AniMap: An Interactive Visualization Supporting Serendipitous Discovery of Information about Anime


Transcript of AniMap: An Interactive Visualization Supporting Serendipitous Discovery of Information about Anime


It is a challenging task for interaction designers to find a way to design a digital artefact

supporting serendipitous discovery. Its interdisciplinary nature requires sufficient knowledge of

information visualization, social navigation and serendipity. Based on literature review and prior

relevant works, several traces having potential to aid such exploration were defined. Through

creating and testing AniMap, an interactive graph visualization for discovering new anime clips,

in this thesis I argue that such an artefact has the potential to support serendipitous discovery,

owing to its features of being information visualization, interactive and in a graph layout,

coupled with users’ personal interests. Even so, finding details of how to influence

serendipitous discovery remain an ongoing challenge considering the dynamic nature of


Keywords – interaction design, serendipitous discovery, interactive graph visualization,

information visualization, serendipity, social navigation


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.1. Research Question ........................................................................................................... 2

2. Research Framework .............................................................................................................. 3

2.1. Information Visualization ................................................................................................. 3

2.1.1. Graph Visualizations ................................................................................................. 4

2.1.2. Interactive Visualizations .......................................................................................... 5

2.2. From Recommender Systems to Social Navigation ........................................................ 8

2.2.1. Social Navigation....................................................................................................... 9

2.3. Serendipity ......................................................................................................................11

2.4. Related Work ...................................................................................................................14

2.5. Research Method ............................................................................................................20

2.5.1. Data Sources ............................................................................................................20

2.5.2. Data Analysis ............................................................................................................20

3. Design Process .......................................................................................................................21

3.1. Ideation and Exploration .................................................................................................21

3.1.1. Users and Scenarios ................................................................................................21

3.1.2. Existing Information about Anime ...........................................................................22

3.1.3. Various Visualizations ..............................................................................................24

3.2. Analysis and Development ..............................................................................................27

3.2.1. Drawing a Graph ......................................................................................................29

3.2.2. Development ............................................................................................................34

3.3. Phase 3: Evaluation and Results .....................................................................................35

3.3.1. Alpha Version ...........................................................................................................35

3.3.2. Beta Version .............................................................................................................41

3.3.3. Design Proposal .......................................................................................................46

4. Conclusion and Discussion .....................................................................................................51

4.1. Discussion .......................................................................................................................52

4.2. Future work .....................................................................................................................53

Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... 1

References ...................................................................................................................................... 2

Appendix ........................................................................................................................................... i

Anime Resources in English ........................................................................................................ i

Interview Questions ...................................................................................................................... i

HTML Source Code ...................................................................................................................... iii


1. Introduction

‘How do I find a new anime clip worth watching?’

This was the initiating question for my research, which then evolved into the present thesis.

Further detailing the initial inquiry, watching an anime, which is worth viewing, requires much

effort from a person, for example, searching databases, looking up Wikipedia entries, asking

around on forums and then locating the content online to finally view the video material.

However, even after all these steps, viewers may still find something that was unsatisfactory

and the aforementioned process starts over again. This matter touches upon many problem

domains such as entertainment or information seeking; however, this thesis focuses instead on

information visualization, navigation paradigms (such as recommender systems and social

navigation) and serendipitous discovery.

Information visualization is an interesting focus domain considering current search interfaces

are almost exclusively textual: they require users to input their query in order to present a list

without any semantic meaning to them, and have limited capability of showing relations

between individual items. During the present research, the emphasis shifted more towards the

qualitative and quantitative aspects of the existing connections between the items represented

within the visualization.

Social navigation is another compelling field of research, discussed in the present thesis in

order to get a better understanding of the potential of combining it with serendipitous

discoveries. We investigate recommender system theories first, followed by studies of social

navigation to further unveil the attributes of a collaborative approach, in order to make design

suggestions that could facilitate this perspective.

Serendipitous discovery, and serendipity in general, is a very inviting and challenging research

subject. Academia does not have extensive literature on this topic (yet), and even fewer papers

can be found that take both serendipity and interaction design into consideration. Additionally,

serendipity has a provocative and fluid nature, as in how to define it and, from a designer’s

perspective, what qualities and attributes should be included in such a design artefact.

Last but not least, I chose the genre of anime because, besides the fact that all data is

accessible online, setting the focus on TV in general seemed too massive for such a project as


this. Instead, a small but interesting niche (ie. anime) could be well suited for an academic

discussion of this magnitude, and had the benefit of some fans being very engaged with the

content (eg. Eng, 2002). Furthermore, due to the fact that a large volume of anime is published

on a regular basis with relevant meta-information and user generated content available, it

seemed fruitful to design an interactive interface for letting people have intriguing experiences

with the material.

1.1. Research Question

Integrating the designer’s perspective into the original question, a more adequate question

would be: how to design such an interface? In other words, the research question can be

articulated from a social aspect and considering anime as its context:

How to design a digital artefact to support serendipitous discovery?


2. Research Framework

In this chapter, three relevant research areas are examined. The scope of the first is

information visualization, as my design is fundamentally of a kind, which surveys graphs and

interactive visualizations as a divergent genre more in depth. It was hinted in the literature that

interactive visualizations can be an attractive choice to facilitate serendipitous discovery with

great chance, therefore making a comprehensive survey is reasonable. Secondly, two navigation

paradigms are elaborated to a limited extent to give a theoretical insight and provide possible

design suggestions. Thirdly, serendipity is discussed as one of the focus points of my research.

After covering all three research areas, related works will be examined, followed by the

research method.

2.1. Information Visualization

It is almost a cliché that visualizations are important to cope with the information overload that

surrounds us. Visualizations enable people to quickly overview many information bits as a

whole, while inviting us to see stories that data can tell (Fry, 2008). Stories, by their nature, lead

our imagination into a space that was unknown to us before, a place where we can meet brave

or evil people, mysterious objects, and sometimes elements we cannot place into any category,

something unexpected that surprises us. In other words, stories possess possibilities for

serendipitous discoveries.

Information visualizations have impact on our minds much like stories, due to the fact that the

outcome is usually not predictable, or by rearranging the information to provide additional

insight (Spence, 2001). There are two main conclusions from this statement.

Firstly, a conclusion is that not being able to tell the outcome is a good soil for serendipitous

discoveries, in order to have a fresh ground where people can ‘grow’ their thoughts freely, with

the possibility of taking new, unexpected turns.

Another conclusion is the notion of using visualizations as a continuous activity, where users

create their own internal mental model of the artefact helping them to formulate and execute

their browsing strategy. Rearrangement, in this context, can be seen as an algorithm that

enables people to view the same information in a different way by changing the presentation


(Spence 2001). This algorithm further enables people then to actively engage users, lets them

have their own way of interpreting the visualized information as an internal cognitive model.

2.1.1. Graph Visualizations

This mental model is visualized by a graph layout in AniMap, and in order to get a better

understanding how such designs operate, the field of graph visualization needs to be discussed

in more details.

We can find a decent survey of graph layouts written by Gibson et al. (2012), where they examine

the aesthetic and algorithmic aspect. They mention that drawing a graph can help make better

sense of the structure of relationships, rather than viewing data in tabular form. Gibson et al.

(2012) argue that the layout and the arrangement of a graph influence how users perceive the

relationships within such an artefact. Blythe et al. (1995) also touch upon similar observations

featuring centrality, prominence and other attributes of the nodes (circles) and edges (lines

connecting the circles). This implies that when designing a graph, it should be noted which

features or attributes are highlighted in order to support serendipitous discoveries (eg.

relationship between items).

Ideally, upon perceiving a graph, its purpose is to represent the structure of a graph visually so

users are enabled to see relationships, such as patterns and outliers (Perer and Shneiderman,

2008). This argument could be seen as a basis for Bezerianos et al. (2010:1) where they mention

regarding their multivariate visualization design, GraphDice (see Figure 1), that ‘detecting,

understanding and identifying unexpected patterns’ (2010:1) can take place and Gibson et al.

(2012) makes the association true for graphs in general. If we take this into consideration, then

it would seem that the unexpectedness of the patterns could be beneficial, if not crucial, for

serendipitous discovery by presenting a new and surprising association.


Figure 1. The Graphical User Interface of GraphDice (Bezerianos et al. 2010)

In order to understand why users employ information visualizations in casual context, Sprague

and Tory (2012) elaborate on users’ motivations through their Promoter-Inhibitor Motivation

Model. With their study, they found out that users continuously perform cost-benefit evaluation

when using visualizations and identified factors influencing such artefacts along their usage as

promoters encouraging or inhibitors discouraging it. What they conclude is that their

participants were always achieving a goal, even if it was curiosity. Out of the five defined

promoters (personal interest, usefulness, aesthetics and self-reflection, reduced learning

costs, communities and socializing) they recognized that personal relevance is the most


This observation has the potential of confirming that people who like anime would probably use

AniMap and overcome the initial difficulties of learning and using the visualization by the drive of

personal interest.

2.1.2. Interactive Visualizations

Up until now, there was no difference between static and interactive artefacts; still, many

researchers have realized (Buja et al., 1991; Becker et al., 1995; Matsushita and Kato, 2001) that

dynamic visualizations have more potential (and are suited) for visualizing networks and


exploring and understanding data sets. Unfortunately, even the more recently published

literature fails to make this distinction (eg. Gibson et al., 2012).

User studies of the original dynamic query interface (Ahlberg and Shneiderman, 1994) support

the claim of ‘tight coupling’ facilitates explorative behaviour, thus serendipitous discovery, and

even going further to describe it as a principle for visual information seeking. An example can

be seen in Figure 2, with (alpha)sliders and genre buttons.

Figure 2. Dynamic Queries in FilmFinder (Ahlberg and Schneiderman, 1994)

From an interaction design point of view, the term ‘pliability’ was introduced by Löwgren (2007)

through Sens-A-Patch (Figure 3), which is closely related to tight coupling. As a use quality

attributed to interactive visualizations, he implies that such artefacts could be seen as a

different interaction design genre than static information visualization. According to him, pliable

interaction has an immersive element to itself (pp.1762) because of the ‘tight connection

between action and outcome, the pseudo-tactile sense of manipulating the interface and

shaping the information, the sense of being drawn into the material under exploration – all of

this points to a rather highly involved and immediate experience at the focus of attention.’


Figure 3. Pliability envisioned in Sens-A-Patch (Löwgren, 2007)

Relating to tight coupling and pliability, Spence (2001:70) mentions that ‘real-life problems

invoke dynamic exploration thanks to lack of knowledge and therefore formulating a problem is

as important as solving it.’ According to him, visualizations are meant to support both activities

while showing information in a relevant way so that dynamic queries can contribute the problem

articulation process.

Tight coupling, pliability and dynamic queries are all important to serendipitous discoveries

because they provide multiple visual paths or entry points by the rearrangement of information

and thus raise the probability for serendipitous discovery. By this same notion, we can say that

interactivity adds another dimension to support such explorations, and confirms Löwgren’s

argument (2007:1761), that there is a ‘tendency of more pliable interactive visualizations to

encourage exploration of the underlying data and to create conditions for serendipitous

discoveries.’ This said, it can be argued that interactive visualizations have great potential for

aiding serendipitous discovery.

Dörk et al. (2008) also mention dynamic queries as an integral part of interactive visualizations,

further supporting the notion as being part of interactive visualizations, and argue that this

genre improves the exploration of data with the notion of swift and playful approach. Interactive

visualizations are discussed by them to elaborate on coordinated visualizations for web-based


information explorations and discoveries through their working prototype, VisGets. They arrive

from web-based search interfaces and provide multiple visualizations (cf. Thudt et al., 2012)

that facilitate temporal, spatial and topical data filters. Their reason to design a prototype was

to enable ‘information seekers to orient themselves within online information spaces and to

incrementally build complex filtering queries’ (pp. 7). As a consequence of this design decision

the focus is more on (exploratory) search and filtering, in other words interacting, than about

(explicit) serendipitous discoveries. However, the chance of spotting something unexpectedly is

not excluded if a person comes with an open mind (eg. Roberts, 1989). Their main contribution

to interactive visualizations (and to interaction design) is what they call ‘weighted brushing’ to

represent varying degrees of relatedness between items. (see Figure 5 at the chapter on related


2.2. From Recommender Systems to Social Navigation

Interactivity suggests that visualizations are not static, but rather change dynamically upon user

input. As a consequence of this change, there are more than one ways to explore the artefact –

suggesting a usage that is, for the sake of clarity and consistency, labelled as navigation. Within

AniMap, this activity materializes in user recommendations and other social meta data that

determine fundamental attributes of the layout, and are thus relevant to the research field of

recommender systems and social navigation.

We have all probably seen at least an example of recommender systems such as Amazon’s

‘people who bought this also bought that’, or the one behind the movie recommendations for

Netflix. These systems have complex algorithmic calculations to automate what users would

probably like to consume, in order to increase profit or enhance service quality. From the

amount of research done in this area, it can be safely said that it is an ongoing and very

stimulating concern.

Resnick and Varian (1997) introduce the term ‘recommender systems’ based on previous

studies (eg. Resnick et al. 1994; Shardanand and Maes, 1995). They made a brief, yet very

insightful reflection by comparing five products with built-in recommendations along the

implications and challenges of trustworthiness of the recommendations, for example. More

relevantly, they mention the problem of recommending for people with different tastes

(similarly to Shardanand and Maes, 1995) and how users can receive recommendations only


after having a decent profile set up. By their definition, recommender systems use the insights

of a user community to help individuals within that group identify content of interest from a

potentially overwhelming set of choices more effectively. This definition is not far from social

navigation, with the subtle, nevertheless ‘game-changing’ fact that traces are generated

automatically, not by users.

Recommender systems raised questions of how they could support serendipitous discoveries by

automating recommendations (cf. Herlocker et al., 2004). After evaluating existing solutions,

Herlocker et al. make a practical distinction between novelty and serendipity. Their definition of

the first is that a user already knows an attribute of the item, for example has a favourite

director, but has not seen a movie from him, and using the same example, the latter is when a

user discovers a new movie from a director who was not known previously. In their terms,

serendipity means to recommend something that is both attractive and surprising, and

consequently broadens a user’s taste over time. As a conclusion, they state that there is no

overlap between recommender systems and serendipitous discoveries: ‘the potential for

serendipitous recommendations is one facet of collaborative filtering that traditional content-

based information filtering systems do not have’ (pp. 39). However, driven by instinct, we can

argue that these systems can support serendipitous discoveries, although to a limited extent

(eg. similar items that not necessarily broaden the user’s taste). Further hypothetical questions

could be asked, as to where the border of broadening is and to what extent this action should or

could be used or forced. However, this discussion is not in the scope of this thesis.

From this discourse of recommender systems, we can conclude that the relationship between

them and serendipitous discovery is an ongoing matter, with literature contributing to the

present research.

2.2.1. Social Navigation

In addition to recommender systems, another navigation type is the social navigation paradigm,

which started to emerge in early forms alongside recommender systems. Researchers note

that ‘user filtering’ is something that suggests social navigation (Goldberg et al., 1992) or that

‘unoriented wandering’ (Dieberger, 1997) is something that relates to a prerequisite state of

mind for serendipity.


Dieberger et al. (2000:3) extend the definition with information traces, as the information about

what others are doing guide and inform (but not control) a decision. The notion of leaving traces

of information to guide people who are facing a similar issue are, by their intentions, mainly

designed for repeated problems. The latter can be related to the notion of finding an anime clip

worth watching.

They also bring up that personalization (eg. the notion of a user being in the centre of the focus)

and dynamism (eg. something that is not pre-planned or have undefined outcome, cf. Spence,

2001) is how advice is given to the ‘navigator’ and that recommendation paths should be

transformable. The latter can be interpreted with the example of a forest path – the more

people walking on it, the more visible it gets. They even go further by questioning the existence

of one so-called path if there is nobody using it. In accordance with this and Lindstedt et al.’s

(2009) research, Löwgren (in press) also articulates that social navigation is solely reasonable

when the aiding social cues change with time, and that this type of navigation can materialise in

numerous forms, from locating a most popular item and following the advice of those similar to

us to following those who are experts in the field.

Dieberger et al. (2000:10) clearly define that recommender systems, which use traces of other

people with similar taste, are clearly different, and should be distinguished from social

navigation, which turns 'information spaces we have now into more humane environments.’

Another piece of relevant social navigation research was OurNewsOurWays (Lindstedt et al.,

2009), where the researchers introduced a navigation system with social implications or

attributes. They argue that 'successful navigation and access mechanisms emerging in the

online communities all draw heavily on social mechanisms and participation' (pp. 19). This

would be a valid reason for basing such a system on anime, which has devoted and engaged

users across the world.

They also refer to tribes as social units (also in eg. Maffesoli 1990 and Godin, 2008), as a

'relatively small group of people who know each other and are willing to do things for each

other, secure in the knowledge that their altruism will be reciprocated.' Lindstedt et al.

distinguish this type of navigation from large-scale anonymous social navigation mechanisms

(eg. Amazon or Netflix). They also draw attention to using social metadata (explicit links,

comments and activity) combined with factual metadata, what they call conventional meta data


(content annotations or tags, date, time and location). Their emphasis on connecting friends

together with only partially overlapping interests and provide an extra layer of 'pathfinders'

(named 'leaders' in Godin, 2008), people whose activity can be followed. Furthermore, it adds a

valid argument for raising the chance of spotting something unexpected but genuinely

interesting, which notion is valuable for supporting serendipitous discoveries.

2.3. Serendipity

Serendipity, according to its original meaning from Horace Walpole (Remer, 1965: 20), refers to

heroes who 'were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were not

in quest of.' In everyday life we usually tend to associate the term with the joyful and unexpected

aspects, and sagacity is more often than not neglected or pushed to the background (cf. Thudt

et al. 2012).

Scholarly writing about the subject is quite limited, though descriptive and invaluable for the

research of the present thesis. It is mentioned in research papers, mainly centred on

information seeking and exploration (Erdelez, 1999; Cooksey, 2004; Lawley and Tompkins, 2008;

McCay-Peet and Tom, 2010; Rubin et al. 2011) from an empirically grounded theory viewpoint

(Foster and Ford, 2003; Makri and Blandford, 2012) and from a visualization perspective (Thudt

et al., 2012) or with an interdisciplinary nature (de Bruijn and Spence, 2008).

Erdelez (1999) examines (serendipitous) information encounters within the context of library

and information science. She presupposes passive and opportunistic browsing along with the

already known active and problem oriented attributes for information encounters. According to

her argument, serendipity appears in two contexts of activity, namely browsing and

environmental scanning.

Erdelez recognizes the importance of the role of personal characteristics in serendipity by

arguing prior to information encounters users may be in ‘information acquisition mood’,

followed later by similar acknowledgments and affirmation from several other researchers

(Foster and Ford, 2003; Cooksey, 2004; Lawley and Tompkins, 2008; McCay-Peet and Tom, 2010;

Makri and Blandford, 2012). By further characterizing four tentative groups of users, she hints

that different types of personalities invoke different level of serendipity.


These observations suggest that browsing is more related to serendipity than searching and

further implies prerequisite personality traits or qualities. However, descriptors of the

phenomenon are rather explained in a limited manner, and need further detailing and validation

through empirical exploration.

Foster and Ford (2003) conducted such an empirical study to capture the existence of

serendipity amongst interdisciplinary researchers. Additionally, they differentiated many levels

and types of serendipity, which can be consciously influenced. They conclude that it can go

beyond a purely accidental nature and can be actively sought to some extent. Thus they hint at

serendipity is something more active, yet still operating at the boundaries of consciousness.

Foster and Ford also mentioned that serendipity depends upon the behaviour and skills involved

and they took note of certain attitudes and strategic decisions that proved to be effective for

their participants in grasping serendipity. Some influencing factors are deliberate randomness,

persistence, adjacencies (in the context of library usage) and influence of information systems

(ie. logical order of a library). They observed user attitudes supporting serendipity such as

consciously being open and receptive to information encounters, and conscious strategic

decisions to step back and take a broader view.

De Bruijn and Spence (2008) make a relevant distinction between opportunistic and involuntary

browsing, the former being intentional, yet the user is unaware of any goal being pursued (“let’s

see what’s there”). The latter in contrast, is unintentional, though the user is still unaware of

any latent goal that might be pursued. For example, a user’s eye gaze, naturally moving rapidly

between a series of fixations, serendipitously fixates on an information item that may lead to the

answer to her query. Makri and Blandford (2012) also outlined several factors that served as a

good basis for serendipity based on their empirical results, such as being relaxed, alert, in a

good mood and willing to deviate from the current task.

De Bruijn and Spence (2008:2) argue that while searching (or for example formulating a search

query) the ‘user always has to be consciously aware of both the need for information and the

means of its acquisition. This is an interesting parallel to the findings of Foster and Ford (2003)

about users having a mindset and stressing the importance of to what extent is a person

conscious when discovering information serendipitously


McCay-Peet and Toms (2010) introduce ‘bisociation’, a surprining association between two

different and previously unconnected pieces of information. How they describe this action and

finding a solution covers certain aspects of serendipitous discovery, the process, however, is

rather vague, and neglects the procedural nature of the phenomenon, and influencing such an

environment (in ways as introduced by Foster and Ford) would seem impossible.

Makri and Blandford argue (2012:2) that ‘different people have different understandings of

serendipity and these understandings are likely to change and perhaps evolve as they are

challenged by new (and different) experiences.’ This contributes to the difficult nature of the

phenomenon and adds a dynamic layer to our understanding of the phenomenon.

They accumulated several models as a basis for their empirically grounded framework,

borrowing from two models in particular. One framework, that strongly influenced their work is

authored by Lawley and Tompkins (2008), who grasped the process nature of serendipity.

Another model was used in order to describe the essence of serendipity (Rubin et al., 2011).

When Rubin et al. mentions the notion of serendipity separately the conclusion can be drawn

that as a ‘reframing of events,’ an experience can only be considered serendipitous upon

reflection (Makri and Blandford, 2012:3). They designate the outcome of a discovery as an

‘iterative process of projecting the potential value of the outcome, taking action to exploit this

connection and reflecting on the value gained’ (pp. 7). According to the researchers, the latter

argument implies that the value of the outcome can be apparent only with time. This model is

very informative and valuable, especially for its notion of combining the procedural and

reflective nature of serendipity. We can argue that, using their own findings, another empirical

study would show different aspects of serendipity depending how participants approach the


From a visualization point of view Thudt et al. (2012) also considers serendipity to be more than

just coincidence. Their factors, drawn from literature review, are personal traits, observational

skills, knowledge, perseverance, environmental factors, coincidence and influence of people

and systems. This is a decent summary, yet we cannot find additional elements of serendipity

and they also miss the procedural and reflective parts. Their main contribution is the notion of

how serendipity can be supported through information visualizations.


We can conclude that while serendipity is ‘by definition not particularly susceptible to

systematic control and prediction' (Foster and Ford 2003:26), such experiences can be,

however, supported while knowing the existence of certain prerequisite skills or attributes

needed from people. We also identified that the definition of serendipity is dynamic and far from


2.4. Related Work

There are many examples that cover one or some aspects of AniMap listed in this section;

however, there are two closely related works that are mentioned first and in more depth, as

they utilize interactive visualization (Dörk et al. 2008) or connect that to serendipity (Thudt et al.


Bohemian Bookshelf, as shown in Figure 4, is a first and daring attempt to draw the connection

between information visualization and serendipitous discoveries. Thudt et al. propose the

artefact as a possible solution to their five proposed design goals based on literature of

information and library sciences. According to them, information visualizations supporting

serendipitous discoveries should

i. offer multiple visual access points by providing visualizations of different perspectives

on the collection,

ii. highlight adjacencies between items,

iii. provide flexible visual pathways for exploring,

iv. entice curiosity through abstract, metaphorical, and visually distinct representations of

the collection, and

v. enable a playful approach to information exploration.

Their idea of designing for serendipity is thus literature-driven and their results showed that

people have a diverse image of what is serendipity and how it could be implemented (cf. Foster

and Ford, 2003; Makri and Blandford, 2012). Unfortunately, the use context was not thoroughly

discussed or the fact why they decided on designing for a large touch-interactive display. They

concluded (pp. 7) that the short average interactions time, which was around a minute (1’06’’), is

‘realistic in libraries where visitors often approach information displays spontaneously.’ This

argument raises questions as what other studies they used as a reference, if they deliberately


designed the artefact for short duration and if there were people who tried Bohemian Bookshelf

several times within the user test period. Additionally, as the artefact was a physical

installation, and as such involves placement, it would be reasonable to further inquire about the

logic behind the placement.

Figure 4. Bohemian Bookshelf (Thudt et al. 2012)

AniMap benefited from this work greatly, as it is a very relevant research project that is

unprecedented. Out of the five design goals four were explicitly considered or implemented in

AniMap, with the exception of providing multiple visual access points. This decision was based

on two insights. Firstly, users asked for one visualization at the testing period and secondly, the

fact that exploration of one visualization was not made before in the context of serendipity.

VisGets (Dörk et al., 2008) as a coordinated visualization for web-based information exploration

and discovery is related to AniMap because it utilises an interactive visualization as a means of

information seeking (Figure 5). Serendipity is not discussed by the researchers, they discuss

‘exploratory search’ as an extension of the habit of ‘berrypicking’, which they see as a starting

point with a vague information need that leads to a learning process over time.


In addition to exploratory search, another important feature of their interactive visualization was

the notion of visual information seeking (VIS). They argue (pp. 1206) regarding visualizing large

amount of data that ‘the spatial distribution of items along the attributes that can be filtered

with sliders are not visualized and the whole data necessary for the visualization has to be

loaded at once, making exploration of larger information spaces impossible.’ This remark can

be challenged to a reasonable extent due to the fact that, by now, computational power has

increased considerably since then, and more techniques were implemented in order to visualize

larger dataset more effectively (eg. the D3 framework). Furthermore, scalability usually arises

when talking about visualizing collections (just see previous example), however scaling down or

limiting the number of visible objects is a possible solution for coping large amount of data.

Figure 5. VisGets (Dörk et al. 2008)

From a technical angle, the web-based essence of VisGets is notable and a similar architecture

could be considered as the information about anime can be gathered online. We should note

that this solution does not require any browser extensions, thus can be set as a preferred over

other solutions (eg. Java-based applications) requiring users to install additional extensions. By

their addition of colours, sliders, buttons, advanced mouse hover effects and multiple facets, a

reasonable question could be asked of how users would perceive using the product along the

cost-benefit axes (cf. Sprague and Tory, 2012).


What connects Bohemian Bookshelf and VisGets together is the fact that both neglect the fact of

graph layout as a visualization type. However, we can see that there are examples that use

graph layout or clustered layout (Vlachos and Svonava, 2013) that merit from information

technology and more oriented towards the idea of recommender systems.

Two web-based examples with interactive graph include Visual Thesaurus and LivePlasma.

Firstly, is an interactive small-scale graph for exploring dictionary

entries, with one word in the centre, and related expressions around it (Figure 6). As a

standalone product, it has an immersive effect that entices curiosity, supported by additional

options. This can be considered as a canonical example for interactive graph visualization.

Figure 6. Visual Thesaurus

Secondly, (Figure 7) provides an interactive graph visualization that allows

users to explore music, movies or books after inputting a query first with a catchy tagline

stating that ‘discovery is the new search.’ However, by requiring input from users that defines

the entry point, we can safely say that this notion is not designed to support ‘just browsing’ or

serendipitous discoveries. Pliability, or tight coupling, materialises in two ways. Hovering over

an item presents actions to each node and clicking on an action, when applicable, instantly


triggers audiovisual material (in the form of an embedded Youtube video) within the browser


Figure 7. Playing Adele’s Daydreamer

Two additional examples should be mentioned as they give supplementary insight about

serendipitous discovery.

One example is (Figure 8), where a user is presented with multiple facets at the

entry point. Out of these facets, one could be labelled as ‘mood matrix’, which helps users

defining a starting point for their discovery. Users can immediately recognise the simple and

familiar Cartesian matrix visualization and use it naturally. After selecting an entry point, the

system creates a playlist of the selected artist by mixing it with recommended authors, thus

users are seamlessly introduced to new artists, allowing them to have serendipitous


However, when it comes to audiovisual material, it should be indicated that longer time frame is

required for exploring videos, and it also suggests that users are supposed to watch them, and

not only listening to the audio playing in the background.


Figure 8. Using the Mood Matrix in Musicovery

Another example is Linked Jazz (Figure 9), where Pattuelli (2012) investigates how Linked Open

Data can be applied to encourage discovering digital cultural heritage materials. It is mainly

relevant because of the similarities in implementation and interactions, which served a valuable

inspiration and resource.

Figure 9. An interactive graph visualization, Linked Jazz


2.5. Research Method

In order to get a hold of the question of how to design a digital artefact to support serendipitous

discovery, the following research sources and analysis was used.

2.5.1. Data Sources

Three types of data sources was employed in the study, (1) mainly from repository perspective,

a compilation of information visualization types in order to ‘map out’ the possibilities of a

projected artefact, (2) an anime database site assembling different kinds of meta information,

and (3) after designing a prototype, user test interviews to evaluate the designed artefact. Each

interview, lasting between thirty minutes and an hour, started with short warm-up questions

that led to a section where users were asked to perform a task to see their reactions, with

follow-up questions wrapping it up. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and

additional comments were made after the interviews to describe the nature of it and to find

behavioural patterns of the interviewees.

2.5.2. Data Analysis

After defining use scenarios to imagine and project ways of potential usage, I listed existing and

available information about anime clips in order to know what can be visualized. From this list,

relevant, limited number of items was chosen that fit the scope of the project. Afterwards, I

gathered various information visualizations (data source no.1) and selected one that had

promising potential for serendipitous discovery. With the data from source no.2, I started

developing a prototype, considering relevant theories to further strengthen the grounding for

the design decisions. In an iterative manner, two working prototypes were made following the

suggestions articulated at the user tests (source no.3) and a final, suggested version is

proposed as a possible design solution having the ability to support serendipitous discovery.


3. Design Process

3.1. Ideation and Exploration

As a first step, to set up the research environment by defining a use quality in order to give a

certain direction to the design study, I chose serendipitous discovery. This decision was

motivated by the small number of relevant academia and by the drive to create a novel way of

discovering new video clips.

In addition to the definition of a use quality for the interactive visualization, it is as much

important to define the potential user group at an early stage to give the project a more solid

grounding and further direct and to customize the visualization to the user needs.

3.1.1. Users and Scenarios

People between the age of 16 and 35 are the ideal user group. They have a habit and confidence

in navigation and browsing online content, and are accustomed to process large amount of

digital information. This could be seen as necessary attribute to understand (complex)

visualizations. The interactive visualization further suggests that its users have at least a

minimal knowledge of anime in order to make sense of the artefact or somewhat have interest

in the field , so they can overcome the initial stages of the learning curve.

When it comes to distinguishing users regarding anime consumption, I made a practical

distinction based on users’ anime watching practices.

One group is called ‘basic users’, who have interest in anime, possibly watched anime series or

films but its members are not regular consumers (eg. watching at least an anime clip in 2-3


Another user group is what I call ‘advanced users,’ who have a more regular routine of watching

anime (eg. in waves that can be daily, weekly or monthly) in any kind of media forms (TV or film).

They might be interested in manga or in Japanese culture in general, but it is not a necessity. A

person at the extreme of this group is called ‘otaku’ and is used by fans in Japanese and

English communities to address each other, however, in the context of the present thesis it


means that such a user is consuming any kind of media or news about anime, manga or

Japanese culture. The term is well discussed amongst many researchers mainly from

sociological and anthropological point of view (eg. Grassmuck, 1990; Eng, 2002) associating

anime fans with hackers and ‘geeks’ to better understand the phenomenon.

I describe two use situations to better understand the context of approaching and having

AniMap in a casual context.

One scenario is when a person, Anna, has seen a few anime, and, as university started, she finds

herself with less time to look for anime clips. She discovers the interactive visualization by a

friend and starts to use it. She begins with selecting familiar episodes and, based on that, she

quickly finds other clips and creates a list of planned-to-watch series. Anna starts with the one

that has the highest rank, thus she discovers another genre that she was not aware of before.

Peter, another user of the interactive visualization, loves anime and spends at least a couple of

hours per week on average watching new video clips. He is active on forums, answering queries

from other people, and discovers the interactive visualization through a forum thread. Peter

spends an hour browsing and making comments and recommendations. He finds some anime

clips that he has not seen and immediately schedules them to watch. He makes several

playlists for his own use and some for public consumption. Peter realises after much positive

feedback that his recommendations were really useful for some people, so he feels more

appreciated and spends even more time making and fine-tuning playlists.

From these scenarios, we can see that both Anna and Peter find the visualization convenient

while using it for slightly different purposes. Furthermore, these scenarios suggest the

potential of serendipitous discovery, finding something new (ie. anime clip) that is put in a

different perspective (through visualization) and is not presented in a common or usual way (ie.

interactive instead of tables and lists) – thus would create a good basis for serendipity.

3.1.2. Existing Information about Anime

After defining the use quality, user groups and sketching scenarios, it is essential to gather

forms of information about anime in order to know what could be visualized or left out from it.

With ‘painting the information canvas,’ we will be able to define an optimum amount of


information that will serve as a base for the visualization. Moreover, it is also valuable to get an

insight of what kind information users choose to have access to in order to further investigate

the basis for the visualization. There are three types of logical information groups: video

footage, meta data and user generated content, as the following.

1. Video Footage

a. opening and ending credits (with songs)

b. video material

2. Meta data

a. factual meta data

i. title

ii. year(s)

iii. staff (producer, voice actor, composer etc.)

iv. type of footage (TV or film)

v. number of episodes

vi. genres and tags

vii. duration

viii. description

ix. cover art

x. related media produced (adaptation, prequel, sequel)

xi. news about media

xii. opening and ending songs

xiii. merchandise available

b. social meta data

i. number of views

ii. ranking / rating

iii. review or testimonial (written or audiovisual)

iv. recommendation (to other video materials)

v. social network pages / entries and related pages (facebook) and

aggregated posts (twitter)


3. User-Generated Content

a. Fan Art

b. Wallpaper

c. Blog post

d. Fan Comic

e. Forum discussion

f. Fan Sub (subtitles for the video material)

g. Fan Club (documents)

h. Cosplay (costume)

i. Miscellaneous (e-card, quiz ...)

As we can see, there are numerous forms of content available that could be included in the

visualization, and it would be valuable to gain insight what forms people use for their anime

discovery process. It should be noted that these forms of content are almost exclusively digital,

and therefore can be collected in direct or representational level (eg. photos).

3.1.3. Various Visualizations

These existing types of information mentioned above serve as contribution for a starting point;

however, there is also the need of getting a sense of what kind of visualizations should be

pursued. As an exploratory effort, I collected or created fourteen types of visualizations in order

to determine what their strong and weak points are. The list of visualizations which have been

sampled are the following: (see Figure 10 below for reference)

1. Cartesian matrix

2. Scatterplot

3. Scatterplot – with connections (like starfield)

4. Histogram

5. Hyperbolic tree

6. Parallel coordinates

7. Treemap

8. Radial treemap


9. Dendrogram (treemap)

10. Keyword tree or ‘tag explorer’

11. Timeline

12. Graph or semantic network

13. Force-directed graph

14. Art cover flow

15. Hierarchical edge bundling

We covered some of the required areas in the exploration phase by defining

• two user groups,

• potential use situations,

• kinds of related information and

• several visualization types.

With having this in mind, it is time to start narrowing down the project in forms of analysing and



Figure 10. Visualization Examples


3.2. Analysis and Development

We have numerous visualizations that could be used for an interactive visualization; however, it

is necessary to select one to be the basis for development. It would be unlikely to test out all of

them within this research project, mainly because of time and resource constraints. Therefore,

based on which visualization could potentially support serendipity more, the amount of

information that it can hold and would best represent the relationship between clips, I chose six

types of visualizations that seemed to fit these criteria. These were grouped in three practical

groups: timeline, tag- explorer and graph layouts (force-directed, semantic network and


One visualization that I selected as a potential candidate for development was timeline (no.11 in

Figure 10 above). Reasons for this type of implementation were that (i) it suggests a very

convenient way for making separations on a temporal level (ii) with the potential of supporting

another dimension (axis) that could be ranking, for example, (iii) browsing the (popular) series

episodic continuations, and (iv) discovering new items on a chronological basis.

I identified four drawbacks for this type of application, as (i) holding very limited number of

represented items, (ii) discovery is restricted to time features with holding limited qualitative

details for each item, (iii) browsing would be possible only on a temporal basis and (iv) it is

mainly suited for regular, most probably advanced users that would exclude the other type of

user group that this supposed to be under consideration. This is why this method was set aside

as an imaginary extension, rather than serving as a basis for development.

Another type of visualization considered for developing was ‘tag explorer’, which basically

realizes keyword tree (no.10 in Figure 10 above). One of the main justifications for embracing

this utilization was that by limiting the number of items radically, it allowed an easy

understanding of the artefact and potentially would not overwhelm the user with massive

amount of information in a similar, yet more organized way to hyperbolic trees. Other reasons

included (i) discoveries along tags or genres that could potentially serve as an educative

feature, (ii) enticing exploration by the notion of the quest-like nature of ‘one step at a time’ that

could be compared to Visual Thesaurus, mentioned at the chapter about related works, (iii)

visualizing titles and some details to be directly accessible without any actions required from

the user and (iv) discoveries can happen along different genre tags, which would suggest


something with the potential of unexpectedness or surprise, potentially resolving in

serendipitous discovery.

Three shortcomings of the tag explorer are that (i) it does not provide an overview, raising the

chance of serendipitous discoveries (eg. Foster and Ford, 2003 or de Bruijn and Spence, 2008)

or visual information seeking (Schneiderman, 1996), (ii) the entry point is questionable,

suggesting some form of input from the user that is not the essence of browsing potentially

leading to serendipitous discovery and (iii) the fact that the relationships between individual

items are not well represented or emphasized. This is why tag explorer was declined as a

potential candidate.

As a third option, graph layout was determined as a promising type of visualization, which was

identified among three examples: force-directed graph, semantic network and scatterplot

(no.13, no.12 and no.3 in Figure 10 above, respectively).

Having a force-directed graph was supported by the arguments that (i) it provides a quick

overview of titles with similar attributes (eg. position and colour) with a reasonable amount of

interconnected items, (ii) a central piece can be dynamically defined as a reference point if

necessary (eg. temporal, topical) as suggested by the sample visualization. The question of how

to represent massive amount of information with this example is a valid argument considering a

force-directed layout, coupled by the fact that no direct access is available for viewing attributes

of the items (eg. title, year, genre, etc.).

Semantic network, as presented in the example, is similar to the aforementioned instance with

the addition that it could be a suitable technique to present massive amount of items having

more advanced referential system (proximity relates to amount of activity between objects, size

stands for popularity and position with the colour embodies similarity attributes such as country

of origin and degree of relation). A shortcoming of this model is that it requires efforts action-

wise (eg. zooming and panning, hovering and clicking), resource-wise (hundreds of thousands of

pictures to present with) and knowledge-wise (eg. n-body simulation theory).

Scatterplot or starfield visualization is another type of visualization loosely related to graph that

was envisioned with visualizing connections upon hovering over an object. Similarly to the two

previously mentioned graph types, it provides a quick overview of many articles with the addition

of adjustable parameters for axes (instead of popularity could be rank, length etc.).


With having surveyed the three practical visualization groups (timeline, tag- explorer and graph

layouts such as force-directed, semantic network and scatterplot) and given the limited

timeframe and knowledge resources force-directed graph layout was chosen in order to give

more space for development.

3.2.1. Drawing a Graph Having chosen a force-directed layout, we should reason about additional design decisions that

lead to development of AniMap.

For example, when considering drawing the graph, it should be discussed why I chose a two-

dimensional (2D) format over a three-dimensional (3D) one. We can find various compilations

from academia (Herman et al., 2000; Teyseyre and Campo, 2009) arguing that 3D graph

visualisation methods have a main integral cognitive paradox, because they require users to

navigate in a 3D space on a 2D screens and with 2D input devices. This is why a 2D graph should

be preferred.

We should also be able to define what interactions could have the potential of influencing

serendipitous discoveries. Interactions like filtering and searching would seem to go against the

nature of serendipity at a first glance, but when it comes to using an interactive visualization,

refining a search query proved to encourage discovering underlying relations in the dataset (ie.

tight coupling in Ahlberg and Schneiderman, 1994, dynamic queries in Spence, 2001 and

pliability in Löwgren, 2007) therefore, it has the potential for supporting serendipitous


Dynamic queries (Spence, 2001) are especially useful, considering the nature of browsing,

because the amount of anime clips is far beyond the capability of human memory. By

discovering previously unknown connections within the compilation, one would be supported in

the mental model creation process, one thus more successfully define a browsing strategy

(Spence, 2001) that would lead to unexpected discovery.

Thudt et al. (2012) suggests highlighting adjacencies between items (also shown in Visual

Thesaurus in the chapter about related works). This resembles the notion of refining search

query, and this should be implemented as a ‘highlighting effect.’ Highlighting could mean, for


example, drawing edges for a hovered item, so only the selected node and its neighbouring

items would be visible. This was also mentioned under the topic of focusing and linking by Buja

et al. (1991) to offer a solution for visual overload.

Gibson et al. (2012) argue that the layout and the arrangement of the nodes influence how the

user perceives the relationships in a graph (also in Blythe et al., 1995). This is important when

designing a graph layout, such as AniMap, as the connectedness of the clips are important to

show and to be easily understandable. Additionally, it is essential to know to what features of

the anime clips should be stressed: for example, their relationship to each other, their

popularity or their genre.

Relevant to dynamic queries, searching in general was explicitly discussed in relation to

visualization by Thudt et al. (2012), where they found that open-ended and targeted browsing

are both significant for discoveries, and people use both of them when exploring a dataset. This

also confirms the fluid nature of serendipity. This would imply building up expectation and

anticipation in the user, aiding the mental model to be built easier.

It cannot be avoided to discuss the nature of similarity. According to the gestalt law of proximity

(Wertheimer, 1923), items close together will be seen as similar, implying that nodes with

considerable similarity should be drawn closer to each other. Inevitably, the question rises as

how to define similarity. For the sake of simplicity, I define similarity as items having the same

genre tags and (the number of) user recommendations. Therefore, if two items have a same tag

they are drawn closer to each other, and if a user recommended one item for another one, then

they also should be drawn in that way.

As mentioned in the section about related works, the question of using multiple visualizations

came up as a solution for supporting explorative search (Dörk et al.) or serendipitous discovery

(Thudt et al.). Despite the theory-based suggestion by Thudt et al. (2012) that creating multiple

visualizations supports serendipitous discoveries they have found out that users often felt the

need for simplicity, and preferred having one visualization instead of many. Dörk et al. did not

reflect upon this matter unfortunately. In addition to the discussion of Thudt et al., another

reason for creating a single artefact is because of the lack of time and knowledge resources. As

a conclusion, I chose to have one visualization with more options.


Most of the literature on serendipity mentions prerequisite skills or state of mind from a person

(eg. Rosenman, 1988; Liestman, 1992; Austin, 2003), which I call ‘serendipity mood’. Also the

use scenarios mentioned in the previous section suggests that a user is in the mental state for

discovery. This raises questions about serendipitous discoveries from interaction design point of

view such as: what kind of interactions support serendipity and pique curiosity? Do interactions

and the presented information raise the level of engagement?

Enticing curiosity is mentioned in Thudt et al. (2012:1), suggesting that it can be reached

through ‘abstract, metaphorical, and visually distinct representations of the collection’. It could

be hard to interpret this statement as a precise design direction; nevertheless, it is supportive

because it hints that visualizing information in a graph layout could support curiosity because it

has all the attributes they mention. Along these lines, they also suggest enabling a playful

approach to information exploration (cf. Dörk et al.). Playfulness is interpreted as interactivity in

the context of the development. This interactive nature enables to change the layout

dynamically, in order to guide users to previously unknown clips.

When it comes to implementing massive amounts of information, all network visualizations are

challenged and few recent propositions were made. A notable exception (Figure 11), being

understandably from the field related to bioinformatics (Krzywinski et al. 2012), is an effort to

visualize biological information in a sensible and understandable manner. However, as

discussed in Sprague and Tory (2012), familiar visualizations presumably require less effort to

recognize, thus giving us reasons why force-directed is a more reasonable choice. This touches

upon scalability, which is also discussed in relation to serendipitous discoveries in Thudt et al.

(2012) where they use information of 250 books. As a conclusion, it should be argued that while

using a force-directed layout, the matter of scalability should be at least considered if not



Figure 11. Hive Plots, as Introduced by Krzywinski et al. (2012)

Social navigation has to be seen as a projected addition to AniMap as it is beyond my

implementation capabilities. In an ideal situation, social navigation traces are visible through,

for example, changing node position and size, edge width and possibly playlists (further details

in the proposed design section); however, as of now, these social cues should be simulated to

avoid possible delays.

I made four implementation scenarios in relation to the amount of information types (listed

under the exploration phase), and to better accommodate my expertise of programming. These

were labelled as bare minimum, enough, good and superb, respectively, and the first three

were accompanied by sketches (see Figure 12 from top to bottom). For instance, a way to

include as much information as possible can be seen at Figure 13, and was the reason for the

birth of the four aforementioned implementation scenarios. The bare minimum scenario was

accepted to allocate enough time resources for the development.


Figure 12. Development scenarions labelled as 'bare minimum', 'enough' and 'good'

Figure 13. One way of implementing having much related information

I also made a quick sketch for representing the usage of a small scale visualization (Figure 14),

resembling Visual Thesaurus, with the intention of solving the issue if there are more than one

type of information available (eg. anime title, director, staff etc.). Clicking on an object would


place that in the centre, rearranging the content of the graph. While this being an attractive

possibility, it was refused because of programming difficulties.

Figure 14. A Possible Way of Handling Multiple Types of Information

3.2.2. Development

Having the ideation, exploration, analysis and sketches in mind, we are set to start coding

AniMap. We should consider the programming framework and formatting the data in order to

visualize it.

Currently there are many ways of implementing a visualization, I chose D3, Data-Driven

Documents, as a programming environment because of my limited knowledge of programming

and the extensive and customisable library of examples, and the easy-to-use API reference. D3

is a JavaScript framework, developed especially for data visualizations with data-driven

approach to DOM manipulation in mind. Another reason for choosing D3 is that all data is

available and accessible online; therefore a web-based visualization makes sense if, in an ideal

situation, it would be scaled up so the information would be dynamically collected and

presented to the user from external websites (databases).


For AniMap, I hand-picked the information of 100 items and for each object, I extracted 6

recommendations for the sake of simplicity, summing up to 327 nodes in total. By having 100

titles the information collected had to be limited to title, genre, description, rank, popularity,

score, recommendation title and recommendation value. The remaining 227 elements share the

same rank, popularity and score (indicated as ‘rank’ in the design). served as

the source for all the aforementioned information elements, as those could be found and

extracted easily.

I accumulated the information collected into an excel spreadsheet, so it could be later tested

and compared to the visualization. In order to visualize the collected data, the excel table was

converted to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), to let D3 access it.

3.3. Phase 3: Evaluation and Results

Overall, I was able to make two iterative design versions; both tested and evaluated, which I call

alpha and beta versions, respectively. The results of the user evaluation are reported in this

chapter. Two people out of the four had tested both the alpha and beta versions.

3.3.1. Alpha Version

The first version (referred to as ‘alpha’) had 327 nodes with title and rank details and 637 edges

(connecting lines) with recommendation value details as line thickness (Figure 15). The sizes of

circles were calculated by rank, the position was generated automatically by the built-in physics

engine and could be dragged. Edge thickness was calculated by the number of

recommendations between items. There were two buttons, one of which could toggle visibility of

the titles (of the nodes) and similarly with the edges.

Along with the alpha version, an additional smaller scale visualization was presented to people

(Figure 16) with the essence of interactivity (draggable nodes and information popup box with

extra details) – serving as a presentation of the potential of the full-scale artefact. This small-

scale visualization had one node fixed in the middle, and all the recommended items were

surrounding it in equal distance, which were draggable. By hovering the mouse over a node,

additional information was revealed about the specific item, namely, the title and how many

people recommended it with a placeholder text for the description.


Figure 15. Alpha Version

Figure 16. Reference For Alpha Version


One concern was that the layout for the alpha version felt somehow static. When reflecting upon

tabular and visual layout, users seemed to expect similar functions. They also made

suggestions that suggest a re-consideration of timeline visualization.

“I want to have the same dynamic layout as the table, like how it sorts out data

dynamically in relation to something specific and how to apply that here [in the

visualization]. ... if I click those two [items] and then on release date [button], it

will show perhaps all the different anime that happened in between in a

chronological order or something that changes the layout. Right now the layout


is very static. Which is okay but if I want to see the data more from ... certain

other factors that are important to me, then I would probably find something

that I was not looking for ... something unexpected.”

This helped me to better understand how users needed fluency and change in the surroundings.

Furthermore, it can be argued that this is a confirmation of Thudt et al.’s findings concerning

multiple visualizations. While this feature was not implemented because of shortcomings of

knowledge and time resources, it would be valuable for exploring possibilities of how dynamism

could take forms within the context of interaction design.


Complexity made a big difference between the two user groups. While basic users were mostly

confused, advanced users ‘made it through’ easier despite the perplexing initial moments. Two

participants explicitly associated AniMap with games, reporting that it is inviting to look for

something (cf. playful approach in Thudt et al. 2012).

“This is a site for people who know what is anime. If you just started [watching

them], then it could be confusing.”

“At first, I don’t really get it, though when I start to spot shows that I watched

years ago I feel ... nostalgic ... and it’s interesting to find shows that I didn’t see

before. Almost like a game.”

Advanced users were engaged in an active discussion about the relationships of the items, and

reason their argument even though they did not understand the concept fully in the beginning.

Sprague and Tory (2012) also mentioned that trust in the data’s accuracy mattered when the

data were personally meaningful.

“[user is pointing at two circles] If I like this why do you recommend me this?

Sometimes it is a little bit confusing, like people who like this and this probably

would not like that, because it is for a different kind of group [of people], you


“I guess a show that is similar to many shows is a bigger circle. Lone shows,

like Pani Poni have small circles. Though I don't get why Pani doesn't have a

line to Lucky Star.”


"I guess the thicker the line is the more bond of a connection has. Which makes

me wonder what Saint Seiya has in common with Kyou kara Maou! and Kiba.

Kiba which is very artistic ...”

Basic users had mixed reactions to the complexity of the layout and had to make cognitive effort

to understand it. They contrasted with the search interface of Google.

“I don’t understand why this is big and this is smaller and ... the length of the

lines makes no sense and ... actually ... if I just googled for this and look

through maybe three or four top links, then I would get kind of the same

information, but maybe with more visual and verbal [written] explanation why

this and this are connected and why should I watch [them]. If I like this why

should I watch that one? I don’t understand...”

For reference, the smaller scale visualization was shown to see the other end of the axis of

complexity. Based on their reactions, it would seem that this version was more suited for basic

rather than advanced users, because of its nature of finding information swiftly.

“I think this is better ... now I’m using this tool instead of googling ... yeah,

definitely. Because now I clearly see [by] looking at two of them ... that the

thickness of the lines mean how many people recommended it and I see the

picture, which is super important to me. And the three sentences of the

description that I really ... like ... because I don’t want to read through some

crazy forums of some fans but I want just this. Like if I have just 10 minutes to

choose, this is really good...”

After realizing these details in the smaller scaled version, they felt more enabled to freely

discover AniMap (with its full-scaled complexity) even though they had a very little knowledge

about the items.

This suggests that somehow the understanding (ie. creation of the internal cognitive model)

should be better supported, especially when considering basic users. For example, this could be

achieved by making the information visualization layout simpler at the first time (eg. same size

for nodes, same thickness of edges or no edges at all) and later letting users make the

visualization more complex (eg. vary size of the nodes with buttons or sliders or reveal edge

thickness only when hovering over a circle) or give further feedback for why different node sizes

and edge thicknesses are given.



Comparing the spreadsheet with the information visualization seemed to be fitting for the sake

of testing, understanding serendipity and its distinct enticing factors (eg. use duration). All of

the participants found that while the spreadsheet was more familiar and easily understandable,

the information visualization was more intriguing to use, and the notable increase of usage time

suggests a more immersive setting (table usage ca. 1 min. visualization usage ca. 5-10 min.),

even though the table was, to a certain extent, dynamic. Users found AniMap’s interface more

aesthetically pleasing. This observation resonates well with Löwgren’s (2007) findings about

Sens-A-Patch, where he performed a user study to compare dynamic and static visualizations.

His results showed that people spent remarkably more time on dynamic than static

visualization. Sprague and Tory (2012) also identified that when it came to personal interest,

usage was rarely examined under time constraints. Additionally, using the taxonomy of

Krippendorff’s (2006) model of artefact usage, users of AniMap showed signs for a swift change

from recognition and exploration to reliance, and this process happened faster with advanced

users than with members from the basic user group. Longer usage duration would also raise

the chance for (serendipitous) discovery.


When participants were comparing the tabular format with AniMap, they chose browsing in both

cases, even though the spreadsheet had integrated searching, filtering and sorting features.

While testing the beta version, participants used all of the functions of AniMap and mentioned

that the filtering options would be particularly helpful. According to the user evaluation,

information visualizations in general are more suitable for browsing than tables (quicker to spot

interesting things). Interestingly, some participants did not want to sort the spreadsheet on

purpose, and preferred to browse and see if they can find something they might like (cf.

opportunistic browsing in de Bruijn and Spence, 2008 and stimulated browsing in Foster and

Ford, 2003). This would also suggest that serendipity mood is relevant and applicable for

browsing for a new anime clip.


Some users asked how they could find a certain item they had in mind when it came to defining

a starting point for discovery. For basic users, it was more important to find a familiar title as an

entry point because otherwise they could not make sense of the information they are presented

(as indicated previously at the findings regarding complexity).


During the user tests, the very first entry points were almost exclusively (around) the largest

nodes. These objects can be seen as a reference point for advanced users, so they could branch

out from there, and for basic users they proved to be less helpful. An insight from Herlocker et

al. (2004) is beneficial to understand the role of the bigger circles. They discuss that removing

‘obvious recommendations’ could be problematic, because the fact that they are ambiguous and

depends on what the user perceives as obvious.


When letting users locate new anime clips that they would find interesting, all participants

pointed towards items nearby the node representing what they have already seen. While basic

users were more likely to label an anime interesting if the cover art or a title attracted their

attention, advanced users were more concerned about the reference points they already knew.

‘When you like this and this you can decide on something easily’.

'I would choose something that I haven't watched ... I liked this and that one, so

the ones in between I would probably try...'


All of the participants, but particularly advanced users, reported prior discoveries by genre.

When asked, (advanced) users told scenarios of ideally looking based on genre tags.

“... for example, I want comedy ... and drama, but not action and slice of life. It

would be really interesting to see something like that...”

‘[I miss] keywords, some hints about what does it stand for’

Again, this would reinforce the fact that strategies for discoveries are fluid in term of open-

ended and targeted search. Furthermore, it can be argued that dynamic queries are important

to enhance serendipitous discoveries, as noted previously in the chapter describing the



Because of the lack of background knowledge of programming, unfortunately the problem of

the position of the nodes could not be solved, and it was confirmed that people thought that the

closer the nodes, the more similar they were, even if there were no actual relationship. This

observation seems to be in parallel with the law of proximity within the gestalt theory


(Wertheimer, 1923) that was discussed in relation to graph visualizations as well (McGrath et al.

1996). The position of the nodes should be based on genre specific tags and the number of

recommendations, so people would find something they are genuinely interested in quicker.

We can see from the user testing of the alpha version that there are seven areas mentioned by

the participants, namely that

i. the dynamic or interactive visualizations support serendipity by their nature,

ii. personal interest helps to overcome complexity,

iii. usage time difference is apparent between tabular and visual representations,

iv. opportunistic browsing is a preferred way for discovery,

v. difficulties of starting points can be eased by targeted search without excluding


vi. filters are necessary to assist browsing,

vii. users are likely to find new clips around items they already know and

viii. items closer to each other are interpreted as similar, and serve as a starting area for


Concerns suggested by these points were addressed within the beta version to a rational extent.

3.3.2. Beta Version

Some minor details were modified before the user testing (Figure 17a). For example, nodes in

the beta version were no longer draggable, as none of the participants used this function and it

proved to be causing latency problems with the visualization. Hovering over an item now

revealed related nodes (highlighting edges and details of titles, see Figure 17b). Clicking

showed a popup-like box fixed in the top left corner, intentionally covering the function buttons,

with information of the clicked object such as title, genre, description and link to the first

episode of the anime (Figure 17c). From technical point of view this link opened within the same

page as a modal dialog (overlay) with the contents displayed in an iframe (website within a

website, see Figure 17d). I made additional adjustments such as the colouring of the edges from

red to grey to put them more to the background, and their maximum thickness was further

limited to draw more attention to the circles. The maximum size of the bigger nodes was also

decreased in order to lessen the contrast between these and the smaller circles.


To accommodate the concerns from the ‘alpha testing,’ two sample genre filter buttons were

placed along with a search box as well as two extra buttons with experimental features. These

exploratory features were either simulating a user’s watchlist or her rankings to demonstrate

dynamic node sizes.

A live demo of the beta version can be found at

As for the interviews, I revised the questions so users were given time to get a hold of the

visualization (ca. 10 minutes). This modification improved the understanding of how could it

support serendipity.

Figure 17a. Beta Version Figure 17b. Beta Version — Highlighting

Figure 17c. Additional Information After Mouse Click Figure 17d. Screen After Clicking On Anime Link



Interestingly, one user was engaged in the visualization in a twofold manner. Firstly, he found

many interesting looking titles was through browsing. Secondly, he stumbled upon some of the

TV shows that he already watched.

“I can imagine to find an anime clip serendipitously with this, yes. And it's going

to cost me dearly on my animetorrents ratio.* Now I have to download a lot of

stuff ... I've written down like ten shows that could be interesting ... it was fun to

stumble across a few shows I've watched a few years ago.”


The concern over the dynamic nature of the visualization was adjusted in this version by having

genre filters and targeted search box, yet it was hinted that there could be more design space

for rearranging nodes along other details like other tags or release dates.

“Okay, this is like ... exactly what I was missing before. Now I could just spend

hours finding fresh stuff [she laughs]. But I guess it needs more buttons with

these tags.”

“For example, I would like one [button] for adult characters ... and then exclude

buttons like »no fanservice.« Oh, boy, that completely destroyed Highschool of

the Dead ... and I actually like Kore wa no Zombie, so I don't hate fanservice, but

there is a limit to pointless pantyshots.”

“For example, I want to see all the animes that were released in 2011. Or, say,

like to see when a specific anime was released. I think if there are more ways to

see these, I would probably find something that I was not really looking for.”

This would suggest that (mainly advanced) users would prefer to interact with the content in a

more progressive way.


Basic users also mentioned that they learned something new about anime by discovering

previously unfamiliar genres.

“... okay, I’ve never seen this one [shoujo] or this one [shounen]. What does it

mean? ... I think I will probably google these words to find out what they are.”

* This refers to the notion that he intends to download many anime clips


This would suggest that serendipity can not necessarily and exclusively happen when finding a

new anime clip but rather finding new details on the way. This was confirmed after reflecting

upon serendipity.

“... when I found out stuff about these new genres, like this [one here], yes. I

think I wasn’t really looking for them [tags] especially, but it just happened

naturally. I think you could call this serendipity too.”

Relevant to this notion, an advanced user compared AniMap to a quick reference dictionary

suggesting an attractive shortcut for an extensive search for a new anime clip.

“I like it also because it is like a dictionary: you look it up and instantly

understand if you want to see it or not. I would not have to ask people on the

forums to find an anime that I want to watch.”


Previously it was an issue that objects close together accounted as similar by the users. By

implementing the highlight function this gap was bridged. However, it is rather covering another

problem, which is the position of the nodes.


As there were more than 300 nodes, each having at least 2 edges, users were faced with a lot of

information at once. However, they did not mind the amount of particles, on the contrary, they

were even more motivated to understand the overview, and used it for a longer period of time.

“This is a lot of information, but I like that it comes at me at once. I can pick

what I want to see.”

“I don’t mind if there is so much information out there. Probably not use all of it

but it doesn’t matter.”

The last reflection suggests that once a mental model is made, the ease of locating an anime

clip becomes more rewarding in a complex environment. Some users went even further by draw

attention to possible missing elements. Some suggested adding social meta data, like

testimonials. One participant even suggested an analytical standpoint that would involve

smarter interaction with the information.


“I would like to see the relationship, let’s say between this and that [pointing to

two circles], including the other data around it. So, say, if I click on that and that

the graph kind of rearranges itself, so it shows these two are in common, and

how common is everything else around them in response to that. That way, I

think there would be more chance for a pleasant surprise or ... serendipity”

This could imply that people engaging with an interactive visualization have more chance for

serendipitous discovery, as rearrangement can lead to finding unexpected patterns, for



Regarding personalization options, advanced users imagined this as having insightful statistics

visualized of their anime watching habits.

“For example, I would like to see how many horror movies I watched. I hate

horror movies but I know that I watched some over the years ... That kind of

data that I would like to be able to see from probably this kind of visualization.”

Basic users felt that browsing is already personalized and happened while highlighting items

and by fading out the ones that are not related.

“As soon as I start using it, it is already personalized – it is following my interest



Authority was also considered along the automated and user-generated axes.

'If a computer recommends it, then it is not interesting for me at all, but

[recommendations] from people who watched it and loved it, that would be

interesting to see.'

This statement is a good point to argue the validity of a visualization that supports user input

such as rankings and other details that change over time (eg. popularity). Basic users are more

dependent on experts who know which are the good films and why, and are likely to follow

suggestions as indicated by one of the participants.

“I found a really big list from ... anime experts ... [with] 50 different movies and

now I am watching some of that list right now. They explained in a few words

what it is about and why it’s worth watching ... They were not like these teenage


girls, like »ah, that’s so cute, let’s watch it,« but [it was from a] more

professional point of view ...”

We can conclude from the user tests involving the beta version that

• serendipitous discoveries, by a user’s definition, can be somehow unexpected and

pleasant, but not necessarily novel,

• additional filters allow people to engage with the content at a deeper lever, giving more

space and chance for serendipity,

• AniMap, as a dictionary, can be a base for learning new things, which actively contributes

to unexpectedness,

• by addressing the gestalt law of proximity a gap in the mental model was bridged,

• people do not shy away from having all information at once, instead they require more

information or other ways for visualization,

• regarding personalization users’ reactions were mixed as to what counts as

customization and

• authorship is concerned in the axes of user and computer generated recommendations.

3.3.3. Design Proposal

Before elaborating on the design proposal, two outstanding ideas should be further noted. One

characteristic is that social navigation would have been more integral element of the

visualization, for example, in forms of playlists. Another facet of an ideal scenario is that AniMap

would extract and combine data from external online resources, which could be then later

customized. These elements of the visualization were not implemented because of the time

constraints or the scope of the thesis project did not allow further explorations of the area.


It was not discussed extensively during the interviews, but after finishing transcribing them, a

pattern emerged that involving influence by friends or experts. This notion of (inter)dependency

should be emphasized, as almost all participants mentioned that they asked other people (eg.

friends) for advice. The question of implementing this feature is valid and it would be interesting

to see how AniMap could facilitate a social network-like system, which would allow people (eg.

friends) to directly communicate with each other and with the content (eg. discussions,



A voting and editing feature should be added in order to emphasize the network of people. For

example, ‘reputation systems,’ meaning the more reputation you have the more influence you

can have (similar to Q/A sites like Reddit or Digg), for example, on playlists; however, this

invokes many other topics (eg. what to record, how to compute, what to influence, external

network attacks etc.) that are worth a different thesis discussion.

Editing your AniMap should be possible by converting it to one’s already made scores and

possibly track the time and the number of episodes of an anime, so if there are unfinished

series or new episodes than there could be some sort of feedback or report to the user in order

to encourage the usage of AniMap.

Figure 18. Ideas of Social Functions (engaging with friends, chat and like/dislike)


This could be supported by letting advanced users to create pre-made playlists for basic users

so the latter group could decide on an entry point and start discovering more easily (Figure 20).

Certain playlists could be made (by users and letting them vote for good ones) to provide flexible

visual pathways for exploring (cf. Thudt et al. 2012) to further support serendipitous discoveries.

These playlists could be general (eg. top 10-50 movies/shows) so basic users could feel relieved

of discovering something that is valued and approved by many people. For more advanced

users, there could be genre specific (top 10-50 movies/shows with 'Mecha' tag) or style specific


playlists (from same/similar studio work), allowing people to create their own tribes or


Figure 19. Playlist represented by connected nodes


Users mentioned that they prefer multiple ways of viewing the same information. This is why

more than one visualization types should be supported (eg. three layouts as the existing one,

timeline and simple layout, similar to alpha reference visualization, see Figure 21).

There are two other minor changes considered. One is that proximity should be calculated on

similarity (genre tags and recommendations) so people would find something that they are

genuinely interested in quicker (eg. clustered layout, Figure 22). The other one is that the graph

layout could be more simple at the first glance so mental model would be made quicker and the

usage frustration could be lessened (eg. Figure 23).


Figure 20. Buttons to Change the Layout

Figure 21. Clustered Layout For Easier Navigation


Figure 22. Simpler layout by having same radius for all nodes


4. Conclusion and Discussion

We have seen that AniMap, an interactive graph visualization is one design solution that

supports serendipitous discoveries when looking for new anime clips for three reasons.

One reason is that AniMap is an information visualization, and as such, reveals patterns that

were unknown to users before. This is why, even static, information visualizations support

discovery. Moreover, we saw that by adding interactivity, chances for such explorations raise

because users uncover and understand underlying patterns better. Interactions allow people to

enter the artefact from multiple visual pathways, and its usage adds a shade of playfulness,

both being a prerequisite for the state of mind of serendipitous discoveries. Users are engaged

in a different level, compared to static artefacts. Additionally, graph layout further stressed

relationship of the nodes, contributing to serendipitous discoveries.

Another reason why AniMap supports serendipitous discovery is that personal interest is

involved. People browsed the artefact longer (cf. factor of persistence), allowing themselves to

be exposed of the information longer, thus raising the chance of serendipitous discovery.

Moreover, users showed motivation to overcome initial difficulties, and were actively engaged to

look for patterns and motifs that could lead them into unexpected explorations.

The third reason why AniMap aids such discoveries is thanks to the context of the exploration.

Users look for material for their entertainment (in forms of anime clips), thus they are more

opened mentally to unexpectedness, and prepared to take a step back to have a broader view on

the collection. This is rather different from involuntary or only targeted search, giving more

chance for serendipitous discovery.

As a final note, it has to be said that serendipity is a difficult matter to get a hold of, and one

claiming total control of it is irrational. What could be a logical answer is that there are

interactions that support serendipity in various ways and although they are designed to give

happy and beneficial discoveries, users may not necessarily get the desired outcome because

they are not opened mentally for such explorations. Agreeing with the words of Makri and

Blandford (2012:2) about serendipity, that ‘just as we think we have pinned down a precise

definition of it, we realise that its essence has escaped us.’


4.1. Discussion

AniMap fits well into the limited number of research papers on serendipitous discoveries. In this

section, I describe how it relates to two existing works, mention scalability, usage outside of

academia and reflect upon the methods used in this thesis project.

In contrast of an existing work by Thudt et al., I have used one visualization to accommodate my

research goal and that proved to be a fruitful decision in terms of increasing the chance for

‘happy chances’ by not requiring one to understand and create a mental model for each

visualization. However, user tests showed that they would prefer to have multiple visualizations

on demand.

Another work by Dörk et al, VisGets used weighted brushing for representing varying degrees of

relatedness, instead AniMap utilized different line thicknesses for the edges. This proved to be a

factor that made the comprehension more difficult, thus the goal was to avoid them at the first,

and add as an on-demand feature.

Scalability is another issue when discussing complexity. AniMap had 327 items displaying 637

connections; however, the amount of available items is significantly more than that. There are

at least two ways of resolving this matter.

One way is limiting the amount of available and visible items to a reasonable number (eg. 300),

so overcrowding would not be an issue at any time. However, this raises more questions of what

should be visible after selection, and if that is the case, then how the visualization should adapt

to show 300 relevant items, the calculation of these and why certain items should be visible.

Another way to address scalability is to issue a smaller scaled visualization (eg. with 10-20

items), which reveals more items upon user input. Questions arise as how this would support

serendipity, would it entice or engage people more into making serendipitous discoveries and

how the starting point should be defined. Scaling down is a possible solution particularly for

basic users, to help them feel more comfortable and get used to the interface.

Initial reactions of AniMap were encouraging, hinting that such a tool could be used outside of

academia and after an interview, a user suggested that there is a need for such an interactive

visualization on the market.


‘I would love to see this as a real site that I could actually use’

The method of designing AniMap raises three questions that should be addressed here.

One question is that a different approach to user tests would have been more fruitful, to learn

more about serendipitous discoveries generally, and see if factors derived from it could be

applicable to a more casual environment such as finding new anime clips.

Another problematic area is the limited number of people available for evaluation. This was

because of the nature of my research goal that I should test it with the desired user group,

which involved people with interest for and/or knowledge of anime. It was only in the latest

phases of the project when AniMap was in a presentable way and it was already past time for

starting other evaluations. It would be ideal to test different layouts in earlier phases, so it

would be more grounded why to select a certain type of visualization, and see if people would

also choose the one that is most suited by design (eg. graph).

Yet another field that could be discussed method-wise is the source of information. The source

website ( had most of the data, however the quality could be questionable

opposed to different sites (like eg. Therefore, it raises the question if a different

database source would have been used (with richer semantic tags or category descriptors),

would the interconnectedness of the nodes have been more visible or meaningful.

4.2. Future work

By research through designing AniMap, many other issues that were revealed that were not

part of my original research goal; however, they were intriguing.

One interesting point is the notion of how limiting the interaction or the control over it could

lead to unexpected explorations. For example, if looking for a certain item in the collection,

there would be another entry shown in the main focus while having the searched element

nearby. By giving limited control over the interaction, it would seem rational that the number of

accidental encounters is raised. However, it also raises concerns of to what extent could it be

limited, and what would be the reactions from users for such a feature.

Social navigation is another problem this present thesis did not have scope to analyse in more

depth. Nevertheless, it is stimulating research-wise to take this type of navigation into


consideration and to examine this aspect. For example, the tribal nature of groups could be

exploited and evaluated with users to see and reveal group dynamics that could influence

serendipity. This would be rational to try it with anime fan clubs or other more informal


AniMap provided one type of visualization and it would be fruitful to further investigate how

multiple access points or different perspectives could be provided to the information. Does one

visualization having more options have more fruitful ground to serendipitous discoveries, or

multiple visualizations with fewer alternatives?

Big data and data integration are both very attractive fields of research that came up during the

writing of the present thesis, however, without sufficient time, these concepts were not

expressed in detail. It would be interesting to look at this matter from the perspective of big

data, how AniMap could be applied to other research fields and other datasets.

While carrying out this research, the connection between visual information seeking and

serendipity seemed to be a promising field that was not found in relevant literature, but enough

theories exist to make a rich bond between the two fields.

Hinted by Foster and Ford (2003), that serendipity is a natural phenomenon within

interdisciplinary studies, it would be very interesting to see a research about the relationship of

serendipity and interaction design.

Informal comments on the present thesis were hinting towards a direction that AniMap could be

used in a more general context such as music, TV shows etc. It would be interesting to expand

the scope of AniMap to a more general level and see users’ reactions for that.

The amount of future work propositions shows that there is much to be explored around the

overlapping area of serendipity and (interaction) design, and these research efforts have great



I would like to show my gratitude towards Jonas Löwgren who, as a supervisor, helped me

through the jungle-war of writing this thesis by encouraging me with his insightful ideas and

suggestions. I would like to thank the study participants for their valuable feedback, in

particular Tais Glukhova and Anton Lindblad for their engagement and enthusiasm. Special

thanks go to David Cuertielles for directing me towards the right direction and Simon

Niedenthal for proofreading the whole document as an examiner.


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Anime Resources in English



Video Hosting Sites (free),,,

Video Hosting Sites (subscription-based),,,

Interview Questions


Warm-up questions

Since when do you watch anime?

How often do you watch anime?

How do you find an anime you want to watch? (browse-search, specific site-google) Please show it.

Could you give me an example of how do you decide on which anime you will see next usually?


Find something interesting that you would like to watch in (1) the spreadsheet and (2) in the visualizations (show small, customized as part of this)

Follow-up questions

Which method do you prefer to find an anime? Why?

What did you like the most in each of them?

What was the most annoying thing in each of them?

Did you feel something was missing in any of the representations?

What did you expect to happen on clicking / hovering? How do you feel that they accomplished what you envisioned?

Would this experience influence your decision what to watch next? How and Why?

How would you personalize it more to your needs?


How did you interpret the sizes of the circles? Why?

How did you interpret the distances between the circles? Why?

Did you find anything that surprised you that you were not explicitly looking for? How?

Let's imagine that you could somehow see (related manga, fan art, backgrounds, leaders, extra info). How would you like it? How would that affect your browsing/searching?


Warm-up Questions

Since when do you watch anime?

How often do you watch anime?

Please give an example scenario of how do you find an anime you want to watch. (going to a certain website, googling etc.)

Usually how do you decide which anime you will see next (interest, recommendation from friends, online etc.)? Why?

How would you describe serendipity?

Could you give me an example of a serendipitous discovery?

Have you found an anime clip in a serendipitous way? If yes how did that happen? If no, how would you imagine it to happen?

Exercise — General

What are your first impressions?

What did you like?

What did you find annoying?

Did you use the search function? If yes, when (eg. beginning, middle, end)?

Did you feel that something was missing? How would you extend it?

Exercise — Specific

What do you think why were the circles in different sizes? What does size represents?

What do you think how is it determined where is a circle?

What did you expect to happen on hovering over a circle?

What did you expect to happen on clicking a circle?

How do you feel that they accomplished what you envisioned?

You might have noticed also that there are different lines with different thicknesses. What do you think it stands for?

Exercise — Serendipity & Extra Details

How can you imagine to find an anime clip serendipitously (based on your definition) with this visualization?

How would you like it if you could have extra information like related manga, fan art, backgrounds, or any other extra info you can imagine?


HTML Source Code

<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>AniMap</title> <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="css/tipsy.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="css/jquery.fancybox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="js/d3.v3.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jquery.tipsy.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jquery.fancybox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <form class="changers"> <input type="button" value="Names" onClick="toggleNames()" /> <!--<input class="changers" type="button" value="Connections" onClick="toggleConnections()" style="top:25px;" />--> <input type="text" id="findInput" placeholder="Search..." size="20" /> <button onClick="FindNext(); return false;" class="myButton"> <img src="images/search-icon.png" width="17" height="17" alt="find"> </button> <input type="button" value="Horror" onClick="toggleGenre('Horror')" style="top:25px;width: 57px;left: 2px;" /> <input type="button" value="Mystery" onClick="toggleGenre('Mystery')" style="top:25px;left:65px;" /> <input type="button" value="Watched" onClick="toggleMyList()" style="top:50px;" /> <input type="button" value="My Ranks" onClick="toggleMyRank()" style="top:50px;left:65px;" /> </form> <script> var width = window.innerWidth -10; height = window.innerHeight -10; //SCALES var x = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, width]) .range([0, width]); var y = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, height]) .range([height, 0]); var svg ="body").append("svg:svg") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height) .append("svg:g") .call(d3.behavior.zoom().x(x).y(x).scaleExtent([-1, 8]).on("zoom", zoom)) .append("svg:g"); svg.append('svg:rect')


.attr('width', width+10) .attr('height', height+10) .attr("class", "overlay"); function zoom() { svg.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")" + " scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")"); } var color = "#1f77b4"; var highlight = "#d62728"; var gray = "#ccc"; var linkVisible = "visible"; var titleVisibility = "hidden"; var alreadySelected = false; var myListVisible = false; var loading = svg.append("text") .attr("x", width / 2) .attr("y", height / 2) .attr("dy", ".35em") .attr("text-anchor", "middle") .text("simulating. a moment, please..."); d3.json("json/anime.json", function(json) { var distanceScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([1, d3.max(json.links, function(d) {return d.value;})]) .range([100,10]); var force = self.force = d3.layout.force() .nodes(json.nodes) .links(json.links) .gravity(.1) .linkDistance( function(d) { return distanceScale(d.value); }) .charge(-120) .size([width, height]); var strokeWidth = d3.scale.linear() .domain([1, d3.max(json.links, function(d) {return d.value;})]) .range([0.1,8]); var link = svg.selectAll(".link") .data(json.links) .enter().append("svg:g") .append("line") .attr("class", "link") .style("stroke", gray) .style("stroke-width", function(d) { return strokeWidth(d.value); }) .attr("visibility", linkVisible); var rankScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([1, d3.max(json.nodes, function(d) {return d.rank;})]) .range([3,35]);


var r = function(d) { return rankScale(d.rank);} var node = svg.selectAll(".node") .data(json.nodes) .enter().append("svg:g") .attr("class", "node") .on("mouseover", mouseover) .on("mouseout", mouseout); node.append("svg:circle") .attr("r", r) .style("fill", color) .attr("rel", "hide") .on("click", function(d) { return toggleInfo(this) }) .attr("rank", function(d) { return; }) .attr("nodeTitle", function(d) { return; }) .attr("cover", function(d) { return d.cover; }) .attr("genres", function(d) { return d.genres; }) .attr("description",function(d) { return d.description; }); node.append("text") .attr("dx", -2) .attr("dy", -5) .attr("class", "titles") .attr("visibility", titleVisibility) .style("pointer-events","none") .text(function(d) { return }) .append("title") .text(function(d) { return; }); function fade(opacity) { var linkedByIndex = {}; json.links.forEach(function(d) { linkedByIndex[d.source.index + "," +] = 1; }); function isConnected(a, b) { return linkedByIndex[a.index + "," + b.index] || linkedByIndex[b.index + "," + a.index] || a.index == b.index; } return function(d) { node .style("opacity", function(o) { thisOpacity = isConnected(d, o) ? 1 : opacity; //this.setAttribute('fill-opacity', thisOpacity); this.setAttribute('opacity', thisOpacity); return thisOpacity; }); link .style("stroke-opacity", opacity) .style("stroke-opacity", function(o) { return o.source === d || === d ? 1 : opacity;}); }; } function showTitles(visibilityProperty){


var linkedByIndex = {}; json.links.forEach(function(d) { linkedByIndex[d.source.index + "," +] = 1; }); function isConnected(a, b) { return linkedByIndex[a.index + "," + b.index] || linkedByIndex[b.index + "," + a.index] || a.index == b.index; } return function(d) {"text") .attr("visibility", function(o) { thisVisibility = isConnected(d, o) ? 'visible' : titleVisibility; this.setAttribute('visibility', thisVisibility); return thisVisibility; }); } } function mouseover(){"circle").transition() .duration(150) .style("fill", highlight);"circle").each(fade(.05));".link").attr("stroke", highlight);"text").each(showTitles("hidden")); } function mouseout(){"circle").transition() .duration(150) .style("fill", color);"circle").each(fade(1));".link").attr("stroke", gray);"text").each(showTitles("visible")); } // Use a timeout to allow the rest of the page to load first. setTimeout(function() { // Run the layout a fixed number of times. // The ideal number of times scales with graph complexity. // Of course, don't run too long—you'll hang the page! var n = link.length + node.length + 50; force.start(); for (var i = n * n; i > 0; --i) force.tick(); force.stop(); link.attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; }) .attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; }) .attr("x2", function(d) { return; }) .attr("y2", function(d) { return; });


node.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; }); loading.remove(); }, 10); $('svg circle').tipsy({ gravity: 'b', trigger: 'manual', html: true, opacity: 1, fade: true, delayIn: 0, delayOut: 0, title: function() { var thisRec = this.getAttribute('rank'); var thisTitle = this.getAttribute('nodeTitle');// var thisTitle = var cover = this.getAttribute('cover'); var genres = this.getAttribute('genres').replace(/,/g ,", "); var myDescription = this.getAttribute('description'); var linkTitle = this.getAttribute('nodeTitle').replace(/ /g,"-"); //var videoLink = '' + thisTitle; var videoLink = '' + linkTitle + '-episode-1-english-subbed'; return '<div class="popDiv">' + '<img src="covers/'+ cover + '" alt="Anime Cover Art" />' + '<p class="header"> <span>' + thisTitle + '<span> </p>' + '<p class="header">Rank: <span>' + thisRec + '</span> out of 327</p>' + '<p class="header"><span>' + genres + '</span></p>' + '<p>' + myDescription +'</p>' + '<p> <a class="videoLink" href="' + videoLink + '" target="videoFrame">Watch Anime</a></p>' + '</div>'; } }); }); var count = 0; function toggleInfo(ele){ //hide tooltip if($(ele).attr("rel")=="show") { $(ele).tipsy("hide"); $(ele).attr('rel','hide'); count--; } //swap tooltips else if($(ele).attr("rel")=="hide" && count == 1){ $('.tipsy').remove(); $(ele).tipsy("show"); $(ele).attr('rel','show');


count = 0; } //show tooltip else { $(ele).tipsy("show"); $(ele).attr('rel','show'); count++; } $(".tipsy").click(function () { $('.tipsy').remove(); }); return false; } function toggleNames() { if(titleVisibility == "visible") { d3.selectAll(".titles").attr("visibility","hidden"); titleVisibility = "hidden"; } else { d3.selectAll(".titles").attr("visibility","visible"); titleVisibility = "visible"; } } function toggleConnections(){ if(linkVisible == "visible") { d3.selectAll(".link").attr("visibility","hidden"); linkVisible = "hidden"; } else { d3.selectAll(".link").attr("visibility","visible"); linkVisible = "visible"; } } function FindNext () { var str = document.getElementById ("findInput").value; if (str == "") { alert ("Please enter some text to search!"); return; } /*if (window.find(str, true)) { document.execCommand("hiliteColor", false, "#f00"); //while (window.find(str, true) {document.execCommand("hiliteColor", false, "#ff0");} }*/ if (window.find) { // Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari var found = window.find (str); found.mouseover(); if (!found) { alert ("The following text was not found:\n" + str);


} else { alert ("Your browser does not support finding text!"); } } } function toggleGenre(theGenre){ if(!alreadySelected){ /*d3.selectAll("circle").attr("visibility", function(d) { return d.genres.filter( function(item){ return typeof item == 'string' && item.indexOf(theGenre) > -1; }) == theGenre?"visible":"hidden"; });*/ d3.selectAll("circle") .transition().duration(1000).style("opacity", function(d) { return d.genres.filter( function(item){ return typeof item == 'string' && item.indexOf(theGenre) > -1;}) == theGenre?1:0;}); alreadySelected = true; } else if(alreadySelected) { d3.selectAll("circle").transition().duration(1000).style("opacity","1"); alreadySelected = false; } } function toggleMyList(){ if(!myListVisible){ d3.selectAll("circle").transition() .duration(1000) .style("fill", function(d, i) { return i%25==0 ?'rgb(255,30,30)':'rgb(190,190,190)'; }); myListVisible = true; } else { d3.selectAll("circle").transition() .duration(1000) .style("fill", color); myListVisible = false; } } var myRankVisible = false; function toggleMyRank(){ if(!myRankVisible){ d3.selectAll("circle").transition() .duration(1000) .attr("r", function(d, i) { return i%25==0 ?(Math.random()*20)+3:this.getAttribute('r'); }); myRankVisible = true; } else { var rankScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([1, 100]) .range([3,35]); d3.selectAll("circle").transition()


.duration(1000) .attr("r", function(d, i) { return i%25==0 ?rankScale(d.rank):this.getAttribute('r'); }); myRankVisible = false; } } </script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".videoLink").fancybox({ 'width' : '80%', 'height' : '80%', 'autoScale' : false, 'transitionIn' : 'none', 'transitionOut' : 'none', 'type' : 'iframe' }); }); </script> </body> </html>