by Dr. Neubauer ^), who states: "None of the MSS. known

of this Midrash bear the name of the compiler, but his name is given

in another Midrash composed after hini ^ ). In a MS. of this Midra-.h

on Genesis, m the possession of Mr. Deinard, we read the full name

of the compiler, as follows: 'jny^N QiOJ? "l"3 in "aiyo 13 IJ^il IJIIC

py rU'lD^D—Midrash of our Master and Eabbi, the light of the West,

David, son of R. Amram al-Adeni". After thorough perusal of the MS.

I can conscientiously say, that I do not find any such inscription as

spoken of by Dr. Neubauer, save Mr. Deinard'sown note on the cover,

which he styles tlius: 'jTy ^ a Til -|"D t^'lTD prol^ably by

quotations which the author gave me, are without any value, and I could

only utilize three citations which I duly acknowledge in my f<irthcoming

Av&kh Sujjplement, chapter :nDnj;)3n nilJ page lAV Note 7.

1 ) Among other MSS. purchased by the College may be noticed a

commentary on the Zohar to Leviticus; Prayer Books and Songs; A Bible

from the 8th or 9th century of the otli Thousand; Yemen Sidurs etc.

We do not wish to detail a description of each. It may be found in Mr.Deinard's Catalogue ibid.

') Cf his essay on "Ein Wort iiber die Mechilta des R. Simon"(Breslau 1S89).

') "IJeber eine Mechilta zu Deuteronomivun" in Hildeslieimer's

Jubelschrift (Berlm 1890) pp. 83—98; Hebrew text pp. 1—32.*} Literature of the Jews in Yemen" J. Q. R. p. 615.

*) Neubauer in J, Q. R. II p. 333 ff



hearsay ^). "We can therefore not conjecture how Dr, N, arrived at the

above conclusion. At any rate, it is not our purpose either to endorse

or dispute his statements. We would only state, that by means of

extracts from Mr, Schechter's copy, ^) I have after diligent collation ')

identified my MS. as the Midrash Haggadol.

As regards the MS. itself, our description must necessarily be

faulty at the best, as our copy is incomplete. From ri^K'N"l2 a few

') Nothing definite is known about the authorof this compilation (Cf.

Steinschneider, hebr. Bibliographie XX, 1883 P. 135 flf). Rabbi Jacob Saphir

(Eben Sappir I. 76bj declares, that he saw the^n:nK'"nD in Yemen, and

there they consider Abraham, Maimdni's son as its author. Dr. D. Hoffmansays, he can not prove whether this be merely circumstantial traditional

evidence or not, but in the ^njn dlO are numerous excerpts from the

Yad Ha'chazdka taken verbatim. At all events the collector must have

flourished after Maimonides. Cf. Dr. Hoffman ibid 1. c. p. 85.

'^) There are quite a large number of copies extant. The work wasbrought from Yemen by Shapira, who sold several fragmentary copies

thereof to Mr. Adolf Sutro, the San Franciscan Jewish millionaire. Ourlate lamented father in law. Rev. Dr. Albert Siegfried Bettelheim, M. D.

S'^'r called our attention to the existence of this J^^ilO in the Sutro Library,

where he at one time was Bibliothekar; but being occupied with the

edition of our D^^n 11"iy we could not devote proper attention to the

matter, I have repeatedly appealed to Mr. Sutro to allow me to collate

my copy with his, without success, he emphatically refused my petitions.

Perhaps some one else will be more successful. Tliere is also a copy in the

"Berliner Koniglichen Bibliothek". (MS. Or. 1204-1308 fol.) There are fm--

thermore, several copies in the British Museum, as has been shown in the

catalogue of Prof. Hartwig Derenbourg published in the Revue des Etudes

Juives Vol. XXIII, 1. c, although Dr. D. Hoffman ib. I.e. mentions only 3.

Neubauer in his Catalogue of the MSS. in the Bodleian Library, mentions

under No. 3338 col, 814, a certain min 'B^IH nt^n C'lnd which he (in his

Additions and corrections 1163b) supposes to have been compiled by David

al-Adeni. (Cf. Steinschneider. Hebr. Bibliog. XX p. 135). Mr. Scliechter-

quotes his copy of the bnJH ^niD in his edition of the Aboth de Rab

Nathan p. XV. This is the property of Mr, Claude Montefiore.

') Already in Vol. vii of my Arukh Completum (1891) article ^p

(8) p. 94b; 95a I have utilized an extract from Mr, Schechter's copy of the

b'n3n.EJ>"no and found the citation identical with that in my copy, after-

wards. By the collation of several other excerpts, I was convinced that

my MS, is the Midrash Haggadol. Mr, Schechter requested me to forward

the MS, for collation, which is. very necessary for his edition, but I was

unable to comply,a3 Mr, Deinard did not desire to give up the MS. from his


pages are missing at the beginning, and in fact the -whole of Genesis

is in poor condition. On the first page are laid down interpretative

rules of the Aggada. Each portion is headed by a lengthy poem. ')

The iwrtion treating of Exodus is in very good state. Both parts are

profusely annotated by other hands in Arabic and Hebrew, and glosses

from the •])-]]} ^) are extracted without however referring to the proper

source. This ^niD if* of great importance for Biblical exegesis. A number

of beautiful legends ') are preserved for us in this compilation, re-

corded in outline in the Talmud and Midrash, but here more elaborately


Let us now, after this lengthy prologomena, approach the subject

at hand. We have presented to the reader a summary of the literary-

activities of the Yemen Jews, with the intention of attracting special

possession. I voluntered my services, however, in the collation of the

MSS., and have myself culled several new words occurring in this "Great

Midrash" with their various readings, which I have inserted in my forth-

coming work: "SiqjjJlement" to the Q^^.r\ "iny. I have very carefully

gathered all those foreign words, explained their meaning, and I be-

lieve, mj' painstaking efforts will be utilized by Mr. Schechter, to whomI have forwarded 78 advance sheets of my nbur\ "I"nyn nobtt^n, contain-

ing the new words (in my copy to Genesis and Ecodus) and the

D^iJ'n inyn!? D'JIp'm niiyn in which are also included innumerable read-

ings, variations and explanations. I regret exceedingly, not to have had

access to the other portions of this EJ^IlDf so as to have a complete collec-

tion of the words and etymological differences (for 31r. Schechter had

Ijromised to send his MS. for my perusal) but all this, according to

3ir. Scliechter's kind suggestion, I shall render at the end of his edition.

These unknown words are quite important, as I have shown in the

"Supplement "I-iyn JTl" (printed in New York, 1892).

') The poems in MS. Deinard, I have copied and forwarded for

publication to the "Jewish Quarterly Review." Vol. IV. This we did with

the view of rendering a service to Mr. Schechter.") Cf. our forthcoming ''SuppJemenV chapter B: "lliyn noSK^'i

D^CTI and ch. C: D^^KTI Tnyn^ D'J^p'm miyn, where numerous instances

are given.

^) "We published some of these legends in the American week-

ly journal: "T/i* Independent of Oct. 29th and Nov. 5th 1891 which Ave

have also forwarded to Mr. Schechter. The German version ap^aredin Dr. Rahmer's "Jud. Litteraturblatt" in January, February, Marchand April 1892.


attention to our valuable Midrasli (kindly placed at my disposal by

Mr. Deinard) all the more, as until now no mention has been made

of this interesting MS. for it is quite a novel contribution to the history

of exegetical, theological and philosophical studies. No precise infor-

mation concerning its authorship, and period of compilation can be

gleaned from the MS. itself, as we only have the portions to Leviticus,

Numbers and Deuteronomy, (with title page missing) and the other

volumes to Genesis and Exodus are not extant. Only one fact is

indisputable, namely that the large Quadratsclirift ') clearly designates

Yemen for its nativity, which assertion is emphatically corroborated

by Mr. Deinard, whose brother in-law purchased it in Yemen.

For the present, a brief description of the commentary

composed by Aboo Manziir al-Dhamdri will suffice. Our assumption

is namely confirmed by the striking circumstance, that each and

every chapter ends in the following clause: p nj"3n mix NO Dn

bp]}b» pn p-isbx n^nx pb b i p y b n i n t d "a ...'tna 's "•jsyobx

"Finished the necessary explication of the Parashah in the

Lamp of Wisdom, for him who wishes to know the difference between

the intellectual, the prudent, and the reasonable, with the aid of the

Almighty, blessed be His Name, forever and ever!"

It is therefore obvious to my mind, that we encounter here no

one else than the renowned author of the blpy^K JNID, whose

name is Aboo Manziir al-Dhamari, given in full among the sources

cited by DaAd al-Lawani, in his Midrashic compilation on the Penta-

teuch, (of a philosophical character, based upon Maimonides.) ") entitled

'JJD^X V:'hii Bmo "A short but sufficient Midrash". ')

') The Script is identically the same, as in the h'i'tir\ EniC, leadingus to conjecture that one and tlie same scribe copied these two different

commentaries. The similarity is wonderfully striking, more so, than inany of the MSS. described.

*) Composed in the year 1484—1493 Comp. Dr. Neubauer's ableessay on the "Literature of the Jews in Yemen" Jewish QuarterlyReview, Vol IIL, Page 615.

') It is also worthy of mention, that among other contemporaries


Among other authorities are specified:

Ty-nDi nson^K niNi px I'yob -nx'nn 'j'-njoi "ixm^x iisjob

nxD"i^x (Ncc^D px x^n- o'Dn^ws!? (' }*snn

This shows us that the Al-Dhumdris were a family *j of vast scholar-

ship, and that the author of our bipy^X JXID, "^as a younger

contemporary of Daild al Adeni, for he suffixes to his name the

inevitable b"T/ proving conclusively that towards the last quarter of

the fifteenth century, he was no mo.e among the living. Communicating

this, our happy suggestion concerning the identity of the author of

?1pypX JX1D/ with ]\Ianziir Al-Dhamari, to our friend Dr. Neubauer,

asking him at the same time about the fate of the other portions of

my Midrash, I received the following gratifying information: "Your

Midrash is very interesting and you happily surmised its author.

Where the other portions are, I do not kno v; in public libraries certainly

not, xirobably in Yemen. You would certainly render great service to

Jewish science by giving large extracts of your MS. in some journal

devoted for such purposes, for instance the Jewish Qlartekly Review!"

Following the suggestion of uiy learned friend, I hasten to comply

all the more readily, as I fear the MS. will not remain in my pos-

session much longer. This, ho%vever, I may safely state, that it most

certainly deserves a scholarly edition, and I therefore gladly direct the

?ttention of Arabic students to its importance for Midrashic, as well

as theologico-philosoiihical literature. In my estimation wealthy libraiies

f. i. the Bodleiana, the British Museum, or in America, the Harvard

Semitic -Museum, lately endowed by the ever ready munificence of

he enumerates David al-ALni, author of the Midrash Haggodaul ; Cf.

also Neubauer's Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in the BodleianLibrary—No. 3493 Colunm 885.

') This Midrash, (of an ethical, homiletical and philosophical

character), was composed in 1430 by the physician Zecharjah (Yahya)ben Solomon. Cf Neubauer's above quoted essay ibid. Page 614.

") It is somewhat astonishing that Prof. Graetz has omitted men-tioning any member of this remarkable family.


Hon. Jacob H. Schiff, would do vrell to gain i^ossession of this valuable

MS. of Mr. Deinard.

B) Description of the MS.

Before giving abstracts of this remarkable Midrash, I wish to

enter upon a general description of our MS. With the exception of

the first few pages, the edges of which are partly mutilated, and

consequently^ the writing somewhat illegible, the MS. is well preserved,

loosely bound in leather, the inside cover consisting of rags, closely

written oa er with Arabic matter, which owing to an evident attempt

to decipher the same, has been cut in several places, exhibiting another

layer of hieroglyphics, hardly intelligible. Its form is a small folio,

containing 115 unnumbered ') sheets, written with excellent black ink

on soft silk paper, yellow with age, annotated at intervals by margin

notes,*) evidently of more recent date, seldom legible, probably for reason

of the quality of ink used, or more likely, on account of erasure by

too much handling. As we have had occassion to remark in the

introduction, the first page, which maj' have sei^ved as an important

clew to the work, is unfortunately missing ; as far as I can make

out, it begins, (Page 2 a) with the following words: ') v"t^'C'tD''"!


and closes (Page 114 b), with the words: ^p^ ^^ni followed by the eulogy:

ixnt'Kn so bv n^niDma Nin n^cc i-iai inn jy^Di N^om y-\i.

A later hand adds the entire chapter of Psalm CXLIII, with the

1) For sake of convenience I have numbered the pages, as I must

needs refer to them continually.

«) For instance: Pp. 6a (left margin); 6b (right); 17b (bottom, seve-

ral lines); 18b (r); 19b (rJ; 20a (1); 29a (1); 29b (r); 30b (r); the margins on

pages 40 b and 41a and b are closely annotated ; 43b (r); 4oa and b (1) and

on top of the page etc. etc.

*) (M^) This usual form of expressing the Tetragrammaton is utilized

throughout the Midrash; as I notice in the copy of the Midrash Hagg&dol in

my possession the Holy Name is thus expressed: mN and on a cup excavated

by my friend Prof. Dr. J. F. Peters, D. D. of New York, while conduct-

ing explorations in the Orient, I found the identical "V without the cir-

cumflex below as in al-Dhamari's MS.


only variation of Tl^En "P VCtT "Vnb instead of Tlbcn JJC&' '•;'' l\lh\

also in the tenth verse, "ilK^O yMl 'jn^D instead pNn. The language

is mixed, consisting of Hebrew and Arabic; the Hebrew forming

about one third in proportion to the Arabic emjjloyed, Hebrew

sentences being frequently interrupted by Arabic quotations. To our

great regret and disappointment, the colofjhon reveals nothing which

may lead us to conjecture about the authorship of our MS.

As to the composition of the Midrash, we will merely state,

that to judge from the abundant references to its previous portions,

which our author cites at every available opportunity, it is proven

beyond a doubt, that the parts treating of Genesis and Exodus have

been composed by him also, and seemingly written in the same style, as

adopted in the parts in our possession. The quotations to his own

commentary are the following:

Portions of Genesis referred to in our MS.:

Pages 4b ; 19a ; 48a ; 56a ; o6b ; 60b ; 82b (twice); 97b. etc. etc.

Quotations from various parts of Exodus:

Pages la ; 3a ; 3b ; eb (t^\-ice); 17a ; 23a ; 25b ; 27b ; 37a (three

times); 43b; 51a; 65a; 77a; 80a; 97b; 105a; 108a; 110a. etc. etc.

C) Authorities.

Before enumerating the various authorities cited in our MS., we

must certainly give preference to the quotations from the Talmud,

which are however instanced without any particular mention of the exact

sources, omitting alviost invariably the references to chapters and

pages 1). When quoting Rabbinical dicta, he usually cites the phrase:

') As to the omission in regard to the pages, it can not be a matterof astonishment," if we reflect upon the fact, that in olden times the Tal-mud was not numbered, and even Nathan ben Jechiel uses as basis for

his quotations, only the themes of Talmudical discussions to be found in

their special chapters. Samuel Arkevolti was the first, who numbered thepages, and he did his task very insufficiently, peculiarly enough apologiz-ing for the many deficiencies by the convenient circumstance, that the


^"T 'Snbx "l^Xp ^), or simply Vri^Np '), or ^3"? 'anbx "nON ')• In bringing

different opinions, he distinguishes the sentences by saying : 'Dn?S |D- •

Our author entertains such profound reverence for traditional

autliorities, that even when occasionally quoting the Targum and

Massorah, he suffixes the usual sign of honor ^"f. Thus for example:

Furthermore, we find references in our MS, to ^T njg'O ^obn ^)

or niKnS^S bnS '), as well as to TiD^n "ODH ').

The following are the Talraudical treatises referred to in our MS.


1. On page 4b (beg.)- TDH nSDD.

3. — 19a


NOV n3D0 [quoting Pi-'bvDD see ArClkh

Compl. V, 219a).

8. — 25a and b: r\y£^r\ K^XI n^DD (quoting m^n ^»12

pnc^aa v:zb piaiy) '")

4. — 78b: nrjn riDDO (ib "-int onan 'i3 banoan b^ "

D^iyS X2 ab i!'S3)

5. — 80a: niDi3 nsDD (ntTiyn^ I'yy pa maoitab vn

work being published on the Sabbath, he was unable to make the proper

amendations, Cf. Kohut Introduction to the ArUkh Completum Volume

I, page XV.') For instance: Page 5b (middle): 6a(m);6b(m); 11a (beginning):

22b; 23a; 25a; 26a; 37b; SOa (twice); 36a; 36b (several times) etc. etc.

') For example P. 14a; 15a; 23b; 71b (several times); 26b etc. etc.

») P. 11a; (beg); 13a (m); 12b (m) etc. etc.

*) P. 7a and 7b (beg), and several other instances.

•) P. 71b; 90a; 94b etc. (Cf. also 47a; 51a)

•) P. 106b; on p. 93a, however, ^r is omitted when quoting ^nx

msmobx "The men of Midrash,''

') P. 15a; 25b; 37b.

") P. 25a,

•) P. 63a,'O) See R. Hashana 16a.

") See Chag. lib; for the various readings compare: Kohut Arfikh

Completum vii, 312.


These are the only five instances where our author refers to

special tractates of the Talmud, there are however, abundant

examples which we can not enumerate, where he quotes the Tahnud

abstractly, without mentioning the treatise.

From the earlier Midrashim he quotes Sifra and Sifre.

1. On p. 10b: ^iDQ HsnoS "15^3 nsiQ p3 bnnni) « 1 a D ''s bap

2. — 24a: N 1 D D '•Q P'nn KO "b]) DIX nb IIB' 35^3 IN "I1K'

3. — 72a (end): ^31 n:K''1 NU- nabn nDSTK' "ID Sd • 1 S D '3 I^Np

SriD'l NIT KHD^ 1^ B'"^

4. — 92a(end): E»nnD DN^3 Wn meaning undoubtedly Sifre

(Cf. § D No 32—Peculiarities).

Among the later Midrashim, references are made to Pirke d. R. Eliezer,

to which he seems to be specially partial, as our quotations wall indicate.

On Page 18b from chapter XLVI.

_ 34b — — IV.

— 35a — — Ibidem.

— 35b — — I.

Cf. also (Appendix to 38b).

On Page 31b he says to look up Rabbi Akiba to the "Midrash

of the letters" ")ni"mNn B^m^D na''py "n nd "hv-

Only three post Talmudical authors are quoted as authorities in

our MS. namely: Sa'adja Fajjumi ^), Ibn Jeschaja '), (^"r n'VK'" pN) and

MaimUni, the latter occasionally cited as ^"st jDTn HB^.

1. On Page 110a he renders the opinion of Sa'adja to Deutero-

nomy, XXXIII, 2 regarding the location of the Mts. Sinai, Sell-, and

J) "Othioth de Rab. Akiba" is also called "Midrash de Rab. Akiba";see Zunz Gottesdiensthche Vortrage p. 168 Note b.

'3 Sa'adja is not mentioned by name, but by his renowned workKitdb Al-amanath (nNJNDN^N 3Nn2).

') This author, as we have shown in the Infroduefzon, (Page 14) is

specified among the authorities given by Daild al Laicdni, and as themanner of quotation testifies, he must have been an older contemporaryof Manzfir al-Dhamari, for the significant b"] is attached to his name.


Paran to the following effect: ^33 'ro J« (' nNJSOK^N 3Nn3 '3 bxpl

2jy' nm anb nbiapi^ba n^a^x ddk3 nj» nn: ba kod^i jxn^a pa odiid

KDD nnxi -K' 'j'Di psm -i^vk' byj b"T nan^s n'n n:n "ijs^ ni: nsiybx

nnnj '!?« nor xo b s^i'Ni pnq ihd y^ain -i^yK'o mn xn ^roo «' bxp

Wn ""jyo nb inx K^ an: oxba Sim. (For variations Cf. Al-Amanat ed.

L. p. 133).

2. ibn Jeshaja *) (Page 57b).

For explanation to Numb. XXIII, 23 he says: : 2\>Tb "lOK^ ny3

nbyi b"VT I D I n n tj' o "h^ na -i'ki>^ nyibs nn is b"\ n'^v^'^ ps bsp

D"y nn nyu jsa N:b ibsn.

3. Maimonides.

The main source of our author's explications, whether of her-

meneutical or religio-philosophical character, is MaimUni, on whose

writings the framework of the entire commentary rests.

CHAPTER A) Sefer Hamitzwoth (nilVDH nSD) ')•

Throughout the Midrash there are abundant quotations from both

divisions, viz. from the riK'y niVD and ns^yn ubi or, as the author has

it: n^yba \0 and \1J^K p. Let vis add the statement, that the title

of the book is not always given, and frequently only extracts of the

same are to be found, without accurate references to their respective


Page 5a he says: nilXOn IDD 'S ')| O S K b K ^ V K !> N '3 '1 nj"3 np

— 9a quoting §§ 150, 151, 152, 159 (nm p) and §§ 127, 173, 175,179.

— 10a § 179 i^mba p) ').

') See Ch. HI (mnTKl ^11X p. 83 ed. Leipzig).

") See our description of Ibn Jeshaja's D^5!?t< 113 hi Introductionpages 8 and 9 No. 12. It is to be highly regretted, that the portion to

pbl (and from there to Deuteronomy) is missing, hence we are unable to

coUate thia passage. Can not our friend Dr. Neubauer do it from his copy?') This book appears to have always been known by its above given

Hebrew title; whether its Arabic name is gjl-iiilOayseems very doubtful.

See: Peritz, "Das Buch der Gesetze von Moseh BenMaimun" IntroductionNote 1.

*) He refers to the treatise on: 'Dl Igiy blOO (Sefer Hamitzwoth'J^DB' 5Jn"lK' p. 38a ed. Berlin 3"xn).

*) Without mentioning the title.


Page 13b (end) § 129 (Mi^N p).

— 13b §§ 96 and 109 (HKV niVD p) ')•

— 18b and 90a (end of the book) =*).

— 20a § 336 (\nj^s p).

— 21a §§ 131, 132 Cnjbx p). 1 J— 23b §§ 31, 37 (hkt; n))iD p). fag— 24b (end) § 153 (nK>y niVD p). / E' 3— 28b (twice) §§ 4 and 9 (n'^y p), also HE^n nb p.

— 30a referring to the first root ^).

— 30a §§ 235, 236, 337 (>n3bN p).

— 61a § 36 (HB'j; mVO p).

— 61b § 95 (njry niVD p).

— 62a Introduction of the book *).

— 77b quoting the second root ').

— 86b g 53, 53, 54 (meaning,although not mentioningn^ TTW'iO \Q\

— 90a § 36 c^niba p).

— 95b § 287 (\njbN 10).

— 96a § 179 (^^J^K p).

— 100a §53(^ij^x|omvD py3"iN"» rhoi I)

— 108b § 194 (>ni^K p).

CHAPTER B) Maimuni's Mishna Commentary (nVJt:>Dn dl^Q)-

It is a remarkable fact, that our author quotes neither the Hebrew-

title "Sefer Hamaor" (the Luminary), TJKon ISD, nor its Arabic name

"Kitab-al Sirag^ ») \^\ ^Ui'.

') Omits title.

P-nivon iSiD '3 nivD -isn 'd b"T 't pn kd 'by

') See our edition of Sefer Ham. mentioned above, p. 12 a.

') miifOn -i3D D'OipD "Q. On page 81a of our I^IS., mention is madeof the Introduction also.

') 'JXn^N bVK^K 'Q !jxp niVOn lao ^a corresponding with p. 14b olour edition.

•) Completed in the»year 1168 (?)—It is more familiarly knownby its Hebrew-Arabic title Jn-id^N 3Nn3. Cf. Geiger's Wissenschaftlichre


He refers to the special treatises, but in no case mentioning the

name of the commentary.

We glean the following sis references to the Mishna Commen-

tary from our MS.:

Page 8a to Massecheth Aboth.

— 10a to — Eduyoth.

— 10a last chapter to Machshirin.

— 96b (beg.) Ch. X to Massecheth Synhed.

— 107b Ch. V to Massechet Aboth.

The sixth quotation being the most important, (containing an

excerpt from Maimtlni's Introduction to niintS "no). we hereby reproduce

with variations from Dr. Derenbourg's Arabic text (MS.—^Pages 13b

15a beginning).

After having eniimerated the various kinds of imcleanliness, he

continues: Nn'Q pB> nK»1DQ : n 1 "I H O IT D * Q b"! I^'^l )>^a KD ""by

Dvy^N^ mbxi Dnbbx noki ,tDDinm nxtabm nam npjxn >n^ too nnnbi

n^ttD^tD^ .(' .xnas ojjn n^ Dsvybxi xid D>niy n:iDB> t«o ^q Knoana

Zeitschrnft fur Judisehe Tlieologie I p. 418 ff. Dr. Derenbourg 1. c. cites

passages from the book to corroborate the date of composition, which henaturally fixes at 11T7 (4937), as Maimtlni in his preface himself has

it. This supposition is combated by Geiger (Cf . p. 419 Note), who declares,

that the revision of the work took place in 1178 (4938), and refers us to

Maimtlni's Gutachten No. 54, which shows that the work was not quite

finished in 1177.

•) Our author has abbreviated and somewhat changed the text.

In Dr. Derenbourg's text of Maimonides' Introduction, our passage reads

as follows: ns Kin HDQJ pK'bN |K ibl'i opD "»ns"> 2« «n*Q pe> nWO'itD

yKi3N H^^JKoribs p pV ba 'by ypxi ptrbx *iyK Doxbi? ^^rT^ .nxoicn

oonm nKtabm rum npjxm avm inaym nbnn Nil mvibs« *q rrjunobK

Nrmbi kh^d nyansi "no nbKJjbx 'd nDnjjn nonbi pc^bx Dni .no»rjm

xmm pB>bx DKoyi oonm nxtabm nam npmn "m no x^t^x xno^nbi

'yK3sb«i nxDnbobxi yniQxbxD D>:;T^bxi Q$fp'^bx i^sdi Di'n sb Knruba

.DJr Kb nnxQ babx xmnai nx^nbsi


,nDJJ ^^s mn: is nnnn snon^i snansr p pis sb nNDtD nonni nNDtsb

nabn ps ibsiDi nKDt^o nrs '•in-id none': Ws mints nona ndni

mino nonao pa nsnta n»nnrD pn -is^'^xi sibvbsi pp^xi Dvybi nsDOO

napi no nns 'd Nn'Q no nsDim ,(' oiln sb ^^D C smnDon/n nw

Dnxi non D^yjun q^^di mx!?K i^sna D^yjun n^bi non nddjb' mMyjj n'^s Dns^s i^xna kv'n lyjj sis D'bbsi D^ba^K n^s ^ixn yjJB'

'un bns '^K-iy^ i" 1^ 1^1 ^nism non iNDts:^' o^bai wjk' D'!)31 D^i^Da

in mybs nni .Snxn iDiJn^ x^i iDJi' xb "•x^in ^n njiioB' pi nonam

n» nxioit: "bv T I^^t d"'^2 ma pjyb 'cki 'SJ'^bBn 'jij'i ptJ'Nn "jyob

yon ;3X jo jni' 'n^s ^jd^k ini nnsi as sn^Q yni na3tj> nsoitsi C .Dps

si-'s nnsi ns sn^s nson ^o nsnuai (* rpas y }« i3nK>3 nsi nob pJD

taiK'a NDta i'^*^ -iinon bv pnu ns msntsbsb boy"- nstsn "d ^3 |s ibsni

man nsnc^a poiyn ni3S 'a sn^s nstsn nsoitai (' .n^^in ^3 n-Q y ;k

') This reading seems preferable to smi3D3 of our accepted word.

See previous note.

^) Derenbourg's text runs thus: tapD nnSI 3K NH^S H^SJ nSOIQI

yoj ID nn'iobs 'by ypsi DDsbs snni nsoiun 3S snosj nSsj^s |s "i^i

p-iD mino!?si nsoD^K p3i .mino p3 ns»t3 pa n^nbsi nonabs ysi^K

^^D pbin "s p3n so 'by mt^a no'nB' nontrj sis mincbs |S ibii

.'yacbs snnio nion is injn is nain js pa pis vh nsDtsbsi mnso

snonb pa p-iQ sb mino pa nsota pa n^ni nsDO nana rhi: }s s'irs)

DJy sb nnsD sns snonK* ba ibna no'b mina nonai nsoitsb snontn

niia It is obvious that our MS. uses a peculiar method of abbreviating

the original text. Maimonides has yet additional remarks, (from paJD)

till lan bab of the text) which are omitted entirely.

^) This portion is a summary of the original text beginning with:

mas nyon sn'S nD nSlOIOI (Derenbourg's edition: nno p bisbs Tjbs

mint: p. 2 until p. 4).

*) The original reads: 'Jobs JS tbil inSI aS Sn'D ynT naSB* nSOItSI

nsr s»3 nns an citr ytrn p p ins' ]s nt^iiK' |oi ns»iDn 3S in. Thenfollow in the original text references to Sifra (VI § 4) and Nida 43a,

and then there is the remark: p^as njlb ps** JS ^^'hich our MS. has in

view, omitting again the following observations of Maimonides until

nstsn 'D nsoitji.

*) Maimonides in the portion beginning with: nSDn ^D nSD1t31 is


npiT. n^K* nn-'r mi n^Jinsi novy nsTn nuN 'r nh's nar nxoi::! .(' onja

!>jnn p pis xbi ar^x -j^Nnm m:^^ i^shdi na^nci nasiei n-bii 'O'oi

^si C T]2p:b "iK'y nya-ix Tinn ix -126 r]V2:i' nina m^v in nar in mj

jniVDi (* iisD ^c-'a y-iiv» .nnx 'i n^a ny-iv nxciDi .(' nus 't'^x r{nn

.'13 yjuc n'3i yji:o 1:31 iidj '0'3

Here Al-Dhamari interrupts his quotation by scriptural citations,

and winds up with some remarks concerning metal vessels to the fol-

lowing effect:

n-'jx n^»yi n33D nxT nx px^i mnta mc3:x j«i k'X3 nsno '*^3 mnoi

nxoits^x nin pb nio [read :!)^x] (xi?x)n33D ibi '^ix^x xnnDXJ3 'bx nyji

m3"j np n^x nxoic^x xdxi .(* d'^3 nsDo "s b"r '-\ 131 xd 'by i:3"no

^3 (* D^"'^3^r^ 'n nin V: [nixmcbx: read] fnixDobx) txdi n-iinn |o 'no

obyxi C DD-niboB' icbnm nncni !3ip mi y^ba 'b nibn T"y nxaiD -s ix

n33tr KID 0^313 in'K' DH^by nw pbi Djnr xbi olr xb 'i:!?x i« xi'X

more explicit, and refers also to his explanation to Para IX, 1. Our author

accepts the results, (nvm "n^ nv noix x"i)

•) Our MS. excerpts only the salient points of the section begin-

ning with: niXtSnn nX?21D1, and ending with: Dnn XDCO.*) Our author somewhat dissarranges the order. The original text

reads: l^criKTi 3T nxoiLJ 1^-131 xnrys ni3X nysD^x n^:n xh'd mj^xi

1331D1 1 3 3 B* » 1 vbii ^n-oi 1pm lyiT n33tn i3in 3:n "ni ni3x ny3D 'bv

1in3 mbv IX n3r ix mj byi3 r3 nxcit^bx 's piD xb ;x D^y npi "ixi

nspjb ICJ'y ny3"iX 1X "136 ny3kJ'. Then follows a long explanation omitted

in our MS., where also instead: n3{jnD1, is to be corrected: n335J'D1.

') This repetition is superfluous.

*) Maim, says: '013 yiivo x'ifx 'CDn' ini tibnioynii'OMJ23 which our author fails to mention.

*) The author has in view the following passage of the original

text: (Derenbourg p. 8 in the middle.) in D'b XIO D3n nVX3 n3nO '^3 "El

iVi ny3i njx3 nxDxi:bx ''X3 nnirux x*ix xn:x ibni d'!?3!)X "("kd d-

noxn n"ix xnjo boyi yiii Hn33D x"ixd xmxD33X3 mnon nps mD33X

.jj3"no in XD3X xv'x xnni n's n3X3 'nbx •bixbx xnnoxjj "bx nyin

Maimonides himself, then refers to his explanation in Kelim (XI, 1).

•) See the original text (1. c. beginning with: ni3xbx Xini)-

') Ibid. p. 11 (end); 12 (beg.)


N^K oTjn vh Piiyn n^33i k^vn aae'o ndq' n^j nobxi C nsoDD nj'N "ijnT

nx^ pamo nxoit:!5K rnm Noab bs^ k^ nanai nbaj 'n:b' nirb2n rran

n!) NnjxB niN^n abv yna: tsDJN^N ddj i^kd "bv W^ nb: nwj

bi rv3"iK^ nyt^n pamo ""n nbs [niKoiton] (niNoon) nuKi ,(' nwjn

ppB>D pn c^DiK pa n-'ba pa mx pa niNDit:n niaxo inso Djnjs lo

Dvr n^Ni ^:u nb bap'' ptJ^Kibsa nvr "-ibsi nNoiob pc'x-i kdd'' ins

nm laN \ii -"yaT n^ ^sp*" •'B''i5jj'!)Na dw' •'"i!5ni •'tj''bB' rib bnp" "•Jtr^JKa

r^yai Dv "ha ^'^^ inni b^dk^h xai 'yn ^"ip ^bx i^n hjdxi hsdio^k "a

(' ••jKn ""s ibxpi .nyaij' nxoiD sod^ n»a ain ain bbna y:ijn b2\

nonnajr '•jjj'm pe^x-in nddd irxi Sdd 'JK'ni noddi nod pSnaK' ptj's-in

trrpoaB' ••tj'^bB'ni ^jij'ni ptj'Knn ,koq» ^rxi ^db ^K^^^JKri ,pNDt:oi pNota

n'sn: in "-y^ai^s |n nvi jxa ipa -xood irxi ^oa ^y^ann ,pNoo»i pxoD

'<:^b» ^jys nsDion nbi nod^ ma asbs kid in no b in n^ni nNoiobx

'anbx i!?Np Nin noo ]nv ik^n yn'T ynr b 'yn ^ipb {* ^ya-ipNi ''o^'b'^b)

^aiN NOOD biN pN V'T 'ip ""^yo |o nni noo ia Nvva nmy irNi nod in

Dr nbN nan^N |n (° n^jyxi .Nnor^n ^na nnnaio ndni minn lo nni

oTy nb nNOion nbi bai D'Sai mN oTjn NnjN in (' ny^oj nixoon nuN

Dayr njia nn C n^mm C pp:^•01 D'baiN oTr no:ni n^ba n^i din n^

HNoion aN in no ^ai nxoion ax ma nnaai din noo^ in No^a bipn t7n!)

') lb. 9a beginning with: n\2^1 nXDIOV*) A short summary of our original. Ibidem p. 13 ff.

*) Ibid. p. 15a, the text reads thus: NI^Np niinO ^Jxri ^£1-

*) In our Arabic text (p. 15a, towards the middle), the idea is brought

forth with greater clearness: n^l ^J'^^NI nxoion lb) ptJ^SI^N NV'N pOD'1IN pB'NT jxa •'ID nxoion n^i aN^x 'id no b njjj'o^x "oam nxoion n^i'13 'JB'. The remaining portion is again left out by our author, andhe takes up the thread of his discussion at the passage beginning in

Maimftni's Arabic text with the words: p^axb^ p!?3X^X DJJn xi*'X pailOl'13 '13 (Ibid. p. 15 towards the end).

*} Our author now continues at the passage: (Ibid. 16a middle)

'13 nir nba nanbxi.•) Ibid, we read: xn!53.

') Ibidem has still another word: opa.*) Herewith is indicated the passage in Maimuni's text: (Ibidem

p. 16a at the end) '13 nD3y:o iT^fp nin JX D^yxi,


n'nn^im m^Ni pb^Ni "nvxa C bnj^ jn ijoybxi icibN") n^i^xi ^tsbxi

.(' 'ID '13 I'JD ba .D^^Jin ^Di jTixni omnni nsni pyn "d

This abstract, and others which we will reproduce under Division

D, will suffice to convince a close observer of the abundant material

for phUosophico—historical research which our MS. contains, and assure

him of its importance for the critical study of Maimiini's writings,

especially the Moreh. Before we carry out ovir intention, howewer, let

us treat of the references contained in our MS. to Maimiini's monu-

mental work, the Mishne Tliorah."

Chapter C) Yad Hachasakah (npinn 'V).

This great work of Maimonides, which procured for him such

wide celebrity, is rightly designated by its author as: "TTie work", or

"Our great tvork'\ *) containing besides an introduction, fourteen books,

which circumstance is indicated, as is well known, by the title: nptnn '^^

Both "in^nbx^ and n"' are quoted by Manziir al Dhamari with their

full names at the end of our MS. (Page 114a).

We will quote the passage in full, for reason of its significance:

V'T D-iny p HEj'M (' join n^Di 'dkj : byiin xnion babi nprnn m bab

(sic) iQD iK'y nyms nm ptn nc^i nptnn vn bbi nioy p nj^^n ios3

bnjn xnion moy p ne^ ^s bxp ."ii3''nbN yop "ba Tt^^ "i'"* po

.(' b"2fT pT^Knbs nb^bn mi d^313j miD n:j»y prn nij'oi

1) Ibidem p. 17a end.

») In the Arabic text: (ibid.) bnj^K boyi.

^) Here our author, following his own method, brings proofs from

scripture, and takes up other themes.

*) Maimonides in his writings, frequently refers to the nun/ Ununor bnjn Unnn, which he also designates: ^-^^ ^aJUJI orsimply:

') As we had already occasion to remark, (pp. 18 and 19), our author

honors Maimonides by this title.

«) To attribute even to books the devotional b"XT, seems a some-

wliat exaggerated reverence.


It is a strange coincidence, that the npTnn T, as well as the

Mishna Commentary are not designated by title in the body of the

work. References are made, however, to the following treatises of the

Mislme TJiorah:

MS. Page 8a to niyn ni3^n

— 9b — nniDX mb^xo nia^n

— 9b — [mxoion] (niSDtan) nns ixb' nn^n

— lOa — nixiipD ms^n

— 18b — ntmpn minn t2Dt:^a pnnnb Dnx^ "ini :nb'y» ^id


— 18b — VT N^'tT nr -1311 inD 'DD C Dn'rjy pjid jn^Si

bsi vryn bp Nn" ^s (' oyo ab^ nW i^

'ID nN-ii NU tJinn nan incq inac^noD n

T by p xb nt'N nnai nan' bxi ny

— 18b — Dump -IDN* '). His words are: jn^b i313> nnSC no ^3

pin-ID mv'y n^nipn bi nnnn 'tssj:'© bsB' in nyo ib

•nvyn bn:D

— 23a D'Sr: "IDD

— 26b minn niD^ niD^n ('

~ • 33a HK^Sn IDD ('

— 83a nbsn 'D^no 'V'2iy pna C Cf. vii § u.

1) Cf. Misline Thorah, Hilch. Meila, VIII § 8 where, however,miriDn is missing.

^) Ibidem DJ'jy.

') Ibidem: 'n nb'V ^b n' nb) nva ib N^-n^ N^-J^ lan. Tliere arestill other minor differences.

') He probably designates: Hilch. Temilra IV § 18, where we read;

\pnb nvyn biuo pimo ni^'y n^n p'x minn ^rn am oyo ib in 'is no b•D-B'yon b:D iK^^^bi niynn.

°) The same quotation occurs on pp. 29a and 70b.') Meaning: Hilch. Erachm I § 9.

') On p. 67a, our author again cites the same chapter to thefoUowing effect: ablT 12V Csic) ':N*j»y ab'^ >-|j ^j-^^y ab^ -j-,x3' N:K DHmina n?i nay minj npi 'u n-iins 'mm ntj'y i6^ 'oiba .n^ya ^jx^y


— 86b nvoi pn "la^no 'k^'dh pna

— 8Ta n^ira msbn

— 98a (end) nait?n niD^H

— 114a and b b"T ir3T ^Xp (' He says:

mB'yD ninsn nojan n-na (' tnnp!) -iniD nmnn Pl1Dnt^' C ppiD-'S [njirstj']

nn ns^D nn^D -in^x* fycK'Di b'Kin (' mnin 'sd minn bat' ^"cyxi

.|niN nnpb T'n"'^ nnio "iD-a^i i:n*^3

CHAPTER D) The Guide of the Peeplexed: D'3U3 miD.

(In Arabic:) DalaLat al—Hairix Tj^jjlJi 'iSi>Sj

This booJi is mentioned under both Hebrew and Arabic titles,

in our MS. (at the end of Page 114a) °). Whilst the Hebrew title is

not again referred to in our commentary, the Arabic is yet specified

several times on pages 70b (end) and 93b (beginning), with the abbre-

viated designation nbx^l^K. There are quotations in abundance from

all three parts of the Moreh, characterized by him respectively:

I) — bllK^K') "IIJ ,(or ITJ^N). II} — 'ai^N ITXlwbs) / or: ') ^JXH^N 1i:^N.

Ill)—riN^Nribx 1TXJ *), or 'i^N 1IN3? and still more frequently classified

under the heading b^^yn^S 1TJ-

nj^K. In Hilch. Tefilla VII, g 6 this argument is nQt to be found, hence

it seems original with our author.

') To this, the source is omitted, but I have traced it to Hilch.

Tefilla XIII § 6 (with some variations.) See the following notes.

*) One of our authors eccentricities is to write: ppiD'S ;p1D''D

(instead of ppiDQ ,p1DQ) f. i. on pages: 56b, 79a; pecuUarly enough, on p.

87a the correct spelling is rendered.

') Hilch. Tefilla 1. c. has: DniX nnpb.*) Ibidem reads: D10K i"nUJn '•DO n^ri\

') Cf. page 25, where extract is given.

"3 He pecuharly uses throughout the book ITJ^K instead of TJ^K/ and

spells continually bl1X:'K inst. blK^K- This however is often the case

with other authors. Cf. for example: Dr. Neubaaer's Catalogite No. 1971

col. 658.

') So quoted on pp. 26b, 43b etc. etc.

•) On p. 78a etc. Four times (p. 45b, 70b, 71a, 80bj, he cites the

closing Ch. nSsh^K laK. As to the title: b'byn!?N It: see further below.


As we have already remarked, these citations are of the utmost

importance for the critical study of the miO- It is therefore advisable

on appropriate occasions, to extract these specimens, and for sake of

accuracy, compare them with the original text edited by Munk. As we

have previously indicated, (page 8 flf.) Al-Dhamari, who continually refers

to Maimonides as: '-\ ^Np, or^b"! 1J''aT bnp, or (pn) mB' b"! 'T ip (.p

43b), utilizes MaimUni's words verbatim, often, however, skimming

over a chapter, occasionally by summarizing, whilst at other times, merely

hinting at the chapter. It may be of interest to note, that his division

of chapters differs from ours. It was therefore a somewhat difficult

task to find the exact citation.

I Algazu al-awalu ^IIN^N Miba-

Page 3b treating on nSJUDbN aNaDN^K; probably refers to Moreh I,

chapter 69. i)

— 3b — iniOTl Wnbii nb"^ chapt. USee Aiii^endix Arabic


— 4a — riNSV^N (attributes) chapt. L '). (See Aypendix

Arabic text.).

— '3'b — the sin of Nadab and Abihu chapt. V ^).

— 18b — the nature of existing things lUI^N ny^i^ *)

chapt. LXXVI.

— 34b — Chapter XIH.

— 36a — the expression DlpO cliapter VIII.

Page 38a, are cited the chapters XXXI, XXXIV with the addi-

tional remark, that they are separately treated in Dalalath among the

>) See Appendix Arabic text.

=) See Munk's Edition of }n'Nn!?S' HSsbl I, 57a (Arabic text). Onp. 37a, he quotes of the same ch. verbatim. (See Appendix, Arab, text.)

') See Munk ibid. I, 16b; Friedlander "Guide of the Perplexed"I, 46.

Munk I, 12Th niii^j^ n>3o.


chapters on the Divine attributes, government, prophecy, Merkhaba and

Providence ').

Page 45a (end): chapter on ns"'!).! = ch. XXIV.

— 74a: Closing chapter = LXXVI.

— 74b: He hints at Maimtini's opinion, meaning ch. LXXIII (Dialogue

of the Philosopher).

— 78a: Quoting MaimUnis explanation on njIDn = f^h. III.

— — — — — bip - ch. XXI.

— — — — — mm^ = ch. LXVI.

— 83b: On the great Synagogue ch. LIX.

— 108a: Chapter on the Rock, meaning Abraham = ch. X^^I.

n 'n^s iTjbx

Page 19a: The Revelation on Mount Sinai, meaning ch. XXXIV •').

— 26b: Are quoted chapters XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX and XL.

— 35a: Are quoted chapters VII and XX.

— 36a: On InteUigence (pnNElC bpy). in the sense of angel ch. VII

and VIII.

— 43b: On the explanation of Numb, VII, 89, and quoting ch.


— 55b: On the measure of Og, meaning ch. XLVIII. *) He says:

nyon^K nbni rh^b^) "insN ik nbits li^n mpa yjnooa "in n"^

') In Munk's edition, and in fact in all others, it is the 33rd ch.

*) In our edition it is contained in ch. VI; See Munk II, 16a ff.

(Arabic text). Concerning nplXDO b'\\>]} consult Munk "he Guide di;s

figares" II, 67, note 4.

*) In our edition, the passage referred to, is to be found in ch.

XXI (Munk I, 26b). See also ch. XXXVII (Munk ib. 44b).

*) Maimiini (ch. LVII, in Munk II, 99b) gives a full explanation.

He says: ^3 noab' smn in D''^ mab nid n-^ip "bv ikdjwX^k rno d'^i

lixyno^N nxnyio^xi n^bv Dsr nbx yiiiyba \d naax ni3s p3' -ino^N


p ab Y^tybii p naon "ba n^n b'bpba inv' abs rtnabh

On 56b: On the Imagination and the Degrees of Prophecy: "l"sbs

.T'-njbx nnsniobsT ch. xlv ').

On Page 71b: On the Prophecy of Moses, ch. XXXVI. ') Quoted

therefrom is a sentence: HTIN"' tK3 HD "bv C '•nibN (' nTlK"" D^ HtTD |«

•DnnbDJn nmon in "jq jn "^n d^^jidI^x {' n2^: p bip pOn Page 72b: On the Influences emanating from God and the

Intelligences—quoting ch. XII *). It is very interesting to note this

lengthy abstract. We therefore reproduce it in the original with its

respective variations. These are his words:

t6 NHJM' NnN3"3 ip snb Ti»s!?N ninv : a'"- bvs 'abs lu^s 'S bxpi

xci!?Ny n'?o Njn^o |k^ ^jnyntr ('" n^on (° nmai noo C n"ej' fpN3n

DDH Dy p-1 bxpi w& n^x (>' n-'obs (" n* "-by 'yn pn soa n^ojo

('' n^^HNjbx b^o^wX C' TNiK' NJJDNno ns^nx sob r^z^b ^nrn bnjn 'un p3:i

NOD (" r^'^brMi: wny ^nn NJNoby ('"iDbrisi NiS'^Nim NJDDn('' nNnxi

anNJD^sDi nnnon vjn: nrai voan dddh maxi bspi N^nuin Njnyxin

bxp ('" 'OD DnbxyQxi DnpN^-jN xrbx rnyn nod (" dhnin xr^N nnyna

C' xnyn 'a bxp (-" -j^NiD Dn-'j^'yo •no!?"''! D'i:d myn^i ^NoyN^N hdnbti '•b

'Dio'jDi (" ^N'Ty p jnjv 'j-in op^ac^ onD: nbui xybs (" n^bnwbN nik

yon -inobN xin bio ;nd nini n^id nbn mpD pB'!?^ p ^Tdn pD' hjn

in yiiN no "rnDN^N Hddj 's nNnyobx 'by n^by D'-w^n bio pD 'a yrix

.'13 'ID Nb''bpiri3N MaimAni closes with the words our BIS. opens: n'b

nijibx p nji3 y:noobN3.') Cf . Munkib. II, 92b; Friedlander "The Guide" etc. etc. U, 205 ff.

. ^) Munk II, 80a (Arab. text.).

=) Ibidem: nriN' (twice). *) lb. "HI. ') Ibid. n31J ny3 p. ') In

our editions ch. XI. See Munk II, 34a (Arabic text.). ') Ibid. sj>3.

) lb. N'£^. ") lb. n:in'3jn m3i. '") lb. nboni. ")ib. t 'by. '') ib.

Tobx. '^) lb. 1N-IB'. '*)Ib. .TbnNJbK- '')Ib. NnN3N1. '') Ibd. N13bnNV

>') lb. see note 13. >«) lb. DniNIN. ") lb. N03. '") lb. •]bh2. '') lb.

nyn '3. ^•') lb. See note 13, and the same variation occurs in the following

instances. ") bN'liy-


On page 83b: Our author ti-eats on the explanation of D'jnXH 'JHX (ch.

VII), ') indicating the spheres ("|bsX^X n"D) ^).

— 107b: Quoting ch. XXX.

Ill 'Jbx 1T: = ribxn^X li: (Page 78a).

The third portion of the Moreh is quoted four times under the

heading: nbxSl!?X ^3X> meaning the closing chapters of the same,

whilst nbsfl^JX "IT3 is cited once onlj' =).

On page 45b: On the Death of Moses, Aaron and Miriam, by the

"kiss" of God, and referring to nbx^lpX IDX. Our author

no doubt has in view ch. LI, towards the end. (Munk

III, 129a),

— 70b: Quotes the closing chapter; n^x 'D nonXD'^X biS '2


— 71a: On the enumeration of the stations, meaning ch. L.

— 80b: On the term npiV: ini piV |D npni^O npiV 6 ni'Cn^) ('

•npn pn n ^3 bxrx ini Hybx

— 78a: On Deut. IV, ii. His words are: njX bip' 63~iyi ]2]} ycn

na D'H' 'yn njx x^ x:-inii mnai x^nxio no^v -^ Tt"

'2 b"t 'T |"n X03 b i^xi ]V n^^x 'yn axno ix 3X3V

C .n^xnbx iwbx p x*'^x bvabx

') Ibid, pDHV *) Ibid. '^y.

') In our editions ch. VI.

• ") Munk (II, 16a) has: 3 3X1 3 b « "I "IX^EX^^X TD D'^nXH "JIIXI.

') See above p. 27 Note 8.

') Our author designates thereby ch. LIII. The original text

(Munk III, 131a), has: hy^X im pnv JD npriK^ 'HS npnv flDsb X0K1

.npnb pn n ^53 bx^^x in biy^xi

') At what our author hints, (ch. IX) is more thoroughly ex-

plained by Maimonides. He says; 3X3X3 IX DX^t33 IX DX033 Xjy linDD IHI


Al-Dhamari cites Maimonides several times as principle source

of his explications, under the usual title: y'] '") p^3 ip, and invariably

suffixes the phrase: So is it to be found in "^'^yn^K ITJ". Although

puzzled by this expression, I am, nevertheless quite sure, that our author

had thereby the third part of the Moreh in view. The following

array of guch quotations will afford us sufficient proofs for our statement.

On Page 2a we read: D^nSTI mblW "'"^ I'Dnn N^ajn ^XlOtJ' bnp

tnsn in"-?:-)' bap) --p idk" nyni] nn 'b nnb b"T n^ys'' bxpi 'p ^ipn inot^'a

(' ['1J1] nnn nbiy nm by (' oms ^n^iv n^i aa^nux nx ^mm n!? '3 (' b"r

jx^a^N n^NJ 'jsya^K nnn ]'^3 b"] 'n ipi (' ^bipn lyoB' nrn -imn nx dk ^3

^''^^VD b''bynbN1IJ •B it is obvious that with the reference

to "the ejcplanation of this object" by Maimonides, the words of the

latter, as contained in the XXXII chapter of the third volume ')

of the Moreh, are designated.

On Page 3b: We are again referred to: b'^yn^N 1T3 (See Arabic Appendix).

— 5a: For the explanation that "not the soul but the body is

the sinner", (pjij n^K K£2in IJ'NI DNOH H^K B'Qjn) the X.

ch. of b"'bynbK ItJ is quoted, and probably Moreh III ch.

XII is indicated thereby, wherein iMaimfini deals with the

topic that the properties of the soul depend on the con-

dition of the body ').

nnnD yj^obx id 'bv nti'^jd vt3d banyi py nbipn DipbtA in xnn)

•'13 DN03 IN 3NnD IN 3N3V ni tSNHN DDi 'bnVH HJN xb NJinij Al-Dhamari avails himself of Maimtini's language, without giving a ver-batim quotation-a method which is followed also in his citations onpages 70b and 71a.

') This belongs to our author and is not used by Maimtlni.') In the Bible (Jerem. VII, 23) it is said: D-Tl'IV N^L') Here is omitted the clause: bv DnXD pNO DHIN ^N'Vin DV3

•nan nbiy naT') Omitted again: lOKb DniN TI^IV- Either the copyist abbreviated

our quotation, or our author cited from memory.') See Munk Arab, text III, 72a.

") Ibid. Ill, 20a; Friedlander: "Guide" etc. Ill, 41.

On Page 7a (beg.): Speaking of goats as sin offerings of the con-

gregation, our author reminds us of an explanation of the Rabbis adding,

that in the account of the selling of Joseph, the slaughter of the kid

of goats is mentioned, and thus it shall serve the sinner as a continual

remembrance. His words are: Dn-'ytrb Dn''n2T [riN] 1)]} inar N^l ^Kpl

nbn inj JO in nyxytsa ajibx i^si nxajriDS n»ib'i kd^kt Nnjia -lain^

•n"Vy»bx As authentic source of this explanation is quoted: K"^bx nboJ

On Page 10a (end): is quoted the 12th class of the precepts con-

tained in Gaztl al-Talil, to the effect, that obedience to the command-

ments is called sanctity, whilst the transgression of the same: unclean-

liness. -"nixo ^3 ns DH'B'yi 'NJET niixo nzmp "IT D'tmp Dn"m Dnanpnm

I^N-jsi n-intDi r\\ynp nddh niiVD^N |k no31 Da^nbxb D^tjmp Djr^ni

3'"bN n^oj^x'Db"T'"ip^3 KD ^by nKDit3 Noon nn^ny^K

.(' b ^ b y n b s 1 r 3 ' D

On Page lib: For the text: Sw ^J^DK'n DV31, the authority of

') This gives us the clew to the passage contained in the XLVI

ch. of the third part of the Moreh, {r\-hv nnsnbN n^DJ^N) according

to which Maimilni says: (Munk III, 105b, 106a): ^raV xbl p^N P3 N03

NibyjD b"T D'oanbx k»n Dnnn« D'iiT nr\ ntj'N Dn^yK'b nn^nar nx iiy

"i^yB'a x^iN Dnba SwsnK'' my iK'vyb nn^ya'a nuv mQ3 pa inidk rh]f

Ton njj 'nxDni ^Np soa ko^nt n^jia lain -tain' IN

fi y N L3 3 nbo: ^dji nbo:! in33nbNib"iTNQ3nD« norb'nJNi.n 'sy obx i^n v\: ]d psn

*) The source is Moreh, III ch. XLVII (contained in the precepts

ofirnB'y n^JNh^^X nbDJ^JN). Maimftni's words (Munk III, 109b) are: XON^HNoiD ^jyo 'Q in D'bB ^:n emp 'd D^amp nn^'m nnanpnni 'bxyn nbip

xi^N nivo^N 'by nynbs 'oon^ ibibi .-nivo ncmp it niqd p ni^i mntai

nXDID On page 29a the same chapter is referred to, imder the title:

.'3 S K U 3 !? N 'D 3"'bN nboJ^N 'Q Therefore, the identity of b'byn^N 1T3

with 'j'px '\:bii (third part of the Moreh), is not to be denied.


Maimuni's explanation is cited "according to the gi'eat value of cir-

cumcision": T'-'^N nboj^^x 'D m'n:i nui 'bv nb'D bv ^hv V'r '-\ p'3 ip

b'^yri^N 1TJ p. Our author here undoubtedly, had the Moreh III., ch.

XLIX in view.

On Page 18b: Is quoted ch. XIII of Gazii al-TaUl ').

— 81b: In explaining Deut. VIII, 2 to the eflFect, "that all

nations shall know, it shall be published throughout the world, that

those, who devote themselves to the service of God, are supported beyond

their expectation", our author refers to the XXVI, ch. of Gazft al-

Taiii. JN2 Dbvba 's -inB''! ibsi ^^o^N D^ynb nNJVD inio:^ -jn^y jyob

b" t '•) p ^ 3 NO 'bv .3Dn^ nb n^n p r^p^i 'vn nhiaiyb yt3p:x lo

C .T'3 ^vs b^byn^Nirj 's

On Page 87a: Elucidating the text (Deut. XVII, 5), our author

says: "it is a natural reluctance of people to slay women. This is also

the cause, why in the law of idolatry it is said: "man or woman", a

plu-ase which does not occur in any other law". ix CSn ON nxyiHI

pa ibxibi ND:kx bnp "bv vi^bai dnj^n npz>^b nb 'in : n^sn ns

Nn-i":"! najr bil^n 'd i^Ni !?no 'j"" n^ no Nnovyb toxd r"y "s nnan^x nnn ^ D 5 b N ^ a b ' b y n b N n : ' a nn p^a b"T 't npi niivobs p(' -n^' jNn^N

For the explanation of Deut. XXI, 5 he refers us to: n^Oi^N

b'bynt5N 1TJ ^a n^J^flbs, meaning ch. XXXVII of volume III (Munk

III, p. 80b) MS. Page 93a (beg.).

*) I could not trace the quotation in this case, as frequently thewrong chapters are indicated.

'3 In our editions ch. XXIV. The quotation is a verbation citation

of the mentioned ch., with the only variation, that for: 3Dn\ Munk (III,

52b) reads: p\ wliich is of the same signification, ^^Ji and v_/^*vj» beingsynonymous.

') Ch. XXXVII, which is is headed with: NnniDVn Tlbx niVD^N

n'JNnpN n!5D37N, treats of the same idea, couched almost in the same

words. See Munk III, 79b (beg.): bnp 'bv ySD^Nn DSJ^N ^pat^6 NITNI

C'^NH ns* bap) m3i nt'x ix t;"x 'nxxD mr muy 'a p nv'n lij-ibi ndj^n

•'13 n-i'j ^3 N^i niii' bibn >a i^i bm '^y nb n» n-^^-Nn nx in


We have purposely reserved the following quotation in our MS.


for reason of its paramount importance.

On Page 33a (end), we read, that "the compensation for a slave

is uniformly estimated at half the value fixed for a free man": ^ a p

"bv laybx ion byji b'-byn^KiTJ^Q 'n^N nbojbN"'Q ^"t'n

"inba DIOybx 'by pn ^IVi DlOybs. This passage is a verbatim repitition

of MaimAni's statements (Moreh III, 40th. ch., containing the precepts

of the fifth class) with only a slight variation. ') The sentence fol-

lowing, however, according to which, Maimiini, in contradiction to

Levit. XXVII, 3 asserts, that the value of a free man is sixty (and

not fifty) shekels *), exhibits a glaring mistake, to which Munk ') and

Friedldnder *) have already called attention. "We eagerly sought for

an explanation in our 3IS. , but were even more astonished to find

the embarrassment increased by a no less grievous error, for Al-

Dhamari informs us, that the value of a free man is estimated at

"Sixty sliekels less one>\ Having explained Maimiini's expression:

DIDy^K *), Al-Dhamari argues thus: b\>^ W^^ nHNI^K pK»bxb TB

nnybx pn |n nva naybx |orib 'indd D'tr^K' i^si e^vj nbx n n n n d n

3Dn^ sb nSyoi d^b^b' po nbxi Dioybx "hv iri^N pn n^: nioy^N ^by

There are sometimes cited in our MS. larger portions from the

Moreh without the exact allusion to the respective portions of the

») The original text (Miink III, 87a) reads: 'hv nay^K pn ^yj)

DlOybx '^yinbNpnflVJ Dioybs — ') Malmani says: (Munk Ibid.)

O'lB'^B' fiDD nny '•oni d ' b p k* d "> b' k^ KmnsK Dnx o-iy nan i:sS

') "Le Guide" p. 307, note 4.

^) Friedliinder III, 190, note 1.

*) His words are: y^OJ -|3jn 1KB IH^N ^D QIDy^K '^y "\\> *?:K1

'ip ':yD ini rv\ n>x» yoiSs "lar naty d'B'B' p 'bx cnn p p D'aiy^x

Dioybx 'by- As Maimtlni himself codified, (Hilch. Arachin 1^3) that

the value of a free man is estimated at fifty shekels, we are desirous

of finding the basis of his, and Al-Dhamari's deviation. Who can solve

this problem ?


Al-Dalala. We give herewith the foUowing specimens of some interest

for the critical elucidation of the original text.


On Page 72b: Our MS. commenting on Deut. I, 5 -|J«3 HSW b'i^T\

^^,^^ nS, refers to nbsH^K bm -nthout any further precisive hint

at the chapter. I discovered the source, however, in the prefatory

remarks to the Moreh '),• • l L.

These are his words: (' snn^O: DMSn (= nbspjobx T^1^2 p3^« ^"^

p in no S^i KH^D nbspo^K nnn pj (' D^b ns snnps ':ys C nyn-^b«

.T3jn (" n^spD^K nnn pj bi .r npTn^« ^^^ (' ^^'^^^^ ^''^ ^^^l^^J^'

b»s3 im ,sjnync^ C' nns mspnyx ^d bvni nos: '3 vvnx np C^ pn t^n

C nynK^bx (^" inxw nnpsyi ,C' rbm ^b n^n^b mspi ^:sD3xbN Vpy^K

NO (" ^3 r\-\m nbpv yo nspr jx nos_^C" xK'mi (" n^n 's (" 'pas

C'^ypT IN yni^'^x nyxip niDS (" np n3S C'lv's «»°«^« 1^" •« "'^^^

n^py imnox np C' T^ ^nbpy y» C" 3"i:r sS sn:o sons (" soyo

c- nri^D -IND31 ('-^ n-is n^by nb; n:N C" l^sn y» (" «^^i '^^^ (" P^^^

1) See Munk I p. 2a (beg.), and Friedlander I, 6 (beg.)- ')Munk

Ibidem has:HbxpDbs-') Ibid. NnnbDJ - ^) Ibid- "nnDi^b-

')lb- 10:^X3

-») Ibid, -i^j -iDy nb p - 1 Ibid. Hyny'bs - «) ibw. D>t5 Ib omitted -

") Ibid, has like in note 7-i°) np^pnbn - ") In both places it is punctua-

ted nV'pD^^N - '^) Ibid. 5=^1 ->=) Ibid. nnV-'^)Ibid. 1631-'=) Ibid.

Q^t,y_i.) 'nsDN^Dbx-'') Ibid, sn^jxyo-^^) ibid, ny^:^ -n ibid.

n^no - n Ibid. -inNID - ") Ibid. nyntr^S Here_ follows in the original

text the sentence : XDDxbs l^n 'JSyO P HN^N DHD^' IS nOHQ' ^r D^ 801

n3DK'?DbN IN n-lXynon^N IX nainK^DbS/ -"-bich is omitted in our MS. —

")Ibid. ^pTS-") Ibid. HTH-") Ibid. nC'nn - ") Ibid. ^3 is omitted.

—") Ibid: jti'D— ") Ibid, np is omitted—") Ibid. 'p3^ — ") Ought to

be ND yo as in the original text. '") Ibid, anir — '') Ibid. p^D —

")Ibid. py^l—") Ibid: n^l — '*) Ibid, l^i — ") Ibid, nnx — '') Ought to



On page 65a: Elaborating upon the Enumeration of the Stations

(Numb. XXXin) our MS. quotes Yf '3n^S I^Kp, ^^^^ ^ undoubtedly

a copyist's error, as I discorered its identity with some abstracts from

the 50th chapter of the third part of the Moreh. Let us cite Al-

Dhamari in full:

t6 so -131 n:N lOK^N C insx myoobs nan I^kt P C ^"t '3nbs 'hii?^

(" K0N1 (" KnxT nb« nay C' n"rp' ^•^ nd:s (" nNTjyoSs rroj ;n ibsii

r pnvnb« n'bs (^^ pina' las^Ki -t33 «n"i3T ""'^"^ C" bapnos^s 'Q

p b (" nyn-^^s (" nNT:y!3 pi V'l ha? (" on .yDSobs i:y TnsnVsi

Ts p^K (" ni3T C" n:D ry3^»< ^^nobs 'a ^shk'^ (^^ nosps (" t<n:ovys

rDniND:Nb^n"rat3Tie'mxcyt)Kpm: m^ya yisia '^ D'd r^* ^k'«

be: nrn ^D. ') lb. V-TV ') lb- reads it in two words: iSn yO--') I^d- hafl

'ri^ba^hba-') ibid. ^:i.-=) ib. miih^^.-') ibid, nbp.-^) ibid, nnn-j- nrm.

*) That this is the copyisfs error is conclusively proven by the

expression b"T ^Sp Dn (twice), whereby the author indicates the citation

from the Moreh, which he abbreviated. The last line contains compli-

mentary remarks, requesting the reader to compare the remammg portion,

which he styles deep and unfathomable. 1 Munk IK, 121b), has the

reading nnSO. i") lb- reads: nTSD- '^ Ib. contains still another sentence:

DH'svio m ntro anD^i bxp roxiSs 'bx pno' nbx ombx xin bix pi

.'r 'D^y Dn^yoob which is omitted in our MS. •') lb. ]rh^\. '') Ibid.

HiKn^x. n Ibid. D'^y i^T n Ib. Kii. ^') Ibid, nxiiyo^x. •') ibid.

H>rpv ") lb. XnX-1. '") Ib. XOXS- '") ibid, reads: bpnOO^X. =>) Ibid.

pnon^l X13i) Xmsi ") lb. this word is wanting. ") Here the quotation

is abbreviated and the sentence beginning with: m!>yD1 until nXi:yopV

is entirely omitted in our MS. -) lb. nXliyDV ") Ibidem: HynB'bx.

-)ibid. NHO^yx. -)ib. Hcspx. -)ibid. n:D. ") ibid, niiv ") Ml^T -) Ibid. H-iXOy^X p Xni Hrya. ") Here again foUows about


(" nuxv on ND1 (' njvn hb^bn n:N3 no (' (?) yarb n'^ip^N lax^b l^Ki

(' [Ti'D'] (o'D') fi^n loby obi pnu^N (* ib'i Snist pa p C jn^n ^b«

•UNVD' '» b"r nrij pioyi pim ins niaiobx nn p b"T hon^s ^d oBni

On the same page our author refers to another passage of

MaimQni (without giving the source). He says: Nmjn y^p ^3 ]ii obyS

in •'N-i n-n^nb non nnt^bx 's minx m^Nsb ^ns min^x ^q mianb

•bysx^N p boy nxbvNb in nyna'bN nyNip p myxp—This is also a

verbatim abstract from the Moreh. The original text, with some minor

variations, may be consulted in Munk III p. 120a (beginning of the

5th ch.}.

In reviewing the quotations which our author cites iinder the

heading b'^yn^N HJ^JN, we find them embodied in the third

volume of the Moreh upward from the 32nd chapter, including the

50th ch. as well. This circumstance is of no little importance in

detining our questionable title. We must namely remember chapter

xxxi, portion III, of the Al-Daldla opens with the remark : "There

are persons, who find it difficult to give a reason for any of the

commandments, and consider it right to assume, that the command-

ments and prohibitions have no rational basis whatever. They are led

to adopt this theory by a certain disease in their soul, the existence

of which they perceive, but which they are unable to discuss or to

describe." ''). We will be permitted to cite the original ") for rea-

sons presently mentioned. Maimiini says: DH'by DCr Dip DNJ^N p

a page long research appropriated from MaimUni which our author didnot care to quote. ') It is to be read as amended, and thus reads theoriginal text also. (Munk Ibid. p. 122a towards the end). ') Ibid, has:

nbya. ') Ib. reads: nbyi. ") Ought to be: ])Q^b, as in Munk: njN' JN

yB-)b -Tvp^N. ') Ibid, nitbn. «) ib. hund, ') iwd. dv^jn. *) Ni5i.") Ibid. pn^DV

'") According to Friedl&nder's excellent version "The Guide of thePerplexed" (1885) (iii p. 148)— •) Munk III, p. 68a.—


ppor p-n,T N^ Dnoajx 's njni^ p» in Nin Dnb aiv "-"i^si nra 'jyo

.njy Knar IN pjon^ xbi na

These very words are quoted in our 'Ms. (Pages 18b end, 19a

beg.) with minor variations, ') under the wrong annotation of

J"'bN bxB ''Db"'bynbN1fJ ""D- It was for that reason that I

could not at first trace the source. '^) Now in possession of the

precious find, it dawned upon me like a flash, why Manzur Al-Dhamdri

designates his quotations taken from the 32nd chapter, and following with:

J*:^'^'-^^ J-r" (b'byni^X 1TJ). It is for the simple reason, that those

chapters treat of the causes of some commandments ! I submit

herewith my suggestion to the tribunal of the scholars, and shall be

highly pleased, if proofs can be found from other quarters to the

effect, that the chapters from 81 — 50 of the third part of the Moreh,

were called by other writers also, under the title indicated.

Having conscientiously shown our author's great attachment to

Maimtini's several writings, which are rendered either verbatim and

literatim, or freely reproduced, and in constant allusions to their

authority profusely utilized, it can not, we ventxire to state, appear

too strange, that Al-Dhamari borrowed even the title of his book

from Maim<ini, for J.yi*J! _?.** reminds us of the Sirag (— "ilSD or

the Mishna Commentary), ') whilst the additional appellation of our

Ms. blpyobw bpXy^XI bpvbii is tlius termed after the well-known

philosophical usage of its import, to which Maimtlni had devoted two

most important chapters (LXVII and LXVIII of the first part of the

Moreh) the first of which, opens with the frequently cited remark :

*) ^oxaI]*, Jjljtilj J*Ji*il iul |»^y5 "You are acquainted with the

') According to our author's transscription incur MS. it is said:

l\'\2V' 4int3J^ ,n:\iy ,3:iX ,nn2 ,3nN^Nl ,DVy' *) See above p. 31, Note 1.

') See above p. 20.— *) See Munk I, p. 86a.


well-kaown principle of the philosophers, that God is the intellectus,

the ens intelligens, and the ens intelligible'' '). Having arrived at this

point, we may attempt to translate the final clause of each chapter

of our MS. as follows : -) "Finished the necessary explication of the

Parashah .... in the Lamp of Wisdom, for him, who wishes to

know the difference between the Intellectus, the Ens intelligens, and

the Ens intelligible." ^)

CHAPTER E. Arabic ^) Authorities.

We can not consider our review of this valuable Midrash a

thorough one, without attempting at least to describe its manifold

character. As a supplementary chapter to the afore mentioned Hebrew

authorities, we would offer some references taken from Arabic


On i)age 3Sa is quoted an anonymous Arabic poet : pKp

n'h'D nbx n:i< xnjx rh^ n:N ;© bxpa 'nbp pj'^ 'm n-^h i y k b' b «

On page 46a as an illustration of Numbers XIH, 23 y3{j> J1"13n>

Dn\*t3 ;yv 'jsb nnJ33 D'JE' , we are told the following details :

Tnxi !?D '2"i:^s 2jx:!?x 'a DxoDpbx jxnxnD jxir-n xtDm -ivo 's ixyx

D'H' ys-ii p^xan n-ii»y yxDmx batrbx i^nsn myxp^x yanci XDn:D

H'XD y3-ix xn:D vb>i ^d ^id yxWxbx ns'iDDD nx^jno moo nya-ix na

IDS -inyx nno 'd xcnx-jn n-by ainsn loioi dx3-i p yNii rnoi

-sj3bx jTD Snos mnSxi njo n^xono 'S xomn'bs hd^o 'B nnp xynx

bn xDHNja nbx jx^'pi rXivn xon"'D3''bQ ;n!?Dbx :x3nbx xonxj 'oai

10X2 ;xsio^x ini xod^x p ^T:n nsx jx jm xnxn x^na p:-iD ncDX

') Friedlander 1. c. Ill p. 353.— ') See above p. 13; the translationthere rendered was suggested by my friend Dr. Neubauer. Compare :

J. Q. li. vol. IV. (No. 13) Page 164.

') The present essay was in the hands of the editor of the J^ Q. R.several montlis before the appearance of Dr. Bacher's note (J. Q. R. vol.

IV p 509 ). I am glad to find my conjecture corroborated by my learnedfriend


*) Once only, on page, 67b, is Aristoteles cited: ('D ^XpS "JCDIX X»X^)


On page 46b, he continues his geographical observations : ^Np

ytuba nji ^^y NO iVD n n a 3 wS a n n d ^ 2 n ^ v S n 1 2 n 1 ' tr ^ n

'JNS 1VO '3 IXyi'^N '^N -INnj^wSI ^'b^N p NH^ nrnN NJN1 N^N njT'a

TT33DN^N ]3 pOND^N Sxi NO^I ,XOnJD -lNn:!?N1 ^'bbxb XmvM

n^ii NO'vy N^SD nnpn 's ipajx en Nomns apnn lova ivo 'Sn

nn {N N^'-'N bap) .nnvo ]y"iv nj-ist scb aiibin pb nn-iL" ^it:"- nxba

-I'XD ^bv Nn3 iTxno' jn iinN cnS map ini -ik3d DNvy ii^ob iwo^n

•Dnn N'n ^3 Dnjy iTNnox N02 onnxoo lya iibci^x

On page 26b, Aboo Gafar, whom our author estimates highly is

quoted in the following words : 12yj12N DVyN^N fllDyaSx^

Dx^3 m^ybx nnyi i^bpnbx 'd idt C ^ b ^ a ti n S n ^ d 1 d ' j n o n d

IX nD2j |D xo^y IX xdx "hy ab ixdjx^x r\vbr xo ^3 Sxp -nvj nn

in X01 anD^xi pn^fbx bonn" -133^x1 -133 ina m^j jd jx3 jxd ,r\-\': jd

d'Sd SnjD !)3i !)"injo luvo ^31 31*3 n3 jyx pnv n3 |xvx"'X pjvo in -|bx-i3

}X3 1X1 ,npiii)i n-^)iiiri ncop nini ,oi^yD3 n^b T'bpnbx xins ,n";^yD3

xro -1 'J3 IX |xro3 t 1^ "'«>< ^^^^ ^^2 'IDDj jd in ixdjn^x no^y xod

}i2 l^j nxD 0^3 D^^ b^n::2 b^ ^njo cix:: bi ^ixTi ihd ixro -i'33 {xs

}xrD^X3 hod: ]d rhpv xd x^x Di^y^x p jxDJxbx ycr xo jx nb nin

•n^nv^x 'xibx JX^3 x^ xixSx ny^xoD ini pnxvbx

On page 66b, a.s an elucidation of Numbers XXXV, 33, X^ pX^I

'131 DH^ "133% he quotes the famous Arabic poet Alhariri these terms;

^3 ujn bnp^x3i ,XDtSx ipnn ^3nxv x^xm^x "isd3 ' t t n !) x ^xpi

bnpbti jc iD3J.

We wonder, whether in the collection of Alhariri's poems, edited

by the erudite Dr. Derenbourg, the above cited verse is mentioned?

A very interesting dialogue between the Mutakallem and the philo-

sopher is presented on pages 73a — 74a, which we have reserved for

the Arabic Appendix.

') See Arabic Appendix.


D) Peculiar Explanations.

We have now arrived at a very interesting portion of our

research, namely the explication of Talmudic and Midrashic words

and expressions. Al Dhamari does not adhere to the original text

when citing passages from traditional authorities, but either elaborates,

or renders various readings. As regards his special peculiarities when

quoting Arabic authorities, we have given sufficient examples, by

reproducing his words, and extracting larger portions. (Cf. Arabic

text). We have now approached another branch of our author's

singularities, upon the discussion of which, we will herewith enter.

1.) On pages 5b—6a following, although not mentioning the

traditional explanation, ') our author gives us the rule: 'N3B' DIpD ^3

^3"! n:^ -J3 i^N -in Dnyn p ik o'cnan p in n'^22 in n\y22 ^22 nnm2 D:3-t'o b'n ii'\p:n xini nje* 'ja onar on D^b'N in b'n u 'wc

ti'^p:n Nim b'nb nS ^22^ ab ic'a i:'n D'e6b' Dvni dv D'^'ben nns rr'iB'

b:v '^•Jt^' DipD ^31 ;ot iDino b'x 3 n : 3 'a Nin^ (' njKio^N nj^3 dj^d

.'13 D'n:^' p ")D njsr p sin

2.) On page 6a to Lev. IX, I: 'y^t:; DV in DV^JN '"in |N D^yn

ni b"r '3nSN i^sp dv^n 'in -byi p': :^^n tj-XT inx^js dv im D'Nibob

D'N':^•3 ni33ip^ pcN-i xin n'rN"i3 ncryo^ pt^xn Nin jrncy iiryb nsT Dvn

pB'Ni Nin 'j^sn mn'^ pt:*N-i xin r\'i)2vb p'j'sn sin n:in3b p^J'si xin

PB'N-i sin D'-i^nnb p'j'si sin niosn -iid'sS iitrsn sin D'tnp nb'3S^

.bsic'' 'J3 ns i3-i3n n3 '::r ^sit:" nsisb pc'sn sin bsny^'s nj'st:' ]'\2iyb

This passage, with different readings is to be found in Sifra Shem?ni

(begin.) and Shabb. 89b.

8.) On page 7a, to Lev. IX is applied a beautiful and an apparently

') See Torath Kohanim and Rosh Hoshana lOa; Rashi to Lev. IX, 7.

'') Concerning the etymology of D3^2/ see Arukh Completum YI, p.

336, 387 and o38b. AVith the word 3XJ3 ^3. he means in the state of stand-

ing between lamb and ram, as R. Hai Gaon (Parah I § 3), and following

him, R. Nathan explain it. It were therefore, more appropriate to read-

3JSi - Oi'w:>. (the medium).


original explanation to the effect: "Aaron Lifted up his hands to bless

the people" for, the ten fingers symbolize the ten conmiandments !

nnn m-^y n:j3 mysvx -i:^'y jna ;r^ ':so on'a no^.

4.) On page 8b, is quoted: in'D N"'a'j pns nj2N N^s Dnmjn v:2

•nys bv n^n oanj mx pnk' is30 ib's cy i^'n m^a "ibi nsn'^N x^u'-ai

This explanation is strange, as it contradicts the Talmud, which

says, that man is not responsible for liis utterances while in grief

(see B. Bathra 16b). That the remaining sons of Aaron did not exceU

their brothers Nadab and Abihu in behavior, is also to be traced to

TaLmudic—Midrashic exegesis, (see Joma 87a, Sifra to Lev. X, 12, Jalkut

Shemini § 530).

5.) Ibidem ') he quotes the Talmudical saying at variance with

the original text: n^HNi D'yj: ^i'x 1^ miior: "yi ^VN lb nc ^"T ^b«P

We have the reading: '13 bvs "02 •••lb n!2; consult all the references

thereto in Kohut's Artlkh Completum IV, 236.

6.) P. 9a to Lev. XI, 3—nipnm ni2Ti2 M'C'pi mbyiss ir«D vh

minn Vknsnj t<b I^SI nnnm. Our author has undoubtedly Chulin

59b, in view. The reading: nip'iln agrees with the Arukh"s version.

(See Arukh Campletum Vol. Ill, 187 ).

7.) P. 16b, to Lev. XIV 5—0x3 nnx n^^B^T nn« cmtt^- Kin to^

n6 rh lE'sx r'*^' Q^^^i ps3 miap noin^n msvn nx-i \b idin wn

nnx n^u^ xm nobi nav^na iirnn ax I'b nx3 nnvn j'x i3 noipoo

^3710.1 n^npn ib icx x^x nrnS ni) -it'sx px ns^m b^xm icx* tfhv

mnn nyivnt' cjid na^trin p mrn ox 13 nirn^ hdidb' yni nnbiK-on -iisxa

niy::T3 ny;j'i nyj' ^33 non D3Dy :m: 'jxtr lyn 'Ja ^xnt^b n"3pn ^0K ib

C3" xSb' 'n ba 'S3 inju' pii nr ny ba ^:»y Jni: n"2i>n;y nrn irxi Dvn

nbp nnx nyj' "ex noyb bi3' mx n^n xb pc?^a:r pnn x^ i^xt' ijib6

-ipa 2-iy nyi ny bar Tnixbe: byi tdj by n^iin n3n33 noxj 13^

Tlie first portion of this account, according to wliich, leprosy,

like a liberated bird does not return, should the sinner repent, is

') The same occurs on p. 15a (centre).


traceable to Lev. Rabba, ch. XVI (see also Jalk. Mezorah § 659); the

remaining version is original with Al-Dhamari.

8.) P. 17a to Lev. XIV, 35: T^D^n Xina* '"QJ/N nU3 'b nUM yi33

Tvhn b'^f imnis:' 'jsd no^i yaw n^k idn' ah yjj kihb' ^kti3 yivi 'csn

-ini^cn N",ni ;nDa x^s n"""ibn hj'n* a-'yjj n^wnj;' n^x Tiy sbi ht-tj 'Dsn

D'Vii 'b]!2'\ bynn nns by 3i;'v binj jna ba* vsi-i n\n i3i ndddh ^{1m

DH'bx NVi" xini vbx pnbvkTi cmnn n-'ab lobini [psn !)"j;] (py) y-n^»'Di D'3i

DnK'yi ya-ixn bN"itJ"!D pT'j nihb' "ab D''y3j niNiDn imy nnisnb vby nmnsj'

njins ni3n?:D.—The reason suggested, why the priest had to give his

personal attention to the investigation of plagues, is truly ingenious.

The first part refers to Negaim XII, 5 (see also Sifra to Lev. 1. c);

the words: '131 nob^ however, belong to our author.

9.) P. iSa to Lev. XVI, 2: uba lONI HT ')212 T)mib HVI bnj lyif

obiyb ny i:?') ny^'b ny 5?' nne^ obiyb it muyo inbnjD nmj pnN nidb'

•'13 n•n^:^• ny bsn xbx iud nnxK' ntrs xb ne^ n"2pn ^n Our author

applies the rule concerning tx, which is sometimes used for the

past and some times for the future tenses ^) also to T\Vr which our

Midrashim do not chronicle.

10.) P. 19a to Lev. XVI, 14, is worth noting an interesting Arabic

explanation of the Talmudical rj'bvOD (Joma 15a; see Artich Completum

vol. V. 219). He says: ;x 3^ t6 n^N iy\)ibii2 3nir pD3 'jy fl'bvC3

NOV n3D» ^2 p'3n N103 HiJ? pK'3 p^3V Al-Dhamari, it seems, follows

Maimilni's explanation to this Talmudic word (see Maimilni's Mishna

Commentary to Joma 53b).

11.) P. 26a: He applies a peculiar explanation based on the equi

valent of tlie letters in 3'3X. He says: nnJD flN 3npn fN3 "ibp 3'3K

Dniy:;' n'3x ;k3 tix D'^1y:^> 3'3n |N3 no 3'3n miyB'n ^s nDN:i imsa^t^^^ n^zx in y 3'3n 'n:c' p'is "iK'y nctrn Nintj* p'jDi niitj* (sic) i-rja

"i:i'y ^:^'J.•3 3np31 TJ-y. in Talmud (Menach. 68b), which our passage

') See Tanchilma Beshalach § 10, and Artlch Compl. I, 49a.


has in view, there does not occur any XHiSDJ (= Arabic Tij;) attached

to 2'as.

On page 30b. Nnj3D3 is correctly interpreted by our author as:

IXnysbx ubv- See also MS. page 100b and No. 33 of this §. on

Peculiarities (also Hebrew text no. 6, page VI).

12.) On page 26b and 77b, explaining Deut. XIII, 5 he says: n•Dn''T'DbniD''DDnn k^n nyj^'i p2Trh Diab ^l^sk ^31 "hap ppmnIn the Talmud (Sota 14a), is the application: Vnmo inX yhilh sbx

n"3pn b^.

13.) P. 27b to Lev. XXV, 52. A singular conclusion is drawn

from the lesson imparled by the scriptural expression: ^aVH DJB'. He

says: ^3 b"] HJK'D '03n "hup NDO NIH 'bsiK'"' 12]! bj ilT pjobx nin

loyi -iDNJtj' pjD D^yc-in ib^sNi xan d^wS p!)n Dnb t?'"' ^nib'"'

D^p'lV D^13. In Synh. XI, 1, the Mishna has not the additional remark,

that "even the wicked have a share in the future life."

14.) On p. 2Sa, to Lev. XXIII, 42, Describing the ritual nslDI

our author distinguishes it from the prohibited one, in the fc>llowing

words: D'ni3 DSID IS* HDHa FISID IN D'-B'J n31D "IN WM HDID n:N3 1^

1"3 y'J (D''D—This is an, original remark.

Ibidem: tj -Mibl 'D TDTyD^N Dm D'V"P n31D IN D^yil HDID IN

naiD IN -ivtD^N jn3 '^y iNK'y i^yo' ^Sn dhi d^j3-i3 hdid in DmN^n

LJ^''^ p""i }0''D Dm DnDIC- This is of the same character. Concerning

its reading and etymology, see our Ariich Compl. II, 184, where R.

Nathan derives p-)3 also from the Arabic _^J .

15.) On p. 30b, (beg.) to Lev. XXXIII, 1:

ab 1N3 pnnD^ ]'ni6n niD^n pNon nS in3 jprn bbr^ in b't 'sn^N i!?Npi

Nb |N3 ipnnD' DHjo pnN^ni D'^Nfjo^N bnrD 1213' nSn njocr^N DnpiNsn

p-iK^y^Ni Q'trtn ny"'3pi D'-jk' "luy ^no onS n^n "•"ins n^i oby 3Dr

D'N^33n DJ-iriB' ^ni ^t ^Nniy 13 |n3V ;n3B' bn: [D"3iy3l (d"ji:u) |"pn3^n

1311 i^zb nno rhi^ nr Nin 'd moNi bip n3 nnv^ D'3in3n onn^ L*'p"'3i

1133^ N^ am -11^3^ nino ^n^SitJ' Nin ^jn idni vbii bv bu'vw p ]r\:v i»y

|3 pnV p-l |n3K' |t2pi bHl^'2 npibnO 13"l' N^tr ^3 11133^ N^N N3N n'3


n"'33 |K^ kS tmon rrab cis i»ip xbi r^sn ubi n'S's xba min xba

ma iKV» kS"! emon n'sro vnnx nnx Nr ab) \s"iy ny^ ib'SN Bmon

njB' x^i tm»n n^a ib nns vm::'D» ins n^i mina n:Vbj' sbs bxis^^o

tr-iion n'3o nx^fb nr irjor yjn vT'Dbnb -ids n^i uio lyoB'B' sbx imp^ip DnsiD 'pnpn nnjni niD^n no^m nrj'ci Nipo n'jn sb b^an mwbiTiiy n^B>ooi Knxnyxbs* oby im nv)C2»^ji nisipn mvj' nnn:"i pcimbnj n2ii mt'n "sn^d nn'n one' nn':;n D-bpn nn'jjn D'cma n^ensoi

ij'Hjnb T'nn Nnxii "as niyv^'i JT'C-'^na nt-yn jap nan niana nsyyo

The narration concerning the pupils of Hillel is taken with many

variations from the Tabnud (Succa 27a, B. Bathra 134a), and that of

Jonathan ben Usiel from Meg. 3a. It is unnecessary to state, that

the Arabic version of the first portion, as "well as the interspersed

interpretation belong to our author. Peculiar is his definition of the

word: nvin, which he derives from the root 'in^ signifying: riB'yD. The

real meaning, however, . as proven in our Ariikh CompL HE, 193, is

dispute. His reading of nb'^^^ (instead of: nib'kJ'D)^ which coincides

with that of the Ariikh is a correct one. (see Artikh Compl. V, 165b).

16.) Page aia to Numb. I, 1.

naina nb ana xbi m^n nn'n xbi He's a^'^ ibob ni2n iiin nob beiD

IDinx n'K'^bijn n^'jB' ntrxb ntry 121 ai nb \t\: sbi ntn^i nbon nt?y no

mjij^'xiD ID :injn b» iJDBnc'b noN mtra D-aiia nn n"jy nnx nc« nsn

nc32i tnn nr\s3i n"jn irxai Dip© nrxn n:pinD naina r\b aina k^x

'Jt' n"apn nr ibo nainan by Dinm Tym piD nrx3i njK' irxm tnnaN13 nbnna la ^b >mv' it Dy 'jb^ bsitr noja it n^^'s ibob T "''"

Dnvoni DHD 't^JKi njban nn pi ^no'x ana «bi na'xi biaon nn n^apn

Dnoy jnjnn bx rifob n"apn -lox bxiB^ bax 'n»'x ana xb"i n3'«nanoa 'xjy* Dipo nT'xa bab ynv-11 |nix noni anb aina xbx D':iB'xn3

nr\sai tnnb nnxa 'xrj* cnna naaai lyio bnxa 'x:^ n^jn nT'xai 'ro

nxvb 'JB* pns ni'xai n':B'n njt^b 'xjb' njty iT'xai ^Jt'.n tnnb ':^ tnn


This Midrash occurs in several places '} with many variations.On

p. 36b, our M.S. quotes: Qipo bo ^dnDH D3n NIH inPNIn Aboth IV, 1 it reads differently. On the same page is quoted:•1 3 roxn ^N 'n^VO N^I ^nyj' IDNB' >0 ba-In Megila 6b. the word nis missing, whereby the sense is altered.

17.) Page 4.5a, to Numb. XII, 7: nf)y»bl in>VnOD :ntJ^ ^nny }3 nJ,

B^N Nnpj HDD^i in^xnooi nmab dm^k i^nn: hni 'njk^ D^nbx Nnpj

Our Rabbis only say, that Moses separated from his wife;see Sifra and Aboth de Rabbi Nathan in Jalk. Numb. §§ 739, 740.

18.) Pageo2b, to Numb. XIX, 21: nrtD U'N XOtSH ^ "imon HTni

D'ban pi -line .th^k' nnv nrcntj' obiyo n»2 nddj ah^y mx n^knniDKH niynvxn bai hndic pb^po in^ n^st D^jnx 'b vn> pa rxSoorj\n2 iniDB' nn jnub noiDDn po^asj^ njoron n^jo^n n'h n^rn \^>:]}h mina•niy3VN2B' n^^jT K\nK' yavw nro nobi mr poip mjTv yavN

The first passage is taken with variation from Nidah 9a, Joma14a; the second, from Zeb. 53a and Sifra. (see Ar^ch Compl. IV, 139-,

Art. pD'). Remarkable is the reading: nnjIX, for our editions have mi^;see Ardch Compl. I, 249 and VH, 46. The etymology is uncertain.'

Cf. also our Supplement to Vol. VII p. 47a C^nyn pn p. 71).

19.) Page 57a, to Numb. XXII, 32: nnKI nm> ppntSU pK'i) D-|'

•nncj—In our editions of the Talmud (Shabb. 105a) is nsn'; Menach. 66b

njisn^ (see also Rashi to Numb. 1. c). On ppntSW, see our-i-)]}:^ pn p.

59, where many instances are quoted.

Page 58b, to Numb. XXV, 3.

vh» ]ra KiHK' ]>viv m px N^m pan \^ni< p -itybx p onrsma nm by D^iy b\^ ijm hdni ^kik" ^n b]) bbennK' 'jdd 'nan ion"

bx-iK^D n"3pn ^K* inon (sic) n^enni eibx nntj'yi nyanw ^jnik^d biB^

vni Nn^oiQ p INT DnoiK -inn 'j:i^b vntj' kSn niy xbi 'nan iDn>^ la^sb

woD x^JN D'Nvv D^bnj D^jna PN1 'nan ion" lab ^a^n nra mix pboia

') Pesikhta De R. Kahana ed. Buber. p. 52b, Tanch and Numb. I. Arttkh Compl. I, 210, Art.: n'OSK.


"1X1 "irx y'L-m "n^sx"! in'^^r.-ib men ^dx^?d ii^'p-'a ncrb onyc :-injj' jvai

3'tro p non j^'k^-o f\DV m^30 by D^non p y-iajK' ^Njp j3 "Nip Kintj>

.'^y> ixbc Ti^ in ibxi nci njnna d'dj mcy ib iK'y: I'd non

The source is to be found in Synh. 82a, where the order of

sentences varies. There is furthermore to be read: '<tDia p, see also

Ardch Compl. VI, 311 (whilst XJT'JOID lias another meaning). The

Talmud counts moreover only six wonders which happened to Pinchas.

The Sifra (see Jalk. end of portion Balak) enumerates twelve.

31). Page 59a, to Numb. XXVI, 7: (sic) "'J''31N nn nnDB'D bsp

bxniy^ ^:2 by p-imx obiyn moiN vne xbx nvi 'n pj-'dv iinbni ^^lyCkj'n

nf2 jn'niB'jn loim bp pabiB' nn dh'sus DnoiNi Dnva bc' cn^ja ant?

nir2i2 bx-iK'-'D nbin "b nt;'y pninn by n2\r2J2r^ ixb^ob ion n"2pn n\:^v

t:'Ni2 ;nbi33 pi ''J1yK^'J'n nnssj^ pyoi^'b "jmx-in nnat'o pistb vaN

nnyn^ 'dt^ ixipj ^sb Dnnx':^ |ns^ ;nb T'yc n"' iv nsipi 'n nTnn

.'•ID njjD-n 'ns i^b ejiD^ xni nbnno nv n tr'^'.^jsic n:?:"© pin bxiB^b

The original source is the Pesikhta, see Jalk. Pinchas § 773 ;

cf. also Arilkh Compl. VI, 74. The wording however, differs.

22). Page GOa, to Numb. XXVII, 23: nODHn nD'H xb in^ DX "DO'I

vby 1*1' nx nsDDi 'xjc' noan nia"'00 n^ fix xbx nabn ne^ ba* van

b"r '"D^n ncx ixd^d ibn in- nx iod b'^r xini it nx n"3pn ib noK

•n-Dbni 1J30 pin njpo mx baa

This is adduced from the above mentioned verse, according to

one opinion in the Talmud, Synh. 105b. The Sifre, § 141 has another

interpretation. Where is the first sentence, that "even Moses' hands

dripped wisdom", to be found ?


28). Page 60b, to Numb. XX\aiI, 15: cnn trX"l I'yEJ' 'Q bxpl

r\v^2 ibxn -by b"r 'Dnbx ibxp ['pb nxtDnb nnx Dny -i-ycr^] 'pb nxcnb

-iDxi -imi (sic) nibn:n nnixon 'jy' nx n-rxin 'O' n:^•en n"3pn noxB'

'3 nppnc' nnx n"3pn -jcb loxi m-a nnnn noji: ppn nixcn nx

\t::)pn -iix»n nx 'dix nnx iK'^yi Q-bnjn nnixon -jk' nx mox nbnna

•CD-ini lopbx CD1 "s -ivr "ibx -nabx ini mipj m-3 nnby n nnnnm


riNtan ^ b y nnpn >j3 hn'^.iirb n"apn -ion I'oi xn!53B' n!?^ njxb n'2v

•T^ riNun tnn b'n-i -iw3 'oxjnab nrn by ^nxDns^ >3b-See Sbabuoth9a, andChul. 60b (ArUch Compl. I, XXXVIII; IV, 160), where this diffi-

cult passage is discussed. Our author's reading renders the problemeven more insolvable. (cf also our -]-iyn pn p. 49).

M). Page 63b—64a (end), to Numb. XXXII, 22: "po Q^^pj QO^'minain n^ m)ib nnv -|3 mpon p msin n^ nxvb nnv dinb' Qg'a bsnty^Di

Kin 'r Q>r\bn ba 'iiy D'n^3J3 'UK' i^D'p mina iidn nr ^a^1 ninan |d

|n NVD1 'jB^ D^ainD2 K'bv^ ,byD3 ax n-ioa dn ynv xin !?ntc-"i ynvab inmn ^n^ ixr xbtr dtn 'J33 nt^yo .dini dni^n 'rya 3il3 btj^'12 '13 vlr^) -I'cryi ':y nvian 'jso ab) n"a oipon ^jd^jo.

The story here related, will more properly be reserved for the

Hebrew Appendix (See page XI). We content ourselves with merely

citing the beginning thereof, on account of our author's ingenious

application of the Biblical verse quoted.

25). On page 63b, to Numbers XXXI, 31: id^JO ITy^NI HB^ tJ'y'l

nw iK'Na 'NjK' niDVJK' id3 t\^ vh\< i»xy nm by ''qn ns:^ nay NbtJ*

•HB'y 13 riB^ nx 'p— This is a skilfull rendering of the verse referred

to above.

26). On page 71a, to Deut. I, 1: nOK X^^'^'^U^: pB>b Dn3in nbx

• nn"'D 2"nn' m ^:Dil lai mion D'ODnn 13V — The well known Rabbi-

nical saying') reads: .nn'O 3''n 131 'JD3 naS"! nilDH b 3— Besides

this deviation, it is peculiar to apply the Notaricon only to the word

Dnatn, and to resort for the word nbX/ to : D'MPin ub nON.

27). On page 72a, to Deut. I, 8: t6ti V22 H'Sin i6^ 2p]}^Q nob

or Q'^bm r\\y:y^ mxa V2\y nyi caB'a nnxo nij'y ^ntrya onn^ob iod

la^bB'ni ne^ nbi: nnxa nyaa'a b^na'^b nbia minn nx hk^ '^b

lb Kintr Dv minjnDOi'KinK* p^oantj'B'aT^N'biniKnyatfa no^ mxa nyaB'a ibii nsro ,m'n^ nnoK' dv ib n\ni irni njin

•xbox 1^0' nSDD riK nON '^Oan vby mxa— That Moses died on his

*) Berach. 31b; Erub 63a, and Levit. R. ch. XX.


birthday is well known from Talmudic records ') The word. aVH

(Deut. XXXI, 2) served as basis for this conclusion, thus also in Sifre

Deut. g 2, where namely the source is to be found, that Moses

imitated Jacob's example, to exhort and admonish the people before

his death. The remaining portion treating of Moses' being thrown into

the Nile, on the sixth of Sivan is very ingeniously brought out, and

belongs to our author.

28.1 P- 76a: He speaks of chess ^.ia^L v_*JtJ consult on this

subject our forthcoming essay: "Ist das Schachspiel im Talmud genannt

und unter welchem Namen ?" in the Zeitschrift der Deutschen ^lorg.

Gesselschaft Voj. XLVI., P. 1. If. (cf. our -|ij;n ]-n, eh. B. p. 29).

29.) P. T7a, to Deut. Ill, 27; mnn "-Sy rh]} HB^^ n"3pn nDNB> pOB^

Kin "D^tJ' nrn -ivisn y":;'2n n^^ -io« D^pnv b'^ nDB* jnoi D^ycmb ajn^i

•ny kVi nytj' bani ny S^n ^jin Q^:^ny^ minn D'pDiy^ n? n"apn iok

3it2n ni'iy^ ^'x i<in '»b ".vixn nn "i^ -lox DNDno D^ae'n D'kdh^ n^x

nr y"ea-i ick Kin ^cb nvixn nn b"x "inva ^^inj nxix ns'D nsTi ne^'n"!

n^'N TiN 'num 'njc nih n:n ^jj* -lyixn nt n"apn ib ion nih 'dS "lyixn

iS noKi r\"2pr] iTC'in n:n bc' -ivind •'b |n nci'D noN nyLrn nxni inx

V^y riN n-Nins:' sin nnx hb^ -ion pino K'ann kdb' inain intn ne^

"in'3^ ^n: d^'d"^ *]!? 21d n"3pn ion ^nsy nx niNinb nibnn nns 'jk*

.-miyixa no yiv n"n sb '^y nby "i^ "moN sbib in^nb ons dos^ ^ni

The narrative about the treasure of mercy, reserved in Heaven for

pious souls, is to be found in Tanchiima Ki-Tissa § 27; Elxodus R. ch.

45 (end); Jalk. Exodus § 395. (see: Kohut ''Was hat die talviudische

Esch-atologie aus dent Parsisvius aiifgenommen" in the Z. d. D, M. G.

vol. XXI, 561, 568). There are other examples mentioned, designating

for whom this treasure is kept. The proverb in the closing remarks

seems to be shaped after the Tahnudical saying: j^HJ UV "n QIN T^*«

nB'B33. ")

') Kidd. 38b; see Kohut Ar(ikh completum V, 267.

'') Keth. 72a, 77a, 86b, and the other passages mentioned in KohutArUkh completum IV, 298, Note 9.


30.) Page 78a, to Deut. IV, 6:

n"2pn b'^ 1J1VT hv P3iv ^x-ik>v^21 nrn bnjn >i:n idji Dan oy'pn•nTH ItDpn ^Ijn bjl b^ Dy pT I^DIN nvnan - This is in the mainMaimiini's idea, cf. his Mishna Commentar)^ to p^^^ 's (end of nsnji:i'N^n) He thus dilates: >-|jn P2J1 D3n DV p-l '13 IQN -jnan' DC-nC' 'sb

.nrn ppn 'lan ^ji ban oy pn d'-idin maiNn inc' 'ia nm ^njnIhid. to Deut. IV, 25: >£ ^xn^i" IJDNpN n^N n"^n^X pN3 Dn:tnji

•D'-DJE^u my pD^v -ibnn nhi '^n yrin^ |kdt |d y^^^^see also Rashito tliis verse, and the remarks of Dr. Berliner in his Rashi edition

p. 312 note 7.

78b-79a, to Deut. IV, 41; nivtt ^vn n»^p»n i)3 rD^iy ^^^ ncw Sn3^ rx

iSn3 niYo ^vn D^pon Sd n^n nr Svn nr pjy no nmnn D>'p iSnd

njpna nii'o D"pon mm 'K'cin n;:'on nntj' mn minn Sa D"pniK^yb ciTi D^N'^3jn ba ^ej* p^ax h nL"c hdi nc2i n»:3 nnx SxDy finriB'Dn ^"r '02n ncx nu'i naai hod nnx Sn un hi^jd 'vn

rhv2 Dy iDt:^ nbapo nc'NnL'^ nxii xn rh\^ ^N•^^•y iSnd mvc '::n3 n'-nn^V'vm pbsnni nijanm yo:;* nnp fn i^xi dv ba nt^y x^n-j- niivro I'^rona

npm::' x'hb' ^:2o n^anm nyoitr x^nt' ^:sd y?^'^ nnp min iicSni

fnix njnui jnix nxjj'ij n\"i>:;' 'jsd rrv^vn jmx maao x'nj;' ':£)d pb^nnnbyon nx6 njj'xn nar no3i rnina nn^vj* x\t^' ^j2^d mm iicbn n^y:^

tr^xn 'jy by* imiyo it k ^xi na n^ya oy n2nn'jr;E' nivon >>.*n maramriD ,jnn ,nnj n mvoa '^cxj -[D^sb in-.x pjDitD jni n^'iy nL-xni ;m:

.'13 in'Jt? nyn ^jy nnan These are unknown Midrasliim.

31.) P. 79a, to Deut. IV, 44.

D^yn niDiKb niD nihb' db'I bxic^b x\n d"- Di:- n-cr Di^- tj'x

•'1J1 ntro DK' nt^'X 'Jti'—In Joma 72b, it is said: D^m DD lS H'J'y: n3T

.nn'o DD 6 ntj'yj nat xb

32,) P. 80a, to Deut. VI, 7:

-ixK'i niBmo mm nvoja mab pjo n^aa xSx ^b px im^aa ina^ra

-iB'x x-ipn bx -imanm t^x xiax ^cl^• nx n^arx tj-x dipdh ^aa Vti Dipo

•Tam ntrx xbx T-arx—This n"X is very remarkable. The Talmud (Sota

38a) akeady recognized the difficulty of i^arx, but adds no x-ipn i)X.


33.) P. 85b, to Deut. XTV, 1:

•nnuK—Jebam. 13b, simply states: .mmjN nmis itj-yn N^ munn n!)

34.) lb. to Deut. 1. c, 22; DK1 smo ij"ir)3 isj^'y DN nt'yn ^K^;

•im3 pya ixb—in the Tabnud (Shabb. 119a), another aggadic explanation

is attached to this verse.

Ibid, to the same passage is applied the proverb: 13 "1^1JDT IV

C -IDN 2bn2 nj b^2n aho Nan m22 -\b: — This is extracted from

Pesikhta De R. Kahana p. 99b (ed. Buber; for other parallels cf. our

Arukh Compl. IV, 179).

35.) P. 92a, to Deut. XXI, 10:

miCK' NiiDi ,Emo DN^^ 'im n^cys ':k* id-idj;' -mo niidi -iiid p•n-^T\^ -yn iCi'yb—With the Midrash referred to, Sifre 1. c. § 218 was

meant, where, however, another reading is rendered.

36.) P. 100b (end), to Deut. XXXI, 29:

yaB*! ^i^N b"r '3n!?{< ^ip >^x mxt'N 'in D'O'n nnnNn nyin nans nx-ipi

n£W ba' i^aN 'D'a inana-'j d^qid "pnpm mi.jj' ni"Tr:"i jnoim p^ip niN»

•n'N'n'p'l nny i^x-I 'm—in Temilra 16a, this assertion is adduced from

Joshua 1. It is urmecessary to state, that the equivalent for the

number thousand, is here omitted by Al-Dhamari.

37.) Page 105a, to Deut. XXXI, 16:

NPN nn'o ipoy bv n^rh idiS nraty ntj^-anj b"T 'can nioN aaiB* i^n

V^ r\2 nx!3 na -ic'y nn mna c^^'^ nvrnxn ns anr ne'O n"3pn idnNV' D^'o y''^ 5;«3 v"" HND n3 ,:ivT n^ pN M NV' V'T t"j n"2 e:"x -isry riD

'JQ^ nK'o 10K J1VT n^ pN "1 N>f' D"n p'ty ei"-i 'p 'p ri^x na ,jivt nb i^x }""

IJn m-i nmp -[b nt-ny 'jn n"2pn ib idn jivt '|n^ px lan kv n"3pn

•'n Tni3K Dy 331t»

The grouping of the letters according to n"2t2N is treated in

error.) Our text has: njljnn vhi which is undoubtedly the copyist's

") Here follows the Arabic explanation of; yili^S 'Sy SjT ip N2"ID j


Exod. R. ch. 15 (end). See also our remarks in Art. n3t2N (Ariikh

Compl. I, 60). The Talmud, Synh. 90b, is unfamiliar with this expla-

nation of: "^jn.

380 Page 105b, to Deut. XXXII, 1;

.'13 pN^j bv^ nmn H'yE^'i d^ok'^ bv^ ^mo ni:n n\nc> ^ab ^"t 'odh no«He has the Midrash Tanchtlma Ha'azinu (g 3) in mind, where

the reading is at variance with the above.

39.) Page 106a (end), to Deut. XXXII, 3:

p DN x!)N uriDb IN nc'r\ ns nnpS nivh moN N-'ipN t Dtr oD'^ynb NCX1 pboxD^x Q'DDn n'oi^n 'd Danbs nm i^ piono .rn

iniD piNn 'Oyi plJ^nS N—This is a most remarkable assertion,

singular to our author. The Talmud knows no distinction between

adults, children, or uneducated people. From D^yS (Exod III, 15)

is derived the prohibition of giving utterance to the Tetragrammaton.

(see Kidd. 70a, and parallels in Kohut Ariikh Compl. IV, ^23 Note.).

40.) Page 106b (beg.], to Deut. XXXII, 4:

nisbo njiDN ba it dbij'O va-n b o Sna ma^D ir i^yc D'on iivn

riN pnvD NinK' sin ib-'-i pns no nn^D ^Nyc-j'- ni^bo i: biy pNi }v

b^n b]} pnn—No wonder that the author living under LshmaeUtish

scepter was partial to biiyOK" nO^D, but he redeems himself by the

final clause,

41.) P. 108b, to Deut. XXXII, 27:

pb pTXD D^iyn riiDiN ba ^nik'^ bii' imv nv^2 lonv n^r la

ic'yo iiobi D^ns Dn^ pxiip obiyn ^3 |nniD nye'ai ,Dnon n!? ib'N3

•1^ HK'N "jb M' 'nN Spy^ lOXCJ' yann—The source is Sifre to the

verse cited (§ 822), where it is more elaborately treated. The support

from Genes. XXXIII, 9, as quoted by our author, is missing in Sifre.

42.) 110a, to Deut. XXXIH, 2:

nnx nbo ni!)D ^riK' nniN pNiipi nnx nbo mj^N m L^•{< u'd^d

K'n m nb^yn nioix^ N'n k'n bN-l:^"^ n'vm D^ub n'vn nibo 'nt^'i ba-i^b

') Cf. also the Supplement to our Arttkh (^lyn pn) P- 25, s. v.

D'jip'Di nnyn



bn'i^'' n:nj2 amoi ^NntJ'"' bsDC'inn n"2pr\ j^d^d nvi'' innn .Tm bxitr'b

•'"13 "lyca mba ippim ibNotra ibapo n"apni n"2pr\ b^ ^bscE^• — The

latter portion of this citation is only partly contained in Joma 53b.

Concerning mtJ'N/ see Jalk. to tliis verse, wherein, however, several

explanations are given, without covering our author's interpretation.

43.) Based on the double meaning of ^a, nose, and C)N [|1"in],

auger, our author introduces a witty explanation of Deut. IX, 19.

The story is recorded on Page 82b ff., and runs thus:

vni inv3 ^K1n ns'' .thb' "iTybs '-i3 n:yv c. eixn -jdo 'mr on D i p] K nb hmi b^yDK'^ 'i n3 Ntr^b trp^ni nrbjiJo "n^^ vry 'dk'

flNn 'J3D lb ION' DN nb -IDX1 np^na in ci^n nb in: n-ax nc'V no

lb moN vis> iMianji hdj hqn n:;» njDV 2^'\ nxc': ,nn tjbx ib 'jn

lb njDJi e)N ns3> inon jno ib mox pinh ':eo "nnr •'3 idn "3-1 ibnn

."iniD DV ny intrN nn\Tl njnn cibxri—The moral Ies.son attached to it,

is thus summed up: JXDNjbx }N ini bi'N'D pbS HE^yobs nn3 WnNDN•'^ip' Na3 Nmno n-iiy n:i ^bxi 'yn nbbx n3ni nd3 yjpn^—i merely

wish to remark, that in B. Bathra 9b, nryb^ '") is mentioned as authority

for the comparison of the verses in Deut. 1. c, and Prov. XXI, 14

in an entirely different strain of thought, to this effect: itybN '1 nDN

'mr '3 3'n3 ij"'3i ni:fD2 ibsn ir3i het^d inr -inD3 np-]'ii ntj'iyn bn:

•nry non p^n3 mm ^a nD3' -inD3 |n» 'n3 npiM nBny3 ib'Ni eiNn 'jao

— Could these sentiments of R. Elazar have provoked the story

above related?

We can not abandon oiir research and the exposition of the various

peculiarities of our Bis., before stating the fact, that each Parshah

IS prefaced and concluded by a verse or two of not actual poetical

value, but of some bearmg to the contents thereof . It is imnecessary,

and for want of space impracticable to reproduce these short rhymesin full, this will be the task of the future editor. We make an

exception of the ('losing Parsha, however as we deem it of special interest

to direct attention at the same time, to the enumeration of all Pen-

tateuchal Sidras, designated by Aramaic titles, which is another

characteristic feature of our author's singular originality.

This last chapter concludes with the phrase; log; jyD^ r\"2pr\

.Tn"- ppn 'NJB' no n^pS inyit'n ub n-ip""i loy nmirn Snp"' siijni n33:n

nrac' inmi n^i^t^iT"! ;vs hjti ^njEj^^nN nnyn 7 ':« Dixy 'Mb Ty:;ni cj^^n^

Dipob loy 'Vis: pp'i D-oma 'eni-b 'nntj' 'p idx hd pS 'ddt nainS

"inp"" Dkj^i ITibN "T ivnp" ni^'D n-'OK'n nvpa imj .Tn"" ax 'n^n i^np

• "l"'3i< — And then follows the invariable final clause of each Par-

shah (as already mentioned in our introductory reviarks, p. 13):

b^pvbii JN-iD 'D n^-inn nxn '\y^Q 's 'ixyo^s p nrun mix no on

•nyi D^iy^ n"n ntj* miya bipyo^Ni bpsy^si bpvba \'2 pnabx ns-iN job

44.) Colophon ^bythe same hand): ^3 nV'^'ncbx JO'D nvna njni

.ncnQ noSa •

nbtyi pcj pnv "m 'binxi btx n: nsonp ,nBnD n'" n ' k* n i 3 n a d

•K'ni 3npn e]"iDO 2'n"i

.K'''3"30 Bnj3n ni< nsi r'-icx

K'npT "inn xn nsnyn nov3 n^pai Nipi ^nvenQ mcry n -i p m i q d

• N^D^T KT103 nON

mp nbK' p'DXi b'2p x^anoi ,nvKna nTj'y ':^d -i2T03 idd

.^''''jboo c:'N-> Dnra pba m'TJ

n« xn nn n^n N^'nibx T^'K -'c'ib mti'y D^imn nSxi-iQD

^nni ina jy^^on stiom y-\2 'rS "jbni sj^nnnxi sjrcvx xjopi xj^y

.ixnB'xn XD '^y n-noma xin n'or

For the .superscription (by another hand) on the Psalm CXLIII,

confer pp. 15 and 16. (Descriptive).


The examples enumerat^'d are chosen merely to illustrate Al-

Dhamaris method of Aggadic explanations. We have taken them at

random, for should we have entered into rainute details, almost each

page could have furnished us a theme for discussion and critical

analysis. From the samples given and the diversity of interesting

topics so characteristically elucidated by our author, it is obvious,

that our "Ms. is replenished with rare literary gems, worthy of a more

thorough consideration at the hands of scholars. Should we have

succeeded in arousing a closer attention of those who pursue Hebrew

and Arabic exegetical studies, we shall be sufficiently recompensed for

our painstaking efforts.






•S 1 P y b N i N -1 D



1.) On p. lib. ^p -iDK n3 n anacr ibon in^js^n nc^yn

n'22 noN yK'-in nvjiauj t2 bajK' nye^m nny nrn ct^nh dn unanny nic' icj'sy nn n^2» in'J'J ht pniNi jnyoxo ^Nisr^ b vni nniDxn

"in^j'N D^snu' n3 anr nid^ nb ipoai nnx n:'pi b:fN la^nc' ny }n>vD vmir:vy buD ib n-i»K \n^vh ppnrnb -ivjnauj NaK' ;vdi ,\'2^)n^ inyn -[^d bc'

Nb nio' "iN'ni 1D^;y baiD xm noa nxm ib U'lnn bxiB''' -^boiy yni oyi:

NaK' pm nb pprnb ronn' djni myj ib x^nnb nrai i^dh d^dhj T'd) D'J2

n"apn mix nx-ii ,ni22 ihtji n:DD j^'T'S n^Di 'jx mj ib mioN n^bx

"•J31 'DNJE' ^b mb"! iT'bN N^ myjn nnix nbnoB'' poi ,••^0' t bv nnins

^3 baanr 'onji Dmoxn n^aa n-'ntj' t'ds bsTib^Ki tdn D^p^in^ p in'j3

pa^in-'o nn bir lyiT n"3pn D"pi baaa yiTJSJ' n^k iJ:t:' n^om xbni bx'nbNL"

1) At first it was my intention to give Hebrew abstracts contain-

ing explanations to the Biblical tests as they follow, but the Hebrewbeing continually interrupted by Arabic phrases, I deemed it best to

select, as far as possible, purely Hebrew portions. They are mostly

stories, with the superscription: riK'yc.

'') The Nicanor story (Joma 38a; see Ariikh Compl. V, 382), is in

our MS. p. 18a, recorded in Arabic. It runs thus:

n'Kj 'D DKnj p paxa tsjn njn n^-nj^Dsbx -h^ -idnd' jis"' bn ddn nup':

IN nD-i»bx b.-iN ubt2D .pVr ix nN3i nD-inbwS n^DVN nnabx pya 'bx ibvi

bxp mn-it3' -lix^N nboi ^^abN ^bx moii paxabs nnx naia nn^by isBa^

r: 'D -ii:p'j |NDi ,nDNbDa ijidi asiD^x Dxpnoxa ,nyD 'jimuN lup^:

ibjJi nnabx p i:-i2 soba inabx ^bx imt: nbx axabN ibxi xby D^iy

noK'^ nraobN nnn |o Jii) imD nbx aNsbx nbxnii nx 33-i»bN* ^a n»

.Djbxb N-isoin pi^'bK ibsi ddn ^by axabN 1^x1 idd3 iijpj


.'ID pD-in^mb^ ny^ n'ii'b'^'2 M''i iokjk' bnjnnb n^n nun in]}^ ^jso

Partly to be found in Pesikhta De E. Kahana p, 163a ed. Buber and

Lev. Rabb. Ch. 10. See Ardkh Completum Art, ^rijj> ; the story itself

is elaborated in Lev. R. end of ch. XIX.

2.) On p. 22a (end), -]^on "Xrb (sic!) mHK' pTTHJOa D^ITK)

TO ^Si: j-in inny "noNi p-innjon ^b "inben bsiK^^D nnN B'DJ i'\n miv^

T n o y ^ y nioy nnt:* p ])];j2^ ib iidn qh^jsj^ ntj^'i -[ban ^xr n31 vbyna

'XJE^• D'sbon ''0^0 ^bo 'jsb x^x iDiy nnx vjs^ xba' nnyn in n^y^i

nmn xks "inmn x"? ibon nox 'p 'jd^ 2'^n urh ik'X D'K'Jxn 'jb' noyi

b"x yp-ipn Dn':D iB'nn ibxoK'b njs ypipn p^JD it^'nn )yD'b njQ innn

y-iD^ n"3pn ^na -jq -nnn xb idix 'nnni imx Dmnn onx ncDB' p pyoK'

p px ibon -i-iTJ nyc'n nxToi ypipn pTm ixbo xn nytr nmxm ddd

.mjnjDni nupnni m-i^wn ibx ^nipn nx omoKn ,inix pji pxi

The source is to be found in Synh. 19a, \\'ith different readings.

8.) To Lev. XXVI, 13 (in our MS. p. 31a), is attached the parable:

(sic) n^y-'Hi nni-io nmnn rh nnm ne^x xb':j;' i^job non imn nob ^k^

rn ab ^ntjio^ nnnriK' ny ib^i njnry vby mon dxk' inn ••bnj n-'by

vm nm d^jk' ns^^i ibni ibon nn^jn n^o vbv nmoB' ly n^ayio d^d^

myj nxK' ny inx c^'x!? ici'dj '•XK'n dvi dv bnn nb nnoix nTiiJiSB'

imi "I'b'x inn irx ms'i D\n nriob ib i^n ibnn nnt:' n^by ns"* ima)

n^^y nnyT nnc^no t-oi nnninn nxii nn^nb nojnj^ nnnni npyv nyotJ'B^

im bn Qnb nt'yji irbi'x ixu |nb pioix nbiyn niDix vn bxiB" noja la

p-ixn Dnvna nxT n: ^ixi n ixipi min idd ix'^ini noisn n^nb idj3j do^nnbnnni n»xj inb n^iD^ pinn |n toi "ij D^n^yj xbi D'Ddxd xb Dn'aM«

•Dnbiy nitso intrxi DDninn

4.) Page 32a ^nj nnnC' b"T (sic) }VTJ ]2 ]"ir3'TpJ3 HK^yDbxiK" 1X2 nnx ays ,xin bxic'' 'bnjoi n^jjm' ••^njo n^n bn: TB'yi n\T

nnio Svx b"r iionpj dj33 nbt^n^o n^o mntrb nnb n^n xiji bj-ib nibfj

!3"x nib Dvn nniD ^rx nnx nnn ix fionn q^o ''b iino ib ntsxi D'orr

mitr fion 'nn: ixb nxi noio q^o ib 'nn: ox 'be nv ny ^ri^jn po-npa

\b pvpi eion nnnn mt;'y n^n^'n D'o n i b y o m::»y o^nii' inibni niia^n

byn lb nbtJ' ptn yjnB' jvni ,bj-in inixn bxnB'' bn inn pT ib ynpi niyc

-irni n^'ia dim 'b niy n'bu'b T;\Dnpi nox niy» in d^o "b n!)K> ion D'lon

nb:ri D'Di Sya iin ,nnjDb [lorj ^b my ponpj noN vbx nb^n D'on bya

n^i3 r\y:^n bz ntait:^ nr D^on ^ya ion ,niy:j' tik' '^ my ponpj i»n vbs

mK'y D'nK'3 (sic) n'05:' i^mon n^ab ibni m^ niye' ^ntrni d^db'j nm n!)

nbsna noyi fiLiynji tnpon n^ab d:d: b"r pn^j p ponp:^ ,eiD3 nnaa

nunb xbK' TJQb yiTi 'ib nbiyn pai ioni D^iyn pnx ^js^ imi isen

a^iya jj'ipn^i bn:n'E^ bmn idk' ina^ n^n ^n^ti^y n3N n^a nnab xbi

"'iK'pn: r\v^ nnixn D3^bx 'n':ai 'n^n ^n^an bpi ^rjni ^b^x njs 'n^m

HT n-nim mbsj' ni^yon b^ ixi^DruB' ly nann n^»5:>j in-i"'"! D^ayn D^'OB'n

ponpj 6 "iDN nra nr iy:Di t^'ipoii n-'^o ponpj xv^i |>n-iDn jo D'»n ^yn

inns^ na pnna I'by -b k'' d'oh byn i^ idn iTninK' D'dh ^ot ''b ije:'

pDnpj -irn moi i^i 'b d^oe^'j mujc' ion ,no 'jso ponpj ion Tiiyo

njijTN-ia d: 'b n'-^v^ DK'a D'obiyn pan ioni n^jB* Pioynji enpon n^ab

nran: n^oi 'Nno nnv pNn 'oy "jd^ ^oej' bnjn^K' na n^JK'a ^b nB>yn la

lb mim lOB* HM f) D 1 M ponpj lotj' Nnpj lab nonn ib n-npji o'ayn

lotj' Nipj nobi siDDH n'^'v p v^ii>^ ly ^Nniya Djn nr ojf'si D'on bya

"noN bNiK'' "bMi b2 E'Nin ^03 ^k* noo by no'o imntj' ^sb siddh n^v^if

D'j'kr nyyio inoo nn'nB' ?iD3n n^w p riE^'N 1 1••

-i j p ponpj b^ ma bv

ni^ 2"iyb naK' aiyo r\b vn am njn hnoi iino anr njn d-d^n htj'y

Nvo laya r^bin vmobni 'ndt p pnv pn rrn pT "inN^ mnpn pia^ob

naEn"" naen" N\ni d^didh "dSo nnno DniyK* nopbo"i n^iNi nnN hb'n tjnr

•i-icN 'j'Dj-13 '-I lb moNi vbv .TT HOK'Di 'NaT p pnv p-i nnN"iK> p^ai

5)3 ps'D n^oi ':n pn^j p ponpj b\y ma ib moN na ^o na 'na 'na nb

nt Na lb moN Nin p\n "i^bya pool Nin \yn ym poo nb ioni f\2 bv

pNi riN 'niaen mina anasj' no nyr* N^ni nr riN nr na^Ni nt bv nr nr by

vjsb nnaai nbbpa 'ae' no bai Da^Nona yaB' nao oa^by mao^i Darw

eibN n bsj* nnama by ny 'JN noNi vn^obn bvN ^xar p pnv pi nja moi

p pnv p-i naai tioan n'vv p nbya injK^ }*in anr n^n D-abN 'abN

nb ION"! na-'b by lani nniN Dn'^i dhjo 'roi nioai nuno nb |nji *Nar

na njatr ny ijoo nrr Nbi yi nan i^a yr dn ^aN 'j'Nn ^mi "na 'niti bN

.vTobnaB' bnjb

The story of Nikodemos occurs with variations in Taanith 19b ff.,

where the proper name 'Jia (and not as our author has It P\DV), is


recorded. That Ben Zizith is mentioned as his son in-law, is not traceable

to our sources; see Gittin 56a, and Ariikh Compl. VII, 40a. It is some-

what strange, that our author omits the beautiful saying of the

daughter of Nikodemos (iDnj non |1»» n!?» (Kethub. 66b; Artlkh

Compl, V, 151), although he copies the account of the interview

between R. Jochanan b. Zakkai and the daughter of Nikodemos.

5.) On p. 42a D'^a ni^ 'b'^n K'ln ^^-I^' t'no ^ann n^v^N^i n^Dnn p nhv2 xai r\h mj?i ibip yioc'^ nnN nc'N nxv'i noj^n

mox n"n ]'2''r] nbv2 n^ idn nN3i nat:' ij nasK* ny nasj'V nnii hnvd

nvE' nnit<3 .nr pT ny "nnj^'^i ''b myi nojan n^^atj' jB'-nn b^p "nvrt^ 'h

T-Njo "m HM ^nji /jjj'-nn ^jsa pnTic' ny inic:'"!^ xnn n!)K' n^ya yaij'j

'iS ^ipn yo'j'JU' ny nana unji nyn in:;': jdt nnxb n'as* n^ab na^^im

n'by ]}2\:^yc^ n^ji^a p\n ^b 'yi '3^ nnx nc'^b ids* b"r nu^v no tnonac'n era d^cj iK'y oy na^^r nnis nxvci nc'x nmx naSi nt -ima nbya

D'K'jn bvN b"T i^JH ,-i"'NJDb m'jm nc'Kn n^bn nr im^ mjnui niNK'ij

pyn ^)rhb nviv n'^hl:' 'd pn i^f xok' -jn -i^nc }nb ~ioni nnan ^y atf^i

VJ23 ^pni v:'y 'E'n^ nL*'Nn dnt^ r.-nniN* D'C'jn vni •'^y mio -j^y::' ""jbd

N^N K'ln^^ ^iD' ""j^N '-\ T'ND ''jsb D'c^'J^ i-ioni "ii'^yn nyiaL"0 -Nvnc' na

nb iDNi m'3 nrnx jnoy i^b'b n\:^p''2 ma^ mn^jm jn^ labm ntrxn nsr

n^D"" '':n* ]''ii^:f yc'i<-\ "n i^ moN -i"" ^y hnis-i nMntr na ^ry "•K^n^

n^n^ -jx px mcN nxisf n^t:"' n"npni D't:y2 yac' na 'pn p ds nnbb

-lONi n^yn n^a^ nD^!?ini m-'a thni D'^ya ya::* vjsn npn^K' ny nn^jn n^i

n^Dya V2^ 'npnin i2d nnx nya vjsb pnx::' nya:^': nnx T^yab nD5< nb

nnna nr b irm i^ noxi vn^cl^n noy nana lyi^ 1331 nojan n^a^ '\bn^

an^Jt^ ^riiSDn D:r ,12-iD nvnh Txr^^ ib '•ki Dnb icn* nnoiir'ai mina

nnN by i'xd "inL'-xb :^•'N pn mb^r nvcvb na pna^ n"3pn inx nti'npa

This suggestive legend is taken from Jerush. Sota Ch. I; See

also Arukh Compl. V, 34 Art. KTl!? and the sources there quoted.

6.) Page 48a ff. K o r a c h's Rebellion. npO npb mp np'l

,nr3K'n bv pbinD m bv pbinn b^'c^ vt n^i m n'C'D bv p^bnnc itovyb ri

aaon mp p npiSnoSs nin njssi *p !?y '•3 n^'nui^n irby n^ 'nj::'

n\n Nim innas'D by N^:^•J n:onjL'> ,mpi n::'!: ny px bxny p prbs


TiD3n Nin D-ioy /^xniyi pinm -in^'^i nnp nnt^ ^^ n-'iwS-i nn-iB^n noxi

'JB' KinLT Db nvn^] n"ix-i n^jB' nmc' njin^^ pnNi m^^Dl? hb'id vj3 idt

TK'jn n\n b)i: DDm ^Da n:m ^r« 'hv n'^: nvnb n^jan p |Dpn bx^ry ^tr

/iNsy^ fin33 Dn^by cnpn mny ^d 'sj-ki' n^n [p-isn] 'sanjoi mp hm b^1l

n'wh 'KJE' bxit'^ -SnjD b^'K o^B^m dtind np^i mp ncy nyB' nnixD

HB^ HB'ya PD ^Dab B'pao ""jx dhS -i»ki ^-10 n y n j y ^ no ^22^

HB^ 'jsb noyi I'^^nSm anb jnji n^3n ^b' nin^^t: n^B'oni D^nxD np^i

ixb DN rT-v^fn n2"n nb^n n^i3B^ n^^t23 iioxn no hb^ ^jsib mp ioxt

n-'^jB' mp n»y rr'^'if 'Bnsb mp np^i 'b^-is hdddj -|2'd^i n3"n hb^ iiox

TD i^'n HB'o iDX ix^ DX nnTD3 a"n onso K^n NinB* n'2 nB'Db lOwSi

ID mm N^i ;nD pnx nSi x^aj n-^D px idxi nviTDxa vja mp vvn

b]} bsj V-I3T HB^ yoB'B'^i D'js niTyi HB^p npi^no p^^nn"\ noyi D^oB'n

NOB* ']b mn^ bs hb^^ idsi ii^na im vjd by ^id""! hb^ ycB^i 'x^b* vjd

mp nay ,jnb iqx iixn n^Dyin on ^dxo iino ix poyn on p"* iina

minni ,D^tDin D^B'^Bn d-'jb' mt2iD nj-'x nbnn nSisB' n^bo idni q'jd miya

p ""p nsD nr nana hb^ nit:^^ n^ D^iyb ,nnTJD3B' nvB'-iD D^ynB^i ornxo

mpriB' 'HK pna byi TipriB^ ^jvrn by loxi tixd hbts^ "in^'i to d^db^h

lOK Tiyi 1JDD inv baiD n"3pn pnx ib "i»k pniB' 'JN min b^ njvra by

Di^axi |m bs hb^ -ib''i n^a naiBTin i-irn' 'bix nbnn Dnix d"'^2 nB'ob pnx

ibn nobi n^ryn -iDib3 nbyj ab np:n ann n^B'Jxn ^ryn ib nox no^ab

n^Bnn xbi mp bx ibn nbnna xbx mp bs ibn xbi di^ixi ]ni ba hb^

p^ai ^"ib 'J3 KJ lyoB' mp bx hb^ idn^i 'NiB* 'ib 'J3 oy itt n^oi Diba

nn"i T^^ nipibnoa p^mo n^n mpi ^ib ':2 x: lyoB' ^ox n^p njy xbB'

xin iTBnD 'jx Dx nba mp n»x xbx mp iTBnn xbB* 'jso tixd nB-ab

icx mxo HB^b -in^'i n^Di u^b'X xbB' amo ':^bbp' ix nnma ^mx d"2»

mp |niK n6nB> p^ai nn^ labni nnix d^"'dk 'JXI nnxi 'JX ib nB'ob r^na

nib'np mp on^by b^npni nonya bxiB'^ poo ibt2:B' ibx ixu imyb icx

mb'npn bsb idixi iniv^ba nsDO b'nnn^ myn bs nx mp on^by bnp'i 'xjb'

B^i moin^ nm tib' noyi 'b^x n^DiB' njobx b*' ioxi cnoiy pnxi hb-di

nb -lox B'nnb nxa ,pnn2 nwin^n DJisbi novy onsb na nnx mB' nb

,D'xb3 y^Tn xb inB' nb lox yi-iib nxn ,"nn^ -iiJ:n3i iiB'a Bmnn xb hbtd


ns'si nnatn Dpb 'n^jn n^ -ids mvpb nsa ,0^*133 r\b n»N n'sn nbnn n'3

na nr ba jib'nt i^^'yni iB'ya riDnni nDnn "jn nb ">ok piJ ni:^'y^ nxa

in^niMD t^'ub!? na ni^'aa n^ona nnpbi nTtrn maoi na^n njo^Nn nniK

n:}2biir\ ni^^nnn nona icyyo!) N3 iB'yon jot yjn Tjn n'tJ'Ni "b 'Jn ">»n

'JN* nn N^x nr K'^xa nioyb na "2 px niDNi n^by pin npiircn npr.if

nm^ ,n3pi D"n^i ynr '!j 'jn idki pnN xn nun'c^^ jvdi ;nS3iKi icmK'

DniN ^jn nox Din on "^m ']TD ^n^vij n^ jno^nK'n fjN moNi njo^xn

pan n1^:1n^^^ njc^xn n^jm d^id d^dji hm^ i? biir^'2 Din i)D 'wtr "b

Din""! n:o^s ^53 ona 'nj^* njob^n ^yi niDiriM by pn^i hk^ ibon n!? nn

nib pN ntrob pnx idn D"'''Dn nrb "ioni pns bx ntro njD i'd pjyn xb

iniK uy DT'aNi jm bx i^b') n^D dp^i n^o nan n^B' in^anb n^n dvs

"^3 niDD DN iDKi bnpn ^jsb nmi n»y nbyj xb -ipjn Dnn D^B'jNn ^j^yn

n»2 pyvi n"3pn "•jsb bbcnm noyi 'ij niNn ^3 mipai nbx pniD^ Dnxn

be' njrra by "'npnc' 'nx pna byi ^npns^ ''jria by D^obiyn pai iidni t^•^J

pNi "jnbB' ""p '3 pynn nau r\^D iidk"'1 'Njy^.pint'b ^ab "jxbo xb mmmx ^J3 iNK'3 DK n"3pn 'jsb ntro idn nmnn nxn 'n:k' mm sbx nxra

nox ,"'jnb"^ 'p xb inix 'jn pniD' dix ""ja nn'03i nnpuoi D'bm ibx vn"

Ni3m ixb DX1 nmo n"'t^'x-l3 "D"' nc'K'D dx ntj'o idx c-pan no n"3pn ib

^JX r\"2pn lb 10X n'D nx nonxn nn^Di "p x-i3' nxna dxi 'xj::' itjoy

nDxi pnxi ne'e ibn v^ yin ipn Dnb "i"i»x ib xbx pm mo3 D^ax iix

nr "i^nxan nnx ^p bnp by ixt^jnn ynoi mp nnb icx ^p v'iV) ipa Dnb

Dnoixi 'by D-pnB' Dm bx-ic^ b3 pa ibm m^ni n-j-a ba by lyn maybill 1' mix nbtijc' xbx my xbi ^'"anD "jxi i3 ixj^'y 'o ta ix*j'y 'd

maJ^nn ^mx pnxi D'aia 'jn:j'''ai iino -iintD ""b n»ix nnxi mix psjc n"m.mnraxi mx''ba f^nmai fin^ja E]'Dini nDCi'ipio nb33 nyi» bnxa

iK'jyi ixt3n nu'yjB' -in^;' p rbxic^a nnip n^]}:i:f mp npM x'n

xb apy^ p ,Djnub n^ib ntj'yjtr "'ib p ,n'bio 'y^ nnpn:r nnp p ,annv3

xian bx Diioa 'xjb' Dn^Din^^a -i3r xbc^ irax apy^ t'p^aK' 'jao idx:

by lay:;' |m ,mp ntryo nr mas nnn bx Dbnpa /nor ntryo nr "k^dj

1DB' bxiDJ xbm mrjxa at^'^c' jix ,naicn nit^ybd lab -la'XB' Di^ax ,m


mpibnon jd ib ae' nnx^ n^D^n nns an ntyo dni r^bn nnx m mp dk

n'ni aB* "ib mcN* irrn -lann n\n isd n^an oy nn^va n»i jin in!? ion

bai NV1' irNt^ nb ynK'jj;' -ins nti^x-i njnai nnaa nntj'^i nns3 ^etn 'jki

nnnsc ivai v-iinsb inn Nin yi-iD hb'n-ii nnsn nniN n^i nu'c tr^x

int^N moi; noon by n\nty ps v'hnb niifp2 imyi mp vM n^Q ns psnmpi^non xn^ n^b' bnjn loca yntrj i3d nbiy bK' "um moxi ntaoa nrnsi

natn 1JD0 ynsb biD" nnx nyiaKQ iisa^ nxtr th'wb D"pi '"-n "iok> ,Db"iyb

niDN UT n::^D 'jk t^^^anD rh idn (sic) -inn bvs sn Dip "h moxi

vjs!) moyB'a n^jso hb'd mn hb^d 'jq^ m»yi nxv'i loy nxifiN "jn *h

b\y iDJj'N IT ^n-i noN it ntj'x btr nn^t: no n£:>» nos nam nmix nb^nnn

HE^n -jSn nc'yan 121 -\2 'an 1^5 moxi nc^o ijvx ,nN3 Kun nans n»N px

n!) Sno' n"3pn ^bx nv nbs nn px pxb Nipi nnsn by n»yi nn-'nb noy

'DNJ mp ncN bvi nn"'3 nnn D''i:'j niioan nosj ps ncrs by i"'cryo ba by

men isboK' tnpn nnn ne^o ns-iK' p^a ei^^'T bnn .njmnn nn^n nbixi

p3 'n i^jyo irxi niiK^n ytni pnx niiB'a bnai }t3p nnon by bsitr^ s^Jii

n»3 nopa K'onn bnno pt^bo eijjn bnn 'dnjb' D^^nn pa no xbi D-non

niDp D'tri nnnon nx np pnsb nK*D ids td -non by ivip nyipntr

NV01 ntro mv -iK'Na nnnon nx pnx npb n^oi «ivpn ns"" '3 nnn» ibini

'NJtr bnnb in^jo n^n xbi vby pnN n»y -non by bnnoi noiy nion ixbD

^n^n^bB' ntyyx ^ms njn ni»n isbo ib ncs ,D"nn pai D^non pa [noy^i]

^b31 Nia lyio bnxa ntn^i n"3pn inbc' n"3pm 'jnbB> ntj^ pnx ion

iD'bini ijnD2 ixbon -i^;y pnx ne^y no vimb ixbon n'wn xbi nn^bx

-ION nbiyn p noa^b n^'o Nacrai n-^^y: nsioni ntj^ bx pnx 3K"i 'njb'

vjno3 ixbon npba' nobo vop D'jno I'no nnn vt by^ai ib^n ^p i-ia

mop iD'tr^ 'NJB' vjab mopn in: njjn xa isbon pnx nN-iB'ai nvyi

.Diiob nbyt^a nion isboo ny^o noba' mopn mo inTi n^axa

The main features of this story are borrowed from Midr. TanchAma,

Parsha Korach, and Numbers R. Ch. 18. About the story of On, consult

Synh. 109b and Tanch. ed. Buber § 24. It is to be understood, that

both the style and embellishment oi the narrative are original with

our author.

7.) Pages 51b — 52a to Numb. XIX. 1. Tiie Red Heifer.

e]^X3 p-inun nvj'pai '\y^v linn nonx ma 'h n^i^ nns mj3 niyyo

n!?''^3 n'ni ipun ny 'b irnon noNi jiDon dho !?£::i ijn D^sbx 'sbx

1o^;y pjn tdi p^on inpbi iba' pD^ n^x h^ixt ims px n»xi m^DSi

nb pnip vn D'wn jo ms pnpibc'Di '»3n mycnb 'ncpn ib on: "o nj:^

Dnxo nant' pra nonx nD'»n njonx ms 'm^D nxai nv-i x'ni n»-i noT

x!?x DID nn px -iirx idxj nn paio pjyb nD^nn loxn dxi nrmn b"n

lb 10X1 ^xDi p pnv p-i nx DnDpn p hnx] bxK^. nionxb no^on pjy

nnix j'iniij'i nnix pnmt'i ms pxpo anxK' D"'S*kj'3 ns^yoD pxij DD-iryo

pnv p-i "h -iDX -iincD xint:' p-i»ixi vby i^rni xd'j pxpoi msx pnpibi

vnnn pj^^yo idx ib vj'yn hd ny-i mi n nojDr^ ddo mx ^r "xar pp pnv pn lb 10X ijdo nmp x\n n'»i d^o vby p^a^D^ pyiT nnmpE'iy DnxB' nxDitsn x\n it nn la -imo i^atj' no i^jtx lyo'kT' b"r \s3r

xif'C' p'Di lb nnn t'di pixn jo -ipyx nxoitsn nn nxi -laxrj^ lai 13 nb

iDX a^K'D nnx no ub /Hjpa n'm nrb ijpt ib nnxi vn"'obn vby noy

xbx p-int2'D D"nn xbi pinoD n^on xbi xo^o nan px D3^'n Dnb

priDn m'TJ

In Tanchuma Chukatli § 8, this story is designated with nja ne'yo

inx for which, however, TPIX ''1J3 HL^yo, or nnX DP3P lliy must be

read, as in Tanch. ed. Bubar g 26; Numb. Rabba Ch. XIX and Jalk.

Chuk. § 759; compare also Pesikhta De R. Kahana p. 40a and Pesikhta

Rabb. Ch. XIV.—The interpretation ni01X3 nO'Dn is copied from Sifre

§ 123. The first part belongs probably to an unknown Midrash. With

7\iy\, cited in our text, the Arabic XJ'yrf. = vacca sylvestris, may be

compared. It seems, however, that the story is taken from Sifra Sutta,

fragments of which are mentioned in Jalk. 1. c, where the reading

nm is rendered.

8.) Page o3a p-pTjn rn ; 1 b p ::• X 3 T n X m a 3 n t' y » 2^'^

Dnb x'vinb d:3ji 3ni nrn D^abx 'sbx ^bx3 "nsxb D-'jnx uoo r^p2D

DJ33 x^:n DJ3J H-'ni \'^^ xini V3X bt' vnVwTx-iD nnn ivix b*J' nnaio xvoi

xbx 3nT n^T D'ibx nxo ny ib ps^Dio vn nymn ibxi Dynin xbi xvvi

Kb"! Dnb \r\: ny^'n ;o V3x -lyrj^ ppi pDno xm np iii^'b xin'c' ntsx


nx -wab 'n^^n xSi dsd 'nti^'an: -122 anb icxi in fibs xbx cno npt>

n"2pn lb ob'^i' la:^ no lau^ dsd npib 'n^'n "•2N* nx 'my^v ib'Ki '3k

bsnt;^ 'D3n in*2 mnx njc^'b my iina nnnx n-iD ib mbu Dvn inixa

-bya DHNK' ^2^ pxin DnsB' noa onb it:N ima ni2D3 noxi "ijo^: ik^pm

^nns£^ jr3i |n»y ^bm n^on np^b irnn riDK'bb i:oy xn ib n»K njiox

xn 'NT -101X1 miv Nin::' ny ib D'':ni3 vni ani njn nx'-bo mxvo n^C'bn

.'•jK'n ^£^•yob prxin nt'yon p^i D^'yt^'ib D'pnv pa mbyo noD nxii

In the sources, i) this heathen of Askalon is perpetuated with

the proper name HOT, with its several variations: XDl/ XlOn, X0"i- It

seems probable, that nOT jIDI, as the red heifer was caUed, (Jalk. 1. c;

see No. 7) bore the name of this pious heathen: njTlJ p noi, ^ho has

been found so ready to serve the Jewish cause.

9.) Page 62a: \Tj>-;pn 'l "lb 10X1 y"n 'Jsb XDK' p n "' n 2 H t' y d

vn:npn xb "2 yrnn bx 'i ib lox ^ndpn nj2bi non D'^b ib nox "omp

mj Tinj •':2 ib ib lox nbx nx xl2:^' -ob xbx. in Ned. 21b ff., other

examples are given.

10.) Page 63b: }n2in''TMXV' xbti* DTX 'J22 HK'ylO

[a margin note adds yt'll I't^yi "jy nin2n ""JDD xbl DIpOn '•jabo xb

the reading nin2] "lox Dx n-nn2 npoy xb no -jso lb piDix "iv pnb 1x2

b32tr iprn bbno in' 'jy nnx DibD ib pioix 'n"n nijiin2 nnm 'n"n 'jy

xin 12 psnoo i"i2Ej' 'xm tmon n"'2 loit^b unu 1l2:^' "vn nsriB'o xin nv

Djanb cmon n"'2 "loic in'jn xbi iDriK^nb xy» xb nnx oys in"'2 •':^'JX^

D"n D^nbx "•121 yoc'-K' na pbn2 nbnji Kmon n''2 ::h nby nc'y no

P3 :b^ vby m^i n2c naipna n2K' 2Ty2 nn p-v^r] ^r: p'bo2Xi n^yor '£d

n-'yoB' -lox ^ii'on n'2 (sic) n^x'n xbi "inc^'n nioy nbyc^ ny D'ot^n

mm 1X-) Dn'ry2 Csic) i:i'i*'n xin piy» nv xcb' bsx nvn 'nx p'bt:2xb

ini3Di ini^f'mm impia t»i .abt^ niox ti'be' en vby ix'foi iby pbn2 anx

'jyn px nytj* nniX2i n2:j'n nx vby ibbni m:33 inn-cnm mno i^yi

-I'E^y .nv-i2n p xbi nipon p xb in2in n' xv' xb ':yn xvd:i Dib3 2'k'd

^n"n pci32 ni"ii3i 'n"n -I'C'y lox dx min3 npoy xb no 'j£o ib p-ioix

') Ab. Zara 23a, Kidd. 31a, jer. Kid. I, 61a, jer. Peah 1, 15c, and

the parallels mentioned in Artlkh Completum III, 79.


n^i'z ^\^rv fi^s vax "b n^jnc^ nioin ]a -iiy^s^o T'c-y nn« mba "i^ posnjniDoi Tvb '\'V^ "i^im la^na bv ik::*» boij Nin nv baai d''3 nj^so pi^ni

D30 uoo "iB'pa^ mns nnoa may imsvD nnK Dya min mobb mnob

min niD^^ ibin "jn 'b in'-jn nnb -lOiS iriDni Qi^y ab Nini inn'sn kS

irDH iniN pn^jD ijn pnk* niD-in p -iTybx k'ni "n "h ncx cibs "oy pw

nayi iiay ijn i^ i-ioni non ib ibo: t'di didih p -iiybx Kin "jk onb

ucT b pDiy n-'ni ijiid»3 n^jj^n n^i nrn jiddh i)3 ^b sn "j'3N aiDin

;d i6 inain n' nv n^ T'B'yn nvoj nib a'cw i-tryn px 1V2^ mira

lb PIOIK [tlie margin note has: "iin^] ytn .nvian p K^l n"3 DIpDH

bya n^M nibs ib "ioin 'n"'\n nixj bya ids dn minn npoy xb no ':ao

vby npnK'o vjin jisj'n nvi nv baaj? pnvn 5;dvd m" lira mtai mwn!?! ''b yotJ'n ib mosi rr'a-iy )b nK'nb sb nnn^' ib ns^abc noi onann

*p nb ION Dmoxn n'M in^'mn •'jk b yoB'n xb dn ib hidk nb yoB'j

N^ [iini] yc'-in kvdj hinnb] ytj'ib naisrn nn""n ab i^oi omoK thd

•nV"l2n ID ab) mpon p ab inain n"' SV—This passage, occurring with

trifling variations in Joma 35b, concludes with the remark: ^^n NVDJ

•cyK'-in DN a^noPiDV Dn-'K^yn riN 3"no DiDin p x"n D"jyn nx 3"no

The superscription: |n3in H^ 1XX' nbl^ DIX 'J33 iTJ'yD is our authors

own invention, whilst the Talmud introduces the narrative with -\"r\.

On DlDnn p "iTy^X see: Kohut ArAkh Compl, III, 497 and our essay

in the Jewish Quarterly Revieiv III, 549 ff. (Talmudical Miscellanies,

II, Croesus).

11.) On Page 81a: p ip .THB' bxl:^"' piXlO inxa HCyofliDnbi 13^3 n'B'x-)3 nsD nc^B' ny min -iiDbb ns ui oy 13 nycvji

iiD^iy nx n"3pn t^'Jim omoxn n^3b ini3'bini pij^n mix nsji niD^jn X3

boji nnsD v:sb ijnji Dnao "b i:n msyb idxi nixn3 3cr"'i i^n bv

px "i^^cn nax innpb ynv n\n xbi pD nnx!? V'^^n-^ ny xmp n^ni nno

1X3 px ipcn -trxn "n lb nox imipb nnx 1x3 t:" cmn-'n 3n30 xbx mimvmm nmoxn n''3o imx-vin nv^ nmx3 xi3' "i^on idx 'nc* pu'n xbx

13 xiip n^m nann mix i^n ib |n:i i^ion "js!? X3i Dnj3 im::"3Sni

I'xc* yn"'3 i^Dn idx yoiE^- i^Dni p-ixni D-DE'n nnhn n^x ny n"':^xn3D

'n-jn F1D3 nn33 "n^ ibon ib inji vni3xb -\v:n nr bvx xbx '3^53 njxn it

inix D''»3n lyoc'c po V3X bsx inis^biv DnDiK* vbv nj'ci 3nr nn33


n"2\>r\ "lb ab"^ nns -isoa n^n i:a oy lycvj ab'^ nr nci nos n:;*j;Dn

nnjm m^Sn nrkToi Nnpoi mm vn noboi lyovo nub' -d i3:j'n inix !)3

*an TSC1 nnttt Dnon:n nnn nma nosj -jab n"apn ib irr n^u' nc3

This legend claims an Arabic origin, as the author surmises {''h^p^

mybs) by his introductory remarks.

12.) On Page 98b, to Deut. XYII, 16.

iiD^ wb noNi D'tyj nainc? bKT{:'"'lbD tit \2 nostra nc'vo

"itb nt2nB':i nan"" [xb] btr nv nby nobt' Non'j' |V3 b"] 'onn •n:;:s '^ab

nmx2i iTt ans 'J3 n"3pn ib icn minn p ^obJ^' '3-ipy idni n"3pn

nob*^ ns"" D''ni:'n ^bo Nini nobt^ nd3 by^ (sic) nm^b n"apn -ion nytr

(sic) TiB'n HDiJi NDsn byo nobtt' bsJi lonin bt::i inan tdi icmn bid

noba' HMi nobiJ' Nint' ;ni3D bxiy" bs vni Noan by n:^"1 nob:;' m»n2

bx-iB^ by ibo ^"n nbmp -:« -icin Nim d^jk* t'bt' Dnsam nn^y^ ocvj'o

N3:r ny |bi3 ntsbe' 'trj by n3 t t* m (sic) inoo mix na^in bai Db::'n''3

mj 'jNi jn:on njtrn bNitr' ibo nobc' ib mcN mj n'hi jno nnx bxx

B^'OKTib nyani nobe' dn yat' na bvK tbm n^i'^v 'Jx i^ njc by ion

in'jn bvwS n^bm iT'in u N:»mK' ib ib'ex uot: nsv^C' mpo ':a ib moN

-lOwSi i"nj3 ynpi yn^in' p in^'ja yry-iTJ tdi nana ib mcxi pan ynnr.' ;a

nbe' n'oi noba' Kin ocvcon nyjni i^ .n: xbN nobw* nr px::' cibci on

bxTJ^ nbo nn p nobt' 'jk noN nnx T) p ib noxi DDiDt:n nyjb in'ja

ns2i 'NDD by aEn' "JK d-d'h p nnxa noN nann n^n nyai in"ja ib nox

in"ja lb noN nyy^n nsi ny "by 'nyn nsno:! ^niN nnmm - n y t;* n i n

nnx n" ^nn: 'ax nin ':a'bDnu' nyj^a nobc' nox nann nrb p'o ib B''

xin nn 'ax B'xn by npt^ji 'dx nnoyi x'aan in: n^a n'JS'ni ns'na by

bvx labni B'nsDn db' lanai D'nann ba pnnnoob n'jni in^ja id]} r:J2'o

i:nnb B'P'ai in'D nomnn b::Ji nnx nao n'^ja inani mix laa'Di fii^n

nob'^rb yn*XB' 'nan iyn'i nann n^n ':dcb> ia lyjn bx nnoxi bip na nnv^

imabob noba' mm nab niD' xbi nnina onac? no by nayj' by nB'yon nr

bbnn' bxi innian niajn bbnn' bxi inoana nan bbnn' bx naixi n'cn n'ni

.'^:^ dx 'a n^'ya n'B'y

The bulk of this story is abridged from the well known account


of Ashmedai '), treated of in Gittin 68a+b (see also Artlkh Compl. I,

318 flf; Kohut Angelology & Damonology etc. p. 82 S..), where this

demon-king is brought in connection with Solomon's preparations for

building the Temple. Our author omitting the name ^N'lOEJ'X, fcrr

which he has "W^, meaning mj;K> TW\ whirlwind, combines the legend

with another Midrash (Exod. R. Ch. VI and the parallels, see Kohut

Ariikh Compl. VII, 172). In the above narrative a remarkable mistake

is noticeable, inasmuch as Al-Dhamari changes Benajah ben Jojada, the

commander of Solomo (2 Sam. VIII, 18) into Benajah, the son of

Jehoiada, the high priest (1 Chr. XXVII. 5]. It is evident, however,

from page 9b (beg.) that the version of the Ashmedai-legend in

connection with the Shamir and the building of the Temple through

Solomo, was familiar to our author, as will be seen by the following:

vc'i'D mci'DC'n pn iki3j:^ Dnan ms'y ni^^j p ini K-iit2 -ij;i 'a:^ 'cnp^n

nO^K'blN'nnZ' "in ^ N T O E> N 1 Nin N^ (see Aboth V, 6. and Pesach. 54a).

13.) On page") 101b—105a to Deut. XXXI, 14 {On the Death of

Moses) 'JD3 imx ^n^Tt^•D' pc'ba n"3pn ':ih ni'^D -ion nv^b y^' mp pnrn pK'bn "i3*i D-'ot'n "oc'i D'D^n ynba "p^ |n nn^ ^mcxi Nm D'ctr

"l^D nj?-iD ba i^nnb^'t;' dc^d n^x p ab n"apn ib idn nn^o ''by nnj nns

mioB' }n ]"nj;i dtidc' biy "ix jn "b mcx vn^ nnno 'J3 N'^'in^ Dnvc

••1:::^ D'OL^n T-n^JX •'pb jn moxi "m d^d'^t njjs 'nix nnaT'kT CiJ'di i^

nmoj •'pn^* xm nt^•o^1 D'^tron bv B'xn imx n^yo 'jn 13 'i3i Decern

nnx |\s nx nbiy bc' ijm n:;*D nox jrin^D -inx py p imi ; " n p:o

n"3pn lb 10X ,mDX xbi n^-nxi nbiya ^mx njn bx^:^"' pxb 'nix d^J3»

1) Nathan b. Jechiel, as we hare proven, (Arukh Completum I,

318 ff.) was unfamiliar with the name; 'n^CX-') On page 99b— 100a, the story treating of the disjiute between

li. Joshua and R. Ehezer is reproduced. (B. Mezia 59b and Ai-ilkh

Compl. Ill, 383). Only the introduction is remarkable, wherein R.

Jirmiah and other Chachamim are mentioned as having partaken of

a dispute which can not be proven. His words are: ^0311 1V3pJ nnX DyDp:ni:i pxwij vni D'ozn nnini n ^ o -i ' 'ni vcnn' 'ni niy^bx 'i bwV"i:^"


minn 'nnnD-j' N*bx my ab) ,x3n nb^vh n'nn i^ ps nrn obiya n^ |\s nx

nnn ^3Vdi D'jdi-io '^"X3 r{'nK ]}"U2'\ n^rD inx ,b'vo n^D i\xi in^ by

•'2'D3 niBTi 13 Q^iyn nx I'xni a-'OK'jn ""d pniK'i D'at^yi nipn^ pbatx jnB'

nox , nrn ima my 'bx im ^Din bx ib m n"3pn ib nnx ,anD nnx

in'j'i i^n-'n 'nbn "npy nnn nnix njn^ ^j^y "•njj'D nnx np y^^a-i n*j'D

xSn n"2pn ib -lox ,mDX x^ji nnx pya bxna*^ px nx nxixi nbnn n^^y

noxi n"apn ba* inat^n hej'd nns moi ,my '•bx nai fioin i^x ib ""mox

'px!? pnnm D''JiJnn3i "222 bip inii 'd os'^d va-n ba -d ibya n^on nivn

Dmn' -bix n^apn 'jd^d D^on-i ••by ^K'pn i^nr: ^t^'p33 px pix nb 112x1

^hv 110XJ1 inai inn "jx pnxn ib mox bxic'^ ym6 "'nix d^jd^i im by 'by

nnx •'btn i^EJ' p xbx D-'sban 'd^o ibo "-jeb moyx "i^x nban pixm

Dnb 10X1 D'DB'n bvx n-k^^D ibn ,3it;'n isy bxi nnx nsy ^3 'xijy xin

D3m by 'by nnm •'bis n"3pn ':Qb» n^om --by [ic'P"'3] Otj^^pa) D3o n^i'pii

D'om -['by n''l^>p30 ijxc' ny d^d'^h 1^ i-iox bx-l:^"' 'pxb (sic) ^j'd'':d"'1

D'OK'n '3 -inxji li^yj D'D'k^' 'P "i3i3 1J3 noxj nnc' nbnn i^Dvy by ti'paj

Dn^jsb pnnni njabi nnn bvx ibn ,vry3 13T xb d^db'i 'oxji inboj itry3

niyi D"'33i3b iSDD 'no 'xjsr naoD "na ijx ib nox D'om vby v^-pn-j'

pnnm ^ro in bvx nti'D ibn ,"'n''vv dx3V b3i D'dc' idj 'm n"3pn 1:3 irsx

nmn3 n3n3i i'ry3 n^xi xb xbm ^ro in ib nox ,D'on-i vby rp3'-^ vjsb

niy33m v^o' onnn '3 "inxji c'X3 'p vby nm i::'x 'jeid ibo i::'y td im

noxi D'om vby 15J'P3'B' on^jsb pnnni nnnjn bvx n^D ibn ,n:Dv:n

ijb'V' '13 im D'3 inijn 'n3i nnx Dip» bx D'»n np' m»xi nym xb xbm

nnx b3 [inn'iTim] 0m3vj'"jnm) n'*j'x-i3 '-no b^'x "ibn ,n"3pri mo ijx

bvx nan: ibn ,b':fo 'm» pxi 'n3n n"3pn td b'iinb n3 13 px*J' nnxi

Dovi nb'b icy 'n'Si^y non nD3 m3T 'J3 ib loxi ib pnnm pj p ys'im

nnix3 ,'"x nx nxixi i't by u'Dnm 'bix n"3pn 'jsb D'om mo3 'b moy

nx t^'ani bxoK' X3 bbsnnb noyi q3 by ^3 psooi n3i3 yii'in' n\-i nv::'

'3 ibys D'on -iivn idxj 'in n"3pn nsn nnn nnx no 'j£0 ib n»xi V2

n'jD 'j'x bxoa' 'in ^31 ib loxi nt^•o bvx yu'in' ^bn tdi d3:^» vsn bs

11D3 n33 yKnn> six '333 ibip ;mj n'n i3in yo'j'ij'si i^by bbsnnb 'nix

n'nB> D'D'n |nix m3T 'J3 ib loxi vnx pnx p irybx bvx n*j'o ibn ctj

p vnb'im nbsn3 vby 'mnyi bjyn nl^•yD by in3 vby siivp •t3X pnx

nni' 'bix nbsns nnx 'b moy x'nn ny3 pnx iy3 Di bbsnxi 'xrj' nmon


B'sni ba^'c S2 bbznr^ irrbs ncy tci ^"x nx 'jki^i in^ ^y n"3pn 'by

n-j*!: ibn ,nrDb i2nn iTybx yi^'m 7 im nnn ib no ib ioni vs dk

,Dn':D' 1331 n-jtob 131 3'L''ni D'Jvj'Nid ib nci^yi ib loxi njs' t3 sb bvs

bsxi bxT^' bsNi lyio bnis bvxi '131 nisn nt'i D'sbx nt^ bvK hk^ ibn

n3i 'CIX1 insi nns ^3 bx unnoi n3i3 xini 7 pc'D b^xi D'jpr D'yac

'j::o eiin 'n3n m'i:n '71^031 'mj:yc' ny D3'ni3N by n"3pn Fjvp noa

nnyi ,in3n3 'nnbo loxji v^ onri n^D^bi liB'nixi -i3i3 Dws dtdb'KI

'rD'j3"'i n"3pn 'jabo D'cn-i 'by [ik'P'Si] CiEi''p3i) 7 pt;^ 'jsb D3bi3 iDi3n

in3n iyc^r3i DibkJ'3 mD '{<J^^• D'3-i bt^' )nbsn dkio n"3pn psK' "'xb

bbsnnb nyito bmxb idj3ji 1133.1 XD3b Dn"33 nnbya* iv D'pyw ;'3i3 vn

Dnban nbyn xbt? "13 --131 iscni my-n -3xbo m"' nytj' nnixni ne^s by

J1 p " :»' ict:' nnx nn'by d-^idd vn D'bn: D-3xbD 'JB' Dcn /n"3pn ':Bb

i-iDwSi bxci^^ Ti' TDi D'3xbDn iLDHtj' HD 3"'*j'D K'nb H'ni K> H b lOtJ' *inxn

inix"i",ni c'x bc> n3D D'y3C' in3ni n"3pn 'jsb inbyni b'k ba* nb^'ba'a

pn'-'s mt^^'^ "sxbo j'x 'i nc^b nnx p bs"i5y' ixib'SI n"3pn ba' n^jian

bai nv^ b33 n-c'o bE^' inn'ob nsi'o ye'in bxDK' n^ni ^by bbsnnb wniK

bxioa' i»3 D':'0'L:'Dn b33 pxi n'3 i:3iy' xb 7 pnvb yin ^B1^{ 'x:b' yn

bx-iB''3 iiy X'3: np xbi 'xjb' nipiV3 ntj'D 103 n'X'Sjn b33 pxi vu^n

iDX ,n3i3 bx-i::" ba* pt:' bxs'Di ,pniv bxDB' n^n nytr nnixi ncTSO

'n3'ix 'noc'n bx ]nDix bx-iE:''i pnvj' nnxi n3i3 'jx yen bxDE;'b bx3'D

TnyB' i'Bnn- ba' inojisa 'nap hk^d ba* inn'03 'nbsj ,'nDp "nbs: '3 'b

DB' 3in3b nb:Dn boj b"T 'i n-j^y no ibo nnxi D'trbe' n' by vjsb ibs'B^

n3 ni^''j> ynr, ny^na' ny 3in3b D'btJ'n xbi yt'in^b mix niDob iniBon

'» y":^'3-i bxn3i lax hb'd btr inoB': 'b x^3m xx bxn3:b n''3pn nox

-iDx inn'D3 mxnbi ino:rj nx x"'3nb bsv -px xm D'lJ't? nijs bipK' xintj^

inotj'j 'b x'3ni lb nbiy bB> ntj' b x t : : d b lox i3'cnn pi ib bx3'Db

bsix 7x Tobn xini 31 ib iniijn3 'n''n 'jx y^'j'si bxujD nox n-^j-o biy

V'^:nn nD^ tdi .tj'd b^ in»B'j 'b x'sni ib bxD'cb lox .inn'o nix-ib

bsx ibni ninr3X3 eiDyn:i mn i^ni inom iDy3 'b3 tj'sbi nbnj r\TKi\^

non xini trctrb non in^xiD "inin tniDon ntr nni3 nt^ nxiK'si nc^

DOxbon naxu* no -xni 13b3 [here a word is illegible] niX3V 'P ixbttb

nj^ nx bxDL'> nxTk:* p'3i n:;^ b^r mas': biLS'b pbis' irxK> D'jirxin

•nj33 neiy bxa^j* ny^o nxiK'ai ntj'D btr vry -inito bxD^' bcj* vry i3jj'ni


ny-i bNot:' rns ^^oi -jB^Nn nx mo ^js ^ab nn) ^jdSd sv 'nab low nnx-!»N 1K>DJ ^b in '1-1 Diyan nob [nnji] (?) nnjn hb^d!) nox^ mbv3 n^nbmD^abon '3^0 ^bo Nin^ 'jn^K'tj* 'd r,iEi>-i3 bxo5j> lox ^d nisna nc>D '\b

'JK1 iT'ipn bsj' vnv-130 nriNB' DiSs^n on nK'o ib -loj* mnan ^«-»3^ -ixin^y

n^a imoD D!?iyn ^ni i33 btj> ]nr2m nni bxDB> idn ^^noB^j ni« 1^ inij

in^Dxn pbn "h ^'^ nbiyn •'sno 'jn •'31 ntj^ ib inx n'B'snn *d^ nB»B>D

N^i ntj^ -ION inn n»i ^nob' -ion nbiyn ^sa boi loo -)n> n"3pn b^

hii^ 3-in n [njinj] (nynj) xbi 'on pno bino ^ns^i^B' moy p 'jnb> nin>

DnxD byi ny-iQ by >n-iWB> Nin 'jni ,'niN bio^b inv n^n sb 'ini nii'o

'nyaoi d\-i nx 'nyipB' sin 'jni ,pin» bxiB'' ^jn nx 'nxxim nno ^6^'y3

pinob n-)D 'D 'nssHB' Nin -jxi inoB^j nnpb ah) nnx p^ni pina nn^jo

rninn na 'nb3''pB' Nin 'jni D^jQn D'jd ']•• oy •'n-imi vp-h "nhv^ xin 'jni

lin^D nv nonbo 'n^B'yB' sin 'jxi 'n"'B>y n^nsiDi nimx nnai n"apn {'o^d

jn^biD-ip ny bnon ^d'o ly^jn sbi binon nyB'i •nbiJB' obiy nia^a '3b> 3iyi

n^aB' nc303 nn^ani nbiy nna njnbi non inDnbon ^nopni pnj "jsd

ny ^mani na pnnc 'nxvDi D'o"- nB'bc* p '•bj-i by ^n^bn 'ni-ib''3i D^njini

njn''j D'Bnn nB'bB^ii ">3b>3 xbN 'on*o ^npr xb nbn ib^ssi '»x nyi '2X

'nojaj D^Bnn na'B'ni n"3pn bB' )yD'D nnin bapb ^jn n^ ny 'mosi nra ^3

'nx^ini lb niB'yb Tny ^jnb' no ib'n-i byo ima ^nbcji ny-iQ ba' pi^jbab

^niTJi ntDon Dnvo bB' pB> ^n^ani D"'->^io ba 'ryb xui d^'B'B' n^ nnno

n"3pn Dnn anii n^a d^j^n mmb w:^ ^nbosi Tn -iB>y d^jb' s^id n^a

nb^b D^yn-iNi nv n^yn-iN ii33n nd3 nnn ^ni-ii Di-iob 'n^byi '^ana minn

xb D'Di 'nbsN xb nnb nb^b D^B'bB^ nxoi dv D^B'bB'i hkd n'oya nE^ba*

n-iinn ^nbapi mx 'jab D'jm 'n'bji nraB* 'qjd 'J'id3i ,mB> '3xbM 'n^ns'

{?>' IN'n yBH nnxi niixo niB'y B'bB'i nisD b'B> vao manii n"3pn '3S)bD

mnci nBmpn moB'jn b3 pnxD '3 njinjn minon 'noB'j bio'b nbis"* nb

Dip»3 nioyb niBH ib pKi n 3Bn> 'jnb' Dipon iB'nB' man ib r« '^'^'^ 1^

,lb inij '^n 'noB'JB' 'Jcbo n-i3 /oipoa imb man -|b rxi on noi^ '2s«a>

mm bnaji nbna nn»n nnn n^ 'dd -i3in nr man ixbo yf^e'B* n^a

'b N3ni nv lb -IDN1 n"3pn vby Dy3 tdi m-ain ':sb oninn TB'nb bxoa'

nn'nxb nniN -iidqni inssboo ibt33oi 13 eiru 'jn ixb dxi hb^ be* moe^i

D:n':b lb 'b ioin nnx km nba' niB'in nb^by niij n"3pn 'lab bNQcy idx


ins yna no'Db nSyob^'i nbys:b noo br' nnim njinnn^ njvby nx immlb nox v:tb moyb nbn^ 'a px moy p 'jd^ ^j^k inm 3DyK n^ mxib'j' nSnjn naDion 'T^b non Nine ""jdo ba^^ nos no 'js» n"apn

nnoiyn d's-ib' 'a» rxyi-K' loa "dv nma vdd psvi^ b'Ni a^piai D^^n

vjD nxno nniTi inns Dtj' dn hibi nvjbi nonbi nxsbi nnK'b nninb

n'oi VJD2 nioyb ib ba^ 'rxc' ibvx 'jnbu'n bx loo nt^pan inraB' "iniDi

lb IDS NV'K' IV31 nB'o be' inoB': (sic) x'-ani sx loxi n"3pn vby oys

''jsbo nsv' nbnna inn nnx Djn-j imbi nnx"i33 Djn^j iino ytn n"3pn

'3 I'x -loix nnx "ibnji in3K' n'xnK' p'3 na^ ba* inDB'J3 nbnj nnoB'S

"innnsj' nt'o bc' inoErj3 x'i3n xb Dxtr 'jsb yn^i 'ib: v^sb ni»yb nbia^

I3b3 -IDX1 nt^'o by Dy33 noyi myno mn pibB' to no^bai nifn33 'jabo

n-'nbxn nc3D3 non3 rby noy ne^ inxiB' pi3i 'nix jnn^ ix inix jnnx

inDm itrsni nsro vinx pi vjsb pi i3 lyji ij'iiaDn n^ n^by pipne'

nniX3i na^ ij-ini op oyoai no"'b3i ncn33 nren vry nvyi nin pp boji

n^oi lb p3n>f mx 'j3Er i3 ii^ nbe^n bx nen^b nioxi bip n3 nnv^ nyt:'

Dvn mix ^b iidt obiy b^ um n"3pn 'jab noxi na pnna ne^ nv»

"l"»:ab "yo in3 13 -n^bysj' Dvn mix nisr nyiab inb^'xi ib 'b moxtr

ny mmc' xb d^oi mbax xb onb nb'b D'y3ixi dv D'y3ix I'jab "rrtDV)

T2 'jnoon bx ico n-ypii bar^' "[oyb nnix mnji yTD mmn mb3pE:^

XTn bx n"3pn -lox "ii3y oy ntj'y yyvi 3103 in'3 'jjn xbx man nxbo

"10X1 v:a by baji nban3 nK'o noy t'oi ii3ipi 13 bao^o ^Dvy3 'JN

rnjo nnx D'om mo3i lobiy nxn3 nnx D'om mo3 y"B>3n D"'jijnn3

n3 nnv' toi nion ixbo 1^3 'jnoon bxi D'om mo3 'oy jnjnn tobiy

nnix3i .-j'SDK' T ""^21 I'pnv I'jab ibn ••a xim bx nt^ nmi moxi bip

moo yvn bx3'o bxn:Di bxa^Di bxn3J D*3xbo ntrbn ny:i^n my nyB>n

nra ib ne^y bauio vniB'Xio nnn joinx bc:^ pno Dia bxnsj ntra bc^

«l'pKmi IT '33 by ir i-ry mtr tipK'n na^b noxi n''3pn nbiJi vmbjnon

PB'j B'j-131 IT '3J by IT vbjn me* si'pni n5n?i it '3J by it yy ntj'y ib nox

vni 'p iiv nK'o Dtf no'i 'dx:k^ np'^:2 rnDtr: bo:i ra3 nc^b n*3pn

,n:''3 Dipo nT'xi x^on pxo noDnn p-ioixi pT'aooi i^y D'313 D^axbon

n3x pioixi PTDD01 vby p3i3 D'otrn ,D'yno oy 'b nip^ ^o noix n"3pn>

non ,-iB^> n^Dn ':oo n3X moixi vby maooi nan px lYian p Ton

p^aooi P313 nibToi D'3313 /Dy3 D'«nyi3 ir3 pnoixi pTaooi pan nj3b>


{ypatrai HB^a ijx^K'^n iiy x^a: op xbi moiN^ rhb'D enipn nn nax pnv'p NJN NJ ny^Knn v^ n:k -^j^m nan n'n inNso i6^ lai hk-io yt'in^

rpi ^axbo ,Dy •'B'Ni Nnx'i iedd pioixi pan vn ^nhk'^ ,n: r^v'^'m

ni»n iN^D in^ xb ixa nyi bx-m'' ny vt^E^-oi nt-y ^p npnv pnaiNi j^nsiD

nbn ,1NVD xbi iK^pni i»ip»b nbm n"3pn bsr imn:ia ni^hd n\-n nt:^io nctr

p'Nb^ u nyiv ^^K piNH lb mcN D^oy p nee p'n -icsi yinn bxN

D'JK' n iTJK' Dv» D'n lb -1J2N mcy p n^Ni ib nax n^n bvN nbn ,ibn

lb n-iDN DJH'J bvN -jbn ,vn'N-i xb ait' bNitj" 'jai Nin n -layi nnu -lyy

noN p%n D't3i piaxi biNB* b^fN ibn ,vn^Nn Nbi ma ^nyct:' ^JTsa Djn':

Kb V1N1 Dn:i» ibo ny-iso lycB' uyct' ick' ib ncN D-oy p nrvNn onb

liyocr "JOIN niDi biKtr noy px ion Dinn Nin n xb icn c 'Nic irNi

mp ':a bx xai ,iy»K' laycK' xbN ini:'N-i ib TiOn mcinn bi»N ibn ,nyr:f

nnnstj' nvo ihunvd xb ncx oiDy p on'Ni cnb icni mrna jnoiy nntr

p Dn'N-i Dnb "lONi D'otyn bxN ibn n"' by umx nybai n's nx pN.i

p bxN "ibn n-iinn bapb "p naia u-'bN nbyL- dvo imyKi sb iidn cicy

piDiNi iniN psnn vn py \: by D':"icon caxbcn iniN \snc' p'ai py

ma niyy no ,u inu' D'pnv t^ "^v^^ •"" '^'^'^ PJ' P 1^^^ d^^^ bx o

noN p]i p iinb bsji nois D^sbx nyaix ^^y'E^•D pv ?: nmbi byo VB:aa

bc' patr jriD niNib bxna: Dy ^bx Nai^ dv» ib hidn ib 'ixn nt^o nb

cnbK' pinia "inix nNiK' p''ai D^'nn py bi'N ibn vn^Ni n^ aiK' D'pnv

D^'nn pyb ni»n iNbo idn ,'bK aipn bx n^nn y]} ib icm no nms niN»

bsN ibn .vn^Ni xb 2\\i> neon bcji •'bN NaK-' dvd idn mcy ja rv^n

ia ainab Diobip ^jod be^K' dvd -itss Dicy p n'Ni ib -)z:ki nynn py

^JK' UDD bosB' DVD lb iiCN Dnnn b^N ibn ,vn'N-i xb aiii' minn dn

ua bxiiJ'^ :njcy dvd ib ncK nnan» bvN ibn inirNi xb aitr nimbn

pD'o mm ba^ptr dvo ib icn ^j'd nn bxN ibn ,imrj<-i xb a1t^• jNi-a

Dnoy p Dn^Ki Dnb ion nvni n1c^^a b^N ibn ,vn'N-i Nb aif n"3pn

isbon bxK niD bvx ibn ,n-iinob nNCta pa ubnantf* dvd ini^Nn ab iidx

mycB' lb "iDN .DiDy p Dn^N-i ib idni nictrjn by njicD Kinf non lot'B'

libn lb iiDN DiDy p on^Ni Dnb idn Doxbcn bsN ibn ,DnDa innccB'

••jaD nt^D ^ai iidn Kin p\n nt^'D jnb idn* din *ja bN ibn Lin ':a bvx


mB>n ^2i6o:i nnca mi nnob nbyK> mij>n 'axboo n^n nsj^o px xin onx

.men ^3x^03 vjsna mn pidni

Here a line is unintelligible .....'b ISDN viiy iDiK 'am Dioy p bxN iS noi in^^np mpe^ ibdn n"3pn

i6) 'WSJ* Dnoy p DipD nynv D^iya nnn pxi nar ^^y 'nna \-ni3 n^on

.'131 nj-DK' nsr-'anj Vt 'cannoN 23icj' n^n—nrn orn ny ininp nx ^» yr*

This passage has already been abstracted in the chajDter on

"Peculiarities" No. 37.

As to the narrative of Moses' Death, a condensed translation of

which we have rendered elsewhere, ') it is much more elaborately

reproduced in the ^Ipy^N 3X1 D, than in the original sources. (Cf


Deut. Rabba and Jalk. Vajelech.) There are other recensions of this

favorite legend with its various features recorded in Jellinek's Beth

Hamidrash I p. 11.5—139; and VI p. 71—78. In Sota 1.3b S. only a

nucleus of this narrative is chronicled.

14.) On page 111b—112a to Deut. XXXIII, 24. is recorded an

account of the plentitude of oil in Asher's dominion.

lynin «bi nn p^ npa 'ssn ^n-ib'^ 'ino nnxb "i»ni ^"n aba i!) px \b

•npN ^:in nDNi 'wn pnx T12 i:n cii^xa 1^ inji n^ tns "Jx 1^ "lox noaa

-iB'N IK'S pN N^N "1^ pN ^bN'iK'\n lb "icN anr nn nui d^d^n mt^yn

onb ittN nmn n^bNiB'"' x^i ib'n pic^b "'un iniN ^SI ivan nnfD npn

N-'.p nrn rr'n!) ib ib nox nnr n:n Ninn n^ai^s* Dnji'yn nv pt:' npx "jivn

l^n vSn iibn IN Ni3"'tf> ly nc mt'n ir:nN iriK'N ib moN rr'nn byab

IDS n^in nnn pDiy onun v:noi hnijd hd^i ipr mx nvdi hikm bx vbx

IV 'b tnon |p?n ib idh ant ^in d^d^x xiai nxoa nn jo::' ^^'pao ^jn ib

^jsb i^D£^ HNni in:a trab inaxbo loit^ p'3i ib |nx "jni -nsKbo niojst'

nxoa iprn nrb pJDi Dmn\n "-a ipnv icni n^Dn ^un n\ni n^ab ixaj;' ny 'un

') Cf. my essay in "The IndependetiV (edited by Rev. Dr. WiUiamHayes Ward.) Oct. 29 and' Nov. 5th, 1891 No. 5. "The Death of Moses".

See also the German version in Dr. M, Rahmer^s Judisches Ldteratur-

blatt XXIII No. 19, May 6, 1892.


^EDH \:b Nun nnsL^b prn lox rr'aS ixn:r3i ,105^ anr nn D'-abx xmno w^'ph DH^bn ibntai pjy ^b> Ssd nnsBTi nx-'ani p3Kn jd irSn nnji

3nr njn xm D'sbx nxDn ib niioi ^u^ nnai ^n-ik>nt ncy ib ti-ionj:'

K^N n^DT n^a px ^ijn ims nox n^jt? nxoa npriK* iJin 6 loxi |dk'

Km nxDn 1!) inoi D'dih np''^ loy l^x •'jxi ^id bxic^M lox rraa

n^jn xb'kj' p«ni d^dkti 'Dvy ^y T'yio 'jx 'xnr p pyos:' 'i -idx n^jt:*

Dn^jD^ np'bi nt^yi imx p3Vi^:i' xbx -non x^i Soj x!? -itj'x pixn njn inix

(mix) lobpn ba 'ijn on!? idx na**^a v:zh pixsDi imx j^obpo ayn ^3 rni

D'sSx nxo3 lb T^n 'jx iiyi 6k' bntr nrn prn xSx n^xan bxi [mix]

K'mno ^33 pxi nB'yno ^' ixnp n^ioi xin ^K>x 'J3D ipini ant nrn xian

Txm 1^0^31 i^byjD n:^'^J1 bna -iDXJt^' '"x V^:' n^yjc "it:'x pxi ib tJ"i

.'13 '13

This narrative is culled from the Talmud (Menach. 85b) with the

introduction ^"n, and instead 'ij, the expression: Tnx D1t3D1D?13 issub-

stituted; see Artlkh Completum VI, 348 and our iiyr. pn, chapter B;

n3-iyon nnj, page XIX. note 3.

Appendix The Second.







(Arabic text). ')

A) Treatise on the Sacrifices. (To Lev. I; pp. 2b-3b end.)

iN bipx£> pax-ip^b mvNnbs nnopbb ynj on nc-ipD (' oipa

pinn n^iybss D'Dbjri dk'NI nxonin!?j;-i'j xb nwis nump^K

n^Dibxa pnn- no nhjd poop noopjN nsonbxi ,n:N3 hdv 'n 'bv xn^D

\Ti niNDH^x -i>ND T DDp^Ni .nyiD bniN ^N none xav nson Sd ^ni

piio'N bxi .mrya n^'pa^JS njinj n:DT "i^dn^ nn •nbs' pmo^N rip^ IN

ba 'Q Nin naabx m^xn pni!?3bxi nbaxn p ^^iba 'bv nbx oncr^x in

'jr ptiD'N n""DDi .Nn3 b^no^x pi:»*ya^x2i n^bx^s'a {^^23^x1 .nana

njina nar ^dxm p-iio^x^x njD aip' DB'xbxi .xnpnna nox nbx x'K'xSx

D'tD^K^^xi .xm^jDi xm-aa B'xnDbx iim p x^x i' xbi .mrya n^pabx

bx' n"pabxi v-iiD'K pa-ip' .mvy dv a-ip" n!5X ini -inv "•d^K' psop

D^jnab piB'i nrm .pniD"'xbx njo mp' n^n^ 'd^k^ -mrya njins naii?

n^btt* |nij «inB' D'-obB' 'od ibxibi nxjxi iidt n:ibx^ nnnxvb n^\'52bxi

^bxynj an .vbyab i^xnai .pn n^Q n^jna^b^ pn n^Qnbb ix 'jy^ b^n pa

p IX jxvn ID p-ipbx T IX XDX 'h'D' ah nix bipjs mvxnbx noopbx

1X3 ixs •Dmy^' IX D^an y ix xox \by xbs nx3J p !X3 ixd -nxaj

D'bi -i^yB'bx 1133 {D im p^j3 -isw nE'B'3 3-ip' n^x -loiybx ma omys}'

XDX 1^3' x^D D^DH 1X3 1X1 D'jn3bx nj^sx^ xbx n3TDn '3: by 3-ip' xin

') Lack of space prevents us from rendering a translation of

these, as well as the Hebrew excerpts. Perhaps we will make good

this omis.sion in the near future.'') The Teshdid is in our Ms. invariably rendered by the sign:

-; the diacritical points of the letters 'i ,'n ,"\ ,']} and n are omitted.

Of the vowels. Fatha alone is frequently used with the sign: i on the

top of the letters, which we however, did not apply for the conven-

ience of the printer.


JS2- N» bv Dn!)n ^ntj* 'ni npi jn npi 'd ix D'jsn nnb ini ncki t jx

p IK n'snn p i" js sox 1^3' sbs jxvn ixd jsi .nin:nbs D'opn 's

.n'3 biDD T^n ntj'Dni n3V 'jn 'jj;' ^k cnin ^nc *.ns fjiy jxd ind -piiu

Ti3n!7x pa eiiy'^x 's p-iD xbi bios Dxr^'N^x -i';di Dxon^s -i^aa js 'iv

abz n^ni p pnp^s ;X3 jxi n^njbx ^3 yiivo nsv bnn jx ibi nxixbxi

x^ -iiD-iDbx ]2'^pbii ""in bipji yjiJ nn .d-tj? nc;'i d'3:j'3 ne^ nitj' xbx tninjiobx -ni nnx t: 'by ix DC'xbxi nxnnbx im nnx 'by -nx' jx 'ox iba*"

•xnnncj" x»i nmjbxi Tubxi

nnjD ;x bipxs b'OJnbxi b'vsnbx 'by nin:Dbx D'opn xnni

ixv D'3D3 tiyo nanji m:a x: xd bsi .Tn'bxi ^nvbxb nbcxtr d'sdj

xba XD .nanji -nja pxn jrx::' nosni nnnn -itj'yoi nisai nioL"xi nixcn

tmn ninbo noD 'n d'dd: nnjoi d'^dj r^^yt: ptr didk'xi y-iiv» nxtsn

IDjb pi 'ip im D'ob'^bx in nbiybx ya anp' "ibx noabx in D'aoibxi .jtt

noDpixi .noxonbx nn: xby d'3d: -loibxi loobx 'jyx bbx ti»D' npi

'ibx D'JDH Dnbi onbn 'ntri nsunn n»iy ,dxdpx rinxbri inv nnjD

nbnn D'ant^y ':^ nibn nt^'y dtik^ 'ni nno dv ba 'S n'jnabx nibax'

nibn 'riB'i O'JDn nnb b^o^ p^n nonn 'b "inpM 'tns '2 pno npi nnxn

nyi3B'3 Jitr JX ,VEjnpi ^npD nx5:t3 'd j:^' nx Dxopx nDi23 n'n- nnjoi

xbi xain nn3o xconn \ni (sic) n'l'on pa jjikq rn nin'yn nyinc ix ,'1:33

ibax'i poip xnjo 3np' |x xnosm nxtsn xr^on npi .;xab xn'by byr

l>«nb {ini n'T pn n'y^^'bx ?'pi p (sic) noir^ nn:a ':xribxi .n^pabx cjnabx

s'y» 'J bxi .nixjp nn:» xoon '.m o'^nabb n^pabxi poip xnjo aVab n'Tj b'xi nninbx 3xjn nbx yxuxbx nnni nin'i:3 nin' ix nnin \z-\p

ibxn 'by ixnnabxi .nin:»bx nb»: p 'n xbi n:in nn:o xn'no' axn^bx

bxnK" yo xnyo 'nbx n'anbx nax' n'Tj b'X ix nninn Xi 'nx {nsbx jx

n'nn b'bs pa nn:o bai axnsbx p 'D3 xnpxnnx Dtbb nnjo njxa ib)

bnj ina 'jrnn ynxnbxi noxon nnj» xhidd b"t Psnbx pb -baxn xb

n'B'tt pa nnjo 'aon xv'X 'ni .dv ba bm: pa bab .njDtxbbx nnjobx 'm

pa bab notxbbx kdxi .inix nK'Dn Dva 'pb mp' njj'x xn'c 'yn 'ipb

rntry Tr xo biixs i2yiT\ ix bin: |X3 xid nnnybb nbian npi 's nnb

i'33i ]'\r\ii ]2'ip nr n'S biipobx ini nSa pnn' ini nn:D nanp'i nbo

•;xi3x nnni nan: nmo xoon nnni nnjo nosj arb'i ynin' |x ooxabxi

;v D'bi .DBTinion by is nanon by I'p'pn ix nibn ni:n nsxo nbo nnjo


cnir Kj!?03nDK kd^d ,]n3 nn:cn kdih nnjo kid p-in^ k» ninjabx

}K NDK laip 2: 'inoD^x it'D" xb i^JipjQ iiDQj 'DXD^K ^bx yjij .ninjD^x

y IX XDX bysbxa n!?xi ,n-i3£\s2 ix bipbxa ix bys^xa hxdd paj

nyuB'bx ins ^ip^xa |X3 jxi ,njjc'!3x ini inoa ix .jnr^x im nxpnxbxn

(ao'nbx) Dvyx "ns mssbxa xcsbx )X3 ixi -m^rbxi -nu^xi nn'nt'xi

DD'niK'D: by leab n-a isxp 'nbx 'ni pip xn-by ar nbx [read: auiSx]

"D 'yn nbbx "ba njno D'b ixb xtri "3 'tna 's ib nr'3 xo -by 'p -jq^

D'nbx ub'i "n ^nbx n^jXDJxbx niDcbx riin xbx bsDxbx D!?xybx nxn

M maabx nim (' -n b x b i b x b n x ' s b"i 'n p'n xd 'by imom

im nb nbnx xd tj 's ]XD:xbx xns-)X '•bxs napxycbx "m naxncbx

xbyi 5j nnoiyo pn xn-innoi xn^-ixn iit 'nn 'yn nbbx nxyiJVQ naiya

nn -i-vi nxjxvnbx txd id xna n'by oyjx nbx xnpbxa imx npa

nbbx JD a'i:r.D nb npb x» tj "d nnybx msEbx nin »ii^* "ibx yycha

b'.ixbx v:bx ^2 b"T '-1 131 xo 'by pox'trbxi ,nbn:bx mo: p iis'i 'yn

K-iin '^yobx xnn ma-i npi xrx (' b'bynbx it: 'di nyjxcbx axaoxbx 'd

.nnb Dixbbxi pipbb D'opnbx on npi 'maan ':x '3 'tjns 'd x^-pnoo

B) Treatise based on Lev. XXIII, 10-15 (MS. Pages 26a—27b).

"in DD^'vp n'-t:'x-i 'yn bxpi (* onxnm m'^fp nx nmvpi (' 'yn bxp

xnv njx 'by bi' isxbi .nxvnbx nya xiv nix 'by bi' biixbx -ix c^xba

pxB' DipioD bxpi I'bipbx pa poxi bpjbx xj npi .^x^:^bx bap

nyip nnx px X'3d nnx:?* Dipooi x'2di ivip nnx x'ao nnx

.(' nub'xn n'aio xbi pnb;rn n'3» xb loiybx xnv xb txb ,x'3n-kr ny

xnvi ,nbD 'JnyD in' xim 'xjir nc'X pxo iciybx xnv p'jo bxiD

nx 3'ipn trx3 'ibp 3'3X 'pb nnun nnjo 3npn oxi 'xjk' oniyB'

») See Dalalat al Hairin cliapt, 1 ed. Munk p. 12; editio Fried-

lander, p. 38.

") This title is quoted several times throughout the MS., as we

have shown in the description (cf . pp. 27 and 32, where in the section

headed: (hbxnbxj'jbx lubx, all references are enumerated).

') It is the usual abbreviation of ^_^ij" = '^^^ is to be exalted,

(meaning God) which occurs constantly in our MS.

) This word, rather belonging to the next half of the Biblical

verse, is here quoted on the authority of the Tahnud, (Menach. 71b)

the explanation of which he utilizes.

*) See Kohut Artlkh Completum articles: b]}2 IV2 and nbl^ (5).


(' T2N myn^ax ay^ jD^jnitry nL":;»2 Kins' p^jj^i niVkj' (sic) -i'i:n . Dniytj'

ID -iiDx linnn Ab^an ab bD•^2^ 'bp'\ cnbi ocy nL"r'2 2np:i -m«y ncDn

pa DipD ^aa -iiDNi nnn^ -imn jihj'-l:' DD^nnn^ 'a:^ pr t'an minn

•nnrnDn ban nann Jinri" aa'nnL'no b^i 'sjb' pxb n^-ina p pxa[read: nbyx] (D^yX) (' IVXJ^X n>^' X^ .31D DV DIHCD n3'j'n mnoD'nbx p3Dn "nbx xix^n bnxn yop" njx D^^D bpxy in p ion" ab kjk

'xix!?x m-'fia xix i» nbx"- D^ibi nxnx yoj ]V jx 'bx nr^ni 'bx paan

D'anbx bxp ^C3 n3i3Ej'obx m'fiabx xix^s i^nn xSi nn v'^P'z n'nv nnxi

,D't>nnnD px D'yc'im n':;nnna D^pnvn c b"r 'onbx iSxpi pn^'b cyo 210

xnxi^x ibn xs-'x xbi .nnnpno^r'X xixbx I'i npixv xnx nnb jnr njx "jr

nj^xa nnv Dmjy nvn ix ^bx xna lytsp^ onnxD'byn p onb in:n "iSs

i:>^ rix'^fin snn ^jdd ;e?'^i icn: |:r' Dnbxi mxynoxSx nnj 'bv b'p xos

6 bvD (' hixbx n ^ X b n b X it: p a^ivbx n^nvbx 'xnbx nn D^yn |x

i^ynoxi bxpi '131 ,miv yb bab n^ynox nb'ax y-^b |x 'i nxjn bxp nx

xn3 Din' ^nbx n^bpybx nxaxinbxb n^Djbxai cbynbxi chvbab nbox iiB'b

(' ^DDx 'by xn:bxa ddj^x Dxna nxbxnbxbtDax 'by n"jxD:xbx n-iisbx xp3

') Explanations based on the equivalents of words are among his

special peculiarities, as we have shown above.') Following the traditional explanation of mriDlO (Menach. 65b),

he puts his argument with especial force by citing the above phraseso frequently in vogue among Arabic \sTiters and particularly in theMoreh.—n^fxjbx n^'X X' yet occurs in our MS. on pp. 25a, 36a, 2Ta, 54a,

71a, 74b, 92a, 107b etc. etc. and ought to be spelled: itDXjbx, as byMaimonides. Cf. Munk I, 56b (Ai-ab. text).

^) For this phrase see Introduction p. 17. The quotation Q-pnVHD'CinriD is not a verbatim one. The contradistinction of pious andmipious ones with reference to the future state is frequent enoughin the Talmud (cf. for mstance Synli. 100b); but in my opinion, bythe above expression: D't^'innO, a pure Persian conception of therejuvenescence of the bodies, a mere translation of the Zend Frash-okcretc; Pai-si: Fi-ashegard (meaning literally, making fresh, i. e. resur-rection) is herewith advocated, (cf. A'o/i?<t in Zeitsch. d. D. M. G. XXI,577.)

^) He means to say: nbxbnbx blixbx 1i3 JO- The quotation is ver-

batim taken from Maimonides (pTXnbx Hbxbn ed, Munk I, p. 33Arab. text).

*) Maimonides has here: pnx.


t6 nmn can bi3X r3iD i^3ni -bx inj:*^' iy?:c' iS^ni i-ia^' 12':' /nnxbxn

ITD' n:ND bvD^N nn p 'jnvc^n mn ddtii -i'y>2j^ noDn njn p (' mo

fe nan ,n"ny'i n^^'axa np^ync nx^aobsbx nN"ynL*6x nozmo oi^y jy

mvy Noby nsy -[' nb nn'nv nrsnii n^-Mi^ niD'h]} pan jn nxix jra

I'^Np N03 nnxi ':yo n^s nnxi !?3 p nas" d^ ibi cnb -ijon'i omvp' ^3

"iB*2x "21 ibsp pmn m m-j' -s nan nk "!?yi 'nbat'n nr^So bac b"r

1:00 icb "sx y? '1 bxpi .Dn'TcSm (' ncsna n^s nracs parnb mxi?

tinb'np nNyi m^ybN p-ic in ;{< n^DvSI ."m ib nnpb a^n nnx nis

.JN^yky -loy jxTcbs idns ts Nav pv n^bv bir c!^ybs ;n ;r n:^ d"ps2

n^bpnbx ixb noby "d nbpjD'?^ p nbxn nidn nni^xn mn nSs p:;'^^ nni

rt22N*-inD ix-cy nyxo: bnc i^xni ,|N*r:ybx ix::* n"bpni?xi p'pnn^^x nx:n

insxi — yoj^x nny -iny "bxs I'va nnxi cmip'i pno "s piJ*?:'

nDicbx bno fKmn n^by :xnn3 xc '2X3 xn^E rbpnbx nx^-y^e^H

«<o n^boySx niivD^x b nbo;t'X3i M'bsnbxi n^^ii'vi^xi -isil-^xi 3bibbxi

^Sy xbx 1^X13 ibxi ;x3 ob bipx jx "b xbi nnby^ no ix '3X 'b bxp

pivr IN nxnx \ab ibxi "2 jxmabx expo in nba mmbx v-^^^ x: xr:

D"b nSx n^y 't n^^-i: mi333 'n nnmbx pv: \i6 xnyns' xt^i ncEJ

nnbn '21 iT'yiK^x nyxip'^x 'e fX3 xd 'by banc nnii3: '2 nb"3nDbb

• 'D D"b n"b T"b nbxbnbx jo ":xnbx iT:bx "21 minn 'iic

'DID 'jTono i2y: "3X nvyxbx fi^D^'^^'*''

NO b3 bxp ,nvj nn Dxb3 Dibybx nnyi i^bpnbx '2 131 ' b ' 3 n n x b x

JO 1X3 fX2 .n-r: p in nD2J jo nobir ix xox ib3' xb ixD:xbx noby

'•N pjvo in ibxn3 in xci 3n3bxi pnvbx bonn' -i33bxi "133 in2 m':

«in2 ,Dibyo3 D^b2 binjo b3i binjo p:vo 'b3i ,3-13 n3 ixx pnv n3 jvx

noby NOD ]iiD }Ni .npnxv m^;x^ noop mm .Dibyo3 cb Tbpnbx

TJ3 1X3 1x2 INT'O -\':2 IX JXT'03 T JN "ON lb3" Nb2 nD23 JO in JXCj'xbx

rib3 'nn p ib n'^2 Dibyo3 D'b binjo b3i bmjo fixw b3i ^nt: ms ixro

pHNvbN |XT^obx3 noDj {o nbpy no xbx DibybN jo ixD^xbx yar xo in

n"nbNbN Dibvbx '2 n53 nnni n'nvbx "Nibx Jx-i3Nb NiNbx nybxoo mi

') Here the following words are left out: nCUl 310 "3 ^'3*1 "J3 bsN

13n by pinO, as quoted in Munk 1. c— ') Read D"03n3, as quoted fnrtlier

on (p. 77b in our Ms.). The Talmud, (cf. Kethub. 111b) however, is some-

what at variance with the above citation.


IN nin 'nbspo 's (' i v n j ^ x n"N n^ys ?xp C -n^xSibx p(' nx DDjbx 'D (' -nivnobx ^jyobx b (' ^iipobx 'ji'd!?x in D'b ixpnyx^x

xix^x jQ C yjp^ ]Di2 n:2 jxd C .irivn xd ^by (' i^^xid n.'x na pTf

('° xn-iwn IX TJ p ^ip^xa xn''2nn 1x3 in:y xnnnv (* pjvJD^x ix nn-n^f^x

XOD xnj bno (•' nn ixd r= .pp^ n's nbon ix imxj ('' xnipn"" 'yni

|XT ,n:n 'jyo xnb (" p^1T^^' x!? n^xpy C* ivdh' nbabx p p'nD ijn

C lYJ^x nm n'^xubx nj-nbx r\inh (" xpmxbb nriDn nnoo roo n:3

nb njv xS Tin C" n""P'pn (" nn^jxnm inxi nbbx jxa C' iP"nn jxi

p Dxbibx Doni (" r^^:^bii p C" mn Dxopjx inpn x^ x^sx a'^nn

p xSx n'bv b'bn ah) inxi 'yn ni^^^x jx na^y xix iTxz: .i^^si^x xnn

p x^x xmui '^y ^'^1 xh n"jxnni5X nxaiD^x 'm npixQD^x ^ipy!?x

lui nta^Dnbx dxdjx^x 'by b'bnbxi .na'D^bx axDJxkx 'a xni'nxn

yaixbx niy naDiD^x dxdjx'^^ mji -by b'bnbxi .nnDiobx DXD:xb.s

p mnx'C'j x» nx"D'Dbx 'by b'bibxi ,xmi:i ly xorxbbx nx^s'^bx

ixra non'bxi naio-ibxi mnabxi mx-inbx nui -jyx xjoxDJxa xnbys

nonpnobx 'jxyobx "ibnr'a ipD xij nn nnaxa -|D3j jo ibxn -by innx:;n

n'oxDDjbx 'sji nn-'^^nnn nxbxbx lui ^by ixn-12 mpx 'ni /f^iabx mn -d

inDH' xb 'yn nbbx nby ix xjn nn xjob^n x» vo: p bi;xnbxi .n:y

noby ibxn3 xbyi b: nnnn in xcd ixb iDxixbx [read: -in3na] (in^n)

iT:bx 'D b"^*T '-I nj"3 np xn 'by ,noby nnxni nnxn noby ixb nnno

xnnabjx nxixc'xn xjn oxbobx inj npi C' n'»s*jybx biv-: 'd ':bx

•mpn xo Dipn np jxd jxi n-i':i :;-inbx -13-11 nnyiobx

') This is a verbatim quotation from Moreh Nebuchim I, 50 (Munk

p. 56b fif.) ') ]\Iaimuni has: iDXjbx Xn'X—') Mmik has: bipobx— ") Ibidem:

iivnobx — ') lb. xix. ") Ibid, ibn-).— ) ib. •ri:in— ') y:pn.— ') pjDobx.

Our Author transscribes t3 almost iuvariably with v; cf. also above note 5.

'") Muuk has xnTl^'nn— ") Read xmpnyn\ as in 3Iuak.— i") Ibid, reads:

Xrp' xn'£. '') lb. Nn- (cf note 15.)—'^) lb. p^Dn'—") lb. p-iTVn'—'") Should

be read: "'pnnnb as by Muuk.'") Compare p.XXVIII, note 3 and p.XXX n.9.

'«) Ib. ip\-in-''') To. n'jxnni — -") ib. n'p'pn — ") Read n3l3. ") Read:

m'jibx — ") Our author refers us to the chapter on n'XJybx =Providence,


C.) Treatise on some portions of the Liturgy MS. Pages 67b

70a (mid.) nin KTJN b^) /Xin inn ibis ,ub)vn n''n'\ idxb' inn bip"!

in nba na -ii»T»bN "by bnn Nn\sTis* i^b tj u njnin Nmnvn' nanabx

p3D np N0» VsNcbN nnp in np "is* ibsn n"'nvn i^byi rsnb bnpnoD


oh ,r»'3DD -iu''vm n"'n''a nis-inbx nnn njsr ibxibi nv^k "nx-'D n»oi

nana^i ,na D^Dn'' noo niNpnysi njm b"0' xb tantra Csic) nx-iioTiDbN bip'

nin35:^nbx mD"-! /lubx nvnfjx nbi ^n fibx "by nnb nbnn nirora in3 ob

|N aa-D ,psi pN obiyb t ina 'ip "bs bvi "bxs ,2"i" xb nvxn mcNsi

/n-K^xna "c ntJ'SJ'D jit^'si ova xiajtr no nbxnn n^b" jx nbnjn "p ib bip"

nor nnxsnni 'ip njyi riU' Dvn xnnjK' no nbxna noD" n-injni 'ip njyi

• nv2 xnajK* no nbx33 ^ny nvjni 'ip njyi ,^2^''b'^ nv2 xnn:^' no nbxaa

bn "D 'ip njyi ,"K"»n nvi xnajK^ no nbxna "^tD3" nnni 'ip njyi ^^ynn

ba JX3 nbx22 nar .K'xnb bst) XK^jnoni nnboon "p ib pnxni D"DJ^•3

n^'-brxbx nxnbx nbn ]d x:i"XD ni:ibx "s np^pn bni ni:ibx nx^nxn

XJXDyx NO nbxan id's" n'-sb» ninnni nc'iyni 'ip njyi ,n"pnbx n^p'pnbx

bno xjT-jb n^Ejy'i ibxn bya" ob nbx 'yn nana y^^ I'^nanobx "Q

|Dni D'jjyni xjaxox fiiD D" nynpi x:b pyanbx nn:;Dbx n" p xjvxbi)

py ,b33 b^nD nnxi 'ip njyi ,n"nD ibxn n^ji n1^fn p D"oi nninni ib^rni

Dnpnnbx "vnybxi "nxnbx "ubxi "babx nx"jxoD:bxi nx^jxmnbx xbx

""ibx biby»bxi nbyt^x nxjno n'ibxi nx:nnbx n^iabxi nnxibx naxnabxi

nnxnbxi nnpbx porabxi naxibxi flybxi nniabx bycbxn nbxi niipbxa

na -in"3i 'ip n:yi .nxjnan xro "a bijin }x bbybx nby XK'xn x'trxbx pIX xiiby xnn"3 nannob pxnK'n xb niiibx "s nannn ba ix obr mi3ii

nby" ,b3b ptnbi bnab in"3i 'ip n:yi ,xnyiiDn nyjxp nanno ba xbx nbso

"n xbx "bixbx nannobx XB'xn ,ni'QnD»i ni"Qo nuibx "d nannio ba jx

raxbx yubx |xa nby" nb i:njx onijo irnbx nnyi 'ip njyi ,n': xb nrso

nxnuiobx y"03 p 'yn nbbx "bx anpx n:xb bsoxbx obybx nnar |XD3xbx mi

p pa" "»a

to be found in the Dalalat al-Hairin III, end of chapter 30. As to the ety-

mology of 'i^.J-c- (synonymous with the meaning of tc/jovoux), see Munk

III, 154 note 1 (French translation); Dr. Friedlander (the Guide of the

Perplexed III, p. 90) translates the term: Management.


,mivbN nin

K n 3 3 D 3 'iba rxvn^xi riNJisbx

V'X T"i /n"n3^x -iNiJxbNi n^axsbx nx^iT'S^x -nvn

nix ^nn |*p: nsm^ biixbx sn3D'7S ;o ny3 nd

han'D nm }*nD I'pjs lisbx nsmobx t

p ID im Qn3n3 "d naoxbabx i-isi xo3i ,N-in kds n'sn3^N p 3np

;n3 ,mi^ii?x nin jd -li'xjbx n"x X' -iiivns ^xn: .nvsnxD nx-iDx'r^x

'bix^x nbybx ^!?x p'xiy -ixiox D3-ivjx3 nxii 'bx nabnox xbx iXDJxbx

;xi ,ncn -pb xb '3 an^a ^iip^obx a^yj^ii^x ^'^^^2 'n nnni rn-iivSx nin 'a

'nnji '131 "lyo'^n yiotr nx n^ni bxp xd3 'yn nbha ixdjx^x nlnx

V' SIX mm ,D333^ nna*- |b D3b notrn ^^xpi ,"iny3 D3V-ix -itao

nsoSx i3iM n^v^v^x -ixdj -a anvo nx'^f^ |n3T3 i^xi m^ nri /D33


N» Y^'W rfnD Qyrhii v^ >jn >3 nny) )sr!?N jNn2N3 nam ]v^b 'ip ^sj

nD-in^K >Q n-iDT xca mpn np nd dth^k njN-a pmi ipyn hdej

b byi ij^J2 by irnuK byi irby 'ipn n^n^k mombx no bnioa nrcns^Ni

'n^N DNBi^N n-in js |:in xbi ,-iny^ n^i pn nm^s iaj<i ^^n 'lai irnnnny»D ip NDD 'yn nb nxD^^ xnjx nnxi niu n^yji non: a^3m ainx \n

p mpn np n» DNm^N Pivi i^nt ndjxi kv^n nj^i^d ^ya p -[^kt

nya nio^ nn ,irby nin lain nc^i aio bipoi ipinoi bwsp xoa dn^^nnn"2i3-i3 "iKipK^N im n^mn^^N nSo^N xna onn ^n^x nNnNpnyx^N i^ai

'vn ni:]} p nynjr^N jxai NrNaxa n^'^nD^N nn\\*jyi nn^^brxi 'yn

xin nnx irnnx mry irnnx 'n!?Ni irnbx v^ in nnxi" nox Spj xoa

n^xn y^DJ ^^y nmnv?x nln^x nvn^ nn ,Dnnnx on^jab y^'ioi po D^iyo

?^p3 xoa on"?-) nnn p xin xojxiaxi nnvD nx'V' 'm nonxa^x 'ni

nt'Xj 1-iiaai nnn -laia on^-o maa ba irnbx 'p un^x: nnvoo nox

n^byay xd Sa ixb noiyo n^anb nbixj iidd^ njx nn -naiabx lax '!^x

nxan^ nux>x n^^vs '>ix!)x nanabx laTs aKTo in mpn xd 'a

noxpnox nib D'b ixi nn'ja 'jab bx^j x^aoi 'ipa nnboj xyiai nnyo nnabx

'yn njxa n^'jxnbx nana bx 'S iiivn' nn ,apy'i pnr nmax niara xbx

,-1X10 noa nmon n^nn nanabx ran ^d nan nx xtj- mo n^nri n^no

nyai jxojxbx nooxa^xi xp^pnbxa nmo ^^ ix nxvpnoxbx ya^xb yanx

,Bmp nnxa nnxpibao p "i* naK'' |y nnrj^i 'yn nonp^ niaia mK'bx mnx» b^ixi ,baa' xb nbx 'jibx p jxnn^ x» abeb niDxij >^n' ibxi nyai

nnx lonp tbxnbi /naibtio ixojxbx rh'^^b bpvha nxnbx n^nxa p abts'

xmya n^npo naiabx nnm ,niJitJ'Xi ty^K' lya nvyvcxn bab k'xi pin

HDiyob bpybx nxnbx xbx xjnabo o^b |X bip' njxa rnaitrna nvi-in 'jyx

pB'bxb T D^ ^^^^ ,imi^nb lyax ija^trn bipj xoa 'm' nx niaybi minbx

-D msJoS ncsbxa xynbx aji ibxia ainvo in ix bbrSxi «t2abx p na

Sp'Q n^D |m Nti» j-iabx ini navbx nraxby t"^' nn ,nibnb naioi ;ijn

D^Djbxi }xnaxbx nnva ti' nn •bxic;'' bxu nna^i u'an nam ir'jya nx-i

'D xynbx na-iabx nina ^^p^^ ,nyKn'3i iry^nn (sic) xm^ji 'p irxsi '2

ppD'Q Sotrbx yoja lyn' nn .n'jw'n naia ^d xnnip pcnb xnmp -iivn

liboi bip 's bxnbx nxinjxi bnybx -nnxa ibxna pp'i , 'ni>" loy ^mj

npnxjibx yepa yiiriM ,CD5:^ai pnva n^oma inab nnx mno ij^Sy


n^'^ND^'S niDV^s 'bv nsN-i^sn i^Knn pn^'i ,D'ron nana 's DnoiD^w

nbiTTT'^ nrn^r^s mxyKa ^yn^ on , "131 Dn-'onn bv^ Q'pn)ir\ bv b^p 's

mno n'EW^Kim i^Dn x^k ibxi T ^b^ 'm^^ba "irox^^ N^no in iK

n"v:n^K nwnbs "OT p ins nxs ,Din-i -los^ p ids ir»ni ir^na n^r

KnjKS nrn'^^N ^"3'Q |V^;^ luS initj'a irry nrrnni t^ip^i nvi 's i^ntj

HD-iabs mn njovn n^K n^mnn nana nmn ^d yan^s nn> pa n-i>{Kn

-]'^'."i n^sn^N nonsa di^k' n^K'yn i^sn yan^i ,nS isc'^xi 'yn nb -is-ipx^K3

3"npbi Pim^ Di!?B' Di^^K' ^^p XJ33 /Di^cQ nr^j^^K mvn p Sxvd:x^n

nJtsxa^x rMi\p V'^^ "ivn'i pxb rjai vana ^y ^is' mn nya ,vnxD-n ^r iok

ninnti'Di yiia 'JX I'Jst^ t^ip^i ninnn m^x 'js^ inn -iiD:i'^i mns>i!iKi

i^K ibsn "D n-ijoxa t^ ^"t niyvi n^N X3^ mam xoa lacn^i ,}:nnoi

I'^s ^:d 'nba txDJN^N i^ip^ jx xij jjod^n p in nnxyuvoi 'yn n^^x

"ibn "i~iD"'i 'yn n^^x nnxanx ;n p:Sx is ab p-ix^x ""^n* nnji Dion^bxa

"a nt^'y: no yn: xb i:n:xi ^ipM nnob: avr on .xmax ^ba 'jxyo^x

-ivn'i a^ nnntDa ni^^np^xi Drn -no tid^i ,-i^^x bm jbv irry ybv

HK^yio xnnax in n^x nnx^x nv jxa jxs n's in nbx cv^x i^xi xjyra

-1^:^ ^ip^ "jKn'^x or^s* ^Di /-iiDto nn^ 's nxi^ai pxn ^pb b'\p's> n^c'xia

n^K nbxnSx Dvbx 'di ,'p ^n: ^ip'a y^5^a D^on ia ipbn: n:x^ -iidtd

n^D n^x yaxi^x 'di -'^s mya avj '^nSx bip' Daxntixi oanSxi pixk^ ninV mo

pobxibx p Dpjno' -yn n^x ^jy^ ^p mop: ^x bip' nop^xi ddk'^x p^a

]Q "ibxn 'Di ixvnkx yo: n"'3 ini- nSv D"'Da^x Dr -"di ,xn"' mxay 'd

xnDDiX xp^^n |o xnnain ix xnyxux n^^nax p p'an xo a\xjy^x

pya xnmna |xb irry DM^xb irjnn ^ip^D ixrn^x a''Xjy p i^xn i':i

n'K'Xia n*i*'yD n^s ^oa n^x nyoiSx dv '21 ,x^yi ^rovy^i nxaSx^ nao" a^p^x

XD3X1 ,cab nixj iSo 'p Sip^ 'yn n^^x novy fiiy^ nbx )xd' 'jn^x p^ayo

sxoa na^ i'?xn -ixiana ix^ ^xdjx^x -^y na:xi bxyaxrix nnn njxa

nxnxaySx nnn n:xa ab xdxi ,n-ii-iv ^y-a^s "^s nrip^x p ixdjx^x

yoja 'yn nb'px naxy t^ -[t'xi /jnjoi d^xji Q'xp jxdjx!?x yvi fixt'naxa

SvD^x mn bip3 |nj nb xdxi ,^xn ^a "bn 'yn nbb nayna nooa xvyx

Sa bno xnnaxt;' xoi pam nnioi nump^xi yot:' nnp ^jyx .xJDDJxa

xo x^x n-i": nanpx sra nysr d^^ ixdjx^x tx^ "i^xna pxn ^nraxy

xnn-' nDDinc^x x''l*'x'^xi in xnaip- nv'^i'a'^x x'^j'xSxa nosja in nanpx


•noipirrSK niDiabx hm^ i^j^n nS«p

Here we have before us a historical treatise of what may be

termed the Yemen Eitual. ')

D.) A Theoiogico-Philosophical Discussion (Dialogue between a

^lutakallem and a Philosopher) MS. pp. 72b (end)—74b.

N^N* nvnni ;":3nD'^i Nmxvnx '^s'2 ^d vb'J "inv^ -ixvnx '2 nix xjni

D?:3no ni'n hjn* ^ipss .p-iixnno povi pn nlr bpav bji li'no "d

Nonj'3 y^r bJ^SN iSnt ^^ds hd^^n nod^ bpxy Sn n^'no ^s ci i d b ^_Q i

2:md is fiiD^'E^si panx d^^ '7n c ^ d n rs b s ^ k p d .D^ybs Nono^jy^i

v^:n |N riDD^N n^-x "imNyo^ |X3 jxd po^Dnobx anno cin^d eiiob^sbx

^iD'p-'s'px 3NJX2 -i^x-i ycnoj injD hdeo to PiiD^'sbx sivn xjya

dSdhd 'n D^h rxn'xTJN v"o: f\')v^\ po^Dnn^s smro fiiy^ fiioS's b ixb

D^Dnobx bxpD ."ibx-i ciny^ niiabx nm fiiob's ^x amo pit

') In enumerating the Yemen M.SS., we have already called at-

tention to an Arabic Hebrew Handbook of Ceremonial regulations (cf.

Introduction p. 8. No. 10). Though the peculiarity of its contents

merits a more exhaustive treatment, we content ourselves, in conside-

ration of limited space, with reproducing only the two portions concerning

mj S^ and 1:21*1 C"lp- The former reads as follows (MS. Siddur p.

33b): xj-iDX n\ NJDin ni Njinj n 'DJipi 'njipi 'wpi "Dim noNi n-'j Ss

.DISK'S U'Tixip'^ X3n nrn omcDn dv -iy -inytj' DmEDn nvo njk'Dj bv

p-inioi pp'Q'j' ;in"' pn!?i3 'cin xS x:mm -idx x^ xjidxi m: nS Nj-nj

?::b "D D3inn "un ij!?! Sxiti'"' -jn my b^b n^DJi "riDn^ ^d'^p ab^ pim*' nS

.n33i;ODyn- — Tlie p^lT cnp formula (MS. Siddur. pp. 4.')b—46 a), is thus

worded: p-iL:D?i XTi-'D nxDxbi n^bv xmn^ Tnyi X3-I n'D'j' Knpn-i ^n:n'

nK-»3"ij xjnbis ipyoh xi'pn xcnp xS3^l xS^dcSi D^cn- xmp 'jnc^i x"nHTiobo I'SoM iinp-zi n^rrn nmnn nnnx^i x'Di;' n N:n!?is xanxSi xyix fo

!?2n pn-'T.^i pD"'Ovai p3"'^n3i xj^nn n'jsy pnD-i n-n-'tj'D yn^i n^jp-iis novM

poby 'o^y^ D^yb i-ian xm n'or xrr : ;dx noxi anp pm xbjyn ^nik" n'3

ppoun pnn-'D^^n n'oVn ';yi pnn'cbn byi p^i by -lox noxi 'ba 'id iian'

x^jn pnSi pD^ 'n- pin Nins3 ni inxi nnx Sd3 n xn::'np xnniNn

xny'D'i x'OK'D X3-I xo^K' XH'' .px TiDXi x'Dtion p.iux nip )o xnomipD^i uS nS-ni nni hSd^di hdjidi ncnji nyii^'^i yni^n D"m Nnm xjpia^

,"ID V0nD3 Q"!^'^ ^E^•y .JOX nOX ^S-i::'"'—Tliese and other prayers are

punctuated above the letters, as is invarial)ly the case witli Yemen

MSS. in general, especially when quoting Scriptural passages.


Dana nan"- D^ano^x jsb siid^'-qSn I^kpb .nsDN^e^K anxio

76^ xb^i prD^:3nrD!^N ddh nh'^n bvi nm n^s: nnni sbpy n^oD'i bi^^hba

npi -Bi ,no^Sj;n npi ^d fiiD^^E^^x an'bv nr^ np p-oil^j/bx pno n-in in

ipnyi 'Ei* b Pp'pn |j? nn3' eiiDb'sSx njn n^xn^i ,NnvD-i np rnDoijD

^D "^JVN i^NT nSx 'bpvba D3xnSN3 'L- ^D "^y xn-inSx 3^t3""i nban' xSi

'K' b^ IX1T13 1^ px 101 D ^ 3 n r: S X ^ X p B .xny^o: Di^ybx ^3 pna

myxDD xbo nijy ^31^X3 in D'bsi n'b]} jxmn xi^ xjyc b^\ nijibx 'S

pibpo^x -inx ^Bnpni ^c' ^3 ^b ixmn^x 3^:2 mon 1x3 xSx imi "yi

n^n"'3^x DnSxyBX3 'yn n^Sx 'bx p^ipnobx nnonpn 10 pnto 'b j^d^xd^x

'^D |X Dbancbx n^x nx n\n f) 1 d S ^ b b x b x p b .n"":»-ibx onpxbijxi

"B nbpobx bn© XDi ,:xbybx -toy jxri:Sx noxs inc yoD' xca pnv pniiy nny •bxB n-^ia nnxi omip"- ponxino ix'^^y nyxoj bno xbx ahyba

ini jx"'Dybx jxtj* T'bpnbx nx ,-\ip oibybx "-b T'bpnbxb mv d'^i y-DJ^x

JXT'D in ixnnabx nx mni* jxnin '^' b^b na^^t: 'Ix x!^x /p-pnnSx nxjn

lxn-13 ah njy oby bai njitiD^x noionobx x'trxbb ixrtD^x bnos mbybx

x'? jxmabx 2^X0 jx xpn d^D'H^d^x bxpB .n^bx nanbx D^ba n'-bx

n^'x njxi nnnnmc p nnp ix XB^Ji^xi x'3:xSx name -b xbx TpliD^-'Bbx n:ynB --ux m^yn 'n nx n^mc^x -jbn jy nvp ciid^'B^x

xB^D^xi x"bixbx"i n^ajxbx man xoa -ntoxb axtsi "-de: naxtD }xbx Sxpi

xbx DnDJj XJ3X 'bv noxnobx "xbin ipiB"" i6 nx ''3i!?do in -|!^xn nba

n^'ODxbx 'B Dnanxno nabnix ^nnbi n'bv in xo 'by n:ibx nan' yon

'DBJ 3'Dn xba^ nuibx 'b annanyo nnxnt: nnp "bv xobyi x"bixi x^njx

,njnn 'pmx ^byb nnxnobx nnn p ^nanno px cbyx "nn noxD 'bvi

x?Dn ^jnaoni xobybx p -nnpn "by najn nbx obanobx n^x "ibhoD xb

l^nxj 'nnnnjD 'bx \nn3n xb ijxn obyn obi ,Dxb3bx p n^by nnpn

nyno i»by nbx ,Dn3nxnrD3 iddhx ix abxt^ xjx nbx x»bybx nnnno

namobx nin nbt^i fiiob^Bbx n"x ^b xdi d b a n d b x b x p -xpn nuibx

nbyx in p pnt2 "b iboxi }xnnabxD 'K' ba xp^pn abia ly nvpa 'lybx

nbvn D'b xo abcn xbi pban in bnp p mbybx p nb nnpn xd3 *i3d

,njxnbx p ci^^y abo^ pa xbx n:y ibxrio xdi/i'b o'b xv'-x 'ynnoni

noobx baj p n^nx nb b^-^a noobx ba: nba bxp inba px nb b'pe

innw -jbip pa nnpx Dibybx p impa FjiDb^ebx n^'N naa ,5rybK abon


"linn -D nr ah naoobN Dxbbx nn c) i d !? ^ d b n b x p d .v^^^x

KOJNi ntyn^K yr: pibion d^^ prha jx nbno^x n"N oSyxD kj-i'33 nia^x

pnt3 "bx xnn'^ k^n n^iba Dspo 'd linj obi Nnvyn f'yn ^Sx nSpy

i^nxa aba p'S' d-^ nx "i^y nyn x-'U'xSx p^xpni jxmnSx mnni nnbx

nni^ipy !)vn D^i nhu^q dn3 nai in^nninx dxj ddi mD-i xo3 D^ybx

["IDT D^ano^x n^-'X x' iinxa ixmabx -ivpo ^jyx xn^iyn "^^x x^x

ixma^x in xo ciiy xb ^x^ibx ynxn nx i^s'd ynnxi p^xpn'^xi jxmnbS

iX33xbxi ;xn-i2^x "iiDnn oi^^nn^x n^x njy i^nro xoi np'pn^x "n xo x^"i

xcbs /Xniiirn"^ ddc^x py nn nbta nix bnp 'iSx xs^^x ^no xb n^^y

^xcxT b'b!?x3 xbx -inif' xb "ibxnbi xmji "'xi nxr |x si^n njo nn^J

JX3 D^ano^x n"x 'jd i^ mi^^o^xa ,1^^ '^li'^i ixmaSx |y inyn nan

'3 "I^^axD n-bpn^x ix Dibybx p x^'t* yoon Tin xb 'nn "I'jnx non

n'bpn!?x )XD njy xdxi ,i!? n^sv ^x"'d!?xd ibxn p i^by )>p:xtDi i^x-i

bxps .nxDiono^xa nanyobx x^c'xSxa xo'd xb Di^ybx pp^x

'jx hpni "anno p-ion aSon "ipina eiiD!)''D^x n^x ix-ix d S d n d ^ x

p "ibxn 2^X0 nix i:x D^yn d^ bpvba Dan |y nivxi bx-'abx yanx

ciiyn xb nbx nxSinjoSxi ,x^xoa on^^xa nxsnyob^^ in^oDn n^apbx

"D D3xn -]b D'h^ 5ixba nni .vhp]} n^oon xv-x ayn nya jxma^xa xSx

ch xo np^pn bx^abx in •'•ibx lyooa abt:n iJX x^x noxb ro n^ax ba

nan ^xpi piid^''d!)x inve .n^oni^xi n-^bx^aSx Dxanxbxa n'lxn

••Spy^x oaxnbx ix nnpx n^n p didj^x a^tsn nnai pnbx naiyo in

nDiyo^ l^xnbi rn^nb ^a rhn' np-io^i n^^x 'orha oaxnbx air abtD'

bpybx px' Pi^as rxnb xpa xb n^^jxs mnxn nxDionoSx nsiyo jx bpySx

bx njy xnni xjcn xS xo'xn n^^pxa xnjxc nxbipyo^x xdxi ,xn'!?x

n^'rp'bx n^'^p-'pn'^x pnxiabx nraxp xo 'bv nj-n ^a ryxi niby^x 'd namo

n"x inan-iD "ivjxd ,)XDjx in n^n p jxDJxbx n'XJ in nni ."^bai "bv

^DDX 'B "iDDJ ihn IK' xba n^XB namo^x nnn "ba DX^pSxa D^ano!?x

riB-iytD ^B -[:d ^ivi^ 'ba inxTxioa -ja^p pya mvj |x i^xn pbaxobx

"bv "ion Dana nui^x '3 ijo pjiyx x^ ^ipn IJX x^x DnS^^x nuiSx

px-iyxbx nxni pJJo ins n^nj -iiia p jxb l^^y 'nln nSoa nxnuiobx xhx

jB'nb 11X1 i^x^ itJ'n D'DB' n^riD 'b ^xnox ^n xoby ibxp nai ,n:o

[0 Six!?x itjSk -13K 'D ^"? '1 lai xoa pra^ano^S xvx xaai


IKQ ,;N^:ivbxi ,iNiDjbx name ^d xpan nSi !?prbx DDna Danxi x^bybs

n X : n D X -r : sn .p-ioxibx jo naa xnna-in ixi pt^xD^s p n^a

(' y^on xoK nb bxpi naabxa D^jnobx

HMS 'XT ppjx 'bx nnn 'jcid'i n^j p (?) m nv^x xnx^x vddx 'J133

nnvxjbx 'misro bxpi nijabx nxix nn .nn^vj^xa x:y3 obni 'jy

I'by^ 1^ 3r NO [read: ^Qnyxi] (-iDiyi) iD^yx D^Dnobx n^'x Pipn ijxn

mn '^x 'pmx '^yb ipno 'jrjbyn fipn »i"idS*d^x n^x njxi Dibybx 'D

ciiob'B^xi n53^x yo dW cbno^x obi i'j'n .xnnsy! nbxji:-nbx

XD3 'in: ncnsi c'-nbx nn 'a ivx:^x n"x ixd }xq ninbx D^y d^j

in i^xne xonjo nnxi b^ p-ij nonsi p-nxnno^x pnxn pn -|'bx nn'pbx

nxonpo p '^ba r^j^ipj^ba 's C b"] "\ dx^di .pynirD^x p njvi aitebx

^"T lb p-isnpi iNjn ^xp xo iv:xd -nmvp xd 'Sy xnj iry' pobanoSx

.C Sx'i^xi Spybx D3n pn n^npoSx nnn 'e

') He undoubtedly had ch. LXIII of Dalalath al-Haiiin vol. I in


^) Here about eight words are illegible in the MS.

') He means Maimiini in the Moreh I chapter 73, in the eleventh

Proposition niLJ'y HnXH^^X noipo^X; see Arabic text in Munk's "LeGuide" etc. I, 116a, ff.

*) Ibidem, in the HlK'Xybx fionpo^x (p- 113a, ff.).



3S Kohut, Alexander1225 Notes on a hitherto unknowna65 exegetical, theological and

philosophical commentary to tbPentateuch




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o=QE===>-1 f S5^< ——CD T-

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